Now that we’ve tried the GREATER EVIL (again)

By Lex Greene

October 3, 2022

The whole world knows that Biden and Harris were chosen by the global communist cabal simply because they are both expendable useful idiots easily controlled by their puppet masters, and easily disposed of when they are no longer useful. Both are total simpletons who made their way to the top lying, cheating, sleeping, and stealing their way there. Now that we can all see the consequences, can we try a much lesser evil now?

Biden won the DNC 2020 nomination with only 30% support within his own party. Harris dropped out of the 2020 presidential DNC primary with less than 1% support from her own party. Yet, useful idiot voters still believe they defeated the most popular president since Ronald Reagan in the 2020 general elections, who received over 11-million more votes in 2020 than in 2016.

The only Americans who still support Biden and Harris, or Schumer and Pelosi, are those who are not even as smart as these morons.

Clearly, there is nothing at all common about common sense these days. Only bassackwards people can’t see just how bassackwards everything is under the failing leadership of Biden and Harris. People who think socialism works but can’t name an example of it actually working or can’t even figure out if they are male or female, also think Joe and Kamala are running the country, when they clearly can’t even read a teleprompter right.

Last week, Kamala gave a speech about what a wonderful long-term ally the USA enjoys with North Korea. She was supposed to say South Korea… Joe, the mindless bumbling stooge that can’t find his own ass using both hands and a GPS, has never been able to get through a teleprompter speech correctly even once in the past five years.

Joe and Kamala were “installed” to office (not elected) no different than how Obama installed his puppet governments, like replacing Mubarak with Morrisey in Egypt, installing Zelensky in Ukraine, and Macron in France, all being removed by their citizens since.

Democrats have labeled republicans “warmongers” for decades, even though, throughout modern history, it has consistently been democrats who led the USA into endless wars. U.S. military forces were at war for all eight years of Obama’s tenure, the first two-term president with that distinction.

Obama launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries during his two terms: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. Obama was attacking sovereign nations, deposing leaders, and installing his own puppet regimes throughout all of his time in the Oval Office. Now Obama continues that global agenda with Biden and Harris as his puppet regime in the USA.

Since Obama’s puppet regime was installed in the USA in January 2021, our country and the entire world has been set ablaze. Never in human history have we witnessed so many “coincidental” catastrophes in a constant steady storm of unlikely crisis after crisis.

  • COVID19

Everything on this list is visible today for all who can see. All who can see are called to defeat this evil with good. Good can win over evil, but only so long as good men and women do the right things, guided, and protected by faith alone. The crises we witness today are merely the natural consequences of evil working much harder than good.

1 John 5:4

“For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.”

But we must remember that “faith without works is dead.”

James 2:20

“How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?”

Those without faith, cannot see truth. They speak as if they are the creators and arbiters of truth, yet they can see and hear no truth at all. Here’s why…for all who selfishly vote in greed, for free gifts from government, and by these means, are merely “bribed.”

Exodus 23:8

“Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see. A bribe makes even a righteous person twist the truth.”

Romans 12:21

“Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.”

If you are a person of faith, then you can see and hear evil and you know what must be done. If you are not a person of faith, then you can’t even tell up from down, much less right from wrong. Don’t bother disagreeing with me on this, you won’t change what I know to be true.

We have to accept the reality that some will not be saved. They don’t want to be saved, they don’t think they need to be saved, and they will never stop voting strictly on the basis of what they think government can do for them.

But the rest of us must unite now, no matter race, creed, color, religion, or gender. All who believe in the gift of Freedom and Liberty, must now meet this evil with overwhelming good. We must direct the future of our country despite the selfish whims of those who have been sold a socialist diet without knowing what they are doing to themselves, much less everyone else.

To my evangelical and ecumenical brothers and sisters, you too have been misled from the pulpit in your faith. The “one world religion” movement you are part of, is merely a religion based global socialist movement within the Christian church and that’s why they teach you to merely “love” and “pray” and otherwise, do nothing good on earth.

In the event that the USA is able to have an election on November 8th, the 74% of Americans who say the country is headed in the wrong direction, will have an opportunity to reverse the direction of the country, peacefully. To accomplish this, we must ALL do three simple things…

  1. We need a 100% IN-PERSON ON ELECTION DAY voter turnout of the 74% who know that the country is headed in the wrong direction.
  2. We must vote united behind the best viable candidates on the ballot. Now is not the time to divide our voting power across dozens of 3rd party candidates, which always allows the “greater evil” to prevail. This time, we must truly “vote our conscience,” not based on emotional knee jerk reactions to trouble in both parties, but focused on the final outcome of the election, based on the best viable candidates available to replace the trash that must be removed.
  3. If we can do #1 and #2, then #3 is to influence the people we just elected after the election, after we took the trash out. This is critical, in that what we do after an election to make sure the people we hire do their job right, is much more important than who we hire. It’s all about accountability!

No business hires new employees and then walks away to go play. Left to their own without leadership and management, the employees will bankrupt the business in days.

It is our job to take out the trash and then manage the people we hire to replace them. Citizens all over the world are doing this in their countries as we speak, replacing global socialists with new conservative leadership. We must do it too now.

If we don’t do this together, I assure you, there is no peaceful solution to the hell we face today. The most wicked enemy the USA has ever faced is within the gates and currently in control of our government.

It is entirely up to us what happens next. What the evil global cabal fears more than anything else on earth, is a UNITED American People! No evil on earth can overcome a UNITED America!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God

By Lex Greene

September 20, 2022

Contrary to what most Americans think, there is no such thing as “Constitutional Rights.” The U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with the Natural Rights of U.S. Citizens. The Constitution isn’t even an enumeration of “protections” of all Natural Rights of the People. That document, the “Supreme Law of this Land,” only establishes the structure, duties, and authorities of our Federal Government. Nothing more or less.

Likewise, the Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the Rights of the People. It’s an enumeration of additional limitations and prohibitions placed on government.

The Rights of the People do not come from any government or governmental body. In fact, the Natural Rights of the People are well beyond the reach of government in the USA, they are “inalienable.” – “All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable.”

In the USA, this foundation for freedom and liberty was established for all U.S. Citizens in the opening of our Declaration of Independence“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them.”

All of our basic Rights as American Citizens are Natural Rights, “endowed by our Creator,” as established in our Founding Documents, known as our Charters of Freedom. All such Rights are “inalienable” by governmental bodies, any government body.

Our most basic Natural Rights are an inalienable Right to “Life, Liberty and the [individual] pursuit of Happiness.” Fundamentally, any human being who does not have a protected Right to Life itself, has a Right to nothing at all. Our 2nd Amendment, “the Right of the People to keep and bear arms,” exists so that “the People” can protect these most basic Rights, no matter the source of the threat.

Natural Rights are different than Civil Rights. In the USA, Civil Rights have been established by government via Civil Rights Acts, a legislative process. Civil Rights are guarantees of equal social opportunities and equal protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics. Civil Liberties are something else yet again. Civil liberties are guarantees and freedoms that governments commit not to abridge, either by constitution, legislation, or judicial interpretation, without due process.

In contrast to Civil Rights and Civil Liberties derived from legislative process, based on man-made statutes, Natural Rights are based upon Natural Law, defined as “those that are not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, (and therefore, universal and inalienable) were central to the debates during the Enlightenment on the relationship between the individual and the government.”

In the USA, our country was intentionally founded upon “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” not man-made statutes. We are designed to be a nation of laws, but those laws are constitutionally required to be consistent with and in furtherance of, our Natural Rights. As a result, our government is regulated by these laws and Rights, and prohibited from infringing upon these Rights for any reason, in any manner whatsoever.

Today, at least 80% of what our federal government and many state and local governmental bodies do, are direct infringements upon our Natural Rights, in direct violation of both federal and state constitutions. But most modern Americans don’t know it, or don’t care.

For the record, the U.S. Constitution is still the “Supreme Law of the Land,” and all State Constitutions are the Supreme Law in each state. Anything and everything a governmental body does that is at odds with those Supreme Laws, are themselves, “unlawful” and “unconstitutional.” Under such conditions, they have no force of law behind them whatsoever. They are NULL & VOID the second they are passed by any governmental body, Executive, Legislative or Judicial.

There is only one single purpose to the U.S. Constitution, and it is to “form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

When any governmental body in the USA acts at odds with this purpose, which they do daily now, they do so in direct violation of the Founding documents which created that government, and which they have all taken an oath of office to serve, protect and defend. They are therefore, engaged in acts of treason against the People, from whom all government powers are derived.

Unfortunately, most of what our federal, state, and local governments have enacted over many years, are unlawful and unconstitutional. The People either didn’t know, didn’t pay attention, or didn’t care as literally hundreds or thousands of infringements crept into our new norm.

Once a government grants itself such power, they will never relinquish that power willingly. They are likely to do whatever it takes, including scorched earth events, to retain the power they have stolen from the People.

The People have only three options in how they can retake the power that rightfully belongs to only them.

  1. Remove the threat to Life and Liberty via elections, which is only possible with a well-informed and active electorate, and only in free, fair, honest election processes. We have neither in the USA right now.
  2. Put down the threat via Judicial processes, designed to restrict governments to constitutional boundaries. Constitutional issues are meant to have “original jurisdiction” in Supreme Courts, allowing direct access to prevent the People from taking matters into their own hands. This is only possible with courts that uphold, enforce, and protect the Natural Rights of the People, which we also do not have today.
  3. The last resort of the People is founded in our Declaration of Independence. Our Charters of Freedom were designed to forever protect the Natural Rights of the People and direct the People to remain “forever vigilant” against a destructive government and use all of their Rights to protect the future of freedom and liberty for all posterity.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

Over the past 246 years or so, Americans had quite literally thousands of opportunities to “alter” the increasingly destructive nature of their government. But as our Founders so wisely warned…

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

In other words, so long as life seems mostly normal and comfortable, even tolerating a significant level of suffering, the People will be unlikely to ever confront evil in their governments. Only when conditions deteriorate to a broadly intolerable level, are People likely to react.

Because intolerable evils tend to be trust upon the People incrementally over an extended period of time, like a frog dropped into a pot of room temperature water and brought to a boil slowly, most will not notice the changes until they boil.

Those who do notice early in the process, are often labeled “conspiracy theorists” and “tin foil hat” folks. The labels are designed to prevent others from taking notice of events unfolding slowly, most of them unfolding right under their noses and in broad daylight.

When all else fails, return to the basics, stick to the fundamentals. The government approved “experts” are there to confound and confuse, making issues seem much more complicated than they actually are.

If we stick to the basics, we cannot be confounded, confused, or controlled by the government “experts.”

When our government becomes anti-Life, they have become destructive of all Natural Rights.

When government becomes anti-second amendment, they have become destructive of all Natural Rights.

It’s not the People, but rather government “experts,” responsible for driving every Citizen to trillions in national debt. The proven lies surrounding COVID19 over the past two years all came from government approved “experts.” Those responsible for the mass illegal invasion of our country are national security and legal “experts.”

As we have witnessed, only certain “experts” are recognized as such, specifically, those who carry water for the government, against the People.

Our Natural Rights, under the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God are the foundation for every Right on earth. Fail to protect and defend those Rights, and you will have no other.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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WOMEN: The #1 Cause of Death in the USA

By Lex Greene

September 16, 2022

In an effort to figure out why our government and media are so concerned with lawful and responsible gun ownership, I decided to study the leading causes of death in the USA. With all of the focus on disarming the law-abiding citizens of the USA, I expected to see that gun violence by law-abiding citizens was a leading cause of death in the USA. Why else would anyone be so damned concerned with Second Amendment protected Rights in the USA?

Imagine my surprise when I discovered the real leading cause of death in the USA, and no, it isn’t COVID19 either. My research is based upon official government issued statistics posted on government websites, including the CDC.

Since most Americans still foolishly believe everything our government tells them, the above numbers were taken directly from government official sources. That way if you disagree, you disagree with your government, rather than me.

Despite gun violence being the least of our problems in terms of causes of death, at only 0.6% of the deaths in 2020, 90% of which are gang violence, drug or theft related, mostly in every democrat run city…still, our government has convinced millions of Americans that it is the biggest threat in our country. Far from it…

COVID19 is #4 on the list at 10.2% – but remember that the CDC has admitted that 94% of the deaths labeled COVID19 actually died of something else. Only 6% of the 350,831 (21,050) were actual COVID deaths in 2020. (Note: the 2021 COVID deaths were up by 30% after vaccines)

Diseases of the heart and cancer, among others, happen largely if not entirely, beyond our control, and they are indiscriminate in nature, claiming the lives of young and old alike.

But as you can see in the grid above, the #1 cause of death in the USA is ABORTION, 100% of them at the sole discretion of women who believe they have some insane non-existent constitutionally protected right to kill their own children. Women killing their own children accounted for 26.9% of all human deaths in the USA in 2020, making it by far the leading cause of death in the USA. It’s been this way for many years now.

Yet, all public political attention is on “gun violence” at the bottom of the list, which only accounts for 0.6% of the deaths nationally in 2020. If you expect any sane person to believe that women determined to kill their own children, care anything at all about the death of your children due to gun violence, you’re wrong. They clearly have no regard for human life at all, their children or yours.

But it is largely the same women who demand a right to kill their own children, who also aim to eliminate your natural Right to keep and bear arms, in protection of your own children and families. The same group also supports defunding law enforcement and putting convicted felons back on the streets, while flooding our country with illegal aliens from every 3rd world toilet on earth.

Today’s democrat party panders to these women voters, for their own political power, and that’s why this horrific evil continues in our country. Many republican politicians now pander for votes on this issue too, all knowing how evil it is, but more concerned about their political power than the life of any child.

Before anyone brings it up, “rape” accounts for only 0.5% of all abortions. This means that 99.5% of all abortions have nothing whatsoever to do with “rape.”

Now, to be fair to women, 44% of women voted against this total evil insanity in 2020. They are not directly responsible for abortion being the #1 cause of death in the USA. But 55% of women voted for this evil in 2020, and they have been voting for this evil ever since the Supreme Court issued the Roe v. Wade decision, since overturned. They plan on voting for abortion again in 2022…as the top issue driving their votes in every election.

Here’s the worst news about at least 55% of women voters in the USA today…

Unlike every other cause of death, this one solely targets the most innocent and defenseless victims on earth, children. 90% of gun related deaths in the USA are between street criminals. But 100% of abortions strictly target an innocent child.

Like it or not, these are the facts. These facts prove that the deadliest people in the USA today are 55% of women. Sadly, at least 55% of American women are directly responsible for the mass murder of innocence in the USA as the #1 cause of death, simply due to their support for abortion.

Maybe we need to be talking about the #1 cause of death in the USA, instead of gun violence, all the way at the bottom of the list!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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2022 Election: A Battle of Two Factions

By Lex Greene

September 15, 2022

The politicians and their propaganda media promote the notion that over 300 million Americans have a wide range of issues they are concerned about, causing them to fracture into issue based factions easy to manipulate, divide and conquer for political purposes.

Many think the elections are between democrats and republicans, or independents against both. People have been trained to believe that we are a totally divided and fractured country today, which is in part true. However, in reality, our elections have been reduced to only two factions and two choices today.


Often referred to as the “MAGA movement,” which stands for the “Make America Great Again” voting bloc, most of whom believe in President Donald J. Trump and the many things he accomplished against all Washington DC insiders for four years. This group will cast their ballots on the basis of Life, Liberty, and the free individual Pursuit of Happiness, freedom, liberty and justice for all, and the Rule of Law.

This faction puts freedom and liberty for everyone above all else when they walk into an election booth. This group believes in making the USA the very best free and secure nation anywhere on earth. They vote for a better future for every human being. This group includes most republicans, and some democrats and independents.


Like it or not, this faction cannot possibly be described any other way today. This group includes democrats and socialists now, almost exclusively, and they openly call for “war” against all other Americans. This group includes those burning and looting cities across the nation ahead of the 2020 elections, as well as criminal gangs destroying every democrat controlled city in the USA. (BLM, ANTIFA, MS13)

The number one issue for this voting bloc is “death.”

  • An alleged “constitutional right” to murder their own children
  • A right to burn and loot entire cities, and murder innocent citizens
  • A right to put convicted violent felons back on the streets
  • A right to flood our country with violent illegal aliens and drugs
  • A right to disarm law-abiding citizens and defund all law enforcement
  • A right to cause endless wars around the globe
  • A right to force lethal injections into citizens at will, without any liability
  • A right to force young children into deadly mandates against parental consent
  • A right to use Federal Agencies to terrorize citizens, political opponents
  • A right to protect child traffickers and pedophiles
  • A right to operate a Nazi-style thought police gestapo, targeting political opponents
  • And I could go on for a few pages with this list…


According to all related election data, U.S. women overwhelmingly vote for the death cult in every election cycle, by a 25% margin on average. Not too long ago, female voters leaned hard conservative in protection of their families. Today, they lean hard left and they represent the largest voting bloc in the “death cult” faction now.

U.S. men, however, have always trended towards the conservative right in their voting, but not by as wide a margin lately. As more and more women seek to be men, and men seek to be women, these patterns are changing, unfortunately.

Making matters worse, females are now 52% of the USA population, not counting the men who now dress like women. Men represent only 48% of the USA population at present, which means the female population has a baseline 4% voting advantage over men.

Adding to this problem, women have had a much higher voter turnout rate than men recently, approximately 63% female voter turnout to 59% of males. So, women not only outnumber men by 4%, but they also vote at a higher rate than men.

In 2020, aside from the evident election fraud across the country, largely via mail-in balloting and machine manipulations, 57% of women voted for Biden, while only 42% of women voted for Trump, a 15% margin in favor of the “death cult.” (Source)

Men voted 53% for Trump, and only 45% for Biden. However, women outnumber men nationally and they have a much higher voter turnout rate.

So, when considering who is most responsible for all of the many disasters in the USA and world since January 2021, there is no escaping the reality that women voters played a huge role in creating all of the ills facing our nation just 22-months later.

In 2022, women voters still list the top issue in this election cycle as “abortion,” the alleged right to kill their children. This makes the modern American female voter the greatest threat to Life, Liberty, and Happiness in the USA today.

Life goes on, as it always must, despite all of the serious disasters facing our nation today. Voters only get to decide what life in America will look like after the November elections. Will it be a nation full of life, freedom, liberty, and justice for all…or will it continue to be a nation torn apart by the death cult currently in power?

While everyone will get to vote, it is women voters who will decide what happens. We can only hope that they have learned from their past mistakes and self-correct, or the USA will soon be gone forever.

Only women can convince other women to change, specifically, the 42% of women who voted for Life and Liberty in 2020. I suggest that every female voter in that 42% group get very busy convincing women in the 57% death cult group, to change, and really fast. There isn’t much time left…

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Why MAGA Americans are Indeed Dangerous

By Lex Greene

September 12, 2022

According to the most distrusted and unpopular political organization in American history, democrats responsible for the Nazi-like Biden regime, “MAGA Americans are dangerous extremists” based upon their open agenda to “Make America Great Again.”

How dare these “extremists” work to “Make America Great Again.” How dare they rise up peacefully in objection to the utter destruction of the USA and confront a global Marxist assault on all things American. How dare they try to return America to that shining city on the hill, the beacon of hope for freedom and liberty for every American Citizen and every human on earth.

MAGA Americans are “America First” Americans, determined to make America a global leader for good again, so that America can help others to secure freedom, peace, and prosperity all over the world. The “extreme” agenda of these folks is indeed a grave threat…to evil.

The MAGA Priorities

  • A moral and ethical society able to elect moral and ethical leaders
  • A fundamental regard for human life
  • True justice for every Citizen, without any regard for ethnicity, color, gender, or creed
  • Peace and tranquility in which to raise our children and grandchildren
  • Equal opportunity for everyone willing to freely earn personal prosperity
  • A Constitutional Government living within its boundaries and means
  • Less taxation and regulation, and more individual freedom and liberty
  • A society where all protect the liberty of others, in order to preserve our own
  • Safe and clean neighborhoods free from violent crime and corruption
  • Secure borders and national security in an increasingly dangerous world
  • True pillars of our community to lead our government
  • Real journalism instead of the political propaganda machine we have now
  • Free, fair, transparent, secure, and honest elections
  • A secure supply chain for all necessities of life
  • Abundant domestic clean energy
  • A stable prosperous economy
  • Quality affordable healthcare
  • An end to all forms of tyrannical totalitarian government
  • Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for all

If you don’t want all of these same things, then you’re not an American at all. You should move to a land where these things don’t exist and live out the balance of your life in the squalor and tyranny you vote for here.

If you prefer socialism over freedom, no problem, just move to a socialist country. If you believe in communism, move to a communist country, like China or North Korea.

We all know that when democrats speak about “democracy,” they really mean global Marxism.

MAGA-haters are spending billions in U.S. tax dollars on a failed witch hunt against Donald J. Trump because he is clearly the most popular pro-American political figure anywhere on earth. But he isn’t even your real problem…

Over 100-million America First Patriots are your problem, which is why the tyrannical corrupt Biden regime is targeting every freedom-loving American today, labeling them “extremists, insurrectionists and even domestic terrorists.” They are a problem, but not for the reasons told by MAGA-haters.

MAGA Americans are “freedom fighters.” They are only a threat to everyone who hates freedom, liberty, justice, peace and tranquility, truth, moral and ethical government, and all other things American.

America remains the most well-armed society on earth, and we will continue to be. We have approximately 20-million military veterans in this country, well trained in the art of security. There are more well-armed and trained hunters just in the state of Wisconsin alone, than current members of the U.S. Military.

Marxist democrats are doing all they can to incite a war with America First Citizens, proving that they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Meanwhile, MAGA Americans are doing all they can to resolve these matters peacefully and lawfully, because that’s who they are…law-abiding conservatives.

If you paid any attention to who the MAGA Americans are, you’d know better than to incite a war with them, or even get in an argument with them. But hey, if there is anything true American patriots love as much as their freedom, it is being underestimated by their enemies.

Trump isn’t your problem, he’s just one man. In case you haven’t noticed, the more you attack Trump, the more MAGA Americans you create. Not because of support for Trump, which is real, but because MAGA Americans feel attacked every time you attack Trump. So, keep it up, YOU’RE DOING GREAT! You are better MAGA recruiters than Trump himself.

Let’s be honest here, people who can’t even tell if they are male or female and don’t believe in guns, are picking a fight they can’t survive. We don’t want this for them, but they will bring it upon themselves.

God Bless America First!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What is the “Supreme Law of this Land” Today?

By Lex Greene

September 10, 2022

Speaking of the United States of America as the land in question, the long-standing legal authority of federal government rests entirely under the authorities granted to the federal government via the U.S. Constitution, further limited in nature and scope by the Bill of Rights.

In other words, no authority exists at all, beyond the authority granted the federal government in the U.S. Constitution. Yet, modern society has been conned by “legal experts” for more than a hundred years now. Most Americans errantly think that “Executive Orders” are laws, and so are “court opinions,” because that’s what they have been essentially brainwashed to believe.

If that were true, then the U.S. Constitution would no longer be The Supreme Law of the Land. Instead of a Constitutional Republic created and guaranteed by the Constitution, we would be living under a “dictatorship” by Executive Order, or an “oligarchy” of nine unelected and unaccountable politically appointed Supreme Court Justices.

ARTICLE I of the Constitution assigns all sole lawmaking authority to Congress alone, which is to say, anything that is not properly legislated by Congress, is not a “law” at all. “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” (Note: Congress is prohibited from enacting any law which is “repugnant” to the Constitution or Bill of Rights.)

ARTICLE II of the Constitution assigns very limited administrative authority to the Presidency. The Executive Branch has no lawmaking authority whatsoever. The lawful authority of the Executive Branch is limited to the “faithful execution of the Constitution and Laws passed by Congress.” Therefore, Executive Orders are limited to administrative orders only, necessary to the execution of law.

ARTICLE III of the Constitution assigns the limited duties and authorities of the Judicial Branch. Like the Executive Branch, the Constitution assigns no lawmaking authority whatsoever to the Judicial Branch. Court opinions and decisions are not “law.” As we see all the time, court opinions and decisions are regularly overturned.

Unfortunately, for more than a hundred years now, British Common Law trained “legal experts” have conned the American people in order to empower themselves in direct violation of Constitutional Law. In the 1940s, American Law Schools shifted focus away from teaching Constitutional Law, instead teaching British Common Law, often referred to as “precedence and procedure.”

NOTE: It is British Common Law that allowed the US Supreme Court to rule that Citizens have no legal standing to challenge the unconstitutional acts of government in court, all the way back in 1923. Since then, even cases challenging election fraud are denied access to any federal court on the basis of “lack of standing.” If the people have no legal standing, then they have no Rights!

British Common Law is also referred to as “the Law of Commons” and it allows courts to essentially invent government policy under laws not passed by Congress, which means, “deprivation of Rights under color of law.”

Thomas Jefferson quickly saw a fatal flaw in the founding documents they created, referring to what was happening not long after the adoption of the Constitution, as “judicial tyranny.” “The original error [was in] establishing a judiciary independent of the nation, and which, from the citadel of the law, can turn its guns on those they were meant to defend, and control and fashion their proceedings to its own will.” (Jefferson Letter to John Wayles Eppes, 1807)

“Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.”

(Jefferson Letter to Abigail Adams, September 11, 1804)

As has become all too common today, “legal experts” cannot agree on this issue any more than climatologists can agree on changes in earth’s climate. They can’t even agree that any change is taking place, much less why, or what if anything at all could be done about it.

The conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation confirms everything I am saying here today. But the Bar Association totally disagrees, due to British Common Law taught in law schools since the 1940s. Again, so-called “experts” have a critical difference of opinion.

This means that YOU will have to study and decide for yourselves, as I have.

Foundationally, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights remain the “Supreme Law of the Land,” or they don’t. If they don’t, then the U.S. federal government has no authority at all, and no right to even exist, as that governmental body in its entirety, exists solely by the adoption of that document.

If Joe Biden or any other President can rule by the simple stroke of a pen on an Executive Order, beyond any authority granted in the Supreme Law, then we live in a pure unconstitutional dictatorship already. If courts can rule by the dictates of an unelected few, then we already live under an unconstitutional oligarchy.

As a result of this national con job, the American society can see a flood of unconstitutional problems created by the federal government today, and they can’t figure out what to do about any of it. They see that so many problems are so complicated now, that they think they need an equally complicated solution, when in fact, the opposite is true.

Complicated problems require a simple solution.

If you realize that Executive Orders are not laws at all, then how much do you need to worry about anything done by Executive Order?

If you realize that courts can’t make laws, then how much do you need to worry about court opinions, especially if they are at odds with the Supreme Law?

It all comes down to this…is the Supreme Law of this Land still the Supreme Law of this Land? If it’s not, then you don’t need to worry about losing a country you already lost.

But if the Constitution and Bill of Rights are still the Supreme Law of this Land, then we need only enforce it. Contrary to common modern false beliefs, we never did have any Rights beyond those we are willing to fight and die for. Our Founding documents tell us what our Rights are, but it is up to us to enforce them.

It’s just that simple. Stop pretending as though government officials have authority they were never assigned or granted by We the People.” They don’t!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Enough of the Democrat Death Cult

By Lex Greene

September 9, 2022

We are so far past enough is enough, that it’s ridiculous! What was once a somewhat pro-America political party many decades ago, has become nothing more than a totally corrupt anti-American death cult today. Unless Americans wake up to this fact and deal with it immediately, it threatens the very existence of our country!

STOP the “uniparty” crapola! Of course, the two primary political parties work in concert against our country today. They both represent wealthy self-absorbed self-serving corrupt career politicians, most of whom couldn’t care less about the American people. What did you think would become of both parties when decent people left?

Yeah, both primary parties suck, which is why our country sucks today! That’s what happens when good people take their football and go home, leaving their political team to corrupt tyrants, as if they can do anything divided!

But there is no getting around the most obvious reality today, after the utter destruction of everything since January 2021…unveiled Nazi-like threats of government force against Citizens, and the growing hate-filled lies against more than half of our fellow countrymen from the ignorant mouth of the most fraudulent and destructive occupant of the Oval Office in U.S. history, Pedo Joe.

We are way past stupid in this country right now. The most violent, bankrupt, and deadly cities in the USA are all run by democrats and have been for years. But idiots continue to re-elect them over and over again, no matter how much these cities dive into disastrous conditions year after year.

Today’s Democrat Party is nothing more than a totally destructive death cult and it needs to be eliminated, because it can never be reformed into a pro-American organization.

Face it! Any person, male or female, who will cast a ballot on the basis of some insane bogus right to kill their own children, should never be trusted with anything, especially a right to vote, that will determine the future of this nation! These mental and moral misfits cannot be trusted with any decisions!


  • Democrats oppose even the most fundamental natural right to LIFE itself. They demand a right to kill instead.
  • Democrats are responsible for putting violent felons back on the streets to rape and murder over and over again.
  • Nearly every “mass-shooter” in history has been a socialist leaning democrat.
  • Democrats start wars all over the world, seven countries under Obama and three now under Biden.
  • Democrats support dismembering humans, even children, via insane “sex change” mutilation.
  • Democrats even support altering human DNA against your will, via fraudulent maniacal science, which they fraudulently call “vaccines.”
  • Democrats create and promote violent racism constantly.
  • Democrats destroy economies, all necessary supply chains, and all basic human rights. They also destroy civil rights and civil liberties.
  • And Democrats destroy entire cities, to seize total control of the states.

There is absolutely nothing good, decent, honorable, moral, or ethical about today’s democrats and they are beyond the ability to reform.

We all know it, yet we all allow it to continue!

There are only three reasons why they hold any political power in this country at all today…

  1. A dumbed down and government dependent electorate
  2. They buy every vote with gifts from the taxpayer’s treasury
  3. And they have perfected the art of stealing elections

If not for these three factors, the democrat party wouldn’t even exist anymore in America. It has become so entirely destructive of this country that no decent person in their right mind could ever cast a single ballot for a democrat, anywhere in the country.

Still, here we are, on the brink of extinction or a second revolutionary war, the nation being driven into total madness and destruction, by people who can’t even tell if they are male or female and hate everything America ever was, or was ever intended to be.

If we are not at “enough is enough” yet, we never will be, and that is the end of the greatest free nation ever known in human history!

No more leftist lies, no more biting our tongues, no more going along to get along. I will use my very last breath, last penny, or if need be, last round fighting for good, decency, honor, freedom, liberty, justice, and a peaceful nation worth raising our next generations in…and I don’t care what color, ethnicity, gender, or orientation you are.

You are either American or not American! Time to choose!

If you won’t, then you my friend, are part of the problem. It simply is not possible to save this country so long as today’s global Marxist democrat party is allowed to exist. I am 100% in favor of freedom of elections and political affiliations, so long as they are lawful and not corrupted. But the Democrat Party is entirely unlawful, unconstitutional, immoral, unethical, and anti-American now.

To all past democrat voters, your party is no longer American. You have an opportunity this year to wake up to the many lies you have been fed by democrat politicians, the democrat controlled media and social media, and the democrat run entertainment business. This may be your last chance.

To all so-called “independents,” those who left the game for independent status, get back in the game. We agree, there is much to be reformed and cleaned up in today’s republican party. It’s salvageable, but will never happen unless WE make it happen, together. Quitters NEVER win anything.

To those who have not voted in years, if you care about this country and the future for your children and grandchildren, now is the time to rejoin the fight for freedom, liberty, decency, and justice.

May God Bless this country and lead us out of the darkness that democrats have led this country into!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Fascism: It’s All in Who Defines It

By Lex Greene

August 31, 2022

Once again, I will pretend as though the facts actually matter in today’s broken, dumbed down, drugged up and mentally manipulated America.

It has become custom in American politics to misuse words to define, label and target Citizens and political opponents in order to divide and conquer the electorate by pitting American against American on the basis of false propaganda. The false propaganda includes the intentional false rewriting of history as well as “scholarly” new definitions for old words around for centuries.

For decades, democrats have misused the term “racist” as a political attack hammer against republicans, despite the fact that it was Republican Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves, democrats who formed and operate the KKK, and republicans who passed all Civil Rights Acts, while a vast majority of democrats voted against them.

Today, the new buzzword misused by democrats to demonize republicans is “fascist,” a word at the foundation of the violent and destructive militia group, ANTIFA, meaning “anti-fascists.” Yet again, there is no more “fascist” behaving group in America than Obama’s ANTIFA.

Global Marxist-leaning “scholars” who have taken it upon themselves to redefine old words with new meaning, have perfected the art of misleading millions by simply flooding social conscience with false labels under new definitions. The current misuse of the term “fascist” provides a perfect example.


In order of death toll, the following are the world’s best known and most deadly “fascist” dictators in history.

#10 – North Korean Communist Dictator Kim Il Sung is responsible for the deaths of at least 1.6 million political opponents and civilians through starvation and invading South Korea. Kim Il Sung was the leader of North Korea since its founding in 1948, until he died in 1994. His son is the communist dictator today.

#9 – Socialist Dictator Talaat Pasha of the Union Progress Party. Ismail is responsible for the Armenian Genocide, which killed 800,000 – 1,800,000 people. He led the Young Turk Revolution. He systematically murdered over 1 million Armenians from 1914 to 1923. Some of them were starved to death, and others were sent on forced marches until they died. They killed any able-bodied men, and then sent women, children, and old people on death marches through the Syrian Desert.

#8 – Socialist Dictator Vladimir Lenin of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Lenin was responsible for the deaths of millions of people and initiated the Russian Civil War. He led the Red Army, against the White Army. The Red Army were Bolshevik communists, and the White Army was a mix of different groups, backed by many foreign powers in order to halt communism. The war resulted in the deaths of 7 to 12 million people. It was one of the worst wars Europe had ever seen. The Red Army was victorious, and Lenin went on to start the Soviet Union, a one party dictatorship. It was dedicated to creating a communist utopia, and it failed miserably.

#7 – Japanese Socialist Dictator Hideki Tojo of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association. Hideki Tojo is responsible for the deaths of five million Japanese during World War II. While prime minister of Japan, he was responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor, which dragged the USA into the war. Tojo tried to shoot himself in the heart four times and missed every shot. After being nursed back to health, he was arrested and executed after the war. He was nicknamed razor, and killed millions of civilians in China, and thousands of POWs.

#6 – Japanese Dictator Hirohito. Hirohito was the emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989. He killed an estimated 6 million people, and committed the now infamous, Nanking massacre. In Nanjing, Japanese troops raped and murdered massive numbers of Chinese civilians. It was a six weeklong massacre killing possibly more than 300,000 people.

#5 – Chinese Socialist Dictator Chiang Kai-Shek. Chiang Kai-Shek is a Chinese dictator, who killed, possibly 10 million people. He committed 228 massacres during his 18 year rule. He was leader of the Kuomintang or KMT, a Marxist nationalist party. Shek put on a northern expedition and managed to reunify most of China under him. In 1947 war broke out between the KMT and the communists. The KMT lost and it led to the rise of Mao.

#4 – Dictator King Leopold II of Belgium. Leopold II is one of the most brutal, but strangely unknown dictators in history from 1865-1909. He enslaved 8 million Congolese and killed thousands. The way he killed was incredibly brutal, working them to death, and torturing any who opposed him. He started a colonial empire in the Congo, with the goal of getting as rich as possible, through exploiting a much poorer group of people. Leopold was allowed to start his colony under the agreement that he would improve the lives of the people, but he completely ignored this promise. He killed 1 to 15 million people, by forcing them to hunt, mine gold, and harvest rubber.

#3 – Socialist Nazi Party Dictator Adolf Hitler, leader of Germany’s Socialist Party following his leadership of the German Workers Party, eventually evolving into the Nazi Party. Hitler killed an estimated 30 million people. The most well-known of this is the holocaust, which killed six million Jews. He was also responsible for the less well known Generalplan Ost, a genocide of millions of Slavic people. He killed them through the hunger plan, where he purposely starved millions of Soviets, whom he saw as an inferior race. This killed between 4.5 and 13.7 million people. In total the holocaust killed potentially 17 million people if you include non-Jews.

#2 – Communist Russian Dictator Joseph Stalin, leader of the Bloc of Communists and Non-Partisans movement. Stalin is probably the most infamous communist dictator, responsible for about 40 million murders. As Lenin grew closer to death, he worried about how much power, Stalin had accumulated, and after he died, Stalin took his place. He led the Soviet Union and committed horrible atrocities. In only 12 years in power, he killed between 40 and 62 million people. The Gulag was a series of labour camps where he sent political dissidents to work as slaves. Many of them worked until they died of exhaustion. He also committed genocides, including Holodomore…stealing food from Ukraine, and then blocking off the country, forcing them to starve, to subjugate any nationalistic ideas.

#1 – Chinese Communist Dictator Mao Zedong (1921-1976). Mao is the deadliest of all world dictators to date. Through communist policies he starved millions of people, possibly as many as 80 million. He killed any intellectuals who disagreed with him, putting people in labour camps, and condoning the beating and stoning people to death in struggle sessions. His “great leap forward” campaign was supposed to transform the country from an agrarian economy into a socialist one, but instead it caused the Great Chinese Famine. A famine that lasted 3 years and killed an estimated 15 to 45 million people. As world dictators go, few really come close to the destruction and devastation he caused, though there are some who will try.

(SOURCE) NOTE: Feel free to confirm the truth about these fascists at any legitimate source.

Unfortunately, we now have generations of Americans who no longer know true history and as a result, they are highly likely to help this history to repeat, as generations too young to know any better mislabel all “patriotic Americans” fascists. They have been Pavlov trained to vote the nation back into bondage as young unwitting students of global Marxism, socialism, communism, and the world’s most treacherous and famous dictators.

They cheer when democrat politicians use national security and justice agencies to terrorize and assassinate political opponents. They march in lockstep to unconstitutional and unlawful dictates from Washington D.C. as if they have no knowledge of freedom and liberty at all. They can’t wait to spread proven lies against their perceived enemies on social media. They have a violent reaction to the presence of truth.

The young have been conned into believing that acts of true patriotism, love of country, freedom, and liberty, are acts of “fascism” and “extremist” notions. Even worse, they have been so dumbed down, drugged up and mentally manipulated that even those who love and care for them most, their parents and grandparents, are often treated as their enemies.

All ten of the world’s most deadly and well known “fascists” were communist, socialist, totalitarian dictators responsible for creating the most brutal deadly conditions for millions of innocent citizens all over the world. But still, the young have been dog whistle trained to believe that patriotic Americans who simply desire to Make America Great Again are “fascists.”

Like almost everything the younger generations have been taught in recent years, there is absolutely no truth whatsoever to their false claims of “fascism” against all freedom loving Americans, including Donald J. Trump.

Instead, it is the global pied pipers of the Marxist Global Reset leading them to slaughter, whom they see as heroes worthy of their trust. Only if and when they are introduced to real history and the leftist foundations for all forms of fascism demonstrated throughout history, is there any chance that the young will stop destroying their own futures and ours.

They need look no further than the inhumane conditions of every major democrat controlled city in the USA for modern proof. They need only recognize the current “democrat dictators” in Washington D.C. ruling by unconstitutional “mandates” beyond any lawful authority, to understand reality.

It is up to the rest of us to put these facts and truths right in their faces until they can free themselves from the mental bondage that leftists have chained them to. The future of freedom and liberty all over the world depends on it.

CONCLUDING FACT: Fascism is NOT a “right-wing” ideology. History has repeatedly proven fascism to be a far-left form of extreme totalitarianism promoted only by communists and socialists. Today’s American socialist democrats and their Global Reset partners are the only real “fascists” in the USA.

In reality, at the far LEFT extreme is brutal fascism, a totalitarian dictatorship. At the far RIGHT extreme is the total opposite of fascism, an unbridled lawless anarchy, survival of the fittest, with no rule of law at all.

All of American politics needs a major housecleaning, eliminated all career criminal politicians, no matter the party. It can only happen when all freedom loving Americans unite against the career politicians. Let it be now!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Mass Media Mind Control

By Lex Greene

August 29, 2022

For many years, I made fun of the “chem-trail” conspiracy theorists because as a fixed wing pilot for years myself, I’m quite familiar with vapor trails. But the recent display of utter mass-insanity in our country made me wonder if we were not being poisoned by our own government, be it via chem-trails or our food and water supply.

What else could explain the mass-psychosis gripping our society, now visible in daily life?

“Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. A key aspect of the phenomena is that the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.” (Source)

Sound familiar? A lot like the current “cancel culture” maybe, demonizing, arresting, raiding the property of everyone willing to speak out against the utter insanity?

Did you wonder why millions of Americans were so willing to give up their freedom, liberty, income, family, and friends at the drop of a hat, under an alleged corona virus (common cold) threat that in the end, only affected the same number of people who get the flu every year?

Did you wonder why so many wore a mask despite manufacture labels explaining that those masks were not designed for, or capable of, preventing the spread of any virus? Did you wonder why millions of Americans rushed to take untested and non-FDA Approved “vaccines” and continue to take them despite proof that they don’t prevent infection, illness, transmission or even death – and may in fact be killing people?

Expert in the field of mass-mental manipulation, Carla Mardell, explains in this brief interview.

Fundamentally, mind control is based upon the ability to manipulate the mind by simply controlling the information allowed to enter the mind — or prevented from entering the mind. The human mind is much like a computer, in that it can only manage the information it is allowed to absorb. Garbage information in, and you can only get garbage information out.

Meanwhile, this critical information has been intentionally withheld from public access in the USA. Had any American known the truth about COVID19 or the so-called “vaccines,” no one would have ever ventured into this Nuremberg level human experiment.

Mind control involves preventing the truth from being known, as just confessed by Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, who now claims the platforms 2020 mass-manipulation of information was directed by the FBI. Guess what else federal agencies told social media platforms to manipulate in 2020?

It also involves the intentional spread of blatantly false information, such as the numerous attacks of President Donald J. Trump, all of which proven baseless eventually. This has nothing to do with what I personally think of Trump, but rather the simple fact that nothing they have accused him of, has proven to be true.

How were millions of Americans driven to a deep hatred of Donald Trump, most of whom incapable of stating one legitimate reason for their hatred of a man they never met and know almost nothing about? Nothing more than mindless regurgitated false talking point…

It’s quite easily done actually… All it takes is a steady diet of non-stop hate filled attacks from every possible source, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, PBR, NPR, Hollywood, Twitter, Facebook, the college lecture halls, political parties, all the way down to K thru 12 public education and the modern church pulpit. Everywhere you look, every sound you hear, an open character assassination of any popular political opponent.

No, of course it doesn’t need to be true, any of it. It just needs to be a continuous drumbeat. Not a single accusation hurled at Trump over the past seven years has proven true in the end. In fact, evidence of democrat party corruption was discovered at the root of every false accusation.  But that has no bearing at all with his haters. The facts are entirely irrelevant to them.

Rape of the mind is focused on the young, the most vulnerable minds in any society.

The same group of young Americans know that communism has brutally murdered millions all over the world. They know that socialism has miserably failed everywhere it’s been tried on earth. But they still believe that these forms of fascism and totalitarianism can work, and that it holds more promise than a capitalist free-market economy that created the most prosperous nation ever known to mankind, raising every race, creed, and color from generational poverty.

They watch as millions flee their homelands daily, countries ravaged by socialist and communist policies, in search of freedom in the United States at grave risk. But they still don’t think America is worth celebrating and protecting. None of them leave the USA to join a socialist country, but they instead insist America should become a 3rd world Marxist country.

This is the direct result of decades of blatant lies, poured into their brains like poison 24/7, until they can no longer detect basic right from wrong, good from evil, truth from lie. Their minds are no longer free, able to take in truth, digest it properly, and arrive at any logical conclusion.

Sadly, those most affected by this are the young, those who have not lived long enough to understand much of anything, beyond what they are told. Never in history has there ever been such a generation totally ignorant of reality, but so sure of themselves.

In truth, American minds have been manipulated for more than a hundred years now. Despite knowing our Founders refused to form a “democracy” in favor of a guaranteed Republican form of self-governance, most Americans still think the USA is a “democracy,” not knowing the critical difference between the two.

Even worse, the constant rape of young minds in this country has resulted in a vicious militant anger towards every peaceful freedom and liberty loving American. They are the Marxist Cancel Culture Army in the USA now. They are the “citizen army” that Barack Obama promised to build, in his ongoing effort to “fundamentally transform America” into a 3rd world member of Klaus Schwab’s global commune, where we will “own nothing.”

In closing, if a person is only able to tolerate one view and demonstrates an involuntary violent reaction to any information that challenges their belief system, they are under mind control. When people hate, without an ability to explain their hatred, or define the reasons for their hatred in real factual terms, they are under mind control.

Those under mind control do not know that their thoughts and views are being controlled by others, via systematic flooding of information designed to condition thoughts that they believe are their own. Past a certain point, the mind is held hostage to self-defeating concepts. Claiming a right to never be offended, those under mind control are easily offended by any opposing view or set of facts, and they react violently towards anyone who dare to present facts that may undermine their belief structure.

A majority of Americans are already conditioned for the next big attack on Trump, when only the scientists and doctors responsible for the entire COVID19 disaster should be blamed and held accountable. Trump was merely “following the scientists.”

Many pet lovers are familiar with Pavlov’s Dog Training experiments. What most don’t know more importantly, is Pavlov also studied the human mind and found that the same stimuli used to train dogs works to train the human mind. In modern America, free gifts from the public treasury are the equivalent of dog treats used to condition the behavior of the dog. Those who “go-long to get-along” qualify for treats from the government. Those who don’t are denied any treats from their government, and are instead, targeted by the government as “dangerous extremists.”

I write this for two groups… first so that parents and grandparents understand why when they sent their kids to “higher learning” centers, they had a violent far left total stranger return home, and that it was no accident or coincidence.

Also, for the younger generations who have been mentally conditioned to commit national socialist suicide in elections, totally discarding the love and wisdom of all who have lived and experienced much more, in favor of their high-browed experts and professors, in my hopes that some can be reached before it’s too late.

May God Place his Healing Hand upon this very sick nation… for it is the only hope we have now. Sadly, many of the mind-controlled will even take offense to this.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Selling Your Freedom for a Pittance

By Lex Greene

August 26, 2022

Like easily predictable clock work, the O’Biden regime is in pre-election rapid fire attempts to buy votes from unsuspecting young YOLO (you only live once) voters only thinking about today, with no foresight into the hellish future they are creating for themselves and everyone else.

For those who still think actual facts matter, allow me to begin with the current state of college student debt as reported by Forbes on June 9, 2022.

The current student debt level is $1.75 trillion in total student loan debt (including federal and private loans), approximately 8.75% of the total projected GDP for 2022, with $28,950 owed per borrower on average. 92% of all student debts are federal student loans. This marks the biggest wholesale socialist grand giveaway in U.S. history, just to buy the Marxist indoctrinated youth vote at a time when democrats are predicted to lose elections all across the country.

Let’s be clear, there is no such thing as “debt forgiveness.” None of the student debt in question is being “forgiven,” vanished into thin air, as though it never existed. Instead, the subject debts are being transferred from the original borrowers to taxpayers, who didn’t borrow the money, many of whom also had student loans that they paid off by working, none of whom will benefit from grand Marxist giveaway.

This is nothing more than typical pre-election Marxist Democrat vote-buying 101 for the terminally stupid. How many students are thrilled to dump their debt on others, after being raised on socialism in K-12 and especially on the college campus? I suspect a majority…

But let’s be honest here, it’s not just the YOLO kids who are so willing to sellout future freedom and liberty for a pittance in federal crumbs, all of it at taxpayer expense. Parents who took out loans for their kids want their debt dumped on others too. It’s a free-for-all for federal freebies and all of it will result in punitive taxation and regulations for generations to come.

As of today, every new child born in the USA is born almost $1 million in debt if the skyrocketing national debt is spread fairly and evenly across all US Citizens. But it’s not, is it! We have a graduated tax scale system, whereby the more one makes, the more the government takes. It’s a direct penalty on hard work, sacrifice and success.

Even in a flat rate tax system, someone making $250,000 a year will pay ten times that of someone making $25,000 a year. But that’s not enough, they still aren’t paying “their fair share,” according to socialists.

When O’Biden was asked in his news blitz if this was fair to those who paid their loans, he didn’t answer the question. Instead, he asked if it’s fair that multi-million dollar businesses get tax breaks… Huh, what does that have to do with this?

For the record, tax facts 101 for dummies – businesses and corporations never pay taxes. Their employees do, in lower wages and benefits. Their stockholders do, in lower return on investments. Their consumers do, in higher prices at the pump and on the shelves. WAKE UP for heaven’s sake!

Face reality here … poor people don’t pay any taxes because they can’t. Rich people only pay a rate they are willing to pay because they have options. When the USA is no longer a good investment, they will invest elsewhere around the world.

It’s always the middle class that gets stuck with the tax bill. They can pay taxes and don’t have any options. The taxable class is the middle class!

Why are tuitions skyrocketing anyway? The answer is quite clear…

Trillions poured into colleges and universities placed these institutions on a runaway tuition burst, with the cost of college steadily increasing over the last 30 years. In that timeframe, tuition costs at public four-year colleges grew from $4,160 to $10,740 and from $19,360 to $38,070 at private nonprofit institutions (adjusted for inflation). As costs have risen, so has the need for student loans and other forms of financial aid. Even worse is the fact that 90% of college graduates never find work in their studied professions.

But this isn’t just about socialist student debt handouts.

Prior to the Great COVID19 RESET plot to takeover the free world by the WEF and its global partners, almost 40% of Americans were already on some form of federal or state assistance. But after the fraudulent COVID lockdowns, approximately 70% of US citizens were receiving some form of government aid, often referred to as “stimulus” money, which only stimulated the national debt and increased a freeloading sense of entitlement in our society.

Compare this to the Great Depression when at the peak, only 25% of Americans needed assistance in breadlines. The difference is stark… back then, pride, hard work and sacrifice kept 75% out of those breadlines and today, those breadlines are invisible, grocery carts filled with the swipe of an EBT card, as they head out to the parking lot to load their new SUV with taxpayer-funded groceries.

Meanwhile, the US economy is in recession headed for a greater depression, as the WEF global cabal has the USA in the crosshairs for extinction, and our military being reduced to nothing more than compliant women, gays and transgendered misfits, all true freedom fighters purged from the ranks for refusing the deadly jabs.

You have to hand it to the democrats, for their ability to con the masses with crumbs from the treasury and perfecting the art of stealing elections. They are the reason Khrushchev was right.

“You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.” — Nikita Khrushchev

Back then, it was the soviet empire seen as the greatest threat to American sovereignty and security. But after the fall of the Soviet Union, the threat started to move within the halls of our own government. Day by Day, year by year, Americans have been slowly Pavlov trained to accept global tyranny, socialist policy by socialist policy, all perpetrated by the Marxist Democratic Socialists in power and the RINO Republicans who allowed it, some even profiting by it.

Indeed, this latest vote buying trick from the O’Biden regime is just one of many socialist scams used to rip the freedom and liberty right out of the soul of America, especially the YOLO (you only live once) voters who live only for this moment, without a care in the world of what future they are creating in their short sighted greed.

We now have generations of people willing to sell their soul and the future of freedom and liberty for all future generations, for a few scraps from the democrat socialist powerbrokers in charge. Even doctors and hospitals are guilty of maiming and killing their patients with faulty COVID19 protocols and fake “vaccines” that are causing far more harm than good, for what? Yes, government bonuses and profits.

Of course, just like the stolen elections of 2020, under COVID19 “emergency” authorization for unlawful elections, and the thousands of businesses lost due to unconstitutional COVID mandates and coercive employer mandates, student debt delinquencies shot through the roof in 2020, 2021 and 2022, due to loss of income opportunities.

It was all part of an ingenious elaborate plot to do exactly what Khrushchev warned about decades ago –

“We’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.” Khrushchev

“And when the WEF Global COVID Reset is complete, you will own nothing, and be happy!”Klaus Schwab (WEF)

And THIS is why they have to destroy Trump and all Trump supporters!

The 2022 mid-term elections will tell us whether or not the USA has crossed that great Rubicon, from freedom loving and liberty fighting Citizens, to dumbed-down, drugged-up and a terminally government dependent society no longer capable of freedom and liberty.

This is that moment in history. We will learn just how rock bottom Americans are willing to go, come November.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Republican, Democrat, or Independent

By Lex Greene

August 20, 2022

If you know anything about American politics at all, our Constitutional system of self-governance, the means by which “We the People” direct the future of our country through peaceful Constitutional processes, then you know that American politics is a team sport, and there are only two sides to every issue, right and wrong.

Every issue presents either truth or lie, and an opportunity to choose either right or wrong, not just for ourselves, but for our town, county, state and country, and all posterity. Like any other team sport, if you are not part of a competitive team, you’re not even on the field of play and cannot possibly affect the outcome of the game.

According to a recent Gallup survey taken in July 2022, political party affiliations are as follows;


57% of voters are registered democrat or republican, with 41% claiming independent status, belonging to neither party. While this well demonstrates the emotional state of American voters, it totally lacks any form of common sense or clear strategic purpose for all who claim to seek control of their country again. If we can’t even control our party (team), we sure can’t control our entire country.

First, for you proud self-proclaimed “constitutionalists,” the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee every State of the Union or any Citizen of the USA, a “democracy” – “democratic” – “socialist” – “communist” – “Maoist” – Fascist” – “Marxist” or even multi-party “European parliament” style of government.

Article IV, Section 4: of the U.S. Constitution guarantees every State and every Citizen a “Republican form of government.” This alone makes it very strange to see only 28% of Americans registered as “Republican,” since it is the only form of government guaranteed in the Constitution.

Despite this Constitutional guarantee found in Article IV, a staggering 70% of voters stand opposed, either promoting “global democratic socialism” or by opting out of the game altogether, by taking “independent” status. Independents don’t like either team on the field, so they left the field.

Next, for you “constitutionally minded independents,” in any team sport, you will need a competitive team in order to be in the game. When you left one of the two primary parties, you created the following disasters…

  • You left both parties under the control of the very people you rightfully distrust.
  • You left the field altogether because you are no longer part of any competitive team.
  • When you left the two, you scattered to more than a dozen 3rd parties, none of them competitive.
  • Instead of working to throw the trash out of your house, you left the house full of trash.
  • No matter what you think you want, you have no viable means of achieving it, without a team.

And yes, we know, neither party represents their stated objectives today, or even their publicly posted party platforms. What did you think would happen to your party when you quit and left the party under the control of criminals? How did you think that would improve the situation? Has it?

No Participation Trophy for Not Participating

If you waste time talking about how politicians behave in both parties, or any party for that matter, failing to represent you, you’re right. But you don’t get a participation trophy for figuring out what we all already knew.

This problem exists because left to their own devices, every politician will serve their own self-interest first and foremost, and party affiliation has nothing to do with it. It’s not even the best Citizens among us who run for office. Talk about needing a tin foil hat…if you think there is any such thing as a “perfect candidate” in politics, you might even need a visit to the mental facility.

There are no “perfect politicians” simply because there are no perfect people. No matter how much you’d like to elect a messiah, there isn’t one on any ballot. When 41% of voters left the two competitive teams in the game, they left the game. Instead of standing up for what’s right and making the fight to control the two parties, they turned tail and ran from the fight, falsely claiming the moral high ground. Rather than fight, they quit.

Fighters don’t always win, but quitters never do. Further, political cheating happens because most of you will turn a blind eye, and tolerate the cheating, so long as your criminal wins.

No Difference Between the Two Parties

A common theme among the quitters – While politicians in general seldom fail to act like self-serving politicians, there is indeed an important difference between the two major political parties, and there always has been.

Aside from the fact that today’s democrat party is really a global socialist party, with a long history of abusing minority groups and targeting average American workers with ever increasing financial burdens, high taxation, more regulations, record inflation, destruction of the family and worse – the biggest problem is there is nothing “democratic” about the democrat party.

The entire National Democrat Party is run by just eleven unelected party generals.

  • Jaime Harrison, DNC Chairman
  • Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, GA
  • Governor Gretchen Whitmer, MI
  • Senator Tammy Duckworth, IL
  • Congressman Cedric Richmond, LA
  • Ken Martin, MN
  • Jason Rae, WI
  • Virginia McGregor, PA
  • Chris Korge, FL
  • Chuck Schumer, NY
  • Nancy Pelosi, CA

Democrat party voters did not elect these eleven people to run the national party. There is no democratic process within the democrat party, whereby democrat voters can elect their party leadership. The DNC is run by eleven, basically self-appointed leaders, a small cabal of likeminded political powerbrokers mostly from the worst run states in the country, who rule the party and country with a tyrannical iron fist, no better than Stalin or Mao.

It’s the National Republican Party that is led by democratic process, where the national leaders of the party are elected by state party delegations at party conventions held in each state. Unlike the DNC run by eleven unelected tyrants, the RNC is run by 151 elected party leaders, three elected by elected delegates from each of the fifty states.

The DNC is a party of, by and for the eleven self-appointed tyrants in charge, nothing democratic about it. But the RNC is a party of, by and for the republican voters, with leadership elected by party supporters in every state and sent to D.C. to lead the party in a cohesive manner at the national level. While the DNC is solely a top-down party, the RNC is designed as a bottom-up party. Most republicans just don’t know it and don’t engage properly.

That’s a very important difference and distinction. The biggest problem in the GOP is; a lack of patriot engagement; and open primaries allowing democrats to manipulate GOP primaries.

Who is Supposed to be Forever Vigilant?

“A Republic ma’am, if you can keep it” is what Ben Franklin said to Mrs. Powell, as he walked from the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Every Founder then spoke about two foundational things that would become the responsibility of every American Citizen in their posterity, you, and me.

  • All governments are at best, a necessary evil. Therefore, every American is called to be forever vigilant, not just as it pertains to foreign threats, but more importantly, threats from within, from a government run amok, becoming a grave threat, and enemy within the gates.
  • The Constitutional Representative Republic, in fact freedom itself, is only suited for a “moral society.” Our prisons are full of “immoral” people incapable of freedom and self-governance. Thanks to anti-law and order democrats, so are our streets now.

It isn’t Donald Trump or any other politician who is called to be forever vigilant, it’s every single freedom and liberty loving American who must be forever vigilant, and because most haven’t been for decades, they struggle to understand the problem, or find viable solutions.

Instead of Quitting (a form of Surrender) launched Model State Legislation all the way back in 2011-2013, titled The State Balance of Powers Act. Had the State legislatures enacted this model legislation then, all of the total destruction thrust upon our nation since, could have been easily and quickly stopped at the State lines. But “patriots” were too busy with nonsense, while others expected the swamp to drain itself.

More recently, launched a citizen activist initiative titled Time To Meet With Your State RNC Representatives. They published a sample letter for how to get the meeting, and on August 1, 2022, a group of committed Michigan patriots delivered a letter to the Michigan Republican Party HQ requesting the meeting. Party officials in Michigan have so far refused to respond to the request, likely due to the fact that they are under attack on all sides from republican voters already. The upcoming State Michigan GOP Convention promises fireworks!

In essence, the Republican Party has not been representing its conservative base, on a State or National level. In fact, it hasn’t even been representing its published Party Platform, and even worse, has been misusing donations to fund republican candidates who openly work against the party platform, which is a form of campaign finance fraud.

Proving that direct engagement does work, recent GOP primaries just removed eight of ten congressional RINOs who voted to impeach Trump, including the all-powerful and full of herself, Liz Cheney.

The point is, people determined to do something, can do something. People who quit, or wait for someone else to do it, or work alone without any competitive team, cannot do anything helpful.

If the USA is lost to a global Marxist takeover, it will only be because Americans failed to be forever vigilant, or to engage in directing their own future, where they could have.

At the end of the day, political parties, and the nation, will be whatever the American people make it, or allow it to be. In a free sovereign nation of, by and for the people, the buck always stops with the people.

Only better decisions can lead to better results…

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The USA is Totally Insane

By Lex Greene

August 18, 2022

The vast majority of Americans trust no one now, and largely for very good reason. Americans have been openly betrayed by politicians in all political parties, every news outlet, the social media CEOs, church leaders, “patriot” group leaders, Hollywood, and due to COVID, even their friends and family, all of it one great big “cancel culture” designed to divide and conquer the USA. If you don’t buy into their blatant lies, or participate in their mass divisions, you’re a conspiracy theorist or domestic terrorist, maybe both.

The USA is on the verge of collapse, not for one reason, but for two. Indeed, we are currently ruled by the most maniacal cadre of totally insane criminal politicians in history. They are a combination of tyrannical criminals and outright idiots, often those who are both, like Biden and Harris. But this problem could be solved, if not for a society full of equally insane people.

How many examples do I need to provide before the light bulb goes on for you? Frankly, the list of examples could be nearly endless today. But under current mental conditions in the country, allow me to keep this very simple.

Death by Political Correctness

The mere notion that anyone has some lunatic nonexistent Constitutional Right to not be offended is itself, insane. Far too many Americans have been dog whistle trained to think they have a Right to silence others simply because they disagree.

Political Correctness (PC) is a term used to refer to language that seems intended to give the least amount of offense, especially when describing groups identified by external markers such as race, gender, culture, or sexual orientation. The term first appeared in Marxist-Leninist vocabulary following the Russian Revolution of 1917. At that time, it was used to describe adherence to the policies and principles of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Simply stated, it is, always has been and will always be a form of mind control, thought and speech control. In the early-to-mid 20th century, the phrase politically correct was used to describe strict adherence to a range of ideological orthodoxies within politics. In 1934, The New York Times reported that Nazi Germany was granting journalism permits “only to pure ‘Aryans’ whose opinions are politically correct”.

In the 1970s, the American New Left began using the term politically correct. In the essay The Black Woman: An Anthology (1970), Toni Cade Bambara said that “a man cannot be politically correct and a male chauvinist, too.” William Safire marks this as the first use in the typical modern sense, and the movement to neuter all males in the USA.

PC quickly became a cornerstone of the Democrat Party, a means by which they control the minds of their sheep and demonize everyone who dares to speak truth on any subject.

From PC to Cancel Culture

Being nice to others by not going out of our way to offend them seems like a good idea. That’s just common sense and common decency. That’s not what PC or the advanced cancel culture is about though. It’s a draconian attempt to silence all voices of dissent, going so far as to imprison citizens for simply not sharing extreme far left global communist concepts, or put them on the “red flag” short list and send a new Nazi arm of the IRS to intimidate, threaten and penalize.

Just as darkness is the absence of light, deception is the absence of truth.

The leftist movement has two audience targets, the sheep of course, but also you and me. The goal is to totally control the thoughts of the sheep and it’s been very successful in this regard. But the sheep don’t need to curtail their offensive speech or violent behaviors at all. It’s the approved narrative. They are free to offend all of us at will, daily. We’re just not allowed to offend them.

It’s you and me who are supposed to limit our thoughts and speech, and far too many Americans have gone-along to get-along, to their own demise. The result of this is mass national delusion and destruction on pretty much every major issue, taking on the look of a nation gone mad.

A Few Examples

Few surrendered to COVID mandates because they thought it was in their best health interests. Most complied under extreme duress, their jobs, families, friends, incomes, and lives threatened by the government, employers, and their mass media machine hourly.

Science told us all that the mask mandates were useless…printed on the side of every mask box. But the mad scientists told us the opposite. Science taught us that we never quarantine healthy people, but only sick people. But the mad scientists told us the opposite. The mad scientists told us that if we just succumb to untested, unproven, and unapproved experimental vaccines, we’d never get COVID. But the facts have proven that false as well…after 70% of Americans took the first jab, 30% a second and third jab. More than 90% of new COVID cases today are in vaccinated people, including Dr. Fauci, Joe and Jill Biden.

Who told men they could be a woman if they just put a dress on? Who told women they can be a man if they just take hormone injections to grow a beard? Who decided kids who don’t yet know their favorite color, they can choose what sex they are? And who taught the parents to allow such utter insanity in their kid’s lives?

If I believed I was a horse, I’d belong in a mental hospital. But if you look at me and see a horse, then it’s you who belongs in a mental institution. I’m not suggesting we should poke fun at or bully people who are different from us. But to engage in their insanity makes us just as insane as they are.

Our country is clearly under a very dangerous mass invasion on our southern border and beyond. Our government refuses to do anything about it, while sending billions to Ukraine and other foreign nations to protect their borders. If you don’t think this policy is nuts, then you are insane.

Nobody in their right mind thinks mumbling stumbling Joe Biden is capable of running to the bathroom on his own, much less running a country. We’re talking about a guy who can’t complete a sentence without a teleprompter and can’t even read that right, or even work his sport coat correctly. Still, some 30% of the country claim he’s a great leader and every last one of them is nuts!

The Most Insane Among Us

Indeed, about 30% of the US population is just plain bat-guano crazy. We see them everywhere we look. But the most insane among us is the other 70%, who know better, but go-along with the insanity anyway.

Convinced we were just being kind…we fell for it. Even though we knew better, we decided to let it pass, as if a lie told often enough would eventually become true. American conservatives are non-intrusive by our nature. We just want to live free, and we understand that the only way to do that is to support freedom and liberty for everyone. But when we let evil exist, it advances, until it consumes everyone and everything.

We thought that if we’d just live and let live, others would do the same for us, but we were wrong. The PC cancel culture won’t allow any opinion but their own to exist. Sadly, it isn’t even their opinions they project. It’s the opinions of global Marxist maniacs they regurgitate, as if they have no mind of their own. Asked to back up their nutty claims, they can’t…so they cancel your right to ask instead.

The American left has been Pavlov trained with treats from the public trough when they obey, labeled stimulus money now. Now they are attack dogs for the global left, and we are the red meat. They can’t debate any issue honestly because the facts simply are not on their side. So, they demand that the facts be ignored, as though completely irrelevant. If we won’t let the facts die in silence, then we are mere enemies of the new Marxist state they have built.

Nutjobs look at a DC political rally on January 6, 2021, and see an “insurrection,” clearly unaware of what an insurrection really is. The same nuts watch BLM and ANTIFA burn whole cities, loot and damage property and threaten lives with violence, and see a “peaceful protest.” Such views are entirely void of reality.

“All that is required for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.”

Today, insanity is all we can see, from shore to shore, border to border. It’s everywhere, in the schools, churches, governments, businesses, academia, Hollywood, the news media, political parties, our courts and even our broken families who can no longer stand to be in the same room together.

The powerful have intentionally divided us, in order to conquer us. Pitted American against American, all by erasing truth, history and the foundations of freedom and liberty, covering the nation in a blanket of lies with the obvious intent to ignite a civil war, American against American, as they plunder the nation unchallenged.

They have raped and devoured the average American mind through public education, higher indoctrination in the lecture halls, and even the new age churches. Almost no one knows who or what to trust anymore, drowning in an ocean of lies, our very existence threatened from within our own gates, as the government and their mindless minions heap crisis after crisis upon an unsuspecting nation adrift.

An insane people cannot survive their own folly. People who can no longer tell up from down, right from left, truth from lies, are doomed. It’s reminiscent of the fall of the Roman Empire, and all once great civilizations. Consumed by self-interest and living under a blanket of lies, the American people have little hope for survival.

Yet, it is that truth that can set us free once again, the truth most Americans are afraid to speak. For truth to reign, it must be spoken, or it doesn’t exist. All government power is derived from the consent of the governed, and our silence is our consent.

We either speak truth now, or we will perish by the sharp edge of mass deception and national delusions, all a direct result of our silence, a form of quiet self-destruction.

An insane nation cannot exist…it is doomed to the ash heap of history.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.”  —Cicero 106 BCE – 43 BCE

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You

By Lex Greene

August 11, 2022

The title is the first half of a statement made by President John F. Kennedy (D) at his Inaugural Address on January 20, 1961. The balance of this statement was – “ask what you can do for your country.”

That was sixty-one years ago, and my how things have changed since. Today, democrat voters only ask, even demand, what our government (taxpayers) can do for them. They care not about anything else…Freedom, liberty, and justice for all, be damned. Everything is strictly about voting themselves favors from the government, all of it paid for by taxpayers, and they are obviously willing to even use extreme Nazi-style measures to accomplish the darkest of any heart’s desires.

This anti-American movement, totally at odds with President Kennedy’s call to the people in 1961, was rooted in the USA at least as far back as the early 1900s under the Wilson administration (D) and firmly advanced under FDR (D) between 1933 and 1945. The Marxist ideologies were then adopted by the 60’s peacenik crowd while they were high, and supplanted into their children, later raised by the government in government controlled education. Those peaceniks are often called “professor” today.

There are a few of those old peacenik addicts still around, although they are dying fast from COVID vaccine injury these days. But their children are now one of the biggest problems facing our nation, those between 25-45 years old now. These are the children and grandchildren of the 60s global Marxist generation, led by the likes of Che Guevara and the Weather Underground. Today, these groups are now represented by democrat street militants, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.

So, after decades of these groups advancing the “what can the taxpayers do for me” agenda, Kennedy’s statement changes once again.

Instead of asking what our country can do for us, we must now ask…


Americans of every political stripe need look no further than what our government has done to our country just since January 2020, with the Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris Nazi regime and their maniacal psychos in every federal agency, including the US Military – via their purely evil GLOBAL COVID19 RESET.

But if that doesn’t make the hair raise on the neck of every American, the raid on the home of billionaire former President Trump should have you throwing up in your bathroom by now.

Ahead of that raid, the DOJ and FBI had already run numerous other fraudulent fake investigations working in concert with powerful democrats, trying to take down the most popular political figure on earth today, and everyone who supports him. January 6, 2021 rally goers remain in prison as nothing more than political prisoners today, except the two who have recently committed suicide.

Biden’s (Obama’s) DOJ and FBI waited for Trump to be out of town, gave the Trump’s Secret Service detail only 45-minutes advance notice, demanded that all Trump property security cameras be shut down and denied any Trump lawyers to be present during the raid – after Trump and his lawyers had been voluntarily cooperating with officials for month, which at this point, no citizens should ever do. All of this is unconstitutional, illegal, and never done before.

Within hours we find out that it was none other than former Jeffrey Epstein pedophile lawyer, now Federal Judge Bruce Reinhart, believed to have hastily signed off on the Trump raid warrant…likely a pedophile himself, truth be known.

It’s also coming to light that Liz Cheney’s husband is at the law firm defending Hunter Biden, which really pertains to Joe Biden’s international money laundering schemes, so far buried by the DOJ and FBI.

You just can’t make this kind of stuff up! The “swamp” is coming into crystal clear focus.

Now, I have watched as the mindless boobs who believe every lie the leftist politicians and their media ever tell, rage with excitement over what they just saw on their 24/7 anti-Trump TV screen and leftist social media platforms, even openly threatening violence towards the entire nation “if Trump isn’t indicted for something,” whether he has actually done anything illegal or not.

Part of me gets a real kick out of seeing idiot anti-gun folks openly threatening gun-enthusiasts in broad daylight on public social media. The other part of me knows that if any conservative or republican ever did that, Biden’s DOJ and FBI would raid their homes in minutes, as if it were the Trump compound in Florida.

Add to this the knowledge that democrats just rammed through (with no bipartisan support) another $1.3 Trillion spending bill disguised as some inflation reduction act, which includes $80 billion for 87,000 new IRS agents, (a 500% increase) on the heels of spending $700,000 for more IRS weapons and ammo a few weeks earlier, and you’d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to miss the memo!

I think we can safely say, we get the message loud and clear. Remember what the leftists in power keep telling you? “No one needs weapons of war except the military.” – Except of course, Biden’s (Obama’s) gestapo, once proudly referred to as our US National Security agencies and US Military.

Clearly, the Biden (Obama) regime in power has rapidly and fully weaponized the entire federal authority against the American people…And since no one needs that kind of power unless they are going to war, they are going to war! This time, with us!

Indeed, it’s no longer “Ask not what your country can do for you” or “what you can do for your country” or even “what taxpayers can do for Marxist thugs,” – it’s now, WHAT CAN OUR COUNTRY DO TO US, every American?

Because Americans have been asleep at the wheel for so long and still not ready to make a united stand against tyranny, I suspect we will find out what they can do before November, when democrats are poised to lose political power from sea to sea and border to border.

Think there is anything they are unwilling to do? I don’t… Why would you?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Bill of Rights Shall Not be “Infringed”

By Lex Greene

August 1, 2022

Are you one of millions asking for solutions to our catastrophic circumstances? They have been sitting right in your lap the entire time!

Contrary to modern intentional misrepresentations concerning the U.S. Bill of Rights, these amendments to the U.S. Constitution are NOT an enumeration of “the people’s Rights.” They are an enumeration of additional restrictions on federal authority, listing a number of things that the government is prohibited from doing.

The Following “Rights of the People” SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

  1. Prohibits the government from infringing upon the Right of the People to freely exercise our Religion, Speech, Press, Public Assembly, and Petition public officials for redress of grievances.
  2. Prohibits the government from infringing upon the Right of the People To keep (possess) and bear (carry) arms.
  3. Prohibits the government from infringing upon the Rights of the People, by the forcible housing of military personnel in a citizen’s home during peacetime and requires the process to be “prescribed by law” in times of war.
  4. Prohibits the government from infringing upon the Rights of the People, enforcing the reality that “each man’s home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of private property by the government.
  5. Prohibits the government from infringing upon the Rights of the People relevant to both criminal and civil legal proceedings. In criminal cases, the Fifth Amendment guarantees the right to a grand jury, forbids “double jeopardy,” and protects against self-incrimination.  It also requires that “due process of law” be part of any proceeding that denies a citizen “life, liberty or property” and requires the government to compensate citizens when it takes private property for public use.
  6. Prohibits the government from infringing upon the Rights of the People and guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.
  7. Prohibits the government from infringing upon the Rights of the People, continuing a practice from English common law of distinguishing civil claims which must be tried before a jury from claims and issues that may be heard by a judge alone. It only governs federal civil courts and has no application to civil courts set up by the states when those courts are hearing only disputes of state law.
  8. Prohibits the government from infringing upon the Rights of the People, excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
  9. Prohibits the government from infringing upon any Natural Rights of the People, the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights of government, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
  10. Prohibits the government from infringing upon any Natural Rights of the People and their States, the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Now, since the Bill of Rights is an enumeration of things the federal government CANNOT DO, or “infringe,” it’s critical to know what the legal definition of “infringe” is…



  1. actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.):


contravene · violate · transgress · break · breach · disobey · defy · flout · fly in the face of · ride roughshod over · kick against · fail to comply with · fail to observe · disregard · take no notice of · ignore · neglect · go beyond · overstep · exceed · infract undermine · erode · diminish · weaken · impair · damage · compromise · limit · curb · check

No matter which issue addressed in the Bill of Rights, ALL of them forbid the federal government from “infringing” upon the items enumerated in the Bill, based upon all the different ways and means they have used in the past to infringe upon all of it! The Rights of the People have been grossly infringed over many years, simply because too many Citizens don’t know their Rights, or the proper interpretation of the Charters of Freedom and Liberty. Millions more failed to be “forever vigilant” in our protection and preservation thereof…

Examples of the U.S. Supreme Court finally getting it right when they upheld the Constitution and Bill of Rights in two recent cases.

The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms – “shall not be infringed”

In response to this ruling, the Democrat controlled House just passed a new “infringement” bill in “Assault Weapons Ban of 2022, H.R. 1808,” by a narrow 217-213 four vote margin. Seven House democrats broke ranks with Pelosi, but two House Republicans broke ranks to vote with Pelosi, against the Constitution and Bill of Rights. NOTE: Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Chris Jacobs of New York

Had Fitzpatrick and Jacobs voted nay, the unconstitutional bill would have stalled at a 215-215 vote in the House. The US Senate is expected to kill the bill in their chamber. But we will be able to see how each Senator votes.

Even if it passes the Senate and is signed by temporary resident Biden, it still won’t be “law.”

“A law repugnant to the Constitution is void.  An act of Congress repugnant to the Constitution cannot become a law.  The Constitution supersedes all other laws and the individual’s rights shall be liberally enforced in favor of him, the clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary.”Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)

The U.S. Supreme Court vacated Woe v. Wade

Contrary to insane pro-death democrat rhetoric, the high court didn’t issue a ruling “making abortion illegal.” It “vacated” the Roe v. Wade court decision on the basis that the decision was “unconstitutional.” The court is right, that decision was unconstitutional, in a number of ways. But the top reason is that the federal government, any of the three branches, has no authority on the subject whatsoever. The court returned the issue to the States, where it has always belonged under the Tenth Amendment.

No one can protect, defend, or preserve for future generations, any foundations of freedom and liberty with which they are unfamiliar. American Citizens simply must know the proper foundations of freedom and liberty, or they will soon have neither.

Last, anyone who thinks the Charters of Freedom need to be amended today, either don’t know the foundations that already exist, or seek to undermine those foundations.

The road to freedom, liberty, and justice in the USA is the firm enforcement of foundations that already exist. Any focus on rewriting those foundations, is a suicide mission. Further…

Any American who seeks to alter, undermine, overthrow, or eliminate the foundations of freedom, is guilty of Conspiracy against Rights, a form of treason.

“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.” – 18 U.S. Code § 241

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Biden’s Greater Depression

By Lex Greene

July 30, 2022

Only politicians and those who love them, can stare into the face of crippling inflation, an idle supply chain, and two quarters of retracting economic conditions and deny the obvious. The USA (and world) is headed into an economic depression that will dwarf the Great Depression between 1929-1939, almost a hundred years ago.

The “new math” brought to the USA via global Marxist accounting systems in k-12 education, makes it possible to calculate skyrocketing inflationary prices up 40-150% as only a 10% inflation rate. Only “economic experts” know how to make the average onlooker feel good about horrific news. Putting lipstick on a pig is what makes one an “expert” these days. Nothing is about reality…it’s just about controlling public perceptions, like having the band continue to play on the Titanic, so that guests didn’t realize the ship was sinking.

According to official reports, consumer prices rose 7.9% in Biden’s first year in office, and another 8.9% since. That’s a total of 16.8% over the past 18-months. (But it’s just a 10% inflation rate?)

But when we go to the gas pumps, or grocery store, or see our latest utility bill, prices are actually up anywhere between 40-150% across the board. DC’s use of “new math” and “baseline accounting” developed by the “economic experts” conceals the reality that in the end, a depression nears, the likes of which will make The Great Depression almost a hundred years ago look like a day at the park.

Despite the fact that many Americans now have to choose between gas in their car or food on their table, the Biden administration continues to paint more and more lipstick on this pig, hoping DC math will ease your very real pain with false perceptions, as we head into an election cycle poised for a record RED WAVE.

The true depth of our catastrophic problem remains largely invisible to the public, thanks to falsified accounting reports and a complicit news media that has worked around the clock to keep everyone in the dark on a whole host of issues.

During the Great Depression of 1929-1939, it was all too visible to everyone, as an estimated 25% of Citizens stood in bread lines to feed their families. Prior to democrats COVID19 plandemic, approximately 40% of Americans were already receiving some form of federal assistance to make ends meet.

But after their first plandemic, this number skyrocketed to almost 70% of Americans receiving federal assistance, via multiple methods of “vote buying,” recently relabeled “stimulus” programs. Because the bread lines are no longer in the street, few know how many are standing in those digital world bread lines today.

The only thing these programs “stimulated” was increased public government dependency, skyrocketing national debt, massive inflation, fear of the future, and dictatorial federal tyranny in an endless stream of Biden “executive orders” which are not laws, according to the Constitution…

  • An endless stream of plandemics, Covid, Marburg, Monkeypox, Climate Change, War, etc.
  • Overt policies designed to strip every American of their fundamental Natural Rights
  • Intentional dumbing-down of generations via government indoctrination curriculums
  • Igniting endless social divisions over politics, race, religion, gender, health, science, individual economic standing, and every method of division they can muster
  • Destroying the traditional family
  • Force injecting DNA-altering bioweapons into every human being
  • Destroying the world reserve currency, the U.S. Dollar
  • Destroying our food supply, and altering natural foods with government altered foods designed to destroy the human body over time
  • Mass foreign invasion on our southern border, spread into cities everywhere
  • Unbridled drug and human trafficking designed to drug up an already dumbed down electorate

These things and many more, have caused every socio-economic illness in the USA today. They are also causing what promises to be the greatest economic disaster the USA and world has ever faced, maybe even the total global collapse of society as we have ever known it.

But economic depressions can be easily avoided or repaired by simply replacing devastating economic policies with known economic free-market solutions that made the USA the greatest nation on earth years ago.

The economic depression thrust upon Americans by global tyrants in control of today’s Democrat Party and all democrat (RINO) powerbrokers, threatens the very foundations of American freedom, justice, liberty, and any hope for a bright future. But it can all be changed in an instant…

Much worse is the other great depression Biden and his corrupt cohorts have dumped on every American in the past 18-months…mental depression.

In “The Age of Distracti-pression” – even the hardcore leftist New York Times sounds the alarm on a massive increase of prescription anti-depression medications as a direct result of the COVID plandemic.

“The pandemic’s true toll on mental health won’t be known for a long time, but data from the past two years indicates a rise — some of it sharp…” (NYT Source)

It isn’t actually the virus itself that caused record rates of depression…but rather the oppressive and downright tyrannical government forced and coerced COVID management protocols. It’s what the federal government has done since January 2020, that has cost millions of American lives, trillions in American tax dollars, and ignited a firestorm of mass-depression across the country. This is the cause for pretty much every mass-shooting, BLM and ANTIFA riot, and daily increases in violence in almost every major U.S. city.

They have literally destroyed employment everywhere, closing the doors of thousands of small and medium size businesses, obliterating the U.S. Military, gutting U.S. Healthcare, and preventing employment opportunities for millions by refusing to hire anyone who isn’t vaxxed.

With each passing day, democrat politicians (and their RINO friends) in DC, states, and cities across the country, have continued to brutally abuse every single American Citizen, by every means available to them. Combined, they have created a perfect storm that threatens the very existence of the USA.

The federal government has essentially beaten the American people like a red-headed stepchild until a majority of Americans now behave like battered women in every aspect of their lives. They have created a spineless go-along to get-along society that may no longer be capable of freedom.

Solving the economic crises they have inflicted upon the USA is doable, with much wiser economic policies. But solving the mass mental and emotional damage done in just the past 18-months will not be nearly as easy.

When our younger generations look into the future today, they can’t see any future for themselves. Only the minority who mistakenly think government is the solution to every personal problem, think things are headed in the right direction. According to recent polling data, that’s only about 15% of the U.S. population now, with 85% saying Biden has forced the country into the wrong direction.

The longer it takes for so-called “leaders” to STOP Biden and move our country in the right direction, the more damage will be done, and rates of mental depression will rocket into orbit.

Desperation in the average Citizen is starting to show up in the streets already. Desperate people, who are otherwise peaceful and law-abiding, will do desperate things once survival of the fittest becomes the new law of the land, following the highly visible consequences of anti-American Biden regime policies.

You can reverse the economic impact of horrific economic policies. But no one knows how to turn a dumbed-down, drugged up, beleaguered, depressed, and totally demoralized society into a peaceful and productive free society ever again. Throughout all recorded history, freedom once lost, has never been regained.

ACTION is the only thing that can defeat depression and change the course of history. INACTION dooms everyone!

Every REAL American must have a single common goal at this point, to immediately regain control of our rogue government, local, state, and federal. Numerous things must be done to accomplish this goal. But every minute and penny spent on anything else at this point, is a total waste of precious time and resources.

It’s much easier to defend freedom, than to try to regain it once lost. Are you hearing me here?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Americans Have Only Two Choices

By Lex Greene

July 23, 2022

As Americans across the political spectrum suffer the consequences of the most fraudulent election in human history in 2020, they rush to figure out how to prevent it from happening again in 2022.

If you think democrats won’t attempt to cheat even more than they did in 2020, read my previous column, How Bad Will Election Fraud Be in 2022?, and think again!

Unfortunately, a majority of the mail I have received from that piece was from alleged “patriots” who took the time to tell me “nothing will work” and there’s no purpose in even trying, because “it’s too far gone” and “we are in the end times.” As a lifelong student of Holy scripture, I have taken the following three things as fact…

  1. Through Christ, ALL things are possible
  2. We are NEVER in this fight alone
  3. The Book of Revelations foretells of how “the people” end themselves via their free will

Two types of people NEVER win anything. The type that never leave the starting gate, and the type that quit before they reach the finish line. It is the most certain way to lose 100% of the time.

Americans have only two choices and it’s the same two choices the people always have…


First, shall we consider the option of doing nothing at all? This doesn’t require any imagination, expertise, or a long explanation. The outcome of doing nothing is always 100% certain. “All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.“ If you even think we have a choice, you are wrong. You need to read how they are driving us into their modern day Nazi ovens!

End of story!

So, shall we consider doing something instead?

Let’s agree that no plan or strategy is 100% guaranteed for success, in stark contrast to the reality related to doing nothing, the outcome of which is 100% guaranteed…no plan or strategy for confronting the evil we are under today is guaranteed at all.

This is no acceptable excuse for not trying!

What if our nation’s founders had decided they had no chance of defeating the Redcoats, and therefore, never even bothered to try? Our country and our past freedoms would have never existed. What if we had no medicine at all…because everyone decided it was too difficult to come up with any treatments or cures for illnesses?

Thomas Alva Edison, born in Ohio on February 11, 1847, was one of the most well-known inventors of all time. He spent a few of his early years in formal schooling, but he received most of his education at home. People have claimed for many years that Edison tried to create a light bulb more than 10,000-times and failed, before finally succeeding. What if Edison had given up at any point in his 10,000 attempts? What if Edison had never even tried?

America was not built by extraordinary people doing amazing things. Instead, tt was created and built by very ordinary people, doing extraordinary things. Our war fighters are rightfully called “heroes,” yet they too are ordinary Americans who do extraordinary things. What if they give up because it’s just too hard, or the odds are often against them?

At this late date, after decades of average American Citizens making an assumption that has never been true and never will be, the odds are indeed heavily against us. Doing nothing about the political corruption and criminality in our country for many years, is exactly how we got here.

Every time Citizens saw something they didn’t like, be it locally, within their state or at the federal level, in government, or within their own chosen political party, they simply quit, walked away in disgust, took their football, and went home to sit on the sidelines, waiting to see what happens when “the people” fail to be “forever vigilant” in defense of their own freedom, liberty, justice, and decency.

Well, how do you like how that has turned out?

You distrust your own political party…why? Because you left the party in the hands of people you rightfully distrust, instead of cleaning up your own house.

You now distrust the politicians you voted for…why? Because you failed to hold them accountable for breaking the promises they made to you, in order to gain your vote, and maybe even your campaign donations.

You’re frustrated, even mad! GOOD! Join the club…Maybe this means you are ready to do something now.

The very first thing we had better do together is figure how to prevent the fraud that clearly happened in 2020 from happening again in 2022, at an even higher level.

How Bad Will Election Fraud Be in 2022? Unless WE do something serious and fast, 2022 fraud promises to be worse than it was in 2020. If we do nothing, there will be no RED WAVE come November, despite an election cycle wherein the opposition party represents the most unpopular politicians in U.S. history. In fact, since every half-intelligent democrat in the country knows there is a RED WAVE the size of a tsunami headed their way, they may not even allow an election to take place, under another strategically planned “crisis” over the latest Donkey-virus or Global Marxist Climate Change hoax.

If you have any idea what the global Marxists are leading the world into, then you know, doing nothing isn’t even an option. Countries all over the globe are collapsing due to citizen uprisings. Economies are collapsing, as are many national currencies. Our own is teetering on the brink…

So, given that we only have two choices, one of which is no choice at all, what’s YOUR plan? WRITE ME DIRECT – If you’re not on the field, you’re not in the game!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

How Bad Will Election Fraud Be in 2022?

By Lex Greene

July 21, 2022

The short answer is, worse than in 2020.

It’s no secret that the Biden (Obama 3.0) administration is the most unpopular administration in U.S. history, and for plenty of good reasons. No previous administration has ever created such a huge dumpster fire across the country and around the world in such a short period of time.

Clearly, Joe Biden lacks the mental capacity to read a teleprompter correctly, much less run anything, or even know where he is, or why, most of the time. Kamala Harris is even worse than Biden, but not due to late stage dementia. She’s always been dumber than a box of rocks. Biden is down to a 28% approval rating, but Kamala is even lower.

So, Americans predicting a “red wave” on November 8th can read these tea leaves and draw the conclusion that democrats across the country will be politically slaughtered in the 2022 mid-terms. But there’s a key element to that prediction that most are ignoring…we don’t have legitimate elections.

2020 isn’t the first time democrats worked to perfect the art of stealing an election. In 2000, they tried to seat Al Gore in the Oval Office by denying the certification of the overseas Military vote, while knocking “hanging chads” from paper ballots on the floor in endless Florida recounts…A fraudulent process eventually stopped by the U.S. Supreme Court.

All the way back in 1936, the Democrat E. H. Crump political machine based in Memphis, which controlled much of Tennessee, extended to McMinn County with the introduction of Paul Cantrell as the Democratic candidate for sheriff. Cantrell engaged in electoral fraud, both by intimidating voters who voted against him, and by allowing ineligible people to vote. The U.S. Department of Justice had investigated allegations of electoral fraud in McMinn County in 1940, 1942, and 1944, but had never taken any action.

But by 2020, the Democrat Party had perfected a plethora of election fraud methods and they used all of them, making the 2020 elections the most fraudulent election in human history! The entire world knows it, and they can’t figure out why Americans have allowed it to stand.

For decades, the Democrat Party has been cheating in elections, by any means necessary. The Republican Party has allowed it to continue for decades, in part due to a legal agreement called a Consent Decree, which the GOP made with the Democrat Party back in 1982. Since 1982, the Republican Party had been legally prohibited from contesting elections due to suspected vote fraud. Of course, Republican voters and donors never agreed to any such thing, and most never even knew about it. A Federal Court allowed that agreement to expire in 2018, just ahead of the mid-terms.

Still, with massive fraud on open global display in the 2020 elections, the Republican Party sat quiet as the worst administration in U.S. history stole the White House and numerous Congressional seats in broad daylight, or the dark of night when it came to after-hours DNC ballot drops at key swing state distracts, captured on film. Republican Vice President Mike Pence participated in the steal and continues to participate in the coverup, as do many other Republican officials, the worst among them, Liz Cheney (WY) and Mitt Romney (UT).

Countless groups have worked around the clock to evidence and expose the massive 2020 fraud since, as all news networks and both political parties continue to deny any wrongdoing even today. The evidence isn’t just compelling, it’s overwhelming, despite an obvious effort to cover it all up.

So, just how bad will the democrat party fraud be in November 2022?

Well, when there are no consequences for committing massive election fraud in front of the entire world, there is no reason to stop committing that fraud. In fact, it encourages the cheaters to up the ante in election after election until someone finally puts a stop to it. All they needed was a little cover, such as the fake COVID19 scamdemic used to open up unverifiable mail-in and drop box balloting, along with illegal ballot harvesting and election machine hacking. It worked once, so they will most surely do it again!

Because nothing at all has been done about the fraud in 2020, there is no reason to expect that democrats won’t continue that practice in 2022. No one in the USA has successfully challenged their crimes.

How far are they willing to go in 2022?

Again, the short answer is, however far they need to go to make sure they retain political power after November. Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING AT ALL, is off the table in 2022.

Democrats know they are highly unpopular today, even among many lifelong democrats who foolishly voted for them in 2020. They know they have no chance of legitimately winning any election this November. As a result, they also know that they will have to cheat more in 2022 than they did in 2020 and they are already doing it across the country.

  • Will democrats use all of the fraudulent methods they used in 2020? YES
  • Will they launch another scamdemic to force unverifiable voting? YES
  • Will they continue to ratchet up war with Russia in Ukraine? YES
  • Will they continue to sell USA resources to Communist China? YES
  • Will they continue to demolish the US Military? YES
  • Will they continue to put illegal invaders and convicts on the streets everywhere? YES
  • Will they continue to target all law enforcement and border agents? YES
  • Will they continue to threaten and attack all Constitutionally Protected Rights? YES
  • Will they continue to destroy our schools and churches? YES
  • Will they continue to flood the USA with bioweapons and fentanyl? YES
  • Will they continue to plant terror cells in every city? YES
  • Will they continue to intentionally destroy our economy? YES
  • Will they continue to cause massive inflation and supply chain shortages? YES
  • Will they do all they can to cause a total economic collapse before November? YES
  • Will they continue to unleash Marxist terrorists like BLM and ANTIFA on the public? YES
  • Will they use “false flag” events to gaslight unsuspecting citizens? YES
  • Will they use the Military against Citizens if need be? YES
  • Will they continue to create a never ending stream of “emergencies” to win? YES
  • Will they continue to lie to win? YES

All the above is a known given… no need for any imagination, since we have watched democrats do it all for many years.

The democrat party also teaches their candidates in RED districts in open primary states, to run on Republican tickets. They also teach democrat voters to cross over in open GOP primaries to vote for the republican candidate, whom they want to run against in the general election.

Even worse, the democrat party is spending millions on republican candidates in open republican primaries, just to manipulate GOP elections and hand pick the candidate they think they can defeat in the general elections.

And of course, there is nothing new about global nation-wreckers like Nazi George Soros spending billions to manipulate elections from the top of the ballot to the bottom, coast to coast.

Will they flood our country with criminals and terrorists from every 3rd world toilet, replacing uncontrollable Americans with easily controllable 3rd world voters? YES

In my opinion, they are even willing to sponsor mass shootings, BLM and ANTIFA riots, or even nuke U.S. cities with dirty bombs they can blame on Putin, just to retain their ill-gotten power in an election year they are doomed to lose BIG! These criminals are highly capable of doing anything to retain power and any casualties of their crimes are acceptable collateral damage to whatever they deem necessary.

So, how bad will election fraud be in 2022?

Far worse than in 2020, and this time, they won’t limit their tactics to merely stuffing and stealing votes. They are desperate, and desperate people are very dangerous.

Unless American Citizens make it their business to do whatever it takes to secure the November elections, a RED WAVE remains highly unlikely, despite running against the most unpopular administration in U.S. history. There are many things the people can and should do to turn the tide, they just have to do it.

I work with that just released their most recent Citizen Call to Action. Anyone can do this, and everyone should, unless you have already surrendered. More action items will be issued by the group, so get connected with us to get properly engaged.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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If YOU Can’t be Trusted to Protect Your Own Child

By Lex Greene

July 13, 2022

Isn’t it ironic that it’s only the most critical questions of all, that are deemed politically incorrect to ask?

If YOU can’t be trusted to protect your own child, can you be trusted with anything else? If you have demonstrated no regard for human life at all, should any human anywhere trust you with their life? If you don’t believe in the most foundational Right to Life, what other Rights could you possibly believe in?

Allow me to continue…

Since none of the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines” can prevent catching CV19, prevent severe illness or death related to CV19, what is the purpose of the jab? Since more people have taken ill or died after the “vaccines” than from CV19 itself, should we still be forcing people to get the “vaccines?”

Since no amount of social distancing or mask wearing prevented CV19 from infecting people regardless of these measures, what is the purpose of these measures?

Since the 2020 elections violated State Election Laws in every State of the Union, how could the results of that unlawful election process, be lawful?

Why do you think democrats are on your side when it was Republicans who freed the slaves and advanced every Civil Rights law in the USA, while the democrat party fought against both, every step of the way?

Why do you think Republicans are “racist” when it’s democrats who started and operate the KKK, including the Senate hero for all democrats, Senator Robert KKK Byrd?

Now that Jeffrey Epstein’s key human pedophile trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted for these crimes, shouldn’t every JOHN who participated in the rape and abuse of these young girls also be prosecuted to the full extent of the law? Is it right for our federal government to protect the identity of these horrific pedophiles? Do you really think the news media doesn’t already have the real list of rapists and pedophiles?

Unless we ask the right questions, we will never get the right answers… shall I continue?

Why do you believe that conservatives or republicans are “warmongers” when history shows us that it has been democrats who started nearly every war since our nation’s founding?

Why should anyone believe in socialism and communism when both have failed everywhere they have ever been tried?

If socialism is such a great idea, why are people from socialist countries invading our southern border to escape it, and why has the USA sent foreign aid to all socialist countries for decades? Has any foreign nation ever sent aid to the USA because capitalism failed?

Why do we fight amongst ourselves when our government is the common enemy of us all, constantly working around the clock to divide our people beyond repair? Have you never heard of “divide and conquer?”

If Trump was to blame for everything that happened during his four year tenure, why isn’t Biden to blame for everything that has happened during his tenure?

88% of people recently polled in the USA agree that the USA is on the wrong track and headed for total collapse, and they are right. But do you expect this reality to change how they vote in November? Shouldn’t it?

If democrats make better government leaders, why are all of the worst, most deadly, most corrupt cities in the USA, all run by democrats?

Do you really think the same party that has already destroyed every major city in the USA, can somehow make all of America anything better?

Do you really expect people who refuse to even protect the lives of their own children, to protect you or your loved ones?

How much have you been lied too? How long have you been lied to? We have all been lied to, repeatedly, for many years. Are we now no longer able to discern truth from lies?

If you don’t trust politicians, lawyers, judges, news media, doctors, or scientists, why do you place your faith in man at all? Our Founders knew better, why don’t you?

Do you even grasp the difference between inalienable Natural Rights of every human being vs. negotiable privileges temporarily granted by some government official, usually to benefit their own power and wealth?

Everyone and their cousin is trying to tell you what to think and what to do, from politicians to judges, news anchors to social media addicts. Instead, I’m desperately trying to get you to think. I want to know what YOU think this time.

Instead of telling you what I think and why I think it, which I have done many times for many years, I’m asking you the most critical questions of the era and hoping you will take the time to answer these most critical questions.

I look forward to your answers… WRITE ME AT:

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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SCOTUS Affirms Broad 2nd Amendment Protection

By Lex Greene

June 30, 2022

For the first time in about 200-years, the U.S. Supreme Court is on a Constitutional roll. In this case, the highest court in the land ruled strictly upon the basis of Constitutional text instead of on the basis of partisan political activism, as has been a practice in the courts ever since Jefferson warned about it repeatedly in the early 1800s.

“The original error [was in] establishing a judiciary independent of the nation, and which, from the citadel of the law, can turn its guns on those they were meant to defend, and control and fashion their proceedings to its own will.” (Jefferson letter to John Wayles Eppes, 1807)

This is essentially the definition of “judicial tyranny.” Jefferson witnessed the problem before the ink was even dry on the Constitution. Today, people often refer to it in much kinder terms, “judicial activism.” No matter what you call it, the act is “unconstitutional” on its face.

Unfortunately, few modern Americans know anything at all about their foundations of freedom and liberty, codified in the Charters of Freedom. Sadly, even many contemporary “constitutionalists” can’t seem to get it quite right, due to relying upon “experts” and “scholars” to tell them what the documents say and mean, rather than studying history themselves.

But here are the foundational facts related to our Charters of Freedom and Liberty.

  1. The Declaration of Independence is our first “founding document.” It establishes why we separated from British Rule, formed a new sovereign nation of our own, on what authority, the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, based upon certain “inalienable Rights” which were “endowed by our Creator.” It further established the most basic Rights and Duties of a free people, including what to do if our government ever became destructive of freedom and liberty.
  2. The U.S. Constitution: Contrary to popular misconceptions, there is no such thing as “Constitutional Rights.” This document does not establish or grant any “Rights of the People” or even provide any direct protections for the “Rights of the People,” other than limiting that government to the enumerated powers granted it by the “consent of the governed.” This document pertains only to the Rights, Duties, systems, and limitations of the government it created. It has literally nothing to do with the “Rights of the People.”
  3. The Bill of Rights: Again, contrary to misguided popular beliefs today, the Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the “Rights of the People” either. But this document is an additional enumeration of specific items which the Federal Government is strictly prohibited from touching, at all, ever. The Bill of Rights is the only founding document that specifically protects the most basic natural Rights of the People, against government intrusions and infringements.

Now, the 2nd Amendment is one of only ten amendments that make up the Bill of Rights, which would have been better titled as a “Bill of specific prohibitions of government powers.”

This particular amendment is very short and very specific, so as to not ever be misconstrued.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The amendment has four distinct sections, all with clear specific purpose.

The WHY section: “being necessary to the security of a free State;”

The WHAT section: “to keep and bear Arms;”

The WHO section: “the right of the people;”

The PROHIBITION section: “shall not be infringed.”

In proper complete context, the Amendment says and means “being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Of course, we need to address the “well-regulated militia” section at the opening of the Amendment. This terminology was used as a term of art for the era. As we know from well recorded history, the very first fighting force in what would later become the USA, operated under the command of the Continental Congress, made up of every able bodied man from the thirteen original colonies as established in 1775 for the purpose of the American Revolution.

It wasn’t until after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 and the formation of the first Federal Government, that the branches we have today were formerly established as a uniformed Military under the command of the United States, for the protection of all member States and the Union of Sovereign States.

In other words, the American Revolution was fought by “We the People,” as no government or central federal command existed until after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. It was years later that the USA formalized “uniformed branches of the U.S. Military.” Prior to this, a “militia” of, by and for ordinary people, was all that existed.

Once the USA formed their own government commanded branches of the military, militias have often been considered a thing of the past. However, the only defense the people have even today, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to include a tyrannical government which turns its courts and military on the people themselves, is an armed citizenry with ultimate authority over all governmental bodies. Even the US Military itself, takes an oath to the Constitution and the People of the USA, not any politician.

Now, at the time of the adoption of the Bill of Rights, the term “INFRINGE” had the following meaning, and it still has that same meaning today. “To break, as contracts; to violate, either positively by contravention, or negatively by non-fulfillment or neglect of performance.”

Contravention means “Opposition; obstruction; a defeating of the operation or effect.”While the 1st Amendment is specific to the authority of Congress (shall make no law), the 2nd Amendment language applies to the Federal government in totality, “shall not be infringed” or “contravened.”

In closing, the 2nd Amendment is not in any way “ambiguous,” and therefore, it is not left up to interpretations or the political whims of time. Therefore, as the Supreme Court just ruled, court opinions, statutes, executive orders, changing political policies, or the mere “non-fulfillment or neglect of performance” which “infringe” upon upholding an unregulated Right of the People to keep (possess) and bear (carry) arms, is a direct violation of the 2nd Amendment and every oath of office. This protected natural Right of the People SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED…THE end!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Americans v. Demonic Democrat Socialists

By Lex Greene

June 29, 2022

The battle for the heart and soul of the USA was brought into vivid focus last week with two landmark Supreme Court decisions that should have been properly settled many years ago. Congratulations to the current SCOTUS members who had the intestinal fortitude to finally set the USA on a proper Constitutional, moral and ethical path in these two critical decisions.

The two decisions secure the Bill of Rights protection for every legal lawful American Citizen to keep and bear arms for self-protection, both inside the home and outside of the home (1) – and secure the most basic human Right to Life itself, guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence (2).

  1. “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
  2. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life,”

Ironically, these two high court decisions launched Obama’s street mob (BLM & ANTIFA) into blatant acts of “sedition and insurrection” taking place in democrat controlled cities across the country. This is resulting in the clear battle lines being vividly drawn between Pro-Life Pro-Freedom Americans and their enemies, the demonic democrat socialists currently identifying themselves in the streets, on the news media, and the halls of government.

Before I go any further, I need to state for the record that I am not calling for or even hoping for a war between Americans. I am simply foretelling the natural consequences of very poor decisions made by a very sick society.

The warring sides are now in stark contrast to each other. Based on my many years of research on the evolution of American society, I believe the nation falls along the following lines.

  1. DEMONIC DEMOCRAT SOCIALISTS – better identified as America’s death cult, is at best represented by approximately 30% of the current U.S. population, many of them invaders from foreign 3rd world countries, the rest largely young public school and college indoctrinated dimwits who have no connection with reality at all.
  2. STRONG AMERICANS – is represented by approximately 30% of the population and determined to re-secure the foundations of freedom, liberty, decency, sovereignty, and security for all future generations, at any cost, as codified in our Charters of Freedom. This group is largely made up of former service members, who have put their own lives on the line for freedom and liberty at some point in their lives.
  3. THE GO-ALONG TO GET-ALONG – is represented by approximately 40% of the U.S. population. This group usually sits everything out on the sidelines, unless it directly impacts their lives or threatens their economic standing. Even then, they are prone to remain silent until forced to speak.

After decades of blatant lies via the democrat party, their mainstream press, their social media and outright lies, Group A is very likely beyond salvation today. The facts are of no interest to this group at all. It simply does not matter to them what the truth is, they have adopted their own truths, based on blatant political lies. Most if not all in Group A, cannot ever be reached now. Sooner or later, the rest of the country will be forced to meet them in streets, because they will simply keep destroying our country until they are destroyed.

Group A is quite clearly willing to KILL and destroy to get what they foolishly want. But are they ready to die for their evil demonic causes?

Group B will not take no for an answer either, at some point. So far, they have been willing to attempt every peaceful option for solving the problems dumped upon every American citizen by Group A. They have been very measured in their activities and efforts to address the critical issues facing our nation via both political and legal processes. But sooner or later, those in Group A who have declared war on America from within, will force Group B to take the battle more seriously. When that moment arrives, Group B will be forced to show Group A, no mercy at all.

Now, Group C is in the driver’s seat in this regard.

How Group C swings on these issues will determine how peacefully the USA can be returned to a moral, ethical, and constitutional nation. This group can no longer afford to go-along to get-along. They must take a stand, one side or the other, and they need to do it fast.

If Group C shifts to the all-American side on these critical issues, the hardcore demonic left will be so grossly outnumbered, in the streets and in the elections, that they can be defeated peacefully.

But if Group C shifts to the wrong side, or continues to sit on the sidelines, this war cannot be settled peacefully. Push is fast coming to shove between the two warring factions. Only Group C can prevent all-out war between the two, by getting off the fence and on the morally right side of this fight, fast.

It’s very important to remember that the Pro-American Pro-Life Citizens never declared war on anyone in the USA. If anything, they have been far more tolerant than they should have ever been.

Instead, the global demonic democrat socialists have declared war on the USA and every true American. Americans have been far more tolerant than they should have ever been, or than I ever would have expected. But the clock is fast running out for the street mob that has declared open war on America. Soon, American’s will meet them in the streets.

Sadly, the indoctrinated left has no clue what danger they have put themselves in. But all decisions come with natural consequences. They are bringing hell on earth upon themselves, and they have no idea what’s coming.

Group C needs to get off the fence and take a stand. Group B needs to stop messing around, unify and get organized. And Group A, well they had best find God soon!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Abortion Protesters are Entirely Ignorant of the Facts

By Lex Greene

June 28, 2022

Democrat Socialist politicians and entertainment personalities have been telling American women that they have a “constitutionally protected Right to murder their children in the womb” ever since the fatally flawed Roe v. Wade ruling. It has always been a complete and total outright lie. No such Right exists anywhere in the Constitution or Bill of specifically protected Rights.

As always, democrat socialist politicians and activists depend upon the complete gross ignorance of their constituents for their own political power. Even the most blatantly obvious lies pass without any questions from leftist voters and recent Supreme Court rulings proves the point beyond any doubt. Their entire protest is based upon a set of well-circulated purposeful outright lies, perpetuated by democrat socialists for decades.

None of our Rights come from the U.S. Constitution at all

Not only does the U.S. Constitution NOT protect or even mention any Right of Abortion, but it also doesn’t mention any Rights of the People at all, anywhere in the document. That’s because the U.S. Constitution has nothing whatsoever to do with any Rights of the People.

Instead, the U.S. Constitution only refers to the Powers and Duties of the three separate branches of the Federal Government. The document establishes the functional duties and limited powers of each branch and assigns certain duties in common on behalf of all member States and legal Citizens. It has nothing to do with any “Rights of the People” at all.

Protections for Rights of the People exist in the U.S. Bill of Rights, NOT the Constitution.

Apparently, democrat socialist voters have never read and were never taught the basic truths about their Charters of Freedom and Liberty, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights is not a “granting of the Rights of the People” either. Instead, it is an additional prohibition or restriction of federal authority over the several enumerated natural Rights of the People which appear in the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

Again, nothing in the Bill of protected Rights of the people mentions anything at all about some alleged Right of Women to murder their young in the womb. Only the things specifically stated in the Bill of Rights, are protected by the Bill of Rights. NOTE: The 14th Amendment is not part of the Bill of Rights.

Therefore, there never was and never will be any “constitutionally protected Right to Abortion.” Roe v. Wade was a fatally flawed court decision that has cost the evil murder of more than 70-million innocent babies in the womb. To the contrary, LIFE itself was established as a protected inalienable Right in the Declaration of Independence, as without an inalienable Right to Life itself, there can be no Right to Liberty or Happiness.

The recent decision of the Supreme Court to vacate Roe v. Wade is entirely correct, as a matter of Constitutional Law. No such Right ever existed. The Roe v. Wade decision was the gross political overreach of federal and judicial authority, and that decision was entirely repugnant to everything in our Charters of Freedom. The fact that a very sick nation allowed that evil decision to stand for 50-years before vacating it is irrelevant. There is no wrong time to do the right thing!

Facts are not based on what you want to be true. Facts are just true and usually self-evident. Facts also don’t care how you feel about them…

Here are the closing FACTS

  1. Abortion does not appear in any Founding Document at all, much less as a “Right” protected by any of those documents. Therefore, there is no such thing as a “constitutionally protected Right to abortion” and there never was.
  2. Roe v. Wade was a fatally flawed court opinion which directly violated the “inalienable Right to Life” in the Declaration of Independence, which establishes the foundational principals of the greatest free society ever known to mankind. If you don’t have a basic Right to Life, then you have no Rights at all.
  3. The Rights of the People do not come from the Constitution or Bill of Rights. Rights are not “privileges” granted by any governmental body. Rights are “endowed by our Creator,” as established in our Declaration, derived from “the Laws of Nature, and of Nature’s God.”
  4. The Constitution only defines and establishes the limited power of the Federal Government, and the means by which government can execute the limited duties assigned it in the document.
  5. The Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of The People’s Rights. It is an enumeration of additional restraints placed upon the government.
  6. A “Right to Abortion” exists nowhere in our Founding Documents and nowhere in legislation passed by Congress, nor can it, as it would be a direct violation of the basic human Right to Life. Rights are not derived from any governmental body. However, in the USA, governmental officials take a solemn oath to protect those Rights, and they are in violation of that oath the minute they fail to do so.
  7. The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, vacating Roe v. Wade, does not “ban abortion nationwide.” It simply ends federal protection of an alleged Right that never did exist.
  8. Murder is defined as “the taking of the life of another, not in self-defense.” Abortion is “murder” of the most innocent lives on earth, by legal definition.
  9. The ONLY time a “woman’s right to choose” is taken from her, is in the cases of rape. As we know, these cases account for less than 1% of all abortions in the USA. Women have many choices to make. These choices sometimes result in an unplanned pregnancy. But in over 99% of cases, this condition and circumstance is a direct result of choices the woman made of her own free will.
  10. An aborted pregnancy under the direction of a qualified ethical doctor, when the pregnancy is deemed unsafe for the mother by a doctor, is not murder. It’s a medical decision best made by a qualified ethical medical professional and the patient, not a court or any political body.

So, every person protesting the Supreme Court decision to finally vacate a horrifically flawed previous court ruling that has cost more innocent American lives than all wars combined, is doing so out of pure ignorance of the facts, or a totally evil disregard for the truth. The simple reality is, every person protesting for a non-existent right to kill future generations in the womb, the American death cult, have to be completely dumbed-down to a point of mental illness and entirely morally bankrupt. This is the real crisis in the USA today.

As of this landmark ruling, these misguided protesters no longer have federal protection for the evil they so foolishly support. We must hope that this will cause them to search for the truth and their souls, and right themselves while they still have that chance. Those responsible for the spread of lies, are responsible for the ignorance and evil that grips our nation today. But ignorance is a fatal choice too.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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If January 6th Had Been a Real “Insurrection”

By Lex Greene

June 24, 2022

…Not a single anti-American socialist democrat would remain in DC power today. Half of the republicans who are actually democrats in RNC disguise, would be gone as well.

If this many Americans had gone to Washington DC to “overthrow the government” in any armed “insurrection,” there are not enough cops or combat ready troops to have stopped it. This many Americans can do anything they want, anytime they want, and frankly, by any means they want.

This alone proves that the events of January 6th, 2021, had nothing to do with any “insurrection” or attempt to “overthrow” the government. It also proves how just such a show of unified indignation, scares the living hell out of every evildoer in DC. They NEVER want to see anything like this ever again.

AND…they sure aim to disarm every decent, honest, productive, law-abiding American Citizen, before such a gathering happens again!

Still, socialist democrats are wasting more taxpayer money with yet another wild witch hunt, with a blatant clear intent to simply make it difficult for Trump to ever seek office again, or for the people of the USA to ever execute their Right and Duty to remove from power, a government which is destructive of freedom, liberty, sovereignty, and security.

Since June 16, 2015, when Trump rode down the escalator to announce his political bid for the Oval Office, far left democrat lunatics have tried everything under the sun to destroy Trump, his family, his businesses, and his future. Repeated attempts all failed miserably, time and again. Every effort was instead, proven to be a pure political witch hunt based on false accusations, backed by fake evidence, solicited, and paid for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democrat Party.

Yet here we are again! Because it’s entirely impossible to sell January 6th events as any “insurrection” with a serious face, or even a “riot” by BLM and ANTIFA standards, congressional democrats have stopped using the term “insurrection” in their latest fake investigation, hoping many Americans will at least accept the equally false term, “riot.”

Meanwhile, countless political prisoners from that day remain in Biden’s gulag and more people are headed there, for allegedly “trespassing” on public property. Of course, it’s not possible to trespass on public property, because public property is owned by, well, the public. A property owner cannot trespass on their own property. They have a right to be there!

Most recently, the Biden regime arrested Dr. Simone Gold, leader of the Frontline Doctors group that has been spreading the TRUTH about COVID19 with thousands of other honest doctors, nurses and scientists.

UNDERSTAND: There is no proof at all that a single life has been saved by any of the COVID19 “vaccines.” No one can “prove” why someone didn’t die. However, there is a mountain of growing evidence that thousands or maybe millions of lives have been lost or ruined as a direct result of the so-called “vaccines.” The new “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” is the new label for vaccine related deaths.

Dr. Simone Gold and thousands of other reliable medical professionals from all over the globe have been proven right. Gold was simply speaking truth at the Trump Rally on January 6th. Christopher Cooper, U.S. district judge for the District of Columbia, sentenced Gold on Thursday to a 60-day prison term followed by 12 months of supervised release and ordered her to pay a $9,500 fine. Cooper was appointed to the bench by Barack Hussein Obama and is merely a rubber stamp for Obama’s political prisoners.

Likewise, evidence has shown that “mass-shootings” only happen in “gun-free zones,” where the criminal shooter is the only person armed. It’s therefore counterintuitive to suggest that disarming all legal lawful citizens can solve the problem.

As I finish this piece for release, the US Supreme Court just issued a ruling against New York’s effort to continue disarming their lawful citizens.

“In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense. We too agree, and now hold, consistent with Heller and McDonald, that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the Court’s opinion. “Because the State of New York issues public-carry licenses only when an applicant demonstrates a special need for self-defense, we conclude that the State’s licensing regime violates the Constitution.” (SOURCE)

Now, in the case of the picture above from January 6, 2021… this picture is worth at least a billion words! Imagine if all of those people had been a part of any “armed insurrection” or even a BLM-ANTIFA riot… No one could have stopped them from doing anything they wanted to do that day, especially since House Speaker Pelosi had declined any special security measures offered by President Trump for that day.

No, there was no insurrection and no riot in DC on January 6, 2021. But these facts have had no impact at all on yet another expensive DNC circus stunt intended to mislead millions of Americans into voting themselves and everyone else back into bondage, under the false propaganda aimed at destroying Trump and every Trump supporter.

The picture tells all that needs to be told on the matter. This many armed angry Americans could have overthrown the DC criminal cabal that day if that’s what they had set out to accomplish. No one could have stopped it.

So, what are WE going to do about the continued open fraudulent assault on innocent freedom and liberty loving Americans, playing out on pretty much every news network, all of whom know the truth? Without the frauds in Congress and their lying minions in the news media, none of this could be happening. Without severe consequences for their actions, this is the new norm in the USA, an entire federal government and news media weaponized against every American citizen who dare to disagree.

Are YOU willing to accept these unconstitutional new norms for yourself, your loved ones, and all future generations? If you’re not, then it’s time to stand together against blatant unconstitutional tyranny from the halls of our own illegitimate government. According to our Charters of Freedom, such a government has no lawful right to exist…

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Neither Republic, nor Democracy Today

By Lex Greene

June 16, 2022

Article IV, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;

Yet, for decades now, Americans have been Pavlov trained to think the USA is a democracy, not a Constitutional Republic, and because most Americans don’t read or don’t comprehend what they read anymore, they believe anything they are told by so-called “scholars” and “experts.”

Foundationally, a Republican form of government relies upon Constitutional protections to prevent any majority from ruling over any minority, so long as the contents of the Constitution are tightly enforced by the people. The U.S. Federal Government is established and governed by the U.S. Constitution. It is further specifically restricted by the Bill of Rights. A republican form of government is limited to only the duties and authorities granted it in the Constitution, treating every citizen as an equal via the General Welfare clause.

By contrast, a Democratic form of government is a system run entirely by voter referendum. Government representatives can propose policies, but those proposals must be adopted by voters via State or National ballot referendums. Our Founders referred to a democracy as “mob rule” wherein a simple majority (50.01%) of voters can dictate government policies to the minority (49.99%) by simply outvoting them in the ballot box.

In a “two-party” true democracy, (democrats and republicans), 50.01% of the vote can run roughshod over 49.99% of voters and set official policy. So-called “independent” voters can simply jump back and forth between the two, based on the ballot initiative at hand. The 50.01% voters are the new “ruling class.” As an example, this would also be true with the elimination of the Electoral College system.

In a multi-party or no party system, the single largest majority voting group will become the “ruling class.” As an example, if we had five national political parties, splitting the popular vote by five options on the ballot, (averaging 20% of voters each), it would be possible for 30% of voters or less, the single largest voting bloc, to set official policy. The only way to prevent that, would be to require at least 50% voter support for any referendum issue, which would bring us right back to a two-party system.

In reality, a true democracy creates a “socialist” system, wherein a simple majority voting bloc can set policy for 100% of the people, with only 50.01% of the vote, which is why the recognized Father of Socialism, Karl Marx, said this, “Democracy is the road to socialism.”

How would life in the USA be today if we were a true democracy?

Every official government policy would have to be adopted by the voters in a referendum on the ballot. 50.01% of the vote would decide the future of every government policy placed on a referendum for the people to decide. Let’s look at how that would work out for the hottest political social issue of 2022…

GUN CONTROL – Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?

Right out of the gate, this one proves why the USA was never to be a true democracy. On the heels of recent mass-shooting events, even many gun owners are being emotionally gaslighted into surrendering the most fundamental Right to Freedom, the Right to protect that freedom. Here, with 36M poll respondents, 43% said YES to more gun control laws and 39% said NO, among American respondents. In a true democracy, the 43% would set the policy for 100% of the people.

ABORTION – What is your stance on abortion?

With over 36M overall poll respondents, only 31% of American respondents voted Pro-Life, while 52% voted Pro-Abortion. The 52% would control the national policy.

LGBT RIGHTS – Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

With only 1.3M American respondents, 73% said YES, and only 15% said NO. The low respondent participation indicates that this issue is of little or no interest to most Americans. Still, those who are interested, could set the national policy for everyone, in a true democracy.

GAY MARRIAGE – Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

34.2M American respondents answered 61% YES and 28% NO. The policy would be set by the 61%. The other 39% would be forced to go-along to get-along.

GOV HEALTH CARE SYSTEM – Do you support a single-payer healthcare system?

Despite the fact that our government is only good at creating disasters, 41% of American respondents said YES, while only 31% said NO. Again, this was a low respondent issue with only 1.2M overall respondents. The 41% would rule, 59% be damned.

All of these responses are the direct result of massive gaslighting of the American population by our own anti-American government. I’ll stop here more examples here, because if you don’t already get the point, more examples won’t help you.

This is exactly why our nation’s Founders took great care to avoid creating a “democracy” for all future generations. This is why they instead, guaranteed every state and citizen in the union, a “republican form of government” in Article IV, Section 4:, established and regulated by the Supreme Law of the Land, the US Constitution.

In any pure democracy, it is indeed mere “mob rule,” and this is why every true democracy in world history, failed within about 200-years of existence.

Our Constitutional Republic is currently 235-years old, having already outlasted every true democracy in world history. It has lasted this long only due to all of the protections for the people, codified in our Charters of Freedom, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Everything in these three documents preserves and protects not only our freedom and liberty, but that of all future generations.

Our Republic is in grave danger today though, largely because most living American generations have been intensely indoctrinated to not know, or not care about the facts presented here. Most have long been trained to vote themselves gifts from the public treasury in every election, driving our nation into bankruptcy.

If not for our three founding documents, the USA would already be gone. However, very few Americans know it today, and even fewer are working to keeping them intact and enforced. If this doesn’t change quickly, the clock will soon run out on American freedom and liberty.

Last, everything in the Charters of Freedom is protected and preserved by only one specific amendment in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd Amendment. The most fundamental inalienable Right protected by a single clear sentence, is indeed “necessary to the security of a free state” and any free people.

At present, our country is not functioning as a Constitutional Republic or a “mob rule” Democracy. Right now, we are governed by unconstitutional criminal tyrants via unlawful orders, court opinions and legislation, all of which is repugnant to every foundation of freedom. This cannot end well at this point…unless THE PEOPLE wake up fast and take action.

(A recent rare radio interview)

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Necessary to the Security of a Free State

By Lex Greene

June 14, 2022

When any government tells its people they don’t need or have any right to keep or bear arms, especially within the USA, or that “our Bill of Rights is not absolute,” they are really telling you that you will soon need every weapon you can lay your hands on…

Contrary to what the idiot in the Oval Office said last week, the 2ndAmendment is indeed “absolute,” just like every other amendment in the Bill of Rights and every word in the Charters of Freedom. As it relates to the 2nd Amendment specifically, it’s the single inalienable natural right of every legal U.S. Citizen to keep and bear arms, that protects everything else in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

Sadly, too many contemporary Americans have no idea what the Charters of Freedom say or mean. Too many think they are up for discussion and negotiation, easily amended by so-called scholars changing the definition of words, courts issuing opinions at odds with the Supreme Law of the Land, unconstitutional laws from a legislature and unlawful Executive orders.

In reality, the constitutional amendment process is purposefully complex, difficult, expensive, and very time consuming. With clear intent, it’s not at all easy to amend the U.S. Constitution and contrary to the con-game played by Mark Meckler’s Convention of States scam, it cannot be amended by a State’s Convention. But Mark’s scam has been highly profitable, conning money out of unsuspecting believers.

Much better we stick with what already exists and learn how to enforce it…

The Second Amendment Text

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Again, contrary to popular nonsense propaganda on the subject, the 2nd Amendment as stated, exists for one sole purpose and it is NOT hunting. “BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE!” This is the sole purpose of the 2nd Amendment. The type of weapons cannot be limited (regulated), as they must be adequate to protect ourselves and our country from all enemies, be they foreign or domestic.

Under what conditions might necessity require a society to keep and bear arms? The Declaration of Independence answers that question.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Declaration of Independence

Words have specific “absolute” meaning. To “keep” means to freely own and possess. To “bear” means to carry. “Shall not be infringed” means, “untouchable” by any governmental body, for any purpose.

Who is guaranteed this inalienable natural Right protected by the 2nd Amendment?

It is “the right of the people;” – all legal law-abiding Citizens of the United States, no matter within which state they reside. No governmental body anywhere in the USA has any legal or constitutional authority whatsoever, to “infringe” upon(aka regulate) this Right of the people.

To “infringe” means to “actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.):” or “act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on:” in any fashion.

To “contravene · violate · transgress · break · breach · disobey · defy · flout · fly in the face of · ride roughshod over

One of the things established in the famed legal case Marbury v. Madison, is the fact that any legislation, court opinion or executive order which is repugnant to the Constitution and Bill of Rights is null and void on arrival. Certainly, any effort by any governmental body to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment is indeed, repugnant to the Constitution and a direct violation of the People’s inalienable Right to Keep and Bear arms.

In recent years, anti-gun and anti-freedom so-called scholars, lawyers, and politicians, have set out to debate the meaning of “well-regulated militia” in their effort to disarm all law-abiding legal Citizens of the USA.

However, the true meaning of “well-regulated militia” is quite simple.

In contrast to a Military, a war body in the employment of the Federal or State government, paid by a government with the constitutional intent to “provide for a common defense” of the USA, all member states, and to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States; a “militia” is a volunteer fighting force made up of, by and for the people, as in, the militia that fought the American Revolutionary War to free our country from British rule, creating a free independent sovereign nation governed not by mere politicians, but rather by the Supreme Law of the Land.

“Well-regulated” simply means trained in the proper use of weapons, and somewhat organized as a fighting unit. In today’s cancel culture, when we see the FBI and other federal agencies involved in acts of entrapment and false flag events, organizing a militia in the open is a challenge. All true “patriots” of our country have been falsely labeled “domestic terrorists” and “extremists.” Best not get your name on those lists today.

I think it’s impossible to look at all the many ways American Citizens have been under attack from their own rogue government and not conclude that our current government has become entirely “destructive of freedom, liberty, peace, and tranquility, as well as our national sovereignty and security.” This is the sole reason why the 2nd Amendment exists, and why this Right of the People “shall not be infringed.”

No one has the legal or constitutional authority to “infringe” upon any Rights protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Yet, our current Federal government performs as if completely unrestrained by these protections.

When Americans feel like they need to flee the USA in search of freedom and liberty elsewhere, it’s time to replace the entire government. And when history presents this challenge once again, to free itself from tyrannical governments, we will need every weapon we can lay our hands upon, to protect ourselves and loved ones from tyrants. Any law repugnant to these foundations, is not a law at all.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Grave Lessons in Defenseless

By Lex Greene

June 7, 2022

In case you haven’t noticed, our government continues to amend the definition of “mass shooting” and direct all attention to the fact that a gun is an efficient way to kill or injure more than one person at a time. As a result, their news media is reporting “mass shooting” events almost daily now, most of which are actually gang-on-gang shootings or shootings that take place in the commission of another crime.

But the one thing they DO NOT want anyone to focus on is the reality that real “mass shooting” events, such as those in a school building, shopping mall, outside a bar at 2:AM or subway, only take place in “gun free zones” — where the only person armed is the criminal. It’s now a “conspiracy theory” to point out that most gun-related deaths in the USA are acts of suicide, not homicide. It’s an act of “racism” to point out that the vast majority of gun-related homicides in the USA are black on black crimes, usually involving numerous other criminal acts and gang violence in anti-gun rights cities.

The elephant in the room boils down to only three points of grave interest…

  1. Mass shooting events targeting random innocents is new, starting in 1999 at Columbine. Every true mass shooting event since, has taken place in a “gun-free zone.” Mass shooters only target “defenseless targets.” These victims needed a method of defense and didn’t have any. Every time without exception, when seconds counted, the police were only 20-to-60 minutes away.
  2. Despite the reality that it’s best to have a gun and not need one, than to need one and not have one…those who are anti-freedom seek to make all of the USA a “gun-free zone” by disarming law-abiding citizens instead of stopping those who commit these crimes.
  3. No matter the weapon of choice, kids are killing kids at an alarming rate. WHY? Begin with, how many of our freedoms have already been stripped away by our own government, and end with, 70% of the country fears for our future and opposes the current direction of our country under socialist democrat leadership. They see no hope for their future!

The simple truth is…you will never prevent crime by disarming people who don’t commit crimes. The fact is, the most anti-gun cities and states all have the biggest crime problems, and they are also the most anti-police cities and states in the USA, working to disarm citizens and defund the police.

There is no way to look at those two factors and conclude anything other than, the leaders in these cities and states are working to create a defenseless and lawless zone where no one but the criminals are armed and in control. No sane person can conclude anything else.

Honestly, it’s hard to imagine why so many people don’t grasp…criminals don’t follow any laws. So, no law will prevent their criminal behaviors. Long before a mass shooter fires their first shot, they have already broken numerous laws already on the books. One more law won’t change anything on their part.

As a result, disarming law-abiding citizens is the worst possible thing we could do, creating an entire defenseless society.

A CBS News poll released Sunday showed 60% of Americans (allegedly) want gun laws to be more strict — an increase of 6 points since May 22.”  This only proves just how foolish 60% of the USA population is today. Removing weapons from good people or making it more difficult for good people to get them, only empowers bad people. Look no further than the increasing “gun-free zone” events to confirm.

Simply stated to where even an average 3rd grader could understand, defenseless equals a soft target and prime victims. If today’s global Nazi democrats had their way, no citizen would own any firearms, every police department would be defunded, and our Military would be made up of go-along to get-along females, gays, and transgendered war fighters, with only about as many troops as they would need to help process more illegal foreign invaders at our southern border.

In other words, democrats are working to create a totally unsafe environment for every American citizen, making it much easier for them to meld the USA into a “own nothing and be happy” member of Klaus Schwab’s global commune in accordance with his maniacal Nazi COVID19 Global Reset plans.

Every mass shooting in “gun-free zone” after “gun-free zone” is a blatant and grave lesson in defenseless. But millions of Americans no longer possess “uncommon sense” anymore. America’s higher education systems have indoctrinated the common sense, right out of generations. Millions can no longer even get (4) from (2+2).

And then there’s our illustrious (not so free) press. Owned by only a few international corporations and totally controlled by leftists in government, the only approved narratives are the ones that will lead to the ultimate demise of a once free and sovereign nation. Like their leftist cohorts in government, they also seek to weaken the USA into oblivion.

Meanwhile, the USA federal government has ignited what will soon be WWIII with Russia in Ukraine and sold the USA to China.

Yet, nobody seems able to figure out why kids are killing kids all of a sudden, or what to do about it.

Nonsense… The real truth is, government isn’t good at anything, except making a mess of everything.

That’s the good news, under the best of circumstances. The bad news is when governments fall into the hands of global Nazi tyrants, the country is doomed until the people take their country back from those Nazis.

This alone means, the American people can NEVER afford to be disarmed. If they ever are…that’s the end. “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” ― Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Last, had our earliest settlers not been armed, the USA would have never existed…no one would have ever known American freedom and liberty, as the citizenry would never had been able to defeat the most powerful military on earth at the time, freeing themselves and us, from British rule.

Face it…we will never be able to wake up the brain dead… The rest of us, however, must unite and fight, before there is no time and no means! We must fight back from the State level…because the Federal government has become totally destructive of national sovereignty and security, and individual freedom and liberty. It no longer belongs to us!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Why are Kids Killing Kids?

By Lex Greene

June 1, 2022

While the politicians and their bullhorn (the US News Media) focus everyone on the inanimate object, guns, as they both seek to disarm all law-abiding citizens under the guise of “children’s safety,” the elephant in the room is,why are kids killing kids with increasing regularity?

We all agree, these school shootings must stop. The level of pure evil insanity required to carry out such a heinous act is beyond comprehension. Yet, with a little honest effort, we can find the answer to the most important question concerning these events…why are kids killing kids at an alarming rate…and then put a stop to it.

Consider the following facts related to the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, according to official FBI reports displayed in a recent FOX 7 report from Austin Texas.

Between 1999 and today, these ten events are the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, according to official reports. What do these ten events have in common?

  • Seven (7) shooters were under the age of 21, six (6) of them still teenagers between 16 and 19 years old.
  • Every event took place in a “gun free zone.” The shooter was the ONLY person armed.
  • Despite any efforts, law enforcement was unable to prevent any of these events.
  • Each shooter violated numerous laws to carry out their crime.
  • Each shooter was unpopular in society, often with prior treatment for mental illness.
  • Each shooter was from a broken home, with little or no parental influence.
  • Nearly all of the younger shooters were online gamers, violent games their favorite.
  • Every shooter was mad at the world.
  • None of the shooters had any regard at all for human life.
  • Five (5) of the ten (10) events were carried out by shooters of foreign origin.

There are only two anomalies on the list of events above.

  1. 2006 Nickel Mines Amish School where 32 year-old Jewish shooter Charles Carl Roberts IV attacked an Amish school on the basis of race and religion.
  2. 2012 Oikos University where 43 year-old One Goh stated he attacked the school seeking a full refund of tuition, unhappy with life on campus.

In the cases of 2007Virginia Tech, 23 year-old Seung-Hui Cho, and 2015 Umpqua Community College, 26 year-old Christopher Harper-Mercer, both were allegedly triggered by being outcasts on the college campus. Cho was on both Prozac and Paxil at the time of his mass murder. Mercer, who lived with his single mother and had no contact with his father, listed his hobbies and interests as “Internet, killing zombies, movies, music, reading.” He also belonged to an online group titled “Doesn’t Like Organized Religion.”

Even before looking into the background of this special type of killer, it should be obvious to everyone that every mass shooter of this type has a major mental and emotional malfunction. Sane people simply do not do things like this…

Equally obvious is the fact that guns don’t kill, people do. In fact, for every case of gun violence in the USA, there is on average, 2.7 cases where innocent lives were saved because someone decent was armed.

  • Approximately 2/3 of all gun deaths in the USA are acts of suicide, not homicide.
  • Approximately 90% of the gun deaths that are homicide, occur in the middle of another crime, drug running, gang activity, etc.

Criminal profiling is not profiling on the basis of race, creed, or color. Criminal profiling is based upon experience, a collection of facts surrounding certain types of criminal activities. If I use the data presented in this column to offer up a profile of the average school shooter, it will look something like this…

  • Male shooters
  • Between age 15-21
  • From a broken home, raised by a single parent or grandparents
  • Addicted to violent videos and games
  • Loners, few if any friends
  • Failing in school, career, relationships, and life itself
  • Void of any faith-based belief structure
  • Often casual or prescription drug abusers
  • Past indications of mental and/or emotional illness
  • Mad at the world, chronic victimhood mentality
  • Zero regard for the gift of human life itself

A serious conversation needs to begin on why this group of young people are killing with increasing regularity. In the first five months of 2022, a new record has been set with at least 229 mass shooting events in the USA January-May, according to official reports. That puts the nation on track for a record year of such events, projected to be more than 550 such events by year-end.

A few more facts to consider in our joint effort to prevent these types of events in the future.

  • Guns don’t kill just like cars, bats, knives, or any other inanimate object, don’t kill. People do.
  • Mass shootings only happen in “gun free zones” where ONLY the shooter is armed.
  • Law enforcement is incapable of preventing events like this.
  • Every person or building that relies solely on armed law enforcement for their safety, is a “soft target.”
  • Mass shooters only target “unarmed” victims.
  • 99.9% of gunowners never use their weapons to commit a crime of any type.
  • Every politician or TV personality aiming to disarm law-abiding citizens, are protected by armed guards.
  • Most of these shootings were with a handgun, not any alleged “assault rifle.”
  • Uneducated people think the “AR” in AR-15 means “Assault Rifle.” The AR in AR-15 stands for “Armalite Rifle.”It does not stand for “assault rifle” but is instead a semi-automatic rifle that shoots one time per trigger pull. The U.S. Military does NOT carry AR-15s.
  • Disarming 300M law-abiding citizens isn’t even possible, but if it were, it wouldn’t save a single life. In fact, it would cost many more lives.

There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” Nowhere does that saying ring truer than in these mass shooting events.

Unless you want to turn every school into a prison on total lockdown at all times, or live in a police state, where every citizen is a soft target for armed evildoers, we must stop the lies behind the all-out assault on the U.S. 2nd Amendment immediately and focus on the elephant in the room.

Who is teaching and inspiring these kids to kill kids at an alarming rate? Why do these kids look ahead in life and see no hope? This is the only way to stop what’s happening to our children in the USA today.

Talk about more gun regulations only distracts from the real problem and would leave the entire nation a “soft target” for all sorts of evil. Thankfully, the USA is not Canada or the EU. Americans will never give up their rights.

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

The question isn’t, why do some people use guns to kill? The answer to that is obvious. The right question is, why are young people killing at all?

The question isn’t who has a right to keep and bear arms, that question in answered in the 2nd Amendment. The right question is, who has the right to take them from decent law-abiding Citizens? The answer to that is…NO ONE!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Is Socialism a Liberal Idea?

By Lex Greene

May 27, 2022

The answer to that question depends on who you ask. If you ask a young public school or college indoctrinated kid, they will likely tell you yes. But if you ask anyone old enough or properly educated enough to know the truth, the answer is no.

However, I’ll present the facts on the matter, and you can decide for yourself.

As it pertains to political ideology specifically, the word “liberal” means “Free; open; candid; as in, a liberal communication of thoughts,” the total opposite of our current socialist mass censorship agenda, referred to as the “cancel culture.”

The word is taken from the word “liberty,” which means, “Freedom from restraint, in a general sense, and applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty when not confined; the will or mind is at liberty when not checked or controlled.” For the record, the word “liberalism” didn’t exist in the late 1700s at the time of our nation’s founding, but today, it simply means “the quality or state of being liberal.”

Another important word in this examination is “totalitarian,” which means “of or relating to a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state and strict control of all aspects of the life and productive capacity of the nation especially by coercive measures (such as censorship and terrorism).”

Clearly, these two political ideas are diametrically opposite one another, with liberal essentially meaning “free” and totalitarian meaning the exact opposite of free, enslaved by government.

A totalitarian form of government comes in many forms by many names, such as communism. According to today’s Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, modern political ideologies listed as other forms of totalitarian government include the following;

Clearly, none of these political concepts are at all consistent with the basis of liberal or liberty concepts, even though Merriam-Webster currently includes “liberalism” as a form of totalitarianism. That’s only because modern American liberals are not actually liberal, liberty minded. Today’s American liberals are actually socialists, often referring to themselves as democratic socialists. Adding the word “democratic”is intended to hide the true meaning of what they really are, socialists via democratic processes, as taught by Karl Marx.

But in the late 17th century, to be a political liberal meant; “one desiring a maximum degree of liberty.” That idea was represented by the anti-federalist movement led by Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee. This group of Founders believed in a maximum degree of individual liberty, the basis for classic liberalism, which requires a minimum degree of centralized governmental powers over the people.

“In U.S. history, anti-federalists were those who opposed the development of a strong federal government and the ratification of the Constitution in 1788, preferring instead for power to remain in the hands of state and local governments. Federalists wanted a stronger national government and the ratification of the Constitution to help properly manage the debt and tensions following the American Revolution. Formed by Alexander Hamilton, the Federalist Party, which existed from 1792 to 1824, was the culmination of American federalism and the first political party in the United States. John Adams, the second president of the United States, was the first and only Federalist president.” – SOURCE

NOTE: This reality begs the question, why do modern “patriots” study and quote the Federalist Papers instead of the anti-federalist papers?

Fundamentally, a true liberal would believe in the same things the anti-federalists believed, which are opposite the things associated with any form of totalitarian government, including socialism and Marxism. They would be followers of Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee, rather than Karl Marx, Chairman Mao, Lenin, Hitler, and Stalin.

A true liberal is open, free, and giving of themselves. But socialists are closed, seeking to take from others that which they did not earn, and are responsible for today’s cancel culture in the USA. Far left political figures like Bernie Sanders and AOC have been conning young voters for years. They convince young people to vote themselves and everyone else into bondage with false promises of free gifts from the treasury, usually never delivered.

At the adoption of the Constitution, the federalists won the debate, and they created a central government that soon became tyrannical towards those from whom all political power is derived, We the People. But thanks to the anti-federalists, the Constitution would never have been adopted without the Bill of Rights, which prohibits the federal government from most of what it does these days.

The fact is…if you’re a liberal, you can’t be a socialist, or support any other form of totalitarian dictatorship. You can’t support any cancel culture or form of censorship. You can’t believe in collectivism of any kind because that’s mere tyrannical mob rule over individual liberty.

So now you can decide… are you really a liberal? Or are you really just another socialist masquerading as a liberal? Only you know…

But if you walk like a socialist, act like a socialist, talk like a socialist, and support socialists, then guess what…you’re not a liberal!

While I’m on the subject, the word “conservative” means (adjective) “Preservative; having power to preserve in a safe or entire state, or from loss, waste or injury.” In the case of American conservatism, it means to protect and preserve the foundations and principles of freedom, liberty, and justice for all, codified in our Charters of Freedom.

Just maybe, you’re actually a conservative. Throughout human history, freedom once lost, is never regained. The objective of “conserving” the foundations of freedom and liberty is actually a “liberal” idea, based upon the anti-Federalist basis for classic liberalism. Every other political idea is a “totalitarian” idea.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Root of ALL Evil

By Lex Greene

May 23, 2022

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”1 Timothy 6:10

Contrary to modern indoctrination institutions that are responsible for making sure that the average American isn’t even smart enough to tie their own shoes by High School graduation much less vote for their own future, to include many global one world churches today, money itself is NOT the root of all evil. [See: “Enemies Within: The Church]

Money is often used to do good in the world. But it can also be, and often is, used to do evil in the world as well. Like any weapon known to mankind, money itself is an inanimate object. It does neither good nor evil.

People who have accumulated great wealth fall into one of only two categories, a) those who earned their wealth by doing good for the world; b) those who acquired their wealth by doing evil in the world. Those who attained their wealth by doing good, tend to use their wealth to do more good for the world; while those who possess ill-gotten gains through evil deeds, will tend to use that wealth to do even more evil.

It isn’t money that is the root of all evil in this world, it is the “love of money” that is at the root of all evil. Those who place money, wealth, and power above all else in the world, are the evil-doers of this world and every human being on earth is subject to the temptations of evil often associated with great wealth and power. But not all fall to those temptations.

Some 246-years after the inception of the greatest free nation and people ever known to mankind, a vast majority of Americans have indeed erred from their faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows, simply as a result of their love of money. Today, they are eating the rotten fruits of their labor, and living under the evil that they have brought upon themselves.

There can be no doubt that every American Citizen is now living under a blanket of pure evil. Is it an evil perpetrated upon the Citizens by evil-doers in positions of power? Or…are evil-doers in power merelya direct result of the Citizens choosing money over morals, ethics, and faith, the mere victims of their own love of money?

For most American Citizens today, nothing is more important than money, making the love of money the highest priority in their lives, no different or better than those they speak out against in politics. Most Americans vote on the basis of how they believe the outcome of an election will affect their own financial well-being. The poor or barely getting by voters tend to vote on the basis of false utopian ideas like democratic socialism, how they think democratic socialists will save them from themselves via fake promises of “equity” – never to be confused with “equality.”

Those with financial resources, tend to vote on the basis of preventing the government from unlawfully and unconstitutionally seizing the assets they have spent a lifetime earning. They seek lower taxes, less government regulation and interference in their daily lives, and the ability to keep what they earn.

In both cases, it is their financial status, or love of money above all else, that drives their voting trends in every election. Of course, those who merely seek freedom, the ability to keep what they have toiled and earned via their own sacrifices, have a constitutionally protected right to do so. It’s the true basis of freedom, the inalienable Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness under their own steam, and the Right to their own earnings and property.

Those seeking access to the earnings of others, in the fake name of “equity” (not equality), are true parasites to all humanity, always taking from others that which they have not earned, enslaving the producers of society, while offering nothing of value to society themselves.

One is protected by the Charters of Freedom and Liberty. The other is a plight on society, a cancer eating away at the very fabric of freedom and liberty, knowingly or unwittingly, driven solely by their love of money, by any means necessary. Rather than stealing from others themselves, they seek to empower those who will steal from others on their behalf.

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Not long ago, the latter would have been appropriately declared “communist/socialist sympathizers” and removed from our society. Today, the “communist/socialist sympathizers” control most positions of power in the USA, both political and corporate.

Politicians on the right pander to those seeking to protect their earnings, while politicians on the left pander to those seeking access to the earnings of others. In both cases, they are pandering to their audience not for the benefit of their voters, but rather for their own personal wealth benefits.

POLITICIANS stand guilty as charged, almost without any exceptions today. A totally self-serving breed driven by their own love of money and power, at the expense of all others.

JUSTICES and JUDGES at all levels, also stand guilty as charged with nearly no exceptions today. Also, a self-serving breed playing politics rather than keeping their oaths to uphold and enforce the Constitution and Bill of Rights, driven by their love of money and power.

MILITARY and NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCIES are a self-serving bunch today as well, violating their oaths to protect the Constitution and American people against all enemies, foreign and domestic, for the very same reasons, their love of money and power.

BORDER PATROL AGENTS actively operating in direct contradiction to their sole purpose and oaths to prevent foreign invasion of our country at our national borders today, again, choosing their paychecks over their sworn duties, for their love of money.

THE ENTIRE MEDICAL COMMUNITY knowingly killing and maiming millions of Citizens with deadly fake COVID19 protocols and so-called “vaccines” and for what…choosing their pay checks of wealth over the well-being of their patients, in go-along to get-along fashion following Klaus Schwab’s COVID19 Great Reset, ignoring all known science and following the WEF, WHO, CDC, UN and IMF global Marxist agenda by simply protecting their own love of money.

NEWS MEDIA is yet another self-serving group operating strictly on the basis of their love of money and power, spreading blatant lies 24/7 while pushing tabloid entertainment as news to distract the Citizens from seeing just how they are being driven like sheep to slaughter, while watching the Johnny Depp lawsuit trial and UFO hearings in Congress. All major social media platforms, just the same…

Our entire federal government is evil and unconstitutional today. But who is excluded from this laundry list of evil-doers driven strictly by the love of money and power? In case you have not figured it out yet, the USA is no longer our country. We let it go decades ago.

Very few American citizens folded like a cheap lawn chair for the sake of health when they were told to self-isolate, stay home, don’t work, or earn, take federal handouts instead, wear a worthless mask, and even take lethal injections that to this day, the FDA refuses to approve for broad use due to a massive number of VAERS Reports proving the true lethal nature of these JABS. No, instead most folded like a cheap lawn chair because their love of money was threatened. They could lose their job, their wages, their college degree, or service record. They took the JAB for the love of money.

The simple reality is that evil cannot exist where good people put it down on sight. Every second that evil is allowed to exist, it will root deeper and grow stronger, until evil is all that there is…

I ask, is a society which allows the murder of its most innocent and defenseless children of God, a society of good or of evil? Is abortion, the murder of innocence, for mere convenience’s sake, not yet another example of the love of money, an error from faith, piercing the whole of society through with many sorrows? Can a society so callused and evil at its core, ever hope to right itself in any other facet of life?

Our country lives under a blanket of evil today because the people have erred from their faith, piercing themselves through with many sorrows, until the freedom and liberty once endowed by their Creator, can exist no more in a world consumed by evil, all of it driven by the mere love of money.

It’s not God who allows evil to exist, root and grow. It’s man… God gave us the wonderful gift of free will, the power to choose our own path, to control our own future. Just as darkness cannot exist where there is light, evil cannot exist where there is overwhelming good.

“All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.“ –Attributed to Sir Edmund Burke

For more than a hundred years now, Americans have done little or nothing to prevent the growing spread of evil in our land.

We are the making of our own demise… We have no one to blame for the outcome of our decisions, but ourselves. Allowing evil to exist, is itself an act of evil.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Our Unconstitutional Federal Government

By Lex Greene

May 20, 2022

Our Declaration of Independence established the USA as an independent sovereign nation under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God on July 4, 1776. The US Constitution drafted by the Continental Congress in 1787 and adopted in 1789 created and guaranteed the people a republican form of self-governance of, by and for the people of the USA, in three separate branches with three separate, distinct, and limited powers and authorities, establishing the Supreme Law of the Land.

The Bill of Rights, ten amendments further restricting the power and authority of the federal government were added to the US Constitution in 1791. The Constitution has only been amended seventeen times since and some of those amendments rendered the US Federal government an unconstitutional body over a hundred years ago.

The fact is…all three branches of our federal government operate outside of their constitutional authority today, in many cases, in direct violation of the Supreme Law of the Land. As much as 80% of what our government does today, is “unconstitutional.” Approximately 80% of all federal spending is also “unconstitutional.”


“The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by any States constitutional convention. The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution.” (Source)

“The authority to amend the Constitution of the United States is derived from Article V of the Constitution. After Congress proposes an amendment, the Archivist of the United States, who heads the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), is charged with responsibility for administering the ratification process under the provisions of 1 U.S.C. 106b.” (Source)

Contrary to the Convention of States scam perpetrated on ill-educated citizens today, the State’s cannot Amend the US Constitution, which is why it has never happened in 246-years. The current Convention of States con is designed to mislead citizens into a fake solution that will never happen and should never happen. It’s a mere money-making diversion tactic to keep citizens from doing things they could actually do.

Con artists at the helm of the Article V Convention scam are making millions selling this horrific notion to folks looking for a simple solution and they are spending millions to buy the endorsement of high-profile individuals who are then used to con more people into believing something that simply isn’t true. Because most Americans have never read, or can’t comprehend Article V text correctly, it seems like a silver bullet to the unsuspecting.

In reality, whether amendments are proposed and adopted by Congress, as has been the history of all amendments to date…or proposed to Congress in an open Constitutional Convention convened by Congress on the application of two-thirds of the State legislatures, it is still Congress that must adopt all final amendments to be sent to the State legislatures for ratification. In short, the same Congress they seek to control in their fake state conventions, will control the amendment process once underway.

Further, although two-thirds of the State legislatures can indeed “apply to Congress” to convene for the purpose of proposing amendments, it takes three-fourths of the State legislatures to ratify anything Congress allows to pass in the amendment process and, anyone can propose amendments in that process. Keep in mind that roughly half of the State legislatures are controlled by socialist democrats, which is why they like this State convention idea under the guidance of George Soros, who also wants to amend the US Constitution.

No amendment can be contrary to the foundational text of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Amendments must be limited to a “furtherance thereof.” When both Congress and the State legislatures get it wrong, as in the case of the 18th Amendment, it must be repealed, just as the 18th was repealed by the 21st.


Rather than seeking to further amend the US Constitution, Citizens should be seeking to repeal certain problematic amendments. While it is impossible for two-thirds or even all fifty states to amend the US Constitution via the current Convention of States con, it may in fact be possible to repeal certain past amendments that are contrary to the foundational constitutional text, by a vote by three-fourths of the State legislatures. Although, this too has never been done to date.

There are a few key amendments that are in direct violation of foundational constitutional text. The focus should be on repealing those amendments, or we will never control our federal government ever again. I’ll focus on the four most egregious amendments in direct contradiction of the US Constitutional text, each a high priority for repeal if the people ever want control of their own lives and government.

Amendment XIV – All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States; A mass naturalization amendment, (Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868.)

Following on the heels of the 13th Amendment [Passed by Congress January 31, 1865, and Ratified December 6, 1865] making slavery and involuntary servitude illegal in the USA, the 14th Amendment was passed essentially to grant rights of citizenship to former slaves, their families and others residing in the USA who were not previously considered to be citizens of the USA.

Since then, the 14th Amendment has become a “catch-all” amendment for everything under the sun, used as a means of undermining the US Constitution and leading to a mass transformation of American society from “Natural Born Citizens” to everyone on earth is now considered a citizen of equal standing, even though they often hold legal citizenship in foreign lands, including lands that are known enemies of the USA.

Even more insane is recent usage of the 14th Amendment by our “unconstitutional” courts to claim that things like “gay marriage” fall under 14th Amendment protections.

Amendment XVI – The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration. (Passed by Congress July 2, 1909. Ratified February 3, 1913.)

For the first 122-years, from 1791 to 1913, it was “unconstitutional” for the federal government to directly tax individuals’ wages and salaries, as that is a form of “involuntary slavery” and “forced servitude,” as well as “taxation without representation” prohibited by AMENDMENT XIII – Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified December 6, 1865.

It is wholly unconstitutional for the federal government to take from the labor of its citizens. But it has been done since the passage and ratification of the 16th Amendment and even though this amendment is a direct violation of the 13th Amendment, it has been allowed to stand unchallenged by the people or their respective states since 1913.

Amendment XVII – The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof; (Passed by Congress May 13, 1912. Ratified April 8, 1913.)

Although it must have seemed like a good idea at the time, to take away the Right of State legislatures to elect Representatives of the State and all State interests under the 10th Amendment in the US Senate, it has proven to be a horrible idea as well as a direct violation of Article I of the US Constitution.

At our founding, the US Constitution established Representatives of the people in each voting district via the House of Representatives, elected of, by and for the people in each district, and Representatives of each State and all State interests under the 10th Amendment via two Senators from each State, elected by the legislatures in each State.

The two chambers of Congress had two different and distinct assignments of authority, the US House to protect the people via a representative of the people for each voting district under the 9th Amendment, and to protect all States Rights and interests under the 10th Amendment via two State elected Senators in the US Senate.

The passage and ratification of the 17th Amendment ended States Representation in the US Congress and the federal government. No longer was there any representation of States Rights or interests in Washington DC, or any means to defend and enforce the 9th and 10th Amendments in the Bill of Rights, as the States had no means of sending anyone to Washington DC to represent the State in the US Senate. Instead, Senators would be elected by the people, just like the House of Representatives.

That left the US Senate an “unconstitutional” body free from any connection and duty to, or oversight by State legislatures as it pertains to States Rights and interests.

Amendment XXIII – The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; (Passed by Congress June 16, 1960. Ratified March 29, 1961.)

Because the District of Columbia is NOT a “state” and is instead, the “seat of the federal government” which is entirely controlled by Congress, it is prohibited from ever being treated as a State, and from ever having equal Rights afforded any of the fifty States, as it pertains to representation in Congress or the Electoral College.

On this basis, the 23rd Amendment is entirely at odds with original constitutional text, due to this passage in the amendment; “they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment.”


We don’t need to or want to amend the US Constitution at all today, for numerous entirely valid reasons. Instead, as demonstrated herein, we need to repeal several existing amendments or there is NO WAY we will ever be in any form of control over the federal government.

As we have witnessed for decades now, no branch of the federal government is even slightly interested in the “will of the people” or the States. The entire federal government operates “unconstitutionally” today and unless the people of this great country wake up and take swift appropriate action, ignoring the many con-games underway intended to mislead the people from real solutions, the USA is rushing towards rapid extinction.

Connect the dots on what the four amendments have done to our Constitutional Republic already. We are not a “democracy” and everyone who says we are, is an idiot or a liar. Of course, under these conditions, we are not a Constitutional Republic either.

What has been done and is being done to our beloved country is UNSUSTAINABLE.

The clock is running down on American freedom, liberty, independence, sovereignty, and security. It has nothing to do with Putin, Russia, China, or anyone but the people running wild in Washington DC. However, we the people are responsible for how this story ends.

The fact is…our Constitution and country was stolen from us a long time ago and if we ever want it back, we will have to take it back, correctly.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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2022 GOP Primaries Got TRUMPED

By Lex Greene

May 7, 2022

Whether you love President Donald J. Trump or hate him, there’s no denying the fact that he remains the most popular and powerful figure in American politics today. Firebrands like Trump always ignite a firestorm of controversy. We could say the same of every Founding Father!

2022 GOP Primaries started this week with 55 Trump backed candidates appearing on the ballots. All 55 won their primary races in a stunning victory for the Make America Great Again movement. Never before in history has any political movement delivered such a complete death blow to establishment RINOs in a single primary cycle.

TRUMP 55 – RINOs 0

This is exactly what the corrupt D.C. cabal is worried about. This is exactly why they are in a state of panic and rushing to establish a Nazi-style national censorship panel at the Department of Homeland Security, run by a far-left Marxist idealogue and social media “fact-checker.” They simply cannot afford to allow free speech in the USA, or democratic socialists and RINOs will go down in flames this November.

Keeping with his tradition of nominating far-left idealogues to critical positions, Biden has named Nina Jankowicz the head of his new Goebbels-style DHS “free speech governance board.” Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson can’t even define “woman” much less properly interpret constitutional text. Likewise, Biden’s new “truth Czar” at the DHS has never been able to accurately separate fact from fiction.

The recent Supreme Court “leak” ignited an immediate left-wing mobilization of BLM and ANTIFA terrorists within minutes of the “leak.” Clearly, it was pre-planned, well-funded and “extreme” in nature. It’s going to get worse…as these DNC sponsored terror organizations plan to attack churches this weekend on Mother’s Day.

2022 is shaping up as a full-scale war between the WOKE and the AWAKE, who are caught in the democrat party crosshairs.

In case you don’t know, Senator Joe Biden voted to overturn Roe v. Wade in 1982. Now Biden claims to be pro-abortion, as his party is set to be slaughtered in the 2022 mid-terms. The guy has no mind left at all, but even worse, he has no moral compass and never has had. Everything that spews from his mouth is designed to con voters, nothing more.

Even though it’s democrats in BLM and ANTIFA who have destroyed billions in property and threatened Citizens and officials with open violence for years now, Joe thinks “MAGA people are dangerous extremists” due to their deep-seated faith in freedom, liberty, and truth.

Trump is UNITING Americans against global Marxists

Although the left accuses Trump of “dividing our nation,” he has actually been uniting freedom and liberty loving Americans at every rally he holds across the country. This week, that resulted in 55 primary victories, from 55 primary candidates. That’s a 100% WIN ratio and that has everyone’s attention.

Trump is uniting Americans, and that’s what is causing a massive panic for every global Marxist democrat, republican or independent. Trump is WAKING UP AMERICA and bringing people together to put down the massive global Marxist assault on U.S. freedom, liberty, sovereignty, and security.

For four years, Trump was doing this from the Oval Office and that’s why the global cabal had to remove him from that office via unprecedented election fraud, laid bare in the current documentary 2000 Mules.

What kind of Citizen wouldn’t want to Make America Great Again? The answer is simple, an anti-American traitor.

Still a long way to go!

The Trump candidate victories this week are worthy of celebration. But I remind you, the 2010 mid-terms swept Tea Party Republicans into control of both chambers of congress, only to watch those candidates act exactly like the criminals they replaced after their election. Had the 2010 class of Tea Party Republicans done what they were elected to do, our country would not be on the brink of extinction today and no one could have been able to steal 2020 from President Trump.

55 Trump backed candidates swept GOP primaries this week, but now they face the challenge of winning the November elections, while democrats try every dirty trick in the book to hold on to their ill-gotten power.

If the MAGA class of 2022 can pull that off somehow, they will then have to do everything they promised in order to garner support and they will have to deliver at hyper-speed to prevent the final collapse of the USA under the laundry list of crises the democratic socialists have launched against the USA.

In the end, sooner or later, everyone responsible for attempting to “fundamentally transform America” into some global socialist member of Klaus Schwab’s COVID Scamdemic RESET must be held to account for their actions. The only way to protect the USA from ruin is to hold every anti-American completely accountable, so that no one cares to ever attack our sovereignty, security, freedom, and liberty ever again!

Those who claim there is no difference between republicans and democrats today, are dead wrong. Republicans are bad, but democrats (anti-American global socialists) are far worse. Republicans can be reformed with some serious effort on our part, but we no longer have democrats or liberals in the USA.

Celebrate the victories briefly, then stay focused on the real prize! We must finish what we have started!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Too Stupid to Remain FREE

By Lex Greene

April 29, 2022

I have been thinking this for decades and discussing it in private with fellow freedom fighters for years, but we have finally reached that moment in history when I just have to publicly call it as I see it.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

With great sadness, I have concluded, based on many years of research, and works, beating my head against the wall with know-nothing know-it-alls, that the vast majority of American citizens are just too stupid to remain free today. Unlike our nations Founders, or our Greatest Generations, current U.S. generations are simply no longer suited for freedom and liberty.

I know, it’s politically incorrect to use the term “stupid.” But as I explained to my kids as they were growing up, ignorance is the absence of information and knowledge. Stupidity is when you know better but do it anyway!

This doesn’t apply to everyone today, just most. But if the shoe fits, kick yourself with it! I won’t waste time with the laundry list of examples readily available. If you can’t figure this out with just a few key examples, then the shoe does indeed fit.

EXAMPLE #1 – 14-years ago now, a young nobody from nowhere with a totally blank resume’ and without so much as a legitimate USA birth certificate was carefully groomed and installed as the “first black president of the USA,” and openly set out to “fundamentally transform America.” Never mind that according to his checkered history, he was birthed half white, with an official Kenyan birth record, and has used a few different aliases throughout his life. To this day, most Americans still don’t know the truth about him, and none of the people who do know the truth have ever lifted a finger to prevent the Oval Office from being occupied by an unknown foreign agent. Any foreign agent can occupy the office as a result.


EXAMPLE #2 – The COVID19 Great Global Reset was carefully plotted well in advance and executed with great precision, to create a “national emergency,” the means by which our criminally corrupt federal government could test (or prove) just how easy it is to frighten and threaten American citizens into self-isolation and self-destruction, voluntarily giving up every freedom and liberty they had ever known, just because Simon (Fauci) said so! For more than two years now, millions of Americans remain so afraid of catching a cold that they still drive around in their own car with a useless mask on their face, awaiting the next tyrannical order from unelected global oligarchs who told you point blank, that you will soon “own nothing and be happy.” Stupid people still line up for their next so-called “vaccine” even though if any prior “vaccines” had worked, they wouldn’t need more “vaccines.” Face it, this entire event was the means by which to steal the 2020 elections via massive “mail-in” ballot fraud and international computer vote rigging. No COVID means, no national emergency, and therefore no mail-in balloting.

For those too stupid to know I’m speaking truth to you here, have you even figured out that when “you own nothing,” THEY WILL OWN YOU?


EXAMPLE #3–As the 2022 mid-term elections approach, the same people who refuse to see the 2020 fraud or do anything about it, think they are going to win this November, in an election that will undoubtedly be more rotten with fraud than the last. Evidence of the stolen 2020 elections is overwhelming and the only people who can’t see it are people who refuse to see it. As a result, nothing has been done about it and that means that 2022 elections will also be rampant with fraud. The DNC has perfected the art of mass election fraud, and republicans have perfected the art of talking about it, without ever doing anything about it.


In a previous column, I discuss how every living American has lived under a steady diet of lies from their government, their entire lives. I referred to it as Death by a Thousand Lies. Because modern Americans have been raised and still live under a constant flood of lies their entire lives, the vast majority find it much easier to buy lies than to find truth, especially in a “cancel culture” where the truth is not allowed to see the light of day.

Fact is a vast majority of Americans have never even read the Charters of Freedom. In fact, most don’t even know what the Charters of Freedom are. Most who have read these documents, can’t even properly interpret the words that appear in our Charters of Freedom. If they could, they would know better than to fall for the Convention of States scam that has taken in huge sums of money to lead people to a different form of national suicide.

But the two most dangerous lies today are the Climate Change hoax and the COVID19 scamdemic. The Climate Change hoax is designed to get unwitting citizens to go-along with killing innocent people to save mother earth. And the COVID19 scamdemic is designed to gain total control over populations through constant fearmongering, causing the average idiot to go-along to get-along, all the way to their death.

Both have been used to steal elections and they will be used to steal elections again and again. 2022 will be no different at present. But frankly, our electorate is so dumbed-down and disengaged at this point that cheating may not even be necessary in the future.

Fox News is reporting WASHINGTON, D.C. – Georgetown University college students told Fox News COVID-19 and climate change are their top priorities headed into the midterm elections. (HERE) The two most dangerous lies on earth today, are the main focus points of the upcoming election for the college indoctrinated voters. Imagine that!

These two blatant lies now motivate more American voters than freedom and liberty do. THAT’S STUPID!

This is the return on your investment in higher-learning for your kids and grand kids. You send smart kids to college for insane tuition rates, and they will send you back some of the dumbest people you ever met in your life. Not only that, but they are also teaching the young that YOU have killed mother earth and YOU are the reason they have to kill people “to save the planet!”

These younger generations are stupid enough to not realize that it is them that must be killed to save the planet. Us old folks will be gone soon enough, of natural causes. It isn’t ourselves we are trying to save by speaking out like I am here, it’s YOU dummy! …the so-called future of our once great nation!

Sure, I know many of you will find this piece “offensive.” You find every truth offensive today. But I can no longer afford to care who is offended by truth, and neither can you!

LAST EXAMPLE OF UTTER STUPIDITY: Right now, the WOKE Marxists in government are once again promising to “forgive all student debt” to the tune of approximately 1.6 trillion. You stupid people need to know, there is no such thing as forgiveness of those debts. Instead, it would be a transfer of those debt obligations, from those who borrowed the money and allegedly benefited from it — to those who didn’t borrow or benefit from it, the taxpayers!

In case no one told you in your high falutin lecture hall, democrats have already driven American taxpayers to more than 30-trillion in government debt, before transferring your 1.6-trillion in student loans to those same taxpayers. Now, again it isn’t ourselves we are trying to save by sharing these tidbits of fact with you, people my age are heading into retirement, and YOU are now the future taxpayers. The bill belongs to YOU now!

As Thomas Jefferson said so wisely a long time ago, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

If you really want to know how your precious socialism ends, ask the millions currently flooding our southern border illegally to escape it…genius!

Inescapable Rule #1 for idiots – Nothing on earth is free, nothing!

Rule #2 – In the end, FREE stuff will cost you everything!

To be clear, any nation too stupid to be FREE, won’t be!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Death by a Thousand Lies

By Lex Greene

April 28, 2022

The American people have been lied to their entire lives for generations. Over the past century or so, lies have been stacked upon lies in every facet of life, none more so than in the ongoing political destruction of our Constitutional Republic, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The lies have become ever more blatant, yet the average American struggles to discern truth from lie.

The fact is our country has been under assault for many years. Foreign powers have sought the downfall of the USA since before the ink was dry on the Declaration of Independence. The plot to “fundamentally transform America” was put in high gear by Barack Hussein Obama circa 2009, but it started in the early 1900s under Woodrow Wilson. By the 1950s, the Federal Government was already in control of nearly every facet of American life, most importantly, academia, education, and the news service.

Even under increasing brazen tyranny at the hands of our federal government, most still choose to believe they are a free people. Even as Americans are told in no uncertain terms, that they will soon own nothing, and be happy,” most Americans remain in the dark, unable to see things that are right in their faces.

Not so long ago, Americans were wisely born with a healthy distrust of politicians and lawyers, especially those who are both. Yet today, most depend upon politicians and lawyers to protect them from a certain socio-economic collapse of their once great nation. When it comes to undermining and destroying our Constitution and Bill of Rights, three groups are most responsible, politicians, law professionals and the news media. These three design, launch and perpetrate a constant diet of outright lies, all for the purpose of misleading and controlling the people.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if “you will own nothing,” a global ruling class elite will own everything. They will decide what you need, when you need it, if you deserve it, based upon your behavior patterns and political views, and distribute “happiness” on their terms, not yours. This not a guess on my part, it’s exactly what those global leaders are openly telling us.

It all started and is made possible by a steady proliferation of outright lies!

The DEMOCRACY Lie–The USA was never designed or intended to be a “democracy.” Instead, the USA was founded as a “Constitutional Representative Republic” and the U.S. Constitution guarantees every State and every Citizen a “Republican form of Government.” Every democracy in human history collapsed from internal corruption and waste, the essential design of the democrats Cloward-Piven Strategy.

The FREE STUFF Lie – Democratic socialists purchase voters with promises of ever increasing gifts from the taxpayer-funded treasury.Nothing on earth costs more than free-stuff. It will cost you everything in the end. Once purchased with gifts from the public trough, they own you.

The CLIMATE CHANGE Lie – Americans would never agree to kill innocent Americans and give up all of their freedom and liberty unless they feared for their very lives. So, evil perpetrators created the grand lie that “human beings are killing mother earth.” Therefore, in order to save mother earth, we must kill human beings. The mere notion that humans that occupy less than 1% of earth’s surface could have the power to alter earth’s atmosphere is insane on its face. But still, most modern Americans have fallen for this grand lie. Earth’s climate has always been in a state of change and always will be. Humans amount to a grain of sand on a vast beach, with no power whatsoever over earth’s climate. But under the climate change lie, it’s human beings that are “unsustainable.”

The ABORTION Lie – The taking of an innocent life, not in self-defense, is the definition of “murder.” It isn’t the mother’s body and life being extinguished via abortion. It’s the body and life of the most defenseless human beings on earth, that is being terminated. It’s murder by definition. But a majority of modern American women have bought into the lie that killing their own offspring is a “constitutionally protect right,” and females now represent 52% of the voting public. It’s a most deadly lie… and in the end, it has led the USA to a complete disregard for human life at any age. No wonder children kill each other or themselves in the streets, schools, and malls today. Human life has been entirely devalued for decades.

The 2020 ELECTION Lie – Joe Biden was NOT elected in 2020 and most Americans know it. Though he had many haters, President Trump was statistically the most popular U.S. President in modern history, garnering a record increase in voter support in his bid for a second term. It’s mathematically impossible for Joe Biden or anyone else to have defeated Trump in 2020. But most Americans still believe that’s what happened and those who didn’t buy the lie, are afraid to do anything about it.

The BIDEN ADMINISTRATION Lie – Clearly, the man who often has no clue where he is or why he’s there, isn’t in charge of running anything. VP Harris is a totally drugged up cackling hyena with absolutely no clue how to do that job. Both are mere “useful idiots” happy to hold the titles (and benefits) while someone else actually runs the show. That someone in the White House is Susan Rice and she takes her marching orders from Barack Hussein Obama and his Iranian terrorist comrade Valerie Jarrett. In fact, almost the entire Biden Administration is made up of former Obama administration officials. The USA is under a 3rd Obama Administration today.

The MULTI-GENDER Lie–Unusual birth defects aside, human beings are born one of only two genders, Male or Female. You can identify as a male or female, or dog or cat for that matter, but how you identify on any given day doesn’t change reality. No matter how one chooses to mutilate their own body via modern science, they will remain either male or female after the surgery, just as they were born. There is nothing “natural” about it. But there’s never any good excuse for being abusive to any other human being just because we disagree with their views and personal choices. But it’s an outright lie to teach our future generations anything but the truth on the matter.

Are you still “following the science” from those who have been lying to you for over two years now?

  • They told you COVID19 was a natural virus from bats. Was that true?
  • They told you a total two week lockdown would “flatten the curve” on COVID in March 2020. Was that true?
  • They told you that masks (not designed for this purpose) would prevent infection and spread of COVID19. Was that true?
  • They told you that brief social distancing and self-isolation would end their plandemic. Was that true?
  • They told you a miracle vaccine (created before COVID itself) would stop infection, illness, and death from COVID. Was that true?
  • When all of their previous statements proved false, and they added an ongoing steady diet of vaccinations and boosters, because those would stop infection, transmission, illness, and death, was that true?
  • They told you their “vaccines” were safe. Was that true?
  • And they told you that if you would just do what Simon says, life would return to normal, and you could live free again. Was that true?

Nothing they told you over the past few years has turned out to be true. If you don’t know it at this late date…it’s because you simply don’t want to know it.

Many have tried to WAKE YOU UP for decades, myself included. Yet, even at this late date, under unprecedented open assaults on every freedom and liberty you have ever known, most remain asleep at the wheel of our country, waiting to see what the tyrants have planned for us next, or who might ever do something about it.

Freedom and Liberty must sit atop the list of priorities for every red-blooded American, or no one on earth will know freedom and liberty.

If freedom and liberty for all isn’t Priority #1 in your life, it will soon be extinguished. You will have allowed that to happen, not just to yourself and your loved ones, but to all of us.

STEP ONE to restoring sanity, freedom and liberty in the USA is…. STOP BUYING THE BLATANT LIES!

For only TRUTH can set us FREE!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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“Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom”

By Lex Greene

April 16, 2022

This is the message being echoed by drones throughout Shanghai China today in yet another massive total city lockdown of over 26-million Chinese citizens. Thousands are screaming from their balconies as others leap from their balconies to their death. They are being starved to death.

If you have not seen what is happening in Shanghai right now, watch this video and many others like it. This is how 2020 started under the COVID19 bioweapon attack on humanity all over the globe. It only took days for similar anti-freedom policies to reach the United States, ahead of the 2020 elections.

We can’t afford to make the same mistakes that most Americans made in COVID 2020. Those lockdowns started in China as well and very quickly spread all around the world and across the United States. People all over the world were immediately stripped of all freedoms and liberties, along with their ability to work and earn, or even protect their own family members.

Millions of Americans accepted tyrannical COVID restrictions and orders that lasted for over 18-months in the USA, and millions are still accepting lethal injections (called vaccines and boosters) as a tide of unexplained deaths rises in all age groups.

If you “go-along to get-along” this time, it will be the end of everything you ever knew or dreamed of for your future. What’s happening in Shanghai right now will rapidly spread to the USA and around the globe, just in time for the next fraudulent elections this November.

It’s no secret that the current U.S. Government has the lowest approval rating in decades and that in any legitimate election, leftist democrats would be slaughtered in the upcoming mid-terms. That’s why something even worse than COVID 2020 must happen, in order to make it possible for leftist democrats to maintain power.

There’s no more time to sugar coat anything, or waste time trying to educate those who will refuse to be educated until there is nothing left. I will put a very fine point on our problem here, the reason why nothing is being addressed or fixed in the USA right now, and what must happen to change that dynamic.


Of course, there are a number of reasons, such as about 30% of Americans believing that global Marxism is better than USA Freedom and Liberty. But that’s a minority of American Citizens and in time, they can be brain-flushed to the truth about the Marxism and Communism that they were dog-whistle trained in government controlled education, news, and entertainment.

It’s the other 70% that are the real problem, and this is why…

More than 80% of Americans make all decisions strictly on the basis of how each decision will affect their personal financial status. Very few make decisions on the basis of what’s right, moral, ethical or in the best interest of freedom and liberty. Money isn’t the root of all evil. “The love of money is the root of all evil” – when you put money above everything else, including freedom and liberty.

If you think this isn’t you…then you are not being honest with yourself. Very few Americans locked down, wore a mask, or took a so-called vaccine in the best interest of their health, freedom, or liberty. Almost all who followed these unconstitutional fatal commands did so to protect their financial interests, keeping their jobs, their friends…going-along to get-along.

None of the COVID protocols ever made scientific or medical sense…it was all backwards to known science and medicine. People didn’t follow their orders to “follow the science.” They followed those orders despite all known science, to protect their financial interests…temporarily!

None of the events of the past several years have been about securing your health or freedom. All of it has been designed to convince you or force you to “Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom.”

As of this writing, the CDC is still reporting COVID cases in the USA at 82,119,222. But the CDC long ago admitted in public that over 80% of all COVID testing resulting in “false positives,” which means the real number of cases is approximately 16.4 million Americans, not 82.1 million Americans.

According to the CDC today, 1,012,796 Americans have died of COVID19. But the CDC has also admitted publicly that 94% of these deaths were due to other causes, with only 6% having actually died “of COVID,” 60,767 instead of more than a million being reported.

Meanwhile, the CDC has been hiding the fact that far more Americans have died within seven days after taking a “vaccine or booster,” many more dying beyond the seven day mark.

So, although COVID19 itself turned out to be no more a risk to American lives than the average flu season, and the so-called “vaccines” have proven to be far more dangerous than the original illness, the COVID19 event has indeed served the great global Marxist cause of getting Americans to “Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom.”

The simple fact is, this has been allowed to happen and continue because unlike our Founders who were proud to put everything they had, treasure and lives, on the line for our freedom, most modern Americans won’t even give up a happy meal, a pack of cigarettes or a six pack of beer for their freedom or liberty.

Of course, if we can’t even afford to go to war, we can never afford to win that war. It takes resources to fight any war, much less win it. It’s also critical to not waste any resources, on things that are not real viable solutions.

The following are in fact, very dangerous FAKE SOLUTIONS

  • Amending the Constitution or Bill of Rights
  • Another fraudulent election
  • Secession from the Constitution and Bill of Rights
  • Leaving Party control to anti-American criminals
  • Hoping someone else will do something
  • Praying as though you have no personal responsibility
  • Pretending as though freedom ever existed without a fight
  • Thinking we can win without the resources to fight
  • Thinking you can survive alone in a collapsed nation
  • Putting money before freedom

In case you have not figured it out yet, no matter how much money you have, how many guns, or how much ammo and stored food you have in your prepper fox hole, when the USA is no more, you too, will have nothing. When freedom is gone, tyranny is all that’s left.

The inescapable fact is a massive global cabal is intent upon destroying every nation and every citizen on earth via their maniacal COVID19 GLOBAL RESET agenda. Citizens of the USA are the only possible solution on earth, for freedom and liberty, anywhere on earth.

If you believe in the USA, freedom, liberty, prosperity, sovereignty, and security as a free society, then you will have to make these things an immediate priority in your life. If we don’t, fast, all of it will soon be gone.

Don’t mistake me for some doomsday negative fearmonger. If I thought it wasn’t still possible for the American people to overcome the many threats we face today, I wouldn’t still be talking to you. If we have the will, there is a way.

But we must turn the possible into the certain.

We can only do this together and only if we have the resources to win and put every horse at the front of our cart, no longer pulling in opposite directions on a laundry list of already failed fake solutions.

We have the power, but we are not yet united, organized, and committed to making our future even brighter than our past.

Something bigger (and worse) than what has happened so far is on the horizon. The global left will not retreat without being forced to retreat. The timeline is between now and our November elections. So, we don’t have much time.

If you are intent upon being part of the solution, I encourage you to write me now.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:


By Lex Greene

April 6, 2022

Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s still truth alone, that can set us free.

Women once held the most important position on earth, the job of raising the next generation of decent Citizens capable and deserving of freedom, liberty, and self-governance. Safely carrying an infant to full term and giving birth to a healthy child is where the job begins. I’m not sure the job really ever ends after that. Once a mother, always a mother.

But coming out of WWII, when many mothers left home to work outside the home, as many fathers were sent away to war, the USA changed and as the fruit from that tree has proven since, not for the better. For the past few generations, many children have been left to raise themselves, or left to the “village” for raising, as more and more kids became latchkey kids, often raised by an electronic babysitter, the TV, video games and social media.

The result is what we see in cities across the USA today, drug addiction, school shootings, vandalism, looting, arson, gang violence and increasing suicide. Especially after the past two years of COVID scams and fatal medical mandates, younger generations are struggling to see anything positive in their futures.

Roe v. Wade (1973) has taught every child since, that human life has no value. The life of a human being is easily discarded for mere convenience of the mother. Over 70-million innocent defenseless Natural Born Americans have been murdered in the womb since.

Although the taking of an innocent life of another human being (not in self-defense) is the definition of “murder,” somehow, this particular form of murder has been widely accepted as “a mother’s right.” That child in the womb belongs to the father as much as the mother. But this is not what most women have been misled to believe.

I used to believe that women were much smarter than men, until they decided they wanted to be men. I used to believe that women were much better than men, until I saw millions of women murdering their own children in the womb.

LET THIS SINK IN…American women have killed more innocent American children since 1973 than people killed by American men in all wars combined since 1776!

Somewhere along the way, women bought into the false notion that their value is only based upon their level of formal education and the career choices they make. Full-time mothers have been looked down upon for many years now, as if their contribution to society has little or no value, when in fact, there is no more important job on earth than that of a mother.

Of course, taxation reaching and surpassing the 50% of income mark has a lot to do with households needing two incomes to survive. Still, the greatest value any woman could ever hold is the value of a mother, responsible for raising the next generation of decent human beings. Without this person, there will be no decent human beings, no decent society, and sooner or later, that will cause the breakup of the traditional family and the total collapse of any free society.

In short, as goes motherhood, so goes the nation! No generation will ever be any better than the mothers who raised them.

Women make up approximately 52% of the USA population, men 48%. As that translates in elections, women have consistently had a higher voter turnout rate than men in recent elections, approximately 63% female voter turnout as compared to 59% voter turnout among men.

Women have a 4% voter advantage over men just based upon population share alone. But because they also tend to have a higher voter turnout than men, they can largely control the outcome of pretty much every election.

Making matters even worse for the USA, women have voted overwhelmingly “democratic socialist” for years now, largely due to their support of “abortion privileges.” It’s NOT a “right.” No one has a right to extinguish the innocent life of another human being for mere personal convenience.

Recent voting trends by gender show that 50% of men tend to vote Republican, and 42% Democratic Socialist. But women tend to vote 56% Democratic Socialist and only 38% Republican. (Source)

In all three election categories, women are largely in control of the future of America.

  • 52% of the USA population
  • A higher voter turnout rate, 63% female, 59% male
  • Overwhelming democratic socialist trend, 56% of women voters, with only 38% voting for freedom and liberty, Republican

Women have tended to vote heavily democratic socialist ever since Roe v. Wade, almost as if it’s the only issue on the ballot in every election. Women won’t like being blamed for the ongoing utter demise of our country, but they are in control.

Women voters put Bill Clinton in office for two terms, despite all of the criminality, sexual misconduct, and impeachment. Women voters put Barack Obama (from Kenya) in office for two terms, despite fake birth records and a totally blank resume. Women voters almost put Hillary Clinton in office in 2016 and put Joe Biden in office in 2020.

All three, Clinton, Obama and Biden have nearly totally destroyed the USA and none of them would have ever been in office if not for the female vote.

Now, today the USA is on fire, and so is most of the world. Klaus Schwab (WEF), the UN, NATO, IMF, WHO and Biden administration have set our country on course for total collapse. The COVID19 Global Marxist Reset is well underway, and millions of Americans are trying to figure out what they can do about it, before there is nothing, they can do about it.

To save this country, freedom, liberty, sovereignty, security, and a promising future for our young, peacefully…we will have to win the November 2022 elections by vast margins. To do that, it will require women voters to wise up real fast!

  • We will have to find a way to STOP the kinds of election fraud that happened in 2020.
  • But even then, if we have an honest and transparent election process, we will still lose this country unless women voters wise up fast.

I’m a male, which means what I have to say to women doesn’t mean much. To get women to wake up and wise up in time to save freedom for all, women who are already awake and wise must speak up and reach out to women who need to be shaken awake.

Only women can cause other women to wise up today. The truth hurts, but it’s the only way to save this country and we are fast running out of time and opportunity to do it.

God Bless the GREAT mothers of this country, who fight harder to protect their young than most neutered men will today. It’s these women who must enlist the help of all other women, or this country is doomed to fall.

By the way, Roe v. Wade didn’t “legalize abortion.” First, the case wasn’t about a mothers right to kill her offspring, it was about a wife’s autonomy relative her husband. Second, courts can’t make laws, only Congress can do that.

Corrupt leftist courts have only “interpreted” Roe v. Wade to “legalize abortion” as a mothers alleged right. It’s still murder according to any laws passed by Congress.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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YOU are Non-Essential and Unsustainable

By Lex Greene

March 26, 2022

Not according to me of course, but according to the new leaders of the One World Order, Klaus Schwab (WEF), Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, Mark Zuckerberg, and all of their installed COVID19 GLOBAL RESET partners, Barack Obama (USA), PM Justin Trudeau (Canada), French President Macron, the WEF, IMF, UN, NATO, EU, hundreds of international corporations, including Pfizer, Moderna and J&J, and so many more.

This is exactly how Marxism, Socialism and Communism work. No one has any human or natural Rights. It’s all about the “greater common good.” Of course, it’s always about the greater common good of the ruling class elites, not you. Guess who gets to decide if YOU are essential and sustainable…and on what basis?

To them, YOU have never been “essential” in their world. In fact, you are mostly just a problem, an “eater,” someone who brings little or nothing to the grand table, and is merely a “taker” in society, a “liability,”…or… a non-compliant producer constantly causing trouble for the elites in their pursuit of total power over everyone and everything.

In their world, there are only three classes of people…only two of them“essential”

  1. The elite Ruling Class (them)
  2. The “eaters,” those who offer the world little or nothing of value (half of you)
  3. The “producers,” those who keep the world spinning through personal productivity and pay all of the bills (the other half of you)

Class #1 (them) is the most important class. Everyone else is expendable in the protection and sustainability of “them,” the ruling class elites.

Class #2 (the eaters) has temporary value. They can be easily manipulated and used to vote everyone into bondage under Class #1 rule, due to their unquenchable lust for “free gifts” paid for by Class #3, the “producers.” But once everyone is voted into bondage, Class #2 no longer has any value to Class #1.They are not only entirely expendable, but they must also be eliminated as they “eat” everything Class #1 is trying to possess for themselves.

Class #3 (the producers) are necessary, but only if they can be totally controlled. Class #1 needs “producers” to keep the elite in the lifestyles of the rich and famous that they are accustomed to. Anyone in Class #3 who cannot be totally controlled is the biggest problem of all, and therefore, they must be eliminated first. ALL of Class #2 will be eliminated when the “reset” is complete.

That will leave only two classes, the Ruling elites who make up Class #1, and producers in Class #3 that were willing to surrender their freedom and liberty, go-along to get-along, in order to remain necessary and desirable to Class #1.

Once Class #2 helps Class #1 gain complete power over everyone and everything, in their quest for free stuff, no one will need Class #2 at all anymore. They will be entirely eliminated, as in, that class will no longer exist. Why would they? They take everything and provide absolutely nothing.

Sadly, atop the list of mere “eaters” according to the ruling class is the elderly, those who worked and paid taxes their entire lives, but are now just a financial liability for Class #1. They don’t work, earn, and pay taxes anymore, and no one needs government benefits from Social Security and Medicare more than they do. No matter how much of a producer they might have been earlier in their lives, they are just “eaters” now. They have to go in the Marxist reset!

Troublemakers have to go at the same time…People who refuse to comply with Class #1 “mandates” due to some silly notion that they are a free people in a free country, protected by outdated founding documents no one really cares about anymore, and a constant headache for Class #1. They are totally “non-essential and unsustainable.”

I’m not sure why so many are upset about this new world view at this point…we’ve been killing millions of Natural Born American Citizens for decades, ever since Roe v Wade. It never bothered most Americans, especially a majority of women who vote almost exclusively on their so-called “right” to kill millions more. Some states are proposing legislation that will allow women to kill their kids even outside the womb now.

Killing the “non-essential and unsustainable” is nothing new in the USA. We’ve been doing it for years. After all, no infant is “essential or sustainable” on their own. They are just another class of “eaters.” But I guess when YOU become the next target, suddenly, life has value… right?

There are many methods of eliminating the “non-essential and unsustainable” which have already been accepted or tolerated by the majority of U.S. Citizens.

  • Infanticide – the intentional killing of an infant.
  • Genocide – The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group, by a government or governing body.
  • Suicide – the act or an instance of taking one’s own life voluntarily and intentionally, often promoted by misguided social circumstances. (any cancel culture)
  • Lethal injection – a method of human execution.
  • Execution – the carrying out or putting into effect of a plan, order, or course of action.
  • Many more…

Convinced by Class #1 that the world will cease to exist if we don’t eliminate up to 2/3 of the current world population, so-called “Climate Change” which is very easily proven to be false on its face, provides the needed moral justification for killing off billions of people worldwide.

Believing that they are “saving the planet” by murdering billions of people allows the average idiot to feel morally justified in so doing. They can sleep well at night after a few hits from their vape pen, knowing that they are “saving the world,” or at least allowing Class #1 to save the world by killing billions of innocent people. They are told they are heroes…

Little do they (Class #2) know that they are the most non-essential and unsustainable humans on earth, once the global reset is complete.

As for Class #3 Citizens, in the USA specifically. They have been so concerned with holding on to their careers, their assets, their earnings, and lifestyles that they couldn’t be bothered with stopping the commie reset from ever happening at all.

The go-along to get-along plan they hold so dear, will guarantee they will lose everything in the end, and become mere servants of the global reset cabal. As Klaus Schwab stated so clearly, in the end, YOU will own nothing and be happy. I’m sure that statement is half true, the own nothing part.

While Class #3 waits for someone else to do something, they ignore the reality that there is no one else to do it. Who’s going to do it, Class #1, or Class #2 folks? Will the swamp drain itself? Will the eaters rise up to defend freedom and liberty?

There isn’t a second civil war on the way in the USA. We are under a global “color revolution” right now and someday, way down the line, by some generation not yet born, there will have to be another bloody freedom revolution. The current generations allowed freedom and liberty to die in the USA, which means freedom and liberty will exist nowhere on earth.

Until one day, far off in the future, humans will rise for the sake of freedom once again. It all could have been avoided, but it wasn’t. Americans simply forgot what was really most important in our lives. Without freedom and liberty, we will have nothing but misery in common.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Putin’s Peace Offer in Ukraine

By Lex Greene

March 19, 2022

Before I discuss Putin’s current offer for peace to Ukraine, you need to know that I am not at all interested in convincing you that Putin is a “good guy.” I have no interest in convincing you that the Ukraine government is any better than the Russian government either, because they may in fact be worse. As far as I’m concerned, there are plenty of people to blame for the conflict in Ukraine, beginning with the Biden administration, Obama, the Clintons, Klaus Schwab, the WEF, IMF, NATO, and the UN.

I’m only interested in showing you the facts and letting you decide what to make of those facts on your own.

It’s being reported by numerous foreign news outlets that peace talks between Russia and Ukraine have taken place a few times now. It has also been reported that Putin has put four conditions for peace on the table with Ukraine in those sessions. Here they are…

Condition #1 – Russia will cease fire and lay down their weapons if Ukraine will cease fire and lay down their weapons at the same time. This is a common condition for peace in every effort to end hostilities between nations…a perfectly reasonable and appropriate condition for peace.

Condition #2–Russia took over Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration in February and March of 2014, and it barely made any headlines at all at the time. Crimea voted to rejoin Russia and Russia annexed Crimea as part of Russia in 2014. A condition for peace with Ukraine is that Crimea will remain part of Russian, and Ukraine must formally recognize Crimea as part of Russia.

Condition #3–Ukraine must amend its Constitution to guarantee its independent statehood and global neutrality as an independent nation. This confirms that Putin and Russia are not attempting to take over Ukraine and annex it as part of Russia, or rebuild the Soviet Empire, in stark contrast to what Americans have been continuously told by the Biden Administration and the U.S. news media 24/7 every day. The point to this condition for Russia, is preventing Ukraine from being annexed into the World Economic Forum “Global Communist Reset” which would put NATO on the border of Russia.

Condition #4–Ukraine must allow the two pro-Russian breakaway republics in eastern Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhanskto) to obtain independent statehood and formally recognize them as such. These two breakaway republics have been trying to establish independence from Ukraine since the fall of the Soviet Union in December 1991. Russia is not demanding the two become part of Russia. Instead, Russia is simply supporting the two republics desire for independence from Ukraine.

In the third peace talks with Ukraine on March 7th, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said unequivocally that if the Ukraine government would agree to these four conditions, hostilities between the two countries would end and “Ukraine will remain an independent state that will live as it wants.” This again publicly commits Russia to allowing Ukraine to remain an independent sovereign state.

Now, of the four conditions put on the table by Putin and Russia, three of the four are somewhat easy for the Ukraine government to agree to in their stated desire to end the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Incidentally, these are the same four conditions Russia has demanded for at least fifteen years in their effort to avoid the need for hostilities between the two countries.

Only one of the four demands is very difficult for the Ukraine government to agree to…Condition #3.

Although it is Putin and Russia who stands accused of attempting to conquer territory in Ukraine, it’s actually someone else who has been conquering territory all over Europe for years now. This is what forced Putin into a corner, making Putin believe that he had no choice but to confront NATO Partners in Ukraine before Ukraine became an enemy touching the Russian border.

The history behind current circumstances in Ukraine are pretty well documented.

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and a private global trade group, was originally formed in 1949 after WWII with the stated purpose and intent of rebuilding European countries torn apart literally and economically during the war. Their secondary purpose was to provide a common defense of the European countries against the Soviet Union, which fell in December 1991.

Of the thirty NATO countries today, twenty-eight are European countries, with only the USA and Canada as member states from the west.

Since then, the USA, UN, NATO and now the WEF, has been conquering territories all around the globe. They had totally conquered all of Europe and were moving east to the border of Russia in Ukraine. It isn’t Putin or Russia who has been conquering territory over the past few decades, it’s the GREAT GLOBAL RESET countries, financed by international WEF corporations, that have been very busy conquering nations.

Putin isn’t at war with the people of Ukraine, many of whom are Russian. He is at conflict with corrupt neo-Nazis in western Ukraine and the Obama-Biden puppet regime installed in Kyiv in 2014. The process of turning Ukraine into the 5th most corrupt country in the world started all the way back in 2005, when a new U.S. Senator from Illinois infiltrated the Ukraine government and started to take control of the country. His name is Barack Obama.

In reality, Putin has been fighting this problem in his neighboring country ever since.

As a result, the one condition tough for Ukraine to agree to is Condition #3. Ukraine is trapped in a classic turf war between NATO countries and the WEF Global Reset in control of Europe on their western border, and Putin’s Russia on their eastern border.

The WEF Global Reset is designed to end all sovereignty and security for every nation on earth and mold them all into a global commune governed by Klaus Schwab and his global partner network embedded in governments and corporations all over the globe.

Like Donald Trump, Putin is a nationalist. It’s the only thing the two had in common, the love and protection of their own countries and a firm desire to remain sovereign independent nations, never becoming part of any communist global group under the WEF or anyone else.

However, the Global Reset cabal already holds complete control over their puppet government in Ukraine. After all, they installed the current puppet regime and have used Ukraine to launder money, run drugs, prostitution, and human trafficking through Ukraine, since at least 2014. Just follow the money…

The Ukraine regime is between a rock and a hard place on Condition #3. Putin is pressuring the regime from the east, and Klaus Schwab and NATO are pressuring them from the west. It’s a no win situation for the current regime in power in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the entire Global Reset cabal, including nearly all mainstream news WEF partners, throw gasoline on the turf war in Ukraine by spreading false information about what’s really happening in Ukraine and what the conflict is really all about. Putin is determined to keep Schwab and his NATO forces far from the Russian border, and for good reason.

After watching how easily people were conned all over the world for over two years of the Schwab COVID19: Global Reset scam, we could expect the world to be just as easily conned on events in Ukraine.

But before we allow global criminals to force the entire world into World War 3, it’s time for people everywhere to ask a few appropriate questions and demand some honest answers.

What do you see in that chart above?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What Impacts the Price of Gas?

By Lex Greene

March 17, 2022

In the swampy cesspool of politics, mass propaganda and the blame game are fundamental weapons of the most corrupt trade on earth. No political figure ever wants to take responsibility for what they did wrong, but every politician is quick to take credit for things that in most cases, they had nothing to do with.

The correct issue isn’t really WHO is right or wrong, but rather WHAT is right or wrong. The WHO is a secondary matter. When the price of gas rises, the price of literally everything rises with it. So, it’s no small matter to understand what affects the price of gas at the pump. (All data herein is based upon a gallon of regular gas, for each $1.00 spent at the pump)

On October 5, 2020, the average price of a gallon of gas in the USA was $2.18just ahead of the 2020 elections. The national gas price average was at the cheapest for the month of since 2016, when Donald Trump was elected President. That average was nearly 50 cents cheaper than in 2015. These are simply recorded facts. We’ll decide what to make of these facts at the end of this report.

In contrast, the average price of a gallon of gas was $3.69 at the end of Barack Obama’s first term, as he headed into the November 2012 elections. At the end of Obama’s second term, the average gas price in the USA was $2.23 in October 2016. Did Obama take credit for reducing the price of gas from $3.69 at the end of his first term, to $2.23 at the end of his second term? You bet!

Looking back a little farther, a gallon of gas cost an average of $1.46 in 2001 before the 9/11/01 terror attack, followed by the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, peaking at $3.27 a gallon on the “great real estate recession” of 2007-2008. But by the end of the second George W. Bush term, that price was falling from a high of $3.27 a gallon to $2.35 a gallon as Obama entered office.

Prior to 2021 and the Biden Administration, the highest gas price in history was in 2012 under Obama, at $3.64 per gallon of regular at the pump. Today, this price just hit a new all-time average high at $4.54 a gallon, with prices as high as $8.00 per gallon in several democrat controlled states, California being the worst, of course.

Now fundamentally, the basic cost of gas at the pump is broken down into only four categories. The percentages indicated are based upon each $1.00 spent on a gallon of gas at the pump.

  • The price of crude oil – 65% of the pump price
  • The cost of refining – 14% of the pump price
  • Taxes – 13% of the pump price
  • Distribution – 8% of the pump price

So, distribution of the product at 8%, the companies that make sure there is gas at your local filling station, is the least profitable with the smallest impact on prices at the pump. Taxes are almost double the distribution costs at 13%, followed by refining at 14%.

But clearly, the single biggest factor affecting the price of gas at the pump is the price of crude oil at a whopping 65% of every dollar spent at the pump. To make sure you understand these numbers, for each dollar you spend at the pump, on average, it looks like this in dollars instead of percentages…(if the gas price was $1.00 per gallon)

  • The price of crude oil – $0.65 of the pump price
  • The cost of refining – $0.14 of the pump price
  • Taxes – $0.13 of the pump price
  • Distribution – $0.08 of the pump price.

To understand why our current gas price average is $4.54 per gallon, look no further than the cost of crude oil at any given time in history, first.(65% of that price is the cost of crude oil, or $2.95 per gallon at present)

When Barack Obama took office in 2009, the average price for a barrel of crude oil was $61.95. By the beginning of Obama’s second term in 2013, that price had peaked at $97.98 per barrel, up 58.2% during Obama’s first term.

In contrast, when Trump took office in 2017, that average cost of crude was $50.80 a barrel. By the end of Trump’s first term, the crude price was down to $39.68 a barrel, and America was 100% energy independent for the first time in decades.

Now, since January 20, 2021, and the beginning of the alleged Biden administration, the price of crude has skyrocketed from Trump’s $39.68 a barrel to $98.00 per barrel, projected by Biden to reach more than $103.01 per barrel in 2022,which does not yet consider any adjustment for what’s currently happening in Russia and Ukraine! International crude producers are projecting crude will reach more than $200 a barrel before end of year 2022.

As of today, this is a record increase in crude prices of 131.6% in just the first 12-months of the Biden administration, before any impact from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. During the same time frame, the price of a gallon of gas at the pump has already increased 108.3%, and they are just getting started.

That explains why Biden’s economic advisers are predicting that Biden’s record inflation rate will continue to rise every month for the foreseeable future, because the price of crude drives the price of gasoline, and the price of gasoline drives the price of everything else.

Allow me to bring this into bright focus…


$1.00                                                          $0.65

$2.18                                                          $1.42

$4.54                                                          $2.95

FOUR COST SECTORS at $4.54 per gallon

  • Crude Cost – $2.95 per gallon
  • Refining Cost – $0.63 per gallon
  • Taxes – $0.59 per gallon
  • Distribution – $0.36 per gallon

It’s the price of crude that is most responsible for the price of gas at the pump. So, what causes the price of crude to go up at least 131.6% just since Joe Biden took office on January 20, 2021?

When Trump was president, crude was down at $39.68 a barrel and the price at the pump was $2.18 per gallon. Today, the price of crude is up 131.6% since January 2021, and the price at the pump is an average of $4.54 per gallon as a result. As I write, the price of crude is averaging $98.00 a barrel. It has more than doubled since Biden took office just a year ago, and so has the price at the pump, without entering events in Ukraine into the equation.

Only two things have changed impacting gas prices since January 20, 2021… a) Biden is president now instead of Trump, when gas was much more affordable, and the USA was 100% energy independent. b) Biden’s energy policies are 180-degrees opposite those of Donald Trump.

Before Joe Biden went to bed on the evening of his inauguration, 1/20/21, he signed no less than fifteen “Green New Deal” Executive Orders essentially reversing all of Trump’s policies that brought the cost of crude down to $39.68 a barrel and gas prices at the pump down to $2.18 a gallon.

Between January 2021 and October 2021, crude prices more than doubled from $39 a barrel to $90 a barrel. As a direct result, gas prices skyrocketed from $2.18 per gallon before Biden took office, to break over $3.00 a gallon by May 2021 and is now, $4.54 a gallon just one year after Biden changed the USA energy policies by way of Executive Orders.

In closing, the price of crude has more than doubled as a direct result of Biden’s energy policy that started on 1/20/21, and as a direct result, so have your prices at the pump.

Making matters much worse soon, Biden foreign policies responsible for the war in Ukraine and his suicidal sanctions against Russian oil, which he made the USA dependent upon again in January of 2021, will shorten supply even more, which will drive gas prices up even higher. Soon, truckers may not be able to afford the fuel in their trucks to deliver the fuel to your fueling stations. Citizens won’t be able to afford to put gas in their tanks in order to get to work.

All of your home heating fuel and food costs are skyrocketing too, all as a result of crude prices and intentional supply chain shortages also cause by the Biden administration.

Biden just signed another $1.5 trillion in taxpayer spending, none of which is earmarked to deal with this issue. But the package did include a 21% raise for all members of Congress. All members of Congress were bribed with this raise, to pass the $1.5 trillion spending spree.

Vladimir Putin has nothing to do with the current prices at the pump. Joe Biden and his Green New Deal is 100% responsible for what you are paying at the pump today, and what it will cost you tomorrow. Follow crude prices and they will track entirely to what you pay at the pump. To bring gas prices down, we have no choice but to bring crude prices down, which will require Biden to reinstate Trump energy policies. There is no other fix!

The only question remaining is, what are we going to do about it? Where are we in the cycle below?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Land of the Ignorant, Home of the Cowards?

By Lex Greene

March 12, 2022

The past two years have proven above all else, just how easily conned the average American is today, and how fast you can frighten them into total compliance with even the most insane tyrannical government dictates. No matter how little sense anything makes, Americans are most likely to go-along with excessive government orders believing that it will make it possible for them to get-along with their sworn enemies.

If you’re not yet sick and tired of being sick and tired, scared of the many frightening things thrust upon Citizens over the past few years…it’s because you’re either an idiot, or a coward. Watching the entire country as the people were totally controlled by a fraudulent government running our country into the toilet for the last 14-months, confirms…we are no longer the Land of the Free or Home of the Brave!

I’m here to warn you…until we are the home of the brave again, we will never be the land of the free again! Past generations paid for our freedom, but who is going to pay the price for our future generations.

Ignorance isn’t Bliss!

How many Americans are now angry that they were conned, coerced, threatened, and bankrupted into taking a so-called “vaccine” that hasn’t saved a single life, hasn’t stopped you from getting COVID, hasn’t stopped you from spreading COVID and might indeed be the most lethal injection created by mad scientists in human history?

How many millions of Americans lost family, loved ones, their jobs and careers, their incomes, even their possessions in the past 14-months, just because you went-along to get-along?How many of you attacked those who were smart and brave enough to not take the bioweapon injection or live their life under a filthy useless mask?

Your ignorance of basic human health is astonishing. Never before have we ever quarantined healthy people or sent sick contagious patients into nursing homes to spread the illness to the weakest among us. Every mask manufacturer told you that their mask was not designed for or capable of preventing any airborne virus from passing. Never before has the public been subjected to any “experimental” fake vaccine which to this day, still is not approved for human use by the FDA.

Yet, there you were, and some of you still are, wearing a mask and taking every fake vaccine you’re told to take, as if you have no mind of your own at all.

In this case, your gross ignorance will come at a very high price. You believed people you know you cannot trust, and ignored people close to you that would step in front of a train to save you. You participated in the insane cancel culture, making matters even worse. What the hell is wrong with you?

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

Home of the Brave?

Millions of you are still afraid to leave your home or even drive your private vehicle without a mask on. The government has you so frightened of life itself, that you’d rather live like a hermit in bondage than risk living like a free person. You’d rather be taken care of by your socialist dictators than risk liberty and your own free will.

It’s easy to scare cowards into total tyrannical compliance…Not so easy to scare the brave into doing anything they don’t want to do. You should have learned on the grade school playground that bullies exist, and that cowards are never free.

Have you figured out why the criminals we call government are not afraid of you yet? Nobody is afraid of a coward! In fact, the bully relies entirely upon your cowardice, your tendency to go-along to get-along.

Have you figured out who the so-called “insurrectionists, racists, white supremacists and extremists” are yet? They are the brave who refuse to comply with tyrannical orders from a totally corrupt government acting well beyond any constitutional authority. This is who the government fears and why they fear them.

But the ignorant are too many today, and the well-informed are far too few. The cowards are plentiful, and the brave are a rare breed in the USA, maybe even a dying breed on the brink of extinction…

As people rise up against tyranny all over the world, most Americans are still focused on going-along to get-along. But they will never be able to go-along enough, to get-along with criminal tyrants! That has never worked anywhere on earth at any time in human history. There is no such thing as peace through weakness, or freedom through cowardice!

Want to be FREE? Well, then you will have to find the courage to become BRAVE!

Not everyone is born brave, and millions have been mentally beaten down to a subservient status. Even at the start of our once great nation, the Revolution for Independence was fought by only a few.

But many have paid the price of freedom and liberty with their own lives and treasure then and since. Those willing to fight for freedom and liberty, do it for all mankind, the strong and the weak. They do it not only to protect themselves from tyranny, but to protect those who cannot protect themselves. They are the true heroes of freedom and liberty for all, now and in the future.

All must give some, while some will in the end, give all. That’s the way it has always been and the way it must always be. Sadly, most Americans today will give nothing at all for the cause of freedom.

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”Thomas Paine

Those who gave birth to the greatest free people ever known to mankind some 246-years ago were fearless in the face of overwhelming odds. God help us if there are no such men alive today!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Response to Sen. Rick Scott 11-Point Plan

By Lex Greene

March 1, 2022

As democratic socialists in power continue to burn the entire free world to the ground by way of the “COVID19 GREAT RESET,” and we enter yet another election year wherein Republicans hope to gain political power against the most unpopular federal administration since Jimmy Carter, Senator Rick Scott issues his “plan to save America.”

Due to the dire condition that the USA (and world) has been forced into over the past few years, I tend to want to support every effort by someone to turn the tide and “save America,” even when I don’t think the plan has a ghost of a chance.

So, on one hand, I tend to agree with the 11-points Senator Scott lays out. On the other hand, there is nothing new on the list, the same items have been discussed for decades and used as campaign talking points in every election cycle for many years. Unfortunately, none of them have ever been implemented, even when Republicans held complete control of all Federal branches of government.

In my opinion, here’s why they are still campaign season talking points, having been for years, without ever being implemented once the elections were over.

POINT 1 – EDUCATION: “Our kids will say the pledge of allegiance, salute the Flag, learn that America is a great country, and choose the school that best fits them.”

A great idea that has been around ever since Jimmy Carter federalized education over 40-years ago. It isn’t possible to correct public education without closing down the Federal Department of Education, eliminating all Public Sector Labor Unions and firing every Socialist currently teaching in the system. Rick Scott can’t do any of this, and isn’t even planning to…

POINT 2 – COLOR BLIND EQUALITY: “Government will never again ask American citizens to disclose their race, ethnicity, or skin color on any government form.”

As we speak, O’Biden has nominated a poorly qualified Supreme Court judge strictly on the basis of her skin color and gender. More than 90% of all qualified candidates were eliminated from the opportunity, simply because of their skin color and gender. This is a glaring example of why our country will never be color blind, and who is responsible for that. The political power that comes from the continuation of race-baiting is just too profitable for democratic socialists. It won’t change until the people stop being conned on this basis.

POINT 3 – SAFETY AND CRIME: “The soft-on-crime days of coddling criminal behavior will end. We will re-fund and respect the police because they, not the criminals, are the good guys.”

Again, right now democratic socialists in control are responsible for all of the violent crime in the USA. They are responsible for the outright invasion of our country at our borders, backing the BLM and ANTIFA riots, driving divisive wedges between citizens on every possible issue, putting violent criminals back on the streets, targeting law enforcement, defunding law enforcement, advancing Middle Eastern refugee resettlement in the USA, and allowing all National Security, Law Enforcement and even the US Military to be taken over by global reset elites. Unless Scott is going to get rid of all democratic socialists in government, he can’t achieve this stated goal either.

POINT 4 – IMMIGRATION: “We will secure our border, finish building the wall, and name it after President Donald Trump.”

For more than 200-years, the USA didn’t need a wall on our borders to defend the USA from foreign invasion, and we still don’t. The only reason we are experiencing massive foreign invasion in the USA right now is the people in power, both democratic socialists and spineless republicans want to alter the voting demographics of the USA and create chaos in the streets to move America towards membership in the WEF global Marxist commune. Scott will not be able to keep this promise either, by simply stating the goal. While O’Biden is sending billions of taxpayer resources to allegedly protect the border of his corruption partners in Ukraine, our borders remain wide open and under massive foreign invasion.

POINT 5 – GROWTH/ECONOMY: “We will grow America’s economy, starve Washington’s economy, and stop Socialism.”

Grand idea, but not only has our economy been entirely wrecked by COVID19: GREAT RESET mandates for over two years, totally contrary to all known medical science, our economic system is being rapidly destroyed too, by the same people and means. Socialism was seeded in the USA more than a hundred years ago during the Wilson administration. In order to “STOP SOCIALISM” in the USA today, we have to eliminate the WEF, Klaus Schwab, the UN, today’s Socialist Democrat Party, George Soros and all of his Open Society Orgs, BLM, ANTIFA, along with every embedded WEF Young Global Leader currently seated in positions of political and economic power in the USA. We’d have to arrest all of these people, charge them with treason against the USA and seize all of their assets. We’d also have to cut off ALL federal aid to illegal invaders and deport all of them. Is Rick Scott going to do this? If he isn’t, he can’t keep this promise either.

POINT 6 – GOVERNMENT REFORM AND DEBT: “We will eliminate all federal programs that can be done locally, and enact term limits for federal bureaucrats and Congress.”

First, “term limits” will require a “constitutional amendment.” There has NEVER been a worse time in history to open up our Constitution to amendments, which will be constitutionally controlled by the same people you are trying to “term out” of office. As of today, almost 70% of the total annual federal budget is used for “social spending,” aka “socialism.” Does anyone believe that Rick Scott intends to eliminate 70% of total Federal spending to accomplish this lofty goal? Even if he did, how would he ever have the power to do it? How would anyone have that power? Further, not only do we not have a balanced budget since the 1990s, thanks to Newt Gingrich and his Contract with America, we don’t even have a budget and haven’t for years now. The government has been operating on a so-called “continuing resolutions” for years.

POINT 7 – FAIR FRAUD-FREE ELECTIONS: “We will protect the integrity of American Democracy and stop left-wing efforts to rig elections.”

Clearly, everyone including Senator Rick Scott knows that the 2020 elections were rotten to the core with massive left-wing fraud. This item wouldn’t make the list…if that were not the case. But unless someone is going to expose, charge and convict that fraud, the future of all elections is more fraud. Unless Rick Scott has a plan for overturning the 2020 fraud, fraud is our future. Senator Scott is currently in a position to initiate this highly fatal wrong committed by Socialist Democrats with the help of their global reset partners.But he has done nothing at all to right this wrong. Maybe he’ll do it if you just re-elect him a few more times…

POINT 8 – FAMILY:“We will protect, defend, and promote the American Family at all costs.”

No can do…unless you end the murder of infants in the womb and return the USA to a fundamental respect for human life. You would also have to end the socialist charade over multi-genderism. Every human being is born either male or female, including those born with physical deformities. No matter how one chooses to dress, their sexual desires, or how they mutilate the body God gave them via modern science, they were at birth and will always be, male or female. There are no other genders…

POINT 9 – GENDER, LIFE, SCIENCE: “Men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies. We believe in science.”

Unfortunately, mass propaganda on this subject seems to have convinced many Americans that there are literally dozens of human genders and that a human baby in the womb is just a cancer to be discarded. Scott’s right, the science is quite clear on this matter. But it isn’t science these folks are following, it’s sexual desires and a search for happiness somewhere beyond who they are at birth. Ask the Roman’s how this turns out in the end. Again, Senator Scott is right in his intent, but how could he ever do it? This ship may have already sailed.

POINT 10 – RELIGIOUS LIBERTY & BIG TECH: “Americans will be free to welcome God into all aspects of our lives, and we will stop all government efforts to deny our religious freedom and freedom of speech.”

Sadly, only about 10% of Americans know that the phrase “Separation of Church and State” does not exist in any of our Charters of Freedom, our founding documents. The rest were taught Federal Education Department lies, by leftist labor union teachers, that this is a “constitutional law.” The exact opposite is true, but as is often the case, perceptions can trump reality, and in the end, become reality. It’s called “winning the hearts and minds of the people” through mass propaganda, which becomes “mass formation” in psych terms. The same freedom once used to create the greatest free nation ever known to mankind, is now used to destroy that nation. Freedom is only suited for a moral society and the USA hasn’t been a moral society for decades.Our country wouldn’t be in hell today…and Trump would still be President if it were.

POINT 11 – AMERICA FIRST: “We are Americans, not globalists.”

Senator Scott may hold this position personally, but it is a position which is in direct opposition to a vast majority of political figures in the USA today, both sides of the political aisle. President Donald J. Trump firmly held this same belief and he worked around the clock for four years to act on his belief and commitment to America First. That’s exactly why the global reset powers had to remove him from the Oval Office, no matter how much fraud was needed in the 2020 elections to do it. Once again, a proper goal, with no means of execution.


I support all 11-points issued by Senator Rick Scott. The eleven agenda items are worthy of broad support from every decent freedom-loving American Citizen. But sadly, Senator Scott is far from the first politician to issue these agenda items over many years and even when Republicans controlled all three branches of the Federal government and most governorships, they failed to execute on any of these items for decades now. In fact, although millions of American citizens would agree with these agenda items, very few would ever lift a finger or spend a penny to carry these agenda items across the finish line. Most can’t even pay attention long enough to start the process, much less finish.

I applaud Senator Scott for at least publicly stating these eleven high-priority foundational items that the USA must indeed do…if Americans care to save their country at this point.

But there is only one group who holds the power to achieve any of these moral goals, and that is the American people themselves. No politician can do it, not even Donald Trump. Most politicians today don’t even want to…and even if Senator Scott set out to, he would meet with the same total destruction that removed from office, the most popular President since Reagan…

So, unless millions of Americans are prepared to do what our Founders did in order to make these agenda items a reality in the USA, we will remain on course for final destruction of everything the USA has ever been or was ever intended to be.

At this late stage of collapse, only the Citizens of this country can save this country and despite the handful we see making attempts lately, the vast majority of Citizens remain too focused elsewhere, to even read this piece.

Although the people could still make our future bright again, they appear to be in no rush to do it. So long as citizens wait for someone else to do it, there’s no one else to do it. Before a free nation can be raped and plundered, it is necessary to first Rape the Mind, aka, “win their hearts and minds.” Before we can free our nation, we must first FREE THE MIND!

We have NEVER had a choice between perfect vs. not perfect at election time. Everyone is less than perfect, including every voter. If you want perfection before getting in this fight, you will never enter this fight. Perfect doesn’t exist here on earth.

Last, I am often asked to explain the difference between Republican Party and Democrat Party, as many think there isn’t any now. My answer is always the same…

One isn’t worth a crap at this moment — and the other is far worse! But if you’re not fighting with one of them, you’re not even in the game!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders (USA)

By Lex Greene

February 25, 2022

If you don’t know who Klaus Schwab is, it’s high time you do.

Born Klaus Martin Schwab in Ravensburg Germany in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a highly educated and intelligent individual with a doctorate degree in mechanical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, a doctorate in economics from the University of Fribourg, and a Master of Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Klaus was born and remains a Citizen of Germany, after being denied application for Citizenship in Switzerland, despite living in Switzerland and having two Swiss parents. During the earlier years of his career, he served on a number of company boards, such as The Swatch Group, The Daily Mail Group, and Vontobel Holding. He is also a former member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.

In 1971, Schwab founded the European Management Forum, which in 1987 became the World Economic Forum (WEF) — often referred to simply as “Davos“, the name of the town where the forum is hosted each year. First, he controlled the EU nations and now, he aims to control the world.

For 44-years, Schwab focused all of his resources and energy upon developing a plan for a new form of Global Economics and Governance, all based upon Marxist theories of a One World point of view wherein both shareholders (business investors, owners, operators) and corporate stakeholders (workers) are equal. Schwab could easily be considered the father of “sustainable development” concepts, to include not only his view towards Marxist economic world domination by a small global ruling class elite, other “sustainable development” con games like fake Climate Change, Social Engineering through education and mass media, and genetically modified foods.

He who controls everything, controls everyone!

Meeting with great resistance from sovereign nations and government throughout the world, Schwab developed a viable strategy for implementing his vision for how the entire world should be, again, based upon the economic principles of Karl Marx and Frederick Engle. He had to “win the hearts and minds of the people.” As Marx once said, “Democracy is the road to socialism.”

That’s why the USA was never meant to be a democracy, but rather a Republican form of government, as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.

Today, Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is a who’s who of the richest most powerful people all over the world. Members and Partners of his group have a few things in common…

  • They are all driven by a quest for personal wealth and power
  • Most of them are very wealthy and hold powerful positions
  • They all share a vision for world domination, on their terms
  • Everyone else is expendable in the search for “sustainable development”
  • Marxism is their political philosophy
  • A One World Order is their goal
  • The goal justifies all means of execution

They (WEF) have taken the front position on the plot for global governance worldwide, dwarfing the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, Cecil Rhodes and all who came before them. They are not controlled by the United Nations or NATO, they control both, and much more. The WEF now has six global offices around the world, two of which are in the United States, New York, and San Francisco. The other four are in Switzerland, Beijing, Tokyo, and Mumbai.

In recent years, we have seen much written about UN Agenda 21. Although this plan is entirely aligned with Schwab’s vision for the world, it is not a plan hatched by the UN. It’s just one of many pieces of the Klaus Schwab global puzzle for how to lead (force) all sovereign nations into a global order under the WEF design for “sustainable development.”

As an example, what the world just witnessed in Canada, the gestapo-styled treatment of the most decent and peaceful political protesters in human history in Ottawa, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was clearly at war with his own citizens and unwilling to pay them any allegiance whatsoever…is the result of influence from the WEF.

PM Trudeau quite clearly, does NOT work for the people of Canada. But the following members of the Trudeau regime, do all work for Klaus Schwab and his WEF, and that is who Trudeau takes his orders from.

  1. Justin Trudeau
  2. Ailish Campbell
  3. François-Philippe Champagne
  4. Chrystia Freeland
  5. Elissa Golberg
  6. Karina Gould
  7. Jagmeet Singh
  8. Renée Maria Tremblay

Fifteen years ago in 2007, Schwab launched his new WEF global control brainchild, his Young Global Leaders Program. The above list of Canadian political figures are members of Klaus Schwab’s Global Leaders. They were placed in power by the WEF to bring Canada into the group of countries controlled by the WEF. Those were largely “global police” you just saw in Ottawa, robotic, without conscience or any remorse, soulless enforcers with no concern for Canadian Rights at all.

In the USA, Schwab has seated almost 300 of his “global leaders” in positions of power for the same purpose, to bring the United States under the control of the WEF. People whose names you would expect, and others you might not, such as Maria Bartiromo, Peter Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Garlin Gilchrist II, Joseph P. Kennedy III, Vanessa Kerry, and Mark Zuckerberg. (FULL LIST HERE)

But this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg…

Hundreds, if not thousands of international corporations are also partners with Klaus Schwab and his maniacal vision of WEF world economic and political domination. Here are just a few you might know…

Bain & Company
Bank of America
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Goldman Sachs
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Morgan Stanley
Open Society Foundations
S&P Global
The Coca-Cola Company
Verizon Communications
Western Union

That’s only a small sampling… (FULL LIST HERE)

Every one of the companies on the list is cooperating with, funding, and participating in Klaus Schwab’s world domination via his “COVID19 GLOBAL RESET.” If YOU are doing business with any of these companies, then YOU TOO are funding this insane agenda for world economic and political domination.

Whether you are American, Canadian, European, African, Middle Eastern, or a citizen anywhere else in the world, this is who runs your country today, not any of the people you elected.

NOTE: Trump was the highly unwelcome exception. Not only is Trump not a WEF partner, he also categorically angered every member of the WEF when he spoke briefly at Davos. That’s why he had to go, no matter how much fraud was needed in the 2020 election. He did the same at a UN meeting.

However, these are NOT the most powerful people on earth. Most people just believe they are and that’s how they get away with everything they are doing. They also made sure that whole societies feel entirely helpless, powerless, and hopeless. That’s a very important element in “winning the hearts and minds” of the citizenry. Things are quite easy to predict once you make people think they don’t have a choice, such as, whether or not to wear a mask or take a lethal vaccine.

These are the most powerful people in any country…

  1. Farmers – if they don’t grow, no one eats.
  2. Truckers – if they don’t deliver, no one eats.
  3. Workers – if they don’t work, nothing moves anywhere.

It’s a myth that politicians, lawyers, and global Marxists are the most powerful people, no matter how rich they may be. The richest corporate CEO, market player, politician and lawyer will go broke overnight, if the three above shut it all down.

Like all socialists, Klaus Schwab has decided that no one should be paid high wages or salaries, no one should own anything, and no one should be free to disagree. But he pays himself over a million a year in salary to run WEF and has an unlimited expense account like Biden and Harris with an even better golden parachute.

Does it shock you to see all four lethal vaccine-makers, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca partnered with Klaus and his WEF? Do you still wonder why these lethal injections are still being forced upon whole societies, even though they have never saved a single life and have murdered thousands already? Is it science you followed, or Schwab’s maniacal plot?

Schwab’s WEF is behind every evil we are dealing with today, and he has foot soldiers seeded in power all around the globe.

The GRAND PRIZE is the USA, for if the USA is no longer free, sovereign, or secure, no place on earth will be.

Should you stand and fight, or not?

What makes you think you even have a choice?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

What Have We Learned From Ottawa?

By Lex Greene

February 22, 2022

If you pay attention, you will learn something useful every day. If you learn from other’s mistakes, you won’t have to make those same mistakes yourself, repeatedly. You still can, but you don’t have to…

No thanks to the fake news media, who either ignored events altogether, or intentionally misreported the facts on the ground with a clear intent to mislead viewers…we have seen a flood of video content from citizens on the ground via social media posts and live presentations.

Never in the history of mankind has there ever been a more peaceful, respectful, clean, moral, and ethical political protest, anywhere on earth. In stark contrast to all BLM and ANTIFA protests, or frankly every Marxist riot since the 1960s, the trucker’s protest in Ottawa was a shining example of how decent moral people should assemble in public square for redress of their grievances.

For this, I give the great patriots of Canada huge credit, not only for organizing the protest in this manner, but also for maintaining their calm and cool even as government enforcers did not. No matter the outcome, these great Canadians are heroes, and the world is watching!

What have we learned from the Ottawa experience so far?

What started as an effort to end all failed COVID19 mandates, quickly became a war for the future of freedom and liberty in Canada. The effort to convince political leaders to do the right thing and return freedom to the people, was immediately turned away by the government who will never return freedom to the people. The real problem came into vivid focus.

Once you allow your government to disarm the people, peaceful is the only option the people have. Similar in nature to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights protects the Right of the people to put down government abuse and tyranny. But once disarmed, the people have no means to do it, other than to pray for it, and ultimately, beg for it.

Never give your enemy time to prepare. Unlike the disorganized effort by American truckers to duplicate the Ottawa convoy in the USA, allowing the Biden regime weeks and months to prepare, the good people of Canada rolled into Ottawa largely unannounced, and caught the Trudeau regime by surprise. You never telegraph your plans to the enemy in advance. It’s disastrous.

No modern day law enforcement or military can be trusted to do the right thing. Yes, in both Canada and the USA, every member of the Military and Law Enforcement has sworn a solemn oath to protect and defend the Rights of the People. But as we have seen in Ottawa, and to some degree in the USA, places like New York City and Chicago, most of these folks will NOT keep those oaths. A few of conscience will, at their own peril. But most will simply follow unlawful orders against the people they are sworn to protect, like mindless, soulless robots without any conscience whatsoever. These are NOT law enforcers; they are merely global political policy enforcers. They cannot be trusted at all.

No matter how peaceful and respectful the protesters are, the Global Reset enforcers will NOT be.For more than three weeks, Canadian patriots held peaceful vigil in Ottawa. Not only were they threatening no one, destroying nothing, looting, and burning not a single home or store in the area, they were actually cleaning up the streets and feeding the homeless and hungry citizens of Ottawa. They did it right! But it didn’t matter. The tyrannical global Marxist agenda of PM Justin Trudeau was willing to use any force necessary to end the protest and keep his Marxist boot on the neck of every Canadian citizen. Throughout history, socialists, and communists all over the world have resorted to violence and force to advance their agendas and Ottawa was going to be no exception. As peaceful protesters laid flowers at the feet of the Nazi-style enforcers, those enforcers trampled the protesters under horse’s hoofsand beat the protesters with gestapo-type batons, arresting innocent people and stealing their personal property, including their bank accounts.

The people remain the biggest problem of all. A significant number of Canadians took the side of the Global Reset enforcers, publicly shaming the peaceful protesters while calling upon the enforcers to use even more force and violence to end the demonstration for freedom. Tyrannical dictators are easy to get rid of, so long as the people are united in that cause. But when any society is deeply divided, some willing to die for freedom, others ready to kill for their Marxist utopian fantasy, there is no way for it to end peacefully. Unfortunately, more than Trudeau will have to be defeated before freedom can return to Canada, and the same will be true in the USA.

Coming to America Next…

As American truckers struggle to organize a convoy across the USA, months after freedom-loving people all over the world have been in the streets, the Biden regime is anticipating their every move. They too, are learning from the scenes in Canada and they are preparing in the USA.

Unlike the good people of Canada, freedom-lovers in the USA are NOT disarmed. In fact, American Citizens are the most well-armed society on earth, far outnumbering any law enforcement or military anywhere in the world. Most are also highly trained, with more than 20-million military veterans and former law enforcement officers, in every city, every state.

As opposed to countries where governments were allowed to disarm the people long ago, Citizens of the USA have been stockpiling and “prepping” for this moment in history. Obama and Biden have proven to be the greatest weapons and ammo salesmen in history.

Let me be very clear…the fact that Americans are not yet in the streets, is proof enough that Americans prefer peace. They have patiently tolerated the very worst the U.S. Government has ever attempted to do to its people, and still, Americans are patiently and peacefully seeking nonviolent means to solve the problem. No sane person wants war.

But our enemies do, and that’s why we must question their sanity!

There’s a reason why old sayings are old sayings, “If you want war, prepare for peace. But if you want peace, prepare for war!”

As events and Ottawa have well proven now, no matter how peaceful we are, the people who mean us harm will NOT hesitate to use violence and force against us. No matter how much we want peace, those who mean us harm are prepared to use force. We have already seen small examples of this in the USA, at school board meetings, town hall meetings, BLM and ANTIFA riots, and the recent steady rise in violent crime all across the country.

It matters not, that American Citizens do not want war. War is coming regardless.

The Global Reset authorities are determined to finish off all national sovereignty and security and force every nation into their COVID19 GREAT MARXIST RESET.

In Canada, the following government officials are direct servants of Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum and Davos Group, and they were installed into Canadian government power for the sole purpose of leading Canada into total destruction. There are many more underlings, but these are listed by the WEF.

Justin Trudeau
Ailish Campbell
François-Philippe Champagne
Chrystia Freeland
Elissa Golberg
Karina Gould
Jagmeet Singh
Renée Maria Tremblay

But they are seeded in the U.S. as well. Many names you would expect, and others you likely wouldn’t expect, such as Maria Bartiromo, Peter Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Garlin Gilchrist II, Joseph P. Kennedy III, Vanessa Kerry, and Mark Zuckerberg. In all, there are almost 300 listed as global partners on the WEF site. COMPLETE LIST HERE

If you think that’s bad, read the full list of U.S. international corporations that are directly partnered with Klaus Schwab and his maniacal Marxist Global Reset.Companies like AIG, Amazon, AstraZeneca, Bain & Company, Bank of America, Barclays, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, BlackRock, Chevron, Cisco, Citi, Dow, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HSBC, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase & Co.,Mastercard,Meta, Microsoft, Moderna, Morgan Stanley, Nestlé, Open Society Foundations, PayPal, Pfizer, S&P Global, The Coca-Cola Company, UPS, Verizon Communications, Visa, and Western Union.

That’s just a few of the companies that are listed as direct partners with Schwab and his WEF Marxist Global Reset. HERE’S THE COMPLETE LIST

Are you getting the picture clearly yet?

Like the COVID19 scamdemic itself, created and put in play by all of these people and companies for the sole purpose of gaining total control over the entire world population through constant fearmongering, and ushering in Schwab’s maniacal vision for a Marxist Global Order under his command and control, his Global Reset was created to empower only a tiny handful of global elites while enslaving or eliminating everyone else!

There is NO WAY we are getting our freedom and liberty back peacefully. They are certain that THEY are “too big to fail,” and that “WE are too weak to resist!”

If you didn’t know it before, you certainly should know it by now. What we have seen unfold in Ottawa is just the tip of the iceberg for what’s coming next.

If you want peace, freedom, and liberty ever again, then we must prepare for war. We will never get it back any other way…because THEY won’t let us…any other way!

May God watch over all freedom-loving people everywhere. We are in the fight of our lives now. May God grant us the wisdom and strength to defeat this evil, for all mankind.


Ottawa shows exactly how a trucker convoy to a government center of power works. I support all peaceful efforts by patriots to make their case to public servants. However, wisdom indicates a better way forward.

A convoy is a parade, for show. They can and will prepare to put it down, exactly like they did in Ottawa. In the USA, Biden has already had over a month to prepare.

However, 73% of all U.S. commerce across the country moves by way of trucks. If truckers simply shut down and stop hauling, 73% of the nation’s commerce ends in an instant. Take those trucks home and drop anchor. With government forced supply chain shortages already affecting most Americans, it would only take a few days to have everyone’s attention.

This is how the most powerful group in America, the truckers, can have the impact they desire, without fear of counter-measures or reprisals from the rogue government currently in power.

It’s not enough to be tough…you must be wise as well!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Will Trudeau and Biden Pull the Trigger?

By Lex Greene

February 16, 2022

With every passing moment and rising tide of country-wide public demonstrations against any further tyrannical abuses of governmental power, it becomes more and more obvious that none of the current western leaders are actually in charge of anything, except their Nazi enforcers. They are all taking orders from a global power-elite and assaulting their own countries.

It’s also clear that these so-called leaders have painted themselves into a very dangerous corner. So far, both have tried labeling their Citizens as criminals, threatened them with everything they can, frozen patriot funds donated to support the citizen’s protest, and call on banks to seize the funds they can’t freeze at GoFundMe or other fund-raising apps. Nothing is working to quiet public dissent…

Meanwhile, cops are becoming increasingly violent as they attempt to steal gas, wood, food, and water and essentially starve or freeze protesters out of position, even after a Canadian court ordered police to stand down and return the truckers private property. A court order totally ignored by the Trudeau government. The scenes are nothing short of pre-WW Germany.

None of this ever happened to BLM or ANTIFA as they looted and burned cities all across America for the past few years. None of this is even done to any illegal invader at the USA southern border.

In fact, four people were shot at a Justin Bieber Super Bowl Party and L.A. fans destroyed blocks of L.A. following their team win, at least 19-businesses vandalized and looted, and the leftist media isn’t at all interested.

But almost two weeks of trucker demonstrations around the globe later, the only violence, theft, and destruction has been done by tyrannical government officials, lawless fake “law enforcers” to be exact.

While Biden and Trudeau try to affix public attention upon the Russian threat on the Ukraine border, both have already declared WAR against their own Citizens in Canada and the USA. Both are working in concert with one another, as well as with a cabal of Marxist misfits around the world, in an effort to put down the increasing demonstration of discontent among Citizens everywhere, fed up with the baseless draconian tyranny coming from the halls of their own governments.

According to both “leaders,” only public demonstrations that involve destruction of public and private property, looting, theft, violence, assaults on law enforcement and the torching of entire cities, qualify as “lawful protests.” In the USA, such events have only taken place in Democrat run cities, at the hands of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, both of which are Democrat Party sponsored terror groups funded through the DNC global fund-raising machine, ACT BLUE.

After just 12-months of a fraudulent Biden dictatorship, the entire world is melting down. Russia is threatening to invade Ukraine, China is threatening to invade Taiwan, and both are threatening to annihilate the USA if Biden should dare to interfere. Our southern border is wide open and flooded with millions of illegal invaders from 145 countries, most of them military age males, whom Biden then ships to cities across America in the dark of night.

The U.S. Dollar is being systematically driven into the tank, the U.S. economy is in the worst shape since the Great Depression, and society is so divided that it may never be able to unite on freedom ever again. Inflation is the worst we have seen in more than 40-years and the stock market may soon see the biggest “correction” in its history.

Literally everything Biden could break has been broken, in just 12-months. Still, Biden and Trudeau are only concerned with keeping Klaus Schwab’s Great Commie Reset on track, and silencing all dissenters, just like they have silenced all REAL COVID science for over two years.

The peaceful protests taking place in Canada, the USA, and countries all over the globe, by unarmed law-abiding taxpayer Citizens, have been declared “unlawful, racist, white supremacist, insurrections, and a threat to democracy.” The people who made this declaration are the same people who funded, promoted, and defend to this day, and illegal invasion of the USA and the BLM and ANTIFA riots across the USA.

As Citizens rise up all over the globe, to end the tyrannical government abuses of power ordered by Klaus Schwab (WEF) and his many minions in positions of power and influence around the world, mid-level minions like Biden and Trudeau find themselves painted into a deadly corner, and someone isn’t going to survive it…either the Schwab (WEF) puppets, or the Citizens.

So far, the people have rejected every call to stand down and return home. Every time the WEF puppets raise their threats against the Citizens, more Citizens show up to stand their ground. Both sides are rapidly approaching that moment when no one can back down. Push is coming to shove!

The LEFT has been working to defund both Law Enforcement and the Military for years now, in both countries. It was the political Right that once “backed the blue” and celebrated past military heroes. But as the world watches current enforcers in both groups enforce the WEF Global Reset orders, in direct violation of the law, the Right will soon find itself no longer able to back either group.

The scenes we see playing out everywhere now, of “law enforcement” allegedly trying to enforce the law, is nothing more than people in that job trying to keep their taxpayer-funded paycheck at any cost, by simply following whatever tyrannical orders they are given without any regard for whether or not they should be following those orders. And they have the nerve to demand public respect…

These are very low level useful idiots for the WEF global reset underway, not real “law enforcement” officers. What they are doing is “unlawful.” They are not at all concerned with the law. They are only concerned with their paycheck, funded entirely by the taxpayers they are desperately trying to silence.

But here’s the corner these fake “leaders” have painted themselves and all of “our” employees into.

Sooner or later, so long as the Citizens don’t surrender, these morons will face a critical decision, to issue the order to pull the trigger and fire on peaceful unarmed Citizens, or not. They are already making arrests. They are arresting peaceful and lawful Citizens for using their “free speech” to speak to their elected public servants, who aren’t listening at all.

It’s only a matter of time until the “global reset enforcers” will have to decide just how far they are willing to go to keep that taxpayer-funded paycheck. Are they willing to kill innocent unarmed Citizens? It wouldn’t be the first time global Nazis killed for their anti-American global agenda.

Clearly, they have not done the math. There are not enough police or military to take on their entire citizenry in any country, outside of communist China and Russia. Those issuing the orders believe that they are untouchable, but no one is untouchable.

The fake “leaders” issuing orders think they can issue these orders free from any personal consequences. They are wrong about that.

Those following the orders clearly think they can do what they are doing, free from any personal consequences too. They are wrong also!

Time will soon tell just how far they are all willing to go in an effort to stamp out their own Citizens, in support of the WEF COVID19: GLOBAL MARXIST RESET.

Everyone is following orders, including the fake leaders and their useful idiots. How far are they willing to go to serve the global agenda of Klaus Schwab and his maniacal Young Global Leaders?

We’re about to find out!

If any government opens fire on peaceful unarmed protesters, that will be a shot heard around the world, as the entire world is watching intently.

That would be their final fatal error!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Law Enforcement (or) Gestapo for Hire?

By Lex Greene

February 10, 2022

Over the past two years, we have learned that most Americans will do just about anything for money, even if it costs them everything. They’ll follow unlawful and unconstitutional orders that threaten their health and safety, lock themselves up, wear worthless masks, take injections without any knowledge of what’s in those injections. None of this has anything to do with “following the science.” The science is entirely on our side.

No one did these things for better health. They all did it in a failed effort to protect their financial well-being, under constant false propaganda, threats,bribery, and coercion from those who are actually in control of every person unwilling to control their own lives.

We shouldn’t be shocked to see members of Law Enforcement or the Military in the streets as they follow unlawful orders from a fraudulent administration in an overt threat of force against the people that they all took an oath to protect and defend. After all, they just want to keep their paychecks, just like most Americans who have also done shameful things over the past two years, for the same reason.

In fact, every doctor, nurse, and pharmacist that has administered one of the so-called “COVID vaccines” has done so for the same reason, to protect their jobs, their incomes and country club lifestyles. They don’t know what’s in those injections anymore than you or I do. To this day, the vaccine inserts remain BLANK. Just ask to see one!

The news media doesn’t know anything about the content of the injections either because the pharmaceutical companies making billions of dollars marketing these injections won’t tell anyone what’s in them. They actually asked a court to conceal all related information and adverse event data for more than fifty-years. By the time they release all of the proper drug information on these injections, none of us will be alive anymore.

Yet here we are…watching Law Enforcement and Military deployments to enforce unlawful and unconstitutional mandates issued by public servants with no such authority, no different than the Gestapo blindly carrying out the unlawful enforcement of orders issued by Adolf Hitler, or other tyrants Mao and Mussolini.

Every one of these officers and soldiers is following illegal orders and they are all doing it for the same reason, to protect their paycheck.

Don’t be mad at them for doing it though…many of you have done the same thing for exactly the same reason. At least half of Americans have gone-along to get-along and none of them “followed the science.” They all followed the herd that was following the false propaganda. They all did it to protect their own lifestyles, or so they thought at the time.

After watching half of the country choose a paycheck over freedom, liberty, or even their own health and that of their children, it shouldn’t surprise us to watch members of Law Enforcement and the Military doing the same thing for the exact same reason.

It turns out that most modern Americans are for sale, and cheap!

More than two-years into a global scamdemic supported by no real science whatsoever, most Americans live in fear of the next alleged “variant,” or what their public servants may do to them, if they don’t comply with whatever unlawful orders fall from the Ivory Tower in Washington DC, as if our Constitution created a monarchy, dictatorship, or oligarchy of unelected and unaccountable judges.

The same thing happened in pre-World War Germany, and it resulted in the Nuremberg Trials which prosecuted players who simply “followed orders” despite knowing they were doing massive harm to innocent people. After convicting lawyers, judges, doctors, and enforcers for their role in the event, the Nuremberg Code emerged as an international Law, making it illegal to force or coerce any experimental (emergency use only authorization) medical procedure on anyone for any reason, without the complete “informed consent” of the patient.

No one is “informed” because the “vaccine” inserts remain BLANK, and the “vaccine” manufacturers have concealed the contents and adverse reactions to their products.

As a result, no one is immune from suit or prosecution. Immunities exist only so long as the people involved have no reason to believe they are doing any harm to anyone with their protocol. But more than a million VAERS Reports related to these injections eliminates any thought of immunity for anyone involved in forcing or coercing citizens into these injections. They only need to read more than a million VAERS Reports to know they are causing harm and death to thousands of patients, and maybe millions more in the end.

Why are Law Enforcement officers, Military personnel, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, media personalities, politicians, judges, company boards and many others still forcing these lethal injections on uninformed patients against their will?

The answer is…they are all doing it for money, to protect a paycheck. They all see what happens to people of conscience who refuse to participate in this madness…they are targeted for total destruction!

So, they decided to choose their own personal well-being, no matter what that costs you! They have chosen a paycheck over their oaths to protect and defend. They think they work for their superiors, but in every case, that paycheck is funded by you, the American taxpayer. In the end, they all work for us, not their maniacal superiors on the job, though you can’t tell it right now.

Meanwhile, in every case, their ranks are being purged of those with a conscience, those unwilling to go-long in some futile effort to get-along. There is no getting along with communists or socialists. In the end, they will cancel their own useful idiots, for the greater good of the maniacal Global Reset leaders.

When confronted with evil, we each have only two choices… fight it and defeat it (or) surrender to it.

It’s not hard to see which choice most Americans have made so far. Will that change? Or will all of these players face their own Nuremberg Trial one day?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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By Lex Greene

February 8, 2022

According to Joe Biden, more than two-thirds of USA citizens have received one or more of the COVID19 fake “vaccines.” But none of them are “vaxxed” still, and life for the vaxxed is far worse than if they had never fallen for the scam. They live every moment in fear!

Round One was sold on the promise that if you would just shut up and take it, you will no longer need to be locked down, isolated, wear a worthless mask, or ever worry about getting or spreading COVID19 and you, “can return to normal life” for being a good little boy or girl, or whatever gender you identify as today.

Of course, we have since learned a few important things about who is and who isn’t vaxxed.

To this day, no one who has taken one of the Gates-Fauci injections, knows what was in it. They have no idea what is in any of the subsequent injections either. Still today, the “vaccine” inserts remain BLANK. Just ask your local doctor or pharmacist to see a copy of the vaccine inserts. Despite this fact, millions of go-along to get-along citizens mindlessly lined up for the lethal injections, and millions still are two years later.

Now we know, one jab isn’t enough. You will need a second, and third, and boosters from this point on, according to the “experts,” whom millions of citizens already followed off this cliff.

The CDC has established that if you get one of their “vaccines,” you are NOT vaccinated until fifteen days after your injection. This is due to the fact that more than 80% of adverse events caused by these “vaccines” happens in the first seven days following injection, most often, within the first three days after injection.

This is how the CDC gets away with labeling these “vaccine deaths” as “COVID deaths,” and vaccine injuries as COVID19. If someone dies in the first fourteen days following the injection, it’s not a “vaccine death” because according to the CDC, you’re not actually vaccinated until day fifteen, after injection. Never mind that you were well and not dead until you took the JAB. If the “vaccine” killed you within the first fourteen days, you died of COVID19, not the lethal vaccine responsible for your death.

More than two years into the COVID scamdemic, here’s what we now know, and all of it has been confirmed by the so-called experts, who told us all the opposite for the past two years.

  • No one is actually vaxxed. Once you take the first injection, you will have to keep taking more injections, because to date, none of the injections prevent infection, transmission, illness, or death. The “boosters” have already proven more lethal than the original injections.
  • None of the masks we were told to wear for the past two years are designed to, or capable of preventing the spread of any virus. Wearing one just makes you look uneducated.
  • None of the injections are FDA Approved. But Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have been FDA Approved for human use for decades. Fauci authorized the use of Hydroxychloroquine to eradicate SARS1 between 2003-2005. Fauci has known this is a highly effective and inexpensive treatment from the beginning. So why did he block the use of it for the past two years?
  • Fauci’s drug Remdesivir was taken down years ago due to it causing renal failure, the lungs to fill with fluids (pneumonia), resulting in the need to ventilate patients until dead. This is the ONLY drug Fauci authorized for COVID19 hospitalized patient protocols, and thousands have died in the hospital under this protocol since. They are all labeled “COVID deaths.”
  • Under the “most deadly pandemic in recent years,” the overall death rate in the USA hasn’t changed much, about 0.01% to 0.10% each year, which is very typical, largely dependent upon the length and severity of the “flu season” in any given year. The 2020 and 2021 overall USA death rate remains significantly lower than in past years, despite claims to the contrary.
  • Between 60% and 90% of all COVID hospitalizations today are “vaccinated” patients. Obviously, this is most noticeable in countries with the highest VAX rates, like Israel and the UK. But it’s also a matter of fact in the USA.
  • Even though our lame stream media keeps fearmongering with false numbers, recently announcing the “new milestone of 900,000 Americans dead from COVID19,” the REAL number of deaths in the USA from COVID19 is approximately 54,000, 6% of the death cases marked COVID. This too, has been openly admitted by the CDC, but that hasn’t stopped the Biden regime and their leftist media from using the much scarier 900,000 number. 54,000 is about the same number that die each year of the FLU, on average.
  • Even if we use Biden’s scary 900,000 number, that represents only 0.28% of the US population, meaning that 99.72% of US citizens have easily survived COVID19 over the past two years. But if we use the real number, 54,000 deaths (most likely from the flu), that represents 0.017% of the US population, proving that COVID19 was never a “pandemic” or even an “epidemic” with an overall USA survival rate of 99.98%.

As these TRUTHS reach the general public, despite massive efforts to make sure it doesn’t, the people are waking up and they are taking to the streets to shut the entire scamdemic down. People are in the streets of nations all over the globe, the most visible being the trucker and farmer protests in cities across Canada.

The people are pissed, and they should be. They have been lied to, dictated to, bribed, threatened, coerced,silenced, socially shamed, and penalized out of their most fundamental human rights for over two years now. As I write, the US Military is purging America’s best war fighters from its ranks for refusing lethal injections already proven to at best, not work, and at worst, cause illness and death.

US Companies are still trying to force and coerce their employees into taking these fatal injections against their will and better judgement, just to keep their paychecks, even though there are no standing mandates in effect from any governmental body. No governmental body or employer has ever had the right or authority to force inject anyone with anything, against their will.

To the wise UNVAXXED, congratulations! You could smell this global fraud from the start and stood your ground to protect yourselves and loved ones from lethal injections at odds with all real known science, and the Global Reset that is the real pandemic behind COVID19. You my friends, are TRUE Americans who stood on facts and real science and never fell for the plethora of lies told to advance an evil global agenda.

As for those who are now trapped in the endless injection system, Americans used to be born smart enough to never trust politicians, lawyers, global Marxists and used car salesmen. How did you get so foolish?

Last, will you remain this foolish now that you have the real facts and science? Or are you AWAKE now?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Canadians Are Better Americans Now

By Lex Greene

February 4, 2022

In case you don’t know, a group I work with ( called for a national trucker strike and protest in the USA back on September 1, 2021, in a detailed mission paper issued by the group over five months ago. It started a brief firestorm of chatter on the subject, but as has become a fatal norm in the USA, nobody could agree on when to do it, different groups issuing a dozen different dates until none of the dates happened. Five months later, USA truckers still don’t have it quite together yet.

The Canadians simply decided enough is enough and rolled out on short notice, gathering participants and steam as they rolled from the west coast of Canada to Ottawa. Even better, this is day 6 for truckers, farmers and citizens in Ottawa and they don’t seem to be at all interested in leaving until they accomplish what they set out to do.

These Canadians have the true spirit of our Founders in 1776. They understand that they can only accomplish their goal of freedom and liberty by united action. They also seem to understand that massive peaceful action is more effective than threats of violence and nonsense about Civil War.

Once Canadians hit that all-important “enough is enough” stage, the truckers rolled and everyone else joined. If you want people to follow, someone has to lead. Meanwhile in the USA, DC convoy organizers are talking about a March 1 roll date. While I certainly support this effort, they are giving the Biden administration yet another month to erect counter-measures before the trucks start rolling, which may prove to be a critical error.

The world has looked at the USA as a paper tiger for decades…Big on talk, short on action. The world sees USA citizens as the world’s most pampered and spoiled citizens on earth. They are not wrong about that!

Citizens of the USA have enjoyed the finest of everything life has to offer for more than 200-years. The early generations made that possible, but that was long ago. More recent generations have never had to sacrifice anything for anything, beyond paying their own bills. The freedom handed to them by those who paid the price with their blood and treasure, has been taken for granted for a very long time in the USA, and most simply assume that the kinds of tyranny we have endured the past two years, could never happen in the USA.

Many like myself have often asked “what will it take for Americans to act like Americans again?” How bad do things need to get before Americans will stand up together and put down the greatest threat to USA freedom, liberty, peace and tranquility, our own criminally corrupt power-drunk government run amok?

If you had told me in 2019 that more than half of the USA would be frightened into self-imposed home arrest over some corona virus, conned into wearing useless masks, and coerced into lethal injections without even knowing what’s in those fatal jabs, I would have laughed, believing that my fellow Americans would never surrender to such insanity.

History has since proven me wrong, more than half of Americans are that ignorant and cowardly, which is why Canadians, and frankly, citizens all over the globe that have been in the streets for months now, are better Americans than most Americans today. It’s shameful!

The world once looked to the USA to step up when called, to protect freedom and liberty for people held hostage under the boot of socialism and communism elsewhere. But now, Americans may be the last to make a stand for freedom and liberty, even in their own country. Many are still scared to leave the house without a totally useless mask on…

If you want to know the single largest reason for this shameful behavior, I can tell you what it is…in a word, MONEY!

The world has also accused citizens of the USA of being mere prostitutes, willing to do anything for the once mighty dollar, including sell their freedom and liberty, and that of their children and grandchildren, for a pittance, a paycheck, or a so-called stimulus check. The world is right about this too.

Most who have taken the Gates and Fauci jab, didn’t do it for better health. They did it to keep a paycheck, or to keep peace with people social-shaming them into it. They took the jab, not because they were following any science, but because they were simply following a blatantly insane herd.

Even though they now know the masks do nothing to prevent the spread of any virus, they still have their mask on and try to shame others into the same. Even though they now know that none of the so-called “vaccines” work to prevent infection, transmission, illness, or death, they still keep taking the jabs and try to force everyone else to take them too.

Citizens of the USA are demonstrating that they no longer have what it takes to be a sovereign nation of free people. As people all over the world rise up against their tyrannical socialist governments, my fellow citizens sit whining about everything they have lost without ever getting up to stop the very visible demise of our once great nation.

In the past, USA liberals used to run to Canada to escape a military draft, or get socialized medicine, or some other government handout. But in the future, it may be USA conservatives moving to Canada where freedom and liberty may soon reign as a result of actions Canadians are taking right now.

If USA citizens continue to sit on the sidelines, waiting for the right moment to confront this evil, or waiting for someone else to do it, that will cause the end of the greatest free people ever known to mankind. Thankfully, maybe those of us who love freedom and liberty and would give all to preserve it for our kids and grandkids, may be able to find a new home in Canada, once the USA is gone.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, COVID19 has done nothing to destroy the USA. Unlawful and unconstitutional abuses of power under the guise of COVID19 have done a great deal to destroy the USA, beginning with the stolen elections of 2020 and every evil policy put in motion by Obama’s Biden regime since January 20, 2021.

Is enough enough yet for USA citizens? If not, when will it be?

The fact is, if just one trucker hit the road today in California, headed for DC, by the time he arrived in DC, there would be a hundred thousand truckers, farmers, and citizens right behind him. This is what leadership looks like.

Do we need some Canadians to come down to start our fight for freedom?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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It’s the RIGHT Dividing the RIGHT

By Lex Greene

January 27, 2022

Over the past thirty-years or so, socialist democrats have literally done everything they can to unite the political RIGHT in the USA by openly attacking all things American.Still, the political RIGHT remains divided into impotent factions. That’s because it isn’t the LEFT who has been dividing the RIGHT, it’s the RIGHT!

It’s not just the democrat politicians within the Republican Party (RINO’s) either. People still tend to get excited when they see a democrat politician switch over to the Republican Party, as if they think those politicians have suddenly changed their spots and become conservatives. In fact, democrats often switch parties just to infiltrate the GOP in red voting districts and democrats have spent years teaching their socialist supporters to cross over in the primaries to assure a RINO would win nomination for the general elections.

It’s no secret that Barack Obama was never able to prove his real birth record or true identity. Democrats howled when people asked that most basic qualifying question of the democrat nominee for the presidency. Born in Kenya, not Hawaii. But in the end, it was Republicans, including many Tea Party members, who blocked every attempt to get a verified answer to that question.

Democrats threw a fit at the mere mention of massive (widely visible and proven) fraud in the 2020 elections, despite having themselves, claimed that fraud is rampant in U.S. elections for years, even now as we head into the 2022 mid-terms. But again, in the end it has been Republicans at both the federal and state level who have blocked all efforts to expose the 2020 fraud and remedy the unconstitutional outcome of the 2020 elections.

In Arizona where massive fraud has already been uncovered and exposed, it’s this group of Republican legislators who are blocking the effort to recall the fraudulent Biden electors, led by Republican House Speaker Russell Bowers.

In Michigan, it’s Republican House Speaker Jason Wentworthand his Republican cronies blocking the truth from being known and remedied, with the help of other turncoat Republicans like Senator John Bizon of Battle Creek, who issued statements full of outright lies to keep the 2020 fraud in place.

In Georgia, it was Republican Governor Brian Kemp and his band of Republican cronies who stood silent as democrat Stacey Abrams turned the election on its head in broad daylight. It was Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who ran cover for the massive fraud and is in charge of the current investigation into illegal ballot harvesting. You have it caught on camera! How much more investigation do you need?

In Wisconsin, it’s the Republican controlled legislature working to stop the effort to recall fraudulent Biden electors, led by House Speaker Robin Vos.

In Pennsylvania, it’s also Republican legislators blocking the effort to complete real audits of the 2020 election fraud or hold anyone accountable, led by House Speaker Bryan Cutler.

It’s Republican politicians who are blocking every effort to expose and overturn the massive fraud in the 2020 elections. Can’t blame democrats on this one!

But it isn’t just the turncoat Republican politicians…

You gotta hand it to the socialists… They are very good at infiltrating everything everywhere, like a cancer worming its way throughout every organ in the body politic. They are also very good at planning way ahead and taking strategic incremental advances in a manner often not noticed by the citizens rarely paying attention. They use the old tactical adage “the mouse doesn’t know why the cheese is free” to lure in generations of useful idiots.

However, it was never mere public servants who were called upon to be “forever vigilant.” It was and is, the Citizenry. It’s those self-serving political opportunists who we were to be “forever vigilant” against!

But instead, over the past 245-years, the Citizenry itself had become trained in political suicide. Lured with the cheese, never noticing the trap!

Today, while the political RIGHT may still be a majority in the USA, it is a very divided majority…Not just in political offices, but in society, and there is a very troubling reason for that.


E pluribus unum, Latin for “Out of many, one.” This was the foundational idea for the grand experiment we call America. People in search of freedom and liberty from all over the globe, would stand together as ONE to protect and preserve freedom and liberty for all posterity.

The Convention of States – is an outright for profit scam designed to keep patriotic Citizens from engaging in real initiatives to protect and preserve freedom and liberty for all.

  1. Article V does NOT allow the states to amend the U.S. Constitution at all.
  2. It does allow 2/3 of State Legislatures to “petition Congress” to convene a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments. Congress is the “convening authority” for all matters concerning the amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
  3. No one can prevent anyone from proposing any amendment, but Congress will control which amendments are considered.
  4. Only amendments passed by Congress via the constitutional amendment process will be sent back to the states for ratification.
  5. Then, three-fourths of the State Legislature can vote on whether or not to ratify those amendments passed by Congress at the Convention.

Now, this is not to say that the States cannot hold their own conventions. They just can’t amend the US Constitution without the entire constitutional amendment process taking place as I just described. An obvious question on this matter should be, why are we trying to amend a constitution that is totally ignored today?Lack of enforcement is the problem. Amendment isn’t the solution.

But here are millions of patriotic Americans caught up in something they can’t do, instead of doing things they can and should do. That’s the real purpose of this scam!

SECESSION FROM THE UNION – is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity, but also from any organization, union, or military alliance.

This is just another for profit scam intended to mislead angry well-intended patriots. In order to secede from the union, a state must secede or withdraw from the Charters of Freedom, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. These are the documents that protect every Right we have in this country, even though at present, people are not enforcing them.

If the people enforced these Charters of Freedom, our country would not be where it is today, and no state would be talking about seceding from the union.

If a state ever does attempt to secede, that will set off the second Civil War, and that state will find itself at war with the Federal Government and 49 other states.

Again, lack of enforcement of the Charters of Freedom is the problem, and secession is not the solution.But millions of Citizens are caught up in this scam too, and as a result, unable to unite with other patriots for the purpose of enforcing the Charters of Freedom.

There are numerous pet agendas out there now, none of them designed to accomplish what only one agenda can accomplish, enforcement of the Charters of Freedom that have existed for more than two-hundred years. The people leading these pet agendas are con artists, always in it for personal profit and usually with the intent of preventing the people from focusing on any real solutions.

So long as the American patriots allow themselves to be divided by their public servants and fellow citizens out to make a buck in their pet agendas, they will remain unable to unite, fight and win the future of freedom and liberty together.

This alone makes winning a walk in the park for all who intend to destroy our Republic. We can stop them, but only if we reject the divisive pet agendas first and commit ourselves to the full enforcement of the Charters of Freedom.

There is no other solution!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Dear Vaccinated Americans

By Lex Greene

January 23, 2022

There are only two types of COVID vaccinated Americans now. Those who mistakenly believed Fauci and Gates fake science, but also believe in freedom and liberty and the Right of every individual to make their own decisions, and the Karens of society (both female and male), who somehow grew up thinking it’s their place to tell everyone else what to do.

First, the well-intentioned victims of the Gates and Fauci vaccine scam, based entirely upon fake science.

I actually feel bad for you. I’m sorry that you failed to ask any questions or do any of your own research before surrendering to the “global reset vaccines.” By now, you have likely figured out some or all of the following facts;

  • None of the shots are FDA approved. They are only “FDA authorized for emergency use.”
  • None of the shots are actually “vaccines.” They are all mRNA human gene experiments, and you are the lab rats.
  • The shots do NOT prevent infection, transmission, illness, or death.
  • Your mask is useless against any virus.
  • You still aren’t “vaxxed” unless you continue taking booster after booster after booster, until you die.
  • 94% of COVID labeled deaths, died of something else.
  • You failed to follow the science and chose to follow the herd instead.
  • Your decision was based in fear, not science.
  • No one knows how to undo the DNA damage that’s been done to you!

Now for you Karens out there… who still haven’t figured out even the most obvious of realities.

Your demand that “everyone be vaxxed and masked” proves that deep down, in your subconscious, you know that your vaccines will do nothing to keep you safe, and neither will your layers of filthy masks.

There’s no escaping the reality that if you thought for even a second that your vaccine or mask worked to protect you from COVID, a common coronavirus (SARS2.0) with a 99.9% natural survival rate, you would not care at all what choices other people make.

You only want to force everyone else to vax and mask because deep down, you know that your vax and mask does not work. So, still searching for a way to feel safe in this unsafe world we all live in, you believe that the same vaccine and mask that will not protect you, must be forced upon everyone else. Misery loves company!

But what’s worse is that somehow, you were raised to think you have a right to control other people, or to have governmental bodies do it for you. This means you were not spanked enough as a child, and had the misfortune of growing up without ever being punched in your nose for stepping out of line.

I don’t think you realize how stupid and childish your behavior makes you look. If you did, you would be too embarrassed to ever open your mouth on the subject again. Barking orders at others from behind your foolish mask, with your hands on your hips, stomping your feet like a five-year-old throwing a fit, demanding everyone take the same vaccines that are clearly not working for you, makes you look like a total fool.

The funny part is you think this makes you look smarter than everyone else. But sane people look at you like a spoiled child who should have been taught not to speak to others in that tone,at some point in your life.

What you demonstrate is a total inability to make intelligent decisions on your own – and still an uncanny false sense of superiority over all others. The only reason you still act like this is most grownups are kind enough to let you make a fool of yourself, instead of shutting you up with a good old fashioned throat punch, which you absolutely deserve for not minding your own business.

You Karens are a problem everywhere you go. Whoever raised you to think you have a Right to act like this, did you and society a grave disservice. Sooner or later, you’re going to mouth off to the wrong person at the wrong place and time, and then you will get the spanking you needed a long time ago.

Don’t be upset when it happens… shutting you up right now, is for the greater common good of society as a whole.

Now, for you Karens working in Human Resources in companies and schools across this country…you were not just lied to about these lethal human experiments, you were also lied to about your alleged “immunity from prosecution and legal liability.”

No one has the Right to force or coerce inject another person with anything, for any reason whatsoever. And no one is immune from legal liability or criminal prosecution, when they are involved in force injecting others, knowing that those injections are causing massive harm and death, thanks to more than a million VAERS Reports.

Last, for you Karens in the medical profession, who have continued to advance the fake science knowing that your injections are maiming and killing innocent people, your profession is based upon only two things…

  1. To do no patient any harm
  2. To heal the sick

You have miserably failed in both. You have NOT used well-known therapeutics to save lives, while going-along to get-along, injecting millions of innocent patients despite more than a million VAERS Reports that should have stopped this crime long ago. You are NOT immune from liability or criminal prosecution either. You had a sworn duty to protect your patients from mad scientists and you failed to do so!

There is no statute of limitations on murder!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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No More Medical Community

By Lex Greene

January 15, 2022

The 2020 COVID event has “fundamentally transformed America” in so many ways, from the end of legitimate elections and a free-market economy to the end of legitimate science and medicine. Obama said he was going to usher in a new era that would “fundamentally transform America” back in 2008 and he has done exactly that.

For eight years, Obama worked around the clock to transform America into a 3rd world member of the global commune. Today, Obama is the Oz behind the curtain of the fake Biden Administration, controlling policy and driving Biden’s approval rating into the toilet by flooding his teleprompter with maniacal far left drivel that makes Biden look even more inept than he is, while keeping Obama’s Global Reset on track.

In yesterday’s Supreme Court rulings blocking Biden’s OSHA COVID mandates, evidence of just how highly political the high court is, was on parade. The three extreme left Obama justices voted against individual Rights, freedom and liberty in both cases, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer. The other six justices took a stand for basic human Rights, blocking any OSHA mandates for all private employers and employees. This should end any such mandates in the private sector, but will it?

However, in Biden v. Missouri, a case concerning mandates for healthcare providers, two of the six, Roberts and Kavanaugh defected, voting with the three socialists on the court, allowing mandates for all healthcare workers to remain in force in a more typical 5-4 decision. Clearly, healthcare workers do not have the same individual Rights and liberties as everyone else, according to this decision.

The first obligation for anyone in the medical profession is to “do no harm” to patients. In the effort to help patients, rule number one is, do the patient no harm!

Yet, thousands have died, and millions have been injured (harmed) by the COVID mRNA injections that have been forced and coerced upon millions of citizens against their will, by doctors, nurses, employers, and governmental agencies. The VAERS Reporting System has been flooded with more than a million reports of adverse events from these fake “vaccines” and still, they continue to be forced and coerced upon society…

No one would be referring to these injections as “vaccines,” had they not altered the definition of “vaccine” just in time to allow bioweapons into the mix.

This fatal reality marks the end of the medical profession as we once knew it in the USA.

No longer are doctors and nurses allowed to do what they know is best for their patients. Instead, they are being forced (coerced) into “harming their patients” with “emergency use only” mRNA human experiments, by Medicare and Medicaid.

There’s no guess work involved here, and the science (the data) has well proven the following…

  • These are NOT “vaccines.” They are mRNA gene manipulation human experiments.
  • None of the so-called “vaccines” stop infection, transmission, illness, or death.
  • More than a million VAERS Reports prove beyond any doubt that these injections are “harming people.”

So, why is the vast majority of the medical community still conning, forcing, or coercing patients into these fatal injections?

Thanks to Obama’s massive expansion of Medicare and Medicaid under “ObamaCare” between 2009 and 2016, medical payments from these two federal agencies now represents approximately 55% of all medical insurance payments in the USA. Not a single hospital or major medical office in the USA can avoid bankruptcy if they were to lose 55% of the revenue by losing Medicare and Medicaid funding.

As upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in yesterday’s Biden v. Missouri decision, the medical community sold their Rights and honor the minute they allowed these federal agencies to represent 55% of their gross revenue. Because federal funding always comes with strings attached, a belief that if you accept any federal funds for any reason, you are subject to whatever federal dictates are attached to those funds.

This is exactly what destroyed the American education system over the years, with the Department of Education forcing socialist indoctrination into the education system, all under the guise of federal authority wherever federal funds go. Good teachers were purged from that system years ago and now, the best are being purged from the military and medical community as well.

Now, that same tyrannical dictatorial view is applied to the entire medical community, forcing everyone in the profession to knowingly injure or cause the death of millions with these lethal injections, all to keep the Medicare and Medicaid funds coming into the industry. Without that funding, the medical industry would collapse today.

Doctors and nurses MUST follow the CMS COVID19 protocols, or face bankruptcy by losing all Medicare and Medicaid funding. It’s outright coercion at the highest level and to the deadliest extreme.

Doctors and nurses who have simply refused to follow the fake CMS science, have been fired, attacked, discredited, de-platformed, and removed from the profession. Left behind are only those willing to go-along, knowingly harming patients, but determined to keep their own gravy train rolling.

That’s the end of real medicine in America.

The profession is no longer committed to true health care or even doing patients no harm. Now they are operating as a mere extension of the federal government, government agents if you will, carrying out the government’s political agenda, even though they know that agenda is doing harm to millions of innocent unsuspecting citizens.

Those who remain in the profession under these circumstances are no more to be trusted than Fauci, Gates or Biden. They are NOT “following the science.” They are ignoring all scientific data readily available in the VAERS Reporting System, looking the other way as if that data doesn’t even exist, and doing more citizens harm every single day.

The only way to stop this is to stop the federal government from mandating medical protocols just because taxpayers are paying for the doctors and nurses who are supposed to be saving taxpayer lives, not harming them.

No longer can Americans afford to allow the federal government to dictate anything, just because taxpayer funds are involved in a program. This policy has at a minimum, ruined education and now medicine, causing immense damage to our country for generations.

The Supreme Court could have and should have made sure that every healthcare professional was protected from these unconstitutional medical dictates forced upon the entire industry by Medicare and Medicaid. But they didn’t, due to the overt political nature of that court.

Until medical professionals are safe from harm due to unconstitutional medical dictates, no patient will ever be safe.

Our government has mandated DEATH!

So long as medical professionals have the Medicare and Medicaid gun to their heads, they will assist with the mass genocide underway. The government handed them the gun and is forcing them to pull the trigger or lose their careers.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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REAL Insurrection vs. January 6, 2021

By Lex Greene

January 10, 2022

This morning, our village idiot Joe Biden launched a desperate attempt to accelerate the fake news surrounding the events of January 6, 2021, by using every possible divisive lie his teleprompter writer could muster. It was a truly disgusting display of visible fear and utter desperation on the part of a totally failed administration. When all else fails, lie, divide, and incite…

Before I address what really happened on January 6, 2021 in Washington D.C., allow me to show you what REAL insurrections are like.

The American Revolution (1776) – was also labeled an “insurrection” by the British government. Sadly, most Americans have no clue what caused the rebellion that resulted in our Declaration of Independence and separation from British rule.

There are at least nine separate events that led up to the American Revolution, all of them tyrannical government overreaches and abuses of American Citizens by the British government.

  • The Sugar Act (1764)
  • The Currency Act (1751 and 1764)
  • The Stamp Act (1765)
  • The Quartering Act (1765)
  • The Townshend Acts (1767)
  • The Boston Massacre (1770)
  • The Tea Act (1773)
  • The Boston Tea Party (1773)
  • Intolerable Acts (1774)

Similar to current events today, it was a long train of governmental abuses that led our Founding Fathers to push back against government tyranny until they had no choice but to end that tyranny in the American Revolution, establishing our country as a free people in an independent sovereign nation.

The British saw the entire event as a violent uprising by radicals, an “insurrection” against their authority and they used military force in an attempt to stamp it down and maintain power. It was average American citizens, farmers, who defeated the most powerful military force of the time and gave birth to the freedom and liberty that lasted for over 200-years. This is exactly what frightens tyrants like Obama and Biden today.

(The following information is taken from the History Channel site)

Shays’ Rebellion (1786)

In the years following the Revolutionary War, the United States plunged into a severe economic crisis. Tensions were especially high in Massachusetts, where overtaxed farmers began losing their property to debt collectors. In September 1786, a small army of disgruntled citizens organized mass demonstrations across the state. Led by Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays, the rebels eventually armed themselves and began preventing county courts from convening in the hope of curbing property seizures. Fearing revolution was in the air, Massachusetts governor James Bowdoin responded by mustering a 1,200-strong militia led by former Continental Army General Benjamin Lincoln.

In January 1787, Shays’ forces set their sights on the federal armory at Springfield, Massachusetts. The battle plan was botched, however, and the 1,500 rebels were pushed back by heavy artillery fire, leaving four men dead and another 20 wounded. Only a week later, Lincoln’s militia ambushed Shays’ camp at the town of Petersham and crushed the main rebellion. Small skirmishes continued for several weeks, but most of the insurgent leaders—including Shays—were eventually captured. The rebellion helped influence the adoption of a more robust central government at the Constitutional Convention later that year, but it would not be the last time that economic troubles provoked a revolt. Tax disputes later led to both the Whiskey Rebellion in the 1790s and Fries’s Rebellion in 1799.

Richmond Bread Riots (1863)

By its third year, the Civil War had taken a bitter toll on the Confederacy’s civilian population. With their supply lines choked off and inflation soaring, many Southern cities erupted in mass revolts. The largest of these “bread riots” unfolded in the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. On April 2, 1863, a group of armed, half-starved women descended on the state Capitol and demanded to speak to Democrat Governor John Letcher. When Letcher shrugged off their concerns, the hoop-skirted mob marched down one of the city’s major thoroughfares, commandeered several supply carts and began violently ransacking warehouses for food.

The rioters’ numbers quickly grew into the thousands as more desperate men and women took to the streets, many of them chanting “bread or blood!” Ignoring the protests of city officials, they broke down the doors of private businesses and supply houses and made off with food, clothing, jewelry, and other valuables. According to some accounts, Democrat Confederate President Jefferson Davis even addressed the crowd, tossing coins at rioters and pleading, “you say you are hungry and have no money. Here is all I have.” The riot finally ended after the city’s public guard arrived and threatened to fire on the crowd. Some 60 members of the mob were arrested, and the city would later place artillery pieces in Richmond’s business district as a warning against future uprisings.

New York City Draft Riots (1863)

Only 10 days after the Union victory at the Battle of Gettysburg, New York City became embroiled in the largest popular insurrection in American history. The incident began on the morning of July 13, 1863, when hundreds of young men poured into the streets to protest the federal draft lottery. New York was deeply divided over the Civil War, and many viewed the conscription law—which excluded blacks and allowed wealthy men to buy their way out of serving for $300—as a blatant civil rights violation. The demonstration quickly turned violent when the mob stormed the draft office and beat the city’s police superintendent to a bloody pulp. As the protestors’ ranks swelled with armed malcontents, the men marched through Manhattan and began ransacking and burning the homes and offices of prominent draft supporters and other wealthy elites.

The bedlam would continue for four days, as rioters looted businesses, torched buildings, and brawled with police and National Guardsmen from behind makeshift barricades. Convinced that freed blacks were a threat to their livelihood, rioters also beat and lynched several black men, demolished the homes of others, and even set a black children’s orphanage ablaze. Finally, on June 16, some 4,000 federal troops marched into the city and put the uprising down by force. While the draft would resume only a month later, the riots still left a devastating mark on New York. All told, the incident claimed the lives of more than 100 people and caused millions of dollars in property damage.

Wilmington Insurrection of (1898)

On the morning of November 10, 1898, a throng of some 2,000 armed white men took to the streets of the Southern port town of Wilmington, North Carolina. Spurred on by democrat white supremacist politicians and businessmen, the mob burned the offices of a prominent African-American newspaper, sparking a frenzy of urban warfare that saw dozens of blacks gunned down in the streets. As the chaos unfolded, white rioters descended on City Hall and forced the town’s mayor to resign along with several black aldermen. By nightfall, the mob had seized full control of the local government, some 60 black citizens lay dead and thousands more had fled the city in panic.

While it took the form of a race riot, the Wilmington uprising was actually a calculated rebellion by a cabal of white business leaders and Democratic politicians intent on dissolving the city’s biracial, majority-Republican government. Once in power, the conspirators banished prominent black leaders and their white allies from the city and joined with other North Carolina Democrats in instituting a wave of Jim Crow laws suppressing black voting rights. Despite its illegality, state and federal officials ultimately allowed the power grab to proceed unchecked, leading many historians to cite the Wilmington insurrection as the only successful coup d’etat in American history.

Battle of Blair Mountain (1921)

In 1921, the winding hills of southwest West Virginia played host to the largest and bloodiest labor dispute in American history. At the time, the coal-rich region operated under the thumb of powerful mining interests who employed thuggish private detectives to harass any workers who tried to unionize. Tensions boiled over in August 1921, after company agents assassinated a pro-union lawman named Sid Hatfield. In response, as many as 15,000 miners—many of them World War I veterans—armed themselves and set off to confront the coal tycoons and organize their fellow workers.

When they approached Blair Mountain in Logan County, the army of miners clashed with a force of around 3,000 defenders marshaled by an anti-union sheriff named Don Chafin. As the miners advanced up the mountain, they were met with punishing rifle and machine gun fire, and Chafin’s forces even used a small air force of biplanes to drop explosives and tear gas. The battle raged for several days before federal peacekeeping troops finally arrived on the scene, at which point most of the exhausted miners returned to their homes or surrendered. By then, over 1 million rounds had been fired and an unknown number of men—estimates range from 20 to more than 100—had been killed. The miner’s defeat derailed union activity in the region for over a decade, and some 1,000 workers were later charged with crimes including conspiracy, murder, and treason.

Battle of Athens (1946)

In 1946, a group of veterans and disgruntled citizens went to war with the local government of Athens, Tennessee. The small farming community had spent the 1940s dominated by a crooked political machine led by Democrat sheriff and legislator Paul Cantrell, who was known to rig elections in his favor through ballot stuffing and voter intimidation. Corruption ran rampant until 1945, when hundreds of young men returned to Athens fresh from the battlefields of World War II. After they experienced repeated harassment by law enforcement, the ex-GIs organized their own political party and ran several veterans for local office in the hopes of ousting Cantrell and his cronies once and for all.

The “battle” unfolded during a tense Election Day on August 1, 1946. When the veterans’ accused Cantrell of vote fraud, armed sheriff’s deputies began beating and detaining the GI’s poll watchers, and one officer even shot an elderly voter in the back. After Cantrell and his deputies confiscated the ballot boxes and barricaded themselves inside the local jail, hundreds of ex-GIs armed themselves with high-powered rifles and laid siege to the building. The two sides traded fire throughout the night, leaving several men wounded, but the deputies finally surrendered after the veterans began lobbing dynamite at the jailhouse. When the votes were counted, the GI candidates were declared the winners and immediately sworn into office. Their upstart political party would go on to restructure local government and clean up much of the corruption in Athens.

There are several common threads throughout all of these true “insurrection” events.

  1. It’s always Democrats abusing the people and their political power
  2. It’s always Democrats who incite and ignite riots and insurrections
  3. It’s always Democrats who accuse others of what they are doing, or have done
  4. Real insurrections are always “armed” and very violent, even deadly
  5. Real insurrections include armed conflict, massive property damage, arson, looting, and attacks on both public and private property and businesses

In other words, unlike the events of January 6, 2021, real “insurrections” look much more like the so-called “peaceful” BLM and ANTIFA “protests” complete with armed violence, looting, property destruction and arson.

But the village idiot Joe Biden didn’t mention any of this today, as he read from his teleprompter, a carefully crafted assault on the truth, and the freedom and liberty of the American people to address their public officials for redress of grievances.

Lest we forget, every public building belongs to “the people,” not the public servants who are supposed to serve “the people” inside. If anyone has a Right to enter those buildings, it’s the people those buildings belong to, We the People!

On that note, we do NOT work for them, they work for us. We don’t follow orders; we issue the orders!

But once again, history repeats. Today the American people are growing increasingly fed up with a long train of tyrannical abuses from an overbearing government which no longer serves the best interest of the people. This time, it’s not the British, it’s a runaway centralized power in Washington D.C. operating entirely on unconstitutional executive orders, as if our Constitution created a brutal dictatorship by corrupt mindless miscreants.

It’s entirely insulting to listen to the current idiot-in-chief as he attempts to compare the events of January 6, 2021 to any real insurrection. It’s even more insulting to listen to every moronic democrat in government parrot those lies, followed by the corrupt democrat party news media.

But most insulting is the reality that all of them think 332-million Americans are stupid enough to buy their outright lies, even after massive evidence of BLM, ANTIFA, FBI and CIA involvement in turning a peaceful and patriotic Trump rally into some mock “insurrection” continues to surface.

According to D.C. Park Police, the January 6, 2021 Trump rally drew somewhere between 500,000 and 2-million Trump supporters. The D.C. police has failed to narrow it down to any more accurate number.

Either way, 500,000 or 2-million, if it had been a real “insurrection,” the criminals inside our buildings would have been gone and Trump would still be President of the United States. Everyone would have been armed to the teeth, and they would not have been there to pledge allegiance to the flag and sing God Bless America. They would have been there to clean all of the trash out of our buildings and protect freedom and liberty, not to mention legitimate elections. Instead, it was merely a patriotic rally.

Everyone who knows what a real insurrection is, knows that what happened in D.C. a year ago wasn’t one. But Joe’s band of lying idiots don’t care at all about these facts. They only care about using anything they can to maintain tyrannical power over every American Citizen, while he floods our country with millions of illegal invaders, spreads any virus he can, prepares for yet another stolen election and destroys what’s left of the U.S. economy and way of life.

Really, do I sound angry? Every American should be furious with the destruction of freedom and liberty under way, and the steady diet of outright lies we are being fed by the most anti-American criminal cabal to ever hold political power in 245-years of American history.

Every BLM and ANTIFA event was an “insurrection.” The LA and Watts riots were attempted “insurrections.” The fraudulent 2020 elections represent the most successful coup d’etat in American history. Every red blooded American knows it.

But in the end, public perceptions often trump reality and it’s the criminal cabal in D.C. that’s in charge of creating public perceptions. They totally control what the American people are allowed to see and hear, based on what they deem to be “appropriate content,” also known as their “approved propaganda.”

Clearly, the American people have not had enough yet. But when they finally do, then you will see what a real insurrection looks like. It won’t look anything like what happened a year ago today.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats WILL Win 2022 and 2024

By Lex Greene

January 7, 2022

According to recent polls, “President Joe Biden’s overall disapproval rating reached a new high in December as more voters signaled their unhappiness with his handling of the economy and the Covid pandemic. Results from a CNBC/Change Research poll show 60% of respondents said they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy as he nears the conclusion of his first year in office. A 55% majority of survey respondents also signaled disapproval of his leadership during the pandemic, an area in which he previously excelled.CNBC SOURCE

Even worse is the disapproval rating for the Democrat controlled congress, with a 77% disapproval rating.

In reality, Joe Biden has the same approval rating that he had with Democrat voters during the 2020 DNC primaries. Before Barack Obama met with Sanders and Warren to talk them out of the race, Biden was running a distant 3rd in his own party, behind both Warren and Sanders at around 32%. Of course, Harris dropped out of that race early with around 1% support from her own party.

Even after Warren and Sanders were forced out by Obama, Biden “won” his party nomination with only about 52% support of the Democrat Party, 48% opposed.

Yet, a few months later, the 3rd place finisher and last place finisher in their own party primary, allegedly won the general election in November with more votes than Obama received in either of his Presidential races. It’s mathematically impossible and anyone able to do basic math knows it.

However, following the totally fraudulent 2020 election cycle, no future election is going to be any more honest. Because the American people have not addressed and corrected the 2020 fraud, every future election will be even more fraudulent.

Anyone who thinks for even a second that the upcoming elections will be any more honest than the last, isn’t even a thinking person. Unless and until the people responsible for the massive election fraud in 2020 are held to account, and all of the methods used to commit that fraud are eliminated, there will be no election solutions in the future.

Two years into the COVID19 scam, we now know with certainty that COVID19 was created and released from an NIH/CDC Wuhan Lab to usher in the deadly COVID19 mRNA human experiment, still falsely referred to as “vaccines.”

We also know that the entire COVID event was created and released to usher in the stolen elections of 2020, by causing unwarranted lockdowns and untraceable mail-in balloting…to make it possible for the most unpopular candidates in U.S. history to allegedly defeat the most popular President since Ronald Reagan.

Only a fool would think that Republicans can win any elections without addressing the fraud of 2020 and making certain that it can never happen again in our land.

But we are talking about a nation of fools, now. Millions of healthy Americans are standing in line to be tested for an illness for which they have no symptoms, using a test already proven to be more than 80% false, for an illness that had a 99.5% survival rate without any “vaccines.” Clearly, we are not dealing with the sharpest knives in the drawer here! In fact, the average American isn’t sharp enough to cut melted butter now.

Nope, so long as the American people remain ignorant of so many facts and unwilling to confront the evil we have witnessed in the past two years, we can forget about solving anything with elections. We don’t have legitimate elections anymore, and until we confront the fraud and corruption in 2020, we will never have legitimate elections ever again.

Most Americans have been dog-whistle trained to believe that legal precedence of any type is law, and even a means of amending the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Allowing the 2020 fraud to stand sets a new “precedent” for all future elections. Ignorance can be fixed with facts, but when all facts are irrelevant, you can’t fix stupid!

Here we go again…headed into another election cycle with more “variants” showing up daily. Guess what comes next? More lockdowns to protect you from yourselves, followed by even more mail-in balloting, fraudulent ballot harvesting, corrupted election machines and another stolen election. To add insult to injury, numerous bills are pending at both the federal and state levels to legalize non-citizen voting, both legal citizens of foreign countries and illegal invaders.

Maryland, California, Illinois, Vermont, District of Columbia, New York, and Massachusetts already allow non-citizen voting, with more on the horizon. That pretty much explains our open border and the real purpose of sanctuary states in direct violation of all related U.S. laws. America is the only country on earth stupid enough to allow citizens of foreign countries to vote in our elections.

“The League of Women Voters, a group whose mission is to “Empower Voters” has challenged proof of citizenship on federal mail-in voter registration forms in Kansas, Alabama, and Georgia.Despite support for the measure, a federal appeals court has blocked the requirement, allowing people to vote without providing proof of citizenship.” (SOURCE)

RED states are turning BLUE at a breakneck pace, taking city by city until states that have been RED forever turn BLUE. Rather than stopping this from happening in their own BLUE states, many simply move to another state, and spread their garbage to RED states targeted for BLUE status. They still vote BLUE in their new RED home.

Americans don’t confront and fix their problems anymore. They just run from them and hide, until there’s no place to run or hide.

The same “vaxxed” people who think I need a vax to protect them, also think the elections are free, fair, transparent, and totally legitimate. Vaxxed democrats refused to get “Trump’s JAB,” but got the same JAB when democrats told them to. Likewise, Trump fans who know better than to trust any democrat, got the same JAB because Trump told them to… idiots everywhere!

Face it…this is no longer the land of the free or home of the brave, it’s the land of Pavlov trained idiots and home of the terminal hypochondriacs. Even if we could have a legitimate election, there’s little hope that the average American is smart enough to vote for freedom over a false promise of free stuff.

The thing is…every time you allow evil to exist for even a second, it will root and grow. Americans have allowed evil to root and grow unchallenged for so long that it has spread like wildfire, or should I say, Omicron, across this nation.

It’s not that the American people can’t do anything about it…it’s that they won’t do anything about it.

And THEY are the reason the greatest free nation ever known to mankind is headed for the ash heap of history. People who think they are going to “take America back in 2022 and 2024” didn’t do anything to stop the steal in 2020. They created their own demise! That’s the end of that!

We had best find another solution and fast!

“Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be.” ― Thomas Jefferson

Shall I address why the “Convention of States” con is just another form of national suicide next?

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Cancelling TRUTH Across the Board

By Lex Greene

December 31, 2021

Those of us who thrive on truth, facts, evidence, known history, things that can be proven…we knew we were in big trouble when political correctness first arrived years ago, setting up thought and speech police everywhere and controlling what people are allowed to say, or even think.

Political correctness has now predictably (and purposefully) morphed into a full-blown cancel culture, broad-based censorship.

The thought and speech police no longer just call you out for saying something at odds with their belief system or thin-skinned sensitivities, they totally cancel you. They will cancel you from the world! They will make sure that your thoughts and opinions are silenced entirely, even within your own home and family. No more friends or jobs for you!

I remember when Fox News first came on the scene with their network slogan “Fair and Balanced Reporting” and I thought to myself, we don’t need more journalism that presents both truth and lies, in a balanced way. We need “true and accurate” journalism, which has not existed in the USA for decades.

Today’s American news media would be better referred to as urinalism…fit for a toilet.

But what has been “cancelled” isn’t differing opinions, or merely offensive words. What has been cancelled is TRUTH, leaving the American society trapped in a death spiral headed for hell in an endless sea of outright lies. No one knows what to believe about anything now…because TRUTH is no longer relevant, or even visible.

Truth has been systematically replaced by “the noble truth,” outright lies that someone decided should be true, and will be true, if they can just spread the lies long enough for everyone to accept them as truth. You may recall hearing Barack Obama mention this time and again during his unlawful tenure in the People’s White House, openly admitting that what he was telling the world “is not the truth, but it is the noble truth.”

The concept of “noble truth” dates back to Buddha – The truths are understood as the realization which led to the enlightenment of the Buddha (l. c. 563 – c. 483 BCE) and were the basis of his teachings.

The Four Noble Truths are:

  1. Life is suffering
  2. The cause of suffering is craving
  3. The end of suffering comes with an end to craving
  4. There is a path which leads one away from craving and suffering

Centuries later, this concept gave birth to modern day socialism and communism, all forms of totalitarianism, all of which result in true fascism in the end.

According to the “experts,” only five countries in the entire world remain under communist rule today.

  1. China – The Communist Party of China
  2. Cuba – The Communist Party of Cuba
  3. Laos – The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party
  4. North Korea – a “dictatorship of people’s democracy.”
  5. Vietnam – Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Russia no longer makes the list since Russia’s 1993 constitution declared the country “a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican government.” Vladimir Putin is in reality, far more capitalist in principle than any democrat politician in the USA today. This may explain why U.S. Democrats are highly supportive of Communist China and oppose capitalist Putin in Russia. It may also explain why Trump was able to get along with Putin, and not so much with communist China.

The fifteen countries that were once member states of the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.), are currently independent sovereign states, after the fall of the communist soviet empire. Most of them are now “socialist” states. But is this how the American federal government and their schools of urinalism tell the story?

Much of this TRUTH has been cancelled in U.S. classrooms and our government controlled media full of useless idiots we shall call,“urinalists.”

Today, most Americans have been Pavlov trained to believe that socialism and communism are different things, neither of them forms of fascism. They have been taught to believe that freedom is fascism, instead. This is the fundamental “noble truth” that global leftists have been teaching in American academia for decades, and the chickens have come home to roost.

It’s not hard to understand the true meaning of Natural Born Citizen or why it’s the most critical requirement for the office of Commander-in-Chief. Yet Americans have been taught that these three words are too complicated for them to understand, so they leave it to the “experts” to sort out. It’s those experts who made the term seem ambiguous and unenforceable, allowing foreign agents to occupy our White House at will.

What about scientific TRUTH? Science is defined as “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”

Science FACT is based upon what scientists can “prove.” Everything less is just a “theory,” no different than conspiracy theories. Unless the theory can be proven, it isn’t a “fact.”

Still, almost everything science is telling us at the moment is at best a “theory,” things not yet proven to be a fact.

Science first told us…

  • The PCR Test for COVID19 is accurate. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you wear a mask, it will prevent COVID19 infection. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you social distance, it will prevent COVID19 infection. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you stop working and earning for two weeks, it will end the pandemic. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you get a “vaccine” it will protect you from COVID19. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you take a 2nd “vaccine,” that will do it. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • If you take a booster “vaccine,” that will really do it. (PROVEN FALSE)
  • The “vaccines are FDA approved.” (PROVEN FALSE)
  • The “vaccines are all safe.” (PROVEN FALSE)
  • Almost a million Americans have died of COVID19. (PROVEN at least 94% FALSE)

Yet still, there are none so blind as those who refuse to see even the most obvious truths. As I write, there are four huge cruise ships stuck at sea, refused port entry anywhere due to a COVID19 outbreak onboard. How? You cannot get on any cruise ship without proof of up to date vaccination… How indeed? (so-called breakthrough cases, in truth, vaccine injuries)

I can keep going for quite a while here, but hopefully, you already get the point. Everything we have been told by “expert scientists” over the past 24-months has already been PROVEN FALSE. All of it may have been a good “theory” in the beginning, until it was all PROVEN FALSE. Now it’s just false information…

Today, “expert scientists”are still telling us their version of the “noble truth” and concealing the real truth, proven over the past 24-months, repeatedly. They are telling parents to get their young children vaxxed…when the average age of the real COVID19 patient is 83, already at the end of life in almost every case.

They are working around the clock to CANCEL THE REAL TRUTH regarding the COVID19 event by cancelling public information on both social media platforms and throughout all mainstream urinalism. They are going so far as to discredit the most highly credentialed and respected medical professionals on earth, here and abroad, and remove real doctors from practice, all for simply telling the obvious TRUTH.

No wonder Americans have no idea what to think, what to do or who to trust. Everyone they once trusted is lying to them and many can see it for what it is… blatant bold-faced lies.

One thing that no society can ever afford to cancel is the TRUTH.

Truth is either self-evident or proven to be facts by real science. Most conspiracy theories are not true because they can’t be evidenced or proven, although some are quite real. Likewise, most modern science is no more reliable than the average unproven conspiracy theory. They can’t be evidenced or proven either, or even worse with increasing regularity, the evidence proves their theories FALSE, as shown above.

There is no escaping reality, truth. No matter how much you might like to pretend as though truth is subjective, it isn’t. The TRUTH either is or isn’t and anyone who wants to know the truth can, but they will need to work harder than ever before to find it.

Before We the People can fix anything else, we must first end the cancel culture that is fast removing truth from public access and realize that it is TRUTH and TRUTH alone, that can set us free. Can we begin with just ONE true FACT…there are not 43 human genders, there are only 2… If we can’t agree on that FACT, then we can’t agree on any truth today!

These days, the truth is the only thing that can even keep us alive! The only TRUTH Biden has told in 12 months is this, “there is no federal solution to COVID.”

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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NEVER “Forever Vigilant”

By Lex Greene

December 27, 2021

As Founder Ben Franklin left the hall in Philadelphia where the Constitutional Convention concluded on September 17, 1787, he was asked, “What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin?” He replied: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

“Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.” – John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

“The establishment of Civil and Religious Liberty was the Motive which induced me to the Field – the object is attained – and it now remains to be my earnest wish and prayer, that the Citizens of the United States could make a wise and virtuous use of the blessings placed before them.” – George Washington to the Reformed German Congregation of New York City, November 27, 1783

In the famed 1775 speech by Patrick Henry, he posed the same question that must be asked of every American alive today…“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

Freedom and Liberty only exist where the people will accept no less. If the people think freedom and liberty are negotiating chips, they will trade in their freedom and liberty for a laundry list of far less important things, that will eventually go away too.

This has been true throughout all recorded human history, and it will never change, which is why every Founder called upon all their posterity to “be forever vigilant” against the aims of a few who intend to control all others.

The problem with not knowing true history is we are doomed to repeat history, over and over again. We will force ourselves to relive horrifying moments in history again and again, just because the lessons from those moments are long forgotten.

“It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others.” – Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Benjamin Rush, 1803

There is only one way to protect freedom and liberty for ourselves…and that is to protect freedom and liberty for everyone else, at every opportunity. This is what our Founders meant by “forever vigilant.” The moment we take our eye off of freedom and liberty for all, we surrender it for ourselves and for all posterity. The moment we surrender our own liberty for any reason, we paint a target on everyone who will not “go along to get along,” those who will NOT comply.

The only time we can successfully confront evil, tyranny, assaults upon our freedom and liberty, is the moment we see it. Every second we allow it to exist, it will root deeper and grow stronger, until we find ourselves without the tools and opportunity to defeat it.

In the USA circa 2020, many Americans swiftly traded their freedom and liberty for what they were told was an ounce of security. Fearful of one of many corona viruses circulating the earth at all times and threatened by our own government, employers, law enforcement, medical corporations and even military, the people surrendered freedom and liberty for that promised ounce of security, not just for themselves, but for all of us, and all future generations. Nothing on earth motivates the average person more than fear.

If the people feared a loss of freedom and liberty as much as they do a cold or flu, we would not be two-years into a plandemic. The people, forever vigilant, would have refused to give up an ounce of freedom and liberty for any false sense of security. Had they known the past, they could have seen what was being done to them and accurately foretold of their impending doom.

But because government controlled education and media has largely erased lessons of the past from public view, and lied through their many controlled propaganda machines, the people must endure horrific reminders of history before they will awaken to reality.

This isn’t something new. It isn’t something that just happened in the past months, years or even decades. In reality, the USA has been under global assault since the moment our Founders signed our Declaration of Independence 246-years ago. The world has never been happy about the United States of America, which fast became the richest and most powerful free people ever known to mankind. There are those who have been determined to destroy us, ever since our birth in 1776.

As a result, our Founders knew that one day, after many years of “never forever vigilant,” freedom and liberty would be threatened under boot again. People who had taken everything for granted for decades, would one day find themselves challenged to protect freedom again.

It would happen slowly, incrementally, over a long period of time, spanning generations. It would happen quietly, even peacefully, while the people were not watching, or saw it in small bites, and thought it wasn’t important enough to rock the boat this time…until decades of infringements and intrusions stacked one upon another and the people became increasingly crushed under the weight.

So, it has been. Now we are here, again.

Every living American must answer the question posed by Patrick Henry many years ago… “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

After two-years of life under tyrannical government mandates, none of which have proven to be at all effective against the alleged plandemic used to steal the 2020 elections and frighten most Americans out of living, how will we answer this question today?

Our Founders were indeed brilliant and determined to live free. They recorded it in our Declaration, “all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

But when tyranny becomes insufferable and the people have “had enough,” our Founder also laid the foundations for our remedy.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Problems and challenges are part of life, and they are always here. But so are the solutions to every problem.

“That when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

This is exactly why the tyrants have worked so hard to remove all of this history from the government controlled classrooms, and tear down public statues from history that have immortalized lessons from the past for more than a century, public reminders of lessons once learned, now forgotten.

Still, our Founders provided every solution we need today in three founding documents known as “The Charters of Freedom,” our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights.

Unlike the Founders, who had no such documents, and had to fight a bloody conflict to give them to us, every solution we need can be found in these three documents, no amendments needed.

But it isn’t just flowery speeches and occasional references to these documents that ever have or ever will secure our freedom, liberty, and peace. It’s ACTION, built upon the foundations put in place 246 years ago. It’s ENFORCEMENT!

These three documents are indeed The Charters of Freedom. Where they are enforced, we are free. But where they are ignored, forgotten, and not enforced, we will be enslaved once again.

There is no other way to remain a free people. These Charters of Freedom will either be enforced by the people, or the people will no longer live free. Not a single American can afford to count on anyone else to handle the enforcement. WE are the People who are supposed to be “forever vigilant.”

We haven’t been for many years. Will we be now?

“Timid men…prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson to Philip Mazzei, April 24, 1796

“There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage.” – John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men, 1776

No matter the odds, the fight for freedom and liberty is never futile. Without freedom and liberty, nothing else on earth is worth anything at all.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Dear Dr. Trump, PHD in Virology?

by Lex Greene

December 23, 2021

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is NOT the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]


You don’t have a degree in virology, medicine, or science? You have no experience or training of any kind in public health? Well then, that makes you just as qualified as the globetrotting pervert and college dropout Bill Gates to determine what is in the best health interest of 332-million FREE American citizens, doesn’t it! NOT AT ALL!

I supported you in 2016, because there was no one else to support and I honestly thought that despite your somewhat checkered past, you cared about this country, its people, freedom and liberty, real justice, national security, and political decency. I actually thought you might attempt to “drain the swamp,” although I never thought you’d be able to do it. At least, not alone. In the end, you didn’t even try!

Although you still pat yourself on the back, claiming to have created “life-saving vaccines” to protect Americans against the fake COVID19 plandemic, we both know that you did nothing more than grease the political wheels and cut some red tape, to allow fake Dr. Gates and evil Dr. Fauci to rush their mRNA human experiments to market. (Not to ever be confused with any real vaccines)In other words, you made their crimes against humanity possible and you’re still proud of it!

One of two things is true Dr. Trump, either you’re just another totally controlled global conspirator engaged in destroying the USA and killing millions, maybe billions around the world – or – you’re an egomaniac incapable of admitting you were drained by the swamp and conned by global Marxist mad scientists. Either way, you are even more dangerous for America today, than the enemies we know all too well. You are an enemy inside the gates…

Had you not surrendered the People’s White House to known global criminals last year, I might still be able to support you. But because you did surrender our House to this group of global tyrants, I assume to save your own ass, and because you continue to tell Americans to surrender to the mad scientists currently responsible for the thousands of VAERS Reports, I can no longer support you or anyone like you. I’m left with no one to support, at least politically.

You are no more qualified to tell anyone to “get vaxxed” than Gates (who also has no such training and openly wants to eliminate 2/3 of the world population) or Fauci (who has no experience seeing live patients either and a long history of evil mad science). You have shown yourself to be every bit as much a FRAUD as those who defrauded you out of the White House.

Even worse, you alone once had the support of more than 80-million hardcore Americans willing to do anything you asked to save this country. But you have totally squandered that support and do more damage to yourself and that group every time you tell people to go get vaxxed and promise you will “turn things around in 2024” knowing better than anyone, that the USA no longer has any legitimate elections, in part, due to your cowardice.

You sir…had the opportunity to be written into history as the George Washington of our time. Instead, you will be written into history as the man proudly responsible for the death and dismemberment of millions of Americans, the end of freedom and liberty, and all because you couldn’t keep your ego in check or decided to save yourself instead of this country.

I’m sure you don’t care what I think. In fact, I doubt that you care what anyone thinks, except your kids maybe. Of course, some of them are directly responsible for making sure you were surrounded by inside the beltway alligators and backstabbing vipers.

I bet you will never read this open letter, much less respond to it, just like all other politicians who think they don’t need to pay any attention to the people responsible for their temporary power. You may not have been a politician when you decided to run for office in 2015, but that’s all you appear to be now.

Why are you still raising money for the same Republicans in Congress that spent your four brief years in office, stabbing you in the back at every chance? Why are you still making promises that you can’t possibly keep?

The only reason to focus everyone on 2022 and 2024 elections is to keep them from focusing on massive 2020 fraud. Why else would you do that? Are you just part of the has-been presidents club now, like Bush and Obama? … No more useful to the American people than a mere carnival barker only concerned with raising money for corrupt D.C. political institutions.

Is this really the best you can do Dr. Trump?

If so, then you have well-earned your place in history along side the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Bush, Clinton, Fauci and Gates. You might be able to fool yourself for the rest of your days, but you are NOT fooling God and you won’t be able to fool American patriots much longer.

If you don’t have the courage or decency to self-correct and take a real stand for all who once trusted you, then shut up and sit down, fade into the sunset at the golf course and leave the patriotism to real patriots.

Leaders selling us the same snake oil as Gates, Fauci and Biden, we don’t need.

You were certainly fit for the office but may not be up to the task at hand. If you’re not up to leading your followers back to freedom, liberty, and justice, then stop pretending as though you are. Let someone else rise to the occasion.

Now, for those who do read this most recent tirade…solutions next!

Don’t bother writing me about how I’m attacking “a good guy” or how “we need Dr. Trump” to save us. He had his chance, and he blew it, big time! We must move on to solving our problems ourselves now.

Every problem on earth has a solution, where there is the will, there is a way. STAY TUNED!My future columns will focus on what we the people must do.There is no one else to do it!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What More Can Anyone Say?

by Lex Greene

December 17, 2021

Literally thousands of awake patriots have researched, written, and published literally millions of essays and articles desperately trying to reach millions of Americans and mobilize them in an effort to stop the total destruction of the USA on our watch. Thousands of little patriot groups have announced hundreds of “action plans” that never resulted in any real action being taken.

The truth is…millions of American patriots already know enough to be able to see what’s happening to our country and become properly motivated to action. This group knows enough and should already be on the move, but they aren’t yet, mostly because they are being drawn into a variety of worthless do-nothing measures that are going nowhere.

  • 2024? Based on 2020?
  • Amend a constitution no longer in force or effect?
  • Secede from the very constitutional concepts you claim to want to protect?
  • Wait for who to do something?
  • Follow the Fauci way to freedom?
  • File more suits that the corrupt courts refuse to hear?

Have most Americans lost their ever loving minds?

The rest of America that really needs the critical facts, don’t want those facts. Many prefer to act like everything is fine and will be fine, or they are completely clueless of reality and on the wrong side of this battle. There is literally nothing anyone can say to change this group, until they are eaten alive by the same people who misled them into this disastrous place.

Either way, there isn’t really much more anyone can say about the current plight of our nation, freedom, and liberty, that hasn’t already been said a million times. Those on the wrong side of history will remain on the wrong side, until they are eaten by their own. Those who are on the right side will remain divided by a laundry list of bad ideas, waiting for someone else to “do something” or hoping against hope for solutions that will never work.

Americans will never get their country or freedom back, unless and until they take it back, by whatever means necessary, preferably peacefully. Regardless, the global (and U.S.) left isn’t going to stop their path of death and destruction, until someone stops them. Throughout history, tyrants have never stopped their evil endeavors on their own. The swamp has never drained itself, ever.

Most of us who have been at this for a long time, thought the American people would have put a stop to this a long time ago. I never imagined that the American people would ever allow the global left to get this far in the USA.

But over the many years of my involvement, I have come to realize that our nation’s Founders were dead right about pretty much everything, including this passage from our Declaration of Independence“all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing [or altering]the forms to which they are accustomed.”

Marxist concepts of socialism and communism should have never been allowed to take root within the United States, much less become the daily diet of propaganda in every public education institution across the USA. British Common Law [precedence and procedure] should have never been allowed to infest our Constitutional courts for the purpose of undermining our Constitution and Natural Rights either. But that happened before the ink was dry on the Constitution, as Jefferson pointed out at the turn of the 19th century!

We should have never allowed our country to be systematically divided over economics, race, religion, gender, or anything else. We should have defended and enforced One Nation Under God, E Pluribus Unum… instead of allowing our countrymen to be ripped to shreds by corrupt politicians who can only gain power by dividing everyone else.

Americans should have never allowed the federal government to take over education, banking, business, industry, social spending, medicine, or the laundry list of things the government controls “unconstitutionally” today. But we did, we allowed all of it, for two centuries now.

The American Revolution was fought to eliminate all of these evils from our shores. The Civil War turned out to be a last gasp for State Sovereignty, States Rights, and Individual Liberties. That war wasn’t over slavery, it was over Federal tyranny, theft, and taxation without representation, by Washington D.C. against the southern states.

After two centuries of death by a thousand cuts, what the hell are we supposed to do now?

Today, every American, every State and every private enterprise lives under Federal tyranny. It’s no longer even “our body, our choice,” except as it pertains to the federal government’s authorized mass murder of over 60-million American children in the womb.

It’s almost insane to even think that at this late date, the American people are going to ever rise up against anything and fight back in any real way. Most Americans can’t even feel the pot they are boiling in. Many who can, are only concerned with trying to save themselves in a fallen nation that will soon live the life of every other 3rd world toilet on earth.

We will soon be One World, all equally destitute, enslaved and dying before our natural time. And it will be for one reason and one reason only…

Americans are now too stupid, too lazy, too immoral, too disengaged, too cowardly, and too self-indulgent to ever stand up together against evil. And what can anyone say today that can change this trajectory, or better said, this fall into the pits of hell?

I’ve been around a while. I remember what America once was, what it was once like to be a proud American. I look around today and I see nothing to be proud of, nothing at all!

If you are like me, let me know. Write me…maybe there are still a few real Americans left, looking for others and willing to do something that may actually matter. But don’t bother if you are waiting for anyone else to do something. There is no one else!

This isn’t rocket science. You don’t need to be a scholar of any kind to know we are in very serious trouble here. You only have to be smart enough and courageous enough to know that if YOU aren’t going to fix it, then no one will…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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TOP Reasons why Patriots are Losing

by Lex Greene

December 10, 2021

To be certain, America has literally millions of true “patriots,” although I don’t think most of them are cut from the same cloth as the patriots who came before us. The Patrick Henry and George Washington type of patriots may indeed, be a thing of the past. Those patriots were willing to give up everything to secure freedom and liberty, not just for themselves, but for all of us.

Today’s “patriot” is often a much “kinder and gentler” patriot. They are far more willing and likely to go-along to get-along, another term for quiet surrender, especially until the tyranny lands on their own doorstep.

Our founding patriots knew that there was no wiggle room in the price of freedom and liberty. For them, it was a totally non-negotiable item, “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!”

Sadly, many modern patriots have totally ignored all real science and surrendered to draconian medical mandates that frankly, no one on earth has a legal or moral right to force or coerce upon anyone, certainly not any free people. None of them “followed the science.” All of them “followed tyrannical government orders” in go-along to get-along fashion, placing their personal economic interests above the cause of freedom, liberty and even their own health. In other words, they may have sold their freedom, and everyone else’s, for a paycheck, or a government handout.

The 30% or so of medical professionals who have risked or given up their careers to speak the truth against Fauci’s gain of function bioweapon and the fake vaccines that are also Fauci gain of function bioweapons, did so in an honorable effort to “save lives.” The 70% or so of medical professionals who have gone-along to get-along, killing literally millions of citizens with their fake vaccines, did so to save their careers, incomes, and country club lifestyles. It’s not hard to pick out the true “patriots” in this crowd.

But what about today’s average American, in particular, those who call themselves “patriots?”

Was there a way to prevent Barack Hussein Obama from ever occupying the White House as a foreign agent with communist party ties? YES, there was a way, but there wasn’t the will…

Was there a way to prevent our economy and lives from being destroyed by a COVID bioweapon and ongoing bioweapon fake vaccines? YES, there was a way, but there wasn’t the will…

Was there a way to prevent massive election fraud from turning our country upside-down in 2020? YES, there was a way, but there wasn’t the will…

Even now, is there a way to stop the unlawful forced medical mandates and overturn the fraudulent 2020 elections to save our Constitutional Republic and every American citizen? YES, there is a way, but is there the will?

Losing Reason #1 – It’s all about ME.

So long as the tyranny isn’t directly affecting me and mine, I will keep quiet, not draw any attention to myself, and hope that someone else is going to do something.

Losing Reason #2–We need a leader to step up!

Many leaders have stepped up, such as Trump in 2016. But he was eaten alive by the swamp he was supposed to drain, because after he was elected, his supporters went back to life as if they thought that he would be able to drain this massive swamp alone. We have plenty of Generals ready to lead, just no troops ready to follow.

Losing Reason #3–We have already lost!

Therefore, there is no point to fighting. It’s outright surrender!

Losing Reason #4–What can I do?

Alone, by yourself, nothing! Which begs the question, why aren’t you working in active focus groups yet?

Losing Reason #5–I’m prepped for the worst still to come!

Well, would the worst ever come, if you had spent as much time, energy and resources trying to save this nation, instead of only thinking you can save yourself, in a fallen nation?

These are just the top 5 reasons why American patriots are currently losing the war for America, freedom, and liberty. There are others, but most will fall under one of these top 5.

The point here is that you can’t finish the race, much less win the race, if you refuse to ever leave the starting gate.

Instead of placing all focus on the only reason we need to fight, no matter the cost, too many modern patriots are focused on all of the reasons why they shouldn’t fight and can’t win. Of course, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy…if we don’t fight, we can’t win. This is certain!

Losing Reason #6–I can’t afford to fight, donate, contribute, join others to execute plans…

Well, this is no accident. The enemy has made sure that none of us is in a perfect position to fight, or at least afford to fight. But in the end, none of us can afford NOT to fight. If you think for even a second that you and your family will be safe in a fallen America, you have chosen a fool’s errand.

If America is not free, sovereign, secure and economically sound, then no place on earth will be. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide for Americans. The rest of the 3rd world runs to America to leave behind the kinds of tyranny we now see in our own country, to find freedom and liberty in the “promised land.”

When America is no longer a safe harbor for freedom and liberty, nowhere on earth will be!

So, as citizens all over the globe rise up against their tyrannical socialist and communist governments, Americans must join that fight and soon. Other countries started WWI and WWII and America tried to sit on the sidelines, until the war came to us. Then, it was America who stepped in to finish the fight!

Sooner or later, Americans will have to step up to finish this fight too, like it or not, able to afford it or not, no matter the cost…or America will be gone forever! The world will never know freedom and liberty anywhere, ever again.

No reason is good enough! Ours will either be the generations that let freedom and liberty die all over the globe, or ours will be the generations that saved America and freedom and liberty for all.

Between these two outcomes, there is nothing but unbridled tyranny and global despotism. There is no future!

“Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.

Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope.

If we wish to be free—if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending—if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!”Patrick Henry March 23, 1775 (audio)

Patrick Henry was a lawyer and politician… We have no such patriot lawyers or politicians today. Do we have any such Americans? Must we wait for war to come to our doors before we stand up together against it? Time will soon tell, and time is now short.

Patrick Henry wasn’t just a lawyer and politician. He will always be remembered as one of the people’s greatest patriots ever.

How will we be remembered? Our actions, not our hopes, will determine this, soon.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Overturn 2020 – We have NO choice

by Lex Greene

December 8, 2021

I remember trying to warn Americans that if the no one from nowhere, without so much as a legitimate birth certificate or any real job experience, was ever allowed to set foot in our White House, we would likely never be America ever again. He told us as much when he promised to “fundamentally transform America” and he is keeping that promise even today.

For me, this started when Obama upstaged John Kerry at his DNC Convention in 2004, as then Senator Ted Kennedy introduce Hussein to a country which had never heard of him before. Someone clearly groomed this guy for the stated purpose, and what that was all about is only now coming into complete focus, as our country is being torn to pieces by tyrannical dictates.

I remember telling people back then, that something very wrong was afoot, and that our White House would soon be occupied by someone who first claimed to be “from Kenya” as a Senate candidate in 2004, and later claimed to be “born in the USA” in 2008, Hawaii to be exact, when he was pushed onto the national stage by his mentor and handler Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, also known as Black Panther creator and Malcom X murderer, Donald Warden.

For the record, to this day, Hussein Obama has never delivered a single legitimate birth record from the USA. Instead, he delivered three different fake “Certifications of Live Birth” – not to be confused with an actual birth certificate. Hawaii issues “certificates of live birth” to people with no verifiable U.S. birth record, no matter where in the world they came from.

White Guilt had already been sewn deeply into the American psyche and as a result, the nation couldn’t wait to “elect the nation’s first black president” (who is allegedly half-white) in 2008, upsetting DNC “sure thing” Hillary Clinton in the 2008 DNC primaries. Obama would advance to the general election, despite never having accomplished anything in his entire life, beyond his time at Annenberg ( fame) as a communist “community organizer.”

This is when I first knew that America was in very BIG trouble. Oh sure, I had known about typical political corruption for many years prior. But this was different, very different. The White House would soon fall to “foreign occupation” and the American people themselves, would do it to themselves, blindly following the lead of the mainstream media who had prepared the battlefield and set the stage.

Never mind that America is by far the most culturally diverse nation on earth, or that it has been since its birth in 1776. Americans were Pavlov dog-whistle trained to commit political suicide, just to prove that they were not something that 99% of Americans never were. But I digress…

Point being, what’s happening in the USA today is not the first time many of us saw the writing on the wall or heard the death knell of freedom and liberty, loud and clear. It was not the first time that many of us tried to warn America of impending doom, either.

Here we are again, years later and more than 20-months into the greatest tyrannical global political scam ever perpetrated against America and citizens in countries all over the world, COVID19. People who don’t know that COVID19 is a plandemic created in gain of function labs here and abroad, simply don’t want to know. Every truth seeker already knows and that’s why they will NEVER take any fake vaccines from the same people who created the plandemic. The “unvaxxed” are the people who have been “following the science” from the beginning. The “vaxxed” have ignored all of the science, just like they ignore all of the election fraud.

The same people who believe Fauci, Gates and democrats on COVID, the leftist media and fact checkers, also believe that 80-million Americans voted for a 40-year career political criminal with late stage dementia, for President of the United States – even though he was set to lose the DNC nomination before Sanders and Warren were once again forced out of the race by Hussein and Co.

The 30% of voters who still think Biden is great, do not believe that Biden was the benefactor of a massively fraudulent election. They don’t believe it because they dare not believe it. It would destroy their Marxist fantasy agenda, along with their political party. It’s not Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in charge at the White House, it’s Obama officials like Valarie Jarret. In fact, over 60% of the Biden Cabinet were also Obama administration officials. This is really a third Obama term…

The only way Biden could steal 2020 was if there was a “crisis” that made way for unverifiable “mail-in balloting” that would be very difficult to traced to any single perpetrator or unravel after the fact. The theft of the election had to be so big, in fact, “too big to fail.” It had to be done on such a massive scale that everyone could see it, but everyone would be afraid to confront it, for fear of causing the entire federal government to collapse.

No COVID19, would have meant no lockdowns. That would have meant no mail-in balloting and no mail-in balloting, would have made a Biden-Harris victory totally impossible. Think not? Let’s try no mail-in balloting in 2022 and see what happens… Bet you won’t get any Biden fans to support that!

So, what do we do now, having established standing “new norms” for our election processes, which require no means of verifying legal voting or vote counting whatsoever? In fact, under current conditions, there is no way to verify any election at all, much less certify it.

My friends at have worked on a lot of critical things over the years. They issued the first detailed report on what really happened at Benghazi, and on what really happened to SEAL TEAM 6 on that fateful night in Afghanistan, both of which turned out to be 100% true and accurate, but not publicly confirmed by official sources until years later.

TNALC also researched, drafted, and launched the most critical state level model legislation in the past hundred years,in 2013. Had all Americans gotten behind it and passed it in our states back then, we wouldn’t be dealing with the federal tyranny we have been under for the past 20-months.

The point is, this group above all others, has been on the right track with real solutions for years now, usually years ahead of everyone else. That’s why I support them and hope you will too.

A week ago, surveyed their partners and members offering ten different potential priorities. The overwhelming response identified overturning 2020 fraud as the most critical top priority. So, TNALC released a special report on how to properly accomplish that goal, together. They will soon issue another report focused on how to stop the medical tyranny in the USA, and in my opinion, that mission will have to be executed at the same time we work to overturn 2020 fraud.

I encourage my readers to use the links provided to study the solutions they offer and get engaged. At the end of their report, they close with a statement proven true, which I agree with 100%…

“There is no need to email TNALC explaining that “no one is going to do anything.” The only people we are looking to “do something” is YOU. You’re right, the politicians are not ever going to do anything. Now, if YOU (we) aren’t going to do anything either, then nothing is going to get done.”

Here’s the report…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Something to Think About over Thanksgiving

by Lex Greene

November 25, 2021

While you take a few days off to celebrate Thanksgiving, I’d encourage my fellow Americans to think about a few important facts, so that we may return to the work of fighting for our lives, our freedom, liberty, and Justice, after the holiday.

#1 – We are NOT enslaved subjects of our elected or appointed public servants. Unlike most countries on earth, The United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, is the “Supreme Law of this Land.” Not our politicians, their underlings, any federal or state agency, the courts, or anyone else. We do not exist to serve them…they only exist to serve us. They do not care what each other say, which only confirms that we do not need to care what any of them say.

#2 – The only Rights we have, including those which are constitutionally “inalienable,” are those which we are ready to fight and die for. We have no other Rights than those we are prepared to defend and enforce… If we won’t defend and enforce them, then we no longer have them.

#3 –Over 70% of Americans claim the Christian faith, just like all of our nation’s Founders. But many have been taught from contemporary pulpits that they do not have a job in the battle between good and evil on earth. Many modern-day Christians believe that their mere words are enough…when scripture is quite clear, to the contrary. If our faith is not visible in our works, then that faith is dead. If our patriotism is not present in our actions, then that too, is dead.

#4 – What scripture teaches about “lukewarm” faith, “since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” –Also applies to our patriotism, our commitment to standing against all evil. Forget what you are willing to say about freedom. What are you willing to do for the cause of freedom? Evil will prevail, where good men and women do nothing.

#5 – If you find yourself on the broad road, moving in the herd, directed in your decisions by “group think” and mass propaganda, going-along to get-along, then self-correct immediately. Leave the broad road and find the narrow path quickly, as “the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” Only those who have found the narrow path and remain on it, will hold the future of freedom and life itself, in their hands.

Be thankful for the many gifts we have been endowed by our Creator, under the Laws of Nature and of nature’s God. But, let no man take from us, that which God has given…

Happy Thanksgiving!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?

By Lex Greene

November 20, 2021

If you thought you were vaccinated after receiving your first COVID19 bioweapon injection, think again. Even if you stayed the course and received a second injection and then your first booster, and another booster, you’re still not vaccinated, according to Fauci and the CDC.

If you had an adverse reaction to any of your bioweapon injections or died immediately following your injection within the first 14-days, you were unvaccinated during this period, according to the CDC and Fauci. Even though you were perfectly healthy prior to your injections, and immediately sick or dead after that injection, it had nothing to do with the injection, according the Fauci, the CDC and the U.S. News Media. That’s because until they say you’re “vaccinated,” you’re not, no matter how many bioweapon injections you voluntarily accept.

Now we are learning that there will be more boosters coming, and that if you are not current on their latest booster injections, you’re still not vaccinated.

So, when you hear these folks say again and again that “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” realize that in their opinion, no one is actually fully vaccinated yet and no one will be until they reach the end of their planned vax and booster protocol, which is still being developed.

The totally unvaccinated folks have emerged as the smartest people on earth. They never bought into the COVID19 fake science, any of it, and although they have been targeted by all of the vaxxed sheep, it turns out they were the people who really were following the science the whole time, the real science.

When we were all told that the Wuhan Flu came from a Chinese wet market, we thought, well, that’s happened before, so it’s possible. But then we saw reports of patients zero and one in China were employees of the Wuhan Lab and we researched “gain of function” work. It took over a year for Fauci to admit what we knew in the first months of 2020, that this was a lab created (gain of function) bioweapon, funded by Fauci’s NIH in that CDC-CCP Wuhan Lab.

When intelligent people saw that nine-inch swab test…we said why? We all knew you could test for any virus with a simple saliva cheek swab, which is what they are using now. There never was any legitimate reason for a swab all the way to the blood-brain barrier, unless for some other reason. So, we said, no thanks!

When intelligent people were told to put on a mask, we looked at the mask manufacturer information and read numerous mask efficacy research studies, all of which concluded that none of the masks were at all effective in preventing the spread of any virus. So again, after checking the real science, we said, no thanks!

When we were told that Operation Warp Speed was going to deliver vaccines to save us all from a virus that already had a 99.8% survival rate, we knew that this meant that all of the normal testing to make sure that any vaccines would be safe, was being bypassed in order to get it fast, instead of safe. When we started reading thousands of VAERS Reports of deaths from the vaccines, we knew that we were right to opt out…no thanks!

Almost everyone in a hospital over COVID today has received one or more of the so-called vaccines. I consider anyone who has even taken one of these injections, to be vaccinated. But Fauci and the CDC insist that no one is really vaccinated yet, as no one has completed their ongoing protocol of endless injections and boosters.

Fauci and the CDC cannot afford to label you “vaxxed” because if they did, they would not be able to keep injecting you with more bioweapons, and they would have to admit that these so-called vaccines are killing and maiming more people than the virus itself ever could have or would have.

As of today, the ruling class elites are still lying about real COVID19 statistics. They are still reporting 48,398,455 USA cases of COVID19 (14.5% of the U.S. population) since January 2020. The REAL number is approximately 2,419,922, or 5% of the cases claimed by our government and fake news, about 0.7% of the U.S. population. (NOT a pandemic)

The ruling class elites are still claiming that 789,155 Americans have died of COVID19 since January 2020, about 0.24% of the U.S. population. But the real number is actually around 0.012% of the U.S. population.

In other words, the powers-that-be are continuing to LIE to the American people about COVID19, 100% of the time, every step of the way, by grossly overstating the real threat by at least twenty-times the real numbers. They are also continuing to lie and hide the reality that their “vaccines” have killed at least 150,000 Americans since January 2021, and maimed millions.

In a pending case, the FDA is requesting the court to approve holding the FACTS about these “vaccines” secret until the year 2076! To this day, if you ask your doctor, your nurse, your pharmacist, or your local health department to show you what is in these “vaccines,” they cannot do it. If you ask them to show you the adverse effects warnings for these “vaccines,” they cannot do it. The “vaccine inserts” are STILL BLANK! The FDA is asking a court to keep this information hidden until 2076guess why!

Still, Americans are lining up for another and another and another injection, with no clue what’s in these injections or the known reported adverse events directly associated with them. Many are even rushing to get their young children injected just because the Biden administration is using Big Bird and little kids to promote it, as if getting this deadly “vaccine” will make your kids “heroes.” It’s truly diabolical!

Governments are corrupt, that’s no secret. Some scientists like Fauci and Gates are mad psychopaths. That’s no secret either, as both are well on record discussing “mass depopulation via vaccines.” Some of the most evil people known to mankind are behind this thing, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, and literally thousands of others.

In working with folks at and local law offices in Michigan last year, we were able to successfully win a State Supreme Court case outlawing Governor Whitmer’s unlawful and unconstitutional COVID mandates, retroactive to April 28, 2020 in a 7-0 decision. We were also able to get a 4-3 ruling from that court, that the 1945 Law Whitmer was hiding behind, was also unconstitutional. That law has since been removed from Michigan laws.The court ruled against Whitmer again in her effort to appeal the decisions.

However, despite Whitmer’s tyrannical mandates being declared unlawful and unconstitutional by the Michigan Supreme Court, the people of Michigan continued to follow her mandates as if nothing had happened, and most continue to follow those tyrannical mandates even today.

At the end of the day, the real pandemic in America isn’t the Wuhan Flu. It’s the gross ignorance and mindless compliance with unlawful, unconstitutional, and maniacal mandates that no thinking person would ever comply with.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a temporary stay, followed by a permanent stay on all Biden Vax Mandates, declaring those also unlawful and unconstitutional. That caused OSHA to stop their fake mandates.

However, Biden told everyone to ignore the court’s ruling and many anti-freedom employers and medical professionals in the USA are still forcing and coercing employees into lethal injections, despite the injunctions issued by the Fifth Circuit. Even worse, is many Americans are still walking into this oven on their own, refusing to accept the real science that would prevent any intelligent person from ever taking one of these bioweapon injections.

The ONLY way this can be referred to as a “pandemic of the unvaxxed” is if the “experts” continue to consider everyone to be unvaxxed…if people are not completely up to date on the most recent boosters. Of course, with each additional injection, the death and illness rates are climbing in the post-vaxxed. What they call “breakthrough cases” are merely “vaccine injuries.”

Sadly, by the time most Americans come to believe the obvious here, many will be gone or permanently maimed.

It’s highly unfortunate that most Americans have been dog whistle trained to ignore their basic survival instincts and “follow the fake science” and “fake news” instead. Once someone has done this, it is almost impossible to shake them loose from the beliefs that first got them to volunteer as a human lab rat in this global bioweapon experiment falsely labeled “vaccines.”

The road to hell is quite often paved with good intentions, and almost always guided by the evil intentions of others. So, it is…and so it shall be, even after Fauci has now openly admitted to numerous outright lies, and the his “vaccines do not work,” until those who prefer to cling to the lies, decide to join the rest of us in reality.

Until every Americans joins us in reality, this death march will continue, and it will accelerate. Everyone (EVERYONE) involved in advancing these many lies, is liable and responsible for the death and dismemberment of thousands and potentially millions of American Citizens!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Only Two Things Americans MUST Do

By Lex Greene

November 15, 2021

To be certain, once these top two things are accomplished, and only then, there is a laundry list of critical things Americans will need to fix if they ever want the USA to have a chance at freedom, liberty, justice, and decency again.

But before we can afford to worry about that laundry list, Americans must first accomplish these two things, or their country is gone, and so is the future for their kids and grandkids.


If you don’t already know that these so-called “vaccines(mRNA/DNA gene manipulation experiments) have proven to be eight-times more deadly than COVID19 itself, it’s only because you have been following criminal politicians and their government fake news media machine. Had you been following the real science instead…you’d know this already.

It should have gone without saying that no one has a legal, ethical, or moral right to force inject anyone with anything, any time, for any reason, not even your own doctor. But no, we now have a few generations that think our government is a Nazi dictatorship, free to do anything it wants to the people.

The “real” science has proven beyond any doubt that these “vaccines” are eight-times as deadly as the virus, which had a 99.998% survival rate prior to any “vaccines.” It’s not enough that thousands of Americans have already died or been maimed by their mRNA experiment. Now they want to force or coerce every child into these “vaccines,” with or without the consent of their parents.

WE MUST STOP THIS MASS FATAL HUMAN EXPERIMENT, or we will not even have a country left very soon. We do NOT have a choice! Mass non-compliance is the firewall. We must put down the Vax leaders, if necessary, and save as many citizens as we can.

Thousands of international science and medical professionals have joined forces in the effort to stop this mass global genocide and the global economic reset behind it all. Citizens all over the world are in the streets trying to end this insanity. But far too many Americans are still sucking their thumbs and following Fauci’s fake science, awaiting the next unlawful order from Simon Says Biden. ENOUGH! Time for ALL Americans to stand up like real Americans and END THIS!

If we can’t save American lives, we cannot save this country!


Again, I shouldn’t have to state the obvious on this matter either, but sadly, I do have to. The entire world knows that the 2020 elections and every election since, was a complete and total fraud. Only Americans are dumbed down enough to think otherwise.

The world also knows that unless Americans overturn these elections and prosecute the fraudsters to the full extent the law will allow, the USA is finished…we no longer have legitimate elections at all.

People foolish enough to focus any time, energy, or resources on future elections, without correcting the massive fraud in the recent elections, are dooming this nation to death and destruction.

WE DO NOT HAVE HONEST ELECTIONS as of today and we never will again, unless we overturn the fraud and prosecute every criminal involved. Less than 30% of Americans polled now think our country is
headed in the right direction. No kidding! What was your first clue?


The United States of America is dead and gone. The American people have no Rights at all, not even the right to decide what will and will not be injected into their bodies or that of their children.

We will never have a legitimate election ever again. Every election will be rotten with increasing fraud because there are no consequences for election fraud. Every time fraud is allowed to stand…lawyers, judges and politicians label that fraud “precedent setting.” In other words, it’s the accepted “new norm.”

Our borders will continue to be overrun with illegal invaders, until we are a minority group in our own country, without any Rights or voice at all.

Our complacency, apathy and disengagement are dooming our kids and grandkids to global Marxism and death by political design!


Is either a fool, or part of the global reset conspiracy to destroy the USA and every American Citizen.

I’m far from the only one sounding the ALARM. But I might be the only one telling you that it is counter-productive for Americans to waste precious time and resources on anything else, until we accomplish these two things.

I don’t care who disagrees, or who it angers to stop people from supporting anything but these two top priorities. If we fail to accomplish just these two top priorities, we will never be able to accomplish anything else…we won’t have the means.

Every other pet project will have us whistling past the graveyard. We either join forces to accomplish these two priorities or admit we have surrendered our country and our kid’s future, forever!

We are running out of time…

If you agree, write me to get more information and engaged.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

What COVID Authority Does OSHA Have?

By Lex Greene

November 9, 2021

Just in case you have not figured it out yet, your health and medical interests are not being controlled by doctors, scientists, nurses, or any other medical professionals. It’s being controlled by power-hungry global Marxist politicians, their scumbag lawyers, and their lockstep fake news media.

OSHA exists for the sole purpose of preventing employers from endangering the health and wellbeing of their employees. As the dangers of all existing COVID19 vaccines are well-documented, any employer attempting to force or coerce these vaccines upon employees is an overt effort by the employer to knowingly place the employees at significant health risk, including potential death.

No one can say “we didn’t know.” VAERS Reports have been flooding in since the very first vaccine given. ALL VAERS reports document adverse effects from these so-called vaccines.

Biden’s recent “OSHA mandate” is just the latest in a long line of outright lies, yet another effort to create a false public perception that OSHA has any such legal authority, when in fact, no one on earth has any lawful authority to force or coerce inject anyone with anything against your will. It’s just another anti-American lawyer drafted hoax with no force of law behind it whatsoever, no doubt directed by “constitutional scholar” Barack Hussein Obama.

OSHA was created to protect worker safety conditions in manufacturing, construction, and warehousing jobs, where workplace injuries often happen due to unsafe working conditions, largely related to physical labor jobs that require the use of heavy machinery. OSHA has no other purpose or authority whatsoever, certainly as it pertains to any medical mandates to be forced or coerced by employers. In truth, OSHA is obligated to protect all employees against “lethal bio injections” which employers are currently attempting to force upon innocent frightened people.

No one voted for or elected anyone at OSHA.The Constitution doesn’t grant OSHA any authority over medical advice or procedures, and unless I missed it somehow along the way, there is no amendment to the Constitution that grants OSHA any lawmaking authority at all.

So, once again, here we are, with the entire U.S. Corporate FAKE News Media rushing to announce even more draconian unlawful mandates from yet another federal agency with no medical mandate authority whatsoever. Journalism in America died a long time ago. All American news media at present, is a mere federal propaganda machine spewing nothing but lies 24/7. The only thing more dangerous than these “vaccines” is the 24/7 fear-mongering news media, based on nothing but outright lies.

Joe Biden lacks any authority to “mandate” any medical procedure on anyone. But while occupying the White House, he does have authority to issue Executive Orders that only pertain to Executive Branch employees, under Title 5 in U.S. Code. Such orders pertain ONLY to executive branch employees, and only if such an order is itself lawful.

On September 9, 2021, Biden signed two Executive Orders pertaining to COVID19 vaccine mandates, EO 14042: COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, and EO 14043: Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees, meaning, Executive branch employees only, under Title 5 Executive Authority.

These orders pertain to no one except employees who fall under Title 5 Executive Branch authority. There are no other Executive Orders pertaining to anyone else, including the other two branches of the Federal government, any of the 50 states, or any of the 332-million American citizens who are not Executive branch employees.

OSHA is a Federal Agency, under the authority of the Executive branch. Biden can command OSHA employees, but not OSHA policies specifically.

Nothing has really changed since 1787, at least officially. The Legislative Branch remains the only branch of the Federal government with any lawmaking authority. Anything made by any other branch or agency is NOT a “law.” It’s a political agenda “policy” with no force of law behind it.

In fact, the legal definition of “mandate” is –A judicial command, order, or precept, written or oral, from a court; a direction that a court has the authority to give and an individual is bound to obey.”

In other words, “mandates” can only be issued by the Judicial branch, not the Executive or Legislative branches. Further, a court can only issue a “mandate” under the authority of existing law, which must come from the lawmaking branch, the U.S. Congress. The courts have no unilateral powers to issue “mandates” other than to enforce “laws” passed by Congress, and neither does the Executive branch.

As we all know, Congress has not passed any laws pertaining to the medical management of COVID19, and they can’t. Therefore, Biden cannot issue anything more than an Executive Order limited to Executive branch employees, and the courts cannot issue any “mandate” as there is no “law” to underpin any such order.

As neither Biden or the courts have any authority to dictate via “mandate” to private companies or citizens on this matter, neither does OSHA or any other Federal agency.

Keep in mind, the Federal government has no authority to govern any sovereign state, which is governed by its own Executive, Legislative, Judicial branches, with its own Constitution, Bill of Rights and set of Laws, all of which is protected by the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Wherein no Federal authority exists at all, there can be no “federal supremacy.”

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Amendment 10.Nothing in the U.S. Constitution delegates any powers to any branch of the Federal government, to dictate medical procedures of any kind. Therefore, no such power exists.

The problem is, most Americans don’t know it and most lawyers, politicians, and news media personalities, don’t want you to know it either! Most Americans just stumble their way through life without paying much attention to anything important. This is the same herd that has stumbled their way right into these lethal vaccines, without following any science at all.

The bottom line here is this… Biden has no such authority; the courts have no such authority; and certainly, agencies like OSHA have no such authority. Employers also have no such authority and again, no one has the legal right to force or coerce inject anyone with anything against their will, no one!

First and foremost, no vaccine, injection, medical treatment, or procedure can be performed on any human being without the patients “informed consent.” Informed consent is not one thing, it’s two things…

The Patient’s Consent – is the act of an individual patient granting their specific permission for someone to administer a medical device, treatment, or procedure upon them, including but not limited to vaccines. Proof of a patient’s consent must be in writing. No one has any right to perform any medical act on another human being without their expressed consent, not even your doctor. If consent is not in writing, then no consent exists, and any medical act administered to that patient is without the patient’s consent. In cases where the patient is unable to provide their consent for any reason, then the health proxy for the patient must grant their written consent in advance of any medical procedure. A patient may withhold consent at any time for any reason, without abuse or retaliation of any kind.

The Informed Patient – in order for any patient to grant their consent for any medical device, treatment, or procedure, including but not limited to vaccines, the patient must be fully and properly informed. They must understand the medical device, treatment or procedure being recommended, the ingredients in the cocktail, any and all possible negative impacts to their health and well-being, and any known history of adverse effects from the device, or procedure to be administered. Without complete and proper information, the patient is not in a position to offer any consent.

So, if you have been vaccinated for COVID19 under fake mandates, without being fully and properly informed of all potential dangers known to exist related to these particular vaccines, or without signing a patient’s consent form providing proof of your “informed consent,” then your rights as a patient have already been violated under the law and The American Medical Association Patient Bill of Rights.

You need to choose who you can believe today.Is it me and the sources I have made available to you today…Or, the people destroying our country and killing thousands with their lethal injections, lying to you for two years now, and openly admitting that their overall agenda is “mass depopulation?”

Choose wisely my dear friends… and STOP THIS INSANITY!


  1. Italy just rereported their COVID19 death toll to under 4000, admitting to their public that 97% of the 130,000 previously reported COVID deaths did not die from COVID. The same is true in the USA and all countries who have not yet restated the actual COVID deaths.
  2. Federal Appeals Court issues a STOP to Joe Biden’s (OSHA) medical mandates citing “grave statutory and constitutional” concerns about the government’s mandate;”

Biden or OSHA can issue any policy they want. But no one has to follow it… We are NOT a dictatorship, yet! And everyone involved in this mass-infection effort, is liable…

AMA Patient Rights

Physicians can best contribute to a mutually respectful alliance with patients by serving as their patients’ advocates and by respecting patients’ rights. These include the right:

  1. To courtesy, respect, dignity, and timely, responsive attention to his or her needs.
  2. To receive information from their physicians and to have opportunity to discuss the benefits, risks, and costs of appropriate treatment alternatives, including the risks, benefits, and costs of forgoing treatment. Patients should be able to expect that their physicians will provide guidance about what they consider the optimal course of action for the patient based on the physician’s objective professional judgment.
  3. To ask questions about their health status or recommended treatment when they do not fully understand what has been described and to have their questions answered.
  4. To make decisions about the care the physician recommends and to have those decisions respected. A patient who has decision-making capacity may accept or refuse any recommended medical intervention.
  5. To have the physician and other staff respect the patient’s privacy and confidentiality.
  6. To obtain copies or summaries of their medical records.
  7. To obtain a second opinion.
  8. To be advised of any conflicts of interest their physician may have in respect to their care.
  9. To continuity of care. Patients should be able to expect that their physician will cooperate in coordinating medically indicated care with other health care professionals, and that the physician will not discontinue treating them when further treatment is medically indicated without giving them sufficient notice and reasonable assistance in making alternative arrangements for care.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Biden is Destroying all Labor Unions

By Lex Greene

November 5, 2021

The exporting of manufacturing to foreign (slave) labor countries by democrats nearly put all U.S. manufacturing and labor unions out of business years ago. The only thing that kept them alive until now is public sector (government employee) labor unions, as the U.S. federal government grew to become the single largest employer in the USA, again thanks to democrat politicians and their bankrupting of our nation.

The federal government employs more than nine-million workers today, more than four-times the number of the single largest private sector employer, Walmart, which is non-union. When private sector unions were nearly eliminated by foreign slave labor, public sector unions took their place, even though it’s unconstitutional to allow collective labor bargaining against taxpayers in “public servant” positions.

But now unions face their greatest challenge of all, as they find themselves caught in a crushing vice between dues paying members and their federally enslaved employer contracts over fake “medical mandates.”

It’s no secret that no one on earth has the right or legal authority to “force vaccinate anyone.” That’s why there is no such “mandate” from Obama’s puppet regime in D.C. (Biden/Harris) and there is no such law from the democrat controlled Congress either. These so-called “mandates” are mere policy announcements, a mass-media hoax, with no constitutional force of law behind them whatsoever.

However, because governmental bodies (public servants) have no such mandate authority, democrat politicians have placed a gun to the head of every private employer in the USA, “forcing” their medical tyranny on employees via their employers.

The problem for labor unions is this…

Labor unions represent their dues paying members, not the companies they negotiate contracts with, or the government that propped them up until now.

At this moment, no labor union in the country is representing their dues paying members. Instead, they are standing idle as their members are threatened, coerced, bribed, and forced into unlawful tyrannical medical “mandates” that only exist at the boards of these major corporations. There are no government mandates, just corporate policies.

As a skyrocketing number of union workers in every economic sector are forced out of their jobs for declining to take fatal jabs fraudulently labeled “vaccines,” the labor unions are doing nothing at all to protect their members. Instead, some are engaged in the vaccine fraud with the Obama regime in D.C., while others pretend to “negotiate” for their members, on a matter that is 100% “non-negotiable.”

It begs the question, who represents the workers? Why is anyone paying union dues to any go-along to get-along leftist union in bed with leftist democrats, as they destroy people’s lives and enslave an entire nation under fraudulent medical tyranny?

Since workers are left to fend for themselves, why do they need a labor union at all? What are the union dues for, if the union isn’t going to protect members from tyrannical bosses, or the government holding a gun to their heads?

This is happening in every labor union in the USA today, because they have all been beholden to democrat politicians for decades, rather than beholden to their members. As of today, none of the U.S. unions are stopping employers from threatening or firing employees for simply deciding what will and will not be injected into their bodies, under the fraudulent label of a “vaccine,” more accurately labeled “bioweapons for mass depopulation.”

The unions have been propping up the Democrat Party for decades, in return, the democrats have been propping up the unions, even while destroying all U.S. manufacturing. Today, the biggest unions in the country are government employee unions, including teachers, and service workers unions, such as restaurant workers, airline employees, and nurses.

Teachers are on the verge of being fired by parents, along with all school boards. All major corporations are being coerced by Biden to fire “unvaxxed” employees, just like the U.S. Military. Soon, there won’t be any union jobs or union employees and that means, no labor unions either.

If ever there was a time in history for labor unions to earn their dues, it’s right now, as millions of Americans are losing their jobs for simply refusing to allow anyone to inject them with anything, against their will.

Unions are going to live or die by what they do next… If they refuse or fail to protect their members, then there is no purpose in a union at all.

Unless ALL Americans stand together against this right now, there won’t even be a USA by Christmas!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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All Who Refuse to Stand Against Tyranny

By Lex Greene

Make no mistake, all who refuse to stand against tyranny, will be responsible for our fall into unbridled tyranny and sooner or later, war. Those who refuse to unite in viable peaceful solutions, will doom us all to violence.

When all else fails, and the talking ends because it bears no fruit, violence is all that is left. Democrat President John F. Kennedy said it this way – “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” When we arrive here, survival of the fittest will rule the day.

The reasons for your indifference and cowardice are entirely irrelevant. When all freedom, liberty and prosperity are lost, no excuse will be good enough for those who allowed it to happen. Everyone who refuses to stand up for freedom and liberty, while we can still do it peacefully, will be as guilty for the death of peace, freedom, liberty, and prosperity, as those who openly assault these things.

Millions of Americans are growing increasingly sick of the global socialist tyranny wrecking our country like a tidal wave of crime and corruption flooding our entire world.

But they don’t seem to accept any personal responsibility for allowing socialist indoctrination to exist for decades in our education system. They are upset that our younger generations believe Karl Marx is a hero, and our Founding Fathers are mere “white supremacists.” But they don’t accept responsibility for allowing generations to be taught this drivel in the schools they pay for and send their kids to.

We are supposed to be the land of the free, not the land of free stuff for some, paid for by others. We are supposed to be the home of the brave, not the land of cowardly sheep, going along, thinking we can get along with criminal Nazis. We are supposed to be a sovereign free nation, not the world’s socialist trash dump.

After allowing our government to lock us out of our lives for twenty-months, most Americans cannot afford to give up their paychecks to refuse government forced medical experiments. But folding like a cheap lawn chair isn’t the answer. Trying to save yourself while letting your fellow Americans be threatened, abused, and coerced, is unacceptable. In the end, if you don’t help save all of us, you won’t be able to save yourself.

To the “preppers,” what are you prepping for?

Are you really willing to let the United States of America burn to the ground, so long as you think you have properly prepped for the aftermath? Why is your focus only on saving yourself, instead of saving freedom and liberty for all? Do you really think you will be untouchable once our country has fallen? How many body bags do you think you can fill before you end up in one?

To the Article 5 Convention Scammers…

You already know that the U.S. Constitution can not be amended via a private pet project Convention of States, even though many of your followers do not know. You too, are misleading well-intended people into the abyss. Why haven’t you told your followers the truth? Two-thirds of the State legislatures can only “petition Congress” to open a convention for the purpose of proposing and voting on amendments, which must then pass a congressional vote, and then be sent to the States for three-fourths ratification, none of which will ever happen, nor should it.

Why aren’t you telling your followers that there is no way to control which amendments will be sent to the States for ratification, or who proposes what amendments at the convention? Have you told your followers that such an effort will take decades to accomplish, at the very best, or that it took 203 years to ratify the 27th Amendment from 1789-1992?

To those who think they can turn things around in 2022 and 2024

How did you miss the reality of the 2020 election fraud? You honestly think Joe Biden won legitimately, who couldn’t even win his own party nomination without buying off Sanders and Warren…or even worse, Harris, who dropped out of the race with only 1% support within her own party?

You know that we do not currently have legitimate elections in the USA. You saw it again in the stolen governor’s race in California and you are about to see it again in the Virginia and New York governor races. But somehow, you think you can bet the farm on future fraudulent elections?

Are you really making a stand?

By wasting precious time and resources on utter nonsense, trying to create a false impression that you are doing something that matters, just like most politicians today, are you really making a stand for freedom, liberty, and justice?

Or are you playing worthless politics, just like the politicians you complain about daily? According to your precious Charters of Freedom, who is in charge of the USA…Biden, congress, the courts, the states, Doctor Fauci, Bill Gates, or YOU?

In the famous words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran Pastor who was killed by the Nazis for resisting the regime, Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.”

When others have the courage and decency to make a real stand, we must make that stand with them. If we don’t, then we are no better than those they are making a stand against.

Make no mistake, all who refuse to stand against tyranny, will be responsible for our fall into unbridled tyranny and sooner or later, war. Those who refuse to unite in viable peaceful solutions, will doom us all to violence.

We stand together now, peacefully, or we will be forced to defend ourselves by any means available, while divided, hungry, broken, and fractured into small impotent groups, hiding in the woods until they find us and eliminate us.

The time to save our American Dream is RIGHT NOW! If not now, then it will be never, and every American is called to this duty.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Why There Has Never Been an Article 5 Convention

By Lex Greene

It’s a shame that so much time has to be wasted on eliminating outright lies, just to arrive at truth today. The mere fact that George Soros is also pushing for an Article 5 Convention, should be all that needs to be said on the subject! But it isn’t…

People tend to believe whatever they want to believe, and facts usually have nothing to do with it these days. Most people are non-confrontational, especially since we are several generations beyond a time when anyone had to fight or die for freedom and liberty. Most prefer to believe “everything will be okay” no matter how bad things get. Most will never fight for freedom and liberty, until they don’t think they have any choice in the matter.

Even then, most prefer to believe that someone else will do the fighting for them, and that they won’t have to risk their own lifestyle to protect and preserve freedom.

Since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, there has never been an Article 5 Convention of States, and for good reason. Instead, every existing amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been proposed and passed by Congress, without any States Convention.

Article 5 defines the two means by which the U.S. Constitution can be amended, neither of which is the ability of the States to amend the constitution at will, without going through the purposefully complex and time-consuming Amendment process. We MUST stop these lies, or we can never arrive at the truth! We must eliminate FAKE solutions, in order to focus on REAL solutions.

Reason #1 – We Have a Constitution and Bill of Rights now

The last Convention of States was held for the purpose of writing, proposing, and adopting the U.S. Constitution. That Constitutional Convention took place from May 25 to September 17, 1787, in the old Pennsylvania State House (now known as Independence Hall) in Philadelphia.

Once the U.S. Constitution was adopted, there was no longer a purpose for a Convention of States as all states were thereafter governed by the terms and conditions just adopted in the compact known as the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. All that was needed from this moment forward, was an enforcement of what is in those two founding documents, which we as a people, have failed to do.

Reason #2 – That’s NOT What Article 5 says

Contrary to the lies being spread by profiteering political operatives today, Article 5 does NOT provide a means by which the States can amend the U.S. Constitution via a Convention of States. What Article 5 says is this, verbatim…

  1. “The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution,” which is how every existing Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed by Congress and Ratified by the States.
  2. “or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states,” which has never happened since the 1787 Constitutional Convention.
  3. If and when two thirds of the fifty states file a petition (with Congress) to convene a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution, Congress “shall call a convention for proposing amendments,” at which time the States and Congress will be able to propose Amendments to the Constitution.
  4. Nothing in Article 5 prohibits anyone, Congress, or the States, from proposing Amendments to the Constitution.
  5. Proposed Amendments must then be voted on by Congress, and then passed to the fifty states for ratification by at least three fourths of the state legislatures.
  6. “as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress;”

So, under Article 5, there is no means by which the States can amend the U.S. Constitution without the direct involvement of Congress, nor can proposed amendments be limited to those proposed by the States only, and none of those proposed amendments can be presented for States Ratification until after being voted upon by Congress, in a convention convened by Congress, upon the application of two thirds of the State legislatures. In fact, Article 5 clearly makes Congress the “convening authority” over any effort to amend the U.S. Constitution.

Reason #3 – A Process that can take Decades to Accomplish

It’s never been done before, so we can only speculate about how difficult it might be and how long it could take to even attempt it, in addition to the reality that the States would lose control of the process the minute two thirds of the State legislatures petition Congress to convene.

The Convention of States movement was formed in Purcellville Virginia in 2013, eight years ago. It had been discussed by people like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin for several years before that. Both have personally made millions trying to sell this idea to people seeking a solution, who either had never read Article 5, or lack proper reading comprehension skills.

The States can indeed hold their own convention independent of Congress or anyone else, any time they so choose. But they cannot amend the U.S. Constitution independent of Congress or the Constitutional Amendment process, plainly described in Article 5 and explained above.

Anyone telling you any different, either doesn’t know, or doesn’t want you to know the truth concerning amending the U.S. Constitution. It has never been done and is likely to never be done, unless and until, the U.S. Constitution no longer exists at all.

Reason #4 – What’s the Point?

The only reason anyone is even discussing amending the Constitution today, is no one follows the Constitution today. No one adheres to the Bill of Rights either. The problem isn’t any lack of constitutional language. If anything, the Constitution has been amended too many times already.

Even if it could be done, which I am 100% certain that it cannot be done, amending the U.S. Constitution would be like trying to put fresh paint on a crumbling condemned building that will soon be nothing but a vacant lot.

People talking about “term limits” seem to be completely unaware of the fact that term limits for political offices already exist… a two year limit for the U.S. House of Representatives, a six year limit for the U.S. Senate and a four year limit for the Presidency, with a two term limit in that office.

People are simply looking for a silver bullet solution that doesn’t exist. There is no substitute for the American people, forever vigilant, well-informed, and always engaged in self-governance. The problem isn’t a lack of language (amendments), it’s a lack of enforcement, of, by and for the people.

We will NOT enforce any new amendments, anymore than we enforce the current text.

Reason #5–While you’re busy trying to do, What Can’t be Done

The reason politicos want us to focus on what can’t be done, is to prevent us from doing what can and must be done, enforcement of existing Constitutional protections of our Natural Rights, as endowed by our Creator.

To be certain, global Marxists functioning as unbridled Nazi’s today, have and will continue to use every means of division possible, because “a house divided against itself, cannot stand.”

But the most dangerous divisions in America today come from our own side of this battle for the preservation of freedom and liberty. People who we believe are on “our side” have divided “our side” by floating numerous alleged solutions that simply are not viable at all, such as the Convention of States.

Even the current hero of the political Right, Donald J. Trump, is currently leading his eighty million followers to certain slaughter by convincing them we can save a nation in a fraudulent election three years from now in 2024, when the nation is on course to be destroyed by Christmastime, 2021.

Despite mountains of real science indicating that the COVID “vaccines” (bioweapons) are far more lethal than any corona virus ever could be, Trump is still telling his fans to “take the jab.”

People do NOT “follow the science” and the Constitution. Instead, the vast majority of Americans are simply “following the herd,” all science and facts be damned. People just believe what they want to believe, and largely due to the fact that they want someone else to do something, rather than doing what only they have the power and authority to do themselves.

Reason #6 – Our Divisions will be our Demise

Most Americans have grown to be fed up with the laundry list of intentional divisions over race, creed, color, sexual orientation, competing ideologies, economic status, and social shaming, all created with purpose by the political left. They are beginning to throw off those shackles and realize that there is only ONE race, the human race, and only two types of people in America, those who love freedom and those who prefer free stuff.

The division that is keeping us from rising up together is coming from within our own ranks, at least, allegedly “people on our side.”

Three things must happen, before we lose everything…

  1. Americans must be properly informed in TRUTH
  2. All ideas that cannot work, must be eliminated from the discussion
  3. The people must stand and move together as one, or divided, everyone will lose everything

The facts presented here will NOT stop political charlatans from pandering the scam Convention of States for profit. But it must stop well-intended Citizens from falling for this very dangerous scam.

No one can save America but the American people themselves. They will never do it, so long as they are shackled to lies, false solutions and divided by competing pet agendas.

The Convention of States will never happen, nor should it ever happen. Until we remove all that cannot be done from the table, we cannot focus on what can and must be done, what only WE can do!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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There Are NO Blue States

By Lex Greene

Most Americans think we are headed into some form of “civil war” between BLUE and RED states, as the nation is divided, angry, and motivated to fight, more than at any point in our history. But the simple truth is, there are no BLUE states in the USA. There are only a handful of BLUE cities, all of them run and controlled by democratic socialists, and all of them on the verge of total collapse from gross mismanagement.

If we did have a “civil war” today, that war would be 84% (RED) counties in this country verses 16% (BLUE), at best. Including the most massive election fraud in the history of mankind, Biden still only won 477 counties in 2020, 396 counties LESS than Obama won (873) in 2008.

By comparison, Trump won 2,497 counties in 2020, or 84% of the country, by county. Biden allegedly had the support of only 16% of the country, but mysteriously, claims to have received 12-million more votes than Obama, and 6-million more votes than Trump, who received 11-million more votes for his re-election, than his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton.

The fact is…that Biden victory is mathematically impossible, and there are no BLUE states in the USA. There are only BLUE socialist cities, and only a handful of them even matter, the worst cities in our country, by any method of measure. Do they really think BLUE city folks are going to move out into this RED country and take it over?


Washington D.C. (democrat controlled)
New York City (democrat controlled)
Chicago (democrat controlled)
Baltimore (democrat controlled)
Philadelphia (democrat controlled)
Los Angeles (democrat controlled)
San Francisco (democrat controlled)
Portland (democrat controlled)
Seattle (democrat controlled)
Boston (democrat controlled)

There are others, all of them a disaster zone and all of them “democrat controlled.”

Of course, these are also some of the most densely populated cities in our country. What we are experiencing as a nation is what a friend at labeled “urban nullification,”wherein the views and interests of 84% of America is being controlled by the 16% major urban city populations, due to densely populated areas of the country, all of which have severe problems.

10 MOST DANGEROUS CITIES 2021 (per capita)

  1. Louis, Missouri
  2. Detroit, Michigan
  3. Baltimore, Maryland
  4. Memphis, Tennessee
  5. Little Rock, Arkansas
  6. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  7. Rockford, Illinois
  8. Cleveland, Ohio
  9. Stockton, California
  10. Albuquerque, New Mexico

Again, these are all heavily democratic socialist cities and most, if not all, have the toughest anti-gun laws in the nation. Still, these cities largely occupied by America-hating Marxists are being entirely destroyed by gross mismanagement under democrat politicians. The safest place to commit a violent crime of any kind, is a “gun-free zone.”

This 2020 County Election Map proves the point…

The BLUE specs on this otherwise all RED national map are the problem areas of our country. This is where most of the anti-American democratic-socialists live and vote, millions of them, illegally. These are the left-wing extremist zones that are responsible for driving our entire country into total ruin. These are the urban areas currently cancelling (nullifying) 84% of the nation.

Thanks to nine months of Obama’s puppet regime and their mismanagement on the national level, Biden and Harris have done more to convert Citizens into diehard Trump fans than another four years of Trump ever could have. More importantly, Biden and Harris are converting young public classroom educated socialists into future conservatives, thanks to their heavy-handed tyrannical insanity.

A “civil war” wouldn’t be much of a war, especially since all that RED territory is littered with Bible-reading gun-toting hunters and veterans, just about fed up with the tyrannical nature of those “tolerant liberals” busy trying to “cancel” everyone who isn’t just like them.

A second civil war? No…

But a collective uprising of all pro-American Citizens tired of being dictated to by mental midgets and public servants? YES! These BLUE cities are responsible for 90% of the election fraud in our country. Do we need a war to stop them from stealing elections in the future? Or do we just need to disqualify their districts due to their massive voting irregularities and election law violations?

Do we need to go to war to prove that no one has any right or authority to jab anyone with anything against their will? Or do we simply need to stand up together in mass and say “NO, not here!”

A war between the states? Why would we? There isn’t a single BLUE state anywhere in the country. They are all RED, except a handful of problem cities. How long could it take for RED BLOODED AMERICA to isolate these BLUE cities and let them collapse from the weight of their own decisions? Maybe that’s where we need walls…

If those BLUE specs on the map think they can cancel the rest of us, I issue this caution… Think hard, real hard, before you take that step. 84% of this country will not play with you. We’ve had it with Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and all of you responsible for them. Chatter all you want but watch your step… FREEDOM is no game!

The conservative Right may hope and pray for peace, but the insane Left has declared war on 84% of America, like it or not. Personally, I like our odds… Evil makes war against Good, no matter how good people feel about it. Evil can only prevail, where good people do nothing to stop it!

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.”These are famous words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran Pastor who was killed by the Nazis for resisting the regime.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

NO ONE is “Forcing” YOU to Do Anything!

By Lex Greene

If you have put on a mask in the past 20-months, you did so voluntarily. If you put yourself under solitary home arrest, you did so voluntarily. If you social distanced for the past 20 months, or have taken one of the “unapproved” experimental fatal mRNA injections, closed your business, or given up your career in the past 20 months, you did that voluntarily too…

NO one has “forced” you to do anything. No one even has the legal right or authority to “force” you to do any of this, or much of anything else, certainly not any “public servant of the people” paid by YOU! Allowing any of these servants to order YOU around is like letting the house maid order the homeowner around. It’s just plain stupid!

If you think otherwise, it’s because you don’t know what it means to live in a FREE Constitutional Representative Republic, wherein ALL political power is inherent in us, THE PEOPLE, not any public servant! You must have overlooked the constitutional guarantee of a “republican form of government” in the Constitution.

Unlike any other nation on earth, The United States of America is controlled by the people, not their public servants!What happens in the USA is entirely up to us, not them.

Yes, I know your public education classroom taught you that you live in a “democracy.” They taught you a lot of other garbage that isn’t true, either. If you went to college, you likely know even less. To understand the FACTS on this matter, CLICK HERE.

In brief… Key Takeaways: Republic vs. Democracy

  • Republics and democracies both provide a political system in which citizens are represented by elected officials who are sworn to protect their interests.
  • In a pure democracy, laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected.
  • In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen by the people and must comply with a constitution that specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority.

In our case in the USA, three documents are the SUPREME LAW OF THIS LAND, known as The Charters of Freedom, including the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, all of which are being grossly violated all day every day under Obama’s puppet regime in Washington DC.

Contrary to what the Nazi news media has been telling us for 20 months, Biden is not the supreme dictator of the USA. His tyrannical sounding wish list (EO’s) have no force of law whatsoever, beyond employees of the Executive Branch.Even then, his unlawful, or unconstitutional dictates have no force of law over that group of citizens either.

However, in any dumbed-down society of moral and mental misfits, people are easily conned, coerced, threatened, frightened, and, or bribed into “voluntary compliance” with even the most egregious of governmental abuses of power.

How cheap will the average American sell their soul, their lives and freedom, and that of their children? Well, the average USA income today is $36,000 per year, down over 25% from 2019, due to ongoing governmental destruction of our economy. Anyone who has been “forced” (coerced) to take a fatal injection to keep their job, sold out themselves, their kids, freedom, liberty, and life itself, for an average of $700 per week…gross!

The UNVAXXED are the REAL (intelligent) Americans. They couldn’t be conned, coerced, threatened, or even bribed into compliance with Biden’s unlawful orders…and while we’re at it…

The Supreme Court, lower courts, State courts, State public servants, OSHA, The Health Department, your employer…none of them have any lawful right to inject you with anything against your will, make you wear a mask, or lose your income, over any so-called “medical mandate.”

Now, only three things have allowed this destruction of our country and its Citizens to continue for 20 months… GROSS IGNORANCECOWARDICE – and a fatal LACK OF UNITY among more than 330-million American people, all races, creeds, and colors.

It was Thomas Jefferson who famously wrote that “if a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was, and never will be.”

The ONLY way Obama’s puppet regime continues its open assault on ALL Americans, young and old, is if 330-million Americans remain ignorant, cowardly, and divided.

The very minute that we ALL stand up together, this thing is OVER! There isn’t a power anywhere on earth that can force 330-million Americans to do anything at all. God is on our side of this fight, the Creator and grantor of Free Will. That which God has given, no man has the authority to take!

[Eitor’s Note: A couple of weeks ago SouthWest Airline cancelled most of their weekend flights. The company required all of their pilots and support staff to be vaccinated. They refused, stood together and called in sick, resulting SouthWest to cancelled most of their flights. The company backed down, drop the vaccine mandate for now, and the pilots won. The lesson here? “United we Stand, Divided we Fall”]



It’s just that simple!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Since it’s ALL about the Money and Power

By Lex Greene

By now, most Americans should have figured out that everything going on in our country, and indeed the world today, is strictly about global control of all Money and Power, not public health, peace, or freedom.

Two can play that game!

You don’t have to watch what’s going on in Australia today for long, to see just how far global Marxists are willing to go to achieve their goal of stealing the world’s wealth and freedom from every living soul. You also don’t need to see too many examples of citizens rising up all over the globe, and on U.S. college campuses against their socialist governments, to know that Americans are far from alone in this battle.

The simple fact is, people have figured out that Joe Biden and the rest of Obama’s puppet regime in D.C., have zero respect or regard for any Citizens, here or abroad. Their unquenchable thirst for total wealth and power over all people has driven them to every extreme measures to accomplish the evil goals of only a few. Beginning with the unbridled fraud in the 2020 election and continuing daily with ever increasing tyrannical dictates uttered by an expendable mindless fool, placed in power due to his total incompetence, the beat goes on as our nation and world is being forced into total collapse.

But…it’s all about nothing more than money and power. That’s what drives these pathetic psychopaths to do the evil they are doing. With help from the world’s most dangerous billionaires and mad scientists, they prefer a world free from any and all opposition, even if they have to drive humanity to the brink of extinction.

That’s the bad news…

The good news is…all we have to do to defeat them is steal their money and power. We have to take from them, everything they are determined to take from us. We need to break their backs, before they break ours.

Of course, alone, none of us has the resources to accomplish that. This means that we have no choice but to work together, united as one people, one voice, one nation, under one God, for Liberty, and Justice for all…especially the criminals currently in power.

As Thomas Paine once said…

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable–and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace– but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!” Thomas Paine 1775…

Without these all-inspired and ordained words, our Founders may never have united in the confrontation with Britain that gave birth to the freest most prosperous nation ever known to mankind. Without a critical mass rising up together to declare our freedom as an independent nation, no American would have ever tasted freedom and liberty.

We are there again, these too, are the times that try men’s souls.

“Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.”

“Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.”

United, we WILL prevail once again!

Those who cannot resist the demonic urge to seize dominion over all people, must be stripped of any and all power. They must be ruined, destroyed, so that no such evil will dare raise its ugly head again in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

We can no longer act as though we have any choice in this matter, for inaction, divisions among the people, silence, indifference, and cowardice, will doom us all, for all posterity.

We MUST Take Their Money

…this is from which they draw all of their evil power.

  • If you work for the government, resign, and join your fellow Americans for freedom’s sake. But do it together!
  • If you are in the Military or Law Enforcement, lay down your weapons, strip off your uniform, and join the people you are sworn to protect, in defense of the Constitution you are sworn to uphold and defend. But do it together!
  • If you work for a major corporation involved in forced medical mandates, clock out and go home, never to return until all such unlawful mandates end. But do it together!
  • If you need a job, seek one with small independent businesses who desperately need your talents, and will not comply with any unlawful orders against you. Do it together!
  • When you shop, do not shop anywhere unlawful mandates are being forced upon employees or customers. Force their doors to close! Do it together!
  • When you seek a restaurant, seek one that serves all Americans, and does not discriminate against those who stand forever opposed to socialism and unlawful medical mandates. Do it together!
  • Until Airlines stop their unlawful mandates, don’t fly anywhere for any reason. Do it together!
  • Until your local, state, and federal “public servants” serve you, stop supporting them and stand in their faces (as Obama once said), until they have no choice but to serve you. Do it together!
  • Until we return to free, fair, legitimate elections, opt out of the election scam altogether. It no longer matters which criminal from which party wins by fraud. Do it together!
  • Never accept force, coercion, bribery, intimidation, or threats as a means of stripping you of your individual God-given and Constitutionally protected Rights! Do it together!
  • Use these principles daily, everywhere in your life and DO IT TOGETHER!

Yes, these things are inconvenient, but they are not deadly. To strip tyrants of their power, we must strip them of their money! Divided, we cannot… but UNITED, WE CAN!

They are NOT in control of what happens next, WE ARE!

They have only appeared to be in control, while Americans were divided by them, silenced by them, demoralized by them, frightened by them, and nearly cancelled by them.

We the People run this country, or nobody can! All political power is derived from us. We don’t work for, or take orders from, any “public servant.” We the People issue the orders!

“There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!”

Clueless Biden thinks he is in total control and totally untouchable… Britain once thought that too!

Since everything is all about the money, that’s where we have to hit them, in their wallets. For this, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we must mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Don’t spend a penny you don’t have to spend. Now is not the time for frivolous notions. We cannot raise or eliminate our individual debt limits; the way Democrat Marxists and cowardly Republicans have forced us all into national bankruptcy with frivolous debt spending for many years now.

This is our line in the sand… this is when it all ends! This is now in YOUR hands. It’s up to YOU whether or not you are part of the problem, or part of the solution. This is your only peaceful solution now… DO IT! …Or even God himself, will not save us from ourselves! YOU are the solution, or there isn’t one!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What we NOW Know About COVID-19

By Lex Greene

Twenty-months into the most bizarre so-called “pandemic” in the history of the world, “expert“ opinions and advice remain as scattered and useless as a teleprompter president who can’t even do that right.

Those of us who turned off broken-record Biden and his complicit media, and did a little real research ourselves, now know a few things about this insanity that we didn’t know twenty-months ago.

  1. According to the government and their fake news machine (news and social media), the USA has seen 45,204,373 (13.6% of our population) COVID cases since January 2020. But we now know that the PCR test used was highly inaccurate, with more than 80% of “cases” being “false positive tests,” stopping the use of that test. The real number of USA COVID cases is less than 9,040,874, or 2.7% of the USA population.
  2. Contrary to the fake news numbers still being used by the Biden administration and his fake news machine, stating 733,575 (0.22% of the population) COVID19 deaths as of this writing, we know that 96% of these deaths were NOT from COVID19. Instead, the real “death by COVID19” number is approximately 29,343 – only 0.0088% of the U.S. population.
  3. After more than nine-months of COVID19 vaccines (bioweapons), we now know that everyone who was well before taking one of the vaccines (bioweapons), but died within minutes, hours, or days of receiving the jab, died from the jab! We don’t know how many, because the Biden administration is hiding the real numbers, as is the Biden fake news machine. But the number is well into the tens of thousands, at best.
  4. We know that the “Delta variant” only exists in “vaxxed” people, as a direct result of the vaccines (bioweapons).
  5. We know that the common cold and flu didn’t just vanish in 2020 and 2021, we simply changed the medical ID to “COVID19.”
  6. We know that people who clearly died of heart disease, cancer, old age, an auto accident, or suicide, didn’t die from COVID19, even though that’s what was on the toe tag when the body reached the funeral home.
  7. We know that COVID19 is a direct result of bioweapons work in a Wuhan lab, paid for with American tax dollars through “gain of function” bioweapon’s research, under the direction of none other than Dr. Fauci. (Gain of function research (GoFR) is a term used to describe any field of medical research that alters an organism or disease in a way that increases pathogenesis, transmissibility.)
  8. We know that more Americans have died “post vaccine” than those who may have died of COVID19 “unvaxxed.”
  9. We know that no one has any legal right or authority to force vaccinate anyone against their will, not even your doctor, and that no one has the right to deny anyone a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness under any unconstitutional government mandate.
  10. And…we know that no one can grant their “informed consent” unless and until they are fully and properly informed. Censored one-sided information is NOT how you fully inform anyone.

Most importantly, we now know that the tyrannical Biden (Obama) administration will do anything it has to do to totally destroy our beloved country, which is why Biden’s approval rating has plummeted to 38%, indicating that only 38% of Americans remain totally clueless or corrupted.

To force their GREEN DEAL, they will drive gasoline prices to $10 a gallon if they need to. To force total control over the population, they will con, coerce, bribe, threaten or financially ruin every citizen into compliance with their vaccines (bioweapons) and democratic socialist one world order norm.

We know that approximately 70% of Americans, doctors, nurses, teachers, professors, media personalities and politicians will “go along to get along” with anything Biden (Obama) orders from his ivory tower, and that even most law enforcement, military and national security personnel will do the same.

Last, we now know that the average American isn’t very American anymore. No real American would have ever allowed the utter destruction of 100% of our country over the past twenty-months over 0.0088% of our population, much less elect a criminal mental midget like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris to even run a summer lemonade stand.

Yes, we now know a lot more than we knew twenty-months ago, still, most Americans are not reacting to reality they way they should, or the way we would have fifty-years ago.

The world is reacting, taking to the streets for weeks on end, fighting back against the tyranny in countries that have been under socialist control for so long that the population isn’t even armed anymore.

Meanwhile, Americans seem content to be paid to not work, receive deadly vaccines (bioweapons), not only in themselves, but in their children and grandchildren as well. They don’t seem willing to do anything more than show up for a Trump rally, hoping against hope that they can “take America back” in 2024, despite knowing that we no longer even have real elections in the USA.

Every person who drank poison from Jim Jones was looking for a savior too. Indeed, despite everything we know now, Americans are still being walked into the ovens, much like the people of pre-World War Germany.

What we now know about COVID19 tells us everything we need to know about the average American. We are a fat, dumb and happy go-along-to-get-along society, willing to leap out of the plane without a parachute, just because Simon says so…thrilled about the wonderful ride, without any focus on what the landing is going to be like.

Americans are dying, but not from COVID19. They are dying at the hands of the mad scientists, corrupt politicians and go-along-to-get-along “experts” who will kill you by mandate, before giving up their Mercedes and private country club membership.

These things we know… but what we don’t know, is when will Americans fight back? When will Americans act like Americans, and put an end to the insane destruction of all things American?

I wish I knew…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Under Democrats, Parents Are Now The NEW “Domestic Terrorists”

By Lex Greene

Following some lively public meetings between Public School Boards and area parents, the National School Boards Association issued a letter to President Biden under the heading, “Federal Assistance to Stop Threats and Acts of Violence Against Public Schoolchildren, Public School Board Members, and Other Public School District Officials and Educators.”

FACT: This has nothing to do with any “threats towards children.” This is all about school officials intimidated by parents, who have recently taken a new interest in what the hell is going on in these schools. Nothing more…

As the Biden Administration turns the screws on the American people in a rising tide of unconstitutional “mandates,” directly impacting every student stuck in the public education system across the country, parents finally got engaged in what’s been going on in their children’s classrooms for far too long. When they stopped long enough to see how their kids were being treated and what they were being taught, they were overwhelmed with righteous indignation.

Not only has the Biden Administration targeted the children with his unlawful deadly COVID mandates, but parents also learned that their children were being taught disgusting sexual perversions and Nazi-style socialism in classrooms, from grade school through high school, preparing students for the “new Marxist norm” taught on every college campus today.

Outraged by what they saw once they started looking, parents showed up at their local school board public meetings for the first time in decades, to confront the people responsible for destroying the minds of their children via far left indoctrination, all of it approved and implemented by their local school boards.

The appropriate action to take under these circumstances is, parents should attend those meetings and make sure that they have a say in what is going on in the schools they pay for with their taxes. When “the powers that be” aren’t listening, the voices will get louder, and when getting louder doesn’t work, then whatever it takes to make them listen becomes highly likely.

Clearly, all “public servants” seem to have forgotten who works for who, and who pays their paychecks. It’s not only Joe (dementia) Biden who thinks that We the People take orders from him… this politician’s amnesia has trickled all the way down from the federal government to the local public peons. Clearly, every public servant is full of themselves and drunk on their own imaginary power these days.

The letter to Joe Biden opens with, “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat. The National School Boards Association (NSBA) respectfully asks for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation.”

“NSBA believes immediate assistance is required to protect our students, school board members, and educators who are susceptible to acts of violence affecting interstate commerce because of threats to their districts, families, and personal safety.”

Today’s “educators” don’t seem to appreciate the Right of Free Speech, or to peaceably assemble, or certainly the Right of the people to redress their grievances with their “public servants,” paid by these same citizens. It appears that once they are elected or appointed to “public servant” positions, they think they are free to reign on high as they see fit and no one should have the Right to ask any questions or call for changes of the policies they establish for others.

“On behalf of our state associations and the more than 90,000 school board members who govern our country’s 14,000 local public school districts educating more than 50 million schoolchildren, NSBA appreciates your leadership to end the proliferation of COVID-19 in our communities and our school districts. We also appreciate recent discussions with White House and U.S. Department of Education staff on many critical issues facing public schools, including threats school officials are receiving.”

Obviously, the NSBA is a far LEFT group that has swallowed Biden’s lies hook, line, and sinker, willing to become Nazi brownshirts for Obama’s New Norm, and now they think they need the full weight and power of federal national security to protect themselves from the parental righteous indignation, they have well earned. Did they just say they needed this to protect “the children” from their “parents?”

If anyone in “education” gave a crap about the kids, they wouldn’t be working for Biden to force those kids into disgusting masks and fatal vaccines in the first place. They wouldn’t be approving child pornography in their classrooms or helping the LEFT to continue dividing people based solely on race. This isn’t about the kids at all…this is about Nazi’s needing brownshirts to protect them from the people they are directly accountable to…PARENTS!

But that’s not all…

“NSBA specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center3regarding the level of risk to public schoolchildren,educators, board members, and facilities/campuses.”

“NSBA requests a joint expedited review by the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Homeland Security, along with the appropriate training, coordination, investigations, and enforcement mechanisms from the FBI, including any technical assistance necessary from, and state and local coordination with, its National Security Branch and Counterterrorism Division, as well as any other federal agency with relevant jurisdictional authority and oversight.

In other words, they want the federal government to use the Patriot Act (designed for foreign terrorists on U.S. soil, as-in 9/11/01), to silence parents. They are asking Joe Biden to treat school parents like foreign Jihadists on American soil, to stop parents from confronting “public servants” for the evil they are instituting in public classrooms.

In their own words…

“Additionally, NSBA requests that such review examine appropriate enforceable actions against these crimes and acts of violence under the Gun-Free School Zones Act, the PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, the Violent Interference with Federally Protected Rights statute, the Conspiracy Against Rights statute, an Executive Order to enforce all applicable federal laws for the Preclusion of Further Threats and Violence Against Students and Educators.”

Why not just call in the Marines and have them open fire on every parent upset by the total anti-American evil forced upon our children in these Marxist indoctrination centers we call schools? Why stop at just labeling all of the parents “domestic terrorists” and calling on Joe Biden to use his tyrannical imaginary powers to throw every pissed off parent in Club Gitmo under the Patriot Act?

Under this criminal administration, it’s looking more and more like the Patriot Act is designed to silence or eliminate all Patriots.

But it’s no shock that local “public servants” are ill-equipped to deal with adults, the parents who pay their salaries. Frankly, most if not all school board members should be canned and replaced with pro-American, pro-Education and anti-indoctrination board members.

We don’t need “public servants” raising any more Marxist BLM and ANTIFA members. It’s time for all parents to retake control of their children’s education, no matter the cost.

Children are not only the future of this country, they are also the future of freedom and liberty itself. We have seen how these leftist school boards raise our kids… it’s time to end it!

THIS LETTER IS SHAMEFUL! Shut it all down and rebuild it the way all real Americans want it! All Marxists can seek employment in their favorite Marxist country. Enough is more than enough!

Biden DOJ Nazi’s Respond to the Request

President Joe Biden once again broke his campaign commitment to keep the Department of Justice (DOJ) non-political, critics say, calling Attorney General Merrick Garland’s latest directive to the FBI to investigate “threats of violence” at school board meetings a clear move to “politicize the DOJ.”

DOJ launching effort to combat threats of violence against school officials…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Truth About Mass Extinction Vaccines

by Lex Greene

Don’t ask me why because I don’t know…yet. But the graphs presented in this piece were captured directly from the CDC-VAERS site, updated as of September 17, 2021, as so indicated.

In this first VAERS image, notice that the report numbers the total COVID19 vaccine adverse events reported at 726,963 Americans, as of 9/17/21. It’s no secret that as much as 99% of all adverse events go unreported, or that these reports are highly incomplete of the real total number of adverse events caused by the so-called vaccines, just since January 1, 2021. (The real number of vaccine adverse events could number between 7-million and 70-million.)

In this next graph presented by the CDC and VAERS, you can see that for 30-years since the creation of the VAERS reporting system, the reporting of adverse vaccine DEATH reports remained very low and constant throughout.

However, beginning in December 2020 with the first COVID19 vaccines hitting the open market, and escalating every day since, the adverse event DEATH reports have skyrocketed to levels never before seen in 30-years of vaccine adverse event reporting.

This graph proves beyond any doubt whatsoever, that these vaccines are extraordinarily dangerous and even fatal, unlike any vaccine used in history. It also proves beyond any doubt, that all of the so-called “experts” forcing the vaccines on humanity, are well aware of these indisputable facts. Yet, they all continue to lie about it through the government censored media and social media, ratcheting up the pressure on every man, woman, and child, to shut up and “take the shot!” It’s mere mass propaganda.

It further proves that the American news media either doesn’t engage in investigative journalism anymore, or that they too, are intentionally lying to the public as they continue to conceal vital information regarding these vaccines (mRNA bioweapons) causing illness, permanent damage and even death to countless American citizens.

Last, the next CDC graph demonstrates that people are dying from these vaccines at an alarming rate, and that a high percentage die within the first 7-days of receiving these vaccines, by all manufacturers. This explains why the CDC has issued the directive to not count anyone as “vaccinated” until two weeks after receiving the inoculation. Most who have died from the vaccination, died within the first few days after receiving the shot.

But you can also see that people continued dying after the first few days, although in smaller numbers so far, based on the data currently posted by the CDC and VAERS.

Medical professionals have been directed to not count anyone as “vaccinated” until 14-days after their vaccination, seemingly because most who have died from taking one of these vaccines, died within that 14-day period. Therefore, they are not being marked as “vaccine related deaths” even though thousands have died within minutes, hours, or days of taking one of the inoculations.

If you think that any of the vaccines in current use have been “approved by the FDA,” you’re wrong. They have only been approved for “emergency use.” Obviously, anyone who is not sick, not showing any symptoms of being sick, is not experiencing a “medical emergency.” No “boosters” have been FDA approved either, but they are all in use today.

A few days ago, I wrote about an independent Vaccine Death Report. Ahead of that, I issued a report on an exported copy of actual VAERS event reports and posted them for everyone to see. That report was pulled for all types of adverse post-vaccine events. But when you start reading these reports, you will note that even most that were not originally filed as “death reports,” later died.

In fact, before resigning their posts as heads of the vaccine review and approval board at the FDA, the two top officials of that department refused to approve the vaccines or any booster, again.

As the old saying goes, if there’s nothing to hide, why is everyone working so hard to hide it all?

Many “front-line” doctors and nurses are being relieved of their positions for refusing to take these vaccines. Hundreds of “expert” doctors all over the world are working hard to stop the fatal use of these vaccines, and they too, are coming under extreme attacks for speaking the truth in an effort to save innocent citizens.

Meanwhile, even the “pro-vax” experts are insisting that their own vaccines do not protect anyone from infection, illness, or death, calling upon their patients to still wear a mask and avoid the “unvaxxed,” even though they have allegedly been inoculated against COVID19. Now they are telling the vaxxed that they will need to keep taking more vaccines, maybe for life, of the same type and form that are currently not saving any lives, while indeed, costing other lives.

Even Hollywood could never dream up a horror story to rival this disaster that has been thrust upon global citizens for the past 20-months. It’s nothing short of gross inhumanity.

Then we can talk about the illnesses caused by breathing our own toxins under a mask, the mental and social damage done by preventing normal human contact, and the economic doom impending as a result of the ongoing interruption in all global economic activity. Meanwhile, U.S. Democrats are rushing to force through more than $3.5 Trillion in more vote-buying spending, leading the USA to more than $35-trillion in unsustainable debt.

In speaking with numerous medical professionals over the past 20-months, the common message has been unmistakable. COVID19 is the biggest tyrannical medical scam ever perpetrated on mankind, throughout world history.

Why do we have to rely on secondary news sources to get the truth presented in this video interview by Dr. Carrie Madej HERE? Or, any other truth?

Can you explain why the USA is ranked #1 in COVID Deaths in the world, with an alleged 2,127 deaths per million from COVID, while China, where the Wuhan Flu was first released from a Wuhan bioweapons facility, is rated #111 in the world, with only 3 COVID deaths per million population?

Can you explain why Israel, the most vaxxed country on earth, is ranked #30, with a reported 824 deaths per million, after vaccinating almost the entire country? Can you explain why the most vulnerable in society, the aging with comorbidities, were placed at the top priority for deadly vaccines, killing thousands in nursing homes?

Can you explain why we allegedly have a 300% increase in COVID cases and related deaths in 2021 over 2020, in a 70% vaccinated America today? Or why other countries like the UK, are reporting that 2/3 of their new COVID cases are fully “vaccinated?”

Are the unvaxxed really a threat to the vaxxed? Or are the vaxxed the real threat now, the Delta variant“super-spreaders?”

Can you explain why over 70% of the U.S. medical community is going along with this insanity? I can…

  1. 55% of all hospital revenue comes from Medicare and Medicaid, aka the Federal Government. Through these agencies, the Federal Government controls which medical treatments are “approved” for use by the medical community. The Federal government simply will not pay for any treatment that is not approved for use by the Federal government.
  2. Only 45% of all hospital revenue comes from private insurance. But the hospitals are held to government approved treatments (under Medicare and Medicaid) even when it’s being covered by private insurance. If the hospital breaks rank with federal mandates, they could lose all Medicare and Medicaid funding, (55% of the revenue), even if the breach is for a patient covered by private insurance.YOUR DOCTOR IS NOT IN CONTROL OF YOUR MEDICAL CARE! The Federal Government is…
  3. After years and thousands spent to become a medical professional, most simply do not want to lose their job, their income, and their license to practice, by issuing treatments that have been prohibited by the federal government via the CDC, Medicare, and Medicaid, such as prescribing Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

When we actually stop following the government experts and instead, “follow the real science,” there is only one way to make sense of any of this…

Nothing we have done over the past 20-months has “followed the science” on how to properly treat any coronavirus event. In fact, what has been done is 100% in direct opposition to how the medical community has dealt with past coronavirus events for decades. The public has even been denied the very treatments known to quickly and quietly cure SARS1 (2002-2004), Hydroxychloroquine.

Instead, Dr. Fauci rushed approval in 2020 for the use of his drug Remdesivir, now being blamed for the deaths of numerous other COVID patients.

All scientific evidence points in one direction… that there is a mass extinction event underway. Deeper research indicates that COVID19 was not the first of these events, and it won’t be the last either. We expect to see more “new viruses” emerging from the same folks who brought us SARS1 and SARS2, COVID19, the Delta variant and now these fatal vaccines.

The real science is quite clear! Masks don’t work and neither do the so-called vaccines…in fact, the vaccines are killing, and so are the masks.

God help us all if I’m right!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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E Pluribus Unum2021 – Out of Many, ONE!

By Lex Greene

E pluribus unum – Latin for “Out of many, one” – is a traditional motto of the United States.Its inclusion on the Great Seal of the United States was approved by an Act of Congress in 1782, six years after the signing of our Declaration of Independence, and five years before the adoption of our Constitution on September 17, 1787.

It’s a good thing they didn’t wait for someone else to “do something,” or give up along the way!

Also appearing on the Great Seal isAnnuit cœptis, “favors [our] undertakings,”and Novus ordo seclorum, “New order of the ages.” Later, the United States Congress passed an act, adopting “In God We Trust” as the official motto in 1956.

  • E pluribus unum – Latin for “Out of many, one”
  • Annuit cœptis, “favors [our] undertakings”
  • Novus ordo seclorum, “New order of the ages”
  • “In God We Trust” – in man, we do not!

From day one following our Founders 1776 Declaration as a free, independent sovereign people empowered to control our own destiny via a Constitutional Representative Republic formed by the U.S. Constitution, We the People are the “supreme power” in the United States. All public officials are mere public servants of the people. All governmental powers are derived from the people.

Contrary to modern confusion over what our Charters of Freedom actually say and mean, too many Americans believe that the U.S. Constitution defines our Rights, along with the Bill of Rights. The opposite is true…

The U.S. Constitution narrowly defines the limited power, authority and duties of the Federal government formed by the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. The Bill of Rights is an additional enumeration of specific restrictions placed upon Federal authority, designed to prevent the Federal government from doing most of what it is doing today.

Constitutional Representative Republic

  • Republics and democracies both provide a political system in which citizens are represented by elected officials who are sworn to protect their interests.
  • In a pure democracy (socialism), laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected. (This is also true with elections if we lose our Electoral College)
  • In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen by the people and must comply with a constitution that specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. (The Electoral College also exists to prevent a majority from enslaving a minority of citizens)

Anything the government does that is repugnant to the Constitution or Bill of Rights, is without any force of law. Anything our government does must represent the “will of the majority” without “infringing upon the Rights of any minority group.” Our republican form of self-governance guaranteed every state and Citizen in Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, must be both constitutional, and representative of the primary interest of all Citizens. Anything less, is a failed government.

In truth, the United States federal government has been acting well beyond its constitutional authority for more than one-hundred years now. People often say, “we will never allow America to become a socialist country.” Meanwhile, over 50%of the federal budget is wasted in “social spending” beyond the authority of the government. Any country that robs from some of its citizens to provide “social benefits” to others, is engaged in “socialism” and if that country spends a majority of resources on such things, then that country is already a “socialist country.”

That is the very definition of socialism, according to Karl Marx, “From each according to his ability; to each according to his need.”

After decades of Marxist indoctrination in American education, even taught from many church pulpits, we now have a few generations who no longer believe in freedom and liberty. Instead, they believe in Marxist “social engineering” — “From each according to his ability; to each according to his need.”

It’s unconstitutional!

It’s also an economic system that has failed 100% of the times it’s been tried, all over the world. These are all well-documented facts. However, Americans no longer function on facts. We function on feelings today. If the facts don’t make us feel good, then we choose a different set of facts to believe in…even when those facts are blatant lies.

This is why “In God We Trust” was added as a national motto in 1956. History had already well shown that men (human nature) were in no way trustworthy. This is why our Founders based everything they created on “The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”

Our Rights are NOT “constitutional Rights” issued by men. Our Rights are inalienable Natural Rights, gifted by God, or as our Founders said it, “endowed by our Creator,” and beyond any authority of men. This is not a religious statement at all. This is a statement securing all freedom and liberty from an authority that reigns above all mere men.

This was the Novus ordo seclorum, “New order of the ages”that also appears on our Great Seal, because these precepts Annuit cœptis, “favors [our] undertakings.”

Unfortunately, the Great Melting Pot (USA) of people seeking freedom and liberty from all corners of the earth, stopped melting some years ago. Instead of One Nation under God, E pluribus unum – Latin for “Out of many, one,” we are now a nation more divided than ever.

In pursuit of their own unbridled power, our government has turned citizens against each other, on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, education level, economic standing, individual medical choices, political leanings, you name it…if it can be used to divide us, it IS being used to divide us.

The political class elites understand this, even if the average Americans no longer do… “if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

There is only one solution to this primary fatal flaw in modern American society…

“Out of many, one” – E pluribus unum! We are one team, sane Americans, the 99% that is us, verses the 1% that is them, insane ruling class elites! We simply need to realize it and act accordingly!

We can no longer allow ourselves to be divided against one another by our rulers. From the many, there must arise one voice…a voice for freedom, liberty, honesty, decency, real justice, peace, and tranquility for all.

Americans currently live under an increasingly brutal and tyrannical dictatorship, that is “running out of patience” with us. That dictatorship is coming from our federal government, via unconstitutional Executive Orders (unlawful decrees of the ruler), court opinions (unconstitutional judicial activism), and lawmakers who make laws overtly repugnant to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, exempting themselves from the laws they make, of course.

The American people are the final arbiters of truth, justice and the future of freedom and liberty. Public officials, be they federal, state, or local, are mere public servants of the people. All political powers are derived from the people, and those who grant government that power, can also strip government of those powers!

We have reached a moment in history when 100% of federal democrats are anti-American, and two-thirds of republicans are too! The people can stop the tyranny any time they want, but they will have to unite in one voice, one people, to do it.

E Pluribus Unum 2021 – Out of Many, ONE!

United we MUST stand…

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Unvaxxed ARE Following the Science

By Lex Greene

I’m going to keep this one very short and get right to the most critical point today!


We have been lied to every day since day one of the so-called COVID19 pandemic. When we were told to put on a mask, we read the mask manufacturer’s WARNING on the side of every box, which states unequivocally that none of these masks are designed to, or capable of, preventing the spread of any virus. We also read the damage done to human beings who breathe carbon dioxide all day, behind that mask. We followed the real science.

When we were told to voluntarily self-quarantine, we read up on the benefits of quarantining healthy people and quickly learned that never in the history of medicine worldwide, have healthy people ever been quarantined for any reason. We also learned that human beings are not designed to be cooped up for weeks, months and years, for very real and well-known physical and mental health reasons. We followed this science too.

We looked up “corona virus” and quickly realized that this medical label covers a wide variety of “common colds” and flus.

“Coronaviruses are found in avian and mammalian species. They resemble each other in morphology and chemical structure: for example, the coronaviruses of humans and cattle are antigenically related. There is no evidence, however, that human coronaviruses can be transmitted by animals. In animals, various coronaviruses invade many different tissues and cause a variety of diseases, but in humans they are only proved to cause mild upper respiratory infections, i.e. common colds. On rare occasions, gastrointestinal coronavirus infection has been associated with outbreaks of diarrhea in children, but these enteric viruses are not well characterized and are not discussed in this chapter.” (Source)

We researched and found that “COVID19” is allegedly a new “variant” of SARS1 (2002-2004) which was very quickly and quietly eradicated in the USA with the Fauci and FDA authorized use of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Vitamin D and a powerful anti-inflammatory. This is the very therapeutic treatment denied the American people in 2020 and 2021 and still denied the people today. Meanwhile, we were told to stay indoors, away from the sun, which is a natural source of Vitamin D.

We tried to follow this science, but the “experts” denied the American people access to this known cure for SARS.

Throughout all known science, the best defense against illness is the natural immune system. “Herd immunity” has most often been achieved by allowing humans to acquire a mild version through normal human contact, until a majority of society had built natural immunity to the illness. When I was a kid, mothers would rush their kids down the road to the neighbor’s house on first news of someone catching the mumps, chicken pox, or measles, so that all of the kids in the area would become immune for the future. It’s called “natural herd immunity.” Past doctors used to tell mothers to do this.

This science was prohibited by today’s “experts” as well, as they put the entire world on isolation and self-quarantine to prevent natural immunity from occurring.

Once today’s “experts” prevented natural herd immunity through their insane W.H.O. and CDC guidelines, they rushed to market so-called “vaccines” (mRNA DNA gene manipulation injections) under the guise of herd immunity via inoculation.

But the unvaxxed watched as those so-called vaccines didn’t prevent infection, spread, illness or even death from COVID19. The REAL experts on the subject were trying to warn the entire world NOT to follow the herd into a death march…but were being threatened and silenced by the government experts responsible for creating COVID19 in the Wuhan “gain of function” lab, and then selling $$$ billions $$$ in fatal vaccines to the government.

We (the unvaxxed) simply refuse to follow the mad scientists behind all of this, like Fauci, Gates, Soros, and many others. We ARE following the real science, instead.

As of this writing, NONE of the “vaccines” in use today are FDA approved. However, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have both been approved for human use for more than 40-years now and prescribed for human patients millions of times since. This is the science “we the unvaxxed” have been following the whole time, while those with a herd mentality simply failed to do their own research and have followed Simon says…towards the cliff!

But most importantly, We the Unvaxxed, have followed this indisputable science…

Tens of thousands of Americans have already died after taking any one of the “vaccines” currently in use. Millions of others suffer life altering adverse effects from ALL of these vaccines. READ THEM FOR YOURSELF HERE. This is why the top two FDA officials over review and approval of all vaccines just resigned, after refusing yet again, to approve any of the COVID vaccines or boosters.

As I have warned in previous columns, the so-called “Delta variant” is coming from these vaccines, as the UK now seems to confirm in this video report.

The simple fact is, no one who has received any of these “vaccines” had the opportunity to offer their “informed consent” because they have been fed outright lies, and denied access to the REAL SCIENCE associated with the “vaccines” the Biden Administration is working around the clock to FORCE ON EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD in the USA.

WE MUST STOP THIS RIGHT NOW! The truth must be known by all immediately.

No intelligent human would ever take one of these vaccines after reading these adverse event reports. No decent human being would ever suggest anyone else take one, much less force them on anyone, after reading these VAERS Reports. I feel sorry for those who have been duped into following the herd instead of following the science. Hopefully, there will be a means to reverse what lays in store for their future.

This mass genocide MUST END NOW! Every American must stand together in critical mass, or we will not survive the escalating deprivation of the Natural Human Right to LIFE!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Medical Tyranny Machine – SPECIAL REPORT

By Lex Greene

Since the onset of the COVID19 “regime change” operation that was planned and launched as early as 2013 when Patents were first sought for COVID19 and related mRNA technologies…and later used to unseat Trump and his supporters from power in 2020 via totally unregulated “mail-in” balloting…I have worked with a team of serious Americans to uncover the whole truth.

This is my latest updated effort to help Americans to properly interpret the sea of lies they find themselves swimming in today. Allow me to get right to the heart of the matter… The following sampling of VAERS death cases were taken directly from the VAERS reporting site on September 16, 2021 without alteration.

I have come to realize that most, even in the medical profession, don’t know that the VAERS system was created as an active reporting system for all medical professionals to reference before prescribing anything that is causing adverse effects in other patients. Too many are NOT reading these reports before administering or recommending the use of these vaccines. The news media must not be reading them either.

“The Vaccines are Safe?” (unedited quoted reports)

JANSSEN (J&J) (just a sampling of many)

VAERS “1131084-1”  “My sister died in her sleep six days after receiving the J&J vaccine in her sleep.”

VAERS “1117078-1”  “Patient died approx. 5 hours after shot was administered. Cause of death reported is Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. The death certificate was signed by the county coroner without autopsy, based on the report by the onsite deputy coroner. No doctors or hospitals were involved. This report is FYI only; there has been no direct connection made between my mother’s death and the vaccine other than one followed shortly after the other.”

VAERS “1118314-1”  “She received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine on Wednesday and died on Sunday 3/14/2021.  Her autopsy is pending.”

VAERS “1100865-1”  “Patient died within 24 hours of vaccine.  Unknown at this time if related.”

VAERS “1108312-1”  “Severe exacerbation of idiopathic capillary leak syndrome 48 hours following administration of Janssen vaccine leading to profound vasodilatory shock, renal failure and DIC and death.

VAERS “1185219-1”  “Patient was vaccinated on 3/30/2021.  Found DOA on 4/8/2021.  Last time anyone spoke with the patient was on 4/3/2021.”

MODERNA (just a sampling)

VAERS “0917117-1”  “After vaccination, patient tested positive for COVID-19.  Patient was very ill and had numerous chronic health issues prior to vaccination.  Facility had a number of patients who had already tested positive for COVID-19.  Vaccination continued in an effort to prevent this patient from contracting the virus or to mitigate his risk.  This was unsuccessful and patient died.”

VAERS “0918487-1”  “Two days post vaccine patient went into cardiac arrest and passed away.”

VAERS “0920815-1”  “Found deceased in her home, unknown cause, 6 days after vaccine.”

VAERS “0921547-1”  “DEATH ON 1/4/2021, RESIDENT RECIEVED VACCINE ON 1/2/21”

VAERS “0966359-1”  “Headache, pain in the injection site, threw up. A few hours later she died.”

VAERS “0966844-1”  “Patient is reported to have died at home, the day after his COVID test.  Family member states that he did good the afternoon and evening after his COVID-19 injection, but that he started not feeling good the next day.  The patient ” “was having palpitations””.  The family tried to convince him to go to the Emergency Room, but he refused.  Patient died at home.””

PFIZER/BIONTECH (just a sample)

VAERS “0944595-1”  “Cardiac arrest within 1 hour  Patient had the second vaccine approximately 2 pm on  Tuesday Jan 12th  He works at the extended care community and was in  good health that morning with no complaints.  He waited  10-15 minutes at the vaccine admin site and then told them he felt fine and was ready to get back to work.  He then was found unresponsive at 3 pm within an hour of the 2nd vaccine.  EMS called immediately worked on him 30 minutes in field then 30 minutes at ER  was able to put him on life support yet deemed Brain dead 1-14-21 and pronounced dead an hour or  so later”

VAERS “0947642-1”  “died two days after receiving the vaccine; Fever; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient’s stepchild). A 66-year-old male patient received the second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration, on 07Jan2021 (at the age of 66-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient’s medical history was not reported. Concomitant medications included an unspecified statin. The patient experienced fever on 08Jan2021. The patient died two days after receiving the vaccine on 09Jan2021, which was reported as fatal. The clinical course was reported as follows: The patient had a fever the day after getting the vaccine and then he just died in the middle of night. It was reported that it was not clear what exactly happened, but they are looking into this. The clinical outcome of fever was unknown and of died two days after receiving the vaccine.

VAERS “0955390-1”  “Resident received vaccination on January 15, 2021.  She was found unresponsive with shallow respirations on the morning of January 16, 2021 and was sent to ER via ambulance.  The resident was admitted to medical center ICU where she passed away later that day.”

VAERS “0967743-1”  “Possible seizer, unknown at this time, aprox 1hr and 20min after vac given. Passed away aprox 2hrs after vac.”

VAERS “0969220-1”  “Patient expired one week after vaccine.  Cause of death unknown to me.”

VAERS “1058033-1”  “Patient had a stroke two days after vaccine.  Recevied TPA for treatment of stroke due to acute onset of altered mental status.  Had a history of a fib, not on anticoagulation, which is likely cause of stroke. Family opted for comfort measures given poor neurologic status. Passed awaiting hospice placement”

Now, these are just a tiny sampling of the thousands of VAERS reported post-vaccine deaths in just this one report. You can read more of them HERE. This is only one of eleven different reporting systems on the matter. (Even this full report is a small sampling of all related vaccine death events.)

Let me say, suggesting that “we don’t know the cause of death” when someone dies shortly after receiving a vaccine, is like saying we don’t know why someone dies after just receiving a gunshot wound. We DO know…

First Takeaway

If you read these and more cases reported to VAERS since January 2021, you will see a few critical patterns in these reports. The first is that a majority of these cases died within 14-days of receiving one of the vaccines and it doesn’t matter at all which vaccine they took. They all have the same set of adverse effects ending in death, as you can see in these reports. This explains why the current CDC Guidelines include NOT counting any deaths that occur within the first 14-days after vaccine as a “vaccine related death.” Instead, they are all labeled a “COVID19 death” to continue driving up the false COVID death toll reported by the CDC and all news media.

Second Takeaway

The CDC and their propaganda machine are still using the false COVID19 death toll number 688,737 (as of 09/17/21) despite previous admissions that 96% of these deaths were due to other unrelated causes, aka “comorbidities,” to include things like car and motorcycle accidents.

However, you will notice in all of these VAERS reports, never does anyone admit or even hint at the fact that every one of these deaths occurred within hours or days of receiving one of the vaccines. Instead, they attempt to blame these deaths on “comorbidities.”

What doctor would inject anyone with a weakened immune system (comorbidity), knowing that the entire COVID19 event has mostly attacked the weakest among us?

Third Takeaway

The CDC and their propaganda machine continue to use a number between 10,000 and 14,000 post-vaccine deaths to date. This is the same number they have been using since January, the first month the vaccines were in broad use. Obviously, since January, the real vaccine related death toll is much higher, estimated somewhere over 200,000 Americans, but hard to quantify due to ongoing manipulation of vaccine related death data.

Fourth Takeaway

Why are approximately 70% of medical professionals advancing FAKE COVID news and mandates, knowing that they are carrying water for an unlawful administration of communist psychopaths, against the best health interest of their patients? Why aren’t they following the real science, while about 30% of the profession is being forced out for trying to tell patients the truth?

The answer is, LOVE OF MONEY! Like the airlines and other public service industries, many hospitals were on the brink of bankruptcy before the “plandemic.” COVID19 has brought in more profits to the health industry than seen in many years. Like lawyers who lie about Constitutional Rights to protect their law license and keep the money flowing, many in the medical profession are doing the same. Hospitals receive an estimated $44,000 (extra from taxpayers) for each patient marked COVID.

If that isn’t enough motivation, the Biden Administration is threatening their licenses to practice as well, just like they are working to discharge Military personnel who refuse these fatal vaccines. It’s an all-out effort to destroy everything, by bribe, by threat, or by removal, and it’s working. The same as the Biden Administration is forcing every major corporation to do the same to their employees, all due to Federal (taxpayer) funds received by these corporations. Once again, it’s all about the love of money!

In Addition

After investigating these VAERS cases, I shared them with a few doctors that I know personally, all of whom work at highly respected Hospitals for many years. In every case, they had not seen these reports until I shared them, which was somewhat shocking to me.

As they started to read through the report, there was a powerful “What the Hell” reaction… and then, they proceeded to tell me more from their end.

  1. The hospitals are NOT full of COVID patients. Beds are not able to be used due to staffing shortages, currently being made much worse as the Biden Administration is forcing record numbers of healthcare professionals out under tyrannical “mandates.”
  2. The vast majority of hospitalized COVID patients are NOT “unvaccinated.” The CDC guidelines are telling all medical facilities to mark patients as “unvaccinated” if they received a vaccine between January and June of 2021. The reasoning used is “these vaccinated patients no longer have any antibodies in their system; therefore, they are unvaccinated.” This is how they are claiming that a majority of COVID patients are “unvaccinated,” despite having been previously vaccinated.

Either you have been vaccinated, or you have not. This is typical wordsmithing by the left in their overt effort to misinform the public.

This is also how they intend to sell ongoing (untested) booster shots and their coming oral regular treatments…worth billions. The FDA just refused to approve the boosters.

  1. COVID “case spikes” have been manipulated by CDC guidelines on how to process PCR tests. Prior to January 20, 2021, the CDC mandated a 40-cycle process for all PCR tests, resulting in millions of “false positives.” But starting on January 20, 2021, a new CDC mandate was issued to cycle the PCR test at the product recommended (more accurate) 28-cycle, and positive tests starting dropping at a record rate. What’s special about that date, January 20, 2021?

Remember how amazing it was to see how electing Joe Biden “saved us from COVID” within hours of his inauguration on January 20, 2021?

In other words, everything we are being told by the massive propaganda machine is FALSE. The vaccines DO NOT WORK – THEY ARE NOT AT ALL SAFE – COVID DEATHS ARE GROSSLY OVERSTATED BY 1600% AND VACCINE RELATED DEATHS ARE ALL BEING LITERALLY BURIED, LABELED A MERE COVID DEATH. According to the massive propaganda machine, no one has ever died of a COVID vaccine…and now you know how. No one is labeling VACCINE deaths as deaths caused by these vaccines!

It’s actually the “unvaccinated” who have been following the science the whole time. Everyone else has simply been following the herd, which has been directed by the mass propaganda machine, and controlled by global Marxists involved in an overt takeover of the USA via fake pandemics, mass propaganda and totally unverifiable mail-in balloting.

According to the current “open VAERS site” recently put up for the general public, nothing we are being told by public officials and the news media is true. According to VAERS, over 76% of Americans have been vaccinated. If that were true, the vaccinated would have no reason to worry about the unvaccinated. If the vaccines worked, the unvaccinated would be no threat at all.

Instead, as you can easily confirm in this report and the links provided, these so-called vaccines are killing thousands of American citizens… but not a single American news network is telling you so, even though the proof is positive.

What do we do now?

If you take time to read the actual VAERS reports, you will never even consider any of these so-called vaccines. Last, if you do not have the Right to deny medical experiments in your own body, against your will, then you have no Rights at all.

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Land of the Masked, Vaxxed and Terminally Scared

By Lex Greene

It was April 1, 2020, appropriately April FOOL’S Day, when Dr. Fauci and his cast of global Marxist mad scientists warned the world that “if we don’t lock down, put on a mask, social distance and self-quarantine, more than 2-million Americans will die by April fifteenth.” That’s the day they told the world that if we would just follow Simon says for 14 days, we would “flatten the curve and all would be back to normal.”

Today is September 8, 2021, and according to these same “experts,” we are in worse condition now than ever before. They were lying then, and they are lying now!

Here are some DATA FACTS we all can agree on, because they are all well documented and totally indisputable…

  1. Fauci and his commie clan were wrong last April and every day since.
  2. Mask Manufacturers have been proven right. Their masks can’t prevent the spread of any virus.
  3. No one has yet made a true “vaccine” for COVID or any other coronavirus. Instead, mRNA gene sequencing experiments are being injected into millions of human lab rats all over the globe.
  4. None of the so-called “vaccines” prevent getting COVID, spreading COVID, getting sick from COVID or dying of COVID.
  5. Within 15 minutes in any enclosed area, everyone in that area is breathing the same air, mask, or no mask.
  6. Quarantining healthy people does nothing for the sick people…but does do harm to the healthy people.
  7. If your mask or vaccine actually worked, you are the only one who would need them, to protect yourself. Yours, actually protects no one else.
  8. Breathing your own carbon dioxide for eight or more hours a day is far more dangerous to your health than any known virus on earth.
  9. Nothing we are told by government and their controlled mass media machine is true today, nothing.
  10. Millions refusing lab rat status are leaving their jobs, in the Military, in the medical profession, in transport, supply chains, retail and every form of employment, in numbers never before seen.

The REAL experts are on the front lines! (CRITICAL VIDEO)…and they are being fired for doing their jobs correctly! Not only are these honorable brave medical professionals refusing to be lab rats themselves, they are refusing to make lab rats out of you too!

These DATA FACTS are well-documented, but not very well known. That’s because the news media and social media platforms are prohibited from telling you these DATA FACTS.

Fear is a terrible thing. It causes people to lose all common sense and react in fear, all real science and data facts totally ignored and even rejected. If you are moving with the herd, you are likely moving in the wrong direction today.

Let me ask you this…

Who ran our country to more than thirty-trillion in debt? Wasn’t that the “economic experts” who did that?

Who destroyed our Constitutional Republic, our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our legitimate Constitutional Justice system? Wasn’t that the “legal experts?”

Who is currently destroying our medical profession by firing thousands of doctors and nurses smart enough to decline mRNA lab rat status? Isn’t that the “medical experts?”

In other words, has anyone on earth done more damage on the planet than the so-called “experts?”

How many times have Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, every news network, every social media platform been caught red-handed in blatant lies? Yet, most Americans are still blindly stumbling along behind them, like German Jews marching into Hitler’s ovens. It makes a great case for “chem trails” since I have no clue what else could have created so much ignorance in average Americans.

But the REAL virus killing America is FEAR.

The USA was born FREE by a bunch of junkyard dogs we call our Founders. These people left unbridled tyranny in other parts of the world, and they were determined to create a free, sovereign nation for all who desire individual liberty, peace, justice, and tranquility, free from any tyranny. They committed every ounce of everything they had, to just this one common goal.

Just 247-years later, America is a nation of bumbling fools, more scared of a common cold than a total loss of their freedom and liberty. We are rightfully, the laughingstock of the world today…

We are not currently the “land of the free,” simply because we are no longer “the home of the brave.”

Instead, we are a nation of scared, cowardly, blind sheep, stumbling our way towards the cliff, in lockstep behind proven liars and mad scientists. We are not currently a Constitutional Republic or even a democracy today, instead ruled by unelected dictators with no Constitutional authority whatsoever.

But it doesn’t matter that NO ONE has any legal Right or authority whatsoever, to inject you with anything against your will. If you believe they do, then they do! If you believe they can force their will upon you, then they can!

They didn’t beat you down…you surrendered without a fight!

Our government only has the power and authority we allow it to have. As of today, Americans have not enforced any of the restraints on government codified in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Most Americans don’t even know what they are anymore, shamefully!

Now let me tell you why that is…

Contrary to poor teaching at the pulpits today, money is NOT the root of all evil. Money can be used for good or evil. Today’s politically correct Christians need to stop worrying about angry tweets and start worrying about the assault on all Christians, all freedoms, coming from a tyrannical government in DC. They must stop waiting for God to save them and start fighting for God!

THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL… which means, if you place money (your things) ahead of everything else in life, your freedom and liberty, your family, your loved ones, your own soul and salvation, and the freedom for all future generations…then you love money more than you love anything else and THAT, is the root of all evil.

Today’s billionaires all sold their souls to get there, with rare if any exceptions. That’s why we see most of them on the wrong side of this battle for freedom today.

But many Americans will sell out this country for a lot less, a weekly paycheck, a big screen TV, a family vacation, your prepper dens, a pack of smokes or even a few beers. THAT is why we are no longer the home of the brave. We are the home of the self-indulgent, the terminally entitled.

If this doesn’t change immediately, Americans will soon lose everything. If they can’t put the right things first, stand together and fight this tyranny together, the end draws near, and no one will survive.

The storm isn’t coming, it’s here right now. If you think you can protect your things while losing your country, your freedom and liberty, even your Right to refuse lab rat status, you are wrong. People determined to hold complete dominion over every aspect of your life will not stop, unless we stop them.

What is it going to take to shake Americans back into acting like the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave? I thought it would have happened long before now, but I was wrong.

Stop making excuses…the future of freedom and liberty is in our hands. If we lose it all, it will be our fault.

Cowards and idiots will never live in freedom… The clock is ticking down to zero. What are YOU going to do?

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” —Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Supreme Law of Unelected Dictators

By Lex Greene

September 5, 1774, marks the day in history when Founding Americans started the march to Independence, Freedom, Liberty and Justice in the USA. Our Independence as a free sovereign people was finally declared on July 4, 1776, and our U.S. Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. It took our Founders thirteen years to establish our independence and create a “republican form of government.”

Had they quit, given up, or failed to fight, we would have never known freedom!

247-years later, hard proof of mass dumbing down of American society is overwhelming now. In fact, America has absolutely reached the level wherein society may be “too dumb to remain a free people.”

John Adams said it exactly right – “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Sadly, our country may still be “religious,” but it’s certainly no longer “moral” or even remotely informed and intelligent. This explains why far too many Americans have no idea of the power they hold, or how to use it to protect freedom today.

Today’s Americans chatter on about their precious “democracy” as if they have no clue that our Founders rejected “democracy” in favor of a “constitutional Republic,” with very clear and specific intent, and rightly so. But it’s even worse than this now…

Not only do we not have a Constitutional Republic anymore…we don’t even have a democracy. For everyone educated (mass Marxist indoctrinated) in the past 40 years or so, CLICK HERE to learn the critical differences between a “democracy” and a “Constitutional Republic.”

Article IV – Section 4 – clearly states – “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”Yet our government has been transformed into a “democratic socialist” government which encourages and even supports the outright invasion of the United States, most of them military age men, all with American tax dollars.

Instead, we are barely a nation, living under the supreme law of unelected dictators, and most Americans have not picked up on the many signs yet. Not even nineteen months under the most oppressive unconstitutional medical mandates in human history, issued by unelected and seemingly unaccountable dictators, has pried open the eyes of the average American.

Who elected any of the Supreme Court Justices, much less any of the federal court judges? Who elected political junkies who run the Department of Justice, the FBI, CIA, NSA, Department of Homeland Security, or Department of Defense? Who elected anyone at the CDC, W.H.O., N.I.H., U.N., or Department of Health, be it federal, state, or local?

The answer is, NO ONE elected any of these people, and yet, these are the unelected dictators running our country today.

In truth, Americans didn’t even elect bumbling idiot Joe Biden or his drug addicted lifelong political prostitute, Kamala Harris. Foreign agents, foreign governments, fraudulent voting machines, news media, social media giants, and corrupt democrat election officials seated these two very dangerous morons in the people’s White House.

We are witnessing a third Obama term. No sane person thinks Joe can even tie his own shoes, much less run a country.

During Obama’s eight years in office, global Marxists were deeply planted in every federal office and agency. Trump threw a monkey wrench in the timeline of dismantling and destroying the sovereign USA and moving the country to 3rd world status as a mere member of a global commune. He wasn’t able to “drain the swamp” or even survive to a second term. Trump had to go, no matter the means or methods.

Bumbling idiot Biden and chronic concubine Harris are not running anything.

The global Marxists are running the USA now, through their American representative Barack Obama. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights have been rendered obsolete and completely irrelevant by “legal scholars,” corrupt judges and criminal legislators, backed by the D.O.J. and D.O.D.

Americans are entirely controlled by unelected dictators today, from Dr. Fauci to Bill Gates, Barack Obama to his minions at the helm of every federal office and agency. Marxists are so embedded throughout American society now, that whether it’s ANTIFA and BLM in the streets, your local Nazi teaching K through 12 in your local school, the Marxists running your local school board, or even the company you work for, currently forcing unlawful medical mandates upon every employee, the Marxists thugs are everywhere!

The U.S. Constitution is no longer the Supreme Law of this Land. Our Bill of Rights are no longer in effect. We are NOT a nation of laws, but rather a nation of global Marxist lawyers undermining freedom and liberty, using British Common Law to destroy our once Constitutional courts.

How could even ONE American think that we have any Rights at all today, when we don’t even have the Right to decide what is or is not injected into their own body? Whether or not healthy people can be force quarantined for years…whether or not they can walk the streets or shop freely, without a mask on, even when the mask box itself tells them that the mask will never prevent the spread of any virus? Seriously, is any American really this stupid?

Sadly, the answer is YES!

Millions of Americans are this stupid today and no number of easily proven “facts” can fix their stupidity now. Millions have been educated (indoctrinated) out of any common sense and Pavlov trained to reject anything and everything outside of the narrative they were trained to believe. The super-idiots are those determined to force unlawful medical mandates on others, while claiming “my body, my choice” for themselves.

Tens of thousands of Americans have already been killed by the so-called Vaccines. READ THEM YOURSELF HERE. According to our unelected dictators, no one has died from the “vaccines” yet. Not because none have died of the vaccines, tens of thousands have, as linked above. But because the unelected dictators refuse mark any of the vaccine deaths as, death via toxic vaccine. Simon says, all is well…and the people are none the wiser!

What will happen when millions are dying from these toxic injections, all at the advice of mindless sheep demanding everyone “take the shot,”each unwittingly practicing medicine without a license? What will the USA suicide rate be once these idiot sheep,with or without a medical license, figure out that THEY are responsible for killing millions of Americans, just because they were trained to blindly follow evil Simon says, and thought they had a Right to force their views upon others?

No, we do NOT live in a Constitutional Republic today and we never will again, unless Americans who have not had common sense drummed out of them in a classroom, STAND TOGETHER RIGHT NOW.

Throughout human history, freedom and liberty have always been under attack, and they always will be. In this world, both good and evil exist, and nothing on earth comes at a higher price than freedom itself.

Good seeks freedom and liberty for all people, everywhere. Evil seeks dominion over others for benefit of themselves. In modern terms, a “conservative” is someone who seeks to secure and protect their own freedom and liberty by protecting and preserving freedom and liberty for every human being.

But a “liberal” (progressive, socialist, Marxist, Maoist, communist, fascist) is the exact opposite, someone who seeks to enslave everyone else for benefit of themselves. There are “conservative” democrats in U.S. society, as well as “liberal” republicans. So, the line between the two is highly compromised and convoluted.

However, each American falls into one of these two groups, on an individual level. Conservatives seeking freedom, liberty and good for all, MUST STAND TOGETHER NOW,or no one will be free, anywhere on earth.

Make Labor Day 2021 the beginning of the END for all evil, all tyranny and all unlawful medical mandates dictated by unelected tyrants. Begin the process of eliminating evil, Marxism, and tyranny in America. There is a long road ahead, but we must start the journey now, or never!

STRIKE FOR FREEDOM STARTING September 7, 2021 – If we don’t shut them down, they will shut us down again, this time, for good. Wake up, wise up, and rise up in peaceful action before no peaceful options are left.

A nationwide strike for freedom is the most peaceful easy thing for every American to do. The only thing easier, is doing nothing at all…which will come at the highest price of all.

Unelected dictators can only rule this country, so long as we allow it!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The ONLY COVID Facts You Need

by Lex Greene

I know, the Nazis running our country these days have total control over the news media and social media, and they only allow ONE narrative in the USA right now, their false narrative. That has conned millions of Americans into voluntarily accepting a “fake vaccine” that has already maimed millions and killed tens of thousands.

Everyone who has taken these “fake vaccines” had good intentions. They simply trusted that their government, the news media, the Nazi scientists and go-along-to-get-along health professionals pushing these “fake vaccines” would “do them no harm.” For the most part, the same mindless dotes that voted for a totally mindless lifelong criminal career politician last November, have been conned, bribed, coerced and threatened into “fake vax” compliance.

However, there are only a few indisputable facts that should have kept every Citizen from making this fatal mistake… and here they are…

Indisputable FACT #1 – Every year, approximately 0.9% of American citizens die. They die of many different causes, from heart disease to cancer, and yes, the flu and cold. Each year, the total number of USA deaths moves around a bit, but only by one-one hundredth of one percent. In 2019, before the COVID PLAN-demic, 0.8782% died of multiple causes. In 2020, under the COVID19 PLAN-demic, this number was 0.8880%, up just under one-one hundredth of one percent.

Indisputable CONCLUSION: It is entirely impossible for this to be true, if there was any “killer virus” flooding the country, as we have been so advised by the mad “experts.” This is NOT to say that no one ever gets sick or dies. It’s to prove that we have been lied to from day one about this PLAN-demic.

Indisputable FACT #2 – For many years now, the W.H.O. and CDC have required an event to impact at least 7% of the population, before labeling the event an “epidemic.” According to the CDC as of this morning, 39,668,541 Americans have been infected by COVID19, 11.9% of the USA population. However, more than 80% have been asymptomatic, also known as “false positive,” which brings the real case number to date down to 7,933,708…or, 2.4% of the USA population. The number of COVID cases has been overstated by at least 500% – and actual COVID deaths have been overstated by at least 1600%.

Indisputable CONCLUSION:The CDC and W.H.O. have intentionally and grossly overstated the facts with a clear intent to mislead Citizens, frighten them and eventually, con, bribe, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise FORCE Citizens into voluntarily accepting “fake vaccines” without any real foundation for even needing a vaccine at all.

Indisputable FACT #3 – If masks, social distancing and quarantining healthy people worked, this so-called “pandemic”would have been long gone by April of 2020. The real “science” is printed on the side of every mask box…they are not designed to, or capable of, preventing the spread of any virus.

Indisputable CONCLUSION: Of course, that would have meant that we had no need for “mail-in ballot elections” making it very easy for the global left to steal the 2020 elections and seize total control of the U.S. Federal government. It’s all about Pavlov training all Americans to do even the dumbest things…if Simon says so.

Indisputable FACT #4 – To date, COVID19 has had an overall survival rate of 99.8% in the USA…even with our government blocking access to known cures like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

Indisputable CONCLUSION: Americans have been Pavlov trained by our government and their social-engineering news media, to fear everything. Today’s Americans are so scared of every little thing, even when it makes no common sense whatsoever, that they are forfeiting their freedom and liberty for what they think is an ounce of safety. Sadly, the “fake vaccines” are FAR from safe. You have a better chance of surviving a direct lightning strike, than surviving these “fake vaccines.”

Indisputable FACT #5 – NO ONE has the legal, moral, or ethical RIGHT or authority to FORCE vaccinate, mask, social distance or quarantine any healthy person, ever, for any reason at all. By NO ONE, I mean NO ONE! Public servants are “servants of the people,” not elected or appointed dictators. They don’t issue “mandates,” instead, they must follow – OUR – mandates, well defined in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. Amendment 4 guarantees every Citizen an inalienable RIGHT to be “secure in their person.”

Indisputable CONCLUSION: In addition to founding document protections, numerous Federal and State Laws, as well as past Supreme Court decisions, have outlawed any notion that anyone has the legal Right or authority to FORCE any medical mandates on any individual, much less the entire population. In fact, the use of mRNA technology on human beings has been strictly prohibited.

Now, I could keep going for pages here…however, these five indisputable FACTS should be all that any half-intelligent truth-seeking Citizen needs to know exactly what danger the Biden regime has forced every American Citizen into… It’s all a lie, and it’s unlawful and unconstitutional as well.

I hear people calling for the “impeachment of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.” But in the USA, we don’t impeach treasonous frauds, we arrest them and prosecute them for their crimes against the USA and all humanity. This is NOT a game…Life and liberty hangs in the balance!

Before there is nothing left but violent options, the American people must FOLLOW THE REAL SCIENCE presented here, UNITE in common to STOP ONGOING COVID TYRANNY and secure the future of Freedom and Liberty not only for ourselves, but for all posterity and freedom loving people all over the world.

Begin by JOINING a NATIONWIDE STRIKE to shut down the tyrants before they lock us all down again. If we wait for them to be on every doorstep, we will have waited far too long.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Does Trump Even Have A Plan?

By Lex Greene

As of this morning, 295 days have passed since the November 3, 2020 elections which resulted in an overt global Marxist overthrow of the USA via the most blatant election fraud in the entire history of elections, worldwide. Millions have been spent to uncover hard evidence to support the claims that as many as fifteen-million ballots were illegally cast or counted across the country… but to what end?

Trump remains the most popular man in America, drawing tens of thousands of hardcore supporters at every rally. But at his last rally in Alabama, the Trump crowd erupted in “FIX IT NOW – FIX IT NOW – FIX IT NOW” at the mere mention of 2022 and 2024 elections, uttered in error by Congressman Brooks.

More than 45,000 Trump fans objected to any notion that anyone should have to wait for another fraudulent election cycle in 2022 or 2024, with so much hard public evidence of a blatantly fraudulent 2020 election. The crowd knew better, even if Brooks and Trump didn’t.

Do these cowardly Republicans really think we will ever have a legitimate election in this country again, when there are NO CONSEQUENCES for the theft of our nation that took place on November 3, 2020?

What is the purpose of exposing all of the 2020 election fraud, if no one including Trump, is going to do anything real about it? What’s the purpose of these rallies, widely supported by angry Americans from every race, creed, religion and political stripe and every walk of life, if the rallies are not intended to right the blatant wrongs in this country?In other words, FIX IT NOW!

And why is Trump still patting himself on the back, taking full credit for creating the deadliest mRNA gene therapy experiment in world history, responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and “super-spreaders” all over the world? Doesn’t Trump even know that “his vaccines” aren’t even real vaccines, or how many have died or been permanently injured by the mRNA human experiment? Does he not know that over 332-million Americans are mere lab rats for Dr. Fauci’s highly profitable mad science?

The world has watched the fraudulent Biden regime totally destroy the USA for seven months now, driving the nation to trillions more in debt, stranding U.S. Citizens in Afghanistan while turning that country and billions in U.S. Military arms over to the Taliban to use against our own people, while continuing to threaten every American man, woman, and child with deadly “vaccines,” masks, more lockdowns, segregation, intimidation, and forced medical procedures against people’s will.

Does Trump really have a legitimate plan for STOPPING THIS INSANITY? Or is he just another politician now, supporting all of the same things coming from Marxist democrats and their media, while conning his supporters out of more wasted money to elect more worthless Republicans in the next fraudulent elections?

The people are rising up all over the country. Doctors and nurses are leaving the profession to avoid forced deadly mRNA experimental injections. Parents are raising holy hell against “unlawful and unconstitutional medical mandates” in school board meetings all across the country. Where is any “leader” to stand up for them and with them, to begin righting all of the many wrongs in our country today?

Over 80-million Americans thought Trump was that leader… but is he?

At this moment, it appears that Trump is doing nothing more than holding rallies to raise money for the same Republicans in D.C. who have refused to STAND UP with the people against all of the evils currently destroying our country and the future of freedom and liberty everywhere…

The crowd in Alabama was right! We the People must “FIX IT NOW – FIX IT NOW – FIX IT NOW” with or without Trump or any other spineless Republican politician.

Here we are, facing pure evil all day every day on every front… and so far, no one is standing up to fight for the people to end this madness, not even Trump.

No excuses! Leaders LEAD, they don’t make excuses!

Life and Liberty for all current and future generations, hangs in the balance. Hope isn’t a strategy, and neither is waiting for or funding yet another fraudulent election. We either STAND TOGETHER NOW or openly admit that we are surrendering our country and the future of freedom, liberty, and real elections from now on.

Who is responsible for all of the “medical mandates?”

The answer is – whoever issues the medical mandate and whoever chooses to enforce those mandates.

The Federal Government has not issued any such mandates, because they know it is unlawful and unconstitutional for anyone to do so. Every employer, school district, public or private transportation, college or university, business, store, facility open to the public, and even professional sport leagues. If they issue the “medical mandate,” they are responsible for anything and everything that happens as a result of their mandates, PERIOD!

This is going to be “trip and fall” lawyer’s fantasy… Billions will change hands in thousands of lawsuits. Everyone issuing and enforcing “medical mandates” is legally liable for their actions, whether they know it or not.

Is Trump going to lead, or is he just going to keep following the enemy?

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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FDA Caves Under Immense Corruption

By Lex Greene

Just reporting this morning August 23, 2021, “FDA grants full approval to Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, opening door to more vaccine mandates.” Every awake American was waiting for this shoe to drop. For eight months, millions of Americans had “voluntarily” taken an “unapproved” mRNA experimental injection and thousands have already died or been permanently injured for life. This FDA approval will be used to shift from “voluntary compliance” to “forced inoculations.”

Up until now, no governmental body had any authority to “force” (mandate) vaccinate anyone. It was all allegedly “voluntary” even though the effort to conceal all real related science has been immense, and everything from coercion to bribery was used to gain “voluntary compliance” from people who had no means of providing any “informed consent.”

So, until now, they have worked closely with global Marxist collaborators in BIG Pharma, BIG media, BIG international corporations, universities and even small “Christian colleges” like NO-HOPE COLLEGE in Michigan, to essentially “force vaccinate” via bribes or under threat of lost wages and income, kicked out of classes, and even threat of incarceration in a mental facility for making your own medical decisions.

As I have stated a number of times now in previous columns, NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO FORCE INJECT ANYONE WITH ANYTHING AGAINST THEIR WILL… Not even your own doctor has any such Right. In the end, neither did Dr. Josef Mengele or Dr. Kevorkian.

An FDA approval under extreme duress, does nothing to alter or eliminate this freedom and liberty fact! If you think it’s just another amazing coincidence that Pfizer has the contract to VAX our Military, you’re still kidding yourself!

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees every Citizen the Right to be “secure in their person.”Everything in the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights stands as adopted many years ago. It’s time for Americans Citizens to enforce it all again! It’s a matter of life and liberty!ALL efforts to “force medical mandates” are unlawful and unconstitutional.

It just so happens that Pfizer is the first to be “approved under duress” by the FDA. It also happens that the U.S. Department of Justice hit Pfizer with the biggest Pharma settlement in history back in 2009 for intentionally misleading the public in its advertising. It remains the biggest “health fraud” settlement in history, even today…until the next case involving COVID injections,which even Pfizer’s own CEO hasn’t taken.

Before the CDC started manipulating VAERS Reports to cover up a growing number of deaths occurring “post-vaccine” several weeks ago, more than 53,000 U.S. “post-vaccine” deaths had been reported by attending physicians all across the country. READ THE REPORTS HERE This number is highly likely to eclipse more than 100,000 Americans dead today, following one of the most lethal injections in history, just since January.

Post-vaccine deaths have been happening at a rate much greater than any real COVID19 deaths. But every agency in bed with the Federal Government has worked around the clock to bury these reports and deny that any such deaths have even taken place.

Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world, and they exclusively used the Pfizer vax. Israel is also experiencing the greatest number of post-vaccine deaths and illnesses in the world, as of today.

Israel was the first country in the world to “mass vaccinate” its entire population under a contract signed with Pfizer on January 6, 2021… It’s also the first country experiencing the worst “post-vax” deaths and illnesses in the world, since COVID19 showed up in January of 2020. Israel is on their FOURTH round of Pfizer VAX after none of the previous rounds solved the problem and has made matters much worse.

No matter whose science you choose to follow or, whether or not the FDA approves any of them under extreme duress and massive corruption, the fact remains — NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO FORCE INJECT ANYONE WITH ANYTHING AGAINST THEIR WILL…

If American Citizens no longer have a Right to be “secure in their persons,” (My Body, My Choice), if they no longer have the Right to make their own medical decisions, no longer have the Right to stop anyone from injecting anything into their body against their will — then exactly what Rights do you think you still have?


We either STAND TOGETHER NOW in a nationwide STRIKE FOR FREEDOM and end this madness, or the USA and entire world WILL collapse in just a matter of days or weeks. Don’t say you were not warned!

NO HOPE COLLEGE DICTATES – and there are others

It’s NO COINCIDENCE that NO-HOPE College engaged in “coercion” with a drop dead order for 5PM Friday August 20, 2021 – with the FDA approval set to be announced on Monday August 23, 2021.

It’s especially true in the case of NO-HOPE College, as William Vanderbilt is reportedly set to take a new position working directly with the Biden regime.

We either STAND TOGETHER or FALL TOGETHER, RIGHT NOW! Choose carefully and quickly!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Enough of the Mad Science, Part I

By Lex Greene

Many of the most published and celebrated scientists and doctors all over the globe have been screaming as loudly as they can, to STOP THE VACCINATIONS due to “never before seen” massive adverse reactions and permanent damage to human beings, including death. But ALL “mainstream” communication outlets are blocking their dire warnings from reaching the public, forcing them to use any platform they can to get the word out.

As usual, Pavlov trained citizens are questioning the science of the highly accredited front line doctors and scientists issuing these many warnings, simply because they are being forced to use secondary platforms to warn people, blocked, removed, deleted, fact-checked and otherwise silenced by all government controlled outlets and corporations.

YES – people are getting sick and dying… Every year, every day, people get sick and die, from a long list of illnesses.

In the USA, approximately 0.9% of Americans die each and every year, all causes combined. In 2019, the overall USA death rate was 0.878%. In 2020, it was 0.888%, up only one-one hundredth of 1% during “the world’s most deadly pandemic.” So far for 2021, we are on track to an annual overall death rate of 0.897%, another one-one hundredth of 1% increase, even with the so-called “delta variant.”SOURCE NOTE: Life Insurance Company actuaries are the very best in the world at tracking all causes of death and death rates in order to know their risk levels and set insurance premiums accordingly. These stats are from AIG Insurance Company actuaries. These numbers are used by the CDC and W.H.O. and are recorded in the CIA World Book of Global Facts each year.

These stats are literally impossible, if we were really under a “global pandemic threat” of any kind. Based upon fake government reports and tyrannical guidelines, you would think the entire world was dying of COVID19 at a rate never before seen. If this were true, the overall death toll numbers would not be experiencing the same one-one hundredth of 1% fluctuations that the USA (and world) sees every year.

People are NOT “trusting” any REAL science. They are just trusting their government and the government controlled news and social media.

“Compared to previous years, where the numbers in the 2019-2020 season saw roughly 22,000 flu deaths, and the 2018-2019 season had more at 34,000 deaths, 600 [flu deaths in 2020] is a 97 percent drop. So why is that happening? Are the typical flu deaths being categorized as something else?” SOURCE

As confirmed by the CDC, no current test can tell the difference between COVID19 or Influenza A and B, much less any alleged “variant.” Also confirmed by the CDC is the “fact” that over 80% of all COVID19 labeled “positives” in the USA (37,899,325 to date) are “false positives,” showing no symptoms. Last, the CDC has also confirmed that 94% of the COVID19 labeled deaths in the USA (640,102 to date) were from multiple causes, aka “comorbidities” and not COVID19. Only 6% of the COVID19 labeled deaths were from COVID19 alone. NOTE: Yes, government controlled Marxist “fact-checkers” are working around the clock to hide these prior statements by the CDC and any real facts.

Government health officials have publicly stated on numerous occasions that even if someone is in hospice care for a multitude of illnesses, given only a week or two to live, THEY WILL BE MARKED A COVID19 DEATH if they “test positive” – including with no related symptoms.

Here’s what all of this real science means…

  1. COVID19 labels replaced Flu labels from January 2020 to date
  2. No one dies of anything anymore, except COVID19
  3. At the very most, there has been 7.5 million symptomatic cases of COVID in the USA
  4. At the very most, there has been 40,000 COVID19 deaths in the USA
  5. There have been more than 60,000 U.S. deaths by vaccine just since January 2021

It’s a well-published known scientific fact that none of the masks you are being forced to wear are designed to, or capable of, preventing the spread of any virus, and that breathing your own exhale, germs, and spittle (carbon monoxide) all day every day is far more hazardous to your health.

It’s a well-published known scientific fact that there is no cure for the common cold, also known as “corona virus.”

It’s now a known scientific fact that COVID19 is NOT a natural virus at all, but rather a “gain of function” poison created in the Wuhan Lab, funded by Dr. Fauci’s organizations. (Bio-terrorism)

It’s a known scientific fact that none of the so-called “vaccines” are actually vaccines. They are instead, a very dangerous and deadly “gene therapy experiment” that is designed to alter human DNA and turn the body against itself. (Bio-terrorism) None of the so-called vaccines are stopping any illness and we all know it now.

It’s a known scientific fact that the FDA has NOT approved any of these experimental gene therapies for use on humans, and that every person Pavlov trained to do whatever their corrupt government tells them to do, without asking any questions, are mere lab rats for their corrupt government.

So, why are you still following all of the lies and your corrupt government, instead of following the real science?

Everything I just said is easily verifiable, for anyone seeking the truth. But most are not seeking the truth. They are simply following whatever Simon says and doubting all of the highly accredited real doctors and scientists that have been blasting warnings for months now, just because CNN and the likes won’t allow any real doctors or front line caregivers to speak truth.

Why do you think nurses and doctors are leaving their professions after many years of service, to avoid being forced to take the shots that so many Americans have already taken voluntarily? You doubt all of them, but never doubt the corrupt politicians behind the greatest mass killing spree mankind has ever seen.

Hitler’s Nazi Germany was nothing compared to what these mad doctors and scientists are doing to mankind, all over the world, as the average “go along to get along” citizen simply cannot seem to tell fact from fiction or right from wrong.

When will enough be enough? How much more death, destruction, division, chaos and loss of freedom and liberty do you need to see, before enough is enough for you? How much?

God help a people so ignorant and trained to go along with blatant evil, as if they can survive that choice. God help us all!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Nazi Vaxxers – The New Segregationists

By Lex Greene

Face it – only in a Nazi-run concentration country does anyone on earth have any legal authority whatsoever to inject anyone with anything against their will. Anywhere freedom and liberty reign, the people have freedom of personal choice without fear of coercion, retribution, persecution, or segregation. Only a Nazi would work so hard to divide a nation by every means possible.

“Where the people fear the government, you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people, you have liberty.” –Thomas Jefferson

There are a few other facts Americans must face today.

  • No one has yet isolated the COVID19 virus as a “novel virus”
  • No current test can separate COVID19 from Influenza A or B
  • The so-called tests often read (false) POSITIVE, right out of the package
  • There are no “vaccines” for any “corona virus” (aka common cold and flu)
  • None of Fauci’s “vaccines” are vaccines
  • These are lab created genetic experiments, just like the Wuhan Lab virus
  • Masks in use are NOT designed to or capable of stopping the spread of any virus
  • No one has authority to prevent your “pursuit of happiness”
  • No one has any authority to strip you of Life or Health
  • No one has any authority to deprive you of individual liberty
  • More people have died from the VAX than the so-called virus
  • The CDC has lied about all of it for over 19-months now
  • It’s against the Constitution, U.S. Law, and the Nuremberg Code to do what they have done
  • Everyone involved, everyone, should face trial for “crimes against humanity”

I’m not saying illness doesn’t exist, we all know it does. I’m not saying that no one has died as a result of contracting a number of different flu and cold viruses. I’m saying that the same percentage of Americans die every year, from exactly the same causes, approximately 0.9% of the population. I’m saying that before the lethal “vaccines,” there is NO unusual increase in annual death rate in 2020 or 2021 (during this so-called pandemic) and if you don’t believe me, research that for yourself!

WE HAVE ALL BEEN LIED TO BY ALL OF THE SO-CALLED “EXPERTS” and it’s about to cost us our Life, Liberty, Happiness, future, and posterity, if we don’t wake up and take swift appropriate ACTION, RIGHT NOW!

We have been lied to by the mad scientists (Fauci, Gates, Soros), the cowardly politicians (both political parties), the global Marxist owned media (all mainstream mediums), many conned or cowardly doctors and nurses, many of them are more worried about their paycheck than the health of their patients. We have been lied to by pretty much everyone in a position of power. We all sense it…most of us know it.

If you don’t have the Right to say NO to forced or coerced DNA altering injections, then you have no Rights at all! We are ALL in this together!


Over the past hundred years, Americans have been slow boiled at a rate most never bothered to notice, through bad public education, Marxist college campuses, fake news, criminal career politicians, corrupt courts and even One World Order churches. Almost everything the American people have experienced for many years now, has been a blatant lie.

Some are feeling the boil now, but many still can’t tell they are well beyond a simmer. Some are starting to jump out of that pot and fight back, while others are determined to look the other way, as they are quickly brought to a fatal rolling boil.

In recent weeks, even mad Dr. Fauci has been forced to concede the following;

  1. Yes, COVID19 came from the Wuhan Lab
  2. Yes, his enterprises HAVE funded “gain of function” experiments
  3. Yes, the masks don’t work
  4. Yes, the “vaccines” are not really vaccines
  5. Yes, social distancing has done nothing to stop the spread
  6. Yes, the government cannot “force” any of these measures on anyone
  7. Yes, people are dying in mass from the “vaccines”
  8. Yes, the “vaccines” do NOT prevent infection, spread or death
  9. Yes, he does believe mother earth needs less people
  10. Yes, he WILL continue to destroy us – if we let him!

Why do you think Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is totally ignoring the death and destruction all across the country committed by Marxist democrats in ANTIFA and BLM, while targeting all patriotic Americans who stand opposed to the massive FRAUD behind COVID19 and the 2020 Elections?

It’s because they KNOW they are anti-American frauds and the also KNOW that the American people are figuring this out and beginning to rise against them! They can only hide their crimes, deaths, and destruction so long. Sooner or later, their fatal Marxist (Nazi) agenda was going to cause so much chaos and damage that they would no longer be able to hide it or keep a lid on public reaction. They will attempt to blame Trump. But it won’t work. Too many know!

Their agenda is based entirely in Global Marxism and their tactics are based entirely in Hitler’s NAZI-ISM. That’s why America and free people all over the world feel like they are living in pre-World War Germany.


Protests, petitions, emails, letters, social media whining, even meetings with criminal cowards in government and lawsuits filed in corrupt courts, are USELESS. Who cares about passing new laws when no one has adhered to previous laws or even the Constitution and Bill of Rights for decades? Those who think they will “lock and load” to solve this, will face the US Military. Where there are no consequences, there can be no justice and where there is no justice, there can be no freedom.

Thousands are walking off their jobs in all professions all across the country, just to avoid “mandates” that NO ONE has any right or legal authority to issue, much less enforce. Until now, they have been doing it alone or in small groups. THAT MUST CHANGE IMMEDIATELY!

A NATIONWIDE STRIKE is the ONLY peaceful option now! Before Biden and his unlawful Marxist cabal can lock us all down again, we must LOCK THEM ALL DOWN first! Enough of playing defense. We must take the offense here and quickly.

  1. If you live in a State where your Governor and State Legislatures are actively STOPPING all mandates at your border, protecting their own citizens, work with them to make sure they stand that ground and complete that mission.
  2. If you live in a State run by Marxist democrats, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and George Soros, you have a very different problem on your hands. You will be the first to be masked, vaxxed and locked down. You may have waited too long to leave. Get out of the major cities and find others of like-mind so that you can try to defend each other. Get as self-sufficient as possible, as fast as possible. If you have a second home elsewhere, go there.
  3. Whether you are a union employee or a non-union employee, every decent honest American must be prepared to sit at home and NOT go to work in a nationwide strike for as long as it takes for OUR MANDATES to take effect.
  4. Americans MUST do this in mass and together, which means a time to begin the strike must be set a week or two out so that everyone can prepare.
  5. STOP the “lock and load” chatter. Anyone who thinks we can win this violently in the streets is overlooking the reality that our Military and Law Enforcement has been compromised as well. A reported 70% of the military have been vaxxed, which means a best, only 30% might protect us from the Nazi mandates.
  6. Donald J. Trump is the ONLY person in the USA today capable of leading America out of this darkness, no matter what you think of him. There is no one else. But I have no clue what he’s ready to do, if anything at all. So, we cannot wait or count on him. We can hope he will step up to lead, once we lead.
  7. We must be prepared to STRIKE until our mandates, will end theirs.

If you think we have any other choice, you’re wrong. We are rapidly losing our country, our freedom, liberty and for many, our lives and the future for our children and grandchildren.

We don’t have any choice. We must STOP THEIR MANDATES peacefully, before they shut us all down again and finish off what little is left of our country and way of life.

If we fail, it will not be because of the depth of commitment in our enemies. It will be due to the lack of commitment and courage in Americans. A majority of Americans will never get what’s happening here in time. We must work with the totally awake. (not to be confused with the Marxist woke)

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Dear U.S. Uniformed Freedom Fighters

By Lex Greene

Yes, I am talking to you, those in uniform who swore an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the free people of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means all members of the U.S. Military, all federal, state, and local law enforcement, all members of United States National Security Agencies and yes, all judges and justices occupying a seat on a bench somewhere in the United States.

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” —Thomas Payne

Every American Citizen is on trial right now, and all will be judged by the actions they take or fail to take in defense of freedom and liberty. Every American has sworn allegiance to the Red, White, and Blue and everything it has stood for, for over 245 years.

But you have gone even further, taking a solemn oath to lay down your lives, if need be, to protect the United States, the Constitution, and the American people against all enemies. Not a single one of you ever took an oath to protect or defend any corrupt politician or political organization, any foreign global Marxists, or become brownshirt enforcers for any unlawful and unconstitutional “mandates” from enemies of the American people.

You took a solemn oath to protect us, the American people, our way of life, and the Founding Documents that protect our freedom, from tyranny, from any corrupt tyrant or tyrants. You will be judged solely on the basis of who you choose to defend, us, or them!

“I, YOU, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God”

For 245-years, the American people have honored your service and mourned your losses. We have celebrated your past honor and sacrifices. Were we mistaken?

The issue at hand today is what happens when the Commander-in-Chief or Military Command issues “unlawful orders.” What happens when you are ordered to act against the American people on American soil, against their will?

“Military members disobey orders at their own risk. They also obey orders at their own risk. An order to commit a crime is unlawful. An order to perform a military duty, no matter how dangerous, is lawful as long as it doesn’t involve the commission of a crime.” (Source)

Any order that directly infringes upon the Natural Rights of the American people, those you have taken an oath to protect and defend, resulting in any “deprivation of Rights” or a “conspiracy” to deprive Citizens of the constitutionally protected Natural Rights, is a crime of the highest order. It is “treason.” The Fourth Amendment protects every American’s Right to be “secure in their person.” Any act that violates this protected Natural Right is a “deprivation of Rights,” punishable by death.

Every individual must choose who and what they serve!

If you don’t know the difference between “lawful” and “unlawful” orders, now is the time to educate yourself, very quickly. If you do know the difference, now is the time for each of you to make this stand with the American people.

The new Defense Secretary recently issued an “unlawful order” for all Military personnel to be “vaccinated by force.” This order did NOT come from the current Commander-in-Chief and this order is in direct violation of your Rights, standing Executive Orders and existing laws on the matter. You did NOT swear an oath to be a lab rat for any “experimental gene manipulation” injections.

You also never swore an oath to act as brownshirt enforcers of any such experiment currently causing massive death and dismemberment of thousands of U.S. Citizens, just since January 2021.

This “unlawful order” was issued by Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III because your Commander-in-Chief knows he cannot issue any such order “lawfully.” None of these injections are even FDA approved and they can’t be, simply because these are NOT “vaccines” at all – and the Adverse Effect Reports are OFF THE CHARTS. More citizens have already died from these “vaccines” in six months than the number of citizens who died from all other vaccines combined, over the past 25-years!

READ ACTUAL VAERS REPORTS HERE and HERE – You, WE, have all been lied to!

So, armed with real facts and relied upon by the American people, who will you serve in these treacherous times? Did you take an oath to protect and defend the global Marxists behind the COVID19 bioweapon and their bioweapon “vaccines?” Did you take an oath to follow “unlawful orders” against the American people? Did you take an oath to protect and defend any politician or political organization?

Or did you take an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution and the American people from all enemies, including domestic political enemies, who themselves should be tried for their treason against the people?

This applies to everyone who has sworn an oath to the American people, freedom and liberty, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. The current administration has placed you all in a horrific position of having to decide who and what you stand for…and many of you may be punished with demotions, loss of income and firing, just like all other Americans, when you choose to do what’s right. You may have to choose between your paycheck and your country, just like the rest of us.

This is the decision you are being forced to make today!

You will not be able to protect yourself or your own loved ones unless you protect ALL Americans. Efforts by your command to threaten and coerce you into compliance, must be rebuked by each of you. You must stand together against this evil, or our entire country and way of life in the United States will perish.

These are, indeed, the times that try men’s souls.

You will be judge both here and in heaven, for the choice you are being forced to make.

God help us all if you lack the courage, decency, and honor to stand up for the American people, freedom, and liberty, right now!


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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When Employers Practice Government Tyranny

By Lex Greene

Following ongoing high-level White House meetings between USA corporate CEOs and Biden officials, some of the USA’s biggest employers returned to their ivory towers to issue more COVID mandates that no one in the country has any real legal authority to issue, much less enforce. First, they are “forcing” mask mandates. Next, they will attempt to force “vaccine mandates” on both employees and consumers.

As we know, government has no “consent of the governed” to force any medical mandates of any kind upon anyone. In fact, the Fourth Amendment prevents government (and everyone else) from taking any action which directly or indirectly violates “the Right of the people to be secure in their persons.”

As of now, the FDA has not approved any of the so-called “COVID vaccines” simply because they are not actually “vaccines,” but rather experimental mRNA injections designed to alter human DNA, a mad scientist’s concept that should never be used on any human being…no better than the human experiments of Josef Mengele and Hitler that resulted in the Nuremberg Trials and Nuremberg Code.

Isn’t it ironic that it was the United States that wrote the Nuremberg Code and helped conduct the Nuremberg trials?

As government officials have stated openly many times now, without full FDA approval, they have no power to “force vaccinate” anyone. That’s why they have a gun to the heads of FDA officials to rush out full FDA approval, despite massive VAERS reports of deaths and permanent damage to thousands of vaccinated citizens. Even with full FDA approval, they are still prohibited from violating every Citizen’s “Right to be secure in their person.”

Because the government has no such power, they have conned or coerced private corporations and businesses into acting as though they have the legal authority to force or coerce employees into COVID mandates at the corporate level. Many major corporations have bought the con, because if they don’t, their company revenue and profits are threatened by government officials. The same is affecting many doctors, nurses, and lawyers.


In reality, only about 30% of Americans have voluntarily taken one of the mRNA DNA injections, in error, nowhere near the numbers the Biden Administration has been reporting.

In fact, as of this writing, even the CEO of vaccine manufacturer Pfizer has not taken any of these so-called vaccines that Biden is trying to force upon all men, women, and children. Since they can’t do it themselves, they are fearmongering private businesses into practicing insane tyrannical government medicine without a medical license.

  • Thousands have already died from these so-called “vaccines”
  • Hundreds of thousands have lost quality of life
  • We know that COVID tests cannot distinguish COVID19 from flu, cold or variants
  • We know that the same tests are laced with dangerous toxins
  • We now know that these injection do NOT prevent infection, spread or death
  • We also know that no mask is designed to prevent the spread of any virus

This is a TOP DOWN operation… The Global Marxists control Obama, who controls Biden and Harris by feeding words into their teleprompters, who coerce the major corporations and employers, who then threaten and coerce their employees and consumers, who threaten their family and friends, so that everyone will “go along to get along” until every American is dead or living under boot.

Federal funding is used to buy compliance from many Americans who will sell out freedom and liberty for all of us, for just a few hundred or a few thousand dollars. Many state governors and legislators will sell out their constituents for just a little more in federal bribe or extortion money. Most people today can be bought, coerced, or frightened into total compliance, with a lot less than you might think.

Corporations will sell us down the river in a heartbeat, trying to protect their profits and personal station in society. The same goes for the handful of international media conglomerates that pretty much own all forms of public communications today.

But here’s what the high-dollar lawyers are not telling these businesses…

  1. Making any medical device or treatment a “condition of employment” is legally “coercing” employees against their will, using employment and income as the weapon to “coerce” compliance against the will of the employee. Coercion is a “crime,” especially when it can affect the life and health of the employee and their entire family.
  2. Using the power of their purse strings to “coerce” employees into a medical device or treatment is essentially “practicing bad medicine without a license.”
  3. Coercing employees with the threat of lost employment and income, into accepting a medical device or treatment against their will, as a “condition of employment” makes the employer directly legally liable for any negative event arising out of that requirement for continued employment. It’s not like a dress code, or other harmless conditions of employment. It’s a condition that could cause loss of health or even death.
  4. Unlike the vaccine manufacturers, and our totally immune from responsibility government, private companies have no legal immunity for their actions here. The mask companies all put an open disclaimer on the side of their boxes telling you that their masks won’t work. They are covered by that disclaimer when you get COVID and die. However, the company that made you wear it, telling you it will protect you – they are not only liable because they made it mandatory, but they have also made it mandatory in direct conflict with the disclaimers from the mask manufacturers. In other words, they didn’t “follow the science.”

Employers are trying to hide behind “you have a choice.” Some choice! Take a deadly vaccine, or lose my job, my income and my family’s home. Can’t these employers find a bigger gun to point at employee heads?

When someone is harmed or God forbid, dead…as a result of these “conditions of employment,” guess who is legally on the hook? Not the government – not the manufacturers – and not even the Workman’s Compensation Insurance providers, who never agreed to insure any such conditions for employment. Sooner or later, this is going to bankrupt some companies. Maybe that’s what it will take to wake them up!

When employers play scientist, doctor or government enforcer, nothing good can come from it. Not for the employees, the consumers and certainly not for the company.

As people across the country and around the globe rise up against tyrannical COVID mandates that are NOT really backed by any real science at all, the worst place in the world for any company or employer to place themselves is directly in the crosshairs of massive lawsuits.

They might think they are doing the right thing… In reality, they are being conned and coerced into doing the dirty work of the global Marxists. When the day is done, they will be the one’s with the dirt (blood) all over their hands!

As for the poor employees…

A united sit-out strike will end this insanity. When trucks don’t move, products aren’t delivered, goods can’t be sold and services can’t be rendered, all because no one showed up to work – then the employers will find the true value of their employees and the dangers of “going along to get along” with corrupt politicians and mad scientists.

Stand up together – walk out – sit down in mass – and wait for people to come to their senses.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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CDC has Been Cookin’ the Books

By Lex Greene

If you have been “following the science” as issued by the CDC over the past 18-months, then you know that everything they have said about their lab-created COVID event has turned out to be false, all of it, everything. They couldn’t have gotten it more wrong if their lives depended on it.

[UPDATE: As is always the case, first I do the research, then I write and then I link the sources used to arrive at my conclusions, so that readers know I’m not making it up out of thin air. After releasing this column, a reader pointed out what is likely the greatest example of government “cooking the books,” and they do it religiously. The statistics used for this column were verified in numerous official reports and linked to the most complete report HERE. Below, the stats presented are taken directly from this report, as presented in the report. However, the math is very misleading in one way. The actual death rate is not 8.97% as stated in the report. It has never been 9-10% as suggested in these official stats. In 2020, the U.S. Government has reported that a total of 3,358,814 Americans died, all causes of death combined. In a nation of 332-million people, that’s approximately 1% of the population, not 8.97%. 1 per 100 deaths is quite different from 1 per 1000. This practice by government officials consistently overstates the real death rate by ten-times the actual rate. Keep this in mind as you read the stats presented here. The primary point of the column remains true, however. There is NO evidence of a new increased spike in deaths as a result of COVID19.]

Science is supposed to be based upon provable facts. But in recent years, CDC science has been based upon anything but the facts. CDC science has been based solely upon profiteering and a very distinct “anti-American” political agenda for a very long time now. The CDC lies and most doctors and nurses knowingly swear to it, to protect their jobs, incomes, and assets.

Of course, real journalism in the USA died decades ago, at about the same time real constitutional law died in the 1940s and 1950s. That’s when law schools replaced teaching inalienable Natural Rights and Constitutional Law and started teaching nothing but British Common Law, precedence, and procedure. During the same time frame, journalism schools stopped teaching students to be the “eyes and ears of the people” with real investigative journalism so that society could make political decisions with real facts, and started teaching journalists to “make a difference,” to advance a particular political agenda.

In both cases, journalism and law became mere extensions of maniacal political elites working to advance their global political agenda. The truth is irrelevant, even in medicine and science with life and death always hanging in the balance.

How the CDC, WHO and even FDA have cooked the books to promote a political agenda…

#1 – According to their maniacal science, “COVID19 is a deadly threat to everyone in the country, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, and the “worst global pandemic in a hundred years.” It’s SO deadly that the U.S. Government is prepared to “force vaccinate” every man, woman, and child in the USA, against their will, lock them out of their lives, cause total financial ruin, and enslave every citizen under Marxist rule from D.C.

If this were true, then the USA annual death rate would have skyrocketed in the USA since January 2020 with the onset of COVID19. Has it?

From 1950 through 1976 the USA annual death rate stayed between 9% and 10% each year. From 1976 through today (2021 to date), the USA death rate has remained essentially the same for many years, changing only approximately 0.1% annually with or without COVID19. In fact, the annual USA death rate has been steadily increasing by around 0.1% per year since Barack Obama became President in 2009. There is NO notable spike in the overall death rate since COVID19 showed up.

#2 – According to the CDC, COVID19 became the 3rd leading cause of deaths in the USA in 2020.

Of course, this is only true when you count every death from multiple causes as a “COVID death” despite knowing that 94% of the COVID labeled deaths actually died of other causes, 87% of them (elderly) already at the end of life with on average,four other unrelated causes of death before COVID19, with 80% of COVID positive tests later determined to be “false positives showing no symptoms.”

#3 –To the degree that there is any “new spike in cases” as the CDC tells us, which remains in doubt due to ongoing “false positives,” it’s very clear that any new “spike” is coming from vaccinated people now. Instead of “vaccinating” people against infection and deadly symptoms, evidence is rapidly growing that it is the vaccinated who are now the “super-spreaders” and that the so-called “delta variant” arrived with the vaccines. A majority of new cases and COVID deaths are now reported in people who have taken one or more of the injections, all vaccine manufacturers.

Once again, the facts prove the exact opposite of the CDC (Fauci and Gates) approved narrative,parroted by the far left media and even most of the middle media like Fox news.

Face the reality… everything you have been told about the COVID event for over 18-months falls into one of only two categories…either the most incompetent science in the history of science, or the world’s biggest set of lies ever told. Either way, the “experts” have turned out to be the least reliable people on earth, at the expense of great tragedy, loss of human life and freedom.

Now those same experts have a gun to the head of FDA officials with the intent to force them into rushed (post-use) approval for the experimental “vaccines” responsible for the new variants, super-spreaders, over 500,000 maimed for life and more than 53,000 dead so far. They NEED this approval because until then, everything they have forced on the American (and world) people was done despite no FDA authorization. They need the FDA to hang for Gates and Fauci’s actions!

The leftist media in the USA has half of the country convinced that the USA medical stats are worse than the rest of the socialist countries in the world and that the USA should follow the lead of the “progressive socialists” around the globe. Take another look at reality…


USA 8.97%
Sweden 9.12%
Spain 9.31%
France 9.41%
United Kingdom 9.42%
Italy 10.74%
Japan 11.05%
Greece 11.14%
Germany 11.51%

Further, the USA annual death rate before COVID…

2017 8.58%
2018 8.68%
2019 8.78%
2020 8.88%
2021 8.97%

In truth, the annual USA death rate has been steadily inching upward each year since 2009, at an average rate of increase of 0.1%. Obviously, as you can see, there is no visible leap in USA death rate beyond the normal rates in 2020 or 2021 during the alleged COVID “pandemic.” The overall increase in annual US death rate over the past four and a half years has only been 0.39% for the entire period. This alone pretty much proves that there has been NO SPIKE AT ALL in USA deaths that can be directly associated with the COVID event. So, what’s all of the fearmongering about?

Science proved long ago that none of the masks recommended are designed to, or capable of, preventing the spread of any virus. In fact, our own experience over the past 18-months totally confirms this reality. But the leftist mad scientists and their complicit fake news media are still telling everyone they have to wear one.

Science has proven for centuries that “asymptomatic people” aren’t capable of spreading anything. But the Marxist mad scientists tell us the opposite.

Science has proven that the current “vaccines” are not vaccines, and recent science regarding the results of these so-called vaccines have already proven the injections to be far more dangerous and deadly than any virus. But the fake scientists like Bill Gates are still telling everyone to get the vaccines, and they are even prepared to force vaccinate the entire population against their will.

The fake legal “experts” are telling us that they DO NOT have the right to stop a woman from killing her own child in the womb – but that they DO have the right to force lethal injections into every citizen against their will.

Both murder and suicide rates have skyrocketed off the charts just since January when the criminal Biden regime stole power in the 2020 elections. But the CDC is cooking the books on these numbers too.

On average, 35,000 Americans die each year of the common flu and cold. The same number died allegedly of COVID19 in 2020, 37,000, a natural increase related to an increase in population.

In other words, our entire existence is awash in a sea of outright lies. We are drowning in bold faced lies. We can all see the lies, but people allegedly on our side of the battle are lying too. The only news network I know of in the USA today that has shown some regard for reporting the pure facts is OANN, which is why most of the big cable TV companies won’t put them on their systems.

All others, including Fox News and Newsmax are mixing their messages to comply with the approved narrative, even though they both know it’s all lies. They will say something true one minute to appease their core audience, and then follow that truth with an outright lie to appease the global Marxists the next minute. Whatever it takes to keep the advertising money flowing.

Most doctors are lying to us, more concerned with keeping their practice and lifestyle than saving patients. Nurses have been a good bit more honest, which is why they are leaving the profession in masses, refusing to buy into a false narrative that threatens every human life now, both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Nothing in our Federal government is decent or honest today. It’s full of global Marxists of, by and for themselves and no one else. No facet of the government is exempt from this reality now.

Half or more of the State governments are no better. Many participated in both the 2020 election fraud and are still participating in the cover up right now. If we don’t “alter” this situation fast, we will have no choice but to “abolish” all of it and start over again as a free people with no government at all.

The people responsible for all of this nightmare must pay for their actions. There is no other way to right this ship or teach the global Marxists a lesson that will protect us and future generations from this form of unbridled corruption and tyranny.


You gave up your income, your business, your freedom, your family, your friends, and your future over FAKE SCIENCE! Now they are bringing this to your doorstep and threatening to lock everyone down again while they divide the USA into two totally different countries and social groups, the blind mindless compliant, and the mentally awake and engaged!


NO, WE CAN’T! Because some people want to control everyone else but themselves, and the other people refuse to be controlled by anyone. There’s no way the two can ever get along! The left will not stop until we fight! That should be quite clear to everyone by now!

What do we do now and who is going to do it?

When will we do it? After everything is lost???

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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My Body, My Choice, My Ass!

By Lex Greene

Isn’t it funny how Marxist democrats who have spent 48-years fighting for a mother’s “right” to murder her own children in the womb, are the same maniacal nut-jobs fighting tooth and nail for their “right” to inject anything they want into YOUR body, claiming you have “no right” to decline?

It would be funny if it weren’t so damned sickening and deadly! It takes some real moral misfits and socialist morons to think up such insanity, and some real tyrants to force it on the country and the world.

Clearly, according to the ruling class elite in our government of, by and for themselves, we don’t have even the most basic of Rights in this country anymore – and they are entirely unbridled in their power. They can do anything they want to the people, because nothing they have done to the people so far has caused any backlash or consequences from the people.

The fact is the people already have all the information they need in order to know what they have to do. More and more information to the point of saturation and info-overload won’t help anyone. People react differently to information.

For some, truthful information only causes depression, defeatism, paralysis, retreat, and surrender. The same information will move others to anger and action. This natural human reaction in people is what separates a society into “fearful” and “fighters.”

If you can lead, then lead! If you can’t lead, then follow! If you can’t fight, then fund those who can and if you can’t do any of the above, sit down, shut up and stay out of the way!

The American people, in fact, people all over the world already know everything they need to know, in order to know what they have to do to save themselves. Around the globe in almost every civilized nation, the people are already in the streets fighting against the Marxists they allowed to take power years ago. They are marching because once disarmed, that’s all they can do.

Once your government claims the right and authority to inject anything they want into your body, take away your freedom to earn, silence your voices of dissent, stick a worthless (and dangerous) mask on your kids face and come door-to-door at your home to either force you to comply, or dump you into their database of the “non-compliant extremists,” what more do you need to know?

YOU ARE ALREADY LIVING UNDER FASCISM! Call it whatever you want, Marxism, socialism, communism, progressivism, democracy, Maoism, any name that makes you “feel good.” It’s all the same thing, TYRANNY! The only “love” involved here, is the ruling class elites’ unquenchable thirst and LOVE for unbridled power!

When government tells you they can do anything they want to you and you have no say at all in the matter, and they enlist your employers, co-workers, friends, neighbors, and even family to do it, what more could you possibly need to know? Seriously?

The only open question at this point is are you going to ever do anything about it? The best time to fight tyranny is before you live under total tyranny. Ask anyone in the streets of Cuba, Canada, the EU, Australia, Greece, Italy, the UK and a hundred other nations right now. They all allowed themselves to be disarmed a long time ago. All they can do now is “protest” in the streets, as their governments call upon military units to come shut them down!

When the people let all peaceful solutions pass, thinking “everything will be fine” when everything is already NOT fine, sooner or later, violence is all that’s left. Some still think they can “go along” with evil, without becoming evil in that process. Every decent honest thinking person knows better! Evil never just “passes,” it either thrives or dies!

Those NOT doing anything now, peacefully, while they still can, as they stockpile food, weapons, and ammo, are helping the violent LEFT to bring the violence. They think they can “save their own” while the entire country and maybe the world, burns to the ground around them.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

All power is inherent in “the people,” and all government power comes from these same “people.” The people have only authorized very limited “just” powers…no “unjust powers.”

“whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”

Today, we have a chance to “alter” it before we have no choice but to “abolish it.” The 2020 elections were stolen by way of unprecedented massive election fraud on a scale never before seen by mankind. The evidence is overwhelming, and it is publicly available for any true patriot seeking truth and justice.

The worldwide average life span of any self-governed society in history is 200 years. The USA is 245-years old today. We have already outlived any other self-governed society by some 45-years. But here too, the end draws near.

Marxist democrats (and corrupt republicans) who stole power in 2020 will NOT give up that power without a fight. They know what they have done and what they are doing to destroy the USA and they are doing it at break-neck speed.

Unless Americans UNITE and RISE against them right away, the global Marxists have already won.

If it’s no longer even “my body, my choice,” then every freedom and liberty you once had as an American, is GONE! You are living a pipe dream to believe anything else.

It’s high time for every American to face reality now. We know everything we need to know, in order to know what we have to do. WILL WE DO IT?

FIGHT or SURRENDER! That’s the choice we each have now. Write me to know more…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Stupid is as Stupid Does

By Lex Greene

In the famous words of Forest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does” and these days, stupid seems much more common than common sense in the USA. Even Forest was smart enough to know it.

To arrive at the right answers, you only need to ask the right questions. Even the government, doctors, scientists, and their left-wing media con artists can’t win a debate if you simply ask the right questions, such as…

“Why has nothing science told us to do for 19-months worked?” You said mask, so we masked, and it didn’t work. You said social distance, so we social distanced for months and it didn’t work. You said lock healthy people in quarantine, so we locked healthy people in quarantine and gave up our incomes, families, friends, and lives for months, and it didn’t work. Why has nothing you said worked?

“If my mask works, why does anyone else need to wear one? You told us we needed to “mask up” and you have also told us we “don’t need to mask up.” Which is it? And no matter your answer, 19-months of masking hasn’t solved the problem, because as we can research for ourselves, none of the masks used are designed to, or capable of, stopping the transmission of any virus.

“How is the vaccine necessary when you admit that the vaccinated can still be infected and die from the unvaccinated?” If the vaccinated can still be infected and die as a result of unvaccinated people, what good is your so-called “vaccine?” Why are you telling the “vaccinated” to still “mask up?”

“Why are you saying your vaccines are approved?” We all know that the FDA has NOT approved your vaccines and we know why. There is no “science” to follow yet, testing won’t be completed for years. If the FDA knows what’s good for them, they won’t approve any of them with so many adverse effect reports!

“Why are you saying your vaccines are safe?” We all know that people are dying from your vaccines daily, at least 300 a day now. Millions are fighting for their lives and have become permanently injured by your vaccines. How “safe” is that?

“Why are you telling people they are safe if they get your vaccine?” Over 53,000 VAERS reports say quite the contrary, as all of these 53,000 Americans died AFTER taking your vaccines!

“Why are you scaring people into thinking they will die from a corona virus that has had a 99.7% survival rate?” We know that 94% of your so-called COVID19 deaths died of something else, the CDC told us so. We know this corona virus has had a 99.7% survival rate, because again, your CDC told us so. This doesn’t even qualify as anything more than a standard flu season.

“Why are you telling us that you have the legal authority to force vaccinate anyone, as if you’re Adolf Hitler and Dr. Mengele?” We all know that our “public servants” have no such authority. We the People run this country, not you!

I can keep going for quite a while here, but if you don’t get the picture by now, you never will. Congratulations, you have agreed to live under boot and doomed all future generations to the same!

Fool us once, shame on you…but fool us twice, shame on us!

Now our illustrious insane federal administration is openly threatening to force vaccinate every citizen, man, woman, and child, regardless of any other health concerns. They are even threatening to come door-to-door complete with U.S. Military armed to the teeth to do it. According to resident Joe, “we will need F-15s and nukes to stop them!”

And now, even Republican Governors like Florida’s DeSantis and Fox News talking heads like Sean Hannity are suddenly “pro-vaccine.” How, why? Didn’t any of them bother to ask the most obvious questions posed above?

No amount of education or indoctrination is a good substitute for fundamental common sense, which is clearly in short supply these days. Does it really matter how many degrees some “expert” has on the wall, if everything they are saying is blatantly false?

Look, no “expert,” politician, court, news media personality, TV or social media entertainer, fact-checker, federal or state agency, member of congress, democrat doctor, lawyer or scientist is going to save us here. It’s not even their job. None of them were elected or appointed to do this, any of it.

WE HAVE TO SAVE OURSELVES HERE… and all we need to do it is basic common sense, fundamental survival instincts and the will to stand up to this insanity before the nuts running the asylum put us all in a coffin or a straight-jacket.

Freedom is NOT for the stupid, the ignorant, the lazy, the cowardly or the fearful! We allowed the “experts” to fool us once, for over 19-months now. If we allow them to fool us again, that’s on us, and no one will survive it.

What’s all of this research and information for? If you’re never going to get out the fire hose, what does it matter that you know the house is on fire? The only reason for knowing, is the doing!

Are you hearing me here?

Radio FREE Lex Greene 2021 • A podcast on Anchor

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Why Governor DeSantis Thinks YOU are SAFE if Vaccinated

By Lex Greene

Allow me to begin with this FACT… we have One President, One Vice President, 435 members of Congress and nine unelected and totally unaccountable members of the U.S. Supreme Court, fifty Governors and thousands of City Mayors… and not a single one of them was elected by the people to decide who to quarantine, when to mask, who can earn a living and who can’t, who must be vaccinated and what will happen to those who refuse! NOT A SINGLE ONE!

These decisions rest with the American People and NO ONE ELSE! Now that I have set this baseline FACT straight, allow me to state some more FACTS!

Only thirteen “doctors” are running the Marxist COVID OP, nine of whom are directly on payroll with congressional democrats, and seven of whom have received funding from the Clinton Foundation. None of these thirteen ever see patients.

Meanwhile, more than 2300 international virologists totally disagree with the scam “science” forced down people’s throats by those thirteen democrat doctors, and more than 10,000 frontline doctors have filed suit against those responsible for intentionally lying to the public.

So, why is Florida Governor DeSantis suddenly pimping the vaccines after standing so strong against the COVID scam until now?

First, like President Trump, DeSantis is NOT a doctor or scientist. This means he must rely upon the “expert” opinions of those who are, in short, “follow the scientists.” The issue is, whose science?

2300 international virologists and 10,000 frontline doctors have been either discredited or silenced by the thirteen democrat doctors behind the COVID bioweapon operation. Only the opinions of the thirteen democrat doctors are allowed to speak without opposition, namely, Dr. Fauci, who has been caught lying repeatedly, including to Congress under oath and penalty of perjury.

But there is more…

Despite admitting months ago that their “COVID case” numbers were dramatically inflated due to faulty testing, now recalled by the FDA, resulting in a 500% overstated “infection” reporting, the CDC and their thirteen doctors continue using the inflated case numbers to extend the fear-mongering. Approximately 80% of the test “positives” have been “false positives,” as admitted by the CDC months ago.

Despite admitting that only 6% of all COVID LABELED DEATHS were actually deaths caused by COVID19, and that the other 94% died of other causes, the democrat doctors and Biden regime are still using the grossly over-reported deaths from COVID19, and so is the Marxist news media.

Democrat Marxist “fact-checkers” at SNOPES and ANNENBERGS Fact-Check continue to intentionally mislead the public with their carefully crafted word-parsing, “Only 6% died OF COVID,” the other 94% allegedly died of other causes “with COVID.” (Remember the false positives)

But there’s more…

As of July 21, 2021, at least 53,000 “COVID deaths” in the USA had been reported to VAERS since January 1, 2021. 100% of these deaths were “post-vaccine” and they included all of the different vaccine manufacturers. This alone proves that the approved narrative, now spewed by Republicans from Sean Hannity to Governor DeSantis and most of the Fox News talking heads, 100% FALSE!

So, I have made it possible for you to SEE THIS REALITY FOR YOURSELF in a matter of seconds.

The CDC and VAERS are busy deleting COVID vaccine death reports and they have started NOT accepting any new “vaccine death reports” from medical professionals on the frontlines, who are becoming increasingly concerned about the safety of any of these so-called vaccines. (COVID19 is NOT a virus, and these vaccines are NOT vaccines)

But before they could delete all of them, I exported several VAERS reports to a secure thumb drive and then posted them for the world toconsider HERE and HERE. This is what you will see if you click and read these reports, which are posted in the original VAERS exported form, without any edit or alteration.

  1. ALL (100%) of these attending physician reports to VAERS concerning “new COVID deaths” are in patients that have received these vaccines, no exceptions. ALL of these reports are “post-vaccine deaths.”(But that’s NOT how they are marked)
  2. The second report separated these death reports by vaccine manufacturer.
  3. ALL of them have been marked by VAERS and the CDC as mere “COVID DEATHS” with none of them marked “vaccine deaths,” even though all of them happened “post-vaccine.”
  4. In report after report, you will read horrifying accounts from attending physicians, of exactly how these vaccines are ravaging the bodies of the vaccinated, from the inside out, until dead.
  5. You will see that although most cases are in the 60+ age groups, those targeted for vaccination first and often having “pre-existing health risks,” other deaths are patients as young as 13 years of age, in perfect health prior to receiving their vaccines.

THIS is the “science” that everyone is relying upon in making their pro-vaccine statements. They believe there “are no vaccine deaths” simply because VAERS and the CDC are marking ALL “vaccine related deaths” as mere “COVID19 deaths,” leading unsuspecting people, including government leaders like DeSantis to assume the vaccines are “safe.” The CDC is lying again!

Just as Fauci, the CDC, WHO, politicians, the Marxist media, and their Marxist “fact-checkers” LIED about infected numbers and death toll numbers for the past 19-months, they are lying about the 2021 vaccine death numbers now.

ONLY when you take the time to READ the attending physician reports yourself, will you see that ALL of these “COVID DEATHS” occurred AFTER the patients received one or more of the vaccines. You will also see that it doesn’t matter which vaccine they took, as they are all causing the same adverse effects.

These reports deal strictly with patients who had DIED AFTER RECEIVING their vaccines. They DO NOT include anyone who has died without a vaccine, or anyone forever disabled by the vaccines, but still living.

My previous column lays much of this truth bare, HERE. Other good investigative writers like Devvy Kidd at NewsWithViews, are also working feverishly to expose the real FACTS that every American MUST know immediately, in order to save their own lives and that of their loved ones.

Unfortunately, we cannot make everyone READ these facts, or make them take the appropriate actions after. All we can do is do the homework and present the real facts. The rest is up to YOU, the American people.

You will have to decide who you believe, the thirteen democrat doctors making billions off their vaccines, or the 2300 virologists sounding the alarm all over the world. Will you believe Fauci, Joe Biden, Trump, and DeSantis? Or will you believe more than 10,000 international Frontline Doctors?

There is no second chance here… these are LIFE AND DEATH decisions you will have to make. ALL of this is about CONTROL, not science or health. If this were about your health, this would have been handled entirely different. Use your survival instincts to cut through the lies. Use your common sense to defuse the massive lies coming from democrat doctors seeking total global political power.


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Most Important COVID Facts

By Lex Greene

Now that we all know that we have been and are being lied to by “science” and “media” regarding the virus and the so-called vaccines, it’s time to stop following the fraudulent science and start following common sense and natural survival instincts.

No one in the USA has been “following the science.” Everyone has been following their politics. People who have taken these injections were not following any science. Instead, they were following their politicians, like Fauci, Gates, Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Obama, and even Trump. Most who have refused the injections, are also not following any science. They rightfully distrust all politicians, news media and social media and don’t believe any advice given by any of them. It’s on this basis alone that most are refusing the injections.

We were ordered by politicians and their Marxist media to “follow the science” and almost every American citizen did, or at least, they followed their politician’s advice. Most followed a “politically approved science” issued by mad scientists well on public record discussing “mass population reduction” and formally on record holding Patents for both the COVID19 virus and their COVID19 “vaccines” – filed years before the COVID19 emergence in late 2019 and early 2020.

For the record, no one can own a Patent on a natural virus. But you can own a Patent on a bioweapon you created!

The other scientists all over the globe that have been issuing warning after warning about the virus and their “vaccines” have been deleted from social media platforms, attacked both professionally and personally, fired from their medical careers, no matter how right they have been or even how events unfolding right before our eyes have proven their warnings entirely appropriate. This science, we are NOT supposed to follow…

What CDC and WHO Science?

The CDC and WHO have publicly reported both of these scientific facts…

Number of USA COVID cases reported –35,019,526 – and, that an estimated 80% have been “false positives” and often “false negatives,” bringing the REAL number of USA COVID cases to 7,003,905 over an 18-month period(2.1% of the US Population)

NOTE: The average number of symptomatic FLU cases in the USA each year is also 35,000,000

Number of USA COVID deaths reported – 624,998 – but also that only 6% of these deaths were actually “deaths from COVID19” – bringing the REAL number of COVID19 deaths in the USA to 37,500also over an 18-month period (0.11% of the US Population)

NOTE: The average number of FLU deaths in the USA each year is also 34,200

However, despite these public CDC admissions of intentionally grossly inflating these numbers, the mad scientists and their Marxist media are still using the inflated numbers intended to frighten and control the population and scare them into “vaccines” that are already killing at a greater rate than the virus itself.

The CDC and WHO told us that wearing a mask would protect us from exposure to the virus they created in the Wuhan lab. If that had even been true, you putting on a mask would have made you safe even if no one else was wearing one. But it wasn’t true. In fact, more than 20-years of clinical studies regarding the effectiveness of these masks all resulted in confirmation that none of them are designed or capable of preventing the spread of any particles as small as virus particles.

The CDC and WHO told us that if we just voluntarily locked ourselves out of our lives, our freedom and liberty for a few weeks, the virus would be eradicated. That was almost 19-months ago now, and that scientific advice has also since been proven false.

The CDC and WHO is telling us now that the “vaccinated are safe” and the “unvaccinated are killing people.” However, 7-months into inoculations, over 60% of new COVID related deaths and hospitalizations are in patients who took their vaccines. Every week, more people are dying of the vaccines than of the virus now.

In fact, the Texas Democrats that ran from their oaths in Texas to hang out with their Marxist heroes in D.C. are now coming down with COVID19 from D.C. and ALL of them have taken their vaccines.

Further, the CDC and WHO are also telling everyone that even if you’ve had the vaccines, you still need your worthless mask. All the way down the line from day one in January 2020, these mad scientists have been wrong again and again. Yet, these are the scientists you are still supposed to be following?

The Media Says

In short, the media says whatever they are told to say, with a government gun to their heads. Most modern journalists are Marxists and globalists today. They agree with the ongoing plan to “depopulate” the world through these means. But even conservative leaning networks, publications and TV stars are squawking the Fauci line, protecting their jobs and high salaries over the health and well-being of the people. They continue to not only advance all of these lies hourly, but also support the governments intentions to FORCE vaccinate everyone, one way or another, beginning with all U.S. Military personnel starting September 1, 2021.

The Medical Community Says

They ALL know everything stated here and they ALL know that none of these “vaccines” are actually vaccines. They also know the masks don’t work and that we now have more deaths and adverse effects from the “vaccines” than the virus. They know everything I know and then some.

But they still stick to the company line coming from the very people who created this plandemic. That’s because if they don’t, they may lose that big house, the BMW and Mercedes in the driveway and that Rolex watch on their arm. Their family livelihood and financial security, along with their career, is on the line. Most have chosen to protect their lifestyles, rather than their patients and in many cases, even their own families.

They see what happens to medical professionals telling the people the truth. They are quite literally destroyed. Some of them even threatened with their lives and that of their families. So, they “follow the science” they are told to follow, all real science aside. They might even lose their Country Club membership if they dare tell the truth.

Of course, now that we know that the CDC, WHO and Fauci lied all along about everything, including the point of origin of the virus (aka bioweapon), the development of the vaccines (aka bioweapons) and his NIH funding of it all in support of “gain of function” sciences, not to mention grossly overstating related cases and deaths, we should (must) expect them to also lie about the number of deaths and adverse effects from their vaccines…and they are!

The most recent CDC VAERS report numbers the dead from vaccines at over 11,000 and those with other adverse effects at nearly 500,000. However, a suit was just filed based on whistleblower testimony from inside the CDC VAERS system claiming at least 45,000 vaccine deaths (now over 50,000), based upon reporting from “only one of eleven VAERS reporting channels.”The true numbers may be much higher.

The “Experimental” Vaccine Violates All 10 Nuremberg Codes – Which Carry the Death Penalty for Those Who Try to Break These International Laws: (quoted below)

1) Provides immunity to the virus?

This is a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections.

2) Protects the recipients from getting the virus?

This gene therapy does not provide.

3) Reduces deaths due to viral infection?

This gene therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-vaccinated people infected with Covid have also died in alarming numbers.

4) Reduces the circulation of the virus?

This gene therapy still allows the virus to spread because it gives zero immunity to the virus.

5) Reduces the transmission of the virus?

This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it does not confer immunity to the virus.

The hard cold facts are in, and they will become increasingly public despite the most massive effort in history to keep these facts a secret, known only by the perpetrators of this mass genocide until now.

COVID19 and all of their alleged “new variants” are NOT “viruses” – they are either other strains of the original bioweapon created by mad scientists in “gain of function” labs, paid for by U.S. taxpayers through Fauci’s organizations and other globalists involved, and/or just a political cover story intended to hide the fact that thousands are dying from their “vaccines.”

ALL COVID19 “vaccines” are NOT vaccines. They too, are manmade bioweapons. COVID19 was created for the sole purpose of introducing these so-called vaccines into the world. These “vaccines” are more than ten-times more deadly than the original COVID19 or any of their so-called variants.


  • You cannot patent anything that exists in nature. You can only get a patent for something unique, which you created.
  • None of the masks work. You know this already, by the mere fact that YOURS does not protect you even if others are wearing one too, and that this bioweapon continues to be active despite 19-months of wearing masks.
  • At the very best, these “vaccines” DO NOT prevent getting COVID19, proven by the number of post-vaccination infections, adverse effects and deaths, all of them allegedly testing positive for COVID after receiving the “vaccines.” At worst, these “vaccines” are killing more people than the original “virus” ever did or ever would have.
  • We have been lied to and controlled by those lies for 19-months now and we are still being told that the worst is yet to come. We are being told that the “unvaccinated” are a health threat to the vaccinated. That’s not even possible if the vaccines actually worked.
  • It was NEVER true any time in world history, that asymptomatic people are spreaders. It never has been true and never will be true. Only sick people can pass the illness to others, no matter the infectious disease.
  • COVID19 is a lab created bioweapon, not a virus. The “vaccines” are even more deadly bioweapons, not vaccines. That’s why they ARE NOT FDA approved!
  • VAERS has received well over 53,000 reports of DEATHS in the USA in patients who had received 1 or more doses of the fake “vaccines.” I know that thousands more have already been deleted from the VAERS database and I have been told by other researchers that as many as 150,000 cases have been deleted by the CDC, as the CDC issues a 7/21/21 announcement that the VAERS reports have been overstated by VAERS in error. This too is a lie — I have the files.
  • Even “conservatives” like Donald Trump and Governor DeSantis are promoting these deadly “vaccines” and the only thing I don’t know is if they are simply buying the science lies too, or do they know what I know?
  • ALL known proven medical treatments for any coronavirus were dismissed and blocked from medical use. The treatments used to kill SARS1 between 2003-2005 were denied the American people regarding SARS2 (COVID19). This is what made people get so sick that they would accept an even more deadly “vaccine.”
  • Patients presenting early signs of coronavirus symptoms were tested and sent back home without treatment. They were made to get even more sick at home until they were so sick that they had to be hospitalized. But then, there was little that could be done to save their lives.They were ventilated and soon after died in most cases.

Everything stated here can be easily proven. But to what effect?

The ONLY purpose of sharing information is to have that information result in critical actions. In this case, the critical actions must begin with STOPPING THE USE OF THESE VACCINES and opening a full investigation into why more people are dying from the vaccines, than from the original illness.


It is not possible to accomplish this action anywhere at the federal level. So, armed with the facts, We the People MUST work with our State Officials to BAN THESE VACCINES IN OUR STATES until a complete investigation into the adverse effects from these vaccines can be properly completed and honestly reported.

God Help this Country and its People if Americans lack the good sense and courage to do this immediately!

STOP following the maniacal “science” and start following common sense and basic survival instincts, if you still have any. We can and must save ourselves now!


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Sheeple v. Sheeple?

By Lex Greene

While people all over the world are already in the streets fighting global Marxists for their freedom and liberty, Americans are mostly still going about their lives as if life is normal, trying to hold on to all of their earthly possessions as they rapidly lose their entire country and way of life. It’s a fool’s errand!


From Cuba to Canada and Ireland to South Africa, the UK, the EU, and all points in between, freedom fighters are in the streets confronting their global Marxist governments. They are not fighting for free vaccines, free food, stimulus checks, free medicine, or free government indoctrination in public schools or on college campuses, in fact, quite the contrary. THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM!

But here in the USA, we seem to only have Sheeple v. Sheeple, with rare exception. Those rare exceptions are quickly labelled “racists, white supremacists, insurrectionists, extremists, domestic terrorists and conspiracy theorists.” The U.S. Department of Justice and Department of Defense have painted a target on the chest of every “non-compliant” American citizen opposed to Biden’s global Marxism and placed a bounty on their heads in the media and social media, even calling for family members to rat out their own.

On one side of the battle for America is the global Marxist sheeple, demonstrating a total suspension of common sense, logic, fact, and intelligence as they march towards the cliff in lockstep behind their Marxist heroes. They can see people who have been trapped under socialism for years, fighting for their lives and freedom all over the globe.But it just doesn’t register that this is the future they have chosen for themselves.

On the other side, we have the patriot sheeple, largely aware of the dangers we face, but waiting for someone else, anyone else, to do something about it. They wait, hope, and pray that Trump, their British Common Law lawyers, turncoat republicans, corrupt courts, or anyone else, is going to stand up and “fight for them.”

One is a sheeple being mindlessly led to slaughter by their Marxist politicians, and the other is leading themselves to slaughter by relying upon anyone else to save their beloved Republic, a task that can only be accomplished by the American citizens themselves.

Many of us thought that events would have triggered an all-American revolt against corrupt dictators in control of our government a long time ago. But even as we sit today, the vast majority of Americans still have not witnessed enough evil to be triggered into action. Nothing in the USA is normal, and patriots are allowing that to become the new norm.

The patriot sheeple are well aware of the fact that “divided, we will fall.” Yet, they still refuse to unite. They know our country is under global Marxist control right now, yet they still think they can protect their own, in a place where they won’t be able to protect anyone or anything much longer.

Patriots know that hope isn’t a strategy for victory. But they remain in suspended animation, more fearful of appropriate actions than continued inaction. Even though they know that evil will prevail everywhere good people do nothing – nothing is still what they do.

I’m reminded again of the people who danced on the Titanic while the ship that could never be sunk, sank into the frigid waters, killing two-thirds of everyone on board.

The mindless sheeple being led to slaughter by their Marxist God’s are only a small part of the problem. The patriot sheeple are a much bigger part of the problem. Like the Titanic, the order has been issued for the band to keep playing, so that people will keep dancing, unaware and unconcerned that they will soon perish.

But soon, the band will no longer be able to keep playing. The dance will soon come to an end. Every American will face the reality that their ship is sinking fast, and they are already beyond the point of no return.

There will be nothing they can do soon. The economy, health care, food supplies, their arms and ammo, it will all be gone or useless against the U.S. Military and Department of Justice that has every American citizen in their crosshairs.

Soon, the patriot sheeple will realize that they have waited too long to react to the evil confronting them on every front now. They will be forced to realize that the lengthy window of opportunity they once had to avoid the coming disaster, has since closed. They relied upon others to save them, when only the people themselves held such power.

And then, Americans will be divided into two groups, the “compliant” and the “non-compliant.”

The compliant will be the forced labor of the One World Order needed to keep the Marxist state afloat. The non-compliant will be removed from their families and sent for re-education. If they can’t be re-educated, they will be eliminated. The nation is being divided into these two groups right now, the vaccinated (compliant) and the unvaccinated (non-compliant), beginning with the U.S. Military.

If you don’t know this, then you have never thoroughly researched how Marxism is instituted and how it turns out every single time it has been installed throughout history. “Compliant” members of the Military just vaccinated, will then be ordered to force YOU to comply.

Our younger generations know no better, because their parents allowed them to be completely indoctrinated by public education, colleges, fake journalism,fake constitutional scholars, and social media. Most of them lack the critical thinking skills to ever figure this out. They aren’t even able to listen, much less learn.

Until they live under boot, just like the people in Cuba, young Americans will never give up their utopian dream of socialism that they were Pavlov trained to believe in American schools. They will fight for the promise of free everything from their dictators, used to lure them into the trap, like free cheese for the mouse.

Even though their dictators will kick them off the gravy train the minute there is no longer any political opposition left, they believe they will be exempt from the tyranny they have brought upon our country and the world.

Each side accuses the other of being a blind cult following, and to some degree, they are both right.

Both believe what they want to believe, and the facts seldom have anything to do with it. Both live in their own fantasy world, one believing America is horrible and they can fix it with communist rule – the other thinking they are participating in saving their country by simply watching others try to save it, without lifting a hand or donating a penny to help.

For 245-years now, America has been whatever the American people decided it was going to be, and that has not changed.

Marxist sheeple are working to forever change America into a third-world member of a tyrannical global commune, and the patriot sheeple are still waiting for someone else to stop them.

The Marxists sheeple are incapable of stopping!

So, it’s up to the patriot sheeple to stop waiting and take action before they have no means or opportunity left to do so. The USA is fast being driven into the toilet by the unlawful occupants in control of our government. Only when the patriot sheeple stop being sheeple and start being real patriots, does the USA even have a chance of survival.

I write in the hopes that patriots can be shaken into action by truth. United in action, we can still prevail. But divided and paralyzed, the USA doesn’t have a chance! I will continue releasing critical information in the hopes that sooner than later, the people will rise up against everything being forced upon them by global Marxist powers.

If you think there is anywhere you can run, anywhere you can hide, you are sadly mistaken. This is the USA, the beacon of freedom and liberty for the entire world. If the USA is not free, no place on earth will be.

We are fast running out of time.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Dear Mike Lindell

By Lex Greene

Great pillows! Thank youfirst time in years that I wake up every day without any neck or back painNow, to the point of my reaching out.

There is zero doubt that the 2020 elections were stolen via unprecedented levels and methods of election fraud, committed by the BidenHarris campaign, the Democrat Party, and a laundry list of their global comrades and domestic fifth column Marxists. I am 100% confident that your investment in election integrity has resulted in massive indisputable evidence that will prove these facts beyond any honest doubt. Thank you!

The question is, who do you need to prove it to, and how?

Following your updates and comments on the matter, I understand that you have been advised by legal beagles to take your evidence directly to the U.S. Supreme Court via a Quo Warranto filing. If true, your legal beagle advisers have sent you on a suicide mission that will destroy all of the work you have done to expose 2020 fraud. Heres why

As Im certain you have noticed over recent years, the Federal Courts are a total disaster in terms of their understanding and reverence for Constitutional Law. The most common response from Federal Courts concerning constitutional issues, especially any attempt to expose government corruption and fraud, is denied access,due to lack of standing.This has become the catchall escape hatch the courts use to prevent evidence like yours, from ever being presented in their tightly controlled courts.

NOTE: Never forget that numerous Federal and State Courts participated in the 2020 fraud.

In this case, a Quo Warranto case concerning the 2020 elections would be based upon a question to the court, essentially asking by what authority does Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the right to occupy the Oval Office?A reasonable and logical question, based upon the mountain of evidence that proves they have no legitimate right whatsoever to occupy the Oval Office.

However, if you file a Quo Warranto case with the U.S. Supreme Court on the basis of your valuable evidence, one of two things will happen, neither of which is good,and your investment and work will all be for nothing.

a) The Court will again decline to accept the case, citing your work as unreliable, irrelevant and an attempt to cause the overthrow of the duly elected Biden regime. The court will refuse to weigh in,citing the 2020 certification of the election results, ruling that the election results certified for 2020 stand as is. No evidence to the contrary allowed to be presented.


b) The Court will jump at the chance to accept your case and then they will answer your Quo Warranto question like this Fifty states certified the 2020 results, supported by the Electoral College vote and certified again by the US Congress, without objection. The election is over, better luck next time.

In other words, you will have slit your own throat by following the suicidal advice of legal beagles who have been losing cases like this in Federal Courts for years now.Once they walk you into this trap, intentionally or unintentionally, there will be nothing left after that.

Further, because the U.S.Constitution reserves all power over elections as an authority of each state, via each state legislature, the Federal Courts really have no legal authority over this matter to begin with. Because elections are a statebystate matter, so is the challenge of any state election result.

If you want to take your evidence to any court, the right court would be the State Supreme Court in which you have evidence to prove that the certified outcome of the 2020 elections in that state were rotten with fraud, resulting in an unlawful and unconstitutional outcome which must be overturned.

The better legal tool for this type of case would be a Writ of Mandamus filing with each State Supreme Court, demanding the court review all of your evidence,and issue an order requiring State Officials to decertify previous fraudulent certifications, claw back the states Presidential Electors and any fraudulent downballot results, and certify the new results, correcting the fraud and holding everyone responsible for it accountable, under violations of their Oaths of Office and State election code.

Statebystate, this is the right way to overturn the fraud in a courtroom, by constitutional process in each state, resulting in the overturning of the 2020 fraud nationally. By going this route, the U.S. Supreme Court will be forced to uphold the lawful and constitutional actions of the states who have righted the wrong via proper methods.

All Supreme Courts, both Federal and State, have two types of jurisdiction, appellate(which most are familiar with) and original, which few people seem to know or understand today, especially in the lawyer class. In order to go directly to a Supreme Court bypassing all lower courts, a case must be an original jurisdictioncase.

“Original jurisdiction is distinguishable from appellate jurisdiction, which is the power of a court to hear and enter judgment upon a case brought for review. For example, the U.S. Supreme Court’s caseload consists almost entirely appellate cases from the circuit courts of appeal.This is because British Common Law standards are being unconstitutionally applied in our court system today, using both proceduraland precedenceto control access to the courts.

When a court rules on lack of standingwithout ever hearing the case, they are making a proceduralruling. They are saying that the case does not meet the procedural standards created by the courts or legislatures, necessary to be granted access to the court.

When regarding an original jurisdictioncase, the high court must possess original jurisdictionover the matter being brought before the court. If not, then the case must be filed in a lower court and go through the lengthy and costly process of an appellate process in order to enter the high court on appeal.

When a matter pertains to a constitutional crisisor a constitutional conflict,Supreme Courts are supposed to be the first court to hear the case, bypassing all lower courts due to the severity and dangers associated with the case, rising to a level of URGENT original jurisdictionfor the high court. No other court has any jurisdiction on original jurisdiction cases.

You will also have to make sure you can pass the bar set for legal standingin bringing an original jurisdiction” case.

A case regarding the integrity of elections within a state is an original jurisdiction case for the State Supreme Court. Just make sure you approach the court in a manner which provides proof of legal standing, which essentially means, the right to approach the court on the matter. SEE legal standinghere.

In closing, the State Legislature in each State has full legal authority over elections within the state. This is the proper place to expose, fight and resolve election fraud that happened within the state. But the State Supreme Court could be utilized to orderthe legislature or other State Officials to abide by their oaths of office and do the job they were elected to do, via a Writ of Mandamus.

Especially in todays corrupt and convoluted federal court system, I would do everything possible to avoid asking Federal courts for their legal opinion about anything, especially if it puts them in a highly uncomfortable position of having to consider overturning a national election that has already been allowed to happen and stand for more than six months.

Godspeed Mr. Lindell

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Dear President Trump, Please STOP!

By Lex Greene

At the moment, I still believe you have the best of intentions for America. But some of your ongoing actions and public positions are causing me to have some doubts. Help me out here…

#1 – Righting the American ship at this point is impossible via 2022,2024 or any future elections.

STOP being sucked into this insane discussion about running for office again, at the hands of useless TV talking heads, when you already WON in 2020 and should be sitting in OUR Oval Office right now! If you can’t or won’t right the wrongs of 2020, then it’s a total waste of time to pretend to be interested in losing again via an even more massive fraud (new norm) in the future.

#2 – I know that you like taking credit for things you “accomplish.”

However, in the case of these COVID vaccines produced under your “warp speed” initiative, you need to immediately distance yourself from all of it. As of July 2nd, the CDC and VAERShave reported that “between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 25, 2021, a total of 411,931 adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 6,985 deaths — an increase of 872 deaths over the previous week. There were also 34,065 serious injury reports, up 2,825 compared with last week.” (More critical facts here)

The following have also been confirmed as “facts”

  1. Only 6% (36,000) of the reported “six-hundred-thousand American COVID deaths” actually died from COVID. The rest died of pre-existing conditions, 87% of them at the end of life age and condition prior to COVID.
  2. None of the masks mandated for 18-months are designed to or capable of blocking the spread of any virus.
  3. A number of therapeutics like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are proven to be HIGHLY effective in treating all forms of Corona Virus, including COVID19 (SARS2). The people forcing lethal inoculations today, blocked the use of these effective drugs throughout the so-called pandemic.
  4. As a growing number of new COVID19 positives are among “vaccinated” patients, these inoculations are proving to be totally ineffective against the virus.
  5. Social distancing and the complete lockdown of the U.S. (and world) economy did nothing to stop the so-called pandemic. But they are planning to lock everyone down again shortly.
  6. The CDC has been unable to deliver a single sample of an isolated COVID19 strain. But they claim to now see many emerging variants of a virus they still can’t isolate.
  7. While the government experts fear-mongered the entire world out of all of their inalienable Natural Rights, they are now openly threatening to use the full force of the U.S. Military to force citizens into compliance with all of their Marxist agenda items, door-to-door now.

Are YOU responsible for all of this, all of the adverse effects, deaths and loss of freedoms associated with your “warp speed” vaccines? Or were you just duped by the global Marxist scientists responsible for creating the virus and the vaccines before you were even in office? (Like the rest of us)

Unless you want all of these deaths and adverse effects wrapped around your neck like a noose, you need to come clean with the American people on this matter and give Americans proper advice. It’s going to get much worse! You don’t want to claim credit for this one! STOP PROMOTING THESE LETHAL INJECTIONS!

#3 – You are now paying a heavy price for trusting people you never should have trusted.

I supported you entering the Washington D.C. sewer to “drain the swamp.” But you didn’t drain the swamp. Instead, you were eaten alive by the swamp every moment of every day you were in office and every moment since.

Because you didn’t “drain the swamp” while you were in power, you are no longer in power. Yes, massive fraud stole the election from you. We all know it. Adequate evidence of that fraud has existed in the public domain since the night of the elections when we all watched millions of Biden votes dumped in after dark in numerous locations. We all saw vote tallies taken from you and given to Biden in real-time on live TV.

The swamp still has to be drained and we are fast running out of time and opportunity to do it!

#4 – You are the ONLY American in the position to lead 80 million loyalists.

If you continue to squander this power by not leading the people to right this ship by exposing and overturning the 2020 elections, then you will have left your loyalists without any peaceful means of saving our Constitutional Representative Republic… and by the way, the United States is NOT a Marxist “democracy” or at least, it’s not supposed to be.

You either lead 80+ million Americans to STOP the global Marxist takeover of our country currently underway, and do it now, or the people were wrong to have ever placed their faith in you, myself included.

Like I said at the start of this open letter, as of this moment, I still believe that you have the best of intentions for America. But as long as the above issues remain a serious problem in your current stance, that faith in you will not endure for much longer.

If you really do have America’s best interests at heart, NOW is the time to prove it and act on it. Soon, this critical window of opportunity will pass. I plead with you to be the American we all thought, hoped, and prayed you were.

This is YOUR time Mr. President… don’t shrink from it! Don’t be conned out of your destiny by D.C. criminals, so-called legal experts, or TV talking heads.

Godspeed Mr. President!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What Authority do Courts Have Over the Second Amendment?

by Lex Greene

In a July 5th article in Epoch Times titled Texas Joins 21 Other States Asking Supreme Court to Protect Second Amendment, writer Jack Phillips celebrates twenty-two states joining a law suit headed to the US Supreme Court asking the court to “uphold the Second Amendment” following a typically “unconstitutional” ruling in Hawaii and the 9th Circuit Court in California.

Millions of American “conservatives” seem elated by this news, as if they trust the US Supreme Court to uphold anything in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. But this story begs an even bigger question… Why do people ask a mother-may-I question to courts who are NOT their mom?

What “legal standing” (legal authority) does any court in the USA have over the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment?

Why are twenty-two states asking any court to “uphold the Second Amendment” as if the court has any legal jurisdiction over the Bill of Rights? Everything in the Bill of Rights stands just as it was adopted on December 15, 1791. It means exactly what it says, nothing more and nothing less. It was written and adopted in plain English, so that no one needed an expert in legalese to explain it to them.

Without these Ten Original Amendments, the original colonies would have never ratified the U.S. Constitution in 1787. The colonies demanded additional protections from future Federal tyranny in the form of the Bill of Rights before they would agree to adopt the Constitution itself. The Founders working to pass the Constitution had to agree to the following Bill of Rights to gain support for their Constitution, which followed four years later in 1791.

The Second Amendment at the center of yet another frivolous suit reads as follows;

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

These 26-words couldn’t possibly be any clearer…

  1. being necessary to the security of a free State (the sole purpose of the amendment)
  2. the right of the people (every single legal US Citizen)
  3. to keep (own and-or possess)
  4. and bear arms (to bear means, to carry)
  5. shall not be infringed (shall not be regulated in any way by any Federal authority)

Now, the US Constitution governs the Federal Government, not the people. The Bill of Rights is NOT an enumeration of Citizen’s Rights. It’s an additional enumeration of items which the Federal Government is strictly prohibited from ever infringing upon, regulating, limiting, eliminating, amending or in any way touching, the inalienable Natural Rights of the People.

The States and Local governments are prohibited from enacting laws, statutes, or ordinances which themselves, violate the protections of the people as they exist in the Bill of Rights. So, no one has “legal standing” (legal authority) to prevent or limit the Rights of the People to “keep” (own) or “bear” (carry) arms, free from any restrictions whatsoever.

The modern assault on these Natural Rights hinges upon this section of the Second Amendment – “A well-regulated militia;”

As has been the case for more than two-hundred years now, the “legal authorities” are once again trying to use their British Common Law Courts to amend the US Constitution and Bill of Rights via judicial fiat (case law) – by simply issuing a new definition to old words. Typical legal-beagle word-smithing is used to undermine the Supreme Law of the Land and the Natural Rights of the People.

In 1787 and 1791, there was no “standing army.” According to the historical writings of our Founders, there was never supposed to be. Therefore, at the time, “a well-regulated militia” meant the Citizens at large. That’s still what it means today.

Further, the reason there is – and can be no – limits or restrictions on Citizen’s Right to keep and bear arms is because it’s essential to “the security of a free State,” it’s downright necessary. The second amendment exists to protect ALL Natural Rights of the People. Without it, the People have no way to protect any of their Rights or liberties.

Mere days before the July 4th weekend to celebrate our Independence as a “free sovereign people,” fake white house resident Joe Biden took to the press and openly threatened all American Citizens with this statement, putting a fine point on the subject… “Biden says future patriots face lost cause against tyranny; U.S. has F-15’s and nuclear weapons’ – as if Posse Comitatus doesn’t exist at all.

This my dear friends, is exactly why the Second Amendment exists, why it has no restrictions on what type of weapons Citizens have a Natural Right to keep and bear, and why our Founders put everything in place for the People to protect themselves from government tyranny, that they all knew would one day come.

Once adopted, no one in government has any authority whatsoever to infringe upon these Rights by any means or methods, certainly not the “legal opinion” of nine unelected and totally unaccountable political appointees on the US Supreme Court or any other court.

Which leaves us with this one question…

Why are twenty-two so-called “conservative states” asking any court to uphold anything in the Bill of Rights? No court in the country has any jurisdiction over the Bill of Rights, nor does the legislative or executive branches of government, federal, state, or local.

By asking the court this question, they are pretending as though the courts have authority on the matter, and placing the People in harm’s way, awaiting a decision from nine politically appointed oligarchs, all but two of whom couldn’t care less about the People’s Rights, Justices Thomas, and Alito.

What if the court issues the wrong answer? Are these twenty-two states going to abide by an unconstitutional answer from the high court? Are these twenty-two states going to ignore an unconstitutional ruling from the court? If so, why bother to even ask the court a question they have no legal purview over?

The road to hell is often paved with good intentions! Or…is it that these twenty-two states are simply playing the British Common Law game of “legal precedence” to hide behind a Supreme Court opinion in order to participate in disarming all Citizens?

As for the Epoch Times writer, does he not know any of these facts, or is he too, participating in the current affront to all Natural Rights of the People? Do you really think the twenty-two states don’t know what I just explained?

Time will expose all of them! But it may be too late to stop them if the People don’t pay attention and ignore the works of the so-called “experts.” Everything wrong in the USA today was done by “experts” in many fields, the legal profession above all others.

Americans need to study and learn their real Rights, or they will have no means of protecting any of those Rights! STOP asking courts to answer questions that they have no constitutional authority over…unless, you want to be ruled by nine unelected lifetime politically appointed oligarchs, whom we have little or no power over.

The people who do know these facts intimately, are the “experts” who use British Common Law courts in the USA today, to undermine everything the Founders created 245-years ago. They rely entirely upon the sad reality that more than 80% of Americans have no clue about any of this. Most don’t know what their Rights are or where they come from, much less how to properly protect those Rights.

If that doesn’t change fast, it’s all over for the Great Experiment called The United States.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Lost Generations

by Lex Greene

Government efforts to dumb-down and drug-up recent generations until they are no longer capable of self-governance has been entirely successful, but so far, only for two generations.

These two generations are entirely lost, gone, beyond recovery. They believe every anti-American idea on earth and nothing we say to them will change that. This is their reality, and no mountain of facts or evidence can change their reality. They were not only taught garbage, but they were also Pavlov trained to reject everything that does not fit in their tiny little box of false beliefs. They own socialism in America!

These two generations are now between 28 and 47 years old. The vast majority of hardcore Americans are over 60-years old now. The 48-60 crowd is a mixed bag, some hardcore Americans, and some hardcore Marxists.

But the 15-27 year-olds are where we can see reason for hope. This group is fed up with the insanity in the two generations before them and they are reconnecting with older Americans again, seeking wisdom from people who have seen and done it all before.

The lost generations are largely comprised of both GEN Y and GEN X age groups. These are the kids taught totally backwards information in grade schools under government rule, and even more so on the college campuses run by 60’s era Marxist professors like Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, two of Obama’s evil mentors. These two groups are locked in arrested development at the mental age of about 13.

The over-60 group is desperate to lead younger generations away from the Marxist dangers threatening the USA by GEN Y and GEN X groups today.

Where I see a reason for hope is in the 15-27 year old group. They are witnessing the unraveling of the lies sold to the generations before them. They can see the utter insanity in the 28-47 year old belief structure. They can see that the “fascists” currently running the USA today in DC, by tyrannical dictates, supported by the lost generations, are exactly what the lost generations claimed to be against in openly Marxist groups like Black Lies Militia and ANTIFA.

This group of young Americans (15-27) are paying attention. They can see how insane the two lost generations are today and they are watching the Marxist politicians supported by these two generations, run this country into the ground at lightspeed. They are figuring out that the “cancel culture” generations preceding them, have become entirely dangerous and destructive to America, freedom, liberty, and all future generations.

There are exceptions to this rule in every age group, of course. However, historical data has proven what I’m saying here to be true with at least an 80% accuracy rate in all categories.

As a result, I encourage all true Americans in every age group to make an ongoing effort to reach out to the 15-27 year old group immediately and teach them the truth about America that they are not currently able to get in our government controlled education systems, our fake news media, censored social media, Hollywood or even most modern churches under government control via their 501 status.

I also encourage all true Americans to directly engage their local school boards and force our schools to return to a pro-American curriculum immediately or shut them down until they do.

These schools are funded by our tax dollars. School boards are elected by and therefore answer to us, We the People. Before the Marxist “critical race theory” appears in every school across America, the time is now to prevent that from happening and to force pro-American change in our taxpayer funded classrooms.

Our young people deserve and need REAL education, not global Marxist indoctrination. We can see the fruits of that effort in the lost generations today. We can see the evil perpetrated on our country by these misguided children who will never grow up.

To save American freedom and liberty, we must save the next generations that will soon lead our country. The 15-27 year old group is hungry for the truth. They can see the lies. All they need now is for us to help them find the truth.

I encourage all Americans to form local private education workshops to teach the truth about our country, its real history and our foundations of freedom and liberty, as endowed by our Creator. Teach the truth and the truth will prevail over the lies.

The lost generations cannot be at all helpful in our endeavor to save America. They can only continue to be a threat, cancelling America, vandalizing, looting, and burning our cities. We can only manage them by sitting them on the sidelines in time out, like any unruly spoiled child.

Eventually, some of them may learn the truth. But that isn’t likely to happen any time soon.

We all have this mission now. Fail this mission and we will fail our country.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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2021 4th of July – Declaring Our Independence Again

By Lex Greene

For far too many years now, millions of Americans have celebrated July 4th with almost a total disconnect from the purpose of the national holiday and the reason for the season. For decades, this all-important AMERICAN national holiday has been celebrated as little more than a legitimate reason to take a day off work, enjoy a big cookout, have some beers and cocktails, and watch some fireworks.

But this time, July 4, 2021 – the time has arrived to refocus all citizens on the purpose of the celebration, honoring all who created our free sovereign Constitutional Representative Republic following their Declaration of Independence from British rule, 245-years ago.

This time, July 4, 2021 – ALL Americans must stand up and Declare our Independence again!

• Our Independence as a FREE SOVEREIGN NATION
• Our Independence from foreign intrusions, foreign influence, and foreign invasion
• Our Independence from Global Marxist laws, rules, and regulations
• Our Independence from any ONE WORLD ORDER
• Our Independence from abusive Federal overreaches of authority
• Our Independence as 50 FREE SOVEREIGN STATES
• Our Independence as 332-million Americans FREE from any government tyranny
• Our Independence from any forced vaccines or other crimes against humanity
• Our Independence from all K-12 and college campus anti-American indoctrination
• Our Independence from the World Health Organization, the CDC, and Fauci’s NIH
• Our Independence from government sponsored RACE hate and Fear-mongering
• Our Independence from all government controlled news and social media
• Our Independence from Marxist HATE GROUPS like Black Lies Militia and ANTIFA
• Our Independence from self-serving politicians that no longer serve the people
• Our Independence from all anti-American ignorance taught in our classrooms
• Our Independence from 501c government controlled churches selling socialism
• Our Independence from any (true) white, black, brown or any other supremacists
• Our Independence from all liars, real conspiracy theorists, or real conspirators
• Our Independence from all cowards, who would rather live under boot than fight
• Our Independence from all idiots who don’t know America is the greatest nation on earth
• Our Independence from any form of government dependency
• And Our Independence from village idiots like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who cheated their way to power…

These days, I probably could have filled up several pages with everything we need to Declare our Independence from, but this is a good start!

Let’s not allow this July 4th to go by without re-declaring our individual, State and National Independence from ALL evils facing our nation and the world today. Let us rise up off our knees and stand once again, leading the world to freedom and liberty, and away from global political tyranny.

We must be ONE NATION UNDER GOD AGAIN… Or we will become just one of many failed states that forfeited our freedom, liberty, decency, honor, and future, in exchange for the promise of mere scraps from the corrupt tables of political power.


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Good News – COVID Emergency Officially Over

By Lex Greene

In a phone call on June 29, 2021 – from the Massachusetts Department of Veterans Affairs, they announced that “the COVID19 pandemic emergency is officially over!” The call is going out to all veterans who had been receiving COVID19 emergency funds during the economic crisis created by the government’s mishandling of the event nationwide.

It’s a “good news – bad news” call. The call is notifying veterans that because the “COVID emergency is officially ended,” they will no longer be receiving the COVID assistance funds they had been receiving over the past year. The good news is, “the emergency is declared officially over.” The bad news is — the COVID financial assistance once available to veterans in need, is also over.

As all COVID19 “mandates” were allowed only under “emergency declarations,” masking, social distancing, quarantines, lockdowns, business closures, limited public gatherings, and experimental vaccines, now that the “emergency has been officially ended,” these things all end too.

With this declaration of the “end of the emergency,” the end of all “emergency mandates and guidelines” must also end, immediately.

No longer can anyone force anyone to take an experimental vaccine which was only approved by the FDA for “emergency use only” under a “state of emergency.” In fact, as the COVID19 vaccines were only approved by the FDA for “emergency use,” it’s now illegal to administer those vaccines to anyone, because the “emergency” allowing for “emergency use only” has ended.

News that the COVID19 pandemic has officially ended, and the emergency is over, means that life as we once knew it can return immediately without delay.All government issued guidelines were only able to exist under the emergency declaration. Without that, the government has no “emergency” powers at the Federal, State or Local levels.

Last week, the Biden regime extended the moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions that was set to end today, June 30, 2021. But they only extended it to the end of July 2021, once again, I presume because the “emergency has officially ended,” as announced yesterday by the Massachusetts Department of Veterans Affairs.

Of course, this also means that an announcement must soon come putting an end to all COVID19 relief funding. No more “stimulus” money. No more COVID grace periods on loans and debts. People will have to work for a living again if they can find work after 18-months of destroying millions of businesses across the country.

Tyrannical government actors forced the USA (and entire world) into a cataclysmic global financial catastrophe for the past 18-months. On the surface, everything looks fairly good to the average onlooker, all considered. But the chickens are about to come home to roost.

As all government financial aide to people locked out of their lives for the past 18-months ends abruptly, we will begin to see the real damage done to our country and the world by global Marxists who forced the world into this socio-economic toilet.

The fact is, even before the COVID19 Plandemic, the USA had more people receiving government assistance than at the height of the Great Depression. The tyrant’s COVID Plandemic forced over 70% of Americans onto the government gravy train, only to have that same government derail the COVID gravy train, leaving a massive number of citizens destitute and on the verge of homeless.

President Reagan said it best, the most dangerous words ever spoken are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

Young Americans are about to learn exactly how and why socialism has failed every time it has been tried all over the world. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was right too – “socialism sounds like a great idea, until you run out of other people’s money.”

It took democrats 70-years to dig our country into ten-trillion in debt. It took Barack Obama only 8-years to double that debt from ten-trillion to twenty-trillion. Then the democrat plandemic drove the national debt from twenty-trillion to well over thirty-trillion in just 1-year, followed by a hundred-trillion more in unfunded liabilities, all of it social (socialist) spending.

Yes indeed, the gravy train is about to come to a screeching halt. The nation will emerge from the plandemic more than one hundred-trillion in unmanageable debt. When the foreclosure and eviction moratoriums are lifted and millions of homes in default hit the foreclosure courts, the housing market will go into a steep nosedive, and we will switch from a sellers-market to a buyers-market overnight.

When the housing bubble breaks, the stock market will head into a deep correction, banks finding themselves under water again, as the housing bubble bursts.

All of it could have been avoided, all of it. There are still things that could be done to soften that hard landing we are about to experience. However, the people currently in charge of our country and the world, set these wheels in motion a long time ago. They want the landing to be so hard that it will force nearly everyone into total compliance and government dependency.

Unless Americans make an immediate regime change, there will be nothing they can do to avoid this crash or even soften the blow. Reversing the 2020 election fraud is the only chance we have to lesson the blow and put things back on track. Short of that, there’s nothing that can be done to stop what’s coming!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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State Legislatures Hold the Power to Reverse 2020

By Lex Greene

When in doubt, stick to the basics. The more complex the problem, the simpler the solution must be. Complex solutions seldom succeed simply because they are too complex to fully execute in a timely manner. It’s not easy to teach complex things and there are too many things that can go wrong before you complete your mission.

When it comes to solving BIG problems, I believe in the KISS theory, Keep It Simple Stupid…

There’s a great tendency today for people to think that all federal problems can only be solved at the federal level. However, the States actually hold the power to solve every federal problem, because it’s the States that created, empowered, and can dissolve our federal government, if need be. The Federal Government exists at the pleasure of the fifty States, not the other way around.

Today’s socialist democrats think that our federal government is an unchecked dictatorship, free to govern any way it likes, in no way bound by the conditions established in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. So, they work to elect socialist dictators, like Biden and Harris, thinking they will dictate only to us, for them. Only if the American people allow it to be, so shall it be…

However, the States created the Federal Government and granted it certain duties and powers to execute those duties, under the strict conditions set forth in the Constitution. The States further prohibited the Federal Government from ever touching certain specific Rights of the States and the People in the Bill of Rights — not for the purpose of governing the people, but rather to strictly govern itself.

Our Declaration of Independence clearly established that “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

A last resort option is to execute this Right of the People by force, if necessary. However, the brilliance of our Founders makes it possible for us to accomplish this peacefully, if we simply follow their guidance, using the solutions they gave us in our Charters of Freedom.

In my most recent podcast, Episode 10, I explain why overturning the 2020 election fraud must be the only political agenda we have today. In Episode 7, I explain exactly how that must be done and in Episode 1, I explain how and why President Donald J. Trump is the key to accomplishing that all-American goal, backed by 85 million people and working in concert with several State Legislatures, of course.

When in doubt, focus on the fundamentals. Don’t get too fancy. Focus on the foundations of freedom and liberty and ignore all of the sideshows designed to keep you confused, overwhelmed, and defeated. Surrender is no way to win!

In the case of massive 2020 election fraud resulting in an unlawful and unconstitutional outcome and a global Marxist regime seizing control of our federal government, using it to destroy America and its people, State Legislatures hold the power to right the wrong and THAT is where every American must focus their energy today. This is where the people have the power!

Article I – Section IV and Article II – Section I of the U.S. Constitution establish that the States hold sole power over all elections within each state, specifically, each state legislature. Executive branch officials within each state, such as the Secretary of State, are duty-bound to execute all election laws as established by the state legislature. Federal officials have literally NO constitutional authority over the matter.

Many Americans have heard the term “federal supremacy” and they have been Pavlov trained to believe that this rules supreme over the entire country on literally every subject, often dictated by nine unelected and unaccountable political appointees. But federal supremacy only applies to a short list of things under federal authority, as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, and only to the degree that federal acts are themselves, not in violation of the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

In the case of elections, the federal government is not assigned any authority whatsoever. That authority belongs exclusively to the state legislatures. Anyone who fails to uphold and enforce those laws, does so at the risk of their own peril.

The truth is, probably all 50 states had some level of election fraud in the 2020 elections. It’s highly likely that dead people voted in all 50 states, that non-residents and non-citizens voted in every state, that voters with no identity at all voted in 2020 and that Trump votes in RED districts were machine flipped to Biden in many states.

But the focus has come down to several key “swing states” where the fraud was off the charts in key major metro centers like Maricopa County Arizona, Clark County Nevada, Atlanta Georgia, Detroit Michigan, Philadelphiaand Pittsburg Pennsylvania, Madison Wisconsin, and a few others. The focus is on these places simply because they are “swing states” and the fraud was totally off the charts in these areas, easy to detect and expose.

Although the fraud was committed under the command and control of the Democrat Party, in concert with numerous foreign enemy states, each of these key states has a Republican controlled State Legislature. The 2020 election crimes were committed by democrats, but the solution in each case rests in the hands of Republicans in control of their state legislatures. Democrats are the problem, and these Republicans hold the solution.

Proper transparent forensic audits of the votes in each of these states will soon prove beyond any reasonable doubt what happened, how it happened and who is responsible for it happening. At that moment, these state legislatures must decertify prior fraudulent election results and claw back their fraudulently awarded Electoral College votes that fraudulently placed Biden and Harris in unlawful power.

Next, the Electoral College must vote again, this time on the basis of legal legitimate votes.

The minute that happens, the 2020 fraud and elections are officially overturned and all that remains is to remove the unlawful occupants from office, seat the duly elected, and prosecute everyone responsible for the theft of our nation via unprecedented election fraud.

This is the ONLY constitutional solution to the fatal election fraud we face today. Without executing this reversal, no future election is safe. As a result, THIS is where The People must focus ALL of their attention and energy…at the State Legislature level. We have the votes here if we will only provide the proper motivation.

Unfortunately, we live in a time when very few people, especially in politics, do the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do. We the People must motivate these key players to DO THE RIGHT THING or it’s not likely they will do it. THIS is where The People must make their stand, together, in mass numbers and peacefully.

Politics is a team sport. No one person can affect the game. Only when we move together as a single unit with single purpose, can we succeed in not only winning the game, but changing the game for our future.

In podcast Episode 9, I explain how and why they have been able to get away with this so far. We are one decision and one clear focus away from righting our ship.

No, although it is quite simple and doable, it won’t be easy. The global Marxist left has seized control and they are moving at lightspeed to destroy our country. This only means that time is not on our side. This crisis is not like wine, it will not get better with time.

The time for the people to take matters into their own hands is the moment it is proven through forensic audits that the 2020 election was a blatant theft of our country. The place to rally together is at the state legislature level.

When in doubt, Keep It Simple Stupid… We ALL have a duty here. Now is not the time to quit, to give up, to concede defeat and allow our entire future of freedom and liberty to slip into the abyss. Follow the lead of our Founders in every respect. WE will determine the odds in this fight. The outcome depends on us, not our public servants.

ACTION ITEM DETAILS:One phone call won’t change anything. One letter or email won’t change anything either. But when you get face-to-face with your state legislators in significant numbers, they will listen, and you can force changes to take place. GET FACE-TO-FACE! I work with for strategic planning and execution purposes, in addition to their long history of unbelievably valuable research and training. I suggest you do the same, so that your voice is multiplied by thousands of voices. Only when we move together, do we have the power to make change!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Overturning Election Fraud is the ONLY Agenda Now

By Lex Greene

Every true American knows without any doubts that if we fail to overturn the massive election fraud of 2020 and hold everyone responsible for it 100% accountable, the United States of America is FINISHED! Our Constitutional Republic exists no longer! Our Bill of Rights is DEAD! Our Declaration of Independence is CANCELLED!

If you understand even the basic fundamentals of Marxist British Common Law (in control of our courts) known as “precedent and procedure,” aka legislation from the bench, or “case law,” which has been used to undermine and abolish Constitutional Law and all Natural Rights in America for the past two-hundred years – then you understand that if allowed to stand as legitimate, 2020 has set a new “legal precedent” regarding all future elections.

As of today, what happened in 2020 is currently the “new norm” for all future elections. Evil and blatant fraud will prevail every single time good men (and women) do nothing! Evil advances unabated in a vacuum, free from any true opposition or accountability.

How rampant would bank robbery be if we never prosecuted bank robbers? How common would rape and murder be if we never prosecuted anyone for these heinous crimes? – if there were no consequences for these horrific acts, wouldn’t they be a “new norm” for America?

The 2020 election fraud is far worse than these things… it amounts to nothing less than the rape, robbery and murder of our entire country and every single American Citizen alive today or born tomorrow, no matter what you might think your politicalleanings are.

Bank robbery is nothing more than an unlawful withdrawal of money that doesn’t belong to the bank robber. Likewise, Biden and Harris occupying the People’s Oval Office is nothing less than an unlawful occupation of the highest political office in our land, by outright theft. It’s the same thing, with far worse consequences than some money missing from a bank…consequences that will soon destroy every American.

As a result, we can toss out every pet agenda item, every Republican side-circus stunt, every wasted penny, and moment on passing new laws or amending old ones while no one in our government has any respect for the law whatsoever.Stop being distracted by fake warriors trying to convince you that they are “fighting for you” by doing everything except the one thing they must do! JUST STOP WASTING PRECIOUS TIME AND RESOURCES ON UTTER NONSENSE!

Every decent honest citizen on earth already knows that the 2020 elections were rotten with democrat controlled fraud involving numerous foreign enemy states and that there is no chance whatsoever, that mental midgets Biden and Harris would have even been elected to run a summer lemonade stand in this country…not legitimately!

Biden is a stumbling, babbling, mindless, racist old pervert who can’t remember who or where he is minute-to-minute — and Harris is a life-long drug addict who slept her way to political power like a cheap hooker. Both have created their entire careers on a foundation of outright lies and nothing else. Not a single decent American would even hire them to babysit their kids, much less babysit the country and free world!

Shortly, massive forensic evidence of that fraud will be made public. But the global Marxist owned media will do everything it can to bury or discredit it. They are already out front spinning lie upon lie about the people involved and the process, which is the most detailed, transparent, and legitimate forensic investigation process into election fraud that the world has ever seen.

This isn’t about Donald J. Trump or his 85million+ supporters. This is about the life or death of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence, our Charters of Freedom and Liberty. It’s about our very existence as a free, sovereign nation.

As is always the case in politics, when all the marbles are in play, nothing will be left to chance. Every dirty trick in the book of dirty political tricks will be used, and then some. The Marxist from around the world in current control of the Biden-Harris regime will stop at nothing to maintain the power over Americans that they stole in 2020.

Expect the absolute worst from America’s enemies over the coming days and weeks. They seized complete power in 2020 and they will not let go without a fight. Expect Biden to order American troops and law enforcement against American Citizens on American soil. It’s unlawful, but so is everything else they are doing.

Expect the Marxist courts and news media to use everything they can to derail all efforts to save our country from certain ruin. They are ALL on the other side of this fight, either as a 5th column in our country, or cowards only concerned with protecting their own personal wealth and position.

Expect “fake” criminal charges to drop against the true duly elected President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, on totally trumped-up charges with no foundation or evidence, just like the “fake” impeachment efforts. So long as they can keep Trump under criminal indictment, he won’t be able to retake his proper seat in the White House until he has been acquitted.

Trust me when I tell you, this is why Pence has been openly attacking Trump and backing up the Global Left in power. If the elections are overturned and Trump is under indictment, Pence would most likely be seated at the helm in Trump’s place and Pence is no friend to America. Putting Pence in that office is the same as allowing Biden to remain. Both are controlled by anti-American forces.

For those ready to “just move on…” – if you came to me after your bank account was hacked and drained, what would you expect me to do about it? Tell you that yes, it’s horrible, the hacker is guilty, but it’s over now, it’s done, it’s in the past, so just move on! Does that work for you?

For those who think they can “go along to get along.” – The only way you can ever get along with evil is to become evil, yourself. Are you willing to “go along” that far?

All the marbles are in play…nothing will be left to chance by our enemies. They have us out-positioned, out-financed, out-gunned, at a distinct disadvantage in all areas, including the ability to totally control public sentiments via censored media and social media. Our odds are so bad at this point that they aren’t even worthy of discussion.

So, here’s what is worthy of discussion… There are some fights in life where the odds are meaningless. Whatever you would do to protect your own children, is what you must be prepared to do to protect our entire country, because without that, you cannot protect your children or grandchildren at all.

There are things in this world that are worse than death. Living under our enemies’ boot is one of those things. Biden and Harris have already proven themselves to be mere empty puppets for foreign interests. They have also already proven themselves to be true “fascist dictators” governing by tyrannical orders well beyond the authority of the office they currently occupy.

Nothing else on earth is important at all, unless and until, we succeed in overturning the 2020 fraud, righting the ship, and holding everyone responsible, fully accountable. NOTHING!

NOTHING legislators and tea party talking heads are working on right now is in the least bit important. It’s all shell games to make us think they are fighting for us, while we watch all of them refuse to stand up against the most fraudulent election in world history.

If we fail to overturn 2020 and hold everyone accountable, there is NOTHING ELSE anyone can do that will stop the total collapse of our Republic, nothing! All that will be left to us at that point, is to withdraw from the compact, our Constitution that creates the Federal Government and grants its authority…to return to 50 sovereign independent states that are no longer united and no longer a country.

As of this moment in history, we are existing under an “unconstitutional” government intent upon destroying our country. If you think there is anyone else on earth capable of saving us from them, you’re wrong.

This is the job of American Citizens alone… the job belongs to no one else!

Like it or not, only Trump is in the position to lead this nation out of darkness. He’s the only American who can command more than 85 million patriots right now. We the People, must be willing to follow, to work together towards the most critical common goal in our nation’s history. It’s seventeen-seventy-six again!


© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Covid Triggered Mass Psychosis Grips America

By Lex Greene

A psychosis is defined as “a severe mental disorder in which thought, and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality,” be it temporary or permanent. There is no other way to explain the mass hysteria and ongoing fatal fear that grips a vast majority of Americans today — all of it carefully planned and crafted by the “experts” behind the creation of the COVID19 bioweapon and their highly profitable but fatal, COVID19 vaccines.

How else could anyone think that “white supremacists” are the greatest threat in America when we all know it has been the Black Lies Militia and America’s most dangerous fascists ANTIFA, who have been vandalizing, looting, and burning cities across the country, while also responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes in America? Such claims are a total disconnect with reality!

There hasn’t been a KKK or skinhead rally on U.S. soil in decades! When there was long ago, it was democrats involved, like truly racist Democrat heroes Senator Robert (KKK) Byrd and Joe Biden.

Likewise, nearly 100% of what we have been told about COVID19 for the past 18-months has since been proven false, in fact, outright lies. We were told the virus came from natural animal evolution, but now we know, it was created in the Wuhan bioweapons lab under the leadership and direction of none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci and his NIH.

We were told in early April 2020 that government mandated lockdowns, masking and social distancing would “flatten the curve” and defeat the virus within a couple weeks – and 18-months later, much of the U.S. economy is still shut down or on life support.

We have been told  that 34,449,016 Americans (10.4%) have had COVID19. But only approximately 5,167,352 (1.56%) were actually symptomatic. We have been told that 618,294 (0.19%) Americans have died of COVID19. But the “experts “ have since been forced to admit that the real number who may have died of COVID19 is much closer to 37,098 (0.011%) — approximately 6% of the originally stated false number.

Still, it has been used to totally control 100% of the U.S. (and global) population, mostly people who always “go long to get along,” no matter how insane and suicidal it is! Control is what it was all about from the start, but for what end game purpose?

We now know that DNC mad scientists and their billionaire Global Marxist financiers engaged in global genocide with COVID19, used to force people all over the globe into Marxist government dependency and subservience. We also know that it was used to steal the 2020 U.S. elections and eliminate the only political figure in the USA that was rapidly derailing their global Marxist agenda, President Trump. Now Dr. Fauci may have released “phase two” – the “Delta variant,” since the people are now doubting everything from the past 18-months.

Where did this one come from? How did it get to India and from India to the USA in a matter of days? Who’s responsible for this one, on Biden’s watch? Isn’t China on the edge of war with India right now, along with Taiwan?

None of this is mere “conspiracy theory.” It’s all a matter of fact and public information, just like thousands of criminal Dr. Fauci emails. But we also know that America has not had real journalism or a news media in several decades. They are all bought and owned by a handful of international corporations with NO national interests or loyalties whatsoever.

So, the truth has been buried in the USA for more than a hundred years now, on pretty much every subject. Social media also marches in lockstep with the global agenda and insane leftists like Facebook’s Zuckerberg are spending hundreds of millions to support the collapse of the USA. Again, this is all a matter of fact and public information available to anyone seeking truth.

Despite all of these available facts, a majority of Americans remain in a malaise, a trance, a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in which the ability to function voluntarily may be suspended. The facts and truth are all around them, but they simply cannot connect with them.

Global communists warned with great certainty many years ago, that they would seize control of the USA within a couple generations, without ever firing a single shot. They were clear that they would take control of American minds and emotions first, through government controlled education, entertainment, news media, the college lecture halls and even many 501c (government run) churches. They were right…they have, and today, many Americans are incapable of gripping that reality, even though they are now living it every day.

Influences outside of the American home, turned two generations against their own parents, grandparents and families, the only people on earth who would die for their children’s well-being. Parents allowed this all to happen, but most, not by intent. Most simply didn’t know it was happening until after it had already happened. They simply trusted people who can never be trusted, their government.

Look, most Americans seldom engage in the self-governance of their own home, much less their country today. Almost half of American voters don’t even belong to the only two political teams in the political game. They took their football and went home, leaving only the worst politicians on earth in charge of both parties when they left.

Most Americans are focused on making a living, paying bills, raising their kids, and saving up enough to take a vacation once in a while. Only when this stuff becomes personal , will the average American set their personal priorities aside for a moment, long enough to engage again in an attempt to put the train back on the track so that they can return to “life as normal.”

Unfortunately, this time…we have at least two generations that were raised on nothing but lies, false history, total garbage, thanks to government controlled education systems, from their classrooms to the video games they play, the music they listen to, and all points in between.

This is not the worst news though… even worse is the fact that these generations were taught to never listen to or believe anything but the lies that were drummed into their psyche since birth. Not only are they entirely uneducated in truth and fact – they are incapable of being re-educated. They are “lost generations” with exceedingly rare exception.

They are the future of America now. And unless and until something happens so horrific that it rapes and tortures their minds back into reality, they will fight the rest of us until they die. That’s what they have been trained and incited to do, by U.S. democrats under the command of global communists.

Just yesterday, those who called Trump a “fascist” and voted for Biden and Harris, got a real taste of true fascism when Joe Biden openly threatened all Americans with unbridled use of military force to squash any patriotic effort to save our Constitutional Republic.

We may never be able to shake these two generations (millennials and Gen X, about 25-45 years old now) out of their anti-American belief structure and as a result, we cannot afford to worry about them. We must work with those who were not raised on that steady diet of anti-American drivel and global Marxist suicide.

Hopefully, as things continue to rapidly deteriorate under the Biden-Harris “democratic-communist” regime, some of these children will be shaken out of their indoctrination. We must hope and we must help when they are.

But regardless, the rest of us must do whatever it takes to stop this death train the USA is on, before there is nothing we can do to avoid the coming catastrophic crash.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Decertifying 2020 – Right the Wrong

by Lex Greene

Since the stolen elections on November 3, 2020, people have floated dozens of theories on what to do about it and how to do it. All sorts of half-baked — hair-brain ideas have been circulating social media ever since.

But the real answer is quite simple…when you know something is wrong, just reverse it to make it right, using the exact same constitutional processes.

In the case of the stolen 2020 elections, the solution is actually quite simple, legal, and totally logical. In fact, it has been done many times in our history, just not on the level and scale in which the 2020 fraud took place and the massive effect is having on our country.


This is happening via forensic audits of the elections in numerous states right now. All fake, undocumented, missing, and fraudulent ballots must be correctly identified and removed from the ballot counts, no matter who the ballot was cast for… and all “flipped” votes by electronic intrusions must be “flipped” back to their rightful candidates, based upon actual lawful ballots.

Once this has been done, a new ballot count of legitimate ballots must be done. If that ballot count results in a different outcome than the originally certified count, then the original count must be decertified and the new legitimate count must be certified by each state. This process will result in identifying the “duly elected” winners of the elections, up and down the ballot.

Anyone who opposes this process opposes the truth and a constitutional election process. They support criminality and treason, so long as they think it supports their personal political agenda.


In every state where the outcome of the elections changed as a result of decertification and recertification of the legitimate ballot counts, the Electoral College must now decertify the fraudulent original awarding of Electoral College votes…and certify the new counts for each state.

When this process is completed for all states that have certified new results based upon their forensic audits, the Electoral College must simply correct the vote counts for the Presidential race and name the legitimate duly elected President and Vice President.


Many have suggested the following as the proper means for accomplishing this part of the transition, and I disagree with all of them.

  • Impeach Biden and Harris – Impeachment in the Constitution only applies to a “duly elected” occupant of the Oval Office. Once it is proven that Biden and Harris were never “duly elected,” they are occupying the office “unlawfully.” Impeachment is not necessary and it’s inappropriate in this case. They must be arrested, removed, and charged with their massive fraud against all Americans. This is what we do when people commit treason against the people.
  • The Constitutional Line of Succession – This applies to “duly elected” occupants who are no longer able to serve out their term for a myriad of possible reasons. Again, as Biden and Harris were never “duly elected,” this process does not apply in this case.
  • Amendment 12 or 20 Removal Process – Like the two other methods mentioned above, these alternative measures also only apply to “duly elected” occupants of the Oval Office. In this case, it shall be proven that Biden and Harris were never “duly elected” and therefore, must vacate the offices they currently occupy unlawfully.

In short, the same process used to seat anyone in the Oval Office, can and must be used to seat the proper “duly elected” in that office. It all comes down to a recount of votes, void of any illegal ballots or ballot counts, a decertification of the fraudulent outcome and a new certification of the lawful outcome of the duly elected President and Vice President — once the new state certified information is made available to the Electoral College.

At this moment, the Electoral College must simply vote again to right the wrong, clearing out all fake results from the counting of fake and fraudulent ballots and electronically manipulated vote counts, and the reversal of the fraud is officially complete.

All that is left to do at that point is to remove the fraudulent occupants from office and place the duly elected winners into office, up and down the ballot.

This all can and should be done by simple Constitutional methods which are both lawful and peaceful.

If the forensic audits prove that the originally certified results of the elections were wrong, the new counts (void of any fake or fraudulent ballots and ballot counting), they can and must overturn the original election outcome.

If it doesn’t, then the USA no longer has any legitimate election process, and all political matters must now be solved by other means. Anyone attempting to block this constitutional process from taking place is attempting to hide the evidence of the stolen elections and they too, are guilty of treason and sedition.

In order to secure elections for the future, we have no choice but to correct the fraud of the past and then, hold everyone involved in that fraud criminally accountable for their treasonous actions. The 2020 elections were nothing but an overt velvet coup d’état of the U.S. Federal Government.

We have no choice but to reverse it and make it right. The future of our Constitutional Republic hinges on just this one thing today!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Good Global Citizens v. Marxist Globalism

by Lex Greene

The American Marxist media is doing all it can to prevent the American people from knowing the truth about a lot of things, from the facts about the 2020 fraudulent elections to the global scamdemic titled COVID19 and the continued assault on mankind by mad scientists like Fauci.

But the worldwide push to “one world” Marxist globalization is one of the biggest lies ever told and as always, it’s disguised as something most sane people would agree with, even when they are not sure exactly what they are agreeing with…

In this case, Marxist globalism is hidden under the feel-good disguise of being a good “global citizen.” This disguise feels good to most people, the idea that we should all love and care about each other, not just in our families or our own country, but the entire world. The contemporary Christian is the easiest mark on earth to con with this concept…and it’s done every Sunday in many evangelical movement churches.

The use of kind and gentle fairy tale notions like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich for benefit of the poor, and backwards interpretations of Bible verses and what Jesus taught, has made it amazingly easy for the Pied Piper of Marxism to lead well-intentioned people towards the cliff.

But is being a conscientious good Citizen and neighbor in this world, the same thing as desiring one world Marxist government in total control of all people and all things, for some false “greater good?”

In reality, man’s desire to hold complete dominion over mankind, the sole purpose of global Marxism, is entirely at odds with the human desire to live in freedom while caring about others, here and around the globe.

Contrary to what our governments want us to believe, being for ourselves does not of itself, make us against anyone else. Wanting America to be great again, putting our own environment first, has nothing to do with opposing any other. Those who cannot help themselves, can help no one else.

Citizens all over the world are in the streets right now, demanding their freedom and liberty from tyrannical COVID rules. In every case, these Citizens are carrying American flags, usually chanting “FIGHT FOR TRUMP – FIGHT FOR TRUMP.” Most Americans don’t know this only because our Marxist media is doing all it can to prevent us from knowing it. But it’s all over foreign media sources and it has been ever since the 2020 theft of our nation last November…

These people are all good neighbors and Citizens of the globe and friends to the USA, and they are in the streets all over the world. Does this mean they don’t love their own countries? Or, unlike most Americans today, do they simply know how the fall of the USA will destroy people all over the entire world?

I’m in favor of being a good Citizen and neighbor to my family, the neighborhood where I live, my friends and associates, my country and yes, good people all over the globe. But I am totally opposed to any one-world Marxist globalism controlled by tyrants simply seeking their own power and wealth at the expense of everyone else, as are most people everywhere on earth.

We are all called to be good stewards of the many gifts that have been endowed by our Creator. We are all called to be good neighbors, to treat others as we wish to be treated. We are told that we will be judged by the manner in which we care for the least among us. But this too is entirely at odds with the current Marxist Globalization movement by people seeking their dominion over all things.

It makes no sense at all to destroy the environment we must live and flourish in. But modern environmentalists think they have cornered the market on this idea. Likewise, the anti-war movement thinks they own the rights to an anti-war sentiment, when in reality, only a tiny handful of mental, emotional, and moral misfits desire war, namely the war for profit folks. No one hates war more than the war-fighters.

Does being a good Citizen and neighbor to people all over the globe make us poor Citizens of our own country? The answer is YES — but only if we allow ourselves to be conned into slavery under the guise of a Marxist greater good, which can only result in the demise of freedom, liberty, and prosperity for every human being on earth. If we reject man’s rule over mankind, we will be the very best of global Citizens.

We live in a world full of evil, flooded with many deceptions. No deception on earth is greater or more dangerous than the notion that being a good Global Citizen means supporting or accepting Marxist Globalization…the rule of a few tyrants over everyone else.

I support being a good Global Citizen on this basis. However, I whole heartedly oppose accepting any form of tyranny, Marxism, socialism, communism, fascism, and totalitarianism — all of which is totally at odds with the desire to have peace on earth — no matter how “progressive” you have been Pavlov trained to believe it is today.

Our country and indeed the entire world is at a critical crossroads right now. Mass Marxist indoctrination in our schools, colleges, churches, mass media, entertainment, and corrupt governments will either succeed in enslaving every human being on earth under the guise of Global Citizenship — or — they will be defeated for the true greater good of all mankind, to protect and preserve the many gifts endowed by our Creator, which no man has the authority to infringe or eliminate.

The recent full court press to end freedom and liberty by the Marxist left has ignited a great awakening all over the world. Yes, “fight for Trump – fight for Trump!” But not because of who or what Donald Trump is…rather, because of what Donald Trump stands for… Us!

When we “fight for Trump,” we are fighting for freedom, liberty, justice, decency, honor, our country, the gifts from our Creator and people all over the globe.

If Trump fails, it all fails.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Next Comes the “National Security” Excuse

by Lex Greene

Soon, it will be proven to every sane person on earth that the 2020 elections were the most unlawful, fraudulent, unconstitutional, and illegitimate elections in 245-years of American history. That proof will come from numerous states, and it will be entirely indisputable. It will be presented to the world media and the U.S. Supreme Court. That’s when things will become really interesting.

Democrats have not only made sure that our country is more divided against itself than any other country on earth…they have trained, armed, funded and protected their citizen army (ANTIFA, BLM, DSAUSA, the DNC News Media, and the New Black Panthers, among others) that spent most of 2020 rioting, looting, and burning cities across the country. They have a majority of black people hating white people without any just cause, especially law enforcement of every color, and they are prepared to light the entire nation on fire if their criminal election is exposed, challenged, decertified, and overturned.

That’s when the term “national security” will be resurrected to stop the 2020 steal from being reversed. This is why our public servants are hiding behind National Guard troops… It’s also why they are now trying to focus the people on the “national security threat” in aliens and UFOs, while they continue to flood our nation with foreign (illegal alien) invaders at our southern border.

It will be known by people all over the world that the communist democrats and their global communist predators rigged the entire 2020 elections, up and down the ballot. Even ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will be forced to report it, just like they are being forced to report the criminal mass murder agenda of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates in recent days.

But then, for “the sake of national security,” the American people will be told that although it’s all true, and although the evidence is indisputable, it would be a “threat to national security” to make it all right.

Americans have been trained to salute and respect anyone with a military uniform on. But not everyone who ever wore a uniform is a hero or patriot. Some of them have been absolute traitors, especially at the flag officer and Joint Chiefs level. Most Americans have likewise been trained an automatic triggered response to the words “national security.” Most Americans will allow their government to get away with anything, including stolen elections and even mass murder by vaccine, if they are triggered into believing it’s all allowed to happen in the best interest of “national security.”

Who doesn’t care about national security? However, almost every act done by our government in the interest of “national security” is actually the biggest threat to our national security and the American people.

COVID19 was labeled a “threat to national security.” Not getting your fatal vaccine is also being labeled a matter of national security. In fact, now we are told that racism is a matter of national security, by the same racists that have held their jackboot on the necks of black people since the days of slavery, democrats.

So, when the truth about what happened in the 2020 elections is finally made public for the world to see in indisputable form, we will hear the term “national security” again. Sooner or later, people in power over the American people will be forced to admit what happened in the 2020 elections. But don’t expect that to change the fraudulent outcome of those elections, or even make future elections legitimate.

Trump isn’t the only person in the USA that had the election stolen from him. Indeed, there are numerous others across the country, members of Congress, Governors, State Legislators, and critical ballot initiatives.

Once stolen, democrats immediately rushed to institute a full-scale Marxist assault on the USA and every Citizen in it, all of which would be immediately null and void the minute the 2020 elections are decertified, all of them. The nation would indeed be thrown into the deep end of chaos and mass civil unrest, were we to reverse the fraudulent outcome of the 2020 elections and prosecute everyone responsible for the theft of our nation.

Huge international corporations that funded and assisted the theft via new technologies and an army of fraudsters stuffing ballot boxes with fake ballots and promoting a false narrative, would backlash too. Supply shortages will skyrocket, and the stock market will shoot into a tailspin. It may even cause a mass exodus of military personnel, once they know they are being unlawfully ordered to protect a fraudulent anti-American government. It may in fact ignite a near catastrophic event.

That is a true “threat to national security” and the powers that be won’t hesitate for even a second to justify their next actions by telling Americans that this is how it has to be, “in the interest of national security.”

What makes anyone think for even a second that the recent “cyber-attacks” in the USA were committed by anyone other than our own government? Clearly, no one in the world is working harder to gain complete control over the U.S. population than our “new norm” anti-American federal regime, nor using more evil techniques to accomplish it!

Unfortunately, most Americans will react to that public statement from their corrupt government the same way they have reacted to the false information they have swallowed on COVID for well over a year now. They will put on their mask, lock themselves in their homes, sit down and shut up, waiting to see what happens next.

And what happens next, they are not going to like at all… What is already happening in Washington DC and numerous states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, is the greatest threat to our national security in the history of our beloved country.

As of today, no American Citizen knows who or what Barack Hussein Obama really is… but they allowed him to sit in our White House for eight years, bringing our country to the brink of extinction, where we are now. Every thinking American knows that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not really running anything, other than their mouths…and every word is being placed there carefully by someone else. But they are still occupying our White House, illegally.

The next few months will decide whether or not we still have enough Americans to keep this Constitutional Republic or not. The past 16-months are not a good indication of the real American spirit at all.

God help us all!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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True Definition of Assault Weapon

by Lex Greene

Because today’s Marxist Democrats are determined to disarm all American Citizens in order to protect themselves from a real constitutional insurgency by angry American Citizens someday, it’s critical that American Citizens gain a complete understanding of what Democrats mean when they seek to outlaw the private personal possession of all “assault weapons.”

According to the ATF (Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), and drawing from existing federal and state law definitions, the term “assault weapon” refers primarily to semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns that are able to accept detachable magazines. 

Of course, across the spectrum of numerous federal, state, and local definitions, there really isn’t a single definition of assault weapon. Some jurisdictions even define revolving cylinder shotguns as assault weapons. Others may even include basic revolvers in their definition of assault weapon. 

So, first and foremost, when discussing the subject of “assault weapons,” it’s important to realize that really, there is no common or clear definition of what an assault weapon is. What constitutes an assault weapon, is actually in the eye of the beholder.

In all honestly and reality though, there is really only one reasonable definition for “assault weapon.” Any item which can be used as a “weapon” to “assault” another human being, is technically, by reasonable definition, an “assault weapon.” Since only one bullet is necessary to assault another human being, anything capable of firing just one projectile can reasonably be considered an “assault weapon.”

Indeed, many other items available in daily life can be used as a “weapon” to “assault” people too. It doesn’t have to be a gun of any type. Knives work, any sharp object works, a ball bat works, explosive materials work, bio and chemical compounds work, drugs work, rope works, wire works, most farm tools make fantastic “assault weapons,” the list is endless.

Many well trained individuals can be an assault weapon as well. So, what exactly are they trying to outlaw?

If it’s true that Democrats seek to outlaw all assault weapons to prevent human beings from assaulting one another, then they will have to outlaw an endless list of things that people use to assault other human beings.

Before we start trying to single in on one appropriate definition of an assault weapon, let’s take a close look at gun deaths in the USA over many years now. We can’t begin to find a solution to a problem unless we first identify the real problem.


  1. Politics seems to have a directly associated cause and effect. As an example, gun deaths in the USA peaked for the first time during the Clinton Presidency in 1993. It hit a 30-year low in 2001 under the G.W. Bush Presidency and then peaked again throughout the Obama years, to hit a high in 2016. Gun deaths dropped again during the Trump administration and since the start of the Biden/Harris administration, has set all-time record highs never before seen in the USA. I won’t speculate as to why, but clearly, politics plays an important part here.
  2. Most shooting in the USA are at the hand of people between the age of 20 and 34.
  3. 62.4% of USA gun deaths are suicides. 37.6% are homicides. 
  4. 64.3% of people killed by a gun are white, 24.1% are black and 11.6% are something other.
  5. 81.8% of all USA gun deaths take place in major cities, mostly about ten major cities, all of them heavily controlled by democrat politicians and democrat voters.
  6. 81.4% of all gun deaths in the USA are by handgun. 7.7% are by a blunt object. 5.3% are by shotgun. 4.4% are by some type of rifle and 1.2% are by some other type of gun, most likely, an AR-15 or AK-47. 

So, democrats have once again, misidentified the real problem and come up with the wrong solution.

Our suicide problem is double the size of our homicide problem in the USA and clearly, politics has everything in the world to do with it. Suicide and homicide rates increase under democrat political leadership, both nationally and especially in the democrat controlled major metro centers.

Year-to-date, just since Biden and Harris seized federal power, homicide rates have skyrocketed…

  • Up 800% in Portland
  • Up 225% in New York City
  • Up 132% in Oakland
  • Up 113% in Minneapolis
  • Up 50% in Austin
  • Up 26% in LA

And what do all of these cities and states have in common? They are all controlled by democrats and they all represent some of the most extreme gun control laws in the country. 

Whites are dying at a rate three-times that of blacks, or any other color. Almost no one is killed outside the ten largest cities in the country, all of them controlled by democrat voters and politicians, so clearly, democrats are a major problem, statistically speaking.

And last but not least, AR-15s and AK-47s are the absolute LEAST of the problem when it comes to gun deaths in the USA, with 94.4% of all violent deaths in the USA committed by a handgun, a blunt object, or a shotgun, ARs and AKs have seldom shown up in any homicide stats. Even most “mass shootings” have not been carried out using these particular rifles.

If we can’t accurately assess the problem, there is no way to arrive at a proper solution. 

In a recent Senate confirmation hearing for prospective ATF Chief Davis H. Chipman was asked by Sen. Kennedy to define “assault weapon” and he simply couldn’t or wouldn’t do so. Yet, Chipman openly supports banning something he can’t even define! Chipman couldn’t correctly define “law abiding Citizen” either.

Most important is the fact that no gun of any kind has ever killed anyone. In every case, whether suicide or homicide, a person actually did the killing, not the weapon. As we can see in the actual facts presented, the weapon of choice is almost entirely irrelevant. When someone decided to kill, either themselves or someone else, they can easily find a manner in which to do it, with or without a gun.

Last, no one on earth has ever killed as many innocent people as governments do all over the world, including in the USA. 

Clearly, we don’t have a gun problem in America, certainly not an AR or AK problem. The stats tell us the truth…we have a democrat problem.

The greatest threat to human life isn’t an AR-15 or AK-47 or any other type of gun. It’s government… especially democrats in democrat controlled areas of the country!

And THAT explains why governments want to disarm their Citizens… especially global Marxist politicians.




The Western Journal

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Trump Plan

By Lex Greene

Throughout the 2020 election cycle and every moment since, we have read literally dozens of theories about what President Trump may have planned, everything from running a “sting” with watermarked ballots to trap corrupt democrats and republicans, to “military tribunals” responsible for allegedly “hanging” Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at Club Gitmo.

We watched Trump set the stage for blocking the 2020 election theft, but then watched him leave office peacefully, despite massive indisputable evidence of unprecedented election fraud. Since his leaving office, we have heard many theories about Trump running for Congress in 2022, to running for President again in 2024, in a nation void of any legitimate election process.

In short, we have heard all kinds of speculation and theories, but at this moment, I’m not sure that anyone knows the “Trump Plan,” including Trump. Almost all of the speculative theories floated to date are false.

However, IT’S A FACT that the 2020 elections were rotten with corrupt (treasonous) democrat party fraud designed to remove Trump (and his supporters) from political power and install a global Marxist regime that represents only the very worst of citizens America has to offer. Marxists who can’t even answer the most basic of history questions correctly, and think communism is the solution.

It’s a FACT that the forensic audits are really legit, and that they will soon prove beyond any doubt, how the 2020 elections were hijacked and who is responsible for it…in Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. The elections in each of these states must be “decertified” soon and that will set the nation on a path for war within, all a part of the democrat party design.

There are a lot of people involved in the “plan” to uncover and expose the massive fraud that took place in the 2020 elections. When the evidence is no longer disputable, Americans will be split into two camps…those who want honest elections no matter who wins, and those who want to win by any means, to usher in global Marxism and the final destruction of the USA.

But does Trump really have a plan, and if so, what is that plan?

I have come to believe a lot of things about President Trump over recent years. I have come to believe that his intentions for America and his administration were 100% pro-American. I have come to believe that he was willing to risk everything he spent a lifetime building in the private sector, to secure freedom and liberty for every American, no matter race, creed, or color.

I have come to believe that he is a very typical, sometimes crude, New York City mover and shaker, that isn’t at all concerned with who the truth might offend. I have come to believe that Trump is only one of two U.S. President’s since the late 1800s that is sympathetic to the woes of the world…but was entirely focused on what’s best for America First…freedom, liberty, and real justice for all. The other being, Ronald Reagan…

But I have also come to believe that despite his considerable experience with hundreds of bad actors in the private sector throughout his business career, he was ill prepared for the depth and breadth of the most corrupt cesspool anywhere on earth, Washington D.C.

I believe Trump was positioned to STOP THE STEAL before leaving office. But I also believe he chose to leave the White House in peace, to avoid fatal threats against himself and his family, until he could prove to the entire world what really happened in the 2020 elections. There was no “insurrection” on January 6th. The insurrection happened via election fraud and in cities looted and burned across America for over a year leading up to the elections.

So, what is Trump’s plan now?

Like everyone else, I’m forced to speculate…because I don’t have a batman line to Trump, and he is so heavily isolated by his team that almost no one has a direct line to him. His poorly chosen Chiefs of Staff were blocking him from receiving truth the entire time he was in office.

What my plan would be if I were Trump…

  1. Complete the process of proving massive election fraud in 2020, beyond any doubt, in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.
  2. Use massive Trump rallies across the country, filmed and edited for a movie quality Documentary exposing all of the 2020 fraud and who is responsible for it.
  3. Get the State Legislatures in these states to “decertify” their 2020 election results, declaring the election rotten with fraud resulting in an unconstitutional outcome.
  4. Mobilize his 80-million voters in a peaceful citizen army to confront the U.S. Supreme Court, forcing them to take up a case seeking to “decertify” and “overturn” the 2020 elections, declaring Donald J. Trump (and others) the “lawful winners” of the 2020 elections.
  5. Spend every week rallying his pro-American supporters and giving them specific marching orders to step-by-step turn this country around in short order, while we still can.
  6. Charge ALL active participants in the massive 2020 fraud with sedition and treason and put them on trial, so that no one in the USA will ever attempt this again.

Of course, my plan assumes that no one in power will ever do the right thing, just because it’s the right thing to do. Both democrats and republicans have proven this a safe bet for years now.

This plan requires the American Citizens to take charge of what’s going to happen next in America, under the pro-American leadership of the rightful U.S. President, Donald J. Trump.

I don’t know if this is Trump’s Plan or not…

But what I do know is this… If we don’t overturn the fraudulent elections of 2020 and hold everyone responsible, fully accountable, we will never see another honest election again in the USA and it won’t matter who runs for office in the future. All elections will be decided in advance, just like 2020.

Godspeed to Trump and every American Citizen willing to make this stand for the future of freedom, liberty, justice, and the United States of America.

If it can be done peacefully through legal process, it should be. But if it can’t be, if the USA has passed that point of no return by peaceful means, then we must do whatever it takes to right this ship before it sinks.

I sure hope Trump reads a copy of this…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Election Fraud Arrests Begin

by Lex Greene

The people must have free, fair, transparent, and honest election systems they can have confidence in, or everything will collapse, and street justice will reign. Evidence of election fraud must result in holding people accountable for their actions, or fraud is the new norm for as far as the eye can see.

Election fraud is a crime. It’s not just mere politics…it’s a criminal act.

People at all levels, who engaged in election fraud must be legally held accountable under criminal statutes and they must be held accountable the minute we have evidence of the act taking place.

Proving the point, Emily Rose Grover was 17 years old when she and her mother, Laura Rose Carroll, were arrested in March on several charges, including unauthorized use of computers, unlawful use of a two-way communication device and criminal use of personally identifiable information. She turned 18 in April, Assistant State Attorney John Molchan told NBC News on Wednesday.

Following a mathematically impossible election outcome, a subsequent investigation resulted in the arrest of teen student Emily Grover and her mother for election fraud in Florida. But it has nothing to do with the fraudulent 2020 elections. In this case, the fraud took place in a high school homecoming election…altering the outcome of the vote for homecoming queen.

Soon, a mountain of indisputable evidence proving massive election fraud in the 2020 elections will emerge from ongoing forensic ballot investigations in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other states wherein like the homecoming election, the outcomes were mathematically impossible.

To date, the best guess by forensic investigators into the 2020 elections indicate President Trump legitimately won re-election with some 80M votes to 66M votes for Biden and Harris, a 14M vote margin of victory. This level of fraud cannot be hidden forever.

The question is, what happens when the evidence is indisputable, like the evidence that resulted in the criminal arrest of Emily Grover and her mother?

NBC News was fast to report on the election fraud that apparently took place in the homecoming election for Homecoming Queen Emily Grover. The criminal prosecutor was also very quick to issue arrest warrants for Emily and her mother, following their theft of the homecoming election via fraud.

But will a criminal prosecutor and news media be equally as fast to act on the evidence of the massive fraud that landed Biden and Harris in Federal power, via fraudulent acts that far exceed that of the Grover family in Florida? Will the 2020 elections be overturned on that evidence, the way the high school in Florida stripped Grover of her crown?

Surely if stealing a Homecoming Queen election is a crime, then stealing a national election for the most powerful political office in the world must be a crime as well. If fraud in a high school homecoming election results in criminal charges and arrest, certainly the theft of an entire nation must result in criminal charges and arrests, no?

Time will soon tell how the USA is going to deal with the reality that the Biden pseudo-administration in Washington DC is the most massive fraudulent theft of a nation in the history of nations. The evidence will be massive, and it will be indisputable. At that point, there will be only one right thing to do and unless the right thing is done at that moment, legitimate elections in the USA will be done and gone forever.

The people involved in the theft of the 2020 elections committed crimes far beyond that of hijacking a high school homecoming crown.

In my opinion, the 2020 election crimes rise to nothing shy of high treason. Will we have the courage and decency to treat it as such when that time soon arrives?

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Joe’s Joint Session of Socialists

by Lex Greene

Pseudo-President Biden gave his first teleprompter reading to a joint session of socialists on April 28th – which drew about as much audience and support as the average Biden or Harris campaign rally last year. Nearly none…just a handful of socialists, most of whom are his handlers…

CNN’s “most popular political figure in the 21st century” can’t draw enough real supporters to keep a summer lemonade stand in business. Even most of his democratic socialists decided to skip the event and catch a rerun of Law and Order at home.

I’d like to report what Joe had to say, but in the end, he didn’t really say anything. Whoever is writing his teleprompter text seems to be intent on making Joe look like a bumbling babbling old fool.

On the upside, Joe’s dementia cocktail seems to be working a little better. At least he seemed to know he was in the congressional chamber and “Dr. Jill” the schoolteacher didn’t have to hold his hand and whisper into his ear what’s on the teleprompter this time.

CNN reports that “7 of 10 who watched were left feeling optimistic.” Of course, only 9 were watching…

Essentially, Joe’s teleprompter reading was full of self-serving platitudes only suited for the most dumbed-down ignoramuses on earth. Nothing he said was true…nothing. But personally, I’m thrilled he refuses to give Trump any credit for his “warp speed” COVID19 response in place long before Biden and Harris stole the 2020 election.

Scientifically speaking there are no COVID19 vaccines and there can’t be for at least another year or two. Acceptable trials can’t be completed for real FDA safety approval for public use until then, in stark contrast to the fake FDA approval that we have today. They have even tried to grant themselves immunity for all deadly results from their so-called “vaccines.”

Personally, I wish Trump would totally distance himself from the mad dash to “vaccinate every American” with shots that aren’t even vaccines. I’m thrilled democrats continue to take full credit for everything Trump did before they arrived. This means they can take the fall for everything they are taking credit for doing to Americans.

Joe’s speechwriters did get one thing right, although they demonstrated a mental malfunction in the process and struck an almost comical contradiction in alternate realities when Joe read the words – “We the people are the government!”

Joe the puppet has been performing like a world class 3rd world dictator via his plethora of unilateral unlawful and unconstitutional Executive Orders since the moment he stole the Oval Office from Trump. Makes one wonder which “we the people” he’s talking about, when suggesting “we the people are the government.” I suspect he meant to say, “I, the pseudo-dictator, is the government.”

None the less, Joe was vertical. That alone was an achievement for the mindless old fool. Thank God Joe and Kamala aren’t actually running anything. Obama & Co. (the puppet masters) are clearly in charge and equally clear…is their intent to put Joe in a position of having to step down soon, moving cackling Kamala into Obama’s pseudo-presidency.

There are over 331M people in the USA today, according to the 2020 Census. Almost none of them tuned in to watch the latest comic relief from Uncle Joe the lifelong perv.

Did you watch it? I didn’t…and neither did anyone else!

The State of the Union is…SCREWED!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Joe Biden – The Mass Shooting President

By Lex Greene

According to CNN, the election of Joe Biden has set off a world record of mass shooting events in the USA that the world has never seen before, with “at least 147 mass shootings across the country since Joe took office – at least 45 such events in just the past 30-days.”

By contrast, the USA recorded just 35 mass shooting events during the four years that Donald J. Trump was President, an annual average of just 8.75 mass shooting events per year during the Trump administration. At the current rate of events since Joe Biden took office, the USA could see as many as 540 mass shooting events in 2021 alone. That’s a 6100% increase in mass shootings under Joe Biden, so far.

Already, Joe Biden had won the distinguished title of THE MASS SHOOTING PRESIDENT, with the most mass shootings in just a three month period, the highest anywhere in the world and throughout world history.

What is it about the Biden pseudo-administration that has touched off this mass shooting phenomenon across America, besides the fact that all democrats have made every Americans feel angry and totally demoralized for years?

Problem #1Democrat Criminal Justice Reform

In order to buy more votes from some of the worst people America has to offer, democrats have been focused on what they call “criminal justice reform,” which is essentially a movement to reduce the number of people incarcerated for their crimes, many of them violent crimes, and reinstate their voting rights for upcoming elections. Governance by felons… what a grand idea!

This movement has released thousands of often violent criminals into the population, resulting in rising crime rates all across the country from a growing number of repeat offenders on the streets. When you need more voters, any voter will do, if you’re a member of the socialist Democrat Party.

Problem #2Targeting and Eliminating Law Enforcement

As the Democrat Party (DNC) has become the Democratic Socialist Party of the USA, the DNC has adopted its entire political platform from the Democratic Socialists of America, which includes both the release of violent felons from prison and the current all-out attack on Law Enforcement we see today.

Once again, under the guise of “law enforcement reform,” democratic socialists (DNC) have painted a hard target on the back of every law enforcement officer and agency in the USA, causing a mass exodus of good law enforcement personnel across the country, especially in the most dangerous cities in the USA, all of them, run by democrat Governors and Mayors.

The focus of democratic socialists isn’t on stopping crime, it’s on stopping any form of viable law enforcement, as they also work to release more and more dangerous felons from prison. And let’s not overlook the mass invasion of illegal aliens on our southern border.

Problem # 3The Most Fraudulent Election cycle in U.S. History (2020)

The entire world watched the massive fraud in the 2020 election cycle, and they also watched courts in the USA, including the US Supreme Court, refuse to allow any evidence of that massive fraud to be presented in any court in the USA.

Every election has some fraud in it, at the local, state, and federal level. Politics is a dirty business…it always has been, and it always will be. But the 2020 election cycle marks the most massive blatant election fraud by numerous means and methods, in the history of “free democratic elections.”

After a year of fraudulent COVID19 lockdowns created and governed by democrat politician’s intent upon stealing the 2020 elections via COVID forced unregulated mail-in balloting…the nation was already on edge. As the nation and world watched the unprecedented level of election fraud in 2020, the people became ever more galvanized in their distrust and disdain for all things political, including a CIA controlled news media, which lies to the public all day every day, about everything.

Faith in freedom, liberty, fairness, ethics, morality, and their political systems, fell to rock bottom as the nation watched their country stolen right under their noses. Politicians knew they were pushing Americans to the brink of all-out war, and that’s why they hide behind troops, fencing and razor wire still today, and for the foreseeable future, as they continue to control the population.

Problem #4Socialist Policies, Tyrannical Tactics, and the Gun Grab

Next, once you release felons back into population, eliminate or hamstring law enforcement and secure yourself behind troops and razor wire, control the entire citizenry for over a year… now it’s time to strip the American people of their inalienable Constitutionally protected Right to keep and bear arms.

Maybe 30% of the country now thinks socialism is a new progressive idea worth trying, thanks to the dumbing down in public education and Marxist college campuses. The rest of us all know better from either living under or studying the history of Socialism, Marxism and Communism around the globe, all of which ends in brutal tyranny and a total loss of freedom, liberty, and prosperity for all.

But the DSAUSA is now in total control of the DNC, which is now in total control of our Federal Government, at least temporarily.

Problem #5No Legitimate Elections Ever Again

So long as the fraudulent elections in 2020 are allowed to stand, that’s the end of legitimate elections in the USA. The fruit from a poisonous tree, is also poisonous. It’s impossible for an election full of fraud to result in anything but a fraudulent outcome.

It’s been proven beyond any doubt that numerous Democrat controlled states intentionally and systematically ran “unlawful and unconstitutional” elections in 2020. The only possible result of any “unlawful and unconstitutional” election, is an “unlawful and unconstitutional” outcome.

This means that as the DSAUSA-DNC rushes to destroy all freedom, liberty and prosperity in America from DC and all democrat controlled cities, elections are no longer a means of solving the problem.

Last… as the nation rockets toward totally unsustainable debt, more lockdowns, more masking, vaccinations, and social distancing dictates from above, mass shootings, suicides, civil unrest and eventually, all-out street war is almost certain… this is Biden’s “new norm” following the 2020 elections.

With over 147 mass shootings already in the record books only a few weeks after the Biden regime seized power, the future looks very dim for America and in fact, the world

The Mass Shooting President (and Vice President) must go! They have no constitutional right to sit in office and every minute they do, the nation dives deeper and deeper into the abyss, as Americans take aim at each other over what the socialist left is doing to ALL OF US!

May God help us all!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Surrender by Fear of a Cold

By Lex Greene

If you had told me in 2019 that the USA would surrender everything in 2020, their jobs, their businesses, their freedom, liberty, their families, their friends, even their guns…I would have said you were nuts. If you had told me Americans would do this out of pure unwarranted FEAR of a “corona virus” (aka common cold – SARS2) with a 99.7% survival rate, or that they would line up to take a “vaccine” that isn’t a vaccine at all, with no scientific trials, two years before trials could even be completed, I would have suggested you need a psych ward.

If you had told me America was going to elect an 80-year old career politician with zero accomplishments and late stage dementia as President, or a zero resume former racist prosecutor who has laughed and slept her way to power as Vice President, I would have called the medics from the Funny Farm to gather you up myself.

It’s now public knowledge that the CDC grossly overstated COVID deaths by some 1600%. The CDC has admitted that 94% of all COVID marked deaths in the USA, did not die of COVID19. Only 6% of the CDC marked COVID deaths actually died of COVID19, according to the CDC.

It’s also public knowledge that none of the masks people are still wearing, are designed to or capable of stopping the spread of any virus. It’s public knowledge that between 2003-2005, SARS1 was eradicated by Hydroxychloroquine…and that the U.S. Federal Government prevented the medical community from using that same drug to fight COVID19, aka SARS2.

Still, more than a year later, most Americans are still stumbling through the world with their useless masks on, taking shots with no idea what’s in them, or what the long term effects will be, many having lost their businesses and jobs as well as family members, all out of fear of catching a common cold with a 99.7% survival rate.

Prior to this last year, had you told me that Americans would never ever give up their Second Amendment Rights, I would have quickly agreed. But now that I have seen with my own eyes, how easy it has been to frighten 97% of Americans out of their entire lives, I now believe most Americans will give up every Right they ever had, just as easily and quickly as they put on that worthless mask over a year ago.

Since the Biden pseudo-administration stole federal power on January 20, 2021, they have rushed forward to finish off American freedom, liberty, sovereignty, and security at a breakneck speed. Every minute of every day since 1/20/21, the fake Biden administration has moved against the American people at every chance, on every front, no guess work needed.

Officially, there is only a 0.009% chance you will every die from COVID or any other strain of the common cold. But there is 100% chance our nation is going to fall into global communism under the Biden regime, if Americans don’t wake the hell up fast, and grow a pair to put a stop to this insanity.

It’s public knowledge that the COVID19 event in 2020 was a “planned” event. We know this from documented evidence out of Johns Hopkins Medical Center and the Bill Gates Foundation, titled Event 201 Pandemic Exercise planned between 2013 and 2019.

Donald J. Trump was elected President in November 2016. In 2017, Dr. Fauci stated with absolute certainty that Trump would face a pandemic. Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said “there is no doubt Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.”

How stupid is the average American today?

The 3rd leading cause of death in the USA is the Medical community itself. Yet, Americans still blindly “follow the science” even when there is NO science to back the government mandates, and Bill (population control) Gates is the college dropout Doctor.

What made it all possible was decades of dumbing down in the public education system, and the CIA run U.S. news media propaganda machine. While Americans scramble to find the problem, they fail to realize that they ARE the problem.

Despite our Founders efforts in the Charters of Freedom, we have never had any Rights beyond those we are willing to fight and die for. The Founders documents made it possible for Americans to protect and defend their Rights peacefully, so long as Americans never stopped being “forever vigilant” in that pursuit.

But today, most Americans no longer even know what their Rights are, much less have the courage to stand up and defend any of them. They don’t know what to do, even if they can see what’s happening right under their noses all day. Soon, they will run out of time and opportunity to do anything about it at all, as the Biden regime moves at light speed to strip away every Right we ever had.

Fear is the main motivator. Once global Marxists saw how easy it was to lock down 300M Americans using fear of a common cold, they knew that America had arrived at that moment in history when, as Khrushchev once said, “America can be taken down from within, without firing a single shot.”

The same Americans that are the only solution we have, are also the main source of the problem. Their ignorance, apathy, fear, and self-indulgence will be the real cause of their demise. If you’re looking for the problem and you’re still not looking in the mirror, you can’t see the problem yet.

Career political criminals like Biden and Harris are simply taking full advantage of this fatal national condition. The fencing, razor wire and troops standing guard around this regime, are only there in case Americans wake up and react at some point. Until then, the Biden regime will move forward until you have nothing left to take.

To quote a buddy of mine, “COVID is the tool, Fear is the weapon, Control is the goal.”

If you’re looking for the solution, that’s easy… If one person refuses to comply, that person is in big trouble. 10 people, still in trouble… but when 100M people stand up together and simply refuse to comply or show any respect at all for a pseudo-administration, then the globalists are in trouble. No fence, razor wire or troops can stop 100M Americans from doing anything they want to do.

In fact, this is the only real solution there is… Everything else is a mere Band-Aid.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Nation of Lawyers, Not Laws

By Lex Greene

On April 8, 2021 in a speech pertaining to his maniacal “gun grab” agenda, pseudo-president Joe Biden plainly proclaimed that no amendment to the Constitution is absolute,” meaning, that nothing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights is absolute, all of it, subject to change via the whims of Executive Orders.

Not only does Joe Biden think he has the power to make laws by the stroke of his pen, but he also believes he is not restrained in any way by the text of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. He believes he can amend or overrule the Constitution itself, by mere Executive Order. These are the ramblings of a tyrannical madman who sees himself as a God, a totally unbridled dictator!

Biden is a lawyer, and like most modern lawyers, he believes not in a nation of laws as created by the sole lawmaking branch of government, the legislature…but rather in the unconstitutional lawmaking authority of lawyers, by way of Court opinions and Executive Orders. They believe that the Constitution creates an Executive dictatorship, or an unelected oligarchy of rulers from the bench, or a convenient combination of the two.

Since seizing federal power on January 20, 2021, the pseudo-Biden administration has issued and signed at least 38 new Executive Orders, all of them treated as if they are “laws.” For any Oval Office occupant to be able to create laws by the mere stroke of their pen, they would have to be a dictator, a one-man lawmaker, and we would have to be living in a pure dictatorship, not a Constitutional Republic.

But contrary to modern unconstitutional indoctrinations, Executive Orders are NOT law, even though today’s legal profession may insist that they are. This is the fundamental undermining of Constitutional Law via British Common Law tactics, which Jefferson warned of, not long after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787.

“Our Constitution . . . intending to establish three departments, co-ordinate and independent that they might check and balance one another, it has given—according to this opinion to one of them alone the right to prescribe rules for the government of others; and to that one, too, which is unelected by and independent of the nation. . . . The Constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please.” (Jefferson letter to Judge Spencer Roane, Sept. 6, 1819)

The lawyer lies and the courts swear to it… and this is exactly how the most fraudulent election in U.S. history is still allowed to stand as of today, as even the U.S. Supreme Court refused to allow any evidence of fraud to be presented in its chambers.

Meanwhile, a growing number of State Supreme Courts are hearing the evidence and ruling that the 2020 elections were “unlawful and unconstitutional” within their own states. If the election processes were unlawful and unconstitutional, then so are the results of that election, hence, the use of the term “pseudo-president.”

Righting the wrongs in the 2020 election is critical to the survival of the U.S. Constitutional Republic. No one should have any doubts about that at this point. But just as critical, is preventing the use of Executive Orders that are also unlawful and unconstitutional.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is very plain language. It’s intentionally extremely broad in nature and it’s not listed as a Right of the people, but rather a prohibition of government, to ever institute any laws which infringe in any manner, upon the natural Rights of the people to keep and bear arms. The language is broad, because this Right is equally broad.

To “infringe” is to “act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.” In this case, it’s the natural Right of all American citizens to “keep” (possess) and “bear” (carry) firearms, as protected by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, by which, all other natural Rights are protected.

Any law, policy, order, or rule which “acts so as to limit, undermine or encroach” upon this God-given natural Right, is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. By definition, it’s “unconstitutional.”

That which is unconstitutional on its face, is unlawful and carries with it, no force of law whatsoever. This is the fundamental difference between a Constitutional Republic and a tyrannical dictatorship.

Jefferson was right in the early 1800s when he could already see the dangers of the Article III judicial branch, to ever expand the power of itself and the Executive branch by fiat, until we were no longer a nation of laws, but a mere nation of lawyers working around the clock to undermine and subvert the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

“The judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated fabric. They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone. This will lay all things at their feet, and they are too well versed in English law to forget the maxim, ‘boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem’ [good judges have ample jurisdiction]. . . . A judiciary independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing; but independence of the will of the nation is a solecism, at least in a republican government.” (Jefferson letter to Thomas Ritchie, Dec. 25, 1820)

Fortunately, the Founding documents of the United States of America were not written in legalese or even old English, requiring a lawyer to properly interpret and explain their contents. They were all purposefully written in plain modern English, so that every citizen with a 3rd grade reading comprehension level could properly interpret the documents on their own.

This is also why the USA never was and was never intended to be a “democracy,” but rather a Constitutional Republic instead. A democracy can use the will of the majority to run roughshod over the minority, 50.1 over 49.9… But a Constitutional Republic prevents the will of any majority from running roughshod over any minority, so long as the Constitution remains the Supreme Law of the Land.

And this, is why no President can be allowed to rule from on high by mere stroke of the pen, like some tin-horn dictator in a 3rd world commune. It’s also why only the constitutionally empowered legislative branch has any lawmaking authority at all.

Mass non-compliance of unlawful and unconstitutional mandates, of any form or any subject, is the first line and means of defense. American citizens have no legal, moral, or ethical obligation to follow or live under any unlawful or unconstitutional acts of government, and when they stand up together, there is nothing more powerful.

However, our silence is recorded as our consent… and that’s how we got here. Be silent no more…consent no more…stand together, not alone, and reclaim our Right as the true power of a self-governed people under the Supreme Law of this land, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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So, this is Communism…

By Lex Greene

For decades now, American children have been taught that communism ended with the fall of the Soviet Union. They’ve been dog-whistle trained to believe that socialism; Marxism, is a progressive idea whose time has come. Nothing could be further from the truth and today, what we are witnessing in the USA under the pseudo-Biden regime is the new face of communism, “progressive socialism.”

Karl Marx is the globally acknowledged creator and author of today’s “democratic socialism.” Marx is also the author of the Communist Manifesto, in concert with Frederick Engels. As Marx himself wrote, “true democracy is the road to socialism, and socialism is merely a steppingstone into communism.”

Karl Marx fans proclaim his genius, writing adoring epitaphs like “Karl Heinrich Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary.” But reality tells a vastly different story about the life of Karl Marx.

Marx and his wife both came from prominent families. But Marx was lazy and self-indulgent, living in squaller his entire life. As Marx spent his life warring against freedom, liberty and individual Rights, his children were left to die of starvation.

Marx had seven (known) children with his wife, but only three of the seven children lived to adulthood. Four of the children died at incredibly young ages, all four, of starvation and malnourishment. Only three daughters lived to adulthood. This was not the plight of all children at the time of Marx’s life. It was only the plight of Marx’s children, and all who followed his teachings.

But before Marx himself passed, two of the three daughters who lived to adulthood, committed suicide. This is the true legacy of the hero to all who believe they want to follow the teachings of Karl Marx, the father of modern socialism and author of the Communist Manifesto.

In a recent survey of young American voters, 44% said they want to live under socialism, just like their hero, Karl Marx. Most Americans don’t know that they already live under socialism, with more than 64% of all federal spending dedicated to social programs. As Marx wrote, the next step after socialism is communism, and that’s where the USA is headed today.

Fences, Troops and Razor Wire

The last time fences and troops were used to protect the ruling class elites in Washington DC from angry voters, was 1932, the Bonus Army event…when a group of 43,000 demonstrators – made up of 17,000 U.S. World War I veterans, together with their families and affiliated groups – gathered in Washington, D.C. in mid-1932 to demand early cash redemption of their service certificates.

After victory in World War I, the US government promised in 1924 that servicemen would receive a bonus for their service, in 1945. The bonus was also known as the “Tombstone Bonus.” Then, the Great Depression hit, beginning with the stock market collapse of 1929. By 1932, the Depression was still dragging on, with no end in sight. Out of sheer desperation, some of the veterans decided to march on Washington to ask for the bonus right away. (source)

Instead of paying any bonuses to veterans and their families unable to feed or house themselves at the height of the Great Depression, the federal government called in troops and opened fire on the veterans and their families. Four years later, in 1936, the veterans did get their bonus, when Congress voted for the money, over democratic socialist President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s veto.

Today, U.S. National Guard troops stand in defense of the pseudo-Biden regime…why? Once again, federal authority is prepared to use military force to protect a rogue administration rushing to install the ideas of Karl Marx and stand on the throats of the American people, in the name of the “greater common good.” Why have Governors allowed their State Guards to be abused in this manner?

As Guardsmen stand a fence to protect Marxist D.C. politicians from the people, our southern border is being overrun by thousands of illegal invaders. The new face of communism is “progressive socialism” as the Biden pseudo-administration spends the nation into unsustainable debt, and floods the country with illegal aliens to bankrupt the nation under the Cloward-Piven strategy.

Simply stated, the objective of the progressive socialists is to overwhelm the U.S. economy with monstrous social spending, not for Americans, but for illegal invaders and fellow Marxists around the world. That’s why 91% of the first Biden COVID $1.9T bill and 96% of his $2T second “stimulus” bill is nothing but a global slush fund for Marxists all over the world, paid for by American taxpayers, now $30T in debt.

This is the face of communism in the USA 2021…and the young people simply know not what they do, or what they wish (and vote) for. They are destroying their own future, but they do not know it. Even worse, the younger generations have been Pavlov trained not to listen to their parents or grandparents, who have seen this all before.

The promises of gifts from the public treasury in the form of COVID stimulus checks, free college, free medicine, free food, free housing, free everything, from a country already $30-trillion in debt, is the bait. These kids think that the government has its own money and can keep writing bad checks for eternity. They do not realize that the debt their political heroes are creating, is their debt to soon pay. The mouse doesn’t know why the cheese is free…

We no longer “tax and spend” in the USA. Now we spend ourselves into unsustainable debt and then raise taxes and seize private assets from all American citizens, to try to bankrupt every citizen while bankrupting a once rich and powerful nation.

This is how a nation of free people is tricked into communism, via progressive socialism. Marx and Engels knew it, as did Khrushchev, when he said communists would take down the USA from within, without needing to ever fire a single shot. They knew that sooner or later, a dumbed down and properly indoctrinated generation would vote themselves back into bondage, while in pursuit of gifts from the public trough.

The USA is now in the final death spiral into unbridled brutal communism and most Americans can’t see it coming, especially the young people voting for it. The “cancel culture” is all about silencing all voices of dissent, all public warnings of danger ahead! And again, the social shaming and cancel culture is all run by children who think they are doing what’s best for America, muzzling all voices of dissent, as if completely unaware of who the muzzle will be fitted for in the end.

This is the face of communism…but because most Americans don’t know it, they will live under that boot for a while before they gain the knowledge and gumption to rise up against it. Evidence of an unlawful election in 2020 is everywhere, people all over the world have seen it. But those who think they want socialism, will never agree to see it.

Yet, unless the fraudulent 2020 elections are exposed and overturned, the USA is headed into the darkest period in U.S. history, for the sake of the “greater good,” of course. This isn’t about Trump or Biden, it’s about freedom and liberty. It’s about a free and independent Constitutional Republic, or just another 3rd world member of a global commune.

Every problem on earth has a solution. But they all require people able to work together in coordinated initiatives based on real facts and real targeted solutions. The first step is knowing what not to do.

Progressive socialism is communism… but the people will have to learn this the hard way. Six of Marx’s seven children had to learn this the hard way too.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Real Covid Facts You’re Not Allowed to Know

By Lex Greene

Americans need to WAKE UP and stop going along with people they will never be able to get along with. We have been lied to regarding the COVID19 event for over a year now and even as States finally take control of their sovereign Rights and reopen, most Americans are still stumbling along under mask in fear of their lives…for no reason at all!

Back before Americans had the common sense educated out of them via GOVERNMENT education, very few Americans would have fallen for the COVID scam or succumb to the tyrannical unlawful and unconstitutional orders they have lived under since March of 2020.

Let’s begin with the basics – U.S. Annual Death Rates

Every year between 1950 and today, Americans have died of multiple causes, at an annual death rate of between 8% and 10% of our population. Over the past 70-years, the highest annual death rate in the USA was recorded in 1950, 9.964% of the U.S. population at that time. Since then, the U.S. death rate slowly dropped to its lowest period annual death rate of 8.124% of the population in 2008.

The official death rate in the USA under COVID19 in 2020 is 8.880% of population. From 2009 to today, the U.S. death rate has slowly increased each year from 8.131% in 2009 to 8.782% in 2019, pre-COVID. That’s an average annual increase in death rate of .065% per year, before COVID. Under COVID 2020, the overall death rate increased only .098% between 2019 and 2020. But was this increase due to COVID19 (aka SARS2)?

You don’t have to believe me, read these facts at the links provided for yourself.

Questions you should have asked

  1. If your mask works, why does anyone else need one to protect you? If you feel safer wearing a mask, by all means, wear a mask. However, if your mask protects you from environmental threats, such as a cold, the flu or COVID19, then there’s no reason for you to force anyone else to wear one in your presence. The only reason to ask anyone else to wear a mask, is if your mask doesn’t work.
  2. The SARS (corona – cold) virus first showed up in the USA in 2003 and was eradicated in the USA by 2005, by the use of Hydroxychloroquine. COVID19 is SARS2 with the exact same symptoms. So, why did our government outlaw the use of Hydroxychloroquine against the COVID19 virus in 2020? (BTW- Hydroxychloroquine has had FDA approval for public use since the 1970s)
  3. Remember when the “experts” told us a 14-day national quarantine would eradicate COVID19 in April 2020? Remember when they told us over 2-million Americans were going to die of COVID19 between April 1 and April 15 of 2020? Remember that the recorded number for this period was allegedly 63,000 dead instead of 2-million? How could the medical “experts” get this so wrong?
  4. Have the “experts” been able to isolate the COVID19 protein, and if not, how did they develop a vaccine for COVID19? They haven’t…
  5. Why are the three vaccine companies making people sign a waver to get the vaccine, while affirming that none of the three vaccines are yet FDA approved?
  6. Since when do we quarantine 300-million healthy people for a year? While importing thousands of sick people illegally, at our southern border?
  7. If social distancing works, how is the virus still spreading under those unlawful orders, and how are COVID numbers dropping in states that have lifted all COVID orders?

In all CDC COVID reporting, do you know the difference between “dying with COVID” vs. “dying of COVID?” Do you understand “comorbidity?”

According to the CDC, 564,362 Americans have died “with” COVID. But the CDC admits that only 6% of these deaths were “from” COVID alone, 33,861 deaths directly due to COVID. This is public information, yet most Americans seem to be completely unaware and still scared to death of COVID.

Is the USA worse than other developed nations?

Death rates by country for 2020 Combatting false leftwing propaganda

Germany 11.510%
Greece 11.147%
Japan 11.085%
Italy 10.749%
Austria 9.941%
Denmark 9.914%
Belgium 9.780%
United Kingdom 9.429%
France 9.414%
Spain 9.312%
Sweden 9.126%
Netherland 9.005%
USA 8.880%

While the Biden pseudo-administration forces shots (not vaccines by definition) on American citizens, the UN is projecting the USA death rate to continue skyrocketing to 10.785% from now through the year 2089…. Why? Isn’t the vaccine going to work? Or are the vaccines going to make things much worse over the next 68-years? What does the UN know that Americans don’t know?

Face the facts brothers and sisters, we have been lied to and deprived of our most fundamental American Rights for over a year now, by the so-called “medical and science experts” and global Marxist policymakers currently destroying all things American.

Real Doctors have been trying to warn Americans the entire time. But the cancel culture and global propaganda machine we call news and social media, have prevented the truth from reaching most Americans. As a result, most Americans remain under socialist boot and clueless.

Even though the Michigan Supreme Court ruled all of Governor Whitmer’s COVID orders “unlawful and unconstitutional” in a 7-0 decision last October, the people of Michigan remain under her boot strictly out of fear.

The USA is NOT dying from COVID19… we are dying from unlawful and unconstitutional COVID19 mandates from people with no authority to issue or enforce those mandates whatsoever.

LAST…so far in 2021, more Americans have died from the COVID19 vaccines (2,216 and rapidly climbing) than mass shooting deaths 88. So, why is the Biden pseudo-administration targeting lawful gun owners who have not committed any crimes, instead of shutting down these vaccines? There’s an obvious answer here, again!

It’s high time for Americans to face reality, stop going along to get along with global Marxists…and hold everyone responsible for the biggest political scam in U.S. history fully accountable.

This swamp must be drained from the top down, not from the bottom up. Dr. Fauci and many others should be in prison for what they have done to the American people over the past year. But what they have in store for the next four years is far worse.

The American people cannot survive their unwarranted fear and apathy. They must stand up or surrender…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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