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The Origin of Covid-19, Updated, Part 15

Another flight surgeon, Dr. Peter Chambers, has said that about 75-80% of soldiers getting infected are "double-vaxxed" compared to only about 15% who are not vaccinated. Dr. Chambers himself received the Moderna vaccine in January 2021 and quickly developed "brain fog."

By |2022-04-27T11:28:35-04:00April 27th, 2022|

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 14

Currently, there is a growing concern about a new subvariant, BA.2, which is being increasingly detected in New York and in American wastewater plants in general. Danish scientists believe it is 1.5 times more transmissible that 6 previous variants. A professor of molecular biology at Warwick University, Lawrence Young, recently told CNBC.

By |2022-03-16T01:07:31-04:00March 16th, 2022|

1885 Smallpox Vax Was the Blueprint for Today’s Covid-19 Vax

The killing fields of America are here.  We are at a crossroads.  Death by government and Big Pharma is staring us in the face.  This isn’t the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment by our US Health Department, this isn’t the cancer-causing polio vaccine injections of the 50s, or the plutonium experiments on babies and military in the 40s, all of...

By |2022-02-16T16:52:14-05:00February 15th, 2022|

Nuremberg Code and the COVID-19 “Vaccines”

There are a group of people for whom the phrase “Never Again” has special meaning. We were supposed to have learned our lesson from the Nazis. Lessons about the dangers of rhetoric without evidence, of emotion over reason, of treating groups of people as sub-human. We were supposed to have learned the dangers of unrestrained power and a lack of ethics.

By |2022-02-07T00:27:45-05:00February 7th, 2022|

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 13

As I have written before, the vaccines being used against Covid-19 (which are really gene therapy and not vaccines) have been approved on an experimental basis, and the clinical trials will not even be completed until 2023. Thus, we are just beginning to realize some of the long-term consequences.

By |2022-02-07T00:01:54-05:00February 7th, 2022|

The Covid Narrative Is Collapsing, but We’re Not Out of the Woods!

As for governments, gradually over the past several months one nation after another has seen mass protests: Australia, New Zealand, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic, others. Countries such as Denmark are following the U.K. and ending restrictions. Regime Media is trying as hard as it can to ignore all this.

By |2022-02-05T00:25:56-05:00February 5th, 2022|

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 12

In my book, COVER-UP published a long time ago, I first referred to DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). In January 2018, DARPA first announced selecting 5 teams of researchers to support PREEMPT (Preventing Emerging Pathogenic Threats). On July 19, 2018, DARPA under PREEMPT solicited proposals targeting animal-based viral threats, and which comply with gain-of-function policies.

By |2022-01-19T00:09:48-05:00January 19th, 2022|

Israeli Scientist Blows Down the Covid House of Cards

As I wrote to Tom thanking him for the letter and asking if I could use it, if this doesn’t blow down the covid-19(84) house of cards, then nothing will — short of an actual civilian die-off that will be literally impossible to hide as life insurance companies find themselves overwhelmed with claims and in danger of going under financially.

By |2022-01-19T00:15:47-05:00January 19th, 2022|

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 11

When I asked a physician friend who has treated 1000 Covid-19 patients how Omicron occurred in South Africa at this time, he replied as follows: "The major problem was mass vaccinating into the teeth of a pandemic. Select vaccination campaigns targeting at risk populations (old people, those with co-morbidities associated with a worse outcome) would have been acceptable.

By |2022-01-11T02:28:46-05:00January 11th, 2022|
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