The Real Joe Biden, Part 4

Roger Anghis

Hunter Biden was put on the board of directors for a Ukrainian oil company even though he had no experience in oil, did not know the Ukrainian language and knew nothing about the laws in Ukraine concerning oil.  He even stated in an interview with ABC News: The embattled son of former Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden, admitted in an ABC News interview that he only received high-paying positions on the boards of foreign companies because of his proximity to power in Washington.

After discussing the various high-paying assignments he’s enjoyed, Hunter Biden said it’s “impossible” for him to have received these jobs were it not for his father. 

“It is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that I just mentioned without saying that I’m the son of the vice president of the United States,” Hunter told ABC News. 

ABC News followed up: “If your last name wasn’t Biden, do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of Burisma?” 

“I don’t know, I don’t know, probably not,” Biden admitted. “I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.” [1]

Trump’s impeachment was all based on a false quid pro quo so they would investigate Joe Biden.  He has a duty to ask as it was his responsibility to ensure that we weren’t investing taxpayer money into a country where the politicians operated corruptly.  Yet liberals continue to ignore the fact that Biden demanded that a prosecutor that was investigating the company Hunter ‘worked’ for, Berisma, be fired or we would not give them $1 billion in aid.  President Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, repeatedly claimed that Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden engaged in corruption while the two had dealings in Ukraine. 

But no evidence of corruption has ever been foundheres what actually happened:

  • In May 2014, Hunter Biden took a board seat on Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings. He was reportedly paid $50,000 per month.
  • Burisma had ties to Ukraine’s previous president Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted from office. 
  •   The overlap between the vice president and his son raised concerns over a potential conflict of interest. The Obama White House said there was no issue with Hunter Biden’s work, and that no conflict of interest existed.
  • In 2016, and with the support of other world leaders, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. aid unless Ukraine’s leaders fired the country’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, for being too soft on corruption⁠⁠—which they did
  • Before Shokin was fired, he had been conducting an investigation of Burisma, and Hunter Biden allegedly was a subject. But the investigation had been inactive for over a year by the time Joe Biden pushed for Shokin’s ouster.
  • Hunter Biden stepped down from his Burisma board seat in April 2019. He had been offered another term but refused because it could possibly hurt Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. [2]

Again, one has to ask how a person who has no knowledge of Ukrainian law, no experience in oil and does not know the language to be paid $50,000 a month (I’ve heard it was as high as $83,0000) unless they were buying access to the office of vice-president?

Peter Schweizer, President of Government Accountability Institute, stated: “What I’ve called for simply is for the Senate to call former second son Hunter Biden to come and testify and people look into this,” Schweizer said during a lengthy interview on Hunter Biden’s business dealings. “We’re talking about large deals and large sums of money…it involves countries like China, which are America’s chief rival on the global stage.” 

The researcher provided an overview of Hunter Biden’s alleged business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma and the Chinese government in a recent New York Post op-ed that details payments of more than $3 million to Hunter Biden’s company during a 14-month period when his father was the point person on Ukraine policy for the Obama administration. 

“In the case of the Ukraine, the very energy company that was paying Hunter Biden millions of dollars was under investigation in the Ukraine for corruption. Ukrainian officials have claimed that Joe Biden pressured them to suspend or end that investigation. That’s in fact what the Ukraine did,” Schweizer said in a summary of his findings.[3]  I cannot believe that this whole thing was on the up and up.  No one spends that kind of money with virtually “0” return.

Joe’s brother, James, it appears has used his brother to further his personal bank accounts: A new report reveals legal problems and allegations of possible fraud involving former Vice President Joe Biden’s brother James, in the latest instance of the Democratic primary front-runner’s family members’ dealings drawing scrutiny amid his presidential bid.

According to Politico, James Biden’s business with medical companies – including Americore Health – has led to allegations that he potentially engaged in fraud and traded on his brother’s name, by claiming Joe was interested in the venture and the family name could provide opportunities.

“It was all smoke and mirrors,” former Americore Health executive Tom Pritchard told Politico. James Biden reportedly convinced Americore that he could use his political clout to deliver a significant influx of cash in the form of an investment from the Middle East, and even convinced the company to take on financial burdens including a six-figure loan to James that he has yet to repay.

James Biden, Americore and Americore founder Grant White are among those now facing a lawsuit from medical companies in Tennessee federal court accusing them of fraud over alleged promises made. Biden and the other defendants have denied any wrongdoing, but the plaintiffs last month reportedly said in a court filing that they were willing to drop their claims against White, who had provided exculpatory evidence as well as information that further implicated Biden and others.[4]

Are we surprised that we see corruption in American politics? Probably not. Disgusted maybe but not surprised. We the People have to put a stop to it. We see politicians get elected to office and proceed to gain wealth only a few have access to.  That’s the one good thing about Donald Trump.  He made his billions before attaining office and has actually lost a lot of his net worth, works for free giving away his paycheck to better care for our vets and many other noble causes.  We don’t need corruption in the White House.  We need a man who is for the average joe, America and not himself.

Be careful of who you put in office on ALL levels. Our kid’s future depends on it.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes

  1. Hunter Biden admits only got these positions because my dad
  2. Heres what happened with the Biden’s and Ukraine
  3. Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden needs to testify on Ukraine China business
  4. Biden’s brother facing fraud allegations used family ties to advance business interests report

Righteously Angry

Butch Paugh

The title of this article undoubtedly will surprise and shock many church goers who have been taught all their lives that Christians should never get angry! and stand up! for truth and righteousness. And all because most “church goers” have bought into this hellish lie and deception that Christians should always be soft, gentle and kind.  Yeah, just like Christ was soft, gentle and kind in John 2:14-17!  But especially those that hate God, His Word and laws will be shocked to see “Christians” get up on their “hind feet” and say ENOUGH!  If anger in itself were a sin, then God the Father and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, have damned themselves!  Not only is it NOT a sin to have “righteous” anger, it is an abomination against God Himself when His people do not!  To take a quote out of my third book, “A righteous man cannot peaceably co-exist with evil”. ( II Cor. 6:14-16, Mt. 10:34-39)  There is a time for all things.  Including taking a stand in righteous anger! Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

The key word in the title of this article is not “angry”, but rather “righteous“!  Any “mature” Christian will clearly see through the deception of the soft soap, cotton candy, all fluff and no substance doctrine that has permeated most “religious” organizations that call themselves churches today!  The challenge we must face and overcome is the self centered, prideful, hurt “feelings” type of anger that all of us give into far too many times!  Renewing our minds and keeping our tempers under control is a growing process that takes Godly discipline and spiritual maturity.  Man’s “natural” anger is controlled mostly by our sinful nature and in most cases does not work in the righteousness of God. (James 1:20)  When we finally “outgrow” our sinful tendencies to get angry over attacks on ourselves, but rather become righteously angry over the marring and disobedience to God’s Word then we can be angry and sin not! (Eph. 4:26)  In the same verse we are instructed not to let that anger turn to bitterness or we will let them cause us to give place to the devil. (Eph. 4:27)  Man’s anger, unconstrained by God’s Word, causes strife, wars, murders, divisions and much more because we lust after wealth, power, prideful and personal gain. (James 4:1-2)  Righteous anger too, can and will cause strife, divisions and even sometimes wars, but only for the glory of God to uphold His word and will! (Mt. 10:34-39)

Before we dare to become angry with evils in society and step out to correct or do away with them we have to perform a task that just about all of us find uncomfortable.  Many times we deny that we need to do it at all.  Before we become righteously angry with the evils around us, we must first confront and overcome the evils in our personal lives of the evils (sin) we see in the world then we become hypocrites if we judge others! (Mt. 7:1-5, Romans 2:1-3)

Right living (righteousness) judgement based on God’s unchanging laws on morality demands judgment and justice be done!  God Himself is and will always be the ultimate and final judge of all mankind, and indeed of the earth itself!  (Acts 17:32, II Tim. 4:1, Rev. 20:11, II Pet. 3:10-13) But we, the blood bought, redeemed, Spirit filled children of the living God are responsible to see that His righteous will is fulfilled here on earth with each passing generation!  He does and will continue to hold us accountable for not judging and condemning evil!  His word is full of His laws, statutes, judgments and teaching of justice that His people are to fulfill here on earth!  Unfortunately, from the time of His bringing His people out of bondage until today, His people seem to forget their duties and responsibilities and their nation and society soon die and decay into a putrid sewer as America has become today! (Lev. 18:4, 19:15, 20:22, 25:18, Ps. 106:3, Prov. 22:3, Is. 1:17, 56:1, Mt. 23:23).  The church was given The Great Commission to go out into all the nations and teach them God’s plan of salvation and then to disciple them on how to live holy themselves and to maintain righteous judgment and justice on evil doers!  (Mt. 28:18-20)  The “faithful” followers of Christ will one day judge angels and even take part in judging the earth! (I Cor. 6:2-3)

Because the church has not fulfilled its duties before God, all manner of evil is flourishing all over the world.  Especially here in this “once” blessed nation! Because we have allowed and become part of, through compromise, apathy and toleration a part of the evil we will give an account before Christ!  (II Cor. 5:20) And many will have the words spoken by Christ in Mt. 7:22-23.  We now call evil good and good evil!  (Is. 5:20Very few cry out and demand justice!  (Is. 59:4)  Judgment is turned away!  Justice is not brought forth and truth falls!  (Is. 59:14)  The result of the “churches” cowardice are, to name a few, economic chaos, emotional, physical and sexual abuse, sex trafficking, human slavery, (very much so in the U.S. now—I’ll explain in another article), adultery, idolatry, fornication, bastard children, (look up the meaning for yourself), child murder, unjust wars and much more.  Read Prov. 24:11-12) for the penalty of not defending the innocent!  Then read II Kings 24:4 to find that that sin is not pardoned

Now in closing, if I have offended you with the truth of God’s word, perhaps you should search the scriptures to see if I am telling you the truth as did the Bereans with Paul. (Acts 17:10-11) or you can do what most will do, ignore or become angry with the truth!  (Is. 30:10, II Tim 4:3-4)

© 2020 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

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New Virus Pandemic in U.S.-Hundreds Infected

by Rev. Austin Miles

Just when governors are ready to cancel the quarantine, with all citizens staying home and distancing themselves from one another during the Coronavirus emergency, a new virus has formed and is running loose in the United States, and this happened just when we were able to get rid of the face masks.

Unlike the Coronavirus, which affected all people, this virus, according to medical professionals, attacks a specific group of people, mostly democrats who seem to have been infected by a virus of stupidity. Stupid can not really be fixed. It is an inbred condition.

Three Muslim women, members of the Democrat Party, have been voted into congress. They would not take their oath on the Bible as is tradition in America, but used a Koran instead. What in insult! Every decision that they influenced was to serve their country not ours and to serve their “religion” not Christianity. From there the muslims will multiply until they are the majority in the house and can take control which is their goal.

Democrats have invited all immigrants to simply cross the border, come in and go on the government payroll, meaning housing, education and medical assistance and even food, while genuine Americans have to struggle to obtain such services.

The stupid democrats have encouraged all illegal immigrants to simply cross the border, come in, and go on the government payroll, meaning housing, education and medical assistance. These immigrants have caused more crimes, rapes and disruption than real Americans who pay their way….not like the illegals who do not pay their way.

We have just barely managed to survive the Coronavirus pandemic. Most Americans have lost their jobs since businesses were ordered closed, cannot pay their rent or mortgages, nor food bills while the illegals get everything they need.

The government is doing its best to help Americans over the ditch by sending relief money to help Americans who have lost their jobs which was absolutely not their fault. They are receiving stimulus checks and unemployment insurance payments to help them as they try to get back on their feet.

California, a fully democrat Communist state just defended their title of being the land of fruits and nuts by allowing their governor, Gavin Newsom to….now sit down….approve $125 million in relief funding FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS. Yes, you read that right.

At a time when 22 million (and counting) Americans are facing unemployment and are struggling to pay their bills, that state and their local officials insist upon putting illegals first. Well, they DO vote.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez managed to get voted in as congresswoman from the Bronx, serving the 14th Congressional District.

The first thing she accomplished was to kill a wonderful boost to New York with jobs galore. Amazon wanted to set up their headquarters there where they would employ 25,000 people. and SHE KILLED IT! Deliberately killed it! Why? She is an avowed socialist (Communist) so what does that tell you?

Twenty Five Thousand people would have good paying jobs there and she killed it, then bragged about Amazon not coming to the city. This is from a tweet, one of many, she sent to her friends in the Communist Party as soon as she sabotaged the deal.

She was so unbusinesslike and non-welcoming, that Amazon felt, and stated publicly, that Cortez would provide a hostile environment for their company. And that action by her and her socialist leanings cost New York 25,000 lobs that instead went somewhere else. She should have been impeached then and there.

This is just plain dumb, which is why we declare this virus that has wrapped around the democrats is called, the Virus of Stupidity. So watch out….don’t get too close to a Democrat or vote for one less the virus comes upon you.

Photo Caption: Alexandria Ocrazio Cortez and Relative

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Martial Law: The Trial Balloon Abolishing Civil Liberties

Kelleigh Nelson

A study of Disease—of Pestilences methodically prepared and deliberately launched upon man and beast—is certainly being pursued in the laboratories of more than one great country. Blight to destroy crops, Anthrax to slay horses and cattle, Plague to poison not armies but whole districts—such are the lines along which military science is remorselessly advancing.  —Winston Churchill

The use of microbes to attack target populations is not a new idea. Europeans gave Native Americans blankets tainted with smallpox during the early colonial period, knowing their lack of resistance to the disease would wipe out whole tribes. What is new today is that virulent pathogens — microorganisms that spread disease — can be readily spawned in laboratories.  —Loren Thompson, Senior Contributor, Forbes Magazine

If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.  —Thomas Jefferson

Many Americans are beginning to feel very uncomfortable with the destruction of our civil liberties.  Being locked in our homes for a couple weeks is one thing, but now New York Governor Cuomo is telling folks it may befour, six or nine months before this is over as the number of confirmed New York City cases surges past 15,000.  Cuomo warns 80 percent will get the virus over 9 months as Mnuchin tells 80m to prepare for 12-week shutdown.  That’s not going to fly with the American people, or will it?

Have we become willing sheep being led to the socialist slaughter? The communist conspiracy is attempting to create a new normal, a normal where citizens are comfortable asking for permission to leave their homes, to close their businesses, and give up their liberty for security.

Our entire economy will not exist after nine months; it is already gravely damaged after only a few weeks. Does the governor believe the American people can exist with the entire country being taken over by the feds and Americans not working for a living? Talk about bread lines…whoa!

Already it’s looking as though we’re barreling toward what was experienced in the Depressions of 1929 and 1931 although we don’t have anyone jumping out of skyscrapers yet.  Nevertheless, small businesses are going to be out of business in just a few short weeks, despite the trillions in stimulus. If the banks start closing, we’ll be in the same situation our country was in nearly 100 years ago.  Sound farfetched?  Look at our stock market.  Up one day, down the next. Until we get America back to work and people out of their homes, and less fearful, we’ll keep losing more every day.  And the government is not going to save us.

The Wuhan, China virus has been used to scare everyone into complying with government demands. China says they no longer have new cases of Covid-19, but the fact is, they’ve stopped testing for it.

A Chinese woman has risked her well being to tell us the truth of what life is really like in China.

Federal and State Controls

The outbreak has resulted in federal, state and local officials declaring a state of emergency, which allows them to wield additional powers in an effort to protect residents and curb the severity of the outbreak.

But the feds are limited in what they can do to control people’s daily lives, as “police power” measures aimed at promoting public safety is generally reserved for the states. What Washington can do is impose certain travel restrictions and border protections and issue warnings to avoid travel to certain areas. The Secretary of Health and Human Services also has the ability to declare a Public Health Emergency (PHE), which Secretary Alex Azar has done.

With the PHE, the government has the power for “making grants; entering into contracts; and conducting and supporting investigations into the cause, treatment, or prevention of the disease or disorder,” according to an HHS website for PHE. States of emergency can last indefinitely…up to 90 days and then extensions by the secretary, notifying DHS, DOJ, and FBI.

The CDC also has power to isolate, test, and quarantine individuals.

As Arizona State University Law professor James G. Hodge, Jr., wrote for the Network for Public Health Law, while the federal government can quarantine individuals or groups suspected of being infected by coronavirus, they cannot enforce broad lock downs of groups in “hot zones.” Individuals cannot be isolated without confirmation of infections and they also have due process rights, meaning they cannot be subjected to forced treatment.

Unreliable Data

A decorated scientist with four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believes the coronavirus pandemic is being used by the “Deep State” for its own purposes. Shiva Ayyadurai said on Twitter that “fear-mongering” over the outbreak is being used to push an agenda.

Dr. Ayyadurai commented, “As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies and does research nearly every day on the immune system, the coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, and push MANDATED Medicine!”

He is not alone. Professor Jihad Bishara, a leading Israeli virologist and infectious disease expert, slams the ‘unnecessary and exaggerated panic’ about coronavirus and urges world leaders to calm public. Professor Jihad Bishara is the director of the infectious disease’s unit at Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, Israel. In a statement on Sunday, he urged world leaders to calm their citizens about the coronavirus pandemic. He said people are being whipped into unnecessary panic.

And in an analysis published by Stanford’s John P.A. Ioannidis — co-director of the university’s Meta-Research Innovation Center and professor of medicine, biomedical data science, statistics, and epidemiology and population health — suggests that the response to the coronavirus pandemic may be “a fiasco in the making” because we are making seismic decisions based on “utterly unreliable” data. The data we do have, Ioannidis explains, indicates that we are likely severely overreacting.

“The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco,” Ioannidis writes in an opinion piece published by STAT.

“A population-wide case fatality rate of 0.05% is lower than seasonal influenza. If that is the true rate, locking down the world with potentially tremendous social and financial consequences may be totally irrational. It’s like an elephant being attacked by a house cat. Frustrated and trying to avoid the cat, the elephant accidentally jumps off a cliff and dies.”

Unfortunately, too many politicians and top medical authorities are selling panic, fear and hysteria.

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci announced that he’s been friends with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus since Tedros was the Health General of Ethiopia. The WHO Director is also a member of the Marxist-Leninist Tigray People’s Liberation Front which was founded as a communist revolutionary party that came to power in 1991.  It was listed as a terrorist group by America in the 90s.

The Gateway Pundit reports, “This also connects Dr. Fauci to the WHO Director General’s actions in Ethiopia related to the Clinton Foundation, which specifically notes Dr. Tedros on their site.”And we already know Dr. Fauci loves Hillary Clinton.

At a Georgetown University forum in January of 2017, Dr. Fauci had forecast that President Trump would likely face an infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.

Dr. Deborah Birx

Dr. Deborah Leah Birx was a U.S. army physician, beginning her career with the Department of Defense as a military-trained clinician in immunology as the HIV/AIDS epidemic broke out in America in the 1980s.  She put herself through medical school at the Hershey School of Medicine and trained in internal medicine and basic and clinical immunology at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

In January 2014, Birx was nominated by President Barack Obama to be the United States Global AIDS Coordinator for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who helped shepherd Birx’s ambassadorial nomination through the Senate in the Obama administration, said it’s like Birx and Fauci have become a tag team for science in the midst of calamity.

Birx described her role as ambassador to help meet the HIV prevention and treatment targets set by Obama in 2015 to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.President Trump initially wanted to replace Dr. Birx, but asked her to remain until a replacement was found. Bono’s organization, ONE, which was started by Bill Gates and Bono, applauded this decision…Pence and Ivanka Trump lobbied for her to stay. Trump also wanted to cut a billion from the $4.5 billion funding of PEPFAR in an effort to streamline the program.

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson worked with Deborah Birx, and along with Congress, Pence and Ivanka, they pressured the president to keep her and not cut the PEPFAR budget.

Perhaps the president wasn’t knowledgeable of the $300 million sent to Ukrainian Ambassador Yovanovitch by Dr. Deborah Birx regarding the PEPFAR program.  Here is the letter written to Yovanovitch by Dr. Birx.


On February 27, 2020, Vice President Mike Pence named Birx as response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force.  She says Dr. Fauci was her mentor as he works with her regarding PEPFAR.  VP Pence is heavily involved with PEPFAR and spoke at the World’s AIDS Day Event regarding same.

PEPFAR funds most of its money to the Global Fund and then it is overseen by a United Nations department who refuses to let their disbursements and activities be audited.  The Global Fund is committed to eliminating HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. Deborah Birx is on the board of the Global Fund, along with Kieran Daly from the Gates Foundation and Chairman of the Board is Donald Kaberuka, former finance minister of Rwanda where he also served as governor for Rwanda for the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.  He is also on the board of trustees for the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Fund was started by five people, Amir Attaran a Canadian-American-Iranian law and medicine professor, Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations and member of communist Nelson Mandela’s “The Elders.” Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also helped to start the Fund and gave $760 million in 2019.  Another founder is Jeffrey Sachs, the former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University.  As of 2017, Sachs serves as special adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 global goals adopted at a UN summit meeting in September 2015. He held the same position under the previous UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and prior to 2016 a similar advisory position related to the earlier Millennium Development Goals.

There is plenty of fraud and abuse with this fund.

And now Bill Gates is milking the Coronavirus for all it’s worth.  He is talking up “Digital Certificates” to enforce mandatory vaccines. And he’ll take your thumbprint so they’ll have a record of who has had the vaccine. He makes billions off disease and his vaccines…but he never works to find a cure.

Biological Warfare Weapon

Dr. Marc Segal, who is a Fox News medical correspondent has stated that Covid-19 is not a biological warfare weapon, and claims studies have concluded such.  However, Dr. Francis Boyle, who was the creator of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, fully believes this coronavirus is a biological weapon.  Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. The Act was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.

Here the full transcript of Dr. Francis Boyle’s interview on Coronavirus.  In his speech he stated, “It appears the coronavirus that we’re dealing with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaped out of Wuhan’s Bio-Safety Lab-Level-4 (BSL-4). I’m not saying it was done deliberately. But there had been previous reports of problems with that lab and things leaking out of it. I’m afraid that is what we are dealing with today.”

Dr. Boyle believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain of function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it. The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring.

Promising Data on Treatment

In today’s WSJ, March 30, 2020, Kansas City physicians including Joe Brewer, Dan Hinthorn and the author of the article, Jeff Colyer are continuing to treat many patients with hydroxychloroquine (HC), which is made by Novartis, and Azithromycin (AZ).  Interesting that in China, patients with Lupus who were treated with HC didn’t seem to develop Covid-19.

These drugs are still needed to treat malaria, lupus and other diseases which makes it important not to exhaust supplies treating Covid-19.  All drugs have side effects, but HC’s overall record is safe.

New York state has started a large controlled clinical trial and there are reports of other trials.  Many believe that patients who can’t be in a trial should be allowed to decide in consultation with a physician, whether to use this treatment…and this is happening in some U.S. practices. This is where Trump’s “right to try” legislation on experimental drugs comes into play. These drugs are not experimental, they have been on the market for years, but they show promise for the virus and we need them.  Those who are the sickest should be treated first, along with all the health-care workers and first responders.  They are the heroes in the war against Covid-19 and they deserve protection.


During the Spanish flu of 1918-1919, Woodrow Wilson was the president and he never mentioned one word publicly about the flu epidemic. Life went on, nothing closed, and yet we lost 675,000 Americans, more than were lost in WWI. Why is this “pandemic” different? Because Donald Trump is our President and the socialist hate him?

Take note that Michigan Democrat Governor, Gretchen Whitmer has threatened doctors who would even prescribe HC and AZ to their patients.  Our society is a culture of death, and as such, Whitmer will have blood on her hands for those who could have possibly been saved with these drugs.Democrat Governor of Nevada, Steve Sisolak has also denied possible life saving drugs to those who are sick with Covid-19.

In California, drones are watching the people, and some of them have voice control and will tell people they are not properly socially distanced.  Oh yes, big brother is watching!

So, is all this a trial balloon?  Big brother is telling us to fall in line and it’s working because of the fear promoted by mainstream media.  And today the President has said that through April we will still be social distancing, sheltering in place, and totally shut down…pray for America.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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How Trump is Taming the Bureaucracy and Saving Lives

By Cliff Kincaid

From the start of the crisis, President Trump has been trying to figure out — and cut through — the bureaucracy. His latest victory is the decision by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to accept 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine sulfate and one million doses of chloroquine phosphate for possible use in treating patients hospitalized with COVID-19 or for use in clinical trials. Trump understands that America cannot wait for a possible vaccine and that patients and their doctors need the freedom now to try alternative treatments.

In this context, the tragic death of former Senator Tom Coburn is a reminder that the federal health care bureaucracy has been characterized by slow-moving efforts that are sometimes marked by corruption or incompetence. His sad passing is an occasion for remembering that, as a Senator and medical doctor, he released a major study, “CDC Off Center,” about how the federal agency wasted hundreds of millions of tax dollars and has been ineffective in controlling disease. A case in point is the billions wasted on more than 30 years of research into an HIV/AIDS vaccine.

A strong conservative, Coburn was willing to challenge the bureaucracy and expose its malfeasance. He exposed what critics have called the “Medical Deep State.”

We saw the bureaucracy in action in 2014, when the Obama Administration failed to impose a travel ban and prevent disease carriers with the deadly Ebola virus from coming into the United States. The Obama administration actually allowed a carrier of Ebola from Africa, where it originated, into the United States, where he infected two nurses, one of whom had been allowed by the Centers for Disease Control to travel on a plane. He died. The CDC says the outbreak ended with more than 28,600 cases and 11,325 deaths. In the U.S., however, we were fortunate to escape a major outbreak.

Obama’s CDC director, Dr. Tom Frieden, actually wrote an article, “Why I don’t support a travel ban to combat Ebola outbreak.” He is now a leading medical “expert” at the Council on Foreign Relations, a major source of anti-Trump commentaries.

My coverage of this disease at the time questioned why Obama opposed a common-sense ban on travel to the U.S. by people from Ebola-infected countries. He also kept the southern border wide open. Simply put, Obama viewed restrictions on African travel to the U.S. as racist. He was giving black Africa special access to the U.S., and putting their interests ahead of America’s.

On another level, it seemed as if Obama, a globalist, didn’t mind if people in the U.S. were to become infected. In his mind, there would be more pressure to find a “cure,” or at least a vaccine. But who knew how many would die in the process? At the time, we didn’t know. It could have been hundreds, or thousands, or more.

A poll from The Washington Post and ABC News showed that 67 percent of people supported a travel ban.

To make matters worse, Obama appointed Ron Klain, an Obama insider and Joe Biden chief-of-staff, as his “Ebola Czar.” He had no experience in the health field. He is now a leading critic of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus but outlets like CNBC fail to note that he worked for a president who knowingly permitted Ebola to take root on American soil.

In regard to coronavirus, Trump has broken decisively with the Obama policy and has forced the health care bureaucracy to come over to his way of thinking. His ban on travel from China, where the virus originated, has saved countless lives. In effect, Trump has been taming the bureaucracy to put America and Americans first.

I believe the president’s decision to accelerate the use of anti-malaria drugs to treat coronavirus reflects his skepticism of the bureaucracy’s heavy emphasis on vaccines to “solve” the problem of infectious disease. The failed development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine demonstrates that the Medical Deep State cannot be trusted and relied on in this case.

Since the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1981, more than 700,000 American lives have been lost to HIV.  President Trump’s plan, “Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America,” emphasizes drugs as treatments for HIV/AIDS. He promises hope – not false hope.

In the case of Ebola, the CDC quickly announced human testing of an “investigational vaccine to prevent Ebola virus disease” and a so-called “fast-tracking” process was underway. It looked like the CDC was much faster in approving human trials of a vaccine than in stopping Ebola from coming into the U.S. in the first place. Ultimately, however, the first FDA-approved vaccine for the prevention of Ebola wasn’t announced until the end of 2019. But questions remain and it has not been licensed for widespread use. It was another false hope that took too many years to develop through the bureaucracy. It was years too late.

Hundreds of people got neurological disorders and several dozen died from a swine flu vaccine before it was withdrawn in 1976. The CDC Director at that time, Dr. David J. Sencer, was fired. Yet, the CDC museum is named after him.In addition to the 1976 swine flu debacle, there were several vaccine scandals involving children during the Clinton administration. A hepatitis B vaccine was withdrawn because it contained a toxic substance, and a vaccine against diarrhea was withdrawn because it, too, was dangerous to children.

As the feds scramble for another risky and mandatory vaccine, in the case of coronavirus, remember that Congress pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which created a National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, for a reason. Vaccines can be dangerous and backfire.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons argues that “we need the right to try” alternative drugs and treatments, such as the anti-malarial drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. The group notes that an early version of these drugs may have been a key factor in General George Washington’s victory over the British in the Revolutionary War.

In the spirit of George Washington, President Trump is meeting the challenge.

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Cesar Chavez Holiday—Honoring An American Hero

By Rees Lloyd

I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!” —Cesar Chavez

March 31 is an official State holiday in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and is observed in several other States (including Colorado, Michigan, Nevada, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin)  in honor of the birth on March 31, 1927, of an extraordinary American — Cesar Estrada Chavez, the late co-founder and president of the United Farm Workers of America who became a legend in his own time in the civil rights era.

In his honor, his headquarters for the UFW, which he named “La Paz” (“The Peace”), in the Tehachapi Mountains in Keene, CA, on Highway 58 between Bakersfield and Tehachapi, is now officially the U.S. Cesar Chavez National Monument, established by the federal government.

The U.S. Navy, of which he was a WWII veteran, has named a ship for him.

He was posthumously awarded the the highest civilian award for service to America, the Medal of Freedom, which was accepted by his widow, Helen Chavez.

Many States, counties, cities, towns, villages, have named streets, schools, libraries and other public buildings in his honor.

But there are many Americans today who are unaware that  there is a Cesar Chavez Day (the major media ignore it), or why there should be a holiday honoring him.

There are also  malicious myths tainting the life and the memory of Cesar Chavez that need to be repudiated, most particularly the lies that he was  not an American but a Mexican national, and that he was a “Communist,” both of which were first promulgated by the John Birch Society. They are utterly false.

I had the honor of working with Cesar Chavez for some twenty years, starting in 1973, when I was a young long haul trucker participating in a nationwide strike of some 100,000 independent truckers in protest against escalating fuel costs in the so-called “Arab Oil Embargo.”

I was helping coordinate the truckers’ “Shutdown” at the Triple T Truck stop in Tucson, AZ, as a member of the steering committee of the “Truckers For Justice.”

Cesar Chavez mentored  me in that strike, which remained non-violent because of his demands in mentoring me that there should be no violence.Rees, if there is violence, it is your fault,” Cesar Chavez admonished me, insisting: “Violence is a failure of creative intelligence; violence is failure of creative intelligence.

After that strike was broken, an alliance between the Truckers For Justice and the United Farm Workers of America was established. During that work, in which we refused to haul non-union (“scab”) lettuce and grapes, Cesar told me I needed to go to law school as I could do more good as a lawyer.His recommendation got me into law school.

I worked with UFW lawyers while in law school, and after graduating and passing the California Bar in 1979, I became one of Cesar Chavez’ lawyers until the day of his death on April 23, 1993, and for the UFW there after as called upon. I have remained to this day exclusively a civil rights, workers rights, veterans rights attorney. (I have written in more detail about experiences with Cesar Chavez in an earlier tribute, available here.)

I can attest based on that long “up close and personal” experience that Cesar Chavez was, in his own way, a true American hero;  that there are valuable lessons to be learned from his honorable life; and that he is deserving of recognition by all Americans for his service and sacrifice for others, no matter their race, color, or creed.

However, in order to understand that, it is necessary, first, to overcome the lies and myths which continue to distort the truth of who and what Cesar Chavez was.

These are myths by those who hated and maligned him for their own political purposes; and by those who want to exploit who and what he was in order to appropriate him based on race, ethnicity, or nationality for their own political ends.

The most malicious of those myths are, as stated above, first, that he was not an American but a “Mexican” national; and, second, that he was a “Communist.”

These malicious myths were first promulgated, utterly falsely and politically deliberately, by the John Birch Society in the 1960’s. Almost sixty years later, they are repeated to this day.

First, as to nationality, the truth is that Cesar Chavez was a native-born American, not a “Mexican.”  While proud of his Mexican-American heritage, he was a third-generation American, born on his grandfather’s small ranch in Arizona in the Yuma area.  No matter the indisputability of those facts, Wikipedia, for example, on which many students and others rely, informed:“Chavez was born on the Mexico Texas border and therefore has dual citizenship.” Utterly false.

Second, Cesar Chavez was no “communist.” He was a devoted Catholic Christian. He was attempting, humbly,  to live his Christian faith as faithfully as he was able by sacrifice and service for others as taught and exemplified by Jesus the Christ, not Marx the Communist.

Perhaps the best proof, although none should be needed, that Cesar Chavez was not a Communist  but a devoted Catholic Christian living his faith, is the fact that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), in its U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults, which is taught to all adults seeking to become members of the Catholic Church, chose as the exemplar of living a  “life in Christ” and “the principles of the Christian moral life”—Cesar E. Chavez. (See, USCCB Catholic Catechism for Adults, Chapter 24, “Life In Christ-Part Two,” pages 233-234).

Moreover, almost never mentioned by those who hate  Cesar Chavez  and define him as a “communist” and a “Mexican” rather than an American, is that Cesar Chavez, in 1944 at the age of 17, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in WWII and served for the duration of the war in the Pacific in defense of the country of his birth, the United States of America.

Ironically, those who claim to love Cesar Chavez make themselves accomplices of those who hate him (and them)  by obscuring  Cesar Chavez’ American birth — and  by almost never mentioning that he was an American veteran of WWII.  They do this not to honor Cesar, but in order to appropriate Cesar Chavez on race or ethnic grounds as a “Mexican,” “Chicano,” or “Raza” race-based civil rights movement leader rather than as an American hero who should be honored by all Americans — as an American hero.

In regard to that, Cesar Chavez, while proud of his ancestral heritage, always identified himself as a “labor” or “union leader,” not as a civil rights leader of Mexican-Americans, Chicanos, Latinos, Hispanics, or La Raza.

In fact, in the some twenty years I worked with him,  Cesar never defined himself as a “Mexican,” or “Chicano,” “Latino,” etc., and, regarding the identification “La Raza” (“The Race”) he told me he didn’t use it because he considered it racialist.

Thus, those who condemn him as a “Mexican” and “Communist,” and those who claim a possessory interest him as  a leader of a race-based “Chicano” or “La Raza” civil rights movement, are both wrong: He defined himself as, and acted as, what he was—a “trade union leader,” and most importantly, a devout Catholic Christian living his faith.

In truth, Cesar Chavez, as he lived his Catholic Christian faith,  was the inspiring moral heart of the American labor movement.

He built the first viable farm workers union in American history, the United Farm Workers of America. As president of the UFW, Cesar Chavez represented all farm workers, whatever their race, ethnicity, or nationality.

One example which refutes the myths of both those who hate Chavez and those who appropriate him based on race, and shows the willingness of both to corrupt historical truth to suit their political ends, is Chavez’ acts regarding illegal immigration, which was then and remains now  at the center of national controversy and division.

In 1969, Cesar Chavez famously led a march from Indio, CA, to the border. It is portrayed today as primarily a march in protest against discrimination by racist growers oppressing Mexican and other Hispanic farm workers. That is false historical revisionism.

The primary purpose of the 1969 march to the Mexican border was a protest against the federal government’s failure to secure the border from importation of illegal immigrants who were being used to keep wages and working conditions down and to break strikes and the farm workers union entirely. Indeed, as UFW members set up picket lines waving “Huelga” (“Strike”) flags, buses would arrive from Mexico to unload strike breakers.

In short, Cesar Chavez’ 1969 march to the Mexican border was for the same purpose that the Minutemen later went to the border in the 70’s and 80’s— to secure the border and demand that the government stop illegal immigration. (It should be noted that the Minutemen were widely condemned as  “racists” for doing just what Cesar Chavez did. Was Cesar Chavez a racist? )

In the 1970’s, Cesar Chavez fell out of favor with race-based civil rights groups, white liberals, Leftists including open Socialist and Communist organizations, and liberal media. He was criticized because he adopted the position of calling upon and aiding the then-Immigration And Naturalization Service (INS) to deport strikebreakers illegally in the country.

Among other things, Cesar Chavez testified before Congress about immigration. He testified that illegal immigration had to be stopped, and the border secured, as illegal immigrants were used to hold wages and working conditions down, and to break strikes, defeating efforts of farm workers to build a union to improve their wages, hours, working conditions, and lives.

Today, Cesar Chavez’ 1969 march from Indio to the border is historically revised to be a protest against racist growers and his Congressional testimony is rarely cited, to satisfy the political ends of race-based La Raza groups and non-raza liberals who want to transform him from what he was, i.e., a leader of a labor movement to improve the lives of all farm workers,  to what they want him to be, i.e., a race-based political leader.

Meanwhile, many conservatives continue the original wrong and error of the John Birch Society when it falsely slandered and branded Cesar Chavez as a non-American and a “communist.” That continually repeated malicious lie has alienated not only many Americans, including many Mexican-American and other Hispanics for whom Cesar Chavez is, rightly,  a hero, as he should be for all Americans.

In his lifetime, although he became nationally and internationally renown, Cesar Chavez never sought personal fame, wealth, or celebrity. It was all about “La Causa,”the cause, not about him.

Indeed, Cesar Chavez  turned down millions of dollars offered for the rights to make a movie of his life,  Similarly, he rejected all offers to write an autobiography or for the right to produce an “authorized” biography. All that he would authorize was the “Autobiography of La Causa,” by Jaques Levy, who didn’t “buy” the right but earned it by working with Chavez in La Causa for some ten years.

Cesar Chavez’ achievement is monumental. Farm workers, and domestic workers, were exempted from the right to organize into unions provided to all other workers by the National Labor Relations Act. There were no State laws creating a right of farm workers to support unionization. They could be and were fired and “blacklisted” with impunity by employers who suspected them of supporting a union. Farm workers were also migrant, moving from employer to employer on the migrant trail during harvesting seasons.

There were more than a hundred attempts to organize migrant farm workers by major international unions with money, members, and paid full time organizers. All failed. It was thought impossible to organize migrant farm workers.

Then came Cesar Chavez. He had nothing. No money, no members, no paid staff. Nothing but the belief that the only way to help farm workers was to build a union in which they could themselves achieve better working conditions — and dignity.  He succeeded by touching the hearts of Americans by his non-violent “boycotts” and exposure of the miserable working conditions of farm workers.

He, himself,  had become a migrant farm worker at the age of ten when the ranch of his grandfather on which he was born was lost on foreclosure in the Depression and taken over by the Bruce Church Corp., largest lettuce grower in Arizona.He had little education, attending some fifty different elementary schools as his family followed the migrant farm worker trail. After his service in the U.S. Navy, he went back to working in the fields. He married his sweetheart, Helen, also a farm worker,  in Delano, CA. Together they worked the fields, ultimately having had eight kids.

The story has been told now in many articles, books, documentaries, and a relatively recent movie of how Cesar Chavez, while working as an organizer in Los Angeles, became convinced a union for farm workers had to be created if working conditions were to be improved. He quit his job. He and Helen loaded up their old station wagon with the kids and a mimeograph machine, and headed to Delano. There, they rented a house, set up the mimeograph machine, and sent out a flyer calling for a house meeting, the first step in creating what would become the United Farm Workers of America.

How did Cesar Chavez succeed where all others had failed? By touching the hearts of Americans and the conscience of the nation by exposing the true working conditions of migrant farm workers through creative, non-violent acts and actions, including  his fasts and boycotts, and by his manifest personal selfless service and sacrifice.

Cesar Chavez did not merely say:  “I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!

He lived it.  By doing so, he succeeded where so many others failed. He achieved what was thought impossible. He inspired and taught by his example, humbly serving and sacrificing for others, and thereby has enriched the lives not only of farm workers, but the lives of millions of Americans, of all races, all colors, all creeds, including my own life.

It was Jesus Christ whom Cesar Chavez worshipped, followed, and humbly attempted to emulate by service to others through living his Catholic Christian faith. I have little doubt that in the fullness of time, Cesar Chavez will one day become one of the Blessed of his Catholic faith, if not canonized.

I am greatly indebted to Cesar Chavez, especially for the example of his humble, selfless life in service for others. I will always walk in his shadow. May the God he so faithfully served bless and keep him. May the country he so faithfully served, always remember and honor him.


At Press Conference during truckers strike in Tucson, AZ, in 1973, announcing alliance of Truckers For Justice and United Farm Workers of America (UFWA)

© 2020 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd:

Another Crisis to Survive or Just the Greatest Manipulation?

By A.M Byrd

I had plans for my vacation. This was not one of them. However, here I am, stuck at home, because of this manufactured panic and aggressively promoted hysteria affecting the globe by means of the relentless, explicit regurgitation and droning on and on and on from every “news” media agency and outlet on the earth. Well, I have had enough. ENOUGH, I tell you!

With my own innate disinclination to accept doomsday scenarios, I question: why, when the number of cases in the US is, thus far, lower than that of a bad seasonal flu, and the death toll far lower than for either flu or sepsis, are we in the midst of an official crisis that requires shutting down major, morale-boosting events? Social exercise? Travel to see loved ones? And why, if deaths are overwhelmingly occurring among the economically inactive elderly, is this epidemic creating such havoc in the markets? I was supposed to travel a measly 200 miles through mostly farm lands to my daughter’s to help with pet sitting and painting. She called me and suggested that perhaps I should not visit, because after all, I am “in that age range of persons more susceptible to the virus”…I admit to you now, my head almost exploded! I was furious with her! My good friend, a nurse, had to talk me down off the cliff of rage.

I am much calmer now and accept that my daughter may just be under the influence…of treacherous propaganda. She’ll come to her senses. She always does.

However, the Global Masters of (other people’s) Destiny have manipulated everyone into a state of frenzy over a virus that was genetically concocted and highly modified in a bio-weapons laboratory…which one, I cannot declare, as the jury is still out…mainly because the information is not only tainted, it’s largely fraudulent. Why tell the truth to people you want to control through fear and panic?? It goes against the demented rationale of the Evil System we are living under.

So let’s talk about FEAR…and what it does to people.

I remember the FEAR that gripped the United States on the morning of Sept 11, 2001, and has lasted to this day. I remember the FEAR that permeated every conversation on and following the afternoon of Nov 22nd , 1963…How about the FEAR over the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-1919? It is widely accepted that worldwide, between 20 and 40 MILLION people died because of the avian H1N1 virus.

“ The pandemic affected everyone. With one-quarter of the US and one-fifth of the world infected with the influenza, it was impossible to escape from the illness. Even President Woodrow Wilson suffered from the flu in early 1919 while negotiating the crucial treaty of Versailles to end the World War. Those who were lucky enough to avoid infection had to deal with the public health ordinances to restrain the spread of the disease. The public health departments distributed gauze masks to be worn in public. Stores could not hold sales, funerals were limited to 15 minutes. Some towns required a signed certificate to enter and railroads would not accept passengers without them. Those who ignored the flu ordinances had to pay steep fines enforced by extra officers. Bodies piled up as the massive deaths of the epidemic ensued. Besides the lack of health care workers and medical supplies, there was a shortage of coffins, morticians and gravediggers. The conditions in 1918 were not so far removed from the Black Death in the era of the bubonic plague of the Middle Ages.”

Bubonic plague? How many died from that horrifying epidemic? That particularly nasty little pestilence, was spread by a bacillus (bacterium) called Yersina pestis. The bacteria travels from person to person pneumonically (through the air) as well as through the bite of infected fleas and rats. Both of these pests could be found almost everywhere in medieval Europe, but they were particularly at home aboard ships of all kinds – which is how the deadly plague made its way through Messina, Italy on ships coming from the trade routes of the Near and Far East. Indeed, in the early 1340s, the disease had struck China, India, Persia, Syria and Egypt. It went on to infect people in the port cities and beyond of Marseilles, France and Tunis, North Africa…it then reached into Rome and Florence, two cities at the center of an elaborate web of trade routes. By the middle of 1348 the Black Death had struck Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon and London. In the end, over 25 million people perished…the world population at that time was significantly lower than the present…so the mortality rate was approaching almost 3% of the world’s population.

Which brings us to another interesting point…world population and depopulation goals. Recently, in October 2019, a fun little exercise was conducted by a group of the world’s foremost proponents of social engineering and climate change cheerleaders. It was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

As those supposed do-gooders luxuriate in fuel guzzling private jets, attending benefits, galas, conferences and symposiums to SAVE THE PLANET FROM HUMANS, we witness the Unseen Hand of Privilege blocking anyone from looking at their ulterior motives. These few extremely……no, OBSCENELY… wealthy humans feel it is their duty to save us from ourselves; so, who was the instigator of this little gathering of self-anointed Masterminds to ensure Gaia’s survival? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and their co-conspirators of Global hegemony for the powerful, elites of industry (of their choice mind you), finance and arrogant aristocracy. Did you know that Bill Gates’ children were never given vaccines, and yet he is on record as INSISTING that vaccines are the way to a better life and lower populations!!!! In that fully twisted, contorted, diseased mind of his, vaccines will encourage lower birth rates by upwardly mobile yuppies who put careers and personal interests before regeneration of the species…and Mr. Gates self satisfied smirk really makes me want to vomit… (caution, strong language at the beginning)

Of note here, The Pirbright Institute owns the patent on corona-virus/COVid-19:

“The patent page for corona-virus explains that it “may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject,” suggesting that this is just another weaponized viral strain designed to sell more useless, deadly vaccines, while at the same time killing off a few thousand, or perhaps a few million, people”. Bill and Melinda’s ‘foundation’ are major funders of the Pirbright Institute.

Remind me again where the first noticeable outbreak for this virus was? China?

Ah…the woke GENERATION! Woke, they AIN’T, I guarantee that! More like lulled into complacency under the cozy blanket of magnified self interest, self importance, self focus and self actualization.

Let’s move on; One of the Internet’s favorite fear inspiring “conspiracy theories” is the Georgia Guide-stones, which has 10 ‘rules’ for mankind:

#1 is Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. #2 is Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity. #3 is Unite humanity with a living new language. The rest: Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason; Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts; Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court; Avoid petty laws and useless officials;  Balance personal rights with social duties; Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite; Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.”

Since the Guide-Stones are in fact REAL and observable in 8 modern languages (English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindu, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian) I’m nearly certain it is not a conspiracy theory…but, is it another Collectivist cult run at institutionalized Eugenics? This is the Fabian Society gone stratospherically insane.

The Guide-stones actually exist in Elbert County, GA, were commissioned by one, R.C. Christian (a pseudonym). He commissioned the guide-stones in 1979, from the Elberton Granite Finishing Co and purchased the land where they would be erected from farmer Wayne Mullinex…Mr. Christian’s true identity has never been disclosed. He said he represented “a small group of loyal Americans”. Apparently, these were “loyal American’s” who valued population control through targeted elimination, realized completed globalism, and forced compliance with climate/land regulations designed to protect nature at the expense of human habitation and life!…OH, and to put REASON above everything else. Reason dislodges God and faith from all conversations. The “mind of man” is elevated above the omnipotence, omniscience and deity of God as the Creator. Here’s a perfect example:

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, ‘Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’

And the woman said unto the serpent, ‘We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.’

And the serpent said unto the woman, ‘Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.’ Gen 3:1-5

People, we are living side by side with the serpent of deception…mankind was tempted to “be as gods” by the aberration and hallucination that we could elevate ourselves to ‘godship’, by the use of our minds. Man’s egotistical arrogance over the worship of our Creator and trusting His leadership over our lives. The “Guidestones” don’t make me afraid of the globalist’s agenda…it enrages me no end! Thomas Paine be damned!

Resuming, I draw your particular attention to the first 3 ‘guidelines’, plus, this little gem; “Balance personal rights with social duties”. Bill Gates didn’t commission that American Stone Henge (as it is known), down in Georgia but he sure preaches that doctrine anywhere and everywhere he can find an open chair on a dais. Gates rail’s against vaccine whistle-blowers and declares through his own exaggerated hubris that he knows better than the scientists who have researched the downsides of vaccinations, in children especially.

Here is an example of a scientist trying to warn of the inherent dangers of vaccine contents:

Congressional investigation of the NEUROTOXIC adjuvants, excipients, and growth medium in vaccines and vaccinations, e.g., mercury–a hazmat (Thimerosal), formaldehyde–an EPA-declared carcinogen, aluminum–a neurotoxin damaging the brain and central nervous system, polysorbate 80–induces sterility in lab rats, MSG–an excitotoxin that excites brain glial cells so much so that they can self-destruct, aborted fetal (diploid) cells, plus foreign species DNA (pig, chick, monkey, insect) and numerous other ingredients that are causing severe health damage to infants, toddlers, teens (HPV vaccines), adults, and senior citizens… Congress must do something about poisons and toxins in vaccines that are mandated to be injected into children starting at BIRTH.”

Do those things sound like something you want to put into your child’s body?

The question has been approached several times on the “news”. Why is the US in such dire straights when it comes to access to drugs, drug manufacturing and urgently needed medical supplies?? Maybe one answer is this:

A rogue industry out of control due to the U.S. Congress in 1986 bailing out the pharmaceutical industry because of a ‘boatload’ of lawsuits against their vaccines. Big Pharma threatened not to make any more vaccines, if it didn’t get product liability legal exemptions for damages from their vaccines. It’s rather interesting that Big Pharma wanted, threatened and obtained their vaccine exemptions, but humans, parents, children and pets cannot have exemptions!”

Let’s remember, Big Pharma is nothing more than gargantuan chemical companies making all sorts of good things for our lawns, cosmetics, hair care, pesticides as well as pharmaceutical and pharmacological drugs…AND whose company lobbyists contribute very heavily to career politicians cushy lifestyles and habits. And let’s not forget about the thoroughly malignant Council on Foreign Relations and their vociferous cheer-leading for Chinese antibiotics and their chemical company owner: The Chinese Communist Government.

Wanna talk pollution? The reason the Chinese and other Asian people wear masks all the time, is because their air isn’t fit to breathe!!!!! They endure some of the most heavily polluted air on the planet! Checking the world air quality index just now, the air quality in Bain Al Jessrain, UAE, the air quality is so bad, their ranking is “very unhealthy” with a PM (particle pollution) of 10; In Yingkou, China the air is also “very unhealthy”.

Linked here is an explanation of air standards associated with pollution, from the EPA. Note, “Primary standards provide public health protection, including protecting the health of “sensitive” populations such as asthmatics, children, and the elderly. Secondary standards provide public welfare protection, including protection against decreased visibility and damage to animals, crops, vegetation, and buildings.” A “PM10” indicates that both primary and secondary standards are being violated….usually by ALOT!

Do your own research on what these levels of worldwide pollution cause. You can check out other nations from this link as well.

What does this mean? It means there are countries, regions that don’t give a damn about the quality of life in their nations, nor the health of their people… why in God’s name would they care about us?

Or, why don’t we chat about the spraying of our skies? Another “conspiracy theory” by people who don’t know what they are talking about and wish to produce “fear” in the population, according to the lame-stream media moguls and their mouthpieces prattling endlessly on TV???

I can’t tell you how many times I have been viciously ridiculed for trying to alert people to ChemTrails!!! Well, folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory if it is indeed provable FACT! I know the difference between a contrail, which is condensation from an aircraft climbing into higher altitudes, and the long lingering billowy, plumes of toxic chemicals being released into our atmosphere by the billions of pounds every year. If you have a chance to look up some of Dane Wiggington’s data, you will find a plethora of supporting information that our atmosphere is being manipulated…and poisoned. Here is the 2010 video that got me to digging into this phenomena. (skip the ads, the video is 1hr, 37 mins and well worth watching)

So you ask, why would the NWO do that, and poison themselves?  That’s a good question I don’t have an answer for. Yet, let’s not forget, the powerful have built astronomically expensive, fully self sufficient, impenetrable bunkers for their own safety and survival. All I know is that the spraying is taking place and has been for well over 10 years.

But let’s get back to the subject…FEAR.

The Masters of the Universe and their sycophants who live and work in Washington DC, it’s surrounding areas, and the major US metropolitan cities, such as NY City, as well as in West Coast states, Florida, northeastern seaboard, will stop at nothing to reduce the average person’s standard of living in our nation. They are protected by their clever financial handling, holdings, accountants, investments, black book offshore accounts, etc, while most of the average populace have not had the benefits of insider knowledge and savvy market info by which to protect their portfolios, if they have any left at all right now.  “Within the current stock market crash, the tech-heavy Nasdaq is down more than 23% year-to-date through Monday’s close. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average are down 30.7% and 34.9%, respectively, through March 23.” This translates to a staggering ‘wealth’ loss of +/- $6Trillion dollars… Where did it go?

MAYBE, it was never really “money” in the first place:

“Robert Shiller, an economist at Yale, puts it bluntly: The notion that you lose a pile of money whenever the stock market tanks is a “fallacy.” He says the price of a stock has never been the same thing as money — it’s simply the “best guess” of what the stock is worth.

“It’s in people’s minds,” Shiller explains. “We’re just recording a measure of what people think the stock market is worth. What the people who are willing to trade today — who are very, very few people — are actually trading at. So we’re just extrapolating that and thinking, well, maybe that’s what everyone thinks it’s worth.”

Shiller uses the example of an appraiser who values a house at $350,000, a week after saying it was worth $400,000. In a sense, $50,000 just disappeared when he said that,” he said “But it’s all in the mind.”

Did you read that?? IT’S ALL IN THE MIND.

More civilizations have been destroyed out of the results of a cacophony of ruling elite superiors controlling the masses through emotional manipulation (fear, uncertainty, chaos and crisis) than any outside manifestation of real physical danger, ever to hit the planet. Fear is a mind disease the Enemy uses with enormous tactical success. It castrates the human will and destroys healthy initiative. It does so on purpose. The ultimate design of any ruling class is to suppress and modify the population in favor of it’s own survival and superiority. Power…….Control. It’s as simple as that.

Utilizing FEAR is their ultimate weapon…and if you go into your TV room and turn on the news today, you will see it at work in all it’s grotesque profane glory. When all else fails to sway the public sentiment, use fear and chaos; constrict their living conditions; deny them personal freedom; restrict their choices; halt the economy at large and destroy the people’s livelihoods. It’s a sure fire way to destabilize the population and bend them to the will of the Ruling Class. The proof of this is all around us TODAY. Our nation has been put into a gyroscope of emotional turmoil and a majority of people have surrendered to “The Masters of Seduction”…(one of the best books I have ever read, by Jeri Lynn Ball). It’s all in the mind…result: the MIND, and by extension, the behavior, has been successfully manipulated!!!

In 2001, all it took was 4 airplanes and a magic act in the fully conscious, hypersensitive birdseye-view of 300 Million American’s and the rest of the world. The “Patriot Act” which was written, ready and waiting in the wings to be implemented, was wheeled out like the panacea of perfect organization and protection for The People, and that would cure the problem. But what did it really do? It RESTRICTED MOVEMENT (freedom) and put all humans under the veil of suspicion. You didn’t have to be a Middle Eastern man with a beard and a turban to excite the TSA, it just took a grandma with a big purse to make people uneasy…and the alarm bells to go off down the long lines of airline passengers.

Now, I’m really gonna invite the rage of believers in the official story of the Trade Center collapse by way of fires: I call TOTAL BS on that! Those 2 (actually 3) towers were brought down by controlled demolition, and anyone with ½ a functioning brain cell who knows how to look up “controlled demolition” on the internet can plainly see that was EXACTLY what happened. Sept 11th is not a subject I will dive into now, but rest assured, that was just the 2nd salvo of the personal war against We The People’s sovereignty, and the accelerated erosion of our Constitutional rights and protections. In my estimation the opening salvo was in 1913 when the Federal Government turned us into indentured servants of the Universal Monied Class, the aristocracy of the European Banking Families and their hand picked puppets in the US Power base. Same template of panic and fear…start a rumor, cause a panic (in this case, through the financial system)and then slide into home base with the “solution”…after creating the manufactured crisis in the first place. INGENIOUS, and completely diabolical.

It is my sincere belief that the Collective was getting tired of waiting to implement their universal government plan, so they prodded the process along by either allowing the devastation of 9/11 to occur or artificially producing the crisis in total and then dancing in with their solution: The Patriot Act…then more crisis after crisis; when the People said enough is enough and we would rather stick hot spikes into our eyes than have a maniacal miscreant who is a psychologically unstable sociopath (Hillary Clinton) as president, We The People chose Mr Trump to save us from the hedonists who would enslave us as quickly as possible in their great agenda to subdue the planet in favor of their insatiable appetite for power over us…and we still fight them to this day.

FEAR. Whip people up into a frenzy over a perceived biological threat and watch them be willing to have everything around them shut down to ‘protect themselves’ from the malevolent virus someone cooked up in a research lab, and then…POOF…you have a compliant, herd of sheep who will do whatever you ask them to, for the ‘good of humanity’ and the safety of their homes, health and money.

“Don’t worry; We’ll send y’all some cash so you don’t have to worry about paying the rent”, while we strip everything out of the market and create another crisis on the horizon, just waiting to be unleashed after we stop the spread of this contagion…

Putting fear into the hearts and minds of the public modifies their natural behaviors and reconditions their psyche. Hindered by confusion and uncertainty, the public will allow grave restrictions to their autonomy and freedoms, until they are so weakened by the propaganda of social responsibility to OTHERS, they lose sight of their own evaporated rights.

Human rights did not come from Almighty Government; they came from Almighty GOD Himself. Those inherent human life rights were ensconced and codified into our Constitution, which our nation has rested upon, for generations and hundreds of years. It has been the solid foundation of the greatest nation ever to exist on the face of this planet; It has been a beacon of hope and possibility the world over; It has supported the rest of the world with it’s inspired works by the People who have lived by it, and shared their wallets with the rest of the planet, because we BELIEVE in the goodness of God and that we should share with those less fortunate, or those caught in tragic circumstances. Our nation has given her last full measure of talent, and treasure to the world by way of our beliefs in the fact that all men are created equal and have the divine right to self directed prosperity and freedom.

FEAR crushes that inspiration by way of the oppressive distortions by evil men who feel they are more adept at determining our fates then we ourselves are. That is not how Man was created in the beginning…but that was the supreme seduction practiced in the garden, and Eve bit at the apple. Fear is not a fruit of the Spirit; indeed it is diametrically opposed to Truth; Fear is the result of doubt and the absence of confidence

Though I am nothing nearly resembling a fan of FDR, he made an extraordinary statement in his first inaugural address: “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”. I’m sure he meant something other than what I do, but I agree with the underlying sentiment.

After all that has been done to us as a country of people, by the very wicked people who take an oath to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution and our way of life, we are survivors and our foundation on the Rock of Truth will sustain and save us….IF we have the courage to challenge the Globalist’s dark machination to return us to the archaic caste system of European Lords, Counts and Barons and pauperize us as their indentured serfs.

It’s time to start over.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Alice Byrd:

What Is Wrong With Biden–Jill Biden, That Is?

Joan Swirsky

Several months ago, my husband Steve had a bad cold. I plied him with tea and honey and chicken soup (aka Jewish penicillin), bought over-the-counter bromides that promised relief,kept him away from people and people away from him, and even insisted that he try a folk remedy I was told was very effective and proved to be––smearing Vicks VapoRub on the bottoms of his feet (with socks over them) at nighttime, the better to wake up with clear nasal passages and lungs.

And that was for the common cold!

And Steve wasn’t running for anything, much less President of the United States!

What I did takes place millions of times a day not only across the United States but the entire world––women taking care of their husbands, doing everything possible to protect them from harm or hurt.

No doubt, that was Jill Biden’s intention when she married the senator from Delaware in 1977, and raised not only the daughter they had together, but his young sons, Beau and Hunter, after the senator’s first wife and baby daughter were killed in a horrific car accident in 1972.

As the years elapsed, Senator Biden became Vice President Biden––for eight years––and the power couple Jill and Joe gained worldwide fame and huge wealth.

But before that, Jill juggled raising their three children with earning a doctoral degree in education and then teaching for years in a psychiatric hospital where her students were emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.

Surely, in both her education and clinical work, she was aware of, sensitive to, knowledgeable about––and protective of––the students whose limitations rendered them incapable of higher function.Surely she became capable of detecting, even diagnosing, thought and speech disorders, dissociative thinking, and incoherent ramblings.

The following examples are sad to witness and once again raise the very serious question: What is wrong with Jill Biden?


Why is Jill’s understanding, empathy, take-charge persona missing in action when it comes to protecting her clearly diminished husband, who even a casual observer can see is suffering either from early––or not-so-early––dementia or Alzheimer’s disease? If Joe and Jill Biden were sitting in the office of any neurologist in America, the doctor would immediately put the VP candidate on medication to alleviate his obviously florid symptoms of dementia.

The Bidens are practicing Catholics. Jill certainly must have taken her wedding vows seriously: “I, Jill Stevenson, take thee, Joseph Biden, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part…”

We believe the cherish thing, but what happened to the “in sickness and in health” vow? Does Jill Biden really believe that it means to “support” her clinically compromised husband in continuing the painful process of slogging it out till November, by propping him up, by letting him read telepromter words others have written but he can’t get through?

Does she believe her role is to plaster on a perpetual Cheshire Cat grin before a media that are collaborating with her in the “everything is great” hoax, rescuing her husband when appropriate behavior fails him, and pretending that his disjointed, confused, indeed bizarre utterances somehow, magically make sense.

At this point, every Joe Biden appearance is the Emperor’s New Clothes, with the entire Democrat establishment––including everyone on NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, the NY Times, the Washington Post, et al––going along with this pitiful charade, while ignoring or forgetting the fact that the American people they hold in such contempt have eyes and ears!


Jill Biden is now 68 and she and Joe are the very wealthy owners of several lavish homes and who knows how many other sources of affluence.

By appearances, I’m guessing that Jill is also quite healthy. That is why it stretches the imagination that either she or her husband––who is pushing a doddering 78––want to spend the next four years of their lives glad-handing foreign potentates, fielding the conflicting and contentious demands of the American electorate, or generally weathering the ferocious slings and arrows aimed relentlessly at the highest office in the land.

For Joe Biden, this would be a lot of been-there/done-that, so what is his race for the presidency all about? Even more curious, what’s in it for Jill?

I believe that Joe Biden was selected as Barack Obama’s VP because of his inherent malleability and weakness. The powers-that-be had no doubt that they could plant any idea, policy, pet project, et al, in Joe’s ear and trust that he would echo their sentiments verbatim. This trust, of course, was based on Joe’s long history of echoing––actually stealing––the words of other people in a series of plagiarism scandals.

And he delivered––whether it was leveling poisonous threats to Israel that emanated from the Oval Office or executing two massive money laundering and bribery schemes in the Ukraine, or helping himself and Obama and their cronies to make billions off China trade deals and regulatory policies, on and on.


Again, I suspect that the powers-that-be––among them brainiacs like David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and especially George Soros, who appears, through his massive contributions, to own the Democrat Party, the Democratic National Committee, and most if not all Democrat fund-raising committees––got together and decided to back Joe Biden because they knew with absolute surety they could control him once in office. In the same way, I believe, Mr. Soros and Ms. Jarrett ran the country during Mr. Obama’s regime.

And when it became clear to them––as it has to the rest of America––that this faltering man will be lucky to make it till November, they simply whispered in Jill’s ear:

  • Stay in the game,
  • We’ve rigged this election so it will work this time,
  • We’ll take care of the judiciary so Joe (and you) are not indicted,
  • We’ll run the country just as we did for Obama,
  • Just smile and fake it till you make it to November!

While Joe may have understood the imperative of him running when these offers were initially made, it’s doubtful that he understands them now, or that by November it will matter to him at all.But if my theory is correct, you can bet that Jill gets it 100%!


All of a sudden, here comes the corona virus from China, spreading exponentially throughout the world into a genuine pandemic. Predictably, President Trump takes control and within days:

  • Assembles a world-class panel of experts,
  • Shuts down travel from China and then Europe,
  • Closes our borders,
  • Brings all warring factions in Congress together to enact a multi-TRILLION-dollar Save-America package,
  • Promises to get America back to work, hopefully by Easter or maybe a week or two later.

But instead of becoming depressed by the president’s rising popularity, all of a sudden Democrats start smiling again, as New York is deemed the epicenter of the corona virus–– according to the CDC––and Governor Andrew Cuomo steps up to offer the Donkey Party an alternative to the pitiful, cognitively failing Joe Biden.

But “Cuomo is No Hero,” says John Hinderaker of “The fact that New York is the epicenter of the COVID crisis in the U.S. is no coincidence. It flows from the policies of Governor Cuomo and New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio, as well as New York City’s nature as an international hub and a closely-packed city.”

Hinderaker cites the work of Julie Kelly at American Greatness: “[N]either Cuomo nor New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio deserve attaboys. A toxic combination of Big Apple hubris, devotion to open borders regardless of the imminent threat, and Trump-hating obstinacy fueled a stubborn strategy that left their citizens vulnerable for months.”

Even by late February,” Kelly continued, “Cuomo boasted about his state’s accessibility to foreign travelers…And the outcry about ventilators? State officials were informed several years ago that the stockpile of ventilators was woefully inadequate to handle a severe pandemic. But instead of preparing for a looming crisis and buying 16,000 ventilators, the state’s health commissioner formed a task force to develop a system to ration the life-saving equipment.”

Facts be damned, Governor Cuomo has been auditioning for the top spot for the last two weeks, and writer John Fund suggests that a ‘Draft Cuomo’ Movement could lie in the Democrats’ future.

Meanwhile, it all seems to depend on the current Democrat candidate’s wife, who seems incapable of reading the tea leaves, deciphering the signals, smelling the coffee. Which brings me to ask once again: What is wrong with Jill Biden?

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


What’s Coming Won’t Be Pretty: Covid 19’s Exponential Growth

By Frosty Wooldridge

This morning, I walked into my local Natural Grocers food store in Golden, Colorado to buy our weekly stock of food. Inside, virtually everyone wore face masks. No happy chatter by anyone with anyone! Big sheets of plexiglass separated cashiers from customers. One couple walked in with full hazmat blue uniforms and face masks, plus gloves.  In fact, everyone wore gloves as they picked out their produce and food products.  Everybody seemed to be defending themselves from breathing on everyone else. No handshaking or friendly banter.

Once back at their cars, they cleaned their hands with disinfectant wipes or sanitizing cleaners.  Everyone drove their cars out of the parking lot happy to get out of there.

This Covid 19 disease caused this complete change in our country in the past 14 days.

It’s already claimed 33,000 lives on the world stage while it approaches 1,000,000 infected cases in 151 countries.  It’s killing so many people so fast that they cannot handle them in crematoriums, nor can they handle the bodies piling up.

In America, reports show over 3,300 deaths and more than 80,000 cases, and climbing.  Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Rebecca Berk, of the president’s task force, estimate that we could see 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in the USA in the coming months.  The disease already claimed one famous character actor and a top CBS executive Maria Mercader.  The virus hit U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky.  World famous actor Tom Hanks battles it as of this hour. Our own New York City escalates into a mass-disaster zone.

This disease dwarfs 9/11’s nightmare.  It supersedes anything our country has ever experienced.

If we’re going to contain it and squash it, every American citizen must follow the guidelines for not spreading it.

  1. 10 feet apart social distancing.
  2. Handwashing anytime you’ve grocery shopped or pumped gas or opened a door.
  3. Avoid groups, that means to stay with yourself and your family.
  4. Wear a mask when shopping for essentials.
  5. Keep your hands away from your face and keep them washed.
  6. Disinfect all surfaces in your kitchen and arena of living.
  7. Wipe all food purchases and packages with cleaner.
  8. Self-quarantine as much as possible.
  9. Avoid public transport.

Also, one of the big things that spreads any disease-plague like this: proximity to other humans.  Ironically, human population density encourages such diseases.  For the past 50 years, our country has been forced to grow via immigration by our U.S. Congress.  Those members of that body jammed and crammed too many people into this country.

We must question whether or not we want to jam and cram another projected 110 million people within the next 30 years to make ourselves even more vulnerable to viruses that most certainly will visit our country.

We Need a Paradigm Breaker-Changer to Save America

Useful paradigms forged this country.  The same ‘exponential growth’ paradigm, if not abandoned, will kill America.  The great question: why are we importing over 1.5 million more people annually to explode our population beyond sustainability and putting future generations into the cross-hairs of newer and deadlier Covid 19’s in the coming years?

In Denver, our city expects to explode by doubling within 30 years, yet a recent Westword commentary asked the question of consequences of ‘density’ via endless growth.

Writer Gary Wockner said, “The closer people are together, the greater the likelihood of disease transmission, including the coronavirus. This basic epidemiological fact — that human density increases disease transmission — is not at all new; it has been known for hundreds of years, as various plagues and viruses have swept across the planet infecting humanity. Hundreds of books have been written on the topic, and entire fields of research model and predict how disease can spread through human urban areas.

“What is new, however, is the large-scale political movement in the United States to ignore epidemiological facts in order to support more population growth and vastly increase the wealth and profits of real estate developers by packing more and more people into America’s cities.

“Sometimes called the “YIMBY” (“Yes in My Backyard”) movement, this profiteering scheme alleges that the way to solve America’s rapid population growth and affordable-housing problems is to pack more people into smaller spaces in American cities via “density.” The goal of these groups and people is to outlaw single-family zoning in towns and cities, increase the number of apartments and condos, and literally pack more people into cities.” Westword, Denver, CO, March 2020

Does that path make sense?  Do the disease vectors that it will further make for a healthy future?  Wockner asked scary questions, such as “who” drives this insane growth paradigm? What’s their end solution to all the consequences they create by their adhering to a senseless ‘growth’ paradigm?

For three decades, I’ve reported on our growing consequences that are now catching up to what’s happening in Bangladesh, Mexico, China and India.  We’re literally growing our population into the quagmire already being suffered by those countries.  And yet, who has spoken up across the nation to change to a sustainable and stabilized population paradigm?

Are we not in trouble as a civilization? Do we want to continue on this ‘growth’ path-paradigm until we become another India?   Can we support or survive the diseases or pandemics brought to us by importing another 110 million foreigners and their children?  Are you going to stand by to see your children perish in this old paradigm?  What will you do about it to change course?

Last week, radio talk show host of Ohio Exopolitics interviewed yours truly for 30 minutes on the subject of overpopulation, health and what we face.  You may find it interesting.

Mark Snider interview with Frosty Wooldridge, March 27, 2020 on Ohio Exopolitics:  “America’s overpopulation predicament, diseases and the future.”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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O Foolish Mankind

Butch Paugh

This article is actually an open letter to Robert B.  But the information in it, and questions and issues are of “eternal soul” importance, so it needs to be published for all to read and heed.  I am certain that there are skeptics and unbelievers who will read this, who have the same questions Robert asked me.  Mr. B asked, “How do you know and is there any proof that Jesus Christ actually existed?”  Of course quoting scripture to a skeptic will be of no use.  So after this one scriptural reference, we will only use historical writings concerning Christ.  Psalms 14:1 says “The fool hath said in his heart there is no God”.

There is no possible way that I can reference the many historical writers that wrote about the existence of a man named Jesus or Yahshua the Christ.  So I will just refer to and quote three very well known historians that are recognized and lauded as extremely reliable sources.  Please keep in mind that all sources quoted were not followers of Christ.  As a matter of fact, at best they thought he was a fraud, and at least one “hated” him and his followers.  We will briefly reference a few other writers also, just to provide further evidence of existence of Jesus Christ.

The three historians we are going to mostly concentrate on are Josephus, Tacitus and Lucian.

We will start with the well-known Josephus, a Jewish priest who grew up as an Aristocrat in first century Palestine and ended up living in Rome.  He was a commander in Galilee as part of the first Jewish revolt against Rome.  In order to understand more about Josephus, after the revolt was put down, Josephus desired to remain true to his Jewish beliefs and at the same time align himself with the Roman Emperor.  In other words, he tried to play both sides.

In one of his writings, “The Jewish War”, he mentioned Jesus as the brother of James. (Mt. 13:55)

The following is a quote from this “historian’s” writing of “history”.  Being therefore this kind of person (i.e. a heartless Sadducee), Ananus, thinking that he had a favorable opportunity because Festus had died and Albinus was still on his way, called a meeting (literally “Sanhedrin”) of judges and brought into it the brother of JESUS-WHO-IS-CALLED-MESSIAHYou can find the rest of this statement if you have the desire and willingness.

In another statement in Josephus’s writings he wrote while in Rome in the year 93 A.D. in his history of the Jews:  “about this time there lived JESUS, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man, for he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly.  He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks.  He was the messiah.  And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross.  Those who had first come to love him did not cease.  He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels by him.  And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.”   Now bear in mind, Josephus was not a fan or follower of Jesus.

Now we will take a look at another well-recognized and accepted historian named Tacitus, or more formally Gaius Cornelius Tacitus or Publius.  Tacitus was a Roman senator, orator and stenographer, and arguably the best of Roman historians.  In his last major work titled “Annals” he mentions a “Christus” (i.e. Christ!) who was executed by Pontius Pilate from whom the Christians derived their name.

One more historian that has been proven more than reliable is Lucian of Samosata who was a Greek satirist who wrote “The Passions of Peregrims”.  In this writing Lucian scorned Christ and His followers.  He mocked their beliefs of eternal life and that they all “thought” themselves brothers and sisters.  He also called Christ the “crucified sophist”.   “Sophist” was a derisive term used for cheats or for teachers who only taught for money.  Lucian despised Christians and especially despised “the man who was crucified“.  It is amazing that he would hate a man who never existed!  And those who believed in Him?!  Amazing huh?

In closing, we will refer to a few more historians briefly.

  • Celus, the Platonist Philosopher, considered Jesus to be a magician who made exorbitant claims.
  • Plineg the Younger, a Roman governor and friend of Tacitus, wrote about early Christian worship of Christ “as to  god.
  • Suetonius, a Roman writer, lawyer and historian, wrote of riots in 49 c.e. among Jews in Rome which might have been about Christus/Christ.
  • Lastly, Mara bar Serapion, a prisoner of war held by the Romans, wrote a letter to his son that described “the wise Jewish king” in a way that seems to indicate Jesus.

So ,Robert B., and all others who wanted, “secular” proof of Jesus Christ actually and literally lived and walked the earth, there is more than enough evidence presented in this article.  If you still are unwilling to accept the facts and truth about Jesus Christ , the son of, Almighty God and Saviour of all who believe on Him, then the following scriptures are for you.  (Ps. 14:1, John 3:17, 19)

Also this will be my last remark to Mr. Robert B., unless Mr. B. wants to reason online with Biblical and historical facts and truths.  For me to continue to cast the truth before foolish men is not only a waste of time on my part, but it can also prove me a fool.  (Mt. 7:6, Prov. 14:7, 17:10, 23:19, 24:7, 29:9)  In this open letter or article, I have fulfilled my duty to my Heavenly Father in warning foolish men and offering them salvation through Jesus Christ our Savior.

In Christ’s Service,

© 2020 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh:

The Real Bernie Sanders, Part 3

Roger Anghis

Bernie Sanders is determined to start a revolution just like the communists did in Russia in 1917.  We’re not talking about a non-violent revolution, we’re talking a full-fledged building burning, car burning, looting, violence against people type of revolution.  You may think I’m exaggerating but we have to remember that in all of history the socialists have always gained their power through violence.  This was evident in the 1917 revolution in Russia.  It was evident in t1930s Germany with Hitler’s brown shirts.  And it was painfully obvious in Castro’s Cuba and Chavez’s Venezuela.  Just recently in South Carolina that ugly head rose again: Bernie Sanders supporters applauded and cheered when Democrat Stephen Wukela — the mayor of Florence, South Carolina — called them “radicals” and “socialists.”

Mayor Wukela made the remarks at a rally in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, just days before the state’s Feb. 29 primary election.

Wukela hyped the crowd by saying: “Alright Myrtle Beach! How does it feel to be a bunch of radicals? A bunch of revolutionaries? A bunch of socialists here in Myrtle Beach?”

That’s when the rally-goers broke into raucous applause. The shocking scene spotlights that Bernie and today’s radical Left are dead-serious about transforming the United States into a socialist country.

During his speech, Mayor Wukela warned establishment Democrats and their media minions that they won’t stop Bernie and his socialist revolution.[1]

I don’t see this stopped with anything but force.  I hope that I’m wrong.  What I see as almost a Deep State underpinning of this push towards socializing America is the support of the mainstream media. Leftist MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson was suspended by the left-wing network after he attacked Bernie Sanders supporters as “racist white liberals” and “an island of misfit black girls.”

Following Johnson’s “inflammatory remarks about supporters and campaign staffers of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, the academic has been temporarily benched by the network,” according to the Daily Beast.

Johnson — who supports Joe Biden — is a virulent Bernie critic who has relentlessly attacked the socialist senator ever since he announced his candidacy.

However, even MSNBC drew the line when Johnson trashed black Bernie supporters.  Ironically, Johnson is an editor at the black-centric website The Root and a “journalism” professor at Morgan State University, a predominantly black college.[2]  When even the media backs what the socialist is doing by silencing any opposition to them, you know there is strong support for that agenda.

The people that Sanders has close to his campaign should cause any American a lot of concern.  Remember that under socialism the government confiscates all property, businesses, all means of production and proceeds to control every aspect of your life.  A little talked about speaker at a rally in Seattle recently Sanders had another avowed socialist speak: Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, a socialist who belongs to a Trotskyist organization that wants to seize control of America’s banks, was a featured speaker at Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 campaign rally in Seattle on Monday.

In her speech to Sanders’s supporters, Sawant called for a “powerful socialist movement to end all capitalist oppression and exploitation.”     

Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative, a fringe Trotskyist group that is open about its goal of a “socialist United States and a socialist world,” according to its website.

The Trotskyist group’s platform includes taking control of the “top 500 corporations and banks that dominate the U.S. economy” and paying compensation “on the basis of proven need to small investors, not millionaires.”

Additionally, in order to put an end to layoffs, the socialist group calls for taking “bankrupt and failing companies into public ownership.”[3]  If this is not full-blown communism I don’t know what is!

His association with violent radicals is well known and growing.  He is bringing them into his campaign and installing them in high places within his campaign. The daughter of a radical Islamist operative is a state co-chair of presidential front runner Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

Sanders named Abrar Omeish, daughter of Libyan-born jihadist sympathizer Esam Omeish, as a co-chair of his Virginia campaign on February 18.

On her own merits, the 24 year-old Abrar Omeish is of little political consequence. She is the youngest person to ever hold office in the state, having been elected in 2019 to the Fairfax County School Board. Her role on the campaign appears to be a Sanders gesture to a more powerful political constituency: the well-organized radical Sunni Islamist networks across the United States.  Abrar Omeish’s father is former president of the Muslim American Society, a group identified by federal prosecutors as the “overt arm” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

The elder Omeish is best known in Virginia state politics for having been removed from a Virginia Immigration board by then-governor Tim Kaine, a Democrat, after a video surfaced of Omeish endorsing violent jihad against Israel.[4]

Sanders has claimed that he is not aware of the violent tendencies of those that are within his campaign, but they are advocating for just what Sanders is calling for, revolution.  But his claim that he isn’t aware of their ideas for violence is an outright lie!  The legend of the infamous trolls known as the “Bernie Bros” continues to grow. And according to a new report, they are receiving their orders directly from the Sanders campaign. Here’s what’s known, via Daily Wire:

A new report in the U.K.’s Independent claims that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is well aware of what his army of online supporters — the so-called “Bernie Bros” — are doing online in his name, and that his senior staff are encouraging and, in some cases, even arming the “Bernie Bro” elite.

Sanders came under fire for his supporters’ online — and, increasingly, offline behavior — ahead of the Nevada caucuses, after his supporters deluged officers of the Nevada Culinary Union, which refused to endorse Sanders, with abusive, harassing, and even racist phone calls, emails, and social media messages, and after Sanders delegates disrupted the Nevada Democratic Party’s annual convention, throwing objects at speakers, and forcing the party to have them physically removed.[5]

From what is developing with the Sanders supporters I don’t see a peaceful end to his campaign whether it be at the convention or the general election. I believe that we must be prepared for violence on a large scale. The fire has been lit and will not be put out easily.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Socialist Bernie supporters cheer wildly when SC mayor calls them bunch of radicals and revolutionaries
  2. MSNBC suspends analyst who trashed Bernie supporters as racist white liberals and misfit black girls
  3. Kshama Sawant Bernie Sanders socialist
  4. Sanders names daughter of muslim brotherhood leader as Virginia campaigncochair
  5. Bernie knows exactly what Bernie bros are up to report says campaign

A ‘Planned-Demic’

Rob Pue

I’ve put off compiling this message as long as I could.  But I can wait no longer.  Today is Sunday, March 22 and I’m astounded how the world has changed in just a week’s time!  Actually, it’s been coming for a while now.

A couple of months ago, we began to see images coming out of Wuhan, China — a mega-city of 11 million people — that were shocking and horrific.  People being rounded up by officials in haz-mat suits, grabbed off the street, thrown into vans and taken away.  Other videos showed people falling over dead in the streets from this “Coronavirus.”  YouTube videos, taken by people living in Wuhan, showed how the entire city was completely locked down — people forced to stay in their homes.  Several videos I saw showed officials actually welding the doors shut on apartment buildings, to keep the occupants trapped inside.  Aerial views of Wuhan depicted a giant mega-city completely devoid of people — a literal “ghost town.”

Reports out of China told of how thousands had already died of the virus, their bodies quickly incinerated to stop the spread of the disease.  A couple weeks ago, we learned that 40 new “mobile crematoriums” were in place — and a gigantic “hospital” for the sick was built from scratch and put into operation in only ten days.

Indeed the news was grim.  “But such a thing could NEVER happen here,” I thought.  “It would take a lot more than just a ‘virus’ for anything like that to happen here…”  But again, how the world has changed in just a few days.  As Americans, we were concerned about those stricken with the illness in China, those trapped in their homes, those hauled off by police, never to see their families again.  “This is bad,” we thought.  “But it could never happen here.”  And we went on with our lives, because it HADN’T happened here, so it didn’t really affect us — yet.  And there were questions as to how much of what we were seeing in the mainstream press and on YouTube was really true.  After all, we’ve seen the media choreograph “fake news” time and time again to push an agenda.  So we “felt the pain” of the Chinese people, but life went on here, as usual.

This past weekend was our annual Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Expo and Conference, held on Friday and Saturday.  It was a wonderful gathering of “eyes-wide-open” Christians yearning to hear the truth.  A couple days prior to the start of our event, I began getting phone calls from people planning to attend, asking me if I was going to cancel due to the news stories coming from the mainstream media regarding the coronavirus.  These calls continued right up to the day we began — I must have had at least a hundred of them — and everyone who contacted me was greatly encouraged when I told them “No, we will go forward as planned!”  Many great testimonies came out of our event — some, nothing short of miraculous — as the Holy Spirit of God truly was with us all during that time.

But prior to — and in the midst of our Conference — the mainstream media stories started to get more and more intense.  Government officials, at both the state and federal levels, began issuing directives telling everyone to avoid any large gatherings of 250 people or more.  On Friday afternoon, President Trump issued a national “State of Emergency” because of the virus.

By Sunday afternoon, officials began closing things down… issuing orders for people to “self-quarantine” in their homes.  Before long we were told to avoid places where TEN or more people were gathered.

Monday morning brought even more serious government orders.  Businesses were ordered to close their doors.  In fact, the public shopping mall where we held our event closed on Monday “for the forseeable future.”  Restaurants were ordered to close, except for drive-through, carryout or delivery.  By Monday afternoon, just about all public venues had shut down — schools, stores, offices, restaurants, hotels, libraries, government offices, banks — even medical facilities, except for emergencies.

And on Monday morning, though I did not really have the time to do it, I thought it would be prudent to restock our emergency supplies, so I went to Sam’s Club.  The store was in chaos:  shoppers and workers wearing rubber gloves and face masks, RACING through the aisles, pushing and shoving one another.  And of course, as we have seen nation-wide, hoarding toilet paper.

Soon there was talk of shutting down inter-state travel (something that has not happened — yet).  And in just the past few days, several mega-cities have been put on strict lockdown, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Las Vegas.  People have been ORDERED to stay in their homes (something I see no way to enforce short of all-out martial law).  Indeed, so far— as of today — three entire states are locked down: New York, California and Illinois.  That’s about 70 million people, with more states soon to follow suit.  This means that gatherings of ANY size are now banned in these states and people must remain in their homes, except for those with “essential jobs,” and errands such as buying groceries, medicine or going to the doctor.

As I write this message, air travel is still in operation, but the airline industry is on life-support.  One of the speakers at our conference flew in from across the country and his trip HERE was a typical flight — but on his flight HOME he was one of only six people on the airplane.  You can now fly from Wisconsin to California for only $39.

The immediate result of this pandemic scare has been to cripple the world economy.  The markets have crashed, worldwide.  To illustrate just how serious the government is about this now, they actually moved “tax day” from April 15th to July 15th.  Imagine THAT.

I get news from a wide range of sources.  In fact, because of the work I do, I’m “plugged in” to the news just about 24/7.  But this past Tuesday night I turned on the TV news to see what the mainstream media had to say.  The President was giving a press conference along with a multitude of health officials.  That day, several states held elections for the democratic presidential primaries.  At the bottom of the screen, they were scrolling through the results of those elections, showing Joe Biden had a huge lead over Bernie Sanders.

At first, I thought to myself, “Well, good, at least even the Democrats aren’t buying into Bernie’s plan  of socialism for America.”  But then immediately I realized the President and his advisors were talking about sending everyone in America a check for $1000, with more checks to be issued periodically in the coming months, at least through October.  The press conference went on to talk about how the GOVERNMENT was going to do everything possible to take care of us all.  So while we were all busy being distracted by the “left hand” of the threat of socialism coming from the Democrats, the “right hand” of BOTH parties was now TELLING US socialism is basically here already — and NECESSARY — because of the current “crisis.”  After all, they certainly couldn’t let a perfectly good crisis “go to waste,” and indeed they won’t.

Let me say right now that I am NOT downplaying the seriousness of this virus.  Yes, there IS a coronavirus out there and it IS affecting people, and people ARE dying from it.  However, as you have heard multiple times before this, from a great many other sources, THOUSANDS more people die from the flu each year than have died from this virus.  “Coronavirus,” by the way is common — the common cold is a “coronavirus.”  This one is more serious, no doubt.  But let’s get some perspective, because our government and media, I believe, has “hyped” this for a specific agenda.

Consider this:  82,000 people are sick with Coronavirus at the moment, of which 77,000 are in China, which has a population of over 1.1 billion. This means that if you are not in or haven’t recently visited China, this should eliminate 94% of your concern.  If you do contract Coronavirus, this still is not a cause for panic because: 81% of the cases are MILD; 14% of the cases are MODERATE and only 5% of the cases are CRITICAL.  This means that even if you do get the virus, you are most likely to recover from it.

This coronavirus, or COVID-19 has a fatality rate of only 2%, and looking at the ages of those who are dying, the death rate for the people UNDER 50 years of age is only 0.2%.  This means that if you are under 50 years of age and don’t live in China, you are more likely to win the lottery (which has a 1 in 45,000,000 chance).  Indeed, on any given day, more people die from cancer, heart disease and diabetes than from COVID-19.  What’s more, on any given day, suicide takes 28 TIMES more lives than the virus.  Again, I am not saying there is NO virus, or that it’s all a hoax, or that we need not be concerned.  But let’s get some perspective on it, rather than react out of fear as the governments of the world and our mainstream media would prefer.

I also have a few questions.  Government and health officials, while virtually closing down all commerce, crashing the economy, and locking people down in their homes, have told us to avoid crowds of ten or more people.  In some places such gatherings are forbidden now, by “law.”  But why, then, do we see all the government and health officials gathered together, standing shoulder to shoulder (so they can all get on-camera) during their daily press conferences?  Why don’t they speak one at a time, keeping the “mandatory” 6-feet-apart distance from one another?  Where are THEIR rubber gloves and masks?  I’m just asking.

Also, are you aware of a thing called “Event 201?”  If not, I think you’ll find this interesting, and I ENCOURAGE you to research it out for yourself.  In October of 2019 — just five months ago, and just a month before the first case of COVID-19 appeared — The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum hosted (quote) “a high level pandemic exercise” in New York.  This event included CEOs of major corporations, health officials, UN officials and government leaders.

This was a SIMULATION of a world-wide pandemic, to study how such a catastrophe would impact the world economically and socially.  This “study,” incidentally, was paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.  And INTERESTINGLY, the TYPE of pandemic that was studied was a CORONAVIRUS.  Yes.  Research it for yourself.  It’s called “Event 201.”  It’s also interesting that the first suspected case in the United States popped up on February 1st in New York City: on 2 (the second month) and 1 (the first day of the month).  It is ALSO interesting that many of the CEOs present at this exercise (including Bill Gates) have since resigned their positions.  In fact there has been a record number of CEOs of MANY corporations, including Microsoft, Disney, Pepsico and hundreds of others that have resigned since Event 201.  I don’t believe any of these things are coincidence.

We’ve been told this is a “pandemic.”  Indeed it HAS absolutely affected the whole world.  But I believe — and this is my own personal opinion now — that it’s not so much a PANDEMIC as it is a PLANNED-DEMIC!

Never before have such draconian measures been taken to combat a virus.  Remember, the flu takes many more lives each year than this COVID-19 has, or will.  Take just one city, for example: New York… 9 million people and 38 (yes, thirty-eight) have tested positive for the virus.  (Not DIED from it, just tested positive.  Statistically, they will all recover). They’re locking down a city of 9 MILLION because of 38 positive tests?  This is NOT normal, folks.  And I do not believe it’s about a virus.

I believe the end goal is to utterly destroy the world economy and lock us all down completely in order to usher in a new One World Government or New World Order, starting with a new one-world currency.  How that will end up looking, I’m not sure, but surely we will find out soon.  But it IS interesting that they chose a “virus” with which to lock us all down.  They needed a disaster, but it had to be a WORLD-WIDE disaster.  A “9/11” event wouldn’t impact the whole world.  Such a disaster is also too messy and too costly.  A “virus,” on the other hand is a “boogeyman.”  You can’t see it, you can’t smell, feel or touch it.  But you CAN FEAR IT — IF you believe what the government and mainstream media TELLS you about it.  Remember: we only see what they WANT us to see, and there is always an agenda.  The vast majority of so-called “news” from the mainstream press is mere “theater” to mold our minds to their liking.

At the outset of this year, I told you that 2020 was going to be a time of chaos, confusion, division and trouble.  But I had NO IDEA things would get this bad this quickly.  I may be wrong, but I predict that before long, our entire nation will be under martial law and complete lockdown while a financial “reset” takes place.  The business and economic sectors of our nation have been destroyed, just as surely as the Twin Towers were left in rubble on 9/11.  Now, we wait — most of us locked in our homes, plugged in to our flat screen propaganda machines.  Only God knows what is coming next.  Me?  I hope it’s the Lord, to tell you the truth.

By the way, both my wife and I HAVE ALREADY HAD this virus, I’m pretty sure.  We were both sick with all the symptoms they tell us COVID-19 produces.  But we were sick, then we got better and that was that.  And that’s how it will be for all but a very few “at risk’ people with already-compromised immune systems.

Meanwhile, some advice:  use common sense.  Wash your hands.  Build your immune system so you have a defense against this.  I’d also advise you to stock up on food and supplies, because this storm may well last for many months.  Some have said that even in a best-case scenario, it’s going to take a decade to recover from the damage that’s already been done.  Personally, I don’t think things will ever go back to what we used to call “normal.”

I would also advise you to prepare yourselves spiritually, because while the EFFECTS of all this are seen in the physical realm, never forget this is a SPIRITUAL battle as the enemy’s forces attack God and His angels and saints. And finally, as we see things get worse and grow darker in this world around us, remember this is not our home, but we ARE to occupy until our Lord returns, and be about His business.  Always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks for the hope that you have in Christ Jesus.  The lost world will be looking to US for answers very soon now, so we must remain calm, always remembering that we have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.  May you have the peace that passes all understanding today, even in the midst of chaos.  God bless you.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved


Orwell’s Nursery Rhyme

Watch as the globalist demon tries to shame him into it’s frame of “borders are racist” and he swats it down and trumps it with “Hungary for the Hungarians”. — From a twitter video

Michael Heath

Lately I’ve been hearing a big word thrown around alot — Zenophobia.  I googled it and discovered the first citation is in 1880 from the Daily News in England. If you take time to click on the twitter link above you’ll hear the “journalist” throw it at the Foreign Minister of Hungary as if it were an insult. The impressive and serious Minister swats down the blonde news babe saying, “No, I have to reject that and I take it as an insult what you have just said because we Hungarians, we do have the right, and no one … no one … can take that away from us.  We have the right to make our own decisions, whom we would like to allow into our territory in Hungary, and we do not allow to enter.”

The news babe interrupts and gets to the point.  She says, “The people you don’t want to come in are Muslims, right?”  The foreign minister doesn’t address the religious issue in the clip but he does finish his point arguing against “multiculturalism.”

Hungary recognizes in her constitution “Christianity’s nation-building role.”  Over fifty percent of Hungary is either Roman Catholic or Protestant.  According to the World Atlas the next largest identifiable religious group is “atheism or agnostism” at eighteen percent.  Borrowing from the religious syncretism of Masonry Hungary has declared “freedom of religion” a fundamental right.  America is the world’s champion of this idea — “freedom of religion.”  The world is witnessing what it means in reality.  It’s been fun to pretend that nations can develop civilization and remain civilized without choosing to answer the question in law, “Who is God?”  Humanity’s disproportional panic over a microbe should be reason enough to conclude that we got off track somewhere in the recent past.  The West went careening off the tracks toward civilization when it decoupled the Church and the government.

The partnership between Church and state that emerged in the West after Rome collapsed fifteen hundred years ago exhaled it’s death rattle and expired over a hundred years ago.  America played no small part in making that happen.  European philosophy served as the manure that nourished the shoots.  The weed is full grown today.  We call it globalism.  It is an especially rancid and odious fruit that provides no nourishment.  The fundamental dogma of globalism is “freedom of religion.”  This means that only the rich get to choose their religion.  The rest of humanity must worship at WalMart until the oligarch’s brand-spanking-new-product-distribution-system is fully formed — Amazon.

Consumerism is the world’s new religion.  Christianity be damned.  Communism killed off the ancient faith of China.  Consumerism finished off Christianity in the West.  Politicians do the bidding of their masters — the global controllers of production and distribution.  Rising to confront the emptiness in our souls caused by the ongoing murder of godliness, justice, truth and beauty are the old gods of paganism.

There is no more effective weapon in satan’s arsenal than “multiculturalism.”  It’s good that Hungary is pushing back against it.  The real issue everywhere, however, is the right of a nation to answer the question for themselves, “Who is God?”  It isn’t the government’s responsibility to assure that every religion is present in equal proportions inside their borders.  This merely assures that all religions become irrelevant.

The beneficiaries of reducing religion to the significance of superstitution are the salesmen.  No longer able to rise together toward heaven the nation descends into hell.  If you want to get a glimpse of what hell is like just go to WalMart.  Even more accurate is the world imagined for us by the planners who envision being able to deliver both our digital and real world distractions right into our homes.   We get the convenience, they get the surveillance.  We get five thousand friends, they get absolute control over every aspect of our lives.  Orwell wrote nursery rhymes.  Welcome to the New World Order.

It’s not my world order.  You may want to continue trying to be human inside of their system.  I’m out.  I’m done.

When the Church gets over her coronaphobia and decides to celebrate God’s resurrection I’m going to be confirmed Roman Catholic.  I’ve stabilized my income anticipating a collapse of donor support as a result of the panic by jumping back into the cab of the FedEx truck.  I’m loving every minute of living in the belly of the beast system satan envisions.  I have a sneaking suspicion he’s about to lose another battle big time.  I can’t predict the contours of the defeat, but I see hints of it in my three millenial sons.  Satan can’t ever defeat God’s Holy Spirit.  I don’t know if what we are experiencing is a judgment that brings the end of America, or the purging/repentance of America.  I’m praying for the latter, but perfectly willing to accept the former.  The baby killing, porn addiction and sodomy must stop at all costs.


© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

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A Little Blue Bird Confirmed That God Is With Us

Lloyd Marcus

Folks, this is too amazing to believe, but it is totally true. My wife Mary was transferring her 6 cockatiels and 3 parakeets to a new cage. After working in my backyard studio, I went back into the house. I opened the door just as Blue bird parakeet got away from Mary. He flew pass me, gone forever.

Mary was devastated. She was extremely upset and angry at herself for ignoring the small voice in her head which cautioned her to lock the door. Knowing how much Mary loves each of her pets, I felt bad for her.

I thought, “Wouldn’t it be wild if the bird came back? No, that will never happen.”

The next morning, we were about to have our daily Communion honoring Jesus which we normally do in the living room. For no particular reason, we chose to have Communion in our bedroom.

After Communion and prayer, I looked out the window and saw a bird on our backyard fence. Amazed, I yelled, “Mary is that your bird?” Mary looked and yelled, “Yes!” She ran outside and captured the bird. Had we not been in the bedroom I would not have seen the bird.

Blue bird is safely back in Mary’s bird cage, probably telling the other birds about his overnight adventure. Can you believe that?

God is awesome. Christians are praying across America. Corona virus does not stand a chance of taking our nation down.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus The Unhyphenated American

God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us,“Let my people know.” Spread truth.

Is Coronavirus Deadly? Yes, Just Not In The Way You Might Think

By Greg Holt

The Coronavirus is all we hear about and many people simply aren’t listening anymore.  Here’s the real problem – the effects are deadly serious.

(True Conservative Pundit)  Yesterday, a fellow author on TCP posited that the Coronavirus is basically not what it seems, I would have to agree. Lyle’s premise here is that the COVID-19 outbreak is being exaggerated and used by the Democrats for maximum harm to President Trump – “Never let a good crisis go to waste!”


If you think I/we are exaggerating, a quick perusal on Twitter should change your mind: []

Can anyone be this stupid???

Focus on the media and the Democrats? The media and the Democrats are a large part of the problem!


And then there is this gem from none other than CNN:

CNN fantasizes about the Coronavirus handing the 2020 election to Democrats – yes really.

CNN is not only staffed by incompetent liars that would not know journalism if it walked up and slapped them, they are also clearly out to destroy President Trump.

The basic problem is that the Coronavirus, or COVID-19 is being blown way out of proportion.  Is the Coronavirus more deadly than the flu as has been reported?  Yes, it is. But let’s look at the numbers:

Deaths due to Influenza are about 0.1% of those infected – that is WAY less than 1% for those math challenged folks out there.

Deaths due to Coronavirus are about (it varies by region, country etc.) 2–3%.

Far more deadly right?  But that isn’t the whole story either.

According to Live Science:

So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 220,000 illnesses and more than 9,300 deaths worldwide. But that’s nothing compared with the flu, also called influenza.In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 36 million illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The common flu is far more deadly than the Coronavirus is, at least health wise.

The real danger in the Coronavirus outbreak is the damage to the U.S. (and the world) economy.  Restaurants are closing, or have takeout only.  Bars are closing down completely.  Many retailers are closing stores or reducing hours of operation.  Schools are closing adding to parents’ worries.

There is talk of “checks” for Americans affected by COVID-19.  I personally think this is a bad idea. OK, so who wouldn’t like some cash in their pocket right?  I agree, except that in a country that already has serious debt issues – HOW is this going to be paid for?  The stock market has already crashed, retailers closing are going to lose a fortune, and many Americans are going to be essentially jobless.  Not everyone will get paid while they are basically laid off by force.

Loan defaults will assuredly go up.  People’s investments have lost a lot of money.  The U.S. economy will almost without a doubt enter a recession.  Gatherings of more than 50 people are being banned in many locations; some locations are even saying no more than 10 people in one place.

Then there are the sensationalistic articles out there whose main aim I hate to say is generating web traffic, because traffic equals profit.  These kinds of articles are only adding fuel to the fire and causing increased panic.  Shame on those of you posting this kind of crap.

The Coronavirus is somewhat of a health risk, but the main risk is to those over 50, some say over 65, or those with compromised immune systems. Most others recover, same as the flu.

The biggest threat and/or danger is not to our health, it is to our economy, and our way of life.

Read my three most recent articles:

Not So Super Tuesday – Democrats Unite Behind the Worst Candidate Ever: Joe ‘the Gaffer’ Biden

BOMBSHELL! Federal Judge Orders New Hillary Clinton Deposition on Emails & Benghazi

Confirmed: Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother & may Have Committed the ‘Worst crime spree in Congressional history’

Facebook has reduced our distribution; please share our articles widely.
Another way for you to support us is to purchase my book.
Please follow us on: FacebookGabUSA LifeTwitterSpreely, and subscribe to my daily newsletter.

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Scorched Earth – Socialists Going All Out For Broke

JB Williams

[NOTE: Numbers used in this document are accurate as of the date and time of the writing. Numbers will change after publication as additional case information is reported.]

The key to identifying a weaponized biological or chemical agent is determining whether or not the agent has a “descending functionality” or “gain of function” property. Organic mutations of biological material happen all the time. Every year, we see new strains of old viruses. But when someone decides to weaponize a virus, the goal is to add a “gain of function” property to the virus so that it spreads much faster and farther than would otherwise be the case.

Based on the current trajectory of the worldwide CoVid19 “pandemic,” it’s not a stretch to consider the possibility that this is a weaponized version of Coronavirus that has been around since the 1970s. However, this may not be the most important factor to consider in what we are witnessing in the USA and around the globe today.

Whether or not CoVid19 is a Wuhan lab created weaponized version of the Coronavirus, the expanding “global pandemic” has been weaponized by global socialists in the USA and around the world. Although the direct threat to human life remains very small, approximately .00018% of the USA population to date (60,000 cases from 330M people), the weaponized “pandemic” threatens the health and well-being of more than 90% of Americans, via a total economic collapse. It may not be without purpose….

For evidence, look no further than the constant Democrat power-grab attempts in the USA during this “pandemic.”

State and Federal governments have essentially shut down the U.S. economy via “shelter in place” policies, instantly stopping incomes for millions of Americans, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck. But Democrats have seen it fit to go several steps further, instituting bans on gun and ammo sales, calling for mail-in elections, easy to manipulate and impossible to verify, in a nation full of Democrat controlled sanctuary cities.

After blocking the bipartisan Senate Stimulus Bill this week, aimed at helping Americans to stay in their homes and feed their families while under government forced lockdown, House Democrats demanded a laundry list of totally unrelated partisan expenditures in a proposed House bill of their own.

Democrats demanded bailing out the US Post Office, requiring a new $15 an hour minimum wage for people currently not even allowed to work, paying off $10k per student college debt, instituting new GREEN DREAM regulations on airlines, auto manufacturers and homeowners, and a government takeover of every company boardroom in America.

They demanded same day voter registration, early voting and changes in U.S. election laws to benefit Democratic Socialists in the upcoming 2020 election cycle. Finally, they demanded a revival of the free Obama-Phone plan, making it much easier for Democrats to organize and mobilize their citizen army for the 2020 elections.

If that isn’t enough, while they demand every FREE American “shelter in place,” they also demand the release of incarcerated felons into the general population, allegedly to prevent them from contracting CoVid19…. The opposite of the “shelter in place” plan for all other Americans. Note that democrats have also focused huge sums and efforts on reinstating felon voting rights, for the past three years…

As I write, our Federal Government is working to pass a “stimulus” bill at the lofty price of at least $2 Trillion dollars, in a nation already $23 Trillion in debt. No one knows what will be in this bill by the time it reaches Trump’s desk for his signature… but rest assured, whatever it is, Trump has a gun to his head to sign it, or the Democrat run media will publicly lynch him for “holding up aid to Americans.”

While “fake journalists” in the White House briefing room ask the most ridiculous questions, no journalist in the USA is asking the most obvious questions…

Every year, the USA loses an average of 36,000 people to the common flu. How did less than 1000 deaths from CoVid19 (791 as of this writing) become a nationwide shut down of the entire US economy overnight? Right now, CoVid19 would need a 60% death rate (36,000 deaths of 60,000 CoVid19 cases to date) to equal U.S. deaths from the common flu this year. The USA current death rate of CoVid19 is 1.3%… about the same as the common flu.

Why is the global recovery rate reported to be 85% while the USA recovery rate is only 36.2% currently? Do we have the best medical care in the world, or not?

Why are democrat controlled “sanctuary cities” hit the hardest in the USA? Over 60% of all USA CoVid19 deaths are in four states, New York, Washington, California and New Jersey.

Why do China, Spain, Germany and even Iran have a much higher recovery rate than the USA?

We can “shelter in place” to avoid contracting CoVid19, currently affecting less than .00018% of Americans (60,000/330M) …. But there is no safe place to avoid the natural consequences of shutting down the world’s most productive and powerful economy. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, in a depression that would make the Great Depression look like a day at Disney.

90% of all jobs in the USA are provided by small to medium size independently owned businesses. So, why do Democrats oppose keeping these employers alive during a government mandated shut down of all “nonessential” businesses and jobs? I assure you… all of these businesses and jobs are essential to Americans who make their living here.

If we don’t keep all “employers” alive during the government enforced economic shutdown, what jobs will you return to after the virus passes?

Make no mistake, no one wants to die from CoVid19 or any other contagion. But the threat to Americans from a total economic collapse far exceeds any threat from any virus. No imagination is required to see who is making every effort to take full advantage of this crisis to gain political power over the American people, either.


These are the same people who have promised for years to take your guns, burn your bibles, nationalize your industries, force everyone into government run healthcare and tax every American into equal poverty. Everything Marxist Democrats have worked towards for more than a hundred years, is on our doorstep today, thanks to the CoVid19 scare.

Meanwhile, the American people have been primed, Pavlov trained, to accept a boot on their neck in exchange for the promise of an ounce of security.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste” is now an infamous quote from Barack Obama’s former White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.

CoVid19 is NOT the greatest threat to the American people in 2020…. The weaponization of the CoVid19 “pandemic” threatening to bring America and all citizens to their economic knees, as Democrats seek to gain Marxist ground at every opportunity, is the greatest threat to America, freedom, liberty and life itself.

No matter what it takes to defeat CoVid19, America will survive it. But America cannot survive a total economic collapse or a total Marxist takeover of the USA by “democratic socialists” currently running the Democrat Party.

Democrats and global Marxists are going for broke! The CoVid19 scare creates a perfect storm for forcing the entire world into a global commune for the “greater good” and make no mistake, they are taking a scorched earth approach to implementing their agenda for the USA and the world.

Everyone is acceptable collateral damage, when all the marbles are in play…


© 2020 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

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Criminal Referrals Against Mueller Collaborators Are Coming, Claims GOP Leader

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Those involved in the Trump-Russian Collusion investigation directed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller — as well as the intelligence chiefs James Clapper and John Brennan –are starting to sweat bullets over the threat of having to answer for the many irregularities and suspected criminal acts during the Democratic Party’s President Trump impeachment quest.

Republican Rep. Devin Nunes of California, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said in a GOP podcast that criminal referrals could be sent to the Attorney General Bill Barr for some of those on Mueller’s team.

Nunes and other House Republicans believe that some of the FBI or special counsel’s investigators may have intentionally misled Congress and the courts during the investigation. Not only are those “dirty cops” suspected of framing Trump and his associates such as Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and political consultant Roger Stone, but they are believed to have obtained search warrants based on a suspicious report that the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for.

“We’re now going through these [FBI interview memos], and we’re going to be making criminal referrals on the Mueller dossier team, the people that put this Mueller report together,” Nunes told viewers of a John Solomon Reports podcast. Solomon has been investigating the Democratic Party’s anti-Trump since the beginning in the 2016 election cycle.

Rep. Nunes responded to the FBI’s “302” memo which he said showed former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos had tried to help — not hinder — investigators’ attempts to locate a witness named Joseph Mifsud.

Prosecutors had portrayed Papadopoulos as attempting to obstruct the investigation.

Nunes noted in the podcast that the new memos from the FBI show “our first evidence of the Mueller team lying to the court. It a lie. It’s a total lie.”

“I always assumed that Papadopoulos probably was helpful. I mean, he’s kind of alluded to that, that he offered to be helpful, but we had never seen the actual 302s,” Nunes said.

Judicial Watch called the Trump-Russia investigation a witch hunt from the day it began. They said Mueller led an investigation that was in search of an actual crime.

Democrats have been working hard to sell their Russia conspiracy theory from the day Trump was elected president and the so-called news media appeared to go “off the deep end….”

There also is evidence that at least two members of Mueller’s team, FBI members Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, were terrified at the idea of Trump becoming president. It also became known that Strzok and Page – both of whom are married – were having an “office romance.”

There are text messages that show that they spoke about having an “insurance policy,” which many believe was the Russia collusion accusations.

While the “Russian collusion” case — and later the Ukraine scandal – were never proven — the Democratic Party  has already accused the Russians of helping Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign.

“As Americans, we cannot allow this type of manipulation to continue the way it has been,” said Judicial Watch officials..

“We cannot allow people in positions of power to get away with this type of partisan investigation.If we stand idly by, if everyone walks away from it scot-free, then there is no way to stop it from happening to another presidential candidate in the future,” said Tom Fitton, the president of the nation’s leading public interest law-firm.

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The Offensiveness of Taking Political Offense

Dr. Edwin Vieira, JD, Ph.D

Not long ago, in the course of an acrimonious debate over one radical “gun-control” bill under consideration in the 2020 session of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, a Republican Senator charged that “[e]very legislator that votes in favor of this bill is, in my opinion, a traitor to Virginia, a traitor to the Second Amendment, and traitor to our constitutional freedoms”. In response, a Democratic Senator intoned that “I would like her to know that I am deeply offended that she has accused anyone on this floor of treason”. See < senate-passes-red-flag-gun-law-over-fierce-opposition/>,  at 5.

Unfortunately, the Democratic Senator’s rejoinder was typical of a dismissive attitude towards political opposition which has become all too common these days: namely, that if the target of some criticism simply denounces it as subjectively “offensive” to her (or him), there is no need for her (or him) actually to refute it objectively by reference to matters of fact, by citations of rules of law, or even by appeals to the principles of logic. “Because I feel personally offended at what you say, you are wrong simply for saying it!” is supposed to suffice. The Democratic Senator would have done better, however, to have swallowed her “offense” until she had perused the relevant law.

Article IV, Section 9 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia provides that “Members of the General Assembly shall, in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the sessions of their respective houses; and for any speech or debate in either house shall not be questioned in any other place. They shall not be subject to arrest under any civil process during the sessions of the General Assembly, or during the fifteen days before the beginning or after the ending of any session.” (This is similar to the provision which applies to Members of Congress. U.S. Const. art. I, § 6, cl. 1.)

As Virginia’s Constitution thus plainly recognizes, it certainly is possible for a “Member[ ] of the General Assembly” to commit “treason”, and to be arrested under criminal process for “treason”, “during the sessions of the General Assembly”, even for some act which he (or she) has committed or is committing under color of his (or her) capacity as a legislator. Moreover, it is the duty of anyone and everyone who may know of a supposed act of “treason” committed by such Member to report it: “If any person knowing of * * * treason shall not, as soon as may be, give information thereof to the Governor, or some conservator of the peace, he shall be guilty of a Class 6 Felony.” Code of Virginia § 18.2-482.

Of course, “any speech or debate in either house” of Virginia’s General Assembly is absolutely privileged, because politicians’ mere words, even when they propose or endorse “treason”, are unlikely to harm anyone. And free and open debate—even, perhaps especially, when the speakers are half-witted legislators—is the best means to expose bad ideas for what they really are. But a legislator’s act of voting for a bill which, when enacted, imposes the baneful effects of “treason” on its subjects must itself be “treasonous”.

True enough, rogue legislators will always avoid enforcing such an ersatz “law” in the field with their own hands. Instead, they will despatch armed myrmidons to do their dirty work. Nonetheless, “if a body of men be actually assembled for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable purpose, all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are actually leagued in the general conspiracy, are to be considered as traitors”. Ex parte Bollman, 8 U.S. (4 Cranch) 75, 126 (1807) (emphasis supplied). As the Founding Fathers in Virginia (and elsewhere throughout America) well knew from their studies of English law, “a bare Conspiracy * * * cannot amount to Treason, unless it is actually levied; yet * * * in all Cases, if the Treason be actually compleated, the Conspirators * * * are Traitors as much as the Actors”; and “there can be no Doubt but that he, who by Command or Persuasion induces another to commit Treason, is himself a Traitor * * * and yet he does no Act but by Words”. William Hawkins, A Treatise of The Pleas of the Crown (London, England: E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, Third Edition, 1739), Book I, Chapter 17, § 27, at 38; and § 39, at 39.

Under Virginia’s present law, “treason” is defined as: “(1) Levying war against the Commonwealth; (2) Adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort; (3) Establishing, without authority of the legislature, any government within its limits separate from the existing government; (4) Holding or executing, in such usurped government, any office, or professing allegiance or fidelity to it; or (5) Resisting the execution of the law under color of its authority.” Code of Virginia § 18.2-481.

The most obnoxious “gun-control” bills introduced in the 2020 session of the Commonwealth’s General Assembly have all aimed, by one means or another, directly or indirectly, at disarming ordinary Virginians of various types of firearms and accessories (in particular, so-called “assault firearms”), and at making it difficult for such Virginians to train with whatever firearms may be left to them. So, on their faces, these bills are obviously repugnant to Article I, Section 13 of the Constitution of Virginia, which provides (in pertinent part) “[t]hat a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”. (This, in addition to the bills’ violations of Article VI, Clauses 2 and 3 of, and the Second and Fourteenth Amendments to, the Constitution of the United States.)

Under Virginia’s law, “a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people” is not some private group outside and inddependent of and potentially antagonistic to the government, but instead is an integral part of the Commonwealth’s government, defined by statute: “The militia of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall consist of all able-bodied residents of the Commonwealth who are citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied persons resident in the Commonwealth who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, who are at least 16 years of age and, [with a few statutory exceptions], not more than 55 years of age. The militia shall be divided into three classes: the National Guard, which includes the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard; the Virginia Defense Force; and the unorganized militia.” Code of Virginia § 44-1. For purposes of simplicity, analysis here can focus solely on members of “the unorganized militia”—for these constitute “the body of the people” who make up the bulk of the Militia.

Notice that, although Virginia’s statute defines a class of “unorganized militia”, it does not describe this class as being “unarmed”, “disarmed”, or in any other manner prohibited, prevented, or otherwise precluded—or capable of being prohibited, prevented, or otherwise precluded—from “keep[ing] and bear[ing] arms” suitable for service in the Militia. As the Constitution of the United States plainly shows in the power of Congress “[t]o provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 16), “organizing”, “arming”, and “disciplining” are distinct categories of authority and action. Therefore, a statute which declares some class of the Militia to be “unorganized” does not thereby imply that the members of that class are to remain “unarmed”, let alone that they are to be disarmed of whatever arms, whether of all types or only of certain types, they already possess, or to be prohibited from acquiring such arms in the free market. This, of course, makes perfect logistical sense, because it would self-evidently be far easier to organize into various units citizens who were already armed than to provide actual arms to citizens who happened merely to be already assigned on paper to such units.

As to the “arms” which members of the Militia may—indeed, must—keep and bear, the constitutional standard is clear enough. The “possession or use” of a firearm comes within “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” if that firearm “at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia”, if that “weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment”, or if “its use could contribute to the common defense”. United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174, 178 (1939). If the most egregious “gun-control” bills proposed in the 2020 session of Virginia’s General Assembly did not have the purpose of defying and nullifying this rule, had they been enacted into “law” they surely would have had that effect.

Now, if rogue Members of Virginia’s General Assembly (i) should enact some ersatz “law” which purported to confiscate firearms from members of “the unorganized militia”, or to prevent them from acquiring firearms in the free market, or to prohibit them from training with firearms—overall, to render them incapable of performing their governmental function as members of the Militia; and if (ii) those Members of the General Assembly should purport in that or some other “law” to authorize armed thugs to arrest, imprison, or perhaps even kill or wound members of “the body of the people” (i.e., ordinary Virginians) who resisted such confiscation, prevention, or prohibition; then (iii) as soon as those hirelings were despatched to oppress the populace through armed force (presumably, on and after the day the “law” became effective), those Members of the General Assembly as well as their hirelings could justifiably be described as “[l]evying war against the Commonwealth”. For inasmuch as “a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state”; and inasmuch as the Commonwealth of Virginia is “a free state”; then any armed attack against “the body of the people” which aimed at depriving them of the ability to function as “a well regulated militia” would necessarily amount to “[l]evying war against the Commonwealth”, and thus to “treason”.

To be sure, “treason” does require at some point “the actual employment of force”. “To complete the crime of levying war * * * , there must be an actual assemblage of men for the purpose of executing a treasonable design.” Nevertheless, “if a body of men be actually assembled, for the purpose of effecting by force a treasonable purpose, all those who perform any part, however minute, or however remote from the scene of action, and who are actually leagued in the general conspiracy, are to be considered as traitors”. So, although “‘some actual force or violence must be used, in pursuance of * * * [a] design to levy war’”, “‘it is altogether immaterial, whether the force used is sufficient to effectuate the object; any force connected with the intention will constitute the crime of levying war’”. Ex parte Bollman, 8 U.S. (4 Cranch) 75, 128, 127, 126, and 128 (1807).

In short, no matter what subjective “offense” they might profess to take when criticized for their actions, those Members of Virginia’s General Assembly who voted for radical forms of “gun control” would thereby have objectively lain the groundwork for “[l]evying war against the Commonwealth”. Not only that. They would also objectively have lain the groundwork for “[a]dhering to [the Commonwealth’s] enemies”—both foreign and domestic—“giving them aid and comfort”. For what “enemies” would not find “aid and comfort” in policies which systematically deprived the Commonwealth of “the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state”?

In addition, inasmuch as “a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state”, such a Militia is in principle the most important (if perhaps today is in practice the most overlooked) component of the government of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Without the Militia in being, the constitutional government of Virginia would in principle fall into disarray, if not even cease pro tanto to exist, because, bereft of her “proper, natural, and safe defense”, Virginia would no longer qualify as “a free state”. What remained would be nothing less than an “usurped government”. For “usurpation” is the exercise of a power which the law denies to the person purporting to exercise it. Under Virginia’s Constitution, no Member of the General Assembly may wield a power to vote for any bill which “infringe[s]” “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” suitable for their service in the Militia. For if a bill is unconstitutional, a legislator’s vote for it to become an unconstitutional “law” can be no less unconstitutional. So, if majorities in the General Assembly should knowingly and intentionally defy this prohibition, to that extent they would act as an “usurped government”—which also constitutes “treason” under Virginia’s law. It should further be noted that any persons who maneuvered behind the scenes to instigate renegade Members of the General Assembly so to misbehave—such as carpet-bagging multi-billionaires from out of State who promoted “gun control” through monetary contributions to candidates’ campaigns and grants to various special-interest groups which plumped for forcible disarmament of “the body of the people”—would also be guilty. For “[i]f any person attempt to establish any * * * usurped government and commit any overt act therefor or by writing or speaking endeavor to instigate others to establish such government, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.” Code of Virginia § 18.2-483.

Contemporary “gun control” being touted by legislators in Virginia (and elsewhere throughout the United States) must be recognized as objectively a multifaceted manifestation of “treason” (and other crimes allied thereto), because it inevitably and inexorably paves the way for every other sort of oppression that psychopathic domestic “rulers”, no less than foreign conquerors, are capable of perpetrating. No one can deny that “gun control” intentionally aims at depriving the people of precisely those arms most suitable today for military, para-military, and police service in “a well regulated militia” (such as the semi-automatic rifles of otherwise standard military patterns which “gun controllers” mislabel as “assault firearms”)—and, ultimately, of all arms of whatever types that could be employed for any service in the Militia. Worse yet, because “a well regulated militia” is always “the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state”—most especially (as the Declaration of Independence points out) “when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce the [People] under absolute Despotism”, so that it becomes “their right” and “their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security”—the inevitable result of “gun control” enforced to the extreme degree which “gun-control” fanatics desire must be to render “the safe defense of a free state” impossible, to deprive the people of the means to “throw off [an abusive] Government”, and thereby to expose them to all of the ravages of “absolute Despotism” bereft of the wherewithal to protect themselves.

But what is so new about all that? In the hands of its knowing practitioners, “gun control” is not now, just as it has never been, an end in and of itself. Just as it has always been, it remains today an effective means to the most pernicious of all political ends: namely, stripping ordinary people of the ability collectively to assert and defend their sovereignty—that is, their ultimate governmental authority—so that they can be exposed to unlimited oppression by a faux “government” composed of usurpers and tyrants.

Nevertheless, in charity one should not conclusively presume that any Members of Virginia’s present General Assembly who propose or support “gun control” are being subjectively “treasonous”, in the sense that they are fully aware of the true nature of “gun control” and intend to impose it on their constituents nonetheless. The simplest explanation for their behavior is that their minds are devoid of any conception of what the consequences of “gun control” have always been in the past and must inevitably be in the future. They are, in short, what Lenin derisively described as “useful idiots”—dupes, dullards, and dopes who advance the revolutionary agenda of others without understanding that they are doing as much, or even that a revolution is going on, because their minds have become saturated with the trendy political nostrums and ideological nitwitticisms of “gun control” popularized on Twitter, Facebook, and Big Tech’s other brainwashing “platforms”.

If an explanation, however, that is no excuse, let alone a reason for those legislators’ exoneration. Indeed,  “useful idiocy” becomes a wholly implausible diagnosis when it is apparent that a legislator is willfully blind or recklessly indifferent towards the facts. So, such legislators need to stop defending themselves through their knee-jerk assertions of “offense” at criticisms of their aberrant positions, and instead start investigating whether those criticisms are cogent, and (if so) what corrective actions they should take to conform their own behavior to constitutional norms. Public officials’ feigning personal “offense” as a tactic for short-circuiting necessary political debate about their misbehavior has become too offensive to be endured any longer, whether by Virginians or any other Americans.

© 2020 Edwin Vieira – All Rights Reserved

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One-Worlders Exploit Pandemic for Global Government

By Cliff Kincaid

Since “climate change” has not ushered in world government, the global health crisis will have to do. Hence, Greta Thunberg has announced it’s “extremely likely” she has had coronavirus. She wasn’t tested but quickly recovered, she says. Now, we are told, the world has to come together to create a global government financed by global taxes to deal with future pandemics.

“Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus” is the British Guardian headline over a story about the former Labor prime minister.

Globalist organizations led by the World Federalists are leading the charge. This year, however, they think the timing is on their side. Their “UN2020”  movement is taking advantage of this year being the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. They believe the coronavirus can be exploited to get the nations of the world united behind the push for “another, better path for humanity.”

Their “plan of action,” as set forth in a draft of their “People’s Declaration,” is unfolding mostly behind-the-scenes as the 75th anniversary of the United Nations “provides a much-needed opportunity for system-wide stocktaking, strengthening and renewal.”

The World Federalists are sometimes regarded as small and without much influence, but the fact is that prominent personalities such as Walter Cronkite, the former CBS Evening News anchorman, were world federalists. What’s more, President Clinton and then-First Lady Hillary Clinton endorsed the group’s activities during the time of the Clinton Administration.

Former Clinton official Strobe Talbott wrote a book, The Great Experiment, describing his own background in the pro-world government World Federalist Movement and naming a network of friends and close associates that included billionaire leftist hedge fund operator George Soros. The purpose of Talbott’s book was to promote “global governance,” aeuphemism for world government, and was defined in the subtitle as “The Quest for a Global Nation.”

With a pandemic sweeping the globe, they think this is their time to strike. A draft of their declaration urges mechanisms such as an “Independent Commission on Global Governance” or a “United Nations Parliamentary Assembly” to be pushed by sympathetic governments.

“Far quicker than most of us could have imagined, a world-encompassing health crisis…has shaken the global order to its core,” it says, adding that “…no longer can we behave as if our current institutions are sufficient to secure our future…To meet growing demands, a revitalized UN system would need a reliable source of funding.”

Entitled “Humanity at a Crossroads: global governance at a time of global uncertainty,”  the document calls for consideration of proposals such as an international carbon tax, a fossil fuel consumption tax, a global tax on select mineral resource extraction or usage, a minimum international corporate tax, a financial transaction tax, and “other fiscal policy options.”

But here’s their bottom line, in their own words: “A global tax body to enforce these options should also be considered.”

My 1997 book, Global Taxes for World Government, available for free at my America’s Survival website, describes this movement.

On Capitol Hill, Senator Edward J. Markey, member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been joined by other liberals in calling on President Donald Trump to introduce a United Nations Security Council resolution that declares pandemics a clear threat to international peace and security. As part of this resolution, they want to “Mandate that, in the event of a declared health emergency, all countries ensure on-the-ground access by World Health Organization (WHO) officials, as well as require that all countries transparently disseminate timely public health information to the WHO and to their own people.”

Of course, the U.N.s World Health Organization has been widely accused of a pro-China bias and stalling on the declaration of a public health emergency surrounding coronavirus. Equally significant, its director general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a member of the “High-Level Task Force for Innovative Financing for Health Systems,”  a group which recommended global taxes for the U.N. They call them “solidarity levies” on airline tickets, tobacco and currency transactions.

Tedros’s praise for President Trump, saying he is doing a “great job” in fighting the pandemic, is a recognition of reality. Tedros understands that Trump’s leadership has more than compensated for the lack of expertise from the WHO and the Centers for Disease Control. Tedros’ job is on the line, as an online petition with 563,013 signatures as of Thursday afternoon is urging his resignation.

Whether that resignation comes or not, it will be important for President Trump to continue to resist calls for more globalism to fix the problems caused by globalism.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Boy Oh Boy These Are Tough Times

By Ron Edwards

As the United States of America continues to grapple with the coronavirus situation, there are those who proclaim that times are oh so tough.  True, there is a lockdown with restaurants, stores, churches, etc. closed to gatherings. As a result, the economy has been dramatically reduced and even some idiots are proclaiming America’s doom.  I personally think those are leftists hoping that Americans forget the real coronavirus cause for the economic downturn, blame President Trump and vote to put a leftist democrat in office.  They are also hoping Hell unleashes a powerful evil fury that will prevent the return of the House into conservative republican hands.  Oh sure, there were those toilet paper shortage battles in stores and parking lots.  Let us examine some real tough times.

There is an old saying that goes,“when the times get tough, the tough get going”.  That does not mean they get up and go away.  But rather, they stay and strategize against those trying to bring about destruction.  Democrats have literally been playing destructive political games at the expense of increasing numbers of Americans suffering from the coronavirus, losing jobs and closing businesses.  The goal of democrats is to always make matters worse in order to break the spirit and will of the American people.  They under the demonic leadership of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the unladylike squad. Like democrats throughout our nation’s history, they are about the business of destroying liberty and making life in general more miserable.  No greater proof of that fact exists than in the once golden state of California.  It is where the image of beaches, rodeo Drive, Lumbar street, beautiful cities like San Diego and San Francisco have been replaced. Due to an ongoing democrat party inspired takedown of what was one of the best places to ever live, the reality of California is now anything but golden.

Yes, we are truly existing in tough times.  But what disturbs me most is that much of what we are witnessing today was very avoidable.  Take the ongoing problems that were helped to be made worse by the democratically controlled congress.  I firmly believe, that if congressional democrats cared about the interests of our republic, we would now have an almost completed slinking across the border.  Today’s tough times are being exacerbated by democrats like New Jersey governor Phil Murphy responded to the coronavirus crisis by forcing churches, gun shops and other businesses to close while murderous abortion clinics, marijuana stores are given the green light to stay open, because they were dubbed essential.

Yes, again my fellow Americans, we are living in tough times.  Many democrat office holders have expressed concern about possible civil unrest, riots and a general breakdown of society. But it is their policies are what makes such predictions very likely to come true, which again will continue the worsening impact of leftist democrats.

But democrats are doing what they have been and continue to be allowed to by legions of misguided Americans.Many are now too stupid to understand what policies and principles help make a better society and improve life in general.  That alone can lead to situations that could quickly make today’s tough times look like the good old days by comparison.  There is an old saying “90 percent of the problems we go through are either directly or indirectly caused by ourselves”.  That rings true for our republic today.  The democrats and RINOs have not just suddenly begun their evil mission to literally destroy the United States. For example, voters have watched Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters for decades oversee the utter ruination of their respective communities by purposely only enacting policies that are destructive and lead to “Tough Times”.  Sometimes many voters remind me of a short story about an old blood hound.  The blood hound walked out on the porch and laid down on a nail.  The owner of he home and a neighbor were sitting on the porch.  The neighbor was a bit concerned about the blood hound and asked, when or if the dog would move off the nail? The owner responded with a resounding, when it hurts.

Many voters remind me of that old hound dog.  They recognize the tough times, but they continue to vote the same dumb way.  So that begs the question, when will it hurt enough for voters to get off of the figurative nail of the democrats and RINOs who have been hurting this republic for decades? Hopefully real soon, if not we will be hurled into a period of food shortages and economic depression. That is what democrats and a few RINOs want in order to defeat President Trump.  Because they understand that many Americans would not be bright enough to throw them out even though they are the cause of most of our national tragedies.  It is my prayer that voters will miraculously see the truth regarding the upcoming elections and vote accordingly.  If not, our best days may be permanently behind us.  God bless you God bless America and may America bless God.

Don’t miss the Ron Edwards American Experience Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET emanating from flagship radio station AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nevada and is rebroadcast throughout the weekend on several radio outlets.  Everywhere you can tune into the Ron Edwards American Experience via and America Matters Media Facebook page.  Also, I Blow away the Myths and reveal the Truth via The Edwards Notebook commentary now heard regularly during the popular Captain’s America Third Watch talk show hosted by Ret. Army Captain Matt Bruce.  The Edwards Notebook commentary has been added to the regular lineup during the popular weekend Ark Midnight talk show which airs 9:00 PM to Midnight Saturday nights and hosted by John B. Wells on numerous radio stations from coast to coast and everywhere via

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Will We Allow The ‘Main Stream Media’ To Win?

By: Devvy Kidd

March 26, 2020

Mainstream media. That would be ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, assorted others on the boob tube, electronic and print newspapers and web sites that for many decades have shown their glaring bias against everything America, constitutionalists, conservatives, people of faith and the U.S. Constitution.

That cabal really ramped it up when the criminal imposter ‘president’ Hussein Obama ran for office. They went to Herculean efforts to conceal the truth: Hussein was ineligible to run for president. He was never a legal president under the U.S. Constitution.

You can add FOX News Network on that one as well as every member of the U.S. Congress at the time. ALL gutless cowards simply because Hussein is half black. The media loved him because Obama’s message was to destroy America. Transform it into a totalitarian communist Hell after playing with socialism for a few years.

Along came Donald Trump and their disgraceful duplicity kicked into over drive. Like Trump or not he’s the only president in my lifetime to take on the media. He makes them eat dirt every day. They lie to the American people outright on the nightly news, in their newspapers and on their web sites. Their daily wet dream is to destroy Trump and all he’s trying to accomplish for the American people.

How do they get away with lying on an hourly basis? It’s Legal for the Media to Lie to You

“In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States. That’s right. It’s legal for the mainstream media to lie to you.

“Back in December of 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson, were hired by FOX as a part of the Fox “Investigators” team at WTVT in Tampa Bay, Florida.” The network wanted them to continue with a distorted story and were fired for their honesty.

This coronavirus outbreak has reinforced the truth about the phony “mainstream” media. They lie and distort facts. They are gunning for Trump big time as it’s the last hurrah before the November election. They (along with some bottom feeders in the ‘alternative’ media) are guilty for whipping up fear causing hysteria, panic and hoarding.

Let me give you three egregious examples that make my blood boil.Wash. Post’s Margaret Sullivan: Media Must Stop Live Airing of Trump Coronavirus Briefings

That stupid media hack demanding Trump stop briefings on what’s being done on the coronoavirus outbreak? How utterly irresponsible can these people be? Medical professionals, individuals and business owners alike need those updates and the MSM wants to shut us out because they hate Donald Trump.

Democrats need to play coronavirus hardball – This Yahoo posting is a complete distortion of actual facts yet the herds out there believe it without doing a lick of research themselves because they hate Trump.

Trump’s Coronavirus Response Will Be His Toxic Legacy – This one is truly reprehensible. “Never forget, Trump played golf as the number of cases surged.” Liberals sit around with their fashionable cocktails to relieve stress (just ask Queen Hillary with her wine glass). Trump doesn’t drink alcohol. The stress Trump is under might kill someone else sitting in the Oval office but Trump is tough. Doesn’t he deserve some down time or should he be at the CDC lab making test kits?

My web site went on line July 4, 1998. At that time there were few “new media” web sites as the home PC was still in its infancy. WND and Drudge were top news providers at the time along with NewsWithViews which also went on line in 1998; I began writing for NWVs in March 2002. Eighteen years ago.

Where would we be today without a true independent media?

Mr. Super-information highway, Al Gore, thought the Internet would be the ultimate brain washing tool. How the Masters of the Game must have rejoiced to finally have a tool to bombard the American people with the finest in Soviet-style propaganda techniques. Sadly, it’s worked all too well.

There’s only one way to bring down an industry that has so disgraced itself and betrayed the very people who depend on them to provide honest news coverage on any subject. Force them to change their ways or go bankrupt. The only tool is the alternative media.

In a war you don’t give your enemy any advantage if you expect to win. The only thing the MSM cares about is their agenda and $$. They have no integrity, no decency and feel its their mission to carry water for the globalists determined to destroy our sovereign republic by promoting scum bags like Obama, Hildebeast Clinton and that whole crowd.

The alternative media is growing all the time. Many conservative web sites also have broadcasts carried on live TV networks. That helps generate revenues. NWVs doesn’t have that tool although I know it would be great if there was funding.

Like the MSM, the truth media has to function as a business or go off line. Unlike billionaire, Michael Bloomberg, ($69 billion net worth who just gifted the DNC $18 million to help defeat Trump), Paul Walter and his British movie actress Yutte Stensgaard wife depend on reader financial support more than ever. We all know how Google, Twitter, Facebook and other ‘biggies’ have been using their tech power to kill independent media while Congress has done NOTHING to break up those monopolies.

NWVs has consistently over the past 22 years provided outstanding columns getting you the information and research you need and to pass along to others. I’ve seen far too many ‘newbies’ who are in it for a buck or are actually disinformation machines. Sadly, they suck in too many Americans.

Every month or so (if you’re on NWVs free email list) you’ll see a request from me for donations to keep NWVs up and running. Paul and his wife work for free. The writers who give so generously of their time receive no compensation. They do it because they care and love our country. Don’t let NWVs fade into the wind after serving the American people so faithfully for the past 22 years.

Now more than ever it’s imperative America needs NWVs and all the information, data and truth published on that site every day of the year.A site you can count on for honesty, accuracy and integrity.

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President Trump: Rethinking The Virus Shutdown

By Kelleigh Nelson

When asked how they managed to stay together for 65 years, the woman replied, “We were born in a time where if something was broke, you fixed it…not throw it away.”  —Anonymous

We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage.  —President Teddy Roosevelt

I shall set my course to the end that no man need fear to speak the truth. I could not do less, for the opportunities for service my country has given me and the honors it has conferred upon me have imposed an obligation which is not discharged by the termination of public service.  —General Douglas MacArthur

Duty, Honor, Country, those three words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, and what you will be.  —General Douglas MacArthur

As I said in my last article, Americans need to get back to work.  We are not ones to sit idle, we have to work, we have to be active, and we do not want to be holed up in our homes for weeks on end because of fear, hysteria and panic.  That’s not our America. Our America needs to be the America that General MacArthur and all those like him fought to preserve for our descendants. The real Americans are those who on Iwo Jima raised our grand old flag.

There is a strength born of our heritage even in our youngsters that once again needs to be nourished to blossom into the patriotic and stalwart hearts for America who will protect her liberties and freedoms unto death.  Americans never quit, not ever…and neither shall our children and their children.  Our Judeo-Christian faith and patriotism shall endure.

Hard Times Create Strong Men and Women

Today, the 24th of March, 2020, President Trump said that he wants the shutdown over by April 12th, and that’s fine with me because that covers both Passover and Easter. Yes, there are probably more people who will become ill with this virus, but it is nothing like the devastation of our yearly flus that kill thousands and put half a million in hospitals.

There were 60.8 million cases of H1N1 flu virus in 2009-2010, 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths.  In the 1918-1919 Spanish flu epidemic, the deadliest in history, it infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans.

What we’re dealing with today, is actually miniscule compared to the viruses of the past and our yearly flus.  Yet, the mainstream media has blown everything out of proportion via propaganda and brainwashing in order to destroy Trump’s legacy of a soaring economy and a 3.7 percent jobless rate last November, the lowest level since December 1969.

We’re strong, we’re survivors, and we need to teach our young to be like those from our “greatest generation.”   My parents and my grandparents on both sides were from that wonderful generation, they worked hard all their lives and survived countless challenges before they went home to glory.

Both of my grandfather’s fought in WWI and their sons fought in WWII. My mother’s oldest brother even hitchhiked across Czechoslovakia to meet up with his cousin, both of whom were in the Army. My paternal grandfather fought in both WWI and WWII; he re-upped at age 50 for WWII.  My family, like so many others, went through the 1929 and 1931 depressions.

My maternal grandparents kept their dairy farm by paying the bank only the interest, which actually was quite high for those years, at seven percent.  And yes, they had plenty of chalk marks on their fences.  Those chalk marks were put there by those who had no home, no job, no food and it let others like them know that if they stopped and offered their services, my grandparents would feed them for help on the farm, and feed them well.  Unemployment was at 25 percent during these years.  The unemployed slept wherever they could during this time…in hay bales, in ditches, under bridges, and in places we’d never think of sleeping.

Those past Americans were strong, they were survivors, and we are too, but many of our children and grandchildren don’t know sacrifice, they never have. Only those who put their lives on the line through our military service know true sacrifice, and many have come home as disabled veterans.  Too many of today’s young people would never be able to face what 18 to 21-year-olds were sent into battle to do in June of 1944 when they landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy where so many died.  D-Day was hell and death for too many of our youngsters that day on Omaha Beach.

American Heroes

Apart from faith in God and obedience to Him, there is no ultimate security, might or power to sustain a great culture, civilization, or military supremacy, however advanced they may be.

America has her heroes, those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country…so many who never came home to their families. There are 71 living Medal of Honor recipients who belong to MOH soldier, Gary Luttrell’s Tribute to Valor Foundation. Please watch this short three-minute video by Gary about these men who have given so much for our nation.  This “Tribute to Valor” asks the question, “Who Am I?”

Watch the three minute video here!

These soldiers and their brothers in arms truly represent the history of our great nation. Will future generations follow them?  I believe they will.

WWII in America

Not long ago I received the following email that told of today’s young.  Yet, I feel there is a core underneath their exteriors, a core that belies their dumbed down education and their faithless love of God and our nation, a core that will rise to protect and defend our country, a core they may yet not know exists in their hearts.

I received this email a few days ago, and wanted to share it because it speaks of truth.  Here is what an 80-year-old man said when asked if there was anything he needed to help him during this Covid-19 scare gripping America.

When asked, he simply smiled, looked away and said:

Let me tell you what I need! I need to believe, at some point this country my generation fought for… I need to believe this nation we handed off safely to our children and their children…

I need to know this generation will quit being a bunch of sissies…that they respect what they’ve been given…that they’ve earned what others sacrificed for.

The old man continued while the gentleman who asked sat there, quietly observing.

You know, I was a little boy during WWII. Those were scary days. We didn’t know if we were going to be speaking English, German or Japanese at the end of the war. There was no certainty, no guarantees like Americans enjoy today.

And no home went without sacrifice or loss. Every house, up and down every street, had someone in harm’s way. Maybe their Daddy was a soldier, maybe their son was a sailor, maybe it was an uncle. Sometimes it was the whole damn family…fathers, sons, uncles…

Having someone you love sent off to war…it wasn’t less frightening than it is today. It was scary as Hell. If anything, it was more frightening. We didn’t have battlefront news. We didn’t have email or cellphones. You sent them away and you hoped…you prayed. You may not hear from them for months, if ever. Sometimes a mother was getting her son’s letters the same day Dad was comforting her over their child’s death.

And we sacrificed. You couldn’t buy things. Everything was rationed. You were only allowed so much milk per month, only so much bread, toilet paper. EVERYTHING was restricted for the war effort. And what you weren’t using, what you didn’t need, things you threw away, they were saved and sorted for the war effort. My generation was the original recycling movement in America.

And we had viruses back then…serious viruses. Things like polio, measles, and such. It was nothing to walk to school and pass a house or two that was quarantined. We didn’t shut down our schools. We didn’t shut down our cities. We carried on, without masks, without hand sanitizer. And do you know what? We persevered. We overcame. We didn’t attack our President, we came together. We rallied around the flag for the war. Thick or thin, we were in it to win. And we would lose more boys in an hour of combat than we lose in entire wars today.

He slowly looked away again, but there was a small tear in the corner of his eye. Then he continued:

Today’s kids don’t know sacrifice. They think sacrifice is not having coverage on their phone while they freely drive across the country. Today’s kids are selfish and spoiled. In my generation, we looked out for our elders. We helped out with single moms whose husbands were either at war or dead from war. Today’s kids rush the store, buying everything they can…no concern for anyone but themselves. It’s shameful the way Americans behave these days. None of them deserve the sacrifices their granddads made.

So, no I don’t need anything. I appreciate your offer but, I know I’ve been through worse things than this virus. But maybe I should be asking you, what can I do to help you? Do you have enough pop to get through this, enough steak? Will you be able to survive with 113 channels on your tv?”

The gentleman smiled, fighting back a tear of his own…now humbled by a man in his 80’s. All he could do was thank him for the history lesson, leave his number for emergency and leave with his ego firmly tucked in his rear.

That gentleman talked to a real man…an American man from an era long gone and forgotten. We will never understand the sacrifices. We will never fully earn their sacrifices. But we should work harder to learn about them. Learn from them…to respect them.


Our America still has the seeds of faith, the seeds of patriotism, and the seeds of honor and glory.  She still stands for truth and righteousness.  Teach your children the history of the many sacrifices of those who came before us…go back all the way to our founders and how much they sacrificed to give us liberty and freedom.  Instill in your young, the truth of America, and what she has given her people, more than any other nation on earth…the many freedoms granted by God.  Teach them from their very youth…it will save our country, our descendants and our future and will ingrain in our young the truth of America’s glorious founding that was so blessed by God.

And how blessed we are to have a president who loves America and her people. He is young by today’s standards, but he knows our history and the glory of our nation. He needs the strength of Samson, the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job and the counsel and guidance of the Lord God Almighty.  Pray for him as he does battle to save the nation.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

May Your Chains Set Loosely

By Dave Daubemire

I love my country but I hate the government.

Is it OK for me to say that?  I hate everything about the cronyism and the fact that justice and liberty can be bought.  You certainly aren’t foolish enough to believe that all Americans are treated the same, are you?

You do realize that those in “government,” and those who buy-off elected officials are treated differently than the average Joe who is fighting hard to live life here in Amerika. As my friend Doug Hagmann so aptly puts it, we have a LEGAL system, but not a JUSTICE system.  There is only JUSTICE in America if you have figured out a way to buy your position in the club.

There is a club, and the average American is not in it.  Some like to call it the deep state…but it is soooo much bigger than that.  Influence peddling is the name of the game and the average American is so busy working to keep up with his growing tax bill that he doesn’t have time to actually get involved in making a difference.

Heck, even local politics are rigged.  The power brokers in small towns are no different than the boys in Washington…they simply swim in a smaller swamp.   Local government is the minor leagues for those who aspire to “serve the people.”  Yeah right.  Public servants.  Give me a freakin’ break.

The prissy pastors are complicit in this whole mess.  During this recent “pandemic” they stumbled all over themselves in an attempt to be the first member of the clergy to show how obedient they were to “the government.”  At a time of America’s greatest crisis the church leaders encouraged the goats to obey the government and “shelter in place.”  That’s what good little obedient sheep do.  Shut down the church.  Obey their masters.  The government loves you.

What Would Jesus Do?  Can you find one time in all of the Scriptures where Jesus advised His followers to “shelter in place” Did He encourage them to run FROM danger or to run TOWARD the danger.  Is there one instance of Jesus ANYWHERE in the Scriptures calling for His followers to RETREAT?  Shelter in place.  Self quarantine?  Hide from danger?  Or my personal favorite, obey the government?

Obey the government, Coach.  Christians are supposed to obey the government.  We model obedience for the rest of the people.  Have you read Romans 13, Coach?”

Actually, I have read Romans 13 and it instructs us to obey RIGHTEOUS government, not tyrannical government.  Paul told us that elected officials were “ministers” of God “for good.”  Are you telling me than the rag tag miscreants that we see running America are MINISTERS?

What happens when those “ministers” start “ministering” bad things?  Do we still obey them?  Remember this is the same cabal of “ministers” who gave us child sacrifice, sodomite marriage, the sewage of pornography as free speech, and government robbery masquerading as taxation.

Now the benevolent bastards want to give you your own money back in the form of stimulus.  Why don’t they cancel ALL TAXATION until we right the ship?  We are broke, yet they want to give us $6 trillion in stimulus from a pot that is already empty.  The money is fake.  It is simply digits on a balance sheet.  Our dollar is fake money.  Monopoly money.

How about this verse, my Romans 13 loving friends. “The Lord hates unjust weights and measures.” Can you say phony money? Ever hear the term “not worth a Continental?” That’s the American greenback, boys and girls. The dollar ain’t worth nothing. Created out of thin air.  And now the “ministers” want to return $1200 to you out of your weekly government tithe.

The Apostle Paul wrote nearly 2/3 of the New Testament, much of it from jail.  For a guy who is credited with telling the rest of us Christians to obey the government he sure set a poor example himself.  His buddy Peter told us to “obey God rather than man.”  Were these two writers schizophrenic?  What do you do when government disobeys God?

It is time we faced it Christians.  Our government is lawless and Godless.  Those two adjectives go hand and hand.  Godlessness leads to lawlessness because everyone ends up “doing what is right in their own eyes.”

The most massive abuse of liberty in American history is happening before our very eyes, all in the name of the “government” keeping us safe.  I didn’t ask for the governments help.  I didn’t ask them to protect me from a virus.  They didn’t get my approval before the shut down the nation by squashing all of my personal freedoms. Did you vote for that?

Benjamin Franklin warned us that “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”  Bingo Ben.  Americans will go down cowering in our closets, obedient to the government tyrants masquerading as “ministers.”

Nothing about our government is righteous.  Nothing.  Thomas Jefferson warned us that “resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.”  Today’s pulpits bow to the tyrannical “ministers” who got us in this mess in the first place.

I’m sick of the government.  I’m sick of cowardly, compliant, clergy.  I’m sick of what has happened to our country.  We have the most cowardly Christian leadership in the history of Christendom.

Samuel Adams put it best.  “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

What is wrong with YOU?  Aren’t you sick of it?  Where in the Hades are our brave Christian leaders?   Amerika is sinking into a police state.

In such a fearful world we need a fearless church.—TS Lewis.

Rise up men of God.  The window is closing.  Things will get a lot worse before they get better.

The tyrants are coming.  May your chains set loosely.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Forks In The Road, Stop Signs, Cul de Sacs And Dead Ends on The Highway of Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

Again last night on the national and international news, we humans face some rough gravel on the road ahead.  It’s disconcerting for our families, friends and communities.  For the first time in 50 years, I’m not sure how to deal with this virus affecting countless Americans and certainly all people around the world.  So, in this story, please step out into the gathering dusk with me.  Take a deep breath.  Appreciate your blessings.  Walk with me.  Let’s do our best to move toward the light. This story occurred in my youth as a farm boy.

While taking a hike down a country road near dusk in my teens, an old farmer, plodding along with his walking stick, abruptly stopped me.  His wrinkled-weathered skin did not diminish the energy in his clear blue eyes.  Silver locks flowed from his wide-brimmed hat while his peppered beard gave him a majestic air of wisdom.

(As the sun sets, fireflies create magic in the air.  Sleeping outside in a teepee makes you one with the universe. The energy of stars transforms your spirit. You look to the heavens and see peace.)

“Where you goin’ sonny?” he asked.

“Just taking a walk to catch a few fire-flies when the night settles in on us,” I said.  “They seem to show their magic just as the sun goes down, but before the stars come out.  I like the way they turn the long grass into street lamps, but none of the city noise to go with it.”

“Should be a lot of them out this evening as soon as the red-winged black birds fall silent,” he said.  “So, if you don’t mind my asking, where are you going with your life?”

“My mom wants me to go to college,” I said.  “She said it will give me a leg-up on living as well as make me a better educated man.”

“Good for you,” he said.  “But what do you want to do with your life?”

“After I graduate from college,” I said, “I want to travel the world before settling down to a job.  I want to figure out some things about this life.”

“Do you mind a bit of advice?” he asked.

“My dad told me to listen to my elders to learn their knowledge,” I said.

“The path to your destiny has “forks in road” that require the imperfect ability to discern the difference between opportunity and pitfalls,” he said.  “You will make mistakes in judgment.  You will fail often. But remember to make those failures into stepping-stones toward your ultimate success. Never get down on yourself. None of it comes easy, but it gets easier as you travel the path with a good attitude, application by work and your ingenuity.”

“My dad said something like that,” I said.

“Smart dad,” he said.  “In addition to “forks” there will be “cul de sac’s” or “dead end’s” where you rest and re-evaluate the route you have taken. Everyone comes to these markers at some point. You will become wiser.  Experience is the best teacher.  So, if you find yourself going down the wrong road, or the road isn’t working for you, turn around and go back. When you return to your original location, strike out in a new direction with the wisdom you learned while you traveled along the wrong road.”

“That works for me,” I said.

“As a young man, you are heading toward your “destiny,” he said. “To me the term “destiny” implies a pre-ordained purpose by some higher power. This implies a personal belief in that higher power.  That may or may not work for you.  It also implies that one’s “destiny” answers the question, “Why am I here?”  You will find out on your journey.”

“Another thing,” he said.  “Your mom is right…choose your friends carefully. You will adopt some of their characteristics into your personality.  When you hang with the smarter, more responsible folks in your school, you become more like them and succeed like them.

“Additionally, memories of your experiences are what come to you in those future quiet times with yourself. Make sure you accept yourself at all times.  Even if you are not sure, assume a sense of confidence in your own talents whatever they might be or come to be.

“Some memories will be filled with regret and some will be joyous. You will have both in your life. You get to choose the number of each by the way you live. And, one final thought from my days of meditation on hay bales and sitting beside a quiet pond with dragon flies, turtles, snakes and muskrats: everything you become, you chose. And, everything you chose, you wanted.”

As the fireflies lit the long grass, the old man tipped his hat before continuing on into the gathering darkness.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, as I walked through the magic of fireflies and stars twinkling in the sky.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Lessons To Be Learned

Lee Duigon

As we all sit around stalemated by the Wuhan Chinese Communist People’s Liberation Virus, it’s to be hoped that we can at least learn some lessons from it. Like these, for instance.

Relying on Red China as anything but a rogue dictatorship is folly. Everything we get from China has a sting in it. During the Great Leap Forward, everybody in China learned that if you don’t meet your quota, the government will kill you: so they learned to lie and cheat and pretend to meet their quotas. It became a permanent part of their communist culture. Even now they pretended, for several weeks, that there was no coronavirus problem. They don’t tell the truth, they steal intellectual property, they worm their way into our colleges and movie studios, and we have permitted our country to be entirely too dependent on them.

Trade with civilized people from now on, not communists.

“Open Borders” is an idea whose time has never come and which now has gone. Can you imagine what would happen to us, disease-wise, if we had a government that stubbornly refused to close our nation’s borders? Oh, wait, we had a government like that once, didn’t we?

Many colleges and universities have been closed for the duration of the crisis, however long that might be. We are about to learn that we don’t actually need all those colleges and have been wasting our money on them. The only thing they’re good at is training students to be brain-dead leftist zealots. We can more than get by without Gender Studies, non-binary pronouns, and diversity consultants. The whole idea that everyone should go to college was never anything but foolishness.

A lot of our public schools have been temporarily shut down, too. We are going to be shown that we get a lot less value from those schools than we ever realized. Just how badly do we need teachers’ unions and gender counselors? I’m guessing not at all. Title This and Title That, Common Core, state and federal governments up to their elbows in (LOL) “education”–how did we ever let ourselves get roped into all that? If we absolutely must have public schools, then the public that pays for them should own them–and control them. At the community level: no higher.

An international ruling class of elite globalist schiff-heads is not smarter than us. If anything, it’s even dumber. Have they spectacularly dropped the ball this time, or what? They were so busy selling End O’ The World Climate Change, they couldn’t be bothered to watch out for Red China’s little science projects. Indeed, they hoped to profit from it all. Maybe buy a few more private jets. Do we still need them for anything at all?

Come to think of it, our own professional governing class is nothing to write home about, either. How many of them are not wallowing in the Ukrainian mud-bath? How many of them would not sell us out for cheap votes and cheap labor? Maybe it’s time to re-think the whole question of who gets to run the country.

And if we learn nothing else, let’s at least learn that Democrats are not, not, not our friends. Rooting for a recession. Trying to sink the coronavirus relief bill because the Senate wouldn’t let them slip public funding for abortion into it. They’re hoping this disaster will destroy President Trump and boost them back into power, so they can get on with fundamentally transforming America into Venezuela with cold winters.

Oh! And if it turns out you don’t like perpetual shortages at the supermarket and huge, swollen government meddling in your life and in your business–well, folks, socialism is like that all the time. Talk to anyone who risked his life to paddle over here from Cuba. They’ll tell you socialism’s very far from being all it’s cracked up to be.

If we can learn these lessons, we will be a stronger country than we were six months ago.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Trump vs the Terrible Reporter

Lloyd Marcus

During a press conference in which our problem-solver extraordinaire president sought to calm and reassure Americans suffering media induced corona-madness, a fake news media minion could not resist exploiting the national crisis to attack Trump; bombarding him with absurd “gotcha” questions.

Rather than behaving like a typical Republican, fearfully scrambling for an answer, Trump’s response was, “I think you’re a terrible reporter.” This is why we love Donald J. Trump.

Trump went on to call out the reporter’s anti-American evil low-life intention. Bravo, Mr President!

The “terrible reporter” was a surrogate for fake news media, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden and Democratic party who are selfishly attempting to use corona-madness to stop Trump’s reelection. They say screw the economy and emotional-well-being of the American people.

Trump is advised to abandon his instinct of immediately pushing back against media lies and bias. What part of fake news media will demonize everything out of Trump’s mouth do advisors not understand? Trump is damned-if-he-does and damned-if-he-doesn’t.

I believe Trump’s God-given gift is his instincts which have produced a remarkably swift long list of winning achievements for America.  Trump ain’t broke. There is no need to fix him. After three and a half years of enduring unprecedented illegal dark forces launched against him, Trump remains laser-focused on making and keeping America great. Amazing!

Political professionals always advise Republicans to “take the high ground.” Do not push back too hard against Democrats’ horrible policies and lies. Be extremely careful not to use words media can spin against you. Meanwhile, fake news media gives Democrats free reign to flood the airwaves with outrageous lies such as “Republicans want you to die.” Democrats claim Republicans want to starve children and “want to see blacks hanging on a tree.”

Republicans’ passivity and fear provides cover for Democrats to negatively brand Republicans and infect every area of American life and culture with anti-Christian and anti-American progressive poison.

Trump is the first Republican president to courageously take a stand, boldly proclaiming that they will not get away with that crap on his watch.

Folks, there is a blessing in Democrats’ and fake news medias’ all-consuming hatred for Trump. For decades, they have hidden their anti-American and anti-Christian agendas behind a mask of faux compassion for minorities, women and the poor. Deranged hatred has caused them to rip off their mask, exposing them as the cruel, cold and calculating traitors they truly are.

By Trump calling out media lies and Democrats’ stupid failed policies, Americans are finally realizing how harmful Democrats are to America. Could this explain why 25% of attendees at Trump rallies are Democrats?

Here are a few Democrat assaults Americans are suffering because Republicans did not push back; fearful of negative press.

Illegal aliens are allowed to invade our country, causing the widespread of rape, murder and drug addiction in Democrat sanctuary cities.

Untested illegal alien kids were admitted into public schools infecting our kids with strange diseases.

Elementary school teachers are banned from addressing students as boys and girls to further the LGBTQ agenda.

Government is assisting minors to have sex change surgery without parental consent.

Women and little girls are being assaulted by men posing as women in female restrooms to appease LGBTQ activists.

Career criminals who rob businesses up to $950 a day worth of merchandise will not be prosecuted because of social justice.

Subway patrons suffer repeated physical assaults from thugs because Democrats deem it racist and insensitive to arrest them.

Rev Jesse Duplantis said mainstream media is using the corona virus to force Americans into worshiping their false god of fear. Rachel Maddow called for Trump to be banned from the airwaves for not embracing fake news media’s be-afraid, be-very-afraid corona-madness narrative.

My wife Mary and I shopped for groceries. In Walmart and other stores, shelves were strikingly empty. I realize this is anecdotal, but I could not help noticing a calmness in the air, shoppers were extra polite. Have we progressed beyond the initial panic which caused shoppers to fight over toilet paper? Are president Trump’s swift actions, informative press conferences and strong calm leadership working?

“Blessed are you when others (fake news media) revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5-11

Trump is truly enduring false accusations and unfair persecution for protecting religious liberty, innocent unborn life, everyday Americans and wisely dealing with a national crisis.

I am grateful that Trump continues to trust his God-given instincts. Roll on Mr President. We the People are with you.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus The Unhyphenated American

Help Lloyd Spread the Truth

God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us,“Let my people know.” Spread truth.

93% of Muslims in American Government Do Not and Will Not Express Support for the US Constitution

By Bradlee Dean

“It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” -Hassan Al-Banna 

“The West is tremendously naive about the danger of these various Islamic organizations.” -Dr. Mamoun Fandy, Middle East expert on the network of organizations around the Muslim Brotherhood

Fifty years ago, I could have, and probably would have been called a conspiracy theorist for warning Americans of the coming judgments upon this country through the people that the Lord is using to do so (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).   I’m talking about subversive Muslims that are not here to assimilate but to conquer, just ask them.

Today, theory is far from this information laid before you because we see this all playing out before our eyes in real time.  Theory no, conspiracy yes (Jeremiah 11:9).

[YouTube Video]

JIHAD WATCH Reported that 93% of Muslim Public Officials Would Not Express Support for the Constitution They Swore to Uphold

It’s more than just about having three Muslims in Congress. I think symbolically it has great value, but I won’t rest until 2020 we have five more members of Congress; 2022 and 24, we have ten more Muslims in Congress. In 2030 we may have about 30, 35 Muslims in Congress.  Then we’re talking about Madame Chair Rashida. We’re talking about Madame Chair Ilhan. Hell, we could be saying Speaker of the House Ilhan, Speaker of the House Rashida, Senator Rashida, Governor Ilhan, President Fatima, Vice President Aziza, Inshah’ Allah… 

Each and every one of us has a directive to represent Islam, in all of our imperfections, but to represent Islam and let the world know that Muslims are here to stay, and Muslims are a part of America. And we will, we will have a Muslim caucus that is sizable, that is formidable, and that is there for you. -U.S. Congressman Andre Carson at the CAIR Community Congressional Reception, January 10, 2019

People in public office at the local, state, and federal levels are required to take an oath of office that requires them to swear, or affirm, to support the U.S. Constitution. This is based on Article 6, Clause 3 of that Constitution (the “Oaths Clause”): The Senators and Representatives [in Congress] before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution…

As David Shestokas noted:

This constitutional requirement is binding upon every government official in the United States from state governors and judges to members of city councils, police officers, firefighters or board members of mosquito abatement districts and library boards.

The 2019 elections saw an increase in the number of Muslims re-elected and newly elected to public office across the United States, and as part of their oaths of office they each swear to support the U.S. Constitution. However, as I showed in my latest book Islamic Doctrine versus the U.S. Constitution: The Dilemma for Muslim Public Officials, there are many core tenets of Islam that are in direct conflict with much of that Constitution.

In theory, however, one would think that after a Muslim public official had publicly taken an oath to support the U.S. Constitution, having to publicly choose between either following that Constitution or following Islamic Doctrine would be simple: a Muslim public official would abide by the oath of office and choose the Constitution.

So I decided to put that to the test. In Chapters 10 and 11 of my latest book I provided a number of questions that could be asked of a Muslim public official and that require that official to choose between the Constitution and Islamic Doctrine. I put four of those questions into an e-mail and individually sent that e-mail to eighty Muslim public officials across the United States.

We shall first look at the four questions I used and then examine the variety of responses I received. I then list the Muslim public officials, by State, who did not respond to what, considering their oath of office, should have been simple questions to answer. This is followed by my concluding remarks. Article link here:

[YouTube Video]

What is it that the American people do not understand when it comes to what is taking place here in the homeland? Look to Europe and you will soon understand.

What our forefathers and veterans have fought off concerning our sworn enemies (Say they), the American people are now accepting, and that to their own demise.

[YouTube Video]

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

The Extreme Pain Of Government-Mandated Quarantine

Ron Ewart

It’s bad enough being cooped up in your home during the winter months.  Nevertheless, at least you can get in the car and go to the grocery store, a restaurant, a movie, the post office, a football game, or even a play at the local playhouse.  If there is snow on the ground, you can sled, ski, or ice skate.  You’re not restricted to out-of-the-home activities unless the weather is really bad.

But weather is something we can’t control.  It is a function of the tilt of the earth as it rotates around the Sun that gives us our four seasons, winter being one of those seasons.  Government doesn’t mandate in-home quarantine just because the weather is bad.  They can suggest it, but they can’t demand it.

However, it is a whole other matter when the government tells you, in the name of public health and safety, that you can’t leave your home, except for the major necessities of life, like groceries, medicines, gas, or the bank, because of a highly infectious disease that requires massive quarantine of large sections of the population, or maybe even entire states, or even countries.  The decision by government to quarantine the people, borders on martial law.  But government-mandated quarantines have serious consequences.

In fact, in one study of the effects of quarantine in the SARS epidemic, they found that “quarantine may create heavy psychological, emotional, and financial problems for some persons.  Knowledge and understanding of the experiences of quarantined persons are critical to maximize infectious disease containment and minimize the negative effects on those quarantined, their families, and social networks.”  (and the economy)

In another article on extended quarantine they stated that, “the uncertainty and stress of the global outbreak, spending time in quarantine can take a serious mental toll.  Part of the reason for this is the impact that quarantine has on three key elements of mental health: autonomy, competency, and connectedness.”

“The isolation imposed by quarantine frequently leaves people feeling that they have no control over the situation.  They also feel cut off from the rest of the world and unable to perform their usual duties.”

“As schools close, workers opt to telecommute, and other social events are canceled, the prospect of being confined to your home because of quarantine can be daunting.  Time seems to creep by much more slowly after you’ve been at home for a long period of time.  Even if you are home with other family members, the sense of isolation and cabin fever can be powerful.”

“The American Psychological Association reports that social isolation carries a number of health risks. Feeling isolated can lead to poor sleep, poor cardiovascular health, lower immunity, depressive symptoms, and impaired executive function.  When executive function skills are impaired, you may find it more difficult to focus, manage your emotions, remember information, and follow directions.”

Staying home with the kids all day can be a real drag.  That’s why they invented school, isn’t it?  If parents are being forced to work from home, as they are now, they are being constantly interrupted by the wants and needs of their children, sending worker productivity into steep decline.  Kids, with pent up energy, will take that energy out on anyone that is present and the closest victims are their parents or each other.

If the parents are showing up for work, that leaves the kids home alone with no immediate baby sitter or child care.  It is well known that bad things can happen if children are left alone, unattended by adult supervision.

All that aside, there is another factor that is hotly debated about government-mandated quarantine, “individual freedom and unalienable rights vs. public health and safety.”  What always prevails in the debate comes from a quote from the old Star Trek series spoken by Mr. Spock wherein he said, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs [or rights] of the few.”

In government-mandated quarantine, one of the emotional effects (pain) is the loss of freedom, a cherished and imperative characteristic of a free society.  The question for government authorities is how to balance the “needs of the many” with the natural, God-given, individual rights to which all humans are entitled and the rights promised and enshrined into law by the first 10 Amendments to the U. S. Constitution.

One of those rights under the First Amendment is the “right to peaceably assemble.”  If you are quarantined in your home by a government mandate, the “right to assemble” just went out the window, since large crowds enhance the spreading of the virus, whichever virus it is.

The debate about individual rights and the “needs of the many” was well framed in an opening paragraph of a treatise on the subject in which they wrote:   “To what extent can a state legitimately restrict the liberties of its citizens in order to serve the common good?  Furthermore, to what extent has the protection of the public’s welfare been a pretext for governments to curtail or erode fundamental rights?  These questions have formed the foundation of controversies and long-running debates about public health in the USA; conflicts that have been animated by a deep-rooted mistrust of overreaching authorities, concerns about arbitrary exercises of power, and by the anti-authoritarian ethos that is a historically prominent feature of US politics and civic culture.”

Does the government have the right of quarantine?  Yes.  The courts have upheld the right of government-mandated quarantines as delineated in the following U. S. Supreme Court case.

In the state of Massachusetts (USA), a smallpox epidemic during the winter of 1901 provided the occasion for a legal challenge to the state’s compulsory vaccination law. This led to a landmark ruling by the US Supreme Court in the case of Jacobson versus Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which established the government’s right to use its ‘police powers’ in order to control epidemic disease.  In its seven-to-two decision, the Court affirmed the right of the people, through their elected representatives, to enact “health laws ‘of every description‘ to protect the common good.” (Colgrove & Bayer, 2005).

OK, but this begs another question on “how far will a government go to save us from ourselves, or the effects of a fast spreading virus?”  The U. S. Supreme Court’s “of every description” is so broad as to leave the door of government control on public health and safety issues, wide open.

If government applied the same rationale for stopping the spread of a virus to other threats to human life, safety and health, could it not then go further by saving Americans from car accidents, motorcycles, guns, knives, stairs, alcohol, drugs, bicycles, scooters, skis, snowmobiles, or violent entertainment, which have all been shown to be a hazard to life, health and safety.  Could not a logical or legal reason be formed by government, upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court, to take away all of our cars, motorcycles, guns, knives, stairs, alcohol, drugs, bicycles, scooters, skis, snowmobiles, or violent entertainment?  You bet it could!

How about living in squalor conditions?  Living homeless, poor and in squalor is an obvious threat to life, safety and public health, physical and mental.  Could not government come up with a legal reason to take all these people and put them in government-supplied and managed internment camps for their own good?  The answer is uncomfortably obvious!  Government did it to the Japanese for wartime reasons.   The Chinese are interning Uyghurs (Moslems) in Western China in enforced re-education camps.  What can the average citizen do, short of all-out war, to stop it?  Absolutely nothing!

Unfortunately, the current extended quarantine could end up thrusting the American economy into a deep recession, if it hasn’t already.   Government’s efforts to soften the massive quarantine blow with huge injections of cash into the economy, comes with its own pain, the ever-rising national debt.  (Virus and quarantine relief, Phase one, $8,3 Billion; Phase two, $100 Billion; and Phase three, $1 to 2 Trillion)

America’s national debt now stands at well in excess of $23,000,000,000,000 (that’s trillion), fueled by never-ending budget deficits from excessive social spending.  ($984 Billion for fiscal 2019)  The national debt in 2018 equaled around 78% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  It is forecasted to reach an unsustainable 180% of GDP by 2050 with no chance it will ever be paid.  If interest rates ever go up, and they will, taxpayer payments to the national debt could eclipse the defense and entitlement budgets.

What about the science of viral infection?  There seems to be no question about the science of the rapid spreading of a virus in the general population.  The real question is, are the government’s quarantine actions too much, or too little?  Does anyone really know?  Of course not!  Government operates off of what is called the “precautionary principle”, “a strategy of approaching an important issue of potential harm when extensive scientific knowledge on the matter is lacking“, on the abundance of caution.”  They are applying the same “logic” to Climate Change.

Here is another issue.  Some viruses spread faster than others, like the Coronavirus, with a significant mortality rate.  Does not government have a duty and responsibility to preserve the “needs of the many” through government-mandated quarantine in the event of a fast-moving virus that takes lives on a large scale?  Of course it does.  But the power to do so bears an awesome responsibility to not take such measures to their extreme where individual freedom and unalienable rights are the first casualties, never to return.

Once the people bow down to government’s authority to rob them of their freedom and do nothing to hold government accountable, or change government’s behavior, or stop them in their tracks, the people’s freedom is lost forever.  That is what is at stake in the debate over government-mandated quarantine.  The loss of individual freedom is one of the worst and most long lasting “pains” of government’s actions to save us from ourselves, or the demons of unseen viruses.

Short bouts of being cooped up in your home are bad enough.  But to lose your freedom permanently because Americans have grown accustom to centralized government control, is a loss that may never be recovered, and a “pain(enslavement) that must be endured in perpetuity.

But if government goes too far in restricting individual freedom to protect us from the dire effects of a deadly virus, or some other reason to save us from ourselves, could that not lead to “Civil War?

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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Socialism is the Greater Crisis

Jake MacAulay

We live in interesting times, don’t we?

Just a month ago, with our economy humming along, our attention was on March Madness, and the upcoming baseball season.

Now we are occupied with COVID-19 and “social distancing”.

I think we can all agree that this has happened very quickly and reactively, and the attitude of government officials is that they must take whatever actions necessary to intervene in the economy, as well as to dictate our comings and goings.

What is concerning me most in the public discourse is any reference to the authority, and the limits of authority, by which governments are acting.

In many instances, one might say that under the banner of emergency, our liberties are being redefined as privileges by government rather than as gifts of God.

For example, I have found it very helpful to listen and act on the warnings of state and federal officials regarding the dangers of personal contact.

However, I can find no authority for governors to declare edicts that restrict gatherings to ten persons, attaching stiff criminal penalties for those who do not comply with the suggestion.

Let me explain. In the state of Ohio, IOTC’s Chapter Leader Ricki Pepin identified:

“An EXECUTIVE ORDER is legally applicable when used to execute existing laws.[1] No authority is given to an Ohio governor to make law.  Governor DeWine’s illegal order to destroy free enterprise by closing businesses, public or private, is contrary to state law.”

“Ohio’s lawmaking responsibility is given to the General Assembly by mandate of our state constitution.[2] A specified process is addressed for the declaration of an emergency action that is necessary ‘for the immediate preservation of…health or safety;’ however, executive order is not involved in the process.”[3]

“Emergency legislative action remains in the hands of the General Assembly.”

“Regardless of a citizen’s viewpoint regarding the value of such a shutdown, blanket acceptance of any autocratic actions opens the door to limitless control by a single, renegade official.”

This is the stuff that children’s movies are made of…remember A Bugs Life? Fievel Goes West? Star Wars?

It seems like only yesterday that President Trump firmly declared, “America will never be a socialist country”.

In an abrupt departure from his earlier rhetoric, the president is now engaged in promoting a whirlwind of socialist schemes including a multi-trillion dollar plan to make direct payments to families and individuals along with bailouts for both small and large businesses.

There is, of course, no authority granted to him by the Constitution to do these things, but that doesn’t seem to matter to anyone in Washington anymore.

In the name of emergency, elected officials have jettisoned the rule of law.

I will certainly acknowledge that there is an emergency and a crisis. Therefore, I want to make a suggestion that would put much-needed cash in the hands of hardworking everyday Americans in a way that is not only fair but constitutional — that is to say — lawful.

Here the plan:

  • Immediately suspend the collection of withheld taxes as well as estimated taxes.
  • Rebate to taxpayers all payments by them made so far for the tax year 2020.
  • Rebate to every taxpayer the amount of taxes paid in 2019.
  • Make a subsequent determination regarding rebating tax payments from 2018 and earlier.

This is an eminently fair way to deal with all parties.

And, it is a lawful plan.

And, because the IRS already has the data, it is doable.

AND, best of all, it is NOT socialist.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

Make your tax-deductible donation here!

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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[1]- The supreme executive power of this state shall be vested in the governor.  (Constitution of the State of Ohio; Article III, §5)

[2]- The legislative power of the state shall be vested in a General Assembly consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives but the people reserve to themselves the power to propose to the General Assembly laws and amendments to the constitution, and to adopt or reject the same at the polls … (Constitution of the State of Ohio;Article II, §1)

[3]- …emergency laws necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, shall go into immediate effect.  Such emergency laws upon a yea and nay vote must receive the vote of two thirds of all the members elected to each branch of the General Assembly, and the reasons for such necessity shall be set forth in one section of the law, which section shall be passed only upon a yea and nay vote, upon a separate roll call thereon…  (Constitution of the State of Ohio;Article II, §1d)

A Frankenstein Monster Devouring the World

By Cliff Kincaid

In another Trump-bashing piece in the Washington Post, a professor noted, in passing, that “several Chinese labs participated more than 20 years ago in the human genome project,” as if this were a good thing. In fact, the Human Genome Project (HGP) opened the door to a Communist Frankenstein project of human genetic modification and manipulation. The Chinese Reds are the new Nazis.

If there is anything to be learned from this disaster, it is that America must become self-sufficient in terms of medicine and medical production capabilities and avoid entanglements with China. President Trump was moving in the direction of America-first policies before the Chinese unleashed their virus on the world.

Assuming that President Trump (with the reluctant support of Congressional Democrats) can save our nation from an economic apocalypse, it will be necessary for America to remain on guard against even more Chinese biological threats. And one of the most significant is Chinese communist scientific and genetic manipulation of what it means to be human. “China is fast becoming the world capital of controversial science,” notes one report.

A Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, went public in November 2018 with this dangerous effort, declaring that he had created the world’s first genetically-altered babies. The communist authorities were caught off-guard by this unauthorized disclosure. In a show-trial, the regime sentenced the scientist to three years in prison for practicing illegal medicine.

Though presented as an effort to identify hereditary illnesses, we can easily see how the project could be used to produce a “master race.”

China certainly seems to think it’s superior to the West. “Made in China 2025” is a state-led industrial strategy intended to make China the dominant power in high-tech manufacturing. At the same time, its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was launched in 2013 and is designed as a global infrastructure development project focused on Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Italy,now leading the world in Chinese virus deaths, was the first big European economy to join China’s enormous BRI project.  As a visitor to Italy earlier this year, I can vouch for the fact that Chinese were flooding into the country.

Our own taxpayer-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched the Human Genome Project (HGP) in 1990 and it was completed, with Chinese “cooperation,” in April 2003. It is described as “the ability, for the first time, to read nature’s complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.” The project cost was $2.7 billion.

The International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium included the Beijing Genomics Institute/Human Genome Center and its Institute of Genetics.

It would have been far wiser to invest the HGP money in rectifying the actual basis for human disease and conditions, such as dirty water, infections, and bad dietary habits. Instead, however, a decision was made to allow the Medical Deep State to practice genetic engineering, in cooperation with China.

As President Trump puts the U.S. on a war footing to confront this threat, public Interest attorney Larry Klayman, as well as the Berman law group, have filed suits against China for covering up the release of the virus, causing human suffering and thousands of deaths.

But the Chinese are moving forward, asserting that their “socialist market economy” is superior to ours. President Trump sees the danger for our own economy. “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself,” he notes.

After saving the U.S. economy (if he ever gets Democratic Party support), he will have to investigate how the NIH and CDC enabled China’s biomedical industry to progress to the point where it has become a Frankenstein monster threatening the world.

Incredibly, the CDC’s website still touts “collaboration” with the regime. The CDC and the government of China “have collaborated for the past 30 years addressing public health priorities affecting the U.S., China, and the world,” the CDC website proclaims. The CDC says it has three employees in the country and 11 “locally employed” individuals assisting the office.

One CDC document asserts, “With a population of nearly 1.4 billion and 50% of the world’s livestock, China’s ecology poses a risk for emerging, re-emerging, and novel diseases that could threaten China, the U.S., and the rest of the world. Moreover, the world’s growing network of air travel routes dramatically increases the risk for infections to rapidly spread, and for potential pandemics that can cause illness, death, and costly disruption to global trade.”

All of this foreshadowed what has happened in China and the rest of the world with the virus outbreak. But according to published reports, China informed the CDC and the U.N.’s China-friendly World Health Organization (WHO) about the mysterious cases of “pneumonia” on December 31, 2019, three weeks after the first case was documented. It took several more weeks, until January 30, before the WHO alerted the world to a public health emergency. China refused offers of CDC personnel to investigate the nature of the disease, indicating a nefarious reason for the cover-up.

It looks like the “cooperation” with China has been a one-way street. The Medical Deep State has helped create a monster.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Chinese Biowarfare Causes Economic Destruction

Kelleigh Nelson

A financial panic is a very bad thing, but a government panic can do far greater damage in a far shorter time.  —Tom McClintock

Panic is highly contagious, especially in situations when nothing is known and everything is in flux. —Stephen King

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. —Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels.

No country can survive being ruled by people who hate it.  —Tucker Carlson

Like many Americans, I am sick of hearing about Covid-19.  We want our normal lives back, no “sheltering in place,” no more containment or quarantine, no masks, no travel bans, no closed schools, restaurants,and stores, and an end to the media propaganda and brainwashing.  TheCovid-19 biowarfare virus is dangerous to everyone, but more so to our immune compromised elderly, yet the yearly flu is still far more hazardous to life than this fast spreading and highly contagious Chinese biolab virus.

The evil trait of COVID-19 is its ability to infect others by people who appear healthy. Those infected often manifest no symptoms for up to two weeks, yet can transmit the disease to any person who comes within six feet of them for that entire incubation period, indicating the virus was most likely made in a biolab. Our healthy young people still believe they’re immortal and the virus won’t touch them.  They fail to curb their activities, resulting in countless others being infected.  And driven by a social media craze, teens are purposely coughing on grocery store produce.

The Sinister Reality

What has this viral respiratory illness done?  It has instilled fear in large portions of our population, closed down our country’s entire economy, eliminated normal activities and probably changed our lives forever.  That is the definition of bio-terrorism.

The politicians look blameless and at the same time they’ll increase their power through new laws, just as was done after 9/11.  A long-time friend who has watched the government’s power grow exponentially over the years said, “What is actually happening Kelleigh, is the nationalization of all businesses. It is also happening in Europe. It is a big step toward more socialism. Trump has no choice in the matter.  Keep in mind he has to do what they want or he could end up like Kennedy.”

I’ve watched the look of horror on President Trump’s face as this nightmare unfolded.  He was not a happy camper, but he shouldered the burden and took control as much as he could. And thank God we have Trump, not Hillary and not Biden.

The communists in our government will do anything to sabotage this president, and I have no doubt they have gotten together with their Red Chinese friends to destroy our economy and the stock market and instill fear in Americans.

A new report from Horizon Advisory consultants details Beijing’s post-virus strategy—already operational—to leverage the pandemic to seize global market share in key industries, further global dependence on Chinese manufacturing, and reverse efforts in the United States and elsewhere to decouple from the People’s Republic.

Chicago’s former mayor, Democrat Rahm Emanuel said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The democrats are using this virus as their last chance to oust President Trump in November.  The soaring economy he created is temporarily in the tank, and 401k’s have lost 25 to 30 percent of their previous gains. Since the Democrats own the banks and the media, they are utilizing everything they can to tear down President Trump’s legacy.  They are absolutely thrilled with the decimation our country is experiencing from Covid-19, and they are blaming our President just like Red China.  And now the increasingly unstable media is demanding blackouts of Trump’s Covid-19 briefings.

WHO, CDC, NIH and Dr. Fauci

As for the World Health Organization, Director Tedros Adhanom is the first Director without a medical degree. He is also a member of the Marxist-Leninist Tigray People’s Liberation Front which was founded as a communist revolutionary party that came to power in 1991.  It was listed as a terrorist group by America in the 90s.

Tedros was promoted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who financed many of the phony large-scale health operations in Ethiopia that Tedros had facilitated. The Director and Bill Gates should be tried for crimes against humanity.  Please watch this important 13 minute video expose of Tedros.

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is married to Lisa Barsoomian. She was exposed in Marilyn Barnewell’s article, Deep State Husbands. Up until 2011, she was the attorney for WHO.  She has represented the Clintons, the FBI and many other corrupt characters.

Nancy Messonnier, MD, is the Director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) at the CDC.  She is also Rod Rosenstein’s sister.  Her initial statements about the extreme danger of Covid-19 are what the media is using as ammunition in their propaganda.

Interesting that the CDC started hiring quarantine program managers last November to cover quarantine centers in Texas, California, New York, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts and more.  Was this advanced warning?

Dr. Anthony Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He has been called “the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases.” He has increased Americans Covid-19 fear with his pessimistic statements. He actually contradicted the president on national TV and told him he shouldn’t be so hopeful.  He has stated that “Trump is coming at the virus from a layperson’s standpoint, I’m coming from a scientific standpoint.”

Careful observers have noted that after the almost daily White House news conferences with President Trump and members of the Coronavirus Task Force, Fauci, a regular attendee and the task force’s chief medical spokesman, often runs to Trump-hating media like CNN to contradict — usually with a degree of nuance that gives him plausible deniability — what the president has just said.  The Daily Mail of London noted this behavior in a March 20 article, “Dr Anthony Fauci caught rolling his eyes and smirking as President Trump rants about the ‘deep state’ during coronavirus press conference.”

Within the WikiLeaks Hillary Rodham Clinton email files there’s a letter from Fauci to Hillary Clinton through her aid/lawyer Cheryl Mills, “Please tell her that we all love her and are very proud to know her.” He wrote this to her after her Benghazi testimony. Fauci is just another Deep State Hillary-loving stooge.

Senators Dump Stocks

Senator Dianne Feinstein of California and several of her Senate colleagues reported selling off stocks worth millions of dollars in the days before the coronavirus outbreak crashed the market, according to reports.Republican senators Richard BurrKelly Loeffler, Ron Johnson and Jim Inhofe sold significant stock shares following a January 24th meeting on the coronavirus threat. Loeffler has claimed she is only informed of her stock transactions weeks after they occur.Really? Doesn’t sound like a good stockbroker to me!

Before the stock market tanked, these politicians saved their own bacon because they had market knowledge. Martha Stewart is probably wondering why they have not received the same punishment she received.

Second Amendment

Jim Kouri’s latest article at NewsWithViews exposes the massive gun and ammunition sales during this pandemic.  The largest sales are in states where the virus has spread.

Journalist Daniel Greenfield noted in Front Page Magazine that the CDC has focused on liberal causes du jour rather than their mandate of actually keeping Americans safe from legitimate public health crises.

Greenfield noted that one of the “social justice” causes that have been pushed by the CDC are unconstitutional gun control schemes.

Gun permits have been suspended in several states and counties due to the virus panic.

Covid-19 Treatments

Seattle’s nursing home lost a number of their patients from the virus, but one 90 year old gal survived and is doing well even though she had other health problems.

New York City cases of Covid-19 started multiplying when a 39 year old woman returned from Iran to Manhattan and tested positive for the disease on March 1st.  New York now has at least 5,000 cases.  Daniel Horowitz tweeted, “Nearly the entire outbreak in New York came from a traveler from Iran, a place that was supposed to have a travel ban, but thanks to lower courts continuing to militate against Scotus decision, it was rendered moot.”

A new study whose results were published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents has found early evidence that the combination of hydroxychloroquine, a popular anti-malaria drug known under the trade name Plaqenuil, and antibiotic azithromycin (aka Zithromax or Azithrocin) could be especially effective in treating the COVID-19 coronavirus and reducing the duration of the virus in patients.

Three international studies in China, Australia and France found that Chloroquine with Azithromycin shows a 100% success rate in treating coronavirus in six days! Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malarial drug while azithromycin is an antibiotic.

President Trump has called for these drugs to be used immediately and has even sent them to New York City where there’s an explosion of the virus.  Dr. Fauci disagrees with him, but then that’s to be expected.  These drugs areproducing strong results in trials involving hospitalized American patients.

President Trump said, “Nothing will stand in our way as we pursue any avenue to find what best works against this horrible virus.”


Managing a pandemic shouldn’t require tanking the economy.  The mainstream media created a worldwide panic and they did it on purpose to see how much power they can wield.  Unfortunately, as comrades of the socialist democrats, it is a huge amount.  Their goal is to damage President Trump beyond repair.

Americans from coast to coast understand this is a different sort of virus, but it hasn’t the numbers that yearly flu’s have shown regarding those who get sick and those who die.  Both federal and state governments have gone berserk destroying our civil rights, and the very rights of American business, whether small or large to keep their doors open during this so-called WHO “pandemic.”

Steve Mnuchin has now moved Tax Day from April 15th to July 15th, which is an anomaly for this country and absolutely unnecessary for the “pandemic” total of Americans affected by Covid-19.  We have entered the twilight zone with how this virus is being treated.

There are 14,371 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US.

  • There are 217-250 deaths blamed on the coronavirus.
  • The current mortality rate from confirmed cases is 1.5%, and we know that’s too high.
  • There are no official numbers that include the number of citizens who had the virus but were not sick enough to seek medical attention.
  • There are an estimated 22,000 flu deaths and 36 million cases in the US each year.

So why the panic?  Why the shutdown of schools, businesses, restaurants, sports, doctor’s offices, etc.? What is the true reality here?  Are American citizens being played?  Why the loss of civil rights?  And why has AG Barr’s DOJ asked Congress to expand legal authorities to circumvent those pesky civil liberties that are already being excessively curbed and destroyed?

We truly are in dangerous waters…stay tuned.

Everyone is suffering because of the Covid-19 outbreak. NewsWithViews needs funds to continue to operate and bring you daily truth about what is happening in America…truth the mainstream media never reports.  We count on donations to survive.  Please help us by donating whatever you can every month.  And ask your friends to sign up to receive the daily reports.  You can donate here.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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“Fear Not” Coronavirus

By Mary Tocco

A question I frequently ask those at lectures or in conversations is, “Are we born flawed”? “Did God forget to equip the human body with a fully functioning immune system capable of fighting and overcoming illness”?  In times like this, “Is man fully capable of determining what is needed for human survival”?

That is the first paragraph taken out of my new book, Natural Immune Development, A Deeper Understanding, where I discuss how important it is to understand how the immune system is developed and how it works so that we are confident and capable of living a healthy life in a crazy world!

With all of the scientific knowledge we have, our understanding of the human body is minimal. Consider that in 2018, modern science discovered a new organ in the body called the Interstitium. This organ is called the “open, fluid-filled highway” and involves the connective tissue all over the body, including below the skin; lining the lungs and digestive tract, the urinary system and the surrounding muscles. I now understand fully, how injections (vaccines and medications) get circulated, exposing all organs to the contents of the injection, including the brain! This new discovery demonstrates the vast complexities of the human body further proving our minimal understanding of the immune system and how what we do can affect the whole system.This medical discovery should be eye-opening and humbling to every doctor. It seems almost unbelievable that in this day in age we are still uncovering enormous findings related to the human body. How arrogant of man-kind to think they can manipulate the body and control bacteria and viruses!

Humans and animals have lived on Earth for thousands of years, so what role has medical intervention really played? What is the future role of modern medicine and at what point do we all fall victim? Although, I don’t have all the answers, I believe asking these hard questions is important, especially when we are threatened with a global pandemic like the current Corona virus scare.

Every year, things that were considered true in the medical and scientific community prove to be false. We find out that FDA approved drugs are killing thousands or seriously injuring people but they continue to be promoted as safe and effective.  In a global crisis, who do we trust and who do we listen to? In our “scientifically advanced” world we are constantly marketed to by the big pharmaceutical complex and their mode of operation is “fear.”

Many people speculate that this Corona virus is a ploy to remove President Trump by causing a disaster or by disrupting the next election. I too have thought about that possibility and feel it is very possible. The deep state is losing control and will do whatever they can to cause a crisis. I pray every day for President Donald Trump, his family, for our government and for our country. I really believe God is giving us another chance to take our country back, perhaps a reset in our government.

I believe, based on my personal investigation, that this virus is not a natural occurring, wild Corona virus and could have been made as a bioweapon. Vaccine manufactures have been creating combination vaccine viruses for decades so I initially was suspect. My concerns that it was lab made were validated the end of January.

Del Bigtree, the producer of the documentary VAXXED, has a weekly program called, The Highwire.  This informative and entertaining program is pack with information we all need.I believe that Del Bigtree entered this fight at the most critical time and I encourage everyone to watch, learn and financially support his non-profit!  He is really advancing what I call the, “Vaccine Education Revolution”, to a whole new level.  He successfully sued the FDA, HHS and now the CDC and was able to get them to admit that they have failed to prove vaccine safety and are responsible for the decline in our children’s health. More law suits are coming!

The Highwire Program on January 30, 2020,shed some light on the genetic sequencing of this virus called Covid-19. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler PhD, from the Institute for Pure Applied Knowledge, was able to analyze the whole genome sequence of the Covid-19 and made some interesting discoveries. He found an “interesting inserted element” that does not belong there and is not found in the wild corona viruses. He identified it as “A vector technology mechanism by which molecular biologists insert new genes into viruses and bacteria.” It is called, p-Shuttle SN vector, and this new vector was first published in 1998 by the National Academy of Science and causes a more reactive response.  He said it is unclear if this was made as a bioweapon or a possible vaccine and how or why it was released is also unknown.This is the allopathic medical model that has now brought us the Covid-19 virus. That is what makes this virus more of a threat to all of us.

When scientists create crazy frankinscience drugs or vaccines, there is now way of telling how our human bodies will respond. I have never been fearful of germs and even question the accepted view of the “germ theory of disease”. I personally believe that weather we get sick or not has more to do with the health of the host! If a person is immune compromised, has been vaccinated or is on many medications, they will naturally have more difficulty overcoming all illnesses compared to someone who is in good health and has a natural developed immune system.

I will not live in fear! The Bible tells us, 2nd Timothy 1:7 – For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Fear is a negative waste of time and robs energy that could be used in a positive way! At the same time, we must use wisdom to help us discern how to act. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

For reassurance, there are some general ways to enhance our immunity and things we can do to protect ourselves. I am not living in fear but I am taking some new measures and monitoring outbreaks in my area of the country. I will be more consistent with washing my hands after going in public places, cleaning things I touch often with some antibacterial agent and will promote a strong immune system by pulling out all my tools!

I carry Thieves Oil spray and Thieves hand sanitizer with me at all times. I am taking Vitamin D, Vitamin C and some other supplements that I know I am lacking in. I take some ionic Silver before bedtime, I am eating at home as often as I can, shopping when less crowded and I will pull out the disposable gloves and masks if needed. I will try to drive long distances instead of flying and I refrain from shaking hands with people I meet. I get a Chiropractic spinal adjustment on a regular basis to encourage the best immune function.

The last few weeks as this issue has progressed, I have been identifying things that are often overlooked and suggesting where we might be more diligent when it comes to “touching.” These are precautions that I am not accustomed to and usually don’t think about but due to the circumstances, may help keep me well.

  • Gas station pumps
  • Credit card swiping machine pin-pads
  • Handling money
  • Our car steering wheel
  • Our cell phone and credit cards
  • All door handles
  • Shopping carts
  • Carry wipes and gloves in the car for when needed

It is also wise to prepare for self-quarantine and other issues that may come up because we do not know how bad this could become. If it is not this year, it will be next year! Having some staple foods in the house and other necessities is a wise decision. Have you ever run out of toilet paper?

I am a firm believer of a first-aide kit containing essential oils, anti-bacterial creams, some pain killers (NOT Tylenol, see report on my website under articles on the dangers of Tylenol!), bandages, alcohol and peroxide, ice packs and heating pad, herbal teas, Epson Salt for baths and herbs known to fight bacteria, funguses and viruses. A nebulizer is very helpful for lung congestion and are inexpensive. Essential oils can be infused in the home and in bedrooms at night. (be cautious with infants) Having some home-made chicken soup in the freezer is also a good idea in case you are the sick person. I think it is wise to have a good quality Whiskey on hand or a nice bottle of wine as a way to elevate some unforeseen anxiety!

I refuse to obsess the Covid-19 topic but opt to watch my local news.I also watch videos I get from certain people in the world who seem to get the inside information. I sometimes will re-post those videos on my Facebook or my Twitter page, but only if I feel it is helpful.

In the meantime, pray for our country, pray for peace and pray for our leaders. Focus on building your immune system and ultimately, we acknowledge that there are some things we do not have control over. There are many things we do have control over so commit to doing what we can for ourselves and for our families.

Get Mary’s DVD series and you will receive Mary’s new book, Natural Immune Development $14.95 value for FREE as a special BONUS

© 2020 Mary Tocco – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mary Tocco:

The Myth of War on Terror

By Amil Imani


Since the tragic events of 9-11-2001, tens of thousands of books and articles have been written about this enigmatic ideology: Islam.

There have been too many definitions by Islamic scholars of exactly what Islam means.

Islam is a theocratic political ideology that hides behind the mask of religion to accomplish its mission of a worldwide caliphate. What most Americans don’t understand is that it is a totalitarian “theo-political” belief system and a social dogma based on the Quran, Sirah and Hadith that encompasses the life of a Muslim from the moment he is born until the day he dies.

The ultimate objective of Islam is the rule of the entire world under the Islamic Ummah – never mind that these life-in-hand soldiers of Allah disagree with one another regarding the Ummah itself and who is to reign over it. That’s a “family dispute” that they will resolve by their usual favorite method: Jihad.

What’s problematic is, too few Americans are aware of it and organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are taking full advantage of our naiveté. Moreover, Islam stands in stark contrast to the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and what the First Amendment was designed to protect—our God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

War on Terror

On Sept. 20, 2001: “In a speech addressing Congress and the nation, former President George W. Bush announces the War on Terror, saying, “Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.”

America’s Recent War

In the not too long ago past, American soldiers bravely fought and defeated Nazism and Fascism in Europe and Imperialism in the Far East. Before the nation could have a respite, however, the flame of international communism raged, consumed many parts of the world in its wake, and posed a great threat of scorching our land. Yet, Americans did not waiver, did not appease, and did not surrender. We stood and fought the scourge of communism on multiple fronts. Once again, the forces of freedom succeeded in reducing the communist menace to little more than a nuisance.


And now we are faced with the insidious, multifaceted, and most deadly threat of jihadism.  Once again, we went to war, this time with an ideological enemy and called it the “war on terror.” More than eighteen years have come and gone since those dreadful attacks of 9/11 which killed close to 3000 people.

Homeland Security

The U.S. government took many steps in an attempt to make the country safer, including strengthened security at airports and in public buildings. A new cabinet-level department—the Department of Homeland Security – was created. The DHS’s original intent was to protect the United States from terrorism, but in fact that has never happened. During Obama’s presidency, he directly ordered all the materials collected related to Islamic terrorism to be expunged, according to the late whistleblower Philip B. Haney, one of  the founding members of the Department of Homeland Security, a former customs and border protection officer, and co-author of “See Something, Say Nothing.”

This American hero who worked day and night to educate Americans of the danger of Islamic groups to our nation and had a photographic memory, was found dead on February 2020 with a gunshot wound to the chest. He was my friend and loved America very much. Are we ever going to find out who murdered this man?


From President George W. Bush who wastefully used nearly $2 trillion in the Iraq war to Barack Obama’s apology tour, we failed miserably in the “war on terror.” This time around not only did we fail to obliterate the enemy, but we created more terrorists and committed an unforgivable sin, we started to bring Muslims inside the continental USA as refugees and redistribute them around the country. We hired them at our airports, inside our Law Enforcement Agencies, the FBI, CIA, NSA and even the White House.

The next question is why we failed? We failed in the war on terror because we were fixated on the perpetrators, the terrorists and their worldwide network and ignored the cause that produces jihadists: Islam. Islam is a powerful magnet for the masses that are unable to deal with the uncertainties of life and death on their own. It is from this population, many already thoroughly indoctrinated from birth, that most diehard jihadists emerge.

It is the bargain the jihadist makes. He surrenders totally to the religion of surrender in exchange for blanket security. Islam gives him all the answers he really seeks for dealing with this world and promises him a most lush and eternal paradise of Allah once he leaves it. And leaving this world in perfect submission as the foot-soldier of the paradise’s creator gives the faithful unimaginably glorious sensual eternal reward in his next life.

In Short

To get to the point, we need to remove some disinformation and myths about the “war on terror”:

America cannot afford to continue down this current path of appeasement, hoping Islamic terror will simply go away by itself.

It is not “fanatical”, “radical,” or “extreme” Islam that we are fighting, but normal, orthodox, canonical, typical, accepted, conventional Islam, straight from the mouth of Muhammad.  Islam is violent in direct proportion to its mission and scripture.

Why Did We Lose the War on Terror?

The reason we lost the war on terror is because Islam is an ideology. You cannot defeat an ideology. We went after the terrorists but not what makes them commit acts of terror. There is no such thing as “peace” in Islam.  Its theology and practices make it inherently evil and dangerous to all of mankind.

It has already spread and infected the world like a Coronavirus except a million times more dangerous, like cancer.  How do you nuke it out of existence?  You can’t. George Bush couldn’t do it, so he joined them and then eight years of Obama solidified it and President Trump sold $110 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia. The same country that brought down the world Trade Center, the same nation that just two months ago, whose military cadets, in a training center at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida killed three Americans in an act of jihad. When do we wake up?

Yes, America has already lost the war on terror. Other than being a deadly political ideology that pretends to be a religion, Islam has been embedded with an invisible psychological code that controls everything a Muslim does from the moment he is born to the day he dies.

This doctrine has been intentionally formulated with perpetual fear so that their subjects will never have the courage to leave it.

“Those who blasphemed and back away from the ways of Allah and die as blasphemers, Allah shall not forgive them.” [Qur’an 4:4]

“Kill whoever changes his religion.” Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57


The US is a great country, faced by numerous challenges. Its people can ill afford to become complacent or disheartened. Our elected officials are non-factors and don’t care. But, if we band together in a common cause with devotion to our nation’s principles, values and the Constitution, we can meet and defeat any threat of any type or magnitude.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Kung Flu – The Left’s Desperate Attempt to Take Down President Donald J. Trump

George Lujack

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic disease on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization.

The fact that Coronavirus-19 is a highly contagious pandemic disease is not in question, but what is in question is the world’s mass hysteria reaction to it, fueled by the Western liberal media and the globalist elites who control them. There is more to the reporting and hysteria over this mild disease than the concern for public health. This is an exercise of the New World Order globalists flexing their muscle, seeing how well they can control the masses through an over hyped orchestrated crisis, while attempting to stop the nationalist movements of Brexit in the UK and President Trump in the USA.

In the United States, President Trump was sucker punched with this pandemic, thrown a curve ball by the leftist mainstream media and the Democrat Party, who demanded that he take action to prevent this disease and find a Coronavirus vaccine. At first, President Trump advised calm, rightly pointing out that the common flu in America averages between 27,000 and 70,000 deaths annually. However, it was too late for calm and rational thinking. The leftist mainstream media had already caused a public frenzy and had decided that this outbreak of Coronavirus had the potential to be as deadly as the Bubonic Plague.

Realizing that this tidal wave of hysteria and panic over Coronavirus could not be stopped, President Trump took swift action and created the Coronavirus Task Force and declared a national emergency on March 13, 2020.

PSALM 141:9:
Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, and from the traps of the workers of iniquity. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I escape safely.

Again and again and again the Left has underestimated the intelligence, resourcefulness, and resolve of President Donald J. Trump. The Left was actually hoping President Trump would bumble and/or ignore the Coronavirus doomsday prognosticators and do nothing. Then they could have blamed what would have been a likely 10,000-20,000 Coronavirus-related deaths directly on President Trump. CNN would all but certainly have had a Coronavirus death count watch ticker being constantly broadcast on their network.

What the Left had hoped would be President Trump’s political undoing, incompetence in handling a pandemic healthcare crisis, has actually backfired on them, as the Coronavirus outbreak has demonstrated President Trump’s competence, proficiency, and leadership.

Liberal NY Governor Andrew Cuomo praised the Trump administration for their handling of the Coronavirus outbreak, saying“And they’ve thus far been doing everything that they can do, and I want to say thank you, and I want to say that I appreciate it, and they will have nothing but cooperation and partnership from the state of New York.”

Likewise, CNN’s Dana Bash praised the president, saying, “He is being the kind of leader that people need, at least in tone, today and yesterday, in tone, that people need and want and yearn for in times of crises and uncertainty.”

On October 24, 2009, President Obama declared Swine Flu a national emergency in the United States after more than 20 million people had been infected with the disease. During President Obama’s administration, the Swine Flu infected 60 million Americans, of which 300,000 were hospitalized, and 13,000 people died from it. It is going to be hard for Democrats to sell the notion to Americans that President Trump didn’t do enough to address the Coronavirus outbreak of 2020, when many remember that the Obama administration did little to prevent the 2009-2010 Swine Flu pandemic in America, which infected nearly one in every five Americans.

The Democrat Party will do just about anything to get an abortion loving, sexual immorality promoting, open borders Democrat president elected, including causing mass panic, crashing the stock market, bankrupting industries, and bringing the U.S. economy to a grinding halt. Then they will attempt to blame the economic mess and turmoil on President Trump. It won’t work.

Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat cohorts for reportedly attempting to ensure federal funding for abortion by inserting a provision to fund abortions into the Coronavirus economic stimulus plan. Democrats never cease in their desire to find ways to fund the killing of babies.

As President Trump has “played ball” with the Coronavirus alarmists, in doing so, Americans have been stripped of basic civil rights, most notably the right to peaceably assemble during this government imposed quarantine of the healthy.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble…” -First Amendment to the United States Constitution

Is the unprecedented shutdown of entire industries, sport events, restaurants, beaches, bars, air travel, and the restriction of gatherings of large groups of people going to be the new norm in America every spring? Or is this going to only occur during springs before presidential elections when we have a Republican president? Is this an experiment and an exercise of how people will become willing and programmed to have their freedoms taken away?

There are calculated risks in all activities. We can outlaw motorcycles and we will save lives. We can outlaw automobiles and save even more lives. We can all stay indoors and save even more lives. But life is not worth living if every activity is safe and we don’t have the freedom to dream, to dare, to take risks and conquer our fears. What should have merely been government hygiene advisories on how to avoid Coronavirus has become a government and corporate opportunity to trample people’s rights, as they are routinely trampled in other countries, and bring the U.S. economy to a screeching halt.

How many lives will be saved because of the restrictions of activity due to the Coronavirus pandemic? It is hard to say. What will not show up on the Coronavirus statistics is how many lives will be impacted by poverty and the increase in crime due to the Coronavirus restrictions imposed upon society.

These Coronavirus restrictions are our generation’s prohibition. Just as prohibition in the 1920’s did not stop alcohol consumption in America, the American people will not be restricted in unnecessary Coronavirus quarantines for long. The Coronavirus needs to be kept in perspective.


As many corporate leaders and government officials ask us to live in fear, there are signs of resistance to Coronavirus-mania. UFC president Dana White is adamant that his mixed martial arts company will not shut down due to Coronavirus fears, as the NBA and NHL did. The UFC will host events without crowds, unless the government confines everyone to their homes due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

“Unless there’s a total shutdown of the country where people can’t leave their houses and things like that, these fights will happen. We’re gonna move on. These guys will compete. We will find venues, and we will figure this thing out. I mean, the only thing that’s gonna stop us is a complete government shutdown where everyone is confined to their homes.” – Dana White, president UFC


Video: Donald Trump thinks Asian Americans would approve of the term ‘kung flu’*

*NOTE: President Trump didn’t actually say that…

There are some, at least one White House official, who use the term ‘Kung Flu,’ referring to the fact that this virus started in China. Is that acceptable, is it wrong, are you worried that having this virus talked about as a Chinese virus…

I wonder who said that? You know who said that?

I’m not sure the person’s name… Do you think using the term Chinese virus puts Asian-Americans at risk?

When all else fails, when the Democrats and the leftist media have been beat, they revert to their fallback position of accusing President Trump and anyone else they do not like of being a racist.

Americans need to remember where they live and who they are.
America is the land of the free and the home of the brave!
America is not the land of the nanny state and of those who are afraid to go outdoors.
Coronavirus quarantines and restrictions of the healthy are un-American.

[Check out NWV’s POLL on the top left side]

© 2020 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack:

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association in Bed With Torturers

by Kathleen Marquardt

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) has said they need a seat at the table with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in order to protect beef’s interest. You have to ask yourself, why would the NCBA, a meat producing organization, want to be aligned with an organization which has stated that “to save the Earth it is demanded that we change human consumption habits away from beef.”

Forget the seat at the table. Forget stopping people from eating meat. The question becomes, “Why would the NCBA want to crawl under the covers with an organization that is up to its eyeballs in torture, rape, and murder.

Consider this new report on WWF. BuzzFeed News, according to Wikipedia is seen as a left-leaning site, so this story cannot be called a hit-job by the right. At the behest of Survival International (SI), they have been investigating reports about WWF’s actions in Africa.

SI’s concerns for the actions of WWF are based on SI’s viewpoint that “the model of conservation imposed by big NGOs (like WWF,Wildlife Conservation Society, African Parks, The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, etc) in Africa and Asia is “colonial conservation”. ‘SI contends colonial conservation “is based on the idea that indigenous and tribal people can’t be trusted to look after their land and that those best placed to protect the environment are Western conservation organisations and their ‘fortress conservation’ model.” There are another six points of this definition that you can read here.

More on the Survival International story later, I would like to offer up some background facts on WWF. This information is from Ron Arnold’s Trashing the Economy, published in 1993:

  • The powerful WWF is one of the wealthiest groups in the international arena. That shouldn’t be too surprising for an organization that gets 20% of its income from your federal tax money, and another 10% from industry, and half from foundations. (At that time Prince Philip was President the World Wildlife Fund.)
  • William K. Reilly, former head of EPA, was named by Laurance Rockefeller to be executive director of the Task Force on Land Use and Urban Growth, where he was editor of its report, The Use of Land: A Citizens Policy Guide. This 1973 report urged policy makers to use environmentalism as a stalking-horse for federal land use controls.

As Insight magazine reported, “The trick was to assert federal control without compensating owners for the uses they would lose.

  • The report said, “It is time that the U.S. Supreme Court re-examine its precedents that seem to require a balancing of public benefit against land value loss . . . and declare that, when the protection of natural, cultural, or aesthetic resources or the assurance of orderly development are involved, a mere loss in land value is no justification for invalidating the regulation on land use.

Reilly’s report laid out the basics of using ‘biological diversity’ as a rationale for growth management, i.e., limiting The Two Nasty Things, single-family housing and commercial agriculture, or virtually any economic use. (Remember, this was 1973.)

  • Reilly then went to the EPA. There he spoke his mind even more freely. “The land market . . . is the principal obstacle to effective protection of private open space. Open spaces should be insulated as completely as possible from the market forces that now press them into development. One way to accomplish this . . . is for owners of open spaces to give up or sell part of their property rights.

Being the Number Three Economy Trasher in Arnold’s great reference book, there are almost 30 pages of information on the WWF. I recommend reading it.

All this tells me that WWF has long been a tool in the globalist’s box of tricks to do away with property rights, and that includes ranching, obviously. Therefore, there can only be nefarious reasons for NCBA to be a tool of the WWF.

Back to Buzzfeed’s reports.

I have given a short précis of each report below, with links, and recommend that you read the reports – especially #8. And if anyone can show me where I and BuzzFeed are wrong about WWF, please let me know.

Part 1. Last year, BuzzFeed News did a series of stories on WWF, starting with the first one titled, “WWF Funds Guards Who Have Tortured And Killed People”. These several paragraphs should give you the gist of the piece:

“An autopsy showed seven broken ribs and “blue marks and bruises” all over his body. Seven eyewitnesses corroborated his wife’s account of nonstop beatings. Three park officials, including the chief warden, were arrested and charged with murder.

“The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) had long helped fund and equip Chitwan’s forest rangers, who patrol the area in jeeps, boats, and on elephant backs alongside soldiers from the park’s in-house army battalion. Now WWF’s partners in the war against poaching stood accused of torturing a man to death.

“WWF’s staff on the ground in Nepal leaped into action — not to demand justice, but to lobby for the charges to disappear. When the Nepalese government dropped the case months later, the charity declared it a victory in the fight against poaching. Then WWF Nepal continued to work closely with the rangers and fund the park as if nothing had happened.

“As for the rangers who were charged in connection with Shikharam’s death, WWF Nepal later hired one of them to work for the charity. It handed a second a special anti-poaching award. By then he had written a tell-all memoir that described one of his favorite interrogation techniques: waterboarding.

“Shikharam’s alleged murder in 2006 was no isolated incident: It was part of a pattern that persists to this day. In national parks across Asia and Africa, the beloved nonprofit with the cuddly panda logo funds, equips, and works directly with paramilitary forces that have been accused of beating, torturing, sexually assaulting, and murdering scores of people. As recently as 2017, forest rangers at a WWF-funded park in Cameroon tortured an 11-year-old boy in front of his parents, the family told BuzzFeed News. Their village submitted a complaint to WWF, but months later, the family said they still hadn’t heard back.”

Part 2A Leaked Report Shows WWF Was Warned Years Ago Of “Frightening” Abuses. It included these points:

  • A BuzzFeed News investigation exposed on Monday how the beloved wildlife charity WWF has for years funded and equipped paramilitary forces that have tortured and killed villagers living near the national parks it supports.
  • The explosive 2015 report was prepared by an indigenous expert hired by WWF to review its operations in Cameroon, who found staff there were “gravely concerned” about the abuses they were witnessing.After obtaining the report, BuzzFeed News contacted its author, Diel Mochire Mwenge. He said that the charity did not acknowledge the findings of his report publicly “because it incriminated them.”
  • BuzzFeed News can also reveal that WWF opened another investigation last summer into allegations including gang rape and murder by eco-guards at Salonga, a massive national park it co-manages in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The charity confirmed after inquiries from BuzzFeed News that several rangers have been suspended or fired based on its findings. However, WWF declined to answer questions about its ongoing support for the park’s anti-poaching patrols.
  • But secret budgeting documents show how closely WWF’s staff have worked with the government forces. The charity has helped train them, paid their salaries, and built them homes. It has bought them radios, satellite phones, TVs, 4x4s, and boats. And it has allocated a significant portion of the millions in donor money it spends at Lobéké to “enforcement” activities, including patrols and raids. The park’s management plan says WWF will help organize raids, known as “coups de poing,” on local villages suspected of harboring poachers. Strader was stunned by this casual admission. “Literally WWF is right there,” she told BuzzFeed News, “and he’s telling me that ‘we torture people.’ It was appalling to me that the WWF would stand for this juxtaposition.”

Part 3. WWF Says Indigenous People Want This Park. An Internal Report Says Some Fear Forest Ranger “Repression.”

The World Wide Fund for Nature claimed indigenous people supported a new national park in a filing to European Union funders. The EU agreed to send WWF 1 million euros for the proposed new park in an area of the Republic of Congo, known as Messok Dja, on the basis that it would seek the consent of indigenous people. But omitted from a copy of a WWF filing to the EU in 2018, obtained by BuzzFeed News under Freedom of Information laws, were passages of a consultant’s confidential report that found some locals vehemently opposed the park. . . some villagers were worried the park would drive them off their ancestral land, prevent them gathering food for their families, and subject them to mistreatment by forest rangers, known locally as “eco-guards.”

The charity continued backing eco-guards even after higher-ups became aware of evidence that they were abusing indigenous people.

. . . .when governments create national parks, indigenous communities often lose access to land they have long relied on for food and shelter. According to the WWF consultant’s report, turning MessokDja into a national park would affect about 8,000 people and nearly 50 communities — including 17 villages that are in part inhabited by the indigenous Baka people.. . . the sections of the report describing the consultant’s visits to the villages where locals opposed the park weren’t in the EU filing. Fears of forest ranger abuse were nowhere to be found. Nor was a section titled “Difficulties.”

Part 4. Leaked Report: WWF-Backed Guards Raped Pregnant Women And Tortured Villagers At A Wildlife Park Funded By The US Government

World Wide Fund for Nature backed anti-poaching park rangers who “gang-raped women, tortured villagers by tying their penises with fishing lines, and killed one villager according to the charity’s own investigators. WWF told its partners to treat the findings in a “non-public fashion.”

Rep. Raúl Grijalva, the Democratic chair for the House Committee on Natural Resources, and ranking Republican Rep. Rob Bishop, said the findings were “horrific and disturbing” and the investigation would now be “aggressively pursuing these allegations and the role U.S. taxpayer dollars may have played in supporting activities resulting in these atrocities.”

Part 5. WWF Is Investigating Two More Alleged Murders At A Park Where Rangers Are Accused Of Rape And Torture

“The World Wide Fund for Nature is investigating another alleged atrocity — this time, a brutal double murder — at a troubled park the charity manages in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

Part 6. The US Government Spent Millions Funding WWF-Backed Forces Accused Of  Torture and Murder

Grant records show WWF planned to use the funding to pay for “special arrest teams,” “rigorous” anti-poaching ranger trainings, “patrol strategy,” “intelligence sharing,” and “informant networks.” WWF has also provided rangers with drones, helicopters, night vision goggles, and K-9 units, records show. Some of the funds went to parks where WWF knew guards were accused of brutal abuses against local villagers — not the international poaching kingpins the charity says are its target.

The agency listed evidence that WWF has provided detailed instructions for finding and cultivating informants, which would “be in direct contradiction to the terms of the grant awards and federal law.” BuzzFeed News reported in March that WWF had organized, financed, and ran dangerous and secretive networks of informants, including within indigenous communities, to provide park officials with intelligence — all while publicly denying working with informants.

Part 7. WWF Executives Were Warned Of Widespread Atrocities By Anti-Poaching Rangers The Charity Funded This is probably the most revealing and damning report.

A report sent to the global mega-charity’s director and board raised alarm about “accelerating” allegations of abuses being carried out “in connivance with and under the watchful eyes of WWF staff.” The report, by Paul Chiy of De Jure Chambers, is the first concrete evidence that WWF’s leadership in Switzerland had been warned about atrocities by anti-poaching rangers before abuses were uncovered in March.

WWF has downplayed the allegations, claiming that BuzzFeed News’ reporting does “not match our understanding of events.”

BuzzFeed News has revealed that WWF-funded forces in Asia and Africa have tortured and killed indigenous people. But when asked about the contents of the Chiy report, WWF acknowledged that the charity was “well aware” of the “challenges” it faces in Cameroon.

Over the next decade, WWF received various complaints from other NGOs claiming that eco-guards were terrorizing indigenous people in Cameroon. In 2015, the charity commissioned an internal report on the region, obtained by BuzzFeed News, which found that locals were “victims of human rights abuses and violations” by eco-guards and that perpetrators were backed by “considerable technical, logistical and financial support” from WWF.

Part 8. WWF Has Suspended Support For Rangers At A Major Nature Reserve After A Suspicious Death

Guards at Salonga National Park, backed by the global mega-charity, have been accused of gang rape and torture. Authorities there are now investigating a “tragic” discovery. An ongoing BuzzFeed News investigation has found that the beloved global mega-charity funded, equipped, and worked directly with anti-poaching forces that have been accused of torturing, sexually assaulting, and murdering scores of people at parks across Asia and Africa. At Salonga National Park, which WWF has comanaged with the Congolese government since 2015, the charity kept evidence of brutal crimes by forest rangers — including the gang rape and torture of pregnant women — under wraps.

Now tell me I was wrong.

© 2020 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

Coronavirus Juggernaut Unleashed With More to Come

By: Devvy

The lying despicable MSM who are directly responsible for creating panic and hysteria really went off their rockers when Trump used the words China or Chinese coronavirus screeching it’s racist even though they used Wuhan, China or Chinese too many times to count. Naturally the braying jackasses from the Hollywood crowd and every PC mental midget with access to a keyboard or microphone jumped on that garbage truck.

We have two Chinese buffets here in my small town. The signs on their buildings say Chinese Buffet. I’ve been to both but prefer one over the other. Both restaurants are family owned businesses and they’re all Asian.

I’m not sure if they are Chinese, Japanese or Korean. I simply don’t know nor do I care. I do know the one I prefer serves excellent food. The owners and staff are the nicest Americans you’d ever want to meet. The young man at check out and I always have a little chat and laugh. Now, are those Asian families racist because their sign says Chinese Buffet to let people know which ethnic food is served?

How about big restaurant chains that say Tex-Mex on their sign and menu’s? I live in W. Texas and I’ve never heard or read that calling tacos or burritos Mexican food is racist. For crying out loud, we have probably two dozen Mexican food restaurants here staffed with employees ranging from Caucasian, Mexican, Native American, everywhere. I don’t know about you but I am sick to death of the MSM and Hollywood crowd and whatever flavor ‘celebrity’ and their bombastic bull manure. Those fools have zero place in my day-to-day life so I pay little attention to them except to read the headline and move on.

But, I always try to be fair and do want readers to know that as much as I dislike most of them, at least some are putting their money to good use along with sports figures and franchises.

Pop singer Rhianna’s foundation is donating $5 million. Jessica Alba, worth several hundred million who owns The Honest Company stores is donating three million diapers and thousands of baby care products. H-E-B Grocery Chain Thanks Workers with Pay Raise During Coronavirus Outbreak

A couple of Cleveland NBA players each donated $100,000 to arena workers and families; I believe some other teams have players doing similar. Amazon is hiring 150,000 new employees. Dominoes is hiring 10,000 new employees.

Netflix sets up $100-million coronavirus relief fund for Hollywood workers – “The company said it was creating a $100-million fund to provide emergency support to workers on its productions, including electricians, carpenters and drivers, said Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s chief content officer, in a blog post Friday. With almost all television and film production now shuttered globally, hundreds of thousands of crew and cast are without jobs, he said.”

Target to Give Workers Pay Raises, Bonuses, and Paid Leave During Coronavirus Pandemic

Ryan Reynolds and his wife, I guess they’re movie ‘stars’, have donated one million dollars to food banks in their area. March 17, 2020: “All 30 pro baseball teams joined together Tuesday to pledge $30 million to help stadium employees who are losing wages due to the coronavirus shutdowns across the league.”

China (Wal) Mart is hiring 100,000 people right now to help with the extreme shortage of food, toilet paper, etc. due to selfishness by too many people out there. Two days ago:

Toilet Paper WARS: Florida Man And Woman Buy ENTIRE STORE Supply Of Toilet Paper! – A couple in Florida loading cases and cases of toilet paper onto the bed of their pick up truck. SHAME on Dollar Store for allowing hoarding. THAT is the biggest mistake those big box stores made five weeks ago. China (Wal) Mart, Target, Sam’s and all the rest should have immediately put a restriction on products – food or otherwise – to stop the unnecessary hoarding.

Here where I live for the past two weeks or so the shelves are literally empty. We have three grocery stores here. China (Wal) Mart, HEB and Porter’s. It wasn’t until after the first few days of a massive run on TP, paper towels, cleaning products, beef, chicken, pork, pasta – you name it that they finally put up signs: 2 of the same item only, period. Too little too late.

I’m serious. At China (Wal) Mart and HEB two days ago the meat/fish/poultry departments: EMPTY. Cleaning products including laundry soap, bleach – literally everything from pasta, canned tuna, chili – EMPTY. I’m betting the people who’ve laughed at me for decades for being a prepper aren’t laughing now. Preppers, once mocked, say they were ready for coronavirus crisis

As soon as the employee rolls out a pallet of TP at China (Wal) Mart, people push and shove and grab a package. It’s sickening. All the stores refuse to say when their trucks are coming in to prevent a stampede. HEB now has rent-a-cops at the doors. If the herds would have simply shopped as they normally do, supplies would be available as usual. Well, it’s too late now and it will probably take months for things to return to normal.

China (Wal) mart is making accommodation for seniors and disabled like my brother. On Tuesdays the stores will open one hour early (Here it will be 6:00 am when seniors and very elderly sleep in) and for two hours will have the entire store to themselves; pharmacy will be open especially for those shoppers. (Check your location for senior hours.)

Here’s a tip for those having difficulty finding toilet paper. Long ago my mother who is 92 and her mother (my grandma) used cloth diapers they had to hand wash as they were too poor to own a real washing machine. They did what they had to do. I own about 20 wash cloths; what people use in the shower. I buy them at our local thrift shop. All profits go to help patients at our state mental hospital just outside town. They are also sold at Goodwill stores. I use them for dusting and such instead of paper towels. Saves me a lot of money; I don’t use a roll of paper towels in a month.

Anyway, ladies and your little girls: You can use those to dab your private parts after going potty. Then throw it in the washing machine or a ‘diaper bucket’ that seals off any smell. Save the toilet paper for the icky bathroom business for you and the family. Yeah, it’s not 21-st century but you’ll use half the amount of toilet paper you normally use. It’s sanitary, practical and temporary. Or, if you can afford it, buy a Washlet. Fascinating toilet!

People who have helped spread the virus

Lubbock, Texas is 100 miles north of me. I had to go up there last Thurs to see my oral surgeon. They now have 3 confirmed cases. One case: A 19-year old college student was flown back to Lubbock from Europe (paid for by Texas Tech University), picked up at the airport, taken home and told to stay there until results of testing came in.

This adult aged girl called her friends and off to Rosa’s, a chain here that serves excellent Mexican food. Sure as the sun shines she tested positive. Rosa’s sent 19 employees home (don’t know if they will get paid for being off several weeks) and closed that unit for a deep cleaning but what will they do for employees? Fire the ones they sent home or new hires they have to train? They will lose a ton of money through no fault of their own.

If I were them, I’d sue that college student. When are people going to ‘get it’ that ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES AND YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS.

That irresponsible, selfish student probably has little money unless her family does but that should not be an excuse for a free ride.

Because some people show no signs those 19 employees might have infected countless family members or friends. That is not an isolated case. I read a new one or two every day. As I mentioned last week the naked crowd, spring break college students, got royally PO’d when South Beach was closed in Florida. Despite an order by their governor to close the beaches, yep – students are simply going around the tape and partying on beaches anyway. Totally irresponsible and reckless. Five college students from the University of Tampa tested positive for the coronavirus after coming back from a spring break trip, March 22, 2020. I’ll bet they aren’t laughing now. How many did they infect and their families who might now have infected people where they work? Police Break Up Two House Parties During Chicago’s Stay-at-Home Order

Up there in Lubbock is a massive hospital complex. No elective surgery in the foreseeable future. Only things like a ruptured appendix, heart attack, strokes, having a baby will be allowed. I think they’re afraid of a massive surge in cases of that virus and also need to preserve supplies.

Our schools are now closed until April 30th by order of our governor, Gregg Abbott. I have no doubt the stress level for parents is great. We just need to remember we will get through this and it will end. At least for now.

Perhaps you know someone who can’t afford astronomical cable bills. If stuck at home they can watch live TV free – no charge – on (I checked it; sports and movies besides TV networks and shows.)

I’m a widow with just my two muggers; those would be my doggies. I listen to music most of the time around the house as I find it’s nice, soothing and I love Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr. Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James and the list goes on. You might want to tune in to AccuRadio as they have something for everyone. For me it’s Swingin’ Pop Standards, History’s greatest crooners sing the Great American Songbook. I even bought myself a small bouquet of carnations last week to put near my desk. The little things in life that raises one’s spirits.

My mom’s assisted living in No. California is on lock-down. I used Instacart this past week to get her fresh fruit and a few other items as residents cannot leave the facility on their bus. But they can go outside so I told mother: When it’s warm and the sun shines, go out back (beautiful gardens, pathways and benches.) Bring your book, sit on the bench and read for 15-20 minutes. Vitamin D is so very important. We should all do it.

Who’s to blame?

In my column last week, I brought up a couple of articles in the public domain about our military taking part in games held in Hubei Province in Wuhan, China last October 18-27th.  I believe this is what the Communist Chinese government is using to accuse the U.S. of spreading the virus.

In my column I wrote there were questions for which I had no answer. According to the communists, five “foreign” athletes were hospitalized and treated for contracting malaria not the “novel” coronavirus. Which is why Trump has vocally and loudly stated the Communist Chinese government withheld from the world (1) the outbreak and (2) just how serious it was until they could no longer contain it. Trump defends action in early days of coronavirus crisis, blames China for being ‘secretive’ and Here’s A Timeline Of The Coronavirus Outbreak And China’s Coverup

I wonder if Trump knows about this because it really bothers me: Advanced knowledge? CDC started hiring QUARANTINE program managers last November to cover quarantine centers in Texas, California, New York, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts and more

Should the Communist Chinese be held financially liable? Yes, and it could be done through higher tariffs. Yes, families and business could sue and in fact a lawsuit has already been filed by Larry Klayman who heads up Freedom Watch; you can read the 24-pg brief here.

Trump haters have been beating him up on this since day one. All screaming he’s done nothing. Get me a barf bag. NYC Mayor: If Trump doesn’t act, ‘people will die who could have lived otherwise’ “The president of the United States is from New York City and he will not lift a finger to help his hometown, and I don’t get it,” de Blasio said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

The other day a man called into the Rush Limbaugh show; he was absent no doubt more cancer treatments. I don’t believe the caller was a plant. Sounded like just a regular guy very frustrated. Said he worked for one of the two biggest labs in the country and everyday for weeks and weeks he delivers tests to 50-60 medical facilities. He was upset the media does nothing but constantly bash Trump about no testing when it’s a lie.

Trump’s already authorized mobilization of the Mercy and Comfort which are two Army hospital ships with, I believe, 1,000 beds each. One will go to NYC. The other is already docked in San Diego but can be sent wherever needed.

While I am 100% against using our military for domestic operations and because we have no constitutional militia as mandated in the Second Amendment, as long as it’s for things like this, okay for now. They are already on the payroll so there’s no need for outside contractors plus they are quite capable of putting this together on short notice.

Army Corps of Engineers races to provide 10,000 hospital rooms for coronavirus response – “WASHINGTON — The Army Corps of Engineers is planning to create more than 10,000 ICU-type hospital rooms in hotels, dormitories and other available buildings in New York City over the next few weeks, its commander said Friday.

“The corps is racing against the spread of the coronavirus to turn empty buildings in cities across the United States into high-quality COVID-19 treatment centers before the virus reaches its peak in each metropolis, Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite told reporters. To achieve this, he said the corps had come up with “a standard design” to rapidly convert hotels and similar structures into medical facilities.”

Testing is being done all over this country right now. Last week drive thru testing was set up next to Texas Tech in Lubbock. I want to point something out here as Trump haters keep pounding on Trump’s done nothing. Every state in the Union has emergency management operations. They plan worst case for earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. Well, since it’s a mess across most of the country, how come none of them were prepared for a dangerous virus attack? Accidental or planned, it’s not like the world doesn’t know about all those dangerous viruses and things like Ebola.

You might wish to ask your governor, your state rep and senator and see what the response is. How come Gov. so and so our state has been so unprepared? How come we don’t have 65,000 train cars full of face masks, testing kits and toilet paper just in case there’s an accidental or intentional release of some deadly virus? What do we pay you for?

Canadian doctor turns one ventilator into nine with some ‘evil genius’ DIY mechanics

Rapid Coronavirus Test Approved by FDA, Results in 45 Minutes

Lockdown killing the economy

Texas has, as of this date, 334 cases; 5 deaths. I was disappointed Gov. Abbott issued an executive order effective midnight, March 20, all schools closed until April 30th, no more than 10 people at any gathering, etc. When I was up in Lubbock last week, all junk food joints were drive thru only; same here in my town. We have no cases in Big Spring.

The lockdown of 70 million people in 19 states is killing the economy. One of my family members lives in California. Out there, everyone except essential personnel must stay at home or face a misdemeanor charge. You’re allowed to go to the grocery store or doctor’s appointment; otherwise, don’t leave your house. My family member immediately lost 75% of her clients and as of yesterday basically has no income. I sent her food money over the weekend. Family takes care of family even if you have to cut back.

Trump is personally losing a TON of money on his hotels, golf courses and other businesses. I know his enemies are rejoicing because that’s the way those low-life’s are: full of hatred. It’s bad and tragically will get worse but what can you expect when governors and mayors across this country have gone insane? Can’t buy alcohol? Can’t buy ammunition to protect your home when the have nots or criminals come looking for food and valuables? I say bull. We cannot allow the federal or state governments – especially mayors – to strip of us our rights, virus or no virus. Good for NY: New York Deems Liquor Stores ‘Essential,’ Says They Can Stay Open During Coronavirus Shutdown

To counter all this misery, Congress once again is going to violate their oath of office by handing out cash to individuals. Making loans or bail outs to private industries like the airlines. They have ZERO constitutional authority to do any of this except perhaps the tax cuts/tax holiday. Why didn’t they do it in 2009 over the Swine flu when 60 million caught it, 365,000 were hospitalized and sadly 17,000 died?

If they can do it so it can be done for others: American Airlines takes out $1 billion loan as coronavirus destroys travel demand

I am not cold-hearted and I wish more than anything this had not happened but there’s NO MONEY in the U.S. Treasury. OUR purse is overdrawn $23 TRILLION dollars. The “Fed” will print up this $1 TRILLION dollar emergency spending backed by nothing. It is debt and will be spent into the economy as debt.

But, millions of Americans are desperate. Between 2.5 and 3 million of our fellow Americans are expected to file unemployment claims today. It will overwhelm the states and it will not be enough. When your mortgage is $2,000 a month and unemployment is $325.00 a week, you’re in trouble.

Some states have declared no mortgages will be foreclosed on during this crisis. They have NO authority to tell banks or credit unions they cannot begin foreclosure when people don’t meet their financial obligations. Period. Let the banks work with their customers so people can keep their homes and the banks get at least partial payments for now. Milwaukee landlord slashes rent to $100 amid coronavirus outbreak

As for the dollar amount Congress is going to illegally authorize, I guess we’ll find out sometime today. Yesterday it was families get a one-time payment of $3,000. Those blessed with wealth will receive no check. I say blessed because contrary to popular opinion by liberals (socialists) and progressives (communists), the wealthy create jobs from working hard to build their companies and corporations.

Speaking of the wealthy, where’s the billionaires? Jeff Bezos who owns Amazon is worth nearly $100 billion. Punk Mark Zuckerberg who owns Facebook is worth about $80 billion. Mike Bloomberg about $69 billion. Bill Gates around $70 billion. Larry Ellison who owns Oracle is worth $69 billion. Sam Walton’s heirs (he started WalMart):

Sam Walton’s heirs made $70,000 per minute, $4 million per hour, $100 million per day, over the past year. At that rate, the Walton family’s wealth has increased about $23,000 since you started reading this article. In that same amount of time, a Walmart employee would have made about 6 cents. The contrast is unsettling. Sam Walton was a notoriously frugal man – how would he feel about the rate at which his heirs are amassing unprecedented wealth? In the past year alone, the combined Walton fortune is up $39 billion, to $191 billion.” (Aug. 19, 2019)

There are three heirs left; one son died in an accident years ago. Each of them is worth roughly $63 billion dollars. Why don’t all of those billionaires each donate $2 billion to the U.S. Treasury as a way of helping and giving back to the people who made them so wealthy? Trump has donated his president’s salary every quarter to the U.S. Treasury for agencies like the VA, repairing veteran’s headstones in cemeteries, things like that. Something Hussein Obama never did.

Billionaires can’t take it with them. How many billions do you need to spend – especially since all of them are well over 60 years old? Those eight billionaires donating $2 billion each would be $16 billion put into the U.S. Treasury to help offset the burden.

Uh, oh…another power play that will hurt the Demorats in Nov: Nancy Pelosi Nixes Bipartisan Talks on Coronavirus Package – “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said on Sunday that she has decided to move forward with her own emergency coronavirus relief package.

“Pelosi spokes just hours before the Senate was scheduled to take a procedural vote that would lead towards a final vote on a bipartisan economic relief package. The bill would provide economic relief after the coronavirus epidemic ravaged the country’s economy.”

As I have written in my last three columns, this virus was not the cause of the stock market cratering. Panic, fear and suddenness was simply the match that lit the bonfire. It’s bad and I wish I could be as optimistic as President Trump but I know better. Below are important financial articles I hope you can take time to read; bookmark this column and read them in the evening or the weekend. It really does help to get factual data and information from individuals with decades of experience who don’t work for the government or media.

A BIG thank you to America’s truckers. Without you our stores would be totally empty. And, thank you to the store stockers working around the clock, medical personnel across the country, many who now have the virus. As well as first responders, local law enforcement which will see more trying days ahead. When we work together, we get things done. It’s the American way.

The four columns below are also very important. I urge you to read them and share on every form of social media out there. It’s up to us to get the truth out to our fellow Americans. In closing, we need to keep helping each other. Keep an eye on our elderly neighbors – especially if they live alone.

Keep getting the facts out there. I keep seeing headlines this virus is a hoax. It is not. People are dying. People are getting seriously sick but so far, the number of deaths remains small, thankfully. Some of the fear peddlers out there in the ‘alternative’ media are just as bad as the prostitute MSM. They make me sick.

Be patient, be kind. Pray for our beloved Republic.

Is This a Pandemic Or a DemPanic? by Joan Swirsky

If It Bleeds, It Leads: The Morbidity Of The News by Kelleigh Nelson

The Invisible Enemy Has a Name by Cliff Kincaid

PhD Researcher Judy Mikovits and Expert on Viruses Explains the Coronavirus and Reveals Information You are Not Likely to Hear in the Corporate Media, March 22, 2020

(I’m not a precious metals dealer but my friend, Rob Westfall is and knows what’s a good investment in metals. No question the market and precious metals are being manipulated; I think in a criminal fashion.) Give Rob a holler in Florida at: 813.977.7200)

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Links I hope will provide more useful information

BREAKING: Legend Pierre Lassonde Makes Gold Price Prediction After Reading KWN Article Stating Interest Rates Have Gone Negative In The US

Alasdair Macleod – Panic and The End Of Fiat Currencies – “The unilateral response from governments to the coronavirus is to helicopter money to people and their businesses in unlimited quantities. Their priority is to keep the debt-driven Keynesian show on the road, and policy makers are approaching the task with unseemly gusto.

“There was evidence that the credit cycle was already on the turn with the global economy entering its regular period of financial and economic crisis even before the coronavirus hit. Thinking it is only a matter of dealing with the pandemic before returning to normal is therefore a common and fatal mistake. The combination of current events is leading to an infinite problem: central banks, and the Fed in particular, are trying to backstop everything and they will undoubtedly fail.”

Huge Price Supply Shocks Are Coming, Expect Wild Swings Today In Markets, Plus A Look At Gold

What’s Causing The Gold & Silver Sell-off?

ALERT: Chairman Of One Of The Largest Financial Companies In The US Just Sent This Warning To KWN

Trump Says Economic Rescue Package Should Ban Buybacks

The Crash of the “Everything Bubble” Is Here – And It’s Not Going Away Anytime Soon

That’s because gold is a safe haven for busts and the disaster underway: Physical gold squeezed further; Royal Canadian Mint shuts down production for two weeks

Albert Edwards Warns Investors To Brace For A Retest Of 2009 Lows, Gold Trades In $124 Range As Physical Gold Shortage Is Now Here, Plus The Big Surprise

Five Mega Wall Street Bank Stocks Have Lost Average of 45 Percent in Five Weeks

Here’s Why the Fed Hasn’t Yet Invoked Its 13(3) Emergency Powers to Stem a Stock Market Crash

This Is No Ordinary Time In History

By Frosty Wooldridge

We live in the 21st century, which caught us in a time of converging extremes.  What constitutes those extremes?

Six of them come to mind: human conflict, disease proliferation, catastrophic climate destabilization, economic chaos, plastics-poisons, and human overpopulation. We could probably come up with another dozen extremes, but it would take a book.

As human numbers increase to extremes around the planet: countries fight for water, energy, arable land, resources and turf. For example, China cannot feed its 1.4 billion people. It grows environmentally more unsustainable with each sunrise. Thus, it expands into Africa, South America, Europe, Canada and America. Please note: demographics determine superiority and destiny.  Remember what happened to the Native American Indians.

February 2019:  My friend Barry, a businessman, said, “Italy entered into China’s new Silk Road initiative. In one year China has taken over critical port cities in Italy. Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textile companies to China.  Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan to move to Italy to work in these factories.  Many took direct flights from Wuhan to Italy resulting in Northern Italy being a hotspot for the virus.

“This is why China is sending Italy foreign aid and medical equipment.  There’s a rampant illegal immigration problem in Italy because of the massive numbers of Chinese going back and forth between Italy and Wuhan.  Chinese illegal factory workers are avoiding the taxes due Italy by not being registered as guest workers.

Work for three months then they disappear for a month and come back and go to work under a different name, different factory.

“Chinese are buying up port cities in Italy and taking over the textile industry. Those businesses that didn’t sell to Chinese are being put out of business by the Chinese. There are some neighborhoods in Italy that are only Chinese now. There was an outcry from the US but Italy ignored the concerns.”

The exact same thing happened to Vancouver, BC, Canada where Chinese immigrants now dominate at 65 percent.  They continue to chase out Canadians.

In America, Africa and South America, Chinese buy land and take-over businesses. They’re chain-migrating by the hundreds of thousands.

Disease proliferation:  tuberculosis kills 2,000,000 (million) people annually according to the United Nations.  That’s year after year.  This latest Covid 19 pandemic originated in Wuhan, China.  It could be a bio-weapon or it could be Nature’s response to compacted numbers and filthy food/living practices by the Chinese people. I’ve visited China to see the filth myself.  As humanity increases by another 3,000,000,000 (billion) people, net gain within 30 years, look for more pandemics that will kill millions, perhaps even billions.

Catastrophic climate destabilization:  because of our extraordinary exhaust of fossil fuel burning, coal burning, wood burning and methane gas exhaustion—we continue to set in motion responses from Nature that we cannot understand nor do know the outcome as to long term ramifications. Think: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Economic chaos:  if this Covid 19 continues its exponential growth journey, it very well could leave countless dead and completely destroy the entire working economy of America and the world.

Plastics and poisons:  if you think this planet and its marine creatures can tolerate another 5,000,000,000,000 (trillion) pieces of plastic tossed into our oceans on top of the 5 trillion we’ve already tossed in the past 50 years, you might want to consult with a counselor.  At present, we inject 70,000 deadly chemicals into the air, water and land 24/7—and have been for 60 years.  Do you have any idea of the long term consequences of such a combination of abuse?  Can you imagine our entire food supply poisoning us to death via cancers, neurological diseases like Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, CP, MD and many others?  Everyone reading this column knows someone with cancer or who has died of cancer. Yet, annually, we continue to poison MOST of our foods and sell to a clueless public.

Do you remember the movie, “Thelma and Louise” in their 1966 Ford Thunderbird?  Do you remember they had blown up a tanker truck and had committed enough crimes to put themselves in prison for many years.  As the cops chased them toward a cliff near Moab, Utah, (which I have visited), they stopped just short of the edge. They were trapped.  They faced consequences so great that they both decided to ‘floor it’ and drive their Thunderbird over the cliff and die.

It’s my observation, that back in 1970, at 3.5 billion people on the planet; we focused on overpopulation on that first Earth Day. We were warned about our impending future and that we needed to change course.  First world countries did change to 2.03 children per woman, but third world countries decided to “floor it” by adding another 4.1 billion of themselves to reach 7.6 billion, as if tomorrow wouldn’t come.  Religious leaders applauded and praised endless population increases. So did corporations worldwide.  Consumption driven by population growth yielded massive profits for a very few.  To hell with the environment or quality of life.

Well, tomorrow is here.  We’re looking down both barrels of a 12 gauge shotgun with both hammers pulled back.

It’s here and it’s going to get dicey.  If we survive Covid 19, but keep adding another three billion by 2050 as projected, Mother Nature will send another form of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Guaranteed!

What can you do?  What are you going to do for your children?  What kind of a civilization will you hand over to them?

My thoughts?  Since none of the world leaders will speak to this issue, including our own president and Congress, we need you, the average American citizen to speak up.  You need to call or visit your governor, U.S. Senators, House Member, TV station, radio stations, NPR, PBS, CNN, FOX, PBS, 60 Minutes and as many as you can to demand a national discussion-debate on America’s carrying capacity, immigration invasion both legal and illegal, energy, water and resources.  If you don’t, they won’t. Things will continue exactly as they have been since 1970.  Ask them what they think about and how will we feed another 140 million people added to the United States and another 15-20 million people to Canada within the next 30 years.

Just like Thelma and Louise, at some point, do you want your children to face driving over that cliff? Because if you do nothing, they will be forced to drive over that cliff.

This is what the future will look like:

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10 minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

O Foolish Mankind

Butch Paugh

This article is actually an open letter to Robert B.  But the information in it, and questions and issues are of “eternal soul” importance, so it needs to be published for all to read and heed.  I am certain that there are skeptics and unbelievers who will read this, who have the same questions Robert asked me.  Mr. B asked, “How do you know and is there any proof that Jesus Christ actually existed?” Of course quoting scripture to a skeptic will be of no use.  So after this one scriptural reference, we will only use historical writings concerning Christ.  Psalms 14:1 says “The fool hath said in his heart there is no God”.

There is no possible way that I can reference the many historical writers that wrote about the existence of a man named Jesus or Yahshua the Christ.  So I will just refer to and quote three very well known historians that are recognized and lauded as extremely reliable sources.  Please keep in mind that all sources quoted were not followers of Christ.  As a matter of fact, at best they thought he was a fraud, and at least one “hated” him and his followers.  We will briefly reference a few other writers also, just to provide further evidence of existence of Jesus Christ.

The three historians we are going to mostly concentrate on are Josephus, Tacitus and Lucian.

We will start with the well-known Josephus, a Jewish priest who grew up as an Aristocrat in first century Palestine and ended up living in Rome.  He was a commander in Galilee as part of the first Jewish revolt against Rome.  In order to understand more about Josephus, after the revolt was put down, Josephus desired to remain true to his Jewish beliefs and at the same time align himself with the Roman Emperor.  In other words, he tried to play both sides.

In one of his writings, “The Jewish War”, he mentioned Jesus as the brother of James. (Mt. 13:55)

The following is a quote from this “historian’s” writing of “history”.  Being therefore this kind of person (i.e. a heartless Sadducee), Ananus, thinking that he had a favorable opportunity because Festus had died and Albinus was still on his way, called a meeting (literally “Sanhedrin”) of judges and brought into it the brother of JESUS-WHO-IS-CALLED-MESSIAHYou can find the rest of this statement if you have the desire and willingness.

In another statement in Josephus’s writings he wrote while in Rome in the year 93 A.D. in his history of the Jews:  “about this time there lived JESUS, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man, for he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly.  He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks.  He was the messiah.  And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross.  Those who had first come to love him did not cease.  He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels by him.  And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.”   Now bear in mind, Josephus was not a fan or follower of Jesus.

Now we will take a look at another well-recognized and accepted historian named Tacitus, or more formally Gaius Cornelius Tacitus or Publius.  Tacitus was a Roman senator, orator and stenographer, and arguably the best of Roman historians.  In his last major work titled “Annals” he mentions a “Christus” (i.e. Christ!) who was executed by Pontius Pilate from whom the Christians derived their name.

One more historian that has been proven more than reliable is Lucian of Samosata who was a Greek satirist who wrote “The Passions of Peregrims.”  In this writing Lucian scorned Christ and His followers.  He mocked their beliefs of eternal life and that they all “thought” themselves brothers and sisters. He also called Christ the “crucified sophist.”  “Sophist” was a derisive term used for cheats or for teachers who only taught for money.  Lucian despised Christians and especially despised “the man who was crucified“.  It is amazing that he would hate a man who never existed!  And those who believed in Him?!  Amazing huh?

In closing, we will refer to a few more historians briefly.

  • Celus, the Platonist Philosopher, considered Jesus to be a magician who made exorbitant claims.
  • Plineg the Younger, a Roman governor and friend of Tacitus, wrote about early Christian worship of Christ “as to  god.
  • Suetonius, a Roman writer, lawyer and historian, wrote of riots in 49 c.e. among Jews in Rome which might have been about Christus/Christ.
  • Lastly, Mara bar Serapion, a prisoner of war held by the Romans, wrote a letter to his son that described “the wise Jewish king” in a way that seems to indicate Jesus.

So ,Robert B., and all others who wanted, “secular” proof of Jesus Christ actually and literally lived and walked the earth, there is more than enough evidence presented in this article. If you still are unwilling to accept the facts and truth about Jesus Christ , the son of, Almighty God and Saviour of all who believe on Him, then the following scriptures are for you.  (Ps. 14:1, John 3:17, 19)

Also this will be my last remark to Mr. Robert B., unless Mr. B. wants to reason online with Biblical and historical facts and truths.  For me to continue to cast the truth before foolish men is not only a waste of time on my part, but it can also prove me a fool.  (Mt. 7:6, Prov. 14:7, 17:10, 23:19, 24:7, 29:9)  In this open letter or article, I have fulfilled my duty to my Heavenly Father in warning foolish men and offering them salvation through Jesus Christ our Savior.

In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Butch Paugh

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh:

Part 5 (of PoP)–Words and Names Matter

Ms. Smallback

Part of the difficulties in understanding prophecy is the deliberate rewriting and repressing of history, and of historical events and situations that actually matter.  When you consider the premise that:  “That which is has been already and that which will be has already been, for God seeks what has passed by.” [Eccl. 3:15 NASU] … it behooves us to understand that which has already been.  We run into difficulties when it has been obscured, either deliberately or purposefully.

Have you heard of the ancient land of Parthia? What about Tartary? What about Khazaria? If you have, I can almost guarantee you didn’t learn of any of them in educational text books from a government funded education.  And you probably didn’t hear about them from any state run media or oligarch owned and controlled media.

Misnomers and schmoozed over details

I know the genealogy and lineage portions of Scripture can be tedious. They’re not really “reading” material, but they are study material.  I’m grateful these portions were preserved over the years.  They provide invaluable clues that all the powers of darkness can only veil, but not remove.  Here are some of my favorite lessons that help me in my eschatology pursuits…

Steven M. Collins does a four book series tracing the tribes of Israel from ancient to modern times.  It’s worth the investment in time and money.  You can buy the books here, or you can ask your local library to get them so you can borrow them.

In Chapter Four of his second book, Israel’s Lost Empires, you can learn how the Israelites scattered after the diaspora and how they can be traced to their future (our past and present) geographies.

Remember how I told you the Hebrews didn’t have vowels so they would use vowels for pronunciation and variance?  Ancient customs used the patriarch names to keep track of lineage.  So like we use last names now, they used the patriarch names.  This is why they were referred to as the children of Abraham, the children of Israel (Jacob), etc. Of course this practice changed over time, but if you realize the custom from the days it existed, you’ll gain valuable insight.

A quick example is this.  In Genesis 21:12, God tells Abraham that his descendants will be named through his son Isaac.  So in ancient tradition, Isaac’s name in Hebrew would be the equivalent of S-C.  The vowels were added to direct pronunciation, but the root is S-C.  After the diaspora, the children of Israel were “scattered”, which means they migrated out of the region. (To stay in the land would bring bondage or death, so most left.)  Collins then traces migratory bodies of people with variances of the S-C.  Sacae, Scythians, Saka, Esakska (“Beth Sak” or House of Isaac), etc.  Latin substituted “x” for “c”, and called these same people Saxoi or Saxones.  And these people groups can be traced into Asia, northern Africa and parts of western Europe.

This will come into play later, so I reference it now as a place holder.

Keep the names straight!  Hebrews, Israelites, Judah, Jews…

Ezra 4:1 tells us only three tribes returned to Palestine during Ezra and Nehemiah’s time:  Judah, Levi and Benjamin.  This means the other nine tribes had already migrated out of the region.

We learned in 1 Kings 12 (and 2 Chron. 10) that the nation of Israel (comprised of twelve tribes) was divided into two nations:  Judah and Israel.  Israel was all twelve tribes from 1025-925 B.C. and then two separate nations from 925 B.C. on.  I’m going to make a big deal out of this (temporarily) because I think lack of good teaching has led to a host of errors.

The Biblical nation of Israel was comprised of twelve tribes:  the twelve tribes of Jacob, (Abraham’s grandson, who God renamed Israel).  When these tribes entered the Promised Land (Canaan), they became known as the Israelites, and were considered a nation and not just a people group, because they conquered the land with boundaries and established a government.  Recall though, that they were still being referenced as Hebrews (as well as Israelites), even in the time of David.

When King David’s grandson Rehoboam was king, the nation was split and all of the tribes except for Judah, refused to submit to his headship.  The other tribes remained Israel, and King Rehoboam became King of Judah, along with some Benjamites and some Levites (people of the tribes of Benjamin and Levi), while Jeroboam became the king of Israel.

The tribe of Levi is the priestly tribe, from which the priests of Israel are ordained, which also include a covenant.  (Numbers 25:10-13)

The tribe of Judah is the kingly tribe from which God ordained through a covenant with David there would always be a seed from Judah as a king.  (2 Samuel 7:17)

People from Judah became known as Jews, and the other tribes were Israelites, even though they are all Israelites and that is used interchangeably.  The first time you’ll see the word “Jews” is in 2 Kings 25:25, long after the nation had split, and some versions even read Judeans (from Judah).  Every other time you find the word Jews in the Old Testament, it is a reference to the people of the tribe and/or nation of Judah.

Somewhere along the way, Jew became synonymous with the religion of the Israelites through the Mosaic Law. But until the nation split, the Israelites were never called Jews.  Some people and in some places they have used the name Jew and Israelite interchangeably, but this is incorrect insomuch as Jew pertains to someone from the tribe of Judah.  (It’s like saying all Kansans are Americans but not all Americans are Kansans.)

It gets more complicated when you realize the faith of the Mosaic Law was named the Jewish faith, and thus some sort of mixture is involved.  This is pretty important, however, because it has led to a lot of confusion, misnomers, and just bad breakdowns of people and places and events.

But to keep it straight, we need to remember the covenants.  The covenant with Abraham is promised to his seed.  His seed is the Israelites, which are not just the Jews (of the tribe of Judah) but all twelve tribes.  For some reason, modern Christianity has lumped the Israelites and Jews together as one, which in some ways works and in other ways is a grave disservice.

The truth is the people of Israel were scattered and left the Promised Land (Middle East) long before the people of Judah.  Though the countries’ falls were only 136 years apart, the Israelites began scattering two or so years before their capitol Samaria fell in 722 B.C.  And though Jerusalem (Judah’s capitol) fell in 586 B.C., the people stayed in captivity in the land.  There became a clear distinction between the Israelites and Jews after that time.  The Israelites migrated and changed their names.  The Jews did not.

However, people who kept or adopted the Mosaic Law and adhered to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob became commonly known as Jews.  This is where it helps to understand:  you can be a Jew because you were born in the bloodline of Judah, or you can be a Jew because you adopted and/or practice the Jewish faith, which is structured by the Mosaic Law.  A Jew can be:

  1. a national or citizen title: Jew from Judah (like American from America, or Kansan from Kansas);
  2. a Jew can be of the bloodline of Judah (like Smith or Judah),
  3. and a Jew can be of a religion from the Mosaic Law now known as the Jewish faith (like Christian or Buddhist, etc.).

So when you get all of this “anti-Semitism” rhetoric, I get exhausted.  Semite comes from the line of Shem, from Noah.  That’s going to be roughly one-third of the world’s population and only a small, small fraction of that third is actually Jewish by one of the three definitions of a Jew.  Anti-Semitism is a misnomer, and misleading.  Why not just say anti-Jewish?

I’m asking this question because it seems to me there is a deliberate (or ignorant?) muddying of the waters.

These are some of the problems we get into when we are seeking understanding.  Misrepresenting names causes misunderstandings.

To help us keep things straight:

I’m going to make a big deal about this because one of the keys (for me) in studying prophecy is understanding who the message is to.  Poor teaching in the western church has made ignorant (and sometimes dangerous) students.  While the Bible is relevant to all people in some aspect, all of its messages are not for all people at all times. (Please don’t write me and scold me for this.) We can learn from its content and its messages, but that doesn’t mean they all apply to each of us all the time.

When you read the words of the prophet, it would help to ask who the prophecy is to, for, and/or about.  Just like the covenants were made to specific people, some prophecies were made for specific people, places, and/or times.  If we don’t understand 1) who the people speaking are or 2) who the people they are speaking about are, we will most likely misunderstand or misapply the prophecy.

I don’t have time or space to expound on the migrating tribes right now of the 7-5 B.C. centuries, but it’s important to note that while modern history may be ignorant of them, God always knew where they were.  If their identity has been obscured over the centuries does not make them lost to God.  For example, we know that the tribes of Reuben, Gad, Naphtali and the half-tribe of Manasseh were carried into captivity by the Assyrians at least twenty years before Israel fell to Assyria.  That makes literally tens or hundreds of thousands of people displaced off the Promised Land in less than ideal circumstances before their nation even fell.  Where did they go?  Who did they become?  This matters because they are people of the covenant.

By the time Jeremiah (a prophet to Judah) began prophesying, the Israelites would have been off the covenant land for 102 years.  Many of them would have been dead, and definitely progeny existed.  Yet God declares this through Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 3:12  [NKJV]

Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say:  “Return, backsliding Israel,” says the Lord; “I will not cause My anger to fall on you.  For I am merciful,” says the Lord; “I will not remain angry forever.”

Over 80-100 years have passed that the tribes of Israel have been missing, yet God knows they are north of Jerusalem and He sends them a message via Jeremiah.

Forty-eight years and four kings later, Daniel (a prophet to Judah) would pray [Dan 9:7 NKJV] emphasis mine:

O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of face, as it is this day — to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, those near and those far off in all the countries to which You have driven them, because of the unfaithfulness which they have committed against You.

And he distinctly separates those of Judah from those of Israel, making mention that they are far and near in other countries.  I just point out these things for context, because not all the prophecies are for the same people at the same times.

Though there were four prophets of Israel, only two of them had prophetic messages for Israel:  Amos and Hosea, about sixty years before the fall of Samaria.  This matters because the people of Israel that Amos and Hosea are prophesying to and about, will no longer live in the Promised Land (Middle East region).

This may seem tedious, but it’s important to frame prophecy and understand the message.  I’m going to revert back to the different prophecies of the different prophets at varying times.  I’m just laying the groundwork now.

In a similar vein…

When we know the audience the prophecy is about, and we know the context the prophecy was written in, we can better ascertain the calendar we need to use to deduce its codes.  For example, all of the Old Testament prophets were Israelites and/or Jews.  They spoke the Hebrew language and kept the Hebrew customs, from the feasts to the calendar.

That means the Old Testament prophets’ prophecies need to be deduced by their lunar timetables and with their language (not ours).

Yet John was a New Testament believer who gave prophecies under a solar calendar and timetable.  That means his prophecies should be deduced with a solar calendar and its math.

When we start to break down some of these prophecies, written by different prophets several years and centuries apart, the equation we use needs to be consistent.  So I’ll use a standard conversion for counting the prophetic days to put it into our modern solar time keeping, converting it from a lunar time keeping.  But for John’s prophecies in Revelation, no conversion is necessary because the timetable at John’s time was now the solar time table.

Finally, a note to my critics:

I welcome questions and dialogue and even a challenge!  I’m not nearly as interested in being right as I am the information being right.  So if I need to correct something, retract something, or explain it better, I am so happy to do this.  But if you just disagree because what I’m saying isn’t how you’ve been taught or what you think or believe, it’s a waste of both of our time to dialogue.

I’m not here to recruit anyone to a church, a doctrine, or a belief system.  I’m not selling anything or trying to convert anyone.  I’m simply breaking down what I’ve learned about prophecy for anyone who’s looking for other ways and information.  I don’t expect anyone to just believe what I say.  My prayer is that people will do their own studies, search, seek and verify.  The Holy Spirit is the teacher.  I’m just a conduit of some information.  Take what the Spirit highlights to you and leave the rest.  Take it all, take some, or take none.  I’m just offering my gleanings for anyone who’s seeking some direction.

Also, because of this venue, I’m unable to expound on a great number of details. Therefore I’m broaching subjects with a direction to go, but not filling in all the blanks. My approach is more of an outline or bullet point form. Understanding the details will come with personal study and searching.  I can also direct anyone to better resources.

Thanks and God bless!

© 2020 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback:

The Real Bernie Sanders, Part 2

Roger Anghis

Sanders has been a convert to communism since his youth.  He gets mad when he’s called a communist, but the end result of socialism is communism.  The proof is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic were communists.  Simple history lesson.  He even stresses the point that he is a Democrat socialist, not just a socialist.  The only difference is a socialist is a pile of crap and a Democrat socialist is a pile of crap with sprinkles.  Sanders hated JFK’s stance on Castro’s takeover of Cuba.  Sanders thought Castro was a hero. Here is his story about that: “But I remember, for some reason, being very excited when Fidel Castro made the revolution in Cuba. I was a kid and I remember reading that. And it was just, it seemed right and appropriate the poor people were rising up against rather ugly rich people.

And I remember, again, very distinctly, a very distinct feeling. I was watching the debate, you remember the famous Nixon-Kennedy debate, that was the first time that presidential candidates actually debated. And I was becoming increasingly interested in politics, didn’t know much, but was interested.

I remember sitting in the student lounge in a dormitory watching the debate, and at that time — well, I can’t talk about you, but I was very excited and impressed by the Cuban Revolution.

And there was Kennedy and Nixon talking about which particular method they should use about destroying the revolution. Remember, the irony, as we learned the history later on, Kennedy was saying that Nixon was too soft on communism, to pick up a point that Rick was making, in Cuba.

We should deal firmly with Fidel Castro and Nixon was playing the role of hey, you’ve got to be patient. You know, you can’t do these things, you got to negotiate. When of course, what he was upset about is that secretly they were planning the Bay of Pigs invasion right then.

But for security reasons, he couldn’t come out and say we’re already planning the destruction of the Cuban Revolution, don’t worry about it. So he — he was the liberal and Kennedy was playing the conservative.

Actually, when you read novels, people say there’s a sick feeling in your stomach. Usually I’m sufficiently unemotional not to be sick, but I actually got up in the room and almost left to puke.[1]

I don’t know about you but as a patriot, I find his attitude towards Castro treasonous!  He has even stated that the Venezuelan government under Hugo Chavez was an example of flourishing socialism.  He said: “the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina.” [2] When their economy went south and inflation hit 10,000,000%, literally, he backed away from that claim.  He applauded Greece for voting NOT to curtail government spending, “I applaud the people of Greece for saying ‘no’ to more austerity.” [3] This is typical of a socialist.  Reckless spending with no restraints.

Bernie has touted Sweden as an example of a successful socialist nation depending on the ignorance of his supporters. And they are ignorant! But Sweden is not a socialist nation. Under full socialism, which is what Bernie wants, the government owns all means of production, farms, oil, energy, and manufacturing. Sweden’s government doesn’t own any of that: For years, I’ve heard American leftists say Sweden is proof that socialism works, that it doesn’t have to turn out as badly as the Soviet Union or Cuba or Venezuela did.

But that’s not what Swedish historian Johan Norberg says in a new documentary and Stossel TV video.

“Sweden is not socialist—because the government doesn’t own the means of production. To see that, you have to go to Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea,” says Norberg.

“We did have a period in the 1970s and 1980s when we had something that resembled socialism: a big government that taxed and spent heavily. And that’s the period in Swedish history when our economy was going south.”

Per capita GDP fell. Sweden’s growth fell behind other countries. Inflation increased.

Even socialistic Swedes complained about the high taxes.

Astrid Lindgren, author of the popular Pippi Longstocking children’s books, discovered that she was losing money by being popular. She had to pay a tax of 102 percent on any new book she sold.

“She wrote this angry essay about a witch who was mean and vicious—but not as vicious as the Swedish tax authorities,” says Norberg.

Yet even those high taxes did not bring in enough money to fund Sweden’s big welfare state. [4]

Bernie’s stand for socialism is not being well accepted within the ranks of the Democrats.  His praise of Castro has really got the Democrat elites scared.  In Florida, there is a lawsuit to have him removed from the ballot.  A pair of Floridians are asking a court to remove Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Democratic front-runner for president, from the state’s March 17 primary ballot.

Although Sanders is registered as a Democrat with the Federal Election Commission, a lawsuit filed in Leon County asserts he is a political interloper and not a bona fide Democrat.

Sanders, who has spent three decades in the U.S. Capitol, first as a congressman and now as a senator representing Vermont, has steadfastly refused to formally identify as a Democrat, even if he caucuses with the party. [5]

In Mississippi, there are eight Democrats and Independents that have switched to the Republican Party because of the popularity of Bernie Sanders and the probable damage that will happen to those Democrats running for State and local offices. Sensing the sentiment in their state has swung toward the GOP, eight Mississippi political office holders who were either Democrats or Independents have joined the Republican Party.

“We have had a relentless focus on switching conservative Democrats over to the Republican party,” Mississippi Republican Party Chairman Lucien Smith said of the flurry of politicians looking for a safe haven. He added, “They recognize increasingly that there is only one party that represents the conservative values of our state and that is the Republican party,” as WLBT reported.

Mississippi GOP governor Governor Tate Reeves echoed, “We are in a scenario in this country where you can choose to be a member of the party led by Donald J. Trump or you can choose to be a member of the socialist Democratic party led by Bernie Sanders.” [6]

I don’t believe that America is ready to vote a socialist/communist in as President.  If our places of so-called higher education would teach the truth about socialism, we would not have this situation.  Economist Friedrich A. Hayek stated: “If socialists understood economics, they wouldn’t be socialists.”  When we see that Bernie and the rest of the Democrat crowd want the New Green Deal, which all by itself would bankrupt America and cause a depression that would make the Great Depression look like a picnic. Plus, he wants to add free healthcare, education and who knows what else. Even if he taxed every person and business 100%, he couldn’t pay for half of what he is peddling. Are we paying attention?  Will we reject his idiocy?  If he loses the nomination, expect riots in the streets like we’ve never seen. If he can’t win with the vote he’ll try to win with violence, just like Castro and Hitler.  The stage is set.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Bernie Sanders JFKs Castro puke flashback video
  2. Flashback: Bernie Sanders once said Venezuela embodied American dream more than US
  3. Bernie Sanders: I applaud the people of Greece
  4. Sweden isn’t socialist
  5. Lawsuit seeks to remove Bernie Sanders from Florida democratic ballot
  6. Age of Trump: eight Mississippi elected officials leave dems independents join GOP

Is This a Pandemic Or a DemPanic?

Joan Swirsky

Now that we’re in a de facto Martial Law mode––a shutdown of entire industries and small businesses, night time curfews, social isolation, a run on goods, huge sports events cancelled, a “shelter-in-place” mandate in California, releasing prisoners in New York (God forbid these miscreants get a flu!), Broadway gone dark, and a craven media inciting and delighting in the panic they’re causing, it is relevant to ask:

  • Are the powers-that-be withholding information about a deadly germ-warfare attack on the entire world, started by an aggrieved Chinese Communist nation that was perfectly happy with the Bush1 and Clinton1&2 and Bush1&2 and Obama1&2 regimes that kowtowed to their outrageous demands and unfair trade deals but is now existentially threatened because a Patriot President expects more equitable deals?
  • Isn’t it both alarmist and immoral, as reported in American Thinker by Andrea Widburg, that the fake-news media have never told the American people that the scary statistics from Italy are the result of Italy’s recent Silk Road Project agreement with China, which resulted in more than 300,000Chinese workers entering Italy?
  • Is it just one of those strange coincidences that one of the four richest men in the world, the uber-leftist and population-control fetishist Bill Gates––just weeks after the corona virus hit in January––stepped down from the Microsoft giant he founded in 1975, and just weeks earlier, in December, sponsored a “fictional” simulation of such a corona virus catastrophic event which spread wildly and caused 65 million deaths worldwide? Just asking.
  • What are the powers-that-be not telling us? The world wide population is nearing eight billion. America has between 330-370 million people (the last 40 mil being illegals). Every day in America, 130 Americans die from an opioid overdose, 102 people from car accidents, and 2,500 from heart attacks. And yet, so far in America, 19,000 people have contracted the corona virus and 256 have died from it. Got that? Over 330-million people; 256 deaths. The swine flu of 10 years ago caused 60.8 million illnesses, and 12,469 deaths.
  • Or is this yet another hysterical, sky-is-falling anxiety attack by the hand-wringing left designed to convince the American public that either Communist Bernie Sanders or a clinically cognitively-diminished Joe Biden––both inveterate tax-and-spend liberals––would be just the man to help America recover from this traumatic event and revive the stock-market they both revile?

Of course, neither one of these Big Government hacks would be capable of such a feat. Thank God for the cool, calm, collected and seasoned business mogul, President Donald J. Trump,who is guiding us through the corona virus scare with decisive action and great success––with no less than 56 bold initiatives––and who not only brought us the greatest economy and employment record in the 243-year history of our country, but will revive it when this virus scare passes into history––shortly, I predict!


All praise to the brilliant graphic artist (above) who captured so perfectly what we are witnessing today––the last-gasp efforts of:

  • A crazed, out-of-ammunition Democrat Party,
  • A doddering presumptive Democrat presidential candidate,
  • Aderanged leftist media, furious at their low and devolving ratings,
  • Socialist/Communist/Islamicized Europeans,
  • Huge investors in the Globalist economy,
  • Angry Chinese leadership,
  • Failed Trump saboteurs Michael Avenatti (now in jail), Michael Cohen (now in prison), Anthony Scaramucci (now in now heresville),
  • The Russian-collusion hoaxers of Obama’s FBI, CIA, State, Homeland Security, et al.
  • The exposed liars in the Ukraine phone-call hoax,
  • The losers of the crashing failure known as the impeachment hoax,
  • The cringe-producing sore-loser Hillary Clinton, who “lost” $6-billion dollars when she was Sec. of State, and presided over the tragic loss of American lives in the Benghazi catastrophe––and then lied about it!

These are just a few of the forces who have been working overtime for the past four years to sabotage, undermine, and ultimately destroy both candidate and then President Trump, the man who single-handedly exposed:

  • The Left’s seditious and I believe traitorous anti-American agenda and behavior,
  • The criminality they’ve engaged in for decades with absolute impunity,
  • The gouging of the United States’ economy for their own ideological and personal benefit, extorting billions that was laundered and stuffed into their own pockets,
  • Their devoted allegiance to colossal hoaxes like Global Warming,
  • Their abject neglect of blacks in education and where ignorance leads––ta da––prison,
  • Their seething contempt if not downright hatred of the United States of America.

And yet, with all their impressive advanced college degrees, fancy credentials, exalted titles, tenure-for-life government jobs, social-media collaboration with leftist Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, et al, and the flagrant abuse-of-power they’ve gotten away with––but not for long!––such as illegal FISA warrants, lying witnesses, shadow-banning, rigging elections, the list goes on…they still could not bring down THE. SMARTEST. GUY. IN. THE. ROOM.


Now, almost eight months from a presidential election, all of these forces are desperate, anguished, just-about suicidal with frustration. What can we do, they are asking themselves, to stop President Trump from winning a second term and then crushing for all time the remaining malignant remnants of the leftist agenda?

While none of them are smart enough to have created the corona virus threat, they secretly celebrated the fact that this crisis would prevent the president from conducting his two or three rallies a week around the country, where upwards of 50,000-75,000 people line up for days on end to applaud and support their president.

Well, they got their wish. Now he is on TV every single day, showing the entire country (and world) what genuinely strong and effective leadership is all about––which is why his approval ratings are skyrocketing!

Undaunted, the frantic left is spending untold billions,not to help the deserving people affected adversely by the corona virus, but, as Daniel Greenfield documents exhaustively, “to smear President Trump and undermine the administration. How patriotic of them.”

Greenfield cites the Super Pac which leftist billionaires––Hollywood producer Jeffrey Katzenberg, financier George Soros, the list is long––are using to attack President Trump over the corona virus.Many if not all of them are more successful and savvy than most people in the world––but I repeat, none of them a match for THE. SMARTEST. GUY. IN. THE. ROOM!


Three years ago, I wrote an article called “The Hate-America Death Squads” in which I described the forces we are witnessing today, all of whom exult when America has trouble.

DEATH SQUAD #1 is the Cloward-Piven Strategy, begun in 1966 and flourishing to this day. In short, the founders of this plan, from Columbia Univ.,loathed America and insisted that capitalism could be collapsed by overloading the government with financial demands that could not be met. They also formed voter-fraud schemes like Project Vote, ACORN, etc, still extant only with different names. And surprise, surprise – ACORN’s lawyer was none other than Barack Obama. Birds of a feather, and all that.

DEATH SQUAD #2 Saul Alinsky, a community organizer from Chicago, wrote the bible for hate-America leftists: Rules for Radicals. Hillary Clinton wrote her Wellesley thesis about Alinsky and remained close friends with him years after she graduated, and Barack Obama became a community organizer in the Alinsky mode. Both of them shared Alinsky’s real goal––to destroy capitalist America and turn it into the socialist-cum-communist regime they preferred.

DEATH SQUAD #3 is and was the left wing media––or what Dr. Drew Pinsky calls  “the corrupt, uninformed, morally reprehensible American press––notorious for skewing the “news” in a Marxist direction. Remember, most media anchors and news readers take their marching orders directly from bosses who are extremely invested in the global economy and not in President Trump’s economy, which has brought millions of jobs and manufacturing and profits back to the United States in order to Make America Great Again and Keep America Great!

DEATH SQUAD #4 is the Muslim Brotherhood which seeks the downfall of America, a phenomenon writer Linda Goudsmit explains in explicit and exquisite detail: “Islam is an expansionist socio-political movement with a religious wing created 1400 years ago.” Then and now, Islam “seeks world dominion––the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate ruled by Islamic sharia law,” which is incompatible and anathema to American law and the U.S. Constitution.

DEATH SQUAD #5 is comprised of left wing billionaires, mentioned above, who fund the hate-America groups like Occupy Wall St., Antifa, et al, as well as the politicians who have brought us Sanctuary Cities, no-bail laws, and attempts to rob Americans of their First Amendment right of Free Speech, Second Amendment right to bear arms, the power of capitalism to lift all boats, and belief in God.


  • Medications to treat the corona virus are now being discussed,as Scott Johnson from Power line reports, among them is the anti-malaria drug, The Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva is donating six-million doses of the medication to U.S. hospitals starting March 31st, and by the end of April 10 million will be shipped. President Trump has asked the Food and Drug Administration if it can expand the use of the drug as an experimental treatment for coronavirus patients. A related article in Gateway Pundit reported that a chloroquine study showed a 100% cure rate for patients infected with the corona virus.
  • And just as I’m writing this article, an explosive article is broadcast reporting that three international studies from China, Australia and France show that chloroquine with the antibiotic azithromycin shows100% success in treating corona virus in six days!
  • The ridiculous ban on plastic grocery bags is being temporarily lifted because, as John Tierney reports, the reusable tote bags “that politicians and environmentalists have been so eager to impose on the public…can sustain the COVID-19 and flu viruses…[a fact] that was clearly demonstrated in a 2018 study published in the Journal of Environmental Health
  • Nobel laureate Michael Levitt, an American-British-Israeli biophysicist who teaches structural biology at Stanford University…offered the public reassurance during the peak of China’s coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. “Levitt did not discover a treatment or a cure…he crunched the numbers” and predicted that the spread of the virus would come to a halt.“His forecasts turned out to be correct: the number of new cases reported each day started to fall as of February 7. A week later, the mortality rate started falling as well.”
  • Here is a good way to track the progress of the corona virus.
  • Here is an imporant video on the origins of the Chinese corona virus.

All this is devastating to Democrats, but there is a solution. Simply plaster this poster in every newspaper and all over the Internet and watch how quickly the corona virus scare vanishes into thin air!

[Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author.]

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How Long Will Americans Tolerate Corona-Madness

Lloyd Marcus

A usually level-headed Christian conservative lashed out on Facebook scolding everyone they thought was not taking the Corona virus seriously enough. Fake news media has successfully infected many with irrational fear.

Hearing Gov Larry Hogan on my car radio announcing his executive order to close bars, restaurants, gyms and theaters sounded like the script of a 1950s horror movie. “We will stop the spread of this deadly disease!”, dramatically proclaimed Hogan. Little more than 100 have died in the U.S. and under 9,000 worldwide. According to the CDC, during the 2018-2019 flu season, an estimated 16.5 million people got sick and 34,000 died in the U.S.

When Hogan mentioned plans to restrict church gatherings, a chill went up my spine. In the United States of America, government is mandating that people not attend church. Wow!

CDC data confirms that the martial-law-light mandates steamrolling across America are disproportionate to the threat of the virus. Some governors and most corporations are responding to media-mob pressure to halt life in America. Others see an opportunity to land a death-blow to the Trump Administration.

Insidiously ignoring the CDC’s no-need-to-panic-data, fake news media created and is gleefully fueling Corona-madness. Using their huge bully pulpit, fake news media says anyone who dares to contradict their you’re-all-gonna-die narrative will be dragged into the high tech public square, stripped naked, branded an irresponsible idiot with a hot iron and their career will be canceled.

It is disturbing that there is practically zero push back against governors instantaneously overruling our constitutional freedoms. Sadly, many youths are clueless regarding their constitutional freedoms. They grew up in public schools where progressive teachers taught them that the Constitution is an out-dated piece of paper written by racist, sexist, homophobic and Christian dead straight white men.

We have far too many Bernie Bro youths who say, “If the government is going to give me free stuff, I am down with whatever controls government deem necessary.”

A gentleman said this about Democrats/fake news media in an email, “…they are willing to destroy hard working people’s jobs to accomplish their power play.” This guy is spot on correct. This is why I regard Democrats’/fake news medias’ gleeful spread of Corona-madness so loathsome and evil.

Democrats and fake news media are 100% committed to destroying Trump, their greatest Nemesis. Collapsing the U.S. economy and even the loss of American lives is acceptable collateral damage in their quest for power to control every aspect of our lives. They believe Corona is their highly sought after kryptonite to kill We-the-Peoples’ superman president.

A wise woman emailed me, “I think a lot of people are willing to do social distancing, etc., but they’re unwilling to live in perpetual fear.”I say, “Amen sister.”

How long can fake news media/Democrats successfully keep Americans at a fever pitch level of irrational panic and fear? How long will U.S. businesses allow media to bully them into losing billions of dollars simply because they hate Trump. How long will it take Americans to say screw this nonsense, “I’m going out for a burger and a beer.” I believe there will be a tipping point when Americans say enough is enough, I’m going to resume my life.

My baby boomer generation is still the largest demographic. We know our constitutional rights and will fight for them. We will not go gentle into Democrats’ snap-of-their-fingers repeal of our constitutional freedoms intended to collapse our economy.

The simple truth is the Corona virus has had very little affect, causing less than 125 deaths nationwide. What has caused the unprecedented closing down of America is media-hype about the Corona virus. We are suffering the consequences of deranged Democrats and fake news media willing to sacrifice everything to stop a president from implementing his America-first agenda.

Democrats and fake news media view the Corona virus as blood in the water to create a feeding frenzy of criticism of Trump.

Remarkably, every crazy, illegal and evil scheme to remove Trump from the White House has failed. So will Corona-madness. Why? Because God put Trump into the White House and only God will take him out.

Two buddies of mine said the hysteria is causing seniors in nursing homes to be isolated from visits from their loved ones. But Democrats/fake news media do not care. All they ever care about is furthering their socialist, communist and progressive agendas and damaging Trump. Thank God Trump caught and denied Democrat Nancy Pelosi’s sneaky attempt to hide abortion funding in Trump’s Corona relief spending.

In response to a 50 degree temperature day after people who have been cooped up in their homes because of a brutally cold winter, people rush outside wearing t-shirts and flip-flops. I believe Americans will eventually respond the same way, becoming emotionally-burnt out over Corona-madness. This will spark a huge economic boom.

Folks, the light I see at the end of the Corona-madness tunnel is the strong will, spirit and instincts of the American people. Without analyzing their feelings through a lens of political ideology, Americans will begin demanding to have their lives back; working, weddings, kid’s birthday parties, restaurants and so on. We are Americans!

Trump is the perfect man in office when that day comes. He will gladly say, “I am with you folks. Let’s get back to keeping America great!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd Spread the Truth

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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What We Ought to Learn From the Coronavirus

Steven Yates

Stu Redman: What about the folks I came in with?
Dr. Dietz:  From Arnette? All dead. Which is why we can’t afford—
Stu Redman: What did you do? What did you people do?
The Stand (1994)

Amanda Dunfrey: You don’t have much faith in humanity, do you?
Dan Miller: None whatsoever.
Amanda: I can’t accept that! People are basically good, decent. My God, David, we’re a civilized society!
David Drayton: Sure, as long as the machines are working and you can dial 9-1-1. But you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the s*** out of them? No more rules!
Ollie:  You scare people badly enough, you can get ‘em to do anything. They’ll turn to whoever promises a solution.
The Mist (2007)

I’ll start by saying that the media-inflamed hysteria over Covid-19 worries me a lot more than the virus does.

Markets have tanked worldwide; the Dow has lost almost a third of its value since the start of this month, including its biggest point drop in history: 2,997 on March 16.

Panic buying has set in. Political leaders have declared states of emergency. Businesses, school districts, government agencies have closed and may remain closed for weeks. Conferences and even major sports events have been canceled.

Frankly, the bubble on Wall Street would have popped sooner or later, but never mind that now.

Does anything justify the borderline-insanity surrounding this coronavirus?

The vast majority of people who test positive for it seem to be recovering with no ill effects, although a few are complaining of loss of lung capacity. When symptomatic, the virus attacks the respiratory system.

Yes, there have been a few thousand deaths. It’s been observed, though, that more people die of the flu or complications from it each year. Far more people died from the H1N1 virus during the Obama presidency. There were warnings, but not a mass panic.

Covid-19 testing has sometimes been spotty, meaning that more people have it than we know about, and the actual mortality rate is therefore lower than the official number. Public officials are worried about these “stealth spreaders.”

The greatest dangers from Covid-19 are to the elderly and to people with respiratory and immune systems already compromised by chronic conditions. Those people should take it very seriously.

But when all is said and done, this is clearly not the genetically engineered super flu which accidentally gets loose and wipes out most of the world in Stephen King’s The Stand, though there’s an worth while point to be made about that kind of scenario I’ll come back to at the end.

There are numerous coronaviruses. They live in animals. The official narrative is that this one jumped from bat meat to human consumers in a crowded and probably unsanitary Wuhan, China marketplace.

Yes, that can happen. It’s not impossible.

The other narrative — the one mainstream Western media wants you to dismiss as a “conspiracy theory” — is that this coronavirus (like others for which patents can be found online) was manufactured and got loose, whether by accident or by design.

Wuhan, as many reading probably know, sports a Pathogen Level 4 microbiology laboratory able to produce and study coronaviruses. It’s called the National Biosafety Laboratory and is part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Do you believe that Wuhan’s being ground zero for the appearance of this coronavirus is a mere coincidence?

Molecular biologist and ecologist James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge:

“I’ve analyzed the entire genome sequence of this virus and compared it to the entire genome sequences of all the other coronaviruses that we have data for, and this weird element that doesn’t belong there; I’ve found that it actually did match a vector technology that was published in 1998 in the proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

“This vector technology is a mechanism by which molecular biologists insert new genes into viruses and bacteria….

“Now it’s really unusual to find a vector technology sequence in a virus that’s circulating in humans, and so naturally, one thing we can say, I think for certain, is that this particular virus has a laboratory origin….”

Other reports are circulating suggesting that components of the virus are related to HIV and could not have formed naturally. This would explain why people with compromised immune systems are especially at risk.

So if this coronavirus is artificial, what was its purpose?Is it a bioweapon?

I don’t know, and I don’t think anyone else does for sure, either—except for those directly involved in its production.

To use against the Chinese people? This abhorrent idea has been kicked around, and one has to wonder who in his right mind would do something so reckless.

There are sociopathic mercenaries and terrorists who would do it.

The globalist Deep Establishment would surely not target its own intended global manufacturing base, though.

Or would it—if its minions knew the global economy was on a very weak and precarious footing, exemplified by the bubble on Wall Street?

And if its minions knew that Covid-19 was only life-threatening to “useless eaters” and that the bulk of those infected would recover.

And if the globalists also knew they were failing to contain the rising “populism” out here in the world’s hinterlands. “Populism” is the word pundits use for mass resistance to open borders, “free trade,” and the merging of everything and everyone into a single extended shopping mall of mass consumption and disposability—with masses of consumers buying on credit and going into debt.

Efforts to brand leaders such as Trump, Orbán, Kaczynski, Bolsanaro, etc., as incipient fascists haven’t worked outside the echo chambers of punditry and academia, after all.

Given all this, the globalists might just decide to throw a time bomb right into the middle of it all.

Enter this coronavirus, stage left.

They simultaneously pull their money out of the system while fomenting a global panic through their controlled media corporations. The latter blame the coronavirus.

Do I know all this? No, of course not. But it fits globalist psychology.

Let’s not forget: these sociopaths are masters of misdirection.

What do we know?

While common people were watching their portfolios plunge, panic-buying, and even getting into fights over dwindling supplies of toilet paper:

On March 13, the Federal Reserve dropped interest rates practically to zero and initiated a new round of QE.

Translation: the big banks were bailed out again. To the tune of around $5 trillion.

Small investors, meanwhile, have been hit hard. The Dow dropped 2,997 on March 16. That’s its biggest numerical drop ever.

Talk of a massive recession is now everywhere. Naturally, Covid-19 is being blamed, not the actions of the financial elites who dominate Wall Street.

Donald Trump’s presidency has been named a likely casualty, given the awkwardness of his initial response to the appearance of the virus in the U.S.

Meanwhile, authorities are laying in place means of tracking the movements of those quarantined because they’ve tested positive for Covid-19. Many are all for this.

A vaccine is in the works. Naturally, no one will know what is really in it.

In times of induced panic, people indeed lay down what few freedoms they actually possess before the feet of those who promise a solution.

Our financial elites are bailed out to the tune of trillions, and President Trump suggests handing $1K to each American household of peons.

“If you give us more power and you give it freely, we’ll take care of you. A little, anyway.”

What do we really learn from this “pandemic”?

Besides, that is, the obvious lessons about how easy it is to lead the masses by their noses through fear, and how easily politicians get in line in the face of total media saturation and potential shaming.

The “pandemic” has exposed, for all with eyes to see if they dare to look, the dark side of globalization.

Economists have noted how the lock down in China has threatened global supply lines of goods ranging from food to new technology to crucial medications. Supply lines on which Americans have become dependent.

It seems worth asking, how did we get into this pattern of dependency in the first place?

It happened because corporations try to make as much money as possible by locating in places with the lowest labor costs, while economists shrug off disruptive consequences as “externalities.”

And because most people weren’t paying attention.

The idea of economic integration isn’t new. It goes back at least to post-war Europe, and further. The idea was that if nations encouraged mutual dependencies leading to a common market they would be less likely to fight one another. This seemed to make sense, and for a while, it seemed to work.

There are dangers of economic integration, however, especially if you are not in the class of moneyed elites. I don’t think most Europeans were counting on the financial-elite dominated political union they have now. Nor were they counting on being colonized by Muslims who would refuse to assimilate and start to destroy European cultures.

On our side of the Atlantic, what came to pass was corporations chasing the cheapest labor they can find while opening borders to immigrants from everywhere and driving down wages in advanced societies.

All the while a punditry in semisecret organizations like the Trilateral Commission works out an ideological rationale and promises of a coming Utopia.

The ideology was neoliberalism, the basic premises of which were: privatize everything in sight; and value is limited to monetary and exchange value. The Utopia long ago turned dystopian, again if you are outside the one or two percent that has reaped the lion’s share of the profits, generally from investment — “money making money” — as opposed to real productive work meeting people’s needs.

America began to gut its manufacturing base back in the 1980s, as corporations pursued profit and shareholder interest only. During the 1990s with NAFTA, GATT II, and beyond and into the 2000s, this only got worse.

China, meanwhile, was forcibly turned from a mostly agrarian country into an industrial nation in less than two generations. Now it is the second largest economy in the world. No one may ever know the extent to which ordinary Chinese people have suffered because of top-down decisions made by what is still a de jure Communist government. (We know that Mao’s “cultural revolution” murdered tens of millions. China is now a techno cratically controlled society.)

While this may fill the local Walmart with cheaply produced mass consumer goods, it increases the overall fragility of economies everywhere (I am using the term fragility in Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s sense). No national government or population can control what goes on halfway around the world, or even validate that what they are being told is the truth.

Today, America has millions of people whose service sector jobs fail to pay living wages, and whose standard of living has dropped. They are up to their eyeballs in debt. Most could not come up with $500 in an emergency situation without borrowing. Those working cannot afford decent health care because their wages have stagnated relative to a rising cost of living which seems endemic to advanced “capitalist” political economies. These are the reasons we have crises in all those areas whether we like to talk about them or not.

Obamacare wasn’t the solution to the health care crisis because Obamacare wasn’t really about health care. It was about how health care was to be paid for. There wasn’t a word in Obamacare about, for example, Primary Prevention.

Primary Prevention consists of all those things you can and should do to avoid getting sick: nutritional education and healthy eating; exercising regularly; practicing basic cleanliness; not smoking; avoiding sugar and excessive caffeine and alcohol; managing your stress through prayer and meditation; etc.

In the case of the coronavirus, you can greatly reduce your risk through frequently washing your hands, not touching your face and mouth especially if you’ve touched objects in public such as handrails, and avoiding proximity with strangers. Many of the precautions being urged are sensible.

Education for Primary Prevention would enable a people to avoid risky behaviors of all kinds, and if it began when they were children, avoidance would be automatic, not directed by authorities. It would be common horse sense.

But Primary Prevention is not profitable to those who make money by managing chronic conditions, e.g., with drugs. A healthy population doesn’t need to spend money on doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, insurance premiums, etc.


It leads, moreover, to personal resilience and self- and familial reliance. This does not serve the purposes of globalists who want dependent populations, which has included destroying the family unit. Even this hasn’t been enough. As amoral sociopaths, they may be willing to pull out all stops to throttle their opponents.

Up to and including dynamiting economies and impoverishing entire populations.

This “pandemic” will run its course, just as did bird flu, swine flu, West Nile, SARS, and H1N1 did, having turned out to be much milder than its political-economic effects.

The latter are guaranteed to leave us worse off.

Especially if they destroy Trump’s reelection changes and put borderline-senile Joe Biden in the White House, ensuring us, in a couple of years, a presidency-by-committee led by whoever his VP turns out to be. (Hillary Clinton?)

Especially if we are all faced with new vaccines and encircling “health” regulations that have nothing to do with Primary Prevention but will soon be conditions of employment, etc.

Trump will be gone. But the problems that got him elected will still be around, in spades.

And full-throttle globalism will be right back on track!

My final reflection:

I opened with a pair of movie quotes reflective of aspects of sinful human nature.

Something almost no one talks about is relevant here: small but well-heeled folks in the scientific-military complex that will continue to play God with the sort of biogenetic engineering that probably created this coronavirus.

Viruses, too, can be patented and sold for profit.

Given the law of averages, it may be just a matter of time till one of these lunatics comes up with something truly lethal, with an extremely high or almost universal mortality rate — akin to the super flu in The Stand.

And carelessly lets it escape its test tube cage.

Then we’ll know what a real pandemic, a real existential threat to humanity, looks like!

Steven Yates’s next book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been accepted for publication by Wipf and Stock. Buy his Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons For the Decline of the American Republic here.

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Coronavirus Event: Pandemic Pandemonium

By Sidney Secular
Every imaginable theory, “conspiracy” or not, has been broached re: the cause of the virus outbreak, the perpetrators involved, and the outcome that will result, intended or not. We will reserve final judgement on the matter until more facts come to the fore, the many facets can be fully explored, and some investigative dead ends dumped as possibilities. “Know that”(modern parlance) many past epidemics have turned out to be basically duds with comparatively few deaths. This was the case with the recent episodes of West Nile, SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), Swine flu, and Zika. In each of these cases, very ominous announcements from public health agencies, the World Health Organization, the Centers For Disease Control, and other supposedly authoritative sources were spread via the mainstream media who spread the scariness on thick. There was massive hype about huge death rates and talk of quarantines and isolation.
In each of these cases, the number of deaths in comparison with the populations of the host areas was very, very low. The same publicity pattern emerged initially with the Corona virus event, but in this case, the powers-that-be have taken advantage of the social media modality to virally spread rumors and unsubstantiated claims quickly and widely to inflame the hysteria to unprecedented levels in an apparent bid to bring the entire world to a near standstill economically and in many ways socially as a means to facilitate the imposition of the globalist agenda and drag President Trump down in the process by putting a major crimp in the economic progress he has been successfully accomplishing thus far in his presidency. The elites want populations to obey all orders from the medical cartel–the gigantic complex of institutions, practitioners, schools, big pharma, medical journals, etc. that control the health sphere.
The intent is to herd people into the medical matrix from cradle to grave, and fabricated or exaggerated epidemics are very good vehicles to get people to follow what the experts and doctors prescribe as solutions. The medical establishment is especially concerned with the upstart anti-vaccination movement that is beginning to gain traction. Vaccines are one of the most profitable medical creations. and evidence is mounting that they do more harm than good. The goal is to pass laws right away that mandate vaccination inoculation before the anti-vax movement can obtain measurable success.
A very good place to blame as the source of an epidemic and to serve as an example of how to control an epidemic is communist China. That country has locked down its borders tighter than a drum and has placed large cities under quarantine. This could serve as an example to what can and should be accomplished elsewhere to control an epidemic. Any Western source can exaggerate by saying there are one million epidemic cases and people are dropping like flies. Such allegations cannot be readily disputed. Western sources have claimed the virus is a bio-weapon creation of the Chinese that the developers lost control of. News reports allege without proof that China is reacting admirably and that we should look to China as an example of how emergencies should be tackled elsewhere. Most people will just follow whatever the mainstream media propagates.
All the emergency and drastic actions taken in and of themselves will convince most people that the virus is extremely dangerous. If the situation should lead to riots or major disorders, national and state militaries and large police forces will lick their chops in anticipation of money and sophisticated equipment being obtained for use in major urban areas which already have severe crime problems and are always understaffed and underfunded in meeting their challenges. These additional resources could than be used in unauthorized ways in the gradual imposition of a police state in view of the gradual loss of our basic liberties
The medical-industrial complex is rife with corruption, incompetence, and a lack of morality. There are no reasons for the public to believe or trust our political leaders, so-called scientists, or mainstream journalists anymore. Sources offering unorthodox or alternative ideas and solutions should be given a fair hearing.
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
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Coronavirus Pandemic: Gun Sales Going Through the Roof in U.S.

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Despite the chorus of Democrats, journalists and activists condemning guns, gun owners and leftist gun-ban activists condemning the numbers of guns, the amount of ammunition, and laws protecting people’s rights to carry and the current Coronavirus emergency has triggered what can arguably be called the biggest arms buildup by private citizens seeking protection at a time they are witnessing the hatred aimed at them by Democrat officeholders, the narcissistic Hollywood establishment and members of the corrupted news and information conglomerates.

Firearms ammunition maven has seen a 68 percent increase in transactions from the 11 days before February 23, to the period from February 23 to March 4. February 23 was the day Italy began ramping up measures to stem the spread of coronavirus, which has since infected over 24,700 Italian citizens, according to several news sources.

Gun sales are going through the roof in the states of Washington, California, and New York, which have been hit hardest by the Coronavirus. Many of the purchasers were new buyers with little if any experience.

“It’s not like an active panic, more a preoccupation with making sure everyone is adequately prepared, myself and family and friends,” first-time gun purchaser Anna Carrenas told the Times at Arcadia Firearm and Safety in Arcadia, Ca. “Better to be prepared and not need it than need it and not have it.”

The United States civilian population is the most heavily armed civilian population in history.

“The United States is gun country.  It’s part of our national heritage of freedom and liberty.  Anti-gun politicians, media reps, clergy, academicians and others should learn this lesson and learn it well,” said Snyder who serves on the advisory board of the 13,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).

Snyder also said, “Hillary [Clinton] supported semiautomatic gun registration, universal background checks on all firearms transfers, and subjection of firearms manufacturers and dealers to frivolous third-party lawsuits. Which is why she’s on a book tour instead of leading the United State.”

“Clinton, herself an attorney who bragged about getting a child-rapist acquitted, is throwing the American Bar Association and trial lawyers a huge bone with her gun-control agenda,” said former New York police detective Iris Aquino, who now trains women in self-defense including use of firearms.

The Coming Civil War II?

The United States appears to some Americans to be on the brink of something that in the past was the theme of many works of fiction including books and motion picture about the end times — the terrifying 1984, the overly violent Clockwork Orange, the disturbing A Handmaid’s Tale, the realistic doomsday thriller Children of Men, and other works that provide readers and moviegoers with a glimpse of what mankind will eventually face when governments topple and tribalism replaces the greatness of liberty and freedom with distrust, extreme cynicism, mob rule and routinely violent civil disobedience.

During the last three presidential administrations — George W. Bush 43, Barack Hussein Obama, and current President Donald Trump — Americans have witnessed the slow but steady decline of the great political experiment that was the United States’ Constitutionally protected Representative Republic.

Starting with the last election cycle, there were groups of radicals who fearlessly attacked the nation’s conservatives in what seems like a throwback to the 1960s campus protests and street riots in the biggest and most populace cities in the U.S.

Once the election was over, these same groups, their leaders, the news media and the entertainment industry continued their hateful verbal attacks, physical attacks on anyone opposing them, and expansion of the once independent, broadcast and print news outlets that is now recognized as being the propaganda machine for the Democratic Party. The media also shills for the radical left, the secret and mysterious Deep State (a/k/a the Shadow Government), and the already deeply entrenched radical Muslims.

Muslim refugees are allowed into the U.S. with opened arms despite their threat to the lives and property of the American people. So too are undocumented illegal aliens from Mexico and other Central American countries who possess higher violent crime rates than most of the Middle Eastern countries.

A news story (written by political correspondent Jim Kouri) quoted then Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as saying he is accusing President Barack Obama and other political leaders of waging war against religious liberty and education and saying that a “rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for a hostile takeover of the nation’s capital.”

While Gov. Jindel, a Republican, didn’t elaborate many believe he was warning citizens that the federal government (Deep State) is actually provoking a rebellion.

Those who’ve studied national politics and security believe that President Obama and his consortium of left-wing radicals, Islamists and One World Government operatives are hoping that American citizens will take to the streets in droves while armed and demanding to be heard by oppressive government elites who no longer pretend to adhere to the U.S. Constitution.

Such a scenario would offer the Washington elites the desired “excuse” to deploy the government agencies and the military which seems to be the opinion of Gov. Bobby Jindal and others.

Gov. Jindal is quoted by Fox News as saying he could “sense right now a rebellion brewing among these United States where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American dream for our children and grandchildren.”

Gov. Jindal spoke in Washington, D.C, at the annual Faith and Freedom Coalition conference.

During his presentation he accused Obama, his minions and sycophants of waging war against certain American values “The Pelican State governor is right on,” said John Snyder, who is also on the board of advisers for the National Association of Chiefs of Police and a former NRA magazine editor.

Although news stories and op-eds on the Internet for years predicted the mysterious and foreboding purchase by Homeland Security of billions — that’s right, not millions but billions — of rounds of ammunition, stories appearing in News with Views, the Drudge Report, Fox News and a few other news outlets appear to be drawing more and more attention to federal agencies militarizing their workers.

Most disheartening is the enormous number of weapons and ammunition being purchased and stockpiled by federal agencies that aren’t even law enforcement or military in nature.

Federal agencies not usually associated with civil unrest are stockpiling weapons and ammunition.  For example, the Social Security Administration, are trying to put a damper on the speculation — noting the ammunition is “standard issue” and simply used for mandatory federal training sessions.

When asked about their buildup of weapons and ammunition, the Social Security Administration stated:  “The SSA is processing more applications than ever, which means more traffic in SSA offices. Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority for OIG, which, together with the Federal Protective Services and local law enforcement, has jurisdiction over SSA workplaces.”

The SSA also claimed, “Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately. They not only investigate allegations of Social Security fraud, but they also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees, and customers.”

The bullet purchases drew widespread attention as the web site published several stories on them that were linked off the widely read Drudge Report and other sites. catalogued a string of recent purchases — first by the Department of Homeland Security, then by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and then the Social Security Administration.

Talk show host and attorney Laura Ingraham also said, “The Bush Administration and congress toyed with the idea of practically militarizing FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration), which is basically a ‘bean-counting’ agency. But that idea went nowhere. However, with Obama in the Oval Office, the news media may be more willing to cover up abuses to patriotic Americans.”

“This news is bad, very bad. Worse are attempts by inane politicians, media personnel, entertainers and church officials to impose gun control generally on American citizens. Jihadists are out to get Americans. People need guns now more than ever. Jihad terrorism is increasing in the US. Individual citizens need guns for protection. Jihadists and illegal aliens behead, rape and pillage. Armed Americans must be ready, willing and able to stop them anytime, anyplace,” notes Snyder who serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America and American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens.

“What makes the right to keep and bear arms so important? Simply put, the individual right to defend against aggression is fundamental to civil society. Self defense is a natural safeguard against violations by individuals or oppression by institutions, such as an increasingly powerful and unaccountable government. History has repeatedly shown that absent this protection, dominating rulers will use force to subjugate and trample the rights of defenseless individuals. We believe the best ammo deals will help Americans stay armed,” said one of the principles at, Brian Miller.

“Criminals want soft targets, individuals who can’t or won’t fight back. Unchecked power corrupts even the best, and people who have known too much power over others for too long become increasingly comfortable with harsh and extreme measures. This is part of what happens when police officers brutalize the citizens they have sworn to protect. The corrupting effect of too much power is what permits a government to slaughter their own unarmed citizens, as we have seen too many times in the last century,” he noted

The Second Amendment was established to prevent such an imbalance of power. It protects our natural rights to live free of domination and coercion, both as individuals and as Americans. Because if we don’t have the ability to defend ourselves, we also risk losing the free exercise of our many other rights.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Why Government fears Christianity and not you

By Paul Cappadona

Christianity in America is quite pathetic and most everyone knows it.  We will explore why and how the lukewarm assembly of believers have been divided, weakened and pushed aside. No one likes to support a losing team and team Christian has been getting bad press since the founding of this Nation.

I am not here because you know not the truth, but because you know it. I’m here to tell you that no lie is of the truth.  I’m here concerning them that seduce you, which seek to bring you into bondage and separate you from the Gospel of Liberty.” H.B.

The lies of the press, the government and many other sources have been working on us and the people.  We have been brought into bondage and seduced from the liberty of God’s way. Little by little, no cost was spared, we were seduced from the foundational Rock.

“O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. 3:12 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!  Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!  Which justify the wicked for reward and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!  Because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts and despised the word of the holy one of Israel.”    Isaiah 5: 20, 21, 23, &24 The meaning of Israel is RULED BY GOD.  Are you or do you desire to be ruled by God or man, the choice is that simple?  Only by being ruled by God can you help your fellow man and keep the Nation under God.  If we have bad, foolish, or wicked leaders they must be brought to justice.

“He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” 2 Sam 23:3

“Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and trembling.  Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” Psalms 2:10-12

We have been led away from the fact that leaders or rulers of any kind MUST rule justly.  When they do not rule justly it is our duty to stand up to tyranny.  We have been lied to preventing righteous judgement. We have enemies and we have battles to be won.

“An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked.”Proverbs 29: 27

Abominable: hateful; detestable; loathsome.From where I sit the just been neutralized.

How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked?

Not only should we be reprimanding poor, mis-guided, and wicked legislation we should be working with-in the system to help keep it pure.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bearth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29: 2.

“Scornful men bring a city into a snare: but wise men turn away wrath.” Proverbs 29:8

Snare is anything by which one is entangled and brought into trouble; to bring into unexpected evil. N.W. 1828.

“To account for the misery that men bring on themselves, notwithstanding that, they do all in earnest pursue happiness; we must consider how things come to be represented to our desires under deceitful appearances.” Locke, 2. 21. 61.

Truth and real love are inseparable, we must learn again that standing up for truth is love indeed.  We must offend if we are to be honest.

“He who dare not offend cannot be honest.” Thomas Paine

We must begin to take our place as the salt of the earth.

“In question of power let no more be heard of confidence in men but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

The tyrants and perverts of this world will do everything and anything to remove those chains and keep them off.  It is and always have been the Christians duty to keep the governments from becoming tyrannical.

“Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth: Both young men and maidens; old men, and children: Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.” Psalms 148: 11, 12, &13

This next one is where Thomas Jefferson came up with the chains of the Constitution. However, the Constitution does not exempt us from our duties. In fact, it is our strength and honor.

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand; To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute upon them the judgment written: This honor have all his saints.  Praise the Lord. Psalm 149: 6-9

We have been lied to, we have a duty to judge, NOT our judgements, but His judgements.  There is no such doctrine that separates Christians from the governments.  The truth can be arrived at and opinions must take a back seat.  Tolerance is and evil device used get people to except iniquity and perversion as a right equal to truth.

“Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.” Isaiah 1:10 & 17

“It is high time to AWAKE out of sleep: …cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. … Let us walk honestly …not in strife and envying.” Ro. 13: 11-13.Strife and envy is democratic socialism or covetousness.

“Thus saith thy Lord the Lord, and thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people. Behold I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling … I will put it into the hand of then that afflict thee; which have said to thy soul, Bow down, that we may go over: and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as a street, to them that went over.” Isaiah 51.22 & 23

Its high time we take the side of Truth and when that is done just watch the people chose sides.  Blessed are those that take the battle to the courts.  Free Grand Jury Creed to all that ask.

© 2020 Paul Cappadona – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Cappadona:

[BIO: Paul Cappadona ls a professional home builder in Massachusetts and the author of his first book “Taking Back America“]

How Ocasio Cortez’s Socialist Green New Deal is Creeping Across America

Tom DeWeese
They had a vote in the U.S. Senate and the result was 57 – 0 as the Republicans declared that the crazy, radical, unworkable Green New Deal was dead in the water! Apparently its supporters didn’t get that message. The Green New Deal is currently, stealthily, creeping across America.

© 2020 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

An Interview with Western Civilization

by Lee Duigon

[Transcript of last night’s broadcast of “Eternity Today”]

HOST: Welcome, welcome to another “Eternity Today,” the show that has the whole afterlife talking! I’m your host, Monty Griffin; and please give a warm welcome to tonight’s special guest, Western Civilization. [Applause. Exchange of pleasantries.]

HOST: Western Civilization has just died after a run of—what was it?—at least 3,000 years. Pretty good, eh? [Applause] So tell us, Western Civilization. When you finally crashed and burned… what were you doing?

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: [Shuffles feet. Looks at floor. Mumbles incoherently.]

HOST: Relax! It’s all over now—learn to be comfy in eternity. Just tell us what you were doing when the crash came.

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: Well… Like… Oh, man, this is so embarrassing! We… well, we were making up genders. Okay? Dozens of new genders! And new sexual lifestyles to go with them! And new laws against saying it was a really bad idea.

HOST [amazed]: You mean, while the Chinese communists were dominating your markets, buying their way into Hollywood and into so many of your universities…. And inventing new diseases, like the one that wiped you out… instead of watching them closely and trying to prevent them from doing stuff like that, you guys were…sheesh!… inventing new genders?

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: That’s about the size of it, Monty. Oh! I’m so ashamed! Who ever would’ve thought that it would end like this?

HOST: Uh, actually, Westy, a lot of different people thought so. And warned you. Again and again. But you never listened. You just said it was “religion,” and made faces at them and called them bigots and haters who were on the wrong side of history, and drew up new speech codes to shut them up. You stopped your ears and turned away. Not to mention all that time and energy you wasted on that Climate Change business—which you knew was just a lot of nonsense, but you pushed it anyway. You got people good and scared over that—so they were primed for panic, really primed, when that whole virus thing came along.

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: If only I’d come to my senses in time! On my way to this studio, in fact, guess who was driving my cab. Babylonian Civilization! “Thought it couldn’t happen to you, eh? It happened to me, but not you! How does it feel, Westy—sitting on the ash-heap with the rest of us? Even the Gauls are laughing at you!” I had to listen to him all the way here!

Oh, if only I’d taken adequate precautions! Why, oh, why, did I ever listen to the globalists? If only I hadn’t been so greedy for all that Chinese money, that it made me totally blind to the slap-dash way they do things in Red China! How could I have been so blind? If only! I might’ve gotten off with just a damned good scare—just enough to scare me back onto the right track. But no! I was preoccupied with all sorts of silliness.

HOST: You were busy making up new genders. Hey, you had to know that none of that was real! You had to know that all along, didn’t you?

WESTERN CIVILIZATION: [Breaks down into tears, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Rends his garment.] Of course I knew it! I knew it all the time! But then I convinced myself I didn’t know it! Just like I convinced myself that I could work the Green New Deal. And the next thing I knew, I was not only woke, but broke! Brother, I learned my lesson, big-time—but I learned it too late! [Agonized howls. Studio audience breaks into thunderous applause.]

HOST: Whew! That was really something, wasn’t it? Well, folks, that’s it for “Eternity Today” today. Tune in to “Eternity Today” tomorrow for another special guest who wishes it was… yesterday! [Cut to commercial]

I have discussed these and other issues throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Corona is Not ‘The Big One’

Lloyd Marcus

Fred Sanford of the Sanford and Son sitcom routinely faked having a heartache to manipulate his son. Placing his hand over his heart, Fred would yell, “This is the big one! I’m comin’ to join you Elizabeth!”

For three and a half years, Democrats along with their fake news media minions have sought “the big one” to remove Trump from the White House.

All of their this-is-the-big-one attacks on Trump have bombed out; Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, the Mueller Report, the Ukraine phone call, the 25th Amendment, the Emoluments Clauses, quid pro quo, bribery and far too many for me to remember.

Barely able to contain their excitement, Democrats/fake news media believe they have finally found their kryptonite to take down this superman president. They are confident that their insidious evil manufactured hysteria over the Corona virus is The Big One that will end Trump’s presidency.

Any one of the bogus attacks launched against Trump would have ended the candidacy or presidency of any other Republican. Clearly, God’s Hand of protection is on Donald J. Trump. Their latest attack, Corona-mania, will fail also.

We have seen Democrats/fake news media repeatedly use their tactic of creating a false narrative which they demand that everyone embrace. Anyone with the guts to rebel is publicly humiliated, branded irresponsible, deemed a truth denier, diagnosed crazy, a racist, sexist and homophobe.

Horrifyingly, Democrats/fake news media seek to criminalize and imprison anyone who disagrees with their false narratives. A coalition of attorney generals sought to prosecute anyone who disagreed with Obama’s belief in man-made climate change.  Obama’s DOJ vowed to prosecute anyone who contradicts his statement that Islam is a religion of peace.

And yet, Obama worshiping progressives accuse Trump of behaving like he is a king.

Democrats’/fake news medias’ latest bogus narrative which they demand that we embrace is the Corona virus as the worse thing that has ever hit America and we’re all gonna die because Trump is in the White House. Anyone who dares to publicly say otherwise is immediately gang assaulted by the media.

Well aware of the consequences of daring not to embrace this narrative, like falling dominoes, corporations are canceling all public gatherings.

The Bible speaks of evildoers setting a trap for someone only to fall into it themselves. “If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself.” Proverbs 26:27 “Let them be caught in the trap they set for me.” Psalm 35:8

In their frenzied quest to use Corona-mania to “destroy Trump”, Democrats/fake news media find themselves caught in their own trap; in the awkward position of advocating for home-schooling. Democrats are aggressively seeking to ban home-schooling. Progressives despise home-schooling because it stops them from indoctrinating students with hatred for Christians and America while implementing the LGBTQ agenda.

Democrats/fake news media say screw your Constitutional right to free speech. They decide the “correct” view of an issue. If you do not conform, they will destroy you.

Here are a few examples. Trump along with a majority of Americans are fine with “legal” immigration. Democrats/fake news media say if you do not surrender to their desire for open borders and rolling out the red carpet to illegals, you are a racist hater of people of color.

Christians along with other Americans instinctively know that marriage is between one man and one woman. When a Muslim gunman massacred homosexuals in a bar, Democrats/fake news media absurdly said everyone who supports traditional marriage is responsible for the massacre.

Do you see how their tyrannical bullying works folks? If you do not surrender to Democrats’/fake news medias’ mandated view of an issue, they will lie about you and make your life hell on earth.

Continuing to prove himself to be a courageous peerless voice of truth, I tip my hat to Rush Limbaugh for refusing to surrender to Democrats’/fake news medias’ mandated bogus doom and gloom narrative about the Corona virus.

Upon turning on my TV, a reporter said, “And now, the effects of the Corona virus.” I thought, in reality, the Corona virus has had very little effect. The reporter was really reporting on the irresponsible despicable hysteria created by Democrats/fake news media solely to take-out Trump. They will fail.

A break from Corona hysteria and anti-Trump media. Watch something uplifting

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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The Invisible Enemy Has a Name

By Cliff Kincaid

After having unleashed the Chinese coronavirus on the United States and the world, China is now attempting to demonstrate that it has a superior system to deal with the crisis – communism. The elites running the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) seem to be impressed.

The intellectual fools at the CFR are promoting the Chinese narrative that China is now trying to save the world from a virus it unleashed.

“As Washington falters” in its response to the coronavirus, say the authors of an article in the CFR journal Foreign Affairs, “Beijing is moving quickly and adeptly to take advantage of the opening created by U.S. mistakes, filling the vacuum to position itself as the global leader in pandemic response. It is working to tout its own system, provide material assistance to other countries, and even organize other governments.”

Its “own system” is communism, supported in the past by naive capitalist powers, led by the kind of people who run the CFR. In calling for years to lessen our dependence on China, President Trump broke with the thinking of the CFR.

One of the authors of the CFR article, not surprisingly, is a former Obama official, and the other is an official of the liberal Brookings Institution. They are trying to use the crisis created by China to attack how the Trump Administration is responding. But this is the time, as Rep. Jim Banks argues, for the U.S. to demand reparations from the Chinese regime. One way to squeeze the money out of Beijing is to hike the existing tariffs on their products.

Let China pay through tariffs for the economic stimulus for the American people being considered by Congress. Call it “The China Coronavirus Victims Relief Act.”

The CFR article, carried under the subtitle, “China Is Maneuvering for International Leadership as the United States Falters,” notes that that China “helped create the very crisis now afflicting much of the world.” This is the key to understanding the problem. It is not Trump’s fault.

As Commander-in-Chief, Trump has used the agencies and powers available to him. Most importantly, he has kept our attention on the source of the problem, China, even while calling the virus an “invisible enemy.” He hasn’t shied way from calling the virus a name incorporating its country of origin. This is basic honesty and accuracy.

The coauthors of the CFR article admit China mishandled the virus. They note, “The virus was first detected in November 2019 in the city of Wuhan, but officials didn’t disclose it for months and even punished the doctors who first reported it, squandering precious time and delaying by at least five weeks measures that would educate the public, halt travel, and enable widespread testing.”

Then, however, they pivot away from holding Beijing accountable for these crimes against humanity to nitpick Trump for saying certain things about the virus. They object to his tone and his Tweets. They seem to think we can still deal with China as if it were a responsible member of the international community.

What they really fear is growing exposure of the role that the elites in the CFR and other high-level organizations played in building up China’s Communist dictatorship.

Bill Gertz’s book, The China Threat, explained how CFR godfather Henry Kissinger “played the key role” in the talks that led President Nixon in 1972 to establish informal ties with China, which ultimately led to formal diplomatic relations in 1979. Kissinger insisted that China had abandoned communism, and was no longer a threat.

Meanwhile, a political and economic analyst by the name of Tom Luongo has written a revealing article, “Putin Unleashes Strategic Hell on the U.S.,” asserting that the war over oil prices involving Russia and Saudi Arabia is really directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin against the United States. All of a sudden, America’s energy independence is in jeopardy, as our shale oil industries face bankruptcy because of falling oil prices.

The unleashing of the Chinese virus and the Russian attack on oil prices look like a coordinated campaign.

An article in the Beijing Review, “An Evolving Partnership,” notes that China and Russia signed a joint statement on “the foundation for bilateral ties” in 1992, and established a “partnership of strategic coordination” in 1996. In 2001, China and Russia signed the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation. Then, in February 2013, China and Russia signed a joint statement to “deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination,” thereby “bringing bilateral relationship to an unprecedented level.”

This was a surprise to those who accepted the fantasy that the so-called Sino-Soviet split was real. In our 2015 book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, a former U.S. intelligence agency official explained how the Sino-Soviet split deceived U.S. policymakers and weakened the Free World. But his perspective was a dissenting view in the CIA and intelligence community bureaucracy.

Unleashing the virus and then claiming to be the world’s savior from it is a prime example of Marxist dialectics.

Chinese Red Army Commander Lin Biao called Marxist dialectics, the communist ideology of struggle and deception, a spiritual atom bomb, far superior to the real thing. Lenin called it the living soul of Marxism.

Fighting back, at least rhetorically, Trump’s National Security Council (NSC) said in a statement that, “The Chinese Communist Party’s decision to expel journalists from China and Hong Kong is yet another step toward depriving the Chinese people and the world of access to true information about China.” That includes information about the origin of the coronavirus. The NSC also said, “The United States calls on China’s leaders to refocus their efforts from expelling journalists and spreading disinformation to joining all nations in stopping the Wuhan coronavirus.”

But the CFR journal seems to want to move in another direction. “Ultimately,” the CFR article declares, “the coronavirus might even serve as a wake-up call, spurring progress on other global challenges requiring U.S.-Chinese cooperation, such as climate change.” Incredibly, as China spreads both the virus and disinformation, America’s elites are calling for MORE U.S.-China cooperation, as if the communists in Beijing can be trusted and believed.

President Trump, meanwhile, has invoked the wartime Defense Production Act and has put the U.S. on a war footing. We know the name of the invisible enemy.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Politicization of the Corona Virus

by Servando Gonzalez“War is the continuation of politics by other means.” —Carl Von Clausewitz

Soon after the detonation of the first nuclear device in New Mexico, the US military classified wars into three categories Atomic, Chemical, Biological (ABC). The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki[1] pushed the Soviet Union and other countries into developing their own nuclear weapons, which made trigger-happy CFR agents at the Pentagon to be little cautious about its use.
Chemical warfare was used in WWII, but it was found to be a very unreliable war tool. Just a change in wind direction can turn you into a target of your own weapon.

Nevertheless, the US used it during the Vietnam War. As expected, Agent Orange not only killed Vietnamese soldiers and civilians, but also many American soldiers. 
In contrast, bacteriological warfare is very old. Probably its earliest use in America was when North American colonists gave American Indians blankets and linens contaminated with smallpox.

But biowarfare shares the same risks chemical warfare has: it can easily turn against its users. This explains why it has not been extensively used. Nevertheless, you don’t need to be a believer in conspiracy theories to accept the fact that the AIDS virus was created in a biowarfare lab and tested in Africa to decimate some local populations. Unfortunately, the AIDS virus found a receptive host in homosexuals.

Everything indicates that the Corona virus is the product of a biowarfare lab. There are two biowarfare labs in Wuhan, China.[2] The fact that the virus sits in an HIV envelope indicates it was engineered. Recombination events cannot to be produced just by chance in nature.
 The spread of the Wuhan Corona virus may have happened by accident.[3] It may may have happened by design, as a population control tool the Chicomms used to decimate its own population. It may also have been a tool used by the US Government against China. It may have been an attempt by CFR globalist agents in the US military[4] to create an artificial crisis which eventually will overthrow President Trump.[5]

Whatever its origin, the anti-Trump crowd has politicized the Corona virus by pushing the death numbers of the world onto Trump’s lap.[6] Their climate change operation did not work, so it has become obvious that they are using the Corona virus as a political warfare weapon to get rid of President Trump, because there’s no other way the Democrats can win.
The bottom line, however, is that despite all efforts of the CFR-controlled mainstream media, the Corona virus has proved to be no more lethal than the previous flu viruses that have affected us. What is new, however, is that the Conspirators have changed the Corona virus into a war tool to overthrow President Donald Trump. The anti-American globalist conspirators have changed a biowarfare weapon into a political warfare weapon whose main effect is fear. Apparently, they planned to use it as a false flag operation the same way CFR globalist gents Bush and Cheney used the 9/11 psywar as a pretext to reduce our freedoms.

So, actually we are not fighting a war against a contagious disease, but a political war against the American people. The main tool of this war is fear. But, as President Roosevelt clearly expressed in his first inaugural address in March 4, 1933, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” We must not let the fear mongers control our lives.

I’d bet that if, God forbid, President Trump resigns and the Liberal “progressive” fearmongers manage to bring their beloved Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Barack Obama) back to the White House, the present crisis would dissolve as if by magic in less that 24 hours. Mark my words!

By the way, even though it is not mentioned in the medical literature, one of the virus’ side effects seems to be diarrhea. This explains why Americans, some of them risking serious bodily harm, have bought mountains of toilet paper that will keep their needs covered for the next quinquennium.[7]

© 2020 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


1. Following advice from Secretary of State Edward Stettinius (CFR), Secretary of War Henry Stimson (CFR), and General George Marshall (CFR), President Truman (not a CFR member) ordered dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nagasaki, where no military installation was located, was the site of the largest Christian community in Japan.

2. Bill Gertz, “Virus-hit Wuhan has two laboratories linked to Chinese bio-warfare program.” The Washington Times, Jan 24, 20202.

3. There happens to be a Chinese Bioweapons laboratory about 20 km from Wuhan, (the Epicenter of Covid19 virus) which was built in 2016. The fact that Corona virus originated 20 kilometers from a newly built bio-warfare lab cannot be the product of a coincidence to just dismiss and call it a conspiracy theory.

4. Keep in mind that the good folks at Fort Detrick, Maryland were the ones who brought us the Anthrax outbreak of 2001 as well as Lyme disease and HIV. See, “HIV ‘Created by Scientist’ for Biological Warfare, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Says,” KHN Morning Brief, October 1, 2004.

5. In November 2019, the Gates Foundation held a simulation scenario called Event 201. It simulated an outbreak of a “zoonotic “coronavirus”. “Zoonatic” would be the spread of disease through animals (vertebrates). The scenario ended at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. See [Link] 
In July, 2012, eugenicist Bill Gates (CFR) and his wife Melinda attended a “family planning” summit in London to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First International Eugenics Congress. The event, co-hosted by the United Kingdom Department for International Development, included organizations such as Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes International and the UN Populations Fund, as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 
In February 2009, in a speech entitled “Innovating to Zero,” Gates made the following remark at a Conference in Long Beach: 
 “The world today has 6.8 billion people … that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

6. An interesting detail is that the very same people who are now desperately asking President Trump to take drastic measures to contain the Corona virus never pushed President Carter in 1980 to take similar measures to contain the AIDS virus. Of course, AIDS was a politically correct disease, while the Corona virus seemingly is not. See Hua Hsu, “Aids is a Bioweapon,” New York Magazine, Nov. 15, 2013,  
Paradoxically, the only country who took drastic measures to contain AIDS was the Castro government. After the first cases were detected in Cuba, the government created a special military units to detain the members of the social group seen as potential AIDS carriers. They were captured in the streets like mad dogs and forcefully interned in veritable concentration camps. Not surprisingly, nobody in Berkeley or San Francisco complained about it.

7. The toilet paper brouhaha is a clear indication that the whole Corona virus crisis (not the virus itself) is a political war operation some people are fueling to advance their evil agenda. On the other hand, it has evidenced how the moral fiber of most Americans has corroded to a point beyond salvation. The West was won without toilet paper. American soldiers won a war against the Nazis without toilet paper. But the new generations cannot live without it. What a shame!

Covid 19 Virus To Change The Way Humanity Lives and Travels

By Frosty Wooldridge

My friend, writer Les Blenkhorn said, “Stay well there. This contagion is going to fundamentally change the world forever.”

In a matter of five days, Covid 19 affected everyone in my small town of Golden, Colorado.  The movie theaters closed.  Restaurants closed. My gym closed. The pool closed. Plays cancelled. Sporting events cancelled. My church placed worship services online last Sunday.  No one shakes hands anymore.  Friends stand 10 feet apart when talking.  We shop at the grocery store near closing to avoid people.  Anyone could be carrying the virus.  My wife Sandi cancelled a conference in Phoenix.  She cancelled a visit to her friend with cancer in Sedona, Arizona.  She cancelled the rental car.  She cancelled the airline tickets.  She cancelled her Air B and B reservations.

My cousin Elaine faced quarantine on a cruise ship in Thailand.  She finally returned home after a month of incredible ordeals and stress.  One of my sons, who travels extensively, remains home working through his computer.  The other son, a pharmacy tech, must wear a “moon suit” to disperse medications in a Denver hospital.

Times Square in New York City resembles a vacant lot filling with trash.  Macy’s and Saks Fifth Avenue stores locked their doors.  Target and Kohl’s look to close, too.

For the first time in 40 years, Congress and this president closed the border with Mexico to stop further injection of diseases from border jumpers.  Other than necessary goods, we closed our border with Canada.

The major stock market indicators keep dropping like a brick in water, while, airlines and cruise ship companies face massive cancellations.

Everyone may become infected with the slightest contact to this virus residing in the body of another person.

This Corona Virus originated in China, at least, that’s the news mandate. These days, none of us can really be sure about anything the main stream press spouts.  As an extensive traveler in Asia, and seeing firsthand their lack of sanitation, germ-filled food preparation and drinking water—I am astounded that all of India, China, Pakistan, and Bangladesh haven’t died of horrific diseases such as cholera, leprosy, HIV, malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.  It’s filthy in those regions.

In India, 77 percent of its citizens lack the use of a toilet.  With 1.25 billion people, and headed toward adding another 300 million within 30 years, it’s a wonder pandemics haven’t hit weekly.  China, with 1.4 billion expects to add another 100 million by 2050.  How they hope to survive those numbers beats the heck out of me.  And Bangladesh at 161 million people living in abject misery, expects to reach 201 million within three decades.  Illiterate humans only know how to do one thing well: procreate.

What am I getting at?  It’s simple: there are too many humans multiplying across the planet in unsustainable numbers.  At 7.6 billion, we humans remain on course to add another 2.5 billion by 2050, to reach 10.1 billion.  What do you bet we don’t make it?  What are the odds that humans face a terribly bleak future?

Additionally, if you watch the video reports on places like Los Angeles with 62,000 homeless people living in tarp tents, tossing filthy trash everywhere, and defecating-urinating in the streets—you can’t imagine how it is in India, but let me say, it’s sickening beyond imagination. In LA, it’s only 62,000, but in India, it’s 1.25 billion.

If humans fail to invent and install sanitation systems worldwide and garbage collection, you can bet that Mother Nature will do the job for us.  If humans fail to stabilize their numbers before mid-century, you can bet that Mother Nature will stabilize our numbers for us.

If you think Canada and the USA face endless refugees out of the overpopulated third world in 2020, can you imagine what the human-flood will be in 2030, 2040, and 2050? Can you imagine the diseases being transported within their bodies?

This year, 2020, our U.S. Congress will dump another 1,000,000 (million) legal third world immigrants onto our shores.  We need Congress to rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act. Bring all immigration down to zero.  We need to stop the chain migration with bill HR 891 and stop the Visa Lottery at 50,000 annually by voting in HR 479.  In 2019, 372,000 border-crasher women, without being vetted, birthed their anchor babies on US soil.  If we don’t change our laws, they will keep coming.

What kind of diseases will they bring to us and our children?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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US Military Members in Turbans, Beards And Hijabs

Bradlee Dean

Representatives And Mainstream Media Apparently Forgot About Fort Hood – I Haven’t!

“They chose new gods; then was war in the gates:” -Judges 5:8

Oh, how the powers that are allowed depend upon the short memories of the American people (Isaiah 28:18).

Let me ask you, who are the enemies of America? The last I heard, and for over 18 years we have been inundated by the mainstream media and said representatives with the fact that the Muslims were our sworn enemies. At this point, we have to ask the question, for whom it is they are working (Luke 22:48)?

[FaceBook Video]

I am all for immigrants coming into America to assimilate and so are the American people.  However, when you find that 68% of them coming into America would have Sharia law over American law, then we have a problem, and the problem is staring us right in our faces.

Some in their ignorance may say freedom of religion? Freedom of Religion does not fall to them that mean to establish a foreign government within the United States, this is called subversive treason. This opens the doors to all others once it is opened up.

Furthermore how many of our military men fought, bled and died fighting against the very ideologies that government now wants you to accept?

[YouTube Video]

Now, we are being told that they can join our military and instead of assimilating to our laws, institutions and culture, it is Americans that must conform to their laws, institutions and culture (Deuteronomy 28:43). As of December 2015, 5,896 of the 1.3 million active members of the US military self-identify as Muslim.

Zero Hedge reported Americans Will Soon See More US Military Members In Turbans, Beards & Hijabs

“Americans could soon begin seeing the unusual sight of US military service members walking around in Islamic hijab and other religious garb like turbans.

This after the United States Air Force dramatically changed its dress code policy last month to allow airmen to wear religious apparel so long as it presents an overall “professional and well-groomed appearance.”

According to the newest update to the “Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel” code, material used for religious headwear must fit the assigned uniform color, including camouflage.

Furthermore, beards will be allowed for religious reasons. Individual members must request permission for unshorn hair and facial hair, but upon exceeding two inches the regulations call for it to be “rolled and/or or tied” to meet the new standards.

US Air Force adherents to the Muslim and Sikh faiths are those most likely to take advantage of the loosening uniform changes — the latter which are now also authorized to wear under-turbans or patkas even in indoor areas (where headwear is typically removed).

For years the US armed services resisted such religious accommodation, emphasizing standard “clean cut” uniformity and appearance across the board — but various “religious freedom” lawsuits were recently brought by the ACLU, which began to drive limited policy changes.”

I ask, how long are the American people going to be scared out of their own faith by the likes of the subversive, communist organization American Civil Liberties Union?

[YouTube Video]

The US government forgot how this may end up. Apparently, they forgot about Fort Hood, but I have not (Judges 5:8)!

It is a well known fact that said representatives and agencies in this country have systematically and methodically sold its own people out, along with themselves, they just have not figured that out yet (Psalm 57:6), through the deliberate act of treason (Article 3, Section 3, US Constitution) to that of a foreign power which they created.

[YouTube Video]

I have to say that it does not get any plainer than the nose on your face as to what we are seeing with these issues today, and more are going to undergo these unlawful abuses by these if Americans do not take the issue in hand.

It is long overdue for Americans to lawfully deal with traitorous representatives and to remind them that this is America (Article 2, Section 4, US Constitution), not the Middle East.

We know that ever since September 11, 2001, Americans have been under continuous assault from their own representatives and created agencies (Leviticus 26:15-17).

[YouTube Video]

We also know that administration after administration has, in fact, been funding and aiding and abetting the enemies within and without in handing this country over to them that mean to conquer. Enough!

[YouTube Video]

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

The Coronavirus May Not Get You But Socialism Could

By Ron Ewart

“Socialism violates at least three of the Ten Commandments: It turns government into God, it legalizes thievery and it elevates covetousness.  It has no moral justification whatsoever; poor people are not morally superior to rich people, nor are they owed anything by rich people simply because of their lack of success.   Socialism states that you owe me something simply because I exist. Capitalism, by contrast, results in a sort of reality-forced altruism: I may not want to help you, I may dislike you, but if I don’t give you a product or service you want, I will starve. Voluntary exchange is more moral than forced redistribution.   When people are desperate or wealthy, they turn to socialism; only when they have no other alternative do they embrace the free market. After all, lies about guaranteed security are far more seductive than lectures about personal responsibility.” Ben Shapiro, radio talk show host 

The enemy of reason is upon us!  Fear!  Panic!  Frenzy! Terror! Dread!  Horror! Hysteria!  Confusion!  Hording!  Stress!   So many Americans are running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

No!  We are not minimizing the threat and risks of the Coronavirus.  But, it, like Ebola, Measles, Flu, Sars and Mers viruses (and who knows what else) are alive and well on the planet and they rise up every now and then to test our metal.  (Remember the hype about the Measles outbreak last year?  There were only 971 cases and yet we panicked over that too because of the news media!)

Some people will get the Coronavirus but don’t know they have it.  Some people will get sick, some will get very sick, some will end up in hospitals and some will die.

But people die every day in traffic accidents, (3,287 avg. per day) or drug overdoses, (192 per day, 2017) or shootings, (109 per day, 2017) or stabbings, or hammer attacks, or just old age (7,115 per day, 2013) and yet we don’t panic over those deaths.  We live with it because we know we can’t stop it in our society.  This doesn’t even include people who end up in hospitals from disease, broken bones, or old age.  It is a fact of life on planet earth.  People get sick and people die.  Panic only makes it worse.

The CDC estimates that around 31,000,000 Americans have caught or will catch the flu this year, 370,000 could end up in hospitals for treatment and at least 56,000 could die.  We don’t see any panic rising in the population over flu deaths.  There’s no hoarding or cleaning out store shelves.  There is no mass media saturation on flu news stories.

We’re panicking because we are being deluged and fed a steady diet, 24 hours a day, with negative news stories about the Coronavirus.  Fear is contagious, just like a disease.  Nevertheless, it is very unlikely that 31,000,000 Americans are going to catch the Coronavirus this year because of the extraordinary steps we are taking to minimize the spread.  It is equally unlikely that the death rate will exceed the 56,000 who die every year from the flu.

Yes, the economy will suffer, some people will lose their jobs, some businesses will go out of business and the GDP will take a hit.  But it’s not permanent.  We will bounce back.

For once the government is coming through with solutions, working with the private sector, to help ward of the threat.  Trump is leading the charge.  We’ll come through this and after it is over, we’ll wonder what was all the fuss about?  At the end of this article is a link to another article with a credible prediction of the final path of the Coronavirus.  It’s worth your time to read it.

The Coronavirus will fade into memory in a fairly short time, but the move towards socialism is on-going and relentless.  The Democrats are the carriers of that relentless torch of socialism and they won’t be deterred from their goal by a bunch of namby-pamby, RINO Republicans who don’t have the cojones to challenge and stop the Democrats in their tracks.  Being NICE is no way to stop an evil enemy.  Courage, determination and sometimes force are the only way.  (See: How Has Being ‘Nice’ Worked Out For You)

Yes, America is a great country and collectively, we seem to be able to face our problems with a stiff upper lip and a determination to find solutions to those problems as we are doing now with the Coronavirus.  Nevertheless, not everything is peaches and cream.

What we see on the surface belies what is terrorizing us from the shadows.  Our freedom is declining, the constitution is becoming meaningless and representative government is essentially dead.

The people are losing their grip on morality, honor, integrity and honesty and as we have written many times before, government and people without honor will not work.

Drug and alcohol use is pandemic and the current entertainment, screen and music, borders on debauchery.

Out-of-control immigration, a deteriorating and expensive health care insurance system, public schools and colleges being used as institutions of socialist and environmental indoctrination, rising homelessness, a Democrat bought and paid for news media, onerous taxes, an ever-escalating national deficit and debt and way too many rules and regulations haunt our every day lives.  Unexplainably, most Americans sit on their hands and do nothing, or don’t care.  Oh, they might bitch a little, but that’s about all.  Consequently, the problems keep getting worse.

The largest of these problems, that can only be solved by government, are mostly ignored by the President, Congress and the bureaucracy.  Trump is trying but the corrupt Establishment from both parties is in control and the deep state is out of control.  International financial and corporate forces are doing everything in their power to erode our national sovereignty.

Is there anything that freedom-loving Americans can do about it?  No!  The problems will not go away and they will continue to plague us.  Not until there is a mindset shift in a large segment of the population towards the return of the principles of freedom will we begin to see a change in attitude towards the rebirth of freedom.

If individual freedom and unalienable, God-given rights have no meaning to the masses, socialism, communism, fascism, or radical environmentalism, take their place.  When the people aren’t paying attention, the Bernie Sanders, the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s of the World and socialist Democrats rise to fill the void.

There is only one thing that can start an avalanche towards that mindset shift and that is adapting to an idea or a symbol that carries and represents those fundamentals of freedom.  In just 500 years, the idea of Christianity swept the Middle East, Europe and North Africa, until finally it swept the entire globe such that there are 2 billion Christians on the face of the planet.  The symbol was Jesus, the Son of God.  The idea was that all men were created in the image of God.  From the symbol, Jesus, came the “principles” of morality and salvation.

From the American Revolution came the idea of individual freedom and natural rights.  The symbol of freedom became the American flag and the ideals it represented.  When we “rally ’round the flag“, when we “pledge our allegiance“, collectively, as a nation, we rally around the ideals (principles) that the flag represents.

What America needs is another symbol to rally around, like our flag, with the hopes of rekindling our alliance with the principles of freedom, a symbol that espouses freedom, liberty, un-biased justice and property rights and a symbol that exudes force, determination, patriotism, unity and courage.  All that is wrapped up in our “American Patriot” logo.  If this logo showed up by the millions on the windows of homes, on the doors of trucks, or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other Internet platforms and swept the nation like Christianity swept the world, the mindset shift towards freedom could literally happen overnight.  It won’t take 500 years.

Socialism doesn’t have to be our future.  Freedom-loving Americans can “Save the USA” and they can do it by a simple act of embracing and living a powerful symbol of freedom and the principles of freedom as embodied in our “18 Basic Principles For America.”

Remember!  The Coronavirus’ impact on humanity will be fleeting and short lived like most of these viruses. America will bounce back, probably stronger than ever. However, socialism and its savage effects will infect the entire world, including America, if we let it.

You can let the Coronavirus consume you and eat up your life, or, you can back up, take a deep breath and realize that of all the enemies that threaten freedom, the Coronavirus is the least of those enemies.  The news media-induced fear and guilt is government’s tool to further enslave us.

Americans are made up of lovers, peacemakers, activists and fighters.  Today, America needs, more than anything else, fighters.

(See:  “How Will The Coronavirus End?” from the “Live Science” website)

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

An American Answer to the Coronavirus

Jake MacAulay

When faced with hardship, Americans have a history of coming together and crying out to God.

This morning I read an article in that recorded numerous occasions of prevailing prayer over American calamities:

At the start of the American Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress declared: “Congress … considering the present critical, alarming and calamitous state … do earnestly recommend, that Thursday, the 20th of July next, be observed by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a Day of Public Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer, that we may with united hearts and voices, unfeignedly confess and deplore our many sins and offer up our joint supplications to the all-wise, omnipotent and merciful disposer of all events, humbly beseeching Him to forgive our iniquities.”

Our novice American patriots went on to win a miraculous victory in the war for independence against the greatest empire in the world.

In his Inaugural Address, President George Washington acknowledged, “[I]t would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official act my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect…”

In fact, almost every other president since has issued a proclamation of thanksgiving and/or prayer.

During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed May 30, 1918, to be a day of prayer. The German empire had almost broken through the Allied lines. One day after the proclamation, the United States Marine Corps began its first major engagement of the war at Belleau Wood. Then something miraculous occurred: the Americans won a stunning victory over the Germans, keeping the Allies from losing the war.

During the mid-1800s, an estimated 150,000 Americans died from cholera, which was spread by drinking unsanitary water, though this was unknown at the time.

It was the first truly global disease, killing tens of millions in crowded cities all over the world:

My friend Bill Federer, in his American minute newsletter, recently shared:

On July 3, 1849, President Zachary Taylor proclaimed a National Day of Fasting:

“At a season when the providence of God has manifested itself in the visitation of a fearful pestilence which is spreading itself throughout the land, it is fitting that a people whose reliance has ever been in His protection should humble themselves before His throne, and, while acknowledging past transgressions, ask a continuance of the Divine mercy.”

“It is therefore earnestly recommended that the first Friday in August be observed throughout the United States as a Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer…to implore the Almighty in His own good time to stay the destroying hand which is now lifted up against us.”

After President Taylor’s Day of Fasting, it was reported the number of deaths dropped suddenly in August.

That same year, 1849, English physician John Snow confirmed that the disease was spread through drinking contaminated water.

And in 1884, Nobel Prize recipient bacteriologist Robert Koch successfully confirmed the identity of the cholera bacillus, which aided in future treatment and prevention.

While this global pandemic of COVID-19 is new only in name, the solution remains the same: employ biblical sanitary practices, and pray to our Creator that He would stay this plague and bless His Church so we may help the world through this daunting time.

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© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Coronavirus, China’s Lies, and Bioweapons Research

By Cliff Kincaid

Americans are trying to stay safe, as government attempts to contain the spread of the coronavirus. As this unfolds, let’s hope that our “intelligence agencies” are taking an objective and honest look at where this virus came from – and whether other diseases are being planned for America and the world. A recent case of alleged “academic espionage” involving China raises the specter of American involvement in Chinese medical and/or biological warfare research.

In making the charge that the Chinese coronavirus originated in the United States, the Chinese have taken a page out of the old Soviet playbook. As concern about AIDS was growing in the 1980s, the Soviet Union launched a disinformation campaign charging that an American military laboratory had developed the virus that caused HIV/AIDS.

The Soviets were lying in order to cover-up their own biological weapons program. Is this what inspires the Chinese lies?

The Soviet campaign included a Pravda cartoon showing an American military officer receiving a vial with the AIDS virus in exchange for providing cash to a doctor in a lab coat. Dead bodies are on the ground around them.

In one of the most notorious examples of Communist disinformation appearing in the U.S. media, then-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather picked up this story. He reported in a matter-of-fact way, in a newscast on March 30, 1987, that a Soviet publication had charged that an American military laboratory had developed the virus that caused the AIDS epidemic. He did not accompany this charge with any comment from the Pentagon or the State Department.

The liberal anchorman had fallen for a Soviet ploy to use the AIDS charge against the U.S. as a way to divert attention from the Soviet program to develop Ebola and other viruses as weapons.

This story had been exposed as Soviet disinformation even before Rather aired it. Former KGB officer Oleg Gordievsky later admitted the Soviet KGB role in spreading the AIDS charge against the U.S. in his book, KGB —The Inside Story, calling the charge a “fabrication” that “also took in some of the Western media.”

In the end, the Soviets had placed the charge in over 200 publications, as well as radio broadcasts, in 25 different languages. This is the model the Chinese are using to divert attention away from them.

The Soviet campaign was so effective that the Wilson Center featured a discussion, “The AIDS Conspiracy: KGB and Stasi Disinformation,” looking back at how the Soviets ran the campaign in association with the East Germany intelligence service. A subsequent report goes into substantial detail.

The reason we should revisit this controversy is to understand why the Chinese communists are using the same kind of disinformation today. The motives behind the Soviet campaign involved far more than just smearing the United States. The Soviet campaign was designed to distract attention from its own biological weapons program. Ken Alibek, deputy chief of the main Soviet biological weapons laboratory, disclosed in his book, Biohazard, that the Soviets had explored AIDS as a weapon but concluded it was too unstable for use. However, he said they did add smallpox to their arsenal. The Soviets tried to cover up a biological weapons disaster at their own Army biological research facility at Sverdlovsk, blaming the deaths on tainted meat.

Similarly, it is reasonable to assume that the Chinese disinformation attacking the U.S. Army as the source of the coronavirus is designed to divert public attention from what has been going on behind-the-scenes in Chinese labs. Alibek’s book describes outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in China in the 1980s that were caused by an accident in a lab “where Chinese scientists were weaponizing viral diseases.”

In an interesting development, on January 28, as the coronavirus virus was spreading to the United States and Europe, the Department of Justice announced that Dr. Charles Lieber, the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, and two Chinese nationals had been charged in connection with aiding Communist China. (Lieber and his lawyers declined comment).

Lieber has his own Lieber Research Group at Harvard. The web page says, “The Lieber group is focused broadly on science and technology at the nanoscale, harnessing the unique physical properties of novel nanomaterials to push scientific boundaries in biology and medicine.”

What’s fascinating are the “sponsors” listed on the bottom of the page. They include the National Institutes of Health, the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency, and MITRE, a “research and development” center claiming to be “solving problems for a safer world.”

One of the Chinese nationals, according to the DOJ news release,is alleged to have tried to smuggle vials of biological material in his socks that he obtained from the Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.Another Chinese national, Yanqing Ye, was identified as a Lieutenant of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the armed forces of the People’s Republic of China and member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

We are being told by our media and their “fact-checkers” that none of this has anything to do with the coronavirus.

But the sensational allegations in this reported case of “academic espionage” are that Lieber, who became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China, was getting paid big bucks to establish a research lab at WUT. What’s more, the DOJ said that Lieber has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Defense (DOD).

At a time when Congress seems eager to pile more billions of dollars on the NIH, in order to fight coronavirus, shouldn’t this scandal be investigated to find out where in fact the money has been going, for what purpose, and to whom? Has American expertise been tapped to make China’s secret labs and to engineer viruses to sicken and kill the people of the United States and the world?

Note that a separate entity, the secretive and controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology, has international “partners” that include the NIH and Harvard.

Is there an American connection to coronavirus after all?

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

If It Bleeds, It Leads: The Morbidity Of The News

Kelleigh Nelson

The mainstream media has its own agenda. They do not want to print the facts. They have an agenda, they have a slant, they have a bias. It is outrageous to me. —Curt Weldon

In dictatorships the media is controlled by the State. In democracies the media is controlled by wealthy individuals with political affiliations. Objective media and journalists simply do not exist in the mainstream.  —Robert Black

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth.  They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power.  Because the control the minds of the masses.  —Malcolm X

If it bleeds, it leads” appears to reflect the morbidity of the news conglomerations. This quote has been around for over thirty years.  New York Magazine ran an article in 1989 titled “Grins, Gore, and Videotape – The Trouble with Local TV News” by journalist Eric Pooley. Pooley was angry about the quality of the stories being published locally and the sheer volume of stories whose subject matter was grim and menacing.  Pooley said, “The thoughtful report is buried because sensational stories must launch the broadcast: If it bleeds, it leads.”

The media in and of itself is a physical manifestation of our primal desires and fears, and they take great joy in using it for their own political purposes.  Most likely, the populace is the very cause of the demand.  Ever notice the number of rubbernecking motorists who slowdown in order to see something on the other side of a road or highway, often the scene of a traffic accident. It’s the same thing with this Covid-19 outbreak.  If it bleeds, it leads…and they are doing their best to panic America.

This virus is about making sure the Democrats and their comrades in the mainstream media destroy Trump’s magnificent economy and the stock market (which has to do with the virus, and also with oil which the media is not reporting).

Photo – Pumpjacks in an oil field in Midland, Texas. (Nick Oxford/Reuters)

If people suffer and small businesses close, they don’t give a damn.  Covid-19 is two-fold…decimating the economy and killing off the elderly who are considered “useless eaters” by globalist elitists and UN Agenda 2030.

Harvard and Wuhan

Dr. Charles Lieber, 60, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University was arrested in late January.  Lieber served as the Principal Investigator of the Lieber Research Group at Harvard University, which specialized in the area of nano science, and has received more than $15 million in grant funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Defense (DOD).  These grants require the disclosure of significant foreign financial conflicts of interest, including financial support from foreign governments or foreign entities.

Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan (TTP) from in or about 2012 to 2017.  It is once again about spying and intellectual property theft.

WUT paid Lieber $50,000 USD per month, living expenses of up to 1,000,000 Chinese Yuan (approximately $158,000 USD at the time) and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at WUT.  In return, Lieber was obligated to work for WUT “not less than nine months a year” by “declaring international cooperation projects, cultivating young teachers and PhD students, organizing international conference[s], applying for patents and publishing articles in the name of WUT.”

U.S. officials say TTP encourages economic espionage and theft of intellectual property, the issue at the heart of President Trump’s trade war with China. They also argue that China’s so-called military-civil fusion strategy—in which the government employs resources, technologies, and people to advance both sectors simultaneously, elevates the threat.

Lieber had to pay a $1 million cash bond within five days of walking out of federal court for not telling the feds he was working for and being paid by China.

It was the Clinton-Gore team who compromised national security for campaign cash from none other than Communist China.  They sold our country’s security to Communist Red China for funds to remain in power.

World Health Organization

WHO Director declares Covid-19 a pandemic (a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world) and claims the death rate is higher than thought.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, former Obama administration health policy adviser who promoted Obamacare’s “death panels,” is the current special adviser to the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Emanuel says he found Trump’s statements on Covid-19 a little incoherent. Well excuse the daylights out of me, but Dr. Ezekiel, you are the one who is incoherent and deliberately obtrusive.  Trump speaks plainly and clearly and tweets to his supporters daily.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is an Ethiopian politician and academic who has been Director-General of WHO since 2017.  Tedros is another hardcore leftist and is credited by abortion advocates with liberalizing Ethiopia’s abortion laws.  In early 2017, he attended the Dutch “She Decides” conference, organized in opposition to President Trump’s expanded Mexico City Policy blocking U.S. funds to international abortion groups. Link

Dr. Tedros seems to be inflating the number of deaths to fulfill the scare tactics of our democratic socialists rather than looking at the real numbers, and President Trump is disputing the inflated numbers.  The mortality rates vary from country to country depending on the host country’s elderly population and their healthcare system.  The virus is normally less deadly than Sars or Mers, but more highly contagious.

Infectious Disease Research

In late 2015, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China. It is a SARS like virus that affects the respiratory system. The research was done in order to help combat animal to human spread of viruses.  The NIH defunded the UNC research although Obama had approved numerous grants for same.

Netflix produced a 2019 docuseries, “The Next Pandemic.”  In the episode, Bill Gates warned that a pandemic was on the horizon and pushed for funding saying it takes years to find a cure for a new viral outbreak.  Link

The biotech Moderna said it is working with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop a coronavirus vaccine.  The effort is funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a group started by Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and announced in 2017 at the World Economic Forum.

There are 19 different Coronaviruses.  Depending on your health and your age, the Covid-19 virus affects everyone differently.  Some folks don’t even know they’ve had it or their cases are extremely mild, and others are desperately ill and struggle to breathe.

Fear, Hysteria and Panic

Was Covid-19 created in one of Wuhan’s biolabs?  The anomalies of this virus, lead me to believe it is man made. Unlike flu viruses that often kill the young and elderly, this virus attacks the elderly and those with infirmities like heart disease, lung disease or diabetes.

The origin is Wuhan, but China is blaming America, and Iran is blaming Israel for Covid-19.  And now China is hinting at withholding drugs that help with the virus.  In 2000, under Bill Clinton’s administration, China was given entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and granted “Most Favored Nation” status. We have suffered the consequences in many ways, and Covid-19 has exposed the danger of relying on China for our drugs.

Taking the same precautions as during the flu seasons will keep most people healthy.  The media has created an environment of fear to where everything is being cancelled or shut down including conventions, schools, universities, travels, sporting events, concerts, medical facilities, churches, movies, and jobs.  Mainstream media spreads fear 24/7.  Even the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in my hometown of Chicago where the Chicago River is dyed green, has been postponed.

Photo – James Foster/Chicago Sun-Times via AP

And now, the governors of Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, California, Massachusetts and Washington have ordered all bars and restaurants closed.  Idiocy reigns, and businesses are destroyed.

New York Governor Cuomo has actually announced the deployment of New York’s National Guard and the creation of a “Containment Zone” in a one square mile section of New Rochelle that is the epicenter of New York State’s outbreak.  The National Guard has been called out in five more states, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Rhode Island, and Washington.

In Champaign, Illinois, home of the University of Illinois, an executive order has given the Mayor of that city the ability to suspend all firearm and ammunition sales, and allows her to restrict the sale and distribution of food and water as well as taking the title to private property.  As of yet, there are no Covid-19 cases in Champaign, and this EO has not been used, but it’s on the books and dangerous to freedom.

In Cliff Kincaid’s recent article, he wrote, “The President has another option: put the military in charge of the coronavirus response and move quickly to a war footing with Communist China.”

These military ideas are extremely dangerous.  The Posse Comitatus Act (1878) prohibited use of the U.S. Army to aid civil officials in enforcing the law or suppressing civil disorder unless expressly ordered to do so by the president.

Emergency Declaration

President Trump declared the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, a United States federal law designed to bring an orderly and systemic means of federal natural disaster assistance for state and local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to aid citizens during natural disasters. This emergency declaration frees up $50 billion for use during this virus. There have been 59 other declarations, including one for H1N1 influenza by President Obama.

The government/media now controls you and everything about your life. Mass shut downs have occurred for fear of contracting this new respiratory flu virus. Overnight our freedoms have been limited, all because mainstream media is selling panic. We now have mass hysteria over a virus whose survival rates are extremely high.

H1N1 Flu Pandemic – 2010

Never before with all the deadly viruses that have killed far more Americans has the entire country shut down.  And why has this virus depleted grocery store resources including meats, canned goods, toilet paper, soaps, disinfectants, etc. My local meat market was nearly sold out, and Sam’s shelves were emptied of all paper products and now police are guarding the place.  How easily the media has molded the minds of Americans into a frenzied hysteria.

Remember the H1N1 swine flu pandemic of 2010?  Probably not…because there was no media panic.Why?  Because Obama was in charge and the media exalted and lauded him. They praised the handling of a virus far more virulent and deadly than Covid-19.  H1N1 infected 61 million Americans, 300,000 were hospitalized and the flu killed 17,000 Americans, including 1,800 children.  It affected young adults and children.  Yet the weaponization and politization of the Wuhan virushas received 10,000 times the media coverage H1N1 received. Yes folks, it’s all politics.

Covid-19 affects the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, but we don’t have 17,000 people dead in America from Covid-19.  According to Johns Hopkins, 70,000 people have recovered from the virus. Yet, everyone now thinks they have the virus if they catch a common cold or this year’s flu.  There are differences!

Covid-19 v. Truth

Don’t panic!  The media is selling lies for one reason only…to destroy the economy and President Trump. The real mortality rate is under one percent, and the true case fatality rate of this virus is likely to be far lower than current reports suggest. Even some lower estimates, such as the one percent death rate recently mentioned by the directors of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, likely substantially overstate the case. The arithmetic of Covid-19 death rates is totally misleading.

A recent Gateway Pundit article states, “The US has reported 68 deaths to date.” Sharyl Attkisson writes, “Almost all of the reported coronavirus deaths in the U.S. happened in long-term care facilities in Washington State. And almost all of those occurred at the same facility.”

No young or middle-aged people have died of Covid-19 in the U.S and most people around the world diagnosed from January-March 1, have already recovered. Attkisson notes that the average age of deaths from the coronavirus in the US is 80 years old, (and that’s with immune system deficiencies).

As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier, according to CDC numbers, in the 2019-2020 flu season in the US, there were 222,000 confirmed cases of the flu from testing and an estimated 36 million flu cases in the United States. There were 22,000 confirmed deaths from the flu.

There are so many lies by mainstream media regarding this virus, that have been debunked by solid medical authorities.  The two articles by Chris Centeno, MD, entitled Why I Am Not Concerned About the Coronavirus – Episode 1 and Coronavirus Myths Debunked – Episode 2 are well worth your time to read.

Jim O’Neill’s latest article links to what Dr. Drew Pinsky has been saying about the media and panic…it too is well worth the read. In two separate interviews, Dr. Drew Pinsky, M.D., said the liberal media are “over-reacting” to coronavirus and selling out America; they do not know how to report on it, and have created a “hysteria.” The “press needs to shut up,” he said, adding that the measures taken by President Trump, the CDC, and Dr. Anthony Fauci are “appropriate” and should be heeded.

The numbers make the current responses by government officials, communities and companies appear highly exaggerated.


Every year we lose approximately 30,000 people to flu, but we go on with our lives.  We didn’t bring everything to a screeching halt with swine flu, and the deaths from Covid-19 are miniscule compared to a normal flu season.  Stop the panic…go back to your lives, wash your hands, don’t be in crowds, and this too shall pass when warm weather arrives.

The democrat socialists don’t care about deaths of our elderly, or the murders of our unborn innocent young…but if there is one politician in America today who actually does care about the American people, it’s Donald Trump.

And you can see it every day simply from the policies that he tries to implement, the policies that he supports, the agenda that he has implemented. He’s all about making America great, not about making Trump great. And the left doesn’t get that he loves all Americans so dearly and completely that he wants to enrich their lives.  They are blinded in their hatred of a great leader.

The biothreat of China is accomplishing all the goals of Trump’s enemies. You think America’s commie left and Red Chinese didn’t get together to do this? It came from China and who do you think has been warning us about the Chicoms? Donald J. Trump!

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:


by Sidney Secular

“All notions of security are  superstitions.” —Helen Keller

“When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice — You may know that your society is doomed.” —Ayn Rand

Cultural Marxism has always involved the effort to destabilize societies in order to redistribute their wealth and to impose political tyranny, and, when successful, it has always resulted in totalitarian regimes that ended up killing more than just national economies.  In the past, Cultural Marxism generally built up a head of steam by exploiting  class conflicts inside of societies, but it found that effort to be unsuccessful in U.S., because here the poor always aspired to become like the rich, rather than wanting to kill off the rich to grab their money.  Stymied by this mindset, the Marxists diligently searched for other societal fault lines to exploit, and they settled on a campaign to inflame the race and gender divides in America.

This attack plan began with modest demands that women and minorities have equal access to institutions, integration into them, and an equal status in all venues.  After making headway for several decades in those contexts, the attack then predictably moved forward to more aggressive attempts to control institutions and extort reparations from them.  Ultimately, however, the end goal can be expected to become an effort to completely reinvent the institutions and impose authoritarianism in them. We know this, because Cultural Marxism doesn’t seek partnership with those in power, it instead seeks to depose and obliterate the powers that be.

As an example, the American Civil Rights Movement, which began with polite requests for social equality for Negroes and equal access to institutions like schools, trade unions, and government agencies.  Those goals were largely achieved, and have now evolved into frequent and strident demands for reparations,  institutional control, and wealth redistribution.  When the modern demands are impeded at any point, invariably there are now zealous charges of racism and shrieks that historical grievances that must be righted.

Few concessions and confessions decrease the loudness of the shrieking, and in all of this, little mention is made of the fact that 600,000 overwhelmingly white soldiers gave their lives in the American Civil War, at least in some part to emancipate Negroes.  When we add civilian deaths, some scholars suggest a figure of closer to one million fatalities may have occurred.  Likewise, little mention is made of the trillions of dollars spent in social welfare benefits in the last half century to raise blacks to parity with whites, or the 60 years of reverse discrimination to which white Americans have been subjected in the guise of something called “Affirmative Action.”  Instead there is the snarling rabidity of Spike Lee, telling his kinsmen in awards ceremonies that it was “black Americans who built America.”  Odd, this exaggeration, coming from a representative of a relatively small American subgroup that once constituted less than one-tenth of America’s population, and was primarily kept busy scrubbing chamber pots.  Ironic,  this vitriol, coming from modern purveyors of discontent, insisting that it was actually their group that founded and built a society that would never have existed if history had waited for them to do the job.

In blood and cash and self-negation, any debt owed Black America has already been paid in full.  Yet instead of any remotely humble acknowledgement of this, we are bombarded by a narrative insisting that America’s primary identity stems from a relentless victimization of people of color.  And this is a narrative promoted by both the Left and the Media, the latter of which in recent decades has generally functioned as the Left’s mouthpiece.  In this role, the smallest of micro-aggressions perpetrated against blacks is fodder for the Media narrative.  A white swimming pool manager, failing recently to recognize a black family as members, requested identification and received coast-to-coast TV vilification for that sin.  A white drugstore manager refused to accept a black shopper’s coupon, and received similar coast-to-coast media scorn.  In a notorious incident, two black men were asked to purchase something at a Starbucks or to leave.  They refused to do so, even when the police were summoned and made the same request.  They were arrested, with seismic hoopla resulting.  The incidents that were “reported” do not yet meet the threshold of being qualified as “hate crimes,” but hang onto your hat, because such times are soon coming.  And in the meanwhile, entire households of the melanin-impaired may be slaughtered in their sleep by people of color, and those incidents receive only local media attention, or get designated as unexceptional run-of-the mill crime, and/or get promptly flushed down the public’s memory hole.

The sin of these distorted narratives is greatly compounded by the Media’s insistence that there is a war by the police on people of color.  It does not matter one wit that this “war” is statistically impossible to substantiate.  In essence, if people of color are numerically more likely to die in encounters with the police, it is only because people of color are more likely to be involved in the crime occurring in our streets.  There is nothing mysterious about this equation, yet the Media has seldom been accused of being encumbered by an obligation to pursue something called “The Truth.”

Similarly, the “war between the sexes,” a largely nonexistent conflict throughout most of human history, has been fueled and exploited by our adversaries to create societal divisions  with the purpose of destabilizing the existing status quo and replacing it with a new one.  Here, too, the Media agenda is relaxed in its inability to perceive certain realities, like the unequal life spans of men and women.  American women on average live five or more years longer than American males, and this is at least in part a sad testimonial to the greater burdens borne by men in the struggle for survival.  If life itself is the most precious of human commodities, then how are men not being profoundly shortchanged?  The Left’s gender warfare agenda also ignores other realities:   despite the endless screeching for complete equality, women do not demand that half of our wars’  body bags be filled with females.  Perhaps it’s because that would constitute a true equality whose price they have no real wish to pay:  99.9 percent of all combat deaths continue to be males.  Similarly, they have no problem with the fact that the vast majority of workplace deaths are males, because men are performing the most dangerous jobs.  They also have no problem with the fact that females are sentenced to vastly less jail time when they commit the same crimes committed by males.  Unsurprisingly,  many recent studies have revealed that half of all domestic violence is perpetrated by females, so women should also insist that women constitute half of all domestic violence arrests.  They do not do so;  instead, the vast majority of arrestees are males, primarily because males often do not report assaults made on them by their female partners.  And as a final example, to reiterate a point slightly, women should very rationally demand that Affirmative Action quotas be created for hard labor professions like coal mining and highway construction, following the logic that if small or petite men can do these jobs, then women can help serve the cause of justice by filling them and shortening their own life spans.

Is there any likelihood that any of these blatant inequalities will be remedied?  Dream on, ladies and gentlemen.  It will not happen because such remedies will not advance the agenda of the juggernaut that joyfully grinds men — and especially white men — into their graves.

The gender narrative is thus in some regards as one-sided as the aforementioned racial narrative.  The gender narrative allows women to aggressively demand all of the perks of parity, while retaining most of the perks of being sheltered as “the weaker sex.”  Take, for example, the FBI’s discriminatory physical requirements for newly hired Special Agents.  In order to become an agent, men are given ten points in the physical examination if they can run 1.5 miles in 8.59 minutes or less time, and women receive ten points if they can run the same distance in 10.34 minutes or less.  In effect, women are given more than one and a half additional minutes to run the same distance(!).  In the same manner, a male applicant gets ten points if he can do 71 or more push-ups, while a woman gets the same number of points for doing 45 push-ups.   These and similar lesser physical requirements for women beg an obvious point:  if the aforementioned ten and half minutes qualifies female agents to chase bank robbers down a street, how is it anything other than blatantly discriminatory to hold males to a more demanding requirement?  These unequal requirements are blatant sex discrimination on their face, discrimination no one has the necessary cahones to litigate.

The bottom line, while pontificating about equality, many women remain sheltered from much of the heavy lifting in our society.  They still expect to be first in the lifeboats when a passenger liner sinks, because they expect to have their cake and eat it too.  Clarity, justice, true equity — these are finer points that make no impression on many fevered Liberal minds, minds unaware that they are shaped and herded by agendas that are hardly interested in anything resembling genuine fairness.

Like many forms of evil, Cultural Marxism disingenuously appeals to our higher ideals regarding justice, equality and freedom.  We are told that our destiny involves achieving  a state of complete equality in a post-racial and post-gender society.  But Cultural Marxism, like many ideological cancers, has merely waged its warfare by cloaking itself in disguises intended to exploit our most noble and humane aspirations.  In reality, its appeals are merely a means to an end; it promotes divisions to destabilize and deconstruct societies and thus create a more fertile ground for itself.

To rehash one primary thought, the pattern of initially demanding access and equality is a pattern that ultimately ends in institutional control and oppression.  This is exemplified nowhere better than in the nation of South Africa, a once First World, modern, industrialized society that is now rapidly devolving into a violent and dysfunctional nightmare.  The once bright promises of socialism there are now sand in the mouths of ordinary South Africans.  Water and electricity are routinely rationed in cities that were once on par with those in any other Western nation.   Racial and gender relations have worsened, despite promises that the fall of Apartheid would lend itself to utopian levels of racial and gender equality.  Just as important, for our analysis, the society in a matter of three decades has devolved from being an orderly and stable one to being one characterized by some of the highest rape, crime, and poverty statistics on the planet.  It has gone from being a First World nation that was founded and built and dominated by whites to one in which whites are now largely banned from the labor market and white real estate holdings are being forcibly confiscated.  And it has devolved into a place where women of all races frequently exist in economic and physical peril.  What emerged from the settling dust of post-white rule was a hyper-violent, repressive, conflicted, balkanized, and disintegrating community, a community in which survival itself has become problematic.

This is no environment conducive to genuine racial and gender equality, and if such descriptions strike some familiar chords with Americans, they should reflect that in South Africa such a metamorphosis was unthinkable only a few decades ago.  A society that South African Europeans spent four centuries building — and which would not have existed without their presence — went quickly from a national mindset of “It can’t happen here,” to “It will inevitably happen here.”  Imperfect as the old South Africa may have been, today it barely operates.

America is very unlikely to escape the same disaster.  As we have mentioned, a very short time ago, as the European desendants of the founding populations of the U.S. and South Africa, our status and safety in these countries were considered divinely ordered certainties.  Even so, as rapidly as a society can create sacred cows, it can just as quickly create scapegoats and pariahs to render up as burnt offerings to the gods.  We assumed our homelands to be invincible, and our places in them to be secure, but notions of such security are on some level purely imaginary.  As the wise Benjamin Franklin once said, “Even when we think ourselves secure, we are not truly safe.”

It can be speculated that tomorrow’s America, very much like South Africa, will be neither post-racial nor post-gender.  It will merely be a “post-America” society, in that the original America will be permanently dead.  Racial and gender conflicts will still abound, because racial and gender realities will continue to exist, all of the vaunted and extensive social engineering notwithstanding.  The conflicts will merely have been successfully manipulated as part of a divide and conquer strategy that places the barrel of a gun squarely in our faces  and then pulls the trigger — obliterating everything once familiar to us.

The fools and traitors and cowards that lead us will have merely ushered us into dark and dangerous byways, under the pretense of illuminating those places.  Instead, rather than creating light, they will simply herd us toward the terminus of the road that ends in extinction.

© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Is This Backstory The Truth About COVID-19’s Origin?

By: Devvy

For months the Internet has been absolutely drowning in theories about where this COVID-19 actually originated. “Mainstream” print and boob tube media have paraded their share of ‘experts’ for months making sure the segments wind back around to President Trump as the culprit.

Many have emailed me over the months asking me my opinion on where it originated. The outbreak erupted in Wuhan over in Commie China. As far as I can tell from my research it was known to their dictator and government as far back as October.

From the beginning I’ve contemplated several scenarios. That particular coronavirus was possibly leaked to their population for testing purposes and it got out of hand. Would the Reds do such a thing to their own people?

Was the virus accidently let loose by one or more employees at The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory? Could one or more have become infected and since some infected are asymptomatic, may not have even known they were infected? Accidental.

Why would Communist China deliberately unleash a virus they know is highly contagious and that if their plan backfired it would be catastrophic to their economy? Forget their people. Communists are God-less and could care less about human life. This terrible, terrible outbreak is costing the Communist Chinese government trillions of dollars. If their intention was to experiment on their own people it has blown up in their faces big time.

An accidental transmission. I dug around and found a couple of older news stories that merit reading: China built a lab to study SARS and Ebola in Wuhan – and US biosafety experts warned in 2017 that a virus could ‘escape’ the facility that’s become key in fighting the outbreak

“According to Nature’s interview with the lab’s director, Yuan Zhimin, the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory planned to study the SARS virus.

“In January 2018, the lab was operational ‘for global experiments on BSL-4 pathogens,’ wrote Guizhen Wu in the journal Biosafety and Health. After a SARS virus escaped in a ‘leak’ from another lab in 2004, Chinese officials worked to improve safety, but also to expand the country’s capacity to continue to study the very viruses its lab had let out.”

So, we know one prior incident of a leak did occur unleashing the deadly SARS virus. If it happened once it could happen twice. When did the first infected individuals actually become known? The Reds have been insisting CORVID-19 originated in the U.S. Legions have scoffed that’s nothing but more propaganda. Is it?

My dear cousin sent me an article which sent me to several others I believe should be investigated for elimination purposes. Fort Detrick’s labs are a scary place – the one place where safety must be the HIGHEST priority. Apparently not. Please make note of the dates in the pieces. I want readers to know I read every article and column I link. Have to and while I know it’s a lot of reading, I sure hope you can take time to read them as well.

Going back to August 2, 2019: Fort Detrick lab shut down after failed safety inspection; all research halted indefinitely

“All research at a Fort Detrick laboratory that handles high-level disease-causing material, such as Ebola, is on hold indefinitely after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the organization failed to meet biosafety standards.

“No infectious pathogens, or disease-causing material, have been found outside authorized areas at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

“The CDC inspected the military research institute in June and inspectors found several areas of concern in standard operating procedures, which are in place to protect workers in biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratories, spokeswoman Caree Vander Linden confirmed in an email Friday. The CDC sent a cease and desist order in July.”

The Army just quietly re-opened its infamous germ warfare lab that experiments with Ebola, plague and other deadly toxins, Dec. 4, 2019 – “The previous commander, Maj. Gen. Barbara Holcomb, who oversaw the lab when problems were found has retired.” Holcomb took over command on July 28, 2019. That is an incredibly short command – especially for a Maj. Gen. My late husband was a retired bird Colonel. The military simply does not send a flag officer to take over command of someplace like Ft. Detrick if that Maj. Gen. had already put in for retirement. (July 28 – ? It doesn’t say above just that she was retired by Dec. 4, 2019.)

Now comes these two which I feel are very important.

China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US? (Bold emphasis mine.)

“The Taiwanese doctor then stated the virus outbreak began earlier than assumed, saying, “We must look to September of 2019”.

“He stated the case in September of 2019 where some Japanese traveled to Hawaii and returned home infected, people who had never been to China. This was two months prior to the infections in China and just after the CDC suddenly and totally shut down the Fort Detrick bio-weapons lab claiming the facilities were insufficient to prevent loss of pathogens. (10) (11)

“He said he personally investigated those cases very carefully (as did the Japanese virologists who came to the same conclusion). This might indicate the coronavirus had already spread in the US but where the symptoms were being officially attributed to other diseases, and thus possibly masked.

“The prominent Chinese news website Huanqiu related one case in the US where a woman’s relative was told by physicians he died of the flu, but where the death certificate listed the coronavirus as the cause of death. On February 26, ABC News affiliate KJCT8 News Network reported that a woman recently told the media that her sister died on from coronavirus infection. Montrose, Colorado resident Almeta Stone said, “They (the medical staff) kept us informed that it was the flu, and when I got the death certificate, there was a coronavirus in the cause of death.” (12)

This is the column my cousin sent which caused me to look further.

COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US

“The Taiwanese physician noted that in August of 2019 the US had a flurry of lung pneumonias or similar, which the Americans blamed on ‘vaping’ from e-cigarettes, but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and conditions could not be explained by e-cigarettes. He said he wrote to the US officials telling them he suspected those deaths were likely due to the coronavirus. He claims his warnings were ignored.

“Immediately prior to that, the CDC totally shut down the US Military’s main bio-lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, due to an absence of safeguards against pathogen leakages, issuing a complete “cease and desist” order to the military. It was immediately after this event that the ‘e-cigarette’ epidemic arose.”

An entire industry, what they call vaping, has been nearly destroyed. I don’t do the vaping thing but it is legal. This column goes on:

“If some members of the US team at the World Military Games (18-27 October) had become infected by the virus from an accidental outbreak at Fort Detrick it is possible that, with a long initial incubation period, their symptoms might have been minor, and those individuals could easily have ‘toured’ the city of Wuhan during their stay, infecting potentially thousands of local residents in various locations, many of whom would later travel to the seafood market from which the virus would spread like wildfire (as it did).

“That would account also for the practical impossibility of locating the legendary “patient zero” – which in this case has never been found since there would have been many of them.

“Next, Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown University in Washington, said in an article in Science magazine that the first human infection has been confirmed as occurring in November 2019, (not in Wuhan), suggesting the virus originated elsewhere and then spread to the seafood markets. “One group put the origin of the outbreak as early as 18 September 2019.” (2) (3)

Whew. The Wuhan origin point suddenly takes on an entirely new road of investigation and one with catastrophic consequences for the United States if in fact it’s true.

The airline industry is billions in the hole and worsens by the day. AMTRAK trains. (I’ve been to Union Station in NY several times. Right now it’s a ghost town.) Hotels, motels, restaurants, retailers and many, many other businesses and their employees are hemorrhaging money.  The panic across this country is like a stampeding herd right off the cliff. Chain supply of goods – especially pharmaceuticals – has driven the schizophrenic stock market into daily psychotic episodes. (NYC bank temporarily runs out of $100 bills as customers withdraw cash amid Wall Street crash)

Then came the Russia, Saudi whizzing contest over oil/OPEC. After that stock market day of disaster, Trump did another presser which was very informative. The team he assembled were very up front and forthcoming.One lady who spoke (She worked on the AIDS epidemic) said a lot. Much the public and the press didn’t know and all they’ve been doing behind the scenes. She also said people really don’t know how hard Trump has been working on this and coordinating all these agencies and companies.

Quest and Lab Corps spoke about the testing.  During the presser one of the experts who has dealt with all the ones in the past, like swine flu, said this will end. In the meantime, they are doing everything possible along with the CEO’s from Target, Walmart, CVS and others partnering with the government.

Up went the market but don’t be fooled. Warnings have been coming for the past year about the stock market many refer to as a Las Vegas casino – is a massive bubble just waiting to burst. On that front the worst is yet to come.

IF the origins actually did come from accidental transmission from Ft. Detrick and we don’t know that at this time, the world deserves to know. In the previous column above: “If some members of the US team at the World Military Games…”

Those World Military Games were held in the capital, Hubei Province in Wuhan, China.Now, who was on that US team?

Talented U.S. military team to compete in 7th CISM Military World Games in Wuhan, China, October 21-24

Lots of names are listed from different branches of the military including Marines. What it doesn’t say is if any of them, spouses, brothers, sisters, cousin, uncle – any extended family or friends were working at that Ft. Detrick set of labs when it was shut down.

If the answer is no after a ‘family and friends tree’ is developed for every player, coach and other personnel then chances of it originating there appear to be small. If it’s found that one or even two individuals worked at that lab or had friends, family who did, that might open the door to lawsuits from all over the world against the U.S. government.

Were any of them and all the personnel treated for CORVID-19? What we know up to now is that CORVID-19 has consistently hit older Americans with underlying health issues like COPD and other lung/respiratory problems. Yes, the big hot spot that has killed so many came from that nursing home in Washington State. In the past week 50 of their employees are now been confirmed cases; I’m betting not all of those employees are over age 60.

Only by identifying where ALL players were on duty during that time, family friends and their medical history would we know there’s a possibility of accidental spreading if any were at Ft. Detrick during that time frame. If even one was it could be this CORVID-19 originated from Ft. Detrick and took it with them to Hubei Province.  IF this coronavirus was even being experimented on there during that time period. I have no answer for that one.

Our military are usually fairly young and in top notch physical condition. Something to consider before pointing the finger.But, symptoms for the flu, colds and COVID-19 are similar. If any of them had any connection to Ft. Detrick, could their cold or flu symptoms masking coronavirus have been overlooked? I don’t know.

All the deaths and financial destruction world-wide. In the law there’s malicious intent or accidental. I suppose we will see more digging into this but in the meantime, the U.S. is doing really well as far as infections and deaths. It’s simply a God-awful situation. As I write this, we have 3,072 confirmed cases and 60 deaths. Italy and other countries like Spain have been hit very hard while others have virtually remained no cases.

The bad news I’ve read from credible research sources is that this particular coronavirus could become seasonal. Meaning we could go through this again sometime this November forward. I pray that’s not the case. The hopefully good news is warmer weather seems to dry it up.

Besides washing our hands all throughout the day thoroughly with soap, I picked up another tip: If you use your debt card, put a tissue around your finger and punch the ATM data keys. Hopefully these tips have been passed around the country: No hugging. If you cough, raise your arm, bend your elbow and cough into your arm/elbow. Schools around the country are doing deep cleanings of classrooms and buses. All of this is good and a good time to deep clean our homes/apartments.

My mother lives in a very nice assisted living facility in No. California. She is well down the path of dementia, but for being 92 years old she’s doing pretty good. That facility began their prevention protocol in mid-January and last week closed the doors. Too many visitors/guests just walk in the door without signing in and off to a family members apartment. No more. Doors locked, ring the bell. Answer questions about your health.

They have quite a few facilities in California and Washington State with no cases and want to keep it that way. No more breakfast, lunch and dinner in the dining room; all meals now delivered to apartments. Mother can walk around outside her apartment. Yes, it puts a huge strain on existing staff but sacrifices are being made all around the country. We all wish it never happened but it has and so we deal with it.

AND, if you haven’t already, work on building your immune system. Beware of scam supplements out there and fake tests. I know. It’s difficult to choose from all the supplements out there but I use Allicin-C which is a proven anti-viral, anti-bacterial supplement. Very difficult to find any right now but there’s other ways to boost your immune system. I hope you can take the time to also read this article by Dr. Mercola as it contains a lot of valuable information.

I must add SHAME on the father. The affected 20-year old in the house had returned from hard hit Italy on 5 March taking Amtrak from Chicago. He should have waited for the test results.St. Louis coronavirus: Family breaks quarantine attending Villa father-daughter dance, prompting school closures

Last week the naked bunch, college students, headed for the beaches in Florida for spring break where STD’s flourish, extreme drunkenness and truly horrible behavior is on display. I don’t need to use photos here but those girls frolic in a couple patches on their breasts, one over their shaved pubic area and string up their butt crack guzzling beer and booze for all the world to see. Yep, the drunk boys are there lapping it all up.

Thousands of those young adults all gathered on the beaches. Guess none of them are worried about CORVID-19 but the city is worried. They closed the famous South Beach a couple of days ago and said spring break is over, go home. Oh, dear, the naked ones went ballistic – how dare you!

Reckless & irresponsible: Man Walks Out Of ‘Quarantine Motel’ & Goes Shopping, Hops On Public Bus (Seattle)

They’re TRYING to spread it! Sacramento County announces ending all 14-day quarantines and releasing high-risk people into the general public

Dr. Anthony Fauci: We’re ‘ahead of the curve’ thanks to Trump

Hoarding and panic buying getting worse

While working on this column yesterday I took a break to go to the grocery store for eggs and couple other things. I live in W. Texas between Midland and Lubbock. Oil and ag.

HEB, the largest grocery chain Texas has a store here. I was SHOCKED when I started to shop. Half the shelves were empty. No cereal (which I don’t eat), no eggs (even the more expensive free range ones I buy), very little meat or poultry, no toilet paper, not a cleaning product in sight; forget hand sanitizers or even dish soap. I wanted simple organic tomato sauce. Not a can, not a jar of spaghetti sauce, not a package of pasta in any form. Soup almost empty, no bread and the list goes on.

Not even baby wipes or diapers which is bad for moms with newborns.  All over the empty shelves were signs that once restocked, everyone will be limited to two items of the same kind per transaction, period. COSTCO and all the rest should be doing the same thing.

After leaving I went up the street to China (Wal) Mart. Same thing. No toilet paper, paper towels and on and on. I just looked around out of curiosity. Didn’t go to Porter’s (the only other grocery store here besides convenience stores) but one of my dear friends told me it’s the same there.

How absurd. Eggs? What? There’s no chickens in Texas? A farmer in front of me the other day at a traffic light had his phone number in the back window: Eggs. Call. Never thought I’d see this here. Thought Texans had more sense and were more self-reliant. Guess not. The nearest coronavirus case to this town is Houston almost a 12-hour drive from here. I spent $800 bux on my dry food storage in 2014. The best investment right now.

I believe I know why people are hoarding toilet paper.  I think people are afraid of being quarantined and no one to run to the store to buy TP.  Am glad I have a long-term supply along with cleaning supplies; being a prepper has paid off.

Shame on the media for ginning this up the way they have. This will pass as did the Swine flu and others. It takes time but people need to get it together and stop with the hysteria.

Will the U.S. Constitution survive CORVID-19?

New York Gov. Cuomo deploys National Guard to New Rochelle, establishes containment center to stem coronavirus – “New York National Guard troops have already been dispatched to a health department command post in New Rochelle “to assist with the outbreak,” according to a slide he presented at a news briefing.”

Some people think it’s a good idea, I do not. If anyone other than the uninformed or those who think Trump is Satan don’t understand that the people of this country are and have been woefully and totally unprepared for any type of disaster then they need to wake up.

This is a perfect crisis not to let go to waste and it’s up to us to resist if the government decides to rip up the Constitution. John Whitehead is a truly dedicated warrior trying to wake up the American people to the dangers of totalitarian government. He’s a lawyer, President of the Rutherford Institute and author of a very important book, Battlefield America: The War on the American People.

This is his column on coronavirus and the dangers lurking for our freedom and liberties. Sad to say too many Americans are easily duped into being conditioned to look to mother government for help and become happy to give up their rights. Coronavirus vs. the Mass Surveillance State: Which Poses the Greater Threat?

Alert: Gov’t to allow suspension of gun & ammo sales, restriction of food & water in Illinois town, March 14, 2020

(I’m not a precious metals dealer but my friend, Rob Westfall is and knows what’s a good investment in metals. No question the market and precious metals are being manipulated; I think in a criminal fashion.) Give Rob a holler in Florida at: 813.977.7200)

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Links I hope will provide more useful information

Coronavirus to pop bubble greater than 2008; gold prices have “nowhere to go but up”

Biggest Move in History Coming Soon for Gold & Silver – Bill Murphy

The Fed Has Pumped $9 Trillion into Wall Street Over the Past Six Months, But Mnuchin Says “This Isn’t Like the Financial Crisis” Really? And just where did they find $9 trillion bux? They printed it backed by nothing.

The Fed Has 233 Secret Documents about JP Morgan’s Potential Role in the Repo Loan Crisis – And you can bet if the Senate Banking committee asks for those documents the “Fed” would thumb their nose at them.

Experimental Drug Helps Some Americans Ride Out Coronavirus, NIH Doctor Says – “Childs described the patients as ‘critically ill people and their average age is 75.Many of them were probably going to die in a short amount of time, and two weeks later nobody has died and more than half of them have recovered. It’s just absolutely amazing,’ he remarked.”

Koch Front Group President: “Poetic Justice” For Trump to Die of Wuhan Virus

The Convenient Timing of the Coronavirus

No one read it: The Real Reason Why 40 Republicans Voted Against the Second Coronavirus Bill

Nomura: “The Market Has Only Just Begun Staring Into The Abyss”

DOW CRASH CONTINUES: Global Coronavirus Market Panic, Plus A Look At Gold

DARPA’s Pandemic Prevention Platform Could Develop Therapeutic “Shield” To Fight Covid-19 By Summer

Greening Our Way To Infection

The Fix Is In: Hillary To Replace Biden

Tom Ertl

The days preceding and those following March 3, 2020, Super Tuesday, proved to be a dramatic turn of events in modern Democratic Party politics. Dramatic because, before the South Carolina primary, Joe Biden’s, candidacy, the presidency seemed on the verge of collapse. Added to Biden’s dismal fourth place showing in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire is the lingering Ukrainian/Burisma scandal and his incoherent speeches. All seemed lost before South Carolina and Super Tuesday, where a miraculous showing at the polls gave him 10 out of 14 states. Added to Biden’s recent success was his easy victory over Sanders in Michigan and their virtual tie in Washington state.

What preceded Biden’s turnaround was the national Democratic Party’s demonization of Biden’s chief rival, Bernie Sanders.  The recent flood of negativity hurled at Sanders was highly effective in landing Biden as the new Democratic Party front runner.

But all is not what it seems. The question be asked: Why would the Democratic hierarchy use its power and influence to propel the mentally challenged Biden into its top spot? The answer is, because “the fix” is in. It is very possible that the Party, which is run by Clinton operatives, has made the decision that Hillary Clinton will replace Biden as the nominee.

For “the fix” to work, Sanders must be significantly behind in primary wins. The Party cannot do to Bernie what they did in 2016, with the super delegate maneuver. The plan in 2020 is to eliminate Bernie early by building up Biden’s state totals and delegate count until Bernie’s path to nomination is impossible.

Then the Party must get Bernie to support Hillary again. They bought him off last time with an airplane. The price in 2020 may be a cabinet position in Hillary’s administration.


I ask the reader, have you ever seen a national politician from either party, like Joe Biden, who is unable to put two coherent sentences together?

The questions keep coming, even from some Democratic circles: What is wrong with Joe? Will Joe be able to survive as the Democratic front runner under the daily public scrutiny in the grind of a presidential campaign with all the required speeches, interviews, and debates?  The Democrats cannot allow Biden to be put on a public platform against Trump.  He would be a disaster.

So, how and when will Biden bow out?  He will need to hang in through most of the primary season in order to eliminate Bernie, and 41 of the 50 state primaries won’t be over until April 28th.  Can Biden survive for a little over six weeks till the end of April? Probably, with some help from the other Democratic candidates campaigning for him and the fake news media providing cover.

If Biden can make it through the next six primary weeks, then the best way for the Party to get Biden to hand over the reins to Hillary would be to have Biden exit because of a physical condition. A hospitalized stay from physical exhaustion may be the perfect scenario for the Party to remove him and select his replacement.


The shock of Hillary’s 2016 election night loss to Donald Trump was followed by a month of reflection and mourning. The very thing that she so desired for over four decades—the presidency—just slipped out of her hands by the mere swing of 42,000 votes.

Being the political trooper she is, by January of 2017, she had jumped right into 2020 campaign mode for the final run for her dream. But this run would be different and unique to an American political campaign. It would be an orchestrated plan where her political party (which the Clintons control) would draft her a few months before the nominating convention.

The plan, as of this writing, is right on schedule and, I must say, is brilliant. The “draft scenario” allows her to avoid the grind of campaigning, and the scrutiny, debates, and endless criticism that comes with it.

Looking back the last couple of years, one can see her strategy. After complaining that the election was stolen, she continued her criticism of Trump. Then came the constant stream of public appearances and interviews. She never left the news cycle and, of course, she never stopped fundraising. All she had to do in the last year was to let the incompetent and oddball list of Democratic primary candidates destroy themselves and implode.  So now they are left with two: Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. One is a neo-Marxist, the other is neo-Alzheimer’s.

Time to send in the clowns!

One of the key elements in the “draft” plan was to marginalize Sanders so his delegate count would be at the place where the nomination is beyond his grasp. The second key element was to push the senile Biden into an insurmountable lead as the presumptive nominee.

This was almost accomplished by March 3rd, after Biden’s victories on Super Tuesday. Then, as planned, came a stream of automatic Biden endorsements from the other Democratic candidates who dropped out. This was also followed by Hillary’s March 8th public praise of Biden’s campaign coalition. Then, in the further advancement of the “draft” plan, is the entrance of Hollywood, with the puff documentary series by Hulu called “Hillary” that started March 6th. What great timing!

So, if Biden can make it till the end of April, when 41 state primaries will have been completed, he can nail down a majority of delegates and the “draft scenario” could play out at any time.

There is an increasing amount of speculation with conservative commentators, like Mark Steyn, and in the alternative media that suspects Hillary will replace Biden.  Most of the speculation hints at brokered Democratic convention or a scenario that Hillary would accept a vice president position from Biden. Then, when Biden steps down either before or after the election, she will be president. Because of her ego, I don’t think she would accept that scenario. Plus, it’s too risky assuming a Biden/Hillary ticket could beat Trump. It would also look too contrived.

She needs a much better public relational strategy move to project her to the Democratic nomination. The draft by the Party faithful, after Biden steps down, is much more dramatic. It would place Hillary more as a political savior versus a political schemer.


If Hillary is drafted by the Party, what exactly would that look like? Let me entertain a possible scenario of events that would be a perfect public relations coup.

First, with Biden’s exit, the Democratic Party hierarchy would immediately call for a conclave of Democrats in order to select an alternative. Everyone would be there—Schumer, Pelosi, the primary candidates, and the billionaire donors.

It would be best for them to hold this conclave in Milwaukee without Hillary in attendance to give the secret meeting some symbolic authority. I could see the plan developing with Hillary back in Chappaqua, New York, at the Clinton’s home, waiting for word from the conclave. Then, upon getting the call, the Clintons would be whisked away to meet with the Democratic hierarchy.

Then, after a couple of hours, the conclave spokesperson would introduce Hillary to the press as their new nominee. Hillary’s speech would be the usual fabricated address with something about, “I have enjoyed my retirement from political life the last three years but after much thought, prayer and counsel I realized I must put my country and the American people first instead of my personal desires. With great humility and honor, I have accepted the call to be the Democratic Party nominee for President.”  She would have to add the disclaimer that the final decision to be the party nominee would be up to the convention delegates.


Most of the speculation on how Hillary could replace Biden thinks the replacement would be through the process of a brokered July convention in Milwaukee. This will not happen. The candidacy flip of Biden to Hillary will happen before convention time. The Democrats cannot afford the speculation, uncertainty, and negative publicity of a brokered convention and the rumors of behind the scenes deals.

I believe the very opposite will happen. It will be one of the most unified, trouble-free conventions the Democrats will ever have.

The whole array of Democratic primary candidates, including Sanders and Biden, will line up behind Hillary. It will be one glorious speech after another, with the theme that Hillary can beat Donald Trump.

The convention will also have some special guests brought in to further anoint Hillary. I could see the Obamas coming. President Obama would give a glowing speech outlining Hillary’s support for him in 2008 and 2012, ending with “now it is her turn.” Remember, a Hillary administration with an Eric Holder type attorney general would protect Obama from any future prosecution of his Deep State activities against Trump.

Also look for Joe Biden to give a short speech of appreciation for Hillary taking his place. The best possible public arrangement would be for a Biden coming to the convention with a hero’s welcome and ending his speech by giving Hillary a long embrace. The emotion would rip through all Democratic hearts.

The Democratic lords will make sure their 1968 convention riots in Chicago is not repeated in Milwaukee. Any protestors will be sectioned off blocks away, and every speech and program will be a choreographed display of Democratic unity.

Hillary’s acceptance speech will be filled with the usual demagoguery of an “inclusive America” and leading a “new national unity of all Americans.” Her two main talking points will be: “I can beat Donald Trump” and followed by, “In fact, I beat Donald Trump in 2016 in the popular vote but lost to him on a little technicality, which we call the ‘Electoral College’.” The mention of the “Electoral College” will fill the convention hall with boos.

Then Hillary will proceed with, “You know I have to admit we made some mistakes in our 2016 campaign. We did not take our message into Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. I am not going to make that mistake again. I promise we will take our message of a united America for all people to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and we will win those states on November 3rd. We will win both the popular vote and the Electoral College.” The place will go wild.

She will leave Milwaukee with a unified Democratic Party that has anointed her with the great call to save the nation by defeating the evil Donald Trump. She will leave with authority and excitement, as if she won every primary race.

The Clinton’s strategy is brilliant and very much a possibility. She would have avoided the primary races and debates and entered the battle with the holy call to represent the Party and save America from Donald Trump.


When you stack all the Democratic primary candidates up and add Hillary to the mix, Hillary is by far the more formidable candidate to go against Trump. She is the opposite of Biden. She is a vetted Democrat, highly experienced politically, competent, an excellent speaker, and a seasoned interviewer. Despite her physical issues of 2016, she has none of Biden’s dementia concerns. Her greatest asset to Democrats is the fact she already beat Trump in 2016 by 2,864,974 votes. She lost three states by roughly 42,000 votes, which cost her the Electoral College.

Many will ask why Biden would allow himself to be used for and replaced by Hillary. You have to understand how Joe Biden thinks. Biden admitted early in his political career that he is not an independent or original thinker. He is a totally controlled politician and accepts his role of service to the Democratic establishment and donors.

Hillary, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite. Hillary Clinton is obsessed with political power and knows no moral or ethical limits to restrain her political ambition. She has been a Deep State player her entire political life and is preoccupied with her lifelong dream of the presidency. It is nothing for her to organize “the fix” and use then remove Biden for her entitled possession of the office of president.


All circumstances point to Hillary’s rise to the Democratic nomination for president. Though well planned, there is a bit of intrigue to “the fix.” The uncertainty of it all is over how long Joe Biden will last. The perfect plan would be for Biden to garner enough primary votes so Sanders will have to gracefully bow out without a fight. Ideally, the plan would have Biden last until late spring or early summer before Hillary gets the call; that way the Democrats would have time to perfectly choreograph their convention.

All the circumstances of the Democrat’s plan could change and be adjusted, especially on the timing of Biden’s exit. But what seems obvious is Biden’s departure and Hillary replacing him.

No one, except the few insiders, can know the exact details of what is to come.  My scenario of these future events comes from fifty years of watching the Deep State in action with its control of both political parties. The scenario I offer may seem incredible or even impossible, but the reader must understand that even the most extreme manipulations of political events are possible if those doing the plotting have the support of the controlled corporate media. However the particulars work themselves out, we will be in for a unique and wild political ride in the summer and fall of 2020.

The Republicans need to realize a united Democratic Party behind a Hillary Clinton candidacy will be a formidable one. It would be one that could beat Trump because the unusual circumstances of her candidacy will not matter to an invigorated Democratic Party, who will do anything, whether legal or illegal, to beat him.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

[BIO:] Tom Ertl is a home builder in North Florida.  For over three decades, Tom has worked with various Christian organizations, including Freedom Council in the ‘80s.  He is a former member of The Council for National Policy and has served in numerous Christian ministry and political organizations.  He is a member of a local Presbyterian Church (PCA).  He also publishes Christian historical and theological works and is a columnist for NewsWithViews.

See You On The Other Side: Covid 19 Virus

By Frosty Wooldridge

“Covid 19 virus kills 3,000 people worldwide and we lose our minds,” said a top personal trainer.  “Obesity kills 300,000 Americans annually so we create a new flavor of Doritos or slap another layer of cheese onto a Big Mac or enlarge a 64-ounce Big Gulp by another 10 ounces.”

On the coast of Texas, where Katrina and numerous hurricanes struck,  locals know the storm approaches, they know it’s going to hit, and they know that it will blow through.  When they say, “see you on the other side,” they mean they will see each other when the hurricane has come and gone.

Covid 19 expects to kill thousands in the USA.  At the same time, we suffer millions of deaths annually from various preventable conditions.

For instance, obese Americans suffer 700,000 heart attack deaths annually, while not blinking at the death toll.

Let’s talk about car accidents:

Annually, over six million car accidents occur in America resulting in 33,000 deaths.  Worse, over 11,000 accidents result from texting while driving and another 15,000 deaths stem from drinking while driving.  Nobody bats an eyelash at those deaths.

Because so many Americans suffer from obesity, 84,000 of them die annually of diabetes.  But the rest of the country swamps all the junk food establishments in a stampede of fast (garbage) food addictions.

Over 700,000 obese Americans die from heart attacks annually, but no mention of those 700,000 people saving their lives by eating healthfully, becoming trim, exercising to live full lives.

Another 450,000 Americans smoke themselves to death annually, year after year, decade after decade, costing trillions of dollars in health care, but no run on toilet paper at Wal-Mart, or mention of outlawing tobacco addiction.

Another 88,000 deaths from alcohol consumption annually in the USA. Not any hysteria about that!

Cancer deaths, at 606,000 in 2019, rank second as to cause of death in America annually, yet you won’t see Americans charging into Publix or King Soopers stores demanding an end to Monsanto-Bayer-Dow Chemical companies from poisoning the food chain with foods that cause cancer.

Covid 19 virus may take out hundreds or even thousands of Americans. Indeed, it will be tragic beyond comprehension.  Heck, I’m frightened for my family, too.

The disease thrives in overpopulated countries like China, Bangladesh, Mexico and India.  Heck, it might kill me or any of my family.  That’s one thing about Mother Nature or God’s plan or whomever you think manages the universe—this life proves a dicey proposition. You can be here one day riding high, and gone the next.

While we’re facing this discussion about pandemic diseases, you know me as a writer, and world traveler, who speaks to the human overpopulation crisis as the greatest scourge across the planet in the 21st century.  We face many warning signs already in the first 20 years of the 21st century.  The same signs affect all the obese people, but they too, refuse to take responsibility for their bodies and their lives.  Thus, they become victims of early death.

The same holds true for drug addicts who knew that drugs hook a person;  they shot up anyway and turned their lives into horror stories.  The same holds true for cigarette smokers. Nonetheless, 37 million Americans still smoke, and vaping continues to rise in deadly numbers.

As to a philosophical question: are we humans just about the smartest, most clever and dumbest species on the planet or what?  We’ve overrun this tiny globe out in the ink-black of space.  We’re poisoning it  with 70,000 chemicals we inject into the air, water and land 24/7.  We’ve trashed our oceans with 5.5 trillion pieces of plastic in less than 50 years with no end in sight.  We’re stuffing the biosphere that nourishes us with excessive amounts of pollution.

We’re causing the extinction of 100 creatures every day of the year! (Source: Oxford University Study, “Six Extinction Session” “Extinction rates worldwide” by Norman Myers)

And yet, we’re about to add 3,000,000,000 (billion) more of ourselves by 2050.

Anyone out there with an IQ over room temperature think that’s going to end up well for us or the other creatures who share this planet?

We remain on course to add 100,000,000 (million) people to the USA within 30 years because we’re either too thoughtless to stop ourselves or we carry a death wish for our country and future generations.  Anyone reading this column think the projected 100 million people added to the USA by 2050 or 30 years from now will be a beach party?  And does it surprise you that I can’t get one single interview to discuss this acute population issue on any of the major networks in the past 20 years of trying?

Do you understand that when you shove too many chickens into a chicken coop, they start pecking each other to death? Do you realize that we inject them with nine different chemicals to keep them breathing until they are slaughtered?  Do you grasp that China at 1.4 billion people must feed, water and house too many people crammed into too little space?  Do you realize they eat dogs, cats, bats and rats?   Do you understand that when too many people are jammed into a limited space, they destroy the homeostasis of their environment?  Diseases erupt such as Covid 19 in China.  Notice the murder rates in Detroit, Chicago, NYC and Los Angeles. Are you aware that humans keep piling themselves onto one another to a point that diseases-viruses-resource shortages WILL engage them and ultimately kill them?  Are you aware that it’s Mother Nature’s way of dealing with imbalance?

Ultimately, Mother Nature WILL bring homeostasis

We enjoy two choices in this century:  we either stabilize our numbers gracefully on this planet to live in harmony with Mother Nature; or, secondly—this 21st century will kick humanity’s butt back to the stone age. One way or the other Mother Nature will return to balance.

We Are Past Time To Wake Up Fellow Americans

What’s America’s choice? What choice will humanity make? What choices are you making?  Ultimately, how do you think it will work out for your children?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Real Bernie Sanders, Part 1

Roger Anghis

The leading Democrat candidate for president is none other than Bernie Sanders.  A Senator that came out of nowhere in 2016 and gave Hillary a surprising run for her money.  He would have won the nomination if the DNC hadn’t rigged the election for Hillary.  The Clinton camp forcefully dismissed Sanders’s accusation and argued that his attacks had “gotten out of hand.” “As Senator Sanders faces nearly insurmountable odds, he is resorting to baseless accusations of illegal actions and poisoning the well for Democratic candidates up and down the ticket,”Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, said.

Although he eventually campaigned for Clinton after she clinched the nomination, Sanders spent the next several months claiming that the primary system was “rigged” against him, only to be roundly dismissed by party leadership. But according to Donna Brazile, who served as the interim D.N.C. chairwoman after Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s ouster, Sanders’s accusations were hardly baseless. In her new book, Hacks, an excerpt of which was published Thursday by Politico, Brazile says she found concrete “proof” that the Clinton campaign stacked the deck: an August 2015 document outlining the “Joint Fund-Raising Agreement between the D.N.C., the Hillary Victory Fund, and Hillary for America” that effectively allowed Clinton to control the D.N.C.’s purse strings.[1]

It is a scary thought that a person that is an avowed communist, and not shy about it, has so much popularity.  But when you look at the state of our so-called places of higher education it is really no surprise.  In a recent article in the Jewish World Review, Walter Williams wrote: A recent Pew Research Center survey finds that only half of American adults think colleges and universities are having a positive effect on our nation.

The leftward political bias, held by faculty members affiliated with the Democratic Party, at most institutions of higher education explains a lot of that disappointment. Professors Mitchell Langbert and Sean Stevens document this bias in “Partisan Registration and Contributions of Faculty in Flagship Colleges.”

Langbert and Stevens conducted a new study of the political affiliation of 12,372 professors in the two leading private and two leading public colleges in 31 states. For party registration, they found a Democratic to Republican (D:R) ratio of 8.5:1, which varied by rank of institution and region. For donations to political candidates (using the Federal Election Commission database), they found a D:R ratio of 95:1, with only 22 Republican donors, compared with 2,081 Democratic donors.

Several consistent findings have emerged from Langbert and Stevens’ study. The ratio of faculty who identify as or are registered as Democratic versus Republican almost always favors the Democratic Party. Democratic professors outnumber their Republican counterparts most in the humanities and social sciences, compared with the natural sciences and engineering. [2]

We see that the Democrat Party no longer supports the American people.  That is obvious by the way they treat illegals better than American citizens.  They are willing to let criminals illegals that have committed rape, robbery, arson, even murder, and other crimes free without bail yet an American citizen has the book thrown at them.  We see that the Constitution means absolutely nothing to them.  It is only a piece of paper that keeps them from doing what they really want to do.  Democratic former Georgia State House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams joined ABC’s “The View” on Monday and suggested America should “jerry-rig the system and go around the Constitution” to drop the Electoral College in favor of a popular vote. Abrams, a former gubernatorial candidate, is a Democrat Party favorite to be their presidential nominee’s running mate. Oprah-endorsed Abrams appeared on The View to discuss the coming election with Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar et al. During her appearance, Abrams talks discussed “jerry-rigging the system” but these remarks were cut from the broadcast show. Footage of the comments later surfaced on social media, however.[3]

Now, we can see that the mindset of the Democrat Party is power.  All power and control over all the American population.  And they don’t care how they get it, who gets hurt in the process, or the damage they do to get it.  They complain about Michael Bloomberg ‘buying the election’ when they are promising free higher education, free housing, canceling student debt, free healthcare and who knows what else free they want to give.  They’re doing the same thing Bloomberg is doing.  The difference is Bloomberg is using his own money and the rest of them are buying the election with your money.

Sanders endorses all the free stuff and that is why Bernie Sanders is so popular. Free everything, no rules except what the left wants to make and enforce.  Sanders has always leaned to the left.  Way to the left.  He’s also always been really lazy.  He never held a job until he won an election at the age of 40.  Despite a prestigious degree, however, Sanders failed to earn a living, even as an adult. It took him 40 years to collect his first steady paycheck — and it was a government check.

“I never had any money my entire life,” Sanders told Vermont public TV in 1985, after settling into his first real job as mayor of Burlington.

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”

One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.

The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off. [4]  I’ve noticed that people who have no ambition and that are lazy always complain about how the rich are always ‘ripping everybody off’.

So, here’s a guy who just like Marx has never accomplished anything trying to tell us how things need to be done even though all of history proves the system he touts has failed 100% of the time.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Donna Brazile, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders
  2. Ive been a professor for decades these institutions pose threats on several fronts
  3. Stacey Abrams: we should jerry rig system go around constitution for popular vote
  4. Bernie Sanders didn’t make paycheck until he turned 40

Demrats Almost Caused Preacher to Cuss

by Rev. Austin Miles

The Demoncrap bastards just did it again. How hold on, this particular word in that sentence is not a cuss word. Indeed it is a Biblical term to describe the questionable circumstances of one’s birth. Christians are born of God. The others are born of Satan as described clearly in God’s Word, The Bible Quote: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44)

This qualifies as “questionable birth details.” As can be seen, one of the two races is a mongrel race with mange, which is an inflammatory disease in dogs caused by the Demodex (democrat) mite.

Man was originally made in the image of God. Then the Democrats materialized and corrupted the image of God by substituting their own words instead of God’s Words. So how does such change come about and where are these thunderheads bred?

There are many briar patch breeding grounds that form and spawn democrats. One of those is the pathetic TV network, MSNBC with an announcer who stated that “hopefully, Americans dying from Coronavirus will “take down Trump’s presidency.” And who said this on the MSNBC Leftist Network? White House host, Nicolle Wallace and Princeton professor Eddie Glaude. They were actually cheering on for more Americans to die from the virus so that President Trump would get the blame which could make this, “President Trump’s “Katrina.”

The next segment featured Glaude and Wallace who both got excited over the idea that, now get this, “Yes, hundreds of people will die, but it would be worth it because finally some of President Trump’s base would stop supporting him.”

The next day, CNN’s leftist voice, Christine Romans tore into President Trump for “really downplaying the virus”, stating with delight, “some say this now looks like a Hurricane Katrina moment.” Anything to knock President Donald J. Trump

Yep, this preacher came close to cussing when learning that leftist news disorganizations cheered on the fact that people would die due to the virus which would be worth it since it would cause some of President Trump’s base to stop supporting him. Talk about uncontrolled hatred!! This kind of thinking can be classified as a mental health issue.

Actually, instead of framing my own words about this democrat outrage, I went to a non-Christian neighbor and asked him to say some appropriate words to cover this situation, which he did.

I suppose we should understand why the demoncrats would want all Trump Supporters to die. That way they could turn the entire continent into a democrat-Communist paradise. By that time NASA should have its passenger space ships completed for those of us who would book a trip to Mars…count me in.

Analyzing today’s News for Tomorrow’s History

Photo Caption:  Vote Democrat

© 2020 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Don’t Bury Your Talents

Rob Pue

In Matthew 23, Jesus was in the temple, giving a harsh rebuke to the Scribes and Pharisees — the religious leaders of His day.  He condemned them for their hypocrisy, failing to practice what they were preaching… doing all their deeds only for the admiration of men, loving the best seats in the synagogues and being honored, yet none of them were true ministers of God.  None were servants… but they sure loved being revered and served by others.

Jesus also pronounced “woe” unto the religious leaders because instead of leading people to the Kingdom of God, they were leading them astray, and as Jesus said, making them “twice the child of hell as yourselves.”  He went on to call them “blind guides” and “fools,” and declared they were “straining at gnats while swallowing camels” as they neglected the most important and “weighty” matters of God’s Word.  He called them “whitewashed tombs” and rebuked them again for persecuting God’s true followers.

Clearly, the Lord was not pleased with the religious leaders — or should I say, the “PASTORS” of His day.  It leads me to wonder just what He might be thinking right now about the state of our modern American churches — and the pastors who run them.  Do our pastors today prefer to be well liked, popular and honored among men?  Would He consider them to be “blind guides” and “fools” preferring to speak only the “easy” things  and soft words that would make the people feel good about themselves, while neglecting the weightier matters of the law — thereby making their followers “twice the children of hell” that they themselves have become?

When good, true Remnant believers in Christ — modern day “prophets,” if you will — BEG today’s pastors to speak out boldly and courageously and LEAD the people in the whole counsel of God (yes, even  regarding the “hard” things), do they accept the responsibility of their leadership roles and listen to the prophets as faithful servants of Christ… or do they instead “stone” the prophets and run them out of town?  Maybe they just politely “suggest” they might be “happier” in “another church,” thereby kindly inviting them to “please leave.”

There’s a lot of false teaching today about how Jesus was always just “love,” “love,” “love.”  Our Lord is pictured in most of the artwork we see as an effeminate man, with soft blue eyes and one would assume He was a soft-spoken, gentle man with baby-soft hands that never did a hard day’s work in His life.  We envision Him embracing EVERYONE with compassion, love and understanding, never raising His voice, never condemning, never even hating that which is obviously evil.  We tend to quickly turn the page when we get to the part where He took the time to make Himself a whip and proceed to beat the money-changers in the temple and overturn their tables in a fit of rage.  And we conveniently forget His words in Matthew 23:33, when He declared of the religious leaders, “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?”

No, the “modern day Jesus” we have imagined in our deluded minds would never sentence anyone to hell.  “Jesus loves us all, just the way we are.”  This is what we’ve been taught by our modern day Scribes and Pharisees who love the adoration of men — and all the benefits that go along with that.  Today it’s “Come as you are, sing ‘Just As I Am,’ (not the hymn, the new rock and roll version) and leave just as you were… Just be sure you come back next Sunday!”  In return for your faithful attendance, they promise never to offend you, never to challenge you and that your heart will never be convicted — and sadly, never be converted.

But in Matthew 24, Jesus left the temple and began instructing His disciples on future events, the destruction of the temple and the signs to watch for at the end of the age.  He reminded the people that no one knows the day or hour of His return, but He gave us specific things to watch for that would alert us… and He warned us to always be prepared, to always be ready — BECAUSE He COULD return at any time.  Even now, the “end of the age” could be today.  A FEW will be prepared and ready to meet Him.  MOST will not.  For as we know from His instruction in Matthew 7, “Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.  Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” 

And then He immediately warned again of those who would lead us astray through vain religion.  He said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly, they are ravening wolves.”  AND He warned that not all who say “Lord, Lord” will enter into the kingdom of heaven.  MOST, in fact, will choose the broad way and will instead be told, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you.”

Now, please understand… Jesus DOES love.  Jesus’ love is AVAILABLE to all who will come to Him in humble repentance and faith.  But it’s not “automatic” and it’s not “cheap,” and it’s not “free.”  Forgiveness requires repentance and humility. Remember, God gives grace to the humble but He opposes the proud.  Indeed, “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” 

You see, Jesus loves us perfectly; He is longsuffering and not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  But for those who choose to remain disobedient workers of iniquity, the harsh reality of hell awaits.  Revelation 21:8, “But the cowardly and unbelieving, the abominable and murderers, the sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” 

I understand this is not an easy thing to hear, and I understand that most pastors today will not tell you this.  Most will say Jesus accepts us all just as we are: cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, haters, sexually immoral, those who dabble in sorcery, wiccans, pagans, earth-worshipers, those who idolize Hollywood and sports celebrities, liars, cheaters, even those who hate God and persecute His people.  But they’re lying to you.  The Bible says that God is angry with the wicked every day.  It says apart from Christ, His wrath ABIDES on us.  It says those who do not believe in the only Son of God are CONDEMNED already.

If you disagree, your argument isn’t with me; it’s with God’s Word.  I’m just telling you what it says.  Jesus waits with open arms to accept — by grace — all who come to Him, but you must COME, and you must come with a heart of humility, repentance and faith.  And please understand, tomorrow is not promised to any of us.  TODAY is the day of salvation.  To “put off” getting right with God is just pure stupidity.  You may say, “I’ll get around to it…”  But my friend, when will THAT be?  To know the truth about this — the most important and significant thing there could ever be, which is where you’ll spend eternity — and apathetically ignore it is foolishness.

In Matthew 24, Jesus gave us the Parable of the Fig Tree; He reminded us of the days of Noah; He told the story of the faithful and wise servant and the story of the wicked, self-indulgent servant.  In Matthew 25, He told of the ten virgins awaiting the Bridegroom — five wise who were prepared and five foolish who were not and missed the “marriage feast.”  Jesus ended this parable with the admonition: “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”

Now I’ve said all this to give you the CONTEXT for the point of today’s message…the Parable of the Talents.  This parable of Jesus has some deep and significant meanings.  Jesus told this story because it was something we could all relate to:  money.  I find it interesting that the word for the money in this story was “talents.”  A “talent” was equal to about 3,000 sheckels.  But bottom line, a “talent” was something of great value.  I should note here that God has given all of us a measure of talents; not necessarily money in our case, but talents, skills, abilities, and spiritual gifts.

Since we all pretty much know the story, I’ll paraphrase here, for the sake of time.  Jesus told of a man who was about to be traveling to a “far country.”  Before the man left, he called his servants, and to one of them he gave five talents, to another he gave two talents and to another he gave one.

The servant with five talents went to work and invested them and earned five more.  Likewise, the servant with two talents invested his two and earned two more.  But the servant that was given only one talent, Jesus said, did nothing at all with it.  He just buried it in the ground.

When the Master returned, the servant who was given five talents now had TEN to present to his Lord.  Likewise, the servant who was given two talents had FOUR.  The Master was well pleased with their work while He was away.  To these two, He said, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant.  Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”  They were also rewarded by being made “rulers over many things,” the Bible says.

But the servant who buried his talent in the ground and did nothing with it at all, had no increase to present to the Master.  This servant explained “I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth.”  THIS servant, his Lord called a “wicked and slothful servant.”  Even the one talent he was given was taken from him and his Lord declared, “And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.  There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

So what’s the point here?  Obviously, Jesus was the Master who was traveling to a “far country.”  He was soon to be crucified, killed, buried, rise again and ascend to the right hand of the Father in heaven.  However, Jesus has given each of His servants — each of US — a measure of talents, and He expects us to get to work and USE these talents to gain more.  In other words, while we are here on earth in this life, we are to use the talents, skills, abilities and gifts God has given us to increase the Kingdom of heaven… to “go therefore and make disciples.”  To be about our Father’s business until He returns.

Unfortunately, many of us today are like the “wicked and slothful” servant.  We’re AFRAID.  We’re cowardly.  What might the world think of us if we declare ourselves to be “Christians?”   Instead of “investing” the faith God has graciously given us and bringing others into the kingdom, we “bury” our talents.  We hide our lights under a bushel.  We cower in the closet while the world around us burns.  We give the devil the ground that belongs to our Lord and Savior.  We simply HIDE.

And sadly, today many pastors are the epitome of this wicked and slothful servant… BECAUSE THEY ARE AFRAID of being unpopular, or of “rocking the boat,” of of being “counter-cultural,” they simply go along to get along.  Preaching a powerless, non-offensive false “love gospel” made up of 2% milk instead of the meat of the WHOLE Word of God, they just bury their talents while trying to keep all the people happy and blissfully ignorant and content.  But when the Master returns, He will NOT be pleased with such cowardly, wicked and slothful servants.  They will cry out “Lord, Lord,” but I dare say they will be cast into outer darkness and there WILL be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

This chapter goes on to talk about the reward given to the sheep which Christ places on His right hand.  To those He says, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”  And to the goats on His left, He declares: “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”

How does He differentiate between the sheep and the goats, the blessed and the cursed?  By what each one DID with the “talents” he was given while occupying the earth.  The righteous sheep took care of even the “least of those” who were hungry, thirsty, those who were strangers, naked, sick and in prison.  The wicked goats couldn’t be bothered.

Now don’t miss this:  I do not believe this is talking ONLY about physical food and drink; it’s not talking about illegal aliens crossing the border.  It’s not JUST about opening a food pantry at your church or giving coats to kids or doing hospital visits or singing songs to prison inmates.  These are all fine things.  But I believe Jesus was talking about the SPIRITUAL even more than the physical.

There are desperate lost souls out there — right now — planning to murder their babies through abortion.  There are those who worship demons — or created things — who are spiritually “naked” and need to know the God of heaven.  There are MANY imprisoned by the lies of homosexuality and transgenderism that YOU can not only visit, but help set free!  There are MANY who hunger and thirst for truth — truth that perhaps only YOU can provide, if only you will.

You know, it’s been said that after the terror attacks on 9/11 the churches in America were packed with people from coast to coast, all looking for answers.  But a month later, those same churches were emptier than they were before.  Because the people went there to find God, but He wasn’t there.  I implore you today, be a good and faithful servant.  Have the courage to tell the WHOLE truth about the God who saved you, because you weren’t saved just for YOU.  You were saved to SERVE.  Don’t worry about what the world thinks of you.  You’re not of this world.  Prepare yourselves, because you don’t know the day or the hour when our Lord will return.  And by all means, do NOT bury your talents.  Invest wisely.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 284.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Former Acting Inspector General for Obama’s Department of Homeland Security Indicted

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

In what should have been a huge news story regarding the U.S. capital’s Swamp, especially during the previous administration, another Obama appointee to the Homeland Security Department was indicted on Friday in criminal case involving theft of equipment and documents.

A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia handed down an indictment listing 16 criminal charges against the former Acting Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and one of his subordinates for the suspected stealing of DHS material.

Their theft of proprietary software and classified databases from the U.S. government was part of a criminal plot to defraud the U.S. government under President Barack Obama.

While the case and its particulars were already suspected by the Obama administration officials, it is now under Attorney General Bill Barr that these suspects were investigated and are now on their way to be prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division.

Benczkowski and U.S. Attorney Timothy J. Shea for the District of Columbia, DHS Inspector General Joseph V. Cuffari and Inspector General Tammy L. Whitcomb for the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) made the announcement on Friday, but the nation’s largest news media outlets were slow to cover it.

The grand jury indictment charges Charles K. Edwards, 59, of Sandy Spring, Maryland, and Murali Yamazula Venkata, 54, of Aldie, Virginia, with conspiracy to commit theft of government property and to defraud the United States, theft of government property, wire fraud, and aggravated identity theft.

The indictment also charges Venkata with destruction of records.

According to the allegations in the indictment, from October 2014 to April 2017, Edwards, Venkata, and others executed a scheme to defraud the U.S. government by stealing confidential and proprietary software from DHS Office of Inspector General (OIG), along with sensitive government databases containing personal identifying information (PII) of DHS and USPS employees, so that Edwards’s company, Delta Business Solutions, could later sell an enhanced version of DHS-OIG’s software to the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Agriculture at a profit.

Although Edwards had left DHS-OIG in December 2013, he continued to use his friendship with Venkata and other DHS-OIG employees to steal the software and the sensitive government databases.

While the Democrats and the news media appear to ignore what amounts to a government scandal, law enforcement officers at all levels – federal, state and local departments – believe this theft is the work of treasonous Democratic Party members and should be prosecuted like the enemies of the state should be:

“The indictment further alleges that, in addition to stealing DHS-OIG’s software and the sensitive government databases, Venkata and others also assisted Edwards by reconfiguring his laptop so that he could properly upload the stolen software and databases, provided troubleshooting support whenever Edwards required it, and helped him build a testing server at his residence with the stolen software and databases, which contained PII.

A further part of the alleged scheme, Edwards retained software developers in India for the purpose of developing his commercial alternative of DHS-OIG’s software,” said the Trial Attorney David B. Kent.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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This Week In The UK – Truth Is Still Being Crucified

Shirley Edwards

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

The local organization that I work for is constantly telling me that I have the freedom to speak up in the workplace.  An advocate for freedom of speech has also been appointed for staff to contact either openly, or anonymously, should they feel that there are issues which might need addressing which may compromise their position should they openly voice their complaint!

For some reason, despite this re-assurance, and my not even knowing this particular advocate, I unfortunately still don’t trust the process which may possibly be giving me the illusion that anyone may be interested in my own particular concerns which span the course of 50 plus years.

You see, during that time I have observed a massive cultural shift where the populace have been, in simple terms, ‘worked upon’, and from which I was once one of its victims in my outlook.

A collective rhetoric has been implemented which gives the impression that it cares for everyone.   In my opinion, if you don’t follow their particular script you are really an enemy and are viewed as someone to silence.   For this reason, in the UK you may have freedom of speech behind closed doors, but it certainly does not exist in the open without a level of persecution for constantly offending someone.

Just 20 years ago when I worked within the Church of England and I faced my own particular injustice and spoke up, I realized that the truth was even being crucified there, from within its very walls.

Standing alone and having your outlook and your world turned upside down is not a good place to be in.  For a mere mortal it is suffocating and can also be frightening.  The revelation of how this new and more loving humanity which continually preaches kindness, minus some facts, can damage those you love and care for,  can also be very confusing.

Friends and family can also shun you and label you extreme, despite your common-sense view.

The temptation to resent such situations and to be told you just aren’t loving enough to go along with the collective rhetoric, now labelled British Values, does however have a very ‘good side’ if you allow it………..

Climate Anxiety!

Driving home from the local supermarket the other evening, I decided to tune in to a radio station and listen to the local news from the Shires.   It was from here that I found myself listening to a conversation between two radio presenters and a psychologist discussing the anxiety that children are facing today in relation to the climate and how we could help them?

It was one of those moments when you decidedly wished there was a more balanced voice in the mix, outside the confines of your car, to say the least; but as you listened with a certain recognition of what made you anxious yourself as a child, the female radio presenter in the duo, then suddenly decided to take advantage of the situation and voice her disapproval of the image of Christ on the cross (the crucifixion) which she felt frightens many children in schools. Really!

Fortunately for the presenter she was indeed free to make a weak attempt at strength for openly voicing her displeasure at Christianity, which in its purest form is a faith which has constantly been mocked.

However, in view of her comments I wondered how many media outlets would daily report on the persecution and the death of Christian’s world wide (in very horrific ways) and if she really knew of the very real ‘anxiety’ that adults and children face daily across the world for their faith. For a detailed account of numbers world wide please click the link which reports the facts.  The persecution of Christian’s world wide has sometimes been called a silent epidemic.

Those Vicious Politicians

This week it has also been reported that the UK’s Human Rights watchdog is under pressure to investigate our Conservative party with accusations of Islamophobia.

In an initial document submitted in May 2019 in which 150 people connected to the party were accused of anti-Islam remarks, a new document now accusing 300 individuals, including Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been presented to the Equality and Human Rights Commission by the Muslim Council of Britain.

From the 300 allegations, just three of them are as follows:

  • Dominic Cummings, Chief Advisor, for orchestrating the Vote Leave campaign and playing on fears of immigration.
  • Karl McCartney, re-tweeting posts by the alleged anti-Islam activist, Tommy Robinson
  • Andrew Sabisky, who was forced to stand down as an advisor after using a discredited statistic forecasting the UK to be a majority Islamic nation by 2050. [Link], [Link]

The allegations made against Boris Johnson were that he used dehumanizing and offensive remarks against Muslim women who wear a veil likening them to ‘bank robbers’ and ‘letterboxes’.

I imagine he might thinks nuns look like penguins as well.

Were any of the above people exercising their right to freedom of speech or were they inciting hatred?

In all of the above commentaries, offence can be taken by many different people in society and whether we like someone’s comments or not silencing someone is evil, but today much of the truth is being silenced and pushed underground by various groups.

In the UK, there is now a massive divide between groups of people who most certainly have freedom to speak up, and between people who are being ostracized for minor comments, or for even voicing their concerns, most especially in terms of immigration, abortion or gender issues.

This polarization of society has not come about by chance.   At its core this spirit hates humanity.   It is not kind or loving or considerate.  Persuasion, coercion and brainwashing has been taking place over a period of time to kill truth.  We know it.  This is a problem we should all be shouting about and be advocates for.

Silencing the truth may see many innocent people die from injustice.

What do you believe about freedom of speech, and have you followed the most popular rhetoric of the day in order to go along with the crowds? This part you play is important.

But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor answered and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?”

They said, “Barabbas!”
22 Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”
They all said to him, “Let Him be crucified!”
23 Then the governor said, “Why, what evil has He done?”
But they cried out all the more, saying, “Let Him be crucified!”
Matthew 27:20 -23

© 2020 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards:

G-d Is A Political Necessity

Mitchell Goldstein

Lord Acton famously said, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Sadly, we can add that – evil men tend to seek power.

Man’s nature is to be lazy and envious. Inevitably, this leads to some corrupt act and the more power a man has, the more corrupt he tends to be. Further, corruption is an ongoing process. There is no end to corruption, just as there is no end to men’s desires.

Simply listen to the Democratic candidates for president. Each says, “Vote for me and I will give you…” Question 1: From where will they get it to give it to you? Question 2: How will you get it except by begging the boss to give you some? Question 3: In this paradigm, who has the power? The government, of course. This why demigods always use the ruse of acting for the public, so that they can rule over the public.

Usually the villains are “the rich” who are always guilty of gaining their wealth by some dubious means. The gaining of their assets must be dubious so that the public can feel justified by taking (stealing) the assets for themselves. In all other situations, we would convict the thieves, but not in politics. In today’s politics, we are told that it is somehow justifiable to steal from others – this is because we have been brainwashed by Liberalism. A cornerstone of the marketing of Liberalism is to use human emotion to manipulate the target in order to get the public to justify illegal acts against the target. An illegal act becomes legal when the government declares it so.

This is why men who seek power often use government as their vehicle. The power of government is transferred to these individuals who are then able to make subjective and arbitrary decisions, usually for their own benefit. There are rules in place which are meant to constrain our worst tendencies, however, we all know that a well-intended law is no match for a clever mind that can always find a legal way around a rule.

Because evil always exposes itself, it cannot stand for long before the population understands they have been deceived.  Then the inevitable happens; at some point, good men will arise to oppose the corruption.

However, to be successful in opposing, changing or even overthrowing government, men need a rallying point, a place to start, an idea to galvanize their focus. G-d is a political necessity precisely because man needs a force that is universally understood to be bigger and better than government, i.e. G-d.

Universally, men need something to look up too, and G-d is as high as you can look. The best part is that one need not believe in G-d, nor believe that G-d exists. Rather, we need a G-d Head, an all-encompassing figure or idea that serves the purpose of being better than government or the evil force. We speak here of G-d in the metaphysical sense rather than in the explicit religious sense. G-d the idea. G-d, the standard for goodness and justice. G-d, used as a means to rally a population to oppose evil.

The idea that a G-d Head is needed to oppose evil first came to me when reading that classic of the Freedom Philosophy, “The Law” by Fredrik Bastiat, It is an eloquent and magnificent exposition of Natural Law.

I suggest that instead of inserting in our thoughts the Christian G-d, the Jewish G-d, or the Muslim G-d, rather, we should think of the metaphysical Idea of G-d, a G-d Head. By thinking of an unnamed G-d Head, it removes the animus against other religions and limits the natural tribalism and segregation from the idea of a G-d Head and opens us up to working with other men of good will.

The Natural Law frees all men and allows freedom to thrive in a society. The teaching, understanding and implementation of the principles of Natural Law should be the clarion call that binds those seeking freedom. Collectivism is the active pursuit of seeking to collect power in the hands of a few for evil purposes. To adhere to any collectivist thought, such as Socialism, helps the evil of tyranny to thrive, for Collectivism is force, and force can only survive as a tyranny.

Bastiat explains that from G-d we get,”life, physical, intellectual and moral life.” In order to carry out our responsibility to develop, we use our faculties and natural resources to create products. “Life, faculties, production — in other words, individuality, liberty, property – this is man.”

“And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”

We have laws in order to preserve what the G-d Head gave us. Laws are the, “collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense.” We each have the Natural Right to self-defense, i.e. to defend our life, our liberty and our property against any attack, including an attack from government.

Because we cannot easily stand alone in the defense of our own Natural Rights, it makes sense that “a group of men have the right to organize and support a common force to protect these rights.” Therefore, our collective right to societal lawfulness is merely the extension of our individual rights to act in our own defense. The notion that a Citizen can make an Arrest stems from this valid idea. And, because it is not convenient for individuals to constantly pursue law breakers, we appoint surrogates, called police, to represent our individual rights to defense. Although working for the lawfulness of the collective of free people, Natural Law restricts police actions to do only what an individual can do to defend themselves and society.

The opposite is also true, “since an individual cannot lawfully use force against the person, liberty, or property of another individual, then the common force — for the same reason — cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, liberty, or property of individuals or groups.“

There we have it. G-d has given man these rights, rights which are above government law, rights which no government can take away, except by the use of illegal force. Further, the proposition that government grants rights is false on its face.

If government can grant the right to live, if government can grant liberty and determine if you can own property, then the government can also take these rights away, and for any arbitrary reason. The Communist Manifesto says this in plain language. Hegel, Carl Marx’s mentor, stated it clearly: Men are to see themselves and be treated as clay, to be molded into any shape the government wants or needs. Men are to gain their happiness and satisfaction as a citizen from being the willing tool of the government.

I recall that I physically shuddered when reading these words. It became clear to me why Marx cleaved to Hegel. Hegel’s idea of man being a slave to government – for his own good – is what plutocrats want. Why? Obviously, because there is no personal freedom for clay; man is to be treated as an inanimate object. Of course, this idea and feeling can lead to events like the Holocaust or to the enslavement of Eastern Europe or to the millions dead in Mao’s Red China and in Pol Pot’s Cambodia, etc.

The ability to grant and to take away rights is the source of power, which is why government seeks it and why evil men tend to be in government. If the government has the power to grant rights then the G-d Head must be denied and individual rights cannot exist, as the Communist Manifesto maintains. The logic is irrefutable. For individuals to have freedom, only a non-interfering G-d Head can be the source of our rights, not government. The idea that G-d equals Freedom and that America is His vessel is universally understoodis the reason that millions want to immigrate to America. Compared to other countries, America is Salvation.

Therefore, to have a free society, to have a Freedom Philosophy be the dominant force in our culture, something above government, like a G-d Head MUST be the source of our rights. Even if G-d does not actually exist, even if we are the descendants of aliens, it does not matter. If we are to be free, then we must acknowledge and maintain that G-d is the source of our freedom. For if G-d is not recognized as the source of rights and man, i.e. government, retains this mantle, then we will be enslaved. The history of man is replete with examples of men, from kings to dictators, all seeking all-consuming power.

By extension then, as a free people, we maintain that The Real Purpose of Government is to Defend a Persons G-d Given Rights to their Life, their Liberty and their Property, And To Bring To Justice Those Who Have Harmed Someone’s Life, Liberty or Property, Including The Government, which is the greatest liar, cheat, thief and tyrant in human history.

Thank goodness we have a Declaration of Independence which lays this ideal out in terms so clear that all of humanity has cleaved to it.

“WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

This sentence holds that the ideas mentioned are true, even self-evident, that the ideas are so obvious that they need no further explanation.

The Declaration maintains we are given rights by G-d, which are unalienable, i.e. rights that cannot be taken away because G-d is the highest form in existence, mightier than any government.

Further, that G-d has given us many rights, e.g. the right to procreate, the right to think, etc. And amongst the stockpile of rights G-d has given us are the rights to Life, to Liberty and to Property, which is referred to as the Pursuit of Happiness as a term of art.

Further, the purpose of government is to defend these rights which G-d has given us. There you have it, in plain language in the Declaration, in total opposition to any form of Collectivism, e.g. Socialism. The purpose of government is to defend our lives, our liberty and our property after an attack.

That the government gets its power from the governed and that when government becomes tyrannical, “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” This is the rational for the 2nd Amendment admonition to Keep and Bear Arms. An armed society cannot be enslaved. Enslaving us at some point in the future is behind today’s effort to disarm our society.

The people also have the Natural Right to institute a new government which will “seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Meaning, that there is safety in Collective Lawfulness as expressed in the Common Law and that Happiness is maintained by allowing people to work freely and to have and keep the fruits of their labor, their property. These are the building blocks of freedom.

In the long list of grievances against the Crown, we see: “He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their Substance.”

High taxation and over regulation is the mechanism that current day Collectivists use to enslave us. Harry Hopkins, FDR’s main advisor, laid out the plan eloquently; “We shall tax and tax, and spend and spend, and elect and elect.” Similar to King George III, and all tyrants, the idea is to elect or appoint those who would give us more and bigger government, needing more and more taxation, until there is nothing left and the government has everything.FDR’s plan was to follow his mentor, Mussolini, and implement US style Fascism, which he did.

The US Supreme Court initially did away with FDR’s programs because they were unconstitutional, so FDR replaced several justices with devotees of liberal big government and his patently unconstitutional programs were, predictably, determined to be constitutional. With the influx of Liberals onto our courts, this change in outlook, from an Originalist, constitutional position, to a Liberal, unconstitutional outlook, has continued. This is the same as G-d reversing himself and saying “So that the poor can enrich themselves, the 8th Commandment prohibition against stealing is hereby suspended each Thursday.”

If the constitution is a “living” document, why can’t G-d also say that the 10 Commandments are “living” and must be updated to meet the current day standard? After all, the 10 Commandments are old and out of date and from an agrarian society and age?Are not these the logical and worthy arguments used by Liberals to thwart the constitution? These arguments also work to thwart the basic rules G-d has given to have an orderly society. Respect for authority, our society, American history and whites is out and looking inward, nihilism, Identity Politics and wanting revolution is in. Being manly is out and being a manly female is in. Woman can flirt but men cannot respond as men. Hypocrisy and false marketing is in and reality and truth are out.

Let us be clear: Classic Liberals believe in restricting government to a few necessary functions, e.g. just enough government so that we have a viable society. Today, it is the opposite. Fully in line with the communist tactic of owning the language, the word liberal has changed. To be Liberal today is to believe government is the guarantor of Equality.And, in order for government to deliver Equality, it must pass laws and do things that are totally un-Constitutional according to Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution. Read it and see for yourself.

Therefore, being Liberal is being anti-Constitution; being anti-Constitution is being anti-American; ergo, being a Liberal today is un-American. “Liberalism is anti-American” should be the bumper sticker slogan of freedom loving Americans. Today’s liberalism seeks to concentrate all power in a governmental elite; that is the definition of Collectivism, which is Dictatorship by committee, sort of like the Mafia Commission. Being a Collectivist is being anti-American. Sadly, about 40% of Americans are so emotionally malleable and lacking in critical thinking skills that they have been brainwashed into being un-American and are backing a thoroughly anti-American agenda.

Welcome to America 2020!

How do we overcome? I believe we need a G-d Head, an all-encompassing figure or idea that serves the purpose of being better than government or the evil force.

Trump is but a mediocre beginning. Be Warned! Unless we have 20 years of successful Trump-like confrontation with The Swamp, your grandchildren will be growing up behind barbed wire and what will you say when they ask, “Grandpa, how did this happen and why didn’t you do anything to stop it?”

G-d Bless US

© 2020 Mitchell Goldstein – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mitchell Goldstein:

American Guinea Pigs in a Chinese Lab

By Cliff Kincaid

“This a global problem that will require global solutions, not more ignorant, nationalist fear-mongering.” So says a writer with an outfit called Popular Resistance about the coronavirus and President Trump’s response. In the midst of this Marxist drivel, President Trump offers a calm answer to a pandemic – protect our people and defend our borders.

The European Socialists, who have implemented open borders and hate the concept of national sovereignty, were caught off-guard. They are irate that Trump is closing America to their infected people and travelers. The Chinese, meanwhile, are angry that they are being blamed for a virus that emerged from their country – and perhaps from their lab.

It looks like key Trump White House personnel are coming to the conclusion that the Chinese communist authorities have their fingerprints all over this deadly disease.

AP reports that Trump’s national security adviser, Robert C. O’Brien, declared at a Heritage Foundation event that “this outbreak in Wuhan was covered up.” O’Brien, the author of a book critical of the foreign policy of Barack Hussein Obama, added that the communist regime’s cover-up “probably cost the world community two months” in responding.

In terms of the “outbreak,” the director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, Kelvin Droegemeier, asked the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to “rapidly” look into the origins of the virus.

The words “outbreak” and “cover-up” suggest that, in this growing crisis, something other than a natural occurrence of a virus emerging from somewhere in a food market is happening. The sending of the Droegemeier letter raises questions about Chinese claims about the origin of the virus.

In his talk to the nation on Wednesday night, President Trump accurately described the threat as a “foreign virus.” China doesn’t like that. This, too, suggests that the White House doesn’t buy all of the propaganda about the disease being an unfortunate and accidental development that just happens to have come out of a region in China with a top-secret bio lab.

Yet many news organizations are following the Chinese communist line that this is somehow a “global” problem that has nothing to do with China. Commentators are actually criticizing those who accurately describe the disease as the “Chinese virus” or the “Wuhan virus.”

Some are saying that the virus is a flu-like disease that will dissipate when the weather gets warmer. Others are not so sure. The Droegemeier letter to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine notes the publication of a study claiming that the novel coronavirus has elements of HIV, the virus causing AIDS. While the paper was “widely-disputed” and withdrawn, he says we are all entitled to answers about the origin and nature of the virus.

As part of this review, Droegemeier could examine the published studies on the Communist Chinese chemical and biological warfare capabilities. A good place to start is Eric Croddy’s report, “China’s Role in the Chemical and Biological Disarmament Regimes.” Among other disclosures, he cites a Soviet defector, Ken Alibek, as saying that Soviet scientists concluded that outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in China in the 1980s were caused by an accident in a lab “where Chinese scientists were weaponizing viral diseases.”

At the time of the publication of this paper, 2002, China didn’t even have a maximum containment (Biosafety Level 4) lab. Such a Biosafety Level 4 lab is now in place in Wuhan, the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This is the place where the virus originated and the cover-up began. Nature magazine reports it is just one of five or more such labs scheduled to be built in China. The magazine quotes its own experts as saying that the SARS virus “has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times…”

SARS is another virus that somehow “appeared” in China and spread. Perhaps it’s time to question how these viruses are “escaping” or “appearing” in China. But skepticism is in short supply at the major media outlets eager to find fault with Trump.

The Washington Post ran a story claiming that various “experts” have debunked the “fringe theory linking China’s coronavirus to weapons research.” But that’s not what the experts were actually quoted as saying. The paper said that Milton Leitenberg, an expert on chemical weapons at the University of Maryland, “had discussed the possibility that weapons development at the Wuhan lab could have led to the coronavirus outbreak in a private email chain but that no one had found convincing evidence to support the theory.” One wonders what form “convincing evidence” would have to take. And how is this possible considering this is a communist regime known for lying, cheating and cover-ups?

Leitenberg then added “Of course, if they are doing bio weaponry, it is covert,” and reportedly said it was “unlikely” the Chinese were making such weapons at that lab.

So the theory that the virus came out of the lab has not been debunked. If it was a natural occurrence, why the cover-up? The Post doesn’t want to blame China because its culprit, for this and dozens of other perceived problems, is always Donald J. Trump. It wants to blame Trump for the impact of the Chinese virus without investigating why this keeps happening.

The Trump’s Administration’s failures in confronting the virus consist almost entirely in the reaction of the Medical Deep State, including the Centers for Disease Control, in quickly developing quick and easy testing procedures for the virus. Trump relied on these “professionals” and they were clearly not prepared.  Perhaps they had a naïve view of the communist regime and never imagined that a disease of this kind would emerge from China.

Trump’s trade adviser, Peter Navarro, wrote in his 2006 book, The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won, that China was a “disease incubator” because of its pollution problems. Now we fear that disease may have been turned into a weapon.

As citizens in a still-free society, we don’t have to wait for the “experts.” Common sense dictates there are just too many coincidences surrounding the appearance of this virus in a region with a controversial lab. Indeed, one doesn’t have to be an “expert” to come to the obvious conclusion that China is experimenting with these weapons and that the communists are treating us like guinea pigs.

Even before this virus is contained, our country has to get back to the business of containing China itself. Our survival as a nation depends on it.

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Perils of Prophecy – Days, Idioms and Covenants, Part 4

Ms. Smallback

Part IV of (PoP) – Motives and Roots

This is a caveat article on prophecy, from a different angle.  There are things I’ve learned along the way that if I could help someone else learn in shortcut fashion, I’m happy to reveal my own journey’s lessons.

Guard against jealousy and the desire to know information for information purposes only

I met my brother for the first time in 2004.  We were adopted out separately at birth, and only “found” each other in our adult lives.  It was new for both of us.  I was mostly without family at that time (except my husband and kids), and I approached this with a great amount of caution.  Family has been rather treacherous for me.

We were raised quite differently.  He was an only child; I was the youngest of three.  He was raised in the city, I on the farm.  He was raised in poverty; I had all my needs met.  His upbringing was mostly unrestrained; mine was controlled to the nth.  His youth was wild and carefree, mine was guarded and controlled.  Yet from the first conversation, we related.  The first time we spent together, we were finishing each other’s sentences.

It was an anomaly to me – especially considering how different we were/are.  Very, very few people have ever understood me in the entirety of my life, so few I can count them on one hand.  [To quote a friend of mine and brother in the faith, he said I was the most misunderstood person he has ever met.  This has been proven over and over and over in my life.]

But this new brother of mine either understood me or wanted to.  It seemed almost effortless at times.  Our relationship took off rather fast, as we tried to catch up as much as we could on all the years that we had lost.  There was so much to talk about, and our conversations would last for hours.  He had a couple people in his life that were jealous of that.  They didn’t understand and wanted to control it.  They thought we were too close.

Five months into our new relationship, my birthday was approaching.  My brother asked what I wanted.  I said, just time with you.  Time with him to learn about him, share, and grow was what was most precious to me.  I didn’t need a “thing”.  His presence was a gift.  He obliged, took me to a long dinner, and then we went to a worship set at a house of prayer.  The people in his life scorned it.

A month or two later, (one that was jealous of our relationship, let’s call her “Kay”), made an issue about all she wanted for her birthday was time with him.  This was a first in over a decade of familial relationship, but my brother obliged.  He knew it was jealousy and a competitive motive, but he was trying to alleviate the conflict and honor her as well.  The dinner was usual.  He remarked to me that there seemed a newfound interest in him, but the future proved it would lead nowhere.

I tell you this story for two purposes.

If one who has endeavored to seek out a relationship with their Creator and their Savior, has learned things about their Creator and Savior that others want to know, watch how the Spirit reveals the heart.

Jealousy can do one of two things.  It can spur one to reach and achieve that which they have been stirred up to want.  Or it can be destructive.

If someone wants to know the information of the prophetic (“just tell me when” or “just tell me who” or “just tell me what” and then fill in the blank), but isn’t truly interested in knowing in an intimate way the one the prophecy is about, they will have a similar reaction as Kay.  Kay mimicked my actions but got a different outcome.  Those who seek the information without the relationship will also get a different outcome.  They will demand an audience or the information, but it will not satisfy.  The information they are seeking will be as a shoulder shrug.  They will not understand the implications, and they will not value the person – (in prophecy it is Christ).

My reward with my brother is my brother. Knowing him is my reward. Understanding his heart, learning his nuances and the way he thinks, what matters to him, is my reward. Now, sixteen years later, there’s not much my brother does or doesn’t do that surprises me.  I’ve learned his heart, his mind, his ways.  I suppose you could say I could predict him (and he would definitely tell you that). Prediction is like prophesying, but it’s done with knowledge, whereas prophesying comes from the Spirit of God (but can also have knowledge).

Likewise, my reward with Christ is knowing Him. The danger in revealing the things God hid in codes, symbolism, and mystery is the careless and cavalier manner in which someone uninterested in developing their own intimacy with Christ will treat the knowledge of the prophetic. The fire that warms and thaws can also burn and destroy.

The globalist agenda uses Biblical prophecy to attempt to control the future, but they’re sorely amiss on the character and nature of God, and thus have erred in their strategy.  But God will use their errors to accomplish His purposes, and when we start to understand the difference between knowing the what and knowing the who, we will understand prophecy.

I can’t emphasize enough the purpose of prophecy is to reveal the character and heart of God. But He has wisely shrouded it in mystery so that only a seeking heart will pay the price to know Him.  He is the pearl of great price that we sell everything to buy. Knowing what’s going to happen is never as important as why, which is never as important as WHO.

On the other hand, if jealousy spurs us to genuinely seek out what we want, then we’ll find our jealousy gets replaced by personal desire.  This is a beautiful thing. We are no longer jealous of what we see someone else has (an intimate relationship, knowledge, understanding, etc.), but we have instead endeavored we must learn how to obtain that ourselves.

“Roots, where are your roots?”

The other purpose of my story has to do with identifying roots.  Over a decade ago, a Messianic Rabbi stumbled upon one of our in-home Wednesday night Bible studies one night.  He lived in a town over two hours away and was in our town on business.  He inquired of someone in our group if there was a mid-week service somewhere he could attend, and they invited him to our study.

As we opened the Scripture and began reading, it wasn’t long before I noticed his demeanor change. He exclaimed, “Roots! Where are your roots?” We asked him to elaborate. He immediately took us back to the root words in Hebrew. He expounded on them in such a way the Scripture broke open and light poured forth.  We sat the next hour just listening and learning from him.  I emailed him for years after with various questions about scripture and words, and he came to our home church a couple times to lead a Passover Seder.  He expertly taught how all the aspects of the rehearsal of the Passover led to Christ, and how Christ fulfilled every one of them.

In this season of learning, the Spirit of God taught me I was to learn how to return to the roots of the faith.  In fact, He used my newfound relationship with my brother to expound it.  He showed me how my identity was largely known to myself in my life by my adopted family.  I have things in my personality and identity that are a direct result from my upbringing.  There are phrases and gestures I picked up from my family that I carried on into my own identity.

We have been adopted into the family of God. We are now sons and daughters of the Most High through the amazing sacrifice and obedience of Yeshua, Christ the Messiah. And yet….

When I met my brother, my own blood, with zero experiences together or in common, there was an immediate connection.  We were able to finish each other’s sentences from the first time we met in person. This, the Spirit showed me, was my roots. And both families matter.

This is me, a Gentile, being grafted into the olive branch.  Read Romans 11, and make sure you read it with the Spirit’s guidance.  You’ll see that word jealousy again.  In this instance, it’s for the good purposes:  to bring God’s people back to Him.  In fact, if the western church has deceived you to think there’s not a place for Israel anymore, read Romans 9-11.

But this is what God showed me of why I need that branch I’ve been grafted into.  The church’s roots are the Hebrew faith, the Hebrew language, the Hebrew customs.  Disregarding, ignoring or otherwise being ignorant of these roots is only to our detriment.  We’ve been grafted into it, not the other way around.

And just like finding my blood brother helped me understand myself better, finding our faith’s roots will help us understand the God of our faith better.  God painted the picture of redemption and gave that picture to the Hebrews (Israelites). He redeemed us out of the darkness and brought us into the light, irrespective of our actual blood lineage, and it is God’s gracious kindness that we are heirs in Christ.  But let’s not make the mistake of thinking we don’t need the Hebrews and their faith.

And about that word “Hebrew”….

Where does it even come from???  Who are the Hebrews?  The first time we see that word in Scripture is in Genesis 40:15:

For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.

This is interesting, because it’s the story of Joseph being sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt and was put in prison on false charges.  But it’s not the inception of “Hebrews”.  Some versions try to help us connect the dots by inserting it in Genesis 10:21.  Here it is in the Amplified:

Also to Shem, the father of all the children of Eber [including the Hebrews], the older brother of Japheth, children were born.

[For study, here’s Genesis 10:21 in about every Bible translation.]

But what we’ll learn in study is that the word “Hebrew” comes from the line of Eber, who was the great-grandson of Shem (son of Noah).  Just so we have it straight:  Noah had Shem who had Araphaxad who had Shelah who had Eber.

The ancient Israelites had a custom in their language, (which is incidentally called “Hebrew”):  they didn’t have vowels.  So vowels were inserted to ease with pronunciation.  But for simplicity, they used variances of their names and words by changing the vowels.  (Pay attention because this becomes very important in future breakdowns.)  So Eber is the “father” of the Hebrews, so to speak.  Hebrews derives its name from Eber.

And this must be pretty important to God because that name “Hebrews” has not left the vernacular of the faith for millennia, even having a whole book written to these people in the new covenant, yet the word Hebrew is nowhere to be found in that book.

In fact, when the Israelites were in Egypt for four hundred years, though they carried the name of Jacob/Israel, they were still being referred to as Hebrews by the people of Egypt.  And when the Philistines were challenging the promised land under the reign of King Saul, they were calling the children of Israel “Hebrews” even then, how many hundreds of years after Jacob?

And when Paul is speaking to the Corinthians he makes a clear distinction like this (2 Cor 11:22):  “Are they Hebrews?  So am I.  Are they Israelites?  So am I.  Are they descendants of Abraham?  So am I.”

So surely by now you can see the name “Hebrew” is of value to God. And if it matters to God, it matters to me. If God has not allowed Hebrew to drop from the vernacular after several millennia, I reason there must be a reason.  This must be of value to God.  We do not want to lose the things that are of value to God in the effort to be trendy or modern or progressive or even enlightened.  If God has preserved something, I want to know why and what it means to Him.

In the meantime, do not scorn your roots.  Embrace them.

To read Part 1, click HERE

To read Part 2, click HERE

To read Part 3, click HERE

© 2020 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

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Barbarians American Style

By Ron Edwards

When one thinks of the term barbarian, they may remember lessons in primary school about the brute who eventually sacked Rome.  They ran around the eternal city in massive droves shouting “bar bar, bar bar.”  That is believed to be where the term barbarian was derived.  Whether that story is actually true or not I really could not prove it beyond a few accounts of that story I have read.  But today we do know a barbarian, or to be politically incorrect, a thug is.  Barbarians and thugs are individuals who have chosen to wreak havoc upon communities, private property, such as homes and businesses.  Of course, their trail of terror also winds its way to people as well.  The barbarians do not care if they knock out an elderly man walking down the street, or a lady entering her motor vehicle after shopping at a suburban mall.

Barbarians of today are opportunists who take full advantage of leftist political decisions in places like New York city.  For example, if a barbarian commits a crime in the Big Rotting Apple, they can walk right out of prison and be free, if they cannot afford to pay for their bail out of jail.  Barbarians, thugs and illegal border crossers all know that in many locations throughout our republic, the laws have been recently rigged in their favor.  But the advent of barbaric thuggery has other causes in addition to leftist/liberal government policies throughout the United States.  If my fellow Americans were to seriously check crime statistics in American urban centers during the 1950s and early 1960s, they would be surprised.  Before the bastardized rights or “Civil Rights” movement they would find crime was as low, but in some cases lower than suburban or majority white city neighborhoods. Also, abortion rates in black communities were below that of non black enclaves, until soon after the bastardized or “Civil Rights” movement.

OK, you must be wondering why on earth I connect the term “bastardized” to the “Civil Rights” movement?  Frankly it is as plain as the light of day.  It was my Dad who first coined that term in regards to the 1960s movement first led admirably by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but was later coopted philosophically by white male leftists.  When Dr. King started out, he sought to encourage our republic to live up to the ideals enumerated in our Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers, etc., and for government to operate according to constitutional mandates.  Also, that our rights are unalienable, come from God and thus should not be manipulated for government/political or leftist motives.

It has always been the goal of leftists to dethrone the constitution as the centerpiece of governance. They also sought and continue to totally destroy our unique American cohesiveness, stability, unity moral decency.  To do so meant they had to also find ways, mostly through government schools to sever “We the People” from the God whom the Founding Fathers warned us never to separate from.  Of course, the family had to be broken up, particularly the black family.  Unfortunately, Dr. King and Ralph Abernathy were gradually persuaded to politicize matters in a leftist oriented direction that no longer allowed the focus upon the Unalienable Rights and liberty of responsible individuals and deemphasized the importance of the two parent household and to gradually do away with the authority figure Dad. Eventually “Civil” or “Bastardized group Rights” superseded individual rights.  Meaning government mob rule eclipsing individual self-rule.

In came bastardized rights and out went the rule of law.  After that away went parental responsibility to train up their children in the way they should so they would not depart from a high moral standard for their lives.  Often in the black community, black boys were repeatedly told they were nothing, no good, no how.  They were called dumb, while girls were much more often encouraged by the mothers to do well, go to college, etc.  The mothers told their precious daughters they were good and smart.  What I’m showing you is that both the boys and girls grew to fulfill the words most often spoken over their lives from childhood.  The barbarians you see in the news were most likely told they were no good from childhood.  I can tell you with a certainty that in a majority of cases that is so.  Because even I endured such madness after the death of my Dad when I was twelve years old.  When I see those street barbarian thugs, I say but by the grace of God, there go I.  The major elements that prevented me from being one of those bitter street barbarians was the great teachings and influence of my Dad who instructed me about the greatness of God, how to appreciate our republic, the importance of family to the stability of society, our unalienable rights and more.

Yes, I was hurt often and to the core by cruel family members after Dad passed away, but because of God’s mercy Dad prepared me to not become permanently embittered barbaric or a vengeful menace to society. Also, to seek God and to do good.  It was not easy, nor am I making excuses for the barbaric criminal activity in our streets via young hurt black boys and young men.  But hurt people hurt other people. That is all most of them know.  We as a republic must fully restore the rule of law.  Government is supposed to be a source of fear to those engaged in criminal activity, not law abiding citizens who should be encouraged to live successfully to the best of their God given abilities.

For people to do better, they must first be taught to do better.  Yes, barbaric criminals must pay for their crimes, but I also believe it is criminal to refuse to bring up a child in the way he should go, as it says in the Holy Bible.  Wake up America, and love your children enough to raise them up to be all that God would have them to be.   Don’t miss the exciting Ron Edwards American Experience talk show, Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT. The Ron Edwards American Experience emanates from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada. Also, on WCET FM 101.7 Columbia, S.C. at 7:00 PM EST & 4:00 PM PT and worldwide via and America Matters Media Face and available in Podcast.God bless you, God Bless America and may America Bless God.  The Edwards Notebook commentary airs regularly during the Captain’s America Third Watch which emanates from flagship station WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Fla and everywhere via

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Never Give In – Never Give Up

Lee Duigon

Winston Churchill said, “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

I’m a story-teller, and I consume other people’s stories. It’s fuel. I need it like a car needs gasoline. So, in addition to reading stories, I watch stories online, movies and TV shows.

Lately it’s become almost impossible to find a show or a miniseries that does not subject the viewer to one or more commercials for homosexuality. Some recent examples:

In “Brokenwood,” a New Zealand cop show, the best and wisest man in town is, of course, openly “gay” and proud of it. He’s the mayor, too. And police officers counsel a lesbian not to break up with her girlfriend because “love” is love, blah-blah. So no more “Brokenwood” for us.

“Murdoch Mysteries” (Canadian) recently aired its 200th episode. That’s quite a successful series. The hero, Murdoch, is a devout Catholic and a man of high moral character. But this season they have decided to turn one of the regular characters into a homosexual, for no reason I can see. Maybe the government leaned on the producers: for diversity, you know.

In some Irish thing we watched, the loving mother says to her son, “Why don’t you find a nice young man and settle down?” If anyone has ever said this in real life, our species is in trouble.

And the other night, in “Father Brown,” of all places, we were treated to a budding lesbian romance.

There are more, but enough is enough.

Legions of viewers passively absorb these commercials. The purpose here is to tear down our culture by tearing down the family, so the Far Left Crazy can build a brand-new culture on its ruins—something much more to their liking, with themselves in charge of it.

We are losing our culture. Oh! And we’ll also lose our republic and our freedom, too, if the cabal of schemers and corrupt spies and bent cops who tried to undo the 2016 election and take out our president are not punished so severely, and publicly, that no one ever tries to do it again.

Now is not the time to give in. It’s never time to give in. Here are some things we can do instead of surrendering.

Cling to the cross of Jesus Christ, and to the Bible. It’s God’s word, and it will not return to Him defeated.

Pray several times a day, and keep a store of hymns handy.

Stick together and encourage, comfort, and support each other. On my blog we have a Christian fellowship. Many more of them need to be created. Let’s use this dazzling communications technology to build a truly universal Church.

Never go along to get along. More mischief has been done by that than by any other means that I can think of.

Speak the truth, stand up for it. Too many people change their core beliefs just because they’re told to. We must not. No matter how many times they tell us we should. What do they know? Who anointed them? Don’t listen.

The enemy’s might does seem overwhelming. They come at us all day, every day, from all directions. But even the weakness of God is stronger than they are; and the foolishness of God is wiser than men (1 Corinthians 1: 25). It is required of us to keep the faith.

No one ever faced a more daunting, a more hopeless challenge than Winston Churchill did in 1940. He refused to be daunted. He refused to give up hope. And when the smoke cleared in 1945, Churchill was still standing tall and Hitler was dead.

Never give in.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

The Death of Globalism

Coach Dave Daubenmire

Globalism has failed.  Open borders has yielded deadly fruit.  Our foundations have been destroyed.

It is 6:30 on Wednesday March 11 as I write this.  The markets have taken another hit today as a result of the much hyped weaponized flu attack.

And an attack it is.  Not necessarily in the manner that most of you think, a sickness designed to wreak havoc on the health of the world, but an attack on those who still believe in the nation-state and the right of the people to self determination.

I’ve never seen anything like it.  All of the media focus that was spent the last three years on Russia, Trump, and the mess in Washington has been erased from our memory.  Suddenly, right on cue, the focus of the entire Fake Media has switched to the virus.  The onslaught on the common sense of the world has been startling to watch.

Let me make it clear, I do not know the real danger of the now-declared pandemic.  I don’t know who to trust, or what to believe, but I get the sinking sensation that something very big is being orchestrated.  Without getting into the technical discussion of whom or what has caused this to appear, permit me to present a plausible explanation for what is happening.

The American dollar is dead.  It is backed by nothing and printed out of thin air.  Our debt is unpayable and everyone in the know, knows it.  The world is broke.  No currency anywhere in the world is actually backed by anything.  The dollar is a piece of paper.  Nothing more, and nothing less.  They simply tell us it has value.  But we all know better.  The fake dollar cannot continue to be used to pay real debts.

Our unfunded mandates are in the trillions, and our personal debt is at staggering levels.  A total reset of the world’s economic system is the only solution to get the American people back on our feet.

The goal of the globalists is a cashless society in which they have total control.  If you can’t see the old switcheroo happening before your very eyes I question your ability to think.  The actual MONEY in circulation, they tell us, carries the virus.  Looks to me like a pretty good reason to stop the actual exchange of paper.

While they have had the American people divided over race, religion, sex, and politics they have been working behind the scenes to orchestrate a coup on America, the crown jewel of the world economy.  As goes America so goes the world.  Since the Great Depression of 1929 a well organized cabal of Luciferians has been at work in an attempt to seize control of the entire world.  Both American political parties have been complicit as their leaders have been bought and paid for by this Satanic cabal.

The American populace has been slow to catch on to the scheme but have recently begun to wipe the sawdust from their eyes.  What started out as a Tea Party Movement over a decade ago has not blossomed into full-blown woke-ness as more and more American’s have recognized the Demonic schemes.  Hillary’s election would have ushered in the final pall bearers on American independence.

But something happened on the way to the funeral.  President Trump was elected and threw a monkey-wrench into their final act.  The jury is still out on what Trump’s motives are, and where his loyalties truly lie, and time will tell if he is the knight on the white horse so many have believed him to be.

No matter how you view the President, his platform of Nationalism has been the tuning fork that caught the attention of a still slumbering populace and drew the ire of those hell-bent on globalization.  Donald Trump cannot make America great again.  Only We The People can do that, but he is the one who planted the vision in the mind of millions of Americans.

What we are embarking on now is unchartered territory for us.  We are the most pampered populace in the history of the world and time will determine whether we have the gumption and the gall to fight to restore this nation.  A financial reset has to come, and let it come before we are unable to fight back.  Tough times are coming, and short of a pre-tribulation rapture, Christians are going to have to actively engage in this war for America.  The future of our grandchildren depends on it.

Money makes the world go around and for too long the money masters have been scheming for total control of the world.  They have burdened us with debt that is not ours, to people we do not owe, with money that is not our own.  Who in the hell put us trillions of dollars in debt and then told me I had to pay for it?  The line is drawn in the sand and we must fight NOW to take back what was stolen from us.

In a sense we have been here before.  The history of our nation is lined with cataclysmic events from which we were told that we would never recover.  But we did…we always have…and we are now faced with our greatest challenge yet.  Can America once again rise from the ashes and restore a nation that we so willingly pissed away?  Is the future of our children worth the struggle to restore the foundations?

Globalism is dead but we must fight to remove the rotting corpse. It won’t be easy. The financial reset had to come. It is upon us. How we handle the next 12 months will determine the future of this nation.

Americans have become soft.  It is a result of the ungodly affluence that most Americans enjoy.  We didn’t fight when we could have saved everything but perhaps we will fight when we have nothing left to lose.

Will God grant us a reprieve?  Only if He is central to the plan.  “If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?”  How about repent?  Fight?  Rebuild?

Globalism is dead. America is on life support. Tighten your belt and earn your meal money, boys. All of history is watching.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

More Wonder, Please

By Frosty Wooldridge

With all the political mayhem, name slinging and Covid-19 spreading across our country and the world—like you, I am pretty sick of it. All of us face 24/7 stress.  I’m fed up with our U.S. Congress with its 535 elected officials doing pretty much nothing to solve our national problems.  They won’t secure our borders and haven’t for 40 years.  They keep piling debt upon us. They keep funding two worthless wars for 19 years.  They won’t stop the immigration invasion no matter what consequences to our citizens.  It’s sickening to watch it.

For the record, my wife Sandi and I live day to day with a sense of hope and harmony.  We exercise, do our jobs, fix dinner, watch movies and contribute to our community in Golden, Colorado.  We enjoy friends, go dancing and laugh a lot.  We’re grateful for all our blessings.

So, instead of a serious column today, please enjoy a bicycle adventure that carries you into the wonders of Nature.  We live in a beautiful world.  Let’s try to preserve it and all the other creatures living in it.

A Bicycle Journey from Mexicali, Mexico to Calgary, Canada

In the spring, Doug and I pedaled from Mexicali, Mexico toward Calgary, Canada to meet Bryan Delay who had bicycled South America with us. We rode up the middle of California, through Oregon and upwards through Washington State. Because of springtime, we watched millions of birds flying over our heads all day long. Wave after wave after wave! Big Canadian geese, lovely white pelicans, cranes, Arctic Terns, mallards, Western grebes, and many more that we couldn’t identify.

We rolled our bikes past the Saltan Sea in southern California. We cranked through Joshua Tree National Monument with its wondrous boulders. We headed into the southern end of Death Valley at 116 degrees F. on April 1st. That Henry Wade exit proved itself 30 miles of sand and butt-busting cycling. We packed plenty of water in order to make the pavement of the regular highway through the valley.

Interestingly, when you lay your life on the line, but you’re prepared, life meets you. I mean, death could meet you, too. But with intrepid hearts, Doug and I pedaled northward into the heat-tempest of that scorching day. If you ever felt like you had died and gone to the fiery dungeons of Hell, that day would define it.

Along the road, we saw an approaching motorhome creating a dust storm behind its wheels. When it came up to us, the driver stopped. “Do you guys know the temperature?” he asked. “It’s 116 degrees.”

“We feel it with every push on the pedals,” Doug said. “Not our lucky day to be pedaling in this kind of intense heat.”

“Here,” the wife said, “Two cold pears out of our cooler and two ice cold lemonades.”

Monika and Reinhold, a lovely couple from Germany, gave us two gifts in that scorching desert that we remember to this day. We broke open the cans and guzzled the cool liquid that slid down our throats as refreshingly as if we had drunk the water cascading over Niagara Falls. And those two cold pears, well, a five-course dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City could not compare to the joy of those delicious, juicy, life-giving pears.

More wonder, please!

As we cranked our iron steeds into the Sierra Nevada mountains, one night we stopped by a lake named “Lake Almanor” that was named for three sisters, Alice, Martha and Eleanor Gay.  As we sat there under a clear, star-lit sky with the sun just touching down over the mountain peaks, the fire burned brightly into the gathering dusk. Overhead, a 50 gaggle of Canadian geese honked their way across the lake before flapping their mighty wings to settle down on still waters. What a racket they made! Within minutes another gaggle of Western grebes, diving ducks, settled near the geese. Before us, we saw mallards creating V-wakes across the glass-still waters of the lake. Then, the diving ducks began diving for food and popped up to create circles that expanded across the waters. Before us, a mathematical board of triangles, circles and lines cut the lake into sections, much like a protractor and a sextant gone wild.

“Gees,” said Doug. “I can’t imagine how much more intricate and beautiful Nature’s showcase at this moment.”

“I’d say we’re right in the middle of the magnificence of the universe,” I said.

More wonder, please!

Several days later, we reached the General Sherman Sequoia at 2,500 years old, and a whopping 120 tons of wood with a 30-foot diameter base. Standing beneath it, you, a mere human, become less than a speck of sand, a tiny blob of protoplasm. Yet, you share the same energy as that 2,500-year-old tree, and you share a moment in time for your life. That tree drinks 500 gallons of water a day and expires 500 gallons of water. That tree was ‘old’ at the time of the Roman Empire, and today, it’s 25 centuries later, and it’s still growing strong. To stand at the base of it with our bicycles, well….

More wonder, please!

On that trip with Doug, a man who has bicycled seven continents and ridden through 130 countries, he knows the wonders of the world. He and I have marveled at our stunning moments in the Australian Outback, the fantastic beauties of South America and the sheer magnitude of the history of Europe. Not to mention Asia and the Wall of China on our bicycles.  I don’t mind sharing with you that I feel incredible gratitude as a small farm boy milking cows in Michigan, to a journalist and world traveler, I have much to be thankful for as a citizen of the United States.  It’s why I write with such passion to save our country from endless immigration—which will prove the greatest nightmare for America in the 21st century.

More wonder, please!

As we moved further north, we captured rare moments in Yosemite National Park. We pedaled up that winding road that featured an eight percent incline! Raging white waters poured down the Merced River out of the High Sierra Mountains. Our legs felt like fried bacon after a day of climbing and descending. It’s a roller coaster ride, but our minds pushed our bodies into it; our legs obeyed our commands.

Somehow, they eagerly respond to the task. Our lungs heaved and our hearts thrived. We “willed” the spokes to spin via the power of our legs. Around us, Nature thrived with flowers, eagles, bees, hummingbirds and the promise of spring. We headed into Yosemite more than 4,000 feet of elevation gain while pounding the pedals. Froto and Condor, the names of our two bikes, responded by carrying us upward.

We became aware of every movement because our thighs felt tender with the sensation of living. We pushed on, toward the final ascent into the valley. In front of us a monster of a mountain appeared—El Capitan. Our eyes grew wide. We took a deep breath. Suddenly, we felt only wonder.

Like I said, More Wonder, Please! And that’s bicycle adventure.

We enjoy a beautiful country; I’ve seen all of it in its glory; I want to preserve it for future generations.  We must take action for the preservation of America.  What are you doing for the future of America and your children?

Dough Armstrong, 7 continent world bicycle traveler, with his sidekick Frosty Wooldridge, 6 continent world bicycle traveler; Yes! Please bring on more WONDER!

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:


Americans Allowing Church and the Government to Create a World Without God

Bradlee Dean

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God.” -Psalm 9:17

Does it not amaze you, friends, that such a high number of the people in this country call themselves Christians, and yet we can clearly see the country is going to Hell (Psalm 9:17)? A whole lot of hypocrisy going on here (Matthew 23:3)!

How does one justify the unjustifiable? We as a nation reap exactly what we sow (Galatians 6:7). We can blame no one else except ourselves for where we are today (Numbers 32:23).

Statistically:  America is number #1 in:

  • Violent Crime
  • Divorce
  • Teen Pregnancies
  • Voluntary Abortion (60 Million to date)
  • Illegal Drug Use
  • Illiteracy

[YouTube Video]

The presupposition to a Christian is that God is (1 John 2:6).

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image (A god to suit your sins – 1 John 3:4), or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God,…” -Exodus 20:3-5

The presupposition to an idolater is that God is the way that they want Him to be (2 Kings 17:33).

“They feared the Lord, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.” -2 Kings 17:33

And they both act accordingly.

Idolatry is the oldest sin in the book (Bible), and the more the Lord tells them what it is that they shouldn’t do for their own good, they defiantly rebel (Romans 7:9).  How do you show mercy to a people like that?

Often times instead of correcting themselves (2 Timothy 2:21), they even go so far to blame God for evil, the evil that they are responsible for committing, which is like blaming the sun for darkness.

[YouTube Video]

It has been said, “Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains.”

“The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the LORD.” -Proverbs 19:3

What it comes to is people want to create a world without God, but what they don’t realize is it’s God’s world (Isaiah 66:1).

Finally, when it comes to the Church and the government in this country creating a world without God, do remember that the Church is responsible for the government and the government in this country is “We the People.” So, who, I ask, is to blame for the Hell that this country is becoming?

Time to return to the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16), just ask Grandma.

[YouTube Video]

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If Just One Man Defies Tyranny, Freedom Still Lives

By Ron Ewart

“If men within themselves would be governed by reason, and not generally give up their understanding to a double tyranny, of custom from without, and blind affections within; they would discern better what it is to favor and uphold the tyrant of a nation.  But being slaves, no wonder that they strive so much to have the public state conformably governed to the inward vicious rule, by which they govern themselves.  For indeed none can love freedom heartily, but good men: the rest love not freedom, but license: which never hath more scope, or more indulgence than under tyrants.”  John Milton, English poet and intellectual (1608 to 1674)

Many times we have written that men without honor are incapable of defending, much less preserving, freedom.  As John Milton says, “For indeed none can love freedom heartily, but good men. ” Good men with honor.

Honor is “the adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct.”  In simple terms, the “conventional standard’ of conduct for humans is “to treat others in the same way you wish to be treated and to be true to your word.”  Without honor there can be no trust and society eventually breaks down into corruption, chaos, anarchy, or worse, fascism as we are seeing now in many parts of the country today.

Thomas Jefferson wrote: “When we come to the moral principles on which the government is to be administered, we come to what is proper for all conditions of society.  Liberty, truth, probity, honor, are declared to be the four cardinal principles of society.  I believe that morality, compassion, generosity, are innate elements of the human constitution; that there exists a right, independent of force.”

Freedom will be preserved and tyranny vanquished as long as there are good men with honor who will pledge that honor, their lives and their fortunes in the name of freedom.

Thomas Paine, during the Revolutionary War, wrote:

“These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”

So today, we must ask ourselves in a time of our own conflict, confusion and turmoil, how “dear” is freedom?   What price do we put on its defense?  Are we the summer soldier or the sunshine patriot that, in crisis, shrinks from the service of country?  Or, are we who stand by it now, the vanguards of freedom, will, in the end, be its savior?  But if there not be enough of us who stand steadfast for freedom, will the summer soldier or the sunshine patriot come out of the shadows to join the battle?  Or will they wait until the loose chains that bind them are tightened and locked forever and freedom becomes but a dim, retreating memory?

In a portion of a poem we wrote several years ago, we described freedom thus:

You can’t see freedom
You can only be free.
You can’t touch freedom,
It’s a phantom you see.

A phantom we hold
In our hearts and minds.
A fleeting memory we are told,
Should we it let slip away,
On the winds of time.

In reality, Americans are letting the phantom of freedom “slip away on the winds of time.”

The experiment of American freedom is approaching a precipice, where even the summer soldiers or sunshine patriots are hard to find and just a handful of the “Vanguards of Freedom” exist to remind us all that the price of freedom is truly eternal vigilance.

Freedom has become passé, old hat and out of date.  Soft socialism has taken its place in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, mostly who live in big cities.  Hard socialism is warming up in the wings under the guise of “better” government, as described by socialist “Bernie Sanders.”  This freedom “phantom” doesn’t seem to fit with our complex, complicated and fast-pace, high-tech lifestyle any more.

Many ask, how could we possibly unravel the millions of laws that have been passed in the last 100 years that have tightened the government noose around our necks?  After all, we must take care of the sick, the aged, the infirmed and all the able-bodied men and women (including illegal aliens) that line up at the government pig trough.  So what if our Constitution never listed or allowed such an action as an authorized power of government.  The Constitution is essentially dead anyhow ….. isn’t it!

And now that the environment has become an inviolate religion, how can we even consider undoing the propaganda, lies and distortions that are being crammed into the heads of consenting adults by the media, as well as the innocent minds of our K-12 school and college-age children?  Certainly, it is quite apparent to almost everyone that protecting the environment is much more important than complying with all those ancient, antiquated principles of freedom and property rights, in our dying or dead constitution ………….. isn’t it?

Oh contraire!  If we do not roll back the insanities and the injustices that have eroded our liberty and freedom, or their memories, we will eventually die and henceforth, never to rise again, being replaced by a top-down, elite-run, tyrannical, one-world-order socialists and communists.  We will become the incarnation of the Old Soviet Union.

As Thomas Paine also said: “tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” We can assure you that the conflict, the enemy we face today, may be much harder and much more intractable, than a simple Revolutionary War, where today the enemy we face, is the enemy within, not a foreign power!   Americans have become unintentional murderers of their own freedom.

Nevertheless, like the Thomas Paine’s of the Revolution that secured our freedom, the “Vanguards of Freedom” are still with us.  They are the scouts who sound the early-warning alarm against the enemies who would steal our freedom outright by an act of war, martial law, or by domestic stealth, using the un-substantiated, mythical rationale of maintaining our security for us, or listing polar bears as endangered when they are not, or putting us in chains and taxing us to death over climate change, based on our collective guilty conscience for “injuring” the planet with our greedy and ostentatious CO2 output.  Absurd!  LudicrousLies!   (See: “Climate“)

These vanguards of freedom are the ones who warn us with the “one-if-by-land” or “two-if-by-sea” in the Old North Church.  They are the cry in the wilderness for the phantom of freedom. They will, if necessary, pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to preserve, protect and defend their freedom and yours, as did our Founding Fathers. The question is, will the summer soldier or the sunshine patriot come out of the shadows to help the vanguards hold onto the flag of freedom?  How “dear” is their freedom and are they willing to pay the price?  History will eventually reveal the truth.

We are one of those men that has “sworn on the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind [and property] of man.” We believe that freedom still lives in the hearts and minds of tens of millions of good, honorable Americans.  We also believe that “if just one man defies tyranny, freedom still lives.”  But if freedom fails in America, all of humanity will be in dire risk of planet-wide enslavement.

In furtherance of our sworn oath, we are establishing the national “American Patriot Reserve Force,” a force that lies percolating and alive underneath the fabric of society, waiting for the time when they will be called upon to rise up by the millions to execute the solemn pledge of the Declaration of Independence ….. to Save the USA, freedom and perhaps even humanity itself.

Empty hyperbole you say?  It takes only a few seeds to plant a garden.  We’re planting those seeds.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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To Honor Women is American

Jake MacAulay

This past weekend the world celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD) and every one of you reading this article knows that without the determination and vigor of the woman who carried and gave birth to you, your life would be an unwritten story.

Concerning IWD, President Trump commented, “Across the United States and around the world, women are making important contributions to global prosperity, security, government, and innovation.  As we celebrate these remarkable achievements on International Women’s Day, we also recognize the critical role our nation plays in advancing equal opportunity for all women so that they can reach their full potential and inspire the next generation of leaders.”

Since her inception, the citizens of America have always cherished, valued, and fought for their rights to “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness,” which are documented and given to them by their Creator in Genesis chapter 1, verse 28.

But did you know the Biblical morality that underpins American law and government has always supported the equality and value of women? Though not always practiced by many Americans, our Creator has always required it of us.

Just one verse prior to Genesis 1:28, Holy Writ records that God:

“…Created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Both male and female are created in God’s image and he authored the philosophy of equality.

This was a concept many of America’s founding Mothers understood, but tragically did not see fully practiced in colonial servitude. One such mother was Abigail Adams.

As a fierce proponent of women’s rights, she is very well known for her March 1776 letter to her husband John and the Continental Congress, requesting that they, “remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.” She continued, “Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice or Representation.”

Though her poor health kept her from receiving a formal education, Abigail rose above this, teaching herself to master several areas of study, including learning a foreign language. She was the close confidante of her husband John Adams, who trusted her counsel and relied on her for sound military intelligence information as well as political guidance. She was an excellent businesswoman, a faithful wife, and a devoted mother. She was the first female representative from the U.S. at the court of Britain and the first woman to live in the White House. She was the wife of one U.S. President and the mother of another. She was also a strong and outspoken Christian, leaving behind a rich legacy in her extensive personal writings.

“[H]e who neglects his duty to his Maker may well be expected to be deficient and insincere in his duty towards the public,” stated Ms. Adams.

In a letter to her close friend, Mercy Otis Warren, America’s first female historian who is called “The Conscience of the American Revolution,” she wrote:

“A patriot without religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as an honest man without the fear of God.”

Today, more than ever, we are in need of fiercely committed Christian women like Abigail to support our communities, strengthen our country, and preserve the blessings of Almighty God for every American.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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ICE and Border Patrol Warn:  Illegal Aliens Are Dangerous in More Ways Than One

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Border Patrol officials and Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agents have been doing their best to handle what appears to be a tsunami of illegal migrants at the U.S. borders especially its southern border.

These two important but hated law enforcement agencies – part of the enormous Department of Homeland Security (DHS) — are dealing with the good, the bad and the ugly who are trying to come to the U.S. to pursue their dreams, their fortunes and their access to the liberals’ trough of free housing, free food, free healthcare and other free concoctions created by Democrats seeking their votes.

While leftists in the U.S. attempt to tie immigration exclusively to Latinos, many immigrants sneaking into the U.S are not from, Mexico, Central America and South America. They come from as far away as China to enter our country, and therein lies the problem since China is the nation of origin for the Coronavirus.

About 330 immigrants from China have been caught attempting to cross American borders illegally so far this year, according to Homeland Security. In addition, three other people from South Korea — another country with rapidly spreading cases — have also been arrested at the border, as have 122 people from the Dominican Republican which shares a Caribbean island with the already enormously impoverished Haiti.

But it is our southern neighbor that is responsible for more than 1,000 migrants a day who are nabbed attempting to sneak into Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California illegally from Mexico, in which Mexican authorities detected its first case last week, and this week police and medical departments identified five other cases of the deadly virus..

And if that many are being caught each day, an unknown but significant number are getting through undetected, Border Patrol officials say.

With “tremendous pressure on our borders… and a sustained attack on election integrity,” “our Republic is tottering,” Tom Fitton,  the CEO of the nonprofit, nonpartisan government watchdog, Judicial Watch,  warns

To this point, Fitton argues that while the “attack on the Republic has been a low-grade fever for the last 20 years,” it has “metastasized” under President Trump.

According to Fitton, the Democratic Party’s anti-constitution activities intensified in 2016 when Trump’s opponents in the Obama Administration “put their thumbs on the scale” for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, engaging the highest levels of national intelligence agencies in a politically “coordinated campaign” against Donald Trump.

Uncovering the Clinton email scandal, Judicial Watch shed light on the secretary’s alleged misconduct in 2016, “shaking” her campaign, which while not being the intent of Judicial Watch’s investigations, was an inevitable result of those emails being “hidden” until 2016, Fitton claims.  On the topic of election integrity, Fitton underwrites the necessity of “clean elections to ensure that elections aren’t stolen.” Today, most states lack any real Voter I.D. and citizenship verification, and the “10-11 states” that do are being “vociferously opposed by the Left.”

Today, even though “the Mueller investigation failed” the attacks on our Republic continue, with “the coup-cabal… making up this concern about Ukraine,” Fitton confirms. “Concocting the Ukraine smear,” he continues, “the coup… hijacked Congress and abused the House of Representatives, abusing the power of impeachment in ways never seen before.” Ultimately, the impeachment effort was “an attack on the Republic, the Presidency and your right to govern yourselves,” Fitton concludes.

“The activists and politicians he U.S. border puts migrants in poor conditions,” a Homeland Security official told The Washington Times. “We don’t know if they have come into contact with someone who has the flu, there is no passport, medical history, or travel manifest.”

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad F. Wolf raised the issue Tuesday with the House Homeland Security Committee, saying that illegal immigration presents a unique threat compared to legal travelers from China, who are being screened on arrival.

“The individuals that are coming in at our 11 airports that are being funneled, we have very good information of their travel history, of their medical history. We’re not going to have that same set of fidelity for the individuals if this continues to grow at the southwest border,” Wolf said.

Mr. Wolf also said the spread of the virus in Mexico creates new complications, after the U.S. has forced tens of thousands of asylum-seekers to wait in that country while their cases are proceeding in American immigration courts.”

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AG Bill Barr Wants FISA Reauthorized Without Reforms

Kelleigh Nelson

Under the president’s spying program, there are no checks and balances. There is no outside review of the legality of this brazen infringement on the civil rights and liberties of the American people. Undeterred by the public outcry, the president [George Bush] vows to continue spying on American citizens.  —Justice Samuel Alito

No system of mass surveillance has existed in any society, that we know of to this point, that has not been abused. —Edward Snowden

Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide, is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.  —Edward Snowden

The “dossier” compiled by Christopher Steele, on behalf of the Democrat National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign, formed an essential part of the Carter Page Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application. Steele was a longtime FBI source who was paid over $160,000 by the DNC and Clinton campaign, via the law firm Perkins Coie and research firm Fusion GPS, to obtain derogatory information on Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, which never existed. Russian ties are all on the democrat side.

Hillary and the DNC hired a foreign spy to concoct the fake dossier on candidate Trump. They gave that fake dossier to the Obama DOJ and FBI, and they knew the dossier was fake and politically motivated, but that didn’t stop them.

Barack Obama’s former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan, used the FISA court search warrants as a lay up for Robert Mueller’s investigation, in effect a bureaucratic coup d’etat to take Trump down.

They presented the fake dossier to the FISA court to get a wiretap on candidate Trump.  The DOJ and FBI didn’t tell the FISA court the dossier was fake and from Trump’s campaign opponent.  The court was defrauded into ordering wiretapping of the Trump campaign, and worse yet, they don’t seem to care.

Hillary and Russia

Talk about a suck up to communist Russia for money…Bill Clinton made $500,000 for a speech sponsored by a Russian bank involved with Uranium One. Hillary paid for a dossier that came from Russians to try and win an election and pushed U.S. companies to participate in Russia’s weapons stealing “Skolkovo Project.” The Clinton Foundation received more than $150 million while she was in office, and she signed off on Russia’s acquisition of 20% of America’s uranium assets.

This project was a 2010 program headed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to help Moscow develop a “Russian Silicon Valley.”  It may instead have drawn some of America’s biggest tech companies into “industrial espionage” – even advancing the country’s military and spying operations, according to a new report by Clinton critic Peter Schweizer’s Government Accountability Institute, one of the finest investigative journalists in America. “There are serious national security questions that have been raised,” the report said.

There was an abuse of the powerful tools of intelligence used to spy on people. FISA is supposed to be used on terrorists, business records and wiretaps on targets who frequently change their phone numbers, but was used against an opposition candidate, and a president-elect, and his entire team. It was done not only under false pretenses, but with the help of Hillary Clinton.  They used Carter Page as a pretext to spy on everyone in the Trump campaign.  The dossier was filled with Russian lies, propaganda, and salacious details that were never true.

And that dossier was corroborated, we now know, by a long-time Clinton ally and sycophant in the highest ranks of the DOJ, in the FBI.  Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, top counsel to former Deputy FBI Director, Andrew McCabe were at the nexus of everything.  Despite no longer having their jobs, they are free, and Strzok is even suing the FBI to get his job back.

FISA Court Investigation

The FISA court justices themselves need to be investigated for choosing Obama lawyer David Kristo oversee FISA reform oversight.  The FISA Court selected the longtime defender of the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation to be its adviser in overseeing the FBI’s implementation of reforms following the Justice Department’s watchdog report on FISA.

Congressman Devin Nunes told Fox News contributor Sara Carter, “It’s a ridiculous choice. The FBI lied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), and to help make sure that doesn’t happen again, the FISC chose an FBI apologist who denied and defended those lies. The FISC is setting its own credibility on fire.”

James Boasberg, the presiding judge over the FISCappointed Kris to serve as the court’s amicus curiae — a position which is supposed to provide impartial advice to the court. Nunes said, “The court must be trying to abolish itself … He picks one of the guys who was essentially covering up for the dirty cops.”

FBI Agent Stephen Somma

Agent Somma has been identified and faulted for some of the most significant problems laid out in the Justice Department’s inspector general report on FISA abuse against a Trump campaign associate.  He has been singled out in the report as being “primarily responsible for some of the most significant errors and omissions in the FISA applications.”

Somma was involved in multiple aspects of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign. According to the IG report, he was the FBI agent who initially sought a surveillance warrant against Carter Page. Somma pushed for a FISA warrant “almost immediately” after the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, the IG said.

Presentation of any such unverified material to the FISA court to justify a wiretap would appear to violate crucial procedural rules, called “Woods Procedures,” designed to protect U.S. citizens.  Every single person who signed FISA warrants hated Trump.  Comey allegedly signed three of the FISA applications on behalf of the FBI. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly signed one and former Attorney General Sally Yates, then-Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein each reportedly signed one or more. Link

The DOJ watchdog found 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” in the FBI’s applications to the FISA court to wiretap Page, who was under suspicion of being an agent for Russia. He was never charged with any wrongdoing.

IG Horowitz showed that Somma omitted significant information provided by confidential human source Stefan Halper — known as “Source 2” in the report. Halper met with and recorded Page in October 2016, before the FBI filed its first FISA application.

Halper graduated from Stanford in 1967 and earned a PhD from Oxford in 1971.  He worked for three Republican administrations, Richard Nixon’s, Gerald Ford’s, and Ronald Reagan’s and was once married to the daughter of the CIAs director of intelligence, Ray Cline.  Halper’s family ties to the agency won him a leadership position in a dirty trick’s operation targeting a presidential campaign.  (The Plot Against the President by Lee Smith)

Barr Wants FISA Reauthorization

AG Barr has spent most of his time taking control of anti-trust probes into big tech companies rather than getting to the bottom of the rot and corruption within the entire intelligence community.  He recently took the unprecedented step of requiring any future investigation of a presidential campaign to get approval from him and the director of the FBI.  Trouble is, neither William Barr nor Christopher Wray seem trustworthy.

The AG wants a clean FISA reauthorization because he says he will not abuse it, and can make his own changes to suit President Trump.Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell agree with him. Really? No changes?  What about the next administration?

Graham said that Barr promised to internally clean up the mess that happened in 2016.  We should all feel so assured now, especially since Barr dropped the probe into Hillary, Comey and McCabe.

Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham sound like they’re big fans of status quo, letting the Deep State roll with political corruption and they’ll take everyone’s word for the fact that it won’t happen again.

The FBI lied to the FISA court 17 times, mislead the court 17 times and spied on a fellow American citizen.  Yet, Barr is agreeing that the ability to spy on Americans is beneficial to the safety of Americans.  Apparently, he likes Brennan’s secret surveillance system. McConnell says these tools have been overwhelmingly useful according to our “intelligence advisors” and that when the Senate deals with these expiring provisions that they’ll continue to have them in law.

Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul have spared with Barr who told Senator Lee his criticisms of surveillance laws are dangerous.  Senator Paul said American citizens should not be subject to secret FISA courts.

The greatest affront to Bill Barr is not the corruption in the entire intelligence community resulting in the greatest political scandal in our history.  No, the great affront to Barr seems to be none other than his own boss, the President, and he made sure mainstream media heard his complaints.

Documented FISA Abuse

Inspector General Horowitz documented an appalling abuse of FISA in his 434-page report exposing the many ways the FBI had manipulated the court in order to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.  Horowitz made it clear that reform is needed.

The Democrats want to ignore the report that exposed their collusion narrative and was promoted and accepted by the rogue FBI.  Adam Schiff and Gerald Nadler don’t even want to acknowledge the Horowitz report. The intel community hasn’t held a single hearing on this huge scandal.  Republicans want a panel of outsiders to critique FISA applications, whereas the democrats would leave it as is and have even rejected penalties against those who willfully or recklessly mislead the court.  Political abuses of surveillance will not be reined in by the Democrats.

Barr believes the three expiring provisions need to remain as they were enacted after 9/11 as he says they would prevent future attacks.  This does nothing to stop the use and abuse of FISA for political gain.

Senator Paul was at the White House on March 3rd, and the President made it abundantly clear to him that he will NOT accept a clean reauthorization of the Patriot Act without significant FISA reform.

Necessary Reforms

Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-OH) believe reforms are absolutely necessary. Jordan asked, “Why would every Republican not consider that these courts were a political weapon in the hands of the Deep State and the radical Democrats who control the House?”  This is why they want it reauthorized as is, so they’re not disarmed.

Republicans started the markup on FISA on February 26th. Jordan believes the House Republican Congress is strongly in favor of reforms to the court.   He said, “If the process is abused, there must be penalties for the FBI personnel who bring the FISA warrant.  There also has to be some mechanism in place so that there is an advocate there for the individual who is the target of the FISA warrant.  We think that’s just fundamental, so we can’t just reauthorize this, we have to make some changes.”

The House Judiciary Committee has some amendments to the FISA court they believe will accomplish a citizen advocate, with penalties in place. There are a number of senators who understand that it cannot simply reauthorize the FISA. The FISA court does some very legitimate things, but we need the reforms and changes in place that protect fundamental liberties and what happened to the president.

There is a total whitewash across the spectrum, whether it’s the FISA courts or the FBI personnel involved. People previously involved cannot apply for FISA warrants now, but that’s not good enough.  If you make a false statement on a FISA application, you should be prosecuted for perjury as that’s the only way to ensure the integrity of the process.  A FISA application doesn’t get reviewed by anyone, there’s no defense lawyer, and prosecutors have a bias.  What Comey and his gang of rogue FBI agents did was completely undermine the credibility of FISA.  And once again I have to ask why there are no charges against Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohrs, etc.

President Trump has made it clear he does not want any future president to go through what he has been through because of the abuse of the FISA court.

Giuliani Wants Hearings

Three elements of the FISA law are going to sunset on March 15th, 2020.We have a House and Senate that after watching what that court, and the FBI and the Justice Department did to the President of the United States, are still willing to reauthorize it without reform.

Rudy Giuliani says there should be a hearing about the FISA abuses so that Congress knows the kind of reforms that are necessary. The Hillary Clinton case was a complete fix.  “All the people you could have used were given complete immunity and the prosecution never tried to ‘turn’ them on her, but with the so-called ‘investigation’ with Trump, nearly every witness was punished in one way or another.  Weissman tortured Manafort, kept him in solitary confinement for months in order to turn him, but it never happened.”

Sidney Powell is fighting to prove Lt. General Michael T. Flynn never lied to the FBI agents who set him up, and neither did he ever lie to Vice President Pence.

Roger Stone was set up by an Obama judge who allegedly allowed a jury filled with Democrat Trump haters to be seated and disallowed a venue change.  Judge Amy Berman Jackson is herself a Democrat Obama appointee.


Emmet Flood was the interim White House Counsel after Don McGahn left.  What he said last spring in his letter to the Attorney General is pertinent.  “Remember this, if they can do it to a President of the United States, imagine what they can do to you and I.  That’s the fundamental issue.  This double standard where there’s one set of rules when your name is McCabe, Comey, Strzok or Page, or Hillary Clinton, (just to name a few) but a different set of rules for us regular Americans, cannot stand.  This is the first real opportunity we have to fundamentally change things and protect basic liberty.  That’s what we’ve got to make sure happens.”

And yet, Barr wants FISA reauthorized in full.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Cultural Apathy and Atrophy Through Conformity

By Sidney Secular
The Government in our democracy can avoid the appearance of being heavy handed and dictatorial by letting the conformist, brainwashed, fear driven masses themselves enforce the latest far left “standards” of acceptable behavior upon any non-conformists, recalcitrant upstarts, or anyone thinking outside the box by using a form of indirect coercion on hapless victims via a nudging type of soft shaming, dirty looks, avoidance, or non-acceptance.  This is a total totalitarianism where one is afraid to say certain things, but more importantly, is required or forced to say other things that they don’t agree with or believe. Shame is is used shamelessly as a control weapon by those who have no shame.
Being obligated to deny what we believe in or know as fact, and assenting to what we don’t believe in is a form of ultimate tyranny, and there is no better way to deaden or destroy the human personality and the desire for personal growth. The result is that people become morbid, cynical, uncaring, and self-absorbed–and make lame excuses for not making a difference or fighting evil. Once people start saying things merely for social approval or for the sake of their careers, they lose their self-respect and probity. They become easy to manipulate and control.
This is the purpose, essence, and methodology of political correctness, aka Cultural Communism. Truth becomes a moving target, yet conformity to whatever is truth or “in” at the moment is required. Real truth then loses all validity and value and is even scorned, which makes it easy for the elites to continuously and flawlessly exercise full powers over the masses without fear of engendering enough blowback to stir a mass uprising.
The universities churn out indoctrinated and deluded graduates somewhat steeped in their specialty but little else, who have no sense of tradition or history, who usually have no practical experience in their field of endeavor.  The think tanks are inhabited by the thoughtless who are given marching orders by moneyed sponsors who pay for stilted research so the politically correct conclusions can be drawn. The thoughtless fashion the fashions and obsessions that are politically correct or change frequently enough so that no tradition can take hold. They rely on the monolithic and mediocre mainstream media and entertainment idols to repeat ad nauseum the same propaganda points and memes. Current manias are maintained by endlessly ranting about them to the exclusion of issues that are more important so that sponsors are satisfied, excitement and buzz can go on continuously, and the memes can be memorized and internalized for instant use in social situations.
When asked about their opinion on an issue in discussion or focus groups, social settings, or in response to surveys, people merely parrot what they’ve already been programmed to propound or pout about in the form of bromides and the aforesaid memes.
The politicians merely parrot back the memes of the moment to assure their audiences they are all on the same wavelength and meme team. A pitiful handful have the intellect, courage, and stamina to stay the course with alternative viewpoints and rational solutions. Politicians just have an extra bit of charisma or chutzpah and special gift of glib gab that can wow or sway but when analyzed in the light of the next day there’s nothing there worthy of taking away. Mastering the art of the quip or giving quick lip to a meme is essential for political viability. Promising to reduce taxes or cottoning to favored groups offering them special favors is essential for political survival. Surrendering to majority opinion is the way to go and always the default position to take.
Applying for a position in academia or the corporate world is now a kind of obstacle course for the person that does not share in the oppressive obsession with race and sexual proclivities to the exclusion of other matters that really matter. An applicant must fill out forms eliciting his or her attitude towards diversity–there being no permissible diversity in attitudes towards diversity. Applicants sometimes have to fill out a “personal diversity statement” constituting an essay similar to one required on a college final examination to determine whether the applicant passes or fails the job hiring test. A preamble for the test question such as the following may be employed: “The purpose of this statement is to identify candidates who have the professional skills, experience, and willingness to engage in activities that would enhance campus/corporate diversity and equity efforts”. This requires the candidate to “suck it up” and fully commit to the inane/insane ideology of diversity or be able to act consistently as if he adhered to it. The applicant must state he will strive to “make a difference”, i.e., reform society to make it totally totalitarian, and be so consumed with proper virtue signalling that any failure to engage in it properly could mean instant termination. The applicant should become a sort of walking Wikipedia on one or more of the “isms” such as racism, sexism, etc. and be fully prepared at all times to expound upon it. The candidate must be prepared to fire up his false sense of indignation against manufactured maladies and injustices, and somehow keep that spirit continuously burning once the job is obtained in order to keep it.      .
You might have thought that there was no opportunity for the diversity diversion/delusion/illusion to rear its ugly head in disciplines such as the physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering–but you would be wrong. The applicant has to promise to promote racial, sexual, and class diversity in the science lab even though this would very probably mean discriminating against people with the best research records or backgrounds, results be damned.
Here is the recommended model for an opening diversity statement for those applying for a post in a university department of science or engineering: “I am well aware that being a scientist or researcher does not mean just being successful in one’s research efforts. One should also be excellent in his/her interactions with the community in order to be a leader in transforming the community”. Einstein and Tesla would not have been  accepted because they were notably loners not interested in making marks on the social scene, nor were their scientific theories likely to “awoken” their communities.
The following is an excerpt from an ad for academic positions in the Humanities: “We specifically welcome candidates with interdisciplinary teaching expertise in one or more of the following areas: postcolonial studies, “decoloniality”, critical race theory, “queer or color critique”, ethnic studies, indigenous or settler colonial studies, disability studies, feminist theories, gender or sexuality studies, transnational studies, or composition and rhetoric with a specialization in any of the above areas. As we strive to create the most intellectually diverse, equitable, and inclusive institution that we can, we especially encourage candidates from historically underrepresented groups to apply”. Rational comment on this ridiculous statement would be ludicrous if not impossible.
Rational comment on the state of the academic world in the West would be lost on those who could use it most.
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Nothing New in the Sick World of Jew Hate

Joan Swirsky

“Though marked by levity, Purim is deadly serious: We are reminded that Haman exists in every generation and that we Jews dare not ignore our own identity.” —Rabbi Meir Y. Soloveichik 

This year, the Jewish holiday of Purim begins on Monday, March 9th and ends on March 10th. It is a significant holiday that has everything to do with Jewish survival, which today is as relevant as it was throughout Jewish history, not only 75 years ago in Nazi Germany when six-million Jews were savagely incinerated in burning ovens while the entire world looked on, but also 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 years ago!

The story of Purim takes place in ancient Persia (now Iran). The Holy Temple in Jerusalem had been destroyed more than 50 years earlier and the Jews had become servile subjects in Persia.

The King of Persia, Ahasuerus, who was drunk at the time, became furious with his exquisite wife Vashti when she refused to undress before his court, so he ordered her execution. But after her death, he became lonely and had his servants orchestrate a beauty contest so he could pick another wife. When Esther appeared, he was enchanted with her great beauty and married her, making her the Queen of Persia.

Unbeknownst to the King, Esther was a Jewish orphan who had been raised by her cousin Mordechai. Shortly after she became queen, Mordechai overheard two of the king’s chamberlains discussing a plot to assassinate him. Mordechai reported the plot, and the traitors were hanged.

But one of the king’s ministers, Haman, was a fanatical Jew hater, exactly like so many Democrats are today––“Rev.” Louis “the powerful Jews are my enemy” Farrakhan, “Rev.” Al “Jews are bloodsucking Jew bastards,” “white interlopers” and “diamond merchants” Sharpton, Democrat Linda Sarsour, the “official surrogate” of Democrat Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, “Jew-hater-on-steroids musician Roger Waters, the list is endless.

And that is not to omit Democrat Rep. Ihlan Omar (MN), Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI)––who was recently nominatedas anti-Semite of the Year by––Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley (MA), and Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), all of whom appear to loathe America and detest Jews and Israel, sentiments they often express. In addition, they have lamented the death of the Iranian arch-terrorist Qasem Soleimani, steadfastly refused to condemn the epidemic of anti-Semitism on campuses across America, and engaged in a steady stream of anti-American and anti-Semitic rantings.

That’s right, the very people presidential candidate Joe Biden (D-DE) cannot bring himself to condemn! No surprise here, as former VP Biden presided over the illegal and unconstitutional Iran Deal, which gave the virulently anti-American, anti-Semitic mullahs in Iran $150 billion dollars in cash to create nuclear weapons with Tel Aviv’s address on them!

Can’t get more Jew hating than that!

Oops, did I forget to mention the other presidential front-runner, Democrat Bernie Sander (VT)? As Daniel Greenfield writes: “Like Karl Marx, Bernie Sanders is one of those non-Jewish people of Jewish derivation whom Jews hate and anti-Semites love.And Bernie keeps pouring fuel on the fire, expressing his disdain for Jews and Jewish causes, while cozying up to anti-Semitic figures…”

Getting back to the story of Purim, when Mordechai refused to bow down to Haman, Haman ordered the Persians to rise up against the Jews and kill them all––men, women and children. However, Mordechai learned of the plan and pleaded with Esther to intercede with the king on behalf of all the Jews who were targeted for death.

Through both intelligence and guile, she ultimately succeeded. She revealed that she was Jewish to the king, Haman was exposed and hanged, Mordechai was elevated in the king’s court, and the king allowed Esther and Mordechai to issue a decree allowing the Jewish people to attack their enemies preemptively, a successful campaign that resulted in saving the Jewish people from annihilation.

NOTE: FDR, to his everlasting shame, clearly never read the Book of Esther!


Today, two decades into what we would like to believe is an evolved 21st century, the same obsessive hatred––based largely on psychotic jealousy––is fueled by:

  • The vast networks of unregulated social media that spread anti-Semitic blood libels with maniacal glee and total impunity.
  • DNA anti-Semites––in America, Europe, et al––once again emerging from their hate holes.
  • A growing number of Democrat elected officials.
  • The Democrat Party whose members, by their thunderous silence on the anti-Semitic statements and votes of their colleagues, de facto encourage and indeed sanction the widespread dissemination of the oldest hatred of mankind.

Here are just a few out of thousands of examples:

  • Maniacal Tiffany Harris, who makes a habit of slapping and spewing vulgarities at Jewish people on NY City subways, has been repeatedly released without bail in the city run by Democrat Mayor Bill Di Blasio and in the state run by Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, both of whom support and embrace the new no-bail law.
  • The Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) movement seeks to destroy Israel through economic sanctions. And yet House Democrats––including Long Island Representatives Tom Suozzi and Kathleen Rice––demonstrated their anti-Israel, anti-Semitic bias by voting to block an anti-BDS bill which would have forbade domestic support for foreign boycotts of Israel from organizations like the anti-American, anti-Semitic United Nations Human Rights Council and European Union (which still refuses to designate Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist organizations).
  • The cases of Jew and Israel hatred on campuses all across America are too numerous to mention here, although the Middle East Forum’s Campus Watch does an excellent job of monitoring the frequent and often violent acts that take place routinely on U.S. college campuses, which blogger Pamela Geller says have become cesspools for left-wing Jew hatred and totalitarianism.

The august Melanie Phillips spells out in ghastly detail (read the entire article!):

  • A recent carnival in Belgium featured floats depicting Jews as insects and participants in Nazi uniforms;
  • A carnival in Spain, ostensibly to commemorate the Holocaust, featured dancing Nazis, concentration-camp prisoners in sequined tights and Israeli flags, and a ‘gas chamber’ float with a giant Hebrew menorah between two chimneys;
  • In Britain, anti-Semitic incidents rose last year to an unprecedented high;
  • In France, anti-Semitic attacks soared by more than 75 percent last year;
  • In Germany, anti-Semitic incidents are rising at a similar rate;
  • In the United States, more than 50 Jewish community centers in 23 states have received e-mailed bomb threats, attacks on Orthodox Jews are reported daily, there have been synagogue murders in Pittsburgh and Poway, and widespread bullying of Jewish students on college campuses.

“This is all inextricably tied up with hatred of Israel,” Phillips says. “Better advocacy for Israel, necessary as that is, will not address this anti-Jewish derangement…and the problem—and tragedy—for the Jewish people is that so many of those subscribing to this liberal onslaught are themselves Jews.

But Democrats will still vote for a clinically diminished Biden and whomever actually runs the country in his stead. Why? Because of their holy grails: abortion, open borders, a weak military, unemployed blacks, gay marriage, fidelity to globalism, and the hoax of climate change, et al.

The survival of Judaism and the safety and security of Israel don’t matter to them!


Unfortunately, these Democrats include a large Jewish community that has been tethered to the Party for 100 years, not because it is empirically the “party of the people,” or has done anything to improve the lives of its most devoted adherents, but rather because American Jews have largely been spared the ravages of the 5,000-year history that saw Jews enslaved in Egypt for 400 years, marginalized in pogroms and ghettos, victimized in the vicious Crusades and Inquisition, wandering the world in a cruel Diaspora, and murdered in cold blood in the Holocaust.

Spared to live life in freedom in America, spared to not have to look over their shoulders or cower in fear, and spared to invent a new form of Judaism in which, ironically, victimization became enshrined and their new calling card was Social Justice––a movement more based on narcissistic self-aggrandizement than do-gooderism.

No one describes the devolution of America’s leftist-liberal-progressive Jews more powerfully than Lauri B. Regan in her stunning article, “G-d Is Testing American Jews. They Are Failing.” Regan compares today’s leftist Jews to those who distrusted Moses on Mt. Sinai and created a golden calf to worship.

“Today’s Diaspora Jews,” Regan writes, “are worshiping a different type of false idol.  For eight years, it took the form of Barack Obama, but he was only representative of a progressive ideal for which Jews are constantly searching.  Our history of slavery, torture, dhimmitude, persecution, and genocide has led to a people who desperately seek peace, obsess over “tikkunolam” and social justice, and worship at the Torah of Liberalism.” American Jews are fixated“on every victim class but their own…and the Democrat Party…is harming the survival of our people.”

“Our national population is minuscule––approximately 2%,” Regan continues. “Our power is not in our numbers, but in our voices––and our voices are becoming dangerously self-destructive.”

Yet, it is also true and thrilling to people like me that Israel is now a strong and thriving democratic state with a military of immeasurable strength, capable of taking on and annihilating those who wish her ill, and that includes not only bellicose enemies in the Middle East but, on a morale basis, also her ideological enemies like the thugs in the United Nations and the anti-Semites in the U.S. Congress and the Jew haters throughout the world.

Again, for the remaining Jews like me who care very much about the magnificent culture of Judaism, our disproportionately huge contribution of ethics, law, art, music, literature, science, medicine, and technology to the world, and the true social justice that demands equitable treatment and not blind, envy-fueled hatred, the resolve to defeat our enemies never flags.

To combat the rising tide of Jew hatred, Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser, co-founders of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, have created An Action Plan for a New Jewish Leadership, which, among its 10 bullet points, includes:

  1. Increase Physical Security to Protect the Community, including increased police presence, neighborhood security patrols, facilitation of gun ownership, and holding public officials accountable for indifference or willful inaction to confront Jew-hatred.
  2. As sanctity of life is the highest Jewish value, allocate more resources for the defense of the Jewish community and less for projects of social justice.
  3. Educate the community and the public about the nature and sources of Jew-hatred. Like all hatred, Jew-hatred is based on envy and resentment (in this case, of Jewish success) and the tendency to blame others for the haters’ failures and inadequacies. Jew-hatred has always been aimed at the elimination of Judaism (forced conversion), or of Jews (Final Solution), or of the Jewish state (anti-Zionism). Jew-hatred is promoted by lies and demonization, propelled by class warfare, and now also by identity politics.
  4. Build alliances based on mutual interests and honest reciprocity, not virtue-signaling.

I would add the following….it is clear that the Jewish organizations that once strongly advocated for Jewish issues and fought anti-Semitism aggressively no longer do so unless they involve politically correct issues that won’t inspire the vindictive wrath––and financial support––of Jewish Democrats.

These include: the UJA-Federation, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)­, the Hillel chapters on college campuses and the Reform movement.

So don’t count on these organizations and don’t send them another dollar!

The good news is that, along with wide support from political conservatives, most Republicans, and the Christian Evangelical community, other Jewish advocacy organizations and publications are working tirelessly to combat the relentless assaults of the Jew- and Israel-haters among us.

They include:

AFSI (Americans for a Safe Israel)
1751 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10128
Tel: 1-212-828-2424
Mark Langfan, Chairman

Americans for Peace & Tolerance
5 Main Street, Suite 118
Watertown, MA 02472
Founder: Charles Jacobs

CAMERA–Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis
PO Box 35040
Boston MA 02135-0001
Andrea Levin, Founder

Campus Watch (a project of the Middle East Forum) monitors bias on American campuses, issues reports, and takes strong action where indicated.
Tel: 1-215-546-5406

Canary Mission
Canary Mission documents individuals and organizations that promote hatred of the USA, Israel and Jews on North American college campuses.

Coalition of Pro-Israel Advocates (COPIA)
10507 Tanager Lane
Potomac, Maryland 20854

Combat Anti-Semitism
Tel: +1- 646 417 4046

EMET (Endowment for Middle East Truth)
PO Box 66366
Washington, DC 20035
Sarah Stern, Founder

Gatestone Institute
14 East 60 Street, Suite 705
New York, NY 10022
165 East 56th Street, 2nd Fl
New York, NY 10022-2709
Tel: 1-847-745-8284

Jews Choose Trump
62 William Street
New York, NY 10005

NCJA (National Conference of Jewish Affairs)
90 Washington Valley Road, Suite 1261
Bedminster, NJ 07921
Attn: Rabbi AryehSpero

Republican Jewish Coalition
50 F St NW, Suite 100
Washington, D.C. 20001

The Exodus Movement, founded by Elizabeth Pipko for “proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left.”
Elizabeth Pipko, founder and president of The Exodus Movement.

The Exodus Movement
740 South Mill Avenue, #200
Tempe, AZ 85281
Elizabeth Pipko, Founder

The Lawfare Project
633 3rd Avenue, Fl 21
New York, NY 10017-8157
Brooke Goldstein, Founder/Director

PRIMER- Promoting Responsibility in Middle East Reporting
P.O. Box 0591
West Hartford, CT 06137-0591
Founder: Alan Stein
President, Mark Fishman

Stop Anti-Semitism,org
Features Anti-Semite of the Month and Anti-Semite of the Year
Contact: LioraRez at

Understanding the Threat
Provides tools to leaders, police and citizens to identify and dismantle jihadi/terrorist networks in their local communities.
P.O. Box 190772
Dallas, TX 75219
Founder: John Guandolo

ZOA (Zionist Organization of America)
633 Third Avenue, Suite 31-B
New York, NY 10017
Morton Klein, President

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:

Watching America Becoming Balkanized, But Doing Nothing to Stop It

By Frosty Wooldridge

In my last column, March 5, 2020, “Balkanization of America Accelerating Faster Than Expected” I showed the facts on how America’s culture, language and ethos are being dismantled before our eyes.  Worse than that, nobody, and I mean, NOBODY stands up or speaks out to stop it.

It started in 1965 with Senator Teddy Kennedy’s passage of the Immigration Reform Act.  Nothing has stopped it for the past 55 years. We’ve added 100 million people, with incredible cultural disruption, linguistic fracturing and racial conflict.

And your letters, wow, you flooded my mailbox with your frustration, anger and exasperation.  I hadn’t received that many letters since I wrote, “The Eight Ways On How to Destroy America: A Speech by Governor Lamm” back in October 2003.

Unfortunately, those eight ways to destroy America play out faster and faster as we import more and more incompatible immigrants.  It’s incredible how we’ve allowed our country to be saturated with 45 million foreign born people who lack any affinity to America.

One reader said, “It was not just the immigration laws that did us in but the suppression of the science of human behavior contributed greatly.  You wouldn’t know that multiple sociologists have determined that increased diversity leads directly to decreased social cohesiveness or that xenophobia is hard wired into us.  That hard wiring is actually observable with brain scans.

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

“Amy Chua recently wrote “Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations” and it is brilliant because it uses actual current science that is otherwise difficult to find.  That is until the last chapter where she goes optimistic on the future of America and replaces science with feel good anecdotes.  I suspect she would not have been published without that chapter.

“It is certainly too late to fix our problems legislatively.  I am 72 and will miss most of the coming anarchy.  I would advise young people to start thinking on how they are going to get their tribe into a defensible position or consider migrating to Central and Eastern Europe.

“Of course my thinking is colored by war. I was first introduced to the science of human behavior in “African Genesis” by Robert Ardrey.  I read it on a plane bound for Vietnam where I served as a paratrooper.  That book and the others Ardrey wrote on human behavior (Territorial Imperative) caused me to see how the science was suppressed and continues to be suppressed.  E.O. Wilson, who is one of the acknowledged greats of biology, wrote “Sociobiology, The New Synthesis” in 1975 and was immediately attacked by his fellow Harvard scientists.

“They accused him of using NAZI level science.  He was shunned even to the point they would turn their backs on him as he walked down the halls. Once while giving a lecture, protestors got in through a side door and dumped water on his head.  The suspicion was that the door was left open by insiders.  Today sociobiology is accepted by biology and Wilson is called the “Father of Sociobiology” and the grandfather of “Evolutionary Psychology” but it does not leak out beyond those narrow boundaries.

“This suppression of science is done with malice aforethought by a tribe of powerful and influential people.  I suppose their motive is a combination of profit and revenge for past hurts by Whites.  They have isolated themselves from the immediate fallout which is failing schools and communities and their revenge is complete.  Ironically, their revenge will bring about their own destruction, but most seem oblivious it. Well keep writing.  The future of our tribe needs clear thinkers.”

Having read Robert Audrey, I follow exactly what Garret Hardin, Thomas Chittum, E.O. Wilson and other brilliant minds surmise.  As a civilization, we’re in deep, DEEP doo-doo.

Stefan Molyneux axiom: “Diversity plus proximity equals conflict.”

Even France’s leader, Macron, spoke last week about losing his country,

“We must never accept that the laws of religion can be superior to those of the Republic… Islamist separatism is incompatible with freedom and equality…. We are talking about people who, in the name of a religion, are pursuing a political project, that of a political Islam that wants to secede from our Republic… In the Republic…we cannot accept that we refuse to shake hands with a woman because she is a woman. In the Republic, we cannot accept that someone refuses to be treated or educated by someone because she is a woman. In the Republic, one cannot accept school dropouts for religious or belief reasons. In the Republic, one cannot require certificates of virginity to marry.”

Unfortunately for France, and now, most of Europe, they failed themselves and face almost certain disintegration of their countries with the barbarians they allowed to enter the gates.  Think the “Trojan Horse” pulled into Troy by the order of the king.  Bad mistake!

They are coming to America; and they are coming faster and faster. Think of the 2,400 mosques in America as territorial markers.  Once constructed, only civil war will bring them down.

In Dearborn, Michigan: $50 million complex.  150,000 sq.ft. The largest mosque currently is in Dearborn, Michigan (92,000 sq. ft.) wherein Islam has infiltrated all levels of government and society, taking over businesses and out numbering citizens through higher birth rates. Muslim takeover in Dearborn Michigan. This is unfolding precisely according to the Explanatory Memorandum wherein Silent Jihad is instructed… the only way to stop it is to ban all manifestations of Islam.  Nations around the world are recognizing this as the only option.  Trying to separate so called progressives (good Muslims) from bad Muslims is  impossible. The enormity of such a task is comparable to trying to take a silo filled with salt and sugar and then be instructed to separate the two.  It is impossible and Canadian’s must no longer be put in the position to be expected to do so.

“We are under siege by a crafty enemy who is using self-victimization, manipulation and strategically maligning our Charter of Rights to use against us.  Islam is not a religion but a dangerous set of political ideologies intending to dominate the World.  The burden to protect so called progressive Muslims becomes even more complicated when you consider Taqiya…Muslims directive to lie …as instructed in the Quran, to advance their agenda.  We are losing our freedoms and democracy just as we see rapidly unfolding throughout Europe and the UK.”

Dear fellow American, I have traveled through Dearborn, Detroit, Minneapolis, NYC, and Miami.  Those Muslims are entering every political race in this country from the lowest to the highest, and they are imbedding into our political infrastructure with a sole purpose of installing Sharia Law.

Once installed, it will take civil war to battle our way back to our own country and our own U.S. Constitution.  You voice is needed, now!

How can we save America: Simple—stop all immigration, legal, illegal, diversity visas, H1b, H2b, anchor babies, period.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Trump Has Been Sabotaged by the Medical Deep State

By Cliff Kincaid

The Chinese virus has been treated as just a natural occurrence or unfortunate incident that necessitates that we have to cede more power over our lives to what critics have long called the Medical Deep State. Under pressure from a foreign threat, President Trump has relied on these health care “professionals.” But the result has been stories from the Washington Post about “How the Trump administration lost control of the coronavirus crisis” and the New York Times about how “The Coronavirus Is Coming for Trump’s Presidency.” This is the new narrative designed to bring down Trump.

The President has another option: put the military in charge of the coronavirus response and move quickly to a war footing with Communist China, the source of the outbreak.

Financially, in a major blow to the U.S. capitalist system and the world economy, more than $6 trillion in wealth in global stock markets was erased in one week over fears that the virus has been mishandled and the disease is spreading. China has been hit hard, too, but is able to recover more quickly because its economy and population are under the tight control of the communist dictatorship. It has more than enough people to sacrifice in a war with the West.

Conservative writers such as Matt Margolis note that President Trump was quick to ban travel with China, despite opposition from the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO). This was a decisive step. But the U.N. agency had also failed to act quickly to label coronavirus an international health emergency, and U.S. agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) botched the approval and roll-out of reliable tests for the disease. These testing failures have facilitated the spread of the disease and have been seized upon by the media as evidence of Trump Administration incompetence.

At the same time, basic skepticism about the nature of the mystery illness has been suppressed, in the name of stopping “conspiracy theories,” as new developments raise more suspicion over the source and timing of an “outbreak” that is almost certain to become a pandemic, cause a recession, and threaten President Trump’s reelection effort. The deadly disease originated in a region also known for the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology, which conducts “research” on viruses that include SARS and the deadly and incurable HIV.

It looks like Trump was set up. “Now Trump Needs the Deep State to Fight Coronavirus,” gloated an online headline over an article by Ronald Klain, Obama’s Ebola czar. He insisted that Trump had to “work closely with foreign leaders and global institutions” in order to confront “a global-health security challenge.” But the WHO’s record is checkered at best. It now stands accused of conducting unethical vaccine experiments on 720,000 children in Africa without parental consent.

On March 3, we learned that the world’s first experimental coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccine was“administered” to People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Chen Wei and 6 other Communist Party members. A photograph showed the communists getting the vaccine in front of a flag with a communist hammer and sickle.

It seems strange that the Chinese have developed a vaccine so quickly, after our own “public health professionals” have been telling President Trump that it will take many months, even a year, to get a reliable vaccine approved. China has also patented an anti-viral drug created by an American firm that is being used experimentally to treat the disease.

What’s also fascinating is that the photo was posted by Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and “expert” on “global health governance.” Incredibly, he has just written an article for the CFR journal Foreign Affairs saying that the nature of the coronavirus crisis justifies more military-to-military exchanges between the Chinese PLA and the Pentagon. This is how, he claims, we can reduce mistrust between the two nations. He is also very concerned about “conspiracy theories,” including a scientific paper that the virus’s protein sequence included elements of HIV, the deadly virus causing AIDS.

For publicizing this theory, he noted, one website was banned from Twitter.

The globalist point of view is that we should accept what the public health professionals in China and the U.S. are saying. Anything to the contrary has to be tagged as a conspiracy theory and countered by information from the U.N.’s WHO. Indeed, WHO executive director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has thanked Google, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and other companies “for their efforts to direct users” to the WHO “and other credible sources of information.” A petition labels Tedros a tool of China and faults the WHO’s initial failure to declare the virus a public health emergency. It calls for his resignation.

Even the CFR health expert, Yanzhong Huang, went on to say, “The [Chinese] government’s actions have lent credibility to the thesis that the coronavirus accidentally escaped a laboratory.” He noted, “In February, China appointed Major General Chen Wei, China’s top biowarfare expert, as head of the BSL-4 laboratory at Wuhan Institute of Virology. Because of Chen’s background, the appointment fueled suspicions about the virus’s possible connection to the BSL-4 lab.”This is the same general getting the vaccine.

Interestingly, after the Chinese admitted the virus was on the loose, the PLA announced that it had sent in a total of 2600 “medical personnel” to deal with the epidemic. It looks like a case of the PLA protecting military secrets, perhaps a bioweapon.

Another so-called public health professional, former Obama CDC Director Tom Frieden, has now joined the CFR as Senior Fellow for Global Health. He is president and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives, an initiative that received $225 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Gates Philanthropy Partners, which is funded with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation (named for the founder and CEO of Facebook and his wife). Frieden’s goal is “adequate funding for global public health.”

In a statement on the bill signed by Trump that sends $8.3 billion more to the public health professionals, he said that Congress should “protect the United States through global partnerships that will tamp down COVID-19 and make the world safer from the next epidemic.” That implies more cooperation with the U.N. and China.

The group’s Senior Vice President, Amanda McClelland, participated in a  National Press Club event “to provide guidelines for journalists on responsible, proactive coverage of coronavirus.” One of the other participants was Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases and the original spokesperson for the CDC’s response to the coronavirus crisis.

Rosenstein’s Sister

Suspicions about the “responsible” nature of the advice were raised when Messonnier warned early on that “It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen anymore but rather more of a question of exactly when this will happen.” This took President Trump by surprise since the “professionals” had been assuring him that everything was under control and that COVID-19 was a flu-like virus that would be contained.

Then it came out that Messonnier was former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s sister.Recall that when Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, Rosenstein was in charge and eventually appointed former FBI director Bob Mueller as Russia-gate prosecutor. Muller’s reign as FBI director was characterized by a failure to pursue evidence demonstrating that al-Qaeda was responsible for the post-9/11 anthrax attacks.

At this point in the crisis over coronavirus, it is not too late to consult the report issued by former Senator Tom Coburn M.D., “CDC Off Center,” about how the federal agency wasted hundreds of millions of tax dollars for failed prevention efforts and has been ineffective in controlling disease. A case in point is the billions wasted on more than 30 years of research into an HIV/AIDS vaccine.

Even before Trump was elected, a group called CDC Spider, for CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research, had emerged, alleging that the federal agency is too cozy with corporate and special interests and outside parties. One of the complaints was that domestic staff resources were taken away from domestic priorities to work on global health issues.

As a result of this globalist perspective, the federal National Institutes of Health became a “partner” with the Wuhan Institute of  Virology. This kind of “cooperation,” now being touted as the solution to the crisis, did not stop the crisis from developing in the first place.

Coronavirus looks like a military threat, even an Act of War inflicted by China on the United States and the world. With President Trump’s approval, military medical leaders could now take the lead in solving the crisis. Emergency measures are needed.

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

How Much $$ Will the CDC Profit From a CORVID-19 Vaccine?

By: Devvy

Hysteria over this terrible coronavirus outbreak continues. People with shopping carts loaded with water, toilet paper and 411 cans of something they really don’t want to eat if given a choice.

As I wrote in my column, Coronavirus Hysteria, The Patent – Don’t Ignore This I’ve been a prepper a long time. What got my attention is when my late husband was transferred from a military base in California to Ft. Carson, Colorado in Sept. 1989. One morning I opened the door and there was snow. LOTS of it. Then came the ‘great blizzard’ in Feb. 1990 and I began stockpiling food and water; we had a basement. As I became more informed and the home PC made research much easier, I learned about food storage.

It’s obvious the prostitute media in America (boob tube as well as print and Internet) have been using this outbreak to create hysteria attacking Trump at every turn. It’s all his fault. Yes, there has been incompetence by the CDC. But more than anything, just like 9/11, for all the information out there, Americans are still unprepared for disasters. Far too many city, county and state governments are under prepared. Just wait until a 6.8 or higher earthquake hits the The New Madrid Seismic Zone or Cascadia Subduction Zone. Pray it does not happen in our lifetime but it will happen.

As I also wrote last week, too many in the ‘alternative media’ have also been whipping up fear to their readers and listeners. I referenced Y2K as a perfect example.

I try not to get into a whizzing contest with people I dislike but I am fed up with the irresponsible BS being fed to people who are genuinely concerned. Many will remember the ‘nothing burger’ called Jade Helm which is a regularly scheduled military exercise. Dave Hodges runs a web site and radio show that got people so worked up here in Texas our governor (who is no fool) and some in our legislature fell for Hodges’ preposterous claims  and ended up with egg on their faces.Example:

Dave Hodges: Advanced Preparations for Jade Helm Led FEMA Camp Roundups Are In the Final Stages —Final stages? All his hype and wild predictions and nothing happened.

Oct. 11, 2019: Why Is Morgan Hill Under Martial Law? – What hogwash. Hodges apparently knows little about martial law but Dr. Edwin Vieira does for anyone who wants to truly understand it. A Primer on Martial Law and By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of Martial Law

See: Urban Warfare Exercises No Surprise and Jade Helm Will Be in My Town Next Week – both of those are my columns explaining in detail why it was nothing but wild theories.

Hodges has been vicious in his attacks on me (he can’t even spell my name correctly).  I simply brought forth verifiable facts. “Devy. You did not counter anything I or anybody else wrote about Jade Helm in your recent blistering attacks on myself and other journalists.

“Not one fact was presented Devy.  Just insults which is the tactic of disinfo everywhere.  In recent years your following has diminished greatly. Devy who?  I hear that alot.  It is possible that to compensate for your declining popularity that you personally attack those with whom you feel you are in competition with.”

“The other possibility is that you have joined the dark side and are disinfo.  That suspicion is borne out by your pejorative term “scaremonger”… I would guess that the reason for your attacks on the journalists you chose to personally attack is because you are trying to recapture your former status.”

Oh, that’s rich. I’m not in competition with anyone, never have been. Trying to “recapture your former status” What status? I’ve been in the trenches full time for the past 30 years doing what I’ve always tried to do and that is get to the truth. This isn’t a popularity contest.

Try this one by Hodges, May 28, 2019: Oroville Dam Failure Is Imminent! Water Inflow Is Now Triple the Outflow Rate-Six Feet From Failure!  – People panicked.

There was almost a disaster beyond words regarding the Oroville Dam in February 2017. Thank God it didn’t happen. As it just so happens my mother and cousin live in Oroville and I also have friends there.  I’ve been fortunate enough to know a man who worked on that dam when it was being built. I was delighted last time I was out there as Larry showed me all the pictures he had from when the dam was under construction; he was an engineer. What an incredible undertaking back in 1961. The “woke” crowd wouldn’t have lasted until lunch time.

My 92-year old mother lives downhill from the dam in assisted living. While they were not evacuated in 2017, thousands of people were and hundreds left on their own. I can assure you, dear reader, if Hodges claims were true, we would have seen another evacuation as took place in Feb. 2017.

Anyway, that fear mongering piece presented this: “The California Department of Water Resources is maintaining that the Oroville Dam spillway is fine. This is a lie! They are working 24/7 on the dam. Hundreds are witnessing the deception. The Prado Dam, also in crisis is being managed by the Army Corps of Engineers. Why is the Oroville Dam under the control of the Federal government? Is Oroville SUPPOSED to fail and it is easier to pull of the deception if the very corrupt California state government remains in charge?”

As for who owns the Oroville Dam: “Oroville Dam is currently owned and operated by the State of California Department of Water Resources.” As for the Army Corps of Engineers:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps) and DWR Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) share regulatory oversight authority over flood control operations at the Oroville facilities.” It’s a complicated system but “as a hydroelectric generating station, must be licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).”

So, there’s no deception there. Additionally, I was personally at the dam last Sept and spoke with a couple of guys there working on the spillway. They were eating lunch at their truck as access from the lake road to the spillway is confined. This was about four months after Hodge’s headlines. Both of them said it was ridiculous and wanted to know who was putting out “that kind of talk”? I also chatted with one of the lake/park employees. Just casual and mentioned the alleged IMMINENT! dam failure. She laughed wanting to know where I heard such baloney?

I firmly believe the near disaster in 2017 scared the hell out of Sacramento. Repair work continues. These are two helpful articles in understanding what happened in 2017: What went wrong at Oroville Dam? Analysis points to drainage, problematic soils and Expert performed autopsy on Oroville spillway collapse. Here’s what he found

And Disaster Dave’s latest, March 7, 2020: Signs Are Appearing that the Coronavirus Outbreak Will be Followed by a CHICOM-Led Red Dawn Invasion

Red Dawn? Really? Yes, we know about the tunnels used by drug smugglers and coyotes. For the sake of argument, let’s say the Reds have managed to get 5,000 of their soldiers into the US for this ‘Red Dawn’ style invasion. They might want to know this:

Gun Ownership Statistics in the US – “Firearms are classified as handguns, rifles, and shotguns. In the United States over 300 million people own firearms. Of this, 100 million own handguns. The following statistics portray current gun ownership statistics in the US.”

So, how would that work out for our 5,000 Reds who managed to sneak in through tunnels for a ‘Red Dawn’ style invasion? Check out that link about gun statistics – especially the large chart. This is another site with statistics to check out. Notice Texas registered guns. Well, here in Texas we are not required to register a firearm. I’m betting the number is way higher.

The Communist Chinese dealing with their massive coronavirus situation and losing trillions in revenues are going to invade the U.S.? Why would they risk a possible military response or condemnation by the entire world?

Yes, there are tunnels; more are discovered all the time. I’m sure Trump is concerned about infected people coming across the border but he’s putting the military on the border for this reason: Pentagon Sends Troops to California Border amid Fears of Border Rush, March 6, 2020

“The government is sending 160 soldiers to help border agents block the migrant surge that is expected if the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down the Migrant Protection Protocols.

“The MPP program has sent roughly 60,000 migrants back into Mexico, prior to their eventual asylum hearings in the United States. The return policy deters migration by preventing migrants from getting the U.S. jobs they need to repay their smuggling loans — unless they eventually win their backlogged courtroom claims.

“Some of the 30,000 migrants waiting in Mexico rushed for the border February 28 when the court declared the MPP program to be illegal. The court then quickly put a stay on its decision to block the MPP until March 12, pending any Supreme Court intervention.”

Like I said, I don’t really like calling out individuals but enough is enough. If I get attacked for trying to stop the hysteria, so be it.

This is not the first time America has been faced with potentially deadly outbreaks. I’m not trying to downplay the seriousness of this coronavirus strain and how terrible it’s been for those who get it, family, businesses.

But, to keep up the relentless scare tactics by anyone isn’t helping the situation. What we should be doing is common sense: Wash our hands many times during the day with soap and water. Carry a hankie or Kleenex so if you do sneeze or cough it doesn’t blow onto or near someone. Start working on getting your natural immune system ramped up and make it a way of life with your health regime.

Panic buying at the stores isn’t the answer either. Sure, stock up on some things but if your budget allows it, purchase some food storage for a two- week period. Most have a shelf life of 20 years or longer so you’re not out spoiling food.

‘Germ-fest’ party preceded deadly nursing home outbreak – “In the days before the Life Care Center nursing home became ground zero for coronavirus deaths in the U.S., there were few signs it was girding against an illness spreading rapidly around the world. Visitors came in as they always did, sometimes without signing in.”

That facility had already been fined at least once for failure to contain a virus. Right now, they have 70 staffers who have shown symptoms and sent home. Read this piece –Lying by company employees about loved ones is reprehensible.

15 of 21 Coronavirus Deaths in US Were at Life Care Senior Center in Washington State – Center Goes from 120 to 63 Residents in Recent Weeks

Yes, there are mistakes being made at the cost of people suffering that should not be happening but maybe, just maybe lessons are being learned about preparedness by hospitals, clinics and state and local governments. Why is customs STILL NOT screening passengers from coronavirus hot-spots Italy, Iran and South Korea who arrive at major airports, including JFK, LAX, Atlanta and Chicago’s O’Hare? March 6, 2020

It’s all over social media so I’m sure this will come to the attention of Trump. He is not responsible for stupidity and airports ignoring common sense. Heads need to roll.

Azar contradicts Pence, says there’s no coronavirus testing kit shortage, March 6, 2020 – “There is no testing kit shortage, nor has there ever been,” Azar said on ABC News Friday. “We will have by the end of this weekend over 1.2 million tests around America in public health labs as well as in private and commercial labs, and that is scaling up by the millions, ramping up rapidly.”

Just a little history to put things in perspective. 2009 flu pandemic in the United States – “As of mid-March 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that about 59 million Americans contracted the H1N1 virus, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result, and 12,000 died.”

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says, Sept. 27, 2018 – “An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades — since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund.

“In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.Total flu fatalities during the most recent season included the deaths of 180 children, which exceeds the previous record high of 171 during a non-pandemic flu season, according to the CDC.”

UPDATE: Influenza Deaths Now Total 20,000, Including Elevated Number of 136 Children, March 6, 2020 – “The number of people who have died from seasonal influenza so far has now reached 20,000, including 136 influenza-associated deaths in children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported as of February 29. This is up from 18,000 just a week ago.”

Quite honestly, I didn’t realize so many died from the flu. One death is one too many but again, the more informed we become and take steps to strengthen our natural immune system, hopefully we will see less deaths from this coronavirus strain. Look out for each other – especially our elderly family and keep children home from school if they are sick.

Yes, canceling large audience events hurts everyone. Like concerts or basketball games from the vendors (food, beer, memorabilia), to security personnel and so forth.

Sacrifices are being made everywhere as we all try to get through this terrible outbreak. No question many businesses are taking huge financial hits but much of it comes from panic and fear baiting.

In Hong Kong People Heading Outside as Warmer Weather and Fears of Coronavirus Decline – Taiwan and US Saved by Early Decisive Actions – “The number of cases of the coronavirus have finally matched the number of deaths from the flu during the flu season in Hong Kong which ended in mid-February.  As of this morning, there are 113 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Hong Kong with 2 deaths.

“We reported a week ago that since the beginning of the year, the flu in Hong Kong has been much more consequential than the coronavirus:” (Rest at link)

Trump has been very vocal about getting a vaccine out there. Companies scrambling for their cash cow vaccine. I will NOT take one should one become available later this year or next year. Why? Because I don’t trust them and too many vaccines are worthless or dangerous. I had three vaccines by age 5 which was 65 years ago. (READ: Polio Vaccine, Cancer and Dr. Mary’s Monkey) Do I want them to be safe? Yes, absolutely.

Do I think for every little outbreak of measles children and health care workers should be forced with a gun to their heads to take a measles vaccine? ABSOLUTELY NOT. When I grew up measles were quite common. Kids stayed home from school with a parent or grandma. Measles gone, back to school. Same with chickenpox.

Judicial Watch Uncovers New FDA Records Detailing Deaths in 1,824 Adverse Reaction Reports Related to HPV Vaccine – Judicial Watch Sues FDA for Producing “Partial Response” to FOIA Request

A year later: A Judicial Watch Special Report Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records – “The records include Merck’s patent and drug information submitted to the FDA, transcripts and briefing material from approval meetings, and reports documenting health, safety, and efficacy test results, as well as Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) documents detailing 8,864 cases of adverse effects experienced by people after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. VAERS reports show that at least eighteen people have died after receiving Gardasil. Many health officials believe that adverse reactions to medications are widely under reported, therefore the actual number of adverse events occurring after vaccination with Gardasil is likely to be higher.” (The horror stories of what’s happened to young girls here and in Britain after getting that vaccine would fill a whole column.)

Cliff Kincaid wrote an outstanding column on this very issue everyone should read: Can You Handle the Truth About Vaccines?

While doing more research and shuddering at the thought of yet another cash cow for  pharmaceutical companies, I came across this:

Robert Kennedy Jr: CDC is a privately owned vaccine company, Dec. 7, 2018. Like the authors, I don’t believe Kennedy made the case the CDC is a privately owned vaccine company, but:

“Mr. Kennedy is in very safe territory by reporting that the CDC has over 20 patents that create vast, undisclosed conflicts of interests in vaccine safety. He is understating the problem by more than half.

“This brief look at current patents held by the CDC deserves an in-depth review to determine exactly what current financial relationships with vaccine makers now exist and what the current impact those revenue streams are likely having on vaccine safety positions. Furthermore, one must closely look at the financial relationships between the CDC and vaccine makers it is currently courting, to include the potential exploitation of new patents for financial gain. These are merely a few lines of inquiry, among hundreds, needing to be examined and why the potential RFK commission on vaccine safety must be impaneled.

“No wonder the vaccine industry (and let’s not kid ourselves, CDC IS the vaccine industry) and their media outlets are fighting with such a fury to prevent the #RFK commission from being formed.”

Kennedy has been on the front lines regarding vaccines for a long time. We need some warriors in the House and Senate not afraid of the pharmaceutical industry who buy the favors of Congress willing to take a serious, unbiased look at vaccines and safety. If you want to help stop forced vaccinations before they come knocking, this organization is a go-to.

Fact Check: WHO Scientist Caught Lying to Public about Vaccine SafetyThis piece says a lot. “In sum, the central message Swaminathan had for her colleagues was that legitimate concerns about vaccine safety were an obstacle to be overcome in order to achieve the policy goal of increasing demand for these pharmaceutical products.”

And remember: The Communist Chinese ALWAYS lie: China responds to virus-investigation demand by demolishing ‘ground zero

Spirulina found to boost the body’s type 1 interferon response to fight RNA viral infections “including coronavirus,” new science finds– “What’s especially important to note in all this is how every government authority is pushing pharmaceuticals and (non-existent) vaccines rather than encouraging people to use nutraceuticals that are available right now. Because of this total unwillingness to recommend potential anti-viral substances that are safe, affordable and available right now, these “authorities” are allowing the virus to replicate and spread in an accelerating manner, all to promote the financial interests of Big Pharma rather than support the health of the public.

“They are more interested in protecting the profits of Big Pharma than in protecting the health of the public, in other words.” (Spirulina is found at most health food stores.)

Public panic vs the stock market

Well, things have not improved since my column last Monday. Head of the “Fed” Jerome Powell came out last Monday with a shocker – an emergency rate cut. Market went up 1,293.96. Then back into schizophrenic flopping all around. Tues down 785.91. Wed up 1,145. Thurs down 969.58 and Friday down 256.50.

It’s the movement in gold which shocked me. In all these decades of watching and monitoring, I’ve never seen such craziness. Up $30 bux an ounce in hours! Down $18 and roller coaster here we come! Silver gained, too. Geesh.

Media hacks and so-called experts as well as Trump haters continue to blame it all on this coronavirus outbreak. Pre-coronavirus the stock market was a gas pump. The match: coronavirus blasts out of China, starts spreading around the world.

It’s the disruption of the supply chain which I covered last week like many others smarter than I am. The Dow’s upward march has been fraught with danger since the 2009 collapse because the cure was never even hinted at. America’s debt, a grossly over-valued market and banks playing dangerous games – a trifecta of disaster.

As I did last week, below are more up to date evaluations by experienced, qualified individuals who don’t work for the government or media. I provide them so you can get better informed in your busy world. The charts in some of these are important as they reveal a lot even I can understand.

This is a very comprehensive piece: Six Reasons Why Covid-19 Fails The Sniff Test

1,000 Point Dow Intraday Swings Is A Warning The Fantasy Of The Last Few Decades Is Finally Coming To An End – David Stockman, former US Budget Director under Reagan

“The jig is up.  I’m referring to 30 years of financial and economic fantasy that I believe that is coming to a rude and sudden end because it was all based on false economics, unsound money, and rampant debt and speculation that is bringing down the entire system. So I think the real disease we are facing at the moment is not COVID-19.  That’s just the catalyst, the trigger for a massive awakening and reset.”

MARKET CHAOS CONTINUES: “The Amounts Of QE Will Be Truly Staggering,” – “Albert Edwards, Former Global Strategist at Societe Generale: “Rest assured, by the time ‘this’ is all over we will likely revisit 666 again with US 10y yields around – 1% or below. The likely deep recession will be blamed on the Coronavirus, but it is ‘just’ the trigger to burst years of ruinous bubble blowing by the Fed et al.”

The Market Slump Is Just Beginning” – Covid-19 Is Not The Cause, It’s The Catalyst — “The coming downturn will not take 40 years. When bubbles burst, everything unravels very quickly. It could take say 3-7 years for the Dow to come down 90% or more. In 1929-32 it took less than 3 years for the Dow to fall 90%. And the situation today is much more serious when it comes to overvaluations, debts, deficits etc.”

This Is The Problem – “The rest of the yield curve, though, there’s a little more to it. For the first part, the long end is all about consequences. As in, if rate cuts were expected to be effective then, cue Janet Yellen in 2011, bond yields would be rising sharply. They are not, to put it mildly.”

Next Comes The “Turbulent Twenties” – The past 30 years of False Prosperity is over, David Stockman – “The coronavirus is now exposing a far more deadly disease: Namely, the poisonous brew of easy money, cheap debt, sweeping financialization and unbridled speculation that has been injected into the American economy by the Fed and Washington politicians.

“It has turned Wall Street into a dangerous gambling casino while leaving Main Street buried under mountainous debts, faltering investment in growth and productivity and the hand-to-mouth economics of spending more than you earn.

“It has also left the American economy exceedingly vulnerable to external shocks. That’s because 80% of households have no appreciable rainy day funds and businesses have hollowed out their balance sheets and artificially extended their supply chains to the four corners of the earth in order to goose short-run profits and share prices.”

“We Have Never Seen This Before”: The Last Time The Market Did This, FDR Confiscated All The Gold  (Interesting but the same confiscation would not happen today. Different time and 300 million guns.

US Factory Orders Tumble In January – Sixth Straight Month Of YoY Contraction – “And this was all before the coronavirus impacted the global economy…”

GOOD FOR HIM: Coronavirus bill overloaded with Pelosi’s ‘Christmas-tree ornaments,’ says Republican who voted against it (Sen. Rand Paul also voted against it)

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s add-ons were the reason why a Colorado Republican voted against the $8.3 billion coronavirus bill that President Trump signed into law earlier in the day, the lawmaker said Friday night. “The president asked for $2.5 billion. I would have supported that,” Rep. Ken Buck said…

“Buck’s office later told Fox News that his objections to the bill include not only the overall cost, but aspects including $1.25 billion that is marked for use in other countries, as well as $500 million in Medicare telehealth funding. His office also said that the bill outlines funding to stockpile masks, gloves and other things with no plan to make sure they get distributed to medical professionals instead of being stored up in a warehouse.”


DIY Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer with Only 3 Ingredients (Instead of getting gouged on line or at a store)

As for inside your home, I use either Seventh Generation cleaning products amazingly found at China (Wal) Mart. I also use Four Monks Cleaning Vinegar which is also available at China (Wal) Mart, Amazon and other outlets. I like non-toxic chemical free in my home. My doggies appreciate it, too.

Goldman Head Of Commodities: “Gold Has Immunity To The Virus”

(I’m not a precious metals dealer but my friend, Rob Westfall is and knows what’s a good investment in metals. Give him a holler in Florida at: 813.977.7200)

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Links I hope will provide more useful information

Demand for Fed’s Repo Loans Surges Past $100 Billion a Day as 10-Year Treasury Hits Lowest Rate in 149 Years

Dropping Interest Rates Negative Will Wake the Bear

Timeline of How Fed Chair Powell Knocked 603 Points Off the Dow Yesterday

Illinois on the brink of insolvency thanks to decades of Democrat tax-and-spend policies

“What Are The Odds?” – A Timeline Of Facts Linking Covid-19, HIV, & Wuhan’s Secret Bio-Lab

Coronavirus patient in Spain reportedly recovers after being treated with HIV drug

Port Of Los Angeles Taking “Substantial Hit”, Expects Volume To Plunge 15% From Coronavirus

Homosexuality, Worse Than Murder

Butch Paugh

The title may strike some people as being too hard, harsh, unfair and false.  But if you continue reading this brief, to the point and scripturally sound article, you will learn the truth contained in this title.

Before the facts are laid out before you, it must be said that the author knows and  understands that the people in this nation, especially the so-called “church” has in an act of blatant apathy and cowardliness allowed through “tolerance”, the total desecration of the moral foundation in America!  The unrepentant, unredeemed and ignorant masses are truly not to blame for the utter moral decay and decadence of society!  The blame lies squarely and completely at the doorsteps of the complacent, lukewarm and compromising whore houses that call themselves churches today!  To be even more specific in revealing where the blame lies is to state the fact that the panty-waisted, effeminate wimps behind the pulpits have destroyed our nation! Clear enough?  Let’s move on.

There are at least one hundred scriptures listing and condemning all types of immoral sexual acts.  All types of sexual sin cause severe ramifications way beyond those perpetrating the act itself.  But we are going to concentrate on one in particular.  The one that a “natural” society, Christian or not, would condemn and not tolerate!   The one that a corrupted society now has tolerated to its own destruction, a filthy abomination that is now called “gay”!  The scientific term is homosexuality.  The Biblical term is sodomy and “vileness”.  Yes, vileness is a valid word.  It means loathsomeness, lousiness, repulsiveness, sliminess and wickedness.  Perverted sexual behavior between same sex couples!

Have you ever wondered why certain sins were counted worthy of the death penalty in the scriptures?  And, by the way, Christ did not do away with the penalty to be paid here on earth for sin!  He paid for our redemption for eternity if we repent and follow Him!  But He did not come to change His Father’s laws for paying the penalty for theft, bearing false witness, rape, murder, homosexuality or any other “crime” against God and society! (MT. 5:17,18)  This includes the death penalty for a specific crime!  If Christ was opposed to the death penalty,  then why did He not condemn the crucifixion of the two thieves?!

The sin, crime against nature and society and abomination before God of same sex copulation is worse in its results on a nation than murder!  Now while you recover from the shock of that statement and we will prove the reason for this statement.

A murderer may take the physical life of the victim, and certainly hurt the family and friends of the victim deeply, but there is one factor that he doesn’t pass on to the victims of his crime.  The desire to partake of murder themselves, enjoy it and recruit other murderers!  And he doesn’t directly destroy their eternity!  Their souls!

The same cannot be said of the same sex sexual deviants!  In order to exist, they have to recruit “converts” to their Satanic “religion” of sexual perversion!  A murderer may take the life or lives of his victims, (born or unborn), but he does not influence their eternal destination.  The same cannot be said about homosexuals!

The final and most important point of this article is that same sex deviants not only harm, and often kill, many of the victims they lure into their damnable perversion, they pretty much ensure their victims will spend eternity in a burning hell!  Romans 1:26-28 very clearly states the fact that when people become this warped in their minds, hearts and spirits that they are soon given over to a “reprobate” mind.  When this happens my friends, damnation is certain!  There can be no repentance!  Reprobate;  Strong’s Concordance no. 96, unapproved, rejected, worthless and castaway!  In Matt. 10:26, Christ asks a very important question.  Read it for yourself.

  • Another huge reason this crime against nature and God is so dire, wicked and damning is this: a murderer may have many victims, but this will end at the murderer’s death.  And those that are murdered will not do as the murderer did and murder others.  But the victims of these sick, diseased, corrupt and perverted sexual predators will often fall into the “snare” of Satan and become corrupted enough to actually enjoy for a season this abomination!  ( 11:25) and they in turn will recruit more victims, who in turn will recruit more and who will recruit more……!  Destroying lives, families and damning countless souls to Hell!

Wake up church! Wake up pastors! If you truly are a part of the Christ’s called-out ones or one truly called by God to be a pastor, you must speak out, stand up and oppose this damnable evil!  Unfortunately we see many “pastors” who are neutered in God’s Word, who are serving their god, Satan!  (Jer. 2:8, 10:11, 12:10, 22:22, 23:1. , II Cor. 11:13-15)

In Christ’s Service

© 2020 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh:

Democrats’ Attempt To Remove Trump Is Not Over, Part 4

Roger Anghis

I have stated for several years now that the things the Democrats are always accusing the Republicans of doing, they themselves are guilty of.  They accused Trump of colluding with the Russians to influence the election and then we found out that Hillary and the Democratic National Committee actually paid for the Russian dossier. Adam Schiff accused Trump of abusing power but the Democrat party began an impeachment trial without taking a vote to do so, which is required under our Constitution, and then during the process he had witnesses that only collaborated with his side refusing Trump witnesses and never allowed Trump’s attorney’s into the meeting, denying Trump due process which also violated our Constitution.

If those actions are not an obvious abuse of power, then we are all blind.  Throughout the inquiry, North Country Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-Schuylerville) has repeatedly echoed the president’s assertions that he sought the investigations to address corruption.

She has also argued there was “no quid pro quo” since the aid to Ukraine was released and no investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter resulted. 

Stefanik spokeswoman Madison Anderson pointed to a tweet from the congresswoman as her statement on the articles.

“The impeachment obsessed Democrats are determined to overturn the 2016 election & ignore the vote of the American People,” Stefanik wrote.

“The partisan Articles include abuse of power & obstruction of Congress.

But it is Adam Schiff who has repeatedly abused his power & obstructed Congress.” [1]

As they will be doing until the end of Trump’s second term Pelosi made a statement after the STOU speech, which is a perfect example of them accusing conservatives of doing the wrong they are doing.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said President Trump “looked a little sedated” ahead of his State of the Union Address.

Pelosi, a California Democrat, suggested on Thursday that she moved to “extend a hand of friendship,” ahead of the Monday speech in part because she was concerned about the president’s demeanor.

“It was also an act of kindness because he looked to me like he was a little sedated,” Pelosi told reporters. She added, “He looked that way last year too.”

It’s not the first time Trump’s detractors have accused him of being under the influence of some kind of drug. Obama White House spokesman Josh Earnest once said Trump “snorted his way” through some of the debates during his 2016 campaign. Ernest later said he was joking.

Pelosi did not qualify her remarks about Trump’s state of mind during his Tuesday night address to Congress.[2]

We all have to question the mental stability of Nancy Pelosi. In a news conference concerning the impeachment, you can see that Speaker Pelosi has problems of her own that she is not willing to address. This is not the video out there that makes one wonder about her mental stability.  In this video, she mumbles and stumbles over virtually every word she tries to speak out.[3]

Now, they are pushing for some kind of an action because Trump commented on the excessive sentence for Roger Stone.  He is working on these kinds of outrageous sentences for very minor offenses. When he tweeted about it, it caused a firestorm among liberals that he was trying to influence the DOJ’s sentencing process.  There has been called a special meeting of the Federal Judges Association because of Trump’s supposed interference in ‘politically sensitive’ cases.  Just weeks after President Donald Trump was acquitted by the Senate of bogus partisan impeachment charges by the House of Representatives, a group of federal judges will hold an ’emergency meeting’ on Tuesday.  The judges will meet to discuss the intervention by Attorney General William Barr against the abusive proposed sentence for Roger Stone and the criticism by President Trump of the proposed sentence and the federal judge overseeing the case, Judge Amy Berman Jackson, as well as other actions by Barr and Trump regarding ‘politically sensitive’ cases before the judiciary.

The emergency meeting will be held via conference call with officers and members of the executive committee of the 1,100 member Federal Judges Association because, association president Judge Cynthia Rufe (a Bush 43 appointee) said, “We just could not wait until April to discuss matters of this importance.” The judges’ annual meeting is set for April 18-19 in Denver.

Judge Cynthia Rufe, screen image via YouTube, September 23, 2014.

The meeting comes on the heels of a letter signed by over 1,000 former Justice Department Deep State operatives calling on Barr to resign for overruling the punitive sentence of 7-9 years in prison proposed by federal prosecutors for Stone. The four prosecutors in the case resigned in protest over Barr’s intervention.

Judge Jackson will preside over a phone hearing in the Stone case on Tuesday. Stone has asked for a new trial after it was reported last week the foreman of the jury that convicted him is a virulent anti-Trump Democrat who posted about Stone’s case.[4]

Just like impeaching Trump needed to be done immediately but then it took 28 days to get it to the Senate, the day they were to have this ‘emergency’ meeting it was canceled without any explanation.[5]

As I stated at the beginning of this series, the Democrats are going to do anything they can to remove Trump. They won’t stop. Be looking for any off the wall reason. This is why we need to keep him held up in prayer. The 2020 election is a choice between socialism and freedom. Don’t forget that in November.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Schiff abused power
  2. Pelosi suggests Trump was drugged up for his state-of-union address
  4. Deep state revolt: Federal Judges to hold emergency meeting over Barr and Trump
  5. Federal judges Trump Barr meeting

Why Can’t We Be ‘One?’

Rob Pue

Jesus and His disciples were in the Upper Room.  The “Last Supper” had just been finished, and Jesus prayed to His Father for His followers.  I’m reading now from  John 17:  “I am praying for THEM.  I am not praying for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours.  All Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them.  And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, which You have given Me, that they may be one, even as We are one… 

“…I have given them Your Word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.   I do not ask that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.  Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth.  As You sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.  And for their sake I consecrate Myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.”

Continuing in Verse 20:  I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word,  that they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.  The glory that You have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as We are one…”

This was Jesus’ last prayer before He went out to the garden, where He would not only be betrayed by a friend, He would be horrifically beaten without mercy, and suffer an excruciating death in the most inhumane way possible.  So, what was Jesus concerned about now, knowing what was coming, very soon?

His disciples — those who believed in Him and who trusted and followed Him.  The men and women He had walked with, talked with, laughed and cried with, and most of all taught the things of the Kingdom of God to.  He was praying for THEM.  Verse 9 tells us specifically, He was NOT praying for “the whole world,” as the false teachers of “universal salvation” will tell you.  No… He was praying for God’s children, His disciples.  And He declared these were the ones who belonged to the Father.

A very important point in Jesus’ prayer was when He prayed that they would all be ONE.  Just as Jesus and the Father were one in unity and purpose, so He asked His Father that His children might also be UNIFIED, as one.

Jesus knew the world hated them, just as the world hated Him.  He knew it was not  going to be easy for them in the days ahead.  They would face terrible persecution for the rest of their lives.  He asked His Father to sanctify them in His Word, set apart for His purposes, and just as the Father had sent Jesus into the world, Jesus was now sending them out as His representatives… to guide the lost, the religious, the carnal and worldly to the way of the Father and His Kingdom.

And then Jesus went on in His prayer, praying not just for those who were present with Him at the time, but also for all those who would believe in Him later, through His disciples’ testimonies.  Yes, Jesus prayed for US, folks, and His heart’s cry — at a time when He must have been in great emotional and spiritual agony — was that WE, like the disciples, would be ONE, together in faith, following the Word of God, united as ONE with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Yet it seems that our Lord’s prayer was not — and has not — been answered… yet.  I do believe it WILL BE one day, perhaps one day very soon.  But after more than 2,000 years, our Savior’s request of His Father, it seems, has not YET been granted.

In fact, it didn’t take long at all before those the disciples taught began quarrelling and engaging in division and dissention among themselves.  In Acts 15, we read: “Some men came down from Judea and began teaching the brethren, ‘Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.’  And when Paul and Barnabas had great dissension and debate with them, the brethren determined that Paul and Barnabas and some others of them should go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders concerning this issue.”

In Romans 16, Paul warned, “Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.”

Again in 1st Corinthians: “Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment. For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are quarrels among you. Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, ‘I am of Paul,’ and ‘I of Apollos,’ and ‘I of Cephas,’ and ‘I of Christ.’  Has Christ been divided? Paul was not crucified for you, was he? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?”

Can you sense Paul’s frustration here?  He went on in Chapter 3 of 1st Corinthians: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?  For when one says, ‘I am of Paul,’ and another, ‘I am of Apollos,’ are you not carnal?  Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one?  I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.  So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.”

Clearly, Jesus Himself wanted His true Church to be unified, following His commands and God’s Holy Word literally.  We are not to follow or worship the doctrines of the imaginations of MEN.  We are to be following GOD and God only.   Jesus chastised the religious leaders of His day for making up carnal, worldly teachings and commands, straining at gnats while swallowing camels.  But yet today, those who claim the name of Christ are more divided than ever.  In fact, we now have more than 33,000 different denominations, all claiming “Christianity.”  How can this possibly be, when we are all supposed to be reading from the same Book?  Simply stated: each of these denominations have added their own doctrines of men, rules and requirements, rituals and traditions… most of them irrelevant, much of it nonsense.

In the process, the study of the TRUE Word of God, and teaching of the WHOLE counsel of God has fallen by the wayside.  We “major” on the “minors,” each thinking we have it all down correctly.  And we avoid, like the plaque, the “hard” issues — those cultural, moral and social issues addressed in God’s Word — (AND by Jesus Himself FREQUENTLY) — lest we might possibly offend a lost and perishing sinner.   We all think WE are following “The Way.”  But obviously, we are NOT.  Why?  Because we’re biblically illiterate.  We follow MEN rather than the Word of God, which, IF WE READ, STUDIED AND APPLIED IT LITERALLY, we WOULD be “one.”   But in most church buildings in America today, most people no longer even carry a Bible to their Sunday service, much less take ten minutes a week to read from it at home.  Instead of following Christ, they’re following “Pastor so-and-so,” or whatever denomination they may affiliate with… and as long as this continues, there will never be unity in the Body of Christ.

In small towns and large metropolitan areas across this country, there are churches.  Small towns may have 20 churches.  Large metro areas may have thousands.  Yet no matter where you go, it’s rare that the pastors will even speak to one another.  It’s as if they’re in competition with each other for the “business” of new “customers.”  Those who attend these churches follow the doctrines of THEIR “church, THEIR DENOMINATION, and sadly, MUCH of modern day so-called “Christian” doctrine has become purposely filled with lies and deceptions and deliberate OMISSIONS.

How else could there possibly be entire denominations “accepting and affirming” of what God’s Book calls an “abomination?”  How else could these so-called “churches” be ordaining open and practicing homosexuals as “pastors?”  How else could we have arrived now at the point where 67% of professing, faithful church-going “Christians” now believe that same-sex so-called “Marriage” is just another lifestyle choice and is just fine with God?  How else could we have self proclaimed “Christan” clergy blessing and celebrating things like Planned Parenthood, where the main goal is to sacrifice as many innocent preborn babies to Molech and Baal as possible?

How else could so-called “Christian” churches be coming alongside Muslims to celebrate “Ramadan” with them?  How else could some “Christian” pastors come together in perceived “unity” with Muslim Imams, yet those same “Christian” pastors could not tolerate praying together with a Christian pastor of another Christian denomination?

Let’s read this, from the book of Jude:  “For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” 

It’s a sad state of affairs.  Rather than being ONE in Christ, unified under His authority and His Word, we have fragmented into more than 33,000 different pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle of confusion and chaos, and few there be that will even bother anymore to open the Answer Guide — the Bible — and preach, teach, study and BELIEVE it literally.

This denominationalism happened for a reason, though. Biblical doctrine matters. Truth is truth and lies are lies and we must be very careful what we believe… and WHO we get our instruction from.   When someone goes off the rails, and refuses to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints, a separation must take place.  If these “filthy dreamers,” as Jude calls them, refuse to return to the absolute truth and authority of God’s Word, we are to separate and have nothing to do with them.  Now, I am not calling for more DIVISION… I’m calling for more of God’s Word and for doing away with the foolish doctrines of men.  Because that’s the ONLY thing that will ever unite us as “one.”

If a person has the Holy Spirit within them, it’s very easy to differentiate between shallow “churchianity” and God’s true Remnant.  If you DO have a real, faithful God-honoring church to attend, you’re greatly blessed, because these are becoming more and more rare today, as increasingly, people are walking away from the fake smiles and shallow handshakes you get at the social clubs and they’re starting home study groups — meeting together with other believers and going from house-to-house, as the early Church did.  There they study, pray and praise the Lord in Spirit and in Truth, and they have a support group system in place — a real Church FAMILY; something they never were able to catch a glimpse of in the pre-programmed Institutional denominational  “churches.”

I do believe a great revival is coming to our land in these last days, as the Remnant believers begin assembling themselves together as Jesus intended, truly UNIFIED as ONE Body of Christ.  They’re tired of biblical illiteracy and they’re doing something about it. Meanwhile, I believe the effeminate, cowardly pulpiteers who continue to preach only the happy, self-help false “love gospel” are going to continue to struggle to keep the masses entertained enough to keep them coming back to sit through yet another stage performance week after week.  The latest figures show that about 5,000 churches close down forever in America every single year, and that number is increasing.  The devil’s doing a great job — because at the same time, we have a record number of new mosques being built.  This is what happens when we indulge our vain imaginations.

We MUST assemble — even more so now, as we see the Day approaching.  But we must absolutely be much more discerning as to HOW we assemble, and WHO we assemble with.  And beware of the schemes of the enemy….because our adversary, the devil is coming to your local “church” regularly — because your local church leadership is eager to welcome him in, eager to accept his financial offerings and eager to keep him amused and coming back.  They dare not offend him, lest they lose a “member.”   But friends, there can never be unity in division.  And the ONLY thing that will unify us is an intentional, serious study of God’s Word.  We must dispense with the “glitz” and “glamour” that has become modern American churchianity — until we DO that, we’ll never be “one” — because God has HIS true and faithful servants, but the evil one has deceived many.

Heavenly Father, give us a hunger and thirst for the TRUTH of Your holy Scriptures, and let us finally be ONE, united as Your true Church, following the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth that can only be found in Your Word.  God’s precious Word is sufficient, friends.  So let us be ONE, united in faith in Christ alone, in God’s Word alone.  Everything else is just vain religion, and religion is NOT Christianity.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 283.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

They Hate Americans – They Hate Christians

Michael Heath

You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators. — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

For the second time a hard Left socialist is among the most powerful Democratic candidates for President.  The Obama establishment wing of the party is coalescing behind the doddering old fool Joe Biden to freeze Bernie Sanders out.  The same thing happened with Hillary Clinton last time.  While the names jiggle around at the top of the Left’s cabal two facts remain.  The Left wing of our politics hates God.  They also hate America.

They pretend they don’t hate Christian America but there’s no denying it now.  They led the way into the chaotic, ugly and hateful discourse that now characterizes the fight over the common good.  It isn’t Trump’s fault.  His tweeting is the most potent aspect of his presidency — especially the personal insults against his enemies.  The chattering class thinks people pay attention to everything they think and write.  Most people just live their lives ignoring politics and the news.  It took an entertainer reality star billionaire insulting his way into their consciousness with epithets aimed at the establishment they have come to loathe to get their attention.  Nobody knows who to trust anymore.

The great Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn could be describing American media today when he wrote, “The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”  The ruling class of America is in the hands of those who want Christianity to disappear from the world.  They are replacing it with a “moral” code for fools that rewards bad behavior at the expense of good.  Decency is easy to define.  The Ten Commandments are a proven and workable foundation for a civilization.  Why have they been removed from our schools?  Why are they thought to be hate filled by most of our youth — even our children and grandchildren who go to church youth groups?

America’s Christianity is quarantined.  It has been that way my entire lifetime.  I’ve never known a time when the public square wasn’t awash in religious syncretism.  Christianity was brought low in America long before I was born.  First it was made equal to all other philosophies, ideologies and religions.  Then it was forced into stained glass fortresses.  Now it is presented to us as if it were a banal second class rock concert followed by a motivational speech.  The Christian vitality that once enlivened American homes was drained away by the instruments of electronic media.  The radio, then television, displaced the precious moments families spent praying and playing together.  Mothers were taught to enjoy themselves sexually while they killed their offspring.  Fathers were enabled to absolutely sever their connection to their own children. Aided by unlimited access to porn they replaced their God-given sense of fatherly responsibility with instant satisfaction of sexual urges.

Distracted continuously, and constantly rewarded for conformity, Americans are losing their humanity.  We are witnessing the beginnings of a callousness that could fuel a slaughter of Soviet proportions.  It will start with Christians.  But it won’t stop there.  The blood letting of totalitarians never stops there.  Solzhenitsyn observed, “Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.”  We can all see this ethnic hatred rising against “whites.”  The real target is Christianity.  The father of lies — satan — will use whatever he can to bring chaos, division and death.  Jesus Christ is all about nurturing goodness, truth and beauty.  And everyone knows it.  They ignore the truth to excuse their own sins … to give themselves permission to go on sinning.

Solzhenitsyn again, “The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.”

The businessman Donald Trump isn’t going to save us.  Only one thing can save us now.  Men must repent.  They must turn from their wicked ways and beliefs.  They must turn their hearts toward home and hearth.  Christianity offers universe-powering resources to aid us on our path forward.  The Holy Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus Christ are on the side of all those who pursue righteousness and holiness with a contrite heart.  All the saints are cheering us on.  The writer of Hebrews proclaimed, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.  Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.”

Let’s stop striving against one another and start striving against sin.  Let’s do the next right thing today. Amen.

On my LIVEstream show this morning I asked if they matter.  I was talking about the ten commandments.  I asked if it is possible to make America great again without them.  It seems like we’re developing an attitude of hostility toward God and His law.  Check it out when you get a chance.  Share the thirty minute teaching with a friend.  You can find it at  It is titled “They Hate Americans — They Hate Christians.”

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath:

Not So Super Tuesday – Democrats Unite Behind the Worst Candidate Ever: Joe ‘the Gaffer’ Biden

Greg Holt

What terms come to mind when you think of Joe Biden? Maybe: Gaffer, imbecile, confused, lost, senile, idiot, poser, and incompetent?

(True Conservative Pundit) Super Tuesday was not really a surprise.  The entire Democratic Party seems united in their opposition to Bernie Sanders becoming the nominee.  One kind of has to feel sorry for the guy.  He worked hard to pull ahead of the competition – only to have the rug yanked out from underneath him.  Worse, this is the second time.

It’s only this writer’s opinion of course, but even though Grandpa Bernie is far left of center and a communist masquerading as a socialist, the dimwit Dems would have had a better showing with him verses the gaffer; Joe Biden.

Maybe as that paragon of snarky excellence James Woods noted, the goal is to insert Hillary Clinton into the ticket via a brokered convention.  That would really be the final injustice to Sanders, the proverbial nail in the coffin.

So I pretty much predicted this. It’ll be #Biden and #Hillary as his vice presidential candidate. He will eventually “gracefully” resign as his dementia worsens and… Voila! #MadamePresident at last! (and in case he gets indicted for his Ukraine  corruption, she’ll pardon him…

BUT, one has to remember what kind of people one is dealing with here.  These aren’t your fathers Democrats, oh no – these are the new and improved version.  Take a look:

Spreading the Coronavirus at Republican rallies, that is NOT even remotely funny.  The real problem here is, I can see one of these idiots actually doing this.  Democrats are no longer just another political party, they are domestic terrorists and criminals with political clout.

What kind of warped mind would consider doing this?  I know, I know, it was only a joke right?  Is anyone else not laughing?

The entire parade of potential nominees has been nothing short of a joke, except that it’s not funny.  The Dems all want to give away everything from free college, to free medical care for all.  The problem is, it’s not at all free.  The fact remains – who is going to PAY for all of this?  AOC (Bernie Sanders right-hand woman) wants to eliminate gasoline engines, cows, and wants to rebuild every building in the United States.  Now I have to ask here, obviously this little endeavor would be extremely expensive, as in make the current U.S. budget look like a little discretionary spending – how are we going to pay for this?


The Democrats can only field candidates that are crooks (Biden), socialists (Comrade Bernie), give-away artists (Warren), clueless election purchaser (Mini-Mike), and a stumbling, gaffing, seeming idiot, (Again Joe Biden).

Why would anyone in his or her right mind vote for any of these people? Mark my words; if you vote Democrat, you are voting destruction upon yourself. Lest anyone think I’m kidding or being overly dramatic here – simply check out the cities and states run by Democrats, and look at what kind of shape they are in. I will even give you a head start, look at California.

Trump is far less than perfect, but in Trump we have a man that unlike Bloomberg, actually does get it done, rather than just talk about it.

  • Unemployment – down
  • Job growth – up
  • American businesses (and jobs) have come back to the U.S. (Obama said they and the jobs were gone for good)
  • American companies actually investing in America
  • NATO paying their fair share for once
  • Taxes down
  • Trump stands up for America, unlike his predecessor

Trump 2020!

Read my three most recent articles:

BOMBSHELL! Federal Judge Orders New Hillary Clinton Deposition on Emails & Benghazi

Confirmed: Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother & may Have Committed the ‘Worst crime spree in Congressional history’

All Aboard the Trump Train: Trump GUARANTEED to Win – Democrats Freaking Out

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Could You Live Under United Nations Control?

J.W. Bryan

Perhaps you believe you could adjust to whatever controls the United Nations would impose upon people, but have you thought about total control on every aspect of your life?

Let’s take a look at what the United Nations plans to accomplish in the twenty first century through implementation of Sustainable Development, aka UN Agenda 21, now changed to Agenda 2030.

Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earth press, 1993), states, “Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on earth. It calls for specific changes in the activities of all people. Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced…”

Private Property

The report from the UN’s Habitat One Conference in 1976, it tells us about owning our own property. “Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth; therefore,it contributes to social injustice.”

We can see where they’re headed. Their plan requires a complete and “profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.  And how better to begin the reorientation of all of us than by relieving us of our personal property, and diminishing self-esteem. Just the separation of individuals from the ownership of land they’ve accumulated through their own efforts would be cataclysmic.

Why the attack upon private property? Because the right to property ownership is the key to everything relative to liberty.  The United States Declaration of Independence gives all Americans three unalienable rights, Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (or Property).  Without the ability to personally own property, there is no liberty, only an existence.  Ownership belongs to the state.

John Locke, whose writings and ideas had a major influence on the nation’s founders, believed that “Life and Liberty” are secure only so long as the right of property is secure.

Frederick Bastiat stated in the beginning of his book, “The Law,”

We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life—physical, intellectual, and moral life.

But life cannot maintain itself alone. The creator of life has entrusted us with the responsibility of preserving, developing, and perfecting it. In order that we may accomplish this…,” he has provided the resources for us to do so. “By the application of our faculties to these resources we convert them into products and use them. This process is necessary in order that life may run its appointed course.

Life, faculties, production—in other words, individuality, liberty, property—this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it.

Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.

Each of us has a natural right—from God—to defend his person, his liberty, and his property, these are the three basic requirements of life, and the preservation of any one of them is completely dependent upon the preservation of the other two.”

What Bastiat stated is both illuminating, inspiring and encouraging. However, we have reached a point where, for all practically purposes, it is of non-effect. Why? In a nutshell, we are in the process of being taken over by world government. They have not yet reached the pinnacle of their globalist plan, but it’s well on the way and there is nothing to prevent its completion unless we see a groundswell of grassroots public resistance.

United Nations Land Grab

All of their plans are being accomplished by a combined operation of the U.S. government and the United Nations through their Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development.  (See “Growing Government Tyranny – Democrats Empower it. Republicans are Clueless” and “Green New Deal Reveals the Naked truth Of Agenda 21.”)

Republican congressmen and senators, as well as President Trump are basically “in the dark” concerning this issue as revealed by the USMCA trade deal. The USMCA practically opens all the gates to allow the UN domestic control of everything in our daily lives and our congress critters and president continue to support them. Here is a revealing article which discloses how the UN plans to set aside half of the land area in America to be inhabited by animals only, and humans will be prohibited access to it.  In fact, most of the land they want has already been taken by the federal government.

Check out the map by Michael Coffman.

Endangered Species Act

The move to accomplish this was launched back in 1973 – the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into law by President Nixon. Its announced purpose was to protect and help recover species that were disappearing from the earth. However, as one might expect—the announced purpose was a total façade. The real purpose was to take control of private land.

In Tom DeWeese’s latest book, “Sustainable,” he tells us, “The ESA was created as a tool to take and control private land, not recover species. In fact, once a species has been listed no recovery plan is ever required—that’s the end of it. If that seems strange concerning an act that is so highly touted as a major plan to protect wildlife, then one must remember the true purpose of Sustainable Development. Again, it is not an environmental plan, but a diabolical policy to reorganize and control human civilization. (Bold italics mine)

Here’s how the ESA really works. With pressure from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and groups, the federal governmental declares that a certain species is endangered so the species is placed on the ESA list. If that endangered species is discovered on a farm or a ranch – or in the middle of a proposed building project, all human action on the affected property is stopped. No ranching, no farming, no drilling, no timber or mining activity, and no building may take place. Essentially the land is rendered worthless and locked away. Understand that 90% of all species (endangered or otherwise) claim habitation on private land, so the ESA becomes the perfect tool if your goal is to lock away land and stop industry. Not much good, however, for the animals.

Punishment of the landowner is the direct effect of the ESA.  The result is that any landowner who discovers the existence of endangered species on his land quickly understands that to keep the land he worked and paid for, he needs to adopt the “SSS policy” – shoot, shovel, and shut up! Get rid of the foul creature and say nothing of its existence, or lose your land and go to jail. Not a very effective atmosphere for trying to save wildlife, but sometimes the only way to save a person’s property.

For complete information concerning what the UN plans are for how we will have to adjust our lives by 2030, please go to News With views/Tom DeWeese.  He has a multitude of articles on everything concerning UN Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development.

What Can We Do?

First, learn everything possible about this issue, and the forces behind it. All of it has been on the back-burner for many years.  It came into being soon after the inception of the United Nations which was conceived by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) for the purpose of incrementally changing America so that it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union. For a primer on the CFR and how it first began taking over the U.S. State Department, then later, more and more of the United States government go to News With Views/ Path to Understanding Part 3.

Please help expose this traitorous evil by passing on this article, as well as whatever you can from Tom DeWeese’s archives concerning UN Agenda 2030.

This information needs to get to the masses.  We desperately need to get out of the United Nations; doing so will help us stop the globalist New World Order plans.

Let’s get to it!

Perils of Prophecy – Days, Idioms and Covenants, Part 3

Ms. Smallback

Again, I want to emphasize, I’m an amateur here.  These are just my own takes, my own thoughts about things I’ve studied.  I’m not here to persuade or convince or sell anything.  I’ve received numerous emails from people who have had their own takes on some of these things, and I’ve loved every one of them. It’s been enlightening and encouraging to hear about your thoughts and read your emails. I’ll probably incorporate a few of them I have found especially helpful.

I’m just sharing my own current understandings to give other angles to look at, and broaden the discussion in some ways, while narrowing it in others.  And I’ll say it again, I could be wrong.

With that said, I have a correction to last week’s article concerning the dates of the Passover and Christ’s crucifixion.  I wrote:  “Christ was crucified the 14th of Nisan, buried the 14, 15, 16 and rose on the 16th.”

But it should have read Christ rose on the 17th – 17 Nisan.  Like this:

“Christ was crucified the 14th of Nisan, buried the 14, 15, 16 and rose on the 17th.”

I apologize for this error, as it was/is significant.  It was not intentional.

Moving on…

No man knows the day or the hour

One of my favorite teachings of the return of Christ is the “no man knows the hour or the day” phrase.

Matt 24:36 [NASU]  “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.”

This is a direct reference to the Feast of Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets.  (Think about that for just a minute – where else are we keenly familiar with trumpets blowing?)

Avi Ben Mordechai explains that the Feasts/Festivals are appointed times that must be kept because they are holy convocations and rehearsals for the coming Messiah.  The Israelites were to keep the appointments of each of the feasts given Moses in Leviticus 23 so they would be able to pass down to future generations the symbolism and signs to look for, know, and understand.

Lev 23:1-2, 4 [NASU]

The Lord spoke again to Moses, saying, “Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘The Lord’s appointed times which you shall proclaim as holy convocations — My appointed times are these…These are the appointed times of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the times appointed for them.”

*Remember that “convocation” means “something called out, a rehearsal”.  What are they rehearsing?  Various appointments God declares He will keep in the future.

In ancient Israel, they kept their times by the lunar cycles. Rosh Hashanah was the start of the new year on the civil calendar. This particular holy day was announced differently than all the others.  There were watchmen scattered in Israel, and they were to look for the sign of the new moon.

Every legal transaction in Israel was established by two (or more) witnesses.  This was no different.  And these witnesses had to be of good repute and character.  The witnesses were to look for the correct sign in the sky of the new moon, and there were specific attributes they were to recognize.  Mordechai explains it like this:

“In short, the two qualified witnesses usually stood before the Nassi or President of the Sanhedrin (Jewish high court) to give account of the moon’s appearance prior to its becoming total dark.  (Just before the moon’s disk enters total darkness, there were tiny slivers of white on the edges of the waning disk.  These were called the ‘horns’ of the moon.”

When a witness observed the correct sign of the moon, he was to make haste for the Sanhedrin.  He was questioned by the Sanhedrin as far as his witness, and then was set in a separate room to wait for a second witness.  When a second witness arrived at the Sanhedrin, the same procedure occurred.  If the two witnesses agreed, Rosh Hashanah was declared by the President proclaiming Rosh Chodesh (a complete cycle of the moon’s renewal) by saying:  “Sanctified.”  And all the people near him were to repeat, “Sanctified, sanctified.”  Then the watchmen in Jerusalem lit fires to signal to the Israelites in the country that Rosh Hashanah had begun.  The signal fires were spread throughout the land to tell all of the Israelites in ancient Israel.

Rosh Hashanah was the only day on the Jewish calendar in ancient Israel that was proclaimed “spontaneously”.  It was the only festival that had two witnesses present to the head of the Sanhedrin, and it was the only festival the people did not know “the day or the hour” of.  Even if they could count the lunar cycle and the day it was probable to turn, they could not observe the actual festival (as in proclaim it and participate in its “rehearsal”) until it was proclaimed by the Sanhedrin President in Jerusalem.

Of course they knew it was coming, and could pretty accurately project its arrival, yet its arrival would not be official until the two witnesses presented the evidence and the proclamation was made.  This phrase, “no one knows the day or hour” would resonate to an Israelite versed in ancient customs, that this was Rosh Hashanah.

This is called an idiom, a phrase or expression with a nonliteral meaning.  By definition, an idiom is “a fixed distinctive expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the combined meanings of its actual words.” [Encarta]  And the Jewish faith is full of them.  Israelites in Jesus’ day would have been familiar with this phrase.  Modern Americans or non-Jews would not, unless they were taught customs of ancient Israel and their faith.

Personal Breakthrough

I think I’ve said before that I’ve studied Revelation and eschatology over two decades now, but most of the first half of that time was like plowing fallow ground.  I just kept spinning teachings and doctrines around and around, trying to make sense of things, thinking I was finally understanding but then finding something else that contradicted it.

The problem is, when I read the Scriptures myself, I had to contort them to fit the eschatology teachings of the modern church into them.  (The Left Behind series was a serious disservice to the Word of God; I’m just going to put that out there.  And all the doctrine that that was based on permeated the western church when I was in it.)  There was probably more unlearning I had to do than learning.

It wasn’t until I sat under some Hebrew teachings that things began to make sense.  I’d like to tell the revelation of that sometime, but I’m going to save it for now.

The breakthroughs in understanding I began to have really only happened when I let go of what the western church was promoting, and began waiting on the Spirit and those He brought to me to expound to me.

God’s Covenant Never Fails on His End

I don’t subscribe to the theory that Christians replace Israel.  It’s not that aspects of that aren’t true, because some are.  But I reject the whole of it. I don’t know why we can’t let God’s words stand for themselves without encircling them with doctrinal fence posts and staking a doctrinal theory on them. Can two seeming opposing truths stand? I believe they can. The error comes in the interpretation, not the conflict.

I can rest assured that if there is error, it is on the part of my understanding, not God’s intentions or doings.

For example, Proverbs 26:4-5 [NKJV] reads:  “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. 5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.”

Well which is it?  Do we answer a fool according to his folly or do we not?

I’m just saying, sometimes accepting two truths as both true is the wiser action.  Then you let the Creator illuminate the application of each truth in its intended path.

God made a few covenants at different times with different people.  Except for the covenant He made with the Israelites on Mount Horeb, which was broken by the Israelites failure to uphold their end, none of the other covenants have been broken.

In Genesis 17, we read that God covenanted with Abraham, and that promise would pass to his son Isaac.  Then God reiterated that same covenant with Abraham’s bloodline through his grandson Jacob in Genesis 28.  This covenant precedes the covenant with the Israelites through Moses, and stands separate from it.  See Genesis 17:4-8 [NASU] – emphasis mine:

“As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you will be the father of a multitude of nations.  No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.

“I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come forth from you. I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”

Later we read these strong words from Jeremiah 31:35-36 [NASU]

Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar; the Lord of hosts is His name:

“If this fixed order departs from before Me,” declares the Lord, “Then the offspring of Israel also will cease from being a nation before Me forever.”

From this we can see God’s covenant of Israel being a nation (the Abrahamic Covenant) is eternal.  This one cannot and will not be altered.

To get the context, go back a few verses, and you’ll see that God addresses the separate houses of Israel (and this is kind of a big deal to me):  the house of Israel (ten tribes) and the house of Judah (two tribes).  And God tells them He’s going to make a new covenant with these two houses, and He clearly differentiates that this new covenant is separate from the one they broke when they left Egypt, which is the Mosaic covenant.  Jeremiah 31:31-33 [NASU] – emphasis mine:

“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord.  “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the Lord…

And this is the foreshadowing of the new covenant that will come from the Messiah centuries later.  So from these passages, we can see the Abrahamic covenant stands as long as the sun, moon, stars and sea continue in their appointed positions, but that there will also be a new covenant to replace the Mosaic covenant which was broken.

Yet we can see this new covenant will be made with the “house of Israel and with the house of Judah”, so God’s chosen people have not been cut off, yet we can also know Gentiles outside the houses of Judah and Israel have been grafted in.

Look at what Matthew Henry says about this passage, written in 1706, long before Israel returned to its promised borders (partially):

As surely as the heavenly bodies will continue their settled course, according to the will of their Creator, to the end of time, and as the raging sea obeys him, so surely will the Jews be continued a separate people. Words can scarcely set forth more strongly the restoration of Israel. The rebuilding of Jerusalem, and its enlargement and establishment, shall be an earnest of the great things God will do for the gospel church. The personal happiness of every true believer, as well as the future restoration of Israel, is secured by promise, covenant, and oath. This Divine love passes knowledge; and to those who take hold upon it, every present mercy is an earnest of salvation.

Two truths. The Church is the recipient of the New Covenant. The houses of Israel and Judah are the recipients of the New Covenant.  That’s going to be hard for some to swallow.  I had to rethink a lot of things myself, but I can’t negate one to elucidate another.

Here is a document of an overview of the covenants in Scripture, and here are the scriptures written out.

Keep these covenants in the back of your mind, because I will refer to them here and there, and we’ll see they play a prophetic role as well.

Two Witnesses of Revelation 11

I reserve the right to change my mind, but at my current writing, this is who I believe are the two witnesses of Revelation 11:  the Christian and Jewish churches.

Remember in Rev. 11:4 the messenger calls these two witnesses the “two olive trees and two lampstands”….  We learn in Revelation 1:20 that the “lampstands” (candlesticks) are churches, and we learn in Romans 11:17-24 that olive trees are the Gentile believers and the Jews.

This inevitably leads to the question of the 1260 days of their prophesying, and then their death. I’ll circle back to this later, but for now, read this overview for points to consider.  And then read this to understand their bodies lying dead.  [The author of these is Ellis Skolfield.]


Finally, I received a fascinating breakdown of the Jubilees and their timing from a reader in Oregon.  I’m excited to pass it along to anyone who has interest.  Just let me know.

I’ve been called to five possible weeks of jury duty, so I’m not sure how much time I’ll have to write, but the next topic I’d like to cover is a pretty recent revelation I’ve had of Gog/Magog.  I am sure someone out there will have deeper understanding than what I have, and am looking forward to hearing others’ thoughts on that or other prophecy, and your own revelations as well.  Thank you for your grace to me as I share this process of learning with you.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback:

To read Part 2, click HERE

To read Part 1, click HERE

Anti-Trump Conspiracy: Judge and Legal Scholar Claims the FBI Has Lost Its Luster and Job Description

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Two of the nation’s leading criminal justice scholars believe that the once heralded federal law enforcement agency — the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) — appears to have lost its lustrous image and its upper-echelon officials have contributed to the agency’s extreme politicalization.

Within the last ten years, the FBI as well of other Justice Department (DOJ) agencies, including the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), have been used as White House goon squads to achieve solely political goals especially the goal to create an illusion of competency at the highest levels of government. [Link]

For example, former Bergen County, New Jersey, Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano, now a Fox News Channel senior judicial analyst, has stated point-blank that he believes FBI supervisors and special agents lost their way and they’ve forgotten that their job isn’t to decide who gets prosecuted but simply to present the evidence.

The 67-year-old said on-the-air that the more we learn about the shenanigans within the DoJ/FBI and other federal cops during the Obama years, it appears the FBI is due for a massive housecleaning including reiteration of their job descriptions.

“If you ask a first-year law student to define gross negligence, it’s defined as extreme carelessness. They are essentially the same thing. You’re attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public and for a while he succeeded,” said Judge Napolitano.

“Of course, Democratic Party lawmakers and their legions of so-called journalists will tell you the two terms are interchangeable, but that is being deceptive as well since ‘gross negligence’ is the language used in the legal statute as written,” said former criminal trial attorney and political strategist Michael Barker.

Investigate James Comey

Judge Napolitano also said on FNC, “Many of us have argued for 18 months now, since that came out on July 5th, 2016. Jim Comey was wrong on the facts, wrong on the law, and profoundly wrong to make that decision and to make it public as if it were made with finality.”

“The job of the FBI is not to decide whom to prosecute, but to present the evidence to professional prosecutors in the DOJ and let them make the decision. He took that away from them,” the judge added.

Newly released documents obtained by Fox News reveal that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement on the Hillary Clinton email probe was edited numerous times before his public announcement, in ways that seemed to water down the bureau’s findings considerably. [Link]

Also, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, issued a letter to the FBI on Thursday that addresses a number edits made to Comey’s highly scrutinized statement. Comey had written his statement before the FBI even spoke with Hillary Clinton and her minions.

“A number of documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch about the FBI under Comey’s leaderhip also has provided evidence of partisan agents who abused their FBI or Justice Department positions for political purposes during the Hillary Clinton email investigation and 2016 presidential campaign.

The man U.S. Rep. James Jordan, R-Ohio, jokingly called ‘James Bond’ FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, was ousted from the Mueller investigation after a Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (IG) investigation revealed profanity-laced text messages between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page that denigrated President Trump, according to Michael Baker.

“Imagine what would have occurred if FBI agents wrote messages using vulgarity and profanity about President Barack Hussein Obama! Does anyone believe it would be treated simply as a federal cop exercising his First Amendment rights? Baloney. He’d be fired on the spot,” Baker claims.

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Conversations with Everyday Patriots at CPAC

Lloyd Marcus

My wife Mary and I attended CPAC conservative convention to promote the release of my new Trump Train song and music video.

While most people at CPAC are excited to meet members of congress, I tend to gravitate to vendors, authors and everyday patriots in attendance. Among the many vendors selling Trump gear, Mary had to have a “Trump” purse shaped like a Coke can. Mary shot a short video of my interview with Mary Lou, the vendor.

One of the most creative things I saw was the Trump hammocks. Enjoy this short video of my interview with Steve, the hammock designer.

Walt was a 70 something year old farmer, sporting a great cowboy hat. Obama’s policies caused Walt to attend CPAC every year. Walt owns 70 acres. He grows corn. Walt and I chuckled about Mike Bloomberg’s insulting comments about farmers.

I sat in on a breakout session by Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends. Their point is progressives own the climate change issue. They believe to win the millennial vote, Republicans must come up with their free-market solution to the problem of climate change. While I understand their thinking, I have a problem surrendering to the lie that man can control the climate. I covet your input.

A drag queen wearing a patriotic themed outfit; big blonde wig, miniskirt and knee high boots drew attention at CPAC. Some folks gathered to take a picture of themselves with the drag queen.

Amid the throngs, black conservative radio show host Lonnie Poindexter and I spotted each other. We embraced. Like me, Lonnie has been unable to break his black family and friend’s loyalty to the Democratic Party. He excitedly reported a tide change. Abortion and the aggressive bullying of LGBTQ activists is causing blacks to finally turn away from Democrats. Lonnie introduced me to a new political term, “leaner.” Leaners are people who lean in close to whisper into your ear that they are voting for Trump.

Back in my hotel room, Democrats and their fake news minions were all over TV despicably trying to cause Americans to panic over the coronavirus. Proving once again that they do not care about American lives, Democrats view the virus as a golden opportunity to sell their lies that Trump does not care, Trump is incompetent and Trump must be removed from office for the safety of America. Democrats and fake news media are joyfully awaiting for Americans to begin dying from coronavirus.

Even more disturbing was watching talking-heads on our side attacking Trump for firmly calling out Democrats’ cold, calculated and irresponsible politicizing of the situation.

Over the past 3 and a half years, the behavior of the Democrat controlled House of Representatives lead by Nancy Pelosi has made it abundantly clear that they only have one agenda item. It is to remove Donald Trump from office by any means necessary. Democrats and their fake news media minions have deemed undermining whatever is good for America and even sacrificing American lives acceptable weapons to achieve their goal. Therefore, these people are evil and extremely dangerous.

Given this shocking truth, it blows my mind that people on our side still criticize Trump for pushing back hard against Democrats’ and fake news media outrageous accusations. Establishment Republicans want Trump to express his displeasure with dignified presidential politeness.

Meanwhile, Democrats get to spew whatever vile evil hateful lie that comes out of their hearts with impunity. Twenty four seven fake news media promotes absurd accusations like Trump wants you dead; Trump is racist and Trump lies about everything. Talk about pot calling the kettle black, Democrats are guilty of every accusation they launch against Trump.

I say, let Trump fight our Democrat-giant-enemy-within in his own way. When young David stepped up to fight Goliath the giant in the Bible, King Saul offered David his battle tunic, his sword, his armor and a helmet. But it was too heavy and awkward. David said thanks, but I’m going to fight him my way with my trusty slingshot. David defeated Goliath.

God has prepared Trump for such a time as this. Though unconventional, Trump continues to win unprecedented battles against progressives for We the People. I feel comfortable allowing Trump to be Trump, courageously fighting for us in his own way.

One principle Trump understands is that the aggressor sets the rules of engagement. Trump fights his opponents with equal or more force. I love that he is suing the arrogant New York Times. Win or lose, Trump is pushing back against fake news.

For years, We the People have been frustrated by Republicans like Mitt Romney who foolishly persist in bringing an olive branch to engage in policy battles in which Democrats bring guns, flamethrowers, machetes and grenades.

CPAC was really encouraging folks; tons of young people, college students and millennial conservatives. It was surprising to learn that for many of them, their conservative values are an outgrowth of their Christian faith. The big message of CPAC was “Trump 2020!”

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Help Lloyd Spread the Truth

The LGBT Unnatural Practitioners Are Destroying Via Lower Standards

Ron Edwards

America the beautiful used to have the best primary education on earth.  It did not matter where little Johnny or Jane attended class, it was guaranteed that if a student attended school they learned.  From the suburban campuses, country one room school houses, to inner city schools, everybody learned.  Unfortunately, the stupid and wasteful effort to supposedly integrate schools racially was actually one of the first large scale efforts to lower the overall quality of education.  What made it so insulting, was how it happened in plain sight of everyone, parents, teachers, ministers, politicians, etc.  Of course, many leftist politicians, judges and teachers were in on that evil scam that literally wasted hundreds of billions of dollars that should have been used to maintain school buildings and pay for teaching supplies like books and many other needed items.Almost every single year, government school boards across our republic seek to convince gullible voters to hand over more and more and more of their tax dollars.  All that money is used with the approval of both gullible and approving leftist oriented so-called parents.They literally support the destruction of our republic from within more than the education and moral well being of their own children.

If it were not so, I would not say such a thing.  The LGBT unnatural sexual practitioners are not some benign gaggle of misfits trying to fit in and overcome discrimination.  Those people are participating in an orchestrated all-inclusive leftist overthrow of every single standard, principle and rule of law that contributed to the overall greatness of our republic. For example, Senate minority leader Chuckie Schumer recently threatened President Trump appointed Supreme court justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch at a rally in support of the wholesale murder of both unborn and newborn babies.  He loudly declared “You have released a whirlwind and you will pay the price”. “You won’t know what hit you, if you if you go forward with those awful decisions.” All because the Justices may rule on behalf of those who cannot fend for themselves. YIKES!  Chief John Robert responded to the mad man Schumer’s threat. “…threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.” At least he spoke up a little bit about Chuckie’s threat.  I swear, someone should directly call out Chuckie for making his threat.  Let us not forget the mayhem that was started after the facially challenged Maxine Waters encouraged people to publicly get in the faces of Trump supporters.

LGBT practitioners are getting big time support from leftist politicians like Rep. Rachel Hood (D) Michigan has introduced 2020 House Bill 5499. It mandates “gender identity and “sexual orientation” training in government school sex education classes to address issues related to sexual orientation, and gender expression and gender identity,” must explore the harm of negative gender stereotypes, and more.”  The bill would explicitly prohibit “instruction or materials that teach or promote Christian doctrine.”  This mad, mad, mad world bill was introduced on February 19,2020.

The socialist leftist goons are now recruiting little school children and are positioning themselves to have more rights, while working feverishly to destroy the God given rights of parents.  It was parents, not self appointed demigods who are instructed by the word of God to train up their children in the way they should go so that they will not permanently depart from righteousness. The leftist educators with the backing of many politicians and government school boards discreetly pass off their gender bending indoctrination as education and the cost associated with it.  Maryland is trying to push HR 1628, a bill to start taxing professional services to raise money for schools.  The United States spends more money on its dens of indoctrination than any other nation on earth, with abysmal results.  Parents please beware! The ghoulish leftists are moving fast to gain control of America’s sons and daughters in order to more easily destroy our republic from within.

Friend, the time is now for “We the People” in masse to physically approach those in government who sware or affirm to defend the Constitution and uphold the rule of law.  We must demand they do so, or face being tossed out of office.  If in the private sector an employee who does not perform their duties in a manner that benefits the company he or she works for, they are given a box for their belongings and fired. If our political employees are not governing in a way that benefits our republic in a good way according to Constitutional mandates and the rule of law, they should be professionally terminated NOW.  The continuation of the United States as a great nation literally depends on it.  God bless you, God Bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Politicide: The Attempted Murder of the Jewish State by Victor Sharpe

By Joan Swirsky

A couple of years ago, I wrote a review of Victor Sharpe’s illuminating and very timely book, Politicide.

Little did I dream that the pandemic of anti-Semitism that existed back then would explode into the virtual orgy of Jew hatred we are now witnessing every day, not only in the Middle East and Europe, but right here in tolerant, multicultural America. Very scary.

In that regard, I have updated my review to include concrete examples of this explosion, and would very much appreciate your publishing this updated version.

Many thanks for your consideration!

All the best….   Joan

Book Review:

The word Politicide was first coined by Abba Eban—Israel’s foreign minister in 1967—to describe the attempted murder of the sovereign, independent State of Israel by enemies both within and outside of the fledgling state.

When Victor Sharpe first read the word, he told me how it resonated in “the deepest parts of my heart and soul.”

A passionate student of Jewish history, Biblical and post-Biblical—as well as a prolific writer on contemporary Jewish and geopolitical issues—Sharpe was mobilized into action, believing that his determination to protect and defend Israel and to illuminate the wider public about the tiny state’s chronically imperiled status, demanded that he write a book about…Politicide!

His first Politicide book was published in 2006, with a second book following in 2009, and a third book in 2011. Now he has written his fourth opusPoliticide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.

In these riveting volumes, Sharpe describes in painful detail the annihilating attacks upon the ancient Jewish homeland by the immensely powerful Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman empires, which, significantly, no longer exist.

He also describes the inexpressible suffering endured by the stateless Jews throughout their over-2,000 years of exile in the Diaspora, during the Crusades and the Inquisition, and through the cruel expulsion of Jews from various countries including England, Spain and Portugal, the bleak pogroms in Poland and Russia, and to the worst crime in human history, the genocide during the 1940s of six-million Jews in Hitler’s German-occupied Europe.

But to counter this painful history, Sharpe describes in vivid detail the exceptional history of Jewish life from its beginning with Abraham the first Jew—the Holy Convert—who left his idol-making father after discovering the existence of the one-and-only God, thus establishing monotheism for the entire world.

He describes how Abraham and his wife Sarah, along with Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Leah and Rachel, became the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish People in the eternal and Covenanted Land of Israel to which God brought them.

And finally, Sharpe tells the story of the miniscule but powerful 14-million Jews who now exist—half of them in the miraculous and flourishing State of Israel—in a world of seven-and-a-half billion people, including over a billion Christians and over a billion Muslims.

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted on Resolution 181 to declare the establishment of a Jewish State in the land to be known as Israel. Ironic, yes, that the U.N. today is a virtual cesspool of virulent anti-Semitism run by tin-pot dictators and rancid racists.

On May 14, 1948, the man who would become the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, who was then the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. On that very day, U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation!

On December 6, 2017, U.S. President Donald J. Trump proclaimed the following:

“In 1995, Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy Act, urging the federal government to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize that that city…is Israel’s capital. This act passed Congress by an overwhelming bipartisan majority and was reaffirmed by a unanimous vote of the Senate only six months ago. Yet, for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the law’s waiver, refusing to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem or to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city.

“Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital…”

And yet, in the mere 72 years since Israel’s establishment, a resurgence of anti-Semitism is sweeping the globe in what can only be described as a pandemic. This is not surprising for the European countries where it once flourished or for the Muslim countries where their “holy” book mandates the death of all whom they arrogantly call infidels, Jews particularly.

But it is very disheartening that this obsessive Jew hatred is also rampant in the hallowed halls of the United States Congress, where, according to American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson, no less than seven Democrats embrace the Hitler-admiring racist “Reverend” Louis Farrakhan, whose recent remarks include that “the powerful Jews are my enemy.” Now added to the miscreants in the Democrat party and in the Democrat controlled House of Representatives are the Islamists who routinely spew anti-Jewish hatred: Rep. Ihlan Omar (D-MN), Democrat Linda Sarsour, the “official surrogate” of Democrat Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, “Jew-hater-on-steroids musician Roger Waters, Rep. RahidaTlaib (D-MI), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), the list of Democrat Jew haters is endless.

All this makes Victor Sharpe’s book downright urgent for readers who are interested in historical facts and not inflammatory and hateful rhetoric. Perhaps by serendipity, it is also the ideal primer for students in the not-so-hallowed halls of American academia—both Jewish and non-Jewish youth alike—whose leftist, anti-Semitic professors expose them to the obscene Boycott-Divest-Sanction movement to destroy Israel and other malevolent anti-Israel indoctrination.

In short, these are terrific, illuminating and vitally important books that readers will learn from, share with their friends, and cherish for their richness.

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:

Is the Coronavirus China’s Revenge on Trump?

Cliff Kincaid

In his 1968 non-fiction blockbuster, The Biological Time Bomb, Gordon Rattray Taylor wrote about the prospect of germ warfare in the context of “undeclared war.” He explained, “In current thinking the best way to wage war is to wage it without your enemy even being aware that it is happening.” He was predicting the use of infectious diseases to cripple a nation.

The current war, however, is out in the open.

Looking at the economic damage being inflicted on the United States and the world, one cannot dismiss the possibility that the rapidly-spreading coronavirus is China’s revenge on America for President Trump’s trade war. The virus has the potential impact to cause a major economic recession and sabotage President Trump’s reelection effort. Health emergencies are being declared around the country as the number of coronavirus cases increase. The interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve is an indication of desperation.

“Whether the agent comes from a deliberate biologic warfare attack, or the natural emergence of a novel virus, the results could be devastating,” notes the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in a commentary on potential mass casualty events.

Politically, Trump and the Republicans could be the casualties.

Looking at modern warfare, Gordon Rattray Taylor had also predicted, “Some minor human epidemics might help. Even the common cold keeps people away from work. It might be ten years or more before it dawned on the health authorities that they were really being too unlucky with minor illnesses.”

China is admittedly the source of this deadly disease, also known as COVID-19. However, the regime claims that attributing the virus to a biological weapons lab in the region is a “conspiracy theory” spread by “anti-China forces.” It is going after independent journalists and whistleblowers who dispute the regime’s version of events. Globally, the high-tech social media companies such as Facebook are playing into China’s hands by censoring content that the virus is a bioweapon.

Also called by some the Xi virus, named after the Chinese dictator, the communist Chinese regime claims it somehow came out of a food market. Typical is the claim that the virus is thought to have originated from wild animals, probably bats.

However, some counter-claims are getting out. National Taiwan University public health researcher Fang Chi-tai reportedly thinks it’s possible that China’s scientists were working on a virus more difficult to contain than SARS and that the likely source of the virus is the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The latest “official” information from the U.N.’s World Health Organization is that the coronavirus mortality rate has jumped to 3.4%, as compared to a mortality rate of less than 1% for the flu. SARS, another virus from China, had a mortality rate of 9.6 percent in 2003, but COVID-19 is believed to be far more contagious than SARS.

By all accounts, the Communist regime has engaged in economic and military warfare against the United States. The United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission was established “to review the national security implications of trade and economic ties between the United States and the People’s Republic of China.” One of the witnesses back in 2017 was Edward H. You, Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI’s Biological Countermeasures Unit in the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate. His job was described in one story as following “fast-moving developments in labs” and making sure “they don’t lead to a bio-attack.”

But American scientist Dr. Steven Hatfill was one of the innocent victims of the FBI’s post-9/11 anthrax letters investigation, known officially as “Amerithrax.” The FBI had tried to blame Hatfill for the anthrax mailings before exonerating and paying him $6 million in financial damages.   There was never any evidence indicating that Hatfill was anything other than a patriot who tried to help America prepare for the terrorist attacks that were blamed on him. A foreign connection, involving al Qaeda, was never seriously investigated by the FBI. The FBI eventually blamed the attack on another scientist.

Robert S.Mueller, Russia-gate special counsel, was in charge of the FBI at the time.

The threat today is so great that the Trump White House is working with Congress to get billions of more dollars for battling COVID-19 and other public health threats. But throwing more money at the Centers for Disease Control — the “professionals” who failed to quickly develop a reliable coronavirus test — is a smokescreen.  Where are the hearings into the source of this virus and whether it had been weaponized by a Chinese lab? Is the FBI on the job, again?

Unrestricted Warfare, a book on military strategy written in 1999 by two colonels in the People’s Liberation Army, refers to the “new concepts of weapons,” including biological weapons. The book referred to financial attacks on nations by billionaire hedge fund operators such as George Soros, the 1995 gas attack on the Tokyo subway by the disciples of the doomsday cult AumShinriKyo, and attacks by Islamic terrorists such as Osama bin Laden.

To accentuate the current economic downturn, our media have played a familiar role. CNBC featured a “top economist” by the name of Mark Zandiof Moody’s Analytics saying a coronavirus pandemic could spark a deep recession and pose a “significant threat’’ to Trump’s reelection. What CNBC did not disclose is that Zandi is a Democrat who contributed to Hillary Clinton and said Trump’s election in 2016 would itself cause a recession.

Zandi’s June 17, 2016, report had claimed, “…the economy will be significantly weaker if Mr. Trump’s economic proposals are adopted” and that “Under the scenario in which all his stated policies become law in the manner proposed, the economy suffers a lengthy recession and is smaller at the end of his four-year term than when he took office.”

Last October, however, he reversed himself, saying that Trump was a strong favorite to win a second term based on positive economic trends. But with a 10 percent correction in stock prices, “the picture changes dramatically and Democrats win under a typical turnout scenario,” he said. That has happened as a result of panic over the coronavirus. Trump’s reelection is now in question and Democratic Senate challengers are surging in the polls, threatening to take back the majority from the Republicans. Republican Senators in Colorado (Cory Gardner), Arizona (Martha McSally) and North Carolina (Thom Tillis) are all in serious trouble.

Without Senate control, a reelected Trump would not be able to get his conservative judges approved.

The stakes are high as the White House pursues a “Coronavirus Plan of Action.” Does that plan include moving to a war footing with the communist regime in Beijing? The National Defense Strategy already recognizes China as a major threat to U.S. security and prosperity.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Fear God and Keep His Commandments

Dave Daubenmire

God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. —Psalm 7-11

This commentary is sure to get some religious folk storming into the aisle.

The “God is love” only crowd is sure to have a conniption, but that will not dissuade me from speaking the Truth. As I often like to tell anyone who will listen, there are a lot of things that we believe are in the Bible that just is not so.  There is nothing as dangerous as having an unbalanced view of Almighty God.

“Trust, but verify,” was the term that Ronald Reagan coined in regards to his dealings with the Russkis and I think we would do well to apply the same litmus test to those assigned the task of “teaching” us…both secular and sacred.  To paraphrase The Gipper, “The problem with my Christians friends is not that they are misinformed but that so much of what they believe simply is not true.”

That’s Christians I am referring to.  Most have a difficult time distinguishing between Truth and fiction because they have failed to read the Word for themselves and have chosen to be spoon fed by the six-foot icicle that they call Pastor.

God is love alright, the Bible does tell us that, but that is not all He is.  In this nicer-than-Jesus era in which we live today many Christians are completely unaware that God displays hated.  That’s right.  God hates.  In fact, He is really good at it.  Psalm 139 tells us that WE should be great at it as well.

“I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.”

When was the last time you heard a sermon on that one?  “Do not I hate them, O LORD that hate thee?”  When were you last exhorted to hate?  I thought God loved everybody and everything.  Are you surprised to discover that God hates?  “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil.”  Are you taught to hate evil?

You don’t have to dig very deeply into the Bible to find a plethora of things that God hates.  Permit me to share just a few with you.  God hates:

False oaths (Zechariah 8:17)

The wicked (Psalm 11:5)

Those who love violence (Psalm 11:5)

The froward [perverse] (Proverbs 3:32)

A proud look (Proverbs 6:16-17)

A lying tongue (Proverbs 6:17)

Hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17)

A heart that devises wicked imaginations (Proverbs 6:18)

Feet that are swift in running to mischief (Proverbs 6:18)

A false witness who speaks lies (Proverbs 6:19)

Anyone who sows discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:19)

Lying lips (Proverbs 12:22)

The sacrifices of the wicked (Proverbs 15:8)

The ways of the wicked (Proverbs 15:9)

God hated Esau (Malachi 1:1-3)

I’m sure there are more.  I hate to shake you up but the Bible speaks much more about the things God hates than it does the things that God loves.

I look around at all of the wicked things that are going on in America and I find myself nearly apoplectic at how disinterested most Christians are in regards to the unrestrained evil advancing in every area of this once-moral nation.  For the most part, the church has lost its saltiness and wicked folks are driving the bus.

The Bible tells us that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  The church no longer fears the Lord.  They preach a message of love and acceptance when Christ’s message was one of exclusivity.  All are welcome at His table.  But it is HIS table and you must come on HIS terms.  Evil will not sit in the presence of the Lord.

The Christian God is a God of exclusion, not inclusion.  “I am the way, I am the Truth, I am the life, NO ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME.”  Strait is the gate and NARROW is the way… and few find it.

Hebrews 10:31-32 says that “For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord.”  And again, The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Everyone knows Jesus loves them. I hear it on the streets all the time. But I rarely hear the FEAR of God preached to the lost. Fear God and flee evil.  That is the Gospel message needed today. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Eccl. 12:13

To teach ONLY that God is love is to teach only part of the story. Almighty God is a God of love and a God of wrath. Wise men fear him. It is the fear of the Lord that drives men to Christ.  Prov 16:6.

Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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The All-Time Dirty Deal

Lee Duigon

I used to cover local school board meetings, as a reporter, back in the days when the State Dept. of Education and the State Commissioner of Education were new. People hadn’t yet learned what to expect from them.

But we soon learned.

By and by, the twenty-something babe from the department would come up from Trenton and recite to the board a multitude of things the state now commanded that they do. When board members had questions, she answered, “Tee-hee! You’re just confused because you don’t speak Education-ese.” You stupid peasant, you. An older board member commented, “This sounds like one of Stalin’s five-year plans.” He got two “tee-hees” for that. And a “Don’t be so nervous, it’s all going to work out just fine!”

If your state has a state department of education, you have one department of education too many. And this was before we got a federal Dept. of Education.

The state of Illinois’ education commissars have a group called the “Affirming and Inclusive Schools Task Force,” which is one task force too many. It has issued a report: “Strengthening Inclusiveness in Illinois Schools”. Its recommendations are meant to apply to all schools, all the time, from preschool through Grade 12.

To list just a few of these asinine proposals: no more prom queens or kings; no more “gender language,” like “boys and girls”—absolutely forbidden; all school activities to be gender-neutral (can they still play football? Or only if the girls play, too?); gender-neutral dress code, whatever that might be; all bathrooms and locker rooms open to anyone who wants to stroll in; and—this is the kicker—

Only involve parents “as appropriate.” Translation: “Never.”

Meanwhile, up in Wisconsin, the Madison Metro School District teachers’ union has demanded—yes, demanded—the right of “transgender educators” to share bathrooms with the kiddies. Uh, does anybody still think teachers’ unions ought to be allowed? In Chicago the teachers’ union sends members on junkets to Venezuela so they can learn first-hand how to trash a country. You pay for those little trips, by the way.

Public education is the all-time dirty deal: a sucker deal of monumental proportions.

The only thing “public” about it is, the public has to pay for it. And oh, how we pay! Six-figure salaries, cushy pensions, early retirement—not to mention all sorts of bizarre programs and experiments, with the children as lab rats. To this day, no one has dared to calculate the total cost of a year’s public schooling in America. How much do you suppose it cost to produce “Strengthening Inclusiveness in Illinois Schools”? Don’t ask!

And what do we get for those billions, maybe even trillions, of dollars? We get “gender fluid”! We get a “transgender” movement that’s sweeping through the whole public education establishment like a wildfire—with plenty of eager arsonists torching the underbrush. They’re pushing it like their very lives depended on it. And, at the same time, teaching children that their United States of America is a racist hell-hole whose only reason for being was the spread of slavery—but that’s another scandal.

You pay, and pay, and pay some more. You get no say in who teaches, you get no say in what is taught, your elected school board is powerless to protect you—and your children—from state and federal bureaucrats whose only purpose in life seems to be to train up children to be as cracked as they are. You have no say in any of it. You have no ownership. It’s more like they own you.

And you still don’t pull your children out of there?

That’s the part that’s simply inexplicable.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Balkanization of America Accelerating Faster Than Expected

Frosty Wooldridge

If you look across the American landscape in 2020, you might notice half of America hates the other half. Half of our U.S. Congress hates the other half, so much so, they’re doing nothing to further the interests of the American people. It’s called, “legislative gridlock.”

Back in 1960, democrats and republicans worked together.  Americans pulled together.  Even with our black/white/brown challenges, we enjoyed a common heritage.  We worked through those challenges in a positive manner. The only mistake: Teddy Kennedy’s “1965 Immigration Reform Act” that commenced the disintegration of America.

Today, about 100,000,000 million legal immigrants later, we’ve got ourselves into a tangled web of multiculturalism, incompatible religions and violent cultures—all by the hand of our elected leaders.

The same thing happened to France and Europe in the 1970’s.  A perceptive writer noted: When France opened its borders to unlimited Muslim immigration in the 1970’s, Frenchman Jean Raspail, penned a prophetic novel, Camp of the Saints, describing the consequences of that senseless choice, “You don’t know my people—the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations.  You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap. Everything will change in this country of yours.  They will swallow you up!”

Today, another writer chronicled the result of that mistake in his book: The Strange Death of Europe—Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray

If the United States maintains its current immigration course, much like the Titanic, someone  around mid-century will write their magnum opus:  The Strange Death of The United States of America—By Her Own Hand.

For certain in 2020, we see plenty of historians and wise men telling us about the future based on what’s happening today:

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct facade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

It can’t get much clearer than that statement by James Walsh. He can see it. I can see it. Roy Beck sees it. Dan Stein sees it. Jason Mrochek sees it. Dr. John Tanton saw it 50 years ago. Kathleene Parkers saw it. Barbara Jordan saw it. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and Steve King (R-IA) see it. All of them wrote about it. Virtually no one in the U.S. Congress heeded the messages.  If they did, they suffered name-calling such as the “R-word.”   That pretty much shuts up anyone in the political arena.

Because of our open-door policy for the past 55 years, we’re being balkanized to death.

This past week, Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle said, “I hope Trump is assassinated.”

To make such a call constitutes “treason” but since she’s a minority, she gets a pass.

Another woman in my State of Colorado, Denver Councilwoman Candi de Baca said, “If I get the coronavirus, I am going to attend as many MAGA rallies as I can.”  In other words, she would deliberately infect anyone who doesn’t hold her views.  Also a minority, she enjoys immunity.

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said, “Trump is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot.”

That statement condemns half the American public that voted for Trump. It enflames half the American people. When a national leader attacks SO virulently, it incites civil unrest, social anger, racial animosity and cultural chaos. It’s poor behavior and a dangerous example for our young people.

The Somalian immigrant and House member Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, a democrat and a devout Muslim intent on installing Sharia Law in America, said, “I want all Muslims in America to make all Americans uncomfortable.” Indeed, they have made us uncomfortable with 9/11, Fort Hood murders, Fort Dix attack, NYC car bomber, San Bernardino Christmas killings, Garland Texas killings, Fort Lauderdale massacre of 50 at a gay nightclub, Denver bomber, an average of 23 to 27 honor killings in our country annually, and female genital mutilation cases now numbering 500,000 in our first world country where women maintain equal rights, but not in their religion.

If you whisk off to Hollywood, Debra Messing, a star in a homosexual sitcom, stated, “Trump puts all Americans in mortal danger.”

This week, U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, (D-NY), and the man who gave driver’s licenses to the 9/11 hijackers, told two Supreme Court justices, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, “You will pay the price” if they support any case against abortion rights.

“Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous,” Chief Justice Roberts said in a statement. “All Members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter.”

The Council on American Islamic Relations works 24/7 to bring Sharia Law to America. The Muslim Brotherhood works to incorporate black minorities into that religion with the intent of overthrowing the U.S. Constitution. The greater their numbers the greater their power.  Black Lives Matter members intimidate, carry weapons and absolutely loathe the United States of America.

With over 15 million illegal Mexicans within America, La Raza, “The Race”, works to recapture the four border states back into Mexico: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.  One demographer noted on the Tucker Carlson Show on FOX NEWs this week, that immigrants birthed more babies in American in 2019 than Americans.  As a matter of fact, in the same report, illegal pregnant women birthed 372,000 ‘anchor babies’ inside our borders in 2019.  (Source: Tucker Carlson, FOX News,

Don Lemon, a minority-gay CNN news host said, “The most dangerous terrorists in America are white men.”

As James Welsh said back in 1991, “The balkanization of America has begun.”

If you are reading this column, whether liberal, independent, millennial or conservative, do you think our country will survive? Do you think we can import another projected 110 million more legal immigrants from 196 countries by 2050 and survive the sociological, religious, linguistic and/or cultural chaos coming to our shores?  Do you think we can survive the environmental degradation?

If you do, write me so I can interview you:  I want readers to understand how you think as to endless immigration and open borders—benefiting our civilization already at 330 million and headed for 440 million within 30 years.

Before you write, watch these two videos to see what your children face:

If you look at these two videos, you will see exactly what I am speaking about:

Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Don’t Blame Bernie. Blame The Stupid, Naive’ Bernie Voters

Ron Ewart

“The ruling of men is the effort to direct the individual actions of many persons toward some end. This end theoretically should be the greatest good of all, but no human group has ever reached this ideal because of ignorance and selfishness.”  [and corruption] W. E. B. Du Bois  socialist, historian, civil rights activist, author, writer  (1868 – 1963)

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” Frederick Douglass, social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman (1818 – 1895) 

By now Super Tuesday is over, the results of which we did not know when we wrote this article.  Our educated guess is, Bernie Sanders has received a good portion of the delegates, with Buttigieg, Warren, Klobuchar, Steyer and Gabbard well below the 15% threshold to be viable.  Biden might still be alive after his win in South Carolina.  Steyer is already signaling he will drop out of the race.

However, anybody paying attention to the Democrat presidential candidates is well aware of Bernie Sanders’ socialist drumbeat.  Those accompanying him on this mad ride to the White House are just as bad but they don’t come right out and say they are socialists like Bernie does.  Nevertheless, they are pretty much on the same page as Bernie.  It is indicative of the extreme far left platform of the “new and improved” Democrat Party.

Here’s a list of what Bernie wants:  It should blow your mind unless you’re a socialist.

  • End the death penalty.
  • End cash bail  – let the criminals go free
  • Eliminate mandatory minimum sentences
  • Eliminate private prisons  (and then what?)
  • Mandate paper ballots  (that is probably the only thing we agree on)
  • Implement Rent Controls and levy taxes on real estate speculation
  • Raise taxes on the wealthy and the middle class (big taxes)
  • Raise the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour
  • Provide several MONTHS of broad paid leave
  • Restrict charter school growth  (pandering to the teacher’s union)
  • Provide free college tuition
  • Cancel all student loan debt  (taxpayer takes it in the shorts)
  • Boost teacher pay  (pandering to the teacher’s union again)
  • Limit political spending
  • Eliminate the electoral college
  • Implement all phases of the Green New Deal  (no gas, cars, airplanes, etc.)
  • Allow felons to vote ….. from prison no matter what there crime
  • Close down nuclear power plants
  • Ban oil and natural gas fracking
  • Reduce carbon emissions by government regulation  (how much and by when?)
  • Break up agri-business – pay farmers to adopt climate-friendly practices
  • Provide universal free meals in all schools
  • Expand farm worker protections
  • Have taxpayers pay for an assault weapons and magazine buy-back program
  • Wants universal background checks for all purchases and transfers of weapons of any kind
  • Implement red flags laws in all states (This is where they take your guns by force on an anonymous tip)
  • No limits on abortion (even after birth)
  • Implement Medicare for all (no matter what the cost!)
  • Grant citizenship to millions of dreamers (DACA)
  • Repeal the illegal entry statute & decriminalize illegal border crossings.  In other words, open borders.  (Let ’em all in!)
  • Free health care and other benefits to illegal aliens (at taxpayer expense)
  • Abolition ICE  (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
  • Tear down existing border walls and don’t build any more
  • Legalize marijuana and scrap past pot convictions
  • Slash defense spending and bring all of our troops home from foreign shores
  • Increase the capital gains tax (to what?)
  • Create a wealth tax and tax all financial stock trades

Talk about a fundamental transformation of America!  This is not even a complete list but this list is shared by most, if not all, of the current Democrat presidential candidates. Only God knows how much all of this will cost (Bernie doesn’t) but the cost far exceeds the entire American annual gross domestic product and the taxing capability of the U. S. and state governments. It would triple the annual federal budget. If the government taxed everyone’s income, capital gains and property 100%, along with a wealth tax, it still wouldn’t be enough. By the way, a wealth tax is unconstitutional on its face.

This does not take into account the massive waste, fraud, abuse and corruption that would ensue with the government managing all these programs.  No one knows how to waste taxpayer money better than the government.  In just Medicare alone, estimates of waste, fraud and abuse (improper payments for services not rendered, etc.) are as much as $50 Billion a year.  This is only one government program.

None of what we have described here answers the big question, why would any knowledgeable American vote for a candidate or a platform that would end individual freedom and property rights as we know it and destroy capitalism and the free market system, while instituting almost pure socialism?  There can only be one answer to the question, constitutional and free market illiteracy.

America’s pubic education system has failed America’s youth for at least the last three generations in a systematic, premeditated destruction of objective education that has become instead socialist, environmental and one-world global indoctrination, orchestrated by the Progressive movement, the establishment, the deep state, educators and the Democrats, over the last 10 decades.

Shamefully, only 26% of Americans can name all three branches of government, down from 38% in 2011.  But it gets worse.  Only 33% of Americans could name even one branch of government and 37% could not name one right protected by the First Amendment.  (There are five rights)

The test to become a U. S. Citizen only requires 60 percent grade to pass.  In a survey of 1,000 legal American citizens, just barely 36 percent could achieve a passing grade.  74% of senior citizens passed the citizenship test but only 20% of those under 45 could get the 60% necessary to pass.  Only 13% knew the year the Constitution was written. (1787) (Source: Forbes Magazine)

The U. S. Department of Education was established in October of 1979.  During that time it has done nothing to improve constitutional or free market literacy.  Instead we got the “Race To The Top“,  “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core State Standards” that were the educational programs designed (by educated idiots) to allegedly increase the effectiveness of American education.  Unfortunately, these programs were more about social justice, gender, LGBTQ, race and ethnic issues than they were about objective learning.   That’s brainwashing for socialist purposes!

Earlier this year we uncovered legislation in Washington State that mandated the teaching of the U. S. and State Constitutions and the American form of government in various grades, from elementary through high school.  A worthy goal it seemed.  However, in digging deeper we discovered that this law was not exclusive to Washington State, but was being mandated by legislation originated in 1994 by the U. S. Congress.  We were aghast to learn that what they were teaching with their universal text books from this legislation, that America was not a Constitutional Republic, but a Constitutional Democracy.  The differences are night and day.  We must “Get Progressive Educated Idiots Out of Education.”

Now the State of Washington is about to pass a law this year to teach sex education to kindergarterners.  So littly five-year old Johnnies and Jennies can learn about multiple genders and sexual proclivities, abnormalities and deviations, rather than learning that Mother Nature created two sexes, a man and a woman.  Yes, gene mutations and genetic errors do create some physical variations.  Nevertheless, any deviation from the two-gender reality is fake news, even though Facebook is trying to tell us that by some trick of nature there are 58 genders.  And you wonder why little Johnny is confused about his sexual orientation?

Anyone with the least amount of intellect knows full well that a five-year old (or even a 10-year old) has no point of reference to understand the sexual antics of humans, much less an egg and a sperm, or how they come together to create human life.  To teach sex education or sexual deviancy at this grade level is not only ill advised, it is grossly negligent, if not bordering on the criminal.  This is being pushed by the LGBTQ community and the Democrats and is, in effect, institutional, sexual brainwashing.  But we digress.

The word “Democracy” does not appear anywhere in the Declaration of Independence, or the U. S. Constitution, or in any of the state constitutions.  The Founders knew what a Democracy meant, which is majority (mob) rule, so they set up a Constitutional Republic, which is government under the rule of law where the minority is protected from a potentially deranged majority.  The U. S. Constitution was to be and still is, the Supreme Law of the Land and it was to be and is the foundation of all law in America.  That foundation was based on the unalienable, God-given rights of the individual and it was government’s duty to preserve, protect and defend those rights.  It has criminally sherked that duty.

But alas, as in all persons of power, there is an overwhelming urge to increase their political power. The limitations of the U. S. Constitution were a definite impediment to an increase in power.  So the politicians from President Wilson on up to and including Obama, started re-defining its phrases and meanings to their own ends and for their own gain. FDR was one of the worst.  He attempted to create rights that don’t exist under the Constitution.  Bernie is doing the same thing.

How best to circumvent the constitutional limitations than by convincing the people that government would provide for them in their every day lives, or in times of emergencies.  Meanwhile, the people, by ignorance and in-action, allowed history, once again, to repeat itself.  Another Republic, in a long line of Republics, became a socialist, Absolute Democrat Monarchy in just a hundred years.  It can only lead to CIVIL WAR ….. again!

In furtherance of the destruction of the Supreme Law of the Land, politicians agreed to the appointments of liberal justices (until Trump) who would interpret the constitution, not as the Founders had created it, but by twisting the words in the Constitution to fit a particular social or radical environmental agenda.  They did so by perveting and then expanding the original meaning of the “Commerce“, “Necessary and Proper” and the “Promote the General Welfare” clauses in the Constitution.

There is nothing in the Constitution that allowed the U. S. Supreme Court Justices to legalize abortion. The justices literally created a law out of whole cloth, without any constitutional justification whatsoever.  The Congress and then the U. S. Supreme Court also gave us the socialist medical program known as Obama Care.

These same supreme court justices, over the last 80 to 100 years, have perverted the meanings of the first ten amendments, the foundation of our unalienable rights, thereby diluting those rights.  Through environmental legislation (Agenda 21) passed by the U. S. Congress and sanctioned by the U. S. Supreme Court, laws, bearing absolutely no resemblance to constitutional authority, have been added to the law of the land such that property rights have been rendered virtually non-existent.  Landowners have been relegated to unwilling serfs of an all-powerful, unrelenting, environmentally crazed government.  Laws with a particular social agenda, have been created in much the same manner.

The Second Amendment is now under a vicious attack by Democrats in almost every state and the U. S. Congress, such that the very existence of the Second Amendment is in serious jeopardy.

It boils down to that a majority of Americans know hardly anything about the U. S. Constitution, nor do they care to know.  They know even less about how the free market works and why it is so vitally necessary to the workings of a free society.  That is a complete failure and a breakdown of the public education system in America as well as gross parental negligence.  Is it any wonder that millennials are going for Bernie Sanders, or all of the other socialist presidential candidates, by the millions?

So don’t blame Bernie.  Blame the ignorant dolts that vote for him.  Blame the politicians and the educators that implemented institutional socialist brainwashing in our public schools and allowed constitutional and free market ignorance to prevail ….. on purpose!

Man on earth is indeed at the top of the food chain on this third rock from the Sun.  He has no natural enemies or predators that prey upon him except himself.  His only real threatening enemies are the earth, deadly viruses and bacterium ….. and Socialist Democrats like Bernie Sanders and the voters that vote for him!

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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The Conditioning of Americans: Politicians Allure Illegals In, ICE Rounds Them Up

Bradlee Dean

What is The Real Objective? You!

“A list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents.  Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner?  Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order?  Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)?  If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents.” –Michael Snyder

I want you to show you how the government in this country creates the very problems that it later comes in through the back door, only to play the problem solvers to, the very problems that they themselves created.

The Wall Street Journal reported

Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami are among cities anticipating raids; orders include detention and deportations, administration officials say.

WASHINGTON—Immigration and Customs Enforcement will launch an effort to round up thousands of undocumented migrants across the country on Sunday as part of the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration, according to three administration officials.

Details of this weekend’s operations remain unknown, but the officials said that the orders include detention and deportations.

OK, sounds good on paper, but what is the reality of what is actually taking place here?

Think with me for a moment. The questions that we need to be asking is why are they coming here, and who is responsible for doing so?

We have felons masquerading as mayors, within the states, in America that are alluring these illegals here.

These mayors are alluring them in on the American taxpayer’s dime by putting them onto unconstitutional welfare (2 Thessalonians 3:10), as well as with all-inclusive work permits, licenses, housing, etc. and all of this is being done by the same said representatives that are simultaneously attempting to strip you of your God-given rights.

The federal government has no business in superseding the states in going into each state to round up illegals. In fact, the states should be rounding up these mayors and said representatives that are alluring illegals into their unconstitutional sanctuary cities and prosecuting them for their treasonous activities (Article 3 section 3 US Constitution).

Keep in mind, the federal government is a creature of the states. The states are sovereign.

The 10th Amendment reads, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

This is how this deceptive game is being played on the people that they are to represent.

What we see happening here is that the states are forfeiting themselves, or opening themselves up, to the federal government by alluring these illegals coming into their states and then making it a federal issue by not enforcing their state law.  This is all by design, which in the end gives the federal government the power for which they have always longed.

I can just see how happy this administration’s supporters are about all of this when it comes to addressing the problem.

Remember the problem was created by the government.

What they do not realize is that this is designed to undermine the very rights and freedoms that they think this administration is upholding. In the end, it is all aimed at them.

Let me ask you, who has the government labeled terrorists? Those who are Christians, Constitutionalists, anti-illegal immigration advocates, anti-Islam and 68 other government definitions.

This is happening because of the blatant ignorance of those who should know better (Hosea 4:6).

There is no knowledge of their founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, The Bill of Rights and that is the perfect recipe for those who mean to bear rule over them. The American people have made themselves an easy prey to and by the dupes of ill-designing men that are taking advantage of every bit of it (Ephesians 4:14).

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Truth is the Glue: Biden and Bloomberg Lies are the Hoax

Jake MacAulay

The recent purposefully deceptive statements made by Joseph Biden and Michael Bloomberg regarding the President’s response to the coronavirus emergency are shocking and revealing.

First, Joe Biden repeated earlier erroneous press reports that the Trump administration is “muzzling” Dr. Anthony Fauci, which Fauci had firmly denied the day before.

Next Mike Bloomberg told CBS’s Scott Pelley that Trump called the coronavirus “a hoax.”

“I find it incomprehensible that the president would do something as inane as calling it a hoax,” Pelley immediately stopped him, clarifying, “He said the Democrats making so much of it is a Democratic hoax, not that the virus was a hoax.”

After his outright incriminatingly false statements Bloomberg did not even acknowledge he had made a mistake and arrogantly continued with his diatribe.

Statements by both presidential hopefuls are both outrageous and insulting on their face. It is interesting to note their attitudes and the apparent attitudes of their followers about the lies they continue to conflate.

There seems to be no amount of guilt or remorse for these deceptions at all. On the contrary, the entire effect presented in the tone and attitude of the candidates and those who defend the deceptions reveals a blasé, smug, implicit pretext.

Simply stated, it goes like this:

We are the ruling class and we will lie to you for your own good.”  Further, if you catch us at it, it doesnt matter at all.

We will have our way.  You will do our will.  We will lie to you if it suits us.

The dangerous result of this approach is that truth, and truth-telling, are no longer things that we can rely on when we deal with government.

This is most serious and most dangerous.


Because truth-telling, and the reliance on truth-telling, is the glue that holds a society together.

Without the “glue” of truth-telling, our transactions and interactions with government, and with each other, become extremely burdensome and eventually impossible.

Frederic Bastiat, in his famous work “The Law,” wrote, “No society can exist unless the laws are respected to a certain degree.  The way to make laws respected is to make them respectable.”

He continues, “When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”

When those in authority show their contempt for truth-telling, then the “glue” — the respect for lawful authority — cannot long survive.

If we cannot rely on those in authority to tell us the truth, then we will very soon lose faith in their leadership.  When we lose faith in their leadership, we will stop following their dictates.  To keep us following their orders they must then resort to despotic, tyrannical force.

That’s why truth-telling is so important. That is why these revelations are so damning.

In the words of our first President George Washington, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light.

As progressive politicians, activists, and media continue their departure from truth-telling, their credibility and viability is extinguished.

Therefore, for the sake of our country and our sanity, we must resolve to make our departure from them.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

Make your tax-deductible donation here!

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats Using Lenin’s Playbook to Move the U.S. to Socialism Enslavement

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries’ playbook is still in use today by the Democratic-Socialist Party and its weaponized use should sound the alarm and instill fear in all clear-thinking, patriotic American citizens, according to former U.S. intelligence analyst and ex-police officer Gerald Brookhaven.

“In 1917, the Bolsheviks used Russia’s losses during World War I to incite a revolt that overthrew Czar Nicholas and created the beginning of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic,” Brookhaven said on Friday, just hours before President Donald Trump held a rally in South Carolina at which he reported on the coronavirus to the American people.

Like the original Leninists in Russia, the Democratic Party is attempting to use the fear and discontent falsely created by the far-left Democrats, their news media comrades and activist groups in order to sell socialism and Marxism to the millions of uneducated or overly indoctrinated Americans and foreigners living in the United States.

“Far-left extremists are taking over the Democrat Party and pose a clear and present danger to our democracy,” said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who gained national prestige during his defense of President Donald Trump during the Democratic Party’s and news media’s unending attempts at overthrowing the current administration..

The Democrat Party is on the verge of making history: the probability of a socialist at the top of their ticket is increasing every day. Whoever emerges victorious will be the most radical presidential nominee in the history of the Democratic party, according to William “Wild Bill” O’Shea, a former police inspector and county prosecutor.

In an email sent to the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Rep. Jordan stated, “As I write this to you, I’m simply at a loss for words as to how Democrats have let fringe candidates [such as Bernie Sanders, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and Howard Schiff] take control of their party.”

“I wonder if the folks who are casting their votes realize they’re about to promote the most extreme candidates into positions of real power,” Jordan noted.

A Gallup poll released late last year revealed 43% of Americans “say socialism would be a good thing for the country.”

“There is a clear and present danger that if we don’t do everything in our power to re-elect President Trump and take back the House of Representatives, a socialist might occupy the Oval Office come January 2021,” warned the former college wrestling coach.

“If we don’t do something right now to wake up Americans flirting with electing so-called Democratic Socialists, it’s going to be too late.Together, we can win this election, re-elect a president who believes in capitalism and put to rest any possibility of this country taking a [radical] left turn,” said Congressman Jordan.

[YouTube Video: The End of the World as We Know It, with Mark Steyn]

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

A Thumbnail Sketch of President Trump’s Performance as POTUS

Sidney Secular

It cannot be denied that President Trump has derailed or at least delayed the socialist/communist makeover/takeover of the US. He has successfully branded the corporate/mainstream media as the “fake news media” and “the enemy of the American people”. He is the first leader or conservative of note with the temerity to do so. Some other noteworthy actions by the President include the beginnings of an assault on the outlandish sanctuary jurisdiction mania of the blue cities and states, increased efforts against the plague of human trafficking, appointing nearly 200 conservative justices to fill vacancies at several levels of the federal judiciary, and eliminating a multitude of rules and regulations that hamper small and medium sized businesses from operating efficiently and at lower costs.

Although he talks about it, he has done nothing, however, whether through executive order or otherwise, to break up the corrupt, unaccountable fake news media monopoly that has caused so much damage to the United States while operating as essentially commissars of the Deep State. The same may be said regarding the high tech tyrants of Facebook, Google, Pay Pal, Amazon, etc. who are denying patriots and conservatives their free speech rights under the First Amendment, de-platforming organizations and entities that are in no wise unpatriotic or dangerous in any way, ruining or greatly hampering the ability of organizations to accept credit card payments, and removing publications for sale or distribution that that go against establishment narratives and pet/pat establishment versions of historical events. These virulent Un-American censorship policies represent the transition from a democracy to a dictatorship that democracies invariably devolve into. The “go to” entities that the corporate entities go to decide who is a “hate group” that can be discriminated against are invariably the worst hate groups themselves, such as the SPLC, the ADL, and increasingly the ACLU, who are out to transform America into their dreadfully deranged image of what they would like the US to become. This is what “cultural communism” is–a softer and gradual way to transform a society into a communistic one. The only difference between the US and the USSR are the gulags are the physical persecutions that the latter employed—and we may be coming to that sooner rather than later.

Similarly, Trump has not cracked down on the communist thugs/dregs of Antifa, which still virtually has a free hand to verbally and physically attack activists who support the President, some who engage in mundane activities like handing out campaign literature, and even everyday supporters who wear MAGA hats.

Trump has done little or nothing to stifle the masterminds of the criminal conspiracy that has worked non-stop since the day he was elected to drive him from office, and this includes very conspicuously the Clintons–he said he would jail Hillary if he was elected, and many expected that, what with all those comix showing her behind bars. The cultural communists and swamp creatures continue entrenched in positions where they can continue to inflict psychological warfare and brainwashing against the average citizen.

Trump is willy-nilly undermining common sense environmental protections enacted by previous administrations. This has nothing to do with private property rights as you might assume at first blush, but to make some fat cat friends happy. Now that he has wisely encouraged petroleum extraction and turned the US into a net exporter of petroleum products vice an importer of same, it is not in the public interest to continue promoting the very environmentally damaging fracking method of extraction of petroleum resources, as the EPA is currently doing. The Trump Administration continues to promote drilling in wilderness and environmentally sensitive areas, a short-sighted, unnecessary, destructive and insensitive position to take.

On immigration, President Trump’s defining issue, his record is mixed at best. Legal immigration, which has many of the harmful effects of illegal immigration, is something Trump wants to increase. He is under the delusion that we need foreigners to fill our needs for STEM workers when we have more than enough Americans who can do these jobs, and who are unemployed or underemployed now because of foreigners who have already kept them from obtaining the jobs they deserve. The legal immigrants he wants would still be almost entirely Asians who the elites would like to see replace whites in high tech jobs because they are more easily mollified with lower salaries, more easily replaced when they start demanding higher salaries, less prone to organize, and because the elites are anti-white anyway as is apparent with their promotion of the “white privilege” nonsense. Many of these legal STEM workers would be Chinese who would be prone to steal intellectual property for China, which has already been amply demonstrated. A moratorium on all immigration is long overdue to allow assimilation to occur, which has been thwarted by the multicultural nonsense, and because of the overpopulation/environmental/resource depletion concerns.

Trump has taken action with respect to the 70,000 or so visa overstays each year, but has not addressed the much larger and much more serious problem of 300,000 or so anchor babies created each year and the problem of the schemer “dreamers” who hang around in limbo while we pay for their welfare costs. Many problems vis-a-vis immigration could be solved by across-the-board implementation of the E-Verify system to weed out illegals from the workforce, and a consistent program of immigration law enforcement vice an occasional raid on a meat packing or chicken plucker plant to round up a few illegals, which is too lucrative an operation to scare off slaughterhouses from continuing to use refugees and illegals. Such a program will cause a massive exodus of illegals with no roundups or special action required.

As far as “The Wall” is concerned, most current efforts are directed at replacing ineffective currently existing portions of the Wall. The new construction is not without problems, however. A windstorm knocked down 100 feet of the supposedly better replacement wall and said wall has been effectively surmounted by ladders. At the rate construction is proceeding, it will take many years and much larger funding to be completed, as well as requiring future congresses to be more supportive of the effort than the current one. The entire effort may be of little value or futile as other means are developed to invade the US. Some 23 tunnels have already been bored under the Wall over the past 25 years or so, somewhat “undermining” the Wall’s deterrent value. There seems to be a problem in detecting these tunnels in a timely manner. Thus, some of these tunnels are very sophisticated and contain such amenities as lighting and air conditioning and are large enough for motor vehicles to pass through them. They are long enough to penetrate long distances past the border. On a still small scale, contraband and drugs are crossing the border via drones. Here are questions not raised anywhere else that I’m aware of: The Government apparently has to purchase the private land upon which the fence will be constructed. How much of the funds allocated for the Wall represent this cost? Will “eminent domain” procedures be necessary for some of these purchases? How much time will be consumed by such procedures? There is actually a 3-mile long section of private wall being built near Mission, TX which is being funded by private donations at a cost of $42 million. A federal judge confirmed on January 20, 2020 that this private endeavor can proceed. Two more private wall section purchases are being planned presently. The Contractor for this effort, Fisher Industries of North Dakota says it can construct the border wall cheaper and faster than the Government can. Why wasn’t wall construction by the private sector considered for the overall project? The sponsors of this private effort hope the Government will adopt the private wall sections as its own.

In the area of foreign affairs, President Trump is treading on treacherous ground vis-a-vis the muddled situation in the Middle East. The powers-that-be have been seeking to antagonize Iran for over 30 years with discriminatory policies that harm Iran’s economy for trumped up phony reasons. How much more of this treatment will they take before starting a war over it? Trump’s attacks on people and countries in the area, of doubtful legitimacy, are solidifying the enmity towards the US that has been building up in the area for a long time, especially enhanced by the Iraqi debacle and the never-ending Arab-Israeli conflict. His big buck donors and the undue influence of Javanka in the White House are major factors in keeping the pot boiling–hopefully it will not boil over into another major conflagration in the area.

President Trump very recently signed the new USMCA implementation bill without seeking input from conservatives or realizing there was any conservative opposition to it. This was revealed in a March 2020 report issued by The John Birch Society. This replacement for the reviled NAFTA has the potential to be much worse than NAFTA in the long run, in that it could lead to a North American Union with all the negative features present in the European Union compact, and thereafter result in an “Atlantic Union” of a merged USMCA with the EU, creating an essential component of the feared New World Order.

All Americans who love our nation’s heritage realize how much we have lost and that we are in a survival mode right now. At times like this, just hanging in there against overwhelming odds is a victory.

The internet is being censored and regulated more each day. The printed word will always resonate and remains a vital tool in waking people up. We need to assure that our printed media provide the function that the pamphlet “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine did in energizing the colonists to fight the Revolutionary War, but our printed media have been dropping like flies in recent years due to rising costs, the lure of playing with the internet, and the general apathy and inertia that prevails. Please send me a letter or post card for a listing or sample copies of the best of the remaining patriotic publications. The address is: Sidney Secular. P.O. Box 7753, Silver Spring, Maryland 20907. Thank you.

© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Virus Deepens Selloff, Threatens Trump Economy and Re-Election

Kelleigh Nelson

Every health care organization in the country should be dusting off any of their plans they’ve ever had for mass infection events like this where they need to hospitalize many more patients.  —Minnesota Post

No power so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear. —Edmund Burke

Fear is an insidious and deadly thing. It can warp judgment, freeze reflexes, breed mistakes. Worse, it’s contagious. —Jimmy Stewart

Weeks ago, my husband said to me, “This virus is an attack on President Trump’s economy.”  Trump’s trade demands and tariffs literally brought Red China’s economy to its knees. Perhaps the Covid-19 virus was turned loose to bring the rest of the world’s economies to the same level.  Since Trump took office, America’s economy has been booming, but both Red China and America’s socialist democrats would love to see us suffer a recession.This raging virus has already destroyed $3.8 trillion in stock market value. The Chinese have set a trap for Trump as Cliff Kincaid reported and it’s ugly.

The left doesn’t care how many people suffer or die from Coronavirus if they can remove Trump from office and regain their globalist new world order movement. The Democrats have no problem murdering the unborn; the blood of 61 million is on their hands. Mao Zedong murdered millions of his own people and when Deng Xiaoping became the new leader in 1976, his population control resulted in 336 million abortions and 196 million sterilizations.  Why would they be bothered in the least with a few thousand more deaths in America and around the world.

Panic is actually spreading and guess who is doing it.  The CDC official helping spook Trump’s economy with Coronavirus fears is Rod Rosenstein’s sister…Dr. Nancy Messonnier.  She said on an NPR interview, that it’s not a question of if this virus will spread, but when.

Flu Pandemic 1918-1919

During the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, more people died from the flu than in WWI.  The war was over in 1919, and although the ravages of the flu had taken a toll, the stock market didn’t crash.

Someone looking only at a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average during the latter part of that decade would never guess that those years encompassed the worst epidemic in recorded history, an epidemic far worse than the Covid-19 virus.

According to a Stanford University Web site, a fifth of the world’s population was infected in that epidemic, and an estimated 20 to 40 million people died of it. The infection rate was even higher in the U.S., where 28% of the population came down with the disease and 675,000 died.  Of course, the population then was about a third as large as it is today.

One statistic though does a particularly good job of communicating the magnitude of the epidemic: According to the Stanford Web site, “the effect of the influenza epidemic was so severe that the average life span in the U.S. was depressed by 10 years.”

Even those panicking about today’s forecasts don’t come anywhere near the horrid scenario of the past. And yet the stock market did not crash in the wake of the 1918-19 pandemic. Indeed, it rose smartly.

So, what is the difference?  The times have changed.  Nearly everything America consumes is made in China, including our prescription drugs.

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Many people believe this virus was hatched in a biolab in Wuhan China.  That could well be true…whether it was purposely loosed or it escaped by accident we’ll never know.  We don’t even know if that scenario is true, but the communist Chinese have little regard for human life.  Nevertheless, there are things with Covid-19 that are very different from other viruses.

Take the case of a woman in Japan who contracted the virus, got over it and then contracted it again.  She tested negative after she got over it the first time and went back to work as a bus tour guide.  Normally when someone contracts a virus, including cold viruses, we build antibodies to that virus and it wards off being re-infected with the same virus, but not with Covid-19. We have no idea how many people she infected during her alleged return to health before she became ill again.

Once the immune system has fought off viral or bacterial infections, it generally recognizes them and can block them the next time they are encountered – but not always and the protection may not last, which is another reason many believe this is a biolab creation. Depending upon the severity of the case, Covid-19 just doesn’t work like normal viruses.

Sneezing or coughing can infect others, but with this virus, even touching someone else when you have no symptoms can infect others.  We still do not understand the full ramifications of how this virus spreads.  The infection of large numbers of people onboard the Diamond Princess cruise liner, which did not end after people were told to remain in their cabins, still needs explanation. Most likely it is airborne.

Prof David Heymann, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine says the transmissibility of the coronavirus is still uncertain. “It is not known how transmissible this is in the community. There have been some cases in China and other places where they have just popped up without the possibility of being able to trace back to a source.  Investigations in Italy are looking for some sort of mass event that could have led to the clusters of cases found in northern cities.”

While we know there is asymptomatic transmission from somebody with the new coronavirus who is not ill, we do not know how extensive that is. Some people, known as “super-spreaders,” are more efficient transmitters of viruses than others.

Those the virus attacks are also of interest inasmuch as it doesn’t seem to affect children like seasonal flu viruses that can take a high death toll on the little ones.  This virus attacks the elderly, especially those with compromised immune systems, high blood pressure, heart problems and diabetes.  Children who are usually susceptible do not seem to be much affected by Covid-19.  This is another variable that makes lab creation more of a possibility.

As of February 28th, the outbreak has been linked to at least 2,866 deaths, and while the majority of fatalities have occurred in mainland China, Iran has now surpassed South Korea and Japan.  The country has reported at least 34 deaths as suspicions about when the virus first entered the country, and why the fatality rate is so high are beginning to mount.

Remember that flu in the U.S. results in 12,000 to 61,000 yearly deaths and 140,000 to 810,000 hospitalizations annually.  This year we have lost five children in East Tennessee alone.

We still do not have proper testing and the FDA is just now allowing more labs to do testing.  The original tests were bogged down by a botched rollout and inaccurate readings.  A patient in northern California went to the hospital last week, but was not tested despite requests from local health officials. He was sent home and he had the virus.

China’s Prescription Drugs Weapon

Just how much of what America consumes is made in communist Red China? Too much! The coronavirus situation has exposed a Chinese secret – essentially a monopoly on U.S. medical supplies and prescription drugs.  They could shut down hospitals in America in a matter of months.

Rosemary Gibson, a senior advisor at the Hastings Center said, “If China shuts the door on exports of medicines and the ingredients to make them, within a couple of months our pharmacies would be empty. Our healthcare system would cease to function. That’s how dependent we are.”  Gibson is also the author of ChinaRx — Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine. She reiterated that China’s aim is to “become the global pharmacy” to the world. “It wants to disrupt, to dominate and displace American and other Western companies.”  We cannot even make penicillin in America anymore, the last plant closed in 2004. China has a long-term strategy of lowering costs to drive U.S. drug manufacturing out of business.

Most of our drugs, including 97 percent of our antibiotics and 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients needed for domestic drug production come from China. The United States’ growing reliance on China’s pharmaceutical products has already put us in jeopardy.  What in hell were our previous leaders thinking to allow the production of American drugs to be manufactured in Red China?  And what about Big Pharma?  “For the love of money…”

Gary Cohn, then chief economic advisor to President Trump, argued against a trade war with China by invoking a Department of Commerce study that found that 97 percent of all antibiotics in the United States came from China. “If you’re the Chinese and you want to really just destroy us, just stop sending us antibiotics,” he said.

Centralization of the global supply chain of medicines in a single country makes it vulnerable to interruption, whether by mistake or design. If we are dependent on China for thousands of ingredients and raw materials to make our medicine, China could use this dependence as a weapon against us.

Retired Brigadier General John Adams told FOX News that China would not hesitate to consider weaponizing its dominance of the pharmaceuticals market.

Drug Shortage Reported

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already reported the first shortage of a human drug because of the COVID-19 outbreak, but they have not released the name of the drug. The FDA is taking special note of almost a dozen products manufactured in China.

This first shortage is compounding already-existing concerns that the coronavirus has the potential to disrupt the medical supply chain. Some are calling for action to bring more drug manufacturing back to the U.S. as worries grow around the safety of generic drugs made overseas. Many active ingredients in generic pharmaceuticals are sourced from China and other countries.

The FDA says the Covid-19 outbreak will likely impact the medical product supply chain, including potential disruptions to supply or shortages of critical medical products in the U.S.  There are big risks with China becoming America’s pharmacy.

Worse yet, drugs to treat symptoms of Coronavirus are all manufactured in China. President Trump is calling on US industries to manufacture drugs here at home, instead of outsourcing to China. Drug companies — which now rely on China for active ingredients that go into antibiotics, heart medicines and other drugs we need to stay alive — should be the first to respond to Trump’s plea.

Chinese Drug Contaminants

In 2018, a common blood pressure medicine made in China was recalled by the FDA because batches of it may have contained a chemical that’s used to induce cancer in lab rats.

The Heparin scare in 2008 that killed 81 Americans was all because of America’s purchase of Chinese Heparin when the U.S. was at a shortage.  The Heparin was sold to companies such as Baxter International, Inc., in Deerfield, Ill., and they used it in blood-thinner products.

The incident added to fear about the safety of products made in China first raised in 2007 when the industrial poison melamine was found in pet food that sickened and killed hundreds of U.S. cats and dogs. Melamine was also later found in dairy products, including baby formula made in China, blamed for sickening thousands of infants and killing four.  China seems to be a major source of counterfeit drugs as well. Fake drugs have killed thousands, most originate in China and India and have been found to contain everything from printer ink and paint to arsenic.

The Chinese have peddled numerous toxic products to American consumers including everything from children’s toys to adult vitamins to pet foods.  The U.S. government regularly stops more poisonous or faulty products at the border that were imported from Red China than from any other nation. China’s monopoly on medical supplies and drugs come with great risks.  (Bowing to Beijing by Brett Decker)

State Department Employee Ignores Orders

President Trump is furious with the State Department after an employee ignored his orders and allowed Americans infected with the coronavirus to return to the U.S. from Japan.The employee, Ian Brownlee decided that he was going to send them all back anyway on two separate airplanes.

The CDC did not want them returned on the same plane with those not infected with the disease, but Brownlee said it was safe because they were kept in an isolation area. The thing is nobody knows if the isolation area was even effective or not.

Brownlee should be fired immediately for ignoring orders and probably spreading the virus, and perhaps for murder.


President Trump has a huge health situation on his hands.  Pray for him and the people who are working to stem this virus in America.  Weeks ago, airline traffic going in and out of our country probably should have been shut down.

The President announced new strict travel “edicts”  affecting Iran, Italy and South Korea after Covid-19 claimed the first American life in Washington State.  He also confirmed he’s looking to potentially tighten the U.S.-Mexico border. I’d like the border closed.

Coronavirus Hysteria, The Patent – Don’t Ignore This

By: Devvy

CORVID-19 or the outbreak of this particular coronavirus, has created mass panic and hysteria around the globe. Much of it comes from yellow “journalism” by the corrupt MSM and some independent media with their click-bait headlines and conspiracy theories.

There’s no question the outbreak started in Wuhan over in Communist China. In my February 17, 2020 column, Coronavirus, the Economy and What to Do, I included this:

REVENGE of the 12 MONKEYS: Nature Science Journal Warned about “Pathogens Escaping” Wuhan Level-4 Biosafety Lab (BSL-4) Before Coronavirus Outbreak; Infected Monkeys Bite, Scratch Researchers

“The UK Daily Mail also writes that a SARS virus “escaped in a leak from another [Chinese] lab in 2004…Chinese officials worked to improve safety, but also to expand the country’s capacity to continue to study the very virus its lab had let out.”

“Did you catch that? The lab allowed SARS to escape so they could study its pandemic effects on the population at large.

“In these Chinese labs, scientists there are intentionally infecting monkeys with the coronavirus to see what happens. As the UK Daily Mail writes, this is a very dangerous endeavor, since monkeys often attack researchers (which is understandable, considering they are being murdered by the unethical scientists there):” Rest at link.” If you didn’t read that column, I recommend you do as it contains important information.

Did the Communists deliberately release this coronavirus to test it? If they did it’s costing them trillions in revenues. Or, could one or more workers inside that Wuhan Level 4 Biosafety Lab accidently bring it out not knowing they were infected? If you’re looking at 12-24 days incubation period it could very well be but one thing for sure, the Chinese government will never admit it.

As with any other situation one should start at the origin and go forward. Like probably 98% of the people on this planet, I had no idea what a coronavirus is but reading the Internet one would think the black plague had hit the world and the end of mankind is just over the horizon.

Yes, a staggering number of people have died in Communist China. Not the few thousand they are advertising, but likely tens of thousands based on the more credible sources I’ve used for research. Remember: The Communist Chinese ALWAYS lie. They knew about this back in November but it wasn’t until a month later the world started to get a preview of what had been going on over there. In the meantime, MILLIONS of their citizens were on the move and when they quarantined Wuhan, five MILLION managed to escape out into the world.

Now it’s spread to dozens of countries although at this point in time some have 1, 2 or perhaps a half dozen cases. The problem with this particular coronavirus: it’s highly contagious. We know some who were cleared came down with it again within two weeks. There is now one reported case of a patient’s dog diagnosed with it.

When I say this particular coronavirus, that sounds like there’s more than one. Well, I’ve been getting educated on this so let’s take a look.

What is a coronavirus in humans?

Human Coronavirus Types

“Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. There are four main sub-groupings of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.

“Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. The seven coronaviruses that can infect people are:

Common human coronaviruses

  1. 229E (alpha coronavirus)
  2. NL63 (alpha coronavirus)
  3. OC43 (beta coronavirus)
  4. HKU1 (beta coronavirus)

Other human coronaviruses

  1. MERS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS)
  2. SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS)
  3. SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19)

“People around the world commonly get infected with human coronaviruses 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1.

“Sometimes coronaviruses that infect animals can evolve and make people sick and become a new human coronavirus. Three recent examples of this are 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV.”

What Is Coronavirus? “The first case of Human coronavirus was found in the year 1960 in a patient suffering from a common cold. The name ‘corona’ was given to the virus based on its crown-shaped when viewed from an electron microscope. Such viruses are often harmless and may cause mild respiratory tract infection, especially during the winter season. People often get infected with coronavirus at some point in their lives, get recovered and may get the infection again after a few months.

“Causes Of Human Coronavirus Spread Human coronavirus often affects the respiratory tract of a person. The infected fluid in the tract gets transmitted to other people during coughing or sneezing. Also, if the infected person sneezes or coughs in the open air without covering their mouth, the virus spreads in the air through the dispersed droplets. The other reasons for the spread of the virus are shaking hands with the infected person, touching the infected object/surface accompanied by touching the nose or mouth simultaneously and touching the patient’s excreta in rare cases.”

While some patients exhibited no symptoms before being diagnosed, the common ones are – citing from the link above: “People with a weak immune system or who are older have a higher chance of getting infected by the virus and getting serious illnesses like pneumonia or respiratory tract disorder.”

As far as I can find, only one child has come down with it so far but who knows? Could be more but until that information becomes public, we just don’t know. We don’t know the medical history of any of the patients who have died – except one. In the case of Red China, how many already had other conditions that made contracting a coronavirus even more dangerous for them? Pneumonia, compromised auto-immune systems, respiratory ailments and so forth. We don’t know.

One thing we do know about Communist China: Their air quality is so polluted for all we know thousands of those who’ve died already had respiratory problems. These photos are PRE-CORVID-19.

What we do know from a common sense standpoint is when your immune system is weak, your body cannot naturally fend off viruses or diseases or mend itself. This particular coronavirus appears to be a nasty one but from all I’ve read, once warmer weather comes, there’s high probability less and less people will get it.

In the meantime, knee-jerk hysteria around the globe is just adding to the very volatile situation regarding the world’s economy – including ours. Italy is a good example. Yes, all countries governments should come out and keep their people informed and up to date. Yes, precautions should be taken and they are in the more developed countries.

Yes, we’re justifiably worried about children and schools. So were administrators last year here where I live in W. Texas when we had a regular old winter flu outbreak. The district closed the schools for two days and scrubbed them down as well as all the school buses. Teachers stayed on all the kids from kindergarten to high school: Wash your hands all day long. If you cough, cover your mouth. Oregon coronavirus patient is grade-school employee; school closed for deep cleaning, officials say

Now, I am a part-time substitute teacher here and last year I had an eighth grader (boy) who started coughing as soon as class started. I knew right away it was whooping cough. He didn’t cover his mouth so I offered him a Kleenex and took him into the hall. I nicely told him to get his back pack and go to the office. He said he really didn’t feel good. I told the class the student didn’t feel well and went home. Recklessly, too many parents send their kids to school when they know they’re sick because they have to work and no babysitter available.

I’ve never had a flu shot and never will; haven’t had a vaccine since I was 5 years old. The last time I had the flu was in 1993 and it lasted eight days; very bad. I do everything I can to stay healthy and keep my immune system tough. If you have respiratory problems or smoke, there is one product you may wish to try (and this is not medical advice so calm down FDA ghouls). I know two people who had – had being the operative word – ‘smokers cough’. After using Allertrex, they said their lungs have never been healthier and no more coughing. They use it every day.

Some schools are considering doing classes at home via computers. While this is not ideal and wouldn’t work for more than a couple hours with the little people as I call them (K-3rd graders), if the number of cases in a particular town or city skyrockets, you have to keep those students at home. Bad for homes where both parents work.

Some companies have already gone to having employees where it’s feasible, work at home for now. It just depends on the company, location and so forth. At least they are trying to protect their employees while keeping business going.

Not so in Red China and other countries using sweat shops for “American” corporations where you have a thousand souls crammed in warehouse type work places. Prime petri dishes for spreading a coronavirus. In underdeveloped countries where it’s starting to hit, personal hygiene, superstitions about medicines and not enough information coming from their governments, I believe will contribute to higher numbers of cases and deaths.

Yes, there is a patent on coronaviruses that has erupted into something sinister. Patents on research are as common as sand on the beach.It’s done to protect inventors or an entity. This particular US Patent that has people so worked up was filed by The Pirbright Institute. You can view it here and here.

ABSTRACT: “The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The corona-virus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.”

The Pirbright Institute is described as a charitable foundation. It’s funded by all the usual philanthropists like the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation. Its roots are Great Britain. This is their official web site. This page is their ‘partnerships’ meaning where the dough comes from.

This is their page dedicated to viruses – who knew there were so many? When you hit on the C list of viruses (looking for coronavirus), it’s not on their list.Why? Remember #7 above under human coronaviruses? SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19) See? No conspiracy.

Without skipping a beat, the Hollywood whores and their equals in the Democratic/Communist Party USA imbiciles in Congress have been yelling this past week that Trump is either responsible for what happened in Wuhan or “isn’t doing enough”.

No doubt Trump will be blamed for this incompetence. Trump is the President of these united States of America. He doesn’t work at the CDC: Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential Spread of CoronavirusThe CDC designed a flawed test for COVID-19, then took weeks to figure out a fix so state and local labs could use it. New York still doesn’t trust the test’s accuracy.

HHS Secretary Alex Azar: 3,625 Patients Tested by CDC for Coronavirus So Far – 40 Labs Across US Able to Test for Virus Starting Tomorrow, Feb. 27, 2020

Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until ‘Millions’ Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency (I particularly like the ‘St. Barack of Obama’)

However, we do have the finest medical doctors and facilities in the world and I do believe as Trump said in his first presser last week that the CDC is working with governors, state and local officials and labs and hospitals all over the country. Trump held another presser this past Saturday giving updates.

The cases that seriously concern me are the ones called ‘community transfer’ meaning the affected has not traveled and does not know anyone else diagnosed with this coronavirus strain. That individual came in contact with someone infected who probably doesn’t even know they have the CORVID-19.

We are now up to four people in three states; the patient in Washington state sadly has died. Apparently, the man had “underlying health conditions”. A community outbreak would be disastrous.

The CDC, as a result of the woman from Solano County, CA being admitted to UC Davis, put boots on the ground immediately and have been canvassing to find out every person she’s been in contact with the last month but it could be anyone at a grocery store. An enormous undertaking but one that has to be done. Could it all blow up and become thousands? Yes, but I hope Americans pray that does not happen. Up to ONE HUNDRED health workers were exposed to the ‘unknown origin’ coronavirus patient who took four DAYS to diagnose – as it’s revealed she came into contact with three students who are now in self-quarantine

Coronavirus patient says disease ‘not the scary thing that everyone thinks it is’

American Man Recovering From Coronavirus Speaks Out From Quarantine…Earlier Bout With Bronchitis Was Worse  [VIDEO]

We the people can do our part by washing our hands many times a day. Cough into your hankie or a tissue. Don’t send your sick child to school. Hopefully you have been doing right by keeping your immune system in top notch condition.

As I mentioned in my Feb. 17th column, I take the wonder supplement, Allicin-C. It is an antiviral, antibacterial supplement I swear by having used it after surgery twice when the anti-biotics prescribed did not work. I then added it to my daily supplements. Sources: Amazon, and Life Extension

We warned this would happen. It is totally wrong not to tell the American people what drugs but I know why. So people don’t ask their doctors for prescription refills before the refill date. Especially medications for the heart, cancers and other very serious conditions.

First US drug shortage due to coronavirus announced in the US as FDA warns nearly 200 pharmaceutical firms the outbreak could throttle their Chinese factories

“The coronavirus outbreak has caused the first drug shortage in the US. The US Food and Drug Administration announced the shortage Thursday night, the health agency declined to identify the drug.

“A manufacturer has alerted us to a shortage of a human drug that was recently added to the drug shortages list,” Hahn said in the statement. “The manufacturer just notified us that this shortage is related to a site affected by coronavirus.”

“The FDA has contacted more than 180 drug manufacturers since January 24, asking them to evaluate their supply chains related to China.”

If it gets really bad hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, assisted living – they will all get medications and other cocktails used first if supplies get dangerously low. I know Trump and his teams are working on this huge problem.

Panic in the markets

As more cases were reported, the stock market started to react. These are investors who do have good reason to be concerned. The biggest worry is the supply chain. I covered some of this in my aforementioned February 17th column. Now it’s starting to pop up:

American Brides Face A Shortage Of Wedding Dresses Thanks To Coronavirus Outbreak

I have not seen this where I live or any reporting kind but don’t doubt it’s happening simply because the greatest majority of Americans are not preppers. They are NOT prepared for ANY type of disaster either out of ignorance or they can’t afford food storage, a medical kit, camping stove and propane at the very least.

I purchased my food storage from Legacy in 2014; shelf life until 2039. Provides 3 meals a day for four months (food is delicious); much longer now since I purchased the supply before my husband passed away in 2016. $800.00 but worth every penny and all made in the USA. They also have pet survival kits. There are many food storage companies. You don’t have to purchase such bulk at one time. You might wish to check this out just in case. Being prepared means you don’t have to be part of below:

Panic buying strips store shelves as people stockpile amid coronavirus outbreak with one woman turning her basement into a ‘supermarket’ and a man buying a YEAR’S supply of food which includes 192 tins of SPAM

Brooklyn, NY Costco panic buying over Coronavirus – look at the crowd

Costco runs out of “emergency food kits” following coronavirus outbreak

This is the same flavor of panic that occurred over the ‘nothing burger’ called Y2-K back in 1999. And all those OTC “remedies” mentioned (cough medicines, cold and flu medications, vaporizers, masks)  -are worthless IMHO. Coughing: do some research using a search engine for natural solutions

Yes, major sectors are being badly torched: tourism, airlines and others. (The travel industry is suffering its worst shock since 9/11 because of coronavirus) When goods aren’t being manufactured, they don’t get shipped. When they don’t get shipped into the U.S. sales go into the toilet. No question this virus is having a negative impact on economic growth in several countries – Red China big time. Just how bad it gets here is yet to be determined, but I predict we will soon start feeling it.

But that doesn’t mean everyone should panic – especially business owners. Like any other problem, you find the cause and make a plan. As I said earlier, scientists who know more about this than I ever will believe it will greatly shrink when warmer weather hits; that would be ‘recovery time’.

It’s like a huge cauldron of spaghetti. A very complicated network. Ain’t globalism great? Anyway, so far trillions of dollars lost. Last week was very bad for the markets. Monday the 24th the Dow closed down 1,031.61. Tues it closed down 879.44. Wed some relief closing down at 123.77.

Thursday was madness again at down 1,190.95. Friday was another schizophrenic day. Down 983, down 813, down 727, down 999.36 and closing at down 357.28. They must have brought in the Plunge Protection Team.

At the same time, gold was shooting for the moon – at least for a few days. Last Thursday gold was $1644 an ounce at closing but Friday morning and throughout the day it dropped like a rock to end at $1585.50. It is still at a high but to those who don’t follow precious metals, they only see the small picture.

Why would gold and silver drop so badly when they should have skyrocketed and stayed? Many of us believe it’s because of the stock sell off. Gold is easy (when there is enough of a supply to meet demand) to convert to cash and all those sell offs needed cash now.

Naturally, stock market brokers and their mouthpieces are telling you it’s a great time to buy low in the market. Get those great deals! Well, here’s a news flash: The world economy including ours is still a massive bubble which I thoroughly covered in my Jan. 6, 2020 column, Warning About the “Best Economy in Fifty Years”

Not all of the story, but a big factor: HIDDEN IN THE DETAILS: The Market Downturn is Being Blamed on Fears of Coronavirus But Several Experts Claim It’s Due to Actions By the Fed

This Caronavirus outbreak most assuredly has thrown gasoline onto the bonfire, but the stock market has been so over valued for years. Corrections are normal but what we’re seeing is not. Here are a few items you should take the time to read by individuals who actually tell the truth about money and markets.

As I have relayed before, Smith does not like Donald Trump but what he writes in this column is absolutely accurate and explains the situation quite well. His assessment of Trump I disagree with but not with the fact that those advising him on the economy are the culprits. As the saying goes, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. The Global Economy Was Sinking Long Before The Coronavirus Appeared

The Last Time This Happened Was Days Before The Great Depression

ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT INTERVIEWS OF 2020: Michael Oliver – This Stock Market Crash Will Be A Nuclear Event But Gold Will Surprise

“This Is Serious” – Virus Hunter Who Discovered Ebola Discusses ‘Worst-Case Scenario’ For Coronavirus

Global Yield Curve Inversion Is A Dire Warning Sign

DOW PLUNGES ANOTHER 1,000 And One Of The Greats Warns “The Central Bank Put Is Now Worthless”, Feb. 28, 2020

US Durable Goods Orders Show 6th Straight Month Of Annual Declines

Gold, Bonds And Coronavirus, Only Time In 30 Years, Plus A Trapped And Desperate Fed

Unsold Class 8 Inventories Balloon To Second Highest In Industry History (When consumers get spooked they stop buying.)

$5 Trillion Wiped Out From World Stocks Amid Fastest Collapse In History

Despite Pullback, Gold Will Continue Exponential Rise, Coronavirus And Stock Market Plunge, Plus Gold, Silver And Miner Update, James Turk (Listen)

Sitting on a corn fake, waiting for the banks to blow:

Wall Street Banks, Insurers Sell Off — Dangerously Linked by Derivative Trades, Feb. 25, 2020

Why Would Goldman Sachs and BofA Throw Gasoline on the Stock Market Fire Yesterday? Feb. 28, 2020: “But the declines among the mega Wall Street banks pale in comparison to the losses of the life insurance companies that serve as counter parties to Wall Street banks’ derivative trades. Losses in shares of Lincoln National, Ameriprise Financial, Prudential Financial and Voya Financial have far exceeded the big banks’ losses. Lincoln National, for example, has lost 20.14 percent since last Friday’s close.” DISATROUS.

Fed Repos Have Plowed $6.6 Trillion to Wall Street in Four Months; That’s 34% of Its Feeding Tube During Epic Financial Crash, Jan. 27, 2020: “Why is it essential to report on the cumulative tally that the New York Fed pumped during the crisis and is doing once again to Wall Street’s trading houses? As L. Randall Wray wrote in 2011 to explain Levy’s calculations: “The cumulative lending by the Fed contributes to our understanding of the depths of their [the Wall Street banks’] problems.”

Jamie Dimon’s Remarks on Discount Window Add to Market Panic, Feb. 27, 2020

Fed’s Stress Tests on Banks Should Have Factored in a Pandemic, Feb. 26, 2020

There Was a Flash Crash in the Stock Market Yesterday: Here’s Why You Should Be Very Concerned, Feb. 21, 2020

We Are Watching The Stock Market Do Things That It Has Never Done Before – Read what happened in just six days.

I know this column is long but I have to get this last one in as I want you to be as informed as possible. U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams issued a statement asking people to stop buying face masks. Because there is a shortage, hospitals and health care workers across the spectrum will not have them putting themselves and patients at further risk.

Yes, the U.S. government has ordered millions of them but having been a contracting specialist for the U.S. Air Force, government procurement is very slow but under emergency declarations, the normal route is set aside.

WATCH this 4-minute video and get facts about those masks. You’ll be surprised. I won’t waste my money.

Americans are resilient and We the People have made it through many health scares as well as 9/11. Panic only makes things worse. Make a plan whether as an individual or if you are a business owner. Be sure to monitor elderly parents or grandparents. And above all, pray to our Heavenly Father for strength, guidance and mercy.

(I’m not a precious metals dealer but my friend, Rob Westfall is and he knows what’s best and what to stay away from. Give him a holler in Florida at: 813.977.7200 – Like DNA, gold and silver don’t lie and now is the best time to protect what you have – unlike investors seeing trillions go up in smoke. Remember a lot of pension funds are in the market.)

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Politicians Say And Do The Darnedest Things

Frosty Wooldridge

Isn’t it totally amazing to see politicians speak? Aren’t you excited as to all the solutions they promise on their campaign tours?  How about all those promises they make with your tax dollars?

Today, in America, most of us enjoy reasonably positive lives. Most of us work jobs. Most of us live in an apartment or home. Most of us enjoy food, family and television. Most of us love our country. Most of us own a smart phone. We go dancing or hiking. We celebrate with our family and friends.  Let’s face it, we’ve got it pretty good in America.

Yet, if you listen to the campaigns from Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, Mike Bloomberg, Mayor Pete (can’t pronounce his last name), Sleepy Joe Biden, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris and the rest of them—America can’t survive another four years of Trump.  We’re all going to hell in a handbasket.  This country is being led by a racist and everyone who voted him into office can only be one thing: a racist.

But let’s look at what’s really going on in Washington DC.  First of all, Bernie Sanders never held a job before wiggling his way into Congress. Reports say that he lived on food stamps, welfare and handouts.  He’s never passed a single bill in all his years in Congress.  But, he’s going to solve all of our problems as president.  At the same time, he honors Fidel Castro as a progressive and thinks Venezuela meets the benchmark for the successes of socialism.   Sanders neglects to mention that Castro executed anyone who disagreed with him and he kept Cuba in the economic prison of the 1950’s to this day.  Freedom in Cuba: none!  And, Venezuela, Bernie, I need to speak with you about that place.  Its people are starving to death.

Yet, at 78, and one heart attack already, when will the next one hit? Sanders keeps scolding anyone who supports Trump.  Why would an old man past his prime want to work in a job that carries SO much stress and will give him another heart attack that might kill him?  As Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  From my 50 years of watching them, politicians prove themselves the strangest breed of cat on the planet.

Liz Warren may go down in history with her right and left hands having waved to the most people on the planet.  She lied her way into college as a Native America.  She lied her way into a college teaching position by calling herself a Native American.  Yet, she demands integrity and honesty above all else in her screeching career in the U.S. Senate.  Could that lady lead America if she won the White House?  Could she pass a 9th grade math test on balancing a budget?

Then, you see Mayor Pete.  He makes sense. He served in the military. He’s the mayor of a large city.  He’s slim, trim and fit.  But then, you see him kissing his husband in public, and, oh my God, exactly how will that go over with maleness in America? Can you imagine how that would go over with international meetings with Muslims in the Middle East?  Lord, we live in confusing times.

Of course, Mini-Mike Bloomberg apologizes for everything under the sun.  He stopped the mass shootings in New York City with “stop and frisk”, but now, he made a mistake even though it stopped over 700 murders, annually.  Whether it’s Detroit, Chicago or NYC, why do minorities kill each other with such zestful gusto?  Anybody ever thought about talking differences out?  While Bloomberg tries to ‘buy’ the White House in order to save America from itself, why doesn’t he or the rest of the candidates actually work to solve the basic problems causing all the rest of our problems?

Okay, Sleepy Joe Biden. Time Magazine’s Molly Ball reported, “They’ve been very careful how they handle Biden.  He’s like a porcelain candidate—they don’t expose him very much.   Biden often wanders around in his mind searching for the end of  his sentences, cutting off digressions with an apologetic “anyway.”   The fast-talking politician has been replaced by an old man who can’t stop talking about the past.”

At 78, and having served in Congress over 40 years and as vice president, he has made zero impact on the American landscape.  The question remains: what makes an old man keep churning into the public eye?  He’s only in touch with his understanding of America from a ‘royal’ point of view and totally not in touch with what’s going on in present-day America.

To complicate the field, billionaire Tom Steyer entered with excellent solutions based on his business acumen.  But he never caught the public’s attention.  From my own perspective, I felt that Tulsi Gabbard and Marianne Williamson presented the problems of America and solutions the most effectively, but once again, the main stream media actually ‘picks’ who wins and who loses.

Ironically, all those career politicians from Sanders, Warren and Biden—did nothing to secure our borders, stop two 19 year-long wars, voted to fund those wars, voted us into a $23 trillion debt, watch our oceans face 5.5 trillion pieces of plastic, watched the immigration invasion by doing nothing, and did nothing about another dozen enormous challenges facing our country.  They would bring their same old “solutions” that have not solved anything in their entire Congressional careers.  Einstein said, “If you keep doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result, it’s the definition of insanity.”

At this point, our racial divide equals the Grand Canyon.  Our national debt equals the height of Mt. Everest.  We face two opposing political camps that refuse to work together for the good of the American people.  We’ve got parallel societies and ethnic groups plotting against our own country in the Muslim Brotherhood and La Rasa.  Our politicians refuse to deal with reality or realistic solutions.  Bernie, Liz and Joe won’t save America or any of us.

Whether you love him or hate him, Trump actually works for the best interests of Americans.  Yes, he’s bombastic and carries a super ego. At the same time, he’s getting things done.  And,  he’s succeeding in many, many ways.

In the end, you and I must save our country first in our own homes, second in our own communities, third in our own states

and fourth, voting people into office who actually take logical actions to make America better.

Finally, we must all pull together.  Wouldn’t you agree?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Democrats’ Attempt To Remove Trump Not Over, Part 3

Roger Anghis

The Democrats will not stop until they are pulled from power or until they remove Trump from office. When the Republicans retake the majority in the House this fall all this will stop but the Democrats will have other plans up their sleeve to try to force Trump from office.

I believe that the Democrats are really stupid in their quest to remove Trump.  The plans they have laid out are very detailed and require an enormous amount of cooperation from an enormous amount of people so in that sense they are very smart.  But the reality of it is they’ve spent millions on trying to dig dirt on him only to expose the dirt on themselves. This will not bode well for them in the end. They’ve pulled out all the stops in hopes that they’ll be successful and then all that has been exposed about them will simply go away.  But the likelihood of them being successful is so remote that they would be better off trying to prove unicorns actually exist. After all, they’ve spent at least $45 million between the Mueller Report and the impeachment investigation and found nothing he did wrong. They’ve gone too far to stop.

In January of this year a psyco, er, excuse me, a ‘psychiatrist’ called for a mental health hold on Trump after he, wait for it, ordered a drone strike n a military leader that has maimed thousands of Americans and killed about 600.  Now that’s really something that we need a mental health exam for, killing our enemies.  This proves that they are just grasping at straws, but they forgot they outlawed straws. A Yale psychiatrist who has warned of the dangers of President Donald Trump’s mental health for years urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to request a mental health hold of the president after he ordered a drone strike that killed a top Iranian general.

Bandy X. Lee, a professor of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine, founded the World Mental Health Coalition after convening a conference at Yale on the president’s mental health. She is the editor of the book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President” and more recently was joined by psychiatrists at universities around the U.S. in calling for the House of Representatives to convene a panel of mental health experts to weigh in on the president’s impeachment proceedings.

Lee recently told Salon that Pelosi has not done enough to respond to the president.

“As a co-worker, she has the right to have him submit to an involuntary evaluation, but she has not,” she said. “I am beginning to believe that a mental health hold, which we have tried to avoid, will become inevitable.”

Lee told Salon this week that the president’s decision to order the drone killing of a top Iranian general was further evidence that Pelosi should do more to rein in Trump. The Pentagon said on Thursday that Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and widely considered the second-most powerful official in Iran. Democrats quickly warned that the escalation threatens to plunge the U.S. into a full-blown war with Iran.[1] I think this ‘psychiatrist needs the evaluation more than Trump does.

I was not aware that defeating your enemies was grounds for the need for a mental health review.  Of course, Democrats would never treat our enemies that way.  Obama gave Solimani a pass, but then Obama was muslim and sided with his ‘brothers’.  Obama also gave Iran not just a pathway to a nuclear bomb but gave them $150 billion to help fund it and their world-wide terrorism.  That’s what Democrats do.  They make Americans pay for their education and healthcare but demand that people that cross our southern border illegally get theirs free.  Remember, no one is above the law except illegals that vote Democrat and Democrats that break the law.

Earlier this year Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson were on a phone call and Trump abruptly stopped the call when Boris refused to follow Trump’s advice on not allowing Huawei to develop their 5G network. Trump had a good reason. Huawei has stabbed us in the back.  They are technology thieves and they could create problems for us in Britain.  There Trump goes again, looking out for America’s best interests, something the Democrats absolutely can’t stand.  The prime minister had been one of Trump’s few close international allies, with the president labeling Johnson “fantastic,” a “good man,” and “Britain Trump.”

Relations broke down in recent weeks, however, following a series of high-profile threats from Trump and a series of pointed interventions against Trump by Johnson and senior members of his government.

The call last month, which one source described to the Financial Times as “very difficult,” came after Johnson defied Trump and allowed the Chinese telecom company Huawei the rights to develop the UK’s 5G network.

Johnson backed Huawei despite multiple threats by Trump and his allies that the US would withdraw security cooperation with the UK if the deal went ahead. The US fears that Huawei’s technology could have backdoors for the Chinese government.

Trump’s threats reportedly “irritated” the UK government, with Johnson frustrated at the president’s failure to suggest any alternatives.

Following the call, US Vice President Mike Pence said the Trump administration had made its disappointment with the UK “very clear to them.” [2]

With the hatred that is in the Democrat Party for anything Trump, we will continue to see them barking up every tree until November.  The latest act of pure idiocy was his tweet about the outrageous sentence for Roger Stone.  Nine years for doing what Comey, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton and many others have done and are walking around free as a bird.  Mr. Trump has also been hit by an unexpected rebuke from his attorney general over the Roger Stone case, with William Barr saying he will not be “bullied” and that the president’s tweeting about an active case makes it difficult for him to do his job.

However, the public rebuttal was a move that ex-Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele warned was “carefully staged” to appease disgruntled Justice Department prosecutors.

Meanwhile, a new book on Mr. Trump,​ Sinking in the Swamp, offers the bizarre detail that the president nurtures an obsession with badgers, regularly plaguing his first chief of staff Reince Preibus with questions about the animals and their characteristics. [3]

The attack is real and will not stop. Trump needs our prayers daily to protect him. So far everything they’ve tried to nail him on it has been proven that they themselves are guilty of. He is a strong man and I believe that God put him there for such a time as this. He’s a street fighter and that’s just what we need, that’s just what we got.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Yale psychiatrist urges Pelosi request 72 hour mental health hold on Trump after Iran attack
  2. Boris Johnson cancelled planned trip
  3. Trump news live president threatens

Franklin Graham Prohibited From Preaching In U.K.

Rev. Austin Miles
Franklin Graham was scheduled to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the United Kingdom. What a treat this would have been for the U,K. What a gift this would have been for everyone fortunate enough to be at his meetings. Rev. Graham is the founder of, Samaritan’s Purse. where ministers who have been trained for the work of a chaplain, go to areas where disaster has struck, not only bringing hope, but portable hospitals, food, medicine and shelter to deal with the elements.
All who go to these areas are volunteers with one desire in mind, to bring hope to all who have been devastated by the cruelty of nature. Rev. Graham and the volunteers go to these places to bring encouragement to all during the worst time of their lives, while expecting absolutely nothing in return. They are there to GIVE. We’ve heard many testimonies from people stating that there is no way they could have made it, physically or mentally, had it not been for Samaritan’s Purse and Franklin Graham.
Rev. Graham’s UK tour, scheduled to begin in June, was to include Glasgow, Newcastle, Sheffield, Milton Keynes, Cardiff, Birmingham, and London. Over a million people were looking forward to the visit.  Everything had been planned and prepared.  However, let us give credit where credit is due.
There is an entity who wishes only harm and suffering amongst the people of the world. He wants nobody to be happy, or  prosperous.  That is why this entity spends extra time trying to sabotage marriages, wanting only to see strife in the home which also affects the children of those families so terribly that many grow up to become criminals and con-men.  

While this entity is very real, he is clever enough to try and convince the world that, now get this, he does not exist. That is the most preposterous lie ever devised. This can be said without wavering since the most famous book in the world, read by millions of people all over the world have been advised to avoid contact with this dangerous entity.

So who is this mysterious entity?  None other than his satanic majesty, the devil. A background check on him revealed that he once worked with God as an angel, a very high position. He was called, Lucifer-The Angel of Light.  Lucifer introduced PRIDE into Heaven. Seeing how God was universally worshipped, Lucifer foolishly tried to kick God out of heaven so he could take over and receive all the adulation.
It was Lucifer who got kicked out of heaven, not God.  When he recovered from the fall to earth, Satan began recruiting disciples who could carry out his evil mission on earth while pulling in all the evil spirits in existence.  It became a settled fact that where there is good, evil is nearby.  Satan made certain of this so we wouldn’t become too confident in life.
The one thing all the devil’s disciples agreed upon was to do some satanic publicity strategies by circulating “information” that the devil does not exist but in the minds of feeble people. Attacks on The Bible itself began to arise, with efforts to keep all of Scripture under wraps.  Hostility against Christianity became commonplace.  The one thing Satan did not, DOES NOT want, is for the Word of God to get out in any fashion. Just to hear the Word of God can change lives, which brings us to the current headlines.
Rev. Franklin Graham has just learned that his preaching tour of the UK has been CANCELLED.   By who??  No surprise here. By the LGBTQU, a mentally sick organization of misfits who want to keep Sodom and Gomorrah in place and stated that Dr. Graham’s views are incompatible with LGBTQU views. You bet they are. But it is to be recognized that God forgives sin.
ACC Liverpool, where Graham was scheduled to speak in June as part of a tour of the UK, made the announcement with this crazy statement:  “We can no longer reconcile the balance between freedom of speech, and the divisive impact this event is having in this city.”  How’s that again?  
This is garbage! Rev. Graham and his father Evangelist Billy Graham have consistently done the opposite.  They have brought people together as they learn that we were created by God who made us all in His likeness and has a purpose for each and every life on earth, meaning we must respect one another.
“I’m not coming to the U.K. to speak against anybody,” Rev. Graham said in a public statement. “I am coming to speak for everybody.  The Gospel is inclusive. I’m not coming out of hate, I’m coming out of love.”
Remember, Franklin Graham was not coming to just talk to LGBTQU folk even though they would be welcome to come.. They are a minority of the citizenship of any country. There are thousands upon thousands of regular people who want to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but apparently, if the LGBTQU folk say, ‘you folks are not allowed to see or hear this cause it offends us and we don’t like it, then so be it’….this is the wishes of a divergent group of people that affects ALL of us.  This is insane! 
What is most intriguing is that the so called “gay” community, whose sexual habits would disgust most people if it was known what they do, are now able to dictate what the rest of the world sees, or hears. This is brainwashing and is going to stop.  And Satan, their sponsor, has the goal to corrupt everyone on earth, meaning, to keep them out of God’s Hand. Better think about that.
So what about the temptations Satan places on us?  First of all, Satan cannot tempt you. He can only make a suggestion or idea that might be appealing. Stop his goal right there. When he makes a suggestion, be like the traffic cop–‘keep moving–you cannot stop here!’  His idea is to make you think about what was suggested. The more you think about it the more appealing the idea becomes. THEN it becomes a temptation that one might not be able to withstand. Stop it before it starts.
This is why we need unchained Christian witnesses in the world today. Think about this readers.  Let us relearn what ‘courtesy’ means along with honesty.  Let us all realize that yes there IS an entity called Satan.  Do not fall for his wiles.
And for the officials in the UK:  What on earth are you thinking?  Your job is to protect the people, not hand them over to any enemy that wants them for any reason. Don’t slam the door on the Rev. Franklin Graham. Welcome him.  He is there to encourage the people.
God Bless Franklin Graham. We need more like him in this world.
EXTRA NOTE: LBTQU stands for Lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, queer, and undecided.
© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Austin Miles:

The New Tolerance

Mike Spaulding

Thus says the Lord of hosts, “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you.They are leading you into futility;they speak a vision of their own imagination,not from the mouth of the Lord.“They keep saying to those who despise Me,‘The Lord has said, “You will have peace”’;And as for everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart,they say, ‘Calamity will not come upon you.’ —Jeremiah 23:16-17

Are you a watcher? I mean do you pay attention to the times we live in? Are you aware of the shift in what is considered to be polite and impolite conversation culturally speaking? Let me zero in specifically on evangelism.  Have you noticed the huge shift in the methods of presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

I believe that many of the new approaches to evangelism are not well thought out and lack clear biblical support.  The reason so many of these new emergent and hipster strategies are gaining a foothold in churches is because too many Christians have succumbed to new definitions of old words. Our society has determined that new definitions are needed in order to rationalize ungodly behavior.  A case in point is the word tolerance.

In America tolerance once meant that everyone had a right to express their viewpoint and everyone had a right to disagree with a viewpoint.  Today tolerance means that everyone has a right to express a viewpoint as long as it is a socially acceptable viewpoint.  In other words, if you hold a viewpoint that is contrary to what the society at large believes, you are not free to express yourself.  If you are brave enough to try then you will be met with a very hostile “shout down” by the more enlightened people in our midst.

This has clear implications for telling other people about Jesus Christ. It has become increasingly impolite and in fact culturally incorrect to speak about anyone “needing” Jesus.  The Christian faith is being systematically muted by self-appointed “elites” and apparently many Christians are ok with this development.

Tolerance used to mean defending the right of everyone to state their opinion in the public square of debate. Today tolerance has been redefined to mean that only opinions that are consistent with those ideals espoused by cultural elitists are permitted. Attempts are made to silence all contradictory viewpoints and some are silenced through the weapon of choice for these elitists – government activism. Here are some examples.

Army Lt. Colonel Christopher Downey is likely to be discharged after being administratively convicted of violating the military’s open policy concerning gays.  What was Colonel Downey’s crime? He attempted to stop two lesbian Army officers from filming their erotic behavior that included kissing, groping, and disrobing each other while on the dance floor at an official Army officers dance and dinner event.

In another case in point, although certainly not surprising, California officials have once again passed irrational and convoluted legislation. The California legislature along with Governor Jerry Brown recently signed into law a bill that permits all public school children to self-identify their gender and based on that self-identification choose which restroom facilities they will use. This self-identification even allows boys to participate on girls’ sports teams and vice versa.

Perhaps the single issue that more than any other provides proof of the redefinition of tolerance is the culture war surrounding same-sex marriage.  This is the most hotly contested issue of our day.   But if cultural elitists have their way, all viewpoints that fall short of affirming and celebrating same-sex marriage will not only be silenced but criminalized.

Intolerance is now state sanctioned. Did that statement startle you?  If so what I want you to do now is ask yourself why you are startled by that comment.  Saying that intolerance, specifically intolerance toward Christians and Christianity is now a government mandated practice is easily proven from the abundant evidence all around us.

Examples are plentiful. For many years now, the federally funded National Endowment for the Arts has financially supported all expressions of art that serve no other purpose than to desecrate Christian symbols and sensitivities.  Compared to other examples this now seems tame.

The US Government’s continues to purge our military of chaplains who insist on praying in Jesus name while simultaneously increasing the number of Islamic imams and Wiccan leadership who denounce Jesus Christ; the suspension of teachers who attempt to teach creation or who dare speak of evolution as theory, and the now notoriously famous re-education of Christians who have refused to cow-tow to political correctness run amok and have stood instead on their convictions that certain behavior is sinful no matter how much government cover and celebratory nonsense it is shrouded in.

Of far more concern than our government’s predictable behavior however, is the behavior of much of the Church.  Pastor, author, and theologian John Stott succinctly describes the present delusion of the church: “Tolerance is not a spiritual gift; it is the distinguishing mark of postmodernism; and sadly, it has permeated the very fiber of Christianity. Why is it that those who have no biblical convictions or theology to govern and direct their actions are tolerated and the standard or truth of God’s Word rightly divided and applied is dismissed as extreme opinion or legalism?”

Some in the Church today have thrown in the towel and raised the white flag of surrender. They have decided that instead of standing firm on conviction and doctrine, it is far more expedient to agree with the latest cultural ideals.

Unfortunately, those who have given up the biblical position concerning marriage have succumbed to the siren song of postmodernism and have become blind to the consequences of their misguided expressions of love.

Christians who continue to hold to the teaching of the Scriptures concerning homosexual behavior should not be surprised at the rapid turn of events being played out in America today.  The tares have certainly been growing among the wheat so that now in many denominations the tares have completely taken over and crowded out the wheat.

A recent “Relationships in America” survey supports this conclusion.  Respondents were asked to give their views concerning a wide range of sexual activity including viewing pornography, premarital cohabitation, abortion rights, open sexual relationships, and the need for marital fidelity.

The survey’s conclusion?  Those confessing Christians who support same-sex marriage hold the same views as the general population. For instance, on the question of viewing pornography, Christians who support same sex marriage also support viewing pornography at a level slightly higher than the general population – 33% to 31%%. On the subject of abortion, Christians who support same-sex marriage also support abortion at a higher level 39% to 37%, than does the general population.  Similar results are demonstrated across the board. This is not holiness friends, this is philosophical assimilation in the least and frankly unrighteousness unmasked.

What is the point in all of this?  Christians who support same-sex marriage are not “cutting edge, compassionate, enlightened, right side of history” types. Rather, they are deceived and drinking the Kool-aide of the enemy who is stealing futures, killing congregations, and destroying their testimony of the God who forgives and saves from all sin.


We started this conversation by observing that tolerance has been redefined to exclude the original idea of freedom of expression to the now sacrosanct notion of celebrating every behavior as normal and right.  This new freedom does not include the freedom to disagree so it is really just freedom to walk in lock-step with the prevailing enlightened ideals of those opposed to historic, biblical Christianity.

What does this mean for Christian evangelism?  It means that Christians need to sharpen their minds and focus on exactly what it is we are trying to speak to our neighbors and friends.  Old techniques of evangelism don’t work for the simple reason that people don’t see anything “good” about the Gospel. For the most part all they hear are dos and don’ts. This leaves us needing to rethink our approach. In other words why is the gospel good news to those we want to speak to?

It is precisely at this point that the Gospel is most clearly seen as relevant to every culture, time, and place.  You see, the problems mankind has wrestled with and sought answers to – namely where is hope to be found, can I find acceptance for who I am, who will love me truly and intimately, and even where can I find tolerance for my views – are all wrapped up in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hope is found in our new identity in Christ, an identity that He hand picks for each of us as His special creation. Acceptance is found in the unfathomable grace we experience as God accepts us in Christ and declares us holy and just in His eyes.  Intimacy is found in the midst of an ongoing love that lifts us up in every circumstance. Finally, even tolerance as the present world defines it is turned upside down as Jesus Christ shows us how to love those different from us and yet remain faithful to proclaim the truth that Christ alone saves.

Friends, don’t be dismayed by the current condition of the American culture. See instead great opportunity to share why the Gospel is great news for everyone.  It truly is a transforming truth.

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E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg