Understanding Coronavirus

By Dr. John Ure, MD

The reason I titled this article as above is because it seems to be a continuing web of interacting facts and figures. It is subject to change on a minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day basis.

What I will be endeavoring to do, is to explain, to the best of my ability, what I see at this time.

I am an emergency room physician and have practiced Family medicine for nearly 40 years. My website is down to earth medicine.org I constructed it a number of years ago and therefore it is very rudimentary and I have not had time to update the format since it seems to be effective as it is.

This COVID-19 hysteria known as a pandemic has been going on for several weeks. It is absolutely incredible that they have been able to shut down the entire world with just a few words.

I have been studying profusely for the past 20 years everything I could possibly look at that seems to be hidden. I first realized something was not quite right when I was on duty in the emergency room, and in between patient care I happen to overhear the commentator of the television program on the history channel say, “listen to these next three words.” I really hadn’t been paying attention to the program however when I heard this it caused me to look toward the screen and I saw daddy Bush standing at a podium with his hands placed on it.

He made the statement, “we are going to establish a new world order.” It was at this point that I begin to look in all directions much deeper than I had previously.

I rather dislike the title of being a conspiracy theorist because I consider myself a conspiracy fact person. My mother always preached to we children that she could not stand a thief or a liar. I feel exactly the same way. I do not like being lied to. It reminds me of the movie A Few Good Men with Tom Cruise as an attorney and Jack Nicholson as a Marine Colonel on the witness stand who essentially lost it. He began screaming at the top of his lungs, ”you cannot handle the truth.” This is exactly what is going on with our government and all of the alphabet agencies we have to deal with. They are treating us as though we are mushrooms, keeping us in the dark and feeding us bullshit.

At this particular time I have two different tracks or thoughts and I’m not exactly sure which one is correct or if it’s a blend of both. This will become apparent in the article.

I am not going to be quoting facts, figures and numbers because those can easily be manipulated and changed at will. What I will be attempting to do is give you a picture as I see and understand to the best of my ability.

Initially, I was able to find out that there is a level 4 Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada that seems to be involved. Interestingly a man by the name of Frank Plummer, was the director for 14 years. He recently resigned from that position and was in Kenya, Africa where he was a keynote speaker at a convention. It is reported that he died of a heart attack, however I think this cause of death is of a suspicious nature.

It was reported that a Chinese lady named Dr. Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng were escorted from the lab with a number of her students. It was stated it was for policy breach and administrative matters, and that public safety was not involved. I just wonder what the truth really is?

It was suspected that some of these individuals had smuggled samples of viruses to Wuhan, China. I have have determined the virus originally came from a bio lab in the Netherlands, and they had received it from Saudi Arabia. It had originally been obtained from the lungs of a man that had died in 2005. These samples were reported to be Corona virus.

I do not have verification that the virus was weaponized in a US military lab but some have speculated this. I have also come across that the virus was weaponized in the laboratory in China and that they had placed four particles of HIV into the coronavirus to make it spread more easily.

It is not certain whether the virus, if in fact it does exist was released accidentally or intentionally in China. There is a story that was put out that it had originated in a wet market that is only 300 m from the level 4 bio lab and that the initial victims had actually contracted the virus from the animals in the wet market. I have determined that they were doing testing to find out what animals they could actually infect with the virus, but beyond that the information is rather sketchy.

One other factor, that must come into play, is that the world military games were held in October of 2019 in Wuhan, China. Apparently 10,000 participants attended with representatives of the U.S. military also present. I find it interesting that China led with the most won gold medals. The US did not win any gold medals taking only 7 medals, silver and bronze. The US performances were so poor in fact that the athletes were referred to as Soy Boys.

It is rather controversial regarding the involvement of 5G electromagnetic radiation as being a factor in the illness. From what I can see, 5G radiation is quite damaging to plants and animals. It ranges from 3 KHz to 300GHz. Usually being used in

the 30GHz to 300GHz. It is my understanding that it’s the same type of energy that was used in the gulf war to subdue the Iraqi soldiers. I have recently seen videos of trains in the California area that were carrying armored personnel carriers with laser mechanisms and high energy type of weapons mounted on them. This concerns me greatly.

Some months back I was puzzled as to why we were having flocks of birds falling out of the sky. Sometime it is difficult to determine the exact cause, but I think there is a direct correlation with the testing of microwave radiation.

There seems to be a significant correlation with illnesses that take place any time there is a new roll out of electromagnetic types of devices such as the radio that was coming about at the time of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. I have seen reports that our troops in what is now called the Fort Riley military base received injections of bacterial meningitis vaccine that was cultured in horses. Apparently the disease was a bacteria rather than a virus. The soldiers traveled all over Europe by ship and train actually spreading a bacterial infection throughout Europe.

The high concentrations of infected individuals seem to be in Seattle, Washington, Wuhan, China, Milan, Italy, and also New York City, as well as Iran. Wuhan was proud of being the foremost developer of the 5G system. They were even trying to establish driverless cars.

I have not been able to verify the following but it has been reported that the 5G radiation causes a disruption of the oxygen molecules causing it to be poorly utilized by the lungs. It is also stated that it causes a degradation of the immune defense mechanisms of the individuals.

Several weeks ago I personally viewed what is referred to as a satellite train moving across the western sky from my yard. I saw 26 satellites that were just a few seconds behind one another moving in a perfectly straight line. My investigation revealed that Elon Musk is involved in this and has sent three rocket into space with each of these carrying 60 satellites weighing approximately 500 pounds each and they were released at approximately 300 miles above the earth in what is referred to as low earth orbit.

They have an ion engine on board that pulses every 90 seconds boosting the satellites out to 400-450 miles above the earth. The purpose of these satellites is to beam 5G signals to the earth. I was astounded when I found out that the FCC had given him permission to put a total of 42,000 of these satellites into space. At this time astronomers all over the world are upset because they cannot view space without interference of the satellites coming across their screen. It has also been stated that he has plans on putting 1 million ground-based antennas that will also be linked into the system.

It has been reported that these millimeter wave transmissions do not have the ability to go through solid objects such as trees, buildings, or even rain and therefore they have to be relatively close together and without obstructions. It has been reported from the UK that trees are being cut down to facilitate transmission of these signals. It has also been reported and I have seen videos of cell towers that have been caught on fire to destroy them in the UK.

I have been looking at as many sources as I can possibly review to figure out exactly what is going on. Quite a number of individuals are concerned and are doing the best they can to try to get the word out so that we have some idea of how to cope with this current situation.

I was watching a video of David Icke being interviewed by his son and he was explaining the thoughts of a doctor named Andrew Kaufman that was completely different than anything that I had come across this far. I planned on showing other people the David Icke video but Google had taken it down. This seems to be what is going on right now with many of the videos being pulled that are giving any information that is contrary to what mainstream media is propagandizing.

I was reviewing a video with Sofia Smallstorm in which she recommended a book called Aids, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire the deadly virus of international greed. It is written by Nancy Turner Banks, M. D.. Interestingly she does not believe these viruses exist because none of them have been identified or isolated and they have only been testing for genetic particles that they say come from these viruses.

Dr. Kaufman states that in fact whatever is being referred to as viruses are small vesicular packages of material called exosomes that are actually extruded from cells that have been under attack. The attacking agents are varied and can be caused by a virus, bacteria, asthma, stress, radiation, chemical exposure, or electromagnetic radiation such as 5G.

He went on to say that these exosomes have precisely the same appearance in the electron microscope as of the corona viruses. They are named corona from the Latin word meaning crown due to their appearance of a crown.

Interestingly he has shown evidence of the difficulty of person to person transmission of illness in as much as he stated that swabs were taken from orifices of infected individuals. Sputum and nasal secretions of sick individuals were actually placed into other individuals and they did not become ill.

Additionally to try to make it easier for contagion these same substances were injected into the individuals without transmission of illness.

The next thing they did was thinking that maybe it had to be directly from person to person and so they have them sit across from each other with their lips very close together breathing in and out mutual air and likewise no illness was transferred. I find this extremely interesting.

I have said from the very beginning that this entire situation is based on a complete fraud that is being perpetrated on the entire world.

In the United States alone the common influenza virus causes the death of roughly 80,000 people on a yearly basis.

Also the vast majority of the individuals that have died according to the so-called COVID-19 have been elderly often times in nursing homes with comorbid diseases of one, two or as many as three or four disease states. Diseases such as cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease have made it easier for the elderly to succumb to an additional insult.

Also, I have learned that many of the people being treated were given anti-AIDS medication and it in itself caused anemia leading to the demise of the individual. It has been reported that this has been referred to as a blue death because of cyanosis or a blue color of the skin and lips of an individual indicating severe depletion of oxygen in the tissues. Once this occurs, if not corrected, death will soon follow.

You are probably aware the major problems that are causing death is fluid buildup in the lungs and is essentially a pneumonia. This is why all of the respirators are necessary in order to help the patients with oxygenation.

The endgame is what concerns me the most at this point. Essentially the entire world is locked down. We have always had controlling force behind the scene that wants complete control of the world.

When one looks carefully at what is happening, everyone is dying of COVID-19. Even if the person was hit by a car. I saw that the doctors in China were holding up a CT scan saying they were using it to diagnose COVID-19. It is impossible to determine the cause of an illness by looking at a condition on an image. Doctors are being told to report cause of death as COVID-19

Along the same line, they stated that they were not going to test everyone and if a patient had the same symptoms they just called it another COVID-19 patient.

I called the lab at the ER where I have worked in the past and asked them how they were testing for the virus. The technician stated that they did not test there. They did a nasal swab, and sent it to a reference lab for the procedure.

There are several ways that they are testing for the virus, but the two most common are the RT PCR which does not identify a virus but looks at a string of genetic material. The other test is an antibody test that shows antibodies to the virus after you had an illness.

It was stated that four negatives in a row were required in order to be truly negative. Also the tests can produce a myriad of false positives from such things as the following for HIV positive patients.

TB, renal failure, influenza, herpes simplex l and ll, upper respiratory infection, pregnancy, malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis B vaccination, hepatitis, multiple myeloma, hemophilia, and these are just to name a few of the nearly 50 causes of a false positive.

Right now the goal is population reduction eliminating the elderly who are no longer productive and costing a great deal of money. Elimination of currency in favor of digital control. They will be able to track every purchase according to what you purchased, where you bought it and how much you paid for it. No privacy what so ever. Restriction of travel. Orwellian big brother overseeing the population in every way imaginable. Certainly last but not least, forced vaccination for COVID-19.

We are being assaulted by chemtrails, that are polluting our atmosphere with aluminum, barium, strontium, lithium, desiccated human red blood cells, and dog feces as well as viruses. I have not been able determine if the so-called COVID-19 viruses have been placed in the atmosphere but still researching that as a possibility.

We have been assaulted by genetically modified foods from corporations such as Monsanto and Dupont and the manufacture of seeds that have built in insecticides causing our pollinating insects to be decimated. It should be known that our honeybee population is decreased by nearly 2/3 of what is normal. There are approximately 120 plants such is the pecan tree that absolutely depend on the honeybee for pollination. Albert Einstein stated, “if the honeybees become extinct, then mankind will become extinct within three years.”

The government has plans to institute mandatory vaccinations and you will not be able to do anything unless you can show a card or some other identification to prove that you have received your vaccination. Bill Gates with all of his billions of dollars has been giving money to the world health organization second only to the United States.

His agenda is to vaccinate everyone and he’s been doing population reduction in Africa stating that the vaccine is the answer to all of the problems however if only hygiene and clean water and healthy living were taught, the health will improve significantly.

My advice to you is to refrain from being frightened and turn off your television and radio and do not look at any of the alphabet main stream media sources that are fear mongering to scare everyone.

If we are going to have any type of life that we have known in the past it is going to be necessary for the patriots of the world to step forward and say, enough is enough. One or two individuals will not be able to stand up to all the forces against us. We will have to have an army of millions with like-minded ideas in order to survive. It’s too bad we can’t simply vote all of the politicians out and do what is called a do over with a fresh beginning.

At this point, I thought I was nearing the end of my article, however as of Friday, April 17 of 2020 I came across additional information that was absolutely mind-boggling. Therefore I am not going to go back and change all of the information that I wrote at the beginning, because as I indicated, information changes rather rapidly and I would like you the reader to know in fact how quickly it has changed for me.

I am very proud of the work Dr. Rashid Buttar has been doing. Not only his clinical work but in trying to educate the entire world to just what is going on with this pandemic. I am a D.O. , and so is Dr. Buttar. The conclusion of this paper was primarily gleaned from his five part video series that can be viewed by looking at his website, askdrbuttar.com It has been extremely valuable and revealing.

I had seen in my research that several sites had been indicated as being responsible for the development of the COVID-19 virus but it looks as though the major work was done at the university of North Carolina in the year 2015. Dr Shi Zhengli was working in the laboratory and was being funded by the US government for research on a virus. The purpose of their research was to make a super virus. They were working with virus samples originally obtained from Fort Detrick. They wanted to create a highbred that cannot have a vaccine developed for it. Their purpose was to increase gain of function or to increase the pathogenicity of the virus.

Dr. Shi lied when she stated that the virus originated naturally because it was created as what is referred to a chimera. A chimera is a mythical animal that is made from various parts of other animals. This is exactly what they did with this virus because they took a basic SARS virus which is classified as a coronavirus and modified it by inserting proteins from an HIV virus, and a MERS virus into what is the termed a COVID-19. Their purpose was to make it more very virulent.

When the government realized exactly what was being done they declared a moratorium on the research. At that time Dr. Shi decided that she would go to Wuhan, China to continue her work. It should be noted that Dr. Fauci continue to allow her to do research in the United States although the government had told her to stop.

At this point it should be clearly stated that the virus had its start in the United States.

And now we come to the part that became more clear as I looked at additional sources. That is the very importance that 5G technology plays in this entire scenario. Remember I told you at the beginning of this paper that it was a web of great complexity with multiple involvements. I have already explained how in all of the major cities where is this virus became rampant they had just rolled out 5G radiation. To quote Dr. Buttar, “5G rapes the immune system.”

What we are dealing with here is electromagnetic radiation that is damaging to all living organisms. In Wuhan, China there were no 5G signals in November 2019. In December 2019 they turned on 12,000 5G towers. It should be pointed out that 20 years ago China stated their long range program was for biological warfare. They utilized a weaponized virus coupled with the harmful affects of the 5G signals.

The term hertz is used to describe the frequency of a radio signal. The higher the value of hertz the greater the frequency of the signal.

For example:
3G frequency it’s up to 2.1 GHz
4G is the frequency of the 2.5 GHz
5G frequency is up to 300GHz which is many times stronger than
a 4G signal
5G is considered to be in the microwave radiation range. Each tower is only able to move a signal to anywhere from 4 to 6 homes as reported by some or from 2 to 8 houses as reported by other sources. It is therefore the plan to place millions of antennae regardless of the negative impact to all life.

DNA has been shown to be significantly damaged by electromagnetic radiation. With prolonged exposure radiation symptoms can be as follows: nausea, swelling, hair loss, decreased appetite, low energy, generalize malaise, damaged bone marrow, damaged organs, confusion, infection, cancer, incapacitation and death.

Not all countries have been given the go ahead to rollout 5G radiation. Brussels, Belgium outright banned it and there is no 5G in their country.

It’s obvious to me that I can do without 5G signals. In fact I will make it a point not to have a cell phone in the bedroom where I am sleeping. I am turning my Wi-Fi router off when not being used. I have been using Hughes Net satellite service and when they sent me a new router it was putting out both 2G and 5G signals. Since I have an Apple Tower that was also putting out a Wi-Fi signal, I had them turn off both the 2G and 5G signal.

Approximately 10 years or so ago I decided I would no longer fly commercial airlines. Even at that time, I had realized that full body radiation was not good for me. I did what was called opting out, and had to be pulled out of the line for a complete pat down including wiping me down looking for traces of bomb residue. I figured that I would no longer subject myself to taking off shoes, belt, emptying pockets, going through carry on baggage and making sure that every thing I had was packaged just so and in the correct container and correct volume.

Now just what should we do with it and how concerned should we be with the virus itself. It is considered a self limiting version and most people will get better within 24 to 48 hours. Dr. Zack Moore in North Carolina stated people with mild symptoms do not need testing. They should just stay home.

I have decided at the end of this paper to give a listing of the individuals or Web Sites that I have found to be very useful. It is not intended to be an all inclusive list and I apologize for any one that I inadvertently left out. If you are aware of any other individuals or Web Sites that are informative I would appreciate you contacting me as well.

Dana Ashlie, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Rachid Buttar, Corbett report, David Icke, London Real, Amazing Polly, The Last American Vagabond, Richie from Boston, (RFB), Devvy Kidd, NewsWithViews.com, Gerald Celente, Jeff Rense, Joan Swirsky, What Finger, Jon Rapport, Dr. Nancy Turner Banks, Israeli News Live.


Forget masks, gloves, and eye shields, unless you are a health care worker, and then the only thing that can protect you is full body covering, sealed with no access to room air. This will not be practical in most cases. Good nutrition with plenty of water, vit C. and zinc supplement and good rest will help tremendously. Do not go around known positive cases of COVID-19 unless you absolutely must and at that time maintain adequate distancing and have minimal contact. If you do come down with symptoms, unless you have severe shortness of breath, do not be tested, stay home and stay in bed and do not take any ibuprofen. It should be self limiting in 24-48 hours.

© 2020 John Ure – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. John Ure: downtoearthmedicine@gmail.com

Website: DownToEarthMedicine.org

[BIO: Dr. John Ure Emergency medicine and family practice physician for 40 years. Trained as a combat medic in the US Army. Obtain masters degree in environmental biology at university of Colorado. Vast experience working in numerous ER’s including many military hospitals such as Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Fort Riley, Kansas, Whiteman Air Force Base, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He has also works for the Indian Health Services in northern Montana. He is a private pilot and missionary doctor. He has also been certified for treating opioid addiction. Currently doing telemedicine and you may contact him at his office for personal medical care. Office 417-644-2788]

I Will Not Take A Covid-19 Vaccine

By:  Devvy

Vaccines have been controversial for many decades.  Anyone and I mean anyone from well informed citizens, pediatricians to scientists – anyone who even questions the efficacy or safety of vaccines is branded an ‘anti-vaxxer’ conspiracy nut.

Well, that’s gotten quite old so now the vax manufacturers and the prostitute MSM are using “you’re selfish if you don’t get the vaccine”.  Why even the uber liberal TV show, Law & Order did an episode on a woman who didn’t vaccinate her child.  Another child came down with, I forget, measles or something and died.  Could be the vaccinated child died of complications from the jab.  Anyway, the mother and the coppers blamed it on the first mother who didn’t vaccinate her child.  Shame, shame!

‘Shame’ and ‘guilt’ campaign planned to coerce COVID-19 vaccination: “First, there’s ‘no guarantee’ a COVID-19 vaccine will work and second, it could ‘backfire,’ strengthening the virus, CCHF said.”

The truth is no vaccine is 100% safe and corporations who manufacture them don’t give a damn about you or your child.  It’s all about money – BIG money. Coronavirus ‘disappearing’ so fast Oxford vaccine has ‘only 50% chance of working’– “We’re in the bizarre position of wanting COVID to stay, at least for a little while.”

The race to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 is fierce because it means tens and tens of billions of dollars in revenue.  And, for what?

SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses

The rough number right now is 73,733 poor souls died in nursing homes – a place where elderly people are because they have serious health issues and can no longer live at home or in assisted living.

This column was a month long in the making.  I had 345 articles and videos saved.  Over the weeks I went through them one by one; some videos were basically junk so those were easy to toss.  There is a tremendous amount of information in this column.  Don’t be overwhelmed.

I’m doing it this way to give you as much credible information and data all in one place.  We are talking about a shot that can destroy your child and you.  I hope Americans who want the truth vs the slags out there glued to their phones, too busy, too drunk, too hopped up on drugs or so brain washed to even question what’s in a vaccine shot, will take the time to go through each article and watch every video.

Now, some videos are an hour to an hour and a half.  Some, 15-20 minutes.  But, the content is well worth the time as are the articles.  No duplicates, all important.  Just book mark this column and start working your way through the links when it’s quiet in the evening, over lunch if you work at home.  Please find the time.Despite all the hype, they probably won’t roll out a vaccine until January or longer.

How many times have we heard pro-baby killers scream, “It’s my body” or “Keep the government out of my body”?  Ad nauseum.  Yet, I’m sure a majority of those individuals will have no problem getting a jab in the arm for the COVID-19 vaccine without concern for what’s in it.

As I have written before, in my life I’ve only had only 3 vaccines as a child, not an infant or toddler.  Mother says 5, 6 years old.  No flu shot, no other shots or vaccines to this day.  I am so grateful I only allowed my daughter to have the same three; she was born in 1975.  In the 1980’s children were given 23 doses for 7 vaccines by age 6!  Today it’s 69 doses for 16 vaccines! – many of which are given to infants as young as two months old!  My, God, how could any mother allow such a thing?

Well, in one of the videos you’ll see a mom, a psychiatrist, who trusted her doctor and the vaccine.  Her two-month old baby died shortly after being given the jabs.  I wanted to cry watching her pain.  Looking at that beautiful baby now dead.  Heart wrenching.

State legislatures are the culprits for passing mandatory vaccine bills signed by ignorant, equally culpable governors for children to attend school.  In a pig’s ear would I stand by and cave in to their “law” forcing me to hurt, maim or kill my own child.

Compare how healthy America’s children were prior to 1980 who only received 2-3 vaccines. Despite the continuing rise in autism, vaccine manufacturers, ignorant elected public officials and the even dumber and lazy MSM say vaccines have nothing to do with it.

What has to be done and it’s too late this election cycle, is for parents across this country to take a stand and not back down.  You send your governor, state rep and senator a snail mail letter signed by as many people as possible.

Inform them if they voted for mandatory vaccine bills you will work day and night to see they are defeated in 2022.  What I would like to see are class action lawsuits across the country representing not just children but adults alike sue the state for putting their health and lives at risk.  I’m not a lawyer and I know there are immunity laws for elected public “servants”, but I’m sure good lawyers out there know the law.

What needs to be done all across this country is thousands of mothers and fathers outside your state capitol for rallies demanding mandatory vaccine laws be rescinded.  No, that’s not irresponsible.  If a parent wants to vaccinate their child, fine.  Hopefully they will have taken the time to educate themselves about vaccines. He who yells the loudest gets heard.

Taking it to the Streets—Peaceful Protest in Albany As NYSBA Walks Back COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Recommendation

And please get this out on all social media.  It will save lives and keep potentially thousands, if not more Americans from being harmed by vaccines or more dead babies.

Once you work your way through the links, videos and articles, there’s no way anyone can dispute the fact not all vaccines are safe and shoving all those jabs into kids is what’s irresponsible.  And, this rush to get a COVID-19 vaccine goes beyond reckless.  I will NOT be a guinea pig for corporate profits or a population drowning in fear over this coronavirus.

Back in February 2007, our then governor, Ricky Perry signed an EO which would force young females up to age 18 to get the HPV vaccine (3 doses) manufactured by Merck who donated to Ricky’s campaigns.  Known as Gardasil, that vaccine has killed and maimed thousands of young women in many countries including ours.  Gardasil should have been taken off the market over a decade ago.

That EO caused a firestorm here in Texas.  The legislature wasn’t even consulted before Perry signed the EO.  Perry yields on HPV vaccines, chides lawmakers

“But the author of the bill overturning Perry’s order, Rep. Dennis Bonnen, R-Angleton, said it’s much better to allow parents to decide what’s best for their daughters.

“This drug has not been properly studied to know the impact on 11-year-olds and what the long-term impact might be on those young girls’ fertility,” Bonnen said.”  Parents then had an opt out.  For more information on that here in Texas, click here.

Texas Vaccination Exemption Information

This is a must read:  Six of 10 Vaccines Studied Increase Mortality

“On average, 1 in 43,478 women will die from cervical cancer. If 2.3% of girls develop an autoimmune disease from Gardasil, then that translates into 1,000 per 43,500. Even if a 1 in 43,478 chance of dying from cancer is eliminated (which there is absolutely no proof of), girls and young women trade that risk elimination for a much larger 1 in 43 chance of getting an autoimmune disease from the vaccine.”

And yet, our legislature continues to force vaccines on school children through the Texas Dept of State Health Services:  Texas mandates vaccines for all kids in public school, even if learning online – You see, more and more parents are opting out their children getting vaccines with good reason.  If you child gets the measles like I did, you stay home, get over it and then back to school.

Problem is today, schools are baby sitters for sick students in a household with two working parents.  Child care is expensive so they send their sick child to school.  I covered this in one of my columns about a jr high student.  I was a substitue for the day.  That poor kid had the whooping cough, no question so I sent him to the office so a parent could come and take him home where he belonged.

Same draconian demands for you:  No jab, no job? NEJM says everyone needs to be vaccinated for coronavirus in order to go to work  –  I also think a few class action lawsuits against bigger employers will send a clear message to company’s who demand in exchange for employment, you have to harm your health.  Just like wearing a mask.

Dentists declare ‘mask mouth’ a new phenomenon as they see an explosion in patients suffering from tooth decay and gum disease after wearing face coverings:  “Two top dentists in New York City say mask-wearing makes people breathe through their nose and subsequently causes their mouth to dry out.  This results in a decrease of saliva in the mouth, which works to neutralize acid and prevent tooth decay and gum disease.  ‘Gum disease will eventually lead to strokes and an increased risk of heart attacks,’ one dentist claims, saying the long-term effects can be serious.”

The majority of Americans have no idea what’s in those vaccines and that’s exactly what politicians and vaccine manufacturers are counting on. However, what they didn’t count on is the Internet and so over time, millions of Americans have been learning the truth and are saying NO.

Back in 2015, I wrote this column, Polio Vaccine, Cancer and Dr. Mary’s Monkey. I cover another issue, so scroll down close to halfway where it begins about what’s inside vaccines.  It is well worth your time. Book at Amazon.

Number of Americans who plan to get vaccinated falls to 42% — a new low

READ:  There’s almost no chance a vaccine for COVID-19 will work at all, warns scientist

Without doubt some vaccines have been life savers for billions of people.  Eventually the polio vaccine became safe – for most:The tainted polio vaccine that sickened and fatally paralyzed children in 1955  – In that article, Bernice E. Eddy, is mentioned.  She is the woman murdered covered in Dr. Mary’s Monkey.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


The Greater Good – Real Stories of Vaccine Injury – Will you or your child be next?

Dr. Judy Mikovits says 50 million will die in U.S. from COVID Vaccine – Dr. Sherry Tenpenny Agrees

9 partdocu-series – I couldn’t find episode 7.

The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series – Episode 1

The Truth About Vaccines: Episode 2 | What’s in Vaccines? Are They Effective? And, What About Polio?

The Truth About Vaccines Docu-Series Episode 3 Vaccinating For The Greater Good!

The Truth About Vaccines – Episode 4 – Exploring the Flu Vaccine

The Truth About Vaccines Docu Series Episode 5 – HPV and Hepatitis B Vaccines

The Truth About Vaccines Docu series Episode 6

The Truth About Vaccines Docu Series Episode 8

The Truth About Vaccines Docu-Series: Episode 9

New Genetically Engineered Covid Vaccine FACTS –  Dr Carrie Madej’s Warning on 2020 Covid Vaccine

Jon Rappaport from NoMoreFakeNews airs dirty secrets of the vaccine industry

“Everyone Should Know This Before It’s Too Late” – We are all In trouble

The Pseudoscience Of Vaccines – Big Pharma’s Final Solution

The COVID Vaccine’s Dirty Secret

Bill Gates: The Making Of A Monster

This web site has a lot of videos dealing with issues like fluoride, water and much more.  I have not watched them.


Doctors lay out plan to ‘punish’ people who refuse coronavirus vaccine: ‘There is no alternative’‘Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty,’ and America should consider making it difficult for the unvaccinated to participate in society, three doctors wrote.”

Read the Fine Print, Part Two—Nearly 400 Adverse Reactions Listed in Vaccine Package Inserts

Bill Gates: “We Don’t Know If These Vaccines Will Work… To Avoid Deaths Or Transmission”

COVID-19: The Spearpoint for Rolling Out a “New Era” of High-Risk, Genetically Engineered Vaccines

Moderna COVID Vaccine Trial Sees 20% “Serious” Injury Rate as U.S. Invests BILLIONS More on Experimental COVID Vaccines

CHD Will Sue the University of California Over Mandatory Flu Vaccine Policy:

“Dr. Janet Napolitano says mandatory flu shots will “lessen the chance of being infected with COVID.” However, prevailing research suggests that flu vaccines actually raise the risk from coronavirus infection.

“A January 2020 US Pentagon study (Wolff 2020) found that the flu shot INCREASES the risks from coronavirus by 36%. “Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as “virus interference…’vaccine derived’ virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus…”

“Many other studies suggest the increased risk of viral respiratory infections, including coronavirus, following vaccination for influenza.”

The Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900—According to Published Science

Infant vaccination rates plummeted during the lock down, so why did INFANT mortality rates also plummet to historic lows?

Big Tech is making sure people don’t hear about the deadly downsides of vaccines

Can You Handle the Truth About Vaccines?

Say Her Name:  Vaccine Victim Hannah Poling

Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine

Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study

Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA’s Darkest Agenda

Storing medical information below the skin’s surface–“ Specialized dye, delivered along with a vaccine, could enable “on-patient” storage of vaccination history.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Responds to Bill Gates’ Statements on a Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccine:

“The implication is this: when a new vaccine is invented then mass produced, it will not necessarily be mandatory, but everything else in your life, such as work, school, community, and sociality, will all become privileges granted by the state under the condition that you take the new vaccine.”

That is not freedom and liberty it’s totalitarianism.  Oh, and by the way, here’s a little more population reduction targeting black people from the article above:  “In fact, two French doctors recently explained on live TV why Africans would make the best test subjects for a vaccine.”  It doesn’t say why Africans would make the ‘best test subjects.’

Is Mandatory Vaccination Legal in Time of Epidemic? – “Furthermore, it is immaterial whether or not the vaccine is actually effective, so long as it is the belief of state authorities that the mandatory vaccine will promote common welfare and is a reasonable and proper exercise of the police power [6].”  So if a vaccine is not effective why should we be forced to take it?  I don’t call that reasonable.

On this day, the Supreme Court rules on vaccines and public health

Navigating Vaccine Exemption in the Military

Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress Dissent

COVID Advances New World Order — The Empire of Billionaires

Trump says coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary: ‘Not everyone is going to want to get it’ –States pass their own laws to maim or kill us.

Chicago Health Commissioner Tells Public a Mass Vaccination Campaign is Underway, ‘We’ve Already Bought the Syringes’

Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents

Letter to WV Legislators—The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is likely to make more people sick than COVID-19

Inflammatory Syndrome Affecting Children: Kawasaki Disease, COVID-19 . . . or Something Else?

Sexual deviants (LBGTQ) upset over this:  Christian group opposes coronavirus vaccine research because it used aborted fetal tissue  –  “They say Christians will refuse to be vaccinated against the coronavirus because of their “religious convictions.”  Can’t have that.

The thought of using cells from an innocent little baby with a beating heart silenced by murder is beyond heinous.

Oxford University and AstraZeneca Making Coronavirus Vaccine Using Cells From Aborted Babies

Dr. Theresa Deisher on the use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines: Babies are Born at 5-6 Months Old Alive with Beating Hearts and No Anesthesia

“One of the more interesting questions Mr. Kennedy asked Dr. Deisher was why the manufacturers of vaccines switched from exclusively using animal tissue to culture viruses for vaccines, to start using aborted fetal tissue some years back.

“Dr. Deisher’s reply was that the industry was getting a lot of pressure from the animal rights movement to stop using animals for experimentation.

“Mr. Kennedy was shocked, and stated:  “It’s kind of weird to think that the animal rights activists have more clout with the vaccine companies than do the anti-abortion activists.

“Dr. Deisher replied: “They do. And you know what’s really alarming is the lack of outcry over human babies born alive at five to six months old so that their hearts can be obtained beating. And they have to be beating to be used in the research that’s being done.

“If the heart has stopped beating, it’s not useful. You cannot use it.And so these babies are delivered alive, and their hearts cut out without anesthesia.”

Abortion is murder.  They are monsters.

Aluminum is a key ingredient in MANY vaccines: Here’s why it’s so dangerous

COVID Vaccine: What Else Could They Put in the Shot?

Big Pharma And Microsoft Are Teaming Up In Something Called The ‘ID2020 Alliance’ That Will Combine Vaccinations With Implantable Microchips To Create Your Digital ID

Why you shouldn’t believe anything the government says about vaccines and viruses

“SCANDAL ONE: In 2013, Dr. Peter Doshi, writing in the online BMJ (British Medical Journal), revealed this monstrosity.

“As Doshi states, every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory samples are taken from flu patients in the US and tested in labs. Here is the kicker: only a small percentage of these samples show the presence of a flu virus.

“This means: most of the people in America who are diagnosed by doctors with the flu have no flu virus in their bodies.So they don’t have the flu.”

Dirty like Fauci:  CDC Director Robert Redfield: the letter that should have destroyed his career

Do you want your children to be tracked?  An Invisible Quantum Dot ‘Tattoo’ Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids

Do you want to be one of their guinea pigs?  If so many died from COVID-19 who had underlying medical conditions, think what could happen with a vaccine rushed through in record time?  Volunteer Describes His Serious Reaction in Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Trial

The Vaccine From Hell

Obese people are 48% more likely to die of Covid-19 and a vaccine may not work as well on them because their immune systems are weaker, scientists warn

Obesity can increase coronavirus-related death risk by almost 50%, report says – Individuals with obesity were more likely to be hospitalized and admitted to the ICU

Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions

How The Race For A COVID-19 Vaccine Could Go Horribly Wrong For The Market

’60 Minutes’ – Swine Flu 1976 Vaccine Warning

Lessons From 1976 Swine Flu: ‘Scores’ Dead After 46 Million Vaccinated Unnecessarily, Bait & Switch Pulled on Vaccine Wavers

Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance

Was Henry Kissinger a Soviet Spy?

The Top 10 Most Inhuman Henry Kissinger Quotes


Book if you can find a copy:  Murder by Injection – The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

Vaccination Liberation Army

Children’s Health Defense

Biden’s Backers Planning Another Middle East War

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump departed from his prepared remarks, in accepting the Republican presidential nomination, when he said about the Obama-Biden Administration, “Remember this: They spied on my campaign, and they got caught. Let’s see now what happens.” This was a topic that deserves far more attention from the president in a public forum, perhaps an address from the Oval Office.

Alluding to the military-industrial complex, another major component of the bureaucracy, Trump said, “Unlike previous administrations, I have kept America OUT of new wars — and our troops are coming home.”

History will show that Republican President Dwight Eisenhower originally blew the whistle on the military-industrial complex, and Trump did the same with the Deep State.  Both of these bureaucratic monstrosities have united against Trump.

What the reaction to Trump has proven is that the intelligence community works with the military-industrial complex to get America involved in the affairs of other nations, creating chaos that leads to more wars and therefore more demands for American involvement. Trump has resisted their demands because he knows these wars weaken America and cost the lives of our brave soldiers.

In little-noticed remarks, Biden foreign policy adviser and former Obama official Anthony Blinken said, referring to Syria, “The U.S. is AWOL, we’re not in it. The Russians are in it. The Turks are in it. The Iranians are in it. We’re not. I can tell you this. I can’t guarantee success. I can guarantee that in a Biden administration, we’d at least show up.”

What this means, in practical terms, is military intervention on behalf of the Marxist Kurds, a movement created by a Soviet KGB agent, Abdullah Ocalan, and trying to carve out a new international Antifa nation of Rojava. As I noted last year, “The Obama policy of funding the Marxist PKK is what Trump has effectively stopped with his withdrawal of U.S. forces from northern Syria.” The Obama/Biden policy could plunge us into a military confrontation with NATO member Turkey.

The sentence, “I can’t guarantee success,” is another recipe for another no-win war, coming on the heels of Barack Hussein Obama having ordered his CIA director John Brennan to fund and equip jihadists in Syria, producing a civil war that has already cost more than 500,000 lives. Trump has been trying to extricate America from this dangerous conflagration. Biden wants to get us back in the middle of it.

Under Joe Biden, we can expect more wounded warriors, who will be ordered to fight for one faction of Muslims over another. It is a no-win situation that has no favorable outcome for America.

In other significant remarks at the RNC, Trump’s former acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, said that the post gave him access to information that “made me sick to my stomach.” He was talking about the Deep State and Obama/Biden spying on the Trump campaign.

What we needed to hear from Grenell is what exactly made him sick to his stomach. He couldn’t be confirmed to his post so he had to occupy the position on a temporary basis. What he saw, during that brief period of time, was enough to make him sick.

We know the treason he saw up close must have been nauseating. It is sickening to any American, even on the outside observing this subversion, who respects our form of government. But how bad is it?

The suspicion is that intelligence agencies were using information obtained from secret recordings made by pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and that Epstein was himself an intelligence operative. Bill Clinton, an Epstein associate who flew on his private plane, is still so revered in the Democratic Party that he spoke at their convention, just as photos leaked showing him getting a massage from a young woman.

At this late stage, the fourth year of the Trump presidency, we are still waiting for the villains and culprits in the scandal known as Obamagate to be brought to justice. Only one FBI lawyer has been forced to plead guilty to one charge.

Trump’s comment about Obamagate, “Let’s see now what happens,” is simply not acceptable, coming as it does from the president of the United States as he still tries to save our country from the Deep State cabal.

It may make us all sick to our stomachs, but we have a right to know and are entitled to truth and justice. We have already waited too long.

The media smear those who recognize how Washington really works as “Q” conspiracy theorists, and demand that Republicans disavow the notion that there is a high-level conspiracy of corrupt officials and power brokers working to undermine our nation, perhaps using occult forces.

But Christians who take their Bible seriously understand that demonic forces are real. And whether Karl Marx was a Satanist or not, as one new book, The Devil and Karl Marx, discusses in some detail, he was a sick and demented individual who went down in history as a destroyer of nations and architect of mass murder.  He is one of the main forces inspiring death and destruction on America’s streets.

In his letter to President Trump, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, Carlo Maria Viganò, said, “In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness.” He referred to the children of darkness being associated with the Deep State, “which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days…”

What the Trump presidency has proven, in a dramatic manner that has shocked and angered many, is that there is a “Deep State” of U.S. intelligence agencies and other like-minded bureaucrats who didn’t want him to win, and wanted him out of office before he completed his first term. And now we know that they want him out because they are planning to escalate American military involvement in the Middle East, bringing the world to the brink of an apocalypse involving Russia, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. The Blinken phrase “We’d at least show up” is how one of Obama’s former officials justifies returning to this quagmire.

If Obama vice-president Joe Biden wins the presidency, the opportunity for justice for the former Obama officials with blood on their hands is gone. “Let’s see now what happens” will be something we will remember in the future, as we may wonder why Obama and his henchmen escaped accountability. Time is running out.

Some say Trump’s RNC speech was too long. In fact, we need a speech from the president just as long or longer on the subject of the enemies within. It should be televised, in the same way President Eisenhower gave the nation that dramatic warning about the military-industrial complex.

Eisenhower’s speech was his final address from the Oval Office. Let’s hope that a Trump speech on the Deep State is not his farewell address as Biden and the Obama holdovers prepare to take the reins of power and plunge our nation into another war.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants by 2050: Roadkill and Traffic Congestion?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 6: Roadkill of millions of vertebrates

In this extremely sobering if not depressing series on adding another 100 million immigrants to America, how about trying on this fact to shake up your sense of emotional stability.

Each second in the 48 contiguous states, according to a study by High Country News, Roadkill Statistics, February 2, 2005, American motorists, high speed boaters, airplanes, trains, tractors and other motors kill 11.4 vertebrate animals every SECOND!   That turns out to be over 1,000,000 (million) animals every day, or a total of 365 million animals suffer death annually for crossing over our paved highways or swimming in their natural habitats. (Note that we’ve added another 35 million people since that study.)

Soberingly, we only feature 330 million Americans, and most of them drive cars—can you think of the death rate worldwide 24/7.  In other words, massive carnage of the animal kingdom around the globe—perhaps into the billions since there are 7.8 billion humans on this planet.

Worse than that, the study shows that it’s probably another 40 million animals slink off into the bush to die without the researchers ever finding out they died. Who dies?  Bison, deer, geese, groundhogs, robins, hummingbirds, elk, bear, dogs, cats, millions of birds of every species, owls, eagles, hawks, rodents, coyotes, cougars, cranes, and hundreds of other innocent species.

What makes me sick stems from the fact that some intellectual ‘giants’ send me information that the human race could be stuck in the middle of Texas with a couple acres extra for each family. They think we could add another 10-20 billion humans without any problems.  As a teacher, I shake my head at the sheer stupidity of such stupidity. In other words, they are SO out of touch with reality that they defend their stupidity.

What they don’t understand:  humans in 2020 cause the “Sixth Extinction Session” now killing off entire species at 24 species per day or over 8,000 annually. Yes, that’s 24 species suffer extinction 24/7.  We kill them, poison them, bulldoze their habitat, shoot them, run them over and just about every other method you can imagine for killing them off the planet.

Here in the USA, the Department of the Interior says that we lose species in America even before they can be listed as endangered.

SDG said, “Nature is declining globally at rates unprecedented in human history – and the rate of species extinctions is accelerating, with grave impacts on people around the world now likely, warns a landmark new report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the summary of which was approved at the 7th session of the IPBES Plenary, meeting last week (29 April – 4 May) in Paris.

“The overwhelming evidence of the IPBES Global Assessment, from a wide range of different fields of knowledge, presents an ominous picture,” said IPBES Chair, Sir Robert Watson. “The health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is deteriorating more rapidly than ever. We are eroding the very foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide.”

“The Report also tells us that it is not too late to make a difference, but only if we start now at every level from local to global,” he said. “Through ‘transformative change’, nature can still be conserved, restored and used sustainably – this is also key to meeting most other global goals. By transformative change, we mean a fundamental, system-wide reorganization across technological, economic and social factors, including paradigms, goals and values.”

But will we?  Can we stop our ‘growth, growth, growth’ paradigm in the USA and worldwide?  Can we stop immigration that drives our growth crisis? Will we? When? Before it’s too late?

Do you ever wonder why MILLIONS of people crave migrating to America?  What caused them so much misery as to want to move out of their home country? Answer: the third world adds 80 million, net gain, more people annually.  They overflow with their own birthrates.  Call them stupid, call them illiterate, call them cultural—but they never figured out that birth control would save them as it has first world countries that add 2.0 children annually per woman—since 1970.

To top it off, the Pope, Hindus, Islam and other ancient religions promote as many children as possible.  In other words, they don’t mind that 4,000,000 children starve to death annually and 8,000,000 adults.  Then, toss in the ‘human misery index’, and you’ve got a whole lot of humanity living in refugee camps. One look at Africa would make you sick to your stomach.  And, if you notice those “feed the children” ads, you see a child or two on the hips of every African woman. (Source: Death rates by the United Nations)

So, without any change in course, America will add 100 million immigrants within 30 years at current immigration and birth rate levels.  That means vehicle congestion will add at least another 100 million cars, trucks, trains, planes, motors and more to our landscape.  Are you ready for the death ‘roadkill’ death rates at that point in time?  Are you ready to sit in gridlock for the rest of your life?

Do we have the right to keep exploding our population knowing that we’re killing off the Natural World and all its creatures at such lightning speed?  Do your children deserve better?  Do the animals deserve better?  Why should we absorb another 100 million immigrants when their numbers will overwhelm our civilization?  Why import them when we KNOW they will add another 80 million of themselves in 2020 and every year after that?   If you’ve got some solutions, please send your ideas my way.  Here are my solutions:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship. Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Christians Should be Prepared for the Return of the King

Ms. Smallback

You know how we say things like “it’s raining cats and dogs”? We understand that to mean it’s raining really hard. You have to dig back a couple centuries to understand the origin of that phrase was when they had thatch roofs and the animals sometimes nested in them, and when it rained really hard they’d fall through the roof. That’s an idiom.

The Bible is full of them.

When I tell people we can know the season of the Lord’s return, they act like I’m either a raving lunatic or an idiot. [Eh, fine. I’ve never been one to care much what someone else thinks of me. I do, however care about understanding the Word of God.]

We have this well-known passage from Paul who tells us that we are not in darkness like the rest of the world, so we will not be caught off guard like the rest of the world. Really look at what he says here*:

Just the first sentence is a mouthful! Paul said we don’t need anything written to us about the times and epochs (sometimes translated seasons). Why would that be? Why does Paul assume his reader(s) – the early first century Church – know the times and seasons – specifically about the return of Christ?

Interestingly, this passage immediately follows the infamous “rapture” passage of the return of Christ and the apantesis of the believers in escorting Christ from the air to the earth.

Speaking of a rapture….

So let’s debunk the rapture myth. Christians aren’t going to be raptured up and leave the earth while some seven year tribulation is hitting the earth. That’s a lie, and a dangerous one. Someone find me this teaching before 1830 and we can have a meaningful conversation about it.

The “rapture theology” originated when a young Scottish girl named Margaret MacDonald told a “vision” she had. John Darby ran with it, enveloped it in his pre-tribulation theory, and as they say, the rest is history. But it’s not solid Biblical teaching. It’s not Biblical at all, in fact.

[As an aside, I would say most of the serious false teachings on the return of Christ have occurred in the last couple centuries. The early Church did not have the “doctrines” today’s Church promotes. But that’s a whole other story.]

It’s really that simple. I don’t need to go on about a rapture that doesn’t exist in Scripture because it’s a false teaching and no one can prove it by Scripture. So let’s talk about an “apantesis” instead…

Now this word “apantesis” is really important and carries serious implications. The Greek word literally means “to meet one” and is used only three times in the Bible: Matthew 25:6, Acts 28:15 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

In each of the three uses of “apantesis” in Scripture, it clearly depicts a scenario of:

“Apantesis” according to Vine:

“It is used in the papyri of a newly arriving magistrate. It seems that the special idea of the word was the official welcome of a newly arrived dignitary”…

It’s a welcoming party, if you will, to receive royalty or dignitaries. They send a delegation for a reception of the coming dignitary. The welcoming party leaves the destination point to receive the coming dignitary a bit out of the city or locale, and then accompanies him/her back to the destination point.

If a visiting monarch, president, or head of state was visiting our city, an apantesis would occur. There would be a welcoming group of people go out to the point of entry into our city, perhaps an airport. That group would then escort the visiting dignitary back into the city and the point of destination.

This is the context of Christ’s Second Advent. He will return to earth the same way He left.

Acts 1:9-11 [NASU]: “And after He [Christ] had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them. They also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”

When He returns, the believers still on the earth will actually meet Him in the air and escort Him back to earth.

1 Thess 4:17 [NASU]: “ Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air…”

That word “meet” here in the Scripture they like to quote for their rapture theory is apantesis – used only three times in Scripture — and defined as a welcoming party to accompany or escort a magistrate or dignitary to the point of destination.

Please note one of the other three times apantesis is used is in the parable Jesus gives of the Bridegroom’s return, and it is the instruction given to the virgins for the arrival of the Bridegroom (King): go out and meet Him! Accompany Him to His destination (the wedding feast).

So no, there is no “left behind” scenario of a rapture that whisks believers away. That is a lie. (and that book series has done considerable damage to the Church) There is, however, a far greater scenario: we will meet our Lord in the air and accompany Him back to the earth at his Second Advent.

But back to the return of Christ not catching believers by surprise…

In verse nine of 1Thess 5, Paul reminds the believers we’re not destined for the wrath of God, which is also why he took pains to explain that upon Christ’s second advent (where He comes to exact judgment on the earth), the believers still alive on the earth are caught up in the air to Him (as He is descending from Heaven) to accompany Him back to the earth. (theapantesis) The believers accompany Christ on the “day of the Lord”; they are not left on the earth to fend for themselves (as His return is described in Isaiah 63 or Revelation 19:11-16), for they are with Him as Paul described in 1 Thess. 4:15-18.

The Thief in the Night

So what is this thief in the night that Paul, a devout Jew and Pharisee extraordinaire speaks of? And why is this a perfect descriptor for why Christians will not be caught too much by surprise by Christ’s return?

This descriptor is another idiom for something Paul’s audience would have been familiar with, but the western mind would not. In the times of the temple in Jerusalem, part of the priests’ duty was to keep the fire on the altar burning. They had schedules for their duties to keep watch. The night shift was more difficult for obvious reasons. The High Priest would make random visits to the watchman priest of the fire to make sure the fire was still lit. If the watchman priest had fallen asleep, the High Priest would take burning coals and shovel some on the priest’s robes. The priest would awaken in a start as his robes began smoldering and pull off his robes. This was considered an obvious disgrace as he would be exposed naked (or in undergarments) when the next priest came on shift. On the night shift, the High Priest was known by the nickname “thief in the night”.

Paul is telling us the High Priest (who is now only Christ Himself) will come like a thief in the night, and the immediate understanding would be of this scenario. Obviously we are the priests responsible for keeping the fire lit on the altar. (God calls us His priests in Rev. 1:6, 5:10, 20:6.) If we’re doing our job, there’s no way we’ll be overtaken because we will see the High Priest coming! Now does this passage make sense?

Rev 16:15 NASU

(“Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that he will not walk about naked and men will not see his shame.”)

Do you see the reference to keeping our clothes and not walking about naked?? Doesn’t that make more sense now? Can you see how Christ’s disciples should be prepared for the return of the King? If they’re at their tasks with the fire on the altar being kept, they will see as the High Priest is coming. But if they’re asleep, they will be caught off guard, suffer for their slothfulness, and be exposed (naked) for those who were awake and ready.

It is, in fact, assumed by Paul and in the early Church, that Christians will not be caught by surprise at Christ’s return. In fact, look at the comparison Paul draws from the believers to the world. The believers will not be caught by surprise, but the world will be in the midst of declaring “peace and safety” unaware of the actual season they are in. Selah.

Christ’s admonition in these passages is to the believers, not the world. The world doesn’t know or care about God and His ways. The world will keep on keeping on like it always has with wars, ethnic wars, droughts, famines and plagues, etc. People will have their agendas of peace or war, of unity or division. As the famous preacher said, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” To these people, the return of Christ will catch them by surprise. They’re the same mockers Peter refers to here:

2 Peter 3:3-7 NASU

A Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.” For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

Yet Peter continues and here we have another reference to the thief….

2 Peter 3:10-13 NASU

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.

Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.

Planet earth is actually wrapping up, if you’ve been paying attention. God’s timeline for humanity has an actual expiration date. God, in His great mercy, has been gracious to let us in on His purposes and plans. We only need to seek Him. Paul said we don’t need the times and epochs written to us, why? Because we already know them. (or we should if we’re disciples of the Son) Our job is to occupy until He comes, clothed and ready, with the fire on the altar burning.

© 2020 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

Qui Bono?

A.M. Byrd

In the past few weeks, NWVs has published some of the most inspiring and informative columns I have seen in ages, from some of the most gifted, prolific writers around. Devvy Kidd’s weekly taped commentary is always outstanding and well worth the few minutes it takes to listen as she knocks the subjects far out of the ballpark. My efforts are dwarfed by most of the other writers here, so I wasn’t going to write another column. Yet, the situation in our nation brought me to a place of anger, frustration and despondency. It got the better of me for about…well, about 5 minutes, after which I felt motivated. So I sat down at my computer to re-watch a video I was sent 2 weeks ago to take notes in preparation of a meeting with some like minded people next Sunday, and I wrote out the phrase: Qui bono? This is the Latin phrase for ‘to whom is it a benefit”, or, simply, “Who benefits”?

What does all this turmoil achieve? Why does only the United States thus suffer this insolvency into moral vacuousness? How, in a land that was sanctified for freedom and individual God given rights, have we sunk into the stupefying abyss of an anarchist’s wet dream? People that come to our service desk in the store I work for whisper to me, “I don’t understand any of this”. It’s because you’re not suppose to, I whisper back.

No. We’re not SUPPOSE to understand it. It is the Hegelian dialectic and Cloward-Piven’s ‘strategy’ rolled into one tight little short-fused bomb of social destruction, intended only for the United States. Why? Because we are the last bastion of freedom and liberty anywhere on earth. That is to say, TRUE freedom; protected ownership of private property and the right to equal justice under codified law…at least, we used to be. Enemies who have infiltrated within our gates and avowed enemies outside our gates, have turned our Constitutional Republic into a living nightmare because of raging envy, greed and the most basic avarice a human being can fathom: the desire for all consuming, all powerful control of their fellow humans, no matter the cost to human life.

Riddle me this: How, in God’s name, can a conglomerate system of ‘leaders’ rage about protecting society from a virus that has a 98.7% recovery rate among healthy individuals CONDONE the intentional MURDER of 42 Million unborn children worldwide in 2019? Those unborn babies will never have a recovery rate attached to their numbers. Some of them were murdered AFTER they were born, healthy…their “mothers” (if you can call a woman who engages in infanticide a mother) chose to end their responsibility to their offspring…because they would be denied their freedom from responsibility to care for that infant. That is gross moral wickedness on an unprecedented level! But that isn’t really why I am writing this.

In my very first submission to News With Views I asked the question: What is the bottom line to achieving control? Answer: the installation of FEAR. If you can instill fear into a person or group, you can control everything they do. If you inflict enough terror upon a person or a society, you can obtain their complete submission to whatever insane agenda you have. Case in point: face masks everywhere, even a single person in a car with the windows rolled up…I have seen it with my own eyes!! Clearly, the Powers That Be have an agenda that is worthy of hell itself…..AND they are getting ready to impose it on the entire planet.

I found this intriguing , from a British site:

“There is, though, a common theme for the western democracies, a global technocracy templated historically with eighteenth century monarchy & aristocracy. The technocrat comes in many guises, they share one thing in common, they have access to those levers of power which transcend the electorate which they hold in undisguised contempt. They control unbelievable wealth: George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, the Clinton Foundation, the great spigot of sovereign wealth wrung from taxpayers by central bankers & chancellors, big pharma bankroll thousands of commentators presented to the public as neutral professionals.”

When did all our uneasiness finally break through the surface? In my opinion, it happened back when We The People finally said enough is enough; we don’t WANT fundamental transformation of our country; we rejected Act II of the Obama’nation, in the personage of the Queen of Unhallowed Depravity herself, Hillary Clinton: that vile beast with a thousand faces and a thousand excuses. Everything in the Collective’s World was going along quite smoothly until WE decided to buck their system in 2016.

From the moment JFK was murdered, some say by “The Activity” of our own CIA, when the insidious LBJ took over the reigns of power, who then got us eyebrow deep into VietNam because his friends coveted and received lucrative gov’t. contracts (and other more nefarious reasons) while LBJ got boatloads of quiet kickbacks from all those billions, until Carter did NOTHING in four years except get our embassy in Tehran overrun by thugs with rifles, until ex-CIA chief Bush Sr took to the floor of the UN humming strains of Kumbaya while openly admitting to the entire planet he was endorsing a New World Order of Elites who would bring to fruition a Utopian fantasy that simply does not and cannot exist here on earth, until Clinton brought an intern to her knees in the Oval Office to service his lascivious “needs”, until Bush Jr sat there like a SIMP in a school room while New York and by extension, the entire nation, witnessed the most horrific mass murder anyone had ever seen LIVE in real time thanks to the 24-7 news cycle.

Then, the ultimate insult to Patriots: the first verifiably ineligible Usurper to sit in the Oval Office pretending to be a president was worshiped day and night by the slobbering anchors on the nightly propaganda stage while the wheels of the obfuscation machinery went to work on the public’s psyche…and boy oh boy, did they plant a whole universe of poisonous seeds into the minds of weak, insipid, sheeple voters.

If it wasn’t the K-12 public school system adulterating young minds with all sorts of alternative options to ‘right living’, it was the Marxist subterfuge of the university professors preying upon the still formative minds of 2 generations of youngsters in this country; it was the droning on and on and on and on of the ruthless, inflexible brainwashing on television, EVERYWHERE, from sitcoms persuading humans that any choice of lifestyle is perfectly fine, as long as you own it and defend it, to the History Channel twisting and falsifying KNOWN history! It is positively staggering, the way history has been tortured into bending to the whims of social engineers.

So I ask again: Qui bono?

It’s simple: the people who brought you Agenda 21 and now the Green New Deal (which is in reality, just a repackaging of A21). The IMPERIAL “THEY” benefit…by crafty, sophisticated design.

This is the Holy Grail of movements, and the plan has been long in producing the result; it has been worked diligently toward by every single monarch, aristocrat, corruptocrat, parliamentarian, dictator or wannabe dictator on the planet, for the past 100+ years. Theirs was a generational plan and they fully realized it would take generations to eliminate the patriotism of a nation of people who found freedom, even at a high cost, to surrender to their overarching plan to bring all lesser humans back to heel under the mighty Controllers whose gluttonous desire for absolute power knows absolutely no bounds. None. They are gods unto themselves and they want unresistant homage paid by the lowly peasants they rule over. They know no Sovereign except their own insatiable lust for complete capitulation of all lesser citizens of the planet. “Bow down to ME” they say, “and I will give you food and water…find your own place to sleep…”.

The Enemy has been working on the human weaknesses through the 7 deadly sins for over 7000 years. Do you really think he is going to suddenly stop? No. It’s going to take something truly supernaturally Divine to put an end to his wickedness on this planet. The Enemy seduces humans with the sorcery of delusional thinking; He causes them to replace the Creator God with their Own self-worshiping assumed omnipotence. I can’t understand how people have forgotten the fact that we were TOLD this was going to happen. 2 Timothy 3 is just one place where we find this egregious rebuke of the Creator in favor of themselves…they worship the man in the mirror, not our Lord and Savior. They heap burning coals upon their heads…BIG MISTAKE!

There is no desire stronger in a fallen human than that of ultimate power and control over (an)other human(s). Daniel Webster said, “There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters”. What, then, is the result of such ambition? “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Lord Acton

We have endured, reluctantly I might add, the past 4 years of unbridled histrionics of a mainstream media conglomerate hell bent on serving their Masters in the Corporate Oligarchy. Oh, I might want to mention that the media is not the genesis of the manipulation…your very own unelected government bureaucracy is at the heart of this Monument to Destructive Contrivance…the very unelected bureaucracy your taxes DON’T pay for. No! That money is borrowed AT INTEREST and then the gov’t sends YOU the bill for that interest, while they go on spending and borrowing in an endless circle of misery while the wealth of this nation goes down into the sewer drain of bankruptcy.

THIS is the video I mentioned was sent to me 2 weeks ago. It is 1hr and 22 ins of sheer amazement, as the story unfolds to reveal what is REALLY going on behind the Curtain in Oz…It is well worth your time, and I humbly ask you to take the time to watch it.

Additionally, it might be worth your consideration to contemplate what we have been through with the previous iteration of evil, Barry Soetoro and his hand picked Band of Criminals, before we seek to mistakenly elect a hideous liar and obviously senile life-long political operative, Joe Biden-be-Hidin’ and another completely unqualified, ineligible person to take over the reigns of power. Biden will NOT be in office 6 months before the 25th amendment is invoked, because of his dementia and THEN, you will have the ending to this glorious nation…or should I say, this once glorious nation.

In my opinion, America is still worth fighting for. Not necessarily for myself, as I am up there in age now, but for my descendents who do not have the fulfilling memories I have of saluting my flag and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every morning in school…of having a neighborhood that we could leave our doors unlocked at night and play in the streets without getting run over or shot. A place where loving your country was a way of life and the recounting of stories of our parents and grandparents who came to this country to build a better life, as LEGAL immigrants, as well as their struggles during the depression and their survival against all the horrors of battle and war.

You may not agree with me, but I genuinely believe that God intervened on our behalf, to place Mr Trump in the presidency. I can think of no other power that could have overridden the extremely diabolical attempts to fraudulently secure a presidency by the most dangerous woman ever born, in my estimation, next to Madeline Murray O’Hare or Margaret Sanger.

Something has been nagging at me though: what’s up with Ukraine? What is it about Ukraine that is so dangerous? Why is everyone trying to protect Ukraine? Crowdstrike? Maybe it’s because that is where the real story lies. Who all was skulking around in Ukraine? Joe and Hunter? Hillary? Manafort? Hillary knew she could make a really big deal out of Manafort, so she did through her proxy’s. Was it to protect DNC server queries? Donations to politicians from foreign countries or foreign politicians? Was the world “betting” on who was going to win the election, and buying access ahead of time??

This seems to be just a small fraction of what is going on under the cover of ‘national security’ by the thousands of untouchables who push and pull the levers (and leverage) of information technology; Faceless cubicle drone-workers who compile hundreds of billions of pieces of data on every US citizen and foreigner they possibly can, to build a database of psychological profiling to facilitate getting inside YOUR heads. Gigantic international corporate conglomerates are then the recipients of this data so they improve their “marketing” capabilities…I call BS. This is about finding ways to further indoctrinate and manipulate the entire global population of “useless eaters”. The Controllers at the top know everything about you, how to push your buttons and exactly which buttons to push for a specific result. We’re nothing more than lab rats…and just as expendable.

They have given us smart phones, Smart Meters, smart grids, smart homes, smart appliances…and all these inanimate objects are smarter than you are, and 100 times more dangerous in the long run. Now they are introducing even more dangerous 5G technology to tie all these time-saving technologies together, as another wonder of the modern world…faster internet access, for the millions of millennial mom’s who hand their toddlers a Smart Phone to bombard their little bodies with even more microwaves and the vulgarity of Teletubbies prancing around in their rainbow subliminal messaging about all things sexually acceptable…entertainment for those toddlers while “mom” checks her Etsy, Pinterest or Facebook page 100 times a day. I don’t call that parenting.

The corporations and their leaders/board members who brought you these “time saving” devices have a more interesting objective, though. What it really does is further increase dependency on technology and less intimate involvement in the personal investment to real life. This is the path to an artificially directed digital society; a Minority Report nightmare which is controlled by the flick of a switch in the office of some bureaucrat or their down-line lackey who decides if there is enough ‘energy’ to serve your air conditioning in the summer or not; after all, do you think those at the top are going to sweat along with the rest of us? I could give you a hundred other examples, but I’ve already taken a lot of your time.

This is about CONTROL, total and absolute control. Control by The Collective Oligarchs over the Common People. Look into the associations of the Atlantic Counsel and the Open World Leadership Center. Look at who is leading these ‘public private partnerships’ and then you’ll begin to understand who is directing this plan to destroy our freedom here is the US. “Open World is a nonpartisan agency of the Congress”; it’s a lot more than that and has some dubious characters who have served on their board of directors. (This link will include OWLC information about how it ties into Ukraine and the genesis of the 2016- present coup against the president)

Open World has had on it’s board of directors, such people such as Amory Houghton, a “centrist” Republican (meaning, Democrat with a Republican mask on) from Corning NY, who was Chairman of the Board for Corning, Inc. coming from a long line of political power brokers from upstate NY…Nelson Rockefeller was one of his mentors/role models…tells me everything I need to know.

James W. Symington, (D) Missouri, attended both Yale and Columbia Universities; Son of Stuart Symington, also (D) Missouri Symington served as director of The Atlantic Counsel from 1986 to 2001, and as director of the Library of Congress Russian Leadership Program in 2001. In 1992, he founded the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, which he chaired from its inception until 2015. Very well connected to the elitist upper reaches in Massachusetts and New York.

Then there’s the ever vulgar, deeply anti-American devotee of life extension therapies (yes, that’s a real thing; people actually undergo certain unorthodox therapies to extend their life span indefinitely) George “I hate America” Soros. Enough said there.

The Global Cabal of One Worlders are closer than ever to getting what they want. I will again post the link to “Shadowgate”, the video I highly recommend you watch. It will answer a lot of questions or cause you ask some important questions that I pray you are ready to ask.
Let us contemplate again: What is really going on behind the scenes? WHY is this segmentation of our society happening? What is the purpose of all this ugly moral degeneracy…this well orchestrated, well funded, visceral anarchy? Does it have an identifiable central objective? Of course it does, and it is staring us right in the face. Fundamental Transformation: from a free nation under a republican form of government with a steadfast Constitution, to a Marxist Socialist society where your life is about as precious as a dog’s. They eat dogs in China, by the way.


Some final thoughts:

Through the compounded, ever expanding, intentional artificially created panics, the current ridiculous and wanton HYPERINFLATED hysteria over a well constructed PLANNEDEMIC, the incessant neuronal mantra of ‘racism’, the obscene charges of white privilege EVERYWHERE except where it belongs (in the higher reaches of elegant but wildly perverse high society circles), the demands for “social justice’, the noxious screams to defund all police departments across the nation (who you gonna call? Ghostbusters?), the conspicuously well planned, well organized, extremely well funded anarchy, rioting, looting, destruction by murderous Marxist BLM and nihilistic p’antiFA’cist thugs who nightly burn our cities and destroy INNOCENT people’s lives by destroying the small businesses those people have scraped and saved for, labored intensely for and sacrificed greatly for, to build toward THEIR American Dream, all while the “government” Corruptocrats on BOTH sides of the aisle have not only sat on their hands and done NOTHING to reign in this treachery except flap their flabby pieholes; indeed and instead, they have eagerly tolerated or even encouraged this wickedness and unbelievable moral turpitude in furtherance of THEIR, the Corruptocrat, Agenda! They have even worked relentlessly behind the scenes to sabotage the efforts of good people in the gov’t (the number of which is dwindling rapidly) and especially the president the People elected to represent them in the world, protect them from harm at home and to stand as a beacon of hope for our decaying society.

A very clever man once told me, “If God doesn’t punish this nation’s leaders for their vicious defamation toward The People and their faith, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

© 2020 Alice Byrd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Alice Byrd: alliebyrd77@1791.com

The Fight For America

Roger Anghis

I never thought I would see, in my lifetime, such an imminent threat to America’s values and way of life.  The last few months have seen the ugly head of government overreach in a power grab as we have never seen before by Democrats that believe they have the right to remove your rights at will to suit their demand for control.

We have also seen two anarchist groups, antifa, and black lives matter, flex their muscles to try to get Americans to bow a knee to their demands of a new America with the white man being subjugated to a 4th class citizen if even that.  These groups have no respect for anyone of any color let alone a black.  Two criminals were killed by police, George Floyd and Jacob Blake, both died because of their own actions.  George Floyd was a convicted felon and was being arrested for trying to pass a counterfeit $20 bill and was under the influence of meth and fentanyl:  ‘All he had to do is sit in the police car, like every other defendant who is initially arrested. While attempting to avoid his arrest, all by himself, Mr. Floyd overdosed on Fentanyl,’ the filing says. 

‘Given his intoxication level, breathing would have been difficult at best. Mr. Floyd’s intentional failure to obey commands, coupled with his overdosing, contributed to his own death.’ 

A medical examiner’s report and a separate independent autopsy both ruled that Floyd’s death was a homicide and that he died from asphyxiation. 

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner added in its report that Floyd had ‘recent methamphetamine use’ and ‘fentanyl intoxication’ – along with hypertension and coronary artery disease – all of which were possible contributing factors to his death.[1]

Then there is Jacob Blake, who was not an innocent little angel either, was resisting arrest on a sexual assault warrant.  The police said that he had a knife and was ordered to drop it, which he refused. He was tasered but it didn’t take and he walked around the car in what appears to be an attempt to get something out of it all the while the police were calling for him to surrender, which he didn’t do.[2]  He was a person who was known for pulling guns and had a history of domestic abuse.[3]

Why are people of this caliber put on a pedestal and treated as an innocent child?  There is a political agenda behind all this that is being funded by China and George Soros.  For the last three-plus months America has seen cities and States that are Democrat-run allow these two-bit low-life thugs to do whatever they want but if a law-abiding citizen defends himself and his property they are charged with a crime.  The McCluskey’s in Saint Louis who lived in a gated private area were confronted by these thugs after they broke down the gate and trespassed on their property and were threatened by the thugs that they would burn their house down and kill them.  They defended themselves with their legal firearms and they were the ones arrested.

We see all the riots in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and now Kenosha and the thugs are acting with impunity.  Most of the rioters in Seattle that were arrested were released without charging them with anything.  The police have either refused to defend against the rioters or have been to stand down and the regular people have said enough!  They are now defending their homes and businesses themselves.  In Kenosha a seventeen-year-old was forced to defend himself after having a brick thrown at his head, was kicked in the face, hit in the head with a skateboard, and had a gun pointed at him.  He shot three people and unfortunately, two of them died but what do you expect when you attack an armed person?  The seventeen-year-old has been charged with murder.  This is insane!

This rioting has been going on for better than three months and Joe Biden has finally commented about it.  Harris has not and neither has any other Democrat.  Trump has been trying to do something, but the Democrat mayors and governors will not let him send help.  They are proving that they either do not care about all of this or they are trying to make Trump look bad before the election.  I believe that the latter is the case and that Democrats are willing to do anything to regain power and they do not care who gets hurt or how bad it hurts America as long as they get back in power.  After all, they are still getting a paycheck and they have security for their homes.  The mayor of Chicago even placed extra security: Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Thursday defended the heavy police presence outside her Logan Square home, at a time when police officers are stretched to the limit, citing “specific threats” made “every single day” to “my person, my wife, and my home.”

“Given the threats that I have personally received. Given the threats to my home and my family, I’m gonna do everything to make sure that they are protected. I make no apologies whatsoever for that,” the mayor said.

“I’ve talked to my fellow mayors across the country and, seeing the kind of things that have been done to them and their family members, I’m not gonna have that happen. That’s not what my wife and my child signed up for. It’s not what my neighbors signed up for. We have a right in our home to live in peace.”[4] She is a typical elitist that believes that she has the right to security, but the rest of Chicago must be unarmed and deal with whatever happens the best they can.  That is not the America our Founders gave us.  This is the ‘New America’ that the liberals are demanding that we convert to.  Biden/Harris will demand that we turn in our arms in a forced buyback.  That violates our Constitutional rights, but they do not care about those rights. Harris is not eligible to run because she is NOT a Natural Born Citizen.  Neither of her parents was a citizen when she was born.  She is nothing more than an anchor baby like Marco Rubio.

The fact that neither political party seems to take the Constitution seriously anymore is a disturbing fact.  The NSA completely ignores our 4th Amendment rights when it comes to our right to privacy of our papers and communications.  We can than George W. Bush and the Patriot Act for that.  Little by little we are seeing our rights denied us for the benefit of the masses, of course, as soon we will have no rights.

There is a prophecy for this year that says if the Democrats do not back off with their relentless attack that their party will be decimated in November.  They not only have not backed off; they have double-downed on their attacks and I believe that it will still get worse the closer we get to the election.

I do not believe that America is ready for the lefts socialist agenda and I would pray that our education system would return to education rather than the indoctrination they have been doing for the last four to five decades.  This is too great a nation to just let it slip away to the pages of history.  Everything my parents and your parents and grandparents and your grandparents worked for and believed in is at stake not to mention the future for our children and grandchildren.

One political party stands for lawlessness and chaos and the other stands for law and order and freedom.  The choice is clear.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. George Floyd overdosed on fentanyl resisted arrest cop claims
  2. Jacob Blake’s criminal record details supporters say active warrant doesn’t justify Kenosha police shooting
  3. Black cop defends Jacob Blake shooting criminal record
  4. Lightfoot police home security protests George Floyd pandemic logan square

Perishing For Lack of Knowledge

By Rob Pue

Are you aware of what’s been going on in the world lately? How well do you follow current world events? I assume, since you’re either listening to this by radio or reading this in print, that you are already well informed, much more so than the average person. But I’d like to begin today with some news briefs regarding things that have taken place just recently, and just see if you’ve heard of these things.

Just as a reference point, as I prepare this message we’re nearing the middle of August, 2020. Let’s start with Los Angeles, where the mayor there, Eric Garcetti announced on August 6th that he ordered the LA Department of Water and Power to cut off the water and electricity to any homes, venues or businesses in violation of COVID-19 “safety measures.” This will potentially put thousands of people in serious danger. We’re no longer just talking about a fine for not wearing a mask; now, if you disobey the mayor’s edict, you’ll find yourself with no water for drinking, cooking and sanitation purposes and no electricity to run home appliances or medical devices.

And I wonder if you’ve heard the name Susan Rosenburg. In the 1970s and ‘80s, Rosenburg was active in the far-left revolutionary terrorist May 19th Communist Organization. This group’s goal was to “openly advocate for the overthrow of the US government through armed struggle and the use of violence.” This organization supported the Black Liberation Army and was involved in armored truck robberies as well as bombings of government buildings. Rosenburg was arrested in 1984 while in possession of a large cache of explosives and firearms. She was sentenced to 58 years in prison, but her sentence was commuted by Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001 — his final day in office.

Why is this important today? Because today, she’s the vice chair on the Board of Directors of an organization known as the “Thousand Currents.” This is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that serves as one of the fundraising arms of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. I’ve spoken before regarding the Socialist/Communist/Marxist roots of Black Lives Matter. (Few believe me, by the way, because they refuse to do ANY amount of simple research on BLM for themselves). And now we’ve discovered that another one of the key players in this plot of overthrow America is a convicted domestic terrorist. Were you aware of that? And interestingly, since this information was discovered, the entire list of Thousand Currents’ Board of Directors has been deleted from their website.

In Chicago this past weekend, there was more looting, violence and devastation. This time on Michigan Avenue, along the Magnificent Mile, State Street and parts of the Gold Coast neighborhood, South Loop and Near North sides of the city. Thousands of people were involved in breaking windows, looting stores and causing widespread devastation.

Chicago Police superintendent David Brown said, “Criminals took to the streets with the confidence that there would be no consequences for their actions.” But while more than 400 officers were deployed, only about 100 of these thugs were arrested. According to ABC 7 Chicago News, witnesses described the vandalism as a “coordinated effort,” with multiple cars dropping off groups of people, who then would smash-and-grab merchandise from stores, and take off running in opposite directions before police could respond. This sounds like another coordinated attack by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. A curfew is now in effect in Chicago from 8 pm – 6 am.

And here’s a report from Australia. In a Facebook post a resident there stated, “I am currently living under this communist rule here in Victoria, Australia. We have Stage 4 restrictions. We cannot leave our homes for more than one hour of exercise a day. Only one person to the supermarket a day. We have meat and food shortages. ALL businesses have been closed. You need papers to travel and attend essential work. You need to pass through multiple police check points to go anywhere and you must produce your ‘papers’ to police. We are not allowed more than 5km from our homes and we have a curfew from 8 pm – 5 am. $100,000 fines for anyone breaching these rules, per person! We have the army and police going door to door checking our homes. We need help!”

No doubt you’ve heard about America’s Frontline Doctors — or perhaps you were among the millions of viewers of their press conference, before social media censored it, search engines scrubbed it, and the mainstream press debunked it. If you’re not aware, about ten doctors from around the country held a press conference on July 27th — these are actual doctors, working with actual patients, and they stated emphatically that there is a CURE for the coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine (a medicine that’s been proven to be safe and effective and is sold over the counter in most countries), Zithromycin and Zinc. One physician, Dr. Stella Immanuel of Houston, stated she personally treated more than 350 patients with this regimen and every one of them recovered quickly. However, social media, government and health officials and the mainstream news media could not squash this information fast enough. Some governors quickly moved to ban the prescribing of Hydroxychloroquine by doctors and the dispensing of the drug by pharmacists.

The “Frontline Doctors” have stated that Hydroxychloroquine is safer than Tylenol and is taken regularly in some countries to avoid getting Malaria. It’s been prescribed for decades, often used “off label” for a number of maladies and was shown to be effective in the treatment of SARS in 2005. At least one of the doctors, Simone Gold, was fired from her hospital position for coming out and speaking in favor of this treatment, even though the treatment worked for all of HER COVID patients as well. Still, all we hear about is the Bill Gates Vaccine, coming soon, on the fast track, to be deployed by the US Military “very very quickly,” said Donald Trump, who has already ordered 300 million doses. And Gates has stated it will likely take MORE than one vaccine to put a stop to COVID. I wonder, when did this billionaire computer tycoon, who can’t even keep his Windows operating systems from contracting serious viral infections become a licensed doctor? And why are we being FORCED to listen to HIM rather than real doctors working with real patients on the front lines? If you don’t think we’re being FORCED to listen to Gates and NOT ALLOWED to hear from real doctors, then you are willfully ignorant.

Incidentally, “COVID” is said to be an acronym for “Corona Virus Disease.” I’m just wondering aloud here… but could it possibly be better described as “Certificate of Vaccination ID?” Very likely.

And in New York City, mayor Bill deBlasio announced on August 5th that checkpoints will be set up at major entrances to the city to screen for out-of-state travelers who may be violating quarantine rules. Right now, citizens of 35 states are required to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in New York. Anyone flying into or through the state must fill out a form stating their destination or receive a $2,000 fine.

Meanwhile, as more and more Americans are buying firearms for the first time right now, ammunition is nearly impossible to find. Gun sales are up 150% over last year, but most stores nationwide are out of ammunition. When asked when they will be getting more in, the frustrated owners simply tell you, “no idea… it could be a week, it could be six months. It could be never.”

Now let’s look at what’s happening in Washington DC. Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar recently stated that the American economy and political systems need to be dismantled. Yes, she said that… they’re no longer even trying to hide their true intentions. This Islamic representative from Minnesota said “We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression.” Incidentally, there is very strong evidence that Omar entered the US illegally, married her brother in order to qualify for citizenship and she’s also been accused of illegally accepting free college tuition under false pretenses. There is strong evidence against her, yet no formal investigation or charges have ever been brought.

On August 9th, there was a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Northwest North Carolina. This was the largest quake to hit the area since 1916. Is the earth groaning under it’s burden of sin?

And even as the actual number of cases of COVID continue to decline, more and more states are enacting even more drastic measures to lock us all down again. Mandatory masking is nearly everywhere, nationwide now, and state and county health departments are aggressively hiring “contact tracers,” even as they set up “snitch hotlines” to report people not obeying the mask or “social distancing” rules.

Columnist Todd Starnes has reported from Vermont that the Mill River Unified Union School District there has directed EVERY principal to hoist “Black Lives Matter” and LGBT “pride” flags over EVERY school building. The school district made the decision after a single student — one student — requested that the flags be flown.

And schools in Madison, Wisconsin have decided to adopt a policy that allows children with so-called “gender dysphoria” to secretly “transition” at school behind their parents’ backs. Under the new policy, teachers are prohibited from informing parents if their child chooses to adopt a new name or pronouns or chooses to use restrooms or locker rooms for members of the opposite sex. I dare say it’s a good thing if public schools and colleges remain closed indefinitely. Perhaps the parents will have more of a role — and learn something themselves — by being more involved with the education of their children.

And finally, a columnist for the New York Times recently reported that democrats are strategizing for a full “West-coast secession” and potential “civil war” as they contemplate their next move in case they lose the November election. Ben Smith reports that “Democrats have role-played a ‘war game’ in which they considered different possible outcomes to a close election.”

Now, I could certainly go on. I could talk about the Bank of England shutting down temporarily recently, or the fake “coin shortage” here in America. I could talk more about the crimes of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and the communist Left. I could cite more statistics showing the “virus” never did actually rise to the level of a “pandemic” here in America — or for that matter in many places, yet one only need look outside to see we seem to be living in the Twilight Zone. People everywhere wearing masks, in 90 degree heat, walking their dogs, alone, outdoors in the sunshine. Or wearing the equivalent of “Haz-mat” suits while driving their cars. I could cite countless incidents of violence erupting in stores and shopping centers as the mask-wearers attack those who refuse to conform. I could tell you things that would shock and frighten you — and rightfully so — because of the loss of our freedom to worship, to travel freely, to conduct business, to buy and sell, to raise our own children as we see fit. And more.

But I’m quickly running out of time. Perhaps we all are. I wanted to mention the stories above because unless you ARE well informed — about what’s REALLY going on in the world, not just what the mainstream media LET’S you see — then you probably did NOT know most of what I just shared.

Sadly, this is especially true of the modern American church-goer. I’d venture to guess that you haven’t heard about ANY of these things from your pastors. I’d also venture to guess that your pastors most likely know even less than anyone. They simply do not care.

And therein lies the problem. I was speaking with some very devout church-goers recently when a news story about Ghislane Maxwell came up. “Who?” “What?” they wondered… I explained that she is the “madame” of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, that was arrested for trafficking young children to be used for sexual perversion by the rich and famous and powerful. “Oh, that…” they said. They didn’t care to hear any more. They’d heard SOMETHING about it, but it was just too distasteful to think about.

This is just one example, but it’s very telling because it demonstrates just exactly HOW we’ve ended up in the place we find ourselves now, on the very brink of America becoming a communist nation. I told you what’s happening in Australia. They’re a bit ahead of us, and China is quite a ways ahead of them — do you wonder why? Simply because they abandoned their role as Salt and Light CHRIST-FOLLOWERS before we did. But we’re not that far behind…

It disgusts me that professing Christians know SO VERY LITTLE about what’s really happening in the world. We’re in a spiritual battle for hearts, minds and souls — a battle being waged in the heaven lies, but played out in flesh and blood here on earth. Those of us who name the name of Christ are supposed to be pushing back against the forces of darkness, and EXPOSING THEM. Yet we do nothing. Faith without works is dead. For too long, Christians have hidden away, and as the enemy has advanced to where we now find ourselves in the Twilight Zone of insanity, our pastors simply advise us to just “sing louder.” Don’t they? What was the topic of the sermon in YOUR church last week? Were ANY of these things mentioned? Was ANY biblical advice given regarding how we are to respond to all that we see coming upon the world now? (Other than waiting for the rapture, I mean). We need to know this stuff — and we need to know the TRUTH about all these things. We cannot afford to be dumb, blind deceived lemmings any longer. Sadly, many like it that way. You know, people really DO perish for lack of knowledge… I’m sounding the warning, just like I’ve been doing for more than two decades. Will anyone listen NOW?

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Our President and the Constitution Share the Same Enemies

Jake MacAulay

In his classic book Democracy in America (1835), Alexis de Tocqueville of France observed: “There is no country in the whole world in which the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America; and there can be no greater proof of its utility, and of its conformity to human nature, than that its influence is most powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation of the earth.”

There is no argument to the unequivocal truth that our Creator God is the source of all liberty and that American liberty exists due to His benevolent intervention.

In his first Inaugural Address on April 30, 1789, George Washington repeatedly talked about God’s blessings upon America, saying, “No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States.”

Since Washington first added “so help me God” to his inaugural oath, every president since has likewise asked for God’s assistance at his inauguration.

Since its first meeting in 1774, Congress has opened its sessions with prayer; and since at least the 1820s, the U.S. Supreme Court has opened its court sessions with the prayer of “God save the United States and this Honorable Court.”

Since God graciously opened my eyes to His architecture in my country, I have joined our founders and have been guided by my allegiance to the American View of law and government, which is also the Biblical view of law and government.

That view begins with the Acknowledgement of — and the submission to — the Creator God of the universe.  And subject to His law, we form governments for the purpose of protecting the rights that He has granted and protecting the ability to perform the obligations He requires.

The Constitution of the United States, and the constitutions of the various states, set forth what is essentially the compact or contract that defines and limits the powers granted by the people to elected and appointed officials, along with civil servants to serve the ends, and perform the terms, of that contract.

I have always considered it a blessing to be born and live in a country founded on biblical principles, and I have made it my life’s work to study and share what I learn.

One of the many things I have learned is that there are some people who do not share this view.  In fact, there are some who detest it.  They include not only looters and rioters and brick-throwing thugs, but also mayors and governors and county executives who make excuses for this lawlessness rather than arresting and prosecuting these criminals.

I also observe that these enemies of America are united in their hatred for Donald Trump.

Our Creator’s Holy Writ urges, “…that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”

I make it a point to weekly pray for my President (along with congress, the supreme court, and all subsequent governing bodies on my state and local levels). I know of no better way to assist our President and work for the healing of our land. I am hoping you will do the same.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

We are Democrats: the Most Truthful Democrat ad You Will Ever See

By Greg Holt

The unvarnished truth about the Democrats and what they actually stand for (value).  It ain’t pretty, but it’s true.

This kind of stuff just can’t be made up.  The Democrats and their lamestream allies are absolute masters of deception, spin, dishonesty, misdirection, and outright lies couched as truth.

Our schools are nothing less than Democrat indoctrination centers according to Michael Snyder and I agree 100% – hencethe attitude and the ideals of the younger generation, if they can even be called such. The younger generations are taught (socialism) to see America as the enemy, the flag as a symbol of evil, and the military as oppressors.  Government is supposed to function as the giver of gifts: “free” money, college, insurance etc. – but no law enforcement.

The Democrat socialists have taught them well, and the media has deceived We the People like Hitler deceived Germany until it was far too late to stop him.  It’s almost too late for America to stop the Democrats.

Just look at what America has become in large part, all due to the guidance of the Democrats.

  • Riots that have destroyed whole sections of cities, looting, burning, etc.
  • Groups (Antifa, Black Lives Matter) that do not hesitate to use extreme violence
  • Right is wrong, and wrong is right
  • Morals are a thing of the past
  • God is steadily being removed from society
  • Schools do not allow teaching on Jesus, but do allow teaching on Islam, homosexuality, masturbation, America as the enemy, whites are bad because they are white etc.
  • Extreme corruption to the point that almost all major cities (Democrat managed) are severely economically depressed and crime rates are high and rising
  • Police are seen as the enemy and Democrats are calling for them to be defunded and eliminated

Alyssa Milano is a Democrat because she believes in love.  Cue up violent gagging and barfing here…

Seriously, both sides of the isle have contributed to our problems.  That being said, the Dems are the definitive cheerleaders of what ails this country the most; violence, killings, corruption, theft (including via government), anything goes (as long as Dems approve of it), abortion, and weaponizing the government.

Let’s not forget that it was Democrats that allowed police to be thrown out of areas, or told them to stand down while cities or parts thereof were demolished during the “mostly peaceful” riots, oh right! that was supposed to be “protests,” my bad.  To add insult to injury, these fools then wanted President Trump to approve funding to clean up the mess they chose to allow!

This video by James Woods is the most honest and truthful representation of the Democrats out there – seriously.

What do you think?

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt: admin@trueconservativepundit.com

Read my three most recent articles:

Anyone Stupid Enough to Vote for a Democrat Gets What They Deserve – Voting Democrat is a Vote to Give Away ALL of Your Rights & Safety

A Biden Presidency Would be Bad – His VP ‘Picks’ as President Would be Worse

Politically Correct Lies – the Big Bang Theory, Evolution, and There is NO God

Subscribe to my daily newsletter, and Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabSpreelyFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

The Mask is Falling Off Joe Biden

By Cliff Kincaid

The fascinating Joe Biden book, Yesterday’s Man, is written from the perspective of a socialist doubtful that the career politician can usher in a Marxist utopia. The subtitle, “The Case Against Joe Biden,” reflects the failure of the Bernie Sanders campaign and the fact that the hard-core Marxists are now stuck with Obama’s former vice-president, a convicted plagiarist with brain problems,as their 2020 presidential nominee.

Appearing desperate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday that she doesn’t want Biden to debate President Trump. She knows something many people suspect.

The selection of Biden as a front man for the socialist cause reminds people of the old saying, “He’ll do anything for the workers except become one.” His political career has included several episodes of plagiarism, demonstrating that he is incapable of original thought and/or serves as a mouthpiece for others.

It’s incredible, when you think about it, that Biden was picked as Barack Hussein Obama’s running mate in 2008, after Biden had already been drummed out of the 1988 presidential race for plagiarism.

At the time, New York Times reporters Adam Nagourney and Jeff Zeleny reported that Biden “quit the 1988 presidential race in the face of accusations that he had plagiarized part of a speech from Neil Kinnock, the British Labor Party leader at the time” and that “Shortly afterward, he was found to have suffered two aneurysms.”

The plagiarism has gotten some attention, but the failure during the current campaign to explore the impact of his life-threatening brain aneurysms suggests a far more serious and ongoing medical cover-up.

Were the Times reporters trying to imply that his brain problems accounted for the plagiarism? That didn’t make much sense because it was also discovered that Biden had been found guilty of plagiarism in law school. It also came out that Biden had lifted material from a Bobby Kennedy speech.

Last year, when it was possible that Biden might not get the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, there was some attention devoted to the aneurysms. On one occasion, Biden’s eye filled with blood on live television and questions were raised about his health. Now that he’s the nominee, all of those issues, from the perspective of the media, are not relevant. They want to protect him.

But as children take classes and parents and teachers tell them that they are not supposed to cheat in their studies, how do you explain that they should be honest when somebody guilty of plagiarism is the Democratic Party presidential nominee?

Democrats are ignoring all of this because they know or suspect that either Biden will not last long, assuming he wins in November, and will be forced to step down, or will stay in the White House as a figurehead. Pelosi’s comments against presidential debates reflect a growing realization that Biden will embarrass himself before “victory” is achieved.

In the name of the “united front” strategy, their only hope for taking power, communist Angela Davis is telling the Marxists to vote for Biden because he can be moved in their direction. She made these comments on Russia Today (RT) television. Strangely, those who were determined to portray President Trump as a Russian agent found no significance in Davis’s choice of RT as a mouthpiece for her pro-Biden views.

The moral bankruptcy of the Biden “choice,” from their own perspective, reflects the personal nature of Karl Marx, the scoundrel who inspired international movements for socialism and communism. There are two great books available on Marx’s attraction to Satanism The Devil and Karl Marx, by Professor Paul Kengor, and Was Karl Marx a Satanist?, by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand.

For those curious about whether Marx was a Satanist or devil-worshipper, and the jury is still out on this, the repulsive facts about his personal life are enough to make you sick of the father of communism and the movements he inspired. One of the best books about Marx is by Colin Gumbrell and written back in 1983. He notes that Marx, who supposedly wanted to change people’s lives for the better, “was completely incapable of managing” his own affairs. His wife Jenny and her children “were dragged down with him into abject poverty, misery and squalor.” His daughter Eleanor committed suicide in 1898 and her sister Laura killed herself in 1911.

Gumbrell notes that Marx and his family survived on financial support he received from his wealthy associate, Friedrich Engels, first by borrowing and then by an allowance. Except for Engels’s capital (money), “there might have been no Marxism,” notes Gumbrell.

Similarly, Biden is drawing on support, financial and otherwise, from socialist Bernie Sanders and his “movement.” They unveiled a Biden-Sanders “unity platform,” reminiscent of the “united front” strategy historically used by the communists to take power. “The reason I say that I think Biden has a chance to be the most progressive president since FDR is that is exactly what Joe Biden said to me,” Sanders said on PBS. He was basically saying that Biden was doing his bidding.

The term “progressive” also has foreign policy implications. During the 1980s, Sanders collaborated with Soviet and East German “peace committees” to stop President Reagan’s deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe, in order to counter a massive Soviet strategic nuclear advantage. Sanders had openly joined the Soviets’ “nuclear freeze” campaign to undercut Reagan’s military build-up.

The name of Bernie Sanders, a former mayor of Burlington, Vermont, even shows up on a list of speakers at a 1989 communist-front U.S. Peace Council event to “end the Cold War” and “fund human needs.”

Congressional hearings in 1982 demonstrated that the U.S. Peace Council was affiliated with the Soviet-controlled World Peace Council and run by the Communist Party USA. It was part of what the FBI called the Soviet “active measures” apparatus, designed to discredit the U.S. and support communist objectives.

“Bolshevik Bernie,” as analyst Trevor Loudon calls him, spent time on an Israeli kibbutz, or commune, associated with an Israeli political party favorable to the Soviet Union. Members admired Joseph Stalin until his death and celebrated May Day with red flags.

Sanders went on his honeymoon to the former USSR and supported the communist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua.

All of this is fascinating, considering that Nancy Pelosi and other Congressional Democrats claim to be concerned about Soviet/Russian influence in our political process.

Perhaps Pelosi can stand in for Joe Biden in those presidential debates.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Killing Them Softly, With A Mask

by Kathleen Marquardt

A friend texted me this morning this morning, telling me she just saw a mother with her two children waiting for the school bus. They were all wearing masks. Outside. Near no other people. My first response was ‘killing them softly, with a mask’.

Another friend asked me to take her to her annual check-ups (three) for her idiopathic pulmonary disease. Her doctors are grouped near each other – in the university hospital here. I told her to check about wearing a mask into the hospital, because there is no way she can wear one. Yet, the science has shown that those with pulmonary disease – asthma, pulmonary edema, COPD, show decreased oxygenation and increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood. Nevertheless, the powers-that-be at the hospital said absolutely no one will be allowed inside without a mask! I’m not going to elaborate; you either get it or you don’t.

Now Yes, masks kill. According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, masks potentially will kill millions. Now states are ordering mask-wearing – even by children as young as two. This is not killing softly at all. [Read]

I keep waiting for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or World Health Organization (WHO) to make the huge – necessary – correction that people should not be wearing masks unless they are in a room with supplemental oxygen pumped in TO PROVIDE ENOUGH OXYGEN TO PROTECT THEIR BRAINS. Have I missed that bulletin? Medical personnel in operating rooms must wear masks to provide the necessary sterile environment for the patient who has been cut open and is at risk for infection, thus the extra oxygen that is pumped into every operating room. MASKS WERE NEVER DESIGNED FOR LONG-TERM USE! In fact, the studies show that, in many cases, short-term use is very dangerous. Why would we be encouraged, even ordered, to wear masks in that case?

For anyone, an hour of wearing masks can cause headaches – yes, even to the healthy, those without respiratory conditions. The headache tells you that something is wrong. Dr. Russell Blaylock has stated that mask wearing causes hypoxia (a diminished availability of oxygen to the body tissues), and hypocapnia (a deficiency of carbon dioxide in the blood, which eventually leads to alkalosis — a decrease in the hydrogen ion concentration of arterial blood below the normal level).

What about other people who don’t have respiratory conditions, but those with conditions that are not related to lung conditions? Blaylock says, people with obesity have poor oxygen intake to begin with; wearing a mask could cause it to drop precipitously, causing a crisis. And there are tens of millions of diabetics and they should not be wearing masks because the build-up of CO2 could damage the brain. Anyone who has seizures is particularly at risk.

How many know that pregnant women have a need for a higher intake of oxygen(and their bodies normally have a lower CO2 accumulation to protect the baby)? A study of pregnant women wearing masks showed a 35% decrease in their ability to exchange air. As their oxygenation levels fell, CO2 began to accumulate in their bodies.If this accumulation were to rise to normal levels, it would be harmful to the baby. Because the study showed deleterious effects so early, the study was closed down without any more research. But are we hearing from the experts that pregnant women shouldn’t wear masks? Why not? It can’t be because they want a lot of damaged babies being born. So, what is the reason we are not being warned of this danger? When is the CDC or WHO going to put out advisories on the harmful effects that mask-wearing can cause to people – and not just to those who have respiratory health conditions?

Back to CO2. When CO2 levels rise and O levels fall, immunity is suppressed by inhibiting T-lymphocytes – the ones that fight viruses. Hypoxia makes it worse by increasing the level of acompound called hypoxia inducible factor, which inhibits T-lymphocytes and it stimulates another type of cell, the T-regs (immune suppressor cells which exacerbate immune suppression).

An article in the Journal of Immunology notes, “This sets the stage for contracting any infection, including COVID-19, and making the consequences of that infection much graver. In essence, your mask may very well put you at an increased risk of infection and, if so, cause a much worse outcome. People with cancer, especially if the cancer has spread, will be at a further risk from prolonged hypoxia as the cancer grows best in a micro environment that is low in oxygen.”

This brings up the question of why we are doing so much to keep the healthy from catching what is turning out to be a common flu? As Dr. Blaylock notes, no one is in any danger from the virus unless they already have an immune suppressing disorder. Yet, if worn too long, the mask itself is producing immune suppression. Again, the experts must know this. So, why are they not letting the public know this information? I don’t want to believe they want these things to befall us.

More from Blaylock on the rise in CO2. It can cause cardiac arrythmia, and fragile heart patients can experience hypoxia and hypocapnia, as well as having cognitive effects of brain fog, confusion, difficulty thinking and speaking, or anxiety.

Even more dangerous, I believe, is the fact that repeated hypoxia stress when oxygen levels fall, causes atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart attacks, and stroke from hyper-coagulation of the blood.In other words, if you are young and healthy, but wear a mask a lot, you are setting yourself up for heart attacks and arrythmia down the road.

One last point from Dr. Blaylock, “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves, and travel to the brain”. In other words, if COVID doesn’t kill you, the mask probably will. Maybe killing them softly isn’t necessarily the right song title to use.

© 2020 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koikpm@yahoo.com

It Is Live Or Die Time America

Ron Edwards

Among the great principles The United States was founded upon are life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  We the People are blessed to reside in a “republic” of rugged individualism and self sufficiency.  Since the time before Nimrod, the wicked builder of the first known city until now, no nation or empire used as much of it’s accumulated wealth to bless and advance the human condition.  Since before the founding of the United States until this very moment you are reading this column, there have been those demonically inspired individuals and organizations seeking to destroy liberty, equal opportunity and justice for all.  The resentment of democrats here in the United States facilitated the festering growth and brutality of the global practice of slavery in this the land of the free.  Despite their evil mission to oppress blacks and the white abolitionists, the democrats were defeated.  Such unyielding freedom fighters like Frederick Douglas, Sam Houston, Harriet Tubman and others were tireless warriors for liberty. Our first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln heeded the call of his friend, Frederick Douglas and freed the slaves.

The democrats have been at war against our land of liberty for many decades.  Even the late great democrat Senator Hubert Humphry, whom I thought was a rare, decent democrat was rumored to have slipped U.S. military secrets to the Viet Cong in the 1960s.  With very few exceptions to their rule and mission of destruction, democrats have consistently proposed and have tried to enslave almost all sovereign United States citizens.  The leftist democrats have either diminished, or destroyed many great aspects of our still great republic. Perhaps their greatest conquest has been their wicked takeover of the majority of both government and private schools.  The result of their dominance of what is indoctrinated into the minds of young Americans, has resulted in forty two percent of students wanting to be enslaved by socialism.

Also, the result of the leftists iron grip on the education of American students has resulted in a precipitous decrease in Judeo/Christian ethics.  That development has led to a decline in almost every single sector of society. Over twenty years ago, I told certain Christian ministers that because they and many other Christian leaders proudly turned their backs on America, evil individuals and organizations would cause our republic to turn away from Christianity.  It pains me to realize that to a certain degree I was correct.  Today, many cities including Detroit have large satanic statues.  Yet statues of Christian American heroes like Frederick Douglas have been ripped down by cancel culture goons.  They have been unleashed onto the streets of our great cities to literally destroy our exceptional way of life.

The time has come for those of us who love this republic to push back against the evil political darkness being promoted by the democrats.  They and their RINO and never Trump allies, would rather see the USA destroyed than experience a second Donald Trump presidency with prosperity and liberty.  The reason they most often state is that they do not like Donald Trump’s personality.  When I read about my fellow Christians who find President Trump to be harsh, I shake my head and pray for their addled brains.  Either they do not know, or they refuse to recognize that it is a “harsh” personality that is needed during these turbulent times.  By the way, throughout history God favored men with chutzpah, be they King David of ancient Israel, General George Patton, Gideon, General Douglas MacArthur, Frederick Douglas and Ulysses S. Grant, just to name a few.

Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is one generation from extinction,” unfortunately, his words have never rung truer.  In fact, our precious liberty may be one election from extinction.  If there is a Democrat victory in 2020, we will be forced upon a path that will literally lead America deep into the hell of socialism.  The radical Democrats will shackle our economy with a Green New Deal, force us to give up our unalienable rights, while granting special rights to criminals like illegal border crossers and American street thugs.  Under Democrat dominance, there would be even more economic dysfunction and permanent social strife.  Black Lives Matter cretins will be even more emboldened to wreak havoc and try to force sovereign citizens to live in the misery they are hoping to inflict everywhere throughout our nation.

My fellow Americans, it is all hands on deck in the effort to save our republic from the Democrats and to restore the principles that made the United States the envy of the world.  It would also be wise for believers to seek God’s forgiveness for how our republic was allowed to devolve morally, intellectually and spiritually, which opened the door to all the madness and evil so prevalent today. However, I for one remain steadfast in my belief that our nation will rectify her current state of affairs, choose wisely and embrace the positive vision for America proposed by President Trump.  God bless You, God Bless America and may America bless God.  Please visit theronedwards.com

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

The “Virus” of Revolutionism

Steven Yates

The real “virus” infecting any number of societies for much of the past 500 years is not organic but philosophical in origin. This is the “virus” of revolutionism.

Paul Craig Roberts just penned a brilliant piece focusing on how revolutionism puts ruthless tyrants in power, as during the French Revolution, and how expansionist emperor-types such as Napoleon sometimes follow.

How much reminding do we need? Revolutions are a very bad idea!?

Societies end up ruled by their absolute worst: criminals, bullies, thugs, and losers.

And whatever the problems of the government they just overthrew, revolutions always leave everyone except the newly empowered worse off than before.

It’s good that PCR takes note of how the so-called “American Revolution” wasn’t really a revolution at all in this sense.

British rule was ended, and the Founders established a republican government still based on British common law, and on balances of power against power at different levels — something never before achieved.

The major changes happened at the top. For the rest of society, the old order merged seamlessly into the new. The overall worldview (essentially Christian, if with denominational variations) and ways of life remained the same. Those not actively fighting the British did not experience the level of upheaval that struck France in 1789.

Revolutionism is fundamentally Jacobin. What does this mean? Who were the original Jacobins?

They were a group of far left activists and political operatives who came of age in Revolution-era France. They drew inspiration from Enlightenment thought, especially the strain that led from Rousseau to Robespierre, through whom they enacted the Terror.

The Jacobins believed it possible to place all of a society’s institutions under the microscope of an abstract “Reason,” raze them to the ground if they didn’t measure up to “rational” ideals of liberty, equality, and the fraternity or brotherhood of [all] men, and build up a new society on an Enlightenment-based, “rational” footing.

For those who didn’t measure up, the original Jacobins’ favorite device for dispatch was the guillotine.

Historically, what results from revolutions is always tyranny, since the old “irrational” order must be purged. Everything that would threaten the new order must be gotten rid of. This means all independent thought and writing must be crushed. Those unwilling to get with the program may be guillotined as in France, or with the strains of Jacobin revolutionism to come, shot, set to gulags, or otherwise destroyed. Entire populations that don’t fit the “rational” plan become nonpersons and may be “canceled.”

Thus the elimination not just of the French monarchy but the ousted king’s entire family.

Thus the Soviets’ elimination of all opponents of collective farming, with Stalin adding a new wrinkle: deliberate policies that resulted in mass starvation.

Thus the fate of Jews who didn’t flee Nazi Germany.

Is America falling prey to the “virus” of Jacobian revolutionism? You better believe it!

I’m not referring just to Antifa anarchists and Black Lives Matter cultural Marxists. They are just tools — agents of chaos, one might say, whose primary targets are conservative white people (liberal whites, as fellow Jacobin fellow travelers, get a pass, for now).

These movements are bankrolled by a powerful Jacobin globalist named George Soros, probably among others of the revolutionist power elite.

What will be the fate of Americans of any race and creed who resist or don’t fit into the planned New World Order being masterminded in globalist organizations ranging from the Trilateral Commission to the International Monetary Fund to the World Economic Forum? The question bears asking!

Revolutionism has a deeper philosophical root, and as a trained philosopher, I’m the obvious person to ferret it out.

The deeper philosophical root of revolutionism is Cartesianism, the name reserved for the intellectual product of early 17th century French philosopher René Descartes.

Descartes (1596 – 1650) is often called the Father of Modern Philosophy. He might also be thought of as the Godfather of the Enlightenment, and therefore of Jacobinism.

Descartes worked out a methodology. He thought it possible to raze all his beliefs to the ground based on an abstract logical possibility they could be false: the testimony of his senses, the findings of science as they then existed, God Himself. Descartes thought it possible to build up, from scratch, a whole new rationalist system of knowledge, based on the indubitable foundation of “Cogito; ergo, sum” (“I think; therefore, I am).

In the history of ideas, this was a game changer! It was the most influential philosophical product, in one way or another, for centuries — as important as Newton’s physics if not more so. The Newtonian revolution, well over a century later, might not have happened had Newton not been willing to raze Aristotle to the ground.

Note carefully: For Descartes, his abstract intellect using Reason alone, could dismantle all his former convictions. And then rebuild them from scratch on that foundation.

This abstract intellect was not religious until it “proved” God’s existence (Descartes offered a proof, but it failed miserably). It was disembodied. It had no culture, was not loyal to any nationality or place, had no psychological makeup. It was not subject to ethical imperatives that could not be proved — in later forms, not of its own choosing. The door to relativism and subjectivism opened.

Was this not the most stupendous wrecking ball any intellectual had ever unleashed on the world?

The Jacobins studied Descartes as well as Rousseau, because everybody studied Descartes. All they did was apply his basic method to the political realm. This released the “virus” of modern revolutionism, in which political and economic institutions, monarchy or any other governance, a church, “inessential” businesses, the family unit — really, anything not justifiable by abstract “Reason” — can be “canceled.”

Modern liberalism is Jacobin in its origins. So is neoconservatism, and so, by default, is neoliberalism. While we do not have space to explore all its strains, Jacobinism in a broad sense is literally everywhere, operating at multiple levels, from the street thugs of Antifa to the “commanding heights” of globalist elites.

Jacobinism is the connecting link between the hard left and globalism, and explains the unholy alliance between the two. But the “virus” also infected liberal democracies.

In classical liberal economics, the Cartesian abstract intellect became the “sovereign consumer” who makes marketplace decisions solely on utility maximizing. Subsequent schools of economic thought increased in mathematical complexity and incorporated some psychology, but did not touch that basic premise.

Since Jacobinism leads naturally to questioning everything except itself, often manufacturing problems when it can’t find any, the revolutionist “virus” goes everywhere, spread by people who probably never heard the term Jacobin, never heard of Descartes, and can’t get the American founding in the right century.

Somehow I have a hard time imagining those drawn to Antifa and Black Lives Matter reading books at all, much less works of history and philosophy.

That’s not the case, of course, with World Economic Forum attendees.

The vulnerability of the U.S. to revolutionism is very bad news, as we approach an election likely to be disputed, and which could easily result in violence no matter who wins.

Not simply because the form of Jacobinism known as identity politics or “wokism” is out of control (although it is).

Not simply because Americans can no longer talk to one another (although they can’t).

But because most have forgotten much of their heritage, and what hasn’t been forgotten is being “canceled” (statues pulled to the ground in perfect Jacobin fashion).

How many other societies are ripe for revolutionism?

Chile certainly is! I’ve lived here for eight years now, and last year I saw leftist Jacobin violence first-hand. To be sure, the “reconstruction” of Chile’s economy along neoliberal lines during the Pinochet years was Jacobin, just as had been the upheaval of the short Allende period. As I said, Jacobinism in one form or another is literally everywhere.

Other South American nations are vulnerable to Jacobin revolutionism. Brazil is. Venezuela eventually, if Russia ever lets down its guard. (What would happen would be the ouster of an anti-corporatist Jacobinism and its replacement by a pro-corporatist Jacobinism.)

Several European nations might be ripe for revolutionism as the EU slowly unravels.

Anyplace rife with corruption to the point where a critical mass of public anger can be channeled and exploited by a strongman or political party or agenda adhering to a Theory (“Reason”), be it Marxism or neoliberal Hyper-Capitalism that sees persons solely as laboring / consuming ciphers, is vulnerable to Jacobin revolutionism.

Russia, at the moment, appears not to be. Its Jacobin epoch appears to be in its past. Maybe this is why Jacobin-influenced pseudo-pundits of Western media and academia hate the country so much.

The forces behind the planned Great Reset, scheduled to be the main topic of next January’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland,are Jacobin to the core.

Bill Gates (who has no scientific, medical, or public health credentials), Dr. Anthony Fauci (far more a federal bureaucrat than a real doctor), and every other technocrat, are Jacobins in my sense. Technocracy is Jacobin because, as much as any ideology, it looks at human beings and organizations as abstractions, or as means to its ends:organic machines to be incentivized and manipulated. Jacobinism’s metaphysics (theory of reality), it goes without saying, is materialist. It has no room for a Creator or a transcendently grounded morality. It doesn’t so much reject them explicitly, it just dismisses such matters as irrelevant.

To the technocrat, every human problem has a scientific / technical solution. Depressed? Take a drug.

The “virus” of revolutionism currently spreading across the world is using supposed coronavirus/Covid-19 numbers to raze as much economic activity to the ground as it can through lockdowns and associated police-state measures.

These, interestingly, are far more draconian in places like Australia and New Zealand which disarmed their citizens years ago. When guns are outlawed, only criminals and governments will have guns. The two will be as indistinguishable as the animals at the end of Animal Farm.

All to raze to the ground our present order based on ideals such as freedom and virtue, and build up the New World Order: cashless society, all transactions digitized for monitoring purposes, education mostly if not entirely by remote, much work done by remote, church services the same way: total surveillance and control.

The crowning achievement: a Covid-19 vaccine likely to become a condition for schooling, employment, shopping, and travel, if not made legally mandatory.

The ruling tyranny to follow will be the ultimate in Jacobinism: a centralized world government answering to the corporations profiting from all this (e.g., Big Pharma). It may not have to do that much, given the ground-level tyranny of fear-based social sanction, as brainwashed sheeple who identify with authority (the folks screaming at you in stores or on planes to “Put on your mask!”) control others through the tried-and-true method of bullying.

Steven Yates’s next book, What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory, will be published early next year by Wipf and Stock Publishers.

If you liked this article, please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com; otherwise the lights on this kind of writing could go out at any time.

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

America’s Insanity and Mistake Trap

By: Amil Imani

When people hear the word “insanity,” they conjure up the image of someone out of touch with reality and out of control; a dysfunctional person fit to be tied. Yet, insanity comes in numerous types as well as degrees. It is also widely prevalent in groups, even in the nations as a whole. One common and troubling form of insanity is, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” warned Albert Einstein. When individuals make mistakes, the consequences are limited. But when nations make mistakes, the results can be catastrophic. It is disheartening to see the world’s best hope for freedom and democracy, the United States of America, repeatedly making the same mistake at crucial junctures. Once again, America is at a critical point and facing troubles in several hotspots both at home and abroad.

I believe this rather unique definition applies in many respects to the 2008 general election and has been proven once again to the American people when taken in retrospect, we seem to forget the history of electing socialist Democrats into the Oval Office after the disaster that was Jimmy Carter in the mid-70’s with all too unintended consequences and negative results and again voted for an even more radical socialist in the person of Barack Obama in November 2008.

If ever there was a lesson to be learned from any of this, and all the flurry of rhetoric, it is never to expect different results just because there is a different actor in the role. Identity politics did not work when the actor was from Plains, Georgia, and it certainly did not work with Mr. Obama, only God knows where he was born. Americans seem to forget all those embarrassing moments and commit the same mistakes. Whether insanity, ignorance or repetition, it all too often is difficult to discern the differences.

Look at what happened in Germany more than eighty years ago with identity politician Adolph Hitler and the horrific consequences.  America participated in another war to end all wars and lost over a million souls. No one can afford to think, at least now when they elected a man with no identity. Obama turned America into something unrecognizable, particularly, with all the checks and balances that are incorporated into the American Constitutional system. But when we look at the damage that former President Jimmy Carter caused some forty odd years before Obama during his one and only term in office, we should wonder how we did not limit the negative results of an administration that was transforming our republic right before our very eyes into a different America.

The irony is, no one moved a finger. No one tried to stop him. Former President George W. Bush disappeared for eight years and never said a word during the Obama’s Presidency.  He only became active when President Trump was elected and then he could not stop attacking him. It is hard to imagine how easy it is to manipulate people and give them socialism. The Framers never envisioned how quickly people jump to the other side, and willfully blindfolded were led to vote for hope and change as so skillfully advertised during the Obama election campaign, giving away Obama phone.

Jimmy Carter proved during his one term in office what even an Annapolis graduate with eight years in the military does not necessarily mean you know how to lead. Despite his background, he should have been able to accomplish something significant as Commander-in-Chief but proved conclusively, the exact opposite.

A former military member who served during the Carter administration, stated and saw firsthand President Carter’s mostly inept handling of foreign policy, his weakness in dealing and using the most precious gift he had in the American military and judicious use of its power. He made the entire system, from the military to his administration, look weak because of his own personal uncertainties and individual missteps during those four years in office. His domestic agenda and economic policy was a disaster in and of itself and resulted in double digit inflation, ultimate stagflation, double digit unemployment at home and a foreign policy that tied his hands from gross personal incompetence and ineptitude around the globe. Even today, his half-hearted attempts at leaving some sort of legacy to the world, he is remembered only by further defining his inadequacies as a former leader of the free world.

The foreign policy disaster that was Iran exemplified the Peter principle beyond even Carter’s wildest nightmares. During the Iranian hostage crises which lasted four hundred forty-four days, the AP newswire reported some Iranian radical university students held Americans hostage, (later proven to be the elements of Khomeinist Islamist groups). Former President Carter to this day appears to barely remember it happened while he was in command. As someone who watched all of this unfold daily and within the military intelligence community, (besides the failed rescue attempt). Americans expected the President to do something substantive during the crisis. That never happened. At least those working there who saw the daily drama and all the actors, in the final analysis were extremely embarrassed for our country, for our President and for his failure to grasp the importance of defending and protecting his own countrymen from harm’s way, not to mention the honor and integrity of the United States of America. He failed at that too.

Carter’s basic misunderstanding of human nature, particularly from the standpoint of Middle Eastern foreign policy and their customs, was noteworthy and more than frustrating to watch. Former President Carter to this day is laughed at and ridiculed for his weakness and powerlessness in action and deed. And it is sad yet again to see him try to justify and defend that position and understand that end result will again demonstrate the shallow and baseless manner in which he approached a problem that still haunts foreign policy experts within the State Department to this day.

And the equally embarrassing problem with Obama as Commander-in-Chief as well. Obama was not viewed any differently than Jimmy Carter. He was after all, the Commander-in-Chief, but as with most Democrats, especially those who reside in the Oval Office over the past sixty years, and since the end of WWII, somehow, they find themselves embarrassed by their role and their connection to the military. They also feel some unbearable discomfort with even the thought of wielding their power to conduct and lead the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen: the American military.

Carter seemed to neuter America’s military capability and he certainly did not lead while Obama, who never was in the military, did tremendous damage to our fighting forces involved in both wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and later our engagements in Syria and Libya. Obama failed again to make good his promise to do anything when a bunch of Muslim jihadists massacred our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi. Obama’s “toothless” rhetoric was proven useless and he immediately became a laughingstock, around the world and lost every inch of his credibility.

Obama’s actions have already been shameful even at his early stages of involvement.  Many people, both military and civilian were dying in the two battlefields in which we were engaged and Mr. Obama did not seem to care and would not act decisively and instead focused on unconstitutionally passing universal healthcare here at home rather than conduct a necessary war on the terror front to a successful conclusion and victory with an intractable enemy. He did not even kill one single ISIS and Obama famously referred to ISIS nine months later in January of 2014 as the “JV team.”

You would think that the new leader of the Democrat Party wanted to embarrass America and its military might and managed to intensify his efforts to lose a war, the consequences of which would be more that dire and certainly disastrous. When speaking of insanity, this must be it, because I know we saw President Carter’s history repeated by Barack Obama and all the damage that has been done and is now being undone by President Trump.

From the time, Obama took his apology world tour, bad-mouthing the United States, singing the praises of Islam and internationalism, he showed vacillation and weakness at every turn. For one, he did not even find it in himself to voice his support for the valiant Iranians against the rule of fascist mullahs in the 2009 Green Revolution.

The results: Thousands of democracy’s best children of Iran were slaughtered, maimed, or imprisoned and the Iranian mullahs are emboldened and have tripled their speed in the quest for their ultimate weapon, knowing full well that you neither can nor will do anything to stop them.

Remember the Iranian hostage crisis? The mullahs turned their noses up at Carter and dared him to do anything. They wouldn’t budge. The minute it looked like Reagan, the no nonsense candidate, was going to replace the indecisive delusionary Carter, the mullahs released the Americans. Obama was weak and inexperienced. He allowed a group of Islamic Republic lobbyists in Washington to tell him what to do.

And now the same kind of people want to repeat the same mistake again and elect Joe Biden who suffers from dementia as another Obama. I wish the American people would have learned the lessons of both Jimmy Carter and Barack Hussein Obama and they would never elect a Democrat into the office again. That may be a wishful thinking, but we can only hope and cross our fingers and ask our fellow Republicans stop this calamity from happening and voting by the tens of millions to reelect President Trump. Here comes November 3rd, 2020.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

‘Moral Enhancements’—in Your Drinking Water

Lee Duigon

Every time you think America’s university professors can’t take one step deeper into wicked foolishness, they prove you wrong. Big-time.

An ethics professor at Western Michigan University has called for “moral enhancers” to be administered to Americans to make them wear masks and socially distance—yes, “make them.” As in compel them to. This’ll knock out the COVID-19 pandemic, he says. And then, he adds, it can be used to make people believe in Climate Change.

And you thought Bob Hope was kidding when he likened Democrats to zombies.

The professor suggests that “moral enhancements” could be surreptitiously added to our drinking water supply. Isn’t it cool, the way the pro-choice crowd always tries to take away your choices? Once you get a belt of “enhancement,” he says, you will acquire an increased “ability to be empathetic or altruistic or cooperative.” Whatever they want you to be, as defined by themselves. Maybe a pill that would compel you to rat out your neighbors or your family members, if they do something the government doesn’t like.

Ah! But he doesn’t tell us just what the “moral enhancements” might be. Pills? Show up with a dump truck full of ‘em and dump ‘em in the reservoir? Potions? You’ll need a tanker truck. Or maybe you could administer it with crop-dusting planes over populated areas. And if this stuff, whatever it turns out to be, winds up making you deathly ill, or turns your brain into something like whatever it is Joe Biden’s got—well, heck, at least they tried!

What kind of “ethics” does this jackass teach? Is it still ethics if you don’t have a choice anymore? Is it still “morality,” if they make it impossible for you to behave in any other way? God could have done that, but He created us with free will instead. Is some professor somewhere wiser than God?

People are paying this doofus to teach their children. How many young men and women will pass through his classes and come out of them as raving Red Guards?

Do we still need these universities? For what? To turn young people into robots? Look at all the white middle-class college students who turn out to riot every time Only Black Lives Matter tells them to. How much more of this can our country stand?

We could write this guy off as a nut—in which case, why is he still teaching?—but that would hardly do him justice. His totalitarian notions reach all the way back through history to Plato. He proposes to enslave his countrymen: not with a whip, but with something sneaky in our drinking water.

Defund the universities. Throw out, as garbage, the whole inane idea that everybody has to go to college. It’s only the absurd expansion of our higher education system that has created jobs for fools like this twaddler at Western Michigan. You could buy a nice house for the money that you blew on college.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in today for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

The Stench of Death

Dave Daubenmire

Did you know abortion even had a smell?”  Abby Johnson at the RNC Convention.

I don’t know if I have ever heard anything so profound spoken at a political event in my life.

Abortion has an odor” I repeated to my wife who was sitting in the room beside me.  “My God what a word-picture. How does anyone who has ever been in a medical office not relate to the smells that hang in the air?”   Right now, pro-aborts in the Demonic Democrat Party are squealing from the arrow that struck right in the heart of the abortion industry.

Abortion has a smell.  My God.  ABORTION HAS A SMELL !!  It is time to end abortion in America!

It is not just a blob of tissue.  It is not just a “difficult choice between a woman and her Doctor.”  Whether using a sterile medical suction machine or a back-alley clothes hanger the undeniable truth was exposed for all the world to hear.  Abortion kills.  ABORTION HAS A SMELL.

The stench of death is suffocating America.  The stench waffles across the homes of America and in the silent bedrooms where women struggle to sleep as the sights and sounds of the abortion experience haunt the corners of their minds.

They remember the smell.  They remember the sounds.  Years later they are still haunted by the experience…victims of the lies they were told by the ghouls masquerading as friends in the dark recesses of the murder mills.

It is your right to choose…your body your choice…the baby will not feel anything…the problem will go away once the procedure is over…God understands your dilemma and he will be in the room with you…don’t let this unfortunate pregnancy ruin your future career…it’s not really a baby…no one will ever know…you are not mature enough to raise a child…

Abortion has a smell!!  Death has a stench.  With one brief statement Abby Johnson pulled millions of American women back into the abortion clinic where they had killed their precious child.  They remembered the cold table.  They remembered the stirrups.  They remembered the indifference of the Doctor, the whirl of the vacuum machine, and the smell.  Abortion has a smell.

Her presentation was one of the most impactful moments in American political history.  With one sharp statement she destroyed all of the lies of the lying Left.  Abortion is real.  It is more than a difficult choice between a woman and her Doctor.  It kills a child.  It involves sights and sounds…and odors.  It torments women in their most quiet moments. Truly, abortion has a smell.

Now if only we could get America’s pulpits to inhale deeply.  If only they could catch a whiff of the smell of death circulating through the recycled air of their church building.  How much longer will America’s pulpits cast an indifferent glance at the most hideous sin to ever penetrate the heart of a woman?

I killed my baby,” the women silently cry.  “How can I ever escape the quilt I feel?  How can I ever forgive myself?  How can God ever forgive me?  What kind of woman kills her own child?  Wild animals don’t even do that.”

Why don’t America’s pulpits care?  How can they not understand the destructive nature of abortion and the devasting scars that it leaves on the heart of a mother?  How can they not understand the Biblical premise that “bloodshed follows bloodshed?”

Violence in the womb leads to violence in the world.  Why can’t our leaders make the connection?  One dead…one wounded…as the sobbing women leave Planned Parenthood.

Blood has a voice.  It cries from the ground.  God hates hands that shed innocent blood.  Why don’t we?  Why don’t our pastors?  How much longer will the American church look the other way at Government sanctioned death?   Can’t they smell the death?  Why can’t they smell it?  Do they have cotton in their nostrils?

God smells it.  How can we expect a Holy God to bless a nation whose Shepherds look the other way as blood floods the city sewers.?  Dumb dogs is what Isaiah called them.  Unable to bark.

But dogs can smell.  How can our religious leaders not notice the stench?  How many more women will they permit to fall for the lies?  How many more women will lie awake at night as the smell of death circulates through their minds?

The church is waiting for the politicians to end abortion.  God is waiting for His church.  Neither group seems to genuinely care.  Babies die.  Women suffer.  God bless America !!  Forty-seven years of unabated child sacrifice.  Something stinks.

I’ve noticed this week that the RNC convention has been far more Christ-centered than anytime in my adult life.  They are serving up more Gospel than most churches.  The Republican Party of the past with it’s Fake Christianity and Fake Pro-life stance has gone by the wayside.  No more fake conservatives like McCain’s or McConnells, Boehners or Bushes, no Romney’s or Ryan’s.

Thank God for an orange man, rejected by the pompous, deemed unfit to serve, injecting the smell of abortion into the minds of America’s mothers.  God works in mysterious ways.  When will be the right time to end the holocaust?

Stop counting on Trump to do it.  Rise up Christian men.  Take in a deep breath.  It is time to clear the air.

The Devil is devouring our children.  Can’t you smell it?

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Anarchy, Looters, Killings, Arson, Shooting Cops: BLM & Antifa Must Be Stopped

By Frosty Wooldridge

A friend of mine said, “This travesty in Kenosha just proved that certain segments of the population are now nothing more than walking weapons, waiting to be used for the agenda against the American people.”

Not only that, but an agenda against Western Civilization!

I don’t know about you, but I am more than sick of lootings, burnings, anarchy, cop killings and total anarchy in various cities around America.  What’s worse, if the excuse continues as to George Floyd or Jacob Blake—I’m sorry but both of them carried lifelong crime rap sheets.  Both did not comply with law enforcement. Both disobeyed orders from the cops.  Both would not be considered ‘model’ American citizens. Both had spent much time behind bars.  Both of them were outright criminals.  They both would be alive today or healthy if they obeyed law enforcement officers.

Just for an update, in the past three weeks, I drove across the USA to the Gettysburg National War Memorial.  My wife and I stood on the same spot where President Lincoln gave his immortal speech on Cemetery Ridge, which stands adjacent to the battlefield.  Even 157 years after November 19, 1863, I cried at the words written from his speech on a plaque.  I remember reciting those eloquent words at my eighth-grade talent contest.  I still remember that speech to this day. “Four score and seven years ago….”

(We stood where President Lincoln stood on November 19, 1863 on Cemetery Ridge at the Gettysburg Battle Field to give his famous speech.) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Sandi and I hiked some of the Appalachia Trail starting on Springer Mountain where it heads 2,190 miles to Mt. Katahdin, Maine.  We marveled at the “boot tree” where hundreds of exhausted backpackers over the decades tied their worn-out boot laces together and tossed the boots into an enormous tree at the southern end of the trail. It’s a boot graveyard with happy memories.  We hiked to the highest elevation east of the Mississippi River at Mt. Mitchell at 6684 feet. It’s a beautiful tunnel of green leaves and magnificent beauty.  The first lady to hike it all the way: Emma Gatewood at 67 years of age.

(Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge at the southern end of the Appalachia Trail)

We also visited Jefferson’s Poplar Forest summer home and Monticello. We relished our journey on the Blue Ridge Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah Valley.  We visited President Andrew Jackson’s home along with President Andrew Johnson, both from Tennessee.  Also, George Vanderbilt’s mansion at the Biltmore at 179,000 square feet in Ashville, NC. Unbelievable millions spent on building that architectural wonder to rival Versailles in France or The Hearst Castle in California.

We also visited Grand Old Opry House. Who wouldn’t give their week’s pay to hear Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson sing on stage?  We visited Willie Nelson’s museum. What a fantastic life!   We visited MLK exhibits along with George Washington Carver and Oprah Winfrey. What a legacy from Ray Charles! The list grows for all races, creeds and colors in America.

Our journey showed us that the least Americans can rise to be the most incredible achievements in America—with hard work, integrity, persistence, determination and true grit.

Cops, Laws and Attitude

Okay, to save money, Sandi and I drove a van so we could sleep in the back at night.  At one stop, we pulled into the parking lot of a Baptist Church.  It was on the outskirts of town away from noise and traffic.  It was wide open.  We fluffed up our sleeping bags and air mattresses to quickly fall asleep.

Around 1 a.m., a flashlight shined in our faces and a knock on the window.  I woke up, opened the sliding door to see two police officers.

“Yes sirs,” I said. “What can I do for you?”

“Do you realize you’re on church property and must move?” one said.

“Gosh, this is out in middle of nowhere and we’ll be gone at sunrise,” I said.

“No can do,” he said.  “Do you have license, registration and insurance?”

“Yes sir,” I said, getting over to the glove box.

He checked me out.  I was clean. Haven’t had a traffic ticket in 30 years!

“You’re going to have to move off this lot,” he said.

“Yes sir,” I said. “I’ll be out of here in no time.”

“Thank you for your cooperation,” the first officer said.

As they were about to depart, I said, “Thank you for your service officers.”

They nodded with smiles.

What was the difference with my run-in with the cops and that of George Floyd, Jacob Blake or any other characters resisting arrest or calling cops names or being belligerent and potty-mouthed?  I followed the cops’ commands. I politely said, “Yes sir and no sir” to all their questions. I handed over my identification.

Can  you imagine the difference in America today if Floyd or Blake or other characters would have simply followed the orders of law enforcement?

As to BLM and Antifa—they must be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned before they destroy more cities with looting, burning and killings. This is way beyond Floyd or Blake!  This is sheer, pure anarchy and sedition against the law-abiding citizens of America, Black and White.

The facts remain, no matter how you cut it, Black on Black crime soars 100 to 1 over police shootings of Blacks.  Instead of burning our cities down, BLM and Antifa need to vote, run for office, make peaceful changes and work within the law.  If they lived in China today, they would have already been executed.

If BLM anarchists wanted to improve America, they might start by rebuilding, refurbishing and improving their citizens in Baltimore, Detroit and Chicago. Blacks dominate those towns, but thus far this year more Blacks suffer deaths from other Blacks than any police shootings X’s into the hundreds.  Already Chicago has seen 443 Black homicides by 443 other Black shooters in 2020. That’s 50 percent up at this time from last year.  Whites didn’t do any of those shootings because they’ve fled those cities.

Is it possible that top Black CEO’s, millionaire athletes, governors, mayors, and movie stars might come together to form a plan specifically targeting improvement of Black schools, cities and jobs?  Wouldn’t it be better to pay for recreation centers, educational tutoring, fatherhood classes and a dozen other ideas to solve the inner-city violence?  Wouldn’t it be worth it for all of us to work toward ‘our’ mutual, peaceful and positive future?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

San Francisco’s Scott Wiener Introduces Bill to Decriminalize Men With Boys Sex

Bradlee Dean

Pedophile In New Jersey Says He Wants His Right To Sexual Contact With Children, Appeal Granted!

“Sex before eight or else it’s too late.” —North American Man Boy Love Association Slogan

Just this last week, I had taken the time to reveal to the American people that those they call representatives in this country that are, in fact, advocating for sodomy, pedophilia and pornography are also guilty, in many cases, of committing crimes against children (Jude 1:7).

[YouTube Video]

In San Francisco, Sen. Scott Wiener introduces a bill to decriminalize men having sex with boys.

San Francisco state Senator Scott Wiener has introduced a new bill to decriminalize adult men having sex with boys and he and his allies in the media are smearing all opposition as “homophobic” and “anti-Semitic.”

From The Federalist, “No California Shouldn’t Decriminalize Adult Sex With 14-Year-Olds”:

LGBT activists have pushed reasonable notions of equality to its limits with obscene perversions. State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco — the same lawmaker who co-sponsored a bill in 2017 to remove the felony penalty for knowingly exposing another person to HIV — has introduced a bill, Senate Bill 145 to give judges more flexibility in sentencing gay men who abuse minors.

Under current law — which Wiener, who is gay, describes as “horrific homophobia” — a straight 24-year-old male who has sex with a 15-year-old girl can avoid being put on the sex-offender list if the judge feels the situation does not deserve it, but a gay man in the same scenario with a similar-aged boy would not be given the same option.

Wiener’s argument is one of evolving social standards. In 2015, the California Supreme Court upheld the long-standing separation of vaginal sex from other forms of sex-based on the misguided idea that if pregnancy occurred, placing the father on the sex-offender list could ruin his chances of providing for his family. The extreme of the scenario would be an 18-year-old man with a 17-year-old girlfriend.

Wiener’s bill, however, is not so straightforward. He argues all forms of sex should be treated equally under the law.

Apparently, this criminal right here does not understand that he, nor anyone else, does not have the right to violate moral law, and why? It’s because the Lord never gave them the right (Psalm 94:20).

Furthermore, and 180 degrees diametrically opposed to this sodomite (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), the law condemns such measures (Deuteronomy 25:1).

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

So, in taking it directly to the next point, we can see why others are emboldened to commit such crimes without fear of consequence. In New Jersey, 101.5 reported:

A convicted sex offender who argued that pedophiles are victims of discrimination and that laws against sexual contact with children violate his rights has been granted a narrow appeal.

The legal victory this month was not based on what the court called the defendant’s “unusual” strategy of promoting pedophilia but on the constitutional right to a speedy trial.

The now-31-year-old Gary Wolchesky was first arrested in 2009 but it took seven years before his trial started.

In a 44-page decision released Jan. 28, a three-judge appellate panel said that part of this delay was the fault of Wolchesky, who insisted on representing himself. But part of the delay also was the result of the investigation and new charges that were later added on.

Wolchesky was accused of — and readily admitted — using his Xbox to communicate with boys ranging in ages of 10 to 15, getting them to send him sexually explicit videos and sending them sexually explicit videos of himself.

Wolchesky argued that “pedophiles are a persecuted minority and that the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice wrongfully makes this conduct a crime,” the appellate decision summarized.

He also argued that what he did was not against the law because the boys consented to his requests.

Monmouth first became aware of Wolchesky after he posted YouTube videos advocating for pedophilia. The videos still appear on YouTube.

It was the mother of one of the victims who got the ball rolling on the case after she looked at her 12-year-old son’s computer and noticed that he was chatting with someone named TEENTECH, whose profile said he was “20 years old and I like little boys.”

The mother sent TEENTECH, who turned out to be Wolchesky, a message telling him to stop communicating with her son. He replied: “I don’t care what your mom says.”

The mother notified the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, who then notified Monmouth County prosecutors. A month later, after he continued to communicate with her son, she called Monmouth authorities and granted them permission to analyze her son’s phone.

Wolchesky was already known to Monmouth detectives. Six months earlier they had interviewed him after he posted videos on YouTube promoting the concept of pedophilia. During an interview with detectives, he admitted that he found 10-year-old boys “just so hot” and he discussed using his Xbox to communicate with children using the screen name TEENTECH. He was not charged with a crime at that time.

Authorities said they found evidence linking Wolchesky to five victims plus thousands of files of child sexual exploitation. Eventually, he was only convicted on charges related to four victims because the fifth child declined to testify at trial.

A trial was initially set for 2014 but was delayed when several of the victims revealed for the first time that Wolchesky had also gotten them to sexually penetrate themselves on video.

Wolchesky exercised his right to have the new charges brought before a grand jury, which handed up a superseding indictment on 27 charges.

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” -Luke 17:2

In conclusion, I can tell you right now, friends, that the American people are sick and tired of being sick and tired when it comes to seeing the way that these said representatives are violating the law and our children and how it is that the courts are lowering the law by advocating for crimes against children, which is making them a prey.

Regardless, the American people are now responding in a way to these crimes where these pedophiles will no longer need a courtroom, and rightly so (Luke 17:2)!

When the law fails to serve us, then we must serve as the law!


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© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.

An Open Letter To The Biden-Harris Campaign and Democrats

By Ron Ewart

Dear Joe, Kamala and all other Democrat Politicians and Voters:

To Joe:  We are writing to you on behalf of millions of Americans that see right through you.  We are not fooled by your down-on-the-farm, soft-spoken facade.  You are a fraud and a phony.  Not only that, you are losing your mind to age or dementia.  You shouldn’t even be running for president.  You are corrupt and you have used your 47-year career in the federal government to enrich yourself and your family members, including your brothers.  You are all about self and self-serving, not service to country.

What have you done for real Americans?  Absolutely nothing!  What have you done for your rich friends like the Unions, credit card companies and the banks ….. and your relatives?  Everything you could, using your power and influence as a Senator, or as Vice President.

No, we haven’t forgotten about your trip to China with your son Hunter on Airforce 2 while you were Vice President of the United States.  Hunter suddenly became rich overnight with a $1.5 Billion investment from a Chinese Private Equity firm (BHR) and the Bank of China.  A coincidence, hardly!  You let yourself be bought off by our enemy China and now owe your soul to them.

Nor have we dismissed Hunter being appointed to the board of one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas producer (Burisma) at an unheard of exorbitant salary while you were overseeing Ukraine as Vice President.  It has been reported that the Burisma money to Hunter came from Rosemont Seneca Bohai (a New York firm) in sums ranging from $10,000 to $150,979 per month.  (What did Hunter do for all that money?  What was his experience in natural gas production?) Rosemont received over $3.15 million from Burisma for consulting services.  One could construe that Hunter’s money was laundered through Rosemont to purposely hide Hunter’s involvement with Burisma.  Another coincidence?  Only a fool would believe that!

You sold your position as Vice President of the United States to the highest bidder.  You likely did the same thing as a U. S. Senator.  You peddled influence.   You acted as agents of foreign governments without registering under the Federal Foreign Agents Registration Act.  You bribed foreign state politicians to get your way or to protect Hunter.  You should be in jail.

We don’t even have to guess why the mainstream media is not properly covering your corruption, since the mainstream media is in the tank for you and the Democrats.

Free Americans are aghast that millions of Americans (mostly city folk) have sunk so far that you, Joe Biden, a true Establishment and corrupt Democrat politician, could become their champion for president and that Kamala Harris, an out-for-blood, insanely ambitious, corrupt California State Attorney General, also a socialist Democrat, would be selected as your running mate.

So what do you believe in Joe?  We know you want to be president, but why? Maybe it is ambition, power, fame and fortune.  Maybe it’s the desire to rule over the masses thereby elevating your self above the riff-raff and unwashed of society.  You want their vote but do you relate to them in a meaningful way?  Since you have lived a life of privilege off the taxpayer, it is quite doubtful you care about them one way or another.  You just want power for power’s sake.

Will you take your marching orders from the fringe socialist left like Bernie Sanders and AOC, or will you govern by moving more to the center?  Since you appear to be a hollow shell of a man with no beliefs, most of us believe you will be pulled way left and go half crazy with the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, free college tuition, forgiving all college debt, repealing the Electoral College, repealing the 2nd Amendment, taking our guns away, repealing the filibuster rule, de-funding the police, eliminating ICE, open borders, expand sanctuary cities, along with free health care and amnesty for illegal aliens, without regard to the cost to the taxpayer (most estimates are at least 40% of the Gross Domestic Product) or the fundamental changes in our way of life, our culture and the principles of individual freedom as enshrined in our Constitution.  These are all insane policies Joe and most of them are in the Democratic Platform.   (See: “DNC Platform”)

And Joe, California got a taste of your Green New Deal and efforts to control the fraud of Climate Change this summer by previously shuttering gas-fired power plants across the state, stopping construction of nuclear and hydro power plants and building expensive, taxpayer subsidized wind turbines and solar arrays instead.  Except the wind quit blowing during the current heat wave, solar only provides power during the hot part of the day, the air conditioners came on by the millions, Arizona and Nevada which provide power to California, kept their power in their states, the hydro dams in Washington State were headed for full capacity sending electricity to California and a stand-by gas fired plant failed to come on when requested, leading to rolling blackouts throughout California.  Talk about poor planning!

To the rest of you, if you don’t have power in your California home right now, you can blame the fraud of Climate Change and the national and international environmentalists and the governments that listen to them.  If Joe and Kamala implement the Green New Deal and very expensive efforts to confront phony Climate Change, rolling blackouts could be coming to your state, or worse.  (See: “Back To The Future, The Obama Legacy”)

Joe and Kamala, you live in a utopian, socialist bubble, insulated from the lives of real Americans and oblivious to their needs.  You promise much but are incapable of delivering on those promises. Otherwise Joe, you would have delivered on those promises during your term as Vice President.  But you were more interested in lining your pockets and trying to take down a duly elected president.

You and those of your ilk have split this country down the middle, pitting whites against blacks, Latinos, Asians and American Indians and convinced everyone that systemic racism is alive and well in America when the racism you charge others with, is racism of Democrat’s own making.  You agree with calling every white person a racist, which, since you are white, makes you a racist.

With insane Democrat socialist policies you have passed over the last 8 decades, you have turned the Black race into a fractured, hopeless culture that blames everyone else but themselves for their own ills.  You have made Blacks victims and dependent on government and you did it for votes, not altruism.  You and other Democrats have allowed Black schools to disintegrate such that Black academic achievement is way below the general population.  They struggle if they even reach college and have trouble finding jobs.  You and your Democrat pals and policies did that.

You and all other Democrats have said nothing about the growing violence in America that is mostly occurring in Democrat-run cities.  You’ve said nothing and done nothing about the war zone and gang violence that is called south Chicago where little children are killed while sitting in their strollers, or in their beds.  Although you say you are not for de-funding the police, way too many other Democrats promote and sponsor such efforts, the antithesis to controlling violence in our society.

Blaming Trump for badly handling the Coronavirus is like blaming the Sun for deserts.  It is abundantly obvious that you, as President, couldn’t have done any better and knowing you as we do, you probably would have done worse.  It’s always easy to criticize someone else’s management of an uncontrollable, run-away natural disaster.

You are complicit, along with Obama, Comey, McCabe, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Orr, Hillary Clinton and the DNC (and others) to take down a duly elected president by staging an illegal silent coup and spying operation, using powerful federal agencies and the intel community to do it.

You support Black Lives Matter (BLM) but BLM is a Marxist organization intent on tearing down by force, America’s institutions and system of government.  BLM is no better than violent ANTIFA, or the old Weather Underground, or Students For A Democratic Society.

Your slogan is to “Build Back Better.”  How the Hell are you going to top Trump’s record of bringing back jobs and manufacturing to America, raising wages and providing the lowest unemployment rate for Blacks, Latinos and women in a half century?  Your idea of bringing back jobs is massive government projects at taxpayer expense.  To do that you would have to pass usurious taxes on the middle class.  Over-taxed people are not free people Joe.

You keep asking the rich to pay their “fair share” but never describe “fair share” when asked.  The top 10% of all wage earners are already paying 70.1% of all federal income taxes.  The top 5% pay almost 60% of all federal income taxes.  You would take it all if you could and it still wouldn’t be enough to satisfy your insatiable appetite for a larger and more powerful federal government.

Your speech at the convention last Thursday night, where you accepted the Democrat nomination for president of the United States, was hollow, full of glittering generalities and empty promises, with little or no substance or details.  The only thing that became clear from the Democratic convention and all of its speakers is that you hate Donald Trump.  Why do you hate him?  Because he upset your cushy apple cart and exposed you and the news media for the frauds and traitors that you and they are.

In a recent article we wrote: “We and millions like us have come to the conclusion that every time you talk to a person that has aligned him or her self with the Democratic Party, it can only be construed that they are either politically blind, corrupt, wholly ignorant, or a traitor.  The current Democrat Party is a treasonous organization bound and determined to destroy individual liberty and to corrupt or tear down the American Constitution.  If you and Kamala are elected this November, it will only bring us closer to civil war or revolution.  The Coronavirus and the massive government control it triggered have highlighted the growing evidence of open resistance to government tyranny and a potentially “hot” revolution.  Why do you suppose Americans are buying guns and ammunition at record rates?  Democrats have caused this condition in their Century-long, clandestine fight to make America a monolithic society, ruled by Absolute Democratic Monarchs” like you!  To achieve that, you and they have cheated, lied, stolen and broken the law.

We can only hope that most Americans will see through your hidden charade and re-elect Donald J. Trump in 2020.


Ron Ewart, President
Nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Issaquah, WA. USA

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

Once Upon A Time – 1960

Dennis Cuddy

The year 1960 marked the end of the sleepy 1950s when Eisenhower was president and America was still innocent. I was 14 and many people lived in GI houses built right after WW II. They were small but functional and cozy. It was a wholesome time reflected in TV shows like The Andy Griffith Show, Leave it to Beaver, and Ozzie and Harriett, as well as Westerns where heroes triumphed over evil.

Food was nourishing, before processing took out all the nutrients. It was fresh and usually locally grown. School lunches were not just pizzas, but fresh baked rolls, a variety of fresh vegetables and meats and flounder fish sticks.

There were unique neighborhood characters like Kenneth who repaired watches for a living, but also made popsicles for the children and drove up to the little open air market in his jeep loaded with kids to get baseball cards and gum. He also taught us a baseball game played with cards for a hot or rainy day (turn over 3 cards and 2 of a kind was a single, three of a kind a triple, etc.). Another character was “Uncle John” who planted corn, etc., with a mule right there in the city. And there was a neighborhood leader, Mrs. Hawks, who occasionally got a permit from the city to block off the street for a block party where everyone would bring something to share with others (e.g., hot dogs, potato chips, etc. like in the original movie “The Sandlot”).

Our backyard seemed to be where most of the children congregated for activities. There was a basketball goal, ping pong table, and screened side porch where we played monopoly, CLUE, or Go Fish card game. There were also organized sports like Jaycee Park baseball and a bowling league as well as sports like Putt-Putt golf, and volleyball, softball and 4-square at the local elementary school in the summer.

On Saturday, we would get free tickets from the local Hobby Shop to see a free movie like “Treasure Island” or “Swiss Family Robinson” at the local movie theater. And in the afternoon we would go to the YMCA to see a movie or play basketball or swim, etc. after we had completed our chores like cutting the grass. There might also be a Hawaiian Party at the “Y” where we could wear Hawaiian shirts and romantically dance together, boys with girls, after our parents had paid to give us ballroom dance lessons. (Three photos of Dennis Cuddy at 14 years old in 1960 can be seen here.)

It was a time of innocent young love consisting of just romance and affection, with no thought of sex. At home, one might do homework while listening to romantic songs of the day on radio (e.g., the announcer would say “Here’s a song, “Tammy,” going out from Jim to his sweetheart Janie.”). And there were also new movies of every type at theaters every week—stories of romance, adventure, comedies and westerns.

It was a wonderful time with clean air and water, and beautiful, intelligible music like “Once Upon a Time,” sung by John Gary (he had a 3 octave vocal range and sang, “Once upon a time, a girl with moonlight in her eyes, put her hand in mine, and said she loved me so….”).

But then began the selfish 1960s with rebellious hippies yelling slogans like “Look out for Number 1,” “What’s in it for me?’ and “If it feels good, do it,” also engaging in drugs and promiscuous sex. Life was never the same again! What I did not know at the time was that the dramatic changes were planned that way—-the quickening of the tempo of human life described in Orwell’s futuristic novel titled 1984, the fractious anapestic rhythm of rock music planned by Theodor Adorno of the Frankfurt School, and the psychological manipulation of Edward Bernays in his 1928 book PROPAGANDA and Bertrand Russell in his 1951 book, THE IMPACT OF SCIENCE UPON SOCIETY. Schools began to undermine parental values by teaching students situation ethics via values clarification techniques like “The Lifeboat game” where they would decide who lives and dies.

Directed by a powerful global group I call The Power Elite, one can read in James Simon Kunen’s THE STRAWBERRY STATMENT (1968): “Men International Roundtables…tried to buy up a few radicals. Those men are the world’s industrialists and they convene to decide how our lives are going to go. They’re the leftwing of the ruling class. They offered to finance our demonstrations in Chicago. We were also offered ESSO (Rockefeller) money. They want us to make a lot of commotion so they can look more in the center as they move more to the left.”

I long for a simpler time, a slower pace of life, and people who took time to care. But as John Gary’s “Once Upon a Time” song mentioned above ends, “Once upon a time never comes again.” More’s the pity!

© 2020 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

No Troops Required, Just, The People, and The Law

Andrew C. Wallace

I have the utmost respect for what President Donald Trump has accomplished, and what he will do for America in the future. But he must stop the burning, killing, destruction, and insurrections promoted by Communist (Democrat) Politicians.

President Trump could use troops, but it would be far better if he empowered the people, to defend themselves and their property in accordance with our Constitution. He should also charge the crooked politicians with obvious violations of federal law, 2383 and 2385 of 115 of 18 USC. See details below.

It is difficult for many of us to understand why the President does not arrest the Politicians who are obviously violating the laws of the Republic by promoting insurrection.

We understand the difficulty, when much of the DOJ is supporting the criminals, and the FBI is beyond any redemption for their criminal behavior. It is common, and accepted knowledge that Equal Justice does not exist as long as major politicians such as Obama, Biden, and Hillary, et al, remain free of charges. The people, absolutely do not believe that Equal Justice exists. Many people believe that elected politicians have no ethics or morals whatsoever.

I am advocating two courses of action that would stop the terror and burning of our cities, and the ongoing efforts at insurrections. I have no confidence that our politicians in either party will do anything unless they are pushed. Here are the two courses of action that will end the Communist Burning and Insurrection.

  1. Empower the people, in accordance with the Constitution to defend themselves and THEIR property with deadly force, if required, without fear of politically motivated and crooked prosecutors. I called out Gov. DeSantis of Florida on this very thing in my last polemic.

FL. Gov. DeSantis, Allowing Denial of Florida Constitutional Rights

Governor DeSantis, you have been a good governor, but you can’t overlook, or dodge this responsibility.  You will be harshly judged, if you fail to make it possible for citizens to exercise their rights, without fear, under the Florida Constitution, and a Civil War results. If you dodge your responsibility, like most weak politicians, odds are that you will turn over your state to new Communist Rulers…

  1. President Donald Trump does not need troops, he only needs the courage to arrest the Democrat politicians for their violations of several sections of  Chapter 115 of !8 USC. According to these simple laws, criminals could no longer hold public office.  I encourage you to read the simple laws I have copied  below.

I hope you agree, and can support me in this effort. I look forward to your comments.

Go with God.

  • 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §§1, 2, 35 Stat. 1088“.

  • 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §3, 35 Stat. 1088.

  • 2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

  • 2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

  • 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

The Chinese Communist Party is Setting up Cells at Universities Across America

Kelleigh Nelson

I see in Communism the focus of the concentrated evil of our time. —Whittaker Chambers

For in this century, within the next decades, will be decided for generations whether all mankind is to become Communist, whether the whole world is to become free, or whether, in the struggle, civilization as we know it is to be completely destroyed or completely changed. —Whittaker Chambers

God is on your side? Is he a conservative? The Devil is on my side, he’s a good communist. —Joseph Stalin, Soviet leader, to Winston Churchill at Tehran, November 1943

Amid escalating tensions between the U.S. and China over a trade war, Covid-19, and threats of Chinese espionage and political turmoil in Hong Kong, critics worry that China uses their Confucius Institutes to promote Chinese Communist Party propaganda on American college campuses. They are right to worry!

The University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana is not the only cell.  Party cells have appeared in California, Ohio, New York, Connecticut, North Dakota, and West Virginia. The cells appear to be part of a strategy, now expanded under Chinese President Xi Jinping, to extend direct party control globally and to insulate students and scholars abroad from the influence of “harmful ideology,” (i.e. America’s constitutional freedoms) sometimes by asking members to report on each other’s behaviors and beliefs.

Two years ago, in the National Defense Authorization Act, Congress voted to strip colleges and universities of certain Pentagon grants unless they closed their Confucius Institutes which promote Chinese cells. Yet they are still flourishing on American campuses. Why?  Because American universities have been looking to global sources to fill seats and find cash in the face of government cuts.

Chinese Gifts to American Universities

About 115 colleges received monetary gifts, contracts or both from sources in mainland China in recent years according to a Bloomberg analysis of U.S. government data. The leader was Harvard University, which pulled in $93.7 million, the majority as gifts. The University of Southern California and University of Pennsylvania were second and third.  At the University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana, $27 million of the $35 million in contracts with Chinese sources is directed to a partnership between the engineering school and Zhejiang University to develop a program in Haining. Many small universities are also affected; Middle Tennessee State received $1.1 million. Link

In a recent WSJ article, U.S. Presses Universities on China Assets, a letter came from Keith Krach of the State Department urging university endowments to divest themselves of Chinese stocks and disclose Chinese assets held in their index funds.

China’s growing prominence in emerging-markets indexes has steered more money from U.S. institutions into China, putting many endowments at odds with the Trump administration’s increasingly confrontational stance toward Beijing. A growing chorus from DC has linked Chinese stocks to human-rights violations, such as the treatment of the Muslim Uighurs and slave trade, not to mention organ “harvesting” from inmates, and the building of China’s military via US dollars.

“China is a threat to the world in a sense, because they’re building a military faster than anybody and, frankly, they’re using U.S. money,” Trump told reporters at a news conference last September as he discussed global trade with Australia’s prime minister.

Higher education’s alarming willingness to accept money at the expense of principles that universities are ostensibly devoted to upholding clearly paves the way for socialist and communist indoctrination into America’s young minds. At a time when universities are as willing as ever to shield their charges from controversial viewpoints, i.e. conservatism, some nonetheless welcome foreign, communist propaganda—if the price is right, resulting in American universities becoming a soft target for China’s spies.

Confucius Institutes

The first Confucius Institute opened in South Korea in 2004. They quickly spread to Japan, Australia, Canada and Europe. The United States, China’s biggest geopolitical rival, has been a particular focus, fully 40 percent of Confucius Institutes are stateside. In addition to the Institutes at universities, Hanban also operates hundreds of so-called Confucius Classrooms in primary and secondary schools. The public-school system of Chicago, for example, has outsourced its Chinese program to Confucius Classrooms.

In 2017, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte made an announcement to great fanfare. The university would soon open a branch of the Confucius Institute, the Chinese government-funded educational institutions that teach Chinese language, culture and history.

More than a decade after they were created, Confucius Institutes have sprouted up at more than 500 college campuses worldwide, with more than 100 of them in the United States—including at The George Washington University, the University of Michigan and the University of Iowa. Overseen by a branch of the Chinese Ministry of Education known colloquially as Hanban, the institutes are part of a broader propaganda initiative that the Chinese government is pumping an estimated $10 billion into annually, and they have only been bolstered by growing interest in China among American college students. Hanban is an entity funded and run by the Chinese government’s Ministry of Education. They also pay and screen who teaches the institute’s courses.

Confucius Institutes teach a very particular, Beijing-approved version of Chinese culture and history, one that ignores concerns over human rights, for example, and teaches that Taiwan and Tibet indisputably belong to Mainland China. Tiananmen Square is never mentioned, neither is the Hong Kong desire for freedom as espoused by America’s President Donald Trump.

The UK reports that on balance, given the evidence they’ve received, and while the teaching of Chinese language and culture should be welcomed and encouraged, Confucius Institutes as they are currently constituted threaten academic freedom and freedom of expression in universities around the world and represent an endeavor by the Chinese Communist Party to spread its propaganda and suppress its critics beyond its borders.  America agrees with this assessment.

National Review reported that Alabama’s legislature is seeking to ban the Confucius schools in their state. The other 49 states need to follow suit.

China’s National Security Law

The number of Chinese students at U.S. colleges has almost tripled over a decade. China accounts for one-third of the 1.1 million foreign students, according to data from 2018-19 compiled by the Institute of International Education. Schools have been looking to global sources to fill seats and find cash in the face of government cuts.

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) passed a national security law for Hong Kong that aims to quell anti-government protests following a year of unrest in Taiwan’s global financial hub.  The effect of the new national security law is extending far beyond the territory to American college campuses.

The new national security law stemmed from the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong and allows China to find and prosecute people for “sedition, subversion, terrorism, and colluding with foreign forces.” Under the national security law, suspects could be removed to mainland China, handled within the mainland’s criminal justice system and tried under mainland law. … Being charged with a national security crime on the mainland can lead to arbitrary or even secret detention.

Elite universities, Harvard and Princeton, are trying to protect students from China’s National Security Law. Professors are turning to code names, warning labels to protect students.

Classes at some elite universities will carry a warning label this fall: This course may cover material considered politically sensitive by China. And schools are weighing measures to try to shield students and faculty from prosecution by Chinese authorities.

Remember Professor Charles Lieber of Harvard who was working at Wuhan? It was shocking news that a faculty member and researcher was arrested for how he was helping out communist China.  It’s not bad enough that we have millions of dollars flooding into America to set up propaganda institutes, now education is kowtowing to a communist regime.  What next when it comes to a history class? Are we going to see professors delete parts of communist Chinese history that the regime in Beijing might find embarrassing, and the tens of millions killed in the name of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong?

Radical Indoctrination

The sad truth is universities are no longer institutions of higher learning.  Conservatives have allowed them to become indoctrination mills for at least two generations.  Remember what happened in 1968-1969 with the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that sought to overthrow imperialism. It was led by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who were trying to affect a Marxist revolution in America with their Chicago Days of Rage and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).  They failed then, but they are still at it.  They became tenured professors in Chicago, they became high school teachers, and what did we do when these communist anarchists gained so much control?  Nothing!  In fact, America voted not once, but twice for Bill Ayers’ close friend.

The delayed reaction of home schooling was a band-aid on a heart attack.  And now we’ve awakened to the fact that the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that 72 percent of American millennials would prefer to live in a socialist or communist America!  This happened in our high schools and universities and now the same propaganda is taught to kindergarten children. It is indoctrination, not education.

Black Lives Matter, founded in 2013 by three avowed Marxist women, is in over 20 major city school districts in America.  And we wonder where all the Antifa and BLM anarchists have come from…they were trained in America’s schools.

Seventy-five of the communist indoctrinating Confucius Centers are still on university campuses and even in kindergarten through twelve schools.  Why are we not removing them right now?  They are nothing more than propaganda operations and bases of communist operations for surveillance and most likely espionage.

The fact that we’ve seen communist propaganda worm its way throughout our universities has to be stopped, but first they’d have to fire 98 percent of their tenured professors.  Yes, professors just like Bill Ayers…there are thousands of them, and now the high schools and grammar schools are inundated with them.  Teachers have said they don’t want the children being taught via virtual learning because the parents might find out what their children are being fed.  It’s not academic education, but communist propaganda.

China’s Authoritarian Regime

The communist regime of China is the largest in the world today.  It has slave labor camps, it has forced organ harvesting for transplants; look at the video of the Uighurs being blindfolded and handcuffed and put on cattle trucks.

The relationship with China started in the Nixon administration with Mao Zedong, and now we have dictator Xi Jinping ruling the Chinese people and determined to take over  Taiwan and make Chang Kai-Shek’s former freedom loving country a part of the People’s Republic of China.

At the rate of amalgamation with foreign nations, China’s hundred-year plan to become the world’s super power, started in 1949 by Mao Zedong, will reach its desired completion in 2049.

China declared war on America years ago by destroying our manufacturing.  Oh, how the neo-cons promoted and loved it and told us the cost of products would be so much lower.  Well, I can tell them my experience and it certainly isn’t good.  I remember Walter Williams subbing for Rush Limbaugh and espousing the trade deals and how a $750 dollar recliner would now cost us $350.  What he didn’t tell us is that it would last less than half the time.  American made products from the late forties and fifties lasted for decades.  Freezers and refrigerators lasted 45 to 50 years.  Electric and gas stoves lasted forever, all you replaced were the coils. Not today.  Everything today has a computer module in it that lasts only eight to ten years and you have to buy another at a cost that is more than triple what we used to pay for an item that lasted 35 to 55 years.  In many cases, this ensures continued slave labor from China.


America shouldn’t be doing business with China at all.  All manufacturing needs to be brought back to America and China needs to be cut off.  It will take time, but it can be done and it will help our economy recover from the Wuhan virus.  Clinton granted China “most favored nation” in 1994 and in 2002, President George W. Bush granted permanent trade status to Communist Red China. We lived happily without them before they became the “most favored nation” and we can live without them now.  Dealing with evil will only beget evil.

China has not removed Xi Jinping from office, they have not apologized to the world for Covid-19, and they have not sought a new direction for their nation.  They are a nation bent by their leaders on the control of the entire world and the domination of every state by their Marxist totalitarian leaders.

As for their infiltration into education, the only way we can get rid of China’s dominance in America’s higher education is to keep Donald Trump as our president.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Story of the Liberty Gene

By: Amil Imani

“I am almost finished making you, except for inserting one last gene,” says God to man.

“Yes Lord, can’t wait to get on my way,” replies man.

“Now, since I like you, I will give you a choice in this very important last component. Do you want the gene that automatically conducts your life—the Reflex Gene; one that would make most of your decisions for you—the Instinct Gene; or, the gene that would empower you to make just about all your decisions yourself—the Liberty Gene?” asks God.

“Lord, since you are, out of your infinite kindness, giving me a choice in this vital matter, can I have the gene that would give me absolute control over my own affairs? If not, I would settle for the Liberty Gene,” says man.

“I can see you are already scheming. No, you can’t have anything absolute. All absolutes are restricted to me. All my creations, including you, are only relative,” says the Lord.

“Sure Lord. I understand that everything about you is absolute, infinite, and perfect. But no harm in asking, is there Lord?” says man.

“An impudent wise jackass, aren’t you? I see that I am about to make the first mistake of my life by creating you,” the Lord says shaking his pointer at him.

“Forgive me Lord. I didn’t mean it the way you are taking it,” apologizes man.

“I also see that you are using your deceptive faculty on me. No dice little fellow. Remember that I see everything that goes on in your head as well as in your heart. Don’t play games with me, ever,” says the Lord.

“Yes Lord. For some reason, I felt since you have given it to me, I might as well use it. Otherwise, why have it? But, you are right. You are always right and there are no exceptions. With you, I need be absolutely forthright and honest,” man says meekly.

“I see that you are using another one of your faculties. You are buttering me up,” says God with an amused voice.

“But Lord, then why am I required to pray to you and thank you for everything? I can’t tell the difference. What is praying and what is buttering up?” pleads man.

“I knew all along that I would have endless trouble with you and it is starting right this minute. But that’s the main reason I am creating you, anyway. It is no fun just having everything run on pre-determined programs. I need some excitement, some unpredictability, and even some challenges to liven my life,” says the Lord.

“Lord, getting back to the offer, it thrills me to be able to make most of my own decisions. I think if some excitement, unpredictability and challenges are good for my Lord, then they are definitely good for me too. I can’t thank you enough for offering me the Liberty Gene,” says man.

“Right, everything that is good for me may be good for you, but it is not for you. Don’t you ever forget that. I am God and the only God. I am making you in my image, but I am not making you my own double. There is a big difference. You understand?” admonishes God.

“I certainly do Lord. Thank you, Lord,” says man.

“The Liberty Gene is a most precious possession. Many will aim to rob you of it and by so doing add to their own power, while transforming you to a mere robot. You need be vigilant and guard it with your very life. Beware of three kinds of people: charlatans, demagogues, and politicians. And more often than not someone will rise who is all three of these characters wrapped into one,” God says.

“Lord, that’s a great heads up. I deeply appreciate the warning. But, please tell me how I can tell a false claimant from a true one,” man pleads.

“By their fruit shall ye know them,” God replies.

“Lord, you know that I am not smart enough to understand this metaphor. Would you, in your infinite kindness, spell it out for me?” says man.

“If I spell it out for you fully, it would be in violation of the Liberty Gene’s prerogatives. The best I can do is to give you a few pointers: Anyone who claims special privileges and status for himself, makes outlandish promises and threats, pits one people against another, and causes bloodshed among people, fits the bill. The most dangerous of these malevolent is anyone who falsely claims to be my emissary,” says God.

“Lord, thank you. That’s helpful,” says man

“Also keep in mind that the bargain you make with me will hold not only for you, but for all your descendents who will inhabit the planet earth. I must warn you before you make your final selection that making a deal with me is called ‘covenant.’ And covenants with me are irrevocable,” continues God.

“Thanks Lord. You are so good to me. I don’t know how I can repay you for all this kindness. Obviously, I can’t since you have it all. But, I’ll worship you and pray to you in adoration, if that’s pleasing to you, Lord,” Says man.

“Praying is fine. But knowing you, you’ll use praying to butter me up and ask me for things. Nothing doing. Once you’re on your own, you’re on your own. Don’t you forget it,” says the Lord.

“Yes Lord. I and all my future descendents will be forever grateful to your kindness and generosity, for allowing us to be somewhat masters of our own destiny, rather than be like some of our close relatives who are still arboreal and very hairy to boot,” says man.

Fast Forward

It wasn’t the forbidden apple he ate that doomed man. It was his dumb decision to choose the gene with the greatest latitude for making decisions since he failed to also ask the Lord for a top of the shelf gene for wisdom to guide him in making choices. Numberless harebrain decisions as well as outright malevolent ones knit a web of misery for man, overtime. The litany of the suffering that befell man is voluminous indeed.

In tight spots, time and again people conveniently would ignore their covenant with God. They would turn to him as if he was their fix-it-all—their Good Man Friday. They also would forget that he could see in their heads and hearts, when they submitted to him lengthy wish lists in the guise of praying to him. Before long, prayers became little more than buttering God up and asking him for things and favors.

Time and again, the Lord remained faithful to his part of the covenant and ignored the people’s insistence for violating the original compact in their favor so that they could make all the stupid decisions that they wanted and let God clean up the mess in their individual and collective lives.

The Lord couldn’t be played. He wouldn’t budge. But, people continued in their schemes to make the Lord violate or at least amend the covenant. Flattery, they figured could possibly work. So, they invented prayers, a subtle subterfuge for a shopping list for the Lord. Long before the advent of the Internet and E-mail, people used Gmail—sending missives to the Lord’s mailbox by means of the Ethernet.

And it was this state of affairs that made it ripe for the rise of the very same people that God warned man about, the charlatans, the demagogues and the politicians. These frauds popped up all over the world, presented themselves as answers to peoples’ Gmail and solutions to their problems. And we all know how these miscreants, in the forms of individuals, groups or even governments compounded humanity’s problems rather than solving them.

People wouldn’t give up and mend their ways. Instead, they resorted to cunning and everything they could think of to cajole the Lord to do things for them. They built numberless cathedrals, mosques and temples with lavish ornaments in attempts to lure the Lord in and hear their supplications up close. Again, nothing worked.

Desperate situations spawn desperate measures. And God, not coming to the aid of the people, forced many to turn to other sources with dire results. Just a few recent cases of this tragic misstep should warn us to heed the Lord’s original advice and not be victimized in the future by frauds.

* From the primitive land of the Arabian Peninsula of over 14 centuries ago rose Muhammad, an illiterate hired hand of a rich widow Khadija, claiming that he was the bearer of a perfect life prescription from God—the Quran. He claimed humanity could do no better than to follow its precepts as well as to emulate Muhammad’s own life example for a guarantee of bliss and salvation. In exchange for this, people must embrace Islam—surrender—by surrendering their Liberty to Muhammad.

Question: Why would the All-Wise Lord choose an illiterate desert-dweller, of all the people in the world, to be his messenger? Why choose a man who couldn’t read or write, a man who, over the course of 20 years, claimed to be receiving periodic revelations from God and had to rely on others who could write to jot down his recollections? These recollections were recorded as the word-for-word literal utterances and commandments of God. Furthermore, a dozen versions of the book of Allah, the Quran, turned up and a fallible Caliph selected one of them and had the rest burned. Burning books has ever since been a companion to Islam’s mission.

But again, those are the ways of the Lord and to none is given the right to question them. Being the impudent person that I am, I will run the risk of asking a follow-up question.

Question: Would the same Lord who gave man the Liberty Gene unilaterally violate his covenant by sending an emissary to take away peoples’ precious gift at the point of the sword?

In no time at all, the savages of Arabia, allured by the win-win promise of Muhammad—you kill you get the booty from your victims in this world—you get killed and your abode will be the unimaginably glorious sensuous paradise of Allah—sword-in-hand, sallied forth to lands near and far.

* From the “civilized” land of Germany rose a syphilitic lout who called on the German people to surrender their Liberty to him in exchange for a surefire solution to all their economic and social ills. He successfully portrayed the Jews as the main cause of the nation’s suffering. Before long, the masses of gullible easy-solution seekers formed long lines in towns and villages of the land, tripping over each other in eagerness to surrender their Liberty to the savior Fuhrer.

The German people blindly subscribed to the Nazi’s promises of economic revival, restoration of German pride, and the establishment of supremacy for the Aryan race. In a blink, hordes of rabid Brown Shirts fanned the length and the breadth of the land hunting the Jews. The fire of anti-Jew mania quickly expanded to devour Gypsies, non-Christians in general, the physically or mentally handicapped, the homosexuals and more.

The genocidal Hitler found it expedient to overlook some of the “despicable” Semitic people—the Arabs—by affording the Grand Mufti of Palestine, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a fellow Jew-hater, a most effusive welcome to Germany.

There is hardly a need to document the horrors of the Nazi episode here, where a charlatan managed to hoodwink a nation, rob the people of their liberty and cause so much death and destruction.

*It is unthinkable that an ancient nation—Iran—with a distinguished history, allowed a high order demagogue, Ayatollah Khomeini, to rally the people against the Shah with promises of rule for the people and justice for all. The long-suffering Iranians of all strata readily surrendered their liberty to the turbaned bigot and his gang of murdering sycophants.

In Iran, wishful thinking people saw the “holy man of Allah” as an answer to prayer. The fanatic Muslims perceived him as the one who would revive the flagging fortunes of the faith of Muhammad and pave the way for the much-anticipated advent of the Saheb-ul-Zaman (the Lord of the Age.) The secularists hoped for freedom from the yoke of the Shah’s dictatorship. Religious and ethnic minorities dreamed of a time when unscrupulous power brokers would no longer victimize them.

Gullibility was not limited to the Iranians who swelled the ranks of the fraud. On the other side of the world, the President of the United States of America—the Lusting in the heart Carter—saw Khomeini as a saint and a savior.  Carter provided the crucial support to the man whose greatest claim to the rank of the Grand Ayatollah was his lengthy dissertation on matters concerning sexual intercourse with intercourse with animals.

No sooner had this fraud of Allah ascended to power than the Iranians of all strata began to pay the price – tens of thousands with their lives – for the folly of letting the three-in-one Ayatollah make decisions for them, the three-in-one that God warned man about.

For over forty-one years the Iranian people have been paying for the tragedy that has befallen them. And that’s not where it ends. Khomeinism is the fire that is spreading beyond the borders of Iran. Khomeinism is a recent violent version of Islam’s Shiism. Islam means surrender. Surrender to the will and dictates of Allah as revealed by Mohammad.

A true Muslim does not and cannot believe in liberty. Everything is up to Allah, so says Mohammad. Everything that a Muslim does is contingent upon the will and decree of Allah. It is for this reason that the phrase ensha-Allah (Allah willing) always accompanies any promise or commitment that a believer makes. By embracing Muhammad as the unerring and eternal emissary of Allah, a Muslim surrenders his liberty to decide for himself.

The Muslims’ surrender of Liberty is not merely a matter of personal choice. The Muslims, having abandoned their most precious rights, are out to make all non-Muslims also do so, by hook or crook. It is said that misery loves company. And the type of misery that Islam has visited on the Muslims and the Islamic lands is a rapidly spreading plague that must be resisted by all who cherish their God-given Liberty.

A personal note

As for me, I am with the people who guard their Liberty even in the face of death. I am with the people of Masada who committed mass suicide rather than submit their necks to the yoke of Roman slavery. I am with Kaveh Ahangar, Babak Khorramdin , Maziar ,  Sattar Khan and thousands of other honorable Iranians who defended Liberty in the face of death. I echo Patrick Henry’s cry: Give me liberty or give me death. Life without liberty is living death.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Purging the Evil Legacy of Karl Marx

By Cliff Kincaid

The shocking new Paul Kengor book, The Devil and Karl Marx, doesn’t carry the same nerve-wracking impact as the much-shorter book with the provocative title, Was Karl Marx a Satanist?, but the message is still the same. The “progressive” ideas let loose on the world by the father of communism are based in the other worldly powers of darkness that Karl Marx personally embraced.

With a presidential election approaching, and with Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden declaring, “I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness,” the Kengor book looks at the actual forces of darkness operating in the world today. His publisher is TAN Books, which is also distributing,  A Catholic Vote for Trump: The Only Choice in 2020 for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents Alike, making the case for the reelection of President Trump.

Interestingly, Biden’s phrase, “I will be an ally of the light, not the darkness,” was the headline about the speech from the Communist People’s World.

The objectives of Karl Marx, who even wrote poetry about the attraction of evil, were to destroy lives and cause human suffering on a massive scale. He was determined to take down the world with him, and he has succeeded to a great degree. America is now his target from the pit of hell.

In contrast to God’s message of love, found in the Christian Gospel, the Communist Manifesto appealed to the worst in people and was a plan to divide and conquer nations through instilling fear, envy and hate. Out of the chaos, Marx argued to the intellectually gullible and power-hungry elites, a world communist system of peace and plenty would emerge.

The result, so far, is more than 100 million dead, with Communist China claiming “credit” for 65 million of those deaths and an additional 400 million dead in China through the abortion genocide (as documented in the Global Life Campaign report about the death toll of aborted babies having reached one billion worldwide.) The slaughter goes on.

The Marxist “success,” from the viewpoint of Satan, is not over, as America goes through a revolutionary phase, unique in our history, and the Democratic Party openly promotes Marxist Black Lives Matter policies of racial hatred and destruction of the traditional family.

In this context, Kengor’s spiritual examination of Marxism is long overdue, in the sense that Was Karl Marx a Satanist? by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand was written 44 years ago and needed to be updated. Wurmbrand’s book made a persuasive case that Marx practiced Satanism and had made an actual pact with the devil.Kengor doesn’t quite go that far.

On a personal level, Kengor documents that Marx was a mentally sick individual whose family was infected and affected by his own sins, before he expanded this sickness into the world at large, beginning with the Russian revolution of 1917. A parasite and leech, Marx begged others for living expenses so he could continue to write his incendiary tracts, eventually forcing two of his daughters into a death spiral ending in suicide.

In the current political context, the Kengor book assumes major importance, not only because it confirms much of what Wurmbrand uncovered about the evil nature of Karl Marx personally, but because it identifies the modern-day movements and philosophies, such as LGBTQ ideology, that are Marxist in orientation and outlook. Kengor’s academic treatment of the subject includes original sources and documents.

One section examines Harry Hay, founder of the gay rights movement in America and someone as sick as Marx. A Stalinist and Marxist until the day he died, he defended the participation of NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association) in “gay rights” marches. He was under FBI surveillance as an internal security threat but, ironically, the FBI now celebrates its own gay and transgender agents.

Under Barack Hussein Obama, Hay was cited as an “inspiration” by longtime homosexual activist Kevin Jennings, appointed as the nation’s “safe schools czar” at the U.S. Department of Education. Jennings founded, and was the executive director of, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group promoting homosexuality in schools. Jill Biden, the wife of Obama Vice President and 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden, gave the keynote address at GLSEN’s annual awards banquet in 2009.

From my perspective, using Kengor’s trenchant analysis, Marxism seems to be the ultimate exercise in the philosophy of hate, in direct opposition to the Ten Commandments of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Marx himself hated God and the humans he created. Similarly, Harry Hay hated God’s plan for humanity as well, for he, too, rejected the idea of the traditional family, leading to much of the sexual confusion and exploitation of adults and children as sex objects we see today. Hay divorced his wife, left his family behind, and embraced occultism.

With this and other examples, Kengor shows that Marxism is not a philosophy to lift people up but to destroy their common humanity, traditional morality, and God-given right to a better life.

What Kengor’s book also shows is that Marxism is a virus that is worse in its human carnage than the China-made coronavirus, still ravaging the world and its people. To paraphrase 2020 Democratic Party vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who said there is no vaccine for racism, there is no vaccine for the virus of Marxism. Kengor’s book and  subsequent column in The American Spectator examine Marx’s racist and anti-Semitic views. But his book as a whole is an analysis of the impact this philosophy of hate has had on people of all religions, ethnic backgrounds, and nationalities.

The only antidote is morally healthy living based on Biblical standards, something increasingly out of fashion in our secularized world. With Christian standards under systematic assault, another imperative is organizing politically to save one’s family and nation.

One chapter in Kengor’s book, “The Specter of the Frankfurt School,” examines the influence of Cultural Marxism. Modern-day Marxists, he notes, are “all about culture and sex.” With sex scandals like that of the Jeffrey Epstein network, possible linked to various intelligence agencies, and the pedophile priest cover-ups crippling the Roman Catholic Church, our nation is facing an unprecedented challenge of moral corruption at the highest levels of American society. Yet, it’s business as usual for many, as Epstein associate Bill Clinton, the former president caught in a sex scandal with a former White House intern, was a featured speaker at the recent Democratic Party national convention.

Kengor explains, “The Frankfurt School protegés were neo-Marxists, a new kind of twentieth-century communist less interested in the economic/class ideas of Marx than a remaking of society through the eradication of traditional norms and institutions.” He added, “Rather than organize the workers and the factories, the peasants and the fields and the farms, they would organize the intellectuals and the academy, the artists and the media and the film industry. These would be the conveyor belts to deliver the fundamental transformation.”

In this regard, an important book, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality, has suddenly been dropped by Amazon. The pro-family publisher, MassResistance, reports, “Amazon has determined that a book documenting the health hazards of homosexual behavior is ‘offensive’ and must not be allowed to be published. But in fact, Amazon is a cesspool of pornography and perversion.” It cites various pornographic publications, some targeting young people, that are currently available and which advocate strange, bizarre, and dangerous sexual practices.

Amazon is owned by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post, one of the most toxic papers on the political scene today and home to occultist Sally Quinn, its former religion writer who was married to long-time executive editor Ben Bradlee. The Post specializes in trying to overthrow conservative Republican presidents, from Nixon to Reagan and Trump.

The made-up “controversy”over a factual book about homosexuality demonstrates how Marxist tendencies are at work in corporate America and put into practice by capitalist billionaires. Bezos was exposed sending a photograph of his genitals to his mistress, a sleazy scandal that resulted in his divorce, leaving behind a wife and children. He is apparently open to different forms of sexual experimentation.

His paper, the Post, which suffers from a similar breach of basic ethical standards,  would describe as “performance art” a “Spirit Cooking” dinner in a 2016 Democratic Party email featuring recipes written in blood and associated with Satanic symbols.

If the phrase “fundamental transformation” from the Kengor book sounds familiar, it was the promise of Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency and helps explain why he is so vocal about electing his former vice president, Joe Biden, this presidential year. Obama’s mentor, communist Frank Marshall Davis, was a pornographer and sex pervert. Professor Kengor wrote a book about Davis and his influence over Obama.

In a video, “The DNC that Democrats don’t want you to see,” Tucker Carlson highlighted the Cultural Marxism from the Democratic National Convention, including speeches and remarks about transgenderism and the overthrow of capitalism.

In order to understand these trends, Kengor traces the anti-Christian beliefs to Marx and Marxism, especially the cultural manifestation.

Whether Marx was personally a Satanist or not, Marxism drips with evil, as both the Kengor and Wurmbrand books clearly show.

Kengor, who writes frequently about politics and spiritual matters, ends his book with the challenge, “We must battle against and expose the powers of darkness that continue to pervade this modern world.”

Perhaps it is worth noting that a special 40th anniversary version of the film “The Exorcist” is being released and will be available from — of all places — Amazon. If we as a people could hire an exorcist for our nation, it would be worthwhile. It could be a means by which to purge the legacy of Karl Marx.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Democrats Offer a Rancid Smorgasbord

Joan Swirsky

At the virtual Democrat National Convention last week––where the Democratic National Committee removed the word God from the Pledge of Allegiance––the public was treated to tasteless and remarkably unfunny jokes from Hollywood’s Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and a video featuring Donna Hylton who spent 27 years in prison for the grisly murder and torture of Thomas Vigliarolo, a NY businessman found stuffed inside a steamer trunk and left to rot in Harlem.


Then there was Michelle Obama telling Americans to ‘go high’ after her husband tried to destroy candidate and then President Trump by weaponizing all of our intelligence agencies against him. Ironically, this is the same woman who proved that you can’t go any lower than the sentiment she expressed at the age of 44 that she was never proud to be an American until her husband was nominated to the U.S. presidency. Imagine, this Princeton and Harvard Law graduate lived almost five decades having to tolerate the bitter taste of American citizenship. And to prove plus ça change, her speech demonstrated that the bitterness bitterly lingers on.


Then there was speaker Noman Hussain, an Imam affiliated with the Texas-based Qalam Institute, which advocates for “the use of female sex slaves, the killing of adulterers, and the incitement of hatred against Jews.”


Americans also got to see what one pundit called “the Party’s moral compass,” Bill Clinton, whose speech was preceded by the release of a photo showing one of Jeffery Epstein’s accusers giving the former president a shoulder massage.

Journalist Matt Vespa offered this critique: “It was a rather flat repudiation [of Trump] if anything. Bill just doesn’t have the mojo to deliver the heavy hits anymore. He looked tired…[he] did this as a Party favor.” But “unlike his succubus wife, [he] has political skills. He is personable. He is likable. He’s framed Joe as the anti-Trump…[but] it’s not enough to win. Romney was the anti-Obama. John Kerry was the anti-Bush. Both guys lost.”


Speaking of Kerry, “it took approximately 20 seconds” for the former Secretary of State “to drop the first flagrant lie…when he claimed that the Obama administration’s so-called Iran deal had ‘eliminated the threat of an Iran with a nuclear weapon,’” wrote  journalist David Harsanyi.

Kerry knew, Harsanyi continues, “that Israel uncovered a giant cache of documents with instructions on how to jump-start a program to build a nuclear arsenal.Time keeps proving John Kerry wrong. He’s just mad that Trump’s foreign policy is working far better than his.”


And who can forget the oleaginous Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, who presented himself, according to Jake Lahut of BusinessInsider.com , “asa standard-bearer for the nation’s fight against the pandemic, calling for a better federal response than the Trump administration’s,” which Cuomo called “too sluggish.”

That’s really funny, coming from the guy who desperately called the president because of his own failure to order ventilators, which the president delivered in record time. Cuomo is also the guy who in a state of hysteria told the president he didn’t have enough beds and the president sent two massive, medically-outfitted ships and set up other medical facilities in world-class time, only to learn that Cuomo didn’t know what he was talking about––no additional ventilators or beds were needed!

Worse, according to journalist Daniel John Sobieski, Gov. Cuomo is a serial killer, guilty of “criminal negligence in ushering patients infected with the Chinese Wuhan virus”––which Cuomo calls the European virus––“into New York nursing homes, sentencing tens of thousands of vulnerable seniors to death.”

Sobieski says Cuomo’s distortions and invented facts and vilification of President Trump are all “obscene lies.” He cites New York Post columnist Miranda Devine who recently noted that Cuomo was still sending COVID patients into nursing homes, not only failing to protect the most vulnerable but deliberately putting them at risk.”


And to top it off was the candidate himself, who was proud to admit that his daughter is so enamored of the recently indicted rap singer Cardi B that he agreed to an interview with her, but mercifully did not play her newest hit, WAP, perhaps the filthiest “song” I’ve ever heard.

Ole Joe got through his speech creditably, notwithstanding the disturbingly vacant look in his eyes.

But oh no! Say it ain’t so, Joe! As journalist Breck Dumas reported,even during the broadcast of Biden’s acceptance speech, a Twitter storm was “accusing Biden of lifting the words of departed liberal Canadian politician Jack Layton, who passed away in 2011––comparing the parting words of Biden’s speech to the final words of Jack Layton’s farewell letter before his death.”

Biden’s speech, a tweeter noted, said: “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than dark. This is our moment. This is our mission.”Layton’s quote read, “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.”

Of course, Biden has been accurately accused of plagiarism for decades. But in this case, we can only conclude that his handlers and writers are plagiarists too.


The convention even had fireworks. Only one thing was missing. In the entire event, there was not ONE WORD mentioned of the months-long violence taking place in Democrat-run cities throughout our country––the short list includes Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Baltimore, New York City––and the massive destruction wrought by the communist group Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa: widespread arson, massive destruction of property, including historic statues and local white and black businesses, wanton attacks on innocent people, intimidation and harassment, et al.

And not ONE WORD about the actions of the emboldened BLM and Antifa thugs as they marched into the suburbs of Seattle and demanded that those over-privileged, capitalist, bad bad bad white people give their homes to Black people.

Why? Because as you can see by the behavior of the mayors who run those cities, it’s perfectly okay with them as long as they serve the “big picture” goal of the Democrat Party, i.e., to have things get so bad that there is no choice but to turn to Big Government to intervene, take over, and run all of our lives from cradle to grave.

That is why your vote in November is really between Communism and Freedom!

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

Website: http://www.joanswirsky.com

COVID-19: We Must Stamp Out the Fear

By:  Devvy

As we inch towards September, it’s mind-boggling to look back to late February and early March and remember the sudden mass hysteria that swept across this country courtesy of the MSM, print, Internet and boob tube.

Enter Drs. Anthony Fauci and Debrorah Birx throwing gasoline on the bon-fire and shoving grossly inaccurate models in President Trump’s face.  Recall Trump said the scariest day in his life was when Dr. Fauci told him 2.2 million people will die based on one particular model – one which has been thoroughly discredited and should have been rejected.  All America heard was millions will die and the stampede began.

Trump trusted Mike Pence to bring in experts.  Pence brought us Hell named Fauci and Birx.  Governors like Cuomo (NY) brought death to thousands in nursing homes and is doing his best to hide the real numbers now believed to be 11,000.  He can try but I’m betting some good investigative journalists will eventually get their hands on documents through state open records acts.  Cuomo Rejects Independent Investigation of N.Y. Nursing Home Deaths, Saying It Would Be ‘Political’

At the very least Cuomo should be indicted and charged with voluntary manslaughter, but it won’t happen.  Just like it won’t happen to the other four Democrat governors responsible for tens of thousands of nursing home deaths:

These Five Democrat Governors Behind Tens of Thousands of Coronavirus Deaths Sent COVID-19 Patients to Nursing Homes– “An updated study revealed 45% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes.  That comes out to 73,733 Deaths in US Nursing Homes!

That is a bloodbath!!”  –  Many governors are not up for reelection until 2022.

Americans scared out of their minds began panic buying causing food shortages as well as toilet paper and cleaning products.  The ‘we’re all going to die’ hysteria across this country was fed daily by a corrupt, dishonest media.

Governors and mayors relying on speculation by Fauci, Brix and the prostitute MSM in all forms, panicked big time.  Ignoring infectious disease experts who tried to reach out, they  consulted with their own state health “experts” and down came the totalitarian hammer on the American people.

Governors and mayors destroyed our economy in eight short weeks.NYC, like other major metropolitan cities were not prepared for a new strain of coronavirus.  States all have disaster preparedness teams who regularly consult with governors and medical experts, yet when hit with this latest virus, with the exception of governors like Krisiti Noem of S. Dakota, they all filled their drawers in panic and destroyed their citizens and economy.

Tens and tens of millions of Americans so drowning in fear allowed themselves to be manipulated into total submission by elected officials.  Close to 200,000 thousand small businesses– the backbone of our economy – gone, never to re-open their doors.

In places like California, their governor, Gavin Newsom, is the quintessential example of a tyrant, continues to deny citizens the right to work.  Like my little sister who hasn’t been able to work for 4 ½ months and no indication when Newsome will “allow” her to work.

She’s been a nail artist for 37 years and a darn good one.  She’s worn a mask inside the salon for nearly 15 years because of her asthma.  The salon she works in is small and cleaner than a hospital.  But, like our tyrant governor here in Texas, Gregg Abbott, who refuses to re-open bars and other “non-essential” businesses, tens and tens of thousands of workers like my sister are either going bankrupt or starving.  If it wasn’t for family and friends, my sister would be out on the street with nothing.

This man has had it and believe me, this is no isolated incident.  From the very beautiful Shasta, California:  California Military Veteran Warns that Armed Resistance is Coming: “There’s a Million People Like Me, and You Won’t Stop Us”

“But you won’t stop us when the time comes because our families are starving.

“It’s not going to be peaceful much longer. It’s not going to be ra-ra, it’s not going to be speeches, it’s not going to be standing outside saying the Pledge of Allegiance, it’s not going to be waving flags, it’s going to be real.

“When you’ve seen the things that I’ve seen, I went to war for this country. I’ve seen the ugliest, dirtiest part of humanity. I’ve been in combat, and I never wanted to go back again, but I’m telling you what, I will to save this country… it will happen, and there’s a million people like me, and you won’t stop us.”

“Mr. Zapata explains that he lost his business, and that six of his military buddies also lost their jobs, and ended up committing suicide.

“How do you feel about being complicit in perpetuating that? The greatest hoax ever perpetuated against the American people? And you’re part of it by wearing masks. In Shasta County.” (His statement, video, to county stupid visors still drawing a paycheck is embedded.)

Locking down this country in panic will go down as the biggest and costliest mistake – both in lives and the economy – in our history.  It didn’t have to happen. Locking down the country was based on a theory, not science and it’s proven to be deadly. Keeping certain businesses from opening 6-7 months down the road is political, not scientific.

Study: Lockdowns have no impact on COVID-19 deaths

Horowitz: Comparing Europe to the US, the evidence is clear: Lockdowns don’t work

Lockdowns never again: Sweden was right, and we were wrong – “Unlike so many other countries, “Sweden never went into complete lockdown,” Dr. Rushworth writes.  Non-essential businesses remained open, people continued frequenting restaurants, the kids stayed in school, and “very few people have bothered with face masks.”

“Basically, Sweden did the exact opposite of what most Americans tragically still believe are the necessary requirements to reach the outcome that Sweden has achieved.

“He argues what should now be obvious to any rational, thinking person, which is that “the size of the response in most of the world (not including Sweden) has been totally disproportionate to the threat.”

All those who could not be with a loved one dying, attend their funeral, no school prom, no sports, Americans going hungry because their business or job was/is considered ‘non-essential’ – all because of ignorance and for political gain still going on.

Ron Paul: The Case For Lockdowns, Masks, School Closures, ‘Distancing’ Has Just Collapsed – “It turns out that people develop lasting T-cell immunities, that patients have been successfully treated with T-cells from asymptomatic test-positive cases, and that the virus rarely spreads outside the family setting. What are the authoritarians going to do when it is no longer possible to keep this information hidden?”

Career white collar criminal, Joe Biden, has come out and said he will shut down the country again if scientists tell him it must be done.

Social distancing as I covered in my column, has NO science behind it, yet all across this country to this day, employers and people demand everyone practice nonsense.  Schools are reopening with absurd “precautions” like social distancing.  Parents:  Where is your resistance to this conditioning of your child? As a substitute teacher whose done cafeteria duty I can tell you lunch time is a very important social time for kids.  Out of the classroom, sharing and having some fun between classes.  Go after your school superintendent and board.

Parents are terrified their child will come down with COVID-19 and schools districts are terrified of lawsuits.  Yes, thousands of kids are testing positive which is to be expected – just like when they get the flu.  But, herd immunity means just that and with the exception of children and teens who have respiratory problems or serious underlying medical issues, their immune systems fight off the virus.  Wearing a mask LOWERS the immune system making them vulnerable to the virus.

I attended our substitute teacher orientation a week ago.  K-3rd grade, no masks.  4-th – high school mandatory masks.  Child abuse.  All teachers including subs must wear a mask therefore, I am still unable to work as I will not ruin my health because of their fear based on lies and propaganda.  Children burn oxygen.  Blocking their ability to breathe, getting the amount of oxygen they absolutely need, inhaling their own carbon dioxide, getting nose infections and gum problems isn’t keeping them safe, it’s torturing them.

7 randomized controlled trials show masks don’t stop infection… but let’s mandate them anyways!

Exposing the maskerade: The questions every American should be asking about indefinite mask mandates – Ask these to your tyrannical elected officials from city council, county commissioners, mayors and governors.  All you’ll get is crickets or the official BS narrative.

Utah governor: Students who don’t wear masks can be charged with a crime – Unfortunately, Utah does not have any recall provisions.

Another jackass in public office.  Georgia lawmaker creates COVID-19 whistleblower email

Tulsa residents sue city leaders over mandatory mask mandate – “A group of business owners and doctors based in Tulsa, Oklahoma announced a lawsuit against the city’s mayor, city council and the head of its Health Department. The suit seeks the immediate repeal of mask mandates, which the plaintiffs said are harming the health of the city’s residents.”

WE meaning all of us MUST do everything we can to educate our fellow Americans about how they’ve been manipulated.  And while this strain of coronavirus is deadly serious, every single individual who gets it is NOT going to die.  Survival rate is about 98.4%.

How?  First, write a snail mail letter to your governor, your state rep and senator demanding, as I covered in my column, COVID-19: Lies & More Damnable Lies (If you missed it, please read it because it contains information you may not have seen.), a task force to do a forensic analysis of cases in your state; see column above.

IF the virus hangs around through the upcoming influenza season, it will be another mess just like we’ve lived through.  We have to get accurate numbers of who actually died from the virus, who passed because of serious pre-existing conditions& the virus, how many died in nursing homes in your state.

Once that information is compiled, it must be released to the general public in order for Americans to see the truth.  We know the cases counted has been nothing short of fraud.  One person tested 2-3 times is counted as a new case.  Individual killed on motorcycle classified as COVID-19 death.  One woman had her mother’s body exhumed.  Death certificate said COVID-19, but an independent autopsy showed her mother never had the virus.  Too many to list; my columns are full of examples.

Write the letter and have everyone you know sign it and then send it off to the aforementioned.  Circulate the letter at church and among friends, groups and family.  That way only one letter but it’s signed by dozens if not hundreds of people.

The FDA cannot tell a doctor what treatment or medications a doctor prescribes for their patients.  Pharmacies that refuse to fill a prescription should be sued by doctors.  I covered various court rulings in my column:  Do MD’s Need FDA Approval to Prescribe COVID-19 Treatments Like Hydroxychloroquine?

How many thousands have died because the media, Fauci, the CDC and other money grubbers have saturated this country with grotesque propaganda that Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work or save lives?  They’ve tried to censor the truth about that drug because there’s no money in it for them or the pharmaceutical companies all racing to develop another deadly cocktail called a vaccine.

NEW Study Shows HYDR0XYCHL0R0QUlNE Cuts COVID Death Rate In Half

STUNNING PROOF That HCQ Could Have Saved Tens of Thousands of Lives in the US from Coronavirus — Jail Fauci

This is a long read, but very important:  How a False COVID-19 Narrative Was Created & Sustained for Six Months

“After massive attention to the banning of the videos posted by the physician group ‘America’s Frontline Physicians’ and its website, you make intense efforts to discredit the physicians involved.

MedPageToday claimed it “could find no evidence that any of the speakers worked in hospitals with significant numbers of COVID-19 patients.” But the doctors claimed they used the drug early and prevented hospitalizations and deaths.  With over 4.4 million Americans diagnosed with Covid, what doctor hasn’t seen a Covid patient?

“USAT headlined:  ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ may be real doctors, but experts say they don’t know what they’re talking about.

“You have USA Today review and publish detailed information on the licenses, practice locations and malpractice histories of the doctors who spoke out. USAT reporters claim these doctors are not experts and lack knowledge about the use of HCQ in Covid-19, despite the fact that most work in primary care, urgent care or emergency medicine and report using the drug for Covid. Yet no one asks how many years ago ‘expert’ Fauci last treated a patient? Expert Birx’ medical license expired in 2014, so she hasn’t treated a Covid patient either.”

Newspaper hacks, er, reporters, know nothing anchors on CNN – they all know more than those doctors!

Yale Prof: Hydroxychloroquine Haters Spewing ‘Misleading And Toxic Disinformation’

Scott Jensen is not only a state senator, he’s a doctor.  He dared go on FOX and questioned the fraud over how COVID-19 is being used for every death even when the individual did not have the virus.  For that, a few complaints were filed against him so the state medical board went after him.  Those complaints were dismissed.

State Sen. Scott Jensen is not running again — and he has a lot to say about the Legislature: ‘This is a really bizarre place’ –“In an interview, Jensen sounds off on partisanship, the corrosive effects of power — and the dumb ways decisions are often made at the Minnesota Legislature.”

Below are videos and documentaries we need to get people watching.  Yes, there’s been what seems like a thousand videos since this nightmare began, but the ones listed below I feel are critical.  We need to get as many mayors, state reps, senators as well as your city council and county board of stupidvisors, school boards and superintendents as possible to watch these videos and documentaries.  People know elected officials just like I know the mayor here in my city.

The only way to bring back America is through truth and reject propaganda like ‘the new normal’. By getting this truth out there, the outrage will grow.  States that have recall will see more elected officials thrown out of office who’ve been absolute tyrants.  Before the American people – like the veteran mentioned earlier – feel they have no choice but to revolt and if it becomes violent, well, I pray not.

A court has ruled that Connecticut’s governor and public health commissioner have broad authority to force residents into involuntary medical quarantines

If you live in California get involved in recalling your governor now before the deadline; see here.  Yes, it can be done and we did it (I lived in California then) back in 2003.  We recalled DemoRat governor, Gray Davis, only the second time in history a sitting governor has been thrown out of office via recall.  The gov of N. Dakota was recalled in 1921.

This will show elected officials YOU know the truth and will not stand for another lockdown or partial lockdown or wearing a face mask the rest of your life.  Or, you still have a job, wearing this all day – just like we use for doggies after surgery called ‘The Cone of Shame’ ordered by the Gov of Maine is beyond absurd.  Cone or no paycheck for you.Submission, humiliation – changing Americans into little better than cattle.

Please make this column go viral.  Post to social media, send link out on Twitter – until they censor you.  We must stop this tyranny or live with it for years to come.  Think about that.  I do and it makes me sick to my soul.

If the Chinese Communist Party lets loose another virus and again doesn’t tell the world for months, should we not be mentally prepared to respond sanely instead of the panic we’ve seen and fear hammered into American homes non-stop for months?  That’s why these videos are so important so please help me in getting the truth spread far and wide because in the truth lies the path to getting rid of the fear and in the future refuse to get on your knees.  Stand and fight back.


Before you watch the documentary, I highly recommend you read these 11 pages of notes as they are important:  PLANDEMICII: INDOCTORNATION

PlandemicIndoctornation World Premiere, August 18, 2020 – Documentary

Americans Frontline Doctors Press Conference in Washington, DC, 17 million views after 8 hours on Facebook was then banned by Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, Google and ignored by all MSM.  Several of those highly qualified, experienced doctors have been viciously smeared relentlessly on MSM Internet sites. Reprehensible.

Watch the video of the presser embedded below.

Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference

Dr. Simone, a board- certified physician in the ER for 20 years was immediately fired because she was part of that press conference.  Told she was an embarrassment.  She did appear on Tucker Carlson so at least a few million more people saw what’s going on.

Emergency Room Dr. Simone Gold Fired from Hospital After Attending White Coat Summit — Says She Has Hired Lin Wood to Represent Her (VIDEO)

As COVID-1984 Accelerates Bill Gates Blames ‘Freedom’ for Spread of the Virus

640 DOCTORS, CV19 IS A GLOBAL SCAM – transcript below video

This is a transcript with updates.  It’s only six pages so please read. “We can actually see, and we will be able to provide comprehensive proof together in this committee of inquiry,that we do not have the plague or the killer virus. That is good news! But we really must ask ourselves: Why is it the way [it is]? Why are these measures in place? Who benefits?”

Not the people of the world.

[I hope you can listen to my Devvy’s Commentary audio recordings; here on front page of NWVs.  I will be doing them on a regular basis so if you’re signed up for free email alerts from NWVs, you’ll get notification when one is published.]

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Racism Solution: Would This Work in America?

By Frosty Wooldridge


On social media: “To fix the original sin of racism, Americans should pass an anti-racist amendment to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines two guiding anti-racist principals: Racial inequity is evidence of racist policy and the different racial groups are equals. The amendment would make unconstitutional racial inequity over a certain threshold, as well as racist ideas by public officials. It would establish and permanently fund the Department of Anti-racism (DOA) comprised of formally trained experts on racism and no political appointees. The DOA would be responsible for pre-clearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas. The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas.”

Can Black people be forced not to be racist against White people in our free society?  Can White people be forced not to be racist toward Black people?  Can racism be halted by laws?  Thus far, no amount of education, laws or mandates has stopped racism in any country around the world.  Let’s face it; we’re facing a raging mental, physical and emotional conflict over race in America and have been since Whites first stepped onto North America.

Whites destroyed Native Americans with weapons, booze and disease. Whites enslaved millions of Blacks.  The only excuse can be found that humans have been at war with one another and enslaved the conquered since the dawn of time.  America became the first country to outlaw slavery via the U.S. Constitution.

I’ve personally watched racial unrest since 1964.  I watched the Detroit riots.  I watched the Rodney King riots. I watched the aftermath of MLK’s death.  Little has changed emotionally for either race no matter how many laws we invoke on the American people.  White people don’t move into Black neighborhoods and Blacks seldom move into all-White areas. Some say racism is learned. Some say it’s tribal. Others say it’s biological. Whatever it is, it’s not going away any time soon.

Here are some of the responses:

“Unfortunately, our country is following South Africa’s footsteps.  The similarities between our two countries are too many to deny.  A Dutch politician told an African friend of mine, who is a prominent writer in South Africa, that they are the ‘canary’ in the coal mine of Western Civilization.  When I look at how the whites are treated over there, in the country whites built, it is terrifying. I see Balkanization in our future if we continue down this path in America.  If anyone wants to know what’s is happening to whites over there, look up white genocide in South Africa. It’s beyond disturbing.  The raping, the torture lasting for days, the killings…all because they are white.”  (Whites remain in the minority in South Africa.)

One writer said, “All whites are not allowed to have any organizations to help themselves. Whites are the only group in America not allowed a positive group identity.”

Another wrote, “That amendment would give the government one more powerful tool against people of any race.  We cannot erase partiality from our judgment.  We have to work with people. I think the USA is the least racist nation in the world.  We are the most generous and welcoming country on Earth.  That’s why millions of immigrants come here annually and millions more want to come here.”

This man wrote, “This idea is political correctness and identity politics rolled into one never-ending bitch-fest and non-stop victimhood.”

My friend Dave Panzera said, “The most amazing thing about how people approach this is the woeful lack of historical education so many display on this topic. Slavery existed for 200 years on our continent BEFORE the revolutionary war. Our revolution was the national creation and turning point. As just about everyone knows, many of the founders had slaves. Jefferson did and yet this is the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence. What has been utterly lost in the years since is the handing down of how and why they (not just Jefferson) wrote and did what they did at our founding. Slavery was a globally accepted and a continuing thing in the time of our founding.”

Jefferson did rail against King George for slavery when he said:

“He [King George III] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur a miserable death in their transportation thither.”

Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert Ellery Bergh, editor (Washington, DC: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Assoc., 1903), Vol. I, p.34.  You can even see in this statement the early essence of the DOI in words. Jefferson was firmly convinced that the nation must move away from slavery.

Mr. Panzera finished with, “I said all of that to say this….We need to live out our constitution as intended for all. Setting up yet more layers of government run by fallible people only sets us up for far more division.”

Whites and Blacks need to find a way to respect each other even though they don’t biologically-culturally-intellectually find any affinity toward each other. It’s either that or more Seattle’s, Portland’s, Detroit’s, Chicago’s, Minneapolis’s, Denver’s, New York City’s—with anarchy, looting, violence, killing, rapes, and social breakdown—pretty much what’s the norm in third world countries like Somalia, Congo, Sudan, Bangladesh….

Do you have any better ideas?  How can we stop the BLM and Antifa from destroying so much property and creating so much lawlessness?  Why aren’t our governors and mayors bringing the law down hard on those anarchists?  Aren’t you as sick of it as I am sick of it?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Chaos in America

Roger Anghis

2020 has proven to be a year of tests and trials the likes we have not seen since 1941.  It actually started in November of 2016 when Trump won the presidency over Hillary Clinton.  The hatred of the Democrat Party towards America and anything American began to explode.  They rioted, burned buildings, and looted businesses across this great nation.  But a closer look shows that it only happened in Democrat-controlled cities.

The demand of the left to attain total control of everything we do, everywhere we go, where we live, what we drive, and how we worship our God has become quite evident.  Over the last four years, Democrats have shown total disdain for our Constitution and all the rights our Constitution provides for us.  If you wonder why there is such a strong trend in the socialist way of thinking in the Democrat Party you don’t have to look very far.  There are up to 70 members of Congress in the Democrat Party that also belong to the Democrat Socialists of America.[1] All the members of The Squad are members, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi has ties to the Communist Party USA and the Democrat Socialists of America as did the late John Lewis of Georgia, Tulsi Gabbard, Jerry Nadler, and former Congressman Dennis Kucinich.  Just from this shortlist it is easy to see why Democrats lean very heavily towards socialism/communism.

Socialists have always gained a footing by infiltrating schools, courts, and the news media.  Joe McCarthy proved this almost seventy years ago and now we see that these liberal organizations control the news that 273 million people consume daily: The ownership of the news media in the U.S. has been concentrated in the hands of just 6 incredibly powerful media corporations which control most of what we watch, hear and read every day. The 6 corporations that collectively control U.S. media today are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, CBS Corporation and NBC Universal. Internationally, there are also other players including Bertelsmann AG and Sony. They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels, and many successful websites.

Although it seems many do not care about who controls their media, it greatly impacts their view of the world and major events in it.

The average American watches 153 hours of television a month.  Television is essentially proven to have an actual impact on your brain and thinking: they do not call it “programming” for no reason.[2]

You can switch from on MSM newscast to another and you will hear the exact same report on whatever they are reporting on, word for word.  That is called ‘programming’.  They are telling you what THEY want you to hear.  Very rarely is it the truth.  Most are half-truths at best.  The indoctrination goes on daily in our schools.  It is illegal to teach real American history in our schools because it has so much Christianity in it and the so-called separation of church and state clause, which does not exist, which is just exactly why it should be taught, but we teach the five tenants of islam totally ignoring the separation clause.   Most of our kids know truly little about our history and that is a shame.  Noah Webster, The Father of American Education, stated: “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.” Where we once had the number one education system in the world we now are rated around 28th.  There are third world nations with better education systems than America. It is my opinion that we have federal government intervention and teacher’s unions that have caused the decline in our schools.

In looking at what is happening in Seattle, Portland, New York City, Chicago, and most other Democrat-controlled cities.  Crime out of control.  Police being told to stand down when trying to stop the violence and looting and even the killing.  None of this is being condemned by the Democrats!  One of the members of the Squad, Ayanna Pressley, thinks we need to keep the violence going: There should be “unrest in the streets” over President Trump and his political allies turning a “deaf ear” to Americans’ concerns, including those about the “dismantling” of the U.S. Postal Service — which amounts to voter suppression, U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., said Friday.

Conservatives on Twitter quickly condemned Pressley’s remarks as “unhinged,” “horrible” and “disgusting.”

Pressley made her remarks Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy.”

“This is as much about public outcry, organizing and mobilizing and applying pressure,” Pressley said, after mentioning steps Democratic lawmakers can take, “so that this GOP-led Senate and these governors that continue to carry water for this administration, putting American people in harm’s way, turning a deaf ear to the needs of our families and our communities – hold them accountable.

“Make the phone calls, send the emails, show up,” she continued. “You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.”[3]

Statues are being torn down that have nothing to do with the original protest of the death of George Floyd.  I agree he should not have had the officers knee on his neck that long but if you watched the video he was hollering that he couldn’t breathe when he was sitting in the squad car.  Why did he get out?  Why was he under the influence of fentanyl? Why was he under the influence of meth? Why was he try to pass off a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill?  Why did he resist the arresting officers?  BLM act like he was a saint.  He was a criminal that got caught and resisted.  Do dumb things, win dumb prizes.

Corporations are cow-towing to the blm movement donating millions of dollars to them.  BLM demands the destruction of the foundation of society, the male-female married family.  They demand that blacks get a paycheck even if they don’t work.  These fools are going through the suburbs demanding that whites give up their house to blacks!  I’m afraid that some of us will only take so much of this and then all hell will break loose.  There have been several cities, one in Colorado, where the antifa/blm crowd came through and were immediately met with armed citizens and chased them out of town.  We will see more of this because, well, enough is enough.  We will not roll over and give up.

Cities that defund the police are asking for bloodshed.  If citizens can’t depend on the police for protection we will revert to vigilantes and that won’t be pretty but it will stop the stupidity. Criminals in these cities that have burned and looted are being freed by prosecutors that are funded by George Soros.  His goal is to destroy America because he hates us.  He will fail and I hope the Trump DOJ charges him with sedition.

America’s days are not over but we must fight to allow them to continue.  God is on our side or better put, the church is on God’s side.  This is His time.  Let’s give Him the tools to work with keep America the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. 2019 list of socialists and communists in congress
  2. 6 media corporations everything watch hear read
  3. Ayanna Pressley calls for unrest in the streets over Trump allied politicians ignoring Americans concerns

What’s Coming Next?

Rob Pue

I think we all knew that 2020 was going to be a very tumultuous year for our country.  But I don’t think any of us were prepared for just how dramatic the tyranny and violence would be — not just here in America, but worldwide.

I certainly had no idea that things would change so rapidly and so drastically in just a few months.  Today, we have 34 states that mandate the wearing of face masks in public.  Some are even “strongly recommending” we wear them while sequestered in our own homes.  This, for a “virus” with more than a 99% survival rate… and a virus that’s been reported by government and health officials, aided by their allies in the mainstream media with enormously inflated case numbers — and many outright lies, designed to instill great fear and panic among the people.    Perhaps most alarming is that the vast majority of people are happy to go along with these mandates — even with evidence of a massive hoax plainly visibile for all to see, if only they would look.  And the mask-wearers are even proud to wear their masks — it’s a badge of “virtue” to them.  It’s as if they “strut” pridefully out in public, wearing their designer masks while looking down their noses at those who don’t wear one.  It’s like another world out there now, altogether.

We also saw months of “lockdowns,” where businesses were forced to close their doors and people were not allowed to go to work unless, somehow, they were deemed “essential workers.”  Interestingly, the “essential” businesses and workers included “big box” stores like Walmart, (perhaps the country’s largest retailer of Chinese-made products), liquor stores, smoke shops and marijuana dispensaries.  Christian churches were ordered to close across the country.  Those allowed to open again have been commanded  that there be no singing praises to God allowed.

Then came the “race riots,” with massive violence, looting, and unbelievable destruction of property, while police were ordered by mayors and city councils to “stand down” and let the rioters destroy.  We even learned that bricks and rocks were conveniently placed in these devastated neighborhoods, stacked along the streets or piled in bins on the sidewalks — even BEFORE the George Floyd incident ever happened.  Then we saw the conquering of American cities by ANTIFA and the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement.  Black people forcing white people to get down on their knees, kiss their feet and apologize for their “white privilege.”  The demand for the defunding of police departments; a street in DC renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza,” within just a matter of DAYS;  the words “Defund Police” and “Black Lives Matter” painted in 60’ tall letters on the streets leading to statehouses and even the US Capitol.  Conveniently, most of the rioters were wearing masks — like the rest of the country — so most could not be identified.  But that didn’t really matter, since most of them were never arrested anyway…they were allowed — indeed — even encouraged in some areas to wreak as much havoc as possible by the leadership there.

In Minneapolis, the city council voted unanimously — (in a veto-proof vote) — to not only defund the police, but to disband the police department altogether, replacing it with “Community Organizers” — led by the radical “Nation of Islam.”  I should also mention the countless statues and monuments either destroyed or censored from view all around the country, essentially removing the memorials of our nation’s history.  This, in a land where the vast majority of our young people are already nearly completely ignorant when it comes to history.  That’s a subject most were never taught in the public schools and colleges, and if they were, it was a “skewed” history — a re-written type of history, where everything American was taught as evil and oppressive.  It’s no wonder our young people hate their country today.  If you think I’m exaggerating, just ask someone in their teens or 20s what happened on December 7th, 1941.  There’s a greater than 90% chance you’ll get nothing more than a blank stare.  We also saw the desecration of countless veterans cemeteries across the country — the final resting places of those who fought, bled and died for the cause of freedom…not just American freedom, but the freedom of people living under tyranny and oppression the world over.

What’s coming next?  It’s very plain to see that the end goal of all this is a tyrannical, totalitarian New World Order, but that cannot be fully accomplished until America is vanquished, utterly in ruins.  And the New World Order cannot run efficiently unless every person on earth has been marked with a digitial microchip implant, which will be delivered through a mandatory vaccine — a vaccine that, I believe, will prove so deadly that many will die quickly after taking it, not from any virus or other pestilence, but from the vaccine itself.  That’s partially what it’s designed for.  And I don’t think it’s going to be long before we see this all come to pass.

It’s not just America.  I received an email this past weekend from someone in Australia who read one of my previous commentaries.  He emailed to affirm what I had asserted in my message:  that Australia is currently, for all practical purposes, under communistic rule.  The lockdown there is so severe that police are stopping vehicles, smashing car windows and pulling people out to be arrested, if they’re even just suspected of violating the lockdown rules.  Great Britain is much the same.

Jesus spoke of the last days in Matthew 24 and stated that IN the last days, “…because lawlessness shall abound, the love of many will grow cold.”  We’ve certainly witnessed that recently, haven’t we?  Common citizens attacking one another for not obeying mask mandates.  Neighbors “snitching” on neighbors.  It appears that the devil and all his minions are raging.  Have you heard about the recent murder of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant?  The North Carolina boy was outside, riding his bike in his yard, when his next door neighbor, a black man named Darious Sessoms — (a repeat offender, multiple felon, who has served multiple prison sentences and has two pending felony drug charges) — walked over and shot the boy point-blank in the head.  Later, Sessoms boasted on social media about killing the boy, stating he had (quote) “blown his ‘white privileged’ brains right out of his head.”  This incident received almost no coverage in the mainstream press, so if you know about it, you most likely didn’t find it there.

And are you aware that the violent attacks and rioting we’ve been seeing in the major cities are NOW coming to suburbs, small towns and even rural areas?  Recently, BLM marched through a Seattle suburb, demanding white people vacate their homes and GIVE them to black people.  ANTIFA has threatened to destroy fields of crops and kill cattle in farming states.  For those who don’t believe this, or think I’m some sort of tinfoil-hat conspiracy theorist or simply just don’t want to hear anything “negative,” you can choose to continue to wear your blinders (along with your ‘mandatory’ face masks) if you like… but all this will soon be coming to YOUR front door.  What will you do then?  Beg the government to protect you and happily jump aboard the buses to the FEMA camps, I suppose.

Black Lives Matter.  Yes.  ALL life matters.  But we’ve had the wool pulled over our eyes yet again by the Leftist propaganda of the mainstream media.  Do your research and you’ll find that everything Black Lives Matters stands for is absolutely antithetical to everything good and Godly, everything American and everything freedom-related.  This is a demonic group of Marxists and Communists MANIPULATING and taking advantage of black people to systematically destroy all of Western Civilization, with an emphasis on destroying the United States.  This is an invention of Barack Obama, George Soros, the Clintons and others who quite frankly, should all be sitting in Gitmo right now on charges of treason and sedition.

Yet, like the LGBT movement — ALSO bent on our ultimate destruction — BLM is being richly funded to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars, not only by our domestic and foreign enemies, but even happily and proudly by our major corporations.  Google has donated $12 million.  Facebook and Amazon are donating $10 million each.  Apple Corporation is in for $100 million dollars.  Walmart just announced it’s donating another $100 million.  Target stores: $10 million; Home Depot: $1 million.  These are just a few.  There are MANY more donors to the BLM movement — because it SOUNDS good, because so many are so deceived, they believe BLM is a GOOD thing;  because the mainstream press has fed it to us that way.  Again, we only see what they WANT us to see, and they’ve played this strategy well, tugging on the emotional heartstrings of the populace, and these corporations want to appear righteous and benevolent, and so they are funding the very organization that intends to completely destroy capitalism and the free market economy that has allowed them to thrive.

Those within the Deep State of Leftist politics have also been recruiting Christian church leadership as their “useful idiots.”  So far, they’ve recruited 28,000 clergy to be part of their “Clergy Response Team.”  Their job is to tailor their sermons, in the midst of all this present darkness, to brainwash their congregations to obey government authorities through the deliberate misinterpretation of Romans 13.

Perhaps the pastors don’t know any better, but they’re now all on board, acting as “sleeper cells,” if you will, ready to support the unconstitutional dictates of their government “masters” through agencies like FEMA and Homeland Security whenever called upon.  They’ve been instructed to teach “government obedience,” for such things as turning in firearms, re-locating to ‘FEMA Camps,’ submitting to mandatory vaccinations and more.  They’ve already willingly closed their churches, forced face masks and social distancing when ordered to do so, so if you think this is “far fetched,” think again.  This is right out of the Nazi ‘playbook.’  And I wonder — is YOUR pastor part of the Clergy Response Team?  Do you even know?  Would he even tell you if you asked?

The question still remains, What’s Next?  Dana Coverstone is a pastor in Burkesville, Kentucky.  A couple months ago, he released a home-made video that went viral on social media.  In the video, he is quick to point out that he does NOT claim to be a prophet, or to “speak for God” in any way.  But he revealed a series of dreams he has had that are very disturbing.  He felt the need to share them in order to sound a warning of what may be coming next, so God’s people can prepare.

His first dream was in December of 2019.  In this dream, he saw a calendar indicating the month of March.  A finger underlined the word “March” and then “tapped” the calendar three times.  He saw sickness, people wearing masks and ambulances.  Then, in his dream, the calendar moved forward to June.  Again, a finger underlined the word “June” and then tapped it three times.  He saw cities on fire and rioters in the streets and extreme rage.   He heard the words: “Brace Yourself, Brace Yourself.”  All these things came to pass, just as he saw in the dream.

Then later, he had another dream.  In this dream, he again saw a calendar, with the month of September highlighted.  And again, a finger underlined the word “September,” and tapped the calendar three times, indicating  something significant coming in September.  And then the calendar moved forward to November, but this time it was different.  Instead of “tapping” the calendar, a giant FIST smashed the calendar to bits — and he saw the numbers representing the days of November “explode” into the air, even appearing to be 3D in shape.  He saw fighting in the streets, businesses and schools closed, money being sucked out of banks, Washington DC in flames.  He saw no sign of President Trump or any legislators in Washington.  But he did see people hiding in their homes and churches, stores and homes burning.  And he again heard the words “Brace Yourself, Brace Yourself.”

Also within Pastor Coverstone’s dreams, he saw the banks having no change, no coins.  The US Mint was no longer producing currency.  In his dream, the bank teller told him to “prepare for hyper inflation.”  And then again, he heard, “Brace Yourself, Brace Yourself.”

I’m not sure what to make of this and I’ve always been pretty skeptical when people have told me they have a “word from the Lord” for me or some special revelation.  But I’m reminded of the words of the prophet Joel, repeated in Acts, Chapter 2:  “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.  And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit; and they shall prophesy.  And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke.  The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come.  And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

You can take the dreams of Pastor Coverstone with a grain of salt if you like.  But I believe he very likely DID receive a warning from the Lord in his dreams, and as a watchman, sounded the warning for the rest of us.  None of us knows what the rest of our days on this earth will hold.  But we can certainly discern the signs of the times we are living in.  And I believe we had BETTER be about our Father’s business, occupying until He comes, standing strong in the faith, even as others fall away and deny Him all around us.  It’s very likely our time is shorter than any of us realizes now.  And whether that great and terrible Day of the Lord comes in our lifetime or whether we go into captivity for the horrific sins we have allowed to continue and in our apathy done nothing about; I do believe the righteous judgment of God Almighty is about to strike our wicked land very soon, because we’ve claimed the name of Christ, many have… we profess Him with our lips but our hearts are far from Him.  We’d BETTER get right with God NOW, we better start studying and seeking and praying and repenting today.  Because “tomorrow” you may finding yourself standing before Him.  What will you have to say for yourself then?

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Are Local Gathering and Mask Mandates Constitutional?

Jake MacAulay

You’re a good parent. Let’s suppose you think it wise to buy a watchdog in order to protect your little girl from any intruders who may wish to do her harm.

After a little time, the puppy you bought becomes a full-grown animal. His muscles become fully developed, his teeth are big and sharp, and now he towers over your little girl. You are worried that he is becoming too aggressive and one day you look out the door and witness your worst fear —you see the dog’s jaws are on her neck and blood is on her clothes.

As you burst out the front door, she has gotten free and is cowering in the corner of the fence by the tree. The dog is charging across the yard and in a few seconds will be at her throat again. You only have enough time to do what your instincts tell you to do: you get your body —you insert yourself —between the dog and the child —between the danger and the daughter.

The actions you just chose are defined as interposition.

You interposed between the agency that was originally a protector but had become a threat and the person or persons you have the duty to protect.

The doctrine of interposition is as American as apple pie, baseball, and jazz.

Interposition is precisely what the Declaration of Independence was all about, and it is precisely what we want our state and local officials to do. Our sheriffs, our police, our local judges, our legislators, and our appointed officials are duty-bound to rush out into the “front yard” and interpose between the people and the lawless actions of the federal government.

But what happens when it is no longer the federal government attacking your rights?

What if it becomes your governor, who is declaring health emergencies, thereby denying your rights to your own business, healthcare, commerce, or worship through phony emergency orders?

Are these state and local agencies authorized to take such action?


First of all, the COVID-19 emergency powers exercised by governors are not granted in federal or state constitutions.

An easy rule of thumb to discover state and local overreach is this: civil government derives all its just powers from We the People. We the People can only grant to civil government powers to do things we could do ourselves. We hire them as our servants, delegate to them tasks we could do. So if I can’t steal my neighbors property; prevent him from worshiping; force him to wear a mask; or vandalize his home, neither can civil government.

Our safeguard is found in the words of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton:

“[N]atural liberty is a gift of the beneficent Creator, to the whole human race; and that civil liberty is founded in that; and cannot be wrested from any people, without the most manifest violation of justice.”

Thankfully, the concept of interposition can work both ways. The local government can protect against an overreaching state or federal government; and state or federal governments can interpose against tyranny on the local level.

We are calling upon our sheriffs, police forces, courts, juries, state and federal representatives to identify these violations of justice and stop the mask mandates and prohibition on local gatherings.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

America: Islam’s Next Prey

By: Amil Imani

Western Europe is on its last breath and they know it. It was collective and deliberate cultural suicide by the EU leaders and there is no going back. Once you are dead, you are dead. Now, the question is how far is America behind Europe in its own demise!!

The recent flood of Muslims into America, redistributing them across the land and rising numbers due to their high birth rate has become problematic. In addition, Muslims’ revert to their intolerant behavior has made many Americans against this as yet small minority. For instance, demanding legal status for Sharia (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past has made some Americans nervous. But being concerned and doing something about it is millions of miles apart. Many Americans who understand the issue are frustrated and feel helpless.

The perception that Muslims are only a very small minority and it is simply not likely that this small group could harm America from within, is a myth that the leftist media crafted and forced down the throats of gullible Americans. The American people have been repetitively lectured by, supposedly know it all, elected officials, leftist media and university Professors that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are given the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name.

According to them, those of us who sound the alarm are a bunch of bigots, racists and Islamophobes and more. You get the idea! Well then, before accepting either positions, let us get to the facts.

People habitually, in the face of threats, tend to go to the mind’s medicine cabinet and take a few denial pills, in the same way they turn to their aspirin bottle when a headache strikes.  Well, just ask any European who fled his country for a safer place like the US or Australia if the Islam issue is real and deadly. Here is my opinion: Neither the statements of officials, nor any tranquilizers can make Islam go away. Islam is here and it shows every indication of imposing itself on us as it has in Europe.

Recall that it took only 19 of these killers to launch the aerial mass murder of 9/11 that killed almost 3,000 people, completely shattered our open trusting way of life, and cost us trillions of dollars? Unfortunately, we have not learned anything from the 9/11 attacks but instead, act as if we are suffering from “Stockholm syndrome.”

As time passed, many Americans noticed that these new Muslim arrivals not only do not assimilate, but they also use our laws against us to advance Islam in America. These newcomers have taken advantage of the provisions of the most benign system known to humanity, democracy, to implode it from within.

Whose fault, is it? American politicians in general are ignorant of Islam. They do not bother to understand Muslims’ ethos and life style before admitting them into the country. Those of us who have sounded the alarm for decades, have miserably failed. Somebody must insert the truth about Islam into the minds of all politicians that Islam is unlike any other religion. It never stops violence and to conquer. It is part of their culture. It is part of their book, the Quran.

This cult does not believe in multiculturalism because it is a mono-culture: the barbarian culture of Islam. Our officials must understand as this ideology grows and gains more power, it will inevitably impose itself and its ways on other people. This is a fact. America is easy prey and places all Americans in imminent danger.

We need to be reminded the breach of “Fortress America” from the air on 9/11 is only the first part of much more forthcoming dreadful assaults, unless we abandon our complacency, stop relying on the invincibility of law-enforcement, our phony elected official political jargon, fake news media and are willing to make the sacrifice needed to protect our way of life, maybe only then we will survive.

It is up to us, We the People to amend all that has been fed to us for years by crafty politicians and the leftist mainstream media. America is not safe and it is only going to get worse. Especially, now that they have a powerful ally on their side, the left.

Just a reminder that Islam’s invasion is currently in progress under our nose via stealth or soft jihad and subversion. The sad part of it is that most Americans have no idea what this subversion means and our elected officials are utterly useless to defend the land from the invaders. We are our own.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Spirit of WWII Generation Needs to Stop This Misguided Generation

by Rees Lloyd

It is increasingly clear that the spirit of the WWII Generation which saved American freedom from “foreign enemies,” is needed to save America from the treasonous violent protests by the “domestic enemies” of the contemporary Misguided Generation.

From Victory Over Japan (VJ Day),  August 15, 1945, to VJ  Day 2020,  America has devolved from the patriotic heroism of the WWII Generation based on love of God, Country, and Freedom, to a treasonous insurrectionist segment of the contemporary generation —ungrateful descendants of the WWII Generation — seeking to overthrow the American Constitutional Republic by force and violence, based on hatred of God, Country, and Freedom in favor of Marxist Socialism/Communism.

“VJ-Day,” August 15, 2020, was the 75th anniversary of the surrender of the Japanese Empire in WWII. Germany under Adolph Hitler’s “National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI), surrendered on May 8, 1945. Thus, the Japanese surrender effectively ended WWII—the deadliest war in the history of the world.

WWII was won by the tremendous service and sacrifice of the WWII Generation, often referred to as The Greatest Generation. More than 16-million Americans served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. More than 1-million of those veterans were wounded, and 400,000 gave their lives for our freedom.

Every one of those veterans took the same oath, which includes “to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The WWII Generation fulfilled that oath, defeating all “foreign enemies.”  Every American living today owes his or her freedom to the sacrifices made by the WWII Generation.

Ironically, 75 years after the Japanese surrender on VJ Day, America and American freedom are under attack by “domestic enemies” —  descendants of the WWII Generation. They are attempting by insurrectionist force and violence to destroy American freedom by rioting, looting, burning of businesses, buildings, and the Flag under which all veterans have served, establishing self-governing “autonomous” zones in cities, invasion of suburban residential areas demanding White people turn over their homes, beating, maiming, and even murdering police officers and innocent people, including children.

While most Americans are appalled by this violence, progressive liberal elitist political, media, academic, and corporate leaders in business, are turning their backs on ordinary, law abiding, taxpaying Americans — the great majority in America— and instead bowing and kowtowing to the insurrectionists, attempting to appease them, out of fear and moral cowardice. The result is continuing violence, from which the elitists are shielded but ordinary Americans are not.

We Americans have devolved so far from the WWII Generation, as free Americans,  that polls show that some two-thirds of the citizens of this free nation are now afraid to speak the truth of their own political, social, or religious beliefs, for fear of adverse retaliation, including being physically attacked,  or branded a “racist” or “bigot,” losing businesses or employment opportunities, or being “canceled in the “cancel culture.”

Manifestly, “none dare call it treason” when a self-righteous, small but dangerous segment of the population — a tiny segment in a population of 340-million— engages in insurrectionist violence all in the name of “fighting racism.”

Further, while we all are lectured that we must denounce “racism,” none must ever, ever, ever note that “Black racism” also exists, e.g., purported “Black leaders,” Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Maxine Waters, the White-hating “Squad” in Congress, the Black Supremacist self-declared “Marxist” (Communist) leaders of Black Lives Matter and multiple-named White-hating, Black-racist organizations.

This is no longer a side-show that will go away if the rioters are just placated, and extort a few more benefits and quiet down for awhile. No, they are serious revolutionists, self-declared “Marxists.”  They cannot be appeased for the same reason Adolph Hitler couldn’t be appeased: It is about power, it is not about making the country better; it is about taking the country over.

They are intent on taking over, not making over, the country. They will not be appeased and satisfied even if the elite becomes so cowardly as to grant their outrageous demand for “reparations”—a manifestly preposterous, racist demand that contemporary White people who have never been slave owners must pay “reparations” to Black people who never have been slaves. Notwithstanding, Democrat Party leaders have publicly stated they support “reparations.”

The reality must be recognized: What is happening is the real, revolutionary,  thing: Black Lives Matter, its allied domestic terrorists of Antifa, their affiliated racial or Marxist allies, are not “reformist organizations” and individuals attempting to make America better. They are revolutionary organizations and individuals seeking to overthrow America and transform it into a Marxist Socialist/Communist dictatorship like all those which have started out crying for “social justice” and ending in tyranny.

In short, what is happening is no “reform,” it is revolution. It is treason.

There is only one way to stop this revolutionary violence, this treason: Americans of this generation must adopt the love of God, Country, and Freedom —and Courage—of the  WWII Generation and stand and fight tyranny. Period.


© 2020 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd: ReesLloydLaw@gmail.com

Cashill’s Unmasking Obama Book is a Warning

By Cliff Kincaid

The lack of coverage in 2008 of the embarrassing facts in Barack Obama’s background, especially his deep personal relationship with a Communist by the name of Frank Marshall Davis, stands as a sensational example of how dishonest the national media can be when they are determined to elect somebody. Jack Cashill’s book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, accurately describes Davis as “a bisexual Stalinist pornographer with a taste for underage sex partners.” If this is news to you, consider yourself a victim of the major media organizations that worked diligently to cover-up the truth about our 44th president.

How could the facts about such a notorious presidential mentor be concealed from the American people? Cashill has the story, and I am right in the middle of it. But this scandal is only one of many that Cashill documents and dissects. It is a timely reminder of how scandalous Obama’s eight years in office actually were, raising the question of why he thought he could safely surface again in public, at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, to promote the Joe Biden candidacy.

Indeed, we are going through something similar this presidential year, as the major media work to elect Obama’s former vice president, Joe Biden, and sink Donald J. Trump’s bid for a second president term. Obama’s August 19, 2020, address, at the Democratic National Convention, on behalf of Biden, was the clearest indication yet that Obama is working for a third presidential term. He wants vindication for his failed presidency and wants to use Biden as a front for the ultimate capture of state power for revolutionary purposes.

In addition to saving political face, Obama represents those here and abroad determined to reduce America to the status of third-rate power, unable or unwilling to stop Red China’s advance.

President Trump has said that he wouldn’t have won in 2016 had it not been for Obama’s failed presidency. Cashill’s book is important to understanding why the American people were so desperate for an alternative such as Trump. People were fooled by Obama, his lies, agents and apologists, but they eventually came to understand there was something sinister, even un-American, in the Obama presidency. This was the result not only of Obama’s failed policies but the facts about his real agenda that slowly but surely came to the public’s attention through alternative media, described as “samizdat” by Cashill. This is a reference to the unofficial and frowned-upon journalism that served as a channel for freedom fighters in the old Soviet Union. Indeed, he dedicates the book to his fellow “Lilliputians,” who dared to take on the Gulliver-type powers that be.

It gets to the point, and we have arrived at this point today in the United States, where the “official” outlets for the establishment are not believed anymore, and people are desperate and hungry for “alternative” voices. Hence, the major media and the Big Tech censors will want to destroy the Cashill book and, if that is not successful, censor any mention of it.

This book is an important lesson in the history of journalism and a case study of how the media lie to advance a political agenda. In effect, Cashill has analyzed in detail the nature of “fake news” that targeted the Trump presidency for destruction after failing to elect Hillary Clinton.

While much of the book is a straight forward historical account of the effort to tell the truth about Obama, Cashill emphasizes the ongoing nature of the American samizdat, the forces which fought bravely to expose the Marxist revolutionary forces behind Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America. Cashill was very much part of this,as he relates in the beginning how a Trump adviser had called him about the role of former communist terrorist and professor Bill Ayers in writing Obama’s 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father. It was a claim picked up by Trump himself. Trump understood there was something fishy about Obama, Hillary, and the entire crew.

While Trump was attacked for bringing out surprising facts about Obama’s personal background, Cashill explains in detail how Obama’s political enemies — truth tellers in the conservative media and public interest groups — were arrested, harassed, threatened or subpoenaed by various federal agencies “and unknown others.” This reflects support for the Obama presidency in what has become known as the Deep State or permanent bureaucracy. Others, such as myself, were labeled as “extremists” by private organizations with ties to federal agencies. The aim in my case was to isolate me from other “responsible” conservative organizations and dry up my sources of funding.

Of course, this paralleled the effort by U.S. intelligence agencies and globalist organizations to destroy Trump himself once he became president.

The phrase “others unknown” is relevant today, as we continue to see the same forces behind Obama reemerge to put Biden in the Oval Office and take out Trump, once and for all. New names and organizations, many traced back to billionaire George Soros, seem to surface on a regular basis.

In terms of unraveling the major cover-ups of the Obama presidency, while identifying those who worked against great odds to expose Obama’s lies, Cashill’s monumental work is heavily documented and should be required reading in journalism classes. Of course, that won’t happen as long as our major colleges and universities remain as Marxist Madrass as providing cannon fodder for Obama’s Marxist revolution.

Whatever the future holds, the forces of samizdat in America will soldier on, determined to expose and hold responsible those who are working to create a Marxist America.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Kalamity Kamala a Calamity for America

Joan Swirsky

Calamity Jane was a frontier heroine in the mid-19th century who during an uprising in 1872, saved a Captain Egan from certain death, whereupon he told her: “I name you Calamity Jane, the heroine of the plains.”

This is in stark contrast to Kalamity Kamala of 21st century America, who would accelerate the downfall of our Democratic Republic in the unlikely event of a Biden-Kalamity win on November 3rd.

Why? Because Biden and Kalamity are promising to resurrect the failed policies of the Obama years, and inflict even more damage on America the Beautiful.

According to author and television host Mark Levin, although the media are rushing to portray California’s junior senator as a moderate, nothing could be further from the truth.

She is the “most extremist radical politician ever to run for high office” in the U.S.A., Levin states, even “farther left than 97% of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate,” even “left of avowed Marxist Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders.”

Levin and his guest attorney Mark Pulliam provided several examples. Kalamity Kamala, they said:

  • Rejects a physical wall on the Southern border.
  • Compared ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service) to the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Believes in government-run health care for illegal aliens.
  • Believes in the elimination of private health care.
  • Believes in the Green New Deal which would bankrupt our country.
  • Wants to repeal the president’s tax cuts for the middle class.
  • Wants to massively increase taxes on all Americans.

When it comes to support for Jewish issues in America as well as support for Israel, the estimable Daniel Greenfield in his powerful article, The Democrat Party is Getting Rid of Jews, has a warning:

“Obama and Harris both signed off on Iran’s nuclear program and the flow of money to terrorists.” In addition, “While Harris has been depicted as a moderate, her chief of staff, Karine Jean-Pierre, was the national spokeswoman and senior adviser for MoveOn, the radical group [with] a long history of trafficking in anti-Semitism and attacking the Jewish State.”

And, Greenfield reminds us, Kalamity Kamala is a full-throated supporter of the virulently anti-Semitic members of the so-called “Squad”––Cong. Ihlan Omar (D-MN), Cong. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Cong. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Cong. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and all the others who avidly support both the Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) movement to destroy Israel economically and to deny foreign aid to America’s staunchest ally in the Middle East.

In a chilling but all-too-credible warning, Greenfield says that “Jewish Democrats who imagine that Israel is the problem are about to learn they’re the problem.”


Clearly, the Democrat Party poohbahs recognize the liability Kalamity Kamala poses to a November victory and so, according to reporter Andrew Stiles of the Washington Free Beacon, an active campaign involving Democrat Party operatives like Obama handler Valerie Jarrett, Regressive activists, and all of the predictable media whores are declaring that any criticism of her be off limits.

The long list of words the media is forbidden to use include, among others: “ambitious,” “angry,” “unlikeable,” and “unqualified.” Don’t report on the “heritage” of non-white candidates is another directive, and don’t publish unflattering images.

And to anyone who does these sinful things, the self-appointed guardians of the Biden-Kalamity Censorship Committee are advised to use the magic formula: Cry “racist”––and then throw in “sexist”!

All of us can see the pitiful cognitive decline of Mr. Biden. But wasn’t Kamala chosen to cover for him, to be his pit bull, to prove to people she was capable of taking her seat in the Oval Office––unfortunately when and not if Biden’s rapid decline continues?

Now this committee is telling us that the entire Biden-Kalamity ticket is so vulnerable, indeed fragile, that it cannot withstand legitimate criticism, probing policy and personal questions, and what most of the country continues to cherish as a bedrock American value: Free Speech!

These are today’s Democrats––camouflage the ailing and failing and prettify the ambitious, angry, unlikeable and unqualified––or else!

Yet, laughably, Democrats continue to entertain the conceit that they are tolerant.


Actually, the Biden-Kalamity Censorship Committee has precedent. In 2007, a leftwing journalist named Ezra Klein formed a group called Journ Olist which consisted of 400 equally leftist journalists, ostensibly to discuss politics but in fact to insult, degrade, vilify, marginalize and generally try to destroy anyone who disagreed with their largely radical points of view.

The “O” stood for the man then ascending in the political world who two years later would find himself at the pinnacle of power in the White House. One of Journ Olist’s first tasks was to savage anyone who questioned Mr. Obama’s viciously anti-American and anti-Semitic pastor of 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Their magic formula was to call anyone who said or wrote anything negative about Obama a “racist.”

Journ Olist members continued to hurl “racist” accusations at Obama’s critics for eight long years. What Americans learned from those overwhelmingly false charges was that weak and insecure people cave when people called them names but strong and confident people see the accusations for what they are––transparent attempts to intimidate them into silence.

Multi millions of Americans, including me, have to thank the Journ Olist “strategy” because it succeeded in bringing to America the quintessentially strong and confident leader––President Donald J. Trump––who in less than four years has truly transformed our country into a flourishing Democratic Republic.

Why is that relevant today? Because President Trump recognizes that in every law, policy, philosophy, deal and strategy that Obama employed, VP Biden was right by his side, supporting every action and touting it enthusiastically on his globetrotting travels.And worse, with far-far left Kalamity Kamala now by his side, Biden’s plan to resurrect Obama’s policies would be even more extreme.

Keep that in mind when you read this brief review of what Barack Obama inflicted on our country and what President Trump fixed:

  • Obama-Biden eviscerated our military and President Trump reconstituted it to become the strongest military in the world.
  • Obama-Biden had a failed economy and chronically unemployed citizens and President Trump boosted employment to the highest levels in American history––including Black employment, Hispanic employment, women’s employment, and youth employment.
  • Obama-Biden displayed visceral antagonism to our most reliable Mideast ally and President Trump told the entire world that America stands with Israel. He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the American embassy there; recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and now forged the first deal between Israel and an Arab state in 26 years––that of the now-promising partnership between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, with more Arab states coming on board in the near future.
  • Obama-Biden’s genocidal-to-Israel deal with Iran allowed the terrorist state to develop nuclear weapons and President Trump cancelled it, although he couldn’t recoup the $150-billion in cold hard cash that Obama & Co. shipped in pallets to Iran, all while the Mullahs were promising––as they are to this very day––to wipe Israel off the map.
  • Obama-Biden continued America’s decades-long dependence on foreign oil and President Trump made America completely energy independent.


But Kalamity Kamala is only a Vice Presidential candidate, you may say. It’s the President who formulates the policies, determines the direction of our nation, and makes the decisions. Why such a brouhaha about her?

It is not only because candidate Biden’s handlers have succeeded in moving the once-vital politician to the far left, but because the far-far left is where Kalamity Kamala lives.

In a lacerating profile of Kalamity Kamala, journalist Ixtu Diaz says that after reading thousands of pages about her, she is a woman “who boasts of instilling fear in her opponents, who despises individual freedom, and who rages at half the planet for being men or for not thinking like her.”

“But let’s not fool ourselves,” Diaz continues, “Kamala won’t be Biden’s VP. Biden will be Kamala’s president only if she gets up in a good enough mood to give him permission. She has two big things going for her: that she is a woman and that she is black––a truly extraordinary feat that has never been accomplished by anyone before.

“She certainly deserves an award, although perhaps the vice presidency of a government without a president is excessive.”

Now that would be a true calamity!

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

Website: http://www.joanswirsky.com

Restoring The Original Purpose Of Schools

By Ron Edwards

If you have read my past columns, listened to either my talk show, The Ron Edwards American Experience or my radio commentary The Edwards Notebook, chances are you have read or heard me declare that the government school system is the number one enemy of our republic.  Years ago, when I first made that declaration, people disagreed with much vigor.  Some said that I was looney for saying that, considering enemies like China, Islamic terrorists, Russia, hordes of illegal border crossers, etc.  Of course, those are all major enemies.  But in my opinion, none of them compare with the great enemy from within, the government school system.  Since before the establishment of our great republic, there have been those in our midst who have desired to prevent the establishment of a republic where the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is recognized and honored.  The reason being is that out of both Judeo and Christian principles came the wonderful concepts of unalienable rights, Liberty and Justice for all, equal opportunity and the right of self, family and property protection and much more.

The United States of America was the first major nation officially dedicated by mankind to God before and after being completely established.  For you fact checkers, Israel was designated by God himself and then given over to the people.  Schools as originally established here in our republic were for the expressed purpose of both advancing the Christian Faith and through the high moral principles of Christianity offer the highest quality education possible for all students.  Even during the wrongful age of Jim Crow, segregation, etc. if you went to school you received an education that was far superior to the intellectual bilge being offered in more recent years.  In 1836, Noah Webster, often called “The Father of American Education,” stated, “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children under a free government ought to be instructed….No truth is more evident to my mind than that of the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”

When you observed the hateful harbingers of the leftist philosophy destroy Portland Oregon, Chicago, Houston “the greatest city in the world’ New York City and many others,you are witnessed the literal end result of so-called education, today.  Beginning during the time of leftist John Dewey, there was and continues to be a concerted effort to rid our exceptional nation of high education and moral standards.  It was understood, that as standards of morality and education are diminished, our republic as a whole would deteriorate, thus opening the door for increasing government controls over and elimination of our God given “Unalienable Rights.”  John Dewey, known as the father of “modern education” said, “There is no God, and there is no soul.”  Hence, there is no need for the props of traditional religion.”  Those so called props have been knocked away, as a result the loss of good moral and education standards has opened the door to untold numbers of unwanted teen pregnancies, abortions, drug abuse, unnecessary types of violence, including riots, increased suicide, open border advocacy, rampant pedophilia, etc.

I for one believe that the Founders of our republic were spot on in asserting that the United States would fall like a rock if it lost its Christian, high standard foundation.  It is primarily incumbent upon Christian, Conservatives and Re-founding Patriots to reaffirm and fight to reestablish our high standard Christian educational heritage with the same passion and commitment of the original Founders.  There are numerous avenues and many levels at which to instigate and completely bring about needed change.  But it begins with you and I, or better yet “We the People” with a strong willingness to become fully engaged in the war to win our republic back from the clutches of those hell bent on their globalist/satanic mission of utter destruction of our exceptional nation way of life.  The time is now, not later.  Jack booted thugs destroying our once beautiful cities are not peaceful protesters speaking out against oppression.  They are the oppressors of today seeking to complete their part in the overall leftist mission to turn the United States into a much larger Venezuela.

To prevent the collapse of the United States, schools must once again operate as they were originally purposed.  Teachers must properly educate students and encourage a good moral code and common decency, not indoctrinate students into rejecting all that is good and enlightening. If the schools are not improved, the threat of a complete communist take down of the United State will become the state of affairs.  Trust me, you do not want that to occur. God bless you,God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.com/

Pentagon Anti-Bias Training Materials Filled with Anti-American Propaganda

By Jim Kouri – Senior Political News Writer

“These documents show that the Department of Defense has been indoctrinating our troops with anti-American and racially inflammatory ‘training,’” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We must protect our military service members from being brainwashed by the divisive, anti-American propaganda fueling the leftist insurrectionists who are right now trying to destroy our country.”

The leader of one of the nation’s most successful public interest law forms announced in the middle of U.S. urban strife and violence that he and his legal team obtained 1,483 pages of training materials and 26 pages of budget records from the Department of Defense (DOD) that are used by DOD’s “equal opportunity advisors” to train service members about the importance of“diversity within the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.

The documents — which were obtained in response to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request – reveal how deeply entrenched in the U.S. government and the national security complex is the political-correctness orthodoxy.

The teaching materials include “Student Study Guides” written for “Equal Opportunity Advisor Courses,” that are critical of persons who “believe that human similarities are more important than differences;” advise people to acknowledge their privilege when “it is pointed out to them;” claim that heterosexuals have “sexual orientation privilege;” and that “religious privilege” exists.

According to DEOMI’s website, the organization was “Propelled by the civil rights movement of the 1960s.” The DEOMI operating budget between 2012-2017 totaled $19.66 million dollars.

According the Defense Dept Comptroller’s office, DEOMI and WRP (Workforce Recruitment Program) now jointly make up an entity called the Defense Management Operations Center (DMOC) and that entity was budgeted $13,366,000 for FY2020.

The newly released records include a chapter entitled “Power and Privilege,” in which students are taught that “Privilege can also be linked to various forms of identity such as … sexual orientation privilege” and “religious privilege.”

In a chapter on diversity, the guide is critical of those who engage in “minimization,” which it defines as those who believe that “human similarities are more important than differences.”

The guide notes that “Statistics show Whites are the majority in senior leadership positions (i.e., flag officers, general officers, and Senior Executive Service) and lend itself [sic] to the perpetuation of racism.”

An example of “modern racism” is saying things like “Discrimination is a thing of the past … tactics and demands of activists are unfair … racism is bad.”

The document also states that another form of racism is “aversive racism.” Aversive racists, say the authors, “put high value on egalitarian beliefs.”


© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

It Happened To Elvis Presley: Infidelity & Betrayal

By Frosty Wooldridge

Over the years, one of my friends married a beautiful woman and fathered two boys.  He shared his pride with me as they grew to become men.  I watched their pictures fill the entire front of his refrigerator.  His boys adorned the walls of the living room and his office.

(Sandi and Frosty at Lake Moraine and the Seven Sisters, Alberta, Canada)

Both boys graduated from outstanding universities.  Each earned lucrative jobs in the business world.  Both boys married wonderful college sweethearts who brought children into the world.  They live in wonderful homes in successful neighborhoods.

But last week, my friend informed me that one of his boys continually cheats on his wife over the past five years to a point that his wife set in motion divorce proceedings.  My friend felt deep embarrassment that his son betrayed the mother of his grandchildren.  My friend felt responsibility for his son’s lack of moral integrity.

From a successful life, the cheating husband betrayed his wife, his kids and his friends.  Not only did he create a horrible breach in his own life, but also he created incredible consequences with the married women with whom he initiated sexual affairs.  In the end, he betrayed himself.  He faces child support, broken family, weekend visits with his kids and a total breakdown in the cohesiveness of his children.

“Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

He never thought about that!  I’m reminded about the same events with the legendary singer Elvis Presley.  Before he married Pricilla, Elvis Presley enjoyed a wild and free-flowing bachelor life.  Once he entered the sacred rights of marriage—-society and every woman expects their man to be faithful for life.  To break such a vow, any marriage partner faces ominous consequences.

While everything looked fine on the outside, Elvis Presley lost his bearings.  He lost the daily enjoyment of watching Lisa Marie Presley grow up at Graceland mansion.  He lost his emotional and spiritual connection to his spouse.  He became a weekend father, which fractured his connection with his only offspring.

Shortly after his divorce, Presley gorged himself on fattening foods and endless drugs.  He lost his moral compass.  The negative emotional vibrations he set in motion tore at the moorings of his heart.  He became erratic, obese and forgot words to songs at his concerts.  By the age of 43, he died of a heart attack.  Many said he died of a broken heart.

In American society, some estimates show that half of American men cheat on their wives.  Today, 50 percent of marriages end in divorce courts.  Millions of kids see their mother and father living separate lives.  They lose the structure of their family because their father or mother failed to adhere to the sacred bonds of matrimony.

I wrote a teen novel about the early loss of a parent through death or divorce in my book:  Strike Three! Take Your Base.  The novel shows two paths for the teens facing the loss of a parent.  It’s gut wrenching! Yet, it’s positive.

Where does that leave any of us?  How can we maintain integrity with our spouse and ourselves?  How can we avoid what happened to Elvis Presley or my friend’s son in the not too distant future?

  • If you marry someone, remain honest with him or her.  If you’re not happy with the marriage, then tell them and work it out work. If it cannot be worked out, proceed toward a divorce.  Avoid throwing sexual betrayal into the mix.
  • With children in the arena, make certain to let them know they are safe.  Make certain they know they are loved by both of you.
  • Make certain each of you supports the other spouse with good words, good actions and positive comments about them.
  • While you may feel pain, betrayal, anger, resentment and other negative emotions—understand that life moves forward. You must choose to move with it.  Yes, cry, scream, sob and feel the pain—but choose life and all its opportunities.
  • Above all, choose high vibrational living for you, for your kids and for each day.

In the final analysis, live a life of integrity.  Life will respond with integrity.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

College: Poisoning America

by Lee Duigon

Our colleges and universities are poisoning our country. Look at the riots: multitudes of white middle-class college students, useful idiots. But let’s look at two examples of what the colleges are…uh, “teaching” them.

Syracuse University has brewed up a new policy to eradicate “hate” from the campus. From now on, bystanders and witnesses to any undefined “act of hate” are to be punished for “silence and inaction” if they fail to intervene.

What exactly is an “act of hate”? We are left to guess. Saying “All lives matter”? Wearing a “Re-elect President Trump” button? Failing to agree that some intensely disturbed man who has his business hacked off is now a “woman”? It probably won’t be declaring “All whites are evil, all whites are guilty,” blah-blah-blah. Because college professors all over the land proclaim this every day.

This is an astounding legal doctrine. “You saw it, so you did it!” Bystanders and witnesses are now as guilty as the perpetrator. Boy, that’d fill up the prisons in a hurry. Somebody snaps at somebody else in the student lounge—and you’re guilty, too, because you were there? You didn’t barge in to support the leftist side of an argument? How can this not be an exhortation to engage in some weird species of vigilantism? And what if you mis-heard or misunderstood an ordinary interaction, and were mistaken in deeming it an “act of hate”? And butted in, resulting in a punch-out.

Really, who wants to live like this? We’re gonna eradicate hate by hating the haters? Wouldn’t that brew up… more hate? Suddenly you’re responsible for everything that somebody else does.

Let’s move on to Iowa State Looniversity, where you can be kicked out of class for “othering”. If you don’t know what that word means, it’s probably because you’re not an idiot.

So what is “othering”? According to Wikipedia, it’s treating a person or a group as if that person were different from oneself, or his group different from yours.

This from the prophets of “diversity”! What—have certain lewd persons only just invented the whole idea that, well, people are… different? Stop the presses. It turns out we’re all alike! And there’s no such thing as differences among various groups of people, either.

I didn’t know dementia was contagious.

At Iowa State, “othering” takes the form of daring to criticize abortion, failing to support Only Communist Black Lives Matter, not being gung-ho for same-sex phony “marriage,” etc. In other words, not being a Far Left wacko like the prof. You’ll be kicked out of class for not having beliefs identical to, presumably, everybody else’s. More diversity.

Why in the world would anybody ever want to go to Syracuse University? Why would anyone in his right mind want to take this lib-fascist professor’s course at Iowa State? And by the time you’re finished getting your degree in Gender Studies, you’re over a hundred thousand bucks in debt. You could’ve bought a house for that much money.

What kinds of pernicious, toxic inanities are our sons and daughters being “taught” at their colleges and universities? What kind of bizarre mental landscape is being grafted over their minds? Come on, now—people *aren’t* different? That’s what you’re supposed to “learn”?

Harvard has a budget of over $40 billion a year. This is monstrous. This is absurd. The universities are rolling in money, flabby with money, and a lot of it is public money. People worked for it, struggled for it—and look what they get for it. Bad enough they shell out huge chunks of all the wealth they’ll ever have, to put their kids through these indoctrination mills. But for tax money to be poured into the universities’ insatiable mouths is indefensible.

The funding has to stop. Before our country stops.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Goodyear Training Aligns with Black Lives Matters and Rebukes Police Support

Ms. Smallback

…and other unrests in Topeka, KS, the heart of America

A picture was leaked of a training session at a Goodyear plant in Topeka, KS on Thursday, August 18, 2020.  It shows a slide from the presentation outlining their “zero tolerance” policy.  On it you’ll find references to BLM and LGBTQ are acceptable, but references to Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter or MAGA are unacceptable.

I reached out to Goodyear, via their Corporate phone number [330.796.2121].  After being on hold for over thirty minutes, I was able to speak with a customer service representative.  The representative was aware of the picture because she had fielded other calls about it.  She indicated the headquarters at Akron, OH were looking into it.  She seemed genuinely surprised and told me she had not had any training like that where she was.

When I asked for clarification of whether Goodyear still contracts the tires for the police departments, she assured me they did indeed.  I said, “Well this isn’t going to go over well here.”  She agreed and said, “It won’t go over well here either!”

After doing some local inquiries in Topeka, I was able to confirm this was a true picture of a very real training that workers at the Topeka Goodyear plant have been required to go through.  I was told the local union (307) had endorsed the training, but has since (as of today) begun backpedaling over it.  I have not gotten an official statement of that, but a worker there indicated that was his experience as an employee and union member there.

When I reached out to corporate Goodyear, they took my name and phone number and said they would be in contact with me eventually.  I am awaiting that call.  In the meantime, the local news covered the story here.  As Thursday’s business day drew to a close, Goodyear sent the following response to the local channel WIBW.

“Goodyear is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace where all of our associates can do their best in a spirit of teamwork. As part of this commitment, we do allow our associates to express their support on racial injustice and other equity issues but ask that they refrain from workplace expressions, verbal or otherwise, in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party as well as other similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of equity issues.” —Melissa Monaco, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company [Source]

Now unless my reading comprehension is lacking, this pretty much reaffirms their training slide.  You can express your views about racial injustice but only as they define it, i.e. Black Lives Matter, and only if it aligns with the narrative they approve.  They refuse to acknowledge that showing support for a sitting American President is an expression of the First Amendment, just like showing support for a favorite athlete, or entertainer, etc.

They have narrowly channeled the First Amendment in the workplace to “equity issues”.  Further, they have chosen to narrowly define those “equity issues” as only pertaining to BLM and LGBTQ.

Their official response refused to even acknowledge their dismissal and vilification of Law Enforcement Officers.  Apparently they can reap the financial reward of contracts with Law Enforcement, but they cannot allow employee support of such.  This should prove interesting in the days to come.

An employee of the Topeka Goodyear expressed that “heads will roll” because this has gone public.  He stated that not only will the person who gave the training session face severe consequences, but he thinks if they can find the leaker, he/she will be terminated.  It’s interesting how the cockroaches scurry when the light gets turned on, but the person who switches the light on is the villain.  Let’s see what happens in the coming days.

Speaking of police matters in Topeka…

Ironically, Topeka, the capitol city of Kansas, is engaged in its own struggle with Campaign Zero who have sent their activists in conjunction with Black Lives Matter’s Topeka leader, Pjay Carter, to bring Police reform to Topeka.  Allegedly they want the Topeka Police Department to adopt the 8Can’tWait  reform points, under the umbrella of Campaign Zero.  But as retired Lieutenant (of TPD) Ron Gish pointed out, all of the 8Can’tWait campaign’s proposals are already implemented in the Topeka Police Department.  The (Topeka) City Council has included removing qualified immunity from police officers’ protection.  The ramifications of this are broad.

Gish, with 34 years of law enforcement experience, also stated in a letter to the City Council:

Police recruiting numbers across the nation are down 60% since the George Floyd incident! Good officers are walking away. They are submitting paperwork to retire earlier than they planned. Others are finding other careers. All the investment we have in these officers is being lost. If qualified immunity is removed, I don’t know why a law enforcement officer would continue putting themselves at risk. The daily risk of being physically harmed, killed in the line of duty or sued is already too high.

While the initiators of this agenda dare not call it defunding the police (at least not in the Midwest), if you begin to follow the logic and purposes of these initiatives, you’ll see that’s what the objective appears to be.  When you castrate the tools of enforcing the law, you lose the ability to enforce the law.  This may very well be the intention.

Mr. Carter, the BLM organizer in Topeka, sounds level-headed and proactive (to me).  He is genuinely concerned for the welfare of black people at the hands of police and is representing from that perspective.  He makes valid points and seems reasonable and fair in his concerns.

But as the national scene has played out, the movement of well-intentioned concerns can easily be hijacked by those trying to commandeer a vehicle for their own personal agenda.  This article about Campaign Zero doesn’t hide the fact that George Soros has latched on to the movement.  I’m going to guess the sincere blacks who have sincere concerns do not really know Soros’ intentions, but are more than happy to take his money.

The author of the article states, “Inside the Washington office of the Open Society Foundations, the grant-making network founded by liberal financier George Soros, there was a sense that Black Lives Matter was on the cusp of something bigger — and a real desire among people with money to make that happen.”

People within the organizations for police reform and against police brutality don’t think 8Can’tWait’s platform is radical enough.  For that we have 8toAbolition, which calls for a defunding and “demilitarization” of the police in their first two steps.  So right off the start, they want a police presence removed altogether.  After that they’d like to release criminals, repeal certain laws, and provide housing.  Here are their eight initiatives:

This article goes on to say,

The original campaign, #8Can’tWait, has now updated its website in response, with the organizers saying that they now realize that they “unintentionally detracted from efforts of fellow organizers invested in paradigmatic shifts that are newly possible in this moment.” On the ground, the calls to defund the police are gaining traction. The mayors of Los Angeles and San Francisco want to shrink their police budgets, and New York City now plans to move some funding from the NYPD to youth and social services. Minneapolis is going even further, with plans to disband its police department and rebuild a new system for public safety.

Judging by cities like Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle, we can see a decreased police presence does not decrease crime.  Austin, Texas has recently defunded their police department on a unanimous vote with their City Council.  I’m curious how the residents these councilmen/women represent feel about this.  Have their decisions represented their constituents’ will as well?

I know in Topeka of the nine city council members, four have reputedly already aligned with the efforts to move forward in this direction, with a fifth likely.  They need only one more to make these changes.  The mayor, who is making an ambitious bid to unseat a Republican Congress seat this November, has thrown her weight behind it.  There is, obviously, an agenda to align with if you run in Democratic circles.

It would behoove American citizens concerned about the future of their communities to get and be involved in their local politics.  There are organized movements with a lot of money behind them to fundamentally change the structures of our institutions.  The conversation should be about whether such changes are in the spirit of our nation’s principles, and if they are representing the good of our communities.  But if the happenings in Topeka, Kansas are an indicator, quiet meetings behind the scenes are trying to move agendas forward without public involvement.

© 2020 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

While You Were Distracted By The Mainstream Media, 87 Politicians Are Being Exposed For Their “Horrific” Crimes Against Children

Bradlee Dean

“Americans have known this for decades and have done little to nothing, these are our children. No wonder why America being judged is under judgment! Malachi 2:2!”

Americans, the list below should come as no surprise as to what is taking place in your country today. It explains why we have seen that our said representatives are continuously bearing forth corrupt fruit. For decades, we have known of this corruption and now, it is all coming to the light (Hebrews 4:13).



Friends, for the record, a corrupt tree is not going to bring forth good fruit.  It is, without a doubt, going to bring forth corrupt fruit. Scripture is clear.

“Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” -Matthew 7:16-20

No matter how many different ways or methods these people try to put themselves up as the righteous, the Lord will bring, and is bringing, it into the light as to who they really are (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)!

Before we get into this list, let me remind you that these are the same criminal politicians that have advocated sodomy, pedophilia (Exodus 22:13; Matthew 18:6), and pornography as free speech etc…(Exodus 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:9).

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

The List

87 Democrat and Republicans (If you are caught up into the divide and conquer un-constitutional scheme- Mark 3:25) were exposed for the crimes against children!

Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.

Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography.

Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old.

Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.

Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography. He was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking.

Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.

Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old page.

Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age.

Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager.

Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.

Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer.

Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse.

Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.

Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.

Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17.

Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images.

Democratic activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy and when the alleged victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.

Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, resigned amid child pornography allegations.

Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography.

Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims.

Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas, is being sued in LA County for allegedly sexually abused a 16-year-old girl.

Democratic aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, Jeff Rosato, plead guilty to charges of trading in child pornography.

Democratic Alaskan State Representative, Dean Westlake, resigned from his seat after the media published a report alleging he fathered a child with a 16-year-old girl when he was 28.

Democratic New Jersey State Assemblyman, Neil Cohen, was convicted of possession and distribution of child pornography.

Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.

Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges.

Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.

Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.

Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.

Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.

Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.

Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.

Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.

Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.

Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.

Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.

Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his stepdaughter.

Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.

Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.

Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11-year-old girl.

Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first-degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.

Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.

Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15-year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.

Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex.

Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.

Democratic donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an underage child sex brothel and was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution.

Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sexted and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15.

Democratic donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of sexual abuse (that was well known “secret” in Hollywood) including underage sexual activities with aspiring female actresses.

Democratic activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment stemming from sexual activities with an underage actor.

Democratic Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes.

Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members.

Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images.

Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation of sexual assault where he coerced an underage model for sex.

Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he was convicted of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.

Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.

Democratic activist, donor, and director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl.

Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci.

Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page.

Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted for possession of child pornography and enticing children.

Democratic Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire.

The Committee concluded that while the events did occur his apology was sufficient and took no further action.

Democratic activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was convicted of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.

Democratic State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested on ten counts of child porn possession.

Democratic Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission.

Democratic State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting sex from a minor over the internet.

Democratic State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of child pornography.

Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the Internet.Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography.

Knowing all of this, the people should demand the halls of government be vetted. Americans, it is not enough to know of the corrupt fruit on the branches, it is for “We the People” to now lay the axe to the root of the tree and cut it down for our kids’ sake (Matthew 3:10)!


[YouTube Video]

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Americans Have Been Had And Don’t Even Know It

By Ron Ewart

“Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe.  I dispute that.  I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and it is the basic building block of the universe.”  Frank Zappa (1940 – 1993) Singer, Songwriter, bandleader

How is it, in 240 plus years, millions of Americans went from self-reliant, independent, responsible, God fearing people who believed strongly in unalienable rights, an inviolate work ethic, true justice and individual freedom, to money-grubbing, greedy, stupid, selfish, immature people, lining up for government handouts, or looting and burning our cities?

Why do we instantly believe what we are being told about ”Climate Change”, when the true science has debunked man-made global warming? It is not about science or the environment.  It’s about control of the masses.  It’s a con, a fraud and a lie!  Nevertheless, millions of Americans have bought into the lie.

Why have we let our schools and colleges be converted into socialist and environmental indoctrination centers instead of objective learning institutions?  Is it any wonder that parents want to home school their children or send them to charter schools at a significant cost?  They still have to pay school taxes.

How did we allow most of our news media to morph into an arm of the Democratic Party, where conservatism, individual rights and the Republican Party are censored, maligned and vilified?

Why do we buy into the Democrat Platform that will force Medicare-for-all health care, the Green New Deal, free college tuition, forgiving all student debt and health care for illegal aliens upon us?  Are we that stupid?

Where is it written that we must let the Democrats repeal our 2nd Amendment, the Electoral College and the Senate Filibuster Rule?  That’s what they have sworn to do.  We will only let them, if we vote them into office.  Are we that stupid?

Why do we keep voting known socialists and communists to our federal, state and city legislatures?  Big cities run by Democrats are the worst.  Representative government is a direct reflection of the very people that vote politicians into office.  Has the majority become socialists or communists?  It would appear so.

How on earth could we believe that de-funding the police is a sane policy?  As our population grows, especially in our big cities, we need more police, not less?

Why do we allow violent groups, like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, take over our cities, loot our stores and burn our businesses, while telling the police to stand down?  Why are prosecutors not prosecuting these violent crimes and throwing the perpetrators in jail, the Coronavirus be damned?

Why do we condone our government representatives spending our taxpayer money wildly without any other purpose than buying votes from some constituency group?  That’s not representative government.  That’s racketeering, corruption, collusion and fraud.

Our representatives have not only become corrupt, they have instituted a fourth branch of government by creating federal, state and local bureaucracies that circumvent the political process.  Those agencies have become an un-elected power unto themselves that purposely undermine the will of the electorate and upset the balance of political power.  Those agencies have a name.  They are called the Deep State and they have a decided liberal bias because most of them are products of our liberal colleges.  They make rules and pass laws that are in direct violation of Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution, wherein it states in part: “All legislative powers [the making of laws] shall be vested in the Congress of the United States.”  Most state constitutions have similar language.

How can we justify leaving our borders open to anyone who wants to come here?  They break our laws and are then rewarded for the law breaking with free health care, education, housing, food and clothing, all at taxpayer expense.  Are we not aware of the damage that the policy of open borders puts on legal American in lost jobs, the influx of diseases we eradicated decades ago and radical changes to American culture?  If we vote in the Democrats again, they will grant amnesty to these illegal aliens, setting them up to be future Democrat voters since most of the illegal aliens come from socialist countries.  Is this not the plan of the Democrats?  Of course it is.

The family, (one man, one woman and children) Christianity and God-given, natural rights are at the core of our culture and the foundation of our system of government under our Constitution.   Without them, our culture collapses like a house of cards, which it appears to be doing right now.  Why don’t we get it?  “We Are Free Because of Our Constitution.”  Nevertheless, we have tolerated the systematic attack by the Democrats on these cultural institutions without an uprising of the American people.   Why?

Are we so dumb-struck, naïve’ and ignorant we can’t see that we are being torn apart piece by piece by evil forces (socialist Democrats, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, George Soros and others) whose sole goal is to tear down the very fabric of our culture and render us impotent and slaves of their socialist/communist utopia.  Are we that stupid?

The truth is, free Americans are at war with a destructive ideology that is intent on destroying them and they refuse to accept it, or have purposely, or unintentionally, ignored it.

There are two choices in war, fight back or capitulate.  Before a shot has been fire, have we already capitulated?  Are we that weak and stupid?  In the words of an anonymous writer:  The days of walking on pins and needles are over.  The days of worrying about feelings have ended.  It’s time to step on some toes and take back our country.”

Why do you suppose that gun and ammunition sales are going through the roof?  Millions of free Americans are not dumb-struck, naïve’ and ignorant.  They are preparing for what is to come.  (See: “There Comes A Time When You Must Face A Threat!”)

The only way to take back a country that has separated itself from the principles of freedom is by force.  It should be readily apparent to every one that you can’t subdue a bully by talking nice.  The Democrats, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and others who would attempt to destroy this country by radically transforming it into a world government collective or a socialist nation, are bullies, enemies of the American people and traitors of freedom.  The punishment for treason is lengthy incarceration ….. or death.

Every time you talk to a person that has aligned him or her self with the Democratic Party, it can only be construed that they are either politically blind, corrupt, wholly ignorant, or a traitor.  The current Democrat Party is a treasonous organization bound and determined to destroy individual liberty.  If the nominees to president (Biden) and vice president (Harris) are elected this November, it will only bring us closer to civil war or revolution.  The Coronavirus and the massive government control it triggered have highlighted the growing evidence of open resistance to government tyranny and a potentially “hot” revolution.

America is a great country and the American people are an exceptional culture because of individual freedom and the unalienable rights that were born in America some 244 years ago.  For America to succumb to rising global power and merged into the one-world-order under socialism, would set the path to freedom for all peoples of the earth, back 300 to 400 years.  It could take another 300 to 400 years to restore what America started, if ever and such restoration could only arise out of the ashes of a violent revolution.  If America dies, its death will be at the hands of today’s generation and will subject all future generations to the dictatorial rule of the global ruling class and the moneychangers that reside within the walled safety of their secretive enclaves.

Why have we allowed ourselves to be had (taken in) by a radical, un-American, unconstitutional ideology?  How could we not know it?  Are we that stupid?  If we know it, why aren’t we doing something about it?

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

I’m As Mad as Hell

By Servando Gonzalez

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. —Benjamin Franklin

On April 22nd, I was listening to Rush Limbaugh while doing other things, so I didn’t pay attention and missed the name of the person he was interviewing. After listening for a few minutes I became sure it had to be Dr. Fauci, because he was repeating verbatim all the bull Fauci has been telling every day about how dangerous the Coronavirus is and how, to be on the cautious side, it would be necessary to prolong the stupid, counterproductive measures the government has imposed upon us allegedly to protect our health. He also repeated Fauci’s notion that, after a partial return to normality, the virus will return stronger and deadlier than ever by the beginning of fall.

Of course, by now most well-informed Americans are fully aware that Fauci is just a tool of the anti-American globalist eugenicists ensconced at the Council on Foreign Relations and that he is fully in favor of imposing upon us their New World Order. No wonder he is repeating over and over the mantra that we must get used to the current state of things because this will be America’s new reality forever.

Actually, Dr. Fauci knows that his prediction will materialize because the measures that have been adopted following his advice will be the main reason for it. As an immunologist, he learned in Immunology 101 that there is no way to kill a virus, and that the only way to fight a virus is by exposing yourself to it so your body’s autoimmune system will produce the antibodies to fight it.[1] So, he is perfectly aware that, far from protecting us, the measures adopted following his advice will increase our vulnerability to the virus. This explains why he is so sure that the Coronavirus will come back with a vengeance in the Fall.[2]

To my utter surprise, however, I discovered that the person interviewed was not Fauci, but Vice-President Mike Pence, head of President Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force.

Now, correct me if I am wrong, but I think that, before being inaugurated, Mr. Pence took an oath of office by which he swore with his hand on a Bible that he was going to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. There was nothing in that oath about protecting you and me from allegedly deadly viruses.

I understand that, if Vice-President Pence had a farm, he would take measures to protect his cows, goats and chickens from deadly viruses. After all, they are his private property and if they die it would cause him great economic damage. Actually, most slave masters took great care of their slaves’ health. But it was not out of compassion or altruism, but because they were just protecting their investments.

But I am not the property of vice-President Pence or the U.S. government. I didn’t ask him to protect my health, particularly when the price of it is trashing the Constitution he took and oath to protect and defend. And most measures taken by our political leaders allegedly to protect us from the supposedly lethal Corona virus are unconstitutional. No doubts about it.

When I managed to escape from Castro’s Cuba 35 years ago, I didn’t come to this country looking for protection from viruses or better healthcare,[3] but for freedom. So, I feel highly offended and betrayed by Vice-President Pence’s words.

Now I am as mad as hell.

About 25 years ago I began noticing with growing alarm that every passing day, America resembled more and more the country I had to escape from. Currently, thanks to the Coronavirus PsyOp,[4] it is pedal to the metal. In honor to truth, however, I have to confess that though I am angry, I am not surprised.

In February 2001, a delegation of Wall Street bankers, led by David Rockefeller and including William Rogers, Carla Hills, Mark Falcoff, James Jones and other CFR honchos, visited Cuba and had a long meeting with Fidel Castro. After the meeting, CFR director Peter Peterson made comments to the press praising Castro for the high levels of education and public health in Cuba.[5]

Just a few days later, in April, World Bank President James Wolfensohn (CFR), a Rockefeller stooge, expressed his conviction that Castro’s Cuba was an example to follow.[6] So, now you know where the idea of turning America into a hellhole came from.

So, sorry Mr. Vice-President. I don’t need you to protect my health. Thanks, but no thanks!

But wait! This weird thing is getting even better — or worse, depending on your point of view.

As you have noticed in earlier photos of President Trump surrounded by members of his Coronavirus Task Force, none of them was wearing a face mask, keeping the so-called “social distance,” much less wearing gloves or cleaning their hands with anti-bacterial sanitizer.[7] Moreover, they sport nice haircuts and their nails are perfectly manicured, their suits are clean and pressed, their teeth shine.[8] This evidences that none of them, and I’d bet that not their families, are quarantined in their homes. Have they declared the barbershops, dentist offices, dry cleaners and restaurants they patronize essential businesses? I would not doubt it. Moreover, I am sure none of them will let placing a family member on a respirator.

Evidently, while the members of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force have forced the rest of us to live in A.C. (After Coronavirus) America, and claim that this will be the new American normal forever, they are still living in B.C. (Before Coronavirus) America, and are seemingly enjoying it.

So, the jailers who have turned our homes into prison cells to protect us — or so they say— are the only ones currently enjoying freedom in America. That differs considerable from what the Founding Fathers of this country had in mind.

But, just a few days after the radio interview, Vice-President Pence paid a visit to the Mayo Clinic and he was the only person not wearing a face mask.[9] Unknown to him, somebody took a photo and posted it on the Internet. When asked about his unmasked photo, he gave a poppycock explanation for his strange behavior. According to him,

“As vice president of the United States I’m tested for the corona virus on a regular basis, and everyone who is around me is tested for the Coronavirus,” adding the approved mantra that, despite his violation of the CDC guidelines, which indicates that the mask is good for preventing the spread of the virus, he fully backs it … at least for the rest of us.

According to Pence’s office, he didn’t know that the Mayo Clinic required the use of a facemask to visit the clinic. Now, wait a minute. Am I supposed to believe that, in a country where you are forced to wear a facemask to get into a supermarket, the Chair of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force ignored that he had to wear it to visit a clinic? That is very difficult to believe. Also, the fact that he became very upset because somebody published the photos of his visit to the Mayo clinic, indicate a measure of disingenuousness.[10]

Well, I have a different explanation for his behavior. Pence was not following any of the CDC guidelines taken following Dr. Fauci’s suggestions, because he is fully aware that, far from protecting us from the virus, they make us more vulnerable to it. Just reading any immunology textbook you will find that the only way to protect yourself from a virus is by breathing fresh air, taking in the sun and exposing yourself to the virus so that your body can react by producing the antibodies to it, and the behavior of all members of the Corona Virus Task Force, including the Talented Dr. Fauci and Pence, show that they are fully aware of this.

They are also fully aware that the measures they have enforced on the rest of us will result in lowering our immunological defenses and make us more vulnerable to future epidemics. This explains why Fauci is so sure that the virus will reappear with a vengeance by the end of the year.

Since then, after they discovered the risks of not wearing a facemask, all of them began wearing them in public, particularly when there were photographers around. I am not talking about the health risks, but the political risks they were running if people discover that they are a bunch of shameless liars.

So, if the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic was the result of risky sexual practices favored by some homosexuals, the Enforced Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (EIDS) epidemic, which according to Dr. Fauci will hit us by the end of the year, will be the direct result of the very measures Fauci himself and his co-conspirators on the Coronavirus Task Force have forced upon us for the sole purpose of killing the people who managed to survive the first attack of the Corona virus.

And I am absolutely convinced that, after the second wave, we will have a third and a fourth, and this will continue uninterrupted until the mad eugenicists reach the goal they have openly stated many times: killing no less than 85 percent of the people on this planet.

Therefore, I was wrong. Vice-President Pence was not trying to protect me from the virus. Actually he is trying to kill me. And seemingly he is trying to kill also you as well as your family and friends. But, as the saying goes, if somebody says he will kill you, you must take him seriously. You must take the person even more seriously if the actually is trying to kill you.

The bottom line is that all of this Coronavirus measures have nothing to do with protecting you and me from the so-called Coronavirus. This is actually a criminal plan for massive population reduction. It is nothing but eugenics in action.

But no. Actually it is much worse than criminal. This plan is evil. If this team of evil clowns is successful, they will beat Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot combined in their own game, and they seem fully committed to carry it out to the end.

What is really amazing is how fast America has changed from the land of the free and the home of the brave, to become the land of the sheeple and the home of the coward, and how most Americans have happily accepted all the measures designed to kill them. And this is just the beginning.

According to a well-known saying, the roads to hell are paved with good intentions. There is, however, a lesser-known saying, which I have just invented: the super highways to hell are paved with very bad intentions.

My new book, Coronavirus for Dunces, with 186 pages and hundreds of detailed footnotes is already available at Amazon.com.

Order your copy today, before the self-appointed censors at Amazon realize what it is all about and ban it!


[1] See 4/22/2020 press conference in Bakersfield California with Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi exposing the Covid-19 Hoax. You may also want to read Dr. John Reizer’s brochure, Covid-19: A Different Perspective.

[2] See “Dr. Anthony Fauci: ‘We Will Have Coronavirus in the Fall,’” Nick Visser, HuffPost, April 22, 2020.

[3] If one is to believe Berkeley’s “progressives,” Castro’s Cuba has the best health care system in the world. This explains why so many of Berkeley’s progressives are escaping every day to Cuba in makeshift rafts made out of truck tire’s inner tubes. Once in Cuba’s paradise they enjoy free education, free housing, free organic food and the best health care in the world. As a bonus, once in Cuba they can even dance the cha-cha-cha.

[4] The Coronavirus PsyOp is based on the Hegelian principle of bringing about change in a three-step process: Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis. The thesis-antihesis-synthesis technique works this way.

First, we have a bad, but tolerable situation. This acceptable current situation is the thesis. But the globalist conspirators want to change it into a worse one, unacceptable for us but beneficial to their interests. So, they create out of the blue an artificial terrible situation a hundred times worse than the present situation (terrorism, a killer virus). That’s the antithesis. Then, once the public is terrorized by the devastating antithesis, they offer as a solution the worse situation they initially had in mind and people accept it as the lesser of two evils. That’s the synthesis.

On September 14, 1994, speaking at the Business Council for the United Nations, David Rockefeller, the de-facto chief of the CFR, said:

“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long. Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global cooperation. … We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

[5] Carl Limbacher, “Rockefeller-led U.S. Delegation Cozies Up to Castro,” NewsMax.com, February 23, 2001.

[6] Jim Lobe, “Learn From Cuba: World Bank Says,” Inter Press Service Finance, April 30, 2001. The World Bank was created in 1944, but in 1968 Robert McNamara became its president and he turned it into a New Age/New World Order tool. Wolfensohn is a former board member of the Rockefeller Foundation and a close friend of Maurice Strong, another key Rockefeller minion.

[7] As the information on the product’s label tells, sanitizers are supposed to kill bacteria, not viruses. So, never before in the history of mankind people have done a more useless activity than the frantic cleaning we are now accustomed to see. Moreover, viruses cannot live on surfaces, and they need a living host. Therefore, the only way to kill a virus is by killing the host. Keep this in mind!

[8] They declared my Vietnamese barber’s business non-essential. Currently she has already closed it for good. Her case is not an exception. Most small businesses will never recover.

[9] Steve Kanowski and Kevin Freking, “Pence Comes Under Fire for Going Maskless at Mayo Clinic,” Associated Press, April 28, 2020, 12:45 PM PDT.

[10] Jason Silverstein, “Reporter Says he was Punished for Revealing Pence’s Office Knew About Mayo Clinic’s Mask Policy Before His Visit,” CBS News, May 1, 2020.

© 2020 Servando Genzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com

The Mask Nazis Have Blood on Their Hands

Kelleigh Nelson

The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged. —G. K. Chesterton

Lies are the greatest murder. They kill the truth.  —Socrates

History is strewn thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill, but a lie, well told, is immortal. —Mark Twain

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.  —George Orwell, 1984

The Coronavirus, which includes the common cold, will come and go, but the government found out how easily the American people were manipulated and how easily they controlled your life.  Remember what they took from us, every “non-essential” job, every sporting event, every school, every restaurant, and most importantly every church.  And we allowed it.

But it’s even worse.  Historically and by definition, quarantines had always been about sequestering the sick. Never before had anyone beat a virus by quarantining the healthy. We were not told that quarantining healthy people was a first-of-its-kind experiment. And the experiment failed.

In America, the homeless population is exploding as people are displaced from homes and apartments. This was fully predictable after more than two months of economic shutdown and underscores the sheer lack of concern for any other lives except those “saved” from Covid-19.  And we know the Covid death counts and those who have tested positive are lies promoted by those who love controlling the dumbed down American masses who haven’t been taught the Constitution and their God given rights in more than six decades. The CDC has confessed to lying about the Covid death counts.

We know that hospitals make more money when people are diagnosed with Covid, so even if they had comorbidities of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc., or if they died in an accident, if they had tested positive, their death certificates recorded Covid.  No one seems to die of flu anymore…everything is Covid.

Killing the Elderly

Several democratic state governors have sent Covid patients to senior care facilities which has exponentially raised the death rates of the virus, and witnesses in New York City are convinced Cuomo is intentionally hiding the actual number of deaths.  These residents make up only six percent of the nation’s population, but they count for 42 percent of nationwide deaths.  There were 6,600 deaths in Pennsylvania, but 4,500 or 70 percent were in nursing or senior care facilities.

Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry is pushing for a further probe of deadly nursing home orders.  He believes the numbers are far higher than reported.  He says the State Attorney General is now threatening to prosecute the nursing homes for murder.  Perry has sent a letter to AG’s in four other states, including Pennsylvania demanding an investigation.  He said the Pennsylvania administration is choosing to blame the nursing homes when they had no choice in the matter.  Watch the three-minute video.

The murder of our weakest elderly Americans was purposely done in at least five democrat run states.

Muzzling Mask Mandates

The Biden-Harris team is saying they’ll have a mask mandate for all of America.  To hell with the Constitution and freedom, they love muzzling the entire nation with face diapers. There are questions every American should be asking about indefinite mask mandates. When governments grab powers, they tend to hang onto them.  Indeed, unless the government is comprised entirely of halfwits, they must realize that the lockdown will have already killed far more than the coronavirus. We have only a handful of constitutional conservatives who actually serve the people.

You have no rights; you only have the responsibility to follow the state’s dictates and wear your mask at all times.  Get on the train, we’re taking you to a work camp.

I’ve had two run-ins with these mask Nazis who believe I could kill them all by not wearing a mask, but if my not wearing a mask can infect those who are wearing a mask, what is their mask doing for them? These people will scream at you from 12 to 15 feet away as though you’re polluting the entire environment.  I’ve stated that I have a medical reason not to wear a mask, but that doesn’t assuage their fears.  My 6’2” husband doesn’t wear a mask either, and when I’m with him, no one says a word, but go out alone and the Nazis feel that a 105-pound woman is fair game.

American people do not venture from their homes without a face diaper that hides who they are. The Associated Press-National Opinion Research Center, (NORC) Center for Public Affairs Research found that 75% of those polled were “strongly” or “somewhat” in favor of requiring people to wear masks in public when around other people. Only 13% of respondents “strongly” or “somewhat” opposed such requirements.Of democrats, 89% said they were “strongly” or “somewhat” in favor while 59% of republicans said the same.  What does that tell you?! Our citizens are willing accomplices in destroying their freedoms.

Mainstream media as well as conservative media are all singing the same song, wear your mask, cover your face, eliminate expressions, smiles, frowns, fear, happiness, look like a Muslim!  It’s patriotic!  The hell it is!  And media fails to give both sides of the issue.  Anyone who fights the mask attacks is silenced by censorship.  We are in a war and most Americans haven’t figured that out yet.  George Orwell said, “Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect, and unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen.”  Our unalienable first amendment has a boot stomping on it.

Only a few will stand against the tyrants.  Only a few know fear is not from the Lord.  Only a few realize what is happening to our nation.  And only a few will refuse to bend their knees to tyranny.

Mandating masks has not kept death rates down anywhere. The 20 U.S. states that have never ordered people to wear face masks indoors and out have dramatically lower COVID-19 death rates than the 30 states that have mandated masks. Most of the no-mask states have COVID-19 death rates below 20 per 100,000 population, and none have a death rate higher than 55. All 13 states that have death rates higher than 55 are states that have required the wearing of masks in all public places. It has not protected them.

Okay, okay…some people should wear masks, masks that will really protect them and their loved ones…because this virus targets the elderly and those with comorbidities.  But get an N95 mask and have it properly fitted and wear it only for short periods.  The paper and homemade masks do nothing and actually can make you sick and that means sick with this Wuhan virus.  Did any of us wear masks in 2009-2010 when so many died of H1N1?  Nope…we never even thought about it, and we never think about it during yearly flu season.  Oh yes, we have vaccines for that, but people still die of the flu every year.

Hello Darkness

In Shirley Edwards’ recent column, she included a four-minute video that was telling as to what we’re facing in America today.  Please watch it!

The visual effects set to the song, Sound of Silence, which starts out, “Hello darkness, my old friend,” are startling in their true portrayal of what is happening to our country and to other so-called free countries.  There are pockets of Americans crying for freedom, but they are only whispers.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources wants its employees to wear masks for meetings that are held on teleconferences from home even when no one else is around.  They said, “Set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others,” he said.  How utterly fatuous are these people?

In Nashville, Tennessee, at a virtual meeting of committees, Nashville Metro Council, at-large member Sharon Hurt addressed some remarks to Mike Jameson, Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s director of legislative affairs.  She suggested that people who refuse to wear masks, be charged with murder or attempted murderLink

Mask Dangers

Not only is there little evidence (if any) to support masking; there are at least seven gold-standard randomized controlled trials showing that muzzling yourself won’t stop the spread of infection.Masks are only really effective if they fit perfectly and if the wearer does not move their head while wearing them. Touching a mask appears to stop the mask providing protection. It has been suggested that you should put on a new mask if you have touched the one you are wearing.  Check out how many times a child touches a mask, not to mention adults.

Wearing masks for extended periods will make us sick and will probably make us more vulnerable to illness. They can damage the immune system. Fear and stress also weaken the immune system.  Forcing masks is partly to dehumanize us and they isolate us from one another.  The government wants us frightened to death and dehumanized for a virus that 97 % to 99.75% of people recover from.  Think about it, bandits and robbers wear masks.  Are we safer wearing masks?  Hardly, but the fear factor has been sold so well that Americans are afraid to hug their friends and family and will run from someone without a face diaper.

Wearing masks can cause a flare up of acne, candida infections around the mouth, candida in the mouth, and dental problems. The new oral hygiene issue, caused by, you guessed it, wearing a mask all the time is leading to all kinds of dental disasters like decaying teeth, receding gum lines and seriously sour breath.

“We’re seeing inflammation in people’s gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them before,” says Dr. Rob Ramondi, a dentist and co-founder of One Manhattan Dental. “About 50% of our patients are being impacted by this, so,we decided to name it ‘mask mouth’ after ‘meth mouth.’”Link

Schools in China are now prohibiting students from wearing masks while exercising. Why? Because it was killing them. It was depriving them of oxygen and that killed them. At least three children died during physical education classes, two of them while running on their school’s track while wearing a mask. And a 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung after running two and a half miles while wearing a mask.

Surgical Masks

Surgical masks are worn to stop bits of food or hair falling from the surgeon or nurse into an open wound. They will stop some bacteria, but will not usually stop viruses.

However, Neil Orr’s study was published in 1981 in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Dr. Orr was a surgeon in the Severalls Surgical Unit in Colchester. And for six months, from March through August 1980, the surgeons and staff in that unit decided to see what would happen if they did not wear masks during surgeries.

They wore no masks for six months, and compared the rate of surgical wound infections from March through August 1980 with the rate of wound infections from March through August of the previous four years. And they discovered, to their amazement, that when nobody wore masks during surgeries, the rate of wound infections was less than half what it was when everyone wore masks. Their conclusion: “It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all” and that wearing a mask during surgery “is a standard procedure that could be abandoned.”

There is no medical evidence that masks do any good but there is very real evidence that they can do harm. The death rate from the Covid-19 bug has fallen considerably in recent weeks; most of the really vulnerable people have already died. The authorities have successfully cleaned out eldercare homes and exterminated a good chunk of the population receiving social security and Medicare. I wonder how much that has saved the treasury?

Other Mask Risks

A report published in the British Medical Journal summarized some other risks.

First, when you wear a face mask some of the air you breathe out goes into your eyes. This can be annoying and uncomfortable and if, as a result, you touch your eyes you may infect yourself.  And get them off the children who touch them all the time!  My God, have parents gone insane?!

Second, face masks make breathing more difficult and, as I have pointed out in previous articles, anyone who has a breathing problem will find that a mask makes it worse. Also, some of the carbon dioxide which is breathed out with each exhalation is then breathed in because it is trapped. Together these factors may mean that the mask wearer may breathe more frequently or more deeply and if that happens then someone who has the coronavirus may end up breathing more of the virus into their lungs. If a mask is contaminated because it has been worn for too long then the risks are even greater. How long is too long? No one knows. No research has been done as far as I know.

Third, there is a risk that the accumulation of the virus in the fabric of the mask may increase the amount of the virus being breathed in, especially if the mask is reused. This might then defeat the body’s immune response and cause an increase in infections, other infections, not just the coronavirus.

Another report, written with medical authority by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon, offers even more problems with masks.


If masks work so well, why didn’t they give them to all the prisoners instead of letting them out into the public to rape, rob, murder, etc.?  They have no answer for that question.  There really is no medical evidence that masks help, but there is evidence that they harm.

The lockdown is now killing so many people that even if the number dying from the bug were to double in the next month the total would still not come anywhere near to the total who die every year from the flu, when you add on the number who have died because of the lockdown.Mental illnesses, anxiety and depression, will be the new pandemics. The government admits that the number dying from the ordinary flu has fallen, what a surprise that is, but they cannot tell us how many have committed suicide since we were all put under house arrest.

American citizens do not realize that Covid-19 is psychological warfare.  We are now frozen in fear of a virus that has proven to be no more of a killer than the pretty standard yearly flu virus.  Fear is the factor, and fear is not from the Lord God Almighty.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Kamala Harris Covered-Up Sex Crimes by Pedophile Priests

By Cliff Kincaid

With the Catholic Church seen by some as a criminal enterprise that covered-up sex crimes by pedophile priests, the issue of whether there should be a Department of Justice investigation into allegations of Catholic clerical sex abuse has achieved national attention. But one of the members of the new Democratic Party “Coalition of Conscience,” just created to capture the White House, had no conscience on the matter of justice for victims of Catholic priest sex abuse crimes. Her name is Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ vice-presidential candidate.

Harris for years claimed to be a fighter for “justice for survivors of sexual assault, sex abuse, and rape.” But as district attorney in San Francisco and California Attorney General, Harris never prosecuted any pedophile priest, despite hundreds of potential cases and demands for justice from victims.

Joey Piscitelli, a victim of one of those pedophile priests, told me, “My opinion of Kamala Harris’s ‘Coalition of Conscience’ is that it obviously excludes caring about rape victims of clergy.”

Elizabeth Yore, an international child advocate attorney, says, “Kamala Harris joins the ranks of many big city power hungry prosecutors who placed their own political interests ahead of child victims. Harris cannot claim that she is a warrior for child abuse victims. She chose to side with the powerful Catholic institutions over the suffering children. This is her legacy and those of us who fight for children are not going to let the American public forget that Kamala Harris protected predators at the expense of young vulnerable victims.”

Claiming to be concerned about the problem of pedophile priests and cover-ups through the Catholic bureaucracies across the U.S., the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops authorized a study that was issued in 2004. Estimates are that the sex abuse scandal has cost the church as much as $4 billion in financial settlements to victims.

Harris appears to have a two-faced approach to the Catholic Church – one of scorn toward ordinary Catholics who follow traditional church teachings, such as opposition to abortion, and the other of deference to officials of the hierarchy who get caught in cover-ups of sexual abuse of children in Catholic institutions.

Citing Senator Harris’s treatment of now-U.S. District Judge Brian Buescher during his Senate confirmation hearing, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calls Harris “the most openly anti-Catholic bigot to be on a national ticket in modern times.” She questioned how he could belong to the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization of almost 2 million practicing Catholic men that is known for its pro-life activities.

On the other hand, her failure to prosecute pedophile priests indicates a deference to the Catholic hierarchy, perhaps stemming from dependence on political campaign donations from lawyers and law firms representing the Catholic Church in sex abuse and other cases.

Harris is a non-Catholic who attended a Baptist Church and Hindu Temple growing up. Her running mate, presidential candidate Joe Biden, is a Catholic who has been accused of sexually assaulting former employee Tara Reade and was denied communion over his pro-abortion stance.

After Biden picked Harris as his running mate, outlets on the right and left have seized upon the documented fact that Kamala Harris’s record as a prosecutor included bowing down to the Catholic hierarchy in California that was determined to protect pedophile priests.

Joey Piscitelli, a Catholic from birth until he was molested by a priest at Salesian High School in Richmond, California, filed suit and received $650,000 awarded by a jury on June 26, 2006.The Catholic Church appealed the verdict and lost.

In a statement to this columnist, Piscitelli cited the facts of his case, saying, “in 2003 I sued the Salesian Order of San Francisco, and Fr. Stephen Whelan, a San Francisco priest, for child molestation, which occurred when I was a kid.Shortly before that, I visited the office of the San Francisco district attorney (DA), who was Terence Hallinan. Hallinan’s team had investigated the Diocese of San Francisco, and had accumulated thousands of documents (files) that they were going to use to prosecute clergy sex molesters and rapists, name those predators, and take action against the diocese for enabling sex abusers for decades.”

However, things changed when Kamala Harris beat Hallinan in the race for DA in late 2003, and she became the new DA in 2004. “Her office then had the files,” he noted. “I wrote Kamala Harris and told her that the rapist who molested me was the current Pastor at a cathedral (Saints Peter and Paul) in San Francisco, in 2003, and I was suing him.I asked her if she had files on him. She ignored me. She ignored everybody who asked her what she was going to do with the files.”

Piscitelli said that he personally protested at her office several times, and passed out flyers condemning her for her inaction about clergy abusers. He added, “I also protested and did events as a SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) leader in San Francisco for years concerning Harris, and her horrendous behavior.”

He explained, “Several newspapers and media reps asked for the files, and petitioned for copies from the court she refused to take any action against any clergy abusers and the diocese of San Francisco for years.” Harris responded to the San Francisco Weekly that she would not release the files, because she was “protecting the victims.”

But Piscitelli explained that when files are released concerning child molestation, the names of the underaged victims are always blacked out, so that the names are not seen by anybody. Only the clergy abusers’ names would be on the files for everybody to see.

“So Kamala Harris is not protecting victims,” he said. “She was protecting and shielding rapists, child molesters, and the Diocese who enabled them.”

Her refusal to prosecute pedophile priests occurred during the time that Harris was the top prosecutor for San Francisco, for approximately 7 years, and during the time she was California State Attorney General, for approximately another 7 years.

“During that tenure,” he said, “she has never prosecuted not even one clergy molester. There are thousands of clergy molestation victims in California. As victims of clergy abuse, we relied upon her as the top prosecutor in California for 14 years, to get us justice, and she betrayed us.”

Asked why Joe Biden would pick here as a running mate, he said, “I imagine that the clergy abuse crisis is not at the top of their priority list.”

It appears Harris was nominated as the vice-presidential candidate because Biden had announced earlier that he would nominate a woman of color to be his running mate.

“I have accumulated a list of 18 accused child molesters who have been placed at one time or another at Salesian High School in Richmond,” he said. “Most were sued, some were convicted.”

CNN, a news agency enthusiastic about the Biden-Harris ticket, confirmed in a major 2019 investigative report that pedophile priests operated at the school for years, and that Piscitelli was one of the victims.

In terms of the personal cost, he said, “I was a devout Catholic until I was sexually abused by a Catholic priest. Shortly after the abuse incidents – there were many – I abandoned Catholicism forever.” He said he turned to earth-centered paganism as an alternative, but now says “I have no religion. The molesters and rapists at my school annihilated that for me.”

In contrast to Kamala Harris doing absolutely nothing about clergy abusers in California, the next Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, moved aggressively. “I met with Becerra’s team in November 2019, along with other SNAP members about clergy abusers in California,” he said. Shortly after that, he said, Becerra opened up a statewide investigation into clergy abuse in all Dioceses in California , and established an abuse forum on his State of California web page, where victims and concerned citizens can make complaints and offer information online. In addition to that, Becerra ordered the Dioceses NOT to destroy their own clergy abuse files, and to keep and send the files to his office for investigation.

In contrast, the files in the possession of former Attorney General and DA Kamala Harris never surfaced. Reports indicate that San Francisco remains one of the last archdioceses in the nation to provide a list of pedophile priest abusers.

While some Catholic dioceses are going bankrupt, in part because of financial settlements to sexual abuse victims, the U.S. Roman Catholic Church received billions of taxpayer dollars through the coronavirus Paycheck Protection Program designed to help businesses with forgivable loans survive the economic shutdown.

Instead of providing tax dollars to such an institution, there is growing sentiment that the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), a federal law intended to combat organized crime in the U.S., should be used to investigate the U.S. Catholic Church.

The issue is one that the Democratic ticket of Biden-Harris and the Republican ticket of Trump-Pence should not be allowed to avoid.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

  • Cliff Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc. usasurvival.org

Biden: What Was His End-Game Goal?

By:  Devvy

When Joe Biden announced in late April 2019 he was going to run for president, I thought, why?  Surely, he doesn’t need the money.  He had already run for president twice with both efforts ending in disaster.  First for plagiarism and the second time up against Hildebeast Clinton who usurped the office of Secretary of State [1][2] and criminal imposter “president” Hussein Obama who committed several felonies to steal the WH.

Having been in the political cesspool for over four decades and a staple in bars around the country with old Joe being the butt of jokes for a myriad of reasons, why would he run?

I believe the same reason Hillary Rodham Clinton ran in 2016:  To make sure his criminal enterprises never see the light of day and to protect his son, Hunter Biden.

Many have bet the farm Clinton will end up replacing Biden for medical reasons.  Hildebeast Clinton is political Kryptonite.  It has been whispered by heavy hitters in the Democrat/Communist Party USA, they only want that old shrew to shut her mouth and go away – especially in light of all that’s come out since the Russia Gate ‘soft coup’ attempt to remove a legitimately elected president. President Obama and His VP Biden Were Involved in the Coup Against President Trump – General Flynn Was a Target – The MSM Is Covering It Up

Hildebeast thought the infamous Steele Dossier which has been totally discredited, would heavily contribute to keep Trump from winning in 2016, bought and paid for by her and the DNC.  Clinton had good reason to fear Trump because if he won, all the planning and law breaking (FISA warrants and targeting innocents like Gen. Michael Flynn, Carter Page, Roger Stone and many others) could put that career criminal in jeopardy.

She shouldn’t have worried over much.  Despite evidence equal to the Swiss Alps, Hillary the crook has never been charged.  And so far, only one low level indictment and plea from an ex-FBI agent has resulted from the Durham investigation.  Of course, we don’t know if he sang any songs for Durham’s prosecutors who cut his deal. Is Former FBI Assistant Director Bill Priestap Next To Be Brought To Justice? Here Is A Review of His Many Corrupt and Criminal Acts

Nothing has been done about Clinton, her emails, the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play or Uranium One.[3][4]  Why?  The DNC’s prostitute media has protected Bill & Hill, the Obama’s and all the corruption that’s been exposed over the past few years.  Now they’re out to protect Biden and his VP pick, Kamala Harris.

I dare say when Biden announced his VP pick was Harris, it truly did shock a whole lot of Americans including the DNC’s media aka “mainstream media”.  Having boxed himself in as far as picking a candidate with female plumbing, Biden also HAD to put a token ‘person of color’ on his ticket.

Black male leaders warn Biden ‘will lose’ election if he doesn’t name Black female running mate  (Martin Luther King must be spinning in his grave.)

Experience and character are no longer a requirement for the office of vice-president.  Only a pair of mammary glands, a vagina and skin other than white qualifies an individual.

Enter Kamala Harris and all her baggage. Harris is an anti-Catholic bigot so it makes me wonder why she would protect sexual deviant priests?  Survivors: Kamala Harris ‘Chose Not to Prosecute a Single Abusive Priest’  – Perhaps it’s because she supports the filthy, dirty, immoral life styles preferred by homosexuals and lesbians. (Remember sexual preference preceded the PC re-branding, sexual orientation.)

Schweizer: Harris Engaged in ‘a Massive Cover-Up’ of Alleged Clergy Sex Abuse “…Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer stated that 2020 Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) engaged in a “massive cover-up” of alleged sexual abuse against Catholic priests.   He explained that many “law firms and lawyers and people connected to the church hierarchy” financed the Harris campaign.”

Here’s Why Sen. Kamala Harris Held Up An Attempt To Rescue A Struggling Catholic Hospital:  “Prime Healthcare Services sued Harris for supposedly imposing strict conditions on the sale of the Daughters of Charity Health System in exchange for millions of dollars in contributions.

“Prime scuttled the deal and claimed in the 2015 lawsuit that executives at Daughters told the company that Harris would block the sale if Prime did not agree to unionize Daughter’s network of six hospitals. The lawsuit alleges Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West (SEIU-UHW) in return promised to support Harris with $25 million in contributions.”

Catholic Leader: Kamala Harris ‘Ringleader of the Anti-Catholic Bullying’ in Democrat Party

Voters should remember the disgraceful confirmation hearings for Brent Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Harris was like an unleashed rabid dog.  I was not surprised.  Kavanaugh is Irish Catholic. Kamala Harris Led Smear Campaign Against Brett Kavanaugh

Mandatory for Democrat candidates and incumbents:  You must endorse murdering unborn babies in the womb.  No problem for Kamala Harris who claims to be a Christian.  Kamala Harris Tried to Put Pro-Lifers in Jail Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts

Like Hildebeast Clinton, Harris is known for being a very nasty person and not well liked it seems by anyone who has worked for her or come in contact with Harris.  She dropped out of the race for president last December; not even her home state of California wanted her as a candidate. Kamala Harris Failed Campaign Still Owes $1.1 Million to Vendors

Harris supports illegal sanctuary cities and compared ICE (the people whose job is to enforce our immigration laws) to the KKK.

Why Kamala Harris VP pick could cost Biden the election– “She has a long, well-documented record of political opportunism and grandstanding, going all the way back to her days in San Francisco.

“According to an SF Weekly report from 2009, “The cops, in turn, argue that District Attorney Kamala Harris, a striver and candidate for Attorney General, is loath to take difficult cases lest she blemish her political future with an embarrassing loss.”

“But worst of all, Harris has in recent years adopted increasingly more radical policy positions, frequently aligning herself with socialist politicians like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.”  Harris would sell her own mother for a vote.

Why Did Biden Pick Kamala? Follow the Money

The MSM co-enablers now out to protect Harris made a statement I found incredulous:  Internal Documents Circulated To DNC Delegates Hint At Why Biden Picked Harris – “Senator Harris enjoys especially high popularity among suburban women, who constitute one of the most important swing constituencies in the country, and may well determine the outcome in every major swing state,” one bullet point reads.”

Who believes such drivel? Harris’ big numbers with voters in the primaries was 5%. “Coupled with fundraising, her central struggle appears to be a lack of consistent connection with voters.” The only thing that’s changed now is the DNC’s media promoting her on the ticket as “a historical event” based on her skin color which may backfire on them.  Rasmussen: 1 in 3 black voters ‘less likely’ to support Biden with Harris as VP!

Harris “identifies” as African-American.  Her mother was born in India, her father in Jamaica.  Last time I looked, neither India or Jamaica are located on the continent of Africa.

It is alleged (I haven’t had a chance to really look at her ineligibility) neither of her parents were U.S. citizens at the time of her birth making her, like Obama, Rubio, McCain, Jindal and Cruz, ineligible to be president or vice-president.  A VP is one heartbeat away from the presidency and therefore, has to qualify under the natural born citizenship requirement in the U.S. Constitution.

WH Chief of Staff (Mark) Meadows says Harris is eligible to be vice president, pushing back on birther claims – Yeah, well, I doubt Meadows knows anything about the history of ‘natural born citizen’.  Can’t re-open that can of worms so close to the election.

Due to her sleeping her way up the political ladder (I wonder if she ever auditioned on Harvey Weinstein’s couch?) Harris has drawn the scorn of a whole lot of people.  An NBA photographer was fired for posting a meme to his Facebook which he claims does not reflect his personal opinion. (Here’s a hint:  Stop posting stuff on social media you’ll regret.) The meme:  Joe & the Ho.

I think it sums up Harris quite accurately.  Actually, it provides fodder for a PAC TV ad listing some of Kamala’s stand on issues and then showing a male in bed, exposed chest with sheet covering to the waist holding a placard which reads:  Next Calif AG Apply Here.  (She was the Attorney General in California.)  The DNC’s MSM would never allow it to be aired but there’s always the Internet!

I believe Harris is hopeful she can back door her way into the presidency.  Biden is an old man with advanced dementia being used to further the goals of those who wish to destroy America.  Harris could care less.  She’d sell her own mother to become president.

Getting back to Joe Biden.  Zack Strong did a superb job in his recent column on Biden.  Well worth reading.  Biden – Unfit for the Presidency

Another huge warning sign Americans had better not ignore: Joe Biden Supports ‘Enforcing Sharia Law’ in America, Expert Warns

Biden claims to be Catholic but he is not.  Biden supports sexual deviants (homosexuals and lesbians) and abortion.  No true Catholic could ever vote for him or Christians of other denominations who believe the KJV of the Holy Bible is God’s words and His commands which we are to follow and live by. Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Uses “Believers for Biden” to Dupe Christians Into Voting for Him

Biden is a sexual predator.  Make no mistake about that. There are too many instances of him pawing little girls and young teens in a sexual manner that cannot be excused away. He also targets grown women.  As far as we know, serial adulterer, Bill Clinton, limited his victims from barely legal but less than middle-age.

The Real Kamala Harris – “Kamala Harris also believes Biden is a sexual predator, saying we should believe his accusers, even staffer Tara Reade, who has credibly accused him of sexual assault. Reade certainly brings more evidence to the table than Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, whom Harris viciously attacked in one of the most unhinged attempts at character assassination we have ever seen…

“All Trump has to do is take clips from their debate exchanges and attacks on Biden from Kamala’s interviews and append the tag line, “I’m Donald J. Trump and I approve her message.”

“Harris’ well-rehearsed attack on Joe Biden that nearly derailed his candidacy during the clown-car Democratic presidential debates should have come as no surprise to those who have watched her rise to political prominence. Never mind its relevance or accuracy. For Harris, the ends always justify the means.”

Now, Biden’s problems with his son, Hunter Biden, came long before his run against Trump.  Hunter Biden scandals explained: Ukraine, China, drug history and more – “Tom Brokaw calling out Joe-Hunter Biden’s corruption in 2008: “Wasn’t it inappropriate for someone like you in the middle of all this to have your son collecting money from this big credit card company while you were on the floor protecting its interests?”

Like the Clintons, Biden is a life-long white-collar criminal.  Americans who followed the disgraceful attempt to impeach President Trump have been given a real education on just how corrupt the ‘swamp’ is out in Foggy Bottom.  While all the dirty dealing and endless lies about how Trump colluded with the Russians was being peddled, what got injected was Joe Biden and his son, Hunter and their business deals with Ukraine and China.

Joe Biden’s 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived by John Solomon – His investigative work is accurate and backed by facts despite attempts to besmirch and destroy his reputation.

Uh, oh.  There’s no question Biden paid a bribe to Ukrainian officials to close an investigation into his son’s business dealings over there.  From Solomon’s column:  “In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.”

I believe as I wrote at the beginning, Joe’s run for the WH is to protect his son, Hunter and himself.  For all his career of white-collar crimes, I do believe Biden loves his son and will do anything to protect him.  Especially after his other son, Beau, died five years ago.  It’s not likely Biden will ever face a jury simply because of his age and dementia.  His son, though, is a different story.  I also believe if Trump is reelected and the U.S. House takes the majority, Joe’s headache will not go away.  READ: Biden’s Ukraine Problem Isn’t Going Away

“The public is mostly unaware that a key motive behind the Democrats’ impeachment effort was to criminalize any interest in the Biden family’s shady dealings with the persistently corrupt country of Ukraine. As damaging news coverage of Hunter Biden’s multimillion dollar gig with Burisma, the troubled Ukrainian energy company, escalated in the fall of 2019 and threatened to derail Joe Biden’s third run for the presidency, the Biden campaign declared open season on journalists.”

Biden, at least during his lucid moments, knows this and so does his wife who is guilty of elder abuse.  Jill Biden should be ashamed of herself but I suppose protecting her son, Hunter, is more important than getting her husband into a nursing home or hire full time nurses for him at home.

As the article above so correctly demonstrates, Biden’s mouthpieces and the prostitute media are doing everything they can do discredit current efforts underway to further expose not just Biden but other big Democrat names like John Kerry.

This 1:14 minute video should frighten anyone voting for Biden.  He’s not just unfit to be president because he’s corrupt, imagine this man in meetings dealing with our national security and heads of state from other countries.

Trump and Biden are scheduled for a live debate in person with no audience;  here’s the schedule.

The only way to keep Biden from drifting off into LaLa Land would be to leak debate questions and then have him read the answers on a teleprompter which would absolutely kill his chances or cheat.  Cheat by wearing an ear plug with someone feeding him responses back to Trump.  Won’t help much as Trump will (hopefully) be polite as he devours him.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign – They knew Hildebeast Clinton has severe medical problems so they cheated.  It’s what Democrats do.

The fight is going to get even dirtier as their game plan, just like Russia Gate, blows up in their faces.

[I hope you can listen to my Devvy’s Commentary audio recordings; here on front page of NWVs.  I will be doing them on a regular basis so if you’re signed up for free email alerts from NWVs, you’ll get notification when one is published.]

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


[1]  Hillary Clinton Usurped Office of Secretary of State – Mine
[2]  Rodearmel v Clinton (usurper) case dismissed
[3]  FBI Informant in UraniumGate Case: Moscow Funneled Millions to Benefit Clinton Foundation
[4]  Not only the Clintons are implicated in a uranium deal with the Russians that compromised national-security interests.

Bottled Lightning: Skin Your Knees On Eternity

Frosty Wooldridge

At the beginning of my presentations on “How to Live a Life of Adventure” at high schools, colleges, civic clubs and church groups, my first words exclaim, “I live a spectacular life!”

(Sometimes, you must express that “bottled lightning” with a kiss, a sport, a dance, a job, a moment, or anything in your day to live a spectacular life.)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

After the audience digests such brash words, I invite each person to repeat for himself or herself, “I live a spectacular life!”

They repeat the words, but with unease, consternation and even trepidation.  It’s a bit difficult to make a bold statement on how you live your life should you be living a dull life, average existence and even, a difficult life.  You may face challenges that seem to consume, daunt and defeat you.

So, how do you bottle your internal lightning energy?  How do you go out into life to skin your knees in the face of eternity?

First, your 80 years on this planet constitute your personal eternity.  That means you choose what happens, how it happens and for how long.  You choose to learn as much as you can during your schooling.  You choose to care for your body-temple by your actions or inactions.  You choose to eat, drink and nourish your being with healthy foods and fellowship of friends. You choose to fill your spirit with your own options of connection to the natural world.

Second, harness your youthful exuberance not only in your teen years, but choose to maintain your energies throughout your entire life.  It’s been said, “Life deals you high and low cards, but you play with the hand you’re dealt.  You can bluff your way through or you can play it straight. Either way, you win or lose on your chosen merits, talents, skills, education and actions.

Third, choose your words and thoughts wisely.  Choose your friends with care.  Hang with others that carry their own “bottled lightning.”  For starters, what defines bottled lightning?

Think of the energy that explodes through your body when you work on a project that you love.  It may be working on your car, creating a bookshelf in a woodcraft class, writing a poem or volunteering at a homeless shelter. It might encompass a math class, sports of all kinds, dancing or yoga.  It may be a novel or a Shakespearean play.

Include its concepts into your inner passions, drive and creative living.  You may choose that “bottled lightning” drive throughout your life. Once you feel it, you know it. Once you know it, you own it.  From that point onward, apply it to your work, play and quiet times.

For example: this past spring, I carried my passion for long distance bicycle travel along the West Coast of America. I pedaled nearly 2,000 miles from Canada to Mexico.  Each day, I pedaled up hills and coasted down hills. I traveled through sunshine and rainstorms. I pushed into headwinds and enjoyed tailwinds.  I witnessed stunning sunrises and sunsets.  I met fantastic people and several “otherwise” people.  Each day, I expected great moments.

At one point on the Big Sur south of San Francisco, known for its incredibly rugged mountainous cliffs that tower over the crashing surf—I stopped at a vista point overlooking a lagoon 150 feet below me.  Another traveler yelled out, “They’re spouting!”  I looked down to see a 30-ton Gray whale surface for air.  For an added treat, a calf spouted right alongside its mother.  I snapped several pictures as they played between the seaweed and waves rolling in from the wide Pacific Ocean.

I muttered to myself, “Spectacular!”  Indeed, at that moment, I lived a spectacular life because I took a chance. I pedaled my bike down the West Coast.  I opened myself up to the energies of the universe.  Do you think it’s easy to pedal a bike across a continent?  Is it a cakewalk to ride in a rainstorm?   Answer: a cyclist faces every kind of challenge you can imagine, just like your own life  with your challenges.

In the same high vibrational frequencies, you enjoy the same possibilities in your spectacular life.  It might be travel or raising a child. It might be your Zumba Dance Class or playing the piano.  Discover your “bottled lightning” in your pursuit of happiness.

Now, repeat after me with certitude, enthusiasm and genuine confidence, “I live a spectacular life!”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Perishing For Lack of Knowledge

Rob Pue

Are you aware of what’s been going on in the world lately?  How well do you follow current world events?  I assume, since you’re either listening to this by radio or reading this in print, that you are already well informed, much more so than the average person.  But I’d like to begin today with some news briefs regarding things that have taken place just recently, and just see if you’ve heard of these things.

Just as a reference point, as I prepare this message we’re nearing the middle of August, 2020.   Let’s start with Los Angeles, where the mayor there, Eric Garcetti announced on August 6th that he ordered the LA Department of Water and Power to cut off the water and electricity to any homes, venues or businesses in violation of COVID-19 “safety measures.”  This will potentially put thousands of people in serious danger.  We’re no longer just talking about a fine for not wearing a mask; now, if you disobey the mayor’s edict, you’ll find yourself with no water for drinking, cooking and sanitation purposes and no electricity to run home appliances or medical devices.

And I wonder if you’ve heard the name Susan Rosenburg.  In the 1970s and ‘80s, Rosenburg was active in the far-left revolutionary terrorist May 19th Communist Organization.  This group’s goal was to “openly advocate for the overthrow of the US government through armed struggle and the use of violence.”  This organization supported the Black Liberation Army and was involved in armored truck robberies as well as bombings of government buildings.  Rosenburg was arrested in 1984 while in possession of a large cache of explosives and firearms.  She was sentenced to 58 years in prison, but her sentence was commuted by Bill Clinton on January 20, 2001 — his final day in office.

Why is this important today?  Because today, she’s the vice chair on the Board of Directors of an organization known as the “Thousand Currents.”  This is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that serves as one of the fundraising arms of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.  I’ve spoken before regarding the Socialist/Communist/Marxist roots of Black Lives Matter.  (Few believe me, by the way, because they refuse to do ANY amount of simple research on BLM for themselves).  And now we’ve discovered that another one of the key players in this plot of overthrow America is a convicted domestic terrorist.  Were you aware of that?  And interestingly, since this information was discovered, the entire list of Thousand Currents’ Board of Directors has been deleted from their website.

In Chicago this past weekend, there was more looting, violence and devastation.  This time on Michigan Avenue, along the Magnificent Mile, State Street and parts of the Gold Coast neighborhood, South Loop and Near North sides of the city.  Thousands of people  were involved in breaking windows, looting stores and causing widespread devastation.

Chicago Police superintendent David Brown said, “Criminals took to the streets with the confidence that there would be no consequences for their actions.”  But while more than 400 officers were deployed, only about 100 of these thugs were arrested.  According to ABC 7 Chicago News, witnesses described the vandalism as a “coordinated effort,” with multiple cars dropping off groups of people, who then would smash-and-grab merchandise from stores, and take off running in opposite directions before police could respond.  This sounds like another coordinated attack by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.  A curfew is now in effect in Chicago from 8 pm – 6 am.

And here’s a report from Australia.  In a Facebook post a resident there stated, “I am currently living under this communist rule here in Victoria, Australia.  We have Stage 4 restrictions.  We cannot leave our homes for more than one hour of exercise a day.  Only one person to the supermarket a day.  We have meat and food shortages.  ALL businesses have been closed.  You need papers to travel and attend essential work.  You need to pass through multiple police check points to go anywhere and you must produce your ‘papers’ to police.  We are not allowed more than 5km from our homes and we have a curfew from 8 pm – 5 am.  $100,000 fines for anyone breaching these rules, per person!  We have the army and police going door to door checking our homes.  We need help!”

No doubt you’ve heard about America’s Frontline Doctors — or perhaps you were among the millions of viewers of their press conference, before social media censored it, search engines scrubbed it, and the mainstream press debunked it.  If you’re not aware, about ten doctors from around the country held a press conference on July 27th — these are actual doctors, working with actual patients, and they stated emphatically that there is a CURE for the coronavirus:  Hydroxychloroquine (a medicine that’s been proven to be safe and effective and is sold over the counter in most countries), Zithromycin and Zinc.  One physician, Dr. Stella Immanuel of Houston, stated she personally treated more than 350 patients with this regimen and every one of them recovered quickly.  However, social media, government and health officials and the mainstream news media could not squash this information fast enough.  Some governors quickly moved to ban the prescribing of Hydroxychloroquine by doctors and the dispensing of the drug by pharmacists.

The “Frontline Doctors” have stated that Hydroxychloroquine is safer than Tylenol and is taken regularly in some countries to avoid getting Malaria.  It’s been prescribed for decades, often used “off label” for a number of maladies and was shown to be effective in the treatment of SARS in 2005.  At least one of the doctors, Simone Gold, was fired from her hospital position for coming out and speaking in favor of this treatment, even though the treatment worked for all of HER COVID patients as well.  Still, all we hear about is the Bill Gates Vaccine, coming soon, on the fast track, to be deployed by the US Military “very very quickly,” said Donald Trump, who has already ordered 300 million doses.  And Gates has stated it will likely take MORE than one vaccine to put a stop to COVID.  I wonder, when did this billionaire computer tycoon, who can’t even keep his Windows operating systems from contracting serious viral infections become a licensed doctor?  And why are we being FORCED to listen to HIM rather than real doctors working with real patients on the front lines?  If you don’t think we’re being FORCED to listen to Gates and NOT ALLOWED to hear from real doctors, then you are willfully ignorant.

Incidentally, “COVID” is said to be an acronym for “Corona Virus Disease.”  I’m just wondering aloud here… but could it possibly be better described as “Certificate of Vaccination ID?”  Very likely.

And in New York City, mayor Bill deBlasio announced on August 5th that checkpoints will be set up at major entrances to the city to screen for out-of-state travelers who may be violating quarantine rules.  Right now, citizens of 35 states are required to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in New York.  Anyone flying into or through the state must fill out a form stating their destination or receive a $2,000 fine.

Meanwhile, as more and more Americans are buying firearms for the first time right now, ammunition is nearly impossible to find.  Gun sales are up 150% over last year, but most stores nationwide are out of ammunition.  When asked when they will be getting more in, the frustrated owners simply tell you, “no idea… it could be a week, it could be six months.  It could be never.”

Now let’s look at what’s happening in Washington DC.  Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar recently stated that the American economy and political systems need to be dismantled.  Yes, she said that… they’re no longer even trying to hide their true intentions.  This Islamic representative from Minnesota said“We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression.”  Incidentally, there is very strong evidence that Omar entered the US illegally, married her brother in order to qualify for citizenship and she’s also been accused of illegally accepting free college tuition under false pretenses.  There is strong evidence against her, yet no formal investigation or charges have ever been brought.

On August 9th, there was a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Northwest North Carolina.  This was the largest quake to hit the area since 1916.  Is the earth groaning under it’s burden of sin?

And even as the actual number of cases of COVID continue to decline, more and more states are enacting even more drastic measures to lock us all down again.  Mandatory masking is nearly everywhere, nationwide now, and state and county health departments are aggressively hiring “contact tracers,” even as they set up “snitch hotlines” to report people not obeying the mask or “social distancing” rules.

Columnist Todd Starnes has reported from Vermont that the Mill River Unified Union School District there has directed EVERY principal to hoist “Black Lives Matter” and LGBT “pride” flags over EVERY school building.  The school district made the decision after a single student — one student — requested that the flags be flown.

And schools in Madison, Wisconsin have decided to adopt a policy that allows children with so-called “gender dysphoria” to secretly “transition” at school behind their parents’ backs.  Under the new policy, teachers are prohibited from informing parents if their child  chooses to adopt a new name or pronouns or chooses to use restrooms or locker rooms for members of the opposite sex.  I dare say it’s a good thing if public schools and colleges remain closed indefinitely.  Perhaps the parents will have more of a role — and learn something themselves — by being more involved with the education of their children.

And finally, a columnist for the New York Times recently reported that democrats are strategizing for a full “West-coast secession” and potential “civil war” as they contemplate their next move in case they lose the November election.  Ben Smith reports that “Democrats have role-played a ‘war game’ in which they considered different possible outcomes to a close election.” 

Now, I could certainly go on.  I could talk about the Bank of England shutting down temporarily recently, or the fake “coin shortage” here in America.  I could talk more about the crimes of Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and the communist Left.  I could cite more statistics showing the “virus” never did actually rise to the level of a “pandemic” here in America — or for that matter in many places, yet one only need look outside to see we seem to be living in the Twilight Zone.  People everywhere wearing masks, in 90 degree heat, walking their dogs, alone, outdoors in the sunshine.  Or wearing the equivalent of “Haz-mat” suits while driving their cars.  I could cite countless incidents of violence erupting in stores and shopping centers as the mask-wearers attack those who refuse to conform.  I could tell you things that would shock and frighten you — and rightfully so — because of the loss of our freedom to worship, to travel freely, to conduct business, to buy and sell, to raise our own children as we see fit.  And more.

But I’m quickly running out of time.  Perhaps we all are.  I wanted to mention the stories above because unless you ARE well informed — about what’s REALLY going on in the world, not just what the mainstream media LET’S you see — then you probably did NOT know most of what I just shared.

Sadly, this is especially true of the modern American church-goer.  I’d venture to guess that you haven’t heard about ANY of these things from your pastors.  I’d also venture to guess that your pastors most likely know even less than anyone.  They simply do not care.

And therein lies the problem.  I was speaking with some very devout church-goers recently when a news story about Ghislane Maxwell came up.  “Who?”  “What?” they wondered…  I explained that she is the “madame” of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, that was arrested for trafficking young children to be used for sexual perversion by the rich and famous and powerful.  “Oh, that…” they said.  They didn’t care to hear any more.  They’d heard SOMETHING about it, but it was just too distasteful to think about.

This is just one example, but it’s very telling because it demonstrates just exactly HOW we’ve ended up in the place we find ourselves now, on the very brink of America becoming a communist nation.  I told you what’s happening in Australia.  They’re a bit ahead of us, and China is quite a ways ahead of them — do you wonder why?   Simply because they abandoned their role as Salt and Light CHRIST-FOLLOWERS before we did.  But we’re not that far behind…

It disgusts me that professing Christians know SO VERY LITTLE about what’s really happening in the world.  We’re in a spiritual battle for hearts, minds and souls — a battle being waged in the heavenlies, but played out in flesh and blood here on earth.  Those of us who name the name of Christ are supposed to be pushing back against the forces of darkness, and EXPOSING THEM.  Yet we do nothing.  Faith without works is dead.  For too long, Christians have hidden away, and as the enemy has advanced to where we now find ourselves in the Twilight Zone of insanity, our pastors simply advise us to just “sing louder.”  Don’t they?  What was the topic of the sermon in YOUR church last week?  Were ANY of these things mentioned?  Was ANY biblical advice given regarding how we are to respond to all that we see coming upon the world now?  (Other than waiting for the rapture, I mean).  We need to know this stuff — and we need to know the TRUTH about all these things.  We cannot afford to be dumb, blind deceived lemmings any longer.  Sadly, many like it that way.  You know, people really DO perish for lack of knowledge… I’m sounding the warning, just like I’ve been doing for more than two decades.  Will anyone listen NOW?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com and ask for message number 300.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Waking To A Different America

Roger Anghis

Ronald Reagan once said: “Keep voting Democrat and one day they will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history, and restrict your safety.  All in the name of professional victims that don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance.”  Today’s Democrat Party want to limit your free speech, your ability to worship our God, our right to assemble and they have been destroying our history by removing statues of both good and ‘bad’ people and demanding that we disband the police department, ICE, and any other law enforcement agencies we have.  If you follow history at all, this is exactly what happened in Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution and what both Mussolini and Hitler did in Italy and Germany.

They say that those that do not know history are bound to repeat it.  We are seeing that happen in America.  We do not know history because we refuse to teach it in our public schools and places of so-called higher education. I have been around for seven decades and I remember an America where a man’s word meant something.  A handshake was as good as a written contract. You could leave your house for several hours and not worry about locking it up.  That America has died.  What killed it was the indifference of the citizens towards a godly character not only for themselves but for the ‘leaders’ we choose to put in places of authority.  That indifference began in the pulpits of America where fire used to be preached.  That fire included preaching the need to live according to the precepts of God.  Sin became sicknesses.  Self-control was set aside because it offended too many people. Divorce was rare in the church and now the divorce rate is higher in the church than in the world.

There is little left of the America I grew up in.  We used to be able to believe the government was always doing the best for the people.  That’s the way the Founders designed it but it hasn’t been that way for decades now. We all have seen the corruption that has been exposed in the Department of Justice, the CIA, and in both political parties.  Since John Kennedy, we have seen the Democrat Party go full-blown socialist. The Party’s history had a sprinkling of socialist specifically Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  So many of their policies were straight out of the socialist playbook.  Both try to rule as if they were dictators. JFK would be a solid Republican in today’s politics.

The leaders of the Democrat Party today do not even hide what they want to do.  Joe Biden has stated that he will allow open borders: Former Vice President Joe Biden’s national immigration plan includes an effort to provide amnesty to all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States, freeing border-crossers into the country, and restarting welfare-dependent legal immigration that would cost American taxpayers billions.

In a plan released on Wednesday, Biden vows to provide amnesty to every illegal alien currently living in the U.S., as well as end nearly all of President Trump’s cost-saving reforms such as restarting a welfare-dependent immigration pipeline, where legal immigrants are permanently resettled in the country despite immediately needing public assistance.

“Biden will immediately begin working with Congress to modernize our system, with a priority on keeping families together by providing a roadmap to citizenship for nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants,” the outline states.

Aside from mass amnesty, the plan commits to:

  • Releasing all border-crossers into the U.S. interior
  • Restarting welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S.
  • Ending the National Emergency Declaration at the southern border
  • Ending a travel ban from foreign counties that sponsor terrorism
  • Providing amnesty to 3.5 million DACA-enrolled and DACA-eligible illegal aliens
  • Providing federal student loans and free community college to DACA illegal aliens
  • Cracking down on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents[1]

He also plans to stop building the southern wall which has cut drastically where it has been installed: A 20-mile section of new border wall built near El Paso, Texas, cut illegal crossings by more than 80%, the government’s top border official told Congress on Thursday.

Mark Morgan, acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, said the key is not just the border wall but the entire system being built, with roads and lighting and, in some cases, multiple layers of fencing.

He said that’s giving agents more time to get to spots where breakthroughs happen, and when they can respond, they can make arrests or force people to retreat back into Mexico.

“We’ve seen apprehensions and illegal entries and gotaways all being reduced by over 80% in that 20-mile stretch,” Mr. Morgan told the House Appropriations Committee.

President Trump’s wall-building campaign is among the most divisive moves of his administration and has dominated this week’s series of hearings as the Department of Homeland Security officials defend their fiscal 2021 budget proposal.[2]

Of course, that cuts new Democrat voters by 80% as well and that has Democrats in an uproar.

Kamala Harris, Biden’s pic for VP is, I believe, worse than Biden is.  She slept her way into politics with a married man, was a very ineffective prosecutor, a divisive attorney general, and has been a two-faced Senator.  Remember how she treated Brett Kavanaugh in the confirmation hearings?  She has threatened to prosecute, if not worse, Trump’s supporters.  On June 18, 2020, she stated: “And once Trump’s gone and we have gained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because we’ll be coming for you next.  You will feel the vengeance of a nation.  No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation.  For it is you who have betrayed us.” This is how a communist dictator treats his opponents, not the leaders of a free nation.

Biden’s ‘gun czar’ will be Beto O’Roark.  Remember your 2nd Amendment?  Gone!  He declared “Damn right we’re coming for your AR 15s and AK 47s.  Constitutional rights mean nothing to Democrats especially if those rights get in their way of controlling you.  Don’t believe that?  Look how Blue states have handled the plannedemic. Mandatory masks, lockdowns, no church services, or singing if they let you go, only 25% capacity for the church building.  But you can burn and loot businesses because that’s a ‘protected peaceful assembly’.  They’re still calling this the worst ‘pandemic’ since the 1918 Spanish flu.  I guess they forgot about the H1N1 that happened under Obama.  We only have to get another 56 million people infected and raise the mortality rate from .18% to 39.5% to match that one. See the pattern.  See why this is the most important election of our time?  It’s not Republican against Democrat, it’s freedom against tyranny.  Choose wisely.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. Joe Biden’s immigration plan amnesty for illegal aliens free all border crossers into US
  2. Border chief wall cuts illegal crossings 80

Dylan Wheeler, Kamala Harris, and Other Tools in God’s Cache

Ms. Smallback

I never followed Dylan Wheeler of Educating Liberals.  I’m not on Twitter, and to be honest, I don’t really follow anyone.  But his recent turnaround has exposed a lot of things.  Here’s what I’ve learned…

If people are really seeking truth, they won’t be mad at Dylan.  Dylan’s a truth seeker. 

A couple months ago I was evaluating some information in a post when I heard the Spirit speak.  He said, “You can have your facts right and still reach the wrong conclusions.”  I think that’s wisdom we can all learn from.

Dylan has looked at some of the same facts others have and has come to some different conclusions.  [Though I would argue David Armstrong’s recording is not fact.]  So what are we mad at?  That Dylan doesn’t believe like we do?  Uh oh.  Who do we sound like now?

I moderately follow Q and I support POTUS.  But I don’t require that you do to know me or talk with me.  You don’t have to believe like I do.  America is still free for a little longer.

No, in the spirit of truth seeking, people should be allowed to draw their own conclusions from the truths they are finding.  That’s part of the process of learning and growth.  It doesn’t mean they’ve drawn the correct conclusions, but I should be able to allow others that freedom without draconian judgments from me.

Also, it doesn’t mean they won’t change their minds as new data is discovered.  Let’s just say that Dylan reached some wrong conclusions about Q or President Trump.  In the spirit of freedom and truth, what’s the best reaction?  Our reactions say more about us than they do about Dylan.

Do I want intellectual freedom?  Absolutely.  Do I want you to have it?  Or do I only want you to have it if you believe like I do?  For the sake of integrity we should be asking ourselves these questions.

If people are seeking God, they won’t be mad at Dylan.  Dylan is a God-seeker.

Dylan fell under conviction of where his focus should be.  His interpretation and understanding of some scriptures caused him to make some abrupt 180 turns.  He made some very bold statements and followed them up with his actions.  I actually admire that.

In a western society where most of the people I’ve seen under the label of Christian are spineless with little to no practical conviction, I can get behind someone who makes a radical stand for his faith.

I happen to have not reached the same conclusions as Dylan.  My understanding of Scripture and my application of current events toward those Scriptures do not align with Dylan’s.  But I can understand from his explanations why he has reached those conclusions, and he has the freedom to walk out his own faith.

If people believe we should be free to think for ourselves, they won’t be mad at Dylan.  Dylan questions the narrative.

That’s the irony of this whole truther/patriot movement to me.  People have been lied to and deceived for most of their lives.  When we come to the revelation we’ve been deceived, there’s a process we go through to begin to free ourselves from the deceptions we’re in bondage to.  Part of that process is to question everything.  Everything.

Yet in this movement if someone comes out with questions that conflict the truther narratives, they come under attack from fellow truthers.  Apparently you can question the narrative when it’s the enemy’s narrative, but you can’t when it’s the counter-narrative.  Can you see how dangerous this mindset is?

Our response says more about ourselves than the other person

These are some of the things that bother me about the Dylan Wheeler responses in the truther movement.  As a believer, I should not put my total faith or trust in anyone before Christ.  That’s how I get deceived.  That’s how the enemy can get in.  If you’re asking me to check my cognitive processing at the foot of your truther spokesperson, you are just as guilty of deception as the last person.  Here’s a little secret:  no one has all the truth.  We’re all in the process of learning.  Q is not infallible.  President Trump is not infallible.  But I know someone who is, and He never changes.

I have not reached the same conclusions as Dylan Wheeler, and I can expound on that in a separate article if there’s interest.  But I have been dismayed and discouraged by the people who have come out in droves to ridicule, scorn, and even verbally abuse him.  We’re no better than those we’re contesting if that’s our stance.

“Where We Go One We Go All” is a profound motto.  It’s the essence of unity in diversity.  Diverse thoughts should not be feared.  If there are concerns about Dylan Wheeler’s new direction, the team player will come alongside and listen to the concerns Dylan has laid out.  Then they will bring counterpoints to the points of conflict, in an effort to move to common ground and hone the pursuit of truth into reaching correct conclusions.  Attacking the person is Liberal Practices 101.  In contrast, evaluating the data and trying to reconcile differences is the spirit of love and maturity.

God’s Plan, not Man’s

Lastly, if I have learned anything in this past decade, I have learned God is more concerned with the character of man than his success.  The Spirit asked me one day, “would you rather be popular or wise?” It’s interesting to me it was an either-or and not a both-and.  The wise of this world are not generally popular.

I’d rather be wise.  Wisdom is a crown and brings honor to God.  Popularity is fickle and fleeting and demanding and…   In the past decade that I’ve been paying attention, I have noticed a ramping up of exposing the heart of man.  All that we go through and are going through is merely an exercise in developing our character.

Kamala Harris was just nominated as Biden’s vice-president.  That’s quite laughable to me, and there are no less than a hundred absurd things about this whole scenario.  Yet someone posted on social media a prophecy about Kamala.  I was immediately annoyed by it and tried to dismiss it.  I don’t know the person who prophesied it – whether he’s legitimate or a kook or what.  But I had to check my heart.

Here’s the prophecy:

Now I’m not saying this is a true prophecy.  I’ve never heard of this guy, don’t know him, don’t follow him.  BUT what if it is true?  What if God has a calling on Kamala Harris’s life that the devil has waylaid?  That would be a real Saul/Paul conversion.  I’ve heard she comes from a long line of Eastern Star allegiances and her sister was in the Podesta emails for a Hillary Pizza Party.  She literally dwells in the lair of the dragon.  What if she encounters God and embraces His call on her life?  Isn’t that the better picture?

I just want to pause a moment in the insanity of a globalist takeover through a virus, in an election year with American’s Liberties on the line, in the chaos of rioting and broken cities, to pause and seek the heart of God.

What if we’re getting lost in the details?  What if the events of Our World 2020 are catalysts for our hearts to be refined for our Creator?

Yes, I think Dylan Wheeler has reached some wrong conclusions.  Yes, I think Kamala Harris is a Deep State Swamp creature.  But what does God think?  What if these events being brought to our attention are just as much about exposing our own hearts?  What if they’re to show the hypocrisy of our own thinking?  We profess to be about love and grace and mercy, but we’re really filled with judgment and hatred and discord.

What if in my pursuit of justice I abandon grace?   Heaven forbid!

And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. —Matt 24:12 [ESV]

The depravity of man actually hardens the heart of man.  It is a concerted effort to posture ourselves to pursue the heart of God.  We think we know.  What if we’re wrong?

Yes.  I vehemently encourage the pursuit of justice and the diligent protection of liberty.  Let’s be just as fervent to walk in grace and love, leaving room for the Spirit of God to move on hearts for the glory of His Name.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

Biden – Unfit for the Presidency

Zack Strong

“You should vote for Trump. You should vote for Trump.” – Joe Biden, November, 2019

Joe Biden is perhaps the most unfit individual ever to run for the presidency in United States history. Not only are his principles taken from the socialist playbook, but his mental incompetency and physical unfitness are so glaring as to make him thoroughly unqualified for any office, let alone the highest office in the land. In this article, we will highlight Biden’s sad decline into senility and list the reasons why he must not become president.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was born in November of 1942. Two weeks after the upcoming election, he will turn 78 years old, which would make him the oldest individual to ever sit in the Oval Office. This is not a trivial detail. Biden’s age and rapidly declining mental and physical state should be one of the primary points of discussion during this campaign. As you will soon see, Biden’s deteriorating condition, due to his advanced age and medical challenges, disqualifies him for the presidency.

To be clear, many individuals go well beyond 78 years of age and remain active, vibrant, and healthy. They have their wits about them, are coherent in conversation, and, apart from wrinkles and white hair, live their lives as if they were decades younger. Biden has not been similarly blessed. Everything about him smacks of senility and drastic decline in mental and physical faculties. He would be a severe liability to America if permitted to hold high office in his condition.

Dr. David Scheiner, Barack Hussein Obama’s former physician, rebutted the Biden campaign’s declaration that their man is healthy, vigorous, and fit for office – a declaration that conveniently omitted any discussion of Biden’s cognitive abilities. Dr. Scheiner said: “He’s not a healthy guy . . . He has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there.” He also remarked: “I had no idea Biden had such a [medical] history. My goodness gracious, he’s got a lot of history.” The doctor said he would particularly like to see a CT scan or MRI conducted on Biden to better assess his failing health.

In 2008, Biden released a 49-page medical history. That history has only grown in the last twelve years. Among other maladies and mishaps, we know that Biden suffered two brain aneurysms back in 1988. He’s undergone various surgeries, including for his aneurysms. Of his brain surgery, Biden said:

“I had two cranial aneurysms, and they literally had to take the top of my head off. I mean, they take a saw and they cut your head off, and go in to find the artery that is–one was leaking, the other that hadn’t, before it burst.”

In Biden’s own words, the doctors told him that “the side of the brain that the first aneurysm is on controls your ability to speak.” They said he would have a low chance of ever being normal again. Skip to 2020 – prophecy fulfilled.

Additionally, Biden has suffered from sleep apnea, which is of course what you want in the guy who is in charge of the U.S. military during a conflict or at the helm during times of tense diplomacy. He has also undergone surgeries on his prostate that were only recently disclosed. Biden’s eyes are in a bad way, too, and during a 2020 town hall meeting on CNN, his left eye suddenly filled with blood for everyone to see. The radical propaganda network Snopes was forced to admit this embarrassing episode happened, though they tried to simultaneously discount the obvious fact that Biden’s physical health is in rapid decline.

Even the hardcore Democrat Justin Horwitz has voiced concern about Biden’s declining cerebral capabilities:

“He is a candidate that is mentally deteriorating. People in the Democratic establishment say, ‘Oh don’t say that.’ They really believe that they can shield Joe Biden from public scrutiny and the reality is, they can’t.”

No, the Establishment can’t hide the truth – as much as they might try. They use their controlled media to push the narratives they choose and to brainwash gullible people who have abdicate their use of critical thinking. But with more cameras focused on him in the past year than ever before, Biden’s erratic behavior and overall instability has become apparent to every honest observer.

We do not have enough space in this article to list and discuss all of Joe Biden’s numerous gaffes and misstatements. A few, however, will give the general tone of his failing mental faculties. You can find these cited at this link, this one, and this one. And here and here. And here and here and here.

When asked this summer by a reporter if he’s been tested for cognitive decline, Biden replied: “I’ve been tested and I’m constantly tested.” Biden is constantly tested for cognitive failure? Interesting.

Even more interesting is the fact that when Biden was asked this same question earlier this month, he changed his story: “No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man.” So, which Biden should we believe, the one who says he is “constantly” tested for cognitive decline or the one who says he has not been tested? Either he’s lying or he really is in such severe mental freefall that he can’t remember what’s happening around him or to him.

In a speech during this election cycle, Biden said: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women created by . . . you know . . . you know the thing.” I’m sure glad “the thing” is watching out for us, because our public servants clearly don’t know up from down!

Going back to a 2008 rally, he remarked: “[A]s Barack says, a three-letter word: Jobs. J-O-B-S.”

During the same year, Biden tried to give accolades to a wheelchair-bound state senator in Missouri by saying: “Stand up, Chuck, let ‘em see you.” Naturally, Chuck didn’t stand up; but people got a good look at who Biden really was.

But don’t worry, Biden doesn’t play games. At least that’s what he told a lady who asked him how many genders there are. He responded “there are at least three.” When she asked him to identify them, he retorted: “Don’t play games with me, kid.”

Speaking of kids, Joe Biden has a long history of being a little too hands-on with children. And he outright admits it. During one truly bizarre speech at the renaming of a swimming pool in his honor, Biden cheerfully said:

“I got hairy legs that turn, that that that that that that turn, uh-um-uh blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. I love kids jumping on my lap.”

Perhaps this wasn’t the best story to tell considering the numerous allegations of sexual assault that have been leveled against Biden by multiple women and young girls, most prominently and credibly Tara Reade. Also, although Biden has suffered from stuttering since childhood, it appears that Barack Obama’s masterful stuttering technique rubbed off on Biden during their time together.

Biden has a history of getting in people’s faces when they challenge his off-the-wall policy proposals. Last December, Biden went ballistic on an 83-year-old Iowa man who correctly challenged him, first of all on his age and, secondly, on his son Hunter Biden’s scandalous appointment to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which, we can now confirm, came about because Biden threatened the Ukrainian government to withhold $1 Billion in funds unless they fired the prosecutor looking into the corrupt company – the nearly identical thing the controlled press falsely accused President Trump of doing. Biden, knowing he could not counter the man’s accurate claims with facts, resorted to bullying tactics. He interrupted him and bizarrely challenged him to feats of strength:

“You’re a damn liar, man . . . You want to check my shape on, let’s do push-ups together here, man. Let’s do, let’s run. Let’s do whatever you want to do. Let’s take an IQ test. Ok?” Biden then called the man “fat” and said, “You’re too old to vote for me.” This is the man Democrats have put forward as their nominee!

When a black host asked Biden a question back in May, he responded in classic Biden fashion: “Well, I tell you what: If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

In February, Biden forgot which office he was running for. He told an audience:

“My name’s Joe Biden, I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over, if you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden. Give me a look though, ok?”

At least he got his name right. Though he better watch out for that “other Biden,” whoever he is. Perhaps this “other Biden” is the one going around making gaffes every time he opens his mouth while the real Joe Biden is as spry as the lying media claims.

After winning the California primary, befuddled Biden gave a victory speech in which he confused his wife and sister. He grabbed his wife’s hand and said: “By the way, this is my little sister Valerie! And I’m  Jill’s husband,” he said, motioning to his sister. There’s nothing like confusing your wife and sister to instill voters with confidence.

In the wake of the Parkland, Florida shooting in 2018, Biden claimed he was vice-president at the time: “Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president.” His campaign later said that he had really meant to say “Sandy Hook.” Another innocent senior moment, no doubt.

In one of the Democratic primary debates in February, Biden said that “150 million people have been killed [by guns] since 2007.” Obviously, not true. He inflated the number by nearly 150 million. A short time later, he also said, before spluttering and correcting himself: “Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.” Between the 120 million dead from Coronavirus and the 150 million dead from guns, America is running out of people fast!

When Biden isn’t actively trying to spread disinformation in order to destroy the Second Amendment and take our guns, he’s giving us advice that would actually land you behind bars in today’s twisted legal system. For instance, Biden once told his wife: “[I]f there’s ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house.” Unfortunately, that’s illegal in most locations. Another time, he said that if you “want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.” Again, illegal. And just this summer, Biden took it upon himself to tell the police that if an “unarmed person is coming at ‘em with a knife or something, shoot ‘em in the leg instead of in the heart.” The next time an “unarmed” criminal comes at you “with a knife,” just “shoot ‘em in the leg” and tell the police later that Joe Biden said to do it.

While on the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Biden forgot where he was and said: “What’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it.” While it’s of course excusable to forget your location once in a blue moon, Biden routinely forgets where he is. One can only imagine the type of damage this could do on the world stage should he be permitted to occupy the White House.

Biden has also supported a tax credit bill that he says will “put 720 million women back in the workforce.” Or, if we quote him literally, he said: “It would put seven-hundred and twenty million back, million women, back in the workforce.” Even his gaffes have gaffes.

In December, 2018, Biden had a rare moment of clarity and admitted: “I am a gaffe machine.” That might as well be his official campaign slogan. Instead, Biden decided to show his agedness and go with the motto: “No Malarkey!”

We could continue showing instances where Biden forgot where he was, forgot questions he was asked by reporters, forgot Barrack Obama’s name, forgot which office he was running for, garbled his words, spoke in incomplete sentences, insulted his supporters, got in people’s faces, confused historical figures, and generally acted disoriented, but I conclude this portion of the article with just one more gaffe – my favorite on the list.

At a town hall meeting, a young lady asked Biden a question. Biden asked her in return if she’d ever been to a caucus. When she responded in the affirmative, Joe Biden lashed out, saying: “No you haven’t. You’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.” Perhaps Biden can try that brilliant one-liner on dictators Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping if he becomes president!

In a Washington Post article aptly titled “Joe Biden isn’t just a gaffe machine. He’s the Lamborghini of gaffes,” Dana Milbank gave a tremendous summation of Biden’s lack of mental acuity. I quote a brief portion here:

“The former vice president has admitted to being a “gaffe machine.” That’s false modesty. He is the Lamborghini of gaffes.

“He announced that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” He located the El Paso and Dayton mass-shootings in “Houston” and “Michigan.” He recalled a visit with survivors of the 2018 Parkland shooting – before the shooting happened.

“He confused “Margaret Thatcher” with Theresa May and Merkel, referred to the Second Amendment as the First, tripled the number of casualties of the 1970 Kent State shooting and mixed up his campaign website with a text-message code. At the Iowa State Fair, he thundered: “We choose truth over facts!” . . . .

“. . . Biden’s gaffes are to be celebrated, for they make him exciting. When he opens his mouth, nobody knows what is going to come out – least of all Biden.”

Milbank’s article deserves an honest read by everyone still contemplating, against all reason, all sense, and all evidence, voting for this very sick man. In the words of Chad Banghart:

“Biden gaffes are unlike any others. They point to a deeper and darker truth: Biden is mentally unfit for our nation’s highest office. Whether he is suffering from dementia or simply losing his oral skills with age, watching a 5-minute clip of Biden is enough to realize that this Democratic presidential candidate is way, way past his prime (if there ever was one).”

One’s principles, of course, are more important than one’s mistakes, so let’s put the cherry on top by briefly listing a few items that Joe Biden has advocated, proposed, or voted for through the years.

  1. Gun Control, such as Brady Bill and assault weapons bans
  2. Abortion
  3. Open borders and amnesty for illegals
  4. A national mask-wearing mandate and lockdown
  5. Black Lives Matter
  6. Free public schooling, higher education, and loan forgiveness
  7. Government health care
  8. Tax increases – especially on businesses and the so-called rich
  9. Gay marriage and transgenders in the military
  10. Abolish the death penalty
  11. Decriminalize marijuana and drug use
  12. Sex ed in schools
  13. The War on Terror, Iraq invasion, and PATRIOT Act
  14. Global warming legislation, including additional taxes on businesses
  15. $15/hour mandatory minimum wage
  16. Racial activism/pandering
  17. Military cuts
  18. Government bailouts – bank bailout, TARP, Fannie and Freddie, etc.
  19. Increase debt ceiling
  20. The New Green Deal sponsored by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Many of Joe Biden’s positions are lifted right out of The Communist Manifesto. In fact, the Revolutionary Communist Party USA has come out in support of Biden this election. This endorsement is just the latest in a long list of endorsements by traitors, communists, and radicals. Before you cast your vote for Biden in November, remember that you’re supporting the man also backed by avowed communists.

To close, let me address one more thing. Some may read this and think, “This Trump supporter is biased. This is all rhetoric. I’ll dismiss everything he’s saying.” The pesky fact is, however, that I’m not a Trump supporter, I didn’t vote for him in 2016, and will not be voting for him in November either. I absolutely support President Trump when he does good things, just as I support any president – no matter how despicable they are – when they do good things. I put America first and therefore I applaud every good act in her favor, and President Trump has done many good things. However, I also challenge the president and hold his feet to the fire when he does wrong.

No honest person alive can accuse me of partisan bias. I don’t play party politics. I don’t support either the Republican or Democratic Parties. Both have led America to hell in a hand basket. Both espouse principles that I consider expressly repugnant to the Constitution and to God’s laws. Both have compromised on fundamental principles. Both have permitted the slaughter of tens of millions of unborn babies, American involvement in unconstitutional wars, the enlargement of the federal bureaucracy, the rise in deadly drugs on our streets, the destruction of traditional marriage, and so forth. We need to finally learn to view things in terms of right and wrong, not right and left.

When we examine Joe Biden through the lens of principle, and with eyes that see reality instead of minds that cling to fantasy, we are forced to conclude, if we’re honest, that he is unfit for the presidency. Even if you believe in his destructive, anti-American principles, his horrible physical and mental state ought to alarm you to such a degree that you clamor for a change of candidates. It simply would not benefit our nation to have such an incompetent, doddering old man, who evidently suffers from dementia or some form of cognitive defect, into the White House. Surely all honest people can agree that no one, regardless of party affiliation, should sit in the Oval Office unless they are competent to the job at this precarious time in humanity’s history.

Joe Biden is unfit for the presidency. That is not up for debate. Biden has no honor, class, or civility. More importantly, he has no coherence and is in obvious mental and physical decline. He must not be permitted to weasel his way into office. He must not be allowed to steal four years from the American People. He must not be allowed to become a “placeholder” for an even more radical individual waiting in the wings. Biden admitted that he is a “transition candidate to bring the Mayor Petes of the world into this administration.”

We should particularly view Biden’s vice-presidential nominee, Senator Kamala Harris from California, as the person likely to control a Biden administration. With Biden’s failing health, she very conceivably would become the president before the end of four years. What can we say about Harris? Plenty, but let’s mention three glaring marks against her: 1) Her membership in the radical Marxist-oriented Congressional Black Caucus that was once praised by the Soviet leadership for their efforts to undermine the United States during the Cold War; 2) her co-sponsorship of the disastrous Green New Deal with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; and 3) her threats last year to unilaterally impose, by dictatorial fiat, strict gun control measures even if Congress did not agree – an unconstitutional move which even Joe Biden condemned at the time. In these and myriad other ways, Harris is a radical Marxist infiltrator hell-bent on tearing apart the U.S. Constitution and overthrowing our free institutions as a People. This is the dangerous woman who will become the president if something should happen to doddering old Joe Biden.

© 2020 Zack Strong – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Zack Strong: zastrong@hotmail.com

Rioters Threatening Words: “This Isn’t Your World Anymore”

Jake MacAulay

Rioters have again converged on Portland neighborhoods chanting, “Every city, every town. Burn the precincts to the ground.”

This time, on the 70th night of their lawless attacks, a pair of elderly women met these leftists head-on in Portland, Oregon. The target this time was the city’s east precinct.

The station reported that an elderly woman who said she lives in the neighborhood pleaded with the group to stop the vandalism and stood in the way of those who were splashing paint on the plywood outside the building.

So the rioters did what any anarchist would do: they splashed paint on her and wrapped crime scene tape around her head.

As I read an article highlighting the story, the part that got my attention wasn’t the behavior of these humans acting like animals.

No, there was something more to the story that stood out to me. It was the words that this mob yelled at the woman, “This isn’t your world anymore!”

Let that sink in for second…

“This isn’t your world anymore! This isn’t your world anymore!”

The reality is, these criminals are right. This old woman’s sense of virtue, honor, respect for law, and plain humanity no longer have a place in the “new world” lawless rioters are creating.

Thankfully at this point and time these grown children are only throwing silly temper tantrums. However, while we focus energy and anger on them, I believe we are being sidetracked from paying attention to the orchestrators of this chaos.

Ask yourself:

Why are police not encouraged to get this under control?

Why are the governors, mayors, council members, and civil magistrates not cleaning this mess up when it could be done quickly and efficiently?

Why is the President excoriated for offering aid and assistance to citizens in these war zones that he swore an oath to protect?

It is almost like these lawless leaders are proud, like proud parents.

Make no mistake, the behavior of the mobs in the streets are not only encouraged by their parent figures in office, they have learned this behavior from their parents, the nanny state.

Consider the numerous governors right now, in concert across these United States, that have assumed powers not allowed them by the terms of their office and misuse the police power to enforce their unlawful edicts, mandates and orders that destroy the livelihood, businesses, property of the law-abiding Americans.

Rather than invoking special emergency powers when their cities are on fire, they invoked power where there is no emergency in order to suspend the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

What we are seeing is hateful power structures that are willing to suppress, oppress, and deny the God-given rights of people like our brave elderly woman.

The reality today is the same reality that has always existed in our world: the two greatest threats to liberty are criminals and government.

Thomas Jefferson believed, “In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution,” or else the later will become a legalized version of the first.

Don’t lose your fight Americans, our cause is tied in with the Creator…

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

US Falling Victim to Bullies of Political Correctness and Progressive/Repressive Socialism

Jim Kouri – Senior Political News Writer

During the course of the Obama-Biden attempt to sabotage President Donald Trump’s campaign and his attempts to keep his promises, renowned intelligence expert Lyle Rapacki, Ph.D.  began warning the U.S. military, the intelligence community and law enforcement nearly four years ago. —Dr. Rapacki’swords are more concerning today than when he first uttered them. 

Conservative Base’s Q&A with Creator and CEO of Sentinel Intelligence Service, LLC:

Jim Kouri: Nearly four years ago, you predicted – even prophesied – what we are witnessing in 2020: Bullying by left-wing politicians and so-called activists and protesters. How do you personally define the term “bully.”

Dr. Lyle Rapacki: A bully is an overbearing person (or persons) who is quarrelsome, and browbeats smaller or weaker people into submission.  Each individual reading this immediately knows someone who has been bullied, or him/herself has been bullied.  The memory and reality of such experience is shame producing and emotionally painful.  Maybe it happened to you in school, maybe years later it happened during a marriage or even at work.

Kouri: How do nations mirror the effects of bullying on individuals?

Dr. Rapacki: The impressions left from such an experience can linger for years even decades unless a supernatural intervention occurs to make things right, to promote healing in the deeply embedded emotional wound, and to allow life to return from the shattered existence that has followed the person.  Countries can be bullied, too.  Much like an individual a country can become shattered and torn, a mere shell of its once dynamic life.

Kouri: When do you believe the bullies began their use of political propaganda?

America has been bullied and shamed with a strong argument  made to suggest ever since Ronald Reagan was President.  With days remaining until the crucial national elections America is on the ropes in a fight with seemingly no rules for the aggressor(s), the bullies.  Who are these bullies?  How did they get to be bullies in the first place?  The second question is easier to answer than the first.  Bullies exist as unchecked overbearing bruits who pick on anyone who gets in their way or even if the victim doesn’t get in the way but is determined to be an easy mark, and can further enhance the image of the all-powerful bully.

Kouri: How does a bully become?

How the bully became a bully is a bit more complex and multidimensional, but one universal characteristic of a bully is that they want what they want, and they don’t much care how they get it just as long as they get what they want!  Until they are stopped; until someone sets a boundary and enforces the boundary; until the bully either changes his ways or comes to realize there shall be certain consequences each and every time they act out their bully ways, the bully will continue, and even become more emboldened.  Periodically a bully will attempt to sweet-talk his way or promise something in return for getting his way.

More likely the bully simply, well, bullies his way including belittling and shaming his opponent, threatening whoever stands up to him, or actually taking aggressive actions to bring opposition to its’ knees.  In between actual incidents the bully works a psychological game of intimidation to keep others in check from jumping in and stopping the order established by the bully.

Our country has fallen victim to the bully of political correctness and progressive/repressive Socialist agenda’s put forward by haters of anti-American principles and values as established by our Forefathers, and written clearly in the Founding Documents they presented to us as a gift.  These bullies hate our Judeo-Christian heritage.

These bullies hate the values by which America was born, and which made us exceptional.  These bullies hate all who don’t think as they do, who don’t subscribe to their agenda in the national sandbox to which they have taken up residence as their own with no room for anyone they don’t like or can’t use to keep them in power.

Money, control, furthering their beliefs at the expense of another’s freedom, changing/recreating the national sandbox into their own utopian place of being, dominating every aspect of not only the sandbox, but the entire playground surrounding the sandbox so as to be the undisputed authority.  The bully, and his gang of likeminded thugs, may smile and attempt to make nice but always with the motive of stomping and casting away opposition, thereby, promoting dominance of their wants, their agenda.  America has been undergoing such a series of attacks to completely eliminate any resemblance of what our Founders strove to create.

There is even subtle elimination of people built-into the present day bully game plan; coupled with destruction of property, wealth, health, business, dreams, family.  Will Mr. Trump be the one who finally stands up to the bully, or is it a ground swell movement collecting strength from every sector of the national playground to confront and even defeat the bully?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

FL. Gov. DeSantis, Allowing Denial of Florida Constitutional Rights

Andrew C Wallace

Yes, I am calling out Ron DeSantis, our Florida Governor for a Major Sin of Omission. He has failed to make our Constitutional Rights to defend ourselves and property useful and effective for the average citizen. Our major problem is the politically motivated prosecutors and judges who will not honor our Constitution. Gov. DeSantis is effectively denying us our basic rights under the Florida Constitution by his non action. He is a good governor, but this failure will eclipse his other accomplishments.  Governor Ron DeSantis must know that he has not, and cannot, protect the people of Florida from the Marxist Rioters, Looters, Arsonists, and Thugs associated with the now Communist Democrat Party. That is a simple proven fact. Only the Patriotic Citizens  of Florida can stop these criminals  dead. But, you must make our Constitutional Rights effective  so we can defend themselves and our property without  repercussions.

Before there was a police force, we defended ourselves; we must be able to do that again. I guarantee you that the people can put an end to this Treason. I am old enough at 86, to remember when people could, and did defend themselves. But the people can’t exercise their basic rights under the Constitution until you enact legislation giving people broad rights to use deadly force when threatened. This legislation must be written in broad way to prevent the politically motivated, and crooked prosecutors, from protecting criminals by charging citizens for exercising their Constitutional Rights.

Article One, Section Two of the Florida Constitution states: ”Basic rights.—All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property”…….

You must put this into legislation, otherwise the many corrupt, or politically motivated prosecutors will put people in jail to defend the criminals, and promote a Communist Uprising. There are countless examples of this all over the country, even in Florida.

Recently in Florida, a man was thrown to the ground, he shot his assailant. The Sheriff refused to charge him, but the prosecutor indicted and convicted him.

In St. Louis this summer, Mark and Patricia McCloskey held off rioters at gunpoint and were charged with weapons violations and disarmed. They called police, but they refused to come. The prosecutor was a Democrat. This prosecutor is one of the many around the country who was reputedly funded by the same people who funded Antifa. The Missouri Governor  said the McCloskey’s were within their rights and he would pardon them.

In Atlanta this summer, Garrett  Rolfe, A Police Officer, shot and killed Rayshard Brooks. I saw it all on TV, and as a former Police Officer, it looked like it was justified. But, the Prosecutor promptly charged the Police Officer with murder, before the results of any investigations were available.

During the Baltimore Riots in2015, Mayor Stephanie Blake instructed police officers to allow protesters to express themselves, and that we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well. The States Attorney filed charges against six officers, none of the charges stuck. Compare these actions with the words of the Detroit Chief of Police.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig stated on Fox News: Our city isn’t overrun with riots because my officers will not back down. We are not going to tolerate this uptick in violence. That’s key.

Recently in Arlington, Va., Hamzeh Abushariah, while working in a small shop encountered three men stealing cash and merchandise, he shot one of them. The Commonwealth’s Attorney charged Hamzeh with malicious  wounding, and reckless handling of a firearm.

These were just a few examples. If you study the major Democratic cities, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis , Chicago, St.Louis, New York, et al,  you will note anti citizen actions by prosecutors that support and protect criminals. Many, many people, smarter than me, think all of this is to engineer a revolt that would allow a Communist takeover. They don’t give a damn how many people lose their lives and property, they only want power. These Useful Idiots are following the same takeover plan that Adolf Hitler used with his Brown Shirts, which was similar to the Chinese and Russian operations. These thugs must know that if the Communists win they must be sacrificed, just like Hitler killed his own Brown Shirts.

Gov. DeSantis, you may say that there have not been large scale major attacks on your  cities, but the communists can not overlook Florida. If we are attacked, and the Police don’t stop it, I know you will call out the National Guard, by then your cities are looted and burned. This would not happen if citizens and police were allowed to defend themselves and property, in accordance with the Constitution of Florida.

Governor DeSantis, you have been a good governor, but you can’t overlook, or dodge this responsibility.  You will be harshly judged, if you fail to make it possible for citizens to exercise their rights, without fear, under the Florida Constitution, and a Civil War results. If you dodge your responsibility, like most weak politicians, odds are that you will turn over your state to new Communist Rulers.

Governor DeSantis if you fail to act, and people die while Florida cities burn, it will be on you.

I have told you the brutal truth, but my forecasts are subject to events. God Bless America.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

Are Americans Being Punished For Believing In American Greatness?

Ron Edwards

When candidate Donald Trump famously rode down the escalator at Trump Tower to officially kick off his presidential campaign, there was a sense of renewed hope for our beloved republic.  I thought and still believe that his make America Great Again theme was representative of what was sorely needed.  After all, Americans from all walks of life had endured the drudgery of eight long years of the most unrecognizable economic recovery ever.  Many business districts were tuned into lowly districts of economic doom.  The Obama administration hampered every aspect of our lives via extreme regulations. Our position as the world’s number one economic engine was on the verge of utter collapse.  Obama’s war against our petroleum industry made us sitting ducks in the competitive international struggle between the United States and the Islamic Middle East OPEC Nations.

The Obama/Biden regime refused to properly maintain our military.  That resulted in our nation being  vulnerable and could have possibly been easily overtaken, if China and Russia had decided to go for it.  Obama literally flooded almost every federal government department with die hard leftists. Also, our current president gets very little help for his effort to make it once again, a government of by and for the people.  Many Obama era mid level government paper pusher holdovers gleefully bog things down.  I could go on and on.  But I am sure you get my point.  So along came Donald trump who understood that if proper measures were not take, our good way of life would soon end up on the ash heap of history.

Mr. Trump’s upbeat message of Make America great Again ignited a resurgence of optimism many thought was gone forever. The Trump Train hit the political tracks and made it all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  Immediately, the enemies of our republic, both foreign and domestic were put on notice, that for the first time in decades they would be challenged.  Both the Democrat party and RINO swamp dwellers went to nutsville.They could not believe that their goal to literally destroy our republic and turn her into a Saul Alynski designed hell hole would be delayed or stopped for good.  But as often as candidate and later President Trump proclaimed the need to drain the swamp, even he had no idea how deep it remains and how many dwellers there are.

But despite little help from his friends and constant opposition from the enemies of both our president and “We the People”, amazing things were achieved.  Among them were the lowering of corporate and other taxes, getting rid of numerous burdensome regulations.  Those two actions alone produced record economic growth which included the rebirth of massive entrepreneurship.  Small, medium and major corporate businesses were thriving all over the country.  Of course, those on the political left and in stupid religious circles remained so blinded by their hatred of President Trump and we Americans, that they only wished for disasters to occur.  They could not stomach how Trump stood up to illegal border crossers, China, so called European allies who swindled the United States for decades.  Mainly because the president is reestablishing United States authority in the world, which goes against the globalist mission to permanently weaken our world wide prestige and power.   The leftist democrats and some RINOS were not happy to learn that Trump administration policies opened the door to the greatest number of black Americans, women and Hispanics gainfully employed ever in our nations history.  Small business ownership was huge as well.  But low and behold, the leftists got a gruesome gift called coronachinavirus.

Leftist politicians were privately celebrating as Americans gave up their freedoms for the so-called safety of a massive one size fits all lock down.  When you couple the coronachinavirus calamity with the riots that began on the night George Floyd died in Minneapolis and spread to cities throughout the republic, the leftist Trump haters finally got their wish.  They had been wanting to see the middle class punished for supporting Trump, who has dared to act on his promise to put our national interests above that of globalists and other nations.  The leftists in government, the medical industry and pointy headed professors all conspired through a series of lies, exaggerations and unconstitutional demands that have done more harm than good.  Already, over 25 percent of restaurants across America have been shut down permanently.  Due to the coronachinavirus restrictions.  Leftist mayors like Deblaseo of New York City have permitted rioters to destroy another twenty percent of businesses and prevented the police from protecting tax paying law abiding citizens.

That alone shows their blatant disregard for the Constitution which points out the important duty of government to protect the people and our nation from enemies both foreign and domestic.  The Seattle mayor allowing black men to literally rape husbands in front of their wives and children in front of their parents in the Chop zone was a sterling example of destruction by permission. To me it all adds up to punishing Americans indiscriminately, whether they support Trump, believe in American greatness or not.  The good news is that the leftists have overplayed their demonic hands and voters will make them pay on November third at the voting booth.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.com/

Congressional Candidate Takes on Soros

Cliff Kincaid

Multiple media outlets attacked Marjorie Taylor Greene, a successful Republican congressional candidate in Georgia. Why? As “a conservative wife, mother, and businesswoman who stands with President Trump and against the left-wing socialists who want to wreck our country,”she dared to call billionaire left-wing money bags George Soros the “enemy of the people.”

In addition to financing Democratic Party politicians and left-wing organizations such as the ACLU, Soros has subsidized a wide array of liberal causes, ranging from abortion rights to gay rights to legalization of dangerous drugs. Even former members of the terrorist Weather Underground, such as Bernardine Dohrn and Linda Evans, have appeared at functions sponsored by his so-called Open Society Institute or accepted its grants.

But Google the name of Marjorie Taylor Greene and you will be bombarded with stories designed to create the impression this Christian woman is a crazy conspiracy theorist. During the campaign, Tucker Carlson highlighted how one of her campaign ads was taken down by YouTube. Nevertheless, she won the nomination with over 57 percent of the vote and received President Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement. She got the support of the people.

One typical charge from an AP story in the New York Post said she “pushes an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that billionaire philanthropist George Soros, who is Jewish, collaborated with the Nazis.”

Many “conservatives” in and out of Congress are scared by these charges and shy away from making them. But as Rep. Louis Gohmert discovered, when he consulted the actual interview and went to the videotape, the theory is not anti-Semitic but true. Soros told the “60 Minutes” show, as Gohmert noted, that, “he had no sense of guilt about the role he played in Nazis’ confiscation of property from the Jewish people during the Holocaust.”

In addition to the usual and expected charges of racism, the media said Marjorie Taylor Greene either backed or believed in something called the QAnon “conspiracy theory,” which apparently has something to do with the idea that sex predators and perhaps Satanists operate at high-levels in American society and the world.

Regarding the latter, the Satanic Temple, an actual organization, is currently offering a “Satanic abortion ritual.” The evil of abortion is considered by many Christians not a “choice” but a modern form of paganistic child sacrifice.

In the matter of child predators, haven’t we learned about Jeffrey Epstein? Or what about:

  • Theodore McCarrick has been identified as the highest-ranking U.S. Catholic leader ever to be removed for sexually abusing a minor and is also accused of sexually abusing seminarians. He was a leading “progressive” in the church who supported homosexual civil unions, a form of marriage, as far back as 2006. Catholic columnist Matt Abbott, who reported on McCarrick’s homosexual activity back in 2005, had told me, “I believe the Church establishment and mainstream media protected him, mainly because he’s a prominent liberal cardinal.”
  • Harry Hay, founder of the modern gay rights movement, was a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).
  • Dennis Hastert, the former Republican House Speaker, pleaded guilty to federal charges of lying to the FBI about a money-laundering scheme designed to cover up the case of an innocent child sexually abused by Hastert when he was a high-school wrestling coach.
  • Barack Hussein Obama was closely associated as a young man with a Communist sex pervert, Frank Marshall Davis, his mentor and father figure. Davis, who died in 1987, was a heavy drinker and marijuana user who wrote a pornographic novel, Sex Rebel, disclosing that he had sex with children, including a 13-year-old girl. In a poem, Obama wrote about “Pop,” with strange lines about stains and smells on shorts, that Obama biographer David Maraniss confirmed was Davis. Writer Jack Cashill noted the poem has definite “sexual overtones.”

Amy Berg exposed the cover-up of pedophilia in the Catholic Church in her 2006 Oscar-nominated documentary, “Deliver Us from Evil,” and followed with her film, “An Open Secret,” about how pedophiles operate in Hollywood and cover up their crimes. The Boston Globe exposed a series of sex crimes committed by Catholic priests in an award-winning series of articles made into a film, “Spotlight,” available on Netflix.

Despite the abundant evidence of real conspiracies, and the continuing need to expose them, we are told that Marjorie Taylor Greene was a conspiracy theorist, as if the label itself was evidence of unfounded charges.

As I wrote in a recent column, “The Otherworldly Powers of Darkness, Cults, and Sexual Deviancy in Politics,” there are strange people in the world who have political connections and engage in strange practices. That issue surfaced in 2016 in one of the Democratic Party emails about a “Spirit Cooking” dinner of elites involving recipes apparently written in blood. The Washington Post said it was harmless “performance art.”

Sally Quinn, a top religion reporter for the Washington Post, wrote a book about magic, played with a Ouija board, and cast spells on her enemies.  This earned her the title, “Georgetown’s Madame Blavatsky,” a reference to the occult doctrine of Theosophy, associated with one-worlders and a fancy D.C. section of town.

Taking this one step further, an exorcism in Mount Rainier, Maryland, in the Washington, D.C. area, inspired the book by William Peter Blatty and the film, “The Exorcist.” His follow-up book, Legion, was based on Satan’s proclamation, “My name is Legion, for we are many,” in answer to Jesus’ question, “What is your name?”

As I noted recently, there are reportedly six exorcisms being conducted in the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington at the current time.

Dr. Paul Kengor’s new book, The Devil and Karl Marx, is a heavily documented treatment of the father of communism’s devotion to demonic doctrines of human destruction.

S.J. Taylor’s book, Stalin’s Apologist, disclosed that the Satanist Aleister Crowley staged homosexual rituals with New York Times reporter Walter Duranty in which they chanted “blood and semen.” Duranty wrote a book, I Write as I Please, which summarizes his approach as well as that of the modern media. He covered-up for the communists then in the same way the media fawn over and defend George Soros and the Marxist causes he finances now.

Predictably, such “journalism” caused some Washington Republicans, such as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, to back away from supporting Marjorie Taylor Greene. They refuse to take on the media when they target, misquote, and falsely brand members of their own political party.

President Trump understands what’s going on, even if McCarthy doesn’t. With his presidency on the line, he has to know he can’t back down now. His opponent isn’t Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It’s Soros.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

The Left Hates the Truth

Coach Dave Daubenmire

Everything they are telling us about Kamala Harris is a lie.  It is the way the Left operates.  Cheating, lying and fooling the voters it’s their only means of victory.  If they were to ever admit their REAL agenda, they know that it would be rejected.  The Left does not value TRUTH.  Truth is not an important value to the Left. Remember that: “Truth is hate to those that hate the Truth”

The Devil is a liar.  The Bible calls him the “father of lies.”  Scripture reminds us that we will be known by our fruit.  Lies are the fruit of Satan.  His children repeat his lies.  Liars are “of their Father the Devil and the TRUTH is not in them.”

We are not all God’s children.  That is a lie as well.  God has children and the Devil has children.  That is what the Bible teaches.  How is it that so many “Christians” play on the Devil’s team?  How can they be so blind to the TRUTH?

Kamala Harris is not African American.  Her parents were from India and Jamaica.  Neither country is in Africa.  But it does not matter because the Left says she is.

She is notmoderate.  She is not a Natural born citizen (Where have we heard that one before?)  She is an anchor baby at best.  She slept her way to the top.  She is an anti-life zealot.  She hates guns and gun owners.  She is a bigot.  She hates Trump supporters.  She is a zealot in her beliefs.  Not moderate.  Her entire candidacy is based on lies.  She dares not tell the Truth about herself.

But the Leftist media will lie to us about her.  They will promote everything about her that she is not.  They know that if they told the TRUTH about her that she would turn people off.  She does not hold American values.

So, they change American values.  Being an American is no longer about Truth and Justice. The Left builds their platform upon lies and injustice.  They teach the lies to our children in school.  They brainwash the children and turn them against their parents.  They squeeze the American right out of them.   They turn them into little Commies.

Lies.  All with lies.  There is no Truth in them.  Most Christians cannot recognize the lies.  Half of them support the liars and their lies.  Churches embrace the anti-Christ BLM movement.

Racism is a scam.  It is a boogie man that no longer exists.  The remnants of racism are watered and weaponized by the liars on the Left.  The destroy the Truth and weaponize the lies.  They have no conscience.  The ends justify the means.  They HATE TRUTH!

Man-made global warming is a lie.  It is based on lying, faulty science.  Science used to indicate Truth.  Today Science is for sale.  Science is bought and sold.  All to advance a Hellish agenda. The New Green Deal is about money and control.  Fake Science.  Fossil fuels bad…wind energy good.  Your grandkids regurgitate that tripe.  Is there anything more destructive to nature’s natural beauty than a field full of ugly windmills?

Men are men and women are women.  There is no such things as a transgender.  It is a created status.  Voodoo science has created a voodoo condition.  If someone does not bring some sanity to the situation, we will soon run out of letters in the alphabet to describe the made-up genders promoted by the sexual deviants.

That is what they are, you know…deviants?  Deviant is not a bad word…it is just a word.  It means to “veer from the normal.”  Homosexual behavior is not normal.  It is deviant.  Why are we afraid to speak the Truth?  Pedophilia is not normal.  Bestiality is not normal.  Transgenderism is not normal.  Why do they force us to say that they are?  That is untruthful.  That is a lie.  Sexual deviants are not normal.  Why is that so hard to say?

King Tut was a man.  So is Bruce Jenner.  Science tells us that.  It is called DNA. Calling Bruce Jenner a woman is a lie. Why do they insist we do it?  What if King Tut was really Queen Tut?  What if he was a tranny?  Wereall the scientists who studied Queen Tut bigots?  Was she discriminated against?

I don’t hate Bruce Jenner.  He was on the Wheaties box.  He was the world’s greatest athlete.  He competed and won against the best.  He was not a woman.  He beat the world’s greatest male athletes.  He is still a male.  Check his DNA.  I resent those who want me to deny the Truth about him.  Bruce Jenner is a crossdresser.  They can call him a tranny if they want, but he is a cross dresser.  Check the DNA.  His actions are deviant.  The Left loves lies.

Here is the takeaway.  The Left wants YOU and ME to feel like the deviants.  There are millions of Americans that still believe in old-fashioned values.  WE are not the FREAKS.  WE are not the deviants.  We are not the children of the Devil.

They are.  They are the ones hell-bent on destroying everything good.  Everything the Left touches they destroy.

Academia, athletics, family, entertainment, public schools, government, sex, science, media, religion, language…the TRUTH.  The LEFT HATES THE TRUTH.

That is why we seem so lost…so flummoxed here in America.  The Left has been on an inter-generational march to destroy the Truth.  The Scriptures warn us that “Truth has fallen in the streets and it cannot get up.”

It is time for us to quit cowering in fear and cow-towing to the whims of the Truth-hating Left. It is time to help Truth get back on his feet.

We should all love the Truth, regardless of how painful it might be.  Truth is all that we have.  Truth is the foundation of everything upon which we stand.  The Left hates Truth.  They censor Truth.  They ban Truth. They deny Truth.

Now it is a virus.  Wear a mask, social distance, stay away from church, wait on a vaccine, trust us because government knows best.  Do any of you believe these Government hacks masquerading as experts?  This is the same crowd that got us in this mess.

Aren’t you sick of it?  Can’t you see through the façade?  How can lies rule the day?

Only the TRUTH can make us free.

The Left loves lies.  They are children of the Serpent.  They only win if you swallow their venom.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Your Destiny Sings In Your Ears At the Darnedest Times

By Frosty Wooldridge

Each time I stand up in front of an audience, I invite every person in the room to accept himself or herself unconditionally.

(Spirit of St. Louis with Charles Lindbergh flew over the Atlantic Ocean to fulfill a dream. What dream has your name on it?) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

“You are a one-time miracle of the universe,” I boldly state.  “Accept your height, weight, build, looks, hair, personality, mind, spirit and, well, everything about you.  That’s the first step.”

In this current, high-speed world, loaded with cell phones, glitz and glamour movie stars, along with obnoxious amounts of wealth—it’s easy to look at your own life in comparison.

Hint: delete the word “comparison” from your vocabulary.

You manifest a one-time-only combination of DNA never before seen in the universe and never again to be repeated.  Pretty astounding stuff, don’t you think?

Let’s take it a step further.  No other creature on this planet can do what you do: think, create, choose and manifest anything your mind conceives.

For example, Leonardo de Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.  A one time expression by the only man in the universe who could conceive of and paint such a work of art!  Picasso’s whacky mind created some of the wildest and weirdest paintings on the planet.  The Wright Brothers disobeyed all the pundits to construct a flying machine guaranteed not to fly.  But it flew into the wild blue yonder. Eventually, that first flight found humanity flying to the moon.

Walt Disney created Disneyland, Epcot and Disneyworld.  Susan B. Anthony created the suffragettes.  Jane Goodall studied the gorillas.  Ernest Shackleton attempted to walk to the South Pole in 1914 with no radio assistance or emergency aid.

What’s the one item they all enjoy in the history books?  Answer: they pursued something that burned inside them.  They chased a dream until it became their reality.

Hint:  a dream takes hours of practice before it becomes reality.  Some books say that anyone who wants to master a certain dream must spend 10,000 hours practicing their craft.  A guitarist must practice daily.  A writer must write seven days a week.  An artist must stroke his or her brush on the canvas for 10,000 hours.  A jewelry maker must spend countless hours playing with creative ideas—before coming into the realm of expert or designer.

True story: once a farm boy decided to go to college.  While attending classes, he studied to become a teacher.  All the while, he kept writing in his diary.  He loved to write.  Once he became a teacher, they paid him so poorly that he learned to drive a long haul furniture truck in the summers to make ends meet.

He recorded his travels.  In reality, he wanted to be a writer.

Many of his customers said, “You don’t seem to fit the truck driver mold.  What are you actually trying to do with your life?”

“In reality, I am a writer temporarily driving a truck to chase my dreams of becoming an author of adventure books,” he said.  “I work 70 plus hours a week loading furniture and driving so I can earn enough to get to my real life.”

“That’s not surprising,” his customers said.

During the years that followed, he traveled extensively around the world. He racked up 10,000 hours of travel.  He jotted down notes of his world meanderings. He snapped pictures.  He refined his craft.

When his first travel book published, he broke down in tears of joy.  He laughed. He celebrated. He yelled.  He fulfilled his self-created destiny.

Hints for you to live into your chosen destiny:

—Realize that what you do in your spare time usually gives you a hint to what you really like to do in life.
—Whatever your dream, chase it with daily mental, emotional and physical energy.
—Put in your 10,000 hours with a sense of gusto, passion and flair.
—Get help along the way. Read books from others that share your passion for a particular path: computer programmer, creator of computer games, ski instructor, scuba diver, adventure traveler, parent, scholar, athlete, nurse and 10,000 other avenues that lead to your destiny.

In the end, you make your life. You make your choices. You make your destiny.  Now get out there and make it happen.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Origin Of Covid-19?

Dennis Cuddy

For a long time, I have been involved with taking care of my mother, who passed away on August 4. She came to a local hospital and tested negative for Covid-19. They then proceeded to not give her any food for 3 days weakening her considerably, When her oxygen level dropped, they transferred her to intensive care where they gave her the MRSA virus. She was then placed in isolation. I begged them repeatedly to retest for Covid and they refused. Finally, they retested her after 12 days and found she had Covid all along. They only let me see her once in the Covid critical care unit and her nurse was from China. I asked how she got here, and she said in 2001 the Chinese Ministry of Health assigned her to go to Kuwait (when it was a world hotspot). As everyone knows, China is a controlled society where the government controls everyone’s life and tells them what to do, Shortly after Kuwait, the nurse came to Raleigh, NC where my mother and I lived. I asked her where she worked in China, and she said Wuhan (where Covid-19 originated)! Amazing coincidence?!

I had been researching the origin of Covid-19 for some time, and had forwarded the information I found to a number of people including THE WASHINGTON POST’s intelligence specialist covering the story. He emailed me delay after delay, so I thought I may as well write about what I had found. Those familiar with my writings know that those I call the Power Elite plan things far in advance, so in my 1991 book NOW IS THE DAWNING OF THE NEW AGE NEW WORLD ORDER, I wrote that Dr. Richard L. Day (1965-1968 national medical director of Planned Parenthood) in March 1969 delivered a speech where Dr. Lawrence Dunegan was in attendance. According to Dr. Dunegan, Dr. Day announced that in terms of controlling population: “Everything is in place, and nobody can stop us now….This time we’re going to do it right.” Dr. Day then listed a long series of things, such as the legalization of abortion, which have all come true, including “hard-to-cure diseases would be created.”

This brings us to Covid-19, and when you read the following documents from 2015, remember that in that same year, Bill Gates delivered a Ted Talks saying the following: “Today the greatest risk of a global catastrophe doesn’t look like this (picture of war). Instead it looks like this (picture of a virus). If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war. Not missiles, but microbes….You can have a virus where people feel well enough while they’re infectious that they get on a plane or they go to a market. The source of the virus could be a natural epidemic, or it could be bioterrorism….It would spread throughout the world very, very quickly….”

On March 2 of this year, I emailed top news people at ABC News the following: “Re Covid-19, some years ago (October 2013), NIH director Francis Collins said certain studies ‘entail biosafety and biosecurity risks.’ He was talking about studies such as Ralph Baric’s Bioscience Lab (BSL-Level 3) at UNC’s efforts to engineer a virus with a surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus found in horseshoe bats in China. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells. Baric and Zheng-li Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (China) among others co-authored ‘A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence’ in NATURE MEDICINE (November 9, 2015). The article’s Abstract states that ‘Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014…, and the spike can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in human airway cells….’ Synthetic construction of mutant and full-length SHC014-CoV was approved by the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee, and research in this manuscript was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, among others.

THE LONDON DAILY MAIL (March 2) reports that a paper by the Beijing-sponsored South China Institute of Technology indicates that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control, WHCDC (where they keep 605 disease-ridden bats) could have spawned Covid-19. ‘The WHCDC is adjacent to the Union Hospital where the first group of doctors were infected during this epidemic,’ the report says. The report also suggests that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (where Zheng is located) could have also leaked the virus. ‘This laboratory reported that the Chinese horseshoe bats were natural reservoirs for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). The principal investigator participated in a project which generated a chimeric virus using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, and reported the potential for human emergence. A direct speculation was that SARS-CoV or its derivative might leak from the laboratory.’ Another speculation is that COVID-19 was developed at the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, China’s only Level 4 microbiology lab equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses. Remember, I began my message to you quoting about biosafety and biosecurity threats. And the economic impact of those threats (e.g., stock market, travel, tourism, etc. declines) has only just begun.” I realized early that Covid-19 was an attack not only upon the health of people, but also on the economies of the world!

On March 15, 2016, UNC’s Ralph Baric and 3 others with his BSL-3 team among others co-authored “SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence” (PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences). In the Acknowledgments, it states, “We thank Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology for access to the bat CoV sequences and plasmid of WIV1-CoV spike protein.” A virus is a protein with spikes. On October 30, 2013 Dr. Zheng had already co-authored “Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor,” and in the Abstract, one reads: “Here we report whole-genome sequences of two novel bat coronaviruses from Chinese horseshoe bats….These viruses are far more closely related to SARS-CoV than any previously identified bat coronaviruses, particularly in the receptor binding domain of the spike protein….Our results provide the strongest evidence to date that Chinese horseshoe bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-CoV, and that intermediary hosts may not be necessary for direct human infection….” It would seem from this that Covid-19 might simply be something that accidentally was transmitted to humans (one of the scientists at Wuhan’s Level 4 lab was bitten by a diseased bat and possibly then walked out into the fish market with blood on his lab coat).

However, On January 26, 2020, Bill Gertz in THE WASHINGTON TIMES wrote that “The deadly animal-borne coronavirus spreading globally may have originated in a laboratory in the city of Wuhan linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, said an Israeli biological warfare analyst….Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese biological warfare, said the institute (Wuhan Institute of Virology) is linked to Beijing’s covert bio-weapons program.” In addition, on May 16, 2020, “EXCLUSIVE: Virus researchers uncover new evidence implying COVID-19 was created in a lab,” was published regarding a study done by Nikolai Petrovsky and a team at Flinders University in South Australia.” According to the study’s authors, there is strong evidence that “the virus that causes COVID-19 did not come from an animal intermediary, but became specialized for human cell penetration by living previously in human cells, quite possibly in a laboratory.” In other words, it was engineered to go from human to human, and possibly in the Wuhan Institute of Virology where Dr. Zheng was located.

The first case of Covid-19 was traced back to November 17, 2019 in China. About 6 weeks before that in the October 2, 2019 edition of the JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Ralph Baric, Timothy Sheahan and Amy Sims of the UNC Bioscience Lab Level 3 and others co-authored an article indicating “small molecule antiviral BDN^4-hydroxycytidine inhibits a proofreading-intact coronavirus with a high genetic barrier to resistance.” And on January 10, 2020, Baric, Sheahan, and Sims and others also co-authored an article about the “comparative therapeutic efficacy of remdesivir,” developed at UNC BSL-3! Coincidence? Someone I know overheard a conversation relevant to Covid-19 in which they said a man said, “I did it.” When pressed, the person indicated they could say no more because they feared for their life! As if we didn’t have enough trouble with Covid-19, on July 4, 2020, the FOX8 Digital Desk posted “Duke University researchers help discover new strain of coronavirus that spreads faster because of gene mutation.” May God please help us!

© 2020 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

Since When Did Bill and Melinda Gates Become Licensed Doctors?

Gates Paying For Desired Outcome -This Is Illegal!

“Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (BMGF), launched in 2000, is reported to be the largest private foundation in the world. The primary goals of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and, in the U.S., to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology.” -Wikipedia

First off, I would like to remind people that Bill Gates is the one calling for depopulation of the global population.  He said, “The world has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” Read John 10:10.


Secondly, what does Bill Gates mean when he says “reproductive health services”? Does Bill mean organizations like Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for the murder of over 60 million babies?  You bet it does (Proverbs 6:17).


Finally, I ask, why is it that the mainstream media’s cameras and microphones are up to the faces and mouths of Bill and Melinda Gate, as well as their paid minions, every time they make a sound?

When did they receive their medical degrees-licenses?

How are they qualified to disseminate medical advice when it comes to vaccines?

Did you know that this is against the law (Psalm 94:20)?

Do people realize that you or I would get into some serious trouble if we were to impersonate a doctor!

A nurse recently shared with me when I was doing my research that “If you sold vitamins and supplements you CANNOT make claims for better health.”

NOTE: Bill Gates answered that the FDA (Video Below) would be the ones to regulate the vax when asked about side effects? The FDA says you can’t make claims about vitamin and supplements, and they approve and regulate drugs that we KNOW can cause death, right? Bill hides behind the FDA when the FDA is in question.

According to the law, Bill and Melinda Gates are in violation …

Impersonating a Doctor and the Law

There are legal ramifications for misusing the title of ‘Doctor’.  The Medical Act 1983 states:

‘Any person who wilfully and falsely pretends to be or uses the name or title of physician, doctor of medicine, licentiate in medicine and surgery, bachelor of medicine, surgeon, general practitioner or apothecary, or any name, title, addition or description implying that he is registered under any provision of this Act, or that he is recognised by law as a physician or surgeon or licentiate in medicine and surgery or a practitioner in medicine or an apothecary, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale’

So, actually telling people you are a doctor or giving the impression that you are licensed for medical practice is a criminal offense.

Furthermore, the Fraud Act of 2006 makes ‘Dishonestly making a false representation to make a gain for oneself or another or to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss’ a criminal offence. Cautions and prosecutions under this piece of legislation have been steadily increasing over the years and the severity of the punishment will be relative to the severity of the crime. The crime of fraud under the act can carry a sentence of up to 10 years in prison and an unlimited fine.

How then is it that Bill and Melinda Gates are above the law?  They are not, that is if the people know the difference (Hosea 4:6). They simply hide behind their money, buying off those who will simply do their biddings (Luke 22:48).

The Politico reported Meet the World’s Most Powerful Doctor: Bill Gates:

Some billionaires are satisfied with buying themselves an island. Bill Gates got a United Nations health agency in Geneva.

Over the past decade, the world’s richest man has become the World Health Organization’s second biggest donor, second only to the United States and just above the United Kingdom. This largesse gives him outsized influence over its agenda, one that could grow as the U.S. and the U.K. threaten to cut funding if the agency doesn’t make a better investment case.

The result, say his critics, is that Gates’ priorities have become the WHO’s. Rather than focusing on strengthening health care in poor countries — that would help, in their view, to contain future outbreaks like the Ebola epidemic — the agency spends a disproportionate amount of its resources on projects with the measurable outcomes Gates prefers, such as the effort to eradicate polio.

Concerns about the software billionaire’s sway — roughly a quarter of WHO’s budget goes toward polio eradication — has led to an effort to rein him in. But he remains a force to be reckoned with, as WHO prepares to elect one of three finalists to lead the organization.

“All of the candidates are going to have to ally with him in some way,” said Sophie Harman, associate professor of international politics at Queen Mary University of London. “You can’t ignore him.”

Evidence of Gates’ unprecedented influence abounds in ways subtle and showy.

[FaceBook Video]

[FaceBook Video]

In conclusion: It is for the people to be the strength and the enforcement of the law, the laws that need to be enforced against them that think that their money is going to wrest judgment (Deuteronomy 16:19).

[YouTube Video]

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Scary Similarities Between FDR’s New Deal and the Coronavirus

By Ron Ewart

The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive ‘policies’ and ‘Plans’ of the Russian experiment.  Americans shirk the word ‘socialism’, but what else can one call it?”  H. G. Wells

In 1933 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was elected president in the beginnings of the Great Depression he said, “I will wage war against this emergency as though we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.”  He did just that and in many cases without regard to the 17 enumerated powers as contained in Article I, Section 8, Clauses 1 through 17 of the U. S. Constitution.

The very next day, FDR declared a 4-day bank holiday to stop people from withdrawing their money from banks that were on the brink of failing.  (And you think the money in your bank is your money!) A few months later FDR took America off of the gold standard and American currency was backed up by nothing, except the alleged full faith and credit of the American government.  It was hardly a reassuring act.  The gold standard still does not exist today.

During the Great Depression, that many believe was caused by the Federal Reserve, millions of Americans lost their jobs, their life’s savings, their homes and some their lives.  Something had to be done to save the country but did that something go beyond government’s enumerated powers?  The answer is a resounding yes!

Besides creating the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Civil Works Administration, the National Industrial Recovery Act, the National Labor Relations Board and the Social Security Administration under the New Deal, he got Congress to pass sweeping banking regulations like the Glass-Stegall Act in June of 1933.  Under the Glass-Stegall Act, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created, which was supposed to protect bank deposits when banks failed.  FDR went on to force workers into unions.  He blatantly and openly used the IRS against his enemies, as did Obama.

Within the New Deal were new agricultural programs that provided subsidies to farmers for not growing certain crops, or not raising specific livestock like dairy cattle.  Many of those farm subsidies are still active today.

The conservative wing of the U. S. Supreme Court gave FDR all kinds of negative decisions on many of his programs.  They declared eleven (11) of FDR’s 16 alphabet laws unconstitutional.  To get even, FDR threatened to pack the Supreme Court with more justices.  The conservative justices took the threat to heart and came around to FDR’s thinking.

In FDR’s speech to the Congress in January of 1934 FDR said,It is to the eternal credit of the American people that this tremendous readjustment of our national life (read, expansion of government power) is being accomplished peacefully.”  The American people forgot their Constitution and rolled overBy stealth and unconstitutional legislation, the Federal Government, under FDR, increased its powers way beyond constitutional limits and the people seemed none the wiser and in many cases, grateful.  Once again, WE THE PEOPLE and individual freedom were the losers.

FDR took us from a nation built on the foundation of unalienable rights and individualism, straight into social collectivism (socialism) in an unprecedented expansion of the welfare state and massive government intervention in the American economy.

In all effects, FDR became king of America with a virtually permanent Democrat Congress at his beck and call.  When he won an unprecedented fourth term in 1944 and then promptly died, the GOP-controlled Senate at that time, couldn’t wait to limit presidential terms to two, four-year terms under the 22nd Amendment.  With the help of some southern Democrats, the Amendment passed the Senate.  The U. S. House followed suit and the Amendment was finally ratified by the states in February of 1951.  So ended the reign of King FDR whose immeasurable influence is still with us today.

Yes, there have been other emergencies since the Great Depression, but those emergencies paled in comparison to the emergency that took place in the late winter and early spring of 2020, when Communist China unleashed the Coronavirus on an unsuspecting world from what may have been the accidental or purposeful release of the virus from a Wuhan bio laboratory.

All around the planet, people began to get sick and die by the tens of thousands and then by the hundreds of thousands.  The science of the virus was almost non-existent since China chose to keep it secret.  Without adequate science, world governments went into action and started forcing people to stay in their homes in what could only be described as a massive lock down, just short of martial law.

Sweden on the other hand, went against the prevailing wisdom and did not shut down their country.  It turns out that Sweden’s constitution does not allow the declaration of a national emergency.  In Sweden, freedom of movement is a fundamental right.   Still, Sweden was significantly impacted by the virus.

Nevertheless, the net result of the planet-wide lock down stopped international and national airline, ship and train travel.  Cruise ships became instant incubators of the virus and the passengers became trapped at sea where the virus spread rapidly.  Tens of thousands of businesses were forced to close.  In America, over 40 million lost their jobs, virtually overnight.  Meeting and large groups were banned.  All high school, college and professional sports terminated their seasonal training and scheduled games.  The stadiums were empty.  The people couldn’t pray in their churches.  Streets were deserted.  Restaurants closed their doors.  Theaters were shuttered.  Bankruptcies started piling up.  Rents, on a massive scale, went unpaid.   Food banks had trouble meeting the demand.  Hospital rooms started filling up and our children were sent home from public schools and colleges, perhaps never to return.

Noted scientists pontificated about the virus and offered advice to world leaders, which translated into new laws and policies.  The pontifications and advice would change over time, sometimes dramatically.  “Congregate” and “don’t congregate”, along with “don’t wear a mask”, “wear a mask,” littered the airwaves.  The people were confused but complied with the government shut down edicts and mandates anyway.

Governors and mayors got into the act and issued local mandates.  Some states locked up, some states didn’t.  State and local politicians took on powers that suspended constitutionally protected rights.  The Mayors of New York and Los Angeles have gone to extraordinarily punitive measures to control the virus.  New York’s mayor has set up roadblocks entering the city while allowing crime to race out of control.   The mayor of Los Angeles has threatened to cut off the water and electricity to homes and businesses that violate the strict orders.  Protests are allowed but churches must remain closed.

It turns out that in the name of “Public Health and Safety”, government believes it has the power to override all other laws.  The Bill of Rights was tossed into the trashcan.  The Constitution died in the spring of 2020.  (See:  “The Slow, Torturous, Silent Repeal of the Bill of Rights”)

The Congress and the Federal Reserve pulled out all the stops in order to blunt the effects of a potential economic collapse.   Massive stimulus packages were passed in Congress and signed by the President, to the tune of $2 Trillion.  Congress is now considering another stimulus package of from $1 Trillion to $3 Trillion to buy more votes during an election year.  The Federal Reserve took unprecedented actions, in the trillions of dollars, to maintain liquidity.  The national debt rose from $23.5 Trillion to $26.5 Trillion almost overnight.  The national debt is now 1.3 times America’s Gross Domestic Product at $20.54 Trillion   The income and net worth of every American is the collateral for this debt but there is no way that it will ever be paid back as it continues to rise into the stratosphere.

Many Americans vehemently objected to the new health rules and went to court, but the courts have mostly upheld the emergency powers of the government leaders and politicians.  Businesses that defied the shut down orders had their business licenses revoked, or were arrested and thrown in jail.

Once again, the federal government used a national emergency to increase its powers and authority, to the detriment of the people’s rights.  Once again, the people laid down and played dead like good little compliant robots, just like they did under the reign of King FDR.  Should they express outrage at their loss of freedom, they have only them selves to blame.

The Clinton Administration got into the act of increasing executive power by forming the “President’s Council on Sustainable Development”, which had the effect of codifying into law the policies of UN’s Agenda 21, adopted by most UN nations, including the U. S., in 1992.  The radical Agenda 21 environmental policies were never debated or ratified by the U. S. Congress, as required by the U. S. Constitution.  Such policies are an affront to American sovereignty and constitutional rights, including property rights.

During the eight-year reign of King Obama, executive power was increased even more.  Using the power of his pen, he wrote unconstitutional presidential memoranda and executive orders that he himself said were unconstitutional.  He did it anyway.   In one such Presidential Memoranda he proclaimed that all children who were brought to America by illegal aliens (DACA) were exempt from deportation.  President Trump came along and reversed Obama’s Memoranda on constitutional grounds but the U. S. Supreme Court refused to uphold Trump’s Memoranda and failed to declare Obama’s Memoranda unconstitutional.  Unfortunately, this is just more judicial confusion and further clouding of immigration law.

Obama cronies in the FBI, DOJ, CIA and NSA were complicit in a silent coup d’etat against incoming President Trump whom they hated, exceeding all of their powers, ethics and department policies.   Trump, in their minds, was a threat to their well-established, corrupt, highly lucrative establishment.  Will they pay a price for breaking the law, or will their law breaking become business as usual in the U. S. Government?  We shall soon see if the Durham report is ever made public and high-level government officers are indicted, convicted and sent to jail.  We don’t suggest holding your breath in anticipation of such an outcome.

Thomas Jefferson wrote 200 years ago that, “Experience hath shown that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”

American local, state and the federal government have, in the last 100 years, proved that Jefferson was uncannily right.  Using stealth, backroom deals, unconstitutional legislation and national emergencies, government tyranny, corruption and expansion of powers have now become the norm not the exception and the people have become slaves but are totally oblivious to their enslavement.

America has endured many emergencies since the signing of the Constitution but manages to avert disaster each time.  However, in the process of addressing those emergencies, government takes more and more control of our lives.  If government has no intention of fulfilling its obligation to preserve, protect and defend individual freedoms and the Constitution, America will just be another nation that toyed with freedom but couldn’t hold onto it because the people refused to maintain constitutional restraints on government.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

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No Iranian Dog in Muslim Fight

Amil Imani

Islam, with its barbaric exclusionary and primitive Bedouin Arab dogma, overtook Iran in the 7th century and brutally strove to replace the traditional lofty Iranian beliefs in human rights and diversity. Regrettably, the forced subjugation of the Iranian people succeeded to some degree in transmitting the Islamic psychosocial virus to many Iranians—the virus that transforms the person into a bigot who sees only his way and his belief as the right way and the only right mandate. Any and all people who do not see things “his” way are wrong and must be reformed by whatever means, necessary, including eradication, if the bigot sees fit.

I hold Islam in violation of the sacred charter of Cyrus the Great by invading other lands, enslaving people, destroying their heritage and their way of life. I find Islam guilty of pursuing a multi-front attack, even to this day, on much of what is sacred to all civilized people. I consider Islam responsible for 1400 years of atrocities committed against my people. The litany of Islam’s wrong-doings is beyond the scope of this writing. Just look around you in the world and see the horrific things that true Muslims are doing, not only to the people they label infidel, but to their own various sects, under the misogynist, discriminatory banner of their belief.

It is constructive to note how Islamists engage others in discussion. When they don’t like what they hear, they resort to ridicule, accusations and name-calling. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these people would, for once, abandon their primitive mindset and use a civilized method of dialogue?

1 – Muhammad died and did not leave a written will (he was illiterate, that’s understandable). So, his high-ranking disciples began scheming for leadership. The Shi’as claim that Muhammad verbally indicated that Ali was to lead his Ummah. Well, 90% of Muslims say, no he did not and the Caliphate system was the way to go.

2 – Shortly after Muhammad’s death, Ali was killed by some disgruntled Muslim, by the name of Abdur Rahman bin Muljam. And just when Ali lifted his head from the ground during the prayer, ibn Muljam struck the fatal blow at his forehead with such deadly force that it split open. Blood squirted from Ali’s forehead in several jets, and he exclaimed: “By the Lord of the Kaaba, I am successful!”

Why Ali ibn Abi Talib, prophet Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law and his personal executioner was murdered was none of our business. There was some personal vendetta between two Arab terrorists. During the 7th century Arabia violence ruled supreme. Everybody killed everybody for revenge and power.

3 – Then there was a battle between Yazid’s forces and Hussein. Wasn’t there? Hussein and his band of relatives-followers got butchered. Well, friends, that is the nature of the beast called war.

4 – To this day, Shia’s bloody themselves, their children, even their babies with self-flagellation in a most horrid way in aza dari (mourning) for what happened to Hussein. What good does this do, other than perpetuate a sense of defeatism and fanaticism that mitigates against Iranians freeing themselves from the yoke of the conniving mullahs?

Your cause is ill-served by your methods. While you are at it, please do not curse me and accuse me of being in the pay of this and that. I am only paid by my conscience and the love I have for my motherland Iran and non-fanatic Iranians.

The long-suffering Iranian people must put the past behind them (as most of them have) and use their excellent talents to not only join the advanced world, but lead it. What a shame to remain stuck in this horrid mentality of victimization. Iranians deserve better than being manipulated by a bunch of mullahs who have been having a great ride on the back of the ignorant poor.

Forget the afterlife and pay attention to the plight of the suffering masses. Stop playing politics with the life of the people. Those responsible for this sham have no heart and no shame. Let the bad bygones be bygones and use the marvelous human potential of Iranians to provide them with the opportunities to better themselves and their families.

The most important step in the direction of emancipation of our people is the establishment of the rule of law — not the barbaric sharia law — to grant all Iranians, male and female, young and old, of all beliefs equal rights.

Let’s keep in mind that Iranians have no dog in this long-dead Islamic fight. Let’s look forward and do something about the sorry plight of our people today so that future generations recall these current day Iranian trailblazers who had the courage to break from the bleak past and launch a bright future.

I cannot say with certainty. But, I have a gut feeling that Trump’s overture is poison to Iran’s aspiration to end the mullah’s regime which is about to collapse under the present pressures. I hope it is not another American rope thrown to rescue the mullahs.

Is Trump going to give the mullahs a new lease on their criminal life in exchange for the concessions he thinks he is going to get, just trusting their words? Trump today in an interview said that if he is reelected, he will make a deal with these mass murderers.

In any event. It is unrealistic and somewhat suicidal to rely on other people batting for you and at their own expense.

See, politicians are not do-gooder Boy Scouts. By their very trade, they do whatever benefits them. It is foolish to believe that politicians are out there strictly to serve the good, whatever that may be. It is prudent to keep in mind that the society produces politicians by the truckloads and statements, such as Lincoln and Washington, with great rarity.

In short, former President Obama picked the Mullahs over the Iranian people during the Green Revolution of 2009. The Trump administration must do the opposite and support proud Iranian people.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

The Democrats’ Abandonment of the Jews

Joan Swirsky

In 1984, David S. Wyman, a professor of history at Amherst College, published The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941–1945, in which he documented the degree to which leftist icons like President Franklin Delano Roosevelt were presented with irrefutable evidence of Jewish genocide and did nothing to stop the mass murder of six-million Jews in Hitler’s Europe.

Jewish leaders who were given an “audience” with FDR implored him, beseeched him to intervene in this unprecedented annihilation, and showed him graphic evidence of:

  • Jews being herded into asphyxiating cattle cars on their way to concentration camps,
  • Jewish infants and children being ripped from the arms of their parents,
  • Jews clawing at the walls of gas chambers until their last gasping deaths.

But FDR did nothing! If there is blood on the hands of any politician in the last thousand years, it is on the hands of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

And yet, leftist American Jews––to this day––celebrate his presidency.

Now we know why, thanks to a few honest historians, among them Rafael Medoff who wrote The Jews Should Keep Quiet: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Holocaust and The Deafening Silence: American Jewish Leaders and the Holocaust, and Lucy Dawidowicz who wrote The War Against the Jews: 1933-1945.

Why? Because to leftists like FDR and his toadying adherents, nothing on earth took precedence over actualizing their political agenda, which was––and remains to this day––total government control over the immensely stupid masses, the deplorables, the people who don’t understand the imperative of handing over their destinies to the Regressive powers-that-be.

Many of the Jews who survived the Holocaust and ended up in America had already been physically, mentally and emotionally destroyed and wanted desperately to be in the good graces of anyone who promised to protect them––a sentiment that savvy leftist politicians like FDR were quick to exploit.

Aiding and abetting Roosevelt––and every Democrat regime to this day––were the leftwing media, the same media that covered for the socialist phony FDR, concealed his racism and camouflaged his anti-Semitism.

Today these media whores are doing the exact same thing in covering for the Obama-Biden regime that we now know are mobilizing their virulently anti-Semitic minions––including the Jew haters in Black Lives Matter and Antifa––to demonize Jews and Israel relentlessly and ruthlessly every day in every way.


After the Holocaust, American Jews still suffered from the vicious quotas imposed on them by major universities like Harvard and Yale, and many other institutions of “higher” learning. Also by medical schools that wouldn’t accept them and law firms that wouldn’t hire them––the reason why so many major medical institutions and powerful law practices in America were established by Jews. But for the most part florid anti-Semitism went underground because the growing awareness of Hitler’s genocide silenced even the most fanatical Jew haters.

Even though Jews had arrived on America’s shores centuries ago––since colonial times––and loved and embraced the freedom that America promised, and contributed mightily to the betterment of our country, the metastatic virus of Jew Hatred followed them.

In response, Jewish community leaders established organizations to combat the hatred, to provide crucial and illuminating information to the uninformed, and to support political figures who enacted legislation against Jew haters and other racists.


Jewish advocacy organizations functioned with tremendous efficacy, many for over a century, before they were contaminated and compromised––starting in the 1960s––by leftist Jews who replaced Judaism with their new-found religion of “social justice.”

Today, most of those once-powerful organizations are wholly-owned and controlled by leftist billionaires with a fetish for multiculturalism–– the notion that Jews who build symphonies and medical centers in Israel are equal to “Palestinians” who strap homicide bombs onto their three-year-olds.

They also subscribe to political correctness––the idea that organized anti-Semitic groups on college campuses throughout our country can express their hatred for Jews and Israel at will under the rubric of Free Speech, but that Jewish students who protest these assaults can be physically and verbally attacked with total impunity because of cowardly college presidents who are either anti-Semites themselves or have been handsomely paid-off by leftist moneybags or Arab money.

A particularly egregious case is that of college student Louis Shenker––chillingly documented by writer Victor Rosenthal––whose time spent at UMass made him the triple victim of the hate-conservatives/hate-Jews/hate-Trump students and its faculty which relentlessly harassed, tortured and expelled him on false grounds. Shenker’s lawyers are now asking for $27 million in penalties for the school’s violence against him.


Dozens of Jewish organizations have prostituted themselves by throwing their lot into the leftist realm, foolishly believing, against a 5,000-year history, that they––and not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob––will prevail in determining the future of Judaism. Because of space limitations, I can only mention a few.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), founded in 1913, aggressively and successfully fulfilled its mission to “stop the defamation of the Jewish people” until 102 years after its founding, when in 2015, Jonathan Greenblatt became the ADL’s national director and CEO. Greenblatt worked for three far-left regimes antagonistic to Israel––the Clinton administration, the Obama fiasco, and the George Soros-funded far-left Aspen Institute. Now Mr. Greenblatt sounds deranged when he states that “only a small number” of the Black Lives Matter anarchy group don’t like Jews, when he knows full well that it is one of the most rabidly Jew- and Israel-loathing groups in the world!

According to Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of the Conference of Jewish Affairs title, “…the ADL has made its focus the destruction of political conservatism and President Trump.  Worse, under Mr. Greenblatt, it has betrayed its original mission of fighting anti-Semites by forging a new partnership with one of America’s most notorious anti-Semites, Al Sharpton…. he has made the ADL a defamation.”

The ADL is not worth ten cents of any sane Jew’s contribution.

The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations (CoP), founded in 1956, was, as writer Jonathan S. Tobin thoroughly documents, “the central address for American-Jewish political interests.” But today many of its 53-member groups are neither “major” nor “influential—let alone representative of American Jewry,” Tobin says.

In fact, in 2020, the CoP elected Dianne Lob, the former head of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), a Jewish group whose purpose was to facilitate absorption of immigrants and refugees, but whose mission today is to help refugees from Muslim and other countries. According to the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Ms. Lob has also “collaborated with anti-Israel organizations like J Street and If Not Now and supported noted anti-Semite Linda Sarsour.”

The CoP is not worth ten cents of any sane Jew’s contribution.

AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) was founded in 1951 to promote the alliance between the United States and Israel to the Senate and House of Representatives––the U.S. Congress.

For decades, AIPAC sponsored conferences in Washington, D.C. featuring prominent pro-Israel American politicians and other luminaries. I personally attended a couple of these conferences and was immensely encouraged by AIPAC’s unwavering support for always-besieged Israel.

That ended the day I saw with my own eyes all the bigwigs at AIPAC give a standing ovation to the Oval Office occupant Barack Obama––who loathed Israel, spit in the face of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and gave Israel’s mortal enemy Iran over a billion dollars in cash to make the nukes they promised every day––to this very day––would destroy Israel forever.

AIPAC is not worth ten cents of any sane Jew’s contribution.


Today, less than three months from a presidential election, the Democrat Party––long hailed as a stalwart friend of Israel and the Jewish people––has gone full-bore anti-Semitic.

All Congressional Democrats take their marching orders from Senate Minority Speaker Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who has done the following:

  • Thrown her full support behind “the squad” of outspoken Jew haters Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Rep Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex (D-NY), et al.
  • Funneled $14,000 to Ilhan Omar’s campaign as well as endorsed both Omar and Tlaib against moderates running against them.
  • Had not one word of objection when Ocasio-Cortez, the leader of the anti-Israel campaign, threatened to cut off military aid to Israel.

As writers Jeff Ballabon and Bruce Abramson describe in repulsive detail, in “The Democrats Declare a Jew Ban,” Biden’s 2020 presidential platform treats “Jews and Israel as pariahs, uniquely worthy of discriminatory treatment.  It makes a mockery of Israel as a sovereign state and an American ally. It directly aligns the Biden campaign—and the entire Party—with Israel’s mortal enemies.”

The writers continue: “Outgoing Secretary of State Kerry announced that when Democrats were back in power they would punish Israel for its stubborn refusal to be bullied into suicidal positions ‘for the sake of peace.’ Biden’s platform delivers on that threat.”


In a tour-de-force article in which she lists dozens of anti-Semitic actions taken by Democrat Party elected officials and supporters, writer Valerie Sobel spells out why a “resounding 72-74% majority of the 5.4-million American Jews have backed the Party since the sun has risen in the East.”

“We get it, Sobel elaborates, “you’re for minority rights because you will forever identify as a minority. You’re forever for JFK even though his brand of liberalism is long gone and has actually morphed into modern conservatism. You’re forever for FDR, even though it was the Republican Ronald Reagan who delivered approximately 3,000,000 Soviet Jews from bondage of anti-Semitic leftist oppression. The Democratic Party of the 1950s was the party of the underdog, and you’re forever the underdog, in your mind….”

Alluding to the upcoming vote in November, Sobel says that it’s not the 1950s anymore, and “after the devastating failure of your Party to stand with Jews unequivocally against the rabid Nazi-era anti-Semitism of Democrat Congresswoman [Ihlan] Omar, you stand in the final hour of a critical decision, depleted of all excuses for your political loyalty. And you know it.”

Yoo Hoo, Jewish Democrats, it is long overdue for you to wake up and smell the now-contaminated coffee. A vote for Joe Biden is a full-on endorsement of the poisonous Jew hatred that has commandeered the Democrat Party and told you––meaning all Jews including left-wingers––that they hate you personally and they hate Israel so much that they share the identical mission of the mullahs in Iran to literally exterminate the only Jewish state in existence.

Your choice.

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

Website: http://www.joanswirsky.com

Is Wearing Face Masks A Pre-Cursor To A Cashless Society?

Shirley Edwards

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

On July 24th, 2020, the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, enforced a rule, with a few exceptions, that mask wearing in all shops in the UK was now a mandatory requirement.

Together with various members of the Conservative Party, who have publicly ripped up their membership cards in disagreement with the ruling, many other people across the country have seriously questioned the decision on why this requirement would be enforced now, in the middle of summer, and four months after the initial lockdown?

Mask wearing, according to Mr Johnson, and numerous media outlets, and biased talk show debaters, have stressed it will stem the spread of infection and give more confidence to shoppers!  Some now hold the upper ground in responsibility by believing that only the selfish would not wear a mask, and according to police chief Cressida Dick, those who don’t wear a mask should be ‘shamed’ by shop owners.

Division can be a wonderful thing in a country which keeps promoting the ‘all in it together’ rhetoric.

A Room with a View

This week from my office window, I have observed some wonderful, and yet very bittersweet sights.

Photo by Simon Migaj from Pexels

The Designer mask:  Usually floral or leopard print and colour co-ordinated to the outfit.

The Sports mask:  Depicting your favourite sport or team.

The Bandana:  Tough, casual, slightly rebellious, but does the job.

The Face Shield:  Perspex windscreen minus the wash and wipers.

The Ultimate Survivor:   Tight fit, quality mask with temperature gauge and air filters.

The Whatever:   Those who wear them under their chin, hanging from their ear, or worse, the rear-view mirror in their car.

“Mistrust all enterprises that require new clothes” (a quote from Henry David Thoreau’s Walden)

And then there are those who seriously struggle. They have bright red faces and are obviously breathless, with sad weary eyes.   Some are elderly, or lonely, and have no friendly smile or conversation to great them.

However, aside from genuine people with health and disability issues which are being cruelly overlooked by police chief Cressida Dick and the recruited vigilantes, there could be much more serious consequences to consider apart from your own particular views on the wearing of a mask against a coronavirus.

Whose orders you follow, whether it is via your conscience, the laws enforced by a government, or by God, if you are a believer, can have serious consequences as well.

The organized church who have been told their congregations must wear masks in church, could be complicit in promoting some ‘pre-conditioning programming’ which is required for not being able to buy or sell as indicated in the book of Revelation which states:

It causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. (Revelation 13:17-17)

Is mask wearing the precursor to programming us to not being able to buy or sell at a later date into readily accept a vaccination which will free us from the bondage of our muzzles?

Or, is ‘mandatory’ mask wearing, despite its inefficiency reported by many other experts in the health field, a means to preventing the spread of a virus?

They are points to consider, most especially if you are a preacher leading people to their Creator, whilst standing in front of a congregation of mask wearers staring back at you.

As a friend pointed out.   We do not look for the signs and wonders to prove Gods existence, but the signs of good which is God, and evil which is hell; is all around us.   They do not hide.

The Creator of Confusion

The person of faith of course believes we have an enemy which comes to kill, steal and destroy.   There is a spirit of darkness which is always attempting to build its own kingdom on this earth.

One of its calling cards is usually ‘confusion’ and you can be sure if there is confusion or mayhem in any given situation, there is a source of darkness which is usually at play.

Life out there, after our initial summer holiday at home is now officially miserable if you look at the faces of those who are currently trying to live, shop, travel or work in a state of chaos which has incorporated misleading information, mandated draconian rules, and enforced silencing of speech via different methods of suppression against innocent and healthy people.

As predicted, people are now avoiding their once pleasurable pastime of shopping.   This will close down even more of the small businesses.

Who will you allow to bring in the order which has been systematically been broken down over the years?

Please watch this powerful video on what happens when you do not question authority.

Navigating your way through the minefield of confusion minus the rose-coloured plastic face shield requires a common sense and simplistic approach.   It requires an uncompromising stance on boundaries and the suppression against your freedom to breath, work and speak how you choose, whilst still observing obvious health issues to both yourself and others.

We are not alone in our fight against ‘the virus’   Speak up,

The very wonderful Lloyd Marcus who sadly passed away recently wrote:

God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us ,“Let my people know.” Spread truth.

© 2020 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards: eshirley02@gmail.com

Trump Thwarts Pelosi’s Pot Pushers

Cliff Kincaid

Using emergency authority granted to him by Congress, President Trump on Saturday issued four China virus relief executive orders to benefit taxpayers, students, renters and homeowners. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got in the way of this assistance because her “Heroes” bill that she insisted on passing through the Senate would have made heroes out of dope dealers and stoners and other clients of the marijuana industry. In a masterstroke, the president bypassed her.

The controversy demonstrates the priorities of the House Speaker, whose son, Paul Pelosi Jr., ran a marijuana legalization company called Freedom Leaf Inc. He left the company in 2018, after speaking of “the powerful benefits of cannabis,” and made several transactions involving company stock. (The company relaunched in 2019 as GL Brands).

At the time that Freedom Leaf named Paul Pelosi Jr. as chairman of the board, the company highlighted the fact that he “is the son of U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.” Pelosi was Minority Leader at the time and became Speaker when the Democrats took control of the House in 2018. A Congressional Cannabis [Marijuana] Caucus was formed to provide the façade of bipartisan support for getting stoned. But she was unable to deliver to Big Marijuana, mostly because of opposition from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans.

The so-called “HEROES” bill, which stands for Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, had an astounding 68 references to cannabis. It even directed that money be used in minority communities so that marijuana businesses can more easily distribute their dope to people of color.

Pelosi was taking a stand, in the name of “values,” by demanding that the federal government help the marijuana industry, in addition to passing mail-in voting schemes to benefit Democrats.

With his executive orders, Trump stopped Pelosi’s gambit by extending direct relief to victims of coronavirus and avoiding federal payments to an industry that is making money by getting people high and more vulnerable to death from coronavirus.

In protesting the so-called HEROES bill, Senate Majority Leader McConnell had said that Pelosi was “agitating for strange, new special interest carve-outs for the marijuana industry and even claiming they are COVID-related.” In regard to the latest “negotiations,” McConnell commented, “She said that, with respect to this virus, marijuana is ‘a therapy that has proven successful.’ You can’t make this up.” McConnell added, “I hope she shares her breakthrough with Dr. Fauci.”

McConnell, of course, was mocking Pelosi’s advocacy of dope as a medical treatment to make people well. Common sense is that inhaling marijuana smoke with mind-altering THC can only worsen the symptoms of the China virus, which strikes the lungs in many cases. A group of anti-drug experts warned that coronavirus harms are severely elevated by marijuana use and signed a statement asking health care professionals to examine in a scientific manner the likely connection between coming down with the China virus and smoking dope.

In terms of lies, Pelosi’s statement about marijuana being a successful therapy was a whopper with serious health consequences and actually risked the lives of Americans.

Some of our media, in a rare development, fact-checked her. After the news conference where she claimed that marijuana “is a therapy that has proven successful,” USA Today noted that she “did not cite any studies or health officials that have said cannabis may be a treatment for the coronavirus.” That’s because there are none. The Washington Times commented, “Mrs. Pelosi did not offer any evidence to corroborate her claim, and no published studies have proven that marijuana is effective at treating COVID-19, the contagious disease caused by the novel coronavirus.”

President Trump got the message from his negotiators that Pelosi was adamant about pot’s supposed health benefits and decided to bypass her with a series of four executive orders on China virus relief assistance.

Pelosi is a big loser, but so is George Soros, the big financial backer of dope legalization who has major influence over the Democratic Party and its policies. Roger Morgan’s new book, Soros: Orchestrating America’s Demise, explains the strategy.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues pushing. “Marijuana should be legalized,” she declared, “and drug consumption should be decriminalized. These are matters of public health.”

Since this has nothing to do with benefiting “public health,” and actually harms public health, what is this all about? One answer is campaign contributions for Democrats (and some Republicans) from the marijuana industry and their pot shops, which have remained open in many states during the pandemic. Another factor is that millions of stoners, drawn from the millennial generation, may turn out to vote for politicians who promise easy access to marijuana. They will vote for legal weed and then demand government help when their mental faculties deteriorate.

Consider the fact that, according to government statistics, 22.2 million people have used marijuana in the past month. They are a potential major voting bloc.

Not surprisingly, the Washington Post is out with a long story defending the hedge fund billionaire, George Soros, and another article casting doubt on President Trump’s executive actions on China virus relief. In the past, it has argued that drug tests threaten privacy and that employers should stop screening for marijuana. This is typical of a paper whose liberalism has degenerated into toxic paranoia, a characteristic of an alternative lifestyle not based in objective reality. Clearly, drug tests are needed at the paper.  Owner Jeff Bezos should order them immediately and set an example by taking the first test himself.

In the name of the public’s right to know, the paper whose slogan is “Democracy dies in darkness” should then release the results.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Why The Globalist Establishment Hates Our Historic President

Kelleigh Nelson

A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men. —Thomas Carlyle

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. —Dale Carnegie

I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens. —President Donald Trump

The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in truth lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in lies are full of passionate resolve. —Bishop Fulton Sheen

Before I delve into this article, remember that it was Donald Trump who waited behind the curtains in one of the debates when Dr. Ben Carson didn’t hear his name called. Carson told about all those who passed him by and smirked, (Bush, Cruz, Rubio) but not Donald Trump. Trump stopped and knew what had happened and waited there with Dr. Carson until Carson’s name was called again. He walked partially out with the doctor as though they’d been talking, and then stepped back. Trump covered for him, and that my friends is the heart of our President. He is the “great man,” in the Thomas Carlyle quote above, and I heard Dr. Carson tell this story in person.

How many other stories have we heard of the kindnesses of our President, both before his election and after, and yet the enemies of freedom despise him so much that their one desire in life is his destruction and removal from office. We have watched for over three and a half years the unconscionable and amoral attacks by the socialist democrats and the lack of support from the neo-con Trotskyite right.

Why? Because nearly all of them belong to an evil cabal that for decades has been eroding our God given freedoms and liberties. The constant denigration by the globalist left is aimed not only at the president, but those who elected him. To hell with small businesses and jobs, they don’t care. Their ultimate goal is to destroy America from within by plunging her into the trash heap of failed Marxist experiments and eliminating every God given freedom recorded in America’s Constitution.

One Party, One Agenda

Only a handful of Republican representatives and senators fully support our President and understand the peril our nation is facing. We know who they are, and along with our President, every one of them needs prayer, for they are battling the very principalities of darkness. Those who are in this war understand that the destruction of this magnificent country has been in the works for more than a century.

It was in 1966, when Carroll Quigley wrote his massive book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 to 1248 of his book, he wrote this:

The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the right and the other of the left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.

This is what exists today in America! We have one party with one agenda! This book had its first printing in 1966. The powers that be (Milner, Rhodes, the CFR, etc.) were so horrified that Quigley had exposed their secrets, the book was not reprinted, and Macmillan Publishing destroyed the plates.

It wasn’t until 1974 that Jack Meserole got permission from Quigley, reprinted the book, and sold it for his cost. Quigley laughed at the elitists because he knew the noose was so tight around the necks of Americans that even with the truth of his book, nothing would change.

Donald J. Trump

Long before 2015, Donald Trump knew the country was not headed in the right direction. He sacrificed an easy and comfortable life to try to save this great nation. He is not perfect, but IMHO he’s the best president we’ve had since Calvin Coolidge. Donald Trump is a businessman and for people to truly understand how he operates, one need only read, The Art of the Deal. Trump is a deal maker who has made us believe again in the American dream. I am grateful every day that Hillary Clinton is not in the White House.

On Thursday, August 6, 2020, President Donald Trump made some unusual statements during an address at the Whirlpool Corporation manufacturing plant in Clyde, Ohio. While speaking to the crowd of onlookers, Trump dramatically suggested “So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not happy with what I’m doing. But I figure we have one chance to do it, and no other President is going to do what I do.” He then went on to refer to these unsaid adversaries as “very, very rich enemies” who are not happy with what he’s doing.

We are left to wonder just exactly what our president is referring to and why we wouldn’t see him, and why when he left for Ohio, his entire staff was outside the White House to see him off.

No one seems to have a clue of what our president meant. What we do know is that the entire Democrat Party along with a majority of the neo-cons in the Republican Party hate this historic president for disrupting their goals of changing America into a communist state.

Abuses of Power

Somehow the belittled and mocked real estate mogul from Queens has stumbled into creating a movement that matches in strength and potency what took past leaders over a century to perfect. It has conquered the world. Hong Kong patriots for freedom carry the very picture of Donald Trump on a tank…fighting for freedom. Consider the fear that has been generated by the socialist democrats who are now an exact copy of the Communist Party USA.

It’s Trump’s greatness that makes them tremble. It’s Trump’s ability to speak to the people in their terms and their words that makes them hate him even more. It’s his energy, his drive, his thousands of followers who make his enemies work to destroy him. We’ve never seen a president who sleeps so little, works so hard, gives so much, and doesn’t even take a salary. We are dealing with something rare indeed. Donald Trump is a worldwide historical figure…he is making a path for freedom … a path we’ve not traveled in many decades. With Trump, everything is different.

The democratic controlled mainstream media are blind to the truth of what this man represents. He practically told them in his inauguration speech that he would destroy what they wanted for our country. It’s why former President George W. Bush said, “Well, that was some weird s**t.” This is the reason both sides joined hands with the Deep State to destroy the people’s president…he shined the light of truth on the evil that has pervaded our beloved country.


Donald Trump has cast a light on the national consciousness. Both parties are socialist globalist cults more concerned with government power and nation building than American freedoms. American companies’ use of slavery by proxy with China and other nations needs to stop…it has caused the silent destruction of towns throughout the Midwest and beyond.

Prior to this planned scamdemic, Americans were on the road to the American dream. It wasn’t Trump who destroyed their dreams, it was the Socialist Democrats and their Marxist friends in BLM and Antifa. It was jealous China who purposely allowed the spread of a flu virus throughout the world. And it was the neo-con head of the Coronavirus Task Force who gave us Fauci, Birx, Redfield and now Bill Gates…

Trump stands alone for us…for the American people…all of us, every color of human origin, and every ethnicity, he stands for freedom and liberty for us all. If you haven’t noticed, you’re not paying attention to one of the greatest historical figures of our generation. The world has noticed!

It is Donald Trump to whom Nigerian Christians turn for survival from Islamic terror. It is Donald Trump who has strengthened Israel by keeping promises his predecessors lacked the fortitude to see through and moving our US Embassy to Jerusalem. It is Donald Trump whose name is often whispered by freedom-fighters in Venezuela, whose American flag is respected by regime protesters in Iran, and whose image is waved by thousands demanding freedom in Hong Kong. Nobody clamoring for freedom is waving pictures of communist leaders in the air, but in Hong Kong and Taiwan, a photo-shopped image of Donald Trump as Rocky Balboa is easy to find.

Those who love freedom, love President Donald J. Trump. God never has chosen perfect men. He chose Moses, David and Saul of Tarsus (Paul), all three were murderers. Trump is the imperfect man chosen by God to restore this country to her greatness and her goodness.

Many in power hate our historic President, so please pray mightily for him and for our country.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Mountains for Breakfast, Sunsets for Dessert, Camping for Your Dreams

Frosty Wooldridge

Last year, a new friend asked me to go on a bicycle journey with him down the West Coast from Canada to Mexico.  The journey encompassed 2,000 miles of the Pacific Ocean, mountains, beaches, seabirds, whales, seals, otters, dolphins and endless beauty.  It included Lewis & Clark’s Camp Clatsop at the mouth of the Columbia River as well as the Hearst Castle and the Golden Gate Bridge.  You know Tony Bennett’s “I left my heart in San Francisco.”  The Monterey Aquarium and Big Sur captivated us along the way.

(Sunset over the Pacific Ocean on the Oregon Coast with three guys sitting in wonder at the beauty before them.)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

The journey itself promised immeasurable visual and other sensory delights beyond the regular workaday world.

“I’m in,” I said.

“Great,” he said.

We touched the Canadian border with high hopes, total excitement and boundless enthusiasm.  Standing astride your bicycles at the beginning of a great adventure must be one of the most sublime miracles of the universe.  Why?  You never know what amazing events might take place in your life on the road.

One thing you may count on during a bicycle trip: tremendous highs and lows from enormous amounts of energy it takes to pedal a bicycle.  You feel “high” during sunny days with tailwinds and “low” when it rains, and/or you face headwinds.  Nonetheless, you understand that you face every aspect of life on the road because you choose it.

You also find yourself in constant contact with a partner or partners that travel the road with you.  While traveling with others, you find yourself face to face with theirs and your foibles, quirks and idiosyncrasies.  Because you’re accustomed to your own habits, you don’t think anything of them.  But when someone comes into daily contact with you on such an emotional level, conflicts may ensue.

On this journey, my friend began making unkind remarks about my character.   He made fun of me in front of other cyclists at campgrounds.  He felt the sign on my bike, “Adventure America”, didn’t fit his idea of what my sign should look like.

After two weeks of embarrassing me in front of others, I asked, and then demanded, that he cease his disparaging remarks.  He complied, but I faced the uneasy feeling that he felt his charges “fit” me.  He angered me so much, that, by the time we arrived in San Francisco, I decided to travel on my own.  He sped off on another road. A month later, I touched the border of Mexico.  Adventure completed!

I tried everything I could to regain the friendship.  But after many failures, I realized that he didn’t respect me.  He wasn’t my friend.  Therefore, I decided he caused me too much emotional anguish, anger and frustration.  I wrote him a nice note, “Thanks for the great adventure we have shared.  Thanks for your friendship.  I am sorry for anything I said or did to make you degrade me on the trip.  But, at this point, I am no longer your friend. I carry no ill will and I will speak only highly of you to others.  Enjoy the rest of your life journey.”

He never replied.  I haven’t seen him since.

Which brings me to the point of “Mountains for breakfast, Sunsets for dessert and Camping for your dreams.”

In this life, you choose your friends because they support you, love you, care about you and like being around you—in spite of your idiosyncrasies.  Because, we’ve all got them. If they don’t, or they can’t come to a point where they stop degrading you—it’s time for you to part ways in a positive manner.  Either talk with them to iron it out or come to positive understandings, or just write a letter and walk away.  Not in anger or revenge, but in order for you to open your life up to more positive relationships.  This includes spouses, in-laws, siblings, parents and co-workers.

In the end, you share the “Dance of Life” with others that like to dance with you.  They share the music of the crickets or the wonder of a white-water stream, and/or sitting around the campfire telling tall tales of adventure.  You enjoy being yourself and they enjoy being themselves.  Together, you can honestly say, “It doesn’t get any better than this!”

Enjoy the coming sunrise; it’s going to be a beauty!

(Frosty Wooldridge standing on top of 14,100 foot Mt. Eolus, Colorado Rocky Mountains)

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Christmas (Or Martial Law) In August?

Marilyn M. Barnewall

Everyone to whom I normally send Christmas presents via the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) thought I was crazy when I told them I was sending their gifts in August.  They are already in the mail.


For more than three months I have had a persistent feeling that the Democrat’s new “crisis du jour” will involve the postal service.  It wasn’t until the political battle about mail-in ballots heated up that I thought of a scheme totally worthy of Democrat evil.

Real Clear Politics has reported that “28 million mail-in ballots went missing in the last four elections.”  That was one of many articles on this subject.

The reports about the millions of ballots that are already being mailed, the poor quality of service the USPS is able to provide under “pandemic” conditions and the dilemma Democrats have because of an unelectable candidate suddenly made me think what is likely to happen this November.

My thoughts on this subject are quite different than those of the talking heads on various “news” shows.  They think a delayed ballot count will lead to violence and there will be ongoing questions about the legitimacy of the election when the ballots are finally counted.  Nothing new there; that’s been going on since November 2016.

I agree that it will take far longer than just a few days.  Democrat-controlled states will make sure it does.

I think the scheme is far more insidious than that.  I think it is a well-crafted plan for a different kind of coup to take over the country.

Let’s ask ourselves a couple of questions.

What is the biggest political battle currently going on in Washington, D.C.?

Answer:      Mail-in ballots; all of the other nonsense are diversions… e.g., there will be no more $600 per week unemployment insurance checks.  But the argument will go on as if there might be.  It will go on until all of the mail-in ballots have been sent to legal and illegal recipients.

What are President Trump’s primary concerns about mass mailing ballots to anyone and everyone?

Answer #1.   Here’s what CNN’s Chris Cillizza says about Trump’s reasons for concern:

“If Trump does lose, he will insist that it was not the result of voters choosing Biden over him but rather a function of those cheating Democrats and their “rigged” mail-in ballot scheme — because Donald Trump doesn’t lose. And the only way he could lose is if he was cheated in some way.

“Because Trump simply cannot be gracious in defeat — or even accept defeat — there’s a real possibility he never actually concedes the race. Remember that Trump claimed, with zero proof, that 3 to 5 million people voted illegally in 2016 solely as a way to justify the fact that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton. And that was an election he won!”

Answer #2.  Why do I quote a liberal progressive who is employed by a news network that can’t define the word “news”?  Because by listening to liberals you can find out what they plan to do.  They always blame the other guy for what they have done – or intend to do.  You might want to re-read the above paragraph with that in mind.

And keep in mind which political party has rejected the peaceful transfer of power:  the Democrats when they rejected the electoral college results that named Donald J. Trump President in 2016.

In an August 4th article on the subject of mail-in ballots, The Hill said:

“The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is under intense partisan scrutiny from both President Trump and Democratic lawmakers, who are warning the agency is ill-equipped to handle the tens of millions of mailed-in ballots expected to be sent for the November election.

“Many states have moved to expand access to mail balloting in an effort to reduce in-person voting amid the coronavirus pandemic, leading to growing concerns that Postal Service delays could draw the vote count out for days or weeks past Election Day.

“There are fears that ballots that are late, missing or disqualified for small irregularities will lead to lawsuits and questions about the integrity of the elections.”

What if knowing who gets the most votes and thus wins the 2020 Presidential election isn’t the objective?  What if counting the ballots isn’t even the primary purpose of the election?  What if delaying the count of the ballots until after January 20, 2021 is the objective?

It sounds crazy, I know.  But then so do most lies the Democrats use to achieve their objectives.  For example, the Russia, Russia, Russia dossier in which the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, were involved.  Or the Mueller investigation based on unlawful requests of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) for a warrant to unlawfully spy on General Mike Flynn and the Trump White House.  Or, last but not least, to filing pie-in-the-sky impeachment charges against the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

All  of them sound crazy – because they are.  Maybe Joe Biden isn’t the only one who should be taking mental competency tests?

Instead, let’s look at something logical:  The Constitution of the United States.

Section 3 of the 20th Amendment

“If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.”

That means if there is no qualified (by vote) President by January 20th, Congress must take action.

Can you imagine the confusion and chaos that will surround an election where so many ballots have been sent to non-legitimate voters (as the Democrats plan to do… have begun doing)?  The nutcase Governor of California has already announced he is sending ballots to all residents of the state… a large number of which are illegal aliens.

It will take months to count the mail-in ballots and it will be impossible to name a winner by January 20th… the Democrats will make sure that it’s impossible.  Instead of it being Russia, Russia, Russia, it will be delay, delay, delay.

So what does the 20th Amendment say will happen in such a circumstance?  If the states cannot count their ballots, they cannot certify a winner so the electoral college is unable to vote – a creative way to by-pass the electoral college which the Democrats want to get rid of anyway.  Perhaps this is their way of doing it?

If, by January 20th the electoral college has not certified a winner, it will be up to Congress to decide.  The Democrat-controlled House will choose a president and the Senate will choose the vice president.

There are a couple of blips to the possible scheme.  The President might declare martial law – God knows he’s been given every reason in the world to do so.  Look at Portland, Seattle, New York City, Atlanta, Chicago, and numerous other hot spots where the property of taxpaying Americans is being destroyed.  That could stop the mail-in ballot problem.

Second, if the Presidential election cannot be confirmed, neither can the Congressional election be confirmed.  Thus, there would be no Democrat-controlled House of Representatives to vote in Hillary – or, perhaps even Barrack for a third term.

Now if those possibilities don’t keep you awake at night, nothing will.

Almost all of the schemes on which the Democrats rely as they plot how to get around their Joe Biden problem depend on the USPS and the unlawful ballots.  Lawful ballots by mail are sent only to those voters who are confirmed legitimate.

And now you know why I’ve already mailed my Christmas presents… which happen to be survival-based gifts.

© 2020 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall: marilynmacg@juno.com

Unmasking the Lies; Unleashing the Truth

Rob Pue

It’s no secret that I am strongly opposed to the mandatory mask ordinances and so-called “mask laws” that have been sweeping the nation.  Even as the legitimate number of coronavirus cases has dropped substantially (less than 1% in most cases), more people than ever are now wearing masks everywhere they go — many voluntarily, and many being forced to.  In some areas, if you’re caught in public without one, you’re subject to stiff fines and even imprisonment.  This is crazy.

I believe it’s way past time to UNmask the lies and unleash the TRUTH.  First of all, there are a lot of contradictory recommendations being put forth by the so-called “experts” in charge of all this.  Recently, in one of my news feeds, I received one story reporting Anthony Fauci’s statement that mask-wearing was just “largely symbolic” and that masks were ineffective and unnecessary.  But within two minutes, ANOTHER story came across stating Fauci believes everyone ought to be wearing goggles or face shields IN ADDITION to wearing masks now.  It’s as if they’re intent on keeping us continually off balance in an atmosphere of fear.

Many have asked, “what’s the big deal?  Just wear a mask…. ‘no mask, no service.’  It’s no different from ‘no shirt, no service.’”  I beg to differ.  It’s WAY different.  First of all, wearing normal articles of clothing, like shirts and shoes in public is… well, NORMAL!  We don’t go shopping or out to eat at a restaurant half-dressed.  On the other hand, being forced to cover our faces every time we go out in public is definitely NOT normal, unless perhaps you’re in an Islamic country.  But in civilized society this makes absolutely no sense, and it’s only serving to further divide us.

Others will claim that wearing a mask is not meant to protect the wearer, but to protect OTHERS.  So the mask-wearers are now pitted against the non-mask-wearers…and again, FEAR plays a key role.   There have been countless incidents of violence where those wearing masks have ATTACKED those without one… it’s not enough to yell at them and accuse them of being “uncaring” or “selfish” for not wearing a mask.  Now, mask-wearers are actuallly physically attacking people — including young mothers out shopping with their children and elderly veterans — simply because they chose not to wear a mask.

Everything about this “pandemic” has been “fishy” from the start.  I remember the “lockdown” was only going to be for two weeks, and everyone agreed to it, just to be safe.  Two weeks turned into more than two months, and now many states are shutting down again because the numbers of “cases” are supposedly rising.  Nevermind that the numbers have ALWAYS been artificially inflated, from day one, and nevermind that the increase we’re seeing now is mainly due to many more people being tested.  And we KNOW that many (perhaps even a majority) of those tests are false positives.  Indeed, we now know that over and over again, people who were NEVER tested at all are getting letters in the mail stating they’ve tested “positive” and they need to quarantine themselves, as well as report all their personal contacts.

A word of advice here:  DON’T go and voluntarily submit yourself to one of their “free tests.”  I cannot, for the life of me, imagine why anyone would do that.  You’re only giving them more “ammo” for their propaganda machine, because odds are very good that YOUR test will come back “positive,” whether you are positive or not — or even whether you were actually, truly even TESTED or not!  (Look it up, it’s happening everywhere).

I also remember being told a few months ago that we were going to be seeing 2 million people die in the US within a 2-week span, so we should prepare for the worst.  After many months of this fearmongering, we now understand that only a tiny percentage of Americans have actually had COVID and only 0.04% have died from it.  That’s the reality.  But the mainstream media,  social media, and our government and health officials are desperate to keep us all in fear, all wearing masks, all “social distancing,” and tensions continuing to rise.

Recently, when a group of doctors who work on the front lines held a press conference, declaring that treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Zithromycin had not only cured, but also prevented people from contracting the virus, mainstream and social media couldn’t censor the information fast enough.  Every post on Facebook regarding this was labeled as “false news.”  The mainstream press ridiculed these doctors, calling them frauds.  I wonder why they’ve been SO intent on doing that.  If we really ARE in a serious “pandemic,” shouldn’t every option be investigated?  These doctors are telling us they’ve treated hundreds of patients with these medicines and not ONE has died, ALL have recovered and NONE of the health workers taking the prescriptions contracted the virus, even while working with sick patients DAILY, so why then is the media working so aggressively to silence them?

The answer is simple:  it doesn’t fit with the PLAN.  And as I’ve said for months now, this absolutely IS a “Planned-Demic.”  The treatment that actually works to prevent illness  and cure sick patients costs less than $10 and there’s no need for any vaccine.  On the other hand, Anthony Fauci is a financial ally of Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation is part of the National Institutes of Health, which is funding the Moderna vaccine.  The US government has already ordered 300 MILLION doses of this vaccine, which is said to be on the “fast track” for approval.  Quite a windfall for those who will be benefiting financially from this.  But it’s even worse.  Not only is the new vaccine NOT going to be effective — (Gates has already said we will need MULTIPLE vaccines) — it’s already been proven to be very harmful.  But it’s even worse than that, because almost certainly, it’s going to also contain a digital tracking device, and quite possibly a digital CURRENCY device, so that you will no longer be able to buy or sell (or receive your “free money” from the government — can you say “socialism?”) unless you have the vaccine!

Things are happening unbelievably rapidly now.  We have a planned agenda, designed to control the population already set in motion, being blindly accepted by the “sheeple” in record-setting time.  I have no doubt people will be lining up to get their vaccinations very soon.  They went along with the lockdown, they went along with mandatory masks, social distancing, the closing of schools, parks, beaches and businesses.  It’s obvious that the American people are, by and large, so indoctrinated by the lying Leftist media they’ll pretty much fall for anything.

But getting back to the masks.  First of all, the masks do nothing good for one’s health.  The manufacturers even put a disclaimer right on the box that reads, WARNING: this product will not provide ANY protection against COVID-19 (Coronavirus) or other viruses or contaminants.”  When people have posted photos of this disclaimer on social media, they’re immediately flagged as being “false news.”  How can this POSSIBLY be “false news” when the manufacturers THEMSELVES are stating the facts?

The truth is, the smallest pore opening on the MOST effective mask you can possibly buy is 3 microns in size.  The COVID-19 virus is 1/10th of a micron.  This is like expecting a chain-link fence to keep out mosquitos.   Again, Fauci himself — the “expert” — has said that wearing a mask is “largely symbolic.”

But it’s also very unhealthy to wear a mask.  They restrict oxygen intake and cause  you to recirculate all of your own bacteria and CO2.  Workers who must wear masks for 8-hour shifts can contract life-threatening lung infections, not to mention extreme fatigue, headaches, migraines, extreme stress to the respiratory system, anxiety — and worse.

Wearing masks is also dehumanizing and degrading.  They turn us from being unique individuals, made in the image of God to a herd of dumb animals — or robots.  Mask requirements immediately steal our freedom of expression and freedom of choice.   Combined with “social distancing,” they rob us of one-on-one interaction with others.  This WEARS  on people mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  There have already been more suicides in response to this “planned-demic” than deaths from the virus itself.

And what about the children?  Growing up now, in a world where everyone wearing a mask will become “normal” to them.  Perhaps that’s one of their ultimate goals as well.  Creating a “new normal” where we’re no longer free people, unique individuals able to socialize, express ourselves, interact with others, go to work, the grocery store, the park or the beach — unless our faces are covered.  If we dare to do so, we run the risk of being “snitched” on by our neighbors or attacked by others out in public.  We risk oppressive fines from police and even imprisonment.  All for a virus that’s been proven time and again to be less serious than the annual flu bug… and a virus which front-line doctors have TOLD US there’s a cure for, with no vaccine needed.  If you think this is “normal” I don’t know what to tell you, but I, for one, am not playing their little game.

But, you know, it never was about the virus or our health.  It’s been about social engineering and behavior modification and CONTROL.  It’s about the New World Order — totalitarian socialism, which is coming faster than any of us can comprehend.

From day one, we’ve been told we must all learn to adjust to this “new normal” because, they said, “we’re never going back to ‘normal.’  COVID is never going away.”  This is quite obvious when you consider the huge new industry that has sprung up in the wake of all these ridiculous mandates… an industry of mask-makers.  You can buy all kinds of masks now.  Custom designed with your company logo, with all kinds of artwork and various statements on them.  Fancy ones adorned with beads and jewels.  Some that mimick Islamic headgear.   In some stores, you can even find a rack with all the various masks available and a mirror nearby so you can try them all on to see which one you like best.  How SANITARY is that, I wonder?  This is all just so deceitful — and stupid!

If the truth be told, all masks should come with a disclaimer that reads: “This product is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease.  It’s sole purpose is to dumb down the populace into mind-numbed conformity and compliance, preparing people for the tyranny of their new masters.”

That’s a bit of a re-write from the disclaimer that natural health products are REQUIRED  to put on their labels.  Indeed, the FDA will not even evaluate natural health products or vitamin supplements because there’s no money to be made there.  But they are very good at propping up Big Pharma.

Friends, we need not live in fear.  Yes, there’s a virus out there.  But you know what?  There are a LOT of viruses out there.  And germs and bad guys who would kill you for five bucks if they could.  The past four months have not been a response to a “pandemic.”  The REAL numbers never came close to reaching “pandemic” status.  The past four months have been about control, social engineering and behavior modification.  About getting us all to comply and accept their “new normal.”   But I will not comply, nor will I be complicit in spreading false reports or lies, which I believe you ARE when you consent to wear a mask… you’re perpetuating a lie and helping with the Globalist take-down of America.

Since Hydroxychloroquine has now been banned in many areas (doctors are forbidden to prescribe it and pharmacists are forbidden to dispense it), it’s important that we all keep our immune systems strong and healthy.  Most doctors — and especially the COVID-19 “experts” — will never tell you this; and if you bring it up, they’ll call this “fake science” too.  But the truth is, God designed our bodies to heal themselves, IF we have the right nutrients.  The modern American diet is seriously deficient in nutrients, even if we try to eat “healthy,” so all of us need supplements.

I’m not talking about taking a “One-A-Day” multivitamin with the bottom line recommended daily allowance and I’m not talking about “Flintstones chewables” or “gummies” here.  We need real, high quality supplements that actually work.  For immune health, high doses of good quality Vitamin C are essential.  It’s been PROVEN to work — yes, even for the coronavirus, though social media will label that “false news.”  I take 6,000 milligrams of Vitamin C every day, and more if I get sick, which is rare.  Along with that, I take Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2, a good dose of B-complex vitamins, Zinc and Potassium Iodide.  If you’re healthy, follow this regimine and you will stay that way.  If you get sick, increase your dosage of these vital supplements and you’ll get better quickly.

This is not medical advice.  It’s just plain common sense, based on research and study.  We all need to do more of that — research and study.  Because, you know, people actually DO perish for lack of knowledge.  So stop listening to the lies of the Left that are spoon-fed to you daily in the mainstream press and social media.  Study and research on your own, and learn the truth.  If you do, you’ll no longer live in fear.  As Christ-followers, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.  That’s a terrible thing to waste!  And as for the unlawful mask “mandates,” I encourage you to resist the tyranny.  We ought to obey God rather than men.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com and ask for message number 299.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

The New Political Agenda

Roger Anghis

The year 2020 has brought America to a new era of politics something like we have never seen before.  The Democrat Party has seen an opportunity to take complete control of the country in a manner where they will never have to relinquish that power. At that point the America we grew up in will no longer exist.  We have heard over the last four to five general elections that each election is the most important election we will ever have.  When you evaluate the possible results of the election it is easy to understand just how important the election is to the future of America.

The election of Donald Trump has exposed to the American people just how much the Democrat Party hates the America that we know and love.  He has exposed just how deep the corruption of politics is in general and how much the Democrats demand that they have the right to control all that we do.  This is obvious with the so-called COVID-19 pandemic.  This no more a pandemic than the man in the moon.  None of the data backs it up.  They have been faking the cases and the deaths on a monumental scale since it began.  What we are seeing is a trial run on how far they can push us and the fact that people can no longer critically think they just go along with whatever the government tries to shove down our throat.

Notice how ALL the violence, riots, looting, businesses burned are in Democrat-controlled cities and States? You probably have even noticed that some of the mayors have joined the protestors! I believe that if America is ever attacked from an outside enemy that the Democrats would side with the enemy.  Think I’m wrong?  Antifa is funded by outside sources and even backed by CAIR, a terrorist organization.  The Democrats refuse to condemn the actions of antifa.  They’ve also refused to condemn the actions of BLM when on their website one of their stated goals is to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”[1]

Think about that.  They want to destroy the very foundation of any civilized society, one-man-one-woman family.  We are seeing major corporations backing this worthless organization that is demanding a complete removal of our governmental system!  The idiots that run the NFL have OK’d kneeling for the anthem, the MLB is painting the BLM logo on the pitcher’s mound, the NBA is painting the BLM logo on the inside of their arenas and Bezos has stated that he is donating ten million dollars to this anti-American group of thugs!  They aren’t the only ones either: Chipolte, Google, H&M, GAP, McDonald’s, Etsy, and 171 others.

What we see is a new very well-financed organization bent on doing what Barack Obama promised to do and that is totally transform America.  If the left takes control of the government, that is just what will happen.  The borders will open up to one and all.  Biden has stated that he will give amnesty to every illegal in America: In a plan released on Wednesday, Biden vows to provide amnesty to every illegal alien currently living in the U.S., as well as end nearly all of President Trump’s cost-saving reforms such as restarting a welfare-dependent immigration pipeline, where legal immigrants are permanently resettled in the country despite immediately needing public assistance.

“Biden will immediately begin working with Congress to modernize our system, with a priority on keeping families together by providing a roadmap to citizenship for nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants,” the outline states.

Aside from mass amnesty, the plan commits to:

  • Releasing all border-crossers into the U.S. interior
  • Restarting welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S.
  • Ending the National Emergency Declaration at the southern border
  • Ending a travel ban from foreign counties that sponsor terrorism
  • Providing amnesty to 3.5 million DACA-enrolled and DACA-eligible illegal aliens
  • Providing federal student loans and free community college to DACA illegal aliens

Cracking down on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents[2]

Notice that the Democrats are willing to give to illegals the things that you and I must

pay for.  America used to be a place where you could come and with hard work, live the American dream.  The democrats want to turn us into a third world banana republic where the government pays for everything.  If given the chance they will. We have seen their willingness to totally destroy America in their attempt to regain power.

Democrats seem to believe that the time to remake America has come.  Looking at the Democrat platform they seemed to have forgotten that we have a Constitution.  They will not protect the border, they make us dependent on foreign countries for our energy.  The New Green Deal that AOC is pushing and that Biden has bought into is going to cost a mere $93 TRILLION!  Ocasio-Cortez’s response: “Some people are like, ‘Oh, it’s unrealistic, oh it’s fake, oh it doesn’t address this little minute thing. And I’m like, ‘You try! You do it.’ ‘Cause you’re not. ‘Cause you’re not. So, until you do it, I’m the boss. How ’bout that?”

Try to do what? Come up with an equally unrealistic plan that would bankrupt the nation? Because that’s precisely what the Green New Deal would do.

Green New Deal’s Gargantuan Price Tag

A new analysis from the American Action Forum finds that the Green New Deal, as laid out by New York Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, would cost up to $93 trillion in the first ten years.

Remember, the GND isn’t just about converting the entire U.S. energy supply to renewable energy in a decade and establishing a “zero-emissions transportation system.”

The plan also includes things like “guaranteed” federal jobs, “universal health care,” and “food security.”[3]

There simply is no way the Democrats will be able to pay for their proposals.  The removal of fossil fuels will cost, literally, millions of jobs.  The jobs in the oil industry will be only the start.  The flood of lost jobs in the construction industry will follow, then the food industry and it will multiply.  There is no ability of critical thinking in Liberalland.  As is usual, they do not consider the results of their ideas. With the likes of AOC in charge, who does not have the ability to think let alone critically think, the policies will only sound good but will have no way of being successfully implemented.

Sam Adams made a couple of statements that it would do us good to remember this November: “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”  This is good to remember this election as we have a party full of “false and designing men.”  He also stated in the Boston Gazette in 1781: “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual — or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”

We will be held accountable to God for the votes that we make.  Will they be for keeping the country that he established, or will it be for destroying the greatest nation the world has ever seen.  The choice is yours.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. https://blacklivesmatter.com/what-we-believe/
  2. Joe Biden’s immigration plan amnesty for illegal aliens free all border crossers into US/
  3. Green new deal $93 trillion Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Islam and World Domination

Amil Imani

It is hard to believe that the 7th century ideology called Islam has been resurrected and with its vast and unlimited petro-dollars, infiltrated every country in the world, with the intention to dominate the world.

Islam seeks nothing less than total global domination.  The word Islam literally means “Taslim,” (submission) or just “surrender,” the kind that comes by force and fraud.  Its scripture must be taken literally; its provisions are intended to dominate every waking moment in the life of a believer.  There is no room for being a half-hearted Muslim and no toleration of watering down its invocations.

The various Muslim sects subsumed under the Sunni label constitute nearly 90% of Muslims while the total subjects forming the Shiite sect account for the remaining 10% in the world. The pure number, all things being equal, bestows greater advantages to the majority. In the case of Muslims’ heinous agenda, the religious underpinnings of the two sects may be different. Even their strategies may be different in some respects. Yet, their objective is the same: dominating the world.

History is replete with evidence that clearly demonstrates that to Islam the ends justify the means. Hence, the two sects are at work with their own schemes, many of which they have in common.

The Sunnis not only have the advantage of numbers, they have been busy at their conquest of the West longer than the Shiites. The Sunnis have had powerful wealthy governments such as Saudi Arabia and the Emirates of the Persian Gulf directly financing and supporting the agenda.

The Sunnis and their activities are more visible in the United States. Yet the Shiites are too relentlessly pursuing their objectives in this country. From time to time we see indications of the Shiites activities, particularly since the Shiites now enjoy the active backing of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

There is ample evidence that America is under the unrelenting attack of both Sunnis and Shiites. It is disastrous to discount the threat they pose, or underestimate the danger from either sect.

The current internal infighting playing in the Islamdom is in full color – red. Both sects, indiscriminately slaughter each other as though they are pure Islam. Anyone or anything in between is subject to death.

By now, we know when the prophet Muhammad died he did not leave anything behind for his followers to follow. What the historians tell us, immediately after his death, his Islamic ideology started to divide. Islam became ‘ISLAMS’ and kept dividing up to this day.

The Islam that we know to this day is in fact generation after generation of Sunni Muftis, [highest ranking Sunni clerics]—and Ayatollahs— [highest ranking Shiite clerics], over the years have indoctrinated their underling clergy as well as the masses with selective teachings of the Quran that promote intolerance, exclusion and hostility toward non-Muslims—people labeled as heathens, infidels, unbelievers and apostates.

Choosing certain scripture in combination with a siege mentality endemic to the cradle of Islam, the Middle East, has generated a fury of hatred that has a great potential of devouring life on Earth in no time at all.

Many Islamic scholars as well as politicians in this country are hoping Muslims will come to their senses and purge the negative aspects of the Quran and practice its positive early Meccan surahs. They hopelessly wish our world would become a diverse community of humanity at peace with one another. The question is: Is that possible or are we headed for a clash of civilizations?

It is indeed sad by what is going on in this darksome world. On the one hand, all kinds of Islamic associations and groups in places such as Europe, the United States, Canada, and Australia demand not only to be treated like everyone else, which they are, but granted special privileges — such as application of Sharia law. Yet, Muslim governments — even those of relatively enlightened countries such as Turkey and Egypt, systematically discriminate against non-Muslims.

Anyone who has had the privilege to live in America, must abide by our rule of law and assimilate into our culture. If they prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those countries that practice Islamic law.

America does not need Muslim minorities and we should not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loudly they yell ‘discrimination.’ Even if most Muslims seek to adopt an American lifestyle, a great many Muslims are dead-set on using violence to make America conform to their barbaric way of life. Islam is like cancer. Cancer cells are always few at the beginning, and if they are left unchecked, they keep on multiplying, eventually devouring the non-cancerous.

Warning: Islam is not a religion, but a political ideology which incites hate, violence, intolerance, and terror.  Islamists are terminators.  “You cannot bargain with them. You cannot reason with them.  They do not feel pity or remorse or fear.” And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until all the infidels are dead or have submitted to Islam.

The only language Muslims understand is the language of force.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Who Really Controls the Church?

Dave Daubenmire

This is not your Grandpa’s America. The idea of an all-caring benevolent partnership between the Church and the State no longer exists.  With the appearance of the latest national crisis it is becoming painfully obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that the Church /Government relationship is irrevocably broken.

What happens when the marriage reaches irreconcilable differences?  What happens when the Government violates the standards of the Church?

The American Church has been in an abusive relationship with the Government since the sixties.  When SCOTUS handed down the un-Godly Everson V Board of Education decision in 1947 the first cracks in the long standing marriage between Christ and the Government was exposed.  The Everson opinion was the first time in American history that the idea of a Separation between God and Government had ever been litigated.  It created an adulterous relationship between the two.

Marriage is a partnership and it is difficult for any relationship to succeed if there is not agreement between the two parties.  Although marriage is a union, in a Christian society the husband has always been considered the head of the marriage.  In any partnership there has to be someone ultimately in charge when the tough controversial decisions have to be made.

The Scriptures ask the question “Can two walk together lest they agree?” Perhaps you can walk together for awhile, but the greater the disagreement the more difficult the journey becomes.

The 1947 Everson ruling was the first step in the destruction of the Church/Government marriage.  The American Church has agreed to an adulterous relationship with the government ever since.  Just as no man can serve two wives neither can he serve two masters.  The American Church can no longer serve God and the Government.

The Everson opinion declared that the legal marriage of the Church and the State was over.  The increased secularization of the Federal Government has made the Church/State relationship untenable.  The Government divorced the Church yet refused to grant the Church autonomy free of Government intrusion..  Let the record show that it was the Government who filed for the divorce.

But the Church, like a loyal spouse, has been reluctant to dissolve the marriage.  Hoping for reconciliation, the Church remained loyal to their vows, and continued to obey the machinations of the Government in the hopes that by electing men of character the marriage could be restored.  While the Church pined for a reunification of the broken marriage the Government strove for a civil union…one in which the “government” maintained its independence, free from the nasty control of the nagging spouse.

In reality, the Church can never be separated from the Government.  Individuals make up the Church.  Individuals make up the Government. Christians are involved in both.  It is impossible for them to be separated.

The “Church” is not a building, an organization, nor a corporation.  The Church is a body…consisting of unique individuals…under the Headship of Jesus Christ.  The Government was created by the Church; the Church was not created by the Government.

Webster defines divorce as “To separate, as a married woman from the bed and board of her husband.”  The Government officially divorced the Church in 1947 but has maintained the benefits of marriage.  Christians today are still forced to pay alimony to an ex-spouse without any say in how that money is spent.  The Church still has not broken free from the duty to “bed and board” the Government.  Why is the Church forced to pay for abortions, the advancement of the homosexual agenda, and the promotion of atheistic/secular beliefs?  Where does the Government get the authority to take money from those from which it is legally separated?

The Government of the United State divorced the American Church yet the Body of Christ is still forced to pay alimony in support of the Government’s rebellious behavior. The Government has all of the characteristics of an abusive ex-spouse who still thinks he has control of the credit card..

Let me ask you again…who controls the Church?

The Government/Church separation is the most one-sided divorce in the history of the world.  The Government demands the right to make all of the rules while Christians are the ones paying the bills.  The “free exercise” clause in the First Amendment is completely ignored.  Look at all of the government controls placed on the Church in the recent plandemic and there can be no question as to who is calling the shots.

Please Masser…can we open our church?”

The Federal Government has become the enemy of the Church.  Any clear-thinking American knows that to be true.

If there is a separation between the Church and the Government why does the Body of Christ pay to support the Government without any say as to how the Government operates?

Ministries are required to keep careful records of the financial transactions of the Body of Christ, while the Government provides no such accounting to the Church.  If there is a true “separation between Church and State” why is it any business of the Government how the Body of Christ operates?  Why is the created entity (the Government) holding any sway over the operation of the Creator (the Church)?  Why do we give to Caesar what belongs to God?

The Church created Caesar, why does the Church answer to Caesar?  What is it the Church possesses that belongs to Caesar?  What should the Church render unto Caesar?  Nothing.  Caesar is simply an abusive ex-spouse.

Christ is the Head of the Church and the Church is the Head of Government.  The Government answers to Christ, Christ’s body does answer to the Government.

That’s how things were when this nation was founded.  Today, through taxation, the Body of Christ is forced to fund every evil work of the lawless Government.  Doesn’t this seem backwards to you?  How can the Government force Christians to fund Hell’s agenda if there is a separation?  The Church is above the Government.

Who really controls the Body of Christ?

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Guess Who Wants to Count Illegal Immigrants in the Census?

Jake MacAulay

Recently one of our long-standing Institute on the Constitution students and supporters had a family member unload on her in a Facebook rant about President Trump’s executive order preventing illegal immigrants from being counted in the 2020 census.  Here is just part of the rant:

…Your lawless President Trump again issued an executive order that directly contradicts the Constitution of the United States by ordering Census Bureau workers not to count everyone who is living in this Country.  FYI, if you decide to listen to him you will be breaking Federal Law.  That comes with a 5 year Prison Sentence and a $250,000 fine.  The Constitution mandates that everyone living in the United States must be counted regardless of citizenship.  The Constitution is very clear on this issue…

While I agree the Constitution is very clear on this issue, its conclusion does not support the above rant.

Part of the Order states: “Although the Constitution requires the ‘persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed,’ to be enumerated in the census, that requirement has never been understood to include in the apportionment base every individual physically present within a State’s boundaries at the time of the census.”

In his 1828 dictionary, Founding Father Noah Webster defined “citizenship” as: the state of being vested with the RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES of a citizen. (emphasis added)

He defined “citizen” as: The native of a city, or an inhabitant who enjoys the FREEDOM AND PRIVILEGES of the city in which he resides; the freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one NOT entitled to its franchises.  In the United States, a person, native or naturalized, who has the privilege of exercising the elective franchise, or the qualifications which enable him to vote for rulers and to purchase and hold real estate. (emphasis added)

Clearly, our founders believed voting was for citizens only, not just somebody living within our borders.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi believes: “The Constitution is clear: it requires an ‘actual Enumeration’ of the ‘whole numbers of persons’ for the population count and congressional apportionment. There is no ambiguity about its command.”

The actual words of the Constitution in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, read:

Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons.

Senior Instructor at the Institute on the Constitution, Pastor David Whitney, explains:

The language defines three categories that must be determined by the process of taking the census.

Note the status of Native Americans; they were citizens of a foreign country though living within the boundaries of the United States and therefore not counted for representation. Slaves were in a separate category and counted differently, but after the 13th Amendment that category no longer exists. But this indicates the census must have a method of determining who fits into each of these categories. 

So then what is the category into which non-citizens fall? As with Native Americans, they are part of another nation until they become a naturalized citizen of these United States. 

The obvious conclusion? This executive order is completely constitutional and President Trump is fully within his Article 2 constitutional powers to issue it, for it instructs only officers under the executive branch.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

Make your tax-deductible donation here!

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Cancelling Western Culture Without Guns

by Kathleen Marquardt

I know that I am not the only one feeling like I fell down a rabbit hole without taking the appropriate drugs to enjoy it. We don’t realize it, but we are now living in a world that has fallen apart. Our culture has collapsed while we were trying to understand what was happening.

Our leaders are inviting/allowing the destruction — not only of statues, thus our history – but of cities (and then asking the national taxpayers to cover the expense of rebuilding). We are told that healthy people must wear masks and practice social distancing, while the leaders are insisting on putting Wuhan Flu infected patients into nursing homes where the most vulnerable dwell. Mayors are allowing outlaw gangs to destroy their cities, deface property, and threaten citizens – without lifting a finger or speaking out against the illegal acts. People who do protect their property with guns (brandishing, not firing), are raided, their guns are confiscated, and they are being brought up on charges. Most tellingly, very few of our government officials are showing outrage over these actions and fewer (like one, so far) are doing anything to stop the lawlessness. It is as if our so-called leaders are tacitly approving of the mayhem; if not, it doesn’t show.

But, in my humble opinion, one of the most evil things is the ‘Cancel Culture’. What someone said 30 years ago, is now judged by the most extreme political correctness. So, 30 years ago, a man said he didn’t think women should be in the military. A comment, nothing more. He had no authority to make it an edict. So what? We all have opinions and speak them. But now, he has resigned his position because the Cancel CultureClan (ccc) attacked himvia his employer. Cancel Culture threatens the businesses that employ the ‘attackee’ with boycotting and more. Cancel Culture is the modus operandi of political correctness. It is insidious. It is like a deadly virus living in your body that you don’t know about until some progressive woke snowflake decides to announce to the world that something you did decades ago is now verboten. Not only is it verboten, but because you committed the thought crime, and even spoke it, years ago you are now to be vilified, unemployed, and you need to kiss (or is it wash) the feet of those who have destroyed your life. And, as it is so much fun for evil people to watch this behavior, they will perpetrate it, too.

Understand that something that was not at all politically incorrect10, 20, 30, 50 years ago, can now be used against a person. Instead of destroying statues of those who built the Great American Experiment, the CCC (who are by far more vile and dangerous than the KKK) are destroying living beings – for the fun of it. This is ex post facto without law. And political correctness is NOT the law. Being politically correct is supposedly protected by the First Amendment. I have a right to say something that makes you angry; and you have a right to be offended by it. But, so what?

We’ve seen political correctness mowing down businesses, people, statues, and more. Mostly with lies! An early example that crossed my mind is when Greenpeace hired a man to club a baby seal to death while they filmed it and blamed the Inuit sealers. While it was exposed as a ‘hit job’ and even taken to court in Germany, the lie remains in the minds of many. This was Cancel Culture before it had a name, and it was one of the most egregious examples. But it has been used to destroy so many businesses, and people. The CCC love it when humans are destroyed by their actions, and now our culture is being destroyed, too.

Understand that political correctness is anti-Western culture. The purpose of political correctness is to attack Western culture ideas and ideals. What ideals are those? Individual freedom is the key one. With individual freedom, we are free to think, say, and act as we desire – as long as we do not infringe on others’ freedoms. Political correctness will make us all a tomata. We will all wear Mao jackets and pajama pants, believe in the collective will, and have no free will or be allowed to think for ourselves.

First, our culture had to be eroded. Our schools brainwashed our children with lies – yes, lies. Lies about the hole in the ozone, global warming, gender, meat eating, COVID, individual freedom – a whole gamut of issues. Our government has been a major aider and abettor in many of the lies promulgated through the schools, and through the medical societies, courts, and Congress. The scientific community is no exception. Neither are the churches.We are being undermined from every side.

Western Culture is being taken down without a shot being fired. It is being canceled. And most of us don’t even see or understand what is happening. By the time we can comprehend it, it will be far too late.

© 2020 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koikpm@yahoo.com

2020 End of the USA?

JB Williams

President Trump just mistakenly backed “mail-in” elections for Florida. Apparently, he has totally forgotten about watching democrats knock hanging chads to the floor in the endless 2000 recounts, as democrat party poll workers tried to turn the state and country over to Al Gore.

Trump may have also overlooked the fact that he cannot back mail-in elections in one state, while opposing them in the other 49 states. Not sure who’s advising Trump these days, but whoever it is, they are leading him towards the cliff.

Today, the republican Governor of Arizona is in the Oval Office pitching Trump his mail-in election plan. Unless republicans plan on cheating five-times as much as democrats in their mail-in scheme, they can’t win that game.

Trump looks rattled to me at this point. He must be aware of the reality that Obama at the helm of the DNC, has rigged the 2020 election already. He must be having trouble figuring out what he can do to unrig the election — before the clock runs out on the USA November 3rd.

In any legitimate election process, dementia Joe couldn’t win a local race for city dog catcher. That’s why the 2020 elections will be anything but legitimate. But when you have rigged an illegitimate election process well in advance of the election, you could run Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd on your ticket and win.

TV talking heads seem transfixed on who dementia Joe will pick for VP, in other words, who Obama is going to pick for President. It isn’t about who can help win the election, that’s a done deal already, as long as we are going to have a mail-in election.

No, it’s about who Obama can mentor as they usher in the final stages of global Marxism, after the election. It’s all about Obama choosing a running mate for dementia Joe, that will work with Obama to finish off our Constitutional Republic and create a new 3rd world member of the global commune.

If this was about who can help Joe win, only three females in the USA today, have that level of influence with American voters and donors. Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey, both of whom are too smart to run. That leaves the lady who had 3-million more votes than Trump in 2016, Hillary Clinton.

For three and a half years following her Electoral College loss in 2016, Hillary looked like a homeless bag-lady living out of her shopping cart under a bridge in L.A. – But she’s recently had a complete make-over again and has been back on the talk show circuit. It’s not for nothing…

We will soon see, but my money has been on Hillary Clinton 2020 since 2016. Of course, they had to ruin the Trump economy before Hillary would become even remotely viable in 2020. Along comes COVID19, which the CDC tests and treats the same as SARScv2, except they won’t allow people access to the known cure for SARScv2, Chloroquine.

That’s how you turn a virus allegedly infecting only 1% of the country, with a 98% survival rate, into a “national emergency” that, guess what, will require us to vote by mail for our own health and safety…

And there you have it – Regime Change 101 under a “national emergency” and unconstitutional “emergency powers.” All they had to do is shame most Americans into going along to get along.

Enter, the 24/7 fake news media fearmongering that has flooded every American mind since January, which continues today, despite a steady fall in COVID19 deaths since mid-April.

Money isn’t the greatest motivator on earth, fear is… most people will do things out of fear, that they would never do for love nor money, and they have.

Simon says, wear a mask, so we wear a mask. Simon says, stop earning, leave your jobs, close your business, accept involuntary house arrest, quarantine the healthy, don’t visit friends or relatives, even those in elder care dependent upon your visits, and most Americans just do it! No questions asked…

It all started in late January before there was a single known U.S. COVID case and now it’s August, seven months later. Three short months before the most critical election in 244-years of U.S. history and most Americans seem perfectly fine with waiting for another stimulus check and mailing in a ballot, with no means of proving it’s delivered or counted.

That’s how easy it was to totally control the average American, no matter their proclaimed political stance or constitutional concerns. America isn’t the land of the free or home of the brave anymore. We are now the land of ‘go along to get along’ and do whatever Simon says, no questions asked!

It isn’t that there isn’t anything we could do about it… it’s that we no longer have anyone to do it.

Trump isn’t perfect, no one is… but he’s the last standing “America first” warrior — and unless his supporters make a stand with him real fast, his “Make America Great” agenda will be history. He will be written into history as someone who tried to return the USA to greatness, and failed. He was too little, too late.

To be clear, we’re not talking about absentee or paper balloting… Old subjects with their own set of problems.

This is about a first time ever universal mail-in election, where millions of votes will pour in through the U.S. mail with no tracking, no way to verify the voter’s eligibility, no way to know who voted, who they voted for or if every legitimate vote was cast and counted properly. In other words, no way to challenge the outcome of this election.

This is no way to handle any legitimate election process and it certainly is no way for Trump to get a fair shake in his reelection bid.

I only know of one way to prevent this disaster and that is to enforce all standard election rules and regulations in an open poll legitimate election, with every voter and every vote verified. I only know of one way to do that – and that’s to force the entire country to reopen without any COVID restrictions, in order to stop all mail-in balloting and provide open polling in-person voting opportunity for every legal American voter.

For Trump to do this, he would have to attempt it via Executive Order, which democrats would certainly tie up in court challenges, accusing Trump of “disenfranchising” all of their (illegal) voters, making headlines in the fake news across the country as a “tyrannical” move by Trump.

However, the American people can force the country open any time they want. They simply have to open their businesses, return to work, reject anymore federal handouts to sit at home and do it together.

All powers of government are derived from the People. The people are, therefore, the final arbiter of all power in this country. Unfortunately, what we have at this moment is consent, through compliance, motivated by fear.

Alone, a person is up against all the same evil Trump has faced every day since he declared he was running in 2015. But, when the people act together, there is literally nothing government can do to stop a free people.

Do we still have this kind of Americans? If we do, we’re running out of time to do what only they can do. We have to organize and mobilize very quickly, with only one common goal, to reopen America and put all governmental bodies back into constitutional check.

We can do it… but will we?

© 2020 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams: JB_Williams@comcast.net

The Otherworldly Powers of Darkness, Cults, and Sexual Deviancyin Politics

By Cliff Kincaid

Citizens for Free Speech is drawing attention to Big Tech censorship of a group of medical experts called America’s Frontline Doctors. But it’s really not the advocacy of hydroxychloroquine by Dr. Stella Immanuel that is the big controversy. She is under attack by the Washington Post and other papers for stating her belief that there are demonic anti-Christian forces in the world today.

The Post, in 2016, dismissed reports that there was a secret link between the Clinton campaign and Satan worship revealed by a Wikileaks email. The reference in the email was to a performance artist “known for her often controversial and dangerous performances,” including a “Spirit Cooking” installation “where the recipes were written on walls in blood.” The Post said. “It might not be everyone’s taste in art, and the footage documenting that 1997 installation is potentially disturbing, but it’s still art.”

Other members of the “mainstream media” joined the chorus, saying it was just a fun dinner and that reports to the contrary were “conspiracy theories.”

But the Post’s longtime religion reporter and Washington insider, elite party planner Sally Quinn, admitted in her book Finding Magic to her belief in the occult, including casting spells on her enemies, reading Tarot cards, and using Ouija Boards. Quinn was married to longtime Post executive editor Ben Bradlee, who once said about the media’s exploitation of the so-called Iran-Contra affair, in an effort to bring down Republican Ronald Reagan’s presidency, “We haven’t had this much fun since Watergate.”

Watergate was the scandal involving “Deep Throat,” an alleged FBI insider, that brought down Republican President Richard Nixon, leading to the American military withdrawal from Vietnam and Southeast Asia, as millions died at the hands of the communists. It turned out that Bradlee’s Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein was a “red diaper baby,” the child of Communist Party parents. Nixon, as a Congressman, had played a role in exposing State Department employee and United Nations founder Alger Hiss as a Soviet agent. The left never forgave him for that.

In the midst of the current effort to bring down another Republican president, Donald J. Trump, many Christians do see a spiritual war.But another taboo subject that involves both major political parties is the fact that Harry Hay, the founder of the modern homosexual rights movement, was a Marxist atheist who tried to find spirituality in his own confused sexual identity and eventually developed the idea that he was a “Radical Faerie” who had male and female traits. A member of the Communist Party USA who wore a dress, he was a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Hay in 1979 issued a call for a “Spiritual Conference for Radical Faeries” that included a poem from the notorious occultist Aleister Crowley. Stuart Timmons, author of The Trouble With Harry Hay, documents Hay’s involvement with Crowley, noting that Hay played the organ for the Los Angeles lodge of Crowley’s Order of the Eastern Temple, a “notorious anti-Christian spiritual group” where “homosexual sex-magic rituals” took place. Crowley regarded himself as the “Beast 666,” the anti-Christ, and the incarnation of Satan.

Speaking of cults, Daniel Flynn, author of Cult City, has explained how the Democratic Party  machine in San Francisco that included communist “preacher” Jim Jones ultimately resulted in the “revolutionary suicide” of 900 people in a commune in Guyana in 1978. Ignoring all of this, Rep. Nancy Pelosi later praised one of Jones’ main supporters, Dr. Carlton Goodlett, as a civil rights activist. FBI documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request reveal the Soviet communist connections of Carlton Goodlett and his political influence in San Francisco.

The way things are going in America, statues of George Washington will be taken down and replaced by those of Harvey Milk, a major figure in the homosexual movement in San Francisco who was murdered by a disgruntled co-worker. Milk was a “gay” man in his 30s who had had a sexual relationship with at least one underage boy. In 2016, Barack Hussein Obama’s Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced that a Navy ship would be built and named after Harvey Milk.

Stuart Milk accepted on behalf of his uncle the highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom, from Obama in 2009. Photos show him posing with Obama and Joe Biden.

A Harvey Milk sculpture can be found at the San Francisco City Hall.

The “San Francisco Democrats” utilized the political skills of communist preacher Jim Jones and homosexual activist Harvey Milk to identify and mobilize the weak, poor, sexually confused, and vulnerable for Marxist revolutionary purposes. The remnants of the Jones-Milk apparatus facilitated California’s left-ward drift and have been expanded to other states.

Consider Arizona Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema, the first announced self-proclaimed bisexual senator who was photographed criticizing American foreign policy in a pink tutu, clothing associated with a Marxist group called Code Pink. The Washington Post hailed her election, calling her a former Mormon who  was the first person sent to Congress to claim no religion. She refused to take her oath of office on a Holy Bible and recently appeared on the Senate floor wearing what appeared to be a blue wig.

In 2018, the same year Sinema won, radical leftist Democrat Keith Ellison, the Muslim former Congressman and associate of Louis Farrakhan, won the race for Attorney General in Minnesota, after allegations of abuse from an ex-girlfriend. The Nation of Islam believes white people were created by a scientist named Yakub and constitute an inferior race.

Barack Hussein Obama’s relationship with Farrakhan was covered-up through his 8 years of office, only to surface publicly in 2018 when an old2005 photograph of Obama and Farrakhan together was finally published.

On the national level, based on the way the Maoist cultural revolution is proceeding, an effort will be made to turn George Washington into a homosexual (like they have tried to do with Abraham Lincoln, with the gay Republican group called the Log Cabin Republicans sponsoring a “Spirit of Lincoln” dinner.) Indeed, the famous painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware is now being sold by MAD magazine as Washington Cross-Dressing the Delaware. This was supposed to be funny.

Elsewhere in the humor magazine, in a look at recycled ad slogans, the old Marine slogan, “We’re looking for a few good men,” became the slogan for Grindr, the gay dating app owned by a Chinese company.

But this isn’t so funny. A reported 3.6 million people were using Grindr and their personal information, including HIV status and last HIV testing date, was compromised. The Chinese reportedly sold the company but only after acquiring the personal information of millions of gays and other individuals for possible us in Jeffrey Epstein-style blackmail schemes. In a secretive deal, it was reportedly sold for $620 million to an investor group also with ties to China.

That is truly strange.

In his July 7 speech, “The Threat Posed by the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communist Party to the Economic and National Security of the United States,” FBI director Christopher Wray said, “If you are an American adult, it is more likely than not that China has stolen your personal data.” He referred to China’s hacking of Equifax, noting how they “made off with the sensitive personal information of 150 million Americans,” and how, in 2014, “China’s hackers stole more than 21 million records from OPM, the federal government’s Office of Personnel Management.”

But he did not mention the use of Grindr by the Chinese. Perhaps this is because gays occupy top positions in the FBI. In fact, the FBI celebrated June as Pride Month for LGBTs and an official image showed Lady Justice in rainbow garb.

The Office of Director of National Intelligence features the rainbow colors and an interview with President Trump’s former Ambassador to Germany and Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Richard Grenell, a former member of Log Cabin Republicans. Grenell says he is now​ working with Stuart Milk of the Harvey Milk Foundation to launch homosexual “decriminalization” campaigns targeting for destruction the Judeo-Christian standards of foreign countries.

When Trump’s former gay Director of National Intelligence is working with somebody who got an award from Obama for gay activism, you know that Trump’s top people have no real understanding of the sinister and powerful political forces they are up against.

Some members of Trump’s conservative Christian base are worried.

Merritt Corrigan, deputy White House liaison at the U.S. Agency for International Development, was so upset with this campaign of homosexual imperialism that she left the agency and blew the whistle in an interview to National File, saying,  “The Department of Defense has refused to sell military equipment – needed in order to combat ISIS and other extremist groups – to certain countries in Africa because they did not have gay marriage. The State Department has attempted to enforce similar ideological conformity in Central American countries who wanted to cooperate with the US on immigration issues, but didn’t want to change their culture to fit the radical left’s social agenda.”

On Twitter, she said, “The United States is losing ground in the battle to garner influence through humanitarian aid because we now refuse to help countries who don’t celebrate sexual deviancy.”

As I noted back when Grenell launched this campaign for sexual deviancy at the United Nations, “…if Trump is pressured to embrace a global ‘right’ to homosexuality, it could not only further undermine his support among conservative Christians, but turn out to be a moral catastrophe for America and the world.”

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

We Have Not Yet Begun To Fight

By Ron Edwards

I will never forget my mostly happy childhood during the first twelve years of my life.  The neighborhood was idyllic, with wonderful God fearing, kind and mostly successful neighbors.  When I say successful, I do not mean that our great neighborhood was an economic rival of the upper west side of Manhattan, but all the neighbors worked.  Some were business owners, while others worked as teachers, the postal service, offices, etc.  Our Cleveland neighborhood was held together via the common threads of decency, patriotism, love of family and above all, God. There was absolutely no trace of the bigotry of low expectation toward us non white students.  Every student was expected to learn, thus we did.  Many of our teachers were neighbors, so there was no wiggle room for any tom foolery.  Life was good and at the time, I thought the America I knew would always be.

Both at home and in school, we were taught about the great fight for both personal and religious liberty which resulted in the formation of our more perfect union, the United States of America.  We learned about the war of 1812, started by Great Britain, because she had not gotten over being defeated by the colonial commoners.  The next great battle we learned about was the Civil War  over the preservation of the union and to also to end slavery.  We were taught that there are times for peace and there are times for war.  By the time I was ten years of age, there were certain changes occurring in our fair neighborhood.  Suddenly, neighbors I thought I would know forever started moving away.  Also, my Dad took us to several house viewings because he thought there was no choice but to join the exodus out. As I stated earlier, things were changing.

Unfortunately, Dad suddenly took ill and died soon after my twelfth birthday.  During that last summer of Dad’s life it seemed as if the neighborhood was dying along with him.  Most of our close neighbors moved out, but I credit them for coming back to visit my Dad very often until the end.  Our great neighbors were replaced by harsh brutes who by years end turned our wonderful neighborhood into DA HOOD.  Because of the huge medical bills and our family now depending on my mother’s teaching salary, we could not afford to move to a better neighborhood.  The never-ending attacks upon our neighborhood via robberies, older bullies beating us much younger people up, shootings, family feuds, etc.  what also stood out to me was the unwillingness of the people to resist the new beastly neighbors who only seemed to exist to make life miserable for everyone else.

Upon observation of the declining quality of life, because people that moved into the neighborhood chose to make life almost to horrible to live, I noticed there were no challengers against the barbarians now destroying our once ideal community.  For the first time in my life, I witness no push back against evil doers.  As a result, they increased in numbers and boldness in their devilish mission to kill steal and destroy.  There were countless times my few remaining friends and I were beaten up. Going to the park or taking my dog for walks was out of the question.  I found it ironic that those thugs always howled to the heavens about racism and how the white man oppressed them.  I could not help but think that those brutish thugs were the oppressors and had no right to complain about any problems with ‘DA MAN”.

When I graduated to high school, my mother honored my request to be transferred to a school outside my district, where I received a great education and was prepared to enter college.  By then I had been well versed in physical fitness training and good high school athlete.  I then refused to allow myself or elderly neighbors to be intimidated by the cretins who sought to threaten everybody.  After pounding one of the leaders until he needed medical attention, the thugs changed their tune and respected me.  I could not understand why more than just a couple of buddies did not join me in an effort to subdue the criminal ilk.

I remember telling a couple of the thugs to back the hell up and leave us alone, or they would find out the hard way that I had only just begun to fight.  I did not and still do not like being violent, but I understood, what far too many people do not comprehend today.  It is better to stand your ground and fight back, when you can than to just give in to the demands of those seeking to abuse you.  The more thugs are appeased the more emboldened they become and the more difficult it will be to defeat them in the long run.  I also believe in seeking providential guidance through prayer, when dealing with thugs.  Sometimes you must back down, regroup and come back stronger another day.  Seeking God’s wisdom is very important in the war against those who are literally trying to destroy our cities, our unalienable rights, our republic and even our right to worship our God who shed his grace upon our still great republic.

If “We the People” do not learn about and stand for our unalienable rights, we will not have any.  I would like to think that we have only just begun to fight.  What say you? You can tell me Fridays at 4:00 PM EDT via https://wcetfm.com  during the Ron Edwards American Experience talk show.  God bless you God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.com/

A Biden Presidency Would be A Disaster – His VP ‘Picks’ as President Would be Worse

By Greg Holt

Joe Biden’s top two choices for VP are so bad they make Biden look good – almost.

According to Tucker Carlson, we will all know who Joe Biden’s pick for Vice President is next week.  If it’s one of the two people I mention here, well, we all better deeply hope that Biden does not win.

Joe Biden has already run for president three times and his first attempt was an embarrassing failure:

From Fox News

“The first time Biden ran was in 1988. That was before most of the people who work on the show were born, and he was caught lying about his biography in speeches and forced to drop out.

Biden suggested to audiences that he had grown up in a coal mining family in Wales. That’s not true. Joe Biden is actually from America. His father sold cars in Wilmington.Biden went to a Catholic prep school in the suburbs. So it was pretty embarrassing.”

So we know that Joe Biden is a liar, no surprise there, but we also know that he is a crook and is perfectly willing to ruin innocent people like General Michael Flynn.

Biden’s second attempt in 2008 also ended in failure after he received a paltry one percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses and subsequently dropped out of the race.

Joe Biden, who may be the worst candidate ever, is of course currently running for president, again.  His top two alleged “picks” are bad, really bad.  Given the fact that Biden can’t even figure out where he is most of the time – his VP choices would have serious consequences.

The first and possibly the most likely VP pick is Kamala Harris.  There is a whole host of problems with Kamala being VP, among them the fact that she will do anything to “win.”  Many people have suggested she “slept” her way to the top, or as Roseanne Barr said, “she slept her way to the bottom.”

Harris will do, or say whatever it takes to win, she has no “position,” her positions on any given issues change like the direction of the wind from day to day.  It’s all about winning.  There is no concern over dealing with any issues or “fixing” anything, rather there is a lust for power and control – period.

More from Fox News Tucker Carlson:

“And over the years, Harris has been willing to do pretty much whatever it takes to win, including using the power of her office to crush political opponents.

As the Attorney General of California, Harris relentlessly defended her big donors in the abortion industry. When a journalist called David Daleiden criticized Planned Parenthood in a documentary, Kamala Harris sent the police to his home. Daleiden later described the authoritarian nightmare Harris unleashed on his life.”

Kamala is the one who supports free healthcare for illegals; don’t forget.  She is also the one who by her own actions has made it perfectly clear that she does not support free speech (unless you agree with her) and will in fact use law enforcement to put a stop to free and open journalism – that fact alone should scare anyone regardless of party affiliation.

Biden’s second top pick is even worse than Kamala.  You may have never even heard of Karen Bass, and may not want to; Bass is pretty much a domestic terrorist.  Bass is so far left of center; she makes Leftist AOC look like a center of the road model citizen.

Ms. Bass was an ardent supporter of Fidel Castro and visited Cuba repeatedly.  Bass was also a member of a group that trained “revolutionaries,” quoted by the LAPD as having provided training in: “terrorist tactics and guerrilla warfare.”

If that’s not bad enough, Bass would like to make racial discrimination legal again – as in how things were pre Civil Rights Movement, she even bragged about it.

If you haven’t heard of Bass’s pet “bill,” the New Way Forward Act, let me be the first one to acquaint you with it, this is some epically bad legislation.  This “bill” would require the U.S. government to reimport hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that were deported for – now get this, committing crimes!  Yes, Bass actually co-sponsored a bill to bring back illegals into this country that are criminals.  Who in their right mind would do such a thing?  Why would anyone want to jeopardize our citizens’ safety in this way?

Just imagine one of these two clowns running the country.

It cannot be over stated, the consequences of a Biden win to this country and We the People would be beyond catastrophic.

It’s time to wake up America, while there is still an America to wake up to.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt: admin@trueconservativepundit.com

Read my three most recent articles:

Politically Correct Lies – the Big Bang Theory, Evolution, and There is NO God
The Shortage of Aluminum Cans, Food Staples, and Coins is Only Going to Get Worse – Act Now!
Did Jeffrey Epstein’s Gal Pal Ghislaine Maxwell Run One of the Most popular & Powerful Reddit Accounts in History?

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabSpreelyFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

When ‘Smart’ is Stupid

Lee Duigon

When you were a kid, did you ever draw up a treasure map and then go try to find the treasure? Didn’t work, did it?

Well, some folks never stop doing that. They just clothe it in a new vocabulary.

I grew up believing in Evolution, because that’s what I was exposed to and I never heard anybody question it. But now a lot of people question it, including me—because it just doesn’t make sense.

Its great stumbling block is the inability to explain how life began in the first place. Once upon a time, people believed in spontaneous generation: horse-hairs turn into worms, flies grow out of rotting meat, and so on. This went out with the 18th century; and it left those who rejected Scripture with an unanswerable question: How did life start?

You could make a song about it: “Oh, it rain on de rocks an’ de rocks come alive, doo-dah, doo-dah…” Yes, now they say it rained on the rocks and life originated out of that. And because a lot of us don’t believe that, they sneer at us and say it’s because we don’t understand [trumpet fanfare]… “abiogenesis.” Ta-dah.

Abiogenesis? What’s that? Why, it’s “the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter,” that’s what. Note the “the.” Note the “has arisen.” Not “a process,” but “the process.” Not “may possibly, conceivably, just maybe might have arisen,” but “has arisen.”

And presto, we are back to spontaneous generation.

Abiogenesis has never been observed in nature. Never. Not by anyone. Nor has it ever been successfully achieved in laboratory experiments that have been going on for 70 years. But never mind! It’s a Scientific Fact! And anyone who isn’t buying it is Anti-Science and deserving of no respect at all. Because all The Smartest People In The World believe in abiogenesis, so there.

This is like one of those polls that tell us “most college-educated persons believe UFOs are craft flown by intelligent beings from other planets.” Oh—that makes it true, because a lot of folks who went to college think it is? You know, those same colleges that hand out degrees in Gender Studies and Intersectional Feminist Political Ecology. If they believe in space aliens, we should, too. Because we want to be Smart People, too.

And please be sure to note the paradox. If we say God created life, that’s just Creationism or Intelligent Design and not scientific. But if they say they can create life in the laboratory… are they not pushing Intelligent Design, too? Not God’s design, but theirs. And who was around a kazillion years ago to set up a laboratory and *design* and create those first primitive life-forms out of non-living matter?

Some of them dodge this question by taking refuge in a fairy tale called “panspermia.” This says life was brought to earth on comets and meteorites. But it doesn’t tell us where that life came from, or how it arose. Some even gabble about Space Brother scientists purposely “seeding” the earth with microscopic life. Lots of luck finding any evidence for that.

Yeahbut, yeahbut! We’ve got computer models, man! Who needs nature when you’ve got computer models? We’ve got models that tell us we’re right, it did rain on the rocks and it did make the rocks come alive! And anyone who doesn’t think so is a racist. Or something just as nasty—but “racist” is such a handy catch-all term, so we might as well use it here.

And once life starts, then you’ve got to evolve microbes into plants and animals—another thing that no one has ever actually seen—and eventually into Hillary Clinton and black flies. What did that first amphibious mammal with legs do when it gave birth to a whale? And how did it ever find itself a mate by which to beget more whales? No, the whole business is too silly for words.

You’d think that after anointed Experts gave us the Chinese Virus pandemic and shut down the global economy, we’d be disinclined to listen to them anymore.

I don’t know why anybody does.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit before they lock me up for being anti-science. A single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Poisoning Our World?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 5:  Poisoning our world at an accelerating rate of speed, soil degradation, ADM, Monsanto, Bayer, Chevron—all manufacture poisons

What happens to the soil when you must feed an added 100 million more people to America?  What happens to irrigation systems?  What happens to ground water when you spray poisons or inject them into the fields? What happens to your health when you eat those poisoned foods from those fields?  What happens when you eat genetically modified foods?

Today, virtually all the fruits you eat suffer from pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, phosphate fertilizers and a litany of other chemicals.  Additionally, do you notice all those ‘perfect’ apples in the produce section of your grocery store?

Each one offers you bastardized DNA or genetically modified organisms.  You consume a piece of ‘food’ whereby its DNA changes your gut bacteria. It changes the way your body digests it.  It modifies the nutrient impact on your own cells.  Additionally, if it’s Monsanto’s GMO corn or soy, it carries Roundup resistant seeds with altered DNA to fight off the poisons sprayed or injected into ground.  We’re talking an experiment so ugly, top science researches offer dozens of books warning all consumers about consumption of those “Frankenstein” foods.

But of course, the FDA, bought off by big Monsanto-Bayer-Dow Chemical and other corporations, won’t educate you about the long- term effects of GMO’s.  Do you remember when cigarette companies like Phillip Morris or Marlboro featured ads with medical doctors and athletes smoking for ‘your’ good health?  They KNEW that cigarettes caused lung cancer. They watched 450,000 victims die annually for decades—without one single ounce of ethics to stop selling to a clueless public.  That continues today!  Guess what?  GMO’s bear down on our health the same way.

Do you read the labels for ‘sugar free’ products?

Sucralose…saccharin…dextrin…and the list goes on with dozens of names to make sure you don’t possess a clue.  High fructose corn syrup stands as the biggest GMO sweetener, lacing hundreds of our food products.  It’s been found to be addictive, fattening and dangerous to your health—but you won’t find any warning labels.  Most Americans don’t read labels of the foods-chemicals they consume.  That’s what the corporations count on!

Along with poisoning humans, all those chemicals being sprayed or injected into our soils also destroy the “nitrogen-fixing bacteria” that allow micro-nutrients to flourish beneath the surface.  Once you ‘kill’ the soil, you kill all the nutrients.  It’s been reported by the FDA that a nutrient value of a plate of spinach in 1950 now requires 49 plates of spinach to equal the same nutrient value.  Why?  Because our soils have been ‘raped’ by factory farming to feed our 330 million people in America.  Can you imagine what it will take with an added 440 million people?

Along with the problems of poisons in our soils, few in our U.S. Congress understand the reality of “ecological footprint” or the amount of acreage it takes to support each added person to the USA.  For example: an Ethiopian in Africa requires .4 or 4/10ths of an acre to survive.  Once we import that refugee to America, he/she now requires 25.4 acres or over 100 times as much acreage to support that person with roads, track housing, schools, malls, ball fields, golf courses, manufacturing plants, food plants and more.  (Source: Ecological footprint, www.allspecies.org)

If we add another 100 million immigrants to manifest in America, we must multiply 100,000,000 X’s 25.4 to equal 2.54 billion acres of land that must be destroyed in order to support THAT many people.

Are you starting to connect the dots to our immigration-population predicament?  Why do you think such poverty grips most of the third world?  They can’t solve it.  They can’t deal with it.  They live in what is known as the “human misery index.”  And, it’s accelerating as humans add 80 million of themselves, net gain, annually to the planet.

Please understand that this series barely touches on the enormity of what we face if we keep importing endless refugees from around the world.  Eventually, we will become unsustainable, ungovernable and our predicament will be unsolvable.  We will exhaust the water, energy and resources to continue.

At this point, if we stop all immigration, we might have a chance to survive or even thrive past 2050.  If we don’t stop this self-terminating invasion, we will most certainly become victims with no escape hatches.

If you do take action, here are some points to make with your elected officials:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

President Trump Meets with the National Association of Police Organizations Leadership at White House

By Jim Kouri – Senior Political News Writer

In the midst of the Democratic Party’s verbal war on American law enforcement officers and their support of radical groups creating havoc in Democrat-run cities and states. On Friday President Donald Trump hosted a meeting with some of the nation’s top cops.

The nation’s largest fraternal organization representing federal, state and local cops, the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), represents more than 500,000 police officers from groups such as the New York Police Benevolent Association (PBA), the Fraternal Order of Police, and other organizations.

Below is the first part of the transcript for Trump’s Q & A (questions and answers). To read the full transcript:

THE PRESIDENT: I’m pleased to welcome the leaders and friends of mine, in many cases, of the National Association of Police Organizations. We have some of the great, great police representatives in the country here. Maybe the best, I would say, Pat. What do you think?

MR. LYNCH: I’d have to agree, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: Representing more than 240,000 of our nation’s courageous police officers.

I want to thank the Association president, a friend of mine, Mick McHale —

MR. MCHALE: Thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: — Mick McHale, who was — has been tremendous, who I call on occasionally to say, “What the hell is happening” in a certain location. And he gives me the advice. And I was very honored to receive the endorsement. That was a great endorsement, and we very much appreciate it, Mick.

The entire leadership team is here today representing large portions. What would you say the percentage of police in the country are represented in this room? A big portion?

MR. MCHALE: Yes. Yeah.

THE PRESIDENT: We have a big — a very big portion. And I appreciate it.

Also, I want to thank our Vice President, Mike Pence. He’s been very involved in a lot of issues. But this issue is one of his very important ones, I think we can say, Mike. Right?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: We’re here to discuss the unwavering support of our nation’s courageous police officers and our determination to defend the safety of all Americans. I just spoke on Portland. I just spoke with Chad Wolf, who’s doing a fantastic job at Homeland. And the courthouse is totally secure; it has been, ever since we’ve been there. We had to move in about a week and a half ago because they were going to take down the federal courthouse. This is not even believable. You know, you tell these stories, and it’s not even believable.

Homeland Security moved a team of very talented people — strong, tough people. And the courthouse has been in very good shape. They’re not an offensive team; they’re a defensive team. They’re not allowed to be offensive, unfortunately. And you had radical anarchists. You had horrible people. You had agitators. They weren’t protesters. They might have been protesters, but the ones that were the problem were absolute anarchists and, in many cases, professionals.

So a lot of people have been arrested, and we’ve told — we’ve told the mayor and the we told the governor, “You better get in there and do your thing.” And they finally, after — they should have done this 60 days ago. A lot of people have been hurt. A lot of law enforcement people have been hurt. And they should’ve done this 60 days ago. So now they freed up the park, cleaned out the park, and they’re moving their way. And if they have any other problems, we’re going to take very strong offensive force.

Nothing started because the federal government was there. In fact, if we weren’t there, you would not have a courthouse right now. You know, they — the media, some of the media — not all of it, but some of it, they are saying that because the federal government walked in, they became worse. No, because the federal government walked in, we saved the U.S. courthouse, the federal courthouse, which is a — was a magnificent — it will be shortly, but, you know, there’s graffiti all over it and everything else. That’s why we moved in, because the local police were not protecting federal property.

So Homeland Security has done a fantastic job. I appreciate it. Chad Wolf and the entire team have been fantastic. And it seems to be cleaning up. And if it doesn’t clean up, we’re going to do something very, very powerful, because we have no choice. Not that I want to do it; I don’t want to do it. But we have no choice.

In recent weeks, law enforcement has become the target of a dangerous assault by the radical left. The leftwing extremists have spread mayhem throughout the streets of different cities, in particular, Portland. If you look, Portland is one. Seattle, really, would be another.

And we were getting ready to go into Seattle. We would have solved that problem very quickly. When they heard that we were going in, they went in. And by that time, the anarchists were exhausted and they just raised their hand. They were exhausted and tired, and they had a lot of drugs and a lot of alcohol, and they just gave up. They just raised their hands. They were sleeping there long enough. They took over, actually, a piece of Seattle, if you can believe that — Seattle being a major city. And they took over a piece.

So we were ready to go into Seattle; everyone knows that. We were going to go in with force, and we didn’t have to because, the day before, we were going in — and we let them know. The day before we were going in, this is what happens: They went in, and the anarchists and agitators gave up, and they gave it back.

Joe Biden has pledged to cut police funding — and you do know about that, Mick, I assume. Right?

MR. MCHALE: I do, sir. Yes.

THE PRESIDENT: You’ve heard that little rumor?

This guy has been dragged so far left. Biden has been taken further left than Bernie ever was. Bernie was never this. I mean, totally open borders, and the sanctuary city stuff that — he’s approving things that Bernie never thought of. It was supposed to be, they were going to take him right. They took Biden way left of where Bernie was because they have the manifesto. I don’t know, have you seen the manifesto they’ve got?

MR. MCHALE: Yes, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: Now I understand they can’t get any police in Milwaukee because you’re not allowed to use pepper spray or tear gas because — if you have crowds. But I don’t think there’s any other way other than obvious way, which would be horrible. And that’s shooting itself, which would be horrible. But I don’t know how you can control a crowd if the crowd if — if that crowd is anything like what you have at Portland, there’s no way you could possibly do it without tear gas and pepper spray.

Pat, would you say that’s a correct statement?

MR. LYNCH: I agree. You have to control the streets. You have to do it fairly, but you have to do it.

THE PRESIDENT: It’s pretty amazing, right? So you have no police that want to go to Portland because they know they can’t do their job. You have to give them the equipment to do their job. It’s incredible. They’re not going to go to Milwaukee.

So what’s going to happen in Milwaukee, Mick? What do you think?

Again, they’re going each and every day under attack, but they — they raise their hand, they took an oath, and they’re not going to give up. And it’s your message, but it’s your administration. The Attorney General has been to many of our cities, many of our functions, and he delivers the same message — and it’s always from you, sir — “We got your back.” That’s the most important aspect we could ever seek in our profession, to know somebody has our back.

THE PRESIDENT: But what do you do —

MR. MCHALE: In the military, they say “covering your six.”


MR. MCHALE: Sir, you’re covering our six, and we thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: I am covering you. But what do you do when you have a radical-left, crazy mayor, and they’re giving you orders that you know will lead to tremendous death and crime? Are you allowed to do your job or are you going to have to listen to this crazy man that got appointed? Is there something you can do? Because I’ll tell you, if you don’t do your job, you going to have certain cities in this country that are going to end up like Portland.

MR. MCHALE: Yes, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: The mayor goes into the crowd the other night — and I watched very carefully, and I saw exactly what happened. He was excoriated. He was — they went after him. It was incredible, right?

MR. MCHALE: Yes, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: And shouting at him, “Resign. Get out of here. We don’t want you.” Horrible.

And yet I watched on NBC News, Lester Holt — on your news, Peter — if you watch that news, that newscast, it was no — it was a big, beautiful thing that he went in with the people. They didn’t show the shouting and the “Get out of here.” And they were rough. They would have ripped them apart. Peter, he had five bodyguards. Five bodyguards. If he didn’t have those bodyguards, you’d be talking about a funeral right now, because they were looking to do a bad thing on him. And he got out with his life.

And yet, I watched NBC — I was watching, for some reason, NBC Nightly News — not even MSDNC. I’m watching “NBC Nightly News,” and if you watched that, it looked like he was a man of the people — the mayor. They would’ve ripped him apart. It just shows you, you know, you need some help from the media. You need a little fair help.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Good News: You No Longer Have To Choose Between The Lesser Of Two Evils

Bradlee Dean

Between the lesser “of two evils, choose neither.” —Charles Spurgeon

Have you ever noticed that when politicians, regardless of their office before serving the people, put their hands on the Bible and swear to uphold the enumerated laws found within the US Constitution (Deuteronomy 23:23)? And to that, they add, “So help me God…”

Have you also taken the time to take note of what a president (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8) is required to do before God in serving the people?

How is he to serve the people if he does not obey God (1 John 5:2)?

In Deuteronomy 17:14-20, it tells us what the president’s obligations before God and the people are to be.

“When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me;

Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.

But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.

Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.

And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites:

And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them:

That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment, to the right hand, or to the left: to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel.”

Yet today, and in complete disregard of God’s Word in wickedly departing from Him, look at what has been set in its place: corrupt men, where the people are then told to vote between the two evil options in which the powers that have been tolerated have given them (Ephesians 4:14).

Did you know that there are 1,152 other candidates running for the presidency of the United States? Yet, you have been given only two candidates as options and are then told to vote for the “lesser of two evils” (2 Chronicles 19:2), only to find that both candidates are on the same team, and the agenda goes forward.

[YouTube Video]

How many times does it need to be pointed out that the mainstream media cannot be trusted (Jeremiah 5:21)?

[YouTube Video]

The mainstream media is set on promulgating, with the help of their useful idiots, a narrative of propaganda for which they are at the time advocating.

“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” -Richard Salant (1914-1933), former President of CBS News

“We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that we choose to deal with.” -Richard M. Cohen, Senior Producer of CBS Political News

“The entire mainstream media is totally fake!… Taught to lie, to betray the people and not to tell the truth to the public…. The CIA get’s control over all of the majority of journalists.” – Dr. Udo Ulfkotte German Editor, Journalist

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

In conclusion: If Americans are as sick and tired of the same rhetorical cycle of insanity, receiving the same broken promises from the same corrupt politicians that have been puffed up by the MSM, then simply take the time to know the real options that have been given where it is you will not have to choose from the lesser of two evils.

As of July 27, 2020, there are 1,156 candidates who filed to run for the White House.


[YouTube Video]

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

The Only Way To Confront Violence Is With Force

Ron Ewart

“Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral.  I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results.  Nations have frequently won their independence in battle.  But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace.” —Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Anarchists, looters and arsonists engage in heinous acts of wanton violence while good people stand by and watch from the sidelines.   Democrat office holders, in acts of appeasement to the violent mob, tell their police forces to stand down in the face of racial-driven violence, thereby emboldening the anarchists to increase their violence.  Businesses are burned, people are injured or killed and foul graffiti adorns the walls and streets of the city.  In the chaos that ensues, everyone tends to lose sight of why the violence is occurring in the first place.  Violence just becomes violence for violence’s sake, without reason or logic.

The hard fact is, that if just one anarchist is shot by law enforcement, in front of all the other anarchists, they would scatter like flies in all directions and the violence would stop.  If anarchists, looters and arsonists were shot in big-city riots across the country, violence would immediately stop all over America.

If there is no price to pay, the anarchist gets off scot-free.  This is a truism for all criminal behavior, including those that cross our borders illegally.  That is why we have laws in the first place so that criminals will pay a price for their bad acts against society.  But if the law only applies to the good, law-abiding people of America, then there is no law.

Now everyone knows this fact instinctively.   Why do we constantly ignore reason, logic and common sense?  The only reason that makes sense is the politics of power.  Politics corrupts all rational actions and intelligent decisions by government, whether it is an act of a politician or a bureaucrat.  Virtually every act of government is an act of politics for the purpose of obtaining and keeping political power.  All political parties are guilty of using irrational politics to further their goal of wielding power over the masses.  Examples of this in our every day lives abound.

The Democrat mayors of Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and all other big cities run by Democrats, see the riots as enhancing their chances of increasing their power at all levels of government, including the presidency.  The bad economy, large unemployment, virus deaths and the constant violent upheaval every night on the news surely would seem to work against the incumbent president.  Or does it?  If lawlessness is allowed to persist and good people become enraged because no one is stopping it, could it backfire on the Democrats?

Nevertheless, the Democrats are willing to let people be killed and businesses burn so that they can hold the seats of power and tell everyone else how to live.  They abhor the Constitution as it limits their power to control the people with Climate Change, Green New Deals, Medicare For all, un-fund the police, give amnesty and all kinds of free stuff to illegal aliens, repeal the Electoral College and free college tuition for everyone.

If the electoral power was not concentrated in big cities and was spread out more evenly across the country, Democrats would not be able to hold the rest of the country hostage by allowing, aiding and abetting riots, looting and arson for the trumped up charge of systemic racism or white privilege.  Big cities may very well be the downfall of a free America, or lead to civil war.

We’ve been down this road before in previous articles but sometimes repetition increases the chances of getting the message across.

The behavior of individuals living tightly in big cities produces its own share of problems.  High crime rates and noise, air and water pollution are just a few of the consequences.  Big cities require large police forces to enforce laws and civility but big cities without adequate police protection see their crime rates explode, as is happening now due to Democrats appeasing the mob and calling for a reduction in police presence, as if that will somehow reduce racism and riots.

Big cities dump their concentrated pollution on the environment and then expect everyone else to comply with environmental protection, except them selves.

Big cities are also dangerous places to be in times of war and natural disasters.  Earthquakes, fires, floods and rapidly spreading diseases find ready victims in big cities that can produce large losses of life.   Most of the deaths occurring from the Black Plague, during the era of the Dark Ages, occurred in the cities where the concentrated garbage and human waste attracted the rats that carried the fleas that carried the disease.

During war, opposing enemies don’t bomb the countryside, they bomb big cities where the manufacturing plants build the machines and weapons of war and where large populations of men, women and children can be killed to bring the enemy to its knees.  Need we mention the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the firebombing of Dresden, Germany?

But the other consequence of high-dense living is the steady lowering of the bar of civility, respect and trust.  Human behavior changes under the conditions of living closer together.  It does so because of a basic human fact.  No matter what the government, socialists, or the environmentalists will tell you, people like and need “their” space and the space does not come in a 1,000 sq. ft. apartment in a 25-story building, surrounded by concrete on all sides, in a big city.

Suburbs became a partial answer to the human need for space and escaping the problems of big cities.  But then the suburbs began to increase in density as governments got into the act of “planning” where we live and work.  The suburbs began to infill.

History has shown us that people don’t behave well when crammed together in big cities.  Big cities have given us the “Blue” states.  Big cities are bastions of socialism and government control.  Big cities, with their majorities, control the legislative process and give us legislators that support socialism, more laws and environmental extremism.  Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez come to mind.

The people who inhabit big cities are more apt to believe whatever the government tells them and act like mindless lemmings.  The current propaganda and mass hysteria of man-caused global warming (Climate Change) is a prime example and allows Al Gore to spew his Climate Change insanity to the naive “choir”.  Yes, big cities are large markets of consumers and bring us commerce that helps to fund the country.  But we wonder if the price is worth it?

There is now a determined social justice and environmental protection agenda by American policy makers to cram more people into large cities.  Over-educated, government-paid planners spend all of their time in drafting acts, laws, rules, restrictions, regulations and ordinances to direct the movement of populations ever tighter into big cities.  Planners are doing their best to do away with the single-family home with a large yard where the kids can play.

Draconian environmental protection laws are purposely designed to drive more people out of the rural areas and force them into big cities.  The rural areas are to be protected at all costs, without regard to constitutional protections or the rights of rural landowners, the quintessential American dream.

This purposeful design was first created in a United Nations policy paper entitled, Agenda 21.  It was then codified into American law by presidential executive orders, without a treaty being ratified.  This socialist policy now permeates every level of American government and is taught in our K-12 public schools and our very liberal colleges.  Government sanctifies this policy with soft sounding names like “Social Equity”, “Smart Growth”, “Sustainable Development”, “Endangered Species”, “Conservation”, “Biospheres”, “Wildlife Corridors” and “Wilderness Protection”.  One of the motives for all of this propaganda is to drive more people into big cities, get them out of their cars and force them to take mass transit.  Government can more easily control people in big cities.

As a direct result of this forced rural-to-urban migration policy, the bar of civility gets lower and lower as big-city populations increase.  Big government, mostly Democrats, love big cities, as they feed off of the occupants’ dependence on government and big-city voters continue to re-elect the handout providers.  Big government doesn’t give one whit about civility.  If the population gets more uncivil, government just adds more police to bring the people into compliance and increases taxes to pay for it all, that is of course if Black Lives Matter doesn’t get Democrats to decrease police forces under the insane idea of “de-fund the police.”

We’ll never get rid of big cities but like too many rats in a cage, the populations of big cities will get less and less civil as their densities increase and will become more and more dependent on government for their survival.  As a result, socialism is inevitable.  (See: “Demographics Will Eventually Destroy Our Founding Father’s Republic”)

Big cities produced big government and government gets bigger and more powerful every day.  In the end civility, respect, trust, honor, integrity, honesty and freedom lose.

Big cities give Democrats big power.  Uncontrolled violence in big cities by anarchists is just another way for Democrats to increase their political power.  If more of the anarchists were shot by law enforcement while in the act of rioting, looting, or arson, there would be a lot less violence in our big cities and a lot less power for Democrats.

In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “violence might bring momentary results for racial justice, but it never brings lasting peace.”  (See: “So Black Violence Is Supposed To Heal White Racism?

It seems the only logical conclusion then is to confront violence with violence in the hopes of eventually bringing lasting peace, just as we did in two world wars.  It makes no difference if the violence is domestic or international.  All bullies must be taken down one way or another, either by peaceful means, or by violence.

Now there may be another way to confront the anarchists, with a show of force.  The good people of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho came out in full force carrying guns when they heard that ANTIFA was on their way to protest in Coeur d’Alene.  When ANTIFA showed up, heavily armed civilians escorted them out of town.  Not a shot was fired.  The PEOPLE spoke! (See: “Armed Patriots Patrol Coeur d’Alene”)

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Convict And Jail Communist Leaders For Treason

Andrew C. Wallace

When I say Communist, I also mean most of the Democrat political leaders, who are Communists in charge of the jurisdictions, being destroyed by Marxist thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. These Democrat Communist political leaders actively stand behind the thugs and encourage them. Democrat political leaders encourage death, destruction, and anarchy in their communities. Then,  they can install Communism and gain absolute power and control.



The people who vote for Democrat Communist Politicians are not Communists themselves. But, they know next to nothing about our country and have been brainwashed for years by schools and the media. Vladimir Lenin, a well known Communist, referred to them as USEFUL IDIOTS.

The brutal thugs, who are terrorizing, burning, and looting our cities must know that what they do is Treason,  punishable by Death.The local Communist Authorities who support them, will not charge them,but the Feds certainly will.

Useful Idiots will never accept the truth, if they attack patriots it can only end one way. I refuse to accept Communism and the loss of all my Constitutional Freedoms. I refuse to live in a  Hell Hole, like  the Communist inner cities. Communists have been in charge of these cities for more than 50 years as they declined, and they did nothing to improve things. Residents are terrorized, live in slum conditions, with little employment, lousy schools, poor medical care, and now, reduced police protection. All of this while party leaders, super rich families, and CEOs of multi- national corporations benefit, call the shots, and  “ live High on the Hog”. To do this, your jobs had to be exported to make more money using Chinese Slave Labor. When jobs could not be exported, they brought the cheaper labor here to replace American workers. Disney  imported foreign workers to replace existing American workers. Why do you think Communists and corporations want open borders and free everything for illegal’s?

Make no mistake, the Communists are terrorizing, and burning down their own cities to condition the people to demand a Communist Utopia, that can never exist, and never did. Communism never works, it only kills millions. Our Pilgrims tried it for one year, and half of the people died.

Everyone, on the left, or right, must realize the consequences, if a Civil War is the result of this Treason. All benefits, Social Security, Medicare, Pensions, Payrolls , et al, will stop. Those who need expensive ongoing medical care will die. The body count will be in the millions.  We will enter the greatest depression of all time, with a worthless dollar. The super rich will own everything. Once the thugs, who are also Useful Idiots , have accomplished their objective of Anarchy, the Communist leadership must destroy them to satisfy the population. Poetic justice don’t you think?

The FBI and DOJ should be investigating and arresting those responsible for the carnage, and Treason. They should be going after the Democrat politicians and the large corporations who are funding the terrorists. The FBI sold out long ago to the Establishment, and the One World Order. The FBI consists of cowards and crooks; it should be terminated at once. If the FBI did its job many of our elected officials and their benefactors would be in jail. The Opportunity  Cost of the FBI is Exorbitant, it must go. The FBI should be replaced by the Militia of the Several States, which is charged in our Constitution   with enforcing the laws of the Republic. You could use Homeland Security while the Constitutional Militia is reconstituted.

Only people who were traitors themselves, could support a man like Biden, who by his own admission in a taped speech, bragged about his corrupt actions in the Ukraine. Biden’s son came away from an official trip to China with his father, carrying a check from the Chinese for more than one billion dollars. Biden made his family rich, while the taxpayers got the Royal Order of the Purple Shaft with Barbed Wire Clusters. Only a Useful Idiot, or a Communist could vote for this proven fraud.

I can only vote for President Donald Trump, because he is the only man who has demonstrated his ability to help us survive the Chinese Virus, Rebuild our country, protect the people, and defeat the Communist insurgency. There is no other choice, except slavery. I don’t give a damn what the Communist Media says Trump said, or did, he has done more for the people than any other President in my 86 years.

After years of observation and study, I feel very strongly about the contents of this polemic. I am a veteran who loves this country and hates Communism. I am not alone.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

Psychotic Judge Refuses to Dismiss Flynn Case

Kelleigh Nelson

As fire when thrown into water is cooled down and put out, so also a false accusation when brought against a man of the purest and holiest character, boils over and is at once dissipated, and vanishes.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero (Let it be Lord, let it be soon)

Trump has a bigger, longer-term vision for this country than just sitting as a president for four years. He really does. And that’s what I was impressed by. —Michael T. Flynn

Obama has made incredibly poor decisions that have made us less safe. —Michael T. Flynn

The above quotes by Lt. General Michael T. Flynn helped to make him a target of the former administration, the Department of Justice and especially the FBI.  Michael Flynn is hated and feared by the corrupt cabal within the intelligence community.  As National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump, General Flynn would have ensnared the corrupt enemies of freedom, those same enemies who illegally spied on the entire campaign and new administration of Donald J. Trump, and falsely prosecuted so many who supported him for president.

Summary Review

On January 24, 2017, two FBI agents came to interview Mike Flynn, Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka who never told the General it was an “entrapment” interview.  Strzok has since been fired, and FBI Director Wray is hiding Joe Pientka.  Both agents said Michael Flynn never lied about anything, as did former FBI Director Comey.  He was set up by the Obama administration and Obama’s enablers in the DOJ.

On January 24, the day of Flynn’s takedown, Attorney General Sally Yates informed both Trump and VP Mike Pence that Flynn had lied to Pence about his phone call with the Russian ambassador. She also (falsely again) suggested that the phone call might have opened Flynn up to Russian blackmail and mentioned his alleged Logan Act violations, with which the president was not familiar.  Unfortunately, Trump swallowed Yates’s arguments and fired Flynn.

Questionable is the fact that there may have been a backdoor into the White House via VP Pence’s former Chief of Staff, Joshua Pitcock.  Pitcock’s wife was working as the top analyst for Peter Strzok on Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server.

Blood was in the water, and the one person Trump needed in his administration more than anyone was ousted.  FBI mission accomplished.

General Flynn never lied to anyone, and that includes VP Mike Pence who actually lied to the media.  The General fell on his sword for the new administration, and has been persecuted ever since.  Why you ask?  Because the Deep State knows exactly what Michael Flynn is capable of and they hate him and are they’re scared to death of him.

On November 30th, 2017, Mike Flynn signed a guilty plea; ostensibly admitting lying to investigators.  Flynn’s attorneys surely told him, not cooperating with a plea bargain could mean fines and a long jail sentence if he was found guilty.

The General was no pushover.  For 10 months he refused to cooperate. He lost his job, home, reputation, and entire fortune. He refused to sign a confession and agree to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller until they threatened to also prosecute his son, who was employed at Flynn’s private consulting firm.

The plea was accepted by Judge Contreras; who is also a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court judge.  Six days later, December 7th, 2017, Judge Contreras “was recused” from the case without explanation.

Covington and Burling

Initially, the General hired the firm of Covington and Burling, where Eric Holder is a partner.  The lawyers who represented him failed miserably as his counsel.

The case was reassigned to DC District Judge Emmet Sullivan. Also interesting that Contreras was Peter Strzok’s good friend and neighbor.

The first Mueller prosecutor of the Flynn case was corrupt prosecutor, Brandon Van Grack who has had cases previously overturned for the very same things he did in the Flynn case, withholding exculpatory evidence.  The Covington firm bankrupted the Flynn family in the very first year of representation with $6.7 million in fees.  Then they allegedly leaked a story to the media that Michael Jr. was about to be investigated.  When that story broke, the general followed the urging of the Covington lawyers and the prosecutor and negotiated an “under the table” guilty plea bargain to keep his son out of the fray.  A week later, the story ran about Contreras and Strzok’s close friendship.  That’s when Contreras was recused from the case.

Along came Judge Emmett Sullivan who had a recorded history of being a fair and impartial judge as stated in “Licensed to Lie,” by attorney Sidney Powell.  But on December 18, 2018, when the General appeared before Judge Sullivan, he was shaken to the core when the Judge accused the three-star general and 33-year military veteran of treason.  Sidney Powell was in the courtroom and was shocked.  Six months later, the General hired conservative firebrand Sidney Powell as his new legal counsel.

That’s how an innocent man “pleads guilty twice” in the same case. Recently released evidence withheld for over three years by the FBI shows that Trump’s National Security Advisor was actually framed and entrapped by the FBI and that he did not lie in the interview. It is a story of injustice, persecution and the failure of the rule of law.

Judicial Persecution

The Department of Justice dismissed the prosecution against General Flynn in May 2020 when exculpatory evidence was finally released from the FBI proving the General had been purposely set up and ousted from the Trump administration.  This Brady evidence should have been turned over to the defense prior to a guilty plea.  Attorney General William Barr had hired former FBI agent and U.S. attorney, Jeffrey Jensen to look into the case. FBI Director Wray could have easily given the defense this information during these long months, but he was silent.

Things changed when lawyer Sydney Powell was hired in June of 2019 and convinced Flynn that he should never have pleaded guilty. Flynn agreed. He fired his lawyers, hired her firm, and submitted a brief to withdraw his guilty plea. Over Sullivan’s objections that Flynn had agreed that no further exculpatory evidence would be introduced, Powell put Flynn under a protective order and subsequently obtained unsealed new documents from the DOJ as well as investigations in the House and Senate.

The DOJ dropped the case against Flynn after evidence showed he had been set up, but Judge Emmett Sullivan refused to dismiss the case, despite the fact there was no prosecution and he had no constitutional right to continue the case.  Nevertheless, he hired outside attorneys and the case went before the appeals court where two of the three appointed judges agreed that the case be dismissed.  But that didn’t stop Judge Sullivan.

The U.S. Appeals Court for the DC Circuit vacated an earlier ruling by the court to dismiss the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. A majority of judges on the Circuit Court agreed to an en banc rehearing of the case against Flynn, meaning that all eleven of the court’s judges will oversee the case. The new hearing is set for August 11. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan obviously has a vendetta against General Flynn and strings are being pulled to ensure Sullivan keeps the General in chains.

Attorney Sidney Powell

Attorney Powell was interviewed on July 30th by Sean Hannity.  Here is what she said.

It’s a sad day for the rule of law.  Judge Sullivan’s petition for rehearing should not have even been considered by the court because he had no standing to file it.  He’s not a party in the case.  He’s supposed to be a neutral umpire, and yet he has taken on the role of an advocate for some sort of hearing he wants to conduct back in his court on an issue the government has decided to dismiss, a case they decided to drop.  There’s no longer a case in controversy at all because both parties have agreed to dismiss it and he cannot act as a prosecutor because only the DOJ can under Article II of the constitution.  So there are two constitutional provisions that preclude him from doing what he’s trying to do, and the court seems to be indicating that its going to give him that opportunity despite the fact he has no constitutional authority to proceed.

En Banc Hearing

Upon petition for the en banc hearing, the responses voted in favor of same, via Order No. 20-5143 setting aside the three panel judges, two of whom voted to dismiss.  This was filed on July 30, 2020.

The original three panel judges, who voted to dismiss were with two Republican-appointed judges carrying the majority.  They believed U.S. District Judge Emmett Sullivan overstepped his authority in second-guessing the prosecutors’ decision. Judge Neomi Rao, who was appointed to the circuit court by President Trump, wrote the majority opinion. Judge Robert Wilkins, an Obama appointee, dissented from the decision, saying he would grant Sullivan the space to explore the DOJ’s request for dismissal.

The court’s order also indicates that the judges hearing the case en banc will include seven Democratic appointees and three Republican appointees. One of the court’s judges, Trump appointee Greg Katsas, bowed out as he has in other disputes involving special counsel Robert Mueller’s office, which launched the Flynn prosecution. The decision to take the case en banc required the approval of a majority of the court’s active, un-recused judges, but no tally was released.

Following is the list of those DC Appeals court judges and the presidents who appointed them.  This is a stacked deck against an innocent man who has fought for three and a half years to prove he was set up by the FBI and never lied to anyone.


As The New American noted last week:

The circuit court is populated with a majority of judges appointed by Democrats. If the court decides to “extend the game” against Flynn “into extra innings,” it’s because it’s not a matter of law but a matter of politics. (The rule of law be damned.)

A full court hearing on Sullivan’s failure to dismiss would likely extend into the fall, with a final decision against Flynn coming out just before the November election. As Andrea Widburg, writing at the American Thinker, so aptly put it: “The D.C. Circuit has a plethora of Democrat-appointed judges. No matter the law, that doesn’t bode well for Flynn.”

Or for the president.

There are two choices left to the General and his attorney…to take this to the Supreme Court, who denies many hearings, and is never trustworthy to follow the rule of law.  (There is no guarantee the high court would take the case even though it has been in the public purview for over three years.) The only other opportunity for redress is to request that President Trump step in and stop this entire stranglehold on an innocent highly decorated veteran who was set up by Obama’s Department of Justice.

God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.  Pray that the rule of law outshines the politics and this veteran is finally set free.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Obama, China and The Great Reset

By Cliff Kincaid

In a 2007 address titled, “Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party,” the eminent left-wing historian Gerald Horne made two very important observations about what would take place in our country and world. First, he predicted the rise of Barack Hussein Obama and identified his mentor, Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. This was before Obama was elected to his first term. Then Horne predicted the rise of Communist China.

The outcome looks ominous. The establishment journal Foreign Affairs is out with an article that carries the title, “Beware the Guns of August — in Asia.” The author, Kevin Rudd, a former Prime Minister of Australia, says, “The once unthinkable outcome — actual armed conflict between the United States and China — now appears possible for the first time since the end of the Korean War.”

China’s rise was made possible by Obama. After eight years in office, Obama visited with Chinese dictator Xi in China, in a meeting of “veteran cadres,” or communist officials, discussing current events. “Xi made a positive appraisal of Obama’s efforts in promoting China-U.S. relations during his presidency,” said the Chinse press. It was more evidence, if we needed any, that Obama was a Marxist mole doing the bidding of China while he was in office.

The China virus now provides the springboard for what Obama and now Joe Biden are calling the “transformation” of the United States. Fear of the virus is driving many to accept this version of socialism in America. Trump has not been able to dispel the fear and has 90 days to turn around the perception that he has lost control of events.

If Trump does not succeed, plans will proceed on what globalists at the Rockefeller Foundation, Brookings Institution, World Economic Forum, and IMF are calling “The Great Reset,” a new term for achieving a United Nations-dominated New World Order. 

The Plan

Regarding the future president, Barack Hussein Obama, Horne had said back in 2007, “At some point in the future, a teacher will add to her syllabus Barack’s memoir and instruct her students to read it alongside Frank Marshall Davis’ equally affecting memoir, ‘Living the Blues’ and when that day comes, I’m sure a future student will not only examine critically the Frankenstein monsters that US imperialism created in order to subdue Communist parties but will also be moved to come to this historic and wonderful archive in order to gain insight on what has befallen this complex and intriguing planet on which we reside.” He was speaking at the reception of the Communist Party USA archives at the Tamiment Library at New York University.

What Horne was predicting was not only the Obama presidency but the victory of communism in America – and the world.

But the media were not interested. Even the Drudge Report rejected my paid ads about the Obama-Davis relationship. The fix was in.

Obama, who served two presidential terms, is back in the news, using a John Lewis memorial service to raise the stakes in the political crisis. He suggested a Democratic Party takeover of the presidency and the Congress with changes to Senate rules, leading to statehood for the Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. and the packing of the Supreme Court with more liberal justices. But with the release of the China virus, what Horne had to say about Communist China back in 2007 is worth reviewing.

Kissinger’s China Ploy Backfires

Horne quoted former New York Times columnist William Safire as saying, before Richard Nixon died, that his “opening” to Mao’s China might backfire. “Before Nixon died,” Safire said, “I asked him – on the record – if perhaps we had gone a bit overboard on selling the American public on the political benefits of increased trade with China. That old realist, who had played the China card to exploit the split in the Communist world, replied with some sadness, that he was not as hopeful as he had once been: ‘We may have created a Frankenstein [monster],’ said Nixon.”

Horne understood that all the talk about conflict and divisions in the communist world, including the “collapse” of the Soviet Union, did not slow the advance of communism. Horne said that Nixon, thinking he was exploiting a split in the communist world between Moscow and Beijing, “exchanged one Communist antagonist in Moscow for a far larger, far stronger Communist antagonist in Beijing. Future dictionaries may well illustrate the definition of the phrase ‘Pyrrhic victory’ with a picture of Nixon’s trip to Beijing in 1972.”

All of this is true beyond doubt, as we see in the current headlines.

The idea that the Red Chinese were potential allies was sold by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger under President Nixon and adopted by our intelligence agencies. It was carried forward during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama Administrations and resulted in decades of cooperation with China, even in medical research.

A 1965 communist Chinese publication, “The Polemic on the General Line of the International Communist Movement,” was based on the perceived “differences” between the Chinese and Soviet Communist parties. These differences were real in the mind of a communist, since they always preach and practice ideological “struggle,” but irrelevant in terms of their ultimate goal. This is why former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev would still, in the midst of glasnost and perestroika, declare his goal to be the ultimate triumph of world communism.

The Marxist Dialectic

Our 2015 book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, features an interview with a former U.S. intelligence agency official who explained how the Sino-Soviet split, a development in the strategy known as Marxist dialectics, deceived U.S. policymakers and weakened the Free World. His perspective was a dissenting view in the CIA and intelligence community bureaucracy.

Chinese Red Army Commander Lin Biao called Marxist dialectics, the communist ideology of struggle and deception, a spiritual atom bomb, far superior to the real thing. Lenin called it the living soul of Marxism. It was evident in the so-called Sino-Soviet split, under which world communism still remained the ultimate goal.

Unleashing the coronavirus and then claiming to be the world’s savior from it is a example of Marxist dialectics.

Gerald Horne’s 2008 book, Blows Against Empire, includes a chapter on China that has always excited the communists. They understood that China’s goal was always world domination, a fact just recently confirmed by FBI Director Christopher Wray but known for decades to anyone with a rudimentary understanding of communism.

In the Communist Party USA newspaper. Norman Markowitz reviewed the Horne book and wrote that China is too big and too strong to be the target of “containment/encirclement” strategy, as was the case with the Soviet Union. He wrote, “Horne deals with a world in which the U.S. government and military is constantly frustrated by China’s refusal to toe its line, constantly seeking to make its rise anything but peaceful, China works with Iran and Venezuela. China maintains friendly relations with North Korea. While China is presented by U.S. media as an economic and potential military threat, the U.S. can’t really mobilize an economic and military bloc against it in Asia or globally, although it continues to try.”

In his 2008 article, Markowitz predicted that the U.S. would not be able to mobilize an ideological “holy war” against China because of China’s economic progress, power and wealth.  

At this point, according to the “official” statistics, the China virus has infected about 4.7 million Americans and killed more than 157,000. Equally important, government actions at the federal, state, and local levels have decimated the American economy and thrown tens of millions of people out of work. With “The Great Reset,” the power grab goes global, with China taking advantage of the crisis it created.

On foreign policy, freedom in Hong Kong has been lost. The State Department seems preoccupied with China’s claims to the South China sea but it’s doubtful that the American people would support a war with China over these claims.

“Is Taiwan the next Hong Kong,” many are asking.

Increasingly, China looks like a Red Dragon gobbling up the world.

But the U.S. also has advantages, as noted by analyst J.R. Nyquist, such as arable land and considerable food exports, while a Department of Homeland Security report indicates that China is likely unable to replace U.S. soybean exports needed for meat consumption. Nyquist discusses these trends in the context of what is called the solar minimum, a cyclical weakening of the Sun’s electromagnetic field that results in changes in earth’s weather, including a shortened growing season and a significant decrease in world food production in countries like China.

This makes America, the leading food exporting country, a strategic and tempting target for communist control.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

The Politicization of Healthcare

George Lujack

On July 27, a press conference was held by a group identifying themselves as America’s Frontline Doctors. The speakers were certified medical doctors and they all claimed that there is a massive disinformation campaign concerning coronavirus taking place in America. They also claimed that wearing masks is unnecessary to prevent coronavirus infection, there is a cure for COVID-19, and the cure is taking a combination of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax. One doctor declared that she had cured 350 COVID-19 patients with a 100% success rate.

The social media giants (Facebook, YouTube) deemed it necessary to remove the video of the press conference, because it contained “false coronavirus claims,” which President Trump retweeted.“America’s doctor” Anthony Fauci threw out the Washington National’s ceremonial first pitch while wearing a facemask on a baseball mound with BLM emblazoned on it – replacing MLB. To say that Fauci, wearing his number ’19,’ threw like a girl would be an insult to girls. If there is a video that YouTube should remove, Fauci’s ceremonial first pitch is it!

Many studies have been done, including a study from the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan, which show that hydroxychloroquine significantly cuts the COVID-19 death rate, but the mainstream media and social media giants have come up with their own “studies” which show hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax are ineffective in treating COVID-19.

It is a remarkably chilling spectacle that this little man Fauci, along with Dr. Birx, Bill Gates, and many others behind the scenes at the CDC, are dictating healthcare in the United States and in various places around the world.

Either America’s Frontline Doctors or Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and others at the CDC are not following the Hippocratic Oath. I’m placing my trust in America’s Frontline Doctors, who are also supported by President Trump.

There are two simple questions Americans should be asking themselves and posing to their fellow left-leaning Americans who insist on following the ‘experts’ Fauci, Birx, and the CDC guidelines…

When did the CDC become an infallible, unquestionable, monopolized authority on COVID-19 and other healthcare issues?

What happened to Americans’ right to get a second medical opinion and make an informed decision for themselves based on the best information available?

We currently live in a time when there are far too many sheople in America, being led by corrupt politicians and their cohorts in the mainstream media, who are easily and willingly duped by false information fed to them by fake news and now by fake medicine. If politically motivated, as many of these leftist sheople are in hating Trump, they will believe and / or support any lie that can be used to damage the president’s administration. They would rather see the economy crash and people diethan see President Trump reelected.

Many conspiracies are false, but some are true even if many people refuse to believe them. And there are many feverishly conspiring to propagandize the narrative that only a not-yet-developed vaccine will be effective in treating COVID-19.

It has been verified that COVID-19 patients who are placed on ventilators are not receiving healthcare, but are instead given what is essentially an almost certain death sentence. Statistically, anyone who is placed on a ventilator for ‘treatment’ for COVID-19 has a 12% survival rate. Ventilators are not medical devices – they are execution machines with an 88% kill rate. The only more highly efficient killing devices are electric chairs, hangman’s nooses, lethal injections, and guillotines.

Even if hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax are ineffective in treating COVID-19, which the CDC and mainstream media are claiming, what do they suggest is currently the best treatment, ventilator therapy?

The CDC is not an independent agency concerned with the healthcare of the citizens of America. They are a for-profit vaccine company. The time will likely come when they are going to try to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations. Right now, they are using guinea pig human beings in underdeveloped countries in an attempt to develop a vaccine with disastrous results.  Americans may soon have to fight for the right to not have toxins, including aborted human fetal tissues, aluminum, antibiotics, bovine calf serum, chemical residues, dyes, formaldehyde, human DNA, mercury, monkey DNA, polysorbate 80, and preservatives injected in them via vaccines.

There are far too few independent reporters in America who are often preoccupied with countering the lies of the mainstream media and are not engaged in asking the right questions. One question I would like to ask of Dr. Fauci, Birx, or anyone at the CDC is…

As of August 2nd, 2020 it has been reported that 157,000 people have died from COVID-19. Can you tell the American people just how many people have died from COVID alone, without an underlying condition that caused death (cancer, heart attack, flu, etc.) or death was the result of an unrelated cause (car accident, suicide, etc.) or death was caused by ventilator treatment? That is, how many people have died from COVID-19 alone, without dying via another cause or dying by ventilator treatment?

An accurate COVID-19 death count of people who have died from COVID-19 alone will not be forthcoming from the CDC, but it is nowhere near the 157K people they claim to have died from the disease. It seems most people know this, yet people keep repeating the CDC narrative of contributing as many deaths as possible to COVID-19.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Could Mail-in Ballots Help Trump Win?

By: Devvy

Last week President Trump unleashed another zinger which drove the shadow government’s MSM pimps into another round of conniption fits. It also elicited the usual vomit from parasites like Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer and other jackals in the Democrat/Communist Party USA.  Even white-collar criminal, 77-year old dementia addled Joe Biden worked his way through the cobwebs in his cranium to bark Trump might try to delay the election!

Paid liars on CNN, MSNBC and various “news” papers all had the same talking points over Trump’s comment that mail-in ballots would on a universal scale produce the most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history. Perhaps delay the election until people can vote safely and securely, he said.  The meltdowns were a joy to watch!

Safe, secure and accurate counting of the votes is something Democrats and global elites absolutely do not want.

Trump knew when he sent that tweet he has no power to change the date of the general election this November.  He does these blurbs to plant the seeds about corruption – especially now regarding a fair election.  Naturally it sets off the vermin on the boob tube, liberals (socialists) and progressives (communists) in print media on line.

I’ve been writing about vote fraud since 1993.  So many columns I can’t list them all.  I wrote a short 44 pg booklet in 1998, Blind Loyalty; I sold 700,000 copies at cost.  My booklet exposed page after page after page of proven vote fraud by machines as well as human cheaters out to win at any cost.

I will for the sake of those who have missed my other columns give you a prime example of how it’s done.  On primary night in my run for the U.S. House, March 26, 1996, despite being behind only 5-7% points behind Rep. Waffle Wally Herger two weeks before the primary and no scandals, my race was called at 8:01 pm – one minute after the polls closed and no votes counted: 86-14 in favor of Herger.

The Secty of state stopped counting at around 6:00 am. The numbers never changed.  Additionally, in the largest county in the district I went to vote my name wasn’t even on the ballot!  We had to write in my name. I was in shock but there was nothing I could do.  I had the certificate from the Secretary of State proving I was eligible to be on the ballot.

While my race was called at 8:01 pm, the county clerk’s office didn’t even get the ballots until as much as four hours later.

Check these winners/losers that night: 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 86-14, 87-13, 81-18 and 86-14 which was my race. Those were the results for a few incumbents vs challengers for the U.S. House throughout the state of California. Every incumbent, including Herger, all voted for NAFTA. All challengers including me were opposed to that unconstitutional, destructive ‘agreement’. Wonder why we all allegedly lost?

Those house seats were scattered all over the state of California. Unless you’re specifically looking at a particular race, in a state the size of California or Texas, people don’t put together the pattern, but it sure as hell is there.

The perception in my run was that the voters in that district overwhelmingly approved of Herger’s voting record which they did NOT. My support was firm and widespread. The morning after the primary a woman called my office to tell me she worked at a precinct in a smaller county.

When she came in primary night, she observed ballots spread all over the table in a back room instead of in sealed boxes which is the law. She was told to mind her own business and go back to work.  I didn’t ask her if she voted for me, just would she swear to it an affidavit which she replied, yes.

The Republican Secretary of State refused to look at my case after I filed a formal complaint. Republican Bill Jones was Secty of State in California at the time.  His goal was “100 percent participation but zero tolerance for voter fraud”.  Empty words when it came to my race.

In violation of state law ballots were taken out of the secured boxes in a back room before transporting them to the county clerk for counting but Jones didn’t give a damn.  I didn’t have the money at the time to sue or pay for a recount in such a huge district. That’s when I left the Republican Party and have remained no party since.

Let me tell you another race where an incumbent was ousted by cheating.  Very popular incumbent “B-1 Bob” Doran [R-CA] back in 1998 ran against Loretta Sanchez.  He allegedly lost.  “A task force found 748 votes that had been cast illegally—624 from non-citizens in addition to 124 that had already been thrown out by California officials.”

Non-citizens meaning illegal aliens.  Like his opponent, Sanchez.  Long story short, I went to Lynwood, Calif., where Sanchez was allegedly born.  No birth certificate to be found anywhere.  Back to Sacramento, ordered up a copy of her birth certificate that didn’t exist and three long weeks later, well, a copy came in the mail.  Mind you, while at the records office of births for California in Sacramento there was no BC for her to be found yet one magically appears three weeks later in the mail.

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993, aka the Motor Voter Act, signed into law by globalist Billy Clinton was a gigantic open invitation for vote fraud.  How we patriots fought against it but the American people en masse remained silent.  Recently ballot harvesting has been used which I believe enabled the Democrats to take back control of the US House.

States dominated by elected Democrats have been successful in making sure voters need provide no proof they are U.S. citizens which is obscene.  Democrats need illegal aliens voting to stay in power.

This is evil:  Kobach: The Tenth Circuit Wrongly Strikes Down Kansas’s Proof-of-Citizenship Election Requirement, April 29, 2020 –  Judicial activism at it’s worst and an open invitation for illegal aliens and non-citizens here legally to vote in OUR elections.

Ballot harvesting must be killed.  There’s no solid chain of security.  Those of us fighting vote fraud all these decades – specifically ANY electronic machines and counting machines – were floored when learning about ballot harvesting.

Ballot harvesting is collecting and submitting mail-in ballots by third party individuals, either paid workers or volunteers instead of the ballots being submitted by the individual voter at ballot collection sites.  It should be banned in all states.  Kudos to Florida:  GOP Wins Court Case, Keeping Florida Ballot Harvesting Ban in Place, July 19, 2020 – A huge blow to Democrats in that state.

Illegal aliens have NO right to be on U.S. soil.  They have NO right to vote in our elections but were given the green light via the Motor Voter Act, ballot harvesting and now mail-in ballots.

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote, Feb. 15, 2017 – They can’t bring themselves to say illegal aliens.  Trump named globalist Mike Pence to head up a vote fraud task force. “He says he wants the investigation to focus on inaccurate voter registration rolls, which are maintained by the states and the District of Columbia.”

In January of 2018, that task force was shut down.  Why?  “President Trump dismantled his controversial voter fraud commission as the group faced lawsuits, oppositions from states and fighting among its members.” Why should investigating vote fraud be considered controversial? No doubt about lawsuits filed by the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU) and blue states who depend on vote fraud to win. Hell, it’s already underway again with some caught and prosecuted:

Judicial Watch Finds Millions of ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls – Warns California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Colorado, Virginia to Clean Up Voting Rolls or Face a Federal Lawsuit, Jan. 2, 2020

Non-U.S. citizen reveals she was automatically registered to vote – ‘I don’t know why there’s this blind belief that it cannot happen’ May 26, 2020. If this happens to you, go to the media and your county clerk.  Report it to your state rep and senator.

I live in Howard County, TX:  Howard County woman accused of illegally voting twice in 2020 primary election, June 17, 2020

Nearly 70 percent of voters in Georgia believe that voter fraud is a problem, according to a Monmouth poll released on Wednesday, July 30, 2020

Trump’s legal team must file a lawsuit to counter this blatant invitation for cheating:  National Campaign to Remove Vote-by-Mail Safeguard Gains Victory in Minnesota, June 24, 2020

This just makes me sick:  1 in 5 Ballots Rejected as Fraud Is Charged in N.J. Mail-In Election, June 26, 2020

4 LA men admit to Skid Row voter-fraud scheme, DA announces  – “That incident of voter fraud occurred during the 2016 and 2018 election cycles”, July 28, 2020 – Years to catch cheaters. They solicited hundreds of false and forged signatures by paying homeless people a buck and cigarettes to sign the forms.

New Jersey Democrats Charged with Mail-In Voter Fraud, June 28, 2020 – Oh, wait! That can’t be true as Democrats across the board say vote fraud doesn’t exist.  It’s a conspiracy theory by “the right”.

West Virginia mail carrier admits attempted election fraud – Eight mail-in requests for absentee voter ballots had their party affiliations altered, authorities say, July 12, 2020

WATCH: US Postal Worker Caught on Video Throwing Stack of GOP Congressional Candidate Campaign Mailers in Dumpster, June 27, 2020

Ex-Dem congressman accused of ballot stuffing, bribery and obstruction, July 23, 2020 – “Former U.S. Rep. Michael Myers was charged this week with conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing ballot boxes for specific candidates in several primary elections, bribery and obstruction, the Justice Department said Thursday.”

Don’t miss this one. Outrageous:  Watch: Local TV News Experiment Exposes Flaws of Vote-by-Mail, July 30, 2020

Trump adviser Miller warns of ‘catastrophic’ idea of mail-in voting: ‘Nobody has their identity confirmed’ – Miller says ballot tampering could be happening on ‘a scale of potentially millions’ July 29, 2020  (Miller is the only one in the WH who should stay.  Trump needs to clean house and boot his ‘advisers’ who’ve given him terrible advice on so many things.)

Limbaugh: Democrats ‘already ginning up’ plan to cancel election – ‘If they think they’re gonna lose, they will try any which way they can’ -July 8, 2020 (As I said in my column last week, these people are ruthless and will stop at nothing.)

Court Brief: 23K Dead Registered Voters Could Get Mail-in Ballots in California, June 25, 2020

George Soros-Funded Group Pushes Nationwide Drop Boxes for Voting,  April 6, 2020 (He should have been charged with sedition at the very least long ago.  Maybe even a RICO.)

Hundreds of Michigan Residents Turn Over Unsolicited Ballot Applications Sent to Dead, Noncitizen, Underage ‘Voters’ June 19, 2020 in another key battleground state.

30K more registered voters than eligible voters in Detroit, May 25, 2020

Lawsuit Threatened As Swing States’ Voter Registration Numbers Suddenly Skyrocket–“How is it that suddenly, these specific, democrat controlled areas have tons of new voters registered, and in some cases, more than the population itself?”  Feb. 27, 2020

Our election process is a mess and has been for decades.  Right now, anything and everything including COVID-19 is being blamed.  Try incompetence.

NO FRAUD?!? 100K Mail-In Votes Went UNCOUNTED in Calif. Primary, July 13, 2020

THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE:  Federal Data: 16.4M Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in 2016, 2018 Elections, April 10, 2020 – Missing? Where the hell did they go? Was your ballot one of them?

Scum of the earth, Eric Holder:  “Coronavirus gives us an opportunity to revamp our electoral system so that it permanently becomes more inclusive and becomes easier for the American people to access,” Holder told Time magazine.” Just like usurper-in-chief, Hussein Obama, was going to ‘transform America’ into a communist hell hole.

How many more?  Problems With Absentee Ballots in Wisconsin Hint at Election Nightmare, July 24, 2020: “The U.S. Postal Service has identified hundreds of absentee ballots for the April election that never made it to voters or couldn’t be counted because of postmark problems, a new report says.”

Mail-in voting faces slew of issues nationwide, as emergency USPS memo sounds alarm, July 22, 2020 (What could go wrong with many opportunities along the way to alter ballots or not receiving a ballot in time to vote.)

This is what’s giving the shadow government and its minions real fear and why vote fraud WILL be key in that state:

Trump Won PA in 2016; Now Republicans Have 1 Huge Advantage in 2020, July 30, 2020:  “The reason is Republicans are registering voters at a rate five times greater than Democrats.”

We know the Democrats have taken ballots to people in nursing homes who, due to issues like dementia, should not be allowed to vote.  My mom has advanced dementia so I fully understand, but during career criminal Billy Clinton’s run – proven – volunteers would actually hold the hand and pen of a voter and mark boxes on the ballot for a person nearly comatose.

Tech giants are working to defeat Trump.  MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THAT.  Congress has diddled for years instead of reigning in big tech giants over their blatant censorship and now at the 11th hour, they will be powerless to stop them from in-your-face interfering with our elections.

How the Democrats are Well on Their Way To Stealing Election 2020, June 28, 2020

Dr. Robert Epstein: Google Will Shift 10% of Voters to Make Trump a ‘Blip in History’, July 10, 2020

Top researcher, a Democrat, warns Big Tech is stealing election from Trump, July 29, 2020

Where’ve you been all these years, Jim?  Here are facts:  Jim Jordan to Tech Executives: Big Tech Is Out To Get Conservatives, Defeat Trump In November, July 29, 2020

The Democrats are busy right now putting together legal teams in key states to challenge Trump’s win if (and pray he does) he is declared the winner Nov. 3rd

As I said in my column last week, this is the kill shot for the shadow government and their plans to finally cement a world government destroying our sovereign nation once and for all.

The only thing standing in their way is Donald Trump, losing control of the House and keeping a Republican majority in the Senate.

This means Trump needs our help.  So do incumbents who’ve won their primaries from governors to local mayors.

The biggest mistake ever made was using voting and counting machines which are so easy to hack as has been proven over DECADES.  The American people wanted fast-food style elections and so here we are drowning in fraud.

But, could mail-in ballots backfire and actually help Trump win in November? 

I believe so but only if done right.  Paper ballots hand counted in front of the public with voter registration card/forms and sign-in logs analyzed is the ONLY way to guarantee a fair election – not just for the presidency but also critically important are seats in the U.S. House and Senate as well as governors, state reps and senators.

Democrats and cash cows like George Soros believe they’re going to lose the election unless they can steal it.  Don’t tell me all Democrats in this country are fine with the rioting, looting, killing and their Democrat governors and mayors who’ve destroyed their economy and bankrupted so many over COVID-19 are going to reward them in Nov.  Thinking Democrats can also see Biden is a pathetic old man with advancing dementia.

We all know the fiasco over ‘hanging chads’ during the race between George W. Bush and Al Gore (bechev).  What a farce.  In the case of mail-in ballots, we now have the actual ballots and can blow vote fraud wide open.

One must have a game plan and this goes for national as well as local elections.  It’s a shame less than 1% of challengers ever bother to challenge the outcome of an election because if they did conduct a forensic analysis, massive vote fraud via machines would have blown up that whole scam decades ago.

No question if President Trump allegedly loses in states which allow ballot harvesting and mail-in votes a forensic analysis of the vote MUST be done.  That means comparing voter registration cards against incoming ballots.  Demand mail-in ballots be hand counted in front of witnesses and compare them to voter registration rolls (people voting twice as well as a voter who married and did not change her name on the voter registration card receiving two ballots).

Compare the number of registered voters by district to the number of mail-in ballots sent out, sent back and those collected via ballot harvesting.  Check number of eligible voters in the state and then add up the alleged number of votes counted.  Check the person’s registration card for party affiliation and then check the mail-in and absentee ballot to make sure party affiliation wasn’t altered.

Call your county Republican headquarters (if you don’t know who, call your county clerk and they can tell you) and volunteer to help.  I don’t care if it takes a month to count every absentee and mail-in ballot, Biden must not be allowed to steal this election or we are toast.

GET INVOLVED.  FIREWALL: Group Launches Nationwide Effort to Stop Democrat Election Fraud, June 17, 2020.  Also, True the Vote is an excellent organization.  GET INVOLVED NOW. Trump and his legal teams can’t do it all.  THIS IS OUR ELECTION and by God, We the People must make sure it isn’t stolen. Again.

There you have it.  What I’ve presented is just a drop in the bucket or this column would be 100 pages long.  It’s now up to us.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Why No Autopsy for Supreme Court Justice Scalia?

by Amil Imani

“[What the media reported: “On February 13, 2016, 79-year-old Justice Scalia was found dead at a luxury resort in West Texas. He reportedly died of natural causes, with later reports revealing that he had suffered from heart trouble and high blood pressure.”]

Yogi Berra once said, “It’s déjà vu all over again.” His peculiar linguistic pronouncements certainly fit regarding the circumstances surrounding the demise of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. The facts so far are even muddier than they were when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. But here we are again and there is enough mystery here to get Sherlock Holmes salivating.

Even now, the sense of conspiracy about that day in Dallas is highly palpable. But back then, all we knew was the President had been assassinated after being shot in the head. Investigators began to see problems with the official version almost instantly even though it would be years before the public was shown the Zapruder film. That is when the polls showed that 75% of the population came down on the side of conspiracy. In the case of Justice Scalia however, things do not add up. It was difficult then to know which website or blog to believe, except to stick with the most credible ones. Many sites reported that a judge, Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara, declared Scalia dead from a heart attack, but did so without even heading to the ranch where he passed away and to investigate.

She did clarify that aspect of the rumor flying thickly around us. Despite a web loaded with stories that Scalia succumbed to a “myocardial infarction,” Guevara told reporters that she did not declare the cause of death as being a heart attack.

The Huffington Post held its punches and declared the cause of the justice’s demise to be “undetermined.” Guevara acknowledged talking to Scalia’s doctor and being told by him that Scalia had had an MRI done on his shoulder and that he suffered from some “chronic problems,” all of which were glossed over and none mentioned as being capable of causing a heart attack.

According to The Blaze, “Guevara acknowledged to the Washington Post  that she pronounced Scalia dead over the phone on Saturday without seeing his body. She told WFAA she had planned to head to the ranch but that a U.S. Marshal told her over the phone, ‘It’s not necessary for you to come, Judge. If you’re asking for an autopsy, that’s what we need to clarify.”

 The Post   reported that another Justice of the Peace was called but could not get to Scalia’s body in time – and that she would have made a different determination. “If it had been me … I would want to know,” Juanita Bishop, a Justice of the Peace in Presidio, Texas, told the paper in a Sunday interview.

A scion of the Supreme Court, a man very much larger than life, amusing, very close friends with the most liberal member of the court, a man who cherished the Constitution and loved to teach, a fair-minded Supreme Court icon is found dead in bed and there is no need for the judge to come out?

A U.S. Marshal (not a local sheriff, but a U.S. Marshal) tells her to stay put? How, pray tell did a U.S. Marshal suddenly act like a medical expert show up and tell the Judge what to do? That’s convenient, and Yogi Berra pops into mind again. Had JFK’s body been autopsied in Texas, as it should have been, we would have a lot more answers about what happened to the President. Instead, two doctors who had never done a forensic autopsy before were tapped to autopsy JFK.

We decided to look up Texas law for such circumstances. Where murder may have occurred [and the lack of any indication of foul play does not rule out murder], it is governed by the “law of the situs,” meaning that local Texas law applied in this case. It was not a federal matter.

Under Texas law, TITLE 1.


UBCHAPTER A. DUTIES PERFORMED BY JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Art. 49.04. DEATHS REQUIRING AN INQUEST.  (a) A justice of the peace shall conduct an inquest into the death of a person who dies in the county served by the justice if:

[Subsection one and two have been deleted because they do not apply in this case.]

(3) the body or a body part of a person is found, the cause or circumstances of death are unknown, and:

(A) the person is identified; or

(B) the person is unidentified;

The law clearly applies in this case. So, when is this inquest to take place? Too late, the Justice’s body, embalmed, is already on its way home to Virginia, and nobody has any idea what caused his death. “Natural causes” translated into plain English is: “Damned if I know,” and that is unacceptable in every respect in this case. He is declared dead of natural causes by a judge who has not even seen the body. Does that strike anyone else as extremely odd? It should be pointed out that under the law she can do so, but when a member of the SCOTUS is involved, you’d think she’d want to see the scene for herself. Relying on instructions from a Federal Marshall makes her an unwitting and complicit if Justice Scalia was poisoned during dinner the night before.

We might understand not going if the poor soul was a homeless person who was clearly in really bad health anyway. But someone so important to the SCOTUS and the country is just shipped out to a funeral home, apparently embalmed quickly (thus no blood samples to find anything that might trigger a heart attack or any other poison). This utterly shatters credulity and forces the American people to ask the question yet again, is Texas suddenly the land of conspiracies? First JFK, now this. Events are moving along far too quickly, and the most important evidence has been compromised.

But that is only the prelude. It was decided would be performed. Isn’t that convenient? If, and we are not saying it is the case, but if the Justice was murdered and just before the Supreme Court was to start its next term, it is simply too opportune not to consider conspiracy.

In any case, the investigators start by looking at who benefits from Scalia’s demise. The pipeline from lower courts that flows to the SCOTUS is chock full of very meaningful rulings, such as Obama’s executive action on immigration, whether the Little Sisters of the Poor must condone abortifacients, labor issues and on and on.

If he wanted to, President Obama could simply put a rabidly liberal individual on the court right now. How? Recess appointment. The Senate was not in session at the time, and under the Constitution, the president can put anyone he wants there unless… Mitch McConnell calls the Senate back into session and declares it is in “pro forma” session. In essence. it means that while the Senators do nothing (nothing new), they are still in session, and once it has been declared in session, they can all head back home, leaving a couple of senators not facing re-election to sit in the chamber.

To his credit, Obama said he would name his nominees in good time, which translates to, “I’ll wait until the Senate is in session.” But if he changes his mind and does choose the recess appointment maneuver, Mitch McConnell should have been impeached for incredible negligence.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants? Let’s Talk About National Parks Congestion

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 4:  Total devastation of our national parks, congestion, crushed hiking trails, litter, trash and bad behavior

In no particular order, this series will carry you 30 years into the future of what happened to our country from the endless onslaught of legal and illegal immigration brought to you by your members of Congress.  Again, if Congress refuses to stop mass immigration, you and your children will be caught up in a quagmire of another 100,000,000 people added to the USA by 2050.

As you can imagine, hundreds of frustrated letters pour into my computer after each publication of this series.

Steve Aronfeld wrote, “What we are seeing now in our country is a small taste of what’s coming for America if we don’t control or stop legal or illegal immigration. America will not survive another 100 million immigrants. We are all going to be living a very different life, think Mexico or India. We can see the seeds already affecting us, i.e., gridlocked cities, severe air pollution, crowded schools, illiteracy, horribly entrenched poverty caused by importing people unable to function in our modern society, racial strife off the charts, clashing cultures not to mention clashing religions such as Islam. Not only that, why can’t our leaders understand we cannot sustain those numbers?  Why can’t they see what they are doing to us guarantees our demise as a cohesive country?”

I could repeat a dozen more that would break your heart because you identify with each one of them as the same thing occurs in your community.  With Antifa and BLM burning and looting with no constructive plans other than anarchy—we all face cultural suicide at an accelerating speed. A Constitutional Republic must maintain a majority of morally, ethically based, and responsible citizens in order to thrive.

Our National Parks Being Destroyed and Overwhelmed

For the past week, my wife and I traveled to the Grand Tetons, Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks.

The ecologist John Muir presented the National Parks idea to President Teddy Roosevelt back in 1904 to preserve our incredible Natural World treasures such as Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountain National Park, Glacier, Grand Tetons, Great Smokey Mountains and dozens more.  Thank them for their visions.

But what’s happening in 2020 to our parks?  Glacier National Park, which we visited last week, stands as a living nightmare of traffic gridlock, people running around Logan Pass like ants, trash, litter, roadkill and jammed campgrounds.  You won’t find one second of peace and quiet with the Natural World.

What’s astounding stems from the fact that people toss their trash indiscriminately all over the parks.  Those same Americans toss every class of trash along our highways and rest areas.  Soiled baby diapers top the list!  Why would anyone with an IQ over room temperature toss their rolled up soiled baby diapers into a stream or lake—instead of the ample trash cans provided in our national parks?  Answer: we are importing illiterate people into our country, and/or, we are creating our own in schools that fail to teach personal discipline and accountability.

At some point, you or your children will NOT be able to visit the parks. You will be allocated a lottery number that may or may not be picked. It’s already happening in Rocky Mountain National Park near my home.

While visiting Yellowstone, we witnessed two-mile-long lines waiting to get into the park, and you can’t buy a campsite for any money.  When we arrived, we faced an hour waiting line.  Instead, we drove back to the Grand Tetons and rode our bicycles out of the packed parking lots.  That night, we camped, (slept in the car), up on Towogatee Pass to get up at 5:30 a.m., to drive into Yellowstone Park.  By 9 a.m., most of the attractions were overrun with tourists.

You want to see Old Faithful blow?  The parking lot holds probably 1,000 cars, but it’s got another 1,000 waiting.  Just to see Midway Geyser and its colorful pools means a mile or more walk, and pushing past thousands of people on the boardwalks.

And the Grand Canyon sees three million visitors annually, wall to wall cars, wall to wall people and litter.  For certain, last year in Yosemite National Park: it’s a friggin’ living nightmare of car lines and people.  You must reserve a campsite years ahead. Even then, it’s not camping because you might as well be in downtown Los Angeles with people crammed everywhere.

At some point, you, as an American citizen or your kids, you will need to draw lottery tickets just to see your own parks in your lifetime, and you may not draw a lucky number, so you won’t ever see your own parks. That’s all being created by your U.S. Congress and their refusal to rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that keeps dumping 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants, and their birth rates into our country, annually. Aren’t you sick of hearing the tripe, “We’re a nation of immigrants”?  That was then, but today we are already overloaded with 330 million people!

What are you doing about it?  Are you calling or writing your House member or U.S. Senators?  Or, do you hope someone else with take action?  Do realize that a Constitutional Republic is not a citizen spectator form of government?

If you do take action, here are some points to make with your elected officials:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

Share these videos all over America: They spell it out graphically about what’s coming:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Aversion to Tyranny

Ms. Smallback

“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” —Thomas Jefferson to Dr. Benjamin Rush – Monticello, Sep. 23, 1800

I have an aversion to tyranny.  And to be clear, by tyranny I mean an oppressive person(s) or government who exercises oppressive rule and control.  Excessive control is contradictory to the nature of freedom.  And I really value freedom.  Speaking of which, what is freedom really?

Look at all the definitions Encarta provides for freedom and tell me which one(s) shouldn’t be available to an American (or any human for that matter):

  • Ability to act freely – a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any undue restraints or restrictions
  • Release from captivity or slavery – release or rescue from being physically bound or from being confined, enslaved, captured or imprisoned
  • Country’s right to self-rule – without interference from, or domination by, another country or power
  • Right to act or speak freely – without restriction, interference or fear
  • Ease of movement – the ability to move easily without being limited by something
  • Right to occupy place – the right to use or occupy a place and treat it as your own
  • Frankness – openness and friendliness in speech or behavior

America is either a free country or it is not.  My personal observation is that it is free in theory but not in application.  We are not able to act freely in America (within moral bounds).  There are places you cannot gather rain water on your own property.  There are places you cannot make your own choices for food, medicine, or decisions for your child.  In fact, you cannot even operate your own personal property (vehicle) in freedom of choice for seat restraints.  [Which is a gross violation of “freedom” that practically everyone has submitted to.]

In fact, freedom of speech is under fierce attack in America today.  You’d think we were living in Russia or China, the way people are being fired for their personal opinions not even expressed on their job.  Voices that contradict a mainstream narrative are being silenced by the hundreds or even thousands.  That is not freedom of speech or expression.  That is not the ability to be frank and open.

Every doctor or nurse’s voice who has countered the narrative about Covid has been repressed, removed or silenced.  This is not a “free country” when this happens in America.  I should have the freedom to hear voices of dissent as well as speak a voice of dissent.  You are taking away my freedom to evaluate information with my own brain when you silence voices of dissent.  You have not only violated the freedom of speech and expression for the speaker, you have also violated the freedom for the listener.  These are gross violations that are being violated daily here in Amerika.

What is the end of such policies and actions?  Where is this going?  If employers can fire an employee because of something he believes and expresses outside of work, what message are we really sending?  Message:  You do not have the freedom of independent thought if it contradicts my own thoughts.  Is that freedom?  Is that even fair or just?

Gleanings from personal experience

A lot of you know I was raised by a tyrant.  There was no deviation from my mother’s rules, and the rules were absolute control.  It wasn’t just a list of rules I was to perfectly follow, it encompassed facial expression, body language, attitude, and even thought.  If I dared to make a mistake or break a rule (many of which were unspoken), I must also answer for my thoughts in that process.  I was punished not only for what I did or didn’t do, but also for how I thought in the process.

I read George Orwell’s 1984 with discomfort.  The Thought Police was too close to home for me.  For most, that was probably fiction.  It was not fiction for me.

[Please don’t write me to express sympathy for this.   I am healed, recovered and whole now, all praise to God.  I just use these examples for examples because I’m keenly familiar with them.]

There was the time I had disobeyed my mother or in some way broken a rule.  After being confronted with the error of my ways, my mother demanded an accounting of why I did such.  I told her why I did what I did.  She disagreed with me, accused me of lying, and made me sit on a stool in the kitchen until I was ready to confess “why” (thoughts) I did what I did.  I was weary of this game of having to admit to thoughts that were not my own, but were instead my mother’s assumptions about me.  While it was easier just to tell her what she wanted to hear, I determined this time I would speak the truth as I knew it and let the chips fall.

I think I was eleven or twelve years old.

I sat on that stool for literal hours.  About every half hour or hour, my mother would walk up to me and ask me if I was ready to tell her why I did what I did.  I would reply, “I did tell you, but you choose to believe what you want to believe.”  She’d express her disgust and walk on.

The afternoon turned to evening and the family gathered in the same room for dinner, while I sat.  Evening turned to nightfall and one by one, members of my family went to bed.  After everyone had gone to bed and the house was dark, I resigned myself that I’d spend the night on the stool.

Sometime later my mother came in and asked me if I was ready to be “honest” now with my thoughts.  I gave the same reply, probably a bit wearier.  She told me to get my shoes on and get in the car.  When I got in the car she asked me again if I was ready to be “honest”.  I gave the same reply.  She said, “Fine.  I can’t deal with a liar so I’m taking you back.”  Back where?  I asked.  She said to a foster home, then drove to the end of the driveway.

I’ll never forget those moments driving down the driveway.  An internal war raged in me.  I did not want to go to a foster home.  I did not want to leave at all.  I just wanted to go to bed and live my life.  Was this stand for truth worth my abandonment and rejection?  Where would this end?  If I didn’t “confess” to her will, would I then be an orphan, again?

We reached the end of the driveway and my mother idled the car there.  We were in the rural countryside in the middle of the night.  There were no cars coming.  She turned to me and asked again, “Why did you do it?”  I don’t know how long I paused before I answered but it felt like forever.  If I stood my ground and refused to be intimidated, I’d be an orphan.  If I lied to acquiesce my mother, I’d be a fraud but I’d still have a home.  I took a deep breath and told her what I knew she wanted to hear (we’d been down this road a few other times).  She said, “Was that so hard?”  Put the car in reverse and we went back home.

I’ve always wished I had called her bluff.  Would she have really taken me “back” and abandoned me?  She might have.  There are plenty of examples that indicate she would.

My literal existence for thirteen years in that home was a fight for freedom.  Freedom to think independently, freedom to speak and express myself, freedom to act according to my own convictions.  Every step of the way was a battle for my freedom, and it cost me dearly.  I was eventually disowned, and that story is too long to tell.  It hinged on my willingness to submit to more tyranny.  This time I was sixteen years old and resisted.  My consequence was becoming an orphan, again.

Why I don’t wear a mask, in a state the government has mandated I wear one

Because I am healthy and well.  I have no fear of disease, and I carry no disease.  I will not infect someone with something I do not have, and I do not fear getting it from someone who does.

Because I have done my own research and reached my own convictions.  I have reinforced my immune system with the knowledge I have obtained.  No one has provided evidence the disease is transmittable by contagion.  What I have learned about covid contradicts what the government is telling me.

Because I have an aversion to tyranny.  My “ruler” (Dictator Governor Laura Kelly) has not convinced me the threat is worth the restriction on my freedom to move and make my own decisions about my health.  My experience has taught me that undue restrictions on freedom lead to further restrictions on freedom.

Because my allegiance is to God first. As John Hancock said at the Provincial Congress, Resolution to Massachusetts Bay, in October 1774:  “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” My dependence is on God, not a mask, not a government, not a “health” agency.  I understand the rights heaven has given me and that no man ought to take from me.  Therefore I exercise my rights in the face of tyranny.

Because wearing a mask symbolizes a lie to me.  And I have sworn I would not knowingly propagate a lie for the assurance of the tyrant ever again.

© 2020 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

[The follow up to my last article can be found here.]

The New Political Agenda, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Trying to follow the New Political Agenda is like trying to follow a cottontail that has a coyote chasing it.  It seems to go in three different directions at the same time.  Most of what they demand makes no sense whatsoever.  Everything has to be politically correct with them. Take the name and logo for the Washington Redskins for example.  Some say it is offensive but over 90% of school teams with the name redskins are Native American schools.  As far as the logo for the Washington team goes Walter “Blackie” Wetzel, Chairman of the Blackfeet Nation and president of the National Congress of American Indians has the idea to put the head of a Native American Chief on the Redskins helmets in 1971.  He told the Washington Post in 2002: ”It made us proud to have an Indian on a big-time team.  It’s only a small group of radicals who oppose those names.  Indians are proud of Indians.”  Even the politically correct ESPN announced that nine out of ten Native Americans were proud of the name. new Washington Post poll found that 90 percent of Native Americans aren’t offended by the Washington Redskins‘ nickname and an overwhelming majority consider it an unimportant issue.

The Post polled 504 people who identify primarily as Native Americans from across the country, including those who lived on reservations and those who were not part of a tribe.

The general population appears to care more about the name than Native Americans. A 2014 ESPN poll found that 23 percent of the population favored a name change.

Thursday’s findings by the Post-match an Annenberg Center survey taken in 2004. The Post poll also found that 78 percent deemed the Redskins’ name an issue that is either “not too” or “not at all” important.[1]

What we see is a case of an attempt to control how we feel about certain things.  If 90% of Native Americans aren’t offended, then why are we? It seems that there is a push to direct what we are supposed to be offended by.  Can you say 1984?

In recent days we have seen the Big Tech companies being drug before Congress to explain why conservatives are being banned from posting.  They all claim that it is a ‘glitch’ in their algorithm.  If you believe that there is some beachfront property, I would like to sell you just outside Bozeman, Montana.  For the last few years, we have seen these tech giants censor the speech of conservatives.  They say the posts they pull ‘go against their standards’.  That’s BS!  The leader of Iran posts death to America and Israel and that doesn’t ‘go against their standards’ but post the true facts about COVID-19 and that ‘goes against their standards’.

Sometimes the censorship gets dangerous. During the Clinton administration a journalist exposed the CIA for selling drugs in America to get funds to fight the Sandanistas in Nicaragua: After gaining access to secret grand jury transcripts in 1996, and following the subsequent paper trail that followed therein, Gary Webb made the shocking discovery that government informant, Oscar Danilo Blandón, was covertly selling tons of cocaine for the Central Intelligence Agency in South Central Los Angeles, and other parts of the country. As we now know today — thanks to Gary’s brilliant research — this is what most visibly sparked the crack epidemic that swept North America during the 1980s and ’90s. The funds were being raised to fund CIA trained terrorists in Nicaragua to overthrow the Sandinista government who had recently ousted the U.S. backed military dictatorship of the Somoza Dynasty.

This story was so remarkable and intimidating, that a lesser man would’ve certainly turned away.  But not Gary, he pursued the story with such obsession and purpose, that one can only presume he was driven by deep-rooted principle, rather than conventional reward.

Despite losing his job, having his reputation publicly smeared, and his marriage destroyed, Gary refused to back down, or recant his writings, and stood by his research to the end. He also continued to expose corruption as a freelance journalist. His final publication brilliantly unearthed the Military-Industrial Complex’s strategic use of video games as a method of indoctrination and recruitment of teenage boys. Clearly, Gary was not going to be dismissed by Big Brother so easily.

Just two months later, however, Gary Webb was found dead with two bullet holes to the head — The authority’s ruled it a suicide and the investigation was closed.[2] This sounds typical of a Clinton associate ‘suicide’, two shots in the head.  Right!

But the bigger story here is even the media opposed him.  Remember the media?  They are supposed to expose what is going on, inform the people.  Our Founders were adamant about a free press being able to print the truth.  Today’s media is far from that group devoted to exposing the truth no matter the consequences. The media is now part if not the largest part of the problem in America.  The invention of the internet has put information at our fingertips.  The real truth about things like climate change should be readily available but Google has made it impossible to access that information.  News stories that contradict climate change causes and effects that were available 7-8 years ago are no longer accessible because they contradict the narrative government is shoving down our throats.

Truth no longer is allowed in today’s society. Critical thinking is discouraged and even shamed by media.  The agenda of 1984 is what the powers to be are pushing for.  What America has always stood for is being belittled, shamed, and discouraged in virtually all of our places of so-called ‘higher education’.  If you saw the Smithsonian’s slam of the white race it’s a joke.  You can see it here.[3] What it basically does is slams people who have put out the most effort and accomplished the most.

Al The Race Baiter Sharpton said white people were still living in caves when Blacks were building major cities.  I’ll have to call him a liar on that because it is just the opposite.  I’m not being racist, just telling the truth.  Pastor James David Manning Senior pastor of ATLAH World Missionary Church has even stated so.  Very graphically.  But the new narrative is being white is a sin.  We should feel ashamed of our white heritage.  Well, I’m not ashamed, and just like a Black person, I’m proud of my heritage.  If that upsets you go pound sand.  This new political agenda says we have to do whatever the government says. BULL!  I don’t believe all the crap they are feeding us on this so-called pandemic. The numbers they are giving us are skewed to the negative. One state had 989 deaths with people that were diagnosed with COVID but only three actually died from it.  All the rest had underlying health issues that took them out but the state was REQUIRED to list them as COVID deaths. Every death, no matter what the cause of the death was listed as a COVID death and even then the mortality rate is under .1%.  H1N1 had a mortality rate of 39.5%.  No shutdown, no masks, nothing like what we are seeing here.

In 1968 the Hong Kong Flu hit the US.  No masks nor was there a shutdown or ‘social distancing.  This flu lasted until 1970 and no precautions were taken.  In 1969 we even held Woodstock!  And it was worse than COVID.  The Asian flu of 1957 caused 70,000 deaths [4] but remember the population was much less, 177,751,476, and we did not assemble in large groups as we do today.

This new agenda is designed to see how far we will let them push us, how many liberties we will let them take from us.  The NFL will not allow any of their players to attend indoor church services this season.  So, they have just nullified the player’s 1st Amendment.  No law was passed changing the Constitution, they just took it from them.  Gavin Newsom not only stopped services for a while he declared you could not have praise and worship!  Plus he banned home Bible studies.  So, he just nullified the ALL of California’s 1st Amendment rights.

This new agenda is to ready us for the one-world government and the dissolution of the America we know.  I will not go along with it.  This election will determine how long America remains alive.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. Native Americans say unbothered redskins team name Washington Post poll
  2. Gary Webb murdered exposing truth
  3. Smithsonian pushes racist material claiming white culture is nuclear family self reliance being polite
  4. https://www.bing.com/
  5. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

On A Quest For ‘Normal’

Rob Pue

A few weeks ago, my wife and I took some time off.  It was way overdue and a greatly needed break from our hectic work life.  Because while many others have been out of work, or staying at home under “quarantine,” we have both been working harder than ever, longer hours than ever, with days that begin before sunrise and rarely ending before midnight.

We debated whether or not we should take this time off, because we KNOW that when we do that, we return to an enormous backlog of work that must be immediately attended to.

We were also hesitant because we were not sure what we would find if we were to venture out of our area.  Would we encounter lockdowns, “mask laws” or perhaps even violent protests in the streets?  …But we decided to go, because we desperately needed a rest, a change of pace and time to refresh and renew.  My wife also pointed out that, in light of what is quickly coming upon the world, this may well have been our last opportunity to go anywhere.

So we went.  Our ultimate destination was central Ohio, where we joined the Salt and Light Brigade for their annual National gathering.  But we left early, to revisit some of the places we used to go on camping trips when our kids were little, and also see some areas of the country we hadn’t been to before… and celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary as well.

The first day went well and that evening, we walked in the shallows of lake Michigan, and sat together on a park bench on the beach as we watched the stunning sunset over the lake.  But we woke up the next morning in Michigan to a new state-wide mandated “mask law” which the governor there had just declared.  No one was allowed out in public without wearing a mask.

Just one problem:  we will not comply with these edicts, because we believe they are not only NOT intended for our health — or the health of others — but rather as a tool for mind control, further exploiting the fear so many live in these days because of the hype from our government and health officials and the mainstream press.  Those caught not wearing a mask in Michigan were subject to a $500 fine and up to a year in prison; businesses not enforcing the mask rules were also subject to a $500 fine.

I decided to turn OFF my steady stream of news sources while we were away.  At least I tried.  The weight of the 24/7 news feed can be emotionally and physically overwhelming, especially in these days of fear-mongering, blatant lies and deception and the fact that “good” is constantly called “evil” and vice-versa.  So I was unaware of this new so-called “law” regarding the masks.  We WERE surprised to see so many people wearing them  everywhere we went — even outdoors.

And when we stopped at a road-side Farmer’s Market to get some fresh fruit nobody mentioned anything about it to us.  But that all changed when we went to check in to our hotel that evening.  The front desk clerk refused to even speak to me unless I was wearing a mask.  She explained that the new ordinance had gone into effect state-wide that morning, and that the hotel could be fined — and I could be fined or arrested — if I was not wearing a mask in ALL public places.

I checked with a friend that night to see what things were like in Ohio.  “Just a recommendation,” I was told.  “No mask laws here,” my friend said.  Great!  We will drive a short distance and spend a couple days on the shores of Lake Eerie.  However, we quickly discovered that while there was no official mandate, most every business and public place WERE requiring masks.  We had hoped to take a ferry to an island and do some hiking and exploring; but we couldn’t because the ferry required all passengers to wear masks.

We then headed to our main stop along the way, literally in the “middle of nowhere” in West Virginia.  We chose this area weeks before because we were told the state was “open,” no mask requirements, no lockdowns, no restrictions.  We had chosen a nice hotel, where we would be celebrating our anniversary together.  The hotel had a large indoor and outdoor swimming pool, boat rentals, and other activities we could do.  And the area was beautiful.  But that all changed before we arrived.

We were greeted at the entrance by a huge sign stating masks were mandatory in all public areas.  This facility was selling custom designed cloth masks with the hotel logo on them for $20.  We declined.  In fact, we didn’t wear a mask the entire time we were there, but we did endure the shaming looks from others and spent most of our time dodging the “mask police.”

While their swimming pool was huge and could easily accommodate more than 100 people, the hotel had changed the rules:  only 25 allowed in the pool area at a time, and it was staffed with GUARDS.  Before entering you had to have your forehead scanned so they could take your temperature and make sure you weren’t sick.  (I felt like telling them, sarcastically that  “MY ‘mark of the beast’ is in my right hand, not my forehead!”)   Hotel guests had to sign up to reserve time at the pool, and so they did — lining up early in the morning to get their names on a list and a time slot when they’d be allowed in.

They also cancelled all boat rentals and other activities while we were there because of the “virus” scare and the new mask “laws,” leaving virtually no activities open… and we were truly in the middle of nowhere, so there wasn’t much to do.  We took drives around the area each day to admire the beautiful views, but were turned away from the State Park gift shop.  Because we had no masks on, we were treated as if we had the plague.

With a little research, we were able to find some nice hikes to go on.  We walked several miles down a trail through the woods and discovered a beautiful waterfall.  On another hike we discovered a hidden cave.   The weather was hot and steamy; in the 90s every day, but with the humidity it always felt like over 100 degrees.  On each of these hikes, we encountered groups of other people — and they were ALL wearing masks, outdoors in the oppressive heat, gasping for air as they struggled up hills — literally in the middle of the forest, in the middle of nowhere.  Hundred-degree heat, thick humidity, breathing their own Co2 in and out as they hiked.  But they were all slavishly obeying the “mask laws” — even outdoors in the woods, even just among their own families.

Restaurants in the area were “curbside pickup only” or “drive-through only.”  My wife and I had our 30th Anniversary Dinner in our car, after driving through KFC.  It was sad to see the downtown there so abandoned.  The main street of the town, full of quaint shops and stores, was virtually closed down.  Some buildings were boarded up.  Signs in the windows read: “Closed until further notice.”  I dare say most of those will never open again.  It’s hard enough running a business under the best of circumstances.  But being forced to close during the height of the tourist season… I see no way to come back from that.

It was such a relief to arrive at our final destination in Ohio for the ministry training event.  Over 100 of us came together, once again, from all over the country.  People were there from California to Maine and many points in between.  It was such a joy to reunite with old friends we hadn’t seen since last year, the fellowship was wonderful, the testimonies, study and worship time was incredible and because the event was held on private property, no masks required.  In fact, not a single person had one there.  But when we would return to the city to visit a gas station or grocery store, we would have to endure the “shame” from others because we were maskless… and when we returned to the hotel, we quietly slipped in the back door and into our room, to avoid running into others.

It became obvious to us — perhaps somewhere along the shores of Lake Eerie, or perhaps it was on one of those long hikes back in the woods in West Virginia — that we had found ourselves on a “Quest For Normal.”  We just so much wanted things to be “normal” again, and it was sad to come to the realization that most likely, they never will be.   The America we grew up in, raised our kids in and yes, took for granted just four months ago, I’m afraid, is gone forever.

It’s painfully obvious that we’re in the midst of a fundamental transformation of not just America now, but the entire world.  We’re on the “fast track” to socialism, communism, and a New World Order Globalism, where arbitrary so-called “laws” can be commanded from on high, and everyone blindly obeys, because the “experts” and the media tell them to.

I did check in to several of my trusted news sources while we were away.  Suddenly there was a “new” thing occurring:  a national “coin shortage.”  Banks and businesses refusing to deal in coins or paper currency — everything must now be digital… because a new crisis had risen:  the “coin shortage.”  But friends, this, too, is a ruse.   As the world economy crashes and burns, we are absolutely headed for a “digital currency” of some kind.  Most likely, this new “digital currency” will be integrated with the coming coronavirus vaccine (which they WILL make “mandatory,” make no mistake).   And every minute I had my news feed on, there was a steady barrage of media reports about “hot spots” springing up all around the country, where the “virus” had suddenly re-emerged with a vengeance.  States were shutting down quickly again.  Contact tracing in full gear.  Walmart — and many other big chain stores around the country, including most grocery stores — announced that masks would be required for everyone in order to enter and shop.

Now, I don’t believe the masks are “the mark of the beast” — but I absolutely DO believe they are a means to an end… we’re being softened up, trained to comply with the masks (for our own good, of course).  No buying or selling allowed unless you’re wearing a mask.  And once everyone’s on board with that, it’s only a short jump to the mandatory vaccine, with a digital transceiver to record and report and track our every movement, our every purchase, perhaps even our every thought.  Our “smart phones” are already listening to personal conversations we have in private, even when they’re turned off.

As I write today, the media drones on continuously about the unprecedented number of new COVID-19 cases across the country.  Even conservative states like Texas are being locked down again.  But friends, we KNOW the numbers have been manipulated from the very start.  We KNOW we’ve been lied to about all of this.  With even a TINY amount of research you can learn the truth about all these things from RELIABLE sources and trusted doctors, and insiders.

You’ve likely heard the reports from nurses who, having become suspicious of the virus tests, sent UNUSED tests to their labs, only to have them come back showing “positive.”    Or medical personnel who have blown the whistle on the fact that ALL deaths were being marked down as ‘COVID 19’ deaths, if they could possibly get away with it, to purposely inflate the numbers.

You’ve likely also heard about people who lined up to get a free coronavirus test, but then changed their minds and decided to skip it.  Days later they received letters in the mail stating they tested “positive,” even though NO test had ever been done.   I doubted these stories myself — UNTIL someone I know reported this very thing happened to THEM.  They registered, then waited in line in their car for a free drive-through test.  But the line was miles long, and they soon realized it was going to take all day; so they got out of line and left.  Three days later, they EACH received a letter in the mail stating they were “COVID-positive” and were now being told to self-quarantine — and also report their whereabouts and any contacts they’ve had with others for the past several weeks.

Friends, does this sound like a conspiracy theory?  Please hear me: the TRUTH is indeed stranger than fiction.  If what is taking place in our country today had been written as a novel ten years ago, no one would have believed it.  If today’s headlines had been made into a movie ten years ago, it would have been a box-office dud.  There IS a conspiracry, but it is FAR FROM a theory.

Psalm 2:  “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rules take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.’”  Our nation is burning as the heathen rage.  God has given many over to depraved minds, and thus, they imagine vain things.  Truly there is nothing more “vain” or shall I say “INSANE” than the demands now being made by the Leftists.   Meanwhile, the “kings” of the earth are taking counsel together (conspiring) against the Lord and His people — against YOU, if you’re a Christ-follower.  What we’re seeing in our world today is NOT normal.  Please, don’t call it “the new normal.”  There’s no such thing.  Only tyranny and destruction of everything good and decent.  I’m still on a quest for “normal,” but I’m afraid I won’t see it again until the Lord returns and restores His natural order to this evil land.  Meanwhile, I suggest you brace yourselves, folks… I have a feeling we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com and ask for message number 298.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Philip Haney’s Mysterious Death

By: Amil Imani

America has become a place of mysterious mass shootings, (Las Vegas), daytime assassinations without any motive (Seth Rich), and the latest murder of Philip Haney that was ruled as a suicide.

The FBI closed the Los Vegas shooting investigation as a mystery. The DNC staffer, Seth Rich’s death ruled out as a robbery. One of the founders of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and whistleblower during the Obama era, Philip Haney was found dead and appeared to have suffered a single, gunshot wound. Officials immediately ruled out his death as a self-inflicted gunshot wound without investigation.

According to the Amador County Sheriff, “Mr. Haney was located in a park and ride open area immediately adjacent to State Highway 16 near State Highway 124. Highway 16 is a busy state highway and used as a main travel route to and from Sacramento. The location is less than 3 miles from where he was living.”

I had known Philip for a long time, but we were never close friends. However, I often received e-mails from him, praising me for doing basically what he was doing. A week or two before his death he sent me a large manuscript, asked me to review it and give him my thoughts about it.

Philip was an extraordinary individual. He had dedicated his entire life to keep America safe. He was brilliant in his own area of expertise. He never seemed to get tired of what he passionately loved to do: protecting our American mainland from the threat of Islamic terrorism. Those of us, like Philip, who are glued to our work felt his own premonition that his work would eventually lead to his death.

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, has repeated his claim that the Obama administration officials may have been involved in a plot to kill Philip Haney, an anti-Muslim activist whose death in February has spawned conspiracy theories among right-wing activists and media outlets.”

“In June 2016, Haney testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he alleged that the Obama-era DHS had ordered him to delete hundreds of files about reputed associates of Islamic terrorist groups. Haney made the case that several attacks in the U.S. could have been prevented if some of the files had not been deleted, the Examiner reported.

Philip who felt he was betrayed by the Obama administration wrote a stellar book called See Something, Say Nothing. Everyone including myself who knew him, agree that he never committed suicide. He had no reason to. He was very much pre-occupied with his work. Well, if Philip did not kill himself, obviously, someone did. Someone who believed Philip’s magnificent work was a threat to Islam’s expansionistic ideology in America.

Why would Rep. Gohmert believes the Obama Klan had something to do with this tragedy? Well, aside from ordering the FBI to expunge all those materials related to Islamic terrorism and perhaps his long apology tour in the Middle East, had something to do with it.

Well, let the facts speak for the themselves.

Have you ever asked yourself why Barack Hussein Obama began his presidency by shocking America with his grandiose trip of apology and appeasement to ‘the Muslim world’? Did you ever ask yourself where on earth he derived the notion that America is ‘one of the largest Muslim countries  in the world’? How in the world did he come up with the notion that Islam has been part of America since its foundation? Or, why Obama instructed his CIA Director nominee, John Brennan to henceforth refer to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel for millennia “Al Quds”- the Arabic Muslim name for the city?

Well, well, well, now let’s go to another subject.

Obama’s EEOC Accommodates Muslim Religious Beliefs

Overdrive online, a trucking industry news site, blares the headline:

“EEOC awards Muslim truckers $240k after being fired for refusing to haul alcohol.”

“The Obama administration’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued a trucking company, at taxpayer expense, when two Somali Muslim truck drivers were fired for refusing to haul alcohol. Doing so, the Islamists claimed, would infringe on their religious beliefs under “Islamic law.”

Since when does Islamic law trump the U.S. Constitution and U.S. federal law? For Obama, such violations of his oath began with the first breath he took after he took his inaugural pledge. In fact, the scofflaw-in-chief gave us a glimpse of his personal religious preferences when, during his “Apology Tour,” he proclaimed to the world that, “The United States is no longer a Christian nation.

By no means, I accuse the former President of any wrong doing. I leave that to you to be the judge.

Eric Georgatos penned a piece on American thinker:

“American patriots are holding out hope that AG Barr and John Durham will get out the truth and impose accountability on the perpetrators of that piece of the Obama legacy.  But the story of Philip Haney lies at the center of another piece of that legacy that deserves just as much attention, and just as urgently.”

“Awarding the Medal of Freedom to Philip Haney would be richly deserved by Haney, and a clarion signal that attention is now being paid to the need to protect America from Islamization and the ideology of sharia supremacy.”

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Face Mask Tyranny is Here

Jake MacAulay

This past weekend theblaze.com reported, “A woman has gone viral after reportedly pepper-spraying a couple having a picnic in a San Diego, California, dog park — allegedly because they weren’t wearing face masks while eating their lunch.”

The masked woman called the couple “idiots” and stuck up her middle finger at the two dining before deploying pepper spray at them and their food. She apparently felt force was necessary to keep others “safe” from the mask-less couple.

This begs the question: is there a connection between the woman at the dog park and the governors’ behavior since March?

One reason that we have legislatures making the law is because lawmaking needs to be a deliberative process. When “law” is dictated by one person it is subject to capricious, emotional, and contradictory results.

Therefore, if a governor in a statehouse takes it upon himself to tyrannize others, why shouldn’t a woman in a dog park do the same thing?

The elderly woman’s emotional, over-the-top assault on the rights of others was modeled for her by the governor because lawlessness breeds lawlessness.

We have given authority to a tiny minority of governors who are taking advantage of the good nature and self-sacrificing predisposition of the American people.  These governors currently feel it is their duty, like the woman at the park, to bully citizens who are not wearing a mask.

The tragedy of COVID-19 is that there is not even one law that has required this behavior. We have been defrauded into complying with mandates, not law. If there were any such face-mask laws, it would be the result of a constitutional legislative process whereby both houses of the state legislatures voted on it favorably.

If it then received the governor’s signature it would become law provided it did not violate the United States Constitution, the state Constitution, or the higher Moral law.

Many governors have issued executive orders regarding the wearing of face masks. They claim they have the authority to do so pursuant to some variation of “Emergency Powers” legislation passed by their state legislatures. These rogue governors further claim that his/her orders are “law” or have the “force of law”.

This is not accurate for at least three reasons:

Firstly, neither the statute on which the governor relies nor any other statute which pretends to give him the authority to make law, are valid. Lawmaking authority is vested in the legislative branch and cannot be “delegated” nor transferred in any way to the executive branch.

Secondly, the legislature cannot, by means of “pretended” legislation, confer upon the governor “pretended” authority which supersedes the limits on his authority established under their state’s constitution.

Thirdly, executive orders, which are otherwise valid, apply only to those in the executive branch of government, not to the general public.

For these reasons, there exists no “law” requiring the wearing of face-masks. Statements made by government officials or media or businesses to the contrary are inaccurate and misleading.

This is probably why Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Home Depot, Lowe’s, and other nationwide retailers said they would serve customers even if they violate mask mandates, according to CNN.

These wise corporations understand that defending a mandate that is not law is irresponsible and harmful to their companies.

In conclusion, any business enforcing these mask requirements claiming them to be law is improperly restricting the freedoms of the citizens of their state with no lawful basis to do so.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com