Coming To America 2019: Thousands Of Invaders Each Month, Compliments Of Liberal Judges, The Democrats And RINOs

Illegal Immigration.  No.  “There are no illegal humans,” exclaimed Kamala Harris. Sorry Kamala, you are wrong. Their illegal acts make them guilty of illegal immigration. Their actions are illegal.

Some of this article was written in 2016 but I felt worth repeating. Sadly nothing has changed only gotten worse.  Why? Trump is now suffering from the failed Obama policies. Of course he is blamed but let us not fall into that trap. Be smarter, know where the policies started. The left really wants to destroy American culture. The easiest way is to fill the country with people who have no allegiance to America.

Over the years we have been reporting on illegal immigration.  We have shown you that UN Agenda 21/2030 and the New Green Deal calls for NO Borders.  It requires and demands that the UN be the end-all-and-be all for its One World Governance. All policies must comply with the UN.

One just needs to look at the actions of Obama and Bush, to see where their orders came from. They come from unelected boards and regional councils – created right out the UN play book! The Johannesburg Accord laid it out. It says that in order to implement the action of the UN, create unelected NGO’s and regional councils. Give them power to regulate. Destroy the economy using climate change and sustainability.  America has complied.

The ultimate goal is to strip America of its wealth and natural resources, mainly by the use of “Trade Agreements”, to make the US Constitution subservient to the UN Charter, to eliminate private property in the name of FAIRNESS, and to divert America’s economy to third world countries in the name of eliminating hunger and poverty.

In the last 70 years since its inception the UN has been the recipient of Billions from the US. Yet, we still have disease, hunger and poverty in third world countries. No one ever asks:  WHY?

Perhaps if the UN communists and the variety of dictators – the real recipient of the billions – were not stealing, their people would have money with a self sustaining economy.

How do I know? Again, I will ask – Where are the Billions that Americans donated for the Haitian people as a result of the earthquake? I know it was given to the Bush/ Clinton coalition; but somehow it never got to the Haitian people.

It is time to stop the money train. You know, like those commercials stating “just donate $19.95 for starving children in Africa.”  Wonder why after 40 years of donations – we see the same commercials over and over again? REALLY?

Have you ever looked at the salaries and overhead of those UN sanctioned  organizations?  They just want OUR MONEY.

Illegal immigration, refugees, open borders – all are just code for:


How do I know?

They tell us, we just don’t listen.  We don’t believe they mean what they say. This is a breakdown of ONE of the groups bleeding the America people:  the IRC.

The International Resettlement Committee (IRC), headed by David Miliband gets it orders from the UN. Who do you think is funding those caravans? The UN determines how many refugees come to America. Isn’t this the job of the American government? The UN determines how much money to give to the many religious charities to accept refugees while Americans can not put food on their tables and veterans sleep in tents and cars.

Wait…that David Miliband is not THE David Miliband, failed Labour Party leader in England? Tell me NO, it’s not possible:  It is possible, and now David Miliband has a new gig, as the Refugee Resettlement Head of the UN.  How much does he make for working 37.5 hours a week?

Aside from his bloated salary, what did he just say:  Resettlement contractor David Miliband admits your anger over Syrian refugees is a threat to “Global Governance”.  Just shut up or you won’t be part of the global community.

Finally, the Truth:  WHAT does David WANT?  Sustainable Developments. Why? So that people can be MANAGED and CONTROLLED.  The Regime can’t have any “threats” to their dominance and plans.

David Miliband is President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), where he oversees the agency’s humanitarian relief operations in more than 40 war-affected countries and its refugee resettlement and assistance programs in 28 United States cities.

Who will head this Global Governance?

Why, the U.N., of course!!

David’s International Rescue Committee (IRC) – is really a lobby group that “awards” good officials and bureaucrats for doing their bidding.  George Soros and the late John McCain are some of the recipients.  Remember that awful bill headed by the Gang of Eight.  IRC also lobbied the Gang of Eight – including Marco Rubio!!

Just to make things easier, the IRC has an office in Washington, D.C.

Why are Americans ignorant of the theft by the UN NGO’s?  Because of the Mainstream Media, and Public Schools.

The media refuses to report anything they are not told to report

and…worst of all:

The schools now teach the government is the answer. Americans are now being taught: Do not resist. Do not question the government. You must comply. You must be PC. Go along, to get along. Do more for less. America is bad. Only the UN can help.

Following Cloward & Piven:  “In order to destroy capitalism, overload the system.”  Americans sit silent, while HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegals and refugees who will not assimilate…take our TAX DOLLARS.  They take our money, our resources, and our freedoms. Are you still a member of the silent majority?

Do you finally realize that if we lose our FREEDOM, Americans will join the rest of the third world in poverty?

Illegal immigration and refugee programs are not about helping anyone. IT IS ABOUT DESTROYING THE WEST. DESTROYING AMERICA. while creating a global regime who will dominate the world. Money, Power, Control. It’s all there.

Will you sit and watch – or will you learn and act?

THIS is NOT about Refugees, this is an INVASION!!

What happens in America:

♦  The corrupt Dems/Globalists spend billions restricting Americans while the US border is open letting invaders in.
♦  The corrupt Dems/Globalists spend billions building borders in foreign countries while the US border is open letting invaders in.
♦  The corrupt Dems/Globalists want gun control of Americans making protecting yourself harder, while the US border is open letting invaders in.
♦  The corrupt Dems/Globalists want background checks (already ruled as unconstitutional)…while the US borders are open, letting invaders in!
♦  Americans are called terrorists, while protecting their land from unconstitutional NGO’s  while the US border remains open letting invaders in.
♦  The corrupt Dems/Globalists focus on the climate diversion while the US borders are open, letting invaders in.
♦ The corrupt Dems/Globalists control the media and report lies about the US border.  Bring them in they demand, just not to my neighborhood.

Make no mistake, the corrupt Dems/Globalists don’t care about refugees or illegals, they only want their votes to remain in power and steal our freedoms. End the PC BS. Demand the truth.

In the end, Americans will pay with their LIVES, MONEY, and

COUNTRY – while the Border remains open, letting invaders in.

Can you see it?  Vanishing not far off in the future, just down the road…??

Such is the Demise of the Great American Dream.

Is America Worth Saving?

If not YOU … WHO?  If not NOW…WHEN?

What can YOU DO?

Talk to friends and neighbors.  Got to town meetings and demand THAT YOUR LEGISLATORS take a STAND!  Meet with your Sheriff. Who will they protect?

Only support a candidate who will CLOSE THE BORDER and protect Americans – not the invaders!! Vote out the criminals in office who do not feel Americans are worth protecting.

Support companies who support your cause. Do what they do and boycott.

Demand an end to sanctuary cities and states.

Support E-Verify. Let your legislator know:  BUILD THE WALL!

© 2019 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:

The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America And The Results

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America is the beautiful brochure that advertized the Chronological Paper Trail by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt of the past 100 years of education reform. Each chapter takes a period of history and recounts the significant events, including important geopolitical and societal contextual  information. Citations from government plans, policy documents, and key writings by leading reformers record the rise of the modern education reform movement. Americans of all ages should have welcomed this riveting expose of what really happened to what was once the finest education system in the world before required public school education and creation of the Department of Education. [Amazon]

I ordered Charlotte’s voluminous DUMBING DOWN document with so many tabs to so many different subjects I can’t count them all.  Her document is 1 ¼” thick of legal size education clippings galore.  Charlotte was fired from her position as Senior Policy Adviser, in the U.S. Office of Educational Research and Improvement when she leaked some information to the Human Events news. Rather than me going into great detail about how we we’ve been at war for our Children’s Mind and Soul, I’ll let you read about Pavlov, Skinner and how children no longer have a conscience because they’ve been so brainwashed in the public schools. [Link]  Samuel Blumenfeld, noted author and phonics expert said Charlotte is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the “deliberate dumbing down” of American children by their education system.


Dr. B.F  Skinner, the nation’s best-known behavioral psychologist and Humanist of the Year in 1972 sparked the whole teaching-machine movement with his notions of operant conditioning. “Any teacher who can be replaced by a machine, should be” he said. Turn off your teLIEvision which does more than LIE to you… [YouTube Video]  In his book, BEYOND FREEDOM AND DIGNITY, he states: “The behaviorists can change and control an entire society through the use of Operant Conditioning, another term for that is Behavior Modification.”  When questioned by what authority did he have to use Operant Conditioning on our children thereby violating their free will without the knowledge or consent of their parents, he replied he didn’t believe in free will and besides, ”We don’t have to have the knowledge or the consent of the parents. We have the children.”  And there, my friends is the public school system.


One newspaper article in Iserbyt’s collection did jump off the page at me and it was the one dated Oct. 17, 1991 which was entitled: NATION WILL BE WATCHING OREGON’S ‘PIONEERING STEP.” Under a new program, high school ends at the 10th grade, followed by 2 years of specialized training. It could become model for the future. U.S. Education Secretary Lamar Alexander said, “Oregon has taken a ‘pioneering step” and America will be watching and learning.”  Democrat Representative VERA KATZ , who designed the Education 2000 plan said, “Teachers tell us they can Identify at-risk kids at the first grade.” A former primary grade teacher, the state administrator in charge of implementing the program OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION over the next decade, envisioned that primary grades should be returned to the “one room school house” which she experienced during her childhood in Minnesota but this was not to be.  The Aug. 23, 1993 NEW AMERICAN magazine had a huge article entitled OUTCOME-BASED EDUCATION but then it asked, “What happened to the basics?” Katz died at age 84 in 2017. She was the first female House Speaker in Oregon and grew up in Nazi Germany as a child. This guest opinion is a must read!

The goal 50 years ago was already being implemented and the State of Oregon, the most unchurched state in the union, was once again chosen to become the “poster child” of government mismanagement. [Link]

While the New World Order crowd wants to keep something that should be exposed under the radar, they’ll choose a day like a few days before Christmas – December 23, 1971, when a half million dollar grant was given to Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon by the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION to support research and graduate studies on “Man and His Activities as They Relate to Environmental Quality” that gave the final push to completion of plans for the COMPUTERIZATION of all elements of human life in Oregon.  Oregon has been the “first” in many areas to implement SOCIALISM/COMMUNISTIC PROGRAMS.

A lot of ideas are started and tested here in Portland,” said Vice President Al  Gore on 9/12/1998 at the dedication of Portland’s Light Rail.   Oregon was the first to legalize marijuana that can cause eventual brain damage and euthanasia to kill off the worthless eaters.  Oh, we had a couple old patriots here in Oregon crying out the warnings but our elected officials violating their oaths did not listen. One of them, Marshall Jones was a strong opponent of public schools and sacrificed financially to keep his children in Christian schools and like President Trump, drove those who publish fake news crazy.


From what I can gather, President Nixon, addressing Congress in 1969, recommended that the government become involved in developing children during “the first five years of life.”  Congressman John R. Rarick (La)  said on October 5, 1971, September 30 was a dark day for America when The Federal government authorized the take over of our children with the passage of the Brademas child development programs as an amendment to the OEO bill, by a vote of 186 to 183 that laid the foundation for the Federal government to replace the home and for bureaucratic “experts” to replace the parents beginning from infancy to kindergarten.  [Link]


Rarick asks, “What significant educational training can there be for babies in arms except to condition them to be away from their mothers and look to the state for security and guidance. [Link]    One of the salient selling features was the repeated assertion that the DAY CARE CENTERS were necessary to help working mothers to provide facilities for youth care to encourage unemployed mothers to seek gainful employment and then there are the FAMILY RESOURCE CENTERS for the millions of our children who they claim have no parents, are from broken homes and are from homes where they are mistreated or the parents are insensitive to the child’s demands. The child development programs are not to help working mothers but rather to establish FEDERAL CUSTODIAL CENTERS.


Recently, it’s been all over our newspapers about Oregon’s “dirty little secret” of sending  foster children out of state and how they face abuse in these facilities chosen by Oregon and the State of Washington Child Welfare officials. An attorney for the DISABILITY RIGHTS WASHINGTON discovered there seemed to be very little oversight of the program for sending foster children elsewhere and what was most disturbing some children flew to one facility alone, and strangers picked them and drove them to the facility that charges $8,000 to $10,000 a month for their care. In addition, there are the lawsuits when DHS is accused of failing to vet foster families.

The families of eleven infants and toddlers placed in foster care with a Salem man are suing Oregon’s Dept. of Human Services for $22 million, alleging the agency failed to vet the family and ignored signs of sexual abuse.  Mooney, now 29, and his wife were approved as foster parents in February 2007 when they both were 22 years old and living in a “small apartment.” They agreed to take “medically fragile newborns, infants and toddlers.”


In the meantime, a proposed new law in Oregon by Socialist Democrat and first transgender governor, Kate Brown with the blessing of the REGRESSIVE TOTALITARIAN MARXIST DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED LEGISLATURE believe that parents should have in-home visits by licensed health care providers of every family with a newborn baby and call it a national emergency.  Not so fast.  Should these parents allow a licensed government health care provider into their home without a 4th Amendment warrant signed by a judge stating probable cause? They probably will because Americans are basically ignorant of their Constitutional rights. As illustrated above in the foster care business, they care nothing about your new born baby. No, it’s all about asking the new parents about their guns and let us not forget HB 3063, the forced vaccination bill going through Oregon – no vaccinations, no school all because of the fake measles epidemic; however, this may be a blessing in disguise. More parents will home school. [Link]

And then we have the one reported by another NewsWithViews contributor, Ms. Smallback who tells about a family in her home state’s capital city who were good friends with a judge and got approved to be foster parents. Only young girls were placed with them.  Over decades, the husband would rape the girls.  They partnered with an unwed mother’s home and took in baby girls from the unwed mothers. When unwed mothers went to the authorities to get their stolen babies back they were sent to guess which judge?

I may have recommended a website that said Skinner’s daughter, Deborah born in 1944 was raised “in a box” and later committed suicide. She has debunked that rumor in a column she wrote for THE GUARDIAN. Skinner died at age 86 in 1990.

Now I’ve written all of the education material above as a reminder to introduce you to a lady who answered my article, “When We Will We Hold Them Accountable to Their Oath?


She wrote:  ‘WE WON’T HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. “Here’s the factoid that you won’t find in a government document that’s available to the public,” she said.  Following are her words:  By 2025 classrooms in America will be 50% LEARNING DISABLED students. Educational professionals, with the input of developmental pediatricians, know this and discuss it in hushed voices among themselves.  My circle of these highly credentialed people comprise a network that crosses the country and includes one who was educated at Cambridge University.

(As I side note, I know of at least four families with teenagers or older who apparently are DISABLED for one reason or another and the 6/18/2018 NEW AMERICAN magazine says in the colleges, “SNOWFLAKEDISABILITY now gets more time on tests. Student’s coping mechanism are now provided by colleges. The Wall Street Journal reported May 24, 2018 “The rise in disability notes for mental-health issues has led to a surge in the number of students who take their exams in low-distraction testing centers, are allowed to get up and walk around during class or bring a comfort animal to school.” The Dept. of Education budget mentions $13.2 BILLION for individuals with DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT FORMULA AND DISCRETIONARY GRANT PROGRAMS. Then there is $1.5 billion for State OPIOID RESPONSE GRANTS AND $1 BILLION FOR OPIOID AND PAIN RESEARCH AT THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH and transgender youth were far more likely than non-transgender students to use cocaine, heroin, meth and prescription opioids, as well. )

She said she went back to school as an adult in the 1980s to get certified to teach high school mathematics. Special education teachers were being actively recruited as that was the area forecast for the most demand. Professors told all of us that we were being prepared to handle a school system that would be deluged with low-ability students.  No cause was given for this pending disaster. [Link]

She says since then I have seen this prediction play out in front of my eyes. My teaching career has spanned three states and has included public school, private school, home school co-ops, and a hybrid school that serves the local home school community.

The local hybrid school provides my most current frame of reference. The families are mostly white, middle-to-upper middle class, Christians in the rural South. The influx of learning DISABLED STUDENTS, diagnosed and suspected has forced the school to amend their application process and adjust class standards to accommodate these students. The director is pondering if the school will even be operational soon, as its previous standard was to prepare students for post-high school education.

A friend who lives in another state and whose profession interacts regularly with developmental pediatricians assures me that what I’m seeing is occurring nationwide. She and her husband, an education professional who attends seminars with professors from all across the country, are concerned that their elementary age children will have difficulty finding a normal peer group as time goes on.

The first wave of these learning disabled students have reached college age and be assured that colleges have adjusted so as not to lose too many customers (I’m sure you understand the business aspect of higher learning). THE AVERAGE COLLEGE STUDENT IN THE U.S. FUNCTIONS AT A 7TH GRADE LEVEL, having never achieved the COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT STAGE OF ABSTRACT THINKING.  (See: Skinnerian above).

Reversing this runaway train would take generations that we, as a country, don’t have.

Apply the ramifications of these facts to our political system. The “Old Guard” is dying out or out of touch with the factors in play, the Millenials are dumb as a box of rocks from decadence, and the Gen-X-Yers are brain damaged (from Marijuana, and other drugs and suicides among young folks has risen)

She ends by saying,  “And that is why I don’t see ‘us’ holding the government accountable even though we may work hard to ‘occupy’  til Jesus comes.  Divine intervention for a country that has murdered sixty million unborn babies?” and most recently, parents dressing little boys as Drag Queens. [YouTube Video]

“ Naw,” she says, “I don’t see that happening. Maranatha!.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf:

Promotion Of Virtue And The Prevention Of Vice

Islam has many strange verses in the Quran. There are two significant commands which exist in the Quran that gives Muslims authority to look out over an Islamic society for any signs deemed indecent or un-Islamic in public. One of many of these strict rules, is hijab – obligatory rules requiring women to cover their hair and bodies and avoid make-up. Normally, from better off social groups – who try to push the limits of the dress code. This involves wearing the headscarf as far back on the head as possible, or by wearing baggier clothing, particularly in the heat of summer, though men sporting “Western” hairstyles are also at risk. These commands are called Amr beh Maroof va Nahi az Monker. “you enjoin what is right and forbid what is reprehensible”

These two short commands are the central part of Islamic doctrine for all Muslims. It encourages all Muslims, whether men or women, to question anyone if they notice un-Islamic appearances in public. The Quranic injunction of enjoining good and forbidding wrong, suggests to the duty of Muslims to promote moral decency and interfere with another Muslim if they perform improperly.

What are some of the consequences if people refuse to obey?  Women get attacked with acid thrown on their face, men are flogged for non- compliance with Islamic haircuts. These are only a few barbaric examples of what Islamists routinely do, based upon the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice, in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, many Iran’s laws oblige women to completely cover their hair and wear loose garments to hide most of their body and skin.

The first photo is a before and after, the second is a mother and her one-year old daughter after acid attacks.

“Amr bil Ma’roof and Nahi ‘anil Munkar is a Fard Kifaayah, collective responsibility of the Islamic Umma.”

The Iranian people, almost every day, are subject to severe interrogation, intimidation, harassment and frightening situations by the beasts of Allah who on their motorcycles look for anyone who does not appear Islamic enough and especially those who have challenged the Ayatollah Khamenei’s direct order. That’s precisely why Iranians leave Islam by the thousands.

Promoting virtue and preventing vice is mandatory by all Muslims to do what is thought good according to Islamic law.  The Islamic Republic of Iran routinely terrorizes its peaceful population. These Bedouin Islamic rules have taken the society over the edge of the cliff. Angry people refuse to obey these non-Iranian Arab worshipers who despise anything Persian and they continue to challenge their command.

“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the people of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient. (Quran, Surah Aal Imran 3:110)”

These orders come directly from the Quran and Sunnah.

Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri reported that the prophet Muhammad said, “Whoever amongst you sees an evil, he must change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then with his heart, and that is the weakest form of faith” 40 Hadith Nawawi 34

The importance  of Amr Be Maroof Va Nahi Az Monkar in Quran and Hadith

“Lo! those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, and slay the prophets wrongfully, and slay those of mankind who enjoin equity: promise them a painful doom (Al-e Imran/21). Recommends of Quran to Muslims many:”

“Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of the Scripture had believed, it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil-livers (Al-e Imran/110).”

“The committee’s rationale is based on the classical Islamic doctrine of hisba, which is associated with the Quranic injunction of enjoining good and forbidding wrong, and refers to the duty of Muslims to promote moral rectitude and intervene when another Muslim is acting wrongly.”

The Hisbah  has the following major aspects:

  • An obligation of a Muslim.
  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens comply with hisbah such as sharia.
  • In a broader sense, hisbah also refers to the practice of supervision of commercial, guild, and other secular affairs. Traditionally, a muhtasib (al-Muhtasib) was appointed by the caliph to oversee the order in marketplaces, in businesses, in medical occupations, etc. The position of muhtasib may be approximately rendered as “inspector“. See Hisbah (business accountability) for this aspect.”

“For example, in Saudi Arabia the state establishment responsible for hisbah is the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, or Hai’a.

“In a minority of Islamic states, namely Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the Aceh province of Indonesia and Iran, there is an establishment of Islamic religious police. In some places, it is state-established; in others, it is independent of the state.”

“Hisbah doctrine has been invoked by Islamic prosecutors in cases of apostasy and acts of blasphemy. For example, in EgyptNasr Abu Zayd, a Muslim scholar “critical of old and modern Islamic thought” was prosecuted under the doctrine when his academic work was held to be evidence of apostasy.”


According to the Ummah, all Muslims are responsible for commanding good and forbidding evil, or promoting virtue and preventing vice. If Muslims avoid and ignore and follow those commands, it then is interpreted as a great sin because it was ignored. Muslims are obligated to regulate and watch over their community non-stop. They are also responsible for removing what is perceived by Muslims as evil, although Islam itself is an evil ideology.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

A Sexual Deviant As America’s Next President?

WARNING: Raw language in this column.

The Democratic/Communist Party USAs latest poster boy for sexual deviancy and filth is presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg.  A man who has sex in another man’s sh*t.

Oh, dear. Is that offensive to you? I’ll re-word it: Pete Buttigieg has sex in another man’s feces.

Oh, is that still offensive to you? Just what do people think sexual deviants like Buttigieg do? Well, they’re gay! Okay, what is gay? That word replaced ‘sexual preference’ back in the early 1990s to brainwash Americans about homosexuals and lesbians being just like your dear auntie or favorite cousin. Give them a ‘carefree’ moniker so people forget what they do.

And what do these ‘gay’ people do? They have filthy, deviant sex which they attempt to pass off as love.

Americans seem to forget who passed AIDS to their multiple partners back in the early 1980s which turned into a horrible, raging epidemic that killed tens of thousands of men. Most of them probably nice, decent human beings sold the big lie they are ‘born that way’. There’s nothing ‘gay’ about contracting HIV and dying from AIDS.  A true, tragic loss of precious lives that was/is preventable.

Of course, non-homosexuals then began dying because of dirty needles passed from addict queers infected with HIV/AIDS and tainted blood given to hemophiliacs – many of them children.

There’s nothing ‘gay’ about spreading the dozens and dozens of ‘lavender diseases’ which plague homosexuals. Then we have bi-sexuals and the diseases just continue spreading. The lining of the anus is very thin and not meant for foreign objects to be inserted – including one male’s penis into another male’s rectum.

That part of our body is meant to eliminate waste from the body, not be a playground for filthy sex. Having sex in another man’s sh*t is neither normal nor healthy. Yes, I know. Heterosexuals engage in bowel-movement sex but that doesn’t make it healthy. After ‘making love’ in someone’s sh*t, cleaning up afterwards can’t be much fun. The smell must be positively romantic!

CDC admits HIV is exploding among transgender women… total silence from left-wing media, just like with the spread of anal cancer among homosexuals

There’s no such thing as a transgender woman. A man is born with male DNA and no amount of mutilating their bodies is going to change that. Transgenders Mentally Ill & Should Be Treated With Compassion

The last thing we need in the military is mentally ill people: Dems replace POW/MIA flags with transgender pride flags to protest Trump military ban

Good for them: Christian School Withdraws from Athletic Conference over Transgender Policy

“We are a Christian school and hold to the biblical teaching from Genesis 1:27 and other related passages which states, ‘So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them,’” Hornickel wrote in a email to the Post. “This is how it has been throughout the history of the world, and we believe there are only two sexes: male and female.”

“Hornickel continued, saying that the practice of allowing biological males to compete against biological females, is a “form of cheating.” Hornickel feels it “gives them an advantage over girls teams who only play female athletes.”

There’s nothing ‘gay’ about sodomites having to wear diapers by their early thirties because they can no longer hold their bowels in check from engaging in bowel-movement sex for decades. Of course, one must not speak of such things because you will be accused of ‘hate speech’ or the tried and true, ‘homophobic’.

Let’s all pretend it’s all about tolerance, love and born that way. God loves queers, don’t you know? Old Pete Buttigieg is big on his relationship with his creator. He claims to be married to another male but he’s not. There is no such thing as same-sex marriage no matter how badly sexual deviants want to sell us their poison backed up by some robes on the U.S. Supreme Court who spit in God’s face.

Oh, but that big lie is all over the place. The boob-tube is the biggest facilitator of the same-sex marriage myth. Law & Order SUV for one has episodes (which I don’t watch as I don’t own a TV) which feature two males who refer to each other as husband and husband. Make me gag.

The morally bankrupt Hollywood world is big on promoting the sin God called an abomination. For Democrat politicians it’s their bread and butter. It’s no longer being qualified for the job. It’s either the color of your skin or being a sexual deviant (or both) that makes you qualified.

They all ignore what is so clear in the Holy Bible (the real one, KJV) claiming Christians only use certain scriptures taken out of context; anything to justify their sin.  Well, must be God who is confused!

“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 18:22

“If a man lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death.” — Leviticus 20:13 – God’s judgment and only he will deal with that individual. We do not condone violence.

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

“And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” Romans 1:25-27

What? God is talking about a couple of good friends taking a nap?

I’ve seen many photos on the Internet of Petey Buttigieg on stage with all these folks behind him cheering him on as if he’s the Second Coming. If any of them believe the Holy Bible is the WORD of God and his commands, they would NOT be standing there cheering on a sexual deviant who spits in God’s face on a daily basis. A presidential candidate who defies God’s laws on the campaign trail parading his fake ‘husband’ on stage like he’s some sort of trophy.

Gag factor of 10: Pete Buttigieg to Mike Pence: My Marriage Has ‘Moved Me Closer to God’

“He added, “Speaking only for myself, I can tell you that if me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade. That’s the thing I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand, that if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.” Rest at link.

This issue isn’t about tolerance or discrimination. It’s about science. There isn’t a scintilla of scientific evidence to prove any human is born homosexual or lesbian. It’s all been debunked. Science is the one thing advocates and participants of deviant sexual behavior refuse to discuss – they always bring it back to religion, which is much easier to attack.

Advocates of sodomy and lesbian sex have tried to use the civil rights movement to give credibility to their argument. Pushing deviant sexual behavior as somehow part of a “civil rights movement” is just more clever marketing using powerful images. If you’re born white, you can’t change your skin color to black at will and visa versa. The same as if you’re born Asian, you can’t suddenly decide you might be Caucasian. We are all what race God has chosen for us. A must see DVD is “The Kinsey Syndrome.”

Many lesbians have left their preferred life styles. Actress Anne Heche used to have sex with Ellen DeGeneres. Ms. Heche then went on to marry a man, have a child. Unfortunately, she divorced. Not to return to having sex with a female, but a with a man. So, which way was Ms. Heche born? Angelina Jolie used to have sex with a dyke. So, which way was Ms. Jolie born? Funny thing. Both Heche and Jolie left women to be with a man and become a mother. But, wait! This web site gives us all the politically correct answers:

“It’s clear that a change in sexual orientation is imaginable to more people than ever before, and there’s more opportunity — and acceptance — to cross over the line,” says Klein, noting that a half-dozen of her married female patients in the past few years have fallen in love with women. “Most are afraid that if they don’t go for it, they’ll end up with regrets.”

Another clear example I can give you that it’s a choice and not an “accident of birth” is the candor of WNBA star Sheryl Swoopes. In an interview following her “coming out.” This was the exchange:

Interviewer: “You have said that you don’t believe you were born gay, which, as you said, may confuse many people. How do you believe you came to be gay?”

SW: “I think there are a lot of people — gays and lesbians — who believe you are born that way. I think there also a lot of people who believe it’s a choice. And, for me, I believe it was a choice. I was at a point in my life where I had gone through a divorce and was not in a relationship, and the choice I made happened to be that I fell in love with another woman. It might confuse some people, and some people may not understand that, but I think in life, no matter what it is that you’re doing, you always have a choice and you make that choice and you have to live with that choice. And it just happened that, you know, my partner and I were really, really good friends, and the more we hung out, the more we did stuff together, my feelings grew stronger and stronger for her, and it got to a point to where I said, “I can’t fight this anymore.”

How do you believe you came to be gay? I thought you were born that way. Swoopes made the choice of embracing sin because she wants to, not because she was born that way. Is she really a lesbian or a product of years of propaganda shoved down her throat in massive doses by the media and special interest groups? How about men and women in prisons who have turned queer? Years ago, before I got rid of my TV, I watched a cable program on this and female prisoners said they turned to other female prisoners for sex because of loneliness. The male prisoners did it with each other just for the sex, not because they were born that way.

“This is the Way God Made Me” A Scientific Examination of Homosexuality and the “Gay Gene” by Brad Harrub, Ph.D. and Bert Thompson, Ph.D. and Dave Miller, Ph.D. – This says it all:

Conclusion – “Consider the obvious problem of survival for individuals who allegedly possess a gay gene: individuals who have partners of the same sex are biologically unable to reproduce (without resorting to artificial means).  Therefore, if an alleged “gay gene” did exist, the homosexual population eventually would disappear altogether.”

That’s right and that’s why child abuse aka same sex couple adopting innocent children has been pushed so hard. Recruiting using the finest in brain washing techniques begins in grade school in this country and has escalated in places like California where parents cannot remove their child from a class forcing them to believe sexual deviants are born that way.

Teaching 5 & 6 year-old little boys it’s normal to stick their little Johnson in another male’s rectum. Teaching little girls it’s normal to slobber in another woman’s vagina, use dildos and so forth. Of course, they dress it all up in cuteness like two mommies or daddy’s in a wonderful make-believe world.

There’s one other scripture all you Petey supporters should consider very carefully because one day you will be judged by our Creator: “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:27

As for Petey’s qualifications for president

Mayor Pete Buttigieg Runs For President While His City Bleeds… Literally

“The media’s bias has never been subtle, but its disinterest in a presidential candidate’s track record has never been this blatant. Mayor Buttigieg’s candidacy is being covered as if he weren’t the mayor of an actual city with actual problems. Instead, his prospects have been covered purely in terms of his identity, a gay millennial, his past career before taking office, and his current witticisms and applause lines.

“At no point in time does the media stop to tell the viewers and readers it is regaling with stories of Mayor Buttigieg’s charm that he runs the most dangerous city in Indiana, recently rated as one of the “worst cities to live”, where nearly half the residents live at the poverty level, and even the water is bad.

“These are significant data points in the track record of a politician aspiring to run the entire country.

“The media keeps asking Mayor Buttigieg which of its wishlist of radical socialist policies he’s willing to sign on to, the Green New Deal, eliminating private health insurance, and freeing more convicts, rather than asking him which policies he used to try and solve problems in South Bend. And how they worked…

“Mayor Buttigieg excels at buzzwords and gimmicks. He’s just terrible at actually running a city. That’s why property crime in South Bend is rising. It’s why the city is overrun with gangs.  It’s why South Bend is poor, blighted and miserable. Violence is just one of the many symptoms of Buttigieg’s failures.”

Rest at link you should read about candidate Petey. Chicago just elected a female queer (We’re queer, we’re here) who claims to be married to another female: Lori Lightfoot elected Chicago mayor, will be 1st black woman and 1st openly gay person to hold post

Nothing will change, mark my words. I read her qualifications. Lawyer, professional politician. Lists her religion as Christian. That would be hypocrisy. Lightfoot served on the board of NARAL which means she supports murdering unborn babies. Of course, abortion is a staple of the Democrat/Communist Party USA.

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6, KJV – Think murdering a baby in the womb isn’t offensive to the little one who had their brain sucked out of his or her skull and then thrown into a waste disposal unit or their body parts sold for profit by Planned Parenthood?

Getting back to Petey, these might be of interest to you although Democrats will ignore any truth that’s inconvenient – especially those who identify as socialists (liberals) or communists (progressives) who are uninformed and lazy:

Mayor Pete Says Climate Change a ‘Life and Death Issue’

Petey also wants to give tens of millions of illegal aliens in this country amnesty for sneaking into our country stealing jobs that belong to Americans as well as raping us to pay for their free medical, dental, education and of course, filling our prisons.

Pete Buttigieg Expresses Support for ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

Never-Trump Neocons Throw Their Weight Behind ‘Mayor Pete’ Buttigieg

Christians won’t fall for Buttigieg’s platitudes: “Buttigieg, like Obama, puts a mild-mannered face on a radical agenda. Look under the hood, though, and the policies look just like those of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez minus the Christian rhetoric. Buttigieg claims moral superiority, but his behavior today – in addition to his failed mayoral record – suggests the opposite. Not to mention that he is the son of a radical, Marxist professor, which might explain the policy positions that are far from being mild, centrist or Christian.”

Scarborough used to be a Republican who married a certified nit-wit and poster girl for dumb blonde jokes, Mika Brzezinski. Mornin’ Joe belongs in the Straightjacket Brigade.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough criticizes Franklin Graham’s comments on Pete Buttigieg’s Sexuality: ‘You are a disgrace’

Lori Klausutis – “Another intern death received very little media attention outside the congressional district of former U.S. Congressman Joe Scarborough in Northwest Florida.” Go ahead, read it.

YES! Poland: LGBT Ideology ‘a Threat to our Nation, Identity, and Existence’

Too bad these people in Scotland spit in God’s face:

“The Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland said it was “delighted” with the result. Alyson Thomson, head of communications, said: “The Church of Scotland General Assembly has set out a clear stall – it is a modern church for a modern Scotland. The commission is delighted that the Church has, as Scott Rennie requested, taken an honest look at itself over the issue of sexuality and decided that the values of fairness, equality, dignity and respect are of more worth than those of ignorance and intolerance.”

“The Church has been split by the appointment of 36-year-old Rennie, who was married but is now in a relationship with another man. He was appointed minister of Brechin Cathedral, in Angus, ten years ago, before “coming out” as homosexual and planning the move to his new position. He won the overwhelming support of the Queen’s Cross congregation and the local Aberdeen presbytery for his appointment.”

What’s ‘dignified’ about a minister having sex in another man’s sh*t? Cheer on a ‘modern’ Scotland!

That whole herd of Democrat candidates is truly enough to make you want to vomit. It’s all about their perversions, free everything, so-called social justice and not a damn thing to do with the duties and responsibilities of a president of these united States of America under our Constitution.

I really wonder what rank and file, ordinary folks in America who belong to the Democrat Party really think about all this madness in their party? Not the permanent welfare class perfectly happy to live off your paycheck, illegal aliens and those who vote strictly by race or for murdering babies (abortion) or which sex they choose for the week. I mean just average folks like where I live who go to work and Church on Sundays.

Well, there you have it for this week. Be prepared as we see this obscene war for the Democrat choice at their convention next year go on day in and day out just as we’ll see the relentless attacks on Trump continue by the scum in Congress over the dead Russia collusion hoax and non-existent obstruction.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.


The Most Narcissistic Generation Reaches Its Logical Conclusion with ‘Autosexuality’

Not born this way: The facts, plus help available

“There is no “gay gene” — so homosexuality is not biologically based. The only human genders are male (if you inherited a “Y” chromosome from your father) and female (if you did not inherit a “Y” chromosome from him) — so homosexuality is not a new “gender.” Not being born “gay” means this is not a “civil rights” issue. People inherit unchangeable characteristics like their race and ethnicity, but homosexuality is not inherited. Science and biology confirm this, and thousands of former “gays and lesbians” who have changed their behavior also prove this fact. Therefore, homosexuality is not a civil right for marriage or anything else.”

’Lavender diseases’ as they are called in the medical community that plague sodomites:

(Anal) Douches, Lubricants: Allergic reactions, Rectal fatty tumors Active Fellatio: Physical abrasions, Oral gonorrhea, Herpes progenitalis I and II, Nongonococcal pharyngitis (Chlamidia and others), Oral condyloma acuminatum, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Enteric diseases, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inquinale, Chancroid Passive Fellatio: Herpes type 1 and 2, Nongonococcol urethritis (Chlamidia and others), Gonorrhea, Neisseria meningitidis. Anal Intercouse, Active: Nongonococcol urethritis, Escherichia coli, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A, B, non-A/non-B, Herpes, Warts -molluscum and condyloma, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis, Epididymitis/prostatitis, Fungal infections, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid, Cytomegalovirus. Anal Intercourse, Passive: Physical protitis, Rectal gonorrhea, Warts -condyloma and molluscum (rare), Nonspecific proctitis (Chlamidia and others), Herpes, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Trichomoniasis, Corynebacterium, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid, Cytomegalovirus, Candidiasis. Analinction (dung-eating, “rimming”)

Enteric diseases: Gay bowel syndrome (explained below) PLUS Escherichia coli and Helminthic parasites, Oral warts, Oral gonorrhea, Syphilis, Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma inguinale, Chancroid. Fist/Finger Insertion, Passive: Internal scrapes, Anal sphincter tears, Perforations of the colon, Acute abdomen, having to wear a diaper. Toys/Apparatus: Allergic reactions, Friction dermatitis, Physical torsions, Varicoceles, Peyronie’s disease, Fungal infections, Lost rectal objects, Testicular strangulation (“cock rings”). Gay Bowel Syndrome is a collection of bowel diseases which lead to dysfunction of the lower bowel tract and is prevalent throughout the “gay” community. GBS requires one wear a colostomy bag. Shigellosis is an acute bacteria infection like salmonellosis, it can lead to a diarrhea-induced dehydration death in infants and the elderly. Infected individuals [HIV] should never handle food, yet how many “gays” work in restaurants and handle food?

Hepatitus A and B – a viral liver disease spread by fecal contamination (A), or by blood (B). The latter type is considered to be transmitted “by ‘parenteral injection’ of saliva or semen positive for B antigen through breaks in anal or oral mucosa during anilingual (tongue/anus) contact or proctogenital intercouse (penile/rectal sodomy)” (New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, p.302.) January 2009: Homosexual Men Account for 65 Percent of Syphilis Cases, CDC Study Finds. Of the 12,000 cases of syphilis in the United States in 2007, making them the “primary driver” of increased syphilis rates overall.

For further information, see: The Health Risks of Gay Sex and Sexually transmitted disease among homosexuals. This is normal, natural and healthy?

When God created man and woman, do you really think He would have intentionally programmed humans to engage in behavior that brings such pain, misery and death?

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

The Celestial Magic Of A Campfire And Friends

To sit around a campfire with a stick while you poke the glowing embers before you, may be one of the most tangible of all visible mysteries of the universe.  You stare into pulsing energy that feeds your soul.  Warmth comforts your sense of belonging to the wilderness. You feel peace of mind caressing your spirit.  Surrounding your fire, a cathedral of trees towers into the ink-black of space.  Twinkling stars enlighten your imagination.  A full moon balances the evening with a symphony of popping embers, leaping flames and curling smoke reaching into the evening enchantment.

(Few joys in life beat sitting around a campfire with your friends on a chilly night and a starry sky with a pot of stew simmering on the coals and campfire stories flying around like magic to bring laughter, joy and fellowship.)

Sitting with you, friends stare into the same flames, thinking their own thoughts and enjoying the soothing vibrations of the universe.

I have sat by thousands of campfires in my life and each time, I see God looking back at me. I see life sharing itself.  I see living creation burning brightly.  I see marshmallows, bubbling stew and hot chocolate waiting to warm my body.  I share conversations with friends and strangers that have become my friends.

I see Uwe Rothe, John Brown, Gerd Bollig, Gary Hall and Doug Armstrong.  I see Robert, Bob, Gerry and Dave. I see Sandi, Sarah, Ashly and Pam. I see the universe glowing with life, light, warmth and fellowship.

Every campsite that houses men, women or beasts—enjoys a glorious, starry firmament for a roof.   That black sky dotted with stars offers constellations, songs and myths from humanity from the beginning to the present.  The fire-pit becomes the focal point for fellowship and conversation.

Every summer, I cycle, backpack or raft into the deepest recesses of the wilderness.  I discover God staring at me from every branch, tree and bird on the wing.

At Glacier National Park this summer, I asked a ranger, “Do you see God up here in the wilderness?”

He answered, “The more I walk these woods, the more I see God every day.  I see God in the hummingbirds, bear and elk.  Funny thing about God; a person only need look at all creation in a campfire.  It’s that simple for me.  I hope I answered your question.”

“You did,” I said.

That night, my cycling friend Robert and I pitched camp on the plains of northern Montana. We found a spot off the road in a stand of aspen.  The rolling terrain looked like sand dunes covered in golf-course-smooth grass.  First, we pitched our tents.  Next, we gathered wood for the campfire. We built a circular stone firebreak.  Robert filled the pit with kindling; next larger sticks and then, he lit a match.  Within minutes, we sat on two stone seats while we cooked our dinners over the flames licking the evening air.

Above us, a brilliant sunset in the west shot gold across the heavens and back-lit horsetail clouds galloping across the last of the day and huge thunderheads to the east.

“Man, this is one of the best sunsets I have ever seen,” Robert said.

“It doesn’t get any better than this,” I said poking the embers with my stick.

Life glows around the embers of a campfire.  Make your own and poke the glowing coals to discover your own answers to the mysteries of creation. You will find yourself sailing the celestial spaces of the universe without leaving any tracks.

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book!  Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life?  Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices.  Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The First Woman President Will Be. . .

Attorney Lloyd Pearcy

In 1872, forty-eight years before the nineteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution allowed women to vote, Victoria Woodhull ran for president. Between 1872 and 2016, sixteen women ran unsuccessfully for the presidency.[i]

In 2016 Hillary Clinton seemed destined to fulfill the 144-year quest to elect a woman. She was so certain of victory that she scarcely bothered to campaign! Not only was her opponent a novice who had never held political office, but she had spent a billion dollars to rig the election. How could she lose?

To Hillary and her horde of reality-deniers who are still trying to decipher how she lost, I offer a sobering explanation: divine providence intervened in 2016! And I believe the same unseen hand of providence is now at work to orchestrate the election of the first woman president.

Who will she be? When will she be elected? What circumstances will propel her into the oval office?     Here’s a hint: It will not happen in 2020 and it will not be Hillary or any of the six women who have officially declared as candidates for next year’s election.[ii]

The Scenario

My predictive intuition foresees the following confluence of events which will propel the first woman into the White House:

  1. The 16-months from today until late August 2020 when the Democrat and Republican conventions end will prove to be the most turbulent era in American political history, with the following developments:
  • Disclosure of a multitude of Democrat illegalities will decimate the party’s credibility to the point its 2020 candidate will be a sacrificial lamb; indeed, it is possible the Democrats will not even field a candidate!
  • The scope of sedition which could decimate the political left is breath-taking: Benghazi; selling America’s uranium to Russia; weaponization of the FBI, Department of Justice and IRS for political purposes; Clinton Foundation mischief; Obama’s computer-generated birth certificate and multiple social security numbers; a covert coup attempt by government officials to overthrow a duly-elected president; the FISA court deceptions; Senator Feinstein’s long-time employment of a China spy; the CIA-controlled media; shadow-banning conservative voices on social media. . .the list seems endless!
  1. The fallout from 80,000 sealed federal indictments will include information that discredits Vice President Pence. This may involve confederacy with Paul Ryan in an alleged midnight machination on October 10, 2016 to oust Trump as nominee and replace him with a Pence-Ryan ticket;
  2. For his new Vice President Trump will select a woman to reinforce his standing with suburban women, the voting demographic where he is weakest;
  3. The migration toward Trump among the middle 60-percent of American voters who are conservative-to-moderate, will insure him a landslide victory in 2020[iii]. Notwithstanding psychopathic hatred of Trump by a delusional fringe, the president’s popularity will accelerate;
  4. On November 3, 2020, Trump wins the biggest landslide in presidential history;
  5. Having engineered transformative changes in the country’s governance, economy and institutions over the eight-years of the “second American revolution”, Trump will retire as the consensus reincarnation of George Washington! His 2020-24 vice president becomes the heir-apparent, with a mandate to continue his policies;
  6. In November 2024 the woman who has served as Trump’s second vice president is elected the nation’s first female president.

What manner of woman

The woman who succeed Trump will mirror his political and personal values. She will embody:

  • America-first patriotism;
  • Bedrock conservatism;
  • A genuine reverence for the Constitution;
  • She will instinctively assign the interests of ordinary citizens over those of government;
  • Impeccable integrity;
  • Plain-spoken candor;
  • Decisiveness;

In addition to these attributes, she will have prior governmental experience in the executive branch; and proven campaign skills.

A prophet describes this woman

In 1987 my wife Jenny and I visited a tiny inner-city church in Denver.  We went to hear Kim Clement, a young South African who was reputed to be a modern- day prophet. We were seated about two-thirds toward the back of the church. Suddenly in the middle of the service Kim pointed at me and said, “Sir, you in the blue sweater, come up here. I must pray for you right now. And bring your wife!” As we walked to the front I thought, “How did he know we are married? There is an 18-year difference in our ages.  I am caucasian and Jenny is Asian”. We had never been to that church and nobody there knew us.

At the podium Kim first prophesied to my wife, who then went into deep silent prayer. Kim turned to me and said, “Tell me about her sister in Los Angeles.” My sister-in-law had recently moved to LA from Denver. Kim spoke several prophecies about her, all of which came to fruition within a year! That night and several years later in Loveland, Colorado, Kim prophesied numerous things to me. Some have been fulfilled and others are still in process.

I followed Kim Clement’s remarkable ministry for the next thirty years until his untimely death in 2016 at age 60! Kim became renowned throughout the world! He moved to the U.S., eventually landing in Hollywood, where he felt called to bring light to an industry turned sinister.  Over more than three decades, Kim Clement proclaimed thousands of verified prophecies, including prescient references to Donald Trump which seem to be still unfolding.[iv] Kings, presidents and prime ministers summoned him for private counseling. He became the most influential Christian prophet since Biblical times. His weekly broadcasts were heard around the world.

In 2011 in Nashville, Kim announced:

“There shall be a woman that shall rise up. A woman that shall be strong in faith, virtuous, beautiful in eyes . . . round and big. I have crowned her says the lord, as I crowned Esther . . . And God says, they will say ‘we hated her but now we love her’ . . . For she shall take the oil of healing and she shall pour it upon the scars of those left and those right and of the new party that has emerged, and they shall say, ‘Christ will reign, and we shall not implement at all socialism.’

Therefore, the healing that is necessary for this nation shall come at a time in the middle of the presidency. There shall be a woman that shall come . . . For the soul of America has been corrupted with bitterness and anger. And God said, ‘she shall say, no more bitterness, no more anger, no more division . . .” [v] (Emphasis added).

January 20, 2025

The first woman American president is inaugurated. She is a deeply patriotic woman of the people who got her start in government as a small-town mayor. She became governor of her state, where her approval rating exceeded 80%.6 She was nominated for vice president. In her first national campaign she demonstrated rare political acumen, even though her RINO handlers muzzled her message. The insane left spared no effort in attempting to demonize her, mercilessly smearing not only her but also her husband and minor children. The left was so terrified by her populist appeal, unapologetic conservatism, and common-sense approach to governance that they schemed to destroy her personally and politically. Until this inauguration day, they thought they had succeeded.

Welcome to the oval office, Sarah Palin!

© 2019 Lloyd Pearcy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Pearcy:

[BIO: Lloyd G. Pearcy recently retired after practicing law for 50 years, during which time he believes he appeared in every court (federal, state and municipal) in Colorado. He was legal counsel to hundreds of local and national Christian organizations. As a young prosecutor assigned to juvenile court, he saw first-hand the need for out of home placements. He founded and for 11 years served as president and director of Excelsior Youth Centers, a premier residential treatment center for children with campuses in Denver and Spokane.]


[i] The women candidates were Victoria Woodhull (1872), Belva Ann Lockwood (1884), Margaret Chase Smith (1964), Shirley Chisholm (1972), Patsy Mink (1972), Linda Jenness (1972), Ellen McCormack (1976 & 1980),  Sonia Johnson (1984), Pat Schroeder (1988), Lenora Fulani (1988 & 1992), Elizabeth Dole (2000), Carol Moseley Braun (2004), Hillary Clinton (2008 & 2016), Carly Fiorina (2016), Jill Stein (2008 & 2016), and Michele Bachmann (2012).  Rebecca Bohanan, “12 Women Who Ran for President Before Hillary”’, Huffington Post, July 25, 2016. See also “Women Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates: A Selective List”, Rutgers University Center for Women and Politics, 2019 (Internet).

[ii] Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (HI), Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Kamala Harris (CA), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Elizabeth Warren (MA) and author Marianne Williamson.

[iii] See my article, “Trump will be the most Transformative President in History”, Canada Free Press archives.

[iv]Trump shall become a trumpet. I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet, says the lord.” Kim Clement, Bethel Church, Redding, CA. Nov. 10, 2007; “God says, ‘I will put at your helm for two terms a president who will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts . . .’I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the Lord of Hosts . . . There will be a praying president, not a religious one”; “For the Spirit of God says, ‘Yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of the country shall change rapidly,’ says the Lord of Hosts.” Kim Clement, February 10, 2007 (emphasis added). Videos of prophecies and other information can be seen at

[v] Kim Clement, Nashville, Tennessee, March 25, 2011.

6 “Sarah Palin Approval Rating”, (2008).

This Is Spiritual Warfare – Dress Appropriately

More often than not, as I sit down to write these commentaries, the finished message is completely different from what I initially set out to write… as the Holy Spirit guides me, frequently taking the message in a different direction than what I had in mind… so I have a “backlog” of topics in my head that I intend to address in the coming weeks, and as time allows.

But today, I would like to just give you a few updates about what has been going on in our ministry here at Wisconsin Christian News.  Our newspaper is now in it’s 20th year of publication.  What seemed impossible “on paper,” what seemed impossible to EVERYONE, God has been faithful to make a way for, and to expand… to the point where we are now a NATIONALLY distributed printed newspaper, available in several states across the country on news racks.  We also have subscribers in nearly all fifty states, and our website reaches people around the world.  We get a tremendous number of amazing testimonies from people — worldwide — on a regular basis.

People are HUNGRY for the truth that we provide — in the pages of our newspaper, on our website, on our Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page (which is updated daily with important news items), through my radio commentaries, which also air nationally, and coming soon, Lord willing, we will be starting up a weekly internet TV program.   Twenty years ago, the Lord called me to begin this work, and it has been a DAILY walk of faith; but He has been faithful and gracious to build and expand upon my meager “5 loaves and 2 fishes” that I had to offer Him.  Truly, this ministry is very SMALL, but I dare say we are accomplishing more, and having a greater impact than a lot of much larger organizations.  Again, I stand in awe at what God has done here.

So today, I encourage YOU as well… God is calling YOU to do something significant for His kingdom; and it may seem impossible, and it WILL be EXTREMELY difficult — that I can assure you.  The road is narrow and rocky.  But if YOU are faithful to Him, if YOU take that first step of faith to serve your King with the gifts and talents He’s given you, He will use you for His purposes and His glory, and there is no greater calling  — and no greater responsibility — than to invest your short life here on this earth as a servant of the Most High God.

So let me tell you a little bit about what’s been happening here with this ministry.  Recently, my wife and I attended a Christian conference in Ohio, where we were blessed to fellowship with like-minded, ACTIVE believers and Christ-followers who are ALSO God’s ministering servants.  We heard from some powerful, insightful speakers on a wide variety of important topics.  But we ALSO wanted to do some street ministry — to be salt and light in this dark and deceived culture all around us.

There’s currently a “movement” going on among those who would like to see the abomination of abortion ENDED in America.  Those involved know that if the Institutional Churches in America would rise up and DEMAND an end to abortion, the killing would stop immediately.  It’s only because of our apathy and indifference that it’s allowed to continue.  While many church-goers give “lip service” to being “pro life,” FEW really do anything about it.  I’m reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 15:  “Hypocrites!  Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.  And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”  Indeed, while the vast majority of both Catholics and evangelicals will claim to be “pro life,” less than 1% are actively engaged in the battle to save babies.  And so the blood of the innocent continues to run as rivers down the streets of our nation, while the “church” simply sings their praise choruses louder.

In 2014, Barna research confirmed that more than 90% of pastors KNOW the Bible speaks directly and clearly about the social, cultural and moral issues of our day — things that are destroying marriages and families, bringing death and destruction to the innocent and deep deception and confusion to our young people — but the same study showed that less than 10% of those SAME pastors will EVER preach on these issues.

So this “movement” I mentioned calls the pastors, church leaders and church-goers to repent — and urges them to get personally involved in the battle to save babies.  Again, we believe that if professing Christians were to rise up and actually DO what Jesus commanded, THEN would God hear from heaven and heal our land.  So all across this country, there are a FEW who go to churches to INFORM and EDUCATE the congregations on the truth of abortion.  At least they TRY to.

First, they set up an appointment to speak with the pastor and politely ask permission to hand out literature and invite the congregation to stand with those who GO to the abortion centers to rescue babies and provide mercy and hope to the mothers.  Because you see, there are so FEW who really know enough — or care enough — about those innocent, precious babies, knit together in their mothers’ wombs by God Himself, to get actively involved.

So they go to the pastors and simply ask for permission to hand out information — and ask those within the congregation to come and intercede for the babies, and the mothers.  Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the pastors refuse to allow even information to be distributed.  They give a variety of reasons,  including “our church is not called to that type of ministry,” “we’re ‘pro life’ but we don’t get involved in politics,” and even “while I PERSONALLY believe abortion is wrong, who am I to judge if a woman chooses to ‘end’ her pregnancy?”

But when the pastor refuses to allow an appeal for help to his congregation, these faithful Christians don’t just give up  — but now instead of working WITH the pastors, they have to get their message to the people IN SPITE OF the pastors (or should I say “hirelings”).  And so this is what we did recently in Ohio.  The plan was to go to a local church near the Conference venue as people were arriving for the morning service.  We would take signs (yes, graphic signs showing the HORRORS of abortion — because the sickening TRUTH of what abortion truly IS MUST be shown —  as well as signs appealing for help from Christians) and we would stand near the entrances to the church parking lot and hand out literature, to EDUCATE those church-goers, and plead for their help.

When Sunday morning came, it was pouring rain; it was COLD, windy and miserable.  Yet more than 80 from the Conference still went out, and stood as a witnesses “at the gates.”  As people would arrive for the morning service, we attempted to hand them literature through their car windows.  We were KIND.  We were POLITE, we were PLEADING for them to just take a simple piece of literature.  I have to tell you, you would be SHOCKED at how many of those “good church-going Christians” had no problem showing us their middle finger as they drove on by.

This was a “mega church,” the size of a shopping mall.  I have no idea the number of people who attend there, but it was huge.  One car stopped in front of me, and the man rolled down his window.  I handed him a piece of literature, which he immediately threw back out on the street and continued on his way without looking at it.  A short time later, he drove back around, rolled down his window again and confronted me, in a very harsh, mean-spirited way.  He introduced himself as an ELDER of the church, though he couldn’t have been more than 25 years old.  He asked why we were there, why we were doing this, and I explained it all to him.

He told me his church was VERY involved in the “pro life movement.”  Yet when I asked him to name just ONE THING his church was doing to save babies or help mothers, he couldn’t think of one.  Then, he threatened to call the police if we didn’t leave immediately.

One of our group actually went inside the church, to see what it was like, and to try to have a discussion with the “greeters” and “hosts” at the Information Center.  He quickly discovered this church was of the opinion that abortion is a “woman’s right,” that as Christians we are not to “judge.”  When he asked where they stand on the topic of marriage and family, he discovered the church had no problem with homosexual marriage, “transgenderism,” and that “all are welcome” — that this was a “no judgment zone.”

But our friend ALSO reported that their coffee bar and lounge was “SPECTACULAR.”  And then he went into the church bookstore, and right there, featured in a large, prominent display were dozens of copies of Joel Osteen’s “Your Best Life Now” books.

Did we change any minds that day?  Did we get ANYONE to join us from that church?  Of course not.  But the police DID come, told us we were doing nothing wrong, and went on their way.  Incidentally, some who minister in this way outside churches often experience violent confrontations with the pastors themselves.  For their safety, the ministers  video tape everything, and you’d be shocked at how many PASTORS use filthy, foul, vulgar language as they curse and swear at the street ministers.  Such is their hypocrisy.

Nearby was another large church with a sign out front advertising for their big Easter celebration — in which they were planning to have 75,000 candy-filled eggs dropped from a helicopter on Resurrection Sunday.  And such is the state of the modern American church today.  Pathetic.

On another note, we were recently confronted locally by a muslim woman who picked up a copy of our newspaper at a local restaurant. This restaurant has been a distribution point for Wisconsin Christian News for more years than I can remember, and every month they literally go through HUNDREDS of copies. But this muslim lady was extremely offended by an article by Usama Dakdok. Usama is a Christian man who was born, raised and educated in Egypt — a muslim country — and is one of the foremost experts on the Islamic ideology in the world today. His articles are truthful and educational, and he’s a highly sought-after author and public speaker on Islam. He KNOWS what he’s talking about.  You can learn more about him on his website:

But this muslim lady took great offense to his article, and is now actively working to get our newspaper banned from being distributed locally, because — as she said — we’re “spreading lies and hate about Islam.”  She’s also made it her life’s new purpose to stir  up the local Islamic community at large against us.  Usama was gracious and kind enough to call and speak with this lady personally by phone — only to discover she could not defend her viewpoints or explain the even the most basic tenets of Islam at all.  She believes Christians and muslims worship the same god; that Islam is a beautiful religion of peace (even though wherever Islam reigns in the world, there IS NO peace); and she even claimed that USAMA was a “terrorist” himself — simply because he was quoting from their own “holy book,” the Qu’ran.

One thing occurred to me through these two recent events.  The average muslim really has no idea what their religion teaches; they can’t explain it nor can they defend it.  But the very SAME is true about the average church-going Christian.  Again, going back to the Barna study;  more than 90% of pastors KNOW what the Bible says about the most vital and serious issues we’re facing today, but almost NONE of them will ever talk about them… and so the average Christian remains JUST AS IGNORANT of their faith as the average muslim is of theirs.

It’s only when people get SERIOUS about their faith that they really have any effect in the world.  And this is what’s happening now — if you have eyes to see.  It’s SERIOUS SPIRITUAL WARFARE.   When a muslim begins to truly follow their “prophet,” the media says they have become “Radicalized.”  When a Christian begins to truly follow Jesus, the world (and even the church-people)  call us “hateful bigots.”  This is a battle of good versus evil.  The devil would have Christians remain apathetic and ignorant of God and His Word, worshiping, instead, a “god” of our own imaginations in our “spectacular” church coffee bars and lounges — but doing very little else.  But the faithful remnant believers are beginning to wake up and get engaged.  They’re tired of vain religion — and they’re learning to serve their King, as our Lord separates the sheep from the goats.  Meanwhile, one need only look at the daily headlines to see just how serious the muslims are.

Of course, “Muslim versus Christian” isn’t the ONLY battle we’re facing.  This spiritual warfare has MANY fronts.  We’re also fighting to end the shedding of the innocent blood of precious babies.  We’re also fighting the scourge of the militant LGBTQP+ agenda, “transgenderism” and the destruction of God’s natural order.  GOD’s faithful versus Satan’s.  Good versus evil.  Ephesians instructs us to PUT ON the FULL ARMOR of GODbecause this spiritual battle is INTENSE, and becoming moreso daily.  So I encourage you to do that, because the devil is serious and God’s warriors must be prepared.  So… dress appropriately.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 254.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

A Call For Boldness, Courage, And Fearlessness

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:9

What do Cleveland Brown’s running back Leroy Kelly, New York Yankee’s first baseman Babe Dahlgren, and Los Angeles Lakers center Vlade Divac have in common?  If you guessed that each followed a legend in their particular sport you are correct. Kelly took Jim Brown’s spot in the Browns backfield, Dahlgren took over for Lou Gehrig, and Divac replaced the retired Kareem Abdul Jabbar.

So what? You might be asking who cares about sports figures. I think Joshua had an even greater assignment when he assumed the unenviable position of following Moses in leading the Israelites. I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like. There was one thing that Joshua possessed that none of the people listed above possessed though. That one thing was God’s leading and direction to be strong and courageous for He was with him wherever he went. Talk about lifting your confidence.

One of the many things that churches and church leadership lacks today is an appreciation for the promises of God.  Consider just these few.

  • James 4:7 – Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
  • 1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
  • Deuteronomy 31:8 – The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
  • Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their vindication is from Me, declares the LORD.

I could fill up many more pages with verses that tell us God is with us to strengthen us for the difficulties we face in fulfilling the assignments He gives us. That being the case, why are so many individual Christians and so many churches weak and afraid when it comes to putting their faith to action? Could it be that they’ve never been taught the Word of God or that they’ve never heard their pastor encourage them to trust God for the provision of everything they need to be obedient to His calling upon their life?

I remember reading a book over 25 years ago that made what I considered then and more so today a very profound statement. The author said that God is always working to accomplish His plans and that He is always working all around you. Therefore it is incumbent upon every believer to pray and ask God to show you where He is working and to seek to join Him in that work.

Now consider this friend: If God is always working around you and He reveals where He is working to you, isn’t that an invitation to join Him? And if God invites you to join Him won’t He provide everything you need to fulfill that assignment? Pastor Chuck Smith was fond of saying that where God guides God provides and it is just as true today as it was for Moses and Joshua.

Since the above is true then why are there still so few laborers in the fields? If God reveals His work, calls Christians to the work, provides them with the necessary resources, and gives them strength and courage, why are the laborers so few? Sheep will follow their shepherd. It is a law of nature. Is it possible that faith among Christians today is lacking because the shepherds of America are more concerned with being liked and well thought of in their communities than they are concerned about being faithful to God’s call to be strong and courageous and to go out and conquer the darkness in the power and authority of Jesus name?

Since God issues His call to us, provides the necessary resources for us to accomplish what He desires, and goes with us as we move forward into every new land, why is there such widespread apathy and outright refusal to go?

AW Tozer was a man for the ages. He was a pastor and prolific author who gave his thoughts on the church and Christianity without apology. Although he went to his glory in the early 1960’s his words are just as timely today as they were then

In a book which is a compilation of his writings, Tozer said this:

If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation, it must be by other means than any now being used. If the Church in the second half of this century is to recover from the injuries she suffered in the first half, there must appear a new type of preacher.

Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes (and I pray God there will be not one but many), he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear.

He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. Such a man is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the world.

He will love Christ and the souls of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the One and the salvation of the other. But he will fear nothing that breathes with mortal breath.[1]

This captures the heart of the issue friends. There is a sore lack of fearlessness within the body of Christ today and most glaringly in the Christian pulpits of America. Oh but Mike don’t you know the day of the fire-breathing preacher has passed like the dinosaur before it? Then I say it is time to revive the fire-breathing shepherd again! But Mike this kind of pastor will not be liked by his peers and most Christians won’t care for someone like that?

Paul what do you think of those objections?

As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ. Galatians 1:9-10

Listen to me pastor, elder, deacon, or ministry leader. If your primary concern is to please your congregants, your friends, your neighbors, or anyone else as a first and primary focus you are in rebellion to the One who called you into the Gospel ministry. If you are thinking, “Well I don’t preach I only lead a Bible study so I’m not any of those things,” and that therefore this does not apply to you let me remind you of this:

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Here is Tozer again:

A prophet is one who knows his times and what God is trying to say to the people of his times.

Today we need prophetic preachers – not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers with a gift of prophecy. The word of wisdom is missing. We need the gift of discernment again in our pulpits. It is not ability to predict that we need, but the anointed eye, the power of spiritual penetration and interpretation, the ability to appraise the religious scene as viewed from God’s position, and to tell us what is actually going on.

What is needed desperately today is prophetic insight. Scholars can interpret the past; it takes prophets to interpret the present. Learning will enable a man to pass judgment on our yesterdays, but it requires a gift of clear seeing to pass sentence on our own day.[2]

My point here is that serving God, which all Christians are commanded to do, means that you will be like a fish out of water. You will stick out like a sore thumb. You will march to a different drummer. Ok enough of the idioms – you will look, act, and speak differently than the culture at large. You will be a man or woman alive with a passion to speak to people about the grand delusion that has enveloped much of the Church and consequently much of what is thought to constitute outreach. You will be bold and courageous with joy and passion.

Pastors Have Accepted the Wrong Model

One of the many wrong paths the Church has taken in the last sixty years relates to outreach or evangelism. Many programs were developed to assist Christians in sharing their faith. Over time these programs gave way to new ones and the process evolved from going out into the community to inviting lost people to come to our services. Generally these programs focused on growing the Church through the creation of “events” which lost people might be interested in or in the reshaping of the services from focusing on the believer’s edification, encouragement, and equipping to focusing on the lost person. Naturally this new focus meant reducing the amount of time spent teaching the Bible based on the belief that lost people don’t know the Bible but they can relate to stories with a moral truth sprinkled in. So, many church services across America became story time with drama skits, musical performances, and other vignettes all designed to lead lost people to biblical truth in the hope they would “get it” and come to faith in Jesus Christ. Today all of these strategies fall under the general heading of Church Growth principles.

Church growth principles whether they claim to have purpose or to be sensitive to spiritual seekers are wrong headed for a number of glaring reasons. Primarily they are wrong because they are not biblical. Marketing and reprogramming the Church to reflect the greater culture in which it exists is simply compromise.

People who know they need God are not looking for what they can find outside the Church every day. They are looking for something that is life-changing. People that are not sure what they are seeking but know that they do not want to continue to live as they are don’t need to hear sloppy sermons about acceptance and inclusiveness.

Modern evangelism has forsaken the Gospel mission to go into the world and preach repentance for the salvation of lost sinners. Churches have decided that since Christians won’t go to the lost (because it is offensive to tell people they are separated from God by their sin) they will construct events that might lure them into their meeting places. Churches like this will go to great lengths to not appear like a traditional church. I’ve even heard of churches canvassing their neighborhoods asking survey type questions such as “what would a church have to be like in order for you to attend,” or “what do you think a church should focus on during a Sunday morning service”? This is beyond bizarre folks. Why in the world would Christians go ask lost people what the church should be like? Hello McFly! Get a clue here folks.

When the Church abandons its primary evangelistic mission of Gospel proclamation it has turned its back on the greatest and most powerful resource for changed lives ever given. The Apostle Paul states it clearly: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).

The household of God is exactly that – the people of God. Refashioning our meetings to lure the unsaved and make them feel accepted and welcomed is insanity. How will an unsaved person who sits under the God-anointed teaching of the Gospel feel accepted and welcomed? Have we forgotten that the work of the Holy Spirit is to bring conviction of sin? (John 16:8)

Why in the world would we want lost people who are going to hell to come and be comfortable in our Bible teaching times, our prayer times, our times of worship? Invite people most certainly, but do not try to soften or minimize the Holy Spirit’s power to save a soul trapped in sin. You are not assisting the Lord’s work in the lives of your friends if you apologize for Bible teaching that raises lots of questions, worship that focuses on God, and the genuine love of the brethren displayed toward one another.

What we need today is a powerful move of the Holy Spirit upon us so that we go forth fearlessly and in boldness proclaim to this dying world that only Jesus saves.  We have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us that give testimony to the power of God to save.  Therefore let us throw off the shackles of our age that do nothing but entangle us and prevent us from running this race of fearlessness that God has called us to. Let us endure to the end for the glory of God and the salvation of the lost.

Shepherds you have your marching orders.

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:
E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg

Dr. Mike Spaulding, Host, Soaring Eagle Radio and Dr. Mike Live


[1] This quote appears in Tozer on Christian Leadership, compiled by Ron Eggert (Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, Inc), 2001, on the March 21 page. It originally was part of Tozer’s book, The Size of the Soul: Principles OF Revival and Spiritual Growth, compiled by Harry Verploegh (Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications Inc), 1992.

[2] Ibid, March 20 page.

Ben Carson-HUD Housing Only For American Citizen

ALERT!! Common sense suddenly struck the Beltway which is a rare occurrence indeed. It has taken everyone by surprise. Actually, this is the second time. The first was when Americans voted Donald Trump into the Oval Office. However, more of this commodity is expected to be observed with some real surprises in store. The people have finally awakened.
American resources have been depleted in order to support the millions of illegals who have poured through our borders in Caravans, each consisting of hundreds of people throwing rocks at border patrol agents, as they crash through and climb barriers. The Demoncrats push for these invasions since the intruders will vote for their party. 
Once here, by force, they demand and receive, now get this, free housing, food, education, medical, indeed, everything they want. And who pays for this? We the taxpayers who many times work two jobs in order to afford to exist. And these refugees think they are entitled to be taken in by taking us in. This is part of the Communist Mantra.
Dr. Ben Carson who heads the Department of Housing & Urban Development  (HUD) just announced that HUD is kicking out the immigrants who live in that subsidized housing, and that only American Citizens would be allowed to live there. Yes, American Citizens.  That includes veterans whose lives were permanently altered through serving The United States of America and have no place to live except on the streets.
It is difficult to even believe that American Veterans, who gave all to serve this country comes back and are homeless. living on the streets while these intruders waltz right on in and are ushered into housing with all their needs met. Many of these immigrants are Muslims who have made it clear that they intend to occupy this country and put us all under Sharia Law. Look at Sri Lanka where hundreds of Christians were  killed while in their churches on Easter Sunday, by Muslims. 
However, the newspapers will not call them what they are….Muslims…but instead refer to them as: Radicals, Terrorists, Extremists–anything but Muslims, and they are protected by the so-called ‘news media.’ First of all, it is important to know WHO your enemy is and their actual names. One cannot win a war by not knowing and calling the enemy by name. Could you imagine referring to the Japanese or Germans as “terrorists, radicals or extremists during World War 2?” That would be as ridiculous as not calling Muslims exactly who and what they are….MUSLIMS. Lets get that point straight.
Indeed, here is how the news explained our role in the Easter attacks and the Notre Dame fire which took place on the Holy Day, Good Friday.  Officials urged citizens to resist speculating whether Muslim extremists were to blame for the violence, which mostly took place in or around the capital city of Colombo as well as France. But police had been warned 10 days prior that churches may be targeted by a radical Islamist group, National Thowheeth Jama’ath, according to a security memo obtained by multiple media outlets and posted on Twitter by a government official. And they did NOTHING!  This is nuts!
And these are the Muslims coming into the United States as simply “refuges.” And this is after 9-11!  For God’s Sake People–WAKE UP!! And all these refugees get housing, food, schooling and medical needs met. Yes they immediately get government housing which they get right away, while there are suffering homeless veterans living on the streets.
There should never be one homeless veteran on the streets, especially when those who are not even friends of America can be immediately placed in housing with everything else paid for. Our veterans come first, along with the poor in America. No one else, especially sworn enemies, should be housed, wined and dined when our veterans are in need.
One man hears this….Dr. Ben Carson who how heads HUD. There are long lists for subsidized housing. It is the American citizens who are on those long lists.  Meanwhile the vacancies have been filled my mostly illegal “refugees.”  HUD currently estimates that tens of thousands of HUD-assisted households are, now get this, headed by NON-CITIZENS.  Yep illegal immigrants. This must stop and Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of HUD is doing just that. HUD will now only serve U.S. Citizens.
“Before,” a HUD official stated, “because of past loopholes in HUD guidance, illegal aliens were able to live in free public housing desperately needed by so many of our own citizens. As illegal aliens attempt to swarm our borders, we’re sending the message that you can’t live off of American welfare on the taxpayers’ dime,” the official added. The administration estimates about 32,000 households nationwide benefit from federal housing subsidies despite being headed by illegal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants have previously been able to skirt the restrictions by living with family members who are U.S. citizens and receive subsidized housing through HUD.

HUD intends to roll out a proposal over the next few weeks that prohibits any illegal immigrant from residing in subsidized housing, even if they are not the direct recipient of the benefit. HUD currently estimates that tens of thousands of HUD-assisted households
are headed by non-citizens.
Families who are caught gaming the system by allowing illegal immigrants to stay with them either have to comply with the new rule or they will be forced to move out of their residence.
One man has stepped up to correct an outrageous government hand out….Dr. Ben Carson. It is too bad that he was not voted in as President of the United States. He would have officially been our first black president. Obama was NOT an official black president. He was half white. Furthermore, Obama was not even a citizen and was born and raised in Kenya. This writer knows this for fact since investigating this by going on the Kenyan newspaper archives and files, where his real birth certificate was observed. George Soros paid a lot of money to keep everything about this imposter secret.
Perhaps we can think of Dr. Ben Carson as a future president after President Trump’s term expires. Then we could have an authentic first black president.

© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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The Thirty Year Machiavellian Modus Operandi Of Robert Mueller

People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage, they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance.  —Nicolai Machiavelli in The Prince

Intelligence agencies keep things secret because they often violate the rule of law or of good behavior. —Julian Assange

The above quotes are applicable to former FBI Director Robert Mueller. Ten years is the term limit for FBI Directors, but President Obama so loved what Mueller had done that he requested Congress to allow the Director to remain for another two years.  And just what had Mueller done?  He had purged hundreds of terrorist documents from the FBI files in the Islamophobia probe along with anti-terror information.

The three-decade modus operandi of Robert Mueller is skillfully chronicled by Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich in his book, “Robert Mueller – Errand Boy for the New World Order.”  It can also be ordered from Amazon or the John Birch Society Store.

This book is a must read if one is interested in acquiring more than a smattering of understanding of the evil forces behind the scenes. Those forces allowed and empowered Robert Mueller to appear above board, while behind the scenes he worked to cover up murderous programs involving Federal Government agencies.

A Resume of Deceit

Over the last three decades, Robert Mueller has concealed and whitewashed criminal elements in our government while using his modus operandi of threats to punish the innocent.  In his book, State Senator John Milkovich reported on several criminal elements who were concealed from prosecution by Robert Mueller.

James “Whitey” Bulger’s reign as the “murderous boss of Boston’s notorious Winter Hill Gang, also known as the Irish Mafia” from 1975 to 1994 was documented by William F. Jasper, of The New American, among others. The U.S. Attorney’s Office and FBI Office in Boston protected Bulger and his gang. In the midst of Bulger’s homicidal heyday, Mueller served as Assistant U.S. Attorney and later U.S. Attorney for Boston.

The Boston FBI used Bulger and his associates as confidential informants; protected Bulger and his gang from prosecution; took bribes from Bulger; and gave Bulger’s cohort timely tip-offs on law enforcement investigations to enable Bulger and his cadre to evade investigation, arrest and prosecution. According to some researchers, the Boston FBI assisted Bulger’s gang in the commission and cover-up of murders.

On June 3, 1997, federal prosecutors disclosed, under an order by Judge Mark L. Wolf, that Bulger was indeed an FBI informant for much of the time period relating to the indictment which charges Bulger and four other defendants with coordinating the criminal activities of the Winter Hill Gang of the New England branch of La Cosa Nostra—the Mafia.  As Jasper summarized in the New American on March 22, 2018, “For two decades (1975-1994) Bulger led a charmed existence, as his brutal gang carried out their crime rampage under the FBI’s protection.

Robert Mueller was Assistant U.S. Attorney in Boston for the District of Massachusetts and the acting U.S. Attorney for the District in 1986-1987.  Mueller was in that position while Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even while Bulger buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset.

William Jasper’s article made it clear, it was inconceivable that the corrupt relationships could have gone on for so long without knowledge, and perhaps approval of higher ups in the FBI and DOJ.  Mueller did nothing to indict, prosecute, or convict the homicidal Bulger or his deputies.  Mueller did nothing to get justice for Louis Greco, who was framed by the FBI for murder.  And Mueller did nothing to get justice for the children of Louis Greco, whose lives were destroyed because of their father’s false conviction.  Mueller did nothing for Joe Barbozo who died in prison for a murder he didn’t commit.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, read the whole story. The chapter on Whitey Bulger damns Robert Mueller and his involvement.

Pan Am Flight 103 – Senator Milkovich tells the sordid story of how the FBI and CIA worked together to cover-up their unlawful activities and shift the focus of guilt to innocent parties.  This chapter exposes the removal of those who were a threat to government entities who had much to lose.  The bombing of Pan Am 103, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew, is the disaster known as the Lockerbie bombing.

According to the voluminous amount of research compiled and documented by Senator Milkovich in Chapter Three of his book, there were two, and possible three objectives sought for in the bombing of Pan Am 103.  One was retaliation by Libya for American military strikes against Libyan fighter planes, ships and cities in the early and mid-1980s.  According to various intelligence sources, Iran paid Ahmed Jibril, boss of PFLP-G.C., a Palestine Liberation group, for the bombing. Iran’s motive was revenge for the mistaken downing of an Iranian airbus by the U.S.S. Vincennes in 1988.

There was an additional objective which took center-stage in the downing of Pan Am 103 along with the cover-up which followed.

When Pan Am 103 exploded on December 21, 1988, it was carrying Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officer, Charles McKee, along with his fellow officers. McKee and his colleagues were flying home to America to blow the whistle on a CIA-assisted drug ring that was trafficking heroin from the Middle East to American cities. As TIME magazine reported, the likely explanation for the bombing, supported by independent intelligence experts, was that U.S. operatives “targeted Flight 103 in order to kill the hostage-rescue team.” This would prevent disclosure of what McKee’s team had learned. That theory was also supported by the fact that the CIA showed up immediately at the scene of the crash, took McKee’s briefcase, and returned it empty.

Officer McKee was a major in the army, working for the DIA on temporary assignment with the CIA.  He had been sent to Lebanon to lead a team to rescue American hostages. While there, he and his fellow officers uncovered this rogue terrorist linked CIA unit COREA named after the Lebanese word for heroin, “Korah.”  That CIA unit was helping to smuggle heroin into the United States.

Officer McKee and his team were outraged.  COREA was working directly with an international drug and arms dealer, Monzer al-Kassar, in trafficking heroin into the United States. Al-Kassar was working with COREA with what researcher Dean Henderson calls, “high-level CIA knowledge of his activities.”  From the Senator’s book,

Following the bombing, Pan Am hired Interfor (International Investigation and Corporate Intelligence) to find out who blew up the plane. According to the Interfor report, a CIA team in West Germany turned to al-Kassar to help secure the release of hostages held in the Mid-East. As the Interfor report further documented, in return for al-Kassar’s cooperation in the release of hostages, COREA, a super-secret CIA cell in western Germany, protected al-Kassar’s Middle Eastern heroin trafficking operation, which moved drugs through Pan Am’s baggage handling section in Frankfurt, through London, to America. At the same time, al-Kassar’s drug operation was purportedly being used by the Drug Enforcement Agencey (DEA), to track heroin shipments to Detroit, Los Angeles and Houston, and catch American drug dealers. During the same time frame al-Kassar was also a ‘part of the covert network run by Ollie North, and al-Kassar was given money by North’s team to purchase small arms for the Contras.

Thus, in the time period leading up to the destruction of Pan Am 103, al-Kassar was part of a super-secret, drug-dealing CIA cell, COREA.  He was working with the DEA, supposedly to catch American drug dealers, and he was purchasing weapons for Ollie North’s covert team.

McKee and his team complained directly to CIA headquarters about COREA’S dangerous and illicit conduct. The CIA did not respond. Incensed by the CIA’s non-response, McKee and his team resolved to fly home to America, confront the CIA about COREA’s operations—and expose COREA’s conduct if the CIA did not act decisively to rein them in.

What is revealed in the above paragraph is significant, for it establishes that the CIA knew about McKee and his team and what they had discovered concerning COREA and its activities and no doubt had collected all the necessary evidence needed to completely expose it.

Something else which is also very significant is, that within weeks before the bombing, West German police and the CIA received a tip from Israeli intelligence about a possible terrorist attack against a U.S. carrier. Researcher Erick Anderson summarizes, based on the Interfor Report, that, “the CIA asked BKA (German police) to tighten security on all U.S. airlines except Pan Am….”

Interfor stated that “a BKA undercover officer reported that Pan Am would be a target of a bomb attempt within the next two or three days”—a warning that BKA relayed to the CIA’s COREA cell.”

COREA informed their CIA Control regarding the plan to bomb Pan Am 103, the flight with Charles Kee and his team were scheduled to take from London to America.  And guess what?  CIA Control directed that flight 103, with Major McKee’s team, not be stopped.  This was Interfor’s most explosive finding, that on December 21, 1988, CIA Control gave the instruction not to worry about the plane, to let it depart.

Mueller’s Involvement in Pan Am 103

Oh yes, the devil is in the details.  Mueller was appointed as chief investigator of the bombing of Pan Am 103.  His investigation overlooked a mountain of evidence, including the Iranian payments to Jabril before and after the crime for bombing an American plane.  It was Jabril’s use of an airport smuggling route developed by CIA asset, al-Kassar and protected by the CIA to plant a bomb on Pan Am 103.

The arrest of Jabril’s cell members in Frankfurt a few months before the attack with a bomb like the one later used to destroy 103, Jabril’s several admissions of guilt for the bombing, and the CIAs tipoff to the Iranians that McKee and his team were on that flight, along with the go ahead by CIA Control for the mission to proceed were basically ignored.

How Mueller concealed international crimes, and failed to bring to justice perpetrators against the United States is in this tell-all book. The deaths of 259 people are on Mueller’s shoulders.  Al-Kassar, Ahmed Jibril, and the CIA agents smuggling heroin were never charged.  According to Interfor, Mueller never brought to justice the CIA Controls who gave the go ahead for the flight and the destruction to proceed.

Robert Mueller led an investigation that brazenly bribed witnesses, lied, discarded evidence, fabricated evidence, and elevated political expedience over truth.

Where was the justice for McKee and his team?  Not from Mueller.  For the whole story, one must have this book.


Senator John Milkovich’s book contains far more, with all the documentation.  Please order yourself a copy to understand what kind of man was appointed Special Counsel by Rod Rosenstein to investigate the fraudulent claim of Russian Collusion in the 2016 election.

Remember too, the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign secretly paid research firm Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative, to compile a dossier of uncorroborated raw intelligence alleging Trump and Moscow were colluding to hijack the presidential election.  And Robert Mueller, as FBI Director, carried a sample of Uranium to Russia for Hillary Clinton.  The Clintons and their foundation raked in a cool $145 million in donations and “speaking fees” just from Uranium One and Rosatom-affiliated donors while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was supposedly keeping all Clinton Foundation business at “arm’s-length.” I have to wonder how much was paid to Robert Mueller.  We’ll probably never know.

Robert Mueller’s involvement in Ruby Ridge and the Anthrax case will be discussed in the next article.

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Author’s New Book Examines The Spiritual Darkness That Is Destroying America And The Church

(True Conservative Pundit) America is not what it once was; we have drifted away, far, far away from what and who we used to be as a nation.  The Founding Fathers based and drafted our Constitution, our very form of government (a Republic, not a Democracy) on God.  Our unique form of government was never intended to work with or for a people that deny God, nor was it intended to work with or function as a socialistic form of government.

Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” —Benjamin Franklin [1]

It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.” —Patrick Henry [1]

The Constitution is the guide which I will never abandon.” —George Washington [1]

Despite the naysayers, despite those who insist that our great nation was founded not by those who feared God – but by those who were Free Masons, Deists etc., this country WAS founded by believers as is evident by reading the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as letters written by the Founding Fathers.

God was a central part of this nation, and that included in and during sessions of Congress as well as statehouses.

God is:

  • Referenced in the Congressional Record from the earliest sessions of Congress
  • Referenced and honored physically in many federal and state government buildings
  • Honored on our money
  • Referenced in all but four state constitutions
  • Referenced the Declaration of Independence

Author Dr. Jerry Newcombe recently wrote a column on this very subject.  Newcombe reminds us that:

The U. S. Constitution itself says that it was done “in the year of our Lord”—meaning Jesus. But also it was done in the 12th year of independence. The Constitution is predicated on the Declaration of Independence—our national birth certificate, which mentions God four times.” [2]

Dr. Newcombe also addressed the “Masonic” charge concerning some of the founders:

As to the Masonic charge, I view it as an anachronistic charge. The Masons in America did not become anti-Christian until the 1830s and thereafter, long after the time of the framing of our founding documents.” [2]

Newcombe went on to say that we do ourselves a disservice (our history) in insisting that the U.S. and it’s form of government was not founded on and influenced by God.

Fast-forward to the U.S. of today – the U.S. is being slowly remade in the image of something else, or someone else (evil, Satan).  There is a pall of darkness and evil covering and intermingling with the people of America, a spiritual darkness that is draining the life out of this country.

The Constitution, the very document that our laws are based on is now considered by many to be a “living document.”  So what does that mean exactly?  It basically means that the Constitution can be reinterpreted to mean whatever the Politicrats want it to mean, and at any given time.  This author cannot even begin to tell you how foolish and dangerous this is.

Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, because if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.” —Daniel Webster [1]

God is being systematically removed from government, from holidays, from schools and universities, and even from the Church itself.  The God worshipped in many churches of today is no god of mine.

Those people who will not be ruled by God will be ruled by tyrants.” —William Penn [1]

Abortion is the law of the land, even abortion up to and including the day of birth – even the murder of the child AFTER he or she is born!

The Democrats and RINO’s (the Politicrats) are Hell-bent on destroying this country and welcoming in the new age, the age of a One World government, of which the United States is a part of – and no longer a sovereign nation.

While Islam is welcomed in schools, Jesus is thrown out with the trash.

Much of the “Church” has little idea of what the Gospel is; let alone how to explain/teach it to someone else.  The Church believes in a large amount of false doctrine, and ignores biblical precepts.  Homosexuals and lesbians are welcomed as pastors; same-sex marriage is endorsed by many denominations today.  Parts of the Bible are relegated to fairy tale status.  Hell does not really exist and neither does the biblical account of the Great Flood.

It is easily observed that “anything goes” is the prevailing attitude in America, as evidenced by the content of the news, movies, and people’s own actions etc.

  • How did America go from being a nation that largely worshipped God to a nation that largely has little use for God?
  • Why was God thrown out of our government and our schools?
  • How and why does the Church at large not believe biblical doctrine?
  • Why are the Politicrats in favor of open borders, allowing all illegals into our country, and unlimited immigration?
  • Why is President Trump constantly attacked?
  • Why so much censorship in social media and the media?
  • What is the goal of those who are anti-God?
  • What if anything can be done to combat all of this?

I invite you to read my newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church for candid answers to these questions.

You can find my book on Amazon Kindle, for now the book has been released in Kindle e-book format only.


[1] Founding Fathers quotes
[2] Christian Headlines: Did the Bible Play a Role in Shaping the U.S. Constitution?

Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author. By day Greg is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.

Greg’s articles are first published on True Conservative Pundit and Inspirational Christian Blogs, and from there his articles are widely published on many well-known conservative websites. If you would like to republish his articles, feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website the article appeared on.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Obama ‘Stooge’ Eric Holder Bashes Attorney General Bill Barr Over Mueller Report

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Two federal agents are dead,” said House Oversight Committee Chairman Darryl Issa. “While Attorney General Holder and other top officials at the Justice Department have refused to address the reckless decisions made in Operation Fast and Furious that have created a serious public safety hazard, investigations led by Sen. Charles Grassley and I continue to receive information from deeply concerned insiders who believe those responsible for what has occurred cannot be trusted to investigate themselves.” – Attorney General Holder blasted for “creating public safety hazard”

“The attorney general of the United States is the people’s lawyer, not the president’s lawyer,” former Attorney General Eric Holder said during a speech in one of the most violent and dangerous cities in America: Chicago. “You have a responsibility to run the Justice Department in a way that is not political,” said Holder, who called himself President Barack Obama’s “wingman.”

Although changing his tune, during the Obama years Holder was indeed “president’s wingman” and basically served as his lawyer. “Holder was held in contempt of Congress for not surrendering documents on the Fast and Furious scandal. This involved some 2,000 marked guns that Holder and Obama leeched into Mexico. They hoped that these weapons would lead them to drug cartels south of the border,” said Delroy Murdock in his column for Fox News.

Former Attorney General Eric Holder — in the tradition of former officeholders from the Democratic Party — has been enormously vocal about his hatred for President Donald Trump as have been the Democratic Party and their news media subsidiary. Holder’s latest attack — joining former Communist Party member, Saudi Arabian Wahabbi Muslim convert, and CIA director John Brennan — against Trump is the presidential ordering of the release of documents connected to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act surveillance warrants that led to the creation of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel witch hunt.

The dangerous abuse of executive power to cover up the suspected criminal activity of Eric Holder in his self-serving refusal to turn over unredacted documents to Congress that provided information in an illegal gun-running scheme to Mexican Cartels was far more dangerous. It was deadly dangerous.

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent, Mexican nationals, including a beauty queen and local police chiefs, lost their lives, along with victims in Paris during a terrorist attack in that criminal activity under Holder’s Justice Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives known as “Operation Fast & Furious. And though he never faced real justice, House lawmakers held him in contempt of Congress. In fact, one of the Americans killed was a U.S. Border Patrol agent named Brian Terry.

Holder’s Service as Obama’s Spy

In 2013, Attorney General Eric Holder and Obama-politicized Justice Department allegedly spied on print and broadcast journalists. The DOJ hacked into about 20 Associated Press telephone lines as well as the phone records and Gmail and Yahoo e-mails of James Rosen, formerly with Fox News Channel.

The Holder-run DOJ also allegedly hacked into CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson Internet account and harassed her while she covered both Fast & Furious and Benghazi scandals. The Obama-Holder Justice Department also tracked Rosen’s movements at the State Department, which he then covered. DOJ even seized the phone records of Rosen’s parents in Staten Island, New York.

The tragic events in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, where a terrorist attack claimed the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, may have had more to do with Hillary’s election day loss than the media projected. Many Americans were left to wonder why CIA agents who could have helped were told to “stand down” when the Benghazi Consulate in Libya was attacked. Also, a former U.S. Marine major says that everyone involved in the public relations aspects of the Benghazi massacre used every deception available including the Democrats’ most popular politician and de facto leader Hillary Rodham Clinton.

For example, released documents revealed that the Obama White House staff spent their time linking the terror attack to a YouTube video while Americans lay dead or dying in a compound that was located in a dangerous part of the world with minimal security, according to the documents that should outrage all true Americans.

“The Obama administration first thought wasn’t a rescue plan or a retaliation but to contact YouTube after the initial reports of the attack,” said counterterrorism analyst Brian Hanratty. “They did that before they bothered to even recover the bodies of the Americans,” said the former police commander.

The documents also show that the Obama minions were looking at a video – The “Pastor Jon” video by Oregon-based Pastor Jon Courson — entitled God vs. Allah, a low-key exposition of the Biblical book of Kings. “These documents show the Obama White House rushed to tie yet another video to the Benghazi attack, even before Ambassador Stevens was accounted for. The Obama White House, evidently, was confused as to what actually happened.”

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Can The Islamization of America Be Stopped?

The credit for the phrase “Islamization” should go to my friend, Pamela Gellar. Pamela has not only been active, but for the first time she came up with this word which correctly defines our state of affairs in America and elsewhere.

While some people prefer to refer to the violent version of Islam as “political” or “militant” Islam, I refused to accept this characterization. Why? Because I believe it is not “fanatical,” “radical,” or “extreme” Islam that we are fighting, but normal, orthodox, canonical, typical, accepted, traditional Islam, straight from the mouth of Muhammad. Islam is violent in direct proportion to its mission and scripture. The so-called fanatics and terrorists are only upholding the truth of their scripture.

Today, our country is faced with a strong opponent in the Trojan Horse called Islam. This clear and present danger makes it imperative to revisit the U.S. Constitution and see if freedom of religion gives Muslims a license to break other American laws.

I have also observed that more Americans have come to understand that Islam has established itself as a formidable enemy and recruits disenchanted and delusional liberals with its promises.  Islam promises to bestow its beneficence on the faithful, conditional on the person’s total and unquestioned surrender to it in all matters. Some of the rewards offered by Islam to the truly obedient believers, particularly privileged males, are of this world, as well as a great deal more promised to them in the next.

The recent migration and redistribution of Muslims to non-Islamic lands and rising numbers by their high birth rate has worried some Americans. In addition, Muslims revert to their intolerance, for instance and demand legal status for Sharia (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past. And this concerns many citizens.

Undoubtedly, there is no place on the planet where Muslims live that is at peace from the religion of peace. America, Spain, France, the Netherlands, England, Thailand, France, India and Indonesia have already been attacked, while others will lose their independence.

Americans are forced to learn about these new Muslim migrants who have managed to infiltrate into many of our institutions so quickly. Sharia law which is Islamic law, disenfranchises women from their legitimate equal rights with men, prescribes vicious punishments such as stoning, amputation of limbs and death.

Sharia law, contrary to what its advocates claim, does not limit application of its draconian provisions to Muslims only: it considers any and all disputes involving Muslims with non-Muslims also in its purview to adjudicate. Wherever Sharia law rules, injustice prevails. Non-Muslims, women, and even children are victimized by its biased and cruel provisions.

Because it is obligatory for a Muslim to follow Islamic laws and not man-made laws like the US Constitution, a Muslim can never be both a Muslim and an American at the same time. Hence, a Muslim is, first and foremost, an Ummaist– a citizen of international Islam.

People in the West are accustomed to relativistic rather than absolutistic thinking. To Westerners, just about all matters range from black to white with an array of gray shades in between the two poles. To Muslims, by contrast, nearly everything is either black and white with virtually no shades of gray. The former type of thinking is typical of more mature minds, while the latter is that of young children and the less enlightened.

This absolutist thinking is enshrined in the Quran itself. When the starting point for a Muslim is the explicit fanatical words of Allah in the Quran, then the faithful are left with no choice other than to literally obey its dictates or even take it to the next level of fanaticism. Good Muslims, for instance, do not shake hands with women, even though the Quran does not explicitly forbid it. Although the Quran stipulates that men rule over women, good Muslim men take it upon themselves to rule women not much better than they treat their domesticated animals.

All extreme systems operate outside of the constraints of checks-and-balances and according to the principle of the negative feedback loop. That is, once it starts, the extreme becomes more and more extreme until it self-destructs and takes the larger system down with it. Cancer is a case in point. It begins with only a few cells. Left unchecked, the few cells continue expanding and stop only with the death of the host.

Fanatical Islam may indeed be a minority. Yet it is a deadly cancer that has metastasized throughout the body of the world. Urgent confrontation of this advancing disease is imperative to stave it off.

Europe is on its way and will ultimately lose its independence while it is forced to fully embrace Islam. That’s a no brainer. Everyone can see it. America will be next; ironically, no one is doing anything about it!

Humanity has experienced horrific wars in the past. Yet, the present multi-form and multi-front war waged by Islamists has the potential to inflict more sorrow and destroy more lives than ever before. Ruthless Islamic forces advance rapidly in their conquests while those of freedom acquiesce and retreat. This is exactly what happened to Persia.  Before long, Islam is poised to succeed in its Allah-mandated goal and cleanse the earth of all non-Muslims through ‘grand Jihad’ and establish the Islamic Ummah.

America must wake up and wake up fast to defend the land before she becomes another vulnerable Islamic victim.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

If You Don’t Know Your Rights You Don’t Have Any

We know that ignorance of the law is no excuse when someone engages in illegal activity, whether they meant to or not.  Unfortunately, the government does not seek to recognize or protect your right if you do not know them.  In fact, rather than making sure that Americans understand their unalienable rights which come from God, government school indoctrinators play intellectual games.  Starting with the most simple example, Benjamin Franklin famously told an inquisitive lady that “this is a republic if you can keep it mam.”  Yet today most people refer to our beloved republic as a democracy.

Unfortunately, most people ignorantly go along with the false identifiers and call the United States of America a democracy.  Obviously, Aristotle’s law of identity is rarely utilized, which simply states that A is A, a thing is what it is.  Frequently today more and more people are no longer willing or capable of recognizing absolutes regarding the original identity of many things, including the republic we live in.  Almost every time I hear someone call the United States a democracy, I cringe.  It is mind boggling that people believe that our liberties and freedoms are sustained via democracy, or mob rule. Democracy is an open door to long term tyranny.   When the Founding Fathers framed our republic, it was to reflect the policy of God almighty who recognizes everyone equally.  They understood that in order to maintain true freedom and liberty, people from all racial backgrounds and economic status should have equal opportunity, not equal results.

The original intent of our republic was for morally strong individuals to live free, as they saw fit, so long as they did not infringe upon the rights of others.   It was understood that the rights of one individual or group of individuals does not supersede the rights of another.  Such a national arrangement insured a permanent national cohesiveness.  Of course, there have always been certain people in the mix who did not and to this day do not appreciate God’s gift of liberty for “We the People”.   It stems from their lack of a belief in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who was the originator of the concept of individual liberty based on personal responsibility.  Unfortunately, legions of leftists have been allowed to assume positions of power in every single sphere of influence beginning with the church.

Once the church was corrupted the other dominos were sure to tumble as well.  I place the blame on those so-called good people who decades ago caved into the leftists and allowed them to poison every aspect of American society.  The leftists have come so close to literally destroying your ability to keep your job, your house, your freedom to worship Christ, raise your children, etc.  Even now, government officials and activists in California are trying to get pedophilia normalized and increasing numbers of Muslims are gaining positions of authority and influence.  Such developments do not mean it is all over and that we should just throw our hands up in defeat.  But rather we must exercise our God given right to both individually and collectively fight against the purveyors of evil which exposes the United States to utter destruction.

The fight begins in earnest by teaching your children to do right and the benefits of living by a higher moral code.  Government schools must be disconnected from the one size fits all Department of Education dogma.  Concerned parents must fill in the gaps and replace indoctrination with truth concerning right and wrong, American history and their unalienable rights from God recognized in the United States Constitution.  The only way the destructive leftist can maintain an advantage in the battle over America is if the American people are steeped in ignorance.  Remember, knowledge is power and truth opens the door to Liberty and Justice for all.  That is why Thomas Jefferson stated “If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.  God bless you.  God bless America and may America bless God.

Don’t miss the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4 PM EST, 3 PM CT, 1 PM PT emanating from flagship AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada and worldwide via  The Ron Edwards Experience now airs Saturdays on KYAH AM 540 Delta, Utah at 6 PM MT and 12 AM Sundays on the network of both terrestrial and internet broadcast outlets.  The Edwards Notebook commentary is heard overnights during the popular Captain’s America Third Watch talk show emanating from flagship AM 860 WGUL Tampa, Fl to over 200 radio stations nationwide.  The Edwards Notebook also airs on several independent stations such as AM 1600 WAAM in Ann Arbor, MI.

© 2019 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Southern Border Invasion Is Endangering Americans

That a district judge would overrule the president of the United States on a matter of border security in wartime is absurd. —Pat Buchanan

It takes more than just walking across the border to become an American citizen. It’s what’s in our souls. —Duncan D. Hunter

If we’re so cruel to minorities, why do they keep coming here? Why aren’t they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban?  —Ann Coulter

Liberals (Democratic communists) are increasingly in favor of open borders to anyone who wants to enter the United States and national sovereignty be damned.  But not that long ago they all wanted border security.

Schumer 2009: Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. He was all for spending $25 billion to secure the southern border until January of 2018.

Hillary 2015: I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in.

Obama 2005: We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked.

Bill Clinton 1996: His State of the Union address that year showed a striking comparison to what President Trump has said about the subject.  We are a nation of laws.

Dianne Feinstein 2006: Democrats are solidly behind controlling the border, and we support the border fence with the Secure Fence Act of 2006.

Nancy Pelosi 2013: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi referred to border security as a “basic principle,” and urged congress to support legislation that she claimed would secure the U.S. border.

So, what changed?  President Trump tried to wheel and deal with Schumer and Pelosi regarding funds for the wall, even offering Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty.  Americans didn’t want it, but neither Pelosi nor Schumer would accept it despite their previous claims. The Democratic socialist hatred for our President supersedes protection for American citizens from illegal alien criminals, Mexican gangs, drug lords and yes Islamic terrorists.

Open Borders and Terrorists

Ranchers and farmers are finding prayer rugs along the United States-Mexico border – evidence corroborating President Donald Trump’s assertion that migrants from Islamic terrorist hotbed nations in the Middle East are breaking into the country.

(Photo courtesy of Chris Burgard producer of “BORDER” DVD)

Texas rancher Dr. Mike Vickers found an Urdu-to-English (official language of Pakistan) dictionary dropped under the cattle fencing on his 1,000-acre ranch north of the U.S.-Mexico border.

While local ranchers have to contend with torn-up fences, broken water lines, contaminated wells and robbery on a daily basis from illegal immigrants streaming through, a Texas Border Patrol agent said there is “no doubt” that among the hordes of Central Americans are also crossers from Pakistan and Afghanistan, raising significant national security concerns.

Other than Mexicans (OTMs) cross our southern border every day and never turn themselves in to Border Patrol like the family units or children.

Dr. Vickers’ wife, Linda, said the southern border ranchers have been dealing with illegals for years and no one seemed to care until our government started shipping illegal aliens all over the country.  Once that happened, it wasn’t just the ranchers’ problem; it became the nation’s problem.

The southern border is 1,933 miles long, and it crosses through arid deserts, rugged mountains, and winding rivers, many areas of which are unprotected by border security, and easily crossed border obstructions.

Hezbollah and Latin America

Relations between Hezbollah and Latin American drug cartels have been well known for two decades. In recent years, border security officials in southwest states have seen an alarming rise in Hezbollah insignia tattoos among imprisoned drug cartel operatives suggesting a very strong relationship amongst rank and file these days, let alone at the command level.

Over the years pro-Iranian websites have proliferated across Latin America.  Latin American politicians, notably Venezuela’s Maduro, have been in bed with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC)/Hezbollah operatives for years.

The terror threat from the south is not so much from illegal Latin American immigrants per se, but from Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah working with Iranian IRGC. Of course, Hezbollah can recruit South Central Americans as operatives as well. There is little doubt that Hezbollah’s connections enable them to enter the U.S. as they desire, through our porous border with Mexico.

Our efforts to combat Islamic terrorism needs to consider the open southern border, the IRGC and Hezbollah threat to national security.

Constitutional Border Empowerment

Donald Trump is the commander in chief of the military and explicitly empowered by the U.S. Constitution to enforce our borders. (Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution).  As for declaring a national emergency, even though he had to veto the no vote, he won, because there weren’t enough votes to override his veto.  He could have built our border wall in the past eighteen months with defense department funds.

Instead some mysterious forces prevent him from taking action.  Why? Former Assistant States Attorney, Sidney Powell, author of Licensed to Lie, tells us exactly why in her latest article, The Ultimate Betrayal.  Please take the time to read it.

The President of the United States has full authority and full power to shut down the border of the United States to protect the nation and the people in the United States. It’s actually enshrined, not only in our U.S. Constitution, but in the U.S. federal code. It is Title VIII U.S. Code 1181(f).  It gives the president the power to suspend the entry of all aliens whenever he finds their entry would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. He can shut it down whenever he wants to, based on those criteria. It is statutory.

District court judges stopped his orders regarding our southern border several times.  They also repeatedly stopped the President from restricting who enters our country from Muslim nations with a high incidence of terrorists.

But now, even the “regressive” L.A. Times admits the courts won’t stop his emergency declaration or his border wall.

President Trump’s Travel Ban

Finally, on June 26, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s third executive order (Presidential Proclamation 9645), entitled, Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry into the United States by Terrorists or other Public-Safety Threats, and its accompanying travel ban of 7-8 states known for terrorism.  In the 5-4 opinion penned by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court found that Trump’s immigration restriction fell “squarely” within the president’s authority. The court rejected claims that the ban was motivated by religious hostility.

We need a secured southern border, with walls like those built in Israel and Turkey.

Turkey/Syria Border Wall

Turkey has completed the construction of a 911-kilometer wall (566 mile) bordering with Syria, a country plagued by civil war since 2011.  It is the third longest wall in the world after the Great Wall of China.

Over the period 2015-2018 Erdogan put up approximately 500 miles of 3-meter-high concrete wall (9’10”) along his border with Syria. The border wall incorporates physical, electronic and advanced technology components.  The physical components include modular concrete walls, patrol routes, manned and unmanned towers and passenger tracks.  It is backed up by some 150 towers and fixed lookout posts with electro optic devices and patrolled using armored vehicles.

The European Union funded much of the Turkey/Syrian wall and all of the technology and the armored vehicle cost in order to keep Syrians inside Syria and prevent them from making their way west.

Israeli Border Walls

Illegal immigration to Israel from Africa became a major problem beginning in 2007. Until then, approximately 2,700 illegal immigrants had entered Israel through the Egyptian border in the previous decades.  Over the next five years approximately 61,000 illegal immigrants entered Israel through the Egyptian border, the overwhelming majority coming from Eritrea and Sudan.

Israeli/Egyptian Border Wall

Once the 250-mile steel border fence was completed in December 2012, the numbers of illegal immigrants dropped from 10,431 in 2012 to less than 150 in 2013, and now even less, down to 11 per year.

Israel’s West Bank barrier is a wall built by the State of Israel to separate Palestinian territories from Israel. It is built mostly of fences and in some places, it is built of high concrete walls.

Israel’s West Bank barrier

Israel is now beginning work on a barrier in the Golan Heights area to prevent attacks by ISIS and other radical factions involved in the Syrian Civil War.

Our borders should be just as protected.  “Build the Wall” wasn’t just a slogan!  Now armed Mexican troops are crossing the border and disarming our own military.

Armed Mexican Troops

Armed Mexican troops disarmed two United States soldiers while they were on the American side of the border, U.S. defense officials have said.

U.S. Northern Command said in a statement that “five to six Mexican military personnel questioned two U.S. Army soldiers who were conducting border support operations” this month. The U.S. soldiers were in an unmarked Customs and Border Protection (CBP) vehicle near the southwest border near Clint, Texas.

Officials confirmed that the Mexican troops were armed with what seemed to be rifles. They raised their weapons when they saw the two U.S. soldiers, and then took a pistol from one and put it in the CBP vehicle. According to officials talking to CNN, the two Americans obliged “in an attempt to de-escalate a potential volatile situation.”

A senior defense official says the Pentagon is reviewing how U.S. soldiers responded during the incident in which Mexican troops detained and disarmed Americans on Texas soil.

Border Militia Arrested

The FBI arrested Larry Mitchell Hopkins, 69, for alleged unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition days after his group posted videos that appeared to show armed men stopping 200 migrants at the border in New Mexico, ordering them to sit on the ground and coordinating with US border patrol agents to have them taken into custody.

The United Constitutional Patriots have never killed or wounded even one illegal immigrant, something that cannot be said about the so-called professional cops at the Mexican border region,” said former police sergeant Leslie B. Crimmons, who trains civilians in self-defense and firearms safety. And yes, citizens do have the right to arrest.  See Jim Kouri’s recent article for the full story.

On June 18, 1916, U.S. President Wilson ordered 110,000 National Guardsmen from state militias to the Mexican border for patrol duty due to the unstable border situation and hostilities mainly from Mexican bandit, Pancho Villa.

It was the US militia that joined forces with the Continental army to defeat the British and create this nation. It was the US militia that was at Bunker Hill and Concord to stop the redcoats. Articles are labeling those Americans defending the border as “fascists” that are operating under the motivation of being “xenophobic,” when they’re only trying to help defend our nation from invasion.

No Assimilation, No Love for America

Migrants heading north to the U.S. border are not carrying American flags.  They carry the flags of the countries they’re leaving. And most of those migrants are strong young well-fed men.

A photo from the Associated Press shows protesters burning an American flag with a swastika painted on it in support of the migrant caravan heading through Central America for the United States. [Link]

The defiant message is that they’ll cross the U.S. border any time they like, immigration laws be damned. They’re hoping to demonstrate such a reality with huge masses of people, who will ultimately be daring the U.S. military or border guards to fire on them.

Then their leaders will claim a propaganda victory over some migrant’s dead body while the U.S. wraps itself in pretzels over its dreaded crimes again unarmed civilians. [Link]


In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.  Sadly, far too many Americans are ignorant of what is happening in our country and that the southern border is actually non-existent.  Taxpayers are given a yearly bill of $150 billion for the cost of migrant invaders. The hordes of illegal aliens from third world countries have no desire to assimilate into American society.

Americans who understand what is happening to our nation are growing tired of our ancestors being compared to the migrants of today.  Settling in an undeveloped land and building a civilization is not comparable to invading a post-industrial nation and signing up for welfare.

We’ve had enough!  Close the border and build the wall…

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

FBI Visits Coach Dave Daubenmire, No Joke

Equal Justice Under The Law?

I was visited by the FBI a couple of weeks ago.  No joke.  They actually showed up at my house to do a “threat assessment.”  It seems that someone reported me to them.  One of the agents began reviewing my daily show and they decided they needed to pay me a visit.  They wanted to be sure that I wasn’t “inciting violence.”

Let that sink in for a minute.  A former high school football coach who has never committed or advocated violence against anyone draws the attention of the same agency that ignores the obvious crimes of Hillary Clinton and their own FBI bosses.

Threat assessment.  I AM a threat.  I am a threat to Devil and all of his minions.  My buddy tells me that when I am taking flack I must be over the target.  Just for the record, I do everything I can to NOT encourage violence.  When was the last time you saw me out on the streets throwing rocks and setting fires?  I guess I am making someone in the deep swamp nervous.

In case you wondered, the FBI and the deep state are the law breakers.  I am a law keeper.  Our godless government employees are who are in violation of the law.  God’s law.  They think GOVERNMENT is god.  I say JESUS is God.  They don’t like the competition.

Anyone with half a brain…and I admit that number is getting smaller and smaller…knows that we have an unequal justice system.  The rich and the powerful have one set of laws and the rest of the peons live by another set.  If you have watched any of the travesties of the Mueller report unfold you clearly understand my point.  Hillary Clinton did everything that they accused President Trump of yet she sits as a free woman at 15 Old House Lane in Chappaqua, NY.

I visited Hillary and Bill’s home this week.  I am convinced that the FBI showed up at my door because somebody wanted me to “cool my jets.”  I assume it was supposed to scare me.  It didn’t.  It simply confirmed what I had known all along.  Free speech applies to everyone that the “government” decides to grant it to.  Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are all part of the government speech police.  There is really no freedom in America anymore.  They just tell us that there is.

So I decided to go to Hillary’s and demand that the FBI indict her.  Heck, even James Comey, when he was exonerating her a few years ago, admitted that she had violated the law.  But the two-tiered “justice” system protects the criminals who are part of the Devil’s team.  It is only the God fearing, patriotic American’s that they bring the hammer down on.

They visit my house because I fight for freedom…but they protect the felonious Hillary Clinton…actually guarding her from “terrorists” like me.  I want to protect and defend unborn babies while Hillary wants to kill them.  Yet I require a threat assessment while Hillary continues to undermine America right out of her fancy digs in Chappaqua.  Her illegal server was in her home.  Her home is a crime scene.

This double-standard system of justice must end.  We must demand that it stop. JUDGEMENT AND JUSTICE are two pillars upon which this nation was built. The 14th Amendment declares it this way…EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. No one is above the law, they tell us.  But that is not true.  There is a system for them and a totally different system for us.

Try destroying evidence and see if the FBI looks the other way for you. Hillary did…and they did.  Our nation cannot long survive such egregious malfeasance of our system of justice.  No one is above the law.  And that means Bill and Hillary Clinton.

In fact, more is required of them. Our Constitution speaks of HIGH CRIMES and that has nothing to do with the severity of the crime but rather of the POSITION of the one who commits it.  Crimes committed by those in HIGH positions deserve the most severe justice.  They are protectors of the Republic.  When the leaders are corrupt, the nation will crumble.  Look at what those at the highest levels of our intelligence agencies have done?

Our system of justice is broken…assassinated actually;   Destroyed by those who think that their actions are above the law and by those who protect their malfeasance.

That is why I went to the Clinton’s home.  Bill and Hillary were public employees. They actually worked for me.  In what other business, other than governmental crime, can the employees give orders to and receive protection from, those who pay their salaries?  America is upside down.

As I told the policemen who temporarily detained me at 15 Old House Lane, I didn’t come to do violence, I came to prevent it.  America is a powder keg and it is time “We The People” demand our employees do their job.  The first duty of government listed in the Preamble to the Constitution is “establish justice.”  Justice is not being served in America…it is being exploited.

Here is the video of my journey to the home of the Clinton’s.  Please take time to watch and share it.  Only “We The People” can restore justice to America.  But we are going to have to DEMAND it.  Those in power will not give it up without a fight.

“Aren’t you afraid the Clinton’s will come after you, Coach Dave,” my friends ask.

“Yes I am,” I tell them.  “That is a heck of a note as well, isn’t it?  An employer asking one of his employees to do his job and enforce the law in regards to another of my employees who has violated the law.  And for that, I should fear for my life?”

That should tell us all that we need to know.

The manner in which “We The People” respond to this felonious action by a trusted leader will determine whether or not the Republic will survive.  Where are the Patriots?  Where are the Oath Keepers?  I’d say it is time to come out of hiding and take our complaints to the streets.

With all of the squawking we hear today about “equality” isn’t time we demanded  EQUAL JUSTICE  UNDER THE LAW?  Don’t our rights matter?

What we do at this time will determine the future of our grandchildren.  They eyes of history are watching.  Indict Hillary Clinton.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Now They Hate Your Daughters, Too

You work like a dog to earn the money for your kids to go to college, they’re still going to be saddled with a student debt that’ll take years to pay off—and what do you get?

Well, one thing you can count on getting a lot of is hate. Especially if you’re white. “The Problem of Whiteness.” “Toxic Masculinity.” “Check Your Privilege.” Endless workshops on how white males who are not homosexuals are responsible for every evil in the world. Evergreen Looniversity even had a “No whites allowed on campus” day, a year or two ago.

And now, having no more abuse they can heap on white men without repeating themselves, they’re turning on white women.

Your daughters.

Academic pinheads are flocking to a symposium in Toronto to hear a paper by a student—love it: a student lectures a hall full of professors—entitled “Love in the Time of Beckyism: On Willfulness and Wokeness in Teacher Education” (

“Wokeness”? Never mind that: what the devil is “Beckyism”?

“Becky” is a new term of abuse coined by college clowns for generic young white women—sort of like calling black persons “Sambo”—to express contempt for them.

But let’s let the academics themselves explain it, quoting at length from the chimposium’s organizers.

“In the tradition of speculative fiction, parable, and counterstorytelling within critical race theory, this session aims to problematize the characterization of ‘Becky,’ a term specific to white women who engage in whiteness, often in gendered ways… This characterization is relevant to education by critically examining who is Becky and how she is characterized, her positionality in education, and how the hope for diversity, inclusion, equity, and racial justice within the P-20 education pipeline is impacted by Becky” (who, we are told “enacts oppression”)…

Have you ever heard such crap in all your life? I think their P-20 pipeline must be clogged with something nasty. But wait, there’s more!

“Explorations of Becky and implications of educational practice from a variety of perspectives and contexts will illuminate the dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression tied to the gendered and raced mechanisms of whiteness enacted by Becky.”

In case you didn’t recognize her, O poor schmo who pays the tuition and the taxes, “Becky” is your daughter. Your racist, white-privileged, oppressor daughter. Hey, can you feel the love?

And, “This paper—“ by a 23-year-old horse’s kiester who should’ve graduated and gotten a job several years ago—“establishes how white women are not seeking to disinvest from whiteness,” blah-blah-blah, I can’t repeat any more of this. Is it even English? Is whoever wrote this twaddle quite all there?

But are you quite all there—for submitting your daughters to this poisonous drivel, and paying for it? America, these are your colleges and universities that you pay for, not just in tuition but in taxes, too, expressing the most profound contempt for you and everything you value, and teaching your children to do the same.

To say nothing of the effects on the hearts and minds of students who aren’t white, being taught that all white people—except for the venomous white liberals who brew up this stuff—are human monsters who live only to oppress the poor defenseless minorities. It is a sin to stir up strife among people who would otherwise live in peace together; but that’s what our colleges do, everywhere, every day.

Why isn’t this making Americans angry? No self-respecting nation would tolerate it for another day. Why do we continue to carry this burden on our backs, instead of throwing it off? Why do we continue to fund these institutions? What do they have to do, that they haven’t yet done, before we wake up and put them out of business?

I can’t even imagine the answer to that question.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found on

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

The Destruction Of Citizen Cain

In 2016, black businessman extraordinaire, Herman Cain terminated his run for the presidency due to allegations of sexual misconduct. Cain chose to protect his family from the humiliation of enduring leftists’ attempt to destroy a black conservative Republican.

It is unfortunate that negative press was many black Americans’ national introduction to Herman Cain. When Cain dropped out of the presidential race, his accusers magically disappeared. Now that Trump has chosen Cain for the Federal Reserve Board, the allegations have resurfaced to block his appointment.

Folks, we can not continue allowing leftists to hypocritically use this tactic to disqualify good people. When president Bill Clinton was committing adultery by receiving oral sex and using cigars as sex toys with an 18 year old intern in the White House, Democrats and fake news media said, “So what? That is Clinton’s private life which is none of our business.” In response to credible women accusing Clinton of sexual abuse including rape, leftists branded the women trailer-trash sluts and liars. Let us not forget the Bimbo Eruption Squad headed by Hillary Clinton purposed to destroy all the women who might go public with their sexual misconduct encounters with Bill Clinton.

To minimize president Clinton’s serial sexual misconduct, Democrats and fake news media claimed any man in Clinton’s position would behave the same way he did; receiving oral sex and so on. Fake news media and Democrat late night TV comics destroyed Ken Starr who was assigned to investigate Clinton’s lies and sexual misconduct. Starr was branded a sex obsessed pervert.

Hypocritically, Democrats and fake news media are claiming Herman Cain is unfit for the Federal Reserve based on unsubstantiated allegations which pale in comparison to those against their beloved president Clinton.

Clearly, there is a double standard. Democrats are permitted to live lives of debauchery. Republicans must live saintly lives or be deemed unfit for public service by fake news media. Remember fake news medias’ absurd narrative that Republican Mitt Romney was unfit to be president because he may have bullied a fellow student in high school?

In truth, none of us have lived perfect lives. The Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” But praise God, people can and do change. Moses murdered a man. King David murdered a man and stole his wife. After paying dearly for their sin (crimes), Moses and David changed. Rahab was a prostitute who changed. Moses, David and Rahab were used mightily by God.

Fake news media and Democrats pretending to be concerned about women is extremely repulsive. They seek to exploit women the same way they exploit blacks to further their socialist, progressive, anti-Christian and anti-American agendas.

For example: Women pay a huge longtime devastating emotional and physical price for abortions. And yet, Democrats danced in celebration over passing a new law to abort babies on their date of birth. Shockingly evil, Democrats are seeking to legalize murdering babies even after they are born. Is this the behavior of a political party that champions women?

Sharia Law abuses and suppresses women. It condones beatings, honor-killings and rape in certain circumstances.  So, why are Democrats aggressively pushing Sharia Law in America?

My wife Mary watches the TV show, “Counting On” which features the Duggar family. I caught a Duggars’ wedding. I was immediately struck by the overwhelming respect for the young bride shown by her father, her groom and every man at the wedding. She was a princess, presented to her husband as a precious gift from God to be loved, honored and cherished. Such wholesomeness is an anathema to Democrats and fake news media; repulsive as showing Dracula the cross.

Democrats’ and fake news medias’ modern-sexually-liberated-woman has had numerous abortions or appeared on the Maury Povich TV show for a DNA test to discover which of her irresponsible 27 sperm donors is the father of her baby (which Democrats and fake news media wish she had aborted). Which mindset is most respectful of women, the Duggars’ or Democrats’ and fake news medias’?

Democrats and fake news media seek to destroy all successful blacks with a platform to instruct black youths; stop blaming whitey, get an education, work hard, make right choices and you can achieve your American dreams. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for their dreams. Period.

Herman Cain’s extraordinary success proves that the American Dream is available to all Americans; dismantling Democrats’ and fake news medias’ lie that white America schemes 24/7 to keep blacks down. Cain was elected CEO of the National Restaurant Association because he is excellent, rather than a racist leftist mindset of putting the-poor-inferior-black-guy in charge.

Herman Cain on the Federal Reserve would dispel the lie that Trump is racist. Cain would inspire black youths to thrive for excellence rather than affirmative action and government forcing standards to be lowered. My late dad won “Firefighter of the Year” two times in the 1950s without any special concessions or lowered standards because he was black.

Democrats and fake news media have decreed that Herman Cain is an uppity negro who must be taken down, his black derriere wrestled back to their Liberalism Plantation where he belongs.

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

The Muslims Are Colonizing Under Your Noses – Putting Muslim Representatives Into Position Only To Attack!

“As long as you remember that if you get involved in politics, you have to be very careful that your leader is for Allah. You don’t get involved in politics because it’s the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam.”  Siraj Wahhaj 

Something is happening throughout America and Americans need to know what that is. America is literally and purposefully being invaded by Muslims like that of France, Germany, Sweden, England and Wales, Belgium, the UK, etc (Deuteronomy 28:15).

This, of course, is being done with the help of felons that are masquerading as representatives in this country who are illegally alluring them through sanctuary (Protecting criminals) cities and then handing off your country to them that mean to destroy and conquer.

These people are bringing their culture in with them, to the intent that they might conquer the very countries that they invade.

Speaking for that of Minnesota, we are noticing South Minneapolis, Northeast Minneapolis, Burnsville, Austin, Rochester, St. Cloud etc. and all of this under the noses of Minnesotans with the help of the silent accomplices, the CIA-controlled media!

[YouTube Video]

It is interesting to note that during the 90’s and early 2000’s we virtually heard nothing of the Muslims infiltrating America until Barrack Hussein Obama illegally took office (Stacking the government with subversive sodomites and subversive Muslims to governmental positions), and now in 2019 we see that they have been operating stealth like all while swelling their ranks (Deuteronomy 28:43) in forward motion to bring about a jihad.

[YouTube Video]

They are quietly colonizing and then waiting it out until there are enough Muslims in certain demographics-districts to then vote in their own Muslim representatives (see the McCarran Internal Security Act), which, by the way, explains an Ihan Omar, and a Keith Ellison, Hodan Hassan, Mohamud Noor, etc.

Remember Americans, the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to infiltrate the American Government, implement Sharia & destroy us from within (Deuteronomy 28:63)!

“It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” –Hassan al-Banna

I have to say friends, they are only doing what you are, in fact, letting them get away with.

[YouTube Video]

When they are put into position, by Muslim voters, they begin to attack the government system into which country they have entered.

Without fail, they accuse the innocent of the crimes that they are perpetuating (Deuteronomy 19:19) in pulling down the American government, and all of this is done incrementally through a totalitarian siege by playing the victim (Deuteronomy 28:53).  This first started, of course, on the backs of the homosexual lobby.

[YouTube Video]

There are a projected 80,000 Somalis in Minnesota as of 2016.  Many believe that number is now up to 120,000 today.

Nationally there are approximately 3.45 million.

Since 1998, the number of mosques in Minnesota alone increased from four to nearly 50 today.

Nationally, mosques have jumped up to 74% since September 11, 2001. The US survey 2011 counted a total of 2,106 as compared to 1,209 in the year 2000.

[YouTube Video]

Again, what has been the fruit of these people that other countries have taken in?

  • Denmark: 450% more crimes committed by Muslims then non-Muslims.
    Germany: Muslim migrants committed 142, 500 crimes in 6 months. This is 780 every day.
     Sweden: 480,000 sexual assaults in one year. 77% of all rapes by less than 2% Muslim.
     England and Wales: Over 56% of Syrian refugee’s committed severe crimes in less than 1 year etc.
    Belgium: 35% of prison population is Muslim who make up only 6% of the population.
     UK: Muslims fill 44% of high-security prisons, out of a 5% population.
     USA: 91.4% Muslim refugees are on food stamps, 68.3% on cash welfare.

Muslim migration has doubled in the decade since 9/11 and 60% migrants to America favor sharia law (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).

Finally, this is not an article that attacks any particular people, it is about a particular people, namely the Muslims, that are attacking the very people that have given aid to them while playing the victim and, all the while, are in a full frontal attack in an attempt to conquer.

[EDITORS NOTE: At the Siege of Vienna, September 11, 1683, Islam poised to overrun Christian Europe.  We are in a new phase of a very old war. You can order Siege of Vienna September 11, 1683 this most excellent movie from Australia but, you need a Multi-Region DVD player to view it. You can also order this movie from Amazon for $16. It plays in German or English. Or, you can watch it on your computer by Amazon’s Prime Video.]

© 2019 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Nothing Will Change Until The People Act

“It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” —Theodore Roosevelt

Just shy of thirty years ago, on June 5, 1989, in the incident in Tiananmen Square, China, a lone and very brave, if not somewhat foolish man, stood out in front of a row of battle tanks, using his body as a symbol of protest against dictatorial authority.  This nameless man managed to stop the advance of the tanks by moving in front of the first tank, every time it positioned to go around him.  Later, the man jumped up on the tank and had a conversation with the driver.  On-lookers managed to pull him off of the tank and he was absorbed into the watching crowd.  One eyewitness to the event believes that the man was hauled away by secret police, tortured and then executed, as the man never appeared in public again and the Chinese government could not, or would not, produce him.  Although many accounts purport to know what happened to him, the “tank” man’s name or his final fate, to our knowledge, has never been verified.

But what is most important in this story is not what the man did and the courage it took to do it, but how his courageous actions affected others.  Because you see, courage is infectious.  One man, in act of selfless bravery, with no regard for his own safety, by stopping those tanks, even briefly, started the germination of a seed of freedom in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people, held in bondage, but longing to be free, all around the world.   Out of those hundreds of thousands another individual will stand up, and then another and then another, because you see, courage is infectious.

In April of 2014 hundreds of armed civilians from around the country challenged the authority of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to round up Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle.  The BLM stood down and released the rounded up cattle back to the rancher.  When the people stand up in large groups and punctuate their demands with a show of force, government has no choice but to stand down, or initiate a blood bath like Waco and Ruby Ridge.  Where are the civilians that will emulate the hundreds of brave men and women that came to the Bundy ranch to challenge the government and stand up for freedom and property rights?

Landowners along the Jarbidge River near Elko, Nevada drove the federal government agents out of town fearing for their lives, for actions by the government and environmental groups against the locals’ livelihood, rural roads, recreation, forests and rivers.  The rural Elko landowners formed what they called the “Jarbidge Shovel Brigade” to take on the federal and local authorities.  They openly defied the federal authorities with action and the show of force.

In northern California and southern Oregon along the Klamath River, the local landowners formed the Klamath Bucket Brigade to fight against removal of four dams.  Sadly, the Indians and the environmentalists won in order to save a two-inch fish.

Now, Governor Jay Inslee wants to spend $1.1 Billion of the taxpayer’s money to save 75 Killer Whales in Puget Sound, Washington State.  That works out to $14,666,667 per Killer Whale.  The environmentalists and Governor Inslee are Hell bent to save the salmon in Puget Sound as well, but one Killer Whale eats 200 pounds of salmon every single day.  That works out to 5,475,000 pounds of salmon Killer Whales consume every year.  If each salmon weighed 5 pounds, that means that Killer Whales devour over 1,000,000 salmon each year.

The environmentalists and tree huggers want to have it both ways.  They want to save the Killer Whale and the salmon at the same time ….. no matter what it costs the taxpayer.  Where are the Americans that will bring sanity to an insane environmental world?

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy started a forest fire with one match.  He ignited the flame of freedom in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, some of whom decided to put their money and their lives where their mouths were.  They voted with their feet in positive action and some of them were willing to vote with their guns if it became necessary.  They rose up and the government backed down.  It is not an unfamiliar scene.  We have personally witnessed government backing down locally as well, when the people rose up in large numbers.   The people have the power if they will only choose to exercise it with courage.

Yes, there are millions of Americans itching to lock and load.  We hear from them almost daily.  But why?  Because government and especially the federal government, has pushed, abused, harassed, cheated, lied, cajoled and intimidated too many people for far too long and the hair on the backs of the necks of some Americans itching for a fight, is rising.  The outcome at the Bundy ranch was fully predictable to anyone with any knowledge of the true American spirit.  Let freedom ring, or we will punctuate our strongly held beliefs of liberty with guns.   Why did the government back down?  Because they were surrounded by a superior force where a fight could have ignited a much wider, but politically devastating war with the potential of the dead bodies of American men and women pasted all over our TV screens.

Out of fear of losing ones’ life or possessions, most people prefer to remain obscure, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, especially if that attention should come from agents of a tyrannical government.  Tyrannical governments torture and kill people, or put them in concentration camps for extended periods.  Some unjust governments, in order to maintain strong-arm control of the masses, will pass tens of thousands (or millions) of laws and then fine, penalize, or incarcerate individuals or groups that won’t “bend under the will of the almighty law“.   (Tell that to the illegal aliens that thumb their noses at our laws and sponge off of our generosity.)  Who but the very courageous would put themselves at that kind of risk?   Patriots do every day!

But a strange thing happens when one man (or woman) stands out amongst the rest and demonstrates exceptional bravery.  He, or she, affects some of the observers in a very positive way, in which some of those observers want to mirror that bravery.

In a meeting where the leader will ask for volunteers for a difficult task, one hand will go up, then a pause, then another hand will go up, then all at once a bunch of hands go up, all because one man or woman catalyzed the rest by having the courage to be the first to volunteer.

On the battlefield, one man, risking everything, motivated by emotions of unbridled anger, or rage over something that happened to one of his buddies, will attack the enemy single handedly, from whence heroes are born.  In many cases, that single act of courage incites others to follow him, from whence wars are won.

Today, all across America, individuals who have had enough, are showing exceptional bravery.  That was demonstrated in a sudden and inspirational movement to organize tea parties in hundreds of cities throughout the country ….. an idea triggered by someone named Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, on TV.  Santelli finally had enough of government nationalizing industries, bank and business bailouts, zillion dollar stimulus packages and other unconstitutional insanity coming out of Washington DC and the then White House and decided to “stand up”.  So one act of courage started a whole bunch of single acts of courage, from thousands of citizens all over the United States.  Courage was and is infectious.  But what has happened to the Tea Party.  You don’t hear much about them any more.  Did they give up, or run out of money?

America needs you.  If any of you are really angry about what has happened to this great land and you are perched on the brink of “standing up”, we encourage you to find the courage to do so.  Because your one act of courage will influence others to follow you and from hence our Republic will be reborn in an unquenchable and unstoppable cry for liberty.   We have given you that opportunity to make a difference HERE.  Five brave souls already have.  With just 10,000 Americans taking one peaceful, legal, successful action in defense of their country could be enough to trigger ten million Americans to follow suit.  Civil war then would never be necessary.

After 100 years of moving away from freedom, we are truly at a crossroads and the fate of our cherished America could go either way.  But “just one act of courage” by just one person, might very well make the difference between freedom and perpetual enslavement to socialism, or communism, or worse.  If you stand up, you could be the “butterfly” that “flaps its wings” in Arizona and starts an uprising in Michigan.  The seeds of freedom have already been sewn by many single acts of courage and the “butterflies” are poised to take wing.  Others, less courageous and sitting on the sidelines, are waiting for you to make the first move.  Will you?

A million authors can write a zillion articles on what ails America.  Well meaning patriots can hold thousands of conferences on freedom.  Half the people in a country can talk and debate until they are blue in the face, but it won’t change anything.  Because “NOTHING WILL CHANGE UNTIL THE PEOPLE ACT, EN MASSE!”  The other side is winning because they have captured the hearts and minds of millions of clueless, brainwashed Americans.  The question is, are you going to let them win?  We can stop the other side with action, but will we?

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

The Movie “Unplanned” Gives Insight To Dehumanizing Acts Like Sri Lanka

What do chattel slavery, the Nazi holocaust, global genocide, and the bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday have in common?

By dehumanizing the victims, these horrific acts become tolerable and unobjectionable.

The plantation owner thought the African was not fully human; the Nazi thought the Jew was not human; one political faction thought the same of their rival faction; and terrorists believed Christians were undeserving of life, so they murdered them on the day Christians celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Many make the argument that our American political system has taken the same approach to the unborn.

Let me explain.

After taking all of my children to see the movie Unplanned this weekend, we learned about the true underbelly of the murderous, government-funded, billion-dollar global corporation of Planned Parenthood. The movie was told from the life experience of a former clinic director Abby Johnson.

On September 26, 2009, Abby was asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion, where she watched in horror as a 13-week baby fought for, and ultimately lost, its life at the hand of an abortionist. After some 22,000 abortions as director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, she resigned and became an outspoken advocate for the pro-life movement.

Abby physically witnessed what our American founders recognized and recorded in the Declaration of Independence, that, “All men are created equal.” We are NOT “born equal”; we are “created equal” by our Creator with certain unalienable rights – chiefly life.  And we all know every human being is created in the womb of his or her mother.

Benjamin Rush, a Declaration of Independence signer and medical doctor, stated that life’s “first motion is produced by the stimulus of the male seed upon the female ovum … No sooner is the female ovum thus set in motion, and the fetus formed, than its capacity of life is supported.”

In the Constitution we find the Framers securing and guaranteeing protection of all life in the Fifth Amendment: “No person shall be deprived of life…without due process of law.” The Fourteenth Amendment also states, “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” This applies to every living person, and we know abortion violates this right by killing babies before they’re born, let alone before due process.

John Locke, who highly influenced the Founders’ views, extracted from the laws of nature and specified that individuals are: “not to kill another man; not to know more women than one; not to procure abortion; not to expose their children; not to take from another what is his …”

The obvious truth Locke was asserting by stating abortion violates natural law was that abortion did, in fact, violate another human being’s right to life.

Abortion is the dehumanization of the unborn. It is murder. Abortion is un-American and illegal. Consequently, protecting, committing, funding, or participating in the act is criminal. Period.

Therefore, every elected official in America should repent of this evil they have allowed and fulfill their oath of office to protect the unborn because even unplanned life is still life.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

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How To Handle Anyone Who Drives You Nuts

If you work in a school, company, fast food joint, office or any other organization that forces you into contact with other people—you must deal with one or two characters that drive you nuts.  They may be arrogant, rude, aggressive or impudent.

(Don, Frosty, Gerry at Multnomah Falls, Columbia River Gorge.)

They offer you frustrations and, at the same time, lessons on your journey through life.

Did you hear of the older lady driving a Cadillac who aimed her automobile toward a slot in the parking lot near the store?  Seconds before she pulled into the space, a young man zipped into her spot in his shiny sports car.

She yelled, “That was my spot you just took.”

“Tough lady,” he said. “I’m younger, quicker and drive a faster car. Deal with it!”

“I will young man,” she said as she slammed her Caddie into reverse, then, back into “Drive.”

She crashed into the back of his sports car—pulverizing it. She backed up and smashed into it two more times.

“You just ruined my car,” he screamed.  “Why did you do that?”

“Because I’m old, rich and insured,” she yelled.  “Besides, you needed a lesson in manners.”

In life, we find who people who march into our lives become friends, acquaintances and/or irritations; depending on their propensities.  Some teach us lessons.  They may bring us laughter, joy and anger.

What do you do when someone enters your life that drives you nuts?  How do you deal with an obnoxious office mate, sibling, parent or teaching colleague?

First of all, you must realize that living on this planet offers you a “spiritual boot camp” that tests your ability to grow from one task to the next.  Every person along the way offers new challenges and lessons.

We maintain responsibility for our own story.  We may dance with a weak or wounded self-concept.  We may need to be right all the time or protect our image. Or, we can become victims.

You enjoy choice of response to people who irritate you.  If your mother irritates you, the easiest method for you to come to terms: sit down with her, talk to her, set the guidelines by which you expect her to act around you and make sure she appreciates your boundaries.

With an office mate that bothers you: sit down, ask them about their passions, their frustrations and their goals.  After they provide you with their priorities, you can better gage your response to their actions. Additionally, by showing you care about their lives, you can spell out what you like and don’t like as to interaction in the office.

You must welcome the new you.  Become available to something more. You must forgive others who lack balance. Choose a new perspective.  You must give them a chance.  You may speak in a new and conscious manner.

This topic reminds me of the story of a very irritating and perfectionist Italian mother who brought up her son Alberto by herself.  She demanded that everything be “just so.”  During dinner, Alberto loved to talk with his grandfather, but as the old man grew more infirmed, he broke a soup bowl because of his palsy.  She banished him to the kitchen to eat alone.

Thereafter, Alberto hurried his dinner so he could talk with his grandfather in the kitchen. One night, the old man broke another bowl.  At that point, she relegated him to a wooden bowl, which demoted him to the lowest rung on the social ladder.

One night, Alberto failed to show up for dinner.  When she found him in his bedroom, he sat on the bed carving a piece of wood into a bowl.

“Why didn’t you come to dinner tonight?” she asked.  “Don’t you know it’s rude to miss dinner?”

“Sorry mama,” said Alberto.

“What are you carving?” she asked.

“I am carving a bowl for you when you get to grandfather’s age,” said Alberto.

From that day onward, the mother invited grandfather back to the table to share in the family dinner and mentor her son Alberto.

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book!  Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life?  Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices.  Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Mystery Babylon Has Begun To Burn

A major fire erupted at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, severely burning and damaging the historic Catholic landmark. French investigators have ruled out arson, but doubts linger as some Muslims were working on restorations of the structure and the fire occurred during the Christian holy week of Easter. Furthermore, beheaded statues of the Apostles were removed from the cathedral before the fire occurred, a telltale sign of Islamic terrorism.


In recent years, the Catholic Church, the always-changing, ever-evolving church, has sensed the rising tide of Islam, and true to the meaning of “Catholic,” the Universal Church has begun to adopt Islam in with its pagan-rooted religion.

Many theologian dispensationalists speak of the end of the Church Age, the period of the Christian Church beginning at Pentecost until the final world rapture. What is often not spoken of is the judgment of God upon the Catholic and Protestant Churches, which coincides with the end of the Church Age.


The secular agnostic-atheist and Muslim peoples of the world have united against the culture and faith within the Western Christian nations. The Western governments, often run by secular or Christian-in-name-only politicians, have welcomed in Muslim immigrants, flooding and overwhelming America, Europe, and other westernized Christian nations, knowing full well that Muslim immigrants will never assimilate to the culture or religion of their new immigrated to nation. The Western secular politicians, wanting to fully implement a New World Order, with a central world government, view Judeo-Christian values as a major impediment slowing them down from attaining their globalist government vision. Thus, the secular politicians, who have nothing in common with Muslims, have embraced them, as they know that Islamists will be an enemy of their enemy: Christians.

The Catholic Church, from its very foundation, was a usurper church, attempting to steal the glory that was due Yeshua (Jesus) and bestow it upon itself and Mary.

Notre Dame (French noun phrase):
Our Lady (English), Nuestra Señora (Spanish); a reference to the Virgin Mary.

Catholics pray to, praise, worship, and build cathedrals and statues to Mary. By doing so, they break the first and second commandments of God simultaneously.

“I am YHWH (the Lord) your God. … You shall have no other gods before Me.”

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image … you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.”


The Catholic Church, a usurper church, has even declared salvation through itself.

The Catholic Church says:
“Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” (Latin meaning) “Outside the [CATHOLIC] Church there is no salvation, because salvation is the [CATHOLIC] Church.

Yeshua (Jesus) said:
“You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews*.” -John 4:22 (NKJV) “I am the way,  the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” -John 14:6 (NKJV).

*Yeshua (Jesus) is of the Jews and His law (Torah) was given to the Jews.

The Catholic Church was founded upon a lie; that Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church upon the rock of Peter.

Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Messiah (Christ), the Son of the living God.” Yeshua (Jesus) answered and said to him, 
“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who
is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock 
My church
[ASSEMBLY], and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

The Apostle Peter was never the first pope of Rome, as Peter was the Apostle to the Jews (Galatians 2:7-8), and of all his travels recorded in the Scriptures, Peter never set foot in Rome. Yeshua (Jesus) built His assembly upon Himself, based on the statement of Peter that He was the Son of the living God. Yeshua (Jesus) did not build His church (assembly) upon the supposed rock of Peter.


The woman [CATHOLIC CHURCH] was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and
adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden
cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her [SPIRITUAL] fornication. And on her forehead a name was written:

DOCTRINES] OF THE EARTH. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the
saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Yeshua (Jesus) [MILLIONS OF

These [THE SECULAR AND MUSLIM PEOPLE OF EUROPE] will hate the harlot [CATHOLIC CHURCH], make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her [HEADQUARTERS, THE VATICAN – ST. PETER’S BASILICA] with fire. For God has put it into their hearts [THE SECULAR AND MUSLIM PEOPLE OF EUROPE] to fulfill His purpose [TO JUDGE MYSTERY BABYLON, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH], to be of one mind [UNITED AGAINST CATHOLIC AND PROTESTANT CHRISTIANITY], and to give their kingdom [THEIR CHURCHES] to the beast [ANTIMESSIAH (ANTICHRIST)], until the words of God [END TIMES PROPHECIES] are fulfilled. And the woman [CATHOLIC CHURCH] whom you saw is that great city [VATICAN CITY] which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

The Catholic Church says:
“The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Catholic Church.”

Yeshua (Jesus) said:

“I will build My church [ASSEMBLY], and the gates of Hades shall not prevail
against it.” – Matthew 16:18 (NKJV) [WITH INTERPRETATION].

The Catholic Churches are the gates of hell. Catholic theologians and teachers are the gatekeepers of a false religious system, Mystery Babylon, which has blinded the masses with idolatry and lying wonders and keeps them from learning the true ways of the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus).

JOHN 4:23-24 (NKJV):
“The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the
Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him MUST worship in spirit and truth.”

One cannot worship God through the teachings of the Catholic Church and through the Holy Scriptures. The Catholic Church’s teachings are incompatible with the Scriptures, which they claim to represent. The Catholic Church mixes God’s festivals (Leviticus 23) with pagan holidays committing spiritual fornication (Revelation 17:4) with other gods (Ishtar: Easter; Nimrod: Christmas; Mary the queen of heaven – Jeremiah 7:18), and has intended to change God’s times and laws (Daniel 7:25). The Catholic Church may have intended to change God’s appointed feast times and laws, but CANNOT change them because they are eternal (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). Catholics, Protestants, and many mainstream Christians are not obeying God’s eternal commandments, having replaced them with commandments of men, and are not worshiping God in spirit and truth.

Many people of the world may sincerely grieve the loss of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, but such mourning is in vain. God’s judgment is coming upon the Roman Catholic Church and all of its cathedrals for all its iniquity.

Islam will not dominate the world, except perhaps for a brief time with the Antimessiah (Antichrist) during the great tribulation.

The cross still stands amongst the burned rubble of the Notre Dame Cathedral, and the cross will always stand.

Mystery Babylon (the Catholic Church) does not represent the Scriptures and will come under the judgment of Almighty God for misrepresenting them. Mystery Babylon (the Catholic Church) has begun to burn, St. Peter’s Basilica and Vatican City will one day be burned and plundered, and the Catholic Church will ultimately fall as a religious institution.

© 2019 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack:

Prison, Anyone?

Just a few months ago, in an article entitled “Still the Smartest Guy in the Room,” I wrote the following about President Trump:

Well, whaddaya know? In the midterm elections of November 6, 2018, the American people rewarded the president—for only the third time in almost a hundred years—with a net gain of three and possibly four Senate seats, lost half the House seats that his predecessor lost, and left the radical leftwing Democrats not rejoicing at their meager gains, but still chomping at the bit to bring down the president who has effectively destroyed everything they believed in, worked for, and thought they achieved over the past 75 years.

Yes, President Trump posed a mortal threat to the Left’s very raison d’être––a globalist one-world order controlled by them! And so way back in 2015, when he announced his intention to run for the presidency, the “connected” guys of the D.C. swamp ––to use the vocabulary of the mob––decided to pool their formidable resources to “clip” the billionaire business mogul, if not physically (although I wouldn’t put it that past them), then by proving that their manufactured fiction of candidate Trump’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency was, in fact, true and therefore impeachable.

In that article, I listed all the fanatical Detectives Javert––the top dogs at our top-secret intelligence agencies (and many of their wives who also played central roles)––and elaborated on their impressive credentials, privileged educations, vast experience, and, oh, their appointments to high office by the former occupant of the Oval Office, Barack Obama.

Don’t forget––the fish always stinks from the head!


Special Counsel Robert Mueller took his time––more than two years––as he hired almost two-dozen partisan Democrats (who contributed to the Obama and Clinton campaigns) to join his “objective” truth-finding effort. Here is a breakdown of the invasive colonoscopy he performed on the President of the United States.

  • Over 675-days,
  • Over $30 million dollars,
  • Over 2,800 subpoenas,
  • Over 500 warrants,
  • Over 500 witness interviews, including those whose lives were ruined for offenses unrelated to President Trump,
  • Over a million documents submitted by the White House.

The net result, as we all now know––the president committed no collusion and no obstruction, although the Regressives who continue to pursue some bogus crime––I refer to the obsessed Representatives Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and a few others, who, as they say, can’t let go!

But why? Most of these people once figuratively kissed the ring of businessman Donald Trump when he was a Democrat and they groveled for the campaign cash he generously doled out and lusted for an invitation to play golf with the mega-mogul or to dine in the company of his exquisite wife at the palatial Mar-a-Lago resort or at numerous other residences, including his Manhattan penthouse in Trump Tower.

Why then the wild-eyed, ferocious animosity when he announced for the presidency and––to their horror––was elected America’s 45th president?


In most cases in politics, when you peel back the layers of the onion, it’s all about the money. But not in this case.

And it’s not about the bogus excuse that Hillary lost the election. Most people can’t stand the woman. While some women would have reflexively voted for any person with the right plumbing, who can take feminists seriously anymore, now that they’ve embraced infanticide as a “human right”? In truth, most people cringed throughout Hillary’s coughing-fit, seizure-plagued, issue-impoverished campaign and were––and are––happy, finally, to have her off the national stage.

And it wasn’t candidate Trump’s “treatment” of women or his locker-room talk, when Americans had already endured eight years of Bill Clinton spitting in Hillary’s face every day with his serial philandering or, without his Secret Service detail flying 26 times on the “Lolita Express” to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island.

And it wasn’t the right-of-center platform candidate Trump was running on because Democrats had already raised to an art form the softening up and watering down of other Republican presidents’ wish lists. And they’d already succeeded in inflicting Americans with socialized medicine (Obamacare) and socialized education (Common Core), with degrading our military, contaminating the public imagination with the hoax of global warming, and actualizing the Cloward-Piven strategy to overload the welfare system by establishing Sanctuary Cities with the  goal of segueing from socialism to their preferred system of government, communism.

And it wasn’t about the power of the media to shape/influence/determine public opinion. As I wrote in a former article, “Media Whores,” people who have the conceit to call themselves journalists are really employees who take direct orders from their employers. Today, only six media empires rule radio, TV and print publications––five of them run by globalists and only one by soon-to-retire conservative Rupert Murdoch (Fox TV, the NY Post, the Wall St. Journal, et al)––and now by his liberal sons, Lachlan and James…hence the unfortunate leftist infiltration of Fox.

And it wasn’t even my original theory, which was that Mr. Trump threatened to disrupt the globalists’ One World Order. The powers-that-be in the D.C. swamp are too arrogant and narcissistic to entertain the notion that a single individual could upset their decades-old, carefully constructed apple cart.

None of these things inspired the predatory animus of the Democrats that we’ve witnessed for the past three years. Instead, as candidate Trump’s campaign proceeded and he summarily withered “Low-energy Jeb,” “Lyin’ Ted,” “Little Marco,” “Crooked Hillary,” “Crazy Bernie,” “Pocahantus,” on and on, a cold chill began to rise in the ranks of the left: Nothing can touch this guy!

They knew that the brash billionaire certainly couldn’t be bought by lobbyists or Arabs––Qatar is but one dramatic and damning example––like so many of our legislators have been.

They saw that even before the election he could single-handedly destroy a hot career like Megyn Kelly’s.

And nothing they threw at him succeeded in denting the natural ebullience and epic energy that infuriates them to this day.


And then it happened! The Kiss of Death, so to speak––the nine words that locked the Regressives in combat with candidate and then President Trump forever.

It was in early October of 2016 when Mr. Trump was engaged in one of the campaign’s many debates that he said the following: “If I were president, Hillary would be in jail.”

That was it––simple as that!

Now you know what this three-year safari for Big Game has been all about! It’s been about all the deeply corrupt––indeed criminal––swamp creatures creating so much chaos, so many dirt roads, so many bogus accusations and innuendos and tabloid headlines in order to keep the real collusion experts and the real obstructers of justice out of the spotlight, out of the courthouse, and out of Leavenworth!

There are so many crimes––or potential crimes––involved in what the Obama White House orchestrated through his Justice Department and FBI (among other departments) that it’s impossible to list them all.

In a stunning analysis in the World Tribune entitled Justice: Suddenly, the hunters have become the hunted, historian Victor Davis Hanson is quoted as saying that those “who cried the loudest about leaking, collusion, lying, and obstruction are themselves soon very likely to be accused of just those crimes.” Among them, Hanson lists the following:

Clockwise from top left: James Clapper, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe and James Comey

  • James Comey: The former FBI director falsely testified that the Steele dossier was not the main basis for obtaining FISA court warrants. On at least 245 occasions, Comey swore under oath that he either did not know, or could not remember, when asked direct questions about his conduct at the FBI. He likely lied when he testified that he did not conclude his assessment of the Clinton illegal email use before he had even interviewed Clinton, an assertion contradicted by his own written report. I guess his credo and modus operandi are reflected in the subtitle of his recent autobiography A Higher Loyalty: “Truth, Lies, and Leadership.”
  • Andrew McCabe: The former FBI deputy director currently is under criminal referral for lying to federal investigators about leaking to the media. He and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein each have accused each other of not telling the whole truth about their shared caper of trying to force President Trump out of office by invoking the 25th Amendment.
  • James Clapper: The former director of national intelligence has admitted to lying under oath to Congress – and since lied about his earlier admission of that lying. His recent sworn congressional testimony of not having leaked information about the Steele dossier to the media is again likely to be untrue, given that Clapper had admitted to speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper about the dossier’s contents. CNN, remember, would in turn go on to hire the mendacious Clapper as an analyst. And once on air, Clapper would insist that Trump was both a Russian asset and thus guilty of collusion crimes greater than those of Watergate. Lies. All lies.
  • John Brennan: The former CIA director has admitted to lying under oath to Congress on two occasions. He may well face further legal exposure. When he lost his security clearance, he repeatedly lied that Trump was guilty of collusion, however that non-crime is defined. And as the Mueller probe wound down, Brennan with pseudo-authority and trumped-up hints of phony access to secret intelligence sources deceitfully assured the nation that Trump within days would face indictment – perhaps along with his family members.
  • Huma Abedinand Cheryl Mills: The Hillary Clinton aides likely also lied to FBI investigators when they claimed they had no knowledge while working at the State Department that their boss was using an illegal private email server. In fact, they had read her communications on it and actually inquired about its efficacy.
  • Samantha Power: The former UN ambassador in her last year in office requested on more than 260 occasions to unmask names of Americans monitored by the government. Yet Power later claimed that most of these requests were not made by her. And yet she either does not know or does not cite who exactly used her name to make such requests during the election cycle. In any case, no one has come forward to admit to the improper use of Power’s name to request the hundreds of unmaskings.
  • Susan Rice: The former Obama national security adviser could have made a number of unmasking requests in Power’s name, although she initially denied making any requests in her own name – a lie she immediately amended. Rice, remember, repeatedly lied on national television about the cause and origins of the Benghazi attack, denied there were cash payments for hostages in the Iran deal, misled about the conduct of Beau Bergdahl, and prevaricated over the existence and destruction of weapons of mass destruction in Syria.
  • Bruce Ohr, the former deputy attorney general did not tell the truth on a federal written disclosure required by law when he omitted the key fact that his wife Nellie worked on Christopher Steele’s Fusion GPS dossier. Ohr’s testimony that he completely briefed key FBI officials on the dossier in July or August 2016 is not compatible to what former FBI attorney Lisa Page has testified to concerning the dates of her own knowledge of the Steele material.

Hanson has also written at length about the bogus Obstruction of Justice accusation, the illegally obtained FISA warrants, the phony Steele dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, the fishy “coincidental” meeting of Bill Clinton with AG Loretta Lynch on a Phoenix airport tarmac, and the wrongness of Andrew McCabe, Ron Rosenstein, and so many others ever having been in charge of investigations that smacked of conflicts of interest and other malfeasances––all worthy of criminal investigation and, from what I’ve read, indictment!

And that is not to omit the destruction of 33,000 e-mails by Ms. Hillary, and the much more egregious and criminal issue of Benghazi!


President Trump has been rightfully credited with 289 amazing accomplishments,  including:

  • A booming economy.
  • Blacks, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, women and youth are enjoying higher employment than any time in the past 50 years!
  • ISIS is in its death throes.
  • Members of NATO are finally paying their fair share.
  • Our military is flourishing.
  • Investments are flowing back to the U.S.
  • Deregulation has helped our economy explode!
  • Healthcare, combatting opioid abuse, and infrastructure programs are on the front burner.
  • Confirmation of more S. Circuit Court judges, two dozen U. S. Circuit Court judges, and two Supreme Court judges confirmed.
  • On and on and on and on.

For President Trump’s deranged enemies, I suggest hiring good attorneys and hoping for decent obituaries in the now-tabloid NY Times.

For the rest of us, get out the popcorn!

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:

Trump Must Reverse His Support Of Dangerous 5G

Before I get to Trump’s misguided support for 5G, I have to express my utter shock at what AG William Barr said at his presser last week prior to releasing the Mueller report:

“I would like to offer a few comments today on the report.

“But before I do that, I want to thank Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for joining me here today and for his assistance and counsel throughout this process.  Rod has served the Department of Justice for many years with dedication and distinction, and it has been a great privilege and pleasure to work with him since my confirmation.

“He had well-deserved plans to step back from public service that I interrupted by asking him to help in my transition.  Rod has been an invaluable partner, and I am grateful that he was willing to help me and has been able to see the Special Counsel’s investigation to its conclusion.  Thank you, Rod.

“I would also like to thank Special Counsel Mueller for his service and the thoroughness of his investigation, particularly his work exposing the nature of Russia’s attempts to interfere in our electoral process.”

Like Mueller (prior to the release of his ‘get Trump’ report), Barr has been praised as a man of complete integrity, honesty and a real justice warrior. Individuals I hold in the highest regard, i.e., Joseph DiGenova and Victoria Toensing, have publicly stated many times Barr will go after all the dirty players in the Russia hoax scheme.

If that’s the case, how in God’s name could Barr praise one of the dirtiest, slimiest players in the Russia collusion hoax, Rod Rosenstein, who looked very constipated during the presser? How in God’s name could Barr praise DIRTY cop, Robert Mueller?

I suppose he couldn’t very well stand there in front of the world and say both of them belong in a federal prison. That would not have played well at all. Perhaps it was just the standard BS before he got to the report. Time will tell. Perhaps down the line he will be holding another presser announcing both of them are indicted for numerous crimes and how disappointed he is in them. That would certainly give the impression he was on their side only to, alas, have to be the one to indict them.

Think not? Carl W. sends out emails on a regular basis with pearls of wisdom. A few paragraphs from his recent one which I believe is spot on: Why Mueller is Worried

“When Robert Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as Independent Counsel to investigate Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign, he set about to find any dirt on Trump himself by picking the most vile team of Trump Haters he could muster.  He used every unethical method imaginable to force his victim witnesses like Paul Manafort and General Flynn to say Trump did something illegal or unethical, yet with all that, Trump came out vindicated.

“Let us not forget that Robert Mueller was FBI Director under President Obama, and that he served during the time the infamous Uranium One deal was made with Russia to secure 20% of all American Uranium.  It was at that time that an informant had come forward to say that all kinds of illegal shenanigans had taken place to facilitate Uranium One.  In response to his disclosure, the informant was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement under threat of criminal prosecution.

“So, the information the informant made available to the FBI under Mueller’s leadership never became public at the time, and the Clinton Foundation received $145 million dollars in, “donations”, from those, some Russian, who directly benefited from the Uranium One deal.

“So even though Mueller could find no evidence against President Trump or his campaign that could lead to an indictment involving collusion, Mueller and his team deliberately wrote their report to state the investigation did not exonerate President Trump on the issue of obstruction…The problem is that prosecutors do not look for exoneration.  Prosecutors look for evidence of a crime, and if that evidence is insufficient, they simply do not bring charges.

“But Mueller’s report left the door wide open for Congress to deal with the issue of obstruction, mainly because it was Mueller’s last ditch effort to keep President Trump busy defending against a Democrat-planned multitude of frivolous investigations so that nobody will look at Mueller’s failure to act on the information the Uranium One informant produced when he was FBI Director.

“I believe it will be revealed that Mueller himself somehow benefited from the Uranium One Deal, and that is why Mueller is worried.  I also believe evidence will be revealed that Rod Rosenstein also benefited from Uranium One, which is why he convinced Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself and allow Rosenstein to appoint Mueller in the first place.” End.

AMERICA’S RAGE: Where Are the Investigations into Hillary Emails, Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, AGT Intl, Obama FBI and DOJ Crimes?!?

Grassley, Graham Put Bill Barr on Notice – DOJ Can No Longer Use Mueller Probe as Excuse to Dodge Questions on Hillary’s Email Investigation

Texas Rep. Gohmert says Dems will drag out Mueller report as way to put off prison

Victor Davis Hanson: Mueller Probe Could Backfire on Those Who Fabricated Russia-Collusion Narrative

Mueller Statement He Couldn’t Exonerate Trump a Show of ‘Political Whoremanship

The Internet is drowning in commentary and attacks on Trump, Barr and Mueller over the release of his report. What a meltdown!  At the bottom of this column are what I consider worthy of your time to read on this criminal enterprise to ‘get Trump’. When you have time. A lot of important information in them. You’ll also see the incredible bias from the Democratic/Communist Party USA’s media.

As some who follows the circus nightmare day in and day out, it’s obscene how utterly dishonest the MSM is regarding this manufactured hoax. It’s unreal how they all say Mueller’s report proves collusion, obstruction and the need to impeach Trump. Barr is now Trump’s personal defense attorney, blah, blah, blah. I will celebrate the day they all go out of business because of their dishonesty and deceit.

Years ago, I wrote a column titled, Pelosi & Her Brassiere Brigade. Those out to hang Trump I’ve decided to call the Straightjacket Brigade as they all have gone over the cliff.

In my lifetime I’ve never ween anything like what we’re seeing now and it is not going away. These relentless attacks on Trump will continue. Impeachment very likely will happen as the U.S. House is infested with loons, professional prostitutes and power mad poltroons who to this day refuse to accept the fact their favorite career criminal, Hildebeast Clinton, did not win the election in 2016. Only dementia addled Nancy Pelosi can stop an impeachment effort.


Tens of millions of Americans are suffering from the effects of so-called ‘smart’ meters. Regular readers of my columns know the battle we fought here in Texas. It’s still going on across the country.

My fight against the ‘smart meter’ – (You don’t want one of those dangerous things on your house)

Smart Meters – The New Silent Killer

‘Smart’ Meter That Does NOT Save Energy

My Statement to the Texas Public Utility Commission

Tragically, Josephine County Soon To Be Bombarded With Dangerous ‘Smart’ Meters

Smart Meters Opt-Out Accelerating In Josephine County

Virginia Becomes the 4th U.S. State in the Past Year to Reject Utility ‘Smart’ Metering Plans  – “On January 17, Virginia utility regulators rejected Dominion Energy’s $5 billion bid for additional ‘smart’ electricity meter deployment.

“In doing so, Virginia joins state regulators in Kentucky (Aug 2018), Massachusetts (May 2018), and New Mexico (April 2018) in rejecting ‘smart’ meter proposals. In Canada, New Brunswick (July 2018) also rejected a proposal to install ‘smart’ electricity meters.”

Tragically, this deadlier volume of ‘dirty’ wireless communication is now being shoved down our throats – 5G:

5G: The Most Dangerous Technological Development of the Millennium

5G Radiation Dangers – The Definitive Guide, March 17, 2019

WHAT IS 5G?? How Dangerous Is It?

This is an important read. Killing us using silent weapons is no hyperbole.

20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth, April 20, 2019

Brussels Becomes First Major City to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects, April 2, 2019

5G: Vaud (Switzerland) Adopts Resolution for a Moratorium [UPDATE: Geneva too], April 9, 2019

A must watch.  It’s not just schools.  I notice when I’m in big hotels I get terrible migraines. Why? I believe it’s because of the massive amount of wireless in a 50+ rooms building.

Questioning the Safety of Our Children’s Exposure to Wireless Radiation in School

Why die for Wi-Fi? My child did…

Bill would turn California utility poles into cell towers

“Measurements of these cell towers recently taken in Palo Alto found high levels of radiation on the sidewalk below them — levels higher than those associated in research with breaches in the blood-brain barrier, free radical formation, DNA damage, cancer and tumors, and heart rhythm disturbances.”

Cell Tower Removed From Schoolyard Due to Cluster of Cancer Cases, April 16, 2019: “A cluster of cancer cases among young children at Weston Elementary School in Ripon, California, led to the shutdown and planned relocation of a Sprint cell tower.

“The FCC revised its rules relating to the rollout of 5G technology in September 2018, limiting cities’ rights to control the placement of 5G antennas.

“Los Angeles and other cities sued to overturn the FCC’s new rules, but January 10, 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit sided with the FCC, which means citizens will not be able to prevent installation of 5G cell bases outside their homes.”

1000’s of 5G Networks Coming To California After FCC Removes Public Notice Requirement, March 31, 2019

Fellow NWVs writer, Betty Freauf, wrote a fine column on this disaster back in January in case you missed it: Killing Us Gently With 5G Microwave Radiation Exposure

Those of us following the destruction of our Republic know President Trump is getting really bad advice on so many issues it’s frightening. Yes, he is overloaded everyday as all presidents are but he must take more time to read research on issues like 5G.

Trump signs order to set U.S. spectrum strategy as 5G race looms

“White House officials said they do not support any effort to nationalize the 5G network. A leaked document in January suggested the administration was considering the idea.

“We will prioritize efforts to accelerate the private sector’s development of 5G, so that the American people can reap the rewards of this incredible technology,” White House adviser Michael Kratsios told reporters on Thursday.

“Democratic Federal Communications Commissioner (FCC) Jessica Rosenworcel questioned the length of the time for the reports. “Other nations are moving ahead while we’re headed to study hall – and in the interim we’re slapping big tariffs on 5G networks. This doesn’t speed our 5G leadership – it slows us down,” she said.”

The ONLY reward is destroying our health and killing us slowly.

Make your voice heard to President Trump. If the WH comment line is busy, just call the damn switchboard and tell he or she you want President Trump to withdraw his support of 5G. Phone numbers are here.

All of us can reject this “service” from our Internet and wireless phone providers. Tell them no. At the sake of repeating myself: If you don’t buy a product, companies quit making them. Stop funding our own destruction by refusing to support incumbent politicians and corporations hell bent on killing us with their latest technology and lies – all for greed.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Links for later reading:

Attkisson: Intel insiders feared Trump would expose them – ‘There’s a bigger overarching theme’ to Mueller report

Sara Carter: Deep State DOJ and FBI Operatives are Panicked, Ratting Out Each Other

Joe diGenova: With full Mueller report out, time to go after the real conspirators

Mueller: Allegations prompting FISA spy warrants false – Obama DOJ convinced court 4 times it should probe Carter Page

Nolte: 15 Ways the Mueller Report Proves Trump Did Not Obstruct Justice

HUGE! Russian ‘Witness” told Mueller Investigation the Pee-Pee Tape Was Not Real — But They Hid This from Michael Cohen

Here Are the 10 ‘Episodes’ Mueller Investigated For Obstruction of Justice – Proving Mueller’s Investigation Was a Farce

Agent behind anti-Trump dossier refuses to cooperate with DOJ – More questions raised about Steele’s credibility

An In Depth Analysis of the Simpson – Steele Dossier[s] Proves It Was a Sham and Written by Multiple Individuals – Contrary to Steele’s Original Assertions!

TGP Exclusive: Fusion GPS Admitted in 2010 They Created Reports for President Obama – But They Scrubbed This from Their Website!

Yes. The mid-term was part of the plan. “The long-ball was ALWAYS the obstruction case being used for the impeachment approach. Flipping the House was part of the Mueller/Rosenstein plan. That’s why Rosenstein told Trump not to declassify in September ’18.”

Why did Mueller wait to answer collusion question, Bush AG Michael Mukasey asks

Right on: Huckabee lashes out at Trump critic Romney: ‘Makes me sick’ you could have been POTUS

TOM FITTON ON FIRE! “The 448 Page Smear Operation” Against President Trump “Was Mueller’s Last Abuse of Power”

Judicial Watch Sues FBI For Records of Communications and Payments to Dossier Author Christopher Steele

Tom Fitton: Mueller Report is a Political Document Designed to Smear President Trump

Bombshell! As Promised, Defiant Assange Dumps ALL Wikileaks Files – MORE Shall Be Revealed – Find Files Here!

One can read the full Mueller report here.

The Straightjacket Brigade and all the deranged Hollywood zombies who don’t get one penny of my money.

While some of them believe the manufactured Russia collusion hoax as gospel and now Barr’s “cover-up”, make no mistake: For incumbent Demorats it’s all about votes in the upcoming primaries. See! I did everything I could to impeach Trump!

Oh, this one is rich: Andrew McCabe: Mueller Left ‘Road Map’ for Prosecutors After Trump Leaves Office

What the Hell is taking so long? Another running out the clock on the statute of limitations: Justice IG sends criminal referral of Andrew McCabe to federal prosecutors, April 19, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Trump must be impeached over Mueller report obstruction of justice findings

Pundits, Progressives: Mueller Report ‘Explicit Invitation to Congress to Impeach the President’

NBC’s Chuck Todd: DOJ Briefing WH Lawyers on Mueller Report ‘Is Actual Collusion!’

Open borders advocate: Fox News’ Andrew Napolitano Says Mueller Report ‘Might Be Enough to Prosecute’ Trump

Dem Rep. Speier: Mueller’s Report Shows Trump Would Not Be President Without ‘Russian Intervention’

ABC’s Karl: Mueller Report Shows ‘Significant’ Trump-Russian ‘Contact,’ ‘Collusion’

James Clapper: Mueller Report ‘Devastating,’ ‘Road Map’ for Impeachment

The Ways William Barr Misled The Public About The Mueller Report

Robert Mueller Report Contradicts Infamous BuzzFeed Story

‘Trump is guilty as hell’: Hollywood stars flock to social media to accuse Attorney General Bill Barr of a cover-up following the release of the Mueller report

Some actor I’ve never heard of: Michael Rappaport Demands Full Mueller Report from ‘Dick Stain’ Trump

Hollywood Throws Mega-Cash at Democrats 10 Months Before First Primary

Another braying ass I don’t want to listen to: Dem Rep. Thompson: I Don’t Want My Grandson to Listen to Trump Speak

Mueller report: Donald Trump failed us as commander in chief

Nutty Obama-Appointed Judge Compares Trump to KKK, George Wallace in University Speech

Militia Group Arrest Of 200 Illegals In New Mexico Condemned By Democrats And Their Fake News

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Featured Photograph: An armed right-wing militia group posted videos on social media Facebook and Twitter in which they detained approximately 200 illegal immigrants. The legally armed militia held the suspects and notified the U.S. Border Patrol and awaited their arrival.

Although politicians — mostly Democrats with some Republicans — and the news media either applaud or defend the actions of left-wing groups such as Black Lives Matter,, Antifa, the New Black Panther Party, and multi-billionaire George Soros’ myriad radical organizations, these same politicians and news purveyors are quick to vilify so-called extremist right-wing organizations who take action to defend their communities.. Such a scenario occurred on Wednesday.

An armed militia group known as the United Constitutional Patriots that routinely operates at the U.S.-Mexico border openly boasted on social media this week that they succeeded in capturing and detaining about 200 illegal aliens from one of the caravans that trekked from Central America through Mexico and managed to sneak into the United States.

The militia’s members held the illegal aliens at gunpoint near Sunland Park, New Mexico, and turned them over unharmed to the U.S. Border Patrol agents who responded to the group’s call.

“While the politicians and news people were quick to condemn the militia members as being vigilantes, the United Constitutional Patriots have never killed or wounded even one illegal immigrant, something that cannot be said about the so-called professional cops at the Mexican border region,” said former police sergeant Leslie B. Crimmons, who trains civilians in self-defense and firearms safety.

In a biting statement to the news media, the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said that it was “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S.

” It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” she added.

But Gov. Grisham appears to be wrong in her statements against the militia, according to several law enforcement officials.

“She obviously is ignorant of the laws governing the arrest of suspects by private citizens.Gov. Grisham needs to look up the section of Criminal Procedure Law which describes how citizens are empowered to arrest a suspect,” notes Det. Sgt. James Kovaks. “I wonder what she would say if one of those 200 illegals killed an American citizen,” Kovaks added.

Thousands more immigrants are heading toward the U.S.-Mexican border, hoping to gain permanent residency here even as the Trump administration tightens rules on detention and obtaining political asylum.

Some 2,000 migrants arrived in Mexico this week, forcing officials of Chiapas state to declare an emergency. 5,000 more migrants had set out toward the U.S. on Monday, according to the Mexico News Daily.

“The reason for such a large number of caravans and caravan members is partially the result of Democratic Party operatives going to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and promising the downtrodden, the uneducated, the criminal and perverted a better life including free food (food stamps), free shelter (Section 8 Housing), free healthcare and free education,” said political strategist Mike Baker.

“In San Francisco, one of the nation’s first ‘sanctuary cities,’ illegal aliens — even those committing felonies — enjoy almost hero-status by the Democrats who run the city while military veterans suffering from physical wounds and mental illness such Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are living on the streets of San Francisco,” Baker, a former police officer, noted.

In a statement released on Friday, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said it wants members of the volunteer militia group arrested for detaining immigrants at gunpoint and impersonating U.S. Customs and Border Protection. But according to former prosecutor Jeffrey Cianowsky, the militia group did not wear Border Patrol uniforms or identification and they were in within their rights to make a citizens arrest.

“Once again, the ACLU has exposed itself as a left-wing political group rather than the nonpartisan civil liberties protection group it claims to be,” said Cianowsky.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Wake UP America! The Trojan Horse Is Here!

With the arrival of massive Muslims to America, our culture and our way of life is forever altered. By now, most Americans know that Islam and the US Constitution are incompatible. Then what should be do? We, in the United States of America need to resist Islam’s encouragement while it is still gathering momentum, unless we wish to end up in the same fix as Europe.

For instance, to ignore the smoldering fire and relying on a few local “firefighters” to keep them from spreading is either naive or outright criminal, but it is certainly the easiest thing to do. That’s why I have decided to fight the fire and I am calling for help to put out Islam, the source that raises arsonists — the minority that they may be. It takes one arsonist to set a fire that a thousand firefighters will have difficulty to put out. The few Muslims who are brave enough to advocate reform of their religion are tossed out of mosques or, very likely, much worse.

We no longer can deny that Muslim jihadists live amongst us. It is only a matter of time before they show up and expose their aggression. Jihadists deem themselves the army of Allah. They use violence as an instrument of policy. This continues to be central to Islam. Muslim jihadists and their well-paid leftist apologists use the multicultural umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticism that those who know Islam better shower on this cult of violence peddled as the “religion of peace.”

You don’t need to listen to me, and don’t listen to these conniving dissimulators.  Please search it out for yourself.  See if the euphemism of multiculturalism is ever even mentioned by any Islamic leader, is ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in any form whatsoever in Muslim countries.

The West has been tolerant for so long, but “tolerance in the face of evil is not tolerance, it is a crime.”  It wasn’t long ago; we were defending ourselves at the Gates of Vienna from a Muslim invasion. Now, we welcome Muslims with open arms and generous welfare policies. Any push back to these open immigration practices is labeled Islamophobia, racism, bigotry, etc. But, at what cost do these changes bring?

You need to open your eyes and see how the scheme played out in Europe. Much of Europe is already past the stage of no return. This is not a game. This is real. This ideology will devour your entire family, if not now, soon enough. You need to wake up now and stop it from growing to the point of no return.

The battle with these people has been proven to be arduous and long. It is a duty of all enlightened individuals to work their hardest to fumigate these leeches from the body of humanity.

Through a highly effective indoctrination, the jihadist has come to believe firmly in Islam’s absolute delusion. He believes that Allah is the one and only supreme creator of the heavens and the Earth, that it is his duty and privilege to abide by Allah’s will and carry out his plans at all cost. He believes firmly in a gloriously wonderful immortal afterlife in paradise, for which a martyr’s death is the surest quickest admission. Although the dominating theme of the delusion is quasi-spiritual, the promised rewards of the afterlife awaiting the martyr are sensual and material.

All the things and activities that the jihadist desires and cannot attain or practice, and rejects in his earthly life, will be purified and proffered to him in the paradise of the next life. Thus, goes the delusion.

Pay close attention, after 1400 years, Islam is still on a campaign of conquest throughout the known world. Hordes of life-in-hand foot-soldier fanatical Muslims are striving to kill and get killed. All they want is the opportunity to discharge their homicidal-suicidal impulses, on their way to Allah’s promised glorious afterlife. And in the background, granting the foot-soldiers’ wishes, are their handlers, the puppeteers, who pull the strings and detonate these human bombs.

Here is what the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini said many years ago:

“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Islam does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials. Islam, however, allows marksmanship, horseback riding and competition. Meeting in Qom.”

You need to Wake up America: Your highest priority is the preservation of this nation of the free. We have done what it took in the past and we must do what it takes now and, in the future, to safeguard liberty. Defeating the encroaching Islam is this generation of Americans greatest challenge. We must meet the threat and defeat it. The alternative is to suffer the fate of the Europeans, many of whom are voting with their feet: fleeing to other lands and abandoning their ancestral homes to the Islamists.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Battle Scars

As we endure life in this world, walking by faith and not by sight, walking in the Spirit of God and not in the flesh, seeking to serve the Lord and His Kingdom, doing that which He has commanded us — and entrusted us to do — it can get very lonely sometimes.

I think of the apostle Paul, whose letters — which he wrote from prison — are filled with sound doctrine and teaching; but also his deepest personal feelings, as he endured great lonliness, being separated from his friends and fellow believers in Christ.

Look at Second Timothy 1.  He clearly missed his young friend, as he wrote: “I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.   As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.  I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.  For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.

“Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, — and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, which is why I suffer as I do.

“But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.  Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.   By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.”

And then Paul added, “You are aware that all who are in Asia abandoned me.”  Yes, Paul was there, writing to Timothy from prison.  He was jailed for preaching the Gospel of our Savior, and he was alone.  No one stood with him.  All had abandoned him.

Then in Chapter 4, we have this:  “Do your best to come to me soon.   For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.  Luke alone is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very useful to me for ministry…. When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.   Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds.   Beware of him yourself, for he strongly opposed our message.   At my first defense, no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them!   But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it.”

In Second Corinthians, Paul describes what Christian ministry is REALLY like.  Starting at verse 24:  “Five times I received, at the hands of the Jews, the forty lashes less one.  Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea;  on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.  And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches.”

There are many today, who will tell you the Christian life is all joy and happiness.  “Just walk the aisle,” they say, “repeat the ‘sinners prayer,’ and MEAN IT,” they’ll tell you…  And “Jesus has a wonderful plan for your life!”  “Just ask Jesus into your heart and you will go from misery to ‘your best life NOW!”  But friends, this isn’t true.  This is a false Gospel…  The fact of the matter is, the Christian life is NOT an easy one.  It’s NOT all happiness and joy.  If you are TRULY living out your faith and serving Christ, you will find yourself in frequent persecution, you’ll be mocked and ridiculed.  You’ll lose your friends.   You may even find yourself being sued in court; you may lose your business, your home, your freedom, and yes, in some cases, even your family.

Jesus Himself said in Matthew 10, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have NOT come to bring peace, but a sword.   For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.   And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

You absolutely will NOT fit in with the modern culture if you are following Christ today.  It is at that point you have a choice:  keep your mouth shut and practice your “religion” in secret, in which case you will NOT endure any persecution and you can just “get along” with everyone — or you can be a faithful servant, obey the commands of Jesus and season this world with salt — being a beacon of light in a dark and dying culture.  Yes, you HAVE that choice.  So what will you choose?

Those who choose the latter often find themselves very lonely and very misunderstood.  Because they walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh, the world cannot understand them.    Spiritual things are spiritually discerned; and those without the Holy Spirit CANNOT understand.  It’s not that they don’t want to… they just don’t have the Holy Spirit inside them, and therefore they CAN’T understand you.

“Religious” people will not understand you either.  Many times you’ll even be viewed as a “troublemaker” or a “crazy zealot” by those in your own church, if you dare step outside the box and actually DO the work Christ called you to.  You WILL endure hardship and you WILL experience persecution if you’re openly and faithfully and unashamedly living the Christian life.  Those who preach “health, wealth, prosperity, happiness, roses and rainbows” are lying to you.  You should ask yourself what their motivation is… and oftentimes, you’ll find it’s very simple: it’s so that THEY can be well liked and popular among the people… and well PAID.

How lonely it must have been for Jesus Himself — MANY times — as even His own disciples had a hard time understanding some of His teachings.  Yet He patiently taught them and explained to them the parables the world could not understand.  And though they walked closely with Him for 3 1/2 years during His earthly ministry, on the night of His arrest, they all abandoned Him, when He needed His friends the most.

Look at Luke 22.  Here, Jesus was on the Mount of Olives, following the Last Supper.  He went there to pray with His disciples.  But His disciples couldn’t stay awake and watch with Him even one hour.  How lonely our Savior must have been as He prayed, “‘Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.’  An angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him.  And being in anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”

Not exactly “health, wealth, prosperity, happiness, roses and rainbows”… is it?  That was NEVER Jesus’ message.  That’s a false Gospel, that creates false converts, who quickly fall away.  As it has been said, “everyone wants to follow Jesus — until they find out where He is going.”  Now, I am NOT saying that the Christian life is miserable.  As a matter of fact, I don’t know how ANYONE can make it through this life without Christ.  There IS a peace.  Though the world around you continues to spin out of control into chaos and evil, as a true believer in Jesus, you DO have peace in your heart.

As Paul wrote to the Philippians, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  Friends, we would NOT NEED “peace that passes all understanding” if the Christian life were EASY.  But BECAUSE we know Christ as our Savior, BECAUSE we have His Holy Spirit within us, we can have a peace of mind and heart that the world just cannot ever comprehend.  But it’s still, often, very lonely.

In the ministry work I do,  I get a great many phone calls, emails and letters from those who are seeking answers, and often seeking my counsel.  Some have grown children who have become wayward and left their faith behind.  Some have unbelieving spouses who are carnal and worldly, rather than spiritual.  Some deal with ridicule from co-workers.  Most all of them have very shallow “friendships,” with only a few at the churches they attend.  They often have NO ONE they can fellowship with, or commune with or talk to about the deep and rich things of God.  They feel so ALONE.

All of us, who carry the name of Christ and live out our faith — FOR REAL — have endured great emotional and physical hardships.  It often seems we’ve been in one battle after another, and we have the battle scars to prove it.  And it is when we are alone in the battle that things are most difficult and heart-wrenching;  when all have abandoned us, when even those we thought were our friends turn away.  This is also the time when the enemy likes to come and attack; and unless we remain in prayer and communion with GOD, we can easily become discouraged and depressed.

This is why we are exhorted — in the book of Hebrews — “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.   And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” 

How sweet it is to have REAL, GOOD fellowship with like-minded believers.  Not shallow small talk, fake smiles and handshakes during “greet your neighbor time” at your Sunday service… but deep, meaningful fellowship and friendships with the saints of God.  How wonderful to have a support system like that.  It is so refreshing to our souls when we have friends we can be open, honest and transparent with as we share our Christian walk together.  We can “compare notes,” and we can relate to one another as we let our “Battle Scars” show.

When I quoted from Hebrews about not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, I’m not just talking about GOING to church.  I’m talking about BEING the church — all in one accord — with fellow saints you KNOW are true believers and true friends that stick closer than a brother.

Some of the greatest times in my own spiritual walk have been with friends like this.  Recently, one evening, following a busy day at a Christian conference, I sat with a friend, one on one, and we just talked together.  We shared with one another our experiences in ministry, as well as the heavy burdens we both carry.  Though our ministries — and our battles — are different, and though some of our battle scars run deeper than others, they are all part of the same spiritual warfare we’re both involved in.

And then, after we talked a long time, we PRAYED a long time, with each other and FOR each other.  I’ve never felt such peace in my heart as I do at times like this.  As disciples of Jesus living in the times we are living in, I UNDERSTAND what the writer of Hebrews meant when he said, — “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” —  how it is even MORE important as we see the Day of the Lord approaching.

The spiritual warfare continues to wage all around us.  Those of us who are engaged in this warfare NEED one another.  We need real, deep, intimate friendships; fellow believers we know we can TRUST in any and every circumstance.  We need to KNOW they “have our backs” in our times of need.  We need such friends we can talk to and pray with on a deep, intimate level — and not have to worry about gossip being spread.  We need MORE than shallow, vain, repetitious corporate prayer time.  We need more than “small talk” — we need REAL brothers and sisters in Christ.

It’s like a little glimpse of heaven during these intimate times with our fellow believers.  As Jesus said in Matthew 18, “For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.”  If you don’t have this in your life, I encourage you to seek it out.  Pray that the Lord open those doors for you and then, even though you may have deep wounds and battle scars, let yourself be vulnerable enough to let them show, and let others know your needs.  Fellowship together, PRAY together…  build an intimate, close bond of friendship.  Because it’s HARD living a faithful and obedient Christian life.  And it’s even harder doing it all alone, with none who understand.  So stand firm to the end, fellow believers… and if you need or want to talk with ME, I’d be honored to be your friend.  God bless you.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 253.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Lies Of The Left, Part 2

The liberal left has been lying to the American people for decades and the MSM has followed along with their lies supporting the undermining of our country.  In a meeting of the Trilateral Commission, an anti-American organization founded by David Rockefeller, he bragged about how the media had kept quite about the intentions of the Commission to the American people.  IN a 1991 meeting of the Trilateral Commission Rockefeller said this:  “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

The media’s silence on this is treasonous at best.  David Rockefeller was even proud of the fact that he and his family were traitors.  On page 405 of his autobiography Memoirs he states this: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.  If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”  Again, media has remained silent about these acts of treason because they are right in the middle of it.

Even Hollywood has become part of the left-wing attempt to tear America down.  Strisand, Baldwin, O’donell, Cher, Ashley Judd and the list goes on of the members that outright hate President Trump.  They all promised to move to Canada, I guess Mexico wasn’t good enough, if Trump was elected and they all lied.  None of them can speak the truth about what Trump has accomplished and any time one of these fools opens their mouth the media is there to cover every word they say. MSM has always misrepresented what Trump has said or tweeted.  In a tweet about MS-13 gang members MSM removed all mention of MS-13 and said this was a comment about illegal immigrants: When Trump’s comments first made waves, it sparked a wave of blatantly misleading tweets and stories that omitted the MS-13 context to say Trump made the comments about “immigrants” or “illegal immigrants.” The lame and tenuous arguments for that framing are moot this time around. It’s just waaay too much of a leap in logic to take comments about illegal immigration generally and MS-13 specifically, and frame them as specifically about a different, sympathetic subset of legal and illegal immigrants.

You didn’t need a photographic memory or an encyclopedic knowledge of Trump quotes to realize the video was a rehash, just to follow politics and remember controversies that dominated headlines. That seems like a low bar, but it was a bar that dozens of major political figures failed to hurdle.

I honestly can’t quote or embed every major Democrat or media figure who fell for this tweet, because this piece would go on for several pages. Instead I’ll hyperlink and list them out in a run-on sentence: Presidential candidates Kirsten GillibrandBeto O’Rourke, and Pete Buttigieg, Representatives Ilhan OmarTJ CoxCrissy HoulahanJimmy GomezFrank Pallone, and Yvette Clark, DNC chairman Tom Perez, Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro, the Delaware Democratic Party, The New York Times‘ Jamelle Bouie and Glenn Thrush, former Obama staffers Ben Rhodes and Jake Maccoby, CNN’s Christopher Cuomo and Ana Navarro, ThinkProgress’ Josh Marshall, gun control activist David Hogg, disgraced journalist Dan Rather, MSNBC’s Joy Reid or maybe her hacker, and the NAACP’s Sherrilyn Ifill. [1]

When the majority of Americans are uninformed, by choice, it is easy to sway them in a direction that favors the liberal agenda. Politics has gotten so bad that people no longer follow what DC is doing because it disgusts them. This is totally the wrong approach. We must be aware of their shenanigans, which is exactly what they are, and we must oppose them. Trump has made us very aware of the ‘Fake News’ which consists of 95%+ of media. Now even one media source id left-wing land is siding with Trump.  Blasting Democrats and the American media as fake news is something that’s almost an everyday occurrence for President Donald Trump.

But now, a major U.S. newspaper is jumping on the bus.

The editorial board of the Boston Herald published a piece on Monday titled “Democrats and toxic media at their worst,” revealing how top names in the news business intentionally twist the president’s words to mislead and divide the public.

“The left and its compliant media are willfully reporting false news to the American people,” the Herald’s editors said.

“Whether it is a symptom of mass hysteria that is the genesis for this confirmation bias-style reporting or an intentional maneuver to spread anti-Trump propaganda, its effect is toxic and pernicious.” [2]

There was a time when what was reported in the newspaper was proper information, relevant to what was needed to maintain a civilized society but that hasn’t been the case for over a hundred and fifty years.  It has become a publication for indoctrination into the leftist agenda.  Virtually all media has gone down that road. Laws are being presented that will make opinions different from the government approved opinion illegal. There is one state that is beginning a data base on these non-conformists: Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel – who, for all intents and purposes, looks suspiciously like a transgender – has decided to launch a full-scale crusade against the First Amendment.

According to reports, Nessel is planning to create a “hate crime unit” as part of Michigan’s government, the purpose of which won’t necessarily be to prosecute “hate crimes” – which aren’t a real thing anyway, by the way – but to actually police the speech and thoughts of Michigan residents to make sure they align with official government ideology.

By creating a database of people who think for themselves, Nessel is on record as stating that she plans to keep an all-seeing-eye on people who commit “thought violations” – which aren’t real crimes, according to the United States Constitution.

“It is important to understand that these are not convicted criminals or people who[m] the state has reason to believe have committed or are planning to commit a crime,” writes Jay Lorenz for about the people Nessel is planning to target with her unconstitutional “hate crime unit.”

“The new database is specifically designed to target law-abiding Americans,” he adds.[3]

When you think about it there is only one reason for this kind of data base and that is to criminalize these people when the left is back in power. If you don’t believe this, you’re asleep.

This is not the America most of us grew up in. This is the beginning of Hitler’s 1930’s Germany.  Why is this happening? Because when you don’t teach history, which we don’t, we repeat all the mistakes from the past. Totalitarian governments have always ravaged societies and always will. Those that want that type of government will always keep it quiet. Notice that the Democrats are having the statues of those that supported slavery removed so there is no evidence of its horrors. They do this because they want to bring it back and if we know how bad it really was, we will resist it. They want no resistance.

Lincoln said that America would not be taken down from an outside force, but it would collapse because of corruption from the inside. It is happening now yet most people don’t see it.  How long will we last if we no longer are awake?

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Zero media outrage as dozens of democrats and reporters spread fake news
  2. Major newspaper erupts on toxic media democrats
  3. Michigan State government to create thought criminal database

Easter Special: How Jesus Might Look Back At The Cross

(Note to Readers: In the late 1990’s a church prepared to produce an Easter Program, with several chosen to play the parts of those who had been with Jesus during the Crucifixion as they reflected on that event. When this writer was asked to “be Jesus” the answer was no, since no-one is worthy to portray Jesus. It DID seem right to present how Jesus might give His thoughts and what He might say instead of actually pretending to BE Jesus, so the writing began. The reception of it was so strong that it was decided that it be written for publication where it also received solid approval, so much so that it became an annual Easter Feature since in publications throughout the world.)

The world today is in chaos. There are no restraints in human conduct. Absolute values have long been abolished. Good is considered evil, and evil is considered good. And never has The Cross been more offensive to society than it is today. Sin abounds. Any mention of the name Jesus Christ brings contempt and ridicule. His name is blasphemed and many public displays of Christianity have been declared illegal, while at the same time, pagan religions are readily endorsed and encouraged. Seeing all of this, would Jesus have second thoughts about Calvary? How would He look back on his sacrifice today? Think about it.

Prayerfully pondering these questions, this writer speculates what Jesus might say to us today as He looks back to the Cross:

“But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Our time reference is much different in Heaven than it is on earth. If you were to be with us in Heaven, you would see an entire life spin out from birth to death in a matter of seconds.

“This is why coming to earth to face Calvary’s Cross was the greatest challenge I have had to face during my existence. First I had to come under the earth’s time system of seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months and years.

“Even more challenging was agreeing to inhabit an earthly human body with its inherited sinful nature. A body that would feel the driftings and currents of the world as well as the pain.

“And it may surprise you to learn that I had to exercise extreme faith to go through with this. Remember, I began my sacrificial life on earth as a baby… a new birth on earth. As a baby I had to be fed, bathed, and diapered like any other baby. I had to learn to take my first steps, learn to understand and speak words, and, experience the growing pains of adolescence.

“The time passes slowly for young people and soon there was such a feeling of distance between where I was at that time, and my time in Heaven with my Father, that it almost seemed a memory that may or may not have actually been.

“And while instinctively I wanted to be about my Father’s business, the Jews in the synagogues would curtly ask, “Who is this boy who asks such questions? Isn’t this Joseph the carpenter’s son?”

“I eventually faced the appointed day… a day where I would take on all the sins of mankind, a day where I would (in a human body) die a disgraceful, excruciatingly painful death while the Roman soldiers ridiculed me and religious leaders mocked in the distance.

“And yet, this was the only way that mankind could be redeemed, saved by Grace, and reconciled to God. Without this sacrifice, all would perish, which had been Satan’s plan since the Garden of Eden.

“My human body was capable of the same temptations and stress as yours. This is why that in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing what I faced the next day, I sweated great drops of blood. And yes, at one point (giving into the body I inhabited), I cried out: ‘Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take this cup from me… nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt.’

“The reality of what I faced was now before me – the unspeakable pain – having to endure all the sins of mankind in my body…to be taken to hell and back, to be ridiculed and to have one of my own disciples betray me… for money.

“I had to call on every ounce of faith I possessed to go through with this. But I had no choice. The world itself was at stake. And my love of mankind was such that I would have none perish.

“As my Father promised me, and, as explicitly detailed throughout the prophecies, the entire event went exactly as foretold, ending in great victory. Lucifer suffered his greatest defeat as the keys of death were snatched from his hands. Death was conquered, giving instead, to all who believe in me, everlasting life with me in Paradise.

“Looking at the world today… a world filled with violence, chaos, sin, unspeakable crimes against humanity… and even seeing those who call themselves My servants cutting down each other and distorting my Word, one could well ask, ‘Was it all worth it?’ If you could go back, would you go through the crucifixion again?’

“Yes I would. I would go through the whole thing for any ONE of you here. That is how much I love you. When you join me in Heaven, you will understand why I would want to share this Paradise with you. Heaven (you will see) is filled with exquisite peace and joy, and a place where you will inhabit perfect heavenly bodies… bodies free from aches, pains and disease.

“On second thought, let me clarify something. There will be one imperfect body in Heaven. And every time you see the nail holes in my hands and feet, and the scar in my side, you will be constantly reminded of how much I love you. And let me add, it was all worth it.

“So come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


Wishing You All A Very Happy Easter Celebration

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

These Are Your Democrats America: Insanity, Stupidity, and Utter Chaos in the Wake Of The Muller Report Release

(True Conservative Pundit) The Democratic reaction to the release of the Mueller Report was exactly as anticipated, illogical, ignorant, stupid, and pathetic.  Did anyone expect anything less?

You can listen to AG Barr’s press conference here, (the relevant portion begins at the 22:05 mark).

The Democrats have completely lost touch with reality and are proving this to be true on a daily basis.  No less than five Democratic House Chairman sent a letter to AG Barr demanding that he cancel his scheduled press conference on the release of the Mueller Report.

The five House members who sent the letter are:

  • Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee
  • Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee
  • Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee
  • Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee
  • Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

The Democrats are to no ones surprise demanding AG Barr release to Congress the full un-redacted Mueller Report.

There are several problems with all of this:

  • By United States law, the Attorney General has complete authority on what to release or not release from a special counsel report – including to Congress
  • The AG has the sole discretion on what is or is not redacted in the special counsel’s report
  • Congress has NO authority to compel the AG in this matter to release anything whatsoever, again by law

Another problem with Mueller’s Report according to Rush Limbaugh is that it seems apparent that Robert Mueller wrote his report in a such a manner that although he did not directly implicate President Trump in any wrongdoing whatsoever – the report was worded so as to leave the door open to the implication that there was wrongdoing on Trump’s part, Mueller just could not find it or prove it.  This of course will give the Politicrats plenty of sunshine to make hay.

It is obvious to anyone that if the Democrats are provided with the full un-redacted Mueller Report that someone will immediately leak the relevant portions to the mainstream media who will be only too happy to print the dire news with absolute glee.  This would all be in the name of destroying President Trump of course – while being camouflaged as being in the public’s best interest and right to know of course; as this is the number one goal of the Politicrats.

Dangerous criminal Rep. Jerry Nadler was all up in arms over the fact that AG Barr was having a press conference before releasing the Mueller Report.  Nadler said, “this is wrong” – no, it’s not wrong Mr. Nadler.  Nadler is only bent out of shape because the Politicrats can’t control the narrative on this one, not to mention that the Dems cannot spin this before it’s release to Congress and the public. [Link]

This is not about a press conference or even Congress right to see the report – this is solely about that fact that the Politicrats can’t publically spin this before the public sees the information for themselves.

Nancy Pelosi sounded off on Twitter:

AG Barr has confirmed the staggering partisan effort by the Trump Admin to spin public’s view of the #MuellerReport – complete with acknowledgment that the Trump team received a sneak preview. It’s more urgent than ever that Special Counsel Mueller testify before Congress.”

So – because Trump did not impede the release of the Mueller Report, even stating that he wanted the report to be released, this is spinning the report?  AG Barr repeating Mueller’s own findings, which were no collusion or obstruction – this is spinning the report?  Keep in mind the source of these comments, Nancy no-mind Pelosi – who famously said that, “we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.”

The Democrats have lost this fight and they know it, they are grasping at straws in sheer desperation to find something, anything with which they can hang Trump out to dry.

This writer is betting all of this partisan nonsense is going to come back to bite the Politicrats in a very big way.  I recently wrote an article on the fact that the Democrats hate America; this can no longer be disputed unless one lacks a brain.

No outcome or result will in any way shape or form be accepted by the Politicrats concerning Trump, except for one – guilty.  No matter that at least three separate investigations (Mueller, the Senate, and the House) all concluded that there was no collusion and no obstruction.

Wanting to, thinking about, or discussing action to stop or possibly disrupt the Mueller investigation does not qualify as obstruction.  If that were the criteria needed to implicate someone in a crime, then as a matter of course we would need to remove all members of both houses of Congress along with most of the U.S. government.

The Democrats are operating on a completely ludicrous and outlandish premise that is only ever applied to those who are not on the side of the Democrats and the RINOs (Politicrats).  When it is a question pertaining to the Politicrats, then the rules of engagement suddenly change.  Then by golly one is innocent until proven guilty!  But yet if one is not a vaunted Politicrat, well one is guilty of all charges until proven innocent.

Trump WILL win in a landslide in the 2020 election, and I see a very distinct possibility that the Republicans will regain the majority in the House and keep the Senate.

Americans are wising up to the corruption and the outright lying and manipulation of We the People via the Politicrats and the dishonorable and useless mainstream media.

Speak up and speak out America – while there is yet time.

You have been warned America…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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“Some People Did Something” – Where Does Christianity Make Its Stand?

On March 20, 2019, Breitbart reported “Twelve French Churches Attacked, Vandalized In One Week.”  Without evidence, we cannot make a connection between these attacks and the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral.  But, shouldn’t we at least be a little suspicious.  The article further reported an average of two Christian churches per day were vandalized during 2018.  Yet, none of this was mentioned during the coverage of the Notre Dame fire.  Just seems to me we, in America and across the World, we go to great lengths to downplay attacks on Christianity and Christian symbols.  If this was just one of the other more than 1000 attacks on European Christian churches in the past year, we would have not heard of it.

I watched a little of the coverage on Fox News during the Cavuto show.  Cavuto interrupted and cut off Catholic League President Bill Donahue who mentioned his suspicions that that it may be more than an accident.  Actually, Cavuto was closer to we can’t talk about that, speculate about that even mention that hysteria as he continued to talk over Donahue until his mic was dropped.  Another of Fox’s liberals, Shepard Smith did the same to a guest on his program. Hear no evil, see no evil heads in the sand and unwilling to entertain the slightest possibility that is was anything other than an accident.   Or maybe American Journal contributor Kelleigh Nelson had it right and Neal and Shep were toeing the corporate line.

Just to educate Fox and the remainder of the intentionally ignorant media, Raymond Ibrahim, Gatestone Institute reports: “European Churches: Vandalized, Defecated On and Torched “Every Day””  He reports of incidents across Europe adding, “Sometimes, sadly, in European regions with large Muslim populations, there seems to be a concomitant rise in attacks on churches and Christian symbols.”  He concludes with a comment from a German News Site, (Politically Incorrect) PI-News that states: “Hardly anyone writes and speaks about the increasing attacks on Christian symbols. There is an eloquent silence in both France and Germany about the scandal of the desecrations and the origin of the perpetrators…. Not a word, not even the slightest hint that could in anyway lead to the suspicion of migrants… It is not the perpetrators who are in danger of being ostracized, but those who dare to associate the desecration of Christian symbols with immigrant imports. They are accused of hatred, hate speech and racism.”  Sounds like a description of the American News Media and our chicken politicians and a tenet of the new world order.

European Union states liberalism with its open borders and uncontrolled migration by masses of military aged men, invited this upon their people.  If you’ve traveled much in Europe, you know nearly every city has its Notre Dame, historic and ancient symbols of Christianity.  Those cities also have their Muslim No-Go Zones for police.  Attacks on these Churches and symbols of Christianity is a beginning that has an ugly end.  It is the first ingredient of a recipe for much worse

In Nigeria, the American Center for Law and Justice reports what amounts to Christian genocide by  ISIS-affiliated Boko Haram and Muslim Fulani tribesmen.  Here in America, there seems to be no media interest.  The Christian Post reports that Christian persecution is expected to increase in 2019. From Nigeria, to India, to China, to North Korea, to Eritrea, to Pakistan, to Egypt ….

Do you think there are no attacks on Christianity here in the land of the free?  David Limbaugh wrote a well-sourced book on the topic, Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christians.  Although published in 2003, the book lays out many examples of attacks on Christianity.  It would be worth your while to read.

We live in a country founded on the precept of unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator.  God-given.  If you live in the United States of America, no matter the reason that brought you here, understand that it is the Judeo-Christian value system that’s the foundation of the world’s only country founded on the principle of individual liberty.  It is the core value of the world’s exceptional nation.  It is what makes American culture unique.  We have brought in and allowed into our country cultural mindsets antithetical to our core values.  People unwilling to assimilate or embrace our culture, yet use America’s freedoms to attack us.

But it isn’t just immigrants attacking our great culture and with it freedom itself.  It’s our own citizens.  People who are offended by Christian symbols.  People who will label you as a bigot because you will not embrace behavior or lifestyles that go against your Christian beliefs.  People who preach tolerance, but cannot bring themselves to be tolerant of Christians or for that matter most anyone who offers diversity of thought.  Groupthink, stifling views of others, persecuting those who do not agree with your life choices…  None of that leads to freedom.  It leads to tyranny and serfdom followed by much worse.

I don’t care about what you believe, your race, your sexual orientation, your religion or any other identifying characteristic you may come up with.  If you embrace America and it’s founding ideal of individual liberty, I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you and defend the America from all enemies foreign and domestic.

Where does freedom make its stand?  Where does freedom’s foundation, Christianity, make it’s stand?  If we cannot answer those questions maybe we do not deserve the great nation with which God blessed us.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

E-Mail JD Pendry:

When Will We Hold Them Accountable To Their Oath?

On April 6, 2019, Jeff Thomas Black, 50, took a portrait from Portland, Oregon City Hall of disgraced Mayor Neil Goldschmidt as an “act of civil disobedience and support for survivors of sexual abuse” and live streamed his arrest at his Portland home as he burned the portrait. He’s been booked in the Multnomah County jail for 2nd degree criminal mischief, 3rd degree theft and tampering with physical evidence.

Goldschmidt was Portland Mayor from 1973-1979 and Oregon State governor from 1987-1991. By 1994, he was a registered lobbyist in Washington, D.C.  but it wasn’t until 2004, that Goldschmidt confessed to having sex with a 13-year old babysitter during his first term as Mayor.  Local police and the Oregonian failed to follow up on the earlier accusation so he could not be prosecuted because the Statute of Limitation had expired.  As governor the pedophile appointed his wife, Margie, to the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Prevention of Child Abuse. She was on hand when this narcissistic governor declared the month of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. Go figure – no shame!

And following Goldschmidt, voters elected John Kitzhaber not once but twice. He and his live in girlfriend were under investigation by the FBI and the IRS, the Oregon Attorney General launched a criminal investigation of the two of them, but the latest is with the Ethics Commission which could have assessed penalties up to $110,000 for 22 violations but the former Oregon” First Lady”,  Cylvia Hayes has reached a tentative deal to pay $50,000 to settle the Ethics case which is tied to her work as a consultant and an unpaid adviser to then Governor John Kitzhaber.  Both she and he should be in jail. It took longer to close this case because Hayes had a habit of not showing up for meetings and now she’s filed bankruptcy.


While Oregon’s “first lady” was treated favorably, we remember Melissa Klein who was the owner of a small cake baking business near Portland, who refused to bake a wedding cake for a couple shameless lesbians was fined $135,000 for “politely” declining to create and express a message that was contrary to her faith. America rallied behind the Kleins and started a Go Fund Me” account and when it reached $100,000, the homosexual community pressured Go Fund Me into shutting it down.  Melissa’s case now goes before the U.S. Supreme Court and the outcome will impact every Christian business owner in America – their free speech rights and religious liberty.

When I saw that story on teLIEvision about Jeff’s “civil disobedience”, I had to laugh and wanted to find him so I could shake his hand and thank him.  The Oath is similar for federal and state positions. Upon taking office, all robotic officials swear an Oath stating that they will uphold the U.S. Constitution, but most have every intention of breaking that Oath because if asked, they couldn’t tell you what is in the Constitution.  The Oath: “Do you swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that you will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter – so help you God?”


Most officials once placed their hands on the Bible to take that oath but on March 5, 1991, the House of Representatives passed H.J. Resolution 104 by voice vote to designate and specify that our country is based upon the Talmudic “Noahide Law” as the New World Order religion.  It was passed by the U.S. Senate on 3/7/1991 and Father Bush signed it on 3/20/1991 – Public Law 102-14. In 2012 the Supreme Court set up an office of the Talmud but long before that, in Oregon Governor Goldschmidt, Kitzhaber and Senator Ron Wyden took their oath on the Talmud. In Daniel 7:25 we are warned about the fourth terrible beast, “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of times.”


Congress early on was advised of the Communist Goals which were entered into the Congressional Record on Jan. 10, 1963 which included control education and promote feminism, which was designed to get both parents out of the home and into the workforce where they will pay taxes and then the Government could raise and educate the children the way they want.  If you ask anyone in Congress today, they probably are not even aware of this record.  I helped launch News With Views in 2001and my first article was entitled: OUR LIVES, OUR FORTUNES AND OUR SACRED HONOR hoping that Americans would recognize the sacrifice they made for our Constitutional Republic and that we should do no less.

My second article was: IS COMMUNIAM DEAD?

On June 19, 1962 Nikita Khrushchev said, “The U.S. will eventually fly the Red Flag…the American people will hoist it themselves.” Back then it was viewed as humorous but today, after what they’ve been doing to President Trump, humor has left town!

Of the Democrat candidates in 2016 Clinton and Sanders- one was openly and defiantly Socialist, while the other attempted to mask her Socialism.  Sanders wanted to demolish Capitalism as we know it. Could it be that Khrushchev realized this youthful vulnerability 60 years ago and the political unrest being institutionalized throughout academia? Khrushchev warned they could spit in our face and we’d call it dew. Today, college unrest has mushroomed into adoring throngs of Socialist-minded students.

Ralph Epperson in his 1985 book THE UNSEEN HAND, the conspiratorial view of history showed a picture of two individuals, the Russian “Communist” Nikita Khrushchev, and the American “Capitalist, Cyrus Eatron, who are supposedly mortal enemies yet they are smiling because American and European “Capitalists” have been selling Russia strategic goods since about 1920.  “There is no such thing as Soviet technology. Almost all, perhaps 90 to 95% came directly or indirectly from the U.S. and its allies.”


Lately we have watched the Communist front called the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION (ACLU) attack Conservative Americans on behalf of illegal aliens. The ACLU calls itself the “nation’s guardian of liberty” while at the same time it is fighting to “kill the First Amendment (rights) to speech, association and assembly.”

And why we are still embedded in the United Nations and paying dues, remains a mystery. The U.N. is an illegally established terrorist organization operating under the guise of Humanitarian aid; however their mission is to destroy sovereign nations and to build a One World Totalitarian Government. On June 26, 1945 the U.N. Charter was signed in San Francisco with almost ALL of our reps being members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and later proven in sworn testimony to be secret Communists.  America joined the push for Global Government and both parties were not only lauding and funding the recently formed United Nations organization, but were practically tripping over each other to transfer more and more power to the global body.

So, with our “civil disobedient” Jeff Thomas Black on our mind, isn’t it time for more “civil disobedience” and how can we pull it off?  I have been subscribing to the John Birch Society NEW AMERICAN magazine (formerly American Opinion) for many years.  Phone 920-749-3784 for cost of individual copies. I highly recommend this January 21 article. $49 per year for a subscription. While it is not perfect and I don’t always agree 100% with their editors, I find the magazine extremely helpful when it comes to which Congress person I should vote for on Election Day. The January 21st issue begins with Article 1, Section 1, Sentence 1: “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States” and then they move to explaining one by one the other Articles.

The NEW AMERICAN publishes periodically the FREEDOM INDEX – House and Senate votes – A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution. The most recent one was in its January 21, 2019 issue entitled “When will we hold them to their oath?”


Sadly, most Americans, victims of deficient schooling about the Constitution, do not protest when congress people don’t merely make small breaches in the bulwark of the Constitution, they gouge it. If the Constitution were accorded the importance it deserves, the federal government would be 20 percent its size and 20 percent its cost and we would have 50 states whose laws more closely align with the desires of their populace.  The freedom that Americans in general should seek is long over due so by ordering this January 21, 2019 from NEW AMERICAN – you will see the Scorecard of your Congress person and Senate. Choose one of the bills which he or she gouged, enlarge some picture of them from campaign literature, post it on social media and in the public square making sure the media knows about what “civil disobedience” you choose and let the REAL REVOLUTION BEGIN TODAY

Today in Congress, the Constitution is adhered to selectively, and disobeyed regularly but one provision does catch the attention of these lickspittles and earns unquestioned respect:  Article 1, Section 6: The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services and no member of Congress ignores that especially like Senator Diane Feinstein, 85, who has held her Senate seat since 1992, one of the wealthiest who along with her husband, Richard Blum have been involved in any number of shady deals. [Link]

Now, I recognize Americans are busy earning a living, raising their children, paying their taxes and it is difficult for them to keep up with everything that goes on in Washington, D.C. but a handful do subscribe to numerous publications that helps them be more astute voters.  Every week day my husband brings home a big handful of requests for participation to any number of conservative organizations and, of course, requests for money that helps keep them afloat.  I swear my name is on every so-called conservative organization from abortions to funds to feed the Holocaust survivors.

By avoiding the clear intent of the Constitution has resulted in great harm to our nation and the American people. But the good news is that the Constitution is still in place and it needs only to be enforced to bring about the restoration of sound government. ALL THAT IS NECESSARY TO BRING ABOUT THIS RESTORATION IS TO INFORM AND INVOLVE FELLOW CITIZENS TO HOLD THE FEET OF THEIR LAWMAKERS TO THE FIRE (as 50 year old Thomas Black, above, illustrated)  AND INSIST THAT THEIR OATHS OF OFFICE MEAN SOMETHING ONCE AGAIN. AS ALWAYS, THIS DEPENDS ON “WE, THE PEOPLE.”

And while the last statement is encouraging, the article following in this January 21, 2019 issue is entitled THE LOOMING SOCIALIST REVOLUTION ON CAPITOL HILL and for the first time, there are enough Democrat members of the House who openly espouse socialism and anti-Americanism that they will dominate their party. SOCIALISTS HAVE BEEN INFILTRATING THE DEMOCRAT PARTY FOR DECADES – The Republican Party on occasion. Sunday teLIEvision aside from sports follows all the Democrats throwing their hat in the arena for president.

The situation has gotten gradually worse since the Vietnam War era. Democrat Party “moderates” have been mostly successful – with the help of the establishment media – in keeping a lid on their Socialist wing for years, but the relentless pressure from open Socialists, along with an increasingly indoctrinated populace, has finally blown the lid off the charade. Every election cycle the radicals have gained a little more ground. In 2018, a tipping point was reached. Mere “infiltration” is boiling over into a full-fledged scarlet-tinged Socialist takeover says the January 21st article in the NEW AMERICAN which goes on to identify the many left-wing, communist supported organizations that shouldn’t even be allowed to operate in America.


The Democrat-Socialist –Communist control in the State of Oregon has gotten so bad we’ve managed to elect a transgender Governor who is proposing $2 billion in new taxes in just three years and a $2 billion sales tax (prohibited) to go towards the bankrupt unconstitutional Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).  About the only way it can be stopped is IF THE REPUBLICAN SENATORS WALK AWAY FROM A VOTE ON THE MEASURES SO THE DEMOCRATS WON’T HAVE A QUORAM.  WILL IT HAPPEN? Voters should be calling the Republican Senators telling them to walk away. [Link]


This January 21 issue of the New American has the FREEDOM INDEX which lists many bills which have been introduced and voted upon and how EVERY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE AND SENATOR VOTED. As I peruse the list, the one that jumps up at me for Pro- life Conservatives is the Planned Parenthood legislation. During consideration of the appropriations bill for Health and Human Services and other Federal departments, including Defense (H.R. 6157), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) introduced an amendment to prohibit Federal funding of PLANNED PARENTHOOD. The Senate rejected Senator Paul’s amendment on August 23, 2018 by a vote of 45 to 48 (Roll Call 191) Pluses have been assigned to the yeas because Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, and Government should not subsidize the killing of innocent human life. Moreover, under the Constitution, the Federal Government should not be subsidizing any private entity in the marketplace.

In reviewing the voting record of the Senators, a few got fairly high grades but no 70% passing except Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky with a score of 95% and M. Lee of Utah with a 90% vote. Senator Paul’s only “nay” vote was the Opioid Abuse Prevention and Health Programs – H.R. 6 would modify Medicare and Medicaid in relation to opioid abuse. It would authorize $500 million annually, for fiscal 2019 through fiscal 2023, for the establishment and operation of opioid recovery centers. It would also authorize the CREATION OF OPIOID RECOVERY CENTERS. It would also authorize the CREATION OF AN OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY and require a study on Medicaid drug review and utilization requirements. A Senate amendment to the bill would remove provisions allowing Medicaid reimbursements for residential substance-abuse facilities.

The Senate passed H.R. 6 on September 17, 2018 by a vote of 99 to 1 (Roll Call 210) Those receiving pluses to the nay because Medicare and Medicaid are both unconstitutional programs. The U.S. Constitution gives no authority to the Federal Government to pay people’s medical expenses, no matter how poor or disabled they are. Such assistance should be handled by states, charity, or the free market. Any expansion of Medicare or Medicaid, which is what this bill authorizes, should be voted against.

And, of course, please note the new government agencies created above which will require more government workers on the payroll, payment of union dues which supports Democrats.

And we have another Congressman like Justin Amash (Mich) who voted against President Trump’s attempt to get funding for a wall at the border by declaring a national emergency. In doing so, he is one of very few who took such a principled stand. He said, “If you think my job is to support the president one -hundred -percent, then you don’t understand what it means to be a Representative in Congress. My job is to support the Constitution one- hundred- percent and to represent the people of my district by protecting their rights.”  What this country needs is more men to celebrate real manhood like Amash, Rand Paul and M. Lee. Check it out.


And last but not least, the losers want to get rid of the Electoral College, and replace it with a POPULAR VOTE because the Democrats think they got ripped off with Bush vs – Gore and Hillary losing to Trump but what if Donald Trump happens to win the National Popular vote in 2020? How are they going to feel when their Electoral College delegates have to pledge their vote for Donald Trump even though their state may have voted Democrat?

© 2019 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf:

Holding Politicians Accountable And The Danger Of Political Correctness

In the land called America, citizens exercise their power through the ballot box. Hence, when you vote in America, you vote for our freedom. When you decide to vote for a candidate, it is your civic duty to make sure that person has been thoroughly vetted and has answered your questions openly and publicly.

America is faced with an insidious, multifaceted, and the deadly threat of Islamic fundamentalism. Since Islam has been around for centuries, there is a tendency to ignore or even deny the threat it poses to humanity. Various concessions are made, some of them as good faith offerings and some in the hope of placating devout Muslims. Yet, concessions to threats are appeasement. And appeasement has never solved any problems. They only whet the appetite of the aggressor, give it more power, and make it even more dangerous.

Frankly, if the candidate of your choice has no knowledge of Islam’s Stealth Jihad that currently moves at the speed of light in the US and refuses to be direct and transparent with his constituents, that candidate has absolutely no business to run for office. In fact, he would be a disaster. It falls into your hands alone to decide whether you to vote for the survival of America or for your favorite candidate no matter what.

You must keep in mind that the vote you cast will not simply replace one politician with another. At this point in time, every vote has great existential implications. Whether we like it or not, we are truly in a war of survival in the era of Islamic terrorism. You cannot negotiate co-existence—live and let live—with Muslims. Eradication of the Islamic ethos is a daunting task, since Islam is truly a virulent persistent pandemic disease. Muslims have been deeply indoctrinated since they were babies.  They will never assimilate. You need to elect a person who will stand and fight against Islamism and not cut and run!

To call Islam, a great religion and misrepresent it is not simply a harmless gesture of goodwill and peacemaking. This ignites the fire with every intention of consuming us. Therefore, it is imperative that we choose our elected officials with great care. We must entrust the helm of our nation to the hands of a person of impeccable integrity who is unconditionally loyal to the American Constitution, who does not sacrifice principles and truth at the altar of expediency and political correctness, and who does not shirk from what he must do to ensure our nation’s survival in the face of internal and external assaults.

Once again, it is election season. Once again, the slick easy-answers politicians give while they do and say everything to get our votes. Our Marxist Democrats promise us everything and more. They will bring the troops home and will give us a raft of goodies, so they promise. But, when the barbarians are inside our gate, it is suicidal to run and hide in the cellar. Islamists are not at the gate. They already have breached the fortress America in significant numbers. They wait for the opportunity to open the gate fully to their co-cultists and make the land of the free a graveyard of Islamic slavery.

A sobering statement: The actual king in a democracy or in our Republic is not the voter, (as they have made you believe) but the forces or powers that steer him in his vote. The Golden Rule means he who has the gold makes the rule, it is said cynically, yet there is a large dose of truth in it. Democracies are plutocracies — the rule of money. It is a sad fact that money drives politicians to power and keeps them there. Without money, they never make it to first base.

Without more money, they may just languish at first base. To advance further to real power, politicians need large sums of money. And people who have money, as a rule, do not give politicians money without extracting payback. The higher the politician moves, the greater is his IOU to the people and the organizations that own him.

Moneyed Muslims and Muslim organizations with vast interest in promoting Islam are thoroughly familiar with the power of money to recruit people to do their bidding. That’s why many non-Muslims work at all levels of government and the society at large to further Islam. In short: they are paid to do a job.

We need accept that jihadists live among us. It is only going to get worse. Jihadists consider themselves the army of Allah. Muslim organizations have been busy and working “stealthily” changing America in what is called “Soft Jihad,” or “Cultural Jihad,” in the United States. Soft Jihad is practiced where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe their sword, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the general public would likely stamp them out.

A critical tool of soft jihad, therefore involves penetration of the American educational system, by use of means such as Da’wa-a religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims in order to strengthen the Islamic Ummah. Then they use violent Jihad. Also, don’t bank on politicians, they are master practitioners of the art of the politically correct, to protect liberty. Politicians must be urged by the citizens to safeguard liberty, scrutinized closely that they do the work, and are held accountable if they fail to do so. You, as a citizen, also have a job to do. Take a few minutes a day and do what you can to protect freedom. “Freedom is not free,” may be a cliché. Yet, it is the most profound four-word sentence in the lexicon of the free.

We, individual Americans, more often than not, are outmanned and outgunned by these group forces. Lone rangers win only in make-believe movies. In real life, governments, institutions and organizations are the ones who prevail. They have the funds to buy the services of the media; employ lawyers, politicians, and mercenaries of all stripes.

In short: For as long as our elected officials bend over backwards protecting Islam, Islam will thrive and flourish. It is long past the time for our elected officials to wake up and do the job they were elected to do and they must be held accountable.

EDITORS NOTE: At the Siege of Vienna, September 11, 1683, Islam poised to overrun Christian Europe.  We are in a new phase of a very old war. You can order Siege of Vienna September 11, 1683 this most excellent movie from Australia but, you need a Multi-Region DVD player to view it. You can also order this movie from Amazon for $16. It plays in German or English. Or, you can watch it on your computer by Amazon’s Prime Video.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Tea Party For Trump

It is exciting that my patriot brothers and sisters at Tea Party Express have announced the launch of “Tea Party for Trump.” My first tour on Tea Party Express in 2008 led to me speaking and preforming my “American Tea Party Anthem”  at over 500 rallies on several national bus tours.

The launch of “Tea Party for Trump” feels similar to the Blues Brothers saying, “We’re getting the old band back together again because we’re on a mission from God.” My fellow patriots, “Tea Party for Trump” is our mission from God to reelected our remarkable president.

The Amazing Whistle Stop

Our Tea Party Express rally in Searchlight Nevada featuring Sarah Palin drew 25,000 people. Our rally in Boston drew 19,000. The most memorable rally for me was not a scheduled rally. After completing a rally, our tour bus headed to the next scheduled rally in Memphis Tennessee. A staffer received a phone call requesting that we make a brief whistle stop so around 50 people could meet our team of speakers and entertainers.

When our tour bus arrived at the location, state police were directing traffic. Our bus was greeted by over 500 people enthusiastically cheering while waving American flags. As our team exited the bus, the crowd acted like we were rock stars. The truck hauling our staging and sound system was on its way to Memphis.

Our team used the back of a pickup truck for a stage. Someone handed us a megaphone. After each team member addressed the crowd, we all joined in singing “God Bless America” a cappella. Several people cried. No fancy staging. No powerful PA system. Just Americans, all on one accord, sharing in their love for our country. It was awesome. We were showered with gratitude, homemade baked goods, small gifts and requests to take pictures with us. Once our team was back on the tour bus, the mood was quiet. We were blown away.

Despicably, Congressional Black Caucus Rep Andre Carson said the Tea Party wants to see blacks hanging from a tree. No one tried to lynch me.

For decades, we have allow leftists to dominate public education. Consequently, we have a generation of youths who are clueless regarding this extraordinary, unique and successful experiment we call America. Far too many young voters are willing to surrender their constitutional freedom and throw away every principle and value that has made America great for the promise of government handouts.

Founding father Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

For years, I sought funding to bring “Reach Your Dreams” rallies to black neighborhoods and black colleges. I believe if blacks heard black conservative Republicans tell their stories, commonsense would lead blacks to abandon the repressive insulting Democratic party. The GOP’s response to my proposal was, “Why bother? Blacks will never break their loyalty to Democrats.”

My buddy, Wild Bill for America called me. He said the dumbest place in America is college campuses. Bill wants to schedule Tea Party rallies on college campuses. I think that is a great idea.

In essence, we are talking about taking the truth about Trump and our great country directly to low-info voters, by-passing the lies and distortions of fake news media.

Tea Party for Trump” is the righteous resistance to Democrats’ deranged lawless resistance to Trump. Please support the Tea Party Express effort to keep president Trump in the White House; keeping America great.

Since 2008 at Tea Party Express rallies, I performed wearing my trademark black hat and black leather vest. Thanks to my KETO diet, the vest still fits – see y’all at a rally.

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

Mentally Ill Immigrant Throws Little Boy Off Mall Balcony

Recently this writer posted a story regarding the murder of actress Rebecca Schaeffer by an un-institutionalized nut job who got her home address from the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) which makes the DMV totally responsible for the death of this delightful young woman.
The murderer, Robert John Bardo, absolutely should have been confined in a mental institution, a State Hospital,  but several years ago, out of nowhere, the government shut down all State Hospitals feeling they could handle mentally ill persons differently and more effectively. And the one who held that notion once stated that the most horrible words ever to hear, is, “We’re from the government and we are here to help you.”
There was a State Hospital (insane asylum) in every city in America where these troubled nut jobs could be confined and treated. Suddenly the government shut down all these facilities and turned the insane loose on the streets. Today if a phsycho threatens someone, the victim can only call the police who will apprehend the offender but they can only hold them in a psyche facility for 72 hours, then let them back out on the street to cause more problems. This in itself is insane.
My story about this stimulated TONS of emails, all agreeing that it was a colossal mistake to close the State Hospitals and agreed that they should all be re-opened. Others urged me to follow up on this story, which I just did.
No sooner did that story break when the shocking news came out about a Somali immigrant who went to the Mall of America in Minnesota with the full intention to kill someone.  He was angry, he said, that women in the Mall rejected him.  Read that again. He went to that mall with evil intentions of violence. 
This psychiatric case, who changed his Muslim name, Ardisaid Mohamed to Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda, wound up in this country as a Somali immigrant. We have tried to learn if he was legal, or an illegal immigrant but that information has been purposely hidden.
The Mall of America is the world’s largest Mall with 4.2 million square feet, located in Bloomington, about 10 miles south of Minneapolis. It opened in 1992, has more than 520 stores,10 amusement attractions. and is visited by 40 million visitors annually.
The nitwit entered, went upstairs, saw the little boy, 5 1/2 year old, Landen Hoffman, grabbed him and threw him over the ledge as his mother screamed in terror. This beautiful loving little boy received life threatening injuries that will keep him handicapped for the rest of his life. Plus he will deal with unspeakable constant pain. He has been robbed of a happy childhood.
Court Records show that Aranda has a history of convictions for misdemeanor offenses. Some of those cases were handled through, now get this, MENTAL HEALTH COURT. This shows he was indeed known to be mentally ill. So why was he out on the street??? Because some years ago State Hospitals (insane asylums) had been shut down letting all inmates loose.
This Muslim who committed this dastardly deed upon an innocent child,  had been living in a shelter, and like all the rest, being supported by all of us. He should never have been let into the U.S.  He should be in an insane asylum. The fact that he was tried in a MENTAL HEALTH COURT should hammer this point home.
We MUST re-establish State Hospitals (insane asylums) without further delay. Readers, please pass this on and contact President Donald Trump, White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.D., and urge him to reverse the order given by his predecessor and reopen these insane asylums with no further delay.
Meanwhile, a wonderful little 5 1/2  year old loving little boy is laying in critical condition in a hospital thanks to a Muslim immigrant who should never have been let into this country in the first place, and certainly not outside an insane asylum that would have prevented this horrific tragedy.
Mr. President: Re-open Insane Asylums,  close the borders and protect our people. You are the one president who can accomplish this.
Photo Caption: Insane Somali Muslim Immigrant

© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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The Founding Fathers Put The Finishing Touches On The Quest For Liberty

Throughout the annals of history, there have been those who sought the road that leads to Liberty.  There has been a continuous rise and fall of nations, both great and meager.  For the most part, one form of tyranny replaced another with the false promise of a better way of life for the people.  History shows that only one Revolution was different.  The United States Revolution set out to without a doubt, replace tyranny with Liberty and Justice for all.  Inquisitive souls have pondered upon how did it happen?  Why did it happen?  The Revolution was in effect long before the actual war began.

For centuries, freedom and liberty occupied the hearts of many people which culminated in the effort to obtain them during the American Revolution.  The event which “some” history books refer to as the “American Revolution” and date its beginning with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, was only a completion of a stage in the revolution.  That stage began centuries earlier, on a different continent, at a different period in the progress of civilization.  The logical question is What originally initiated the change from a society based on the supreme rights of the state to a republic focused on the supreme or unalienable rights of man and individuals?

There were the first glimpses of the rights of individuals during the period after the children of Israel walked away from the brutality of ancient Egypt.  But the revolution began to pick up a little more steam when Jesus Christ announced, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”  Christianity boldly proclaimed to the world that man was created in the image of God and destined for immortality.  It is also known that in the eyes of God all men are created equal.  The faith I Christ alone resulted in the concept of true Liberty: “the Liberty where with Christ hath made us free.”

True Christianity maintains an operation outward from within:  It effected no violent revolutions, even though oppressors tried to violently snuff out the right to freedom in Christ as well as in our nation.  “People of God sought to effect those changes at once by an army of dedicated souls which could only succeed by Providential guidance in gradual development.”  Dr. Augustus Neander further illustrated these developments in his 1845 book Memorials of Christian Life.

Today in our still great republic, there are many who are foolishly working to literally destroy the remaining vestiges of both Christianity and Liberty.  They like the brutal tyrants the Founding Fathers fought to overcome hope to totally wipe out your ability and right to live for your own sake.  Today’s tyranny lovers are willing to utilize temporary allies like the Islamists, legions of fake gender promoters, media and academia haters to take down this republic, once and for all. I for one am convinced that if America is to reemerge as the long-term land of Liberty, she must reclaim her rightful place in the will of God.  She did not become the greatest nation in the history of earth without a strong and unflappable faith in as Thomas Jefferson stated, “God and natures God.”

It is wonderful that Christians today want to go hither and thither spreading the gospel and winning souls for Christ.  But unfortunately, in most (not all) cases todays brand of Christianity is void of hutzpah.  Most Christians are unwilling to take a strong stand against abortion, then wonder why their rights are gradually diminishing here in America.  Most Christians are not patriotic.  Yet they expect society to give a rip about them.  The determination to be weak among Christians was recently on display when Christian radio K-Love joined the likes of NBC, CNN and others in not allowing commercials for the successful movie Unplanned because they wanted to be politically correct.  If Christians are not willing to stand for what is right and support the effort to protect the unalienable rights of the most innocent amongst us, then they should not be shocked if their unalienable rights are denied.

We must now engage in a new quest for true Liberty.  Whether it is standing up for the unborn, the newly born, or fighting to restore true education for our nations young. That is a good starting point because what is taught to one generation dictates the direction the nation takes when they are adults.  It was Christian ministers who first inspired the valiant battle to unshackle America from the iron grip of Britain’s King George.  Too bad so many holier than thou Christians and ministers today are too blind with stupidity to even properly pray for President Trump.  They dubbed him as immoral and unworthy of support.  I could not help but laugh when soon after Trump accepted Christ he asked the assembled Christians surrounding him why they don’t fight, stand strong for their beliefs and for what is right for this country?

The Founding Fathers, most of whom were Believers in Christ understood and put the finishing touches in the quest for Liberty.  The least we as Christians can do is show both spiritual and natural guts and fight to maintain our God given Liberties.  God can work with and through imperfect men, but lukewarm wimps will He spew out of his mouth.  America is the land of the free and home of the brave.  Let us together be brave new founding fathers and I guarantee that Providential guidance will assure victory just as was done for the original Founding Fathers.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Let’s talk about it Fridays at 4 PM EST, 1 PM PT on worldwide emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards:

The Cross Still Stands Amid The Ruins Of Destruction

Europe is no longer Europe, it is Eurabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense.  —Italian Journalist Oriana Fallaci

Free speech is the soul of our nation and the foundation of all our other freedoms. If we can’t speak out against injustice and evil, those forces will prevail. Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.  —Pamela Geller, FATWA: Hunted in America

One of the most marvelous cathedrals in the world, Notre Dame of Paris, an absolute jewel, has been partially destroyed!  Yet the Cross of Christ still stands amid the ruins.

The cathedral was built on a small island called the Île de la Cité, in the middle of the Seine and is consecrated to the Virgin Mary. Construction began in 1163, during the reign of King Louis VII, and was completed in 1345. It is considered a jewel of medieval Gothic architecture. It is the most famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages and is distinguished for its size, antiquity, and architectural interest.

Notre Dame Cathedral is part of the World Heritage site of “Paris, Banks of the Seine” inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1991.  UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNESCO’s programs contribute to Sustainable Development Goals defined in UN Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.  World Heritage sites are land grabs controlled by the United Nations.  Link

The burning of this magnificent structure brought tears, not only to the eyes of all Christians, but to all architectural historians as they watched the destruction of this gothic French cathedral.

Videos posted on social media show a segment of the French population rejoicing over the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral on Monday, including laughing and smiling emojis by users with Arab names.  Thousands of Muslims on Twitter rejoiced.

France’s Churches Vandalized

One wonders how many refugee Muslims were working on the restoration and refurbishing of the 850-year-old cathedral.  Isn’t that a question that should be asked inasmuch as the fire started in two different places according to LCI, a French TV station, and during Christians’ Holy Week?  During nine centuries there was never a single fire in Notre Dame.

While Notre Dame is undoubtedly the most well-known landmark to be affected, Paris’ second largest church, Saint Sulpice, briefly burst into flames on March 17, the fire damaging doors and stained glass windows on the building’s exterior. Police later reported that the incident had not been an accident.  An illegal Muslim immigrant had tried to burn down Saint Sulpice.

In 2016, two veiled Muslim women tried to detonate a car filled with explosives in front of Notre Dame.

In mid-March, an illegal Muslim immigrant tried to burn down the organ of the Saint-Denis basilica, (another jewel) and destroyed stained glass.  Link

European Destruction

Countless churches throughout Western Europe are being vandalized, defecated on, and torched.  In France, two churches are desecrated every day on average. According to PI-News, a German news site, 1,063 attacks on Christian churches or symbols (crucifixes, icons, statues) were registered in France in 2018.

Similar reports are coming out of Germany. Four separate churches were vandalized and/or torched in March alone. “In this country,” PI-News explained, “there is a creeping war against everything that symbolizes Christianity: attacks on mountain-summit crosses, on sacred statues by the wayside, on churches…and recently also on cemeteries.”

Who is primarily behind these ongoing and increasing attacks on churches in Europe? The same German report offers a hint: “Crosses are broken, altars smashed, Bibles set on fire, baptismal fonts overturned, and the church doors smeared with Islamic expressions like ‘Allahu Akbar.’”

For similar examples in other European countries, please see Austria, Rome, Italy, and Spain, and so many others.

Free Speech Terminated by Fox News

Ahh yes, the newsroom narrative never touched on arson of this beautiful Notre Dame cathedral.  Instead, it had to be an accident, probably because of renovation.  Somewhere a spark from some tool ignited the cathedral in two different places, and this beautiful place of worship went up in flames while the world watched.  Yeah, sure!

Not surprisingly, but wholly choreographed, two Fox News anchors actually prevented guests from discussing the recent rash of churches being attacked which included arson. Both Shephard Smith and Neil Cavuto cut off their guests.

Bill Donahue, President of the Catholic League in the United States was speaking with Neal Cavuto.  Donahue commented that we don’t know that it was an accident, “But forgive me for being suspicious. Just last month a seventeenth century church was set on fire in Paris. We’ve seen tabernacles knocked down, crosses have been torn down, statues have been smashed.”  Cavuto cut him off, but Donahue continues saying, “But I’m sorry, I mean, when I find out that the eucharist is being destroyed and excrement is being smeared on crosses.”  Then Cavuto hangs up the phone on Bill.  Watch the video of the three-minute exchange.

Shephard Smith’s guest was French media analyst and former elected official Philippe Karsenty, who said the blaze burning at the Parisian landmark was “like a 9/11.”  Smith interrupts him and states they are not going to speculate. But Karsenty continues, “The church was there for more than 850 years. Even the Nazis didn’t dare to destroy it.”

He said there have been churches “desecrated each and every week in France, all over France” in recent years. “So, of course, you will hear the story of the political correctness which will tell you it’s probably an accident,” Karsenty said before Smith interrupted and cut him off.  Philippe Karsenty took to twitter to share the harsh and censored interview.  Link

Any logical discussion of an anti-Christian or anti-Catholic arson was terminated.  As Diana West stated in her recent article, “Given what we have all been through as veterans of the jihad, lo, these nearly 18 years, it is the pathetic height of absurdity to try to stop a rational being from wondering whether there is an Islamic connection to the burning of Notre Dame — amid all of the other possibilities, including criminal negligence on an epic scale.”

Media are no longer willing or able, to robustly defend their Judeo-Christian roots.

French Catholics Speak Out

Frenchman Maxime Lepante believes Islam represents a mortal danger for all non-Muslims.  “And when our churches, our cathedrals, our cemeteries, our monuments, are destroyed by Muslim immigrants, Macron uses our policemen to protect…the mosques!  Macron is an absolute criminal; he supports the Muslim invaders who are slaughtering us and destroying our country!”

Former French President, Francois Hollande will be infamously remembered for the November, 2015 Muslim terrorist slaughter in the Bataclan Café in Paris.  The Islamic State terrorists who attacked the Bataclan theater in Paris not only killed scores of innocents — they also gouged out the eyes and sliced up the genitals of some of the victims, according to testimony in a disturbing French report.

Some victims’ bodies from the second floor of the theater had been beheaded, eviscerated and otherwise mutilated, according to two secondhand accounts reported to a parliamentary commission set up to investigate the attack.

Now France’s President Macron will also be remembered in history for the very destruction of Notre Dame Cathedral by his beloved Muslim thugs.

Islamic Destruction of Historic Artifacts

Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci is a legend and was one of the bravest souls who wrote the truth of Islam.  The Rage and the Pride and The Force of Reason were books written by a woman who fought fascism in Italy as a kid, as an adult was shot three times and left for dead by police in Mexico City, went to Viet Nam to personally report on the war and was ultimately the recipient of an imam’s “fatwa” – a fatwa designed to permanently silence Fallaci’s criticism of Islam.

The fearless journalist interviewed Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. Forced into a chador in order to enter the Ayatollah’s presence, she ended up in a row about why women should be forced to wear such a garment, and became so enraged that she stood up and ripped off “this stupid medieval rag,” letting it fall to the floor “in an obscene black puddle.”  The Ayatollah rushed out…afraid of a woman with chutzpah!

Oriana interviewed Henry Kissinger in 1972 and he confessed in his memoirs that this interview was one of the most disastrous decisions of his career. But I digress…

In her 2001 book, The Rage and the Pride, she exposed the destruction throughout the world of historic artifacts demolished by Islam. She took up her pen to write this book after the horrors of 9-11. She told of the ruination of archeological monuments…the Bamiyan’s Buddhas of Afghanistan blown up by the Taliban on order of Mullah Omar.

It was the verdict of the Islamic Supreme Court of Kabul and their pronouncement that every pre-Islamic statue will be destroyed, every pre-Islamic symbol will be wiped out, every idol condemned by the Prophet to be pulverized.

It was pronounced on the 26th of February 2001, the same day in which the Taliban regime authorized the public hangings in the stadiums, and the last women’s rights were withdrawn.  Islamic decimation of historic architecture and documents continues, and is unabated despite being declared UNESCOs Sustainable Development World Heritage sites. Link

Fallaci tells how these people invade a country, how they live in the heart of a society that hosts them without that country questioning their differences and how the country is forced to capitulate to their so-called “religious” demands because of their own laws.

She tells of a synod held by the Vatican in October 1999 to discuss the rapport between Christians and Moslems, and an eminent Islamic scholar addressed the stunned audience declaring with placid effrontery: “By means of your democracy we shall invade you, by means of our religion we shall dominate you.”

The report was given by one of the participants, His Eminence monsignor Giuseppe Bernardini, archbishop in the Turkish Diocese of Smyrna.

Oriana says, “Dealing with them is impossible.  Attempting a dialogue, unthinkable.  Showing indulgence, suicidal.  And, he or she who believes the contrary is a fool.  The moment you give up your principles, and your values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead. Period.”

Heed her words…she is right!


European churches are vandalized, defecated on, and torched every day, historic monuments in the Middle East are destroyed, sharia law is forced on host countries who have allowed Islamic “refugees” to enter into their sovereign nations.

As for our country, the United States has been infiltrated thoroughly.  Robert Spencer in his book, Muslim Brotherhood in America, told that the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of the Washington establishment is remarkable by any standard. Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo of UnderstandingtheThreat noted in October 2011, “What we’re seeing not just inside the White House, but inside the government entities, the national security entities, the State Department – is a strong push by the Muslim Brotherhood to get their people not just into operational positions, but policy positions – deeper, long term, bureaucratic positions.”

In 2016, hundreds of Islamists were elected to local, state, and federal government, the invasion continues, and with it will come the destruction of our culture and our heritage and our historic monuments.

At the Siege of Vienna September 11, 1683, Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe.  We are in a new phase of a very old war.

NOTE:  You can order Siege of Vienna September 11, 1683 this most excellent movie from Australia but, you need a Multi-Region DVD player to view it. You can also order this movie from Amazon for $16. It plays in German or English. Or, you can watch it on your computer by Amazon’s Prime Video.

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

My New Book Is Out

Are you tired of trying to learn the names of politicians’ lawyers? Worn out with keeping track of how many Far Left wackos are seeking the Democrat 2020 presidential nomination? And trying to decide which one is the craziest of them all—a hopeless task?

Are you sick and tired of “gender” this and “gender” that? Do you long to read at least three paragraphs in which the word “racist” (oops) is not mentioned even once? Do you find yourself wishing, when you turn on the TV news, that one of those giant lizards from a 1960s horror movie would break into the studio and gobble ‘em up like ants?

And if you’re tired of hearing it and reading about it, just think how tedious it is to write about it.

Allow me to present Book No. 11 of my “Bell Mountain” series, “The Temptation.”  Monster of a cover, isn’t it? That’s the work of artist Kirk DouPonce, who’s done all 11 of them so far.

What? Our country’s looking shaky, globalists are trying to eat us alive—and you’re writing fantasy?

You bet I am.

There’s more on offer here than just escape—although certainly my books are intended to provide escape from the day to day torments of the nooze, and I’m very happy whenever I achieve that for my readers. But fantasy should also be a way of viewing our own world from an unexpected, unfamiliar vantage point from which we might see things that we would otherwise miss. That’s not as easy as it sounds, by the way.

So I write about this world where everything’s up in the air, all sorts of wild things are happening, because God is re-connecting it with Himself. And that means kingdoms rise and fall, quickly, great men, good and evil, come and go, and ordinary people have to cope with mysteries and miracles—everything that makes life worth living, as we say.

It’s a fantasy world, so our own world’s politics have no place here. But it’s also a human world: the way that people respond to current events, and to history, is mostly the same way we would respond. It’s a world created by the same God who created ours; so although it follows its own arc of history, very different from our own, and has its own Scriptures, it’s still a world that can make sense to us. We can imagine ourselves living in it. Heck, I have to do that every time I sit down to write.

Written for readers ages 12 and up, I’m still surprised when I hear from parents who tell me how much their younger children—eight years old, or even younger—have enjoyed these stories. After all, my two protagonists, Jack and Ellayne, are only about tennish when their adventures start. They are guided and guarded, and often scolded, by a squirrel-sized, manlike creature, Wytt. Together they travel all over their world, encountering fantastic beasts and all kinds of people.

Throughout the Bell Mountain series, my guide has been the Bible. So although I’m writing fantasy, you won’t find any spells or magic powers here. I allow whatever the Bible allows—which does give me pretty wide latitude. I hope it goes without saying that what is taught in the Bible as good is also good in my books. Both the laws of nature and the moral law, both established by God, apply in the world of Bell Mountain—and govern it.

“The Temptation” is available on as an ebook today; tomorrow it should become available in paperback, too. It will also be sold on Barnes & Noble Nook, Google Play/Books, and from the Chalcedon Store ( ). The preceding ten books in the series are all available in both Kindle and paperback formats.

They’re waiting for you.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Thou Shall Not Covet

At times it is possible to analyze a situation and miss the most simple of concepts.  How often do we find ourselves trying to dig ourselves out of a pit without truly understand how we got into it? We spend a lot of time questioning ourselves, and others, when the solution is often right before our eyes.

Can God bless disobedience?  Is it possible for God to put his stamp of approval upon something that he told us not to do?  Is it possible that sometimes the problems that we see around us really do have a simple solution even though the problem is massive?  Do large problems really begin as small ones?

When is the last sermon you hard in your church on coveting?  Correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t the admonition against coveting one of the things that God carved into the stones that He gave to Moses?   Could it be that one of the reasons that we Americans find ourselves in a financial pit is as simple as our disobedience to a basic principle of life?

Thou Shall Not Covet.  Read it right there in Exodus 20.  Oh, I know it is only number 10 on the list, but what a foolish people we have become because of our desire to ignore it.  In fact, the command is very specific.

Exodus 20: 17 “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is his neighbor’s.”

That is a pretty exhaustive list.  I wonder why we don’t hear more about coveting in our churches.  Permit me to share a story with you.

I was out on a public playground with my grandchildren the other day and, as often happens, they began to play with the other children on the playground.  Soon, some trouble reared its head as they began to argue over a toy with another child on the playground.  I moved in to scold my grandchildren for not sharing, but the other child’s father beat me to the punch.

“Nathan,” this total stranger firmly said to his son.  “What have I said to you about coveting?  Your new friend’s toy does not belong to you and you have no right to it.  Stop expecting to play with something that does not belong to you.”

This young father then turned to me.

“I apologize for our son.  We teach him not covet.  Please forgive us for causing a disturbance.”

I stood there with my mouth agape as the man and his young son walked hand in hand towards their car.

Think of the condition that America would be in today if we had all simply been taught that to covet was just as wrong as to steal.  In fact, all thieveries begin as coveting.  I thought about that brief exchange on the playground all of the way home.

As parents and grandparents we regularly find ourselves teaching our little ones to share, which is a noble thing to do.  Yet how many of us take the time to point out the destructive nature of coveting?  It was important enough to God that it made His Top Ten list, but not important enough to teach it to our children.  Most of America’s problems have, at the very root, the sin of covetousness.

Sadly, our American government encourages coveting.  What do you think taxation and social programs are all about?  Is it not wrong to take from one and give to another simply because they “need” it?  Isn’t “charity” something that comes from the heart and is nothing more than an expression of love toward one who is in need?  Isn’t that battle between the rich and the poor nothing more that jealousy over coveting what someone else has accumulated?  Is it possible to counter greed through coveting?  Don’t government handouts reinforce the sin of coveting?

Why are millions of illegal aliens storming our borders?  Is it not because they desire to have a better life by taking from American’s things that do not belong to them?  Aren’t all of these “social justice” churches reinforcing the sin of coveting to those who are illegally streaming across our borders?  Isn’t the Government rewarding their sin?  Aren’t those bleeding heart liberals contributing to the sin by guilt-tripping the rest of use for not giving in to the border-jumpers covetousness?

Help me here.  Isn’t covetousness just as sinful as theft?  Don’t the two go hand in hand?  Would we have the economic disparity that we have in this nation if we taught people that it is wrong to desire to have what someone else has earned?  If I am taught that it is wrong not to share then why are others not taught that it is wrong to expect to take from me what they have no right to?

Thou Shall Not Covet.  With all of the moral issues that we are dealing with isn’t it amazing that at the heart of every one of them is the desire to have what does not belong to you.

The Bible’s Truth’s are often harsh.  Living a true Christian life is not an easy task.  The Bible calls us to be cheerful in our giving and it is hard to be cheerful when one is coerced.  The wickedness of the American government (and most if not all of the world’s governments) can be seen it its policies. Stealing from the Haves and giving to the Have-nots is not a Biblical principle.  It is a violation of at least two of the Ten Commandments.

Try on this Christian admonition from the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians.

For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you; Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you: Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.  For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

Perhaps it is time we quit pointing our fingers at those who don’t want to give and focus on those who simply want to take.  Sadly, the Word of God is a double-edged sword.

Thou Shall Not Covet.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Did Muslims Start The Notre Dame Fire?

Why has no other writer asked this question? Simply because most are afraid to. When someone tried to bring up this subject with Shepherd Smith, the gay news anchor got in the way and would not allow the question to be pursued. That surprised me. He of all people should have welcomed the discussion since Muslims not only hate gays, but believe they are all condemned and throw them off the roofs of buildings feeling that they should all die. This is part of their culture.

This writer WILL pursue the Notre Dame fire. First of all, how many know that the week preceding the Notre Dame fire, 12 French churches had been torched? That news was smothered. This was all possibly planned,  building up to the grand finale to show Islamic superiority by staging an event as earth shattering as 9-11 which brought them the notoriety they coveted as well as causing widespread fear.

Now let us analyze the time frame. This week is the holiest week for Christians along with the week before leading up to it. This would be the perfect time for Muslims to destroy the largest, most prestigious beautiful Christian church in the world in a high profile action which would demonstrate Islamic power, just like they did on  9-11, for the purpose of murdering and bullying all Americans.

Muslims hate Christians and the Christian church. In France there is a huge population of Muslims who have virtually taken over the country, establishing “No Go” zones that are strictly for Muslims who are demanding that Sharia Law replace current laws. The way to accomplish that is to show ‘who’s the boss?”

I saw some videos of the fire that briefly showed a couple of mysterious men moving about at the top of the Cathedral and in another location just as the fire began. Even though the videos were quick, one of the men had on what appeared to be Islamic apparel. The news made no mention of them. This writer saw the videos. Why is this being hidden?

The good for nothing media tried to say that the Cathedral was being renovated and the fire no doubt was accidental, caused during this reconstruction.  That well may be, but this columnist demands to know who each of those workers are and where they came from.

We would not be surprised to learn that one or more of the workers of the renovations were Muslims and THEY are the ones who set Notre Dame Cathedral on fire to push their perverted ideology.

To the authorities investigating this: Identify every worker in that Cathedral when the fire broke out. We believe that the answer will lie there. And take stern action. Do not let this drop.

This columnist does not hate all Muslims. On the contrary, I never met a Muslim I didn’t like.  They can be charming and hospitable. When I visited tribes of them in the desert of The Holy Lands, I was welcomed into their tents with open arms. However there is a gathering of Muslims who are not nice and who have the goal of taking over the entire world and are ready to commit the most atrocious violence on others to reach their ghastly goals. There are many of those scattered throughout the world.

It is this past documented behavior, murder, deception and destruction that has brought these questions that must be answered. We have all seen the propensity of their vicious activities which have been beyond savage. To not question things today is downright stupid.

The entire build up to that fire was just too convenient for evil doers…the 12 church fires the week before, nearing the Holiest week for all Christians which would exalt and celebrate Jesus, two anti-American Muslim Congresswomen now occupying Congress, with more warming up, and the two unidentified men seen in the Cathedral just as the fire started.  Yes, this was all too convenient to avoid questioning that entire episode.  This columnist still holds that the Notre Dame fire was an act of sabotage. I would be happy to learn that it was not.


© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

While The Media Is Diverting Your Attention To The Southern Border, So Far 13 States Have Been Handed Over To Illegals! This Is Treason!

Article 3, Section 3, US Constitution: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

The media continuously attempts to divert your attention to the southern border through the circus of politics.  You know, where the left blames the right, and then the right blames the left, and in the end, the American people are stripped of their God-given rights.

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[YouTube Video]

People need to awake to the fact that this administration has eradicated NAFTA by implementing something far worse called the USMCA in helping set up a global government (Luke 22:48).

A popular constitutional attorney from Washington DC shared with me this last week that this president has the power to put a stop to all of this illegal immigration across the country if only he would enforce the immigration laws, which he has not done. He went on and said that if you are waiting for this administration to enforce immigration laws, forget it, this president is sitting on his hands.

[YouTube Video]

Many are not aware of the fact that several states have passed unconstitutional legislation, policies which counter and undermine the US Constitution, in order to hand your country over to illegals within the borders of the United States of America (Deuteronomy 28:43).

Just this last week, we’ve seen the manifestation and exhibition of this in my state of Minnesota, where they want to hand driver’s licenses to illegals. Yes, you read that right.

New, treasonous Governor Tim Walz wishes to implement something called a “Sanctuary City.”  He is joined by treasonous Attorney General and Islamic terror-tied Hakim Muhammad, otherwise known as Keith Ellison, whose objective is to bring in 300% more Somalis into Minnesota to illegally enforce, through totalitarian means, that which is clearly contradictory to the US Constitution (Article 6,  Section 2, US Constitution). [Link]

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Of course, let’s not forget the 74 said representatives acting outside of their scope of authority that just passed through the House a bill that would literally hand out licenses for illegals that are at this very moment being allured into this state (Deuteronomy 28:43).

Let me ask you, where did these said representatives receive delegated authority from “We the People” to implement such a bill? They didn’t!

No one has delegated authority to these said representatives to tear down the United States Constitution and recreate it in the image of the United Nations charters in making way for illegals.

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The propagandists in Minneapolis, Minnesota, The Star and Tribune reported, “Minnesota House votes to allow driver’s licenses for immigrants in the country illegally.”

The Democratic-led Minnesota House voted Friday to give immigrants the ability to get driver’s licenses even if they are in the country illegally, setting the stage for a potential clash with Senate Republicans who argue that the change rewards those who break the law.

“Immigrants, whether they are documented or undocumented, are Minnesotans. They are part of the fabric of our communities,” said House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler, D-Golden Valley. “It is time that we helped take away this shadow of not having a driver’s license.”

The 74-52 vote was a victory for the DFL House majority and Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, who have made it a top priority for this session. But it faces strong opposition in the Republican-controlled Senate, where some conservatives see it as an invitation to illegal immigration and possibly even fraudulent voting.

Sen. Bill Ingebrigtsen, R-Alexandria, said the proposal would set a “dangerous precedent” and “undermine our current laws.” “Minnesota shouldn’t be in the business of incentivizing illegal behavior, and by allowing illegal and undocumented immigrants access to driver’s licenses, that’s exactly what our state would be doing,” he said.

Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, R-Nisswa, has called the chances that the bill would pass his chamber “small.”

If the measure were to clear the Minnesota Legislature, still a distant prospect, the state would become the 13th in the nation to provide licenses to residents who cannot prove legal status, fueling the national debate over immigration and access to social benefits.

Ron Branstner reported:

Most of you are aware of the house file that passed the floor this past week in Minnesota.  H.F. 1500 passed the House overwhelmingly in support of giving illegals driver’s license on Minnesota roads.   Many of you may not be aware that passing the House file could be viewed as an act of treason.   Federal law clearly addresses its position on those who are here in the country illegally.

We should address the first act of treason by your representatives when supporting or writing legislation to aid and abet the undocumented illegals present in the United States.

Bringing in and harboring certain aliens is part of US code (8 U.S.C. § 1324). This statute is aimed at an individual who “knowing that a person is an alien, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry.”

The statute is also aimed at the person who “knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law”; or with the same knowledge “conceals, harbors, or shields from detection” such an alien; or “encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.”

An individual is liable under this statute if they engage in any conspiracy to commit any of these acts, or if they aid or abet the commission the acts.

Punishment ranges from one to 10 years, but can reach up to 20 years if the alien places a person’s life in jeopardy during the process, if the alien presented a life-threatening health risk to people in the United States, or if aliens were transported in groups of 10 or more, for example.

Secondly, we should address the workplace environment when illegally hiring a person here. If Minnesota were to give permission for an illegal to drive legally on our roads, they still do not have the permission to work in the state according to the Federal statutes.

False personation of a U.S. Citizen (18 U.S.C. § 911) is also part of US code.  Illegal aliens often present themselves as US citizens, an act punishable as a felony. This law is often cited in immigration prosecutions and may involve, for example, an alien claiming US citizenship to his employer. It may also involve an illegal alien claiming to be a citizen for purposes of voting, receiving some government benefit, or an alien attempting to avoid deportation by presenting a fake US birth certificate to an ICE agent during an investigation.64  An alien who “falsely and willfully represents himself to be a citizen of the United States” faces a fine and imprisonment up to three years.

Now, after finding out about this information, I immediately called my state senator and began asking what was going on down at the state capital.  I inserted constitutional references throughout the conversation and also stating the above referenced federal laws.  I ended by stating that this is treason (Luke 22:48).

He replied, “We need help from a third party” and added that these said representatives that signed their names to implement such a treasonous bill need to be escorted out and into jail, I of course answered in the affirmative with, your exactly right (Isaiah 26:9; 51:4)!

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Americans, how long are you going to play the fool with those who are trampling under foot your blood-bought freedoms, as well as those who are now handing off your country to those who mean to destroy it? [Link]

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Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

The DNC Trojan Horse, Facebook (And Google And Twitter)

“According to socialist Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, Facebook and other tech giants such as Google, Twitter, and Amazon should be broken up. In an ironic twist, Facebook immediately validated the senator’s concerns by taking down her Facebook page soon after she called for Facebook’s dismantling.”

“Although it pains me to say this, Warren is right.   In fact, in all likelihood, that’s one area where many conservatives would agree with the socialist-leaning Massachusetts senator.  After all, it’s an established fact that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, along with Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and many other social media platforms actively and regularly censor conservatives.  It’s not even up for debate at this point. Facebook has admitted its bias.”

“To put it in blunt terms, if you’re a conservative or libertarian, especially a successful and significant one, the statist technological potentates in Silicon Valley don’t like you.  Literally, it’s personal with them.  More to the point, they hate your point of view and will often find ways to prevent your message from being published.  That’s just who they are.”    James Gorrie, Epoch Times

It should be no surprise to anyone that the purveyors of Facebook, or even Google and Twitter, lean quite left ….. some far left.  If you look at the political contributions of Facebook employees, they run over 60% to Democrat candidates.  In 2016, 67% of Facebook employees contributed over $3,000,000 to Democrats.

Most of the employees of the three major social media companies and their founders are products of our liberal colleges, not to mention being subjected to three generations of social Democrat indoctrinations in public schools and academia.  That they lean left en masse should hardly be a shock. 

Facebook, along with Google and Twitter, the DNC Social Media Trojan Horse, are determined to use their platform and their power and influence to lead America directly into Democrat socialism and purge conservatism from the body politic through direct censorship and massive left-leaning propaganda.  Is it any wonder that millennials are going for socialist Bernie Sanders?

Even knowing this we finally decided to join the masses by creating a Facebook page for the National Association of Rural Landowners, after being urged by many people to do so.  We linked the Facebook page to our website ( and linked several pages of our website to the Facebook page.  Within a few hours, Facebook blocked our account and started requesting additional information.  We provided the information but it was ignored and by the next day they had disabled our account.

Not wanting to take this lying down, we sent a Certified – Return Receipt Requested letter, under our corporate letterhead, to Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook’s Menlo Park, CA corporate offices, describing our displeasure and strongly suggesting they should be broken up under anti-trust laws.  As you will see, we sent copies to the Facebook board of directors, as well as to the chairman and ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee.   A copy of our letter follows:


April 9, 2019

Mark Zuckerberg Founder, CEO, et. al.

c/o Corporate Secretary
1601 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025

cc: Sheryl Sandberg COO, Facebook;  Marc Andreessen Co-founder and General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz;

Erskine Bowles President Emeritus, University of North Carolina;  Kenneth Chenault Chairman and Managing Director, General Catalyst;  Susan Desmond-Hellmann M.D., M.P.H. CEO; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation;  Reed Hastings Chairman and CEO, Netflix;   Peter Thiel Co-founder and Partner, Founders Fund;   Jeffrey Zients CEO, The Cranemere Group

cc: Chairman Jerrold Nadler and Ranking Member Doug Collins, U. S. House Judiciary Committee             and multiple media outlets.

Gentlemen, or ladies as the case may be:

After 13 years of being an advocate for the American rural landowner, we finally decided to increase our national exposure by starting a Facebook account.  We spent almost a day putting the information together to make an informative Facebook page.  We linked our new Facebook page to our website and linked our website to the Facebook page like most businesses do.  It didn’t take more than an hour after publishing the page for Facebook to start raising issues with our account.

First, we were requested to provide our mobile number so that Democrat-controlled Facebook could send us a code by which we could re-open the page.  We really didn’t want to provide our mobile number in the first place but we were given no choice.  We tried to get on the page again, only to encounter another block, wherein Democrat-controlled Facebook then required our picture to be uploaded, which we did reluctantly.  For over a day the account was blocked while Democrat-controlled Facebook “analyzed the picture” or so they said.  That of course is ludicrous and a ruse.  How long does it take to analyze a picture and what is there to analyze?  The FIX was in!

Finally, this morning, Democrat-controlled Facebook disabled our account without giving any reason.  But then we know the reason.  Our company is a conservative organization that has been serving the American rural landowner for at least 13 years.  The word “conservative” is obviously the prevailing reason behind the disabling.  There can be no other explanation.  Further, it fits right in with the Democrat-controlled Facebook disabling, or shadow-banning, thousands of conservative Facebook accounts all across America.  Your mission statement is a sham and an outright lie.  We’ve read your statistics.  The Democrat-controlled Facebook Company should be broken up under anti-trust and hopefully the Congress will get off its dead butt and get the job done.  But we won’t be holding our breath.

Not so respectfully,

National Association of Rural Landowners, and


Ron Ewart, President

Now we aren’t so naive’ as to expect our puny efforts to have any effect, or force the Congress to take action.  We just couldn’t let the issue die without voicing our anger over what is blatant, in-your-face censorship.

Perhaps some of you have experienced the same treatment from Facebook.  You are welcome to send them a letter to the above address.  If tens of thousands of conservatives loaded up Facebook’s corporate mailbox, or millions cancelled their Facebook account, maybe they would get the message.  Corporations only understand a huge drop in their bottom line.

The heavy-handed control of information and the news by Facebook, Google and Twitter is just another form of socialist Democrat corruption.  If you really want to put an end to this and other forms of political corruption, click HERE.

NOTE: Do you have an old cell phone collecting dust in a drawer somewhere.  NARLO can use them.  If you would like to donate your old cell phone, click HERE.

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Are Socialists Really Thieves?

In light of so many eager Socialists serving in or running for office, I feel the need to talk about Socialism.

The essence of Socialism is theft.

Contrary to Socialism, in America we have an absolute God-given right to property given to us by our Creator. We can find this right recorded in the sacred text:

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.’”

This right to property is codified in Constitutional Law, clearly identified by the Fifth Amendment prohibition against theft: “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

Unless you have committed a crime, your property is yours and will remain yours — fully protected by government.

Hostile to this Biblical/American concept of private party, the goal of a socialist is to steal your money or your property and take it for himself.

But a socialist is a little more sophisticated than a mugger or a burglar.

A socialist uses the government to do the otherwise dangerous work of stealing your property from you.  A socialist uses the power of the state to force you to surrender your property.  This is what Frederic Bastiat called “Legal Plunder”.

In his book “The Law”, Bastiat describes this process and asks the hard question we must ask ourselves: “What do I do when those entrusted with enforcing the law, use the law — to break the law?”

When I was growing up, “Socialism” was a pejorative.  To call someone a socialist was to hurl an insult.

Not any more. Socialist propaganda is openly promoted and championed by both major parties.  BOTH parties.

How did this happen?


Tragically, ever since the middle of the last century the public schools have been indoctrinating America’s children to accept and even demand socialist programs.

Indeed, and in fact, this is precisely what the original architects of public schools designed it to do. The modern public school movement began in the 1840s by men like Robert Owen and Horace Mann, and was later continued by Robert Dale Owen and John Dewey. These men, by their own admission, were socialists and communists, but most people don’t realize this. And many more folks know that it’s true but don’t want to face it.

From their beginning, the schools were designed to steal your possessions by deceiving and robbing the minds of America’s children who will, in turn, give them your property.

If you want to keep your possessions and your children, you might want to consider taking control of the education system.

Declaration signer Dr. Benjamin Rush, also known as the Father of Public Schools, said, “The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this, there can be no virtue, and without virtue, there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”

Like you, I prefer to keep my kids, my property, and my liberty; so I will be following the good doctor’s advice. I encourage you to do the same.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay:

Trump Illegal Alien Fugitive List Refutes Democrats’ And Media’s Big Lie

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The latest strategy being used by the Democratic Party and their supporters in the news media is the perpetuation of the Big Lie that the enormous flow of illegal aliens into the United States makes the nation even safer. They also provide statistics that are almost impossible to verify.

Failing to win the support of most Americans to their radical leftist agenda, the Democrats appear to encourage an unlimited number of foreigners, especially the uneducated, underclasses from Third World Countries. The thinking is that the impoverished and ignorant are much more likely to accept hardcore socialism than Americans who understand politics, economics, and the law.

During his first year in office, President Donald Trump’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) initiated a “VOICE Most Wanted” fugitives list, highlighting fugitives connected to victims and families of victims who have sought help or information from ICE through the Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office.

The fugitive list was reintroduced this week during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week to help raise awareness of the work the VOICE Office does every day to support victims of crimes committed by individuals with a nexus to immigration. While the majority of news outlets are ignoring the program, many law enforcement agencies are directing victims to seek assistance from VOICE.

VOICE’s Most Wanted fugitives listed by ICE includes:

  Saul Chavez, a Mexican national charged in Cook County, Illinois, with vehicular homicide resulting in the death of William Dennis McCann, 66. Despite a detainer lodged by ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations in November 2011 following his arrest, Chavez was released from Cook County custody. Chavez, who entered the country without inspection at an unknown place and unknown time, is wanted by ICE as an illegal alien in addition to being a criminal fugitive.

  Esteban Juarez-Tomas, a Guatemalan national charged in Champaign, Illinois, for reckless homicide, killing LaDonna “Jeannie” Brady, 45, in January 2017. Juarez-Tomas has been previously removed from the U.S. three times. He is an ICE immigration fugitive in addition to being a criminal fugitive.

  Jesus Maltos-Chacon, a Mexican national, charged in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with homicide and vehicular manslaughter for the death of 20-year-old Blake Zieto. Maltos-Chacon also had previous convictions for DUI and assault. Maltos-Chacon, who entered the country without inspection at an unknown place and unknown time, was ordered removed in October 2006. He is an ICE immigration fugitive in addition to being a criminal fugitive.

  Alan Jacob Mogollon-Anaya, a Mexican national, charged April 2017 for aggravated vehicular homicide, DUI and aggravated assault following the crash that resulted in the death of Shirra Branum, 37, in Washington County, Tennessee. Mogollon-Anaya, who had two prior DUI convictions, entered the country without inspection at an unknown place in 2003. He was ordered removed in October 2017. He is an ICE immigration fugitive in addition to being a criminal fugitive.

  Edwin Mejia, a Honduran national, charged in Omaha, Nebraska with motor vehicular homicide in the death of Sarah Root, 21 in January 2016. Mejia, who entered the country unlawfully as an unaccompanied minor in 2013, was ordered removed in April 2016. He is an ICE immigration fugitive and criminal fugitive.

  Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez, a Mexican national, indicted by a Gilmer County, Georgia grand jury on charges of homicide by vehicle in the first degree, two counts of serious injury by vehicle, and reckless driving in the death of Dustin Inman, 16, in January 2001. He is wanted by ICE as an illegal alien in addition to being a criminal fugitive.

  Luis Alberto Rodriguez-Castro, as Honduran national, charged in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina in October 2011 with negligent homicide and vehicular manslaughter linked to the death of Joseph Storie, 51. Rodriguez-Castro, who entered the country without inspection at an unknown place in 1998, is wanted by ICE as an illegal alien in addition to being a criminal fugitive.

President Donald Trump, as part of his plan to crackdown on illegal immigration and criminal immigrants, had his Homeland Security Secretary and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) directorate establish the VOICE Office in April 2017 to serve the needs of crime victims and their families who have been victimized by individuals with a nexus to immigration.

“The VOICE Office helps those impacted by crimes committed by aliens understand information and resources available to them, and offers assistance explaining the immigration enforcement and removal processes,” according to officials at the Homeland Security Department and the White House.

Government Accountability Office Criminal Alien Records

Separately, the GAO report analyzed 249,000 arrest records of criminal aliens (their legal status was not specified), incarcerated in state and local prisons throughout the country spanning the years 2004 – 2008 and in federal prisons at the end of 2008. It chose a random sample of 1,000 from this pool of records and applied the results to the entire population, estimating that 25,064 criminal aliens had been arrested for homicide.

Homicide Incarcerations – 2008

Total          Illegal Aliens       Illegal Total        Total Pop
1-New York      10,435          1,168                         11.2%                        2.9%
2-California      27,967         2,895                        10.4%                        7.3%
3-Texas             16,012          934                            5.8%                         6.8%
4-Arizona          3,494           326                            9.3%                         5.2%
Florida              12,296          1,762                         14.3%                        3.7%
Total                  70,204         7,085                        10.1%                         5.6%

Sources: State incarceration databases
GAO Unpublished statistics SCAAP Illegal Aliens

1 As of January 1. 2009
2 As of December 31, 2008
3 As of August 31, 2008
4 As of 9/1/2009

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

U.S Lists Iran’s Elite Guard A Terrorist Organization: Long Overdue

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is the Islamic Republic’s elite military force which was created by the late supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the wake of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Its primary responsibility was to defend the regime from internal and external threats. However, its mission went beyond its original objective. Today, the IRGC possesses an enormous power structure with influence over almost every aspect of Iranian life. Unlike the regular armed forces which is responsible for defending Iran’s territory, the IRGC was explicitly designed to protect the Islamic revolution itself and to eavesdrop on the regular military. Khomeini never trusted the regular military.

The country’s primary security establishment of more than one hundred thousand strong, the IRGC fields an army, navy, and air force, while managing Iran’s ballistic missile arsenal and irregular warfare operations through its elite Quds Force and proxies such as Hezbollah. The balance of power in Iran favors the regime, mainly because the powerful Iranian mullahs have coup-proofed themselves from the military and created an equivalent paramilitary organization, referred to as the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), in addition to the Basij and Al-Quds forces, and other such intelligence and security organizations.

The IRGC and its proxies have gone beyond Iranian territory and into Iraq, Syria. Oman and elsewhere. The Islamic government of Iran has also deployed its Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Quds Force to assist Bashar al Assad’s military. It has also provided a great deal of financial, intelligence and an advisory capability to Assad’s military.

The Islamic regime in Iran has been helping Bashar Al Assad’s Alawite sect, an offshoot of the Shiite branch, fight predominantly Sunni rebels. This includes a presence on the ground of the IRGC actively murdering Sunni brethren.

Mohsen Sazegara was one of the original architects and founding members of the Revolutionary Guard Corps and now he is a U.S.-based dissident. He says “though the original charter of the elite force was to create a “people’s army,” years of political and military changes have transformed the unit into a shadowy behemoth (a monster).”

The IRGC has been compared to the Nazi’s SS in Germany. “Both SS and IRGC had similar reasons to be created, The Nazi Party was weak and any coup against them was expected at first, when they started to recruit forces who was loyal only to Adolf Hitler and answer to no one but him. The very core of the SS was initially to be Hitler’s body guards.” The same thing applies to Ayatollah Khamenei., the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic.

The IRGC is Iran’s most powerful economic actor, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, which has labeled the National Iranian Oil Company “an agent or affiliate of the Revolutionary Guards.” Within the IRGC, the Quds Force exerts control over strategic industries, commercial services, and black-market enterprises. According to a 2007 Los Angeles Times report, the IRGC has ties to over 100 companies, controlling over $12 billion. These funds are used to exert influence in Iran and Iranian proxies.”

Iran started its military involvement in Syria in 2011, at the outbreak of the civil war. Tehran’s immediate objective was to defeat the Syrian opposition militarily to save Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The maintenance of the Shia-Alawi-dominated regime in Damascus was key to the Islamic Republic’s long-term regional strategy, the creation of a contiguous Shia arc of influence in the region, linking Iran through Iraq to Syria and Lebanon. The Syrian theater also witnessed changes to Iran’s traditional use of proxies, militias, and plausible deniability.

The Iranian security and intelligence communities, advise and assist the Syrian military to ensure Bashar al-Assad’s holds onto power. These works have developed into an expeditionary training mission using the (IRGC) Ground Forces, Quds Force, intelligence services, and law enforcement. The deployment of IRGC Ground Forces to conflict abroad is a notable expansion of Iran’s willingness and ability to project military force beyond its borders.

So, what led the United States to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terror group?

The IRGC was already sanctioned by the US: under the Department of Treasury. It has imposed sanctions on the military organization in October 2017  under a 9/11-era executive order issued during the George W. Bush administration.

More than five years after President George W. Bush’s declaration of a global war against terrorism, the Iranian regime continues to embrace suicide terrorism as an important component of its military doctrine.”

“The IRGC has played a central role to Iran becoming the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror. Iran’s pursuit of power comes at the cost of regional stability, and Treasury will continue using its authorities to disrupt the IRGC’s destructive activities,” Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin said at the time.

The US has ample evidence of the IRGC’s terror activity mainly because of its military support for Hezbollah and Hamas, organizations that the US and EU have both designated as terrorist groups. Trump has argued that Iran’s backing for such groups violates the essence of the nuclear deal.

The IRGC commander Mohammad Ali Jafari warned in 2017 that if Trump went ahead with the move “then the Revolutionary Guards will consider the American army to be like Islamic State all around the world”.

In short, not only is the IRGC a terrorist organization, but the entire apparatus of the Islamic Republic is involved in terrorism. The litany of Islamic death-based beliefs and actions is long indeed. It is, therefore, understandable that Iran’s Mullahs are obsessed agents of death. Islam, the Mullahs and their fanatic follower’s system of belief, denigrates life and glorifies death. To these people, death is not death. It is martyrdom, a sure passage to the unimaginably magnificent eternal paradise promised in the Quran.

Iran has been under the rule of these fanatics since 1979. The Iranian people have attempted on several occasions to end the rule of these leaches, but each time they were faced with the ruthless Islamic apparatus. Many of them were massacred while the world watched and did nothing.

The Islamic Republic has subjected all aspects of Iranian society to strict control and terror. It does not even tolerate the slightest expression of local initiative, let alone political unorthodoxy. The regime’s leadership feels especially threatened by the intelligentsia, the writers, the poets, the journalists and the human rights activists whom they started to kidnap and murder in 1998. This action is known as “the chain murders.”

The people of Iran wish nothing less than a complete regime change through a democratic process of a free referendum. They believe it is the surest, safest and the fastest way to achieve a democratic Iran and end the world’s nightmare of nuclear holocaust that is currently facing us all. Iranians are hopeful that this time around, a US President will deliver instead of making empty promises.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Takedown Of Julian Assange: An Existential Threat To Independent Media

I’d almost ceased writing commentary except for occasional notes on my philosophy blog. Most of what I’d been writing seemed to fall on deaf ears, and I was weary of it.

Plus, the need to start a business to ensure my small family’s financial survival has consumed a good bit of my time for over a year now.

The Julian Assange takedown last Thursday brought me up short. Even though I’d seen in coming.

What I see now is an existential threat to independent publishing and alternative media of whatever sort.

Should it turn out that the British can arrest, and the U.S. can extradite, an Australian citizen, web publisher, and journalist for violating U.S. secrecy laws from well outside U.S. borders, this will establish a precedent that should send chills up and down the spine of every truth-teller in the world, everywhere.

Nothing justifies extraditing Assange to the U.S., unless the long arm of the U.S. government became the arm of a world government while I wasn’t looking.

Everybody knows the basics: Assange started WikiLeaks in 2006, and by 2010 the site was making waves as the major outlet for information the Deep Establishment did not want known.

It should be emphasized that WikiLeaks released material received from then-Bradley (now Chelsea*) Manning implicating U.S. troops in Iraq in what might have been judged to be war crimes if they’d been committed by anyone other than the U.S. or Israel (good WikiLeaks timeline and details here).

Manning did seven years in prison as a de facto political prisoner before then-President Obama commuted his sentence, which had originally been for 35 years.

In 2016, WikiLeaks released the DNC and Podesta emails which became one of the bulwarks of the Russian collusion narrative — a narrative now dead in the water.

Assange denied, and continues to deny, that his source was Russian intelligence.

Direct physical evidence refutes the common claim that the DNC server was hacked, as opposed to illicitly accessed and the emails downloaded onto a thumb drive by someone on the inside (here and here).

This evidence has been ignored. But never mind that now.

Assange appears to have been “targeted for termination” (so to speak) back in 2010.

I do not know if he was somehow set up in Sweden, or if the allegation of sexual assault was simply fabricated. Either is possible. What I doubt is that he’d make himself vulnerable by doing something so breathtakingly stupid.

The timing is suspicious: WikiLeaks released the video of the Apache helicopter assault just months before as well as other info on torture of Iraqi prisoners of war by U.S. troops, the level of civilian casualties in both Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.

So my working assumption is that the Swedish allegation is a hoax. Anyone paying even the slightest attention over the past decade knows that such hoaxes happen.

Assange knew he had incurred the ire of powerful people based in the U.S. He figured they wanted him. Obama was their current bought-and-paid-for lackey. So he defied the British and took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy where he was given asylum. Ecuador’s then-president Rafael Correa was sympathetic, and even eventually granted him Ecuadorian citizenship.

A converted office became Assange’s home for the next six years and ten months, as his passport had been revoked and there was no physical means of getting him out of the U.K.

In early 2017, Ecuador underwent a change of leadership. New president Lenín Moreno, far more U.S.-friendly, saw the Assange situation as a “stone in his shoe.”

Assange’s Embassy life soured. His Internet access was cut, and visits by supporters were curtailed. For all practical purposes, he was in solitary confinement — which many have concluded is a form of torture. Apparently his personal habits and living conditions went downhill. Ecuador accused him of violating the terms of their agreement and withdrew his asylum.

This freed the U.K. to move against him. To them, he’d skipped bail when seeking asylum with Ecuador. The U.S. had bigger fish to fry. The reason he’d sought asylum, after all, was not fear of the Swedish allegation but his certainty it was a cover for a planned U.S. extradition.

On Thursday morning, April 11, it went down.

The man they removed had visibly deteriorated. Watch for yourself.

Assange is in custody in the U.K. Now what?

The U.S. accuses him and Chelsea Manning of trying to hack the password of a federal computer. There are indications of other charges, as of this writing undisclosed.

Manning is again locked up for refusing to testify in a secret hearing before a grand jury investigating Assange. This preceded Assange’s April 11 arrest by less than a month — a dead giveaway something was up.

We’ll see if Assange is brought forcibly to the U.S., given a show trial, and thrown into a deep dark hole.

Or found dead with at least two bullet holes in the back of his head, and authorities rule it a “suicide.”

The larger question: are we about to see the murder of independent journalism — alternative media — before our eyes?

The Deep Establishment cold war against alternative media began on November 24, 2016, and did its share of damage. With this war carried forward by Google, Facebook, and other leviathans of Big Tech in bed with the Deep Establishment, the drop in traffic to alternative sites (including this one) was noticeable.

But so far, independent media has survived!

Truth always does, one way or another!

Alternatives to official outlets continue to be “stones in the shoes” of those who would take us into their techno-feudal future.

Such voices have been annoyances to authoritarian power since the Gutenberg Press was invented, and since Martin Luther distributed copies of his 95 Theses in Wittenberg and started the Protestant Reformation — showing what one dissenting and highly resourceful voice could accomplish.

For the past 12-and-a-half years, the most resourceful dissenting voice has belonged to Julian Assange.

Hence the incentive to make an example of him.

If he ends up incarcerated for a long period of time, or dies suspiciously in custody, it will strike fear in the hearts of independent thinkers, writers, and publishers everywhere.

Keep in mind: Assange is not a U.S. citizen, has never been to the U.S., wanted nothing to do with the U.S. beyond exposing the malfeasance of its war machine. We see how Assange’s case could serve as a precedent: journalists and writers anywhere in the world can be set up, arrested, and extradited if those in power deem them a threat.

The number of truly independent truth-tellers has dwindled over the years. Those I know of would fit in my front room.

The journalism profession as a whole — like academia — sold out long ago. All one has to do to see the level of shilling is turn on CNN or MSNBC or any major network, possibly except Fox News some of the time. As for the latter, folks like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have suffered personal attacks in this era of hoked up accusations of “sexual misconduct” and bogus allegations of “racism.”

If Julian Assange comes to a bad end, mass media and social media will get worse. We’ll see mainstream “news” descend even further into a insipid mixture of feel-good trivia, blatant propaganda, and mindless entertainment. We’ll see more and more reportage conducted in the Twitterverse, where character limits preclude deep thought.

What we won’t see is another WikiLeaks to expose the powerful and challenge dominant narratives.

It will be extremely interesting to watch what Donald Trump does. What we’ve seen so far isn’t encouraging.

Candidate Trump told his supporters, “I love WikiLeaks!” and “WikiLeaks is incredible!”

President Trump, upon being informed of Assange’s arrest, replied timidly that “I know nothing about WikiLeaks, it’s not my thing….”

Don’t take my word for it.

Has Trump become just one more lackey with a selective memory?

We’ll find out, probably before the 2020 election, whether Trump has been sufficiently compromised that the struggle against Deep Establishment globalism directed from the City of London and within the U.S. corporate-state complex is, for all practical purposes, over, at least in the U.S.

So that the march to techno-feudalism can get back to business as usual in the 2020s.

It won’t be easy — for the techno-feudal globalists.

For resistance exists not just on Main Street, U.S., but right there in the U.K. (Brexit!), in France (the Yellow Vests), and in Hungary and Poland where voters have put anti-globalists in their presidencies. Greece has been crushed by “austerity”; Italy is disintegrating.

EU-type systems simply don’t work! Unless you’re a center banker, financier, or other corporate-state globalist interested only in money and power: the telos of the materialist worldview that has dominated the European mind (and power centers) for over two centuries now, and has increasingly come to dominate the U.S. mind.

I don’t know what Julian Assange’s personal worldview is. I don’t know if he’s given the matter much thought. I am sure God has used him, and is using other truth-tellers.

The prophet Isaiah said (1:9): “Unless the Lord of Hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah.”

The Lord of Hosts clearly left us a Remnant, and it is alive throughout the world!

It was never God’s plan for humanity to create a functional world regime, which may be one of the reasons the EU has turned into an utter disaster.

Read the account of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9).

Globalism may win a few battles here and there, but in the end, it cannot win the war.

Although because of our sins, ranging from the de facto apostasy of mainline churches to the U.S.’s truly horrendous crimes (think: 63 million unborn babies and counting!), we may be in for a very rough ride before the Lord returns to set things right!

*It should go without saying that Bradley/Chelsea Manning’s “gender dysphoria” is neither here nor there so far as this matters discussed here are concerned. Gender confusion does not preclude knowledge of right vs. wrong. What he/she did back in 2010 was highly courageous, even if it resulted in severe punishment, including life-threatening periods of solitary confinement. This is what we ought to expect from the military wing of a society based on authority structures instead of freedom.

Steven Yates, PhD., has started Copywriting Solutions. He is the author of Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011). He lives in Santiago, Chile, with his wife Gisela and their cat Princesa. His next book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory should be completed soon. Email: He blogs at

If you wish to make a donation to, go here. This article was done for free. If you think its content is of sufficient value as to merit compensation, please go to PayPal and make a one-time donation of $5, $10, $25, $50, or whatever you think the article might be worth, via my email address above. (I’ve ceased using Patreon as I’d ceased writing the commentary that account was created to support.)

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

The Real Revolution Begins Today – Will You Fight?

Today is rape the American people day commonly known as income-tax day.

Seven years ago last week I wrote this column: Americans Love the IRS and the Income Tax

“This year you will work until April 17th to pay for all the massive debt created by incumbents in the Outlaw Congress:

( – “Americans have until April 17 to file their federal tax returns this year, and ironically, according to the Tax Foundation, the average American will have to work from Jan.1 until exactly that day just to pay his or her share of the taxes that government will absorb this year.”

“Trillions stolen from we the people to fund unconstitutional foreign aid, cabinets, agencies, loans and a million other categories.

“This year you will be forced with the threat of imprisonment and bankruptcy, to file an “income” tax return even though the income tax does not apply to most Americans.

“But, none of this seems to matter to the nearly 100 million Americans who continue to reelect the same liars for hire to the U.S. Congress.

“For the past few months enthusiastic supporters of incumbents have been out there working to get their Congress critter reelected. The same miscreants who steal from us, lie to us and cheat us out of our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. The same incumbents who have and continue to lie to those enthusiastic supporters about the nature of the “income” tax.

“Roughly 100 million Americans working for their own destruction while thinking it’s a good idea. Classic Sun Tzu’s Art of War.”

99.999% of Americans have no idea where this “income tax” actually goes. Oh, most Americans believe we just have to pay those taxes for all the services and ‘freebies’ provided by the federal government teat. Recipients care nothing about the U.S. Constitution and the restrictions placed on Congress and what they can and cannot do with your money.

President’s Private Sector Survey On Cost Control – A Report to The President (Reagan)

January 15, 1984. Available from the Congressional Research Service.
The excerpt below can be found on page 12.

  • “Importantly, any meaningful increases in taxes from personal income would have to come from lower and middle income families, as 90% of all personal taxable income is generated below the taxable income level of $35,000.
  • Further, there isn’t much more that can be extracted from high income brackets. If the
    Government took 100% of all taxable income beyond the $75,000 tax bracket not already taxed, it would get only $17 billion, and this confiscation, which would destroy productive enterprise, would only be sufficient to run the Government for several days.
  • Resistance to additional income taxes would be even more widespread if people were aware that:
  • With two-thirds of everyone’s personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Government contributions to transfer payments.
  • In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their government.”

99.999% of Americans do NOT understand the income tax does not apply to domestic Americans. They pay out of fear. Instead of taking the time to read the EVIDENCE in black and white, they continue to reelect the same criminals back to Congress who protect the big lie enforced by the IRS.

Taxes for Revenue are Obsolete by Beardsley Ruml, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1946

Treasure Trove on the income tax and the non-ratified Sixteenth Amendment. The so-called income tax amendment- an amendment that did NOT confer any new power of taxation. The Law That Always Was: Vern Holland wrote this excellent book making the case that a tax on incomes is the exercise of the direct taxing power, and the 16th Amendment did not change or modify this power. Read this book; free on line at link above.

Trillions in borrowed debt to pay for all the unconstitutional programs and cabinets because tens and tens of millions of Americans DEMAND Congress violate their oath of office. It’s called dependency. The ravenous mobs demand more and more while never giving a thought how it will be paid for. Like Rome:

Tiberius, the Caesar of the time, responded to this attack:

“I am a soldier. I am surrounded by sycophants and liars, and in that Diodorus speaks truth. What is lavish and uncomprehending praise given out of self-seeking and fear?

“What is flattery if lips that speak it only fawn, and in that fawning profit? The dull ear is servant to a duller tongue. As a I solider I prefer men of simple truth and without complexities who speak in honor and of patriotism. But where are men today in Rome?”

“Let me tell you this,” said Tiberius, quietly. “Venal Caesars, power-mad Caesars, never seize power, never destroy law and their country. Their power is forced on them by an evil and despicable people, a selfish and cowardly people. Where are the guardians of the people’s liberty then? You are silent, you are slaves in spirit, you are thieves and cowards. But a people deserve their lawmakers.”

“Rome!” he said. “Do I recognize this Rome of polyglot slaves, of Scythians, Britons, Gauls, barbarians, Greeks, Assyrians, Egyptians, and the scum of a whole world? Where are the Romans? They have lost their identity. They have lost their tongues, their minds, their souls, their virility. What have I to do with such a Rome? I am not an honorable man! I am what my people have made me. I am their captive, not their Emperor. Here is no escaping the evil of a debased people.”

“I am here only to do the filthy will of a nation obstinately determined to commit suicide. If I break the law and the Constitution in their greedy behalf, they applaud me. If I have given up my hope of restoring the Treasury, they praise me for having their welfare at heart. Their welfare! Dogs and jackals!” End of quote.”

Ron Paul: GOP Responsible For Socialism’s Comeback: “Many Republican politicians – and even conservative intellectuals – will say they are being pragmatic by not fighting progressives on first principles, but instead limiting the damage done by the welfare state.  The problem with this line is that, by accepting the premise that government can and should solve all of life’s problems, conservatives and Republicans will inevitably get into a “bidding war” with progressives and Democrats.

“The only way Republicans can then win is to join Democrats in continually increasing spending and creating new programs.  This is why the so-called “conservative welfare state” ends up as bloated and expansive as the progressive welfare state.”

Is ANYONE paying attention? $2,198,468,000,000: Federal Spending Hit 10-Year High Through March; Taxes Hit 5-Year Low

When your bank account is overdrawn $22 TRILLION dollars with another $220 TRILLION in unpaid bills, how do you keep spending TRILLIONS more? Borrow from the magical money machine, The Fed! I know, I sound like a broken record but millions of Americans are in denial about the economy and the debt.

Prepare for $80 oil this summer as ‘wounded bulls’ rise, RBC warns

A Tragedy Unfolding: This Is ALL Going To End Badly, Central Banks Are TRAPPED, April 11, 2019

In a recent column I wrote about the devastation to our farming families and the cause – besides the recent, catastrophic flooding. My God, do Americans not understand the threat to our food supply or would people rather buy from our enemies? Well, most of the herds lined up at the trough are incapable of understanding the problem. Just pile their plates with as much as possible without a thought to anything more than chewing their cud.

Remember Trump’s new trade deal to replace the unconstitutional NAFTA Agreement? Oh, it was going to do so much for dairy farmers. Really? Like the income tax reform deal sold to desperate America. How’d that work out for you this year?

For me, a draw. Nothing owed, nothing to pay. My 91-year old mother fared slightly better but it didn’t turn out to be the panacea everyone thought so now there’s pow-wow’s going on in the WH among the incompetent for round two. Make me gag.

Wrenching video from Pine Island dairy farmer highlights desperation on the farm, April 11, 2019

2019 is the year when the farming industry began to unravel as extreme weather and disease is hitting already stressed farmers around the world, April 12, 2019

Sadly, mass murderer FDR got the ball rolling with LBJ taking it over the finish line. Not to mention stealing the fruits of OUR labor to buy the favors of our enemies and countries who’ve been instrumental in seeing the massive human invasion coming across our border continue.

Sporting cell phones, brand-name clothes — and babies, another 1,000-strong migrant caravan heads for the US, April 11, 2019; hope you read the full column. It’s not long but right to the point:

“The press is reporting that these places are economic disaster areas and the impoverished border-surgers’ choice to emigrate to the U.S. illegally can be only because they are escaping poverty.  What baloney.  The data show that border-surgers are actually fleeing booming economies, not Venezuelan-style hellholes, and are beefing their home countries’ economies up further with their surging remittances, signaling more to come.

“Big dollar surges into a country can very well propel lots of money for investment and consumption, as well as prop up the tax base of these countries, bolstering these governments.  That would explain why so many of the previous caravan border-surgers had such new-looking clothes and lifestyles of the rich and famous Instagrams, as well as some spectacular ingratitude.

“Hellholes these places are not — they’ve got a lot of money out there to pay for their poor, from both remittances and their booming economies at home — and they don’t do it.  Worse still, that $17 billion they took in last year, tax-free, and the $120 billion they took over the decade, tax free, subtracts that much money from U.S. GNP.  What a gift these places have been getting.  Forget not that they are also the largest recipients of U.S. aid.”

Good news in the fight to stop illegal alien Amnesty bill S. 874 from becoming law

Border Patrol official: Caravan-size influx of migrants arriving every week in Rio Grande Valley – last week

Every Illegal Alien Costs Americans $70K Over Their Lifetime – Freeloaders, many bringing in long ago eradicated diseases to suck off YOUR paycheck when they have no legal right to anything but shipping them out of here.

Twice deported illegal alien from murdered an innocent American woman – after the POS raped her of course. April 11, 2019. Every day Americans are being murdered by these animals while 90% of the U.S. Congress – both parties – do nothing but hurl political vomit at each other.

Exclusive–Study: Over 10K Illegal Aliens in U.S. from Terrorist-Sponsored Countries‘Sleeper cells ready and waiting for the order’- 6,000 are from Iran – Will you or your family be in the wrong place at the wrong time when one of the terrorist cells we KNOW are in this country biding their time decide to make a move?

Do it, Mr. President: Kris Kobach: Catch and Release Can Be Instantly Ended Without Congress

Their lives have been Hell for decades because Americans keep reelecting the SAME failures back to Congress, both parties, who have played their damn political games and here we are being crushed by human wave after wave getting on U.S. soil:

Donald Trump Deeply Moved by Border Crisis Stories from Texas Landowners

Pentagon Awards $1 Billion to Build Trump Border Wall, April 9, 2019

On US-Mexico border, militia vow to patrol until ‘wall is up’, April 10, 2019

Former Border Patrol Chief: We Can’t Properly Vet 650,000 Migrants Being Released, April 7, 2019

Democratic/Communist Party USA governor: State gives $250k for law students to rep illegals in court New Jersey. You’re going right down the crapper along with California. What lunacy while illegals laugh themselves silly.

Construction is underway on selected sections of the wall and barriers but hundreds of thousands of unvetted human leeches and criminals have already crossed the border in the last year.

Sadly, Trump won’t seal the border with our military because of politics. I know, activist judges have stabbed him and the Constitution in the back with very effort, but Trump is now on the campaign trail. Game changed.

Trade is the other reason. NOT one penny of my money has gone to Mexico since NAFTA was passed. Not for food or any other product. That includes Peru, Chile, Honduras, El Salvador and the rest of them. Grapes, melons from those countries are flooding our grocery stores. They can sit and rot. I’ll wait until our farmers harvest.

However, give Trump credit, he is trying other actions. Remember this: Ilegals who steal jobs that belong to Americans have sent BILLIONS to their ‘mother’ country. BILLIONS that belong HERE in OUR country.

HELL YES: Trump Sends $23.6 Billion Message To Mexico, And Americans Will Win BIG TIME

Thanks to the US Taxpayers – Mexico is No Longer Poor and Could Easily Stop Migrant Caravans if it Wanted to, April 7, 2019. Watermelon the other day at the store from Mexico. I looked at the label and walked away. Soon Texas watermelons will be here. I can wait.

When I say revolution, I don’t mean the violent kind. I mean the ballot box. Do you know the first primaries for the 2020 elections start in eight months? That’s right. Here is the list of all primaries, caucuses and conventions. Eight months will be here before you know it. January starts the primaries.

I get sick and tired of hearing people say it’s a waste of time to vote. Yeah, we KNOW vote fraud, electronic and human is rampant in this country. Texas has been busy convicting cheaters while too many other states do nothing.

We KNOW illegal aliens who can’t even speak ten words of English are voting while scum like Gov. Gavin Newson of California lays out the welcome mat for them because they vote for the Democratic/Communist Party USA.

Unless and until enough Americans are willing to sacrifice their time and stand firm, that isn’t going to change. Enough citizens in every county have to demand paper ballots. Get rid of the machines. I don’t care how secure they allegedly are, hacking continues. Unless and until alleged losers conduct a forensic investigation of their race, vote fraud will continue to keep true constitutional candidates out.

Used to be Americans fought for fair elections – yeah, in the case below with force. In case you missed this piece of history: The Battle Of Athens, TN

Unless and until conservatives and independents get out of denial, the same old “conservative” incumbents will win the primaries and then what happens in November? You have played right into the hands of our enemies. Instead of a constitutionalist on the ballot because not enough citizens in the district got off their butts and worked to get a candidate elected, you get the incumbent or a Demorat.

It’s time to act like people determined to be free – Tom DeWeese

Alabama Adopts First Official State Ban on UN Agenda 21

In my district Jody Arrington is called a conservative; U.S. House. Yeah, he conserves the same unconstitutional spending and has no clue about the major cancers killing this country. Oh, but he’s pro-life! So were his two challengers, one I voted for twice. This is what just irks me to no end. Voters act like a challenger is to be ignored even though they stand the same on issues as you do. Hey, easier to do nothing and just hit the button for the incumbents. And people wonder why we continue to sink into ruin?

Arrington is very popular in this district. He did NOT support the bill to stop double taxing of social security benefits but how many voters in my district even knew about Rep. Massie’s bill? A handful, maybe. You see, it’s lack of information and knowledge that keeps voters chained to the damn incumbent while true constitutional conservatives go unsupported. That’s why it’s equally important to hound your local newspaper into running information about bills in Congress as well as your state house.

And quit listening to people like Ann Coulter who slobbered all over herself to support Sen. Mitch McConnell over a fine challenger. McConnell is one of the dirtiest crooks in Congress yet Coulter couldn’t yell loud enough to get him reelected. The SOB belongs in a federal prison.

Is this what YOU want? It is YOUR “conservative” incumbent that needs to go with the exception of a handful who need to stay in Congress: Rep. Massie, Nunes, Mo Brooks, Andy Barr and a few others. Remember: We had a Republican controlled Congress under Trump until last December.

Did that Republican majority close the border? No. Did they abolish the beast aka Federal Reserve? No. Did they come clean about the misapplication of the income tax code? No. Did they pass the bill to get US out of the communist controlled UN? No. Did they stop the insane spending on unconstitutional cabinets and programs? No. Did they stop the unconstitutional rape called foreign aid? No. The list is endless yet NOTHING got done except more spending.

Yes, President Trump has been able to get some good things accomplished, more than people know. But, he can only do so much through Executive Orders. The rest has to be done by Congress. RINOs in the House and Senate (only 1/3d of the Senate who have NO right to be in office since the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was NOT ratified will be up for reelection in 2020) must get booted during the upcoming primaries or we will END UP WITH THE SAME COWARDS. GUTLESS PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY.

The same applies to your state house and local elections. Right now, where I live, we have a mayoral election coming up. I want one candidate to win otherwise, it will be the same old, same old. If YOU don’t get out there and fight for fair elections and work for a candidate they cannot get elected.

NOTHING right now is more important. Not hockey games, not shopping, not going to the movies, playing video games or going fishing. We have to get these phony conservative incumbents booted during the primaries starting in Jan 2020 or nothing will change.

It will not change because next Nov. you will vote for that GOP incumbent because it’s your only choice. I see it every two years and then watch Americans wring their hands for the next two years. An endless cycle like addiction voters can break but YOU have to make the effort. You can’t have a revolution if no one shows up and that’s exactly what the shadow government counts on election after election.

The party favorite hack gets financial backing while our Patrick Henry’s running throughout the states can’t even buy signs. I’m sorry, but if you’re too busy to fight for freedom then you don’t deserve it.

You say you want a revolution? You say we have to take our country back? It will NOT happen until enough conservatives and independents in this country make the sacrifice of giving up your time and at least some financial support to get freedom loving challengers elected.

Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. If we don’t get rid of bad incumbents and work to keep good ones based on their voting record and what issues they are fighting, things will only get worse. And, speaking of worse, I believe the Demorats have made a huge mistake with the Russia collusion hoax and all their antics over the past 2 ½ years. Which means, I believe a lot of the alleged Demorat wins in 2018 can be reversed. I think average Democrat voters outside of Hollywood, NY City and other sewers have had their fill of the circus.

They can’t do it alone. For crying out loud, look how organized the Democratic/Communist Party USA is in this country. Community organizers like the criminal impostor, Hussein Obama, right down to the local level. They are like worker ants out there while conservatives (not all, of course) vote for a name on a yard sign and contribute nothing in getting rid of incumbents.

Do you know how important local elections are in stopping Agenda 21 and ‘sustainable development’? Very. YOU have to get involved no matter how busy you are – just like I am.  YOU have to get involved with the Republican Party at your local, county level even if you don’t belong to that party and I don’t.

I am doing my best in my county to educate the wonderful Texans who live here about the solutions to our biggest problems. It’s very difficult trying to tell them what I know from being in the trenches the past 30 years now. Much of what I am able to get out at the end of each monthly GOP Club luncheon probably scares some of the people as they’ve never been given the truth.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: One of the most rewarding things to come out of networking and working for a candidate is all the wonderful people you meet in your area. Like-minded, freedom loving Americans who think they are alone. You are not, but if you don’t make the effort, you lose hope.

Our way of life is being destroyed by incumbents at all levels of government. Especially our rural communities. Our ranchers, farmers. I just want to cry some days but we cannot give up or give in. Educating our fellow Americans is critical. If they don’t understand how a problem got started, they will continue to be hood-winked by incumbents and their campaign staples like ‘smaller government’ which mean nothing to them. Just re-election.

If you can run for office, get registered. Here’s a news flash for you: MANY offices have no challenger so you can walk right in to victory. Yes, that’s true. A friend of mine did it for a seat in his state legislature. There was no opponent much to the chagrin of the opposite party. They blew it and he got elected.

So many females are running the past decade and one of the reasons is they have a husband bringing in the bacon while they campaign. I know it’s difficult for working men to run for office but start local. You can be the one who kills Agenda 21 in your county.

Find out who is running in your district and county. Call the elections division at your Secretary of State’s office at your capitol or your local county clerk. Look on-line or in your local phone book for the county GOP party HQ. Some are bigger than others but they do list.

Once you take a good look at the challenger’s qualifications and stand on issues and decide to work to oust your worthless incumbent, then you contact the candidate and help. Going door to door handing out campaign literature among other things but one of THE most effective.

We need armies all over this country from now until the end of the primary cycle. If we who cherish what’s left of our Republic don’t make the effort, we are surely doomed.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Important links:

Here’s How to Clean Out Bad Politicians, Sept. 2013. No one paid any attention.

American Electorate Rewards Lying, Anti-American Congress, 2004 – Read

Another tax headache ahead: IRS is changing paycheck withholdings, and it’ll be a doozy

Nearly 20 Percent of Inmates in Federal Prisons Are Criminal Aliens

Told you so – many times: Minimum wage hikes trigger ‘payroll tsunami,’ as small businesses cut back

“Jim Comey and Kirstjen Nielsen are connected.” Lara Logan with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA FIRST

Assange and the Unforgivable Sin of Disemboweling Official Narratives

The DOJ’s Entire Case Against Assange Hinges On This One Critical Piece Of Evidence

France Willing to Consider Offering Julian Assange Asylum to Prevent US Extradition

Three Profound Secrets To A Happy Life

Thomas Jefferson said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

(Gary Hall, bicycling from Nord Cap, Norway, 600 miles north of the Arctic Circle, over 3,500 miles to Athens, Greece—asking for directions from some Italian men sitting in the park.)

Through all of human history, ordinary people longed for the mythical ideal to be happy, to live a fulfilling life and to enjoy the fruits of their talents.

For the first time in history via Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers of America—ordinary people suddenly enjoyed the “right” to pursue their happiness in their own ways, at their own speed and at their own choices.

As an ordinary citizen of America, my life path carried me into amazing places. My choices allowed me to come into contact with some remarkable people who espoused “how” to live a happy life.  I share their ideals with you in order for you to incorporate them into your own life—and prosper with happiness.

Henry David Thoreau said, “If you advance confidently toward your dreams, and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with success unexpected in common hours.  You will pass through invisible boundaries.  You will engage new and liberal laws.  And you will live with the license of a higher order of beings.”

I read that quote every morning before my day begins. I inculcate the essence of the message into my brain cells and my thought patterns.  I make plans, I prepare to carry them out and I pursue them confidently.   At first, I met with many obstacles with my dream to bicycle on all seven continents.  Those difficulties became stepping stones to my ultimate success because of my “advancing confidently” toward my dreams.  Successes “popped up” in the creative field of life at the most unexpected hours.

Somewhere along your own journey, by incorporating Thoreau’s wisdom, you will pass through invisible boundaries.  Once you make the transition, you will engage new and liberal laws in your daily activities. Your thought patterns change to increasingly more abundant and creative vibrations.  Those vibrations propel you toward living with a higher order of beings—in other words, you transform via your thoughts.  You become how you think.  You manifest what you imagine.

Jack London said, “I would rather be ashes than dust. I would rather my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor; every atom in magnificent glow—rather than a sleepy and permanent planet.  The proper function of man-woman is to live, not merely exist. I shall use my time.”

I read aloud this second secret to happiness daily. I engage the energy of London’s wisdom for squeezing every second out of every day.  That may mean contemplative thought and grateful moments versus quickening intensity.  I understand that each moment of living constitutes a marvelous endowment.

You too, enjoy the miracle of living.  By incorporating the first and second secrets, you change the vibrations in your mind, in your heart and in your spirit.    You transition into an entirely new and creative realm of thought and creative process.  London understood it in his vivacious living and his enthralling literary pursuits.  His book Martin Eden lives inside me since I read it 40 years ago.  London inspired me and still does to this day.

Goethe said, “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

Actions drive your coveted dreams to reality, which drive your life toward fulfillment.  While engaging your mind to harness your dreams, you take actions that connect you to your happiness.  By channeling the creative energy of the universe, you live a happy life.

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book!  Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life?  Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices.  Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Much Ado About Nothing

A few days ago, after close to two years of “investigation” by a special counsel and his team trying to find proofs of President Trump’s secret agreement or cooperation with the Russians to help him win the election, Mr. Mueller found out only one thing: nothing.

One of the early episodes of Seinfeld was about how they initially tried to sell the idea of the program to a TV station. When asked what the program would be about, Seinfeld answered: “Nothing. It will be about nothing.” In the same fashion, most of what “progressive” Democrats have been lately devoting their time and effort has been to nothing.

For example, despite Al Gore’s claims on the contrary, most scientists who don’t get grants from Rockefeller-controlled foundations agree that there is no such thing as a “global warming.” Also, Polar bears are not dying, the polar caskets are not shrinking, glaciers are not disappearing, Miami is not under 20 feet of sea water and cow flatulence is not killing children in Timbuktu. None of this has happened.[1]

In the same fashion, oil is not a fossil fuel. Actually, oil is abiotic.[2] The Earth produces oil just as flowers produce honey. We will not run out of oil for the foreseeable future. The efforts to find substitutes for oil are efforts for nothing.

Also, carbon dioxide is not poisonous, but a quite benign gas necessary for the conservation of animal and plant life on planet Earth. While humans and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. This is called the life cycle. The more carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere the more fertile the land is. So, the fight against the dangers of CO2 is a fight against nothing.

Moreover, in some languages, such as Spanish, Russian and German, sustantives, that is, words used to designate things, people, animals or places, have gender: masculine, feminine and neuter. On the other hand, from a biological point of view, humans and animals have sex: masculine or  feminine. Gender cannot be applied to them. Therefore, gender ideology is an ideology about nothing.

For some unexplainable reason, Democrats are very fond of democracy. Most of their efforts seem directed to protect democracy in America and export it to the whole world. Nevertheless, our Founding Fathers were fully aware that all democracies sooner or later evolve into tyrannies. That’s why they chose a representative republic as the political system to implement in America. This explains why there is nothing about democracy in any of the three documents that created this Republic: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Obviously, we cannot export something we don’t have. So, exporting democracy to the world is tantamount to exporting nothing.

So, most of the battles the “progressive” Left have been waging against the American people are based on nothing. Zero, zilch, nada.

But wait! The “progressive” Left is not alone. The “conservative” Right has been as busy as the Left waging its own unwinnable battles against nothing.

After the 9/11 events, President George W. Bush gave us his version of what had happened on that day, and he declared a war on terrorism. But terrorism is a method of waging war, and you cannot fight against a methodology, but instead fight against the people using it, that is, the terrorists. Curiously, we have been very inefficient at fighting the terrorists.

Moreover, it seems that his version of the events was quite different from what really happened.[3] So, the war on terror has been a war on nothing, No wonder it has been a total failure.

The war on terror was a makeshift solution to find a substitute for the implosion and fall of the Soviet Union.[4] It was also the pretext to create the Office of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration. The OHS has been a way to sneak in a national police, something the creators of this country firmly opposed, as well as the pretext for current militarization o f local police, a strong step in the way of creating a totalitarian police state.

The TSA has proven to be one of the most inefficient organizations man has created. Curiously, though created by Republicans it is based on a principle shared by Democrats: focus on the tools. But, as guns don’t kill people, people do, bombs do not destroy planes, terrorists do. Nevertheless, instead of trying to find out what some passengers have in their minds, TSA employees make us waste our time trying to find what we carry in our luggage. A costly effort for nothing.

Moreover, Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the 9/11 events, and Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. This explains why the war on Iraq brought nothing, except the destruction of Iraq’s oil producing capabilities[5] and the killing of many Iranians and American soldiers. So, the war on Iraq was a war about nothing.

The bottom line is that, though the efforts to find proof of collusion between Trump and Putin ended in nothing, it made evident the collusion between the CFR, the CIA, the FBI, key members of Congress belonging to both branches of the Repucratic Party and the mainstream media. At least we got something positive from it.

But the colluders’ efforts to find President Trump’s collusion with Putin were about nothing. It was a charade, a canard, a hoax. It was a desperate effort to overthrow President Trump, which they see as a major obstacle in their plans to implement their beloved New World Order.

Anyway, I am very happy that Mr. Mueller and his minions didn’t find any evidence of collusion between Putin and Trump. Had it been found, now we would be frantically raising funds to pay sculptors to carve Putin’s head on Mount Rushmore, honoring the guy who saved us from Hitlary.

© 2019 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


  1. Nevertheless, an article by Jared Diamond, “The Global Peril of Inequality,” appeared in the December 2018 issue of National Geographic, a globalist-controlled publication, claims that climate change “Is already rising average temperatures, droughts, increasing weather variability, decreased food production, spree of diseases, and rising sea levels.”
  2. Fossils From Animals And Plants Are Not Necessary For Crude Oil And Natural Gas, Swedish Researchers Find,” also “Jerome Corsi – The Great Oil Conspiracy (abiotic oil),”
  3. Just recently, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of more than 300 architects and engineers, filed a lawsuit against the FBI, aimed at forcing the Bureau to assess and report the evidence known to the FBI of the World Trade Center’s explosive demolition as well as other unreported 9/11 evidence, see “Families, Lawyers, AE911Truth File Lawsuit against FBI over ‘9/11 Review Commission Report,” See also, Steven Jones, Robert Korol, Anthony Szamboti and Ted Walker, “15 Year Later: On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses,” Europhysics News, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2016, which concludes that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that the three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.”
  4. Faced with the failure of the war on terror, the globalist conspirators have been busy trying to pick up a fight with the Russian bear. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending one’s point of view, Putin has not taken the bait.
  5. Which perhaps was the true hidden reason for the war. As John D. Rockefeller once said, “competition is a sin.”

20/20-Rebecca Schaeffer Murder Report Resonates With Columnist

HOLLYWOOD 4/13/19 -Last evening the NBC program, 20/20 told the story of the murder of popular actress Rebecca Schaeffer by a deranged stalker/fan. At that time in 1989, this writer had a high profile public career and had several mental cases stalk me, trying to find where I lived with the intention of harming me.

These stalkesr were men along with a woman from New England who carried a wedding dress in a box as she followed me all over the country. She had seen a church service I did there and just knew I was talking only to her. She then hounded my post office box telling all she saw that she was going to marry me and the box she carried contained a wedding dress.  Indeed, she said, God told her that she was going to marry me. Problem was, God had not told me, nor my wife.

She spent three days in the Forest Hills,NY Post Office lobby waiting for me to come for my mail, driving everyone nuts. Fortunately I was out doing public events in different locations. However, she knew that I was due to fly to Charlotte, North Carolina for my regular appearance on the international TV show called The PTL (Praise the Lord) Club with Jim Bakker. which she constantly watched.  She made her way to the PTL Club studios and got a job there in the restaurant where she would work and wait for me.  PTL put security around me and she was fired.

I also had men who had conjured up a reason to hate me and want to harm me and would often get behind my car and follow me hoping this would lead them to my home. I simply drove to the police station.

When I renewed my driver’s license I was told to include my home address. This I did not want to do and protested. They insisted saying that this was the law. I told them that this would open the way for some nut to show up at my door. I told them firmly that this would also pose a danger to every Hollywood star who had to give their home address that could be accessed by anyone.

One nut who followed me to church constantly, once followed me home and as I pulled in the driveway, he yelled at the top of his voice for all to hear, “This is where Austin Miles lives…this is where Austin Miles lives.” I opened my electronic garage door, drove in, shut the door and grabbed a lead pipe, just in case. Once we spotted a couple of men hanging around the mailbox in front of my house late one night.

It is interesting how fluctuating these nuts are. When in Philadelphia to do the Mike Douglas Show, there were always people standing in the hallway to see the celebrities coming in and out to be on the show. When I walked by one said, “Oh yes, Hi” he said with adoring eyes.  At the end of the show when I came back down the stairs that same nut said in disgust: “Oh there HE is.”  It was obvious that he now felt familiar and if he had a chance he would have harmed me. How quickly his attitude changed.

So it made sense to discontinue publishing the home addresses of anyone who needed a driver’s lesson, especially since I lived in California where so many high profile people lived.

This was during the time that Rebecca Schaeffer had become a very compelling screen star, beginning with her series, ‘My Sister Sam.’ Other roles followed which attracted a nut named Robert John Bardo, who lived in Tucson, Arizona. He imagined he was ‘in love’ with her and her with him.’

This mental case, who should have been in an institution, took a Greyhound Bus to Hollywood, presented himself to the gate of the film studios demanding to see her. He was escorted off the property. He paid an investigator to find her home address which the investigator did easily since he simply went to DMV and they showed him her driver’s license.

Ms. Schaeffer had done a movie with a love scene, which infuriated Bardo who felt she belonged to him and now she was unfaithful.  This is how the insane think.

Bardo had tried to buy a gun but was refused due to his obvious mental incapacity. So he sent his brother to the same store, who bought the gun his brother wanted…..the same gun that would kill an innocent girl.

Bardo made his way to Ms. Schaeffer’s apartment and pressed the door bell.  The intercom was  broken so she had no choice but to answer the door.  She was expecting a script to be sent to her so she could audition that day for a hugely big movie, Coppola’s God Father 3 where she would play the role of Mary Corleone, a major role that would make her a star.

When she answered the door, Bordo pulled out his gun and shot her point blank.  The bullet went directly through her heart as she screamed with such terror that it was heard throughout the area.

Bardo was found, arrested and put to trial. The District Attorney then was Marcia Clark who came to fame with the OJ Simpson murder trial. His public defender, knowing that if he was described as a mental case he could be put away for the rest of his life, instead tried to convince the jury that it was not a case of insanity but the case of “obsession” which the defender said was different.  No it is not. Severe obsession is every bit a mental illness and should be handled as such. Yes, this ‘defense’ lawyer was trying to get this cold blooded murderer off the hook.

It is unsettling to know that my favorite President, Ronald Reagan, was the one who had all State Hospitals (insane asylums) closed thinking there was another way to deal with mental problems. And this is only ONE of the results. Had Reagan not done this Rebecca Schaeffer would be alive today. Nor would any of these school shootings or workplace shootings have taken place. It is time to reopen State Hospitals throughout America. If ever there was an issue of common sense, this is it.

Bardo was judged ‘guilty’ and sent to Mule Creek State Prison to begin his life sentence. While there another inmate stabbed him 11 times which did not kill him.  Pity. He was then transferred to Avenal State Prison in Central California where he will be behind bars for the rest of his miserable life.

This bastard (don’t get your knickers in a twist since that word is used in the Bible regarding questionable birth circumstances) left many, many broken hearted people who loved this delightful young woman and will be scarred for life by this totally senseless murder that could have been prevented had Reagan not closed State Hospitals.

At the very time of Ms. Schaeffer’s murder, this writer was fighting with DMV to keep home addresses off driver’s licenses. After her death, the DMV FINALLY, even though a bit late, made it a rule that home addresses could no longer be a part of a Driver’s License.

As the Pennsylvania Dutch would say: “Too soon oldt–too late schmart.”

Photo Caption: Insane Killer Robert John Bardo
Rebecca Schaeffer Fan Photo 

© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Lies Of The Left, Part 1

When our nation was founded our Founders demanded that there be what we call transparency in the halls of government.  To do that they gave us the 1st Amendment of freedom of speech incorporated with freedom of religion and freedom of the press.  The reason for that is in their day the press could only report what the government, the king, said they could report.  If the government was doing something that was detrimental to the people but benefitted the king, the king would not allow that information to be reported.  The Founders believed that the people had the right to know everything that the government was doing.

We also must keep in mind that the Founders believed that we would always put godly men in places of authority and that these people would act with integrity.  We have not kept that tradition.  For many decades the press did report on what the government was doing in an effort to keep the government on the straight and narrow but around the turn of the last century we began to see the press go along with the progressive/liberal mindset and by the middle of the century most of the press was doing the bidding of the Democrat Party.

We now have a press and a political party that is doing all it can to deceive the American people about the true intentions of that political party.  I won’t beat around the bush about this and come right out and state that the political party is the Democrat Party.  They are the party that fought against freeing the slaves, giving them citizenship, giving them the right to vote and is the party today that demands that they be able to destroy their children in the womb at any time for any reason and now even if a child is born alive in a botched abortion, they demand to reserve the right to let it die.  “It’s just heartbreaking. I was disheartened by the vote, 44 senators that voted against legislation that would protect babies who were born alive, babies that had survived an abortion, were outside the womb, and yet they were not willing to bring in the insurer under law that they would bring in the doctor’s care,” she said. “In years past, this is passed with unanimous consent in the Senate. So it really exposed the extreme position that the left is taking right now, that Democrats are saying they reject legislation to protect babies born alive.” [1] The Democrats have even become extremely frustrated with the Republicans attempts to get a vote on this bill.  Democrat congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is exasperated about the fact that Republicans continue to push for a vote on a bill to stop infanticide. “Oh My God, They Just Will Not Quit”

As LifeNews has reported, Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, have blocked a bill to protect babies who are born alive after abortions and provide them with appropriate medical care and treatment a total of 28 times. Earlier this week, Republicans led an effort to get petition signatures for a discharge petition to bring the bill to the floor.[2]

At the time of this writing MSM has not reported on this travesty of the Democrat Party’s blatant disregard for the safety of not just the unborn child but a child that survives an abortion.  This lack of reporting is because abortion on demand is part of the MSM agenda as well as the agenda of the left.  It is amazing how the media accuses the conservatives of the very thing that they themselves do.  This is a page right out of Hitler’s playbook. On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) stated that he suspects Attorney General William Barr is withholding information from the Mueller report to protect President Trump and said that Barr has hurt his office.

Host Joy Reid asked, “Do you believe that William Barr has undermined his office?”

Clyburn responded, “There’s no question in my mind about that. I think that is what is feared by the people who are now beginning to speak out in some form or another.”[3] Keep in mind that all the information about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Uranium One and the 30,000 Clinton emails was withheld and not released until it was forced to be reported and them it was only reported by conservative organizations.

I have been producing the American Intelligence Report, a daily newsletter for news MSM and even FOX won’t report on, for almost twelve years and I began the report because in conversations with friends and family they were woefully uninformed about what was going on.  Even in this last election when Colorado elected an open homosexual for governor, I have yet to talk to anyone that voted for him that knew he was a homosexual even though he had been in the House of Representatives for several terms and supported homosexual legislation.  Mark Twain once stated “If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed.  If you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.”  That statement is truer today than when he said it.

Our media, like our colleges and universities, have been taken over by left wing ant-American organizations ALL associated and aligned with the Democrat Party.  On a gravestone of a man who died in 1890 this was written about the Democrat Party: Through this inscription to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democrat Party.  I have watched it closely since the days of (Andrew) Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come through this so-called party, therefore beware of this party of treason.”  These words are as true today, if not more, as they were then.  The Democrats will not stand against infanticide and the liberal media won’t report on it, the Democrats have voted to allow illegals to vote in our elections yet decry “Russian involvement” in the 2016 election, yet the media is surprisingly silent about the illegal vote.

The MSM’s lack of coverage of the very positive things President Trump has accomplish is inexcusable.  Keep in mind that he has boosted the economy to a point that it is the best it has ever been, black and Hispanic unemployment is at its lowest in history, more women are employed than at any time in history, manufacturing jobs that were ‘never going to come back, according to Obama, have returned and the whole nation is 100% better off than at any time since Reagan, yet 90% of the news stories by MSM concerning Trump are negative: Media Research Council analyzed every moment of coverage of President Trump last year on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts, usually seen by more than 25 million people each night.

The major findings:

  • The Trump presidency was the biggest story of the year, accounting for one out of every three minutes of evening news airtime — nearly 100 hours in total.
  • The tone of coverage has been incessantly hostile: 90% negative, vs. just 10% positive(These percentages do not include neutral statements).
  • There were only three months in 2017 when Trump’s level of good press rose above 10 percent on the evening news
    More than two-fifths of evening news coverage of the President (43%) focused on controversies, not policies, with the Russia investigation alone accounting for one-fifth of all Trump coverage (1,234 minutes).
  • Despite their massive coverage of Russia, the networks had almost no airtime for questions about how the investigation began, or whether special counsel Robert Mueller’s current investigation is biased. [4]

We now have the ‘news coverage’ that we had prior to the Revolutionary War.  It is controlled by the liberal party for the purpose of the liberal party’s agenda.  What could go wrong?

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. House democrats block bill stop infanticide
  2. Democrat congresswoman tired of republicans trying to stop infanticide oh my God they just wont quit
  3. Clyburn: I suspect Barr is withholding information from Mueller report to protect Trump
  4. Study: 90 networks Trump coverage negative 2017

Be Of One Accord

In Matthew 21, we read of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  After the disciples brought the donkey to Jesus for Him to enter the city upon, we read, starting in verse 7, “they brought the donkey and the colt, and put their cloaks on them, and He sat on them.   A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.  The crowds that went ahead of Him and that followed were shouting, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest heaven!’

“When he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, ‘Who is this?’  The crowds were saying, ‘This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.’

“Then Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. He said to them, ‘It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.

“The blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He cured them.  But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the amazing things that He did, and heard the children crying out in the temple, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David,’ they became angry…”

The population of the city of Jerusalam, at the time, is estimated to be about 600,000 people.  As Jesus entered the city, riding on a donkey, the vast crowds went ahead of Him, spread their cloaks on the road, cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road and they were all shouting with joy:  “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

But when Jesus entered the temple and found it defiled by the religious leaders, who were profiting by God’s House being turned into a den of theives, He was righteously indignant.  He proceeded to cleanse the temple from those who had defiled it, and because this was costing the religious leaders MONEY and POWER, they became infuriated… even though Jesus then began healing the blind and the lame — and I would assume — others, who  came with all sorts of problems.

When He entered the city, the Bible tells us there were huge crowds worshiping and honoring Him.  Obviously, they knew Him — Who He was (the Messiah, God’s chosen Lamb) — and they all acknowledged that publicly.  Jesus further demonstrated His Holy power — which could ONLY have been of God Himself — by healing all those who came to Him.

But it wasn’t long before those same crowds — more than a half million people — who just days before were shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!”  — turned on Him, and those same crowds began shouting “Crucify Him!”   They had been profoundly influenced by the false religious leaders, the Scribes and Pharisees — the priests and those who truly SHOULD have known the Scriptures well enough to KNOW EXACTLY Who Jesus was.

In the end, all the disciples abandoned Him — even Peter, who vowed he would never deny Him.  He was left alone, to carry the heavy burden of the cross.  All had left Him, for fear of their own lives.  And I would guess that many who had previously followed Jesus, witnessed His many miracles — and were direct beneficiaries of those miracles themselves — also began to doubt that Jesus was the One who had come in the name of the Lord.

Of course, many wept and mourned as Jesus was tortured and crucified.  But they felt helpless to do anything about it; nor would Jesus have allowed them to intervene.  He had come to fulfill His mission, and His final words, as He died there on the cross were, “It is finished.”  He had accomplished His mission.  He had defeated the enemy, serving as God’s spotless Lamb of sacrifice, giving His earthly life after unspeakable torture and disdain — from even those who had previously claimed to be His best friends.

When He rose from the grave, He had TRULY finished His mission, by defeating death and hell — and the enemy of our souls.  Afterwards, He spent many days with His disciples before ascending into heaven to take His rightful place at the right hand of God.  But not before promising to send the third Person of the Trinity into the hearts of those true Christ-followers.  Yes, the Holy Spirit would descend upon them, and instead of having “God with us,” all true Christ-followers can likewise, even today, have “God IN us,” through His Holy Spirit.

Now, let’s pick up the story in Acts, Chapter 1, where we find that out of those 600,000 who had worshiped Jesus when He entered the city — even after all the miracles they had witnessed and received; even after they had seen Him rise from the grave, even after Jesus had spent many days witnessing and PROVING His divinity — only about 120 were still His true disciples.  In Acts 1, we read that following Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the disciples returned to Jerusalem and went into the Upper Room.

In verse 14 we read, “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brethren.”  Then, Peter, (who had formerly denied Jesus three times), finally understood all that had taken place, and he explained it all to the 120 disciples assembled there.  Later, after those 120 had received the promised Holy Spirit, Peter became even more bold, and THROUGH the power of the Holy Spirit, had the courage to stand before the city and declare the TRUTH of the Gospel to the crowds, BOLDY and without apology, even knowing doing so could cost him his life.

But God worked mightily through Peter and the disciples — even with all their flaws and shortcomings.  And Scripture tells us that following Peter’s sermon, 3,000 souls were added to the numer of true Christ-followers.  Yes, 3,000 had repented, and called upon the name of the Lord and were saved that day.

I often wonder what it was like in that upper room.  Jesus, their Leader, their LORD, was gone from this earth now, yet the Bible tells us, they were gathered together and all were in “one accord.”  They KNEW what they KNEW and nothing could change their minds.  They were deeply committed to Christ.  Suddenly, all the Scriptures and prophecies made sense.  Finally, they “got it.”  There was no division among them, even though there most certainly were men and women of all different backgrounds, gifted with different abilities, strengths and weaknesses.  They were ONE, just as Jesus asked His Heavenly Father that they would be.

Look at John 17.  Jesus, right before His betrayal, trial and crucifixion, prayed to His Father in heaven regarding His disciples, whom He loved so much:  “…I have given them the words that You gave Me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from You; and they have believed that You sent Me.  I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours…

“Holy Father, keep them in Your name, which You have given Me, that they may be one, even as We are one.  While I was with them, I kept them in Your name…I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.  But now I am coming to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.  I have given them Your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.  I do not ask that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.   Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.  As You sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word… the glory that You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one even as We are one.  I in them and You in Me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them even as You loved Me.”

Wow.  There is a LOT here to meditate upon and come to understand.   1)  Jesus gave His disciples the message from the Father.  2)  the disciples believed Jesus, repented and believed the Gospel.  3)   Jesus was not praying for the whole WORLD, but only for His disciples, those who were true Christ-followers4)  Jesus knew He would soon be leaving this earth, and He prayed that the Father would KEEP them in His name, and most importantly, that they would all be ONE (in heart, mind and spirit).  5) BECAUSE the disciples followed Christ, the world hated them. 6)  Jesus didn’t ask the Father to remove them from the world, but that they would be kept from harm by the evil one.  7)  As Christ-followers, they were not of the world, just as Jesus was not of the world, but rather, they had the Spirit of God within them.  8)  Jesus sent them into the world (they were NOT to keep themselves — or the message of Christ to themselves, inside the four walls of their places of worship, but rather, Jesus sent them OUT9)  Jesus prayed not just for His disciples, but also for all those who would hear and BELIEVE the Gospel THROUGH THEIR WORD.  And 10)  once again, He prayed that all would be ONE, even as Jesus and His Father are one.

But it was not long after the disciples went out to preach and teach — and turn the world upside down through the message of Christ — that division crept in.  Paul addressed this very thing as he wrote to the believers in Corinth:  “And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.  I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for you were not able to bear it, neither yet now are you able.

“For you are yet carnal.  For while there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are you not carnal, and walk as men?  For while one saith, ‘I am of Paul;’ and another, ‘I am of Apollos;’ are you not carnal?  Who, then, is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom you believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.  So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.  Now he that planteth and he that watereth are ONE: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.  For we are labourers together with God: you are God’s husbandry, you are God’s building.”  (NOTE HERE:  “God’s BUILDING” does not mean the brick and mortar structure with a cross on it on the corner — the TRUE Church is made up of BELIEVERS and FOLLOWERS of Christ.  WE are the Church.  WE are God’s “Building!”

“According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon.  But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.  For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

Friends, believe it or not, we have come to the place today, where there are now 33,000 different so-called “Christian” denominations in the world.  THAT does not sound — to me — like we, as Christ-followers, are ONE.  That sounds like we have directly and purposely divided each other — against the will of Jesus, whom we all claim to serve, and against God the Father, who ALSO desires us to all be “of one accord.”

It’s interesting the strange alliances the God-haters build and maintain:  LGBT people and feminists and pro-abortion people aligning with Islam… could there BE anything more odd?  Yet THEY all “play together” nicely and support one another out of their common hatred for God.  WHY IS IT, then, that us Christians cannot seem to get along, or agree on the pure Word of God we all claim to follow?  Why is it that we cannot all agree — be in one accord, and simply take God at His Word, BELIEVE His Word, and just OBEY His word?  I believe the answer is that most who proclaim to be Christ-followers don’t even know what His Word says.  The pastors are not properly instructed in their seminaries, and therefore they cannot properly teach their congregations, and the people themselves have so little time for God, they are mostly biblically illiterate.

Surely, in that upper room, at the start, where the 120 faithful ones met “in one accord,” there were many different personalities, people of many different backgrounds, men and women with many different gifts and abilities.  Yet they all agreed that Christ was LORD.  WHAT A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH if we were able to get back to that place in our world today!  “Denominationalism,” by it’s very definition, means to DIVIDE…  and THAT is the OPPOSITE of what Jesus wanted.  So today, I beg you to get back into your Bible.  I dare say for most of you, it’s been a long time;  TOO LONG.  Read, Study, show yourself approved, so that you may be able to GO OUT and be world-changers.  And STOP DIVIDING amongst yourselves over trivialities and out of pride.  If we are going to be the Salt and Light of the world, we must all believe and OBEY the same thing:  God’s Word.  It’s time we abandon the traditions and teachings of men.  Because while the enemy never sleeps and HIS followers are united against God (and US), it seems all we, as faithful church-goers can do is fight amongst ourselves.  And THAT needs to STOP.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 252.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Poison Of Main Stream Media Propaganda

If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly. —Thomas Sowell

The media has brainwashed the electorate to expect the government to do something. The best economic policy of any government is to do nothing but reduce the size of the government, reduce the size of the laws, and reduce the size of regulations. —Marc Faber

There is no greater tyranny, than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.  —Montesquieu

Maxine Waters was last year’s cheerleader for publicly confronting and harassing Trump administration members.  Now we’ve degenerated even further into the foul-mouthed language against our President from Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, and the anti-Semitic diatribes from Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.  There is no respect for the office.  The last two years were disgusting enough with Pelosi and Schumer, now it has sunk into the depths of depravity.  “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”  I Peter 5:8 perfectly describes this evil.

The socialist (communist) Democratic Party and their propaganda arm, the lapdogs in the main stream media (MSM), have pushed their bias, lies and distorted views of anything Trump to the level of violence.

We can thank the 1964 NYTs v. Sullivan decision which removed libel and slander from the province of state law and state courts.  Supreme Court Justice William Brennan set out the rule that reshaped libel law with his majority opinion. A public official could recover in a libel action only if and when a court found that the libelous statement about the official was made with “actual malice”—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.  As long as the press has an “absence of malice,” public officials are barred from recovering damages for the publication of false statements about them.

And just how does one now prove actual malice?  They can’t, and thus reputations of public figures are destroyed or promoted at will by the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, our MSM, the experts in brainwashing.

Perhaps Benjamin Franklin’s famous adage needs an update.  “The only thing certain in life is death and taxes” …and lies from the media.

Attacks on Politicos

The propaganda via the MSM has also affected Americans who fully believe media’s duplicity and deception.  There are many examples.  Former Director Kirsten Nielsen of the Department of Homeland Security was accosted and driven out of a Mexican Restaurant where she and her party had chosen to dine.

Back in June of 2018, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and other diners in her party were asked to leave by the owner of The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.  They immediately left.  Sarah and her husband went home, but the rest of the family went across the street to another restaurant, where the owner of the Red Hen, Stephanie Wilkinson, followed them and tried to get them tossed from that restaurant as well.  As of September of 2018, the entire town is still struggling to recover its image as a welcoming community. The whole town faced a backlash after The Red Hen refused to serve Sanders and her family.  Cordiality is now a thing of the past.

Even neo-con Senator McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao were attacked by a mob.

And Vice President Pence was lectured from the Broadway stage as he sat in the audience watching the play, Hamilton.

This is what both media and Democrats like Maxine Waters are promoting.  Congresswoman Waters needs to lose her next election to Republican Omar Navarro.

Propaganda Spreads Nationwide

We all saw the expressions of hatred for Trump via Kathy Griffin and even the Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar wherein a Trump looking Caesar is murdered.  We even saw pictures of school teachers, in front of their classes, pretending to shoot a holograph of our President.  There has been far more and far worse.  Imagine the outrage and banishment of anyone who would have tried that with Barack Hussein Obama.

This evil has spread to Americans who now believe it is politically and publicly condoned to attack anyone they disagree with, especially those with a MAGA hat or a Trump t-shirt.

A Texas teen at a fast food Whataburger Restaurant had his MAGA hat grabbed by the server and a drink thrown in his face.  Yes, an adult did this to a youngster just because he had on a MAGA hat.  As he threw the drink, he screamed at the teen, “The President you ain’t supporting.”

Just recently a 74-year-old Jewish man wearing a MAGA hat was having coffee in a Starbucks and a crazed socialist Democrat lackey starting screaming that he was a NAZI and asking others to join in.  Rebecca Mankey, took a picture of Victor inside Starbucks and posted it to her Facebook page (which is now deactivated), with a tirade, calling on others to confront Victor if they see him.  Read the full story here.

This is what the Democratic socialists (communists) and their propaganda arm in the main stream media have given us.  Propriety, civility, public decorum, common courtesy and human dignity have been discarded by the brainwashed fools who listen to the propaganda arm of the Democratic socialists.

Media Propaganda Hits Home

Several months ago, a dear friend of 45 years, who happens to be a black American gal, called me regarding Donald Trump and racism.  We lived catty corner from each other years back when our children were young, and we constantly talked, ran to each other’s homes, and even helped decorate our homes together.  Her oldest daughter attended Catholic school, and I sewed her plaid outfits for her.

Over the years we kept in touch despite the moves, and went on cruises together with our hubbies, talked about our pets, our children and our faith in God.  And when we hurt, we called each other even in the middle of the night.  She and her husband were highly educated; both of them made over six figure incomes when they were working.

After her husband passed suddenly a good dozen years ago, my friend has been in our home numerous times and once even brought one of her friends with her.  We have had years of fun and friendship together.  I cannot express how much I love this sweet Christian gal, who sings like an angel and can dance up a boogie-woogie storm.

Yet, in these 45 or more years I have never discussed politics with her, and she never with me, until Trump. She has called me twice and claimed Trump was a racist.

Why? Because when the neo-Nazis and the white supremacists got in a battle with each other in Charlottesville, VA in August of 2017 over a Confederate monument, the media lied about what the President said, and my friend’s excuse for saying he’s a racist is because she believes the lie.  This is her only excuse to call President Trump a racist.

I tried to explain the truth to her.  I gave her many examples and even mentioned to her that as a Christian with four children of her own, how could she vote for anyone who wasn’t pro-life.  This over 45 year very close friendship may have come to an end because of the propaganda of the MSM and there is little I can do to dissuade her.

Running for President Made Trump a Racist

President Trump was never called a racist and bigot until he ran as the 2016 Republican presidential candidate.  Before then, he was well liked by many liberal celebrities from Oprah Winfrey to Michael Jackson. Trump was known as a bombastic businessman, but he always had a pretty diverse circle of friends. Even on his show, The Apprentice, the contestants and celebrities were from all backgrounds, genders and ethnicities.

In the 1990s, Donald Trump worked with the Rainbow-PUSH coalition to help bring more black Americans and minorities into corporate America. Jesse Jackson was so impressed that, in 1999, he praised Trump for a lifetime of helping the African American community. That’s right, a lifetime, not just one day, or one hour…

In 1986, Trump was awarded the Ellis Island award for contributing to bettering the conditions of inner-city black youths.  He is standing alongside Muhammed Ali, and Rosa Parks.

I also explained to my dear friend that over 30 years ago, Donald Trump upset the applecart of racism in the elite clubs of Palm Beach, Florida.  He fought until the old “gentlemen’s agreement” went the way of the horse and carriage and all clubs in the area opened their doors to both Jewish and black folks as he did when he opened Mar-a-Lago.  They fought him, but he persevered and won against their racist policies.

Lynne Patton, a lovely black gal who has worked for the Trumps for a dozen years, now heads Region II of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which oversees New York and New Jersey.  Her boss is Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of HUD.  Lynne originally worked for Eric Trump’s Foundation and was even the wedding planner for Eric’s wedding.  She even cast two of Trump’s Apprentice programs.

She, and others I’ve spoken to have told me point blank that Trump is the least racist person they’ve ever known.  Lynne has openly stated that as a daughter of a Birmingham, Alabama father, she would never work for someone who was a racist.  When I told my dear friend this, she said she no longer liked Ben Carson.

The true statistics of non-whites hired by the Trump organization in all departments including upper management shows an abundance of blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other people of color.  What counts with Trump is ability and loyalty, not your color, your faith or your ethnic background.

Obviously, Diamond and Silk adore our President and are seen on Fox News at least once a week.  They were even at several of Trump’s campaign rallies.


Unfortunately, the things I told my friend did not resonate with her.  She believes the propaganda spewed by the media to destroy Trump and his supporters is absolute truth.  She has been brainwashed by the lies of the MSM…lies they’re allowed to spout on a daily basis because of the 1964 Supreme Court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan.

I’m still shocked that after knowing me for 45 years that she would think that I could possibly vote for anyone who was a racist.  I’m not sure if she was trying to convince me to not support Trump or if she thought I had some racist tendencies.  As heartbroken as I was after her last call, I phoned another friend, a gracious black gentleman who is married to a beautiful white woman and they totally understood and comforted me.

The media and the Democratic Party have completely destroyed our once most cordial and genteel culture.  We have become a nation filled with hatred and violence against those who do not buy into the Marxist worldview.  Daily, they spread their poison.

What the left hates about Donald Trump is the same thing they hate about America, that the typical American still loves God, family and country.

A week ago my friend Devvy Kidd sent out a letter asking for donations for NewsWithViews.  Our publisher and his wife work diligently to keep NWVs up and running and a couple months ago we lost google advertising.  Why?  Because they censored us for our conservative content.  The articles put out daily reflect true Constitutional conservatism and they hate it.  This was a loss of up to a thousand dollars a month, and few understand the cost of running a huge website like this. Attacks against us come often, shutting us down.  We need donations to keep running, and we need others to sign up to receive the numerous articles every day.  Donations can be sent here.  Thank you for your help.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

America in Chains – Is America Worth Saving?

“Their gonna put y’all back in chains”

Are you aware of the Communist goals that were read into the Congressional Record as a reminder of the horrors of communism. Obviously our legislators never read them. In 1963, Rep Herlong (D) read the 45 goals of communism into the Congressional Record.  He did this to make sure that Congress is on alert and the goals will never be forgotten.  Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35. Read the goals

These goals were read by an ANTI COMMUNIST Democrat. Look how far we have come today as the Democrats are now advocating socialism  (the goal of socialism is communism) and anti-semitism. Sadly the Democrat history of racism and bigotry is omitted from K-12. Our children have no idea of the horrors of socialism but it sounds great. Put the kids in debt and tell them the only way our is socialism and they will become socialists. Do they have any idea what socialism means? Or that is is doomed to fail? Do they care? Or do they just want to get out of debt?

Look how many goals have been accomplished.  Read the goals. You will see Communists follow goal# “12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party and #15 Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.”  Today they call themselves Globalists, same horse, new name. Once you read the goals, you will be shocked to see how far they have come. I believe that both parties under the goal of GLOBALISM have an equal hand in destroying America’s promise of freedom, liberty and a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLICAN form of government.  By eliminating a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLICAN and pushing a DEMOCRACY while flooding the K-12 schools with promises of a utopian socialist country, AMERICANS WILL LOSE ALL HOPES OF FREEDOM.

Do these Representatives realize that in a Democracy they will have NO JOB, since a democracy does not require representatives?  The public votes for policy by referendum.  Do the Representatives know that historically the first group to go to reeducation camps is the bureaucrats and representatives?  They know too much.

Remember Marx said: “The goal of socialism (and other isms) is COMMUNISM. OK so what is the big deal, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism who cares they are all the same.  NO they are not. Wordsmiths have changed the definitions so they appear the same but are way different.  Capitalism / free market system allows for individual ownership of your person, land business and intellectual property. Under Communism everything is owned and controlled by the Government.

Today America is in a battle over MONEY, POWER and CONTROL.  Right now the only one fighting the Globalists is President Donald Trump.  In order to control humans the globalist club has focused on so called Man Made Climate Change.  The Environment has become the religion. You are evil if you don’t believe. Our children are taught; you are the devil and can not be trusted. You want to destroy their future if you do not give up your current way of life. You have become the enemy.  Globalists lie, American say nothing and allow the lies to remain.  The students grow up becoming the fierce advocated of the environmental religion.  No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” —Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment.

Today the document containing all of the phony reasons that you must give up your way of life is called “The Green New Deal”.

For the past 10 years, yes since the Gulf Oil Spill, I have been talking, hosting radio shows, calling into radio shows, writing articles, just to get the word out that America’s enemies are here, in America, in our government. I was called every name you can think of and labeled a conspiracy theorist, a liar, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous loony, an Islamaphobe, white elitist and of course a racist. At one time I was public enemy number one at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Funny how the things I say are now coming to the forefront as America begins it descent into the socialist abyss by putting these egregious policies in place.  Did you ever notice that when policies are put in place implementation is never immediate? It is always down the road. Obamacare implementation was 5 years down the road. Wonder why? Could it be so the current administration can be blamed for the poor policies and their devastating results? The issuing administration never wants to be there for the results.

Immigration is the perfect case in point. Reagan opened the amnesty door without getting security on the border.  The Congress lied to him (no surprise here.) Bush 41 signed UN Agenda 21 bringing a “New World Order”.  Clinton signed NAFTA eliminating borders pushing outsourcing. Bush 43 opened the immigration door with a wide birth and continued the NAFTA policy.  After all Bush said, these low income people are just doing jobs Americans won’t do.   Let them come in while increasing the H2b visa program with little or no oversight.  With open borders, millions came illegally.  Obama opened the door to unlimited refugees while using tax dollars to advertise in foreign countries showing people how to game the America system.  Trump is living with Obama’s poor policies and is constantly blamed for the policies not working.

During Clinton, businesses expanded and the middle class grew.  Americans were buying homes, autos and expanding their businesses.  That meant Americans were accumulating wealth and moving up the success ladder.  How great was it to buy new furniture, renovate or buy a new home go on a vacation, send your kids to private school and have money left over.

WOA, that can’t happen.  The Globalists can not have competition from a class of people who might not agree with the Globalist agenda. NAFTA cured that.  As Americans were buying big ticket purchases, leveraging their wealth with their new income, globalists had a plan to steal their wealth. How did that work? As a mortgage broker, I wrote plenty of mortgages for first time home buyers who were so excited to participate in the American dream. The economic outlook of the 90’s was great.  Then under Bush 43, the NAFTA plan promoting outsourcing was implemented.  American companies were offered American tax dollars to open businesses in foreign countries eliminating American jobs.   Where were the MSM reports on that devastation?

As we say, the other shoe dropped.  Outsourcing insured that your great job got cut, your hours got cut, your second job got cut; one spouse lost a job. You had to train your international H2B visa replacement.  Your mortgage that you took pride in paying on time could not be paid.  You drained your 401K and retirement account. Your house went into foreclosure, your furniture was picked up; maybe your car or boat was repossessed.  You got depressed but tried to make light of it.  With a cheerful face you told your family how moving from the home you owned into a small apartment you rented or car you now live in was a good thing. You might have turned to drugs, alcohol, or driven to suicide. You became dependent on the government.  The wealth of the middle class was drained.  You were told by Nancy Pelosi that your unemployment check was a good thing and improved the economy.  How can getting a fractional hand out from the government improve anything?  The elimination of the middle class began.  That was the goal all along.

How can I say that? Easy. Globalists can not allow you to accumulate wealth.  You might become a voice for the American dream and that is not allowed.  Other countries can not have citizens with ownership or wealth.  If you have wealth, you will not need the government to take care of you.  Individual wealth must be eliminated. A stimulus must be created to save the economy. BS.

The emerging ‘environmentalization’ of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of a world government.” —Mikhail Gorbachev, State of the World Forum

The Bush-Obama stimulus eliminated billions of wealth from the middle class. Yet instead of being used to pump up the middle class it was used to destroy the middle class and their neighborhoods.  The middle class was then blamed for “buying houses they could not afford”.  The billions went to the wealthy so they could donate back to the globalist politicians who desired America’s demise. Who was president at that time – Oh Obama who said over and over how America was the cause of all evil and must be cut to size.

Why? “If we don’t overthrow capitalism, we don’t have a chance of saving the world ecologically. I think it is possible to have an ecologically sound society under socialism. I don’t think it is possible under capitalism”  —Judi Bari, principal organiser of Earth First!


A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” —Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies

Abandoned neighborhoods were purchased by tax payer funded Hedge Funds who are building sustainable developments complying with the Green New Deal.  About 5 years ago while on a speaking tour, many people asked my why HUD was building apartment complexes which were vacant in cities and counties under the name of “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act.”  in cities that didn’t need more housing because these complexes remain vacant.   I said, this is the beginning of the refugee take over of America.  Watch, soon these complexes will be filled with refugees and illegals.  Surprise, today many of these complexes are filled with refugees and illegals.  The middle class is being replaced.  Your children will have no idea that a middle class exists.  How can you fight for something that you don’t know exists?  You won’t.  Mission accomplished.

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” —Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme

Is America Worth Saving?  Or do you agree with Maurice?
Will you share this article? contact your legislators, school board, social media?
Will you correct errors, lies and bias?  Or will you remain silent?
I will not comply. Will you?

© 2019 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:

Are Democrats Pushing Sharia Law

A fan thought I exaggerated when I wrote Sharia Law will spread like wildfire across America if Democrats win the White House. She feared my over-the-top statement about the spread of Islam will damage my credibility.

My statement is not an exaggeration. For crying out loud, the federal government illegally funded a national curriculum titled, “Access Islam”. This indoctrination program outrageously teaches students how to become a Muslim – how to pray as a Muslim – how to perform Islamic “daily worship” and how to perform the “core duties” of being a Muslim.

A California school banned all Christian-based books from its library, including books by Christian authors. Superintendent Dr Kathleen Hermsmeyer says they do not allow “sectarian materials” on their state-authorized lending shelves.  Public schools are celebrating Islam while banning Christmas.

Public education is the battlefield of the culture war. Democrats use public schools to normalize the LGBTQ agenda in the hearts and minds of our kids. Upon infiltrating public schools, LGBTQ activists began molding and shaping students into their image beginning in pre-k. Democrats continue to up the ante, expanding deviancy. Students are being indoctrinated to embrace numerous dangerous sexual perversions under the umbrella of “healthy sex education”; BDSM, rimming, anal sex, asphyxiation, gender-bending and more.

Beginning with portraying pedophiles as victims of our closed-minded society, Democrats are pushing to legalize pedophilia along with 11 other perversions.  Civil unions granted homosexuals the same benefits as marriage. And yet, Democrats chose to use activist judges to destroy God’s sacred union of marriage. This is a long way down the road from LGBTQ activists claiming they simply wanted tolerance. Today, many Americans quake in fear opposing any demand of LGBTQ activists. Democrats want government to mandate that Christians throw away their Bibles to fully embrace Democrats’ anything-goes-sexually society.

Now Democrats are using government mandates to instill Islam in public schools while rooting-out Christianity. Remember Democrat AG Loretta Lynch threat to jail anyone caught speaking badly of Islam?  Lynch’s boss, Obama, was the most pro-Islam and anti-Christian president in US history.

Democrats use blacks, women, homosexuals and Muslims as useful idiots to further their extreme radical leftist agenda. For example. Democrats and fake news said that opposing Obama’s punish-America policies was racist. Had Hillary won, opposing her leftist agenda would be branded sexist. If homosexual Democrat presidential candidate Mayor Pete wins the WH, opposing his extreme radical leftist ideas will be branded homophobia. If one of the antisemitic Democrats win the presidency, opposing their hate-Israel rants will be branded Islamophobic. This tactic is called “Shaming”. Democrats and fake news routinely use shaming to silence all opposition, while forcing their anti-American and anti-Christian agendas down our throats.

Judge Jeanine Pirro’s TV show was taken off the air for two weeks for daring to tell the truth about Muslim Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s rabid bold antisemitism. Rather than strongly rebuking Omar’s hatred for our ally, Israel, every Democrat presidential candidate decided to give Israel their middle finger by refusing to attend AIPAC.

Can you believe there are “Muslim Community Patrol” cars in Brooklyn New York which look exactly like police cars? Disturbed residents are questioning why this is necessary because the NYPD is extremely diverse. These Muslim patrols are allowed to stealthily enforce Sharia Law in their neighborhoods; no homosexuals, no women wearing short skirts and so on.

Respecting Islam, a California public school caved to Sharia Law by forbidding students to draw images of Mohammed. And yet, Democrats defended the NEA funding “Piss Christ” which featured a crucifix submerged in urine.

My late dad was a Methodist pastor. Dad said every year for decades LGBTQ activists brought ordaining homosexuals to the table at their annual conference. Due to the Bible’s clear rebuke, ordaining homosexuals was voted down. Then one year, it passed. We are seeing this same persistence tactic used to further Sharia Law.

Thank God Texas turned back the establishment of the first official Sharia court in America. Do not become complacent folks. These people will never give up and will keep coming back at us.

Traditions, principles and values everyday Americans and Christians hold dear are under relentless attack by Democrat enemies-within. As a Christian, I view Democrats’ aggression as the Spirit of Anti-Christ. Jesus proclaiming himself our savior and Lord is as repulsive to leftists as is showing Dracula the cross. This is why even though Islam clearly hates homosexuals and suppresses women, Democrats overwhelmingly prefer Islam over Christianity. Democrats are banning Christianity in public school while quietly replacing it with Islam.

No, I do not believe Sharia Law will overtake America. But if Democrats take the White House, Sharia Law will swiftly gain government-protected dramatic strongholds across America.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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US And Iran: Natural Allies

Four decades of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has not only failed to achieve the security and well-being of its people, it has ensnared the nation in a stifling theocracy where the rights of the governed are routinely violated for the benefit of the governing.

In 1979, the U.S. Government, notably, Jimmy Carter  and his European allies decided it was time for the Shah of Iran to go. Meaning, leave Iran for good and hand over the country to an unknown Islamist character by the name of Ayatollah Khomeini. That was an unpardonable act by Western governments. The Western nations, especially, the US, had no idea of the consequences that would follow. Nonetheless, they forced a great ally and friend, the Shah of Iran, to leave his beloved country. What ensued after his departure was the installation of the most oppressive theocratic Islamic system known in the history of mankind. It also renewed an era of Islamic terrorism and the revival of its never-ending passion for world Islamic domination.

On November 4, 1979, it resulted in Islamists storming the United States Embassy in Tehran and take approximately seventy Americans captive. This terrorist act provoked one of the most tragic policies of Carter’s presidency. It was the start of a long ordeal for Jimmy Carter and the American people that lasted 444 days.

This tragedy never had to happen. It was purely a miscalculation on Jimmy Carter’s administration. Ronald Reagan said it best in this video.

On April 1980, President Carter broke diplomatic relations with Iran and ordered Iranian diplomats and officials to leave the US. It also created a state of perpetual deadlock between the U.S. and Iran.

The estrangement between Iran and the US is one of the great tragedies of Middle Eastern history. Iran and the US are natural allies. America has no strategic interests that conflict with Iran’s and the two nations share several enemies (if only the American State Department could wean itself from its strange, self-defeating fascination with the House of Saud and its willful blindness regarding Pakistan). America’s role in toppling the Shah and its unwillingness to assist Iran’s Green Revolution were regrettable failures of diplomatic skill and strategic vision.

Iran has been under the rule of Sharia law since 1979. To their credit, the Iranian people have attempted on numerous occasions to end the rule of the Mullahs, but each time they were faced with the ruthless Islamic regime and the backing of Western powers. In the Green Revolution, many of them were massacred while the world watched and did nothing.

It is time for the US to change its policy and ditch the Arabs and join the Persian team. The Trump administration must make every effort to engage the Iranian people to free themselves at the hands of the butcher of Allah.

We all know that the Arabs cannot escape from the slaveholder, Islam. It is tied up with their identity. Only Iranians, with their long history as a non-Arab people with a non-Islamic religion, offer a real prospect of throwing off the yoke of Islam and create a chance for peace and prosperity in the region.

But, how do we start? Or, more accurately, how do the Iranians start in such a way that their movement influences American policies? Let us not forget that other than the Israelis, Iran forms the only real state and national culture in the Middle East. But, admiration and good wishes only go so far in this dangerous world. The accumulated mistakes of two generations of Americans and Iranians are now building to a flash-point. America’s policy choices are narrowing. The need to deal with the nuclear ambitions of the Mullahs is real and pressing. Let us hope the heirs of Cyrus the Great find some way to give both Iran and America a little more room before we go to war.

We need to be reminded again that for the past forty years, the Iranian people have been kept hostage in their own county by a group of non-Iranians who despise everything Persian and have been slowly purging the remnant of pre-Islamic Persia as well as Persian textbooks. These pro-Arab invaders are not Iranians by any means.

I am confident that many Americans recognize that young Iranians do not buy into the murderous philosophy of Islam and the Quran. But, there will be collateral damage if they do not overthrow the Mullahs who are currently rule Iran. We should support these freedom loving Iranians both overtly and covertly because they may be the difference between a free Iran who would join the rest of the world or a devastated country with these young people killed and wounded in a terrible war that they don’t want and don’t care about.

The time for regime change is overdue. Many Iranians refuse to obey and be intimidated by the Islamic regime. With a little help, here and little help there, these brave people can be transformed overnight from seemingly subdued and helpless sheep into mighty lions.

“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” Said William Arthur Ward–we need to recognize and seize the moment with every chance we got. The Iranian people have made up their minds. We should too before it is too late.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Is Christianity The Religion Of American?

Last week, we discussed the first Muslim representative elected to the Pennsylvania legislature who demanded an apology from another member because they began their session with a prayer to Jesus Christ, calling it ‘highly offensive.’”

I received a message from a reader, who I believe to be sincere, stating, “The Founders NEVER intended to favor Christianity over any other religion… None of the founders were explicitly Christian except the couple who were ministers. These arguments that the founders favored Christianity are historically incorrect, divisive, and anti-American. Your intent is only to rile up fear for political purposes.”

Let’s take a look at what a majority of our Founders believed.

George Mason, the “Father of the Bill of Rights,” had suggested the wording of the First Amendment be:

“All men have an equal, natural and unalienable right to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that no particular sect or society of Christians ought to be favored or established by law in preference to others.”

The fact is there were numerous Christian denominations in the various colonies.

Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story, who was appointed by President James Madison, explained in his “Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States,” 1833:

“In some of the States, Episcopalians constituted the predominant sect; in others, Presbyterians; in others, Congregationalists; in others, Quakers … The whole power over the subject of religion is left exclusively to the State governments, to be acted upon according to their own sense of justice and the State Constitutions.”

We have to remember that the States created and ratified this Federal Constitution, so the Amendments to the Federal Constitution, particularly regarding religion, did not override individual State Constitutions. The original 13 states all declared similar statements as Maryland, who declared:

“No other test … ought to be required, on admission to any office … than such oath of support and fidelity to this State … and a declaration of a belief in the CHRISTIAN religion.” (emphasis added)

Delaware stated:

“Every person … appointed to any office … shall … subscribe … ‘I … profess faith in GOD THE FATHER, and in JESUS CHRIST His only Son, and in the HOLY GHOST, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.'” (emphasis added)

Pennsylvania was operating under its 1776 Constitution, signed by Ben Franklin, which stated:

“Each member, before he takes his seat, shall … subscribe … ‘I do believe in one GOD, the Creator and Governor of the Universe, the Rewarder of the good and the Punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration.'”

In 1840, Justice Joseph Story wrote in “A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States”:

“We are not to attribute this prohibition of a national religious establishment to an indifference to religion in general, and especially to Christianity (which none could hold in more reverence than the framers of the Constitution) …

Story continued:

“The real object of the First Amendment was not to countenance, much less to advance Mohammedanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity, but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment which should give to a hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government.”

Written in many documents, here we have, not fear-based opinions and arguments, but your actual Christian history, Americans.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2019 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Many Preachers Today Could Be Considered Great Pretenders

When I think about American history it is difficult to discount the influence of Christian oriented principles.  From the very founding of this great republic, the word of God was always a part of the normal daily conversation.  It was at least expected that individuals would at the very least, try to seek Providential guidance and live according to Biblical principles.  My own Dad lovingly but under a strong underpinning of stern persuasion insisted that I remember the many Godly principles he taught me.  Bad more importantly, Dad insisted that I read the word of God for myself and govern myself accordingly.

With all her foibles people like to bring up, America the beautiful was still a nation of and blessed by God. That is because most people were given Biblical instruction during their childhood and at the very least respected Godly principles. As a result, most sovereign citizens strove to treat others as they wished to be treated and be decent citizens overall.  What seemed to be so simple was one of the major factors that helped give Americans a sense of unity as a people of this great republic.

The Ten Commandments were almost universally accepted as the standard for good behavioral instruction. They were simple and straight to the point.  I am old enough to remember seeing the Ten Commandments posted in my elementary school rooms.  Preachers in earlier American history were for the most part very moral and sought to teach the truth straight from the word of God.  After all, it was the Colonial era Christian ministers who’s understanding of the word of God inspired them to lead the fight against British tyranny.  The beautiful understanding of the word of God helped the Colonists to realize that there was no king, but King Jesus.

Men such as John Adams had a great appreciation for our Eternal Creator and could have easily been a more than adequate minister of the gospel. Education was not neglected by America’s earliest settlers.  New England towns established schools for the training of the young. Upon graduation, they were prepared to pursue either the ministry or any profession of the time.  Biblical knowledge was not allowed to be relegated to a lower rung of importance in society.  Ministers were bold and highly respected pillars of early American society.

They loved Christ, family and our republic unashamedly.  The ministers believed God was blessing a moral American society, where sovereign citizens would be free to reach the fulness of their God given potential.  It was also understood that when “We the People” understood the principles of God there was no need for a dictatorial king or governmental tyrant.  Religious liberty was a natural By-product of the knowledge of the Biblical word of God.  It produced men of Godly renown such as Roger Williams and his exemplary experiment in Rhode Island, a William Penn and his freedom loving Pennsylvania.  There was John Clarke in Rhode Island who risked his personal safety to read the Bible to interested hearers in Massachusetts despite threats from the British King George.

For the most part, ministers of early America were the real McCoy, when it came to the Gospel and insuring its great influence on society, no matter the risk.  In recent decades, ministers have had a much smaller positive impact upon our republic. I am amazed at the ability of ministers in colonial America to insure a huge Providential influence upon the Colonies despite the wrath of King George.  Yet today with a few exceptions like Franklin Graham, the mega maestro ministers of today do not garner a great respect.  Sadly, they rarely convince many to truly seek God for themselves and live according to HIS standards.

Our republic will not be a nation of liberty much longer unless, the ministerial jesters reconnect with God or are replaced by those who will boldly proclaim the Biblical truths America once held sacred.  The great pretender preachers of today have themselves to blame for America’s moral decline.  For if a people are not instructed in what is right, they will most assuredly succumb to the influence of what is not good for themselves or our republic.  Thank goodness that many men and women of God are now  following God’s lead and escaping houses of false spiritual indoctrination.  Prayer warriors like the Zechariah 2:5 Family, nationwide are laying foundational renewal of America through prayer and supplication.  This is no different than what prayer warriors like the mother of George Washington did when the colonists declared independence from Great Britain.

I am convinced that history will repeat itself and America will soon again be One Nation Under God with Liberty and Justice for all.  God bless you God bless America and may America bless God.   Please don’t miss the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM ET, 3:00 MP CT, 1:00 PM PT via AM 1180 KCKQ reno, Nevada and and Saturdays on KYAH AM 540 Delta, Utah. The Edwards Notebook radio commentary is now enjoyed on over 200 radio outlets nationwide emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Fla overnights during the fast growing Captain’s America Third Watch talk show.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards:

The Tea Party Is Back

President Trump has our economy booming. Unemployment claims are at an unprecedented 50 year low.  There are more jobs available than there are workers to fill them.

And yet, every Democrat presidential candidate is on a mad dash to socialism. If a Democrat is elected president in 2020, we will be thrust back to the depressing days of Obama’s failed economy; record high numbers of Americans on food stamps, unemployment and disability. Democrats are like drug dealers seeking to insidiously addict Americans to government dependency solely to control their lives, behavior and voting loyalty.

From the beginning of the Tea Party movement, I traveled the country on numerous national Tea Party bus tours, speaking and performing my song, “American Tea Party Anthem”  at over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide.

Reflecting back to Obama’s horrible economy, I fondly remember the five dollar lady. After my performance on stage at a rally in Texas, I was approached by a humble woman. She thanked me for what our team of patriots was doing for our country. She explained that Obama’s anti-business policies cost her husband, a trucker, his job. With tears in her eyes, she grabbed my hand with both her hands, giving me a crumpled up five dollar bill for gas for our tour bus. I instinctively knew that five dollars was a huge contribution from her. The five dollar lady drove home the importance of our mission and responsibility to push back against Obama’s plan to transform America into a socialist nation.

On April 15th, Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rallies  are scheduled across America; 300 thus far with more added daily. Yes, the Tea Party is back. Please join us.

Actually, the Tea Party never went away. We matured, working behind the scenes to elect conservatives, becoming less visible. I became Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee, traveling the country helping to elect conservatives in House and Senate races.

With their every attempt to remove Trump from office failing, the evil coalition of Democrats, fake news and the deep state have become totally deranged. They seek to create a race war and violence on Trump supporters while arrogantly breaking laws. No sacrifice is too large or scheme too low if it will remove Trump from of the White House.

Democrats’ extreme lawless resistance requires the Tea Party to become highly visible again. The Tea Party is the righteous legal-resistance to Democrats’ deranged, violent and illegal-resistance.

I am excited to announce that 34% of those who attended Trump’s latest rally in Michigan were registered Democrats Trump is also winning blacks, Hispanics and millennials.

This means despite fake news media’s 24/7 lies, deceptions and distortions about Trump, more Americans are beginning to discern that Trump is good for America. Lets pull formerly duped Americans into our Tea Party fold to rally behind our president.

Please allow me to address Democrats’ and fake news media’s despicable hate-generating lie that says the Tea Party and Trump are racist. I am a proud black American who attended over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide. I was showered with patriot love and appreciation. Trump has an excellent record of hiring blacks.  Blacks are experiencing unprecedented prosperity under Trump; historic low unemployment.

