We Are in a World War. It Is a Fifth Generation War

By Steven Yates

“All warfare is based on deception.”  -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” -Robert A. Heinlein, The Notebooks of Lazarus Long

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”   -Warren Buffett

Most people, even today, associate war with armies, rifles, bullets, and bombs—maybe aircraft carriers or submarine torpedoes. Those are all still around, of course, but are far from the whole story. Most don’t know the whole story because they’ve never studied fourth generation warfare, much less fifth generation warfare.

Fourth generation warfare came about when it was realized that nuclear weapons rendered high-level, command-and-control (third generation) warfare obsolete. Especially since today’s nuclear arsenals would make what was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like cherry bombs by comparison. All-out nuclear strikes would turn both combatants’ territories into uninhabitable wastelands. Neither Rome on the Potomac nor Rome in Moscow wanted that. This might be the real reason a third generation World War III between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was avoided.

But it doesn’t follow that there was no state of war between the two. It was just fought with different methods and different weapons.

War came to involve espionage, infiltration, and subversion from within, utilizing information and disinformation including efforts to undermine the enemy’s history, education, and culture. Not that such efforts were new, but they were repositioned and assumed new prominence. Fourth generation action is less centralized. Violence is ratcheted down, and when used, consists of guerrilla operations and/or insurgencies instead of all-out attacks. Insurgents are often non-state actors (“terrorists”) with non-state targets, dissolving the distinction between combatants and citizens. There is also the occasional political assassination.

Strategists behind such operations use psychology. The point of fourth generation warfare is not to win through military conquest but by weakening the enemy’s resolve until he either ceases fighting or gives up without a fight.

It is now clear from declassified materials that the Soviets were using such tactics in the 1950s and 1960s. Someday, someone in a position to do so might find it in himself or herself to issue an apology to the ghost of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, although I’m not holding my breath. For among the tricks in the fourth generation arsenal are efforts to create and exploit divisions in enemy ranks, so that the enemy turns against his own. Those trying to expose danger find themselves savaged, often on “moral” grounds. Anyone here old enough to remember, “Have you no shame, Senator?!”

Nearly all wars since the late 1940s have involved substantial fourth generation tactics. Vietnam was lost because the U.S. lost the will to fight.

The Iraq invasion of 2003 was third generation, since we had a vastly superior force. But the year-long demonizing of Saddam Hussein in Western mass media prior to that assault was fourth generation.

And since that war was stupidly entered into without a specific end beyond removing Hussein from power, the Iraqis pivoted and adopted fourth generation tactics. Superior forces are at a disadvantage when wars go fourth generation. They rely on centralized, concerted applications of state power. These fail against methods that do not supply state power with a good target. (To be sure, the Asylum on the Potomac screwed up on its own without help from insurgents. Think of Abu Ghraib.)

What, then, is fifth generation warfare? Why did it happen?

Its primary difference from fourth generation warfare is startling at first glance: to defeat an enemy without that enemy realizing he was under attack!

Violence is therefore minimal — happening at the fringes, sometimes noisy but with subordinate aims, distracting from what is really occurring.

Fifth generation violence is some black-clad Antifa clown sucker-punching Richard Spencer. Neither has a clue who the real enemy is.

While fourth generation warfare has strong psychological components, fifth generation warfare is primarily psychological. Policies are enacted to reinforce psychology. This relies on the fact that attacks do not have to kill or maim. They can confuse, disorient, and demoralize, until the enemy is helpless.

Fifth generation warfare thus uses scare-tactics repeated incessantly, gaslighting, and “nudges.”These work toundermine the target’s convictions about what really happened, or is true.

So instead of insurgents, one has media shills, disinfo agents, and enforcers of various sorts (e.g., “fact-checkers”).

Think of all that is said about how we are now in a post-truth world. Think how words like truther and truthiness are used to ridicule.

I submit that we are under a fifth generation attack that is global in scale. 

GloboCorp started it. They want to finish it within a decade if they can.This is a reason we see 2030 turn up repeatedly. (Just to note: GloboCorp does not refer to a specific organization. It is a handy term, that’s all. I doubt they even have a name for themselves. Names confer identity and offer potential targets. Those who launched this war don’t want to do that.)

Since this war is global in scale, it qualifies as a world war.

World War IV, if you will, isn’t being fought between “communists” and “capitalists.”

We need to set such ists/isms aside if we want to see what’s really going on.

And recognize one singular fact of modern history leading to our present reality.

A group of unholy psychopaths gained control over all our major institutions early last century: industry (the “capitalist engine”); education at all levels;the machinery of the two dominant political parties; the military and intelligence communities; mass media, including publishing; food,and medicine and public health.

They set up tax-exempt foundations with very deep pockets, and “think tanks” to research ways of foisting their plans on the world.

Their primary instrument was money, and thus the best research into thus unearthed money trails reaching from foundations such as Rockefeller (today it is Bill and Melinda Gates), or controlled federal agencies with grant making power.

They sought concealment, obviously. You would not hear about the Rockefeller Foundation or the Council on Foreign Relations on the six o’clock news, any more than you heard about the Gates / World Economic Forum Event 201. But as that example suggests, if you know where to look, you can find an abundance of evidence —in context—who many of these people are and infer what their primary goals are.

These did not emerge overnight in final form, but evince something singular and sweeping: global domination under a single, centralized, top-down political-economic structure, created and enforced through incentives, technocratic encirclements, and tools of various sorts including people’s need for money in an industrial political economy. The planned result: limitless power for themselves;cradle-to-grave surveillance and control over populations of de facto serfs.

This is the goal of the fifth generation war being waged by globalist super elites against the populations of the world.

Most in these populations still have no idea they are under attack. That, of course, is the point.

Many of their attackers were/are American-born, but had no loyalties to America except in a few cases as a steppingstone. Their loyalties were to themselves and their goal: to gradually slide asurveillance-and-control grid into place, working steadily to pull everyone on the planet into it.

They sought to do as much of this as possible voluntarily, using the language of markets, offering conveniences and shiny objects, persuading with all manner of buzzwords (“inclusive,” “sustainable,” etc.). As in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, they wanted us peasants to love our serfdom.

I’ve long thought that their biggest challenge was control over information. Most of the public proved pliable via public schooling and university training, but as far back as the 1950s some smelled a rat and started snooping around on their own. These were scholars whose research began to expose power elite machinations. Think of C. Wright Mills, author of The Power Elite who coined that phrase.

The brilliant scholar Antony C. Sutton went considerably further with books on how powerful corporations built the Soviet empire: how leviathan banks supported first the Bolsheviks and then the Nazis. His work, decades ahead of its time, uncovered money trails and eventually cost him his career with the “respectable conservatives” at the Hoover Institution. Mainstream academics and mass media simply ignored his findings.

GloboCorp had no means of controlling what entrepreneurs would do with advancing technology. The Internet may have been hatched in the bowls of DARPA, but when its utility became obvious it spread from Deep State labs to universities, and outward from there. Before long, thousands of people were putting up web pages and sites for every conceivable purpose.

By the late 1990s some were peering at “our” government, realizing something was amiss, turning their attention to the “deep” corridors of power.

Their results found their way to new online platforms. By 2005 this was outside elite control.

Publishing followed. While a tiny handful of titans still controlled that market, with the advent of desktop publishing and then book self-publishing platforms, hundreds of independent scholars and writers were able to get into print, around the narrative police. This may be why most of us know that the official 9/11 narrative is almost certainly a tissue of disinformation and fabrication.

The power elites still had enormous advantages of money — were getting more of that all the time, because of how financialization redistributed wealth upwards.

But they were losing control over “consensus reality.”

Dr. Ron Paul, with his challenges to the Federal Reserve System, was bad enough!

But when Donald Trump came along and displayed none of Dr. Paul’s weaknesses (too intellectual, no public speaking voice, and hence no ability to “move the masses” through mass media), it was clear: what they had accomplished thus far was unraveling — rapidly.

Worse still, other Donald Trumps had turned up around the world! Viktor Orbán in Hungary, for example. Or Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. Those are just two examples.

Efforts to re-establish control over national and international narratives and restore the “consensus” (about, e.g., “liberal democracy”), employing Big Tech censorship, met with only limited success. Trump was well on his way to reelection amidst an economy that was “booming” according to all the official measures!

Enter COVID-19!!!

Enter lockdowns (a penal system term, not a medical term), economic destruction (tens of thousands of small businesses closed, which never hurt the superelite!), and 24/7 fearmongering (instead of sensible health information and the use of available drugs).

Enter mask-wearing, despite studies showing that mass-distributed face masks were useless against viruses (the pores are too large and viruses are too small).

Enter social distancing — to keep us peasants apart?

Numerous authors have amassed evidence that both the coronavirus and the so-called vaccine(s) were developed as bioweapons. These include Dr. Richard Fleming, whose book emphasizing the coronavirus’s shady lab origin is required reading (he, too, uncovers money trails with grant numbers and even some patent information). Other authors who have aggregated similar information include Ron Unz and Paul Craig Roberts.

What we can safely conclude: under no circumstances was this “pandemic” an accident!

It is now a core tactic of the fifth generation war being waged.

Consider the recent Spartacus letter. It’s long, and I’ve no idea who Spartacus is. That’s the point, I think. While reading I got the distinct impression this is someone in a delicate position where others could get hurt if his identity became known. His use of medical/chemical terminology is convincing and compelling. Read and judge for yourself. I suggest getting the PDF and printing a hard copy, for reasons I will set out below.

With draconian policies going well beyond sensible public health measures having been imposed all over the world, no thinking person can believe the responses to COVID-19 are about public health, any more than any thinking person still believes the virus came from a bat.

The idea that it was released on purpose is still verboten.

As is the idea that COVID-19 “vaccines” are potentially deadlier than the virus!

I’ve organized an account of the five stages of vaccine compliance/coercion. Plugging that into the context of fifth generation warfare, here are a few takeaways and further developments.

(1) The super elite behind this disaster are clearly psychopathic in any reasonable sense of that term. Now that Fauci’s organization has been shown to have funded, to the tune of $1.6 million in taxpayer dollars, a lab in Tunisia engaged in caging beagle puppies and allowing sand flies to eat them alive while their vocal cords were severed so they couldn’t cry out … supposedly to test some experimental drug….

Well, what term would you use for someone responsible for something that ugly and sadistic???

(2) Portraying all challenges to approved narratives about COVID and the injections as misinformation is part of the gaslighting that characterizes fifth generation warfare. Some of the enforcers are as intolerant of dissent as any campus “woke” cultist. For example, this joker melted down over a comment, indicating his foot-soldier loyalty in a war he doesn’t know he is fighting.

Another fifth generation tactic is demanding that “vaccine” skeptics provide citations, chapter and verse, to peer-reviewed articles, for every single point they make. No Mercola stuff! Defenders of approved narratives do not do this.Appeals to authority, e.g., to the Faucis of the world, or to Chris Cuomo’s poster boy doctor on CNN, one Sanjay Gupta, appear to suffice most of the time.

Finally, COVID narrative managers move the goalposts. Provide them what they want, and they respond, that’s been debunked (even if it hasn’t been!) or some equivalent. You soon realize you’re wasting your time engaging these people.

(3) This war involves fronts other than COVID. It includes continued gaslighting over last year’s election and the January 6 “insurrection,” the accusations of racism and even domestic terrorism being made against parents who object to critical race theory in government schools, and now portraying as an accident the supply-line disruptions that are aggravating the inflation already caused by endless money printing and are threatening shortages of basic foodstuffs and other necessities.

The point, we must remember, is always disruptions that provoke uncertainty, create confusion, sow division, and make us fearful.

(4) Things make disquieting sense once you realize that GloboCorp’s minions regard us as cattle, and have no problem wanting most of us dead.

Especially if the injections really are biological time bombs that will eventually cause heart attacks and strokes, cancers, organ failure, and immune system collapse.

Some may wonder: if the super elite really wants a depopulated planet, why didn’t they just make a super bug that will kill us directly?

The answer: they still want to extract as much money from the system as possible. A super bug won’t accomplish that. “Vaccines” will.

And like most humans, they want to minimize disruptions. This suggests an extended die-off which could last a generation, showing up as deaths exceeding births for an extended period of time, the global population dropping off in a smooth downward curve. Since the deaths would not all be from the same immediate causes, there are a dozen different ways this could be spun.

That said, I don’t think the super elite were counting on the level of push back we have seen.

Thousands of people have left (or been fired from) thousands of jobs including nursing and other health care professions because they refuse to have injected into their bodies something they do not trust.

Police officers, firefighters, emergency workers, are defying vaccine mandates. If enough people leave these kinds of jobs, it will increase response time to reports of criminal activity as well as 9-1-1 calls.

Employees of a major airline are protesting vaccine mandates. So are broadcast journalists.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has filed suit against the Bidenistas over vaccine mandates.

Compromised judges are tossing lawsuits, however.

Marches nevertheless continue in New York City over a jab mandate for city employees that gave them until October 29 to get jabbed.

On November 8, new international travel regulations go into effect in the U.S.—easing your travel only if you’ve been jabbed.

Many foreign populations have displayed their unhappiness with this New Normal. Italy erupted in protest against the COVID-19(84) health pass, or “Green Pass.” There are over a dozen other international examples I could cite.

Clearly, a confrontation is building between GloboCorp’s denizens/enforcers — those who want people to be controlled — versus those who don’t want encircling controls all around them.

Which brings me to my fifth and final point:

(5) The real danger, in my view, as that the psychopaths may have things in their arsenal we haven’t seen yet. If they start to believe they could lose this war, they might just release a superbug!

That would be after “reconfiguring” the Internet, which all of us have been relying on. This is the reason I recommend having hard copies of all crucial documents obtained online, and that we retain non-web-based means of communication (e.g., old fashioned short-wave radio).

The super elite are running out of time and they know it. More and more people are waking up. They are going off what their nose is telling them. If their nose is telling them that a cadre of psychopathic, satanic pedophiles are running the world and sex-trafficking children, they will go with that — citing billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his vast network. QAnon always struck me as an effort to throw Trump supporters off track, but it’s not entirely out to lunch!

All warfare, Sun Tzu observed, involves deception.

Fifth generation warriors portray themselves as more numerous than they really are, more powerful than they really are, with greater support than they really have, and on the side of the “greater good” when they are not. They will claim a mantle of scientific knowledge they do not merit.

They have the power of global finance behind them, they control the dominant mass media outlets, and they control the largest technology platforms in the world.

But they will never have what they most want: uniformly mindless serfs who love their servitude.

No, because many of us will eat from our own vegetable gardens if it comes to that. The super elite can kill, perhaps, but they cannot break a godly people.

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar off were assured of them, embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them. (Hebrews 11:13-16)

Until that day…

… my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.  (Ephesians 6:10-16)

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory is available here and here.

Please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

“Piercing the Veils”: Revisited

By Steven Yates

“The sign of an intelligent mind is the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it.” —Aristotle

“Convictions cause convicts: what you believe imprisons you.” —Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger: The Final Secret of the Illuminati (1977)

“The Earth is a farm. We are someone else’s property.” —attributed to Charles Fort (discussion here)

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” —Arthur C. Clarke, “Hazards of Prophesy” revised version, Profiles of the Future (1973)

Mosquito: What if, like, we’re just these tiny things, and we’re just, like, part of this whole other huge universe that’s, like, so big we don’t even know it exists?

Ladybug[chuckles] Man, that is so deep. —Antz (1998)

Piercing the Veils” was one of my more popular and, I thought, better items on here.It garnered more emails than anything other than my debut, “The Real Matrix.” A few months ago a reader asked if I’d thought about revisiting it, given all that’s happened since. I said I’d think about it.

To say things have changed since I wrote “Piercing” (2012!)would be the understatement of the decade! We’re in a totally different environment now than we were then! Things that were speculation then should be obvious now to anyone with a functioning brain!

Based originally on this — I didn’t invent the idea — “Piercing the Veils” began by noting the different levels of cognitive awareness in the natural order of things.

Do you have pets? To them, you are godlike. They’ve no inkling of what lies behind your comings and goings. The world our two cats inhabit is inside our walls. While they’ve peered down corridors outside two places we’ve lived during their lifetimes, sounds from out there are scary. Their lives can be upended in ways unfathomable to them. Last year, we moved. Their sense of safety: gone, as they found themselves thrown into carriers, packed into a vehicle surrounded by ghastly noises, to emerge hours later in a strange new place: unfamiliar voices, sights, smells. They were terrified at first. Understandably.

Lower forms of life have no “apprehension” of us at all. Ants have none of the sidewalk they traverse as a sidewalk. It’s just part of the landscape. In that charming film Antz, the colony sees itself as the highest form of life, although film’s end depicts — perhaps as irony — a shadowy city scape in the background, following inexplicable (to the characters) events of the sort Charles Fort relished writing about.

To what extent is the human world like this? More than we think. Our cognition is more complex than that of a cat, of course. But there are parallels. Most of us see what we expect to see, are trained to see, and what our parents and teachers and mentors told us was real. We surround our minds with all manner of psychological protections for security. Even then, our lives can be upended by “acts of God.” We don’t like to be jolted from the familiar. NassimTaleb’s counsel about “antifragility” notwithstanding, most of us find sudden, unpredicted change deeply disorienting and paralyzing.

“Our”globalist, ruling-class oligarchs understand this fully. They’ve exploited it to the hilt over the past year and a half.

Most of America has not figured this much out.

So who knows what else is “out there” that we can’t apprehend at all?

The Veils.

Most of humanity lives and dies behind the first veil: 90 percent was my estimate (given Pareto distributions, it could be less, but not much). First veilers learn what they need to know to keep their lives together, not much more. They are not natural adventurers, restless risk-takers, or curious truth-seekers. They go off lifelong habits of thought and behavior. They trust authority implicitly and instinctively, whether it be scientific, political, theological, or that of a boss. What this means: first veilers are never truly in charge of their lives. They serve others’ wills and purposes, usually without realizing it.Sadly, they make good cannon fodder in wars. All the oligarchs who start wars have to do is put visions and symbols of an enemy on their TV screens to scare the pants off them, while invoking loyalty to “their” country or to“democracy” or simply promise them safety.

What makes this really unfortunate is that most do strive to be good people, and will be nice to you if you are nice to them. They tend to trust — want to trust — and may be devastated when they learn they can’t trust. Many are very good at what they do: crafts, farming, teaching, preaching, driving a truck, selling you clothing, repairing things, doing your tax returns, and a thousand other things that make up the warp and woof of a society that could not function without them.

The 10 percent or so who see past that first veil discover details of politics and policy, and begin to grapple seriously with public issues on their own, as an end in itself. They form opinions they can put in their own words, something more than mere habit. Second veilers tend to vote their interests, though, because although they become passionate about issues they are not necessarily truth-seekers, either. They tend to be party-line folks who don’t question first premises or investigate foundations, and don’t want you doing it, either.

Ten percent of this cohort will penetrate the second veil.

These folks discover the foundations of Constitutionalism and perhaps political philosophy generally. They reach into our Western heritage and learn the significance of, e.g., the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights. They may read John Locke and Edmund Burke as well as Washington and Madison and Jefferson. But there is much that third veilers fail to see.

But again, ten percent will see past the third veil. They will notice patterns that point to secret societies and agendas, especially involving financial institutions and powerful families that have used money and private networks to wield influence down through the ages. They may begin speaking darkly of, e.g., the Trilateral Commission, or the World Economic Forum, or even Freemasonry. We’re now talking about point-one percent of the human race: one person in a thousand. Which is why we encounter so many who don’t “get it.”

This is not about intelligence or aptitude, though. First veilers literally cannot see the forces circumscribing them, any more than they can see through an opaque curtain. And despite their often-extensive studies, many second and even third veiler university professors have political beliefs that are breathtakingly naïve. Trust me, I was there. What I saw and heard made me “get” why Thomas Sowell once stated that he’d rather be ruled by people chosen from the Cambridge phone book than Harvard faculty.

Those who penetrate the third veil understand how money power works — far better than those professors, stuck behind the third veil, who appear to believe that the many tragedies and disasters of past, recent, and contemporary times are simply bad decisions or unlucky accidents.

Thus Carroll Quigley — clearly a fourth veiler — could write in Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (orig. 1966):

“ … the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of this system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations….  In each country the power of the central bank rested largely on its control of credit and money supply….” (p. 324)

“The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and a use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups….” (p. 337)

Elsewhere in that classic volume Quigley states how he knew of what he wrote. He had interacted with some of those players and studied their records. He believed them important enough on the world stage to be known, despite their wish to keep their activities secret.

Yet Quigley was not altogether above board. Nowhere does he mention the British Fabian Society (founded in the 1880s) or note its enormous influence. Given the very comprehensiveness of his work, and since he names several Fabians, he can’t possibly have not known about them. Maybe he thought them bit players. Maybe not.

So on one level, we see what we’re predisposed to see. Sometimes this is obvious. The geology student sees jagged black lines on white paper; his professor sees a depiction of a terrain. The physics student sees white lines in a closed container. His professor: subatomic events in a cloud chamber.

On another level, we see what our cognitive biases tell us is there. No more. Those who will say that “low-lifes” conspire to commit crimes and harm others somehow assume that the wealthy and powerful would never do this; only conspiracy nuts believe otherwise. Even though Adam Smith (of all people!) stated explicitly that wealthy businessmen would conspire against the public interest, given the opportunity. Even though there are dozens of statements by the oligarchs telling us openly what they are doing.

Behind the Fourth Veil….

Arguably the world’s oligarch “conspirators” are fourth veilers (at least). Some may be more than that. What happens to that next 10 percent, if we stick to the pattern so far, who see around the fourth veil?

Perhaps they see the world as the scene of an epic battle between good and evil, between godly forces and those “principalities … powers … rulers of the darkness of this age” Paul warned about (Eph. 6:12).

Then they choose sides! God or Satan! Cast in Christian-theological terms, those who penetrate the fourth veil do not merely mouth platitudes but actually perceivethe demonic forces behind such worldly manifestations as abortion-on-demand, genocide, sex trafficking, pedophilia, etc., as products of satanic evil.

Christians conclude that whatever tragedies and disasters befall this world, God is in control and is using them to work His will.

Others sell their souls to the other side, because they believe “the father of lies” (John 8:44).

The former requires (in this writer’s humble opinion) a certain measure of Stoicism. For it may go unrewarded, while the latter may lead to celebrity status and great monetary success. Ask Katy Perry.

The reason is to be found in Matthew 4:8-10. Satan is tempting Jesus. Satan offers Him “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory … All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

Does Jesus tell Satan something like, “Those kingdoms are not yours to give”?

No. He just says, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord Your God, and Him only you shall serve.’” (New King James)

Draw your own conclusion about who is running the show behind the scenes of this world, even if only temporarily — not according to me, but according to Scripture.

With all that said, there’s something that might make some of us hesitate.

Higher Veils?

Don Harkins (see above link), who developed the first version of this schema, claimed there were eight veils. Why eight?

I don’t know.

To the best of my knowledge, Harkins never elaborated or cited a source for his ideas, and as he passed away in 2009, we can’t ask him. There were odd circumstances surrounding his death, moreover. Foul play was never ruled out.

Are even the most astute Christian thinkers fifth veilers, behind the psychic equivalent of a yet-higher opaque curtain, predisposed against any effort to pull it back?

That query has given this author a few sleepless nights.

Do we have any reason to think there is a fifth veil, or something behind it? Higher veils?

That’s basically the same question asked by those third veilers who think those of us who use terms like super elite and GloboCorp are nuts, or see schemes to create a technocratic-totalitarian world government as dystopian science fiction.

This predisposes me to at least think about the matter.

I don’t think we can do more than guess at what lies behind higher veils, if by some chance they exist (I make no claims one way or the other).

Are we on a farm? Are we someone else’s property?

Many years ago — I was a student — I came across a copy of the infamous Book of Enoch in a used bookstore. My pastor warned me about it, calling it “evil.” He seemed unable to explain why (and Enoch is quoted favorably in Scripture; see Jude 1:14-15).

Enoch elaborates at length on the strangest passage in Genesis:

“Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men, that they were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose…. There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.” (Genesis 6:1-2, 4; New King James)

Genesis bypasses further details, launching directly into a denunciation of human wickedness, how it grieved God that He had made man, and how the Great Flood then came about — but God found favor in Noah and his family!

Most do not realize it, but all over the world are stories or legends of a lost civilization in what we call prehistory, how it turned to evil and was destroyed in a great flood or similar catastrophe. A favored couple or family or small group was saved, and from them, the world repopulated. These tales come from peoples who couldn’t possibly have interacted with the ancient Hebrews, or with each other. This suggests we are talking about real events, not something religious storytellers made up.

Things get stranger if we pursue them. A few intrepid scholars, studying early Genesis in light of ancient writings from earlier cultures in the Middle East, discovered that much of early Genesis is echoed in those texts, but that they don’t refer to the Hebrew God (YHWH). Indeed, the Hebrew text sometimes uses the word Elohim, a plural word interpreted by Christians as meaning the Holy Trinity, although the text never says this explicitly. Ancient Sumerians wrote of contact with, and ruler ship by,“those who came from the heavens down to the Earth,” the meaning of Anunnaki. Some, such as authors Zecharia Sitchen and Paul Wallis, contend that the Anunnaki were extraterrestrials, although their seeming ability to mate with humans (the account that made its way into Genesis) renders this doubtful. They were probably as human as we are, possibly originating from an advanced civilization the location of which remains unknown. There appears to have been a dispute among them, involving us. Certain Anunnaki seem to have meant us well. Others wanted only slaves. Sounds human, all-too-human to me.

Was there such a civilization,elements of which survived into ancient historical times? How advanced was it?

Archeologists, professionals as well as amateur, have found artifacts and artworks that look startlingly like images of airworthy vehicles; a few devices appear to display a surprising level of astronomical knowledge. There are stone constructions which, if we are honest, we are clueless how they were built.

Does the UFO phenomenon fit in here somewhere? The U.S. government has as much as admitted that the phenomenon is real — just one more thing they’ve lied about for decades. But this, too, did not begin yesterday. People have long seen things in the sky they couldn’t explain, and what they see seems to reflect their culture — again, we see what we expect to see. Recent generations of Americans believe they have seen extraterrestrial spacecraft. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, people saw mysterious airships. In earlier centuries, they saw great ships navigating the sky. Middle Easterners saw flying chariots (the source of Erich von Däniken’s infamous title Chariots of the Gods?).

Again, I don’t know. There are a few fanciful accounts out there of what lies behind the “upper veils,” in some cases seeing not eight but nine. These speculate that those who penetrate the fifth veil see “God” and “the devil” as members of an advanced race, perhaps from another realm of existence — a place as far outside our perceptions as ours are beyond that of our beloved pets. Or perhaps the Antz analogy is more appropriate. Manifestations of vastly superior beings could be all around us — perhaps built into the physical systems of “matter” itself. We wouldn’t know what we were looking at, any more than does my oldest cat if looking at my computer screen.

Speculation, obviously. Credible?

Recall the math. Ten percent of the human race (roughly) penetrates the first veil. One percent gets past the second. Point-one percent sees around the third. Point-point-one percent peers beyond the fourth. That comes to one person in a hundred thousand able to see past the fifth veil. In a city of, say, 5 million, that’s 50 people. Where are they? There are between 7.8 and 7.9 billion of us. That ought to yield between 780,000 and 790,000 fifth veilers. Where are they?

The very question may seem to refute the whole edifice. But does it?

Who knows how many of these people — if they exist — were able to deal with what their minds seemed to tell them? In the past, asylums contained folks who claimed to have been spoken to and commanded to do things by godlike (or demonic) beings. How many such people are able to remain sane?

Or, perhaps when one reaches a certain level, one is schooled by those above, and among their schooling is advice just to leave us lower veilers alone.

We have abundant evidence of what happens when a primitive culture encounters an advanced one. Usually the primitive culture is destroyed. Ask the indigenous peoples of the Americas — or those in plenty of other places where industrial civilization has encroached, in its endless pursuit of resources, growth, and markets.

Perhaps there is a level of enlightenment that does not unleash destructive forces because its own systems prevent culture-destroying interactions.

A Prime Directive, if you will….

So what do we do with all this? Does it get us anywhere?

It doesn’t suggest new policies.

What it suggests to me is a need for humility in the face of all that we don’t know — an arena considerably larger than what we do know. Humility includes willingness to look carefully at our beliefs and what they commit us to. How secure are they, anyway?

Humility suggests being teachable, having a willingness to explore, and to always be learning new things. Even if what we encounter is sometimes disconcerting.

Sadly, those most in need of this counsel are least likely to take it seriously. Whether they be hard-nosed materialists convinced as they can be that, e.g., life came spontaneously from non life (a proposition without a scrap of supporting physical or experimental evidence), whether they be “accidentalists” convinced that all “conspiracy” investigators are nutjobs, or whether they be “fundamentalist” Christians who believe their understanding of Scripture is correct and complete because God speaks to them directly; thus their claims about His will are unerring.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock) is available for purchase here and here. Please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Memory Hole Is As Deep As the Swamp Is Wide

By Steven Yates

The Maricopa Co. audit ended one week ago as I finish this. In less than 12 hours, corporate media narrative police (they call themselves “fact-checkers”) were on it like ugly on an ape.

They told us it not only “confirmed Biden’s win” but actually gave him more votes! How they came by that is anybody’s guess!

We peasants were clearly not supposed to hear of the irregularities Cyber Ninjas dug up. By the middle of last week there were only a handful of sites (e.g., Deep Capture, Patrick Byrne’s site), where you could find anything specific and useful.

Such as:

  • 57,734 problematic ballots, the problems being (for example) improper voter registration. This alone is enough to cast doubt on the results, since even the approved narrative gives Biden “victory” by just 10,457 votes.
  • Additional problems the tech company uncovered included backdated registrations, multiple voter registrations linked to the same voter affidavit, voters without records in a commercial database, and printing defects rendering thousands of ballots suspicious.
  • The 57,734 problematic ballots amount to only one tenth to one fifth of all the questionable ballots.

Does this prove there was fraud? It surely proves there were sufficient problems to question giving Biden Arizona’s electoral votes, given that Maricopa Co., where metropolitan Phoenix is located, is the most populous county in the state.

Everything has now been memory-holed! As noted I was seeing hit pieces in my Yahoo news aggregator within hours!

The gaslighting continues!

Karl Denninger, ISP specialist and former CEO of MSCNet which was the first ISP to offer customer-specified spam filtering and public web servers back in the 1990s, who became a successful day trader and now runs the Market Ticker blog wrote:

What did we learn Friday?

  1. Maricopa claimed there were no duplicate mail-in ballots.  In fact there were far more duplicates than those required to change the outcome in the Presidential race. That has now been established. Either (1) Maricopa lied but actually de-duplicated the ballots (meaning the results stand) or Maricopa did not de-duplicate the mail-in envelopes and the results are impossible to validate because some 17,000 duplicate votes were cast.
  2. Maricopa lied about their election management system never being connected to the Internet. It has been conclusively and forensically established that indeed it was. When it was is immaterial; the lie, standing alone, is enough.
  3. Maricopa intentionally violated federal law in the maintenance of electronic records specifically including the chain of custody by not issuing individual login credentials to the authorized users for each function. This is a direct violation of federal law and it was an intentional act. These are laws, not suggestions.
  4. One or more people intentionally destroyed security logs.  At least one such person has been positively identified. That is a criminal act, standing alone, and must be prosecuted.
  5. The databases were intentionally destroyed by one or more persons. The person who did #4 either conspired with said person(s) who destroyed the databases, was the person who did so, or did so to cover up the act without knowing who committed the first act. Whatever the facts on that linkage may be it was a deliberate, criminal act standing alone and must be prosecuted.

[Uh, for either of these, don’t hold your breath, Karl. -SY.]

  1. The so-called “auditors” hired by Maricopa are criminally incompetent or even worse, actively involved in the above. They must be named and prosecuted. Specifically, they failed to inspect the unallocated disk space on the EMS, a basic part of forensics as criminals often delete evidence of their activity. Said material was still there, so had the “auditors” hired by Maricopa been competent they would have discovered it.

What was not proved was that Trump won. But what was proved was that there is no honest assertion that can be made that either of the two Presidential candidates in serious contention won. The margin of victory is within the margin of dispute and it has been proved that electronic records critical to validate what occurred throughout the election process were deliberately destroyed by persons(s) who had physical access to the systems in question, with at least one such person being allegedly identified by security camera footage.

There may well be more here — but what’s been discovered thus far and proved (and for which the evidence is now in the public domain) shows that:

  1. The election in Maricopa County for federal offices, including President, was not conducted in accordance with Federal Law.
  2. The results, based solely on the count of duplicated ballot envelopes (people who voted more than once), which exceeds the margin of victory for the Presidential Office, are not able to be confirmed since once duplicate ballots are removed from the envelopes it is impossible to identify them. Maricopa county claimed no such duplicates exist. We now know more than 17,000 in fact do exist and the envelopes still exist. What we cannot prove one way or another is whether the ballots inside those envelopes were counted and, if only one was counted, which one was counted. We thus have no way to know who won.
  3. The persons running the election have made materially false statements on an intentional basis about the equipment never being connected to the Internet.
  4. The persons running the election both deliberately destroyed data related to the election in direct violation of Federal Law and, as a separate and distinct offense, attempted to cover up that destruction and identification of the person who did so. This act, standing alone, demonstrates intent to tamper with the election results.
  5. The vast majority of said deliberately destroyed data was not recoverable and likely is not recoverable.

By forensic evidencenot presented and unrebutted, the outcome of the election in Arizona was falsely certified.

What’s the remedy for this?

That’s a separate debate — but that this one county alone did in fact corrupt their election, did so intentionally, and did so in such a fashion that at this time it not possible to know what the result actually was is not subject to reasonable dispute.

Finally, not only was their forensic computer person credible he displayed exactly the process that I, as a person skilled in the art and who has performed computer forensics, would utilize. I found no fault in his procedures, his process and analysis. Nor did I find him to make a single unproved assertion of fact. This is exactly what a professional is supposed to do in this field.

How much more evidence do we need that the rule of law that is dead in America.

Trust itself is dead, moreover.

The gaslighting continues. It’s across the board, not just with elections but all other major issues where globalist super-elite power (and money!) are in evidence.

It’s not just America, therefore! It’s the entirety of the West! Europeans have been gaslighted as much as Americans about the COVID bioweapon and the “vaccines.”

As have South Americans, as I can testify from personal observation.

Look at Australia! The place has become a totalitarian police state!

We increasingly live in a world where “truth” itself is handed down by those in power — who, since January of this year, have known they were back in power in the U.S. and able to do pretty much as they pleased. They expect to be able to bark orders, and we peasants are supposed to fall in line!

The Bidenistas and their supporters in the Asylum on the Potomac are making examples of the 500 – 600 people imprisoned over the January 6 “insurrection”: a desperate, ill-advised, last-ditch effort to prevent Congress from handing the Executive Branch to an illegitimate administration.

I keep reading about how we either reverse Election 2020 and put Trump back in the White House, or we’ll never see another honest election in America.

In that case, we’ll never see another honest election in America.

Because I see no means of reversing Election 2020.

An attempt would result in open violence! And it would be Trump supporters, not the Bidenistas, who would be accused of starting Civil War II! This has been the narrative the Asylum / Corporate Media Complex has been pushing since January — that it was Trump and his supporters trying to stage a coup!

Which is why, as bitter a pill as will be to swallow, the time has come to just drop it and move on, doing what we can to minimize the damage.

Online conversations have already begun about 2024. J.B. Williams cited a pair of Trump remarks that had me scratching my head as well: “We will take back Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024,” followed up by, “we won’t even have a country by then.”

Williams rightly noted the incongruity of these two remarks.

He noted, rightly, that with Election 2020 standing, there isn’t any reason to think Republicans will be allowed to win back Congress; and if a national election can be stolen once and the country gaslighted for the next eleven months, who knows how brazen the next national steal might be???

That’s if there can even be a national election that does not descend into violence and chaos.

Again, I do not make predictions; I draw scenarios. Because a lot can happen between now and 2024 (or even November 2022), I can think of many possibilities. None of them good.

What we know:

When those in power can memory-hole anything in the way of what they want, they can do as they please! They can put a figurehead in the White House, institute vaccine mandates, or pontificate about an “economic recovery” that doesn’t exist outside government numbers.

That’s the very concept of totalitarianism, even if not worn on its sleeve!

Let’s back up.

All the way to 2015.

Readers may not realize it, but I was not initially drawn to Trump. I’d supported Ron Paul (who, in retrospect, was too intellectual for today’s masses, products of a failed educational system). He was gone, retired.

I was living overseas, had no idea who I wanted to support. I didn’t feel obligated to support anyone.

My stance in 2015: Donald Trump was no Ron Paul!

It was only when he described U.S. foreign policy as “a complete and total disaster” (it was and still is!) and told Megyn Kelly on national television that “we do not have time to be politically correct” (we don’t!) that I paid attention. I’d come to the sudden realization that whatever the man’s faults, the rest of the Republican slate was embarrassing, and that made him the only game in town!

That’s what happens when dominant narratives all collapse, and take two parties’ mainstreams down with them.

An outsider with no previous experience with the political system gains the support of his party’s base. Trump ran with it, using his superb command of all available media (a skill Dr. Paul never mastered).

And remember, Democrats had their own “populist,” Bernie Sanders, from whom Hillary Clinton’s insiders in the DNC brazenly stole the 2016 nomination with “super delegates.”

Now, Corporate Media ridicules those of us who don’t consider Biden a legitimate president.

Pure hypocrisy!

They spent four years not considering Trump the country’s legitimate president!

What should our takeaways be from those four years? Here are mine:

Given that things are arguably magnitudes worse today—all over the world!—than they were in 2016, I’d have to judge Trump’s presidency a failure overall, but not for the reasons usually given.

He completely underestimated the width, depth, and strength of the Swamp his base sent him to the Asylum on the Potomac to drain.

Having arrived there not knowing who to trust, much less who to appoint to what, he ended up with an administration full of turncoats, backstabbers (think of Michael Cohen!), and just plain incompetents. Hence many of his efforts, such as building a wall on the Mexican border, struggled. These are not things any president can accomplish through sheer force of will without the cooperation of hundreds of trusted decision-makers. Where was Trump going to find them?

He would have had to go outside the Asylum, of course, bringing in more outsiders— probably peasants the Asylum’s movers and shakers had never heard of before. They wouldn’t be in the Big Club with Harvard or Yale law degrees. Trump’s efforts would then have been fought even harder.

Trump made mistakes, some of them serious. I don’t believe he helped himself with his late-2017 corporate tax cuts. Who benefited from those? Answer: the billionaire class. Not his base. Wealth and power has continued to surge to the top!

Many are still supporting him because they’ve not figured out the truth and still believe they have nowhere else to go! What truth are we talking about? Just this:

National politics is no longer the arena to fight for personal freedoms. This includes economic freedom, the freedom not to have one’s community overrun by “resettled” aliens, and the freedom to refuse the jab.

That fight has to be carried on, at best, at the state level, and where that fails (as in places like Virginia and Michigan controlled by Democrats with dictator complexes), at the local level.

People like Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis seem to me to have the right idea (here, assuming the video hasn’t been nuked before this article has time to appear). DeSantis first announced his lawsuit over the resettlement of illegal aliens in his state, a consequence of the ongoing Bidenista disaster at the border.

Then he told us he’d signed an executive order forbidding state agencies from cooperating with the feds (i.e., the Bidenistas), telling the latter in no uncertain terms to get their grubby paws off Florida!

Turns out, he was just getting warmed up!

DeSantis has been resisting Bidenista tyranny from the get-go and paid the price of the usual Corporate Media demonizing. To his credit he’s stood his ground, and the two powers are likely to butt heads in court.

Since the courts are as compromised as the election process, that’s iffy.

The rule of law being dead, and all that….

In the above video (again assuming it still exists), scroll to 26:30.

It’s true, DeSantis doesn’t appear to believe Election 2020 was stolen — he wonders how he won in Florida, and why Trump was allowed to win in Florida if it was.

I can forgive him for not getting it that the power elites only had to flip a few districts in a handful of states to get what they wanted.

But if they could have heard this speech, he probably wouldn’t have been allowed to win!

Because everything else he says is in line with the drum I’ve been beating: the Asylum (DeSantis doesn’t call it that, of course) is on the verge of unraveling. It visibly screws up everything it touches, and is “rotting on its own” (he does use that phrase!). Then he takes the biggest plunge I think I’ve ever heard a state governor take. Paraphrasing:

This can’t be fixed!

If Trump 2016 couldn’t fix it, then what makes anyone think Trump 2024 will be able to fix it — even assuming Trump 2024 is possible?

The Swamp is too wide and too deep, just like the memory hole swallowing everything that goes against approved narratives!

It is time to accept that. That we have to reject the dichotomy: Trump, or the left-liberal-globalist axis.

The dichotomy presupposes national politics, which as we have seen, is toast.

DeSantis observes that real leadership is going to have to be nurtured, like plants grown in a garden. This must happen locally. It will involve uprooting weeds and getting rid of debris (e.g., too many left-liberals) that might interfere with cultivating the best vegetables.

Therefore, it won’t happen everywhere. It could happen in Florida.

Might there someday be an independent Republic of Florida? Once the Asylum has schemed and blundered its way into complete impotence, losing all credibility even with itself?

At present, its unraveling is happening slowly. If the Bidenistas face (or cause) any more calamities, e.g., in the economy, slowly could become rapidly.

I’d support an independent Republic of Florida in a heartbeat! I might even consider moving us there!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory was recently published by Wipf and Stock.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Evidence Is In! COVID-19(84) Jabs Really Are Very Dangerous!

By Steven Yates

“The devil’s agents may be of flesh and blood, may they not?”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles

I hate to keep beating this drum when other issues are crying out for attention, but circumstances leave me little choice.

Solid evidence is now in! The Covid-19(84) jabs really are very dangerous!We could be on the verge of the biggest health catastrophe since the Black Death of the fourteenth century, during which bubonic plague caused the deaths of somewhere between 75 and 200 million people in Eurasia and North Africa — over a third of the world’s population.

Were something to come along today that killed that percentage, it would have killed close to 3 billion people before it ran its course!

Most of the rest would be left completely traumatized! Many would be helpless!

That’s what we’re looking at!

How do I know this? Didn’t I admit, just one article back, that I’m not a scientist?

You don’t have to be a master mathematician to put five and seven together and get twelve. This came my way this past weekend. Author Mike Whitney has put together a frightening assemblage of information in one package.

For almost two years, starting with the super-elite Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum sponsored Event 201, a “tabletop” simulated coronavirus pandemic (which Gates now appears to be denying actually took place!!!), ending where we are now: nations like Australia are locked down under de facto tyranny, and all roads have led to the mRNA vaccines.

Along the way, we’ve been fed a steady diet of fear by co-opted politicians, bureaucrats, and global corporate media. Information about effective cures for COVID have been suppressed. When people can be made fearful, especially of something they can’t see, most tend to turn to “leaders” who promise relief.

That would be people like Dr. Anthony Fauci, a career bureaucrat posing as America’s leading infectious disease expert.

Remember: nurses are being told by employers to get the jab or be fired, and some are resigning! Students are not being allowed to reenroll in many colleges if they’ve refused the jab. People are being refused service in restaurants, not being allowed to board planes,and refused entry to certain countries without proof of them!

The Bidenista regime is trying to force all employers with more than 100 works to mandate them. Lawsuits are coming.

Corporate media is demonizing “antivaxxers.”

Meanwhile, injuries and deaths from these mRNA vaccinesas reported by VAERS is climbing!The CDC and other co-opted agencies insist that these numbers are very small, compared to the number of people vaxxed. What we see now, though, exceeds all previous vaccines combined! Very few deaths and injuries are reported! And as Dr. Mercola explains, if you get the jab and suffer debilitating effects, you’re essentially on your own! If a relative dies, you’re on your own! You cannot sue a Big Pharma corporation, nor can you sue “your” government! You will likely be ignored by major media, and your YouTube video will be removed for “violating community standards” or promoting “vaccine misinformation” or some such BS.

Were everything on the up-and-up, would we see this level of narrative control? Would we see the coercion we are seeing? When COVID vaccine coercion reaches the point where men with guns are ordering you to get the shots or be locked indoors indefinitely, what will you do?

Suppose authorities remove you from your home at gunpoint and put you in a “camp” for refuseniks.

Is it crazy to think that could happen in America?

I’m sure there were Jews in Nazi Germany who thought the same thing!

Mike Whitney presents his findings in an interview-style staccato better than I ever could, so at this point, I’m going to do what Paul Craig Roberts did and just hand him the floor! I’ve not done this before: reproduce someone else’s article inside one of my own. But this really is the most important article on the subject you will ever read!I fixed two typos and truncated the first sentence. Otherwise this is unedited.

“… If everyone on the planet were to get Covid and not get treated, the death-rate globally would be less than half a percent. I’m not advocating for that, because 35 million people would die. However, if we follow the advice of some of the global leaders– like Bill Gates who said last year said “7 billion people need to be vaccinated”– then the death-rate will be over 2 billion people! SO, WAKE UP! THIS IS WORLD WAR 3! We are seeing a level of malevolence that we haven’t seen in the history of humanity!” Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Author of The Zelenko “Early Treatment” Protocol that saved thousands of Covid-19 patients. (“Zelenko schools the Rabbinic Court”, Rumble; start at 11:45 minutes)

Did the regulators at the FDA know that all previous coronavirus vaccines had failed in animal trials and that the vaccinated animals became either severely ill or died?

Yes, they did.

Did they know that previous coronavirus vaccines had a tendency to “enhance the infection” and “make the disease worse”?


Did Dr Anthony Fauci know that coronavirus vaccines had repeatedly failed and increased the severity of the infection?

Yes, he did. (See here: Fauci on ADE)

Did the drug companies conduct any animal trials prior to the FDA’s approval that would have convinced a reasonable person that the vaccines were safe to use on humans?

No, they didn’t.

Did they complete long-term clinical trials to establish whether the vaccines were safe?

No, there were no long-term clinical trials.

Did they conduct any biodistribution studies that showed where the substance in the injection goes in the body?

They did, but the data was not made available to the public.

Do the contents of the vaccine largely collect in various organs and in the lining of the vascular system?

Yes, they do.

Do large amounts of the substance accumulate in the ovaries?


Will this effect female fertility and a woman’s ability to safely bring a baby to term?

The drug companies are currently researching this. The results are unknown.

Does the vaccine enter the bloodstream and collect in the lining of the blood vessels forcing the cells to produce the spike protein?


Is the spike protein a “biologically active” pathogen?

It is.

Does the spike protein cause blood clots and leaky blood vessels in a large percentage of the people that are vaccinated?

It does, although the blood clots are mostly microscopic and appear in the capillaries. Only a small percentage of vaccinees get strokes or suffer cardiac arrest.

Should people be made aware of these possible bad outcomes before they agree to get vaccinated? (“Informed consent”)


Did the FDA know that Pfizer had “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk”?

Yes, they did, but they did not demand that Pfizer fix the problem.

Here’s more:

“The FDA noted that Pfizer, “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk”. The EMA similarly acknowledged that “vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease” was “an important potential risk… that may be specific to vaccination for COVID- 19”.

Why neither regulator sought to exclude such dangers prior to emergency use authorization is an open question that all doctors and patients are entitled to ask. Why medical regulators failed to investigate the finding that large vaccine particles cross blood vessel walls, entering the bloodstream and posing risks of blood clotting and leaky vessels is yet another open question again.” (“Open Letter to the EMA and European Parliament”, Doctors for Covid Ethics)

Did the drug companies vaccinate the people in the placebo group after the clinical trials in order to conceal the difference in the long-term health outcomes between the two groups?

That is the conclusion a rational person would make.

So, they nuked the trials?


Did the FDA largely shrug-off its regulatory duties and abandon its normal standards and protocols because

a– It wanted to rush the Covid vaccines into service as rapidly as possible?

b– It knew the Covid-19 vaccine would never meet long-term safety standards?

We don’t know yet, but the adverse events report strongly suggests that the Covid-19 vaccine is hands-down the most dangerous vaccine in history.

Is the FDA rushing the “boosters” without proper testing?

Yes, it is. Here’s a clip from author Alex Berenson’s latest at Substack:

“Pfizer basically hasn’t bothered to test the booster AT ALL in the people actually at risk – it conducted a single “Phase 1” trial that covered 12 people over 65. The main Phase 2/3 booster trial (beware efforts to cover multiple “phases” of drug research at once, you want it bad you get it bad) included no one over 55.

No one.

As in, NONE.” (“Are you kidding me, Pfizer, volume 1 gazillion”, Alex Berenson, Substack)

Have the boosters been modified or improved to meet the changes in Delta variant?


Is there any additional risk in taking a booster-shot after already taking two experimental gene-based vaccines in less than a year?

Considerable risk. Here’s more from the Doctors for Covid Ethics:

“Given that booster shots repeatedly boost the immune response to the spike protein, they will progressively boost self-to-self immune attack, including boosting complement-mediated damage to vessel walls.

Clinically speaking, the greater the vessel leakage and clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage. From stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, the symptoms can range from death to headaches, nausea and vomiting, all of which heavily populate adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines.

As well as damage from leakage and clotting alone, it is additionally possible that the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues. Should this take place, the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls. Damage to major organs such as the lungs, ovaries, placenta and heart can be expected ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out.” (“Open Letter to the EMA and European Parliament“, Doctors for Covid Ethics)

So, it’s the double-whammy. On the one hand, the booster will perform largely like the original vaccine, penetrating cells and forcing them to produce spike protein which, in turn, generates blood clots and leaky blood vessels. And, on the other, the newly-produced S proteins trigger a damaging immune response in which the complement system attacks and destroys the cells that line the inside of the blood vessels. Every additional booster will intensify this process weakening the vascular system and increasing the clotting. If the Doctors are correct in their analysis, then we could see a sharp uptick in all-cause mortality in the heavily-vaccinated countries in less than a year. Cardiac arrests are already rising.

Here’s another question that’s worth mulling over: Was there any reason for the regulators at the FDA to think that these problems would not arise following the launching of the vaccine campaign?

No. They should have known there would be problems as soon as they saw that the vaccine did not stay in the shoulder as it was supposed to. The vaccine wasn’t supposed to enter the bloodstream and spread across the body leaving billions of spike proteins in its wake. (The spike protein is a cytotoxin, a cell killer. It is not an appropriate antigen for stimulating an immune response. It is a potentially-lethal pathogen that poses a threat to one’s health even if it is separated from the virus.) Nor was the vaccine supposed to trigger Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) which is the condition we hinted at above when referring to “vaccine-associated enhanced disease”. Here’s a brief explanation:

“ADE has proven to be a serious challenge with coronavirus vaccines, and this is the primary reason many have failed in early in-vitro or animal trials. For example, rhesus macaques who were vaccinated with the Spike protein of the SARS-CoV virus demonstrated severe acute lung injury when challenged with SARS-CoV, while monkeys who were not vaccinated did not. Similarly, mice who were immunized with one of four different SARS-CoV vaccines showed his topathological changes in the lungs with eosinophil infiltration after being challenged with SARS-CoV virus. This did not occur in the controls that had not been vaccinated. A similar problem occurred in the development of a vaccine for FIPV, which is a feline coronavirus.” (“Is the Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking-Time Bomb?”, Science with Dr. Doug)

Is this what we are seeing right now? In all the countries that launched mass-vaccination campaigns early (Israel, Iceland, Scotland, Gibraltar and UK) cases, hospitalizations and deaths are rising faster in the vaccinated portion of the population than the unvaccinated. Why?

Are they really experiencing a fourth or fifth wave or have the vaccines generated “inactivity-enhancing” antibodies that make the disease worse? This 2-minute video helps to clarify what’s going on:

“Vaccines are made to a specific variant. And when that variant mutates, the vaccine no longer recognizes it. It’s like you are seeing a completely new virus. And, because that is so, you actually get more severe symptoms when you are vaccinated against one variant and it mutates and then your body sees the other variant.

The science shows, that if you get vaccinated in multiple years (for the flu), you are more likely to get severe disease, you are more likely to get viral replication, and you are more likely to be hospitalized…. We are seeing the same thing in Covid with the Delta variant. So we are actually mandating that people get a vaccine when they can actually get more sick when they are exposed to the virus…In fact, this week, a paper came out that showed that–with the Delta variant– when you are vaccinated your body is supposed to make antibodies that neutralize the virus, but they were supposed to neutralize the old variant. When they see this new variant, the antibodies take the virus and help it infect the cells.” (“Expert testimony on mandatory vaccinations”, Dr Christina Parks PhD., Rumble, start at minute 5:05)

Repeat: “If you get vaccinated in multiple years, you are more likely to get severe disease, you are more likely to get viral replication, and you are more likely to be hospitalized…. With the Delta variant– when you are vaccinated …. the antibodies take the virus and help it infect the cells.”

This is ADE, and this is probably why hospitalizations and deaths are rising among the vaccinated in Israel, UK and the rest. True, the Delta variant is less lethal than the Wuhan virus but, unfortunately, that rule does not apply to those who have been vaccinated and whose antibodies promote the uptake of the virus into their cells. This increases the viral replication function that increases the severity of the disease. In short, people are getting sicker because they were vaccinated. Here’s another short video that helps to explain:

“…The vaccine-induced antibodies will stand up against the virus. and once a virus is under pressure; it changes, it becomes a variant, and the variant cannot be stopped by vaccine-induced antibodies. Vaccine-induced antibodies. also shut down your innate immune system… so variants can come straight through and infect those that are vaccinated. That is viral immune escape, and that means that the vaccinated are defenseless against variants. This is no longer a pandemic of Covid-19. It is a pandemic of variants…

And there is something called recombination, and recombination means a vaccinated host can be infected by more than one variant at a time. …If a vaccinated host is co-infected by more than one variant, the variants will mix DNA, and change and camouflage and produce a super variant. And if super variants are produced, nothing can stop them. And already they are saying that the latest variant to come out is vaccine resistant. And this is just the beginning.

Dr Geert Vanden Bosche warns that if we do not immediately stop mass vaccination campaigns around the world, the world will experience an international catastrophe of mass mortality. I didn’t say that, he did. The vaccinated are a threat to us all.” (“Viral Immune Escape Explained”, Dr. Michael McDowell, Rumble)

It’s not the variant that intensifies the disease, it’s the fact that the vaccine targets one narrow endpoint, the spike protein, that gradually adapts to survive. As the virus progressively learns to avoid the vaccine, vaccine-induced immunity wanes. Natural immunity produces broad, robust immunity to the whole virus not merely one part of it. It is strong and enduring.

So how will the vaccinated fight new forms of the virus, after all, the vaccine is not a medicine that overpowers a particular pathogen. It is a subtle (genetic) reprogramming of the immune system that forces one’s cells to produce a particular version of the spike protein. Boosters that stimulate production of the same protein will have only modest impact. In short, boosters are still fighting the last war.

Also, as we mentioned above, coronavirus vaccines tend to create antibodies that “enhance infectivity” when they encounter adapted forms of the virus. That means that millions of inoculated people will now face forms of the virus for which they have almost no protection and for which their compromised immune systems can only provide limited help. Here’s more from the article above:

“Right now, the fatality rate of the virus is estimated to be approximately 0.26%, and this number seems to be dropping as the virus is naturally attenuating itself through the population. It would be a great shame to vaccinate the entire population against a virus with this low of a fatality rate, especially considering the considerable risk presented by ADE. I believe this risk of developing ADE in a vaccinated individual will be much greater than 0.26%, and, therefore, the vaccine stands to make the problem worse, not better. It would be the biggest blunder of the century to see the fatality rate of this virus increase in the years to come because of our sloppy, haphazard, rushed efforts to develop a vaccine with such a low threshold of safety testing and the prospect of ADE lurking in the shadows.” (“Is the Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking-Time Bomb?”, Science with Dr. Doug)

“Blunder”, he says?

It wasn’t a blunder. It was deliberate. The Covid-19 vaccine was supposed to fail like all the coronavirus vaccines before it. That’s the point. That’s why the drug companies skipped the animal testing and long-term safety trials. That’s why the FDA rushed it through the regulatory process and suppressed the other life-saving medications, and silenced all critics of the policy, and pushed for universal vaccination regardless of the risks of blood clotting, cardiac arrest, stroke and death. And that’s why the world is on the threshold of an “international catastrophe of mass mortality.” It’s because that’s how the strategy was planned from the very beginning.

The vaccine isn’t supposed to work, it’s supposed to make things worse. And it has! It’s increased the susceptibility of millions of people to severe illness and death. That’s what it’s done. It’s a stealth weapon in an entirely new kind of war; a war aimed at restructuring the global order and establishing absolute social control. Those are the real objectives. It has nothing to do pandemics or viral contagion. It’s about power and politics. That’s all.

Steven Yates again. Did you get all that? Take your time. Also note this. Note the last line. Those with power protect their own.

I won’t try to sum this up. I’ll just ask: what kind of minds —outside apocalyptic science fiction writers, that is— are capable of conjuring up something like this?

Evil minds!

No other word fits!

The question occurs to me: is something demonic at work here? Satanic, even?

Could people like Gates and Fauci and Schwab actually be demon-possessed?

I don’t know, and I know how that sounds. I’ve also never seen a naturalistic account of human psychopathy that would enable me to get my brain around the idea of simply culling who-knows how many billions of people (not millions or tens of millions but billions) in the name “absolute social control,” of establishing a Great Reset!

We’ve just looked into the face of pure evil, and I wonder if anyone but God Himself can save our civilization now!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

September is here, and it is time to renew my call for donations. In the present hostile environment, any of us — this site, or myself — could be canceled at any time! (My computer has been hacked more than once; I once had to replace a device when hackers damaged the operating system beyond repair.) Donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Donate to my Patreon.com site here, or to me via PayPal (use my email address available  below) if Patreon is not to your liking. Any pledges or donations I receive exceeding $25/mo., I will match with a donation to NewsWithViews.com out of appreciation for this site.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

More Thoughts on the Impending Break-Up of the U.S.

By Steven Yates

My last article clearly hit home — if the flood into my inbox that day is any indication. I am grateful to those who wrote,and if you didn’t get a reply I apologize. Because of other commitments that day I just couldn’t do it. I do read everything sent to me, and I appreciate your thoughts.

A few emailers pointed out things I missed (e.g., one person pointed out the usefulness of obtaining and storing seeds). I considered advising on weapons and ammo, but decided against that because (1) it’s obvious, and (2) I did not want anything in there that trolls or others unsympathetic (to say the least!) to what we’re about here could interpret as sanctioning violence. The absolute LAST thing liberty people should ever do is initiate violence! It is quite different to be prepared for violence from others, however!

Moving on to further thoughts on why a failed superpower, the U.S., is likely to break up in the near future….

Last week (as I write this morning), “Joe Biden” *pulled a trigger likely to aggravate divisions over the experimental mRNA vaccines. He blatantly violated the U.S. Constitution — as if that matters these days! — by signing an executive order commanding employers with 100 or more workers to get them jabbed,or tested every week with a test known to be invalid and scheduled to be discontinued at the end of the year.

This would directly affect around 100 million American workers!

Almost immediately, governors of 19 states and two attorney generals rose up in criticism. By Sept. 12, the number of states voicing objections to federal overreach had swollen to 26. Some, like Florida governor Ron DeSantis, have said openly, “We will fight back!”OSHA, the federal agency caught in the crossfire, is already preparing for lawsuits.

A substantial fraction of the country opposes vaccine mandates and passports. Some 80 million people are refusing the jab. What is the plan? Deprive as many of them as possible of the ability to work legally? That would cripple the economy as badly as the lockdowns as businesses are forced to close and important tasks do not get done!

Has anyone asked opponents of vaccine mandates why they believe as they do? Yes, and here is where you can’t believe a word that comes from any mainstream source, which is likely to cite some nut who thinks the shots contain a microchip.

A lot of information has come my way about what is, or might be, in these shots. Not being a scientist, I don’t have an effective means of evaluating it all. But some of what comes my way has come from experienced doctors and degreed scientists (epidemiologists, immunologists, virologists). All are casting doubt on both the effectiveness and long term safety of what was an experiment from the get-go.

Legally compelling people to become guinea pigs so that government gets more power and Big Pharma billionaires get richer is morally unconscionable!

Incidentally, members of Congress are exempt, and newly-arrived immigrants are exempt, a dead giveaway that none of this is about public health!

All of this explains a lot of the resistance to the jabs!

What should be clear by now: they won’t protect you from COVID. Otherwise, governments wouldn’t continue to mandate mask-wearing among the fully vaccinated (two shots, now in many places including at least one “booster”). There would be zero cases in places like Israel which have mass-vaccinated almost their entire populations.

The argument applies: if I’m not vaccinated and you are, then if the jabs work, how am I a threat to you?

As to what the shots do, I’ve collected info about their instructing the body to manufacture spike proteins which will accumulate and eventually destroy your immune system, to claims that they contain graphene oxide, to be triggered by 5G technology — already all around us (voted on, you’ll notice, by nobody, but enabling Big Tech billionaires to get richer). 5G, the argument goes, turns graphene oxide into a free radical able to cause a cytokine storm inside the body, whereby it basically attacks itself.

Either of these promises long term damage to vital body organs and one’s immune system, meaning that unless a growing number of doctors and scientists have missed something vital, not mere millions but tens of millions and possibly hundreds of millions of people will be paying for their compliance with their lives, for not rising up and refusing these jabs in sufficient numbers that mandates and passports would not even be conceivable.

Is mass depopulation a prophesy? I don’t know. As I’ve said repeatedly, I don’t make predictions, I sketch scenarios, but as said in previous articles I’ve been to the Georgia Guidestones and have heard super-elites say openly on multiple occasions that there are too many people on the planet. So it is impossible not to give that scenario credibility. Everything I’ve read about the jabs tells me it is not merely possible but likely that there will be a lot of deaths from these things down the road—according to VAERS reporting, there have already been thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of injuries, the casualties from this thing already far exceeding all previous vaccines combined.

None of this has been reported. Down the Orwellian Memory Hole in these Orwellian times. You’re far more likely to hear that so-and-so, a conservative “anti-vaxxer,” just died from COVID — or that some former “anti-vaxxer” now on a ventilator (those things kill people as well!) now says, “Get the shot!

This is tearing the U.S. apart, as many who have done their homework — including health care workers — will give up their careers before they sacrifice their lives! Incidentally, if hospital ICUs were really being “overwhelmed” by “delta variant” patients, a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” they would have their hands absolutely full!

Would institutions really fire qualified nurses under such circumstances because they refused to get a shot?

There is already a well-known shortage of nurses in the U.S.

Think, people!

The biggest other factors likely to split the country into fragments in the near future are political and cultural. It’s not just Proud Boys — Antifa shootouts in Portland, Ore. Even if the approved narrative of last year’s janky election were true, it would mean that over 72 million Americans voted for Trump. More than voted for him in 2016.

I’ve no idea what percentage of those who voted for Trump thinks the election was stolen and that the Bidenista regime is therefore illegitimate. There’s no good way of gathering data on something like that, since with all the distrust, many Trump voters would not talk to a data-gatherer they didn’t know, or answer reliably. Who’d blame them?

We know the Bidenistas and their corporate media cohorts don’t consider Trump’s supporters legitimate. Their predecessors worked consistently to destroy the Trump presidency from the get-go. Since the janky election, they’ve done everything to demonize his support base and gaslight the country on the election’s jankiness.

As for January 6, I don’t think any Trump supporter who entered the Capitol that day helped the cause of reversing the steal, if only because it was too late! Trump screwed up by following Rudy Giuliani instead of Patrick Byrne, but that ship’s sailed. Now we have a few hundred de facto political prisoners in the Asylum on the Potomac, people with no previous criminal record now labeled domestic terrorists possibly for life. This ought to speak volumes about legitimacy.

What we should be thinking about now is not whether Trump will run again in 2024, but whether the country will even be able to hold a national election without threats of violence, should solid, well-organized resistance to the presently empowered cultural far left emerge.

At least two other battleground issues have emerged besides vaccine mandates: abortion, and critical race theory. The former promises further legal action; the latter is tearing public education apart as teachers resign rather than be forced to teach white kids that their heritage is “structurally racist.”

We have, as our baseline, two polar opposites, two entirely different political outlooks. One defends personal freedoms and the sanctity of life; the other is about power, draping over it flowering language about the “greater good.”

We also have multiple regional cultures in the “lower 48.” Most of their grassroots is conservative. There are independence movements in both Alaska and Hawaii.

Only an openly totalitarian state will be able to keep all this under the same political roof. With the Asylum on the Potomac unraveling in the wake of the Afghanistan disaster and looking at a massive debt spiral which is a whole separate issue we’ve barely mentioned, will this even be possible?

Use the military to do it? Our present-day “woke” military run by a guy who sanctions drag shows and promotes critical race theory? The military has many African-Americans in uniform. Why would they fight to preserve a nation-state they’ve been told is based on “systemic racism”?

The totalitarians, presently in control of the Asylum,do have super-elite (GloboCorp) backing, which will still give them a significant advantage despite all these problems if the other side has not properly prepared.

They have the power to simply force a lot of refuseniks in all these areas out of the above-ground economy!

This was the point of my preparedness material, however incomplete.

A couple of writers wondered, are you in favor of the country breaking up? Do you want to see this?

Completely irrelevant, but No, of course not! As with the jabs and depopulation, I pray every day that I will be proven wrong!

It’s sort of out of my hands!

This decomposition, if it occurs, will be nothing like the War Against Southern Independence, 1860-65. In that war, there were clear geographic divisions. This one will pull states asunder, pit neighborhood against neighborhood, and in some cases neighbor against neighbor and even tear families apart. The reverse racism critical race theory will precipitate further violence. We already know Black Lives Matter will shut down thoroughfares at peak hours if a white cop shoots and kills a black man. Can you imagine what they will do if a real emergency erupts—and if a few white men with guns get fed up enough to take matters into their own hands? (Some ideas here, incidentally written before the George Floyd riots.)

Watch the trucking industry. America depends on truckers, and on their belief that they can carry out deliveries in safety. As I observed, everything in your stores (grocery, etc.) was brought in by tractor-trailer. If something happens to disrupt the interstate flow of goods by tractor-trailer, stores will empty in a matter of hours!

These are all people who, other things being equal,just want to conduct their own business, lead their own lives, and be left alone.

Versus sociopathic control freaks who have no plans to leave anyone alone.

Many of the former are getting prepared, but many are not!

We must avoid normalcy bias. This is fallacy of thinking that the future must be like the past, so that any disruption is temporary. Things will get “back to normal.” Someone will “restore order.” Somehow.

Those with normalcy bias either procrastinate or outright refuse to prepare for emergencies, believing “the authorities” will ride in on their white horses and save the day.

They underestimate both their probability of disruptions in upcoming days, and tend to minimize their potential to do lasting damage.

Normalcy bias is a common cognitive affliction. Most people do not prepare even for small emergencies like power outages during winter storms when travel becomes hazardous, or gasoline shortages caused by temporary supply-line disruptions.

Imagine if the power went out for an extended period (weeks or even months), whatever the cause!

Just ask yourself how long you could survive without electricity!

How could that happen? By states — or parts of states — pulling free as soon as they believe they could get away with it, inviting retaliation which could include shutting down their grids.

A massive false flag cyber attack could have this result!

Ask yourself if the elderly in your community could survive, moreover, without social security payments, Medicare, or other sources of federal dollars all of which would instantly stop for any state, part of a state, or region that took the radical step of declaring independence from the federal leviathan.

Money is a trap! It has meant dependence, and the feds have spent over a century pulling everyone into their encirclements, because dependence usually ensures compliance when noncompliance means loss of federal dollars.

Is all this alarmist? I’m sure there were Soviet citizens who felt the same way in the late 1980s. Normalcy bias is universal, after all. The Russian people were somewhat prepared. The inefficiencies of Soviet Communism brought about an underground economy of self-reliance / family reliance, if Russian-born author Dmitry Orlov can be believed. They still suffered terribly when the Soviet economic-financial architecture collapsed. Orlovis a good source on collapse, arguing persuasively that it is a process, not a singular event. That process is underway in America, and Americans are far less prepared than the Russians were.

*When referencing something “Joe Biden” did personally I put the name in scare quotes, because the man is in the early stages of dementia, indicated by his chronic stumbling over words and the evident gaps in his memory (forgetting, the other day, details of his daughter’s wedding anyone of sound mind would have remembered). No one really thinks he signs anything his handlers don’t put in front of him.

How do I know Biden has dementia? Because I’ve seen it first-hand! I watched my father’s cognitive decline, first slowly and then rapidly, starting around 2006 when he began to forget how to do simple things on his computer he’d done hundreds of times. Ending with his needing round-the-clock nursing care. He passed away near the end of 2009. Vascular dementia was on the death certificate. So I know dementia when I see it, and Biden has it! He is presently serving super-elite purposes (there was no one else!), but I doubt he will last four years in the White House as his handlers will only be able to cover for him so long. Who will replace him? No one in his right mind thinks Kamala (“giggles”) Harris could do it.If she had an “accident” between now and a year from now, I wouldn’t be surprised! Nancy Pelosi? The results would be instantly catastrophic, leading even more quickly to the unraveling of the nation. So who will sit in that office in 2024? I honestly don’t know, and I’m not sure it much matters!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

September is here, and it is time to renew my call for donations. In the present hostile environment, any of us — this site, or myself — could be canceled at any time! (My computer has been hacked more than once; I once had to replace a device when hackers damaged the operating system beyond repair.) Donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Donate to my Patreon.com site here, or to me via PayPal (use my email address available  below) if Patreon is not to your liking. Any pledges or donations I receive exceeding $25/mo., I will match with a donation to NewsWithViews.com out of appreciation for this site.

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The Break-Up of the U.S. Is Inevitable. Here Is What You Can Do

By Steven Yates

The U.S. is going to break up in the near future, possibly within our lifetimes. I don’t think it’s stoppable at this point. The only issue is: will you prepare, or leave things to chance? You cannot save what is no longer “your” country. But you might be able to save yourself and your loved ones working with small and autonomous communities of like-minded others.

Two weekends ago a firefight erupted between Proud Boys and Antifa members (see also this). The scene was Portland, Ore., which is for all practical purposes in a state of civil war. Police are unable to keep order, and in pictures and videos I see, the place is starting to look like Baghdad.

Mainstream media refuses to use the word Antifa. The above article calls them antifascists, which has a very different connotation (you’re not for fascists, are you?).

No major media reported the Antifa and BLM presence in Charlottesville back in 2017. To this day, moreover, Heather Heyer“was killed at a white nationalist rally,” even though the rally had been called off over four hours before.

To this day, “five people died during the insurrection on January 6.” Never mind that four had health problems and the fifth was shot in cold blood (see below).

When no dominant (moneyed) media can be trusted to report what is true, that is a major sign of ongoing collapse.

More to the point, when one or more groups stops seeing others as legitimate — to the point where their adherents are resorting to mass violence given the opportunity — there is no reason for thinking these groups either can or should continue to coexist under the same political roof.

This is not simply “red states” versus “blue states.” That’s too simple. The U.S., over time, has evolved into geographical regions with different outlooks.

There’s the Southeast, with its Confederate symbols (the ones that haven’t been canceled, anyway), representing a sense of heritage and place. Southerners tend to respect common horse sense and an ability to get things done with your hands. They do not have formal education on a pedestal. They tend to be religious. But they’ve no desire to impose their will on everyone. From my experience of living in the South for many years I can certify: most just want to be left the hell alone, and not be dictated to by arrogant elites hundreds of miles away!

Then there’s the Northeast, with its cosmopolitan globalism. No respect for heritage or place there!Respect by those with money for others with money. To the elitists and those who identify with them, formal degrees are very important. They wear their irreligiosity on their sleeves as they follow The Science, trust secular authority, and insist that you do so as well.

There’s Texas, where once you get outside places like Austin and Houston there are even more fiercely independent people. There are Texans talking openly about seceding from the U.S. Again the mindset: leave us alone!

There’s the North-Midwest and its distinctive agrarian mindset, conservative once you get outside metropolises like Chicago and hotbeds of wokery like Madison, Wisconsin.

There’s the Pacific Northwest, divided into the hard left coastal or near-coastal cities like Seattle and Portland. Political-economic catastrophes, all. Seven Oregon counties are trying to join Idaho to be free of Portland. Conservative inner regions of these states extend into Montana where you’ll find survivalists like these guys who are preparing for the worst.

California is likely to break up, with a few northernmost counties likely to join with Greater Idaho; then there’s the decadent “left coast,” versus the more conservative inner regions of the state.

That’s if Mexi-fornia doesn’t happen! I have no trouble envisioning Mexico claiming (or, as Mexicans will say, reclaiming) the American Southwest: Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico for sure (they’ll have a fight on their hands with West Texas). Colorado? I don’t know. Again, in Colorado you have left-leaning Denver and Boulder, while much of the rest of the state is again conservative.

Would not political separation be the sensible way to go?

A lot of it!

I’m not saying it will be easy! Quite the contrary!

Nor will it be safe, and for more than one reason!

Outside forces will try and block it every step of the way, starting obviously with the Asylum on the Potomac until they’ve exhausted their resources trying to fight on several fronts at once.

Or unless an unpredictable “black swan” event simply removes their ability to stop cascading secessions.

However that plays out, leftists and rightists (not all of whom are conservative in my sense) are likely to fight territorial wars that could last a generation or more.

Other outside forces might exploit the end of the U.S. empire. I doubt the Chinese Communist Party will just sit on its collective hands. Taiwan awaits!

Be this as it may, other things being equal, the self-dismembering of what exists north of the Rio Grande is now inevitable. Unless pre-empted by something worse, such as Vaccine Apocalypse (see also this) should horrific scenarios start to play out.

What can you do? I’ve written a few things previously (here, here, here, here, here, here). There are things I did not emphasize, or left out.

First and foremost, you need to stay healthy and be mentally alert;embrace and practice behaviors that are survival-enhancing; and create communities that will abide.

Staying healthy. First, your immune system is still God’s greatest natural gift to you. Build it up with nutritious foods: fresh vegetables — the more colors the better! — fresh fruits, nuts; Vitamins C and D-3; minerals such as calcium, zinc, and magnesium. White meat is okay, but I’d reduce my consumption of red meat as it forces your digestive system to work harder.

And by the way, lay off the sugar! It makes you less alert, and its health problems are well known. I shouldn’t need to say: avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague! Avoid carbonated beverages! Avoid processed foods full of preservatives! A lot of this stuff barely merits being called food! These fake foods cause obesity, leading to diabetes, heart problems, colon problems, etc. They make money for corporate predators without doing you the slightest good!

Shop at farmers’ markets, or in your grocery store’s produce section. You should be storing non perishables now (rice, dried beans, dried milk, bottled water, etc.). The same for supplies of basic necessities. The ideal is to have enough to sustain you and your loved ones for at least six months, and your list should include bottled water, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Keep in mind: everything in your grocery story had to be trucked in. If something happens to disrupt supply lines or ordinary trucker activity, the result will be barren shelves in every store in your area in a matter of hours!

These suggestions merge seamlessly into embracing and practicing survival-enhancing behaviors.

Exercise regularly, to build not just physical strength but stamina. Breathing exercises will increase your lung capacity.

Take walks. Long distances on weekends if possible. Have a back pack with something heavy in it. Just in case you have to walk a long distance someday, having been forced to leave your humble abode with whatever you can carry.

By the way, if by some chance you smoke, QUIT! I can’t emphasize this enough!

Keep your alcohol intake to no more than two drinks per day—you might find that this, too, is something you can live without.

Do NOT use recreational, mind-altering drugs — or body drugs. I include most pharmaceuticals in this category: mood- and therefore mind-altering drugs that happen to be legal (their makers have money, after all!). However tempting they may be as an escape from an unhappy or not-so-well-off existence, resist them as they will only do harm in the long run. Countless people have ruined their lives because they couldn’t leave this stuff alone.

Get enough sleep, so your brain and body can recharge. The amount will differ for different people, but seven to eight hours sounds about right. And by the way (I’ve discovered this personally): the darker your room at night, the better you sleep! In fact, if you begin darkening your home after sundown, you help prepare mentally for the night’s sleep. Cool your room without making it uncomfortably cold. We sleep better in a cool room. Mid 60s F works for us. Reduce outside noise by any means necessary, soundproofing the room if you have to.

Turn off all screens — TV, laptop, smartphone — at least one hour before bedtime. Two hours is better yet. Instead, and this is optional: play relaxing instrumental music. No rock; nothing fast-paced or intense or attention-demanding.

All this will reduce stress, and help you cope better with the changes likely to come—by preparing you mentally for taking charge of what you can control!

Read Scripture. Read the Stoic philosopher Epictetus (from whom I’ve learned a great deal). Pray. Meditate. Make love to your mate. Different combinations of activities will work for different people. You be the judge.

Manage stress, or it will manage you, and when you’re stressed, you’re not thinking clearly and making the wise decisions you need to be making now, not after things go to pieces. Stress will hurt your immune system, moreover. It will also affect your digestion and other body systems.

Take care of your loved ones! Spend time with them! If you are alone, see if you can find like-minded others online. There will be safety in numbers!

Communities that abide (a phrase I got from Dmitry Orlov, one of my favorite writers on the Internet): there are principles that sustain communities over time in hostile environments. Again, what can you do now, starting from where you are?

Get to know your neighbors if they’ll permit it. If they won’t, it might be worth moving somewhere more conducive to your values. Build relationships with people you do business with again if they permit it: a local doctor if you have one, a dentist, people where you buy food — or anything else, for that matter — teachers and librarians, your insurance agent, the mechanic who services your car, the “geek” who can fix your computer. A veterinarian, if you have pets, and so on. Recognize their intrinsic value!

Do not forget the elderly! They have a lifetime of experience! If things melt down, they will be especially vulnerable!

Build local community systems if you can. Invest in them your time, labor, and money.You will want to have people around you who will have your back. This is reciprocal. You want to prepare to have others’ backs. The best way to do all this — may I be permitted? — is to show that you give a damn!

And by the way, speaking of things that cause stress without your even realizing it: ask if you actually need to know everything going on in Afghanistan? Or in Rome on the Potomac, for that matter! Or anywhere else you’re in no position to affect positively and do good? I can’t tell you specifics, so again, you be the judge.

Rule of thumb: if it’s harming your mindset without delivering any compensating benefits, turn it off!

Do you need to know more than that mainstream party politics (both parties!) is an ongoing disaster and unlikely to get better (unless a real conservative emerges between now and 2024 and gains traction. That seems to me like expecting magic)?

At present, I’ve no plans to endorse anyone for any upcoming elections — if they even happen, or are not rigged. Even Trump, it is now clear in retrospect, sold out with Operation Warp Speed as part of his own magical hope for political survival (billions into Big Pharma bank accounts to cook up the mRNA “vaccines”), and more recently by telling his Alabama supporters to “get vaccinated.”

These comments, going beyond the mindset of separation and self-reliance all are going to need in the future, should help answer those wondering, What can we do?

There’s much more to be said. Several of the above are an article in their own right.

Moreover, merely deciding on such matters as dietary change, or breaking digital addictions, and then trying to exercise will power won’t cut it.

For the same reason New Year’s Resolutions tend to fail.

What will cut it? Building the right systems and structure into your life. Strange though it sounds, systems and structure are what will set you free!

That, too, is an article in its own right! A major one!

God willing, I hope to write more about all these matters in the future!

Year One: Further News and Views.

(1)The latest hoax appears to be the FDA’s “approval” of the Pfizer jab. (Here; here; here.) What the FDA approved was something with a name I’d not heard before August 23: the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. Is this the same as what Pfizer has been distributing under emergency use authorization as the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine? I have no idea! But something here smells, and as usual, only alternative media detected it. Needless to say, an effort has begun to discourage you from asking the question.

Always remember: the FDA and other federal agencies are bought and paid for by moneyed interests whose smoke and mirrors are now ubiquitous. This is what it means to live in a post-truth world!

(2) Delta Air Lines announced that they would charge unvaccinated employees an extra $200/month for corporate-supplied health insurance. The unvaxxed will also be required to submit negative PCR tests once per week. This exemplifies Stage 3 vaccine compliance/coercion. Universities such as Virginia Tech and Duke are kicking out students, employees, or both, if they remain unjabbed. Note that over 90 percent of the people on these campuses are vaccinated, an index of how well these jabs actually work.

If this continues to spread to more institutions and the so-called private sector, it may yet render Stage 4 (criminalizing lack-of-vaccination) moot.

(3) From the the-rule-of-law-is-dead-in-America department: we now know the identity of the Capitol cop who shot Ashli Babbitt. He is Lt. Michael Byrd, a 28-year veteran of Capitol Police. He came forward August 26 to NBC News with a self-righteous interview claiming he was just “doing his job,” enhancing the insurrectionist narrative of 1/6, according to which those who entered the Capitol that day were trying to “overthrow democracy.” He claims to have been identified by Trump supporters, and in hiding following numerous death threats.

Comments: first, what kind of idiot still believes the U.S. is really a democracy (as opposed to a plutocratic oligarchy)?

Second, if you want more evidence of how divided we are and doubts over whether we should remain under the same political roof, consult Ashli’s widower, Aaron Babbitt. He told Tucker Carlson, “my agitation level is actually going through the roof right now where [Byrd] admitted he didn’t really care if she was armed or not….  [W]e are going down a bad rabbit hole right now.” And, “I don’t even want to hear him talk about how he’s getting death threats and he’s scared…. I’ve been getting death threats since Jan. 7—two, three, five, 10 a day—and all I did on Jan. 6 was become a widower, so you’re going to have to suck it up, bud, and take it.”

The family attorney is preparing a $10 million wrongful death suit against Capitol Police. Unfortunately, this means appealing to the very system that exonerated Byrd of all wrongdoing. Aaron Babbitt knows this, calling it a “David and Goliath fight we have going on here.” No one in Congress responded to Ashli’s mother’s inquiries regarding her daughter’s shooting. Trump made one call.

This accords with our theme above, that one of the sides of our vastest division—between those who back Trump’s claims of having won versus those who do not—does not even see the lives of those on the other as of value. They can be shot like an animal, and a constructed narrative will rationalize the shooting. “No further action will be taken in this matter,” read a Capitol Police statement following the internal whitewa— I mean, investigation.

Oh, I almost forgot. Third: Ashli’s shooter was black. Suppose for a second that the races and ideologies were reversed. Ask yourself about the howls of woke rage that would have been heard around the world before the sun had time to set on the so-called insurrection.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

September is here, and it is time to renew my call for donations. In the present hostile environment, any of us — this site, or myself — could be canceled at any time! (My computer has been hacked more than once; I once had to replace a device when hackers damaged the operating system beyond repair.) Donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Donate to my Patreon.com site here, or to me via PayPal (use my email address available  below) if Patreon is not to your liking. Any pledges or donations I receive exceeding $25/mo., I will match with a donation to NewsWithViews.com out of appreciation for this site.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

A Few Words for the Hyper-Conspiratorial and Devotees of The Science

By Steven Yates

I was saddened to learn recently that a former high school classmate of mine had Covid and passed away.

Out of empathy for her relatives and close friends, I did not ask whether she died from Covid or with Covid. Such queries seemed out of place. Nor did I say that if she’d only taken hydroxychloroquine orivermectin….

What one of her friends posted on Facebook: “I wish people would understand that Covid is real….” You can guess the rest. It ended with an appeal to “get vaccinated.”

I sighed.

Because this person means well. I know her. She’d deviate from her path on a sidewalk to avoid stepping on a bug.

Some are urging these vaccines who sincerely believe in them (including at least one other contributor to this site).

I’ve waged my own war here, on my blog, and elsewhere, against this 18-month long psyop based on fear. But I’ve never said Covid wasn’t real.

I know people who have had it.

I keep hearing claims that the whole thing is a hoax from top to bottom, no one’s isolated the virus, etc., etc. This includes a few others in here, and acquaintances of mine — who also mean well.

Or that the vaccines contain microchips programmed by Bill Gates, or represent the Mark of the Beast….

Hyper-Conspiratorialists, I’ve started calling them.

For them, everything is part of The Conspiracy. Because they’ve (we’ve) been lied to so much, they don’t believe anything from any decision-makers or anyone making truth claims.

This didn’t start last March.

Two years ago I penned a piece on the moon landings on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. I heard from over a dozen Hyper-Conspiratorial moon landing skeptics. A follow-up article appeared on my blog.

I argued that the moonshots preceded public education falling completely off a cliff. I noted that people had more fortitude then than they do now (they weren’t “snowflakes”). The culture was forward-looking and overall healthier.

Back then, we used physical technology to go into space. Today, we use digital apps for mindless chit-chat and selfies. Everything I’ve seen on TikTok screams “Look at me, look at me, look at me!!

I asked readers to ask themselves how hard it would be to fool tens of thousands of superbly-educated engineers both in and outside NASA with a caper of that magnitude — not once but seven times!

So I find the idea that we never went to the moon highly implausible.

It gets worse!

A woman I used to interact with now says the Earth is flat.

“Prove that it’s round!” she said recently.

Doesn’t the Bible mention “four corners of the Earth? How can a globe have four corners?”

In my last article I mentioned how Christians hurt their credibility misreading their Bibles. They believe in a “rapture” that won’t happen because it isn’t biblical. It’s a product of the very modern Darby-Scofield axis. (Here is the best book I’ve seen on Scofieldism and its disastrous influence!)

There are people who misread Romans 13 and claim we must obey all political authority however are insane.

For the Hyper-Conspiratorial, everything manifests The Conspiracy. Even things easily attributable to lower-level greed.

Freud is quoted as having once quipped, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” (Probably apocryphal.)

Hanlon’s Razor counsels, “Never attribute to malice what is explainable through stupidity.” There’s plenty of stupidity, especially in government, at every level. Look at Congress. Or your local school board.

To the Hyper-Conspiratorial, Satan is so powerful, he’s blinded not just thousands of engineers but the whole scientific community to the world’s flatness!

Holy Hypnotism, Batman! We might as well give up on our intellects!

So how do we figure out what might be true, versus what surely isn’t???

This is a problem I devoted a good portion of my life to studying, so I hope readers will indulge me now.

I think we’ve been lied to about the virus’s level of lethality outside certain populations — not to be confused with the idea that if you’re outside those populations you can’t get it.

Sensible ways of protecting yourself and your loved ones include cleanliness, obviously. Nutritious food. Supplements to strengthen your immune system. Avoiding things that weaken it.

Our immune systems are our greatest God-given protections against most illness!

I’m not against vaccines generally. Traditional vaccines communicated information to our immune systems about what they were fighting.

I am skeptical of something that (1) doesn’t do that, but rather contains a previously untested technology never before used in a vaccine; (2) was rushed out in months,when normally it takes years to test and vet a new vaccine for effectiveness and long-term safety; (3) and whose makers are legally indemnified from any and all harm done by their products.

Some scientists are challenging the idea that these are vaccines that meet the scientific and legal definitions of that term. If more people understood that these are gene therapy shots being called vaccines, there would be far more “hesitancy”!

Masks have been overplayed, as have “social distancing,” PCR tests, etc.

Fear has been used to the max, as I’ve been writing for 18 months now.

All that aside, I need to emphasize: there’s clearly something out there making people sick, and is potentially deadly for some!

Total Covid denial, therefore,is no more responsible than rabid fearmongering!

Returning to: how do we distinguish truth from BS???

What this comes down to: how does real science work? As opposed to The Science (Fauci and his cronies, or anyone using such phrases equivalent to postmodern incantations)?

Start with Ockham’s Razor: “The structurally simplest explanation of any set of phenomena tends to be the right one.”

What do we mean, ‘structurally simplest’?

Given a set of facts to be explained, if we have a loose and messy disarray of logically independent claims about them, versus a single, elegant principle that unites them all in a single system, that’s the principle to pursue!

Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) gave us universal gravitation — unifying two bodies of observations: the motions of the moon and planets, and falling objects and the behavior of projectiles. Mathematically: F=ma (force equals mass times acceleration).

Einstein (1879 – 1955) did the same when special relativity proposed to unify space and time and general relativity then unified gravitation and geometry.

A good theory makes predictions we can test against observation. Observations either corroborate or dis confirm it. (They don’t prove it absolutely true. I’ll return to this point.) These theories have been corroborated with many observations, such as starlight “bent” when passing through the sun’s gravity field.

Real science unites observation, experiment, logical inferences, critical thinking, and heuristic devices (heuristics are guidelines rather than fixed rules) — sometimes over long periods of time. The process is messier than most images we have of ‘scientific method,’ but by and large it works.

Those who worship The Science are not critical thinkers. They are bowing before authority, not logic and experimental results.

The American philosopher Charles S. Peirce (1839 – 1914) also wrote of a procedure he called abduction. It goes like this:

A curious and perhaps unexpected set of facts is observed. Call this P. Think imaginatively. If some hypothesis, let’s call it H, were true, P would follow as a matter of course.

Conclusion: there is some (not decisive!) reason for thinking H might be true, or is at least worth pursuing further.

There are constraints on H. Ockham’s Razor, for example.

Intelligent thinking about conspiracies follows the same scientific protocols as any other investigation (here is an example).

It tries to stay inside the bounds of what evidence we have, and simple logic.

If dozens of policy decisions by many administrations have all taken the world in essentially the same direction to a degree far greater than would be expected from mere chance and misfortune, we ought to take notice.

This is our P.

If there really is a super-elite, or a GloboCorp of some kind, that’s our H.

Assume it true, and P follows as a matter of course.

What strengthens H? Remarks by the “directors of history” themselves, if they can be validated. (I spent a full day in a university library back in 2011 validating citations to writings by Woodrow Wilson, H.G. Wells, Charles Lindbergh, and others, prior to sending Four Cardinal Errors to the publisher.)

Real science works under the assumption, however derived, that the world we wish to understand contains more order than chaos, and that behind apparent chaos lies order we haven’t explained yet.

A second assumption is that the human mind can comprehend this order to increasing degrees of specification, in multiple domains of investigation (physics, biology, human affairs).

Have we made real progress in learning how the universe works — however incomplete, and however much we still have to learn?

That our ideas have been so effective in various technologies: engineering, propulsion — first on water, then on land, and then in the air — surely supports that we have.

Voyages into space are just an extension of what our minds are capable of, grasping intellectually how physical systems work and using them to achieve increasingly ambitious goals.

A third prerequisite for sound and trustworthy science might go something like this: the individual human mind, in the company of like-minded others, unfettered by political mandates (or blind loyalties), corporate demands, or bureaucratic encumbrances, is best suited to carrying it forward.

Or for conducting any other inquiry or creative work.

The fewer outside interventions and distractions, the better!

A fourth is to avoid fallacies — errors in reasoning. These include:

Misusing authority. Appeals to authority are acceptable, given the right authorities with the right information at the right time. We can then draw on the results of others, “stand on the shoulders of giants” as it were, and not have to start every investigation from scratch.

Appeals to emotion of various sorts. Fear, for example, short-circuits sound judgment.Do the past 18 months leave us with any grounds for doubting this?

Improper ad hominem arguments. I say improper because some time ago it dawned on me that properly crafted ad hominem reasoning isn’t always fallacious. It is reasonable to ask, for example, of a purported scientific study of some drug, Who funded it? It is reasonable to “go to motive” (as a lawyer might say) if your nose is telling you something is amiss. There are enough people with money and ulterior motives that such matters can’t be left to chance. This opens the door to two often-handy heuristics: asking cui bono and following the money.

Hasty generalization: reasoning to a universal conclusion on the basis of a few and possibly atypical cases.

False analogy. Like comparing seat belt laws to the Covid vaccines.

Red herring: raising a different subject to purposefully distract from the issue at hand.

Circular reasoning: using a premise that only works if your conclusion is already established.

Equivocation: using a term ambiguously or changing its meaning. Those in mass media who use conspiracy theory pejoratively commit this fallacy. They use theory in the sense of careless or irresponsible surmise. Scientists do not use the term that way. They use it to mean cognitive achievement and established line of research. E.g., theory of evolution, theory of relativity. My point isn’t that I think these are established certainties (I don’t), but they are not careless surmises.

And speaking of certainty: demanding absolute certainty is usually a bad idea.A variant is moving the goalposts. You’ve made the best case you can for your hypothesis H. Someone raises objections not originally in evidence, claims “you haven’t considered this, or this, or this,”taken to a point where it becomes clear, the other’s purpose is obstruction, not truth.

I hope this clarifies how real science differs from The Science, and how valid investigations into conspiracies differ from Hyper-Conspiratorialism? In the first case, the latter is authoritarian, even dictatorial. Its purveyors see their judgments as certain and are willing to impose them on entire populations,even against those populations’ wills.

The latter generalizes hastily from the many lies we have been told by political-economic authorities to the paralyzing idea that everything told to us is a lie.

Behind both is the demand for certainty, a psychological state often having nothing to do with reality.

I think it wise to give the idea up. Rarely do we find it in investigations of the world, any more than in planning our personal lives.

Back in the 1800s on both sides of the Atlantic were philosophers who urged relinquishing what John Dewey (1859 – 1952) called “the quest for certainty.” One of the few things Dewey got right. Too bad he got everything else wrong, especially as one of the (Rockefeller-bankrolled) architects of twentieth century schooling.

Most schooling (I’ve stopped calling it education) works against what I presented above. It is based on authority and conformity. It stresses memorization, not critical thinking. It stifles, rather than encourages, curiosity and the will to explore outside bureaucratically-specified parameters.

Its purpose was to train children of the masses for futures in business or government, integrating them into a society build on encirclements and controls, not giving them a great deal of knowledge beyond what was necessary to follow directions. It discouraged self-study stemming from intellectual curiosity.

Some, obviously smarter than the mass, could be allowed to indulge the creativity and cleverness that sometimes leads to money-making enterprises. But not too many!

This became the dominant model of modern schooling, fundamentally destructive of real critical thinking. And this was before political correctness and critical race theory reared their ugly heads!

Thus the confusion: generalizing from the ubiquity of lies from political authorities to Hyper-Conspiratorialism, and the confusion of real science with The Science.

Today our dominant institutions are more likely to interfere with, even block outright, learning and disseminating important truths, whether about the world or about history or about our present converging crises.

Including about Covid. Which is why we have a purposeful blurring between dying from Covid and dying with Covid plus comorbidities. (I say purposeful because trained scientists know better!)

I’m angry, because it is clear that the allegedly 630,000 deaths in the U.S. attributed to Covid did not have to happen! Including, perchance, that of my former classmate! If Covid-sufferers had had ready access to HCQ and ivermectin, available in world markets known on the basis of decades of experience to be safe, most would still be alive!

We do not need these experimental and probably dangerous jabs!

Let me end by noting that with unsubstantiated claims about microchips and the Mark of the Beast, Hyper-Conspiratorialists are not helping.

What we must do is encourage critical thinking skills—outside schools and an academia that dropped this ball decades ago. Dominant — well-moneyed! — institutions have become barriers to knowledge, rational thought, and communication, instead of conduits of truthful information, learning, and understanding. This may be the real crisis of these Twilight Zone times we’ve entered.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Did GloboCorp Assassinate 3 National Presidents to Further the COVID Narrative & Import Vaccines?

By Steven Yates

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” Attributed to —Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The countries: Burundi, Tanzania, and Haiti. All troubled places, long plagued with poverty and bouts of instability. The names, respectively: President Pierre Nkurunziza, President John Magufuli, and President Jovenel Moïse.

The official dates I have for their deaths: June 8, 2020, for President Nkurunziza; March 18, 2021, for President Magufuli; and July 7, 2021, for President Moïse.

President Nkurunziza, 55, had ruled in Burundi since 2005 following a bloody 12-year civil war in which 300,000 had died. On June 6, 2020, a Saturday, he was reportedly feeling unwell and was admitted to a hospital in the town of Karuzi. Sunday he was reportedly improved, but then went into steep decline the following morning. “His” government reported his death two days later as caused by cardiac arrest. That became the official story. He had been due to step down from “his” country’s presidency in a few weeks.

In Tanzania, President Magufuli, 61, had disappeared from public view for over two weeks prior to reports of his death. His country’s official story is again that he died from a “heart condition.” Rumors abounded that Covid was what killed him.

President Moïse, 53, was killed by a team of heavily-armed assassins. While the first two events passed without much notice outside their own countries, Moïse’s assassination made international headlines.

What do all three have in common? They were all “Covid deniers,” in the Establishment’s parlance. That is, they all rejected the official coronavirus / Covid narrative.

Nkurunziza had refused to impose lockdowns in Burundi, holding sports events (he was a football fan) and allowing political activity. Face masks were rare. Resisting pressures from outside the country, less than one month previous he had gone as far as having four WHO “experts” expelled, accusing them of manipulating the Covid scare. The idea of a vaccine for Covid was just beginning to be bandied about. Nkurunziza rejected vaccines as unnecessary.

Burundi had reported only 83 cases of Covid and just one death from the disease at the time of Nkurunziza’s death. According to the Establishment, the controlled media there was purposefully underreporting cases and maintains that the real cause of his death was Covid. Nkurunziza’s wife allegedly tested positive for coronavirus ten days before and flown to Kenya for treatment.

Nkurunziza’s successor Evariste Ndayishimiye, did a complete 180-degree turn and called Covid the country’s “worst enemy.”

Magufuli, who had a PhD in chemistry,similarly rejected the approved narrative. He also refused to lock down his country. He did not close churches, instead calling on Tanzanians to pray to God instead of giving in to fear. What might have gotten him on GloboCorp’s radar, though, was declaring PCR tests to be fraudulent. He claimed he’d sent samples with human names attached to them to have them tested. Four tests came back positive and the fifth “inconclusive.” Magufuli then announced that the samples had come from a goat, a quail, jack fruit, papaya, and motor oil. He pronounced the fraud exposed, banned PCR testing, and demanded an investigation into what was behind its origin and distribution. He maintained that a supposed spike in coronavirus cases in Tanzania was fraudulent because it presumed the reliability of these tests.

As for vaccines, what Magufuli said:

The ministry of health should be careful, they should not hurry to try these vaccines without doing research, not every vaccine is important to us, we should be careful. We should not be used as ‘guinea pigs’ . . .Vaccinations are dangerous. If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids, cancer and TB by now.”

Thus he resisted importing Big Pharma’s experimental vaccines into Tanzania. In many African countries, malaria is a major threat. Hydroxychloroquine was cheap, readily available, and in wide use as an antimalarial agent. According to Magufuli, this explained the relative absence of Covid from Tanzania.

According to the Establishment, of course, the absence of cases was again no more than an absence of reporting.

Haiti, finally, was on track to receive Covid vaccines through the COVAX charity program run through the WHO, but Moïse was refusing to cooperate. He singled out the AstraZeneca shot as particularly dangerous, as it had caused fatalities from blood clots in Europe. Haiti thus became the only Western nation that had not made the jabs available.

Moïse was killed by a hit squad on July 7. It is clear that non-Haitians were involved, including possibly Americans. Those investigating the assassination received further death threats.

What matters for us is that Haiti immediately opened up to receiving the jabs. Despite the country having been placed in a state of siege, one week after the assassination the first shipment arrived, and the mass vaccination of Haiti’s population began.

The question before us: when three presidents in three countries all die under less-than-clear circumstances, and the only thing the three share is that the reject the approved narratives of coronavirus / Covid / experimental mRNA vaccines, is it unreasonable to suspect foul play?

Or to be more direct about it, had these three men become a sufficient pain in GloboCorp’s derriere that it was believed necessary to take them out? Note that although only one was clearly assassinated, there are chemical agents that can cause infarction, or simulate it, and then disappear completely if a coroner doesn’t know exactly what to look for(see also this.) People can die from heart attacks at 61, or 55, or even younger. But I turned up nothing to indicate that either Nkurunziza or Magufuli had reported previous heart problems.

Add to this the fact that all three nations now have “reasonable leadership” that has embraced the approved narrative and brought the vaccines into the country.

Do the math, people!

The “fact-checkers” have been at work (e.g., here and here), and you’ll note that all they do is use the same brain-paralyzing buzzwords (“baseless conspiracy theory”) and recite the official narrative. That’s all “fact-checkers” ever do. One has to wonder where corporate media finds these people (and what it pays them).

Can we prove, absolutely, that all three died because they rejected the approved coronavirus narrative and Covid vaccines? Of course we can’t prove such a thing with the certainty of deductive logic! But (1) we are not dealing with people likely to leave paper trails.(2) All we have to go on with Nkurunziza and Magufuli regarding the causes of their deaths, therefore, are what “their” governments released—governments that quickly embraced the approved narrative. And (3) given that the three have nothing else in common (except for their being black, which probably isn’t relevant here), surely that they are the only three national leaders who all questioned importing Covid vaccines into their countries and then died in office or were openly killed is stretching the law of averages a bit.

Incidentally, in a recent column Chuck Baldwin cites figures on alleged Covid cases in New Jersey (which had the jab) versus Haiti (which on July 7 did not). Quoting JD Rucker:

“Haiti is the only nation in the western hemisphere that does not have Covid-19 injections available to the people. Considering the extreme poverty, cramped conditions, horrible healthcare infrastructure, and a population that is extremely vaccine hesitant, one might think the nation would be a cesspool of Covid-19 cases. It is not. In fact, scientists had been studying the people in the nation to determine why they seem to be so resistant before being recalled for unknown reasons.

“To put it into perspective, let’s compare Haiti to New Jersey. They have a similar population density with Haiti having 11.5 million people across 10,714 square miles and New Jersey having 9.2 million people across 8,721 square miles. Haiti has had 19,295 Covid-19 cases. New Jersey has had 1,026,286. Some of this can be attributed to Haiti’s poor medical infrastructure reducing the amount of Covid tests, but lack of tests cannot account for dramatically lower deaths. They’ve had 482 compared to New Jersey’s 26,509 Covid deaths.

“Let’s break down those numbers. Despite similar population density, higher total population, and worse healthcare available, Haiti has had 1.8% of the Covid cases that New Jersey has had. Put another way, the citizens of New Jersey with a high vaccination rate are 53-times more likely to contract Covid-19 than Haitians who do not have access to a vaccine.

“Moïse knew this. It’s one of the reasons he rejected free vaccines in May and June. But you won’t hear about that. Not anymore. The official storyline about Haiti’s vaccine hesitancy has suddenly changed following Moïse’s assassination. Now, the health officials in the country are claiming they didn’t reject ALL vaccines, just the AstraZeneca vaccines because of the higher risks they supposedly have. Of course, this narrative didn’t materialize until AFTER Moïse was murdered.

“With Moïse out of the way, the doors are opening wide for the nation that doesn’t need nor want the vaccines to suddenly have them available. As if on cue, the Biden regime has offered to send millions of vaccines to the nation very soon.

So did GloboCorp actually assassinate three national presidents to get what it wants: vaxxed populations in all nations, no exceptions?

For what? Depopulation? I don’t know (see below). But there are people with a lot of power who have openly described humanity as a “cancer of the planet” and possibly not hesitate to reduce populations the world over in ways extremely difficult to trace back to them in any definitive way.

Is This Year One? Further Notes.

My two-part article on “Is This Year One?” (here and here) received more than the usual reader response — pro and con.

First: infamous Princeton-based “bioethicist” Peter Singer has come out and openly defended what I calledStage 4 vaccine compliance: governments legally mandate the jabs, in effect criminalizing the noncompliant. Singer argues from an analogy between a Covid vaccination law and laws requiring drivers to wear seat belts. Since I could rattle off close to a dozen disanalogies between these two off the top of my head, Singer’s article further illustrates the collapse of academic philosophy in our era — possibly of academia generally. (For details see here.)

A couple of readers misread my Stage 5 as prophesying Vaccine Apocalypse. I do not make predictions, I only sketch possible scenarios based on what we know, which often isn’t as much as we think. Perhaps I should have these published with a disclaimer, since although I have a public health education masters degree I am not a medical doctor nor an epidemiologist. But then again, neither is Bill Gates!

Nor am I a theologian. These days I try to avoid eschatology (“end times” studies) as I weary of explaining to my fellow Christians that they have misread Biblical passages like 1 Thess. 4:16-17 and Matt. 24 (especially verses 40-44 which states explicitly that no one knows God’s timetable).

A book I’ve found useful is Gary DeMar’s Myths, Lies and Half-Truths: How Misreading the Bible Neutralizes Christians (2nd Ed, 2010).

I mention this for those who took me to task for not saying these vaccines contain Mark of the Beast technology.

I don’t know that they do, and I don’t know that they do not.

What we do know is that they contain a technology that has never been used in a vaccine before, anywhere. They do not contain the virus. What they contain is an instruction to your body to manufacture spike proteins that “train” your body to reject the virus. According to the approved narrative, the spike proteins are harmless. But numerous independent authors, some with extensive medical training, believe otherwise. That is part of the ongoing debate.

The jabs will affect different people differently, as would any such bodily intrusion. I do not think we can know in advance what will happen. For me, this is good enough. A technology that is still, in essence, an experiment, is being forced on a somewhat reluctant public without full FDA approval. To my mind, this is enough for refuseniks to stand on.

The FDA, mind you, is caught in the middle. There are probably decent folks in the FDA who want to do the right thing, hopefully not limited to the people who sweep the floors and empty the waste cans at the end of the day (but who knows?). Doubtless the agency is under tremendous pressure. The source of the pressure is something they’ve not seen before. If those with real power will kill national leaders, what do you think they will do to anonymous bureaucrats who drag their feet too long?

I explicitly stated that I hope and pray that the ghastly scenario I described in “Year One” never happens (linked to a longer version), as it would entail the complete breakdown of civilization as we know it. Whatever is supposedly happening to the climate would be the least of our worries!

Another reader chastised me for thinking the top super-elites of GloboCorp would hole up in gated communities, when some are visiblybuying land in foreign countries (super-elitist Google founder and ex-CEO Larry Page just bought himself a New Zealand residency, for example) and have underground bunkers to go to some of which could sustain a substantial population for an extended period of time (see here, here, here, here, here, elsewhere).

Here I plead guilty and apologize for the brain f**t, for I’ve known of such things for years.Many of these projects long predate the plandemic, but would still stave off what would ensue on the ground, should we peasants begin dying from vaccine-induced immune system collapse or from the effects of the infrastructural collapse this would precipitate. If they are hiding underground or in other hard-to-access places, this would make confronting them vastly harder than I envisioned.

Which is why it might be a good idea to turn back this tide now!

What I fear is that once full FDA approval comes (and it will come), we’ll see an onslaught of vaccine passports, mandates, and restrictions: whatever it takes, until those who refuse are unable to leave their homes. Or are even rounded up and put in camps, because come to think of it, in the present environment of combined corporate and governmental encirclement everywhere you turn, there is nothing sacrosanct about your home!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been published (available here and here).

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Is This Year One? Part 2

By Steven Yates

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” —Buckminster Fuller, inventor and futurist

GloboCorp might have preferred us peasants to believe we are “free” because we can vote and consume, that we live in “democracies,” that the “rule of law” is in effect, etc., etc., all while its corporate-backed trade dealers spent the past three decades destroying the U.S. manufacturing base to raise corporate profit margins, Big Food and Big Pharma pumped us full of junk food and unhealthy chemicals also in the name of profitability, and global technocrats began encircling us with increasing layers of surveillance and control.

But we balked by rejecting many GloboCorp narratives. “Free trade” (for example) has been exposed as a scam to redistribute wealth upwards. “Diversity is our strength” is ridiculous! All one has to do is look at how every “multicultural” society on the planet is experiencing massive civil conflict (South Africa is the latest example). In various countries we began electing “undemocratic” types like Viktor Orbán (Hungary), Donald Trump (the U.S.), Jair Bolsanaro (Brazil), and a few others who began pushing back.

This had to be upended!

GloboCorp’s denizens tried to take back the Internet, and succeeded in badly damaging alternative media with their “Russian propagandists” hoax, just as the “Russian collusion” hoax straitjacketed the Trump administration for two years.

Hoax or not, it’s clear, I don’t have a fraction of the readership I had six years ago, because fewer people find their way to my articles if I don’t take the trouble of emailing links directly to a list.

Other authors have told me the same thing, that their readership dropped precipitously during the Trump years as Google made their material harder to find and Flakebook’s and the Twitter sphere’s campaigns of censorship ratcheted up.

GloboCorp is probably watching what many of the sheeple are doing now with approval. The hard left advocates critical race theory and sees “white supremacists” under every rock and behind every tree. I am sure its denizens are also enjoying the gender wars. Meanwhile, visible voices on the far right follow the QAnon psyop and think Trump will be restored to office. There are no Constitutional provisions for restoring a stolen election. I don’t think it occurred to our Founding Fathers that something like that could happen!

C.J. Hopkins again:

People who have spent time in prison, or who have lived in openly totalitarian societies, are familiar with being ruled by brute force. Most Westerners are not, so it has come as a shock. The majority of them still can’t process it. They cannot see what is staring them in the face. They cannot see it because they can’t afford to see it. If they did, it would completely short-circuit their brains. They would suffer massive psychotic breakdowns, and become entirely unable to function, so their psyches will not allow them to see it.

Others, who see it, can’t quite accept the simplicity of it (i.e., the lesson being taught), so they are proposing assorted complicated theories about what it is and who is behind it … the Great Reset, China, the Illuminati, Transhumanism, Satanism, Communism, whatever. Some of these theories are at least partially accurate. Others are utter bull-goose lunacy.

They all obscure the basic point of the lesson.

The point of the lesson is that GloboCap — the entire global-capitalist system acting as a single global entity — can, virtually any time it wants, suspend the Simulation of Democracy, and crack down on us with despotic force. It can (a) declare a “global pandemic” or some other type of “global emergency,” (b) cancel our so-called “rights,” (c) have the corporate media bombard us with lies and propaganda for months, (d) have the Internet companies censor any and all forms of dissent and evidence challenging said propaganda, (e) implement all kinds of new intrusive “safety” and “security” measures, including but not limited to the physical violation of our bodies … and so on. I think you get the picture. (The violation of our bodies is important, which is why they love “cavity searches” in prison, and why the torture-happy troops at Abu Ghraib were obsessed with sexually violating their victims.)

Do you “get the picture”?

I’ve argued for years that materialism, as a comprehensive philosophical worldview (not a mere obsession with material things), left us at GloboCorp’s mercy. Over more than a century it gradually collapsed all the systems of morality that enabled the rise of Western liberty and its support institutions, while reducing us to human atoms — animals no different in kind from actual sheep — separate from each other and from all other things in a dead and purposeless universe. Since our behavior is a product of chemicals in our brains, we can be medicated so we behave better. Hence Big Pharma.

With materialism, morality can never be more than a stipulation or cultural artifact (even seeing it as an evolutionary epiphenomenon is ultimately a culture-bound decision). Science may seem to get the last word, but scientific institutions need funding, and funders never donate without strings attached. Thus Money and Power get the last word, not something called scientific method (or, as its altar now reads: The Science).

GloboCorp refined its techniques and its mastery of propaganda, doubtless learning from mistakes like allowing mass media reportage of Vietnam to turn the heads of an entire generation, and then letting the Internet get away. There are reasons why around 90 percent of mass media is owned by six well-networked corporate leviathans, and why the Internet is now largely controlled by a handful of tech giants.

I don’t claim GloboCorp’s will to power was caused by materialism. There has always been a sociopathic minority fascinated with power, believing themselves most fit to rule, and driven to develop the schemes we’ve documented. Only wise and knowledgeable men and women of ethics can keep a civilization’s wolves in check. Nor do I think materialism is the only worldview destructive of basic morality. But it is the prevailing thought-system in the West. It is the one we either deal with, or Western civilization’s lights gradually go out.

This is one reason I wrote What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory, to criticize materialism and kick doors open to a pluralist outlook in which Christianity and perhaps other worldviews are at the table. Assuming this still possible.

Bottom line: with freedom and morality everywhere in full retreat, we’re in the worst peril I’ve seen, and it does not surprise me that many of my Christian friends are saying, “God is in charge. He will make this right in the end.”

Even if, like Job, we are destroyed in the meantime!

It could happen, and so I’ve grown uncomfortable with such mantras, which amount to praying and otherwise doing nothing except leaving things to chance. I can’t do it. I’m not convinced God wants us sitting on our duffs. Which is why I use the one weapon He gave me: my word processor!

So was last year Year Zero? Is this Year One? What does this mean?

It occurred to me (maybe to Hopkins before me), if GloboCorp achieves its goal — a world government answering to global corporations technocratically managing vaccine-reduced populations, Georgia Guidestones style — why would it continue using a convention of numbering our years reflecting a faith its denizens despise?

Why wouldn’t it start over, with last year — the year it dropped the hammer on the world — being Year Zero and this being Year One?

Next year would then be Year Two. By Year Three or Four, we’ll know if vaccine apocalypse is fact or fiction.

It is reasonable to think GloboCorp wants its goals achieved by Year Ten. That’s why the year we presently designate 2030 keeps coming up (here, here, here, elsewhere).

However much the control freaks sugarcoat it with words like sustainability, and speak of a world without poverty, reducing injustice, etc., what they want is global systemic, cradle-to-grave totalitarianism.

While admittedly the primary beneficiaries of the plandemic have been billionaires, this is not about money. These people have more money than they could spend in a hundred lifetimes.

This is about total power. It is about that Orwellian boot stamping human faces, forever.

That, my readers, is the telos of materialism, as a view of nature and of ourselves and our place in the world.

Is there another way?

Inventor and genius R. Buckminster Fuller gave the counsel quoted above, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Changing the present system from the inside is not an option. Voting is useless if your vote can be changed by a machine. Only if people who want freedom separate themselves from the coming New Normal in the manner I discussed earlier this year (here, here, here, here, here, here), build self-reliant and autonomous communities with like-minded others, and then continue the traditions of our forefathers who built the West and then America.

Some believe (for example, Doug Casey) that what GloboCorp envisions can’t happen. A few writers (Leopold Kohr, John Bagot Glubb, E.F. Schumacher) argued at length that small is better because big eventually disintegrates.

One of the reasons GloboCorp’s denizens may want a vaccine apocalypose they believe they can ride out in their gated communities is the logistic impossibility of technocratically managing over 7.8 billion people.

Five hundred million? That might be a “sustainable” number!

But even then, if GloboCorp got everything it wanted, would the psychopaths at its helm be able to pass it on to the next generation?

Or would GloboCorp: The Next Generation, coming of age in those gated communities(and perhaps having had it hidden from them what their parents had done), have grown soft and quickly fall prey to rebellions that would doubtless be brewing?

By people ready to hold trials that would make those of Nuremberg look like Judge Judy by comparison!

An advancing and thriving civilization, one truly sustainable (before propagandists got their hands on that word), depends on a body of ideas: that truth exists,that the human mind possesses or is possessed by some of it even prior to sustained inquiry, and that it can be harnessed by human ingenuity. Such a civilization rises and thrives based on personal freedoms (liberties), institutions such as private property including for the “little people” because persons have intrinsic value, and respect for the honest transaction. It maintains sound money (not fractional fiat “money”). It is decentralized. It inculcates, through sound and locally-controlled education a morally-grounded respect for the rule of law (not arbitrary authority). Its doctors are healers, not technocrats, bureaucrats, or profiteers-only. They value health and positivity. All of this is grounded in the idea that we answer to a Transcendent Being even if we don’t always agree about His nature or always know what He wants.

That’s not the civilization we have, of course. In the near future of the one we have, GloboCorp will have its hands full. Fortunately, the odds that its minions will trouble to track us all down — especially those of us holed up in second world countries — aren’t zero, but they don’t rise to anywhere near 100 percent.

In the meantime, there are interesting things happening out here in the boonies regarding energy and decentralization that could lead to genuinely free and thriving communities, suggesting that No, this is not and never will be Year One. In the months ahead I hope to write about these things, which transcend existing models about extraction, energy production, distribution, consumption, and unlimited growth in the manner of the Fuller quote above. If readers are interested. Let me know.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been published by Wipf and Stock (Eugene, OR).

Is This Year One? Part 1
Is This Year One? Part 2

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Is This Year One? Part 1

By Steven Yates

“We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” —William Casey, former CIA director

Last year Iran across this, by Europe-based author C.J. Hopkins, who began:

2020 was GloboCap Year Zero. The year when the global capitalist ruling class did away with the illusion of democracy and reminded everyone who is actually in charge, and exactly what happens when anyone challenges them.

The main difference between Hopkins and me is, I use the term GloboCorp for the network of extremely wealthy and powerful sociopaths scheming their way toward global domination.

The cause of the plandemic appears to have been released in Wuhan right around the time of Event 201, held October 18, 2019 at Johns Hopkins University sponsored by GloboCorp’s Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. It appears designed to infect humans and spread rapidly, but is lethal mainly to certain populations of useless eaters — the elderly, and those with compromised respiratory and immune systems. Otherwise it has a recovery rate of over 99 percent. (But don’t bioweapons kill? Not if massive profit was the intent.)

On March 11, 2020, the WHO (lavishly funded by the Gates Foundation)declared a global emergency. The U.S. economy, on track to ensure Donald Trump a second term, instantly tanked as “inessential” businesses were forcibly shuttered. This was not exclusively about Trump, because the lockdowns were worldwide as governments coordinated with the WHO. We saw an unprecedented expansion of centralized power, and unprecedented levels of money printing to stave off a massive depression. Important distinctions such as dying from Covid versus dying with Covid-plus-comorbidities were blurred as part of a massive fear campaign. Also blurred was the distinction between supposedly  having the virus in your system (a “positive” PCR test now known to be unreliable) and actually getting sick from Covid. Seasonal flu simply vanished; we peasants weren’t supposed to notice. Censorship appeared everywhere. Preventions and cures for Covid such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were demonized despite a long track record showing them to be safe, and a study purporting to show the uselessness of the former had to be retracted. This didn’t reopen doors to its use. Doctors using such treatments successfully were threatened with loss of their medical licenses. Arguments that lockdowns caused more health problems than they prevented were also censored. All roads led to vaccines (see (4) below); never mind that no vaccine that worked on coronaviruses had ever worked.

  • Late last May, violent protests erupted over the death of George Floyd, drug user and small time thug with an extensive criminal record, while in police custody. City blocks were burned taking out more small businesses, many black-owned, many having first been looted. Millions of dollars in damage was done in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, and elsewhere. Accounts emerged of white women trapped in their vehicles, terrorized by media-designated “peaceful protesters.” A few faced charges after they struck one or more“peaceful protesters” escaping. There were, of course, occasions when “protesters” actually were peaceful (or were no-shows): when residents stood armed in front of stores or at neighborhood access points. Floyd’s drug use was a non-issue, as was evidence from video footage never shown to the public suggesting that Derek Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s shoulder blade, not his neck, and so actually might not have caused Floyd’s death.This didn’t matter. The Cult of Woke needed a human sacrifice, and he was it.
  • No one knew exactly what would happen November 3, but some of us were sure something ugly was afoot. Under no circumstances was Trump to be allowed a second term. His enemies in the Deep State (U.S. branch of GloboCorp) would steal the election if they had to, and some who were on the scene the whole time concluded: that’s exactly what happened. We saw corporate mass media call the election for Biden well before all state outcomes were known, and in the face of irregularities such as massive middle-of-the-night vote spikes for Biden that have since been scrubbed from the Internet.

The damage done and efforts to reverse the theft floundering in the face of an Iron Wall of Denial, a few hundred Trump supporters (possibly enabled by FBI informants and agent provocateurs) out of tens of thousands who actually were peaceful (not a single building burned, police car torched, or store looted!) unwisely breached the Capitol on January 6: unwise, because all they accomplished was getting themselves labeled “insurrectionists” trying to instigate a “coup against democracy” and creating conditions for further attacks on Trump and on themselves. The Establishment had seized power (the real coup!) and would call it “fortifying democracy” (article in GloboCorp-owned Time Magazine that all but let the cat out of the bag; good commentary here).

  • The rollout of Big Pharma’s experimental mRNA jabs began right after the start of 2021, to deafening corporate media applause. Sadly, Trump had been pulled into this with Operation Warp Speed (apparently no one told him, warp speed is science fiction!). Governments cut deals so the jabs could be dispensed for free!

What I call The 5 Stages of Vaccine Compliance began to kick in.

At Stage 1,which began in January, multitudes of scared sheeple lined up to get jabbed voluntarily, convinced by 24/7 fear porn and “experts” such as Fauci that it was the fastest way back to “normal.” Downplayed by all reportage was that this was an experiment, that the FDA had not given official approval but “emergency use authorization.”

At Stage 2: incentives were used on the mildly “hesitant”: the carrot: lotteries with cash giveaways, bonuses from employers, other free stuff, opportunities to virtue-signal. Some would get sick anyway and be labeled “breakthrough cases.” A few died or were severely injured. Families discovered — surprise, surprise! — no decision-makers were interested.

At Stage 3: when the carrot fails to entice, the stick comes out. At Stage 3, “vaccine hesitancy” comes with a price: job loss, refusal of university reenrollment, exclusion from public spaces, e.g., restaurants, planes, events such as concerts. Vaccine passport implementation thus begins amidst rolling lockdowns despite mass protests in some parts of the world. In the U.S., community-organizer types start going door-to-door with the approved narrative with the full Bidenista backing. The unvaccinated face fact-free accusations of spreading the virus.Corporate media and Big Tech label criticisms of mass vaccinations as “misinformation” and label critics and refuseniks “conspiracy theorists,” “extremists,” “Covidiots,” “anti-vaxx nuts,”or whatever epithet seemed fitting that day. We now have a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” And “if you’re choosing not to be vaccinated you’re part of the problem.” The vaccinated are getting angry with the unvaccinated, who are targeted not just by Democrats but mainstream Republicans.

The problem, though,is mounting evidence that the vaccine, not Covid, is what is making people sick and sometimes killing them.

Be this as it may, we are presently in Stage 3, and should the FDA give the jab full authorization, Stage 4 will descend.

At Stage 4: vaccine refusal is de facto criminalized. Door-to-door efforts turn openly coercive. At this stage, the unjabbed find it almost impossible to live in society. They are the new untouchables who must self-isolate, be forcibly isolated, and face potential incarceration. Violence against them (arguably fomented during Stage 3) is not impossible. Reporting on the thousands of vaccine injuries and deaths is not just censored but a thought crime. “But that’s illegal and unconstitutional!” Don’t be naïve. There are people who will lose it at this point, do something violent, and play right into GloboCorp’s (and the Democrats’) hands. Don’t let that be you!

At Stage 5: the unjabbed have been forced into hiding. The worst nightmare scenarios of vaccine apocalypse start coming to pass. People are now dying from vaccine-caused cardiovascular events or heart failure (caused by blood clots), or organ failure and immune system collapse (caused by the trillions of spike proteins the jab unleashes) in numbers that become impossible to hide. We start to see cascading supply line disruptions, rolling blackouts, and other infrastructural breakdown caused by rising numbers recently dead or too sick to work. Shortages of food and gas are leading to more urban riots and rising mass panic. GloboCorp’s denizens are trying to ride out the chaos of depopulation in heavily guarded gated communities. Should their locations become known, there is a potential for civil war, as by this time (one would think!) enough of the vaxxed are awake and out for blood, figuring they have nothing to lose. This is assuming their heads haven’t been completely short-circuited by cognitive dissonance. I am sure psychotic breaks will be as common as suicides.

I don’t know if we will get to Stage 5, and I pray to God we never have to find out!

  • We have seen countless examples of what governments and corporate media will do to maintain narrative control. Waves of gaslighting accompany each of the above. We’ve all been “fact-checked” more times than we can count. The “fact-checkers” literally do not live in the same world we do. In their world, GloboCorp is an “unhinged conspiracy theory” — even though explicit defenses of world government are readily available online in connection with the plandemic! (See this)

What I can discern of their world: George Floyd is a hero, and statues are erected to him. No one may speak ill of the man, and every corporate media presstitute now virtue-signals by capitalizing Black. In their world, the world of Wokery where a white person can be unemployed, flat busted, and still have “white privilege,” you can be any gender you like. In their world, the stolen election is The Big Lie, even as clamors for forensic audits spread from Arizona to other states. In their world, it is perhaps kosher to speak of a possible “accidental leak” from the Wuhan lab, but bioweapons talk is a “conspiracy theory” (never mind that the lab leak was a “conspiracy theory” this time last year). Vaccine refuseniks are “killing people” as the delta variant spreads (the idea that the mass jab has created a mutation-favoring environment is also off the table—for in the world of the “fact-checkers” the jab is “tested, safe, and effective,” even though according to one poll, 60 percent of doctors polled had refused it as of this writing.

Upshot of (1) through (5): we now live in more closely monitored and controlled societies —all over the world. A global-scale narrative cold war is playing out in front of us.

Meanwhile, we are only beginning to see the psychological damage that has been done, especially to the generation that will come of age in the 2020s assuming it survives.

And while some countries are more “open” than others, it is clear from what we’ve seen that they can be closed on short notice if someone with real power gives the order through a national health department.

The 24/7 fear factory continues — via every corporate-controlled media outlet. We’re supposed to fear the delta variant, “white supremacists,” the unjabbed. We’re not supposed to fear governments, the global-corporate media machine, or The Science (i.e., GloboCorp minions such as Fauci — a career bureaucrat and technocrat, not a real doctor who sees patients and tries to heal — and GloboCorp ascendant Bill Gates, another technocrat with no formal medical degrees or public health credentials whatsoever!).

George Orwell couldn’t have written this script better!

Returning to C.J. Hopkins (“Year Zero” again):

The authorities have assumed control of the most intimate aspects of our daily lives. We are being managed like inmates in a prison, told when to eat, sleep, exercise, granted privileges for good behavior, punished for the slightest infractions of an ever-changing set of arbitrary rules, forced to wear identical, demeaning uniforms (albeit only on our faces), and otherwise relentlessly bullied, abused, and humiliated to keep us compliant.

Where I live, sheeple wear masks everywhere. They stand in lines, sometimes for hours, to get into stores or banks. All must comply with mandates restricting the number of people allowed inside. The place where my wife and I do our banking admits ten clients at any given time. Store entrances and exits are strictly controlled. You cannot get in without an enforcer-type standing guard while your hands get sprayed with nasty-feeling alcohol gel, then watching as you pass through a machine that takes your temperature. Sometimes it scans your wrist, raising specters of how easily this could transition to a device able to read a wrist-embedded chip. Would anyone notice the difference?

Arrows on floors tell the sheeple where to walk, where to stand, how far apart. The diagrams appear cemented onto floors and walls. They have the appearance of something intended to be permanent. Bathrooms have every other urinal and every other sink blocked off for “social distancing.” Signs everywhere command face coverings and social distancing, sometimes conveying approved-narrative propaganda: help us out, you’re saving lives!

Every 15 minutes or so in the mall nearest to where we live, a robotic voice comes on over a loudspeaker with “social distancing” instructions, just like those dystopian sci-fi films we watched when we were kids.

Some restaurants have begun refusing admission to the unjabbed. That’s Stage 3. Every jab is recorded digitally, of course. Those who have had both jabs can have their info saved as a scannable QR code. One of the effects of the plandemic has been to force more transactions to go digital. The number of checkout lanes that only accept credit cards has increased significantly since this nightmare started, and a few places have simply refused my cash. One can even order food digitally via a smartphone. Anyone with access to those systems not only knows who’s been jabbed, but what they had for lunch that day.It occurs to me, governments here could easily send around plainclothes spies to monitor compliance and severely penalize or even forcibly close any establishment not following the rules. (See more on the situation in Chile here. Although there are worse places to be stuck in.)

National borders close and open around the world with ever-changing rules and conditions, making international travel difficult and inconvenient at best. People are kicked off flights for not masking up; in one case, a couple was ejected from a plane and stranded because their two-year-old fought wearing a mask.

There are places where those in power apparently don’t care if you’ve figured it out, that this is about power, not public health. Note the reference to “Britain’s vaccines minister.”

Hopkins continues:

[GloboCorp] know[s] exactly what they are doing … which is teaching us a lesson, a lesson about power. A lesson about who has it and who doesn’t. For students of history it’s a familiar lesson, a standard in the repertoire of empires, not to mention the repertoire of penal institutions.

The name of the lesson is “Look What We Can Do to You Any Time We F****** Want.” The point of the lesson is self-explanatory. The USA taught the world this lesson when it nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. GloboCap (and the US military) taught it again when they invaded Iraq and destabilized the entire Greater Middle East. It is regularly taught in penitentiaries when the prisoners start to get a little too unruly and remember that they outnumber the guards. That’s where the lockdown concept originated. It isn’t medical terminology. It is penal institution terminology.

Is This Year One? Part 1
Is This Year One? Part 2

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Critical Race Theory: A Divisive, Destructive Weapon of Mass Distraction

By Steven Yates

Critical race theory (CRT) has the nation divided — to the point where angry parents disrupting school board meetings and people leaving stable employment in protest have become yesterday’s news. What’s it all about?

Defenders of CRT insist that American school are not teaching it, that its critics don’t understand it. They claim they are not calling all white people racists, or trying to shame them, or get them to hate and loathe themselves for their “whiteness” or “white privilege.”

They are talking about a system, they say. Systemic racism is built into the legal and Constitutional structure of America, and into occupations. They want to eliminate systemic racism. But that means comprehensive system change. How are they going to do that without tearing up the country’s legal and Constitutional framework and replacing it wholesale? The virus of revolutionism strikes again!

And in the meantime, if they are saying that racism is built into the system, then how do they avoid the conclusion that white people are racist by default, and that replacing them is the strategy to pursue?

Claims that CRT does not attack white people are solidly refuted by invective such as the following:

This is the cost of talking to white people at all. The cost of your own life, as they suck you dry. There are no good apples out there. White people make my blood boil. … I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f***ing favor.

This is from a lecture entitled “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind” by a psychiatrist (not psychologist?) named Aruna Khilanani speaking before the prestigious Yale University School of Medicine. Yale administrators repudiated the remark. Under fire from across the political spectrum, what choice did they have?

This is just one such case from academia in free fall, where tenured professors ponder whether math is racist. (I’m not joking, or making this up!)

There are numerous other statements, some from self-hating white “scholars” such as Donald Moss, who wrote this (I am quoting the abstract, unedited, for an academic journal article entitled “On Having Whiteness“):

Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has — a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. 

No hatred of “whitey” there? No self-loathing, encouraging other white people to self-loathe? I did not read the article. The abstract was enough.

Recently, moreover, an NAACP rep in a PTA leadership role attacked those parents who are “anti social justice” and “anti-equity” with a “Let them die!”

All over complaints that their children have returned from school in tears reporting they were told they were racists. Small wonder parents are showing up at school board meetings, angered, demanding that their voices be heard, and getting even angrier when the leftists that tend to dominate such boards try to shut them down.

White men are leaving jobs in education — some expressing the exact same complaints, belying the idea that CRT is not being shoved down their throats in school districts across America, all the way down to elementary schools, and that white employees and white students alike are being given assignments telling them to identify their “white privilege”!

Consider the case of Daniel Concannon, who rejected “white privilege training” (some might deem parts of his letter “inappropriate” but what do you expect?):

I hereby resign as 21CCLC Site Coordinator in light of the Frankfurt School Manchester School District’s endorsement of the dehumanization and hatred of White People, as evidenced by their dissemination of the imbecilic “White Privilege” curriculum presented by the intellectual titans at “Learning for Justice,” an organization founded by America’s eternal arbiters of truth and morality — the SPLC — where senior fellow Mark Potok’s office is decorated with celebratory charts of the declining percentage of White people in the United States and Europe….

Interesting that Concannon knows about the Frankfurt School. Getting CRT studied in depth and traced to its actual roots is a challenge, though.

Just recently I penned a deep dive into the foundations of CRT (here).

I don’t have the impression that people are much interested in deep dives. Admittedly the piece was long and involved — 8,000 words — but after over a week online, it has yet to reach 50 hits. Attention spans have never been shorter, of course. But the essay is there for those who might be interested in finding out how CRT’s actual foundations are Western, white, and male — through and through.

Whether anyone likes it or not, white people built Western civilization from its foundations upward. White Europeans developed a specific body of ideas and learned to apply them. I do not claim that white people accomplished this alone, or that we’ve done the job perfectly. No one is saying there hasn’t been any racism or unjust discrimination. But surely white people deserve the bulk of the credit for those documents (from the Magna Carta to the Declaration of Independence of 1776 and beyond), ideas (e.g., natural law, limitations on government, the rule of law), institutions (such as private property), and techniques (e.g., the printing press; the harnessing of energy for propulsion first on water, then on land, and then in the air) that built the most advanced civilization we’ve ever seen.

Minority groups have benefited from these achievements as well as the white majority. The black population in America is the most economically well off black population in the world. Their counterparts in Africa do not come close.

Perhaps a little gratitude might be in order, not the resentment and hostility leftists have fostered.

The hostility is not exclusively race-based. There’s an ethos of hostility to achievement of any sort loose in the land, and it hardly began yesterday. It is the hostility directed against achievers of whatever stripe by nonachievers. The latter put other nonachievers (George Floyd is an example) up on pedestals and turn them into objects of pagan worship.

You can’t reason with hostile mobs of whatever ethnicity, since it is emotional and not rational or fact-based. Nor can you reason with their spokesmen. Consider the following, from a “progressive” writer named Rob Kall who puts out daily effusions by himself and fellow leftists. This article’s point of departure is the recent passing of William Regnery, conservative author, publisher, and philanthropist for conservative causes:

“I’m not one who does not speak ill of the dead. This maggot feeder white supremacist fascism funder deserves to rot in hell and be reviled, his grave desecrated. It might even make urination a protected first amendment free speech right.

“Multimillionaire white supremacist William Regnery who financed fascists and fascist, white supremacist organizations, has, happily, dropped dead and is now rotting in hell. May his burial place be added to a list of places where despicable people are buried for tourists to pee or spit or throw garbage on their graves. These ugly sociopaths deserve to have their graves given such treatment. There is not much that separates people like Regnery from other monsters in history.”

What do you say in response to something like that?

Nothing said would do the slightest good! All you can do is turn away from the real haters in Western civilization: leftists, perhaps invoking one of their own lines: haters gonna hate!

There are action steps you can take. I’ve beaten the drum for over 20 years now: get your kids out of government schools and send them to private Christian schools or homeschool them. There are complete and readily available homeschooling curriculums, such as that of former Sen. Ron Paul. Your kids will learn sound English, sound math and science, sound economics.

Western civilization is clearly self-destructing. If there is any turning back from the brink, it is going to have to happen on such margins, through conservatives, especially conservative parents, who have separated from the present-day mainstream of secularism, materialism, and cultural Marxism.

There is no time to waste, because whatever happens, the next generation is already having to deal with crises the cohort I grew up with couldn’t have imagined.

In the meantime, my essay (final section) contains all the reason for calling CRT a weapon of mass distraction.

Whites and blacks have no compelling, fundamental reasons to hate one another. We all have the same problems: earning decent livings, keeping families together and raising children, and finding meaning and fulfillment in our lives such as they are in a society growing more controlled every day. The problem is that one race is being taught that all of its problems are the fault of another race which is being demonized. White leftists in particular have led the way in teaching generations of black kids to “hate whitey” because “whitey” is to blame for all their problems.

And that they are owed reparations for an arrangement (chattel slavery) that has not existed in America for over a century and a half now.

In a multiracial society, this is a recipe for division, conflict, and chaos that benefits those with actual unearned privileges.

While whites and blacks (and other minority groups as well) are looking at each other with hostility, no one is paying any attention to what is going on at the top. Who, after all, is benefiting the most from distractions such as this?

The only answer: the entity I’ve been calling GloboCorp: the super-elite class who not only believe themselves most fit to rule over as much of the planet as possible, they’ve designed a strategy and amassed the resources to further that goal apace!

It is clear, too, that the super-elites are using the “white supremacy” wedge to advance their goals of global domination. (This, from super-elite owned Time Magazine, proposes a “global fight” against something that doesn’t exist. What does exist is super-elite supremacism.)

Frankly, what would be nice to see (not expected, obviously) is for recognized leaders as well as a critical mass of the rank and file of both blacks and whites across the world to start paying attention to what’s really going on from the top down while they still can.

Especially that much of what is going on in terms of growing surveillance in a more controlled society is happening right in front of their eyes!

STEVEN YATES’s book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has just been published by Wipf and Stock (Eugene, OR).

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Collapsing Narratives, Converging Catastrophes

by Steven Yates

Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, has been quoted several times as saying he believes Trump will be reinstated as president later this year (he mentioned August). I’m very doubtful of this, if for no other reason that, realistically, at this point it would take military action, and I don’t think our “woke” military would do it.

That aside, the U.S. is clearly facing an onrushing conjunction of crises likely to hit around that time, if not sooner. First, the number of voters convinced that last year’s election was stolen refuses to budge regardless of the volume of the Establishment’s denials and ridicule — and no matter the lawfare being waged against Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, Lindell, and others. If anything, the Establishment appears terrified of what will turn up in Maricopa Co., Arizona, and that calls for independent audits will spread to other states.

This is America’s collapsed and partly delegitimized political system. All the propaganda about how talk of a stolen election “threatens democracy” is just that: propaganda. The U.S. has not been an actual democracy, answering even to a majority of voters, at any point in our lifetimes. Gilens & Page showed this. That article is dense and restrained in its conclusions, but worth slogging through.

The approved narrative about the election could collapse, and if it does, a reckoning of some sort is inevitable. It might not happen this year, but it will happen eventually.

And this is not the only narrative at risk of losing all credibility.

If you want to see what a collapsed approved narrative looks like, think of the theory that the coronavirus said to cause Covid-19 evolved in bats and jumped to humans, possibly through an intermediary species, in a Chinese “wet market.”

As recently as six months ago, if you said that the cause of Covid came from the Wuhan lab, you were an “unhinged conspiracy theorist.” Even though the “evidence” for the coronavirus’s natural origins was never more than educated guesswork.

And when veteran science author Nicholas Wade published his carefully written and very detailed treatise on the subject, factors supporting the “lab leak theory” became impossible to ignore.

Wade has his detractors. For example, this. That’s the quality of the criticism, and added evidence that in our long-collapsed higher educational system, logic is either no longer taught, or taught so badly that graduates who profess to be educated have no idea what attacking ad hominem means or what is wrong with doing it. SJWs and wokesters clearly don’t understand the concept.

But never mind all that. We now know that at least three Wuhan lab workers got sick as early as November, that the Chinese tried to cover up what was happening in Wuhan, and that even the Bidenista regime has now called for an investigation of the matter. Add Fauci’s emails, which strongly indicate something I’ve argued since last year: our Establishment, of which Fauci is a card-carrying upper-echelon member, has been bankrolling dangerous coronavirus research in China for years!

It is one more small step to another forbidden idea: that this thing did not merely come from the Wuhan lab, but was engineered as a bioweapon. The only remaining question then is: who were the bioweapon’s prime movers? Was it the Chinese Communist Party, was it the American Deep State out to attack or possibly set up China? Or did both cut a deal with GloboCorp, the globalist ownership class that wants a world government that would answer to its corporations?

One of the things bothering me about the idea that China is fully to blame for the disaster is that among the first to be infected with Covid outside China were members of the leadership in Iran. The Chinese and the Iranians (1) are a good distance away, suggesting that the appearance of Covid there was not an accident, but (2) China and Iran are closer to being allies than they are enemies.

Would the Chinese have infected the Iranians on purpose? I don’t think so. The American Establishment hates Iran, though. And behind the American Establishment is, of course, GloboCorp. Iran is one of the few countries left without a central bank controlled by the Rothschild-Rockefeller axis; but for the U.S., or the U.S. and Israel together, to try to take down Iran militarily the way the U.S. did Saddam Hussein’s Iraq would be suicidal. This opens the door to other options.

The virus seems designed (1) to bring direct harm to the elderly and those with compromised immune and respiratory systems, removing “useless eaters” from society; (2) to set the stage for the mass media induced panic we have seen across the globe, over something not especially deadly to the rest of the population, leading to the lockdowns, travel restrictions, the economic destruction we’ve seen; and where possible, political destabilization; and (3) by way of all these, the redistribution of power and wealth upwards.

Who, after all, has profited the most from this debacle? The answer: Western globalist billionaires.

Is it not at least conceivable that this whole affair has been one of the final phases of the global war against “populism” (i.e., those who reject economic domination by the world’s globalist centralizers) and financially independent middle classes everywhere?

How long before the approved narrative, that this whole thing has just been an unfortunate accident (even if the virus came from the Wuhan lab) collapses? What will the reckoning look like? Will pitchforks come out and heads roll (so to speak)?

It gets worse.

As everyone knows, the experimental mRNA vaccines were rushed out at the start of this year. As everyone also knows, none have received actual FDA approval but only “emergency use authorization.” The fact that previous vaccines have required years of testing and refinement has been dropped down the Orwellian memory hole. We are not even allowed to say that the inventor of mRNA technology has expressed great hesitation about using it. Big Tech has been routinely censoring exposés on the effects of spike proteins and deplatforming critics despite often impeccable credentials.

All roads have clearly led to the mRNA vaccines. This explains the near-brutal suppression of information about other cures for Covid: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other products known to be safe (the first has been in use for decades, after all!). Or just the benefits of common sense cleanliness, sound nutrition, sunlight, exercise, the ability to destress, and get sound sleep: all conditions of genuine public health practices never emphasized because they do not bring profits to the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) — and voided by locking people indoors!

The corporate media wing of the Establishment is propagandizing us worldwide about something no one can know for sure: that these vaccines are both effective and safe. Americans are told that coronavirus rates are dropping where the majority of people are vaccinated. My own research tells me otherwise: Chile where I’ve lived for nine years now has now vaccinated almost two thirds of its population, and we are one of the most locked down and travel-restricted places in the world, with thousands of PCR-test positives (not actual cases of Covid, mind you!) reported daily.

The truth is, the number of injuries and deaths from these mRNA injections is much higher than you’ll ever hear from the Establishment. In the first four months of their use, these injections killed more people than all earlier vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013 (15 and a half years). By April 2021, Americans were experiencing roughly 30 deaths per day. Now some might retort that 30 deaths per day is a small number to weigh against the tens of millions who have been vaccinated. But remember one absolutely crucial: no one knows the long term effects of these injections!

The worst case scenarios hold that the spike proteins, already known to cause clotting in some patients which can lead to strokes and heart attacks, will work its damage cumulatively on the vaccinated person’s blood, cell walls and organs, and eventually brain, causing a combination of immune system collapse, organ failure, dementia, and death. These scenarios envision cases to begin surfacing in large numbers in about two years.

I do not know that this will happen, of course. I’m not a doctor or a virologist, but I know of doctors who are warning people not to take the vaccines and other medical professionals who are refusing.

Some of the admittedly wilder stuff coming my way contends that what this campaign is about is not a restoration of normality but long term depopulation.

My wife and I have been to the Georgia Guidestones, a monument the origins of which are enshrouded in mystery. In several languages, it urges the reduction of the world’s population to 500 million, to “restore balance with nature.”

Bill Gates and others of GloboCorp’s billionaire superelite class have often spoken about the need for “population control.”

Thus far, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson is the only person anywhere near the mainstream asking the forbidden question, “How many Americans have died after taking the Covid vaccine?” How many people are gambling their lives because they’ve been told by the Establishment that getting a Covid vaccine is the way back to “normalcy”?

It is clear: we already see three stages of vaccine compliance. First are those lining up to get the jab, seeing it as the fastest path back to a normalcy that probably isn’t coming. Second are those who are hesitant (notice how vaccine hesitancy is now a public heresy), but able to be incentivized through cash bonuses, free food, etc. The third stage punishes those who do not respond to the incentives with job losses, refusals of college re-enrollment, restrictions on movement, or other hardships.

People are already being fired from jobs for refusing to get jabbed, or simply resigning.

This means we are presently moving from Stage Two to Stage Three.

In fourth stage, criticisms of the mRNA vaccines are not merely censored but actually criminalized, perhaps labeled as akin to domestic terrorists, long one of the Establishment’s favor forms of demonizing. In the fifth stage, paid enforcers with lists of refuseniks go from door to door and offer them a choice between getting jabbed and going to jail.

These things will happen if the powerful want them to happen.

More important for our purposes here: what happens if some version of the scenario above actually begins, and the number of clearly vaccine-related deaths grows to the point where it becomes impossible to hide?

Will this approved narrative, over the safety of these mRNA vaccines, collapse as quickly as did the narrative about the origin of the coronavirus?

What then? With hundreds of millions of people vaxxed worldwide, I have no trouble envisioning a mass panic if “their” governments and approved media outlets start sending out messages like, “There might be a problem with the vaccines for Covid.”

Especially if another Nicholas Wade appears, with another detailed essay about vaccine injuries, assembling all the information we have about the effects spike proteins have on body systems, and the essay appears on a heavily-trafficked website such as Medium.

It is quickly reproduced and circulated, so that what it contains can’t be suppressed.

When people begin to fear for their lives in large numbers, their behavior changes radically!

This is as much a recipe for catastrophic breakdown as would be the deaths themselves! More so than the realization that we have an illegitimate administration in the White House every thought of being!

This, I think, is one of the reasons the Establishment is doing everything it can to contain the spread of information about vaccine injuries and deaths.

And should this fail to work, perhaps creating yet another more immediate crisis will.

Enter the cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline in early May, in which a hacked password led to a shutdown and the crippling of gas distribution across several states for a few days. The warning was clear: more cyberattacks (to be blamed on Russia, naturally, when they aren’t blamed on China) could be imminent.

Last week as I write this, I learned of an “event” which shut down websites of several major airlines and banks for several hours. That was Wednesday, June 16. Was that a cyberattack? We don’t know, but no one ruled it out. It wasn’t the first such “event,” and doubtless won’t be the last.

How many more “events” are coming?

Or is a Big One (we’ll call it) on the way?

A major cyberattack could force the shutdown of a significant portion of the electric grid for an indeterminant amount of time. Not to mention the potential for theft of personal information and resources. In a digitized world in which everything is connected to everything else, this is a clear and present danger.

Here is one depiction of what might ensue, and I repeat the advice of earlier articles to get out of big cities while you still can.

Effects of vaccines, whatever they are, will quickly become the least of people’s worries!

When GloboCorp’s mouthpieces are working to protect what may be their primary agenda for this decade, which is to gain global domination while they can, they won’t hesitate to distract from that with other on-the-ground crises of their creation (not “the Russians”).

That would solve the problem of other approved narratives that are either collapsing or on the verge of doing so — including the one about an economy actually “recovering” despite being based entirely on gazillions and gazillions of dollars of printed money.

Many of us have become convinced that GloboCorp wants world domination by 2030. Why? Because its major mouthpieces have said so. See also here. Those aren’t “conspiracy sites.” Their authors may write in code (“sustainability,” “inclusion,” “ending poverty,” etc.), but otherwise they’re quite open about it. What they plan will require a degree of centralization and technocratic controls never before seen.

Why the rush? Simple. As I’ve said before, the Internet democratized information. Anyone could research and learn about, and eventually write about, anything that interested them.

The fact that all the significant events of the past hundred years, with very few exceptions, have led in a single direction — toward global dominance by a few extremely wealthy and well-placed families — came to interest me.

This was after I’d realized, based on my investigations into matters of race, sex, affirmative action, and preferential hiring, that academia was more about perpetuating leftist ideology and agendas than it was finding and communicating truth. Why would those be the only arenas compromised?

I was hardly alone. By the middle of the last decade the number of people who understand that something was going on behind the scenes, that both “the experts” and mass media were lying to them on a routine basis, was approaching a critical mass.

This was very dangerous to GloboCorp’s owners. Especially with rising opposition movements and “populists” being elected to public office all over the world!

As I’ve insisted for five years now, Trump became president because all the mainstream-approved narratives had collapsed: lost credibility with a critical mass of voters.

Now with Trump gone following the jankiest election in U.S. history and an abundance of evidence that there is far more to this “pandemic” than meets the eye, things are coming to a head.

The superelites either shut down these trends, including locking down the democracy of information, or they face an existential threat.

In a nutshell, we may have the best and most elegant explanation for the converged catastrophes of our time: a weaponized coronavirus, a stolen election, experimental vaccines being forced on an increasingly reluctant public, cyberattacks and other “events,” deplatforming and censorship, and the weaponizing of language to discredit those whose business is exposing approved narratives as they collapse in front of our eyes.

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published later this year by Wipf and Stock.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Worsening War Against White People

By Steven Yates

Let’s just say it. White people (especially conservatives and Christians) are at war with the cult of Woke. They did not start this war. Most seem unaware of it. But they’d better wake up and realize they are in a war that has already killed dozens of white men and women whose fates will not make headlines in a controlled corporate media very much on the Woke cult’s side.

I warned 30 years ago that if what was then called political correctness wasn’t opposed, it would spread like a plague until it controlled every major institution in the West.

What even I didn’t grasp was how far it would actually go!

But revolutionism is like that. It sets out to uproot the old completely. It tries to leave no stone unturned.

PC was able to seize the moral high ground. Isn’t “equality” more moral than “inequality”? Aren’t you therefore a bad person (or even evil) if you think “equality” impossible? Conservatives mostly floundered. I don’t think most had any idea what they were up against.

So far, 2021 could turn out to be one of the deadliest years on record. There have been well over a dozen mass shootings. But surely readers have noticed: if the shooter is white, his whiteness is noted up front and center, sometimes in the headline.

If there’s no mention of race/ethnicity, that is because the shooter was not white.

The approved Woke narrative is that angry white men (especially police) are tracking down and shooting unarmed blacks. Or: Blacks. For as you may also have noticed, shortly after the George Floyd riots corporate media began capitalizing the word Black. No one capitalizes white. This speaks volumes.

So: a shooter kills ten people in a Boulder, Colo. supermarket. When something like this happens, at first no one has much information. So the incident makes the national news.

But when the shooter turns out to be a Muslim, the story abruptly falls from the radar. Incidentally, all of Ahmad Allisa’s victims were white.

Just a couple weeks ago there was a mass shooting in Rock Hill, S.C. I have friends there, so I wanted to learn all I could as soon as possible. A prominent doctor and his wife, their two grandchildren, and a fifth person in the wrong place at the wrong time were shot in cold blood. A sixth person was severely injured and remains in intensive care as of this writing.

The shooter (who later killed himself) turned out to be a black jock, formerly of the NFL.


Another case that doesn’t fit the narrative!

Down the Memory Hole!

So you didn’t hear about it on CNN, which trumpets cases that do fit the narrative, such as the Chauvin trial (white cop kills unarmed black man), and, like a hawk, watches two recent incidents: the killing of Daunte Wilson by former officer Kim Potter in a Minneapolis suburb, and last week, the killing of a black 13-year old by a white officer in Chicago which now has that city on edge.

What you won’t hear on CNN, or on MSNBC; or read about in The New York Times or The Washington Post, is that 33 white people (women as well as men) were murdered by blacks during March alone!

Ashli Babbitt, who was white and unarmed, was shot in cold blood on January 6 by Capitol cop we have good reason to believe is black, who remains unidentified, and will not face any charges.

Tucker Carlson is now one of the few remaining voices of sanity who still has a job in corporate media (his show is one of the most popular on Fox News). I often wonder how long this will last.

Recently he accused Democrats of using immigration as a “path to power” for themselves. He was accused of defending “replacement theory.” (This interview appears to have been what triggered the fracas.) “Replacement theory” seems to be the idea that an effort is underway to undercut a predominantly white population with unlimited nonwhite immigration, diluting white votes.

Carlson is one of the few voices defending the interests of American white people, especially conservatives. If you do this in Woke America, you’re a racist, or a white supremacist. That’s part of the approved narrative. (Example.)

What antiwhite racists condemn as “replacement theory” has actually been going on for quite some time. It makes perfect sense if you have a power analysis of the past 50 years. Democrats want votes that will give them a permanent lock on political power. Corporations want cheap labor. This explains why so many of the latter have tilted left over the past 30 years.

On April 16, CNN’s Chris Cuomo — master of the self-righteous sneer — laid into Carlson with that old saw about America being a “nation of immigrants.”

America was founded by colonists, not immigrants. Colonists from Great Britain established a republic based on a unique and distinctive political philosophy. Immigrants came later and were expected to embrace this philosophy and the culture that had developed around it (which included learning English). For decades, this worked splendidly. It worked because the bulk of immigration was from Europe — from places holding most of the same values Americans espoused.

Liberals believed they could fix what wasn’t broken. So Congress passed the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1965. LBJ signed it into law. This opened the doors to non-Europeans, and to peoples many of whose backgrounds and values were incongruent with those of most Americans. The doors became floodgates, and by the 1990s, many immigrant populations were fundamentally inassimilable. They began to congregate in their own enclaves, mostly in big cities, not learning English. The standard of living dropped precipitously in these places (e.g., California). Through sheer numbers, they began to influence local politics. Local became state; state is becoming national.

Now, several offspring of cultures fundamentally alien to Anglo-European civilization sit in Congress. They call themselves “the Squad.”

Mainstream leftists like Cuomo wax hysterical over the “white supremacy” of a caucus the few remaining conservatives in Congress were considering forming, the America First Caucus to promote Anglo-Saxon political values.

So powerful are Woke voices like Cuomo’s that the idea was scrapped less than 24 hours after it was floated.

Whites are now the only people in America with no right to preserve, much less promote, their history and heritage.

We should remind today’s Woke-controlled mainstream that not only such notions as free speech, freedom of religion, of assembly, and so on, but concepts of due process and innocence until proven guilty in a court of law all originated in Anglo-Saxon thought. Their roots go back to documents such as the Magna Carta of 1215. They did not originate in the third world.

This is what Wokesters wish to cancel, and why they are so filled with hate even as they condemn white conservatives as haters. Psychologists have a concept called projection. One’s own worst and most hated traits are projected onto the other. That is what we are seeing here.

Tucker Carlson came under attack from the powerful Anti-Defamation League which has called for his cancellation. Carlson has stood his ground. To their credit (so far, again as of this writing) Fox News backs him.

Should he be forced from the airwaves, will whites find another voice as visible and articulate as his?

Incidentally, the location of Carlson’s home is a well-guarded secret, because of death threats and fears for his family’s safety. That’s Woke America.

What is clear — especially with the Bidenistas now calling the shots in the District of Corruption — is that the war on whites is escalating.

All that it will accomplish, other than promoting needless bloodshed, is transform our present Age of Decadence into an Age of Collapse.

Arguably, big cities are already collapsing as their productive citizens flee. Black radicals and other leftists are holding Minneapolis essentially hostage. Police are quitting out of despair and fear for their families’ safety. I don’t think evidence will matter in the Chauvin trial. Members of the jury know that if they acquit, they will face threats, their families face threats, their homes could be discovered and burned down.

What is being replaced is not just a people, but an entire worldview and way of life, one based not just on free speech and due process, but on ideals of achievement and success gained through work. Most Wokesters, a lot of whom are white products of today’s public schools and major universities, are incapable of hard work. Their worldview is steeped in Critical Race Theory. CRT is an ideology based on hate. What it comes down to: all whites are inherently racists with “privilege” who should be shamed and demoralized, allowing for the cancelation of their rights as persons, their history, their influence, their faith, and their value systems. Majority-white Western civilization is permeated with “systemic racism” that can only be uprooted through a complete transformation (revolutionism again).

Back in the 1990s when I first started writing about these topics, the cultural left controlled academia and had gotten its claws into mainstream media, the entertainment world, and the judicial system. Now it controls not just academia, corporate media, Hollywood, and the judicial system, but upper echelons of the military, Big Tech, Big Business generally, even scientific and medical research!

If you doubt that the Woke cult has its teeth into basic biology and medicine, consider the “trans” phenomenon, and the fact that scientists have been called out for saying that normally there are two and only two sexes. The Bidenistas, claiming themselves to be “following the science” where Covid-19(84) is concerned, openly promote “trans” rubbish which is now filtering into grade schools.

To their credit, some states are moving against CRT and “trans” rubbish. Will they have the stones to stand up to the District of Corruption and media hostility, including defying Bidenista executive orders if it comes to that?

America now has the most antiwhite, antimale, and antistraight White House in its history. Things are likely to get worse. When Sleepy Joe’s dementia forces him from office (hopefully before he blunders his way into a war with Russia), Kamala Harris will be president.

I have trouble imagining the catastrophe that will be!!

So far, news of mass shootings of whites are kept subdued by the corporate media machine. If a Harris presidency brings the Woke cult’s war against white people completely out of the closet, it would not surprise me. The question is, are whites going to prepare? Are they going to take this seriously, or just assume “that’ll never happen to me” or “Yates is just being paranoid!”

You better hope so! Believe me, I would rather be wrong about all this!

All I can recommend are things I’ve said before: get out of big cities; separate where possible and practical; homeschool your kids; do not give up your guns!

Above all, be sure you are right with God. Recognizing that Jesus Christ (not Science, not Politics) is the sole path to salvation (John 14:6). This is independent of race/ethnicity! The Anglo-European West succeeded not because of “whiteness” but because of the real (not political) correctness of its worldview in grasping how reality works and the Providential God behind it.

I mention this last in case anyone has the impression that I defend “whiteness,” or white conservatives, without qualification. I do not. I’ve also written at length: one of the main reasons we’re in this mess is because a majority-white population all but abandoned the worldview that build the West: educationally, intellectually, morally, and above all, spiritually. The Woke cult is filled with white people with leftist beliefs, after all. All it has done is fill a vacuum. Antifa is mostly white. Black Lives Matter has huge numbers of supporters (and corporate donors!) who are white.

In the final analysis this is not about race but worldview. As the saying goes, when people stop believing in God, the problem is not that they believe in nothing but that they will believe in anything. Relatedly, the GOP filled up with “conservatives” who haven’t the slightest idea what they want to conserve. This has been true for at least 30 years. It explains why they’ve been helpless against the leftist onslaught, and why many Republicans no less than Democrats react with horror at the very idea of caucus to defend and promote Anglo-Saxon values.

Unless the worldview and values that build Western civilization are somehow recovered, the West will pass into history as another failed empire. Many of you reading this will live to see it happen.

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year by Wipf and Stock.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Does Former Officer Derek Chauvin Have a Chance at a Fair Trial in “Woke” America?

By Steven Yates

Many of us, wherever we are. followed the first four days of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, 45, charged with second and third degree murder and second degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Chauvin has plead not guilty to all charges.

The disturbing video of Chauvin’s knee on the back of Floyd’s neck for over nine minutes sparked massive unrest. Protesters took to the streets, and despite claims that “95 percent of protests were peaceful,” the fact remains: stores were looted and buildings were torched — many of them with black-owned businesses — in the worst explosion of racial violence since the 1960s.

Before we get any further: when seeing the video for the first time, among my thoughts was, What an idiot! With nearly everyone and his grandmother owning a smartphone, something like that was bound to go viral on social media in minutes.

So like probably most viewers I was ready to see the book thrown at Chauvin. With a number of citizen’s complaints against him from whites as well as blacks for excessive force, he didn’t come across as a nice guy. I read that several fellow officers saw a dark streak in his personality. His wife divorced him following his arrest. While no one knew what went on behind their closed doors, it was easy to wonder if she saw a chance to get away from a violent sociopath and took it.

The first four days of the trial saw a parade of eyewitnesses — ordinary people who happened to be there that day. Many had highly emotional testimony. We soon had quotable remarks such as that of Donald Williams, 33, mixed martial arts expert: “I believed I witnessed a murder.” And when one of Chauvin’s attorneys asked Genevieve Hanson, 27, an off-duty firefighter and EMT first responder, if she and others in the crowd were angry, she snapped, “I don’t know if you’ve seen anybody be killed, but it’s upsetting!” For this she received an admonition from the judge.

In the U.S., everyone accused of a crime is supposed to have a right to a fair trial, and that includes former officer Chauvin. To paraphrase the defense’s opening argument, there are always two sides to any story, and indeed, there is abundant information bound to be invisible to witnesses.

While the major question of the trial is, What caused George Floyd’s death? the more basic question before us is: does Derek Chauvin have the slightest chance at getting a fair trial?

Keep in mind that this is now the Cult of Woke’s America, not the America we grew up in. If you grasp this, you understand that the deck was stacked against Chauvin from the get-go.

I don’t envy that jury one bit! Their job is to decide the guilt or innocence of a man based on the law and the evidence. Even assuming they are given all the evidence, suppose the most honest reading of the full scope of what happened exonerates Chauvin.

If the jury votes not to convict, America’s cities will probably explode into another orgy of violence, probably exceeding that of last year. That’s just the way things are in 2020s America.

Behind-the-scenes maneuvering has already occurred aimed at securing a conviction.

Paul Craig Roberts penned an article based on information from an informant in Minneapolis, an attorney not part of the defense but there to observe. What this article reveals ought to disturb us all.

Quoting (all italics his):

“Minneapolis paid a $27 million settlement with George Floyd’s brother in the middle of jury selection for Chauvin’s trial.  In other words, in effect the city officials admitted Chauvin’s guilt prior to the jury’s determination.  One would have expected Minneapolis to hold on to $27 million of taxpayers’ money until the jury rendered a verdict both for the sake of a fair trial and for the city’s budget.

“On the eve of the trial, the district court granted the state’s motion to insert the charge of third degree murder in addition to second degree manslaughter against Chauvin.  The consequence of this for Chauvin was made clear yesterday (March 31) when the Minnesota supreme court handed down a decision on third-degree murder while Chauvin’s trial was underway.  My informant explains that the decision has the effect of allowing Minnesota to convict Chauvin of third degree murder without having to prove that Chauvin intended George Floyd’s death.  In effect, the court’s decision negates the objective evidence of the medical examiner’s report that his examination discovered three times the fatal dose of fentanyl in Floyd’s blood and no life-threatening injuries. (For [a link to] the medical report [go here].)”

Roberts adds that this “certainly looks like a state-organized setup to make certain Chauvin is convicted.  On the very eve of the trial a third degree murder charge is inserted and during the trial the Minnesota supreme court rules that third-degree murder only requires the inference of indifference to human life.”

To what extent will the jury get to hear about the drugs in George Floyd’s system? It is a reasonable inference that he was high as a kite on something when he was apprehended. A witness from inside the Cup Foods store described Floyd as seeming high, and all one need to is watch his often erratic behavior inside the store to infer this (here, starting at 3:00 when he seems disoriented, and later, at around 10:20 and again at 13:02).

His girlfriend testified that the two of them had a history of drug use they had been battling together.

A fentanyl overdose can cause difficulty breathing, which matches Floyd’s complaint to police. An autopsy report — whether it will be allowed into the record or not remains to be seen — denies that Floyd’s breathing passages exhibited physical damage sufficient to cause death, directly traceable to Chauvin’s actions.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the jury never sees this. I’ve been wrong occasionally in these columns, though, so that means there’s hope.

A case like this was inevitable. I was against the militarization of police by Homeland Security after 9/11 when phrases like domestic terrorist and enemy combatant were weaponized. We saw increased and often deadly violence by police against unarmed citizens; a website appeared documenting the number of people killed by police, naming names. Some were black and some were white. While racial ratios varied with location, I never had the impression color mattered all that much. White people have been shot to death by police. Example: Daniel Shaver, 26, killed by Philip Brailsford inside a Mesa, Ariz. hotel, back in 2016. Brailsford was acquitted of a murder charge. The case did not make headlines. People did not take to the streets in protest.

At one time, such incidents were readily findable on YouTube. In our present era of cancelation, YouTube supports the approved narrative, which is that white cops are systematically hunting down and killing unarmed black man. Do a search on YouTube for police violence, and that is what you will find, even though actual crime stats do not support the narrative (surprise, surprise).

So will the jury convict on the basis of emotional testimony that does not tell the whole story? Will they review all the medical reports and still decide that Floyd might have survived without the knee on his neck? Or will they decide that he likelihood of Floyd’s being high on a lethal dose of fentanyl constitutes reasonable doubt sufficient for a not-guilty verdict?

The trial will probably run for several more weeks, and then the jury will probably be sequestered. There will doubtless be mounting tension on the streets of America during this period.

Should Chauvin be found innocent, black mobs will take to the streets again in inflamed (and possibly elite-funded*) anger.

If he is found guilty, they could still take to the streets in a celebratory mood with the same sort of looting and burning.

My advice to America’s white people: get out of big cities before the verdict is announced. I wouldn’t stay in medium sized ones. Board up your property (home or apartment, business), and be elsewhere. I hate having to say this, but in Cult of Woke America, ordinary, nonwealthy white people are second class citizens, and there are no immediate fixes for this. So take a vacation. Prepare to be gone for several weeks if necessary. Small towns in red states might be a good bet. International travel might be better yet if you can afford it before vaccine passport tyranny descends.

The point is, do not be anywhere your physical safety and that of your loved ones might be jeopardized.

Remember that in any confrontation, neither the legal system nor any major media will be on your side.

The outcome of this trial will speak volumes. It is very possible, even probable, that fair trails are as dead in the U.S. as honest elections and the rule of law generally.

*It may not be widely known that the largest corporations in multiple industries have collectively donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter — perhaps in the misguided opinion that Black Lives Matter is really about black lives mattering and not part of the fundamental political-economic / cultural restructuring of America as a controlled society — and doubtless because they expect to profit from it.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Where Do We Go From Here? GloboCorp and Collapse, Part 6

By Steven Yates

… [T]he advance of technology has produced a human population that is far more helpless and dependent than any human population before, one that is unable to survive when exposed to the elements, or travel long distances on foot, make its own tools, construct its own shelter, clothe and feed itself without outside assistance, treat diseases with substances available from the environment, or teach its children to survive on their own… How will these people, who have been conditioned since birth to expect to be taken care of by a vast industrial machine, respond to suddenly being forced to rely on their own wits and physical strength to survive? How many of them will not even try and simply await a rescue that will never come?” Dmitry Orlov, Shrinking the Technosphere: Getting a Grip on Technologies that Limit our Autonomy, Self-Sufficiency and Freedom (2016)

Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Recapping main points of this series (elaborating in some cases in light of more recent developments):

  • The U.S. is now the largest banana republic in history. We crossed that Rubicon November 3-4. For more evidence, go here. The Iron Wall of Denial stands firm, however, ensuring no going back. Truth is now the “Big Lie”; lies are called truth;this is called “fortifying democracy.” Huge lawfare suits by a global voting technology corporation (you know the one), with threats of further lawsuits against conservative news outlets,indicate the level of force behind the approved narrative about (S)Election 2020. The odds of there being another honest national election in the U.S. are negligible. The Democrat Party’s H.R.1, designed to make mail-in votinga permanent fixture, will ensure this. The bill’s name — the “For the People Act” — could be straight out of Orwell!
  • Blatant double-standards are the order of the day. Leftist hooligans can loot and burn stores for weeks on end, even force police stations to close, and be labeled “mostly peaceful protesters.” A couple hundred Trump supporters (of tens of thousands present) inadvisably breach the Capitol on “1/6.” They are called “insurrectionists” and “seditionists” and hunted down like animals.
  • Conservative Patriots are not going to “take America back.” The GloboCorp / cultural left alliance spent four years scheming to get back in power following 2016’s upset. They finally succeeded. Should the country fragment amidst continued political turmoil or economic-financial collapse, conservative governance may become possible in separated states or regions where enough conservatives have gathered.
  • Separation is therefore the path to follow — psychological, spiritual, political-economic — to the extent possible and practical. This means independence skills: self-reliance, community building,and conservatives having the stones to protect themselves if need be,provided this doesn’t mean de facto suicide going up against weakened but still superior military might. But minus independence from GloboCorp-controlled systems, conservatives will have to submit to tyranny.
  • If the start of the 2020s is any indication, GloboCorp will get most of what it wants. It has learned how to use weaponize fear. But because of the trajectory empires always follow, its days are already numbered. Many of its visible leading figures are in their 80s. Bill Gates is 65. If conservatives act now, then when GloboCorp’s next generation drops the ball, they will be in a position to rebuild a world that accords with their values,and not end up like the hapless folks Dmitry Orlov envisions above, waiting for someone to rescue them.

As with the Second Coming of Christ, we have no timetable for GloboCorp’s collapse. And we can be sure, GloboCorp has learned from past errors. It will shore itself up for as long as it can. Moreover, never before will there have been a Leviathan the size of GloboCorp. Its tentacles are everywhere (does your country have a central bank?). When it goes down, it could take most of civilization with it!  Those who have done nothing to prepare could be in for a very rough ride! The worst case scenario is that of a dark age that, in the West anyway, could last a century or more!

The people who created and built up GloboCorp are sociopaths who see common people living common lives as the moral equivalent of cattle. As they embraced materialism over a century ago, they founded eugenics — which enables writing entire populations out of the moral community. After the Nazi atrocities were revealed, the idea went into eclipse.

Arguably eugenics has been revived within the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (go here): covertly, of course, since today no one would promote such ideas openly or use that term. GloboCorp has no problem with eugenics, because it has no qualms about eliminating whatever/whoever stands in its way, or cannot profitably use. It would rather not engage in overt genocide, as did Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Overt genocide is messy, would be hard to hide, and would invite unified and deadly pushback. GloboCorp’s superelites want to avoid organized, large-scale resistance at all costs! They know there are a lot more of us than there are of them. GloboCorp is, at most, 300-400 extended families at various control helms around the globe pulling strings of the various political and lower-echelon corporate classes, and in “think tanks,” with several thousand more career bureaucrats, technocrats, functionaries, intelligence-type goons and assorted spooks.

So if GloboCorp wants to eliminate or just reduce populations, it would rather just prevent them from having kids, so they unobtrusively die off in a generation or so. Perhaps disrupting their immune systems in the meantime, to shorten life spans of “useless eaters.”

Is this the real purpose of frantically vaccinating the world for Covid with poorly tested, “experimental” mRNA vaccines the long term effects of which are unknown? Is this a reason why information about HCQ/zinc and Ivermectin as cures for Covid were suppressed while people died? Does this explain the massive, ongoing narrative control, with Big Tech and Corporate Media censoring all criticisms of the approved narrative under such labels as vaccine hesitancy, with critics demonized as antivaxx loons even if they include eminently qualified MDs and PhDs in epidemiology? GloboCorp’s message is now broadcast everywhere, all the time, in all major media,to the global peasantry: don’t hesitate; don’t ask questions; obey! Trust us, we’re the experts!

It would be interesting to inquire how GloboCorp developed. There have always been power elites, and they’ve warred with each other over land and resources. But never before has amany-tentacled entity arisen that may be fractious here and there but overall has the consolidated power of GloboCorp.

I think the industrial system itself created conditions for GloboCorp’s rise, and I hope to develop this idea in a future piece. Among the things conservatives should do is question whatever allegiance they have to this system, as their ancestors the Jeffersonian agrarians questioned the Hamiltonians who eagerly imported the industrial mindset from the British. This put us on course, in the late 1800s, for the rise of Rockefellers and others who established what was then called the Money Power. They created the Federal Reserve system. Outside the Real Matrix, in the Desert of the Real, the U.S. has been a plutocratic oligarchy since 1912.

Cutting to the chase, GloboCorp’s “road to world order” has been hard, because most of the world doesn’t want to be on it! Hence the parade of scare tactics and campaigns of terror. Some, decades ago,were based in reality. Example: the fear of a third world war between powers with nuclear weapons. But others may turn out to be mostly imaginary.

Today, we hear about “man-made climate change” because GloboCorp wants us to hear about it. It is important to remember that as BS artists (most sociopaths are), they really couldn’t care less whether climate change is happening or not. Their primary interest is in having another tool they can use to instill fear and incentivize submission: one which wasn’t working, as the basic idea is too abstract, and there are just too many skeptics out here in the boonies. Should climate change be real, it would require abandoning industrialism on a global scale. Many authors variously positioned on the ideological spectrum have figured this out, and doubtless GloboCorp knows it as well, and this is part of its campaign for a world based on surveillance and control.

Industrialism does face a major crisis that has nothing to do with climate as such. One of my recent conclusions is that the entire advanced world’s most significant known challenge is natural resource depletion. One person to whom I floated the idea of oil depletion told me that (in his opinion) “peak oil” was a ploy to hike gas prices. I don’t think so. While it is impossible to say, definitely, that all the world’s oil and natural gas reserves have been discovered, arguably the world is either close to that point or has passed it. A “peak” is just that point at which the cost of extracting a barrel of oil exceeds the anticipated benefits from that barrel. An oil field where this occurs is declared dead, Further drilling there would mean operating at a loss. Fracking, on the best possible interpretation, is only buying time.

One good source I mentioned in Part 5 is James Howard Kunstler’s The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century (2005). Another good person to read on energy and its production is Dmitry Orlov, whose engineering background positions him to understand the issues. Bottom line: as I noted in Part 5, you cannot have indefinite growth with finite resources on a finite planet. If, perchance, oil has an inorganic origin and actually is renewable, there is no evidence it will be renewed in sufficient time or in sufficient quantities to keep industrialism going — especially as the latter grows and grows and grows.

Another source who ties together a lotis Michael C. Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon: the Decline of the American Empire At the End of the Age of Oil (2004). Ruppert contends that those we are calling GloboCorp have known all this for decades. For a while they weren’t united on what to do. There was the UN’s Agenda 21, but too many people learned of it and resisted. Then global “populism” happened — far less unified, but enough of an existential threat to motivate them to do whatever it took to get rid of Trump. And regardless of what happened, they had a Plan B.

They are scrambling nonetheless. A debate is raging behind the scenes whether the coronavirus presumed to cause Covid evolved in bats or was genetically engineered. Naturally, the approved narrative favors the former while a number of reputable scientists (including the scientist who isolated the HIV virus) hold out for the latter. If the coronavirus was genetically engineered and either escaped from a lab or was deliberately released, perhaps it was because GloboCorp realized time is running out. If it does not get its world government within the next decade or two, things start to disintegrate on the energy front, and it fails to achieve its most ambitious goal.

GloboCorp needs energy as much as the rest of us.What its minions thus want is a world where the peasantry’s energy use is strictly monitored and where felt necessary, curtailed. But it has no plans to apply this to itself / its own! Hence all the flower-power talk about “sustainability” and “stakeholder capitalism” while its members fly to confabs using more energy in a day than the average person uses in a month.

Enter the planned Great Reset!

Assuming natural resource depletion to be real, GloboCorp’s challenge to itself is to reduce energy use for us peasants! — while continuing to centralize the world, maintaining globalist trade policy and globalist infrastructure to maximize profits for itself while keeping the peasantry controlled and obedient.

How better to explain the controlled demolition of the world’s middle classes with business-destroying lockdowns over something with a survival rate of over 99.5 percent for everyone under 70 with no pre-existing conditions? How else to explain the systemic gaslighting of entire populations with nonstop fear porn?

A difference between Agenda 21 and the Great Reset is that the former was not put forth amidst populations made fearful of getting sick and dying—in which some were getting sick and dying, or losing loved ones, because knowledge and availability of effective non-vaccine cures was being withheld!

If fear-based incentives fail to work and the demonizing of dissidents as “conspiracy theorists” fails to work, it is clear, governments answering to GloboCorp will turn to brute force. They will use “public health” to rationalize incarcerating resistors if it comes to that.

A decentralized world, built around autonomous communities living close to the land, will also require less energy to thrive, while promising freedom instead of serfdom. Such communities can message GloboCorp: “We don’t want you; we don’t need you!”

As noted in Part 4, belief in survival is maximally important, while facing squarely the realities before us. I’ve tried to provide some basics on which others can expand (a few already have). So where do we go from here?

What we conservatives can do is be sure of our first principles. Who are we? What do we stand for, and why? What are our core values, and what is their grounding?

A major reason “movement conservatism” collapsed is that it forgot such questions. Its voices had no idea what they wanted to conserve beyond a few platitudes about “smaller government”and “lower taxes,” so they conserved nothing while the cultural left steadily advanced. “Movement conservatives” focused on the next election. Leftists think long term. They always have. Long term is what counts.

Should we reevaluate our beliefs about industrialism,a society based on mass consumption, on range-of-the-moment emotional decisions triggered by clever advertising, and increasingly on ever-rising debt?Conservatism did not originate in such an environment, and has not thrived or benefited one whit from consumer culture. What benefits from consumerism is what sells. Trumpism sold, at least to one segment of the population. “Antiracism” (i.e., anti white racism) sells to a segment of the population across the aisle that hates Trump.Outside District of Corruption enclaves and their satellite entities around the country, “movement conservatism” does not sell at all. I think this explains a lot of its rage toward Trump.

Let me ask this another way. Should we advocate for a society based on markets— a laissez faire order that is just one big market place? Or should we promote communities that contain markets: essential economic space,circumscribed by cultural institutions and educational practices that provide nonnegotiable moral direction on which we cannot place price tags? Steve Bannon observed that there is more to a nation than its economy. Love him or not, he was right, in the same sense that there is more to your life than your job. I don’t know who first said that economics is “downstream” from culture,but the idea rings true.

Culture, moreover, is “downstream” from worldview.

What is our worldview?

Materialism has never been anything but trouble. Conservatives should repudiate it explicitly, affirming instead as a core principle the reality of a transcendent realm of value — the grounding of the value of a human life.

All human life, from the unborn to the elderly; white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and so on.

This would permit (among other things) us to condemn the hypocrisy of Black Lives Matter when they call white people racists and try to cancel U.S. history while doing nothing to reduce the death toll to black children from violence in their own neighborhoods.

Many of us find the grounding of transcendent moral value in the Providential God of the Christian faith, realizing that Exodus 20 did not provide ten suggestions, that the Sermon on the Mount issued precepts for functional lives in functional communities, that the Apostle Paul offers sound advice for families who keep God at their center, and that we find our salvation in Jesus Christ — not in government, not in the economy, and not in what Dmitry Orlov calls the Technosphere.

Given all this, how do we want to impact the future? How do we want the future to be different because we were here? Will we again be a force that made the world better? (See here and here for further ideas.)

These are questions we can pose, to guide our actions in our personal and professional lives, and our political involvements, no matter what GloboCorp does, even if its actions mean we have our work cut out for us.

Conservatives should be setting examples for anyone who cares to watch. We need to be sure our thoughts, words, and actions are in alignment, and then go forward on our path in accordance with the will of our God. Will the rest of the world follow, or even notice? I don’t know, but that can’t be our concern at this point. We can’t control what others do. Our concern is with what we can do: getting our house in order, staying off false rabbit trails (e.g., QA nonsense), and gaining the skills we need.

Once we have done these things, if we are persistent and patient, much of the rest may begin to take care of itself. We can make the time. Can GloboCorp?

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published by Wipf and Stock later this year.

Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Where Do We Go From Here? From Tyranny to Collapse, Part 5

By Steven Yates

From Tyranny to Collapse

The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. It is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists.” G.K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State (1922)

Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4.

[Author’s Note: I had originally intended to conclude this series with this installment. The amount of material still needing to be covered would have resulted in an impossibly long and unwieldy article, however. Hence some of my discussion will be deferred to a Part 6, forthcoming in a week to ten days after this appears.]

The Global Corporatocracy (GloboCorp) may not get all that it wants over the next several years, but it will surely get some of what it wants. Maybe a great deal of what it wants. It already has. We should have read G.K. Chesterton long ago!

What does GloboCorp want? Control, through fear and technocracy. If we’ve learned anything over the past year, it’s how easily those with the know-how can create and use fear. One of the best means of inducing fear is mass media repeating ghastly images or sequences over and over incessantly. Think of the collapsing towers on 9/11, shown over and over again. Or context-free death numbers from Covid-19.

As for technocracy:we have seen increasing use of mass surveillance and policies involving what we could call the encirclement method (systemic coercion is another term for the process). In this method, no one puts a gun to your head. Instead, directives are drawn up in corporate board rooms in consultation with the political class and lawyers schooled in circumventing the law. Research on what nudges the masses was done decades ago, bankrolled by foundations such as Rockefeller. Appropriate incentives/disincentives are put in place. Media mouthpieces promote what is wanted nonstop, messaging that compliance brings safety and well-being. The peasants are steered into desired mass behaviors. Noncompliance brings inconvenience.

Where I live, security people — on the ground enforcers, one might call them — monitor temperature checkpoints at all bank, mall, and grocery store entrances, and compel you to accept hand spray. I have yet to see anyone refuse. If we are officially “in quarantine,” they demand to see a permission slip (obtained online) that has your name, ID number, home address, age, destination(s), etc. It allows you three hours. You can save it in your phone, in which case, monitoring is even easier. You are allowed two of these per week.

Inside any mall or store, one sees social distancing instructions everywhere, even arrows on floors where to walk. The sheeple comply without question. This is the “new normal.” Where my wife and I have lived for several months now, no one I know of gives any of this a second thought.

Incidentally, anyone believing such measures can’t be or won’t be expanded to require vaccination info is kidding himself.

Big Pharma, a key division of GloboCorp, has already made billions off the new mRNA vaccines, remaining indemnified against any long term harm they do. This in addition to the population control vaccine info makes possible. Neither was possible with HCQ/zinc or Ivermectin. Hence the suppression of those cures for Covid-19 while thousands died, and disinformation by GloboCorp-bought agencies such as the FDA.

And as viruses mutate (we now hear of more dangerous strains of Covid), forcing the peasants to get annual booster shots will be as easy as putting expiration dates on drivers’ licenses and credit cards. One line of code will do it, and if your immunity passport expires, it’s no different than if you’re an untouchable refusenik.

Billions more to Big Pharma, while GloboCorp tightens its noose on the world.

One question before us is whether these instruments, collectively, can strangle conservative communities. The answer is that if those in them cannot feed, clothe, and house themselves, supply the bulk of their own energy, etc., then of course they can! Not to mention mass media demonizing them as hotbeds of “white supremacism,” etc. Conservatives trying to separate from GloboCorp controls could be labeled “potential domestic terrorists” even if they are keeping to themselves and threatening no one.

I am assuming, of course, that the majority remain U.S.-based. I can certify that moving abroad is not a panacea. The obvious reason: GloboCorp, by definition, is global. Its tendrils reach everywhere. All you have to do, to determine if GloboCorp is present in a country is ask whether that country has a central bank.

I’ve said that conservatives have three options: submit to tyranny, revolt, or form free and separate communities. The first two are out. The third is iffy at best. Many just won’t have the necessary mindset and skills.

I’ve hinted at aces in the hole, leading to the idea that our best bet is to gain whatever independence from GloboCorp’s systems as we can (this is not all or nothing, after all), and prepare to wait this out. Wait for what?

For collapse.

Because if we learn anything from studying the history of empires, it is that sooner or later, they fall from within. GloboCorp may be the largest, wealthiest (digitally, at least), and most powerful empire in history, but it will not escape basic structural realities that dictate that all empires eventually collapse. Without exception.

Collapse refers to a process, not a single dramatic event like in a science fiction movie — although relatively sudden, destructive calamities (especially financial meltdowns) are not impossible and actually likely. It is probable, moreover, that an industrial-technological system really is fundamentally parasitic on its surrounding environment, having to extract and eventually depleting available nonrenewable resources. The primary resource of Anglospheric influence has been oil (natural gas being secondary). Hence the foreign wars fought not for “democracy” as the propaganda mills asserts but for control over as much as possible of the world’s remaining oil supply, with economic destruction visited upon nations which try to kick GloboCorp out without getting self-reliant first. Venezuela is the obvious example.

Talk of collapse is in the air. It is no longer limited to “the fringes.” Serious scholarship has appeared on the looming collapse of the U.S. economic-militaristic empire, some by foreign observers, some by Americans. If the U.S. goes down, GloboCorp doesn’t simply move to China. Other nation states will survive, of course, but no one else has either the aspirations or the reach of what has existed in the Anglosphere all these years. (If something happens to the U.S., China loses its biggest overseas market. They know it, too; which is why the CCP is scrambling to socially engineer a consumer society; and it is interesting to watch them do it with no pretenses whatever of “liberal democracy.”)

Civilizations have life spans just as persons do. They are born, experience vigorous growth, and rise to maturity. Then they derail, little by little. They become complacent; their people become spoiled and entitled. They forget their founding principles, and the work that went into their society’s rise. Unhealthy egotism replaces the spirit of the enterprise-builders of old. Inertia, short-term thinking, and decadence set in. A ruling elite clings to wealth and power while the rest of society fragments. Living standards fall. People turn inwards as crime and corruption accelerate and the world around them goes to pieces.

If tyranny happens in what was once a republic, it happens at this point, as the elites crack down to force people to behave, and to reestablish order. It doesn’t last, as people flee if they can, and engage in passive resistance of they cannot. Living standards and basic morality fall further. At some point, someone at the helm drops the ball and the tyranny collapses (or is “sacked” from the outside).

At its end, the empire’s capitol city may remain, as with Rome, but the empire is gone. History discloses many examples of fallen empires of various sorts. Napoleon’s empire died with him. The Hapsburgs fell. So did the Ottomans. The British had vast overseas holdings based on economic prowess — lost after the Second World War. The Kremlin lost its empire.

Can Americans honestly look at their present-day military-security complex, bloated federal bureaucracies and skyrocketing public debt, and believe their fate to be different?

Oswald Spengler became the first major collapse theorist with The Decline of the West (1923). Carroll Quigley, the pre-eminent macro historian of his generation, was trying to answer Spengler. Most people don’t realize this because they read Tragedy and Hope (1966) without reading his earlier The Evolution of Civilizations (1961).

Spengler thought collapse was inevitable. Quigley wanted to convince readers that globally-minded financial-business elites and the intellectuals surrounding them could turn collapse back. That was the hope. He believed them benign, but because of the degree of control they would wield, especially the kind of control I’ve used the term encirclement to describe, refuseniks would only hang themselves. That would be the tragedy. H.G. Wells expressed this eloquently a quarter century before:

“… when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people … will hate the new world order … and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people.” H.G. Wells, The New World Order (1940)

Wells and Quigley saw the “new world order” as the inevitable product of an Enlightenment-based civilization. Purveyors of “The Great Reset” are not saying anything fundamentally new. All that has changed is the technological gadgetry.

The more things change, though, the more human nature stays the same. The Grand Illusion of Enlightenment rationalism is that given time, it can change human nature and bring about a scientific-technocratic utopia, not the dystopia GloboCorpglobal governance presently heralds.

I’ve written of Sir John Bagot Glubb, author of the relatively short tracts “The Fate of Empires” and “Search for Survival” (see my discussions here, here, and here). He saw empires as proceeding according to the following stages:

  • Outburst and Age of Pioneers.
  • Age of Conquest.
  • Age of Commerce.
  • Age of Affluence.
  • Age of Intellect.
  • Age of Decadence.

The last stage, which presages collapse, has some or most of the following characteristics:

  • Professional intellectuals are either cosmic pessimists or have escaped into microspecialization or ideological fairy tales.
  • Religious institutions are weakened; many are rife with scandals of their own, such as those of the Catholic Church.
  • Education stops, replaced by job skills training; attention spans shorten; critical thinking goes into total eclipse.
  • Society’s moral compass is lost, replaced by material wealth as the gold standard of success.
  • Hedonism surges; the young adopt an eat, drink, and be merry spirit (those who aren’t suicidal).
  • Cultural heroes are sports stars and brainless celebrities, as opposed to the statesmen and real achievers of yesteryear.
  • Both liberal politicians and corporate CEOs promote unlimited immigration, with immigrants not assimilatingor learning English. Politicians want votes; CEOs want cheap labor. No one sees long term consequences.
  • Marriage as an institution declines. As families disintegrate, populations of single adults explode, along with out-of-wedlock births. Boys grow up fatherless, especially in minority communities. Women enter the workforce often out of economic necessity and move into professions previously dominated by men. Neither sex trusts the other. “Dating” becomes an emotional and spiritual minefield.Birthrates fall.
  • Public willingness to live at the expense of an increasingly bloated, bureaucratic welfare state grows, often from a mixture of entitlement and cynicism (“the system screwed me; now it owes me!”)
  • Sex in all varieties becomes an ever-present obsession; marketers employ what they can get away with; professional entertainers cannot speak three sentences without sexual or scatological references.

Those were Glubb’s, elaborated somewhat; in light of decades following his contribution I embellished further:

  • We see foreign wars and lies about them, with further threats (many of them postures, as America’s military capability is in decline).
  • Production is replaced by financialization, increasingly irrational fiscal and monetary policies based on the illusion that the Federal Reserve can print its way out of any crisis.
  • The rich get richer gaming “the system”while everyone else loses ground; inequality widens until it threatens instability; there is abundant evidence that “the system” redistributes wealth upward. The lockdowns have accelerated this process with billionaires having increased their wealth by almost 30 percent during the past year.
  • One sees evidence (noted in Part 4) that those in power say and do what they believe they can get away with. This now includes stealing an election in full view and then furiously denying they’ve done it, calling truth-tellers “liars” to be destroyed by lawfare (lawsuits designed to punish) or labeled “conspiracy theorists” and dishonestly lumped with QAnon loons.
  • This includes obvious double-standards: Antifa can take over or destroy portions of cities (Seattle and Portland) for weeks without legal consequence and be labeled, incoherently, “an IDEA”; conservatives protest at the Capitol for ONE DAY,and are hunted down like animals if they breached the Capitol or fired from their jobs if they are identified as having been in the vicinity.

Dmitry Orlov outlined Five Stages of Collapse. His claim to speak with some authority comes from his having been present in the Soviet Union, boots on the ground, 1989-91, witnessing the Soviet collapse first-hand.

Orlov’s Five Stages (reordered from his original statements as he acknowledges that because of structural differences between the two empires, U.S. collapse is proceeding in almost the reverse of what he’d seen in the Soviet Union:

(1) cultural collapse (including, I presume, educational collapse);

(2) social collapse;

(3) commercial collapse;

(4) political collapse;

(5) financial collapse.

In cultural collapse, the ties that bind a people together basically die—or are killed off. Or as Orlov puts it, “faith in the goodness of humanity is lost.” Cult of Woke controlled “education” and mass media have largely accomplished this.

In social collapse, trust among people as fellow citizens disintegrates. Neighbors no longer know one another and therefore do not look out for one another.

In commercial collapse, confidence in markets is lost. Lockdowns have now destroyed hundreds of thousands of small businesses, and are finishing the controlled demolition of middle classes everywhere, leaving a two-tiered system of the ruling elite and disempowered peasants told to look to “their” government for “stimulus money.”

We saw the fruits of political collapse on November 3-4, 2020, and in the aftermath.

Financial collapse has not yet occurred. But consider: the national debt has reached $28 trillion; total federal liabilities are at least $80 trillion (does anyone know for sure how high they go?). Most have accumulated since the roaring ‘90s, and indications are, debt will continue to rise geometrically.

No one serious believes this can continue forever, even if Modern Monetary Policy says so, and even if we don’t have a timeline or know in advance specific details of what is to come. Will it involve a hyperinflationary spiral or sudden deflation (or both)?

I don’t know.

What is interesting and ironic is that as money has been increasingly worshipped as a god by the haves and become just one huge encircling force circumscribing every aspect of the lives of the have-nots (and the remaining in-betweens), its value has plummetted. Fiat money always loses its purchasing power. Saving thus becomes a fool’s game. Thousands flock to dangerous forms of speculation (e.g., “cryptocurrencies”), dangerous if only because if you don’t know exactly what you are doing you can lose your shirt very fast! Your gains even then are from cleverness in timing and blind luck. While I’m no financial advisor, I don’t think it especially wise to trust in either one!

Conservatives with the right mindset ought to see all this as encouraging, not frightening. Ultimately, they are not the ones who will be hanging themselves. Globocorp’s systems are not sustainable in the original and highest sense of that term, and are doomed to collapse. The Klaus Schwabs of the world just don’t know it yet.

For there is an additional factor in collapse that Glubb didn’t think of (the evidence had not yet materialized), but Orlov has: oil depletion. Many conservatives will not like the idea that the environmentalists of yesteryear may have gotten something right: that you cannot have indefinite growth on a finite planet with finite resources.

Recently turning up during the unpacking after my wife and I moved last year were my old copies of James Howard Kunstler’s The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century (2005) and Michael C. Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil (2004).

I gave both books a reread.

Together, they amass convincing evidence that industrialism is coming to an end, because the era of cheap oil is over.

Ruppert suggests that Globocorp has known this for decades. And what have they done with the information?

Remember that their self-assigned “prime directive” has been to maintain power, whatever the cost.

[To be continued in Part 6]

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Where Do We Go From Here? Part 4: Prepping For Tyranny

By Steven Yates

Prepping For Tyranny

“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end — which you can never afford to lose — with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” —VADM James B. Stockdale, UNS

[Author’s Disclaimer: the content in this article is for informational purposes only. Neither the author nor NewsWithViews.com advocates the breaking of any law. Consult an attorney you trust if you have questions about taking up any of the projects described below. Be sure your attorney is a trusted Patriot as well as knowledgeable in what the law allows.]

Parts 1, 2, and 3.

Living overseas, information comes my way. I doubt living overseas has anything to do with it. Most of the same information can be had by Americans at home. It’s just that few seek it out. It often presents a quite different picture of the former Land of the Free than you’ll get from domestic Corporate Media.

Take for instance the whopper that a man in a cave in Afghanistan orchestrated, all by himself, the 9/11 attacks. This is the approved narrative in U.S. media, government, and academia. Anything else is a “conspiracy theory” (as if the whopper is more than a different“conspiracy theory”). I’ve met numerous non-Americans who are sure the whopper is false. They figured out long ago that powerful actors both in and outside the borders of the Empire were involved in planning and executing the attacks, that there were warnings aplenty (because you can’t hide something that big!), and that the U.S. Establishment pointedly ignored them because it was counting on the attacks to occur.

That is to say, the Big Club was willing to sacrifice over 3,000 innocent lives, plus the lives of first responders who are now dead from “mysterious ailments” traceable to their breathing poisonous dust from the collapsed towers.

The Establishment does not care about human lives. It’s useful always to remember this. Again, to its minions, we peasants are the moral equivalent of cattle.

Cui bono? Who was the primary beneficiary of those attacks? Answer: the Establishment (via the Patriot Act and its successors) and its war machine which soon launched wars the real purpose of which was control over Middle Eastern oil. For the cattle, Corporate Media fostered the narrative that Saddam Hussein, who (with his country under destructive sanctions for 13 years was dragging his feet) was an “evil tyrant” who needed removal; hence the catastrophic Iraq War. Catastrophic for common people, that is, Iraqis worse than Americans. Not for Halliburton which made billions from the rebuilding (one of the handful of intelligent leftist authors, Naomi Klein, coined the phrase disaster capitalism for this sort of thing).

The Establishment would have invaded Iran by now, but Iran is a much bigger target, allied with Russia and China. The Big Club may be evil, but its minions are not stupid. They knew good and well they’d not succeed at their primary objective (gaining control over Iranian oil) without starting a world war.

As a general rule,those who either have power or want power do what they can get away with: no more, and no less.

And as the nineteenth century African-American philosopher and abolitionist Frederick Douglass observed back in 1857:

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” -West India Emancipation Speech, Delivered at Canandaigua, New York (Aug. 4, 1857)

That hasn’t changed. But today’s powerful rationalize their acts with mind-paralyzing narratives, based either on fear (of “terrorism,” or today, of Captain Covid) or the promise of free lunches for anyone gullible enough to believe their BS.

We’ll keep you safe and secure your health if you give us more power!

This is the official narrative of official narratives!

The world of 2020-21 is vastly different than that of 2001-03. To put it mildly!

Were another 9/11 to happen now, the Biden-Harris Regime would not wait six weeks for a Patriot Act II. It might not even wait six days.

It might not take an actual event, moreover. Not after “1/6”! Not with all those white supremacists still running around who supported Trump, believe the election was stolen, and marched into the Capitol that day!

That’s another BS narrative, but I don’t think the newly empowered Establishment figureheads care two figs what’s true and what isn’t (the basic concept of ‘BS’ since philosopher Harry Frankfurt’s neat little tract on the subject)!

The information presently coming my way — I am not free to reveal its origin on a publicly accessible site — is another peek at what is being thought about elsewhere in the world, and a warning. You saw it here first (probably).

Russian intelligence is watching the unfolding scene in the District of Corruption. They’ve been watching since the janky election—not with an eye to doing anything, just planning for a world without U.S. leadership. For only American center-left liberals and naïve EU bureaucrats think the mentally vacant Joe Biden could lead a choir rehearsal, much less America, much less the world.

International audiences watched an inauguration more resembling the anointing of the supreme leader of a military dictatorship than a democracy (this last is a myth, as I noted in Part 3). Thousands of troops surrounded the Biden-Harris coronation, with tens of thousands more in the vicinity.

Many remain, and the plan is for them to be there at least through early March. Rumors are circulating of an “event” at the Capitol March 4. Neither I nor anyone else knows anything will happen, of course. There’s been enough advanced publicity to spook the planners: obviously, if anything happens it will have false flag written all over it.

My source’s query: be that as it may, is something spectacularly nasty being planned behind the scenes? Something much bigger than another disruptive protest?

Another 9/11, perchance? Another orchestrated mass shooting, with some poor mind-controlled (because drug-addled) schlep set up to take the fall?

Or a cyber attack resulting in Internet outages, other telecommunications disruptions, and an emergency that could be blamed on “white supremacists” and used to justify Homeland Security led lockdowns of the sort we know the Establishment will do because they did it in Boston (remember the Boston Marathon Bombing?).

Speaking of lockdowns, those continue courtesy of Captain Covid — or what we are told is Captain Covid (who is mutating, as viruses do) — pending Big Pharma’s vaccines. Or what we are told are vaccines. Among the people refusing the mare healthcare workers who don’t trust the official narrative any further than they can throw it (the vaccine is proven safe and effective, with nolong-term side effects). Many are discounting stories by “experts” of how Covid seems to have vanquished the flu this year as laughable.  Millions will likely refuse something even Big Pharma concedes is experimental.

Amidst “vaccine hesitancy” and continued skepticism about the legitimacy of Sleepy Joe’s presidency, I wouldn’t put it past the Big Club to have something very unpleasant planned as a last resort. Something able to serve as a pretext for breaking out their full artillery.

What you will see, in that case, is a three-way power grab between Big Tech / Big Pharma, Big Government, and the Cult of Woke, aimed at Trump supporters but actually at anyone questioning approved narratives, and that includes those progressives smart enough to know that Sleepy Joe is not one of them.

Conservatives need to be prepared, and there is no more time to waste!

They can do much preparation where they are, although many eventually will want to separate physically and congregate in off-the-radar locations — if they can find land that Bill Gates has not bought. Living off the grid may be possible although doing so may take one into a legal gray area.

In Parts 2 and 3 I discussed strategies for psychological and economic independence from the Establishment. There are things autonomous communities have that non autonomous communities do not have. Enumerated more specifically:

(1) Autonomous communities can grow, cultivate, and store their own food, and prepare clean water. Communities unable to do this will have to bring in food and water from outside, and so will never be autonomous, period. The alternative is to have six months to a year’s worth of non perishables stored.

(2) They have people able to make soap and supply other hygienic necessities (toilet paper, etc.). Again, the alternative is a large minimum supply until a few people develop these skills.

(3) Such communities have among them doctors and nurses able to respond effectively to medical emergencies, or just treat common ailments. Given their experiences over the past year, I would think enough doctors and other medical professionals would be questioning Establishment narratives and asking where they can sign up. Each such community should have at least one doctor able to deliver babies, at least one dentist, and at least one veterinarian, all with assistants.

(4) Such communities have craftsmen/women, people who can run generators in cold weather, others able to wire houses safely and keep lights on, repair equipment, make and repair clothing including for harsh weather conditions (the use of hemp has enormous possibilities since hemp fiber is very durable and clothing made from it does not readily wear out). All will need to apprentice others in these skills.

(5) Autonomous communities will have teachers for children, and other ideas and information people, whether for education about nutrition (e.g.), history including how we got in this mess — object lessons in the need for checks on the powerful. I would include in this category pastors or priests or other men and women who serve God and can maintain the community’s moral compass.  Such communities will need writers of newsletters able to keep people informed. These folks will not put out fake news or feel-good BS. Nor, above all, will they want to proselytize to the world! (Their work, it should go without saying, will be offline.)

(6) Finally, such communities will need people skilled with firearms, able to defend the community’s boundaries or borders, if established. They will have sought out skilled Veterans, perhaps with enough experience of the District of Criminals’ foreign wars and their destructive aftermath to have lost whatever loyalty they might have had to the Empire. They will need to patrol borders because to the extent it succeeds, their community will have enemies. Corporate Media will demonize them as white supremacists, white nationalists, or white separatists (even though these communities may have numerous minority-group members in their midst — another illustration how the Establishment couldn’t care less about the truth).

Also, as the U.S. continues to unravel infra structurally, socially, and economically, refugees may want to enter. Leaders will then have difficult decisions to make. Obviously they cannot let in everyone who wants in, for the same reasons the U.S. as a whole cannot sustain unlimited immigration. Do they admit some, risking that a few may be moles or agents sent by one of their enemies? Or do they close their borders to all outsiders? If they have been threatened in Corporate Media or actually experienced physical, Antifa-style attacks, this might be the safest route?

When necessary (and it will be), some will need to conduct reconnaissance missions to keep track of what is going on outside. If the U.S. really does unravel, this could be as dangerous as recon would be in any foreign nation during wartime.

(7) Undoubtedly I’ve not thought of everything. Readers should feel free to print this list and add to it.

Sadly, few people take action until it’s too late. Conservatives should be networking within their communities now, identifying where they stand and who can do what. They should buy from one another instead of from Walmart and Amazon. If a restaurant is owned by a conservative Patriot, patronize it. The same with other small businesses, those that have survived the lockdowns.

In this scenario, the future is local and hands-on. Small business is presently on life support. This was the probably an intent of the “plan-demic.” Only a conscious and assertive localism will revive it (forget about “stimulus” handouts that won’t pay a month’s mortgage and utilities). Don’t forget barter as an option, should cash be in short supply — as it might be before this is over (in Part 5 we will look at scenarios involving a dollar collapse, etc.).

Many of these strategies might mean refusing and resisting federal lockdown mandates (if lifted they will return). There is abundant evidence that lockdowns cause more health problems than they solve—mental as well as physical. One of their primary purposes is to keep us peasants isolated, frustrated if not scared, and unsure of ourselves amidst unpredictably changing rules.

We know, too,that Biden-Harris are coming after guns, and it may not take a false flag. How prepared are you? Is the Second Amendment ink on a page, or can you be prepared to defend your right of gun ownership with a threat of deadly force if need be? You’re your community have skilled Veterans willing to take action? Suppose surgical strikes by SWAT Teams are prepping to take out your leadership. What then?

The bottom line: if conservatives allow themselves to be disarmed, they can forget about everything I’ve written here, as it presumes — as did our Founders — that in a world hostile to freedom, freedom won’t last long unless there is a threat of deadly force to back it up.

So what happens should the Establishment crack down and tyranny comes full force?

Given the lateness of the hour (and it is probably at least 11:56 pm!), have I said that there might not be much time?!

Should the District of Coercion declare martial law on whatever pretext, calling out Homeland Security and with plenty of regional and state-level enforcers “private” as well as “public,” fighting back would be tantamount to suicide. You will wish you had expatriated, by whatever means necessary,as some of us did. But the clock will have struck midnight!

You could be taken into custody, made the equivalent of a prisoner of war, and tortured for information. Not all torture, by the way, involves inflicting pain; you could be put in solitary in a cell the size of a parking space under bright, fluorescent lights that burn for 24 hours. If Constitutional government is suspended, no lawyer will come rescue you. Days could turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. (Most reading this know that the U.S. already has a larger prison population than China. Our present system is arguably rotten to the core. Under martial law it would be magnitudes worse.)

Read Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search For Meaning, or James Stockdale’s much shorter Courage Under Fire or The Stoic Warrior’s Trial. I would add these books/PDFs to my library if they aren’t there now. They are invaluable guides on how to survive and remain sane in extreme situations. These in addition to Abigail Adams, Ready for Anything: The Ultimate No BS Survival Manual for Ordinary People, Tess Pennington’s classic The Prepper’s Blueprint, and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

Could things really get this bad???

I don’t know. There’s the old saw about hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. Look at it like this. The Establishment has surely figured out that neither Biden-won skeptics nor lockdown skeptics nor Covid vaccine skeptics are going away. The lawfare is flying, and it is not shutting up the first. Big Tech deplatforming has not shut up the second or third, as there are now numerous sites that do not censor and their size and numbers are growing. There are places (mainland Europe is one) where pushback against lockdowns puts our side of the Atlantic to shame.

Behind closed doors are surely fevered discussions over how far America’s “deplorables” can be pushed.

An email I received a few weeks ago contended—not unreasonably, as we will see in Part 5—that the globalists behind the Establishment are the ones who are scared. They are running out of time, and they know it. For one thing, more people than ever before know about them and what they’ve done to the world; the disagreements are over details. For another, circumstances outside their control are forcing them to act.

We have three options: submission to encroaching tyranny, armed revolt, and arms-backed separation. I assume the first isn’t an option for anyone who’s read this far. The second is extremely dangerous, as I’ve argued, and might be avoidable for reasons we’ll look at in Part 5. That leaves the third. Conservatives need to be preparing, forming alliances, starting or supporting small businesses for each other, and planning communities able to separate both politically and economically.

Increasingly, we live in a world where those fascinated with power and an urge to remake the world in their image of Utopia feel free to do as they please. They don’t bother to hide it. (Is Klaus Schwab’s proposed Covid-based Great Reset hidden from you?) Those who seek liberty must learn to do the same thing, when and where they can. But they would do well to separate as quietly as possible, at least for now.

Steven Yates’s next book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year by Wipf and Stock.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Where Do We Go From Here? Part 3

By Steven Yates

The Case for Creative Withdrawal

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” –C.S. Lewis

In Parts 1 and 2 (and more recently) we saw:

  • Evidence of the biggest election fraud in U.S. history—possibly ever. Contrary to Corporate Media, Big Tech, and Swamp servants such as former Atty. Gen. William Barr, we have Absolute Proof. We have the forensic digital footprints of votes stolen from Trump, all the way down to the IP addresses of tecomputers used (roughly two thirds were in China!).
  • How it won’t matter, for as I’ve said repeatedly, we now inhabit a culture where truth does not matter, only approved narratives. Thus we have an exact inversion where lies pass for truth and the truth is called the Big Lie. Evidence of the steal is being ruthlessly suppressed — not just by Big Tech platforms but to the point where (e.g., in Michigan—1:29 – 1:38 in the above) attorneys bringing lawsuits challenging election results are threatened with disbarment and even state legislators are threatened with prosecution. In other words, the U.S. is now a banana republic. It is a first world country in appearance only.
  • Both the urgency and the benefits of self-control, despite all of the above about which we can do nothing. I would add that it is grade-A stupid to threaten political figures, especially someone like AOC who is in the limelight. Ignore the blowhards. Getting our own house in order should keep us sufficiently busy that we won’t have time.
  • The abundant theological and philosophical roots for this sort of stance — some from thinkers whose situations were vastly worse than ours (Seneca, the Stoic philosopher of 1st century Rome, is an example; in a future installment I will discuss the late Vice-Admiral James Stockdale). Such ideas offer anchor-point soutside mainstream America as it tilts ever further left and authoritarianism increases riding waves of anti white racism (e.g., the “white fragility” movement).

There is no longer any wisdom in trying to change the system from within. But a dilemma comes up at once (a reader beat me to it): the choice between standing and fighting and creative withdrawal (I will call it).

The argument for standing and fighting is worth a look. It’s based on the idea that there is nowhere to go. Tyranny is on the move everywhere, in various forms and degrees. Google has every inch of the planet mapped, moreover. “You can’t run, and you can’t hide.” Well, there’s Antarctica. Sooner or later, the globalist Establishment is going to control everyone and everything, everywhere — unless we stop them now.

I get it. But if this is your view, how do you propose to go about it?

“Democratic” elections are futile. This should now be obvious. Democracy is a myth. All modern elections have been scripted theater designed to convince us peasants that we have substantive choices. But as George Carlin opined in one of his best known routines, “You have no choice! You have owners! They own you!… It’s a Big Club! And you ain’t in it! You and I are not in the Big Club!

As Carroll Quigley observed somewhat less passionately over 50 years ago:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right, and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy….  [E]ither party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigor less. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.” Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time, pp. 1,247-48.

The sole exception was Donald John Trump’s 2016 upset. He was not in the Big Club. He was the first outsider to circumvent the Big Club’s vetting and parry its attacks. Not only that, his media savvy enabled him to use the Big Club’s own weapons against it. Hence the blistering hatred, beyond anything directed at a U.S. president in our lifetimes.

Like many observers back then I feared a cult of personality that would burn out, but then Trump delivered such golden lines as “we do not have time to be politically correct”; and American foreign is “a complete and total disaster.” His supporters loved him. They turned out in droves despite the risk, which accelerated all that year, of being set upon and beaten up by leftist mobs.

Trump’s victory was helped by Hillary’s and her party’s breathtaking blunders: the DNC brazenly stealing her nomination from Bernie Sanders with “super delegates” alienating his supporters; and her writing off states she needed to win by stupidly calling them “baskets of deplorables.”

For four years we watched a low level insurgency against the Trump administration, be it the Russiagate hoax or a fifth-rate actress holding up an object in the shape and color of Trump’s decapitated head. This, of course, was not condemned as violence anywhere in Corporate Media, any more than Antifa and BLM violence last year was condemned.

If Trump excelled at anything, it was tricking the Big Club into displaying its own hatred and absence of any moral center. This he did over and over again.

All history…

When all is said and done, he / his supporters do not control big media, the technology landscape, academia, or the legal system — or the many points where these intersect.

Hence the Big Club is back in power with the biggest show of force of our lifetimes in “our” Capitol, pulling no punches telling us peasants, we own this country, and we own you!

What then? Revolution? I’ve argued previously that revolutions are a bad idea. Usually they fail. Once, long ago, failed revolutionists were shot for treason. Today they’d be thrown into the “Alcatraz of the Rockies,” the ADX Florence Supermax prison in Colorado where the Unibomber is housed. When they succeed, revolutions always make things worse. It is much easier to bring down a society than to build one up. And the temptations of power are great — even for conservatives! We are all sinners and vulnerable to corruption, even those of us who can imagine overturning what is taking hold in the District of Corruption.

Loyal opposition? This is the role mainstream Republicans have been playing for the past 50 years. Where has it gotten them? Cushy careers and safe coasts into retirement, perchance? “Movement conservatives” are a joke! Invariably they go along with the left out of abject fear of being called racists. Example: the first George Bush signing the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Back then, opposition was at least possible. Today we see the Twitter mob savaging the Josh Hawleys of the country, and “movement conservatives” are more likely to join in, in their never-Trumper, scared-of-their-shadow way.

Creative withdrawal is not only the best option, at the moment it is the only option.

Accepting what we cannot change and acting accordingly is the only rational strategy. I am not introducing it as a permanent condition, and it does not mean doing nothing. It is not “giving up.” It is going back to basics — of thought and planning, building skills and resilience for a future with no guarantees except failure and freedom’s possible extinction if we continue playing the games we’ve played up till now.

We have at least one ace in the hole, moreover. I will come to it in due course later in this series.

So what does this come down to?

Separation. We’ve seen how to do it spiritually and psychologically. Turn the Big Club off by turning off the instruments it uses to reach you. Get rid of cable news! Get off Twitter! Among the things you can control is where to spend your time and money, and not use it to support the Big Club.

You must also close off its access to your children.

One of the things you must do immediately (assuming you haven’t already) is get your children out of government (“public”) schools. This is a drum I’ve beaten many times past. Get Ron Paul’s homeschooling curriculum. If your children are in government (“public”) schools, you’ve put them in hands of your enemies and shouldn’t be surprised if they graduate as “woke” zombies.

Homeschool! Or join with others and pay a private teacher.I am not talking about Zoom meetings. If it’s online, it can be monitored. I am talking about reinventing the one-room schoolhouse or its equivalent, which needs to happen in hundreds of places across the land. This is the key to educational withdrawal.

Economic/financial withdrawal is going to be the most difficult, because most people need to work at jobs. Even if you own your own business you need customers or clients.

But you can take baby steps toward independence. You can do budget-cutting. Distinguishing needs from wants will control expenses. If your life, the roof over your head, and keeping the lights on depend on it, it’s a need (clean water, healthy food, basic utilities). Toiletries and preparedness items like emergency medicines. Everything else is a want (video games, flat-screen TV, Netflix, the latest Stephen King book).

Pay ruthless attention to where your money is going, and although the specifics go outside the scope if this article, this is something you can control with a system telling you what is coming in versus what is going out. Then reduce what is going out wherever possible. Get out of debt. The key here is living beneath your means. Read The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. You don’t have to aspire to millionaire status to benefit. It is one of the best books in print on frugality.

For a withdrawal mindset, control over your time and attention is essential. What time to you get up in the morning? Do you realize that by getting up just one hour earlier each day, you gain 30 or 31 hours per month to work on a pet project that will increase your independence, autonomy, and resilience—whatever it may be?

We live in an attention economy. Hundreds of marketers, advertisers, etc., are competing for your attention all the time, especially online. I’ve commented on the importance of focus, which can be best maintained by turning off television (obviously) and most electronics: your smartphone and the Internet itself when not in use for a specific task. The Internet used to be the best repository of information imaginable. It has become a digital junkyard of marketing gimmicks, an aggregator of information about users (that would be you), and a minefield of false rabbit trails (think QAnon which led many well-meaning people nowhere).

Having shut off distractions, create new habits by making changes in your immediate surroundings that encourage and enhance them until they become routine. For example, if you want a health habit of drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning, set the glass at the sink (or in some equally strategic spot) where you will see it first thing in the morning.

To build healthy nutritional habits, get rid of all the junk and put healthy foods (apples, oranges, broccoli spears, corn cobs, etc.) in places where you will see them at mealtime.

This can be done with exercising, learning new skills, or anything else.

Action steps towards withdrawal and independence may seem overwhelming. Some may be thinking, Where do I even begin? From where you are now. Read the C.S. Lewis quote above, in light of what we said about the Stoics in Part 2. You can’t go back and change the beginning. But you can have a say in your End Game by taking actions now.

Don’t do this alone. Track down like minded others, get to know them, compare notes for compatibility of worldview, coordinate with them if all goes well. Develop systems of accountability. What I am talking about is not for private individuals running around on their own. While private individuals may be able to accomplish some of these goals, it portends a lonely existence — for you and your family if you have one. Your goal is the eventual formation of communities grounded on conservative beliefs and practices, where you can enjoy the company of like-minded others as a integral part of enjoying life generally.

If I can believe what a handful of readers have sent me, this is already taking place — it began years ago. Some of us saw the handwriting on the wall and moved to other countries, although that is a less-than-perfect solution, and anyway not a live option for many people. There are remote locations away from big cities on U.S. soil; there are communities like these guys. I’ve learned of others but hesitate to link to their sites because they want to keep their heads down. Some do not even have websites because websites are visible — unless they’re on the Dark Web which I don’t recommend. They are hunkering down where they are and following steps akin to the above to withdraw from a hostile system which is manifestly too big to fight.

I hope and pray that conservative minded people can somehow network, organize, and form broader coalitions. Our tendencies toward individualism work against us. We need some unity (if I dare use that word) because that’s what we’re up against, and without its resources and cultural power.

Do not fight openly. Remember your aim: to be free of the Big Club and independent of the herd that’s swinging left! You can’t do it overnight. Don’t let that be a deterrent. There’s the old line about Rome not being built in a day. What matters are small steps that move the needle — based on acceptance of what is, control of emotions, making choices that shut off propaganda spigots, separating from institutions such as “public” schools that serve the enemy, and learning whatever you need to learn to build resilience skills conservative communities of the future will need.

In Part 4, we will expand on these themes, and draw on more recent information.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year by Wipf and Stock.

Where Do We Go From Here? Part 2

By Steven Yates

Getting Our Minds Right

Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).

In Part 1, we saw:

  • Election 2020 was stolen. The evidence is being ruthlessly suppressed. People are losing jobs for speaking up. There’s nothing we can do about this but remain calm, rational, and strategically-minded.
  • Conservatives face double-standards. Free speech is under attack, and we see purges reminiscent of an incipient dictatorship, the “dictator” (so far) being an alliance of corporate behemoths. Sleepy Joe may not be Joe Stalin, meanwhile, but his signing a new “domestic terrorism” bill aimed at Trump-era conservatives relabeled extremists in the wake of “1/6” is now on the table. There will be no legal controls on cultural left defamation and possibly even violence directed our way.
  • Libertarian arguments that “these are private companies” are foolish. They misgrasp how power operates in the real world and play into the hands of the enemies of freedom.
  • The cultural left is now empowered more than ever before, via the Democrat Party, Big Tech, and other corporations (all sizes) who drank the “white fragility” Kool-aide. Biden is already opening the borders. Motivated by foreign interests? Probably. By anti white racism? Almost certainly!
  • Expect the left to go after guns, possibly after a false flag event at an airport or possibly a state capitol, although it could be anywhere that will make an impact and be used to generate hysteria.
  • If the Republican Party pulls away from Trumpism but remains clueless and directionless, this guarantees a One Party State for the foreseeable future.
  • The country we grew up in is gone. “Taking back America” is not presently a live option, and so we need to think about separation: spiritually, psychologically, educationally, and politically-economically (in that order), according to the principles we wish to live by.

All this said — it is essential not to put cultural Marxism* or globalism on a pedestal. One person emailed me recently and opined that the globalists are in panic mode. I agree. Cultural Marxist* efforts to undermine conservative Patriots in “white America” have failed. The fact that Trump was elected at all is proof of that. He got over 74 million votes last November.

As for globalists, more people today know about them than ever before. However loud the bleats of conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, this genie is not going back in the bottle. The truth is, they are running out of time, and they know it.

But let’s not kid ourselves. We’ve lost some major battles recently. I ended Part 1 promising to work out specifics of, “Where do we go from here?” given our present dismal reality. The first steps won’t seem obvious or immediately practical, but bear with me here.

We have to start by getting our minds right. Going off half-cocked will accomplish nothing except costing more livelihoods, and that’s if we’re lucky. As we’ll shortly see, controlling our emotions and instead thinking this through will give us an instant advantage. Leftists go off emotion. We don’t have that luxury.

So first, what is your worldview? Is it God-based and rooted in a transcendent reality, or is it human-centered and rooted exclusively in this world? Why this is important: different worldviews yield different answers to basic questions about the human condition, what is possible, and what we might do in our present situation.

Iargue elsewhere that if your worldview is secular and materialist, then in the end there is no hope. Not really. You came out of nothing and will return to nothing. In between gulfs of nothingness you get a mixture of pain, some pleasure, amidst distressingly little that makes sense. Secularism offers surrogates for a meaningful life: at best, wealth and success as society defines these; perhaps a quest for fame and celebrity hood on social media. Or buying bitcoin and hoping you don’t lose your shirt. Getting lost in the details of a science. Or, perhaps, recreational drugs to escape into your head. Becoming a sex or porn addict. Some combination of these.

Joining a tribe. Getting on the “woke” bandwagon. Or the QAnon deformation: in my humble opinion it is that, as no one knows who “Q” even is, anymore than we knew who “PropOrNot” was. As education has collapsed and society has enstupidated itself, it has become harder to see false rabbit trails for what they are, and even some Trump supporters have succumbed to the-mass-arrests-start-any-day-now nonsense. Trust the Plan. Right.

(I said you might not like some of this. I wasn’t lying.)

We either get back to basics or else!

Pascal once said (I paraphrase) that people divide into two groups: those who have found God and serve Him, and those who have not found God and seek Him. You don’t want to be in a third category, which seems to be a majority in post-industrial, postmodern civilization: those who have not found God and couldn’t care less.

There is solid actionable advice just in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) and in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 – 7). Do not worship false gods or idols (like Mammon). Do not curse using God’s name. Do not steal. Do not murder. Do not covet. Honor your father and your mother (family has a sacred foundation). And so on. Jesus went further: do not be angry with or insult your brothers (Matt. 5:22). Attempt reconciliation (Matt. 5:23-24). Do not lust (Matt. 5:28). Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No’ (Matt. 5:37). Love your enemies with agape love (Matt. 5:44).

None of us do these perfectly. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Hence the need for salvation through Christ alone (“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” – John 14:6). What of those who never heard of Christianity? (this is for stubborn skeptics): “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (Rom. 1:18-20).

Medieval philosopher-theologian St. Thomas Aquinas held that we learn something of God through Nature. From him and his successors came Natural Law, a tradition sadly almost forgotten today, but indicating why certain behaviors and ways of organizing society pass the test of time, while others fail miserably. Conservatives should rediscover Natural Law (leaving aside hesitations some might harbor over its association with corrupt Catholicism — “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” (John 8:7)).

I believe Stoicism can help us, too, even if it is a mostly secular philosophy. For those stubborn skeptics I mentioned, it is the only option (yes, I dialogue with non-Christians).

Stoicism is a realistic philosophy. It has gotten attention in recent years. This should not surprise us at all.

It was founded in ancient Greece by a man named Zeno, then made its way to ancient Rome where its spokesmen ranged from Epictetus, born into slavery, to those born to rule such as Marcus Aurelius. Another Stoic luminary was close to power but in a worse personal situation than any of us can imagine: Seneca, first tutor and then advisor to the psychopathic Nero, commanded finally to commit suicide (he did). I doubt any of us will live a life as potentially miserable as was Seneca’s. Despite it all he kept writing and advising, and his words resonate through the ages, words to keep in mind should we face a rough road ahead.

Those were turbulent times just like these, and arguably deadlier. Which would you prefer: a job loss and an attack by the Twitter mob, or being skewered in public with a sword and left in the street to bleed to death? Exiled from the public square, or crucified, as was Jesus and many early Christians? Crucifixion was one of the most brutal forms of execution ever thought up by sinful men.

Many Stoic writings have been lost. Historians have determined from what we have that early Stoics divided their philosophy into three parts: physics, logic, and ethics. Physics is how the world works. Logic is our thought about how the world works. Ethics tells us how to live, given that the world works in specific ways, and given that our best thought can determine better versus worse.

The Stoics saw the world as governed by cause-and-effect — a commonsense perspective. Where they go next is very uncommon.

Epictetus counseled at the beginning of his Enchiridion (Manual) to distinguish what you can control from what you can’t:

“Of things some are in our power, and others are not. In our power are opinion, movement toward a thing, desire, aversion, turning from a thing;… Not in our power are the body, property, reputation, offices, and in a word, whatever are not our own acts…. Remember then, that if you think … the things which are in the power of others to be your own, you will be hindered, you will lament, you will be disturbed… If then you desire … great things remember that you must not (attempt to) lay hold of them with a small effort; but you must leave alone some things entirely, and postpone others for the present… Straightway then practice saying to every harsh appearance: You are an appearance, and in no manner what you appear to be. Then examine it by the rules which you possess, and by this first and chiefly, whether it relates to the things which are in our power or to things which are not in our power….

We can control, with mindful practice, our emotions and thoughts. And from this, our actions.

I emphasize this, because if we cannot get our emotions under control, we will not get anything else under control.

We cannot control the thoughts, emotions, and actions of others, including our enemies, any more than we can control the weather. Isn’t it silly, if you think about it, to gripe about the weather? You can’t control the cold outside. But you can acknowledge its reality, and instead of complaining, take action to minimize your discomfort. You can dress in layers, for example.

To apply: we can’t control the fact that the election was stolen, or that leftists hate our guts. But we can control our emotional responses to these. And get away from their sources.

Once acknowledged, you can tune out their capacity to affect you.The same with other salient realities I listed. This ties in with suggestions I made at the end of Part 1. Don’t use Twitter! Likewise, the fate of Parler is outside your control, and mine — but not your decision to buy from Amazon or Apple. Or to use Google’s search engine (as opposed to DuckDuckGo).

Nor is making the reasons for your choice known outside your control. This will attract likeminded others. Have you noticed that within a group of the likeminded you can control slightly more than you can as an isolated individual?

A specific view of the world emerges from a fusion of Christianity and Stoicism. Some Christians will get upset at my view that the world is basically hostile—indifferent at best. Read Genesis 3:16-19 (whether literally or not, your choice). My reading of it is that we were created for a world of abundance. We fell. Abundance was snatched away and replaced with scarcity. Existence — at the most basic level of feeding ourselves — became a struggle. That struggle has continued ever since. Civilization is our answer to what Hobbes called the “state of nature” in which our lives are “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” He got the first one wrong. We form tribes which can become efficient and effective at killing one another until they develop civil society. Even then, they cannot solve the problems of scarcity and conflict. We try to create Utopias (or imagine how they could evolve) to recover that lost abundance, and they inevitably fail because human nature itself subverts and destroys them. Marxism was an example. Marx himself, moreover, was one of the angriest men of his time.

Christianity commands us to control our tempers. Stoicism emphasizes that you can control your emotions. The two are entirely consistent on this point. Exercises exist that help you do this. They might be as simple as breathing ten times, counting the breaths. Or reciting calming phrases. Cue yourself with a note written in ink on your palm if you have to. Then just do it. Afterwards, are you still angry? Meditating is another possibility. Nothing sophisticated or new-agey here. Just go somewhere quiet, sit,close your eyes, and rid your head of noise. A walk in the woods can accomplish this. There is something about greenery that is inherently calming. Nature was created by God, and so experiencing nature brings us closer to God. It works for me.

Reduce your consumption of news! Most of it is designed to arouse your emotions and keep your attention. For whatever reason we seem wired for bad news — for the scandalous, the tragic, the horrific, the destructive. Imagine news broadcasts that compared sunrise and sunset data at various places around the globe. Would anyone watch? Probably not. Who cares?viewers would ask. So news broadcasts are designed to rivet your attention, and the impotent emotions they arouse drain your energy. Shut them off! Unless it’s something you need to know, such as if left-liberals are coming for your guns, or if medical tyrants are locking your community down again.

I get it. This is hard. But the payoff will be worth it!

Create stillness in your life, in the lives of your loved ones, in the lives of all those around you. Author Ryan Holiday, a present-day Stoic, wrote a book about this entitled Stillness Is the Key (2019). Holiday is not a Christian, but I recommend this book anyway.

Another book worth a look gave me the phrase creative withdrawal, which we will pursue next: A Harmony Within: Five Who Took Refuge. A Study in Creative Withdrawal (2007), by William A. Reinsmith. The author surveys five thinkers beginning with Epicurus (not to be confused with Epictetus), whose hedonism and materialism seem wrongheaded to me but who understood that tranquility is not to be found by engaging the affairs of the world — especially in violent, repressive societies. Epicurus counseled non participation. His views overlap with Stoicism to the extent that they reflect awareness of the futility of trying to change what is outside our control.

Summing up: the increased prevalence of leftism / cultural Marxism* is outside our control, but how to respond is within our control. We should refrain from returning hate for hate. Forget engaging it on social media, or elsewhere. Walk away.

In our control is acquiring a mindset for independence. We’ve talked about that here. Next we will discuss withdrawal, beginning with another salient reality: public schools are destructive!

Oh, before I go,another short tract I strongly recommend is The Art of War, by Sun Tzu. There are a dozen places on the Web you can read it for free. We should not kid ourselves. We are at war. But not in the usual sense. This has been called “fifth generation” warfare, fought with weaponized language and information. Our enemies are very, very good at it! How else, after all, does a phrase like all lives matter get labeled racist in ways that are almost impossible to challenge publicly?

*The Saker, whose writings I greatly respect, recently dismissed the phrase cultural Marxism, calling it “totally meaningless.”

Here is why I use it:

The Italian communist Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School based in Germany concluded that classical or economic Marxism — the theory of history and political economy in the form Marx put forth in Das Kapital— was insufficient.Not only was the proletariat totally uninterested in overthrowing the bourgeoisie, they wanted to join the bourgeoisie. Many were doing it! So ignoring one of economic Marxism’s central implications—that capitalism would have to become a global system, inescapable, before revolutionary consciousness fully emerged (it wasn’t close to doing this in the period 1930 – 1950)—they concluded it was necessary to capture the culture. Hence my phrase the cultural left, which I use interchangeably with cultural Marxism. The approved term was Critical Theory.

Gramsci and Frankfurt School devotees set about to subvert American culture by undermining traditional views of education / academia, law, the arts and entertainment, and mass media. They specifically targeted the Christian worldview, allying with materialists of all stripes.

Herbert Marcuse, the most influential Frankfurt School philosopher, invoked race in place of class. Feminists followed with gender-bending. They retained Marxian group-derived consciousness, and identity politics was born. This explains the cultural left’s complete indifference to America’s working class — too white, too male, and too heterosexual. Oppressors! in other words, quite contrary to Marx’s view of the proletariat. Cultural Marxists were joined from across the English Channel by socialists of the Fabian Society who were infiltrating nominally conservative think tanks (we are up to the 1970s-1980s). This result in CINO institutions (conservative in name only). These ploys succeeded brilliantly. Which is a reason many people who self-identify as conservative are still wondering what the dickens happened.

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Where Do We Go From Here? Part 1

By Steven Yates

Where We Are Now

This article will begin a series I started thinking about in December, facing the possibility that Trump’s and his supporters’ efforts to expose the theft of an election would fail, and an illegitimate Biden-Harris regime would become America’s new reality. This would conclude the color revolution that began on November 3-4, 2020 and will end on January 20, 2021.

We have to begin with an account of where we are now that is as clear is it can be.

The first salient reality: the November 2020 election was stolen. We know some but not all of the details of the steal. Those who stole the election got away with it. Past tense.

Frustrated outrage was in evidence on January 6, which has only grown given the description of pro-Trump demonstrators as “rioters” and “seditionists” even though 99.99 percent never lifted a finger to damage the Capitol or harm anyone.

We live in a topsy-turvy world. Truth had already ceased to matter. Evidence is whatever defenders of approved narratives want it to be. We read repeatedly of five dead as if all five had been killed by Trump supporters. Ashli Babbitt, 35, was shot in cold blood by a cop. Three others had medical emergencies. Only one, officer Brian Sicknick, 42, died from an apparent head injury sustained while engaging protesters.

Everything has been turned upside down. The good — family, faith, free speech, freedom of assembly, real learning, achievement — are now treated as evil. They face a very real threat of being canceled. I fully expect to see Christians facing persecution in America before long.

What most of us consider evil — suppression of information, looting, bullying and intimidation— are good if they serve politically correct causes, for which the ends justify the means.

Our reality is that of an institutionalized double-standard between leftists and conservatives. We have no means of reversing this, or even effectively defending ourselves against it.

Hard left groups (Antifa, Black Lives Matter) can assault people on the street especially if they are white, loot stores, block highways, attack vehicles (especially police cars), commit arson, and Corporate Media will still deem them “peaceful protesters,” acting against “systemic racism” and for “social justice.”

Conservatives can assemble in a crowd somewhere between 100,000 and a million, actually be peaceful(no stores looted, no random attacks, no cars overturned, not a single building set ablaze) —but vulnerable to infiltration by said leftist groups whose purpose was to instigate violence —so that Trump supporters can collectively be demonized as “rioters,” “insurrectionists,” and “domestic terrorists.”

It is important to expose this double-standard at every opportunity! And reveal the sheer hypocrisy for what it is!

Here is another harsh reality: Democrats are now the primary enablers of the radical, cultural Marxist left in America, and as of January 20 they will control both houses of Congress and the White House. There is a chance they will try to pack the Supreme Court to gain power there. They will almost certainly throw the borders back open, flooding the country with immigrants both legal and illegal. This means more registered Democrats. They could well grant statehood to Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. Four more Senators, all Democrats. They will probably try to abolish the Electoral College, to disempower less populous states filled with Trump supporters.

With big cities’ continued control by Democrats, this will give the Democrat Party a lock on the political system that could prove unbreakable by Republicans some of whom no longer want anything to do with Trumpism but have no inkling what they stand for otherwise. The problem in a nutshell:there are no real conservatives left in the Republican Party. Neocons are not conservatives. Libertarians are not conservatives. Nor are most “big business” Chamber of Commerce types, who are likely to embrace cultural Marxist practices without even realizing it.

All of which presages the U.S. becoming a One Party State, not unlike China. The difference is that in China, the Chinese Communist Party is the prevailing force. In the U.S., prevailing enforcement will come through a tight network of corporations.

The next reality is that Big Tech is completely out of control. As I write, we are witnessing the largest purge of information I’ve ever seen. YouTube scrubbed the Catherine Austin Fitts interview I linked to in my last article. I had to have the link replaced by one to Bitchute. Someone reuploaded it; I don’t think the new upload will last long.

We know about Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram kicking President Trump off their sites. Big Tech corporations can censor the President of the United States of America, and he has no recourse.

That should tell you all you need to know about who controls information in America now.

Both Amazon and Google scrubbed Parler’s downloadable app from their stores. Parler has become the fastest growing social media platform that pointedly does not censor.

These purges are being conducted in the name of fighting “hate speech,” a term no one ever defines, and “conspiracy theories.” Does anyone with a functioning brain not now realize that power elites have conspired against We The People with great success???

Expect more purges, more censorship, more demonizing of Trump supporters. Cultural Marxism now has a green light. This could easily extend beyond social media and spill onto sites like this one. NewsWithViews.com is not as trafficked as any of us would like. But the greater your traffic, the greater your vulnerability to being canceled without recourse. It is conceivable that well-trafficked truth-telling sites like that of Paul Craig Roberts, Gateway Pundit, Global Research, Unz Review, American Thinker, and others could find themselves in jeopardy, with no new laws having been passed. Again, the primary repressors of free speech in the U.S. is not government but corporations. This includes CNN recently calling for an end to Fox News (conservatism-lite).

We come to another unfortunate reality:some people’s ability to blinker themselves with outdated ideas.

Libertarians and those in similar orbits (voluntarists as they call themselves, theoretical anarchists, a few remaining disciples of Ayn Rand) argue that “these are private companies; they can do business with whoever they please and deplatform whoever they please. The First Amendment does not apply to private companies.” Go build your own platform! these people sneer.

These folks do not realize they are playing right into the hands of the cultural Marxists, enemies of everything they say they stand for. The hard left rejects individualism however understood; it rejects free markets, and voluntary associations except for their own.

This kind of stance is even more naïve, however. A friend of mine exhausted part of his life savings trying to come up with a conservative alternative to Facebook. He did not have CIA connections or access to Deep State money.

The problem: Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, etc., are not “private companies” in any meaningful, real-world sense. They are in bed with the CIA, other intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities embedded within with what we conveniently call the Deep State. It was not mere marketplace competition that obtained for them 99 percent market share in phone networks, downloadable apps, etc.

Those who use the these-are-private-companies argument simply aren’t in the real world. They don’t see where the locus of power is, that it lies with the interlocked networks of corporations that command advanced communications technology, not in “their” government. Your average politician or federal bureaucrat couldn’t set up and run a hot dog stand.

Money is what talks! Government may have the guns (some of them, anyway), but global corporations have the money that tells the relevant agencies of government where to point them! If political power grows out of the barrel of a gun (Mao), then economic power grows out of the capacity of billionaires to buy the guns — also the health departments, the media corporations, the educational institutions, effectively managing “public opinion”to enforce sanctions against narratives they’ve blacklisted.

This is one reason why efforts to break up Big Tech are likely to fail. Or, if there is a “break up” of, say, Google, it will be a meaningless gesture, as the parts will be separated de jure but not de facto. The billionaire players in the Big Tech world know each other and work together. They are more than able to target visible critics for professional and personal destruction. Witness the attempt to destroy Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) whose signed contract for his book The Tyranny of Big Tech with Simon & Schuster, the elite-controlled publishing giant, was scuttled last week following his willingness to report on election irregularities he believed were worth investigating.

Another reality: cultural Marxism will doubtless grow stronger in both universities and corporate America. Whites—especially white males—are already the only group that can be publicly ridiculed without consequence. White females are routinely called “Karens.” White males, moreover, can be physically assaulted by violent leftists wielding objects used as potentially lethal weapons, and if they use deadly force to defend themselves,they are the ones subject to prosecution. Kyle Rittenhouse is the most visible example.

Anyone thinking of himself/herself as conservative now risks being labeled “white supremacist,” “white nationalist,” “racist,” etc., ad nauseum—especially if he/she supported President Trump. The use of weaponized language is now ubiquitous.

I saw an article headline just the other day proclaiming that “White supremacists might convene again in Washington on January 19.” Note that again.

If you are white, whatever your politics, you’re “racist” almost by definition and therefore a pariah at a legal and institutional disadvantage.

I warned a quarter century ago that this day would come.

Earpiece Joe has now appointed an identity politics ideologue to his DOJ Civil Rights Division. Her name is Kristen Clarke, a black woman who defends diversity, not qualifications, as a primary hiring criteria even for airline pilots who literally have hundreds of lives in their hands! (scroll to 31:00) The question remains: will you want to fly in a plane piloted by someone owing her job to a diversity policy?

Finally —expect Biden-Harris to come after your guns. (Check this out.) The only unknown is the specifics, how they will go about it. Leftists never do anything straightforwardly, of course. I suspect one of their foot soldiers will stage another false flag event, what will look like another mass shooting by a “lone nut.” Such an event could happen at a school, as have many others, or it could happen in an airport. It will happen in a location where it will have maximum impact. I am not saying deaths will be faked (although that’s not impossible!). What I am saying is that the event will be orchestrated conceivably through intelligence agencies with advanced knowledge of mind control techniques, and carried out by someone who, like the so-called Batman shooter of Littleton, Colo., will be found dazed, confused, and claiming to have no memory of what happened.

However it happens, the point will be to scare enough people about guns to make it easier to demonize gun owners and organizations such as the NRA, incentivizing them to relinquish gun rights, in lieu of the federal government actually criminalizing private firearm ownership in America.

Under no circumstances should Americans give up their guns!

If you do, you might as well hold out your hands and tell your masters, Go ahead, enslave me, because that is exactly what they will do.

I sense a potential donnybrook ahead. Mainstream liberals and cultural Marxists are on the same page on this, and very determined. There are a lot of guns out in rural America. It remains to be seen whether a leftist administration like Biden-Harris will send the equivalent of military prowess to try to take them by force,or order SWAT teams to try and take out perceived leadership, and if the latter will be able to organize a response that avoids precipitating a bloodbath.

These are the salient realities. There are people, including some who supported him, who blame President Trump for our present catastrophe, including the loss of the Senate to the Democrats.

I’m half on board with this idea, but not in a sense lending weight to those demonizing the man and demanding his removal from office (which may have happened by the time this appears).

Trump was elected in 2016, an unpolished outsider with no clue how things actually work in the District of Corruption. He had no idea who to appoint or who his friends were, and his administration filled up with a few supporters and a lot of backstabbers (some of them globalists, adherents of an ideology he explicitly opposed in his inaugural address). He was sandbagged with bogus allegations (e.g., the Russian collusion fairytale) and set up numerous times in situations where a truthful tongue will only hurt you (Charlottesville is an example).

There was no peaceful transfer of power in 2017. Leftists had already unleashed their attack dogs. Remember the vagina hats? Efforts to delegitimize the Trump presidency began before inauguration day.

Remember the infamouis article referencing a group of “experts” who to this day remain unidentified, in The Washington Post whose blistering hostility to the Trump administration was evident from the get-go.

Remember when Trump supporters would be physically assaulted as they tried to leave rallies back in 2016? Remember when Trump staffers would be bullied in restaurants until they got up and left? Remember the fifth-rate actress who held up a facsimile of President Trump’s severed head covered with fake blood? Remember when Robert DeNiro began a speech at the Tony Awards with “F*** Trump!” and got a standing ovation?

There has been no peace for four years!

Fast-forward back to now. Now we are seeing information purges, and they will be followed by people purges. Last Thursday Forbes editor Randall Lane issued a statement, a paragon of dominant narratives, warning that any business who hires Sean Spicer or Kellyanne Conway or Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Stephanie Grisham or Kayleigh McEnany will have no credibility! Forbes being one of the most influential big business media outlets (again — I repeat myself for the especially dense — this is not government doing this), for all practical purposes this ends their professional careers!

Trump was unable to dislodge the dominant narrative regarding the election. He and legal supporters such as Lin Wood and Sidney Powell were unable to get their evidence out in the open. Powell had a chance with Tucker Carlson, but balked. I wondered why, and after a little digging, learned the truth: potential witnesses were receiving death threats against themselves and their families. She had little choice except to tread lightly, whatever her public rhetoric about “releasing the Kraken.”

Now, Biden says he wants “healing.” Biden-Harris “healing” will mean bowing before the cult of woke, giving up your guns, trusting “your” government, wearing your face diaper, and by the way, getting the jab so you can go back to consuming lest the real economy drop into the worst depression of modern times (that the Dow and probably Bitcoin will continue to soar skyward in financialized digital-land, I’ve little doubt).

I saved the harshest reality for last:the country we grew up in is gone. Its Constitution, and the rule of law, are dead letters outside propaganda mills.

The rest of Western civilization that had America on a pedestal will likely follow it into the abyss.

All the talk about “preserving democracy” is just that — talk. Hot air. The U.S. is not a democracy. It is a plutocratic oligarchy. Big Tech exemplifies plutocracy. So do Big Pharma and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. That any Western powers are democracies in any meaningful sense has been one of the biggest illusions of postmodernity.

So to come to the tantalizing question: Where do we go from here?

In future installments, I hope to offer some potential answers. You won’t like some of them. Just being honest here.

Expect to be inconvenienced. Do not expect the future to be like the past. We are heading into what could be very dark times.

There are things you can do up front. Whenever possible you can stop doing business with Big Tech. While you’ve little choice about having a smartphone (controlled by either Google or Apple), do you have to use Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? We didn’t always have them. We were able to share information, pictures, etc. It just wasn’t as fast and convenient.

Social media is legitimately criticized as a destroyer of your time and your ability to focus on your priorities. It is this way by design. Its algorithms, going off your behaviors on the various sites,feed you content to keep you on the site as long as possible and incentivize you to click as often as possible.

Do you have to buy from Amazon?

Whenever possible, buy local! Support local!

Prepare yourself to get into the right mindset. What I mean cannot be explained except in a full article, but you have to prepare to separate yourself psychologically, politically-economically, and spiritually, from the larger society as it lurches leftward. Get right with God. Abandon secularism, which did much to get us into this mess. You’re part of the way to where you need to be already if you’ve read this far. But you have to find likeminded others, associate with them, establish relations built on trust, and prepare to rebuild conservative communities — and guard them diligently (with weapons, not weaponized language)!

Yes, we are talking eventual secession here! I’ve stopped believing conservatives and leftist scan continue living under the same political-economic roof. Eventually this will be obvious. It is a major consequence of the America we grew up in being over!

I will expand on mindset in Part 2 and these other themes in subsequent installments.

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Can an Entire Society Be Gaslighted?

By Steven Yates

“[B]ecause I am mad, I hate you. Because I am mad, I have betrayed you. And because I’m mad, I’m rejoicing in my heart, without a shred of pity, without a shred of regret, watching you go with glory in my heart!” —Paula Alquist, Gaslight (1944)

The other day I read an article on gaslighting. The author, who has a book on the subject, explained in detail what gaslighting is and how it works.

In a nutshell, it is the process of manipulating a person through mind games of various sorts to gain power over them by making their question their perception of reality and eventually their sanity. Gaslighting can be used by bullies, abusers, and cult leaders. The term originated with the 1944 film Gaslight, in which a man does this to his wife. The manipulator or abuser operates slowly, so the victim won’t figure out what’s going on.

Gaslighting involves telling increasingly brazen lies — even in the face of what the victim can plainly see is true. The manipulator or abuser says things and then denies saying them.

Or he moves the victim’s possessions around in stealth, putting them in odd places or hiding them so the victim will think she’s misplaced them. This causes confusion and disorientation when it happens repeatedly.

The point is to keep the victim off balance, leading to mental paralysis and shutdown. Should the victim cry foul, the manipulator or abuser says his target is crazy and encourages others to call him/her crazy. The intention is to further shake the victim’s sense of what is real.

Suddenly the question surfaced:

Can an entire society be gaslighted?

Possibly as a last resort, by elite manipulators who want to get rid of an unwanted political figure who is exposing them? Or an unwanted movement that has imagined life without them and would get rid of them?

Trump got into elected office four years ago despite strong opposition from the Establishment — whether you call it the Swamp, the Deep State, the Global Corporatocracy, the Power Elite, or what-have-you. These are the people who own and control Corporate Media, whose bias has been unprecedented and have not bothered to hide it. Some members of Trump’s own party do not hide their contempt for the man or his unwashed supporters in their red MAGA hats.

The Establishment spent four years trying to destroy Trump’s presidency, first with hoaxed allegations about supposed Russian collusion. This dragged on for two years, wasted billions of taxpayer dollars, and found nothing.

Later came Ukraine and impeachment—all the while Biden’s son and offspring of other Power Elite denizens such as Nancy Pelosi were eyeball-deep drawing millions from corrupt Ukraine-based corporations.

Again: nothing.

In between were events like Charlottesville. What was clear: the cultural left had metastasized, like a cancer. It doubled-down under Trump’s watch, and actually grew stronger. The George Floyd riots ratcheted up cultural leftism still more. Last year we saw a surge of out-and-out Marxism which targeted U.S. history for cancellation. I’ve written about this. (By the way, the reason I keep using the term cultural left is that there is no substantial economic left in America. An economic left would defend the interests of workers. But the American working class is too white and too male. The cultural left has therefore thrown workers to the wolves in pursuit of gender-idiocy.)

Trump survived all this.

Not only that, by the start of 2020 he was well on his way to winning reelection by a landslide. For most voters it really is the economy, stupid, and according to the official numbers, the economy was roaring. Somehow, under the watch of this racist, white supremacist president, the official black and Hispanic unemployment rates had fallen to historic lows! The Dow, meanwhile, hit record highs!

Then, oh-so-conveniently, along came Captain Covid!

Borders slammed shut to air travel like steel trap doors. Supply lines were disrupted. Tens of thousands of businesses deemed “inessential” were forcibly closed by lockdowns (although “big box” stores owned by billionaires stayed open).

Official U-3 unemployment surged to double-digits. Remaining work and much education moved online. Mask-wearing in public became ubiquitous. If you refused, you could be confronted by a busybody you’d never seen before. “Essential” stores and facilities had up prominent signs ordering mask-wearing on their premises. Also appearing everywhere were lines and diagrams on floors telling you how close you could stand to the person in front of you — “social distancing.”

And all of a sudden, the bad economy was Trump’s fault! Also the Covid death numbers! He’d “mismanaged” the “worst public health crisis in a century.”

The rest, as some say, is history!

It seemed clear to me that in addition to pursuing a last ditch opportunity to harm the Trump presidency, a great social experiment had begun.

The official narrative is that the “pandemic”was an unlucky accident: a coronavirus that had evolved in bats jumped to humans at this exact moment. If you believe this, search (not on Google!) for Event 201. It was held October 18, 2019 at the John Hopkins University Center for Health Security, jointly sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. Its working assumption was the need for a coordinated public-private response to a pandemic caused by — you guessed it — a coronavirus.

The very thing that may have already appeared in Wuhan, and which the Chinese Communist Party (dutifully?) kept under wraps until air traffic from there had spread it around the world.

Trump closed off air traffic from China. For this, again Trump was called a racist. (And because he used the phrase China virus a few times.)

Although the majority of coronavirus “positives” were asymptomatic and actual Covid illnesses had a survival rate of over 99.95 percent for those under 75 and not suffering from comorbidities, lockdowns continued — sometimes coming and going unpredictably, like the belongings of the gaslighting victim in the movie. This was accepted because Corporate Media kept viewers paralyzed with the latest positives and deaths 24/7.

All of a sudden, Trump’s reelection was not assured!  Or so went the mainstream narrative!

What the Democrats did next defied rational explanation if they had any motive other than to position for the presidency someone easily controlled—and for Biden’s VP, an unscrupulous opportunist who built her career as a California prosecuting attorney putting black men in prison in record numbers. She looked like a progressive!

Fake polls placed Earpiece Joe in the lead, when he wasn’t leading anything. Trump filled arenas, whilst Joe could barely fill a high school auditorium. Trump’s supporters remained enthusiastic, while progressives (those who supported Sanders prior to the DNC’s blatant steal of that nomination for Hillary Clinton) hesitated. They aren’t the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, but they’re smart enough to know that Earpiece Joe is Establishment through and through. The Establishmentprotects governmental-corporate alliances against the common people, and will never give them national healthcare or absolution of student loan debt or anything else they say they want.

Nor will it solve the very real problems in black communities. But it can enflame them for its own purposes. The George Floyd riots again.

Catherine Austin Fitts has made some interesting observations about the patterns these followed (if you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, scroll to around 28:40).

Were the riots orchestrated? Were they part of the same systemic campaign as the lockdowns, their purpose to further destroy Main Street and redistribute America’s wealth upward into the hands of the corporate wing of the Power Elite?

Fitts observed that the billionaire class has increased its net worth by 27 percent since the start of the “pandemic.”

She also wryly notes the incongruence between ordering churches shuttered because churchgoers could transmit the virus, but it’s okay to attend riots. What I recall: many rioters weren’t wearing masks or social distancing as they smashed, looted, and burned property — including small businesses owned by black men and women.

Come to election season. Never a great speaker to begin with, Earpiece Joe seemed to spend much of his time behind closed doors (perhaps out of fear of uttering dementia-caused gaffes in public).

November 3 arrived. At the end of the day, Trump was confounding the fake polls and looked to be on his way to reelection.

By the following morning, Biden was leading in swing states — soon to be contested states — with early-morning spikes in votes clearly visible on graphs.

On November 7, Corporate Media declared Biden the winner!

Some of us suspected all along that this election would be stolen, because as I’ve said many times past, the Establishment wants Trump gone. He can’t be controlled.

Nor will his following bow before the altar of political correctness, the cult of “woke.” White supremacists, all, therefore!

Now, we are fed lies 24/7 … about almost everything!

The Corporate Media lie factories insist that we are the ones lying or are delusional, presenting “fake news,” “baseless conspiracy theories,” “without evidence,” etc.,ad nauseam.

A judiciary collectively refuses to look at the charts and hundreds of signed affidavits testifying to wrongdoing in those swing states and declares there to be “no evidence of fraud.”

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along, move along…. 

I’ve started calling this the Iron Wall of Denial.

The number of votes cast turns out to exceed the number of legally registered voters by 1.8 million. Wrongthink! “Fact checkers” (paid by whom?) flagged that claim when I posted it on Flakebook not long ago. “False information,” Flakebook called it.

Finding that stat wasn’t easy. Search on Google or Yahoo, and “fact checking” is what comes up. These are Big Tech’s algorithmic narrative control efforts, hard at work!

So we come at last to the question of the hour.

Can an entire society be gaslighted?

Can it be made to believe, e.g., that racist white cops are purposefully hunting down and killing unarmed black men?

Can it be made to believe its members are in danger of sickness and death if they do not wear face diapers to “protect” each other,and if they don’t allow their livelihoods to be destroyed?

Can the population be made to believe that only Big Pharma can save them?

Can as many people as possible be made to feel crazy for thinking that absent unprecedented fraud, Trump actually won, by being told, also 24/7, that their claims are “false” and “baseless,” the product of “unhinged conspiracy theorists”?

Can the population be incentivized to see Biden as the legitimate victor because he always appears in front of a large backdrop reading Office of the President Elect? (Constitutionally, there is no such thing!)

Almost nothing is as it seems, or is presented in Corporate Media. Our world has been turned upside down. Even the Nashville explosion appears differently on actual footage than what the media reported. Where did the explosion actually come from? The RV, or across the street?

There are official narratives, and then there is what alternative media sources, sometimes you own senses, and your own free mind, are trying to tell you.

Which do you trust?

Is the Establishment gaslighting us all, or trying to?

Corporate Media wants you to not know about the middle-of-the-night vote spikes for Biden, on charts you could see with your own eyes; or the hundreds of sworn affidavits, signed under penalty of perjury, testifying to direct observing wrongdoing in voting locations.

Or the roles played by electronic voting machines, which we know can be hacked. How, precisely, were scales tipped so that possibly millions of votes for Trump were converted via digital magic to votes for Biden? (This might help answer that question; Eric Coomer now claims to have received death threats and be in hiding.)

Corporate media are feeding us official narratives 24/7 presenting context-free accounts of the latest Covid cases and deaths, with no distinction between those who died with Covid (but from a comorbidity) and those who died from Covid. Once this distinction is drawn, the death count drops astronomically (by about 94 percent!!)!

We are also to ignore the fatalities from heart attacks, motorcycle wrecks, etc., of those who happened to have tested positive for the coronavirus and so are “Covid deaths.”

Has the official number of Covid deaths hit 300,000 yet? How many could have been saved with hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, both safe if taken properly, without waiting for Big Pharma’s barely tested but oh-so-profitable syringed elixir? “Unproven,” sayeth the Establishment of the former, despite the results of many doctors who found themselves threatened with the loss of their licenses to practice medicine.

Upside down….

Again: gaslighting tries to get its victims to question their perception of reality, their judgment, and even their sanity. All the while, those doing the gaslighting pose as the trustworthy adults in the room.

And because of total media saturation — because none of us have the time or resources to check and personally validate every single claim in circulationit has worked spectacularly!

Does anyone, therefore, not see that this same gaslighting will continue into 2021? With information about those other cures for Covid ruthlessly suppressed by Corporate Media propaganda, you’ll eventually be asked — no, told, ordered(if you want to board a plane or reenter public space, that is) — to take that elixir, shooting into your arm unknown (but possibly genetically altering) ingredients.

Dropped down the memory hole are the following inconvenient truths:

  • Never before has a vaccine of this type been rolled out prior to four-to-five year period of research, development, and testing. Not only do we have almost no idea of the effectiveness of this thing, or if effective, how long the effectiveness will last, we have no idea of any long term effects? By the time these appear,possibly with over a billion people vaccinated, it will be too late!

We’re told that the vaccine has to be administered in two doses. This, too, is unprecedented. Will we even be told if people start dropping dead from the vaccine, or will these be reclassified as “Covid deaths”?

  • After years of effort, no one has been able to develop an effective vaccine for a coronavirus. Developing a vaccine for any virus is immensely difficult if only because viruses are always mutating. Thus the reason the “experts” tell you to get a flu vaccine every year (plus how they tend to be on Big Pharma’s payroll).
  • Now we are told that this coronavirus has mutated, and that the new strain is more transmissible than the old. On the most charitable possible reading of what we know, is there any reason for thinking any vaccine we presently have will work on the new strain?
  • And speaking of the flu, does anybody know what happened to it this year? I’ll tell you. The case numbers dropped from 59 million from the start of flu season in October 2019 t0—

Are you sitting down?

To 877 cases.

That’s not a typo. Eight hundred and seventy seven reported cases of the flu this year.

Because most others are being reclassified as Covid cases.Covid is a bad flu! That’s all it is! It is dangerous to specific populations or people with certain conditions, but not all that dangerous to the rest of us. Like the flu or a bad cold, it is an inconvenience, not a death sentence, especially for those who have built up their immune systems.

Americans, and other populations around the world, have allowed their economies to be demolished and themselves to be gaslighted by Power Elite controlled organizations such as the WHO over a bad flu! One of the people at the helm of the Power Elite, and the biggest billionaire promoter of arguably unsafe vaccines, has no medical or public health credentials at all! You know his name. Surely we are entitled to ask, Who is Bill Gates?

His sidekick, Tony Fauci, has been positioned by the Establishment as “the nation’s leading infectious disease expert” when he is far more a career bureaucrat. Federal bureaucrats do not actually diagnose or treat patients.

The question for you as we enter this new year, ladies and gentlemen: do you trust the Establishment’s relentless fear machine, denial factory, billionaires, and “experts” whom we can be sure do not have your best interests in mind — or your own eyes, ears, and capacity to do investigative research (those who have time)?

Dr. Ron Paul — anyone remember him? Unlike Gates, he was an actual medical doctor before he went into politics — recently observed:

“Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being sold. Masks are just a form of psychological manipulation. Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they are worthless and potentially harmful. Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question. A nation of people who just do what they are told by the ‘experts’ without question is a nation ripe for descent into total tyranny. This is no empty warning — it’s backed up by history. Time to stand up to all the petty tyrants from our hometowns to Washington, D.C. It is time to reclaim our freedom.”

What will you do today to reclaim your freedom? What will you do to expose thegaslighting of America? I would start by taking off that ridiculous face diaper. Then I would turn off Corporate Media.All of it, including Flakebook’s “fact checkers.”

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year. Please consider supporting his work on Patreon.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Truth Has Been Canceled – It Will Take Freedom With It

Steven Yates

“What is truth?” – Pontius Pilate

I’d planned to shut up until after December 14, the day the Electoral College meets—especially since my last two articles (here and here) were two of my least popular ever. I caught it from both sides, not just from the occasional left-liberal who trolls this site but from fellow conservatives who saw me as selling out President Trump.

For what it’s worth:

We have videos of poll workers in Georgia ordering observers out of the room, telling them counting was done for the night, then removing ballots from suitcases pulled from under tables.Then running them through their machines.

We have an account by an MIT mathematician showing how Dominion voting machines in Arizona counted each Biden vote as 1.3 votes and each Trump vote as 0.7 votes.

We saw vote spikes, plainly visible on charts, in wee hours of the morning November 4, always for Biden. Trump’s lead diminished and then vanished in Michigan and Wisconsin. There were countless other irregularities.

We have this, from Eric Mataxas, interviewing a computer specialist in Colorado who looked into Dominion Voting Systems and learned that one of their higher-ups had promised an Antifa higher-up a Trump defeat! Yes, names are named, and I am surprised that video is still up.

Some of this info (e.g.,charts displaying vote spikes) was hard to find. Searches turned up mostly disinformation from “fact check” and “debunking” sites. Google and Yahoo search engines are clearly ratcheting down what we peons aren’t supposed to see.

But yes, absent massive interference, Trump won overwhelmingly! And absent massive disinformation, this would be obvious!

Here is the best summation, in one place, of the stolen election.

One has to wonder what level of collective psychosis Trump Derangement Syndrome reached, that the entirety of mainstream media, Big Tech, and the Asylum on the Potomac, can first hide and then deny the vast evidence of fraud. This includes trying to ruin the lives of  . Melissa Carone, who never sought publicity and was clearly nervous and awkward on video, is being made an example of. See this purported soap opera of possibly-libelous allegations,not to mention her being openly ridiculed on Saturday Night Live, a show that was funny four decades ago but now only recalls H.L. Mencken’s adage that no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.

The point is to create as strong as possible a disincentive against others doing what this courageous woman did.

There have been worse. Emily Murphy of the General Services Administration (who unlocked funds for a transition of administrations on November 22), wrote of receiving “threats online, by phone, and by mail directed at my safety, my family, my staff, and even my pets in an effort to coerce me into making this determination prematurely….”

Think of a bank robbery caught on camera from multiple angles, guns visible, boatloads of cash thrown in black bags by tellers and handed to the thugs. Then, bankers and police higher-ups simply declare that the videos do not exist (“baseless,” “unsubstantiated,” “evidence-free”) and that anyone who says they do is an “unhinged conspiracy theorist.” That person is then threatened . . . !

I’ve been saying all along, powerful people want Trump gone. But I had no idea of the lengths they’d go to make it happen.

I also tend to agree with Paul Craig Roberts, who wrote the other day:

“As I predicted in 2016, Trump had no understanding of Washington and no idea who to appoint.”

Of course he didn’t. He was an outsider, a non politician, which is what the GOP base wanted: someone from outside the Asylum on the Potomac who would disrupt the status quo and chart a new, non globalist course for the country.

Trump tried not to disappoint. “Americanism, not globalism,” he told listeners in his inaugural speech in January 2017.

Roberts continues (I’m tempted to C&P the whole column):

“… Trump was staffed by the Establishment with an Establishment government. Trump thought, based on his experience as boss, that the boss was the boss, but as I learned from my quarter century in Washington that is not the way Washington works.

“Trump’s Establishment government has destroyed Trump, first by permitting the Russia gate hoax and refusing to hold the perpetuators—who clearly committed federal felonies— accountable.  No indictments for the obvious felony of misleading the FISA Court, for example, have been forthcoming from the DOJ Establishment figures of Barr and Durham.

“Second, the Trump ‘Justice’ Department permitted the hoax that Trump did what Biden clearly did—bribe the president of Ukraine with US foreign aid. Trump, who made no such bribe, was investigated and impeached in the Democrat House for something it was clear he did not do. In contrast, Vice President Biden, who boasted (you can watch it on video) to the Council on Foreign Relations that he threatened the president of Ukraine with the withholding of billions of US dollars unless he fired the prosecutor who was investigating the corrupt company that was paying Biden’s son a fortune for Biden’s protection, has not been investigated by the DOJ or FBI.

“Neither has Biden been investigated for the incriminating information on the laptop of his son’s computer that is in the hands of the DOJ and FBI. The FBI will cover this up just as the FBI covered up the Hillary servers and the murder of Seth Rich who leaked the information that was blamed on Wikileaks and Julian Assange.

“Biden will not be investigated — unless Biden’s ill-chosen vice president demands it as ‘a person of color’ in order to displace Biden in order to complete the American color revolution that took place on November 3 and 4, 2020. Those were the days that American democracy was officially murdered by the Democrat Party’s carefully organized electoral fraud, about which not a peep from the presstitutes.”

Roberts gets one thing wrong. The U.S. is not a democracy but a plutocratic oligarchy, and has been for decades (Gilens and Page 2014). Otherwise the brazenness of this steal, combined with the avalanche of denial, would not be conceivable, much less possible. The stolen election did not “murder democracy.” “Democracy” has been dead for a long time. Efforts to restore it are labeled authoritarian populism. Orwell on steroids.

The present Establishment — the two major parties, mainstream media (90 percent of which is owned by six mega conglomerates), and Big Tech — especially Facebook and Twitter, which “fact check” or “dispute” links to truth-telling articles and videos almost as fast as we can put them up — ought to be at its lowest credibility ever. For the truth about Facebook “fact-checkers” as well as more info on where those late-hour votes for Earpiece Joe came from, go here.

This is the same governmental / corporate Establishment likely to approve one or more vaccines for COVID-19(84) for mass distribution soon. We are assured that the Pfizer vaccine is 95 percent effective. But consider:

5 Burning Questions About the New Pfizer Vaccine.

Again, I quote directly: “The Pfizer vaccine trial included nearly 44,000 people. Half getting their vaccine, half getting a placebo. In total, from the 44,000 people, 170 were later recorded as having become ‘infected with Covid19’. 162 of them were in the placebo group, 8 of them in the vaccine group.

“The vaccine is therefore credited with preventing 154 cases of Covid-19…or 95%.

“You don’t need to be a medical researcher or virologist to see how potentially flawed this reasoning is. The entire trial of 44,000 people is deemed a success based on the potentially multi-variant outcome from less than 0.4% of those involved.

“The details of the trial are hard to come by, so we have yet to find out how these 170 people were even diagnosed with “Covid19”. Was it a clinical diagnosis based on symptoms? Or PCR test? Either method would raise serious questions about accuracy.

“In short, the answer to “Does it work?” is “we have no idea.”

We also learn nothing about the ages of the participants in this trial, relevant because as everybody knows, the elderly are the most susceptible to dying from a Covid infection.

Nor do we know who, or how many, had preexisting conditions.

This is what passes for science in 2020.

People better wake up, because this is what is likely to be forced on them in 2021, if a Biden-Harris regime takes office and mindlessly “follows the science.”

Some airlines (Australia’s Qantas being the first example) are already positioning themselves to require a Covid vaccine as a condition for international travel.

The airline industry — like much of the corporate world — is “monkey see, monkey do” (as Doug Casey put it). Which means:proof of vaccination will spread and quickly become an industry standard for international travel, with the support of governments some of which are preparing to institute their own “immunity passports.” The WHO is looking into “e-vaccination certificates.”

These will spread to domestic flights,from there to other forms of public transportation (buses, subways), and finally to public spaces generally. Where my wife and I shop for groceries there are already security people at the entrance with a device to check our temperatures and sometimes our IDs. A similar device will soon read your Covid vaccine ID.

Didn’t get jabbed? Take your business elsewhere!

No freedom for refuseniks, in other words. The idea of tying proof of vaccination to future stimulus checks has been floated.

This is about something developed at Warp Speed (Big Pharma’s expropriation of Star Trek technobabble). Normally it takes several years to develop and properly test a new vaccine for effectiveness and safety. Even assuming this thing works, we will not know how long it guarantees immunity or whether annual “booster shots” will be necessary, or if deleterious side effects could materialize over time.

One does not need to be a rabid “antivaxxer” to respond to all this with a sarcastic, “What could go wrong?”

Are there alternatives? Of course! Hydroxychloroquine, used in the past to treat malaria and by many doctors this year to treat Covid patients (touted by Trump at once point), is out there, but has been dropped down the memory hole. We saw the same mantra words (“unproven,” “unsubstantiated,” etc.). Some doctors using it were threatened with losing their medical licenses. HCQ, known for over 60 years to be safe if taken properly, is inexpensive and therefore useless to those whose value systems revolve around money and power. Never mind that its mass distribution could have saved tens of thousands of lives! Another promising cure for Covid about which we’ve heard nothing is Ivermectin.

There is a comprehensive blackout on both HCQ and Ivermectin. For the Establishment, it’s a vaccine or bust! Charles Hugh Smith penned a good assessment of the logistics nightmare suggested by the many unknowns. Frankly, I don’t think such things matter to those who want vaccines distributed at lightning speed. As with the stolen election they aren’t interested in truth. They are interested in controlled populations.

Recently, Pfizer’s former VP and Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon argued against the necessity of a vaccine for Covid. What there is of a pandemic is running its course, he said. So what is its specific purpose? Population reduction through infertility? Population reduction is something globalists have long favored.While they wax eloquently about climate change, sustainability, etc., the reality is, they cannot technocratically manage 7 billion people!

Could this be the truth? Will it matter?

Once upon a time, truth mattered. Today, narrative is what matters. Specifically, official narratives matter.

So we have corporate media assuring us that the election was not stolen,feeding us hysterical 24/7 report age of the latest Covid death numbers with no larger context, and telling us a poorly tested vaccine will save us all!

In the first case, the iron wall of denial is solid: claims made by “conspiracy theorists”are simply declared to be “debunked” and then psychoanalyzed out of existence.

With the second, anyone who looks into the history of pandemics learns that Covid has no prospects of killing even a fraction of those done in beginning in 1918 by the Spanish flu, which killed over 18 million people, having infected an estimated 500 million. Its death toll may have reached 50 million. This in a world population of 1.8 billion.

The third: critics of the coming vaccination of Americans are again being accused of “spreading conspiracy theories” (here, first paragraph). I think it is just a matter of time, maybe as little as three or four months, before anyone who questions the official vaccine narrative will be labeled a “danger to public health” or some equivalent and threatened with arrest and imprisonment.

You read it here first.

Official narratives hold that those in power do not “conspire,” that “fact checkers” care about facts, and that Big Pharma operates out of the goodness of its heart. The truth again: for years now pharmaceutical corporations have been indemnified against lawsuits over harm done by their products.

Sadly, a critical mass of the public is buying into these twin catastrophes in motion. Though millions of Republicans are sure the election was stolen and will never trust the voting process again, they will be silenced — all it will take is a few more outspoken men and women made examples of:losing jobs, “shamed” by the Twitter mob or on TV, possibly having their dirty laundry aired publicly, and their lives ruined.

Likewise, millions of people will line up for a vaccine the long term safety of which is a complete unknown. They will have been told that this is the way out of the “dark winter” and into the post-Covid peon economy (in which many of the peons will be flat broke and fully dependent on the good graces of “their” government — if they’ve gotten jabbed, of course. Otherwise, forget it).

So we look to the future. My surmise is that barring divine intervention, Sleepy Joe and Kommie Kamala will be inaugurated on January 20. The former has as much as said he will lock down the country to “follow the science.” There goes the rest of Main Street (Wall Street will continue to soar, of course, as it did in 2020 while tens of millions were unemployed). Mass vaccinations will begin.

If you’re one of the peons, you will not have a choice. Choice? Where have you been? Choice only applies to women who want to kill their unborn children!

Covid-19(84) is proving to be what the enemies of freedom needed, wanted, and may well have planned (see also this curiosity), to get us back on track toward a controlled society. Something Trump was disrupting. Trump’s disruptions were erratic and inconsistent, but the super elite couldn’t control him, so he has to go. Sleepy Joe and Kommie Kamala are unscrupulous opportunists who know who is buttering their bread. They will do as they are told.

The time to stand up to real power was decades ago. I spoke of the need to stand up to political correctness back in the 1990s here, but that doesn’t scratch the surface. There was ample evidence of what was coming long before. Books such as Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (1970) openly promoted globalism as a desirable outcome of “liberal democracy.” Brzezinski was a top-flight writer who was clear as crystal about where he believed the world should go.

Three years later, he, David Rockefeller, and Henry Kissinger used their vast resources and network of contacts to create the Trilateral Commission.

Few paid attention. There’s a sense in which first the space program and then Watergate were diversions, since even the comparatively well-educated public we had back then could be distracted with images from space and scandal on the ground.

Few pay attention now, as Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum) writes openly about connecting Covid-19(84) to the proposed Great Reset. Predictably, to the New York Times, this last is another “conspiracy theory.”

Today fear is the prevalent control factor. Fear of getting sick. Fear of unemployment and being financially devastated. Fear of being shamed on social media. Fear of being called a racist (if you are white). Fear is effective. It results in paralysis and looking to the authorities for rescue. Sometimes, of course, fear is justified. Other times, not. The point is, fomenting it has proven to be a very efficient control mechanism.

In sum: truth has been canceled. It will take freedom with it. Highly visible truth-tellers today find themselves imprisoned in solitary confinement (Julian Assange) or in self-imposed exile (Edward Snowden). Others have faced career sabotage (Judy Mikovits) or just a struggle for financial survival (Paul Craig Roberts, myself). To use one of Roberts’s favorite descriptive terms, we now have a mostly insouciant public, fixated on celebrities, Tik Tok, whatever the Twitterati are spewing, and consuming Covid fear porn.

Those who question power are all but invisible.

I grow weary of shouting (or doing something else) into the wind. This will be my last article for NewsWithViews.com in 2020. I do wish my loyal readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, such as they are. During the holidays I will decide whether there is any point, in the year to come, in continuing writing articles that make no difference, or if the time has come to pursue other goals.

*Paul Craig Roberts once wrote an intended retirement column entitled “Truth Has Fallen, and Has Taken Liberty With It.” My title to this possible farewell column is updated for our times, but still close enough to his that it seemed wise to give him credit.

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

If the Cultural Leftists and Their Media Think they Won, Then Why are They So Concerned and Uneasy?

By Steven Yates

Saturday, November 7, was a day of celebration for left-liberals not just in the U.S. but across the world!

As far as they’re concerned, their man (and woman) won!

Even if the “win” was declared in corporate mass media long before all votes had been counted, and amidst large and growing allegations of fraud (dead people voting, hundreds of thousands of votes for Biden-Harris appearing out of thin air in crucial swing states, etc.).

In a media-saturated world, corporate mass media maintains the official narratives: allegations of a stolen election are then “baseless,” “unfounded,” “unsubstantiated,” “unproven allegations”; or “unverified” and “without evidence” (or “evidence-free”), based on “false information” (Flakebook loves that one!); a product of “unhinged” “right-wing extremists”; “bogus conspiracy theories”; etc. This, in addition to “racist” and “fascist” (or “neo-fascist”), is a healthy (or unhealthy!) sampling of the brain-paralysis inducing phrases I’ve seen since the November 3 fiasco.

Facts no longer matter if they interfere with official narratives and agendas. Thus the largest narrative war I think I’ve ever seen has unfolded, between those using the above demon words and phrases, and those who insist that documentation of how voting-machine technology was used to commit fraud is clear and factual, and backed with evidence that corporate media and Big Tech are censoring just as fast as they can (they could now cite this).

The particular brand of structural violence we are seeing, based on disinformation instead of deprivation,backed culturally (with huge financial resources), is almost fascinating to watch as it unfolds, day by day!

We’ve had events like this, with all the standard mainstream misrepresentations like this one (reproduced uncritically from hard-left Salon). The truth as always: there was zero violence until leftists showed up under the cover of darkness, as they tend to do. But as I said, facts no longer matter.

While I hear some QAnon type stuff (“Biden’ll be arrested any day now!”) I’ll believe it when I see it. All indications are, Trump will leave the White House in January, and Biden-Harris will be coronated. There’s no doubt they will lead the next lurch leftward (see this, this, and this).

Even so, there’s a palpable sense of unease out there. You saw it in an article I linked to last week. I’ve encountered it several times since.

First, cultural leftists know they don’t control the Supreme Court. Trump has ensured that conservatives will have a presence there for years to come. Nor do Democrats control Congress. They actually lost ground. But it’s more than that.

The far left knows it doesn’t control the minds and hearts of the almost 73 million Americans whose votes for Donald Trump were actually counted as such, and that demonizing all 73 million as systemic racists, white supremacists, closet Klansmen, etc., is bonkers even by their standards!

Probably over 80 percent of those 73 million will put this behind them and get back to their lives. Assuming the national agenda doesn’t lock them down, they have mouths to feed, mortgages to pay,lights to keep turned on, and with Biden-Harris ready to push anti white racism and restore the full globalist agenda against the country, they’ll have their hands full.

Before this is over, many more will adopt the totally-fed-up mindset of this woman (warning: “salty” language).

But none of this goes to the heart of the real reason for cultural left’s collective unease.

The problems that led to the Trump presidency in the first place are all still very much around.

What were these problems? Start with the economic assault on the middle class that began decades ago, and proceeded apace as the country financialized, globalized, and basically divided in two.

Financialization: those who learned to game the system got ahead, while those who continued with honest work and tried just to live their lives fell behind. Financialization is a corrupt “fake capitalism” that redistributed wealth upward at an accelerating rate.It is actually socialism for the wealthy elites and capitalism for the poor and middle class (see this). Politicians of the mainstream (Republicans as well as Democrats) and the Federal Reserve supported this transformation, which has saddled millions with unrepayable debt likely to worsen as inflation / currency devaluation destroys any savings they might have, undermines the value of their (often fixed) incomes, and drives down their standard of living.

Hence the emergence of “two economies,” those of the financialized and globalized cities versus the patriotic rural regions, equivalent roughly to blue and red.Behind the red insurgency of Trumpism was the collapse of narratives surrounding globalization, foreign wars of choice, and “liberal democracy” amidst the frustration of rising living costs. There was also the growing distrust of mainstream media outlets proclaiming these narratives, now including Big Tech. Finally, there was the surging anti white racism of identity politics, which actually grew in strength during the Trump years and will doubtless become still more brazen under Biden-Harris.

This leads to the deepest fear I see on the left.

That Trumpism, having gone nowhere, will give rise to a new leader with all of Trump’s strengths and none of his weaknesses.

That is to say, the next Donald Trump will be charismatic and know how to optimize both mass and social media, just as Trump did. He will specialize in “infotainment” and hold audiences spellbound without seeming self-absorbed.

He will oppose open borders but avoid referring to Mexicans as criminals and rapists. He won’t insult anybody. Instead, he will observe, correctly, that open immigration drives down wages for all — Latinos as well as Anglos. An anti-Communist, he will have Cuban-Americans who fled Castro and their direct descendants solidly on his side.

This person will probably be at least two and maybe three decades younger than Trump, and possess great quantities of what some call emotional intelligence, which Trump lacked. Assuming he’s a man, he will empathize and know how to talk to women, and will quickly have conservative women in his corner. He won’t have the “locker-room talk” baggage that dogged Trump. He will be married, possibly to a beauty-queen, and not have mistresses or porn stars hidden in his background. Nor will anyone find potential scandals involving taxes, lawsuits against failed businesses, or other such issues. This person will understand that outsiders have to keep their noses clean as a whistle.

Although this person won’t necessarily be a man.

Imagine a much politically savvier Sarah Palin, not needing to be plucked out of obscurity by a John McCain.

He or she will successfully navigate the tightrope of being able to speak even to those he/she may despise with carefully measured words — having learned how (and when) to disagree without being disagreeable. That’s a key part of being emotionally intelligent.

On the other hand, at just the right moment, perhaps in the debate context, this person will know how to strike his opponent(s) as with a rapier blade. It will be a thousand times more effective since it’s unexpected, and might even employ humor to full effect, leaving opponent(s) looking ridiculous.

He/she will know how to speak to foreign leaders and international bodies. He/she will likely have access to the information that exposes real elite privilege before their peoples.

At the same time, he/she will remain calm and collected in public at all times, whereas Trump often was not.

Elites will dislike him or her, but won’t be able to do a thing about it. They will be more stymied than they were by Trump back in 2015-16.

His/her use of social media will be restrained, without the late night tweet storms for which Trump was famous (or infamous).

My guess is, this person will be self-disciplined, nutrition-conscious (Trump was not), and avoid news programs and pointed exchanges with mainstream media.

When before its representatives, his/her manner of speaking and carrying himself/herself will be disarming rather than confrontational.

Actor Robert deNiro, notorious for his hatred for Trump, summed up well what I have in mind when he recently appeared on MSNBC’s The Beat (scroll to 2:42):

“Somebody’s going to come along who’s a lot smarter, more sensitive, more mercurial and not so boorish and will be able to pull the wool over the eyes of the public. And then we will have a more serious … deeper problem … and one that might actually get further than what Trump has done …”

Unlike DeNiro, I sincerely hope so, and will not view the person as “pulling the wool over” anybody’s eyes because he or she has circumvented any and all elite maneuverings.

But is there any such person waiting in the wings?

I don’t know, but some leftist authors are clearly afraid of something.

What we Americans conveniently call Trumpism is in fact a global phenomenon (because financialization and globalism with their trappings are, after all, global phenomena). We see variants in Hungary, Poland, the Philippines, India, Brazil, and elsewhere — everywhere a leader strong enough to win and continue winning elections has emerged to represent a critical mass of those fed up with being dominated by agendas imposed from outside their countries.

Consider, from the Atlantic Monthly:

“Make no mistake: The attempt to harness Trumpism—without Trump, but with calculated, refined, and smarter political talent—is coming. And it won’t be easy to make the next Trumpist a one-term president. He will not be so clumsy or vulnerable. He will get into office less by luck than by skill. Perhaps it will be Senator Josh Hawley, who is writing a book against Big Tech because he knows that will be the next chapter in the culture wars, with social-media companies joining “fake news” as the enemy. Perhaps it will be Senator Tom Cotton, running as a law-and-order leader with a populist bent. Maybe it will be another media figure: Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan, both men with talent and followings. Perhaps it will be another Sarah Palin—she was a prototype—with the charisma and appeal but without the baggage…. Perhaps someone like the QAnon-supporting Representative-elect Lauren Boebert of Colorado, who first beat the traditional Republican representative in the primary and then ran her race with guns blazing, mask off, and won against the Democratic candidate, a retired professor who avoided campaigning in person. Indeed, a self-made charismatic person coming out of nowhere probably has a better chance than many establishment figures in the party.”

This article, from Great Britain’s left-of-center The Guardian, notes that Biden-Harris will enter the White House with a mark against them even from some of their own.

Both are regarded, rightly or wrongly,by a “populist” element on the left as Establishment flunkies. Some of this element speak of a “nefarious elite” no less than some on the right, and they see it in many of the same places: global corporations promoting job-destroying trade deals, secretive organizations such as Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, financiers who own Wall Street, the CIA, and the foreign war machine.

These folks suspect that while Biden may lock down the country in the name of Cap’n Covid until a vaccine is made generally available (whatever its real purpose and effects — this is another article), when push comes to shove neither he nor Kamala will do anything to further causes they care about such as (e.g.) national health care, because there is just too much profit to be had from a population that is sickly and lethargic.

Now if Trump should form Trump Media as I suggested here (see also this), he could have a hand in establishing this person’s credibility and even providing him with a platform in the early going — provided he then stays out of the way, as this person will have the skills to continue on his/her own merits.

Are we seeing a preview of 2024 here?

At the moment, it depends on what the Biden-Harris team presidency (it’ll be that, after all) does, how fed up the red insurgency remains (especially if anti white bias continues to worsen and mainstream media continues to bury the fact), and whether someone appears who can channel that anger in the right way. I doubt that a rinse-and-repeat of 2015-16 will work.

I’m also assuming here that Biden-Harris won’t do anything to cause the national cold war between red and blue to turn hot. If that assumption is wrong — if, for example, Biden-Harris try to confiscate guns — all bets are off.

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Even If This Election Has Been Stolen, This Is What Donald Trump Should Do Next

By Steven Yates

If, as looks likely, (S) Election 2020 has been stolen by Democrats in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and possibly elsewhere, Joe Biden will assume the presidency over a country a substantial fraction of which considers him illegitimate … far more than those who thought Obama was illegitimate, and with far better evidence (here, here, and here, with additional supporting links; see also this.)

It’s a recipe for four more years of continued conflict….

I have a better idea. I can only hope and pray either that Trump is already thinking along these lines, that someone is who close to him and whom he trusts, or that an article like this one comes to or is brought to his attention. Maybe even this one. Dare I even think this? Who am I? A somewhat nerdyex-academic with a PhD in philosophy who moved overseas during the Obama years, manages his own small online writing business, writes articles for websites like this one, turns out the occasional book, and sees nothing to lose by getting a Big Idea out there.

The Establishment may have won a battle — a big one! Even if the battle was “won” in the media instead of by legitimate means.

But the Establishment has not won the war!!

It is extremely important to keep this in the forefront of our minds in these dark days….

The Establishment’s more intelligent writers understand, moreover, that Biden will preside over “Trump’s America.”

Look at it like this: we’ve been in a battle of narratives for years. That will not change, whoever sits in the Oval Office.

So here’s the Big Idea:

Trump Media!

I had the impression that Trump had something like this in mind if he lost to the Hildebeest in 2016. Maybe he still does….

Let’s face it. Trump’s skills trying to reinvent himself as a politician in the Asylum-on-the-Potomac were always haphazard,and never reached their potential due to nothing more than his lack of Insider status and Washington-style people skills. President Trump had no way of knowing in advance who his friends would be, and as it turned out, the old adage held: if you want a friend in the Asylum-on-the-Potomac, get a dog.

Especially if the Establishment sees you as outsider, an anomaly, a fluke. A disruptor of the status quo, of the Insiders’ plans for the world. Which Trump clearly has been.

Command of media, on the other hand, is Trump’s superpower! His strong suit!

Candidate Trump’s media savvy, both of legacy and social, won him the GOP nomination in 2016 and then the presidency. He was able to amass the support of a base for whom all the mainstream narratives about globalization, the war machine, political correctness, and possibly “democracy” itself, had collapsed. This base was ready for something other than politics as usual, and Candidate Trump was therewith memorable lines like: America’s foreign policy is a complete and total disaster, and in his inaugural address: Americanism, not globalism! 

Now imagine the spirit of Candidate Trump restored,and at the helm of a Trump Media empire, into which he and his family pour their money, their message, and their energies!

Trump could oversee the branching off and formation not just of at least one television network able to put the insipidly inconsistent Faux News out of business. He could recruit the best web platform developers and create a social media environment able to compete head-to-head with Flakebook and the Twitter verse.

Imagine us being able to say: Mark Zuckerberg, move over! The equation has changed!

For no longer would conservatives with good ideas for alternative social media platforms (I know a few)need to flounder spending the bulk of their effort just trying to get up cash to pay a decent website developer.

Trumpian alternatives to Big Tech would be bankrolled, so those in them could focus on their superpowers (raising money isn’t it).

Likewise a Trump Media affiliated YouTube site, Trump Media affiliated ISPs, and more!

Imagine a near future world in which Establishment censorship of unwanted ideas and information would be over, because it would be impotent.

Are you interested in why the Covid-19(84) lockdowns not only have caused more health problems then they’ve solved, and why they were never about protecting public health in the first place? Come to Trump Media and find out!

This would all portenda very interesting future!

Not only would Big Tech be stymied, the Biden / Harris / globalist / SJW axis would be all but neutered. However solidly ensconced the former would be in the Asylum on the Potomac, Trump Media would be there, too, ready and able to expose its every shenanigan!

Trump Media could report on the number of times President Biden lost his way back to the Oval Office from the nearest bathroom, for example. Both his and Kamala Harris’s efforts to further the anti white racism, antimale sexism, and gender-fluidities of the Cult of Woke would be answered with real, credible exposure and competition.

Harris’s threat to disarm the American citizenry would go nowhere. Chances are good, any such effort would die in Congress. An executive order would be unenforceable if no one enforced it.

Imagine, moreover, actual universities or other academic / intellectual centers furthering ideas other than scientistic materialism, left-liberal wokism, and globalism. Trump U might have failed, but this does not mean any of a range of possible successors must fail. Especially if it’s not about real estate but a worldview, a vision of the future in which people are free and not enslaved.

Speaking of which:

Were Trump able to get his media empire up and running in time, those eagerly laboring under his watch might even be able to head off the bulk of the superelite-planned Great Reset!

Especially if Trump were persuaded to give up whatever small support he offered for an unnecessary and possibly dangerous vaccine for Covid-19(84). It is possible, of course, that this was never more than a survival strategy. Perhaps more people would view this, then go back and get this, see more of who the big super elite players are,and come to the realization (if they haven’t already): the Great Reset is about control— about using technology to enslave our bodies instead of free our minds. A Covid vaccine would be just one means to that end.

Trump Media — using globalists’ own technological systems to go international almost at once — could head off the growing technocratic system based on surveillance and control that threatens to descend on top of us during this decade.

Dare we think that a Trump Media could stop the global war on cash, just by pointing out that cash transactions cannot be tracked and traced?

By repurposing and refocusing the support of the base that supported him four years ago. Trump Media could accomplish something else of great importance right now.

It could head off an in-the-streets civil war. Some have mistakenly romanticized this sort of thing, but the truth is, it would accomplish nothing except getting a lot of people killed and helping the globalist Establishment.

For who else would be around to pick up whatever fragments are left if the present cold war turns hot?

It’s time to focus on something other than the broken political system. It’s time to do something that will actually work, if The Donald is there to jump-start it. He can do it, because of who he is.

Summing up:

First, in a money political economy, those who have the money have a head start.

Trump Media will have the money, if Trump and his family have it. Unlike invisible alternatives to Flakebook, Trump Media will begin with a place at the table, immediately exposing whatever Biden-Harris try to foist on the public. There would be nothing any Establishment entity could do about it (short, perhaps, of having henchmen fly a plane into its headquarters,or send in anthrax, or plant a truly lethal virus in its midst—reasons why, once set up, an actual Trump Media had better be sure to hire top flight security personnel operating 24/7 at every level!!).

Second, in a media-saturated culture, those with superpower media savvy win in that arena, regardless of who sits in any political office!

Trump Media will go off Trump’s command over media, based on attention.

If Trump Media gets attention, its messages get out. And it would get attention.

I see this as worth promoting, as the best conceivable plan in the wake of this disaster of an election!

We can only hope Trump is thinking along these lines, and that whatever lawfare used by the Establishment to try to punish him for the past four years does not get in his way.

Heck, if I see something like this in the works, I might even consider returning to the U.S. to work with it, or in it, or promoting it, using my own superpower skill: writing!

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Cult of Woke: 30 Years of Inaction (Indifference?) by “Establishment Conservatives”

By Steven Yates

It is common knowledge that the Cult of Woke has conquered academia except for STEM subjects. Its minions are hard at work finding “evidence” of “systemic racism” in those. The Cult of Woke has also conquered mainstream media, Big Tech, and large portions of the business world generally. Its minions believe they’ll have one of their own in the White House soon (I’m thinking more of Kamala Harris than Joe Biden who is too white and too male, and in the early stages of dementia).

Trump isn’t doing much to stop the Cult’s advances. But at this point, what can he do? These people are good at mass mobilization, intimidation, and force. Only retaliatory force will stop them at this point. I can’t blame Trump for not wanting, say, to invoke the Insurrection Act to stop the canceling of history. To the Cult of Woke, Trump epitomizes racism and fascism. He’d be playing right into their hands. Maybe he will invoke it if he wins a second term and the Cult sets about canceling him.

If “Establishment conservatives” — most of whom aren’t conservative at all as I understand that term (here and here) — ever wonder how on Earth we got into this mess, all they have to do is look in the mirror. This is assuming they haven’t gone over to the other side! “Establishment conservatives” include anti-Trumpists like George Will, Max Boot, Erick Erickson, Jennifer Rubin, Joe Scarborough, and other well-connected and well-heeled types you’ll find on the pages of the Washington Post and other Establishment rags, or on mainstream TV networks.

One might add Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Newt Gingrich and Lindsey Graham as Establishment Republicans who have never displayed any stable core values, which is why the Republican Party fell so easily to Trump.

Just over 30 years ago, I began sounding warnings that the then-almost-unknown cultural Marxist left was dangerous.

Come back with me to the 1980s. At first glance, it was an era of conservatism resurgent! Ronald Reagan, Mr. Conservative himself, was in the White House. After the disastrous Carter years, it was Morning In America. Tom Cruise was riding high in Top Gun. College kids had cut their hair and were dressing for success. Images of draft card burners had long since been replaced by those of lean men and women working out in fitness centers. Plenty of other signs abounded of a nation seemingly back on track. Even popular music was “nicer,” on the surface at least.

The cultural left hadn’t gone anywhere, though.Like a wild beast, it had been laying low, gathering strength, and was ready to burst forth again. An article in a 1989 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education, academia’s Establishment weekly, laid this out. The author was one William Damon, a leftist professor come of age in the late 1960s. I don’t have the exact quote that leaped out at me. Nothing was online then, and my photocopy disappeared eons ago. What Professor Damon said went something like: “Everyone thought that with Vietnam over, we [leftists] had disappeared. No, we stepped into academic positions. Now we have tenure, and the business of reshaping the universities has begun in earnest.”

I already knew of leftist academics’ reactions to those who challenged their core beliefs. A couple of years prior, radical feminists disrupted a presentation on “Feminism Against the Family” by philosopher Christina Hoff Sommers at a national meeting. The incident got some attention. It dawned on me: academic philosophy had a problem. A radical feminist problem.

Actually, it was a liberal arts problem generally, and hardly limited to my discipline. And it wasn’t just feminists. There were multiculturalists, postmodernists, the earliest critical race theorists, queer-theorists, “intersectionalists,” and others. Borrowing from trendy French thought, they advanced an ideology of race / gender-derived determinism that would have jolted a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who spoke of judging people by the “content of their character.” And they were very aggressive about it. The mostly white, mostly male academy came across, even then, as scared out of its collective wits by these people.

Having investigated the subject, I fingered affirmative action as a source of how women in particular who still acted like obnoxious student revolutionaries could get hired and tenured at major universities. I noted how white women defending hard-left ideologies were its primary beneficiaries, in academia at least. The percentage of black professors had barely budged, despite almost 20 years of preferential policies.

I wrote letters to the editor noting these things. Even then, writing such letters elicited thinly-veiled threats. A black professor (who claimed to be at Harvard, no less!) told me in an angry, handwritten scrawl that arrived in my mailbox one day that he could bench press 300 pounds and would happily take on (then-VP) Dan Quayle, David Duke, or me. What?! How else was I to interpret that?

Beginning around 1990, numerous articles and books had appeared on political correctness, “tenured radicals,” and the then-rising obsession with race and sex on campus. Authors included Roger Kimball, Dinesh D’Souza, Charles Sykes, others. Horror stories of disrupted classes and “canceled” professors were circulating.

In 1994, I joined those authors. Then I learned the ugly truth: you can’tstand for truth and reason against this tide without the protections afforded by academic tenure, which I did not have. I found myself unemployed in 1995, my career badly damaged if not ruined,and facing a downward spiral into poverty if I didn’t “reinvent myself” in a hurry.

I did, for a time, obtaining a two-year public health degree and working on projects applying systems thinking to primary prevention, also serving as technical writer for a health consulting firm. (Those weren’t wasted years. I learned a lot. Some of what I learned was permanent, and compelled me to revisit some of my first premises. But that is a story for another day.)

What I’d realized, to my dismay: unlike leftists, conservative intellectuals are unwilling or unable to act on behalf of their own, especially in terms of supporting their own financially. I don’t know if this is built into their thinking, which stresses full self-responsibility, or not. What I know: I’d spent years writing on the side for conservative and libertarian publications, while appealing to conservative foundations and institutes for research support.

I’d been invited to affiliate with one and was able to obtain a small grant. They put me to work on one of their projects. With my own projects, I was on my own. This continued to be true on into the new millennium. A few conservatives and libertarians had talked about “parallel institutions.” An obvious solution? But none of us had any money! We knew no one with the deep pockets of the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, or Soros’s Open Society Institute. Without support, we weren’t going to make it happen!

One of my predictions from around 1990 when the term first started appearing was that if political correctness was not opposed, it would both enlarge itself to encompass more and more groups of “victims,” and spread from colleges and universities through their law schools and journalism schools to every institution in the country.

By the late 1990s, this was happening. PC had spread to the military (via the women-in-combat movement). It had infiltrated mainstream journalism in spades. In was on television sitcoms where it reached into Americans’ family rooms nightly. Politicians were increasingly afraid to stand up to it. Republicans in particular were scared to death of being called racists. Responding to the charge was already a closed circle. To deny you’re a racist is only to confirm your racism.

Political correctness then took over medium-sized business. We South Carolinians could only watch as a man who insisted in flying the Confederate flag above his restaurants following its removal from the state’s Statehouse Dome (July 1, 2000) found his40-year-old business destroyed in a matter of weeks by a massive boycott led by the NAACP. A libelous, front-page hit job had appeared in the city newspaper characterizing him as believing in slavery (he did not). Intimidated grocery chains throughout the Southeast refused to carry his frozen foods and unique barbecue sauce, his primary source of revenue.

Mr. Bessinger (who passed away in 2014) was canceled, and I had a lesson in how so-called “free markets” could destroy culture depending on the beliefs of its movers and shakers.

I wrote extensively about this at the time. All but one of those articles has been taken down.

Fast forward to the decade just finished. The country as a whole had shifted leftward, especially big cities, setting the stage for the present divisions. With over two decades of cultural leftism in the universities, cultural leftism in the media, and cultural leftism dominating Big Tech, how could it do otherwise?

I’d recovered an academic career — sort of — the decade before but abandoned it to move overseas because, looking ahead, even then I saw a U.S. in decline. That was 2012, the year Republicans lost an election they could have won. Establishment Republicans, it was then clear, were gifted at one thing: shooting themselves in both feet.

In 2014, following the Ferguson, Mo. incident in which a black male was shot to death by a white cop (arguably in self-defense), campuses exploded.

We saw videos of black students screaming — literally screaming — at administrators about how mistreated they were. This happened at places like Yale, which tells me they needed a reality check. When you are at Yale you are privileged no matter your race.

Goes without saying, no reality check ever came.

At the University of Missouri it became clear: merely reporting political correctness could lead to overt threats from the leftist mob (students and faculty) that had taken over that campus.

Where were any Establishment conservatives?

I didn’t mean showmen like Ben Shapiro and Milo whatever-his-name-is. I mean people with both decision-making capability, resources, and the stones to stand up to this.

If anyone knows, please tell me! (Neocons, it should go without saying,are not conservatives).

Then came the Trump era, which I saw as solid proof that mainstream Republicanism had collapsed. No one—no one!—should have been able to do what Donald Trump did, gaining a major party’s nomination without previous political experience, on the strength of his command of media and an undeniable appeal to fed-up crowds, and winning the White House.

This is true even if Hillary Clinton had pulled one of the dumbest stunts in the history of American politics, calling an entire voting bloc “baskets of deplorables.” But this was the direction the left was going: from merely delegitimizing the views of those across the aisle to, again, canceling them altogether.

Once in office, Trump couldn’t quell the rising cultural Marxist tide from Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Trump’s “fine people on both sides” remark regarding Charlottesville (2017) was misrepresented by a corporate media that to this day continues to misrepresent what happened, ignoring the role leftists played in inciting violence.

I’m not sure when I first heard the word woke applied to cultural Marxism and identity politics. The usage left me scratching my head at first.

Then I reread George Orwell’s 1984 and recalled the linguistic reversals of a would-be Ministry of Truth. Freedom Is Slavery. War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength.

To be woke is to be totally asleep in cultural victimization, but awakened to the sense of cultural empowerment able to destroy targeted victimizers, along with their histories. Cancel culture was born. Let’s fulfill our empowerment by canceling history!

Down came one statue and monument after another, not all of them Confederate! Down came names off university buildings.

Orwell, from 1984: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

This could be the Cult of Woke’s mission statement!

And now we find ourselves in the situation I described a couple of weeks ago.

Under no circumstances will the culturally empowered Wokesters voluntarily recognize the legitimacy of a second Trump term. It is clear, they will explode if Trump can claim, in January, to have won. Especially if he again wins in the Electoral College!

And should Biden-Harris win, it will be open season on what is left of a cultural heritage and history deemed mired in “systemic racism.” Cancellation may include violent attacks on known Trump backers (possibly white people generally) a few of whom have already received mailed threats.

As I sit, writing this days before the election, I’ve no idea which it will be. I know I don’t trust polls that put Biden in the lead; but neither am I confident Trump can pull this off. I saw the first debate and thought it was a disaster, but that’s just me, hoping Trump would talk to the American people and present a Constitutionally-grounded vision for the next four years, something that would inspire the American people as better and more honest than the Cult of Woke. He did not.

Neither has any Establishment “conservative.” I fear real conservatives (like myself) have been completely sidelined! We’re no nearer the table than are Libertarians!

Be this as it may, if Trump does win he’d better be ready to do more than he’s been doing. Because the Cult of Woke is almost certain to take to the streets, and the George Floyd riots may be just a taste of what’s to come! These people are the direct ideological descendants of those who overwhelmed France in 1789 and Russia in 1917.

Trump had better grow the stones necessary to invoke the Insurrection Act, if that’s what it takes to stop a planned color revolution in America. And then hope his status as Commander-in-Chief is sufficient. The military might not back him. Its top brass doesn’t exactly love him. They may refuse to carry out his orders because they, too, fear being called racists or white supremacists.

In which case Trump is finished, and so is America.

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Storms That Are Coming

By Steven Yates

Mexican boy: “Viene la tormenta.
Sarah Connor: “What did he say?”
Gas station attendant:  “He said there’s a storm coming.”
Sarah Connor: “I know.”

The Terminator (1984)

How much trouble are we in, anyway?
Answer: more than I think I’ve ever seen in my life.
Maybe more than anyone presently alive has seen!
It’s not just Election 2020. as we’ll see before we’re done here.
One thing at a time. I’ll begin with the election.

With less than three weeks to go, the odds of its being disputed no matter who wins are virtually 100 percent.

No matter who emerges on top in January 2021 (if indeed by then), the other side is almost certain to cry foul.

If it’s Earpiece Joe, the right probably won’t take to the streets right away—although if there’s a believable case for mail-in-voter fraud, some might.

If Trump claims victory, it won’t take till 2021 for the left to explode. Everything I read from the mainstream screams of the left’s absolute unwillingness to accept a second Trump term as legitimate.

Countless so-called pundits are talking in terms of peaceful transition, assuming that Trump will try to thwart it and steal the election. They already have Earpiece Joe in the Oval Office.

If he gets in,we won’t complete one term. He’sin the early stages of dementia. How do I know this? First, his periodic lapses into word salad have been documented. Second, my father passed away from vascular dementia in 2009. I watched his three-year mental and physical decline. I know exactly what it looks like. Trust me. Biden has it.

And when he’s lost his way trying to find the Oval Office enough times, Kamala Harris will be made president.

She is already giving interviews about what she’ll do when she takes over.

You think that’s an accident?

She’s already said, for example, that she’ll give Congress 100 days to pass “comprehensive gun safety” legislation. I wouldn’t be surprised if she signs an executive order that effectively guts the Second Amendment.

Then the right will explode.

Conservatives can’t have missed the totalitarianism that has fallen over Australia and New Zealand in the wake of the plandemic. It should be clear to anyone with a functioning brain that this can happen to a people who allow themselves to be legally disarmed.

Gun sales in the U.S. are at all-time highs. There are people who will not give up their firearms without a fight. Some are Veterans with experience equal to and even surpassing that of anyone the federal government can send after them. (How do I know this? Personal correspondence.)

If a President Harris wants a civil war, I can’t think of a better way to start one than to try to disarm the American people.

If things get that far, it could be the most brutal fight since the 1860s.

We’ve spent the last four and a half months watching the violence and destruction the left is capable of, while corporate media has tried to paper it over with talk of “peaceful protests.”

Now imagine the right growing enough stones to fight back in an organized fashion. These groups have to not care that mainstream media will demonize them as racist and white supremacist.

I can see them taking the law into their own hands once they realize that vested authorities are scared to support them. That’s what civil war is. Two irreconcilable factions fighting for control over the same government. (That’s not what happened during the 1860s, but that’s a different article.)

That’s one storm. Category 5, by any stretch. Now for the bigger storm. The super storm, perhaps.

We mentioned the Covid-19(84) plannedemic in passing.

Author and fellow solopreneur Tom Woods sent something out to his email list earlier this week that ought to alarm us all. He reports that he received it from a friend of the author, an Australian who lives in Melbourne. I’ve left it unedited, as Tom did.

Three months since i saw another human face besides [my partner’s]

7 months since [my partner] and I had a little break together in the form of going and having a coffee down the street

Over a year since i last sat out in nature Sitting staring at the wall for 2 hours, again.. unable to move


Horrible negative emotions virtually all day

Awake entire nights, distress

I cant think of anything to look forward to because i don’t know when we will be allowed to do anything

Just go for a drive, go to the forest

Just go somewhere together, far from all of this

We are not allowed

The police could enter our homes at any point and arrest us if we say the ‘wrong’ thing online

This doesn’t feel human

I don’t smile

I don’t laugh

I worked out the other day and felt nothing, no pain

Nothing would register as pain

I couldn’t feel anything

I feel far away from myself

Sometimes i forget how long the day has been going for

Does it matter?

You’re not allowed to leave? Even if family members are terminally ill? They could die before we are let out of Melbourne, got told it isn’t a good enough reason to be let out of the state

Literally not allowed to move house

I think WA is letting Victorians in now but we cant get to the airport to fly out of here because the airport is more than 5ks from our house

You aren’t allowed more than 5ks from your house

You aren’t allowed to buy a takeaway coffee and sit under a tree or on the ground anywhere that isn’t your house

This isn’t human

This isn’t human

This isn’t human

This isn’t human

There is no empathy here

No price is too high

Suicide is not too great a price to pay

Self harm is not too great a price to pay

Structural brain changes in large portions of the population is not too high a price to pay

Do you know what prolonged social isolation does to the brain?

We are made to feel it does not matter

Because all we are, are numbers

We are not people we are the masses without a say

Without a time period to look forward to when we can hug again

I am sharing my experience because you should know the truth


A faceless number in melbourne

Okay, it’s Steven again.

Does anyone still think this is simply about a virus?

Is there anyone out there so stupid as to think this is about public health?

This is about destroying people’s lives — their mental and physical health and wellbeing as well as their economic viability.


Because those in power can.

By the way, at least our “melbourne” man had a “partner.”

Imagine someone single-and-unattached going through that, having those thoughts.

Someone with no family, or no family nearby.

Someone completely stranded, in other words.

Destroyed — as completely as if they’d been thrown into solitary confinement all these months.

There are plenty single-and-alone people out there. (I used to be one….)

What’s behind this purposeful destruction?

Could it be, said superelites figured out that the debt-fueled mass consumption economy they built over the past 50 years isn’t going to work anymore? Credit expansion fuels asset bubbles, which burst (2000, 2008), are quick-fixed with Fed printed money most of which bailing out the leviathan banks and drives up the Dow — until the next bubble bursts?

That the whole corrupt edifice started to totter in 2019 (think: repo)?

I can imagine superelite thought:

Let’s not kill two birds with one stone. Let’s kill as many as possible!

Nothing else makes sense!

Over the past seven months we’ve seen spikes in violent crime, substance abuse, domestic violence, depression, and suicide.

Much of it brought on by prolonged isolation. We are social animals. So indeed this isn’t human. It isn’tnormal.

Suppose we cut the crap and get to the bottom line!

This is the danger the world faces right now (see also this). The superstorm.

Big Pharma corporations are falling all over themselves rushing to producea vaccine to be rolled out next year.

Vaccines have never been effective on viruses, because viruses are always mutating. That’s why Big Pharma propagandizes you to get an annual flu shot.

This is what you should be researching—seeking out the information, not waiting for it to come to you.

I continue to hear from people who think the quarantines and lockdowns are just going to go away. “Wait just a couple more months,” say friends of mine in Panama which is now open, up to a point, on weekdays (in the Boquete-area boonies, anyway) but locked down on weekends.

That must be one smart virus; it knows what day of the week it is, to try to infect you on Saturdays and Sundays!

Pardon my “French,” but … BS!

This is the Great Reset.

This is not a “conspiracy theory.” Did you follow that link? Does it look like anyone is hiding anything?

No, what the superelite is counting on is that the masses of populations will accept helplessness and betotally demoralized like our “melbourne” man, or be forced into it.

And although governments are on the front lines with lockdowns and enforcement, the prime movers are not governments.

The World Economic Forum is not a government! Nor is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation a government, although it practically owns the WHO and the CDC!

Behind the scenes are these billionaire-owned foundations, private corporations (e.g., Big Pharma) who expect to profit handsomely from a Covid-19(84) vaccine, financial leviathans (the descendants of those who established the Federal Reserve), and of course Big Tech the algorithms of which can be guaranteed to censor articles like this one.

The would-be global ruling class wants to control information. They want a controlled society. They expect to profit from vaccines and accompanying digital technology that will be used to monitor and control the masses, as a condition for whatever limited “reopening” of economies is allowed.

But ultimately this is not about profit. The superelite has more money than can be spent in one lifetime.

This is about absolute powerthe power of people who, having forgotten God, appear to believe themselves to be gods-in-the-making! (Also think: “transhumanism”!)

This global corporatocracy, I sometimes call it, is broader than what Trump and others call the Deep State. It is vaster than any “swamp” he could have drained. It consists of interlocked networks of all of the above: billionaire-owned foundations, financial institutions (especially central banks); Big Tech and Big Pharma;the WEF and other NGOs and their wealthy donors. It extending INTO governments and agencies who are just political and administrative classes, hired guns bought and paid for because that is now supposed to bethe only viable way of getting elected and then re-elected.

Trump, being the rare exception to that rule, has endured almost four years of Congressional attacks and mass media brutalism. He’s not done everything right, but what amazes me is that the man can still function at all!

Those atop the global corporatocracy, the actual enemies of a free people, want to rebuild the Tower of Babel.

They want a world regime.

They want populations to submit willingly, and hope they can crush any and all refuseniks.

This, I submit, is the real storm that’s coming, the superstorm.

It will become visible on the horizon next year — possibly remaining unseen if there is sufficient unrest and possibly violence in the U.S. to distract from it.

This is the big fight ahead: between those willing and able to force a vaccine and other post-Covid-19(84) digital technological controls down all our throats as conditions of leaving our homes and traveling, assembling in public (or private), eating in a public restaurant, working out in a public gym, possibly even earning one’s living legally.

Versus refuseniks who don’t think a vaccine rolled out this quickly will be safe even if they reject “conspiratorial” views about it containing a microchip, or don’t want Big Brother tracking and tracing their every move.

How will the global corporatocracy do it? Simple. They already have all the enforcers they need.

Every stranger who orders you in public to wear a mask is a potential enforcer!

The front-line security people presently checking people’s permission slips from “their” government are enforcers, and will instead demand to see their Covid-19 pass number: your “badge of immunity” (i.e., evidence of submission to the global corporatocracy).

Given that nearly all airfare is purchased online now, changing web forms to include a cell asking for your Covi-Pass ID (or whatever it ends up being called) will be child’s play. If you don’t have a valid number, the system won’t allow you past that screen. Simple as that.

Keep in mind that the global corporatocracy wants to eliminate cash transactions, since cash can’t be tracked and traced. Its helmsmen (and a few helmswomen) want everything digital.

Hence the Covid-19(84) era moves into remote work, virtual learning, online church services, digital everything. (As if to caricature themselves, some are now even calling for a virtual Thanksgiving this year!)

This is the superstorm that’s coming.Election 2020—important though it is—is trivial by comparison, especially as Trump now seems on board with a Covid-19(84) vaccine.

It won’t work in the long run. For reasons explained in the cut-the-crap link, you can’t have exponential growth in any physical, biological, or economic system. Exponential growth outside mathematical abstractions will eventually run up against other systems that check its expansion. It then either stabilizes or collapses.

Some are predicting a Greater Depression, following whatever disaster the global corporatocracy precipitates next with its continued arrogance and recklessness. My guess is, the Federal Reserve will continue trying to print its way out of this mess, prolonging the inevitable as long as possible.

We could be in for a very rough ride in the meantime, and a rougher ride in the world to come.

I’m open to suggestions on how to stand against this real storm, the superstorm, how to fight this fight without having to move to Antarctica.

What I am sure of: lose, and not only is America toast, but we are technological serfs for the rest of our lives, along with our children, until the entire system implodes. And then our children’s children had better be able to grow food.

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Conversation With a Foreign Cabbie

Steven Yates

In my admittedly limited experience, cabbies in foreign capitals tend to be surprisingly well-informed, much more so than general populations. But then again, there’s no telling who they’ve had in their cabs, especially at night when liquor has lubricated loose lips and there’s no telling what’s been disclosed in moments of indiscretion.

And when a gringo such as myself lets the cabbie know he doesn’t go along with the stupid policies “his” government has concocted over the years, the guy is more likely to open up.

This scruffy-appearing guy (born sometime around ’71 or ’72, I reckon) told me, speaking halting English that often lapsed into Spanish, “Your President Bill Clinton was un disastre, you know.”

“He wasn’t my ‘President Bill Clinton,’” I replied with a chuckle and left it at that, since I don’t think he was up for hearing how the Clinton Team Presidency became the first politically correct White House where it was clear: no white male had a chance of becoming Attorney General. On the third try, we got Janet Reno, and not long after, the Waco holocaust.

“Still, he was President in Los Estados Unidos,” the fellow said, glancing my way meaningfully, and there was no denying his being “the first in the office after the Soviet Union collapsed. Your country had a chance at real world leadership, and you blew it.”

I couldn’t argue.

Apparently motivated to talk since he could see I was the listening type, he continued. “Clinton and NATO almost wrecked the former Yugoslavia. My cousin Ricardo was there — he was a cab driver, too, in Belgrade — and saw that whole thing. The unprovoked attack on Serbia. When the Kosovo War ended, we predicted that something would happen on U.S. soil within three years, and it did.”

“You mean 9/11,” I said.

“Of course, I mean your 9/11. We have our own 9/11, you know.”

El Golpe,” I said, using the phrase Chileans use for the military coup that brought down the Allende government in 1973. “I know about it. You think the Muslims did ‘our’ 9/11?”

“Oh, I’m sure they were involved, but not the Muslims most gringos think did it. Not that bin Laden fellow.” He lowered his voice. We had come to a stoplight so he looked over at me, making purposeful eye contact. “Nothing I say leaves this cab, okay?”

“I am the soul of discretion,” I told him. Fortunately I’m writing this in English.

The light changed. He returned to his driving and said, “A coalition of Saudis, Israelis, and Zionist types in your own intelligence community and in your White House did 9/11.”

“You know this?”

“Well, who can prove anything like that?” he retorted. “These people don’t leave paper trails. But my cousin Ricardo had gone to the U.S. and was there when it happened and told me that was the talk in his circles. He talked about the dancing Israelis and other things your media ignored, probably because of who owns them.”

I knew who he referred to, so I said nothing.

“What amazes me, mi amigo, is that anyone still believes the official story,when you had a third building go down the same day, the same way, without any plane hitting it and where the, uh, dueno actually said, ‘Pull it.’” Dueno is Spanish for owner. “And the fall of that building was reported on TV before it happened! Some idiota got the time zone wrong, I figure.” I think we get the Spanish on that one. “Un chiste.” A joke. “I think anyone with a brain can see, something’s wrong with your official story.”

I shrugged. “I think most of us gringos gave up on our media a long time ago.”

“I get it,” he said. “But now your country is in a lot more trouble. As is ours. As is the whole world, I think. This COVID thing.”

“I’m listening,” I told him.

He paused, then said, “It’s not what it seems.”

Surprise, surprise.

“’El pandemia’ no es un pandemia real.

I invited him to elaborate.

“There’s a much bigger picture in play. Endgame, I’ve heard it called in your language. I’ve also heard Great Reset.”

I turned the words around on my lips and tongue.

“You know the World Economic Forum, right?”

“Of course,” I said.

“They, your former dueno de Microsoft, this Dr. Fauci your people fawn over, that whole crowd, they want a microchipped population. Digital IDs. That’s Endgame. They want it here as well as there. They want it everywhere. They want our chips integrated with their global, cashless money system where every exchange is recorded. They want a Chinese-type social credit system and the same mass conformity now forcing everyone to wear amascarilla to get inside any business. Eventually it’ll go from mascarillas tovacunas. That’s how the bad guys will get everyone chipped.” Mascarilla= face mask. Vacuna = vaccine. He’d pronounced ‘chipped’ cheeped since Spanish does not have our short ‘i.’

“How do you think it’ll play out?” I asked.

“They’ll tell us we’re getting vacunas for COVID. They’ll be on our skin, not injected like in the past. New technique they’re working on. They’ll plant a chip that way. It’ll be prepared for you and have your digital ID embedded in it, just like your passport and credit cards have RFID chips in them now.”

I’d known my passport had something in it. Everyone’s did.

“Before you board a plane, enter a bank, maybe even get a new job, there will be some machine to scan your chip. I think you have something like this in the States already, verdad?”  True?

“Real ID,” I said with a nod.

Sí. I’d forgotten what you call it.”

“It’s not an absolute requirement,” I told him. “Several states have non-Real-ID drivers licenses. I’m from South Carolina. I have a non-compliant driver’s license.”

“But your state also has compliant licenses, verdad?”

“Yes,” I had to admit. Because not everybody in the state has a U.S. passport which counts as federal identification, and they might have business in a federal building or a need to fly.

“So you were still forced into compliance. That’s what governments do. And with the chip that’s coming, you’ll be far more a slave. An enslaved population is why the bad guys engineered COVID.”

“You think it was made in the Wuhan lab?”

We’d come to another stoplight, and he looked over me as if to ask, Are you that much of a dolt? “Of course it was made,” he said. “If not there, then in your country and brought to China and released in Wuhan. I don’t know that, but COVID provides a cover for everything they’re doing. The disease isn’t that big of a deal. A bad flu. My neighbor caught it. He got over it. An amigo of mine said he tested positive and the government forced him into cuarentina. He never had any symptoms but lost his job. Lots of people are out of work because of this thing. It’s on purpose, you know. The bad guys want to destroy what little independence we have.” He glanced over at me again. “It’s the same in your country, verdad? Some50 million people sin trabajo?” Out of work.

“Something like that,” I said. “More, I think.”

“It’s all scare tactics,” he went on. “Lets the government shut down businesses they call—  What’s your word?”

“Inessential,” I filled him in.

“Inessential,” he repeated. “And close schools and gyms and restaurants and more.”

“I’m not sure closing schools is such a bad thing,” I mused, “if it encourages more homeschooling and less identity politics.”

He frowned. “’Identity politics’? What’s that?”

I gave him a Cliff Notes version. When I finished he said,

“¡Maldición! Sounds like your people want a race war on top of their other problems.”

“Some do, I think. But very little surprises me anymore.”

“Anyway, COVID,” he continued. “Why a pandemiafalsa? Because there’s waaay too much resistance to the bad guys, the globalistas. Your Donald Trump, who’s really—  I’m not sure how to say this in English.”

“Monkey-wrenched their plans, big time?” I offered.

“I don’t know ‘monkey-wrenched,’ but it sounds good,” he said with a barked laugh. “And there’s a bunch of other populistas. Bolsanaro in Brazil. Orbán in Hungary. Moti in India. Others. I’d even say Putin is kind of a populista, or maybe nacionalista is a better word, because he puts Russia ahead of the whole planet.”

I thought fleetingly of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Between Two Ages, with its three-stages progression from nationalism through Marxism to globalism, a word Brzezinski had actually used back in 1970. I wondered if the book had been translated into Spanish.

“And in your country,” my cabbie was saying, “there are those people refusing to wear masks. Who say openly they’ve never take the vacuna. Never give up their guns. People gave up their guns in Australia and New Zealand, and now look!”

So he knew about the police state conditions in those places. My cabbie did keep his ear to the ground.

Lasglobalistas are supporting your izquierda.” He said. Izquierda = the left.

“George Soros.” The name was on my lips.

“Among others, sending money to Black Lives Matter and other groups.”

“Like Antifa,” I said.

“Them too. Mostly Anglo guys, I hear.”

“That’s right,” I said. “What about here?” I asked him. “I was told that communists were trying to overthrow the government here last year?”

, there were comunistas involved, but who do you think was giving them money and support? Lasglobalistas hate liberty movements and liberty people. Isn’t one of your fellow gringos in prison right now because he tried to defend himself from a bunch of, uh, peaceful protesters?”

I sighed. “John Cobin,” I said. “I know him. I’ve known him for years. Former university professor with half a dozen books to his credit. He despises communists.”

“Yeah, in prison for defending himself from a mob that was attacking his truck. What I don’t think he knew was how filled with comunistas the legal system in Chile is. They want to put him away for a lot of years, is what I hear.”

“Seventeen,” I said.

“Sad,” he said. “And I hear you have people in prison up there in los Estados Unidosfor defending themselves, like this Rittenhouse fellow. Is that the name?”

“Yes. Unlike John he killed a couple of people, though.”

“In self-defense!” my cabbie said emphatically. “What I heard was that the guys attacking him were known felons, and that one of them was trying to hit him over the head with a skateboard!”

“True,” I said. “He’ll plead self-defense and probably get off. John should be found innocent, too. He’s accused of attempted murder. I don’t know how the law works here with self-defense, but I do know, one of the bullets he fired ricocheted off another vehicle before it struck the injured guy. He wasn’t shooting at anybody. That should get rid of the attempted murder charge.”

“In a reasonable court, yes,” the cabbie agreed, “but you’re not dealing with reasonable people. Comunistas are not reasonable people.”

“People that have lost out in the marketplace of ideas never are,” I said drily.

“How about lasglobalistas?” he asked. “Have they lost out in the marketplace of ideas?” he asked. “One of the things last year’s riots did was pit Chilean against Chilean, and you’ve got bigger divisions in your homeland with this election coming up. Some of you are throwing out history’s symbols of national government so the bad guys can prepare for the globalista governing system they plan if they oust Trump.”

“The riots are a distraction,” he said. “If they cause fear and disruption, they serve their purpose. If COVID causes fear and disruption, it’s served its purpose. Those have always been great motivators.”

I couldn’t argue.

“May I … ask you a question?”

“Sure,” I told him, refraining from my favorite one-liner I think you just did. I was no longer in the mood.

“Why did you estadounidenses come here? To Chile, I mean?” That Spanish word means U.S. citizen.

I hesitated.

“In a lot of cases, to get out of the U.S., verdad?” he answered himself. “Because you thought things would come apart up there in a few years.”

“Are they not coming apart?” I asked.

“They’re coming apart here, too,” he said. “The economy is terrible because of the riots and now the cuarentinas. But if the U.S. falls, the whole developed world falls, and we fall with it.”

I said nothing. What could I say?

“There’s no place to run and hide,” he said. “Not here, not anywhere. You have gringos in New Zealand — ha! — and Mexico and Panama and Ecuador and other places. All went through the same shutdowns or maybe worse than here, and they’re all tied into the banks run by the bad boys. Sooner or later, if you want to be free you’re going to have to get organized and draw a line in the sand where you are and say, ‘No more.’ And be prepared to back it up with deadly force if that’s what it takes. Do you own a gun?”

“No,” I admitted.

“Why not?”

“Never grew up with them. Never learned to use one safely. Never thought we’d all be in this mess.”

“You grew up too comfortable, it sounds like,” my cabbie said. “Some suburb, probably. Too many of you gringos grew up comfortable.”

I didn’t deny it, ignoring the grammar mistake.

Bienvenido al mundo real,” he said bitterly. Welcome to the real world.

We’d come to my destination. I’d almost forgotten about it. As he pulled to the curb, he looked to see what I owed him. I paid and gave him a generous tip.

“¡Muchas gracias!” he enthused. Then he turned somber again.

“There’s no middle ground, amigo. After Endgame, we are free or we are slaves. Your people need to take a stand, and we do, too. Because the bad guys are coming for you and they’re coming for me. Don’t think you can go off to some small town and hide, or just live on some farm, because they’ll get to those places sooner or later. Don’t think you can run to yet another country, because they’ll get there, too, and it’ll be too late. Las globalistas want mandatory vacunas for everybody, because they want mandatory digital IDs for everybody. Bill Gates says this himself. Smartphones won’t do because you can lose a smartphone or decide not to take it with you. The only way to get you totally in the surveillance grid is put a chip in your body. Dissent, and they’ll turn your chip off so you can’t buy food.”

“What do you recommend?”

He pursed his lips. “Nothing ever changed anything in this world except money and guns,” he said after a moment, “sad as that sounds. It’s too late for my cousin and me. We’ll always be cabbies and we’ll end up doing what we have to because we got families to feed. That’s how the bad guys nail you. You, you’ve got smarts and you’ve got time.”

“I’m not as young as I look,” I told him.

“You’ve got time,” he repeated. “Just don’t waste it. Get financially independent if you’re not, fast as you can. Then tell others. Support freedom in this world with your money. Remember, las globalistas are going to steal it anyway, so there’s no reason to hoard it. Support those fighting the bad guys before they bankrupt us all. Everything they’re doing right now is to cause fear and hardship, so when the time comes, we’ll give in and beg them to give us back our lives. The New World Order will be here.”

Eventually I got out into a cool breeze and stood on the curb. I looked down the silent street of a largely quarantined city under a gloomy gray sky. Lines were queued up outside a couple of grocery stores in the distance. A longer line ran from the doors of a nearby bank, where a pair of security guards checked people’s documentation before allowing them in. Most of those waiting were glued to their phones, oblivious.

My cabbie had leaned over and stuck his head out the passenger window. “Remember, amigo!” he exclaimed. “Freedom or slavery! There’s not going to be any in-between!

He drove off, turned right at the next corner, and disappeared. Seeing no alternative I got in line, in a place that had grown a lot more ominous of late….

Steven Yates’s next book, What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory, will be published early next year by Wipf and Stock Publishers.

If you liked this article, please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com; otherwise the lights on this kind of writing could go out at any time.

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The “Virus” of Revolutionism

Steven Yates

The real “virus” infecting any number of societies for much of the past 500 years is not organic but philosophical in origin. This is the “virus” of revolutionism.

Paul Craig Roberts just penned a brilliant piece focusing on how revolutionism puts ruthless tyrants in power, as during the French Revolution, and how expansionist emperor-types such as Napoleon sometimes follow.

How much reminding do we need? Revolutions are a very bad idea!?

Societies end up ruled by their absolute worst: criminals, bullies, thugs, and losers.

And whatever the problems of the government they just overthrew, revolutions always leave everyone except the newly empowered worse off than before.

It’s good that PCR takes note of how the so-called “American Revolution” wasn’t really a revolution at all in this sense.

British rule was ended, and the Founders established a republican government still based on British common law, and on balances of power against power at different levels — something never before achieved.

The major changes happened at the top. For the rest of society, the old order merged seamlessly into the new. The overall worldview (essentially Christian, if with denominational variations) and ways of life remained the same. Those not actively fighting the British did not experience the level of upheaval that struck France in 1789.

Revolutionism is fundamentally Jacobin. What does this mean? Who were the original Jacobins?

They were a group of far left activists and political operatives who came of age in Revolution-era France. They drew inspiration from Enlightenment thought, especially the strain that led from Rousseau to Robespierre, through whom they enacted the Terror.

The Jacobins believed it possible to place all of a society’s institutions under the microscope of an abstract “Reason,” raze them to the ground if they didn’t measure up to “rational” ideals of liberty, equality, and the fraternity or brotherhood of [all] men, and build up a new society on an Enlightenment-based, “rational” footing.

For those who didn’t measure up, the original Jacobins’ favorite device for dispatch was the guillotine.

Historically, what results from revolutions is always tyranny, since the old “irrational” order must be purged. Everything that would threaten the new order must be gotten rid of. This means all independent thought and writing must be crushed. Those unwilling to get with the program may be guillotined as in France, or with the strains of Jacobin revolutionism to come, shot, set to gulags, or otherwise destroyed. Entire populations that don’t fit the “rational” plan become nonpersons and may be “canceled.”

Thus the elimination not just of the French monarchy but the ousted king’s entire family.

Thus the Soviets’ elimination of all opponents of collective farming, with Stalin adding a new wrinkle: deliberate policies that resulted in mass starvation.

Thus the fate of Jews who didn’t flee Nazi Germany.

Is America falling prey to the “virus” of Jacobian revolutionism? You better believe it!

I’m not referring just to Antifa anarchists and Black Lives Matter cultural Marxists. They are just tools — agents of chaos, one might say, whose primary targets are conservative white people (liberal whites, as fellow Jacobin fellow travelers, get a pass, for now).

These movements are bankrolled by a powerful Jacobin globalist named George Soros, probably among others of the revolutionist power elite.

What will be the fate of Americans of any race and creed who resist or don’t fit into the planned New World Order being masterminded in globalist organizations ranging from the Trilateral Commission to the International Monetary Fund to the World Economic Forum? The question bears asking!

Revolutionism has a deeper philosophical root, and as a trained philosopher, I’m the obvious person to ferret it out.

The deeper philosophical root of revolutionism is Cartesianism, the name reserved for the intellectual product of early 17th century French philosopher René Descartes.

Descartes (1596 – 1650) is often called the Father of Modern Philosophy. He might also be thought of as the Godfather of the Enlightenment, and therefore of Jacobinism.

Descartes worked out a methodology. He thought it possible to raze all his beliefs to the ground based on an abstract logical possibility they could be false: the testimony of his senses, the findings of science as they then existed, God Himself. Descartes thought it possible to build up, from scratch, a whole new rationalist system of knowledge, based on the indubitable foundation of “Cogito; ergo, sum” (“I think; therefore, I am).

In the history of ideas, this was a game changer! It was the most influential philosophical product, in one way or another, for centuries — as important as Newton’s physics if not more so. The Newtonian revolution, well over a century later, might not have happened had Newton not been willing to raze Aristotle to the ground.

Note carefully: For Descartes, his abstract intellect using Reason alone, could dismantle all his former convictions. And then rebuild them from scratch on that foundation.

This abstract intellect was not religious until it “proved” God’s existence (Descartes offered a proof, but it failed miserably). It was disembodied. It had no culture, was not loyal to any nationality or place, had no psychological makeup. It was not subject to ethical imperatives that could not be proved — in later forms, not of its own choosing. The door to relativism and subjectivism opened.

Was this not the most stupendous wrecking ball any intellectual had ever unleashed on the world?

The Jacobins studied Descartes as well as Rousseau, because everybody studied Descartes. All they did was apply his basic method to the political realm. This released the “virus” of modern revolutionism, in which political and economic institutions, monarchy or any other governance, a church, “inessential” businesses, the family unit — really, anything not justifiable by abstract “Reason” — can be “canceled.”

Modern liberalism is Jacobin in its origins. So is neoconservatism, and so, by default, is neoliberalism. While we do not have space to explore all its strains, Jacobinism in a broad sense is literally everywhere, operating at multiple levels, from the street thugs of Antifa to the “commanding heights” of globalist elites.

Jacobinism is the connecting link between the hard left and globalism, and explains the unholy alliance between the two. But the “virus” also infected liberal democracies.

In classical liberal economics, the Cartesian abstract intellect became the “sovereign consumer” who makes marketplace decisions solely on utility maximizing. Subsequent schools of economic thought increased in mathematical complexity and incorporated some psychology, but did not touch that basic premise.

Since Jacobinism leads naturally to questioning everything except itself, often manufacturing problems when it can’t find any, the revolutionist “virus” goes everywhere, spread by people who probably never heard the term Jacobin, never heard of Descartes, and can’t get the American founding in the right century.

Somehow I have a hard time imagining those drawn to Antifa and Black Lives Matter reading books at all, much less works of history and philosophy.

That’s not the case, of course, with World Economic Forum attendees.

The vulnerability of the U.S. to revolutionism is very bad news, as we approach an election likely to be disputed, and which could easily result in violence no matter who wins.

Not simply because the form of Jacobinism known as identity politics or “wokism” is out of control (although it is).

Not simply because Americans can no longer talk to one another (although they can’t).

But because most have forgotten much of their heritage, and what hasn’t been forgotten is being “canceled” (statues pulled to the ground in perfect Jacobin fashion).

How many other societies are ripe for revolutionism?

Chile certainly is! I’ve lived here for eight years now, and last year I saw leftist Jacobin violence first-hand. To be sure, the “reconstruction” of Chile’s economy along neoliberal lines during the Pinochet years was Jacobin, just as had been the upheaval of the short Allende period. As I said, Jacobinism in one form or another is literally everywhere.

Other South American nations are vulnerable to Jacobin revolutionism. Brazil is. Venezuela eventually, if Russia ever lets down its guard. (What would happen would be the ouster of an anti-corporatist Jacobinism and its replacement by a pro-corporatist Jacobinism.)

Several European nations might be ripe for revolutionism as the EU slowly unravels.

Anyplace rife with corruption to the point where a critical mass of public anger can be channeled and exploited by a strongman or political party or agenda adhering to a Theory (“Reason”), be it Marxism or neoliberal Hyper-Capitalism that sees persons solely as laboring / consuming ciphers, is vulnerable to Jacobin revolutionism.

Russia, at the moment, appears not to be. Its Jacobin epoch appears to be in its past. Maybe this is why Jacobin-influenced pseudo-pundits of Western media and academia hate the country so much.

The forces behind the planned Great Reset, scheduled to be the main topic of next January’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland,are Jacobin to the core.

Bill Gates (who has no scientific, medical, or public health credentials), Dr. Anthony Fauci (far more a federal bureaucrat than a real doctor), and every other technocrat, are Jacobins in my sense. Technocracy is Jacobin because, as much as any ideology, it looks at human beings and organizations as abstractions, or as means to its ends:organic machines to be incentivized and manipulated. Jacobinism’s metaphysics (theory of reality), it goes without saying, is materialist. It has no room for a Creator or a transcendently grounded morality. It doesn’t so much reject them explicitly, it just dismisses such matters as irrelevant.

To the technocrat, every human problem has a scientific / technical solution. Depressed? Take a drug.

The “virus” of revolutionism currently spreading across the world is using supposed coronavirus/Covid-19 numbers to raze as much economic activity to the ground as it can through lockdowns and associated police-state measures.

These, interestingly, are far more draconian in places like Australia and New Zealand which disarmed their citizens years ago. When guns are outlawed, only criminals and governments will have guns. The two will be as indistinguishable as the animals at the end of Animal Farm.

All to raze to the ground our present order based on ideals such as freedom and virtue, and build up the New World Order: cashless society, all transactions digitized for monitoring purposes, education mostly if not entirely by remote, much work done by remote, church services the same way: total surveillance and control.

The crowning achievement: a Covid-19 vaccine likely to become a condition for schooling, employment, shopping, and travel, if not made legally mandatory.

The ruling tyranny to follow will be the ultimate in Jacobinism: a centralized world government answering to the corporations profiting from all this (e.g., Big Pharma). It may not have to do that much, given the ground-level tyranny of fear-based social sanction, as brainwashed sheeple who identify with authority (the folks screaming at you in stores or on planes to “Put on your mask!”) control others through the tried-and-true method of bullying.

Steven Yates’s next book, What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory, will be published early next year by Wipf and Stock Publishers.

If you liked this article, please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com; otherwise the lights on this kind of writing could go out at any time.

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

In America 2020, Truth is Being “Canceled”

Steven Yates

Truth itself, not just history, is being “canceled” in America. It’s become a cliché that we live in a post-truth world. The situation is actually worse. We now live in a world in which truth and lies are almost perfectly inverted, so that lies pass for truth, while truth is denounced or mocked in a fashion that would have shocked even Orwell.

This is made easier by the fact that at all levels, education in the U.S. has collapsed. Completely and totally. It exists institutionally. It does not exist intellectually. The only people presently getting real educations are those being homeschooled.

Consider what’s happened since May 25, the day George Floyd died. His death was filmed with police officer Derek Chauvin’s knee on his neck. In a social media saturated society, what is filmed and uploaded to the Internet is real. Protests turned to riots, which tore through major cities destroying businesses that survived the Covid-19 lockdowns. While civic authorities did little or nothing, a clearly planned and orchestrated movement of “cancelling” history arose, its “woke” foot soldiers pulling down statues and vandalizing historical monuments. It is now possible that neither the Confederate carving on Stone Mountain, Ga., nor even Mount Rushmore, will survive the apostles of “woke.”

Significant is the fact that among the statues taken down was that of General Ulysses S. Grant. Grant fought for the Union, not the Confederacy. Also pulled down was a Madison, Wisc. statue of abolitionist Hans Christian Heg, who gave his life fighting slavery. The statue was decapitated and hurled into a nearby lake. This bespeaks either of the mass historical illiteracy of the “woke” brigade, or their intent to erase all U.S. history of whatever sort, like an insane cross between the Party of Orwell’s 1984 and Communist China’s Maoists.

Removing truths of history opens the door to lies politically useful in the present.

Two salient facts about George Floyd’s death are worth noting. First, there isn’t the slightest reason for thinking Floyd died because of his race. It is true enough that Chauvin, in jail charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter, had a track record of abuse, but he seems to have been an equal opportunity abuser, with whites as well as blacks having lodged complaints against him. But that brings me to my second and far more alarming point:

Medical evidence does not support the claim, repeated endlessly by mainstream media and simply assumed on the streets of America’s now-rended cities, that Chauvin murdered Floyd, that Floyd died because of Chauvin’s knee on his neck.

The medical examiner’s report on Floyd’s death shows that he died from a fatal dose of Fentanyl. He had other drugs in his system, a lethal cocktail.

One of the effects of an overdose of Fentanyl is to slow and even stop breathing, which matches Floyd’s recorded complaint exactly. (Read.)

Mainstream media has completely ignored the medical examiner’s report. It doesn’t fit the official leftist narrative. Down the truth memory hole, therefore. Up with a lie.

Just to note: I am as critical as anyone of police brutality. I, too, fell for the official line until the medical report on what actually killed George Floyd came to my attention (thanks to Paul Craig Roberts). Derek Chauvin’s doesn’t fit my idea of a nice guy. I doubt I’d want to be alone in an elevator with him. But that’s neither here nor there. He has a Constitutional right to a fair trial. Having been tried and convicted in mass and social media, one wonders if there can be even the slightest hope of this. When his case comes up, will the medical report be introduced as part of the defense’s evidence? I’m not a lawyer, but would it not be a blatant miscarriage of justice if this report were ruled inadmissible for some reason? (A “second autopsy report” supposedly done at the request of Floyd’s family appears to be a media fabrication.)

Exonerating Chauvin assumes a jury can be found that hasn’t been poisoned by incessant media bleating about how Chauvin “murdered” Floyd. Is there a jury in the country that would be able to put evidence ahead of official narratives — at risk to themselves, since they could face intimidation and threats. Or just be filled with a distraught sense of the social consequences of a non-guilty verdict.

This last should be clear to anyone who recalls what happened when the four police officers in the Rodney King case were exonerated back in the early 1990s. Given that race relations are worse today than they were then, and the culture is more nihilistic generally, I think it safe to say that if Derek Chauvin is found innocent, rioters (not “peaceful protesters”) in many cities will again explode into an orgy of violence and destruction.

Assuming, of course, the country isn’t already under martial law or some equivalent. I fully expect riots to burst forth should Trump be given a second term in November.

Speaking of whom, in our context of lies and truth being inverted: for the past four years, articles far too numerous to link to individually have called Trump a fascist (ora “proto-fascist,” whatever that is). These people don’t appear to know what fascism is. Historically, fascism is the merging of state and corporate power in a nationalistic narrative. Except for this last, fascism is what Trumpism was rebelling against.

Substitute globalism for nationalism, and you have the brand of fascism that globalists were furthering without much opposition until the last decade. A powerful and very wealthy elite has been merging corporate and state power for the past 70 years, working to dominate the world’s populations economically and militarily.

Truth and lies inverted….

As with Russia-gate and Ukraine-gate.

And speaking further of truth and lies inverted on the domestic front….

White privilege? Systemic racism? White supremacy? Black Lives Matter actually doing something to ensure that black lives indeed do matter?

Lisa Bender, president of the Minneapolis City Council following its decision by vote to defund the Police Department (I’m not joking), stated that the ability to call the police “comes from a place of privilege.” She told the Twitter verse:

If you are a comfortable white person asking to dismantle the police I invite you to reflect: are you willing to stick with it? Will you be calling in three months to ask about garage break-ins? Are you willing to dismantle white supremacy in all systems, including a new system?

The capacity to call the police is now indicative of “white supremacy,” not the legal right of a taxpayer of whatever color. This is where Minneapolis is now, and as we’ll see below, this is where the U.S. is heading.

You now live in the United States of Identity Politics — the New Tribalism — which views everything through the lens of a dominant narrative about race in America. According to this narrative, all whites are beneficiaries of systemic racism and white privilege, while all black people are victims of the system’s structural violence.

The first thing to note is that in the U.S. of I.P., white people are less safe, including from the law itself. Consider just three recent cases (of many we could cite).

A woman named Tara Durant driving a vehicle in Fredericksburg, Virginia with her child found herself accidentally amidst of one of these “peaceful protests.” She feared for their safety as a Black Lives Matter mob blocked her way, then climbed on her car and screamed obscenities at her daughter who was terrified and crying. An increasingly scared Durant called 911 for help and was told by the operator to “call up city hall” because police would not respond to a “sanctioned event.”

Fabricated claims surfaced that Durant had tried to run people over. No video evidence of the allegation appeared. As the incident drew public scrutiny, the mayor apologized — to the rioters!

White people are thus being abandoned by their city and local governments. Their lives don’t matter!

This, of course, is a recipe for violence when whites decide to pick up firearms and see to their own defense, as did the couple in St. Louis when rioters broke through a gate and crossed over their property. Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who were responding to threats, have had to face mainstream media demonizing as “the face of political resistance to the Black Lives Matter movement” (Chris Cuomo’s exact words) which McCloskey promptly denied being as he valiantly stood up to the left-leaning Cuomo’s badgering.

Yet as Tara Durant realized during the aftermath of her incident, if whites try to defend themselves out of fear for their lives, they increasingly risk running afoul the law in a system run by intimidated white liberals and thus falling to mob rule.

Because white people are now racist by definition, regardless of who starts and escalates confrontations.

Black Lives Matter has done nothing to bring substance to that phrase. In Chicago during the final weekend in June, 17 black men, women, and children were killed, and 47 injured, in drive-and walk-by shootings; in one case, a one-year-old was killed along with his mother as a gunman opened fire into the vehicle she was driving. All killers were black. No whites were involved.

Well over a hundred black people died violently in the month of June alone. One reason is that police have stood down out of fear for their jobs and lives, as they’ve faced threats and had to deal with physical assault and being shot at since May 25.

Black Lives Matter is manifestly not about black lives but political posturing and scheming.

Truth and lies inverted.

In another recent case (warning: language) in Oakland, Calif., a black woman and her teenage daughter escalated a verbal conflict that began when she accused a pregnant white woman of bumping her daughter at a restaurant exit. Outside on the sidewalk, and after dealing with screamed obscenities and anti-white insults, the woman and her husband got in their vehicle and started to back up. The black woman then banged on its rear. That was when the woman grabbed a firearm, got out, and ordered the woman to “Get the f*** away! Back the f*** up!”

Jillian Wuestenberg and her husband Eric (both licensed gun owners) were later arrested and are being prosecuted for felony assault. He has been fired from his job as a Veterans coordinator at Oakland University. Their firearms have been taken, leaving them defenseless, and they could face four years in prison!

Fortunately, there are organizations—always on the margins today — who still care about truth and appealing for the charges against the Wuestenbergs to be dropped as they were manifestly not the aggressors.

We read more and more about “Karens.” I had to look it up: Karen is “pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way….”

Angry? In the case just noted, I would have been angry, too (I doubt I would have pulled out a gun). Privilege? There’s that word again.

I am seeing “Karens” filmed every couple of days, then having their lives turned upside down with today’s total social media saturation and left-leaning reportages.

Imagine what would happen if a group of conservative white journalists decided to issue reports on the aggressive behaviors of the “Talekias” of the world (that being the first name of the black woman who provoked the confrontation with Jillian and Eric Wuestenberg). Such imaginings will help you grasp the Orwellian inversions of truth and lies we are talking about here — and indeed, began to see decades ago when race and gender preferences were equated with equal opportunity in the eyes of the courts and the law.

(Just as an aside, what parents in their right minds would name their daughter Talekia???)

The Wuestenbergs have to rely on crowdfunding to support their legal defense. Paul Craig Roberts (linked to above) cites William Engdahl’s list of the deep pockets supporting Black Lives Matter: in addition to the George Soros financial octopus, he names the Ford Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, Ben & Jerry’s, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation (of Hewlett-Packard), the Heinz Foundation, Apple, Disney, Nike.

White privilege?


Truth and lies inverted.

According to Jordan Peterson, white privilege is a Marxist myth embedded in the postmodernist ideology Identity Politics draws from.

Black Lives Matter’s leaders’ Marxist beliefs have been documented. The organization’s actual goals are not about black lives mattering but removing all impediments to Marxian radical cultural and socioeconomic transformation.

I’ve no doubt Peterson’s in-depth analysis will sail light years over the heads of the far-left groups filling the streets. As I said at the outset, education has collapsed in the U.S., and will probably not recover.

It is important to realize how the truth / lies inversion empowers the extreme left. Leftists have no firm principles. They never have. Social justice is not a principle, it’s an incantation. For leftists, this is about smashing whatever and whoever is in the way of their seizing power. It is about destroying monuments to the past, because such things provide a people with stable reference points.

Conservatives tend to believe in principles. They assume others do as well. This puts them at a disadvantage, especially if they think the other side has “principles,” just different ones, and that “common ground” can be found through “dialogue.”

Leftists, though, have no principles conservatives can make ground with.

It’s a bit like the allegory of sheep, sheepdogs, and wolves. Most people are sheep. This is not a pejorative, just the observation that left to themselves, most people are “kind, gentle, productive creatures who hurt one another only be accident … or under extreme provocation.”

A few in any population are wolves. A wolf is not kind and has no qualms about using or hurting the sheep to get what he wants.

The job of the sheepdog is to protect the sheep (and themselves) and “confront the wolves.” Wolvescan’t be talked to, bargained with, reasoned with, or somehow healed of imagined childhood trauma. They can only be separated from, cordoned off, or put down.

The sheepdog usually fails if he tries to convince the sheep of this. It’s too harsh a view of the world. Wolves exist at different levels of power, since power is how they measure their self-worth. If enough well-placed wolves can prevent the sheepdogs from acting, or destroy their motivation, they win. In America 2020, the wolves are out in force, and the sheepdogs have retreated!

The wolves can’t really produce or build anything, though. They can only tear down and destroy.

Therefore I tend to agree with those who believe the U.S. is undergoing a now-irreversible systemic collapse, and that on its way down, civil war may be unavoidable. If anything, we no longer need cultural studies, we need collapse studies.

What is presently unknown is how long it will take for a real sheepdog resistance to Black Lives Matter and other leftist wolves to emerge, as opposed to, e.g., scattered white individuals, provoked sheep, trying to remove BLM street murals and being prosecuted for “hate crimes” in our system of double-standards (it is okay for black leftists to vandalize historical statues but not okay for whites to deface BLM murals appearing on city streets).

A resistance of private sheepdogs is necessary because federal, state, and local governments have effectively dropped the ball, out of fear of being called racists, or white supremacists (most of those in elected office are, of course, sheep).

A resistance who understands they will be demonized in mainstream media and doesn’t care, who are ready to take up arms to protect, by threat of deadly force, malls and businesses in threatened cities, or roads and thoroughfares, or historically-significant carvings such as Mount Rushmore or Stone Mountain, or any number of other historical monuments and other treasures either under attack now or likely to come under attack from the wolves of the far left in the near future.

It is important that for the sheepdog, violence is a last resort. Survivalist author Brandon Smith fears (here; then go here) that conservatives will let themselves be baited into responding to leftists with violence. This would play right into the hands of the wolves with real power. He is right to be worried. He understands Hegelian dialectic: crisis, reaction, response. A crisis is fomented; it leads to a reaction and calls to “do something”; elite-sponsored forces move in with the response that was wanted all along.

Therefore if it happens, a civil war between conservatives and leftists on U.S. soil won’t be the real war. That will be between globalist wolves who want a world government, versus those of us, sheep and sheepdogs alike, who want to live out our lives with our families and communities in peace, secure our borders, worship our God, and be left alone — even if we have to remain ever vigilant.

Steven Yates’s latest book manuscript What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been accepted for publication by Wipf & Stock, and should appear early next year.

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© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

In progress: REALITY 101 (a novel); THE FIFTH STAGE OF CIVILIZATION (Beyond the Postmodern & Into the Future)
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12 Unpleasant Truths, Part 2

Steven Yates

Picking up where we left off:

#7. Real conservatism is dead. Given Part 1, this should be a no-brainer. Ronald Reagan would not be electable today. Even he was compromised by neocons. Neo-conservatives, who controlled the Republican Party from the 1980s until 2016, are not conservatives. The oldest (e.g., Irving Kristol) are former Trotskyites who want a powerful central state to support corporations and further the war machine.

If by conservative we mean someone who is actually conserving something — whose moral (not exclusively political) stance is rooted in a transcendent realm of value, and who sees cultural traditions as worth preserving because they pass the test of time and practice — then there are no conservatives in Washington, D.C.,or any other centers of power and influence today.That includes the Trump administration, sadly.

If you believe everything has or should have a price, and that all values reduce to exchange values, you are not a conservative. You might be a Big Business Republican. Not the same thing.

Neither Bush I nor Bush II were conservatives, they were globalists (furthering the goals of the transnational elites — through NAFTA, GATT II and the WTO, DR-CAFTA, the SPP, the TPP, etc., ad nauseam?). Their supposed opponents were also globalists. Obama was a globalist. As is Biden.

Max Boot, deep in bed with the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, is also NOT a conservative even if Yahoo brands him as such. I don’t know what he is.

The point being, I look at the political scene as it might unfold in the 2020s, and there are no conservatives in sight. There may be one or two people who come close, like Steve Scalise. Both Rand Paul and Justin Amash seem closer to fuzzy Libertarianism, which will make them even less electable in the years to come. “Movement conservatism” never accomplished anything anyway.

#8. The real purpose of most technology is to encircle, addict, and enslave you, not free you from toil or make your life more convenient. I began to realize, late in the Aughts (the ‘00’ decade), that the “sovereign consumer” of Libertarians and confused pseudo-conservatives is a myth. The masses follow — well — each other. They are easily led by their noses by emotional appeals in advertising, and easily addicted to screens. Because the screens he/she is glued to have been designed to trigger pleasure centers in the brain, creating and reinforcing literal dopamine addictions.

I walk the streets of my present home city, and nine out of ten people in view are practically walking into each other (or into me) because their eyes are glued to their phones!

How on Earth are consumers “sovereign” when they are so easily led, and when their attention spans are measurable as less than that of a mosquito?????

Now it’s true, a lot of technology has made our lives more convenient. I’d be crazy to deny that, with my Internet-based phone sitting here and my computer able to access our church services, Bible studies, etc., with Skype, Zoom, etc., allowing people on four continents to meet and interact in real time. Sometimes even I’m amazed by it all.

But it’s useful to remember: Big Tech didn’t create all this stuff out of the goodness of their little hearts. Corporations such as Google, Facebook and Twitter are joined at the hip to the CIA and other intel entities — the Deep State, if you prefer. You use their free products. They collect and aggregate information on you as you scroll, like, and click, and sell it to advertisers. The aim of constant info feeds is to keep you titillated and distracted. Hence the constant clickbait ads featuring scantily-clad celebrity wannabes that scream Look At Me, Look At Me, Look At Me!

Big Tech isn’t in the communications business. They’re in the money business. (Just like Big Pharma isn’t in the health business but the money business.)

And the power business. It’s getting worse.

I’ve read several times that Gates’s and Fauci’s real plans are a Covid-19 vaccine with a nanotech microchip in it. I don’t know if this is true or not. Not every such claim is true. I have no hard evidence one way or the other.

But if we think it through, a Covid vaccine won’t need a chip to be a tool of control. All it will need is an accompanying app, downloadable to your phone, that confirms that you now have the official “immunity passport.”

Without which you won’t be able to travel by air, enter government or corporate buildings, or probably work legally in close proximity with others. State and local governments will support this; employers will support it; the masses generally will support it, all out of the fear we noted last week.

Absent the “immunity passport,” you will be effectively shut out of the economy.

In Part 1 I mentioned the war on cash in passing. Cash is bad. Cash can transmit the coronavirus!

The plan is for all transactions to be digital. Digital can be tracked, traced, and made into a permanent record.

But since we mentioned chips, some employers are chipping their employees. The chip goes into their hand, in between their thumb and forefinger. Employees are going along, some enthusiastically. It’s hip to have a chip! They enjoy the conveniences. This is the incentive that lures people into something that can be used to monitor and control them. (A Swedish company has been doing it since 2016.)

At some point, a tipping point will be reached, and chipping will become the wave of the future. Again, if you’re a refusenik you’ll eventually be shut out of the economy and unable to live a normal life.

#9. Justice has been dead for a long time. When I was living in South Carolina I saw two friends have their lives upended by psychopath lawyers and judges in a county family court. I assembled enough evidence to convince myself that these, too, are money-making rackets that put poor and unemployed people in jail and keep them there, in the name of a magic phrase, child support.

County slammers that house these people (sometimes for 90 days, sometimes for six months) are able to avoid being labeled debtors prisons by invoking another phrase of legal-eagle magic, contempt of court, the official charge against someone whose “choice” was child support or that month’s utilities.

The U.S. incarcerates a larger percentage of its population than any other “advanced” nation in the world, including Communist China. This is such common knowledge that I shouldn’t need to supply a link.

The U.S. is also the only nation where prisons are privatized and run for profit. The results are as disastrous as you’d expect, just from thinking through the perverse incentives: more plea bargains for reduced sentences means more prisoners (hence scaring those accused with threats of long sentences to keep them from fighting charges in court even if they are innocent). More prisoners equals more profit; lower quality food equals more profit; nonexistent health care equals more profit.

Neoliberalism at its finest!

Decent legal representation is expensive, of course. The system can wear down and exhaust the resources of an accused person until he/she has been bankrupted and financially ruined.

Just how much justice can you afford???

Meanwhile, the real criminals on Wall Street not just walk free, but obtain more money in a month gaming the financial system than most of us will ever see in our lives.

No Wall Streeters were jailed when their recklessness nearly collapsed the economy in 2008. Indeed, two years later, some were receiving bonuses from corporations like Goldman Sachs. Financial capitalism began to inflate its next bubble, the one that was burst this year.

Will the pitchforks come out when Main Street again fails to come back? Maybe, but I’m not holding my breath.

#10. The New Tribalism is here to stay. Might be good to review #2 before reading this. The 2010s saw racial meltdowns at places like Yale where entitled minority youth have no idea how good they have it.

Identity politics, the New Tribalism, is tearing America apart. The George Floyd death has been made about “systemic racism,”not a psychopath with a badge killing a man who could have been any ethnicity. Identity politics makes everything about race, and this is a recipe for disaster. If every injustice is blamed on “white supremacy” and “systemic racism,” this will eventually tear a racially diverse society apart.

I warned anyone who would listen back in the 1990s what would happen.

Identity politics has upended academia and largely destroyed free speech, belligerent denials not withstanding. Campuses such as Berkeley spend up to $500,000 on security when a conservative speaker comes to campus, and still can’t guarantee the person’s safety.

Some speakers find themselves physically attacked by leftist loons. (Case from last year.)

The New Tribalism dominates areas of social science and the humanities not dealing with conceptual analysis or bland number crunching.

Add “intersectionality”: academese for membership in two or more designated victim groups.

The unpleasant truth: none of this is going anywhere. It may actually get worse.

With its critics retired, or hunkering down at bottom-tier tech schools, taking refuge in “think tanks,” or changed careers long ago, there is almost no one inside academia’s closed universe of crazy to challenge the New Tribalism.

I’d like to think COVID-19 hysteria might have one good result—if due to lack of money from students (well, actually, from the government, having entangled students in debt), a lot of these institutions might be forced to close their doors and send career victims off to work for Uber or deliver food.

The sadder and uglier truth: the worst villains in the identity politics / intersectionality axis, the prominent Ivy League and Cultural Left Coast institutions, have the resources to survive this catastrophe.

It will be Podunksville State College that is forced to close. Behind its silent walls you found a few real instructors who suffered under absurdly low pay working part-time for years and staying because they cared about their students. No more.

#11. The U.S. is in steep decline, and this will not be reversed. No one — not Trump or anyone else — is going to “turn the country around.” The U.S. is past the point of no return, partly because tragic events such as the George Floyd murder are so easily hijacked by political agendas, partly because of larger educational and cultural decay, but mostly because the financialized system has allowed so much borrowing against the future, enabling so much debt of all kinds to pile up.

This (not a virus, and not “systemic racism”) is crashing the system.

Sir John Bagot Glubb wrote of the life cycles of civilizations: periods of pioneering breakout and expansive growth; ages of commerce, affluence, intellect, and finally decline into decadence which precedes collapse.

Ages of decadence are characterized by frivolity, materialism, greed, a weakening of any sense of transcendent values, division and increased hostility, an unhealthy obsession with sex, general depravity—and worsening fiscal irresponsibility as a parasite class gathers not at the bottom but at the top.

Government and corporate media played down the significance of the Fed repo market bailout in August 2019. Hardly anyone noticed. You would have had to know just what to look for, and most did not.

We were on our way to the next meltdown. The coronavirus provided the trigger.

Governments locked down “inessential” businesses, i.e., nearly everything outside government, Big Pharma and drug stores, grocery stores, and banks.

This created dependence and mass compliance.

Brandon Smith predicts compellingly (he has a good track record with this sort of thing) that the economy will be reopened, that infections will rise (or that the masses will be told that the numbers are rising), resulting in a new round of panic and a more severe lockdown. Wash, rinse, repeat. A cycle will be set up and continue until all who would question authority are figuratively beaten into submission, their resources depleted.

We’re back to: Get the vaccine!

Total Surveillance is coming!

UN and affiliated websites now speak of Agenda 2030. The Plan is for world government to be instituted that year or possibly before: the intended resolution of the present crisis. With every vestige of Constitutional conservatism gone, the Global Populist Revolt of 2015 – 20 beaten back, especially if Trump should lose to Biden in November, there will be nothing stopping the globalists — the transnational elites — from finishing the project they’ve been working on quasi-publicly for the past century.

I say quasi-publicly because this is not a “conspiracy theory.” Conspiracies by definition are hidden from you. Actual conspirators do not publish books like Tragedy & Hope (Carroll Quigley), Between Two Ages (Zbigniew Brzezinski); articles like “The Hard Road to World Order” (Richard Gardner, in the 1974 Foreign Affairs published by the Council on Foreign Relations); or A Memoir (David Rockefeller Sr.), and many more, telegraphing what they’ve been doing to anyone able to read plain English.

#12. The past 50 years will be remembered as a Golden Age.

First: as many problems as we had 1969 – 2019, the past half-century gave us the Internet, our generation’s potential Gutenberg press which did more to democratize information than any previous medium. Voices shut out of mainstream media suddenly had platforms. If you paid attention you learned what “your” government had been up to (e.g., this classic).

Not all those voices were perfect, mind you. The point is, many could see for themselves how often “the experts” got things wrong, whether the subject was history, political economy, or science or medicine. Or how often ulterior motives trumped truth.

Dominant narratives about, say, globalization, were challenged more than ever before!

This lasted until November 24, 2016. When Trump upset elite favorite Hillary Clinton, a furious counterattack was inevitable. It began in earnest with the infamous Prop Or Not article, the unsourced hit job on alternative reportage published by The Washington Post. That article began the Russiagate hoax and launched Big Tech’s war against conservative voices and alternative media generally (which it called “fake news,” the first use of that meme). This war was fought with algorithms, not bullets, as befits an information age.

Many alternative sites and writers are now struggling to survive! Some have simply disappeared. There are writers who used to publish regularly on NewsWithViews.com who seem to have fallen off the face of the Earth.

As we enter the 2020s, expect a more controlled Internet. Truthtellers routinely disappear from YouTube and Twitter. Facebook has gone from banning posts to banning websites. For example, I tried to post something from The UnzReview and was handed this bit of fluff: This link goes against our community standards.

Yes, there are alternatives to those, but if you post on them you won’t be seen because they get almost no traffic. As the adage goes, there is plenty of free speech in the middle of the desert. None of the alternatives to YouTube (owned by Google) and Facebook have Deep State enhanced deep pockets. We are in a New Gilded Age, and as Big Tech’s power consolidates, expect its platforms to look more and more like CNN or MSNBC—with similar politics.

Second: expect Main Street to continue to circle the economic drain. Unemployment and its effects will be worse than the Great Depression when “normal” does not come back.

The effects will be worse because, as I noted in Part 1, in the 1930s the Westoutside so-called intellectual centers was still basically Christian. Now it is basically materialist. Millions will have nothing spiritual to fall back on.

In some places, suicides are already rivaling Covid-19 deaths (or what we are told are Covid-19 deaths).

Third: the U.S. Treasury Dept. / Federal Reserve axis is addicted to printing money. The level of money printing we are seeing now is utterly unprecedented, and will eventually cause a dollar collapse. This will enable the globalists to transition to a global digital currency and eliminate cash transactions.

A dollar collapse will permanently end U.S. dominance on the world stage. Dmitry Orlov, in a recent interview, discusses how a bankrupt U.S. might simply cease to exist. In a money political economy, those without money cannot exact their will. That includes governments.

In place of America: the rising techno-feudalist world government will serve the global financial and other corporate leviathans owned by globalist elites. They may offer refuge to compliant indigents of the former U.S., even renew conveniences and various forms of Huxleyan soma while slowly eliminating “savages” who refuse to be hip and get that chip.

Expect this by 2030.

I imagine even Russia will be incentivized to join if promised some autonomy.

Honorable Mention, for those who, like Ann Coulter, are disillusioned with Trump:

There is no one else!

I recently asked a fellow who sometimes emails long rants to me against Trump: just how do you think The Donald was able to capture the 2016 nomination?

His command of media was part of it, of course, but not the whole story.

His competitors were jokes.

Then Hillary cut her own arrogant throat with her “baskets of deplorables” remark.

This election cycle has proven to be worse. And should dementia-addled Joe Biden, the presumed Democratic nominee, defeats Trump, it will ensure that the above will fall into place that much more rapidly. My money is on Biden being unable to complete a full term. Who will his VP be? It’s pretty much given that it won’t be a white male. If his VP is a loon like Kamala Harris, expect the U.S. to come unglued well before 2030.

12 Unpleasant Truths, Part 1

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

12 Unpleasant Truths, Part 1

Steven Yates

British author John Derbyshire once penned an article with a similar title for National Review shortly before Bill Buckley fired him (he’s a conservative, not a neocon).

Just recently I ran across that article and thought I’d present my own list, which updates his significantly. Times have changed; but much remains as it ever was — as our current situation testifies. Mine got to be a tad lengthy. Hence two parts. We’ll look at #’s 1 –6 today, and #’s 7 – 12 Friday.

Unpleasant Truth #1: Most of the human race couldn’t care less about freedom. I read somewhere that only a third of colonists supported the American revolution. Another third favored the British. A final third didn’t care, so long as their stomachs were full.

H.L. Mencken wrote in Notes on Democracy(orig. 1926) that “the common man doesn’t want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” Few freedom believers — conservative, Libertarian, what-have-you — have come to grips with this unhappy fact about the masses. They believe the masses can be educated and motivated to think like they do, and are endlessly frustrated when faced with noncomprehending, TV-watching sheep.

The masses are easily controlled with fear. Hermann Goering’s statement from prison during the Nuremberg Trials is oft-quoted: “Why, of course the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany…. But …it’s the leaders of a country who determine policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship….All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

This appears just as true with the present “enemy”: origins of the attacking virus not entirely clear; no one knowing the actual number of infections because not everyone can be tested; the actual mortality rate unclear because of political divisions and known fudging (see my previous article) to get an inflated mortality figure, in the U.S. at least.

Object lesson: tell the masses there’s something lethal out there … show them rows of caskets on TV, as I have seen several times now … then watch the majority fall in line… even with their businesses and workplaces shut down as “inessential,” and over 40 million having applied for unemployment benefits overwhelming those systems.

There are some sterling exceptions. But nothing should be clearer than that the majority of humanity prefers safety/security to liberty.

#2. Blacks and whites will never get along, or trust one another. If affirmative action, set-asides,or other preferential programs worked, we would know it by now. When I was a kid, integrating government (“public”) schools was all the rage. As an idealistic teenager I supported it. But even then I noticed how black kids self-segregated. No one I knew of “hated” them. Some of us were somewhat afraid of them.

We didn’t understand them and they didn’t understand us.

A program was forced on the country, top-down, without the large-scale education or counseling that would have been required for each group to learn about the other, especially what the black kids truly needed, but looking back on that period with 20-20 hindsight, there’s no reason to believe even that would have worked.

The two races are simply different: culturally and physically for sure, and probably — whether anyone likes it or not —intellectually. Anyone who disagrees with that is challenged to produce one example of a black civilization on the order of ancient Greece, or even Rome. Just one.

I can hear the screams of racist! racist! racist! already. (Or maybe it will be white supremacist! multiple times).

Calm down! Focus!

Name one black civilization of significance. Just one.Can you do it? If not, shut up!

Be all this as it may, enough whites are no better. What do we have? Sadistic white cops who brutalize unarmed and handcuffed black men to death (George Floyd being just the most recent example) without any sense of the consequences. In my judgment, the first thing to say about such a cop is that he’s an idiot— down there at box-of-rocks level stupid— in addition to whatever psychopathic tendencies he may have been harboring. Derek Chauvin had numerous complaints against him without consequences, signaling that he could get away with it.

That said, there are plenty of trouble making publicity hounds among blacks. Al Sharpton comes to mind (yes, he showed up on the scene in Minneapolis, right on cue).

And there are globalists — elites — who have been exploiting justifiable black anger over incidents like the one in Minneapolis for years now, funneling money to radical groups because they want to destroy traditional American culture. George Soros comes to mind.

When the history of our once-great nation was written, the bottom line will be that not abolishing slavery in 1776 was our Founding Fathers’ worst blunder. It sowed the seeds for divisions that have haunted us ever since.

The object lesson may be that fundamentally incompatible cultures with different wired-in mindsets cannot be made to mix by force, although again there will be exceptions that prove the general rule. Scarcity makes this worse. When the system seems to dispense, unjustly, more freebies and privileges to one race than to the other,anger will fester. Repeated crises will aggravate the situation until it explodes, well-positioned (and moneyed) opportunists having lit the matches.

#3. Constitutional government is dead. Do I need to belabor this one? Dr. Ron Paul was the last Constitutionalist to hold national office, and he retired in 2013 without a single bill he authored being passed. Often his was the only “No” vote against one or another of innumerable pieces of unconstitutional legislation to cross his desk.

Arguably the U.S. got off track at the start here as well. The Founders’ second worst blunder was allowing Alexander Hamilton to create the private Bank of the United States when the Constitution explicitly authorized Congress to “coin money and regulate the value thereof….”

Lincoln’s War centralized the country; “these United States” ceased to be a federated republic and became a nation state no different than European nation states.

Bankers and their allies did the rest. The Gilded Age saw the rise and consolidation of what was then called the Money Power aggregated in private corporations. The progressive movement of the time (directed by the British Fabian Society) was never more than controlled opposition. Their man Woodrow Wilson, who was also the bankers’ man, signed the legislation creating the Federal Reserve in 1913.

The U.S. has been a Money Power oligarchy ever since. Just like Europe.

The well-networked extended families of globalist elites (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans; et al) understood that if you want controlled masses, you control the information that reaches them. Hence establishing controls over corporate media and government (“public”) schools which has continued ever since … even as they produced generations who cannot write grammatical sentences or walk up to a world map and find Iraq or Ukraine.

Few university students have any idea of the Constitution. I used to ask students to name the rights enumerated in the First Amendment. Most couldn’t identify any, or tell me where they could find the First Amendment.These people were old enough to vote.

With an uninformed and ignorant public, Congress can pass, and the president can sign, anything they want. The occasional Ron Paul will sound like a kook. When Nancy Pelosi was asked where the Constitution authorized the federal government to force people to purchase health insurance, she snarled, “Are you kidding?”

And today, when some pseudo-scholarat long-since-compromised Harvard says forcing you to get a Covid-19 vaccine against your will is authorized by the Constitution, few know how to answer him, because those few have been consigned to society’s margins.

By that time it will be too late, anyway. How far do you think you are going to get, trying to reasonabout what is or isn’t constitutional with men (maybe a few women) who have guns at your head (or this equivalent: either get the Covid-19 vaccine as an “immunity passport” or be refused readmission to the economy).

#4. Capitalism as it actually exists cannot deliver quality health care for all. This one will be tough for most of the freedom-minded, because they confuse freedom with capitalism as it actually exists, their minds paralyzed by a term used by Ayn Rand or Libertarian treatises by career academics. And they rely on a streamlined academic ideal that simply does not exist on a large scale anywhere.

Capitalism in the messy real world just means any political economy allowing — requiring — capital accumulation. Neither its founders nor its primary beneficiaries have ever been Libertarian intellectuals.

Regarding health care, the matter is really quite simple. People—corporate elites as well as masses—respond to incentives. In a materialist society and for moneyed interests, profit is the strongest incentive. Consumer spending generates profits. Saving does not. Hence the manufacture of incentives to spend (and the means), and penalties visited upon savers: inflation, low interest rates, etc., destroying the value of savings.

No one profits from a healthy population. Healthy people do not need to lavish huge sums of money on doctors, clinics, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, insurance policies, etc.; and other things being equal, probably would not.

A healthy population would render the cartel conveniently called Big Pharma obsolete. It would also quickly place Big Food in check.

Food corporations profit from adding mildly addictive flavor enhancers to already-unhealthy processed foods. This keeps unwitting consumers coming back.

The net result of bad food, pharmaceuticals for this or that invented malady —added to the stress-inducing lifestyle of the average employee or job seeker, the average entrepreneur, or even probably the average government bureaucrat during times like these—is the sickliest and most lethargic population in human history, suffering from obesity and its complications such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, breathing disorders, mental illnesses, dementias, and so on. Not to mention alcoholism and substance abuse generally.

A lethargic population is an easily-controlled population. Corporations want this as much as governments. Libertarians and conservatives who believe otherwise are delusional.

I’ve elsewhere advocated Primary Prevention. I’m sometimes told, Primary Prevention is not profitable and hence not marketable. This is supposed to militate against it. What it militates against is a political economy that values profit, marketability, and spin over health.

#5. Evil and filth are very marketable. Back in 2005, columnist and author David Kupelian published a book entitled The Marketing of Evil. Every Libertarian, Austrian School economist, and some who self-identify as conservatives should read this book, which shows among other things how mass media (private corporations all) have furthered the agendas of abortionists, homosexual activists, gender-benders, and indeed all who profit from long term moral collapse — and how the online “free market” has made pornography the biggest money-making industry on the Internet (hundreds of millions per year!).

All you have to do to see live porn is attend a Miley Cyrus show.

Real musicians dare not give up their day jobs (if they have them).

Other entire industries have been bent to satisfy the most prurient tastes. Would-be participants do not choose this “freely.” What happens to the stand-up comic who does not fill his routines with sexual and scatological references? Short-attention-spanned audiences addicted to such things go elsewhere, and he goes back to driving a Uber. What happens to authors who try to pen thoughtful, nuanced essays — as opposed to short pieces of single-sentence paragraphs, lots of “white space,” written at a fifth grade level? You have to ask?

Libertarians love the idea of free markets, as I noted in passing above. Their Utopia is that of the world as a single, borderless marketplace where all exchanges are voluntary and no one ever coerces anyone else.

I doubt this would be possible even in a Christian civilization, but were Christianity the dominant worldview, our actual state of affairs would definitely be better.

If you disagree, consider the mindset that existed in the mid-1930s. With the country in the throes of the Great Depression, it was by any economic measure one of our worst hours. There were no jobs, there was no money, and people literally starved to death.

But listen to the big bands from that era. Upbeat, even cheerful and celebratory of life and love; in a word, optimistic. Communicating through music that better times were coming because ultimately God is in control.

In the 1930s, whatever its faults, we still had an essentially Christian civilization — outside, that is, the intellectual and highbrow journalistic centers that had embraced Darwinism, and artistic and literary ones that had embraced nihilism — materialism at the core of each.

No one in his right mind thinks we have a Christian civilization today. Not when churches are shuttered as “inessential” and one is even burned down for ignoring government-corporate stay-at-home policy, a message left reading: “Bet you stay home now you hypokrits [sic]!”

Given the present cultural mindset, I don’t believe the West will survive a Greater Depression.

#6. Socialism and Big Government are popular — but the elites are NOT socialists! Bernie Sanders openly promoted socialism. He would have won the 2016 Democratic Party nomination had the DNC not cheated for Hillary Clinton. The DNC elites weren’t about to allow Sanders in this go round, either. They would have backed Trump.

And like it or not, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now a heroine to her generation. Later millennials (those born in the 1990s) and Gen Z-ers (born since 9/11) love proposals like Universal Basic Income (UBI) and the Green New Deal.

They’ve turned against capitalism. Against, that is, the system encircling them, not an academic fairy tale no one has ever seen. The system encircling them has left them buried in student loan debt and forced into the low-wage “gig” economy.

Oligarchism resulted in Wall Street and Main Street becoming separate systems. So millennials see leviathan banks and other corporations prospering and driving the Dow into the stratosphere with stock buybacks while they struggle to survive. (More than a few Gen-Xers and Boomers such as myself see the same thing, trust me.)

Today, the masses wait on government stimulus checks—their livelihoods having been upended in the Great Coronavirus Hysteria of 2020, one might call it. Even Trump signed off on this. What else could he do?

The really unpleasant truth is that this is not heading toward socialism but what I call techno-feudalism. AOC and her crowd are — sadly — useful idiots.

Socialism purported to be about equitable distribution. Transnational elites or globalists don’t care about equitable distribution. They care about power.

Under techno-feudalism, for all practical purposes the masses will be property of their neo-feudal lords. They will be counted, ID’d, monitored, and “somatized” with ever-larger and faster interactive screens in the planned technocratic order.

Outside the providence of the elites, there will be little stability. There may be “gigs” although many of those will disappear with driverless vehicles. There may be UBI, although it won’t keep up with price inflation. Cash transactions will be eliminated. UBI won’t be handed out with no strings attached. Like much else, it will be used to control. Dissent from a dominant narrative and you risk being cut off.

The centerpiece of a techno-feudalist order will be a World Government that services global corporations, using whatever means are available (technological, psychological) to keep the masses pacified and obedient.

As far as I can tell, 2030 is now the target year. Most if not all the ideals listed in that document are pure fantasy, of course. A zero-poverty world is not achievable through globalist centralization. What will be achieved instead is slavery for all except the globalists and well-positioned technocrats and administrators, and perhaps a few designated entertainers.

The ground is presently being laid during “cautious” reopenings for myriad new controls on people and whichever small businesses survive the present calamity. Most, again out of fear (see #1 again), will accept the controls without question. They will not be removed and one thing will lead to another, as it always has.

Part 2 will appear Friday, 12th of June, 2020.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Lockdown Lamentations

By Steven Yates

As I write this, we’re in quarantine. Even though my wife and I are perfectly healthy (aside from an ache in my lower back). All of Santiago, Chile, a city of between 6 and 7 million people, is locked down.

To leave our building, we have to go to a website run by the police and jump through a series of hoops to get — what should I call them? — Permission Slips (Permiso Temporales is the Spanish phrase).

We have to state our names, IDs, addresses, destination, and reason for going out.

The Permission Slip is then emailed as a PDF attachment. Print it and we’re good to go.

We get three hours.

My wife’s done this three times since quarantine went into effect last weekend. She had to do it this morning as I write. I did it yesterday. She was otherwise occupied, and we needed groceries.

Being outside was like walking into a dystopian Twilight Zone episode. Although it was mid-afternoon, the number of people I saw made me wonder if it was really 7 am on Sunday morning.

I arrived at the entrance to the building where the grocery store is. More people were milling about.

Outside the main entrance was a line of seven police officers. Seven.

Some bore rifles.

To defend against what? I wondered.The coronavirus?

People got in line, showed their Permission Slips, and were allowed to go inside.

“Your papers, please!” is as ominous-sounding in Spanish as it is in English, trust me.

Everyone had on a face mask. Including myself. Had I not worn one, I’ve no doubt I’d be sent back to get it. And expected to comply without question or hesitation.

There’s been almost no pushback here. Very unlike, say, Michigan in the U.S., where around 20,000 people converged on the state capital in Lansing demanding to be allowed to return to work, because they had bills to pay and because they didn’t want to be wards of the state, dependent on government-printed stimulus money.

Here in Chile?

The protests of late last year are gone. Underground, perhaps. But not visible.

It’s like they happened in another chapter of history.

We’ve had, at last count, 37,040 confirmed positives for the coronavirus. And 368 deaths. (Source.)

For those who can do simple arithmetic, that’s a mortality rate of under 1 percent.

Under 1 percent.

Most deaths were of those in vulnerable populations here, as is the case everywhere. The elderly, and those with chronic conditions, especially respiratory conditions.

These people should be cared about, and cared for. Keeping them indoors makes sense.

The problem is, the healthy are being locked indoors no less than those at risk.

You can protect yourself from any virus including this one through commonsense cleanliness (e.g., frequent handwashing), not touching objects in public that have been touched by others (e.g., handrails), and building up your immune system with sound nutrition, exercise, at least some sunlight, and sufficient sleep.

These are collectively called Primary Prevention— practices designed to help you avoid getting sick.

You’re exposed to airborne viruses all the time. If your immune system is working, you’re fine.

If there was any real health education anywhere, this would all be common knowledge. But there isn’t. A two-year program I went through in the late 1990s emphasized three things: sex ed, sex ed, and sex ed. In no particular order. What I learned that proved useful was confined to two courses, which emphasized systems thinking and Primary Prevention, around which I built my thesis, got my degree, and got out of there.

A healthy population would not need to spend money on doctors, hospitals, expensive insurance policies, or— significantly —Big Pharma’s legal drugs.

Hence there’s no health education or Primary Prevention worth speaking of, and most nations on this side of the Atlantic Ocean don’t have health care systems, they have sick care systems.

Sick care systems make money, but now have us at a decided disadvantage.

At last count in the U.S, there were more than 36 million newly unemployed people, and as of the last jobs report, an official unemployment rate of 14.7%: the highest such number since the Great Depression, with strong hints that this number radically under counts the actual number of unemployed Americans.

Checking the coronavirus stats on the U.S. (same source as above), as of this writing I got the number of positives at 1,398,393 and the number of deaths at 85,813, which suggests a mortality rate of 6 percent!

But not so fast! Hospitals are being incentivized with monetary payouts to list patients as COVID-19 and three times more if they go on ventilators.

If these patients then die from other conditions, this would inflate the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19.

I’m told that millions of people have not been tested for the coronavirus. The virus may remain asymptomatic for two weeks or longer. That suggests that the number of positives could be much higher than the official number.

Which would also lower the mortality rate.

Can anyone honestly claim to know what the real number is?

Or come close enough to something fact-based to justify shutting down all except for government-designated “essential” operations?

What’s really going on here.

A larger agenda, of course. (Here.)

Jim Sinclair, in this packed but illuminating video, goes further. The Everything Bubble was going to burst anyway, probably this year. It began to destabilize last year, leading to the Fed bailout of the repo market. This was a quick fix, and those at the top knew it.

The coronavirus gave the globalist elites an opportunity to orchestrate their controlled demolition of something they knew to be unsustainable in a way that would ensure they are not blamed for it.

Instead — corporate media focus will be on Trump’s presumed mismanagement of this whole thing.

Globalists always honor the adage, never let a good crisis go to waste!

To be sure, Trump is toast. No incumbent president in almost a hundred years,running for reelection, no matter who he was or what he claimed he stood for, has survived an economic cataclysm like the one we’ve seen over the past two months, and survived. Trump isn’t responsible for the coronavirus, of course, or the shutting down of the economy, but that’s what the masses will see.

Especially big-city masses who hated Trump’s guts to begin with.

In January, I’d have told you (had you asked) that a clown like Joe Biden had no more chance of becoming president than I would.

He does now, and then some!

Biden, this election cycle’s DNC insider,will likely be the next U.S. president. What he will oversee is the rest of the ongoing collapse of the America we once knew,as what some call the Great Reset continues apace.

Bill Gates, billionaire class denizen and globalist in good standing, is pouring billions into research for a vaccine for COVID-19. It’s not just the need to worry about what’s really in it, or the fact that vaccines have never worked on viruses which is why the “experts” tell you to get a new flu vaccine every year,

Worth noting is the fact that Gates has no medical or public health degrees, but because of his billions he basically owns the WHO and, through its influence, much of the public health conversation in the West. If anything is officially labeled Global Health, you are guaranteed to find the fingerprints of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation all over it.

Gates and his colleague Dr. Anthony Fauci own vaccine patents and stand to make billions more on a COVID vaccine regardless of its effectiveness or lack of.

This is the same Dr. Fauci whose organization, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is known to have funneled at least $7.4 million to the Wuhan Institute for Virology in China specifically to do coronavirus research.

And those of us who suspect that this thing was genetically engineered and then either escaped from the lab or was released on purpose are supposed to be crazy conspiracy theorists?

Are we crazy conspiracy theorists if we wonder if Gates’s and Fauci’s ownership of patents on vaccines throws their scientific objectivity on how to deal with this coronavirus into question?

What the official strategy will be most effective at doing, if introduced as I think it will be, is increasing the layers of controls over individuals —layers I fear the masses will welcome because they’ll feel “safe.”

Some will refuse the vaccine, of course, and be demonized. I doubt they will be able to stop this juggernaut because of the huge financial resources that will continue to be poured into vaccine research and distribution.

Proof that you’ve had the “COVID-19 vaccine,” stored in your phone, may be required for air travel, entering government buildings, and possibly even working in any setting where you’ll be in close proximity to others.

Are you a paranoid conspiracy theorist if you note that this has a perfect precedent: the REAL ID Act, passed in 2005 by Congress having been tucked into a military appropriations bill and which Homeland Security spent the next ten years shoving down America’s throat?

South Carolina, where I was then living, was a refusenik state. Now, South Carolina has a REAL ID compliant and a non-REAL ID compliant driver’s license. Only the former can be used for federal identification purposes or to fly or enter government buildings.

At the personal level, this will be similar.No one will have a gun to your head. You’ll be able to refuse the vaccine, just as you can legally not have a driver’s license.

But you’ll be immobilized: unable to travel and, little by little, shut out of the economy.

Trump, by the way, now appears to be fully on board with the Gates-Fauci vaccine. He is now owned by Big Pharma. Having once promoted them, he’s shown no further interest in COVID treatments the medical-pharmaceuticals cartel doesn’t have patents for, such as hydroxychloroquine with zinc. Videos promoting such treatments are being censored all across social media. Big Pharma won’t reap financial gains from conducting the kinds of rigorous clinical trials they insist on to find out if something long used to fight malaria and rheumatoid arthritis can be used to ward off a coronavirus as well.

No money in it….

The long and the short of it: things look the grimmest for freedom that I’ve ever seen.

After over 30 years of writing about the subject, trying to wake people up.

I am sometimes criticized on my Facebook page for not accepting official narratives. My computer was hacked some time ago, and I’ve recently received threatening emails.

Those who claim the masses by and large don’t want to think, and don’t really want freedom,would seem to be vindicated.

Freedom calls for responsibility, and it invariably involves risks.

I can see some states opening up in the near future, and I can see (possibly cooked) COVID numbers spiking in those places, this being used as justification to shut them back down until the Gates-Fauci vaccine is ready. For worldwide distribution.

My wife and I have elected to get out of Santiago as soon as possible.

That’s another story, but we’ll be hunkering down where we land.

[Author’s note: if you value this content and you are financially able, consider supporting it. Make a donation to NewsWithViews.com here. Consider supporting my work on Patreon.com here; or by making a one-time donation on PayPal via my email address.]

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

What We Ought to Learn From the Coronavirus

Steven Yates

Stu Redman: What about the folks I came in with?
Dr. Dietz:  From Arnette? All dead. Which is why we can’t afford—
Stu Redman: What did you do? What did you people do?
The Stand (1994)

Amanda Dunfrey: You don’t have much faith in humanity, do you?
Dan Miller: None whatsoever.
Amanda: I can’t accept that! People are basically good, decent. My God, David, we’re a civilized society!
David Drayton: Sure, as long as the machines are working and you can dial 9-1-1. But you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the s*** out of them? No more rules!
Ollie:  You scare people badly enough, you can get ‘em to do anything. They’ll turn to whoever promises a solution.
The Mist (2007)

I’ll start by saying that the media-inflamed hysteria over Covid-19 worries me a lot more than the virus does.

Markets have tanked worldwide; the Dow has lost almost a third of its value since the start of this month, including its biggest point drop in history: 2,997 on March 16.

Panic buying has set in. Political leaders have declared states of emergency. Businesses, school districts, government agencies have closed and may remain closed for weeks. Conferences and even major sports events have been canceled.

Frankly, the bubble on Wall Street would have popped sooner or later, but never mind that now.

Does anything justify the borderline-insanity surrounding this coronavirus?

The vast majority of people who test positive for it seem to be recovering with no ill effects, although a few are complaining of loss of lung capacity. When symptomatic, the virus attacks the respiratory system.

Yes, there have been a few thousand deaths. It’s been observed, though, that more people die of the flu or complications from it each year. Far more people died from the H1N1 virus during the Obama presidency. There were warnings, but not a mass panic.

Covid-19 testing has sometimes been spotty, meaning that more people have it than we know about, and the actual mortality rate is therefore lower than the official number. Public officials are worried about these “stealth spreaders.”

The greatest dangers from Covid-19 are to the elderly and to people with respiratory and immune systems already compromised by chronic conditions. Those people should take it very seriously.

But when all is said and done, this is clearly not the genetically engineered super flu which accidentally gets loose and wipes out most of the world in Stephen King’s The Stand, though there’s an worth while point to be made about that kind of scenario I’ll come back to at the end.

There are numerous coronaviruses. They live in animals. The official narrative is that this one jumped from bat meat to human consumers in a crowded and probably unsanitary Wuhan, China marketplace.

Yes, that can happen. It’s not impossible.

The other narrative — the one mainstream Western media wants you to dismiss as a “conspiracy theory” — is that this coronavirus (like others for which patents can be found online) was manufactured and got loose, whether by accident or by design.

Wuhan, as many reading probably know, sports a Pathogen Level 4 microbiology laboratory able to produce and study coronaviruses. It’s called the National Biosafety Laboratory and is part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Do you believe that Wuhan’s being ground zero for the appearance of this coronavirus is a mere coincidence?

Molecular biologist and ecologist James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge:

“I’ve analyzed the entire genome sequence of this virus and compared it to the entire genome sequences of all the other coronaviruses that we have data for, and this weird element that doesn’t belong there; I’ve found that it actually did match a vector technology that was published in 1998 in the proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

“This vector technology is a mechanism by which molecular biologists insert new genes into viruses and bacteria….

“Now it’s really unusual to find a vector technology sequence in a virus that’s circulating in humans, and so naturally, one thing we can say, I think for certain, is that this particular virus has a laboratory origin….”

Other reports are circulating suggesting that components of the virus are related to HIV and could not have formed naturally. This would explain why people with compromised immune systems are especially at risk.

So if this coronavirus is artificial, what was its purpose?Is it a bioweapon?

I don’t know, and I don’t think anyone else does for sure, either—except for those directly involved in its production.

To use against the Chinese people? This abhorrent idea has been kicked around, and one has to wonder who in his right mind would do something so reckless.

There are sociopathic mercenaries and terrorists who would do it.

The globalist Deep Establishment would surely not target its own intended global manufacturing base, though.

Or would it—if its minions knew the global economy was on a very weak and precarious footing, exemplified by the bubble on Wall Street?

And if its minions knew that Covid-19 was only life-threatening to “useless eaters” and that the bulk of those infected would recover.

And if the globalists also knew they were failing to contain the rising “populism” out here in the world’s hinterlands. “Populism” is the word pundits use for mass resistance to open borders, “free trade,” and the merging of everything and everyone into a single extended shopping mall of mass consumption and disposability—with masses of consumers buying on credit and going into debt.

Efforts to brand leaders such as Trump, Orbán, Kaczynski, Bolsanaro, etc., as incipient fascists haven’t worked outside the echo chambers of punditry and academia, after all.

Given all this, the globalists might just decide to throw a time bomb right into the middle of it all.

Enter this coronavirus, stage left.

They simultaneously pull their money out of the system while fomenting a global panic through their controlled media corporations. The latter blame the coronavirus.

Do I know all this? No, of course not. But it fits globalist psychology.

Let’s not forget: these sociopaths are masters of misdirection.

What do we know?

While common people were watching their portfolios plunge, panic-buying, and even getting into fights over dwindling supplies of toilet paper:

On March 13, the Federal Reserve dropped interest rates practically to zero and initiated a new round of QE.

Translation: the big banks were bailed out again. To the tune of around $5 trillion.

Small investors, meanwhile, have been hit hard. The Dow dropped 2,997 on March 16. That’s its biggest numerical drop ever.

Talk of a massive recession is now everywhere. Naturally, Covid-19 is being blamed, not the actions of the financial elites who dominate Wall Street.

Donald Trump’s presidency has been named a likely casualty, given the awkwardness of his initial response to the appearance of the virus in the U.S.

Meanwhile, authorities are laying in place means of tracking the movements of those quarantined because they’ve tested positive for Covid-19. Many are all for this.

A vaccine is in the works. Naturally, no one will know what is really in it.

In times of induced panic, people indeed lay down what few freedoms they actually possess before the feet of those who promise a solution.

Our financial elites are bailed out to the tune of trillions, and President Trump suggests handing $1K to each American household of peons.

“If you give us more power and you give it freely, we’ll take care of you. A little, anyway.”

What do we really learn from this “pandemic”?

Besides, that is, the obvious lessons about how easy it is to lead the masses by their noses through fear, and how easily politicians get in line in the face of total media saturation and potential shaming.

The “pandemic” has exposed, for all with eyes to see if they dare to look, the dark side of globalization.

Economists have noted how the lock down in China has threatened global supply lines of goods ranging from food to new technology to crucial medications. Supply lines on which Americans have become dependent.

It seems worth asking, how did we get into this pattern of dependency in the first place?

It happened because corporations try to make as much money as possible by locating in places with the lowest labor costs, while economists shrug off disruptive consequences as “externalities.”

And because most people weren’t paying attention.

The idea of economic integration isn’t new. It goes back at least to post-war Europe, and further. The idea was that if nations encouraged mutual dependencies leading to a common market they would be less likely to fight one another. This seemed to make sense, and for a while, it seemed to work.

There are dangers of economic integration, however, especially if you are not in the class of moneyed elites. I don’t think most Europeans were counting on the financial-elite dominated political union they have now. Nor were they counting on being colonized by Muslims who would refuse to assimilate and start to destroy European cultures.

On our side of the Atlantic, what came to pass was corporations chasing the cheapest labor they can find while opening borders to immigrants from everywhere and driving down wages in advanced societies.

All the while a punditry in semisecret organizations like the Trilateral Commission works out an ideological rationale and promises of a coming Utopia.

The ideology was neoliberalism, the basic premises of which were: privatize everything in sight; and value is limited to monetary and exchange value. The Utopia long ago turned dystopian, again if you are outside the one or two percent that has reaped the lion’s share of the profits, generally from investment — “money making money” — as opposed to real productive work meeting people’s needs.

America began to gut its manufacturing base back in the 1980s, as corporations pursued profit and shareholder interest only. During the 1990s with NAFTA, GATT II, and beyond and into the 2000s, this only got worse.

China, meanwhile, was forcibly turned from a mostly agrarian country into an industrial nation in less than two generations. Now it is the second largest economy in the world. No one may ever know the extent to which ordinary Chinese people have suffered because of top-down decisions made by what is still a de jure Communist government. (We know that Mao’s “cultural revolution” murdered tens of millions. China is now a techno cratically controlled society.)

While this may fill the local Walmart with cheaply produced mass consumer goods, it increases the overall fragility of economies everywhere (I am using the term fragility in Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s sense). No national government or population can control what goes on halfway around the world, or even validate that what they are being told is the truth.

Today, America has millions of people whose service sector jobs fail to pay living wages, and whose standard of living has dropped. They are up to their eyeballs in debt. Most could not come up with $500 in an emergency situation without borrowing. Those working cannot afford decent health care because their wages have stagnated relative to a rising cost of living which seems endemic to advanced “capitalist” political economies. These are the reasons we have crises in all those areas whether we like to talk about them or not.

Obamacare wasn’t the solution to the health care crisis because Obamacare wasn’t really about health care. It was about how health care was to be paid for. There wasn’t a word in Obamacare about, for example, Primary Prevention.

Primary Prevention consists of all those things you can and should do to avoid getting sick: nutritional education and healthy eating; exercising regularly; practicing basic cleanliness; not smoking; avoiding sugar and excessive caffeine and alcohol; managing your stress through prayer and meditation; etc.

In the case of the coronavirus, you can greatly reduce your risk through frequently washing your hands, not touching your face and mouth especially if you’ve touched objects in public such as handrails, and avoiding proximity with strangers. Many of the precautions being urged are sensible.

Education for Primary Prevention would enable a people to avoid risky behaviors of all kinds, and if it began when they were children, avoidance would be automatic, not directed by authorities. It would be common horse sense.

But Primary Prevention is not profitable to those who make money by managing chronic conditions, e.g., with drugs. A healthy population doesn’t need to spend money on doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, insurance premiums, etc.


It leads, moreover, to personal resilience and self- and familial reliance. This does not serve the purposes of globalists who want dependent populations, which has included destroying the family unit. Even this hasn’t been enough. As amoral sociopaths, they may be willing to pull out all stops to throttle their opponents.

Up to and including dynamiting economies and impoverishing entire populations.

This “pandemic” will run its course, just as did bird flu, swine flu, West Nile, SARS, and H1N1 did, having turned out to be much milder than its political-economic effects.

The latter are guaranteed to leave us worse off.

Especially if they destroy Trump’s reelection changes and put borderline-senile Joe Biden in the White House, ensuring us, in a couple of years, a presidency-by-committee led by whoever his VP turns out to be. (Hillary Clinton?)

Especially if we are all faced with new vaccines and encircling “health” regulations that have nothing to do with Primary Prevention but will soon be conditions of employment, etc.

Trump will be gone. But the problems that got him elected will still be around, in spades.

And full-throttle globalism will be right back on track!

My final reflection:

I opened with a pair of movie quotes reflective of aspects of sinful human nature.

Something almost no one talks about is relevant here: small but well-heeled folks in the scientific-military complex that will continue to play God with the sort of biogenetic engineering that probably created this coronavirus.

Viruses, too, can be patented and sold for profit.

Given the law of averages, it may be just a matter of time till one of these lunatics comes up with something truly lethal, with an extremely high or almost universal mortality rate — akin to the super flu in The Stand.

And carelessly lets it escape its test tube cage.

Then we’ll know what a real pandemic, a real existential threat to humanity, looks like!

Steven Yates’s next book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been accepted for publication by Wipf and Stock. Buy his Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons For the Decline of the American Republic here.

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© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Deceased German Journalist Shows How Mainstream Journalism Really Works

Steven Yates

Book Review: Presstitutes — Embedded in the Pay of the CIA – by Udo Ulfkotte (Progressive Press, 2019).

Those with an interest in how mainstream (corporate) journalism really operates — if you don’t know already — need to grab this book at once! It might be unavailable soon!

Udo Ulfkotte was to mainstream journalism in Germany what John Perkins has been to international economic growth and development, and his book is as much a confessional as Perkins’s Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004; revised at The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 2016) was.

In 2014, Ulfkotte published Gekaufte Journalisten (Bought Journalists). The book became a bestseller in Germany despite a media blackout. The author, excommunicated from German mass media and unofficially blacklisted, faced lawsuits and endured police raids on his house. He told family members he feared for his life. Then, on January 13, 2017, just days shy of his 57th birthday, he was found dead from what a coroner’s report said was a heart attack. Because it is possible to murder people using chemicals that will cause heart stoppage and then become untraceable, some believe he was murdered.

The fate of a genuine whistle blower who tried to stand up to one of this world’s most powerful Deep Establishment operations?

An interesting question is what happened to the original English translation of Gekaufte Journalisten. Supposed to have been published as Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News, it simply disappeared. Issued by Next Revelation Press, an imprint of U.S.-Canadian publisher Tayen Lane, it was quickly removed from the publisher’s website. Tayen Lane did not respond to inquiries about the book. It still has a page on Amazon.com, where copies have been advertised for sale for prices starting at around $1,000 (!). Those who tried to order it, though, could not obtain it. It is presently listed on the site as unavailable.

There can be no rational doubt that Journalists for Hire was suppressed. More specifically, the book was privished. What does it mean to privish a book?

In his essay “The Price of Liberty,” Gerard Colby, a former vice president of the National Book Division of the National Writers Union affiliated with the AFL-CIO, explains:

“In the 1970s, a new term came into the vernacular of industry-wise writers: privishing. According to the sworn testimony in federal court of a twenty-year Viking Press editor, William Decker, the term was used in the industry to describe how publishers killed off books without authors’ awareness or consent….

“The mechanism used is simple: cut off the book’s life-support system by reducing the initial print run so that the book cannot price profitably according to any conceivable formula, refuse to do reprints, drastically slash the book’s advertising budget, and all but cancel the promotional tour.

“The publisher’s purpose is to kill off a book that, for one reason or another, is considered “troublesome” or potentially so. This widespread activity must be done secretly because it constitutes a breach of contract which, if revealed, could subject the publisher to legal liability….” (In Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press, ed. Kristina Borjesson (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 2002), pp. 15-16).

It is clear that Journalists For Hire was privished. Information about it leaked out. Secrets are difficult to keep in this Internet era, after all. Writers with their ears to the ground new about the German edition were awaiting an English translation. The Amazon listing sported 20-odd five-star reviews, most written to explicitly expose the privishing or speak of censorship in our controlled media and publishing environment. (One of the reviews is by yours truly.)

Presstitutes has not (yet) been subject to that fate. I rather think this book’s enemies were aware that the privishing ploy wouldn’t work a second time. Not immediately, at any rate. With widespread exposure on well-trafficked sites like that of Paul Craig Roberts, such an attempt would provoke an outcry.

This edition offers a revealing account of how corporate journalism really works, by an author who—like John Perkins—was a respected insider. For 17 years Ulfkotte was eyeball-deep in the corruption his book exposes, enjoying the perks involved in working for Germany’s newspaper of record, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, equivalent to The New York Times or The Washington Post. During his career he visited 60 countries doing “investigative reporting” of various sorts for the FAZ, he calls it. He outlines how he accepted money to write stories with specific slants, making claims he knew full well were questionable, naming dozens of names and identifying the shadowy, behind-the-scenes organizations that held the purse strings.

He names the usual suspects: working alongside the CIA were allied globalist entities such as the Bilderberg Group, the Aspen Institute, the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Bridge, and others. They set the agendas that determined what was reported as fact to FAZ’s millions of readers. Ulfkotte identifies some of the ruses used, such as grants administered through the U.S. Embassy to young and naïve journalism students, or journalists at the start of the careers, to work on projects influencing European “public opinion.” He had been one such person, back in the day, lured by the promise of a lucrative career writing for one of his country’s most prestigious publications.

The agendas: whatever furthered the interests of U.S. foreign adventurism, NATO, and European Union consolidation; supporting U.S.-led wars, promoting the dissolving of borders in Europe and elsewhere, and minimizing reportage on the cultural disaster that has ensued courtesy of the Muslim colonization of Europe.

It is no accident that people speaking out against this colonization, or opposing open borders, or noting that entire neighborhoods are no longer safe for native Germans, are demonized as racists or white supremacists.

In other words, Ulfkotte goes well beyond Herman and Chomsky’s classic Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (1988). I cannot recall them documenting that literal spies, on the CIA payroll, actually sat in offices and all but dictated content to writers for major newspapers which was then passed off as objective journalism.

Ulfkotte’s account is as much personal as it is political. It is clear: he agonized over his situation for a long time. The name of the game he’d found himself playing: to get along, go along … or quit.

Get with the program, or get out of journalism.

Or blow the whistle and be blacklisted and broken — or worse.

Prestigious journalism “prizes” leading to career advances and high salaries are the rewards for cooperation.

The emphasis on German journalism is to be expected. But since the Anglophone world is the real ground zero of the practices he exposes, why would anyone expect British-American journalism to be any different?

No, there is every reason to think journalism in the English-speaking world is worse, and we come to a new understanding why President Trump has called out reporters from the Clinton News Network (CNN) and other corporate outlets as purveyors of fake news.

What can you believe that comes from CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc.?

If it involves U.S. foreign policy, or many front-burner national issues such as those that have led to repeated attempts to remove Trump from office, I’d believe nothing I couldn’t check personally.

Ulfkotte’s book has over 30 pages of end notes and other documentation for his claims. These ought to circumvent efforts (example: Wikipedia) to portray Ulfkotte as just one more far-right “conspiracy theorist,” the weaponized phrase recommended to upper echelons media back in the 1960s by the CIA to turn readers away from documented claims of elite-led, top-down malfeasance.

The light of print is a magnificent disinfectant, however, and Udo Ulfkotte has shined a very bright light on such malfeasance.

I’d grab a copy of Presstitutes while I could. Progressive is a small press, and there’s no good reason to think this edition is going to be around and affordable for very long.

Steven Yates’s latest book manuscript What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been accepted for publication by Wipf and Stock and will appear in late 2020 or early 2021. He is the author of Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011).

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© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

End of a Decade: What’s Happened? What Have We Learned? What’s Next?

Steven Yates

“Never let hard lessons harden your heart; the hard lessons of life are meant to make you better, not bitter.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

As I write this, there are under two weeks left of the ‘10s. Time to take stock. What all has happened? What did we accomplish these past ten years? Have we learned anything?

A French philosopher, Alain de Botton, once said, “Anyone who isn’t embarrassed at who they were last year probably isn’t learning enough.”

How about who you were ten years ago? Oh, my!

If readers will indulge me, I’ll say a little of where I was at the start of this decade, and the takeaways that have left me in a vastly different place than I was in at the end of 2009. As I’m the worst current events junkie, my experiences and thoughts will mirror events we’ve all witnessed in a world now in a far different place from where it was ten years ago. I hope this won’t be seen as self-indulgent. I want to help readers see truths we will need in the decade ahead, even if some are uncomfortable or barbecue a few sacred cows.

The present decade started for me on a sad note: my father had just passed away (Dec 23, 2009). William C. Yates Jr. was 86. He’d died in his sleep, which some say is the best way to go. I’d gotten the phone call every son dreads at 4:10 am.

My mother, Alice M. Yates, would pass away peacefully roughly 16 months later (1:30 am, Apr 14, 2011). She was 87. I was at her bedside, holding her hand the entire time.

The world changes qualitatively when your parents are no longer in it.

My takeaways are personal but applicable. Scripture says, honor your father and your mother (Ex. 20:12). Those aren’t just words. If you have aging parents, honor them by recognizing they’ve had experiences you haven’t had (yet). Learn from them. Spend time with them. Share with them. Appreciate them. Even if they are imperfect, as all of us are.

Whatever your line of work is, do it to the best of your ability not simply for the money but to make them proud. Many elderly people are living vicariously through their grown children because they have little else to look forward to.

Listen to this. Try to see things from their point of view. One observation I made during my parents’ final months getting round-the-clock nursing care was how many elderly people around them had family members, sometimes in other states but sometimes not, who’d simply abandoned them. Some were very lonely. Delight at talking to us was written all over their faces.

Maybe their grown offspring believed paying for assisted living or nursing home expenses was sufficient. Or leaving it up to Medicare.

Abandonment of elderly parents by adult children who have the means to make regular visits seems to me immoral.

If you’re aliened from your parents or other elderly relatives, fix the problem while you can. Always remember, when your parents are gone, they’re gone. Time not spent with them is time you’ll never get back.

Late in 2011, I published Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic. I went through a small collective (we amusingly called it) consisting of two South Carolina women and myself. The name Brush Fire Press International was mine. I wanted to avoid the self-publishing stigma, while learning how such platforms work. But we never got a website done, nor a promotional video made, and these probably hurt the book’s credibility.

None of us had any marketing budget, moreover, and if I learned anything from that experience, it’s (1) people weren’t going to come to me; I had to figure out how to market the book with what resources I had. And (2) I didn’t know beans how to market a book, with or without a budget.

This was during a period when the number of self-publishing platforms was exploding. Many self-published books are short-run tracts intended for very specific audiences. That noted, the blunt truth is that plenty of others aimed at John Q. Public begin at mediocre and go downhill from there.

A few, of course, are sacred-cow-barbecuing standouts that might never have seen the light of day if mainstream publishers were the only outlet.

I had to find a way to stand out, to prove mine wasn’t mediocre. I had no idea how to do this, how to reach out and get endorsements, which is why there are none on the cover, or on the inside front matter, and just four five-star reviews on Amazon, two of them one sentence-fragment long. (Yes, people do read those.) Two draft copies sent to a particular person who might have endorsed it mysteriously vanished. To the best of my knowledge — his secretary and I double-checked the address — they never did turn up.

There are more books published today then ever before. There is more information flying around than anyone, anywhere, has ever seen. We are in a period of information overload. Sometimes I think this is purposeful. Other times I don’t. Sometimes, after all, a cigar is just a cigar, and information overload may be nothing more than an effect of the kind of society we have now: an empire with the most advanced technology anyone has ever seen, ways of using it never before seen, and frenetically busy people who make time to write books and ebooks.

The biggest change in my life was moving to a foreign country in 2012: Chile, where I took up residence in Santiago, the capitol. I’ve learned a lot, and wouldn’t trade this knowledge for anything.

Some of my observations have been about language (the official language of Chile being Spanish), and I won’t wax at length about those here, except to say: I will never take English for granted again. A pure Romance language such as Spanish has a consistency English lacks. Letters of the alphabet tend to be pronounced the same. English pronunciation is all over the map, at least at first glance. The best way to appreciate this is to observe Spanish speakers struggling to pronounce English. There has been a push for Chileans, most of it coming from big business, to learn English. English is the language of global business, of course — in our hemisphere, at least. After a couple of decades, less than five percent of Chileans are fluent in English. It’s taught in schools, but badly. Most don’t have much reason to learn it.

You could say I was open to alternatives to a teaching career that was going nowhere. Probably everybody knows that books issued by microscopic presses developing conservative themes are useless in advancing a teaching career in the U.S. Academia as a whole seemed to me on a long downhill slide. I’ve written about this numerous times.

Subsequent events proved that judgment correct. Campuses exploded in 2014, the most proximate cause being the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Black Lives Matter rose to visibility. Such movements rejected responses such as all lives matter as covert racism. I guessed lives with “white privilege” didn’t matter. The old and all-too-familiar reversal, rationalized with charges of “false equivalence.”

With identity politics the new orthodoxy on major campuses and in the culture generally, alongside a growing obsession with sexual minorities, those of us who considered it the worst thing since positivism saw an academic world with a limited future, a place of division and hostility to free dialogue, increasingly irrelevant, and useless at diagnosing the real problems of our era.

The ‘10s have been an era of collapsing narratives. Technology made this possible. When Bill Clinton signed the 1996 Telecommunications Act, around 90 percent of mainstream media came under the ownership of six corporate leviathans.

The leviathans did not own the Internet, which became fundamentally disruptive. We saw its potential when, in ‘98, Drudge broke Clinton-Lewinsky ahead of the leviathans who loved the corrupt Clintons and might have buried the story.

Alternative commentary sites, including this one, became places of refuge for those of us who had no chance at getting syndicated columns since our ideas ran counter to what served the global corporate state.

Fast forward to now. During the intervening years the mostly free flow of information online had exposed the corporate state’s lies, be they about globalization, foreign wars, and much else. Support for professional politicians fell, and Donald J. Trump stepped into the spotlight.

At first I didn’t take The Donald seriously. I briefly entertained the idea that he might be colluding with the treacherous Clintons to destroy the Republican Party. Trump had been a Democrat at one time, moving in some of the same circles as Bill and Hillary. He’d attended Chelsea’s wedding.

No evidence for such collusion emerged, and I dropped it.

And given how Trump comported himself in the debates — how he stood out against a crowded field of insipid mediocrities and handled allegations thrown at him by the Megyn Kellys of the corporate media world with remarks like, “We don’t have time to be politically correct” — I paid attention.

Trump correctly described U.S. foreign policy as a “complete and total disaster.” I’d thought all along that the Iraq War was the dumbest and most destructive policy decision any corrupt Bush had ever made.

Trump appeared during a time when those getting their news from alternative sources had hit a crescendo. The Republican base did not believe straight white Christian males were history’s villains; they were divided about whether the U.S. military should police the world, but at least there was healthy skepticism. A large swath of the public doubted the official 9/11 narrative. They’d peered behind the curtain, swallowed the red pill, however you put it. The word globalism had crept from “conspiracy sites” into general discourse.

The idea of a corrupt globalist elite planning a technocratic world government had gained ground.

An increasing number of those left behind by globalization, moreover, questioned its narrative of economic benefits — they didn’t see any! And it had never seemed realistic to expect degreeless former manufacturing workers in their 50s to “reinvent themselves” as software designers or online entrepreneurs selling apps. Those Hillary Clinton would stupidly call “deplorables” had every reason to support someone promising to stop the outsourcing of jobs to cheap labor countries, as well as the insourcing of migrants willing to work for corporations for a pittance so CEOs could line their pockets.

The year 2014 had seen the appearance of French economist Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century. I’ve not read the book, so I neither promote it nor pan it. What I’ve read about it seems like a Rorschach test. When it came out, free marketers saw it as another quasi-Marxist attack on capitalism. Sympathizers noted how it drew attention to something that was/is undoubtedly real: economic inequality the world over was/is increasing. The increases were/are accelerating.

Ten years ago, the libertarian in me wouldn’t have been bothered by this.

The financial elite, centered in banking titans like Goldman Sachs, was reaping windfalls from a “recovery” that had created two economies: the visible one of Wall Street and Silicon Valley; the other of Main Street and Flyover Country. The latter were mostly ignored by the elite-owned mainstream, which also ignored the millions of people considered “not in the labor force” and hence not counted as unemployed in the official U-3 BLS number.

With Republican mainstream narratives on trade, open borders, and unemployment having collapsed outside urban enclaves and elite mouthpieces, and with Donald Trump’s vastly superior command of all media including social media, there was no stopping him from wresting the nomination from the ownership class’s fair haired boys (Jeb Bush was their initial favorite).

The Democrats faced their own elite-vs-populist divide: between the Clinton machine and a grassroots that favored Bernie Sanders. The former brazenly stole their 2016 nomination with “superdelegates.” With the corporate state and mainstream media solidly on Hillary’s side — debate moderators didn’t even try to disguise their bias — the 2016 election was hers to lose.

And she did, as the “deplorables” pulled levers in sufficient numbers in key states to give put Trump in the White House.

The Establishment has been trying to nullify the 2016 election ever since. It began with its “Russian collusion” narrative which fell apart following a two-year circus act.

Now it’s Ukraine-gate, based entirely on a loose interpretation of a couple of sentences exchanged between Trump and Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky.

What should be clear is that the corporate state and its owners are still very much running things. Sadly, Candidate Trump and President Trump have proved to be two largely different people. As I’ve observed before, I don’t think the former understood the magnitude of what he’d taken on. He compromised to survive in a resolutely hostile environment, and out of that compromise came the latter.

Meanwhile, returning to the inequality issue, the extremely rich are still getting extremely richer gaming the same systems. They could even credit President Trump whose 2017 tax cut allowed them to buy back their own stock and drive the Dow into the stratosphere.

The “swamp,” meanwhile, is as deep and wide as ever. The Afghanistan quagmire continues. The war machine is bogged down, however. It seems substantially weakened. Earlier this year it was unable to engineer a coup against Maduro in Venezuela, in its back yard.

Trump recently became the third U.S. president to be impeached, and the first to be impeached while planning a reelection campaign.

I keep encountering claims that he was never more than controlled opposition. While I’m reluctant to dismiss such claims out of hand — his commerce secretary Wilbur Ross does have Rothschild connections, after all — I find it hard to believe that the Deep Establishment would go to the lengths it has gone against someone they didn’t perceive as an existential threat disrupting their plans.

Again, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar….

And I doubt we would have seen the not-so-subtle effort to control the online world. This began in November 2016 with the infamous unsourced and evidence-free PropOrNot allegations of “Russian propaganda” in the elite-controlled Washington Post. This was the first shot fired in the war on “fake news,” i.e., alternatives to the dying mainstream narratives. Big Tech began consolidating technology-based dominance. Examples: Google changing its search algorithms to reduce access to so-called “conspiracy sites,” censorship on Google-owned YouTube (where the prolife-themed film Unplanned was recently taken down, illustrating Big Tech’s dislike of conservative voices), deplatforming people like Alex Jones, bans on Twitter and Facebook, and other signs that the elites were working overtime at narrative control.

The war on alternative news sources continues. It is sometimes a personal war against those who have exposed real and sometimes deadly fakery of Deep Establishment war machine actions, as with the persecution of Julian Assange, intended to serve as an example.

Among the things that should have hit home during the ‘10s is how little truth matters to the Deep Establishment, or to its pawns in dominant political parties across the Western world, or in well-heeled “think tanks” or its corporate media mouthpieces. What matters are the only two things that matter in materialistic cultures: money and power.

This is the real source of the “post-truth” mindset.

Money, of course, is power to the elites. Your value as a person is proportional to your purchasing power: wallet, bank accounts, credit cards, assets such as real estate.

Here comes the skewering of sacred cows. We are beyond “capitalism” and “socialism.” The “debate” between them is theater, because the power elites are neither capitalists in any standard sense of that term; nor are left populists such as Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez really socialists unless their plan is to abolish the private sector as opposed to taxing and regulating it (socialism meant abolition of private property back when words had fixed meanings). They may be social democrats: not the same thing.

Yes, the ownership class is the class of capital (which today consists of accumulated financial digits exceeding the actual physical wealth on the planet), which they use to control governments, as they’ve done since before Soviet Union collapsed.

Result: conditions for “free markets,” such as unrepayable loans to governments, privatization (i.e., the selling of public assets to corporations), austerity for the masses, etc. You could call this socialism for the superrich and capitalism for the middle classes and the poor, I suppose. Those who have tried to resist this system have paid for it with a descent into poverty. Ask the Greeks.

Its called neoliberalism, a word that wasn’t in my vocabulary ten years ago. What is neoliberalism, exactly? It’s been called “capitalism with the gloves off” — perfect for a materialist world. But that’s not quite it. It’s about power and privilege for the few, while the masses are encircled by and struggling within a money economy encouraging irresponsible consumption and debt. It has spread across the world because growth is a condition of its existence. It is beloved of many economists, who point to its supposed benefits in terms of massive construction projects, GDP growth, etc.

Is neoliberalism voluntary, though, when local agrarian economies not based on monetary transactions are destroyed, so that declining to participate sinks you into deprivation? Is it strictly speaking correct to say that neoliberalism has “raised prosperity” all over the world when monetization is its sole standard, local systems are gone, and swallowed populations are induced to spend on credit, i.e., go into debt?

This is the system that began to be imposed on Chile during the Pinochet years, and which has been credited with creating the “Chilean miracle”: The Chicago Boys, having studied under neoliberal founding father Milton Friedman, brought it here. Chile came to be described as the most prosperous and stable of any Latin American nation. And when I arrived in 2012, it definitely seemed to be.

Such descriptions lured many expats here. Some have now returned home, or are contemplating doing so, given how the neoliberal narrative in Chile has crumbled since October. Defenders of the status quo blame Communist influence, and there has certainly been some of that. They can point to the hundreds of stores and public facilities destroyed by hooligans, many clearly influenced by forces from outside. Over 100,000 jobs have been lost or destroyed. Capital flight has badly damaged Chile. The central bank has struggled to stabilize the peso against the dollar. Moneyed investors do not like political instability, and this is how sincere demands for reform are systemically punished.

Chile had become the most unequal of Latin American nations. Roughly 15 elite families control the country, answering to outside influences no less than local Communists. The average wage in Chile is less than $700/month. The private pension system has been blatantly ripping Chileans off for years (a Chilean friend walked me through the math). Chileans have faced the same things U.S. residents have faced for going on 30 years now: a rising cost of living — rising costs of food, housing, utilities, gasoline, health care, education, etc. — with no compensating rise in wages.

What we should be learning — what I’ve learned during this ten year period — is that whatever moral arguments we might make, corruption and worsening inequality are fundamentally destabilizing, again once everyone is online, knows about it, and can share information about it, sometimes internationally.

A new Chilean constitution is now on the horizon. Sadly, there are no James Madisons here. Not that those exist elsewhere. Chile’s overthrow of neoliberalism without anything to replace it constructively leaves the country’s future in peril.

I don’t think such observations make a person a Communist, or sympathetic with Communism, although I have come to the realization: there is an intelligent economic left with something to say about structural elements at work in advanced civilizations. Neoliberal political economy automatically funnels wealth into the hands of a tiny elite, while serving some interests of a small, cooperative middle class that adopts its value system (making money is the end-all, be-all of human existence). It furthers globalist interests no less (and probably more) than any preceding system masquerading as prosperity-promoting, especially when much of the prosperity would be impossible without a population willing to go into debt to sustain it.

Making a better Chile will mean scrapping the dominant neoliberal ideology and embracing some social safety nets, free-market absolutists notwithstanding.

Again, no, this is not some sort of “soft” Communism. It is human nature. It may just be human nature to resent those who are better off economically. You can criticize this all you want, but there it is, and economics lectures aren’t going to change a response that is fundamentally emotional.

Whatever the case may be about what Nietzsche excoriated as ressentiment, it surely is a righteous human response when a tiny empowered elite, invariably tied to globalism, cleverly games systems of their own devising at the expense of everyone else without giving back anything in return.

Globalism, of course, stands behind the rising tide of inequality all over the world. A kind of neo-nationalism, or “populism” if you prefer, has been the response of peoples all over the world when they are allowed to speak at the ballot box. If we have a “crisis of democracy,” as it is sometimes called in elite-controlled presses, maybe it is because we haven’t seen much real democracy, as opposed to plutocratic oligarchy passed off as democracy simply because rigged elections can be held between two or more vetted candidates.

Returning to the personal: unquestionably the biggest plus for me of being in Chile was meeting my wife-to-be, a Chilean woman whose devotion to building a solid relationship on Christian values has been total (even if her Christianity came filtered through a hazy and lukewarm upbringing in a family of mostly nonpracticing Catholics). There are two distinct marriage ceremonies in Chile: civil and ecclesiastical for those that want the latter. Our civil matrimony was Aug 1, 2014; our church wedding was Nov 22 that same year.

In some respects the whole thing was literally miraculous. My Spanish was shoddy; her English was almost nonexistent (we’ve both picked up a lot of key words and phrases of each other’s language, obviously). Our backgrounds were very different. Mine was academic; I was a writer. She’d had to drop out of college when due to her father’s passing away unexpectedly suddenly there was no money. She never went back. I’m a schedules-obsessed introvert; her personality and way of working is quite opposite.

And yet we clicked. It was as if an outside force cemented us together. Maybe one did. Within four months were inseparable. I think what made me realize that this was for real was the week in August 2013 I was in bed sicker than a dog with a virus. She made a six-hour bus ride from her hometown, somehow persuaded the security people to let her into my apartment, after which she got me to a doctor. Then she cleaned my apartment from stem to stern. Having nursed me back to health, two weeks later, I asked her, “¿Quieres ser mi novia?” (Translation from Chilean Spanish: “Do you want to be my fiancée?”)

Not that the ensuing months were smooth sailing. There were times when neither of us thought we would make it. But we did. We are, of course, still married, and should I return to the U.S. she will be at my side, learning English as I continue my Spanish studies. We could conceivably serve as liaisons between the two kinds of communities, Anglo ones and Hispanics — during a period (the coming ‘20s) when such liaisons will be imperative!

This may be God’s plan for us.

For another huge upside to living in a foreign country and interacting with locals at all levels, is actual exposure to other cultures — seeing them from the inside even if through “gringo” tinted glasses. One of the things I learned is that Chileans are considerably friendlier to estadounidenses (Spanish for a U.S. citizen) than the latter are to Spanish immigrants in the U.S., many of whom are just there to work and have fled bad situations in their homelands — situations often caused by the Bully to the North.

Not all are from Mexico. When my wife and I were in the U.S. in 2015 we met Spanish speakers from Guatemala and Honduras. Latin Americans, I’ve learned, are more diverse than English speakers.

In retrospect, Trump was not fair to them at all when he called them “criminals and rapists,” singling out a few atypical cases. He was, of course, talking to his base. His base — like everyone at times — gets some things wrong.

Many Latinos are decent and loving people who deserve half a chance.

As opposed as I remain to the idea of globalism as leading inevitably to world government, what I’ve learned over the past seven and a half going on eight years is the value of internationalizing one’s mind and thoughts. It’s a big and very diverse world out here, and I’m not using that word as the politically correct use it. Out here, peoples are too busy just solving workaday problems to worry about what bad old white guys are doing.

At the same time, they’d prefer to live their lives without constant outside interference.

The fundamental problem with world government is that peoples are too different from one another to live under it voluntarily. Such an entity could not be anything other than a surveillance police state based on economic coercion and, when that fails, brute force. Prison populations would swell beyond what they are now.

The difference is between vertical arrangements that are created and imposed from the top down, products of unwanted interference, and horizontal and lateral ones that come out through the kind of communication that builds friendships from the bottom up.

All peoples tend to resent the imposition of top down, outside forces on their communities. But most will be nice to you if you are nice to them. That, too, is human nature — to seek out allies and build communities.

I’ve made friends who are not Americans, have never been to the U.S., have little interest in the way things are done in the U.S. Many are Chilean, but some are from other parts of the world. Our international (English-speaking) church in Santiago held an event a few months back that stands out in my mind, in which eight people read Scripture in eight different languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Afrikaans, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Korean and Filipino.

In other interactions, often at language-exchange events, I’ve met people from Hungary, Poland, Singapore, and the Middle East (a very articulate Kurdish woman fluent in four languages).

Technology used wisely enables us to communicate and share ideas all around the world. There’s a variety of internationalism that’s worth wanting, and even treasuring: the kind of horizontal internationalism that reaches out and learns about other cultures while respecting them instead of trying to overwhelm them, that shares ideas rather than imposing them, and might serve as a vehicle for building voluntary, problem-solving collaborations.

Thus a summing up of what I’ve learned and become that makes me different from who I was ten years ago, perhaps mirroring where our world could go during the next ten years if we can get on track.

The world is much more divided and hostile than it was ten years ago. There has never been a time when bridge-builders were more needed.

Never has their been a greater need to work outside the boxes supplied by the global corporate state and its appendages.

I’d like to think I am more empathetic with people (and peoples) than I was ten years ago.

People (peoples) matter.

We are all made in the image of the Creator — even those worshipping a different god(s).

We all have intrinsic value. So yes, all lives matter.

We still have quite a ways to go to work out what this means in practice, although I would begin by reading Biblical New Testament works from the Gospels to Hebrews.

Maybe there are other sacred texts that have something foundational to contribute. I don’t know. I’m not an authority on comparative religions.

But I’d check them out before I’d rely on economics textbooks and treatises implying that all these peoples should eagerly embrace Western materialism and just learn to consume.

Trade is, obviously, a valid form of interaction, but the choice is not to conduct it absent a worldview, but rather which worldview(s) we are going to use to underwrite all our interactions, including trade.

And how we are going to respond when others want to preserve the worldview of their choice instead of being encircled by ours.

A few remaining loose ends here:

Do we want fewer mass migrations that lead to involuntary and sometimes hostile interactions with native and local populations?

Then let’s fight to end the foreign wars that destroy peoples’ homelands and send them fleeing, while lining corporate-state pockets! Let’s also end the economic domination that also destroys what gives people’s lives meaning, impoverishes them until strip mining their resources and removing the profits from their countries breeds revolt.

Do we want fewer enemies?

Then let’s recognize peoples the world over as potential friends, if approached in the right way — as men and women who also value family, culture, and who find meaning in their connection to principles of a transcendent reality.

People different from us but alike in being human.

Steven Yates’s latest book manuscript entitled What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory has been accepted by Wipf and Stock, and will be published in late 2020 or early 2021.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Congressional Republicans Should Think Twice Before Turning On Donald Trump

Steven Yates

Democrats and minions of the Deep Establishment have been colluding since November of 2016 trying to reverse the outcome of that election. For a long while, it was Russia-gate. That failed miserably, at a cost of billions of taxpayer dollars. Now it’s Ukraine-gate. House Democrats and their corporate media presstitutes are in overdrive. Their favorite polls have responded.

Just recently, Anthony Scaramucci who lasted 10 days as White House Communications Director back in 2017, warned Trump that with support for impeachment rising above 50 percent, Senate Republicans might not protect him.

Scaramucci predicted that they would turn on him if support for impeachment and Trump’s removal from office rose above 60 percent.

Could this happen?


After the three-year barrage, the public is worn down.

The idea of Senate Republicans abandoning Trump is not crazy. Most politicians, after all, are more concerned with their own a***s than any single leader. Especially an uncouth outsider they never liked to begin with.

Scaramucci, on the Clinton News Network (CNN): “Assuming that Mitch McConnell has one more term left as a ‘senator,’ I don’t think he’s going to want to be in the minority…. I think he will jettison President Trump the minute those differentials start to happen. And they are moving, they’ve moved 6 points in the last month.”

When reading this, a scenario began to play in my mind, almost like a dystopian movie, proceeding frame by frame.

It begins with the premise that Scaramucci’s threshold is reached.

The House impeaches Trump, and the Senate votes overwhelmingly to remove him from office.

It’s not happened before. We’ve had two presidents impeached (Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton) and one that resigned first (Richard Nixon), but no U.S. president has ever been removed from office.

Trump’s critics speculate that he would not recognize the vote as legitimate, causing a Constitutional crisis.

In the scenario that played out in my head, this doesn’t happen. Trump steps aside after a bitter, impassioned speech about this being a coup, the end of legitimate government in these United States. The country will surely embrace socialism now. He ends with the prediction that in ten years “we will look like Venezuela.”

The fissures rippling through American society have widened. One need only look at online forums to see that things are ready to blow, and as fast as anything that recently happened in Chile.

One of the lessons of that ongoing episode: simmering resentments can explode faster than you can imagine!

And if you think it can’t happen in the U.S., you’re kidding yourself!

The fact remains: over 60 million Americans voted for Trump in 2016. A substantial fraction of that 60 million will believe it was a coup.

Lock-and-load is a prevailing mindset.

But even with the country on edge, hostilities are contained. Trump leaves office in early 2020 — roughly nine months before what was already the most contentious election since 1860.

Possibly, were Trump given a second term, for the first time the losing side would have resorted to violence to contest the result.

Continuing the scenario:

Mike Pence is sworn in as the nation’s 46th president. Congress hadn’t dared take the step of trying to remove him as well, thinking they could instill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as president.

That would have blown the lid off.

The GOP is, nevertheless, in chaos just as the primaries begin.

At this point, Hillary Clinton jumps into the presidential race.

(Is this crazy? She’s been much more visible over the past couple of months. The Tulsi Gabbard episode is only one example. Only a fool thinks she isn’t testing the waters.)

She immediately becomes the ruling financial oligarchy’s favorite, as they were not comfortable with Elizabeth Warren and definitely did not want Bernie Sanders.

Back in 2016 Hillary had the backing of Goldman Sachs and other corporate banking leviathans as well as Big Tech. She had both corporate media and academia in her pocket. In this scenario, that does not change.

The mainstream ridicules Pence. They attack his (presumed) religious beliefs and especially his “homophobia.”

But he does well in delegate-land, and the GOP has little choice but to nominate him.

The alternatives: has-beens like Mitt Romney, the whiny and annoying Ted Cruz, nonentities like Jeff Flake or Marco Rubio, or relative unknowns outside their home state like Mark Sanford (former governor of South Carolina). Jeb Bush has said he is not interested.

The Libertarians and the Greens remain invisible. The former shoot themselves in the foot as they always do. The latter play the game of sustainable development but are not corporation-friendly.

A “long hot summer” is on its way!

There will have been numerous clashes between grass-roots Patriot groups the presstitute media labels “white nationalists” or “white supremacists,” versus Antifa and other hard-left groups.

This is just a ratcheting-up of events we’ve already seen.

But now, they are resulting in more than just one death. People on both sides are being brutalized and killed in some of these clashes.

The Patriots usually win because they know how to use guns, while the leftists are afraid of guns.

There are arrests, nearly always of Patriots, with the promise of show trials.

The talk of civil war in the streets of America has reached a feverish pitch!

Academia launches a nationwide campaign against the “worsening plague of neo-Nazism.”

We ex-academics yawn and roll our eyes.

It is no longer safe to be a conservative on a campus. It is not even safe to be center-left if you question anything the radical left says or does.

White men have been dropping out and pursuing their educations online wherever they could, or not at all. White male faculty members are taking early retirement when they can. No one talks about this because of political correctness.

The stock market remains near or occasionally surpassing its all-time high as the Federal Reserve keeps juicing the economy with printed money. Interest rates stay very low, punishing savers while continuing to reward those who got rich gaming the system.

Economists love it.

The oligarchy takes care of its own.

Fall 2020 arrives. Much of the country just wants this to be over. Pence is visibly struggling. He does not thrive on controversy as Trump did. He has none of Trump’s presence or media savvy, and is worn down having been savaged all year as the straight Christian white guy who played lapdog to Trump for three years.

Speaking of whom: Trump and immediate family have dropped from sight. The official narrative is that they are in Russia. This time, the narrative is true. Trump and his family had no intention of remaining and facing persecution via prosecution. Trump is returning to the only real relationship he had with Russia prior to 2016: building a Trump Tower in Moscow. Russian president Vladimir Putin would not agree to extradition in any form. This means the Trumps are out of the Deep Establishment’s reach. Forever.

November 3 arrives. Election Day.

Hillary Clinton wins in history’s biggest landslide.

Democrats win both houses of Congress.

The culture immediately lurches even further leftward. LGBTQI crowds are—

No, you probably don’t want to know what they are doing in the streets. Or that they are doing it openly, in front of children.

Hillary promises a “time of healing.”

Her critics: don’t bet on it!

They recommend an investigation into paperless electronic voting machines, but being conspiracy stuff, this is not pursued.

2021 arrives. Hillary is sworn in as the 47th president.

Within days, citing the violence of the past year as well as the occasional school shooting, she spearheads a new federal-level gun “registration” initiative.

Red State “deplorables” promise armed resistance if the federal government pursues this. Civil war talk is still very much alive.

Hillary continues Middle East wars.

There have been, since Election Day, two more false flag chemical attacks in Syria.

Putin tells Hillary in no uncertain terms: hands off!

The two biggest nuclear superpowers are suddenly eyeball to eyeball!

The UN Security Council scrambles.

Hillary blinks, tries to place a condition on backing down: Assad must go.

No deal! says Putin, who knows he is holding all the cards. America’s outdated forces and antiquated aircraft carriers could never hold up against a sustained assault from Russia’s state-of-the-art technology, the product of a society whose universities have been graduating engineers, not gender-studies loons.

China reenters the news! Hillary (who is an arch-neoliberal capitalist, after all) has just struck a major trade deal with Xi Jinping!

The destruction of U.S. manufacturing is back on track.

What can’t be automated will be outsourced.

The Dow goes up almost 1,000 points and hits a new record high: 34,800.

There are protests against the new trade deal. Groups in Red States see this as punishment. Many are already close to homelessness.

Corporate media presstitutes ridicule them.

Learn some economics, sneer free-market Libertarians. Free trade makes us all richer.

The confrontation over Syria has dropped down the mass media memory hole.

Hillary reverses, by executive order, Trump’s effort at border control. She reopens U.S. borders. In come not Mexicans but Muslims who speak no English.

Muslims have overwhelmed major European cities and their numbers start to swell in medium-sized U.S. ones (but not oligarch enclaves, of course).

Their religion forbids assimilation and compels expansion.

You can’t talk about this because of political correctness even though clashes have begun between Muslims and U.S. citizens in small-town America.

Antifa sides with the Muslims, of course.

The Good Ol’ Boys (I will call them) appear. They owe more to the alt-right than conservative Republicans who are increasingly irrelevant. Feeling like their backs are to the wall, the Good Ol’ Boys are nihilistic. Christopher Cantwell, the infamous “crying Nazi” of Charlottesville, had said something like, “Keep calling us Nazis, and sooner or later, you’ll be right.” The Good Ol’ Boys, leaderless and coordinating on their own social media platforms, take the fight to areas Muslims have colonized and used as launching pads, and to Antifa. The latter are sent scurrying back to their parents’ basements.

An increasingly desperate President Hillary Clinton calls openly for a national conversation on “civility,” and reiterates her call for gun “registration.”

Numerous university campuses have had evidence-free Good Ol’ Boy sightings / scares. Classes are canceled; students are told to stay indoors.

By late 2021, there are conversations about secession in the few remaining conservative strongholds like Northwest California / Southwest Oregon, Idaho, Montana, portions of Texas outside Austin, and a few other places.

The Federal Reserve has kept juicing the economy with printed money, so that the appearance of economic strength Hillary inherited from the Trump years remains.

The Dow, empowered by all the easy credit, has risen above 35,000 although as during the 2010s little of it has “trickled down” to Main Street.

It has never been easier to spend on credit, however. Everyone is drowning in unpayable debt.

The downtowns of many small towns in “flyover country” are now ghost towns with boarded-up windows.

People are visible sleeping on sidewalks and in alleyways. Or sitting on street corners smoking dope.

There are scenes of dead bodies lying in streets unattended to except by flies.

President Hillary and corporate media continue their calls for the leaders of the Good Ol’ Boys to be rounded up, but none can be identified.

Their lightning-like strikes in response to complaints about Muslims and leftist groups have continued.

They’ve studiously avoid direct confrontations with the police, but no one notices this.

Muslims and other recent immigrants are going home in droves, however.

Some want to say the Good Ol’ Boys are doing the job the government won’t do, but this isn’t politically correct.

Pro-secession state-level groups continue to be dismissed as right-wing nutjobs … until mid-2022, when several hold public referendums on ordinances of secession and they pass. One ordinance would create an independent state out of several counties in Southwest Oregon and Northwest California, a distinct culture with nothing to do with the rest of those states.

Good Ol’ Boys websites pledge support, wanted or not.

Hillary goes on TV. She looks 10 years older. She has just signed a two part executive order. Part One unilaterally repeals the Second Amendment. Part Two declares a national emergency and transfers all law enforcement to the federal level.

Although states are outraged, CNN (which we’ve not called the Clinton News Network for nothing) praises her actions as “sensible and pragmatic; the issue of secession was decided in 1865 when the Confederacy surrendered. Moreover, no one but the government needs to possess guns. State governments have proven themselves totally ineffective at controlling gun violence.”

The hastily-formed Republic of Cascadia, and Idaho-Montana, declare Clinton’s statements null-and-void in their sovereign territories. The latter send their own militias including experienced Veterans to defend their border with deadly force if necessary.

Representatives in East Washington State convene in Spokane to discuss separating from the hard-left dominated coast (Seattle and surrounding cities) and possibly merging into Idaho-Montana.

Hillary threatens all breakaway regions with immediate Homeland Security led military action. Troops are readied to fill American streets, as they did the Boston Metropolitan area to get then 20-year old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev following the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013. This time, they anticipate armed resistance, including from a few local and regional police groups who refused to disarm their own communities.

War Between the States II is poised to begin.

Alaska secedes and forms the Republic of Alaska.

Vladimir Putin formally recognizes the three new Republics in North America: Cascadia, Idaho-Montana, and Alaska.

Western media go into evidence-free hysterics over an impending Russian invasion. Just like Crimea in 2014 (a “Russian invasion” that never happened).

At this point, and with other states including the entire Southeast also talking about leaving the U.S., the financial oligarchy pulls the plug on the bubble economy.

The Dow drops like a rock.

Trading is halted when it drops below 25,000, wiping out five years of gains.

Markets are closed until further notice.

Commercial banks also close their doors to prevent runs.

Bank customers want to withdraw their money as cash.

The banks don’t have any cash. They never did.

Within two weeks, neither does anyone else.

Credit transactions not working, and small businesses are being wiped out.

Shipments of food are not reaching grocery stores.

Media presstitutes, without evidence, blame the Good Ol’ Boys.

The oligarchs announce their Big Promise through their representatives in the Fed and on Wall Street.

It comes down to: We will feed you if you give us political power.

Hungry big-city masses fall for it.

We’re entitled! they scream.

Shelves on grocery stores in rural America have emptied as well.

Hillary Clinton is acting like it was her idea all along.

The Techno-Feudalist Era begins in 2024.

Oligarch-owned corporations will dispense food and provide jobs. The price: not money, just a chip under the skin of one’s left forearm.

It’s to secure your account, of course.

Can’t be lost or stolen.

Trust us. We’re the experts.

Besides, the Kardashians have them. So does Jennifer Lopez and so does Lady Gaga and so does Beyoncé.

Election 2024 arrives. The GOP has nominated a non-entity. You won’t have heard of him. Hillary wins reelection. Voter turnout is lowest in history.

In 2025, led by its governor, Texas separates and establishes the Republic of Texas. Later that year, several Southern states convene in Atlanta and form the Republic of the South.

Hillary Clinton is found dead from what her personal physician says was a massive stroke. He says it was brought on by extreme stress, brought on by uncontrollable rage.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, age 39, becomes president in 2028.

By 2032, China is the world’s preeminent power. Russia is second. They cooperate, and their command economies are thriving. Their engineers have constructed high-speed rail systems crisscrossing Asia. Russia and Alaska have signed an alliance. A rail line across the Bering Strait is planned. Putin has promised to protect Alaska’s sovereignty. Not that the U.S. could do anything about Alaska, anyway.

It couldn’t do anything about Cascadia or Idaho-Montana or Texas or the South.

Much of what remains outside elite coastal enclaves and the new neo-agrarian republics has sunk to third world status.

Chelsea Clinton becomes president in 2034. Democrats have been in control of Washington since 2020.

The country is complete shambles.

It looks worse than Venezuela.

So does Europe, where there are now more Muslims than Europeans.

Western “liberal democracy” is dead.

The map of the world looks very different than it did in, say, 2019.

But interestingly, at mid-century, all the coastlines are still above water.

I don’t know if any Congressional Republicans or their staffers will read this. Probably not. I’m under no illusions here.

But they should be very careful what they do, should the decision on Trump’s fate come into their waiting hands at any point during the next couple of months or so.

Others should also be careful what they wish for. They just might get it.

[Author’s note: donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Should you wish to support me personally, great, I accept tips! I have revived my Patreon page, where I anticipate posting content not available elsewhere. Or you can use PayPal via my email address to make a one-time donation.

As everyone knows, alternatives to Establishment corporate media are under direct attack. There is Google’s algorithmic censorship as well as the deplatforming we have seen on YouTube and elsewhere. Those not supporting official narratives are being kicked off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which will no longer link to sites accused of delivering — we still have no definition of the term — “hate speech.”

Everyone is hurt by this!

Sites like NewsWithViews.com, and self-employed writers like myself, are being relegated to invisibility, and ultimately will not be able to continue writing this kind of material unless readers donate. If you value content not beholden to the Deep Establishment, then support it! This is your site, too! My articles are your articles! Our free speech rights translate into your right to receive truthful information you won’t get from CNN or MSNBC! Absent donations, we all run the risk of “going dark” very soon; this could well be the last article of this sort I can make time for!]

© 2019 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Real Confrontation

Steven Yates

“My dear brothers, never forget, when you hear the progress of enlightenment vaunted, that the devil’s best trick is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist!”  ~Charles Baudelaire (1821 – 1857)

I wish first of all to express my gratitude to those who wrote to me, whether in response to my article on the recent events in Chile (or the update here), or just out of concern for our safety.

My wife and I are safe, and the worst we’ve experienced is inconvenience when the Metro (Santiago’s subway system) was shut down for several days and when lines were long outside heavily guarded supermarkets.

Daily demonstrations continue, some involving over a million people. There continue to be disruptions. Fires continue to be started and acts of vandalism continue to be aimed at corporate-owned markets and public facilities. These have done millions of dollars worth of damage. A Metro station had to be closed again a couple of days ago. There have been unconscionable acts on both sides. Also a couple of days ago a police officer was filmed tear-gassing a protester for no discernible reason (she was not being violent as far as I could tell). As of this writing there have been 20 confirmed deaths, many in fires. Santiago’s downtown air is borderline unbreathable.

Some would like to see Chilean President Sebastian Piñera forced to step down. They deeply resent his billionaire status. They would like nothing better than to see this government fail. This would accomplish nothing. It would leave Chile worse off. Bringing down a government is much easier, after all, than building something better.

President Piñera merits praise for owning this situation: listening, taking charge, and beginning the job of instituting reforms. He has rescinded rate hikes on the Metro, raised the minimum wage, and started restructuring the deeply resented private pension system (which has been the subject of vocal protests before). He has called for the repeal of a scheduled price hike of electricity and shortened the work week from 45 to 40 hours. He has replaced his entire cabinet.

So far this has failed to quell the unrest. But positive, constructive change never happens overnight. As days pass, our prayers are that cooler heads will prevail.

This episode has revealed deep structural problems in Chile. The country has swallowed the red pill, one might say, and awakened from its neoliberal “real Matrix.”

While again this is an ongoing situation, and my information could change, I’ve been able to identify three distinct groups involved in the events that blew up in our faces on Friday, October 18.

Despite initial acts of lawbreaking, once assembled, the main body of protesters has consisted of large numbers of university students and workers, many of them middle class. They’ve been loud, but overall, peaceful. They’ve communicated specific demands to the government.

Then there were hooligans who always come out in times like these: smashing, looting, burning. Members of the first group were filmed stopping the hooligans from looting stores or throwing rocks at police, some of whom sympathized with the protests.

We even saw a handful of yellow vests, donned as if in solidarity with the largely middle class movement in France against policies traceable to a wealthy and powerful elite that drove people into the streets through sheer refusal to listen to their concerns.

Chile’s economy has been subject to elite domination since before the end of Augustus Pinochet’s military autocracy. The results generated prosperity. Following reconstruction of the economy by the Chicago Boys, this became the wealthiest country in South America. And politically, the most stable.

In the “real Matrix” these results were described under such monikers as the Chilean miracle.

But in the “desert of the real,” it’s been a mixed bag.

For the benefits of prosperity have not been equally shared. Prices have recently risen across the board as the Chilean peso has been devalued. The reasons are structural. Elitist neoliberalism works for a time, but as it builds infrastructure and generates prosperity it further concentrates wealth in the hands of its elites, who grow increasingly corrupt and unresponsive. The system starts to lose credibility. Chileans are not stupid. They know when they are being ripped off. Eventually any people will take matters into their own hands. This is risky, of course. Such efforts can be hijacked.

The third of the groups I mentioned is a minority of outright Communists. There has long been a Communist presence in Chile, as in Latin America generally. Pinochet did everything he could to try to rid the country of this presence. Ultimately, though, Communism survived underground here and elsewhere. Known Communists fled Chile during those years but returned little by little after Pinochet stepped down and civilian rule was restored. Despite the hatred rained down on the Pinochet government by global mainstream media outlets and academics continuing to this day, I’ve encountered no reasons for thinking life was intolerably bad under Pinochet unless you were a Communist or openly sympathetic to Communism.

And now, I’ve no reason to believe the vast majority of protesters are Communists or want anything to do with Communism. Their problems are mundane: paying rent or for utilities, or purchasing the education they’ve been told all their lives is a ticket into the middle class. Or being forced to participate in a private pension system that pays out a pittance.

You aren’t a Communist simply because you criticize corporate practices and demand reforms. You aren’t even a Communist if you take to the streets.

Were there Communists behind some of the hooliganism: agents of chaos, trying to control some of the protests? It’s not impossible! Such people should be taken into custody if they can be identified and prosecuted under Chilean law.

If President Piñera leads the way to genuine reforms and disruptions continue, then of course this militates in favor of the view that they come from outside Chile.

Have trained infiltrators entered the country from Venezuela and Cuba? I’ve no decisive evidence one way or the other, but again, it’s not impossible. The plain truth is, when nations open their borders for whatever reason, they expose themselves to danger. Europeans have seen this with the colonies of unassimilable Muslims that have made mayhem in the U.K., France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and elsewhere.

Chile opened its borders during Michelle Bachelet’s second presidency (2014 – 18). Piñera has not closed them. Tens of thousands of immigrants have entered Chile, most from Haiti and Venezuela. Most came here wanting only better lives than they had back home. Many are skilled and wanted to work. The situation is not analogous to Europe. Venezuelans speak Spanish and can assimilate into Chilean culture.

It is always a few, though, who spoil things for the rest.

There’s a larger picture here, of course. Much larger.

While doing research I became aware of disturbances elsewhere in Latin America, e.g., Ecuador. The new president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, is a Trump-like figure who is as disliked by the same globalist / leftist elements that dislike President Trump and are worsening potentially explosive divisions up home that are far more dangerous to the world than anything happening in Chile.

What is going on? It’s a question many are asking. Many have written of the unrest and anger that has characterized the ‘10s and grown exponentially, not just here or in the U.S. but in Europe, India, Hong Kong, and elsewhere.

Is it globalist elitism versus “populist” nationalism? There’s surely something to that. I argued long ago that “Trumpism” is larger than Trump. But I don’t think that’s the whole story.

Some characterize what is going on as a rising clash between arrogant “haves” and resentful “have-nots.”

Closer, perhaps, but that’s not quite it, either. So simple a dichotomy does not explain the waves of unrest that have torn at Hong Kong this year. People in what has been one of the wealthiest city-states in that part of the world are resistant to being integrated under Beijing.

The Chinese government, moreover, clearly aspires to global domination in the face of a slowly fading U.S. Its leadership makes no pretenses of “liberalism” in any form.

There’s something darker afoot, and without wanting to go the route of dispensational eschatology, it’s easy to wonder if things aren’t building towards a confrontation of Biblical proportions. Or perhaps the Real Confrontation is here, because it has always been going on.

Christians know what I am talking about.

Turn with me to Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Chapter 6. Verses 10-18 (New King James Version):

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day…. Stand, therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the firey darts of the wicked one.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—

If you believe Scripture, Paul is telling you what the Real Confrontation is, and what we need to know about it — peering not just behind the curtain at worldly powers but behind that still-deeper curtain hiding the spiritual war that’s been waged from time immemorable.

The Real Confrontation is between Godly forces and Satanic ones. It is spiritual, and has been going on since the angel Lucifer decided he wanted to be like God, wanted to be God, rebelled, and was cast out (Isaiah 14:12-15). According to Scripture he has manifested himself in worldly leaders (Ezekiel 28:2, 12-19).

To those who hold to the strange belief that God might exist, but not a “personal devil,” I must observe with Baudelaire, and many others since, that Satan’s biggest trick, and temporary triumph in the modern world, really has been convincing that world he doesn’t exist, that belief in him is crazy, that he’s a boogieman, something priests made up to keep parishioners in line, and whose name pastors and deacons and parents invoke to scare children or those with childish minds.

He’s not referred to as the Father of Lies (John 8:44) and the Deceiver (cf. Rev. 12:9) for no reason at all!

Satan has always traded on half-truths. Yes, injustices are very real. No one can say otherwise. We can make small fixes here and there. But that said, we could also make a list of our attempts to organize ourselves politically and socioeconomically on a large scale and document the reasons each one has eventually destabilized and collapsed. We seem unable to devise systems that don’t screw somebody!

Satan would have us continue to believe we can fix everything ourselves, pursuing the same kinds of power strategies the arrogant few have always pursued.

The conflicts we’ve seen and lived through are just brief chapters in this long, ongoing saga, which if we trust Biblical testimony, predates recorded history.

In all probability, a civilization of global scope existed before the event Genesis describes as the Great Flood. We aren’t told much about that civilization, except that “the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5).

Later, in a future cycle, men tried to build a “Tower of Babel”: another aspiring global order that would reach towards heaven (Genesis 11:1-9).

That, too, ended badly!

One might get the impression that it is not God’s will that human beings organize themselves into a single world order, old or new!

But behind-the-scenes powers, dating at least to the 1770s but doubtless existing before, have been scheming and plotting to do so all along. Communism was just the most visible outgrowth of this idea. Communism as Marx first used the term was a literal End of History, a final Utopian state in which all social and economic divisions had been erased, in which there was no private property and hence nothing for people to fight over. Marx, as have many others, worked under the dangerous assumption that human nature was entirely malleable — a product of its socioeconomic environment. And of the Enlightenment premise that we can improve ourselves indefinitely, building our own Tower of Babel by our own efforts. Some call this modernity.

Neoliberal capitalism commits essentially the same error! Its advocates fancied themselves standing at the End of History after Soviet-style Communism collapsed — even more so, when China was integrated into the global trade system a few years later. It has enjoyed many of the successes any form of capitalism does, unleashing productivity and raising living standards everywhere it goes.

But not for all or even most of its participants, and therein lies the weakness that eventually tears it down.

Neoliberalism is essentially a secular materialist philosophy holding that all human beings the world over are just self-interested utility-maximizers or ought to be. They both can and should “reinvent themselves” as their lives and cultures are integrated into a single global marketplace oriented around pleasure, consumption, and disposability.

The worst thing that happened to capitalism was its alignment, over time, with the materialist worldview that dominated industrial civilization by the early 1900s, relegating the Christian worldview to the sidelines of irrelevance in the world of wheeling and dealing and pleasure-seeking.

Pundits have struggled to explain the alienation permeating modernity, evident in its art, its literature, its philosophy, its music; in the epidemics of drug use (legal and illegal); in the suicide rate and in practices ranging from wars of choice to abortion that manifest the cheap disposability of human life. How to contain these has been an ongoing challenge. How to keep the majority “plugged in,” i.e., tranquilized in acceptable ways, to keep them working and consuming.

No system that ignores our highest aspirations for meaning, which are just reflections of our need for God, is going to work indefinitely. All will veer off course and slowly destabilize as the wealthy and powerful few come to see all those outside their enclaves as an anonymous mass, herds of cattle with human DNA. Sooner or later, the more conscious members of that mass always grow restless. Some may self-destruct, but others will lead rebellions. They will challenge dominant narratives.

Especially when they get their hands on something with the potential of the Internet!

But while the Internet will bring all manner of information to their fingertips, it will not give them direction in fighting a war that is spiritual, not material. Peoples who have fought for revolutions on the material level have, after all, usually ended up worse off, as orgies of violence ended with brutal dictatorships. Visible example: France 1789. History discloses numerous others.

Satan loves such results! They leave many innocent and well-meaning people with a sense that this is a world of injustice and horror, of violence and despair! And that surely a loving God wouldn’t permit such things! Satan hates God, remember! He will do everything in his power to drive a wedge between humanity and God, and even between Christians and God if he can!

The Real Confrontation is between forces aligned with God and godly virtues and values — an enduring order of morality and justice not explicable in material terms — and forces aligned with Satan and the satanic rebellion, which promises heaven on Earth but instead delivers strife, division, demoralization, destruction, chaos, war, and finally death in the Biblical sense of eternal separation from God (“for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord,” Rom. 6:23).

[Author’s note: donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Should you wish to support me personally, great, I accept tips! I have revived my Patreon page, where I anticipate posting content not available elsewhere. Or you can use PayPal via my email address to make a one-time donation.

As everyone knows, alternatives to Establishment corporate media are under direct attack. There is Google’s algorithmic censorship as well as the deplatforming we have seen on YouTube and elsewhere. Those not supporting official narratives are being kicked off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which will no longer link to sites accused of delivering — we still have no definition of the term — “hate speech.”

Everyone is hurt by this!

Sites like NewsWithViews.com, and self-employed writers like myself, are being relegated to invisibility, and ultimately will not be able to continue writing this kind of material unless readers donate. If you value content not beholden to the Deep Establishment, then support it! This is your site, too! My articles are your articles! Our free speech rights translate into your right to receive truthful information you won’t get from CNN or MSNBC! Absent donations, we all run the risk of “going dark” very soon; this could well be the last article of this sort I can make time for!]

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Protests in Chile — October 2019:  End of the Neoliberal “Experiment”?

Steven Yates

“It is easier to start a war than to end it.” ― Gabriel Garcia Marquez

As I write this (Sunday evening Oct. 20; Monday evening Oct. 21), my adopted home city of Santiago, Chile is under a curfew.

What happened?

More than one narrative is circulating. On the one hand, some point to a combination of deep-seated corruption of that sort that has long plagued Latin America, combined with rising prices for everything without a compensating rises in wages.

The other narrative invokes insidious far-left entities behind this. There is a hard left presence here, and in fairness to those who make such claims, they’ve done it before.

This is a developing, evolving situation. I will do my best to get events right and put them in context.

Unrest over the rising cost of living here appears to have been building for some time. The “tipping point” was an October 6 hike in Metro (subway) fare during peak hours from 800 Chilean pesos (around $1.17 U.S. dollars) to 820, the second hike of the year. This came on the heels of a 10 percent hike in electric rates just a few weeks ago.

These may not seem like much, but across the board price increases add up!

As a shopper I’ve noted gradual increases in the price of staples like bread and eggs. The price of hot water in the building where my wife and I reside has skyrocketed over the past year. I called Administration on it. They blamed the gas company.

I can absorb these price increases. Many Chileans cannot.

For their wages have remained stagnant, stretching their budgets to the breaking point. Does this sound familiar? The median income in Chile is less than half what it is in the U.S. Advanced civilizations all seem to get themselves in this kind of predicament. Chile’s economy is controlled by a moneyed elite. There is documented corruption within this elite, some of it tied to foreign corporations such as Walmart who have sunk their claws in here. Penalties for those caught red handed amount to slaps on the wrist. Many Chileans are very frustrated.

A coordinated effort by students started the melee last week, by jumping turnstiles and getting on the Metro (subway) for free. They were joined by others. On October 18 — last Friday — things came to a head when police confronted these groups. Violence erupted when they used force to remove some of the student riders. It quickly spread to the streets. Police shot a female protester in the stomach. This caused things to escalate. Protesters began starting fires in Metro stations. A public utility building was set ablaze. Vandalism spread.

All this happened before the workday was drawing to a close (typically around 7 pm in Chile).

The Metro had to be shut down, stranding tens of thousands of people who rely on it to get home. Many had to walk long distances.

Damaging these stations was a bad move strategically! The protesters harmed their cause even if it turns out to be a just one!

I learned much of this later. Most of my work is done by remote. I’d spent most of Friday preparing for a remote-work project. So I was in my home office the whole time. While I’d been hearing about unruly student groups disrupting Metro functions all week, I realized something major was amiss when the cacerolazos began. This is a traditional form of nonviolent protest consisting of unison, rhythmic banging on pots and pans. As dusk fell over Santiago, this sound coming from hundreds of people in the streets and on balconies in buildings surrounding ours, grew to thunderous proportions.

Chile’s President Sebastian Piñera invoked Ley de Seguridad del Estado (“State Security Law”) to declare a state of emergency in the city, authorizing the military to use force to crack down on protesters and prevent further damage to public property. This did not quell the protests, which continued throughout the night and into Saturday (October 19).

Piñera declared a toque de queda, or curfew, over the Santiago area, from 9 pm to 7 am Sunday morning. This was necessary, for while legitimate grievances may have motivated the initial protests (I’ll speak to this below), thugs who seemed interested only in stealing, breaking, or burning things came out in force. Some looted stores and set them on fire. Three people were killed in a supermarket torched by looters. Five more were found dead in the basement of a burned-out warehouse.

Protests have spread to other cities. A second curfew was instituted to run from 7 pm Sunday night to to 6 am Monday morning in several Chilean cities, and then on Monday from 8 am till 6 am. Over the weekend two airlines cancelled flights in and out of Santiago, stranding travelers and causing chaos at the airport.

This is the first time curfews have been imposed since 1987. Augustus Pinochet was then still in power. This bothers Chileans even if many hadn’t yet been born when Pinochet stepped down and “democracy” was restored (1990). There is a sense of history here, just as there is a anywhere.

Where this goes next is unclear as I write. Piñera announced that he was overseeing canceling the rate increase that triggered this. “I have heard with humility the voice of my compatriots,” is the English translation of his announcement to the country last weekend.

The problems in Chile, however, go deeper than a mere rate hike on a subway, even on top of a hike in electric rates.

Many I did not see for what they were.

A laundry list: very low wages as I mentioned, guaranteeing a precarious existence; higher education dangled like a carrot as a ticket to a middle class life, but priced out of most people’s reach; a health care system in which costs are going up as quality goes down (does this also sound familiar?); a privatized pension system run for profit which Chileans claim pays out a pittance despite years of paying into it. Corruption in the police force ($46 million stolen by police); collusion at the top between corporations and government enabling each to enrich himself at the expense of others; more, and more.

And here we come to the conflicting narratives, each of which may contain elements of truth. Again: narrative (1); the Communists are again on the move in Chile. Narrative (2): we are seeing the beginning of the end of what we could call the neoliberal “experiment” in Chile that began during the Pinochet era.

Narrative (1): yes, there are people aligned with Communism here, some of them fairly visible. But the extreme inequality and poverty, combined with all the above abuses, gives them material to work with. There has never been any welfare system here. One of the things I finally figured out: an advanced nation is better off with such a system than without it. The justification is pragmatic. Whether anyone likes it or not, not everyone can participate in the marketplace, for reasons that will vary. The question then is, what happens to these people, especially if they do not have family? Are they sent to charities? Such institutions also have limited resources and would soon be overwhelmed. So are they put out on the street?

Chile is filled with people who walk the streets asking passersby for money. Some sleep on the streets alongside walls or on park benches.

There is a fellow I’ve seen numerous times in downtown Santiago. He lies on his stomach on one of the sidewalks, begging for coins. He has no legs, you see. I don’t know how he gets there in the morning, or if he has family to bring him home at night. They might be poor, too.

Is anyone going to be so cold and nihilistic as to say this man is a Communist, or is allowing himself to be used by them?

Narrative (2), in that case. What is this neoliberal “experiment”? What is neoliberalism, anyway?

Pinochet knew he was a military man, not an economist. He’d inherited a wrecked economy, the legacy of the brief Salvador Allende era. He authorized a group of economists, the Chicago Boys, to attend the University of Chicago, study under Milton Friedman, and return to Chile with what they learned. They returned and employed Friedman-style economic planning, which is all about privatization.

Friedman had spoken of neoliberalism for over 20 years. He was the American protégé of the European Mont Pélerin Society, founded in the late 1940s by Friedrich A. Hayek in the wake of the latter’s highly successful The Road to Serfdom (1944), which argued that state-run central planning led to totalitarianism.

Neoliberalism is not classical liberalism any more than it is the kind of liberalism associated with America’s Democrats. Nor is it the free market absolutism libertarians defend. It does not eschew central planning. Its position is that free markets don’t come about on their own. Conditions have to be created for them to operate. There’s your central planning. Neoliberals just don’t want government doing it. Result: corporations end up at the helm of society, with government as servile. As Friedman observed, governments don’t have any money. Corporations, of course, do.

Some have called neoliberalism “capitalism with the gloves off”: political economy in which profit for corporations and shareholders is the only aim.

Back in 1970, Friedman authored “The Social Responsibility of Business Is To Increase Its Profits.” This widely-read essay got neoliberalism on the map although it didn’t use the term.

Arguably, neoliberalism only came of age after the Soviet Union collapsed, roughly the same time the Pinochet era in Chile ended. Arguably, it became the guiding economic philosophy of an important strain of globalization.

What ensued, though, was the now-familiar claims of rising costs of living everywhere while wages remain stagnant and workers’ lives grow ever more precarious. As corporate elites grow richer, most of their money made passively through investing, inequality accelerates.

The problem is not simply that inequality is immoral or unjust, but that eventually it destabilizes. The situation is now such that even billionaires have grown uneasy and called for capitalism to be reformed.

In a neoliberal political economy as practiced (as opposed to academic theory), freedom is economic, not grounded in theological, ethical, or even political principles. Your freedom is proportional to your purchasing power. Values are defined in economic terms. Human beings are essentially self-interested utility maximizers, or should be.

To describe neoliberalism as postulating economics über-Alles is not entirely unfair.

The Chicago Boys brought it to Chile. And to all appearances, it made Chile seem the most stable and prosperous country in Latin America. (This relative stability and prosperity was one of the features that attracted many of us to the country.)

For a time, it works. It allows infrastructure and malls to be built, skyscrapers to rise, import-and-export arrangements to develop, and otherwise puts people to work so they can increase that purchasing power.

It has turned out, though, that to the majority of Chileans, prosperity is a mirage. The country’s long-term stability may turn out the same unless the problems enumerated above can be addressed.

Critics charge that Chile is a very unequal society. Wealth and power has accrued to a handful of plutocrats who run the country and game the system, with no real alternatives or competition in major utilities (I discovered that only one ISP services our neighborhood; deal with that company or don’t have the Internet).

Utilities such as water, gas, electricity, and telephone cable have all been raising their rates. There is rampant price inflation here as I noted. This is because the Chilean peso is losing its purchasing power, just as is the dollar. Which means that if wages remain stagnant, people actually lose financial ground.

So is this the beginning of the end of the neoliberal “experiment” in Chile. What was that “experiment”?

Let’s take a quick detour up north, and into history.

The U.S. developed the largest financially independent middle class in history (late 1904s – early 1970s).

Hold that thought. Now think like a global elitist whose ambition is dominance.

Industrial civilization is by its very nature centralized. You cannot have all the rabble running around on their own. You allow them enough freedom of choice in areas that are of no importance to you that most believe themselves to be free. You allow them out of their cages, as it were, but want them on leashes.

In the U.S., this became harder and harder. Generations were too well educated. They asked questions. They challenged wars you wanted (think: Vietnam).

Globalists did not want to see that kind of middle class again.

So whether they undertook to deliberately destroy the American middle class or just allowed capitalism’s natural tendency to expand overseas to operate, they oversaw its slow and very painful destruction. Via NAFTA, GATT II, etc. Outsourcing of jobs to cheap labor countries, etc. They allowed higher education to self-destruct.

In Chile, they saw the possibility of a brand of neoliberalism that does not allow a financially independent middle class to develop. There would be a small middle class to administer and manage various aspects of the system, but it would remain fundamentally subservient to economic power. Pay would not be sufficient to do more; and bureaucratic entanglements would be too great.

There would be almost no education on such things as managing one’s time and money. If people cannot do those two things they are easily controlled. At least until their lives become so miserable that they rebel — in large numbers, especially if they see others rebelling. Exercising that pent up anger, they begin smashing and burning things.

Neoliberalism served up a system that has furthered the interests of globalist power elites in various regions. But things are coming unraveled. As more and more of the masses have figured the system out, they have begun to monkeywrench it. I believe this will continue, in one form or another.

Neoliberalism is, in fact, fundamentally nihilistic to the core. One cannot be a Christian, for example, and also be a neoliberal. Neoliberalism’s gods are money and power. It is one of the latter-day consequences of materialism having escaped the intellectual centers, seeped through the entire cultural fabric, until it dominated political and economic systems. In its quiet rejection of the idea that there is any goal to human existence beyond accumulating things, gaining power, and perhaps having as much sex as possible, for the superrich and powerful neoliberalism is an instrument of total economic and sensual liberation!

I do not pretend to know how this will play out, either in Chile or in the larger world.

I do believe we can outline where the most basic fault line is. It is not between “left” and “right,” as I’ve noted previously. Those in the upper echelons of wealth and power do not care about “left” and “right” except as tools they can use to keep us all divided and fighting one another. So we won’t look at them.

The real fault line is between this globalist power elite and those whose aspiration is to live and govern their communities as they see fit and be left alone. I am not sure what this means for Chileans, or for Latin Americans generally. Their countries have been manipulated so much by Anglo elites and plundered by Anglo corporations that they may have to find their identity all over again.

My suggestion will be that they be listened to, that their grievances against the system be documented, and that we work out a form of stakeholder capitalism that tries to address their problems. This might be a good place to start exploring ideas.

Pretending that neoliberalism will continue to work in Chile is what we should not do. For to the extent neoliberal economics is associated with the “right,” most Chileans just seeking better lives than they have now will tilt “left.” This is a given. While I am not making any predictions, they could well support a Chilean Hugo Chávez, should such a figure appear between now and the next national election. The country will then go from the frying pan into the fire.

[Author’s note: donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Should you wish to support me personally, great, I accept tips! I have revived my Patreon page, where I anticipate posting content not available elsewhere. Or you can use PayPal via my email address to make a one-time donation.

As everyone knows, alternatives to Establishment corporate media are under direct attack. There is Google’s algorithmic censorship as well as the deplatforming we have seen on YouTube and elsewhere. Those not supporting official narratives are being kicked off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which will no longer link to sites accused of delivering — we still have no definition of the term — “hate speech.”

Everyone is hurt by this!

Sites like NewsWithViews.com, and self-employed writers like myself, are being relegated to invisibility, and ultimately will not be able to continue writing this kind of material unless readers donate. If you value content not beholden to the Deep Establishment, then support it! This is your site, too! My articles are your articles! Our free speech rights translate into your right to receive truthful information you won’t get from CNN or MSNBC! Absent donations, we all run the risk of “going dark” very soon; this could well be the last article of this sort I can make time for!]

© 2019 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

How Far We’ve Fallen….

Steven Yates

The other day I found myself perusing Federalist Papers 51 and 10. James Madison penned both. An entire course in political philosophy could be built around the core passage in Federalist 51. The problem: something every civilization where freedom is valued must face: how do its people, or their leaders, or both, design and maintain institutions limiting those in their midst who are drawn to power.

The passage:

“But what is government … but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.”

These “auxiliary precautions” include the elaborate system of checks and balances the Founders devised within the federal government, balanced by state governments (the real origin of states rights). Madison’s discussion is confined to this apparatus. Although I don’t think he or his associates would have denied that the public mindset, permeating the culture and derived from its implicit philosophy or worldview, is crucial in making checks and balances work.

This was made clear by John Adams, whose letter to the Massachusetts Militia dated 11 October, 1798 contains this oft-cited passage (italics mine):

“ … we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by … morality and religion. Avarice, ambition … [and] revenge or galantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other….

There are numerous such statements dating from that era. While the Founders may have differed over specifics, that the American republic was founded on a theistic worldview is not in doubt.

Now come with me to Federalist 10.

Madison is now warning presciently about the dangers of factions. A faction is:

“a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.”

What sent me to the Federalist Papers was yet another histrionic mainstream article decrying “the spread of white nationalism.” I can’t see linking to it. It’s one of dozens. Maybe hundreds.

It struck me long ago — I’ve written about the matter numerous times — that the alt-right is identity politics for white people. Alt-right groups, having abandoned the mindset and worldview that actually made America great, want their own identity.

In that case, the best solution to the problem of “white nationalism” is to get rid of identity politics.

This should be common horse sense.

But believe it or not, I didn’t come here this morning just to say that.

While browsing the Yahoo newsfeed that turned up that article, I got to thinking about the contrast between James Madison’s writing — detailed, densely argued, demanding — and what passes for journalistic and other professional writing today.

First: many (most?) of what Yahoo posts aren’t articles at all in the usual sense but strung-together collections of tweets.

I shouldn’t pick on Yahoo. Other newsfeeds are no different.

Returning to Madison, his writing features long and involved paragraphs calling for sustained attention.

Among my projects these days is a serious of articles on Medium (founded in 2012 and now a large site for writers of various stripes with numerous independent publications of its own; my profile there). Members can tailor their feed to their interests — in other words, they can create safe spaces, if you will, on the platform. Because membership is not free, the site’s owners could development a payment mechanism for writers and simultaneously stay refreshingly free of ads. Writers are paid commensurate with reader engagement.

Among the recommendations given those who would write on the platform, though:

Use short sentences. No more than one thought per sentence.

Write in short paragraphs.

Kinda like these. Astute, long-term readers will note: my paragraphs have grown shorter over the past year or so—as copywriter training incorporates these same injunctions.

Use common words. Keep technical-sounding jargon out of nontechnical articles. (I doubt Medium’s curators would care for words like commensurate and astute.)

Be sure there is a lot of white space on your pages. White space doesn’t intimidate readers, who can always just backspace and go elsewhere.

Now go back and look at Federalist 51. Not much white space there.

One of the good things about Medium is that it’s still an independent platform. I can’t help but wonder how long that will last. Its founder, Evan Williams, is the guy who started Blogger in 1999. He sold that to Google in 2003. Then, in 2006, he created Twitter.

He’s a billionaire and doesn’t need Google. But who knows how long it will be before Google offers an eye-watering sum to Medium’s upper echelons? That, as the saying goes, will be that.

James Madison did not worry about his Flesch-Kincaid (FK) score, another invention following decades of public schooling which measures readability.

To be read online, we are now told, keep your FK score as low as possible. Your best bet is not to write above a middle-school level.

Reflecting on all this, I became depressed.

As the Western empire has grown, how far its masses have fallen!

How far we writers have to fall, if we wish to be read by people other than family, friends and maybe a few online followers.

In fairness, there’s more going on here than mass illiteracy, though there’s plenty of that.

Everyone now has to contend with a flood of distractions and a sense of busy-busy-busy navigating all the information coming their way. This is the most oft-cited reason for all the above advice. When readers get hundreds of emails per day and must choose between dozens of things to read, if your title doesn’t grab them immediately, they’re gone.

The amount of information available with a few mouse clicks has never been greater. We’re in a period of overproduction of creative works: writing (emails, articles, books, e-books, blog posts, newsletters, e-newsletters, websites, etc.), art and design products, webinars, online courses by would-be influencers, etc.

So if you want to be read, keep it simple!

But were the Federalist Papers, or some equivalent, to appear in today’s online world, they would not be read. Period.

The principles underlying a free civilization may not have been meant for amoral and irreligious tribes, but neither were they meant for people contending with this state of affairs!

Is this an accident?

Back in the 1980s, in his classic Amusing Ourselves To Death, Neil Postman explained lucidly how corporate media, even then, designed sequences of information and rapidly-changing images to fragment viewers’ perspectives and prevent them from focusing on anything for more than a few seconds.

That was before the Internet!

This all explains, in large part, the worsening dysfunction of our political system.

Many millennials are riveted by the siren calls of socialism because they’ve never read or learned any history.

History is demanding.

So no, this isn’t an accident.

In Four Cardinal Errors; Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) I noted how, back in the mid-1800s, the nation adopted an educational philosophy based on the Prussian idea, brought to the U.S. by Horace Mann, that children belong to the state.

Though it took a few generations, this idea spread. What we might call the corporate-state began to develop. We gravitated towards schools designed to train employees.

Materialism, as I’ve also noted elsewhere, had become the dominant worldview in the intellectual centers. Materialism, as I generally use the term, is a philosophy of nature, not a theory of political economy, or economics. But one would be crazy to think the first will not affect the second, and that this wouldn’t affect beliefs people hold about one another, and in particular, attitudes of the moneyed elite towards unmoneyed masses. (These might never have been good, but if it’s a matter of degree, the situation worsened as materialism spread from universities to business and the culture generally.)

The Rockefeller-founded General Education Board statement in its Occasional Paper #1 (1903) is well known to historians of our situation (italics mine):

In our dreams, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions fade from their minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning, or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, editors, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply… The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are. So we will organize our children and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the shops and on the farm.”

The purpose of schools became, little by little, the assembly-line like production of obedient workers and consumers, their behavior predictable and controllable through incentives and reinforcement mechanisms lavishly-funded behavior psychologists claimed to be uncovering.

The Rockefeller Foundation bankrolled John Dewey and the “progressive” movement in education, which furthered such goals under the idea that education’s purpose is not literacy or informed citizenship but “adjustment to a changing world.”

Once the income tax was instituted, this included producing loyal taxpayers. And with the U.S. entry into the Great War as it was then called in Europe, it incorporated a faux patriotism to incentivize support for the latest ventures of an incipient but growing war machine.

This machine, and the tax machine behind it to finance expansionist government, had the support of both major parties. Both would widen over time, as controls over power (corporations as well as government) by “we the people” progressively narrowed.

Carroll Quigley, Georgetown University professor of government in that institution’s School of Foreign Service, stated in Tragedy & Hope (1966):

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy…. [E]ither part in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.

One thinks of Vietnam, the financialization of the economy, NAFTA, GATT II, the WTO, etc., as the American middle class, having achieved a certain level of financial independence, was systemically gutted, eventually reaching its present state where Wall Street soars and Main Street suffers.

Fast forward to the present.

The stunning exception to this pattern has been President Donald Trump. And with that alone, we’ve explained the unbridled hostility the president has faced since before Day One, and which looks likely to worsen as 2020 approaches.

We are now being hammered with the latest impeachment gambit — over a lawful phone call by the president to the newly-elected president of Ukraine, and an act of “whistleblowing” that has Deep Establishment written all over it.

It is significant that Trump’s enemies are also enemies of BREXIT, of Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Jarosław Kaczyński in Poland, and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. While none of these are perfect, anymore than Trump is perfect, all are footdraggers against the central tendency of the past 70 years: the funneling of wealth and power in a single direction of economic integration, something which can only end with a de facto world state able to service global corporations — reducing the world’s populations to precarity and indebtedness. For decades this effort advanced using mechanisms ranging from incentives to threats of economic sanction and overthrow of democratically elected governments of the noncompliant to military invasion. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the consolidation of wealth and power accelerated.

Higher education is now dysfunctional. Social justice warriors and attacks on free speech are hardly the only problems. They may not even be the worst!

Detailed studies (e.g., that of Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa 2011) show that students learn little during their first two years on campus.

I recommend Jason Brennan and Phillip Magness’s new Cracks in the Ivory Tower: the Moral Mess of Higher Education (2019). This superbly documented book walks us through the failings of higher ed one by one, revealing the perverse incentives responsible for administrative bloat, skyrocketing tuition, and the overproduction of PhDs which has precipitated the adjunct crisis.

This last has to do with as much as 70 percent of those teaching undergraduates being part-timers paid unlivable wages — while university presidents are paid six and sometimes seven figures counting “perks” — and while millions are spent on new buildings, the latest computers and software for technology centers, new gym equipment, etc.

Brennan and Magness have a few blind spots (in my humble opinion). By attacking what they call “gremlins” and “poltergeists” (metaphors for what others call “conspiracy theories”), they seem to imply that all this happened due to a long string of bad policy decisions, not through a century-long effort to manage a population of controllable sheep.

We can be grateful that this effort hasn’t succeeded with everyone! The panic over Trump, the fact that sites like this one exist, that people can still write about the Federalist Papers, are proof of that.

The educational arena is wide open to genuinely new ideas and endeavors. I do not refer to existing for-profit entities, many of which are as disastrous as the mainstream ones.  We see some — although they are highly “niched” and promoting specific programs or agendas. There are vast areas not dealt with on a large scale: financial literacy, our health care system as well as how to pay for it (which will remain a shambles until some specific preventative ideas are adopted), taking technology back from Big Tech, and above all, a renewed respect for critical thinking and for the idea of truth itself.

We need institutions able to deliver educational benefits for a fair and honest price, without the bureaucratic and other baggage, having designed curriculums not locked into an obsolete four-year model.

And without ties to accreditation agencies also pushing agendas.

Were employers to cease looking at sheepskins, the present system would collapse. It is absurdly expensive, bloated with administrative parasites, stuck with admissions processes easily gamed by celebrities and others with money as we’ve recently seen, and rife with people who don’t care about anything except their political agendas. Many of those entrusted to teach and tutor students have workloads of as many as six courses on multiple campuses, and cannot meet with students outside of class because when class ends they are high-tailing it to their next job a hundred miles away (“freeway fliers,” they’re called).

This system should be scrapped, not fixed.

My hope, and vision, is that new general institutions will begin to replace it during the decade to come, that they will gain support from those weary of the dysfunctional status quo, and that students will flock to them drawn by cheaper prices, better quality, and freedom from presently-dominant orthodoxies and ideologies. They will be highly mobile, and probably headquartered outside the U.S., ensuring freedom from being regulated back into ineffectiveness.

We will then, again, see hope of checking the unbridled pursuit of power, because our founding documents will once again be read. We will see the divisive and dangerous nature of identity politics. Among much else able to make life slightly better in this fallen world.

[Author’s note: donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Should you wish to support me personally, great, I accept tips! I have revived my Patreon page, where I anticipate posting content not available elsewhere. Or you can use PayPal via my email address to make a one-time donation.

As everyone knows, alternatives to Establishment corporate media are under direct attack. There is Google’s algorithmic censorship as well as the deplatforming we have seen on YouTube. Those not supporting official narratives are being kicked off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which will no longer link to sites accused of delivering — we still have no definition of the term — “hate speech.”

Everyone is hurt by this!

Sites like NewsWithViews.com, and self-employed writers like myself, are being relegated to invisibility, and ultimately will not survive unless readers donate. If you value content not beholden to the Deep Establishment, then support it! This is your site, too! My articles are your articles! Our free speech rights translate into your right to receive truthful information you won’t get from CNN or MSNBC! Absent donations, we all run the risk of “going dark” very soon; this could well be the last article of this sort I can make time for!]

© 2019 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Greatest Enemy of Freedom in America Is Big Tech

Just recently a friend passed me the link to this. I don’t recommend reading it before you go to bed tonight.

We’ve known that since 2014, the Chinese have been building up what is being called a social credit system. It is structurally similar to our financial credit system but will monitor far more than financial behavior.

The Chinese system comes straight out of the most dystopian science fiction imaginable!

How it works: each citizen is given a social credit score based on their speech, behavior, and spending patterns. The technology-enabled system is still piecemeal, but expected to be finished and in place before the end of 2020.

This is not a theory. You can look for yourself. (You’ll need your browser’s translate option, obviously.)

The Chinese people will be ranked on their trustworthiness. What determines their ranking will include spending patterns including whether they buy Chinese-made products and whether they pay bills on time, their driving record if they own a vehicle, what they post their own social media, and especially if they criticize the government. Even if they spend “too much time” playing video games.

All these behaviors will be known because of data sharing across governmental and corporate platforms, and from facial recognition technology.

Surveillance cams already monitor offline behavior patterns including who people are seen with, whether they sweep the sidewalks in front of their places of residence or stores, whether they smoke in nondesignated areas, if they jaywalk, etc.

Social credit scores run from 850 to 300, measuring five subcategories: social connections, consumptive behavior, security, wealth, and compliance with rules. Those with high scores are considered trustworthy. They can get discounts on energy bills. They can get better mortgages and better interest rates at banks. They can travel and obtain accommodations more easily. Their children can get into better schools.

Those with low credit scores are deemed untrustworthy. Their banking options are limited, they can be prevented from buying property, and will have trouble even obtaining high-speed Internet.

Social credit scores are matters of public record. The finished system will maintain two lists: the blacklist and the red list (their equivalent of a “white-list”). Those blacklisted have already been publicly shamed, e.g., their faces shown on a map on WeChat, the largest messaging app in China with over 850 million users.

One’s social credit score thus becomes one’s value as a person in Chinese society.

Chinese technology corporations and subsidiaries are actively at work developing the infrastructure for the nationwide system. Examples include China Rapid Finance, a partner of the Chinese social network leviathan Tencent, and Sesame Credit, the financial subsidiary of Chinese tech giant Alibaba which is also the dominant online shopping platform. There are others. Eight pilot programs are up and running, closely monitored by Beijing. All have already gathered huge quantities of information on China’s 1.4 billion people. The first owns above-mentioned WeChat. The second runs AliPay, the most widely used online bill payment service in the country.

From the article linked above: The ultimate goal is to “allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step,” according to the Chinese government.

The Chinese social credit system punishes known Evangelical Christians, obviously, since China is still officially atheist. It also punishes Tibetan Buddhists and members of other undesired groups such as the Falun Gong.

One of the main sources of the unrest in Hong Kong is acute discomfort with the spread of this kind of system there under the watch of Beijing-sympathetic leader Carrie Lam. Hong Kong has a tradition of freedom and free enterprise. Mainland China is also still technically Communist. Back in 1997, via international agreement, Hong Kong was pulled in under Beijing. Anyone with his eyes open could have seen something like this coming.

The Chinese social credit system is a recipe for corporate-technocratic police-statism at a level never previously achieved! One wonders if Huxley or Orwell could have imagined it!

What is truly unnerving is that around 80 percent of Chinese citizens approve of the system! Not that they’ve been afforded much choice, as those who disapprove are doubtless afraid to say so!

But that’s China, some might be thinking. Americans would never allow a system like this to be implemented in the U.S.

Or would they?

Fascination with power and the idea that people must be controlled was never limited to Communists, or even to a political class. Let’s dispel that myth before we go any further.

Real power, as I’ve observed time and time again, has no interest in such categories as “left” versus “right,” except to use them to divide and conquer. Nor does it limit its incursions to governments.

So most do not realize is that a similar system is in the works in the West.

The trend has been, increasingly, to gather information on individuals for purposes ranging from marketing to the kind of surveillance we see in China, using the same technology, usually under such rubrics as “security,” or protection against “terrorists” or “hackers.”

The biggest difference between what has been happening in China and what has just begun in the U.S. is that in China, the government is behind it. In the U.S., the impulse is now coming from the so-called private sector. Google, Facebook, and similar leviathans — Big Tech — are leading the way. Also involved are companies such as Uber and Airbnb, and others you may not have heard of.

The New York State Department of Financial Services announced earlier this year that life insurance companies can examine your social media posts and raise your premiums if they decide, unilaterally, that you are engaging in “risky” behavior. As defined by them.

An outfit called PatronScan, a subsidiary of a Canadian-based corporation called Servall Biometrics, was founded to help bar and restaurant owners monitor customers. Its technology scans IDs and saves the data. PatronScan can thus compile lists of “troublemakers” which will be shared with every bar and restaurant owner who participates in the system.

At first glance, this might seem a good thing. Surely bars should be able to refuse admission to those known to have been ejected from somewhere for “fighting, sexual assault, drugs, theft, and other bad behavior.” Someone banned from one PatronScan-using bar or nightclub is potentially banned from all of them (the system is becoming available in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K, with Australia developing an independent system).

What could go wrong?

How long before liberal Democrat nightclub owners are able to ban those wearing MAGA hats, or clothing with politically incorrect messages on them?

Uber and Airbnb customers can fill out online forms evaluating drivers and accommodations respectively. Both now maintain lists judging customers. Both can ban users for any reason. There are appeals processes, but the companies can simply deny them.

Airbnb now boasts of having 6 million user accounts. With the likely spread of such technology-driven enterprises and activities, and with increased data sharing, if transportation technology expands to include driverless vehicles during the next decade as now seems likely; and if this kind of system becomes widespread and deems you too politically incorrect, your travel options could be limited.

I can hear some Libertarian arguing already: these are private companies; they can do business with whomever they please, and ban whomever they please.

For whatever its worth, the first message I received from reality that this worldview is hopelessly naïve and no foundation for genuine freedom came back in 2000, when I watched a group of corporations (not government, not the Democrats) led by a city newspaper (owned by a corporation) gang up on a restaurant owner and frozen food manufacturer for flying the Confederate flag over his restaurants.

The collusion to destroy the man’s business was palpable. The effort was largely successful. By simply refusing to carry his products, they ruined a 40-year-old business worth millions, the sad irony being that several hundred black employees lost their jobs.

Our civilization has now reached the point technologically where a public-private distinction is increasingly meaningless. We are moving towards a Big Tech driven economic culture in which everyone will be expected, as a condition of running a business or just living a normal life, to be connected to online platforms all the time. They are used increasingly for transportation, accommodations, and payments of akk kinds. This is not voluntary in any usual sense, and barring some kind of unforeseen calamity that takes down the Web, it is going to accelerate because it makes money for the owners of the technology on which these platforms run, and because the masses like the convenience.

For another thing, employers almost never advertise offline anymore; nor do many accept applications offline. They increasingly look for social media presence when deciding who to hire. Not having one is something of a red flag. Is this applicant “anti-social”? Increasing business / corporate networking and other interaction now occurs on sites such as LinkedIn. More and more organizations creating their own Facebook groups. Entire online articles on mainstream news sites consist largely of anthologies of tweets. If you don’t have accounts on these sites, you cannot participate in those groups or contribute to their conversations. Even if such participation is not mandatory (yet), if you opt out you vastly reduce your options.

Big Tech’s rules for participating, those governing acceptable speech and behavior, on or offline, are getting stricter as time passes.

There are strong arguments for reclassifying Big Tech leviathans as public utilities, licensing them, regulating them, and breaking them up if that is the only means of controlling them (i.e., controlling the power-fascinated at their helm).

An example of a public utility is the electric company you pay once a month. It would never occur to anyone in the electric company to turn off your electricity because you were observed on a surveillance cam wearing a MAGA hat in public.

De facto censorship by Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., has already reduced traffic to media sites known to promote Trump or conservatism by limiting their visibility. Google’s is the most widely used search engine. Other search engines (e.g., Yahoo) are carbon copies of Google. To be invisible on Google is to be invisible period. Except for those with lots and lots of patience, who in our era of instant gratification and short attention spans are increasingly rare!

What should be clear from all this is that corporate power not just can be, but is, at least as dangerous as governmental power. Governments lie all the time, of course, and holding them accountable is extremely difficult. But at least there are specific and fairly transparent appeals processes, with the ultimate court of appeal being the U.S. Constitution (if one is in the U.S., of course).

There are no, or only the most limited, appeals processes against Big Tech’s unilateral decisions. A social credit system run on existing platforms would operate almost entirely outside the rule of law, avoiding such messy matters as due process.

And to reiterate: no, increasingly, you cannot simply not do business with Big Tech, any more than you can refuse to do business with the electric company. Your “choice” is Pickwickian. Do you want to sit in the dark? Of course not.

Do you own a business and want to be able to market your services or would you prefer the invisibility of spreading leaflets? Do things Google’s way, or be invisible.

My term for this is systemic coercion, which is not accounted for in Libertarians’ / free-market absolutists’ arsenal of abstractions. Coercion in their sense reduces to the truncated notion of the gun pointed at your head. Corporations don’t have to point guns at people’s heads. They rely on incentives, consumer mass behavior which has been studied at great length, and the fact that footdraggers can be made to suffer. All the company has to do, often in collusion with other companies, is reduce your convenience and increase your discomfort and isolation to the point of unmanageability.

Systemic coercion works by allowing your own decisions, such as to wear a MAGA hat in public or exercise other Constitutionally protected rights, to work against you given the social or structural and technological realities.

And then blames you. It was your decision to wear that hat, after all.

Very much like what is happening in China, which may very well be just a few years ahead of the U.S. on this curve.

We are clearly on a trajectory to see technocratic totalitarianism spread during the 2020s. America’s technology-addicted masses will sleepwalk right into it, following the dopamine drip they get from those images on a screen.

Neoliberal economists will say it’s “the free market at work.”

Social credit systems may well spread everywhere. They may afford power elites the world over the most efficient controls over populations ever seen.

And so much for expatriating elsewhere, e.g., to Chile. Chile’s main trading partner is now China. To walk into a typical Chilean department store is to see almost nothing except cheap Chinese-made mass consumables. If you seek to purchase technology or common household appliances made elsewhere, good luck. They can be found, but you’re going to pay through the nose.

Banks in Chile have adopted many of the same policies seen in the U.S., e.g., requiring documentation as to the money’s source for investing cash deposits valued at over $10,000 (did you sell something? can you present a work contract?). This happened to me just last month.

Surveillance cams have appeared everywhere in and around buildings in Santiago. There are videocams all over the place in the building where my wife and I live. We cannot leave our apartment without being seen by “little brother.” Other buildings do the same. Watchful electronic eyes are now almost universal unless you want to live in a pigsty.

[Author’s note: donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Should you wish to support me personally, great, I accept tips! I have just revived my Patreon page, where I anticipate posting content not available elsewhere. Or you can use PayPal via my email address to make a one-time donation.

As everyone knows, or should know, alternatives to Establishment corporate media are under direct attack. There is Google’s algorithmic censorship as well as the deplatforming we have seen on YouTube. Everyone is hurt by this! Those not supporting official narratives are being kicked off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which will no longer link to sites accused of delivering — we still have no definition of the term — “hate speech.”

Sites like NewsWithViews.com, and self-employed writers like myself, are being relegated to invisibility, and ultimately will not survive unless readers donate. If you value content not beholden to the Deep Establishment, then support it! This is your site, too! My articles are your articles! Our free speech rights translate into your right to receive truthful information you won’t get from CNN or MSNBC! Absent donations, though, we all run the risk of “going dark” very soon; this could well be the last article of this sort I can make time for!]

© 2019 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

“Conspiracy Theory” – The Third Most Weaponized Phrase in Corporate Media

“On a scale of one to ten, how stupid do you think I am, anyway?”  –Bester to Garibaldi, Babylon 5, (Season 5 episode “Phoenix Rising,” 1997).

In the wake of billionaire and known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s having been “suicided” in prison, and amidst the coverage of ensuing speculations over the most predicted “suicide” in recent memory, one thing should be abundantly clear to anyone with properly functioning brain cells: conspiracy theory (-ies) is now one of the most weaponized phrases on the planet.

Possibly it is the third most weaponized phrase in the corporate media’s limited vocabulary.

What are the first two? Without a doubt, white supremacist and white nationalist, now that racist has lost much of its sting from overuse.

You don’t even have to have a theory to be dismissed, a priori, as a conspiracy theorist.

To illustrate, let’s review the Epstein saga. It can be broken down into 12 easily-digested steps.

  • Epstein, whose status as a known pedophile had been known for over 10 years, is arrested (July 6) and, denied bail, ends up in Metropolitan Correctional Center. Many folks predicted that he’d be “suicided” because he’d become a threat to wealthy and powerful elites, some of whom are pedophiles. He could therefore not allowed to be brought to trial.

Predictably, such folks were dismissed as “conspiracy theorists.”

A question we should be asking: was someone or some organization protecting him all this time, and did that someone or organization, for reasons unknown, withdraw their protection?

(What we know is that underage girls disappear without a trace all over the world every year.)

  • Epstein’s being denied bail ensures that he will remain within easy reach.
  • An incident occurs with no witnesses (July 23) and is reported by corporate media as a suicide attempt. Epstein is treated for neck wounds.
  • He is then placed on suicide watch, which means 24/7 surveillance and nothing in his cell (including a bed) that could be used in a suicide attempt.
  • He is, for reasons unknown, quietly taken off suicide watch (right around the start of August).
  • Epstein’s cellmate is transferred.
  • He is now isolated and alone on a Friday night (August 9).
  • Guards are discovered to have failed to check his cell for over three hours. Turns out, they fell asleep.

While on duty watching the most publicly visible prisoner in the country.

Incidentally, not a one of the authors of these stories can avoid taking a swipe at “unfounded conspiracy theories.”

If you think that this sequence of events happening by chance is stretching the law of averages a bit, according to corporate media you are a conspiracy theorist.

Notice that nowhere above is there any theory. Although I concede that some including the President have insinuated Clinton involvement in Epstein’s death, we don’t have to name any names or cite any suspects to get a strong sense that somehow, the official narrative lacks all logic and credibility.

There is even a theory circulating that Epstein isn’t dead, that a lifeless body double was substituted while he was spirited off — possibly to enjoy himself in some hidden Deep Establishment facility filled with underaged girls. I have no evidence for this; I just cite it for completeness sake.

Leaving the Epstein case aside, let’s note: in a compelling article Ron Unz described how the CIA weaponized the term beginning in 1967. He shows how any narrative those with power want to discredit can be portrayed in dominant media as a “conspiracy theory.”

In the 1960s, the issue was clear. There was a need to discredit those questioning the Warren Commission Report’s claim that a “lone gunman” shot President Kennedy.

This was the narrative the Deep Establishment of the day wanted, and it was the narrative they got.

The phrase proved very useful. Once someone is accused of trading in “conspiracy theories,” his credibility with the mainstream is toast.

The phrase has been used for anyone questioning an official narrative, i.e., a government-approved account of some dramatic event, be it a political assassination, a terror attack, or a mass shooting. The narrative will be repeated over and over again, like a mantra. Repetition is not evidence, but as every psychologist knows, it functions like hypnosis in most people’s minds.

At the moment, government officials and corporate media are using it for all the mileage they can get from it!

No one will use it, of course, for theories those with power want the masses to believe, sometimes absent real evidence and sometimes even in the face of contrary findings of fact. The obvious examples are that Russians hacked the DNC computers (physical evidence showed that the “hack” was actually a download to a device, probably a flash drive, proving that it was done by someone on the inside, not a Russian operating from a remote location), and that the Trump campaign colluded with agents of the Russian government back in 2016 to steal the election from Her Royal Clintonness.

We recently learned that Epstein kept on display, in his $77 million 7-story palace in the Upper East Side, an oil painting of Bill Clinton in drag. Slick Willie is posing in a blue dress not unlike Monica Lewinsky’s infamous dress, and wearing red stilettos. He’s in the Oval Office and leering at the camera.

Only a painting, of course. Move on, move on….

Epstein’s residence, the largest in its area, is in fact a museum of the perverse and the bizarre, with a life-size inflatable doll greeting visitors at the entrance, a chess set with pieces modeled after staffers in provocative dress, and a hallway filled with depictions of eyeballs.

Bottom line: the weirdo had to be made to go away. He could not be allowed to come to trial. I suspect we don’t know the half of it. But as the suicide narrative continues to unravel, this case threatens to expose the sordid underbelly of Western power-elitism in the materialist / hedonist culture of the superrich. Something went terribly wrong in their corner of the universe, and now it threatens to blow up in their faces.

Hence the desperation to paint critics of the suicide narrative as “conspiracy theorists.”

Where could this go?

Possibly nowhere. At present, realistically, I don’t see anyone penetrating the cover being imposed by the weaponized language. I can envision the entire affair dropping down a deep dark memory hole as soon as the next media spectacle comes along.

I have no theories of my own. All one can do is watch and wait.

[Author’s note: as everyone knows, or should know, alternatives to Establishment corporate media are under direct attack. There is Google’s algorithmic censorship as well as the deplatforming we have seen on YouTube. Everyone is hurt by this! Those not supporting official narratives are being kicked off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which will no longer link to sites accused of delivering — we still have no definition of the term — “hate speech.”

Sites like NewsWithViews.com, and self-employed writers like myself, are being relegated to invisibility, and ultimately will not survive unless readers donate. If you value content not beholden to the Deep Establishment, then support it! This is your site, too! My articles are your articles! Our free speech rights translate into your right to receive truthful information you won’t get from CNN or MSNBC! Absent donations, though, we all run the risk of “going dark” very soon; this could well be the last article of this sort I can make time for!

Donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Should you wish to support me personally, great, I accept tips! Please use PayPal via my email address at the end of this article. More details there.]

© 2019 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Of Moon Landings, Rabbit Trails And Approaching Epistemic Oblivion

“I don’t know who to trust.”

“I know what you mean, Blair. Trust’s a tough thing to come by these days. Tell you what. Why don’t you just trust in the Lord.”

Blair and MacReady, John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982)

We’ve arrived at the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. July 20, 1969.

Apollo 11 left Earth on July 16. The capsule entered lunar orbit on July 19. The next day — or night, in my time zone — the lunar landing module, nicknamed the Eagle, separated and descended to the moon’s surface. After conducting all preliminaries, Neil Armstrong stepped out and down onto the surface of the moon. His famous words made history being slightly garbled by his microphone. “That’s one small step for a man,” is what he says he intended to say, “one giant leap for mankind.”

He was joined by his fellow astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin. The two took photographs, conducted scientific tests, gathered samples, planted a U.S. flag. The next day, the Eagle made its way back to the command module where Michael Collins had been monitoring. Apollo left lunar orbit and returned the three men safely to Earth. They splashed down on July 24.

They’d left behind a plaque whose words may resonate even more loudly. They certainly should:

“Here men from the planet Earth first set foot on the moon – July 1969 A.D – We came in peace for all mankind.”

Except that on Earth there is no peace, and I have acquaintances who believe the whole thing was faked. They don’t believe Americans landed there, or that Neil Armstrong’s “One small step…” was ever more than theater.

One such person asked me last year, “When was the last time the U.S. government told the truth about anything? Why should this be any different?”

He has a point. And given that I’m not a scientist, physician, or engineer, I don’t have an answer for every claim he and a few others have made. I don’t have a front-pocket explanation for how astronauts rode fragile-looking space capsules through the Van Allen Belts not once but 14 times (there were seven moonshots, after all).

Nor do I have a watertight explanation why we stopped going, and why no one else followed our lead. The mundane explanation might be nothing more than the country’s priorities changed.

Not to mention: its aggregate intellectual level declined.

The above person told me about a YouTube video where the late Stanley Kubrick supposedly admits to having filmed the moon landings. If it was still there. The video was supposedly of an interview conducted three days before Kubrick died in his sleep of a heart attack, just after the end of filming his disturbing Eyes Wide Shut.

Out of curiosity, I sought the video out. It was there. Presumably this was what he was referring to.

It immediately struck me as a fraud. For starters, its quality is wretched. Everything is very dark, as if trying to conceal that the person interviewed isn’t Kubrick but a lookalike. As a celebrated director, moreover, surely the real Stanley Kubrick wouldn’t have tolerated the interviewer’s relentless badgering.

To top it off, at least four times the man calls him “Tom” (14:10, 21:35, 22:15, 25:25; possibly also at 11:02).

Did anyone ever call Stanley Kubrick “Tom”?

A guy I knew in high school who studied engineering in college says he worked for NASA for a while in the mid-80s. It was not a good time to be there. He accused the agency of corner-cutting he blamed on Reagan-era budget cuts, finally quitting in frustration.

The Challenger disaster occurred around nine months later.

A few years ago at a reunion, he assured me of something I already knew from my own experience, which is that engineers tend to be smart people.

Back in the 1960s, NASA had thousands of engineers working on the moon landings. A substantial team worked on the landing module, designing and testing its operations in a low gravity environment.

Is it really possible to fool that many engineers, not once but seven times, and then keep the cover-up going all these years?

Sounds to me like the sort of thing that gives serious conspiracy research a bad name.

So sorry, I can’t buy what the moon-landings-were-faked folks are selling.

But on the other hand, it’s not hard to see why the story of men going to the moon is now so hard for some people to get their heads around.

Especially those who wouldn’t be born for two decades or more.

Some of it has to do with the collapse of American education. The schools I attended, public as well as private, were magnitudes better back then. There was no such thing as identity politics. Intellectual curiosity was never popular, but not shunned to the extent it is today.

In the ‘60s and early ‘70s, some had visions not just of going to the moon but establishing permanent bases there, as well as colonies in Earth orbit. A prelude to going to Mars and other planets. Fascination with outer space was everywhere: in art, in popular music, on television, and in film.

Physicists with an engineering mindset like Gerald O’Neill wrote books in the 1970s on how establishing colonies in space could be made to happen, and how manufacturing in space could benefit humanity.

It didn’t happen, of course. The mindset we brought to technology began to change. The country began its drift from the imaginative brilliance that produced television like the original Star Trek and films like Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey toward the mental vacuity of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

And today we chat on gadgets and take selfies, even as some of the effects of the latest technology may damage our long term health and well-being.

5G is upon us, with frequencies thousands of times more powerful than 4G (which caused problems for a few people ranging from headaches to chronic tinnitus). No one is certain of the long-term health effects of 5G technology. We know its infrastructure will be far more pervasive than 4G was. Support devices will be everywhere, including on poles outside your children’s bedroom window.

The reason for 5G is simple.

Consumers in our short-attention-span, instant-gratification society demand convenience, in the form of ever faster chat and Internet surfing. They believe they are customers, not human resources being manipulated and managed for profit. Corporations will put the profits in the bank (or their stock portfolios).

Neither cares about long-term consequences.

This is where we are today, knowledge-wise, with the lure of Mammon driving everything and everyone.

This might help explain why so many otherwise-properly “red pilled” folks — especially those under 40 — can’t believe we went to the moon. Why would we have bothered? Where’s the money in it?

As for us old f*rts? We have been lied to so much that we’ve grown jaded. A few of us do have trouble believing anything we can’t see, hear, taste, smell, or touch — or, if we are Christians, read in Scripture.

We can’t do any of that with the moon landings.

It was clear well before The Matrix that the Internet was going to be a boon to free speech and inquiry. We could break the monopolistic grip of so-called “experts” who, for decades, had suppressed facts in many domains (I recounted a few in my last article).

Or who quietly buried what the federal government had been doing during the Clinton years (thought it hardly started with Bill Clinton).

This became one of my “keepers,” especially as I was able to go to a university library and see for myself: Claire’s references checked out!!

Alternative news and commentary took off online. We saw observations and often edgy original thought across the political-economic spectrum. Not the bland center-leftism of the Clinton News Network (CNN).

It wasn’t perfect but much was surprisingly good, given how many new sites were begun by folks with nothing but web development skills, working from their front rooms, with no corporate sponsors or other backing.

And yes, back then, the Internet really was an unregulated Wild West! A few bad characters did show up, including people who really were racists and neo-Nazis.

In those days, I penned numerous articles critical of affirmative action programs. Having written a book on the subject, I was a few editors’ go-to person when they needed an op-ed.

I could laugh at the center-lefties who accused me of being a closet racist and sexist. After all, I’d seen the real thing, from those who used the n-word freely (something I’d never done in my life), who used the c-word for radical feminists (I never stooped to that, either, whatever my deep disagreements with them), and ridiculed my individualism.

Not that those loons ever attained any cultural power. I don’t want to give the impression they were anything more than nuisances.

But neither did alternative media attain much cultural power. Without large sums of moolah behind you, that’s wasn’t going to happen. What such sites did was present ideas and information you wouldn’t get from your history or political science or economics professor, or from “respectable conservatives,” on behind-the-scene efforts to take us toward global government.

We cited major authors and players (Carroll Quigley, Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller), quoting chapter and verse. I believe we made a compelling case that modern forces such as economic integration, “free trade,” outsourced jobs, open borders in both Europe and the U.S., the slow destruction of the U.S. middle class, and that of education at all levels were parts of a deliberate effort to destroy Christian-based, Constitutional, American civilization. The way had been paved for a world government that would serve global corporations.

What was planned was a borderless mass consumption marketplace, in a “gig economy” with permanently cash-strapped masses enticed to spend on credit (cash cannot be tracked). Every consumer would be carefully monitored for purposes ranging from marketing to mind control.

I was hardly alone reaching such conclusions, and I made mistakes along the way. Numerous writers with more visibility than I had and vastly more resources to draw on developed such ideas far better than I could.

There was almost nothing the globalists could do to stop this. They couldn’t just turn off the Internet. They were as dependent on it as we were.

What they could do — I strongly suspect — was “seed” it with what I call false rabbit trails.

Disinformation. Disinfo, for short.

Narratives consistent with our claims, but which were bogus.

Some of the wilder claims about 9/11 (e.g., that the planes were holograms) were probably disinfo.

Or that the Clintons are disguised “reptilian space aliens,” a notion swiped without credit from John Carpenter’s They Live (1988).

False rabbit trails don’t strike everyone as absurd, and it won’t surprise me if I get a few nasty emails about my conclusion that the-moon-landings-were-faked is a disinfo narrative, planted to misdirect and confuse.

You can also find Flat Earth videos on YouTube and elsewhere. (No, I’m not linking to one. If you care that much, do your own search.) Who is behind these I don’t know, but I have to wonder how far they are willing to go to try to make us contrarians look like idiots.

All this began before 2015-16, of course — before the rise of Donald Trump and the biggest pushback against globalism and identity politics we’d yet seen.

And before the audiences of the Alex Joneses of the world grew to rival that of CNN!

Hence the sudden invention of the fake news meme, the Russian-collusion rabbit trail, soon followed by Google’s algorithms, Twitter’s thought police, Facebook’s censorship, YouTube’s (owned by Google) deplatforming of Jones, the generalized attack by tech leviathans on conservatives under the moniker of “hate speech,” the persecution of Julian Assange, and so on.

All to create a controlled Internet.

Never mind that the pushback has largely fizzled, amidst Trump’s having handed much of his foreign policy to psychopaths like John Bolton (CFR) and Mike Pompeo (Bilderberg attendee 2019). We are in as much danger of ill-advised wars of choice as ever, not much better off regarding trade, with the economy in another huge bubble, and higher education in worse shape than ever.

Trump often opens mouth and inserts foot, as when he tells minority Congresswomen born in the U.S. to “go back to their home countries.” He ends up looking as ignorant as his bipartisan critics assert.

Maybe truth really doesn’t matter to this executive branch!

Not to its critics, either. They continue getting Charlottesville wrong. Heather Heyer was not killed protesting at a far right rally. The rally had been called off by authorities hours before. Nor has any mainstream source once mentioned the role ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter played in causing violence.

We are approaching what I’ve started calling epistemic oblivion. Epistemic derives from the Greek word epistēmē, meaning knowledge.

Some call it post-truth. Or fact-free politics.

A phenomenon of the collapse of Auguste Comte’s Third Stage, and our transition to full Fourth Stage postmodernity. Any “truth” you like, just like any “gender” you like!

Truth seems to disappear into conflicting narratives promulgated via various media.

Under such conditions, those not positioned to do their own research, or who have no boots-on-the-ground sources of information, will not know who they should believe. Some will believe nothing. Others will believe anything if it is repeated enough, or if a celebrity said it. Still others will latch onto an ideology or political figure as savior.

Anyone who does so runs a risk. This is my conclusion for mid-2019.

How do you circumvent epistemic oblivion?

You can only do it yourself? You cannot have confidence in “the system.”

Nor in politicians, nor in outsiders who rise as mainstream narratives collapse!

Our proven knowledge is less than we think. It is likely that knowledge has been covered up. Plausible candidates: cures for cancer and other diseases that would send Big Pharma and much of the medical establishment packing; sources of energy that would put the global Big Oil octopus out of business.

What do these have in common? If widely known and disseminated, they would lead to a healthier, freer, and more prosperous world! And above all, a less centralized world!

What you can know is that if two and two seem to be adding up to something other than four, something is wrong. That is, if the authorities are telling us there are five lights when we can look for ourselves and see that there are four.

With things outside the scope of our immediate experience — such as what is going on in foreign countries — there is no alternative to exercising critical judgment as best you can. Which might mean withholding judgment, pending boots-on-the-ground information.

If someone pushing a narrative is gaining monetarily from it, exercise caution! Monetary gain isn’t necessarily bad (we all need it at some point!), but always remember that Paul will not agree to p if his paycheck depends on his maintaining not-p.

Pay attention to the responses against a claim or narrative. Note when common epithets (racist, white supremacist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, communist, conspiracy theorist, etc.) are used instead of substantive engagement. Substantive engagement of a claim involves challenging one or more of its premises, claiming its conclusion doesn’t follow from them, or both.

There are websites listing common fallacies in reasoning. These include the ad hominem attack such as namecalling, false appeals of various sorts (to popularity, to pity, to threats, to economic gain, etc.), strawman, red herring, false dichotomy, false analogy, false cause, equivocation, circular reasoning, hasty generalization, generalizing from atypical cases, arguing from ignorance, poisoning the wells, and so on. Some fallacies are subtle and hard to see at first glance, and best exposed following a good course in logic. (Believe it not, the subject is still taught, although usually not in a way that invites real challenges to authority.)

These are not cure-alls for what ails us. They will do for a start.

No, on second thought, where we must start is in caring about the truth … and about the future.

Both politics and Mammon are dead ends. Look to yourself, look at your attitudes and actions, as these affect others; do your best to purge your thinking from unjustified assumptions and biases of various sorts. Do not lose sight of the forest for the trees. Be sure to value what is true and what is right.

Finally, look to the only real and fully consistent role model many of us have ever found: Jesus Christ, who both talked the talk and walked the walk throughout the Gospels.

That is to say, trust in the Lord!

[Author’s note: as everyone knows, or should know, alternatives to Establishment corporate media are under direct attack. There is Google’s algorithmic censorship as well as the deplatforming we have seen on YouTube. Everyone is hurt by this! Those not supporting official narratives are being kicked off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which will no longer link to sites accused of delivering — we still have no definition of the term — “hate speech.”

Sites like NewsWithViews.com, and self-employed writers like myself, are being relegated to invisibility, and ultimately will not survive unless readers donate. If you value content not beholden to the Deep Establishment, then support it! This is your site, too! My articles are your articles! Our free speech rights translate into your right to receive truthful information you won’t get from CNN or MSNBC! Absent donations, though, we all run the risk of “going dark” very soon; this could well be the last article of this sort I can make time for!

Donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Should you wish to support me personally, great, I accept tips! Please use PayPal via my email address at the end of this article. More details there.]

© 2019 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Cycles And Stages Of Civilization

[Author’s note: as everyone knows, or should know, alternatives to Establishment corporate media are under direct attack. There is Google’s algorithmic censorship as well as the deplatforming we have seen on YouTube. Everyone is hurt by this! Those not supporting official narratives are being kicked off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which will no longer link to sites accused of delivering — we still have no definition of the term — “hate speech.”

Sites like NewsWithViews.com, and self-employed writers like myself, are being relegated to invisibility, and ultimately will not survive unless readers donate. If you value content not beholden to the Deep Establishment, then support it! This is your site, too! My articles are your articles! Our free speech rights translate into your right to receive truthful information you won’t get from CNN or MSNBC! Absent donations, though, we all run the risk of “going dark” very soon; this could well be the last article of this sort I can make time for!

Donate to NewsWithViews.com here. Should you wish to support me personally, great, I accept tips! Please use PayPal via my email address at the end of this article. More details there.

Moreover, I hereby pledge to donate half of anything directed to me back to NewsWithViews.com, both for the editors’ generous willingness to host my commentary all these years, and because I want this site to survive!]

I may be a Christian, but there are things I believe unequivocally that are not shared by all Christians.

(1) While history is moving inexorably towards establishing God’s Kingdom on Earth, no earthly minds know God’s timetable. Those who “just know” that the Rapture will occur “any day now” are, in my book, delusional. This means we are obligated to care about the future, and our role in building it, not leaving things to chance (i.e., folly).

(2) Even if we see history going in a specific direction, what it clearly discloses is that civilizations go through life-cycles just as individuals do. Empires rise; empires fall. I’ve written about this here, here, and here.

A Biblical perspective, moreover, suggests that there were at least two major civilizational cycles, possibly of global reach, before ours. One was destroyed by the Noachian flood; the other was scattered following its building the Tower of Babel, however we interpret the admittedly sketchy Biblical accounts.

Is there physical evidence for this? Yes. Dozens of “ooparts” — out-of-place artifacts — have been uncovered, some embedded in petrified wood or removed from solid rock geologists say is millions of years old. These are not products of any known civilization. In a major work entitled Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (orig. 1966), author and science historian Charles Hapgood documented the existence of maps, the most famous used by the fifteenth century Turkish sea captain Piri Re’is, that show the South American coastline, Greenland minus ice caps, and portions of Antarctica prior to its becoming iced over. These were clearly compiled from maps long gone. Studies have shown them to be surprisingly accurate.

The so-called “experts” deal with these anomalies by the “scientific” method of securing them within the windowless museum basements buried beneath consensus reality and forgetting about them.

(3) There are good reasons to believe our present civilization has begun a long-term downhill slide, Trumpism notwithstanding. Where that slide ends, no one can be certain. But there are still things we can do to mitigate its consequences and possibly even thrive in a future that will be better than the present.

I will leave (1) to the theologians and focus more on aspects of (2) and (3).

In the articles linked to above, I took note of Sir John Bagot Glubb’s theory of the lifecycles of civilizations. Glubb’s ideas, as a few readers pointed out, are not perfect. In retrospect, he plays fast and loose with the lifespans of empires, some of which lasted much longer than the 200-plus years he allows. But the essential point is made. Lifecycles of civilizations exist. The idea applies to our own, which has stages or states we can recognize if we know what to look for.

The author who best expressed a stages-of-civilization theory was philosopher-sociologist Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857).

Opponents of the West’s shift toward a controlled, technocratic order see Comte as one of history’s villains. I get it. His philosophical ideology of positivism offered the foundation and impetus for many intellectual and political-economic sins. Still, he had useful ideas how an advanced civilization develops, and my focus is on these.

His term was the Law of Three Stages. I’ve written about this at length elsewhere. So here I will summarize Comte’s views.

The First Stage is the “religious or fictitious.” It could also be called the stage or state of primitive faith, in which all explanations, even of worldly events, are in terms of supernatural agencies, and giving rise to such notions as the divine right of kings. Or that the king is a god. Theocracy is at home in First Stage thinking.

The Second Stage is the “metaphysical or abstract.” It could be called the stage or state of pure reason: the idea that a philosopher or theologian can start with premises he claims are absolutely certain (immune to doubt) and deduce an entire philosophical or theological system. Arguably, this was what most pivotal Western philosophers beginning with Plato did. Someone such as Ayn Rand — or Ludwig von Mises — is also Second Stage. (Second Stage thought is not necessarily Christian or theist.)

The Third Stage is “scientific and positive.” It is the stage or state of empirical natural science, doing away with a supernatural grounding for knowledge or morals in favor of utility, and towards humanism — the idea that morality begins with humanity and aims at human flourishing, not pleasing a supernatural being. It also does away with certainty in favor of the pragmatism and probability of empirical science. What’s most likely to be true is what’s useful, and maybe even profitable.

Something Comte either missed or deemed unimportant: these are not historical stages as such. While we see a progression, all three exist side by side, sometimes in an uneasy truce, sometimes in conflict as with the battles over prayer in public schools, or the teaching of Darwinism as fact, or the dustier and less visible conflict in academic economics between a handful of aprioristic Austrians and the many Keynesians and monetarists whose data-driven studies bespeak of their empiricism.

Summarizing Comte:

The First Stage suggests intellectual childhood, when we saw parents or other adult figures as akin to gods whom we were expected to obey without question.

The Second Stage embodies our philosophical adolescence — in which our reach exceeded our grasp, and our often reckless and rebellious efforts fell short of their goal, which for philosophers was certainty.

The Third Stage represents our scientific / practical adulthood. We grew up, accepted adult responsibilities, gave up childish and adolescent things. We are finally standing on our own.

Or are we? How’s this really worked out, anyway?

Clearly, Comte and ensuing positivists rested on their laurels too soon. I need not spend much time on details: the twentieth century world wars and acts of genocide, nuclear and other WMDs, the cold war, the pollution now choking even our oceans, the strip-mining of the planet’s natural resources which frequently amounted to Anglo empires bringing down democratically elected governments to ensure access (e.g., Iran, 1953), the continuing danger of nuclear annihilation. And today, the likely health hazards of corporations’ and the masses’ gleeful embrace of 5G technology in the name of profit and convenience respectively.

Not that the world was peaceful before, of course. But Third Stage thinking worked under the assumption that advancing humanist civilization would make us morally better, not just materially and technologically better.

I’d say that if that was the aim, it failed hands down!

In sum: Comtean positivists, humanists such as Bertrand Russell whose “A Free Man’s Worship” (1903) best articulated that quasi-religion based on human aspirations of universal peace and justice, and technocrats who believed they could apply positive science to human society (and still do), have all fallen well short of the mark.

Writers beginning with Christian existentialists such as Kierkegaard understood — as far back as the early 1800s before Comte set pen to paper — that such schemes would fail.

Dostoevsky’s fictional Ivan Karamazov held that “if God doesn’t exist, then everything is permitted.”

Nietzsche warned that with God removed from Western man’s mental map, all that God gave meaning to was also doomed. He predicted that — in the absence of a “revaluation of all values” — the next century would see an “advent of nihilism.”

I don’t think one can look at much twentieth century art (e.g., Dadaism) and not see nihilism. Think of “artists” who spill paint on canvases, let it dry, hang it on a wall, and call it art. My cat could do it.

Instead of a “revaluation of all values,” much twentieth century art, music, literature, and cinema display only ugliness, vulgarity, pessimism, depravity, and violence.

Professional philosophy, meanwhile, has retreated into near-irrelevance.

I posit a Fourth Stage of civilization Comte did not consider. We are in it now, for the most part (a few Third Stagers, such as Richard Dawkins, remain). In that case:

Continuing the above progressions, the Fourth Stage exhibits negativity and anti-intellectualism. It is disdainful not just of authorities that have rightly been shown to have clay feet, but all authority whatsoever: scientific, political-economic, theological.

It is skeptical of all assertions of truth (except, incoherently but revealingly, politically correct ones).

Its minions virtue-signal shamelessly. What counts is presentation and spectacle.

Whenever some pundit says we live in a “post-truth world,” he/she is expressing a Fourth Stage sentiment.

A term used for Third Stage civilization was modernity: based on science, technology, commerce, large and strong institutions, public education including major research centers, and firm confidence in the idea of progress. Modernity was inherently optimistic. The future could be better than the past, and it was up to each of us to help make it so. Utopia awaited, after all!

To call Fourth Stage civilization postmodern sounds trendy, I know. Dated, even. And it probably oversimplifies. But the idea isn’t wrong.

For while benefitting from the genuine achievements of its predecessor, Fourth Stage thought throws out its premises. Truth claims are concealed assertions of domination. Politicians are inevitably liars (often cheats, thieves, and sex-abusers). Economics rationalizes the accumulation (sometimes seizure) of wealth by the one-percent — or is that now the point-zero-zero-zero-one percent?

Everybody has their own narrative (complete with grammar mistake, since grammar, too, is optional).

Fourth Stage thinking is cynical and pessimistic.

And ultimately useless.

I am not saying its best minds get everything wrong, or should be ridiculed. The institutions developed during Third Stage ascendancy are in a shambles. Fourth Stagers get this right, at least by implication.

Donald Trump, like it or not, is a Fourth Stage president. I know many reading this voted for Trump. Heck, I did, too. Better than Hillary was then my favorite line. But let’s step back, view the forest instead of the trees, and ponder what must happen for a somewhat edgy business tycoon turned Hollywood celebrity, who, never having held office before in his life, to seize the nomination of his party of choice, and then win against an elite-anointed insider.

And continue to frustrate his enemies because his command of social media (a Fourth Stage environment if ever there was one!         ) is vastly superior to theirs.

Pseudo-pundits will ridicule Trump’s watching Fox & Friends or serving up tweet-storms. Maybe they should study him instead. He knows what he’s doing.

Trump won because in the eyes of enough voters, the political-economic mainstream in America had collapsed. Both parties. Many Democrats had no enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton. She basically stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders, after all.

And whatever one thinks of Trump’s performance, there is no alternative to him worth speaking of. No Republican Establishment insider is even trying, at least as of this writing. The Democrats, meanwhile, have moved leftward in tune with the insanity of an identity politics that supports the transgenders currently ruining women’s sports. At the moment there are over two dozen Democrat hopefuls. Most are embarrassing.

The Fourth Stage is the Stage not of adulthood and adult responsibilities, but of aging, infirmity, and perhaps dementia. This is why I call it useless.

If the Third Stage is dying — and it is — the Fourth Stage can’t replace it. Not without the roof eventually caving in, as we’ll find out when the latest economic bubble bursts.

Can we move forward? This is where things get interesting.

Could there be a Fifth Stage of civilization? Could some of us build up, for the first time, a stage fully conscious of itself, i.e., its thought leaders fully conscious of what they are doing? This would set it apart from the first four stages?

What will it look like? What problems will it have to solve? What promises does it make? Could it be done in time to avoid what might be the worst crash of all time?! Or will it have to wait until after the crash?

We presently face slews of problems, and they revolve around one thing I won’t identify here. Except that we will need some radically outside-the-box thinking and strategizing.

Are you ready?

[Concluding call-to-action: remember my call for donations. If no one donates, what that says is either that you aren’t interested in solutions or are not in the audience I am reaching out to. I will act accordingly.]

Steven Yates, PhD., has started Copywriting Solutions. He is the author of Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011). He lives in Santiago, Chile, with his wife Gisela and their cat Princesa. His next book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory should be completed soon. Email: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com. He blogs at https://lostgenerationphilosopher.com.

If you wish to make a donation to NewsWithViews.com, go here. This article was done for free. If you think its content is of sufficient value as to merit compensation, please go to PayPal and make a one-time donation of $5, $10, $25, $50, or whatever you think the article might be worth, via my email address above. (I’ve ceased using Patreon as I’d ceased writing the commentary that account was created to support.)

© 2019 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Takedown Of Julian Assange: An Existential Threat To Independent Media

I’d almost ceased writing commentary except for occasional notes on my philosophy blog. Most of what I’d been writing seemed to fall on deaf ears, and I was weary of it.

Plus, the need to start a business to ensure my small family’s financial survival has consumed a good bit of my time for over a year now.

The Julian Assange takedown last Thursday brought me up short. Even though I’d seen in coming.

What I see now is an existential threat to independent publishing and alternative media of whatever sort.

Should it turn out that the British can arrest, and the U.S. can extradite, an Australian citizen, web publisher, and journalist for violating U.S. secrecy laws from well outside U.S. borders, this will establish a precedent that should send chills up and down the spine of every truth-teller in the world, everywhere.

Nothing justifies extraditing Assange to the U.S., unless the long arm of the U.S. government became the arm of a world government while I wasn’t looking.

Everybody knows the basics: Assange started WikiLeaks in 2006, and by 2010 the site was making waves as the major outlet for information the Deep Establishment did not want known.

It should be emphasized that WikiLeaks released material received from then-Bradley (now Chelsea*) Manning implicating U.S. troops in Iraq in what might have been judged to be war crimes if they’d been committed by anyone other than the U.S. or Israel (good WikiLeaks timeline and details here).

Manning did seven years in prison as a de facto political prisoner before then-President Obama commuted his sentence, which had originally been for 35 years.

In 2016, WikiLeaks released the DNC and Podesta emails which became one of the bulwarks of the Russian collusion narrative — a narrative now dead in the water.

Assange denied, and continues to deny, that his source was Russian intelligence.

Direct physical evidence refutes the common claim that the DNC server was hacked, as opposed to illicitly accessed and the emails downloaded onto a thumb drive by someone on the inside (here and here).

This evidence has been ignored. But never mind that now.

Assange appears to have been “targeted for termination” (so to speak) back in 2010.

I do not know if he was somehow set up in Sweden, or if the allegation of sexual assault was simply fabricated. Either is possible. What I doubt is that he’d make himself vulnerable by doing something so breathtakingly stupid.

The timing is suspicious: WikiLeaks released the video of the Apache helicopter assault just months before as well as other info on torture of Iraqi prisoners of war by U.S. troops, the level of civilian casualties in both Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.

So my working assumption is that the Swedish allegation is a hoax. Anyone paying even the slightest attention over the past decade knows that such hoaxes happen.

Assange knew he had incurred the ire of powerful people based in the U.S. He figured they wanted him. Obama was their current bought-and-paid-for lackey. So he defied the British and took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy where he was given asylum. Ecuador’s then-president Rafael Correa was sympathetic, and even eventually granted him Ecuadorian citizenship.

A converted office became Assange’s home for the next six years and ten months, as his passport had been revoked and there was no physical means of getting him out of the U.K.

In early 2017, Ecuador underwent a change of leadership. New president Lenín Moreno, far more U.S.-friendly, saw the Assange situation as a “stone in his shoe.”

Assange’s Embassy life soured. His Internet access was cut, and visits by supporters were curtailed. For all practical purposes, he was in solitary confinement — which many have concluded is a form of torture. Apparently his personal habits and living conditions went downhill. Ecuador accused him of violating the terms of their agreement and withdrew his asylum.

This freed the U.K. to move against him. To them, he’d skipped bail when seeking asylum with Ecuador. The U.S. had bigger fish to fry. The reason he’d sought asylum, after all, was not fear of the Swedish allegation but his certainty it was a cover for a planned U.S. extradition.

On Thursday morning, April 11, it went down.

The man they removed had visibly deteriorated. Watch for yourself.

Assange is in custody in the U.K. Now what?

The U.S. accuses him and Chelsea Manning of trying to hack the password of a federal computer. There are indications of other charges, as of this writing undisclosed.

Manning is again locked up for refusing to testify in a secret hearing before a grand jury investigating Assange. This preceded Assange’s April 11 arrest by less than a month — a dead giveaway something was up.

We’ll see if Assange is brought forcibly to the U.S., given a show trial, and thrown into a deep dark hole.

Or found dead with at least two bullet holes in the back of his head, and authorities rule it a “suicide.”

The larger question: are we about to see the murder of independent journalism — alternative media — before our eyes?

The Deep Establishment cold war against alternative media began on November 24, 2016, and did its share of damage. With this war carried forward by Google, Facebook, and other leviathans of Big Tech in bed with the Deep Establishment, the drop in traffic to alternative sites (including this one) was noticeable.

But so far, independent media has survived!

Truth always does, one way or another!

Alternatives to official outlets continue to be “stones in the shoes” of those who would take us into their techno-feudal future.

Such voices have been annoyances to authoritarian power since the Gutenberg Press was invented, and since Martin Luther distributed copies of his 95 Theses in Wittenberg and started the Protestant Reformation — showing what one dissenting and highly resourceful voice could accomplish.

For the past 12-and-a-half years, the most resourceful dissenting voice has belonged to Julian Assange.

Hence the incentive to make an example of him.

If he ends up incarcerated for a long period of time, or dies suspiciously in custody, it will strike fear in the hearts of independent thinkers, writers, and publishers everywhere.

Keep in mind: Assange is not a U.S. citizen, has never been to the U.S., wanted nothing to do with the U.S. beyond exposing the malfeasance of its war machine. We see how Assange’s case could serve as a precedent: journalists and writers anywhere in the world can be set up, arrested, and extradited if those in power deem them a threat.

The number of truly independent truth-tellers has dwindled over the years. Those I know of would fit in my front room.

The journalism profession as a whole — like academia — sold out long ago. All one has to do to see the level of shilling is turn on CNN or MSNBC or any major network, possibly except Fox News some of the time. As for the latter, folks like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have suffered personal attacks in this era of hoked up accusations of “sexual misconduct” and bogus allegations of “racism.”

If Julian Assange comes to a bad end, mass media and social media will get worse. We’ll see mainstream “news” descend even further into a insipid mixture of feel-good trivia, blatant propaganda, and mindless entertainment. We’ll see more and more reportage conducted in the Twitterverse, where character limits preclude deep thought.

What we won’t see is another WikiLeaks to expose the powerful and challenge dominant narratives.

It will be extremely interesting to watch what Donald Trump does. What we’ve seen so far isn’t encouraging.

Candidate Trump told his supporters, “I love WikiLeaks!” and “WikiLeaks is incredible!”

President Trump, upon being informed of Assange’s arrest, replied timidly that “I know nothing about WikiLeaks, it’s not my thing….”

Don’t take my word for it.

Has Trump become just one more lackey with a selective memory?

We’ll find out, probably before the 2020 election, whether Trump has been sufficiently compromised that the struggle against Deep Establishment globalism directed from the City of London and within the U.S. corporate-state complex is, for all practical purposes, over, at least in the U.S.

So that the march to techno-feudalism can get back to business as usual in the 2020s.

It won’t be easy — for the techno-feudal globalists.

For resistance exists not just on Main Street, U.S., but right there in the U.K. (Brexit!), in France (the Yellow Vests), and in Hungary and Poland where voters have put anti-globalists in their presidencies. Greece has been crushed by “austerity”; Italy is disintegrating.

EU-type systems simply don’t work! Unless you’re a center banker, financier, or other corporate-state globalist interested only in money and power: the telos of the materialist worldview that has dominated the European mind (and power centers) for over two centuries now, and has increasingly come to dominate the U.S. mind.

I don’t know what Julian Assange’s personal worldview is. I don’t know if he’s given the matter much thought. I am sure God has used him, and is using other truth-tellers.

The prophet Isaiah said (1:9): “Unless the Lord of Hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah.”

The Lord of Hosts clearly left us a Remnant, and it is alive throughout the world!

It was never God’s plan for humanity to create a functional world regime, which may be one of the reasons the EU has turned into an utter disaster.

Read the account of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9).

Globalism may win a few battles here and there, but in the end, it cannot win the war.

Although because of our sins, ranging from the de facto apostasy of mainline churches to the U.S.’s truly horrendous crimes (think: 63 million unborn babies and counting!), we may be in for a very rough ride before the Lord returns to set things right!

*It should go without saying that Bradley/Chelsea Manning’s “gender dysphoria” is neither here nor there so far as this matters discussed here are concerned. Gender confusion does not preclude knowledge of right vs. wrong. What he/she did back in 2010 was highly courageous, even if it resulted in severe punishment, including life-threatening periods of solitary confinement. This is what we ought to expect from the military wing of a society based on authority structures instead of freedom.

Steven Yates, PhD., has started Copywriting Solutions. He is the author of Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011). He lives in Santiago, Chile, with his wife Gisela and their cat Princesa. His next book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory should be completed soon. Email: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com. He blogs at https://lostgenerationphilosopher.com.

If you wish to make a donation to NewsWithViews.com, go here. This article was done for free. If you think its content is of sufficient value as to merit compensation, please go to PayPal and make a one-time donation of $5, $10, $25, $50, or whatever you think the article might be worth, via my email address above. (I’ve ceased using Patreon as I’d ceased writing the commentary that account was created to support.)

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Truth-Tellers’ Dilemma, Part 1

I have tried to tell the truth — on this site, on others where I post or have written articles (e.g., here and here), and long ago at places where I am no longer welcome (here; archive butchered into unrecognizability). I’ve not done this for myself. My gains have been negligible. I’ve done it for you — readers — out of a sense, often distressing, that truth should be told and writers have an obligation to tell it. I don’t always get everything right, or cover every topic out there. No one does. But given my limitations — no staff, no income from this worth speaking of (needing outside work, therefore), and being outside the U.S. — I don’t think I do badly. I’ve had occasional help from boots-on-the-ground sources, to whom I am profoundly grateful.

It was clear before the end of the 1990s: before we fully realized that a free press in the U.S. was a myth and had been for some time, the uncensored Internet had the potential to be a repository of truth: a boon to truth-seekers and truth-tellers the likes of which we had not seen before.

Turning points: Matt Drudge breaking the Clinton-Lewinsky story when mainstream outlets were burying it. New alternative media sources emphasizing later that Bill Clinton was not impeached for having sex with an intern in the Oval Office but lying under oath to a grand jury. Pivotal articles on an assortment of topics: this (orig. 1997), this, this which used to be available for free but the original is long gone, this, and this. And the posting of older, crucial documents like this, this, and especially this, among others.

Then came the film that capped off that decade: The Matrix (1999), which inspired my debut series here. What makes this film one of the half-dozen or so most important of the past century is its planting firmly in popular culture the suggestion that much of what we are told — by media and other corporations, government, academia, even many churches — is designed to create an appearance of republican democracy, personal freedoms, and general political-economic well-being, in which, whatever seems wrong, the “experts” have things in hand!

The truth: much of our education and many crucial activities — work, play, taxes — all further, in one way or another, while hiding them behind smokescreens of various sorts, the goals of the oligarchy of kleptocrats in central banks and other global corporations, secondarily their bought political and administrative classes, and the power systems emanating from what is now called the Deep State: the military-intelligence-security-information complex. The main smokescreen is mainstream (corporate) media, owned by a handful of megaconglomerates and elite billionaires. What is a kleptocrat? We mean someone who may once have earned money with a genuinely useful product people wanted, but who discovered that in a financialized system based on fractional banking and fiat money he can get much richer through investment (going public, taking stock buybacks, etc.). And has joined the 300 or so extended families who for well over a century have seen themselves as most fit to rule over the unwashed masses, their rulership being all but invisible unless you know just where to look.

The Matrix of the film was “a neural-active simulation … a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this,” says the central character Morpheus as he holds up a common flashlight battery, implying the machines’ parasitic use of our life energies while lay there, plugged in, oblivious. The Real Matrix is the fantasy world generated by major media, government, and public education with assistance from other dominant institutions, its purpose being to keep us peons under control, ignorant of our parasite masters but properly servile within the system that empowers and enriches them.

Many folks, as The Matrix’s central character Morpheus observes, are at least modestly satisfied in their ignorance, as the Real Matrix supplies paychecks, creature comforts, and sometimes advancement for the especially cooperative, along with abundant entertainment on the side (professional sports, American Idol, the Kardashians, other public spectacles of all kinds). They are entirely dependent on the system — not just economically but psychologically. They will fight to protect the fantasy world.

Aldous Huxley wrote back in 1955:

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.”

And CNN talking heads and many “economists” paid to cite statistics allegedly telling us that all is well in the ship of state — claims that often conflict with viewers’ personal experiences, causing cognitive dissonance. The restless can look to professional agitators across the political spectrum. The point is to keep those involved in “causes” believing they have options they realistically do not have, and to direct their attention and activities down dead ends. As long as violent baby-leftists (e.g., Antifa) and naïve alt-rightists are screaming obscenities at one another, sometimes exchanging blows, neither sees what is happening at the top.

Today, we are losing the Internet, little by little. I am not referring to “net neutrality,” another distraction. The kleptocrats allowed the Internet to get away from them well before that as we saw. It was bound to dawn on some of them that this was a mistake. Since late 2016 they have been taking action to rectify that mistake. It hasn’t been that difficult.

For starters, the Internet is now dominated by a handful of corporate goliaths: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, a few others. All are in bed with the Deep State. Google’s is the dominant search engine, which now owns YouTube, the largest online repository of videos, and WhatsApp, the most popular messaging system. Facebook and Twitter are the most visible social media platforms. Their reputations for censorship, and the former for carelessness (on the most charitable interpretation!) with user data, grow almost daily. Amazon is the largest online retailer — and a major contractor with the CIA. Windows has been the dominant operating system for PCs at least since 1995, with which Linux cannot truly compete even when you can download it for free, because of arrangements made long ago between Microsoft and manufacturers to pre-install Windows and accompanying software on their devices.

Convenient? Of course! No one wanted to buy a computer and have to install the operating system himself. The masses’ desire for convenience is a tool that can be used, however. If you believe “free market competition” exists in this environment, the Real Matrix still has you.

The Real Matrix still has you, moreover, if you believe the brand of capitalist that dominates this industry has any interest in freedom of speech or thought. The career trajectory of James Damore, fired from Google following his frank but reasonable explanation why the corporation could not recruit more women engineers, ought to dispel that notion at once. Damore’s claim was the obvious one: because of our natural, biological “hardwiring” there are things men tend to be better at than women, such as engineering, just as there are things women are better at than men, such as nursing and other kinds of caregiving. For this Damore was dismissed from his job at Google. He sued; his suit was dismissed, unsurprising given both the power imbalance and the legal system’s commitment to gender preferences (in the Orwellian tongue: equal opportunity). Some of the ensuing discussion indicated how science itself has been corrupted by identity politics, as well as the lengths to which some will go to discredit dissidents like Damore. The relevant questions thus cannot be asked. Dissenting lines of inquiry cannot be pursued. Doing so is career suicide.

Visceral threats to job, income, career, are how de facto coercion is exercised in present-day digital capitalism — a brand of dictatorship without a visible dictator because the coercion is systemic, a manifestation of what the late political philosopher Sheldon Wolin (1922 – 2015) called inverted totalitarianism in which economics trumps politics, everything and everyone is commodified, our lives are encircled by consumerism and theater, and elections become farces because so-called liberal democracy has become a façade.

Behind the façade, moneyed interests and their lobbyists matter; voters do not. The latter’s focus, moreover, is more on their own often precarious situations than electoral politics, situations that are also systemic. Wolin emphasized that classic totalitarians (e.g., Hitler, Stalin, Mao) encouraged enthusiastic mass support. Inverted totalitarianism encourages and reinforces apathy, as the masses are perpetually entangled in myriad private dilemmas (job worries, the rising cost of health care, etc.).

In the past, yes, online dissent was tolerated. Films like The Matrix got made and widely discussed. Perhaps the kleptocrats did not see these as much of a threat. But on the night of November 8, 2016, that changed.

Just recently, YouTube removed thousands of conservative-leaning and “conspiratorial” videos. As I write, the site’s owners are purging anything seeming to promote guns and gun-ownership. The former is part of the ongoing campaign against “fake news,” i.e., the cyberwar against online truth-telling which began right after Donald Trump’s “populist” victory blindsided the kleptocrats and became the biggest threat in over a generation to their path through globalizing economics to a world state that would answer to their corporate empires (some called this state of affairs the New World Order, a phrase sullied from overuse).

This war’s opening shots were fired here: with unnamed “experts” alleging the presence of espionage-level “Russian propaganda” on some 199 alternative news/commentary sites including the one you are now reading, recommending a federal investigation, but presenting no evidence to back up their charges. The article’s credibility should have been zero. The reportage was National Enquirer quality. But we weren’t reading The National Enquirer. We were reading the front page of The Washington Post.

There’s part of our problem. Credibility by longstanding position and name-recognition, not to mention the vastly superior resources of an owner, Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon.com), with a net worth now over $105 billion. If you believe position, name-recognition, and massive wealth (now accrued through ownership of Amazon stock) provide guarantees of truthfulness, the Real Matrix still has you.

Do we now have any insight into who or what was behind PropOrNot? This might enlighten you. Warning: it’s not pretty!

It was primarily in response to the PropOrNot stunt and the publicity it generated that Google changed its search algorithms, making “alternative news” harder to find. Many sites, including this one, saw their web traffic drop precipitously over subsequent months.

My initial publications on this site (“The Real Matrix” series mentioned above) garnered hundreds of emails, including requests to reprint, talk radio invites, and an all-expenses-paid speaking gig at a national meeting (original website long gone, interestingly).

For well over a year now, my articles have been doing well to receive a dozen responses, most from long time readers. Invitations to speak have vanished.

The sites removed from YouTube include those of Mike Adams, better known as the Health Ranger. Still available, at least as of this writing, is Alex Jones’s InfoWars channel which at one point had two complaints against it (three and you’re gone). Jones has threatened to sue if his channel is removed. Such a suit would strike another blow for freedom of speech on the Internet, and its outcome would speak volumes about whether free speech will continue to exist in any meaningful form. Whether you like Jones or not, he’s less of a pushover than a James Damore, if only because as an Internet entrepreneur instead of an ex-employee he has greater visibility and commands more resources.

Jones is being sued, however, adding yet another layer of intrigue to our story. Brennan Gilmore, who filmed the car plowing into the crowd in Charlottesville, lodged a complaint alleging that he’s suffered harassment and threats, and that members of his family have been harassed as well. He blames “conspiracy theorists” generally and Jones in particular. Jones and others (myself included) suggested last August that as a former employee in Hillary Clinton’s State Department and known Hillary supporter, as well as an employee of a Virginia Democrat partly funded by George Soros, his presence at that exact spot seemed like something more than pure chance. This is not, as his suit alleges, to make the simplistic charge that he “planned the attack.” This is on a par with inferring from the holes in the official story of the 9/11 attacks the idea that “George W. Bush planned 9/11” which no one with a brain believes.

A statement from Gilmore’s attorney, of the very well-connected Georgetown Law Civil Rights Clinic: “We don’t think the First Amendment protects blatantly defamatory speech that inspires violence and hatred of victims of terrorist attacks and mass shootings.” This statement’s dishonesty is literally off the map. Gilmore made himself a public figure. He wrote articles. Defamation accusations hold water only if its targets really said those things. This has not been shown. At what point did anyone visible expressed “hatred” for the victim of the car attack? Perhaps such statements can be found on a few extreme-right forums where anything goes. As I don’t visit such sites I have no idea what’s on them. Jones is surely not responsible for their content, and I doubt he threatened anyone in Gilmore’s family which is, of course, reprehensible.

But if YouTube were to get away with shutting down Alex Jones’s channel, or if Gilmore and his Deep State connected law firm can wage the increasingly common practice of “lawfare” to harm him monetarily nevertheless, think what these and other powerful players could do to us lesser-knowns who are struggling financially — mainly because of our truth-telling activities!

Are we nearing a day when anyone branded a “conspiracy theorist” on, say, CNN, or demonized as a “hater” by the equally well-connected SPLC, will have no First Amendment protections?

When the First Amendment is interpreted by the Supreme Court as protecting huge campaign contributions from billionaires (Citizens United), but a court will not protect criticisms of radical feminist assumptions by a James Damore, has free speech not become as big of a joke as the idea of a free press?

Do you really believe you have freedom of speech on social media?

(To be Continued in Part 2).

© 2018 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Guns, Culture, And The Last Century’s Seismic Shift

The other day, having followed the aftermath of the latest school shooting (Douglas High School, Parkland, Fl.), I recalled a conversation between my late father and late uncle. I think I was in junior high school (I’m not sure). That’s how long the left-liberal effort to control gun ownership has been going on, and this gives me hope that the Second Amendment is safe.

Today, of course, the issue has exploded again. We are regaled in every news broadcast by those emotionally proclaiming that “we need to have a conversation about guns,” especially assault weapons.

I need to say up front: Second Amendment issues, types of firearms, the specifics of gun laws, their histories, etc., are not my areas of expertise. I’ve thus tended to steer clear of them. But our present situation is about more than guns. The upsurge of deadly violence involving firearms over the past couple of decades has not happened in a cultural vacuum. This I can write about with confidence.

So to continue: my two elders were recalling how they shot at rats moving in, out, and around a large dumpster behind the house where they grew up. My dad was born in 1923; his brother, in 1925. They became Depression kids, in other words. I also recall stories of their retrieving coal for the stove, which was the only way their parents could keep the place warm during winter months. Depression kids did things like shoot rats to amuse themselves, and it might have even kept the rat population in check (my dad once said he got to be a fairly good shot back then).

Arguably, guns were more prevalent then than they are now, and kids had greater access to them.

No one gave this a second thought.

And as bad as things were for many families during the Depression, there were no school shootings. There were no epidemics of seemingly random mass murder. There were instances of violence, but they were traceable to specific events, such as unionized worker strikes and responses to them.

A kind of cultural maturity existed back then that does not exist today. Kids learned early that guns are not toys. They acted accordingly (neither my dad nor my uncle would ever have pointed a gun at one another, or at some other kid, not even in jest).

No one acted as if the masses having guns was a danger to the body politic. Why not?

Because the overall mood of the 1930s was considerably more optimistic than that of today.

All one need do to see this is listen to the music of the period. One of the best indices of a culture’s mindset is its music. Is it upbeat? Does a culture’s music stress positive and uplifting themes, or negative and destructive ones? Are artists performing to audiences, or at them? Are they celebrating what is good in this imperfect world, or at least appealing to human benevolence? Or are they trying to raze everything to the ground?

The 1930s saw the rise of the big bands in the wake of the “jazz age” of the 1920s. We saw variations like swing. A popular dance of the era was the “jitterbug.”

Listen to this YouTube Video

My parents owned copies of many of those recordings. This was the music on their old record players (which had 78-speed capabilities) when I was a child. These songs, whose individual themes may differ, communicate a sense of tranquility and inner peace that does not exist today.

Now listen to this, Judy Garland’s signature song, from later in the decade:

Her theme is escaping from troubles — but there’s no negativity! No harshness! She is singing to her audience. Having listened, you feel uplifted and not like crawling into a closet.

Now compare what you just heard to this, released last year:

I selected this track because British recording artist Gary Numan is intelligent and knows what he is doing. Note the desolation from the first frame. Instead of rainbows, we see a wasteland. Not a blade of grass anywhere; nothing to suggest hopefulness. We hear of “ruin,” “vengeance,” and “no one is calling.” The constantly shifting camerawork, moreover, seems calculated to put you on edge and keep you there. The harsh nightmarishness of the music reinforces and is reinforced by this. The point is, in this track/video there’s no peace, no tranquility; there are suggestions of troubles aplenty but no escaping them. It’s all negativity. Having listened (assuming you made it all the way through), you don’t feel uplifted. You might instead feel like breaking something!

It’s a long way from the 1930s to 2017, of course, and popular music has had its uplifting moments and its downcast ones all the way through. But the general trend is clear.

The rock and roll of the 1950s was mostly upbeat. I would argue that cultural optimism in rock continued through the 1960s and early 1970s even if it was infused by psychedelic drugs and went in several directions from the soft and melodious folk-rock classics of Simon & Garfunkel to the “prog” of groups like Yes and ELP to the harder edges of Led Zeppelin.

But in the mid to late 1970s, with “punk rock,” things turned dark:

Compare this YouTube Video from 1970

with this YouTube Video from 1977

“Johnny Rotten” is “singing” at people, of course, not to them. And yes, next to him is “Sid Vicious,” who lived up to his stage name by murdering his girlfriend with a butcher knife a year or so later and then, out on bail, dying of a heroin overdose before his trial date. He was 21.

Punk rock groups had names like the Clash, the Dead Boys, the Damned, Suicidal Tendencies, etc. They tended to not rehearse, because their purpose was not to make music but mayhem. Their shows involved not “jitterbugging” with real dance moves requiring actual ability, but “slamdancing” in which audience members jumped up and down (this was called “pogoing”) flailing their arms in circles or careening into others. Fistfights were common; shows were sometimes stopped because of violence.

There were hints of darkness before, of course (especially in New York City “underground” bands), but it was around 1977 that such groups caught on and began to draw a major following, helped by the mainstream rock press, e.g., Rolling Stone which promoted punk rock incessantly. The 1980s partially recovered, but a dark underground remained. Rap, of course, was also violent, with its incitements of attacks on police, on white people, etc. — also to be contrasted with the uplifting soul which dominated black music in the 1960s or the jazz of someone such as Ella Fitzgerald that prevailed earlier. With very rare exceptions, I could not post exemplars of rap because of their streams of casual obscenities.

Television followed a parallel trajectory once it got started. The 1960s saw family oriented series (e.g., Leave It To Beaver) and variety shows (e.g., The Jackie Gleason Show) that were wholesome fun for the whole family. In the late 1970s, popular nighttime “soaps” like Dallas introduced cynicism and casual cruelty into their plots, personified by the character J.R. Ewing who acted without conscience using people and situations to climb to the top of the oil business. By the 1980s, police dramas (e.g., NYPD Blue) were bringing graphic violence into people’s family rooms on a regular basis.

By the 1990s, TV had descended to the studied absurdity of Seinfeld; comedy more broadly had been taken over by “performers” who couldn’t speak three sentences without curses or scatological references. They “performed” in clubs because if television had grown progressively coarser there were still limits, if only because of legal liabilities. Cable had arrived the decade before, of course, and soon offered pay-per-view movie channels some of which dispensed hard core pornography which was, in any event, was readily available on the Internet by the 2000s.

This, of course, doesn’t begin to cover the avalanche of violence in films during this same period. We have also come along way from The Wizard of Oz (1939) which featured Judy Garland’s song to Pulp Fiction (1994), Natural Born Killers (1994) and American Psycho (2000).

Obviously, Anglo-American popular culture underwent a long-term seismic shift during the last century. A single article can’t begin to cover all its effects, from music to film and television to technology and its effects.

The materialist worldview had dominated the scientific-philosophical world for at least three decades by the time of the Depression, of course. Leading British philosopher Bertrand Russell had penned this classic defense of science-based atheism back in 1903. He was not the first to announce that ethically, we were essentially on our own with our “ideals.”

Philosophies such as French existentialism (major exemplars: Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus) were responses in a broad sense to materialist atheism. They focused not on “ideals” so much as on the condition of the human person in a world rendered meaningless and absurd — where we have (as Johnny Rotten would “sing” years later) “no future” except the grave.

The world of the 1930s was still fundamentally Christian, especially in the U.S. Common people looked to Christianity’s transcendent values for morality, for support, and for hope. A Christian worldview was built into most families, into education, and into communities.

This was reflected in the era’s music.

One institution after another, beginning in the early 1950s, removed Christianity from its center — relying on bogus interpretations of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause that ignored “the free expression thereof.” The elimination of prayer from public schools was the most visible and controversial of these moves.

So what does all this have to do with guns?

There aren’t significantly more guns per capita today than there have ever been, but there are more people willing to use them to kill. Why is that? Not simply because guns are available, I argue, but because of the growing sense of absurdity as well as frustrated expectations: the sense even in the mainstream that all we exist for is to earn money to survive or by helping someone else get rich, the overseas wars fought at taxpayer expense most of them unnecessary, have all cheapened life. The legalization of abortion in 1973 was a quantum leap in devaluing human life.

The divine spark in all of us rebels against this in one way or another.

But some will argue, we’ve always had war, and in the past we had well-known acts of genocide.

The answer is that such acts always provoked horror and revulsion. Today, abortion is proclaimed in feminist classrooms as a “woman’s reproductive right” as we stand on the remains of over 60 million unborn babies slain in their mothers’ wombs.

A significant fraction of what would have been the millennial generation has been aborted. What does that tell us about the value of life not in Soviet Russia or in Nazi Germany, but rather in liberal-secularist America?

Our problem is not guns. Our problem is our prevailing philosophical and cultural ethos, which is nihilistic and destructive.

Get to the point! some will retort. People with criminal backgrounds, or who have diagnosed mental illnesses, should not be legally able to obtain firearms.

Maybe not, but we beg to ask: just what is behind the epidemic of mental illness in this culture? Some (e.g., this writer) blame the avalanche of pharmaceuticals in the marketplace and invite you to observe that every third television commercial today advertises a drug. While there is abundant evidence that at least some mass killers (those at Columbine in 1999 come to mind) were under Big Pharma’s “loving care” — there’s a problem.

While I’m no friend of Big Pharma’s, millions of people take its products and do not become mass killers. That tells me that trying to establish cause-and-effect here is premature.

Our problem is not pharmaceuticals, unhealthy though they may be, and however unhealthy may be a medical marketplace in which corporations can rake in billions dispensing this stuff.

Still others will argue that all we need to do regarding guns is go back to the basics: reaffirm our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms (Second Amendment). This Amendment was not written to protect the rights of hunters to shoot ducks. It was written so common people could organize (the “militia”) and protect themselves from encroaching tyranny, should it come to that. Either you believe in an inherent right to defend yourself or you do not. Period.

I agree completely, in the abstract. One problem, however, is that being based on logic instead of emotion, this argument brings a knife to, er, a gunfight. For that reason alone it will probably fall on deaf ears. The more important issue, for my purposes here: it, too, misses the larger point.

Our problem is not mere departures from the Constitution, bad as these are. It is the prevailing philosophy and the cultural ethos it has enabled.

I do not mean philosophy in the academic sense. Most academic philosophy is worthless (trust me: I was there). Academic philosophers traded relevance for job security long ago, and then — also beginning in the 1970s — threw a big part of the next generation to the wolves. My generation. That’s a different article. The point is, they fumbled the ball. The nihilists in music, art, television, cinema, and other arenas picked it up and ran with it.

One other factor is worth discussing briefly. American culture today is hypercompetitive. It is more money-focused than ever before. These factors also tend to isolate people from one another, especially impressionable teens. The emphasis on some having more wealth than others, better lives than others, more fun than others, better sex than others, etc., etc., triggers resentments. Social media offers a bogus sense of connectedness that often exaggerates this fear that you are the one losing out.

Financial problems, moreover, tend to break up more families than any other single isolable factor. For over three decades now, many teenagers — many of whom never had the stable family life that is requisite to a truly healthful development — have been left to fend essentially for themselves, without moral guidance, and so have little trouble deciding that if material reality gets the last word in a world of scarcity based on money and competition where some win and some lose, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with not mere indifference to others but actually hurting them if that’s what it takes to be one of the winners.

Capitalism may have done better than any other economic system at producing wealth and prosperity, but its marriage to a materialist worldview has been a cultural and educational disaster, encouraging psychological isolation, seething resentments, kleptocracy among the elites, and sociopathy within the masses.

For a damaged and isolated teenager, angered by additional personal factors (in Nikolas Cruz’s case, losing a girlfriend to a breakup last year) and with access to firearms, it is not many more steps to the idea that it is “okay” (or at least, not “wrong”) to express one’s rage by using them to kill.

The problem, again, is not capitalism or hypercompetition or teenage isolation or the hurt that is often par for the course when immature teen relationships end: things that have happened to most of us at one time or another. The problem is the philosophy that tells us that in the final analysis it doesn’t mean anything, that human life has no intrinsic worth because there are no fundamental rights or wrongs, and that therefore if you want to do something, such as pick up a gun and kill your classmates, there can be no ultimate judgment against it.

The line of thought here may seem startling or harsh or perverse, but is not that different from those in a kleptocratic political class, or in the global corporatocracy, who woke up one day years ago in their plush circumstances having decided that given the absence of fundamental accountability to a Higher Power, there is nothing wrong with them increasing their power on Earth and ruling as they see fit, by whatever means are necessary.

As Thrasymachus the worldly sophist scornfully told Socrates in Plato’s classic The Republic, “justice” is just the will of the stronger party, who defines the term to his advantage.

Without saying that Cruz was consciously thinking any of this — who knows? — philosophy is not irrelevant to culture: to the kind of culture that breeds a select number of mass killers who use guns simply because they are available.

A philosophy that dominates intellectual centers (universities) will seep outward by a kind of cultural osmosis, as those they train move into positions of influence. It will work its way through mediating institutions and change them from the inside out. People who are not even aware of its principles intellectually will nevertheless begin to live them. If a replaced worldview expressed and allowed for cultural optimism and the replacing one encourages nihilism and rage, the new cultural products and practices will reflect that.

I submit that this philosophical seismic shift — and not the prevalence of guns in America — bears the brunt of blame for “gun violence”: which includes not just school shootings, of course, but the fact that thousands of people will die violently in cities like Chicago this year, and their survivors will not be paraded on camera as have been the kids of Douglas High School as if they had suddenly become experts on why government should immediately institute new gun control measures (even though law enforcement agencies including the FBI had received numerous warnings that Nikolas Cruz was a walking time bomb and did nothing!).

No, more gun bans are not the solution.

Our problem is the culture’s prevailing philosophy, which (among other things) tells us we are animals with big brains, that there is no God to Whom we answer, nor any Afterlife, and that some of us are damaged victims and others are victimizers and villains, and that if “we” are to get justice (conveniently left undefined) it must be gotten in this life, here and now!

Since most of us are relatively powerless in this life, such a philosophy is a recipe for chaos!

The solution is easy to say but will be very hard to implement.

Debunk materialism. Work to undo its long-term effects. Restore the Christian ethos that once prevailed (minus that era’s admitted faults, such as racial discrimination).

What will make this hard to do is not merely the heated emotions of those shouting hysterically that “we need to get rid of guns!” What will make it hard is the fact that our educational system is dysfunctional from top to bottom. Kids are graduating from places like Douglas unable to do basic math, much less understand the intricacies of legal reasoning, whether about guns or much else. The type of conversation we need will therefore be light years over the heads of those currently making the most noise.

It is very difficult to get worldviews discussed publicly. Universities don’t teach the concept. The percentage of the population that understands it is vanishingly small. Much of the mainstream is probably unsalvageable. We are told there is a small “remnant” that is reachable (Isaiah 1:9), and it will be this “remnant” that rebuilds whatever is left of this culture — possibly in the guise of localization-focused efforts of the sort I’ve written about previously. If we are to have any chance of reaching them, we need to start now — not tomorrow, not next week, not at the next election — but now!

[Author’s Note: if you believe this article was worth your time, please consider supporting my writing with a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day.

This is an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, to be marketed as the first serious novel of the Donald Trump era, which, so far as I know, it is. In it, a ex-Wall Street globalist technocrat defends his views on elitism and oligarchy before a community wracked by the effects of globalization in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — to be contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book, in my case, means the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work might make a contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I often criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below).

I allowed myself (via a handful of reader emails) to be talked out of going into retirement at the end of 2017, to give this at least one more year, but due to my own situation, that will be the best I can do.]

© 2018 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

To Save America And The West, Get Rid Of Identity Politics

The responses / reactions to President Trump’s State of the Union address reflect a divided nation. Trump’s supporters loved the speech — and in all honesty, while it contained claims I found dubious, it was the most riveting State of the Union address I’ve seen in years.

On the other hand, the usual suspects hated everything about it, finding in it all manner of “racist” red flags, evidence of “xenophobia,” “white supremacy,” etc., etc., ad nauseam.

It may be that Trump exaggerated the performance of the economy, and that numbers he once decried as “fake” (e.g., the official, U-3 unemployment rate) he now accepts as givens. Every recent president, however, claimed the economy was doing better than it really was. Trump is no exception to this.

But from what I can gather, from keeping in touch with friends back home, the U.S. economy really has improved over the past several months! Trump was able to cite the lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates ever recorded. No one challenged these numbers; major media and left-liberal black groups simply ignored them. Whether you credit Trump for this, for having encouraged a business-friendly environment able to create jobs for all Americans, or whether you think these tendencies began under Obama, appears to depend on which side of the divide you are on.

I don’t wish to talk further about economics here, though. I wish to discuss the continued allegations of Trump’s “white supremacy,” etc. I wish to discuss what I consider an ill-advised response to the situation white males now face, which is to be openly demonized in corporate media and in academia (e.g., most recently at length here).

Much of the prevailing discussion turns on identity politics. What, precisely, is identity politics? It is, in a word, the retribalizing of the West, with preferential policies (e.g., affirmative action) and unlimited immigration via open borders as its two main tools.

More specifically, identity politics means labeling persons as group members first, and everything else second, with one’s political interests tied directly to group identity. The original groups were racial/ethnic, but feminists soon embraced it; then came religious minorities (e.g., Muslims) and sexual minorities (homosexuals and now transgenders).

Only members of a group can speak for that group, and those who do so must tow an official line, such as playing the role of victim. Those who step out of line, even accidentally, face verbal attack and sometimes severe punishment. Think of black teenagers who study, make good grades, and then are beaten up on school playgrounds for “acting white.” Or think of this young woman, who appears to have weathered the storm that surrounded her last year — protected, somewhat, by the obvious circuslike ambience now surrounding academic leftism.

Identity politics has its roots in a 1965 essay by Frankfurt School educated cultural Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse, Repressive Tolerance. (For a good recent overview of the historical roots of cultural Marxism, go here.) Marcuse argued in that essay that equal opportunity for black Americans required more than mere nondiscrimination mandated by the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act. It required they be given special advantages. These included ensuring that their opinions be favored in the so-called marketplace of ideas while those of the majority group (i.e., whites) be actively repressed. “Repressive tolerance” in practice tolerated leftist voices but not conservative ones.

Feminists soon embraced the idea, and preferential policies quickly expanded to include women. They ceased merely demanding equal pay for equal work and started calling for special treatment, e.g., favoritism to achieve equal representation on university faculties, corporate boards, etc. Soon, treatises were appearing on “women’s way of viewing the world” as incommensurably different from that of men’s: kinder, gentler, more nurturing, etc. This became the root of today’s lamentations about “toxic masculinity.”

In some areas, of course, men and women do see things differently. I don’t believe men and women view relationships the same way. Women are probably more empathetic than men, because their capacity to nurture very young children depends on this. Radical feminists took a fundamentally sound idea and ran off the cliff with it. They began spreading claims, absurd on their face, that the sciences (especially biology!) contained built-in “sexism” because most famous scientists had been / were / are men. They saw “under-representation” of women in work forces as due to “gender discrimination” and “misogyny” instead of inherently biological and psychological differences of “wiring” that incline the sexes to different roles not just in family life but in their professional lives. Most nurses and other caretakers are women, because arguably more women have the relational orientation that makes one a good nurse or caretaker. Most engineers and programmers are men, because these disciplines require more abstract thought at which men tend to excel. (Do note: I said most, because obviously there are exceptions.)

Identity politics embraces that idea that all such differences are “social constructs,” not products of biology. The same for race/ethnicity: differences are cultural, with the presumption (for which there is no evidence) that since all groups are inherently equal, European whites soaring ahead in recent centuries can only be explained due to their racism and the slave trade, ongoing hate, and massive discrimination — exemplified today in criticisms of preferential policies such as affirmative action and resistance to open borders immigration policies. According to identity politics, differences exist because one group, “straight white Christian males” has enslaved, discriminated against, hated, etc., all other groups. This legacy shapes the other groups’ thought and identity. The solution, for leftists, has been to disempower white males.

Today’s divisions, including the Trump era itself, are explained in identity politics as panicked “white male backlash” in the face of white males losing their cultural and political power.

“Whiteness,” of course — white identity — is verboten except to be deconstructed in accordance with Marcuse’s “repressive tolerance” thesis. White males are still the “dominant group,” after all. “Whiteness” thus comes under attack within academia and related circles as equal to “privilege”; we are expected to ignore that most whites have no special privileges, and that as a whole they have lost economic ground as well as population over the past three decades or so while every other group has registered gains.

The alt-right rejects the idea of “white privilege” but not white identity. It advocates for whites / white males embracing identity politics, directly or indirectly.

I’ve discussed the alt-right’s Hegelian intellectual-cultural roots at length in this essay, so I won’t repeat those claims here. What I want to do is suggest a better solution for a divided nation than what the alt-right proposes.

Get rid of identity politics!

Acknowledge that it was a bad idea — not progressive but regressive.

From the day Herbert Marcuse put pen to paper, it was a guaranteed divider of groups and ultimately of nations, as it would foment resentments that would lead first to lawsuits (the first of which by a white male was Bakke in 1978), then to pushback of various strengths, and finally to the situation we have today, in which violence is breaking out between the preferred and their defenders, street-level cultural Marxists such as Antifa, and those which it is now acceptable to demonize as fascists or neo-Nazis (conservatives).

Thomas Sowell has documented at length (e.g., here) that explosive hostilities are inevitable whenever governments offer privileges to some at the expense of others, on whatever basis, for a sufficient length of time.

Today’s battles over free speech on campus, where efforts to suppress conservative speakers now erupt into violence and sometimes cost campuses as much as $500K trying to ensure security, offer one variation on this theme. What we see are leftists (e.g., Antifa) getting violent as they attempt to shut down conservative voices — in accordance with Marcuse’s call to repress such voices back in 1965. (It happened again at the University of Washington campus just the other day as I write this.)

This is going to continue, and probably worsen, until one of these melees gets sufficiently out of hand that people get killed. All it will take is one or two Antifa members showing up with handguns — or, for that matter, if one group of whites decides to take matters into their own hands and retaliate against a physical attack on one of their number with deadly force.

A rational view of our present situation therefore compels getting rid of identity politics, along with the policies of favoritism it tries to protect.

The present problems will not be solved simply by proclaiming conservative values, though. It is necessary to lay bare the roots of efforts to shut down conservative speech, and note that given those roots, pushback leading to the present stark divisions was inevitable.

What might seem surprising is that there is a sensible leftist argument against identity politics. A handful of voices (e.g., here and here) have noted that identity politics has not just demonized the right but divided the left, with each victim group pursing its own agenda. In his book Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth Century America (1998), center-left philosopher Richard Rorty (1931 – 2007) distinguished the reformist left (focused on the alleged failures of laissez-faire capitalism, on poverty, and on class-based inequality) from the cultural left (focused on race/ethnicity, sex/gender, abortion, homosexuality, etc.). Identity politics came out of the latter, of course. He criticized identity politics as having made the left less relevant in a broad sense, compared to efforts that achieved concrete results with staying power such as the New Deal. Rorty believed the cultural left’s swinging “white privilege” as a blunt club against whites en masse would one day generate a counterassault. He is thus sometimes credited with foreseen the rise of Donald Trump and of the alt-right (accessible summary of the basic idea here).

Rorty and others have noted, moreover, that as identity politics demands “equal representation” of every group on the boardrooms, etc., of the global corporatocracy, a credible left would challenge the legitimacy of the global corporatocracy itself. I pause here to note that a credible right should be doing the same thing, even if working from different premises. Identity politics effectively plays into the hands of globalists seeking to establish a world state that would serve the global corporatocracy’s interests. This explains why globalists by and large approve of identity politics: not because they care about blacks and Muslims and women and homosexuals, but because identity-political activists are perfect useful idiots in Lenin’s sense. They distract the masses with an endless parade of events such as campus disruptions and ridiculous nonissues such as which bathrooms transgenders should be able to use, all the while globalists get ever closer to their real goals (not to mention richer and richer).

Getting rid of identity politics won’t be as easy as arguing these claims, of course.

It is possible that some kind of tribalism is our human default setting. Only the Christianized West rose out of tribalism, having developed such Enlightenment notions as Universal Reason (based on Aristotelian logic) and Universal Human Rights (based on the Christian idea that all persons were created in God’s image). While numerous other cultures reached stability, sometimes lasting for thousands of years, practically none applied basic moral categories to peoples outside their tribe.

I’ve considered this problem previously, and found myself wondering if the conversation of the West, especially its deterioration into a dialogue-of-the-deaf, suggests that Enlightenment notions such as Universal Reason (based on Aristotelian logic) and Universal Human Rights (based on the Christian idea that we were created equal in God’s image) have run their course.

After all, as a reader once reminded me, whatever Western philosophers have had to say on these matters, the fact remains: the rest of the world does not think that way!

With rare exceptions (fully Westernized enclaves such as Hong Kong and Singapore), he was right. Western ideas, moreover, cannot be forced on peoples against their will.

Tribalism cannot be suppressed, but we surely do not need ideologies that encourage it, or to force together, into the same cities and onto the same streets, peoples whose basic worldview rejects tribalism (Europeans) with peoples whose worldview embraces it, at least by implication (Muslims are the obvious example in Europe; but think of Black Lives Matter in the U.S.).

Our present moment thus leaves us with a stark choice.

We either get rid of the cultural forces that are retribalizing the West, e.g., identity politics, or the West will pass into the history books. The foundational ideas that built Western civilization will not be sustainable.

European civilization is clearly in decline, courtesy of the unlimited immigration (colonization would be a better term!) of unassimilable Muslims, and the use of political correctness / identity politics to protect them even as they destroy the dominant culture while terrorizing local populations. These are official policies of EU power elites and a political class that is well protected from their stupidity and shortsightedness.

This trend is actually far more dangerous than just assaults on free speech. Native Europeans, for numerous reasons, are not having children, while Muslim immigrants are — at a rate likely to ensure that within 30 years, Muslims will be a numerical majority and Europe will be a Muslim subcontinent with a population likely to vote itself into Sharia Law! Europe is just a few years ahead of the Americas on this curve. American whites, withering under the dual assault of cultural Marxism and globalism, are also not reproducing at a rate sufficient to sustain themselves demographically, while again immigrants / colonizers are doing so. Had Hillary Clinton been elected president, the U.S. would have seen conceivably tens of thousands of Muslims settled on U.S. soil, ensuring that in just a few years, the U.S. would look like Europe does today! We can thank Donald Trump for at least trying to put the brakes on open borders (there’s a saying: if you don’t have borders and border protections, you soon won’t have a country)!

If this be “xenophobia,” make the best of it!

For it should be clear: unless all these tendencies can be reversed — and soon! — by 2050 the West will cease to exist in any meaningful sense, and Western Enlightenment philosophies and values will be gone except as historical curiosities. What will remain? We will likely have a world state, its global controllers able to do as they please, dining on caviar while the various tribes fight each other in the streets over any table scraps tossed down at them.

[Author’s Note: if you believe this article was worth your time, please consider supporting my writing with a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day.

This is an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, to be marketed as the first serious novel of the Donald Trump era, which, so far as I know, it is. In it, a ex-Wall Street globalist technocrat defends his views on elitism and oligarchy before a community wracked by the effects of globalization in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — to be contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book, in my case, means the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work might make a contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I often criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below).

I allowed myself (via a handful of reader emails) to be talked out of going into retirement at the end of 2017, to give this at least one more year, but due to my own situation, that will be the best I can do.]

© 2018 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

“Sh*thole Countries” The Fate Of Modernity And The Case For Localization, Part 2

Modernity, like Schumpeterian capitalism, must grow or fall into crisis. Hence the global obsession with growth as a sign of economic health. As the (Western-centered) “global economy” grows, it overwhelms cultures some of whose members may welcome the promise of a high standard of living but become uneasy and then rebellious when it costs them their traditional beliefs and practices, their land, and their autonomy. They see their traditions becoming little more than curiosities that inspire trinkets sold to tourists on sidewalks in big cities filled up with rootless cosmopolitans, no longer motivating any serious societal dialogue: Cox’s “bypassing” of religion.

Meanwhile, the real power is on another continent, as it pillages the land for natural resources and wantonly pollutes lakes and streams that have been sources of food or water for farm animals and crop irrigation for generations. If indigenous locals try to mount opposition, they may face deadly retaliation. Perkins strongly suggested (Part One) that opposition leaders are assassinated when they cannot be bought.

Sadly, the “ugly American” stereotype has a basis in fact.

Whether Americans want to face it or not, the (often CIA-directed) insurrections, revolutions, and wars, dating at least to the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala (1954, also discussed in Part One) or that of Iran’s democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh government in 1953, were undertaken so Western corporations could have access to cheap national resources and remove the profits from those countries. In Iran, Western educated and U.S. backed Reza Pahlavi, the fully secularized Shah of Iran, proceeded to force modernity on the country while brutalizing its people for a quarter century. An international revolutionary underground incubated and mobilized. It responded to brutality with more brutality. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

It’s all coming to an end. Maybe.

Whether modernity as understood in Part One is just experiencing growing pains, or has run its course, is becoming one of the most important conversations of the present and near future.

There are rational optimists such as Matt Ridley (see his 2010 book of that title) for whom the world is getting better and better, thanks to global commerce, technology, and the spreading mindset of modernity. His message to the Pankaj Mishras of the world: stop being so impatient and obstinate about its possibilities. Is it not amazing, the “rational optimist” might ask, that I can log onto Skype and have a live conversation with a friend on another continent? Or send a text message to someone in Singapore and get a response ten minutes later? And as the globalization of technology and commerce lifts more and more peoples, is this not just the start?

The rational optimists have a point. Forget allegations about neoliberalism. Their claim is that if we engage the world with intelligence, proper planning, and a spirit holding that even our worst problems have rational solutions, the world will reward us — sometimes in ways we could never have predicted. (Imagine Voltaire looking at an Android. Imagine us looking at devices a hundred years from now; will we know what we’re looking at?)

Consider Chile, rebuilt along Friedmanian lines by the “Chicago Boys” (who attended the University of Chicago to study economics under Milton Friedman) during the Pinochet era. Pinochet was not the nicest guy in the world, especially if you were a communist, but he oversaw the rebuilding of what became the strongest economy and most stable democracy in Latin America. He did unto a thousand or so communists what communists had done to millions elsewhere; for this he is still demonized. When the time came, he oversaw a democratic election. When he lost that election, he accepted defeat and stepped down. Think about that for a minute. A man who had been at the helm of a military dictatorship holds an election, and when he loses it, he bows to the will of voters. How often does that happen? Chile has its issues, as do all countries, but as already implied, it has become a magnet for peoples who have given up on their “sh*tholes” and seek to better themselves. (Venezuelans are also coming to Chile in droves.)

One of the implications of The Fourth Turning: An American Prophesy (1997) by William Strauss and Neil Howe is that Crisis we have been in will resolve itself into a new High, with institutions of renewed strength, the anarchic individualism of recent decades restrained, and a newfound optimism about the future for those willing to work to achieve it.

I know of Trump supporters who instinctively see Donald Trump as the vanguard of this resolution, as the U.S. economy improves, the Dow soars, entrepreneurship surrounding new technology (e.g., the blockchain) creates new millionaires who in turn create new jobs, new technology, new products spreading everywhere.

But then again, on the other hand there are those who cite writers from Spengler to John Bagot Glubb (about whom I wrote here, here, and here) who see civilizations not just moving in cycles but as self-destructing during an inevitable age of decadence (Glubb’s term), which in this reckoning the U.S. is presently in. The rootless cosmopolitanism, the filling up of cities with unassimilable immigrants, the obsession with celebrities, and the fascination with gender-bending of all kinds are crucial signposts. One issue with Glubb’s work is that the Anglo-European West has gone through periods of decadence before; early 1920s hedonism figures heavily into the background of a work such as Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (1925).

Indeed, we’ve gone through severe crises before (the War Between the States, two World Wars, the Great Depression). We’ve always survived.

But at no time in previous history have we literally been awash in a sea of financialized debt. Money created out of thin air by central banks, even if we use for it the euphemism quantitative easing (QE), literally props up Western economies. The Dow has soared because much of this printed money went into corporate buybacks and not into general circulation; otherwise we would have had soaring price inflation during the Obama years. The U.S. national debt cracked $20 trillion last year and shows no signs of slowing down under Trump, whose pick for Janet Yellen’s replacement at the helm of the Federal Reserve is another mainstreamer with the same philosophy of central bank micromanagement as Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen.

I presume Trump has figured out, or his advisors have told him behind closed doors in no uncertain terms, that if the fiat money creation stops, the economy immediately tanks.

One need not see this as an immediate threat, and perhaps it isn’t, but eventually it will exact its consequences. I do not want to be anywhere near the line of fire when it does (one reason I save precious metals, which unlike bitcoins have a track record as a permanent store of value going back thousands of years, and not a mere digital existence)!

What is likely to happen? I don’t know. No civilization has ever been in this predicament before.

I do know that a few worried individuals and groups are indeed moving to get out of the putative line of fire. In some respects, I am one of them, although I am still in a major city and not on a farm or similar isolated setting.

There is, however, interest in forming small, self-sufficient communities, some on U.S. soil, others elsewhere such as in Chile. One of these has all but bitten the dust, for reasons having little to do with the basic idea of forming such a community. Another, by someone who worked at the first and observed what went wrong first hand, is looking very promising.

Borrowing from “alternative” economist E.F. Schumacher, small may turn out to be beautiful. Schumacher learned from having studied (and studied with) Leopold Kohr, whom I discussed in my last article (and at greater length here). Kohr, writing in the 1940s when Americans wore the white hats, was the first to predict that the U.S. would become everything it had once rightly opposed.

What does all this have to that hypothetical fellow in Rappoport’s piece who’s seen corruption and ruin, and whose major concern is whether his sick daughter will make it through the night?

Answering this question brings us to localization, a counterpoint to globalization, and getting past modernity (and I don’t mean into postmodernity, which is really a gesture of intellectual and spiritual despair).

Rappoport described what I mean by localization when he said:

“You know how to fix your country. Get back all the stolen land. Make small farms out of it. Return the land to the people who worked it and lived on it for centuries. That was the answer then and it’s the answer now.” (Italics his.)

He continued: “You may not know the word ‘Globalism’ but you do know you’re a pawn and a target in a big operation, and the operation involves stealing everything your family once had. The big criminals may have fancy ideas about why it’s a good thing ‘for the world,’ but you don’t know about that, and you wouldn’t care if you did….”

We’ve been talking about two different things, both products of the rebellion against the worst results of globalization and modernity. There are us first-worlders who no longer identify with a power that, in accordance with Kohr’s prediction, turned into the world’s biggest bully. Some have apocalyptic worldviews and see the financial system as likely to take a tumble “any day now”; others think such views are absurdly melodramatic. Many of us are as worried as the progressives about extreme and growing inequality, which is just the rising power of a relative handful of globalists (as I write this, getting ready to meet in their annual conclave in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss just this issue among others); one does not have to be an egalitarian to see that massive consolidations of wealth and power are both destabilizing and prone to abuse.

Most of us, moreover, are fed up with overseas wars of choice that are just making Americans more enemies. We are fed up with Washington’s career kleptocrats whose primary motivation is their own reelection and who play by their own rules. (Members of Congress can legally engage in insider trading, for example.) We are sick of America’s celebrity culture, and see it as very dangerous if by some chance we go from Republican Donald Trump to a credible Democratic Oprah Winfrey candidacy which would breathe new life into identity politics, which is all the Democrats presently have (as they routinely evade confronting real power, on which they are as dependent as the mainstream Republicans).

So much for us first-worlders. The other group, the one Rappaport emphasizes, consists of indigenous peoples who would happily reclaim their land from corporate predators if they could. They want only to live out their lives as they see fit and be left alone.

The point of localization: instead of thinking that bigger and bigger is better and better, think small and smaller! Think of building autonomous, self-governing communities, while encouraging indigenous peoples around the world to do the same.

This means kicking out the global corporations, of course. This might not be as hard as it sounds at first glance. Corporations go where they can invest, build freely, and then tally up the profits unimpeded. Even in a place with abundant natural resources, if they believe for whatever reason they will lose huge amounts of money, they’ll pack up and leave.

But the people must be ready. Otherwise, they’ll end up like Venezuela, a resources-rich country which kicked out the billionaire investment class but whose leaders had no idea what to do next. Chávez had charisma but no viable vision, and since his death Venezuelans have ended up under the heel of yet another sociopathic lunatic (Maduro). Surprise, surprise: those who can are fleeing.

Localization calls for an assumption of responsibility, attention in advance to problems that will need to be addressed immediately when the big players are gone. The first, obviously, is ensuring that they can feed themselves.

When I posted Rappoport’s article on my Facebook page, one reader criticized my emphasis on agriculture. I pointed out in response that if members of a community can grow vegetables and raise chickens and livestock, they are self-sufficient. If they can’t, they will end up dependent on those who can — or worse.

A self-sufficient community must have a sustainable agrarian base. Period.

Such a base also makes extended families possible. Extended families can remain in place and divide their labors more effectively than nuclear families, even those with one breadwinner (now impossible, given the first world’s fiat currency’s loss of its purchasing power).

Other than such general rules, the specifics must be left to the community members themselves. This includes whether to be Christian or something else, and whether to consider themselves capitalist free traders or something else. What to do with existing technology must also be their choice, rather than something imposed from the outside. If they retain it, they can more easily keep track of what their neighbors and the powers they fled are up to, but this must still be their choice.

Rappoport again, describing how matters look to that hypothetical person with a sick daughter clinging to hope that something better than the awful present is possible:

“Sir, you called my country a sh*thole. It is really a beautiful place. It was. But you’re right. It’s turned into a sh*thole. Can you help us do something about that? Perhaps I see a glint of light, because finally a powerful leader used an accurate word to describe what has happened to us. You used a word that cut through many fairy tales. So, can you help us reclaim the land that was once ours? Forget about building roads and airports and hospitals and office buildings and malls. We just need our land back, and then we’ll figure out what we need to do ourselves.”

Can it happen? Again, I don’t know. We’re talking about a change in thinking as great as that which led to modernity in the first place. Another such change, in light of what is to be learned from the past, will doubtless occupy decades and possibly more. Some attempts will doubtless flame out spectacularly. The players involved will be dismissed by the mainstream as fools. But we did not get to our present moment overnight, and we will not find our way forward overnight. Those of us studying and theorizing and writing about what to do will almost certainly not live to see the outcomes. But if we do not start making specific plans for our futures, the corporate-government oligarchs, the billionaire power elites, will continue to do it for us. Since nothing this class does is ever done with our interests in mind, I very much doubt those who inherit the world we leave them will like the results.

[Author’s Note: if you believe this article was worth your time, please consider supporting my writing with a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day.

This is an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, to be marketed as the first serious novel of the Donald Trump era, which, so far as I know, it is. In it, a ex-Wall Street globalist technocrat defends his views on elitism and oligarchy before a community wracked by the effects of globalization in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — to be contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book, in my case, means the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work might make a contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I often criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below).

I allowed myself (via a handful of reader emails) to be talked out of going into retirement at the end of 2017, to give this at least one more year, but due to my own situation, that will be the best I can do.]

Click here for part 1

© 2018 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

“Sh*thole Countries,” The Fate Of Modernity, And The Case For Localization, Part 1

Donald Trump’s supposed remark about “sh*thole countries” created outrage around the world and at home. I should begin by noting three important points: (1) Trump denies using the phrase, (2) there is no hard evidence that he said it (e.g., a video or audio recording), and (3) what those with him at the meeting in question claim to recall depends on whether they are his friends or his enemies.

The allegation originated with avowed Trump enemies: Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and The Washington Post whose writers, Republican or Democrat, hated Trump’s guts from the get-go. Others present claimed Trump spoke bluntly, as he often does, but do not recall any such phrase. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) stated that Trump was annoyed by immigration proposals based on where people were from instead of what skills they brought to the U.S. While conceding that Trump’s language was harsh, he called Durbin’s description a “gross misrepresentation.”

Be all this as it may, the controversy has kicked open doors for discussions worth having.

Before we go further, I recommend you go here and read alternative journalist and author Jon Rappoport’s observations on the subject. Read every word from start to finish. Take your time.

I’ll wait.

Have you read it? Good. If so, let’s ask with Rappoport: how many people in those countries even begin to care about a shouting match between folks all of whom take for granted that their water will be clean and their food safe (relatively speaking), and who have ready access to medical care if a child gets sick?

People in these countries know they are living in “sh*tholes” and — if they had the leisure to do so (they don’t) — would ask who we blame for that, and why no one is doing anything likely to make a real difference?

Sensible questions, and I don’t think many Westerners are going to like the answers.

Rappoport’s answer in a nutshell: once, long ago, most peoples in pre-industrialized countries were doing fine, or as well as common people in such places do. They labored in their fields and did not live in palaces by any means, but they lived mostly stable lives, and they had beliefs and traditions to give them meaning. Their countries were not “sh*tholes.”

Their problems started at the top, and spread downward, as such problems usually do.

As industrialization came, Western corporations, first those of Great Britain but later of the U.S., with the full backing of their governments and governments abroad, began pillaging these countries. The pillaging continued for decades and in some cases centuries. The result destroyed local economies and often local environments with polluted water tables, poisoned soils, contaminated foodstuffs, etc. Local political arrangements were also destroyed, as trusted local leaders were replaced by corporate-backed sociopaths.

This is how a non-industrialized but stable country becomes a “sh*thole”!

Problems mount if there is local footdragging against corporate-state predation. There might even be a political assassination or revolution, events not exactly conducive to stability, much less to prosperity.

Are we making this up?

Consider John Perkins’s revelations in his now-classic Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (orig. 2004; there’s a more recent edition but I’ve not read it; the first version was a huge wake-up call). Perkins offered stunning accounts of how the “consulting firm” he worked for sent him to leaders of “third world” countries with vivid promises of building up “first world” infrastructure: highways, bridges, dams, airports, skyscrapers filled with office cubicles, hospitals and clinics with Western-trained doctors dispensing pharmaceuticals and vaccines, and shopping malls to encourage Western-style mass consumption — paid for via massive loans from the IMF or another such global entity.

The loans would only nominally go to the country. Corporations such as Bechtel claimed the dough. In fairness, they did what they said they would do, and when they were finished, the country had one or more new economic hubs with skylines as “first world” as downtown Atlanta.

The countries, however, found themselves strapped with a massive and unrepayable debt which became a rope around their necks used to control them. As a condition of refinancing such a debt, a country would be forced to allow, e.g., a U.S. military base on its soil, or to vote with the U.S. in the UN on crucial matters.

Why was the debt unrepayable? Because most of the profits made by foreign corporations had been taken out of the country.

Empowered local elites could live like kings if they played ball, and some did, even though it meant turning their backs on their own people. (Think: House of Saud.) Others (e.g., Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala, Jaime Roldós of Ecuador, and especially Omar Torrijos of Panama) realized their autonomy was gone and stood up to predatory corporations like United Fruit Company in the case of Guatemala.

Result: in 1954 a CIA-backed revolution, following a Western corporate media campaign demonizing Arbenz as a communist. A thug named Carlos Castillo Armas was placed in nominal power. United Fruit Company, which had run Guatemala for decades, was back on top.

This, by the way, is the origin of that colorful phrase banana republic.

In the cases of Ecuador’s Roldós and Panama’s Torrijos, the result was two very suspicious fatal plane crashes.

My wife and I were visiting friends in Panama during October 2016. Torrijos is still considered a national hero there. We met a tour guide in Panama City who opened up to us when he saw that my wife is Latin American and that although I’m a gringo I don’t worship at the altar of the U.S. governmental / corporate oligarchy.

What I’d figured out on my own was reinforced: to this day there are Panamanians who don’t believe for a minute that Torrijos’s death was an accident. The fact that his death and the nearly identical one of Roldós were just two months apart back in 1981 only fuels suspicion. (Incidentally, the U.S. government and corporate media also lied about the number of Panamanians killed when the first George Bush ordered the military strike on Panama City that ousted Manuel Noriega in December 1989. The real figure was in the thousands, not a few hundred.)

Living and traveling overseas gives you a perspective you don’t have if you’ve never been outside the U.S., especially if you’ve picked up enough Spanish to rub shoulders with the locals (e.g., taxi drivers, tour guides) instead of corporate bigwigs and academics.

I’ve not been to Haiti. I corresponded with a Haitian on Île de la Gonâve off the main island (was trying to help him raise money for a Christmas event for kids there), and also with a few gringos who have been there. It’s a country filled with impoverished, desperate people.

What we know: Haiti has had its share of sociopathic tyrants (think of the Duvaliers), and at present, Haitians who can muster the resources are leaving in droves. Some are coming to Chile and taking menial jobs (e.g., sweeping floors, cleaning bathrooms) that are better than anything they could find back home, which was typically nothing. They probably appreciate the political-economic stability that exists here. Incidentally, Chile has specific immigration laws and policies, and they are enforced. These are legal immigrants, and the immigration department here is literally overwhelmed, with lines wrapping around city blocks! Is Chile’s opening its doors to these people a good thing? I honestly do not know yet.

Modernity has been a mixed bag. What do we mean, modernity? What scholars and historians tend to mean by that term are the systems of governance, economy, infrastructure, and overall mindset characteristic of “first world” civilization, based on promises inherent in the European Enlightenment. Modernity respects science and technology, develops institutions intended to promote stable mass democracies and capitalistic economies, typically with social safety nets and public education. What results are large, bureaucratic organizations. The economy becomes consumer-oriented, allows for upward mobility for those able to fill needs or satisfy demands, and eventually, ideally, creates and maintains a flourishing, financially independent middle class. Its educational systems are diverse and, at their best, serve both vocational needs and pure scientific and intellectual research in large universities. “Well-adjusted” citizens identify with such ideals as equal treatment of all citizens under the rule of law and come to regard departures from this as wrongs to be corrected.  They thus believe in progress, are interested in new technology, and welcome social change when it is necessary to correct a wrong such as racial or sexual discrimination.

There are, however, some major downsides. While their expressions often come from artists, poets, musicians, sociologists, a few philosophers, and other lefty-types, and are therefore easily mocked as products of those who just don’t want to work at real jobs, they are not nothings.

Start with the fact that mass civilization breeds mass anonymity: the individual person becomes a cipher encircled by structures he/she did not personally sign off on or vote for. He/she exists as a name/number in government and corporate databases. Most of us complain at some point about inefficient and indifferent bureaucracy, but large and highly centralized, hierarchical organizations, laden with generalized rules and filled with people there primarily to collect a check every two weeks, are characteristic of modernity: career bureaucrats are also ciphers in the larger scheme of things. Since none of us is truly a cipher — each of us sees the world from a his/her own central point, the central character in his/her own extended narrative, as it were — prolonged meditation on the contrast between how we see ourselves and how we are supposed to see “our” mass democracy, versus the anonymity of the surrounding systems in which all but a tiny few of us are relatively powerless, soon breeds alienation and cynicism. That, of course, is only the start. Some speak of the rootless cosmopolitans of the “blue culture” of the big cities, whose loyalties are limited to some combination of pleasure (often sexual), whatever is trendy (political or technological), and especially money which can buy the others.

Capitalism*, as economic historian Joseph Schumpeter observed in his classic Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (orig. 1942), is always changing. He coined the phrase creative destruction for the constant, chronic churning at its core, driving it to create the new and obliterate the old. The problem: systems (of which the individual person is one type) tend towards equilibrium — stability within themselves and with their immediate environment — not constant change. This basic truth of systems theory explains why we have had cultures that remained essentially unchanged for thousands of years (e.g., ancient China) and why we will eventually have tensions in any system based on constant change. Schumpeter believed — and what is interesting is how he worked this out in the early 1940s, not the 1960s — that capitalism would create conditions for its replacement by socialism: its masses would vote themselves into it. Mass democracy would legislate its way into socialism.

He got this largely wrong, of course. Although he’d doubtless been thinking of how New Deal measures were likely to expand, he didn’t anticipate the rise of the Mont Pélerins who were just getting started in the 1940s. Thus he did not foresee how neoliberal political economy would carry its own brand of capitalism forward amidst spreading collectivism in the culture.

Schumpeter also did not imagine the world of financialization, made possible when Nixon killed the gold standard (1971) and the dollar became the world’s reigning fiat currency. Financialization really got going in the 1990s as market speculation in an ocean of easy credit replaced actual production which was offshored, sometimes to a “sh*thole country,” because labor was cheap and environmental regulations were lax. The increased mobility of capital which creatively-destructive technological change made possible furthered this process. One important result: the steadily increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of an ever-smaller transnational billionaire class we have seen over the past three decades and even more since the financial crisis of 2008 (this is an economic lefty preoccupation, I know; but don’t take my word for it, check the readily available data). This process slowly eliminates the jobs that made a rising middle class possible. Also eliminating jobs is automation, via AI and robotics — more Schumpeterian creative destruction, as labor itself becomes expendable.

Of course, what’s happened in modernity’s “developed” world hardly holds a candle to what’s occurred elsewhere, everywhere Western corporations (with the backing of all governments involved) have gotten their claws in. The tensions between rising expectations and economic realities are very real, not just in the U.S. and Europe but in every non-Western country globalization has touched, which is most of them.

There is also the invariable secularism inherent in modernity. Its systems’ focus on money and other matters of this world invariably push religious institutions and believers to the margins, whatever their beliefs, whether planned or not. No one described this better than theologian Harvey Cox, who wrote in his major work The Secular City (orig. 1965) how secularization “bypasses and undercuts religion and goes on to other things….  It has relativized religious worldviews and thus rendered them innocuous…. The gods of traditional religions live on as private fetishes or the patrons of congenial groups, but they play no significant role in the public life of the secular city…. The [secular] world looks less and less to religious roles or rituals for its morality or its meanings.”

It trends towards materialism, in other words, with (as I’ve noted previously) all this involves.

In Age of Anger: A History of the Present (2017), essayist Pankaj Mishra evaluates modernity from the standpoint of a thinker born and raised in rural India, educated in the West, but not losing touch with his non-Western roots. His thoughts are darker than Schumpeter’s or even Perkins’s. He tries to chart the clash between modernity’s promises and its results. Modernity’s expansion accelerated during the neoliberal-neoconservative era that began when the Soviet Union collapsed, “history ended” (Fukuyama), and its globalized advocates saw democratic capitalism as heralding a technological Utopia. What is clear is that as modernity has expanded to cover the globe, it has been welcomed by secularized regional elites but eyed skeptically by deeply religious masses — and those who invariably rise to lead them (literary, philosophical, etc.).

Mishra draws on both Western philosophers (especially Rousseau, contrasted with Voltaire’s enthusiastic embrace of what was coming), non-Western ones (Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, etc.), and a few caught in deeply traditional orders that were modernizing (e.g., Dostoevsky). He offers a common-denominator explanation of Western “populism” (Brexit, Donald Trump / Trumpism, European nationalism), the rise of Islamist militancy, and Hindu nationalism in his native land, as resulting from this clash between expectations and reality: there are the promises of modernity, but only a small minority actually reaps its rewards. The masses experience only dislocation and upheaval, losing not only their traditions but their land — sold to the highest corporate bidder — as even the seemingly prosperous in the new cities experience the alienating rootlessness of modernized city life commuting between daytime work cubicles helping a corporation get richer and nighttime cramped apartments helping a landlord get richer (sometimes they are one and the same). Yes, there is economic mobility, but the fact that occupations and markets get saturated ensures that only a few will enjoy it. Creative destruction ensures turnover, but also guarantees that present-day successes are temporary; under developed modernity, like the system itself one cannot stand still. One must continually “reinvent oneself.”

All of this creates and abets the “anger” of Mishra’s title. It is a pushback against globalization and modernity as not only having failed to deliver on their promises but for having turned countries into impoverished, politically unstable “sh*tholes.”

[*I know there are readers who will object that we have not had “true capitalism” in the West for a long time. I use the term mainly because we are all familiar with it, and because as it turns out, there are valid reasons for doubting that the abstraction for which libertarian academics and other defenders of capitalism wish to reserve the term for can even exist in the world as it is. This is another article, however.]

Coming soon, Part two

© 2018 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Why Donald Trump Won – Brief Review Of The Past Quarter Century

One does not need any special prognostication skills to know that 2018 will see even more intense attacks on Donald Trump and his administration, even given the growing happy talk about the economy. After all, the kinds of numbers that impress mainstream economists — Dow hitting new highs regularly, very low (official) unemployment, low inflation, rising consumer spending, etc. — are all manifest.

Hence insidious counterattacks like the Michael Wolff book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (just published). Jake Tapper of CNN interviewed Trump advisor Stephen Miller about the book here, and I recommend watching the full video. Miller occasionally gets a few words in edgewise, his intent being to offer more than a couple of soundbites on behalf of those whose point of view is not heard on CNN. For this he was told, “I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’ time,” and his mike cut off.

What interests me about this video is that it is a microcosm for how corporate media elites deal with the alternative voices to which the Internet created space, voices which by the early 2000s were challenging then-dominant corporate media with far fewer resources, and whose influence with voters culminated in the present administration.

Intellectual and media elites would have you believe we have entered a “post-fact world.” Leftists (and some mainstream Republicans) want you to believe Trump is a racist, a fascist or at least proto-fascist; that he is incompetent; that he is mentally unstable; that he plays to a “conspiratorial” view of the world; etc., etc., ad nauseum. That his supporters continue to stand by him drives the media elites nuts. Trump doesn’t always play his hand in the best way. The fact that he doesn’t sing corporate media’s tune but continues to call the shots as he sees them often works against him as his tweets and words are ripped out of context. The wise know that sometimes it is best just to shut up, especially when enemy hawks are circling. Why give them ammunition?

But on the other hand, most Trump supporters couldn’t care less what the media elites think. Their values are not elite values. Their perception of what the facts are is entirely different from what the elites believe. For example, as I write, Trump is being denounced all around the globe for what he said about Haiti and African countries. Did he really say it? I have no idea. I would have to have been in the room to be sure one way or the other, apparently. But if he did, then if his description of, say, Haiti is factually wrong, then why are so many Haitians fleeing? I doubt they are trying to help the diversity bean-counters.

What we are in is a battle over who has the facts: dominant corporate media outfits such as CNN, or upstart challengers (Breitbart, NewsWithViews.com, ZeroHedge.com, PaulCraigRoberts.org, etc.); and which set of values are most defensible.

I therefore decided that my first column of 2018 should review the past instead of trying to look ahead, as so many others are doing. I’ve long held that if we don’t know where we came from, we won’t know where we’re going or why. I stated a quarter century because I needed to pick a reasonable time frame. Obviously I’m not saying our problems began just a quarter century ago. But the specific trends that led to the Trump upset went into high gear around the time the Soviet Union collapsed, or shortly before.

Let’s begin just with the fact, for fact it is, that the progression — Bush the Elder, Clinton, Bush the Younger, Obama — reveal uniform directions regardless of the party differences. The first: into globalism and corporatism, via “free trade” deals and the neoliberal / neoconservative coin (these two being flipsides of one another). The closely related second: into Greenspanism, one might call it: enhancing the financialization of the domestic economy by flooding markets with cheap credit, which drives up the Dow and encourages consumers (also college students!) to go into debt. This has been the true consolidator of wealth and power over the past quarter century, as artificial wealth flows to the top and the general population fills with debt slaves. The third: wars of choice (Iraq under the first Bush, Kosovo under Clinton, Afghanistan and Iraq under the second Bush, etc.) and other interferences often destroying nations (Libya). The fourth: the destruction of real education at all levels with political correctness. A fifth: domestic police-statism, as for the past four years, police have killed an average of over 1,000 citizens per year, often on the slightest provocation. This site offers specifics.

Leopold Kohr (1909 – 1994) authored The Breakdown of Nations (1957) a treatise that deserves more attention than it will probably ever receive, because he put his finger on the problem as well as anyone before or since. Empires are a bad idea by their very nature, Kohr argued. Their natural tendency is to grow aggressive and destructive. They aggress against other nations and their own people, as neither has sufficient resources to hold their power in check or mount effective pushback. This has nothing to do with any particular political party or program; the problem, Kohr believed, is systemic. The U.S. was on its way to becoming an empire after World War II. It had achieved this status in spades by the 1960s. Anglo-America was clearly the dominant political economy when the Soviet Union collapsed. Kohr’s basic thesis is confirmed, except for the one thing he got wrong. We have seen pushback with varying amounts of effectiveness. Kohr wrote well before there was an Internet, which makes it possible to get messages heard and organize outside the domains of power with very few resources.

Alternative media, most of it Internet-based, has been a major form of pushback against dominant corporate media. It was, after all, an alternative site (Drudge Report) that broke the Clinton-Lewinsky story when the Clinton-infatuated mainstream was ready to bury it. We have alternative media to thank for exposing Bill Clinton as the sexual predator he is, which radical feminists (starting with his wife) would have covered up — exposing how that movement is about power, not justice for women. Through alternative media we learned more of our existence in “the matrix” than ever before: the dominance of those I called the superelite in my Four Cardinal Errors (2011) and how all major institutions are structured so as to conceal this dominance from public view.

The Internet made the soft censorship of manufactured consent that existed before the 1990s much more difficult. Alternative views rose and flourished online. They offered a worldview able to compete directly with the dominant one. According to this worldview, mainstream economists and their media shills consistently portray the economy as doing better than it really is; mainstream thought routinely suppress certain facts that don’t fit its narrative on, e.g., race (black-on-white violent crime, for example); it promotes a globalist agenda in which There Is No Alternative to job outsourcing, open borders, diversity engineering in universities including suppression of conservative thought, etc.

In case my repeated usages of globalist are unclear, I use the term to refer to those who, knowingly or not, are promoting transnational authoritarian structures, beginning with (but hardly limited to) those of trade and commerce that require ever more complex systems of agreement and top-down regulation. No one truly believes a “global free market” is even possible, much less would resolve the problems and dislocations resulting from encircling globalist trade policies. The latter are not free market policies in any event but policies designed to further enrich a billionaire ownership class (the superelite). The telos of globalism is a world state: a globe-spanning empire, which, in line with Kohr’s observations, would tilt totalitarian as totalitarian control will be necessary to force cooperation from all the footdragging nations and recalcitrant populations. (My guess: the latter are already being starved into submission as their local economies are shattered.)

It was this, I submit, that Trumpism reacted against, as more and more of those left behind by globalist outsourcing came to question it based on what they could read online, and more and more white males came to question dogmas about diversity social engineering however it manifests itself (“affirmative action,” or “we need more immigrants”). Trumpism in the U.S. has hardly been the only instance of pushback. Brexit, obviously, is another. So is the Viktor Orbán administration in Hungary and the Law and Justice government in Poland headed by Andrzej Duda. Both, obviously, are at odds with the globalist narrative of the EU and its corporate media, which has therefore demonized them and orchestrated attacks condemning them as “anti-democratic” and “fascist” (a favorite word among those who have no idea what fascism is).

Not all pushback succeeds, of course. Geert Wilders lost to the mainstream candidate Mark Rutte in the Netherlands, and Marine Le Pen lost to France’s mainstreamer Emmanuel Macron. Back in the U.S., Judge Roy Moore, a federalist in the original sense of that term, lost in Alabama following a savage corporate media attack based entirely on unprovable innuendo repeated incessantly 24/7 in the weeks leading up to that special election. The allegations against Moore were far weaker than those against Bill Clinton back in the 1990s, with one of Moore’s accusers admitting she added material in a high school yearbook Moore allegedly signed to enhance its credibility. Moore’s signing the yearbook is not a crime, of course, and to this day no one has produced evidence he assaulted anyone. But this is how corporate media works: when you don’t have facts, simply make them up! Repeat them ad infinitum. Then declare that the other side has created a “fact-free world”!  

And declare, via anonymous groups using unsourced material given credibility in mainstream outfits like The Washington Post, that we are all under seize by “fake news” originating with “conspiracy websites.”

Finally, put a Michael Wolff on the Trump administration’s tail.

So again — after his first full year in office — why did Trump win — which might very well have been unexpected (the one claim from Fire and Fury that is somewhat plausible is that Team Trump did not really expect to win the November 2016 election)?

First and most obviously was Trump’s superior command of both mainstream and alternative media. His media savvy vastly outstripped that of other Republicans, Hillary, and CNN’s shill commentators. He could command center stage even from those who hated his guts. He was ratings, and they knew it. Using his Twitter account, he could bypass the haters in mass media and communicate directly to his base of supporters, as he has been doing ever since.

Trump, I would argue, had two different but overlapping constituencies. The first consists of those described above, the so-called “losers” of globalization especially following the start of the NAFTA era (NAFTA, let us remember, was supported by both the first George Bush and Bill Clinton). These communities, even the Washington Post has acknowledged, are in serious trouble. They struggle with unemployment, underemployment, political neglect, and health problems ranging from depression to substance abuse issues (alcoholism and drug addictions) — all a price tag of not “reinventing themselves” as tech-savvy serfs for the “global workforce.”

In addition, these people get to hear about their “white privilege,” which brings me to the second constituency that supported Trump.

To put it bluntly, this group (with whom I identify the most) is fed up with reverse biases of various sorts and the political correctness that has been used to protect them from criticism for around 30 years. They tend to have college educations, but supported Trump anyway (however reluctantly in some cases) because he represented pushback against leftist professors and leftist student groups they had to kowtow to while getting those educations. Now, given how tech-era corporate America (think Google and Facebook, though these are hardly alone) are dominated by leftists, they find themselves still having to kowtow or lose their jobs, as did this fellow who has filed suit against Google. The discovery process has blown the whistle on the hard cultural left mindset that dominates the corporation that controls the world’s leading search engine.

There is a battle of worldviews going on. One favors consolidation, technocracy, and a near-worship of prevailing “experts.” The other wants decentralization, autonomy, and freedom of thought. The first, it goes without saying, is de facto materialist in its larger worldview of reality. The latter contains (but is not limited to) a lot of Christians—though I hasten to add, there is no logical connection here and I know of people who call themselves Christian who I’d have to put in the globalist camp because they support some version of the neoliberal / neoconservative axis (theologically the latter are usually dispensationalists, though that is a larger issue I cannot get into here).

The first worldview, dominant in mainstream media and universities, favors globalism and leftism, portraying them as “sane” and “responsible” and “centrist.” While not altogether unified, it is united on what it supports. The other, represented by alternative media, has been incessantly exposing these efforts while promoting individual freedoms. Alternative media is, ironically, very diverse intellectually. Too much so, I’d argue. There are “left” alternative sites opposing globalism as well as “right” ones doing so. A conversation between the two would be very desirable, but I don’t see it happening.

The battle over which side is presenting “fake news” in a “fact-free” environment will continue, as mainstream corporate media fights to regain the credibility it lost after openly backing Clinton and claiming she would win in one of history’s biggest landslides. At present, the mainstream’s weapons include labeling alternative media as “hate sites,” platforms for “conspiracy theories,” etc. It also includes the soft censorship Google is conducting, designing search algorithms in such a way that alternative sites simply don’t come up anywhere near the top in Web searches. The designers know that busy people usually don’t look past the top ten items that come up in a search.

This battle has already claimed career casualties (Steve Bannon being the most recent, given how he appears to have opened his mouth to Wolff about things he cannot possibly have known first hand), and we can expect that the Trump administration will continue to take new hits almost daily. Trump doesn’t always help himself with his mouth. I’m not thinking here of his lack of political correctness. I worry that he is taking credit for the numbers behind the happy talk about the economy I mentioned at the outset. Last I knew, how these numbers are calculated (e.g., the BLS’s U-3 “headline” unemployment number) did not change on November 8, 2016. Nor did the financialization of the economy change. Wall Street is still in a huge bubble, courtesy of QE. Massive spending on credit has not ceased to leave a person massively in debt. Trump’s pick for Yellen’s replacement, Jerome Powell, is another mainstreamer, moreover, and this is hardly encouraging. If Trump claims to own a real economic recovery, should the economy go into a recession at any point, for any reason, while he is in office, he will own that as well.

We would do best to realize: this battle of worldviews goes beyond Trump, and will outlast his presidency no matter what. Its outcome will determine the future: whether we start to develop peaceful, decentralized communities on an enlarging scale based on such principles as local autonomy and control, voluntarism, and the rule of law, or return to the path we were on for the past four presidencies, which was towards the marriage of Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984 that is likely if globalism ever delivers us into the hands of a world state.

[Author’s Note: if you believe this article was worth your time, please consider supporting my writing with a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day.

This is an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, to be marketed as the first serious novel of the Donald Trump era, which, so far as I know, it is. In it, a ex-Wall Street globalist technocrat defends his views on elitism and oligarchy before a community wracked by the effects of globalization in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — to be contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book, in my case, means the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work might make a contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I often criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below).

I allowed myself (via a handful of reader emails) to be talked out of going into retirement at the end of 2017, to give this at least one more year, but due to my own situation, that will be the best I can do.]

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

© 2018 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

From Charles Manson To Sutherland Springs: How The Materialist West Is Killing Its Own

Charles Manson, who orchestrated of one of the past century’s most brutal mass murders, passed away mostly unmourned in prison last month. He was 83. Since he’d had brushes with the law going back into his childhood (was sent to reform school at age 8), and never spent a day outside prison following his arrest for the Tate / La Bianca murders in August 1969, most of Manson’s life was spent behind bars.

Which is doubtless just as well. For the influence he wielded can only be described as demonic. He’d not killed anyone himself, but directed others, the young girls of his “Family,” to do his bidding after supplying them with generous doses of LSD.

The would-be assassin of then-president Gerald Ford, a few years later, turned out to be a “Family” member: Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme.

Having read the Yahoo.com article about Manson’s death, I found myself browsing the comments section out of curiosity. One comment brought me up short.

What it said, in essence: if the Manson killings happened today, in an environment following Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, Texas, they would get perhaps a week of news coverage before mass media went on to the next ghastly event.

My thought: what a statement on American society today, as opposed to 1969-70!

Back then, a mass murder on that level shocked us to the core. The country, especially its youth, still held to an idealism about human nature and what was socially possible. Today, in 2017, much of the secular-derived hope that existed then is gone, whether we know it or want to admit it or not.

The better elements of the youth movement of the late 1960s, united for civil rights and feminism understood as nondiscrimination and basic workplace fairness, and against an ill-advised and massively unpopular war in Southeast Asia, arguably were cosmic optimism’s last culturally viable gasp. Afterwards, the above movements were hijacked and turned divisive. Wars became popular again. We fell into confusion and justifiable doubt.

Some would trot out the technology revolution of the 1990s as a sign of cultural optimism, but its most popular fruits have been the self-absorption and self-indulgence represented by (what else?) selfies and Facebook. But no, technology has not saved us. However much we can use Skype and WhatsApp to communicate conveniently, sometimes across oceans, the Internet’s dark side reveals a world of trolls (some paid), hackers, scam artists, cyberbullies, and hard-core porn sites easily accessed by young teenagers. On the so-called dark web, not accessible through common search engines like Google, there is worse, or so I am told: kiddie porn sites done by and for pedophiles, Satanic rituals, and films of animals and humans being tortured to death.

While much went wrong in the 1970s, the seeds of destruction had been planted long before. Because for decades, materialism as a theory of reality (or metaphysics) had been taught as truth — substantiated by science or inferred by Enlightenment reason — and when not promoted in universities, assumed as a basis for educational policy (behaviorism in psychology, which sees children as little stimulus-response machines, is an application of materialism.) Everything else was rejected as superstition, unreason, pseudoscience, psychological aberration, fantasy, etc. A latent commitment to materialism — not a brand new reading of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause — stood behind such events as the removal of prayer from public schools and the effort to eliminate Christianity from the public square.

If we were talking about a mere philosophical abstraction, the matter wouldn’t be of much importance except for scholars. But materialism is not just an abstraction. It has important consequences, some of which I’ve discussed previously. For our purposes here, the most important consequence is that human life — our lives as persons — has no transcendent value or significance. Morality is, at best, a cultural artifact, a set of socially approved habits which bind a culture together via authority.

If this interpretation of morality and of the significance of individual human lives is assumed, then a cultural ethos in which moral rules are easily flaunted is increasingly acceptable, and becomes progressively easier as we “define deviancy down.”

At this point I could invoke abortion as a perfect example. Legal abortions have now taken the lives of roughly 61 million unborn babies since the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. If an evaluation of the prevailing moral ethos of a civilization can be made by how it treats its most vulnerable members — and who is more vulnerable than an unborn baby? — then any honest evaluation of ours comes to look very bad! (I am not saying, incidentally, that we shouldn’t look at factors that tempt girls and women to end unwanted pregnancies, ranging from poverty to cultural hedonism and extramarital sex. We are talking about many overlapping systems here, but some of them are products of a materialist worldview.)

It also looks bad when we think of a civilizational ethos that seems to be producing more and more people able to plan cold-blooded mass murder of their fellow adult citizens, then pick up an assault weapon and carry out the plan, which is what happened in Sutherland Springs, Texas: before last month a town no one outside the area had heard of, as it is little more than a major intersection with a stoplight, a few homes, a few stores, and a certain First Baptist Church.

A person can only do this if he is a sociopath, or has been trained — or has trained himself — to depersonalize his “targets.” Such training is conducted as a matter of course in war. Few soldiers are sociopaths who can just pick up guns and kill strangers. They have to depersonalize the enemy. Those then slaughtered on battlefields are not seen as men like themselves, with families waiting anxiously for them back home. They are ciphers to be taken out before they take you out. Many of our returned Veterans never fully recover from this experience. As a college student in the 1970s I recall encountering Vietnam Veterans who were tormented by things they’d seen. Now we have Veterans from the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq suffering from PTSD, with recurring nightmares and unpredictable reactions to loud noises (there is even a heavy progressive rock song by an intelligent group, Dream Theater, the harsh edginess of which offers a surprisingly moving account of what some of these people are going through).

It is not normal to pick up a firearm and kill strangers without a very, very good reason!

(And lest I be asked, the Sutherland Springs saga is an embodiment of why more gun control is not the answer. First, existing laws should have prevented Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, from obtaining an assault weapon. He had been dishonorably discharged from the Air Force following a domestic violence conviction and period of incarceration. A bureaucrat neglected to enter this in the national database. Gun control laws cannot be made idiot-proof! Second, had a neighbor also with a gun not accessed the situation quickly and taken action, forcing Kelley to flee the scene, the death toll inside the church would have been much higher.

Incidentally, too, I’ve encountered nothing to suggest that the Sutherland Springs killings were anything other than what they appeared to be, and trust me, I was looking. Sometimes, as I often say, a cigar is just a cigar. The Vegas shootings are a different story. Here we have an official narrative full of unanswered questions, ranging from sightings suggestive of multiple shooters, queries why no one injured subsequently died of their wounds which given the numbers vastly stretches probability, the mystery of how the sheer quantity of guns and ammo found in Stephen Paddock’s suite got there in a building wired with secure-cams and no one reported anything suspicious, and what Paddock’s motive could possibly have been. But we need not deal with these to make the point I am interested in here: someone — maybe more than one someone — was willing to mass murder their fellow human beings, whatever the reason!)

Materialism has far less dramatic effects, obviously. It is hardly news that many millennials are turning from capitalism and trying to embrace socialism. For the first time last year, a man who called himself a democratic socialist posed a viable challenge to an establishment candidate. The superficial criticism of the Bernie Sanders millennials would be that the Soviet Union collapsed before they were born, and that the impoverishment of education and their own tech-induced myopia blinds them to the present realities of North Korea’s brutal prison camps or how Venezuelans, despite living in a resources-rich country, have been reduced by the insane policies of their socialist government to digging through garbage for scraps of food.

These snarky responses no longer seem to me especially fair. They miss the real question: why the relatively sudden (since 2008) hostility to capitalism by significant voices of a generation? A plausible answer is that the present neoliberal corporatist capitalism globalists have embraced sees one’s worth as a person as what one can contribute to the global economy. Do note that the elderly, the infirm, many disabled, not to mention “fetuses” (and for that matter, small children) cannot contribute. I have encountered Libertarians (many of whom are de facto materialists) who wouldn’t seem to have much of a problem with nonparticipants in the marketplace starving, although obviously they wouldn’t say so; they would point to charities, etc., etc., indicative of the need for institutions operating outside the marketplace, understood as economic space for exchanges of goods and services for money.

Neoliberal ideology, which now controls university administrations, has been described as “capitalism with the gloves off”: currently empowering the global billionaire ownership class — with more wealth than the entire bottom half of the world’s population — which has shrunk over the past couple of decades until it would fit comfortably into a high school auditorium.

I don’t think you have to be a socialist to see something wrong with this picture.

The problem is not socialism and it is not capitalism, it is the materialism that the most important incarnations of each one share. Materialism, again, as a theory of reality holds that God does not exist, that morality is a cultural artifact, that our lives have no transcendent significance, that death is the end of personal identity and consciousness after which your body is dropped in a hole and covered over, and that therefore there is nothing fundamentally wrong with amassing as much wealth you can by whatever means are available — including buying easily-corrupted political elites, treating your employees as expendable, and otherwise stepping on anyone in your way.

That’s our wonderful global corporate capitalist engine as it exists in the twenty-first century.

Small wonder some of our young people are “rediscovering” Marx!

Small wonder others, their brains addled by identity-politics, are turning “alt-right” and claiming for whites what the cultural left has foisted on over a dozen academic disciplines (several of which would not exist without identity politics).

The most visible response to our materialist moment has been the populist anger that put Donald Trump in the White House and empowered movements both “left” and “right” elsewhere in the world, from Arab Spring all across the Arab world and the Syriza Party in Greece prior to its being strongarmed and neutered by the EU central bank, to Brexit, to the current leadership in Poland and Hungary. What all have in common is a desire to live as they see fit, without the structural coercion globalist elitism entails. This includes rejecting open borders and incursions by unassimilable foreigners who commit violent crimes including rape and murder.

Most populist rage, whether of the “left” or the “right,” is inchoate and inarticulate. Were it to find a philosophically-informed expositor, the result might go something like this: If God does not exist and there is no transcendent morality and no life other than this material one, then if any of us are to get justice, however we define it, it has to be gotten in this world — by whatever means are necessary, including those other groups will define as unjust.

In this kind of ethos, groups politicized by identity are apt to fly at each other’s throats. I won’t wade into specifics because I am more interested in the unspoken commonality: my group has been shafted and we’re not going to tolerate it anymore!

Into this arena walks the occasional sociopath, or the man who simply “snaps” — or who is willing to kill other persons to advance a hidden agenda.

Into the same arena, of course, walk known sexual predators: the Bill Clintons, the Harvey Weinsteins, the Al Frankens, the Charlie Roses, who did what they did because in their reality, women are used for men’s sexual gratification and then rewarded with jobs or movie roles, for it’s just business, right? Sexual predation being a sanctionable “bad thing,” unproven and unprovable allegations can then be used in efforts to destroy those whose worldviews threaten the status quo, due process being expendable. Judge Roy Moore of Alabama comes to mind.

The enemy behind the headlines is materialism — which can be an abstraction, an obsession with wealth and possessions or power, or as the depersonalizing of persons that is possible when one sees them as evolved big-brained mammals or as objects existing for one’s profit or gratification, or as lumps of flesh in a womb.

Advancing civilizations have features that tempt them to materialism. Empirical science, which rightly focuses on physical reality, offers credible and useful explanations for many phenomena. Prosperity does result from technology turning raw materials into consumable ones, and from trade. Increased wealth does establish comfort levels enabling the comfortable to forget where they came from and just bask in their surroundings, and their children to grow up with, e.g., no idea that their food comes from anywhere except the grocery store.

Capitalism never lifted everyone equally, however, and it never will — for reasons too numerous to get into here. But socialism, invariably built on a capitalist base, will not even things out. These abstract ideologies are nowhere seen in their pure forms in any event. What we need to reflect on (millennials, I am talking to you if any of you are reading / listening):

The ideology of modernity, whether understood in capitalist terms or as something else (e.g., the “mixed economy”) cannot deliver on its progressive promise to bring paradise to Earth because human nature is inherently sinful (Rom. 3:23). Think about both the plusses and negatives of the Internet I cited earlier, and then tell me there is no such thing as sin. Think about our seeming inability to organize ourselves socially and economically in a way that does not screw somebody, and tell me there is no such thing as sin. Globalization and technology have conspicuously failed to lift the world’s masses out of poverty, although they have further empowered the billionaire ownership class (my term, in Four Cardinal Errors, is the superelite) that has orchestrated it.

If what has happened to the West is any guide, when materialism takes over a civilization, that civilization begins to self-destruct. Its rich grow richer, more corrupt, arrogant, and indifferent to those thrown under the bus by their policies. The latter grow increasingly irrational and destructive. They create a debt-fueled system to sustain spending in an economy in which the decent jobs have disappeared because no one really makes anything anymore. They initiate wars not from just causes but because war is profitable! Educational systems are ruined, because those in power can’t abide a population of critical thinkers. Entertainment is corrupted and turned increasingly tawdry. Just compare the comedians of long ago, such as Red Skelton and Jackie Gleason, to the talentless, foul-mouthed losers who dominate comedy today. Or compare the upbeat jazz and soulful black music of the 1960s-early 1970s (anyone recall the Temptations, or Diana Ross and the Supremes?) with the lewdness and violence of rap.

The materialist West is killing its own, and where once, long ago, the killings shocked us (Manson), today they result in a few days of coverage and then are remembered with yawns by all except neighbors and surviving family members whose lives have been permanently altered (Sutherland Springs). And it is killing itself. The West’s collective philosophical problem, like Camus’s (see his 1942 essay “The Myth of Sisyphys”), is suicide. The West is committing educational and cultural suicide. Even if it doesn’t go out with the horror of a nuclear war, it threatens ever-greater degrees of de facto totalitarianism — Trumpian populism notwithstanding — followed by long-term collapse (a process, not a singular event) as its institutions become unsustainable.

Maybe the test for the future is to see if we can overthrow materialism, not just globalism. For if we were to overthrow the latter and ignore the former, within a generation or so we’d be back where we started. It won’t be easy. Materialism is probably more deeply woven into the fabric of our civilization than the profit motive in global corporations or the power motive in governments. Formally educated men and women dismiss those of us who speak of the God of the Bible as irrational and backward, or as would-be theocrats: “dominionists” driven by a lust for power ourselves. There may, of course, be Christians who fall into this trap. Speaking just for myself, I have no interest in seeing a theocracy established, which I see as one more species of hierarchical, top-down power politics.  My interest is in promoting the only worldview and guide for life that might have some hope of sustaining bottom-up self-governance by providing a core of stable morals that apply to every area of life, from governance to personal finance to family and relationships, and containing the lust for power as much as is humanly possible. Separating ourselves, rather than trying to “take over the government,” might be the most viable long-term strategy at this point.

As against materialism, we must affirm both that God exists as the Creator of all things (Gen. 1:1; John 1:1), that we were created in His image (Gen 1:27) — and that He knows even the unborn (Jere. 1:5). God does not reject rightful knowledge-seeking (Hosea 4:6). What limited knowledge we have of the physical world, and what capacity we have to use its resources, are as they are because of this. We were indeed given “dominion” over the world (Gen. 1:28-30), where dominion means responsible stewardship. Morality is a provision of God’s (Micah 6:8), not commanded because He is some kind of cosmic tyrant, but because living according to His commands is, in the final analysis, the only means to a life at peace with oneself, in harmony with others, and with the world as it is. We may be fallen: we inhabit a fallen world, but we are redeemable through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior (John 3:16, Rom 3:23 and 6:23, Eph 2:8-9, and elsewhere).

Christian ideas are not to be forced on anyone. What may apply are the words Jesus had for the “lukewarm church” — perhaps helping us avoid the temptations to lukewarmness in ourselves: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20).

In this age of wanton killings and technological distractions, does anyone still hear His voice?

[Author’s Note: if you believe this article was worth your time, please consider supporting my writing with a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day.

This is an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, to be marketed as the first serious novel of the Donald Trump era, which, so far as I know, it is. In it, a ex-Wall Street globalist technocrat defends his views on elitism and oligarchy before a community wracked by the effects of globalization in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — to be contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book, in my case, means the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work might make a contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I often criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below).

I’ve allowed myself (via a handful of reader emails) to be talked out of going into retirement at the end of this year, to give this at least one more year, but due to my own situation, that will be the best I can do.]

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

What Is Really Going To Happen On November 4, 2017?

At present, the best answer to the question in my title is probably, No one knows for sure. What we know: Antifa (shortened from “Anti-Fascist”) and Refuse Fascism, both Communist-inspired groups, are gradually being recognized as far more dangerous than any alt-right or white nationalist or neo-Nazi or Klan groups, have promised major disruptions beginning on that date. A few weeks ago, a few Antifa members shut down a major interstate highway in the LA area holding up signs that read, “NOV 4 IT BEGINS.”

The militant left’s stated purpose is to drive the Trump-Pence administration from office by any means necessary.

Is the threat for real, or is it hype? Do we dare assume the latter?

What we know: leftist militants including Antifa and Black Lives Matter were able to mobilize as many as 40,000 protesters completely shutting down a free speech rally attended by perhaps two dozen people in Boston. That occurred the weekend after the Charlottesville melee.

Were such assemblages to appear in, say, six or seven major cities instead of just one on November 4, and were they to halt normal traffic flows, interfering with ordinary commercial activity — and if these mass protests exploded into violence that could overwhelm law enforcement when the latter tried to disperse them — things could very easily escalate into a very dangerous situation.

Mass protests, and worse, have been threatened openly. The clear purpose is to try to force the Trump-Pence administration from office: the first administration not vetted by the globalist-leftist alliance of convenience.

The impression should be spreading right about now that groups such as Antifa and Refuse Fascism are potentially as dangerous to American Constitutional conservatives (and Christians) as ISIS is to Christians (and many Muslims) in the Middle East.

What these extreme-left groups are threatening amounts to civil war against an administration and overall national situation they have deemed illegitimate — a situation in which the left can’t dominate the narrative. To be sure, they deem Constitutional conservatism illegitimate: the product of wealthy straight white Christian males. After decades of pandering to the extreme left, culminating in a complete mainstream media blackout on the role of Antifa and Black Lives Matter in the Charlottesville violence, this is where we are!

Brandon Smith has contended in several articles that leftists and conservatives are being herded toward violent confrontation. While most on-the-ground leftists in Antifa, Refuse Fascism and Black Lives Matter might well be mindless followers, the overall effort has George Soros money written all over it. Should the effort culminate in an outbreak of mass violence, it could easily begin the final destruction of the last great bulwark against the corporation-controlled world government which Soros, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and other powerful families have been working towards from day one. Smith believes that when Trump’s popularity with the GOP base rose in 2015, the superelite (my term, not his) saw something they could use. Thus they did nothing to discourage 24/7 mainstream media coverage. If Trump sneezed, it was reported. Smith believed Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton long before many of us thought that would happen. He believed a Trump presidency had become a superelite strategy to set up conservatives and “populists” for a fall, because when the time was right, they would yank their investments from the economy which would go into an immediate tailspin for which Trump and all his supporters would be blamed.

If violence erupts on November 4, however, matters might not reach that point. What results would not be communism. No one need worry about that. These groups would not be able to stand up to the U.S. military, were it to come to that. But anyone who thinks there either would be or could be a return to business as usual after such a confrontation is kidding himself.

Before going on, keep in mind that no one has absolute proof anything will happen on November 4. Naturally, mainstream sources are pooh-poohing the whole thing with their usual that’s-a-conspiracy-theory mantra. These are the same people who told us Hillary Clinton would win last year in a landslide.

That said, it isn’t as if Antifa and Refuse Fascism are organized armies. They might have point men with marching orders, however; many members of such groups are doubtless tech-savvy millennials able to coordinate using social media and WhatsApp, able to form mobs in less than a half an hour if they spot a local vulnerability and disperse just as quickly in the face of solid opposition.

The bottom line is: we won’t know for sure until November 4 gets here.

So what should you do on that date?

A friend of mine who lives in Florida — very much fed up with the constant pandering to the left we see in both corporate media and academia — dropped the following suggestion:

“Put up Trump posters on your yard along with Confederate flags, then sit in your deer stand armed to the teeth and wait for them to take the bait …”

I don’t know that I recommend that, although I understand the frustration. I’ve felt it myself. There is indeed a contingent out there — groups of Constitutional conservatives especially — that has had it with leftists and would take matters into their own hands if it comes to that. One reason we’ve not seen oft-predicted gun confiscation is that there are entire regions, especially in states like Texas and Montana but hardly limited to them, where nearly everyone owns at least one firearm and knows how to use it. Some of these folks are Veterans whose firearms knowhow exceeds that of law enforcement, not to mention Antifa or Refuse Fascism (almost none of whose members have served in the military or have other legitimate weapons training). Were these groups to aggress in any of those places, they’d not know what hit them! Survivors would run screaming back to their parents’ basements!

For that reason, I don’t think we ever see Antifa or Refuse Fascism activity in those areas. In big cities and suburbs filled with soft, complacent yuppies with no such knowledge or training, however, protesters wielding clubs and metal objects turned into weapons could be very dangerous!

Keep in mind that whatever disruptions that occur on November 4 cannot serve any purpose if conservatives do not react. Therefore, my thoughtful recommendation is that on that day, which falls on a Saturday, conservatives do: nothing. Take precautions, of course. Staying indoors might be a good idea. Maintain high situational awareness. In down-to-earth language, if you live in a big city or large suburban area and for some reason you have to go out, pay attention to everything going on around you. Be proactive, not reactive. Pay attention to alternative media, which will likely report suspicious public gatherings ahead of corporate media. Do not drive into those areas. Instead, put your car in a garage; do not leave it parked on the street. Your best interests will be served by avoiding places where protests are occurring, or are likely to occur.

Finally — and especially if November 4 comes and goes without anything major happening — the growing hostility leftists are expressing toward conservatives will not have gone away and the danger of an explosive confrontation will remain. So it is helpful to gain the right perspective. Ultimately, this is not about left versus right. Antifa, Refuse Fascism, and Black Lives Matter are tools, and so will be conservative groups who take their bait. The world’s real powers, however, simply don’t think in terms of left and right. They are pragmatists, not ideologues. For them, the ends justify the means. They are uninterested in debates over, e.g., “capitalism” versus “socialism.” Nor do they care about ethnicity or other categories popular today. They will use whatever groups or interests or incidents that serve their purposes at a given time, including false flag events. Their main goal: establishing a corporation-controlled world state (which will include a global digital currency, total surveillance, population control, etc.).

We are seeing the culmination of a long-term clash between worldviews, a clash I outlined in my book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011). Ultimately this clash is between Christianity and materialism. The former is the source of all our basic ideas about our rights, responsibilities, and how to organize our societies in ways that respect both, whatever disagreements we might have over specifics. Materialism began to replace Christianity in the 1700s and even more in the 1800s. This process was almost complete in the dominant intellectual-educational centers and other centers of influence by 1900. The ethos which reduces all valuation under capitalism to money and power is a product of materialism no less than any form of Marxism. Although the latter’s rejection of God is far more explicit, neither does present-day neoliberal “capitalism-with-the-gloves-off” have room for transcendent moral truths.

Sadly for so-called secular humanists, what has happened during modern times is not the evolving of a rationally-justifiable “secular morality,” however based, but modernity’s gravitation towards a system in which the strong and unscrupulous are able to control and often trample on everyone else, including the innocent, is why we now have the global state of affairs many economically-aware leftists are lamenting, that perhaps 62 people control more wealth than the entire bottom half of the world’s population.

The superelite, or super-oligarchy, are — at the very highest level — not materialists, however. We see some evidence for this in the bizarre rituals that have sometimes been performed at the culmination of some of their major triumphs.

Get your Bible and go with me to Matthew 4:1-11 (or Luke 4:1-13). Satan is tempting Jesus, his effort leading to his offer of “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory” (Matt. 4:8). It has long fascinated me that Jesus doesn’t tell him, “Those kingdoms are not yours to give!” but rather just says, “Get thee behind me, Satan, for it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve’ (Matt. 4:10).

The highest behind-the-scenes powers of this fallen world are not and have never been materialists. That materialism is credible is, in fact, the biggest “fake news” hoax of all time!

We are often told that Christianity is losing ground in contemporary America, especially among millennials (some of whom are turning to astrology and witchcraft). That is not to the advantage of a country from which God may be withdrawing His protections, perhaps (among other things) in the wake of the abortion deaths of between 50 and 60 million unborn babies!

Times are likely to get worse before they get better!

It thus behooves us to end with what has become one of the most important passages in Scripture, a warning worth quoting in full for our precarious times:

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rules of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” Ephesians 6:10-16

This should be in your mind as you awaken on November 4. What happens could be nothing, or next to nothing, or the beginning of the final planned destruction of what is left of Constitutional government in the U.S. as globalists maneuver to take back by force what they lost on November 9, 2016, and then some!

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money every day.

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, the device became unusable, and I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, 99% finished as of this writing. In it, a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. EDIT: thus far this effort has garnered just $62/mo. If it does not reach $250/mo. by the end of this month, it will be time to complete my farewell-and-good-luck piece.

To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Reality 101

Time for something different. I’ve written a novel. As I write this, it’s 98% finished (all but massaging and embellishing). It will be marketed as the “first novel of the Trump era.” Well, one can hope. I’d been planning to try my hand at fiction if Hillary Clinton had won last year. Even though she didn’t, the idea had taken root, and since I needed no precognitive abilities to know how the Establishment would react to the Trump victory, I decided to run with it anyway.

I’ve been directing my own effort to raise money for an international promotion effort. So far, the effort hasn’t met with as much success as I would prefer. Without promotion there is little point, though. So whether this will actually be published if it does not find its way into the hands of a major publisher is iffy. I am not a wealthy person.

Why write fiction?

The late philosopher of science and historian of ideas Paul Feyerabend (discussed briefly in my last article) once penned a short essay entitled “Let’s Make More Movies!” (1975). Despite the playful title it isn’t light reading. The basic idea: there are ways of getting a point across other than didactic argument. Authors, playwrights, and writers for cinema have all used them. So — and these are the cases that interested Feyerabend — have scientific geniuses such as Galileo who presented his ideas in dialogues (as did the philosopher Plato well over 1,500 years before). Feyerabend actually studied theater briefly during his youth under the tutelage of German playwright and theater director Berthold Brecht.

Storytelling involves showing and not merely telling: presenting how things might look, or events play out given a situation, instead of arguing for this or that abstract point. Instead of an author arguing a thesis, characters speak, act, and interact. Properly drawn characters have histories of their own including crucial events which shaped them, just as our backgrounds and events in our lives shaped us. An author wants to create a kind of movie in the reader’s mind. He or she sets the conditions, then gets out of the way as the characters assume center stage. Often, they turn out to have experienced things the author did not anticipate, have complicated and sometimes conflicted motives, and do things he/she did not plan for—all required by the story’s own dynamic. This is how creativity sometimes works.

So without wanting to give away the whole thing….

Imagine a convinced globalist — convinced because his education and line of work brought him into continuous contact with globalist actors and instruments, year after year — has decided that it is time to tell the truth, or at least as much of it as he knows. He believes a world state answering to global corporations is inevitable — the next stage in the evolution of modernity. All we peons can do is prepare for it, “retooling” ourselves to be innovative and competitive in the coming global mass-consumption marketplace. Retired and with plenty of money, our globalist has written a tell-all book of his own and gone on tour to promote it. His tour brings him into our story’s purview.

There are such people in the actual world, of course. Georgetown University School of Foreign Relations macrohistorian Carroll Quigley wrote such a work, but his Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time (orig. 1966) is an intimidating tome of over 1,300 pages, and while he discusses globalism and its emergence in international finance and central banking, his revelations are more part of the backdrop of his sweeping modern history of civilization. Only here and there do they assume a central place in his discussion.

Quigley’s is just the first major work I became aware of that writes history with this idea as background that the most important directions modern civilization has taken were not accidents. My fictional globalist shares with Quigley the idea, contrary to those he will call “conspiracy writers,” that the emerging world state will be a good thing. He regards those he calls the global oligarchy as “benign philosopher-kings” who invented capitalism by originally investing in, i.e., putting up the money for, capitalist endeavors (e.g., factories in England, Germany, and eventually in the U.S.). Capitalism’s early apologists, in their private correspondence (my fictional globalist observes) encouraged, in their private correspondence, forcing independent farmers from their land and into the new factories in the cities because, in those days, capitalists needed laborers.

In other words, my fictional globalist has written a poor man’s Tragedy & Hope. He is  appearing by invitation at the local university in a county ravaged by the effects of globalization, and proclaiming something major business publications are no longer even bothering to hide, but placing it in a larger context.

Now imagine him stating that the most dangerous result of the modernist capitalist consensus was its building up a financially independent middle class in the 1950s and 1960s, so that too much leisure and time on their hands allowed the children of that class to begin to challenge elements of the system in the 1960s. And how it was decided, within the oligarchy, that the American middle class was dangerous to their goals for the world and so had to be destroyed. Imagine him laying out, step by step, exactly how this was accomplished.

The young man who narrates this story, of millennial age and native to the county, has suffered directly from the results, and again without giving away too many details, he does not take kindly to being told all this. I did not set out, initially, to create a central character whose father committed suicide following the loss of his career with the county’s largest employer when it shuttered and went south of the border, followed by a string of professional and business failures; it just happened (that’s that creativity thing I mentioned, with characters taking on lives of their own). I can do this both because studies have shown that suicide in such communities has grown by leaps and bounds over the past 20 years or so, and I have known people who have tragically lost a parent to suicide, in one case seeing the emotional devastation up close. It isn’t pretty! The point in this context: few ordinary people can simply “reinvent themselves for the New Economy.” That’s more a fantasy than anything in a novel.

By the way, lest I forget: my globalist character has no use for Donald Trump. Well, surprise, surprise.

He comes under verbal attack. A complex character and not a sociopath, he stands his ground — not out of a desire to be cruel and indifferent but out of a sense that the truth must be faced. He does not believe that the “global marketplace” can regulate itself, and does not think “free trade” deals are enough. Not to mention the dangers of war in a world of peoples who are very different from one another, some with nuclear weapons; and, of course, there is human-caused climate change which he endorses as real based on the authority of science: a problem calling for a top-down coordinated global solution.

Is such a character credible? For some time now, some writers have been declaring the nation state outdated and arguing for some kind of global federation if not an out-and-out global state. Some such statements are quite eloquent (one current example here).

The location of this story is an imaginary Oklahoma county not too far from where I lived for a time, so I know the history and lay of the land at least somewhat. This place has its own political economy, stemming originally from the actions of its own aristocratic family who build the county, but could not keep one scion from helping to destroy it. Invented long ago to tell a different story which did not pan out, this imaginary place just sat in my mind for a long, long time. It seemed logical to use it now for this different purpose.

Incidentally, this being Oklahoma, an indigenous population lives there. Through them, we become conscious of the possibility of a localist alternative based on separation.

In other words, anyone thinking this novel will somehow defend “white supremacy,” assuming this means anything these days other than disagreement with the cultural hard left, is mistaken. I am not “alt-right” (I explain why not here). And although I’ve barely written on the subject as I’ve never been able to make it a priority, I’ve long believed that the minority group with the greatest claim to have been harmed by the “white man” and his modernity is the one that has been the most silent: Native Americans, whose land was taken from them, every treaty made with them by the U.S. federal government broken, many dying from diseases brought from Europe to which they had no natural resistance, with those who survived the wars and attempts at extermination typically sinking into poverty even when not herded onto “reservations.” Although many Europeans dismissed them as savages, some Native Americans built civilizations on a par with those of the ancient Mediterranean world (the Toltecs, the Maya, the Inca, are examples). A few invented writing, and one group (the Iroquois, with their League or Confederacy) actually had a form of representative government.

Not being an anthropologist I don’t know, but I have often wondered what we could still learn from the remnants of cultures which modernity has largely erased. These cultures surely merit attention. In addition to physical architecture including pyramids, they developed rich mythological narratives designed to do what worldviews always do: give them a sense of place in the universe, something modernity has taken from us all.

Returning to my story line, which draws on such a narrative when the time is right, the Christian Gospel puts in a strategic appearance. So does the Austrian school of economics, which portrays free market capitalism as the “unknown ideal” — a self-regulating system able to operate completely free of government interference, whether through regulation or through subsidy. Also appearing, as I was unable to resist, is a Marxist critique of globalized capitalism in its current globalized form, whose defender contends that the “pure” capitalism of the Austrians is an impossible fiction, that the “crony capitalism” they criticize just is capitalism; there is no other. Incidentally, while not opposing it, this character has little to say about cultural Marxism.

My speaker is not a Christian, not an Austrian, not a Marxist. He considers himself a realist, a rare animal in today’s world. Hence the title. He’s also a transhumanist, who believes we will eventually use technology to transform not just the world but ourselves. So he’s an optimist who believes we can save ourselves by trusting in the benign nature of our betters, the philosopher-kings of modernity, the movers and shakers who make things happen behind the scene, who will deal with problems like war and climate change in their own way. This despite how the county his visiting to promote his own book has become a wasteland since NAFTA, and even more so since the Meltdown of 2008. Like many such places.

My narrator is a damaged soul, a seeker still trying to find his way. He knows he wants nothing to do with any of the above! What he comes to realize is that modernity in its current form offers him (us) no future. Not really.

There’s no sex or violence; readers interested only in cheap entertainment had best look elsewhere. There is, however, a unique love interest, between my narrator and his girlfriend, as one cannot have compelling characters without that. She is a member of the indigenous population. This opens some interesting doors. Through the narratives of her people there are intimations of the world beyond our familiar one, perhaps in light of Hamlet’s ever-intriguing remark that “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Marcellus, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Some of these suggest that in the long run, evil indeed meets with an appropriate fate.

What matters most is the warning, about a view of the world and our place in it: an economics-über-alles view of human beings as infinitely malleable, like lumps of clay; of common people as little more than cattle to be used to enrich their self-anointed betters, and then discarded when they are no longer of use; and especially of our arrogant belief that we can save ourselves from our own many follies. Where can this view lead, except to technocratic de facto totalitarianism where not just freedom but privacy are things of the past, not even missed if generations grow up without them. Present-day globalism is not the end, just the most important stepping stone. (Incidentally, you don’t have to be a Christian to believe all this — but it helps!)

Is such a warning credible?

I submit that slightly over 25 years ago, I began warning anyone who would listen what political correctness would do to the body politic if allowed to spread from the universities through the rest of society’s institutions almost unimpeded, defended with brain-paralyzing phrases like social justice. Guys like me weren’t listened to, and just look at campuses today, with their “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings,” and now the open assault by students themselves on Constitutionally protected free speech (they’ve grown up with the cults of diversity and social justice).

Twenty-two years ago I merely lost a teaching job from having spoken against race and gender preferences. Today I would fear for my safety.

This book is another warning. Will it, too, be ignored? Will it even be published? Assuming it is, the questions readers are invited to confront: how much of what my speaker says of the near future is absolutely true? Biblical and other prophesies speak of a coming totalitarian world state, or an equivalent, in which you will be forced to adopt “the mark of the beast” to be able to buy or sell (Rev. 13:16-17). What will be your Plan B?

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money every day.

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, the device became unusable, and I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, 99% finished as of this writing. In it, a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. EDIT: thus far this effort has garnered just $62/mo. If it does not reach $250/mo. by the end of this month, it will be time to write my farewell-and-good-luck piece.

To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Of Climate Change, Science, Experts: A Meditation

A few months ago, a friend of mine, his son who had swung left, and a few others, debated man-made climate change (MCC) over email. Being in this group, I was copied on each installment, but did not participate. I was asked why, and have been asked on other occasions whether I had anything to say about MCC.

I tend to reply that I’ve not researched the topic extensively, and can’t speak to it with any confidence. There’s abundant information online, of course; what’s missing are hours in the day sufficient to research everything out there. The topic has come up again, as MCC proponents have a field day in the wake of two destructive hurricanes, Harvey and Irma. A third, Maria, may have hit by the time this is posted. All of us (I hope) are praying for those who lost loved ones in these storms, for rebuilding efforts which may take years in some cases, and that tragedy and hardship not be turned into an opportunity to score political points (for a change).

What research I’ve done on climate matters was mostly to inform students in contemporary moral issues and critical thinking classes, where I isolated three perspectives: (1) Global warming is not real. For whatever reason, scientists are misreading their data, seeing something that isn’t there, perhaps generalizing falsely from local events such as glaciers in retreat after a few years of unusual warmth. (2) Warming is indeed happening on a long-term, global scale, but we’re not the cause. Earth’s climate has warmed and cooled many times over planetary history, from various causes including fluctuations in solar energy; the climate, in any event, is far too vast for our paltry activities to affect it significantly. Volcanoes affect it more than we do.

The third perspective — (3) — holds that global warming or climate change is happening, that human activity, especially burning fossil fuels for energy and expelling the byproducts into the atmosphere for well over a century now, is causing the planet to heat up. (3), as I understand it, does not say every single year will be hotter than its predecessor, or will manifest violent hurricanes like this year has, just that over a long period of time, average temperatures will rise, sea levels will rise as polar ice fields melt, and on average, weather phenomena will increase in destructive force, be it hurricanes, severe winter storms, or droughts leading to forest fires.

So will it be door #(1), door #(2), or door #(3)?

Here is where I cannot speak with the confidence I have when speaking about, e.g., elite directedness of modern times, or philosophical critiques of secular ethics.

What I can say is that #(3) appears to be the one chosen by the majority of scientists and scientific organizations, something dissent alone can’t negate. Unfortunately, #(3) also has immense globalist appeal, given the adage that “global problems call for global solutions.”

If (3) is by some chance true, then claims like those of Naomi Klein in her This Changes Everything (2014) have to be considered. Whether you agree or not with Klein’s view that “the free market” is at fault in creating the present situation (I don’t, as I don’t think we’ve had anything remotely resembling actual free markets in decades), the conclusion remains: we find other ways of powering our civilization or face the consequences: a hotter, more hostile world; what author James Howard Kunstler calls The Long Emergency (2005) highlighted by dislocations that will make the present ones look tame by comparison as millions of people abandon flooded coastal cities, others migrating en masse from regions turned uninhabitable.

Alarmist? Perhaps, but many scientists will tell you that MCC is an established fact. Major scientific organizations including the American Association for the Advancement of Science have endorsed it. At least one online course I ran across earlier this year dispensed for free, presents information intended to debunk (1) and (2) above. The course’s main architect, John Cook of the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, had earlier created this site, organizing information he maintains refutes “climate change denialism.”

Cook and his associates have assembled some interesting information. But they packaged it within an image of science I found rather naïve and dated. (Cook’s views on the “scientific consensus” are criticized here.)

Again, a brief disclaimer: I am not a scientist, climate or otherwise. I am a trained philosopher who for a number of years specialized in history and philosophy of science — especially the physical sciences — turning to moral philosophy and political economy only later.

This I can certify: what is found in most science texts is an image of a neat, disciplined, pristine method of formulating hypotheses to explain neutral data, testing them step by step whether by further observations or by experiment, then pronouncing them confirmed or disconfirmed — almost as if done by robots instead of human beings subject to all the biases and frailties human beings are subject to, including being forced to work in organizations that do not fund themselves.

So MCC aside for the moment, how well-confirmed are most scientific results, really?

One can point to “studies” in various disciplines that clearly reflect the biases of those who put up the money, because the researchers wanted or needed further grant money, and one of its conditions was obtaining “acceptable” outcomes. They overstate what evidence validly permits, and may bury contrary findings. Does at least some science work this way?

Please allow me to digress …

As a bored public high school student in search of real intellectual stimuli I chanced to run across a curious volume in a local library: The Book of the Damned (1919) by one Charles Fort (1874 – 1932). Fort had a curious hobby. Upon receiving an inheritance, it became his career. A voracious reader, he’d mastered several scientific disciplines just by reading leading texts. He combed scientific journals and periodicals, antiquarian newsletters, and newspapers. Whenever he found something that did not fit the prevailing theories, he made a note of it. Soon he had thousands of notes, organized by subject matter: astronomical curiosities, unexplained weather and aerial phenomena, out-of-place artifacts, medical mysteries, etc. “Anomalism” was born: assemblages of “facts that don’t fit,” with wry commentary on the “scientific” manner of dealing with them: shoving them into the cognitive equivalents of windowless museum basements and forgetting about them.

Fort used his notes as the basis for four books: the above-mentioned The Book of the Damned, New Lands (1925), Lo! (1931) and Wild Talents (1932). He commented drily on “dogmatic Science” (cap S) as surrogate for God. Fort was more a provocateur than a serious theorist. He formulated intentionally ridiculous notions which left whole ranges of obvious facts unexplained and claimed them to be as well supported as the dogmas he saw imprisoning the minds of scientists.

The history of ideas manifests system-builders and system-smashers, one might call them. Among the system-builders: Plato and Aristotle, Aquinas, Newton, Lavoisier, Adam Smith, Kant, Darwin, Einstein, who left their respective disciplines large, logically-structured edifices of thought (systems). Among the system-smashers: the old Sophists who taunted Socrates in Plato’s dialogues, modern “outsiders” such as Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, aggravated skeptics such as Fort, and a couple of folks we’ll encounter below.

Modernity was a system-building endeavor. Postmodernity has been a system-smashing one.

It is not clear why some thinkers are drawn to one and not the other. Fort’s biographers state that his father was an abusive tyrant, from whom he fled as a teenager. His hostility to the authority of Science was then a projection. How very Freudian.

System-builders are confident of human reason’s capacity to grasp reality (or some part of it) as it is. System-smashers are just as convinced that the effort is delusional. They point to the smorgasbord of conflicting and competing systems in every domain, this being a problem even if we’ve mastered a certain instrumental rationality by manipulating objects into technology.

System-building takes itself seriously, is carefully argued, etc. Much system-smashing is literary provocation. Its purveyors use irony and rhetoric. They play mind games with their audience. Postmodernists, whatever else one says about them, are good at this.

Fort’s books sold reasonably well. At the end of his life, his health and eyesight failing, he was said to have laughed aloud upon learning that his writings had a cult following, organized as the Fortean Society, dedicated to continue poking holes in the pretenses of “scientistic” positivism. The Society published Fort’s unused notes and continued collecting anomalies that seemed to surround every major theory in every field of science. Fort’s books have stayed in print, and though for obvious reasons he was roundly dismissed as a crank, his work continues to fascinate those who have followed in his footsteps compiling anthologies of “misfit” facts such as physicist William R. Corliss (1926 – 2011), founder of The Sourcebook Project and editor of anthologies such as Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts (1978) and Unknown Earth: A Handbook of Geological Enigmas (1980); or more recent writers with substantive alternative hypotheses on ancient and unknown civilizations such as Graham Hancock (1950 –        ), author of Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization (2002), Magicians of the Gods (2015), and other works.

As a university student (still bored), I encountered the far more orthodox The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962, 1970, 2012) by Thomas S. Kuhn (1922 – 1996). My first exposure to Kuhn’s ideas was in a world history class. The professor discussed them with all the calm and neutrality of a leftist professor going off on conservatism. My curiosity was piqued, and I tracked the book down.

Kuhn’s thesis was that a mature “normal” science is always governed by a conceptual system embodied in concrete problem solutions he called a paradigm. Paradigms — exemplified in works such as Newton’s Principia or Lavoisier’s Chemistry or Darwin’s Origin — guided research in the science, its first premises not tested or challenged. Paradigms dictated use of the language of the discipline, as well as guiding authors of textbooks used to train the next generation who “stood on the shoulders of giants” as it were. Invariably a paradigm could not solve every problem it faced, however. These became anomalies — defined more precisely as violations of expectation. Eventually enough would accumulate to jeopardize allegiance to the paradigm (particularly among the young!). The science would enter a “revolutionary” crisis that ended with its embrace of a new paradigm able to solve the problems, often with new terms or old ones used in new ways. A new period of “normal” science would begin.

Physicist and early quantum theorist Max Planck (1858 – 1947) observed: “A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” That’s the basic idea.

Kuhn denied that scientific practice could be shoehorned into the formal-logical methods positivists taught. He experienced the wrath of colleagues who had Science on a pedestal, was accused of “irrationalism” for saying the decision to embrace a new paradigm was a matter of “faith.” Despite a couple of careless uses of that word his overall message was nothing of the sort, and he spent the rest of his life trying to clarify the complex rationality of an enterprise conducted by fallible humans working in organizations.

More extreme was the unabashed system-smashing of Paul Feyerabend (1924 – 1994), who authored the controversial Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge (1975, 1988, 1993, 2010). Although Kuhn’s and Feyerabend’s names are often linked, both classified as “historicists” (i.e., those who see science as a historical phenomenon operating within institutions, and not a formulaic, frozen-in-time abstraction), Feyerabend’s views differed from Kuhn’s. For one thing, he rejected the idea that “mature” scientists should embrace a single paradigm. He advocated pluralism: multiple paradigms. Conformity of thought, he argued, might fit the needs of a church but is totally inappropriate for science.

He argued extensively that the most important scientific advances had not proceeded according to an single, identifiably rational method. Scientists had opportunistically used a variety of sometimes incompatible ideas and methods at hand, so that early modern physics and astronomy incorporated ideas from Christianity, Platonism, astrology (Newtonian “action at a distance”), mysticism, and so on. Some of their claims seemed contrary to “plain fact,” as when Copernicus removed the Earth from the center of the universe in the absence of a physics able to make sense of such an idea (he was dead well over a century before Newton came along). Positivism’s naïve just-the-facts-ma’am view of science would have stopped physics and astronomy 1543 – 1686 in its tracks! With “plain fact” not on their side, early physicists advanced their main claims not just through argument but with storytelling and propaganda (Galileo wrote dialogues; some of his “experiments” as with dropping objects from the leaning tower of Pisa probably never took place).

Feyerabend’s point was that if science was more “anarchic” than “rational,” “anarchism” might help us in the present! It might free us from the “tyranny” of a “dogmatic Science” that was stifling our creativity within the cubicles of industrial civilization and robbing us of the potential richness life might have. According to him, the only abstract “rule” that could be guaranteed to work independent of situation was “anything goes”: not a rule but a jocular, system-smashing rejection of abstractions. The idea: “proper scientific method” is always situation-specific. Feyerabend (unlike Kuhn) did not suffer fools gladly. He ridiculed critics who misread “anything goes” as an abstract rule. He mocked them by openly defending “relativism”: resulting from comparing the richness supplied by history and anthropology to the desiccated requirements of positivist abstraction. (One of his favorite targets was George Soros’s hero Karl Popper.) He has since been called “the worst enemy of science” by those who haven’t read him, but believe “scientific” minds should get the last word on all things human, including designing (or redesigning) societies.

Arguably, Feyerabend put an end to a certain way of viewing science — at least, if we look at the enterprise as it is, a human-all-too-human endeavor, instead of accepting the mythology that has surrounded it (touted by positivists, atheistic materialists, and technocrats).

End of long digression. Why this dissertation? Because there are abundant reasons for rejecting the presumptions of those who believe MCC on the mere authority of a naïve empiricism: who see science as mere data aggregation and integration, using a “method” frozen in time; and have occasionally been caught seeming to “cheat”: fudging data so that MCC seems better supported than it really is (e.g., “Climategate”: for contrasting views see here and here). As critics of MCC have pointed it, the scientists behind it receive government grants as well as lavish funding from elite foundations. In fairness, MCC “deniers” also receive substantial support from private sources (e.g., the Koch Brothers and Exxon).

Scientists are supposed to be the experts. But can we trust the objectivity and neutrality of the experts? Among the phenomena of the Trump era is a profound skepticism towards “expertism” as a repository of biases (most of them left-liberal, or globalist, these two often going hand-in-hand). The experts predicted Trump would lose in a landslide. Their major pronouncements about the economy going back well over two decades were wrong. They did not see the end of the tech bubble in 2000. In 2008, Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke failed to anticipate the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, embarrassing himself in January of that year saying that the Fed “is not currently forecasting a recession.” The experts fail to see the role of top-down financialization in consolidating wealth and power at the (globalist) top via a system that removes labor’s share of national income. Their “paradigm” blocks their view of the forest so that they see only the trees.

Skepticism about experts isn’t limited to political economy, obviously. These days it crosses over a wide range of topics: so-called scientific medicine based on invasive procedures and the use of (expensive!) pharmaceuticals, which rejects alternative practices such as nutrition-based “holistic” or “integrative” healing, the use of dietary supplements, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.; whether GMO foods pioneered by powerful global corporations such as Monsanto are proven safe for human consumption and for the ecosystem; whether there is a causal relationship between vaccines (e.g., the MMR vaccine) and autism; whether the theory of evolution is as well-established as the scientific community maintains, well enough established to exclude intelligent design, and whether it is truly empirical or the product of a (materialist) worldview; whether there is a correlation between race/ethnicity and measurable average intelligence; and whether it is true that men and women have the same innate cognitive predispositions, so that workplace “imbalances” can be attributed to sexism/misogyny. There are doubtless others I haven’t thought of.

Again, a few of these I’ve looked at. Most I have not, at least not at length. But there is a discernable pattern running through nearly all of them, which is the same as the pattern often employed to circumvent careful consideration of the idea of history being directed by a globalist superelite or super-oligarchy. The pattern includes dogmatism and just-the-facts-ma’am appeals: “It’s true (or false) because we say so or because our studies say so” (the right rejoinder to any such study is to ask, “Who funded it?”), followed by ridicule (“that’s a conspiracy theory!”), or a similar device to avoid dealing with specifics offered, ending with an authoritarian gesture and a return to the official narrative.

In the case of MCC, this progression now sometimes ends with a threat: that “climate change denial” be criminalized, “denialists” prosecuted and jailed, just as those who deny that Hitler and his minions killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, as opposed to some smaller number, are jailed for the thought crime in some countries. This, in fact, is the origin of the term denialism in the context of MCC: a propagandistic term intended to invoke Holocaust denial in the reader’s subconscious.

When ideas, questioning authority, and independent thought generally are criminalized, watch out! Just recall the line attributed to Voltaire (1694 – 1778) (he probably didn’t say it, but it’s true nevertheless): “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Applying: if you want to know if specific ideas or theories or policies have been afforded a special, unmerited status in institutions (academic, governmental, or corporate), find out if you can question them without the roof caving in — without, that is, being fired from your job, having your reputation trashed by social media trolls, etc.

Skepticism toward expertise has caused sufficient alarm that there is now pushback. Authors speak, often at great length, of “how we lost our minds” and of “American stupidity,” not just in articles (here, here, and here) but books (e.g., this one and this one). What these authors are dead set against is the possibility of epistemic equivalence suggested by the idea that what we have is a clash of worldviews, not just a resentful rebellion of “the stupid” against “the informed,” or “uneducated bigots” versus “educated cosmopolitans,” etc. Very similar is the authoritarianism of those who reject moral equivalence between conservatives and historical preservationists currently demonized as white supremacists and neo-Nazis versus leftists who self-identify with “progress” (which Trumpism has so rudely interrupted!).

You’re probably wondering: where does all these leave MCC? What should we conclude about it??? Especially given that if we conclude wrongly, either way, we could end up paying a steep price!

I will say — reminding readers of my disclaimers! — I don’t see MCC as crazy, or crackbrained, or false just because globalists like it and can make use of it! Another topic I studied was systems thinking, and one of the things I noticed is how sensitive complex systems are to what can perturb them. It also became clear: complex systems adjust themselves to perturbations. The largest complex system in our civilization’s proximate environment, the ecosphere, could adjust our civilization out of the picture! I therefore dissent from many of my fellow alternative writers, including a few on this site. No need to take my word for anything. I recommend readers go to the sites linked to above and see if they have refutations for what they find there. Was “Climategate” real, or blown out of proportion?

I cannot decide for you! I don’t have that kind of authority!

What I believe we do have is a new knowledge problem of some magnitude. What was the “old” problem? Just the philosophical question of how we acquire knowledge (through the senses, pure reason, or some other means including revelation). Its presumptions are problematic. I will not dwell on them here, as this discourse is already too long. The “new” problem: our own institutions and their hierarchical structures, enabling epistemic authoritarianism to pass for truth, are in the truth-seeker’s way, made worse by the fact that the circumstances necessary to decide complicated problems like MCC cannot pay for themselves in a fast-paced society devoted to instant gratification and mass entertainment. Nuanced debate and discussion, based on a careful but slow weighing of many opinions and considerations, is not “marketable” in a culture of WhatsAppers and Twitter addicts.

This is a problem because few have the time, skills, or inclination to do their own research. We need institutions we can trust. I have extensive notes on this problem, in the context of the general breakdown of academia in our time, which I hope to incorporate into a future slim book — a story in itself! Suffice it for now, I am not a postmodernist, like Fort or Feyerabend, however much I sympathize with their crusades against epistemic authoritarianism. Truth exists; and we must not do what the postmodernists do in face of the difficulty of finding it, which is to conflate institution-bound authority with what is true and proven, cry foul when it turns out we were bamboozled, and then throw up our hands in gestures of despair.

What we could use is support for smaller, parallel institutions that have been growing for years in the face of the insufferable political correctness that has ruined academia and is now trying to erase everything that might offense some minority. In every dominant institution, feelings have trumped truth. If we had institutions of knowledge-seekers free from the need for money, and therefore from outside control, who did not answer to corporate donors, etc., there might be hope for (among other things) a trustworthy answer to the MCC question before it’s too late, before our so-called leaders, whoever they might be, make decisions we will live to regret. Since we do not have such institutions on a scale large enough to matter, I am not all that optimistic.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money every day.

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, the device became unusable, and I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101, 98% finished as of this writing. In it, a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism — contrasted with the possibility of freedom outside the world as he sees it.

Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution to the world of political-economic ideas, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. EDIT: thus far this effort has garnered just $62/mo. If it does not reach $250/mo. by the end of September, it will be time to write my farewell-and-good-luck piece.

To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Why People Still Support Donald Trump

The scare quotes around the title are on purpose. This is a rejoinder to an article on the mainstream Bloomberg View with that title.

The author, Clive Crook (whose background includes stints with the super-oligarch voice The Economist among other elite publications and organizations) put forth two hypotheses to answer the question. One he rejects. The other meets with his approval.

The one he rejects: a substantial fraction of the U.S. population consists of “racist idiots” (his phrase). Enough said. This seems to be the view of a lot of leftists.

The one he likes: “a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustrations, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.”

It’s a start!

Crook continues: “I’m a liberal on immigration — but it isn’t racism to favor tighter controls if you believe that high immigration lowers American wages. It sure isn’t racism to believe that the laws on immigration should be enforced, and that “sanctuary cities” violate that impeccably liberal principle. It isn’t racist to say that many of the Charlottesville counter-protesters came looking for a fight. Casting Trump supporters as fearful of change is risible — he was hardly the status quo candidate.”

All of which is helpful and in some cases, obvious. Crook might have noted that many of these people were genuinely fearful of some of Clinton’s proposals, such as bringing “Syrian refugees” to the U.S. by the tens of thousands. They follow current events. They know of the terror attacks by Muslim immigrants in France, the U.K., and most recently in Spain. They know Muslims are terrorizing native populations in Germany, Sweden, and elsewhere, committing violent crimes including gang rape. These immigrants are not going to assimilate. It would be against their religion. Thinking Americans realize that the EU establishment, committed to open borders, globalism, and multiculturalism, is out of touch with most ordinary citizens. They do not want this happening in the U.S. beyond the extent the combination of globalism and political correctness has already allowed it to happen.

Crook’s discussion criticizes the Democratic Party for its own bigotry, for regarding Trump voters as “bigoted” and “stupid,” terms embodied in Hillary Clinton’s now-infamous denunciation of the “deplorables.” Surely such attitudes explain why Clinton lost states Barack Obama had won handily four and eight years ago, even if Democrats still refuse to see it. Obama, whatever his faults, was smart enough not to run his initial campaign openly condemning his fellow citizens as “deplorable” and neglecting to campaign in their states. He came a hair’s breath away later, with his reference to “bitter clingers.” Because of the backlash he may have continued to think it, but he didn’t say it again.

Clinton came across as openly elitist, arrogant, and believing she was entitled to be the First Woman President. This in addition to her personal history of dishonesty and corruption. Her party establishment, moreover, had embraced the cult of identity politics including fetish-like obsessions with sexual minorities few normal people can identity with. That the mostly Democratic mainstream media jammed this down their throats, gloating visibly when a Christian business was destroyed by a lawsuit from a lesbian couple or a woman jailed for refusing to sign marriage licenses that would violate the laws of her state, alienated those across the aisle. Their answer to this sort of coercion was to vote for Donald Trump. Even though he was a billionaire he seemed to identify with their concerns, not just when he talked about bringing back decent paying jobs but when he refused to be intimidated by self-righteous mainstream career talkers like Megyn Kelly.

Continued vicious gestures like the one from bimbo celebrities like Kathy Griffin, desperate for attention, their careers sinking due to their utter lack of talent, only reassured Trump’s base that their decision was the right one.

I’d look deeper than even this for why many intelligent people supported and continue to support Donald Trump. The establishments of both dominant political parties have been in decline at least since 1990 if not earlier. In 2015-16, completely out of ideas, they simply collapsed. Common people wouldn’t put it this way, of course. Most would probably have been open to a mainstream candidate if he spoke to their needs. But when they looked at those on stage, they saw only empty suits with nothing new to say. More than that, they saw reasons to withhold their support.

Hillary Clinton promised only a continuation of the policies of Bush II and Obama: policies of war and domestic economic stagnation, with more wealth and power concentrating at the top. Her relationship with Wall Street was obvious, and well-known. Neither she nor her husband ever saw a war they didn’t like, and as “corporate Democrats” the latter’s “welfare reform” began the repeal of what few safety nets had existed for the poor since the 1960s. Hillary might not have won the nomination had she not cheated Bernie Sanders with “superdelegates.” Among the revelations of the infamous leaked emails was how DNC insiders worked directly to secure the nomination for her, when Sanders (for better or for worse) had the support of the grassroots. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, received the most votes her party has ever gotten — slightly over 1.2 million, around 1% of the popular vote — because disaffected Democrats voted for her instead of Her Royal Clintonness. Others, of course, simply stayed home on Election Day. A few voted for Trump out of sheer spite.

With the GOP, the case for the collapse of the mainstream is even clearer. The GOP tries to self-identify as conservative in some sense of that term. Guys like Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) write tomes trying to redefine it, so as to save it from an outsider like Trump and his “uninformed” base. But at least since the 1950s, much of what passes for conservatism in the Republican Party has been more about what is good for big business than a principled defense of liberty within the bounds of tradition, Constitutionally limited government, the rule of law, and a sense of the role of the transcendent in human life — all of which matter at some level in “red” states outside the Beltway and the corridors of the elites.

Conservatism in this sense (some now even have a separate name for it: paleoconservatism) follows the strain of thought that began with Edmund Burke’s criticisms of the French Revolution, went through Max Weber’s defense of “the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism,” continued through Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind (orig. 1953), after which it began to disappear. William F. Buckley had defended a version of it in his God and Man at Yale (1951), criticizing the leftist-secularist elitism of his alma mater, before opting to become “pied piper for the Establishment” (John F. McManus’s memorable phrase; see his 2002 book with that title). Mostly banished from visible corridors of academia well before the PC era, traditional conservatism also ran counter to the increasing incursions of vocationalism there. Patrick J. Buchanan may be its last visible defender. There are scholars like Paul Gottfried, author of Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt (2002) and numerous other books and articles, long exiled to tiny Elizabethtown College and probably fortunate to be employed academically. A handful of other such people subsist at tiny, poorly funded think tanks or have been forced from intellectual professions altogether. (A guy I worked with briefly at a think tank now sells real estate, his talents going to waste.)

What replaced the earlier conservatism was neoconservatism, which began its ascendance in the Republican Party during the Reagan years at the hands of such thinkers as Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, and eventually Irving’s son William Kristol, the Robert Kagans and Paul Wulfowitzes and others who surrounded the Bushes and other establishment types. The neocons wanted power and influence, were good networkers, and by the 1990s had eclipsed their predecessors. They went on to form the Project for a New American Century. Neoconservatism was less about education, values, and social issues — one reason political correctness also ascended mostly unopposed — and more about imposing the “liberal democracy” of “the exceptional nation” on the world, at gunpoint where necessary. Neoconservatism was more about economics and war. With a nod to the ghost of Woodrow Wilson, it would “make the world safe for global capitalism” as the world’s default economic system following the Soviet collapse. (To see how this brand of global capitalism really works, I recommend John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004)).

The U.S. (and British and Israeli) war machines went on to wreck the Middle East, killing thousands of people and displacing hundreds of thousands more. The neocon establishment supported “economic integration,” i.e., open borders, outsourcing manufacturing jobs to third world countries for cheap labor, and importing cheaply made Chinese goods that costed less but lasted less than six months on some occasions, forcing consumers to buy more.

It seems fair to say that with mass immigration, Democrats wanted peoples who fit their vision of multicultural Utopia but especially the votes of people who had no idea what Constitutionally limited government even was and would support an expanding welfare state. Republicans wanted cheap labor for business. Was it not clear that this sort of thing would soon encounter pushback? Ask the thousands of people whose lives were turned upside down by the downsizing of U.S. manufacturing.

When Trump stood alongside his fellow GOP competitors, most of whom were political photocopies of one another, when all is said and done, he had little competition. When he responded to Megyn Kelly’s query about his remarks about women with, “We don’t have time to be politically correct,” the base cheered. His brashness and utter absence of PC horrified the mainstream but struck them as refreshing! At last they had a champion, someone who spoke to their issues in their language!

I confess I did not take The Donald seriously at first. Assuming him serious, I, too, thought the attacks which began long before the start of 2016 would undermine his candidacy. I began to watch more closely when they didn’t: when, if anything, the attacks backfired. I heard Trump provide a truthful description of American foreign policy as “a complete and total disaster.” I also encountered this, from an intellectual who realized that the country’s political-economic mainstream had collapsed, and I knew Trump’s candidacy would not be put down so easily.

Thus what we had were two party establishments, both of which answered to Wall Street and other corporate lobbyists and donors, both of whom furthered a globalist and technocratic agenda both at home and overseas, while feathering the nest of the U.S. / British / Israeli war machines. The “exceptional nation” flexed its muscles abroad over and over again, while the George Soroses of the world of the super-oligarchs bankrolled the destruction of traditional American culture. Higher education seemed to have fallen into the hands of an increasingly militant cultural left.

Into this wasteland walked Donald Trump.

The “experts” were unanimous: he would lose. It would be the biggest landslide in history. I don’t think even he expected to win.

He did, of course, and on November 8, 2016, everything changed!

The establishments blew their gaskets, slowly when not rapidly!

The cultural left hated Trump because of his resistance to PC. The corporate-globalist establishment hated him because he represented massive foot-dragging against “free trade” dogma. Both, as we saw, wanted the borders open for their own reasons, and if traditional culture and communities was destroyed, well, those were the breaks: it was just the “inevitability of progress” or the workings of the global “free market,” after all.

The idea had been floated that Trump could not have won without illicit help.

Enter the Russian-hackers-influenced-the-election narrative!

It was true enough that someone had penetrated DNC computers and delivered damning information to WikiLeaks. Seth Rich, who had worked for the DNC, was murdered under somewhat unusual circumstances. D.C. police insisted it was a botched robbery attempt although Rich’s possessions had not been stolen. Despite the cries of conspiracy theory, we don’t know the truth here.

What we now know, as I reported following Paul Craig Roberts, is that there were no Russian hackers.

The Great Fishing Expedition of 2017 continues, however, with former FBI chief Robert Mueller at its helm. Mueller is a leave-no-stones-unturned kind of guy, investigating not just allegations that Russian agents colluded with the Trump campaign, but every business deal and contact Trump or members of his family have ever made or had that involves Russia in one way or another, going back as many years as it will take to find something illicit.

No one so far has produced a shred of publicly available evidence that any of these deals broke any laws. What we have are accusations, insinuations, and hearsay based on sources whose anonymity is telling.

The question arises: will that stop the Great Fishing Expedition? I very much doubt it. The events at Charlottesville, and more recently the Hurricane Harvey tragedy in southern Texas, have temporarily pushed it from center stage. It will be back, of that we can be assured.

The party establishments are determined to destroy this presidency if they can. Although he denies it, I believe Mike Pence is being groomed to replace him following the equivalent of a coup. Pence is basically an establishment figure. He won’t have an easy ride, but I predict that should he become President, his Christian pretenses will slowly disappear and allow the cultural left to continue to dominate the domestic agenda. Globalism will get back on track and continue its march toward a world state.

So why do many people continue to support Donald Trump?

For starters, few outside the Beltway and “blue” areas believe in “Russian hackers” or other shadowy personalities that allegedly helped the Trump campaign. Even fewer believe the West should continue on a collision course with Russia that can lead only to war.

And whatever the fate of his presidency, those outside the Beltway and “blue” culture will go to their graves disbelieving the newer narrative about a sudden insurgency of “white supremacy” and “hate groups.” They will go to their graves rejecting official explanations of how great open borders are, because this conflicts openly with their lived experience as well as on-the-ground reports from around the world. They will continue to wonder not just about the reliability but the honesty of “the experts” in numerous arenas — just follow the money. This especially applies to the economy which many on Main Street do not believe the economy ever truly recovered outside elite enclaves in big cities and on Wall Street which has benefitted from QE monetary expansion and corporate stock buybacks.

None of the Russia investigations touted by inside-the-Beltway bigwigs, none of the scolding from left-leaning media about all those terrible white people, and none of the cooked unemployment statistics, are going to make this visceral skepticism go away. Look to the behaviors still coming from the party establishments, especially Democrats and other leftists, continuing their Clintonian arrogance when not rationalizing the open violence of domestic terror groups like Antifa, for why common people continue to support Donald Trump.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day. 

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Around this time last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, and the device gradually became unusable. I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101 (a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism). Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. EDIT: thus far this effort has garnered just $36/mo. If it does not reach $250/mo. by the end of September, it will be time to write my farewell-and-good-luck piece.

To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Charlottesville: A Staged Event?

Since writing this on Aug. 14-15, information has continued to come my way. Much of it comes courtesy of a friend who lives near Charlottesville and has her own contacts there.

None of this new information is good. In fact, it confirms that old adage that “when you think things can’t get worse, they do!” It doesn’t contradict my previous account of what happened on Aug. 12, although certain elements of it need to be ratcheted up in importance.

For example, I am told that one Jason Kessler applied for, and was granted, a permit to assemble a group of primarily pro-South heritage activists in Charlottesville in what became the Unite the Right Rally in Lee Park (in accordance with political correctness recently renamed Emancipation Park).

We will return to Mr. Kessler.

The purpose of the rally was to protest the planned removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee. We can certify: the prospective rally did attract attention from white nationalist groups with names like the Nationalist Front and the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights. While not seeking violence, the latter would have body armor and shields for protection. This was to be a public event. It was impossible to guarantee that no one from KKK or neo-Nazi groups would show up looking for trouble, any more than it was possible to keep leftists out.

The permit was revoked just days prior to the event by Wes Bellamy, Charlottesville’s left wing Vice-Mayor who incidentally is a member of the radical Black Panther Party. The ACLU of Virginia sued and got the permit reinstated. Doubtless this rubbed Charlottesville’s left wing city government the wrong way. Some leftists, as I’ve noted, go into spit-spraying apoplexy and violent rages when they don’t get what they want.

In the meantime, mainstream media gave the projected event 24/7 coverage.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter assembled outside the park in far greater numbers than the rally attendees, some of them directly across the street. Shouts and insults began to be exchanged. Things escalated when the leftists began hurling bags of urine, feces, and paint, bottles, metal objects, and planks of wood with nails in them. A few of the rally-goers retaliated. Fistfights broke out, as well as fights with objects such as flagpoles.

At 11:30 am, police declared the rally an illegal assembly and ordered everybody out of the park. The governor, Terry McAuliffe, had just declared a state of emergency. Rally attendees found the exists barricaded in such a way as to force them into direct confrontation with Antifa and Black Lives Matter. More fighting ensued, including a few beatings when at least some of the rally-goers proved more than able to handle themselves. Police did nothing to prevent the two sides from pummeling one another into oblivion. They were following a stand down order most likely given by Charlottesville’s leftist mayor Michael Signer. Eventually a few police tried to separate the groups. The rally-goers fled the scene as best they could, leaving only the leftists.

The Dodge Challenger, whose actual driver no one saw clearly because the windows were tinted, barreled down the street out of nowhere into the crowd and at least one other vehicle, killing Heather Heyer and injuring 19 more people (nine still hospitalized as of this writing). The driver then threw the damaged car into reverse and backed up expertly in a perfectly straight line for more than a city block, prompting my initial suggestion that this was a paid professional, not a wet-behind-the-ears kid acting out of spontaneous rage.

James Alex Fields Jr., 20, from Maumee, Ohio, was arrested for the crime. As of this writing I have seen no public interview statements from him about his motivations or the allegations he faces, which is — shall we say — odd. In the case of Dylann Roof, we had such statements within a couple of days of his arrest confirming his identity and beliefs. From Fields, nothing. We are told he had a shady past: accusations of beating his mother, being on medication to control schizophrenia, and according to a former teacher having been fascinated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

There are, however, loose ends. Is that his real name? To be sure, the Dodge Challenger was registered in that name. A search done by an NSA operative turned independent investigative blogger, however, turned up no one with the exact name James Alex Fields Jr., age 20, living in Ohio. There are other inconsistencies between the information from Virginia and that which came from Ohio. The car registered in Ohio had a sun roof. The car on the Charlottesville video did not. The tinted windows made the driver very difficult to see. A single enhanced image appears to be the face of a man older than Fields, his facial features not matching those of Fields. My source had speculations about the identity of this man, but no hard evidence. The point is: there is a cloud of question marks surrounding the singular incident of violence mainstream media has been stressing.


Was this a psy-op, a staged event from the get-go? Who would benefit from doing such a thing, at the expense of a life (and more than one could easily have been lost)? Let’s look at it.

The fake news media: (1) has, from the start, portrayed the primary rally goers as neo-Nazis and white supremacists (or white nationalists), or not differentiating them from Southern heritage activists, and maintained the appearance that they initiated the violence instead of being the ones attacked; there is a near-total media black-out on Antifa’s presence that day; (2) has kept President Trump under fire because he blamed both sides for the violence, then pointed a finger at the “alt-left,” a term coming into currency for violent groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter who operate outside the law; (3) has set the stage for the further erasure of Southern history by leftists, which began (also outside the law) before my first article appeared and has continued apace (here, here, here, and here, among others, although some of these idiots can’t distinguish Confederate symbols from those on other monuments); (4) has also created conditions for more violent confrontations between left and right; and finally and most importantly (5) has smoothly segued this entire sequence of events, with help from Trump’s enemies in Congress, into isolating him as well as questioning his “fitness for office” as well as the character of those supporting him; fear of being tarred with the demonizing labels destroyed the business advisory council Trump had assembled to deal with the practical matter of rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure after years of neglect. This would have created thousands of jobs. Taken together, these seem intended to delegitimize any opposition to possible impeachment proceedings, on whatever grounds they are put forth, by completely isolating the president and portraying any continued support for him as steeped in white supremacism or neo-Nazism.

Who benefits? The Deep State, of course. And the globalists behind the Deep State who oppose everything Donald Trump stands for, could not stop his election, but have always had the resources to set him up for a fall. Leftists have been excellent foot soldiers for the Deep State and for globalists, as their cult of diversity plays into the hands of those who would erase all national borders and move populations around like chess pieces to disrupt traditional cultures and for economic gain.

Which is why it is important to get to the bottom of what my first account left aside: the man who spearheaded this event: Jason Kessler, whom I said we’d return to.

What none of us knew initially was that Kessler, who graduated from the University of Virginia in 2009, had been involved with Occupy Wall Street and was an Obama supporter. He also appears to have worked for CNN in 2011.

Following Trump’s victory last November, he suddenly began rubbing noses with alt-rightists. He established a group called Unity & Security for America which the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center dubbed a white nationalist hate group.

People have changed political positions before, of course. I’ve done so myself.* But to change from card-carrying Obama supporter (Democrat, obviously) to alt-rightist and organizer of an event like this in one fell swoop? That is a bit much to swallow!

Did Kessler change his political stripes, or did the left give him a behind-the-scenes promotion? It may be worth asking, in this context, about the whereabouts of he and his immediate cohorts such as Richard Spencer during the melee. (Spencer spoke elsewhere in Charlottesville later.) Had either, or both, been spotted and targeted by Antifa or BLM, I am sure mainstream media would have pounced on it. But again, nothing. Ergo, they must have either not been present or exited the immediate scene with help unavailable to less-well-connected rally-goers. Kessler’s whereabouts at different times that day might be an important key to whether this event was staged by the left in order to target the right and Donald Trump — which would have included attracting through online publicity the handful KKK types and neo-Nazis who showed up. Interestingly, Kessler insulted Heather Heyer, the woman killed by the Dodge Challenger, in a tweet that was completely over the top, which he later attributed to a combination of alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and stress from receiving death threats. His remark alienated Richard Spencer, who called Heyer’s death “deeply saddening.” If Kessler is a leftist in disguise, did he accidentally overplay the leftist-manufactured role of “right wing hater”?

Another person of interest in this saga is one Brennan Gilmore, conveniently on the scene, immediately interviewed by the über-mainstream MSNBC as a prime witness to the Dodge Challenger plowing into the crowd. During the interview Gilmore pushed all the right PC buttons. Who is he?

Gilmore worked in Africa as a State Department foreign officer under none other than Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. He was involved in the Kony hoax in 2012. He is currently Chief of Staff for Democrat Tony Perrielo, who is running for Governor of Virginia and — wait for it — received $380K from George Soros.

Did a former State Department official (whose information was removed from State Department websites right after Aug. 12) who is presently working for a Soros-supported gubernatorial candidate and was previously involved in a propagandistic psy-op just happen to be in that spot by sheer chance?

At what point does Soros enter this picture? A Hungarian-born Jewish sociopath who has been accused of collaborating with real Nazis as a teenager resulting in some of his own people being sent to concentration camps, Soros is a superelitist’s superelitist with no loyalties beyond money and power. He understands that American Constitutional conservatism is the one thing still in the way of what he and his fellow billionaire superelitists want: a world state answering to their leviathan corporations, able to impose a mass-consumption monoculture on a totally surveilled world, every transaction recorded and monitored (hence the global war on cash). I see Soros using leftist groups like Antifa and BLM as the most efficient means of tearing this last bastion of “populist” resistance apart. His billions, thrown lavishly into leftist groups starting with MoveOn.org (founded in the late 1990s to support Bill Clinton during impeachment for lying under oath to a grand jury), place him in a perfect position to advance superelite goals. The fact that so many people still see this as “conspiracy talk” just helps his agenda.

Now, of course, Trumpism is the enemy.

The racial card we now see may prove more fruitful in stirring up opposition to Donald Trump than all the intrigue about Russian hackers and shadowy meetings with Russian agents. The grip of political correctness and identity politics on American culture is clearly much more powerful than antipathy towards Russia, and may well prove to be the country’s undoing before the next orchestrated economic calamity has time to hit. All one need do is look at the surging of an estimated 40,000 people in Boston the next Saturday opposing — are you sitting down? — a free speech rally, an event attended by perhaps a few dozen people, mainstream media has portrayed with the epithet “right wing”; one can only hope people will actually look at the photos of those opposing “the right”! We’re the “deplorables”???

Freedom of speech is written into the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. The brand of leftism now taking to the streets opposes it in the name of, e.g., “fighting fascism.”

The PC / identity politics mindset, in just over a quarter century, has gone from being the province of a relative handful of left wing nut cases in academia who read Frankfurt School Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse to a new cultural consensus, controlling not just academia but law, politics, corporate journalism, entertainment media, the arts, much of the military, a substantial fraction of the economy including the tech world, and more besides. Even as I write, its foot soldiers are in the process of linguistically boundary-warping everything outside leftist approval into “white supremacy” or “neo-Nazism” or “fascism.”

Some of us tried to warn that this would happen (see here and here)! We spoke of the day when a generation would come of age that had no memory of the world before political correctness and identity politics. That generation is now of age. They vote, and when roused, they take to the streets in numbers rivaling anything seen in the 1960s. They are moving into positions of influence and sometimes authority in all major institutions.

A friend of mine paints a distressing scenario: whether in response to some further tweet or comment from Trump that corporate media can distort, or just as a development from recent events, massive leftist protests launch into the streets of all major cities, ground zero being New York City (perhaps outside Trump Tower) and Washington D.C. on Pennsylvania Ave.: throngs of tens of thousands in each place demanding either Trump’s resignation or his immediate impeachment and removal from office by Congress (the rule of law be damned).

Were Trump to resign under duress or be forced from office in what would amount to a coup and Mike Pence sworn in, leftists would immediately turn their wrath on him for his anti-homosexual Christian convictions.

It’s useful to remember: leftists are never satisfied!

Some prominent voices predict that we are looking at Civil War II. Such predictions seem a tad premature to me (though it’s not impossible). But anyone who thinks things would get back to business as usual in the Land of the Free after any variation on the above sequence of events is kidding himself!

Among other things, the power elites would institute machinery to ensure that never again will an outsider be able to obtain a major party’s nomination for national office. There will be no more Donald Trumps. Look for the Electoral College to be abolished.

I have, as I’ve sometimes said, no crystal ball. So I don’t really know what this melee heralds for the immediate future. As I write, however, Steve Bannon has returned to Breitbart, where arguably he can do far more than he ever could as a White House staffer forced to keep his mouth shut most of the time.

I can envision a post-presidential Donald Trump doing something on a larger scale, using his still-considerable resources and savvy to create what I will call (I do not have a better name) Trump Media, which could continue the struggle on behalf of Americanism and Constitutional conservatism against globalism. We might not see Civil War II, but the stage would be set for an Information War on a grand scale, and with billionaires on each side able to use their resources (Trump is limited in what he can do as long as he remains in office), the fight would be a little more even. It would be easy to try to demonize a Trump Media, but difficult to shut it down without the result being a legal confrontation that would be dangerous to the cultural left, whose representatives on campuses are already facing several lawsuits for their censorship, not merely of conservative speech but departures from any of the latest leftist orthodoxy or proposals for how to deal with “whiteness” as Bret Weinsten (who isn’t a conservative) learned the hard way at Evergreen State College.

If any sanity prevails in the U.S., it must eventually become obvious to more and more people: it is the tens of thousands of cultural leftists, “educated” on today’s campuses, acting like herd animals, demanding absolute conformity of thought and action, who viciously punish anyone including their own who deviate or stray from ideological purity, and not the comparatively few neo-Nazis or Klansmen who actually still exist, who are the real existential threat to America, its Constitution, and the rule of law.

*I used to be far more Libertarian than I am now, having become convinced that Libertarianism is far too intellectual for today’s masses, too abstract for the real world, and thus unworkable in a media-saturated civilization of 325 million people, with its many mindless followers, its sociopaths, and just plain idiots. This is a much longer essay, of course.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day. 

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Around this time last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, and the device gradually became unusable. I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101 (a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism). Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. EDIT: thus far this effort has garnered just $36/mo. If it does not reach $250/mo. by the end of September, it will be time to write my farewell-and-good-luck piece.

To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Please visit Steven Yates’ works

Please consider supporting my writing on Patreon.com


Buy my book FOUR CARDINAL ERRORS here:

In progress: REALITY 101 (a novel); THE FIFTH STAGE OF CIVILIZATION (Beyond the Postmodern & Into the Future)


Does your manuscript need an extra pair of eyes?

Charlottesville Violence: What Might Be Next

As everyone reading surely knows, open violence between left and right finally broke out in Charlottesville, Va. last Saturday when an alt-right group tried to hold what they called a Unite the Right Rally. The assembled group, as most groups do, doubtless included people from multiple perspectives no doubt including a few potentially violent KKK and neo-Nazi types.

Central to alt-right beliefs is the idea that the “conservatism” of the GOP mainstream is dead. What has collapsed, of course, is not conservatism but neoconservatism. Alt-rightists have no desire to revive what neoconservatism replaced. If they could tell you what it was, they wouldn’t agree with it. Alt-rightists are not conservatives, therefore. What they also believe — and here my disagreement with them deepens — is that whites need to embrace the identity politics that has been forced on society by the hard left. (I provide a lengthy diagnosis of the philosophical-historical origins and problems with such claims here.)

I may disagree with the alt-right, but why it came about is not hard to fathom.

The organizers chose Charlottesville because of an effort to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general who surrendered at Appomattox down the road. This effort is just the latest in the ongoing campaign to erase Southern history which has been occurring since the early 1990s. At Charlottesville, the effort to take down General Lee’s statue is part of a larger effort which includes purging Thomas Jefferson from the University of Virginia he founded. The reason: he owned slaves, and in today’s politically correct world, that’s “triggering.” Charlottesville’s leftist mayor (Mike Signer), moreover, declared the town a “capitol of resistance” following Donald Trump’s inauguration. He is a Berkeley graduate (surprise, surprise) who has been described as “a rising darling of the Left.” One of my sources accuses him of having given the stand-down order to police that allowed the violence to erupt, and continue until someone got killed.

According to boots-on-the-ground reports I will be relying on, there was an abundance of Confederate flags in evidence well before the rally was to begin, and the night before. If anything “triggers” leftists into apoplectic, spit-spraying rage, it is the Confederate flag.

South Carolina was the last state to remove its Confederate flag from its State House Dome. That was July 1, 2000. I was living in Columbia, S.C. then. The atmosphere was tense, but there was no violence. There would be today. The flag was moved to a Confederate monument in front of the State House. Groups such as the NAACP and other leftists weren’t satisfied. They wanted the flag totally out of sight, perhaps in a museum — which would then have been attacked for keeping visible the “triggering” reminder of slavery in the antebellum South.

Then, in 2015, a psychopathic millennial named Dylann Roof, 21, walked into a black church in Charleston, S.C., and murdered nine innocent people in cold blood. Photos of Roof with displays of Confederate flags quickly surfaced. Almost the next day, then-Governor Nikki Haley signed a bill to remove the flag from the monument. I call Roof a psychopath not because I am an expert in psychopathology but because he neither expressed remorse for what he did nor sensed how badly he damaged whatever is left of the pro-South cause. That’s good enough for me.

In any event, such causes persist among the alt-right, hated by mainstream Republicans as well as all Democrats (and most independents).

What has motivated the alt-right’s anger is not just the worsening economic conditions for the white working class in the U.S., nor being disadvantaged in their job searches by affirmative action programs, but being consistently ridiculed and demonized in academia, in corporate media, and in post-‘90s culture generally.

Coming back to what really happened in Charlottesville, I am not identifying my sources for obvious reasons: not only do they have families as well as jobs, we are at a tipping point where those who speak out have to fear for their safety. My main contact assures me that what follows is reliable. I have edited lightly for grammar and flow, but otherwise left it intact. As I’ve sometimes said, if you don’t want to believe any of this, then don’t! It’s no skin off my nose!

Friday night: there had been “people marching with tikki torches (no pitchforks). I didn’t know why, so I watched for a while. It looked like a basic Patriot march. It was peaceful with no trouble. Then they started talking about Robert E. Lee and that another statue was coming down. That pissed me off. This stuff has to stop. You need to know your own country’s history, so you don’t repeat the mistakes. They announced they were having a rally in the morning.”

The Unite the Right Rally was to begin at noon, but well before, leftist counterdemonstrators had assembled, and according to my source they outnumbered the rally attendees at least two-to-one. This is what that source says happened next:

“ … a cute blonde woman (can I still say that?) … was interviewing people who said that white people are going to be replaced unless they stand up and not let our history and heritage be wiped out. I thought, yeah, I kinda noticed that happening, too. There were quite a few folks there and they were dressed like folks have to dress now to go to a rally or protest because of George Soros’s paid agitators Antifa [shorted from Anti-Fascist]: you know, helmets and stuff…. These folks don’t want General Lee’s statue down. Still peaceful with folks speaking their mind.

“THEN: I hear Antifa is here. They just show up in a huge group and station themselves across the street. The rally goers were pinned in on all sides with only one exit. As soon as Antifa got settled in, it began.

“It started raining balloons filled with urine, feces, paint, burning chemicals and boards with nails driven into them. Someone who had infiltrated behind Antifa’s line was interviewed and said they had big coolers full of these balloons….

“THEN: Police lined up behind the rally and announced that they had now declared that this is an unlawful assembly and that if the people didn’t leave the park, they would be arrested. They protested that it wasn’t unlawful, they had a permit.

“They asked the police to take down the barriers in the back so they didn’t have to leave right into Antifa. The cops said No, you have to leave the way you entered and started moving in on them.

“They tried to leave peacefully and were immediately attacked and fought back. The ones that got past Antifa rounded the corner only to be greeted by Black Lives Matter with baseball bats. The ones that got through them and were trying to make it to their cars were chased by both groups and surrounded. They had to call the cops to come and protect them, which to my surprise, they came and got between the groups, but they were still surrounded and couldn’t leave….  I went off and did something else and when I came back the rally goers were gone and Antifa and Black Lives Matter had taken to the street and were marching. I was waiting for the looting to begin.

“THEN: A grey Charger comes flying down the road and BANG!”

“Later I turn on the TV and hear a totally different story.”

Yes. All you heard for the next 48 hours was how white supremacists had torn up Charlottesville and killed someone, and how Donald Trump was personally responsible.

I watched the Clinton News Network (CNN) for two hours last night (Monday night), Anderson Cooper followed by Don Lemon, both overseeing round tables of the usual brand of chatterers, and there was not one mention of Antifa or Black Lives Matter!

Make no mistake: leftists instigated the violence. They always do. They appear to have been enabled by police. Mainstream media played its part. Had they not given the rally 24/7 coverage beforehand, the group would have assembled, made their statements, not bothered anyone else, and then been gone — probably uploading speeches, etc., to YouTube and other social media outlets. There would have been no violence.

Regrettably, videos appeared immediately on social media of “white supremacists” and “Nazis” attacking blacks. If the above account is credible, what was filmed was retaliatory. Who should be blamed?

Consider: Person A is walking in a group carrying a large Confederate flag and otherwise minding his own business, exercising his rights under the First Amendment.

Person B, an Antifa leftist, runs up and sucker-punches him, or hurls a urine-filled balloon in his face while screaming, “Fascist!” or “Nazi!”

Who is the aggressor here?

Come on, folks, this is not rocket science!

A couple of hours after the order to disperse, tragedy struck when the guy later identified as James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Maumee, Ohio, drove his Dodge Challenger (not a Charger, the only confirmed error in the above report) into the crowd. He struck and killed Heather D. Heyer, 32, who had been crossing the street, and injured 19 other people before backing up at high speed and leaving the scene. He’d struck at least one other car. Police cornered his damaged vehicle a short distance away and took him into custody. He faces charges of second-degree murder among others including possible domestic terrorism.

At first there was confusion over who he was. Someone posted that the car was registered to a guy in Michigan, and somehow the guy’s son got accused of being the driver. One of the dangers of armchair investigation in our era of omnipresent social media is that in the heat of emotion, people jump to unwarranted conclusions. The vehicle had been sold a couple of times. Obviously the kid in Michigan wasn’t involved: he was at a wedding at the time, and surely wouldn’t have been posting denials on Facebook if he was in police custody.

Be that as it may, (as usual) there are things that don’t add up. My first thought, upon watching and rewatching the graphic video of the car striking the crowd and then backing straight up, went something like, “That driver was a professional.” Others in my own social media circle agreed.

Today, I dunno.

An ordinary driver could do it, if he stayed focused. But as a friend of mine pointed out: Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy. Sirhan Sirhan was a patsy. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols look to have been patsies. Just three cases that come to mind. So is Fields a patsy? I don’t know. All we can do is keep digging into this young man’s background to find out who his associates were prior to this incident, and whether any might be Deep Statists who saw a golden opportunity to stage a false flag. I wouldn’t ask his mother, who comes across as a complete ditz. I would ask those for whom “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” has special meaning.

On the other hand, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

If the kid did act alone, on impulse, out of rage at his group having had its rally shut down illegally by police and then terrorized by leftists attacking with clubs, ballbats, bags of urine and feces, etc., I still don’t have a problem condemning his action as grade-A stupid in addition to being terroristic: it played right into the hands of those who say the right is volatile and violent.

Men and women who are right-of-center, whether they self-identify as conservative or as alt-right or pro-South or what-have-you, absolutely must be on their best behavior in public, and that means keeping their tempers if possible even when provoked. This does not mean never defending oneself when physically assaulted, within the bounds of what the law permits. But overall: allow violence to be the left’s way of doing things!

It might be a wise course not to have more public Unite the Right rallies until things cool down, as much as this might seem to be caving in to what the left wants. (More rallies are planned.)

Instead, have conferences. Make videos. Post online news materials and commentary. Watch your language! That is, again, leave the f-, m- and c-words to the lefties. Dress professionally when appearing in public (that means putting away the bandanas, having a neat and normal haircut, covering up tattoos, not hiding one’s eyes behind opaque shades). More bluntly put: don’t look like aging punk rockers or disaffected troublemakers, much less like someone who admires Adolf Hitler! Be more of a James Damore than a Richard Spencer!

Keep in mind that social media is a two-edged sword. It is how I came by the above material. With practically everyone now having a mobile device with video capabilities connected directly to the Internet, these events can be broadcast live. But being seen at such an event can be a career-killer. People who were in attendance Saturday have already been fired from their jobs because they were visible on social media.

This is part of the left’s strategy of intimidation, and it has the potential to be very effective at silencing opposition, however self-defined (the left, even as I write, is in the process of redefining all significant opposition as white supremacist).

The left, and its fellow travelers throughout government and corporate media played the media misrepresentations of what happened in Charlottesville immediately for all the mileage they could get from them.

Trump was basically ordered to condemn, unconditionally, the “white supremacy” on display in Virginia under the premise that the rally-goers had caused the violence.

What he said: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. On many sides. No matter our color, creed, religion, or political party, we are all Americans first!”

Left-liberals exploded with fury at that on many sides.

We are supposed to forget, that is, about the violence by leftists that went on all last year during the run-up to the election. We are supposed to forget that Black Lives Matter surged onto roadways and highways to block traffic trying to get to Trump rallies. We are supposed to forget that Trump once canceled a scheduled appearance on his own, in Chicago, out of fear for his supporters’ safety, when (Soros-bankrolled) organizers led a protest of thousands that surrounded the venue.

We are supposed to forget, moreover, that leftists did millions worth of damage at Berkeley in the process of shutting down an alt-right speaker, and that conservative speakers have repeatedly had appearances canceled because of threats.

Some (e.g., this blowhard) blame Trump for the violence — possibly referring to the handful of cases when he spoke approvingly of the physical expulsion from his rallies of the handful of leftists who showed up for no reason other than to cause trouble. I’ve no idea here. Reich presents no reasoning to support his opinion. A former Bill Clinton cabinet member, he is now a tenured professor at Berkeley. Well, surprise, surprise.

As if Trump had lost, the left wing multicultural paradise would have ensued … any day now! Is Reich really that stupid, or does he think we are?

Leftists have always been more demanding, impulsive, and (when they do not get their way) violent than the majority of those on the right; I say majority because obviously there are exceptions. Somewhere, moreover, there are probably a few peaceful BLM members, and the handful of Bernie Sanders supporters I’ve encountered online struck me as nonviolent.

Be this as it may, a violent and militant left has arisen, and gets very little mainstream media attention (rare exceptions here and here).

To the left, there is only one legitimate side: theirs. They’ve said so openly, not once but many times. They do not want dialogue with those who do not share their premises about, e.g., “social justice.” That is to presume a “false moral equivalence,” a term we’ve heard many times since Saturday.

Leftists in both government and corporate media are furious it took Trump 48 hours to issue the unconditional condemnation they’ve demanded (here it is). What he finally said: “Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs: including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.” Afterwards he (correctly) lamented that left-leaning corporate media “will never be satisfied.”

What might be next?

First, it is still open season on Confederate monuments. One statue was pulled down by leftists in Durham, N.C. on Monday, in what can only be described as an act of public vandalism that will probably not be prosecuted as such.

There are still many Confederate statues and monuments scattered around the South. Expect efforts to remove them to intensify; expect some to be vandalized openly now that the vandals know they can get away with it: police will stand down out of fear of being demonized as racists and white supremacists themselves.

Expect more boundary warping of all conservative opinion and expression into those of the alt-right despite the clear differences, and a general pulling of everything and everyone to the right of Che Guevara into “white supremacy,” where disagreement is equated to “hate.”

Expect well-connected groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center to lead the way in helping demonizing everything outside left-approved limits. This will include those who criticize affirmative action programs and other policies of preference based on collective identity and ideologically-designated victimhood or marginalization or “voicelessness.” Expect increasing condescension towards those who speak critically of identity politics (example here).

Expect defenders of free speech to be pulled under this umbrella, along with those who explicitly criticize political correctness (expect to see that phrase in scare quotes, to delegitimize it). Expect increasingly overt attacks on the First Amendment as a relic … and expect the millennial generation to be open to these attacks because so many value feelings over freedom of speech and assembly, and they vote. (Last year, millions of millennials were willing to vote for a self-described socialist.)

I imagine the mainstream GOP will be partly exempt from this general demonizing, as it doesn’t appear to stand for much of anything.

What U.S. citizens ought to fear — and I mean genuinely fear — is that what happened in Charlottesville will be recalled as one of the opening shots in a looming civil war between right and left, a war able to be averted only by a lethal, police state response. Liberty (except for the usual tiny corporate, governmental and media elite) will be vanquished, as Americans of whatever ideology live under police state conditions for the foreseeable future. The globalist superelite will doubtless welcome this development as they quietly watch from their investment banking corporations and other private enclaves.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day. 

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Around this time last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, and the device gradually became unusable. I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101 (a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism). Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Real Matrix Is … Still Real

The most popular piece I ever wrote for an online site continues to be “The Real Matrix,” my 7-part debut on NewsWithViews.com. The day it appeared I was inundated with email, including requests for reposting on other sites, etc. The series won me radio interviews and speaking invites, one of them at a national meeting all-expenses-paid, and an offer of print publication I regret passing up to this day (I wanted to add back a couple of sections I’d deleted because of the length, started tinkering, added still more material, the project snowballed, and a year later had a manuscript of over 150,000 words that was collapsing under its own weight).

“The Real Matrix” triggered useful and informative correspondence. I still get occasional favorable email about the series, which I added to more recently, but the new installments did not generate as much interest. I had more planned, but the material was bogging down, and it was clear, especially with the rise of Donald Trump, that the editor and readers had other priorities. So, for that matter, did I.

The problem is, “The Real Matrix” is still, well, real: one of the pre-eminent facts of life in Anglo-European civilization, and all other places around the world that have adopted the forms and slogans of modernity (“liberal democracy,” “the liberal global order,” “economic integration,” “free trade” or “liberalized trade,” “the global marketplace” or “market capitalism” or “consumer capitalism,” etc.).

What was “The Matrix”? To save time I’ll let Morpheus, the main character of the most important film of the 1990s, tell you:

Now obviously, I don’t think there’s an AI controlling our perceptions. The film presents an superb allegory, however. What is “The Real Matrix”? Not artificial intelligence — not yet, anyway! — but the encirclement of the ordinary person, family, community, etc., from their earliest school days up through adulthood within a fantasy world created by four kinds of institutions: mainstream media, other corporations (especially the private Federal Reserve which has owned the economics profession for over a century now), the federal government obviously (which hasn’t been truly federal since 1865), and academia. The primary purpose of this fantasy world is the same as that of the film: to keep the general population under control and ignorant of the fact.

Let’s look at specifics. Within the fantasy world, there’s very little inflation (less than 2%; never mind the rising cost of nearly everything relative to stagnant wages); real unemployment isn’t much over 4% (never mind the additional 18% or so of the working-age population that isn’t working and isn’t counted); the U.S. and other Western powers really are democracies and not plutocratic oligarchies; globalization has been a “free market” process which, given time, will make us all prosperous; and Donald Trump won the election because members of his campaign staff colluded with agents of a hostile foreign power.

Within this fantasy world, there may be political and economic elites — “one percenters” (it is more like point-zero-one-percenters) — who everyone agrees have been the main beneficiaries of the globalized New Economy, but there are no “conspiracies.” If you believe in “conspiracy theories,” or that modern history has been directed, you are irrational and paranoid. Never mind the obvious contradiction between this denial and the claims embodied after the final semicolon in the previous paragraph, or the conspiracies that turned out to be real.

Within the fantasy world, the economy recovered under Obama’s and the Federal Reserve’s guiding hands, and is now strong — look at how the Dow rose steadily and now sets new highs every few days, with 6.2 million unfilled job openings (although we aren’t told how many of these jobs — assuming they exist — are part-time, and what percentage pays under $25K/year). In the fantasy, the U.S. is not spending itself into oblivion, drowning in debt, and on the verge of bankruptcy. It is militarily powerful, although it hasn’t won a war decisively in over half a century (I am, of course, not counting assaults where there was no enemy worth speaking of, such as Grenada in 1983, or no one able to fight back at all, as in Panama City in 1989; and then there’s Afghanistan 2001 and Iraq 2003 which turned into unwinnable quagmires).

Within the fantasy world, both major parties’ mainstreams are knowledgeable, level-headed, and pragmatic — not hopelessly corrupted by money, intellectually bankrupt, and borderline incompetent — even if the widespread perception of these latter helps explain how Trump, never having held political office, was able to defeat 16 other Republicans handily despite furious opposition by the GOP mainstream; and how Hillary Clinton received her party’s nomination only by colluding with the DNC, as the leaked Podesta emails demonstrated.

Within the fantasy world, affirmative action and the intellectual cult of diversity are legitimate policy responses to a systemically racist, sexist, and homophobic America. All white males have privilege, and dislike diversity engineering because they are racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Open borders and free migration do not just help the economy but put us all on a path to a multicultural Utopia where all races and religions blend smoothly with one another. The sexes are interchangeable not merely because “whatever a man can do, a woman can do,” but because we’ve learned from academic feminists that gender is a social construct. Biology, which posits two sexes based on one’s chromosomes, is infected with “androcentric” bias and “misogyny,” and so is inherently biased and not to be believed.

Corporations support such views. A 28-year-old Harvard-educated Google engineer with classical liberal leanings named James Damore penned a 10-page critique of the cult of diversity which millennials brought from academia to the tech world. He opined that the absence of politically correct female-to-male ratios at Google is not explained by sexist bias or other cultural factors, and that critics of the obsession with percentages should not be “shamed” for it. He argued that lack of parity results from men and women having different psychologies and biologically rooted inclinations, identifiable in a general sense because they range across cultures even if there are exceptions worth seeking out (some women are very good coders or computer scientists). Damore’s doubts about diversity were lukewarm at best. He didn’t deny that sexism exists. What he contended is that efforts to recruit more women to work at Google or in the tech industry generally had to take psychology and biology into account, and “If we can’t have an honest discussion about this, then we can never truly solve the problem.”

A quite reasonable and even-toned perspective. Damore’s statement was attacked in left-leaning tech media, however, as an “anti-diversity screed.” Google summarily fired him.

A search for a new job and sometimes a new line of work may be the price of exercising free speech regarding the cult of diversity, especially out on the Left Coast. It is not just leftists who are in the grip of fantasies, though. I’ve encountered libertarians online who defended Damore’s firing, saying he’d become toxic, and bad for business. Besides, corporations can fire whoever they want, for whatever reason, can they not? Employment is voluntary, after all; if you don’t like the policies where you work, get a job somewhere else; and it’s Google’s property in any event, etc., etc. If all that is true, and employees are to be loyal flunkies, seen but not heard from, never criticizing corporate policy (i.e., policy made within vast and quite real power asymmetries), then ironically, were libertarians in charge we could still forget about living in a free society in any sense I’d recognize, which surely includes free speech.

In the Real Matrix, the Internet is a highly decentralized medium. Anyone with minimal know-how can put up a functional website, right? And blogs are now so easy to create that grade-school kids have them.

As with the other cases, the Internet’s decentralization is appearance. It is one thing to put up a site or blog, and quite another for it to be visible on the Web. In the Desert of the Real, a handful of corporate actors control the Internet which was originally conceived within the bowels of DARPA, deep inside the Deep State. These corporate actors essentially control the Internet: to some extent how information flows on the Web, and for that matter, the software and hardware itself.(*) Google is the most obvious. Others include Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and a few others. Google’s is the most popular search engine. Recently, Paul Craig Roberts reports, Google revised its search algorithms, ostensibly to combat “fake news.” This has resulted in diminished web traffic to “alternative” sites, i.e., news and commentary sites (“left” as well as “right”) not affiliated with, or connected to, mainstream media corporations. Facebook has initiated related policies.

“The Real Matrix” — the original seven installments — was visible in my sense. It garnered hundreds of emails. My email count had been falling off, but has recently dropped precipitously. An article I publish now is doing very well if it garners a dozen emails. It is true that the Internet is much larger and more cluttered, and that there is far more competition for busy readers’ attention. As with publishing during the final decades of the last century, the Internet saw a shift to celebrity garbage and an increased focus on bottom-line considerations. Mainstream news sites, moreover, began making it easier for users not to have to think by simply presenting videos. With rare exceptions (like the video above) my stuff tends to require readers to engage written English.

What could be called the dumbing down of the Web does not really explain the relatively sudden diminished traffic that large numbers of “alternative” sites have recently experienced, however.

Google, which is basically a monopoly, indirectly controls web traffic, as its algorithms determine what rises to the top in searches. There’s more to this than selecting keywords. Leaving the technicalities aside, a search engine can ensure that sites dealing with disapproved topics (e.g., “conspiracy theories”) will not appear near the top of web searches. With busy people usually not looking past the first page or so that comes up in a search, links to unwanted information are simply never seen. I would go so far as to say that Google should be broken up, although with its usefulness as an information aggregator for the Deep State, I am not holding my breath. The tech leviathans I named are all in bed with the Deep State, as are the media corporations that preceded them. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding himself.(**)

And then there are “Prop-Or-Not” type ploys. In that case, the Jeff Bezos (Amazon) owned Washington Post published the article that triggered the “fake news” meme as well as spotlighted the Russians-hacked-the-election hoax. The former backfired badly. Trump, his own command of media being what it is, turned the meme to his advantage.

The “Prop-Or-Not” article displayed the subtle authoritarianism necessary to maintain the fantasy world. It cited an organization no one had ever heard of, and offered no names or credentials or anything else to establish its credibility. We were clearly to take its authority on faith. If it wasn’t credible, it wouldn’t have appeared in the Washington Post, right?

The “Prop-Or-Not” site is here. Study it for yourself. Do you see any identifiers there, any indication of who these people are or why we trust them? All I see is, “The Prop-Or-Not Team,” which doesn’t exactly clarify matters. The site links to bylined articles of which they approve: also unhelpful. One of the things I discovered is that it features a downloadable app that works — are you sitting down? — with the Google Chrome browser, to identify putative “fake news” sites by tagging them during searches. Nothing like a little well-poisoning!

There is, of course, bogus stuff on the Web, and no one ever said otherwise. Tech PTBs have no control over who puts up websites or posts on them — yet! But they can seed the Internet with disinformation designed to throw researchers and readers off track — or sometimes perhaps just to plant the suggestion in casual viewers’ minds that “alternative” media is by nature low quality and unreliable. This may be why we’ve seen — again just over the past couple of years — a surge of online “flat earthism,” especially on sites like YouTube (also owned by Google) where anyone can create a channel anonymously and upload gosh-gee-whiz videos. Anyone includes CIA, NSA, and other outfits not exactly in the truth-telling business, posing as neo-flat-earthers. Stuff about the Clintons being disguised reptilian space beings belongs in the same category.

These are the most important features of the fantasy world that is the Real Matrix, a product of as much control over information by globalist corporations as they can muster. Result: the majority, including those who identify with, work for, or are sufficiently influenced by dominant institutions, remain “plugged in”; the minority of us who have “taken the red pill” and awakened in the Desert of the Real can be depicted as kooks, cranks, quacks, tinfoil hatters, conspiracy theorists, racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, Islamophobes, white supremacists, anti-Semites, pro-Russia progagandists, or whatever weaponized word or phrase best fits the moment. The point is to ensure that as many people as possible believe the fantasy world is the real world, so that the globalist / superelite route to a technocratic, corporate-controlled world state can continue with minimal disruptions.

For decades the U.S. has been the major obstacle to this goal, with its Constitutional republican form of government and a significant fraction of its population suspicious of concentrations of wealth and power. Arguably, we have seen a brand of economic warfare against this population, manifesting as stagnant wages and increasing amounts of contingent and precarious employment, as well as with the combination of open borders policies, financialization, and redistribution of wealth upwards. The Trump administration has concretized doubts that had been gathering for years about globalism, doubts shared by supporters of, e.g., Brexit, and about the motives of many so-called “experts” especially in economics but hardly limited to that. Trump ran for president on promises to Drain the Swamp and put forth an alternative that would halt the economic warfare and reverse the nation’s economic and cultural decline.

I am not, as I’ve repeatedly noted, privy to what occurs behind the scenes. So I do not know, but only suspect, that Trump is being set up by Swamp denizens whose resources and capabilities he greatly underestimated — or believed he could play. David Stockman — author, contrarian, past Office of Management and Budget Director under Reagan, and one of those who foresaw the likelihood of a Trump presidency — now predicts that the Trump administration will be destroyed by its enemies, that Trump himself will be increasingly isolated, and finally forced from office within the next calendar year: possibly as soon as next February, he recently told a Vancouver audience. This will amount to a Deep State coup. Stockman worries over Trump’s recklessness. He wonders whether his constant use of Twitter like a stick poking the Swamp critters is a good idea, comparing it to “waving a red cape in the face of the already enraged establishment bull.” Stockman indicts Trump for being “so undisciplined, naïve, out-of-touch, thin-skinned, unfocused and megalomaniacal that he is making it far easier for the Swamp critters than they deserve. To a very considerable extent, in fact, he is filling out his own bill of indictment. Moreover, he is totally clueless about how to manage his presidency or cope with the circling long knives of the Deep State which are hellbent on removing him from office.”

That is to say, media savvy alone won’t save Trump’s presidency. It might be worth noting, in closing, that a potentially calamitous debate over raising the debt ceiling is now just weeks away. If this Congress proves as incompetent at that as they’ve proven to be at “repealing and replacing” Obamacare which mainstream Republicans have prattled about for seven years now, the Dow bubble will likely pop and end the party on Wall Street with stunning abruptness, as it did in 2008, but with economic fundamentals considerably worse today than they were then (the Desert of the Real economy never truly “recovered,” after all). Many of us would have preferred someone else at the helm just now, with things coming to a head and much at stake, but circumstances did not allow us to pick and choose. I surmise that if Trump goes down, whatever the circumstances (impeachment over the Russia hoax, possibly following the economic debacle Brandon Smith is predicting which will be blamed on Trump, or by invoking the 25th Amendment and declaring the president “unfit to serve,” which has never been tried), the ensuing chaos may well ensure a Swamp victory and a return to the path towards a corporate-controlled world state if the masses remain within the fantasy world of the Real Matrix until it is too late.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day. 

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Around this time last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, and the device gradually became unusable. I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101 (a globalist technocrat speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism). Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

(*). I invite those who see technological change generally as a response to “market forces” to ask themselves two questions. (1) Do they really believe Microsoft releases a new edition of Windows every two years or so, along with the other upgrades this requires, because of “market forces”? (2) If by some chance they are using an old and venerable computer running, say, Windows 98 because they happen to like the earlier editions of Windows (and because computers lasted much longer back then), but for some reason need to have it serviced, I invite them to contact Microsoft and see what happens. (Obviously I agree that some technological development responds to actual created market demand, as people do respond to incentives and promises of convenience.)

(**). While researching this section I learned that in 2015 Google quietly created a subsidiary for itself called Alphabet Inc., then the two “reversed roles” when Alphabet’s key players (who were, of course, Google’s key players) created a second subsidiary, a dummy corporation, and merged it with Google. What this means is that now an even larger and more shadowy concern technically owns Google along with 11 other corporations whose activities range across venture capital, energy, so-called smart cities (“urban innovation”), smart homes, health care, research into self-driving cars, and — interestingly — artificial intelligence.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

The Russian-Hackers False Narrative Exploded

Since the start of the year we’ve been regaled by mainstream media repetition of the official narrative that Donald Trump “might have” won last year’s election with illicit help from Russia. We’re told that “17 intelligence agencies all agree” that Russia at least tried to interfere with the 2016 election, with Congressional committees now on fishing expeditions trying to uncover evidence of Trump campaign members’ or cabinet members’ (or family members’) involvement with Russians last year.

The whole thing now stands exposed as a hoax.

The only remaining question is whether this exposure will penetrate the official wall of silence, especially as one thing is becoming abundantly clear: the Trump administration and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, spearheading the investigation into allegations that members of Trump’s campaign team colluded with Russia to tip the election in their favor, are on collision course. Mueller, also a former FBI Director (2001 – 13) and a close friend of James Comey who succeeded him, and has a reputation as a bulldog. He’s the perfect soldier for Trump’s enemies in the Deep State and on the left.

Paul Craig Roberts, one-time Assistant Treasury Secretary and former Wall Street Journal editor who was blackballed by mainstream media after coauthoring an infamous article criticizing the economic mythology surrounding “free trade,” has drawn our attention to the information that exposes the hoax, supplied by a group known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

VIPS was formed in 2003 by former intelligence officials to protest the use of faulty intelligence information on which then-President George W. Bush was about to base his disastrous decision to lead his “coalition of the willing” into Iraq. The group sent their first Memorandum (February 7, 2003) to Bush criticizing Colin Powell’s speech before the United Nations claiming sufficient grounds for the invasion. It is possible that one of their memoranda sent to President Obama circumvented a planned attack on Iran by Israel in 2010.

VIPS includes such authorities as William Binney, a former Technical Director at the National Security Agency, and Skip Folden, retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology. There are numerous former or retired NSA, CIA, and USAF folks in VIPS. There is little doubt these people know what they are talking about.

They’ve now written President Trump a letter. You can read the letter and the information for yourself here. One hopes it actually reaches the president’s desk and that he takes it seriously. If he is going to tweet anything, he should tweet that link and reach his millions of online followers immediately. And they should retweet it, and keep retweeting it, until ignoring it is impossible.

Someone compromised DNC computers last summer. That we know. While the mainstream narrative is that DNC computers were hacked, VIPS has shown conclusively that what happened was not a hack but a leak, the work of a person on the inside with physical access to those computers. This claim isn’t new, but has been routinely dismissed by the usual suspects in the mainstream as a conspiracy theory. Now we can be more certain of the truth.

Unlike the “official” intelligence agencies, VIPS did original forensics research. What they discovered:

On July 5, 2016, information from DNC computers (the infamous Clinton-Podesta emails) was copied physically onto another device. On July 12, Julian Assange announced his intent to publish “emails related to Hillary Clinton” on WikiLeaks. Then on July 15, Crowdstrike, a DNC contractor, claimed to have discovered malware on the DNC server and claimed to have evidence linking it to a Russian hacker. That same day, “Guccifer 2.0” confirmed Crowdstrike’s statement, claimed credit for the “hack,” claimed to be a WikiLeaks source, and posted a document VIPS forensics showed was purposefully doctored to suggest Russian involvement.

I will quote the VIPS letter’s most important paragraph in full:

“Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying and doctoring were performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].”

Assange has denied from the get-go that his source was Russian.

This blows the infamous “Intelligence Community Assessment” released jointly on January 6, 2017 by the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA out of the water, as well as explains why they’ve refused to produce any hard evidence that “Russian hackers” were responsible for what happened to DNC computers. They have none!

Russian President Vladimir Putin told Trump the truth at the G20 Summit when he denied that his country had any involvement with last year’s election. Because “Russian hackers” had nothing to do with the release of the emails that found their way to WikiLeaks.

It is almost certain that the timed release of putative evidence tying the compromising of DNC computers to Russia was purposeful, to distract from what those emails contained and focus ensuing media attention on Russia, where it has remained. All else is “conspiracy” talk (as if this claim that Russia interfered with the election could be classified as anything else).

The long and the short of it: we now know absolutely, period! — that Trump did not win because anyone in or from Russia helped him. Most visibly, he won because the Democrats screwed up. They ran a candidate almost no one with a functioning brain thinks is honest or trustworthy period. A candidate, moreover, clearly tied to elitism and unearned privilege.

The deeper explanation for Trump’s victory was that the mainstreams of both major parties had collapsed. They lost credibility, at least among the 63 million who voted for Trump and probably among others who either voted for a third-party candidate or stayed home.

The GOP mainstream has championed “free trade” and open borders at least since the Reagan years, and since 9/11, war and police-statism, while ignoring the slow descent of a significant portion of the middle class into an economy abyss of rising living costs and stagnant wages. The Democratic Party mainstream, meanwhile, has promoted identity politics at the expense of the white working class (and former middle class), abortion, homosexuality, Islamism, the war machine, and again, open borders. (Democrats want open borders to get votes; Republicans want them so corporate billionaires can get cheap labor.)

Both parties have ignored the growing debacle in higher education, the cost of which goes up, up, up, alongside bloating administrations, while the quality goes down, down, down, as institutions were transformed into arenas for hard left political agitation which burst forth in living color in 2015 – 16.

Mainstream media has also lost a great deal of credibility, just from having made predictions that Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide. As have their pollsters and their talking heads who have come to look like they followed the Peter Principle long ago and rose to their level of incompetence.

The mainstreamers aren’t going to get their credibility back by pushing this Russia narrative.

Those talking about how we’ve entered a “post-fact world” or something equally silly because Trump exaggerated the number of people present on Inauguration Day, or possibly the number of people who voted illegally, need to look in the mirror. There are simply no facts in support of what has dominated the airwaves for the past six months, distracting Trump from the work he is trying to do on the economy and on protecting U.S. borders. The Russians-hacked-the-election narrative at this point clearly represents an elite-sponsored effort to discredit this president and render him ineffective, because his enemies among the elites and in the Deep State do not want a recovering middle class or border security. Above all, they do not want a rapprochement with Russia and cooperation between the two powers sufficient to resolve the crisis in Syria peacefully (in which Assad would remain in charge), contain ISIS, and halt the expansion of Anglo-Zionist power in the region.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day. 

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Around this time last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, the device gradually became unusable, and I had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101 (a globalist speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism). Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Meet The LGBTQ Movement’s Biggest Sugar Daddy

In the wake of its fake news story about the University of Virginia fraternity house “gang rape” that in all probability never happened, I wondered whether to trust Rolling Stone ever again. It’s clearly an Establishment publication, well-oiled by moneyed interests, that for years has posed as a voice of the so-called counterculture. But just recently Rolling Stone ran a story that appears to check out. Unintentionally, Rolling Stone writer Andy Kroll may have blown the whistle on one of the reasons the LGBTQ movement has become so well-organized and powerful.

As with many things, just follow the money … much of which, in this case, can be traced to one person.

His name is Tim Gill, 63, a software developer, one of many who rode the wave of the 1990s tech explosion to a spot near the top. Born in 1953 in Indiana, he moved to the Denver, Colorado area with his parents when he was a child, and has resided there ever since. He attended the University of Colorado at Boulder where he majored in computer science. Initially he cut his teeth with Hewlett-Packard. Then, in 1981, he used a $2,000 loan from his parents to start his own company, Quark, Inc., based in Denver.

Quark began producing quality desktop publishing software. The company’s flagship product was QuarkXPress, the first version of which was introduced in 1987. QuarkXPress quickly earned an industry-wide reputation as the best software package able to handle complex, graphics-intensive page layouts, and by the mid-1990s subsequent versions had been adopted by major newspapers and other print publications across the country. Tim Gill became a multimillionaire, whose name appeared on Forbes Magazine’s well-known 400 list.

A gay man, Gill had already begun involving himself in gay rights issues. The convergence of political and popular cultures of the 1990s were already tilting sharply leftward. In 1994, Gill created the tax-exempt Gill Foundation and, ten years later, the Gill Action Fund, the former in response to a 1992 ordinance, Colorado Amendment 2, which blocked the application of antidiscrimination laws to gays and lesbians. Thanks to the massive success of QuarkXPress, Gill was able to sink more and more money into gay rights causes, which included founding the Gay & Lesbian Fund of Colorado in 1996.

In 2000, Gill sold his 50% holdings in Quark for around $500 million, exiting the company to devote nearly all his time (and money) to the gay-lesbian agenda via his foundation. This included creating Connexion.org in 2003 to serve as a vehicle for engaging gays and lesbians in political activity. Connexion.org closed in 2011; by then much of its mission and that of other “transformative” organizations was accomplished. Popular culture now viewed homosexuality with fascination, and the political universe was coming around. Gill would “marry” his partner in Massachusetts in 2009 after “gay marriage” was legally recognized there. Shortly thereafter, we began seeing the letters LGBT — now LGBTQ. (I have never been sure if the Q meant queer or questioning; the former seems redundant, as the word, once a slur, has been largely reclaimed, at least within that corner of the academic world devoted to “queer theory” and other such politically correct forms of life.)

Gill had created a donor club, OutGiving, which involved fellow multimillionaires who were either themselves gay or sympathetic to LGBTQ causes, coaching them in strategy, and in the most effective ways to distribute their vast resources. OutGiving thus enabled others to pour still more money into LGBTQ projects, especially those involving electing pro-LGBTQ legislators while targeting opponents for defeat. More recently in 2015, in the wake of the Trump-Pence insurgency, Gill and two other corporate multimillionaires created Freedom For All Americans to promote their issues across the U.S.

According to Rolling Stone, Gill has poured approximately $422 million into LGBTQ causes over a period of three decades — more than any other one person including George Soros. This money has been used to create an extensive network of state-level organizations. The Gill Foundation has bankrolled academic studies, and has doubtless been a force behind the rise of “queer theory” in academia. It has also bankrolled litigation, field organizing, candidates for state and local offices, and supported outfits often with tame-sounding names like the Coalition for a Better Colorado that, to an outside observer, would seem to have come out of nowhere, full-blown, and with plenty of money.

Via his network, Gill contributed more than $1.3 million to Media Matters, $733,000 to the leftist Citizens for Ethics and Reform based in D.C., $175,000 to the leftist Center for American Progress and $519,000 to ProgressNow. Moreover: “Gill’s fingerprints are on nearly every major victory in the march to marriage,” writes Kroll in Rolling Stone, “from the 2003 Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health case, which made Massachusetts the first state to allow gay marriage, to the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges decision two decades later that legalized it in all 50.”

His Colorado Democracy Alliance, a collection of outfits founded in 2003 with three other leftist multimillionaires and structured to avoid campaign finance laws, flipped the Colorado state legislature from Republican to Democrat in 2004; a CDA-affiliated outfit with the Orwellian name Colorado Freedom Fund spent $500,000 to defeat a Republican gubernatorial candidate, Scott McInnes, primarily through negative ads. Gill’s activities have not been limited to his home state, obviously. He has flooded states such as Iowa and Pennsylvania with money “to stop the Rick Santorums of tomorrow before they get started.” In the former, his efforts led to the defeat of Danny Carroll, the Republican Speaker Pro Tem of the House; the latter, a much bigger target, cost him over $20 million, but in 2006 Santorum, whom Gill despises passionately because of past anti-gay remarks, went down to defeat.

Gill, who began as a shy, introverted, stereotypical tech nerd who shunned publicity, clearly became a master organizer promoting the LGBTQ agenda and targeting its enemies for defeat, which typically meant promoting Democrats over Republicans. His methods employed three basic principles.

First, instead of going national, focus on the state and local level. Writes Kroll again, “Congressional elections cost millions, but a smart investment of $50,000 in a handful of state races could flip an entire legislative chamber from anti-LGBTQ to pro-LGBTQ.” Kroll quotes Gill: “You go down to the states and all of a sudden you have those options…. They’re better laboratories, they’re more diverse and they’re a cheaper date.”

He learned this from a testy lawyer and former tobacco lobbyist named Ted Trimpa, a sort of leftist Karl Rove, also based in Colorado. Trimpa urged him to pay attention to less visible races at the state level where the majority anti-LGBTQ measures were originating. Their ideas, as they evolved, included identifying and neutralizing vulnerable candidates through direct action instead of working through larger and possibly more risk-averse organizations. This revolutionized his strategy.

Second, operate in stealth — that is, conspiratorially, using what has been called dark money. “Gill also knew,” Kroll continues, “his political efforts would never succeed if opponents connected him directly to the money. Stealth was key. The words Gill Action rarely appeared in a candidate’s campaign filings; instead, anyone who bothered to look would find an oddly large number of donations from Malibu, Denver, and New York, for a state senate race in Iowa. Gill’s team operated under such secrecy — avoiding the media and guarding its playbook …”

Rolling Stone goes on to note that in 2006, Gill Action helped defeat 50 of the 70 candidates it targeted. Four of 13 states where Gill Action operated “saw at least one legislative chamber flip from Republican to Democratic control.” Doubtless this trend was aided by gathering doubts about President George W. Bush’s disastrous war of choice in Iraq as well as an economy that remained sluggish outside of certain bubble-inflated sectors like housing — but Gill Action took the wins any way it could obtain them.

A third part of Gill’s personal strategy: be tenacious. Gill has been that. He does not give up. After being texted that New York State had rejected a gay marriage bill, Gill reportedly texted back, “That’s sad. What’s next?” What was next was Gill’s team creating a campaign they called Fight Back New York which successfully unseated three state senators who had voted against gay marriage. He set out, that is, to “punish the wicked.”

Finally, do not eschew bipartisanship — given that there are Republican corporate donors on board with the LGBTQ agenda. Gill has supported groups such as the Log Cabin Republicans. He teamed up with two Republican donors, hedge-fund investors Paul Singer and Daniel Loeb, to create the above-mentioned Freedom For All Americans in 2015.

This, though, is just more evidence that both dominant political parties have been thoroughly compromised: by lack of any moral compass but especially by the Almighty Dollar.

Now, Gill and his foundation are targeting the religious freedom movement, intended to protect Christians from business-destroying lawsuits by LGBTQ activists. For example, Republican legislators in Georgia introduced a religious freedom bill three years in a row. In response, the Gill Foundation launched the far-left Georgia Prospers. Its strategy has been to reach out to the business community. This is perhaps unsurprising: statistically, as natural denizens of “blue” culture many homosexuals are now better off financially than many heterosexuals. They tend to be tech savvy, the richest having business smarts that lead them away from too-visible “pride” marches and into efforts like we see here.

Thus big business now has numerous people who are either gay or lesbian themselves or highly supportive of LGBTQ causes because gays and lesbians have money to spend, because the cultural left has convinced them that “equality” demands their support — or because as part of “blue” culture they tilt to the left themselves. Georgia Prospers has thus gained support from Google, Marriott, Coca-Cola, and Delta Airlines, among other leviathan corporations.

Obviously Gill supported Hillary Clinton last year and believed she would win. He and his team regarded the Trump victory as a major setback, because even if Trump himself didn’t express interest in opposing the LGBTQ agenda (he even once referred to Obergefell as “settled law”), his VP Mike Pence was its most outspoken opponent in Indiana when he was governor there, and a number of Trump’s appointees are noted for anti-LGBTQ views (e.g., new Education Secretary Betsy de Vos, a multimillionaire in her own right who has donated to anti-LGBTQ  groups and candidates).

Gill is taking the long view, however, with he and his network of groups continuing to work at the state level, e.g., to oppose such measures as North Carolina’s HB2. “We are going to fight this law in North Carolina,” he said, “and keep fighting everywhere until LGBTQ people are fully protected in every single state.”

Protected from what?

According to them, from discrimination — although increasingly, if a business does anything that can be interpreted as discriminatory on the basis of sexual preference and gets called out, it can face a massive lawsuit. It can also be given such a black eye in the now LGBTQ-sympathetic mainstream media that I am surprised anyone still dares.

Academia, of course, is eagerly seeking out LGBTQ people for faculty and staff positions!

Clearly, “equality” in practice means special favors — as I argued back in 1994 in my book Civil Wrongs which warned of the gathering dangers of not having opposed political correctness when it was still mostly limited to law schools and humanities departments but expanding rapidly. That same year I predicted that PC and Christianity were on collision course. Today, Christians trying to operate businesses choosing who to deal with, and not deal with, based on Christian principles, learn the hard way that they no longer have religious liberty in the U.S. Christian denominations are under stealth attack from the Gill agenda, continuing the road the U.S. is presently on towards a fully secular, de-Christianized, materialist society.

But mounting defenses of secularism is not part of the Gill methodology, which is about pursuing Fabian socialist style “penetration and permeation” to change Christian denominations from the inside. Consider this, from the Gill Foundation’s website regarding a donation to a leftist “faith” organization, one of a growing number:

“It’s no longer ‘God vs. gay,’ thanks in part to the work of Faith in Public Life, a national organization that’s changing the narrative about faith and LGBT equality. Focusing on the pulpit, not the pews, they educate and engage faith leaders to use their voices to advance equal treatment for LGBT Americans. And their national and state-based faith coalitions are sending a powerful message. Treat others as you’d want to be treated.”

Treat others as you’d want to be treated.

That sounds like a good idea to me. On such a basis, those who know me know I do not promote bullying or otherwise harassing gays and lesbians. We Christians have an obligation to preach the Gospel, however; and for all we know, kindness rather than acrimony might lead some LGBTQ people to Christ. So let’s turn this the other way. Would LGBTQ activists want to face massive lawsuits when they try to do business with people of their choosing? In the guise of “antidiscrimination” and “bullying prevention,” LGBTQ activists have become bullies themselves — typically with vastly more money than most Christians have!

Given these realities, I suggest that instead of Christian pastors doing what they have been doing (which is often nothing), they should study Gill’s career trajectory and methods, and employ them in forging a viable strategy of opposition to the LGBTQ agenda, to the extent it is still possible. Gill has been effective, and one cannot argue with effectiveness. It should be clear: Christians have a lot of catching up to do. I wouldn’t recommend relying on Republican politicians who can be voted out of office courtesy of one of these targeted campaigns if they haven’t already been compromised.

The most realistic political strategy is to fight fire with fire — or dollars with dollars. Christians who happen to be multimillionaires (surely there are a few out there!) need to wake up, smell the coffee, figure out why they’ve increasingly lost on such issues as “gay marriage,” and realize that unless they begin to use their money as effectively as Gill’s foundation and network of organizations have done, they will someday stand accused of a latter-day version of fiddling while Rome burns.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day. 

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Around this time last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, and the device gradually became unusable — a reason I haven’t been around much lately — and I’ve had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101 (a globalist speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism). Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Globalists Can Use A Nation Divided And On The Edge Of Violence

We read incessantly how the U.S. is more divided and polarized than at any time in our lifetimes. Articles saying this are too numerous to cite individually. It’s obvious in any event: leftists despise conservatives, and are despised by them in return. I’ve argued elsewhere: there are basically two cultures in the U.S.: that of the “blue culture” of the crowded urban areas which embrace “progressive” values, and that of the “red culture” of rural states which reject them. Increasingly, neither side sees the other as legitimate or worth talking to.

The racial dimension here is obvious: blacks hate whites like never before, to the point of calls for violence. Whites are almost as fed up with blacks. Even those who supported the civil rights movement of the 1960s are fed up. There are exceptions, of course, but the general stance of the two races toward one another is increasing hostility. A point often made in why-people-voted-for-Trump commentary is that Donald Trump’s support didn’t come just from the white working class. Many middle class and even upper-class whites voted for him. They are tired of affirmative action and other preferences, black-on-white crime which mainstream media won’t report, anti-white racism, and political correctness.

Into this fray walked Trump. He was the only candidate many of them had ever seen who openly said things like, “We can no longer afford to be politically correct!”

Some of the images cultural leftists have foisted on the public in retaliation suggest derangement, as when the hopelessly untalented Kathy Griffin draws attention to herself holding a ketchup-covered mannequin’s severed head made to look like Trump’s.

How sick does someone have to be to come up with something like that?

The other side of the coin, though, is that the woman is practically in hiding because of death threats. Her career as a pampered, fawned-over celebrity is probably over.

This is a product of conservative pushback. The grassroots has had enough!

Colleges and universities are in trouble, most of it of their own making. Again I cannot count the number of disruptions of conservative speakers by leftists — many of the latter bussed in from off-campus, George Soros their sugar daddy. Violent leftists did millions of dollars worth of damage at Berkeley back in January.

Last month at Evergreen State College, a white professor had to hold classes off campus because of threats following his criticism of a leftist-proposed day-without-whites at his school.

This past week as I write, a black sociology professor at Trinity College wrote approvingly on his Facebook page of a vile article on Medium (one of the worst places on the Internet for this sort of thing, and no I won’t link to it) recommending, “let whites f****** die.” Point of departure: the potentially deadly assault by a Bernie supporter on several Republican Congressmen in Alexandria, Va., which put Steve Scalise, majority whip in the House, in critical condition.

The sociology professor went on to calls whites “inhuman a**holes.”

It’s no secret that leftists have grown increasingly vile and violent since the Age of Trump began. Their grip on the national narrative has slipped, and they’ve upped the ante. Conservatives tend not to respond in kind, which is fortunate for leftists since conservatives (especially in rural regions) don’t share most leftists’ fear of guns. But everyone has his breaking point. As with the Griffin woman, the sociology professor in the above case has reported death threats. His home address and phone numbers were posted in a comments section.

Trump supporters have struck back in places like Berkeley. There is now blood between “red” and “blue” types. This may be just the start. I have a distinct impression that violence between, e.g., a Black Lives Matter campus group and conservative whites who decide they’ve had enough could erupt at any time. The former will have been on one of their usual rampages against “white supremacy,” bullying white students minding their own business. The latter may decide they’ve gone too far into debt via student loans to continue putting up with more of BLM’s crap. Having received no support from cowardly administrators, they may threaten to take matters into their own hands, next go round. In this way, a campus becomes a powder-keg.

Globalists are surely enjoying the unfolding spectacle — because they’ve fomented and orchestrated it. Soros has bankrolled BLM from the start, just like he’s financed other left-wing groups from MoveOn.org to Occupy Wall Street. His goal has been to destroy traditional American culture, since it’s been a longstanding bulwark against the sort of world he and his minions want.

What do they want? Economically, they see the world as a borderless marketplace where everything and everyone is for sale for the right price, where they can get richer by financial manipulation at others’ expense without consequence. Politically, they have been working toward a single global-governance structure, or world government, that answers to their leviathan corporations. They wish to set up a global currency that can be monitored, which entails ending cash transactions and destroying the dollar. Multiculturalism is a weapon against “WASP” culture. It breeds division and distrust. Globalists have no sincere interest in indigenous cultures, as should be clear if we survey the history of how their corporations have destroyed indigenous peoples on every continent except Antarctica.

I’ve used the term technofeudalism for the kind of political economy towards which globalists have been taking the world. Think socialism for the elites and those favored by them, and cutthroat “capitalism with the gloves off” for everyone else.

At the moment, I think globalists want conservatives to believe they scored a major triumph with the Trump presidency, and a few additional victories with local special elections that have favored Republicans such as the one in Georgia last week. Globalists are willing to sacrifice Democrats, since they are willing to sacrifice anyone if it helps them achieve their goals. It is useful to remember, their only loyalties are to themselves and to money and power.

Globalists view their strategy as akin to that of a chess master. Chess masters do not see just the board in front of them. They are always thinking several moves ahead. Globalists are master strategists. I envision them studying every economic boom  and bust, every downturn and recovery, especially the financial crisis that actually began with the subprime lending fiasco in 2007 and its aftermath, learning all they could from it and how to become even better manipulators of world and national events. Underestimating them would be a huge mistake.

Do globalists in my sense, directing history, really exist?

Back in 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote (Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, pp. 56-62):

The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state….

A global human conscience is for the first time beginning to manifest itself….  Today we are … witnessing the emergence of transnational elites … composed of international businessmen, scholars, professional men, and public officials. The ties of these new elites cut across national boundaries, their perspectives are not confined by national traditions, and their interests are more functional than national. These global communities are gaining in strength and … it is likely that before long the social elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook…

The new global consciousness, however, is only beginning to become an influential force. It still lacks identity, cohesion, and focus. Much of humanity—indeed, the majority of humanity—still neither shares nor is prepared to support it. Science and technology are still used to buttress ideological claims, to fortify national aspirations, and to reward narrowly national interests….  The new global unity has yet to find its own structure, consensus, and harmony.…

David Rockefeller Sr. read this, especially the third paragraph, and the result was the globalist Trilateral Commission (TC), intended to internationalize the globalism of the American-only Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Rockefeller and Brzezinski both went to meet their Maker earlier this year, but their progeny is still around.

How does Trump fit into all this? Is he truly the “populist” rebel his supporters voted for, or are matters (shall we say) a bit more complicated? Among the things bothering me is that Trump filled his cabinet with more CFR members than Barack Obama had, including denizens of the swamp he was elected to drain. Last year a friend drew my attention to a briefing Trump held with arch-globalist and former CFR president Richard N. Haass, of whom Donald spoke approvingly. What was up with this? she wanted to know. Trump has also met with the third TC founding kingpin Henry Kissinger, over China. Unlike Trump’s tweets, none of these meetings received mainstream press coverage.

I have encountered authors who believe Trump was the candidate globalists wanted in the White House all along. Their reasoning is not hard to fathom in retrospect.

First, globalists knew there was opposition to their goals, and if they couldn’t gain control over it, it would grow until it stymied them. Creating a controlled opposition is a common strategy of theirs. Second, we know another economic calamity is coming. The question is not if, but when. Who will be blamed for it? Globalists may have decided they prefer someone highly visible and disruptive, a self-described foe, who openly defends unpopular stances like economic nationalism and keeps a few such folks like Steve Bannon around, to take the fall when the Dow loses at least two thirds of its value and things go to pieces.

Third, it is unlikely that any candidate would rise to the top and get nominated for national office on a major party in the largest economy in the world without the silent approval of those with real power. I recall pondering last year whether obvious efforts to derail Trump’s candidacy would materialize. They didn’t.

Globalists both own and control major media, via six well-known corporate leviathans. They could have shut Trump down. They could have mandated a blackout on his rallies, as they did those of Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012. They did not. Yes, Trump was ratings. But we are talking about billionaires many times over. It isn’t as if they or their corporations needed the dough. The bottom line: they were not forced to give Donald Trump 24/7 wall-to-wall coverage.

But they did. They obsessed over his every move, every public statement, every tweet. They talked his debate performances to death. They didn’t need to cover the fact that his supporters were relishing every minute, that his level of support went up every time he said something politically incorrect. Nor did they need to cover the physical attacks on Trump supporters by unhinged leftists.

They could count on alternative media to do that.

I think Brandon Smith, the most visible defender of the globalists-wanted-Trump-to-win theory, might be right.

Smith believes that the official conspiracy theory of members of the Trump campaign colluding with Russian agents, or Russian hackers compromising the DNC and influencing the outcome of the election, or both, is serving a purpose: this being to give leftists in government, who are less unhinged and less likely to attack a Trump supporter with a bike lock something concrete to focus on: the idea, now also promoted relentlessly in all major media outlets, that someone they despise passionately may have stolen a national election with help from agents of a hostile foreign power. Such a narrative would delegitimize Trump’s presidency and make his removal from office an acceptable option. Never mind that there is zilch evidence that the conspiracy theory is true. Not even James Comey’s two and a half hours of testimony produced anything new: not a single concrete “smoking gun” or line of evidence. Do Comey’s “memos” even exist? Has anyone outside the corridors of government and media power seen them?

So poor is the case that the Russians hacked the election that an actual Russian hacker was offered a bribe to confess!

In other words, the Russia conspiracy theory is a psy-op aimed primarily at the slightly less foaming-at-the-mouth left, from whom the nation expects at least some leadership.

Smith believes that if this morphs into an open effort to impeach the president and remove him from office, the effort will fail. The most visible reason it will fail is that the GOP-controlled Congress will not disrupt the nation with a vote to remove one of their own even if they dislike him personally.

A less visible reason is that the globalists want The Donald right where he is.

The failure of an impeachment effort will enflame the rabid left even more. These people, driven by emotion and not being very bright, are easy to manipulate. The second psy-op, therefore, will target conservatives.

Go back to those campuses, which were closed temporarily due to safety considerations. Scenarios such as I envisioned above could happen. The fallout could quickly spread elsewhere via social media, just as BLM itself spread nationwide (given the generosity of its globalist sugar daddy).

Anything of this sort could provoke a dangerously authoritarian reaction from the Trump administration, one which would have loud support from conservatives nationwide who are fed up with black and leftist militancy and would applaud an iron-fisted, baton-wielding, police-state response. Conservatives, moreover, are already positioned to blame the left if Trump’s stated agenda for the country, to reverse globalism and create jobs for Americans, is derailed. If efforts to secure the borders against ISIS-sponsored terror come to naught, conservatives will say — rightly — that leftists in government and corporate media distracted him with the Russia conspiracy theory, while leftists both in and out of government fought his every other effort tooth and nail.

“Leftists,” Smith writes, “will be labeled economic and political saboteurs, and this accusation will work to a point, because it is partly true.”

All these efforts are in motion. including the globalist-caused economic decline outside point-zero-one-percenter enclaves and the leftist-caused cultural decline of the U.S. If Smith is right, the globalists in their banking/financial/media corporations will have deflected blame for decline onto others. But if decline, via an Age of Decadence (which I discuss beginning here) is the fate of empires which are inherently unsustainable, then reversing America’s decline is beyond Trump’s or anyone else’s abilities regardless of who is blamed.

Author’s Note: if you believe this article and others like it were worth your time, please consider making a $5/mo. pledge on my Patreon site. If the first 100 people who read this all donate, my goal of just $500/mo. would be reached in no time! And if we’re honest about it, we all waste that much money each day.  

Telling the truth can have negative consequences. Around this time last year my computer was hacked — it wasn’t the Russians, either! Repeated attempted repairs of the OS failed, and the device gradually became unusable — a reason I haven’t been around much lately — and I’ve had to replace it off-budget.

This is also an attempt to raise money to publish and promote a novel, Reality 101 (a globalist speaks in a voice filled with irony and dripping with cynicism). Promoting a book means, in my case, the necessity of international travel which is not cheap.

I do not write for an audience of one. I write for you, readers of this site. If you believe this work makes a worthwhile contribution, please consider supporting it financially. I am not a wealthy person, and unlike the leftist groups I criticize, I do not have a George Soros funneling a bottomless well of cash my way.

If I reach the above goal of $500/mo., I may be able to speak at an event in your area (contact info below). On the other hand, if this effort fails, I am considering taking an indefinite “leave of absence” beginning later this year to pursue other goals. To sum up, these are your articles (and books). I don’t write to please myself. No one is forcing me to do it, as sometimes it brings me grief instead of satisfaction. So if others do not value the results enough to support them, I might as well go into retirement while I am still able to enjoy it.

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

© 2017 Steven Yeates – All Rights Reserved

Far-Left Academic Crazies Strike Again: The Strange Case Of Rebecca Tuvel And Hypatia

[Author’s Note: a somewhat different version of this material is available on my Lost Generation Philosopher blog.]

Academics and academia-watchers were recently treated to the latest three-ring circus, and if this one doesn’t make some key players in today’s pseudo-intellectual games look like certifiable head cases, nothing will. The matter would be the stuff of comedy, were these people not teaching impressionable students, many of whom are going massively into debt to get an education at their institutions.

I refer to what might be called the Tuvel-Hypatia affair.

This is what happened: a young woman named Rebecca Tuvel, a recent philosophy Ph.D., untenured at Rhodes College (a small liberal arts school in Memphis, Tenn.), submitted an article entitled “In Defense of Transracialism” to a journal called Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy (the name is for a 4th century woman scholar in ancient Greece and Egypt who was murdered as a pagan during a religious-political feud). For over 30 years now Hypatia has been one of the leading, or perhaps just the loudest, mouthpieces for radical academic feminism in the humanities. If a newly minted Ph.D. publishes an article there, she has instant credibility (among her peers, at least).

Tuvel’s article was accepted for publication and appeared in the most recent (March 2017 ) issue. I haven’t read it and have no plans to do so (I have far better uses for my limited time). I am assuming the account to be found here is reliable.

If so, the article relies on a standard philosophical method: arguing from analogy. Because two items have certain features in common, they can be compared in at least one more interesting respect. In this case, I gather Tuvel was arguing that “transgendering,” or whatever we want to call the presently-obsessive focus on sex change, is sufficiently comparable to “transracialism,” the changing of one’s race, that the public case against someone such as Rachel Dolezal who, though born white, spent years posing as being black, fails. If we accept the former (as does Tuvel), we are compelled to accept the legitimacy of the latter. Tuvel does not appear to have actually asserted that Rachel Dolezal was “transracial.” Her argument was hypothetical. This, too, is in line with most thought experiments in academic philosophy. Thus for all I know, despite its ridiculous subject matter, the article is competently argued. It is also a given in philosophy that the validity or strength of someone’s argument is a matter of form, not content. It is possible, that is, to construct a structurally valid argument concluding that the moon is made of green cheese.

What happened next was that within weeks of the article’s appearing, an “open letter” condemning the article began to circulate online, soliciting and receiving signatures (since discontinued). It was unclear who had initially authored the letter, which did not sketch, or examine, or attempt to evaluate, Tuvel’s argument. Instead it demanded that the article be retracted as having “caused … harm …” whatever this means, as there was no evidence presented that harm had been done, or an attempt to analyze the concept of harm being used, as you’d find in serious philosophy. It went to denounce the hapless author for supposed sins such as “deadnaming.” Are you sitting down? “Deadnaming” — which I’d never heard of before prior to this fiasco — is using the former name of a “transgendered” person, e.g., using the name “Bruce Jenner” alongside that of “Caitlyn Jenner.” Well, gasp!

Anyway, this was just one of the articles methodological heresies. I won’t bore or torture readers with an account of the others. I will only note that Hypatia’s editorial board instantly caved Putting their collective tails between their legs, the journal’s board issued a pathetic statement on its public Facebook page which stands as an exhibition of how American academia has gone off the deep end into utter absurdity. They retracted the article, despite the obvious fact that the only “harm” done had been to its hapless author who had been too naïve not to realize that any straight (may I presume?) white woman writing on any of these topics is walking into a minefield.

Apparently, among the signees of the “open letter” were two people on Tuvel’s dissertation committee. What’s said to be true in Washington, D.C., is definitely true in academia: if you want a friend, get a dog. Also made clear by this case is how easily the academic hard-left will turn on its own with a burn-the-heretic mentality reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition.

At least one observer, fairly prominent in academic philosophy and with legal training, sees the possibility of a defamation lawsuit. Suffice it to say, the “open letter” took academic-left self-righteous arrogance to levels I’ve not before seen, demanding that Hypatia revise its refereeing procedures and publishing policies to ensure that an article like this one never again gets through its process and reaches print — based on who has the exclusive right to publish on such subjects to avoid this impossibly vague notion of “harm”!

What should we take away from episodes like this?

First, it is worth noting that incidences of bullying and career-threatening personal attack are more common in academia than anyone who has spent no time in its groves realizes (yes, I did over 15 years of time there)? I could name several white males whose names have been tarnished, their careers ruined, by possibly bogus sexual misconduct allegations and in some cases much less (it can be as little as a post on a private blog that expresses a politically incorrect opinion that gets picked up and circulated in social media).

Let’s make the question more basic: how on Earth did fields like philosophy get in this kind of mess?

The answer to this goes back just over 45 years. They got in this mess through academia’s mindless acceptance of affirmative action, which started us down this troubled road, having expanded until it has literally overwhelmed the humanities! Initially aimed to increase the number of black professors (at which it has failed miserably), it expanded immediately to include women (read: feminists), and has more recently expanded still further to include sexual minorities including those almost never seen, much less publicly celebrated, before our present sordid era.

As the saying goes, policies that redistribute wealth and jobs from Peter to Paul can always count on the support of Paul—and Paula! And they will generate more Pauls, Paulas, and Paul-to-Paula “transing” (or whatever we’re supposed to call it)!

Around 1970, the “argument” had emerged (it was always more an exercise in propagandizing and bullying, at which the left has always excelled) that minorities and women are “underrepresented” in academia, and that all departments should make efforts not just at outreach but to establish specific goals and timetables for hiring more women and minorities — for after all, “diversity is our strength,” is it not?

The legal impetus began with the Supreme Court’s disastrous Griggs v. Duke Power decision in 1971. This decision changed the meaning of discrimination from an action taken by individuals to a lack of politically acceptable outcomes. Affirmative action, the meaning of which was also ambiguous from the get-go, changed from that of well-intentioned outreach based on calls for an end to racial and sexual discrimination to an insistence on bureaucratically measurable results as a test of “nondiscrimination.” Bureaucratic realignment because the goal; the gold standard become proportional representation. Hence the creation of the category of the “underrepresented group” in all official policy recommendations relevant to student admissions, faculty hiring, and promotions.

I described this process in some detail, along with its assumptions and its effects on occupations ranging from the construction industry to academia, in my book Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action (1994), a work not once discussed or argued with but instead blacklisted in academia. I learned in 1996 from a sociology professor at Bowling Green State University that the book had been placed on an actual “index of banned books” there — an “index” of how medieval academia had become even then! And yes, I was (figuratively speaking) lynched a handful of times, although we did not have social media in those days.

I’d committed one of the ultimate heresies, providing a political dissection of the rise of the “new scholarship”: so-called “critical theory” which borrowed freely from French philosophy (e.g., Foucault, Derrida, etc.), radical feminism, critical race theory, and rising homosexualism which at the time was barely on the radar but growing rapidly. Without affirmative action and the perceived need to protect it from intellectual criticism, very little of this stuff would even exist! The “new scholarship” method was political correctness, rooted in Frankfurt School educated Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse’s “Repressive Tolerance”: allowing the same free speech standards for “nonrepressed” as for “repressed” groups maintains systemic repression!

In other words: free speech for me but not for thee!

What began decades ago, in a then-obscure philosophical essay, bears fruit today in the threats of violence against conservative speakers on campuses!

By the end of the 1980s affirmative action had clearly evolved into race and gender preferences never called for in original civil rights legislation, and the idea had become to protect preferences both from legitimate criticism (in many cases from scholars far better situated than I was), while cowardly Republican politicians such as the first George Bush caved and signed a Civil Rights Act of 1991. That law reversed court decisions such as Croson (1989), upheld by the Supreme Court, which were threatening to drain the affirmative action swamp.

I opined further in my book that the particular attacks on such notions as rationality and objectivity coming from “new scholarship” quarters, though originating independently, had been pulled into and used by this effort: a rational and objective approach to race and gender in American public education policy did not yield results the activists wanted. There was no reason whatsoever why nondiscrimination should yield proportional representation of all ethnicities and both genders. Nowhere in the world did such a state of affairs exist. Experience seemed to show that efforts to force it into existence were counterproductive. Government policies designed to benefit some groups at the expense of others always caused trouble, and this was not just true in the U.S., it was true all over the world (Thomas Sowell did some of the definitive detective work on this). Such policies benefitted those in the “preferred” groups situated politically to take advantage of them, and they quickly incurred resentment of those in nonpreferred “untouchable” groups.

Rather than check their premises the “new scholars” grew still more radical. Anything based on logical reasoning had to go. Logic, they said, is a white, male, Euro-centric, heterosexual, social construct. Today they’d add “cisgendered,” the present decade’s chief contribution to the growing list of bizarre neologisms.

As Thomas Hobbes says somewhere, “When reason goeth against a man, a man goeth against reason.” A woman, too. Or any other gender you like!

In fact, any possibility of rational discussion of such subjects in academia was dead in the water by the turn of the millennium. Feelings reigned supreme! And they got increasingly unpredictable: I am sure Rebecca Tuvel never dreamed this kind of fracas would erupt over her attempt to add something new to the conversation, trendy and sordid though the conversation is.

So where does this end?

A fake concept, that of marginalization applied to anyone seen as “underrepresented,” is out of control in academia. As a friend of mine put it (I am paraphrasing): “2017 might be the year humanities faculty finally wake up and realize that a certain percentage of their number is certifiably bat****-insane!”

I argued to anyone who would listen over a quarter of a century ago that unless affirmative action for women and minorities was curtailed, with hiring based on accomplishment and perceived promise, we would have increasing numbers of groups claiming the mantles of marginalization and victimhood, and these group would get progressively more extreme.

Everything I predicted back then has happened!

Now I’ll say that unless the trans-crazies and their backers are called out for their particular brand of insanity, the situation will get worse — unless, of course, a rapid shift towards exclusive online learning or an economic collapse forces the bulk of these institutions to close.

Barring that, if nothing changes, then what’s next? Defenses of pedophilia, with pedophiles the next “marginalized group”? Will we then see unhinged outpourings of scorn and rage against “pedophobia”?

Will it then be necrophilia? Cannibalism?

Only college and university administrations, with the backing of boards of trustees and endowment committees, can stop this long-term trend. They will have to stand together, show some backbone (for a change!), refuse to sign off on the hiring of any more far-left crazies pursuing “research” on trans-whatever, and then agree to weather the public hate blasts likely to ensue from outraged left-wing faculty, well-placed off-campus political groups, celebrities, etc.

This will be ten times harder today than it would have been a quarter century ago because of how far the madness has progressed. Back then one might be lynched on talk radio. Today opponents of these trends might have to deal with threats; they might even be risking flash-mob type violence, easily orchestrated via social media. Removing the existing crazies is probably not an option unless said crazies do something criminal (I wouldn’t put this past them, but doubt the mere suppression of academic freedom qualifies). But no one can force a really determined administration to permit the hiring of more and progressively crazier leftists in the name of bogus concepts of victimization and marginalization.


Steven Yates is an independent scholar and author with a doctorate in philosophy. He is the author of the books Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action (1994), Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011), and the ebook Philosophy Is Not Dead (2014). He is an expatriated American living in Santiago, Chile, with his wife (a chilena) and their two cats, Bo and Princesa. He owns Final Draft Editing Service, which caters to Chilean academics needing editorial oversight with their English (although he accepts U.S. clients as well as clients from elsewhere around the world). He is currently completing his first novel, to be entitled Reality 101, to be published later this year, while continuing with nonfiction projects such as The Fifth Stage of Civilization and others. Dr. Yates occasionally blogs about philosophy and related matters at https://lostgenerationphilosopher.wordpress.com, and has just joined Patreon.com: if you find his writing valuable and important enough to be worth your financial support, please consider visiting the site and making a contribution (free books and possibly more are in the offing). He might also be building his own house soon.

Please consider supporting my writing on Patreon.com

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Questions About Syria: False Flag? And Was Trump Baited?

As everyone not in a cave since the start of the month knows, on April 4 the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun, in the northern province of Idlib, suffered a chemical weapons attack. Over 80 people were killed, at least 25 of them children, with dozens more incapacitated by deadly sarin gas.

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad drew immediate blame for the attack, which would have violated international agreements. Assad’s denial of responsibility went unbelieved in Western media. Also dismissed out of hand was Russia’s suggestion that a conventional air strike hit a warehouse containing chemical weapons possessed by the insurgents the Assad regime has been fighting. This was all prior to any significant investigation into what really happened, something admittedly difficult under the present circumstances.

Early Friday morning Syrian time, April 7, President Trump ordered an assault during which 59 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched from the USS Ross and the USS Porter took out the larger portion of the Shayrat air field and nearby military infrastructure at Homs, destroying more than two dozen Syrian aircraft (over 20 percent of Syria’s air force). Here is Trump’s defense of the action. There are accounts of how Trump was moved to reverse his hands-off-Syria policy by such scenes as a distraught father holding his two dead children, twins, and Syrian children struggling to breathe.

Such scenes have great emotional power but do not tell us what really happened, or who was responsible. This should be common horse sense. It is a telling sign of the times that Trump received more praise for this action than anything else he’s done to date.

Many of us have questions, however.

The first thought that went through my mind when I read about the attack and Assad’s being blamed for it was: why on Earth would he do something so stupid?

Assad has struggled since 2011, the year the Syrian civil war began. He was blamed for a major chemical weapons attack in a major Damascus suburb on August, 2013, one which killed over a thousand Syrians. He denied involvement, blaming rebels who also had chemical weapons. No decisive proof was ever presented of Assad’s responsibility. He was ordered to turn over his stockpile of chemical weapons to the UN and claimed to have done just that. Some of us were open to the idea that that Damascus attack was a false flag, carried out with tacit U.S. approval if not actual assistance, designed to discredit the Assad regime as a prelude to his being ousted from power via a U.S.-led invasion. Donald Trump was among those who criticized Obama administration  overtures against the Assad regime following that incident.

The U.S. has been involved in covertly arming and training Syrian rebels at least since 2012. Russia has been bombing strategic rebel strongholds since 2015.

The intelligence community blames Assad for the April 4 incident. Do I need to remind readers, this is the same intelligence community that claimed to have evidence, undisclosed and traceable only to anonymous sources, that some in Trump’s campaign staff were involved with and might have been colluding with the Russians last year, and that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC. The intelligence community appears to have been playing its assigned role, trying to undercut the new administration’s legitimacy. Trump’s trusting them now thus also makes little sense, unless someone powerful — maybe more than one someone — had a private “chat” with him. I have no proof of this either, of course, but we are talking about people unlikely to leave paper trails, even electronic ones.

Just recently after all, Trump administration officials had declared that Assad was not a priority. This was consistent with the America First stance Trump took during his candidacy last year and in his inauguration speech, but was not what powerful people wanted to hear.

Could the latter have orchestrated the April 4 attack to lure a Donald Trump they know who goes off experience, not ideology, into changing his priorities (which have now flip-flopped on more other things than I can count)? A sarin gas attack did occur; others in Syria besides Assad’s government have access to such weapons; those others have received covert assistance from the U.S. They may not be able to make chemical weapons, as some will respond; but it hardly follows that they don’t know how to use them.

Add up two and two and get four. Part of the original role of ISIS was to overthrow Assad, who had been making slow progress against the insurgency.

There can only be speculation on many of the specifics, but the fact remains: Assad had no motive for gassing his own people. None whatsoever. Not only that, it is unclear he was in a position to do so. Khan Sheikhoun is in an area under al Qaeda control (a fact mostly neglected in Western media). Which means that whoever was directly responsible for the attack acted with al Qaeda’s approval, not Assad’s.

The strongest evidence against Assad turns out to be a flight map released by the Pentagon the day of Trump’s assault. The flight map shows a trajectory a Syrian flight might have taken — emphasis on the might have, in the sense that it was physically possible. But a careful reading of anti-Assad articles in places like Bloomberg shows reliance on the same kinds of “anonymous sources” we’ve come to expect — a four-page government document about which we learn next to nothing — ultimately failing to disclose any real evidence tying the Assad government to these attacks.

Calls for real evidence seem to mean little in today’s world, however.

Ron Paul (who may yet turn out to be the last actual statesman the U.S. had) believes the April 4 attack to have been a false flag. He stated on his weekly Liberty Report the following day that Assad’s doing this made no sense: “Before this episode of possible gas exposure … things were going along reasonably well for the conditions…. Trump said let the Syrians decide who should run their country, and peace talks were breaking out, and al Qaeda and ISIS were on the run. It looks like, maybe, somebody didn’t like that so there ance had to be an episode, and the blame now is we can’t let that happen because it looks like it might benefit Assad. So Assad releases gas to kill a bunch of people.”

Dr. Paul is not alone. More recently, weapons expert Theodor Postol, professor emeritus at MIT and past scientific advisor to the Department of Defense, issued three reports evaluating claims of Assad’s responsibility. He stated unequivocally, “I have reviewed the [White House] document carefully, and I believe it can be shown without doubt that the document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the U.S. government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Sheikkoun, Syria, at roughly 6 am to 7 am on 4 April 2017.”

He argued that the attack probably resulted from actors on the ground.

“In fact,” he continued, “a main piece of evidence that is cited in the document point to an attack that was executed by individuals on the ground, not from an aircraft …  This conclusion is based on an assumption made by the White House when it cited the source of the sarin release and the photographs of that source. My own assessment was that the source was very likely tampered with or staged, so no serious conclusion could be made from the photographs cited by the White House.”

The photograph he refers to is that of a crater with a shell inside, which allegedly contained sarin gas. His analysis of the shell casing concludes that the damage to the casing is inconsistent with the effects of an aerial explosion. More likely, the explosive charge was laid on the shell containing sarin before the latter was detonated.

<— Khan Sheikkoun crater

He explained: “The explosive acted on the pipe as a blunt crushing mallet. It drove the pipe into the ground while at the same time creating the crater. Since the pipe was filled with sarin, which is an incompressible fluid, as the pipe was flattened, the sarin acted on the walls and ends of the pipe causing a crack along the length of the pipe and also the failure of the cap on the back end.”

He went on to criticize what he called the “politicization” of intelligence findings: “No competent analyst would miss the fact that the alleged sarin canister was forcefully crushed from above, rather than exploded by a munition within it. All of these highly amateurish mistakes indicate that this White House report, like the earlier Obama White House Report [from 2013], was not properly vetted by the intelligence community as claimed. I have worked with the intelligence community in the past, and I have grave concerns about the politicisation of intelligence that seems to be occurring with more frequency in recent times …”

Postol had used similar arguments back in 2013 based on a close inspection of what documented physical evidence he was able to study. Getting at the truth about what is really going on in Syria is difficult, however, and made worse by the likelihood that no one in U.S. government or media really wants the truth.

What should be clear: powerful people would like to see Assad gone. They have plans of their own for Syria (surprise, surprise: they involve oil, and a pipeline, can’t you guess?). Some of these people are in Saudi Arabia. Some are in Washington.

We also know that the neocons who appear to be overwhelming the America Firsters in the Trump administration continue to promote limited war and chronic instability in the region, and one wonders if they will be satisfied when the entire Middle East (except for Israel, of course) is reduced to piles of ash and burned out rubble.

Or when unassimilable refugees have overwhelmed the West. Even Hillary Clinton weighed in expressing approval of Trump’s action and stating that it should continue more broadly. Then she added, “I … hope they will recognize that we cannot in one breath speak of protecting Syrian babies and in the next close America’s borders to them.” This, from someone who has no problem with the deaths of millions of unborn babies at the hands of American abortionists.

If, under clear and obvious pressure from all quarters, Trump weakens and then reverses his initial determination to vet those seeking to enter the U.S., he will lose the support of many who voted for him. One result could be a 2018 disaster for Republicans. But that is not the worst danger. Many of us rejected another Clinton presidency because, in addition to her support for abortion on demand, her raving-lunatic multiculturalism, and her belief in open borders, another Clinton presidency clearly meant collision with Russia — very possibly in Syria.

So again, was Trump lured, whether through his lack of a consistent worldview or just inexperience at dealing with the power politics of Washington and the Deep State? Was he compelled to go against his best instincts, which went against wars of choice and regime change? True, he once said he would “bomb the hell out of ISIS.” He called the foreign policy of the Bush II-Obama-Clinton axis a “complete and total disaster,” however, and he was right. I had hopes that he and Russian president Vladimir Putin could work together on a strategy to contain ISIS, presently the most murderous force in the Middle East — or, conceivably, the entire world, as not even Kim Jung Un’s barbarous regime puts Christians to death by hacking off their heads.  (Syria’s Christian minority, incidentally, is grateful to Assad. His government has been the only thing preventing their suffering a likely brutal fate at the hands of ISIS militants.)

Such a strategy might begin by cutting off supplies of money and arms clearly coming from, shall we say, outside the region.

It won’t happen if Trump been lured, possibly as a survival strategy, into continuing the “complete and total disaster” of the Bush-Clinton-Obama axis. Their version of “America First” is not a government that goes where it is invited and otherwise minds its own business, but of a global empire ruled by the Exceptional Nation, imposing “liberal democracy” and the mass consumption culture on the world — by force, if necessary.

Meanwhile, relations between the U.S. and Russia have deteriorated once again. They are now what they were when Obama was president and Hillary was rattling her saber.

As of this writing there has been no escalation in Syria — nor any sense that regime change in that troubled land could be in the offing. Could this, perchance, be due to Russia’s having moved one of its state-of-the-art frigates into easy striking distance in the eastern Mediterranean where, to the best of my knowledge, it remains, watching quietly? While the present strategy seems to be to drive a wedge between Putin and Assad, trying to persuade Putin that support for Assad is “not in Russia’s best interests,” the bottom line is, the two remain allies (again, as of this writing).

Assad is not, therefore, Saddam Hussein, who was a U.S.-instilled puppet from the get-go. Nor is Syria Iraq.

Putin does not appear to want war, especially with the U.S. He has tolerated being lied about and demonized in Western media (and no doubt, self-anointed guardians of the sacredness of mainstream thought about whom I wrote previously will cite such remarks as these as “evidence” I must be working for the Russians!). Surely if Putin wanted war, with the kinds of provocations we’ve seen in Ukraine where neocon-backed forces assisted in overthrowing a democratically elected government in 2014, as well as this latest incident in Syria, we would know it by now!

In fact, Putin has kept his head and acted with remarkable restraint against a steady stream of Washington-originating provocations. He doubtless sees the alternative as unacceptable.

I am sure, however, that like anyone needing to operate from a perception of strength, there is a point beyond which he will not allow himself to be pushed.

A U.S.-led invasion of Syria would do it, inviting an extremely dangerous escalation that could lead to World War III!

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Guess What? We’re “Fake News”

I just ran across this Harvard University Library based site, the latest broadside against so-called “fake news,” i.e., independent and alternative news and commentary sites online. While there are links to several related articles, I found only one name, that of a Melissa Zimdars who, it turns out, is not at Harvard but at a place called Merrimack College, where she is an assistant professor of communications and media (Ph.D., 2015).

So what’s this doing on a Harvard site? Apparently she relied on the idea that if you’ve launched such a project and can affiliate it with Harvard, you have instant credibility. I do not know if she authored the main page or not. No other names are listed.

Zimdars’s page contains a lengthy list of “alternative” news and commentary sites of all sorts on the Internet, along with a classification guide of categories, or tags, apparently borrowed from elsewhere. The list itself, one learns from the main page, was “compiled by students for a class taught by Melissa Zimdars at Merrimack College.” Great. A list compiled by members of Generation Snowflake.

As for the tags: by the “fake” tag is meant, for example, “Sources that entirely fabricate information, disseminate deceptive content, or grossly distort actual news reports.”

Then there is “bias”: “Sources that come from a particular point of view and may rely on propaganda, decontextualized information, and opinions distorted as facts.” Seriously now: how many people out there aren’t reporting from a “particular point of view”?

There is that old standby: “conspiracy”: “Sources that are well-known promoters of kooky conspiracy theories.” Take that.

NewsWithViews.com is on that list, cited as “fake” and “conspiracy.”

I wonder who, on NewsWithViews.com, stands accused of “fabricating information” or “grossly distorting actual news reports.” To my mind this is potentially libelous. But as long as we have no specifics (which would require naming names) or any real analysis, who knows?

That is exactly the problem with broadsides like this, the best known of which occurred in The Washington Post last year, in which a completely anonymous outfit calling itself PropOrNot.com launched a general attack on independent and alternative media that was given instant credibility because of where it appeared, associating independent and alternative media with the then-still-growing Russians-influenced-the-election meme, put forth to insinuate that Donald Trump owed his shock victory in the presidential election to “Russian propaganda.”

I learned of this latest list because I subscribe to Tom Woods’s daily e-letter. His site TomWoods.com is listed. He was noting, with bemusement, that its tag is “unknown.” What’s up with that? I checked and found: “All websites tagged as “unknown”  still need to be analyzed …” And: “many of these were suggested by readers/users or are found on other lists and resources …”

In other words, Professor Zimdars has yet to look at many of these sites to see what it says or how it qualifies for such a list. There are dozens of sites with the “unknown” tag. A lot of them I’ve never heard of.

As for those I am familiar with, we’re in good company: Drudge Report is listed. Also LewRockwell.com, AntiWar.com, Breitbart.com, WND.com, PaulCraigRoberts.org, Alt-Market.com, zerohedge.com, GlobalResearch.ca, ShadowStats.com, NaturalNews.com; even WikiLeaks is there (and given — are you sitting down? — an “unknown” tag)!

In fairness, there are left-leaning sites listed as well: CommonDreams.com, Counterpunch.org, Dailykos.com, — all somewhat “populist” to one degree or another, and have posted articles outside standard academic-left identity political box. (Professor Zimdars missed Salon.com, the most hysterical hard left site to be found anywhere.)

In an era that has led to the rise of President Donald Trump, this sort of thing was probably inevitable. Mainstream media and academia have suffered “huge” losses of credibility. They want it back.

I haven’t been secretive about my view that empowering Trump’s rise — and quite independent of any evaluation of the man or whatever he does in office — was the long-term collapse of mainstream credibility. Mainstream here includes mainstream media, mainstream business, mainstream science, mainstream academia more broadly.

Mainstream media relied all last year on pollsters who told us in unison Hillary Clinton would win. Some said she would win in a landslide. Trump hammered the idea that these polls were faked, or at least unreliable. Only his supporters believed him.

Mainstream media also repeated, back during 2001-03, the Bush II administration’s allegations that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was a threat to the U.S. No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, and the idea that Hussein had ever been a threat to legitimate U.S. interests turned out to be preposterous.

Was this or was this not “fake news”?

Mainstream corporations had sold out the country and its workers to globalist interests in the name of the Almighty Dollar. There can be little doubt global corporate leviathans have placed profitability ahead of everything else via “free trade” deals, and this has pushed some independent researchers “leftward,” towards a reexamination of people like Karl Marx whose analysis of capitalism, they now believe, had more going for it than anyone suspected (cf. this). The white working class might have moved to the left had it not run headlong into identity politics which ludicrously brands it “racist” and “privileged.”

Politically homeless until 2015-16, they voted for Donald Trump.

Mainstream science (i.e., scientific institutions) embraced materialism, a metaphysical worldview, eons ago. Ideas like, e.g., Intelligent Design, are branded “pseudoscience.” More urgently, is the climate really changing due to industrial activity (decades of burning fossil fuels for energy)? Determining this should be fairly straightforward, even for one such as myself who is not a scientist, but one thing becomes clear to anyone who spends much time wading through the wide range of material on this topic: many people out there do not trust academic science (and is there really any other kind of science these days?). They see science departments in universities as embedded in the pursuit of government grant money when they don’t see it as furthering a worldview. In fairness, it is easy to see those who proclaim man-made climate change to be a hoax as on the take from global corporations who stand to lose billions of Almighty Dollars if the economy moves away from extractive enterprises.

Lack of capacity to trust science is not a good thing! If the climate is indeed changing because of human industrial activity, we absolutely need to know about it, and we need to know that the evidence backing up this claim has not been sullied by partisan or other interests!!!

Mainstream academia outside the sciences and broad fields like engineering was hijacked by political correctness and above-mentioned identity politics tribalism. The purveyors of this stuff apply it to everyone except straight white Christian men, then wonder why an “alt-right” develops out here in the conceptual hinterlands.

I would add that mainstream “movement conservatism” and the mainstream “liberalism” of both the Republican and the Democratic Parties have also collapsed.

“Movement conservatism,” originally designed to flourish during the cold war years, became “neoconservatism” after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Its advocates assumed an End of History stance (cf. Francis Fukuyama’s celebrated book published in 1992) with the global triumph of “liberal democracy” and “market capitalism.”

Besides these abstractions, they had no idea what they wanted to conserve.

The ensuing years thus unleashed a globalism that had been there all along, waiting: a globalism that outsourced America’s manufacturing base, drove down American wages, replaced jobs with technology, fostered economic inequality including the growth of the “Davoisie” as some writers have begun calling them, fought wars of choice that precipitated mass migrations, worsened cultural divisions aggravated by obnoxious Social Justice Warriors, and systematically lied about it all with “jobs reports” produced through questionable methodology or allegations of “white privilege” against men and women who were just barely surviving.

The political mainstream proved unable or unwilling to face and address these issues.

Hence the loss of credibility that gave rise to Donald Trump among the hapless corporate-donor controlled GOP, and would have given rise to Bernie Sanders across the aisle had the DNC not cheated — so openly you had to be blind to miss it — and which has put independent and alternative media sources on the map.

We are rising in influence, and the mainstream is having a collective myocardial infarction over it! Hence the “fake news” meme. To the Melissa Zimdars of the academic world, we are “fake news” if we point all this out, and follow up by suggesting that a new direction is needed for our civilization if we hope to sustain it.

Do we independents make mistakes? Of course we do! Few of us have the resources available to ABC or CBS or the Clinton News Network (CNN), or Fox News, or to print publications like The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and Forbes. As an unaffiliated writer speaking only for myself, I’ve gone down blind alleys a few times, and reinvented the wheel once or thrice. I’ve been called out a couple of times on having used a quotation I thought was real but turned out to be bogus. When it happened, I issued a disclaimer in the next article. This almost never happens now.

The method I recommend is the one I adopted when writing my book Four Cardinal Errors. I either tracked a quotation to the original source — the author’s book or article, or a statement in the Congressional Record or other government document — or I didn’t use it. There were a couple of bogus quotes I put in there anyway to discuss what made them interesting even if they weren’t valid. The point is, there are no bogus quotes in Four Cardinal Errors that are not clearly identified as such!

Do mainstream media outlets never misspeak or get facts mixed up or confused? I cited an example above, one that got over 4,000 Americans killed, thousands more maimed for life, and killed tens of thousands of Iraqis while rendering hundreds of thousands homeless! I thought it common knowledge that six leviathan corporations now own and control roughly 95% of Western mainstream media, which include big city newspapers (all of which look alike and run essentially the same mainstream pundits on their editorial pages), television networks, cable networks, major book publishers, magazines, websites getting far more traffic than this one ever will, and much more besides. Their systems are hierarchical, authoritarian, and exclusive: if you don’t comply, or if you question directives, you’re out the door and in search of a new career.

Independent and alternative media are free media — the only places left where there are free flows of information. Very few of us earn any Almighty Dollars for this! It’s done from a sense of obligation — to the truth and to the future — when it’s not a sheer labor of love!

Arguing my case, however, the phrase that keeps recurring in my mind these days is that of bringing a knife to a gunfight. Fundamental beliefs of worldview and in political economy are based on habit, parentage, familiarity, interestedness, partisanship, who is signing your paycheck, and some personal experience in light of one’s own sense of “rightness” … not abstract reason. They can also be based on the fear that one is losing one’s protected dominance. This last appears to be the case with mainstream media moguls and their footsoldiers, including those in academia who may believe they’ve stumbled onto a major career-builder.

I’ve no hope, therefore, of convincing people who put up websites denouncing alternative media sites they’ve clearly barely glanced at.

Perhaps the best thing to do about the Melissa Zimdars’s of the world is to ignore them. With them, we are guilty until proven innocent. The “unknown” tag appended to dozens of independent news and commentary websites on Professor Zimdars’s list demonstrates this. This is how authoritarianism works, including its more subtle epistemic varieties, which poison the wells by labeling us “fake news,” in advance of allowing readers to decide for themselves if we’ve made a credible case for our claims or not.

The irony is that it is Donald Trump who is frequently accused of authoritarianism. If he’s authoritarian, he has no monopoly on that trait.

© 2017 – Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The Fate Of Health Care Coverage In America

According to the Congressional Budget Office, 24 million people could lose their health care coverage over the next ten years (14 million of them in 2018) if the GOP’s current strategy to “repeal and replace” Obamacare results in a bill that gets through Congress and which President Trump signs. The prospective bill may be dead in the water, at least as of this writing. The GOP has caught pushback from both sides: at town hall meetings from those who have acclimated to Obamacare and don’t want it changed, versus conservatives who claim the GOP plan is too similar to Obamacare and hasn’t been changed enough.

This is what happens when an entitlement mentality dominates entire sectors of a society, and a critical mass of citizens expects government to take care of them.

In a series of articles done almost three years ago (first installment here), I reviewed a past investigation into the trajectories major civilizations tend to follow, from their inception based on a set of ideals, their rapid growth, and their maturing into developed governance units with a single language, legal and administrative structure, trade routes, respect for genuine learning, and a solid work ethic. Then something goes wrong. Wealth and comfort become ends in themselves. Generations rise who reap the benefits of wealth and comfort without any sense of the work that went into them. Their intellectuals embrace a relativism that rejects their founding ideals as having no special standing. This relativism encourages the resentment felt against those who built the civilization by those who did not.

The civilization falls into successively more destructive waves of decadence. It furthers policies whereby some can live at the expense of others, and since it’s all legal, if you are one of those others, you cooperate or eventually the government sends men with guns pointed at your head. Corruption sets in, financial as well as political. Wealth is generated increasingly by speculation and borrowing against the future, not productive work. An entertainment/celebrity culture rises, marked by hedonism, ostentatious displays of wealth, and a fascination with endless varieties of sexual debauchery. Substance abuse becomes a problem. So do two social phenomena once on their way to being conquered: economic inequality and poverty (a bogus “equality” of all lifestyles having been fostered as a surrogate for the real thing, which must be earned and cannot result from government freebies.)

The society, once relying successfully on rules for successful immigration and expecting immigrants to assimilate (most did), opens its borders to unassimilable outsiders who flood its cities with a dozen different languages. Its legal system increasingly supports the outsiders over its own. To the political class, the outsiders are potential votes. To the corporate class, they’re cheap labor. Many of these outsiders mean no harm, and have been caught in bad situations. Some, however, are actively hostile and begin to tear at the society’s fabric. The problem is that there is no reliable way of determining in advance who is who. One terrorist with a rifle or a truck bomb can destroy a lot of lives!

As those who remember the “old ways” gradually die off and are not replaced, the civilization itself begins to die. It dies further when small handfuls of dissident writers and intellectuals warn of danger from these various forces and are demonized as racists, xenophobes, homophobes, nationalists, supremacists, tinfoil-hat wearers, or deplorables. It dies the rest of the way if enough of its remaining productive citizens simply pack up their affairs and flee to less repressive jurisdictions on other continents.

Does this sound at all familiar? I could be speaking of almost anywhere in the Anglo-European West right now, with variations from country to country, where a sense of entitlement is the mindset of the day, whether it is an entitlement to cross open borders or to have one’s health care paid for at someone else’s expense.

In areas like public health, attempts to satisfy this sense of entitlement require centralization and bureaucracy. Eventually, as all professionals are pulled into the Weberian iron cage, the efforts become unsustainable. Prices go up. Quality drops. We are at that point with health care in America, as I’ve argued previously: the national conversation is not about human health but how health care is to be paid for. This preoccupation is not crazy, moreover, because prices have indeed escalated uncontrollably, and one lengthy hospital stay can bankrupt a person.

The idea that promoting better health education and better health practices would lower the price by reducing the supposed need for centralized bureaucracy occurs only to a few of us, out here in the conceptual equivalent of flyover country, as it were. Those locked into the entitlement mentality with all four claws see calls just for eliminating Obamacare as morally equivalent to allowing people to die. Just the other day, on the mainstream Bloomberg site: “America has already decided, as a society, that people should not to die in the street for lack of health care.” We decided, collectively. “We” don’t make these things up.

A friend of mine wrote an account of what has gone wrong with health insurance in America that nails the problems so clearly that I was tempted just to copy and paste. Unfortunately his account is a bit long, so I must summarize. He argues as follows:

One buys insurance of any sort to protect oneself from events that have a low probability of happening to any of us, but if they do happen, the results are potentially catastrophic. Thus we try to protect ourselves against criminal break-ins, fires, floods, earthquakes, and so on. The idea is to “insure” millions of people against losses that are probably not going to happen to most of them, but with a risk that is sufficient that they are willing to pay the right premium for protection against it, just in case it does happen.

My friend identified three factors at work here. (1) The probability of the undesirable event happening to any one person must be low. (2) If it did happen, its effects on that person would be disastrous. (3) Millions of people must be willing to pay into a single pool of resources made available to minimize the effects for those few for whom it does happen. I would add a fourth: (4) the organization managing this pool of resources and administrating claims must be able to make a profit. These are businesses, after all, not charities.

In a nutshell, this is how insurance works. Something very bad happens perhaps one time in a million, but its costs are so high that millions of people are willing to pay to be protected financially should it happen to them.

Now for the $50,000 question. Do health and sickness really fall into this insurable category?

First, illnesses, even serious ones, are much more common than the other catastrophic events we listed. And the older you get, the greater the probability of serious and possibly debilitating illness. Eventually it happens to the majority of us.

Second, over the past century we’ve seen a major shift from acute to chronic conditions. Acute conditions were either cured or the patient died. Chronic conditions, on the other hand, are not cured but managed. Their management is often quite profitable to doctors, hospitals, and Big Pharma. In a sense, managing millions of people’s chronic conditions is what enables us to say we no longer have a health care system but a sick care system.

Third, as a population ages, these conditions grow in number — eventually those with chronic conditions threaten to outnumber the healthy! And their conditions get increasingly expensive to manage!

Because of these factors, universal health insurance for a population of over 325 million people (not counting those living in the U.S. illegally) was always a Utopian dream! An insurable risk, by its nature, has to be something that rarely happens, not something that eventually happens to the majority of the population! Attempting to insure expanding groups of elderly people whose chronic conditions are only going to get worse is a recipe for a financial black hole!

That is to say, the math doesn’t work. The only way to make it work is to force young people who don’t need as much insurance to pay the costs of those who do — the individual mandate in Obamacare. This accords with the entitlement mentality: some are entitled to live at the expense of others. Force the young to pay into that resource pool, even though they receive few or no benefits.

This is not true insurance, it is wealth redistribution. It is moving money from the pockets and bank accounts of the young and relatively healthy to pay for the health care costs of the elderly. Welfare for the old, that is, paid for by the young. All Obamacare did was point the metaphorical de jure gun at their heads. Buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS for noncompliance.

The fact that the penalty was sometimes less than one’s premiums, taken on a yearly basis, which were skyrocketing under Obamacare, was a sign of the latter’s fundamental dysfunction.

This is not a system that can be amended, reformed, repaired, or “repealed and replaced.” It should be scrapped, lock, stock and barrel. It is time to recognize that in the long run, it does not work. It cannot be made to work.

If Paul Ryan and Donald Trump try to make “GOP-care” work without the individual mandate, however, the resulting system will soon run out of money and indeed, people who thought they could depend on it will be left high and dry.

The idea should be to get free of dependency.

Replace “GOP-care” with health education for primary prevention, which includes, and requires, freedom and responsibility — personal, familial, and local.

This sort of thing needs to be incorporated into every school system in the land: public, private, or homeschool curriculum. Education for primary prevention should include information on proper nutrition, the importance of exercise, stress reduction, and the avoidance of unnecessarily risky behaviors.

The biggest thing presently in the way: the entitlement mentality.

Few people are old enough to remember when anything resembling freedom was the norm: that is, when your treatment was between you and your doctor or other specialist; Medicare was not involved; insurance companies were not involved; your doctor was not under pressure to sell you Big Pharma’s latest expensive drugs.

Thus the resistance currently facing the attempt to replace Obamacare which was, after all, designed to make money for Big Pharma and Big Insurance.

This belief that health care is an entitlement, not the result of systems of preventive actions persons take as individuals or as family members, is one product of our present Age of Decadence.

In the past, an Age of Decadence has directly preceded a civilization’s implosion, usually resulting in a lower standard of living. If that happens in the U.S., its masses will realize — too late! — that entitlements were an illusion.

This is not to say that those unable to care for themselves should not be cared for. But when people are not forced against their will to pay the medical costs of strangers, they are more likely to be generous; and when their families and their communities are autonomous, their capacity to care for the totally infirm is likely to be greater. Incidentally, the number of people requiring tertiary care due to long-term chronic conditions will drop dramatically when everybody or at least the vast majority of citizens are practicing primary prevention as a way of life. This incidentally includes minimizing the distance between food’s origin (farms) and one’s dinner table. Believe it or not, there was a time when today’s most serious life-ending illnesses — cancers and heart disease — and most common chronic conditions such as diabetes and, for the elderly, dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease — were almost unheard of. The problem is the garbage in our food: high fructose corn syrup and other sweeteners, additives such as flavor enhancers, preservatives, and environmental contaminants.

The point is, functional universal health insurance is and will remain a Utopian dream. We will not force the numbers to add up any more than we can force water to run uphill.

Sadly, you cannot explain this to people mentally locked into the entitlement mindset. I know; I’ve tried. What I’ve realized is that there is a great danger that increasing chronic illnesses coupled with an inability to pay for treatment will be one factor in Western civilization’s downfall. One can only hope the GOP-controlled Congress figures this out. If not, it will be up to us as individuals and families to use the knowledge we have, take care of our health and that of our families outside whatever dysfunctional systems prevail, and minimize our contact with them.

Are the globalists out to get Donald Trump?

The Michael Flynn resignation has changed the equation. Donald Trump’s enemies are now playing this Russian connection gambit for all the mileage they can get out of it. Flynn appears to have misled Vice President Pence and others about his communication with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Trust was killed. The Deep State’s collective antennae shot up higher than that wall will ever be!

Trump has had enemies before, but the Deep State is an entirely different animal. I think he and Steve Bannon, lacking experience with the real centers of power in the Western world, quite underestimated what they would be up against. Paul Craig Roberts reports that former NSA spy John Schindler sent out a tweet immediately following Flynn’s departure indicating that the Deep State was “going nuclear” against Trump, and that “he will die in jail.”

These are not folks The Donald is accustomed to making deals with. These are people who, along with the globalists they serve, have controlled every White House for at least the past 70 years. The last president who tried to stand up to them was shot to death in a motorcade: JFK. Then Bobby Kennedy, the immensely popular Democrat who would have been a shoo-in for the presidency in the 1968 election and would very likely have reopened the investigation into his brother’s murder, was also gunned down. To this day a man rots in prison who maintains he has no memory of the shooting.

In other words, Trump is up against folks who would kill him outright if they thought they could get away with it. In today’s connected environment of alternative and social media, Deep State denizens doubtless know that millions of people would react instantly if anything bad happened to Trump. I would not be surprised if pitchforks came out and there was blood in the streets of the Asylum on the Potomac. I do not think the Deep State wants that. Its minions and its masters would much prefer a slower route to technofeudalism.

Trump is a target because the platform he ran on, and has furthered since Inauguration Day, opposes everything the globalists want: open borders and free migration, “free trade” which makes global corporations richer, and a reversal of the de-industrialization of the U.S. that began with NAFTA and went into overdrive after the Meltdown of 2008.

He’s also a target because he’s doesn’t play political games. He’s not a Harvard-bred over-intellectualized ideologue, and says what he thinks. (Actually, he attended the more down-to-Earth Wharton School of Business.) He calls out the controlled mainstream media on its fake news. This might play in the rough-and-ready “red” culture of Peoria but is totally out of place in the antiseptic “blue” culture of the above-mentioned Asylum.

And now, his administration is in danger! We can’t pretend otherwise!

A new official narrative is being laid into place even as I write.

Please allow me to digress. I have been studying official narratives for over 20 years now, ever since I realized (mid-1990s) that the civil rights movement had been hijacked, and its replacement’s call for racial realignment instead of nondiscrimination was being defended by less-than-honest means. My first book grew out of that. Then it dawned on me that there were other official narratives besides the one on race and gender. Many.

Here is my working definition of an official narrative: a government-approved and media-sanitized account of some dramatic event, such as an assassination or terrorist attack or mass shooting. It can often be identified by having appeared in near-complete form very quickly after the event that prompted it, then being repeated endlessly in all major media outlets, along with powerful supporting images, its essentials never again questioned by “responsible” commentators — this despite a lack of actual evidence (witnesses, “smoking gun” physical evidence, etc.) and sometimes despite physical evidence to the contrary. A convenient enemy is named whose motivations explain the event. Patriotism may be invoked, or its opposite, as the situation requires: whatever manufactures consent around the narrative by leading the viewing audience to suspend independent judgment and trust the authorities. The final stage is to demonize anyone who questions the narrative as a “conspiracy theorist,” a meme the CIA invented out of whole cloth in 1967 to circumvent critics of the Warren Commission Report. Other weaponized words are now available, such as “truther.” All to cement the narrative in the masses’ minds and make it almost impossible for them to think it false.

Examples of official narratives: Oswald shot JFK and acted alone. Sirhan Sirhan shot his brother five years later and acted alone. James Earl Ray shot Dr. Martin Luther King that same year and acted alone. The Gulf of Tonkin attack actually happened. Timothy McVeigh’s truck bomb destroyed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City; he and Terry Nichols acted together with no involvement by “unknown others.” Osama bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attacks, in which 19 Saudis commandeered planes and flew them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Two Chechen terrorists, acting on their own, were behind the Boston Marathon Bombing. There are others, but those will do for now.

Logic and evidence have nothing to do with the process of cementing an official narrative in place. This was the hardest thing to wrap my brain around, given my philosophical training and the value it places on critical thinking skills, which by definition do not yield to mere authority.

Combatting an official narrative is extremely difficult. Since it isn’t a product of logic or evidence, using logic and evidence against it is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Done from within institutions, taking on an official narrative can be career suicide. Ask former faculty members of universities who questioned the official 9/11 narrative. Or ask James Tracy, fired from his tenured position at a Florida university following his questioning the Sandy Hook official narrative on his private blog.

Returning to Donald Trump, I fear we are watching another official narrative fall into place, especially since the end of Flynn’s brief tenure in the administration. It goes something like this: Trump and his associates had numerous nefarious contacts with Russian agents going back through last year’s campaign and before. In the end, Russian influence helped turn the tide in his favor and against Hillary Clinton … perhaps in exchange for lifting the sanctions put in place in response to yet another official narrative: Russia’s “invasion” of Crimea in 2014 (it was an annexation following an overwhelming popular vote, as most of the inhabitants of Crimea are ethnic Russians).

Were this true, and Trump knew about it (corporate media has revived the meme of “What did the president know, and when did he know it?” from the Nixon years), it would be grounds for impeachment.

The problem is, as with all official narratives, there is no evidence it is true. Trump-haters have been circulating the “35-page dossier” that was leaked to the media, one of many such illegal leaks. It contains nothing decisive, nothing that would stand up in a court of law. Moreover, “the Russians” can hardly be given credit for the record turnout at GOP primaries that led to Trump’s nomination; nor did “Russian hackers” tell millions of people who to vote for on November 8.

But: “there you go again, Yates, thinking logic and evidence matter”! There is truth to the claim that in today’s power-structured and media-saturated political economy, truth doesn’t matter. There is a sense in which we inhabit a truth-free world. We have for years.

The upshot is that Trump and Steve Bannon are dangerously close to being in over their heads. I don’t mean this in the usual sense, which deems them incompetent. I mean it in the sense that they’ve underestimated their enemies. Not the aggrieved Left, who still believe themselves entitled to a Hillary Clinton presidency. I mean the Deep State, an essential component of the globalist military-security-surveillance complex. I don’t think Trump had any idea what he was going up against, how powerful the CIA and other elements of the Deep State really are, or of their capacity to destroy his presidency possibly with plants on the inside.

Sometimes Trump has been his own enemy. He’s gotten careless. He’s easily distracted and gets off message (e.g., about his daughter Ivanka losing a Nordstrom contract — or whatever it was). He’s assumed he could run the government from the White House like it was one of his business empires. Frankly, I was afraid this would happen. Nomi Prins recently took note of the alarming number of former Goldman Sachs people now working in this administration. This is especially troubling given Trump’s (correct) campaign allegation that Hillary Clinton was owned, lock, stock, and barrel, by Goldman Sachs. He comes off looking hypocritical. Just the other day, Chuck Baldwin took note of the number of CFR members Trump has (hopefully unknowingly) taken on board.

It’s a fair question: can you “drain the swamp,” presumably of globalists, when your organization is full of people with present and not just past affiliations with globalist organizations like Goldman Sachs and the CFR?
Be all this as it may, Donald Trump is still doing his part!

Last Thursday, Trump gave a press conference. Having read an article in my (mainstream) Yahoo newsfeed calling it “crazy” and implying that it had been a disaster, I gave it a close listening. Trump made a few trivial errors, such as getting his electoral vote count wrong and claiming he’d gotten the most electoral votes since Reagan. During the Q&A session he seemed (to me) more rattled than usual. But under present circumstances who wouldn’t be? He’s never been a great speaker. He got important things spot on, however, such as the obvious media bias against him, a bias amounting to sheer hatred. If anything, he put corporate media in its place. They hate that. But as Commander in Chief with access to a great deal of classified information that could be dangerous to the country if it got out, he’s under no obligation to broadcast specific plans regarding Russia or North Korea to a mostly hostile audience.

Trump had to repeat himself more times than I could count, that these claims of Russian interference are an official narrative (my term obviously, not his). He noted, also correctly — this should be a no-brainer! — that given their status as “powerful nuclear countries,” peaceful relations between the U.S. and Russia would be better for everyone than the collision course the two nations were on during the Obama years and would have continued under another warmongering Clinton presidency.

Sadly, the Deep State does not want peaceful relations with Russia. That doesn’t fit their agenda, which may not be eventual war (one hopes not!) but a mere continuation of tensions that justify a continued flow of taxpayer dollars into the war machine and the covert Intel apparatus, filled with bureaucrats who pass reports around all day.

And the Deep State serves Trump’s real enemies, the globalists. Which is the main reason the Trump administration is in trouble.

I can’t know the immediate specifics of the globalist plan. I am sure there is one. I had been assuming that Brandon Smith had the right idea in that the globalists will allow what the controlled media call the “populist” insurgency to continue for a while, prick the global debt bubble (which would remove trillions from the global economy practically overnight), and blame the “populists.” It would be the biggest and most destructive official narrative ever: “populism” (i.e., national sovereignty, local economics, border controls, and all that other “deplorable” stuff) can lead nowhere except to economic devastation!

But maybe that’s not the plan! Aside from George Soros organizations bankrolling a few agents of disruption at places like Berkeley, I see little evidence of globalists themselves doing anything beyond overseeing publications on how terrible the “populist” insurgency will be for the global economy (i.e., how it threatens their moneyed interests), and how it is steeped in ignorance and a rejection of “expertise” (i.e., their agenda for the world). All they need do is wait, while Trump and his administration flounder helplessly against relentless media attacks driven by illegal leaks until it is rendered dysfunctional. Trump’s enemies are salivating at the prospect of his being impeached or forced to resign, as was Nixon, or possibly far worse — for if the charges of his having won an election due to covert Russian intervention he knew about could be made to stick, he could be tried for treason.

That would be the worst punishment the Deep State could inflict on someone who opposed them! Never again would we see an outsider attempt what Donald Trump has attempted, which is to oppose the Deep State and the globalists on their own territory, that of corporate-bought governance and controlled corporate media.

I don’t know that this will happen, of course. I pray that I am wrong, and that Trump will be able to ride this out.

For though I may not know the immediate specifics, I am reasonably sure of globalist goals. I have shelves of books and articles that spell many of them out, sometimes in their own words, and allow us to reasonably infer much more.

Globalism’s primary goal is corporate-controlled world government: a consolidation of wealth and power begun decades ago through the network of central banks anchored at the Bank for International Settlements, which in turn answers to the vast corporate leviathans in the City of London (home of N.M. Rothschild & Sons and the de facto seat, therefore, of the Rothschild-Rockefeller axis of evil; also the Fabian Society, the Bank of England, the London School of Economics where Soros and David Rockefeller Sr. both earned advanced degrees); furthered through semi-secret “think tanks” such as the CFR and the Trilateral Commission; continued today via “free trade” deals that free corporations to do as they please; and broadcast almost openly via Davos confabs (which Trump has not once attended, by the way).

Once in place, this power structure of power structures would be immune to attack from the outside, as it would control the resources necessary for mounting any sustainable opposition, especially finances and technology.

If the globalists win, no one alive today will ever again see a financially independent middle class, anywhere. There will be limited social mobility, carefully vetted and confined to globalist loyalists like the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world or other tech-obsessed geeks who invent all sorts of cool gadgets and apps but never question the dominant political economy. Those people will be allowed to get rich, as Zuckerberg has, and be praised in controlled media for their “entrepreneurship.” (Yes, Virginia, Zuckerberg is a globalist.)

If the globalists win, there will be no meaningful education; the focus will be on vocation. The potential power of subjects like mine has already been reduced to almost zero, after all. The twentieth century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once described our subject as a “battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.” Indeed! But where do we see that happening? Almost nowhere!

If the globalists win, there would be little or no work stability outside those tech circles just mentioned. Precarity, it is now called, will be the fate of the masses: labor that is part-time, temporary, consisting of “independent contractors” instead of real employees able to organize and bargain for better wages, work conditions, etc. Saving for retirement will be a thing of the past. For most millennials as it turns out, this is already true.

If the globalists win, there will eventually be total surveillance of all work and consumer activity — which will be child’s play once cash is eliminated in favor of electronic transactions, the use of cash eventually criminalized (only drug dealers, gun runners, and terrorists use cash will be that official narrative).

Needless to say, under corporate-controlled world government there will be no national borders of more than ceremonial significance. Mass migration will still be used to destroy the last remnants of the once-dominant culture in the U.S., a culture that will continue to be demonized as too white and too masculine, but was really too enamored of independence and self-reliance, with its guns and its God.

Speaking of Whom, if globalism wins, mass secularism will be the order of the day, not theism. No politically meaningful Christian activity will be allowed. You may see a contentless “spirituality” or perhaps the prosperity pseudo-gospel of the Jim Osteens or the “purpose-driven” message of Rick Warren (CFR). This is allowable in a culture whose real gods are money and power, and in which you “monetize yourself” or starve.

If the globalists win, there will still be abundant bread and circuses — mass consumption of unhealthy fast food, sports, celebrities, scandals, violent movies out of Hollywood, drugs (legal and illegal), etc., all to pacify the masses, in some cases damage their health, and ensure continued manufactured consent.

There will likely be continued theatrical wars, especially in the Middle East. Possibly the globalists will decide that Muslims have served its purpose and can be safely “terminated with extreme prejudice,” as it were. (Islamophobia was never more than another of those fake phobias, after all.)

For whatever it is worth, the Donald Trumps of our world are all that stand between the present and the rapid development of that world, technofeudalism, the specific political economy of corporate-controlled world government.

If Trump is taken out by the Deep State, that’s the future, which we can expect probably within ten years and possibly sooner, depending on how much chaos ensues. I wonder how many of Trump’s enemies, whether in the media, on the Left, or wherever, have any idea.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The left’s continued self-destruction

Recently I published “Why the Left Has No Credibility.” Sadly, things have gotten worse just in the short time since that appeared. There’s truth to the adage that just when you think things can’t get worse, they do.

Presumably all have heard about the riot at University of California at Berkeley, in response to a planned appearance by Breitbart.com writer Milo Yiannopoulos. A peaceful demonstration, which by itself fell within what the First Amendment protects and wouldn’t have led to the cancellation of the speech, turned violent when around 150 people showed up wearing masks. They started breaking windows, setting fires, and physically attacking anyone within reach. Naturally the University had to cancel the event out of legitimate public safety concerns.

The First Amendment, it should go without saying, doesn’t protect violence!
These people, who were very well organized, were clearly not students. Robert Reich, formerly Bill Clinton’s labor secretary and now a professor out there, suggested (without producing any substantive evidence) that Yiannopoulos and Breitbart.com orchestrated the riots themselves, to lend support to an idea Donald Trump tweeted the next day, that federal funds should be pulled from universities where conservative speakers get shut down by violent protests.

Reich was alleging that the “alt-right” had perpetuated a false flag, in other words.

This is what passes for serious punditry by Established (i.e., paid) columnists these days.

I could have spent 50 years and not come up with a whopper like that! Small wonder these folks have lost control of the national narrative and have to draw on silly memes like “alternative facts.”

Later, we learned of the usual George Soros connection. This group was the recipient of a $50,000 grant from a Soros-funded organization.

Has anyone kept track of how much trouble this one globalist billionaire has caused in his life?

A similar occurrence took place the next night at New York University. The speaker was British-born Canadian author Gavin McInnes, whose commentary routinely appears here. Invited by the College Republicans, he lasted something like 20 minutes in the face of constant heckling and disruptions. Outside, police had to intervene as a near-riot broke out. You can watch the spectacle here — if you’ve a strong stomach. How interesting that so few people involved in these protests can speak a single sentence without torrents of obscenities pouring out. Note, too, the arrangement of balloons into a stuffed animal shape mounted on one guy’s head as he meanders about lecturing anyone who will listen about “white supremacy.”

I’d like someone to tell me how many rights “white supremacists” have taken from anyone this year.

The real fun begins at around 10:15, with a leftie meltdown of volcanic proportions. It makes the one I linked to last week look tame by comparison. She’s screaming at the top of her lungs at police, and then, at 11:06, she drops the real bombshell.

She says she’s a professor. The way she introduces it, is supposed to give her a badge of credibility.

Her name is Rebecca Goyette, and she portrays herself elsewhere as some kind of artist — look at her public Facebook page.

She’s not a real professor, as it turns out (age restricted: again, strong stomachs only!). Maybe, in her delusional leftie-pervert universe, she thinks she’s a professor. Who knows?

Some of the onlookers, having heard her say she’s a professor and taking her at her word (how interesting, that they would do that), are clearly as bemused as I am (“she’s a professor,” says someone, presumably scratching his head).

What she is, is a complete nutjob!

What seems clear is that an increasingly violent and deranged Left appears more determined than ever to shut down all conservative presence on campuses — completely. Their favorite words are now fascist, Nazi, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist.

I guess racism, sexism and homophobia are losing their force. Too many people now see through those.

Richard Spencer, credited with coining the phrase alt-right, was doing an interview in Washington on Inauguration weekend when someone lurched out of the crowd and sucker-punched him in the face — on video, no less!

And again, a loudmouthed celebrity, covered by mainstream media, calls for what would amount to a military coup against the Trump administration — not exclusively in response to Donald Trump’s attempt to protect America’s borders. One need only reflect on the irony: the Left went ballistic when, late in the final Presidential Debate, Trump hesitated to say he would automatically accept the results of a Hillary Clinton victory.

The Left is refusing to accept the Trump victory, and its militancy is getting increasingly dangerous. A journalist and writer I once respected, Chris Hedges, author of the very good War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (2002), now goes into a weekly torrent of hysterics. In his latest, he calls for resistance to make America ungovernable. He calls for nonviolence, as if not realizing either that the Left already crossed that bridge, or that protesters don’t have to engage in open violence to endanger innocent people’s lives when, e.g., they are obstructing highways as they’ve done for the past year now.

Now I’d be the first to admit that Trump’s executive order of Friday, January 27, could have been planned better, e.g., written to exempt green card holders, employees of the U.S. government traveling with passports from the affected nations, and others with permanent residency in the U.S. whom, one can presume, have gone through a rigorous vetting process. Had I been Trump, I would have issued a preliminary statement that the order was coming and given as many people as possible it would likely affect sufficient time to get their ducks in a row. But that’s just me. I think executive orders are, at best, blunt instruments. Trump hardly invented the executive order as a means of governing. I’m not sure a more nuanced and careful approach would have made the slightest difference to the angry, violent Left, though.

I’ve mentioned survivalist writer Brandon Smith’s view that Left and Right are being orchestrated into a head-on violent confrontation. He writes, “Instead of admitting that their ideology is a failure in every respect, [the Left is] doubling down. When this evolution is complete, the Left WILL resort to direct violent action on a larger scale, and they will do so with a clear conscience because, in their minds, they are fighting fascism. Ironically, it will be this behavior by leftists that may actually push conservatives towards a fascist model. Conservatives may decide to fight crazy with more crazy.” As if to confirm Smith’s fears, some idiot Social Justice Warrior threatened this. If he or his buddies actually went through with it, President Trump might see little choice except to send in Homeland Security to deal with the problem. I doubt they would hesitate to use deadly force.

Trump would then be playing into the hands of the globalists just as the Left has been doing. Smith continues, “If under Trump conservatives fall to temptation and exploit the ‘ring of power’ that is government to exert dominance in the name of stopping the Left, then they will ultimately be destroyed as well. In this case history will not remember conservatives as freedom fighters rebelling against globalist machinations, but as evil ‘populists’ that caused global economic collapse and the re-establishment of the institution of fascism. The globalists can swoop in after the dust has settled and use the American collapse fable as a story to tell children for the next century. A reminder that nationalism and sovereignty are harbingers of war and death.”

You see, not all of us are sure about all that Trump is doing. Smith believes he was the globalists’ choice all along. His reasoning is not implausible. Is he “draining the swamp”? Nomi Prins, former banking analyst and strategist turned author of It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bonuses, Bailouts, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street (2009) and All the President’s Bankers (2014), believes the number of Goldman Sachs people in Trump’s administration is more than a mere cause for concern. Prins advocates something Trump has not to my knowledge mentioned: reinstating Glass-Steagall, which would restore the separation between commercial and investment banking. Others on Trump’s cabinet such as billionaire Rex Tillerson (former Exxon/Mobil CEO) are accustomed to getting what they want through top-down decrees. Someone better tell him, what might have kept his employees in line won’t work with the Chinese, and that he needs to not treat them like adolescent school boys needing to be told how to behave.

There may be the need, that is, for a credible critical stance — a credible “Trumpism” other than Donald Trump and his administration: critical of globalism, favorable towards sensible border security, but better thought-out and articulated, and taking note of the things Trump is ignoring or deeming unimportant. I attempted a possible beginning for such a project here (though I must credit the writer who called himself Publius Decius Mus and essays such as this for inspiration).

I stated in my earlier article that Trump’s number one enemies are the globalists, not the Left. The present-day Left, in the U.S. at least, couldn’t tie its collective shoelaces without Soros money or cushy academic positions.

The U.S. national debt, as I write, is $19.97 trillion. Total U.S. indebtedness including unfunded liabilities is, according to some estimates, over ten times that. To the best of my knowledge, Trump has said nothing about this looming debt bomb. He can’t possibly not know about it. I am sure Steve Bannon knows about it. He strikes me as a bright guy. If you factor in the even larger derivatives bubble (larger still; its the exact size appears to depend on whom you consult), we are literally sitting atop the largest set of asset bubbles in world history. Much of what even Trump is planning presupposes that the bubble will last. The problem is, they never do. They always pop sooner or later. Or are popped, when the truly powerful prick them. Something they are quite capable of, as soon as more “populists” are elected (Brandon Smith again).

Marine Le Pen in France who has launched her campaign for the Presidency there as an attack on globalization, radical Islamism, and on calling for a referendum on France’s remaining in the EU. I think she will win. So, I believe, will Geert Wilder, her counterpart in the Netherlands.

The real question: are “populists” being set up to take the fall when the superelite pops the bubble they created?

There is more than a ghost of a chance that we will know before the end of this year! That we will know within four years is probably a given!

The Left is completely unaware of this, of course. Like five-year-olds having temper tantrums when their parents won’t let them play in the street, they have no sense of the real danger. What they have is visibility, due to money, popularity, and the sort of sensationalism that wins visibility these days.

Those of us who are aware of the danger are consigned to Facebook (where we are at the mercy of “algorithms” that weed out unwanted information, so that it simply never appears in newsfeeds), blogs, and sites like this one that may get some Web traffic but ultimately not enough to make a difference. Sad. Truly sad.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The best replacement for Obamacare

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” —Albert Einstein

“You never change something by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” —Buckminster Fuller

The (Un)Affordable Care Act, Barack Obama’s signature legislation, has been a disaster. I probably don’t to argue this before most readers of this site. With the start of the “Trump years,” the GOP-controlled Congress looked to have its best opportunity ever to get rid of this disaster.

Some have gotten cold feet, however. In a sense, this is understandable. As they look at the details and see that since the law went into effect, its fine-print complexities have insinuated themselves deeply into the insurance, health care and Medicare bureaucracies, changing them from the inside to fit its requirements. The idea of striking Obamacare down all at once has its appeal, but to those on the inside, doing so looks like it might risk a situation where, in a very short period of time, not just millions of people are uninsured again, but hundreds of thousands of employees in these industries are left high and dry: needing to make decisions, some medical and some financial, with no idea what the rules now are.

This is the problem when industries are placed under the thumb of massive bureaucracies. The latter make themselves “indispensable.” They expand into new areas, which become the scene of still more constantly-changing laws and regulations. This is also the problem when much of the population hasn’t been educated to think independently. Toss out the rule book, and they are at sea!

Be this last as it may, we need is to wake up and realize we are kidding ourselves if we think the present mess has a centralized “fix.” I sincerely hope “repeal and replace” doesn’t mean what it sounds like, because if it does, the GOP will replace one mess with an even bigger mess, and the GOP will own it. I am led to believe Donald Trump is working on a “fix.” I hope he doesn’t replace one form of centralization for another form of centralization. For the same reason, it won’t work, and he will end up owning the resulting mess.

Get rid of this kind of system we must! Its price tag is too high, and many of its “benefits” are illusory. The other day Simon Black (of Sovereign Man) wrote why his elderly stepfather, a Medicare patient, was dropped by his doctor. There is no summing this up:

“… [P]hysicians across the country have been firing Medicare patients; and according to a late 2015 study from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 21% of physicians are not taking new Medicare patients.

“Much of this trend is based on stiff penalties and financial disincentives from the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and 2015’s Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization (MACRA) Act.

“MACRA in particular is completely mystifying.

“The law created a whopping 2,400 pages of regulations that Medicare physicians are expected to know and follow.

“Many of the rules are debilitating.

“For instance, MACRA changed how physicians can be reimbursed for their Medicare patients by establishing a bizarre set of standards to determine if a physician is providing “value.”

“As an example, if a patient ends up in the emergency room, his or her physician can incur a steep penalty.

“This explains why my stepdad was dropped by his doctor.

“The healthcare system has been broken to the point that physicians now have a greater incentive to fire their Medicare patients than to treat them.
“One Florida-based physician summed up the situation like this:

“I have decided to opt-out of Medicare, acknowledging that I can no longer play a game that is rigged against me; one that I can never win because of constantly changing rules, and one where the stakes include fines and even potential jail time.”

“The irony is that all these new laws and regulations were designed to “save” Medicare.”

Most people do not know it, but the medical profession has one of the highest rates of mental health disorders such as depression, substance abuse as a form of coping, and suicide. There is abundant malfeasance: absurdly long hours causing sleep-deprivation; there is bullying and abuses of power; etc. Medicine and health care have become extremely high-stress occupations. Burnout is common. A young MD suffering from depression or who has become hooked on “uppers” to stay awake during a 24-hour shift knows he needs help but fears seeking it because doing so could cost him his medical license and end his career.

Moreover, the third leading cause of preventable death is the medical profession itself (exceeded only by heart disease and cancer). Illnesses, injuries and deaths do occur in hospitals due to physician and surgeon error.

A major factor here is drowning medical professionals in thousands upon thousands of regulations they are expected to understand and comply with; penalties for not doing so range from debilitating fines to prison time.

Thus what Americans have is the world’s most expensive, most bureaucratic, and arguably least functional health care system. This system cannot be “reformed.” It can only be escaped from, until its dysfunction in the face of superior alternatives collapses it. This article is about escaping this system. It will require a paradigm shift of major proportions, especially in this age of entitlements, dependences, and a population that can’t think without a book of rules to follow. We cannot simply “repeal and replace” Obamacare. We need a different way of thinking about public health.

Two preliminaries. (1) We have to realize what disasters like Obamacare and MACRA are intended to do. Obamacare’s primary purpose was not just to insure the uninsured, although doing so, for as many as possible, did make it look good on paper. What Obamacare was intended to do was Make Money for Big Pharma and Big Insurance. Money lost from insuring preexisting conditions was more than made up for via skyrocketing premiums, and deductibles high enough to make the system unaffordable for those of modest means. It and MACRA were designed to increase the level of control over the public as well as over the medical profession. When the federal government can unconstitutionally force you to buy health insurance, and unconstitutionally sic the IRS on you with whopping $600-plus penalties if you don’t, your aren’t free. As George Carlin put it in one of his best routines (warning: language!), “You have owners! They own you!”

Obamacare may have been designed to fail, to pave the way for a single-payer system. Why is single-payer bad? It works in, say, Denmark, does it not? Perhaps. Denmark’s population is a little over 5 and a half million. Over 324 million people live in the U.S. (more, if you count illegal aliens). It is insane to think a system workable in small countries can be just as effective in a country with a population almost 60 times higher!

So what’s the answer?

Some years ago (late 1990s, to be exact), I took a series of courses in health promotion and education. It was, by most standards, an unusual program. There wasn’t a lot about health; leaving aside what I thought even then was an unhealthy obsession with sex, there was far more psychology, directed towards behavior change. I’d been thinking of a new career. I saw useful ideas in the program. But it became clear: what was good here was incompatible with top-down enforcements typical of bureaucracy. What I learned about myself (surprise, surprise): I don’t have the patience or temperament necessary to fit into a public health bureaucracy. For one thing, I tend to ask questions instead of following a book of rules blindly. After a couple of stints writing reports for a consulting group (and one collaboration journal article with one of the leaders) I abandoned the career option. But not the ideas, which I’ve used myself with some effectiveness.

They are the key to the best replacement for Obamacare.

The program called them the Three Levels of Prevention. That, as it turns out, is a misnomer. A far better phrase: the Three Levels of Health Care.

The first level is that of Primary Prevention. The second, Secondary Treatment (my term). The third, Tertiary Care (my term).

I’ve seen all three in action. The first is by far the most important if Americans, as a society, want to get control over their health care. So I’ll spend the most time on it.

Primary Prevention is everything you do to avoid getting sick, injured, etc. It draws on the adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Primary Prevention involves learning about nutrition, including how to read food labels in stores. People who do not do this, are setting themselves up for trouble later in life. I have no special diets to offer here. I know people who have gotten results with, say, the Paleo Diet. I’ve not studied specific diets such as this, though, so I cannot be either for them or against them. Since our body systems are all slightly different, as are our habits and levels of motivation, what “works” for one person may not be as effective as what “works” for another. What matters is, you absolutely need to know what you are putting in your body, and be sure it really belongs there. Remember: food corporations and grocery chains don’t care. They just want to sell you products and Make Money. It’s a buyer-beware world. It is up to us—we, the people—to educate ourselves and each other about what’s in our food, and eat the right things. Much of this is common horse sense. You cannot get enough fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Nuts are also good. Meat is optional; it contains an abundance of protein, but you can live without meat. It is harder to digest than fruits and vegetables. What counts is getting vitamins and other necessary nutrients. I try to eat at least one orange and at least one apple per day. I also feast on broccoli. It was an acquired taste, but I can now eat it cold, with a salad. Cooking it actually robs it of some of its nutritional value.

Primary Prevention may involve learning to grow your own food. When you do, you know exactly what is in it. It involves knowledge about food preparation — what happens to food when ingredients are mixed, cooked, and so on. Primary Prevention has some don’ts. Minimize your alcohol intake. Shrink your caffeine intake. Do without if you can (the latter, alas, is a hurdle I’ve not cleared — but as a coffee drinker I rarely have more than two cups per morning). By all means reduce your intakes of white bread and sugar. Stay away from high fructose corn syrup laden soft drinks! It is common knowledge that these lead to obesity, and obesity comes with its own set of health risks. But don’t do so-called diet drinks, either, as artificial sweeteners come with additional problems. Eat less salt. Steer clear of fast food, unless it’s a salad, and other junk food. And above all, don’t smoke!

Never forget, where food is concerned you’re invariably dealing with people who have their grubby paws out, waiting for your hard-earned cash. They don’t care about your health. They care about Making Money. It is up to you to assume full ownership of your health! That’s what Primary Prevention is all about!

Primary Prevention also involves exercise, whether for weight control or other purposes. Joining a health club or gym is optional but not required. Taking long walks is a form of exercise. Primary Prevention involves stress reduction (walking on back streets or roads is again very good for this; so are deep breathing exercises), getting enough sleep at night, establishing a routine for maximum productivity, and other things that, at first glance, might not seem to have much to do with health, but in fact do if your aim is a life that is all it can be: a life of wellness, or well-being that is more than a mere absence of illness.

Lest the preceding sound “new-agish” to some readers, getting right with God and maintaining a prayerful relationship with Him is, in my humble opinion, the ultimate stress reducer and potential maximizer of personal wellness.

Primary Preventive actions strengthens your body’s systems. We all learned about the ‘germ theory of disease’ as children, but “germs” are all around us. The point is for our systems to be able to resist the ones that make us sick. That’s called building up our immune systems. Proper nutrition, including sufficient quantities of vitamins, etc., helps accomplish this. As does avoiding risky behaviors of all kinds.

Little if any of this can be had in classrooms. Never forget, too: public education is not designed to truly educate but to socialize, to transform children and adolescents into mindless consumers and obedient sheeple. You must take charge of your health education.

Ask yourself: which is easier to control: an alert and healthy populace that practices all the above? Or a sickly, overweight, lethargic sheeple who have no idea about nutrition or how to read food labels and no incentive to learn? Which group Makes more Money for corporations, e.g., those which comprise Big Food (Monsanto, Tyson) and Big Pharma (Merck, etc.)?

A healthy population, moreover, does not need as many services from doctors, clinics, hospitals, and so on. A healthy population has fewer worries over who is insured and who isn’t.

All reasons why there is little real incentive for serious health education in a society based on mass consumption and control, where Money has become a surrogate for God.

To learn Primary Prevention is to begin to secede from the present-day health care system. To communicate Primary Prevention to one’s loved ones is to inspire them to say this, and to educate others in the benefits of health self-reliance.

In that case, what about the other two Levels of Health Care. At the risk of sounding anticlimactic:

Secondary Treatment is medical care in the familiar sense of going to the doctor and getting a diagnosis you hope is correct, prescription medicine you hope will work and not have nasty side effects, etc. Its purpose is to restore your body system to its previous state (health). Always remember: most likely your doctor has been taught only which drugs are most likely to “cure” what, and may know little or nothing about nutrition and Primary Prevention for the reason already stated: they don’t Make Money! Your best bet is to minimize your need for Secondary Treatment, and we’re back to Primary Prevention. Never forget: these days, for all the reasons stated above, your doctor is under tremendous pressure, including time constraints as he/she has to cram as many patients as possible into his workday.

I believe that if the present mess continues — if we do not scrap altogether the idea of a centralized health care payment system on the Obamacare model — we will see a shortage of doctors within the next ten years. That alone will make Secondary Treatment less of an option, and not an option at all if you’re in the boonies and can’t find a doctor to treat you!

Tertiary Care tries to establish new stability after a severe disruption — such as a stroke or a heart attack. My mother was a stroke recovery patient with partial paralysis on her right side, so I saw Tertiary Care first hand. I have encountered claims that strokes can be treated at the Secondary level and their damage reduced to almost nothing if it happens fast enough (within an hour or so). I have not investigated these claims, so I cannot vouch for their authenticity, but they are interesting. Since my parents lived in a rural area, this was not an option for my mom. Her Tertiary Care treatment involved blood-thinning drugs (again, there can be side effects), physical therapy, and speech therapy. Tertiary Care also involves family members: at the time, my father and myself: counseling, patience, fall prevention, how to maneuver a partially disabled elderly person into and out of bed, etc.

Tertiary Care is no fun. Hence it behooves us all to learn what might make it necessary, and we’re back to sound nutrition and other best Primary Prevention practices, as these will reduce your risk of heart disease or stroke later in life. It is important to realize that in real health education, we are discussing processes that exact their worst effects after long period of time. Hence to appreciate the value of Primary Prevention is to become a Long Term Thinker. You cannot live exclusively in the present. Indulge today, and you’ll pay the consequences tomorrow.

Educating the Three Levels of Health Care offers the only viable way out of our present morass. Has anyone noticed: there is not a word about actual health care in the (Un)Affordable Care Act? Of course not! Again: its purpose was not health care but about how it was to be paid for, and again who Makes Money! I’ve had economics-types tell me, The problem with Primary Prevention is, it doesn’t sell. If that’s the case, we can forget about ever again having a healthy population, and about stopping the advance toward a world government that answers to global corporations—including those which profit handsomely from people being sick!

The alternative to bureaucratic, centralized systems — including anything similar that ends up intended to “replace” Obamacare — is to withdraw from them, to refuse to participate in them beyond the minimal requirements of the law. What you withdraw into are systems whose fundamental principle is self-reliance: educating one’s own and each other, as opposed to dependence on strangers with their hands out, or on the public education system.

Those who practice Primary Prevention will find their health care costs dropping to almost nothing. They won’t need insurance. They won’t need Medicare. The problems posed by our present health care nightmare can be made to go away only if the bureaucratic, centralized systems that created the nightmare are rendered obsolete!

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Why the left has no credibility

The other day, information came my way about the fate of Yazidi girls and women at the hands of ISIS. The Yazidi are a Kurdish people indigenous to what was Mesopotamia. They live primarily in what is now the Nineveh Province in what is now northwestern Iraq, although there are Yazidi communities in both Syria and Turkey. Their religion is a blend of Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, with links to Sufiism.
They had already been caught between U.S. troops and Iraqi insurgents. Not being Muslims and being a peaceful people, they were sitting targets for the Islamic State.

ISIS militants came to the Yazidi region of Shingal on August 3, 2014. Thousands of Yazidis were killed, kidnapped, or sexually enslaved. The article I received spoke of Yazidi girls being “sold” for a few packs of cigarettes.

Mirza Ismael, who chairs the Yazidi Human Rights Organization-International, said, “Some of these women and girls have had to watch 7-, 8-, and 9-year-old children bleed to death before their eyes, after being raped by ISIS militia multiple times a day. ISIS militias have burned Yazidi girls alive for refusing to convert and marry ISIS men. Why? Because we are not Muslims and because our path is the path of peace. For this we are being burned alive: for living as men and women of peace.”

There is, of course, a massive international slave and “sex worker” trade in that part of the world. Girls who have not yet entered puberty, some of them kidnapped, are repeatedly gang raped by ISIS militiamen many of whom are pedophiles. If the girls cry out in protest, they are beaten bloody, often to death. Those who try to escape and are caught can have their noses or ears or hands or feet cut off.

Radical Islam, of course, sees women as less than property. It is illegal in countries controlled by Radical Islam for women to receive an education. Most can’t read or write their native language. They are forbidden to leave their houses without male approval.

I present this live horror show as the perfect backdrop for these highly-touted (by Western corporate media, anyway) women’s marches in Washington and other major Western cities following the Trump inauguration, protesting actions they seem to believe the Trump administration is about to undertake.

There were many speakers at these events. One of them, actress Ashley Judd, read a poem in which she asked why “tampons are taxed when Viagra and Rogaine are not.”

In this one query, given all we reviewed above, you should see the reasons why the American Left has no credibility — none whatsoever. It had none before the Donald Trump era began on January 20. But now the fact (and it isn’t an “alternative fact”) is out in the open, or should be.

People like Ashley Judd, other celebrities including far wealthier and more famous ones like Madonna, live in a bubble of privilege — and I don’t mean that leftist invention, “white privilege.” I mean the privilege of being able to open their mouths and be heard by millions despite their utter cluelessness.

One of the criticisms I sometimes hear of U.S. citizens is that when all is said and done, we know little of what goes on outside our borders. I doubt most Americans have heard of the Yazidi, or know that ISIS overwhelmed them on August 3, 2014. After all, I’m sure Kim Kardashian did something that week!

It is unclear how many women participated in these grandiose marches. What is clear is that they have no idea how well off they are compared to their counterparts elsewhere in the world. As children they were taught to read and write. They went to school alongside boys. As adults they can come and go as they please, without asking permission. They can go to college and pursue careers. They can gain visibility (with or without actual talent). Some of the world’s wealthiest celebrities are American women.

Yes, yes, yes, I know there were women who struggled and fought for those rights. I saw a list on the Left-leaning Medium site just the other day. I also know that today’s whiners aren’t qualified to polish those women’s shoes.

One of their biggest fears seems to be that under the Trump administration and the new GOP-controlled Congress they might lose the “right” to kill their unborn children and have the U.S. federal government pay for it if they can’t pay for it themselves, which means taxpayers, some of whom are pro-life, will continue being coerced into helping fund the killing of unborn babies.

They are afraid Planned Parenthood might be defunded and shut down. I have the feeling, though, that the Madonnas and Ashley Judds of the world have enough money between them — that there is enough money in the community of celebrity women generally — that they could keep Planned Parenthood open, privately funded, and serving women’s legitimate health needs. I wonder if this has occurred to any of them. Probably not. They would have to stop whining, get up off their celebrated duffs, and start doing something useful.

Why do I keep mentioning Madonna?

Because the other day she was quoted as having thought about “blowing up the White House.” When I read that, what raced through my mind was, “Why isn’t that a terroristic threat?”

Then Secret Service started looking into the matter. She did some of her fanciest backpedaling, saying her remark was taken out of context. I don’t believe she meant it literally, of course. She was just doing what Left-leaning celebrities do best, which is shoot off their mouths. But with the thought now out on the table, who knows what one of her fanatic followers might do?

The American Left has lost control of the public narrative. Other voices, including from alternative media with alternative narratives, are now being listened to. Leftists can’t stand it, and are reacting as they typically do when they can’t have their way: getting verbally abusive and violent.

Outside the now-infamous Deploraball [sic.] in Washington the night before the Inauguration, writer James Allsup, a Trump supporter from Seattle, was targeted outside the event by leftist protesters along with some of his fellow attendees. Pushing and shoving ensued. After hearing someone yell, “Die, Nazi!” Allsup was punched while others filmed it, then struck in the head with a metal flagpole. He had to go to the ER for stitches.

This was only one example, and it is hardly an outlier. We reported on the harassment of Trump supporters and attendees of his rallies as far back as last spring, when thousands of University of Illinois at Chicago students took to the streets, compelling Trump to cancel a scheduled appearance out of public safety concerns.

It was not Trump supporters, moreover, who began to shut down major thoroughfares and interstate highways trying to block attendees from reaching Hillary Clinton rallies.

Now there is abundant evidence that the Left is in total meltdown mode. A friend of mine who lives in Texas sent me this the other day.

I know that was painful. She either didn’t know she was being filmed or didn’t care.

Do these people have any idea how silly they look and sound?

Author and blogger Charles Hugh Smith has a brilliant essay about what happened to the Left. He goes further into the history of Marxism then we need to worry about here, but what it boils down to: their obsessions with political correctness and identity politics cost the Left the support of the American working class.

For all practical purposes, they threw this support away, because so many American workers are straight white Christian males, and straight white Christian males are history’s biggest villains, didn’t you know?

A lot of Democrats have yet to figure out that had they not throw this obviously important segment of the electorate under the bus, their candidate might have won!

That wouldn’t have given the Left credibility. The Clintons sold out to the postmodern religions of money and power years ago; neither would know any other reality if it walked up and bit them. Hillary’s arrogant refusal to campaign in certain states was a dead giveaway: she didn’t think she’d need the white working class vote to defeat Donald Trump.

She lost each of those states to Trump. Reality always gets the last laugh.

Now, Bernie Sanders has offered to work with Trump on trade issues. Sanders just might be getting it (maybe, I hope).

The American Left’s ignorance may be exceeded only by its volume and its capacity for violence, but leftists are not Donald Trump’s most formidable enemies.

The globalists — or the superelite, the global elite, or the international financial cartel, call them what you will — are Trump’s most formidable enemies. Those paying attention know they just held their annual World Economic Forum confab in Davos, Switzerland. The number one topic: “populist” insurgencies in Europe (think: Brexit, Geert Wilder in the Netherlands, Marine Le Pen in France) as well as in the U.S., i.e., the growing resistance to their economic domination of the planet, with all its externalities which include the wanton destruction of advanced nations’ middle classes and mass migrations caused by their incessant wars. Globalists, incidentally, like wars! Wars are very profitable! Ask those in the upper echelons of Halliburton!

The proximate cause of the European “populist” insurgency is Muslim mass migration which is tearing their countries apart. France, reeling from multiple terror attacks over the past couple of years, has a problem dwarfing anything the U.S. has to worry about.

I’ve long thought Trump misplayed his hand with Mexicans. He could have pointed out that Mexico’s agricultural workers were hurt as badly by NAFTA as the U.S. manufacturing base. He would have had Hispanic communities on his side, as he moves to renegotiate or scrap superelite-driven “free trade” deals and enforce U.S. immigration laws just as Mexico enforces its immigration laws.

Muslims from places where ISIS is now established are far more dangerous. When a leftist whines about Islamophobia — among all the fake phobias the Left has invented over the years, that one has to be the stupidest! — I want to ask her how many more San Bernardino type workplace shootings or Orlando type nightclub massacres she would countenance, and what she would say to families of innocent people killed by newly transplanted Muslim immigrants who turned out to be ISIS sympathizers?

I’m sure the pseudo-intellectuals who championed Europe’s open borders policies didn’t think they’d be dealing with violent, unassimilable populations destroying neighborhoods in France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, and elsewhere. So please don’t somebody write me and tell me nothing like that could happen in the U.S.

Well, under Donald Trump’s watch it won’t happen. I think — I hope! — we can be assured of that!

The problem, though, remains the globalists, the superelite. They haven’t gone away, and I don’t believe for five seconds they are willing to allow one rogue “blue collar billionaire” to upend plans they’ve been working on longer than most of us have been alive without trying to do something about it — something possibly worse than anything Madonna might have thought up. Just keep in mind: Trump has inherited a mammoth stock market bubble; global debt has never been higher; the only thing standing between the present world and a massive depression is continued money printing by central banks. Were there a planned economic downturn — the Meltdown of 2008 on steroids! — given their control over corporate media, and given the gullibility the Left regularly displays, for globalists to get away with blaming Trump and other “populists” would be child’s play!

These are the things that worry me the most right now! Plus the fact that everything the Left is saying and doing to try and weaken and delegitimize Donald Trump plays right into the hands of the globalists.

If the Left wanted to make itself useful, its members would forget their marches and start monitoring pro-globalist sites on the Internet. There are quite a few, actually, like The Economist, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy Magazine, Bloomberg, and Project Syndicate. Globalists, in their hubris, cannot keep their mouths shut, either. Across the aisle, survivalist author Brandon Smith has useful advice on how globalists think. My book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) is still in print, as is my “The Real Matrix” series. The latter is incomplete, but not terribly dated.

In other words, now that Donald Trump is President there is work to be done informing those who care about where the real danger lies. And frankly — I hate to be blunt about it, but — leftists, you are in the way!

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The fake news – fake narrative epidemic Pt. 1

The CIA and FBI say Russian hackers influenced, or tried to influence, last November’s election, with Vladimir Putin himself directing the covert cyber-attacks. These claims have been made without evidence to back them up. There have now been tens of thousands of references to “Russian hackers” in mainstream media over the past month. Most of these, as a lawyer would say, assume facts not in evidence. I guess repetition counts as evidence these days, however.

Fifteen years ago the CIA said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, and that there was a real and living threat he would use them against the U.S. This evidence-free claim led, back in 2003, to the worst foreign policy blunder of the new century, as Bush II launched the Iraq War. Saddam’s regime was brought to its knees in less than a month. But then what? An insurgency began; over 4,000 Americans ended up losing their lives; tens of thousands of Iraqis were also killed, with tens of thousands more people displaced as war spread across the region, today’s hotspot being Syria. Small wonder Donald Trump could call U.S. foreign policy “complete and total disaster.”

No weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq. This turned out to be the fake news story of the decade.

Fake news is the order of our times. In mid-2015, when Trump first announced, his candidacy was a joke. The “experts” said so. He would never be taken seriously. Then, of course, he was. The “experts” went on to say he had no chance at the nomination. Then, as one by one, his empty-suited competitors fell, he did. Trump, who was invoking issues the GOP base cared about such as outsourcing, immigration, globalism, and jobs, began racking up delegate votes, until Ted Cruz was his only opponent. Then he won the GOP nomination. He still had no chance against the Clinton machine. The pundits said so. The major polls all said so. Then Trump won the Presidency!

The rationalizations began. It was “whitelash” (said Van Jones). Then it was James Comey’s fault and Email-gate. Then it was fake news on Breitbart, Facebook, and Twitter. More recently it became Russian hackers. One could make a case for the first of these. Many white people are fed up with political correctness. They have had it with being told they have “privileges.” They are fed up with official narrative on race, gender, homosexuality, and so on. Trump actually said little about these, but what he did say appealed to the white working class. Ergo, he’s a racist, a sexist, and so on. This is Exhibit A in the decline of critical thinking skills amongst the “experts” of our era, and certainly among so-called progressives. At one point, Trump told black America, “Your schools are terrible.” This is the truth. Most public schools are terrible. Some are worse than others, though, and those of the inner cities border on dysfunctional.

We are awash in fake narratives, promulgated in universities and government as well as major media. Fake narratives form the backdrop that gives mainstream media fake news credibility. If the subject is race, the fake narrative begins with the premise that America is a structurally racist society, that what is harming blacks today is the legacy of slavery, not their own behavior; that they continue to face unjust discrimination; that their visceral hostility and violence is to be blamed on the “white majority,” and that more “education for diversity” is the cure.

If you don’t agree, then you’re a “basket of deplorables” racist, “irredeemable” and possibly even a “white nationalist” or “white supremacist.”

Thus you will not read about black crime in any general way, even if a few dramatic incidents like the four blacks who kidnapped and tortured the autistic white kid in Chicago might be covered. You will read that Black Lives Matter, but you will be told that to respond, “all lives matter,” is to be racist. You will not read that blacks are 13% of the population but commit well over 50% of all violent crimes in the U.S., and in big cities, this number rises to over 90%, most of it against other blacks. There is far more violent crime by blacks against whites than by whites against blacks. There is far more hatred of whites by blacks than there is hatred of blacks by whites. These, too, do not fit the fake narrative, any more than does the occasional black conservative who has figured all this out. Thus if you assert them, you must again be a “deplorable” and possibly a “white… Well, you get the idea.

Or take gender, that “social construct” (i.e., academic superstition) that is something other than biological sex. Women are held back by the “glass ceiling”; never mind that one just ran for president and would have won had it not been for the Electoral College. Women, it seems, face hostile environments, because everywhere they go, they face the “patriarchy.”

Universities have a “rape culture” where one in five (one in six? one in four?) girls can expect to be sexually assaulted at some point. Another fake narrative. Recall the “campus rape” story at the University of Virginia fraternity house that Rolling Stone reported? Completely discredited, this sordid tale owes its existence to the fake “rape culture” narrative. The article has been taken down. I am not surprised. It is embarrassing. Read (I copied and saved portions of it):

“Jackie was sober but giddy with discovery as she looked around the room crammed with rowdy strangers guzzling beer and dancing to loud music. She smiled at her date, whom we’ll call Drew, a good-looking junior – or in UVA parlance, a third-year – and he smiled enticingly back.

“Want to go upstairs, where it’s quieter?” Drew shouted into her ear, and Jackie’s heart quickened. She took his hand as he threaded them out of the crowded room and up a staircase….

Drew ushered Jackie into a bedroom, shutting the door behind them. The room was pitch-black inside. Jackie blindly turned toward Drew, uttering his name. At that same moment, she says, she detected movement in the room – and felt someone bump into her. Jackie began to scream.

“Shut up,” she heard a man’s voice say as a body barreled into her, tripping her backward and sending them both crashing through a low glass table. There was a heavy person on top of her, spreading open her thighs, and another person kneeling on her hair, hands pinning down her arms, sharp shards digging into her back, and excited male voices rising all around her. When yet another hand clamped over her mouth, Jackie bit it, and the hand became a fist that punched her in the face. The men surrounding her began to laugh. For a hopeful moment Jackie wondered if this wasn’t some collegiate prank. Perhaps at any second someone would flick on the lights and they’d return to the party.

“Grab its [sic.] m********* leg,” she heard a voice say. And that’s when Jackie knew she was going to be raped.

She remembers every moment of the next three hours of agony, during which, she says, seven men took turns raping her, while two more – her date, Drew, and another man – gave instruction and encouragement. She remembers how the spectators swigged beers, and how they called each other nicknames like Armpit and Blanket. She remembers the men’s heft and their sour reek of alcohol mixed with the pungency of marijuana. Most of all, Jackie remembers the pain and the pounding that went on and on….

When Jackie came to, she was alone. It was after 3 a.m. She painfully rose from the floor and ran shoeless from the room. She emerged to discover the Phi Psi party still surreally under way, but if anyone noticed the barefoot, disheveled girl hurrying down a side staircase, face beaten, dress spattered with blood, they said nothing. Disoriented, Jackie burst out a side door, realized she was lost, and dialed a friend, screaming, “Something bad happened. I need you to come and find me!” Minutes later, her three best friends on campus – two boys and a girl (whose names are changed) – arrived to find Jackie on a nearby street corner, shaking. “What did they do to you? What did they make you do?” Jackie recalls her friend Randall demanding. Jackie shook her head and began to cry. The group looked at one another in a panic. They all knew about Jackie’s date; the Phi Kappa Psi house loomed behind them. “We have to get her to the hospital,” Randall said.

Their other two friends, however, weren’t convinced. “Is that such a good idea?” she recalls Cindy asking. “Her reputation will be shot for the next four years.” Andy seconded the opinion, adding that since he and Randall both planned to rush fraternities, they ought to think this through. The three friends launched into a heated discussion about the social price of reporting Jackie’s rape, while Jackie stood beside them, mute in her bloody dress, wishing only to go back to her dorm room and fall into a deep, forgetful sleep. Detached, Jackie listened as Cindy prevailed over the group: “She’s gonna be the girl who cried ‘rape,’ and we’ll never be allowed into any frat party again.”

This story began to unravel almost at once. Efforts were made to identify “Drew,” something “Jackie” had refused to do from the start. There was no evidence he existed. And are we really supposed to believe that these people rolled around in broken glass for three hours? Or that following a brutal gang rape, she and her friends would be pondering the future of their social lives?

It turned out that when someone checked its calendar, the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity had not held an event the night of the alleged “gang rape.” As “Jackie’s” friends were located, they had different stories of what happened that night, leaving investigators with an incoherent mess. “Jackie” stopped cooperating. Surprise, surprise.

Had this “gang rape” actually happened as described, would there have been the slightest doubt? Ever knocked a drinking glass to your kitchen floor by accident? Of course you have; we all have. You locate the pieces and pick them up gingerly, unless you want to sustain a few painful cuts. For part two click below.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The fake news – fake narrative epidemic Pt. 2

A girl on her back in broken glass being raped is going to end up with more than a few cuts. She would have been dripping blood and leaving an easily-followed trail as she left the house. The first passersby she encountered outside would probably have called for an ambulance, as obviously she would have needed immediate medical attention. The police would have gotten involved, and probably nailed the boys involved as they’d also have a few gashes of their own. (It was pitch dark in there, remember? How would they have avoided all that broken glass?)

This was fake news. It didn’t happen. But it fit the fake narrative (the campus “rape culture”). That it was published is more testimony to collapsing critical thinking skills at major publications. Rolling Stone used to be a good source for information I’d not see elsewhere. I don’t know that I’d trust them now. They may have learned their lesson, given the lawsuits they’ve faced including from a university administrator contending that her career was badly damaged by “Jackie’s” allegation that she didn’t take the campus “rape culture” fake narrative seriously enough.

Fake narratives give rise to fake news about “hate crimes” (by, e.g., Trump supporters against minorities) that never happened. Fake narratives are frequently promulgated by intellectually dishonest means. Note how many “phobias” we have now. Homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia … did I miss any? A phobia is an irrational fear, of course. There are legitimate phobias, such as claustrophobia and agoraphobia. You don’t argue with their sufferers, you try to cure them or manage their conditions if you can.

But try to challenge one of the fake phobias, or fake narratives more generally, and something quite interesting happens. Basket of deplorables type remarks allude to it.

Around the end of the 1980s, I tried on several occasions to reason with my fellow academics about “affirmative action.” Silly me, thinking that arguments (in the sense of logic: presenting conclusions backed up with evidence) were what mattered. I once gave a carefully referenced, 30-plus slide presentation on the subject at a humanities conference, showing first how vague the concept and directives on affirmative action were from the outset, how this alone spelled trouble as no one could be sure what the law required, and then how Supreme Court decisions such as Griggs v. Duke Power (1971) shifted policy from nondiscrimination to racial realignment, presuming an unstated ideal no one could certify was attainable. This, I observed, was the source of common words like underrepresented group, which logically and conceptually presuppose correct representation. Based on this I laid out the reasons why (1) it was not working, if the intent was to increase the representation of black faculty on campuses; (2) one reason it could not work was that government programs cannot “give” people motivation and skills; (3) the number of officially designated underrepresented groups would expand, because federal law had created a spoils system able to be taken advantage of; and finally (4) the results would drive groups apart instead of bring them together. It would breed hostility from white males when they realized their legal disadvantage, and it would breed hostility from blacks when the programs failed. Awarding freebies to some at the expense of others always does this. Always.

I might as well have been talking to the walls.

Afterwards — most of the audience having sat quietly with a constrained chill — I tried to open up a dialogue with a woman who had challenged my motives during the Q&A session. Without looking me in the eye she snapped, “I’ve heard it all before!”

Eventually I ceased talking to female academics.

Before long I was encountering reasons to believe that purposeful deafness to basic logic when it went up against a dominant narrative was the order of the day on topics other than that one. These included many features of history, where academic historians have a blind spot over what they brand as “conspiracy theories”; they include globalization, which we are assured by economic “experts” is a good thing; they include the origin of life and human origins (evolution), involving myriad claims about states of affairs that are scientifically untestable; they include man-made climate change over claims which should be testable and rationally decidable, but where we now have scientists resigning their positions over the oppressive conditions this official narrative has created.

Challenge any of these narratives, and you won’t be answered with reason. You’ll get snarky, condescending responses. You’ll be treated as uninformed, unintelligent (or “uneducated”), or worse. A decision to challenge a fake narrative can be career-ending.

A more interesting question is, How did all these fake narratives, the basis for the real fake news of mainstream media, government, and academia, get started? What purpose do they serve? In the case of dominant media, one has to go back a full century. One learns of Oscar Callaway, then a Senator from Texas, writing in 1917 on the controlled press following the loss of his Senate seat due to his opposition to U.S. entry into what became World War I. His observations were entered into the Congressional Record:

In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press.… These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country.

They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers…. This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served.

The effectiveness of this scheme has been conclusively demonstrated by the character of the stuff carried in the daily press throughout the country since March, 1915. They have resorted to anything necessary to commercialize public sentiment and sandbag the National Congress into making extravagant and wasteful appropriations for the Army and Navy under false pretense that it was necessary. Their stock argument is that it is “patriotism.” They are playing on every prejudice and passion of the American people.

Callaway, who had been attacked in the press for his lack of “patriotism” (rather like the critics of Bush II’s war), wanted an official investigation. Nothing was done, and the whole thing fell down the memory hole. Media consolidation has continued ever since. It took a quantum leap when Bill Clinton signed the 1996 Telecommunications Act. This act eased restrictions on media cross-ownership, so that one conglomerate could own multiple concerns. It was part of neoliberal so-called deregulation. What it did was allow was the dominant corporate actors to strengthen their control over information through buyouts and mergers. Today over 90% of mainstream media, which includes newspapers, television networks, cable stations, web concerns, magazines and their websites, Hollywood production companies, and much more, is owned by six megacorporations.

It’s all about the attempt to control narratives as much as possible. The purpose of fake narratives is to create an artificial reality — often an economic reality where things are rosier than they really are, by, e.g., presenting an “unemployment rate” that excludes you from the labor force if you haven’t looked for work in a month. Numbers can be made to look impressive even if they don’t mean much. A fake narrative now is how the Obama administration has overseen a “recovery” with massive job growth, etc.

Economics, however, is now mostly mass psychology. Its purpose is to make the visible national elites look good, just so long as they have the favor of the globalist elites, of course. Obama had that. Trump will not, so that even if his policies bring about a jobs renaissance, we will likely hear nothing except downsides. The fake news story about Russian hackers as well as repeated accounts of how Hillary Clinton “won the popular vote” have already done plenty to delegitimize the Trump presidency before it has even starts.

This isn’t over, however. Until the Internet era, media corporations could rely on their narratives for a controlled public. Alternative media has changed the rules of the game. People can get their news from DrudgeReport.com or Breitbart.com or NewsWithViews.com instead of the Clinton News Network (CNN), or MSNBC, or ABC, or even FOX.

Mainstream media have lost control. They want it back! Hence their fake news about “fake news.” If nothing else, it is embarrassing to a multi-billion dollar operation like CNN to be proven wrong over and over, rendered almost irrelevant, by little outfits run on shoestring budgets out of home offices by guy with websites and a handful of researchers and writers most of whom work for free!

But that’s what we’ve got!

Information has never been more widely available than it is today. It might be a good idea to make use of it, because I’ve got a hunch a crackdown of some kind is coming. That, however, is another article.

© 2017 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Things that matter most

This year has been intense. Probably no one reading would argue with that. Perhaps, with the Christmas / New Year’s Eve 2016 season having arrived, the time has come to step back from all the politics and reflect on what matters most in human life. I haven’t written a whole lot about my Christian beliefs. This article will be an exception.

Exactly one year ago, I was spinning out an article series on materialism and how inadequate it is on all fronts as a worldview. What is the ultimate grounding of value? It isn’t to be found in politics, or economics.

Recently I’ve been involved in a discussion group based here in Santiago.
We’ve met once a week, each Wednesday at noon, to have lunch and study Colossians. As time passed, we found ourselves with a larger project: communicating those things that matter most, and how to approach different audiences. While our theologies haven’t meshed perfectly at every juncture, we agree on what follows.

The first thing to communicate is that man is a sinner. Do we not, every day, do things we shouldn’t do, and think thoughts we shouldn’t have? All of us, if we’re honest. Human nature is sinful. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:23.* Humanism, in whatever form, denies this. It implies we can build Utopia here on Earth, or create its conditions. But if Paul was right, we have an explanation why all attempts to do so, whether coming out of the individualistic and capitalistic economic philosophies that began with Adam Smith and Carl Menger or with the collectivist and Marxian ones that came later, have failed or become corrupted.

Sin stands at the root of all personal and institutional failure, all corruption whether in politics or business, all war and violence, all casual cruelty, and many other sources of grief. The humanist believes we can conquer these ourselves: with better education, more economic growth, better political leadership, or still more advances in science and technique. Recent history suggests otherwise. Our educational institutions are a disaster. Our economy has been hijacked by a tiny, unaccountable power elite. We’ve just turned our political system over to Donald Trump and the cabinet he is assembling. We have little choice but to pray for the effectiveness of the new administration, but it would be a grave mistake to place too much hope in any one human being or in any team he assembles.

The consequences of sin are worse than earthly ills, however.

“The wages of sin is death …” begins Rom. 6:23. Death in this context doesn’t mean mere physical death of the human body. It means permanent separation from a perfectly holy God whose absolute holiness cannot accommodate the presence of sin.

But what is important here — and what we celebrate during Christmas season (or should) — is that this perfectly holy God made the ultimate provision for us. The above verse continues, “ … but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We cannot save ourselves, but Jesus Christ can save us. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). This might seem a tall order. Unbelievers typically cannot get their brains around it. Christ took the punishment for our sins. Having been both God and man, and therefore the one man to walk the Earth sin free, He went willingly to His death on the Cross with our sins placed on Him — to be resurrected again sinless, the “wages” of our sins paid for.

These were supernatural acts — theological mysteries our rational intellects were not designed to fathom. Those who place their trust in their intellects alone, therefore, usually turn away. But: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding,” warns Proverbs (3:5). Our rational intellects may solve a lot of problems in this world (or not). They will never solve the problem of human sin and our eternal destiny, because they are themselves tainted by sin.

So what must you do to get around this? Your best bet is to become a Christian, if you have not done it already? As did the founders of Western science, early modern philosophy, and philosophical theology, who understood that in the absence of a God who is not just perfectly holy but perfectly “rational” in His creative powers, Western science had no basis, for there was no reason to assume the world is a place of discoverable order and not ultimate chaos. The trajectory of the postmodern academic intellect towards skepticism, nihilism and despair seems to confirm this.

The Psalmist says (19:1) “The heavens declare the glory of God …” Paul told the Romans (1:20), “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and God head, so that [we] are without excuse” (1:20).

One of the most fascinating things about modern space exploration is the uniqueness of every celestial body our unmanned probes have approached and photographed. I expect this to continue as our technological capacity to peer into the depths of space and into other solar systems increases. Physicist Hugh Ross, moreover, once listed a concatenation of over 20 physical constants and other measurable phenomena of this universe and our Earth and observed that if any of them was only slightly different (sometimes by a billionth of a percentage point!), life on Earth would be impossible!

Are we really supposed to believe with the materialists that all of this, and all we are, are collective cosmic accidents?

Returning to our personal, Earthly situations, Paul advises, again in Romans, “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9-10). And most famously, from John’s Gospel (3:16): “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

This alone, not honoring rituals such as going to church on Sundays and taking communion, or doing good deeds, or even devoting one’s life to serving others, are sufficient. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

So no, Christians do not have a monopoly on moral behavior. No honest Christian says he never sins; the most he can say is that his sins are forgiven. We are obligated to turn from sin and try to be more Christlike. We may not succeed. No, I take that back. We will not succeed. Christians remain sinners, but their sins have been forgiven, and they can be assured of living eternally with God in the Next Life, where there is no sin.

No other faith provides this assurance. With Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., at their best, one is never sure one has done enough, or has followed the “paths” sufficiently. This is because all other faiths offer whatever rewards they offer continent on actions taken by us. Christianity alone sees this as futile. Christianity says, there is nothing you can do about your sinfulness except confess it to Jesus, ask Him to save you, and then sincerely and prayerfully turn from it. Perhaps this is why Christianity is so unpopular. It is humbling in its unsparing account of human nature. But its plan of salvation is simplicity itself, defying all intellectualizing.

This surely applies to our political thinking as we begin a New Year — a year likely to be as troubled and unrestful as this one was, possibly more so.

I and others have argued passionately that a power elite — or superelite — has come to dominate world affairs from behind the scenes, typically operating through global finance but hardly limited to that. Superelite dominance did not begin yesterday. There is a sense in which this kind of outcome is virtually inevitable in a world that is developing economically and advancing technologically while remaining in sin: both because a minority of persons are fascinated with power and pursue it to the exclusion of all else (money having become a fast track to power in the West), and because the majority has unwittingly given them power, trading freedom for security and avoidance of toil. “Make us your slaves, but feed us,” Fyodor Dostoevsky’s cynical Ivan Karamazov mocks the masses in the classic “Grand Inquisitor” section in The Brothers Karamazov (1880).

The idea of a consolidation of secular power is perfectly compatible with Biblical Christianity: “Finally, my brethren,” writes Paul, again to the Ephesians, “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places….” (6:10-12f.).

Paul was writing in the first century A.D. He could have been writing to us in the twenty-first. His words would be just as true. Check this out. (Warning before clicking that link: disturbing images! Under no circumstances should children view it!)

Is that a Satanic ritual, or was someone with an incredible amount of money to burn, an amount sufficient to fund a performance like that, just incredibly bored that day?

We would be remiss to place our full confidence in any one human leader, or any one political party, or any one agenda. As an expat I’ve become acquainted with folks who urge a complete withdrawal from the “bread and circuses” of politicking, participating in elections by voting, etc. Their idea of liberation is to form small groups and even autonomous colonies “off the grid,” as it were. I am sympathetic to such notions, which, if by some chance the Trump administration is sabotaged, may be inevitable. But if such groups are not organized along Christian principles, they, too, will fail and leave their supporters even more disillusioned and bitter.

One of the things non-Christians cannot wrap their brains around is the presence of evil in the world in the form of seemingly unrecompensed suffering? Why does God permit such things? Why do evil men often soar to the top in this world? That it made sense to ask such questions was evident to the earliest Christian philosophers. Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 A.D.) wrote about it. “Where then is evil?” he pondered. “What is its origin? How did it steal into the world?… Where then does evil come from, if God made all things and, because he is good, made them good too?” His answer comes down to original sin and rebellion against God, which tainted creation itself (Gen. 3:17-19). The larger answer is that God “sees the big picture.” We do not, and cannot.

It might be useful to remember that nowhere does Scripture promise Christians a life free of suffering, especially for their beliefs. If anything, Scripture promises it! “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake,” says Jesus. He continues, “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matt. 5:11-12). Remember, too, whatever we suffer is trivial and minuscule compared to what Jesus Christ suffered, both prior to and during his crucifixion — easily one of the most brutal, prolonged, and torturous forms of execution sinful, sadistic humans have ever devised!

So our task, hard though it may sometimes be, is get things into perspective and “keep our eyes on the prize,” as it were. We were not put here to fashion a Utopia on Earth. I keep hearing about some group called Dominionists. I think it is mostly critics and haters of Christianity using that term; I cannot find much evidence of such a group or ideology called that which has much influence over our secularized body politic.

There are people in what used to be called the New Right who fell into this kind of trap, however. And others advocate something just as misguided, the so-called prosperity gospel (“Jesus wants you to be rich!”). The Jesus of history instructed us, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matt. 6:24).

Be all this as it may, it should be clear: Christians need to be very, very cautious in their political thinking, and not fall into thinking they have what it takes to build a Utopia, be it a Utopia of politics or a Utopia of money. We cannot build such a thing by our own efforts, any more than we can save ourselves by our own efforts.

What does Scripture say instead?

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a City for them.” (Hebrews 11:13-16).

Doesn’t sound to me like a command to build a Dominion (or some such thing).

The truth: in this world, Christians are bound to be outsiders! And this is a good thing!

But “as it is written: ‘Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God as prepared for those who love Him” (I Cor. 2:9).

And: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

To my faithful readers: Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year!

*All Biblical quotations are from the New King James Version (1982).

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The attempt to steal the presidency from Donald Trump

I’d hoped they would go away: the unsupported allegations that for all intents and purposes Russian hackers hijacked the November 8 election. Even though not even the FBI has endorsed these allegations, and there is doubt within the ranks of the agencies themselves over “fuzzy” and “ambiguous” CIA conclusions, yet another official narrative is falling into place, trumpeted within the halls of government and from all mainstream media outlets — and an extremely dangerous one at that!

I am getting the impression, observing day by day, this is worse than I imagined it would be. I’d thought, following a federal judge’s declaration the other day, that the adults would prevail. Now, I am not so sure. For starters, Electoral College electors, especially in swing states, are being bullied and harassed 24/7! Some are reporting having received death threats! Their names and contact information have been made publicly available on websites put up by irresponsible left wingers! Some electors now fear for their safety and the safety of their families!

It should have been clear long ago: many leftists are basically unhinged. If you want to see how unhinged unhinged can get, check this out. I had enough confrontations in the old days to know this (exchanges of letters to the editor, later in online forums which I soon gave up, a few by email, a very few face-to-face). I am not sure how far leftists will go, how much mayhem they would risk, to prevent someone whom they hate with a passion from entering the White House next month, as he represents everything they scorn and despise.

Here is the situation: as Trump had 306 electoral votes when the dirt settled, 270 having been required to claim the presidency, if 37 electors can be persuaded to change their votes on Monday to someone else, they officially deny Trump the presidency and throw this election into the House of Representatives. A hard-left “Constitutional” law professor at Harvard (where else?), Larry Lessig, is offering legal counsel to the 20 electors (so far) who are contemplating changing their votes — in light of the allegations about the Russians, about which they are demanding more information. Democratic Party insiders (e.g., John Podesta) are irresponsibly fanning these flames. (Here)

Should this happen, at least three possibilities ensue. (1) The GOP-controlled House could do the sensible thing and vote for Trump. (2) They could vote to install Hillary Clinton and defend their action by saying she won the popular vote, which would show that they no longer accept, or realize, that the U.S. is not a direct democracy. (3) They could throw their weight behind an Establishment Republican who wasn’t even on the ballot, whom no one (except moneyed interests) would see as legitimate!

Team Trump will already have appealed to the Supreme Court for intervention (one hopes!). It is hard to know what the latter would do. What amounted to a soft coup would be technically legal. But the technically legal thing is not necessarily the sensible thing. Were either Congress or the Supreme Court to uphold a choice for anyone but Trump, given his Electoral College victory on November 8, they risk massive civil disobedience. The reason is not hard to see. One reason many people, especially middle class and rural working class whites, voted for Trump is their having gotten fed up with being discriminated against, bullied, ridiculed, and humiliated by what they increasingly see as an alien and hostile “blue” culture of the big urban areas. Now that they have made a difference in the voting booth, playing by the rules, if this election is stolen (this is how they will perceive it, and I doubt they will be much interested in legal niceties), I wouldn’t be surprised if many refuse to sit still and just take it!

Even if the so-called Hamilton Electors get cold feet on the 19th, on January 6 their votes are counted. Trump could still be denied the presidency on January 6!

Trump won this election by rules that have governed elections for as long as I or anyone else reading this have lived! An official decision for anyone else, whether it came from the House or from the Supreme Court, would be reasonably interpreted as a coup! Whoever made the final decision would own the consequences, which could be very serious!

Beginning on Monday, in other words, the U.S. enters a period of extreme danger! We know Trump has enemies. Trump’s worst enemies, I submit, are not these unhinged lefties, much as they’d like to think so, but the far wealthier and more powerful globalist superelite whom Trump has stood in opposition from the get-go. He is the only Republican to have used the term globalism! This speaks volumes about the level of threat he represents, openly exposing their actions!

Trump’s worst enemies won’t try to assassinate him, as some fear. That would be too obvious. I wouldn’t put it past some leftist loon to take a shot at him, especially if January gets here and all efforts to derail a Trump presidency have failed. Such a person would discredit the left even more completely than it has already been discredited by events of this past year, getting every poll and every prediction about Trump’s chances of winning this election dead wrong. But I doubt the loon would be thinking in those terms.

What none of us peons can fully discern, of course, is the exact superelite strategy for undermining and destroying the freedom (i.e., “populist”) rebellion that has been gaining ground all over the Western world against their brand of political-economic domination. Does it involving trying to destroy the Trump presidency with a massive economic downturn, as Brandon Smith believes (and has a very sensible argument)? The Federal Reserve, which just raised interest rates on the strength of the meaningless U-3 unemployment number, could create conditions for such an event with more rate hikes, or by turning down the money printing spigot which has been propping up the Obama-era house-of-cards economy.

Or could the plan be to allow leftists to destroy the Trump presidency before he ever gets into office, empowering them to attack “populists” elsewhere, e.g., in France? Marine Le Pen’s National Front is making headway there, given the string of terrorist events as well as the transformation of entire neighborhoods in and around Paris into third world hellholes, attributable to Muslim immigrants that would not be there absent the EU’s open-borders policies. Antiglobalists understand that if you don’t have border protections you soon don’t have a country.

These latest threats to the Trump presidency, let us not forget, are based on allegations for which no evidence has been shown to exist: the claim that Russian hackers tilted the outcome of the November 8 election in Trump’s favor. All we have are anonymous claims and supposed evidence, at the time of this writing still behind closed doors, assuming it exists at all. This from the same organization that told us how Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, the result being a destructive war-of-choice the consequences of which are still being played out. This is the same organization, incidentally, that created the “conspiracy theory” meme back in the 1960s, a meme that, for half a century now, has been highly successful in circumventing evidence-based criticisms of government-approved narratives.

We are supposed to accept these pronouncements about Russian hackers on faith? How stupid do they think we are, anyway???

Incidentally, no one appears to have a problem with George Soros or the Saudis having generously supported Hillary Clinton! If these do not constitute “foreign interference” with a U.S. election, then what does?!

Hypocrisy, thy name is the American Left!

First, it was “whitelash,” one-time Communist Van Jones’s term — given that white has become, all by itself, a term of disdain in far-left circles, racist in any logical sense of that term. Then it was the FBI, accused of hurting Clinton’s chances with its 11th-hour allegations which (I believe purposefully) went nowhere, on which Smith based his conclusion that Trump was the globalist superelite’s desired victor, as they want someone they consider an ideological foe in the White House who can then take the fall when they pull the plug on the house-of-cards economy. Then it was this “fake news” stupidity (solidly smacked down here). Now it’s the Russians. Anyone with a functioning brain knows that had Hillary won and Trump alleged Russian interference, he’d be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist.”

The Left, of course, gets a pass on such things!

What experience I have had (in the past as an academic, and then more recently) has only reinforced my conviction that most leftists are what Lenin called “useful idiots”: people some of whom believe they are the movers and shakers of modern events but are actually as helpless as they are clueless, as without the money flows coming from the George Soroses of the world, they would all be forced to get real jobs waiting tables or emptying hospital bedpans.

I cannot foresee clearly how the immediate future plays out. What is clear: Trump’s real enemies are the globalists, the superelite, not American leftists most of whom cannot think their way out of wet paper sack. The globalist superelite cannot be properly described as either “left” or “right.” Worship of money and unbridled power have no ideology. Globalists make nice with Communists, or for that matter, with Fascists, if doing so will advance their goals. They place no value on individual human lives, which they have used as cannon fodder for generations, bankrolling both sides of bloody wars which “cull the herds.”

Make no mistake about it: these people are evil in any sense of the word one wants. Their goal is to establish a global state (world government) that will serve, and be served by, the leviathan corporations they control, and which will be used to institute a monoculture based on mass-consumption, obedience, and systems of reinforcements and Orwellian persuasions intended to (as Chomsky once put it) “keep the rabble in line.”

One can only hope that the Electoral College electors will remain steadfast, and stand their ground against something unprecedented. They accepted this responsibility when they agreed to be electors, although I have a problem with the idea that having to deal with personal threats is what they signed on for. I am hereby praying, and am requesting prayers, for their safety and for the safety of their families, as they do the right thing on Monday. Should they fail in this task, caving into leftist demands, one can then hope and pray that the House of Representatives, or if it comes to it, the Supreme Court, will do the right thing, the sensible thing, and allow put Donald Trump in the White House according to the rules governing U.S. elections put in place over 200 years ago. Otherwise they will be responsible for whatever happens next, be it a “presidency” which will never be deemed legitimate even if it is tolerated in the interests of national peace, or be it massive civil unrest and possibly worse!

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Donald Trump and the fourth turning

In 1997, William Strauss and Neil Howe published their The Fourth Turning: An American Prophesy (Broadway Books). The book triggered something of a national conversation which continues to this day. Their thesis was that U.S. history has passed through lengthy cycles, each lasting 70 – 75 years. Each cycle comes divided into smaller units called turnings. Each turning has its own cultural identity, preoccupations, and mood.

According to The Fourth Turning, the first turning in any cycle is called a High. The second, an Awakening. The third, an Unraveling. The fourth, a Crisis. Highs are characterized by strong institutions and institution-bound values, conformity, and a generalized spirit of optimism. An Awakening calls institutions and their values into question. Individualism appears, via demands for free expression; conformity is increasingly rejected, but not optimism which is into cultural idealism and a mass desire for transformation. Eventually the Awakening gives way to an Unraveling. The preceding values have lost their legitimacy, but it is increasingly unclear what replaces them. People decide this for themselves. A do-your-own-thing individualism thus reigns. Optimism gives way to cultural pessimism, especially among those still loyal to preceding valuations. Finally, a Crisis hits, often in the form of a severe shock to the body politic or the economy. Sometimes other transitions from turning to turning are marked by sudden jolts, although this is not always the case.

Different turnings give rise to generations with different mindsets based on how they are raised and what is happening around them when they come of age. A Prophet Generation is born during a High and comes of age during an Awakening. Their parents are often authoritarian, in tune with the spirit of the High, and their children rebel. Think of the Baby Boomers, who ranged across the hippies and “consciousness raising” gurus to the first high-tech whiz kids such as Steve Jobs. A Nomad Generation is born during an Awakening and comes of age during an Unraveling. Think of so-called Generation X: latch-key kids, punk rockers, goths in black, etc. Their parents were busy “finding themselves,” and the economy was also beginning to struggle, forcing both parents into the workforce. They were often on their own psychologically, and adapted.

A Hero Generation is born during an Unraveling and comes of age during a Crisis. Their parents were often just trying to survive. They learn resilience, and sacrifice for the future. I think of my parents’ generation, who fought and won World War II and went on to build the real economic boom of the 1950s – 1960s. The Millennials fall into this category now, which means that whatever has been dumped on them (soaring college tuition and massive debt amidst a lousy job market), much may be required of them in the near future if the country is to survive intact. Finally, an Artist Generation is born during a Crisis and comes of age during a High. They often serve as foot soldiers for the Heroes but also, through their works, begin to inspire the next generation of Prophets. Read William Whyte’s The Organization Man (1956) or Alan Harrington’s Life in the Crystal Palace (1959). Or Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (1957), one of the defining novels of the Beat Generation which preceded the hippies. The oldest of the upcoming generation of Artists are in their teens. They will come of age during the next High.

When Strauss and Howe wrote The Fourth Turning, the country was eyeball-deep in an Unraveling: NAFTA, the unending Clinton scandals, the credit-fueled tech bubble, the so-called culture wars, growing anxiety about international terrorism, etc. Strauss and Howe predicted that something nasty would end the Unraveling. Their timetable suggested it would happen within five years. On September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers fell. Media regaled us for days with images of the burning towers.

However one interprets those attacks, the mood of the country changed dramatically. A Crisis shakes national identity as events play out. The nation emerges changed, redefined, with new goals and new values. The stage is set for the next High.

Are these cycles real? Begin with 9/11 and go back 72 years. What do you find? The Crash of ’29, which ended the so-called Jazz Age portrayed in such classics as The Great Gatsby (1925) by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a Nomad born during the early Progressive era (an Awakening). Go back another 69 years. We encounter South Carolina’s Ordinance of Secession (December 1860), the opening salvo that set conditions for the bloodiest war ever fought on U.S. soil: a Crisis in any sense of that term. By the time it was resolved, original federalism involving dual sovereignty and states’ rights was dead. The cycle before that began following the battle over the Constitution’s acceptability and eventual ratification (1791).

Thus the most recent High in the U.S. began with start of the post-war boom (1947-48) and ended with the Kennedy assassination (1963). My six-year-old mind knew something dreadful had happened to the country. The ensuing Awakening continued for perhaps 20 years, into the Reagan era. The country had been through a lot: the campus rebellion and aftermath, the disastrous conflict in Southeast Asia, Watergate, the Iranian revolution / hostage crisis, and more. But the idealism that took root during the 1960s was still around and had transformed a lot of minds and lives. This was true across the political spectrum. One saw a firmly entrenched academic left, but also the libertarian movement and resurgent conservatism.

In the early 1980s, that is, it was “morning in America.” But what became clear with 20/20 hindsight was that we’d entered a period of national drift. Conservatism, Ronald Reagan notwithstanding, lost its identity; by the mid-1990s leaders of those who self-identified as conservative had few ideas what they wanted to conserve, aside from abstractions like “family values” and the U.S. as the “exceptional nation.” An Unraveling is a period of great change.
Some of the changes may be good: the tech revolution and the Internet.
Others are not so good: this era also gave rise to Clintonism and a war machine that rivaled anything the Soviet Union had come up with — willing to impose “liberal democracy” on the rest of the world by force so global corporations could make billions.

According to one account, the last Unraveling came to a screeching halt with 9/11. Other who conduct Fourth Turning discussions hold out for the Meltdown of 2008 as the beginning of the ensuing Crisis. I prefer the former, as we clearly crossed a threshold that day, but see no point in starting an internecine war over the matter.

Everyone who studies this agrees: we have been in a severe Crisis for a sufficiently long period of time that resolution, one way or another, is imminent!

Thus we come to the Donald Trump victory, and the Trumpist brand of economic and cultural rebellion against globalism, elitism generally, and political correctness.

It is important to note that the Strauss-and-Howe version of recent history is only partially deterministic. The cycles and patterns of turnings may be fixed, but not the specifics. A given turning might be similar economically to its ancestor 70-odd years before, but otherwise sharing little by way of mood.

The Crisis of the 1930s, the Great Depression, retained a sense of optimism because the people were still basically Christian. Some suffered terribly, but God was in charge. Anyone who doubts this need only listen to the upbeat big band music and swing that was popular during that era. The present Crisis has occurred in a country secularized and turned materialist during preceding turnings — and gone nihilistic. No one is “in charge.” We inhabit a violent world in a dead universe. Listen to our gangsta-rap, heavy metal, or Goth rock, or note how many rock stars have either died young (often from drug overdoses) or committed suicide (Ian Curtis, Kurt Cobain).

Nothing guarantees that the cycles and turnings will continue indefinitely. A sufficiently destructive war would put an end to the whole shebang in one fell swoop. Still larger discernable civilizational cycles suggest that the pattern Strauss and Howe claim to have discovered is only temporary.

There are no guarantees, that is, that our present Crisis will end well. It depends on what Donald Trump does in office, who he surrounds himself with, whether or not the resulting administration is able to function amidst the hostility presently coming from the alliance of globalists, so-called progressives, and corporate media types, and how much it can accomplish.
I can envision two conceivable scenarios.

One: Trump continues to confound the “experts.” He confounded them by winning the GOP nomination and then the presidency. Some who worked for Trump believe that his administration could lead an economic renaissance. A friend of mine wrote from my former home state of South Carolina:

“… I am of the opinion that our economy has been depressed, just barely above flatline for the past ten years, in spite of running the printing presses. I think the economic policies outlined by President-Elect Trump will create lots of good paying middle class jobs. Particularly if he follows through with deporting aliens, cutting the corporate tax rate, and renegotiating trade deals. Once the middle class has employment security again, there is a HUGE pent-up demand for consumer goods, including houses and cars, that people have been deferring because of ten years of economic hard times. I see a real boom. If the boom happens based on private sector money, and real demand, as opposed to government subsidies and printing presses, it will be an actual boom, not just an artificial bubble. Allowing American energy production will turn much of the U.S. into a Willitson, N.D. style boom town. Get rid of Obamacare mandates and employers will be ready to hire again.”

This, of course, is predicated both on Trump being able to govern and people’s being ready and able to go back to work. Is Trump truly independent or not? The relentless attacks by so-called progressives and via corporate media surely suggest so. So-called progressives on college and university campuses are increasingly embarrassing themselves with their “cry ins” and counseling sessions since the election. Academics were blindsided because with few exceptions they’ve been living in a leftist echo chamber, talking only to each other, as with elite media based in big cities.

The latter are launching a rearguard action against “fake news” sites (Breitbart.com, Infowars.com, Drudge, your host here, etc.), i.e., trying to reclaim their territory now that this election has seriously damaged their credibility — an effort hardly helped by their lunatic notion that “the Russians did it!” Think about it: despite the most blatant media bias we have ever seen, pollsters who consistently put Hillary Clinton in the lead, countless “experts” who said she would win in a landslide, and attacks from within his own party, Trump won! “Alternative,” Internet-based media promoted him, along the way debunking the nonsense about his “racism,” his “sexual assaults on women,” his “ties to the Russians,” etc. It has become increasingly clear that mainstream media, over 90% of which is controlled by six leviathan corporations all in bed with globalism, is filled with overpaid empty suits and is propped up by consumer habit, propaganda, celebrity titillation, the wealth of its owners, and very little else.

Should Trump bring about the desired business renaissance amidst a new spirit of nationalism and a repudiation of PC rubbish, the stage will be set for one kind of High.

The second scenario isn’t as optimistic. Brandon Smith has argued at length (here, here, here, here, and here, with abundant other relevant analysis on the same site), that despite all this, those I call the superelite wanted, and planned for, a Trump victory. In this case, all of us including yours truly were fooled. We made the assumption that a Trump victory would damage the globalist cause and so would not be allowed; Hillary was their woman. But according to Smith, she was not their choice, he was. If this sounds crazy, consider: (1) Despite her connections and support, it is possible the globalists were never at ease with Hillary Clinton because of her obvious egotism and arrogance, the likelihood that she and her husband would use her presidency to pad their wealth and promote their foundation rather than serve superelite goals; her clear recklessness and dishonesty; ongoing scandals sure to mar her presidency and distract from what they wanted done; her explosive temper; and her predilection to provoke Russia for no good reason, a predilection clearly still in evidence.

Smith’s argument: (2) globalists despise “populists” as loudmouthed, inferior rabble, and have seen at least two golden opportunities this year to set them up. The first was Brexit; the second was the Trump victory. Smith argues that they will allow “conservative populism” room to breathe across the northern hemisphere, perhaps for a year to a year and a half, and then pull the plug on Western house-of-cards economies, especially Great Britain and the U.S. propped up by money printing and creditors’ blind faith. The British collapse, possibly spreading to the EU itself, will be blamed on Brexit, while the U.S. tailspin is blamed on Trump. Elite-controlled media and academia will contend that the reason the economic and financial worlds collapsed was that “populists” have no grasp of economics and hence no idea what they are doing. I have acquaintances in academia who are already sounding this conditioned response, calling Trump “incompetent,” a “buffoon,” when not reciting the usual litany (“racism, sexism,” etc.). Trump cannot, after all, single-handedly, by sheer force of will, build his economic renaissance without the cooperation of many others who — in this scenario, anyway — are only feigning loyalty to his success.

The economic uptick of the two weeks following the election (the Dow’s surge, a stronger dollar, etc.) might well lend support to this idea. These suggest that big business is happy with Trump. The idea here is that the superelite is taking a step back in preparation for a large leap forward, while supplying us plenty of bread and circuses in the form of campus protests and attempts to undercut the Electoral College. These will prove futile: the former, as we noted, are only embarrassing themselves; the latter would open an unprecedented legal and constitutional Pandora’s Box.

The Crisis, in this case, will culminate when the plug gets pulled, the “global economy” tanks as hundreds of billions in fiat money simply disappear back into the nothingness from which they came, and controlled mainstream media blames Trump and other “populists” and “economic nationalists.” The superelite doubtless hope this will utterly demoralize the “deplorables,” Trump’s white working class and former middle class supporters, as all they had hoped for will disintegrate in front of their eyes.

Then the superelites and their cadre of technocratic “experts” will ride to the rescue, which will come with powerful strings attacked. Full recovery will require full-fledged, masks-off and gloves-off globalism: global economy via “free trade” deals such as a revived TPP; world government via the unaccountable organizations such deals create, likely to include a new global reserve currency replacing the dollar, and a global tax (something the UN has been pushing for years); national borders reduced to lines on maps, for the purposes of instigated mass migrations which will further demolish white, achievement-oriented, Western and Christian culture; a global “spirituality,” perhaps, intended to end Christian predominance; control over information, which will mean control over the Internet and a forced shutting down of websites demonized as “fake news”; finally, unbridled media and academic demonizing of the “populism” / nationalism / sovereignty / Christian white male “supremacy” axes, all as “causes” of the preceding chaos.

The next High begins as corporation-controlled world government is installed and its central banks flood the world with investment money — the new global currency. Its institutions will demand — and receive — totalitarian surveillance and dominance over populations with no other live options.

Those of us writing for sites like this one will be forced to go underground. I imagine some of us will end up living out our lives and then dying in extreme poverty.

Goes without saying, I very much pray to God that Brandon Smith’s scenario is wrong. But every prediction he’s made for this year, he’s gotten right.

Once it begins in earnest (2020?), the next High may continue for a time comparable to the last one, which lasted from 1948 to 1963 (15 years), or until around 2035 (?).

The future depends on which of these scenarios ensues: a successful economic and cultural renaissance under a Trump administration, or globalism returning with hurricane force.

We must do our part now to bring about the former, by (among other things) exposing this nonsense about “fake news” on the Internet; continuing debunking bogus “hate speech” and “hate crimes” blamed on Trump or his supporters; and above all, refusing to be intimidating by robotic allegations of “racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia,” the whole litany of weaponized words used to demonize.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Trump wins! Now the real work begins

It’s over. The country has spoken. Donald Trump won (as of this writing, 276 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton’s 210; 270 required to win the Presidency)!

As much as Trump warned about the likelihood of this election being rigged, it didn’t happen. There is no way of knowing for sure, of course, but perhaps the would-be vote riggers understood clearly how many people were watching. They didn’t dare!

Trump’s victory was no landslide. The country barely avoided a second Clinton Regime. But we take what we can get.

Now the real work begins. Trump took the first positive steps during his victory speech by reaching out to the country, including those who have opposed him from the get-go. He promised to be a president for all Americans, and to deal with foreign powers fairly, if firmly and from a pro-American stance. It is important that these gestures continue. They are necessary, and they are right.

But let’s not gloat. That’s what the Left would do. A Hillary Clinton victory would have been shoved in our faces.

We’re better than that.

There are decent people who are genuinely worried, even scared. These are the people who bought all the mainstream media pap about Trump’s being a racist, a fascist, a xenophobe, a sexist who abused women (using the infamous p-word over ten years ago); never mind that these allegations came out of nowhere, with no evidence to back them up.

Global markets tanked overnight Nov 8 – 9 as it became clearer by the hour that Hillary Clinton, the globalist favorite, wasn’t going to pull this out despite what all the polls and “experts” told us.

The “experts,” as is often the case, were dead wrong. The Dow recovered within a matter of hours, by the way.

My interpretation all along has been that this election was a public referendum on Americanism versus globalism, free speech versus political correctness.

I am happy to report that Americanism won. Free speech won.
But what did we win? A major battle, to be sure, fought against huge odds. But let’s not rest on our laurels and think we’ve won the war.

All one has to do to see the crux of the matter is look at the electoral map. The states of the Northeast, heavily populated by those supportive of the globalist, power elite mindset, and those of the West Coast (same), all went to Hillary Clinton. So-called “flyover country” except for Illinois, all the Southeast, and the inland portion of the Northwest, all voted for Donald Trump. And if one looks at the breakdown county by county, the real divide is still clearer: the “blue” areas of Hillary supporters are all the big and larger medium-sized cities. They subsist in vast seas of “red” outside the cities, even in so-called “blue states.”

The divide is as stark as I have ever seen it. We are indeed “two Americas.”

We are talking about two incommensurable mindsets and ways of seeing the world that have been battling, and will continue to battle, for control over not just the U.S. but the entire Western world, and more besides. In my last article I used the terms New America versus Old America. ‘Incommensurable,’ by the way, means approximately, ‘unable to be brought under a single shared vocabulary or consensus, and/or a single set of legitimizing rules agreeable to all parties to a dispute.’

The word seems perfect for the two mindsets battling for control over the public consciousness in the U.S. right now, neither of which considers the other legitimate.

The mindset that voted for Hillary Clinton sees itself as well-educated, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, supportive of what it calls diversity (the diversity of faces), tolerant, etc., etc. Its basic premises, stated or not, are those of secular materialism and worldliness. It has little use for religion, and sees allegiance to tradition as a sign of backwardness. It disdains such things as private gun ownership; city-dwelling pseudo-sophisticates are basically afraid of guns. They make wonkish pronouncements on the issues of our times, on the strength of Ivy League degrees; or they working in or with the leviathan banks or other mega-corporations being paid more in a year than most people outside their enclaves will see in their lives; the elite mindset includes West Coast celebrities Hillary consistently drew on for support; it also includes, finally, the bulk of those who draw federal paychecks, who as cogs in the technocratic machinery of the Deep State have no fundamental problem with centralization, micro-management, or top-down policies as a means of getting things done.

We know what’s best for you and we’ll do it for you whether you like it or not perhaps summarizes the elitist outlook.

The mindset that voted for Donald Trump is the mindset on Main Street, not Wall Street. Many of them have spent lives working with their hands, living in small communities or rural settings. They intuitively distrust massive changes they never voted for and can’t control. Guns don’t bother them, since they grew up with guns. Handling guns safely is second nature to them. They are skeptical of the economics-über-alles mindset of the city people. They do not trust anyone motivated solely by money and power, and are open to the idea that the wealthy and powerful have routinely conspired against them.

They adhere to one of any number of Christian denominations; questioning God’s existence literally doesn’t make sense to them. In terms of politics, when they are actually interested in politics, they are small government folks who trust representatives they know personally and can drop in on for a visit to express a concern. They prefer to live in a decentralized world, not a world of global economic forces dominated by city dwellers with soft hands, probably unable to change a tire or do simple household repairs, living in gated communities hundreds of miles away.

Leave us alone could well summarize what they want.

The latter have successfully expropriated and reclaimed the label deplorables. They took Hillary’s snarky comment and tossed it back in her face. Some of the Deplorables are now wearing the label as a badge of honor!

Neither group sees the other as well-intentioned, or as having any monopoly on truth or “the facts.” The elites have spent the past year tearing their hair out as their control over the national conversation slipped away. Their dominance of mainstream corporate media, emphasizing namecalling over substance, with its blatant pro-Hillary bias, backfired badly. Mainstream media is now largely discredited. Does anyone still take the Clinton News Network (CNN) seriously?

The elite mindset and its published products paraded Hillary as “superbly qualified,” or even “the most qualified candidate in history” (wow!) based on her time in government; its authors never discussed the scandals that have dogged her career from the get-go. The Main Street, Old America mindset, whose stronghold is now the Internet and alternative media, are content to note the scandals, events such as Benghazi and the destruction of Libya she owns, as well as the “dirty money” finding its way into Clinton Foundation coffers. They concluded long ago that the woman is a pathological liar, very possibly a criminal who, if tried by the laws that apply to ordinary mortals, would have been behind bars years ago.

The incommensurability of the mindsets is further manifest in that the pseudo-sophisticates remain headscratchingly clueless as to why their heroine lost this election all across Middle America—all despite the “experts” polls that placed her ahead. This headscratching cluelessness stretches across mainstream media, mainstream economic-financial commentary, and Hollywood.

Some of these reactions are truly bizarre. For example, one bimbo stated, “I feel like I’m about to give birth to a baby that’s already dead.”

Now that’s sophisticated!

At least it avoids the obscenities that are coming from other quarters: “Congratulations America; you f***** this one up!”

One has to love the language that often comes from the lips of the sophisticated and tolerant when they don’t get what they believe they are entitled to.

The bottom line: the Deplorables want their country back, and have used the electoral system to begin taking it back!

The interesting question now is: Will the power elites allow it to happen? Will their many followers, the types who get the bulk of their news from, say, the Clinton News Network (CNN)?

A friend of mine Skyped me this morning Trump’s victory was announced, asking, “Do you really think [the globalist elites] will sit back and be out of power for four years?”

No, no one in his right mind believes the globalists are simply going to go away. If they do not attempt to assassinate Trump, as that would be too obvious, they may bide their time, allow him to settle in, and then crash the economy. We’re talking about people able to move billions of dollars around with the ease of us unsophisticates changing our underwear. They could do it. Through their control over the six leviathan corporations that constitute mainstream media, they could see to it that Trump got blamed if the economy suddenly tanked, something we know is very likely to come anyway.

How Trump would handle such a fomented crisis will be crucial.

He won’t be able to further his agenda alone. His first and most important task will be to find people who (1) will work with him to begin to implement his vision of the future; (2) are qualified; and (3) are untethered from the globalist elites.

So deeply is the latter mindset insinuated in the entire governmental fabric and financial communities he has to draw from, finding the right people is not going to be easy! I’d avoid people like Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, and Chris Christie. Wolves in sheeps’ clothing, all three!

As I’ve also stated from the get-go, there are no guarantees!

These two mindsets are on collision course, and that’s not going to change!

I will look down the road, long term, therefore, and suggest that they cannot exist indefinitely under the same government. The one will eventually use the machinery of government to try to destroy the other, which may be forced into violence to defend itself. The result will be a bloody civil war which could have millions of casualties.

Peaceful separation makes far better sense to me, not just as a strategy but as an inevitability. The elites have no reason to allow this to happen, either, and have been fairly successful labeling all secession talk as “fringe.” I suspect not even the Trumpists are ready for this. But as gridlock and dysfunction continue to fester at the center, with national indebtedness continuing to rise (it is unclear that even Trump can prevent this), eventually the corporate state centered in Washington and Wall Street will lose the will to stop it — just as the Soviet Communists lost their will to continue their empire.

What the “secessionists” have to do in this case is be patient, gain in wisdom and strategy, and begin working towards influence and eventual control in state legislatures, governorships, and perhaps entire regions.

Perhaps, somewhere down the road, we will have several Deplorable nations! The elites, in this case, can turn their cities into cesspools of crime, corruption, bureaucracy, chronic instability, and cultural filth if that is their choice.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Old America vs new America: what is at stake in this election

A recent Los Angeles Times column raises issues I wish to discuss here. While painting the contrast between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in usual corporate media fashion as Trump the villainous remnant of ages past and repository of the frustrations of the “deplorables,” vs. Hillary the vanguard and wave of a multicultural, cosmopolitan future, the concepts of “Old America” and “New America” are interesting and worth exploring.

Yes, there is a sense in which Trump represents an “Old America.” And in the same sense Hillary represents the “New America,” as do Barack and Michelle Obama. What matters is the substance behind those expressions, as opposed to politically correct (PC) propaganda.

The “Old America” embodied easily identifiable values: Christianity, Constitutional controls on government, responsible freedom, family, involvement in one’s community. The “Old America” valued work. It understood enough economics to know that wealth must be produced. Wealth isn’t created by government handouts any more than it falls from the sky. The “Old America” didn’t see economics as the end-all, be-all of human existence, however. Money was not an end in itself but a means to other ends. Sometimes the “Old America” struggled to define those other ends. I do not believe it solved the problems created by the increasing secularization of civilization, which were causing it substantial problems with some of its offspring as early as the 1950s. “Old America” as not Utopian in its outlook, however. It had more things right than it had wrong.

The “Old America” was socially conservative in the sense of valuing what had passed the test of time insofar as ensuring social stability and domestic tranquility. While not opposed to change absolutely, change agents had to make a compelling case. The “Old America” disapproved of change for the sake of change. It disdained social experimentation. The “Old America,” now accused of being too white, too rural, and too “uneducated,” was more in touch with the land. It understood that food does not originate on grocery store shelves. It valued making and building things (i.e., manufacturing).

What does the “New America” embody? It now calls itself progressive (liberal having left a bad taste in too many mouths). It speaks of the Constitution as a “living document,” which tells us that in practice the Constitution will mean whatever the Supreme Court and other opinion-makers want it to mean, not what it meant to the Founding Fathers. In truth: the “New America” has no use for Constitutional controls on government. It describes the “Old America” in hateful, loaded language as racist, sexist, homophobic, you know the PC litany.

It ignores the fact that America’s blacks are better off than their African counterparts, and that the past 50 years have seen programs designed to give them special advantages (affirmative action, set-asides, racenorming in law school admissions, speech codes, race-specific cultural centers, etc.), programs that would have been impossible without the support of a lot of well-intentioned white people. The “New America” ignores the damage such policies have done to relations between the races, and the damage radical feminism has done to that between the sexes, to the family generally: not just to men and boys but to women as well (as philosopher Christina Hoff Sommers has shown in her books The War on Boys and Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women). Today the “alpha male” is out. Feminized “metrosexual” men are in unless they are nonwhite.

The “New America” ignores the clear sociological fact, documented all over the world and understood by the “Old America,” that groups with different cultures and incommensurable values cannot be forced together into the same communities without the result being dislocation, tension, and potential outbreaks of violence if some suspect others are getting more government freebies.

The “New America,” it is said, appeals to youth and to the “educated.” It presents itself as urban, cosmopolitan, and forward-looking. It appeals, that is, to millennials who grew up never having known a world without PC. And who have attended schools including their universities which have failed utterly to educate, so that whatever their ease with the latest gadgets, they cannot identify all the rights specified in the First Amendment or, in many cases, write a coherent, grammatically correct paragraph. Almost a third of millennials recently surveyed believed George W. Bush killed more people than Communist dictator Josef Stalin! How is that for “education” these days?

“New Americans” have entitlements instead of rights, employ groupthink, and have an irrational obsession with image instead of substance and actual accomplishment. They are products of longstanding dumbing down of the schools at all levels. Their mindset, that is, pseudo-intellectual rather than valuing, promoting, and dispensing real wisdom, whether in thought or action. “New America” thus plays right into the hands of globalists spread across government and corporations who advancing corporate-controlled world government. The bogus “free trade” deals Donald Trump fiercely attacked, starting with NAFTA and leading to the TPP, are key instruments of globalist-state architecture, as its own advocates have stated openly: according to Henry Kissinger, NAFTA “[was] not a conventional trade agreement … but the architecture of a new international system.”

“Old America” wants nothing to do with such deals, not just because they destroy millions of jobs but because they undermine U.S sovereignty. “New America” under Obama has delivered a pathetic “recovery” of part-time jobs. It couldn’t care less about U.S. sovereignty. “Old America” is suspicious of corporate media and of some of the technology millennials have grown up with. For one thing, “Old America” remembers using technology to send men to the moon and return them safely. “New America” uses it to take selfies.
“Old America” sees that in the environment “New America” has created, anyone running for office is going to have his/her entire life put under a social media microscope, as its leering denizens seek evidence of departures from PC or anything sensational (sexual improprieties, perhaps). “Old America” recalls that when we didn’t have all this techno-voyeurism we had better candidates and better leadership.

“Old America” was politically decentralized, however. It wasn’t especially interested in politics. It looks back wistfully to a time when politicians and bureaucrats didn’t have their fingers in everything.

“New America” is highly centralized. It is controlled from five centers: New York City, Boston, Washington D.C., Hollywood, and Silicon Valley; and from two places overseas: the City of London and Tel Aviv. The powers in these centers cooperate closely with one another. Like it or not, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Facebook, etc., are all in bed with the Deep State.

The “Old America,” that is, was about the real America: government “of the people, by the people, and for the people”! The “New America” is not truly American at all, but a cover for (among other things) globalism!

This has not stopped spokespersons for the “New America” from denouncing the “Old America” as “deplorables” and “irredeemables,” terms Hillary has used to express her hatred for millions of her countrymen (and countrywomen) outside those power centers.

“Old America,” if you go back a few decades, built that once-great country called the United States of America. “New America” is pulling it apart! In the guise of “Stronger Together” (Hillary’s soundbite), it actually divides group against group. “New America,” it should go without saying, is staunchly pro-abortion (“pro-choice”). While defending a “woman’s right to choose” on the grounds of cases where carrying a pregnancy to term will endanger a woman’s life, its writers do not inform you that these number well under one percent of abortions. The rest are abortions-of-convenience.

What about sex-ed, as a means of reducing teen pregnancies?

The “Old America” recognized that our nature as sexual beings had to be controlled by morality or it would undermine civilization little by little. The “New America,” with its pseudo-morality of don’t-tell-me-what-to-do-I’m-gonna-do-as-I-please-it’s-my-right, recognizes no meaningful controls on sexuality aside from PC ones. Hence, e.g., teen pregnancies, “comprehensive sex education” with its mixed message (“Don’t do it, but here’s how”), abortions, gay marriages, and “gender” confusion.

The “New America’s” actual view of human life, in accordance with the secular materialism at its core, is that it is expendable if it is inconvenient. This explains how easily Hillary hopped onto the pro-war bandwagon long ago, and how she was central in turning Libya and Syria into war-scarred wastelands, breeding grounds for terrorism and ISIS-sponsored brutality, the latter a flashpoint that could trigger a nuclear confrontation with Russia.

So yes, this election is about more than just Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It is about two utterly different ways of looking at the world — two incommensurable worldviews. This explains the unprecedented hostility between the two camps. Neither sees the other as legitimate. The mutual hostility will survive this election no matter who wins.
So whose worldview is closer to the truth?

The “Old America” gave us the highest civilization anyone had ever achieved if that counts for anything. It was not perfect, just better. The “New America” has given us division and destruction. In its Orwellian worldview, hatred for dissent is masked by nice phrases like stronger together.

It has wrecked education at all levels, and could ruin many more lives before it runs its course. It would effectively end the real America as it ushers in corporate-controlled world government. The latter, by the way, won’t care about black lives mattering or about women’s rights or gays — which explains the globalist Clinton Foundation accepting money from donor nations where women are treated like property and gays are thrown off tall buildings.

That is what at stake in this election. If you like the “New America,” then by all means knock yourself out voting for Hillary Clinton. But if you believe the “New America” is a cultural train wreck in progress, vote for Donald Trump on November 8. It is true that with Trump there are no guarantees. It is late in the game. But this will be your last chance to stop the derailment of the “Old America” and reverse the march to corporate-controlled world government.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The 12 biggest blunders in U.S. history

Just recently my wife and I took a brief sabbatical from our respective work, hers for a private firm and mine from writing and editing. She’d had a work-related personal crisis, and I was weary of the dozens of disingenuous mainstream articles in which GOP empty suits or their shills called on Donald Trump to “step aside for the good of the party” or some such rubbish; others featured the usual SJW namecalling (“racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic” etc. ad nauseam); and a few saying he could cost the Republican Party an entire generation. Although Trump has Hispanic supporters who are U.S. citizens and want laws obeyed, his critics are playing the changing-demographics angle for all the mileage they can get out of it. It is true, the “brave new generation” of millennials has never known a world without political correctness, and also has no idea how things looked before the NAFTA / Bill Clinton era. I predicted the rise of their mindset (here and here).

The bottom line: those intent on destroying America and establishing corporate-controlled world government have never been this scared, that someone they didn’t select has come this close to upending their applecart; especially since even if Trump loses this election, the forces that led to his rise are not going anywhere.

A few years ago I published a book, Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic. Its purpose was to document the main long term tendencies that led to the country’s present decline, some traceable to specific events, others less so. Reviewing quickly: (1) the first generation of U.S. leaders failed to secure sufficient economic sovereignty to prevent foreign banker meddling. (2) The next generation to come along allowed the creation of a school system based on European, not American, first principles. (3) Over ensuing decades the country’s Christian ethos was replaced by a materialist one. Basic moral valuation began to slide accordingly. (4) No one noticed the influence of the British Fabian Society (founded in 1884), prime movers of British-American collectivism.

This article will pinpoint specific blunders, as opposed to trends. These are, of course, blunders given a perspective which sees the rightness or beneficence of maintaining economic freedom, sound money, and Constitutionally limited government based around a Christian ethos. Globalists have never shared this perspective, of course.

1- 1787 — The “three fifths compromise” accepted slavery and for all practical purposes wrote the “peculiar institution” into the Constitution. Importing slaves and maintaining slavery, originally in every state, was a recipe for disaster, as well over a century and a half after slavery’s end, only a small minority within the minority of blacks has fully assimilated into the success ethos that drew European immigrants and built the nation. Their contributions have mainly been to the arts and entertainment, and while these are not negligible they are not what keeps a civilization running. Efforts to integrate the black masses into the white mainstream, whether by “affirmative action” preferences, “set-asides,” or other means, have clearly failed, as can be seen in major cities turned into racial powder kegs. Multiculturalist ideology coming out of academia has further justified non-assimilation, whether of blacks or other groups including more recent immigrants.

2- 1791 — With the ink barely dry on the Constitution, President George Washington allowed Alexander Hamilton the new nation’s first Secretary of the Treasury to create a European-style central bank on U.S. soil, the Bank of the United States. This was done over the explicit objections of Thomas Jefferson who warned anyone who would listen of the dangers posed by foreign bankers whom he’d seen first-hand during his time there in the 1780s. U.S. history still might have been a struggle between Hamiltonian mercantilists-industrialists who would centralize the economy and the country, and Jeffersonian agrarians who would try to keep it decentralized, but it would not have been a struggle the Hamiltonians won so easily, opening the door to European globalism of the sort the Rothschild octopus was quietly instituting.

3- 1852 — Horace Mann was granted permission by the State of Massachusetts to create the first public (government) school system, based not on American thinking but a Prussian model in which the individual person belongs not to himself and to his God but to the state. Prior to this, education had been essentially private and local, with literacy rates near 100%. Public school systems have been hubs of social engineering and dumbing down ever since, whether to produce obedient workers for corporations or compliant taxpayers and mindless consumers. Literacy has fallen over time, since maintaining literacy beyond an ability to read and follow instructions was never the primary aim of public schools. Liberal arts learning in particular has gradually been destroyed, since the historical knowledge and thinking skills it imparts are by their very nature threats to power and systems of domination.

4- 1861–65 — When President Abraham Lincoln went to war to end the Confederacy and bring the seceded states back into the Union by force, subjugated and impoverished under Reconstruction, he permanently destroyed genuine federalism and its core concept dual sovereignty. The latter had defined the existing relationship between the federal government and the states, as implied in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. This was also the source of states’ rights (not a defense of slavery). The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, unlike their predecessors, presumed a federal supremacy which has been maintained ever since. In a sense, the word federal became a misnomer. Central government would have been closer to the truth. Writers did cease to speak of “these United States” in what was on its way to becoming an empire.

5- 1913 (December 23) — With much of Congress gone for the holidays, President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill creating the Federal Reserve System, a state-sponsored private corporation “independent within the government” according to its own literature and not a branch of the government. The growing superelite of globalist bankers led by Rockefellers and Rothschild agents had secretly convened on Jekyll Island, Ga. just a couple of years before, knowing that a central bank would enable them to seize control of the U.S. economy, a control they have maintained ever since. Federal Reserve actions, chiefly credit expansion, would be responsible for the Crash of 1929, as Ben Bernanke recently admitted. The federal government’s panicked response led to the Great Depression and all that followed, including the Rooseveltian New Deal, the first triumph of Fabian-style socialism that “saved capitalism from itself.” One can only wonder how much smoother history and economic development would have been had the superelite not been allowed to have their central bank.

6- 1913 — In the same disastrous year, we saw the creation of the personal income tax, which as a direct and unapportioned tax had previously been rejected by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional (Pollock v. Farmer’s Loan & Trust Co., 1895). The Sixteenth Amendment reversed this. Whether this Amendment was properly ratified is an issue scholars of the income tax have periodically raised, their efforts typically being shut down as “frivolous.” The income tax had superelite support, as the elites knew most tax dollars would end up in their swelling bank accounts. Those gullible enough to believe that a tax on personal incomes is needed to support legitimate, Constitutional federal functions need only ask how the federal government was kept in business from 1791 through 1912. This said, the income tax clearly gave central government expansionism a green light.

7- 1917 — In yet another superelite-backed move by Woodrow Wilson, the U.S. involved itself in what had been a European conflict. It was the beginning of the foreign policy of interventionism, eschewed by George Washington in his Farewell Address. Had the U.S. not entered into the Great War on the side of the British, Germany would likely have won, and Europe would have been better off. I am sure there are lefties who will read that and shoot me angry emails calling me a Nazi-who-wants-to-kill-six-million-Jews, but absent the British-American victory there would have been no Treaty of Versailles calling for destructive reparations, no hyperinflationary depression in Germany, no Weimar culture, no rise of a Nazi Party, and no World War II (also no Bank for International Settlements, another huge superelite institution).

Adolf Hitler would likely have remained an obscure German artist. The future would have looked entirely different. Assuming the Russian October Revolution happened on schedule, Germany would have served as a powerful bulwark against Leninism. There might never have been a League of Nations in Europe, or a Council of Foreign Relations in New York, or later a UN and its many satellites and products including the artificial Bretton Woods system. Human nature being what it is, different conflicts would doubtless have erupted, but globalism, understood as a political economy of advancing corporate-controlled world government (“global governance”), would have slowed to a crawl rather than advancing by leaps and bounds. There would have seemed to be no point to it.

8- 1953 (August 19) — a CIA-led coup brought down the democratically elected government of Mohammed Musadegh in Iran, in response to the latter’s nationalization of the oil industry. Musadegh had wanted the Iranian people to benefit from the expropriation of an important national resource on Iranian soil, as opposed to its profits being taken out of the country to line corporate coffers. The Shah, Reza Pahlavi — Western educated, with Western values — was instilled, and proceeded with a quarter century of brutality, while extractive business as usual continued. Terrorism began to incubate underground. When the Shah was finally overthrown late in 1979, the first Islamic fundamentalist regime came to power. Iran has been an avowed enemy of the West ever since, and a hotbed of international terrorist sponsorship.

9- 1964 (August 7) — Following the green light provided by the Southeast Asia Resolution passed by Congress, President Lyndon Johnson ordered troops into Vietnam in response to the Gulf of Tonkin false flag (August 4). The War in Vietnam became the first war fought not only on the battlefield but on millions of television screens that had appeared in living rooms all across middle class America, inspiring a generation to rebel against it. Martin Luther King Jr.’s increasing attention to antiwar efforts in the late 1960s was probably a contributing factor in his assassination (April 4, 1968). The Vietnam War, fought for corporate interests in the region, crippled Johnson’s presidency (in 1968 he declined to run for reelection), and later, under Nixon’s continued mishandling, eventually became the first war in which the U.S. Empire was handed, not entirely figuratively, its rear end.

10- 971 (August 15) — President Richard Nixon “closed the gold window” ending the restrictive Bretton Woods system and what remained of the ties between currencies and gold. The dollar became fiat money, backed by nothing except legal tender laws and public acceptance. Printing presses turned on and never turned off. The shift began from an economy based on production to one based on financialization and credit, and on massive indebtedness rising eventually to its present unsustainable level. When Nixon killed the gold standard the official national debt was around $400 billion. It crossed the $1 trillion threshold under Reagan. By the Clinton years it had risen to over $6 trillion. At the end of Bush the Younger’s reign it was over $11 trillion. It may reach $20 trillion before Obama leaves office. This does not include total federal liabilities, which are magnitudes higher. The dollar, we should note, has lost roughly 83% of its purchasing power since 1971, and roughly 97% of its purchasing power since 1913. (As a sidebar: in 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski published a book entitled Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era which laid out a specific framework envisioning a globalist future and its stages of development from nationalism through Marxism to globalism. David Rockefeller Sr. read the book, and three years later, the two of them plus Henry Kissinger created the Trilateral Commission to begin coordinating corporations within the U.S., Japan, and Europe, with an eye to furthering the book’s ideas.)

11- Late 1980s–1994 — Bush the Elder and his CFR and Trilateralist allies pushed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the country. Bill Clinton would sign it without hesitation, indicating how both parties were fully under superelite domination, Reagan’s appearances of difference notwithstanding (his VP had been Bush the Elder, ex-CIA and CFR member in good standing). Between them, NAFTA, the creation of the World Trade Organization the next year with the admission of China, would export over 5 million manufacturing jobs in the U.S. and, alongside the economic factors implied in (10), began sending the largest financially independent middle class in history into a tailspin. The middle class continued to shrink following the Meltdown of 2008, as globalism continued to advance in the hands of the “one percent” (it was more like .01%).

12- 2003 (March 20) — Bush the Younger launched the Iraq War, a war of choice. The “shock and awe” campaign easily destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular regime, but neocon-inspired notions of “nation building” proved another matter. They led instead to an insurgency and paved the way for the spread of radical Islamic terror — all this on top of the attack launched against the Taliban in Afghanistan (October 2001) which has continued unabated. Then, in 2009, the Obama-Clinton team mishandled an attempt to withdraw from Iraq. Since then, the secular Mubarek government in Egypt has fallen (2011), Libya (also a friendly secular regime under the Reagan-neutered Khadafy) was destroyed (2012), Syria has been turned into a war zone (2012 – present), Turkey (a NATO member) has increasingly become involved (2014 – present), and — most disastrously — we’ve seen the rise of ISIS (2014 – present), with its grotesque spectacle of mass beheadings, people burned alive, drowned, thrown off buildings, thrown into acid, etc.

ISIS is easily the most dangerous terror network in existence. Iran is one thing; I do not want to think about the scenarios conceivable if one or more of these lunatics got their hands on nuclear weapons. What matters is that they did not exist as an identifiable group prior to the Obama-Clinton era. A massive Muslim refugee crisis has overwhelmed Europe, and while most of the refugees doubtless just want to get out of the killing zone, they have been infiltrated by ISIS loyalists as recent mass shootings and bombings in France and elsewhere demonstrate: the consequences to Europe of open-borders. This existential threat to civilization is likely to spread to the homeland of their blood enemy, what the Iranian imams called the Great Satan, if Donald Trump is not elected president in November 2016 and cannot move quickly to prevent it.

President Hillary Clinton will clearly keep the U.S. border open, and you will see several hundred thousand Muslim refugees resettled in middle-sized American cities and towns. Most will be unable to speak English, and will overwhelm state-level, county-level, and city-level institutions. A few in their midst will be sympathetic to the main goal of ISIS, which is to establish and spread Sharia Law across the world. The U.S. will begin to look more and more like Europe every day.

A thirteenth blunder, therefore, would be allowing an elite-directed “rigging” of the November election in swing states to ensure a Hillary Clinton victory. Yes, with manipulated polls, the relentless media propaganda against Trump I mentioned at the outset, and paperless electronic voting machines, it is possible. If something like this happens, is allowed by the powers-that-be to stand without challenge, and Her Royal Clintonness enters the White House in 2017, I dare say it will be America’s coup-de-grâce.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Hillary’s vast “alt-right” conspiracy

According to Hillary Clinton, there’s a Vast Alt-Right Conspiracy in the land. On August 25, before a Reno, Nev. audience, she scolded: “Donald Trump … [is] taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over one of America’s two major political parties. His disregard for the values that make our country great is profoundly dangerous.”

She does not tell us what she believes those values are.

Later she continues, describing how Trump “traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the Internet … [L]et´s not forget, Trump first gained political prominence leading the charge for the so-called ‘Birthers.’ He promoted the racist lie that President Obama isn’t really an American citizen — part of a sustained effort to delegitimize America’s first black president.”

I lost track of the number of times she used the word racist in her latest speech?

Furthermore, “Just recently, Trump claimed President Obama founded ISIS. And then he repeated that nonsense over and over…. This is what happens when you treat the National Enquirer like Gospel. It’s what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones, who claims that 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs. He said the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre were child actors and no one was actually killed there….”

Tying all this together is the “Alt-Right”: “Race-baiting ideas. Anti-Muslim and anti-Immigrant ideas — all key tenets making up an emerging racist ideology known as the ‘Alt-Right.’ Alt-Right is short for Alternative Right. The Wall Street Journal describes it as a loosely organized movement, mostly online, that ‘rejects mainstream conservatism, promotes nationalism, and views immigration and multiculturalism as threats to white identity.’”

I’d not heard the term Alt-Right until a few weeks ago.

I knew, of course, that there were people, some of them lifelong Republicans, who had started to question the main emphases of their party since the fall of the Soviet Union: its favoritism towards Wall Street / big business / corporate donors, and its promotion of overseas wars. These men and a few women had become critical of the Iraq War, for example, promoting regime change and “nation building,” or allowing corporations to negotiate leviathan trade deals behind closed doors, and outsourcing middle-class jobs to cheap-labor countries while allowing illegal immigrants in on the grounds that his “helps the economy.” None of this is news. But it has all along played into the hands of those who branded the Republican Party as a haven for wealth and privilege.

There were also those of us who accused neoconservatives (“neocons”) of losing the culture war. Neocons dominated the Republican Party by the end of the first Bush presidency. Because the culture war wasn’t fundamentally about “macro” economics, most couldn’t be bothered.

The term RINO (Republican In Name Only) had crept into our vocabularies. It referred to Republicans who invariably sided with Wall Street over Main Street, combined with an abject fear of being labeled racist. Having written a book in the early 1990s critical of affirmative action and drawing attention to its harmful effects on academia and several occupations (Civil Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action, 1994), I found out who my friends were. They weren’t mainstream Republicans. By the mid-1990s I’d figured out that mainstream Republicans wanted nothing to do with guys like me.

Soon, with the emergence of the World Wide Web as a major new medium, news and commentary sites were appearing that presented current events and ideas from points of view (libertarian, conservative) other than the approved left-liberal ones of CNN, ABC, and CBS. I wrote for some of them. Back in 2000, for example, I investigated and reported the definitive account of a black-on-white hate crime that had been spiked by all major media where I was then living. Sadly, that story is no longer up, so I can’t link to it; oddly, a follow-up has survived the gradual purge of my archive, given that the editor of that site and I had a falling out some time ago. The follow-up summarizes the main details and puts them in broad context. Honest research, when possible, discloses that black-on-white crime vastly, vastly exceeds white-on-black crime in both numbers and in its level of brutality!

If it takes an “Alt-Right” to expose these realities, then I, for one, welcome it — without endorsing every idea written by every author able to be labeled that way by the likes of the Hillary Rodham Clintons of the political cosmos. One of my discoveries, after all, is of the many “Alt-Rightists” I’d never heard of before. There are doubtless many I still haven’t heard of if obviously it hasn’t occurred to them to use that label.

What the “Alt-Right” really is, is a collection of bloggers, talk show hosts (only a few with significant reach), and online commentary sites and editors united by their disdain for an Establishment they understandably regard as elite-controlled, exclusive, censorious, intellectually dishonest, and rife with corruption. They talk about things the Establishment won’t touch, such as minority-on-white violence or whether official narratives of events like 9/11 hold up under scrutiny or whether what some call “racial biodiversity” is true, i.e., that there are real, biological differences between races. Mere interest in these will get you fired from an academic appointment or a major news outlet.

Naturally, many such folks gravitated to Donald Trump, due to his status as an outsider, his own disdain for political correctness, as well as his raising issues ordinary people care about, such as the sensible many have of “self-radicalized” ISIS sympathizers wreaking the same havoc on U.S. streets that they present wreak in Europe, courtesy of the open borders policies of the tottering European Union. It includes such figures as Stephen Bannon, editor at Breitbart.com, also an outsider obviously, now being savaged in mainstream media for a 20-year-old domestic violence allegation (the charge was dropped) and for a supposed anti-Semitic remark he made back then. I am reminded that there are two definitions of an anti-Semite: someone who hates Jews and someone Jews hate.

Other heroes of the “Alt-Right” include the UK Independence Party’s Nigel Farage, one of the brains behind Brexit who recently endorsed Trump, and possibly Marine Le Pen of France’s National Front. Such movements surely gain support every time an ISIS recruit opens fire in a Paris nightclub or plants a truck bomb killing dozens of innocent people.

To be sure, there’s a Respectable Right which for years was led (dominated might be a better word) by William F. Buckley and the National Review crowd; also those at The Weekly Standard. The Respectable Right ostracized Patrick J. Buchanan following his acknowledgement of the culture war in 1992, hit him with the anti-Semite allegation, and have tried to ignore him as he publishes massive and quite well-argued books with titles like A Republic, Not an Empire (1999), Where the Right Went Wrong (2004), and Suicide of a Superpower (2011) among others. Now, with Buckley having passed away in 2008, we have the cast of Washington Post second-raters led by George Will who left the GOP over its decision to nominate Trump. That’s the present-day journalism wing of the Respectable Right. Its political wing includes Mitt Romney, the Bushies, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, and the rest of the empty suits who gave Barack Obama eight years in the White House.

Uh, respectable to whom?

To the Cultural Left, of course. Who else? Because aside from Buchanan, the late Russell Kirk, and Ron Paul (who straddles the fence between conservatism and libertarianism), the Right has collapsed. There has been virtually no consistent conservative presence anywhere near the U.S. intellectual or cultural mainstream for decades now — no body of ideas set out in any other way than in a “loyal opposition” defined by the Left!

What would such a body of ideas consist of? Belief, first and foremost, in a transcendent grounding of moral valuation that suffuses a healthy community organically and inspires the traditions and practices holding it together, prior to support for specifics like property rights and free enterprise. Trust that these traditions serve important purposes, have passed the test of time, and neither can nor should be changed to accommodate pressure groups without careful deliberation; attempts to do so create more problems than they solve. Rejection, because of original sin, of the Enlightenment view of the perfectibility of man through his own efforts. Rejection of the idea that human beings can be made economically equal without everyone except a tiny elite being equally poor and equally enslaved. Belief that in a fallen world, peace must be maintained through military strength, a province of men (not women), and that its exercise should be limited to a nation’s legitimate interests, otherwise restrained and humble to the extent others respect this.

There are probably other ideas that could be added, but I believe most who call themselves conservatives would have agreed with these at one time. They would also have observed that with rare exceptions, such notions were kicked out of mainstream journalism, academia, and government decades ago. This was the endgame of the replacement of Christian culture with materialism (Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic, 2011, ch. 3).

Whether “Alt-Rightists” have thought all this through or not (most probably haven’t, especially those under 35), many outsider-writers who doubted the integrity of the “experts” found a home of sorts. It was one without institutional power or influence beyond their own blogospheric orbit … until Donald Trump came along.

Getting back to Hillary’s screed, it raises numerous questions. Are we allowed to ask, for example, when and where Trump treated the National Enquirer as Gospel? Are we allowed to question the official narrative on race that blacks are victims and whites all have “white privilege”? And given that some very smart folks with doctorates in fields like engineering and physics have raised them, are we allowed to ask questions whether there is more to those other events than a government-endorsed official narrative? Are we allowed to point out that conspiracy theory is a weaponized phrase thought up by the CIA back in the 1960s to demonize anyone questioning the official narrative of the Kennedy assassination?

I didn’t think so.

Some of us have a problem with this.

Hillary’s attempt to raze the city of Trump to the ground and sow its fields with salt will surely not be described by sympathetic corporate media talking heads as underhanded, dishonest, and not addressing a single substantive issue. No one (except, perhaps, a few readers of sites like this one) will see it as full of weaponized language and innuendo no one can prove or disprove: words and phrases (hate group, radical fringe, conspiracy theory, racist, etc.) used as verbal clubs designed to beat people into submission.

Has it occurred to either the Hillaryites or to Respectable Right types that through their combination of weakness, ineffectiveness, intellectual bankruptcy, corruption, neglect of their base, and neglect of the country’s (and the culture’s) best interests, they set themselves up for the Donald Trump candidacy?

Again, I didn’t think so. But they look silly denying that Bush the Younger’s presidency and the last two Respectable Right candidacies were anything other than disasters.

In the same way, the Respectable Right, from that time back in the 1990s when it elbowed critics of affirmative action and NAFTA aside, set itself up for the rise of the “Alt-Right” on an Internet it couldn’t control like the pages of National Review. This, of course, is to the extent the “Alt-Right” even exists as a cohesive movement. One correspondent tells me that many who identify with its sensibilities are basically nihilists content to troll official sites and make fun of an Establishment over which they consider themselves powerless, even as it self-destructs. This could change. The chances of a more unified “Alt-Right” are now somewhat better, even if Donald Trump is not elected, because as I and many others of varying persuasions have noted, the issues that empowered Trump’s rise will not go away under a Hillary Clinton presidency. If anything, they will grow stronger. They will find new and more articulate voices. Trump has never been the best spokesman for “Trumpism.”

Whatever else ensues over the next few weeks, November will witness an election of historic importance, because as we have also pointed out, this election will offer a referendum on globalist economics, open borders, political correctness — power-elitism generally — centered in Wall Street, the Establishment of international high finance, and corporate media (and academia).

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to reject all those things, on the grounds that they are running the country (indeed, Western civilization as a whole) into the ground. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to continue with business as usual: more corruption, more globalist-elitism, more political correctness, more war, and probably more terrorist attacks in a nation that will look more like Europe every day. A vote for pseudo-libertarian Gary Johnson, or for Jill Stein, or anyone else, might as well be a vote cast for Hillary.

The dominant narrative on the major polls says she is ahead. It is true enough that the nearly 14 million strong in the GOP base who voted for Trump in the primaries are just a small fraction of the totality of eligible voters. If Hillary Clinton wins this election, especially if she wins by a large margin, I will see it the same way Paul Craig Roberts does: proof that Americans are now, on average, too dumbed down to live in anything other than a plutocratic oligarchy. George Will and his fellow NeverTrumpsters believe the GOP should let Hillary win and try to retake the White House in 2020. I wouldn’t count on that. If she wins, signs the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and appoints two or more Cultural Leftists to the Supreme Court, the Respectable Right will be dead in the water for the foreseeable future. As for the “Alt-Right”? We’ll see what happens!

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Election 2016: America at its crossroads

Almost 50 years ago, Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Services wrote the following, which I regard as the most significant political quote of the last century:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy…. [E]ither party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of those things but will still pursue, with a new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.” ~Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, pp. 1247-48.

It sounds like a cliché to say that Election 2016 is turning out to be the most important election in over 50 years! But for the past half century, every election without exception has fit Quigley’s pattern – except this one!

Election 2016 threatens to upend globalism at its core!

Donald J. Trump is proving to be the mouthpiece of a rebellion that has been brewing ever since millions of ordinary people began to participate in the Internet Reformation, some call it, going online, reading uncensored news, and realized that much of the official history and economics they have been fed is a tissue of lies, and have voted to support the one person who promises to change the country’s direction before globalism and political correctness finish running it completely into the ground.

I have gone from being skeptical of the Trump revolution to realizing that Trump really is the last hope of turning the U.S. back from the cliff it is rapidly approaching.

That will mean breaking Anglo-European power elite control over the political process (the “rigged system,” both Trump and Bernie Sanders call it), over U.S. foreign policy, and over the economy.

It will mean putting an end to the situation Professor Quigley, an Insider’s Insider, described in the opening quote.

This is thus the first election in my adult life where Americans have a real choice between competing political and economic philosophies! (I am more than happy, incidentally, to have had my fears of a last-minute anti-Trump coup at the GOP Convention proven groundless – !) although the danger is far from over

A vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton is a vote for the Establishment – for globalism and all its trappings – because as Trump noted in his speech, the Anglo-European power elite (my phrase, not his) owns her. When Goldman Sachs, one of the power elite’s main financial corporations, pays her over half a million dollars per speech, common sense informs us that the globalists have an enormous investment in her.

She would further their goals, which include more foreign wars, continued open borders and more cultural mayhem, more political correctness, and a country in ruins – a country suffering as parts of Europe are suffering now in the aftermath of terror attacks and floods of refugees.

Imagine, too, more ZIRP, more QE, a national debt skyrocketing ever higher. A second Clinton presidency would mask its enormous problems the same way the first one did – with a soaring stock market, ensuring that the rich are getting richer, on paper anyway. The largest financial bubble in history will continue inflating – for a time! The middle class will continue shrinking and the working class, especially whites, will continue dying of treatable illnesses. The suicide rate among the latter will continue climbing.

A vote for Donald J. Trump is a vote for a turn away from this cliff!

Trump is the biggest Black Swan the Anglo-European power elite has seen in our lifetimes! He came nearly out of nowhere, a little over 13 months ago. At first no one took him seriously, myself included. He went on to garner a record number of primary votes which stopped just short of 14 million. Now, in the present, his acceptance speech may go down in history as a major declaration of our intent to turn back from the brink!

Trump is the only candidate in my lifetime who has stated openly, “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!”

Those whose power and gravy trains he threatens are absolutely livid!

I expect Trump will face truly vicious attacks in the weeks to come: attacks on his past businesses where he’s had both successes and failures, having made the same mistakes as others have made; attacks we’ve already seen on his character and personal psychology will intensify; they will be joined by attacks on the proposals he laid before the American people the other night. He will be dismissed as a dangerous economic illiterate, because he cares about the American people instead of “macroeconomic” abstractions.

These attacks will reach such feverish pitches that their authors will not notice the irony of their charges that he is the one appealing to fear and insecurity. Obama has riposted. Clinton herself has counterattacked. Elizabeth Warren shrieked that his speech sounded like that of “a two-bit dictator.” Bill Mahar made the truly stupid comment that it could have been lifted from a Saw movie! Other fifth rate comedians of the present Age of Decadence (see below) are chiming in with the childish attempts at humor so popular today. European controlled media has weighed in. If you want hysterics, scroll down the main page of hard-left Salon.com where every other article is anti-Trump (most of the rest are about aspiring celebrities, which speaks volumes about the juvenile mentality of sites like that). If you want to read truly silly stuff, illustrating the impoverishment of academia, go here instead. Scroll to comments 27, 30, 38, 41, 47, 50. Hold your gag reflex if you’re shelling out money for kids to attend these universities where these people profess to dispense wisdom.

Are there a few things that still bother me? Of course there are.

I would want Trump’s appeal to “law and order” and his support for law enforcement to be tempered by a call to demilitarize the police, and end the flow of battlefield-ready weapons to police departments from the Department of Homeland Security over the past 15 years. Militarizing law enforcement with battlefield-ready weaponry was a mistake of ghastly proportions! There is now huge distrust between law enforcement and segments of the public because the killings of unarmed citizens by police vastly exceed those of every other advanced nation, many times over. This needs to end, or there will never be peaceful relations between police and the communities they once served and protected – no matter who wins this election.

A few things are out of Trump’s hands, at least initially. The financial bubble I mentioned is going to pop, almost assuredly between now and 2020, again no matter who enters the White House in 2017. How Trump handles the situation will be absolutely crucial, as doubtless he will be blamed for any economic calamity to come along! What I would hope for: (1) no bailouts of power elite controlled banks this time around; (2) abolition of the Federal Reserve System, which enabled power elite control of the economy; (3) creation of a public banking system capable of issuing debt free money. This would destroy power elite control over our money system. I do not know if Trump is thinking in these terms. One can only hope he is surrounding himself with people who are.

Trump is, I am confident, serious about ridding the world of ISIS. Given how ISIS has spread during the disastrous Obama-Clinton years, eliminating them will prove to be a gargantuan undertaking.

My hope is that Muslims the world over will see the need to repudiate ISIS and speak with a single voice, as Christians repudiate the Westboro Baptist Church: “These lunatics do not speak for us!” There are around 2.08 billion Muslims in the world. The vast majority just want to live in peace. ISIS has brutalized many of them, no less than it has brutalized Christians. If one reads what Trump actually said, he was not calling for a permanent ban on Muslims entering the U.S. Rather, he was calling for a ban that stays in place until this threat can be eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

I doubt that putting ISIS out of commission will be possible without the support of Muslims of good will, who realize that peace is better than violence.

And I must add my hope that Shiite and Sunni Muslims can be motivated to talk to one another instead of killing one another, that they will work together to rid their nations of corruption. This is also very much in their best interests. They shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking globalists care about them. There is some evidence that globalists are trying to orchestrate internecine war between Shiites and Sunnis. Such a war would span the Middle East and could last decades. It would kill millions of innocent people – those in the way of what the Anglo-European power elite wants: total control over the region’s oil, to be extracted as cheaply as possible without local interference.

One hopes that Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, hated by neocons but who continues to conduct himself as an adult, can work together to rid the region of ISIS. Both have more to gain from cooperation than from the present neocon-led saber-rattling which is sure to continue under a Hillary Clinton administration, likely leading to a war which could turn nuclear.

Yes, between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the latter, not the former, is the one who should be kept away from nuclear codes. She, not Trump, has a well-documented volatile temper, in addition to the policies she is likely to further in regions close to Russia’s borders, e.g., in Ukraine, where the Establishment brought down the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovich and instilled a dictatorship. His is not the only democratically elected government Hillary Clinton was instrumental in destroyed. Ask the Hondurans.

Lastly, a Trump Administration might help answer a question I confess has plagued me for years. Having written about the trajectory of empires ([here], [here], and [here]), the question is: can an empire, in its Age of Decadence as the U.S. clearly is, turn itself around?

Remember what an Age of Decadence is: an empire’s final stage prior to collapse or dissolution. Roughly: (a) religion and transcendent values are weakened and replaced by materialism; love of money reigns supreme; (b) the culture’s moral compass is lost; its masses pursue frivolity and hedonism as they “eat, drink, and be merry”; (c) cultural heroes are sports stars and celebrities instead of people with real leadership abilities; (d) border controls are lost; influxes of immigrants fill major cities and unlike previous generations of immigrants, they do not learn the dominant language and assimilate, meaning that public institutions are overwhelmed; (e) more and more people seek to live at the expense of a bloated state bureaucracy; (f) an obsession with sex permeates everything, as families disintegrate, traditional marriage declines, the number of singles grows rapidly, and sex-related scandals end careers; (g) because of widening cultural and economic fault lines, no longer is there any sense of the common good.

Other characteristics of empires in decline include military aggression against threats that do not exist (think of Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction”), irrational monetary policy to keep the masses spending so that a dysfunctional economy stays afloat (think of ZIRP and QE), a widening gulf between rich and poor with reduced social mobility except downwards, increasing cynicism and a withdrawal of people into their own private affairs, and pessimism among professional intellectuals. Attempts at a national conversation are strained and fractured by distrust, often ending with unproductive recrimination, juvenile name-calling, or worse.

For this last, just think of the relationship between Trump’s supporters, many of them victims of globalism who know they have no “privileges,” and his mainstream center-left critics. The latter accuse Trump of lying while they present utterly misleading statistics about unemployment (real unemployment is much higher than 4.9%). They accuse Trump of presenting a dark view of America even as they pretend that the Federal Reserve money creation spigot can continue forever.

Can this be reversed? Or is an empire, once mired in its Age of Decadence, doomed?

It hasn’t happened before. Each previous Age of Decadence presaged collapse or breakup.

But I’ve not encountered iron laws of history, analogous to those of physics, that tell me it can’t happen!

We certainly have the technology to make the attempt! That, too, has not occurred before! The question is not over means, but over our wills and convictions.

Could Donald J. Trump, by leading a revival of American manufacturing, energy production, and infrastructural rebuilding, be the key to something genuinely new?

Look at it this way. Everything that’s been said about the man by pundits has been proven wrong. The pundits, instead of learning from their mistakes, have redoubled their efforts. A lot of economists are very worried, I think, that given the opportunity Trump might succeed, which will force them to throw out the neoliberalism they’ve imbibed for the past half century, including everything they thought they knew about “free trade” – just as neocons will be forced to scrap their insanity about nation building in the Middle East.

The U.S. had a chance to become a beacon to the rest of the world following the end of the Soviet Union and the rise of a unipolar world. Beginning with the election of the first of the Clinton Crime Family, the signing of trade deals like NAFTA, actually a product of the Bush Crime Family, and then electing another Bush whose response to 9/11 was to attack Iraq and destabilize the Middle East, we blew it. Then we blew it worse by putting President Community Organizer in there. He pushed even worse trade deals like the TPP when not injecting himself into and enflaming every racial incident.

Now the other half of the Clinton Crime Family wants the helm of state back.

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Trump is indeed Americans’ last chance to pull their country back from the brink. Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, and it won’t happen! Remember, the financial bubble will pop anyway, and Hillary will give you more of the same. After eight years of Bush the Younger and eight years of President Community Organizer, America will not survive eight years of its First Woman President! You might not survive four years!

With Trump at the helm, America may begin to rebuild. It won’t be easy. It won’t be a paradise. There is much to undo, and many bridges that need to be rebuilt, or sometimes just built. And this, again, will be possible only if he is allowed to do so — if his enemies do not attempt the ultimate insanity that would destroy the country permanently.

It is time to begin some new conversations – again if we are allowed to do it.

By the 2020s, those of us who identify with ideas that originally made America great may be in a position to help create a more serious and humane internationalism. Technology also makes this possible. It will take cultural differences seriously and learn from them; it will stress localism and not globalism; it will base itself on acceptance of the faiths of others to the extent those faiths promote peace and not violence; it will not seek to impose a centralized, materialist, mass-consumption monoculture on the world. Try to envision an international mindset based on ethics, peace, local control, mutual respect, open communication, voluntary trade that meets real and not manufactured needs, a conviction that all lives matter, and a devotion to peaceful resolutions where we disagree – and to elections that offer a people genuine and not sham choices.

What this novel internationalism will shun like the plague is the ethos of political and economic centralization, calls for domination, and all else that characterizes present-day globalism.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Will the globalists keep trump from receiving the GOP nomination?


A month from now as I write this, the 2016 GOP Convention in Cleveland will be over. Either Donald J. Trump will be the Republican nominee, or someone else will. If the latter, it may be because GOP elites sponsored rule-changes freeing delegates from their obligation to support the will of the voters in their state and instead “vote their consciences,” whatever that means.

GOP elites are aware of the ambient noise outside, moreover.

Corporate media have regaled us over recent polls showing Trump losing ground to Hillary Rodham Clinton over his criticism of the judge’s Mexican heritage in the Trump University case, and over his claims of vindication following the Orlando shootings. Those of us writing about these matters continue to underestimate just how deep political correctness has penetrated public consciousness. The left immediately set out to make Orlando about guns, not jihadism. Two weeks later, Democrats were staging sit-ins in Congress over gun control. As multiple writers have noted, the left never lets a crisis go to waste.

PC thought control is hardly total. Fourteen million people voted for Trump in their state primaries: a record high, an index of the frustration with PC culture and the hollowed out economy of globalism. The GOP, by refusing Trump the nomination, will literally have handed Hillary the presidency — and handed leftists the country’s future. GOP elites will have committed political suicide, since many of those 14 million voters will go elsewhere. Some may vote Libertarian, unless they see that Gary Johnson and Bill Weld also support open borders and lean left on social issues. Most will go fishing on Election Day. As they won’t be back, the Republican Party might as well close up shop. It will not be a force to be reckoned with again. Its base will be gone: politically homeless, isolated, and angrier.

The problems that led to Trump’s meteoric rise will not have gone away. I’ve seen online comments and received emails that are very, very dark. I’ll leave the details to your imagination.

What it comes down to: whichever empty suit the elites will have nominated will get buried in November: the fate mainstream pundits are predicting for Trump if he is the nominee. So who will it be? Jeb? Ted Cruz? Someone who didn’t stick it out for the first debate, such as Scott Walker? Depends on who is willing to fall on his sword? No one appears in a hurry to step forward.

Meanwhile, the other day, Secret Service thwarted what would have been an attempt on Trump’s life. The would-be assassin was an illegal alien — British, but illegal nonetheless. His name is Michael Steven Stanford. What is interesting is how little attention this has received, compared to the chatter about Trump’s poll numbers, his comments about the judge and Orlando, and his firing a staffer.

There have been cases of open violence against Trump supporters. Some have been caught on video. Police — ever ready to use violence when they feel they can get away with it — have stood down when it comes to these radical (Soros-bankrolled?) lefties.

Naturally, the collection of liars and useful idiots that dominates mainstream media blames Trump and his supporters. That is when they report it at all.

One leftie HuffPo blogger openly opined that violence against Trump supporters is justified.

Can you imagine what would happen to some keyboard commando who urged violence against supporters of Hillary Rodham Clinton? Or Bernie Sanders, for that matter?

I doubt he would suffer mere castigation in the comments section under his article!

Large-scale protests are planned for Cleveland. The usual suspects are anticipated to be there: Black Lives Matter, Mexican groups, etc. Law enforcement is already making extensive preparations. Parts of the city will almost assuredly be on lockdown. The same will be true of Philadelphia. The culture has done this to itself.

Trump supporters will also be in attendance. I have acquaintances planning on making the trip. They will need to get in and out of the area, physically. Will police protect them, or obey “orders” to stand down as they were in California?

Violence in Cleveland streets wouldn’t surprise me in the least! None of us wants it, but who will stop leftists from instigating it? Trump supporters going should take every precaution and be prepared to defend themselves if assaulted, in case the police have other priorities!

GOP elites are risking trouble right on the convention floor, if they change the rules to allow delegates to reject Trump after he gained the nomination fair and square. These are not Ron Paul supporters willing to let themselves be walked on, after all. Trump needed 1,237 delegates to clench the nomination. He received 1,542 in all, including 1,447 who are required by present rules to vote for him on the first ballot.

Should the dump-Trump lunacy somehow succeed, GOP elites will have confirmed what both he and Bernie Sanders have insisted from the get-go: that the process is rigged. That primaries are nothing but expensive shows, helping media and other corporations make money prior to the coronation of the candidate the elite class wanted all along.

Trump is urging unity behind the need to keep Hillary Rodham Clinton out of the White House. In a recent speech, he told listeners, “She believes she is entitled to the office!” He is right. She is a hard-core globalist-elitist. Sanders’s supporters do not like or trust her. They realize she is not really a progressive leftist. She is beholden to money and power. She is, as I’ve noted before, destructive. How many former Secretary of States can take credit for almost singlehandedly destroying an entire nation (Libya)?

Those who consider themselves entitled to rule are facing rebellion everywhere except for elite-dominated East and West Coasts. The seats of money and power.

Just yesterday as I write this, I saw a missive in one of my newsfeeds suggesting prayers for Donald Trump — whatever his personal beliefs, whatever your personal beliefs — and intended for his supporters as well.

If what happened the other day is any indication, the man’s life is in danger … and given that video, his supporters’ lives are in potential danger in Cleveland.

Trump has a family. Their lives could be in danger as well.

If he wins the nomination, the danger will increase.

In the past, elites have murdered people they saw as threats to their plans for war and economic domination, as everybody knows unless they are stupid enough to believe the lone-gunman / “magic bullet” theories of the JFK assassination.

My last column mentioned Brexit in passing. A few days before Great Britain’s historic vote to leave the European Union was taken, George Soros and Jacob Rothschild sounded off with what could only be interpreted as threats: the sort of threats megabillionaires are in a position to make.

These are more than scare tactics. Unlike Huxley’s imaginary world rulers in Brave New World with their “soma,” the real ruling elite can’t make anyone love them. But they can punish, simply by moving investments from rebel strongholds. This results in job losses and a drop in the standard of living for the unprepared.

The ruling elite can threaten rebellious nations with a cruel descent into poverty. Ask the Greeks, whose Syriza Party leaders were forced to cave in to EU bankster demands and restore “austerity.” This while their historical landmarks are plundered and sold to corporations for profit.

Should the global populist revolt continue, the future could get very ugly! I would not put it past the ruling elite to provoke a destructive world war capable of killing billions and reducing cities to ashes, Hiroshima-style, if they decided such a war was their only means of staying in power!

They like wars, after all. War is profitable. Ask Dick Cheney (Halliburton).
In 2o years now, Hillary Rodham Clinton never saw a war that didn’t meet with her approval.

These people are sociopaths on a grand scale. Hillary is a bit player compared to Soros and Rothschild. The rest of us goyim are cattle, to be herded wherever: culled, if necessary.

Ever allowing this kind of moneyed “superclass” to develop was a bad idea, although I confess I am at a loss as to what could have prevented it in this sinful, materialist world. If one of the purposes of modern political thought was to find ways to contain the lust for power, it failed miserably. Among its errors was not realizing that money in sufficient accumulation is power. Classical liberals left this door open. Neoliberals walked right through it.

The immediate question is what the ruling elite will do, should anti-globalist Donald Trump gain the nomination and get on track to become President of the United States, leader of what is still the largest economy in the world with the strongest military, filled with millions of people who still believe in Christianity, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

Will we get the chance to find out?

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The orlando shootings: a vindication of “Trumpism”?

If we can believe the official government / corporate media story — sadly, always a big ‘if’ these days — at around 2 am, June 12, Omar Seddique Mateen entered Pulse, a “LGBT”-oriented nightclub in Orlando, Fla., armed with an AR-15 assault weapon, and opened fire on a crowd of around 300 clubgoers. He killed 49 and injured 53 more, took hostages of those unable to escape, until at around 5 am a SWAT team stormed the club and took him down. Mateen, 29, a radicalized Muslim (Islamist, or jihadist), had sworn fealty to ISIS.

There are plenty of unanswered question here. How did Mateen get into the club with that kind of a weapon, which would have been visible to anyone at the front desk? How was he able to get off over 100 shots, stopping to reload, with no one rushing him or throwing anything to stop him or at least distract him so others could rush him? Was there more than one shooter, as some allege? If so, those other shooters are still at large! Was this attack part of something larger, with the other shoe yet to drop?

Mateen was not unknown to authorities. The FBI had him under surveillance during a ten month period back in 2013. He was interviewed by at least two informants. There are indications the FBI may have been trying to set him up. He had been working for a large international security firm, his branch based in nearby Jupiter, Fla. Somehow he was able to keep a security clearance and gun permits despite having been heard by coworkers to express sympathies with radical jihadism.

Did the FBI stand down and allow this to happen? The organization has set up Muslims before in order only to take them down and proclaim having thwarted a “terrorist.” Did this one get away? Was it allowed to get away?

Emergency medical personnel were required to sign nondisclosure agreements; anyone not doing so was escorted out by federal agents. This was not standard HIPAA fare. Clearly there is more to this than just a terror attack in a gay nightclub. Were people actually killed? Some have posted videos showing a lack of medical personnel such as paramedics at the scene. Instead, friends are helping friends limp away.

A guy I’ve known since high school, whom I am confident I can trust, lives in the Orlando area now. He told me his son works at Disneyworld and lost two coworkers. Others have told me they have acquaintances or neighbors who were killed or injured. So I am working under the assumption that this is not a hoax. A jihadist forcing his way into a “GLBT” nightclub with murderous intent is a credible scenario, after all.

Islamists hate homosexuals with a passion. In areas they now control, homosexual conduct is punished by death. And it is frequently an extremely brutal death at that! Islamist executioners have been known to hurl convicted homosexuals from the roofs of tall buildings onto concrete surfaces, and sometimes onto stone steps. Anyone resisting is tied to a chair which is then pushed over the side. If someone somehow survives the fall, he may be left to lie in agony for several minutes before being shot in the head. For a brief while there was a video of several such executions on YouTube. Needless to say, it was soon taken down. This was no surprise. YouTube generally removes videos depicting graphic violence and brutality.

This is the sort of thing the open-borders crowd risks bringing into the cities and suburbs of America. It suggests three things that should be self-evident to a rational person. (1) An open clash exists between all-cultures-are-equal multiculturalism and all-lifestyles-are-equal homosexualism. (2) Islamists will no more assimilate into a culture embracing open homosexuality than water will flow uphill. (3) Therefore, bringing unvetted Muslims into the U.S. and trying to settle them in American cities and suburbs out of misguided altruism is asking for trouble!

But, but, but … — I can hear lefties out there spluttering — Omar Mateen was not an immigrant! He was a U.S. citizen, born in New York City, of Afghan parents who were successfully assimilated immigrants!

Yes, yes, yes, he was a U.S. citizen. An anchor baby. And this did not preclude his embrace of Islamism, ISIS-style, did it?

What does this suggest about Muslims brought to the U.S. from war-torn Syria — war-torn because the U.S. government has been a key player in destabilizing their homeland? ISIS grew, after all, from the effort to bring down the Assad government. Suppose some of these people have become radicalized after have lost family members to bombings or other assaults traceable to U.S. actions? Will they be motivated to embrace U.S. culture? That the U.S. has tried to mainstream homosexuality is bad enough, but is hardly their only beef with the West.

Use your heads, folks! They’re not hat racks!

Regrettably, Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, left-leaning academics, so-called journalists, a lot of libertarian intellectuals, and a significant fraction of the brainwashed public, just don’t get it. Witness Obama’s scolding response to Donald Trump taking to social media essentially declaring the Orlando incident a vindication of his call for a ban on Muslim immigration: “That’s not the America we want.”

So what kind of America do “we” want, Barack? One that allows unvetted people onto U.S. soil who will murder U.S. citizens? One that proposes disarming its citizens as a solution to events like the Orlando shootings, so they are at the mercy of these crazies?

“We are to blame,” intones President Community Organizer.

Huh? Small wonder some people believe this guy is himself a closet Islamist!

Witness, too, the many (too numerous to link to) who declared Trump’s response to the Orlando shootings as “racist, Islamophobic”, etc., etc., you know the mantras. Or the fact that his numbers have dropped significantly since his calling out the potential bias of a Mexican-descended judge and the Orlando shootings. The powers-that-be in his own party continue conspiring to dump him at the GOP convention next month, despite what is again obvious to any thinking person: this would hand Hillary the presidency, which corporate-globalist power elites have wanted all along, of course; and which even supposed conservative groups are anticipating. This would confirm what he and Bernie Sanders have both insisted from the get-go: that the process is rigged.

Before I go on, it might be useful to say that despite the goofballs who go on TV and pontificate about the “gun culture,” or about a generalized “homophobia” for which they blame Christians, I wish to state unequivocally that as a Christian I do NOT support mistreating homosexuals or other sexual minorities. Christians reject such lifestyles on Biblical grounds, but I know of no Christians, anywhere, aside perhaps from a few Westboro Baptist Church type nutjobs who do not qualify as Christian in my book, who want them shot down like animals.

But this is what Islamists want!

These people cannot be bargained with, nor reasoned with; nor will they be deterred by PC allegations of “homophobia.”

Perhaps one day the “LGBT” community will figure it out: as I’ve noted before, those with real power do not care about them. Those with real power have been using them as a cultural distraction and source of division all along. Divide and conquer is the oldest strategy in the book.

Mateen, incidentally, was a registered Democrat. He had nothing to do with any Christian conservative or “Dominionist” (whatever that is) movement. His problem with homosexuality was a product of his jihadism, and nothing else. Jihadists are a direct threat to the “LGBT” community. Period.

In that case, let’s ask again: Do the Orlando shootings vindicate Trumpism, as I spelled it out a few days ago?

If you believe the U.S. is worth conserving, and that one way to do so is to keep potentially dangerous individuals out, then the question answers itself.

Yes, among the implications of the Trumpism I discussed the other day is that because of the kind of immigration policies that have been dominant for the past 50 years, there are dangerous individuals already inside U.S. borders. In many respects, that horse left the barn some time ago.

But one may hope that a Trump administration, should it be allowed to happen, would compel the FBI to stop playing games with people’s lives and start reducing the risks of more massacres occurring. The very mosque Mateen had attended was once under FBI investigation. The investigation was ended … by none other than Hillary Clinton when she was Obama’s Secretary of State! It “unfairly singled out Muslims”!

You can’t make this stuff up!

Trump, among other things, proposes restoring surveillance of mosques, and ignoring the PC wails about profiling — at least until Muslims who are U.S. citizens unequivocally, as a community, repudiate ISIS / jihadism, and do more to police their own.

American Trumpism proposes a trade policy, a foreign policy, and an immigration policy that place U.S. sovereignty and prosperity, American lives, and American safety first. Everyone who wishes to survive in a dangerous world does this. It also calls for the clear identification of those on U.S. soil who have the potential to do harm.

Allow me to thwart likely misunderstandings, especially among those inclined to misunderstand. Trumpism does not propose isolationism. It proposes that relations with others be conducted in ways that benefit Americans, with the assumption that other peoples are doing the same. At one time, it was understood that this is how freedom works: that it does not involve becoming the rest of the world’s doormat. Trumpism does not deny international trade, nor does it advocate closed and sealed borders. It involves insisting that the rule of law be reinstituted and obeyed. Even Trump’s suggested ban on Muslim immigration is temporary: conditional on determining “what is going on.” Trumpism suggests that for those who choose to isolate themselves from the dominant culture, which many Muslims have, trust must be earned and not given away free.

If, as some pundits insist, this cannot be done within the bounds of Constitutional limitations on government (as if Trump’s left wing critics really care about those!), then it is already too late, and you can kiss your country goodbye!

Americans are running out of time to sort all this out. Establishing border security is necessary now if you are to have any chance at avoiding more attacks of this sort — which will not be limited to homosexuals but will soon target Christians and even Americanized Muslims who are deemed “not radical enough” by ISIS-supporting lunatics.

Trumpism is not a perfect option, any more than Trump is a perfect candidate. But given the utter collapse of the GOP Establishment, successfully unmasked by Trump as a collection of empty suits, you have little choice except to play the hand you’ve been dealt; for the reasons you do not want Hillary Rodham Clinton to enter the White House in 2017 are what they are.

For starters, whoever becomes President in 2017 will nominate at least two and possibly as many as four Supreme Court Justices. Hillary Rodham Clinton will pack the Court with anti-Bill of Rights hard-leftists. Among their actions will be to reverse District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) which found the gun ban in Washington, D.C. to be unconstitutional. This will open legal doors to gun confiscation, assuming the gun-grabbers have the nerve to try placing presently well-armed communities at the mercy of lunatics ready and willing to kill them — not excluding agents of their own government.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes president, by the 2020s the U.S. will be an unrecognizable war zone!

Is your Plan B in place?

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

What is American Trumpism?

Do the Orlando shootings vindicate Trumpism?

What does this question mean? While all we need is another ism in our political-economic lexicon, some have tried to define Trumpism: for instance, these guys who appear to have gotten cold feet. Maybe their computers were hacked, too; or maybe the sudden deletion of their entire site except for a rather mysterious farewell statement is explained here.

Trumpism is paradoxical. It implies an ideology, and Donald Trump is no ideologist; he’s an empiricist, not a systematic thinker. He goes off what he sees, not abstractions. What the term Trumpism implies is the possibility of ideas separable from the man himself, and which might survive if his candidacy is sabotaged or if he loses in November. That makes it important. My reference to American Trumpism suggests that there might be other forms of Trumpism, populist equivalents, elsewhere around the world. This is confirmed by the Le Pens in France, Geert Wilder in the Netherlands, Joerg Haider and Norbert Hofer in Austria, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Jaroslaw Kaczynsk in Poland, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, and — indirectly — the “Brexit” movement in Great Britain.

My focus will be on the U.S., but we’re looking, somewhat ironically, at a global rebellion against the coercive globalism being led mostly by corporations and a few “global-citizen” types whose view of the people left unemployed by their policies is an indifferent shrug: “let them find gigs” (which recalls an earlier one: let them eat cake).

One of the pseudonymous folks at the above site identified three components (sadly, no longer linkable):

(1) Immigration policy that puts the interests of America and Americans first.
(2) Foreign policy that puts the interests of America and Americans first.
(3) Trade policy that puts the interests of America and Americans first.

The author who called himself Decius added, “Trump seems to grasp intuitively something our elites have forgotten or smugly deny: Politics is by nature particular.” He might have added: left to itself, most actual free trade is local and also particular.

Before we expand on these remarks, a warning. What follows should be presumed dangerous! I am almost surprised if this essay is posted. It is clear: there are people who want this kind of discussion stopped. They will go beyond mere namecalling (“Trump’s a racist, a xenophobe, a fascist, an Islamophobe”). I am grateful (1) I am semi-retired, with no employer trolls can email, to derail my career; and (2) for the extra layer of security on all my devices. Trump may be the biggest black swan globalists have yet encountered, in the U.S. at least. As I wrote last time, I think they and their many “useful idiots” scattered across the media and elsewhere are in abject terror. Their scare tactics are everywhere! For even if they thwart Trump himself, whether at the GOP convention or in November, the movement he’s galvanized — and the issues his candidacy has brought to the surface of American consciousness — are not going away!

I suggest Trumpism has four elements we can pin down.

(1) A brand of conservatism that wants, first and foremost, to conserve the American nation — while CINOs (conservatives in name only) who dominated the GOP until Trump came along aren’t interested in conserving anything; their interests are money and power.

(2) Calls for ending open borders policies that have cost American jobs and, it should now be clear in the wake of the Orlando shootings as well as others such as those in St. Bernardino, Calif., place Americans’ lives at risk. (The Orlando shootings raise additional issues I will defer to a separate article next week.) If one doubts the wisdom of border security, look at the costs of open borders in Europe where cities and towns have been overrun by unassimilable Muslims, courtesy of the pro-war foreign policy of U.S. neocons whose wars of choice have laid waste to their homelands, and the open borders policy of the disastrous (and hopefully doomed) European Union. Immigrants from Mexico are no longer assimilating into the U.S. No borders = in the long run, no nation!

(3) A pro-American foreign policy which eschews “nation building” that does not work and wars of choice that make Americans enemies. Fighting a war means intending to win it — which means not getting involved in unwinnable regional squabbles. Trumpism also promotes arrangements in which the U.S. aids other nations but insists that they carry their weight by paying us back; no more free lunches.

(4) Economic nationalism: which means trade deals and employment policies that favor Americans, not foreigners, and which favor all Americans who work for a living, not just a privileged elite whose “work” involves moving money around all day. Free trade in this view is a misnomer for controlled trade by elite-dominated corporations in partnership with governments (corporatism or “soft fascism”). The latter understand freedom as the freedom to do whatever increases their profit margins no matter who gets stepped on. Sometimes it’s the American working class, as when factories close and go to Mexico for cheaper labor. Other times it is indigenous peoples elsewhere, as John Perkins shows in his Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004; new 2nd Ed. 2016).

Behind Trumpism, as Ben Boychun explains (he’s one of those rare writers who, while opposing Trump himself, appears intent on getting the ideas right) following our friend Decius, is this kind of sentiment: “ … in the real world most of us recognize the difference between a fellow citizen and a foreigner, or a friend and an enemy. Some people belong; some people don’t. A country that can’t tell the difference won’t last long.”

In other words, Trumpism does involve an us-versus-them perspective: a view of the world Enlightenment ideals of Universal Reason (UR) and Universal Human Rights (UHR) sought but ultimately failed to transcend. I find this saddening, but I didn’t make the rules.

Like it or not, UR and UHR were creations of White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP)-males, especially pivotal philosophers such as Kant who was among the first to dream of a global village, a “kingdom of ends.” Kant’s intellectual descendants wrongly assumed that peoples everywhere would welcome with open arms the Western world of positive science, market capitalism’s economic and technological encirclements (material embodiments of UR), and so-called liberal democracy (that of UHR).

The results have been mixed. A few cultures have embraced some of these ideals and done reasonably well. Singapore comes to mind, although Singapore is no democracy! Others came into contact with Western systems and suffered near-irreparable harm, e.g., the Ladakhi about whom Helena Norberg-Hodge writes in her illuminating Ancient Futures: Lessons of Ladakh for a Globalizing World (1991, 2009).

But let’s focus on the home front. How consistent has been its commitment to UR and UHR? Answer: not very. They’ve proven expendable when inconvenient!

The purveyors of political correctness (PC) abandoned them. They implied affording everyone the same rights and holding everyone to the same standards under the rule of law (“colorblindness,” as opposed to, e.g., “racenorming” in law school admissions). They conflicted with men’s and women’s roles being interchangeable in military service.

They did not bring PC-friendly outcomes for minorities and feminists, in other words.

Hence the PC crowd restored a tribalism which tried to keep WASP-males out of its loop. When a radical academic (e.g.) argues that every ethnic group has its own consciousness, based on its members’ own collective experience that can only be understood from the inside, they are expressing this new tribalism. Or when Justice Sonia Sotomayor was described as a “wise Latina,” it was implied that her group identity was essential to her capacity to help decide Supreme Court cases “fairly” for her people.

Trump is hated for bringing WASP-males into this loop. He’s just being consistent. Consciously or not, he employed the same tribalism to benefit a white guy, himself, by questioning the objectivity of a Mexican-descended judge (a member of a La Raza-affiliated law organization) to decide the Trump University case “fairly.”

The other tribes have cried foul at the top of their lungs, as if WASP-males could be expected not to embrace the new tribalism eventually. Part of official PC dogma, as everybody knows, is that all WASPs are privileged. This is nonsense, of course, but it hasn’t stopped white privilege from a leading mantra today. Another PC / multiculturalist dogma is that objectivity does not really exist but is a “WASP-male social construct.” Never mind the logic of wondering if, in this case, PC / multiculturalist judgments can be objective, because logic too is a “white male social construct.”

So does anyone still believe UR / UHR?

Libertarians as rationalist-individualists tend to believe them, following their ancestors, the classical liberals. Those who accept the mindset of Science (capital S) do. Think of guys like Richard Dawkins (emphasizing UR more than UHR). Or possibly Pope Francis (emphasizing UHR more than UR). You will find progressives and so-called conservative Republicans paying them lip service. I used to argue from such premises.

The problem: nations that try to practice them while simultaneously embracing globalism, open borders and multi-ethnicity, end up divided and shattered, as groups with incommensurable cultural values battle over the spoils. “Diversity,” contrary to the celebrated adage, is not “our strength.” It’s an academic fantasy. In the real world of flesh and blood masses who are not intellectuals or economic abstractions (homo economicus as a sort of walking utility-maximizer), diversity is threatening, divisive, and destructive — especially if one or more of the parties did not agree to the arrangement, its members stripped of control over their lives and culture.

Why? Expanding on Boychuk’s remarks, peoples automatically distinguish between their own who are familiar and trusted, and those outside who are unknown quantities and not trusted — not without a lengthy period of vigilant observation. The outsider, who looks different, has different customs, believes a different worldview and speaks a different language, has to prove himself. This is not “racism” but common sense! Contact by outsiders could be a friendly overture or prelude to an invasion!

Nothing here precludes trade relations developing between different peoples, but will place natural limits on them and ensure that most trade will be local or at most, regional, among known quantities … unless it is socially engineered to be otherwise, as corporate globalists have spent the past hundred years doing. Then you have accusations of imperialism, revolutions, wars, terrorism, false flag events, and the kinds of tensions (between rich, middle class and poor; between the sexes; between different regions and ethnicities) we have everywhere peoples are forced under vast, impersonal, technocratic structures of governance and economic domination against their will.

This also explains why ambitious trade negotiations like Doha stall and collapse. The bottom line: those involved do not trust one another. Where trust exists, documents thousands of pages long do not seem necessary. Says Francis Fukuyama in his magnificent treatise Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity (1995): “people who do not trust one another will end up cooperating only under a system of formal rules and regulations, which have to be negotiated, agreed to, litigated, and enforced, sometimes by coercive means…. Widespread distrust in a society, in other words, imposes a kind of tax on all forms of economic activity, a tax that high-trust societies do not have to pay” (pp. 27-28). Fukuyama was talking about nation-states, but his remarks surely apply to our globalized world. Corporate globalists learned from Doha that from the standpoint of their goals, transparency is a bad idea. Hence the secrecy of their more recent projects, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Claims of conspiracy be damned!

Trumpism is a late American empire response to the division and distrust globalism and the PC / multiculturalist axis have sowed. While the latter see global economic growth, minorities rising to power, and angry white males fearful of losing their privileges, Trumpists see a hollowed out economy, a ruined educational system, and a shattered culture.

Trumpism also rejects as nonsense that “we are a nation of immigrants.” “We” are a nation of Anglo-Saxon settlers and their descendants who allowed immigration primarily for other Europeans willing to assimilate into a dominant culture: English-speaking, Christian in an organic sense built into community life and mores, based on the rule of law derived from English common law, embodied in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

This culture went on to build what indeed became the greatest civilization history had yet seen! Which then began to self-destruct!

Immigration-requiring-assimilation held sway until 1966, when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Kennedy-sponsored Immigration Act which made it more difficult for Europeans from similar cultures to immigrate to the U.S. and easier for peoples from the second and third worlds. The latter snowballed, and not simply under left-liberals’ watch. President Ronald Reagan signed a similar immigration bill in 1986. The corporate world had grown more hostile to workers (recall Reagan’s breaking the air traffic controllers’ union a few years before). It was also becoming more materialist, as was the rest of the culture. The outsourcing of jobs to cheap-labor countries was picking up.

It is no accident that real, inflation-adjusted wages have been stagnant or falling since the Reagan-Bush years, that permanent jobs paying livable wages have gone overseas replaced by part-time “gigs,” and that what was the largest financially independent middle class in history is shrinking.

Is there any wonder that Trumpists look to the past in order to build the future: a future that repudiates globalism, accepts a tribalism acknowledging WASP identity (rejecting PC because it rejects them), and proposes to Make America Great Again by putting Americans first in all things?

A few final, somewhat random notes are in order:

For what it’s worth, slavery was the West’s biggest blunder. Our ancestors should have eschewed it altogether. Only a fraction of blacks have successfully assimilated, and now that the rest have either succumbed to welfare-statism or fallen under the sway of the PC / SJW mindset, they are moving en masse in the wrong direction. Neither Trumpism nor leftism nor UHR nor anything else is likely to prevent this from ending badly!

Libertarians do not provide a real alternative. The Libertarian Party just nominated two cultural leftists (Gary Johnson and William Weld) who favor open borders and “free trade.” Given the supposed unpopularity of both Trump and Hillary Clinton, this should be a banner year for the LP. But again it hasn’t caught on outside its own echo chambers. The reason, I think, is the sense that libertarianism is too academic and out of touch with the thinking of common people.*

Millennials’ support for Bernie Sanders, alongside recent polls suggesting that many are giving up on capitalism in favor of socialism — with neither term defined — indicate both their frustration with the hollowed out economy that may well have destroyed their parents’ livelihoods, as well as the need to rebuild education from scratch — and without its presently ludicrous price tag!

Declaring, as many pseudo-pundits doubtless will, that Trumpism is just intellectual fascism with a new face, misses the point entirely. Trumpism affirms white identity — indeed, (alpha) white male identity — alongside the other tribalisms. Did those of us who find it tempting want this result? No, but as far as I am concerned, it just makes sense as a response to the collapse of UR and UHR, as well as the hostility towards everything that build this civilization, including white men. None of this was our doing.

Trumpism rejects the dominant “neos” (neoconservatism, neoliberalism) as having run their course. The former has given us a destructive war machine. The latter, massive inequality, and among those who feel well off, a pseudo-prosperity based on debt. Places like Chile may seem like exceptions. I submit, having lived here four years now, that what prosperity Chileans have, has had its price. Chile, too, is controlled by a tiny elite. Although it’s a separate article, the fact that neoliberalism promised prosperity but has delivered rigid class stratification and ridiculously overpriced higher education that has become an increasing source of unrest here, particularly among the young. It is equally true that Michelle Bachelet’s center-left corporatism-lite with its undeliverable promise of “free education” has worsened, not alleviated, the situation.

The two “neos” are flipsides of discredited worldview, rooted in the materialist view of the universe and of human nature, economics über alles, and the possibility of unlimited growth and expansionism no matter who gets hurt. This worldview should be repudiated before it does more damage. And no, UR and UHR do not fit into it, either, which is why they are losing ground on all fronts. Trumpists may reject them; the global elite has no interest in them either, but for a completely different reason: in helping accrue wealth and power, they are useless.

Donald Trump would not think these thoughts, of course. But we can, and we must.

*I used to think of myself as a libertarian (lower-case l). I voted Libertarian several times (e.g., in 1988 when Ron Paul ran on the LP ticket). When asked, I sometimes tell people that I did not leave libertarianism, it left me. I defended Constitutionally limited government, which Dr. Paul supported. Today, however, you’ll find libertarian writers who reject the Constitution as a mistake. Those who haven’t become anarcho-crazies who imply governing institutions can somehow be abolished on a large scale have embraced cultural leftism (some were there all along): pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, etc.: often anti-Christian as many are also locked into materialism with all four claws.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Anti-Trump stormtroopers: campaign of destruction, dishonesty and fear

It finally happened: following the posting of my Open Letter to the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) of Oberlin College, my computer was hacked and malware planted on it. The culprit(s) couldn’t have known that I recently contracted with a firm to keep a watchful eye on my equipment. No one can ensure 100% security, however, and the result was several hours disinfecting my computer and installing an extra layer of protection. We have a record of the hack. When the time is right we will be acting accordingly.

I don’t believe in coincidences. If you write a piece like that and it gets circulated, you make enemies. These days, you risk the high-tech equivalent of a brick lobbed through your front window. Behind such acts is a need to intimidate or destroy what is perceived as a threat, whether it’s to the offense-free “safe space” SJWs want or the prospects of a President Donald Trump.

My aim had been to throw cold water on the sort of politics dear to a generation that grew up with Internet access, mobile devices, social media, and hackers (not all of whom are psychos, by the way). This generation has probably forgotten more about technology than geezers like myself who went through college barely knowing what computers were have learned. What few in this generation can do is, though, argue credibly for their convictions, whichever government school inculcated them, that America is deeply racist, sexist, “homophobic,” and now “transphobic” (the latest PC neologism).

And speaking of Trump, do we not see the same destruction being visited upon his events and supporters, coupled with mainstream media dishonesty by omission?

A guy filming a group of so-called progressives protesting a Trump appearance is attacked and is lucky to escape with his scalp intact.

A large group of protesters in Chicago back in March compels Trump to cancel an event out of fears for attendees’ safety.

Groups of blacks and so-called progressives block roads leading to a Trump event just outside Phoenix, Arizona.

Pro-Trump writing appears on sidewalks on Emory University campus. SJWs go berserk. “Come speak to us!” an anguished student group demanded of the Emory administration. “We are in pain!” One student even broke down in tears during a meeting. The poor thing. (One reader took me to task for using sarcasm in my Open Letter. But do these kids have any idea how they look and sound to rational beings?)

More violence erupted in San José, California. Images of one woman in particular, spat on and pelted with eggs and tomatoes by Mexicans, have gone viral. This reinforces the convictions in many Trump’s supporters’ minds that these people are not just lawbreakers but criminally violent, just as Trump insists, and need to be sent home on the next train.

Have you noticed that these people, likely supporters of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, show up at Trump events with the intention of being disruptive? Trump supporters do not show up at Bernie Sanders rallies or Hillary Clinton ones. Mainstream media has yet to report this. Small wonder Trump calls reporters sleazy and dishonest to their faces.

I presume the vast majority of corporate media footsoldiers have their marching orders, which they follow to keep from losing their jobs.

They refuse to give him credit for things he does, such as raise millions for Veterans. When he does not produce an exact count of what was raised, with every i dotted and every t crossed on how the money was distributed, mainstream media accuses him of nefarious deeds, neglecting to tell us that Trump is the only candidate to have raised any money for Veterans. (What the Clintons have donated to Veterans groups is insulting by comparison; although plenty of money goes to the Clinton Foundation!)

Last in this litany: George Soros, hard-left globalist billionaire, MoveOn.org and Occupy Wall Street sugar daddy, is discovered to have bankrolled at least one group of anti-Trump Stormtroopers. Again, total silence from mainstream media.

Behind the disruptive tactics and professionalized dishonesty: frankly, I smell fear. No, it’s more than that. One looks at these events, in light of half-assed stunts such as GOP neocons trying to nominate the comparatively unknown David French to run as an independent, and one recognizes stark, abject terror!

The neocons have lost control of the GOP for reasons in addition to their neglect of the party’s base. When Trump called present-day (neocon-crafted) foreign policy “a complete and total disaster,” he was spot on. Should he become president, this will mean an end to the quixotic “nation building” the Bushies started, which has cost American taxpayers trillions of dollars, killed or maimed thousands of our troops, left tens of thousands of Iraqis homeless. Obama and Hillary continued this madness, destabilizing much of the Middle East, causing the massive refugee crisis inundating Europe, and making Americans still more enemies. Neoconservatism, for those who showed up late to this party, has nothing to do with traditional conservatism which has been dead in the Republican Party for decades. It is either uninformed or dishonest to call present-day GOP elites or corporate donors “conservatives.” In the interests of balance, neither does neoliberalism, which I’ll get to in a minute, have anything to do with the classical liberalism of Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill which is just as dead in the water.

We see abject terror among the Western power elites generally, those with real privilege gained from having financialized the U.S. economy (production having been offshored) or moving money around all day (the way Soros got rich): abject terror that Trump may actually win this election, set out to keep his promises, and end the party. Whether he’ll be able to build a wall on the Mexican border, I have no clue. I’m not even sure it’s a good idea when there are better strategies for dealing with illegal aliens (penalizing employers caught hiring them, for example), but Trump would be the first president in decades to take securing the border seriously.

Trump might also stand firm on his previously-stated moratorium against unvetted Muslims being resettled in medium-sized U.S. cities and towns, in light of events such as that of San Bernardino, California. Yes, yes, I know: there are over a billion Muslims on the planet, and the majority are peaceful. True, and completely irrelevant! A minority of Muslims, especially those from the Middle East, are not peaceful! We cannot read their minds. Therefore we have no advance means of knowing who has evil intent until a bomb explodes in a workplace or a nightclub or a supermarket somewhere in an American city instead of Paris!

Folks, this is not rocket science!

Even more frightening for the elites and those who identify with them (I have both received email and corresponded with others about this, sometimes in agreement and sometimes in fierce disagreement): Trump may follow through with his plan for the global economy, working to implement responsible trade instead of “free trade” (corporate-controlled trade). He charges China with protecting its industries and manipulating its currency to boost exports. There is every reason to take such allegations seriously and to hold the Chinese accountable. Incidentally, last time I checked, China was still a Communist country, its corporations state-controlled. How Americans can have “free trade” with a Communist country, one of the most centralized and repressive regimes in the world, is one of those mysteries of neoliberal-globalist economics.

So suppose Trump is elected, makes deals, and however it happens, his policies begin a renaissance of U.S. manufacturing! That would discredit roughly 70 years of neoliberal economics. Just about everything since the first Mont Pelerin Society meeting and the formation of what economic historian Philip Mirowski calls the Neoliberal Thought Collective (NTC) will have to be thrown out. Small wonder neither the academic nor the Beltway economists like Donald Trump!

According to neoliberalism, the “free market” is akin to God. Neoliberals do not really oppose central planning, though. They never believed in pure laissez faire, and haven’t minded furthering plans that empower global corporations. This is because the latter (Walmart, Halliburton, Monsanto, Merck, etc.) represent the “free market at work.” Yes, neoliberals appear to believe such things. Privatization is good; it shifts control from “the state” to corporations, even if the latter proceed to plunder entire nations driven into “austerity.” Neoliberals believe free migration is good for an economy; cheap labor means higher profits. Outsourcing jobs to third world countries for more cheap labor is good for the same reason, regardless of how many domestic workers are dumped into the streets. Professor Mirowski observes that neoliberalism has a conception of the human person: we are malleable, like lumps of clay, no less than what any leftist or behaviorist has said; the best of us respond to “market incentives” and continuously retool to “monetize” ourselves. If the “free market” is God, then money is salvation!

Perhaps I simply don’t understand “economic theory” (i.e., the NTC paradigm) but I am at a loss to understand how any of these has been “good for the U.S. economy” understood in terms of real, flesh-and-blood Americans on Main Street. I can see it has been good for Wall Street and Walmart. No one says it hasn’t created millions of jobs in China, which pay pennies on the dollar compared to their former U.S. equivalents. No one argues it hasn’t allowed floods of cheaply made Chinese products onto the shelves of Walmart and its affiliates: products that last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months before they fall apart. U.S. consumers buy them because this is all the former middle class can afford. A real craftsman dares not give up his day job (if he has one).

Perhaps I don’t understand the benefits of the jobs base disappearing, real wages for average Americans having flatlined, or public institutions from schools to hospitals being overwhelmed by people who can’t speak English.

Perhaps I do not understand the benefits of structural economic inequality (as opposed to natural inequality caused only by some working harder than others). As everyone knows, inequality within nations has skyrocketed, especially since the Meltdown of 2008. Not “one-percenters” but a 0.01% has been the primary beneficiary of neoliberal economic policies. Actually, the number could be more like 0.0001% or even 0.00001%; recent findings show that the world’s richest 62 billionaires now control more wealth than the entire bottom half of the world’s population.

This is not the “free market at work.” This can happen because billionaires are positioned to exercise their free choices to buy the world’s cooperative political classes and build global structures of domination. None dare call this protectionism!

Those who call Trump a fascist need to check their definitions. If we define it as Mussolini did — as the merging of corporate and governmental control for policy purposes — then do we not have “soft” fascism now??? Surely we have the anti-Trump Stormtroopers!

Missing from the status quo is, of course, the nationalist element Trump has brought back into the conversation. Neoliberal economics has no use for national borders or local laws (e.g., food labeling), because they interfere with the freedom of corporations to do as they please, whatever the consequences to the people who live within those borders.

We have to keep in mind the goal of the billionaire elites: establishing corporate-controlled world government. A single, global regime would replace the nationalist element present in old-style fascism. United Earth Über Alles! One “free market” under corporate boards! It is towards such a regime that globalist political economy has been taking the world: actually for over a century, but when the Soviet Union collapsed the pace accelerated, and since the Meltdown of 2008 it has accelerated faster!

The elites never let a good crisis go to waste!

They both are and should be worried about rising populist unrest all over the world, much of it prompted by inequality and a sense that absent the uprisings we are beginning to see, the majority of the peoples of the world would be denied a say in what happens to them and their communities. Credit the Internet: the fact that people the world over can investigate for themselves, find out who the elites are, and figure out at least a rough sketch of what they want. They see that their lives, livelihoods, and cultures are little more than expendable roadkill on the creative-destructive superhighway leading to United Earth Über Alles.

Upshot: with a President Trump, and with other populist and nationalist leaders around the world (e.g., Rodrigo Duterte, just elected president of the Philippines), we might approach the cusp of what the historian and philosopher of science Thomas S. Kuhn would call a paradigm change in political economy — away from neoliberal corporate-globalism, which has led to massive inequality, civil unrest, cultural devastation and the plundering of natural resources, and finally financial instability via massive indebtedness, the creation of asset bubbles, and fiat currency manipulation and debasement.

Even the International Monetary Fund is now hesitating over the neoliberal political economy it has done much to help create.

Were the SJWs taking note of all these things, instead of whining about “white privilege” and demanding “safe spaces” free of “micro-aggressions,” I would be impressed. But very few if any seem aware that there are more important things than their feelings of safety.

Be this as it may, where do we go from here?

That’s a much bigger issue, requiring attention to what has worked in the past. It requires, that is, attention to university subjects SJWs have partly destroyed, like history, moral and political philosophy; and a subject the globalists have mostly destroyed, what E.F. Schumacher once called “economics as if people mattered.”

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Open letter to students of Oberlin college


To: The politically active “Social Justice Warriors” and their 1,300 supporters at Oberlin College who want an end to written tests and forbid grades less than C for this semester; and SJWs elsewhere.

From: Steven Yates, Ph.D., Writer; Independent Scholar, Philosophy; Small Business Owner.

Re: This, and this.

Dear Students of Oberlin College who want to end midterm tests and forbid grades of less than C for this semester:

First things first: I am not sure any of you will read this, as it depends on your finding your way to this site; and if by some chance you do, I doubt any of you will read it all the way through. Your loss, not mine. I am not your professor, although in other circumstances I could have been (see fifth to last paragraph). So I won’t be grading your inattention. But you might benefit in some small way by reading this, because you need a wake-up call — and that’s putting it mildly!

Yesterday I read of your frustrated petition to your College from struggling academically due to your political activity on and off campus, i.e., activity on behalf of “diversity, inclusion, equity,” etc., and your calls to abolish written tests and put an end to your professors’ giving you grades of less than C.

You poor darlings! My heart is bleeding for you, all over the floor!

Why did you decide to go to college? Why, in particular, did you opt to attend an elite and rather expensive private liberal arts school like Oberlin? Did you think you’d have a free ride? Did you think you could choose to spend your time engaging in political activity instead of studying, and your choice would have no consequences? Speaking more generally, did you honestly expect to never run across any words or ideas you might find “offensive” (i.e., disagree with, or which violate your sense of what is culturally appropriate in this politically correct age)?

What planet are you on, anyway? I’ll tell you: it’s called Earth. And on Earth, there are no free lunches. Not really. Not in the long run. On Earth, cupcakes, your choices have consequences. If you choose to drink yourself into oblivion on Friday night, you’re going to wake up with a massive hangover Saturday morning. Just to cite an example some of you can probably relate to. It’s called cause and effect, and it applies to everything you do. If you choose to party instead of do the assigned reading for your remedial reading class, you’re going to be unprepared. If you skip the class out of avoidance, you’re going to be even more unprepared. Keep up with the avoidance, and you’ll fail the class. You should. That’s life, where choices have consequences.

Black students, listen up! No, I will not use the politically correct term African-American, and for the obvious reasons: with few exceptions not one of you is from Africa, has ever been to Africa, or has anything to do with Africa. I’d wager, many of you could not walk up to a map of the world and find Africa. So why should I call you African-Americans (other than that you demand that I do so and will scream at me and call me bad names if I refuse)?

I read the list of “nonnegotiable” demands you made to the administration last year. You will tell me I cannot “know” your experiences because I am a white male, and that this whole letter is a litany of “micro-aggressions.” You know something? I don’t care about your opinions. Here is what I know:

Your country and its educational system, which used to be my country and educational system as well, has bent over backwards for you — for 50 years! You’ve had preferential admissions programs, minority-only scholarships some of you are probably attending college on right now, affirmative action, etc., in various forms for five decades now. Today you demand “safe spaces” and you get “safe spaces” — never mind that you are reinstituting a form of segregation. You want trigger warnings; you get trigger warnings. You want your own Afrikan [sic.] Heritage House, you get that as well. You would doubtless get more black faculty were there more blacks applying for faculty jobs (there aren’t, and your administrators have probably drawn the line at pulling them off street corners).

All this was, and is, being instituted by white people in most cases. The civil rights movement back in the 1960s (have you studied it?) would not have succeeded without the cooperation of benevolent, well-intentioned white people. Yet today you demonize white people.

Instead, you might try showing a little gratitude!

You cannot help Tamir Rice, or his family. You know something? I agree with you about that. His shooting was malicious and needless. It shouldn’t have happened, not even in this post-9/11 world. But it isn’t your fight, and frankly, until you get some real education, you will only make matters worse.

Women students, listen up! Sweethearts, much the same applies to you. There was a time (again, have you studied it?) when feminism meant something other than male-bashing. You, too, have been given a great deal. Affirmative action in the workplace has helped you more than it has your black classmates. Look it up if you don’t believe me. Stop seeing “gender-bias” everywhere you see that men are in the majority. Being in the majority is not always peaches and cream. The vast majority of those killed in wars are men.

“Transgender” students? My most honest, heartfelt advice: get help!

Now I know you are living in confusing, stressful times — times that are what they are because of how badly the country’s elites (both major parties, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, etc.) have screwed up everything they’ve touched, and because over 90% of what you’ve ever been told is lies and BS. You want to “unlearn most of what you’ve been taught”? Maybe you should listen to Joy Karega instead of jumping on some bandwagon of weaponized words like “anti-Semite” and “conspiracy theorist.” You’d be wise to forget what you’re “supposed” to believe, i.e., what you get from “official” government narratives and corporate media celebrities, do some snooping around on your own, and figure out who, what groups, and which organizations actually bear primary responsibility for the present predicament.

Many of you support Bernie Sanders for president. Yes, I get it. Hillary Clinton is joined to Goldman Sachs at one hip and the foreign war machine at the other. And it’s a given, you don’t like Trump. But my cats understand more economics than Bernie Sanders.

Do you really think a $15/hr. minimum wage will help low-income workers? Think again, sugarplums. Many jobs aren’t worth that. Increasing the minimum wage to $15/hr. will force small businesses to lay off employees they can’t afford to keep. You will also accelerate the replacement of human beings with technology. McDonalds is already testing automated kiosks, and others will follow. Yeah, I suppose the guy at the top could take a cut in his profits. But what do you think he’s in business for? If you’re in business and you don’t turn a profit, you’re out of business and your workers are out of work.

It might be helpful to know: when you have a job, you’re not paid what you’re worth (whatever that is), you’re paid what the job is worth. Don’t like that? Start your own business, honeys. People used to do it every day.

It’s capitalism, you say, and down with capitalism!! Bernie’s a socialist, or says he is. Again, have you actually studied the subject? Could you produce a clear and accurate account of what socialism is, in a concise, well-organized paragraph of grammatically correct sentences? If not, you need to learn about socialism and its actual track record, so that when you have a conversation with adults you’ll have a clue what you’re talking about. Or, if you want first-hand insights how well socialism works, move to Venezuela!

Now if you were talking about, say, the Federal Reserve, or neocons in connection with what’s wrong with U.S. foreign policy, I’d be impressed. But I never see those things come up. What I see from here, in whatever form it takes, is the same old griping about too many mean ol’ white guys on your campus and in your textbooks. Imbalances, boys and girls? Feeling “marginalized”? You might help rectify perceived imbalances, or end your sense of marginalization, by getting an education and making an intelligent contribution to the world of ideas, or starting a business, whichever you choose. You want to be the Firebrand Generation? Quit whining and go do something useful for your fellow citizens. I’ve noticed that a lot of blacks in business, or programming computers, or what-have-you, don’t seem to have as many complaints about “micro-aggressions” or demands for “safe spaces.”

Have you noticed that?

I didn’t think so.

Who am I to be saying all this “desensitized” mean ol’ white male stuff? A guy who once interviewed for a faculty position at Oberlin, eons ago, back in slightly saner times (just as well I didn’t get the job!). I’m a guy who figured out that much of academia is now a racket, and fled the premises. It’s the same racket presently taking you to the cleaners, forcing you into five and maybe six figures of student loan debt, granting you worthless degrees in return. Yes, if your major is anything ending with the word studies, you’re degree will be worthless, whether from the standpoint of actual scholarship (admittedly verging on extinction) or just finding work after you graduate. Incidentally, do you think even a degree in a real subject will be worth anything to an employer who knows your professors were forbidden to give you anything less than a C? One of the things that needs to change is your institution treating you like customers and trying to satisfy your every whim on that basis. You are not customers. You are college students.

And you do want to be something other than social parasites, because frankly, your country is broke and can’t continue supporting you. Its official national debt is over $19 trillion, $8 trillion of that added since President Community Organizer stepped into the White House. The Federal Reserve you’ve barely looked at can’t keep creating money out of thin air indefinitely to keep the Obama-era disaster of an economy afloat much longer. So if you don’t wake up, you’ll find out the hard way that the real decision-makers, those with real power, don’t care about you. If you’re playing Social Justice Warrior games when the next major downturn hits, you may see your meal ticket disappear so fast your head will spin.

Nearly all of you will ignore this, I know. You’ll call me names, like racist, or cissexist (whatever that means). What I’d do if I was you, sweet peas, is reexamine why you went to college. Is there even a slight chance you might choose to set aside your uninformed political activism long enough to get an education, including learning how to take care of yourselves financially — before it’s too late? You may have heard it before, but: grow up! Stop lodging harassment complaints against professors who correct you in class. That’s part of their job. Don’t be so hypersensitive! And quit using silly, made-up words like “cissexist” and “Afro-Latinx” (I was going to call them neologisms, but they don’t rise to that level, and I am sure that word isn’t in your vocabularies anyway).

Lastly, stop expecting things to be done for you just because you demand it. I have news for you, ladies and gentlepersons. Your employer, assuming you find one, won’t care that you feel “micro-aggressed” against. He or she won’t give you a “safe space.” What he or she will tell you if you try making “nonnegotiable” demands is to not slam the door on your way out. That’s because he or she will just want a job done. And he or she will be in the right, because that’s how the real world works. As you will find out soon enough.

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them, but do keep the namecalling and obscenities to yourselves. I’m not as pliable as one of your administrators.

All the best,


© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Hillary Clinton presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for U.S. and the world

Now that Donald Trump has inched to within 200 delegates of an outright victory that avoids a brokered GOP convention, the knives are out. George Will’s latest hate blast openly calls for “conservatives” to keep Trump out of the White House, even to “help him lose 50 states …” This more sophisticated-appearing pro-elite analysis by Andrew Sullivan does its best not just to call him a fascist, the culmination of “hyper-democracy” run amuck, but to portray him as the political equivalent of an “extinction level event” in liberal democracy’s self-destruction.

Perhaps it’s worth another look at how we got here, a path presently embodied in Trump’s presumed opponent, Hillary Rodham Clinton. If you love the Establishment, you will have no trouble supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton … even if you are an Establishment “conservative” of the Mitt Romney / Jeb Bush sort. It is one thing to utter the cliché that people are angry at the Establishment. Old news. Do you wonder why? When we look at the Establishment, what do we see?

We see the folks who lost the culture war hands down. It indeed was, as Sullivan says, a rout, because the Establishment is interested primarily in economics and couldn’t be bothered to fight it. Now we have on our hands a possibly doomed struggle to keep sexually confused biological males (not to mention sexual predators) out of women’s public bathrooms!

We see the folks who have destroyed the country’s educational system from top to bottom via one fashion after another (Common Core being the latest), because they aren’t interested in real education but in global workforce training (economics über alles once again).

We see the folks who very likely have deceived us about the 9/11 attacks from the get-go, and continue to deceive us about such events as the supposed killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan five years ago.

We see the folks who got us into a war of almost mindnumbing stupidity in Iraq, which snowballed and has nearly destroyed the Middle East, precipitating a migration crisis that is presently destroying Europe and threatening to come to the U.S.

We see the folks whose recklessness with complex financial instruments nearly crashed the economy five and a half years later, without significant consequences. Indeed, Wall Street has profited splendedly as all that QE money ballooned the stock market.

We see the folks who continue to tell us the economy has recovered nicely when the majority of jobs readily available are part-time, service-sector affairs that pay starvation wages. Main Street continues to stagnate amidst “gigs.” Trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership which the Establishment supports will almost surely mean more money and power for corporations and more jobs leaving the U.S. for cheap labor countries (Vietnam, most likely). American workers will be expected to compete with Third World laborers paid the equivalent of pennies per hour.

Is it any wonder Donald Trump questions whether any of these people truly know what they are doing? Unless, of course, their goal really is to destroy U.S. sovereignty and culture, paving the way for corporate-controlled world government. Not that the Establishment “conservatives” recognize this. To the George Wills of the world, the idea of an elite-sponsored goal to end U.S. sovereignty, destroy the educational system and the culture, to institute a de facto world state, is, at best, preserving the “international system” and at worst, a “conspiracy theory.”

If you support this, or think the Establishment “conservatives” know what they are doing, go ahead and vote for Hillary in November in order to stop Trump. You should, however, have some idea of what you will be voting for.

Hillary has an elite education, of course, taking her undergraduate degree from the private, women-only Wellesley College (reputedly a lesbian haven). Her senior thesis was on radical community organizer Saul Alinsky. She got her law degree from prestigious Yale Law School, where she and Bill Clinton first met.

She attracted the wrong sort of attention in one of her first jobs out of law school. During the Watergate investigations, she conspired to deny Nixon appropriate legal counsel, leading a superior to describe her as “a liar … an unethical, dishonest lawyer.” She may not have been fired as some careless accounts alleged, but she clearly raised the hackles of those around her.

Hillary married Bill Clinton in 1975, impressed by his powers of persuasion (I’m not inside these people’s heads but I doubt it was love). Working through the University of Arkansas’s legal aid clinic, she took a rape case, that of Thomas Alfred Taylor, the victim a 12-year-old girl. She got the man off after he passed a polygraph, laughing that the case “forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” suggesting to my ears that she knew the guy was guilty and had disclosed this, a violation of attorney-client privilege. Evidence had been carelessly destroyed in a crime lab. The victim said later, “You took me through Hell … I realize the truth now, the heart of what you’ve done to me. And you’re supposed to be for women? You call that for women, what you did to me? And I hear you on tape laughing.”

She went to work for the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. Again her activities fell under clouds of suspicion. We may never know the full truth about Whitewater, of course; nor “Travelgate.” There are those who believe she had something to do with Vince Foster’s death: suicide as mainstream media alleged, or the murder of a guy who knew too much.

It is one thing to say nothing has been proved in any of these cases. It is quite another to claim no pattern is gradually emerging here.

Hillary’s role back in the 1990s as a kind of “co-president” was clear even then (remember the “Hillary-care” fiasco?). According to Roger Stone (author of The Clintons’ War Against Women), Bill never did anything without running it by her first. Her threats against Bill’s mistresses dating back to his Arkansas governor days appear to be the stuff of legend. A couple of these women have stated they are afraid of her, given her rise toward possible Executive Branch power (no, I am not linking to these accounts because with more people reading this site now I don’t want to expose people to potential danger).

Bill, moreover, was sometimes seen with marks on his face and neck. In rages, Hillary had struck him and thrown objects such as books and ashtrays at him. She got truly vicious following the exposure of his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Hillary is reported to have slapped him hard across the face [warning: language!] while screaming, “You stupid, stupid, stupid bastard!”

Bottom line: Hillary Rodham Clinton is a sociopath with a violent streak in her personality and a lust for power. Her treatment of her own secret service people and other staffers during the 1990s bordered on inhumane. [Warning: language!]

Predictably, Hillary never saw a war she didn’t like. She supported the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia under her husband, and George W. Bush’s wars of choice in Afghanistan and Iraq (propaganda to the contrary now circulating notwithstanding).

Easily the worst Secretary of State in modern times, she oversaw “regime change” in Libya, i.e., the replacement of the secular Qaddafi regime by Muslim radicals and the destruction of the country. “We came, we saw, he died,” she said with the kind of cynical chuckle only sociopaths can muster. The Benghazi disaster saw our Ambassador there, J. Christopher Stephens, lose his life probably after hours of torture, along with three other Americans.

Hillary supported the military coup against a democratically elected government in Honduras, now the most dangerous place in Central America. She supports the ongoing attempts at “regime change” in Syria which originally empowered ISIS fanatics.

At home, she recently declared whites to be racists almost by definition (except, I presume, for pseudo-progressives such as herself). Under a Hillary Clinton presidency, political correctness may well reach such extremes that whites risk assault in public in broad daylight by blacks seeking to take away their “white privilege.” White students are already unsafe on campuses such as the University of Missouri, which after last fall’s disruptions is looking at a 25% drop in enrollment next fall as students speak with their feet.

In other words, Hillary Clinton has brought distrust, death, and chaos to everything she’s touched. Her foreign policy blunders have led to more Muslim extremism and more danger to the West. What’s next? As president will she back continuing efforts by neocons to intimidate Russian president Vladimir Putin? Good luck with that! Will she threaten Iran? We know she backs the Zionist theocracy emanating from Tel Aviv with a zeal equal to that of any religious fundamentalist (read her recent speech before AIPAC).

This, of course, doesn’t cover her Wall Street / Goldman Sachs connections which bother progressive Democrats about her and led them to support Bernie Sanders who mounted a very credible campaign with only a fraction of her money. Hillary’s transparently obvious fealty to Wall Street should tell anyone with a functioning brain: this woman knows who is buttering her bread, and will act accordingly.

In sum: if anyone thinks Barack Hussein Obama has been bad for America: if Hillary Rodham Clinton follows him, then in the immortal words of Bachman and Turner, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet”!

And GOP Establishment shills like George Will are willing to hand this woman the presidency in order to stop Donald Trump??? Are you kidding me???

Trump is not a perfect candidate. He’s said things I disagree with. On the other hand, I do agree with him when he says our recent foreign policy has been “a complete and total disaster” (April 27 foreign policy speech). But as I’ve said previously, I don’t know how much he’ll be able to accomplish. He won’t be able to run the U.S. federal government the way he runs his businesses, simply firing, e.g., members of Congress who won’t fall in line. The Establishment won’t be going anywhere, after all. I fear that a Trump presidency will face massive gridlock. I also see a great potential for fomented civil unrest, as George Soros bankrolled “social justice warrior” haters like Black Lives Matter take to the streets before he even assumes office.

But I doubt Trump will start World War III. Hillary is far more likely to do that! His speech (which has raised its share of superelite hackles) portends a fundamental change of direction for U.S. foreign policy, one which would put an end to the stupid and destructive interventions neocons have undertaken since the end of the cold war. If there is any strategy there, it has been toward building corporate-controlled world government, which Trump also opposes whether by accident or by design.

And Trump wrote the book on deal-making (The Art of the Deal, 1986). If he can negotiate a deal with Vladimir Putin and work with him instead of against him as the Establishment is doing, he may be the last chance we have to assume real leadership in bringing the increasingly volatile situation in the Middle East under control before it ignites a world war. He might do it without importing potentially dangerous people into American communities against their will. For as I like to point out, it isn’t the Southern Baptists who are blowing things up and cutting off heads, some of them belonging to their own people.

Look! Go back with me four years, to 2012. Republicans had an opportunity to nominate and support the most intelligent, forthright and honest statesman then in Washington: Dr. Ron Paul. Dr. Paul’s singular theme: Restore Constitutionally Limited Government. The GOP blew it, big time, as did many writers including the same shills now attacking Trump who put Dr. Paul down as “unelectable.” The Tampa, Fla. coronation of Mitt Romney resulted in an unfocused mess and four more years of Barack Obama.

I was sure even then, there would be a price to pay for that act of stupidity. Now the GOP has to pay it.

Sadly, not even Dr. Paul sees this. Libertarians and libertarian-leaning conservatives are bitterly divided between those of us who have seen the light and stopped calling for ideological purity, and those who have joined the Establishment in calling Trump a fascist, warning about brown shirts to come (as if we don’t practically have them now).

Here’s your choice, folks. This is reality, not PlayStation. Nominate Donald J. Trump for President of the United States, get behind him, and do what it takes to get him into the White House. Or put Hillary Rodham Clinton in there. No one else has a chance. Hillary would step on Ted Cruz or any Establishment empty suit like an insect. And then hers would be, hands down, the most violent and corrupt presidency in U.S. history, and very likely the most dangerous!

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© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

How far will the elites go to stop Donald Trump?

The other morning when I accessed NewsWithViews.com my malware-blockers again blasted prominent warnings — for the fourth or fifth time. The problem appears solved. I never believed there was malware on the NewsWithViews.com site, of course, even before receiving a communique that the site had been hacked.

[Note: The editor says the NWV has not been hacked and there is NO Malware. Google is doing this to stop people from reading pro-Trump articles. A lawsuit against Google is in the works. If readers are using Google Chrome browsers here is what people can do to remedy the problem. Click on the 3 bars on the upper right side of your browser, Then click on SETTINGS, Go to bottom of the page and click on SHOW ADVANCED SETTINGS, Scroll down to PRIVACY then Un-Check PROTECT YOU AND YOUR DEVICE FROM DANGEROUS SITES]

It comes down to the support for Donald Trump found here. And to the fact that powerful people, the GOP elites — its so-called corporate donor class — and the globalists behind them, have never been this worried. Trump, whose political obituary media shills for the elites have been writing over and over again for eight months now, has proven to be the power elite’s ultimate black swan.

Nuisance harassment is the least of our worries, however. Trump’s candidacy is under attack by Soros-funded groups such as Black Lives Matter with protests that could turn violent when convention time comes, as well as from within his own party where one “clarification of the rules” after another makes it clear: a determined attempt will be made to deny Trump the GOP nomination, even if he has won the requisite 1,237 delegates.

I don’t make predictions. I only develop scenarios. A scenario works like this: if X happens, one set of events may ensue. If Y happens instead, a somewhat different set of events is likely.

While it’s not impossible, of course, I cannot come up with a credible scenario in which Trump is assassinated, e.g., by a “lone gunman.” That would be too obvious, especially given the low credibility now assigned certain previous “lone gunman” narratives of assassinations of former presidents, candidates, and others. Given the present tense state of affairs, moreover, something like that could provoke deadly retaliation against whoever got blamed for it — including GOP elites who could find themselves having to wear bulletproof vests in public. They’re not stupid. I’m sure they’ve figured this out.

Sticking with more likely scenarios, either Trump wins 1,237 delegates prior to the July convention, or he falls short. If he wins the delegates, an effort will ensue to deny him some of them, enough to pull him back under the line. As we know, the rules for delegate selection differ from state to state. Some states are winner-take-all; others are not. Some states allow open primaries; others do not. All these facts can be used against an undesirable nominee. Many of the rules are (one suspects purposefully) confusing. Efforts to exploit these facts are already underway. One result has already enabled Ted Cruz to take more delegates in Louisiana than Trump although Trump won more votes in the state. Another enabled Cruz to take Colorado’s delegates without evidence of anyone voting at all. One wonders what shenanigans will transpire in the remaining states, now that Trump won New York so commandingly as to leave no doubt where Republican voters stand.

If Trump does not win 1,237 delegates, we will see what is now being called a contested convention (the term used to be brokered convention). The chances of Cruz catching Trump on delegates is mathematically negligible at this point, so we can safely assume Trump will have the majority of delegates going into the convention even if he hasn’t reached 1,237. Presumably he will have attempted to cut deals with Marco Rubio and John Kasich to obtain their delegates.

Patrick J. Buchanan has argued reasonably that either Trump wins on the first vote, or he doesn’t get the nomination. The attempt to commandeer delegates on the second vote will succeed. The elites will also have made deals. In this case, the nomination will go to an elite-vetted insider (Cruz, remember, is disliked by the elites almost as much as Trump, although he’s proven a useful tool in the effort to deny Trump 1,237 delegates). The elite choice will be someone who supports the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other corporatist trade deals under negotiation behind closed doors. It will be someone who supports open borders. It will be someone motivated exclusively by support for corporatist economics, with no interest in social or cultural issues, or in education.

Should this happen, voters will infer reasonably that Trump was right about the contest being rigged and that those (including Bernie Sanders, whatever else he gets wrong) alleging that the U.S. is an plutocratic oligarchy, not a republic or a democracy, are also right. They will have seen the power-playing first-hand. Arguably, we saw this four years ago when the GOP elites changed the convention rules at the last minute to block Ron Paul’s influence.

Voters will abandon the GOP in droves, handing Hillary Clinton the presidency assuming she remains the presumptive Democratic Party nominee.

Trump can attempt a “third party” run, although so-called sore loser laws as well as complicated ballot-access procedures could be significant barriers. I did a little research on the former before writing this article and learned that such laws are not typically applied to presidential candidates. But with party elites operative at the state level as well as the national level, and practically making up rules as they go along to ensure that they stay in power, who can say that sore loser laws won’t be invoked to keep Trump’s name off state ballots?

Such an effort, in any event, would siphon votes from the elite-anointed Republican and again give Hillary the presidency. I doubt Trump could emerge victorious running as an independent, given the deep pockets that would be employed both within whatever is left of the GOP and from outside (think George Soros again) to destroy what remains of his candidacy.

Now suppose all the shenanigans fail, and Trump wins the GOP nomination. The scenario question then changes to: will GOP elites at both the national and state levels get behind him and work to defeat Hillary Clinton in November, or not? If they get behind him and mount the right kind of strategy, they could conceivably draw some of those who supported Bernie Sanders away from Hillary, increasing the likelihood that Donald Trump will become the next President of the United States.

If they refuse to get behind him, either deciding to run an elite-sponsored candidate on a “third party” ticket, or simply supporting Hillary instead, they will instead again ensure her victory.

This may be the starkest choice GOP elites have ever faced, the choice they’ve been trying to avoid at all costs. Support Trump, and work with him to build a national campaign able to defeat Hillary Clinton, or withhold support from the unambiguous choice of the party’s voting base and put Hillary in the White House. One of the things that got the GOP elites into their present mess was losing touch with voters and their values. Supporting Hillary instead of their own nominee will destroy their credibility for good.

For let’s not kid ourselves: Hillary Clinton in the White House would make Americans wish they had Obama back! One reason Bernie Sanders has been able to mount a credible campaign is because so-called progressive Democrats trust her about as much as the GOP base trusts its elites. The fact that she was invited to Goldman Sachs several times and paid over half a million per speech tells you all you need to know about her deep connections to the power elite. In positions of power herself, moreover, her track record of one negligence and recklessness. She singlehandedly oversaw the destruction of a sovereign nation — Libya — where one of our Ambassadors, J. Christopher Stephens, died following what may have been six hours of brutal torture, along with three other Americans (Benghazi). “We came, we saw, he died,” she chuckled cynically referring to Moammar Qaddafi. Qaddafi was a secular ruler, hardly a saint but no longer an enemy. Today, Libya is controlled by Muslim radicals of the sort who behead Christians and their own apostates. More recently, Hillary supported the overthrow of a democratically elected government in Honduras, now the most dangerous place in Central America. She continues to support the push for “regime change” in Syria and the casual saber-rattling against Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

She is the first presumptive nominee of a major party that I know of to be under investigation for having committed felonies. No one thinks she will be prosecuted, because Goldman Sachs is higher on the national pecking order than either the FBI or the DOJ.

If the choice in November is between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and GOP elites either support Hillary or nominate one of their empty suits, reasonable conservatives will conclude that the Republican Party does not deserve to survive.

They should immediately begin creating an American Party that reflects their values and priorities, not those of power-hungry (and money-hungry) elites. Such a party would be the absolute last chance for the country’s survival as a sovereign nation able to hold itself together. Even then there would be no guarantees. The combination of changing demographics, political correctness / identity politics, and lower educational levels (all products of 50 years of policies that have aimed at just this result), are working against us even as I write.

There is nothing to do, however, but try. An American Party could field a candidate with grassroots support in 2020, if not Trump again then someone with a similar outlook whom Trump could use his nonnegligible resources to support. If the organization Trump has surrounded himself with moved on this, they could conceivably field state and local candidates as soon as 2018 to establish credibility.

After all, just two years of Hillary (not to mention four) could leave the U.S. and the world at large in such chaos that the grassroots clamor for change will be magnitudes louder than it is now, and it will hardly be limited to whites who tend to vote Republican. Add to this whatever probability exists that the bubble economy, after a decade of quick fixes and doctored statistics, will have burst, wreaking further havoc with working and former middle classes of all groups, as well as former students swimming in debt who cannot find jobs. The time will have come for a political party that can draw in a large swath of voters who have had it with elite control — if the movement galvanized by Donald Trump is willing and able to build it.

© 2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

The real class war

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” ~Warren Buffet

Is anyone so naïve as to believe that a new Cold War hasn’t started? This one isn’t about capitalism vs. communism. It’s not even two-way but three-way, because there are now three major distinct classes, each with its own culture. They are presently pulling the U.S. in three incompatible directions. Donald Trump, as of this writing still the GOP frontrunner, is drawing the bulk of his support from one of these classes. The other two hate everything he stands for. There should be no surprises here.

There is, first, the U.S. branch of the globalist superelite (my term for them), housed in entities ranging from the Trilateral Commission to Goldman Sachs to the Federal Reserve, and their bought-and-paid-for political subclass with all its functionaries. This class includes GOP corporate donors who threw millions down the Jeb Bush rathole as well as those who have donated millions more to Hillary Clinton. Their original goal for Election 2016 was another Bush vs. Clinton non-event! One may thank the good Lord we were spared that particular cure for insomnia!

Second is the politically correct (PC) crowd: Black Lives Matter militants, radical feminists as well as large numbers of single career women influenced by them (a-woman-needs-a-man-like-a-fish-needs-a-bicycle types), homosexuals, secular Jews, at least some Muslims (when not throwing homosexuals off tall buildings in their own countries, that is), illegal immigrants, academic leftists, and those in government aligned with the so-called progressive mindset.

Finally, there is the increasingly self-aware white working class and former middle class. They don’t always have their t’s crossed and the i’s dotted, and are routinely dismissed as “uneducated.” But with information now available on the Internet to compare with the song and dance they get from government, corporate media, academia, etc., about the economy, race, and much else, they can see that what they are told does not fit reality. They conclude that they have been lied to and screwed up one side and down the other for at least the past quarter century. Small wonder they are angry! And although millennials have come up more recently, I would reluctantly place many of them in this group, to the extent they’ve been taken advantage of by unscrupulous university student loan officers and lied to about their income prospects.

Hence the massive support Donald Trump has gotten from this third group. Note also the support Bernie Sanders is getting from millennials, many trapped in student loan debt serfdom. The “populist” insurgency of 2015-16 is not limited to Republicans, after all. Trump, we should note, has created tens of thousands of jobs. Sanders has never worked outside government in his life. This speaks volumes about the most poorly educated generation in U.S. history (and the institutions “educating” them), their agility with the latest gadgets notwithstanding.

The Elite Class has no interest in social issues such as abortion and gay marriage. They have little interest in minorities beyond their potential to keep the masses divided and distracted. They want the “little people” to be good employees (or, these days, good career-changers), obedient taxpayers, and mindless consumers. The Elite Class is about political economy. Its goal — as I have patiently explained in many articles — is to build piece by piece, “free trade” agreement by “free trade” agreement, a de facto world government answering to corporate interests: technofeudalism. While they have no interest in philosophy, obviously, they are operational materialists as I explained this concept. The idea of answering to a Higher Power is meaningless to them. There should be little doubt that Hillary Clinton is their first choice for President of the U.S. starting in 2017. She may be corrupt to the core, but she knows who is buttering her bread.

The PC Class cares passionately about social issues. They care about their so-called rights; rarely about responsibilities. It is now abundantly clear, given the campus disruptions last fall: many in this class would shut down free speech and even eliminate the First Amendment if they could get away with it. They pontificate about inequality, but in their Orwellian world, “some are more equal than others.” They are economic illiterates. They believe redistribution of wealth and jobs will make us all one big happy prosperous, diverse family, despite hundreds of years of history testifying to the contrary. While many of them also prefer Bernie Sanders, they will join the Elite Class in backing Hillary if she is the Democratic nominee. They will ignore her labyrinthine connections to the war machine that has destabilized the Middle East and to Wall Street, the most visible manifestations of her own Elite Class membership. Hillary’s disdain for those outside her class, whom she sees as “beneath her,” comes through loud and clear in clips such as this, and also explains her treatment of the women her slimy husband has sexually abused his whole life. Almost all are in that third class.

The Country Class (I am borrowing political scientist Angelo Codevilla’s term, for those who identify with the U.S. as a country, and with individual freedoms) tends to be conservative. Their conservatism is frequently a conservatism of the heart, not the head, of experience and instinct rather than reason. They will turn to their Bibles and say that they know some things are right and others wrong, absolutely. They also care about social issues, but come down on the other side from those in the PC Class. They have no interest in transforming the world. They don’t identify with the economic agenda of the Elite Class. The better informed recognize how NAFTA and GATT II sent millions of U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas for cheap labor, and how the Trans-Pacific Partnership threatens to continue hollowing out the U.S. economy and destroying what was once the largest financially independent middle class in history. They see open borders and unlimited immigration as threats to their culture even as it drives down wages.

The three classes are barely civil to one another. They have no interests or values in common. For all practical purposes, they inhabit different worlds. The first lives in a connected world of high finance, global confabs, and quasi-secret agreements able to move nations. They indulge the PC Class as it generates sensational non-events and disdain the Country Class as dumb rednecks. The PC class inhabits an academized world of activism, where you either agree with us or else! They hate the Country Class and are barely aware of the Elite Class. The world of the Country Class includes the Ten Commandments and NASCAR, the workaday world of men and women who entered adulthood wanting to do honest work feeding their families, be good neighbors, attend church, hopefully send their kids to college, and otherwise be left alone. They despise politicians of the Elite class for wasting their tax dollars. They believe the PC class should grow up, quit whining about how mistreated they are, and take some responsibility. Their ideal was a peaceful retirement late in life with a sense of having contributed something to society. Their hope was to see their children do better than they did.

The primary benefit of the Elite Class’s globalism to the Country Class has been the flood of cheap goods at Wal-Mart, made with Chinese slave labor, items that break or fall apart six weeks later. Which means, back to Wal-Mart, since it’s all they can afford. The “new economy,” after all, created mostly low paying “services” jobs. NAFTA left many of them unemployed or underemployed; the Meltdown of 2008 and ensuing Great Recession made matters worse. Their college degrees, if they have them, are wasted since the majority of “new economy” jobs can be done by high school kids with a little vocational training and a few tech skills that can be acquired online. Seeing their millennial children return home from universities unable to find decent-paying work and saddled with crippling student-loan debt, they’ve largely given up on that last above — not to mention that peaceful retirement.

The Country Class’s members came to realize they have no real representation in the political system. They are routinely denounced as racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. ad nauseam, especially if they stand up for what they believe in, which may be Christianity or genuine race neutrality as opposed to affirmative action preferences. They recognize the fundamental absurdity, moreover, of a man tying the knot with another man and calling it a marriage. They’ve spent a quarter century watching their economic fortunes decline and their influence on the public conversation wane. They know they have no “white privilege.” Many have begun to suffer from the maladies afflicting lower classes and the increasingly hopeless in any society: alcoholism and substance abuse, premature death from treatable illnesses, and suicide. A recent widely-cited study shows their life expectancies dropping, while that of other groups is still rising.

This group has been animated as never before by the Donald Trump candidacy, which (as of this writing, post-Super Tuesday) is looking increasingly likely to deliver Trump the GOP nomination. The pundits are shaking their heads as Republican primaries have seen record turnouts. Did the other two classes really believe they could continue their agendas without eventual pushback? Donald Trump dominates the airwaves of corporate media. He’s ratings. He knows it, and they know it. Democratic capitalism in action, folks!

I do not know what Mr. Trump’s actual chances are of becoming president. Some of the GOP elites are openly refusing to support him. This reflects their commitment to their class. Some have floated the idea of running their own candidate, should Trump win the GOP nomination: dividing the GOP vote and giving Hillary a landslide. This won’t bother them because as we noted, the Elite Class prefers her anyway.

Nor do I think it realistic that Trump or anyone else could reverse a half century of engineered economic decline and cultural decay in just four years (or in eight). It might be quixotic in any event. Republics tend to turn into empires. Empires do not tend to turn back into republics, no matter who is at their helm.

Lastly, I’m not sure Mr. Trump or his supporters realize the full scope of what they’re up against, given the global connectedness of the Elite class. What they’re up against is not merely other billionaires but well organized groups able to control trillions — who, with a few private text messages could lead to movements of investments able to precipitate the next economic downturn in the U.S., possibly even a depression. Since they control mainstream media’s six corporate leviathans, they could see to it that President Trump got blamed. He was a “con man” who “lacked experience.” He was “hateful.” He was a “bully.” He was “reckless.” Have another narrative? You’re a “conspiracy theorist.”

This is just one of the scenarios someone has to think about. Also what could happen if things are not allowed to progress to that point, because something happened to Donald Trump between now and November. No one in his right mind, after all, thinks the Elite Class is going to roll over, while one man with a Country Class following they despise upends a world they’ve spent the past century building.

2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Is the class “Cold War” about to turn “hot”?

“I need some muscle over here!” —Melissa Click, formerly of the University of Missouri (here, 6:34).

We live in amazing times! The very night before my article The Real Class War appeared, a Donald Trump event was disrupted by members of the politically correct (PC) Class I discussed in that article (which, incidentally, you should read before continuing with this). Trump himself called off the University of Illinois – Chicago event out of safety concerns. It is clear, the provocateurs were working for others. The disruptions both inside and outside the UIC arena were clearly planned by MoveOn.org, the hard-left organization funded, in turn, by George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (formerly: Open Society Institute).

In other words, Black Lives Matter (BLM) militants along with others are working for the Elite Class, or at least, for its Soros branch. To be fair, I doubt they knew. To say of these people that are not very bright is to pay them a compliment. I wonder how many could get Rosa Parks in the right decade.

As others have noted, corporate media (which also works for the Elite Class) blamed … who else? … Donald Trump. Most corporate media pseudo-pundits and talking heads also have no idea who they are really working for. Small wonder Trump can call Megyn Kelly a bimbo. Guess what? Megyn Kelly is smart compared to some of what’s out there!

The problem now is, Soros-backed groups are promising more disruptions. They discovered, after all, that they can get away with it. Corporate media hates Trump, after all. Both they and other GOP nominees dutifully reported events from the PC Class perspective. That means blaming Trump and his supporters for whatever happens at his events regardless of the truth. They might get away with it. Or perhaps the Country Class will decide it’s had enough. That will mean: the “real class war” could turn “hot” at almost any time. There is definitely a potential for one of these events to explode into a riot, on a level with those of Ferguson, Mo., and Baltimore (Soros-backed organizations also funneled millions into at least the former).

Corporate media would spin such an event in such a way as to inflict as much damage on Trump as possible. The present strategy, after all, as Paul Walter reports, is to deny Trump the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the GOP nomination. Then the GOP wing of the Elite Class can stage a brokered convention in which they — literally — steal the nomination from Trump and put one of their own back in the driver’s seat. Mitt Romney, perhaps? No, they would not just be being stupid. There would be no plan for Romney to win. As Walters also correctly notes, now that Jeb Bush is out of the picture the Elite Class wants Hillary Clinton in the White House. Another Romney nomination would accomplish this as he would lose in a landslide, even more so if Trump bolted the GOP and ran as an independent, something which he has repeatedly promised. The effort to deny Trump 1,237 delegates might fail, of course. The ball will then be in the Elites’ court. They might run their own candidate as an independent, again dividing the vote and assuring Hillary the presidency. Or they might show their true colors and just back her against their own nominee. That (not a Trump nomination) would be the death of the Republican Party!

This is the reality: whether anyone likes it or not, Donald Trump is the only thing presently standing in the way of a Hillary presidency!* If she becomes president, the Country Class is screwed! So is the effort to stop globalist technofeudalism!

The Country Class has one collective character flaw. Its members, especially those who are older and grew up in a saner world, are too nice. The people — I have to include myself in this category — who supported Ron Paul, were also too nice, as was Dr. Paul himself. This is because their best instincts are to be productive, good citizens: earning their livings, raising the next generation morally, etc. When something gets under their skin, they might write a letter to the editor. Or make a polite speech at Toastmasters. They are not, by nature, agitators. They don’t have “transformative visions” of society. They want to reason with the other side. The problem is, being unused to the Machiavellian world of politics and assuming the other side is amenable to reason, they end up being bullied and then marginalized.

Gradually they have wised up. They learned, for example, about NAFTA. They began to show up at town hall meetings. They watched the bailouts of the “too-big-to-fail” banks and watched Wall Street soar amidst the economic non-recovery on Main Street, about which Washington pseudo-pundits lie like a rug with phony-baloney job statistics. They’ve been pushed into political activity (e.g., Tea Party groups) because their backs are to a wall. As I noted in my previous article, they’ve figured out they have no real representation in a political economy that works systemically to their disadvantage. They are routinely libeled in academia and made to look silly on major media.

Not being practiced organizers or trained operatives, their tactics are bound to be rough and ready, the product of those who have just discovered that nice doesn’t work. The incidences of violence at Trump events are unfortunate. But watch the videos that are available. You won’t see a single case in which Trump supporters initiated the conflict. In each case, they were provoked. In the case of the photographer thrown to the ground by security personnel, he had yelled an obscenity at one of them that can be clearly heard here. A protest instigated by BLM troublemakers was in progress as can also be seen. Security personnel do not take kindly to being cursed at. That’s not the most intelligent or professional way to exercise your First Amendment rights.

Trump has been accused of being a bully. I submit that the PC Class is full of bullies. I’ve had my share of run-ins with these people, struggling to begin an ill-fated academic career in the late 1980s / early 1990s. One idiot even thanked me in his own letter to the editor for “exposing [my]self” in an American Philosophical Association publication. That little metaphor speaks volumes where these people’s minds are. Another idiot called me racist because, he argued, most of my articles were then posted on Lew Rockwell’s site, and Rockwell cofounded the racist (because pro-South) League of the South. He did not, of course; he founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute. These people make fools of themselves when they can’t do the most basic fact-checking.

Today, the problem is magnitudes worse, as I predicted back then it would be. Last fall, BLM militants ran amuck on university campuses, including an incident (at Dartmouth) where BLM militants disrupted the library filled with white students trying to study, bullying and screaming obscenities at them. Anyone with a functioning brain should see that PC Class students and faculty, are on the edge of violence, as the Melissa Click incident demonstrated last fall.** To their credit, the University of Missouri fired her. She’d clearly crossed the line. But she’s just one person, and the videocam just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The PC Class has access to Elite sources with very deep pockets. The “cold war” in danger of turning “hot” is between the PC Class and the Country Class, to the extent some of the latter decide they are fed up and decide to stand up for themselves. Today’s college students are, after all, racking up tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. Were my studies interrupted by a group of troublemakers, I would not simply sit there and take it!

The Elite Class does not need to bully people, of course. It indulges the PC class, because they distract, while being culturally destructive. The two have the same targets: your rights under the Constitution, in a sovereign nation, under the rule of law. All Elite Class members such as George Soros and his functionaries need do is direct their money wells in certain ways, and not others. They can ensure that certain agendas (e.g., BLM) are bankrolled. Others struggle for survival. Were Trump not a billionaire with instant name recognition because of his businesses and especially his reality TV show, he would doubtless have disappeared by now.

Occasionally, in leftist commentary, intelligence slips through. Bernie Sanders is surely right about the U.S. being an oligarchy. Moreover, those who support a near-absolute right of corporations and other organizations to use money any way they see fit (e.g., as a form of “free speech,” as in the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision), appear not to realize that in a social order in which money is worshipped, like a surrogate for God, and easily used to buy political loyalties, this is a bad idea! One of the hardest lessons the Country Class has had to learn is that today’s leviathan corporations are not their friends, are not friends of freedom. A friend of mine, good at crunching numbers and starting small businesses, put it this way:

ideally, in an enlightened world, an unhampered free market is the best economic system. I was about to observe that we do not live in an enlightened world, if indeed we ever did, but in the next breath he beat me to it. Such thoughts enjoin upon us the need to reexamine the Liberty movement and its premises.*** But that’s another article.

*I am assuming Hillary will not be indicted. That ball is in the court of the head of the FBI, James Comey, who looks for all the world like an Establishment man to me. Were he not, he probably wouldn’t be in that job. According to his Wikipedia entry he gave money to John McCain’s campaign back in 2008. Need I say more?

**Melissa Click was also filmed screaming obscenities at police (3:02). She was a faculty member, mind you. Incidentally, the title of her doctoral dissertation was “It’s ‘a good thing’: the commodification of femininity, affluence and whiteness in the Martha Stewart phenomenon.” Don’t take my word for it; read her CV for yourself. You will find other stunning exemplars of what passes for scholarship in academia today.

***By way of preview, it is badly divided and scattered. Some of it has simply cracked up. One guy, who had an office next to mine in the Mises Institute in 2002-03, calls Trump a “fascist” and anyone finding merit in his campaign a potential “brown” (see, e.g., here, which begins with a credible account of the establishing of the GOP Establishment but then devolves into a rant about “hate” and “brownshirts” worthy of the most PC-addled leftist; cf. also this). He irrelevantly recommends visiting the Holocaust Museum (communication on a Facebook thread). He is an “anarcho-capitalist,” part of a movement believing that a society of millions of anonymous human beings would maintain itself, by some kind of market-driven magic, without any leadership from governing systems able to control greed, impose penalties on bullies and scam artists, and correct for stupidity — however imperfectly, in this sin-drenched world. People who believe this should consider visiting Somalia.

2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Materialism Pt. 1 of 4

Most of my email is positive (alas, due to time constraints I am often unable to answer most of it). When I get something critical, I spend time reading it. I am not perfect. Sometimes readers catch errors or have worthwhile suggestions. Among my favorites is an email from one Terry Hayfield, sent back in 2004 in response to my initial “The Real Matrix” series. I still have the printout. It presented itself not as a criticism but as an “offer to share research.” His results differed from mine, and he argued that there was a false premise in my reasoning. He did not launch a personal attack, or attack NewsWithViews.com. He argued a rational case in a way that got my attention and led to a correspondence that continued for several years.

I contrast this with an email from someone I’ll call RB (his initials; I’ll not use his name to save him embarrassment), received the day Part 3 of “Materialism” appeared. He labeled himself: “a secular, agnostic, non-observant liberal Jew.” This after an opening sentence not offering to share research but describing my article as “typical of NewsWithViews; utter poppycock, drivel, hogwash, bunk, tripe etc.”

Great way to win friends and influence people, dude!

But I’ve learned that debates over what is very fundamental to our thinking and our moral lives — over worldviews, that is — will sometimes invoke hostility instead of constructive dialogue. RB’s email, having begun on a bad note, went downhill from there. I wondered if he’d really read what I’d written or just scrolled up and down, saw a few words and lines he didn’t like, then took to his keyboard to bang out a long paragraph of hysterics against what he assumed I’d said.

RB “[found] it highly offensive that Christians like yourself arrogantly claim to have a monopoly on morality and virtue, and fatuously pretend that you can only be a good person if you are a believing Christian …”

Hold the bus. Did I say Christians were good people because they were Christians? Now admittedly Part 4 was still a week or so away and so unavailable, but somehow I doubt RB’s having the whole thing in front of him would have made a difference. I never said that Christians were “good people.” In Part 4 I was explicit about their being prone to the same weaknesses and temptations as non-Christians. Even prior to that material, I had not said we have a “monopoly on morality and virtue,” whatever that is.

My argument vis-à-vis morality was that given the failure of every secular ethical theory, Christian accounts of morality are surely no worse off!

RB then went on an extended rant about sex / sexual misconduct and promiscuity / abortion / contraceptives (which I never mentioned). The sexual revolution he called “nothing but a myth” which would astonish those who lived through it, especially parents who lost communication with their children over it. But what sketchy details RB offers about sexual peccadillos and misadventures prior to the 1960s actually lend strong support to my thesis, that we are a fallen species who cannot save ourselves. For again I’d not stated that “no one engaged in sexual misconduct and promiscuity [or that] there were no abortions or hardly any …” What I’d noted was that now we had ethical theories in which these were all very much at home. RB continues: “Sexual promiscuity has existed all over the world for thousands of years and abortion has also been common all over the world for thousands of years. However, Christianity has also fostered an extremely harmful prudishness, puritanism and sexual repression for 2,000 years …”

Very Freudian sounding, Freud having been a leading “secular, agnostic, liberal Jew.” It’s the height of political incorrectness to say it, but “secular, agnostic, liberal Jews” have an obsession with sex I’ve long found puzzling. Conversations I’ve had with them (mostly academics, admittedly) tend to veer in that direction sooner or later. Since most “gentiles” do not share this fascination, at least not as a core part of their worldview, I suppose we’re “repressed.” Another feature of the “secular, agnostic, liberal Jew” is their assumption they’ve gotten inside others’ minds and psyches, divining their supposed neuroses. We’re the arrogant ones? What do they propose as the cure? A sexually “liberated” culture — which is pretty much what we have in the twenty-first century, with (e.g.) Miley Cyrus performing nearly naked, is it not?

That aside, one could just offer the obvious reductio ad absurdum that murder has “also been common all over the world for thousands of years.” Maybe we should get rid of all laws and traditions and worldviews that “repress” our hidden desires to slaughter one another in cold blood! Yeah, that’ll work!

RB’s next few lines are about poverty, perhaps unsurprisingly. As I noted — again it had to wait for Part 4 — Christians have been remiss in this area and are vulnerable to criticism. I stated specifically that Jesus did not command us to care for the poor, or offer health care, only if we can make a profit doing so.

But having conceded that much, I’d like to see what “secular, agnostic, liberal Jews” are doing about poverty. Those I’ve known tend to support the status quo, which means mindlessly supporting the leviathan banks and the bought-and-paid-for political classes whose policies bear primary responsibility for widening inequality and worsening poverty in our time. Pot, meet kettle. I wonder how many donations RB or his buddies have made, or fundraisers conducted, to alleviate poverty in places like, e.g., Haiti. (I have, incidentally.) My response: put your money where your mouth is, or shut up!

There was more to make me wonder if English is this guy’s native language: “The notion that if you are an atheist, you think there is no such thing as right and wrong and that everything should be considered permissible is abject poppycock.” Did I say atheists as a group believe there is no such thing as right and wrong? I did not. Indeed, the bulk of Part 2 takes up secular efforts to elucidate right versus wrong in a material universe — efforts which make no sense if they think there is no right or wrong. My argument is that these efforts fail, often giving breathtakingly bad advice in the process. That’s hugely different from saying those making them don’t believe in right or wrong. (Maybe RB did not read Part 2. Not my problem.)

Finally there is that now-familiar canard about a “Christian Taliban” trying to take over the U.S., an “extremely dangerous” conspiracy that “must be stopped before they get power in America” and “some of its members are contributors to News With Views” [sic.].

I am sure my fellow NewsWithViews.com contributors will be surprised to hear of their cultural influence! By the way, I often see this Taliban reference in atheist-leftist rants. Perhaps RB can point to Christians who practice some equivalent of Sharia law, kill apostates, mutilate women’s genitals, burn villages, etc. I’ve never seen them. Am I blind or is he hallucinating? I don’t think it’s the former.

There is no Christian Taliban! The idea is absurd! As I noted in my very brief private reply to RB, there are no Christian groups with the resources, even if they had the will. Most have been effectively marginalized in the present culture of materialism, hedonism, and multiculturalism. No Christian I know of has the deep pockets of, e.g., a George Soros (another “secular, agnostic, liberal Jew”) who has been bankrolling leftist causes for decades, or of those running the leviathan banks, other corporations, the political class, or the Hollywood culture where “secular, agnostic, liberal Jews” predominate whether anyone cares to admit it or not.

No doubt RB and perhaps others will interpret such remarks as “anti-semitic.” This, too, has gotten to be a tiresome canard, made by some Jews in response to someone outside their orbit noting their economic and cultural power. It usually comes prior to their honoring Godwin’s Law and invoking the specter of Adolf Hitler who, in RB’s words, “was NOT an atheist and never renounced his Catholic faith.” Take that, Catholics! By the way, do Catholics or any other Christian denominations have special organizations such as B’nai B’rith or the Anti-Defamation League to function as attack dogs to destroy the reputations of their critics? The late Joe Sobran once said, “An anti-semite used to be someone who hated Jews. Now it’s someone Jews hate.”

Why bother with a “Postscript” such as this? Because it offers an interesting case study. Most of the issues raised are only indirectly related to my central claim, which is that materialism as a worldview (its premises and reasoning laid out in Part 1) does not offer a viable account of the way reality is put together, nor a moral backbone to support a large civilization.

The past hundred years show this conclusively. We’ve illuminated the ties between materialism and leftism, ties going back at least 250 years. Both reject original sin and instead follow, e.g., Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778), arguably the founding father of modern progressivist leftism, holding that our institutions are to blame for moral turpitude and modern corruption (Rousseau singled out private property, the family, and unsurprisingly, the church). Both believe that the right kind of technocratic and sexual tinkering can save us and build a global, hedonist Utopia. Responses to critics of materialism and leftism tend to be either as incompetent as RB’s, intellectually dishonest, or both. Leftists especially are threatened by the avalanche of evidence against their dearest assumptions — to the point where some of their number will set out with efficiency and enthusiasm to destroy the careers of scientists who offer detailed exemplars of said evidence. Thus perhaps it should be unsurprising that leftist keyboard commandos, Jewish or not, go into attack mode when some of us take aim at their false premises and absurd canards.

2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Materialism Pt. 4 of 4

“Jesus, help me find my proper place
Jesus, help me find my proper place
Help me in my weakness
Cause I’m falling out of grace.
Jesus. Jesus.”
~The Velvet Underground, “Jesus” (1968)

I confess I had a difficult time choosing an open song lyric for this final segment, if only because explicit Christian themes are rare in rock music (it does happen, however). Yet that world contains many artists who have engaged in intense self-exploration often reaching out to a spiritual reality even if by accident. Lou Reed (1942 – 2013), author of the above lyrics, is an example. He had clearly seen the seamy side of human existence including from the standpoint of a heroin addiction when he was in his early 20s. The song cited above sounds surprisingly like a prayer for someone who was not a Christian (I am assuming). Reed’s music has always struck me as that of an observer and seeker, someone commenting on the dark side of human life as if from a vantage point somewhere above.

According to materialists, there is no “vantage point somewhere above,” of course. There is just this world, and whatever neural synapses are firing in your brain. The New Atheism (Dawkins, et al) has reiterated Nietzsche’s “God is dead” by proclaiming the impending death of Christianity.

I wouldn’t hold my breath. The Soviets spent over 70 years trying to eradicate Christianity by force; the Maoists, in China, also tried to wipe it out. It is true that, e.g., church attendance is dropping on the part of millennials, a source of commentary on Christianity losing ground in the U.S. It is incompatible with the political correctness that dominates the mindset of millennial students, for sure. But Christianity is the fastest growing religion elsewhere in the world, such as (ironically) in Russia and China. Why would anyone think Christianity is going away voluntarily? What we should be thinking about is where the Christian worldview stands in the present, and what its future might be.

What is the Christian worldview? It stands, as I argue in Four Cardinal Errors, in sharp contrast to the materialist worldview. Here are some proposals.

1- God exists, as a Being who transcends space, time, and causality. The things of God, including morality, transcend space, time, and causality. God created the world of space, time, and causality. Logos and Ethos (logicality and morality) are inseparable aspects of God’s eternal nature. God’s existence is a starting point, not a conclusion of our reasoning.

2- There is therefore the world of space, time, and causality — the world of human experience and of science — and whatever noumenal realm exists “beyond” these, outside possible human experience. Neither reality nor God are limited to space, time, and causality. The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 – 1951) would say we are pushing at the limits of language. In a sense, he was correct. But limits to human language and understanding do not limit reality. In the last analysis, God’s nature as both one God and as “three persons” (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) are mysteries, as is how Creation was accomplished, how our free will operates, and possibly how consciousness itself works. Positivism and scientism disliked and distrusted mysteries. Materialists believed they had explained them. Rorty, who also admired Wittgenstein, believed the problems were artifacts of our insistence on “mentalistic” language. But some recent philosophers of mind — Colin McGinn (1950 – ) is an example — now sound very Kantian in concluding that consciousness has remained fundamentally mysterious despite decades of hard, patient, sustained inquiry and analysis … because our reason just isn’t structured so as to fathom its mysteries. If materialism is false, the mysteriousness of consciousness makes perfect sense! It just can’t be forced-fitted into the materialist conceptual straightjacket!

3- What science does it does reasonably well, when not corrupted by politics or other sources of dollars. Again, though, science is designed to answer questions and solve problems in this world. Again as Kant showed, it cannot address metaphysical problems, any more than can reason itself. Reason, though its starting point is Logos, is human, all too human, is finite therefore, and not designed to reach or grasp an eternal God. From what successes science has enjoyed it does not follow logically that this world, the world of space, time, and causality where science and technology operate, exhausts reality.

4- According to Christianity human beings were created in God’s image. Hence the fundamental ontological and moral differences between us and the rest of the Creation. As St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274) put it, our reason is an imprint of God’s eternal nature within us. Thus we have the finite capacity to acquire knowledge of the Creation, whether through science or rational insight.

5- The Christian worldview’s diagnosis of the human condition is not ignorance but sin: the fact that the first humans (whether we read Genesis literally or not) turned away from God. They believed they could do better on their own, autonomously. They were wrong. Sin corrupts everything, including the quest for truth. Most thinkers have sought to avoid any frank discussion of sin. The idea flies in the face of the idea of human perfectibility, or at least of indefinite improvability by our own efforts, legacies of the Enlightenment. But any honest, empirical look at ourselves ought to suggest that we cannot save ourselves, or improve ourselves wholesale as ethical beings. We can make small improvements here and there, akin to learning to bathe; most of us tend to behave better when we are comfortable and when our stomachs are full. But morality is simply not our “default setting”; it should be obvious that even children can be hideously cruel to classmates who do not “fit in.” While many of us adults doubtless mean well because we have internalized moral principles to some degree, others among us remain pretty much untouched by these niceties. We try to device systems of rules that operate under the assumption that the desire to do good should be a primary motivator, when it usually isn’t. Most of us have little interest in what does not affect us directly, or bring us benefits. All of us have our lapses, some of which are truly breathtaking! Secularists believe we can be autonomous, but absent an external moral compass, we often just act as destroyers, of others if not ourselves, whether on the grand scale of the wars of choice in the Middle East or the small but from the victim’s standpoint all-too-real one of the teenager who is bullied or cyberbullied until she commits suicide. Unless such things happen to one of our own, we drift with the herd, with the quiet secularists Peter Watson noted.

6- Christian ethics are found in the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and elsewhere in the Old and New Testaments. Yes, there are often problems interpreting what we perceive God’s will to be, and religious communities are bound to disagree over specifics. But the problems understanding what Christianity requires of us surely pale next to the failure of secular ethical theories, and of secularism more broadly. One thing is crystal clear: Christian salvation is to be found in Jesus Christ who alone promises salvation from the consequences of sin (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; John 3:16; elsewhere), something we cannot do ourselves (Ephesians 2:8–9; elsewhere). Recognizing that if we try to start with ourselves we get nowhere, and that our ability to get nowhere on our own is entirely consistent with what we observe in history and society, are good places to begin one’s appreciation of Christian ethics, or of the Christian worldview generally.

Christians do not get everything right, of course. The Christian does not cease to sin nor even to suffer the consequences of sin; the most he can do is confess sins, and turn away gratefully acknowledging God’s forgiveness. What Christians get wrong could fill a separate article: failure in their families; failure to care for their neighbors and fellow citizens as God commands (Jesus did not say to treat the sick only if you can make a profit doing so); failure to care for the Creation itself, over which God gave humanity dominion, which means assuming moral responsibility, not destructive plundering; and more besides.

But these human failures do not give us an argument against Christianity and for materialism, which in the end gives us no basis for condemning any of these failures other than expedient ones.

What of other faiths? some might ask. I was born in the U.S. (grew up in Atlanta), and have been surrounded by Christians for much of my life (except for time spent in universities surrounded by materialists). Suppose I’d been born in, say Baghdad. Would I not be writing my condemnations of Western materialism as part of my submission to Allah, as a devout Muslim scholar (the word Islam means submission)? Would I not be a Hindu or possibly a Buddhist, had I been born in, say, India? Or a Confucian, had I been born in Tibet?

There are no easy answers to such questions. I do not know if Christians can have the best answers to them, as those answers (obviously) presuppose Christianity and to a logical mind, will sound circular. The fact that everyone considers his/her religion to be “the right one” is a given; no one would believe in his/her faith otherwise. Other faiths stand at the center of other worldviews, of course, non-Western ones in most cases. That means (by definition) they are not widely represented in those regions of the world identified as “the West.” High or low representation has no logical implications for truth or falsity, however.

Technology, a product of the West, has brought these different worldviews into the same meeting space as never before, however: cyberspace, which transcends the fact that some of us are able to travel anywhere and experience the cultural embodiments of other worldviews firsthand.

The thing to do, it seems to me, is to encourage interfaith dialogue as never before, conducted respectfully and with an eye to seeing what is similar, and not being so eager to focus on what is different. And looking to the future rather than dwelling on the errors of the past. The world needs people both able and willing to communicate, especially with divisive and destructive personalities everywhere. We can then show how the world looks to Christians, and present what we believe is true in Christianity.

This, we must add, goes along with acting as Jesus Christ would have as act, in accordance with His words during the Sermon on the Mount and elsewhere: for example, working to ensure that impoverished peoples here and afar have food to eat, whatever their beliefs, and to help them learn those practices that will help them feed themselves. Words without deeds, after all, are idle chatter. Having attended to such matters, the most constructive thing we can do is to step aside and trust God to do His work.

2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Materialism Pt. 3 of 4

“Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream
It is not dying, it is not dying.
Lay down all thought, surrender to the void
It is shining, it is shining.
That you may see, the meaning of within
It is being, it is being.
That love is all, and love is everyone
It is knowing, it is knowing.”
~The Beatles, “Tomorrow Never Knows” (1966)

The upshot, so far, is that in our moral lives in a material world, everything is up for grabs.

Reactions to this varied. One was the turn to mind-altering drugs, led by such writers as Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963) whose The Doors of Perception (1954) was the source of a different 1960s rock group’s name, and of course Timothy Leary (“Tune in, turn on, drop out”). Transcendent reality may not exist in the material world but can be found in your head! The 1960s hippies began to “drop acid” (LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide). Some would claim to “see God.” Acid rock was its musical expression, proclaiming mystical revelations of peace and love. Others, of course, experienced sometimes terrifying hallucinations caused by the drug’s radical altering of their perceptions. I recall from my graduate student days a past user telling me how he’d seen his stereo grow a mouth, as the music coming from his speakers took the form of two arms reaching his way as it tried to eat him. People with latent personality disorders, or just the anxiety-prone, were especially susceptible to bad experiences with LSD. Some users ended up with psychoses, or simply “burned out” from repeated usages with permanent brain damage: “acid casualties.” All of which makes the reality-is-in-your-head route a risky one to travel down!

Many of that generation’s parents, however, had turned away from the problem, leaving them vulnerable to criticisms of them as morally shallow, having sold their souls to the corporate system. “If it feels good, do it” is a phrase associated with the hippies, but there was a sense in which the prevailing ethos was closer to this sort of phrase than their elders cared to admit. Convenience reigned. This was true in business, in government, in academia. If it’s convenient, do it. Consider abortion, which had become an issue well before Roe v. Wade (1973). Sexual license (also a problem in some communities before the liberation movements of the 1960s) led to unwanted pregnancies; simple as that. Despite the prattling about those cases when “the mother’s life is in danger,” over 99% of abortions are abortions of convenience. Abortion’s legal acceptability has led to the killing of over 50 million unborn babies and counting. I will not torture readers with the bizarre rationalizations feminist philosophy professors have produced (it is hard to call them philosophers with a straight face), except to note that the linguistic sleight of hand used has been intended to deprive the unborn and sometimes even the newly born of moral standing, and hence any claim on life that others are obligated to respect. The Nazis and other totalitarians did the same thing, removing those to be eliminated from the moral community.

But then again, if Benedict, Dewey, Rorty, and others are correct, then the only moral standing anyone has is what their society, or the state, gives them. What the state and social approval give, the state and social approval can take away, whether its targets are Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, etc., under the Nazis; those who resisted collectivized farming under Stalin; or the unborn in our own culture. It is possible, by this reading, that a future Christian civilization might regard this last as one of the largest and most insidious holocausts of all.

The tendency, as we have seen, has been to evade the issues, or to simply stop thinking about them. Many theologians would succumb fully to the “death of God” by the 1960s, even as their children were “finding Him” in recreational chemistry. Secularization was one of the manifestations of materialism having captured Western culture. Harvey Cox (1929 – ), one of the leaders of the “death of God” movement, wrote in his The Secular City (1965) that secularization “bypasses and undercuts religion and goes on to other things…. The world looks less and less to religious rules and rituals for its morality or its meanings.”

I recently finished one of the most comprehensive accounts I have seen of the modern, secular attempt “to live after the death of God”: The Age of Atheists: How We Have Sought to Live since the Death of God (2014) by British intellectual historian Peter Watson (1943 – ). Watson’s account ranges across philosophy, art, poetry, literature, and science — or, more exactly, science-promotion, as he includes evangelical atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Sam Harris, which is materialism promotion in my sense of that term. Watson is a reasonably honest thinker, and those who maintain (as I do) that materialism has no hope of providing society with a sound moral foundation and direction will find support for their views in his work. So despite the title and themes (and tediousness at times), the book merits study. At the end, Watson does not endorse mere science-promotion but rather seeks to explain why many credible authors, writers, poets and artists have found the “scientific worldview” too narrow. His answer isn’t especially satisfying.

It comes down to the idea that, given God’s absence, the “central sane activity” (title of the book’s meandering closing chapter) is “sheer wondering inquiry,” and a grasping for those lonely moments of meaningfulness and life-affirmation. Different authors have given them different names. Abraham Maslow, for example, called them “peak experiences”; James Joyce spoke of “epiphanies”; Malroux, of “temporary refuges”; Yeats, of “brief moments of ecstatic affirmation”; Ibsen, of “flashes of spiritual value.” These moments, Watson insists, can be had in loving relationships, the satisfaction of various desires, the experience of hearing an especially moving piece of music or seeing a work of art or reading poetry, or in any number of other ways including just the mundane satisfaction of a job well done.

Even if you are a secularist, are you really satisfied with this?

Study them closely, and you see that these experiences, real though they may be, are private and personal; one comes away sensing the difficulty the writers have in communicating their content to others. They are more the stuff of poetry than philosophy. They are, however, pleasant — momentary “highs” — and we are inching our way back to the possibility that psychoactive drugs can be used to trigger such experiences artificially and expand them indefinitely if the results are satisfying enough to outweigh the dangers.

All this seems like denial to me. Of the obvious. By turning away from the larger picture, the one both Nietzsche and Russell were courageous enough to face, to focus on those nice little particulars we experience or arrange for ourselves, whether in our private lives or by using recreational chemicals, we evade the important consequence of materialism:

That once you’ve removed God and transcendence from your worldview, there are no binding moral values, binding in the sense of being definitive and authoritative, and suggesting a lasting, inescapable, personal penalty for their violation. There is only state authority, popularity, physical pleasure, and these ephemeral on-top-of-the-world moments — all of which end in death, which the materialist understands as the permanent extinction of consciousness and personality. You cease to exist as completely as the nonexistence that preceded your conception. Presumably after those final anxious moments before you wink out, you won’t be worried about it.

Watson correctly observes that many people in secular society seem to have no problem with this. They have either rejected “religion” without further thought, or simply grew up without it. He writes:

“We need to remind ourselves … that many people — and perhaps the quieter souls among us — see no problem in God being dead. For them his death is no source of anxiety or perplexity…. [S]uch individuals are not “metaphysical types” and seek no “deep” meaning in existence. They just get on with their lives, making ends meet, living from day to day and season to season, enjoying themselves where they can, untroubled by matters that so perplex their neighbors. They have no great expectations that the big questions will ever be settled, so devote no time to their elucidation. In some ways, they are the most secular people of all and perhaps the most content” (The Age of Atheists, pp. 532-33).

Such folks blend smoothly into the majority, the masses of humanity in advanced civilization, meeting its demands on them, and no more thinking independently today than the third or so who were content with British rule in the 1770s and another third who didn’t care so long as they had food on the table. If asked, they will say they have no time for such matters as these. They will vote for mainstream candidates without question, and only start asking questions when their supposed leaders send their kids off to die in foreign wars as cannon fodder, if even then. They are first veilers. While many are nice people and good at what they do, should we trust their collective judgment with matters as far from everyday experience, and as important, as whether or not one should believe in God as the source of moral valuation?

2016 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

Materialism Pt. 2 of 4

“Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground although we refuse to see.
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind.”
~Kansas, “Dust in the Wind” (1977)

I’ve always enjoyed progressive rock, even if it raises my Christian friends’ brows sometimes. Much of it is well done, and sounds like some thought went into it. As implied by my referencing Madonna at the outset, popular music is often a good guide to the zeitgeist of a culture. Many singers/songwriters are sensitive to this in ways academics are not. Our cultural worldview, as I’ve emphasized, is fundamentally materialist, and even those uninterested in the philosophical specifics laid out in Part One will find themselves immersed in its consequences, one of which is the exclusive preoccupation with material goods amidst ethical ambiguity. One of the questions underwriting this ambiguity was best put by one of the first philosophy professors I was a teaching assistant for, back in the early 1980s. Are there any absolute values? was the question she posed in class. Must we rest content with the relativism of the anthropologists?

The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) believed we could deduce absolute duties from Pure Reason, and they would apply to all rational beings. He called his main principle the categorical imperative: always act as if the maxim or principle guiding your action could apply to everyone (I am paraphrasing, of course). Always tell the truth out of respect for the truth and respect for others as moral agents. Always keep your promises out of the same respect. Honor contracts. What is morally wrong is making exceptions for oneself, or treating oneself as a special case. Morality is universal or it is useless. Kant had problems, however, when universal duties appeared to conflict, as they sometimes did.

Great Britain’s John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873), a Utilitarian, argued that morality is a matter of following the greatest happiness principle: your action is ethical if it creates a greater balance of happiness over unhappiness in the world, where happiness tends to mean pleasures of various sorts (those of the mind, such as scientific knowledge or appreciation of the arts, take precedence over those of the body, involving sensuality and appetites). This kind of position logically permits the sacrifice of some if it brings about enough knowledge and social benefits for the rest to enjoy a greater balance of happiness. And by the way, these are not idle games played by intellectuals locked away in academic cubicles. Mill’s ideas were widely studied and absorbed into governing bodies throughout the English-speaking world. They came to affect policy decisions in a variety of arenas, and were furthered by people who barely even heard of Mill himself. The sacrifice of dozens of black men in Macon Co., Ala., during the Tuskegee syphilis experiment is consistent with utilitarian thought! The public health community got away with this for decades! Also compatible with utilitarianism is every decision to send the children of the masses to fight wars of choice!

So is it the case that, as Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky’s (1821 – 1881) character Ivan Karamazov put it, “If God does not exist, then everything is permitted”? Twentieth century secular ethics has been a struggle against this wretched conclusion, as well as against the relativism of anthropologists such as Benedict. Thus far, the results are less than promising!

A few major thinkers of the later twentieth century weighed in with fresh proposals. Among the best known is John Rawls (1921 – 2002), who pursued a theory of social justice as fairness. He sought to identify rules that would be adopted by rational persons from behind a veil of ignorance: that is, from an ideal vantage point where the adopter does not know his race or class standing or other particulars. What principles would be most worth embracing by the rational and fair-minded? Rawls’s answer: every person should have basic liberties no government can take away, to the extent compatible with equal liberties for all (the liberty principle); “offices and positions” should be open to all persons regardless of race and sex (an equality of opportunity principle); inequalities, to be acceptable, must work to the advantage of the worst off (the difference principle).

Rawls’s critics noted that his original position (behind the veil of ignorance) works under the assumption that most people are risk averse. They would not want to risk the results of principles that left disadvantaged groups to fend for themselves, as they might be in one such group. Saying this is a bit strange, however, and others wondered if the thought experiment was realistic. Can anyone actually imagine themselves behind a “veil of ignorance”? It certainly doesn’t comport with the identity-politics that has come about since Rawls wrote his major work A Theory of Justice (1971). Rawls did not see any connection between morality and justice on the one hand and metaphysics or worldviews on the other. The idea that these areas can be divorced from one another is part of secular ethics in the material world.

One of Rawls’s Harvard colleagues, Robert Nozick (1938 – 2002), developed an individualist ethic, as have other notable libertarian philosophers such as Tibor R. Machan (1939 – ), some influenced by Ayn Rand (1905 – 1982). They focused instead on negative rights of individuals, rights to be left alone in ways that imply no duties to others except to leave them alone. These they contrasted with supposed positive rights to specific goods someone is obligated to supply, which led to collectivism. Their view was that all individuals have the right to act freely, pursue their own goals, and keep the fruits of their labors (private property) so long as they do not interfere with the same negative rights of others. All should deal voluntarily with one another in the free market. According to the non-aggression principle, central in the libertarian ethos, what is forbidden is physical aggression or coercion against others.

This view appeals to defenders of freedom and Constitutionally limited government, obviously, since to the libertarian government is the primary aggressor against individuals’ rights, to be kept very small (minarchism, what Nozick called the night watchman state) or eliminated (anarchocapitalism), therefore. The downside is that individuals rendered helpless or infirm, e.g., by illness or infirmity late in life, would have no inherent right to care, as that would be a positive right. For libertarian purists, even social security is the collectivized and forcible taking from some and giving to others. Negative rights do not do you much good, however, if all they come down to is a “right” to starve, or to die helpless. Families are considered responsible for helping their own, but reality is that in industrial civilization family members have had to spread everywhere in search of work, often leaving elderly parents behind.
Nothing in libertarianism forbids a person from acting on his own to help, e.g., Alzheimer’s patients who are alone. This is hardly reassuring, though. An ethic of purely negative rights seems neither realistic nor humane. Libertarians assumed, moreover, that free market dynamics plus what Nozick’s night watchman state would be sufficient to control corporate greed or prevent the dominance of the state by corporations acting in consort as they hungered after power. History suggests that this is wrong, that the locus of power is not government per se but networked corporate leviathans who can buy political loyalty. One need only read John Perkins’s (1945 – ) Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) to see the role corporations have played in controlling governments and bringing about a wide variety of regime changes and cultural catastrophes against those who resisted.

While all these various notions have all received great discussion and debate, no one position has emerged as dominant. Richard Rorty (1931 – 2007), arguably the last major philosopher of the twentieth century (and possibly the last major philosopher the West will produce), put it like this in his Consequences of Pragmatism (1982): again to paraphrase, in the actual world, people have the rights and obligations society says they have, no more and no less. We are back to the anthropological view. Society, neither Rorty nor they quite tell us, devolves upon authority, especially those with the capacity to enforce their will on others, or to use language in ways ensuring psychological conditioning and de facto control. One of Rorty’s favorite philosophers was educationist John Dewey (1859 – 1952). Dewey, who had studied under Wundtian G. Stanley Hall whom we mentioned earlier, had also seen merit in behaviorism.

All of the philosophers we have considered were atheists except for Kant who believed society benefited from a general belief in God, although from a philosophical standpoint Kant decoupled God from morality. Later philosophers just built on this separation. Kant did not believe our reason was capable of solving the problem of whether or not God exists; its categories, Kant called them, limited its possibilities.

But we cannot really evade the choice: believe in God and His commands, or not? To not choose is to be an operational atheist, acting as if God does not exist while going along with what is fashionable, ethically speaking.

Rorty’s implicit answer to Dostoevsky is: “If God doesn’t exist, then everything is permitted that your fellows allow, the state permits, or that you can get away with.” The infamous “eleventh commandment”: thou shalt not get caught. If your culture has not convinced you that you shouldn’t lie, cheat, steal, or go on stage and perform nearly naked (think Miley Cyrus!), then so much the worse for your culture! Any ethical objections to the idea that corporations may do as they please and call it “the free market at work” turn out to be toothless.

Next week part three.

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