Brother and sister Americans who love our country, lets join together to save America by keeping Trump in the White House. Please sign on to participate in the April 15th, Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rallies.

Thirty-two year old Todd Beamer was an American passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 93 which was hijacked as part of the Islamic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Beamer lead a band of courageous fellow passengers in an attempt to regain control of the aircraft from the hijackers. During the struggle, control was lost of the aircraft. It crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, saving the hijackers’ intended target which prevented the murder of more Americans. Upon the passengers launching their attack, Beamer said, “Let’s roll.”

Yes, the Tea Party is back! Quoting heroic American Todd Beamer, “Let’s roll.”

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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Here Comes The Internet Czar

The freedom of the Internet, although frequently and flagrantly abused, was great while it lasted. But the world’s governments don’t intend for it to last much longer.

The United Kingdom, a country with no First Amendment to protect free speech, is preparing to set up an “Internet safety czar” to promote “Internet safety” and prevent “online harms,” with full powers to regulate the social media and shut sites down if he sees fit. “Huge fines” will also be on the menu.

According to plan, the “czar” will come crashing down on any site where he finds any of the following.

“Violence or incitement to violence.”

“Encouraging self-harm or suicide.”

“Fake news.”


Children given access to “inappropriate material.”

Child exploitation or “abuse content.”

Let’s take a little closer look, shall we?

Take “violence.” Because I state the truth, that there is no such thing as a “transgender person,” but only people who say they are, I have been accused of “violence” and even “assault” and “beatings.” For the Far Left Crazy, “violence” is any degree of dissent from their program. So depending on which political faction happens to be in power at the time, I could be shut down and fined for “violence”—without ever having raised a hand to anyone.

What would they call it when a state legislature enacts a law permitting assisted suicide? When an “end of life counselor” advises a seriously ill patient to ask a doctor to kill him? Or when Netflix makes a TV series glamorizing suicide? Or when self-anointed intellectuals brandishing the Humanist Manifesto II declare that suicide is a human right? But of course all these are Far Left projects: no one in the British government would dream of stifling them.

What is “fake news”? If it’s news that’s wrong, un-factual, lies cooked up to serve a political agenda, our mainstream nooze media’s cup runneth over. Trump colluded with “The Russians,” Trump’s a Russian agent, Brett Kavanagh organized gang rapes at a party, the kids from Covington High School picked on a poor defenseless Native American, Jussie Smollett was attacked by white supremacists—these were all frauds, much ballyhooed by all the major media. Would the czar shut them down and fine them? Oh—but they’re not the social media? But all those phony stories slopped over into the social media. Would you get shut down for repeating or commenting on fake news stories pushed by mainstream media?

As for “inappropriate material” for children—what about the award-winning “young adults fiction” crammed into the shelves of public school libraries, chock-full of depictions of aberrant sex, pedophilia, drug abuse, and all sorts of self-destructive behavior? To say nothing of “comprehensive sex education” for first-graders! Again, much of this finds its way into the social media. Will the czar be shutting that down, too?

Naturally, we don’t want our children subjected to cyber-bullying on the social media, or being targeted by pedophiles using the social media as a blind. Maybe children shouldn’t be allowed unlimited time online. Maybe parents should pay closer attention to what their kids are viewing. Maybe we could even allow the government to play a role in catching and punishing the perpetrators—if any government would ever be content with that. The danger would lie in whetting the government’s appetite for more. Much more.

Why are we so certain that any “Internet czar” would concentrate exclusively on silencing Christians, Jews, conservatives, and Republicans while allowing socialist, Democrat, atheist, LBGT, Islamic, and anti-white sites to flourish unimpeded? Is it fair to judge by past performance? It’s flaming stupid not to.

Freedom is not the natural state of fallen man. Freedom can exist only under the protection of a sovereign, righteous God.

“Righteous” is not a word that describes our worldly governments.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

Government By Opinion

Our ministry gives me the opportunity to interact on a regular basis with non-believers.  It is one of the most rewarding things that I do.  I love explaining Christianity to non-Christians.

When referring to a non-believer I am not simply talking about an atheist, but rather, someone who does not understand and embrace the fundamentals of Christianity.  Some people refer to themselves as atheists but I really don’t believe many true atheists actual exist.  All people believe in some type of “higher power” whether it be a force, a god, or LeBron James.  But a true atheist is hard to find.

Agnostic would be a better term to describe non-believers.  Agnostics believe in a higher power but they are not sure what that higher power is or in what form you might find it.  That is where you find most Americans living.  They believe in something…but they don’t know exactly what it is that they have faith in.  That includes many self-identified Christians.  They believe in Jesus, but they can’t really tell you why or what they believe.

Sadly, our churches have done a horrible job of explaining Christianity to those who claim it.  That is why we see so many who really can’t give a believable defense of the faith.  They are, in the truest sense, Christian agnostics.  Gnostic means “to know.”  Put an “a” in front Gnostic and you get “not to know.”   Christian agnostics are those who don’t know or understand what they claim to believe.  America’s churches are full of them.

Just last week I was having a discussion with a group of high school students when one indignant snowflake blurted out, “So you don’t think atheists are good people?”

I chuckled under my breath as I thought how to respond.  “How do you define good?”

“You know.  Kind to people.  Moral.  Always trying to do the right thing.”

I scratched my salt and pepper goatee and asked, “How do you know what is the right thing?  Who determines for you what is good?  What is the standard that you use to measure your “goodness?”

Her eyes bounced from side to side as she thought how to respond.  “I follow the laws and leave people alone.  I treat people the way I want to be treated.  I’m non-judgmental.”

“That’s great,” I retorted.  “But who says those are good things that you do?  Who determines for you what is right and what is wrong?”

“Society,” she snorted back at me.  “Society determines what is right and wrong.  That’s why we have laws, you know?”

“Where do the laws come from?”  I asked.

“Government makes them.  We the people do.  We all know that.”  She replied.

“Where does government get the standard that they use to make laws?  How do they know if the law they are making is good or bad?  In fact, why do they need laws at all?”  I challenged.

“We the people determine it.  I already said that.  We as a society determine right and wrong.”

“So, do you think that blacks are less than human?” I asked   “That used to be the law of the land.  Do you believe that women should be able to vote?  The law used to say they couldn’t.  If society changes its mind about right and wrong does that imply that right and wrong are constantly changing?  And if that is true, how do you ever know if you are a good person?  What is your standard if the standard keeps changing?”

“I don’t know about all of that, but I know what I believe and I don’t need some old man in the sky to tell me what to think.  I treat people well and I am a good person.”  She stomped away.

Jesus told us that there were none that were good.  Not even one.

Christianity is more than just doing what is right and wrong.  Christianity is a standard upon which a culture is built.  Certainly one can be an atheist and still be a “good person”, but even an atheist cannot be good without a standard by which goodness can be measured.  In fact, if you look around, you will see that society’s opinion of right and wrong is in a constant state of flux.

How can something be “right” if tomorrow a vote by Congress could make it wrong?  Or how can something be “wrong” today, yet made “right” by a vote tomorrow?  Are right and wrong simply opinions based on popular whims?  Or is there an unchanging standard by which right and wrong can always be measured?  If so, what is that standard?

Christianity was the foundation upon which our society was built.  Right and wrong were not determined by the vote of the people but by the standards spelled out in the Bible.  The focus of Christianity is more than just heaven or hell.  Certainly, salvation and eternal life are at the center of the Gospel, but Christianity is also a governmental system whereby a civilized people may live in harmony.  Laws against stealing protect both the Christian and the non-Christian.

Can an atheist be a good person is not really the question.  All of us make choices everyday about how we are going to live and interact with our fellow man.  Our society was built upon a system of standards that come directly out of the Bible.  You don’t have to be a Christian to follow the rules, but following the rules makes it easier for us to live together.  It makes all of us better.

But being a “good” person does not make you a Christian any more than being a Christian makes you a good person.  America would be a better place if we all strove to be “good.”

But what is your standard?  What does “being good” mean?  Does being “good” even matter if there is no God?

America was not founded as a Christian nation but as a nation founded on Christian ethics.  If there is no unchanging standard of right and wrong then eventually we will become a nation not of laws, but of opinions.

Isn’t that what the Supreme Court offers…opinions?  Isn’t that how we got in this mess?

What is the standard America?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

“If I Were The Devil” – America’s Culture War

Some of you from my generation, maybe earlier maybe later, remember Paul Harvey.  Even during my younger days, I enjoyed his commentaries and his “Rest of the Story” broadcasts.  In 1965, he broadcast a rather prophetic warning to Americans.  “If I Were the Devil” was apparently reworked by him over the years, but the message delivered as only Paul Harvey could is more appropriate today than any other time I can recall.  And as they say here in the hills, “I’ve been around here a day or two.”  Another great one is, “So God Made a Farmer.”  Take a couple of minutes and listen to both.  You may want to listen to them more than once.

As he did with most every topic, Paul Harvey grasped the heart of America.  He aptly zeroed in on what truly makes America great.  It is her boundless middle-class people like our farmers who still feed the world, but he just as aptly pointed out what may destroy us.  The loss of our God, Family, and Country culture.  Today he’d be reviled by large segments of our society.  He’d be branded with the whole list of phobic epithets we read or hear broadcast across today’s major media platforms and reserved for the voices declaring love of America.  Branded by the people determined to shred our binding fabric ripping us from our cultural foundation and replacing it with something wholly unrecognizable.  Not only unrecognizable to our founders, but also unrecognizable to the ignorant cheering for it.

God, Family, and Country buttress our free and civil society.  Remove them or damage them so severely they become meaningless, and you destroy America.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

The 2014 General Social Survey showed in 1990 7% of Americans declared no religious affiliation.  In 2014 it was 21%.  Inside those numbers are what’s most revealing.  In 1990, 9% of 18-24-years old declared no religious affiliation.  In 2014, it was 33%.  Similar change is shown for the age groups up to age 44.  The college educated showed comparable increases.  In 1990, 15% of political liberals declared no religious affiliation.  In 2014, it was 38%.  Political moderates increased from 6% to 19% and political conservatives from 5% to 9%.

The Pew Research Center’s, Religious Landscape Study, shows 38% of age group 18 to 29 years do not believe in God along with 34% of age group 30 to 49.  The Pew study also shows that 32% of age group 18-39 and 36% of age group 30-49 view religion as not at all important.  79% of people who believe in God with absolute certainty also believe that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.  The degree of certainty a person believes in God correlates with their views on not only abortions, but every social issue and political view.

Rejecting God means much more than declaring disbelief in God.  It also means rejection of a moral authority.  It is only through an accepted moral authority that we believe murder, stealing, lying, etc. are wrong.  The increasing rate younger generations are rejecting God, religious affiliation, and with that a moral authority does not bode well for a free and civil society.  If these generations hold firm to their beliefs, until they are of age and in majority to run the country, America is lost.

As the Psalm reminds, God is our fortress.  When we weaken the fortress, we endanger families and our country taking refuge behind.  We’ve seen families destroyed by welfare schemes, excessive poverty in single parent homes, high divorce rates, increasing abortion rates and states passing laws allowing abortion up to the time of birth, marriage encouraged that cannot naturally produce children, drug abuse destroying families, and the list goes on.  We witness daily attacks on our country.  Our founders, men of their times, are disparaged by the ignorant with standards of our time.  Objects of history are destroyed.  There are attacks on our Republic, attacks on the methods we use for election of our president to ensure the entire country is represented.  Attack after attack on our country’s foundation.

Attacks on God, Family, and Country are reaching a crescendo.  Our survival relies on restoring and strengthening our foundational pillars.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

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The End Times “Gloom And Doom” Filthy Hippies

“Today’s Church wants to be raptured from responsibility.” — Leonard Ravenhill

Have you ever noticed that the age demographic of those who promulgate the “end time” message are, for the most part, a bunch of “free love” hippies from the 1960s and 70s who have lost hope in God, love for man (1 John 5:2) and love for their country?

Look at what their messages are and you will understand what I am explaining here. They are believers that just do not believe.

These hippies are continuously magnifying, through their lack of love (Matthew 24:12) though they talk much of it (Matthew 15:8), fear; a fear of the consequences of their dereliction of duty (1 John 2:4) in reaping the curse (Leviticus 26:14), a fear of man which paralyzes and, in the end, a snare (Proverbs 29:25).  In fact, it is a fear in which the Lord did not give (1 Timothy 1:7).

They continuously magnify lawlessness (Proverbs 28:4), magnify crimes against God and man, which merely exposes their hate and rebellion toward God and man presenting a message to the people that is a blatant failure to love God enough to actually obey Him (John 14:21).

Remember, it is the church’s obligation to deal with the wicked (Psalm 94:16) in keeping His commandments unto judgment in establishing peace (Deuteronomy 4:6; Isaiah 51:4) because they love.

These hippies have learned well from the world and the mainstream media in submitting to the wicked.  This is the world of which they have been commanded to come out (2 Corinthians 6:17).

These are also the same group of hippies that have convinced many in America to separate God’s law from His love, when love is the fulfilling of that law.

“Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” Romans 13:10; Leviticus 19:17

These same hippies have also attempted to abrogate that which Jesus did not come to abrogate but to explain!

“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” -Matthew 5:17-18

They want to create, out of thin air, terms like “legalism” and “legalistic,” As if to suggest that when you obey God’s government that is somehow legalistic.  This mentality is brought to you exclusively by the hippies (Antinomians with no regard for law) that are responsible for the anarchy which you see today in America.

On a Personal note, I obey because I see what Christ did for me on Calvary (John 3:16) in covering my sins through His blood (Revelation 1:5) in living for Him who died for me (2 Corinthians 5:15).

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What did He magnify in His incarnate life? The Law (Exodus 20), which drove me to the foot of the cross to meet my Savior from my sins (Matthew 1:21; John 16:8; Acts 20:21).

Jesus magnified the law of God.  Just look to the Scriptures. 

The Lord is well pleased for his righteousness’ sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honourable.” -Isaiah 42:21

“Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.” -Psalm 40:7-8

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:” -Hebrews 8:10

Jesus clearly came to establish the law through faith.   

“Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.” -Romans 3:31

After all, the law is the schoolmaster to bring men unto Christ (Galatians 3:24).

“The Law detects, grace alone conquers.” -Augustine

Scripture also warns of those who speak not accordingly.

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” -Isaiah 8:20

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“Scripture is also clear that “Faith worketh by love.” -Galatians 5:6

Let me ask you, is it then love to withhold the faith which brings about the works? No, it’s just the opposite.

 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does It profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.  Somehow or another these hippies seem to overlook the scriptures that clearly expose their hypocrisies (Matthew 16:6) and inactions (James 2:14-17, 26).

“For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments: And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not steadfast with God. The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle. They kept not the covenant of God, and refused to walk in his law;” -Psalm 78:5-10

However, the hippies of today gather in the thousands and have become nothing short of a bunch of fear-mongering cowards (1 Timothy 1:7; Revelation 21:8) that capitulate and continue to spread nothing but what’s in their reprobate hearts, and that message is “gloom and doom.” How contrary to that of Scripture and the examples set forth?

Then again:

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” -2 Timothy 4:3-4

They can only give what they have received, and what they have received is what they have to offer- and what is that? Hopelessness! It shows you what these hippies are feeding upon. It is the blind leading the blind, and it is why they are leading their followers, who should be following Jesus (John 14:6), into the ditch (Matthew 15:14).

These are the same unrepentant hippies (2 Corinthians 7:10) hippies that are fueling fear, which only oppresses the up and coming generations, in which they have, in so many ways, forsaken decades ago, twice as much the sons and daughters of hell (Matthew 23:15), just like themselves (Psalm 9:17).

These hippies do not preach Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23-30).  They preach “Get ready fearful flock, Jesus is coming back soon, come buy your new bunker from me.”

Gloom and doom, gloom and doom is what they proclaim, failing to lift a finger in obedience to the Lord or to help of their own posterity. How contrary to Scripture!

These hippies then wonder why they are a reproach, why they are despised by the younger generations and others that see through their facade of heretical teachings  Let me tell you why that is.  They have been subjected to everything and protected from nothing and these people do nothing but offer an unsettling fear (1 John 3:18).

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Friends, these hippies are dead in their sins (1 Corinthians 15:17), they preach a false grace that is pushed as an occasion for the flesh to succumb rather than an empowerment that overcomes (Romans 8:37; 1 John 4:4, 5:4).


“But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” -Romans 5:20

They know not the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus Christ.  They know death not life, and they desire all that listen to their messages to embrace the same (Matthew 23:27).

“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” -1 John 5:12

Where do you see or hear these hippies living in union with Christ (Romans 8:17), boldly proclaiming in power “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you”? (Luke 10:19)

When speaking of the revelation given unto the Church, Jesus said, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

Scripture tells us in 1 John 2:6,

“He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.”

Well then, what did Jesus do? He said, “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19).

In following Christ, what is it that we see the Christ doing? Occupying! The Church is to emulate what Christ did and is doing today (1 John 4:17)!

Jesus said “Occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13).

It was Jesus that said, “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35).

It was Jesus that said “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28: 19-20).

I cannot find Jesus telling His followers to sit down and do nothing, that God is on His throne and He will do for them what they are unwilling to do for themselves, nowhere!

Furthermore, the Church is not to limit the Holy One of Israel (Psalm 78:41)!

But I do find promises to those who disobey the Lord.

 “And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.” -Deuteronomy 28:63

And the reason why…

“I am the Lord your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright.But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments; And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant: I also will do this unto you;” -Leviticus 26:13-16

These are the same people, in their unregenerate state, who look for another opportunity to capitalize on those who are foolish enough to listen to their heretical and unscriptural theology of eschatology.

Of course, they cannot pass by the opportunity as to why they should write a book every year highlighting when Jesus may be coming back.  They want to tell what Jesus Himself said that He did not know (Matthew 24:36).

Yet, these are the same “do nothing” hippies who are trying to convince you that you are going to be raptured from responsibility.  You can’t find that in the Bible either.

The good news is that you can find NO WHERE in Scripture where the Lord EVER failed a faithful man or a faithful woman of God, NO WHERE (1 Kings 8:56).

Finally, can you imagine our forefathers back in the 1700s saying, “This is it. It is all over with. Jesus is coming back to get us out of here”?

No, our forefathers, along with the Black Robed Regiment, 13 colonies and with less than 3% of the population, responded to God’s commandments. They took heed unto the Lord and He bestowed upon them the victory throughout the War for Independence. Remember our national motto, “No King but King Jesus” with the flags flying, “Appeal to Heaven.”

They saw their responsibilities and answered the call.

America, when we call upon the God of our fathers even now, in Jesus’ name, He will answer. Yet, we must all meet Him on His terms (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Our forefathers did not lay down, they stood up and played the men that God created them to be. They fought the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12) and secured their posterity’s future. They did not fall to circumstance, they sought the Lord, He heard, answered, and set the record straight that He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8).

The Lord showed Himself strong on their behalf. With this, our forefathers pledged the high cost of their lives, fortunes and sacred honor, and paid with their blood to redeem us (in the natural-1 Corinthians 2:14) through their sacrifice (John 3:16; 1 Peter 3:18) and yet, we call them blessed.

The second President of the United States John Adams said, “Posterity, You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve its freedom! I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”

The way in which we express our gratitude to those who gave so much is to honor them with our actions in living for what they died to give us (2 Corinthians 3:17).

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.  In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our righteousness.” -Jeremiah 33:14-16

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© 2019 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Is The Great Western Rural Lifestyle Dying?

“The Great Western rural landowner epitomizes the raw courage, self-reliance and fierce independence of Western America’s past.  He (or she) must not only face what nature and the markets can throw at him, he must suffer and endure the ravages of government regulation and interference.  The Great Western rural landowner is a testament to fortitude, endurance and self-determination, those characteristics necessary to preserve and maintain liberty.”     —Ron Ewart

In an article we wrote back in late 2009 entitled:  “Do Only Real Americans Live In Wyoming?” we began with:

“Dawn was breaking over the Circle P in Western Wyoming.  The Sun had not yet broken above the East horizon but the growing light cast an eerie orange glow on last night’s fresh snow that had put an ermine blanket on the Tetons.  A few puffy clouds lingered at the top of the peaks but would soon disappear from the Sun’s rising heat.  The sky was not yet blue.  The trees on the hillside had already turned to several shades of yellow and orange but appeared in dark, grey tones because of the low light.  Winter was just around the corner.”

“The valley below the ranch house was still shrouded in a low ground fog.  A horse’s rump without any legs and a hundred fence-post tops in a row appeared above the fog, like a pastel picture only half painted.”

“John Portal stretched his arms into the air as he drank in the morning scene from the picture window of their ranch house.  As he slowly lowered his arms, Jenny, John’s wife, still in her robe, snuggled under one of his arms in a sideways hug and shared the beauty of the new day that was just now presenting itself to the Portal’s of Wyoming.  John and Jenny could but linger for a short while in the rapture of the moment.   There was much work to be done before the Sun would set again on the Circle P.   Jenny broke away from their hug to wake up their two children and then headed for the kitchen.   John started towards the bathroom to shave and get dressed.”

“John and Jenny were both fifth generation ranchers.  John had inherited their thousand-acre spread from a long-line of independent, self-reliant, tough pioneer stock Portals, born and bred from the days of the adversity of the old West.  John and Jenny met in high school and a bond between them was forged almost instantly.  Jenny was the daughter of another fifth generation Wyoming rancher.  Both were the product of the American free spirit, who daily stared adversity directly in the face and pressed forward, no matter what was in their way.”

The story of John and Jenny went on to tell about all of the problems facing American livestock producers today from the perspective of one family rancher, mostly from being strangled by government regulation.  The reality of this massive intrusion into the “Great Western Lifestyle” by government was recently portrayed in a short Youtube video entitled: “Mother Nature vs. Government.”

We ended the story with: 

“They thought they could live their lives without interference from their government, as the Constitution promises, but they were wrong.  They must now face the enemy who will not leave them alone.  Should the Great Western ranchers and farmers collectively turn their attention away from the weather and the land for awhile, and towards the government that now haunts them, the government would be wise to put their ears to the ground and listen for the hoof beats of an angry four horsemen.  That is of course, unless the American rancher and farmer have not been bought off by the government, like so many other segments of our once-free nation, who have similarly been bought off.  We can only hope not.”

The question lingers in the minds of many landowners, is the Great Western Rural Lifestyle dying or dead?  Sadly, many demographic and geopolitical indicators, as well as massive environmental regulations, point to a dying trend for the small to medium sized family farm and ranch.

Here is a quote from a mid-western diary farmer:

“As dairy farmers we did everything right, I even earned awards for quality milk. But we had no control over rising fuel costs, feed and hay prices, plus the supplies, hauling, veterinary services, and everything else needed to produce milk, all of which has gone up at alarmingly high rates. Everyone else could raise their prices, but not the farmer.”

“The roller coaster price system is destructive. The farmer’s paycheck is what’s left over after everyone else profits or takes their costs first. The farmer gets very little from those inflated prices in the grocery stores that consumers pay.”

“Now we are desperately struggling to keep our beautiful cows and preserve our farm that has been in the family nearing 100 years.”

But this only tells half the story.  In an article by Alan Greenblatt, he wrote that: Rural areas have not kept up with anything like the population growth in cities and suburbs.  There’s nothing new about this — the number of rural legislative seats has been in decline for decades.  Still, there will be notably fewer legislators from rural areas taking Congressional seats as sessions get under way in January, even in farm states such as Indiana, Minnesota and Wisconsin.  [He failed to mention the 17 Western states] With fewer state lawmakers representing rural districts, issues important to rural areas may go unheard.

“That means rural areas that traditionally dominated many chambers will now struggle even to be heard. ‘It will be difficult for the rural areas to predominate on certain issues,’ says former state Rep. Roger Lane, who oversaw the recent round of redistricting in Georgia, in which the metro Atlanta area took a majority of state House seats for the first time.”

But it gets worse.  A New York Times article from December 2018, laments that: “Rural America is Getting Old.”

The median age is 43, seven years older than city dwellers.  Its productivity, defined as output per worker, is lower than urban America’s.  Its families have lower incomes.  And its share of the population is shrinking: the United States has grown by 75 million people since 1990, but this has mostly occurred in cities and suburbs.  Rural areas have lost some 3 million people.  Since the 1990s, problems such as crime and opioid abuse, once associated with urban areas, are increasingly rural phenomena.

Rural communities once captured a greater share of the nation’s prosperity.  Jobs and wages in small town America played catch-up with big cities until the mid 1980s.  During the economic recovery of 1992 to 1996, 135,000 new businesses were started in small counties, a third of the nation’s total. Employment in small counties shot up by 2.5 million, or 16 percent, twice the pace experienced in counties with million-plus populations.

These days, economic growth bypasses rural economies.  In the first four years of the recovery after the 2008 recession, counties with fewer than 100,000 people lost 17,500 businesses, according to the Economic Innovation Group.  By contrast, counties with more than 1 million residents added, altogether, 99,000 firms. By 2017, the largest metropolitan areas had almost 10 percent more jobs than they did at the start of the financial crisis.  Rural areas still had fewer.

Mechanization for large food producers leads to economies of scale and lower prices.  Small and mid-sized family farms and ranches are not able to compete with the large producers, forcing many of them out of business.  Also, large producers are gobbling up small and mid-sized farms, adding to their land holdings.  Losing farmers and ranchers are eager to sell.

Because of the difficulties for small and mid-sized food producers, suicide is becoming more common due to rising debt and insurmountable difficulties.  The Guardian recently wrote:  Last year, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that people working in agriculture – including farmers, farm laborers, ranchers, fishers, and lumber harvesters – take their lives at a rate higher than any other occupation.  The data suggested that the suicide rate for agricultural workers in 17 states was nearly five times higher compared with that in the general population.”

Government is trying to help through Senator Tim Scott’s (R-SC) Opportunity Zones initiative, providing significant long-term tax credits for investing in rural areas.  But the initiative may not be able to overcome the demographic and geopolitical factors that are exacerbating the rural areas decline.

Family farmers and ranchers are a hearty breed and they are trained from birth to never give up, no matter how difficult the task may be.  But if they don’t organize on a grand scale, they have no chance to survive.  The fact is, “Rural Landowners Are Prisoners On Their Own Land.”  Unfortunately, they may find themselves in a “David vs. Goliath” situation where there is simply not enough ammunition for their slingshots.  They may eventually have to face the unforgiving law of rapidly diminishing returns due to market and government forces.

That’s not as easy as it may sound.  Occupations that deal with working the land and self-employment are permanently ingrained in the soul of those that work the land.  The mindset of farmers, ranchers, independent truck drivers and loggers is totally different from their urban brethren.  You can’t train a man that has worked most of his life on the land, or his own boss in an 18-wheeler, to write computer code, or stuff parts in printed circuit boards.  He’ll go start raving crazy.

So what does the future hold for America’s rural landowner, in a land where over 80% of the people now live in high dense urban cities?  The thought processes of a city dweller are far removed from that of farmer, rancher, trucker and logger, or even the entrepreneur.   The city dweller thinks in terms of a job, or what government can do for them.  The city dweller is, unknowingly, a slave to government.  In contrast, independent individuals think in terms of what he or she can do for themselves, by themselves, without government help …. and hopefully without government interference.  That characteristic is the “American” way.

Rural landowners may one day find themselves in the dilemma faced by the rancher in our story: “I Must Keep Running.”  Insane regulations caught up with this mythical rancher and he was forced to run from authorities.

Ladies and gentlemen, by the sheer magnitude of their numbers, the city dwellers (and the illegal aliens that will eventually be granted amnesty) will own the political arena and dictate to everyone else, from an urban socialist perspective.  The American conservative, the landowner and the independent entrepreneur will become less and less relevant, with declining political influence.  They may have to start another country where the freedom bell rings loud and clear and where the icon of the “Great Western Rural Lifestyle” will live again.  Or, the seventeen Western States, excluding California, Washington and Oregon, will have to secede from the Union.

But for the time being, while the environmentalists and the government continue to circle around the rural landowner like vultures on the wind, the landowner needs to avail themselves of our powerful, legally intimidating Constitutional No Trespassing signs HERE and HERE, for as long as trespass law exists.

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Soros’ Multiple 2020 Campaign: Destroy Trump, Help The Dems Radical Agenda

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The cast of characters in the Democratic Party for the upcoming 2020 presidential race against Donald ‘Make America Great Again’ Trump has already presented a potpourri of liberal-left, socialist Marxist candidates including:

  • New York City’s Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known by her initials, AOC, whose claim to fame is her almost total lack of knowledge about American history, civics and the legacy of her own political party. She is adored by the news media possibly because broadcast and print reporters are equally ignorant about capitalism, foreign affairs and economics.
  • California’s former attorney general Kamala Harris whose claim to fame is her once being former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s f*ck-buddy;
  • Former Newark, New Jersey mayor now U.S. Senator, R-New Jersey, Cory “Spartacus” Booker, who ran one of the most corrupt administrations in the history of the Garden State.

Three new George Soros campaigns to further advance the left’s radical agenda have been uncovered in separate reports published this past week.

Keep in mind that the U.S. government subsidizes the Hungarian billionaire’s deeply politicized Open Society Foundations (OSF) that work to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain, according to officials from one of the nation’s top public-interest law firms.

Details of the financial and staffing nexus between OSF and the U.S. government are available in an extraordinarily detailed Judicial Watch investigative report.

With the help of American taxpayer dollars, Soros bolsters a radical leftwing agenda that in the United States has included:

  • Promoting an open border with Mexico and fighting immigration enforcement efforts;
  • Fomenting racial disharmony by funding anti-capitalist racialist organizations;
  • Financing the Black Lives Matter movement and other organizations involved in the riots in Ferguson, Missouri;
  • Weakening the integrity of our electoral systems;
  • Promoting taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand;
  • Advocating a government-run health care system;
  • Opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts;
  • Promoting dubious transnational climate change agreements that threaten American sovereignty and working to advance gun control and erode Second Amendment protections.

The list extends even further, with Soros tentacles—money—reaching previously unknown domestic and foreign causes that promote a broad leftwing agenda at various levels. It turns out Soros donated $408,000 to a Political Action Committee (PAC) that supported Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, whose office just dropped felony charges against the actor who fabricated a hate crime earlier this year.

The actor, Jussie Smollett, claimed he was attacked in Chicago on his way home from a sandwich shop at 2 a.m. He said two masked men shouted racial and homophobic slurs, beat him, poured bleach on him and tied a rope around his neck.

Smollett blamed the crime on white Trump supporters. When the hoax was uncovered, prosecutors charged him with 16 felonies but Foxx dropped all the charges this week. Illinois campaign records provided in the news report show that Soros personally contributed $333,000 to Foxx’s super PAC before the March 15, 2016 primary was over and an additional $75,000 after she became Cook County’s top prosecutor.

It should be noted that the Chicago Police Department’s top brass and its rank-and-file officers, many of whom are African Americans, condemned Kim Foxx and Smollett’s defenders.

“Soros has been intervening in local races for prosecutor, state’s attorney, and district attorney — often backing left-wing Democrats against other Democrats in doing so,” according to an article in

Another report published this week reveals that a Soros foundation gave $1 million to a nonprofit that favors choosing the president by popular vote. The group, National Popular Vote Inc., gets millions from leftist groups to push its purported agenda of ensuring that “every vote in every state” matters.

Another group, Tides Foundation, that raises money for leftwing causes, also contributed to the popular vote nonprofit. Soros’ OSF’s have given millions of dollars to the Tides Foundation, according to records provided in the story. Based in San Francisco, the group envisions a world of shared prosperity and social justice founded on equality, human rights, healthy communities and a sustainable environment. The nonprofit strives to accelerate the pace of social change by, among other things, working with “marginalized communities.” It is the promise of a New World Order embraced by far too many American leaders and activists.

The last article documents what Judicial Watch has reported for years—Soros’ huge influence in the U.S. government, specifically the State Department. The agency pressured Ukraine officials to drop an investigation of a Soros group during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Barack Obama’s U.S. ambassador actually gave Ukraine’s prosecutor general a list of people who should not be prosecuted. “The U.S.-Soros collaboration was visible in Kiev,” the article states. “Several senior Department of Justice (DOJ) officials and FBI agents appeared in pictures as participants or attendees at Soros-sponsored events and conferences.”

The piece further reveals that internal memos from Soros’ foundations describe a concerted strategy of creating friendships inside key U.S. government agencies such as the departments of Justice and State. This is what many are calling the Deep State.

The relationships go deeper than friendships and Judicial Watch has exposed the disturbing reality of American taxpayers financing Soros’ leftwing plots abroad. This includes uncovering documents showing State Department funding of Soros leftist nonprofits in Albania to attack traditional, pro-American groups and policies; U.S. government funding of Soros’ radical globalist agenda in Guatemala ColombiaRomania and Macedonia. The cash usually flows through the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

The OKC Bombing Coverup Of The Middle East Terrorist Cell

The Oklahoma City terrorist attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building happened on April 19, 1995 killing 168 people, allegedly by a massive homemade bomb concealed in a rental truck in front of the building.  Terry Nichols was convicted in a federal court and faced state proceedings.  He was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole when the jury deadlocked on the death sentence.

Investigation by NBC Reporter

Investigative reporter, Jayna Davis who worked for the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma City uncovered evidence that Nichols had ties with the terrorist, Osama Bin Laden before the bombing.  Timothy McVeigh was also convicted in the case and was put to death on June 11, 2001 at the U.S. Federal Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.  (Link to pdf of WSJ detailed article.)

Jayna Davis says there were other people involved beside Nichols and McVeigh, but when she took her information to the FBI, they wanted to make the bombing of the Murrah Building a domestic terrorist incident only.

When Jayna worked for the Oklahoma City NBC affiliate, she was tasked with finding out others who were involved in the bombing.  She said an intelligence source in one of the highest levels in the federal government later confirmed it was a Middle Eastern terrorist cell living and operating in the heart of Oklahoma City just a few miles from the Murrah building.

During the course of her investigation, they found several witnesses that NBC deemed very credible.  They testified and told Jayna that they identified an Iraqi national, a former member of Saddam Hussein’s national guard through his own admission later.  He said he was in the company of Timothy McVeigh the day of the bombing, and in the passenger seat of the Rider Truck, stepping out of the truck just moments before the blast and speeding away from downtown in a brown Chevrolet pickup that was identified by the FBI as a possible getaway vehicle in an all points bulletin the day of the bombing.

The government never said a word about this third man.  They actually said they did not believe there was a foreign connection to the bombing.  They had 24 sworn witness identifications that swear there were seven or eight Arab men from the beginning to the day the plot was executed.

Jayna had several police records, court records, and public court documents she had amassed, literally hundreds of documents.  She spoke to law enforcement officials, intelligence officials, and terrorist experts…all who confirm the most crucial aspects of the witness testimonies.

McVeigh and Nichols were heavily involved, but according to Jayna’s sources, it was masterminded by Osama Bin Laden.  The Writ of Mandamus that was filed just prior to McVeigh’s trial by his defense team that a witness in the Philippines, a member of Abu Sayyaf, a terrorist group identified as being funded by Bin Laden, identified Terry Nichols in the presence of Ramzi Yousef, the convicted mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, and several of Yousef’s co-conspirators in that bombing.  They were discussing bombing activities prior to the OKC bombing.  Jayna says that is on the court record.

In September of 1997, Jayna went to the OKC FBI office with an affidavit regarding all the information she wished to turn over to them, along with a notary.  The FBI said they had no problem taking it, but that he had to call the legal department.  Twenty minutes later he came back and said they had to call the U.S. Attorney’s office in Denver that was handling the bombing case in the trial of Terry Nichols.  Jayna’s sworn witness statements implicating others unknown were refused.  And that information implicated a middle eastern terrorist cell funded by Osama Bin Laden as assisting Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols in executing the bombing of the Murrah Building.  Link

Jayna Davis spent 10 years investigating this bombing.  The result is her 2008 book, The Third Terrorist.

The Surveillance State

The shock of the bombing left us wondering why anyone would do such a thing.  But there were forces behind the scenes whose agenda called for bringing about the surveillance state. Reportedly, a document to allow surveillance of American citizens was already written, namely the Patriot Act. But the Patriot Act had not yet been presented before Congress. In order to enhance the possibility of its passage the forces involved most likely felt an impetus was needed, something that would cause people to acquiesce, and go along with authorizing spying on Americans in order to “keep them safe.”

The head of the FBI at the time was Louis Freeh and he testified before a Senate Committee and basically said, “We are going to have to watch these people, they might blow-up a federal building.”  The people he was referring to were those who would be most unlikely to do such a thing, but needed to be targeted.  Those people are the ones whose daily lives involve beliefs and submission to Biblical principles, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and God given freedoms.

We will probably never fully know what happened that 19th day in April, 1995, when the Murrah Building was destroyed, but there’s one thing for sure – we know that what was officially reported was not all that really happened, and the surveillance tapes don’t tell it all.

The Ryder Truck Bomb

We know that the Ryder truck fertilizer bomb didn’t actually blow up the building and kill all those people. There had to be planted bombs in the building itself.  The building was blown-out not in, and a two and a half or three-foot wall, which was only a few feet away from the Ryder truck, reportedly, wasn’t even disturbed.  The bombing lent great impetus to the planned false perception by the public that we had reached a crisis point with domestic terrorism.

McVeigh and Nichols were guilty, but they had a lot of help, and the establishment doesn’t want the American people to know who that help was.

President Clinton aided in preventing the truth about a warning from informant for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Carol Howe, that the Murrah Building could be a target for the next two weeks. It was reported that the reason the warning was ignored was because it named the Murray building, and since no building by that name could be found… it was disregarded and ignored.

The TV News Magazine, Dateline had scheduled a special to bring all this to light, but they were called in to the White House and were admonished not to go ahead with the special. We don’t know what kind of pressure was applied by President Clinton; all we know is that the special was dropped. FBI Director Louie Freeh may have been involved, but I believe Attorney General Janet Reno was far more persuasive.

It was reported that a retired Marine colonel, who had completed the investigative work for Dateline, held a press conference bringing to light the cover-up of the truth. He was later fired for revealing the story.  The New American Magazine exposed what he told William Jasper, that if he and the New American didn’t continue to bring the facts to light – the American people would never know what happened in Oklahoma City.

Not heeding the warning by Carol Howe was very lame, and it looks as though the ATF, FBI and Janet Reno’s DOJ were looking for an excuse to ignore the warning, and that excuse was supplied by the misspelled name of the building.


The ATF had bomb squads on the scene the morning of the 19th. It was reported that members of the ATF who were working in the Murrah Building were notified not to come to work on the 19th. This raises the question about the ATF.  Did they have prior knowledge of what was going to happen?  Or is this conspiracy theory garbage?

Why did the ATF have bomb squads on the scene prior to the bombing event? What was their purpose? They certainly weren’t there to prevent the bombing. Could it possibly be that they were there to cover-up the facts connected with it?

From various documented reports on the internet, the damage was done by pre-set explosives beneath the part of the building where the daycare was located.

OKC Police Sergeant Yeakey

This was where Sergeant Yeakey of the Oklahoma City Police Department saw something which caused him to become suspicious of what had happened, but we probably will never know what Sergeant Yeakey discovered while he was rescuing people from the rubble at the site, for he was murdered before he had an opportunity to divulge it, although it was called a suicide.

What we do know is that Sergeant Yeakey filed a very lengthy report of eleven pages which the OKC Police Department refused for unknown reasons. They continued to pressure him to change his report to about one page which he refused to do, and considering his death we have to wonder why.

Based upon parts of a letter he sent to a friend, he wasn’t about to waffle on his report. If he did, he wouldn’t be the man he apparently was – a man of integrity, honesty and truth. He was going to stick to his report, come hell or high-water and it cost him his life.

Here is part of his letter:

Knowing what I know now and understanding fully what went down that morning makes me ashamed to wear a badge from Oklahoma City’s Police Department. I took an oath to uphold the law and to enforce the law to the best of my ability. This is something I cannot honestly do and hold my head up proud any longer if I keep my silence as I am ordered to do…

The sad truth of the matter is that they have so many police officers convinced that by covering up the truth about the operation gone wrong, that they are actually doing our citizens a favor. What I want to know is how many other operations have they had that blew up in their faces? Makes you stop and take another look at Waco…

Even if I tried to explain it to you the way it was explained to me and the ridiculous reason for having our own police department falsify reports to their fellow officers, to the citizens of the city and to our country, you would feel the way I do about all this…

The last communication from Sergeant Yeakey was to a friend whom he told that he was on a mission to secure some evidence that he had compiled about the Federal cover-up of the OKC bombing. He said that he was being followed by the Feds and would have to get them of his trail, but then he would return and they (he and his friend) would go to lunch – but he never returned.

According to the report of his supposed suicide, he slashed his wrists and forearms eleven times and his throat twice near the jugular vein. Then, apparently seeking a more private place to die, he crawled another mile of rough terrain away from his car and climbed a fence before shooting himself in the head with a small caliber revolver. What appeared to be rope burns on his neck, hand-cuff bruises on his wrists and muddy grass embedded in his slash wounds strongly indicated that he had some help in traversing this final distance.

Several years ago, I listened to an interview of Tonia Yeakey, his wife, with a news reporter and a former police officer, in which she revealed that someone that knew told her that her husband had been dragged the distance referred to in the above paragraph.

As much as has come to light concerning the OKC bombing, there are still very few people that have any idea what really happened.

Most people continue to think that only Timothy McVeigh was guilty of murdering all those people even though the evidence clearly shows different. People believe Sergeant Yeakey committed suicide because he felt guilty for not being able to rescue more people after the bombing of the Murrah Building. The reason they think this way is because of the lies that were told – all the way to the White House, to cover up the truth.

The OKC bombing is only one example of how the FBI and other federal agencies have consistently been used to cover-up corruption and murder, along with all the connections over the past thirty years.

Corruption in the FBI

Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich recently published a book, “Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the New World Order” which chronicles  the actions of the FBI under Mueller’s leadership from Ruby Ridge, Pan Am 103, 9-11 and much more, which reveals a pattern by the FBI to systematically facilitate and cover-up actions of the guilty and punish the innocent.

Following is a small segment from the book which reveals much about how Mueller operates in carrying out an investigation.

In short, with respect to 9-11, Mueller has not conducted an investigation; so much as he has obstructed an investigation. His efforts betray more of an effort to conceal the culpability of the perpetrators than to reveal their culpability. With respect to the attack of 9-11, he has not labored to uncover the truth. He has striven to cover it up. It is difficult to rationally look at his actions and avoid the conclusion that his real motive for constructing a Surveillance State is not to investigate and expose terrorists – but to spy on Americans.

The book is a must read, and can be purchased at the above link or from Amazon. This is the first in a series.

© 2019 J.W. Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan:

Society Of The Elect – The Movie

People don’t read anymore, so perhaps the only way to catch their attention regarding the plan for a world government is with a movie.  It could take several forms, such as a sequel to Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington in “The Pelican Brief,” or Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts in “Conspiracy Theory,” or MacGyver in “The Lost Treasure of Atlantis.”

There have been a number of groups working toward a world government, but this movie will focus on Cecil Rhodes’ secret Society of the Elect (SOE) and its effort “to take the government of the whole world,” in Rhodes’ own words.   The movie will be offered in theaters and on computer (pay for view), so that the heroes discover the rare/secret documents I have, people around the world can download them.   And it will begin in India, which has 1.2 billion people, many being avid moviegoers.   If just one-quarter of them saw the film at $10 each, that would amount to $3 billion from India alone, with Academy Awards almost guaranteed.

The movie opens in an Indian restaurant with the owner’s daughter overhearing  a secret backroom conversation regarding a plot for a world government.   The daughter is proficient in weapons and martial arts and contqacts an old American friend  (e.g., MacGyver) with his own unique skills.   They begin to research efforts toward world government and discover the secret SOE, which is non-violent.   But they also discover the violent Veritas (as in “Conspiracy Theory”).   Throughout the film, the couple is pursued by Veritas (e.g., various car chases. physical confrontations, captures and escapes).   The couples’ research, though primarily concerns the SOE, and begins with Rhodes Trust  member Rudyard Kipling, who spent a lot of time in India, and authoring a number of books including  THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING (1888, with a movie by the same name starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine) about ancient monks who go back to the time of Alexander the Great.

Alexander was tutored by Aristotle, who was mentored by Plato, who wrote of superior individuals called philosopher-kings ruling the people in an ideal society.   Plato got the basic idea from Solon (in MacGyver’s movie) who in 595BC visited the priests of the Temple of Isis in Sais, Egypt, and they told him of Atlantis (in MacGyver’s movie) where everyone was destroyed except the superior Aryans who made it to Shambhala (just east of the Caucasus in Tibet near India).   The Aryans’ symbol was the left-angle swastika, many of which appear on Kipling’s early books (in a Catholic chapel in the U.S. is a monstrance which looks like the symbol for Shambhala, and on a rug there, one can see 22 left-angle swastikas and 22 right-angle swastikas like the Nazis’).

The SOE movie heroes research reveals that the philosopher-kings concept was picked up by the leaders of the French Revolution, which was fomented by the Bavarian Illuminati in the late 18th century.   The heroes then go to Russia where Illuminati-connected Citizen Genet of the French Revolution went.   From there, the heroes go to America where Citizen Genet then went and fomented Democratic Societies revolutions.   The heroes research leads them to the Library of Congress where a rare, encased 1802 manuscript by John Wood reveals that the oath of these Democratic Societies is the same as the oath of the Illuminati!   They also find a 1798 letter by President Washington saying he was aware the Illuminati were in the U.S.   Washington ordered his Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson to tell Genet to leave this country, but Genet replied, “But Thomas, you were the one who initiated me into the mysteries”!

The heroes research then takes them to London, where John Ruskin was a student at Oxford University, and in the mid-1800s taught there.  He taught that the Anglo-Saxons were superior to other people, and one of his students was Cecil Rhodes, who said “We are the best northern blood” (Ruskin has a swastika at the to of his grave).   Rhodes went to South Africa and gained a fortune in gold and diamonds.     In 1891, Rhodes established the secret SOE, which for about 6 decades conspired “to take the government of the whole world.”    During that time, SOE member Arnold Toynbee (leading world historian) said in Copenhagen in 1931 that they were secretly trying to do away with national sovereignty, but if they were caught, “they would lie with their lips about that which they were trying to accomplish with all their might with their hands.”

The heroes’ research next took them back to the U.S. because they found indications that there were forces more powerful than American presidents ruling the country.   They found the speech by Woodrow Wilson on October 19, 1912 in New York City where he said: “Some of the biggest men in the United States in the field of commerce and manufacturing are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something.   They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in defiance and condemnation of it.”   In the Library of Congress, they found the diary of Lord Esher, one of the top 3 people in the secret SOE helping Rhodes fulfill his dream.   The heroes became alarmed when they saw the entry for August 11, 1917  where Esher wrote: “Mr. Henry Morganthau asked me to call on him….(He) was one of the principal supporters of President Wilson in the campaign for the presidency, and he possesses the friendship and confidence of the President….They are ready to sacrifice the lives of American citizens….Mr. Morgenthau realizes the importance upon the morale of the French army and the French people of cementing the Alliance by shedding American blood at the earliest possible moment.   If many lives have to be sacrificed, the influence upon the American people can only be beneficent.”   Then the heroes found the November 21, 1933 letter  President Roosevelt wrote to Col. Edward M. House (President Wilson’s chief adviser), in which Roosevelt revealed that “the real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson….”

A researcher at the Library of Congress saw what they were finding and advised them to look at H.G. Wells’ THE NEW WORLD ORDER (1939), in which he wrote: “It is the system of nationalist individualism that has to go….We are living in the end of the sovereign state….In the great struggle to evoke a Westernized World Socialism, contemporary governments may vanish….Countless people…will hate the new world order…and will die protesting against it.”

After World War II, by 1951 Rhodes’ conspiracy ended and was replaced simply by a network of like-minded globalists who pursued Rhodes’ dream of a world government.   Thus, Rhodes Scholars (RS) became open in their criticism of national sovereignty.    The heroes found that President Kennedy’s National Security Adviser Walt Rostow (RS 1936) in 1960 had authored THEUNITED STATES IN THE WORLD ARENA, in which he claimed: “It is a legitimate American national objective to see removed from all nations—including the United States—the right to use substantial military force to pursue their own interest.   Since this residual right is the root of national sovereignty and the basis for the existence of an international arena of power, it is, therefore, an American interest to see an end to nationhood as it has been historically defined.”   The heroes also found that President Clinton’s political mentor, Senator J. William Fulbright (RS 1925), in 1964 had authored OLD MYTHS AND NEW REALITIES, announcing: “Indeed, the concept of national sovereignty has become in our time a principle of international anarchy….The sovereign nation can no longer serve as the ultimate unit of personal loyalty and responsibility.”

The year 1964 was also when Bill Clinton entered Georgetown University in Washington, DC, and later take a class with Prof. Carroll Quigley, who would become his other mentor and mentioned in a 1992 presidential campaign speech.   Prof. Quigley in the early 1960s had been allowed to look at the “secret records” (as he called them) of those pursuing Rhodes’s dream.   Toward the end of his time at Georgetown, Bill Clinton became a RS with the help of Prof. Quigley and Cardinal Avery Dulles (son of President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.

In looking through Prof. Quigley’s material at the Georgetown University library, the heroes found letters and other material to Sir Alfred Zimmern as early as 1949, in which the professor explained how he had discovered the names of the early members of the SOE.   A few years later, THE WASHINGTON POST interviewed Prof. Quigley, and published an article about him titled, “The Professor Who Kew Too Much” !   Quigley died about a year later.

In the April 1974 edition of FOREIGN AFFAIRS (published by the Council on Foreign Relations, David Rockefeller chairman),  Richard Gardner (RS) wrote that “the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down…but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”  In the year Bill Clinton first ran for president (1992), his RS roommate Strobe Talbott wrote in the July 20 edition of TIME: “Perhaps national sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all….But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government.”  Although anyone could read this in TIME, the heroes found that Talbott had received an award for his article from the World Federalist Association (WFA), whose sole purpose was to establish a world federal government.   The heroes also uncovered a letter dated June 22, 1993 and signed by President Clinton commending Talbott for the award, and concluding with “Best wishes…for future success” to the WFA!

The male hero recalled that 2 years after the Clinton letter to the WFA, Zbigniew Brzezinski (first director of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission and President Carter’s National Security Adviser) declares the following at Mikhail Gorbachev’s first State of the World Forum at the Presidio in San Francisco in 1995: “We cannot leap into world government through one quick step….The precondition for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization because by that we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.”   The heroes then learned that few years later (2002), David Rockefeller’s MEMOIRS was published, in which he revealed: “Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interest of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will.  If that’s the charge. I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

With all of this information, the heroes called a press conference for Washington, DC, to reveal their findings.    The villainous Veritas, determined that the public should never learn of the concerted effort by powerful people (e.g. the SOE and David Rockefeller) to establish a world government, launched a final attempt to silence the heroes.   Veritas’ effort failed, though, and the heroes successfully informed the people of the world what had beenplanned for them beginning a long time ago.

[Note: Please help my 94-year-old mother hurt by a hospital and no longer able to walk. There are large financial burdens, and her GoFundMe page is at Click here to support Funds for Peggy Cuddy hurt by hospital organized by Dennis Cuddy.  Or help can be sent to her at 1027 St. Mary’s St., Raleigh, NC  27605 if you want to avoid GoFundMe taking a percentage of your donation.  The video of Peggy that you will see on her GoFundMe page was taken just before she was discharged from Rex Hospital after the Haldol she was given made her obtunded (almost comatose). She is now no longer obtunded, but has permanently lost the use of her legs and requires help to be moved from one place to another.  This has cost me $31,000 a year for the last 4 years and counting!]

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

America: Stealth Jihad On Steroids

Psychologically, Islam has become part and parcel of our society and the American mind. In other words, Islam has managed to merge into Western culture as though it has always been here. Whose fault is that? Much of academia and many universities throughout the land are generously funded by Islamic governments and organizations to market a highly sanitized and distorted version of Islam to young and impressionable minds. Even at the primary school level, a hugely dishonest portrayal of Islam is included in books pupils are required to study.

In these deceptive presentations, Islam appears to be a religion of peace, tolerance, and brotherhood. To further lull the people into accepting this dishonest “taqiyya-driven” fraud, Islam is marketed simply as another version of the Abrahamic religions—Judaism and Christianity. Thus, there is nothing alien about Islam the scheme aims to promote.

Everyone knows Politicians Empower Islam. Why not? Rich Muslims contribute huge amounts of money to politicians and money talks.

“Moneyed Muslims and Muslim organizations with vast interest in promoting Islam are thoroughly familiar with the power of money to recruit people to do their bidding. That’s why many non-Muslims work at all levels of government and the society at large to further Islam. In short: they are paid to do a job.”

The non-Muslim world is at the end of its wits. No accommodation or kindness seems to stop Islam from growing. Islam is rapidly advancing on two fronts. In every Islamic country, it is cowing non-radicals while recruiting more and more radicals into its ranks. In non-Muslim lands, flush with petrodollars, Islam is establishing itself as a formidable force by enlisting the disaffected and attracting delusional liberals with its promises. For the faithful, there is the added incentive of Allah’s heaven and its irresistible attractions.

Dearborn, Michigan now boasts the largest and most diverse Arab community in the US, and of the city’s 98,000 residents, more than 30 per cent identify as Arab-American or claim some form of Arab descent.  Below is a photo of Dearborn, Michigan’s Islamic Center of America.

Partial-Muslims are seemingly harmless, may appear normal, and are under the radar. What gets our attention is the die-hard, the real Muslims who are a small minority. Yet this virulent combative minority is campaigning simultaneously on two major fronts. It works to herd the partial-Muslim majority into its fold and vanquish all other non-believers by any and all means necessary.

It is prudent to keep in mind that all important events in the history of humanity have been instigated by either an individual or a small group. These individuals or groups have been the sheep dogs that have directed the movements and activities of the masses, the sheep.

This is exactly what real Muslims, the Islamists, are doing in the world today. It is suicidal to dismiss the Islamists as a bunch of zealots of no consequences or as a fringe group that will burn itself out. Sadly enough, it is the bulk of Muslims that pundits portray as “peaceful” and are either irrelevant or often serve as an instrument in the hands of the Islamists. A couple of examples from recent history conclusively prove the point that it is the fanatical minorities that launch and implement campaigns that inflict immense suffering on the larger society.

In the 1930s, very few Germans were Nazis, but many basked in the resurgence of German pride and many others were too busy with their own lives to care. Thus, Germany presented a wide-open unchallenged opportunity for the Nazis to push forward their agenda and gather power to a point that it was too late for any other force to stem the tide.

And we all know what suffering this gang of radical supremacists inflicted on millions of people before their own demise.

The Khomeinism of Iran was started by a band of Shiite fanatics who rode the tide of opposition to the rule of the Shah and promised the masses Islamic Nirvana. No sooner had the Khomeinists ascended to power than they made the entire nation captive by murdering tens of thousands of complacent and late-to-awaken oppositions, imprisoned and tortured untold thousands more, and created a state of Islamic menace that threatens the entire free world to this day.

Before and after:

The fact is that too many die-hard Islamists continue to leave the failed Islamic states and settle in the lands of the Kefir. These new arrivals bring with them the deeply engrained hatred of infidels and believe that they are indeed the rightful owner of the entire Earth and all other non-Muslims are mere squatters that must be either subjugated or eliminated altogether.

How to stop Islam from its ultimate goal of taking over America?

A Constitutional amendment must be passed quickly defining Islam as a hostile political force with a global totalitarian agenda, and as such is totally inimical to our Constitution and our national security, and that to further to this definition, all practicing Muslims must either renounce this cult or be deported to their countries of origin; and all mosques must be demolished, since their goal is to propagate political propaganda, which has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘religion’ – let alone one of ‘peace.’

That’s going to be the final ‘solution’ for Islam in America.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Replacing The Everyday American City With The ‘Ideal Communist City’

Form-Based Code

/fôrm-bāsed kōd/ noun

A form-based code is a land development regulation that fosters predictable built results and a high-quality public realm by using physical form (rather than separation of uses) as the organizing principle for the code. A form-based code is a regulation, not a mere guideline, adopted into city, town, or county law. A form-based code offers a powerful alternative to conventional zoning regulation.

Several years ago, I wrote a series of articles for NewsWithViews, explaining Sustainable Development. Today two of them are popping up regularly in the media. Back when I wrote these two articles, people would not believe that all this planning and organizing could have been dreamed up by the Power Elite, let along set down as part of the blueprint for Agenda 21.

Read that definition above of Form-based Code again. Note: “a regulation, not a mere guideline for every city, town, or county”. And “a powerful alternative to conventional zoning regulation”. You be it is. The only good I can see from this is that we can get rid of 90% of the staff on our planning commissions – everything will be spelled out for us by the Power Elite. There will be no exceptions.

Today, A Southern California county put the finishing touches on a first-of-its-kind wildlife corridor Tuesday that will protect important pathways for animals to pass between critical habitats and into Los Padres National Forest. This is part of the Wildlands Project. “The main aim is to provide restrictions on development to provide adequate pathways for wildlife to pass through rural and semirural parts of Ventura County. Guidelines under the new zoning ordinance include restrictions on outdoor lighting, fencing and other development that could hinder animals. Waterways will also gain a 200-foot buffer to protect animals from human incursion.” (boldface mine.) Straight out of the Wildlands Project.

  • Then there is this from Tom DeWeese: Chicago, Illinois: So-called “affordable housing” advocates have filed a federal complaint against the longtime tradition of allowing City Aldermen veto power over most development proposals in their wards, charging that it promotes discrimination by keeping low-income minorities from moving into affluent white neighborhoods. Essentially the complaint seeks to remove the Aldermen’s ability to represent their own constituents.
  • Baltimore, Maryland: The NAACP filed a suit against the city charging that Section 8 public housing causes ghettos because they are all put into the same areas of town. They won the suit and now the city must spend millions of dollars to move such housing into more affluent neighborhoods. In addition, landlords are no longer permitted to ask potential tenants if they can afford the rent on their properties.
  • Oregon: Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives Tina Kotek (D-Portland) is drafting legislation that would end single-family zoning in cities of 10,000 or more. She claims there is a housing shortage crisis and that economic and racial segregation are caused by zoning restrictions.

Where does this come from?


By Kathleen Marquardt
June 27, 2012

Part 6 The Transect

“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” “Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” -George Orwell, author and Fabian Socialist

In my article, “Incrementalism, Regionalism and Revolution,” I briefly touched on planning and quoted from author, Jo Hindman. She will again help me explain what is happening vis a vis Urban Renewal and metro-planning. From her book, Blame Metro, we read, “Much is written about the incognito warfare on United States soil which public officials and their accomplices are waging to wrest private property from landowners. The strategy is to make property ownership so unbearable by harassment through building inspections, remodeling orders, fines and jailings, that owners give up in despair and sell to land redevelopers at cut-rate prices. Positive municipal codes are the weapons in the warfare.”[1]

Note, Hindman wrote that in 1966, yet it fully applies to today’s attacks on private property; many of the same strategies are being used, they just “changed the names to protect the guilty.”

Hindman writes, “‘Strengthening county government’ is a hackneyed Metro phrase indicating that the Metro take-over has begun. . .. Planning assistance subsidized by Federal money leads small cities and counties into direct obedience under a regional master plan. Land use rights are literally stolen (ital. mine) from landowners when zoning is applied to land.”[2]

In 1949, the Communitarian forebears of today’s planners wrote the original plans that were designed to free us of our property under the National Housing Act. Back then it was the American Society of Planning Officials,[3]the American Institute of Planners, and the National Planning Association. Today it is the American Planning Association (APA), which was formed in 1978 by combining the American Institute of Planners and the Society of Planning Officials. As you can see by their footnote, the APA brags that they were meddling in our private affairs since 1909, in fact here are the exact words, “On May 21-22, 1909, 43 planners met in Washington, D.C., at the first National Planning Conference. This event is considered to be the birth of the planning movement in America.” A sad day for the American Republic.

Mimicking today’s ICLEI V.P. Harvey Ruvin, the 60s’ American Institute of Planners “makes no bones about its socialist stance regarding land; its constitution states AIP’s ‘particular sphere of activity shall be the planning of the unified development of urban communities and their environs and of states, regions, and the nation as expressed through determination of the comprehensive arrangement of land uses and land occupancy and the regulation thereof.[4] . . .The present-day crew of planners, drawing no line between public and private property, believe that land-use control should be vested in government and that public planners should have sole right to control the use of all land.”[5]

That is not just similar to what is going on today; that is exactly what is happening. Why? Because the sons, daughters and cronies of the puppeteers that were pulling the strings back in the beginning and middle of the 20th Century are pulling the strings of today’s planners. We just have a new generation of the same treacherous, thieving scheme updated with new-fangled, high-tech sounding names for the same old land (and people) control mechanisms.


A 2002 APA Journal article gives the original meaning of transect as: a cut or path through part of the environment showing a range of different habitats. Biologists and ecologists use transects to study the many symbiotic elements that contribute to habitats where certain plants and animals thrive.

Planners took that technique, one that was designed for studying flora and fauna, and tweaked it to apply to humans. I would say the tweak was more a wrenching, actually it is more in the line of suspending critical thinking to superimpose the artificial and nonsensical process of the transect on humans and their mobilization.

Under the biological study, a transect shows where certain flora and fauna thrive, exist somewhat readily, or barely subsist in the different habitats from (get description i.e., arctic to tropical). With great literary(?) license, planners take the definition of biologic transect and, like Oliver Stone, rewrites history, these planners are rewriting biology; they want to play an active role in the phylogeny of homo sapiens, in fact they want to devolve it. One of the problems here is that their fairy tale is being used to take property rights (and thus liberty) from man and make him a slave. Laws should not be based upon make-believe. Yet this country, no the entire world, is being redesigned using Communitarians’ far-fetched, pseudo-utopian desires to sate the global elites’ desire to control the entire globe.

Look at their definition of transect for people and land planning: “Human beings also thrive in different habitats. Some people prefer urban centers and would suffer in a rural place, while others thrive in the rural or suburban zones. Before the automobile, American development patterns were walkable, and transects within towns and city neighborhoods revealed areas that were less urban and more urban in character. This urbanism could be analyzed as natural transects are analyzed.”[Link]

To compare humans in differing habitats with flora or fauna is preposterous hubris, and especially because the planners are using apples and oranges: “some people prefer urban centers and would suffer in a rural place,” does not mean the same thing as the biology transect means. The suffering would be a mental fabrication and would be such that to call it suffering in the same sense as plants or animals outside their natural habitat is absurd.

The planners also extol the virtues of the time before the automobile, “American development patterns were walkable, and transects within towns and city neighborhoods revealed areas that were less urban and more urban in character. This urbanism could be analyzed as natural transects are analyzed.” As if what we have today is “unnatural.” What these planners keep forgetting (and want us to forget also) is that we humans are part of nature and thus what we are and what we do is natural. Unlike other animals, we humans have a moral and cognitive brain. Our brain is what provides us with the necessary tools we need to survive and prosper, and one of those tools is the automobile.

So we have a convoluted, computer-modeled construct of what the entire ecosystem of the world should be and is called the Transect. But as with everything else in this New World Order NewSpeak, that really isn’t the truth. No, they did not sit down with the details of biological transect and translate it via computer modeling to a human/development version. What they did was take The Ideal Communist City[6] and figured out how to sell it to the American public by superimposing it over their Transect model.

The APA describes the Transect as “a geographical cross-section of a region used to reveal a sequence of environments. For human environments, this cross-section can be used to identify urban character, a continuum that ranges from rural to urban. In transect planning, this range of environments is the basis for organizing the components of the built world: building, lot, land use, street, and all of the other physical elements of the human habitat.[7] Pay close attention to that last sentence, “the basis for organizing the components of the built world.” In my understanding of English, that means telling us where each component of our lives goes; we don’t get to choose where we build our homes unless they in the area designated by planners. I am not misreading that because that same sentence continues, “building, lot, land use, street, and all of the other physical elements of the human habitat(ital. mine).” Sounds fairly simple to me, we will be told what and where we may build or even if we may build, and how we will live in that habitat.

To continue from the APA article, “In transect planning, the essential task is to find the main qualities of immersive environments,[8] …. Once these are discovered, transect planning principles are applied to rectify the inappropriate intermixing of rural and urban elements — better known as sprawl. This is done by eliminating the ‘urbanizing of the rural’. . . or, equally damaging, the ‘ruralizing of the urban’.

into discrete categories. This approach is also dictated by the requirement that human habitats fit within the language of our current approach to land regulation (i.e., zoning).”[9]

The discrete categories of the transect continuum run from Rural Preserve, Rural Reserve, Sub-Urban, General Urban, Urban Center to Urban Core. Understand that the Rural Preserve is the Wildlands, the area humans will be forbidden to enter, and the Rural Reserve will be the connecting corridors to the Reserve area, i.e., corridors for fauna movement and human use will be highly restricted.

Remember, as I pointed out at the beginning of this article, the Communitarians, or global elites, introduced the zoning and planning systems used in this country. Now that they have gotten the American public inured to “planning,” they want to move us to the next step — where they plan every aspect of our lives through planning. To do so, they have to pretend that the original zones and plans came from us, the people, so they can say they need to throw the old ones out and introduce a whole new system. We are told, “The most important obstacle to overcome is the restrictive and incorrect zoning codes currently in force in most municipalities. Current codes do not allow New Urbanism to be built, but do allow sprawl. Adopting a TND ordinance and/or a system of ‘smart codes’ allows New Urbanism to be built easily without having to rewrite existing codes.”

If you go to the link above, you will see that New Urbanism (transect planning plus) deals with everything but property rights. (Actually property rights are verboten in this not-so-brave new world they are bringing us, so they ignore them because property rights will not exist in the not to distant future if we do not put a stop to this.) It is Sustainable Development written in capitals and boldface. And how do they plan on doing this? The most effective way to implement New Urbanism is to plan for it, and write it into zoning and development codes. This directs all future development into this form.

Note: “directs all future development into this form.”

The new planning codes they want: Smart Codes. What are they?


  1. Hindman, Jo, Blame Metro, Caxton Press, 1966, p. 21.
    Ibid. p.80.
    3. Within APA would be a professional institute — the American Institute of Certified Planners — that would be responsible for the national certification of professional planners. “Although AIP was incorporated in 1917 (as the American City Planning Institute, renamed the American Institute of Planners in 1939), and ASPO in 1934, we actually trace our roots further back to 1909 and the first National Conference on City Planning in Washington, D.C. From that and subsequent conferences, the organized planning movement emerged, first through our two predecessors and, since 1978, through APA.” (from APA website)
    4. AIP Constitution (1960).
    5. Hindman, Blame Metro, p.116.
    6. Baburov, et al, The Ideal Communist City, i Press Series on the human environment, 1968.
    7. “Transect Planning,” Duany, Andres and Emily Talen. APA Journal, Summer 2002, Vol. 68, No. 3, p.245.
    8. a term borrowed from “the notion of virtual reality. . .. When these virtual environments are successful, they are said to be immersive — virtual models that function as if they were actual environments.”
    9. Ibid, p.247.


The Smart Code

[Note: Part 6, “The Transect,” should be read before reading this article to get full understanding of SmartCode.]

One of the most fundamental requirements of a capitalist economic system—and one of the most misunderstood concepts—is a strong system of property rights. For decades social critics in the United States and throughout the Western world have complained that “property” rights too often take precedence over “human” rights, with the result that people are treated unequally and have unequal opportunities. Inequality exists in any society. But the purported conflict between property rights and human rights is a mirage. Property rights are human rights. –Arman Alchian

The SmartCode is a form-based code that incorporates Smart Growth and New Urbanism principles. It is a unified development ordinance, addressing development at all scales of design, from regional planning on down to the building signage. It is based on the rural-to-urban transect rather than separated-use zoning, thereby able to integrate a full range of environmental techniques. Because the SmartCode envisions intentional outcomes based on known patterns of urban design, it is a more succinct and efficient document than most conventional codes.“ (To download SmartCode, go down to smartcode version 9.2 and click on it.)

The American Planning Association brags that their “definition emphasizes comprehensive planning that results in a unique sense of community and place, preservation of natural and cultural resources, of the expansion of transportation and housing choices beyond what we have now and we also emphasize the promotion of public health and healthy communities, which is an issue that has just begun to surface over the past two years.”[1]Understand that the “transportation and housing choices beyond what we have now” refer to walking, biking, rail and stack-em and pack-em housing. We have all those means of transportation now but we are not utilizing them as the APA and other Sustainable Development proponents would like because they are either expensive, impractical or unappealing to us. There is stack-em and pack-em housing already in large cities and in slum areas. Right now, most people chose what kind of housing they want and many chose single family homes in suburban (aka sprawl in Greenspeak) and rural areas — anathema to Smart Growth promoters. Also we want to retain our individual freedom which would negate being forced into communal housing with the associated communal living requirements of Smart Growth.

You may notice that they (Sustainablists, Commutarians) keep touting that people are moving from the rural and suburban areas into the cities at great rates “because they want the infrastructure and amenities available there.” I am not sure that people are moving into cities (yet) in any great numbers, but those groups, let’s call them Sustainablists, not only want to drive people into the cities (so they can be more easily controlled), and they are writing the planning to do just that. Looking at areas around the country, they are succeeding because they have established planning commissions in every city, town and county.

“The SmartCode is a form-based code, meaning it envisions and encourages a certain physical outcome — the form of the region, community, block, and/or building. Form-based codes are fundamentally different from conventional codes that are based primarily on use and statistics — none of which envision or require any particular physical outcome.”[2] Right, conventional codes, the codes used now, do not require all buildings, streets and towns to look alike.

“The SmartCode is a tool that guides the form of the built environment in order to create and protect development patterns that are compact, walkable, and mixed use. These traditional neighborhood patterns tend to be stimulating, safe, and ecologically sustainable. The SmartCode requires a mix of uses within walking distance of dwellings, so residents aren’t forced to drive everywhere. It supports a connected network to relieve traffic congestion. At the same time, it preserves open lands, as it operates at the scale of the region as well as the community.”[3] Go back and look closely at what was said: “. . . guides the form of the built environment, . . .” just as I said above, they are making all buildings the same.

And remember, in Part 6, The Transect, I quoted the the APA , “In transect planning, this range of environments is the basis for organizing the components of the built world: building, lot, land use, street, and all of the other physical elements of the human habitat. (emphasis mine)”[4]

Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)

Local governments use TDR programs to mitigate the economic impact of land use regulations, specifically to compensate landowners for perceived partial takings (Johnston and Madison, 1997). This planning tool offers landowners a way to recapture some lost economic value when a property is downzoned[1] from residential use to agricultural use for preservation purposes.” Note the two phrases: “to compensate landowners for perceived partial takings” and “to recapture some lost economic value when a property is downzoned.” They are inferring that takings are a figment of the property owners’ imaginations and with the “recapture of some lost value” admitting that they are not going to compensate owners with the full value of their property.

Some of the things the SmartCode does:

  • “It utilizes a type of zoning category that ranges systematically from the wilderness to the urban core.”[5]In other words, it encompasses the entire land mass.
     “It enables and qualifies Smart Growth community patterns that include Clustered Land Development (CLD), Traditional Neighborhood Development (TNDTM), Regional Center Development (RCD), and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD).”[6]
     “It integrates the scale of planning concern from the regional through the community scale, on down to the individual lot and, if desired, its architectural elements.”[7] In other words, every aspect of development and they want to chose your appliances also.
     “It integrates methods of environmental protection, open space conservation and water quality control.
     “It integrates subdivision, public works and Transfer of Development Rights(TDR) standards.
     “It encourages specific outcomes through incentives, rather than through prohibitions.”[8] The intention is to make using SmartCode easy and standard codes difficult so that people are inclined to take the path of least resistance — not realizing what it means for property rights and individual freedom. “Encouraging specific outcomes” should scare the devil out of you. Why would they want specific outcomes for every person in America?

As I noted near the beginning of this article the APA brags that their “definition emphasizes comprehensive planning that results in a unique sense of community and place, preservation of natural and cultural resources, of the expansion of transportation and housing choices beyond what we have now and we also emphasize the promotion of public health and healthy communities, which is an issue that has just begun to surface. . . .” What the meaning is that humans will no longer own their own homes instead we will be herded into the “unique sense of community and place” which is the stack-em and pack-em Smart Growth communal habitats. The healthy communities are Commutarian, Sustainablist versions of healthy, but healthy for whom? Not for individuals who believe in free will, individual freedom and the right to private property. In these new “healthy communities” you will be told what is healthy and what is not and you will not be given the choice of deciding for yourself if you want to follow the leader. You think Bloomberg’s soda ban is draconian, just wait.

In Part 8 I will go deeper into SmartCode.


  1. American Institute of Certified Planners, Green Infrastructure, “Smart Growth Codes,” Transcript p5, January 21, 2004.
    2.Center for Applied Transect Studies, SmartCode, p V.
    3. Ibid
    4. “Transect Planning,” Duany, Andres and Emily Talen. APA Journal, Summer 2002, Vol. 68, No. 3, p.245.
    5. Center for Applied Transect Studies, SmartCode, p VIII
    6. Ibid
    7. Ibid
    8. Ibid


By Kathleen Marquardt
October 2, 2012

Much is written about the international cold war, but little about the incognito warfare on United States soil which public officials and their accomplices are waging to wrest private property from landowners. Jo Hindman, 1972, Blame Metro, p31.


10.5 The broad objective is to facilitate allocation of land to the uses that provide the greatest sustainable benefits and to promote the transition to a sustainable and integrated management of land resources. In doing so, environmental, social and economic issues should be taken into consideration. In more specific terms, the objectives are as follows:

(a) To review and develop policies to support the best possible use of land and the sustainable management of land resources by not later than 1996. Agenda 21, Earth Summit, p.85

Today (1995), some 70 years after (Herbert) Hoover‘s committee drafted the standard acts,[1] another, similar effort is taking place: the American Planning Association’s GrowingSmart project.[2]

In Part 6, I discussed the Transect which is a system to divide the land of our country (and the world) into the Wildlands devised by Arne Noss (deep ecologist) and Dave Foreman (radical environmentalist), but under deceptive, seductive names. You can read how a New Urbanism posted story titled “Transect applied to regional plans,” describes it:

“The Transect has six zones, moving from rural to urban. It begins with two that are entirely rural in character: Rural preserve (protected areas in perpetuity); and Rural reserve (areas of high environmental or scenic quality that are not currently preserved, but perhaps should be). The transition zone between countryside and town is called the Edge, which encompasses the most rural part of the neighborhood, and the countryside just beyond. The Edge is primarily single family homes. Although Edge is the most purely residential zone, it can have some mixed-use, such as civic buildings (schools are particularly appropriate for the Edge). Next is General, the largest zone in most neighborhoods. General is primarily residential, but more urban in character (somewhat higher density with a mix of housing types and a slightly greater mix of uses allowed).

At the urban end of the spectrum are two zones which are primarily mixed use: Center (this can be a small neighborhood center or a larger town center, the latter serving more than one neighborhood); and Core (serving the region — typically a central business district). Core is the most urban zone.” (ital. mine)

Michael Coffman’s Wildlands Map, calls the zones by different names (protected instead of rural preserved, corridors for rural reserve, etc) but the results are the same: people in cages and animals having the run of the country, with 50% of American land off limits to humans.

How is all this to be done? According to Agenda 21, by “Promoting application of appropriate tools for planning and management

10.8 Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of national and international organizations, should promote the improvement, further development and widespread application of planning and management tools that facilitate an integrated and sustainable approach to land and resources.” One of the tools, of course, is SmartCode.

SmartCode is defined in a pamphlet of 72 pages; there is no way all of it can summarize all of it in this article but I am going to give some highlights (?) (in ital) with page numbers so you can look them up with the accompanying information:

  • The provisions of this Code, when in conflict, shall take precedence over those of other codes, ordinances, regulations and standards except the local health and safety codes. p2 In other words, this code is to be the law of the land, both literally and figuratively.

The Region a. that the region should retain its natural infrastructure and visual character derived from topography, woodlands, farmlands, riparian corridors and coastlines. b. that growth strategies should encourage Infill and redevelopment in parity with new communities. p2 In real terms, build in the cities (up when you can’t go out), but have the rest of the area as pristine as possible, no matter how many homes you have to raze.

The Community

  • that neighborhoods and regional centers should be compact, pedestrian-oriented[3] and Mixed use.
  • that neighborhoods and regional centers should be the preferred pattern of development and that Districts specializing in a single use should be the exception.
  • that ordinary activities of daily living should occur within walking distance of most dwellings, allowing independence to those who do not drive.Think about how cities like Knoxville, Los Angeles, even Bethesda, MD, will have to be almost totally redeveloped to achieve this goal. The costs will be astronomical. (Consider also the psychological cost of everyone having to live identically to everyone else.)
  • that the region should include a framework of transit, pedestrian, and bicycle systems that provide alternatives to the automobile.

The Block and the Building

  • that civic buildings should be distinctive and appropriate to a role more important than the other buildings that constitute the fabric of the city.Reminiscent of Nazi German: government is the most important entity thus their buildings should reflect that sentiment.
  • that the harmonious and orderly evolution of urban areas should be secured through form-based codes. p3 I recommend that you check out The Ideal Communist City by Alexei Gutnov et al. to see what is envisioned to replace our often beautiful, sometimes eclectic cities and towns; harmonious and orderly means cookie-cutter, stack-em and pack-em buildings with zero personality. Forget gingerbread, forget picture windows; even a Potempkin Village is out of the realm of our new reality.
  • that the transect Zone descriptions on table 1 shall constitute the intent of this code with regard to the general character of each of these environments. p4.


  • twenty years after the approval of a regulating plan, each transect Zone, except the t1 natural and t2 rural Zones, shall be automatically rezoned to the successional (next higher) transect Zone, unless denied in public hearing by the legislative body. p 5. Read that closely; after 20 years of Sustainable Development there will be far few humans, thus the space set aside for their habitation can be reduced, eventually eliminating all areas of habitation except the infill growth sector (core); the other zones will eventually revert to t1 and t2, wildlands and corridors.
  • regional plansshall integrate the largest practical geographic area, overlapping property lines as necessary and municipal boundaries if possible. p5. (led by unelected councils)..
  • the areas to be designated preserved open sector (o-1) shall be mapped using the criteria listed in section 2.3. the outline of this sector is effectively the rural boundary line, which is permanent. (bold, mine) p6. It is only permanent vis a vis human encroachment; the line with be drawn ever outward as humans are removed.
  • A system for the gradual transfer of Development rights (tDr) shall be established and administered for the purpose of transferring development rights from the reserved open sector (o-2) to the Growth sectors as set forth in section 2.4.3.
  • the preserved open sector shall consist of open space that is protected from development in perpetuity.(bold, mine)
  • the preserved open sector includes areas under envi-ronmental protection by law or regulation, as well as land acquired for conservation through purchase, by easement, or by past transfer of Development rights. p6
  • the reserved open sector shall consist of open space thatshould be, but is not yet, protected from development. p7. (Like PacMan they will get to it eventually.)
  • the reserved open sector is a transfer of Development rights (tDr) sending area, for the gradual sale of rights for development in the controlled Growth sector and the intended Growth sector. An owner who has purchased such development rights may exceed the allocated Densities of new communities as set forth in section 3.8 and table 14b. Areas from where development rights have been transferred shall be designated Preserved Open Sector.The Planning Office shall maintain a record of such transfers, updating the regional map accordingly. p7
  • the restricted Growth sector shall be assigned to areas that have value as open space but nevertheless are subject to development, either because the zoning has already been granted or because there is no legally defensible reason, in the long term, to deny it.(bold, mine) Within the restricted Growth sector, clustered land Development (clD) shall be permitted by right. p7.
  • lawn shall be permitted only by Warrant. p13.(This doesn’t mean you can plant a garden where your lawn once was.)
  • the public Frontage shall include trees planted in a regularly-spaced Allee pattern of single or alternated species with shade canopies of a height that, at maturity, clears at least one story. p13. (Look at the plans, they dictate where trees are to be placed and which species are allowed.)
  • Designations for Mandatory and/or recommended retail Frontage requiring or advising that a building provide a Shopfront at Sidewalk level along the entire length of its private Frontage. the shopfront shall be no less than 70% glazed in clear glass and shaded by an awning overlapping the Sidewalk as generally illustrated in Table 7 and specified in Article 5. The first floor shall be confined to retail use through the depth

There is so much more and you can download the entire SmartCode, go about halfway down the page linked here.

We Americans (and the rest of the world, yes, but right now I am most concerned about the fate of the once freest country every conceived by man) are being forced, incrementally, into slavery or death. So many good, well-meaning people say, “Don’t worry, when they come for my property I will meet them with my guns.” If only it were that simple.

Instead we are being moved out of our property through fees, taxes, regulations and zoning. By the time the powers-that-be decide it is time to bring out the guns, most of us will not be living that once-great American Dream with a car in every garage and a chicken in every pot. We will be in high-density, stack-em and pack-em housing sharing our meager food and water (if we have any) with too many other people as well as rats and other vermin.

This is probably our last chance to stop Agenda21 Sustainable Development and the global elites. We must do it at the local level, halting the regionalization before it becomes what it is intended: socialism, communism, whatever.

I watch my neighbors buying more and more toys and fancier cars, adding ever more elaborate detailing to their heavily-mortgaged homes and enjoying the mindless pleasures offered them by mainstream media. Ignorance might be bliss at this moment, but what will it be like when the financial collapse hits?

May the Lord help us, we don’t seem to be doing the job.

© 2019 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

What Dream Has Your Name on It?

Most people stumble through their teens, stagger through their twenties and meander into their thirties.

By forty, they suffer a mid-life crisis before bumping into the Big “5”  “0”.

From 50, they face the last third of their lives with a sense of a downhill slide. Most never lived any “great” moments or vanquished any dragons let alone navigated a great sailing ship called the Black Pearl like Captain Jack Sparrow. None took off through space like the Next Generation on the Starship Enterprise.

(Al and Frosty on the Colorado Trail at 11,000 feet)

Most Americans enjoy two-week vacations with scant time to climb Mt. Everest or raft the Amazon. Others feel so locked into their jobs that nothing or no one can change their fate.

What if teens and twenties changed the course of their existence by co-creating their lives with a greater power, a higher understanding and a plan to enjoy their way of life?

Captain Jean Luc Picard said, “Someone once told me that time stalks us throughout our lives.  I rater believe that time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.”

Breathe that statement into your spirit. Incorporate it into your mind. Engage it with your passions.

What turns you on in your daily existence? What moves you to action? What calls you?

For every human being on Earth, a little engine inside calls for “something” to activate a life-calling.  How do you find out which path calls you?

What heroes do you follow? Why? What great moments in history move you? How do you feel when you study a certain subject?  What books engage your interest? What famous movie role inspires you?

It’s my contention that you discover your life path by following the slightest thread of your desires. From there, you make your intentions.

One such young lady wanted to fly an airplane. As she grew up, she used a doll for her co-pilot, which she placed next to her in her “airplane” with two seats in her room. As she grew older, she kept the doll next to her and carried it with her when she attended college. After college, she gained work at an airport, but couldn’t afford flying lessons. Nonetheless, she made friends with pilots and trainers alike. At all times, she kept her doll with her to remind her of her dream to fly.

As fate entered the picture, she became an assistant to a veteran airline pilot trainer. She worked hard, showed up on time, stayed late and kept the books in order. After a year of watching her, he offered her some time in a flight simulator. Soon, she showed her adept skills as a pilot that impressed the trainer. He offered to take her up in a single engine plane for flight training.  She earned, scraped and saved money for pilot lessons. After two years, she gained her pilot’s license. At all times, her doll sat with her in the cockpit.

Soon, she learned how to pilot a twin engine plane. She flew clients all over the country. With that money, she learned to pilot a 747 with the same trainer who started her out years before. When she received her license to pilot a 747, she earned a job with a major airline. Today, as an international 747 airline pilot, she visits places all over the world. With her, that same doll, that same dream, that same intention rides in the cockpit with her. In fact, she is a friend of mine and wrote a book “Chick in the Cockpit” which publishes later next year.

Ask yourself: What dream has your name on it?

On this long journey of your life, you must co-create your life path with the creative energy within you. You possess all the tools and all the ingenious energy to engage a positive, useful, purposeful and happy life.

Open to possibilities daily, engage the flow, and receive the favors of the universe. Finally, weave your story toward co-creating your dynamic life. Take action toward your chosen destiny.

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book!  Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life?  Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices.  Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Rabid Main Stream Media Hatred Of Trump Supporters

He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander is a fool.  —Proverbs 10:18 KJV

Hatred, in the course of time, kills the unhappy wretch who delights in nursing it in his bosom. —Giacomo Casanova

God’s truth judges created things out of love, and Satan’s truth judges them out of envy and hatred. —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

When I look at the Democratic Party and main stream media (MSM), all I see is control by demonic powers and a satanic hatred of truth. The party was started in January 1828 by Andrew Jackson, our 7th President, and Martin Van Buren, our 8th President.  Less than 200 years later, the Democratic Party has become the party of Karl Marx.

Those presidents of the 19th Century would never believe media would promote a 29 year old socialist on the cover of Time Magazine as it has with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Neither would they believe that anti-Semite Islamist, Ilhan Omar was featured on the cover of Time as the first congresswoman from Somalia.  Our third President, Thomas Jefferson, fought the Muslim Barbary pirates and defeated them and then the United Kingdom again in the War of 1812.  But today the media is silenced.

In my previous article, I discussed the NYTs v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision of 1964 which allows media to lie about public figures.  As such, great advantage of this decision was used not only in trying to destroy our President with a false narrative of Russian collusion by the DNC, but also the destruction via Special Counsel Robert Mueller of the men who supported and worked for Donald Trump.

Several of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people about our President and his supporters.  The lies told by media have ruined a number of good men, and the majority of those lies were fundamentally false. Link  As Diane West says in her book, The Red Thread, look for the “Reds” responsible for this coup against our President and his supporters.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” was the law of propaganda often attributed to the virulent anti-Semitic Nazi, Joseph Goebbels.  Media learned well.

Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn

The Flynn brothers in 2011 with their now late mother Helen.

General Flynn, a 33-year dedicated military veteran and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency during the Obama administration was one of the first to endorse Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. He was named during the transition to head up the national security apparatus in the White House.  The General was President Trump’s wisest choice.  He knows more about military intelligence, China, Iran, Islam, and the corrupt Department of Justice and the FBI than anyone in President Trump’s administration. In 2010 he co-authored Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan.

In a recent PJ Media article, Michael Ledeen explains that General Flynn changed the way we did intelligence against the likes of Zarqawi, bin Laden, the Taliban, and their allies.  He saw that our battlefield intelligence was too slow and made it light years faster.  Ledeen said, “This earned him a following among some who worked for or with him, but it also gained him the enmity of those who had been cut out of ‘the chain of command.’”

A Marine buddy’s brother served under General Flynn and he said, “Mike Flynn walks on water, and he doesn’t even get his shoes wet.”  That’s how much they loved him.

The Obama/Clinton cabal knew they had to stop General Flynn.  They knew he was dangerous to their corrupt apparatus, so they set him up.  Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, organized the surveillance apparatus.  Dr. Evelyn Farkas, former Obama deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia and Ukraine, before she left in 2015, urged her former colleagues to, “get as much information as you can…get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the administration.”  Link

General Flynn long ago became the target and the truth is, he never lied to anyone.  Mike Pence, Reince Priebus, Sally Yates, the FBI and Obama were responsible for eliminating him from the Trump administration. The establishment and Deep State joined together to destroy the man who endangered their corrupt cabal. Unfortunately, our President did not have the foresight and political discernment to comprehend why they wanted Flynn gone.  He should never have allowed it.

The General was the only person in the administration who was capable of dismantling and destroying the corrupt and weaponized intelligence community, and they all knew it.

The standard modus operandi was used.  Exculpatory Russia evidence about the General was kept secret by the intel community.  Link  Both FBI agents, Strzok and Pientka who did the sneak attack interview on the General said he didn’t lie about anything.  Yet, Devin Nunes told Maria Bartiromo that they were never allowed to interview Joe Pientka.  Congressman Nunes believes the General plead guilty because he was out of money and Bartiromo mentioned that Mueller’s modus operandi was to threaten the General’s son. Link

And now, Russian historian Svetlana Lokhova is speaking out.  Watch the latest video at Fox News with Tucker Carlson.  Svetlana is exposing the Obama Deep State apparatus and the accompanying involvement of Stefan Halper, a well-known CIA operative and the FBI informant who monitored the Trump campaign.  The DOJ and FBI’s highly inflammatory and, at best, misleading claims that they made to try to prevent Halper’s identity from being reported are extremely troubling.

Bring Back Flynn!

There are many Mueller and Obama agents still in the FBI and FBI Director Christopher Wray is promoting the cabal again.  David P. Goldman says, “To Stop the Deep State, Bring Back Mike Flynn.”

General Flynn was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 when the DIA blew the whistle on CIA backing for Sunni Islamists fighting the Assad regime during the then-raging Syrian civil war.  Trump was right when he said the Obama administration created ISIS.

Goldman wrote, “President Trump should pardon Gen. Flynn right now and summon him back to Washington. Mueller forced Flynn to plead guilty to an invented charge of lying to FBI agents, even though the FBI agents who interviewed him about Russian contacts said that they thought he was telling the truth. Now that the Mueller investigation has come up with nothing, the frame-up of Gen. Flynn appears all the more heinous. The Deep State feared Mike Flynn, with good reason. Trump should reappoint him to a top job, and really terrify his opponents.”

Please help the General defray millions in legal costs by donating to his legal defense fund, and ask President Trump to immediately dismiss these false charges against Mike Flynn.

Paul Manafort

Mr. Manafort worked only a short time for candidate Trump as his campaign chairman.  He has paid a high price for the few months he advised Donald Trump, including nearly nine months in solitary confinement, a draconian punishment which did not fit the crime.  He has plead guilty to charges.

Ten years ago, Manafort was allegedly investigated for the same crimes and there was a decision not to move forward.  Allegedly, according to Judge Napolitano, the man who exonerated and dropped the charges was Rod Rosenstein.

Former U.S. Attorney Andy McCarthy writes in National Review that there are no guarantees it won’t or can’t be revisited:

“…the closing of an investigation does not come with a guarantee that the investigation will never be reopened. Nothing prevented the Justice Department itself from reviving the Ukrainian case against Manafort.

If Manafort’s tie to the Trump campaign convinced Rosenstein that the Trump Justice Department would have a conflict of interest in any criminal investigation involving Manafort, Rosenstein could properly have assigned the reopened Ukrainian case to a special counsel in the first instance — i.e., as part of Mueller’s original jurisdiction.

The unredacted part of Rosenstein’s August 2nd, 2017 memo authorizes Mueller to investigate allegations that Paul Manafort, as Trump’s Campaign Manager, “committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials” and “committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych.”

Much of the August 2nd memo is redacted, until the end, where Rosenstein tells Mueller, “You therefore have authority to continue and complete the investigation of those matters…”

As Fox News noted, Rosenstein’s August 2nd memorandum specifically authorizing Mueller to investigate Paul Manafort’s financial dealings came one week after the FBI’s July 26, 2019 predawn raid on Manafort’s home, where the FBI reportedly seized Manafort’s bank records and tax documents.

Paul Manafort will probably die in prison for having worked for Donald Trump, whether or not he’s guilty of charges that would not have been revisited had he not been a Trump employee.  In January of 2018, Mueller said that Manafort should not get credit for cooperating.

The MSM has condemned this man as a white-collar criminal and has lied about him while extoling the virtues of Rick Gates who has fully “cooperated with Mueller” and is also charged with financial fraud and lying to the FBI.  Manafort did do things improperly and illegally, but had he never worked for Donald Trump, it is highly unlikely he would be paying this exorbitant price.

Of course, the Podesta brothers have done much the same, but have never been charged.  Manafort worked for John and Tony Podesta, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, and assisted in gaining Russian benefits via influence over State Department policy.  But Bob Mueller is also connected to Manafort’s business partners in the Ukraine – the Podesta Brothers – who are connected to Hillary Clinton – and a Russian “foundation” in the Ukraine labeled the Party of Regions.

Why isn’t Robert Mueller investigated?

Roger Stone is a 40-year friend of Donald Trump and one who early on in the campaign advised him.  Now he’s being charged with obstruction, lying to Congress and witness tampering.  Instead of the Mueller investigation requesting Stone’s lawyer to have Stone turn himself in, they made a public display with a group of heavily armed FBI agents storming Roger Stone’s Florida home on a January morning in 2019, as seen in a dramatic CNN video.

Twenty-nine FBI agents in bullet proof protective gear and armed with submachine guns showed up pre-dawn at Roger Stone’s home.  There were seventeen vehicles, two of which were armored, two boats behind Roger’s home and one helicopter was circling overhead. Link  Only twelve Navy Seals were dispatched to eliminate Osama bin Laden.

Law enforcement vehicles with flashing lights, but without sirens, are seen parked nearby Stone’s Fort Lauderdale home shortly after 6 a.m. ET, CNN reports. The network has aired the footage multiple times. Stone was accused by a federal grand jury of lying about the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, according to Robert Mueller.

FBI raids are not broadcast to the media, but this one was by one of Mueller’s boys. Beirut-born Assyrian-American George Piro, Special Agent in Charge Miami, most likely authorized the raid and leaked the information to CNN.

Roger Stone also has a legal defense fund for donations.  Please help.

Papadopoulos and Cohen

Ex-Donald Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos was released from prison after serving 12 days for lying. As part of his sentence, Papadopoulos will serve 12 months of probation.

Former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen even plead to charges that are not crimes and will serve three years in jail for charges of financial fraud and campaign finance violations.  Department of Housing and Urban Development official, Lynne Patton, a long time Trump family associate and Cohen friend, appeared when Cohen gave his rehearsed testimony to Congress.  She claimed there was another reason for Cohen’s betrayal—that his wife was being threatened with jail time unless he “turned on” Trump. Do I believe this?  Absolutely, it’s the Mueller gang modus operandi.


The Rule of Law is the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced. It has become only too obvious those connected to the Democrat Party never suffer for their crimes.  Enemies of the establishment will suffer for any perceived crime or for no crime at all, but their friends like Jussie Smollet go free, despite being charged with 16 felony counts.

It’s time for truth to be restored to the public discourse, the 1964 NYTs v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision needs to be overturned. Actual truth regarding the whole fraudulent Russia collusion has never been seen on MSM.  They continue to spew their poisonous lies.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Are Americans Destroying Their Own Country?

We cannot ignore what is happening right before our eyes and say that could never happen in America, but we are seeing it happen.  We can’t set back and say someone will take care of this because we are the someone that must act to do something.  We pay no attention to who we put into office.  We look for a ‘D’ or an ‘R’ after the name and vote that way.  We have a Democrat Party that is just this side of satan himself and a Republican party that leans more left than right and both parties are full of globalists that are hell bound to bring America into the New World Order.

Let’s look at a few numbers concerning how islam take a country over from the inside out.

Afghanistan was once a Buddhist nation, Pakistan was once a Hindu nation, Lebanon was Christian. See the pattern.

When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5%, they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10%-mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House of Peace.

As we look at countries in the European Union, we see this pattern emerge as plain as day, yet we do nothing when we see it happening in America.  Most of the responsibility belongs to the federal government but that is no more than wishful thinking for the most part.  Under Obama the danger grew exponentially because of his love of islam and his being a muslim and his desire to advance that ideology as much as he could.

Are we in danger of becoming the UK?  Yes, we are.  We are on that path and unless we turn around and fight back, we will be there by 2030 or sooner depending on who we elect.  If we elect Democrats in 2020, we will be there by 2024. If you think I’m a conspiracy kind or guy you’re wrong.  I work off facts.  You’ve noticed that I have validated all the facts in this series.  I would like to list the muslims that ran for and won their elections in 2018.  This includes Rep. Rashida Tlaib who gave a false address as a state representative in a district she did not live in so she could represent that district, which is against the law in Michigan, declared we’re going to impeach that mother f***er, in reference to Trump and Rep. Ilhan Omar who committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother to get him into this country, declaring in 2012 that she will not assimilate and has called for the dissolving of Department of Homeland Security.  Why there is no movement to remove both of these anti-American muslims is proof that our government is filled with men and women that want the New World Order.

Here is the list of muslims who won their elections in America in 2018:


Cheryl Sudduth – West County Wastewater District Director
George Abdallah Jr. – Superior Court of San Joaquin County, Office 12
Halim Dhanidina – Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, Division Three
Maimona Afzal Berta – Franklin-McKinley Board of Education
Javed Ellahie – Monte Sereno City Council
Al Jabbar – Anaheim Union High School District Board of Trustees
Ahmad Zahra – Fullerton City Council District 5
Aisha Wahab – Hayward City Council
Ali Taj – Artesia City Council
Farrah Khan – Irvine City Council
Sabina Zafar – San Ramon City Council


Amira Dajani Fox (R) – State Attorney


Sheikh Rahman (D) – State Senate District 5


Sadia Gul Covert (D) – Dupage County Board District 5


Andre Carson (D) – 7th Congressional District


Ako Abdul-Samad (D) – State House District 35


Sabina Taj – Howard County Board of Education


Rashida Tlaib (D) – 13th Congressional District
Abdullah Hammoud (D) – State House District 15
Abdul “Al” Haidous (D) – Wayne County Commission District 11
Sam Baydoun (D) – Wayne County Commission District 13
Adel A. Harb – Wayne County Circuit Court
Sam Salamey – District Courts, District 19


Ilhan Omar (D) – 5th Congressional District
Keith Ellison (D) – Attorney General (DANGEROUS)
Hodan Hassan (D) – State House District 62A
Mohamud Noor (D) – State House District 60B
Siad Ali (D) – District 3 member of the Minneapolis Board of Education

New Hampshire…..2

Aboul Khan (R) – State House Rockingham 20 District
Safiya Wazir (D) – State House Merrimack 17 District

New Jersey…..8

Assad Akhter (D) – Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Alaa “Al” Abdel-Aziz – Paterson City Council Ward 6
Mohammad Ramadan – Passaic County Board of Education
Alaa Matari – Prospect Park Borough Council
Dawn Haynes – Newark Public Schools School Board
Hazim Yassin – Red Bank City Council
Mohamed Khairullah – Prospect Park Mayor
Salim Patel – Passaic City Council

New Mexico…..1

Abbas Akhil (D) – State House District 20

New York…..3

Charles Fall (D) – State House District 61
Robert Jackson (D) – State Senate District 3
Shahabuddeen Ally – NYC Civil Court, NY County

North Carolina…..2

Mujtaba Mohammed (D) – State Senate District 38
Nasif Majeed (D) – State House District 99


Mohamed Al-Hamdani – Dayton Public Schools Board of Education
Jason Dawkins (D) – State House District 179


Rabeea Collier – District Courts, 113th District
Salman Bhojani – Euless City Council Place 6


Babur Lateef – Prince William County School Board
Haseeb Javed – Manassas Park City Council
Mo Seifeldein – Alexandria City Council

Those judiciary wins are extremely significant considering how judges don’t seem to be concerned about the Constitution anymore and look to foreign law and “precedent” in many of their rulings.

However, numbers from a report by Hamas-CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) in coordination with JETPAC indicates that a high percentage of Muslims voted in 2018.

The report claims:

9 7 % of Muslim voters participated in this year’s midterm election.
 8 8% of Muslim voters primarily voted for the Democratic Party candidates and 17% for Republican Party candidates.
 5 6% of Muslim voters consider themselves liberal on social issues, while 26 % consider themselves conservative.
 3 3% of Muslim voters consider themselves fiscally conservative, while 5 0% consider themselves liberal.
26% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Democratic candidates perceived themselves as being conservative on social issues. Moreover, 36% perceived themselves as being fiscally conservative.
 7 8% of Muslim voters thought Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiment in the U.S. increased while 17% thought it decreased in the past year.
• 8 8% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Democratic Party candidates thought Islamophobia increased in the past year. Conversely, only 33% of Muslim voters who primarily voted for Republican Party candidates thought Islamophobia increased in the past year.
53% of Muslim voters became more interested in politics since the 2016 presidential election, while 34% maintained the same level of interest in politics and 13% became less interested in politics.
 6 5% of Muslim voters have become more actively involved in politics and/or civically engaged since the 2016 presidential election, while 2 5% have not.

Out of those Muslim voters who have become more actively involved in politics and/or civically engaged since 2016 presidential election:

 5 0% have primarily donated money to a political or social campaign.
 5 5% have primarily donated their time by volunteering with a local charity or civic-minded or religious organization.
 4 8% have primarily donated their expertise by using their skills and/or network to advance social/political engagement.
 27% have primarily been involved in another way.

If you don’t think they have an agenda to conform America to Islam, you really do need to pull your head out of the sand. [1]

If we stay America it will take a massive effort on our part.  If we don’t make that effort, the American experiment will be nothing but page in history.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Just how many Muslims won political office in 2018?

Animal Book Author Flayed by Hunter

A Mike Naye contacted me criticizing my book, God and Animals, after only looking at a couple of free paragraphs shown by Amazon, stating that my misguided ramblings about animals come from emotion. Well yeah! Only human beings have emotions. Savages do not.

He criticized me for having compassion for animals…then, he was reminded that, God created the animals FIRST, then humans as an afterthought. That Scripture verse can be found in my book, God and Animals (AMAZON).

Mr. Naye  slammed me for being a vegetarian even though he challenged me with a question after my defense of animals asking if I ate meat and telling me that he did and wore leather shoes.  He also took great offense at my defense of wolves, now in danger by the lifting of the  wolf protection bill by Congress.

Then he aimed a sucker-punch with this statement: “You may be fighting against what God designed us to be, omnivores, but a lot of us God-fearing people do not.  In addition to eating game animals, I also wear leather shoes.  How about you?” He is a superior “God Fearing” man, by golly.

In my book that Mr. Naye criticizes,  God and Animals-What The Bible says About Heaven and Animals- (AMAZON), he will find that, ‘in the beginning’ both humans and animals were vegetarians.  All relevant Scriptures are in my book to verify what I’ve stated to make solid points and hopefully impressions. Everything I’ve said in my book is backed with Scripture Verses.

The critic was angered at my defense of animals, especially as I noted that Trophy Hunting was “sport killing”, in which those particular hunters gain perverted pleasure in doing. How can anyone take pleasure in causing a living creature to suffer?   He then made a point of telling me that, “wolves, by the way, do not just kill to eat but frequently participate in “sport killing”, i.e., just killing for the fun of it.”  This man was not trying to establish dialogue with me, he just wanted to fight.

First of all, animals have the same nervous system as humans. They experience love, fear, anxiety, pain and mental suffering, just as we do. Take your dog or cat to the vet and watch the anxieties appear. When you hit your thumb with a hammer and jump around yelling, just remember that your animal would feel the exact severe pain if it happened to them.

Another reason for my staunch defense of wildlife, including wolves, is because each animal assists in protecting our ecosystem. God put everything together on purpose for a purpose. And God told us through Adam and Eve that we must tend the garden. That would mean also taking care of the animals sharing that garden.

Furthermore, we are to treat all living creatures with respect. I pity the person who has never had a pet. One has never been loved until they have been loved by a dog who gives unconditional love that too many people have never experienced.

We are supposed to care for God’s creation but we do not. We have a way of ignoring too many things and are letting everything, including environment, and even our families, take care of themselves.  As inventor Liza Marie Hart, known as the “female Einstein observed: “When man messes with God’s Ecosystem, we always have a catastrophe.

For information of the book, God and Animals, click this link or the picture.

© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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A Desperate Housewife Makes A Terrible Theologian

Thus says the Lord of hosts,
“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you.
They are leading you into futility;
They speak a vision of their own imagination,
Not from the mouth of the Lord.
17 “They keep saying to those who despise Me,
‘The Lord has said, “You will have peace”’;
And as for everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart,
They say, ‘Calamity will not come upon you.’
Jeremiah 23:16-17

Alyssa Milano is still desperate after all these years. Milano is desperate to be the face of the “my body, my choice” movement. She is desperate to maintain the gruesome, barbarous act of child sacrifice under the oxymoronic “choice” and “reproductive health” banners. Milano is desperate to elevate the #MeToo Movement beyond the irrational, myopic, androphobia that afflicts her and most of the progressive Marxist feminists that comprise the never-ending cadre of perpetually offended elitists. Milano recently began a campaign among her sycophantic Hollywood friends, to strong-arm the Governor of Georgia into submitting to her enlightened view of the deathstyle of infanticide or face economic consequences.

The actress has begun a campaign designed to “do everything in our power to move our industry to a safer state for women.”[1] By “our power” Milano means her Hollywood friends and by “our industry” she means the movie making industry that last year was responsible for over $2.7 billion dollars of direct spending in the state of Georgia according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.[2]

What travesty did the legislature of Georgia commit? What heinous crime is the Governor considering signing into law that would so infuriate Hollywood celebrities that a call is being issued to boycott the state? The Georgia legislature recently passed a bill commonly referred to as The Heartbeat Bill which makes it against the law to murder an unborn child after a heart beat is detected. The bill is waiting for Governor Brian Kemp to sign.

In Milano’s view, the Heartbeat Bill, if passed, “would strip women of their bodily autonomy.” That’s a strange way of arguing for infanticide. The picture below is the result of exactly what Milano believes constitutes a woman’s autonomy.

Milano believes that the savage dismemberment of unborn children must continue because to stop infanticide is the equivalent of allowing others to invade her privacy. She characterized the Georgia legislature as: “These are the men that are voting on what goes on inside my uterus.”

Beyond the fact that this kind of hyperbole is baseless and demonstrates a propensity for wild exaggeration, Milano added to her bizarre advocacy by attempting to enlist God as a supporter of infanticide. She said: “I love God. I believe in God. But, I don’t believe my personal beliefs of which we can’t confirm should override scientific facts and what we can confirm. ‘If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?’ John 3:12.”[3]

In desperation, Milano went where only the brave among the leftist Progressive Hollywood elite dare to tread: she mentioned God. Stop the presses! Milano believes in God. Well, she sort of believes in something that is out there somewhere she thinks, but she’s not sure. She believes in a God she cannot confirm and who is simply a result of her personal beliefs. That sounds unconvincing in the least, and indicative of the fact that she very likely has no understanding of what it means to have faith in the God of the Bible.  Then she throws her personal beliefs under the bus so to speak by insisting that her personal beliefs must be subservient to scientific fact.

I’m not going to take the time to argue once again that “every day in the United States of America, approximately 2,900 distinct, living, whole human beings are killed for reasons we’d never tolerate the killing of older (born) humans. We use the generic label “abortion,” but what is taking place is no benign medical procedure. It is the dismembering, decapitation, and disemboweling of someone no less human than you. The only difference is that she is younger.”[4]

Biologically speaking, life begins at conception and this new life has unique and specific DNA. That, Ms. Milano is the scientific fact that you conveniently overlook. Critics of Milano’s statement were quick to let her know she was misinformed scientifically as well as theologically. Here are a few reactions to Milano:

  • .. When does a baby in utero become ‘scientifically’ human enough for you to protect their life?
  • Who wants to tell her that the fact that human life begins at fertilization has been scientific consensus for almost a century?
  • If these babies aren’t humans, someone should tell them to stop kicking the sh*t out of my bladder.
  • Do you think God creates a child in a woman’s womb just so it can be killed, or do you think He might have better plans in mind for it?
  • You don’t have to love God to acknowledge the irrefutable science that a unique, individual human life begins at the moment of conception. But if you love God, then you also will love His children. He’s a father, and every single one of us are created in His image.[5]

I do want to briefly address Milano’s ill-advised excursion into the theological realm. She apparently performed her role as a desperate housewife adequately enough that Hollywood rewarded her to a degree that she can now spend her time advocating for the blood sacrifice of unborn human beings. Success in the world’s eyes does not translate into success in God’s eyes.

Here is a word of advice for Ms. Milano: you are not a theologian. You are not even well versed in biblical interpretation based on your use of the verse in the Gospel of John to prop up your advocacy for infanticide. Try to understand what the Scripture you quote mean before you use it as a prop for your evil.

To suggest that God approves of the horrible treatment of the unborn described above demonstrates a total disconnect from historic, orthodox, biblical Christianity and the God it reveals. I have stated this plainly elsewhere: you are not a Christian if you advocate for the slaughter of unborn human beings. You are deceived and a pawn in Satan’s hand. It matters not whether you have a fancy home in Beverly Hills, a private jet to transport you to “ministry” events, or any other external trapping. Treating unborn human beings as nothing more than a tissue growth that can be removed because it might interfere with your happiness and lifestyle is demonic callousness and testifies to a heart that is not in tune with God on any level.

Alyssa Milano is attempting to rub a psychological salve born of her own imagination upon the minds and hearts of those who are deceived. She is a false prophetess, who speaks not the words of the LORD but the words of her own wicked heart. What she is selling is a lie. This placebo of peace, comfort, and well-being is a lie straight out of the pits of hell and is authored by Satan himself. It forebodes a coming calamity upon her and those like her.

Hold the line Governor Kemp. I applaud you and every other man and woman in elected office who stands against the demonic onslaught being marshalled by people like Alyssa Milano.

Dr. Mike Spaulding

Host, Soaring Eagle Radio and Dr. Mike Live

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E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg



[1] See

[2] See–regional-govt–politics/alyssa-milano-georgia-film-workers-demand-kemp-veto-heartbeat-bill/jG3YYIJ9yze7FEKsFYZhOP/

[3] See

[4] See

[5] See

It Is Outrageous That Supporting Trump Is Dangerous

My car, which has a “Trump/Pence” bumper sticker was keyed. While pumping gas, a motorist seemed impressed by my courage to have a Trump bumper sticker. People have told me they are afraid to wear a MAGA cap or have a Trump sign on their lawn.

Having to feel so afraid to express our political views is outrageous. Democrats and fake news media have so twisted the meaning of MAGA and generated such hatred for Trump that citizens are afraid to publicly support the president of the United States. This is still America. Thugs who physically attack us for expressing our first Amendment right to free speech must be prosecuted.

Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other Democrat domestic terrorists routinely beat up Trump supporters. Meanwhile, fake news media promotes their lie that the Tea Party is the violent movement. The Tea Party is totally nonviolent. Brothers and sisters, it requires courage to stand with Trump in his quest to bring America back from Democrats’ destruction. I am grateful that God is on our side.

In the Clint Eastwood movie, “Pale Rider”, an evil businessman with an army of thugs tried to force small landowners to sell him their land. If the landowners did not sell, the businessman threatened to kill them and take their land. The small landowners voted to stay and fight for their land. They asked Preacher (Eastwood) to lead them. Preacher said, “If I lead you, some of you will die.” In other words, Preacher was saying freedom ain’t free.

As we join Trump into battle to restore America’s greatness and restore our freedoms, MAGA cap wearers will be beaten, cars will be keyed. Freedom ain’t free.

Ronald Reagan said, Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

Shockingly, it appears freedom in America is only one election away from extinction. We have a generation of dumbed-down youths who are eager to surrender their constitutional freedoms for government freebies. Most of the Democrat presidential candidates are anti-freedom and anti-American socialist/communists. If Trump is not reelected, it could end America as we know it; if not forever, at least for decades.

Illegals are invading our country via the Mexican border at its highest since 2006, averaging 3500 per day. If Democrats win the White House, they will totally ignore immigration laws. Opening the floodgates to illegals will devastatingly transform America.

Sharia Law will spread like wildfire across America if Democrats win the White House. Rashida Tliab and bold antisemitic Ilhan Omar are the first two Muslim women elected to congress. They are Phase 3 (Infiltration) of a master plan for Sharia Law to rule America. Tliab and Omar’s mission is to support pro-Muslim candidates, spread pro-Muslim propaganda and file lawsuits against anything they deem Islamophobia.

Meanwhile, Democrats have intensified their war on Christianity, seeking to ban the Bible and make biblical teachings illegal.

If Democrats win the White House, the murder of innocent babies will dramatically increase. Shockingly, 19 states support infanticide, leaving babies who survive failed abortions to die.  Democrats are hellbent on passing new laws to murder babies after they are born for any reason.  Over 60 million babies have been murdered since Roe v Wade in 1973.

Decades of allowing leftist educators to dumb-down students has a disturbingly high number of American youths favoring socialism over capitalism. Youths want government to be their daddy, providing their every need and desire for free. These youths absurdly believe the way we live in the United States will cause the earth to be uninhabitable in 12 years. Consequently, these duped youths will vote for Democrats’ insane economy-crushing environmental laws.

If Democrats win the White House, they will reinstate and increase the mountain of oppressive regulations dismantled by Trump. Trump eliminated over 800 Obama regulations, saving businesses $4 billion.  Only Democrats and deadbeat idiots hate all business owners. Small businesses have generated 65% of the new jobs since 1995. Fifty percent of the working population works in small businesses.

Given the billions of dollars spent, the deep state’s corrupt schemes, fake news media’s 24/7 lie-filled reporting and over 500,000 articles purposed to destroy him, it is beyond extraordinary that Trump has survived with a 40% approval rating. Clearly, God has a hedge of protection surrounding this remarkable man. My fellow Christians please continue praying for our president and our homeland.

Defending freedom D-Day on the beaches of Normandy required a huge sacrifice of 29,000 American lives. I thought about our young troop’s thoughts the night before they landed, knowing that the next day many of them would probably die. Wow! Freedom ain’t free, folks. Freedom ain’t free.

While I believe Trump will emerge victorious in 2020, we still must rally behind and publicly express our support. We must refuse to be intimidated into the shadows by Democrats’ henchmen. I received my red “Trump 2020” cap in the mail.

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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Muslim Representative Calls Prayer To Jesus In House Chambers Highly Offensive

This week, The Blaze reported, “The first Muslim representative elected to the Pennsylvania legislature is demanding an apology from another member who began their session with a prayer to Jesus Christ, calling it ‘highly offensive.’”

The Pennsylvania State Democratic party called the prayer an “Islamophobic message,” while Party Whip Jordan Harris shrieked:

Today, we saw religion weaponized in the House chamber in what could be considered a gross attempt to intimidate, demean and degrade a Muslim State representative in the presence of her family, friends and guests.

This got me thinking: The United States was founded by immigrants of many cultural and religious diversities. Since the early 1600’s, America was known as the place where people could go to start a new life with freedom of religion, the liberty to choose your own occupation, and a place of refuge from oppressive governments.

The Mayflower Compact states why the Pilgrims came to America in unequivocal terms:

Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia…

During the time of our founding, Islam was a major religion in many parts of the world. Therefore, there were numerous Muslims living in America during the time of its founding. Naturally, there was great concern over Muslims taking over America’s Christian value system, especially since America was in a war against Islamic terrorists – the Barbary Powers War – that spanned over the presidencies of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison.

Concerning the fear of Muslims holding high office in America, Supreme Court Justice James Iredell, who was nominated to the Court by President Washington, stated:

But it is objected that the people of America may perhaps choose representatives who have no religion at all, and that pagans and Mohammedans (Muslims) may be admitted into offices . . . . But it is never to be supposed that the people of America will trust their dearest rights to persons who have no religion at all, or a religion materially different from their own.

Make no mistake, the intent of our founders was not to sanction religions outside of Christianity. In the words of Supreme Court Justice and Father of American Jurisprudence, Joseph Story, “The real object of the (First) Amendment was, not to countenance, much less to advance Mohammedanism (Islam), or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity; but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects, and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment, which should give to an hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government.

Lastly, we definitely need to understand that when our founders referred to the Lord, they were referring to Jesus. George Washington acknowledged Christ as the Divine Author of our blessed religion. This is also the same Lord they acknowledged when signing the Constitution “in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty-seven.”

Why were they so exclusive?  Simple, because Christianity is the ONLY system of worship designed to bring liberty and freedom to all mankind who are created in God’s image. Contrary to being a weapon, Christianity is a defender of the physically, spiritually, and mentally oppressed. You see, where the Spirit of our Lord is, there is liberty.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2019 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Pedophilia Needs A Poster Boy

Jeff Kropf, a third generation farmer, former Oregon State legislator from 1999 to 2007 from Halsey, a time when many Christians and several other farmers had been elected. Jeff’s legislative experience makes him an ideal host on his 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. Political Coffee weekly show on 1220 a.m. in Salem where he tries his darndest to bring up important topics for which his audience can ponder. There is a replay in the evening 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Jeff is able to divulge some of the dirty little secrets that go on behind the scenes when the Oregon legislature is in session and some which he has only recently discovered, such as the University of Oregon has a UNION SCHOOL LABOR CENTER that teaches young heads full of mush, as Rush Limbaugh describes them today, to become UNION STEWARDS and other representatives as state employees to do work solely for the unions at taxpayer’s expense. 

I later discovered the University of Oregon president at that time, Dr. Arthur S. Flemming was a Communist and most responsible for the anarchical unrest on that campus and told students they were “not violent enough” to suit him. He was formerly the President of the CommuNazi National Council of Churches. He defended the right of the Communist Party under the leadership of Gus Hall to speak on campus. [Link]


Today Jeff is part of the Oregon Citizen Lobby war room 350 from 8:30-4:00 each Thursday and shows newcomers to the legislature how to lobby and how to write comments to legislators and they send out groups to lobby. Jeff says if you don’t do politics, politics will do you and too many people only wake up when their ox is being gored. It’s like the frog in a pan of water that sits there while the heat is slowly turned up and he cooks.

Jeff is a member of the National Guard and flew airplanes to the southern border in 2006 and in Afghanistan and since in 2005 he was the originator and president of the OREGON CONNECTIONS ACADEMY with 4,000+ students – a time when private Christian schools are in desperate need as you’ll understand as I move to his program on March 28th where he was reading an article from the FEDERALIST and how the groundwork is being laid for normalizing and the legalization of pedophilia because it is the same tactic that has been used successfully here in Oregon with gay marriage, hate crime legislation and he warns parents, this is where we are headed.


Let’s take abortion for example. What started off as a simple procedure even before Roe –vs- Wade made it legal in 1973 has now morphed into offering babies a “sedative” after a botched abortion which could allow them to live so they can be murdered and you all read about it in the newspaper when New York Governor Cuomo, along with a few other governors celebrated genocide.


Well, you ask, how could such a medical procedure like abortion forty six years ago eventually get into infanticide? Well the shock factor eventually wore off of abortion as cowardly pastors casually mentioned it as a sin but only a few joined their members in protests. We became desensitized. The shock of transgenderism, and gay marriage have been using the same tactic. Jeff says people do tend to settle into such shifts believing it won’t affect them but the selective dehumanization of children has been going on for a long time.  Why should we think it will be different when the times come for legalizing pedophilia?


The Sept. 2018 LAST TRUMPET NEWSLETTER told how many women who have used the barbaric practice of abortion are encouraged to go on social networking and boast. Worse yet is a church in Santa Cruz, California has announced plans to open a restaurant and brewery that will donate a portion of proceeds to Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile, an ice cream shop in Portland, Oregon has partnered with the National Abortion Rights Action League or NARAL. As a result of this partnership, a new limited edition ice cream flavor has been concocked to honor abortion. The flavor is called Rocky Roe-vs- Wave – proceeds to be used against pro-life efforts.


The FEDERALIZATION article says with any propaganda campaign that pushes outrageous change to an unwary public, it is all about timing. Academics might refer to timing as the Overton Window for the availability to cascade but we should all be able to understand the process of conditioning the public to accept the unacceptable. “Now, that is exactly what has been happening in Oregon,” says Jeff but I can add to his comment by telling you how the Rockefeller Foundation on December 23, 1971 (a slow media day) brought a half million dollar grant money to Oregon State University in Corvallis, the biggest unchurched state, to test LUCIFERIAN ideas. “A lot of ideas are started and tested here in Portland,” said Vice President al Gore on 9/12/1998 at the dedication of Portland’s Light Rail.

Jeff takes emails and phone calls during his show and he had a caller who had just been on the main floor of the Capitol where the LGBTQ crowd was gathering and he urged people to get to the capitol to pick up the literature they were passing out. He said their faces lit up when he told them “Q” stood for Queer and then he went on to explain what happens with Queer people in prison. Apparently the LGBTQ agenda is right at the top of Oregon’s first bisexual governor in the nation, Kate Brown.

I have a picture someone sent me of Governor Kate holding a sign that says: IN OUR AMERICA, ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL. LOVE WINS, BLACK LIVES MATTER, IMMIGRANTS & REFUGEES ARE WELCOME, DISABILITIES ARE RESPECTED, WOMEN ARE IN CHARGE OF THEIR BODIES, PEOPLE & PLANET ARE VALUED OVER PROFIT AND DIVERSITY IS CELEBRATED. The person who sent it to me had a headline: Get your Oregonian ass in gear folks! Kate is mixing the Kool-aid.  Yes, folks, the gates of HELL are being opened and LUCIFERIAN EVIL is coming from ALL sides.


A few days ago, the House Judiciary Committee held its first hearing on the ‘EQUALITY’ ACT that pushes a radical LGBT agenda and effectively criminalizes Christianity and the LGBTQ organizations are calling it a “historic” day. The bill does not exempt churches, religious organizations, or Christian schools. In fact, this hostile new bill specifically forbids citizens or organizations from raising a religious free exercise claim as a defense against it. House Democrats are Fast Tracking it and the Christian community had better get in touch with their Congress people AND FAST.

After the man visited the LGBTQ girls and reported on the air, Jeff said: Please listen to me on the last few minutes of this show. THEY ARE DESENSITIZING SEX WITH CHILDREN AND ARE DESENSITIZING SEX OF CHILDREN AND PLANTING GENDER CONFUSION BY STORIES such as Queens New York taking toddlers to DRAG QUEEN story at local libraries. Some mothers are actually grooming their boys to be Drag Queens. GOOD MORNING AMERICA recently celebrated an 11 year old Drag Queen dance on the show. This is part of sexuality being taught in the schools – transgenderism, gender dysphoria all with the approval and endorsement of our public schools and the backing of the higher publicized,  AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS.


This reminds me of a recent article in News With Views by Jack MacAulay who said he is a retired public high school physical sciences teacher for 34 years. He agrees with another author asking: ”Can Liberty Survive in American Public Education?” He said he used to start his unit on the origin of life and earth history by asking the students if the ideas about the origin of life and the origin of humans mattered much.  Then he would quote the Declaration of Independence just to let them see that our Founding Fathers had some idea about the origin of humans and the origin of Rights. However, he was told by his Superintendent of Schools that he could not do that because that VIOLATED THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. He said he was shocked but the Superintendent insisted.

But back to Jeff’s warnings. Some states are now threatening to take away custody of any parent who isn’t on board with the K-12 classrooms and all classrooms are becoming labs in which kids are being programmed to serve such agenda and the teachers’ union in Oregon supports this stuff.  A public speaker on this subject is MADELYN VANDERBURGER who refers to Pedophilia as a sexual orientation that can neither be chosen or changed. SHE APPEALS TO US TO STOP WITH THE HATE.  She argues everybody knows somebody with a pedophilia interest and really they are just like you. Most don’t want to talk about it because it’s illegal so imagine, she asks, if you could never act on your passion. She implores us to imagine how lonely that must be.  This is how homosexuality became acceptable – they called it a sexual orientation instead of a sin.

Then in December 2018 article published on Sexuality, a peer review journal, sexuality and culture by conducted British Child Molester, Tom O’Carrol. In arguments to push acceptance of adults sex with children you will find nearly an exact parallel to all the arguments for all manner of progressive causes including, of course, LGBTQ preferences. Popular Magazine, The Salon article about the virtuous pedophile and 2016 New York magazine article – what it is like to be a celebet pedophile, a VICE article realizing you are a pedophile can make you want to kill yourself and there is the “born that way defense” as the BBC news item entitled: “Are Pedophile’s brains wired differently?”


The purpose of this article is to emphasize and understand the conditioning process and how the unacceptable becomes acceptable. First the foundation is laid to carefully play the propaganda. There are various types of messages from the medical establishment, the education establishment, the legislators, judges and label those who call out the warnings from people as to the dangers ahead are  hateful  and soon, even the churches are silenced.

The application begins with SOME POSTER PEOPLE WHO ARE JUST LIKE YOU and before you know it, it’s all over. 


Mark Levin on FOX on the evening of March 30th interviewed Brandon Straka, a self-described former liberal hairstylist and actor from New York City who openly admitted he was gay.  He told how he was a liberal and hated Trump when Trump first said he’d run for President. He said he laughed it off because he didn’t think he’d have a chance and then on Election night as he was watching the numbers come in, he began to be concerned. He said he didn’t sleep well and the next day he was on FACEBOOK crying the blues along with thousands of other Democrats.

Ironically as I was typing this portion of the article I was also listening to the Dr. Phil program on the 40th anniversary of Jonestown, Guyana, where the very same mind control “group think” behaviors that we see in the Communist/Democrat party were evident at Jonestown as almost a thousand settlers in a cult led by the demagogue Jim Jones created an imaginary socialist Utopia.


However, Straka began to watch how the MSM made up lies about Trump and he became so outraged over the terrible job journalists were doing by repeating the same bias over and over again as though it were true about Trump that he decided to become a conservative and he was going to make a difference and on June 29, 2018 he released a six minute video entitled #WalkAway – Brandon Straka and “Why I left the Democrat Party” with the sole purpose of bringing us together and to stop the divisions.   InFoWars Alex Jones donated $10,000 to Straka’s Go-Fund-Me for start up costs which seems to validate a 3/3/2018 article that accused Alex of grooming employees for gay sex, fondling and deceiving the audience. Straka said the six minute video exploded on the Internet debunking all the lies and myths of the media but has he heard of Artificial Intelligence? [Link]


Professor Damien Radcliffee from the University of Oregon says, “We’ve seen a greater acceptance of the potential for artificial intelligence or robo-journalism, in newsrooms around the world. These systems can offer speed and accuracy and potentially support the realities of smaller newsrooms and the time pressures of journalists. (AFP News, March 9, 2019, by Rob Lever,

Artificial intelligence is also quite adept at writing fake news, too.   A new system known as GPT2 is so sophisticated that it can read a small portion of text and then generate entire pages of fiction that mimic the style and mood of the original words.  Its capabilities surprise even the program’s developers who have taken the unusual step of not releasing their product to the general public because of fears that it would be widely abused. (The Guardian, Feb. 14, 22019, By Alex Hern.


But what caught my attention was what Jeff had said earlier – the leftist agenda was mixing the Kool-aid and needed POSTER BOYS and who better qualified than this good looking gay Brandon Straka who has turned from being a liberal and hating Trump to becoming a conservative and now embracing the conservatives which he says makes so much more sense than the Democrats and the Socialism agenda. He says even as a gay he is being warmly embraced for his work. I congratulate him for this worthwhile agenda but only genuine #WalkWay repentance will make him a real conservative- most of whom try to obey God’s principles and homosexuality is a SIN. (Romans 1:24-32) We wish him much continued success in bringing factions together because let’s face it, can American Freedom be saved peacefully?


Unless our country returns to God as our Founders envisioned, is it possible no changes to society are taken seriously by the people UNLESS it is FIRST seen on teLIEvision. That is where people get their notions of “right and wrong.”  If they see “Gays” kissing or “transgender” sob stories on teLIEVISION PROGRAMS, then they have the ability to empathize with people who “want to be different.” Remember the words of MADELYN VANDERBURGER above when she implores us to imagine how lonely it would be not to be allowed to act on our passions.


Charles W. Socarides, M.D. (1922-2005), a clinical professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, said up until 1975, homosexuality was recognized as a mental disorder.  As I go to press with this article, I’m deeply saddened to learn that a jury has returned an anticipated verdict that the lesbian Hart mothers ACTED ON THEIR PASSIONS until Washington state CPS began investigating child abuse so more than 19 doses of Benadryl were administered to the children before driving their SUV over a California cliff into the Pacific Ocean a year ago. [Link]

Read this shocking pamphlet “Brainwashing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook of Psycho Politics” and you will understand why our country is in a free-fall of moral decay.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Thanks To Democrats And Their Fake News Media, U.S. Is Facing Growing Border Horror

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

A noticeable number of former President Barack Obama administration officials on Tuesday have spoken out — sometimes in opposition to statements being made by Democratic leaders — in their agreement with President Donald Trump’s position regarding a crisis at the U.S. southwest border.

The assessment by Trump, Homeland Security Secretary, Border Patrol chiefs, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) directors have provided irrefutable evidence that there is an enormous, even dangerous, crisis at our southern border despite the Democrats and the news media downplaying  the situation.

In fact, the Democrats have moved so far to the left that they are opposing Trump’s declaration of a national emergency just to score political points with their news media fans at CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and other decidedly leftist news organizations.

Trump’s statements just this week have spurred a Beltway debate that is becoming almost comical in its scope of ignorance. “To listen to people such as Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, news media darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff and others, one would think these people had minimal knowledge of even rudimentary security management.

The ugly truth of the matter is that most Democrats and far too many Republicans view the illegal alien crisis as merely part-of-the-price for doing business nationally and globally.

Globally, alien smuggling generates billions of dollars in illicit revenues annually and poses a threat to the nation’s security. Creation of the Department of Homeland Security in March 2003 had provided an opportunity to use financial investigative techniques to combat alien smugglers by targeting and seizing their monetary assets.

For instance, the composition of DHS’s largest investigative component — US Immigration and Customs Enforcement — includes the legacy Customs Service, which has extensive experience with money laundering and other financial crimes. Another DHS component, US Customs and Border Protection has primary responsibility for interdiction between ports of entry. In summer 2003, ICE announced that it was developing a national strategy for combating alien smuggling. Among other objectives, the General Accountability Office determined the implementation status of the strategy and investigative results in terms of convictions and seized assets.

ICE was adjusting the draft strategy to focus on the southwest border and encompass all aspects of smuggling, aliens as well as drugs and other contraband. In adjusting the strategy, ICE officials stressed the importance of incorporating lessons learned from ongoing follow-the-money approaches such as Operation ICE Storm, a multi-agency task force launched to crack down on migrant smuggling and related violence in Arizona. Also, the strategy’s effectiveness depends partly on having clearly defined roles and responsibilities for ICE and CBP, two DHS components that have complementary anti-smuggling missions.

In this regard, ICE and CBP signed a memorandum of understanding in November 2004 to address their respective roles and responsibilities, including provisions for sharing information and intelligence.

Currently, however, there is no mechanism in place for tracking the number and the results of referrals made by CBP to ICE for investigation. CBP and ICE officials acknowledged that establishing a tracking mechanism could have benefits for both DHS components. Such a mechanism would help ICE ensure that appropriate action is taken on the referrals. Also, CBP could continue to pursue certain leads if ICE–for lack of available resources or other reasons–cannot take action on the referrals.

However, the Justice Department does not have a legislative proposal on this subject pending before Congress because the department’s legislative policy resources had been focused on other priorities during the Obama years and the first years of the Trump administration.

Sources: General Accountability Office, Department of Homeland Security, National Association of Chiefs of Police

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On the Liberal/Leftist Mantra: ”Our Common Humanity”

There is an overabundance of the use of the words “we,” “us,” and “our” in the following polemic. Whites in America have been discouraged from describing themselves with these terms in discussions about race, because we have been discouraged from having a collective identity. In defiance of that convention, I have used the terms often in this essay.

I will begin by stating that America’s Europeans — Europeans everywhere — are experiencing massive displacement by swelling non-White populations, a shift that threatens to make our political and cultural landscapes unrecognizable in the near future. As this happens, public discourse has been reinvented to accommodate the visible changes in our societies. Let us start by examining just a few examples:

  • Demands for redistributions of wealth are now increasingly presented as being reasonable and inevitable; the imported poor must be fed and subsidized.
  • The historical narratives of Western nations are increasingly rewritten to include non-Whites, even if the rewrites are historically inaccurate.
  • The rare acts of violence committed by Whites against non-Whites are extensively examined for any hints that they are “hate crimes,” while vastly more numerous incidences of violence by non-Whites against Whites are generally dismissed being merely criminal in intent.
  • Institutional discrimination against non-Whites is intensely denounced as being unthinkable, while the legalized discrimination routinely directed at Whites in job hires, promotions, and college placements is either ignored or applauded as necessary.

Ironically, all of these things, and similar convolutions of logic and justice, now occur while great to-do is made about a need for “colorblindness,” or the need for “equality under the law,” or “understanding.” As our societies are enthusiastically deconstructed and reinvented, one of the most perpetual refrains that we now hear is the insistence that Whites search within themselves for tolerance by tapping into their sense of the common humanity that they share with all other human beings, and especially human beings of color.

As appealing as this sounds, if we are to examine humankind’s “common humanity,” it may be important that we include in our examination a thorough appraisal of the vast destruction that we humans have repeatedly inflicted on our own species, other species, and the natural environment. We should perhaps intellectually embrace the reality that placing multiple and very different groups in previously homogeneous areas — like the U.S., Canada, Germany, or Australia — greatly increases the potential for intergroup conflict, overpopulation, political upheaval, resource depletion, environmental devastation, and a host of other problems. And let us least of all forego an examination of the potential for this kind of demographic change to rapidly submerge the original populations of those countries. Are the odds of perpetual conflict and collateral devastation not exceedingly high? If they are, is it not exceedingly foolhardy to take these risks?

Fundamentally, it’s because the people who are engineering this transformation and a great many of their followers hate White people far more than they worry about the downsides of multiculturalism. Most of us, whatever our political persuasion, do not look into another man’s face without seeing therein a fellow human being. But seeing a shared humanity in another person’s face requires reciprocity. We are not receiving reciprocity when other individuals and groups condemn us for wanting the historical and cultural and racial continuity of our own lineages and societies to endure into the future. We are not guilty of any sin merely by virtue of having a racial or cultural or religious identity that we desire to perpetuate — just as no other group is guilty for having these things and wanting to perpetuate them. We also are not receiving reciprocity when we are forced to demand the same rights of association or freedom from discrimination that other groups around us consider to be their entitlement. And it again follows that we are guilty of no moral misdeed when we make appeals that the same standards of morality and civic engagement apply to our group — especially when we can see very clearly that they do not.

As a rule, it is better that enlightened individuals hate no man, and hate no group of men. Be that as it may, we are not guilty of “hate” by virtue of wanting to keep our own house. There is no guilt in wanting our children and grandchildren to remain a majority in the United States in order that they may remain in control of their own political destiny. We are not immediately guilty of racism or any other “ism” for preferring the company of our own ethnic group, our own religion, our own race, and our own social class. We are also not guilty of malevolence because we perceive the desirability of holding membership in a dominant religious or racial group — these perks are a reality in every country with a dominant ethnic or religious majority, and they cease to be desirable only in groups hell-bent on self-immolation. Has anyone on the left complained about Korean supremacism in Korea or African supremacism in African countries? Of course not. It’s a concept that they apply only to White countries.

And horror of all modern horrors, we may want our children to marry into their own race and class and religion! Yet, nothing even in this is innately sinister, and if any of these things are sins, then most humans in most nations of the world are guilty of them. We know better; these things also are a part of our common humanity, not sins to be overcome, but to acknowledge and accommodate as if in many ways our welfare and survival may depend on them. Because in today’s realities, they often do.

The founding documents of America were formulated to be examples to the world, but they were primarily compacts intended for the benefit of the descendants of the founders. Only beguiled or fevered minds dare to argue otherwise. We want the America that we inherited to remain our legacy, and also the legacy of our children and grandchildren. The world may follow our example if it desires, but there is no moral imperative that it be allowed to invade us en masse, displace us, and usurp that birthright. These sentiments, by any sane logic, are not sinister. They are pragmatic. They are entirely legitimate by any moral logic known to man.

Let us thus move further beyond the pale, at the risk of inspiring greater fury, and state new truths that are self-evident: that no two individuals, groups, or institutions are equal, nor were they ever construed as being equal by America’s founders or founding documents. Let us speak plainly: The moral posturing in our founding documents about equality and rights was solely for the benefit of our British overlords. The documents speak of their contents, meaning, the egalitarian and democratic principles of government contained therein, as being “for our progeny,” and the only brown faces present at the authorship of those documents were the ones scrubbing chamber pots. The documents speak of slaves, who formed the vast majority of Blacks, as property and Native Americans as “savages.” And in 1790 passed the Naturalization Act that made it quite clear that the founders intended American to remain a White country. The notion that the founding documents represented the formation of a “propositional nation,” meaning, a nation based solely on democratic ideals, and thus a nation conducive to the creation of an American dumping ground “nation of nations” — is thus an absurdity.

The welcoming of massive influxes of dissimilar peoples is only a moral imperative in the West, and the sins of which we have spoken are only sins for the melanin-deficient. It is by codifying these sins into violations of never intended moral laws that we have made ourselves pariahs in our own lands. Can our adversaries acknowledge the bloody history of multicultural, multiracial societies, and then deny us the human right to be afraid as we watch the gleeful and irrevocable erasing of the American nation-state? Any student of history knows there is plenty to fear. So, too, do our enemies, who are promoting America’s deconstruction.

If we must emote with great shows of guilt over the loss of the Native Americans’ world, are we not allowed to mourn the loss of our own? If Native Americans were morally justified in resisting their displacement, are we not morally justified in resisting our own? If it is permissible to say that Iowa is too White and needs more diversity, is such a statement substantively any less racist than saying that Mississippi is too Black, and needs an increased percentage of White people? If all groups in America are afforded the privilege of having a group identity, do Whites not have that same right, especially as we shrink into minority status in the country our ancestors overwhelmingly founded and built? If it is permissible for non-Whites to advocate solely for the welfare and interests of their own groups, are we guilty of mere hate or intolerance or intellectualized racism when we advocate for our own?

Is it a sin to wish, when passing a baby carriage, to see the future of our own people in it? Is it a sin, when passing a school, to want to see the progeny of one’s own people playing in the school yard? When we are in the marketplace, is it a sin to want to be surrounded by our own people’s faces and the sound of our native tongue? Is it a sin, to spurn the notion that our most desirable future involves becoming strangers in our own land?

We already know the answers to these questions.

If a special understanding and empathy are required for the future, then what must also be understood is our resentment toward our own government, inasmuch as in what our leaders have planned and failed to plan for us, nothing is guaranteed for our own group except extinction. Let our adversaries comprehend our contempt for our own people, who, like bumbling zoo pandas, no longer possess even the primal instinct to procreate sufficiently to replace their numbers that die. Let there be empathy for our disdain for these human pandas, who have allowed themselves to be manipulated into believing that their dispossession is inevitable and natural and good. Pandas who allow themselves to be uniformed and stationed to defend borders in other countries, rather than rallying to obstruct armed and unarmed invasions across their own. Pandas so monstrously beguiled as to believe that their ancestors spent centuries building infrastructure and institutions — all while doing the great bulk of the dying in this country’s wars and famines and epidemics — so that it could all be deeded in its entirety to people whose ancestors played marginal parts or no part in creating those things.

Let us ask that our adversaries see our common humanity in our discomfort, when we see our kinsmen bowing and supplicating in raucous debates about “cultural appropriation,” because some melanin-impaired dolt decides to wear beaded dreads or a sari, and while the complainants screech their arguments in our language, while wearing Western attire, while using technologies and mediums our ancestors created, and while enjoying the benefits of the wealth and institutions and freedoms that many of their own ancestors, to reiterate, played little or no part in creating. Let them understand our rage, when they whine about “White privilege,” while enjoying the racial preferences that are now routinely showered on Third Worlders newly disembarked from boats. Let them refrain from sneering about cultural appropriation while basking in all of these perks, as they applaud overpriced performances of Hamilton — American history deformed into universalist hip-hop blackface. Further, let them understand our resentment when the same complainants and their collaborators survey the feast that they are consuming and then jettison the parts of our culture and history that they have decided are irrelevant — such as recent college curriculum purges of Shakespeare, Plato, Descartes, and Immanuel Kant, for being too Eurocentric.

Can we correctly assume that all of the demands for empathy, humaneness, and cultural sensitivity will remain one-sided?

You can bank on it.

Finally, let us request a comprehension of our all too human despair when we denounce the sum total of all of these hypocrisies and assaults — all of them paraded as virtues, and all of them better described as treasons. In that vein, let them understand our rage when we start expressing what are, for “us,” two simple truths: that the intent of both our opposition involves taking a completely viable and advanced nation-state and destroying it, and that — in both our silence and our inaction — we have made ourselves accessories to murder.

© 2019 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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America Will Either Thrive Via Liberty Or Die Under Socialism/Tyranny

Ever since the first pilgrims landed on our blessed shores there has been a constant battle between Liberty and Tyranny.  Despite the obvious blessings of liberty, a combination of freedom and responsibility, there are those who do not want you to be responsible for yourself.  Ruthless individuals ranging from John Dewey, Carl Marx, Lyndon Johnson, Hillary Clinton, AOC and just about all democrats hate true liberty.  Because where there is true liberty then the people are of a high moral character and do not require nor need a controlling bully government to brutally dominate over them.

Every gruesome step our republic has lurched toward a dark immoral existence, can be attributed to the seeds of evil planted by ACLU attorneys and government school indoctrination.  The American people have been increasingly indirectly dominated by the American Civil Liberties Union.  That organization has been successfully carrying out the wicked mission of its Communist founder, Roger Baldwin.  In my opinion it does not take a genius to understand that the ACLU and all leftists slithering throughout society hell bent on killing America.  Their legions of lawyers number in the thousands.  The primary duty of ACLU attorneys is to sue anyone breathing who dares to uphold the standards that were at onetime considered bedrocks of society.

I am still amazed at the high level of ignorance amongst many Americans concerning the loathsome mission of the ACLU to demolish the USA via the leftist legal system.  Even more devastating is learning how many others defend the ACLU, as if it was an organization of well-meaning soldiers of Liberty.  In actuality, the ACLU not only wants to wipe out your Liberties, but even the functioning norms between men and women and parents and their children.  I believe the ACLU presents a bigger threat to the United States than Russia and China combined.  For there is nothing more dangerous than an enemy seeking to destroy you that was formed in your midst, knows your history better than you do.

Sadly, most Americans are ill equipped to intellectually duel with the ACLU.  The main reason being the systematic practice of government school educators to indoctrinate students to make them void of understanding of or caring for our republic.  ACLU founder Roger Baldwin stated, “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state, itself an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth.  Communism is the goal.”

Baldwin had a major hatred of Christianity.  Because he understood the underpinnings of Liberty and the unalienable rights of the individual were for the most part derived from the belief in God who shed his grace upon this beloved nation.  He wanted none of that for “We the People.”  Just as AOC and most democrats today disdain the concept of you and I having equal opportunity.  Their preference would be to force us to endure equal results, with misery and injustice for all.  The results of their philosophy is manifested throughout the world, with the same awful results inflicted upon the incurably ignorant masses.

Roger Baldwin, like socialist democrats today including Mrs. Clinton had a huge disdain for the common man and considered him not worthy of self determination.  Come to think of it, democrats have a long history of disdain for others including black Americans they were able to hoodwink into bowing before the golden donkey for decades.  To fully understand how the ACLA and their democrat allies were able to convince Americans to expect a good utopia to appear in the midst of dictatorial regulations is mind boggling.  The results have been and continue to be horrible.  The dying cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle are premier examples.  In fact, almost the entire state of California is a text book example of a combination of ACLU and socialist democrat assaults against liberty and societal stability.

In future columns I will delve further into the evil madness that is the ACLU and how to overcome their mission to literally destroy our America.  Do not miss The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 3:00 CT, 1:00 PM PT via and 12:00 AM EST Sundays on the network.  The Edwards Notebook commentary “Blows away the myths and reveals the truth overnights on over 200 radio outlets coast to coast, during the Captain’s America Third Watch talk show.

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I Am Liberalism

I am liberalism. I kill. I destroy. But mostly I distort.

I twist “compassion” into compulsion: one of my greatest triumphs. I start with “children’s health and safety” and finish with a SWAT team breaking down a family’s door in the middle of the night and taking the children away—all because a two-year-old child had a fever, the fever went away while mother and child were waiting in the doctor’s office, and the mother decided not to take the child to the hospital as the doctor had advised. All three children went to separate foster homes.

I twist “elderly care” into euthanasia.

A desire to help the less fortunate, I mold into taxes, bureaucracy, and a whole forest of regulations.

I twist truth into “your truth” and “my truth,” which means no objective truth at all; and my servants in the schools and colleges see to it that my truth always wins and yours always loses.

I twist “freedom” into crime and anarchy. In any city where my servants run the government, you’ll find trash and refuse on the sidewalks, the casualties of drug and alcohol abuse, tents pitched among mounds of rubbish, and multiple habitual offenders released within hours of being arrested, to continue their careers of crime.

I twist “love” into jail time for anyone who declines, on religious grounds, to cater to the delusions of the sexually confused. I twist religion into “hate,” and “tolerance” into intolerance for all things Christian.

I twist “diversity” into coerced uniformity of thought, severely punishing any deviation from the politically correct.

I twist “justice” into rage and envy, racial strife, and “education” into ignorance, narrow-mindedness, and sheer misinformation. It’s hard for me to decide which serves me better, the boiling-over anger and frustration that I pass off for justice, or the towering walls of lies and silliness that I call education. I would hate to part with either of them.

I twist “peace” into violence in the streets, “pride” into a parade of shame, and “progress”—oh, how I love progress!—into the deterioration of everything it touches. Visit Detroit and you’ll see what I mean.

I twist “science” into a morass of superstition, imaginary end-of-the-world scenarios, “settled science” that you’d better never dare to question, and a continuing excuse for growing the government and acquiring new and ever more intrusive power.

I have twisted “choice” and “women’s health” into a billion-dollar abortion industry. Indeed, these euphemisms have been so effective that I’ve been able to move on to out-and-out infanticide. I have high hopes for this, looking forward to the day when in the name of choice, not only babies but prattling, toddling children will be sacrificed to some such malarkey as “reproductive freedom.”

To make a long story short, I twist everything—and people love me for it! There is nothing healthy that I can’t make unhealthy, nothing sweet I can’t make bitter, nothing light I can’t make dark. Whole industries, whole institutions in government and society, bow down to me—news and entertainment media, the schools and universities, an entire political party in your two-party system, plus a fair-sized chunk of the other party, and an international ruling class that won’t be satisfied until they lay the whole world at my feet. There is an appetite for power that cannot be satiated—and by making it appear to be wise, compassionate, just, and even inevitable… I own it.

I am liberalism. I kill. I destroy. And I distort.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles on

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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President Trump: Please Call Up The Militia

The larger the government gets the smaller the citizen becomes. The larger the Church becomes the smaller the Christian becomes. The larger the problem becomes the weaker the individual becomes.

Americans no longer do anything for themselves. If you have a spiritual problem you run to the pastor.  If you have an emotional problem you run to the shrink. If you have a physical malady you run to the physician.  If you have a money problem you run to the bank. If you have a legal problem you run to the courts.

No one takes care of their own problems.  There is always some expert lurking out there who is ready and willing to take care of your problem for you…with a fee attached of course.

It was rugged individualism that built this country.  Back in the days when America was learning to walk people were trained to be self-sufficient.  There wasn’t a lawn company to call to clear a forest.  There was no grocery store on the corner where you could go buy some beef. There was no Uber stagecoach to get you to your local gym.

If you wanted it done, you did it yourself.  That included self defense.  Who do you call when there are no cops?

Our nation was built on a premise that was unheard of in all of human history…the idea that the individual was sovereign and that apart from God, no individual or no organization had sway over the affairs of men.  Each man was responsible for himself and his family.  Americans were tougher then.  Americans were self-reliant then.  Americans were sovereign then.

But with the advancement of “government” our responsibilities gradually began to erode.  Are there even “volunteer” fire departments in America today or has “firefighting” become professionalized and swallowed up in the vast spectrum of “governmental services” so prevalent today?

Heck, parents don’t even raise their kids anymore.  Childhood has been farmed out to day-care centers, public schools, and the dastardly Child Protective Services.  Is there ANYTHING that Americans still do for themselves?

Unfortunately, that is the same line of thinking that has given us “law enforcement” and the rapidly-increasing cries to disarm average Americans so that government can do the job of protecting the citizens.  Evidently, we are not capable of protecting ourselves.  Womb to the tomb, government metastasizes into an all encompassing Nanny State.

ALL government tends towards evil; George Washington called it a “fearful master.”  The moment one yields responsibility and authority to government, the individual citizen begins to shrivel.  It is time for “we the people” to reclaim our authority. Not funny, but lots of dummies are voting for Democrats that promise FREE STUFF.

The Second Amendment states “A well regulated militia being NECESSARY for the security of a FREE state, the right of the people to KEEP and BEAR arms shall not be infringed.”  Please tell me that you know that there was no “Federal Army” when John Hancock and the boys declared independence from the taskmaster across the pond?

The citizens were the military.  Fighting for liberty wasn’t a job, it was a responsibility.  The militia was made up of everyday citizens who bore the responsibility of defending the homeland.  Federal armies were designed to fight foreign enemies.  The Militia was in place to defend the community.  Because American’s are no longer responsible for defending the home turf the government tells us that we have no need for guns.

But we ARE responsible.  We have simply shirked our duties.  A well regulated militia being NECESSARY…who told us we were no longer necessary?  The Constitution says we are.  Our nation is under siege from a foreign enemy on domestic soil and the defense of this nation against the invasion is the purpose of the citizen militia.

Like everything else, the Left has given the militia a bad name.  The Constitution acknowledges the need for individuals to come to the defense of the nation.  It is not only our right, it is our duty.

President Trump, please declare an emergency and request the aid of the militia on the US border.  God fearing patriots will answer the call and report for duty.  Literally millions of veterans, law enforcement, and Average Joe’s understand the problem.  Station us on the border.  Grant us permission to defend our nation against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Like many others I never served in the military.  But I love this nation and I will fight to defend it.  Our posterity depends on it.  I can shoot a gun, I know how to follow orders, and I am ready to serve.

“But it will be chaos,” I hear the pointy headed advisors scream!  No, my friend, chaos is what is coming.  I’d rather fight them on the border before they get into my back yard.  An ounce of prevention…

Let this sink in. A well regulated militia being NECESSARY for the SECURITY of a FREE STATE…

If our borders are not secure we will soon lose our freedom.  We may be a free state today but we will not be free for long.  The President has the authority to call on the citizens.  Read it here.  Our national security is at stake.

Call upon us Mr. President.  Millions of us stand ready to report for duty.   It would be an honor to serve.

Here is a great video on the Constitutional Citizen Militia.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Unplanned: A Story About Government Sanctioned Evil

Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. John 3:20

A few weeks back, I wrote American Genocide and the New World Order.  The article put forth the thesis that America is being steadily depopulated through abortion, now more than 60 million, and that population is being increasingly replaced by immigration, most of it illegal.  When combined with the estimated 250 million chemical abortions, it nearly equals the current population of the United States.  Our national birthrate is below the necessary population replacement rate.  The government sanctioned evil of murdering unborn children and the cultural shift that endorses it is also killing America’s soul.  At some point, if not already, we will reach the tipping point where evil wins.

My bride and I went to a Friday matinee and watched Unplanned.  If you have never watched it, before you read farther, please take a few minutes and watch The Silent Scream.  The Silent Scream Video was made in 1984.

Unplanned, is the true story of Abby Johnson who was one of the youngest Planned Parenthood directors in the United States.  She reports during the time she was a Planned Parenthood director, her clinic performed more that 22,000 abortions.  She was a pro-abortion and “women’s reproductive rights” advocate.  On a busy day, she was asked to help out during an abortion procedure.  It was an ultrasound guided abortion.  Abby’s task was to hold the ultrasound probe to guide the doctor as he pulled the baby apart with a suction hose.  See witnessed the child fighting for its life and ultimately losing to the abortionist.  After watching the dismemberment and death of the baby, she resigned from the clinic and became a pro-life advocate.

“Today, Abby travels across the globe sharing her story, educating the public on pro-life issues, advocating for the unborn, and reaching out to abortion clinic staff who still work in the industry. She is the founder of And Then There Were None, a ministry designed to assist abortion clinic workers in transitioning out of the industry. To date, this ministry has helped over 430 workers leave the abortion industry. Abby lives in Texas with her husband and seven precious children.” Abby Johnson

Planned Parenthood’s abortion practice has become a billion-dollar killing machine including our federal tax dollars. A killing machine protected by politicians and the most defective and obscene Supreme Court decision in the history of our land.    According to a Government Accounting Office report Planned Parenthood received “$344.5 million in federal funds and another $1.2 billion in funding from Medicaid (which includes a combination of federal and state funds) for a total of $1.5 billion over three years from federal programs. The abortion giant receives $1.2 billion from Medicaid, $201 million from the Title X family planning program $40.6 million from Title XX Social Services block grants and $25.9 million from the Title V Maternal and Child health Services block grant.”  They are also earn money through their business of selling body parts of the children they kill.  Some of that cash makes it’s way back to our politicians. According to, Planned Parenthood donated $533,205.00 to Democrat Representatives and Senators and nothing to Republicans. Their new president, Leana Wen said, protecting and expanding access to abortion is their core mission.  They no longer lie about their focus.  They perform over one-third of the estimated abortions in the entire country, 332,000 a year.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.  Isaiah 5:20

The usual Hollywood collection, whose views are mostly important only to them, led by Alyssa Milano vow to boycott Georgia over their legislation banning abortions after a heartbeat is detected.  Milano’s letter threatening the state’s law makers, said, “We can’t imagine being elected officials who had to say to their constituents, “I enacted a law that was so evil, it chased billions of dollars out of our state’s economy.”  Hollywood thrives on selling immorality.  They set moral standards for their make-believe world, but not for any thinking person.  Maybe the many states who’ve passed heartbeat bills are no longer interested in bartering with their souls nor concerned about the threats of boycotts.  They recognize that “women’s reproductive rights” in the sense it’s used means taking the right to life away from our most defenseless.  A living human inside the womb.  Maybe Ms. Milano, they are ready to call evil, evil.  Maybe they stand with the 81% of Americans who support substantial abortion restrictions.

Unplanned was “R” rated meaning anyone under the age of seventeen must be accompanied by an adult.  In this movie, there is no profanity, no sex scenes, and no violence other than that committed by the abortion clinics.  You can find worse PG-13 movies.  The R rating is a curiosity, especially when someone not old enough to see the movie can walk into an abortion clinic and get an abortion.  Want to do something enlightening?  Just type “can a minor get an abortion without parental consent” into a search engine – I recommend You will be amazed, beginning with Planned Parenthood’s advice, about the amount of guidance given about how to get an abortion without parental consent.  Why the R rating?  The pro-death side does not want young people to view their atrocity.

The reviews?  Just as biased as you might expect from the pro-death view.

“The one-sided abortion drama “Unplanned” isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about pro-life/pro-choice debate, nor is it designed to.  It’s strictly set up to rally its base…. Anyone else will likely find “Unplanned” abhorrent.” Adam Graham, The Detroit News  You got one thing right Adam abortion is abhorrent.  Pro-choice is not the opposite of pro-life, pro-death is.

Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter called it “proselytizing agitprop” in English, Christian propaganda.  Which is exactly what Scheck does for Planned Parenthood.  By reading his agitprop (bovine scatology) you’d think Planned Parenthood was the victim here and not the children they dismember.

From Owen Gleiberman, Variety, more of the same pro-death views.  “Unplanned” isn’t a good movie, but it’s effective propaganda”

I’m sure there’s many similar reviews.  These movie reviewers did not review anything.  In my review of their reviews rather they go over the top giving us their pro-death views.  What they miss is a moving story about a life changing event in a woman’s life.  It probably didn’t move their pre-disposed hatred one inch.  The bottom line with reviews, ratings and social media, and media blackouts, “evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.”  For a comparison, go here to IMDb and read some of the glowing reviews of The Cider House Rules, an academy award winning movie that at its core is a glorification of abortion.

Let me end this with a paraphrased quote from Unplanned.  When you dehumanize a segment of the population you reap atrocities such as slavery and the holocaust.  In America’s case we’ve allowed dehumanization of a defenseless infant in the womb making it okay for us to kill more than 60 million of them.  Sixty million.  It’s an atrocity, evil sanctioned by law, that we as a people will be held accountable for.  Especially if we let it continue unopposed.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website: J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

Your Single-Family Home Uses Way Too Much Energy

FACT: The Green New Deal (GND) is driven by the fraud that is man-caused global warming, AKA Climate Change.  (Read the Socialist-Democrat sponsored GND.  It should scare the living crap out of you!)

FACT: Man-caused global warming is unsettled science and is driven by in-accurate computer climate models, producing predictions that have been unable to even mirror actual climate conditions. 

FACT: Man-caused global warming is an environmental fraud that is driven by two elite agendas, one-world-order control by the ruling class under the United Nations and a massive transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations.  All the planet-wide propaganda about climate change is a lie, with the goal to herd the masses into tight, little, sterile cattle cages.  Believe at your own peril!

The Green New Deal is based on a false premise (climate change) that has been ginned up by collusion between the radical environmental community and the one-world-order crowd to subjugate the masses of the world!  It (the GND) would effectively kill American sovereignty; destroy our Constitutional Republic; repeal individual, unalienable rights and free choice; pull the rug out from under the American economy and bankrupt the nation; significantly reduce each American’s standard of living; raise unemployment into middle double digits; permanently wipe out property rights; force Americans to live in crowded high-rise apartment buildings and kick them out of their single-family homes; do away with our major source of protein, cows; phase out fossil fuels and finally, reduce each American’s freedom of movement by eliminating cars and airplanes.   Under the GND, every American becomes a servant (slave) to the ruling class who will live under no such restrictions.  All this damage will be inflicted upon the people of America (and the world) based on a climate lie!

Europe is moving forward on its own version of the Green New Deal.  What it wants to implement is not only humanly impractical, but flat out insane.  Here are two examples:


“New single family home construction, except trailers, prohibited.  New buildings must be exclusively condos with a maximum per capita living area of 320 square feet.”   (No single-family homes?  That WAS the American dream)

What elitist, educated idiot, nut case planner came up with 320 sq. ft. per person? 

Check your freedom and your wallet ….
“When Environmentalists Plan”


“For short trips less than 3 miles, the standard should be ‘soft transport’ (bicycles)… Mandatory fixed working hours in order to simplify the implementation of public transport and carpooling.”

Mandatory? Public Transportation?  Car Pooling?  This is what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (a clueless puppet) along with her GND acolytes, are planning for you by forcing you to live in high dense, over crowded urban cities!  All this is based on the unverifiable theory and endless government propaganda of climate change.  You are being conned on a worldwide scale.

If you are not totally bereft of logic, it should be apparent to you that you cannot understand climate change until you can visualize the vast history of climate on planet earth.  To that end we wrote a guest editorial that was published in the Seattle Times in December of 2005.  We have been asked several times by our readers to republish the article and we do so here.

“The Farce of Global Warming”
by Ron Ewart
This was OUR title to the article.
The Seattle Times changed the title to:
“Warmed Over Environmentalism”

To see anything clearly, you must have a sufficiently broad perspective, accompanied by hard data, repeatable long-term observations and verifiable facts.  If you are standing and looking at the ground, your perspective and your field of view are quite limited.  If however, you are standing on the top of a mountain, your perspective broadens exponentially.  And thus it is with the subject of global warming.  Without a broader view, it is almost impossible to know whom or what to believe.  So a short history of the Earth is in order.

The Earth has endured sunspots, coronal mass ejections, reversing poles, shifting magnetic fields, drifting continents, asteroid and comet bombardments, and ice ages in its 4.5 billion-year history.  It has experienced the wondrous 165 million-year dinosaur experiment.  Six hundred million years ago, the “Cambrian explosion” occurred, when life almost magically erupted, emerged and evolved at a pace never before seen.

Over its lifetime, the Earth spun, tilted, heaved, shifted, rose and shrunk, drastically changed, expelled gases and molten lava, grew hot and then cold.  Continents drifted first toward each other (Pangea) and then away. Polar ice caps and glaciers melted and sea levels rose and then lowered.

About 12,000 years ago, one-third of the Earth’s surface was covered in a layer of ice more than one mile thick. During that ice age, which lasted longer than civilized man has lived on Earth, there were no animals, plants, insects or habitat that could survive in this harsh environment.  But life on Earth still survived in other places less hostile.  The ultimate thaw and the rushing torrent carved deep gouges and massive channels in the Earth’s surface.  It created riverbeds and dry falls and lakes and inland seas and other features in the Earth’s crust, not there before.  Now that was global warming on a grand scale.

Whole forests grew and then died out.  Mountains rose out of the bowels of the Earth, pushed up by continents in collision and then flattened back into the crust.  Rivers changed direction.  Monster lakes were formed.  Giant meteors struck the Earth at galactic speeds, carving massive holes in the crust and sending continent-size clouds of sunlight-dimming dust into the atmosphere.  The atmosphere became opaque and cut off the life-giving sunlight, rendering lifeless enormous parts of the planet.  Millions of species of plants and animals evolved, survived, reproduced and then died out, to be replaced by entirely different species of plants and animals.

However, major changes seldom occurred in cataclysmic events. They almost always took place agonizingly slowly, over eons of time, through the tedious, grinding, random, chaotic, disorganized process of natural evolution.  The variables were almost infinite and still are.

And today, those same agonizingly slow processes are at work.  We are an integral part of those processes but we will have little or no effect on any final outcome.  We will but only tickle the grander elements such as the sun, the moon and the Earth itself, none of which is predictable, much less measurable to the degree necessary for accurate predictions.

A few spewing volcanoes or an episode of sunspots can totally invalidate any computer models.  Just look at weather predictions.  Any prediction is good for about two hours and that is why the environmentalists’ models were predicting an ice age 20 years ago and now they are predicting global warming.  It’s an insult to true science.

The universe, our solar system and even our Earth are violent, dangerous places to humans and other life forms and always have been.  Just ask the dinosaurs.  So far, we have just been lucky.  A close-by (in galactic terms) supernova in the spiral arm of the Milky Way in which our solar system resides, could flood the sun and planets with massive amounts of deadly radiation and render Earth lifeless and barren.  If the sun changed its energy output by a significant fraction, all life on Earth could cease.  An errant asteroid or comet could cross the Earth’s orbit and the resulting collision could dramatically change the pattern of life, or terminate it altogether.

Environmentalists cry “wolf” on very little data and way-too-short time periods to come up with meaningful predictions, as they have with global warming.  Unfortunately, environmentalism has become a cult of mindless followers with a distorted vision of how humans and the Earth should relate to each other.  Earth gets the highest priorities — over people — in spite of true science.  In reality, humans are but a part of the evolutionary and natural processes of Earth and those processes, not environmentalists or governments, will determine the final outcome.  This is why their global-warming theory is an unmitigated farce.

Hopefully, this article will broaden your perspective on the earth and climate.

Yes, man is having an effect on mother earth, but ‘ole mother earth could heal itself in a thousand years, if man suddenly went extinct, which is quite within the realm of possibility.  A thousand years is nothing when compared to Earth’s total lifespan.

The following is a graph of climate changes that have occurred for 500 thousand years, taken from ice cores.  Notice the major temperature swings about every 100,000 years or so.  Then take notice of the temperature peak that occurred right around the same time of the industrial revolution.  This begs the question, is the temperature rise in contemporary times caused from human-induced CO2 emissions, or is it a natural upward cyclical swing in the temperature that has no connection whatsoever with the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, natural or man caused?  With such a giant question looming out there, why on earth would we rip fossil fuels from our existence, given that fossil fuels directly correlate to our rise in our unprecedented standard of living?

Critical thinkers know and understand that science is not a conservative or a liberal exercise.  True science is self-correcting and is open to constant debate and pain-staking analysis, requiring repeatable and verifiable experiments and observations until the shadow of doubt has been removed.  Science is not supposed to be a political football that can be manipulated for a political agenda.  Unfortunately, that is what climate science has become, to the detriment of the people that have allowed themselves to buy into the climate hoax to the point of driving each of you out of your single-family homes!

We have taken a considerable amount of time to amass a list of articles and essays from credible sources rebutting the climate alarmists.  We have created a web page on our website with links to the articles HERE.  You owe it to yourself to become better informed about this issue.  If you will take the time to read these articles, you will begin to see the flaws in the climate alarmist’s science, based solely on computer models.  We have also listed several climate alarmist websites for children that perpetuate the climate change myth.  These websites are paid for with your tax dollars and shows the length to which the government and the environmentalists will go to drive their version of climate change alarmism down our collective throats …. by brainwashing our vulnerable children.

Ladies and gentlemen, much of what is occurring in our government today results directly from institutionalized political corruption.  Corruption is why government and the environmentalists are pushing climate change.  It is why our health care is dysfunctional and way too expensive.  It is why our borders are not secure and millions of illegal aliens are flooding into our country.  It is why our children are being brainwashed in our schools and colleges.  It is why our roads, bridges and other infrastructure are in a bad state of repair.  Corruption is why Hillary Clinton runs around free as a bird and why black-gay actor, Jussie Smollet got off with no charges filed against him.  It is why representative government is dead or dying.  If you are interested in learning more about corruption and helping to reduce it, click HERE.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Judge Jeanine Pirro to John Brennan: You Are Swamp Scum

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Don’t be satisfied with the Mueller report. This is bound to happen again because these arrogant, condescending, lying, leaking haters of you and me and the America that doesn’t have power, will do it again unless we stop them. And the only way to stop them is with justice. True justice- behind bars justice,” Judge Jeanine Pirro, Fox News Channel, March 30, 2019.

During her Saturday night return to the Fox News Channel, former New York criminal court judge and former Westchester County, New York District Attorney Jeanine Pirro started off her show by pointing out the former CIA Director John Brennan was — and continues to be — Deep State Swamp Scum.

In a previous opening statement, Judge Pirro had compared the Democrats’ own crime scene cleaner to the iconic fiction character in the landmark motion picture Pulp Fiction:

“You know, when things go terribly wrong and a crime scene cleanup is needed, the mafia calls in the cleaner. The one who disposes of the body after the hit or covers up the evidence after the crime. Now, in the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’ the cleaner brought in to dispose of the corpse is Harvey Keitel.

“When covert missions go wrong, the government calls in its own cleaner, and when things go terribly wrong for the Democrats, they don’t just call in the cleaner to get the job done, they call in someone who has been in the cleanup business for a long time. They call in the serial cleaner, former FBI Director and now special counsel Bob Mueller.

“Now, the latest details this week of a continuing cover up by the Trump-hating deep state, as if we needed further proof that Donald Trump was being framed was evidenced that Bruce Ohr, the fourth highest ranking DOJ official back channeled forbidden information to the Department of Justice,” Pirro said.

Former FBI Director James Comey — who was eventually fired by President Donald Trump — provided lawmakers with a closed-door interview that revealed to Republicans and Democrats that there exists a major contradiction to claims made by his former intelligence counterpart, John Brennan.

When the alleged liar and leaker Comey said the so-called “dirty dossier” was used in an intelligence community assessment in January of 2017, he claimed it was his duty that dictated his actions against President Trump and his top advisers.

During an interview  on NBC TV’s Meet the Press, rabid anti-trump host Chuck Todd asked Brennan, who now works for MSNBC as a security analyst, if the so-called “dirty dossier,”  — now believed to be a complete hoax– is the evidence the FBI used as corroboration to get a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) court judge to issue a search warrant to investigate President Donald Trump.

It’s become an accepted fact that the discredited dossier, which the Democratic Party and Deep State conspirators paid for was part of their overthrow of the Trump presidency. “Here we have two of the top deep state operators seemingly turning on one another after knowingly trafficking in documents that contain descriptions of some of the most debasing and sordid sex acts committed by Donald Trump,” said Jillian Baylord, a former staff detective for a criminal prosecutor.

“The sources who provided ‘evidence’ against Trump are believed to be perpetrators of a hoax meant to destroy Trump’s chance to beat his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. Once she lost, they began to implement their “Plan B” to have Trump recalled or impeached,” Baylord said.

The dossier was built-up as serious research funded by the President Trump’s  opponents at the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton campaign, George Soros and others.

When Chuck Todd asked his media company’s national security analyst Brennan about George Papadopoulos, who served as a low-level adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, and his alleged ties to Russia, the question should have been a simple one to answer, for anyone who has been following the twists and turns of the Russiagate narrative.

For over a year, press reports had proclaimed that the FBI’s July 2016 investigation into the Trump campaign’s Russia connections had originated with a dossier compiled by an impeccable British intelligence source who alleged that Russia had compromising material on the Republican candidate.

Further, the document alleges that Trump aides had committed serious crimes in coordination with Russian officials. But the so-called Steele dossier, named for the former British spy Christopher Steele, who allegedly authored it, proved to be opposition research that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee paid the Washington, D.C. strategic communications firm Fusion GPS millions of dollars to produce and distribute to the press.

In a 2018 edition of the nationally syndicated talk show Crosstalk with Jim Schneider, the guest — Jim Kouri, editor of Conservative Base — and the host looked at the 4-page Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA) memo that was declassified. That was the GOP intelligence memo that sheds light on what some believe are subversive, behind the scenes actions of the FBI and the Department of Justice in their alleged war on the Trump campaign.

During the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, then- President Barack Hussein Obama’s senior intelligence and Justice Department officials utilized what now appears to be illegal spying against the Trump campaign.

They are highly suspected of knowingly using DNC and Clinton campaign-generated materials to obtain secret FISA warrants to interfere with the election and provide an “insurance policy” against a Trump presidency with the false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion on the DNC’s hacking which eventually was published by Julian Assange’s Wikileaks, all the while hiding the political origins of these lies from the FISA court.

There was a lot wrong with the dossier that was used to obtain the FISA court warrant. So Robert believes the fact that the charges against Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos haven’t been dropped is rather outrageous and is clearly a violation of the Fourth Amendment because there was no probable cause. It was based upon lies. ‘Facts’ were being submitted that were not facts.

According to Robert, it looks like they took what they thought were travel records of Trump officials and then filled in the blanks with falsehoods. Robert gave the example of Michael Cohen who was supposed to be in Prague in August of 2016 (according to the Steele dossier) speaking with Russian agents about cleaning up the mess per the WikiLeaks disclosure. The problem with this is that Cohen has communicated that he’s never been to Prague.

So, if he wasn’t in Prague in 2016, then he couldn’t have been there speaking with Russian agents cleaning up the mess dealing with WikiLeaks and the dossier. This means that whoever Steele’s sources were that claimed he was there and having such conversations should be called into question.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

The Good Guys Are Illegally Pushing For Door To Door Confiscation Through Red Flag Polices

Learn From History

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

In the light of what just allegedly happened in New Zealand, one might ask themselves the question, why it is that their acting government would attempt to disarm their own citizenry instead of arming them to protect themselves against armed assailants (Luke 11:21-22)?

Furthermore, why is their acting government detaining and charging their own citizens for sharing the video of this alleged massacre? After all, it was broadcasted LIVE on Facebook!

One man has been arrested and charged with two counts of objectionable materials in New Zealand’s “Films, Videos and Publications Act.”  He is being held without bail and could be sentenced up to 14 years in prison for each offense. This is one of many that have been charged.

Here in America, and like that of the shooting that took place at Parkland High School in Florida, all videos were banned from big tech companies from the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.  And why?  It’s because eyewitness accounts did not align themselves with the CIA-controlled media’s narratives. There are 70 cameras inside of that school shooting and only four videos were released.

Don’t forget about the teacher that said that she had seen the shooter and believed him to be a police officer.

[YouTube Video]

Simultaneously, students were outside speaking to Nichols Cruz.

[YouTube Video]

Could it be that this alleged massacre in New Zealand had inconstancies found in the film that they did not want anyone to see?

Could it be that New Zealanders thought it a little odd that their prime minister, while wearing a hijab immediately after the shooting, stated that “Our gun laws will change.”

Within just six days, they banned military-style firearms.

Maybe they thought it telling when the CIA-controlled media lied while promulgating that the masses are turning in their guns (A tactic to belittle opposition), when in fact, their gun control measures completely backfired.

The Sons of Liberty reports,

Tyler Durden explains that this is not the norm and that Kiwis are not complying, for the most part, with the ban.

Out of an estimated 1.2 million registered guns, New Zealand police report that as of Tuesday night, 37 firearms have been surrendered nationwide, according to BuzzFeed.

No accounting was provided of how many people owned those guns, the types of firearms, or where they were surrendered.

The reports of citizens disarming themselves came after a Monday announcement by Prime minister Jacinda Ardern that several “in principle decisions” on gun control have been made by Cabinet ministers, while praising residents who have surrendered their guns to police.…

Ardern asked residents to surrender their weapons on Monday. 

“To make our community safer, the time to act is now,” she said. “I want to remind people, you can surrender your gun to the police at any time. In fact I have seen reports that people are in fact already doing this. I applaud that effort, and if you are thinking about surrendering your weapon, I would encourage you to do so.

Again, and in parallel to the shooting in Parkland, Florida, behind the ‘March For Our Lives” (Permits were issued 2 months before this school shooting in order to march in Washington), 55 new gun control laws were passed in 26 states by a majority of Republican governors.  Take note, as the Denver Post points out, this massive push for gun control has bipartisan support. In fact, the majority of governors who signed in new gun control measures were Republicans.

Now, we are seeing the alleged “good guys” like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham beginning to push for Red Flag laws, which are not law.  “Shall not be infringed” means shall not be infringed (2nd Amendment of the Bill of RIGHTS).  In the end, this will move to door to door gun confiscations if these criminals are not lawfully stopped.

Consider what this new administration is doing to Americans today could have never been done under that of criminal Barack Hussein Obama’s administration. Never. [Link]

Now, we are dealing with those who you have been led to believe are the good guys, you know the Republican conservatives, advocating illegal Red Flag laws. Call it what you will, it matters not, it is all unlawful activity. [Link]

Where are these said representatives that are attempting to disarm you in America deriving this authority from? It is not from “We the People!”

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” ― Patrick Henry

“The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” – Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

[YouTube Video]

If you take the time to investigate many of these massacres, you will find, more than not, that many of them are false flags. You can identify the guilty culprits when you see who stands to gain by attempting to disarm, rather than to arm after these massacres take place. [Link]

Over and over again and across the globe, we are seeing that these alleged massacres happen while the government mysteriously waits in the shadows only to disarm or ban shortly thereafter.

“Never trust a government that doesn’t trust it’s own citizens with guns.” –Benjamin Franklin

You have heard it said, never let a good crisis go to waste.  Well, you need to begin to ask yourselves who is responsible for the crisis (Jeremiah 11:9)?

Governments, on a daily basis, somehow accuse law-abiding citizens, through totalitarian methods, for what the guilty are responsible for.

Another question that one should ask themselves is, who gains from these massacres?  Well again, the government stands in the shadows only to disarm the people and what is worse than all of that is those who are legislating illegally are advocating disarmament while surrounded with fully armed security details protecting themselves from the people that they are to serve.

[YouTube Video]

Now, we are even beginning to see door to door confiscations. One must remember that it is no longer law enforcement at this point.  You are now dealing with agents of the state that are not doing their jobs, but are now violating their oaths (Psalm 94:20).

[YouTube Video]

History teaches us what happens to people in many countries after disarmament takes place, the answer is genocide!  This is a fact that no one can dispute.

Furthermore, if you trust in a government that sanctions the murder of its own children (Proverbs 6:17) to represent you, then you have ignorantly taken on that which runs counter to that of American Government. [Link]

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

Josef Stalin, the sole leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953, said:

“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Mao Tze Tung, communist dictator of China said:

“War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.”

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Idi Amin, president of Uganda from 1971 to 1979, said:

“I do not want to be controlled by any superpower. I myself consider myself the most powerful figure in the world, and that is why I do not let any superpower control me.”

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Pol Pot, who created in Cambodia one of the 20th century’s most brutal and radical regimes, was responsible for killing one million of his own ‘educated,’ yet unarmed citizens.

[YouTube Video]

Yet in America, the parents in the 86% ratio that are dropping their kids off in public schools to be illegally indoctrinated by the federal government through a violation of the Tenth Amendment now have some students so dumbed down that they are shouting “No more guns.”

[YouTube Video]

For the record, I hate violence.  I mean I hate it, but there comes a time when enough is enough, no more and resistance comes into play. This is illegal and criminal at every given incremental step that these agents of the state are taking and it comes to a point where either you are going to throw off those who pervert the Constitution and its plain declarations or you will once again be enslaved (Deuteronomy 28:63).  That is the lessons and examples that our forefathers have left us.

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787

© 2019 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Is It Time For The Tea Party To Rise Again?

The Mueller Report exonerated President Trump of claims that he colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. In essence, Nancy Pelosi said screw Mueller’s Report. Her minions will continue seeking to create evidence of Trump/Russia collusion to impeach him.

Fake news media will continue its lies and deceptions to keep their “Trump colluded” lie going. Thirty-four people were indicted or plead guilty in Mueller’s Trump collusion investigation. Fake news media claims this is proof that Trump is guilty of collusion. The truth is the indictments and guilty pleas have nothing to do with Russia collusion. Many were found guilty of process crimes.

My wife Mary asked, “What is a process crime?” One example is investigators repeatedly ask you the same questions on different occasions. If you do not give the exact same answer each time, they can charge you with lying; a process crime. Suddenly, you find yourself in prison for a crime unrelated to the original investigation. Mary said, “Oh my gosh, given my short memory, you would be visiting me in prison.”

For over 2 years, Democrats and fake news media claimed there was solid evidence that Trump and Russia stole the election. Consequently, 40% of Americans absurdly believe Russia tampered with votes to cause Trump to win.

Since Mueller failed to find Trump/Russia collusion, Democrats and fake news media are demanding that Trump be charged with obstruction of justice. Every time the deep state loses a battle to get rid of Trump, their insane rage becomes more out-of-control. Their lawlessness, lies, deceptions and violence becomes more extreme. These people are evil and dangerous.

What gets me is all the deep state scoundrels in the FBI and DOJ who attempted a silent coup to reverse the 2016 presidential election are still arrogantly walking around with their noses in the air and chests poked out. They boldly continue their treasonous plot to take down Trump in plain sight. These traitors should be prosecuted. Sen. Lindsey Graham seeks to investigate alleged FISA abuses.

My fellow concerned Americans, is it time for the Tea Party to reemerge to publicly rally behind our president? We know that our anti-America and anti-Trump enemies within are going to unleash a tsunami of all kinds of unlawful craziness on our country between now and the 2020 election. Fake news media will provide cover for America’s enemies within by calling them peaceful patriots. Fake news media will claim that everything is horrible and Trump must be removed to save America.

A highly visible Tea Party supportive of our president would help to counter the lies. There have been 533,074 articles claiming Trump colluded with Russia, filled will bogus accusations, deceptions and lies.

Because Democrats are protected by fake news media, most Americans do not know the Democratic Party has sunk to new levels of crazy and evil. The Tea Party could sound the alarm about Democrats wanting to murder babies even after they are born. We could let the public know that the Democrats have become the party of rabid antisemitism. Democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar boldly expresses her hatred of Israel. Democrat presidential contenders gave Jews their middle finger by refusing to attend AIPAC.

The Tea Party could expose the economy-killing insanity in the Democrats’ Green New Deal. In the next 10 years, Democrats want to end air travel, ban fossil fuels, mandated that every new job be unionized and close nuclear plants. Absurdly, Democrats demand that every building in the US must be rebuilt for state-of-the-art energy efficiency. Democrats also want to fund those who are irresponsible and lazy.

Yes, there was a divide in the Tea Party during the presidential campaign. I campaigned for Ted Cruz. I praise God that Trump won. While doing an amazing job for We the People, Trump has been a one man wrecking ball demolishing the way our best interests have not been served in Washington DC.

The Tea Party movement was founded upon restoring America to her divinely ordained position as the shining city on a hill. Real Tea Party folks have jumped aboard the Trump Train because they know he is swiftly moving the ball in that direction. Trump has been relentless in keeping his campaign promises. We must keep this strong patriot warrior in the Oval Office.

From the beginning of the Tea Party movement, I toured the country on several Tea Party Express bus tours. I spoke and performed my “American Tea Party Anthem” at over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide.

Evil CNN intentionally falsely branded the Tea Party a bunch of redneck racists protesting America’s first black president. As a proud American who happens to be black, I can testify first-hand that the Tea Party had nothing to do with Obama’s skin color. We simply opposed his plan to transform America into a Godless socialist nation.

My late dad was a fan of CNN’s Don Lemon. Dad believed the Tea Party was racist because CNN said it was. I said, “Dad, the Tea Party is not racist.” Jokingly, I said, “They even let me ride upfront on the tour bus.” I added, “I ride in the back lounge because of the huge flat-screen TV. I can watch football to my heart’s content.”

The Tea Party is a grassroots movement made up of salt-of-the-earth hardworking decent Americans who love their country. Period.

My fellow Trump supporters, perhaps it is time for us to create public spectacles across America; Tea Party rallies of positive, upbeat and lawful Americans waving US flags, adorned with “Keep America Great” and “Trump 2020” caps. As I stated, anti-Trump deep state henchmen will behave unhinged between now and the 2020 election. The Tea Party should be their highly visible, righteous and legal opposition.

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth.

The Demise Of The Logic Of Moral Reasoning

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. —William Shakespeare, Hamlet – Act 1, Scene 5

Dr. Samuel J. Abrams is a Professor of Politics at Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, New York. Dr. Abrams wrote an op-ed article published in the New York Times Opinion section that appeared in October 2018.[1] Dr. Abrams’ article was motivated as he says, by an email he received from a staff member of the Sarah Lawrence College Office of Diversity and Campus Engagement.

The email according to Dr. Abrams, sought input from the college community for topics of discussion during an upcoming conference titled “Our Liberation Summit.” It was revealed that the conference would include discussion about “liberation spaces on campus, Black Lives Matter and justice for women as well as for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and allied people.”[2]

As a result of this initial email, Dr. Abrams began to look into other activities that the Sarah Lawrence College administration was coordinating and soon learned that the Office of Student Affairs seemed to be in lock-step with the Office of Diversity and Campus Engagement, by offering such progressive events as “Stay Healthy, Stay Woke,” “Microaggressions,” and an event pandering to the current darling of all leftist subjects, “Understanding White Privilege.”

Did I mention that Dr. Abrams happens to be a conservative-leaning professor? He is quick to admit that this problem of leftist myopia is not limited to historically liberal schools, but is in fact a phenomenon that has gripped a vast majority of schools across America.

Professor Abrams decided to undertake a small research project in which he would seek to determine the make-up of college administrators and other college staff employees who were engaged in direct student affairs, activities, and programming beyond the classroom teaching environment. Indeed, Dr. Abrams noted in his op-ed article that many colleges have transitioned away from classroom instruction as the sole method of interacting with students. In the place of classroom instruction, schools are hiring personnel for student residential life, student centers, offices of student life, success, inclusion, and engagement. In other words, schools have increasingly determined to shape the minds of students through non-observed, non-evaluated, student and peer led activities taking place in the very places students call home. This has enabled peer pressure and the development of a herd mentality to take the place of actual learning that is determined against rigorous examination and testing.

The result of Professor Abrams’ survey of approximately 900 college administrators across America that have direct interaction with students as the primary activity of their role was not surprising. On average, liberal college staff members outnumber their conservative counterparts by a 12 to 1 ratio. The statistics were much more lopsided when viewed regionally. For example, New England was the most liberal in the nation, with liberal administrators holding a 25 to 1 advantage over their conservative peers.

There was nothing unusual or controversial about anything that Dr. Abrams wrote. He concluded his op-ed with these words:

This warped ideological distribution among college administrators should give our students and their families pause. To students who are in their first semester at school, I urge you not to accept unthinkingly what your campus administrators are telling you. Their ideological imbalance, coupled with their agenda-setting power, threatens the free and open exchange of ideas, which is precisely what we need to protect in higher education in these politically polarized times.[3]

That a professor of politics wrote an op-ed article about the politically charged environment on college campuses seems rather ordinary. That this professor took the time to request survey data from approximately 900 college administrators shows he based his evaluation on real data. What followed after Dr. Abrams’ article was discovered by students at Sarah Lawrence College demonstrates the precise points Abrams was making. The student activists did not resort to conversation guided by reason, logic, critical thinking and analysis. Instead, they immediately leaped into attack mode they justify by their victimhood mentality.

Progressive Marxism at Sarah Lawrence College

Writing on the Reason blog, Robby Soave examines the meltdown of the activist students in an article aptly title, “Activist Students Demand Sarah Lawrence College Punish a Conservative Professor for Expressing His Views.”[4] Soave includes a link to a list of demands that Dr. Abrams views triggered. Those demands include but are not limited to:

  • Housing and Accommodation Accessibility. Under this category are such things as free housing during school breaks especially during winter break, free housing for students of color, free laundry cleaning products for all students and faculty.
  • Food Security and Accessibility. Apparently there is a hunger problem among this private, very expensive, very exclusive college student body. In order to meet the needs of this starving student body, these activist students demand free meals that cater to “vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, halal, and kosher” diets. These free meals are to be provided 24/7/365. Additionally, the students demand the establishment of a Food Pantry capable of feeding 300 students per semester, and the construction of separate halal and kosher kitchens to “make good on the college administrations prior commitment to diversity and inclusion.
  • Here I quote exactly as it appears on The Phoenix, the official news source of Sarah Lawrence College.[5]

Diasporic Studies

Students of color should not be forced to resort to racist white professors in order to have access to their own history. It is crucial that the College offer courses taught about people of color by people of color so that students may engage in and produce meaningful work that represents them authentically.

We demand there be new tenured faculty of color – at least two in African diasporic studies, one in Asian-American studies, one in Latinx diasporic studies, and one in indigenous/native peoples studies.

We demand there be at least three more courses offered in African diasporic studies taught by Black professors.

We demand that the College offer classes that embody intersectionality, as defined by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, and address the racial diversity of the LGBTQ+ community instead of centering whiteness.

The aforementioned classes must be taught by professors who are a part of the culture they are teaching about.

Reject Funding or Involvement from the Charles Koch Foundation and Koch-Affiliated Organizations

From 2010-2017, Sarah Lawrence accepted $89,500 from the Charles Koch Charitable Foundation. Professor Sam Abrams is an alumnus of the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) at George Mason University (GMU), of which Charles Koch has served as chairman of the board for almost four decades. The IHS is linked to the League of the South, a neo-Confederate hate group that proudly “dared go to Charlottesville in August 2017” for the infamous white supremacist demonstration that resulted in the murder of 32-year-old anti-racist protester Heather Heyer. With this company, it is unsurprising that the Koch brothers wield their corporate influence to fight against free speech and progress, as documented by activists including the group Transparent GMU and news publications including The New York Times and The Washington Post. The fact that Sarah Lawrence utilizes money from the Charles Koch Foundation, at best, demonstrates a passive condoning of the violent ideology of the Koch brothers and their efforts to maintain the institutionalization of oppression against marginalized people. Accepting such money completely violates SLC’s “progressive” values and displays a gross indifference towards the suffering of marginalized students and faculty. Sarah Lawrence must confront how the presence of Sam Abrams, an anti-queer, misogynist, and racist who actively targets queer people, women, and people of color and is an alumnus of an institute with direct ties to a neo-Confederate hate group, affects the safety and wellbeing of marginalized students. Additionally, Sarah Lawrence will forfeit donations and interactions from the Charles Koch Foundation and never hire alumni from the League of the South-aligned Institute for Human Studies in the future.

Professor Samuel Abrams and Defending Progressive Education

On October 16, 2018, politics professor Samuel Abrams published an op-ed entitled “Think Professors Are Liberal? Try School Administrators” in The New York Times. The article revealed the anti-Blackness, anti-LGBTQ+, and anti-woman bigotry of Abrams. The article specifically targeted programs such as the Our Liberation Summit, which Abrams did not attend, facilitated by the Office of Diversity and Campus Engagement. The Sarah Lawrence community deserves an administration that strives for an inclusive education that reflects the diversity of our community. Abrams’ derision of the Black Lives Matter, queer liberation, and women’s rights movements displays not only ignorance but outright hostility towards the essential efforts to dismantle white supremacy and other systems of oppression. This threatens the safety and wellbeing of marginalized people within the Sarah Lawrence community by demonstrating that our lives and identities are viewed as “opinions” that we can have a difference in dialogue about, as if we haven’t been forced to debate our very existences for our entire lives. We demand that Samuel Abrams’ position at the College be put up to tenure review to a panel of the Diaspora Coalition and at least three faculty members of color. In addition, the College must issue a statement condemning the harm that Abrams has caused to the college community, specifically queer, Black, and female students, whilst apologizing for its refusal to protect marginalized students wounded by his op-ed and the ignorant dialogue that followed. Abrams must issue a public apology to the broader SLC community and cease to target Black people, queer people, and women.

  • Protection for Students. This category of demands amounts to this: We intend to do whatever we deem necessary to force the administration of Sarah Lawrence College to acquiesce and we demand that we not be held accountable in any fashion for our behavior in achieving our goals. Here is the actual language:

“The College’s work-study employers will respect students’ right to protest during the week of the sit-in and in the future.

The institution will not use the threat of expulsion, removal of positions held in student government, or any other forms of punishment in retaliation to civil disobedience.

We, the Diaspora Coalition and our allies, demand that students not be penalized for participating in sit-in commencing on Monday, March 11, 2019. We expect faculty to understand that student activists attending the sit-in may not be able to attend class. We ask faculty to support the student activism happening this week, which includes the sit in, distribution of demands, and a talk-back taking place on Wednesday, March 13th at 5:30pm in Titsworth Marjorie Miller Leff Lecture Hall. It is our hope that faculty and staff value our voices outside of the classroom and support students’ right to protest without repercussion.”

These self-styled activists are not what they believe themselves to be. They are merely brainwashed progressive zombies. Their self-aggrandizing, moral superiority is alarming and dangerous. They exhibit an undeniable inability to comprehend that the bubble they live in is a fantasy world. They have invented grievances from their fantasy land of utopian dreams.

Dr. Abrams did not come close to making the statements these Marxist sycophants attribute to him. Dr. Abrams, quoted by Soave in the Reason article, summarizes the current situation at Sarah Lawrence College as well as many other colleges across America:

The College had a chance to take the lead and serve as an national example in terms of how to have civil debates and disagreement and discuss facts and how they differ from opinions, Abrams told me via email. Sadly, the school did not come out strongly on academic freedom and free speech and this behavior runs against the core values of the College itself.[6]

The Tragic Usurpation of Logic and Reason

The continued assault on free speech in America as demonstrated in Professor Abrams’ story is a symptom of the death of reason and logic in communication. Postmodernism has certainly had an impact as has philosophically relativism.

Ironically, it is the tenured professors themselves who in many instances have brought this rotten fruit to bear upon America. Their radicalized rejection of truth propositions and Christian morals has opened the door for a Pandora’s Box of anything goes and the most outrageous behavior wins the prize mentality among many college students today.

What is lost on the Sarah Lawrence social justice warriors, and I use that phrase in a pejorative sense, is that they are nothing more than judgmental, exclusivist, partisans. They project their characteristics upon those they vilify in the “Demands” letter cited above. How strange is it that these cultural Marxists masquerading as students believe they are nonjudgmental, inclusive, and neutral?

Instead of engaging Dr. Abrams in discussion about his views, the activists at Sarah Lawrence College demand that he be brought before a tribunal composed of members of their myopic peers for the purpose of determining whether he should continue to hold tenure. How do you think that would turn out?

Let’s peel back the layers of this philosophic “onion” and expose the insanity and sheer lunacy of the activist students of Sarah Lawrence College as well as the faculty and staff that support such stupidity.

Progressives use such buzz words as inclusive, inclusivity, intersectionality, and diversity because they believe they denote tolerance. They are demonstrably wrong. They can check the box for virtual virtuosity but feeling morally superior to others based on your beliefs doesn’t make you such or make your views true.

When you tolerate all forms of beliefs and morals except those you do not agree with, you are a fool or worse. Intolerance hiding behind tolerance often becomes the iron fist of totalitarianism.  Let me state this in another way so that readers comprehend exactly what I am pointing out here.

The students at Sarah Lawrence College have shown themselves to be fools worthy of scorn for these very reasons:

  • They preach tolerance but castigate Dr. Abrams for having a viewpoint. Clearly, they are not tolerant, but are in fact judgmental.
  • The activist students at Sarah Lawrence College are not inclusive as they claim because they reject Dr. Abrams and anyone else who has a viewpoint similar to him. Therefore they are in fact exclusivists.
  • The social justice Marxist students are exclusive and judgmental therefore, they are extremely partisan, and not remotely tolerant.

The plain truth is that the activist students at Sarah Lawrence College who make up the Diaspora Coalition and their supporters among students, faculty and administrators are direct results of the death of logic and reason.

Francis Beckwith summarizes well the spiral into insanity that Sarah Lawrence College is in.

Tolerance only makes sense within the framework of a moral order, for it is within such a framework that one can morally justify tolerating others. For tolerance without a moral framework, or absolute tolerance, leads to a dogmatic relativism, and thus to an intolerance of any viewpoint that does not embrace relativism. It is no wonder that in such a climate of “tolerance” any person who maintains that there is an objective moral order to which society ought to subscribe is greeted with contempt.[7]

Cultural Marxism attacks Christian morality, logic, and reason for the purpose of supplanting them with an amalgamation of nonsensical bluster. Establishing a permanent useful idiot brigade of perpetual victims is necessary to the furtherance of Marxism’s goals. If allowed to take root in an academic environment the result is devastating to critical and analytical thinking. The students and faculty at Sarah Lawrence College are merely one more example of the disease of Progressive thought formulated within Marxist theory.

My plea to the students and faculty at Sarah Lawrence College is this: Step back from the abyss you are teetering on the edge of. There are more things in heaven and earth than you envision in your utopian dreams.

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:
E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg



[1] Dr. Abrams article found here

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Reason: Free Minds and Free Markets.  Accessed March 2019.

[5] See All emphases in the original. Accessed March 2019.

[6] Reason article cited previously.

[7] Francis J. Beckwith, Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice, (Cambridge University Press, New York, NY), 2007, p. 14.

55 Years Of Carte Blanche Lies By Main Stream Media

Governments are composed of human beings, and all of the frailties that humans possess are absorbed into these governments and become active within these governments. Hatred, anger, jealousy, fear, greed, distrust and the whole host of afflictions that humans must bear, lurk just beneath the surface of civility displayed by government. —John McAfee

For the poison of hatred seated near the heart doubles the burden for the one who suffers the disease; he is burdened with his own sorrow, and groans on seeing another’s happiness. —Aeschylus

As soon as the 2016 election results came in, many on the left exploded in anger, smashing windows, setting fires, calling for Trump to be assassinated, and labeling his supporters bigots and sexists who should be murdered. Protesters burned Trump in effigy, and passed around a stuffed figure of Trump in a noose.

And then came the Russia Collusion Investigation, thanks to Rod Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller whose thirty-year modus operandi has destroyed countless lives. Link

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, the nation’s former so-called spy master, James Clapper, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.”

There you have it, and despite the Russia collusion investigation being over, targeting President Trump for elimination will never be over.  We know all the players and we want them prosecuted for their corruption, but it’s highly unlikely they will ever be held accountable.

A stench has been emanating from the J. Edgar Hoover Building (FBI headquarters) for decades, but in the last 10 years the decay has become evident.  The brazen plot against President Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ was enabled by a complicit media.

Defamation Law

The odor of corruption has long been noxious and truth is not forthcoming from media.  Why?  Because the 1964 Supreme Court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan gave media a “first amendment” right to lie with impunity about any public figure they wished to destroy or promote thus protecting them from most libel suits.

A public official could recover in a libel action only if and when a court found that the libelous statement about the official was made with “actual malice”—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.  As long as the press has an “absence of malice,” public officials are barred from recovering damages for the publication of false statements about them.

Defamation law, the ability to sue someone for false attacks on your reputation, was governed by state law until 1964.  The landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84 S. Ct. 710, 11 L. Ed. 2d 686 (1964), extended the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech to libel cases brought by public officials. The Supreme Court sought to encourage “public debate” by changing the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts.

In the case of police Commissioner Sullivan, the State of Alabama found for him against NYTs libel and awarded him $500k which was upheld by the Alabama Supreme Court in 1962.  However, the very liberal Warren Court took up the case filed by the NYTs against Sullivan.

The unanimous Warren Supreme Court decision in New York Times Company v. Sullivan was argued on January 6-7, 1964 and decided on March 9, 1964.  It has proven to be one of the very worst decisions ever made by the supreme court.

Calls to Overturn NYTs v. Sullivan

Justice Clarence Thomas recently called for the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the landmark 1964 New York Times v. Sullivan ruling. Thomas wrote that the New York Times ruling and follow-up cases “were policy-driven decisions masquerading as constitutional law.”

President Donald Trump has called for overhauling the country’s libel laws to make it easier to sue.  He first mentioned the NYTs v. Sullivan case in 2016 when he campaigned in Alabama where the case originated.  He had previously asked why the media was allowed to lie and that is when I wrote my original article on this horrendous ruling.

Now L. Lin Wood, attorney for Covington High School student, Nicholas Sandmann has expounded on this horrible decision and how the ruling enables media to ruin reputations. Nick became the latest focus of false and defamatory accusations published and broadcast across the nation and the world.

Attorney Wood made it very clear on a recent Mark Levin program when he stated he was a believer in the first amendment but that it has no strings and no real value when there is no accountability for wrongdoing.  He explained that with the Nicholas Sandmann case, it was false speech by both social and main stream media (MSM) that threatened, attacked and vilified a minor child.

Watch the twelve-minute Mark Levin interview of Lin Wood’s discussion regarding the NYTs v. Sullivan decision and how it has affected all of society negatively.

55 Years of Media Deterioration

Attorney Wood was right when he mentioned the deterioration in the media, and over 55 years it has grown exponentially worse.  Mr. Wood said he has watched the media since the  Richard Jewell case, and it is horribly unhealthy.  He said, “There’s nothing valuable to our public discourse for people to simply go out and tell rumors, lies, make accusations with no sources and to be able to use the media and the First Amendment to, in effect, advance his or her or some corporation’s own agendas. That’s what happened to Nicholas. There’s a lot of agendas at work.”

Attorney Wood explained that the large corporations who own the media outlets have no objectivity and no fairness to them and are extensions of political parties who wish to influence the public instead of informing the public.  It used to be for media, “Get it first, but get it right.”  They’ve thrown out get it right and even get it first.  He says that if we don’t get accountability, the deterioration will continue.

The Russia Collusion Narrative

Efforts by high-ranking officials in the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and State Department to portray President Donald Trump as having colluded with Russia were the culmination of years of bias and politicization under the Obama administration. The weaponization of the intelligence community and other government agencies created an environment that allowed for obstruction in the investigation into Hillary Clinton and the relentless pursuit of a manufactured collusion narrative against Trump.  Link

A willing and complicit media spread unsubstantiated leaks as facts in an effort to promote the Russia-collusion narrative. Worse yet was the “epic disconnect between the Robert Mueller described by the MSM and Officialdom as a model of public propriety and the Robert Mueller documented by independent researchers.  Rep. Louie Gohmert wrote a 15,500-word monograph exposing Mueller, and Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich wrote an entire book on Mueller.

The Spygate scandal also raises a bigger question: Was the 2016 election a one-time aberration, or was it symptomatic of decades of institutional political and media corruption?


Special Counsel Robert Mueller was given no restrictions regarding the collusion investigation from his appointee, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.  In fact, Rosenstein testified that he told Mueller he could investigate any crimes he uncovered in the Russia collusion investigation.

“Rod is a survivor,” dirty cop James Comey once said privately of Rosenstein, not meaning it as a compliment. Rosenstein’s survival helped Special Counsel Robert Mueller do his job absent interference. Every day Rosenstein didn’t resign bought the special counsel more time for character assassination against the President and his supporters. He needs to be fired for a host of reasons

The day Rosenstein is actually forced out will be a very good day.  Unfortunately, it won’t be soon enough. Attorney General William Barr has asked Rosenstein to remain despite the fact that as Deputy AG he allowed Mueller to carry out his modus operandi of intimidation and destruction without any oversight.

The group at the FBI that doggedly pursued the false collusion story is the same group that let Hillary Clinton slide on deleting official emails, creating an illegal computer server and destroying evidence of her wrongdoing with coverups by the complicit democratic controlled media.  It’s also the same group who in 2009 allowed her to sell 20 percent of our uranium to Russia with the help of FBI Director Mueller, while the Clinton Foundation raked in $145 million via Rosatom.

The clear double standard of the liberal media and their role as propagandists is in full view.  This is why the 1964 Warren Court NYTs decision must be overturned.

In the next article, we’ll discuss those who were targeted by Mueller, the Democrat Party and the media and have paid extremely high prices for supporting an outsider for President.

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Stop Signs, Cul de Sacs, Dead Ends During Your Life Journey

“While taking a hike down a country road near dusk in my teens, an old farmer, plodding along with his walking stick, abruptly stopped me. His wrinkled-weathered skin did not diminish the energy in his clear blue eyes. Silver locks flowed from his wide-brimmed hat while his peppered beard gave him a majestic air of wisdom.

“Where you goin’ sonny?” he asked.

(Frosty Wooldridge in front of Thunder Jack the Mountain Man, on Route 287)

“Just taking a walk to catch a few fire-flies when the night settles in on us,” I said. “They seem to show their magic just as the sun goes down, but before the stars come out. I like the way they turn the long grass into street lamps, but none of the city noise to go with it.”

“Should be a lot of them out this evening as soon as the red-winged black birds fall silent,” he said. “So, if you don’t mind my asking, where are you going with your life?”

“My mom wants me to go to college,” I said. “She said it will give me a leg-up on living as well as make me a better educated man.”

“Good for you,” he said. “But what do you want to do with your life?”

“After I graduate from college,” I said, “I want to travel the world before settling down to a job. I want to figure out some things about this life.”

“Do you mind a bit of advice?” he asked.

“My dad told me to listen to my elders to learn their knowledge,” I said.

“The path to your destiny has “forks in road” that require the imperfect ability to discern the difference between opportunity and pitfalls,” he said. “You will make mistakes in judgment. You will fail often. But remember to make those failures into stepping-stones toward your ultimate success. Never get down on yourself. None of it comes easy, but it gets easier as you travel the path with a good attitude, application by work and your ingenuity. It takes effort over time.”

“My dad said something like that,” I said.

“Smart dad,” he said. “In addition to “forks” there will be “cul de sac’s” or “dead end’s” where you rest and re-evaluate the route you have taken. Everyone comes to these markers at some point. You will become wiser. Experience is the best teacher. So, if you find yourself going down the wrong road, or the road isn’t working for you, turn around and go back. When you return to your original location, strike out in a new direction with the wisdom you learned while you traveled along the wrong road.”

“That works for me,” I said.

“As a young man, you are heading toward your “destiny,” he said. “To me the term “destiny” implies a pre-ordained purpose by some higher power. This implies a personal belief in that higher power. That may or may not work for you. It also implies that one’s “destiny” answers the question, “Why am I here?” You will find out on your journey.”

“Another thing,” he said. “Your mom is right…choose your friends carefully. You will adopt some of their characteristics into your personality. When you hang with the smarter, more responsible folks in your school, you become more like them and succeed like them.

“Additionally, memories of your experiences are what come to you in those future quiet times with yourself. Make sure you accept yourself at all times. Even if you are not sure, assume a sense of confidence in your own talents whatever they might be or come to be.

“Some memories will be filled with regret and some will be joyous. You will have both in your life. You get to choose the number of each by the way you live. And, one final thought from my days of meditation on hay bales and sitting beside a quiet pond with dragon flies, turtles, snakes and muskrats: everything you become, you chose. And, everything you chose, you wanted.”

As the fireflies lit the long grass, the old man tipped his hat before continuing on into the gathering darkness.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, as I walked through the magic of fireflies and stars twinkling in the sky.

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book!  Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life?  Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices.  Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:


Lettuce: $2.98 A Head – No Inflation?

April 1, 2019

No, this is not an April Fool’s Day joke. While all the buffoonery from the Hollywood trash and screeching by politicians in the Democratic/Communist Party USA continue over Mueller’s report, Americans continue trying to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and pay for other basic necessities.

I recently did two columns on what is being ignored: The national debt and the last sickening budget deal.

A few others are warning:

The True Size Of The U.S. National Debt, Including Unfunded Liabilities, Is 222 Trillion Dollars, March 28, 2019

National debt hits $22 trillion signaling Titanic like ending, February 13, 2019

Consider these updates as you read and hear the economy is booming:

Retail apocalypse? JCPenney, Payless, LifeWay announce 3,000+ combined store closures, March 29, 2019: “More than 41,000 people have lost their jobs in the retail industry so far this year — a 92 percent spike in layoffs since the same time last year, according to a new report.

“And the layoffs continue to mount, with JCPenney announcing this week it would be closing 18 stores in addition to three previously announced closures, as part of a “standard annual review.”

It’s not all about Amazon. When people don’t have extra money they don’t buy – especially when you become unemployed.

Walmart is quietly closing stores — here’s the full list, March 29, 2019

Yeah. It’s what happens when you cook the books: The Economy Grew Slower Than Previously Thought in the Fourth Quarter, March 28, 2019

Just Before The Great Recession, Mountains Of Unsold Goods Piled Up In U.S. Warehouses – And Now It Is Happening Again – Don’t skip this one.

Greyerz – The Most Important Chart Of This Century And What Will Take The World By Surprise, March 24, 2019

The Next Leg Down is Here… Will We Get a Dip… or a CRASH?, March 25, 2019

Peter Schiff: “We’re Not Borrowing Ourselves Rich, We’re Borrowing Ourselves BROKE!”

Housing Falters – Blame The Tax Changes?, March 26, 2019: “What this suggests to me is that Congress – by capping the write off of interest and local taxes – is “killing us softly” with a tax policy enacted well over a year ago amidst much fanfare and hype. Now we see the results.”

More foreign workers while laid off Americans who need any job to pay the rent and eat will go without:

DHS Nielsen OK’s Visas for 30,000 Extra H-2B Workers, March 29, 2019:

“DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will allow the importation of 30,000 extra foreign laborers for landscapers, resorts, and other businesses despite President Donald Trump’s “Hire American” promise that has helped raise blue-collar wages by four percent in 2018.

“The decision will allow companies to import 96,000 H-2B laborers in 2019, up from the 66,000 allowed by the law.”

71% Entering Employment Came from Outside Labor Force Under Trump, March 19, 2019

The horrific flooding last month in Iowa, Nebraska and surrounding states is going to have severe repercussions for our treasured farming and ranching families. Up to one million calves drowned and more than a million aces flooded. How heartbreaking that is for ranchers to find a way to bury all those calves and dead livestock.

US Grain Bins Collapse After Catastrophic Iowa Floods

Farm, livestock losses catastrophic from flooding in Nebraska, Iowa

Nebraska Flooding Broke 17 Records – Farmers Being Absolutely Devastated, March 18, 2019

I can’t even think about the thousands of doggies, cats and other animals that drowned. It goes without saying the human misery is off the charts. Our fellow Americans affected will be fighting for survival for a long time to come. Sadly, we are likely to see more of this:

Farmers Facing Higher Suicide Rate

If you think the cost of food has been going up, we will see even steeper prices due to all the flooding. Farmers and ranchers will have no choice if they are to survive.

I must repeat myself here: America became the greatest debt free nation on this earth because of our manufacturing, industrial and agricultural sectors. The U.S. Congress has destroyed them over the decades along with the unconstitutional, privately owned ‘Federal’ Reserve.

The American people kept reelecting the same SOBs who destroyed their job sectors. They continue to do so and worse by allegedly electing enough Democrats (socialists and communists) to control the U.S. House. Not that incumbent Republicans are much better as we slide down the slick path to financial ruin. Again.

Nowhere in Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution does it authorize Congress to regulate or control our agriculture. Period. The Agricultural Act of 1938 began the unconstitutional interference by the U.S. Congress kissed and blessed by both parties. Paired up with the ‘Fed’ ever since and what we have is a disaster for farmers and ranchers passed along to us.

From regulations choking our farmers and ranchers to death (as well as our fishing families), destructive agreements (NAFTA) and treaties, it’s a wonder any have survived. Every year House and Senate incumbents honk about how much money they are going to spend for some new farming bill. Just more Band Aids instead of sewing up the patient once and for all.

Obama-era rules jeopardize California farming – ‘If this unprecedented prosecution succeeds, it threatens nearly every farm in the U.S.’

Feds force $1.1 million fine from farmer prosecuted for plowing own land – Army Corps under Obama tagged furrow puddles as ‘navigable waters’

Farmers Who Disputed Frog-Focused Habitat Lose Suit, March 28, 2019

It’s not just federal dragoons, it’s also local governments. I can tell you right now those who founded this constitutional republic wouldn’t have stood for this tyranny for five minutes.

“Tell them (the South Carolinians who wanted to nullify the Tariff Act of 1832) that I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.” —President Andy Jackson

Greenest US county sues man for growing too many organic veggies

SWAT Team Raids Texas Organic Farm, Holds Residents At Gunpoint

Before the flooding I was paying $2.50 for a head of organic lettuce; a few days ago it bumped to $2.98 a head. That’s an increase of $.48 for just one item in my cart. Even lettuce grown in Mexico was running nearly $2.00 a head. I have not purchased ONE vegetable or piece of fruit from Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Honduras or any other foreign country since NAFTA was signed into “law” in 1994. I support American farmers or I GO WITHOUT and I DO.

No way will I eat anything coming from those countries who do NOT have the same safeguards as our farmers are required to have for crops. In Mexico they grow fruits and vegetables near factories that dump their filthy water into canals for irrigation.

I don’t know about other South American countries but Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have been deliberate facilitators of the human invasion of diseased free loaders flooding our borders. They don’t get my money.

The bottom line is it’s going to get a lot worse and Trump is going to be blamed. Bad new trade treaties and the ‘Fed’ coupled with the national debt (smaller government is nothing more than a campaign slogan) IS going to kill us. Again, I say, proceed with caution.

I have written before about the Fed & The Farmer. Deliberate destruction of that sector. Bring in the big mega corporations to feed you filthy, hormone packed animals and vegetables grown with deadly pesticides. Second jury verdict has come down: Jury Slams Monsanto With $80M Verdict in Roundup Cancer Case, March 27, 2019

The Fed is the head of the beast

“The greatest party battle centered around the Second Bank of the United States, a private corporation but virtually a Government-sponsored monopoly. When Jackson appeared hostile toward it, the Bank threw its power against him. Clay and Webster, who had acted as attorneys for the Bank, led the fight for its recharter in Congress. “The bank,” Jackson told Martin Van Buren, “is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!” Jackson, in vetoing the recharter bill, charged the Bank with undue economic privilege. His views won approval from the American electorate; in 1832 he polled more than 56 percent of the popular vote and almost five times as many electoral votes as Clay.

“Jackson met head-on the challenge of John C. Calhoun, leader of forces trying to rid themselves of a high protective tariff.

“When South Carolina undertook to nullify the tariff, Jackson ordered armed forces to Charleston and privately threatened to hang Calhoun. Violence seemed imminent until Clay negotiated a compromise: tariffs were lowered and South Carolina dropped nullification.” President Andrew Jackson;

Is Inflation Beginning? Are You Ready?, March 23, 2019

Why Markets Aren’t Buying What The Fed Is Selling – Here’s Why, March 25, 2019

The Federal Reserve’s Controlled Demolition Of The Economy Is Almost Complete, March 28, 2019

Politics Has Failed, Now Central Banks Are Failing, March 22, 2019

Will The Fed Cut Interest Rates? Also, What Has Happened In Japan Is Stunning, March 26, 2019

Fed to End Rally?, March 22, 2019

The Global Economic Reset Begins With An Engineered Crash, March 13, 2019

Fed’s Evans says inflation could run to 2.5% before rate hikes are needed, March 25, 2019 – That’s right. Create inflation so we all get screwed.

President Trump has made some comments about the Fed; lately a few more have been trickling along as well as from his “advisers”.

President Trump: Replace The Dollar With Gold As The Global Currency To Make America Great Again

Trump blames Fed for holding back economic growth in 2018, March 21, 2019

White House advisor Larry Kudlow says Fed should ‘immediately’ cut rates, March 29, 2019

We are well past “End the Fed” although is should be done which I have explained in my Why A Bankrupt America booklet and the only solution left.

A dear friend of mine, Tom Selgas, put together a really great slide presentation on explaining the ‘silent theft’ of fiat currency. I urge you to take the time to look at his slide presentation because it is straightforward, concise and then send the link to mailing lists and social media.

Click here and then click on Lawful Money Presentation.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


Treasury expands penalty relief to more taxpayers

State Police: I-68 shutdown was result of threat to kill President Trump, blow up Pentagon, March 27, 2019

Roundup Is Losing in Court But Farms Aren’t About to Give It Up

Stop killing us: Final Solution to Glyphosate Question is Banning

Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Iranians Leaving Islam By The Thousands

The rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) is collapsing. The previously solid castle shows many cracks that continue to grow. In the past, when individuals were willing to sacrifice their life under any circumstances for the sake of Islam and any criticism of Islam, even in their own mind, considered sin, today it is easy to criticize and challenge religion. A nation that, at the forty years ago, preferred to speak of Ayatollah Khomeini, saint like and almost godly, now he is openly reviled without any fear of retribution.

What is the first Muslim country in the world that has the smallest number of true Muslims, you might ask? Such a country is none other than Iran. And this is seen in the virtual world of Facebook or Twitter and other Iranian websites that criticize and reject Islam. This is not possible in other Muslim countries such as Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Arab countries where you cannot joke about Islam without dire consequences, except when it comes to the Iranian nation.

Examples of this is the Imam Naghi Campaign. Of course, there are still people who are trying to convince the nation that this is not true Islam, and Islam is a righteous and a true belief.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran. Those considered part of native Christian communities are permitted to practice their religion with limitations, but a Muslim converting to Christianity is considered an apostate. The Iranian government jails converts, especially those who proselytize. The authorities see it as a Western plan to turn Iranians against Islam and the Islamic regime, according to converts in Turkey.

The antigovernment rallies that erupted in Iran in the last days of 2017 exposed that millions of Iranians are now disillusioned with the Islamic Republic. Furthermore, there are signs that quite a few Iranians are now also disenchanted with Islam itself. Often silently and covertly, they are abandoning their faith. Some opt for other faiths, often Christianity.

Before the Islamic invasion (Revolution) of 1979, most Iranians were uninformed as to the core values of Islamic ideology simply because they could not read Arabic. So, they created their own version in their minds. Regrettably, in the seventh century AD, the Persian Empire (Sasanian Dynasty) lost the war to the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula in the Battle of Qadisiyyah. Why they were defeated is a long story. For years Iranians resisted and fought back, but to no avail. With that defeat, the Islamic creed was imposed on an enlightened, tolerant and free people at the point of a sword.

Zoroastrianism, the original Iranian religion, was not an effective barrier against the radical and backward religion from the Arabian desert.

Forty years has passed since the Islamic invasion of 1979. Today, many Iranians are incorrigibly disaffected from the fraudulent and oppressive Islamic rulers. Although Islam was imposed on the Iranian people some 1,400 years ago, Iranians deeply value their own ancient non-Arab identity and have never fully surrendered to Arab culture.

Today, Iranians have finally awakened and search for their roots and identity. Some people have thanked Ayatollah Khomeini for this enlightenment. For revealing the true Islam, not the figment of their imaginations about Islam. Many have already started to refer to this period as an era of Persian renaissance or awakening.

Historically, Islam has always contradicted Persian values, costumes, traditions and culture, as is evident from the glorious pre-Islamic Iranian festivities and celebrations such as Nowruz. The current anti-Islam movement in Iran has recently gained serious momentum, especially among the younger generation who are savvy and aware of world events via the Internet.

Many Iranians continue to abandon slaveholder Islam: they break loose from the yoke of an exploitive clergy, renounce Islamic dogma, purge the discriminatory and bizarre teachings in the Quran and the Hadith, and leave the suffocating tent of dogmatic Islam for the life-giving expanse of liberty.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved