The Prism of America’s Education

By Karen Schoen

Immigration: Biden’s Invitation

Have you seen the caravan of new democrats on their way to Amerika? They said they are coming because Biden invited them. Remember as you go into lockdown and must wear masks that this caravan has NOT been tested. Remember that once they are legal they can bring their families so 12,000 is really 48,000.  48000 you will be responsible to feed, clothe, school and provide welfare.  Buyers remorse anyone.  So when you friends and family are upset by higher prices just say BLAME BIDEN.

Illegal immigration, open borders, no more fencing and welfare will be touted by Biden as a success but that is a lie. I was so glad to see Steven Miller call out Jen Sacki for lying about how walls don’t work.  That is what we must do. We must vote with our wallets. Support those that support us. Call your legislators. Tell them, these people are communists.

Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when?

Michael Cutler : author, educator, immigration expert.
My website is
My radio show on Blog Talk Radio airs on Friday nights at 7:00 PM Eastern Time:
The Michael Cutler Hour

What Biden’s Immigration Policies Would Do To America

America’s adversaries can’t wait for this massive betrayal.

Kindly forward this e-mail to your senators and congressional representatives and to as many folks as you can and then ask that those to whom you send this forward it along to everyone they can- I am attempting to create a “Bucket Brigade of Truth!

Pastor Rick Stevens:

More Censorship and hatred.  What do we do? Where do we go from here?


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How Can One Be Fired from Job He Didn’t Have?

by Rev. Austin Miles

This writer is puzzled. Someone help me with this. Can one be thrown out of Walmart when he or she was never in that store? Can one be ordered out of a taxi when he had never been in that taxi? The answer to both of those quirky questions would be simply, “ridiculous.”

Yet after President Trump had left the White House, following a questionable, and I mean questionable, voting surge for Biden, and is now a private citizen, the Lefties are spending time and money on…now get this…impeaching Former President Donald J. Trump! How’s that again?? Former President Trump is no longer in the Oval Office nor lives in The White House nor has no presidential decisions to make. He us now simply a citizen. So how in the name of the devil’s domain can he be impeached?? The answer, ‘he cannot.’ This could only come from the dumb dems.

The Leftist hatred for Trump is so great that it actually keeps them up at night. And this impeachment is strictly harassment for whom they consider a foe. There was a first impeachment charade not too long after he was sworn into office. They had the most ridiculous impeachment motion in history. And, as expected, it fizzled out.

Seventy Seven million people voted Trump in as President of the United States. And he accomplished more during that time than any president in history. He was the real deal. He did everything he promised on the campaign trail that he would do. And yes, the economy became the best we’ve had. And we had to put a lid on incoming immigrants, employment was up and overall prosperity was the icing on the cake, and he saved the lives of many, many babies in the womb.

And this made the democrat Communists furious. And they were ready to play dirty to get him out of sight. They had tried to use the “impeached’ gimmick while he was in office but that fizzled like a Bernie Sanders attempt to be President of our great country. What a disaster that would have been.

This writer has never, in 87 years, observed such hatred as the demoncraps had for Trump. That hatred was so bad, in so many ways, that this could only have been birthed from the depths of hell. Otherwise nobody could have hated that strenuously, throwing verbal acid in the faces of all Republicans and causing unrest in America, something we had never really had before with the exception of the Civil War.

But on the 6th of January, this month, rabble rousers had been rounded up via computer, and came to Washington, D.C. to storm the Capitol Building. It was a nightmare. They scaled walls to get to a window to break out so they could get in. And all these unwashed hippie like people got inside the building, and stormed the offices of the congress people and senators. They destroyed everything they could, opened desk drawers and scattered the contents on the floors.

Yes, this was an attempt to stir up a civil war but fortunately there was enough security to bring the entire mess to a halt. Arrests were made even though that did not undo the five people who were killed during the chaos and the many who were injured. And this included law enforcement. One of those killed, a woman, was shot to death in the halls of the Capitol and she was an army veteran.

The Dem-Communist Party were in their element since they had years ago, nourished this deep desire to destroy The United States of America. The goal of the Communist Party has always been to turn America into a Communist Country. This has been their goal for at least 60 years. Once they “capture” America, they will have the entire world under their control. America is the only country standing in the way of the One World Order. And why? Because America is basically a Christian Nation, churches dotting all landscapes and they know a Christian Mind cannot be enslaved.

Billionaire George Soros has financed many of the uprisings we have seen in recent years. And he is thoroughly locked into our country, and with his wealth, owns two homes here as well as an office, and does not have to hide. He has bought off many leaders of our country. Several charges could be filed against this traitor who finances most democrat functions and upheavals.

And this business of trying to impeach a president who is no longer in the Oval Office or lives in the White House makes as much sense as a foot fetishist trying to date Dolly Parton.

© 2021 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:


The Fight For A Moral America

By Roger Anghis

There has been a coup that the Democrats instigated for total control of America and they are pushing as much through as fast as they can because I believe that they think something might happen to reverse their coup.  I still stand with righteousness and will refuse to acknowledge a proven stolen election.

The policies that Biden is shoving down our throat in his executive orders, if you noticed, have ALL been against Americans.  I wonder if the morons that voted for the traitor are still impressed with him?  Remember during his ‘campaign’ he said he wasn’t for fracking?  Even during the debates, he claimed he never said he would ban fracking, but, true to his Democrat roots, he lied.[1] Both he and Harris support the banning of fracking.[2] The people that Biden has nominated for his fake cabinet are anti-fossil fuel.  Joe Biden’s nominee for interior secretary Rep. Deb Haaland is a Green New Deal co-sponsoring progressive who wants an immediate and outright ban on fracking in the United States.

If confirmed, Haaland would be responsible for managing all of the nation’s natural resources, including oil, gas, and clean coal, and more than 500 million acres of federal and tribal lands.

She would also be in charge of making good on Biden’s promises to reduce the nation’s reliance on fossil fuels and create more renewable energy sources.

While Biden flip-flopped on fracking during the presidential campaign — claiming he would ban it before backing it to woo blue-collar voters in states like Pennsylvania — Haaland, 60, is unequivocal.

In interviews, the Native American lawmaker has repeatedly called for a ban on fracking and even signed on to the People’s Demands For Climate Justice, a petition which calls for an end to government subsidies for fossil fuels and an “immediate ban on fracking.”[3]

The world is geared for fossil fuels and it just happens to be the most efficient form of energy in the world.  To eliminate all fossil fuels, which Biden/Harris want to do by 2050, is irresponsible not to mention foolish, but they are Democrats and they have no concept of reality nor do they have common sense.  This is proven by who they nominated for president.  Don’t write me any letters about who is president.  Trump received 84 million votes and got 410 Electoral College votes but even our Supreme Court, for political reasons, refused to review the proven information.  That makes it a stolen election and I refuse to accept the theft as truth.

The Executive Orders that he has signed, 30 in the first three days, are nothing more than a slap in the face to all Americans.[4] His immigration EO allows immigration from hostile Arab countries making it unsafe for Americans, classifying the faux ‘climate change’ as a high priority will not solve any problems and will be massively expensive for the American taxpayer, his elimination of Trumps 1776 Commission take the opportunity of teaching our children the real history of America and promoting patriotism and tossing it to the side in favor of the revisionist historians.  As is typical of Democrats, it is estimated that Biden’s so-called energy policies will cost Americans about one million jobs.

Biden’s rejoining the Paris Climate Accord is going to be very costly for the American economy and the American worker.  Some have estimated that it could cost us 6.5 million jobs and $3 trillion.  Politifact disputes this but they’re not any better than Snopes so the figures are probably very accurate.[5]

Biden is also an opponent of the 2nd Amendment.  He does not favor Americans having the ability to protect themselves, especially from the government. Nevertheless, the new boss — who is the same as the old boss, contrary to what many believe — plans to immediately ban the “manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

Joe Biden will enact legislation to once again ban assault weapons. This time, the bans will be designed based on lessons learned from the 1994 bans. For example, the ban on assault weapons will be designed to prevent manufacturers from circumventing the law by making minor changes that don’t limit the weapon’s lethality. While working to pass this legislation, Biden will also use his executive authority to ban the importation of assault weapons.

Biden also plans to force all legal gun owners to register their firearms with the state, or be forced to turn them in, going so far as to issued an ultimatum.

This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act.[6]

To ignore the will of the people and to act like we don’t have a Constitution, pass laws that benefit not just foreign countries over Americans but literally give Americans the crumbs, both parties are guilty of that, is proof that America has gone too far down the wrong path.  Biden has reinstated the policy for taxpayer-funded abortions not just here but all around the world.  If for no other reason the theft of this election should not be allowed to stand it is for the lives of the babies that will be massacred by the abortionist funded by Democrats. In prepared remarks released by the White House on Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci tells the World Health Organization’s executive board that Biden will soon revoke the Mexico City Policy “as part of his broader commitment to protect women’s health and advance gender equality at home and around the world.”[7] Among the promises that President elect-Biden is expected to fulfill immediately upon taking office: lifting a ban that President Trump imposed on U.S. foreign aid dollars related to abortion.

Specifically, the ban prohibits foreign aid funding for privately-run overseas-based groups that “perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning” for women. Activities that are barred include providing referrals for abortion or offering advice or medical information on the procedure.[8]

We never heard any of the policies that Biden supported but now are seeing just how far into the communist mindset the Democrat party has gone.  No one can call the Democrat party moral or even for the American people.  So far everything they’ve done is for foreign countries at the cost of the American worker.  Even the unions, always strong Democrat supporters are having buyer’s remorse after supporting Biden.[9]

I still am looking for this election to be overturned.  Call me foolish but the prophets have said the God will do something that He has never done before.  We get to see it.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Video: Biden ban’s fracking
  2. Fact check: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have campaigned on banning fracking
  3. Biden’s interior nominee Haaland is anti fracking green new deal co sponsor
  4. Biden executive orders
  5. Joe Biden jobs Paris climate agreement fact check
  6. One of the first executive orders: Biden will pass gun control will you comply
  7. Biden administration prepares to overturn Trump abortion rule
  8. A Biden promise about overseas abortion funding could prove difficult to impleme
  9. Labor unions have buyers remorse after voting for biden

The View from Israel on Biden

By Barry Shaw

Biden’s Blunders. Day One.

In a knee-jerk reaction to remove anything linked to Donald Trump, newly elected President Biden took out his pen and reversed several rulings that will negatively impact every American citizen.

With a stroke of his pen, Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline. Result? The loss of over eleven thousand jobs. As his Transportation Secretary and former small-town mayor, Pete Buttigieg contemptuously said, in so many words, “No big deal. Let them find other jobs.”

But when Biden followed up by imposing a moratorium on new oil and gas drilling, including fracking, on federal land, this will effectively wipe out thousands more jobs in key states dependent on the oil industry.

The loss to the American economy will run into billions of dollars in oil and gas exports, higher gas prices to every American household. The loss of so many jobs will impoverish thousands of households.

The resulting rise in unemployment at a time of stringent pandemic lockdowns will clash with yet another of Biden’s blunders.

Biden’s Executive Order to open the southern border permitting tens of thousands, potentially millions, of undocumented and unverified economic migrants from central America to freely enter America at a time of rising unemployment and desperation within America, will inevitably exacerbate the sinking job market and local economies.

While American citizens are being ordered to lose their jobs and to lock themselves into their homes, Biden is opening the southern gates of America and welcoming an unlimited number of undocumented migrants to enter the country in search of cheap jobs and American welfare benefits.

This can only result in an economic crisis of national proportions. Add to this Biden’s order for a $15 minimum wage. Whoever dreamed up that combination of unfolding events clearly does not understand economics or sociology.

Would this minimum wage apply to agricultural labor? How much would that add to America’s food bill?

Has Biden, or his advisers, taken into consideration that the first Americans to be negatively impacted by a tsunami of economic migrants will be the African-Americans and minorities that Biden’s election campaign promised to protect?

Obviously not.

These newly imported workers will take the place of American low wage earners in agriculture, the packing and restaurant industries, and other local low wage jobs? It is clear that Biden paid no heed to the inevitable friction that is bound to cause with his ill-conceived Executive Order.

Another consideration ignored by Biden is the impact on the current pandemic by the mass import of thousands of migrants sweeping into America. The juxtaposition of imposing limits to people flying into America in the name of public health and an unbridled and unchecked mass migration arriving on foot through the southern border is dangerously foolhardy.

The result of this blunder will inevitably lead to yet another spike in infections that America can ill afford, plus the potential of friction and a rise in violent crimes.

And the issue of violent crimes brings me to the final Biden blunder.

His pen-stroke that halted the deportation of thousands of criminal illegal immigrants was soaked in the blood of innocent Americans murdered and maimed by criminal immigrants included the notorious MS-13 gang members and drug dealers who have torn a hole in the soul of inner cities and have impacted the lives of their victims.

It raises the question. Why was this such an urgent high priority for President Biden on Day One and during a pandemic?

On its face, Biden seemed to be putting his moral force behind illegal migrants above the interests of American citizens.

And It was horrific to see Biden’s Press Secretary, Jan Psaki, smilingly wave off a critical question by saying, “The wall did not work, even to keep bad actors out.” Wrong!

The Press Secretary lied to the American people.

Biden’s first act has made America less safe. It has made American citizens second class citizens with urgent preference given to foreigners and imported criminals.

While they are locked out of their businesses and jobs and into their homes, the criminal migrants within America, already protected by sanctuary cities and liberal judges have received the green light to remain in America and continue their life of crime knowing the threat of deportation has been lifted off their shoulders.

A sociological Biden blunder was his Executive Order forcing sports organizations to accept transgender males into girls and women’s sports. Whereas transgender women are unlikely to impact the top levels of male sports transgender males will be at a physiological advantage at all levels of female sports. As gay men and lesbian athletes continue to try and find their place in sports their efforts to highlight their cause will be dimmed when the controversial participation of trans-males in top level women’s events will be spotlighted in televised domestic and international events, including championships and Olympic Games.

Indeed, the gay and lesbian committees have been at the forefront is voicing their opposition to the intrusion of trans people into gender sports. They feel that trans sportspeople should have their own categories. It is puzzling why the MeToo Movement is not rushing to support the protests of sporting girls and women. They will be forced to do so as this controversial issue continues to develop.

This will be an issue that will bite Biden throughout his presidency. It will highlight what former intelligence analyst, Robert Gates, once said. That Biden has been wrong on almost every issue throughout his political career.

And this was only Day One.

[Bio. Barry Shaw is a Senior Associate at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. Author of several books including ‘Fighting Hamas, BDS, and Anti-Semitism’ and ‘BDS for Idiots.’]

© 2021 Barry Shaw – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Barry Shaw:

To Secede (or) Not to Secede

By JB Williams

It is a very real problem that the Federal Government of the United States stands in direct breach of the very compact that creates them and grants them any authority to even exist, much less govern.

All three branches of the Federal Government are rogue runaway criminal enterprises of, by and for themselves. By its own actions, the Federal Government has clearly violated pretty much every text, intent and purpose of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and in the USA, unlike 3rd world banana republics, this cannot be allowed to continue.

However,the fact that very few Americans today know enough about their Constitution and Bill of Rights, to properly define or pursue any correct remedy for this crisis, is a much greater problem. Sadly, even most modern-day “constitutionalists” lack a proper contextual understanding of “the Supreme Law of the Land” and, you can totally forget the notion that today’s law professionals know anything about Constitutional Law at all. They were only trained in English Common Law since 1946.

This condition leaves the nation trapped in the position of losing our beloved Constitutional Republic no matter what, either by a global Marxist takeover, or kneejerk reactions that themselves, amount to the burning of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

It’s nearly impossible to teach anyone anything — if they think they know everything already. But here goes.

As has been the case since they joined the union of states on Dec. 29, 1845, Texas is once again talking about seceding from the union of states and striking out on its own as a separate independent state under its own Texas State Constitution.

(Big League Politics) – Texas state representative Kyle Biedermann (R-Fredericksburg) has introduced legislation that would put the question of secession to the people.

The legislation, House Bill 1359, would put a nonbinding referendum to Texas voters with the following question: “Should the legislature of the State of Texas submit a plan for leaving the United States of America and establishing an independent republic?”

To bolster his idea for secession, Biedermann is claiming that there are “indications that the Republic of Texas would not just survive, but thrive as an independent nation.”

“Voters of all political persuasions in Texas can agree on one thing, Washington D.C. is and has been broken,” Biedermann said in a press release.

“Watch what you wish for” comes to mind…

The U.S. Constitution provides every remedy and solution we need. So, why would any member state of the union want to leave the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights?

The U.S. Constitution does three important things;

  1. Forms a union of the fifty states
  2. Creates a Federal Government
  3. Authorizes the Federal Government to manage “limited specific” duties on behalf of the states

To secede from the union requires a state to formerly withdraw from the documents that make a state a part of that union, the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution joins the states together and unless you withdraw from that compact, you cannot secede from the union it creates.

Standing Supreme Court precedent, in Texas v. White, holds that “the states cannot secede from the union by an act of the state.” More recently, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated, “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede.”

Texas v. White– U.S. Supreme Court case in which it was held that the United States is “an indestructible union” from which no state can secede. The point Scalia was making is, this is the difference between a “contract” and a “compact.” A member of a contract may “unilaterally” withdraw from the contract, and leave the remaining members of the contract intact.

But if any member “unilaterally” withdraws from a “compact,” the entire compact ceases to exist. As a result, by joining the “union” via the “compact,” every state agreed NOT to act “unilaterally.” At this moment, we have a fully intact U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. The minute any state breaks the “compact,” the entire compact is broken for all members of the union. Scalia was right.

Texas joined the union of states in 1845 and it has been talking about seceding from the union since 1869. 152-years later, Texas is still a member of that union and, is still talking about secession.

Why? Because the chatter still captures the imagination of angry masses, even though it will never happen and would only make things worse if it did. It’s a great way to bring like-minded folks into the room where you can raise money for a failed secession idea, while distracting attention from all viable constitutional solutions.

WHY is secession NOT the answer?

  1. No state has successfully ever seceded from the union and the Supreme Court has ruled over the years that no state has that unilateral authority.
  2. To secede from the union, a state must secede from the U.S. Constitution, the union of states and the Bill of Rights, breaking the very thing they are upset, that the Federal Government breaking.
  3. Secession means you have left the table entirely and no longer have any say about anything outside your own state.
  4. Attempting to secede sets your state at odds with 49 other states, who will have a strong interest in blocking any such attempts.
  5. It won’t solve the problem. Being a member of the union of states isn’t the problem. There isn’t a single “blue” state anywhere in this country. There are only “blue” cities, including the major cities in the same states who are talking about seceding from the Constitution. Are you going to secede from your “blue” cities too?

We have plenty of solutions to our problems and they are all found in the Constitution that some think they want to withdraw from.

Before you can find the right solution to any problem, you must first know which measures to avoid, or you will only make matters worse.

While trying to find a real solution for our country, maybe you should try eliminating the “blue cities” in your state that are responsible for the destruction of your state and our country, first… If you can’t do that, you can’t save your state or our country.

© 2021 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams:

The UK, Beyond 2020 and Brexit – Does a Light Still Shine?

By Shirley Edwards

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.  Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

The Psychological Attack which is being carried out upon the citizens of the UK, is dark, cruel and manipulative.   After weeks of a complete lockdown in society, with a one-day reprieve for good behavior on Christmas Day, and with no hope of a release until Spring; a deep sense of despair is affecting many.   A huge division, a chasm, and an abyss is being created through extreme fear and isolation.   Is there any hope or light at the end of the tunnel now we have arrived into 2021?

After proudly boasting of our departure from the EU and securing a ‘jumbo Canadian-style’ Brexit deal which will secure the control of our destiny, the Prime Minister, Alexander Boris de Pfellel Johnson, appeared to be standing quite alone in his joy.  After, four years of will we, wont we, and the year of confusion from 2020;departing from the EU now seemed hardly noticeable or relevant under the current climate of the government’s total dictatorship.

As he claimed we would have a newfound ability to set our own standards, and that British laws would be made solely by the British parliament, interpreted by British Judges, sitting in UK courts, one wondered if the British public would really have any say in anything, anymore?   It was difficult to see any optimism in his promises.   Trust has all but gone.

Boris Johnson says Brexit deal has settled UK’s Europe question | Brexit | The Guardian

And whilst, a very nice lady from Buckingham shire received an MBE for services to Straw Hat Plaiting and Endangered craft skills, it was painfully obvious that Nigel Farage, the MP who fought so valiantly to leave the EU for 20 years leading the campaign for Brexit, with a vote from 17.5 million people was sadly missing from the New Year Honor’s list.  There was barely any acknowledgement for the man who had inspired such genuine hope and optimism from his platform in the year 2016.   The year of significant change for the UK and America alike when I realized people really do love their independence.

Despite the absence of a medal, Nigel Farage has been very busy exposing the number of illegal immigrants crossing the channel to England, over the last 12 months, claiming that the British government are housing 48,000 illegal immigrants in hotels and private homes with £40 a week spending money.  Nice.

He has also been very busy launching his new political party Reform UK with Richard Tice, another prominent Brexiteer who appears to have an insight into how the British public are being treated.

Nigel Farage claims 48k illegal migrants are put up in hotels | talk RADIO

Applied Behavioral Psychology and a Basket of Cookies

Whilst HM Government have been implementing even more frightening tactics by interrupting TV programming with scenes of people on oxygen, silencing free speech and encouraging us through billboards and posters to ‘Act as though we have the Virus’; people who can barely breathe through forced imprisonment and a bombardment of negativity, are desperately in need of some optimism outside of the applied behavioral psychology which I believe is being used against them.   Like small tiny sparrows they wait for the odd crumb of Hope.  

New TV advert urges public to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives – GOV.UK (

Telling people to act as if they are potential murderers is irresponsible, and leads people further into the trap and deadly disease of isolation and hopelessness.  We were once free and responsible people, happy to play our part in protecting others.  Now we are snitches on our neighbor’s, and enemies to our friends and family.  

The recent apology from the Prime Minister that he has been unable to prevent so many people from dying from the virus has added to the emotional confusion.  The insistent petitions from his own government and the general public on the devastation being created outside of the virus via the increased mental health problems and poverty as a result of lockdowns,has fallen on deaf ears.   Small gestures by way of compensation can hardly make up for the harm.  Thankfully, some people have seen through the poisoned apple they have been offered, and resisted.

Below is a government document called Mindspace indicating how psychology can be applied to change how the public think and act without us knowing about it.  Have our government used it against us?  I do believe that the public are at last and at least becoming more aware that ‘something is not quite right’ and asking questions.

It is not unusual to hear that people are now distancing themselves from the continual messaging in an effort for self -preservation and sanity.  Across the globe more and more people are ‘awakening’

Going with the grain: influencing behaviour through public policy (

The exposure of such blatant evil as witnessed through the presidential elections in the USA, has also added to the certainty that we are in an ultimate spiritual battle,where lies, deception and division are being purposefully orchestrated.  It can be no coincidence that every country, with the exception of Sweden, appears to following an identical script.

Whilst there is a virus that can be particularly nasty if caught, Global Elites and Marxism is the virus we are really at war with.  Whilst they create and orchestrate divisions through race, color and creed, they are the only ones who are really united in their goal of one world domination.  Will they win?

The Building Blocks of Stability – Faith, Freedom, Family

If anything beneficial has come out of the loss of our freedoms, which it has; it is the realization of the things that we do value most in life. It has also been a time of appreciation for the simple things in life.  However, the freedoms we have lost, which are based on Christian principles were meant to be protected under the European Convention of Human Rights, In particular

  • Article 8 (the right to respect for private and family life).
  • Article 9 (freedom of thought, conscience and religion).
  • Article 10 (freedom of expression).
  • Article 11 (freedom of assembly and association).

It is only under an act of war or an emergency that those rights can be limited by a government.  Governments have totally removed those human rights based on findings and research which have become very questionable to many scientists, doctors, judges, sceptics worldwide.

Lord Sumpton who is highly regarded in the legal profession is one such champion in the UK speaking up for the rights of the private individual.

Lord Sumption: Fear has been ‘skilfully and deliberately’ used by government to ensure compliance – YouTube

He has quoted:

“Historically, fear has always been the most potent of instruments of the authoritarian state. That is what we are witnessing today. But the fault is not just in our government, it’s also in ourselves.

Lord Sumption says UK government’s handling of pandemic augurs authoritarianism – Scottish Legal News

It has been very heartening to hear such people speak up about the loss of our freedoms, and to give such an insight into the fear we hold inside us, and it is also why it has been so heartening and encouraging to see so many Americans really standing up for the value of freedom too.  It bought optimism.  And, whilst we all know that all of the nations around the world have fallen victim to so many perversions of every kind, America included, it was still the fight for those values which has encouraged everyone around the world.   I have often wondered what the leaders of other countries really thought when they saw the love and admiration that was expressed towards President Trump that the mainstream media would never really publicize to the public.  I can barely think of anyone who would view the British Prime Minister with any such affection. 

The love, and also the hatred, which we have seen expressed has given many of us a much deeper insight now into why Christianity, not religion, is at the center of this attack.  We have been saying it for years, but we are now living in very exceptional and pivotal times.   Despite the darkness, there is also more light coming into this world to expose it? 

A return to God and a return to love needs to be maintained.  We need to hold on to the unchanging, immoveable stability that he offers and bring it to the forefront in 2021.  The displacement of all moral values and the arrogance of liars will then not prevail. 

We know it all ends well.  But in the meantime, I believe a search and rescue mission is underway, a wheat and chaff process is taking place, and there is much to be optimistic about if you stand on the right side of Truth.

A light still shines which can never go out.

Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint; protect my life from the threat of the enemy.

Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked, from the plots of evildoers.

They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim cruel words like deadly arrows.

They shoot from ambush at the innocent; they shoot suddenly, without fear.

They encourage each other in evil plans, they talk about hiding their snares; they say, “Who will see it ?”

They plot injustice and say, “We have devised a perfect plan!” Surely the human mind and heart are cunning.

But God will shoot them with his arrows; they will suddenly be struck down.

He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.

All people will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done.

The righteous will rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will glory in him!

© 2021 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards:


Honorable Gregg Abbot

Office of the Governor

P.O. Box 12428

Austin, Texas 78711-2428

Re: Nullification – State’s Rights

Dear Honorable Governor Abbot:

On behalf of the Howard County Texas GOP Club, we are appealing to you to make our legislature aware of certain legal issues. There is an ocean of provable evidence – not just sworn affidavits – the November 2020 election was stolen from President-elect, Donald J. Trump. He never conceded.

More is being compiled and we believe, in the coming months, all of the hard evidence will prove beyond any legal doubt Joe Biden did not win the election. He stole it.

First: Federal Elections end at midnight ON election day. Not three hours or three days later but ON election day. All six contested states were in violation of federal election law. Never before in history: PA, NC, GA,NV, MI and WI all stopped counting votes after midnight. Then the big ballot dumps began.

In the case of Pennsylvania, a key tool for vote fraud, mail-in ballots, were ordered to be accepted three days after election day – even if the ballot envelope did not have a clear postmark. CNBC: “Republicans, including President Donald Trump’s campaign, have opposed such an extension, arguing that it violates federal law that sets Election Day as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.”

Who gave the go-ahead for Pennsylvania to violate federal election law? The U.S. Supreme Court, ignoring their own decision in Foster v Love in a 4-4 opinion. As Amy Comey Barrett had not been sworn in yet, Chief Justice John Roberts naturally sided with the three liberals on the bench.

CNBC: “Most states make Election Day the deadline, but 18 states — half of which backed Trump in the 2016 election — have a post-Election Day deadline.” Those 18 states are all in violation of federal election law.

If no candidate has a clear enough lead to decide the election ON election day (that ends at midnight), the election is void. If a candidate has a lead so insurmountable the challenger cannot overcome ON election day, that candidate is the winner. Trump was ahead in
Pennsylvania around 10:30 pm by 700,000 votes. No way Biden could close that gap so the steal started.

For a comprehensive explanation, please see:

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997;9-0 Decision)

To listen to the audio arguments in that case which also provides the transcript – including from the left’s icon, the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who was on the bench at the time – go to this link:

3 U.S.C. § 7 Proves Electors Must Be Appointed On Election Day, Not Certification Day. It is a legal analysis by a constitutional attorney.

Usurper Biden began issuing Executive Orders like confetti on January 21, 2021, for which he has no authority to do. Each is an attempt to erase everything Trump accomplished while in office. Enforcement of the Tenth Amendment is critical in stopping the “Biden
administration” from shoving their toxic agenda down our throats as well as bulldozing statesof the Union.

Let us remember the words of Joseph Story, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833:

“Another not unimportant consideration is that the powers of the general government will be, and indeed must be, principally employed upon external objects, such as war, peace, negotiations with foreign powers and foreign commerce. In its internal operations it can touch but few objects, except to introduce regulations beneficial to the commerce, intercourse and other relations, between the states, and
to lay taxes for the common good.

“The powers of the states, on the other hand, extend to all objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, and liberties, and property of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the state.”

States of the Union must exercise their plenary authority using nullification. Nullification is steeped in our history and not used enough by states to stop draconian “laws” or “orders” coming out of Washington, DC.

Activist judges are still infesting the federal judiciary and even “conservative” judges put on the bench by Trump betrayed him on numerous occasions. The Democrat Party simply ignores the U.S. Constitution as if it doesn’t exist. Nullification doesn’t require lawsuits,
judges nor any action by the federal government.

Of course, Congress doesn’t want either the American people or state reps and senators to know anything about their impotence in forcing states to comply with rancid policies or unconstitutional “laws”.

In September 1993, Hillary Clinton, was pushing hard for a socialist government take-over of the health care system. This memo was leaked:

Memorandum for Walter Zellman from Sallyanne Payton, clearly marked: Preliminary Draft for Official Use Only. Do Not Quote or Release For Any Purpose, page 4, Health Care Task Reform under Hillary Clinton: Please note these sections:

“(b) may the federal government use other actors in the governmental system and the private sector as its agents and give them orders as though they were parts of a prefectorial system? The short answer is “no.” State governments are independent, although subordinated, sovereignties, not subdivisions of the federal government.

“Although the federal government may regulate many of their functions directly [as well, for example, it subjects state water districts to the Clean Water Act], it may not require them to exercise their own governmental powers in a manner dictated by federal law. The states may be encouraged, bribed or threatened into entering into joint federal state programs of various sorts, from unemployment insurance to Medicaid; but they may not be commanded directly to use their own governmental apparatus in the service of federal policy. There is a modest jurisprudence of the Tenth Amendment that seems to have settled on this proposition. See the DOJ [Dept. of Justice]memorandum for a fuller elaboration.”

Here is a short video explaining nullification and how it’s achieved:
Nullification: An Introduction (Video)

This is the main page for the Tenth Amendment Center dealing issues such as:
The Supremacy Clause, Commerce Clause and others.

For your reference, here is one of the strongest cases defending states’ rights:
Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997)

We are making an effort to set up a conference call with GOP State Chairman, Allen West, requesting he make this information available to all GOP chapters throughout the state of Texas.

Searching for URL’s is timely. For your convenience, one of our members, an investigative journalist, can email the captions and links if you have one of your staff members email her at:

Simply put in the subject line: Nullification Links – Legislature. This will help her identify your email as she receives hundreds of emails per day.

Our members appreciate your time and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Teresa Griffin at or call me at (432) 638-1889


Teresa Griffin

Impeaching Biden Depends on 2022

By: Devvy

Yet another political sham impeachment trial is scheduled for Feb. 8, 2021.  There were no ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors” committed by Donald J. Trump, on Jan. 6, 2021 or any other date.  The sole purpose in wasting taxpayer’s dollars is to make sure Trump can never run for president again or hold any other federal office.

It’s also another way of throwing an after school treat at Lucifer’s Democrat Communist Party USA’s insane leftists.  Despite the fact such a farce is DOA in the Senate matters not to the mad hatters pushing for it.  Another show of political vomit and grandstanding with no constitutional basis to hold such a trial.

Impeachment 2.0 – No, the Senate cannot convict Trump after he leaves office: “The question is, can the Senate hold an impeachment trial and convict a president after the president already has left office. I think the plain wording of the constitution says such post-departure impeachment is not permitted.”

Now, if we want to fine tune things a bit, Trump absolutely won the election by a massive landslide which makes him President-elect Donald J. Trump.  (He never conceded.) However, Trump’s term in office expired at noon on Jan. 20, 2021.  He was not sworn-in due to Cheater China Joe usurping the office of president by fraud being sworn in as Trump had already left office.

Many have asked why Chief (In) Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Roberts, refused to preside over this upcoming sham trial in the Senate?  John Roberts’ refusal to sit for Trump impeachment sparks constitutional concerns

The Constitution specifically says Chief Justice of SCOTUS shall preside, but once again, there’s the thorny problem being this so-called trial will occur after Trump left officeImpeachment Problem? Chief Justice Roberts May Not Have Constitutional Authority To Preside At Trial Of FORMER President – Oh, I love this one quoting law professor (a liberal), Jonathan Turley:

“The Constitution refers to a present-tense status of “the president.” That status is key to other provisions bestowing official powers and privileges, which do not linger after leaving office. No one would argue that Trump could continue to exercise those powers once President-elect Biden is sworn in. Yet a Senate trial would insist that, while Trump has no continuing powers, he remains subject to continued penalties tied to the office. Moreover, the stated purpose of the impeachment trial is whether a president “shall be removed.” Thus, the only person constitutionally subject to an impeachment trial would be the sitting president, Joe Biden.”

Is your head spinning yet?

And in all their delusions of self-importance, Chuckie Schumer and China Mitch McConnell picked an 80-year old ‘lifer’ that foolish, ignorant voters in Vermont have reelected since 1975, Sen. Patrick “Leaky” Leahy.  His nick name came about because old Patrick can’t keep his mouth shut, always leaking sensitive material to the MSM.

So, is this banana republic impeachment legal if someone other than Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides?  I haven’t read any alternative person can take the Chief Justice’s place.

The durable Leaky Leahy, after being sworn in to preside over the upcoming circus show, “out of an abundance of caution” had to be taken to a hospital.  You can’t make this stuff up, folks.  Mark my words:  Desperate Americans slaughtered by lockdowns with 8 million more pushed into poverty, tens of thousands already laid off with more to come and sick of the DemonRats constantly going after Trump with nothing to show for it are going to hold Democrats responsible in 2022.

Dem voters will be hurt by the push to give amnesty to the tens of millions of illegal aliens who steal jobs that belong to Americans, not to mention bleeding the welfare systems – both federal and state – as well as our health care system.  If you think it’s bad now, if Cheater China Joe succeeds, this country will be over run with hoards of illiterate mobs demanding your paycheck.

28 Vulnerable House Democrats Silent on Biden’s Amnesty for Illegals – Those reps will be the ones the RNC targets.  A new political party, in this case, the Patriot Party – if they can even get ballot qualified in 50 states – simply will not have the money to mount a war against incumbents and will, in fact, siphon off the needed votes to oust those America haters.

While all this waste of time is going on, Cheater China Joe, hasn’t missed a beat still issuing a plethora of Executive Orders, killing off tens of thousands of jobs and much more.  I listed many in my Jan. 25, 2021 column.

In my series on state’s rights and neutering much of what’s coming out of usurper Joe’s “administration”, as I mentioned in my Jan. 25th column, our county GOP Club had already begun going after our state reps and senators.  The letter we sent to several of them along included copies to our (GOP) Governor, (GOP) Lt. Governor and (GOP) Attorney General is provided in an addendum; link at bottom of column.

Grassroots boots on the ground is what gets things done.  After reading my column, a nice young man from Montana emailed me to let me know their organization isn’t just talkers, they are people of action.  Bravo!  I emailed him a copy of our letter at his request.

A couple of people emailed me with snarky language I was nothing but a shill for the Republican Party.  Well, here’s a news flash:  I haven’t been a member of the Republican Party since April 1996.  I changed my registration to no party.  Never voted for a Democrat in my life. I just get a straight down ballot for Republican candidates.

A few others emailed their opinions that the only way to stop Lucifer’s Democrat Communist Party USA is all 80 million Trump voters sign up for the new Patriot Party.  I saw click bait claiming this new Patriot Party had become the number one party now in America!Ah, in four days?  I don’t think so.  As I wrote in my Jan. 22nd column:

“Reports are abounding Trump will create a third party which would be a mistake.  America went down that road in 1992 with Ross Perot siphoning off 19% of the vote ushering in globalist, Bill Clinton.  Admirable what Mr. Perot did during his lifetime, but a third party (one day we might have a successful one) isn’t what needs to be done right now.”

Anyone or group can file the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission but the big sticker is getting ballot qualified.  The Constitution Party which was previously known as the U.S. Taxpayer’s Party until 1999, has been around a very long time, yet that party is only ballot qualified in 13 states; Oregon doesn’t consider itself affiliated with the national party. You cannot win a presidential election if voters can only vote for your candidate in 13/14 states.

State legislatures are the ones who decide who gets ballot qualified and they can stop a party simply by changing the rules making it impossible to get required number of signatures and filing fees.  Neither the DNC nor the RNC wants to see a new party of ‘Trumpers’ even when Trump himself – and for good reason – is not a supporter.  I cannot speak for Trump but he knows an alternate party will siphon off critical votes.

Since it appears Trump is going to try to ‘primary out’ Republicans who turned on him, Republican voters are critical.  In some states you have to vote one party in the primary.  And, I might add, realistically, I doubt this new party is going to get 80 million Trump voters to change their party affiliation.

Trump Ends Patriot Party Talk, Will Primary Never-Trumpers

Trump campaign distances itself from new ‘Patriot party’“On Monday, the former president’s campaign committee, Donald J Trump for President (DJTFP), disavowed claims by a new political action committee (PAC) called the Patriot party, that the two were part of a joint fundraising campaign.

“DJTFP said it made the statement to the Federal Election Commission “out of concern for confusion among the public, which may be misled to believe that Patriot party’s activities have been authorised by Mr Trump or DJTFP – or that contributions to this unauthorised committee are being made to DJTFP – when that is not true”.

Impeach Biden in January 2023

We know Cheater China Joe’s son, Hunter, is under investigation by the Justice Department for several crimes having to do with taxes and money laundering.  We also know for a fact because the information was found on Hunter’s laptop in possession of the FBI, he was paying his father kick-backs relating to his business dealings.  The son is going to bring down his father.

No one following events since Trump’s campaign was spied on in 2015, all the way through the manufactured Russia dossier hoax to the persecution of Gen. Michael Flynn has any confidence in the upper echelon of the FBI.  Too many dirty cops like FBI Director Christopher Wray who is staying on under usurper Biden.  Old Joe has every faith and confidence corrupt Christopher Wray will do his part in trying to bury the criminal activities of him and his son.

The Acting Attorney General will soon be gone and another stooge by a different name will be top cop.  One that Biden feels will protect him and his son as did dirty cop, James Comey, et al., protected Hillary.  However, you can only put so much air in a balloon before it bursts.

The MSM prostitutes who shill for Lucifer’s Democrat Communist Party USA did their part in covering up anything and everything to do with Joe’s advanced dementia and his son’s business dealings because they come right back to China Joe.  They’re also cutting their own throats.

Think some Republicans in Congress – specifically Rep. Devan Nunes, aren’t already busy investigating the Biden crime family?  I’ve been following Nunes and others these past four years.  They can build a case so overwhelming even Biden’s errand boys in DOJ won’t be able to protect him because of a massive public outcry.  Oh, you can bet they are and Nunes is like a dog with his favorite bone which is why the November 2022 PRIMARIES are critical.

28 Vulnerable House Democrats Silent on Biden’s Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (List embedded in article)

Cheater China Joe, when not napping, has been like a wrecking ball.  The shadow government knows very well they won’t be able to conceal the usurper’s dementia for very long.  Oh, I know, the thought of that nasty piece of baggage, Comrade Kamala Harris assuming the office of president is frightening, but an awful lot of things can happen over the next few months so hold on.

Cheater China Joe was always going to be nothing more than a marionette for those pulling the strings in the shadows.  At some point, the shadow government will have two choices about Biden.  Sooner rather than later, Biden is going to – in a glaring fashion – simply do what people who have advanced dementia do – they breakdown.

Their confusion sometimes reverts to childhood antics like temper tantrums or crying that can happen at any time.  Think when he was on the campaign trail and was so rude to voters acting like toddler who didn’t get his way.  When that happens, China Joe will be gently told it’s time for him to resign “for the good of our democracy” bull manure.

Is Joe Biden OK? Biden’s Brain Freeze and Labored Breathing During Interview with MSNBC Raises Questions About His Health (VIDEO)  (Horribly pathetic to watch but they’ve known all this time. The RNC should sue the DNC for knowingly approving a mentally ill nominee.)

Or, once the flood of provable crimes by Biden and his son can’t be censored any longer and is flooding the Internet and talk radio, Biden is told he has to resign or, “regrettably” face impeachment.  One way or the other, I do believe it is going to happen.

That’s why China Joe has been signing anything put in front of his face as fast as he can figure out how to use a pen.  The shadow government knows full well their vote fraud scheme is going eventually blow up in their faces.  That many states will, I believe, begin to use nullification (and likely lawsuits) to neuter the agenda of the socialists and communists serving in Congress.

While they’re trying to ruin Trump financially, they know he still has huge support and will have even more as countless numbers of jobs disappear and the economy, already in a nose dive before COVID (yes, it was) crashes like a 10,000 pound-boulder.  The 2022 primaries start a year from now.  Not much time but the Biden gang will have done massive damage long before then making incumbents in Congress and state houses very vulnerable.

(One of my wishes:  Primaries all done in June of the election year.  Both parties hold their conventions in August, election in Nov.  That gives voters sufficient time to evaluate a candidate.  Voter votes for Joe Smith in a primary or a silly caucus in February.  Then dirt comes out or the candidate does a flip flop on issues in May and they’re stuck with that candidate in the general election.

A candidate can campaign for however long they feel necessary but Americans either grow weary of all those campaign ads or most likely, a large majority don’t make up their mind – especially for president and VP – until debates are over.)

I can tell you voters across this country are as mad as I’ve ever seen them towards the Republican Party for selling out Trump on Jan. 6th.  Gutless, cowards and too many spineless Republicans have infested the party.

No, thanks.  He is more what I’m looking for in Congress and my state capitol.

New Poll on Trump and the GOP Delivers Bad News for the Squishy RINO Establishment

It’s still a bit early to start going after those incumbents, although several have declared they’re going to challenge RINO incumbents like Sen. Liz Chaney.  It’s a bit tougher for senators than house members who are done by district; U.S. senators are two to a state so a lot of territory to cover.

The bottom line is the U.S. House MUST go back to Republican control.  I know, vote fraud but I’ll address that in my next column as it relates to all this.  Only 1/3rd of the Senate is up for reelection in 2022 but by then, I predict a fair number from both parties are going to be in real trouble with voters – especially the tens and tens of thousands who have already lost their jobs and sadly, more to come.

If the GOP, minus the cowards and RINOs take back the U.S. House, they can file Articles of Impeachment by Jan. 10, 2023.  The U.S. Senate would need to pick up 2-4 new GOP senators, very doable after the DNC goes over the cliff.  Her heart is in the right place, it’s just premature: GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden – “Rep. Greene focused on Joe Biden’s pay-for-play scheme that was caught on video where he threatened Ukrainian leaders in order to protect his son Hunter Biden.”

Right now, we have to stay on our state legislators and senators.  Many states have short time in session before they adjourn for the rest of the year.  Here in Texas, our legislature goes out of session in May until Jan. 2023.  However, all states can exercise their plenary power and call special sessions without the “permission” of their governor.  Only massive heat and letting them know they will not survive their next primary will bring results.

We the People must be willing to sacrifice our time to get our state legislatures as well as governors to stand up against the federal machine.  There’s the problem of federal funding back to the states but I’ll cover that in an upcoming column.

Regarding the letter in the Addendum:  You can tailor it for your county. I believe I covered what needs to be reinforced to our state capitols, for now.  They must act because it’s only going to get worse.  The letter is on letterhead for our Howard County GOP Club.  Tailor that too, whether it’s GOP, a Tea Party chapter or just individuals with signatures from family and friends.


Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Lucifer’s Democrat Communist Party USA committing suicide:

Laid-Off Keystone Pipeline Worker: This is going to hurt a lot of families

You Won’t Believe Who Wins BIG With Keystone Cancellation

John Kerry to Oil and Gas Workers Who Lose Their Jobs Because of Biden’s War on Energy: ‘Go Make Solar Panels’ (VIDEO)  – This is very reminiscent of what happened after NAFTA.  Factory workers of all sorts lost their good paying jobs – some who had worked at plants for decades – and told to get training to do something else.  Kerry’s net worth:  $200 million bux.

Dictator Biden Signs Two Executive Orders to Restore Obama’s Failed “Affordable Care Act” – Refuses to Answer Questions From Reporters (VIDEO) (That’s because he can’t.)

Flashback: Biden’s DHS Nominee Tied to China, Visas-for-Sale Swamp Scandal

FLASHBACK: Biden Promised Not to Raise Taxes. Is That About to Change? (Oh, yeah, you can take money, if you have any left, to the bank on that one.)

To fund one of the biggest hoaxes ever manufactured:  Biden Commerce Secretary: Sorry Folks, We’re Raising Taxes to Pay for Climate Policies

Biden’s Energy Nominee Divvied Millions In Taxpayer Funds To Alternative Energy Startups That Went Bankrupt

They cheat at everything.  Fake presidency, fake fans:  Analysis: More Than Half Of Joe Biden’s Twitter Followers Are FAKE and Were Just Created in January

Let’s hear it for this mayor!  Tennessee mayor lowers town’s American flag on day of Biden inauguration, sparks massive criticism. But he’s sticking to his guns.

Border Wall Contractors Told to Stop Construction by Tuesday Night: Congressman

Biden’s Order to Stop Trump’s Border Wall Construction Will Be Costly and Also It’s Likely Illegal

“President Biden’s directive pausing border wall construction is probably illegal, several experts told The Washington Times, saying he has the power to cancel Defense Department money that was being funneled toward the project, but he went too far by halting construction paid for by money Congress had specifically approved for the wall.

Mr. Biden’s order last week also put 5,000 people out of work, and will waste “billions” of dollars to pay off contractors for work that will no longer be done, said the man who oversaw construction for the Trump administration.”

Biden’s Halt to Border Wall Construction to Cost About 5,000 Jobs, Billions of Dollars: Former CBP Acting Commissioner – “Conservatively, it’s going to cost about 5,000 jobs—construction workers—right now,” Mark A. Morgan told Breitbart News. “It’s gonna cost them their livelihood.”  Morgan told Breitbart that those in the steel, concrete, and technology industries who supply the materials for the border walls will also be affected.

“He said that there are about 270,000 tons of steel bollard fencing that have already been produced but not assembled.

“Think about that. We are not only going to have to pay the contractors for that, but then we’re gonna have to pay the additional money to either destroy it, which is unconscionable, or store it,” he spoke of the costs, adding that there are other partially completed areas that will have to cost to undo, such as paying the contractor to pull out pieces of rebar previously laid.“Conservatively we’re looking at costing taxpayers billions of dollars,” he told the outlet.”

Israelis Say They Will Attack Iran If Biden Returns US To Nuclear Deal

Joe Biden Restarts Immigration to U.S. from Countries Exporting Terrorism

Joe Biden Kills Office Protecting Job Rights of U.S. Graduates

Report: Biden Calls on DOJ to Resume Obama-Era Payouts to Leftist Orgs – aka slush funds

Biden plans to cut urban crime by boosting suburban crime

Biden’s White House victory fueled by record-shattering $145M in ‘dark money,’ report says

Conspiracies: Harari and the New York Times, Part 2

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

Relevant to the secret cabal’s starting a war, Lord Esher (one of Cecil Rhodes’ secret society’s top 3 members) wrote in his diary on August 3, 1917: “No American is likely to killed before November. This is unfortunate, as (President) Wilson may require to be steadied before then and only the death of young Americans can ensure him stability….Mr. Morgenthau realizes the importance upon the morale of the French army and the French people of cementing the Alliance by shedding American blood at the earliest possible moment. If many lives have to be sacrificed, the influence upon the American people can only be beneficent….”

Harari next notes that our venture into Iraq was a failure because it only resulted in the increased influence of Iran. However, he does not appreciate the cabal’s plan for Iran, starting when they overthrew the elected government of Mossadegh in 1953. About this time, an African-American physician apparently just had to go to Iran. There, he had a daughter, Valerie Jarrett, who would become a key adviser to President Obama. The cabal paid the Ayatollah Kashani $10,000 to go along with secretly overthrowing the government. Kashani mentored Ayatollah Khomeini, who was living well in Paris until his time to reappear in Iran and replace the Shah, who knew the CIA was replacing him. In the early 1980s, according the Yossef Bodansky (director of the U.S. House of Representatives Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare) in his book TARGET AMERICA; TERRORISM IN THE U.S. TODAY, suicide pilots began training at Busher air base in Iran, and “one of the exercises included having an Islamic jihad detachment seize (or hijack) a transport aircraft. Then trained air crews from among the terrorists would crash the airliner with its passengers into a selected objective.”

Harari believes it’s impossible for a global cabal to “puppet master nearly 8 billion people” without someone finding out what is going on. Not at all if, for example, the press does not report such things as David Rockefeller admission that he is a member of a secret cabal, and if the public schools have dumbed down the population so that people have a soap opera mentality. For example, the morning of the 9/11 attacks, the American people believed overwhelmingly in the importance of freedom. However, after the morning attacks, an ABC News/Washington Post survey already showed two-thirds of the people would give up some of their freedoms for security!

Harari concedes that there are minor conspiracies by a few people, but there isn’t “a single group of people running the whole show.” Why then did high-ranking Communist official Bella Dodd leave the Communist Party when she found that the same important people funded Communism were also funding the Nazis!? Harari asserts that “the idea that Lenin and Stalin were just a front for the real behind-the-scenes rulers contradicts all historical evidence.” Apparently he is unaware that Lenin thanked Wall Street financiers for making his revolution possible, and according to British intelligence agent Bruce Lockhart in Moscow with Raymond Robbins (head of the American Red Cross), Robbins told Lenin to remove one of his officials and Lenin complied! Furthermore, Occidental Petroleum president Armand Hammer proudly displayed a photograph of Lenin, signed by the Soviet dictator “To my comrade.” Lastly, in the diary of the secret cabal’s agent, Col. Edward M. House (President Wilson’s chief adviser), one finds that after the Communist Revolution in Russia, world leaders were considering military action against Lenin as he attempted to spread his revolution, but House says he persuaded them it would not be successful when House admits later in his diary that he lied and knew it would have been successful. This lie for the secret cabal resulted in much of the carnage of the 20th century, as without Lenin there would have been no Stalin, Chinese Communist Revolution, Vietnam War, Vladimir Putin, etc. And the Chinese Communist Revolution was made possible by Gen. George Marshall disarming the Nationalist Chinese (see Senate Report 2050, 82nd Congress, Second Session, p. 205, testimony of Admiral Cooke).

So what will the future be like? Both Presidents George H.W. Bush and Joe Biden (January 13, 1993 in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) had declared they want a “New World Order.” And in famous writer H. G. Wells’ 1939 book, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, the author projected what would happen to bring the New World Order into being: “It is the system of nationalist individualism that has to go….We are living in the end of the sovereign states….In the great struggle to evoke a Westernized World Socialism, contemporary governments may vanish….Countless people…will hate the new world order…and will die protesting against it.” To hear me singing a song, “Just Say “No’ to the New World Order,” that I composed, go to

As far as President Biden is concerned, WELCOME TO THE DICTATORSHIP! In the first 3 days of his presidency, he signed 30 executive orders, so according to his own words, I guess he is a self-proclaimed dictator. On October 15, 2020, he told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos: “Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, ‘Well, if you can’t get the votes, by executive order you’re going to do something.’ Things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus.” Speaking of dictators, when nominating Kamela Harris to be his running mate, Biden favorably quoted the Chinese Communist dictator Mao Zedong, who slaughtered at least 40 million of his own people. The quote Mao coined was from one of his speeches in which he called upon Chinese women to leave home, go to work, and give their children to the Communist Chinese government to indoctrinate.

When Joe Biden was vice-president under President Barack Obama, an ornament of Mao was placed on the White House Christmas tree. According to THE NEW YORK TIMES, on February 7, 2020, “Mr. Biden gave effective control of his campaign to Anita Dunn,” whom he recently named as a top White House adviser. Dunn is noted for saying that Mao is her “favorite political philosopher.” In addition, a January 12, 2021 headline from states:

“Biden nominates Black supremacist who endorsed anti-Semitic lecturer: Biden taps as head of Department of Justice Civil Rights Division woman who claimed blacks are racially superior, endorsed anti-Semitic professor.” The woman is Kristen Clarke and the professor is Tony Martin, the author of THE JEWISH ONSLAUGHT. In the article, Martin is quoted as “trashing the Torah and the Talmud” and saying, “There was a Jewish monopoly over Blacks being cursed.”

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Impeach ‘Em All

By Lee Duigon

Now that Congress has established that they can impeach someone who doesn’t hold a public office, to prevent him, sometime in the future, from running for office and getting elected, a whole new world of capricious idiocy has opened up for them.

Their current target is Donald Trump, former president and now a private citizen like you or me. If they can convict him of something, anything, then they can ensure he’ll never be allowed to run again. So far, so good!

You’d think that with Dominion Systems voting machines in play, they could run Salvador Dali and get him, er, elected. And yet they’re still afraid of Trump.

But it gets better than that.

If they can impeach a private citizen, why can’t they impeach any private citizen? Me, for instance. I have no plans of seeking any public office, but what would it cost them to make sure I never do?

Some 75 million of us voted for President Trump. That’s 75 million Threats To Our Democracy. Those threats can be met with 75 million impeachment trials. It’s not like Chuck Schumer & Co. have anything better to do. Impeaching 75 million people will keep senators off the streets and out of trouble.

But impeach us for what? For voting for Trump, of course. If he’s guilty of anything, then so are we. “Anything” is the operative word here. Once you control the entire government, no one’s safe from you.

And why stop there? What about Americans who *might* grow up to be Republicans? Just because somebody’s only nine years old now doesn’t mean he won’t ever grow up to be A Threat To Our Democracy. Better impeach the kiddies, too.

I realize this is a very short column, and I’m sorry for that. Really. It’s just that the solution to the Democrats’ problem is so terribly simple that it doesn’t require a lot of explanation. It requires hardly any explanation at all. And explanations has never been their strong suit.

As Plutarch once observed, tyranny is a very nice perch, but there’s no safe way down from it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and enjoy a visit before you, too, get impeached. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Rude Awakening Before the Great Awakening

By Dave Daubenmire

There is going to be a rude awakening before there is a great awakening.”

Those are the words of my friend John Barnett as we travelled to Washington, DC to take part in the MGA rally Jan 6.

Yes, we were there along with nearly a million of our closest friends in another futile attempt to find someone with whom we could satisfactorily redress our grievances regarding the loss of the Republic.

Despite the lies you were fed by the media; you need to know that it was one of the most patriotic events in the history of this nation.  I am proud that I went and proud of the God-fearing Moms and Pops who sacrifice greatly to take part.  The snooze media are scoundrels.  The politicians are scoundrels, and many Christians and Christian leaders are scoundrels for criticizing the efforts of those who journeyed to America’s darkest city simply to have their voices be heard.

Washington is dark.  Spiritually dark.  The memorials are dark.  The architecture is dark.  The atmosphere is dark, and the Government is dark.  It grieves me to say it, but dark forces are in control of this nation.

The FBI visited some of my friends after we returned home.  The FBI put on a full court press in attempt to find those who dared confront the wicked government, even though that is their God-given right spelled out in the First Amendment of our formally respected Constitution.  The FBI couldn’t find Hillary’s emails, Epstein’s passengers, or Bubba NASCAR’s lynch mob.  But they turned over every leaf looking for those who stormed Nancy’s house.

Look, I was there.  I saw it with my own two eyes.  The police stood down, the doors were open, and hundreds of people WALKED into the Capitol believing it was open to the public.  My wife and I did not go in.  We sat on the steps with thousands of Americans simply asking for our country back.  Now many of those God-fearing people are receiving visits from the FBI in their search for MAGA terrorists.  It makes me want to puke.  Don’t we understand that those elected officials work for us?  If they are doing such a stellar job, why did some many plaintiffs go to DC?

But, back to my buddy John.  We all know that the only solution to the problems that we face in America is a “great awakening” in the hearts of the American people.  But that awakening is not going to come without a “rude awakening” first.  Americans need the proverbial glass of ice water in their face before they wake up and smell the roses.

Permit me to introduce as evidence some truisms that has caused such lethargy in the minds of the average American.

Joe Biden is the deadliest abortion promoter EVER to run for President.  Any CHRISTIAN or CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN who helped place him in office voted against the Will of God.  Abortion is murder.   A Vote for Biden was a vote for murder…period. More babies will die because of your vote.

One is either born a male or a female.  The sex act is a behavior.  People have sex with themselves, blow-up dolls, children, and animals.  Sexual preference, (whatever the hell that means) is a choice; An out-working of the forces of darkness on the mind of the individual.  We used to call it sin…some of us still do…at least for a little while longer.  A man has a penis, and a woman has a vagina.  They work in tandem.  It is science.

Public schools have become cesspools.  They promote and glorify every form of deviancy known to man.  They teach our children they came from apes.  The teach them that America was founded by bigots for bigots. They teach that there is no God and criminalize the mention of His name. You pay for it.  You pray for your children and them send them to the Hallowed Hallways of Hell.

The Government is your master.  They tell you what you can and cannot do.  They control you through their partners in the media.  Wear a mask, social distance, say this, don’t say that, register here, pay there, honor this, don’t honor that.  Control this, don’t control that.  Freedom is a façade.  There is little you can do without getting someone’s permission.  Elected officials serve the government, not you.

Your church is non-essential.  The Government suggested that services be cancelled, and the pastors complied. It will be a year next month.  Thousands of churches will never open again. Is your pastor in it for the Lord, or for the perks?  Look around you.  Christianity has become good for nothing when it comes to impacting the culture.  Churches have become social clubs, saltless, voiceless, edifices built as monument to men.  Go ahead…throw tomatoes at me.

Porn is legal and prayer is not.  Facebook and its cousins censor all things righteous and promote the unfruitful works of darkness.  We lost our voice in the culture long before we lost it on Twitter.  Evil men run America.  We now know the phrase “selected, not elected” is true.

We chant MAGA…Make America Great Again…but don’t even know what made it great.  In fact, many people don’t think it was ever great…mainly the politicians, the pulpits, and the teacher’s unions.  We traded the Black Robed Regiment for the yellow robed one.  “America is great,” Alexis de Tocqueville said, “because America is good.”  MAGA…Make America GOOD again.  We do not even know what that means…good…anymore.  How the heck can we be great without being good?

None of America’s institutions can be trusted.  All have been corrupted.  There are none righteous…no not oneRomans 3.

Thomas Jefferson famously said, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

God is just…hmmm.  That should make us tremble.  Does America even know what that means anymore?  Just…righteous…TRUTH?

Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.  Prov 13:34.

If someone stole YOUR car would they be right to call it THEIR car?  What about an election?  Can you steal an office and expect honor and authority?  Do you even care about the thievery?

All is well.  Justice begins in the house of the Lord.  It is time for a purging in this mess we call Christianity.

The rude awakening will lead to the Great Awakening.  HIS justice will not sleep forever.  Be of good cheer. Justice is coming.  Mercy follows judgement.

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

America: Not A Nation of Trespassers

By Frosty Wooldridge

Don’t you feel safer today with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in power?  How about Charles Schumer leader of our U.S. Senate? What about the presidency led by Joe Biden?  Have they fulfilled their oaths of office to protect all American citizens…in the last 30 to 47 years serving in Washington DC?

I spoked with veteran INS officer Michael Cutler about our chances for maintaining America’s sovereignty with those three “open borders” advocates now in complete power in Washington DC.

“Our immigration laws were enacted to protect national security, public health, public safety and the jobs and wages of Americans,” said Cutler. “Since taking office, just last week, Biden has issued a flurry of executive orders that would render those vital laws moot, undermines all of those issues that the immigration laws are supposed to protect.“At a time when there is a shortage of hospital beds, COVID-19 vaccines and other health-related resources. A lack of jobs and other resources, it is insane for the incoming president to, in effect, fire the starter’s pistol for a stampede of aliens.”

“What can we expect?” I asked.

“Biden’s immigration policies ignored the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission while undermining the legal immigration system,” said Cutler. “Facts are indeed, “stubborn things!” Being “Pro-Enforcement” is not “Anti-Immigrant.”  Indeed, advocates for immigration anarchy are actually taking an “Anti-Immigrant” position by obfuscating the line that separates lawful immigrants from illegal aliens.  To provide a bit of clarity, while we are indeed a “Nation of immigrants” America is not a nation of trespassers.  The difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien is comparable to the difference between a house guest and a burglar.

“Americans must be willing to stand their ground and not be intimidated by the false accusations- far too much hangs in the balance!  We must speak out against mayors and governors who create “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary States.”

“Why do our own elected officials who swore on a Bible to defend our country and its laws, instead, help criminals break our laws and enjoy immunity from our laws,” I asked.

“Many people have come to complain that we have become too “Politically Correct” to speak the truth about important issues,” said Cutler.  “My view is that the artful use of language that has been described as examples of political correctness are in fact, examples of Orwellian “Newspeak.”  Having invoked George Orwell, it is appropriate to consider a couple of his brilliant quotes:  “Political language—and with variations this is true of all political parties, from conservatives to anarchists—is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectful, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.  In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is an revolutionary act.”

“I addressed the ways that control of language leads to thought control and ultimately a loss of our freedoms in my article for The Social Contract:  “Language Wars: The Road to Tyranny Is Paved with Language Censorship

Cutler continued, “The findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission must be the starting point for any discussion about immigration legislation.  That commission determined that a lack of border security, including the visa process, and fraud in the immigration benefits program, enabled terrorists to enter and embed themselves in the United States, as they went about their deadly preparations.”

Immigration is not a single issue but a singular issue that impacts nearly every challenge and threat confronting the United States today!  Simply stated, the immigration laws were enacted to save lives and protect the jobs of American workers.  In point of fact, our borders and our immigration laws are America’s first line of defense and last line of defense against international terrorists and transnational criminals.

“It is not “Anti-Immigrant” to be “Pro-American,” said Cutler. “It is also not “Anti-Immigrant” to be pro-immigration law enforcement!”

Our armed forces are charged with securing America’s borders externally while the DHS is supposed to secure those same borders from within.  The failures of the DHS to live up to its half of the equation are undermining the efforts, valor and incredible sacrifices of Americas men and women who serve in our military!

“If our government’s failure to protect American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you,” Cutler said. “I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation! All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!”

I’ve known Michael Cutler for 20 years.  He shoots straight.  He tells it like it is!  We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.  What are you doing to make a difference? What actions are you taking?  Are you calling up your two senators?  Are you in contact with your House member?  Do you want to see your own children inherit another 100 million immigrants within 29 years?   Can you share these three videos with everyone in your network?

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

No President In History Has Been Treated So Badly

By Ron Ewart

“As many have noted, Donald Trump’s presidency is an insurgency. Mr. Trump himself is the quintessential insurgent, doing battle with a disingenuous and entrenched establishment.” —Shelby Steele, black conservative author, columnist, documentary filmmaker 

“Please don’t begin to believe that the American political establishment is anything but a corrupt puppet of oligarchy.”  Alex Pareene, American writer and editor

There were 44 presidents before Donald Trump.  A few were great presidents.  Some were effective presidents and some were ineffective or corrupt presidents.  Three presidents were impeached in the U. S. House.  However, they weren’t convicted in the Senate trial because either there was no evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors, or they weren’t convicted for purely political reasons, or they couldn’t meet the two-thirds majority to convict.  Richard Nixon resigned from office before an impeachment resolution was passed in the U. S. House.  Had he not resigned, impeachment was a virtual certainty.

That the press has always had an adversarial relationship with past presidents is not in dispute.  Thomas Jefferson, our third president, had his own problems with the press.  In response he said, ”Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.

Still Jefferson was frustrated and displeased by the partisan nature of the press.  He retorted that,  “nothing can now be believed which is seen in the newspaper.  Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”  Does any of this sound familiar.  Nothing seems to change.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, all presidents before Trump did not have to contend with the obvious collusion that now exists between filthy rich Democrat billionaires, the press, social media, academia and the Democrat Party.  For almost five years they attacked Trump and his family, not only hourly and daily, but relentlessly and unmercifully as well.  Trump became the butt of all jokes and the whipping boy of all criticism.  The attack on Trump really started when Barack Obama “roasted” Trump at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner.  Perhaps that is why Trump decided to run for President.

Even today the Democrats seemed determined to crush Trump even more, with the sham of an impeachment trial in the Senate.  Some Republicans, who should be on Trump’s side are equivocating, or putting their finger in the air to determine which way the political wind is blowing.  The two words that come to mind are “political cowards.”  There are way too many “political cowards” in our alleged Republican Party.  Liz Cheney and nine other Republicans are suspicious candidates for the “political coward” award.

President Trump did nothing to rise to the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors and they know it.  His second impeachment in the U. S. House was just as politically groundless as his first, without concrete evidence or substance.

Some of Trump’s troubles were magnified by his own and sometimes petty demeanor, as were manifested in some of his tweets. The press picked up on his shortcomings and beat him to death with them, all the while refusing to acknowledge the many positive actions he took for America and Americans of all ages, gender and races.  Totally ignored is a list of accomplishments that eclipsed the accomplishments of any past president.

But Trump made an incalculable error, an error he may not have seem himself before it was too late.  He ran for president as a total outsider, beholden to know one.  He threw a log into the gears of the Establishment from both parties and ignited a firestorm of opposition from the federal Establishment itself and from the federal bureaucracy that some now call the Deep State.

Unbeknownst to most of the American people, that Establishment and Deep State and their corporate, union, socialist, environmental and globalist enablers, fully infected with the Progressive virus, have been building up for decades and its entrenched power, like a wounded lion, will attack anything that threatens it.  Donald J. Trump was a direct threat to the Establishment and Deep State, even after he left office.  That is why they have to crush he and his movement with impeachment, de-platform him from social media and silence him and his entire cabinet and support staff forever.  That’s why they talk of labeling Trump supporters as domestic terrorists and the immediate imperative to re-program them.

The Establishment and Deep State are deathly afraid that Trump might still have political power and be able to keep the MAGA movement going.  Hell hath no fury than a freedom-loving, well-armed American when scorned and has his or her rights taken away.  Might he or she not think of insurrection, civil war, or revolution?  With enough pressure, thoughts become actions and the Progressives know it.  The only thing the Establishment and Deep State (the Swamp) fear from the freedom crowd is the possibility that they just might decide to challenge The Swamp’s power with violence, en masse.  Why else would they arm the U. S. capitol with 26,000 troops during Biden’s inauguration?

No matter how bad Trump was treated; no matter that there is a strong possibility that he lost the election due to massive fraud and voting machine tampering; his contribution to America and Americans in four years is unprecedented.  Had China’s Coronavirus not erupted on the scene, Trump would have been re-elected in a landslide.  No-nothing, intellectually challenged Joe Biden would have been relegated to the scrap heap of failed recent Democrat presidential candidates like Mondale, Dukakis, McGovern, Humphrey and Kerry.

With respect to massive voter fraud and voting machine tampering in the 2020 election, Hillary Clinton amassed 65,844,610 votes in the 2016 election and beat Trump by 2.9 million votes, even though Trump won the Electoral College.  How could anyone believe that Joe Biden actually received 81,283,485 votes in the 2020 election, a 23% increase for Democrats in just four years?  It is truly unbelievable and a blatant fraud perpetrated on the American people!  As Thomas Jefferson said, “you can’t trust the newspapers.”  Well neither can you trust an American election any more.  It has all the earmarks of an Iraqi election under Saddam Hussein, or a Venezuela election under Nicolas Maduro.  Surprise!  Surprise!  The dictator got 100% of the votes cast!

If there were any cooler heads in our midst that used logic and intellect to make their decisions instead of dipping into the deep well of emotion or political party blindness, it could easily be construed that Donald J. Trump was one of the best presidents America ever had if you objectively judged what he did for America in both domestic and foreign policy and not what he tweeted.  He should be applauded and heralded, not vilified, slandered, smeared, denounced and denigrated, all of which he was by rich billionaires, the news media, social media, the Establishment, the Deep State and the Democrat Party.  You can add a few Republicans to that list as well.

In recognition of his being, in our opinion, the best president we’ve ever had, we have created not only a special Medal of Freedom for Donald Trump, but a framed certificate to go along with the medal.  It is our intent to deliver the MEDAL and CERTIFICATE to Mr. Trump by special delivery as soon as possible after collecting as many signatures as we can.  We would like to present the Medal and Certificate to Mr. Trump in person, but the logistics of that may be more than we can accomplish.

If you would like to participate in and lend your endorsement and approval of the Medal of Freedom and the Certificate, we ask that you log onto our Trump MEDAL OF FREEDOM web page and follow the instructions contained therein.  This is designed to be a high quality endeavor, suitable for an extraordinary president that made us all feel good about America and being Americans.

It is no doubt that Mr. Trump has entered private life on a down note, having done so much for the American people and receiving little to no recognition for it.  We believe that receiving this Medal and Certificate from tens of thousands (or millions) of Trump supporters will lift his spirits and encourage him to emerge as the true leader of the Republican Party and the MAGA movement.

We hope that you will find it in your heart to lend support to this effort.  He deserves no less.  We ask that you forward the MEDAL OF FREEDOM web page to as many on your list as possible, pass it around to other venues, put it up on social media, write articles about it for on-line newspapers and magazines and send letters to the editors of newspapers applauding this endeavor.  Do something that will make you feel good about America for a change.

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

Leading The People To Empty Promises: ‘Q-Anon’ Just Another Psyop

by Bradlee Dean

“Those who mean to destroy through lies will be destroyed by the truth.”

While preaching in Michigan this last week, I had an individual ask me my thoughts on ‘Q-Anon’ (Luke 19:10).

Although ‘Q-Anon’ has been forecasting promises un-fulfilled (smoke and mirrors) for years I was a little taken back that there were still them that were hanging on to this obvious pysop that is taken place in America today, then again, this does explain why these people are hopeless and confused (Psalm 18:21; Daniel 9:7).

This only works with a people when the people put their trust in men and speculation as desired outcome rather than having their faith in Christ (Jeremiah 11:13,1 Corinthians 15:58).

Let me explain. Recently, Information Liberation highlighted ‘Q-Anon’ bears striking resemblance to Bolshevik psy-op from 1920s known as ‘Operation Trust.’

“Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover.

Conclusion: ‘Q-Anon’ is responsible for more than nothing than leading the sheeple to un-fulfilled predictions, and that for years (Jeremiah 5:21).

‘Q-Anon’ is nothing more than an operation of deceivers to lead people into chasing shadows and, of course, that is exactly their end aim, to bring the people that are following them to nothing (Jeremiah 6:16). To date, that is has been exactly the result.

This then only buys them more time to dismantle the country and undermine and weaken the people into compliance. Yet, the problem is that they just do not realize that they are also destroying themselves (Luke 22:48).

“Those who mean to destroy through lies will be destroyed by the truth.”

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

You Have Every Reason to Trust Trump and our Military

By Laurie Roth

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers. ]

President Trump is still the President in an undisclosed location working with our military.  We can say this due to Trump signing the 1807 Insurrection Act in January 2021.  As usual, most media say that has not been signed.  They are wrong.  My military source and patriot Simon Powell says he was also told by a military contact that it had been signed.

Trump is also  standing on his 2018, executive order 13848 which imposes sanctions in case of foreign interference with a United States Election.  By now, the world knows of the international interference and coordinated vote changing crimes to enact a coup against Trump’s landslide victory.  The focus was to put the Chinese controlled Communist stooge in the White House, Joe Biden.

I have already shared with you part of the growing mountain of evidence showing foreign election involvement with our Presidential election.  One of these large offenders was the Government of Italy and the Vatican using the Leonardo Vatican Satellite to change many votes from Trump to Biden.  Trump also said he had much proof linking China, Germany, Great Britain, and other nations to the election crimes and coup.

You must notice the growing amount of radio, TV and print, cowards, traitors and liars who scream that Biden is the real President now, get over it, and the election votes were checked in court after court and nothing confirmed a win by Trump over Biden.  In my view, those who are now spewing the lying talking points of the treasonous election coup should not escape any severe consequences.  This is total treason on many levels.

Remember also in one of my recent articles that Attorney Sydney Powell found the real election results.  They were far from a Biden win or a squeaker.  Trump got 410 Electoral College Votes and Biden got 128.  There has never been such a landslide victory for a President in the history of the U.S.

Be patient, pray and don’t doubt Trump and our military.  There is a strategy and real, winning plan.  Be patient.  God, America and President Trump will not be robbed, taken out or erased.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

Joe Biden’s America: Silence Everyone Who is Exposing Our Socialist Agenda

By Greg Holt

The Joe Biden administration to “root out” those considered dangerous to America – like conservatives.

Trump Supporters are ‘Insurgents’ & Need ‘Deprogramming’

It is happening, the reshaping of America under Illegitimate Biden – and it’s not going to be pretty.

From Conservative Treehouse:

“Former CIA Director John Brennan, the man who weaponized the CIA to target Hillary Clinton’s political opposition, appears on MSNBC to outline the intention of the JoeBama administration to identify political enemies; label them domestic terrorists; and remove them from the population.”

Are you a conservative or conservative Christian?  How about a Libertarian?  Do you love the Constitution and/or support the right to bear arms?  Are you a law and order guy or gal?

According to former CIA director John Brennan, you are a danger to America.

From The Gateway Pundit:

“John Brennan: I know… the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser light fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements we’ve seen overseas. Where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. And unfortunately, I think there has been this momentum that has been generated unfortunately I think of the demagogue of rhetoric of people that’s just departed government but also those who continue in the halls of Congress. So I really do think that the law enforcement, homeland security, intelligence and even the defense officials are doing everything possible to root out what seems to be a very, very serious, and insidious threat to our democracy and our republic.”

So as Trump supporters, our goose is cooked – extra crispy.  This could never happen in America, right – except that it is.  I have been warning Americans for years that this very thing was going to happen.  Watch this video that actually portrays the Democrats and their non-values.

First it was the Coronavirus, created to ensure destruction and condition the sheeple – welcome to the USSA.  Now the Democrats have been placed via election fraud into the White House and have also gained control of the Senate.

I and many others have written repeatedly about the danger of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  Joe Biden will do what is expedient for the Democratic Party, according to the new power players and the old power players that support far-left polices.  Kamala Harris is nothing more than a prostitute for power, anything goes if Harris achieves and receives what she desires.  Remember, this is the gal that slept her way to power.  Remember also that the achievements of these two prior to today are pretty much nonexistent.

Socialism and globalism will be enshrined in America under these two talking heads.  All  who oppose the Biden-Harris administration will be silenced.  Katie Couric is already calling for the reeducation of Trump supporters, or as she referred to it – deprogramming.

From The Washington Times:

“‘It is so shocking,’ Ms. Couric responded. ‘Not only are they not conceding, Bill, but there are thoughts that there might have been some collusion among members of Congress, some are refusing to go through magnetometers or whatever you call them to check for weapons, they’re not wearing masks during the siege. I mean, it’s really bizarre, isn’t it, when you think about how AWOL so many of these members of Congress have gotten.’

‘But I also think some of them are believing the garbage that they are being fed 24/7 on the internet, by their constituents, and they bought into this big lie,’ she continued. ‘And the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump.’”

Brennan refers to Trump supporters in a thinly vailed manor as insurgents who need to be “rooted out” as they are a threat to our Democracy – and he is NOT the only one.

From The Post Millennial:

“Congressman Brad Schneider (D-IL) has come up with the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, which would allow for ‘more monitoring of domestic terrorism movement.’

This is in reaction to the Capitol Hill riot, the duration of which was a few hours on Jan. 6. In response, members of the new Biden administration have suggested that domestic insurgents, specifically those who stormed the Capitol, need to be held to the same standards as international terrorists like ISIS.”

Does this at all sound like I am overstating it when I say conservatives and like minded thinkers will be silenced?

Read this statement from Glenn Greenwald:

“A domestic war on terror, Greenwald said, would be ‘designed to criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class. There is literally nothing that could be more dangerous and it’s not fearmongering or alarmism to say it.’

He noted the new bill pending from Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) that would “simply take the existing war on terror legislation… and amend it to say that we can now do that within the United States.’”

“Criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class.”  This statement, or concept of criminalizing any and all opposition to the ruling party, that being the Democrats should seriously alarm all people in this nation.  Actually it should literally scare the Hell out of you.  This is extremism on steroids guided by authoritarianism, fascism, anti-Constitutionalism, globalism, communism, Naziism, and a side dish of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

What does Merriam-Webster have to say about fascism?

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition  (Emphasis our own)

Is it just me, or does that sound exactly like the Biden administration and the Leftist/progressives?

Consider Tucker Carlson’s thoughts on the matter:

The war for America’s heart and soul is on – make no mistake, this IS war.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article Sources:
Conservative Treehouse
The Gateway Pundit
The Washington Times
The Post Millennial
Bongino Report (Rumble)

The Biden/Harris Treasonous Marxist Revolution

By Kelleigh Nelson

The further society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it. —George Orwell

Truth has become the new hate speech. —Pamela Geller

Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light. —George Washington

Justice is truth in action. —Benjamin Disraeli

Patrick Henry said, “It is when a people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains.”  How true this is for America today.  The dread I felt knowing that President Donald Trump handily won the 2020 election but treason and fraud cheated him out of a second term overwhelmed my spirit.  Many American patriots are full of the same fear and dread knowing the Biden administration will completely destroy what President Trump accomplished in four years without the help of Republicans.  And in all those years he was pilloried, lied about and hated not just by the Marxist Democrats, but by a majority of the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans as well.

“Fear” is spoken of over 500 times in the King James Version of the Bible. In addition to the “Fear nots,” many times the Bible teaches us to “Fear God,” which really means reverence God alone and do not fear anyone or anything else.  Years ago, a dear friend called my attention to Proverbs1:33 and I have relied on this passage ever since.  Those of us who belong to the Lord are his children, and as such He watches over us.  When the devil tempted Christ, Jesus said to him, “Get thee behind me satan.” We must do the same.

As big as our fears are, God is bigger still. Because the Eternal One is constant and whole, God can contain our fears, absorb the shock of them, until we feel ourselves strong enough to carry on. American patriots will carry on with God’s help!

Despair and Anger

January 6th changed everything.  When VP Mike Pence stabbed President Trump in the back and the Republic in the heart, we knew it was over.  What Benedict Judas Pence did was expected as he’s always been an establishment globalist. Pence carries a Bible out front, and a knife behind his back. After all, he and Reince Priebus made sure intelligence expert General Michael Flynn was ousted as the National Security Advisor from the Trump administration in order to keep the Deep State’s diabolical plans from being destroyed.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) along with their close commie friends, Antifa, have used racism to garner support and donations while destroying federal buildings and middle-class businesses, including those owned by black Americans.  BLM’s three black women founders have openly admitted they are trained Marxists…trained by Bill Ayers’ Weathermen Underground, the 1960’s communist radicals.  The ownership and enslavement of any person, whether they be black and brown, Irish or Asians, was an evil that America eliminated, but slavery is on the American horizon. Today’s promotion of communism by both political parties will eventually enslave everyone.Four years of Donald Trump brought out their true Marxist natures.

Many patriots are angry that Trump wouldn’t listen to the people who could have saved the Republic and his presidency.  Instead, Trump listened to his Deep State advisors who have surrounded him for four years.  Unless the 2020 election is exposed for its treason, fraud and foreign interference, we will never have another honest and fair election.  Justice is problematic as the politically one-sided courts are refusing to take these cases, and that includes SCOTUS.

It seems Trump’s discernment regarding people he hires hasn’t changed.  The former president has hired Butch Bowers at the recommendation of Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).  Like former Deep Stater Attorney General Bill Barr, Bowers served in the U.S. Justice Department under former President George W. Bush, whereas Barr was under former CIA Director and then President George H.W. Bush.

Democrats who now control all three branches of government are fully behind an impeachment of the 45th President for allegedly inciting an insurrection in the capitol.  They hope the second impeachment will result in disbarment from future office. Eric Swalwell, who had a lengthy foray with Chinese spy and honeypot, Fang Fang, will have a prominent role in the impeachment trial.

The left hates Trump for disrupting their plans of a Hillary win in 2016, and they’ll never let him rest in peace for trying to save this nation…they want his family, his businesses, and his entire fortune destroyed, and they will probably succeed.  Multiple banks are already closing Trump’s accounts, losing millions, but doing what they’re told.  Of course, it’s not legal or right, but with communists in control, our constitution is worthless paper.

Fraud and Destruction

Trump’s list of accomplishments was published by the White House prior to his departure.  Biden need only go through that list and by Executive Order (EO) overturn most of them.  On his first afternoon in office, Biden signed a multitude of EOs and made the statement that he had no idea what he was signing.  Kamala Harris told him to sign it anyway.

The communist coup d’état of America has been planned for decades and was thoroughly implemented over the last seventy years.  We are now facing the purge and a full attack of communist reeducation camps for 80 million Trump supporters. Former Obama CIA Director, John Brennan claims Biden officials are moving at lightning speed to identify and root out “political opposition” from the American population.  This closely resembles the Chinese detention and reeducation camps for their Uyghur population.

One has to wonder how long it will be before we’ll see book burning in America.After all, most of the classics have been banned from American education, including Homer and Shakespeare. Science-fiction writer Jon Del Arroztold the WSJ, “It’s a tragedy that this anti-intellectual movement of canceling the classics is gaining traction among educators and the mainstream publishing industry. Erasing the history of great works only limits the ability of children to become literate.”  Link

In 2000, many Americans believed they had elected a Christian president in George W. Bush, but his mask came off after his wife and mother later admitted they were for abortion.  In 2016, Bush said he voted for Hillary, and after Trump’s 2017 inauguration speech, he said, “that was some weird s**t.”

Democrat Congressman James Clyburn stated in a video posted to twitter that George W. Bush told him, “You know, you’re the savior, because if you had not nominated Joe Biden, we would not be having this transfer of power today. Joe Biden was the only one who could have defeated the incumbent president.” For decades, republican presidents and politicians have been members of the same establishment cabal as the democrats.Defeated?  Hell no, it was stolen!

Birds of a feather.

After January 6th, President Trump was exiled by the Washington political machine, the establishment media and Big Tech billionaires on the opposite side of the country.  They did this to the leader of the free world because they are owned by the communists who infiltrated this country from Europe only 60 years after the Constitution was signed.  By the 1950s, they had permeated every facet of society including federal, state and local governments.  Our judiciary was one of the main targets, along with media, education, medicine, Hollywood, and the entire American culture that once consisted of patriotic love of country, kindness, courtesy and decency to your fellow man…something Maxine Waters and her comrades worked diligently to destroy.

President Trump listened to his Deep State insiders and forfeited our White House to communist traitors. Why didn’t he fight?  We don’t know.  We know the enemies of freedom threaten and kill people.  My friend Phil Haney is gone.  Seth Rich is gone; Vince Foster was gone long ago and far more have since been expunged.  We expected and needed a spine of steel to stand against the obvious treason.

American patriots are devastated, they can’t sleep and they’re tortured with worry over our country.  Yet, despite this evil, despite the fears, God is still on the throne, He still answers prayer, and He is still in charge.  His will is the perfect will.  Rain falls on the just and unjust, and God’s kids are at the forefront of faith, hope and charity.  We must trust in Him.


The communist left hates our military, but called on every state to send their National Guard to DC to oversee the unattended ersatz inauguration of Joe Biden.Several of the National Guard tasked with providing security for the inauguration event turned their backs to Biden as the presidential motorcade made its way to the US Capitol.

The democrats actually removed the Guard from the warm environment of the Capitol Hill complex, and banished them to the cold underground parking garage.After an outrage, they were allowed back into Capitol Hill, but why are they even still there?

Some states have actually told them to come home. While in the underground parking garage, newly elected Congressman Madison Cawthorn took pizzas to them and even told them they could sleep in his office.  Better yet, our former president opened Trump Towers and all its benefits to all of them.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff

In an unprecedented memo to the American citizenry, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) stated the following, “As service members, we must embody the values and ideals of the nation. We support and defend the Constitution. Any act to disrupt the constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values and oath, it is against the law.”

The memo stresses that the United States military “will obey lawful orders from civilian leadership, support civil authorities to protect lives and property, ensure public safety in accordance with the law, and remain fully committed to protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Interesting isn’t it that they certainly weren’t worried about the George Floyd riots or the destruction in many Democrat held cities across the country by the Marxists of both Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

Nothing was done about the sixty-one days of unbridled Antifa thuggery that destroyed the entire front of the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, Oregon.  But of course, nothing was done to stop the destruction and looting in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Atlanta, and so many other cities across the country.  They have stressed a commitment to the constitution which has been dramatically frayed by the actions of the Marxists within both parties.

The JCS have warned against sedition and insurrection, but it apparently only applies to what happened in the country’s capitol on January 6th, 2021.

Biden’s EOs

Immediate changes took place in the Oval Office.  The picture of President Andrew Jackson was replaced with a picture of Ben Franklin, and a bust of Cesar Chavez was placed on the credenza behind Biden’s desk.

Biden’s plan for his first day in office was the reversal of numerous Trump’s achievements, especially those that benefitted the American working class.

All federal work forces across the country will be required to wear masks until May 1st, 2021.  This will spread to the states unfortunately…and the Conservative Tree House has reported the ten EOs that federally weaponize Covid against us.

Expect to pay more in travel expenses.  Biden revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, as promised. In so doing, he killed some 11,000 direct jobs that the pipeline’s construction was to have created, and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs in secondary, related industries.

Women will have to compete against biological male athletes who are trans gendering to female.  The border wall construction is stopped.  Trump’s 1776 Commission is stopped and the 1619 project via the New York Time’s revisionist history will now continue.  Travel bans from known terrorist countries have been reversed.  We will now rejoin the communist Chinese loving World Health Organization and pay exorbitant fees to them.

He also wants non-citizens counted in the census, and protections for Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.  What protections?

We will join the sham Paris Agreement which is projected to cost 400,000 jobs, an average income loss for families of four of $20,000 and a $2.5 trillion hit to the nation’s gross domestic product.

One of the worst EOs of this Catholic president is revoking the policy that prevents federal taxpayer dollars from going to abortions abroad.


Do you remember how Apple wouldn’t help unlock the phones of the terrorists?  The FBI eventually accessed that device without Apple’s help working with a third-party security firm.

Huge difference today with America’s Big Tech.  Zuckerberg’s Facebook is giving the FBI all the messages of Capitol Hill Protesters who allegedly took part in the riot, including their private messages since many of the events were apparently arranged on the social media platform.

Simone Gold, leader of the Frontline Doctors who has told the truth about the lies of Covid-19, masks, lockdowns and the politicized National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was arrested and shackled for being at the Trump rally at the Capitol on January 6th.  She is arraigned on Tuesday, January 26th.

Eliminating history, shutting down truth, and censoring those who love freedom…all are communist traits.  What’s next?  Labeling Christians as terrorists because the Marxists hate God?  Remember what was done to our Jewish brethren in Nazi Germany.

Get out of your recliners, dump the beer, turn off the sports and start writing and calling every damned one of these evil communists in our local, state and federal government. Don’t wait for someone else to lead you, otherwise you may just end up in a reeducation camp like the Uyghurs of China or worse.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Stolen Election: States Must Act Now, Part 2

By: Devvy

Usurper and Cheater China Joe didn’t waste any time doing the bidding of the shadow government running the criminal element out in DC.  The day after his illegal swearing in and inauguration, like a banshee out of Hell, Cheater China Joe signed a slew of Executive Orders.

Executive Orders likely written sometime last year just waiting for the socialists and closet communists’ selection for president to be installed in the White House.  That fake president is moving like a freight train for cabinet picks – all who will be working to destroy this country.

Cheater China Joe’s EOs are already laying waste.  Voters were warned if Comrade Harris and career criminal Biden got into the WH, the first thing they would go after is the oil industry destroying tens and tens of thousands of jobs.  President-elect Donald Trump (he never conceded) made America energy independent.

Biden is erasing every positive thing Trump did while in office, i.e., Biden Nullifies Trump Executive Order Issued to Reduce Prices of Insulin and Epinephrine –  See list at bottom.

Executive Orders – state and federal

Americans got a good dose of how Executive Orders at the state level can turn into tyranny in a heartbeat.  Think COVID-19 lockdowns that have destroyed the lives of tens and tens of millions of Americans. The worst dictators are mostly Democrats although our GOP governor here in TX did his part in destroying thousands of small businesses – particularly bars, restaurants, salons.  All closed for good.

Executive Orders are not laws.  “An Executive Order is a directive handed down directly from a president or governor (the executive branch of government) without input from the legislative or judicial branches. Executive orders can only be given to federal or state agencies, not to citizens, although citizens are indirectly affected by them.”

Indirectly means the impostor “president” can sign an EO ordering the unconstitutional EPA reinstate job killing regulations eliminated by Trump.  This will again force small to medium businesses to layoff or stop hiring; many will be unable to stay in business.

On day one, usurper, Cheater China Joe,  made one of his first priorities allowing mentally ill biological males to compete in girls’ sports.  Before the ink was dry on Joe’s EO:  Montana Lawmakers Move to Protect Girls’ Sports After Biden Signs Order Forcing Schools to Let Transgender Biological Males Compete With Them.  It’s my understanding one of our state senators, Charles Perry [R] will be introducing a bill to stop the same thing here in Texas.

From the article cited above:  “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports,” the executive order “on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation” states.

“His order also notes that Title IX of the Education Amendments prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation “so long as the laws do not contain sufficient indications to the contrary.”

Scientifically there’s only two genders to identify:  male and female.  A male is born with male DNA and a woman is born with female DNA.  Mutilating your body does not change your DNA.All this rubbish about “identifying” with a gender or passing laws that require business owners in NYC refer to employees a certain way is more lunacy:

Rules on Gender Identity & ExpressionDeliberate Refusal to Use an Individual’s Self-Identified Name, Pronoun or Title (Want to step into the Twilight Zone – read all those rules.)

“An employer’s refusal to use an employee’s self-identified name in their email account;

“Calling a transgender woman “Mr.” after she has informed the employer she uses female pronouns;

“Using the pronoun “he” for a non-binary person who may be perceived as male but has said they identify as non-binary and use the pronouns “they,” “them,” and “theirs”;”

They all belong in straight jackets in a rubber room.  That kind of insane idiocy is embraced by Cheater China Joe and dementia addled, Nancy Pelosi.  If I were a member of the House, I would tell Pelosi:  I will not play your sick PC agenda games and refer to my husband as spouse.  If you try to force me to give up my right to free speech, I’ll take you to court.

New House Rules Propose Elimination Of ‘Gendered’ Terms Like ‘Father’ and ‘Daughter’

“The resolution would change “pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral or removes references to gender, as appropriate, to ensure we are inclusive of all Members, Delegates, Resident Commissioners and their families – including those who are nonbinary,” McGovern’s announcement said.

“The new rules also change “seamen” to “seafarers,” “chairman” to “chair” and “submit his or her resignation” to “resigns,” according to the resolution.

“References to fathers, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives and in-laws would be changed to “parent, child, sibling, spouse, or parent-in-law,” according to the resolution. Extended family members would be referred to as “child’s parent” instead of aunt or uncle, stepparents, and siblings-in-law.”

Those nutcases are now running this country.  What the hell is a ‘non-binary person’ also known as ‘gender queer’?  According to  “Nonbinary people have a gender identity that does not fit into the male/female binary.”  So, what are they? An, it?

Getting back to reality, millions of us knew what would happen if Cheater China Joe entered the WH which is why I began my states rights series last week.  The first column dealt with nullification.  If you missed my column, here are the two links that explain exactly what nullification is and how states can use it to a great degree to stop this juggernaut coming out of DC:

Nullification: An Introduction (Video)

Welcome to the Tenth Amendment Center – Several categories on different issues.

One thing Montana and Texas will likely come up against is equal protection under the law, federal “education” dollars and girls’ sports.  Homosexuals and lesbians choose their filthy, dirty, dangerous sexual practices.  So-called transgenders are mentally ill and the rest of these ‘non-binary’ mixed up people freely choose such nonsense.  What’s the argument for equal protection? Since none of them are “born that way” vs being born with white or darker skin or a physical disability beyond your control, why should they receive “equal” protection?

Democrats love to shout, believe the science!  Yes, and science says there are two sexes, male and female, period.  One can “identify” their sex is the same as a tree leaf but that does not make it scientifically true.  That EO is here and it made me sick just reading it.  Old Joe is on a mission and he doesn’t care how many lies he has to tell to bully the states into compliance.

On Jan. 20, 2021, our county GOP club met and we decided to send a letter to one state rep and two state senators who are constitutionally grounded explaining how our legislature must stand up to this illegitimate administration.  Why nullification is one of the strongest weapons states have which does not require judges or even any action by any federal agency.

I hope by the end of the week I’ll have a hard copy to scan into my next column so you can get things rolling in your county if you haven’t already.  If you don’t belong to a GOP chapter, it doesn’t matter.  There are a couple thousand organizations in this country from Tea Party Chapters to you name it, all active in trying to save this republic.  Even if you don’t belong to any group, you can still have your friends and family sign the letter and get it to a few state reps and senators in your state you know are strong supporters of the Constitution. Snail mail, not email.  They need thousands of letters sitting on their desks.

We will also send a copy to our Governor, Lt. Governor and State Attorney General.  We are in the process of trying to set up a conference call with our state GOP Chairman Allen West to get him on board.  He can make the letter available to all GOP county chapters in the state.  (Texas has 254 counties.) Then, our state legislature will start to feel the heat.  Currently Republicans control 52.3% of all state legislative seats nationally.  Democrats:  46.58%.  GOP holds the majority in chambers 59% to 39% for Democrats.

I originally thought the illegitimate Harris/Biden “administration” would take two years to implode.  Based on what’s happened in just the past five days, I give it six months.  The shadow government has their marionettes in hyper drive.  Why?  The 2022 elections which I will cover in my Jan. 29th column. 

No time to waste.  Talking about this nightmare isn’t going to make it go away any time soon but together, using a plan that will succeed, we can stop some of the destruction.  Be sure to remind your state reps and senators:  The 2022 election begins with the primaries in Jan or Feb 2022.  They’ll get the message.

In closing I want to say, we’re all tired.  Like you I have obligations.  I’m a widow, I take care of my home.  My 93-year old mother with advanced dementia likely won’t be with us in six months; trying to get her into a skilled nursing facility four states away is a nightmare even though I hold her POA, Medical Power of Attorney and am executor of her will.  It breaks my heart to see her so frail only on Face Time.  She doesn’t really understand technology and gets confused seeing me on a phone screen.

But, as tired as I am, I have a roof over my head, heat in my house, food for me and my doggie girls.  No so for Washington and his troops crossing the Delaware and for all those whose blood ran in rivers on battlefields to give us freedom.  I’ve been to Bull Run and so many other historical places and each time, I gave thanks.We cannot shame them or any American whether colonial militia, military or private citizen who has fought to protect our most precious rights.

I’ve received so many emails since Nov. 3rd and then Jan. 6th from Americans just sick to their soul over what’s happened but it’s not over yet.  Oh, not the bull manure being peddled by hustlers on podcasts.  We can stand together and together we WILL defeat our internal enemies.

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Part 1


Look at the destruction and mess Cheater China Joe and his crew have already made in only five days:

Buyer’s Remorse: New Mexico’s Leaders Say Biden Energy Bans Will Devastate State’s Economy

Keystone XL is Just the Beginning

“Insulting”- Labor Unions That Endorsed Biden Now Lashing Out At Him

Buyer’s Remorse: Ute Indian Tribe Lashes Out at Biden Admin For Restricting Federal Energy Development, “Direct Attack on Our Economy and Sovereignty”

GOP Sen. Rounds: Cancelling Keystone XL Means Oil Just Goes to China or Is Moved by More Dangerous Means of Rail

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Made America Less Safe with Single Pen Stroke, Says Former CBP Head

Incoming Transportation Secretary wants to implement a mileage tax

In Text Messages, Biden Voters Already Regret Their Vote

President Joe Biden suspends Trump administration census-related initiatives critics feared favored whites and Republicans

U.S. forces choppered into Syria 24 hours after new commander-in-chief takes power

Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement In US Power Grid

Biden kills commission encouraging ‘renewed American unity’ – “Former President Trump’s 1776 Commission has issued a report that summarizes “the principles of the American founding and how those principles have shaped our country.” It will be the only such report – President Biden swiftly dissolved the Commission by executive order after being sworn into office on Wednesday.”

THIS SICKENS ME – ILLEGAL ALIENS TIPPING ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES: Biden reversed an order that excluded illegal aliens in the census numbers used to determine each state’s share of congressional seats.

Only illegals matter to Democrats.  Too bad if Americans are their victims:  Tucker Carlson reveals email sent to ICE officers after Biden’s deportation order: ‘Release them all, immediately’

Texas immediately filed a lawsuit

No more border wall will be built so the invasion of sick, diseased illegal aliens (you’ll pay their hospital bills), rapists (you’ll pay their attorneys), terrorists, murderers and thieves (we taxpayers will foot the bill for legal representation) can come across the border where the fence won’t get built will continue.  Get them signed up to vote Democrat.

Joe Biden to Issue Executive Order Ending Border Wall Construction

Career criminal Biden will probably issue an EO forcing federal contractors pay $15 an hour minimum wage.  He thinks he can do it to the private sector but even if he were a legitimate president, he can’t. There will be lawsuits.  The $15/ hr minimum wage law in several states has cost nearly a half million jobs with more to come as graduated increases kick in.

Now That the Dust Has Settled, True Toll of $15/hr Min. Wage Can Be Seen

YOU TUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Removing Dislikes from Biden White House Page — Anything to Fool the Proletariat

And the crème de la crème:

AWKWARD: After Inauguration Biden’s Were Locked Out of White House – They Fired Trump Butler and No One Was There to Open the Doors

Senate Republicans Endorse Biden’s Deep State Picks

By Cliff Kincaid

In his column, “Clinton’s Brilliant Strategy,” Dennis Cuddy suggests that the fate of Donald J. Trump, going out of office under questionable circumstances, is a function of Hillary and Bill Clinton’s revenge.  He writes, “Bill Clinton and the Democrats correctly believed that with Trump’s political inexperience, he could as president easily be ‘set up.’” Trump was elected, he writes, because the GOP base, comprised mostly of the Tea Party and Christian Right, “were tired of promises by the Republican Establishment never being fulfilled.” They wanted an outsider – Trump. But this turned out to be Trump’s Achilles heel. He didn’t understand the forces out to get him.

The strange thing is that Senate Republicans seem eager to embrace these dangerous forces.

Cuddy, an astute observer, notes the Clintons’ involvement in the World Government movement. This is critical to understanding the direction of the Democratic Party and the media’s role in masking our fate.

You can find on my YouTube page a video entitled, “Hillary Clinton, Walter Cronkite and World Government,” featuring Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite at a World Federalist Association meeting in1999. Cronkite, the former CBS Evening News anchorman, received the “Norman Cousins Global Governance Award.” Through a closed-circuit hook-up, Hillary praised Cronkite for his promotion of a one-world government.

Cronkite’s association with the World Federalists had been known for years, but in the speech to the group he disclosed that he was asked decades ago to be a Washington lobbyist for the group. “I chose instead to continue in the world of journalism,” Cronkite said.

Bringing the picture up to date, with the “election” of Joe Biden, Cuddy goes on to point out that Democratic Party control of all branches of government (with the Supreme Court to be expanded and controlled as well) will allow Biden to implement his “New World Order.” I fought one aspect of this when Biden ran the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and tried to ram through the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty. We were part of a coalition that stopped its passage.

The “Norman Cousins Global Governance Award” was also given to Clinton Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, who, as a columnist for Time magazine, had written about a world in which nation-states would disappear and people would become world citizens. On that occasion, President Clinton sent a note to the gathering wishing them “future success.”

Biden’s open endorsement of a New World Order actually came in a Wall Street Journal article titled, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.” He backed U.S. military intervention in the Balkan war, supported the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, voted for the war on Iraq in 2003 and, as vice president, backed the U.S. military intervention in Libya. We can expect greater use of U.S. forces for U.N. peacekeeping missions.

As researcher Trevor Loudon told me in an ASI TV interview and as he documents in his book White House Reds, Biden owes his political career to a group called the “Council for a Livable World.” It was started by alleged Soviet agent Leo Szilard. The Council was supported by money from Al Gore Sr., who in turn was funded by Soviet agent Armand Hammer.

All of this will now play a role in America’s future.

The Socialist International calls this a “New Horizon” for the United States, while columnist Bob Knight points out that, in an editorial, the Communist Party USA said that the Democrats’ total control may be temporary, so what they have to do in the next two years “is crucial.”

The World Economic Forum, one of many globalist groups committed to the “Great Reset,” calls this “the new global situation.” It says heads of state and government, chief executives and leaders from civil society will convene under the theme of “A Crucial Year to Rebuild Trust.”

In true Orwellian fashion, that “trust” will be enforced through censorship and arrests of dissenters.

Rushing to accommodate Biden, Senate Republicans joined Democrats in confirming John Brennan loyalist Avril Haines as director of national intelligence by a vote of 84-10. She will play a crucial role in overseeing the 18 agencies that make up the U.S. Intelligence Community, at a cost of over $62 billion a year.Another $23.1 billion is spent on the Military Intelligence Program.

A partisan Democrat and member of the Deep State, Haines was on the advisory council and the Governance Board for a group called National Security Action, dedicated to “Building a strong, unified, progressive opposition to the Trump administration’s dangerous policies…” On September 10, 2020, it had sponsored a forum for “rising progressive voices” to “take on Trump’s failed approach and champion a progressive foreign policy vision for 2021 and beyond.”

A total of 36 Senate Republicans voted for her nomination. Only 10 Republican Senators voted against her:Blackburn (R-TN), Braun (R-IN), Cruz (R-TX), Ernst (R-IA), Hagerty (R-TN), Hawley (R-MO), Lee (R-UT), Marshall (R-KS), Paul (R-KY), and Risch (R-ID).

Ernest, a combat veteran and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said she had “serious concerns over Ms. Haines’ strong support for the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal,” which largely benefited Iran.

Interestingly, Haines’ previous work included serving as a member of the “high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response” sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that was held just a few months before the China virus was unleashed on the world.

In addition to being a former Deputy Director of the CIA, she served as a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Geopolitics. This panel was designed to “offer intellectual support to the Forum’s work on the Great Reset initiative, particularly the pillar devoted to promoting global cooperation and revitalizing the multilateral system.”

Biden’s nominee as director of the CIA, William J. Burns, was a member of the same panel.

Strangely, Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, worked to expedite a vote on someone who is widely expected to push for more power and authority for the United Nations as part of the “Great Reset.”

It appears that the Deep State has reaffirmed its control of both political parties,a fact that can only generate more hatred by the grass roots of the Republican establishment.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Curious Feelings About Losing America’s Sovereignty

By Frosty Wooldridge

America’s new president vowed to open the borders, tear down the existing wall, no deportations for violating our laws, and promises to give amnesty for 25 million people who arrived illegally and without invitation. Along with their children!

Without sovereign borders, America is no longer a country. It’s a destination for the world’s refugees.  Note this harsh reality: 100, 200, 300 million refugees would immigrate to America tomorrow if they could. If we continue to be a destination for the world’s refugees—within 20 to 30 years, Americans will become refugees in their own country. That mathematical fact awaits us.

Ironically, during Biden’s 47 years in Congress, he never worked to enforce our immigration laws, nor did he secure our borders.   In fact, along with the majority of his Congressional colleagues on both sides of the aisle, Biden helped the invasion of America by never pushing for E-Verify, enforcing existing laws or dissuading any kind of immigration.  In other words, he spent five decades in Congress giving speeches, but nothing more significant.

Facebook comments rage across the page over our elected officials NOT doing their jobs.

On the one hand, religious people think we need to save the world’s poor.  But they never understand that the world’s poor grow by 83 million, new babies, net gain annually. In reality, there’s no way to save all of them without destroying ourselves.

My friend James Meeley said, “People like Rob and Jeffery will always call those who know the realities “heartless,” while they themselves sacrifice nothing for these “poor souls” they say we care nothing for. They also don’t care how their “bleeding hearts” makes chumps of every person who followed the rules to be an American citizen.

“It’s really easy to sit back and tell people what to do, as they most likely will never have to live with the repercussions of what they ask of the nation, while they spout their bilge about “America’s past and being a land of immigrants.”

“Just like the rest of the elites, who have their gated communities and private security, things most average citizens don’t have, the costs won’t fall on them. They have no answers for what to do with these people who don’t speak the language, don’t know the laws or customs, don’t share the culture, or feel they don’t have any need to give up anything to come here, save their poverty.

“No solutions for how the poorest of the legal citizens here will be hit by such influxes of people, with little or no education or skills for living in such a tech driven world as our has become. No answers for the burdens it will put on our welfare system for the poor already here, which is already stretched to the maximum.

“If you just want our prosperity, without assimilating to what America is, then you shouldn’t come here. Period. Don’t come because your homeland’s government is corrupt. Or you are poor. Or because you think you’ll get a free ride here. Come only if you want to become an American. Totally. Completely.

“And if that isn’t what you want; if you just want better prosperity while you live your life by the customs of your homeland’s culture, then stay where you are and fix your shit hole country. That might mean a civil war. It might mean you’ll die and never get the benefits you are fighting for. But then, such has happened here, as well, with many of our ancestors who had to do the same.

“America doesn’t owe people in foreign lands a “better life” by their ways. That’s up to them to make it where they are. And if they don’t want to do what might be necessary to get it, then it doesn’t really matter that much to them, does it? But wanting that “the easy way,” by breaking our laws, our border, and our system, is not something I’ll ever abide.

“And if guys like Rob and Jeffery don’t like it, the exit door is to your left. Burn your citizenship before you go. Plenty of people who will come here LEGALLY will gladly take your place. You won’t be missed. Being an American citizen isn’t a “right.” It isn’t “owed” to anyone. It’s a privilege. And people better start looking at it that way. Especially those who would just give it to any Juan, Diego, and Hernando. It isn’t some “Crackerjacks” prize, nor should it ever be treated as one!”

And so, the debate rages.  For my own two-cents worth, can we continue as the world’s savior by importing endless masses of refugees? Can we sustain the projected 100 million more of them within 29 years?  Do you honestly want this kind of a future for your children?

If you’ll look at these three very important videos, you will see exactly what I mean.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Trump Did NOT Incite D.C. Riots

by Rev. Austin Miles

The lying newspapers today are only useful if one has a caged bird. I am sick and tired of reading that Trump Supporters were responsible for the Washington, D.C. riots. They were NOT. Trump had a group of people who were sincere supporters of him who were going to walk quietly down a street in D.C. to demonstrate that he has many supporters. This is FACT.

Antifa along with BLM with their ears on the tracks, and mined the info that these supporters were coming to D.C. George Soros quickly paid for busses to take them to the Capitol to intermingle with Trump Supporters. They are the one’s who came, with weapons, to crash the U.S. Capitol. And they were all paid to do so.

Let’s not forget that since the counterfeit media conveniently placed the blame on Trump Supporters for the havoc in D.C. we have another demonstration of a lying media. This event alone makes it all apparent. Only alternative news sites, radio talk shows, and some TV gives accurate information.

They took over what was to be a simple parade showing support for the greatest President the U.S. has ever had, with many Senior Citizens in the group. None of them were armed nor did any of them even contemplate violence.

This writer was once a Democrat and yes, there WAS a Democrat President who was terrific. That was John F. Kennedy, my cousin. That was back before the democrats went socialist-communist.

The armed ones at this attack on America were Soros paid agitators. Yet the lying newspapers hammered that Trump Supporters had breeched the U.S. Capitol. In absolutely every story printed and put on TV, they made a point of calling the rampage of destruction, injury and death “by Trump Supporters.” That was the verbiage printed every time a story about the D.C. riots was printed. This is total dishonesty. Any person or party who is dishonest should never be considered an equal or even given respect.

So where CAN one find honest news? The internet is the first place to look. Yes there are some who misuse the internet but check out the columnists on various news sites and you will be accurately filled in with what is actually happening in society. My own website:, has 7 of the greatest columnists in the world, one each day in the week. One of those first class writers is Kelleigh Nelson who every writer looks up to. When she does a story, her research is totally amazing. After reading any of her columns, you know that you not only had truthful reporting of the news but you will learn all details of that which she is writing about.

The public has learned that this website,, is one place where you can learn exactly what is going on politically and socially. And for that reason, this website has over eight and a half million readers daily. And the number continues to climb every day.

Readers, anytime you read this residue of a bull put out by newspapers that you know is false, call or send an email to that paper and call them what they are…provocateur’s and a disgrace to journalism.

Photo Caption-Riot in D.C.-Capitol paralyzed


Trump Is Fighting Both Parties, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

All the years that I’ve voted Republican the one thing that I have noticed was the lack of spine in the party.  Democrats will come together and support a candidate even if they don’t like him/her because the end result is power for the Democrat party.  Republicans, not so much.  They’ll cave at the first sign of opposition.  We’ve seen this over and over again.  I remember in Arizona there were two Republicans running, one the Republican Party wanted and the other was one the people wanted.  In the primary the one the people wanted won and the Republican Party refused to help him in the election, no funding, no campaigning for him by the leaders in the Party and he ended up losing to the Democrat.  That is stupid on steroids!  But it shows just how Party minded our politics has become with little to no regard to the will of the people.  Not exactly what the Founders intended.

Another thing I find reprehensible is what Mitch McConnell just did to Trump concerning the COVID relief package.  Keep in mind that this stimulus was supposed to help the American people that have lost jobs, had their businesses shut down, and are suffering big time with the unconstitutional Democrat dictatorial mandates.  These generous souls, that haven’t lost a single paycheck through this whole thing, gave us a ‘substantial’ $600.  That should cover the last four months’ back rent/house payment, car payment, and your credit card bills, right?  Just so you know just how much both parties hate Americans this last ‘stimulus’ bill of $900 billion they gave the American people a generous $174 billion and they gave a paltry $726 billion to foreign countries.  What baffles me is why were any funds allocated to foreign nations for COVID relief?  Trump wanted $2000 not $600 for the American people and no pork for the foreign countries.  Both Parties blew the American people off even though it’s the American worker that has to pay the $726 billion.  I will give the Democrats credit that they actually agreed to the $2000, it was the Republicans that killed it.  They did so because it would add $400+ billion to our debt and that was a concern to them.  If that was true then why did they vote for the $726 billion for the foreign countries?  They could have saved $300+ billion by just giving Americans $2000 and forgetting the foreign countries!

Trump has been determined to give the power of government back to the people.  We have seen the government give special interests laws that protect them from the American people.  Big Pharma has been given protection from lawsuits when vaccines do harm to the patients.  The high court on Tuesday ruled for Wyeth, which is now owned by Pfizer Inc, in a lawsuit brought by the parents of Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures as an infant after her third dose of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine in 1992.

Pfizer and other vaccine makers had argued that a Supreme Court ruling for the plaintiffs could open the door to a flood of lawsuits — many by families who believe vaccines cause autism — and threaten the supply of childhood vaccines.

Pfizer Executive Vice President and General Counsel Amy Schulman said the company was pleased with the ruling.

“The Vaccine Act that Congress enacted nearly 25 years ago appropriately places the responsibility for determining the optimal design of life-saving childhood vaccines in the hands of expert federal agencies, not a patchwork of state tort systems,” she said.[1] If they fear a flood of lawsuits maybe they should have better safety measures for the patients and not be so concerned about their bottom line.

Our social media has been given a pass on denying the American people their 1st Amendment rights in the NDAA bill.  This is Section 230 of the NDAA and Trump has called for that provision to be terminated because they have denied information to be exposed that the American people need to be made aware of to make the decisions necessary to keep America free and sovereign.   The House of Representatives Monday evening overwhelmingly voted to override President Trump’s veto of the defense bill.

The vote was 322-87.

The Senate must also vote to override Trump’s veto. The Senate can vote as early as tomorrow but will likely vote later this week.

President Trump last Wednesday vetoed the $740 billion defense bill because the legislation renamed bases named after Confederates and would not allow for removal of our military from other countries.

 Trump also wanted to add a provision terminating Section 230 protections for tech giants.

The National Defense Authorization Act passed both houses of Congress with veto-proof supermajorities.

The Senate approved the defense bill with a 84-13 vote so they definitely have the votes to override Trump’s veto.[2]

You can see by the numbers of that vote that both Parties have basically shoved Americans to the side to push their own agenda. They seem to think that it is the responsibility of the American taxpayer to pay for the needs of every nation but the American taxpayer can go pound sand when they need something.

Even though the media is ignoring all the blatant evidence of voter fraud and saying that Biden won but I believe that Trump will be sworn in on the 20th.  We have a praying church.  Trump has done more for the church than any previous president.  He’s done more for the unborn than any previous president.  He’s done more for Israel than any president.  I can’t see God allowing the fraud that has occurred to remove a man that I believe He put in office in the first place doing all he can to bring America back to the foundations she was founded on.  He’s not just fighting both Parties, he’s fighting a corrupt Supreme Court and Department of Justice.  President Donald Trump went on an epic Twitter rant on Saturday that targeted congressional Republicans, the Supreme Court, and the Justice Department for not fighting hard enough to overturn the results of an election that he sees as having massive voter fraud.

“If a Democrat Presidential Candidate had an Election Rigged & Stolen, with proof of such acts at a level never seen before, the Democrat Senators would consider it an act of war, and fight to the death. Mitch & the Republicans do NOTHING, just want to let it pass. NO FIGHT!” Trump tweeted. Trump’s rant comes after Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) congratulated President-elect Joe Biden after the Electoral College vote gave him more than the needed 270 electoral votes on December 14.[3]

I think that we need a new party to challenge the Republicans.  I think many in the present Republican Party would gladly switch and let the gutless wimps remain controlled by the Democrats.  There are Republicans that have the guts to stand up for the American people and our Constitution and we need to see this happen if we are to remain free.  We don’t need a new Constitution, we need to get back to following the Constitution we have and we need a Party that will do that.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Just house votes override president Trump’s veto 740 billion defense bil

Where Do We Go From Here? Part 2

By Steven Yates

Getting Our Minds Right

Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).

In Part 1, we saw:

  • Election 2020 was stolen. The evidence is being ruthlessly suppressed. People are losing jobs for speaking up. There’s nothing we can do about this but remain calm, rational, and strategically-minded.
  • Conservatives face double-standards. Free speech is under attack, and we see purges reminiscent of an incipient dictatorship, the “dictator” (so far) being an alliance of corporate behemoths. Sleepy Joe may not be Joe Stalin, meanwhile, but his signing a new “domestic terrorism” bill aimed at Trump-era conservatives relabeled extremists in the wake of “1/6” is now on the table. There will be no legal controls on cultural left defamation and possibly even violence directed our way.
  • Libertarian arguments that “these are private companies” are foolish. They misgrasp how power operates in the real world and play into the hands of the enemies of freedom.
  • The cultural left is now empowered more than ever before, via the Democrat Party, Big Tech, and other corporations (all sizes) who drank the “white fragility” Kool-aide. Biden is already opening the borders. Motivated by foreign interests? Probably. By anti white racism? Almost certainly!
  • Expect the left to go after guns, possibly after a false flag event at an airport or possibly a state capitol, although it could be anywhere that will make an impact and be used to generate hysteria.
  • If the Republican Party pulls away from Trumpism but remains clueless and directionless, this guarantees a One Party State for the foreseeable future.
  • The country we grew up in is gone. “Taking back America” is not presently a live option, and so we need to think about separation: spiritually, psychologically, educationally, and politically-economically (in that order), according to the principles we wish to live by.

All this said — it is essential not to put cultural Marxism* or globalism on a pedestal. One person emailed me recently and opined that the globalists are in panic mode. I agree. Cultural Marxist* efforts to undermine conservative Patriots in “white America” have failed. The fact that Trump was elected at all is proof of that. He got over 74 million votes last November.

As for globalists, more people today know about them than ever before. However loud the bleats of conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, this genie is not going back in the bottle. The truth is, they are running out of time, and they know it.

But let’s not kid ourselves. We’ve lost some major battles recently. I ended Part 1 promising to work out specifics of, “Where do we go from here?” given our present dismal reality. The first steps won’t seem obvious or immediately practical, but bear with me here.

We have to start by getting our minds right. Going off half-cocked will accomplish nothing except costing more livelihoods, and that’s if we’re lucky. As we’ll shortly see, controlling our emotions and instead thinking this through will give us an instant advantage. Leftists go off emotion. We don’t have that luxury.

So first, what is your worldview? Is it God-based and rooted in a transcendent reality, or is it human-centered and rooted exclusively in this world? Why this is important: different worldviews yield different answers to basic questions about the human condition, what is possible, and what we might do in our present situation.

Iargue elsewhere that if your worldview is secular and materialist, then in the end there is no hope. Not really. You came out of nothing and will return to nothing. In between gulfs of nothingness you get a mixture of pain, some pleasure, amidst distressingly little that makes sense. Secularism offers surrogates for a meaningful life: at best, wealth and success as society defines these; perhaps a quest for fame and celebrity hood on social media. Or buying bitcoin and hoping you don’t lose your shirt. Getting lost in the details of a science. Or, perhaps, recreational drugs to escape into your head. Becoming a sex or porn addict. Some combination of these.

Joining a tribe. Getting on the “woke” bandwagon. Or the QAnon deformation: in my humble opinion it is that, as no one knows who “Q” even is, anymore than we knew who “PropOrNot” was. As education has collapsed and society has enstupidated itself, it has become harder to see false rabbit trails for what they are, and even some Trump supporters have succumbed to the-mass-arrests-start-any-day-now nonsense. Trust the Plan. Right.

(I said you might not like some of this. I wasn’t lying.)

We either get back to basics or else!

Pascal once said (I paraphrase) that people divide into two groups: those who have found God and serve Him, and those who have not found God and seek Him. You don’t want to be in a third category, which seems to be a majority in post-industrial, postmodern civilization: those who have not found God and couldn’t care less.

There is solid actionable advice just in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) and in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 – 7). Do not worship false gods or idols (like Mammon). Do not curse using God’s name. Do not steal. Do not murder. Do not covet. Honor your father and your mother (family has a sacred foundation). And so on. Jesus went further: do not be angry with or insult your brothers (Matt. 5:22). Attempt reconciliation (Matt. 5:23-24). Do not lust (Matt. 5:28). Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No’ (Matt. 5:37). Love your enemies with agape love (Matt. 5:44).

None of us do these perfectly. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Hence the need for salvation through Christ alone (“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” – John 14:6). What of those who never heard of Christianity? (this is for stubborn skeptics): “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (Rom. 1:18-20).

Medieval philosopher-theologian St. Thomas Aquinas held that we learn something of God through Nature. From him and his successors came Natural Law, a tradition sadly almost forgotten today, but indicating why certain behaviors and ways of organizing society pass the test of time, while others fail miserably. Conservatives should rediscover Natural Law (leaving aside hesitations some might harbor over its association with corrupt Catholicism — “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” (John 8:7)).

I believe Stoicism can help us, too, even if it is a mostly secular philosophy. For those stubborn skeptics I mentioned, it is the only option (yes, I dialogue with non-Christians).

Stoicism is a realistic philosophy. It has gotten attention in recent years. This should not surprise us at all.

It was founded in ancient Greece by a man named Zeno, then made its way to ancient Rome where its spokesmen ranged from Epictetus, born into slavery, to those born to rule such as Marcus Aurelius. Another Stoic luminary was close to power but in a worse personal situation than any of us can imagine: Seneca, first tutor and then advisor to the psychopathic Nero, commanded finally to commit suicide (he did). I doubt any of us will live a life as potentially miserable as was Seneca’s. Despite it all he kept writing and advising, and his words resonate through the ages, words to keep in mind should we face a rough road ahead.

Those were turbulent times just like these, and arguably deadlier. Which would you prefer: a job loss and an attack by the Twitter mob, or being skewered in public with a sword and left in the street to bleed to death? Exiled from the public square, or crucified, as was Jesus and many early Christians? Crucifixion was one of the most brutal forms of execution ever thought up by sinful men.

Many Stoic writings have been lost. Historians have determined from what we have that early Stoics divided their philosophy into three parts: physics, logic, and ethics. Physics is how the world works. Logic is our thought about how the world works. Ethics tells us how to live, given that the world works in specific ways, and given that our best thought can determine better versus worse.

The Stoics saw the world as governed by cause-and-effect — a commonsense perspective. Where they go next is very uncommon.

Epictetus counseled at the beginning of his Enchiridion (Manual) to distinguish what you can control from what you can’t:

“Of things some are in our power, and others are not. In our power are opinion, movement toward a thing, desire, aversion, turning from a thing;… Not in our power are the body, property, reputation, offices, and in a word, whatever are not our own acts…. Remember then, that if you think … the things which are in the power of others to be your own, you will be hindered, you will lament, you will be disturbed… If then you desire … great things remember that you must not (attempt to) lay hold of them with a small effort; but you must leave alone some things entirely, and postpone others for the present… Straightway then practice saying to every harsh appearance: You are an appearance, and in no manner what you appear to be. Then examine it by the rules which you possess, and by this first and chiefly, whether it relates to the things which are in our power or to things which are not in our power….

We can control, with mindful practice, our emotions and thoughts. And from this, our actions.

I emphasize this, because if we cannot get our emotions under control, we will not get anything else under control.

We cannot control the thoughts, emotions, and actions of others, including our enemies, any more than we can control the weather. Isn’t it silly, if you think about it, to gripe about the weather? You can’t control the cold outside. But you can acknowledge its reality, and instead of complaining, take action to minimize your discomfort. You can dress in layers, for example.

To apply: we can’t control the fact that the election was stolen, or that leftists hate our guts. But we can control our emotional responses to these. And get away from their sources.

Once acknowledged, you can tune out their capacity to affect you.The same with other salient realities I listed. This ties in with suggestions I made at the end of Part 1. Don’t use Twitter! Likewise, the fate of Parler is outside your control, and mine — but not your decision to buy from Amazon or Apple. Or to use Google’s search engine (as opposed to DuckDuckGo).

Nor is making the reasons for your choice known outside your control. This will attract likeminded others. Have you noticed that within a group of the likeminded you can control slightly more than you can as an isolated individual?

A specific view of the world emerges from a fusion of Christianity and Stoicism. Some Christians will get upset at my view that the world is basically hostile—indifferent at best. Read Genesis 3:16-19 (whether literally or not, your choice). My reading of it is that we were created for a world of abundance. We fell. Abundance was snatched away and replaced with scarcity. Existence — at the most basic level of feeding ourselves — became a struggle. That struggle has continued ever since. Civilization is our answer to what Hobbes called the “state of nature” in which our lives are “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” He got the first one wrong. We form tribes which can become efficient and effective at killing one another until they develop civil society. Even then, they cannot solve the problems of scarcity and conflict. We try to create Utopias (or imagine how they could evolve) to recover that lost abundance, and they inevitably fail because human nature itself subverts and destroys them. Marxism was an example. Marx himself, moreover, was one of the angriest men of his time.

Christianity commands us to control our tempers. Stoicism emphasizes that you can control your emotions. The two are entirely consistent on this point. Exercises exist that help you do this. They might be as simple as breathing ten times, counting the breaths. Or reciting calming phrases. Cue yourself with a note written in ink on your palm if you have to. Then just do it. Afterwards, are you still angry? Meditating is another possibility. Nothing sophisticated or new-agey here. Just go somewhere quiet, sit,close your eyes, and rid your head of noise. A walk in the woods can accomplish this. There is something about greenery that is inherently calming. Nature was created by God, and so experiencing nature brings us closer to God. It works for me.

Reduce your consumption of news! Most of it is designed to arouse your emotions and keep your attention. For whatever reason we seem wired for bad news — for the scandalous, the tragic, the horrific, the destructive. Imagine news broadcasts that compared sunrise and sunset data at various places around the globe. Would anyone watch? Probably not. Who cares?viewers would ask. So news broadcasts are designed to rivet your attention, and the impotent emotions they arouse drain your energy. Shut them off! Unless it’s something you need to know, such as if left-liberals are coming for your guns, or if medical tyrants are locking your community down again.

I get it. This is hard. But the payoff will be worth it!

Create stillness in your life, in the lives of your loved ones, in the lives of all those around you. Author Ryan Holiday, a present-day Stoic, wrote a book about this entitled Stillness Is the Key (2019). Holiday is not a Christian, but I recommend this book anyway.

Another book worth a look gave me the phrase creative withdrawal, which we will pursue next: A Harmony Within: Five Who Took Refuge. A Study in Creative Withdrawal (2007), by William A. Reinsmith. The author surveys five thinkers beginning with Epicurus (not to be confused with Epictetus), whose hedonism and materialism seem wrongheaded to me but who understood that tranquility is not to be found by engaging the affairs of the world — especially in violent, repressive societies. Epicurus counseled non participation. His views overlap with Stoicism to the extent that they reflect awareness of the futility of trying to change what is outside our control.

Summing up: the increased prevalence of leftism / cultural Marxism* is outside our control, but how to respond is within our control. We should refrain from returning hate for hate. Forget engaging it on social media, or elsewhere. Walk away.

In our control is acquiring a mindset for independence. We’ve talked about that here. Next we will discuss withdrawal, beginning with another salient reality: public schools are destructive!

Oh, before I go,another short tract I strongly recommend is The Art of War, by Sun Tzu. There are a dozen places on the Web you can read it for free. We should not kid ourselves. We are at war. But not in the usual sense. This has been called “fifth generation” warfare, fought with weaponized language and information. Our enemies are very, very good at it! How else, after all, does a phrase like all lives matter get labeled racist in ways that are almost impossible to challenge publicly?

*The Saker, whose writings I greatly respect, recently dismissed the phrase cultural Marxism, calling it “totally meaningless.”

Here is why I use it:

The Italian communist Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School based in Germany concluded that classical or economic Marxism — the theory of history and political economy in the form Marx put forth in Das Kapital— was insufficient.Not only was the proletariat totally uninterested in overthrowing the bourgeoisie, they wanted to join the bourgeoisie. Many were doing it! So ignoring one of economic Marxism’s central implications—that capitalism would have to become a global system, inescapable, before revolutionary consciousness fully emerged (it wasn’t close to doing this in the period 1930 – 1950)—they concluded it was necessary to capture the culture. Hence my phrase the cultural left, which I use interchangeably with cultural Marxism. The approved term was Critical Theory.

Gramsci and Frankfurt School devotees set about to subvert American culture by undermining traditional views of education / academia, law, the arts and entertainment, and mass media. They specifically targeted the Christian worldview, allying with materialists of all stripes.

Herbert Marcuse, the most influential Frankfurt School philosopher, invoked race in place of class. Feminists followed with gender-bending. They retained Marxian group-derived consciousness, and identity politics was born. This explains the cultural left’s complete indifference to America’s working class — too white, too male, and too heterosexual. Oppressors! in other words, quite contrary to Marx’s view of the proletariat. Cultural Marxists were joined from across the English Channel by socialists of the Fabian Society who were infiltrating nominally conservative think tanks (we are up to the 1970s-1980s). This result in CINO institutions (conservative in name only). These ploys succeeded brilliantly. Which is a reason many people who self-identify as conservative are still wondering what the dickens happened.

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

It is Far From Over America. We Are Only Just Beginning

By Laurie Roth

I have heard today from so many of you, panic stricken, sad, thinking that Joe Biden is our President. This is in the face of all our courts, House, Senate and media ignoring the massive voter fraud and election crimes.  As I shared with my last article and Intel from the brilliant and truthful Sydney Powell, she found that the real Electoral College numbers known from the German Dominion Servers before they were seized was Trump 410 and Biden 128.  See the chart below.

Rest assured, today’s joke inauguration of the loser and criminal Joe Biden will not be allowed to stand.  My high up sources, one directly to Trump have revealed to me in detail what is coming.  The below mentioned crimes and coming actions are bold truth that you will not hear in the media right now.  Study this carefully, share with everyone you know. Pray and watch it all unfold.  America is secure. Stand and believe.

Referring to Lin Wood’s interview before the inauguration, note we all thought that the arrests would happen at the inauguration, but he does say everything including the arrests might come after the inauguration. (Be sure to listen to the interview on the link below)
Lin Wood: Our President will remain Donald Trump.

Ratcliff has confirmed that China was behind the 2020 Election Fraud. Don’t trust the CIA or FBI. We are in a war with China and would have a couple of weeks of confusion. Stay out of the way of the Military and let them do their job. They will deal with any violence, so don’t let anyone control you with fear.

Stay home and stay calm while Trump saves this country. Remember Trump really is a man of God and not a poser.  With his help, we will return to a nation under God. We are all in this together. Listen to the EBS. Listen to your heart.

We could be going to an Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law which Trump enacted Sat. 2 Jan.

That broadcast would begin with Trump’s speech and continue in 8-hour segments for 72 hours. The Broadcast could very well be conducted by several Generals including General Hyten who is the highest ranking Military official and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We know that these 8-hour segments will be educating the American public on the truth of the massive corruption, and many criminal activities of so many key figures in our Government.

You will hear the truth of the JFK assassination where George Bush Senior was a top CIA operative coordinating the assassination in Dallas.  You will learn of the truth of the 911, also coordinated by the Bushes. You will learn of so many in our Government highly involved in Sex and child trafficking and Pedophilia, money laundering and many crimes of bribery and stealing of our tax dollars to line their own pockets.

You will learn of so much of the corruption and treasonous acts by many politicians, it will make you absolutely sick to your stomach. This will be presented by several Generals and they will explain that they have been planning for decades to take down this massive corruption. You will learn that they asked Donald Trump to run for President and help them take out the Deep State criminals.

As all this unfolds,the left and the Media will accuse Trump of being a dictator and that he ordered this military coup. Not true.

There will be about Ten Days of Darkness referring to Trump’s inability to communicate by Facebook and Twitter. This is the time that these presentations will be broadcast. You will want to watch all of them.

With all the massive evidence against the Biden’s, Obama, the Clinton’s and so many more, the Generals planning on getting our Country back will conduct the arrests and educate all Americans of the Truth behind these actions.

Lin Wood in a recent interview, asks all Americans to search their heart for the truth not the news. We will realize that we have been lied to and with the help of the corrupt news have been programed to hate President Trump. The truth is that Donald Trump, gave up his life to work with the Generals who asked him if he would help them bring down this massive corruption in all phases of our government.

We will all come to realize what a true American Patriot that Donald Trump really is and the hell that he and his family have been through for the last four years.

I know that God will Bless Donald Trump in mighty ways as history shows that he is the greatest President of all time.

All American Patriots keep the faith. For all of you who have been taken in by this massive corruption machine believing that the Democrats, Biden and the media are here to help you, snap out of it.  The very opposite is true.

Our Lord, President Trump and our amazing military will set things right and get us all back on course again.

God bless America.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

Conspiracies: Harari and the New York Times, Part 1

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

Concerning Yuval Noah Harari’s NEW YORK TIMES article, “When the World Seems Like One Big Conspiracy” (11/20/20), he believes that global cabal theories, such as Nazism, are inherently false. The main problem with his contention is that he uses the past tense when describing it, and he fails to realize the secret Nazi plan is coming to fulfillment today (see my 2010 book, THE POWER ELITE AND THE SECRET NAZI PLAN). Another global cabal conspiracy he dismisses is that the Bush and Clinton families are secretly working together. Again, he is unaware that members of Skull & Bones have worked with Cecil Rhodes’ secret Society of the Elect members for over 100 years. One example was in the late 1980s when President George W. Bush could have easily appointed a Republican governor to head his education reform effort, but instead chose Bill Clinton, a Democrat governor of a small Southern state, Arkansas, to lead that effort. Remember that Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar, and Cecil Rhodes said his secret society’s purpose was to “take the government of the whole world.”

Harari also dismisses the idea that professors, journalists and politicians try to conceal the existence of a global conspiracy. Apparently he is unaware that the editorial page editor of The New York Times through all of the 1860s, John Swinton, delivered a speech to journalists at the Twilight Club in New York City on April 12, 1883, in which he revealed: “The business of the New York journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon. You know this and I know it….We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping-jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

For example, let’s look at the New York Times in the critically important decade of the 1950s when Communism was on the rise. The New York Times reporter covering the Soviet Union in the 1930s was well aware of dictator Stalin’s slaughter of massive numbers of Russians, but kept this out of the press. By the 1950s, if anyone had accused the New York Times of slanting news in favor of the Communists, they would have been branded as an idiot. However, in 1969 the foreign editor of the New York Times during the decade of the 1950s, Herman Dinsmore, wrote ALL THE NEWS THAT FITS, in which he revealed: “Positively and negatively, the weight of The New York Times has generally fallen on the side of the Communists since the end of World War II.” Similarly, if anyone had claimed that the Communists were becoming a force in our government, the press would have belittled them as ignorant McCarthyites. However, in famous Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein’s LOYALTIES: A SON’ S MEMOIRS (1989), he reveals a conversation he had with his father, who was a member of the American Communist Party in the Washington, DC, area. Carl’s father said, “You’re going to prove McCarthy right, because all he was saying was that the system was loaded with Communists. And he was right….The problem is that everybody said he was a liar; you’re saying he was right….I agree that the Party was a force in the country.”

Lastly regarding the New York Times, remember that Harari believes “global cabal theories” are nonsense. In that regard, David Brooks in 2002 wrote a long book review of David Rockefeller’s MEMOIRS (2002). Nowhere in the book review did Brooks mention that Rockefeller on page 405 of his book wrote: “Some even believe we (Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Next, Harari states, “The key premise of global cabal theories is that it is relatively easy to manipulate the world.” No doubt Harari is unaware of Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, known as “the father of public opinion,” writing in his 1928 book, PROPAGANDA, that “Those who manipulate the organized habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of the country.” Then, in THE IMPACT OF SCIENCE UPON SOCIETY (1951 AND 1953), Bertrand Russell explained: “I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology….Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated.” Following this, Milton Rokeach in PSYCHOLOGY TODAY (September 1971) revealed: “It now seems within man’s power to alter experimentally another person’s basic values, and to control the direction of the change.”

Harari doesn’t believe in the predictability of events within a global conspiracy. However, if that is the case, then how could Robert Hugh Benson in his futuristic LORD OF THE WORLD published in 1907 know that in the movement toward American Socialism : “In 1917…Communism really began….The new order began then….(After 1989) the final scheme of Western Free Trade….(There) is this European Parliament….With the Release Act in 1998…there were the Ministers of Euthanasia” (like Jack Kevorkian would be). And how could I predict 4 things that terrorists could do, and they did all 4 within just 2 weeks (Google “dennis cuddy” with “April 29, 2013”)! Harari writes: “Particularly remarkable is this group’s ability to see 10 moves ahead on the global board game. When they release a virus somewhere, they can predict not only how it will spread through the world, but also how it will affect the global economy a year later. When they unleash political revolution, they can control its course. When they start a war, they know how it will end.” Of course, Harari’s point is that it’s laughable to think any group can do this.

However, I have the tapes from Mikhail Gorbachev’s first State of the World Forum in 1995, and on one tape Zbigniew Brzezinski (adviser to Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama) says they will not get to their desired world government through “one quick leap,” but rather by joining regional arrangements (e.g., NAFTA, European Union, ASEAN, etc.) first. Then, in his book, THE GRAND CHESSBOARD (1997), he explains the upcoming importance of the Caspian region and how they can manipulate disgruntled Islamists. Relevant to the impact of a released virus, remember that in 2015, Bill Gates predicted a virus would be released and spread globally. And after Covid-19 was released and was beginning to spread, I emailed ABC News on March 2, 2020 saying: “And the economic impact of the virus’ biosafety and biosecurity threats on the stock market, travel, tourism, etc. has only just begun.” In 1991, I wrote that when the world government is approaching, there will be a global currency which will be called the Phoenix ( Now, look at what the International Monetary Fund (IMF) just twittered—a holographic Phoenix ( ! And if the world government does not use the Phoenix, it will probably adopt something like China’s “Social Credit System” and eliminate currency altogether!

Be sure to read my book “Conspiracy” available on Amazon or this website.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Jan. 20, 2021: A Crime Against the American People

By: Devvy

For the third time in U.S. history, a candidate for president has usurped the office via fraud.  Chester Arthur was the first. Historical Breakthrough – Proof:  Chester Arthur Concealed He Was A British Subject At Birth.  Arthur usurped the office via fraud.

What prompted constitutional attorney, Leo Donofrio, to pursue this research which took him to Chester Arthur’s history was ineligible candidates for U.S. president.  At the time, Leo filed a lawsuit to keep three constitutionally ineligible candidates off the ballot.  If memory serves me correctly, and this goes back prior to the election in 2008, one candidate was from Venezuela, Hussein Obama and John McCain.

Despite all the lies by the MSM prostitutes and members of Congress, ‘natural born citizen’ requires both parents be U.S. citizens at the time of the child’s birth.  That eliminates former governor Bobby Jindal, Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Ted Cruz, Kamala Harris, and of course, the biggest hustler of them all, classic narcissist and pathological liar, Hussein Obama.

Obama usurped the office of president via fraud.  Because of the ocean of propaganda by politicians of both parties in cahoots with the MSM pimps, the American people really had no understanding of the ‘natural born citizen’ requirement in the Constitution.

Jan. 20, 2021 swearing in and inauguration.  A crime against We the People and President Trump who won the election by a landslide.  Cheater China Joe usurped the office of president via fraud, aid and abetted by GOP incumbents in Congress who now want to “work with the president” knowing full well the election was rigged. I covered this in my Stolen Election: States Must Act Now, Part 1 column so I won’t waste any more time on hypocrites and cowards in the Republican Party.

Podcast Disinformation Flows Like Diarrhea

In the last 4-5 months, people have been sending me emails to ‘watch this video’; literally by the dozens a week.  After Nov. 3, 2020, it turned into a dozen a day.

Kelleigh Nelson covered some of the names in her last column, Beware of False Prophets in Sheep’s Clothing naming many of the podcast/You Tube characters.  I’ve been in the trenches full time for three decades and have seen all the con artists and hustlers that have popped up before and after the Internet came into homes.  Sadly, too many desperate Americans fall prey to these hustlers.

One of the biggest, provable lies on the Internet is that the U.S. is a corporation.  Even when you supply proof it is not, one gets attacked.  Despite actual legal analysis of the bull manure put out by fake “Judge” Anna – who lied right off the bat when she suddenly appeared on the scene promoting herself as a judge when she’s never been a judge or gone to law school anywhere in this county –people simply ignore the statute and opt for her disinformation.

Of course, the most popular is QAnon.  Some jackass in Congress said the other day QAnon is taking over the Republican Party.  And this:  QAnon Is Trumpism Now – The sprawling conspiracy theory is dying—and being reborn as the new normal of the Republican Party.

More carefully crafted propaganda.  Think a farmer in Iowa, a nurse in Cleveland, a construction worker in Boca Raton or accountant in Dallas have even heard of QAnon? Probably six months ago I started getting email – you gotta watch this QAnon report!  I did, once.  My disinformation detector went on and never bothered wasting what time I have left on this earth listening to ‘it’.

One of my best friends since 1993 who has been computer savvy for 40 years told me he believes QAnon to be AI.  Then I saw this one the other day: QAnon Is Two Different People, Shows Machine Learning Analysis from Orph Analytics. Whoever is behind it, after one viewing, I haven’t been back.

As for all these other people screeching on their podcasts they all have “sources telling me this”, “deep sources I can’t name”, “I’ve been given permission to pass this much along”, the Emergency Broadcast System will be used by Trump to give some message to the American people, the Insurrection Act was ‘signed’ (actually it was signed in 1807) by Trump last night!

CIA Director, Nina Haspel, was at the raid conducted at the CIA server farm in Frankfort, Germany and was shot!  She’s been transported to GITMO!  They’re all going to be perp-walking soon!  Biden was actually arrested last week and on and on and on.  Well, Mrs. Haspel just resigned three days ago.  Guess “they” must have let her out of GITMO!  And people – without a single credible piece of evidence – actually believe such nonsense.

And this new one, Here’s Why It’s Not Over….and Why It Always Had To Be The Military promoting QAnon“He makes the EXCELLENT argument that Trump could not have sent in the military while he was still in office.  It would have looked like he was a dictator.  No, it always had to be the military and specifically it had to be the military operating AFTER Trump was no longer in office.”  Well, here’s a news flash:  Trump is no longer Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces.

Of course, like Disaster Dave Hodges and his daily rantings, none of it happens, yet people keep going back to Disaster Dave’s site and listen to his podcasts.  None of all the claims above happened but some are still trying to milk an empty teat.  Americans who know the election was stolen are desperate for anything that would give them hope.

And that is what burns me up.  Since none of the outlandish claims came to pass, Trump voters listening to all that hooey are even more depressed, feeling a sense of hopelessness. I blame people like Simon Parkes. But, that’s how psychological warfare is waged.

Never heard of Parkes but I did take the time to click to his podcast last month and what did I hear?  A Brit who wants to move, I think he said Texas, because the CIA wants to recruit him.  Ahem.  Really?  Please do supply your viewing audience with some proof the CIA has offered you a position, which I much doubt they would appreciate hearing about on some podcast.  Don’t do commercials so be sure to send your donation.  The person sending me the email to go watch Parkes said his mother was Mi5.

After listening to Parkes a couple of times for research purposes, I went to his web site.  He offers for a fee, consulting services like soul searching.  On his web site Parkes makes the same claim about this mother being Mi5 among other spook creds.  Has anyone seen any evidence to back it up?  Kelleigh gave a bit of background on Mr. Parkes in her column, here’s another one: Simon Parkes: How do you tell the inside story from fake news?

“I spent some time trying to figure out who Simon Parkes is. Here’s a very convincing interview with him on a different topic from 2011 and a story about him in the UK publication, The Guardian, in which he claims “that he was adopted as a baby by a 9ft tall, green alien which explained that she was his ‘real, more important’ mother. Later, when he was 11, she took him on board her spacecraft and a deal was struck about contact between the two worlds.”

“Simon has done scores of videos with Dr. Charlie Ward, Robert David Steele and Nicholas Veniamin from the UK, and Danielle Stotijn from the Netherlands, among others…

“Dr.” Ward is involved with the “Nesara Gesara Club” which seems to be a combination health tonic and opportunity for you to invest in silver bullion. In July of last year, he was claiming that the Queen and the Pope were just arrested.”

Parkes latest is the inauguration was fake.  Trump will be sworn in come March and more fecal matter.

And then the author of that piece hits it right on the head:  “My questions are – “If this is true, why is it good for the patriot cause to tell our enemies that we’re getting ready to strike?” And “If this was “fake news” or was dangerous to the Deep State, why would they permit them to keep sharing their videos?”

Precisely.  Don’t you find it rather strange all these Tom Clancy wannabe’s with this ‘SITREP’ and military jargon have been allowed to stay on You Tube?  Yeah, some of them have moved to Bitchute after months of strictly You Tube.  The article above is well worth reading as a warning to desperate Americans to be careful who you trust on the Internet.  Mr. Parkes is free to believe his was adopted by a green alien and whisked away to a spacecraft. I’ll pass, thank you.

There is so much hard evidence proving the election was stolen with more to come.  Sidney Powell is on a mission and she’s not going to stop until she exposes and provides evidence of this massive fraud that took place on Nov. 3rd and for weeks after.  As well as Jovan Pulitzer.  More to come on his work but in the meantime, this is well worth taking the time to watch: “I want Honest Elections!” Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Releases New Video on 2020 Election

I want to personally thank Jovan for all his amazing work.  In the link above, he says: “Now here’s what I mean.  The human condition does not learn when things are good.  I’ve said this before if you’ve followed me for years.  I’ve explained this, we do learn when things are good.  And so if this was something that could be resolved fast, just boom, and resolved fast, nothing would have changed.

“We now see the cheating but this would have gone on for years if it had not been so blatant and obvious.  We had to see the whole process to learn.  That is what is important here.  All of this pain all of it, will help us learn.”

I know it’s been going on since at least the 1960s – vote fraud in many forms.  Of course, this awakening of the American people about vote fraud comes at a very high price:  President Trump removed from office after legally winning the election.

Many have asked me why didn’t Trump trigger his 2018 Executive Order on foreign interference with our elections?  He probably knew before Thanksgiving exactly what happened.  I have no answer.  Once Republicans betrayed him on Jan. 6th, Trump and I’m speculating, felt there was nothing that could be done.  Partisan, cowardly judges dismissed all the legal challenges without even ONE being judged on the merits of the case or evidence.

As for invoking the Insurrection Act and bringing in the military, Trump would be faced with the highest probability it would immediately escalate into a civil war.  Domestic terrorists, Black Lies Movement and Fascist ANTIFA have been looting, burning and killing for the past eight months.  Democrat governors and mayors have allowed the destruction – the costliest in American history:  $2 billion dollars in damages, to continue.  And, those thugs are still at it:

Leftists resume riots as soon as Biden in inaugurated – Damage reported in Portland, Denver, Seattle, more

Antifa Attacks Democrat HQ in Portland — Wants Revenge, Not Biden

Had Trump set things in motion with the Insurrection Act, a powder keg just waiting for the match would ignite.  Trump is fully aware of the horrendous damage done to this country already over lockdowns, both human and financially.  To have Americans shooting at each other in major metropolitan cities or anywhere, really, would be a very terrible thing.  Would you like to be President Trump having to make the decision to allow the steal to stand or risk a God-awful internal war?

Do I doubt our military would stand with Trump?  I believe most would.  This short video shows National Guard turning their backs on Cheater China Joe.  Short video:  Members of the US National Guard refused to acknowledge Joe Biden as his motorcade drove by following his inauguration, footage shows.

Trump’s own party turned on him like rabid dogs.  China Mitch McConnell said, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.”

Notice McConnell, China’s bitch next to Cheater China Joe, referred to the half million Trump supporters as a mob. China Mitch could care less.  He’s 78 and (what in the Hell were voters in Kentucky thinking?) was just allegedly reelected for six more years.  Oh, wait a minute!  It seems some voters in KY are hopping mad: “This Is Not Consistent With What He Promised Us When He Was Running” – KY Republicans Censure Mitch McConnell After His Outrageous Attack on President Trump (Don’t they know yet how easily China Mitch lies through his teeth?)

No one knows Trump’s plans.  He said at his farewell he’ll “be back in some form”.  Reports are abounding Trump will create a third party which would be a mistake.  America went down that road in 1992 with Ross Perot siphoning off 19% of the vote ushering in globalist, Bill Clinton.  Admirable what Mr. Perot did during his lifetime, but a third party (one day we might have a successful one) isn’t what needs to be done right now.

The other serious problem and you can ask the Constitution Party – getting a political party on states ballots is a nightmare.  State legislatures can deny a party and then you SOL.  The Democrat Communist Party USA and Republican Party do not want a new party appearing on the ballot in 50 states.  Especially if it’s the party of Trump.

In the movie, Braveheart, Robert the Bruce tells his father, “The rebellion.  It’s started.” Now we need a full-blown rebellion by the states in 2021.  They have more power than they think they do which I covered in my last column, Stolen Election: States Must Act Now, Part 1 which deals with nullification. Texas is gearing up for lawsuits.  Montana Lawmakers Move to Protect Girls’ Sports After Biden Signs Order Forcing Schools to Let Transgender Biological Males Compete With Them

Cheater China Joe has already issued a plethora of toxic Executive Orders which I will deal with in my coming Monday column.  What needs to get done cannot get done without Trump voters sacrificing their time to do what needs to get done.  We’ve already started here in Howard County, TX with our GOP club.  I laid it all out in my column above. Woo-Hoo! Biden Kills Off an Estimated 52,100 Jobs in First Day as President — During a Pandemic!

Is the fight to expose and get evidence to the American people proving the election was stolen over?  No.  I’ll also have more on that in my coming Monday column.

Talking isn’t going to get the job done.  America needs you to step up to the plate or these maniacs in DC are going to destroy this country in record time.

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Links of interest:

“Natural Born Citizen”: Defined by 14th Amendment Framers and In Treatise Relied On By Scalia

Obama provided the ammunition to bring him down – In the end, both parties in Congress at the time protected someone who usurped the office of president by fraud because of the color of Obama’s skin.  Cowards.

Trump Will Dance on the Grave of the GOP

By Cliff Kincaid

After nominating a man who dresses like a woman for a top health post in his administration, Joseph R. Biden declared in his inauguration speech: “…we must reject a culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.”

That he/she is Dr. “Rachel” Levine, a man who wears lipstick and a dress and has been Pennsylvania Secretary of Health. Levine has been nominated as Assistant Secretary of Health, a Senate-confirmed post.  Levine sent many old people to their deaths from Covid in nursing homes while saving his/her own mother.

Will Republicans challenge this bizarre nomination? It’s doubtful.

An expert on Levine’s tenure, Diane Gramley of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, discussed Biden’s DNA-denial agenda of transgenderism, with a focus on his nomination of Dr. “Rachel” Levine, on an edition of America’s Survival TV.

But Biden, the man “elected” through vote fraud declared, “There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit.”

Cultural Marxists profit from his agenda, originally set-in motion by Barack Hussein Obama.

There are lies, lies, and more lies. Rather than hold the U.S. Capitol Police responsible for shooting and killing an unarmed Trump supporter, military veteran Ashli Babbitt, the media are accusing President Trump of saying things he did not say. On top of this dishonesty, Big Tech censors the president. This is the equivalent of Soviet state media.

But Trump can have the last laugh.

Consider this from Mike Calia of CNBC: “Before boarding Air Force One, he [Trump] stood by the incendiary remarks he gave prior to the Capitol riot.”

Here are Trump’s so-called “incendiary remarks” — “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Calia wrote: “While he said that violence should be avoided, he again stopped short of telling his supporters not to commit any violent acts.”

Trump called for a peaceful demonstration. And the violence was planned in advance of Trump’s speech anyway.

The crowds included Trump supporters, duped by Black Lives Matter or Antifa agitators. Iinterviewed an eyewitness.

But when you ask for a correction from CNBC, here’s what happens: “Thoughts? Email Mike Calia at”

I sent a response to several levels of corporate bureaucracy.

I said:

Dear Sir:

As a long-time media watchdog, having been with Accuracy in Media for 40 years, how can you assert claims of vote fraud are “baseless?” Such a baseless assertion on your part casts doubt on everything else you write.

No wonder trust in media is at an all-time low.

How many poll watchers or lawyers have you interviewed about what happened?  I have interviewed several, including Dave Evans, who was in Michigan. He provided photos of how vote counting centers were guarded to prevent entry and cardboard put on windows to prevent observers from watching. I have those photos.

I received this response:

Hi Cliff,

Thanks for contacting CNBC Customer Care.

While we are not able to put you in direct contact with our editors or producers, CNBC welcomes all idea submissions and feedback. We will forward your message to the team for review, and they will be in touch directly if they require additional information.

Don’t hesitate to reach out with any other questions or comments.

Hope you have a great rest of the day!



CNBC Customer Care

Echoing the disinformation and lack of accountability, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell says the mob “was fed lies” and that Trump and others “provoked” them.

All Trump did was recite the evidence of election fraud, and how, according to his constitutional attorney John Eastman, Vice President Mike Pence could send the electoral certifications back to the states.

One reader commented, “Pence delivered the coup de grace to our country by not doing what he should have. He not only stabbed Trump in the back, but he stabbed all conservatives in the back too. He showed the true colors of the Republicans.”

I think this view is shared by most Republicans.

Pence has no future in the GOP and Mitch McConnell will follow him into oblivion. The GOP will go the way of the Whigs.

It’s reported that Trump has told associates that he is planning a new party, a Patriot Party. “The movement we started is only just the beginning!” he says.

He will return to dance on the grave of the GOP.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Fake Salt

By Dave Daubenmire

“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” Matthew 5:13

Good for nothing.

What a phrase that is.  Can there be anything more demeaning than to be told that you are worthless…good for nothing…ready for the dung pile?

Webster’s defines worthless as “Having no value; as a worthless garment; a worthless ship. Having no value of character or no virtue;

Those were the words of Jesus when he was speaking to His followers…believers in His Name…those to whom He was about to turn over the keys of the Kingdom.  His Kingdom.  The one He was about to lay down His life to advance.

The followers of Jesus who lose their saltiness are worthless to the King.  Harsh words. Not very loving, you might say.  But Truthful.  Pavement.  Sidewalk material.  Dung.  That is what Jesus called unfaithful Christians.

Don’t get mad at me.  I am just the messenger boy, doing my best to pass the salt.

Savour.  That word means more than simply taste. Salt impacts every aspect of what it touches.  When you put salt on a steak you don’t say “gee that salt tastes meaty.” Just the opposite.  The steak tastes salty.  Salt changes everything it encounters.

Salt turns ice into water.  Salt causes one to thirst. Salt heals…ever hear of pouring salt into a wound? Salt is a preservative.  It stops rot. Salt kills slugs.

But salt stings.  Salt is not sugar.  Jesus did not say we were the sugar of the earth.  He said we were salt.  Why have Christians been taught to be sugar?  The Bible, especially the Book of Acts, is full of men who chose to be salt over sugar.  It cost them their lives.

Heck, it cost Jesus HIS life.  They did not crucify Jesus because He went around telling people what they wanted to hear.  He was not a man-pleaser, He was a Truth speaker.  Truth often sounds like hate…especially to those who Hate the Truth.

Looking for a man to model yourself after?  Jesus provided us an example…a personal recommendation.

Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”

John the Baptist was salty…not sweet as molasses.  He called the King’s wife a slut.  It cost him His head.  John saw Jesus as TRUTH, not merely as love.  In fact, speaking the Truth IS love.  Jesus is the very embodiment of Truth.  The greatest man ever “born unto a woman” was a guy who spoke Truth to power.

Let that sink in as you cower in the corner, wearing your mask, obeying a law that is no law at all.

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.Prov. 13:4

Not love.  Not tolerance…or diversity…or acceptance…friendship evangelism.  RIGHTEOUSNESS exalteth a nation.  Righteousness is the business of the church.

Exalt—”To elevate in power, wealth, rank or dignity.”

Whose job is it to elevate a land to righteousness?  Christ’s people. The salty ones.  The good for nothing ones who have traded salt for sugar.  The church preaches “love” (Sugar) while Jesus admonished us to speak TRUTH. (Salt).  No wonder America is in the mess we are in.  The salt has become sugar and has made the Church non-essential in a dying world.

Look around.  The world is the salt of the church while the church is the sugar of the world.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Prov 29:2

Are there righteous men in authority in America? Joe Biden? Mitch McConnell? Lindsay Graham? Charles Schumer? Nancy Pelosi? Mitt Romney? Adam Schiff? How did they get in positions of authority? Christians voted them in. Fake Christians. Fake Salt.

“The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” Psalm 12:8.  There is that word again…exalted.  Vile men…the Scripture calls them.  We have chosen vile men as our leaders.  Webster describe vile as “extreme wickedness.”  Can you say “swamp?”

Survey’s say that 20% of Evangelical Christians voted for a man who is for the killing of innocent babies, the destruction of traditional marriage, and the appointment of perverts into high office.  Fifty-three percent of Catholics joined them in throwing the salt under the foot of man.

OK, my Christian friends.  Trump wasn’t personally Holy enough for you.  You kept your mouth shut because you didn’t want to upset any of your sugary friends.  You wanted to go along to get along.  After all, the hireling in your pulpit told you that religion and politics don’t mix.

Get your head out of the clouds. Vile men are ruling in this nation and the wicked are walking on every side.

Do not blame Donald Trump.  Look in the mirror.  Lack of salt is the residue of cowardice.  Some of your friends voted for a baby butcher and you didn’t open your mouth and peep.  You did not want to offend…or lose friendships.

John the Baptist lost his head.  Evidently, he was not particularly good at the love message.

The war has begun.  We have met the enemy and it is us.  We Christians.  Afraid to offend. Appeasing.  Good for nothing.

Shame on Christians.  Shame on Pastors.  Silence isn’t golden, it is yellow.  Fake news is not America’s problem.  Saltless Christianity has rotted America.

Good for nothing.  Treasonous to our King. Fake salt.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Are We Living in a Tom Clancy Novel?

By Lee Duigon

Once again I find myself writing in the full knowledge that between now and the time of publication, fast-moving events might overtake and overturn whatever I wrote. But I can’t help it.

As of now, Monday afternoon, National Guard troops are still pouring into Washington, D.C., supposedly to guard against “pro-Trump extremists” intending to disrupt the inauguration of an organ grinder’s monkey as president. And they’ve got to vet the Guardsmen to be sure there aren’t any bad guys sneaking in.

If this were a Tom Clancy novel—or a Bruce Willis movie—these troop movements would be the preparation for a staged, phony “insurrection” aimed at “our democracy.” Some people whom they wanted dead anyway would be shot, our Free & Independent Nooze Media Inc. would shout it up as a full-blown rebellion, and it would be used to justify anything and everything the Democrats do to stamp out what’s left of our liberty.

Much has already done to heap up The Narrative, the Big Lie; and the next step would be to force all of us to say that we believe the Lie—or else. So we will have to say things we know are not true: there was no fraud in the 2020 election; all the violence was incited by President Donald Trump—we won’t be allowed to mention all the Democrat riots, including their various incursions of the Capitol: that’s just “whataboutism,” a new word invented by leftists by way of demanding that we should completely disregard their crime and violence—and of course we have to obey all their new Mandates “because COVID” etc.

It’s an ongoing Reichstag Fire that no one can put out. Our political overlords keep throwing gasoline onto it.

But it’s not a novel, not a movie. No hero is going to step in at the last minute to save us. We can’t even look forward to the next election to put things right—not with Dominion voting machines making sure Democrats win no matter how few people actually vote for them.

We are now a Captive Nation. Remember those? Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany. The whole Soviet empire, behind the Iron Curtain. In all those countries, communists and puppet governments shut down freedom for half a century—and more than that, for some.

Many of us can’t wait seventy years for the new Iron Curtain to come down. We won’t be here to rejoice when it does.

But they aren’t calling it an Iron Curtain. Globalists have a nicer name for it: The Great Reset. You’ll like it, really. It’s all for your own good, and owned and operated by The Smartest People in the World. Just obey; and, as Col. Saito said in The Bridge Over the River Kwai, “Be happy in your work.” Because we’ll lock you in the sweat-box if you don’t.

The only thing we have going for us is the sure and certain knowledge that our God is omnipotent and righteous, and that not one of history’s evil empires ever lasted a minute longer than He allowed. His hand is on the tiller of history. We may not understand the course He’s steering now; but wherever we’re going, He will get us there. The judge of all the earth will do right.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and enjoy a visit—while you can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

If I Became President of the United States: Here’s What I Would Do

By Frosty Wooldridge

Our country stands on the edge of a cliff racially, economically, environmentally, sociologically, culturally and linguistically.  We also face, along with the rest of the world, the greatest threat to our existence as to “catastrophic climate destabilization.”

With all of our horrific problems breathing down our throats, it’s time for our U.S. Congressional critters to put away their childish, immature and openly useless liberal or conservative badges—and work toward the common good of all Americans.  If we’re going to pull our rear-ends out of the mess that we’ve created over the past 50 years, we better get cracking.

First, I would create an annual “Solve America’s Problems” conference of all the finest minds in academics, corporations, environmental experts, climate change specialists, language, cultural, jobs, infrastructure specialists, species extinction experts, economists and dozens of other areas that need ideas—and charge them with solutions to every category that needs be solved.  I would want solutions, not bickering.  I would promote working together rather than competing. I would work those solutions into the national fabric.

Second, I would pull all our troops out of the middle east.  I wouldn’t waste another young man’s or woman’s life in those senseless wars. Aren’t the 114,000 military suicides along with 8,500 combat deaths in the past 20 years reason enough to stop the insanity of Iraq and Afghanistan?  I would decommission 700 military bases in over 80 countries around the world to take our noses out of everyone else’s business.  I would maintain bases that need to protect NATO and other important areas.

Third, I would engage the finest educators’ minds in solutions to our inner cities, rampant poverty, endless pregnancies, life-long welfare recipients, redundant job creation such as vocational technical schools, textiles, manufacturing, transportation and all aspects of American society.  We need to harness minorities with some kind of educational mandates, separate gender schools, orphanages and disciplined educational systems where every student receives and cares about his or her education that will propel them into a reasonable job with livable salaries. I would place a high priority on birth control education in order to stop 7 out of 10 minority children being fatherless.

Fourth, we need to reduce the Defense Department costs from $750 billion annually to $500 billion annually.  We may enjoy the most powerful military in the world, but we’re rotting inside our own country. Let’s spend that $250 billion on our people, their jobs, new schools, new recreation centers and viable options for all American youth.

Fifth, we need to call for a total halt on all legal and illegal immigration into the United States for 20 years.  We need to enforce our laws on the books, U.S. Code 8 , Section 1324, E-Verify and more laws already on the books that stop illegal employers from raping our system with billions in illegal labor that benefits them, but penalizes all American taxpayers.  We need to make it more consequential to break our employment laws.

Sixth, we cannot continue adding to our $27 trillion national debt.  We need to use all the solutions gained from the annual conference to stop growing it, and start reducing it.  We also need to start “workfare” for all “welfare” recipients.  It’s ridiculous to give away EBT cards and government checks with no accountability.  It creates an entire class of indigents and wasted lives.

Seventh, we may never solve our racial fracturing because we haven’t in the 232 years.  We’ve tried everything from the Great Society, WIC, ADC, Affirmative Action to endless attempts to dissolve racial fragmentation in our country.  However, Black and White racism needs to evolve into “respect for one another.”  Whether ‘racism’ is tribal, biological or cultural—we need to find a path forward in peace and respect.  Races historically don’t like each other or spend time with one another. Nonetheless, just like in the NFL, we must play together if our country hopes to survive.  So, at work, sports or in civil society, we need to gravitate toward respect.

Seventh, that “Solve America’s Problems” conference needs to engage solutions as to our greatest crisis in the 21st century: Catastrophic Climate Destabilization.  Some deny it, some don’t care…but it’s coming on faster than anyone understands.  We need to move toward alternative sunlight energy, wave energy, hydro energy, wind energy, thermal energy and personal energy.  If we don’t and the rest of the world doesn’t, all of us face a drastically cruel future.

Eighth, each year, we add 3.1 million people, net gain, virtually by mass immigration in all its forms, on our way to adding 100 million people to our country by 2050.  Those huge numbers cannot be sustained.  It’s called “exponential growth” and it always leads to collapse.  That’s where our entire civilization is headed within 30 years.   Every added person causes more carbon exhaust, more water footprint, more damage to our environment, more damage to our quality of life, more fragmenting of our society, and it solves nothing in an overpopulated world.  It makes everything worse for us.  We need to engage an “American Population Stabilization Policy…American Carrying Capacity Policy…American Quality of Life Policy…American Sustainable Civilization Policy.”  If we fail in this endeavor, we face unrelenting consequences across the board.  If you don’t believe me, just look at Africa, India and China…and/or Mexico.

Ninth, we need to decommission Monsanto, Bayer, Dow Chemical and any other companies that create, produce and distribute all the 84,000 chemicals now poisoning our world.  What they are doing is saturating our world with deadly chemicals.  They are poisoning our water, air and land, along with all the oceans 24/7.  They must be stopped.

Tenth,  we need to de-license all GMO crop companies.  We must return to organic farming with wholesome, organic and non-poisonous foods.

Eleventh,  we need to license fast food joints to serve healthy, wholesome breakfasts, lunches and dinner. Mandatory ratings as to nutritional excellence vs junk food crap.  Additionally, we need to reeducate 66 percent of obese Americans into healthy lifestyles of nutritious foods, snacks and exercise.

Twelfth, we need stop allowing Big Parma companies from producing endless drugs that kill and cripple patients.  Instead of Chemo destroying a person’s entire body and mind, let’s establish clean water, foods and healthy living that doesn’t result in cancer, diabetes or heart attacks.

Thirteenth, I would be open to state-by-state conferences on how to make each one of our 50 states more livable, more educated, solid jobs, more healthy, more loyal to our flag, our pledge of allegiance and taking pride in being an American.

Fourteenth, we desperately need a 50 cent deposit-return law on every piece of plastic, metal and glass sold from every store in the country. We must engage a 100 percent incentive-driven recycling program for tires, cars, metals, toys, and every kind of debris manufactured in the past or present.

Have you got any ideas that could be engaged? Send them my way.

Thank you, and God Bless America.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Buy Off Of The American People Is Complete

By Ron Ewart

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by one-party rule, or a dictatorship ….. [or an Absolute Democrat Monarchy!”]  (multiple author version)

Today, January 20th, 2021, President-elect Joe Biden will give his Inaugural Address to the nation under the backdrop of 25,000 troops protecting the city against ….. what?  His speech will be full of platitudes, clichés, bromides, promises, propaganda, lies and a hollow call for unity.  It will be punctuated by the need to spend trillions of American taxpayer dollars on pays offs to constituents, Climate Change, the Green New Deal and provide amnesty for illegal aliens.  Instead of unity, the speech will widen the division between the rich and poor, white, black, Latinos and Asians, man and woman, gay and straight, religious and non-religious, gun owner and non-gun owner.

The unity that Joe hopes for is a mirage.  In a recent article we wrote:  “Republicans and Democrats are engaging in cynical, destructive combat and have for at least a Century.  Until the Democrats retreat from their headlong advance into Progressive socialism, radical environmentalism and globalism, and their attempts to destroy the foundation of individual freedom along with the Constitution itself, the combat will continue unabated.  There will be no unity.  There will only be division, vitriol, contempt, hostility, acrimony, disdain and quite possibly, civil war.  Joe Biden’s call for unity is not only hypocritical, it is a hollow attempt at reconciliation after waging a relentless, 4-year coup d’etat on a duly elected president of the United States!” 

Nevertheless, Joe will focus on social and environmental justice, equity and gender equality.  He’ll say that elections have consequences and the voters have spoken and because elections have consequences he has a mandate to implement all of his socialist policies.  Laced within the speech is the implied “shut up and comply” directive and “don’t let those conservative nut cases convince you that you are free and you don’t have to comply.”

Diversity and identity politics will play a big role in Biden’s speech.  His administration and cabinet are being built on diversity and identity politics.  It’s not what you can do well that counts, it’s the color of your skin, or confusion about your gender that matters.  What the speech won’t do is to strengthen the pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States since the Constitution acts as an impediment to the goals and agendas of Joe Biden and the Democrats.  Under Democrat control for at least the next two years, (if not four years) the Constitution will take a terrible beating from which it may never recover.

It’s not likely that Joe will mention the other plans that Democrats have for the American people, our system of government and the justice system that include adding Washington DC and Puerto Rico as new states, repealing the electoral college and the filibuster rule, free college tuition, Medicare for all and a whole host of massive changes to the relationship between government and the people where the people are subservient to the government.  He obviously won’t mention the exploding deficit that one day could catapult us into hyperinflation where your dollar isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.  And of course, voter fraud will be purposely omitted.  To the Democrats, voter fraud is a Republican created myth.

In short, the government’s (Democrats) transformation of America into a socialist nation is complete.  Democrat Presidents Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama and finally President Biden will have sealed America’s fate.  The deed is done and it only took a century to do it.  Progressivism, the movement that started around the turn of the 19th to 20th Centuries, has prevailed.  All of our institutions, the news media, social media and academia, have been corrupted with Progressivism.  Millions of Americans, young and old alike, have been brainwashed into believing that the Progressive ideology is the only true ideology. All other ideologies are to be excluded by censorship, or by force if necessary.

Socialism, radical environmentalism and one-world government (globalism) are embedded in the folds of Progressivism.  Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and the other signors of the Declaration of Independence had it all wrong.  The White Europeans that gave birth to freedom and settled America were flawed and of course, worse than that, they were racists, according to the Democrats and Black Lives Matter cult.

The Democrats, over the last 100 years, have managed to buy off a majority of the American people with government handouts, such that those Americans will always vote to preserve those handouts.  It doesn’t bother those voters to be dependent on government.  They have no pride in being self-sufficient, self-reliant, independent, responsible and free, just so long as “they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.” As the Democrats have planned all a long, these dependent voters will continue to vote for those politicians (Democrats) that promise to keep the handouts coming until they have a majority that can’t be beat at the ballot box.  That unbeatable majority arrived on November 3rd, 2020, accompanied by massive voter fraud that one day will be revealed.

The government-dependent urban coastal and Great Lakes cities now control the electoral process.  By shear population, the big cities have overridden the Electoral College and rendered it irrelevant.  The original 13 colonies, which gave birth to freedom, have gone wholly socialist because of the high-dense urban cities that have consumed those colonies.  Conservative thought is now passé and out of touch with our contemporary society.  The Constitution is an anachronism, out of date and incompatible with America’s high tech, fast-moving civilization, or so we are told.

In almost every word and deed, Democrats have forsaken our Constitution, even though Democrat politicians swear on oath to preserve, protect and defend that very same constitution.  They counter with, “the Constitution is a ‘fluid’ document, subject to interpretation that changes over time.”  They ignore the statements in the Constitution that mandate it to be the Supreme Law of the Land.  They scoff at the notion that the Constitution is to be literally interpreted in accordance with the original intent of the Framers.  Many U. S. Supreme Court justices have purposely overlooked these mandates in their decisions.

We have allowed the Democrats to turn our balance of power, designed by our Founding Fathers in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government, on its head and we have allowed un-elected bureaucrats to make our laws.  We have allowed activist judges to make law instead of adjudicating law.  Liberal, socialists and radical environmental graduates of our liberal colleges have infiltrated our bureaucracies.  And these bureaucracies make law, after law, after law until we are sick of laws and end up becoming lawless.  Through these laws, with no constitutional authority or legislative approval, they have taken away our land, our money, our health care and our individual rights as Americans.  Sadly, we have stood by and let them do it.

America is and has been a beacon to the world and will continue to be that beacon unless we let Democrats and others who seek our destruction, try to dim that light with failed policies, negativism, despondency, dependency, the trashing of our constitution and embarrassment for our achievements, instead of being proud of them.  We are great as a country and great as a people because of those achievements.

America needs to be the leader and the shining light to the World, not try to compete with the different forms of government and merge our “ways” with their “ways”.  We are the most powerful country on Earth because we are free.  (See: “We Are Free Because of Our Constitution”)

What America does, will determine the fate of the world.   If we forsake freedom, if we sell our sovereignty in the name of globalism, or succumb to socialism for a few pieces of silver, if we break the bonds of our Constitution, if we abdicate our right and duty to defend freedom for ourselves and future generations, we shall descend into the mediocrity, apathy, disdain and self loathing under which the rest of the world operates and will be pulled down to their level, never to rise again.  At that point American exceptionalism will be dead.

We have grave concerns that what we are facing today is a premeditated orchestration of the dismantling of our sacred institutions of freedom by Democrats and international elitists, that find that a free America stands in their way of their distorted concept of the one-world-order, social justice and environmental protection.  (See: “Now You Can Watch Democrats Systematically Dismantle America”)

Their unconstitutional give-away policies have this country mired in debt, if not in bankruptcy.  Their environmental policies of restricting everything that we do, has brought this once-proud, can-do nation to its knees.  Their open-border and amnesty policies that allow anyone wanting to come here illegally, will radically alter our culture for decades to come and put us deeper in debt, from which we may never recover.

A clear and present danger hangs over this Country like a dark, ominous, angry cloud and threatens our freedom, if not our very existence.  That dark, black cloud is the manifestation of abject socialism and radical environmentalism, the twin domestic evils that have invaded every corner of our society and that have been sold to us by a “liberal” mentality, promoted by Democrats.

Their ideas didn’t come from our founding principles and our laws, they came out of the bowels of socialist Europe and the United Nations and have been codified into law by Democrat presidential executive orders and a Democrat-controlled U. S. Congress that has lost all allegiance to the Supreme Law of the Land, our Constitution.  These policies come at us with soft-sounding words like social equity, gender equality, compassion, smart growth, sustainable development, biospheres, wildlife corridors, endangered species, invasive species, climate change, mass transit and the one-world order.  It’s all dressed up in motherhood, apple pie and Chevrolet and it is one of the biggest con games ever perpetrated on what have now become naïve, uninformed Americans.

But today, the hidden agenda of these perpetrators is finally being exposed all across America, as people are waking up to what has happened to them while they were sleeping.  Resistance to ineffective coronavirus lockdowns and government tyranny are on the rise, even while China and other third-world countries are laughing at us.  Politicians and bureaucrats are being “Challenged.”

It’s way past time to fight back.  This is still a great country, full of great people and it is salvageable if we will just act in unison with one purpose, vigorously defend our constitution and hold government to its limits, against the onslaught of failed liberal policies.

America is at war with itself.  It is a nation in distress from within.  Representatives of the people have become enemies of the people.  The Constitution has been shredded and a nation of laws has morphed into a two-tier legal system; no law for the ruling class and the full force of the law for the rest of us.  There is only one symbol that represents this situation and every patriotic American should display this “SYMBOL,” anywhere and everywhere they can.  To do otherwise is to capitulate to the enemy.

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

Death By Vaccine: The Last Things They Wanted You To Hear! (Video)

By Bradlee Dean


Recently, a friend of truth, David Knight, reported the deaths of those who have recently received the vaccines and within a very few days they were dead (Proverbs 14:12).

With all of the information that is now available concerning who is behind this criminal conspiracy and what is that is in these untested vaccines, you would think that people would be up in arms by now as well as throwing a whole lot of criminal politicians in jail for their perpetrated fraud upon the very people that they are in fact to serve (Ephesians 4:14).


Here is a look at adverse effects around the world, health professionals balk at vaccination, pharmacist destroys 500 doses intentionally, Romney lays the foundation for the military to push needles into arms and the tragic death of Congressman-elect Letlow, 41, may indicate issues with Fauci’s “standard of care,” Remdesavir (Leviticus 17:11, 19:19).


© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Sydney Powell has found the actual results of the Presidential Election

By Laurie Roth

Sydney Powell found that the people in Germany saw these results before the Dominion machines were seized.  Trump – 410 Electoral College votes and Joe Biden – 128 Electoral College votes.  Trump even flipped the ‘unflippable’ liberal stronghold of California to Republican.

America and the world have now seen the unbelievable election crimes using the Dominion machines, Leonardo Satellite at the Vatican and the huge criminal cartel through out the world.  In their criminal arrogance they are too stupid to realize that the end is coming swiftly to them and the world will soon know the details of their crimes.  Trump is our President and had the biggest election victory in U.S. history.  America and our military must stand with President Trump and take out those who have committed Treason and massive election crimes.

Too bad so sad for evil.  Watch in the hours and next few days, President Trump and our military make this evil and criminal coup attempt null and void of any power.  Now that the facts are out and it is clear Biden didn’t get anywhere close to anything but losing, it is vividly clear that Joe Biden is a criminal and has zero honor.  If he did, he is the one who would quickly concede knowing that he didn’t even approach a win.

Justice must be done to continue to have a free Republic and free elections.  America and President Trump cannot concede or look the other way.  America will be destroyed if he doesn’t fight and make things right.  Trump promised to drain the swamp.  Now let him. Only then can we get on with the business of the country. Go Trump.  We are proud of you and are blown away by your courage.  You are our President!

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

Rest in Peace GOP

By Cliff Kincaid

Corey Lewandowski, senior adviser to President Trump, is being quoted as saying there will be a “big backlash” to Democratic control of both Congress and the White House in the midterm elections in 2022. Referring to the 2022 midterms, Rush Limbaugh told his audience. “…it is still the only avenue you have.” But columnist Vic Biorseth of Catholic American Thinker responds, “I have my doubts about that. All the fraudulent business is still in place.” He’s referring to the election fraud machinery.

That was demonstrated in the Georgia special Senate elections. John Gizzi, a veteran political reporter now with Newsmax, cites two reasons for the GOP defeats. First, Georgia’s Republican establishment, led by Gov. Brian Kemp, didn’t fight for President Donald Trump in his recount efforts. Regarding the Senate races, Gizzi notes, Kemp refused to call a special session to tighten voter identification rules, require signature verification, and stop drop boxes. And second, Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, was clearly aligned with the Democrats to thwart Trump.

Citing these and other reasons, Gizzi says enthusiasm for the Republican candidates in runoffs on the part of “Trump conservatives” was clearly depressed.

“The failure of the majority leader [Mitch McConnell] to back up any of the president’s claims about vote-stealing in Georgia and his early congratulations of Joe Biden as president-elect fueled Trump supporters’ animosity toward him,” he added.

With a Republican establishment at odds with the president and unwilling to clean up the system and restore election integrity, the political environment was open to a Democratic Party takeover of the Senate and creation of a one-party state.

In addition to failing to expose and stop fraudulent elections, the Republicans have been ineffective in stopping Big Tech censorship, now accelerating as the Democrats implement one-party control of government. My own group America’s Survival has been prohibited by Weebly, our website provider, from even sending emails from a service that we paid for. We were told their “policy” was the reason. Weebly is owned by Square, run by Jack Dorsey of Twitter. Several different email services are banning conservatives.

You can be sure that modern-day Marxists applied communist Jan Kozak’s lessons to America.

In How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism, he described the communist takeover of Czechoslovakia and declared:

The new conditions which are the consequence of the profound objective and subjective changes in the world create also new opportunities and prospects for the socialist revolution, new avenues as far as the forms of transition to socialism are concerned. In a number of countries which are particularly weakened by the conflicts within the capitalist order, the opportunity has arisen for the workers’ class to place itself firmly at the head of great popular movements for national independence, democracy, peace and socialism, to defeat the reactionary anti-people forces striving for the maintenance, and aggravation of national oppression and exploitation, to win a decisive majority in Parliament and to change it from all organ of the bourgeois democracy into an organ of power for the democracy of working people, into a direct instrument of power for the peaceful development of the socialist revolution.

Also, our experience provides notable and practical proof that it is possible to transform parliament from an instrument of the bourgeoisie into an instrument of the revolutionary democratic will of the people and into an instrument for the development of the socialist revolution.

Of course, as Trump had consistently warned, the Covid-19 pandemic provided another excuse for the Democrats to rig the system.

Good conservatives are proposing packages of legislative election reforms, such as requiring IDs and proof of citizenship to vote, drastically limiting mail-in ballots, banning electronic ballots, and so forth. Such efforts on the state level might be a good organizing tool.

Others are saying that conservatives must get on the ground floor of a third-party movement. One predicts the Rockefeller branch of the two-party system, also known as the Republican Party, will go the way of the Whigs.

Consider that only eight Senators — Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Rick Scott (R-FL), Roger Marshall (R-KS), John Kennedy (R-LA), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) — followed through with objections to fraudulent vote counts. This seems to reflect the fact that the Republican Party did not want to fight for electoral integrity.

History shows that the Republican Party was created as the Whig Party had become a carbon copy of the pro-plantation-slavery Democrat Party. Pundits at the time said the new Republican Party was going to fizzle and flop but just six years later elected Abraham Lincoln as President.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Consolidation of the One-Party Dictatorship

By Cliff Kincaid

With the centralization of the means of communication in the hands of the state,the consolidation of a one-party dictatorship in the United States is well underway. We have to quickly dispense with the notion that Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and Apple are “private” entities that can do what they want. They represent the power of the state and their conduct is therefore in violation of the First Amendment.

Big Tech companies, said conservative attorney Mark Fitzgibbons on an edition of America’s Survival TV, have assumed the role of “state actors.” This means they are doing the bidding of Congressional Democrats such as Senator Mark Warner of Virginia. Led by Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, left-wing politicians have, in effect, pressured Big Tech into “helping the government regulate political speech.”

In the Wall Street Journal article, “Save the Constitution from Big Tech,” Vivek Ramaswamy and Jed Rubenfeld argue that, “Using a combination of statutory inducements and regulatory threats, Congress has co-opted Silicon Valley to do through the back door what government cannot directly accomplish under the Constitution.”

Ramaswamy says, “We’ve gone from a 3-branch government to one with a branch office in Silicon Valley. The right answer is to open channels of dialogue, not close them.” But massive censorship is now underway, violating the First Amendment rights of the American people.

The practice is also known as “government censorship by proxy,” in the words of the officer of a competitor, Parler, which went off-line because of actions by other Big tech companies.

But all of this begs the question: state actors on whose behalf?

On one level, liberal politicians threaten and pressure these companies to restrict “hate speech.” That’s the typical charge leveled by groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center against conservatives.

On another level, the Russia-gate allegations, the kind openly made by Senator Warner, were part of the political campaign to undermine the Trump presidency. The CIA and FBI were behind their circulation to get Trump and used media outlets for their own purposes. For example, Amazon, a company with extensive links to the CIA, is owned by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post, a mouthpiece for the agency.

Amazon played a key role in forcing Parler off the Internet.

Under the watchful eye of the Deep State, it was an easy step to go from supposedly targeting the Russians for disinformation to actual censorship of Trump and his supporters. In this way, Big Tech companies became actors on behalf of the Deep State.

Remember that former intelligence officers, dominated by those associated with the CIA, issued a letter insisting that revelations in the New York Post from a Hunter Biden laptop about foreign payments to the Biden family were somehow associated with the Russian government. This was a lie. Joe Biden cited this letter as he was running for president in an effort to dismiss the charges against his family.

In an example of how these Big Tech companies function as state actors, Facebook and Twitter restricted the distribution of the article, with Twitter claiming its ban on posting “hacked materials” was the justification for the censorship. That was a phony charge as well. Indeed, charges that the material from the laptop was hacked appear to have been CIA disinformation designed to help Biden deflect public interest away from his own foreign connections, including to China.

But the pro-China slant is not just evident in what former CIA people say and do. Trump’s Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has now confirmed that intelligence about China’s 2020 election interference was suppressed by current top CIA officials.

Hence, the Deep State has covered up the extent of Red China support for the candidate Trump called “China Joe Biden.” No wonder the American people are angry.

More relevant than ever before, America’s Survival, Inc. has released a hard-to-find copy of the 1961 House Committee on Un-American Activities analysis of the book, How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism. This is a how-to-book on how communists overthrow non-communist majorities and make democracies into dictatorships.  The book outlines how a parliament or legislative body (such as the U.S. Congress) can be helpful in “transforming democratic nations” into communist countries.

Pressure on Big Tech by Democrats in Congress is one means toward this end. Big Tech suppresses stories, such as the Biden family’s ties to China, and follows up allegations of a stolen election by suppressing the voices of dissent to this unfolding catastrophe for our nation.

America is becoming a one-party socialist state, with the Republicans relegated to permanent minority status.Those looking for the Supreme Court to stop this rush into totalitarianism are going to be disappointed.

The House Committee on Un-American Activities report examines the case of the communist takeover of Guatemala, citing an analysis of where the judiciary “made one valiant attempt to protect its integrity and independence, but the communists, using their control of the legislative body, caused the Supreme Court to be absolved when it refused to give approval to a Communist contrived law.”

The national legislature “legally removed” the Supreme Court, “the only remaining restraint on the national legislatures actions.”

Eventually, of course, an armed revolt “was required to end their [communist] rule in 1954.”

A similar thing is in process here, with the proposals for expanding the Court to a sufficient number to outmaneuver any possible combination of “conservative” justices. Democratic Senator Ed Markey says “we must abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court.”

In looking at how this could happen, the Washington Post said last October 8: “Let’s say Democrats are in a position to seriously consider this: They win the presidency, keep control of the House of Representatives and win the majority in the Senate, thus controlling the White House and all of Congress…what if Democrats start passing Biden’s agenda, and inevitable challenges by Republicans make their way to a conservative Supreme Court, which stops some of the legislation?”

The Post, sympathetic to these schemes, said Biden would need majority votes in the House of Representatives and in the Senate to approve expanding the court, just like any other piece of legislation, “though Senate Republicans could try to filibuster it.” That’s when they vote to abolish the filibuster.

If the American people revolted against the stealing of a presidential election, they will not tolerate the thieves and their allies consolidating their power by silencing voices of opposition.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Blacks Are Superior to Whites: Said Head of Biden’s Civil Rights Division—Kristen Clarke

By Frosty Wooldridge

Joe “Post Turtle” Biden named African-American Kristen Clarke to head the Civil Rights Division of the United States once he becomes president.  She said in an interview that her job was simple: “End hate!”

There’s only one problem: she’s an out and out purveyor of racism.

While at Harvard as the president of the Black Students Association, she explained her views on ‘race science’: “Please use the following theories and observations to assist you in your search for truth regarding the genetic differences between Blacks and whites,” Clarke wrote. “One: Dr Richard King reveals that the core of the human brain is the ‘locus coeruleus,’ which is a structure that is Black, because it contains large amounts of neuro-melanin, which is essential for its operation.

“Two: Black infants sit, crawl and walk sooner than whites. Three: Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin — that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.

“Four: Some scientists have revealed that most whites are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcified or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent, Asians 15 to 25 percent [sic] and Europeans 60 to 80 percent. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between Blacks and whites.

“Five: Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.”

If what Clarke touted were so, Africa would be the Roman Empire of the 21st century as to intellect, spiritual dominance and physical prowess in all sports.  However, Africa remains a continent of human misery, starvation, conflict between tribes, diseases like AIDS rampaging everywhere and illiteracy as the dominant factor for its failures on the human stage. In reality, Africa is an evolutionary disaster.

In totality of such an outlandish and totally bizarre statement, Clarke’s  nomination should be investigated by the Civil Rights Division for its sheer racist stupidity, lack of mental acuity and dumber than a box of turtles  perched on a line of posts.

If any White person said anything even close to as ‘racist’ as Clarke’s contention of Black superiority, especially intellectual superiority, all hell would break loose with David Muir, Lester Holt, Anderson Cooper, Norah O’Donnell, Scott Pelley, Forrest Whitaker, Robert Siegel, Terry Gross, and Savannah Guthrie throwing conniption fits for weeks on end.

CNN Black host Don Lemon made the most egregious racist statement on national TV…and got away with such racist rhetoric, “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men.”

If any White broadcaster had made such a statement about Black Americans, his or her head would be on a platter within minutes after saying such a racist comment.

In his novel, 1984 by George Orwell, he talked about “Newspeak” or the ability of the media, in the hands of the intellectual elites, could change perception, and, in time, reality.

What is the best theme for 1984?

Six Themes of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ that We Need to be Mindful of

  • Totalitarianism: Total Control, Pure Power. …
  • Propaganda Machines. …
  • The Thing Called Love. …
  • Liberty and Censorship. …
  • Language: Doublethink and Newspeak. …
  • Technology: All-seeing Telescreens and a Watchful Eye.

While the media may portray different minorities in a positive light as to financial success, social status and gleaming integration—reality shines a stark spotlight on what’s really happening.  Blacks constitute nearly ½ of the 2.3 million prisoners in American jails.

The ACLU reports:

“One out of every three Black boys born today can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as can one of every six Latino boys—compared to one of every 17 white boys.”

As to killings, Detroit, Michigan, dominated by 70 percent Blacks was once known as the “Murder Capitol of America” in the 1980’s & 90’s. That dropped because 1.2  million Whites fled the city. It dropped from 1.85 million to today’s population at 648,000, mostly minorities.  The new murder capitol cities: south side Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis where Blacks remain the majority.

As to academic achievement, Blacks disappoint Kristen Clarke’s contention of intellectual superiority.  In Detroit, before it fell, Blacks flunked out of high school at 78 percent flunk-out or dropout rates as reported by the late anchor Brian Williams. Much the same occurs in Chicago, NYC, Miami and LA.

As to spiritual superiority, 7 out of 10 Black babies arrive without fathers and their single mothers subsist on welfare.

As to Black athletic prowess, Clarke proves herself correct: Muhammed Ali and George Foreman could knock anyone’s brains out.  NFL football players smash each other to smithereens.  And it’s a fact: White boys can’t jump as high as Black players.  (Well, except Larry Bird.)

Finally, Black Americans enjoy the highest standard of living in the world because they live in America. They also enjoy the most millionaires and billionaires in the world. Most Black Americans enjoy being Americans and all the freedoms that entails.  For the George Floyd’s  and Don Lemon’s of America, “Systemic Victimhood” and/or “Black Privilege” may be the antecedent to “Systemic Racism.”

If President “Post Turtle” Biden’s pick for stopping the hate in this country stands as an example of his wisdom, intellect and political experience, somebody needs to gently pluck him off that fence post and escort him to an assisted living community.

For 2021, buckle your seat belts fellow Americans. It’s going to be a hellishly bumpy ride.  The asylum caravans reported in excess of 10,000, are already making their way to our southern border.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Where Do We Go From Here? Part 1

By Steven Yates

Where We Are Now

This article will begin a series I started thinking about in December, facing the possibility that Trump’s and his supporters’ efforts to expose the theft of an election would fail, and an illegitimate Biden-Harris regime would become America’s new reality. This would conclude the color revolution that began on November 3-4, 2020 and will end on January 20, 2021.

We have to begin with an account of where we are now that is as clear is it can be.

The first salient reality: the November 2020 election was stolen. We know some but not all of the details of the steal. Those who stole the election got away with it. Past tense.

Frustrated outrage was in evidence on January 6, which has only grown given the description of pro-Trump demonstrators as “rioters” and “seditionists” even though 99.99 percent never lifted a finger to damage the Capitol or harm anyone.

We live in a topsy-turvy world. Truth had already ceased to matter. Evidence is whatever defenders of approved narratives want it to be. We read repeatedly of five dead as if all five had been killed by Trump supporters. Ashli Babbitt, 35, was shot in cold blood by a cop. Three others had medical emergencies. Only one, officer Brian Sicknick, 42, died from an apparent head injury sustained while engaging protesters.

Everything has been turned upside down. The good — family, faith, free speech, freedom of assembly, real learning, achievement — are now treated as evil. They face a very real threat of being canceled. I fully expect to see Christians facing persecution in America before long.

What most of us consider evil — suppression of information, looting, bullying and intimidation— are good if they serve politically correct causes, for which the ends justify the means.

Our reality is that of an institutionalized double-standard between leftists and conservatives. We have no means of reversing this, or even effectively defending ourselves against it.

Hard left groups (Antifa, Black Lives Matter) can assault people on the street especially if they are white, loot stores, block highways, attack vehicles (especially police cars), commit arson, and Corporate Media will still deem them “peaceful protesters,” acting against “systemic racism” and for “social justice.”

Conservatives can assemble in a crowd somewhere between 100,000 and a million, actually be peaceful(no stores looted, no random attacks, no cars overturned, not a single building set ablaze) —but vulnerable to infiltration by said leftist groups whose purpose was to instigate violence —so that Trump supporters can collectively be demonized as “rioters,” “insurrectionists,” and “domestic terrorists.”

It is important to expose this double-standard at every opportunity! And reveal the sheer hypocrisy for what it is!

Here is another harsh reality: Democrats are now the primary enablers of the radical, cultural Marxist left in America, and as of January 20 they will control both houses of Congress and the White House. There is a chance they will try to pack the Supreme Court to gain power there. They will almost certainly throw the borders back open, flooding the country with immigrants both legal and illegal. This means more registered Democrats. They could well grant statehood to Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. Four more Senators, all Democrats. They will probably try to abolish the Electoral College, to disempower less populous states filled with Trump supporters.

With big cities’ continued control by Democrats, this will give the Democrat Party a lock on the political system that could prove unbreakable by Republicans some of whom no longer want anything to do with Trumpism but have no inkling what they stand for otherwise. The problem in a nutshell:there are no real conservatives left in the Republican Party. Neocons are not conservatives. Libertarians are not conservatives. Nor are most “big business” Chamber of Commerce types, who are likely to embrace cultural Marxist practices without even realizing it.

All of which presages the U.S. becoming a One Party State, not unlike China. The difference is that in China, the Chinese Communist Party is the prevailing force. In the U.S., prevailing enforcement will come through a tight network of corporations.

The next reality is that Big Tech is completely out of control. As I write, we are witnessing the largest purge of information I’ve ever seen. YouTube scrubbed the Catherine Austin Fitts interview I linked to in my last article. I had to have the link replaced by one to Bitchute. Someone reuploaded it; I don’t think the new upload will last long.

We know about Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram kicking President Trump off their sites. Big Tech corporations can censor the President of the United States of America, and he has no recourse.

That should tell you all you need to know about who controls information in America now.

Both Amazon and Google scrubbed Parler’s downloadable app from their stores. Parler has become the fastest growing social media platform that pointedly does not censor.

These purges are being conducted in the name of fighting “hate speech,” a term no one ever defines, and “conspiracy theories.” Does anyone with a functioning brain not now realize that power elites have conspired against We The People with great success???

Expect more purges, more censorship, more demonizing of Trump supporters. Cultural Marxism now has a green light. This could easily extend beyond social media and spill onto sites like this one. is not as trafficked as any of us would like. But the greater your traffic, the greater your vulnerability to being canceled without recourse. It is conceivable that well-trafficked truth-telling sites like that of Paul Craig Roberts, Gateway Pundit, Global Research, Unz Review, American Thinker, and others could find themselves in jeopardy, with no new laws having been passed. Again, the primary repressors of free speech in the U.S. is not government but corporations. This includes CNN recently calling for an end to Fox News (conservatism-lite).

We come to another unfortunate reality:some people’s ability to blinker themselves with outdated ideas.

Libertarians and those in similar orbits (voluntarists as they call themselves, theoretical anarchists, a few remaining disciples of Ayn Rand) argue that “these are private companies; they can do business with whoever they please and deplatform whoever they please. The First Amendment does not apply to private companies.” Go build your own platform! these people sneer.

These folks do not realize they are playing right into the hands of the cultural Marxists, enemies of everything they say they stand for. The hard left rejects individualism however understood; it rejects free markets, and voluntary associations except for their own.

This kind of stance is even more naïve, however. A friend of mine exhausted part of his life savings trying to come up with a conservative alternative to Facebook. He did not have CIA connections or access to Deep State money.

The problem: Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, etc., are not “private companies” in any meaningful, real-world sense. They are in bed with the CIA, other intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities embedded within with what we conveniently call the Deep State. It was not mere marketplace competition that obtained for them 99 percent market share in phone networks, downloadable apps, etc.

Those who use the these-are-private-companies argument simply aren’t in the real world. They don’t see where the locus of power is, that it lies with the interlocked networks of corporations that command advanced communications technology, not in “their” government. Your average politician or federal bureaucrat couldn’t set up and run a hot dog stand.

Money is what talks! Government may have the guns (some of them, anyway), but global corporations have the money that tells the relevant agencies of government where to point them! If political power grows out of the barrel of a gun (Mao), then economic power grows out of the capacity of billionaires to buy the guns — also the health departments, the media corporations, the educational institutions, effectively managing “public opinion”to enforce sanctions against narratives they’ve blacklisted.

This is one reason why efforts to break up Big Tech are likely to fail. Or, if there is a “break up” of, say, Google, it will be a meaningless gesture, as the parts will be separated de jure but not de facto. The billionaire players in the Big Tech world know each other and work together. They are more than able to target visible critics for professional and personal destruction. Witness the attempt to destroy Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) whose signed contract for his book The Tyranny of Big Tech with Simon & Schuster, the elite-controlled publishing giant, was scuttled last week following his willingness to report on election irregularities he believed were worth investigating.

Another reality: cultural Marxism will doubtless grow stronger in both universities and corporate America. Whites—especially white males—are already the only group that can be publicly ridiculed without consequence. White females are routinely called “Karens.” White males, moreover, can be physically assaulted by violent leftists wielding objects used as potentially lethal weapons, and if they use deadly force to defend themselves,they are the ones subject to prosecution. Kyle Rittenhouse is the most visible example.

Anyone thinking of himself/herself as conservative now risks being labeled “white supremacist,” “white nationalist,” “racist,” etc., ad nauseum—especially if he/she supported President Trump. The use of weaponized language is now ubiquitous.

I saw an article headline just the other day proclaiming that “White supremacists might convene again in Washington on January 19.” Note that again.

If you are white, whatever your politics, you’re “racist” almost by definition and therefore a pariah at a legal and institutional disadvantage.

I warned a quarter century ago that this day would come.

Earpiece Joe has now appointed an identity politics ideologue to his DOJ Civil Rights Division. Her name is Kristen Clarke, a black woman who defends diversity, not qualifications, as a primary hiring criteria even for airline pilots who literally have hundreds of lives in their hands! (scroll to 31:00) The question remains: will you want to fly in a plane piloted by someone owing her job to a diversity policy?

Finally —expect Biden-Harris to come after your guns. (Check this out.) The only unknown is the specifics, how they will go about it. Leftists never do anything straightforwardly, of course. I suspect one of their foot soldiers will stage another false flag event, what will look like another mass shooting by a “lone nut.” Such an event could happen at a school, as have many others, or it could happen in an airport. It will happen in a location where it will have maximum impact. I am not saying deaths will be faked (although that’s not impossible!). What I am saying is that the event will be orchestrated conceivably through intelligence agencies with advanced knowledge of mind control techniques, and carried out by someone who, like the so-called Batman shooter of Littleton, Colo., will be found dazed, confused, and claiming to have no memory of what happened.

However it happens, the point will be to scare enough people about guns to make it easier to demonize gun owners and organizations such as the NRA, incentivizing them to relinquish gun rights, in lieu of the federal government actually criminalizing private firearm ownership in America.

Under no circumstances should Americans give up their guns!

If you do, you might as well hold out your hands and tell your masters, Go ahead, enslave me, because that is exactly what they will do.

I sense a potential donnybrook ahead. Mainstream liberals and cultural Marxists are on the same page on this, and very determined. There are a lot of guns out in rural America. It remains to be seen whether a leftist administration like Biden-Harris will send the equivalent of military prowess to try to take them by force,or order SWAT teams to try and take out perceived leadership, and if the latter will be able to organize a response that avoids precipitating a bloodbath.

These are the salient realities. There are people, including some who supported him, who blame President Trump for our present catastrophe, including the loss of the Senate to the Democrats.

I’m half on board with this idea, but not in a sense lending weight to those demonizing the man and demanding his removal from office (which may have happened by the time this appears).

Trump was elected in 2016, an unpolished outsider with no clue how things actually work in the District of Corruption. He had no idea who to appoint or who his friends were, and his administration filled up with a few supporters and a lot of backstabbers (some of them globalists, adherents of an ideology he explicitly opposed in his inaugural address). He was sandbagged with bogus allegations (e.g., the Russian collusion fairytale) and set up numerous times in situations where a truthful tongue will only hurt you (Charlottesville is an example).

There was no peaceful transfer of power in 2017. Leftists had already unleashed their attack dogs. Remember the vagina hats? Efforts to delegitimize the Trump presidency began before inauguration day.

Remember the infamouis article referencing a group of “experts” who to this day remain unidentified, in The Washington Post whose blistering hostility to the Trump administration was evident from the get-go.

Remember when Trump supporters would be physically assaulted as they tried to leave rallies back in 2016? Remember when Trump staffers would be bullied in restaurants until they got up and left? Remember the fifth-rate actress who held up a facsimile of President Trump’s severed head covered with fake blood? Remember when Robert DeNiro began a speech at the Tony Awards with “F*** Trump!” and got a standing ovation?

There has been no peace for four years!

Fast-forward back to now. Now we are seeing information purges, and they will be followed by people purges. Last Thursday Forbes editor Randall Lane issued a statement, a paragon of dominant narratives, warning that any business who hires Sean Spicer or Kellyanne Conway or Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Stephanie Grisham or Kayleigh McEnany will have no credibility! Forbes being one of the most influential big business media outlets (again — I repeat myself for the especially dense — this is not government doing this), for all practical purposes this ends their professional careers!

Trump was unable to dislodge the dominant narrative regarding the election. He and legal supporters such as Lin Wood and Sidney Powell were unable to get their evidence out in the open. Powell had a chance with Tucker Carlson, but balked. I wondered why, and after a little digging, learned the truth: potential witnesses were receiving death threats against themselves and their families. She had little choice except to tread lightly, whatever her public rhetoric about “releasing the Kraken.”

Now, Biden says he wants “healing.” Biden-Harris “healing” will mean bowing before the cult of woke, giving up your guns, trusting “your” government, wearing your face diaper, and by the way, getting the jab so you can go back to consuming lest the real economy drop into the worst depression of modern times (that the Dow and probably Bitcoin will continue to soar skyward in financialized digital-land, I’ve little doubt).

I saved the harshest reality for last:the country we grew up in is gone. Its Constitution, and the rule of law, are dead letters outside propaganda mills.

The rest of Western civilization that had America on a pedestal will likely follow it into the abyss.

All the talk about “preserving democracy” is just that — talk. Hot air. The U.S. is not a democracy. It is a plutocratic oligarchy. Big Tech exemplifies plutocracy. So do Big Pharma and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. That any Western powers are democracies in any meaningful sense has been one of the biggest illusions of postmodernity.

So to come to the tantalizing question: Where do we go from here?

In future installments, I hope to offer some potential answers. You won’t like some of them. Just being honest here.

Expect to be inconvenienced. Do not expect the future to be like the past. We are heading into what could be very dark times.

There are things you can do up front. Whenever possible you can stop doing business with Big Tech. While you’ve little choice about having a smartphone (controlled by either Google or Apple), do you have to use Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? We didn’t always have them. We were able to share information, pictures, etc. It just wasn’t as fast and convenient.

Social media is legitimately criticized as a destroyer of your time and your ability to focus on your priorities. It is this way by design. Its algorithms, going off your behaviors on the various sites,feed you content to keep you on the site as long as possible and incentivize you to click as often as possible.

Do you have to buy from Amazon?

Whenever possible, buy local! Support local!

Prepare yourself to get into the right mindset. What I mean cannot be explained except in a full article, but you have to prepare to separate yourself psychologically, politically-economically, and spiritually, from the larger society as it lurches leftward. Get right with God. Abandon secularism, which did much to get us into this mess. You’re part of the way to where you need to be already if you’ve read this far. But you have to find likeminded others, associate with them, establish relations built on trust, and prepare to rebuild conservative communities — and guard them diligently (with weapons, not weaponized language)!

Yes, we are talking eventual secession here! I’ve stopped believing conservatives and leftist scan continue living under the same political-economic roof. Eventually this will be obvious. It is a major consequence of the America we grew up in being over!

I will expand on mindset in Part 2 and these other themes in subsequent installments.

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Censorship in America: A historical Perspective

by Caren Besner

“As long as I don’t write about the government, religion, politics, and other institutions, I am free to print anything.” Beaumarchais

In 1982, seventy years after the fall of Saigon, General William Westmoreland, the former US Commander in SE Asia declared: “Vietnam was the first war fought without censorship. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.”

Censorship in America is not a modern phenomenon. During the early days of the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln shut down all pro-secession newspapers in the state of Maryland and even had known pro-Southern state legislators thrown in prison. Had Lincoln not acted as he did, Maryland would have joined the Confederacy and the position of the nation’s capital at Washington DC would have become untenable. The history of the US would have been very different.

Censorship really came of age during WWII when military censors routinely opened and read letters sent by US servicemen to loved ones back home. Some of this mail survives to this very day, their blackened or cut out sections attesting to the effectiveness of the military censor.

During the first and second Gulf Wars, information was disseminated to the media through controlled briefings. The lesson of Vietnam had been learned: images of dead and mangled bodies are not conducive to maintaining public support during wartime. The lesson yet to be learned is that censorship can be used, but only in times of war and even then, only on a very limited basis.

Some two and a half centuries ago, the great English poet and critic Samuel Johnson wrote: “Every society has a right to preserve public peace and order, and therefore has a good right to prohibit the propagation of opinions which have a dangerous tendency … No member of a society has a right to teach any doctrine contrary to what the society holds to be true.” This argument is inherently flawed. It presumes that the ideas held by the controlling elites are always correct. Every single totalitarian ruler from Hitler and Stalin to Mao and Saddam Hussein would agree. So too, would religious extremist groups such as ISIS and the Taliban, who not only executed anyone who disagreed with them, but in the process, also destroyed priceless historical artifacts all in the name of religious and ideological purity.

During the early days of the Third Reich, the Nazis made a very public spectacle of the burning of books; heaping on the flaming pyre any writings which did not conform to their ideals. Among them was the works of the great 19th century German philosopher Heinrich Heine who wrote: “Wherever books will be burned, men also, in the end, are burned.” History has proven how prophetic those words were. The Communists achieved their goals not through a display of arson, but by sentencing to prison or exile anyone who did not conform, including Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who wrote of these times in “The Gulag Archipelago.”

Make no mistake; censorship of thought, ideas, and speech are the hallmarks of a totalitarian state and will inevitably lead to tyranny and oppression. Given the growing power of mainstream media and especially big tech, our ability to access accurate information, our freedoms and ultimately our democratic institutions, are all in peril.

In today’s age of information, more people get their news from the Internet than from newspapers/periodicals. The situation becomes even more acute given the anonymity of the Internet executives and their algorithm writers. This concentrates enormous power in the hands of big tech, who use censorship as a means to advance an ideological and political agenda. Defenders of these practices claim that they are protecting the public from harmful ideas; yet the censorship is invariably one-sided. It is always Republican or Conservative voices who are silenced or deleted. This is reverse McCarthyism and is nothing less than the weaponization of the means to access and disseminate information. It is an abrogation of the right of free speech in order to advance a radical agenda, and thanks to Section 230, they have complete immunity to do exactly as they wish. This is a far more insidious form of censorship than anything previously because it is silent and unseen. There is no public display of burning books and no Gulag Archipelago (as of yet), to which dissidents can be exiled. The burning book has been replaced by the deleted post as the weapon of choice for the ideological censor of today.

Years ago, the late Hubert Humphrey once stated: “Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of dissension, discussion and debate.” It is sad to note how far we have strayed from this simple rule.

In the light of history, one cannot help but wonder what Heinrich Heine would say if he were alive today. Although one cannot say with absolute certainty, it might be something like this: “Wherever posts will be deleted, people also, in the end, are deleted.” A long time ago, Thomas Jefferson warned the American people: “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” As of this writing, more and more Americans are beginning to fear their own government.

[BIO: Caren Besner is a retired teacher who has written articles published by American Thinker, Sun-Sentinel, Dr Swier, News With Views, The Front Page, The Published Reporter, Washington Examiner, The Algemeiner, Jewish Journal, Independent Sentinel, Jerusalem Post, Arutz Sheva, San Diego Jewish World, The Times of Israel, The Moderate Voice, IsraPost, The Jewish Voice, JooTube, The Florida Veteran, and others.]

© 2021 Caren Besner – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Caren Besner:

OPEN Letter to the President

By JB Williams

Dear President Donald J. Trump,

First and foremost, I want to thank you for setting your entire personal and professional life aside to enter national leadership in an effort to “Make America Great Again” by putting America first for the first time in decades. You made many promises in seeking the Presidency and you worked around the clock to keep all of them. You brought to bear, the incredible talents of your entire family in pursuit of an honorable goal, on behalf of all Americans and I thank you and your family for the many sacrifices you have made.

That said, I want you to know that more than 80-million patriotic Americans stand the ready to fight for you and our Constitutional Republic. Every American knows that the 2020 elections were rotten with fraud all across the country. Many won’t admit it and others boldly support the fraud, as the end justifies any means for the enemies of America.

Every American also knows that if this fraudulent election is allowed to stand, and Biden and Harris are inaugurated on January 20, 2021, elections and political party functions are entirely irrelevant to our future. We know that the Department of Justice has hidden massive evidence of political crime and corruption in the DNC and RNC ranks. We know that the FBI has done the same, as has the mainstream media, making it impossible for the voting population to have any idea who or what they voted for.

You cannot surrender to this evil cabal. If you do, you will not just be surrendering yourself and your family, but over 80-million Americans, our Constitution and Bill of Rights and the entire American way of life. You will be surrendering everything, for all of us. You simply cannot do that!

I write this open letter just five days before the worst presidential candidates in 244-years of American history are scheduled to be inaugurated and seated in the Oval Office, as hardcore socialists control the People’s House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, with zero checks and balances. Your surrender at this moment in history, will be the end of our Constitutional Republic and every American will live under Marxist boot in less than 100-days from January 20th.

Further, this evil cabal will never allow you and your family to simply ride off into the sunset peacefully. If you have learned nothing else over the past five years, you should have learned these two things with absolute certainty…

  • Our enemies will not be satisfied with simply removing you from office by fraudulent elections. They want to crush you and your family permanently and make an example for the world to see what happens when anyone steps forward in an effort to right the American ship.
  • Our enemies will stop at nothing to accomplish that!

As I see it on your behalf, you, your family, and our country, have no chance of survival if you do not drop the hammer on our enemies before January 20th. The only chance any of us has is to fight with everything we have. This evil cabal simply cannot be allowed to win, not now, not ever.

Last, you cannot drop the hammer after noon on January 20, 2021. If you drop the hammer before that hour, you will do so with the power and weight of the Presidency and the office of Commander-in-Chief. At 12:01 PM January 20th, you will become a citizen just like the 80-million ready to fight for you, with no more power or authority than any of the rest of us. You MUST “drain the swamp” before noon on January 20th, or it’s too little too late for America.

So, I ask and plead with you to NOT surrender all of us and the future of freedom and liberty. I know that you have the evidence to take down most if not all evildoers in our country. I can see that you have positioned to do that as peacefully and safely as possible. The hour has arrived when you must make the most difficult decision of your life…Yet…is there really any choice in the matter?

This is the hour, you have the ball, it’s your call, and the clock is rapidly running down. It’s now or never Mr. President… now or never.

Thank you again and may God bless you and this nation in this most dangerous hour.

JB Williams

© 2021 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams:

Trump has Affidavit and Bold Proof From the Italian Supreme Court Stating the Election was Stolen From Trump

By Laurie Roth, Ph.D

We are in a war zone as we speak.  Listen to the video link while you still can and it is up.  Trump and the military are taking our country back and arresting the treasonous Deep State Players and all those who instigated the stolen election.  The print and TV media are playing their hands, most hosts and writers, vomiting forth their careful, conservative yet speculating sound bites of defeat.  They have aligned with the anti-America, anti-Trump and anti-truth treason squad.

Check out this video from the Italian Supreme Court, admitting the Leonardo satellite was used to literally steal the massive win from Trump and give it to Biden.  Arrests have been made and part of the testimony obtained so far stated that people from the U.S.  directed those involved with the Leonardo satellite to steal votes from Trump.  It is all proven with the person arrested on the Italian side is in custody and singing like a bird.

As I have said in my last few articles, hearing from so many of you wanting to take me out and shut me up. I thank you for exercising your freedom of speech and speaking your mind to me, but you really are wrong and must do just one thing right now.  Decide whether you will be on the side of Treason, evil and the Election stealing crime family, or decide to stand for America, the truth, law, our Constitution and Trump.  The decision is yours but remember our actions have consequences.

A treasonous coup was attempted, funded, planned here and abroad to take down our Patriot and honorable President Donald Trump.  This is after the leftist organizers and controllers saw a massive win in the making.  However, God, America and Trump weren’t going to have it and weren’t planning to eat the cow dung the leftist, treason brigade were forcing upon us all.

The battles are now and the victory is in the hands of President Trump and America.  Proof of all kinds of ‘Deep State’ crime is in hand.  It is not too late….so get ready for the right kind of ‘shock and Awe’ as evil and treasonous players are consumed.  Have food, medicine, water and gas on hand and stay out of the way.  Don’t settle for ‘I hope we will see victory.’  No, ‘Victory is already ours.’  Celebrate and pray. Watch God, our military and Trump free America from the Deep State criminal cartel and this historic Election theft.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

TIMELINE: The 2016 Presidential Campaign Until Now

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

In my last NewsWithViews (NWV) column, I quoted from what I wrote in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (November 16, 2016) about Bill Clinton advising Donald Trump in the spring of 2015 to enter the presidential race and tell the GOP base what it wanted to hear.  As the 2016 campaign began in earnest, Democrat strategist Bill Ivey wrote  to on March 13, 2016 “…we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry….”   President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff John Podesta produced “Operationalizing the Strategy,” which included : “We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates (Trump, Cruz and Carson) so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to take them seriously.”

With one month to go before the November election, Hillary Clinton still led Donald Trump in the polls 47% to 42%.  Then, as I wrote in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, President Obama started campaigning in the battleground states saying people must vote for Hillary Clinton to continue his agenda.  I had looked at the polls for over a year, and by almost a 2 to 1 margin, the public had consistently indicated they believed the country was heading in the wrong direction under Obama.  Therefore, they asked themselves why they should vote for someone who would keep the country heading in the wrong direction, and Donald Trump therefore won the election.  From the beginning of the Trump presidency, Hillary Clinton began complaining that his presidency was illegitimate.  As I indicated in my last NWV column, President Trump was repeatedly set up and criticized (e.g. the Russia collusion investigation that went nowhere).  However, the economy was improving and Trump seemed headed for re-election.  A number of African-Americans were shot by police, and Black Lives Matter mobilized protests.

Black Lives Matter Global Network (BLMGN) called for defunding the police, and in July 2020 fiscal responsibility for BLMGN was transferred to the Tides Center (financially supported by Power Elite member George Soros) run from the Presidio (San Francisco), a former American military base.   In 1993, former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev opened his Gorbachev Foundation in a building in the Presidio, and in 1995 held his first State of the World Forum where Power Elite (PE) agent  Zbigniew Brzezinski (who had praised Marxism and been an adviser to Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama) talked about how a world government would be achieved, and Sam Keen told world leaders the earth’s population would be reduced by 90%, to which there was loud applause!  Two of the founders of Black Lives Matter were not simply average African-Americans concerned about police shootings, but rather ideologues.  Patrice Cullors was a devotee of anarchist Emma Goldman and Angela Davis, who twice ran for the vice-presidency on the Communist Party USA ticket when it was controlled by the Soviet Union.  Another founder, Alicia Garza,  had been trained in the Marxist-Leninist tradition.

Black Lives Matter along with Antifa (left-wing, anti-fascist, anti-racist political movement) and others also had begun calling for the removal of Confederate memorials/monuments around the U.S.   On June 19, 2020, the statue of Albert Pike in Washington, DC was defaced, torn down and set on fire while DC Metropolitan police stood by and just watched (video on YouTube).  After a contested (see my NWV column “Do You Trust Our Voting Systems?”) November 3 presidential election, I wrote the following letter to the editor of THE WASHINGTON POST about the violent, illegal act regarding the Pike statue and the January 6 riot in Washington, DC.  THE WASHINGTON POST refused to print the letter, which follows here:

“To the editor: Megan McArdle in her January 8, 2021 column, ‘Yes, the Trump mob distrusts the media—but you can’t blame them for what happened,’ is right when she says ‘the trump mob distrusts the media,’ but she is incorrect when she says ‘you can’t blame the media for what happened.’   I abhor the violence and death that occurred in the nation’s capitol January 6, but did you fire columnist Eugene Robinson when he did not say Confederate memorials should be removed, but rather violently ‘Tear them down, all of them’ and allow them to be ‘defaced, like the graffiti-scrawled remnants of the Berlin Wall’?  (Washington Post, June 22, 2020).  And did you demand the firing of the DC chief of police when shortly after Robinson’s incitement to violence, the statue of Albert Pike located right outside the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters was defaced, torn down and set on fire this past summer as the police just stood there and watched?  And did you condemn the self-proclaimed leader of the Democrat Party, Joe Biden, when he refused to call the mayor of Portland, Oregon and demand that he stop the recent months-long rioting by Antifa and others in that city?  No, instead there is now a press photo of President-Elect Biden on the day of DC rioting as if he has a halo around his head!  Soon, “Saint” Joe, who says he wants democracy, and his media cohorts will undemocratically impose their morality upon two-thirds of the American people who don’t want their tax dollars to pay for abortions by overturning the Hyde Amendment.  Over seventy million non-violent Americans looked to you to answer simple questions, like how did the President-Elect underperform Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the nation except for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia, where in all 4 Democrat-controlled cities the vote exceeded the number of registered voters?   Your refusal to answer this and other legitimate questions and condemn Robinson’s incitement and summer rioting in DC set the stage for the deplorable, deadly rioting and killing on January 6.”  Sincerely, D. L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

You should also know that according to THE NEW YORK POST (January 7), “At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told THE POST.  The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.  The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in the New York City demonstration, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed, the source said.”

So what is in store for us?  ABC’s political director Rick Klein on January 7 originally wrote in a manner that sounded like a Nazi: “The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else.”  Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is going to start pushing her “wish list” (e.g., increasing taxes) in the first 100 days of the Biden presidency, but before that, she had a second impeachment vote regarding President Trump on Wednesday, January 13.  This is the same Nancy Pelosi who does not want anyone to ask her about her father’s overseeing the dedication of statues to Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson when he was mayor of Baltimore in 1948!  This is the same hypocritical Democrat leader, supported by a hypocritical press/media, who condemned Republicans objecting to electors from several states (e.g., Pennsylvania where their Secretary of State acted unconstitutionally) when in 2017 the Democrats objected to even more electors from even more states!   Pelosi succeeded in impeaching President Trump a second time, so will she now proceed with impeaching Vice-President-Elect Kamela Harris who promoted the Minnesota Freedom Fund which bailed out violent rioters in Minneapolis?

Relevant to President-Elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, I have already alerted the Secret Service to watch out for a possible drone attack, perhaps launched by undercover Iranian agents pretending to be domestic terrorists!  But after the inauguration, will Joe Biden last 4 years as president?  With President-Elect Biden being 78 years old, why would he appoint Ezekiel Emanuel to his Coronavirus Task Force?  Emanuel is an architect of Obamacare and its “Death Panel,” a special adviser to the director-general of the World Health Organization, and a senior fellow at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress.  In 2014, Emanuel wrote an article titled, “Why I hope to Die at 75,”  in THE ATLANTIC, in which he said: “Here is a simple truth that many of us seem to resist: living too long is a loss….we are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic….Our mental functioning deteriorates as we grow older….Age-associated declines in mental-processing speed, working and long-term memory, and problem-solving are well-established.  Conversely, distractibility increases.  We cannot focus and stay with a project as well as we could when we were young….As we move slower with age, we also think slower.”  Our nation as of January 20 will be under the leadership of the 78-year-old Biden with help from the 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. God help us all!

A January 12 NEW YORK TIMES headline states, “McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to purge Trump from the GOP.”  I titled my last NWV article, “Clinton’s Brilliant Strategy,” because the Power Elite (PE) believed the Tea Party and Christian Right were getting too strong.  Therefore, the PE wanted someone these two groups would support, then set him up to be blamed for many problems, thus discrediting his supporters so that politics could return to the normal control of the PE.

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Massive Tech and Corporate Censorship: Bite Back

By: Devvy

The U.S. House of Representatives held another horse and pony show impeaching President Trump for the second time.  Meaningless but the mother of all wet dreams for Lucifer’s Democrat/Communist Party USA.

It was meaningless except for the Trump haters from Hollywood to college campuses to voters who’ve “voted Democrat all my life as did my parents.”  China Mitch McConnell has spit in President Trump’s face since January 6th and was only too happy to circulate guidelines for an impeachment trial in the Senate – scheduled for after the illegitimate swearing in of usurpers, China Joe & Ho Harris.  Ah, how do you hold a trial to impeach a private citizen?

Americans for at least the last decade have been demanding Congress rein in the big tech monopolies.  They’ve done nothing but hold committee meetings that have been little more than spitting contests while those billionaires continued killing off any competition.  To date they’ve done nothing to gut Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which is a joke, giving all of them a green light to censor any speech that doesn’t agree with their political agenda.

Why?  Because a whole lot of Congress critters get their campaign coffers filled with filthy lucre by those same monopolies.  When Trump was sworn into office in January 2017, both chambers of Congress were controlled by Republicans until January 2019.

They could have accomplished not only shutting down the illegals in this country and getting them deported but also removing immunity protection for those arrogant tech giants who have become a real threat to this country.  Google is the most dangerous.

Instead it was business as usual, solutions ignored while they did nothing but complain and sent out emails twice a day asking for campaign donations.

Those billionaires who own Twitter, Facebook and Google testify while smirking.  The Department of Justice under both spineless, Jeff Sessions and shadow government lackey, Bob Barr, did nothing.

One of the handful of Republicans in all of Congress who deserves our respect, Rep. Devan Nunes, stated on Jan. 10, 2020, the Justice Department (a rancid cabal of lawlessness) should investigate Amazon, Apple and Google under the RICO statutes.  Wishful thinking.

A trio of ‘tech giants’ blocked a competitor, Parler, throwing that entire, legal operation into darkness over the big lie Trump was responsible for Jan. 6th.  They care nothing for all the employees who work(ed) for Parler.

What they all did was a well-coordinated and deliberate effort to crush the First Amendment and financially slaughter Parler which was becoming the fastest growing free speech alternative in this country averaging one million new users per day.   A financial threat to Twitter and its detestable billionaire owner, Jack Dorsey. Parler CEO, John Matze, has filed a lawsuit but it wasn’t just losing their hosting platform, they lost even more (I wanted to vomit when I saw the word “moderation” in this piece):

“The CEO said Parler lost Scylla Enterprise, a database that was the “backbone” of the social network’s feed system. It lost access to payment services Stripe and American Express, alongside communications services including Slack and Twilio.

“The loss of the Slack app meant his team could no longer talk to its network of volunteer moderators, while the loss of Stripe impacted ad revenue, Matze told Reuters.After its account was suspended by AWS, Parler filed a lawsuit which accused AWS of breaching contract and urged a federal judge to make Amazon reinstate the site.

“Parler said a period of downtime would result in users leaving, possibly forever, and said it was the “equivalent of pulling the plug on a hospital patient on life support.”Matze has also received death threats from those peaceful leftists who hate the U.S. Constitution.

So, the question is:  Will Americans who believe in free speech and don’t want America to become another North Korea or Communist China going to continue doing business with Scylla Enterprise, Stripe and American Express?  New York Post Hits Facebook for Hiring Censors from China After Social Media Companies Block Report on Hunter Biden

GAB is another alternative to Parler that exploded once Parler was shut down.  Since Parler was shut off, their traffic has increased 750%.  No doubt they are also being targeted by Satan’s Pimps:  Gab CEO Defies Tech Tyrants – Restores ALL of President Trump’s Tweets from Twitter — Trump’s Account on Gab

Instagram has also launched an attack on the First Amendment.  How many Americans who voted for Trump will continue using tools of our enemies?

On September 28, 2020, I did a column on this very issue:  America: Why Do You Enrich Our Enemies? Now, let me ask you:  If you’re in a war, why would you continue supplying enemy troops with money and ammunition?  So, why do Americans continue to feed their enemies?

Deep down Americans knew this day was coming but perhaps didn’t believe it would escalate to this level of censorship.  We know President Trump didn’t incite any riot or encourage what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6th.  A well planned, well timed attack.  It was just the excuse Satan’s Pimps needed to make their move.

Will Americans now bite back?  Most will not.  They will simply continue complaining.  Let me give you an example.  I listen to a particular “conservative” morning talk radio show while getting ready and dressed for the day.  On Jan. 11, 2021, the hot subject was censorship by tech giants.  Oh, it’s horrible, it’s not fair, blah, blah, blah.  So many twitters coming in we’ll try to get to them all.

So, I called in and said:  Um, today’s discussion is on censorship by Twitter, Google and all the others.  You said you were getting lots of twitters (his words) which tells me you are still using Twitter – the very social media tool you’re condemning.  Why is that?  Response:  Thanks for calling in, dial tone.  But the listening audience heard.

You see?  Another hypocrite.  Way back when social media was just blossoming, My Space was the hot ticket.  Then globalist punk Mark Zuckerberg brought Facebook onto the scene in 2005 and in droves, people were transferring their My Space page to Facebook.

How many Americans today still have a Facebook page that are outraged by this massive censorship?  Yes, it’s time consuming to transfer the contents of your Facebook page to an alternative social media forum.  But, you either act to defeat your enemy or just continue enriching those working to destroy your right to free speech.

Sharyl Attkisson on Big Tech Censorship: Sheep Are Happy to Live in Artificial Reality, Nov. 24, 2020 – “Attkisson remarked, “When these powerful interests found they couldn’t control information online after they had pretty much had success doing it on the news, they got busy online and these are the same forces that are trying to make sure when you get on social media or do a Google search, what you’re going to be hit with is this artificial reality that they want you to believe and see.”

Increasingly aggressive big tech censorship reveals as a lack of fear on the part of technology companies regarding consequences from either the public or government, Attkisson estimated.

“They were doing it in a fairly secretive way with … algorithms and shaping searches and so on,” Attkisson said, “but I feel like there was a sense of desperation in those weeks before the election when these powerful interests sensed that there could be a second President Trump term, and they began just stepping in and censoring things so overtly that there was no denying it, and they didn’t care that people saw outright that accounts were being cancelled, and these crazy labels were going on factually correct information, or opinions but claiming were false. They didn’t care, because they knew — and they rightly calculated — that they wouldn’t be held accountable for that before the election, and quite frankly, I think they won’t be held accountable for that after the election.”  How well she knows Congress.

Apparently this is okay with Facebook users:  Facebook Shuts Down Page for GOP Senate Campaigns Just Before Georgia Runoffs, Jan. 2, 2021: “Facebook shut down a fundraising page for Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) just days before voters head to the polls to decide between the Republicans and their Democratic challengers.”

Facebook hires Chinese communists with H-1B visas to build “hate speech” algorithms to censor Americans

Former Google CEO Calls Social Networks ‘Amplifiers for Idiots’

Google’s Latest Smartphone Feature: Listening to Every Sound in Your House

Perhaps Americans don’t know it’s not just those already named.  Not only are those monopolies going after Parler, other corporations have jumped on the dump truck of totalitarianism.

The PGA sucker punched Trump on Jan. 11, 2020 by stripping Trump’s Bedminster Club from the 2022 PGA Championship.  Why?  Because of Jan. 6th.  How does that sit with golf fans who voted for Trump?

And:  “WALK AWAY” Movement DELETED from Facebook, Leaders Blocked from ACCOUNTS — Over 500,000 Testimonials DISAPPEAR!  – “The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka on May 26th, 2018. The #WalkAway Campaign encourages and supports those on the Left to walk away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today.

“Over 500,000 former Democrats posted their testimony on the Walkaway Facebook page on why they “walked away” from the Democrat Party.”

Retailer PatrioticMe permanently banned from advertising pro-America products on Facebook

THEY WANT BLOOD: Mozilla Argues “More Must Be Done” to Rid Internet of President Trump and other “Bad Actors” (That would be Firefox among their other operations.)

Mozilla, Firefox planning to censor conservatives at the browser level; deplatforming isn’t enough

Will I do business with them?  When pigs fly. Not that I approve of corporations buying members of Congress but this election was brazenly stolen:  Marriott, AT&T, Airbnb…Here’s The List Of Corporations Announcing They Won’t Donate To GOP Lawmakers Who Objected To Electoral Votes From Contested StatesAdd Blue Shield, DOW, Citibank.

And talk radio:

The last redoubt crumbles: Corporate owner censors conservative talk radio – “Cumulus Media is the second largest (behind iHeartMedia) owner and operator of AM and FM radio stations in the United States, with 416 stations. Cumulus runs Westwood One, one of the largest U.S. radio syndication companies, which employs some of the most popular conservative and Trump-supporting talk-radio hosts, including Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro and Dan Bongino.

“Rodney Ho reports for The Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Jan. 11, 2021, citing the subscription-based Inside Music Media, that Brian Philips, executive vice president of content for Cumulus, sent a memo telling its talk show hosts to stop spreading rhetoric about a stolen election or face termination.

“Philips wrote in an internal memo that “We need to help induce national calm NOW,” and that Cumulus Media “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved, and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths’. If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”

Rocker Ariel Pink’s Record Label Drops Him Following Pro-Trump Rally Attendance 

‘Disgrace’: Rangers’ Tony DeAngelo Dumps Twitter After Trump Ban – as have many prominent names like Rush Limbaugh.

Twitter Suspends US Border Protection Chief’s Account for Tweeting that Trump’s Wall Helps Stop Gang Members, Drugs and Sexual Predators (VIDEO)

Low-life bottom feeders who hate America and Trump:  Lincoln Project Says It Is Building Database of Trump Officials, Staff–  Since when in America are people going to be targeted or black listed because they worked for a president, a senator or mayor?  America:  Wake the Hell up because they’re coming for you – and your children:

James O’Keefe Strikes Again: PBS Counsel Michael Beller Caught on Video Promoting Violence, ” Americans F**king Dumb – Take Their Children” (VIDEO)

Remember that poster?  The election was stolen. (And without divine intervention from God it will succeed). Now they’re coming for us.  Control what you’re “allowed” to read while interfering with elections and using brainwashing techniques reminiscent of the old USSR and today’s Communist China and N. Korea.

NYT: Google and Apple Formed Agreement to Control the Internet

“A recent report from the New York Times states that the Justice Department is targeting a secretive partnership between Apple and Google worth billions of dollars as part of its landmark antitrust case. The deal, which cemented Google’s control of internet search, is described as “one of the most lucrative business deals in history” by the Times.

“Breitbart News recently reported that the Department of Justice has filed its hotly-anticipated antitrust lawsuit against Google. 11 states also joined the DOJ action against the internet giant. The lawsuit claims that the company engaged in anticompetitive practices in order to preserve monopolies in the search and advertising components that make up huge sections of the tech firm’s main business.”

It won’t stop until the American people stop it using their consumer dollars to support such vile scheming.  It’s the only thing that gets the attention of those evil vultures who are “big tech”, vendors and other corporations that have used the big lie Trump incited what happened on Jan. 6th as an excuse to crush free speech in this country and it will only get worse.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots

HUGE! Analysis of Video of Trump Supporter Ashli Babbitt Death in the Capitol Shows Antifa’s Actions Led to Shots Being Fired (VIDEO)

FLASHBACK: Hundreds Of Violent Left-Wing Rioters Smashed Windows, Set Limousine On Fire In Washington DC During President Trump’s Inauguration In 2017; Government Later Dropped ALL CHARGES Against The Rioters

Collateral damage is those who work for not just the tech giants and Amazon, but companies employed for janitorial service of their huge buildings, window washers, vending machines, suppliers of toilet paper and the list goes on. It’s called trickle down.  I’m sorry for all of them, truly, when they lose their jobs.

Perhaps when they keep hemorrhaging millions and then billions of dollars, they will change their tune.  Twitter, Apple among others are publicly traded so we’ll see just how much more stockholders, are willing to sacrifice:

Twitter, Facebook: $51 Billion Combined Market Value Erased Since Trump Ban

The courage to fight back

Idaho Internet Provider Blocks Access to Twitter, Facebook to Customers Who Request It

Rebellion begins: State of Florida considers divesting from Big Tech–  ‘They may get to decide who they do business with. So do we’ (In my school district and I know this from being a substitute teacher, all computers use Google.  Parents should get in the face of their local school boards.)

Texas Attorney General Vows to Fight Big Tech Censorship with Everything He’s Got

Google Whistleblower & Conservative Influencers File Lawsuit To Punch Google & Restore Free Speech

Mexican President Promises To Lead International Coalition Against Big Tech Censorship, Compares To ‘Spanish Inquisition’

Stop using Google or Yahoo for searches. and block harvesting of your searches, purchases and more.  I’ve used them for years.As for You Tube and all the others mentioned in this column, here is a list of alternatives.  I’ve never done any form of social media, but if I had a Facebook page, I would already have moved it to USA.Life.

As for Newsmax TV, I’ve known of Chris Ruddy since the Clinton’s soiled the WH.  There is NO justification for giving money to two career criminals and trust me, Ruddy covered all of them back then. Newsmax CEO Donates $1 Million to Clinton Foundation

Had enough yet? As I have written so many times before, independent media is the future.  But, NewsWithViews cannot continue paying their bills without reader support and they are extremely low on funds.

I’m going to begin a series on Jan. 18, 2021 about several issues and how states can and must fight back.  Unless there is divine intervention from God, the steal will be successful and a career criminal, China Joe and Ho Harris will take the WH and Lucifer’s Democrat/Communist Party USA controlling Congress the worst is yet to come.  But you must have a plan and that’s what my series will focus on.

I am hopeful, YOU will take the few minutes and donate to NWVs.  Actually, becoming a monthly subscriber for $5 or $10 would be a blessing as it gives NWVs an operating budget they can count on.

Paul will never sell his email or subscriber list as he values your privacy – unlike Google, Facebook and all the rest of them. Google has killed off nearly 90% of ad revenues for any web site not aligned with their political agenda.

If you value the hard work of all the writers at NWVs, all the research, history and doable solutions, please donate today, right now by calling 1.800.955.0116 to subscribe or click here to DONATE.

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Links of interest:

FOX NEWS In A PANIC! Openly Threatening Guests!

‘I didn’t sign up for that’: Home Depot co-founder feels ‘betrayed’ by Trump

O’Keefe Strikes Again! Head of Global Competitive Analysis for Google Admits “Platforms Are Influencing You in a Way That You Didn’t Sign Up For” (VIDEO)

Shopify Bans Trump Store. Has the Marginalization of Trump Support Begun? – Shop Shopify?  When pigs fly.

I guess it will be okay after Biden is unlawfully sworn in:  Facebook Removing All Content That Mentions ‘Stop the Steal’ Ahead of Inauguration Day

Google Removes Parler From App Store Amid Reports That Trump is Joining the Platform

Google court win could threaten ‘all computer code,’ warns ex-congressman

Who Knew About and Planned the “Insurrection?”

By Cliff Kincaid

The violence on January 6 was planned ahead of time, and we should not be surprised to learn that the same intelligence agencies that have been trying to bring down the Trump presidency knew about this in advance and were planning to blame it on the president. Evidence has already surfaced — from a liberal media source — regarding FBI knowledge in advance of what happened on Capitol Hill on January 6.

Remember that Democratic Party Senator Chuck Schumer had said, in response to Trump’s criticism of those agencies, “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

Rushing to judgment on the events of January 6, the ACLU endorsed Trump’s impeachment.

Yet, at the time of Schumer’s comments about the CIA and other agencies getting back at Trump, an ACLU official by the name of Jay Stanley commented, “…if it’s really the case that dissing the intelligence community might result in retaliation by that community against a politician, then the lines of power in our political system have become dangerously distorted.”

That has certainly been proven by the events of the last four years.

He went on to say, “It’s not clear what the ‘six ways from Sunday’ are that Schumer has in mind. Presumably they could range from antagonistic leaks, to concrete actions overseas to undermine a president’s foreign policy, to darker forms of sabotage and blackmail.” He explained that “our spy agencies are professionals at manipulating and interfering with governments — though all such activities are clearly illegal if applied within the United States or to U.S. persons.”

Strangely, in regard to the events of January 6, the Washington Post, a mouthpiece for the CIA, has reported, “A day before rioters stormed Congress, an FBI office in Virginia issued an explicit warning that extremists were preparing to travel to Washington to commit violence and ‘war,’ according to an internal document reviewed by The Washington Post that contradicts a senior official’s declaration the bureau had no intelligence indicating anyone at last week’s demonstrations in support of President Trump planned to do harm.”

This report has all the earmarks of a CIA leak to the paper based on intelligence information the agency received and passed on to the FBI.It looks like the CIA is trying to fix blame for failing to prevent the violence on the FBI.

Investigative journalist John Solomon also offers evidence of a planned attack. Hence, it was not a spontaneous riot emanating from Trump’s speech.Such a charge, still popular in the dishonest mainstream media,  was bogus in the first place, since Trump had called on his supporters to march to the Capitol peacefully and patriotically.

Even while catching the FBI in a lie about the agency’s knowledge in advance of a planned attack on the Capitol, the Washington Post phrase “in support of President Trump” is misleading, since Trump had no control over the various groups, including Antifa and drug abusers, who showed up.

Cases are too numerous to mention, but one stands out – an arrested protester who was a notorious drug dealer specializing in LSD and marijuana.

We have recorded an interview with an eyewitness on evidence that marijuana smokers, typically on the “progressive” side of the political spectrum, were in force in the demonstration on January 6.

Letting those events proceed without hindrance — and then blaming the violence on Trump — has to now be seen as part of a plan to force Trump to leave office in disgrace rather than allow him to continue the fight for election integrity.

It could be one of the “six ways from Sunday” cited by Schumer.

In addition to foreknowledge of the plot, federal agents may have been conducting agitation and propaganda activities.

“Over the past several weeks,” declared Gab CEO Andrew Torba, “I have been openly warning the Gab community to be on the lookout for fed posters [federal agents posting provocative messages] and threats or encouragement of violence on Gab. This PSYOP campaign started back in early December with newly created accounts popping up out of nowhere and making threats of violence. We have zero tolerance for this behavior and it is absolutely not free speech.”

Gab is an alternative to Twitter, run by Jack Dorsey, which has censored Trump.

Torba referred to psychological operations modeled after something called “the CIA Mockingbird Media complex” and recorded a video  about this, noting how the New York Times provided the initial report blaming Gab for various threats that is then repeated ad nauseam.

Mockingbird, the name of a bird that mimics other bird sounds, is also the name of a CIA project that targets journalists, either through surveillance or their use as intelligence assets, or both.

In practical terms, what we see is that media outlets, seemingly in unison, echo the claim that conservatives, Christians, and other such people are behind any violence which then occurs.

On a deeper level, the plan may be to provoke violence in order to justify a crackdown that give smore power to intelligence and law enforcement agencies to go after Trump supporters.

In a statement, Gab noted the double standard: “Over the course of 2020, political violence across the United States has been normalized by Democratic Party politicians and the mainstream media who excused away and refused to enforce the law against ‘peaceful protestors’– in reality violent agitators and domestic terrorists — who embarked upon various outrages including the occupation of several square blocks of Seattle, the setting fire to small businesses and federal buildings across the U.S., and yes, even forcing D.C. to board up on more than one occasion.”

Referring to the events of January 6, the statement said, “What happened today is not as unprecedented as the political class would have us believe. This is not the first mob that has attacked a government building in the United States this year — courthouses and police stations all over the United States have been attacked by anti-police activists year-round. Only six months ago, Nancy Pelosi decried law enforcement’s work to stop a dangerous mob from burning down a federal building in Portland as ‘political games’ and ‘abuses of power.’”

All Americans should be demanding that Congress, especially those who voted to impeach Trump on bogus charges of “incitement,” expose the roles of the CIA and FBI in the “insurrection.”

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

  • Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. (Note: my email service has been suspended for political reasons so please go to my home page for updates until I can arrange an alternative way to communicate with our subscribers and supporters).

Did Mike Pence Had the Authority to Decide the Election in Favor of Trump?

By Greg Holt

The presiding officer over the electoral vote count, the President of the Senate, is largely a figurehead.

I recently wrote an article about Republican representative Adam Kinzinger who stated that Trump needed to be removed from office immediately.  I also stated that Trump was wrong in what he said about Mike pence.

From News With Views:

“Trump in my opinion did fall short in his comments attacking Mike Pence for refusing to decertify the electoral vote.  I personally do not like Pence (not because of this situation), but he did not at all deserve this kind of treatment from Trump.  The Vice President does NOT have the power to unilaterally decide what electoral votes are authentic and count, and those votes that do not.  Pence said as much, and I agree with him 100%.  President Trump owes Mike Pence an apology for this one.”

This statement of course did not go over well with other Trump supporters.  I received many emails telling me I was wrong, like the email below (name withheld):

“VP Pence had plenary powers dictated by the US constitution and he had a DUTY to throw our [sic] fraudulent slates of electors.[sic]I do NOT think DJT owes him an apology; he betrayed DJT and the American people. If you have any questions, you can direct them to Professor Eastman, a constitutional scholar.


Yes there was election fraud, and I and many others have written about it extensively.  Yes the election was stolen from We the People.  NO Pence did not have this “plenary power”.

I’m rather tired of hearing this nonsense from people who obviously repeat what they read or hear – without investigating the truth of it for themselves.  I have read many like minded comments online that Pence betrayed Trump, that Pence lost the election for Trump – its all Pence’s fault, blah, blah, blah.  No actually it is is not.

I’m not out to disc or insult anyone or even attempt to take away their right to express their opinion, that’s the Left’s job.  That being said, I can likewise express mine, and my opinion is that all of these people that say this stuff about Pence are wrong.

Understand that as I stated in a previous article, I don’t like Mike Pence at all.  I think Pence is a globalist and does not have Trump’s (or this country’s) best interests at heart.

What the does the Constitution say about presidential elections?

It may come as a surprise to many, but the Constitution actually says very little about the Electoral College and related procedures – meaning the election of the president and vice president.

Article II, Section I, Clause 2 states:

“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.”

Article II, Section I, Clause 4 states that:

“The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.”

The comment made in the above email (and by many others online) was that Pence has “plenary powers” to accept or reject the votes of electors.  What does the term plenary powers even mean?

Definition of plenary

“1: complete in every respect: ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED – plenary power”

There is no absolute – plenary power stated in the Constitution with respect to the President of the Senate, who in this case was and is Vice President Mike Pence.  In fact, if you read what the Constitution specifically lays out here, the plenary powers are indicated as belonging to the states, not the federal government, as described by the Constitution’s framer’s:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct…

In other words, the states decide who the electors are going to be, they also get to decide how the electors must vote.  The states can also change the elector’s votes.  More on that later.

Article II, Section I, Clause 3 states that:

“The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted.”

I only referenced a small section of clause 3 as the rest of it is superseded by the Twelfth Amendment.  Basically, the President of the Senate’s job is to preside over the Electoral College vote certification, that’s it. 

Where all these folks and even the attorney John Eastman got the idea that Mike Pence had the power to decide which elector’s votes count, and which elector’s votes do not – is beyond me.  I’m not seeing that power listed in the Constitution, are you?

What does the Electoral Count Act say about presidential elections?

Section four of the Electoral Count Act (which governs the counting of the electoral votes) states:

“[N]o electoral vote or votes from any State which shall have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section three of this act from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified.”

Note that it is specified that the two houses may reject a slate of electoral votes – not the presiding officer over the count, that would be the President of the Senate, in this case Mike Pence.

All quotes following are from The Conscientious Congressman’s Guide to the Electoral Count Act of 1887 unless otherwise specified.

On multiple slates of electors from one state (section four):

“[A]nd in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State, unless the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide such votes not to be the lawful votes of the legally appointed electors of such State. But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the Executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted.”

Again, the power resides with the two houses of Congress, NOT the presiding officer.

The Electoral Count Act was instituted to solve the problems and issues with counting the vote and dealing with past issues.  I won’t go into all that here, you can read more about past issues here.

To summarize the Act’s purpose:

“The ECA’s procedural provisions have two purposes. The first is to facilitate an expeditious meeting so that difficulties in electoral vote counts can be resolved, and a new President elected, before the current President’s term ends. The second is to drain away as much power as possible from the Senate President, whom the ECA appoints to preside at the joint session when Congress counts the votes.”

Sections four through seven detail actual electoral vote count procedure:

“Section 4 also called for the electoral returns from the states to be presented in alphabetical order.571 No debate is allowed in, and no question may be put to, the joint session.572 If there are any objections to a state’s vote, section 4 requires that it “be made in writing” and “be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives.”573 After all the objections to the vote of a particular state are received, the Senate returns to its own chamber and the two houses independently debate and rule on the objections.574 Section 6 of the ECA limits debate at the separate meetings. Each congressman may speak only once, for up to five minutes, and the entire debate must end after two hours.”

Again, I cannot emphasize this enough, the power in the electoral vote count procedures rests in (A) the states, and (B) both houses of Congress.  The presiding officer, the President of the Senate, is largely a figurehead.

Some of this is open to debate of course, such as whether or not the presiding officer has the power to NOT present some of the electoral count slates (as in two sets from one state).  I personally don’t see an issue here – remembering that Article II, Section I, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution states that: the President of the Senate shall,  “open all the Certificates.”  Open ALL the votes in other words, I think that is pretty clear.

Then there is this:

“[T]he effect of [the amendment] is to prevent the President of the Senate from doing more than announcing the state of the vote as ascertained and delivered to him by the tellers; and such announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice-President. Two things about the House of Representatives’s change should be noted. First, Congress was unwilling to allow the Senate President any minimal ability to interpret the outcome of the vote count. Second, the Conference Committee Report asserts that it is the tellers—mere minions of the two houses—who ascertain the vote. The Conference Report confirms that the Senate President is meant to be something of an automaton.”

As I stated before, Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate, is largely a figurehead, or a ceremonial role if you will.

The so-called plenary power resides with the states.

“In the ruling of Bush v. Gore, the United States Supreme Court stated ‘the state legislature’s power to select the manner for appointing electors is plenary; it may, if it so chooses, select the electors itself, which indeed was the manner used by state legislatures in several States for many years after the framing of our Constitution. … The State, of course, after granting the franchise in the special context of Article II, can take back the power to appoint electors”

Remember also that any objections to elector votes must be endorsed in writing by one member of the House, and one from the Senate.  I recently wrote about this when Rep. Louie Gohmert sued Mike Pence over this very issue.  Gohmert and other Republicans stated that Pence had authority to unilaterally decide which electors votes should be counted.  That lawsuit was rightly tossed, Pence did not have that power.

Stop and think about this for a moment – who in their right mind would want the President of the Senate to have the power to decide an election?  It matters not what party the presiding officer of the vote count is.  What does matter is this:

If the officer that presides over the electoral vote count can make decisions that in effect decide the outcome of the presidential election, what happens to the voice of We the People?  Answer – we longer have one!  The candidates may as well be presented before Congress, and they or the President of the Senate can decide at will who the next president of the United States will be.

Lastly, objections to the 2020 vote WERE filed in the proper manner before Congress.  Both houses of Congress met (separately as required) and the objections were rejected.

The presidential election (and the Georgia runoff) of 2020 was without a doubt stolen.  The legitimate president of the United States is Donald J. Trump, not Joe Biden.

That being said, Trump was and is wrong in what he said and how he treated Mike Pence, I will NOT recant on that.  For the sake of our country, people ought to be glad that Pence had the character (in this case) to say he did not have the authority to decide, because as I exhaustively pointed out here via the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act – he did not.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
United States Senate
Florida Law Review
TCP News

America Is No Longer the Land of the Free

By Cliff Kincaid

Authorities had already closed down churches, in the name of virus protection, before Big Government’s Big Tech allies began a crackdown on free speech. This will only have further disastrous consequences. President Trump won’t be able to stop the unrest.

Indeed, one can argue that some Trump supporters joined the attack on the Capitol because certain avenues of protest had already been cut off.  The Supreme Court’s failure to consider the Texas lawsuit over illegal and unconstitutional votes convinced some that the courts were corrupt. The congressional failure to give states the ability to review their electoral certifications, after holding hearings on election fraud, angered many more people. They were told during the January 6 rally that Vice President Pence would not give the states more time to reconsider their electoral votes.

Thousands of people are now being denied access to the public square. My America’s Survival email service has been terminated by Weebly, a website-building service that hosts For several days I have tried to get an explanation of why a service I paid for has been terminated. All that I have been told is that I somehow violated a “policy” and that I have to wait for an explanation. It’s clearly political.

Hence, while I try to muster an alternative, my only way to communicate is through columns to other outlets, drawing attention to my web site

I had decided to use Weebly to construct a website because I thought it was easy and simple. Now I find out it’s another Jack Dorsey product engaged in political censorship. In fact, Weebly is owned by Square, a payment processing company founded by Dorsey.

Mark Jamison, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute who has argued in the past that breaking up Big Tech is bad for consumers, said in a January 21 blog post that Twitter and Facebook are in some respects “more powerful” that the president of the United States. He was referring to how those social media companies prohibited Trump from using those platforms to communicate with his 85 million followers. Remember that 75 million people voted for Trump, according to “official” statistics.

Since he wrote that, Google’s YouTube platform has censored Trump and Facebook has prohibited use of the phrase “Stop the steal.”

Jamison writes that, after the elections, Big Tech companies “have demonstrated impressive political power,” with the attack on Trump and his people, and “their ability to quickly and significantly damage other businesses…” The latter is a reference to how Apple, Google, and Amazon worked to undermine the alternative news and information site Parler. Trump was about to leave Twitter and go on Parler when that happened.

This is certainly “impressive.” It’s also totalitarian.

It’s easy to see where all of this is heading. People are already desperate under the government restrictions imposed on them by the China virus. If they have no faith in the government responding to their complaints, they will consider other options.

Jamison wrote, “Our country had a situation where a president strongly and repeatedly derided others in government and rallied crowds to protest them. Such a president should resign, even if there had been no violence.” I argued with him about this during an episode of America’s Survival TV. I believe that Trump has a First Amendment right like anybody else. He had a right to urge his followers to come to Washington and to request that they assemble peacefully and ask Congress for redress of their grievances. What’s more, before the violence at the Capitol, Trump had specifically called for a march that was to be peaceful and patriotic.

Some people ignored his pleas but that’s not his fault.

With the news that Joe Biden has hired at least 14 current or former executives from Big Tech to serve in his administration or advise his transition team, we have come to a greater understanding of what has happened in our once-free country.

Their next target will be the Second Amendment. That’s already happening as Marxist “lawmakers” urge the identification and prosecution of “domestic terrorists.” Those truly violent should be held accountable. But people who are simply dissidents should under no circumstances be jailed or denied the right to defend themselves.

The solution, argues conservative leader Richard A. Viguerie, does not lie with the “weak, ineffective, incompetent, content-free” Republican Party. Instead, he argues, conservatives have to use direct mail and other forms of grass-roots marketing to reach tens of millions of voters in “a once-in-a-century opportunity” to brand the New Democrats as anti-God, anti-American, anti-police socialists/Marxists.

If this doesn’t happen, the worst is yet to come.

Consider Oregon, where Republicans are in the super minority in both houses of the state legislature and hold no statewide offices.

A Republican official told me there will be enormous fallout from passage of Measure 110 on the ballot. With financial support from Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros-funded organizations, Oregonians made their state the first in the United States to decriminalize the personal possession of illegal drugs such as cocaine, LSD, heroin, oxycodone and methamphetamine. The state GOP official said this will have a severe impact on Oregon in at least four ways:

  • Drug addicted homelessness, which is already rampant in our state, will overwhelm the state as these folks from other states will flood into Oregon, specifically Portland. This might even become the policy of other states to send them here.
  • Already rising criminal activity will skyrocket in our state, such as in Portland, as a result of a lawless Multnomah County DA, an already overstretched police force that is being threatened with defunding, and feckless local elected officials who think it’s all fine.
  • Hard drug use by youth, such as in high schools, will skyrocket and leave parents helpless to intervene and put a stop to it. Our high school grad rate is 3rd or 4th from the bottom of 50 states, which cannot improve if many districts lose the ability to keep hard drug use out of their schools.
  • Businesses are already fleeing Portland and this will accelerate as they give up and collapse the tax base in the state’s biggest city. Many are leaving the state too, much like California.

What’s happening in Oregon is planned for the country as a whole.

Please consider this message I received from a supporter in a foreign country:

Dear Mr. Kincaid,

In exceptional times like these, to put it mildly, I’m extremely happy to see you’ve resumed your earlier video conversations with knowledgeable conservatives across the board…I am deeply worried about the horrifying possibility of all of us entering a merciless global dystopia against which Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984 may well look like a picnic in comparison.

So, I do want to congratulate you and all your freedom-loving fellow Americans who are presently working their hearts out to prevent what the Left boldly presents as a fait accompli for them from happening.

What are we going to do about it?

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is the president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Castration of the Christian Male

By Dave Daubenmire

Warning:  Harsh Language.  May offend women and men who act like women.

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” I Cor. 16:13

Despite what the evangellyfish leadership may try to convince you QUIT does not men stop…as in “stop being a man.”  It is the opposite of that.  Paul’s admonition here is to exhort Christian men to MAN UP…not GIVE up.

Webster’s defines “quit” as “To carry through; to do or perform something to the end, so that nothing remains; to discharge or perform completely.

Modern pulpits have pussified the American male.  If you are offended by the word pussified I suggest you read no further.  You are the problem I am preparing to write about.

I am 100 percent Christian.  Blood bought, fire baptized, and endued by the Holy Spirit from on high.  I can sin with the best of them, although I no longer do, and I am a proud draftee into the army of God.  Jesus rescued me from a one-way train to hell and commissioned me as a soldier of the cross.  I hate sin, the Devil, and the workers of iniquity.  I am unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have been faithfully writing commentaries since 2003.  It is not my profession and I do not get paid for anything I write.  My target audience is Christians, but I fight hard to not be locked inside some category that others want to place me.  I focus on Truth and my desire is to encourage Christians to stand up and fight for the Truth. Fight…that doesn’t sound very Christian does it?

I am not considered a “fan” of Pastors. Most of them are weenies. For the most part they are the ones who are responsible for the mess that America is in today.  In a time when America most needed wartime pastors America’s pulpits are filled with skinny-jeaned charlatans who have sucked out of the men what little testosterone remained from the nuclear war that feminism waged against once God-fearing men.

“Harsh” men have become anathema to Christianity, and we are in the mess we are in because Christian men have been taught to act and fight like women.  Nothing against women.  I married one.  We have two daughters and five granddaughters.  I love and respect them all.  But women are not men, despite what your Pastor may model for you, and only an emergency transfusion of testosterone can save American Christianity.

I do a daily podcast designed to awaken the heart of men.  I am not writing this as a means of self-promotion but simply evidence that I walk my talk.  My career as a football coach taught me how to motivate men…what makes their heart beat fast…and what drives them to be the best they can be.  Turn on your TV and watch a football game.  Ask yourself this simple question…do any of the men I see on the field remind me of my pastor?

The answer is obvious.  Skinny jeans and poofed hair have no place on the gridiron.  The football field is a battlefield and weak men need not apply.  Does the average man sitting in America’s pews have the gonads to do what our forefathers did?  Brave Christian men forged this nation.  Soft Christian men are about to lose it.

A few years ago, I was working hard to try and convince a friend that he needed to surrender to Christ.  I told him that serving Christ was the most exciting adventure I had ever been on.  Finally, he grew tired of my overtures and kindly said to me:

“Dave, I love you and I love what you do.  But I am not interested in being a Christian because I don’t want to have to give up my balls.”

How many other men have the same reaction to Christianity?  Christianity is for sissies. Real men drive for NASCAR.  I do not want to give up my balls.

What a sad indictment of the Christian male.  A pushover, a softie, a compromiser…like it or not that is the image many Americans have of Christian men.

Ponder this.  If you were sitting on the outside looking at “churchmen” what is it about us that would draw other men?  Why would any REAL man want to give up his manhood to follow Jesus?

But they don’t have to, you see?  Christianity IS masculine.  All the heroes in the Bible were alpha males.  Even young shepherd boys slew giants.  John the Baptist was rugged.  How about, Samson, Moses, and David’s Mighty men?  Where, for God’s sake, did we get the idea that Christian men were soft?

America is under seize.  Our very way of life is under attack like no time in history.  Our compromised and sissified church leadership is incapable of mounting any opposition to the forces of darkness.  Our Pastors are in hiding from a VIRUS for Pete’s sake! Scared to death of their governor. Currently, the American Christian male is no threat to the forces of darkness ravaging this nation.

Thousands of babies are being aborted every day.  Child trafficking is more lucrative than the drug trade.  The God ordained institution of marriage has been hijacked by sexual deviants.  The future of America, our children, are herded like cattle into a government school system that teaches the exact opposite of what they are taught from the Bible. Pastors do not utter a peep as a rigged election is stolen right before their very eyes.

Rise up, O men of God! Have done with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength to serve the King of kings.

Rise up, O men of God! His kingdom tarries long; As faithful workmen, watch and pray and light the night of wrong.

Rise up, O men of God! The church for you doth wait—Your strength unequal to the task, But Christ in you is great!

Lift high the cross of Christ; Tread where His feet have trod; As brothers of the Son of man, Rise up, O men of God! —William Merrill 1911.

The average Christian male is guilty of treason…not to the government…but to the God they claim to serve.  What are you afraid of?  Stand up and fight!  Grow a pair.  Quit ye like men!

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

The Big Lie Takes Form

By Lee Duigon

Even as we sit here watching, horrified, incredulous, the Big Lie—or, if you’re a member of the nooze media, “The Narrative”—is being sculpted and imposed on us. We haven’t found a way to stop it.

Here are its chief components.

*There was no fraud in this past election. Thousands of statements under oath, by thousands of witnesses, and hours and hours of video posted for all the world to see… don’t count.

*Some 80 million people, who haven’t been seen or heard from since, supposedly voted for China Joe Biden. This goes beyond lying. It is simply preposterous.

*President Donald Trump incited a riot at the Capitol. The riots incited by the Democrats for the past four years don’t count. Those riots included several invasions of the Capitol, by leftists—remember Code Pink barging in on Congress? But that was okay. Also okay was the spectacle of a leftist mob pounding on the doors to disrupt Brett Kavanagh’s swearing-in as a Supreme Court justice. What would have happened, had they broken down those doors? But not a single Democrat had a single discouraging word to say about it.

*COVID-19 is the deadliest disease in all of human history and fully justifies any and all draconian measures and abridgements of our civil rights to…LOL… fight it. And wait’ll they unload on us some of the new restrictions being “discussed” by the British government. You can only go outdoors once a week. No talking allowed in supermarkets. No “social interactions” in the parks. Do you call this “living”?

*America is an evil racist country sorely in need of fundamental transformation by the worst people on the planet. Wow! We’ve got to amnesty 20 million illegal aliens and quickly give them voting rights! That’ll learn us.

*Communist China is our friend. It must take an awful lot of dark energy to come up with a lie like that.

And we don’t know what to do. How do we stop it? We’ve never before encountered a crisis quite like this. There are 75 million of us, if not many, many more—and we are helpless? The Far Left Crazy and their running dogs in our Free & Independent Nooze Media can just run right over us without even slowing down? But they stole our election and we don’t know what to do.

President Trump stood alone against the Deep State, against a globalist elite in all its corrupt power—and they finally struck him down. We are grateful to him for trying. No one else in the government even tried. All the institutions of government, in which we innocently placed our trust, have failed us. The three Supreme Court justices appointed by our president, for whom we fought, argued, and prayed: at their first opportunity, deserted us.

So now we’re stuck with an illegitimate government in bed with every crime combine in the world, paid satraps of Communist China, who will sell us out every chance they get: part of their “Great Reset,” don’t you know.

There’s nothing left to us but our prayers, nowhere to turn but to our God. And we haven’t exactly busted our humps to please Him, have we?

But the Bible exhorts us to pray unceasingly, and the Lord is our defense. Save us, O God.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… while you can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

To All The Frustrated Step-Fathers In America

By Frosty Wooldridge

As a stepfather, I know and understand the trials and tribulations of stepping into an “already created” family by another man. It’s a landmine waiting to be stepped-on by unsuspecting single males.

(Frosty Wooldridge standing in front of a mural in Virginia on his

Coast to coast bicycle adventure.)

As a single male with no children, I stepped into my wife’s family with two boys ages 8 and 11.

You cannot imagine the kinds of challenges that await you as a stepfather. You’ve got to contend with their biological father, good or bad, along with his emotional makeup in the mix. You’ve got to contend with emotions of your new girlfriend as to her relationship with her ex-husband…the father of her children. You also must contend with the fact that they want to be with their father and not so much with you. You must also deal with their young emotions that have been torn to pieces by the divorce.

The one nasty aspect about divorce on children: it breaks up the structure and “security of constancy” in their lives. It leaves them unsure, afraid and insecure. Oftentimes, in acrimonious divorces, the parents pit the children against the other parent. Sometimes, violence dominates, and the children cower in the corners of the house. They also cower in the corners of their minds. They never forget the yelling, screaming, fights and tension.

If alcohol or drugs enter the mix, it’s anybody’s guess as to a very unpleasant ending.  The children pay an even greater trauma for the rest of their lives.

When the biological father of my two stepsons met a new girlfriend, my stepsons wanted me to date her and him to get back with their mother. Also, I carried a ‘high energy’ and optimistic, action personality whereas their father read books, was very quiet man and watched TV. Thus, they contended with a calm biological father as opposed to a mountain climbing, backpacking and wilderness man.

Two decades later, I am thankful to have endured my stepsons’ teens, twenties and thirties. Both are fine men productively living their lives. I am thankful because if those kids had gotten into drugs and alcohol, or crime—I would have had to deal with their mother bailing them out of jail or dealing with their drug addictions.

At the same time, I’ve got a friend who stepped into an “instant” family 20 years ago, and his situation didn’t turn out so well. He poured his guts out to me after a game of tennis last autumn.

“Hey, Frosty, how’d you get through your step kids’ lives in one piece?” he asked.

“In many ways,” I said. “I was just lucky. Both my stepsons are doing  fine.”

“Yeah, well, mine aren’t,” he said.

From there, he launched into a story of one of his step-boys took a hammer to the walls of the house and busted up the drywall. No reason other than emotional turmoil. That same son several years later wanted to kill himself. He screwed off through high school.

“Boy, with that one,” my friend said. “I had to worry about the kid and his mother. She was at her wits end. She breaks down crying all the time.”

In the end, women want a happy family and happy kids, but that doesn’t always happen. Once a family breaks up, the kids ‘break up’ themselves into different emotional compartments. Some become sullen and defeated. Others grin and bear it.

My friend’s greatest frustration as his stepsons grew older: they ignored him. He invited them to go skiing, mountain climbing, rafting and bicycling. They would have nothing to do with him. He had given ten years of his life to show them the best of living, but they simply ignored him until he finally gave up trying. To this day, he regrets having put so much of himself into those kids to receive so little to nothing in return.

To all the stepfathers out there: each of you faces emotional challenges of keeping a balance with your wife or girlfriend with her kids. I’m not sure there are any books to give you suggestions. Additionally, blended families present the greatest challenge on the planet.  Most fail miserably.  Too many variables with too many emotions!  I might write book on this topic.

For those of you who suffer with lazy, criminal, drunk or other negative types of stepsons, you must support your wife’s emotions. Also, do what you can to help them. But at some point, you may want to let go and let them figure out their own lives.

Sometimes, when a child chooses a self-destructive path such as alcohol, massive tattoos all over their bodies, piercing with metal adornments, addictive drugs and low-grade friends—you might want to detach yourself to save your own emotions.

For those men with step-girls for the challenge-package, you have a whole new ball of wax with encounters of parenting. You’ve got to deal with their insecurities, their being really attractive or their being unattractive as to their own self-concepts…and to their situations with boys. You’ve got to deal with their bursting hormones, their relationships, cliques, and a host of other challenges. Good luck with that because it gets really complicated!

Biggest goal for you: keep your body, mind and spirit balanced. If those step-kids don’t want much to do with you, okay, just let them go about their business. Avoid saying anything negative about your stepsons because it will get back to their mother. That will cause negative vibrations. Also, never say anything negative about their biological father. That will come down on your head, big time. Why? Because your stepsons will always side with their biological father.

As long as you keep a positive attitude, they will ‘tolerate’ you during Christmas gatherings before they go off to their biological father’s house and his family.

For you stepfathers who enjoy great relationships with your stepchildren, call yourself lucky. For those of you finding it very challenging, please realize that you cannot ‘change’ your step-kids into liking you. You can’t buy them or bribe them. They may not want to spend time with you. If that’s so, simply do the best you can with them. Remember that you are not in charge of their lives once they step into adulthood. At the same time, you are in charge of how you respond to them and to life.

As I write this heartfelt essay, I am thankful that my stepsons are fine young men. Yes, they possess their own problems as to work, relationships, friends and other life challenges. And, that’s just life playing out in their lives.

In the end, you are in charge of your emotions. Do everything you can to support your life-mate. Honesty, calmness, steady-keel, integrity and loving support will go a long way into enjoying a long-term relationship with your step-children.

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Now You Can Watch Democrats Systematically Dismantle America

By Ron Ewart

When the government violates the people’s rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties.“

Marquis de Lafayette, French aristocrat and military officer who fought in the American Revolutionary War  

Many politicians, both Democrat and Republican alike, were aghast at the rioters assaulting that most sacred of all government buildings, (according to them) the U. S. Capitol, the alleged seat of representative government.  How dare these Trump supporters attack the “People’s House.”  Apparently it’s OK for Democrats, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA to riot, burn and loot private businesses in cities all over America because a black man felon, who served eight separate prison terms, was killed by an over-aggressive cop.  The Democrats and the media were silent and only the Republicans denounced the Democrat-Black Lives Matter incited violence of the summer and fall of 2020.  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi quipped, “that’s what people do.”

But the fury of the Congress, Republicans and Democrats, came down hard on those who dared to riot at the Capitol Building.  Why did they riot you might ask?  Because the Congress has abandoned them, Republicans and Democrats, as well as abandoning the Constitution and allowed socialism to fester, grow and prosper in America.  The protester’s 74,000,000 votes in an unconstitutional, fraud-laced election for Trump meant nothing.  In their frustration and anger, what were they to do?  They started out peaceful enough, but were probably egged on after ANTIFA and other inciters hijacked the peaceful protest.

This isn’t the last of these events.  There will be more and they will get increasingly ugly as Joe Biden and his Democrat-controlled Congress start implementing their socialist agenda, a devastating agenda we delineated in our “Challenge” to the Biden-Harris Administration.

Given what happened at the Capitol on January 6th, it is apparent that the Democrats have ignited a powder keg in America that is about to blow up in their socialist faces.  Although we hope not, the protests on January 6th could very well be a precursor to civil war, or outright revolution.

Yes, the Capitol was breached, but worse than that, in the election of 2020, the federal and state Constitutions were breached as well, which seems to be mostly ignored by most members of Congress.  In their pursuit of one-party rule, the Democrats have so badly trashed the Constitution it is hardly recognizable any more.  The U. S. Supreme Court has done little to hold the Democrats to the Constitution.  And the Republicans haven’t done much to stop the Democrats either.  Are Lisa Murkowski, Pat Tomey, Susan Collins, or Mitt Romney friends of conservatives?  Hardly!

People forget that when the Democrats held both Houses of Congress and the Presidency in 2010, they dumped a blatantly unconstitutional Obama Care on all of us, with Chief Justice John Robert’s help.  In the 10 years since Obama Care has been in effect, it has defied any attempts to repeal it.  Remember!  We have learned from Obama Care that whatever the Democrats do in the next two years cannot be undone.  Their socialist policies will be set in stone, even if they violate the Constitution, or the Republicans replace them in 2022.  The damage they will inflict on America and Americans in the next two years, including bastardizing the three branches of government, will be devastating and irreversible, unless they are stopped.

Given this inevitability, do the Democrats think that free Americans would simply roll over now that the Democrats have taken back the Congress and the Presidency again?  Do they still think that 75 to 100 million freedom-loving, heavily-armed Americans are going to sit idly by and allow the Democrats to fundamentally transform America into a socialist, globalist nation?  If they are of that mind, they are barking up the stupid tree.

Kevin McCarthy, House minority leader, came out and called for calm and then asked “why we can’t respect one another and our differing opinions.”  Differing opinions are one thing.  Dismantling the fundamentals and foundation of individual freedom by inserting globalist-socialist policies into the mix, is quite another.

We do not advocate or condone violence, or the overthrow of the United States of America.  Our goal is to return America to its original foundation of individual freedom and unalienable, God-given, natural rights under a Constitutional Republic, by peaceful means.   But as we watch and predict the path that America is on, we are well aware conservatives are bucking serious head winds.  It appears that the Democrats, (government-dependent city inhabitants) are determined to take America in a direction that will dismantle our Constitution, our individual freedom and our Constitutional Republic.  They want total government control of everything and everybody.  They want massive government handouts to buy off their government-dependent city voters to remain in power and they want the rest of us to be docile, compliant robots, (slaves) dutifully paying our exorbitant taxes and complying with crushing regulations.  The question is, will Americans bow down to this treasonous ruling class?

But let’s get back to the election of 2020.  Even if we conclude there was no election fraud in any state and neither any state or the federal constitutions were violated, the interference in the election by billionaires, social media, academia and the mainstream media on behalf of Joe Biden and the Democrats, eclipsed all foreign interference by several orders of magnitude, with no consequences to the perpetrators.  Besides the hands-off approach to Biden’s criminal son Hunter and Joe’s numerous flaws, gaffs and outright lies and the glowing accolades heaped upon Biden and Harris, Americans were barraged with the unrelenting attacks on Trump in four or more years of character assassination, attempts at the non-judicial implementation of the 25th Amendment and the groundless impeachment by other means.  No president in the history of America has been treated so viciously, all because he dared to challenge the Establishment, the bureaucratic swamp and the status quo.

Added to that was the blatant disregard and duty of the press to be fair, accurate, objective and non-biased.  On top of all this came the hostile social media suppression and censoring of anything and everything conservative.  Even if there was no election fraud, Trump didn’t stand a chance of winning re-election.  Social media, the Establishment, the Deep State and the news torpedoed Trump from the start.  In short, the deck was stacked.  Trump and his supporters have every right to feel indignant and angry, which led to the January 6th March on Washington, DC and the subsequent rioting and violence at the Capitol.

Facebook and Twitter have shut down the President of the United States permanently.  They have effectively silenced him, at least for now.  Google and Apple have dropped the conservative twitter-style platform Parler.  Is this author or you, next?  The face of Nazi fascism has raised its ugly head again, here in the United States, except it isn’t the government, it’s corporate high tech aligned with government.  What next, “Kristallnacht,” or the national demonization of all conservatives on a massive scale by Democrats, like they did to the Jews in Germany?  Could conservatives become persona non grata in their own country?

No, wanton violence is not the answer.  However, as we said in our previous article, “The hard truth is, socialist Democrats cannot be defeated without millions of conservative Americans rising up in unison, with force if necessary.  But long before force becomes necessary, conservatives have peaceful means at their disposal.  The constitution is still in force.  The law is still functional even though Democrat corruption, collusion and judicial activism are in blatant evidence.   Peaceful protests and Redress of Grievances are still protected by the First Amendment.   The trick is for all conservatives to peacefully speak with one voice in one single action at a time.” If not, the 2nd Amendment might end up being the final arbiter.

What can that one “single-action-at-a-time” look like?

  1. A list of demands signed by no less than 10,000,000 conservative “We The People” Americans and delivered to the president, congress, state legislatures and governors of every state.
  2. A single, well thought out response by at least 10,000,000 Americans to a problem caused by government, like illegal immigration, an over excessive burdensome regulation, virus induced lock downs, etc.
  3. Civil disobedience executed by freedom-loving Americans on a grand scale of an egregious law, policy, tax, or rule.
  4. The establishment of citizen-patrolled, sovereign autonomous zones in cities, towns and rural areas, all over America, where ALL government agents and law enforcement are denied access, punctuated by our powerful, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs.
  5. Or how about 10,000,000 conservative Americans closing out their Facebook and Twitter accounts and dumping the Google search engine in favor of Bing or other search engine.  That will hit social media right where it hurts the most, in the pocket book.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have already discovered that your conservative vote doesn’t count, either because of fraud, or majority Democrat votes.  You either fight back with concrete actions or accept the inevitable slavery and the hostile dismantling of our Constitutional Republic.  That hostile dismantling of our Republic is already well underway by the Democrats and has been for many decades.  We are being forced to relive the FDR years ….. for our own good of course.  Only this time the “emergency” is the Coronavirus pandemic, not the Great Depression.

Once again, as we wrote recently, “There is very little time left to save the Republic from disintegration from within by Democrats.  If you don’t want to see America turn into a socialist regime; if you don’t want to see American sovereignty dissolve into mediocre, corrupt globalism; if you don’t want to see America descend into riots, chaos and anarchy like what happened in Washington DC on January 6th; if you don’t want to see the permanent take over of the American government by top-down authoritarian socialist Democrat oligarchs in a one-party rules all; if you don’t want to see the destruction of the U. S. Constitution; if you don’t want to witness individual freedom fade into some old aging history book never to rise again; then we urge you to take that “one single action” and log onto “The Challenge” today!

If American conservatives want to win they’d better be smart, not violent.

Or, perhaps it is time to employ the “Encirclement.”

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Dr. Martin: They Are “Using The Word Vaccine To Sneak This Under Public Health Exemptions” – This Is NOT A Vaccine!

By Bradlee Dean

“It is a medical device, not a drug!” -Dr. David Martin

Recently, a friend of mine took the time to send a program called “Focus on Fauci” in which they present a short expose on the long history of repeat criminal Anthony Fauci (Ephesians 4:14).

Throughout the video, they share with the viewers the actions of the unqualified Anthony Fauci, who has been wrongly labeled “America’s Doctor.”

The Same Ones Selling You The Virus, Are The Same Ones Selling You The Vaccines – Just Watch Them! VIDEO

Robert Kennedy Jr., Judy A Mikovitis, PhD, Rocco Galati, Sacha Stone, and Dr. David Martin do an outstanding job of exposing the actions of this fraudulent “criminal conspiracy” that is taking place on a global scale today (Jeremiah 11:9).

Do yourselves, your friends and your family members a loving favor by sharing with them the truth concerning the FDA, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and this current administration and what it is that they mean to hide from your eyes and ears. Your lives may just depend upon it (Habakkuk 1:3-4).

At the 1:42:34 mark, Dr. Martin Explains that this “vaccine” being pushed on the people as a vaccine is not a vaccine at all.


© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Trump Will Go After Those Who Have Committed Treason Against the American People

By Laurie Roth

Pelosi’s shrill voice and tantrums to call forth the 25th amendment, impeachment and take the nuclear codes from the President are nothing but paranoid seizures of desperation.  She knows Trump and the military will come soon to arrest her and all others caught in treason.  These will include Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Schumer, Joe Biden, Mike Pence and many more.

The deep state army of funded and criminal traitors, mostly Democrats but many sell out Republicans, can’t just get on their private planes and yachts anymore to flee.  Trump and the military are way ahead of them and watching the skies and harbors for those running from justice.

Real Justice and election results of the people are unfolding, not Impeachment, the 25thamendment, or any other last-minute attack on Trump.  Those last-minute attempts will be like Pelosi throwing a box of Kleenex at Trump and waiting to see if it hurts him.  Pelosi tried going to top military leaders to have them turn on Trump.  She was promptly told that Trump is their ‘Commander and Chief’ not Pelosi.

None of the big boy politicians and leftist media have any place to hide.  Trump and the military have all the proof of their crimes now.  This includes, flights, bank accounts, meetings, emails, phone calls, laptops full of info on the election plot, players, witnesses, whistle blowers and machines.  All this will be revealed soon by Trump himself at the right time.  Google, Facebook, You Tube and Twitter have sealed their traitorous, censorship fate. I can’t wait for their disappearing act.

First, the arrests and Intel released through the Emergency Broadcast system and alternative media sources.  Trump will speak to us at the right time and is in complete control along with our military.  Trust our Lord and President Trump.  He has always had our best interests in mind and is doing what he must do to clean out the evil, pedophile – sex trafficking rings, reaching up to the highest levels, Deep state Communists and America haters who intended and planned for many years to seize our freedom, Constitution and Judeo-Christian heritage.

In this unfolding movie, Trump and the American good guys win, the evil ones are arrested and rot in prison or are executed for Treason and there are no more excuses nor places to hide for all those who attempted to steal the huge election victory from Trump and the people.

I am a merciful and loving person but feel no mercy for all those caught in stealing this election, caught connected with sex and pedophile rings in any position, and those caught now committing treason against our country who have long thought they were above the law, God and the people.  As God reminds us in His Holy Bible, ‘Pride comes before a fall.’

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

Immigration and China’s Threat to Our Sovereignty

by Tom DeWeese

Part One: Betrayal of the Golden Venture

One of the key arguments used by proponents of open borders is that America has always welcomed the downtrodden of the world to join us. Americans are a compassionate people with a strong sense of right and wrong. We believe it is our duty to help those who cannot help themselves. It’s how we celebrate our own birthright of freedom.

However, while Americans are happy to extend a helping hand they also don’t want to be taken for suckers. We are a nation – a proud one – with our own culture combined with a rule of law that has made us the envy of the world. It’s the very reason many want to come here. Our arms are open to share what we have – but we must also reserve the right to insist that we share on our terms.

The fact is, there are immigrants who come here legally. In addition, there are illegals who fight to get here for very good reasons, and they come with our blessings. Of course, there are “damned illegals” who come here in defiance, openly biting our extended hand of assistance. These are the ones who are wearing down our natural reaction for compassion. Americans must understand that all illegals are not the same. Not all come here for the same reason. Motive and purpose should be strong arguments in deciding who enters and who doesn’t. Laws, not political games, should decide. Consider the following:

In June of 1993, 286 people, mostly from China, boarded a rickety, rusty old ship named the Golden Venture to sail to the United States in a desperate attempt to escape the brutal Chinese communist regime. Their flight to freedom had taken most of them a year of running through steaming jungles, hiding from pursuing authorities, and surviving the cramped, stifling, tiny hold of the ship. Finally, as the ship got within 300 yards of the promised land – the shoreline a few miles from Manhattan — it hit a sand bar and ran aground, forcing the passengers to swim to shore in icy waters.

But as they stood on the shore in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, the trouble for these scared, desperate, cold, hungry refugees had just begun. One might wonder which was worse — the tyranny they fled in China, or the brutally impersonal, tortuous manipulation of the American bureaucracy and the betrayal of an American president they were about to face.

24 of the Golden Venture’s passengers were women. Each of them tells a horrifying, yet inspirational story of their failed dash to freedom that rivals the legends of freedom fighters from throughout the ages. For each of them was running away to escape the quick, cold scalpel of the Chinese abortionists. You see, the women had broken Chinese law against multiple births. And so, with a death sentence over their head, they ran.

Dai Bo Mai was a tiny woman of 34, born in a remote farming village near Shanghai. She was guilty of having two children, a boy, 15, and a girl, 12. Multiple children are illegal in China, so the government fined her $3,000 and told her that she must be sterilized for having her daughter.

She ignored the order for sterilization until one day a gang of thugs captured and tied her and delivered Dai Bo Mai to a crude clinic for forced sterilization. There was no sanitation and she became infected. The resulting pain and infection prevented her from working in the fields. Because she could no longer work or have babies, her husband rejected her. She went back to the clinic and complained that they had ruined her life. They laughed and raised her fine to $10,000 and had her house destroyed.

Knowing she would never see her children or family again, Dai Bo Mai decided to flee to America by walking out of China, climbing across the mountains, and eventually boarding the Golden Venture.

Another woman, Qu Ai Yue came from the same primitive agrarian background. She had two children and became pregnant with a third. The government found out and forced her to have an abortion at six months. Then they told her she must be sterilized. Afraid of the operation, she and her husband ran to hide in the city.

Both she and her husband wanted to try to make it to America, but there was only money for one. He sent her on her way, across the mountains and through the mosquito-infested jungles of Burma. She almost died of disease along the way. In Thailand she spent three months in a small, crowded room waiting for a ship. Finally, she, too, boarded the Golden Venture.

After the ship ran aground, the passengers were rounded up by U.S. Immigration and detained in jails around the United States. Under the first Bush Administration, the United States had shown compassion for refugees of brutal Chinese “family planning” policy, offering asylum to such victims of Chinese tyranny.

But the Clinton Administration changed the policy. Two days into his Administration, Bill Clinton rescinded the Bush order. He wanted to make an example of these women in order to stop more from fleeing. Instead, INS agents were ordered to detain all of the passengers, rather than release them on bond, which had been the previous policy. Why? Politics. In 1996, even after the U.S. Congress passed a bill that would reinstate asylum for such women and grant those from the Golden Venture their freedom, Bill Clinton vetoed it. It’s embarrassing to the Chinese, you see. Clinton didn’t want to harm trade relations with such a respected member of the international community.

Clinton’s actions basically put a death sentence over the heads of the Golden Venture women, for to be sent back to China would surely have meant just that. As they waited in their cells, Bill Clinton awarded the Chinese government with “Most-Favored Nation” status.

The women waited in their cells for three long years, waiting, not knowing their fate. Finally, with pressure from caring Americans, President Clinton did parole 53 of the passengers, but they were given no legal status and 14 years later some remain in limbo, a kind of virtual cell, with no ability to travel, settle down or even see their families. But they are alive.

Meanwhile, open-border advocates use examples like the Golden Venture as an excuse to open U.S. borders to all. In words oozing compassion they tell of poor people who just want to improve their lives at America’s trough of freedom. The G.W. Bush Administration demanded amnesty for more than 12 million who had dashed over the border, swelling our welfare rolls, flooding our schools and swamping our hospitals. Do these “migrants” as the politically-correct now call them, seek America’s freedom like the tortured souls of the Golden Venture?

Crimes committed by alien criminals, such as rape, murder, or drug distribution, cost U.S. taxpayers $1.6 billion in prison costs alone. The figure doesn’t include the cost of lost property, medical bills of the victims, time lost from work to recover, higher insurance costs, etc. Today, illegal aliens make up twenty-nine percent of the U.S. prison population – well over a million illegals filtered throughout the nation.

Latino gangs like Mara Salvatrucha 13 (MS13) constitute most of the crime from the ranks of the illegals. They originated in El Salvador and today their U.S. leadership still comes from there. They steal cars and use them to run drugs over the border. They terrorize local citizens with violence. They are the chief source of drug sales for the cartels. And they are racists.

In Los Angeles, Mexican gangs declared “ethnic cleansing zones” in specific parts of the city. They kill whites and blacks. In New Jersey, MS13 gang members killed three college students — execution style.

But we are told these are extreme examples. There are respectable alien groups who seek to “work within the system” to promote their agenda. One of the most prominent Hispanic organizations pushing for “immigrant rights” is the National Council of La Raza – the Council of “the Race.” The mainstream media and many members of Congress treat La Raza as little more than a Hispanic Rotary Club. La Raza has received millions in federal government grants which it uses to fund “get out the vote” drives and lobbying efforts for open-border polices.

Behind its false front of respectability lies La Raza’s real agenda. La Raza organizes with “secondary” groups like the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan – or Chicano Student Movement of Astlan (MEChA.) MEChA seeks to carve a racist nation out of the American West. It opposes assimilation into American society and is the leader of the “Reconquista” or reconquest of our western states. La Raza’s slogan is “For La Raza to do, Fuera doi las Raza nada.” Translation: “For the Race everything. Outside the Race, nothing.”

While Americans are happy to share abundance and freedom with some of the world’s oppressed, this new invasion seeks to swamp us, changing our culture and our economy. This invasion is not necessarily driven by a great desire to live the American ideal, but rather a sinister goal by the Mexican government to expand its territory and allow American taxpayers to foot the bill for its failed economic policies.

You see, it’s not just the rantings of some radical elements among the Hispanic illegals. It is an orchestrated effort by the Mexican officials to flood our nation with their own people. Former Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo told a loudly cheering Chicago audience of La Raza in 1997, “I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders.” Carlos Gutierres, head of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad, said in 2005, “The Mexican nation goes beyond the borders of Mexico.”

Clearly this is a foreign national policy to invade the United States and change it forever, and our own government is aiding the effort in the name of free trade. This is not about compassion for the oppressed — and never has been.

Obviously, there is a difference in immigrants and their motivation for coming to our land of the free. Americans should never allow themselves to feel guilty for acting on their survival instincts that tell us to close the borders. This war over illegal immigration is not about racism or prejudice. It’s about values and the rule of law – American law.

Human beings are all different. Some take great pleasure in controlling others. Some readily accept the control and set about to mold their lives to fit the circumstances. But a few carry a flame in their hearts. As they pace their cages of tyranny and crash against its bars, a constant thought burns in their mind, “I want to be free.”

Americans have a natural passion for such souls. It’s who we are. And such passion has now become a tool for manipulation for those seeking to open America’s borders for political purposes. They know we want to stop suffering. Americans are proud to share our abundance. But there is a vast difference between compassion for the oppressed and being made a sucker.

Those who came here on the Golden Venture believed in the American dream of freedom. There is little doubt they would have been proud to have the opportunity to become American citizens and promote the ideals of individual liberty, free enterprise and limited government. Certainly, one who has lived through the horrors of the Communist Chinese experience knows the danger signs of the growth of an all powerful government.

But there is now another game of politics being played over the immigration issue. Just as Bill Clinton sought to appease the Chinese government by tossing back the women of the Golden Venture, today, the Bush Administration, sought to appease the Mexican government by letting it push hoards of illegals into our country for political purposes not supported by the fair-minded, generous American people. Obama crafted the tactic into a mighty anti-American weapon. Trump has taken massive steps to turn the policy around and protect American interests and sovereignty.

Americans should be proud of their willingness to help – and they should never lose it. But we must also realize that our generous nature to help those like the victims of the Golden Venture is being used against us to ultimately bring about our own destruction.

True American immigration policy demands that we close our borders to protect our way of life — and yet, still give us room to exercise our natural compassion for those who truly seek freedom on our shores.

© 2021 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Tinfoil Hat Theory from January 6

Ms. Smallback

For kicks, I’m just going to lay out another view point for current events.

Basically what we have is the White Hats pulled off their own false flag at the end of the Jan. 6 rally.  Using their own people they infiltrated Antifa to lock down the White House and set the stage for the final acts of this show.

A friend was telling me POTUS, while speaking in Georgia, injected the number 28 at an odd spot in his speech. (For those in tinfoil land, cryptic messages are presented in tweets, speeches, etc.)  I haven’t heard the speech, but she linked it to Q #28. Look at it. It tells how the Military are used to bypass the three letter agencies (CIA, FBI, etc.) and how the military now was being used to infiltrate Antifa. Q affirmed this was correct.

There are a number of rumors floating around that the Viking hat guy was actually a Marine who infiltrated Antifa to get an inside source to their deeds.  The theory goes that Antifa was infiltrated by Military Intelligence under the Trump Administration as far back (or further) as 2017.  Now if this be true, people in the Trump Administration would have known Antifa was planning on infiltrating the March to Save America rally on January 6, 2021.  We’ll get back to this in a minute….

Now look at the January timeline…

January 1, through a series of tweets, Pompeo sent us the message THIRTY by spacing his tweets throughout the day exactly thirty minutes apart.  Here’s a link to his Twitter account.  You’ll have to scroll down to January 1, and then hit the date stamp of each one to get the time of the post.

I speculated if it was zero dark thirty, but then POTUS said something (and I can’t find it right now so if someone else recalls the situation can you email me?) that was basically “30 and done”. I took that to mean a clock started January 1.

Ironically, also on January 1, President Trump signed the “Storm Act”.

It’s too long to get into here, but these tinfoil researchers have discovered a cryptic messaging system that takes time stamps on Presidential (and other White Hat) tweets and connects them to Q posts to obtain the cryptic message from a past post for a present purpose.  Here’s an example:

On January 5 POTUS tweeted about the VP, and the timestamp was 11:06:45. Q #645 has the phrase “activate sleeper cells”.  A decoder breaks it down here.  Was POTUS letting us know about the events to come the next day? Were the sleeper Antifa infiltrators going to be activated?

Why would President Trump call for a mass rally on the day of the electoral college confirmation?  Wouldn’t that be too late to change anything?  Or was he setting the stage for something else?

Now let’s back out to try to get a bigger picture.

Q said from almost the beginning, on Nov. 1, 2017, that the show would begin November 3. [He just didn’t say a year.] In 2017 he told us the proof would start on November 3.  What if he meant 2020?[Q posts are known to have deltas – time delays of 1, 2, even 3 years.]  See here where he says “Proof to begin 11.3”.

In the next drop Q told us the military was the only way, and then said again that Nov. 3 would be the first marker.  See it here.

Earlier that day in 2017, he explained the National Guard was the key, and that the National Guard works with the Marines. We were given the assignment to study and prepare for this day, including understanding the conditions for the National Guard’s deployment. One of those conditions a President of the United States can call in the National Guard is to help states put down an insurrection, OR if a federal law is being defied.

We all thought it was going to be an insurrection, but it might be instead for defying the Constitution of the United States on the process for a federal election. I’ll explain in a minute.

Q #23 explained that the Military Intelligence has the same Special Access Programs as the NSA and CIA. (This is a really, really, really valuable clue on the military operation to save our Republic that we’ve been under for the past four years.) He explained how the CIA has held the POTUS under their thumb by their multi-billion dollar black funds and also could use their bottomless funds to employ foreign actors to do their dirty work to keep America at the mercy of the control of the Deep State. Kennedy and Reagan knew this and tried to stop it. You know where that got them.

But Q pointed out a very valuable point: the CIA has no power over the military here at home. That power was given in the Constitution to the Executive Branch, i.e. the POTUS.

So what we have been watching for the past four years is a brilliant plan of setting a trap and waiting for them to spring it. But the trap had specific rules. It had to fall in the jurisdiction of American soil and Federal Law. The White Hats know that for our Republic to be rescued and survive, everything has to be done by the rule of law so it cannot be thrown out or undone and our Constitution isn’t damaged.

POTUS set up his legal recourse for the 2020 election in 2018 with his Executive Order on foreign interference in American elections.  Watch how this comes into play in the coming days.  It’s my understanding the report was submitted to Congress on January 6.

Q has asked us to be patient and “trust the plan”. We just didn’t realize how long it was going to take.

Look at Q #4413. He defines the mission and it is 100% about the Constitution and the Republic of the United States. He defines in this drop who the “Loyalists” are by allegiances. This lays the groundwork and sets the stage for the next drop right behind it, where he practically lays out how the whole thing is going to go down.

Q #4414,from the early summer of 2020, tells us a whole list of things are going to happen at a future date: the POTUS twitter will be removed, there will be a blackout of communications, the VP and Speaker will be moved to a classified location, military assets will be put in place…. And we’re going to stop right there for a minute, because I think that’s where we’re hovering in today’s timeline.

I think the January 6 false flag/Capitol “breach” was to set in motion the optics of an insurrection.

POTUS asked the patriots to rally behind him.  He made the first request on December 19.  If the theory is correct and the Military Intelligence had infiltrated Antifa, they had guys on the inside to know what Antifa’s plans were.  Antifa made plans to infiltrate the Jan. 6 rally, which was of no surprise to POTUS and team.  Now why would the Patriots want to set such a scene?

Think about this.  The Insurrection Act of 1807 has specific rules for how a President can employ this tool.  In 10 USC Section 254, it tells us the President must “order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time”.   While the President did indeed do so from the West lawn and specifically said, “So go home….but go home, and go home in peace.”  (Which was promptly taken down off of Twitter, though can be found on other venues.”    He also made this written statement for no violence at that same time.

Those acts fulfill the terms of 10 USC Section 254.  He then called in the National Guard to D.C.

Also, the adversaries think POTUS is going to use the Insurrection Act to use the military, so they have told their people to stand down and stop rioting. Go back and look at the national timeline. They stopped rioting around election season.  But if they can make rioters look like it is Trump followers rioting, then they can create a narrative of insurrection from Trump.  This was their goal January 6 that President Trump capitalized on by using it to set a trap.

POTUS then called on the patriots to help him finish this trap. He invited the patriots to DC on the day of the election casting, and the black hats took the bait. They called on their thugs to set up the patriots as rioters so they could paint a picture of instability on President Trump’s side and maybe even attempt to invoke the 25th Amendment.

But the marines had infiltrated the group and they knew their plans. The thugs were supposed to “blend in” so they looked like patriots, but some were careless and did not, or they were smug, or whatever. The corrupt law enforcement (DC police and the mayor) helped them set the stage for the “breach”, even opening the gates for them. The Capitol is one of the most secure public buildings in the nation.How were they caught by surprise on a day a million people were on the grounds?  There are already a dozen holes in the official story.  But I don’t have time for that right now.

Now look back to Q #4494 where Q lays out the China plot at interfering in our elections. He told us over the summer what was coming now. No, this did not catch President Trump or the White Hats by surprise.

Three days later Q said something invaluable: “All assets [F][D] have been deployed. [D] + China = 11.3”. All foreign and domestic assets were deployed for the election. He KNEW China was going to interfere, hence the Democrats and China equal the election (steal). THIS WAS IN JUNE.

He could’ve stopped it at any time, even by now. It’s played out this long why?? Because it was about saving our Republic, not just winning an election. A trap was set and the timing was important. It had to happen on domestic soil and it had to break Federal law.

If he waits until they confirm the illegal votes that are clearly fraud, every participant is breaking the federal law. If they’re doing it knowingly, there are treason charges for trying to overthrow the government. So he set a trap to make it look like he was going to enact the Insurrection Act by staging a riot, forcing their move.

Q warned us January 13, 2018 that there would be a necessary (scare) event and that not everything could be clean.  He then admonished us to trust the military and the chain of command.  Now we have to revisit what Q taught us about how it was going to go down.  He said there would be about six things occurring (not necessarily in this order)…

EAM is an acronym for “Emergency Action Message”.  Red is a code for the Marines that when it is enacted means they are under an emergency.  These states of emergency are anticipated to occur during the “storm”.  The storm, of course, was what President Trump announced was coming back in October 2017.

Not quite a month after POTUS’s cryptic warning about a coming storm, Q told us we’d know when that time was here because it would be announced on Twitter.  (He didn’t say POTUS would announce it; just that it would be announced.

Twitter is shutting down Patriot mouthpieces as fast as it can, so I can’t link you to this tweet.  But at 6:17 on January 6, the Patriot 1776 account with a Presidential Seal for its emblem did tweet out these words.

To review, when the “Storm” hits, several things are anticipated:  President Trump’s twitter account will be shut down (that has already happened, but was restored later).  Communications across the nation will be blacked out.  Pelosi and/or Pence will be moved to a classified location.  (Technically that did happen on Jan. 6.)  Military assets will be moved, specifically listed is the 10th Mountain, the 1st Marine, CPSD, Marine, and QVIR, of which I do not know what all of those mean.  I’ve tagged the ones I do.[I think CPSD is a FEMA division called “Contingency Planning Support Division”.]

[Some things could be deliberate misinformation because the black hats read the Q posts as well.]

The National Military Command Center [RED5] is located in the Pentagon and is composed of “war rooms” with varying operations, including generating Emergency Action Messages (EAM).

In Q #34 we are told to:  “Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.”

If I’m reading this right, we’re on the cusp of this motion.  Ironically (or not), on January 7 the FCC sent out reminders to broadcasters to comply with the Emergency Alert System.  Also on that day several regions had EAM tests.

And according to Q decoder David Reinert, the cryptic messages sent in POTUS’s Jan. 6 tweet is decrypted as time markers of the Storm almost upon us. He shows us Potus’s tweet after the rally which points us to Q #601. Message: “Almost time.” Which also gives us Q #104. Message: “Now is the time to pray. We’re operational.”

Secretary of State Pompeo’s January 6 tweet at 5:16 about “storming…” can be interpreted as a message that the storm is here. Q #516 simply says “confirmed”.

So was the rally a guise for a riot to enact the Insurrection Act to deploy the military? Or was it to set a trap for the black hats to hurry and forge ahead to break Constitutional and Federal laws, forcing the Executive Branch to deploy the military and expose the deeds of darkness against our Republic?

If this tinhat conspiracy theory is a possibility, POTUS will need the Congress to go ahead and certify the fraudulent election so he can act. Which did indeed happen, setting the stage for the prophesied Storm against the enemies of our Republic.

Either this is all tinfoil conspiracy or there really has been an intricate military operation to save the Republic of the United States.  The coming days should prove one way or another.

Attorney Lin Wood (also suspended on Twitter) summed it up like this after the fraudulent electoral votes were confirmed:

UPDATE:  Since I wrote that last Friday, January 8, the President’s Twitter account has been permanently suspended, along with a huge portion of Patriots like General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Tracy Beanz, Code Monkey, etc.  I, myself, have been suspended on Facebook and the long post I wrote with much of this same information in this article, after being shared hundreds of times, was taken down.  Hundreds of patriots I know have had their accounts on social media suspended.

On Sunday, President Trump signed the Insurrection Act [Source 1 and Source 2] and troops are being deployed to various strategic locations.  Parler is being de-platformed, Paris, the Vatican, Pakistan and Berlin had blackouts yesterday [Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4].  We appear to be in the midst of the EAM process referenced above.  We cannot expect the U.S. media to bring us honest and accurate information.  At some point the Emergency Broadcast System is supposed to be employed for communications.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

© 2021 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback:

Fact Checkers Should Investigate the Murder of Ashli Babbitt

By Cliff Kincaid

On top of liberal media bias that has become outright dishonest journalism and propaganda, so-called “fact checkers” on the right have emerged, attacking other conservatives. A so-called fact checker with The Dispatch is Alec Dent, a graduate of the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at UNC Chapel Hill who is apparently pictured above his name on the site in front of what appear to be bottles of hard liquor.

He claims there were no credible accounts of left-wing Antifa agitators having infiltrated the pro-Trump rally on January 6 in Washington, D.C. One story alleging that facial recognition software identified Antifa members among rioters who stormed the Capitol was retracted. But there are other credible accounts.

I sent these “fact checkers” my own video interview of a person who was at the rally and saw Antifa-like people with skeleton masks and smelled the dope they were smoking. Antonio Chaves told me what he saw and encountered at the rally. These people didn’t seem to be Trump supporters. He saw a member of Antifa trying to break a window and Trump supporters trying to stop him.

He believes some Antifa people were trying to pass themselves off as Trump supporters.

Were a few Trump supporters in the group that went into the Capitol, some with a police escort? No question about it. One of them, Ashli Babbitt, a military veteran, was murdered by the Capitol police. That’s a fact.

Although technically closed because of Covid-19, the Capitol is usually not a closed building. The Senate and House galleries are specifically designed for the public to enter the Capitol at will to watch their Senators and Congressmen at work.

The Capitol Police claimed, “As protesters were forcing their way toward the House Chamber where Members of Congress were sheltering in place, a sworn USCP [US Capitol Police] employee discharged their service weapon, striking an adult female.  Medical assistance was rendered immediately, and the female was transported to the hospital where she later succumbed to her injuries.  She has been identified as Ashli Babbitt.”

Jonathon Moseley, an attorney, concludes that the shooting of Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol qualifies as murder, or more precisely an unjustified killing.

Moseley notes that the reports are clear that the massive, bank-vault-strong doors into the Capitol were open and pro-Trump protesters (and others) were able to just walk in.  He notes some reports indicate that police gestured Trump supporters inside the building through the open doors.Trump had called on anybody going to the Capitol to be peaceful.

Reports are not completely clear. But he notes that it may be the case that Ashli Babbitt climbed up on top of the window opening in the interior wall where someone had broken out the window and was therefore likely committing the crime of trespass. But he notes that under D.C. law trespass alone would not justify the use of deadly force.  It would justify an arrest by other means, such as a taser.

Did the Capitol Police shooter reasonably believe he was in danger? Not likely. The presence of police officers near where Babbitt was shot must also be examined. Did they think standing there was a threat?  Why didn’t they arrest her?

The Capitol Police say she was rendered medical assistance “immediately.” So she must have been very close to the officers or other Capitol Hill employees.

Ignoring all of this, choosing not to fact check the Capitol Police, Alec Dent of The Dispatch wants instead to discredit reports of Antifa being part of the mob.

The Dispatch claims, “We are a digital media company providing engaged citizens with fact-based reporting and commentary on politics, policy and culture—informed by conservative principles.”

Conservative principles like the Mitt Romney variety? Biden says Romney has integrity. Romney turned on Trump after Trump turned Romney down for the Secretary of State job.

I previously tried to correct Jonah Goldberg of The Dispatch about his sweeping claims about Joe McCarthy failing to uncover real communists. You can read my findings in my column, “A Battle Against Lies.”

Here’s what I wrote to him:


You claim [in your New York Post column] that Sen. Joseph McCarthy liked to insist he had evidence of Communists in the government, but he couldn’t show you the names right now. The number of Communist infiltrators on his secret list changed from speech to speech.

In fact, McCarthy had actually cited 59 suspected communists in the State Department, and he produced that list, plus 22 others. McCarthy helped uncover a communist spy ring involving foreign service officer John Stewart Service and Phil Jaffe, the editor of a pro-communist magazine. He targeted Owen Lattimore, a key State Department adviser and communist. McCarthy’s charge against Mary Jane Keeney, a State Department, U.N. employee and Soviet agent, was proven correct. McCarthy was right about Annie Lee Moss, an Army Code Clerk who was a member of the Communist Party.

The John Stewart Service spy ring also involved Laughlin Currie, an adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, and they succeeded in manipulating U.S. foreign policy to enable the communists to seize China. Other top communists in government included Harry Dexter White at the Department of the Treasury and, of course, Alger Hiss of the State Department, a founder of the U.N.

The JC Hawkins book on McCarthy and others, Betrayal at Bethesda, includes an Appendix B and 224 Communists identified by McCarthy and other investigations.

Please correct the record.

I never heard back.

Goldberg achieved prominence because of his mother’s role in the Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton scandal. His mother was Lucianne Goldberg, whose notoriety got him a job at Fox News.

Author J.C. Hawkins discussed Goldberg’s strange views during a recent episode of America’s Survival TV.

Returning to Dent’s big fact checking “story,” another “journalist” at The Dispatch, former conservative Stephen Hayes, says, “It’s scary how deeply the Antifa-did-it conspiracy has penetrated the right, aided by desperate Republican politicians and irresponsible media-entertainment provocateurs.”

Promoting his own story, Dent claimed, “I’ve done a comprehensive fact check on claims that the attack on Congress was an Antifa false flag. Rioters IDed as Anfita[sic] weren’t Antifa, Trump supporters IDed themselves at the riot, and the attack had been planned on pro-Trump discussion boards.”

Comprehensive? So what if some of the demonstrators were in fact Trump supporters? The issue is that eyewitnesses also saw Antifa agitators and detected the smell of marijuana from several participants. That’s not the usual mark of a MAGA rally.

The New York Post ran a video of pot smokers inside the Capitol on January 6.

In his American Thinker article about the rally that got my attention, Chaves reports:

  • My group boarded a D.C. Metro train at 10:30am. Upon arrival to the next station, I saw three young white men board the train with dark clothes and skeleton face masks.
  • The main difference that struck me as unusual during this rally (apart from the three young men who boarded the train) was the frequent smell of marijuana…
  • Suddenly the three young men I saw earlier on the train with scary masks in front (but pro-America symbols on their backs) made sense to me, as did widespread smell of marijuana.
  • Based on what I saw and read, I have no doubt that dozens and possibly even hundreds of Antifa and/or other provocateurs had infiltrated the rally in order to carry out violent acts and suck impressionable Trump supporters into their antics.

Alec Dent also claims to have fact checked the report that one John Roberts vacationed on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island. The name of John Roberts was on a list of passengers.

We don’t know which John Roberts this is.  Somebody claimed it was Chief Justice Roberts and ran a picture of someone with black hair in the water near Epstein’s island and supposedly on a trip that included Bill Clinton. This picture has now been labeled “false information” and taken down from Instagram.

Dent disputes this was THE John Roberts by reporting, “The individual identified as Roberts was not identified in reporting on Clinton’s vacation, but photos of Roberts at Trump’s inauguration, which also occurred in January 2017, show that his head of hair, with all respect to the chief justice, is grayer and not quite as full.”

So this is how the initial report is disputed? By photos showing a different head of hair?

Why not get hold of Roberts and get a statement on the record? Dent fact checks articles without getting facts.

If someone claimed Bill Gates appeared with Jeffrey Epstein, we know that’s true, since the New York Times published a photo of them together.Check out the article, “Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past.” Read it and weep, Mr. Dent.

The fact is that many prominent people did associate with Epstein. It would be nice to know who they were.

By the way, on his Linked in page, Dent is identified as having been an intern in the Office of Jonah Goldberg at the American Enterprise Institute and an intern at the Washington Free Beacon.

The AEI and Washington Free Beacon are supposed to be “conservative” organizations.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Are the Democrats Going to Turn America Into A Banana Republic?

by Rev. Austin Miles

WASHINGTON D.C. —It was an event nobody expected to see even though this writer saw it coming years ago. On January 6th, America was seen as just another Banana Republic by it’s unruly chaotic protest that virtually shut down the Capitol of The United States. It was mobs breaking into the Capitol of America, breaking windows in so doing while destroying property and tearing apart offices and dumping desk contents on the floor.

These were the desks of congresspersons and senators. Nancy Pelosi’s office was also trashed and her papers scattered on the floor.

So how could this happen in the greatest country in the world? We could expect this kind of conduct in Venezuela and other Communist controlled countries, but is was never expected here.

Fasten your seat belt. The One unwittingly responsible for this outrageous conduct in the Nations’ Capitol was recently anointed as The most Respected Man in the U.S. for 2020. That man is Donald J. Trump who went on to become The most admired president in history that accomplished every thing he said he would do.

President Trump DID NOT BRING MOBS INTO THE NATION’S CAPITOL to threaten or to destroy property. Now get this straight: He had asked publicly for those who still support him to gather in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate that they stood with him. It was to be a visual only, with a quiet march down the streets of D.C. This way the citizens would be able to see his solid support.

He absolutely did not tell his followers to storm the Capitol Building and cause violent destruction nor did his actions result in the four deaths which should never have happened.

The Communist Party, the most patient adversaries in the world, are like the lion in the circus cage who watches carefully for the trainer to slip so they can pounce upon him and tear him apart. That has been witnessed by this writer. The Reds were waiting for the right moment. As soon as they heard that President Trump was bringing many supporters to the Nation’s Capitol, they immediately made plans to have their own people there to infiltrate, turning those peaceful persons into a violent mob and to turn Trump’s support gathering into a riot.

And yes, Antifa and BLM (both Communist organizations) were rushed to D.C. in buses, according to several sources, and would overpower the number of people who simply supported President Trump.

There is much controversy regarding the last presidential election. There was no doubt tampering with the election. We could name at least a dozen including the Dominion voting machines that came from China that turned every Trump vote to Biden. There were also thousands of signed ballots that wound up discarded, many dumped into rivers. Meanwhile, all the democrat media were dismissing voter irregularity and called each of those FACTS as ‘false’ and misleading. Residue of a bull!

This writer is sick of the news media’s lies in order to further their own misguided political plans. Yes, this election was totally rigged and what’s more there is solid documentation to verify this.

And it is time to charge the Democratic Party with malfeasance and to charge them with four murders of innocent people including an Air Force Veteran, a woman who served her country faithfully. She was shot in the Capitol Building, and died.

President Donald Trump would have no part in any of this. He, like the Air Force Veteran, simply wanted to serve his country. The Dem Party should add on to this title, The Dem Party Liars.

Photo Caption-Riot in D.C.

© 2021 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Never Give Up!

By Roger Anghis

During WWII Great Britain had become Hitler’s next target.  He attacked Britain from the air night after night but Churchill saw to it that there was a defense against him ans was the first nation to resist and succeed in repelling the attacks.  Churchill’s mindset was simple, never give up!  This is the mindset that we must have for this election.

There has been so much evidence of fraud that the courts refuse to hear the cases because they will only have one choice and that’s declare the election void.  I believe that the evidence will still prevail and the rightful man will stay in the White House.  But we have seen just how corrupt D.C. is and who is involved with that corruption.  Lindsey Graham has shone himself to be a traitor to our Constitution as have most of the Democrat Party.  That was obvious.  No one seems to bring up that when all these ballots are ‘found’ they are always for the democrat candidate. The obvious is obvious.

In reading through a daily prayer app directed specifically at this election,, today Dutch Sheets stated a quote from George Washington during the Revolutionary War: “The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage of this army.  Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.  We, have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.” It is this spirit of never give up that we must have today.

The future of this nation, it’s freedoms, our Constitutional rights, our ability to defend ourselves, the future for our children and their ability to grow up in the greatest nation God ever placed on this planet is what is at stake.  Thomas Paine stated during the beginning of the Revolutionary War: “I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.”  Do not kid yourself, we are at war for the heart of this nation.  The Democrats have stated what they want to do to America and that’s turn it into a banana republic.  If this election stands, they have done just that!  America will be lost.

The prophets have stated that Trump will serve his 2nd term this time.  Not in 2024.  Everyday we see something that makes that look impossible.  Every day we see supporters giving up.  Remember Guideon started with 30,000 soldiers against 165,000 of the enemy and God said: “You have too many”.  That 30,000 was whittled done to 300 and God wrought a great victory defeating that 165,000 with only 300.  I believe that we are seeing God whittle down Trumps supporters so that only those that believe are standing with Trump.  No one that doubts but only those with faith for what is right.

I will be one of those that stands.  We have to walk by faith and not by sight.  God told the prophets Trump will win.  I stand with them.  God always works with the remnant.  Be part of the remnant and never give up!

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Pearl-Clutchers on Parade

Joan Swirsky

Time to get out the ledger.

On the left––literally––we have had nearly eight months of rampaging criminality and violence in the many Democrat-controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups called Black Lives Matter and Antifa. This is the short list of what they have done:

  • Committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority-owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities (the black owners clearly didn’t matter);
  • Incinerated cars and burned down buildings, court houses, police stations, et al;
  • Shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen;
  • Assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations;
  • Smashed plate-glass windows of numerous businesses, both large and small and then engaged in looting, stealing and grand theft;
  • Terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants;
  • Tore down historic statues, including those of black icons (duh);
  • Defaced streets and avenues with BLM’s block-long, block-lettered, yellow-painted name.
  • Terrorizedthe citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months on end;
  • Attacked people in locked cars;

In all those eight months––220 days, over 5,000hours––what was the reaction of Democrats, both elected and civilian?

A thunderous silence. Not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation. Not. One. Word.


Because, as the esteemed Daniel Greenfield points out, Democrats heartily approve of violent acting-out riots ––as long as they support Democrat ideology! In 2018, he reminds us, there were “glowing stories” about the hundreds of Women’s March members who were engaging in “direct action” to disrupt the Senate’s Kavanaugh hearings. They blocked hallways, shouted down Senate members, and draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.

“In 2020,” Greenfield continues. “Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial and the WW2 Memorial, along with statues of Gandhi, General Kosciuszko, and Andrew Jackson. And Democrat House members proposed bills to protect the racist mobs from law enforcement.

“Meanwhile the BLM mob besieged the White House and battled Secret Service personnel, allegedly forcing the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.

“Now, as the Democrats expect to take power,” Greenfield writes, “they suddenly decided that rioting is bad.”

And let’s not forget that it was only last summer that Kalamity Harris encouraged her supporters to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to provide bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.

But don’t tell these things to Democrats who observed 55,000 hours of BLM and Antifa destruction with nary a critical word but watched the 4-5 hour incursion into the U.S. Congress on January 6thand could only wring their hands, clutch their pearls, gasp in horror and exclaim: the building, the building, the history, the sanctity, the inviolability!


On the right––literally––you have a president who has been conducting dozens of rallies over the past four years with jaw-dropping attendance. The “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6thwas estimated to have about 150,000 attendees––with no untoward incident, upheaval, or arrest until the Capitol was breached. Back to this later.

Before this rally, the president chalked up accomplishments that made America safer, stronger, and richer. But because he repudiated both the paltry achievements and political philosophies of all his predecessors and the corrupt shills they left behind in the swamps of D.C., and because he had access to their indictable criminality, he became the biggest threat to the political establishment that ever existed. That said, President Trump:

  • Lowered taxes (which Democrats hate and never vote for);
  • Boosted the economy to all-time highs (which Democrats hate, which is why they vote for socialists);
  • Elevated black employment to an all-time high (which Democrats really hate, the reason why blacks have never risen during Democrat rule);
  • Strengthened our military (which Democrats hate since they loathe the military);
  • Signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony;
  • Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  • Signed the First-Step Act prison-reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.
  • Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital to Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights, establishing peace treaties with the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and several to follow (which will never happen under Biden since his first priority is resurrecting the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal––which Pres. Trump canceled––which the mullahs have oft-stated is necessary for them to fulfill their Number One goal––to eradicate Israel forever! Yet Democrats, including Jewish Democrats, support a candidate who wants to revive this deal, partly because their poor hearts bleed for the people who call themselves Palestinians….you know, the people who routinely strap suicide bombs on three-year-old toddlers and celebrate the death of Jews with streets named after the murderers and lifelong pensions).
  • Supported the pro-life movement, which the Democrats hate more than anything, given their devotion to abortions. In NY, the entire Democrat legislature stood and applauded when theyallowed abortion up to the minute the head crowned! Not to be outdone by the Democrat Governor of VA, Ralph Northam, M.D., who signed a law that allows infanticide after the baby is born!
  • Here are some of President Trump’s other staggering achievements for the American people.


On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held. Routinely, polls close at about 7 or 8 p.m., the votes are tallied electronically, and the Democrat operatives who pose as TV reporters start calling states as early as 9 or 10 p.m., with the final result usually not known until noon or so the next day.

On November 3rd, the entire world––which follows American elections assiduously––witnessed something unprecedented in the history of American voting. Just as President Trump was winning a huge number of states––and electoral votes––and appeared to be winning most or all of the six battleground states by a landslide, the tallying stopped abruptly. And it didn’t start again. Not for an hour. Not for two hours. Not for three hours. After three hours it did start again, and the whole world saw actual MAGIC befitting David Blaine, even Harry Houdini!

All of sudden, Joe Biden magically gained hundreds of thousands of votes, ultimately enough to win the election. This in spite of a Mt. Everest of reports of massive voter fraud into the multimillions, including (this is the short list):

All were strangely rejected by American courts––the same courts that believe traffic violations deserve their attention––but apparently not presidential voter fraud! Umm…does anyone else smell the rat I do?

As a final tribute to the outgoing president, a huge throng traveled to Washington, D.C. the other day to hear him speak and cheer him on. His entire speech was a rehash of the voting fiasco and an exhortation to protest peacefully the choosing of electors––and not the fomenting of violence that the corrupt media drones on about. Read the speech here.

Then, as if choreographed by George Ballanchine, a group of rally attendees marched across the street to the U.S. Congress to try to delay Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote. Who were they?

According to unassailable reporter Paul Sperry, a former FBI agent on the ground in Washington D.C “texted me and confirmed that at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false flag ops.” Mmmmmm.

To compound this allegation, we then see that the Capitol policemen actually opened the doors to the protestors and invited them inside. Who authorized this? You can watch the whole thing here.

Of course, the Democrats and their acolytes who have been hounding the president for five years, besieging him with false accusations, dragging the entire country through their “show trial” hoaxes (of Russian collusion, Ukraine, Stormy Daniels, Impeachment, et al), topped off this false-flag operation with demands that he resign immediately. And in the predictable behavior of all fascists, the social media outlets run by the globalists among us––Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, Snapchat, on and on––cut off his ability to communicate with the American people. Starting to smell the same rat?

Yet life goes on. President Trump will leave office as a man of monumental accomplishments and tremendous esteem from more than the 75-million people who voted for him. If he starts a third political party, there is no counting the numbers of conservatives, moderates, blacks, Hispanics and women who will jump eagerly on board. If he starts a media company, Americans will have their first taste in years of genuinely unbiased news. And if he and Melania––who served America so gracefully and effectively these past four years––decide to go back to their old life, every one of their admirers will wish them only abundant health and great happiness.

Americans, unfortunately, will have to endure an Obama-redux regime. But America is strong and we will weather this debacle as we did the two failed terms of Obama, all the time hoping for the appearance of another peerless populist president like Donald J. Trump.

© 2021 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

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Is America a Christian nation? Or, is it a nation of churches?

By Marilyn M. Barnewall

There is a big difference, you know.  A Christian may go to church or may not but his or her primary spiritual purpose is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.  A lot of people go to church to be parishioners, not disciples.  They want to feel good about themselves and to look good to others.  We have a lot of politicians and journalists who fall into that last category.

Christians are unique individuals who understand that God provides insight and tools and we, His servants, use those gifts in service to Him.  We are to implement the spiritual will of God in a world that seems dedicated to following every possible trail to evil.  We are to love our neighbor (other Christians) as ourselves,  and we are to love our enemy.

It is this eleventh Commandment from Christ – love thy enemy — that gets so many Christians in trouble.  Though we are to love our enemy, we are not to love or support the evil they use to destroy the Judeo-Christian social order.  We are to do whatever we can to stop it.

Churches have done a very poor job of explaining that loving someone does not mean letting them kill themselves or others or their country because of drug habits or violence or psychological problems based on hatred of those who do not think like they do.

A large number of people say they are Christians but it appears few really are.  If you don’t believe me, use the Holy Bible as your resource.  Many are called; few are chosen.

Some who say they are Christians view God as their giant ATM in the sky.  When they want something, they ask and His job is to support their wants and needs.   In other words, He is their servant, they are not His.  Yes.  We are to pray for the sick, the hurting, the damaged of our society and we know God will answer.  I can attest to that, personally with sincere thanks to those who prayed for me.

We are not, however, to forget “Thy will be done.”  The Lord’s Prayer does not say “my will be done.”  And prayer does not replace “Onward, Christian Soldiers.”  We are the soldiers; God is our General, to state it in worldly terms.

Remember the song “Where Are the Clowns?”  written by Stephen Sondheim in 1973?  During the past four years, I have asked:  “Where are the Christian Soldiers?”  They certainly were not in the United States Congress, the Department of State, our intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, our courts, our Joint Chiefs of Staff, and many other places.  God bless rare exceptions like Ted Cruz and other conservatives who walk the walk for showing their love of God via honesty and facts.

Churches provide sermons about the Bible to teach Christianity… Pastors explain the Bible to us.  Each person, however, interprets the words of pastoral teaching on the basis of life experiences and vocabulary.  They get little opportunity to ask questions during Sunday services and it’s intimidating to ask in front of so many people.  As a result, many questions go unanswered or people misinterpret what Pastors say.

Pastors also comfort our spirit when we are ill or suffering from loss or life’s challenges.  They give spiritual joy when we celebrate communion, marriage, baptism, etc., and there is, or should be, love among fellow disciples of God as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Based on the current political environment, it would certainly appear we are a nation of churches rather than Christians because there are so few soldiers willing to fight to keep America a nation of religious freedom.  The Bible tells me I am never to accept evil.  The way the 2020 Presidential election was stolen is evil… but progressive liberals think we should accept it and move on.

There is, however, no plan to help the 75 million people who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 move on.  Churches hesitate to involve themselves in politics so they are of little help.  They might lose their 501.C(3) tax-free status.  People will never forget the governmental declaration that churches are non-essential while liquor stores are.  In the battle between God and government, government won.  Churches closed (God bless Pastor John F. MacArthur at Grace Community Church in California, and others who fought this).  Christians won’t forget because to accept the evil of theft of this election is to partake in the evil.  If you aren’t fighting it, you are supporting it.

It is true that God will handle everything.

There is a “God will do it for me” attitude amongst Christians that makes me wonder if they are the people the angel sent to to talk to John when he wrote Revelations 3:  “15I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 For you say ‘I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing,’ not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.”  In other words, they were rich in a worldly way but were spiritually bankrupt.

Perhaps rather than asking God to save our nation – as millions of people are and should be doing right now – perhaps we should also be asking Him to give us insight as to how we can serve Him by keeping America a place where all people can choose to worship Him as their conscience, fed by the Holy Spirit, tells them.

How can you be a Christian soldier?

Do you have Facebook?  Cancel it.  Do you have Twitter?  Cancel it.  Replace it  with Parler.  Do you use Google?  You Tube?  Get Bit Chute.  Find alternative services to all of these things.  They are available.  Why would a Christian soldier support the enemy by providing their enemies profits… money they are using to defeat you?  If you just cannot do without your Facebook, I would suggest you look up what it means to be an idolater and then read the Ten Commandments.

In case you haven’t noticed, they – liberal progressives – are attacking the middle class.  Who do you think owns all of those restaurants and beauty and barber shops that have failed because of ridiculous lockdowns caused by a planned virus?  Who do you think will in about 90 days begin losing homes the mortgages of which they have been unable to pay because of the plandemic called Covid and the lockdowns it has caused because government closed independent businesses down?  It is surely not the elites or upper classes.  It’s the good old middle class — AGAIN!

A planned virus?  Anyone who believes the Covid mania was and is just an accident is so far separated from reality there is little hope they will return to sanity.  The timing of the China virus and the resulting lockdowns by liberal progressive governors were so precise as to result in millions of unlawful print ballots that caused our great President, Donald Trump, to lose an election he won.

The millions of people who run to get tested for Covid 19 are, usually, given a PCR test.  The inventor (1985) of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1993) for discovering the PCR test being used to determine whether people have Covid 19, conveniently died at a young age in August 2019. .. just a month before the first victim died of the China flu in Wuhan, China.  Mullis was interviewed several times and clearly states that the PCR test is not designed to identify viruses.  Here is what he said:

“PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV. The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.”

I don’t know about you, but the virus and its impact on the election has resulted in my total lack of trust of anything I read in newspapers, hear on television, and to disbelieve every word that comes out of a politician’s mouth.  I have no respect for the courts.

Perhaps the most painful realization of all:  We are living in a lawless society.  Don’t talk to me about the Constitution or the rule of law… they have disappeared.  The refusal of our courts to hear solid evidence about election fraud proves there is no court system deserving of respect or confidence.

And that takes me back to God and to our churches.

In truth, each individual is a church… whether or not they choose to be.  God set us up that way.  People can reject it through choice (because God gave us choice).

Each person has a human body which must function compatibly with the rules of  nature.  Inside of our worldly body we have a Soul and a Spirit.  Interestingly, it appears humans have a trinity of their own:  a body, a Soul and a Spirit.  It becomes a Holy Spirit upon being born again through baptism and belief.  To Christians, God is, of course, a Holy Trinity:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

It’s interesting how God created everything in Nature to be compatibly in balance with heaven, isn’t it?

As I have written in previous articles, God gave humans choice.  Out of all of the creatures on earth, we are the only ones to whom He gave that gift.  Perhaps He wants those around Him in eternity to have freely chosen to love Him.  Perhaps He recognizes love from those who willingly overcome worldly difficulties and sometimes painful trauma in life after choosing Him… yet still love Him.

What is love worth if it is forced on you?  Nothing.  In fact, it is impossible to love any entity because you fear it.   You may fear such an entity but you will never love that which you fear.  Love is a choice… as is hatred.

For those who tell me the Bible insists I must fear God, I refer you to Proverbs 8:13 which says:  “Fear of the Lord is hatred of sin.”  I hate sin and thus fear God in a supportive, not an emotional, way.

What I have written above is my personal narrative.  It may help you understand your own narrative better but we have individually unique narratives.  I don’t suggest mine is right for you, but I do suggest you need your own, personal narrative.  Write it down.  Get to know who, not what, you are.  Don’t tell me your gender, marital status, number of children… those are “what” statements… something you share with other people.  If your narrative is coming from a group, it is not yours.  It is theirs.

We are different people with different life experiences given to us by God to bring us closer to Him.  No two people see the world or heaven or God the same way.  As long as your narrative of life does not violate God’s Biblical narrative of His law and His interpretation of it, you are in sync with Him.  You can only determine that by reading and understanding the nuances of the Bible.  If your spiritual narrative violates His narrative, you’re probably in spiritual trouble… but that’s between you and God.

Liberal progressives are into group think and are fear motivated.  They find safety and comfort in numbers.  Being in lockstep with the group is the way they worship  God… talking points based on hatred are their Sunday sermon. It is their Bible.

Conservatives are individualists and getting them to think alike is like trying to herd cats.

The point of the above explanations is that we live in a world where a near majority of Americans are into group rather than individual thinking.  Populism, as it is called in the world of politics, is based on individualism, not group think.  That is why the attack on President Donald Trump has been so vicious.  There is nothing more threatening to fear-motivated groupies than individualists.  And that is what liberal progressives will spend the next four years trying to eliminate if Joe Biden is seated in the Oval Office.

The first person who tells me I must accept as my president this unfortunate but mental misfit who stole an election is in great danger from my deplorable fist.

© 2021 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall:

Gutless Republican says Trump Must be Removed From Office Immediately, Chuck Schumer Cheers

By Greg Holt

Congress certified the electoral vote giving Joe Biden the win.

Republican representative Adam Kinzinger, after regrettable events on Capitol Hill said Thursday morning that President Trump must be removed from office.  According to Liberty Hub, Nancy Pelosi delivered an ultimatum to Vice President Mike Pence that if he does not invoke the 25th Amendment to immediately remove Trump, Congress will impeach and remove Trump from office.

From The National Pulse:

“Kinzinger said: ‘When pressed to move and denounce the violence he barely did so. While of course victimizing himself and seeming to give a wink and nod to those doing it. All indications are that the president has become unmoored not just from his duty or even his oath but from reality itself. It is for this reason that I call the VP and members of the cabinet to ensure the next few weeks are safe for the American people and that we have a sane captain of the ship.’”

President Trump called on all protestors to be peaceful, to respect law enforcement.  Trump also called in the National Guard to help deal with the violence.  Apparently these actions fall short.

Trump in my opinion did fall short in his comments attacking Mike Pence for refusing to decertify the electoral vote.  I personally do not like Pence (not because of this situation), but he did not at all deserve this kind of treatment from Trump.  The Vice President does NOT have the power to unilaterally decide what electoral votes are authentic and count, and those votes that do not.  Pence said as much, and I agree with him 100%.  President Trump owes Mike Pence an apology for this one.

According to Rep. Kinzinger’s statement (below), Trump “stoked” the fire that leapt out of the pit.  Trump also according to Mr. Kinzinger “abdicated his duty to protect the American people,” and he “invoked and inflamed passions that only gave fuel to the insurrection.”

Apparently if you are the president of the United States, or ran for election of said office, you are not allowed to express your opinion or your position on the election, unless your name is Al Gore of course.  The fundamental problem with Rep. Kinzinger and his overly strong rhetoric is that it’s all complete B.S. – it’s also character assassination, mischaracterization, propaganda for the Left, and downright dangerous.

Trump spoke to the people at the Capitol Hill rally, he stated that the election was stolen by the Left, he stated the media is complicit in the election theft along with Big Tech.  Trump also stated that “we will never give up, we will never concede,” “we will stop the steal.”  Trump stated during his speech that the military, secret service, and law enforcement etc. did a great job.  None of that sounds like incitement of the crowd to violence.

The Left and their supporters can say and do anything, and it is either normalized, celebrated, or ignored.  The media and Big Tech glorified the violence, looting, and burning in Minnesota following the death of George Floyd.  President Trump dares to stand up and defend himself and the country – and is immediately hammered for it.  Whatever Trump says is wrong, and he is accused of inciting mob violence.

A U.S. News headline said: Trump Summoned Supporters to ‘Wild’ Protest, and Told Them to Fight. They Did.  In the misleading article they quoted Trump as saying: “Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”  That was not at all the intent of that statement and I believe the writer knew it, but hey – it supports the Leftist viewpoint, Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Time’s article title said: Incited by the President, Trump Supporters Violently Storm the Capitol

The problem I have with this is that I personally don’t believe Trump supporters are the guilty parties here.  More like ANTIFA infiltrators and other wild and violent Democrat supporters seeking to make Trump and his supporters look bad.  Trump supporters (as a rule) do not act like this, they never have.  All Trump did was provide encouragement and thanked them for their support.  This is a way of keeping his options open as well, opening the possibility of a run in 2024.

Here is the truth of the matter, Trump can say what he likes, the actions of the Capitol Hill rioters is on them, not on Trump.  These people chose their own actions, Trump wasn’t there holding a gun to their heads and telling them to trash the Capitol and endanger others.


Trump spoke to the people, and told them to be peaceful, told them to go home, he also told them to respect law enforcement.  All the media got out of that statement was Trump’s comments about the election being stolen – pathetic.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Liberty Hub
The National Pulse
The News & Observer
U.S. News

A Lesson From Constitutional Minnesotans Defying Their Governor

By Jake MacAulay

Every so often we get stung because we forget something that we should never forget.

We forget that men are capable of desperate wickedness.

Thankfully, the Founders of America were well studied in God’s Word, which describes man’s sinful nature and just how dark and deceitful his heart can be. And we should thank Almighty God that they incorporated this truth into our constitutions and our legal system.

Back in 1646, in a work titled “Limitation of Government,” Reverend John Cotton explained the need to limit governmental power because of the corrupt nature of human beings.

“Let all the world learn to give mortal men no greater power than they are content they shall use–for use it they will…,” he wrote.

“And unless they be better taught of God, they will use it ever and anon….”

“There is a strain in a man’s heart…” he continued, “…that will sometime or other run to excess…; it is necessary, therefore, that all power…on earth be limited.”

This is why our State Constitutions wisely place limits on the power of governors and other officials.  — And provide lawful remedies when those limits are transgressed.

One such Governor is Minnesota’s Tim Walz, who served up a ghastly Christmas gift to his states small businesses. An executive order that in effect prohibits dine-in service at Minnesota bars and restaurants.

Shortly after the order was made the Minnesota Department of Health went on a rampage against the states small restaurants announcing numerous lawsuits with assistance from the states Attorney General’s Office of Keith Ellison.

One such victim was a small-town restaurant named Haven’s Garden. The restaurant served customers indoors, in violation of an executive order issued by the Minnesota governor.

Thankfully, Haven’s Garden owner Larvita McFarquhar knows that there is no authority in the Minnesota Constitution for a Governor to close any business, nor is there authority for the Governor to magically create legislation with his pen.

Exercising her constitutional education this restaurant owner posted a video on social media saying the restaurant will stay open.

“I am open, and I will stay open,” McFarquhar said, and she urged other businesses affected by the executive orders to open. “Let’s stand together,” she said.

Like the 1600’s Reverend John Cotton earlier mentioned, Pastor Darryl Knappen of Cornerstone Church in Alexandria, MN is preaching and bringing legal action against Governor Walz. Knappen’s message to businesses as well as the governor is simple, Governor Walz’s orders are “unlawful,” and he is right.

In 2005 the state legislature took out the wording in state statue 12.31 that would have otherwise allowed the governor to declare a peacetime emergency for a public health emergency. In April of 2020 the legislature considered adding the words back into the statute but declined to because there was a lack of support and votes to get it done. So, the conclusion is, as the good Pastor declared, Tim Walz is acting illegally and should be restrained.

Like you and I, Tim Walz is a sinful man. But he has wickedly assumed absolute power, and has been absolutely corrupted in the process.

And so, it is the duty of all citizens, to restrain him, and other corrupted officials, by invoking the lawful remedy of impeachment. Along with the needed action of the legislature, Minnesota’s attorney general, rather than suing to enforce this corrupt governor’s executive order, ought to be taking action against him.

Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, feared that “Having found, from experience, that impeachment is an impracticable thing, a mere scare-crow, they consider themselves secure for life; they sculk from responsibility to public opinion.”

Because these lawless officials have violated their sworn duty and remain sculking at those they swore to protect, and we must faithfully perform our duty to impeach them — even if it stings.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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2020 The Rule of Fraud and Corruption

By JB Williams

2020 will be written into history as the year the United States Constitutional Republic fell.

Gone as of today is the Following

  • Elections
  • The Supreme Law of the Land
  • The Rule of Law
  • Representation in DC
  • Honor, Decency and Justice
  • The Bill of Rights
  • State’s Rights
  • Individual Liberty
  • Free Speech
  • Inalienable Rights
  • The Republican Party
  • Any government checks and balances
  • Freedom
  • Privacy
  • Self determination
  • Sure, I’ll think of more later…

LAWLESS is the 2020 word of the year, and it will now become the word of the next century in the USA.

On January 6, 2021, a majority of US Congressional Republicans in both chambers certified known unlawful presidential electors for the absolute worst presidential candidate in 244-years of American history…Joe the criminal pervert with late dementia Biden. Every member of Congress knows the 2020 election was the most fraudulent and corrupt election in 244-years, as does every member of the news media.

But, both Democrats and Republicans in power, support fraud and corruption. As a result of the 2020 elections, socialists running the Democrat Party will seize total control of our federal government, both chambers of Congress, the Oval Office, the courts, and every federal agency. Republicans are the walking dead in DC.

For the record, Biden will never be the President of anything more than the handful of democrat-controlled fraud cities he used to execute the leftist coup of the nation. Harris will never be anything more than a total fraud who slept her way to corrupt power. It’s a puppet regime for global communists and nothing more.

The Federal Government is no longer “constitutional,” and it is no longer relevant to most Americans now. A LAWLESS government is no government at all. Our Federal Government is no longer a body of, by or for the People of the United States, period.

Instead, it’s now a body which is entirely destructive of the United States and every legal U.S. Citizen.

All three branches of the Federal government are now “unconstitutional” and entirely destructive of the Republican form of government guaranteed every state and every Citizen in Article IV, Section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government;” – The U.S. Constitution does NOT create or guarantee anyone a “democratic” form of government, and Americans will now learn why, the hard way!

Once it no longer matters who votes, how many times they vote, which foreign countries count our votes or which voting machine company switches our voters, then elections can’t possibly matter either!

Once the Republican Party is nothing more than a wing of the Democratic Socialist Party, that party is totally irrelevant too. They chose it, so be it!

Understand, the unbridled LEFT is coming, fast and hard now. They want the USA locked down for at least another 100-days, not for COVID, which has been a leftist scam the whole time…but to keep people hunkered down in their “safe spaces” while they ram through their global communist agenda in the first hundred days following January 20th.

Everyone will still have the “right” to murder their own children in the womb. But no one will have the “right” to decline the LEFT’S magic “COVID vaccine.” Once they lock everyone down again, you will not be allowed to ever leave your home without your government vaccine card…And this is just the beginning of the horror story Americans have allowed to befall what was once the greatest nation ever known to mankind.

So, where can we find any solutions now?

The previous “LAWLESS” occupants of our White House were Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Biden. For the first two years of that term, democrats controlled both chambers of Congress as well. During those two years, leftists rammed through a laundry list of anti-American policies that paved the way for our $30 Trillion in debt, and the insane far left control of the Federal cesspool we see today.

That triggered efforts by to develop a local solution to federal tyranny in a model state bill titled The Balance of Powers Act. We were able to push some form of the bill into 13 states back then, with 7 states enacting some version of the model. Most people had not “had enough” yet and didn’t really pay much attention.

Others, looked at the model legislation and thought they could improve upon it, rendering their version of the bill “unconstitutional” and dead on arrival in their states due to their changes. If you research and understand what created, you know you can’t change anything in it without making the bill unconstitutional. But you’ll also understand, there’s no need to change anything in it.

Essentially, The Balance of Powers Act is a State level 10th Amendment Bill. Many 10th Amendment adherents claimed, “we already have these powers under the 10th,” which is true. But what the state do not have is a streamlined process by which to swiftly declare a Federal action “unconstitutional,” rendering that action null and void within the state, having no force of law behind it.

No law which is itself, unconstitutional, enjoys the force of law behind it, much less any federal supremacy of law. Hence, the purpose for The Balance of Powers Act. This act creates a streamline rapid response means to declare a federal act “unconstitutional” and thereby, “unlawful” within the state.

Think about how this changes how much a tyrannical federal cabal can force it’s will upon the people of the state, via federal actions.

As for those crying to secede from the union…The only way to secede from the union of states is to withdraw from the compact that makes them a member state of that union, the U.S. Constitution. This effort results in the destruction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, not the defense and enforcement of it.

As for the death of the Republican Party… Every political party is nothing more or less than the sum of the people in it, and those who control it. As of this moment in history, there is merely a Republican Party in name only. Conservatives have two choices, a) seize control of the Republican Party and remove everyone in it that is a closet democratic socialist, or b) build a new party capable of competing with both the Democrat Party and RINO Party on a national scale.

But before you spend any time deciding between those two bad options, you will first have to figure out how to make elections relevant again. As long as elections aren’t relevant, political parties aren’t relevant either!

I’ll close for now with this…Our country is gone as of this moment, simply because Americans let it be gone. Our government is corrupt and self-destructive because most Americans are too. People on both sides seem to not mind crime, corruption, indecency, cheating and fraud, so long as it get’s them where they want to go. That’s why it exists and how it will continue to exist.

While everyone is focused on what to do about draining the swamp in D.C., no one seems even up to the task of draining the swamp in their own back yard. The LEFT could not have stolen the 2020 elections, had they not stolen Detroit, NYC, LA, San Francisco, Denver, Atlanta, and all of the cities that made certain that Trump would no longer be your president.

Before we focus on the monumental task of draining the DC swamp, maybe we should immediately turn our focus to draining the swamps in our own back yards. Just a thought!

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Clinton’s Brilliant Strategy

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

In THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (Nov. 25, 2016), I explained how Donald Trump came to be president. I wrote that “a WASHINGTON POST report in early August 2015 said that ‘Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump…encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party…and then analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the GOP base.'” The GOP base had become comprised mostly of the Tea Party and Christian Right, who were tired of promises by the Republican Establishment never being fulfilled.

Bill Clinton and the Democrats correctly believed that with Trump’s political inexperience, he could as president easily be “set- up.” For example, in one of his early press conferences, he did not realize that THE NEW YORK TIMES reporter had a physical handicap and made fun of him. These types of set-ups occurred again and again until the 2020 election, with a compliant press/media unwilling even to investigate how “Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia….In these big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.” (Rasmussen Reports) Protests ensued, dividing the Republican Establishment and the Trumpists, culminating in the June 6, 2021 violence in Washington, DC.

The violence allowed President-Elect Biden to appear “Saintly” in his call for “simple decency,” even though “Saint Joseph” and the Democrats will soon pass legislation forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions even though polls have consistently shown the American people oppose such funding by an almost 2 to 1 margin! Lest you think the word, “Saint,” is too extreme, look at the photo accompanying a January 6 Associated Press article. It shows Biden in Wilmington, Delaware with his eyes closed and his hands folded in prayer, while his head is surrounded by what visually appears to be a halo !

When Joe Biden becomes President on January 20, the Democrats will be in control of the legislative and executive branches of our government, and they will be able to pack the Supreme Court, thus controlling all branches of the federal government. Nothing will be able to stop their agenda, and with 2 new Senators from Georgia and possibly 2 more new Senators from the District of Columbia if it is admitted to the Union as a State. the Democrats will probably retain control of the Senate in 2022 because only 1/3 of the Senate is up for re-election every 2 years. And if Puerto Rico is also admitted to the Union, with 2 more new Democratic Senators, the Democrats could even retain control of the Senate in 2024, especially if the Trumpists and the Republican Establishment are still at odds. Thus, even if the Republicans were to win the Presidency and U.S. House in that year, the Democrat-controlled Senate could block any attempt to reverse what the Democrats do between now and 2024.

This Democrat control will allow President Biden to implement his “New World Order” that he called for in the Senate on January 13, 1993. And this will help achieve a World Federal Government wished for by President Clinton in a June 22, 1993 letter signed by him and which I have! As a Rhodes scholar, Bill Clinton will have thus fulfilled the dream of Cecil Rhodes when he founded the secret Society of the Elect “to take the government of the whole world!” in Rhodes’ own words. However, what Clinton and Biden would do well to remember is Mark 8:36, which states: “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

According to Federal Law and the Constitution – Trump is the Clear Winner by Default

By Laurie Roth

The law and Supreme Court precedents are blatantly direct about a Presidential election with fraud in it.  ‘State the Nation’ made a strong and clear case for Trump simply winning by default.  Read it, continue praying and believe the truth. Stand with Trump!  Don’t run into the deep state swamp with Mike Pence, Mitch McConnel and other traitors.

Our Congress certified the election illegally and UN Constitutionally. There is nothing ambiguous about what the Federal law, Supreme Court and Constitution says.

‘When wholesale fraud and corruption and criminality are employed to steal the quadrennial POTUS election by one of the two major party candidates, the victor automatically becomes the other presidential nominee with the greatest number of electoral votes’ (

So far, the law and Constitution regarding this Presidential election has been completely ignored and violated by the House and the Senate on the November 6th.  Instead, we saw the ‘Judas’ display by VP Mike Pence and other cowards in the House and Senate sell out the Constitution, truth and America.

The bottom line for all Americans is simply put. Donald Trump is President by default and due to proven and massive election fraud and foreign interference.  Court cases are still in play yet from the first night of Nov. 3rd onward, the mountain of election fraud and ballot manipulation, destruction of Trump ballots and related election crimes have been documented and seen.

What we also have seen with all the election fraud proof, is many Judges, most politicians and all of the mainstream media, including Fox news and even Newsmax on occasion,haven’t stood with President Trump and the Constitution.  How many times from Fox and Newsmax hosts did we hear ‘no proof’ or ‘lack of proof’ while calling on the cowardly essence of Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney? We aren’t as stupid as they think we are.  The proof is vividly out there and documented.  It is just vividly ignored.

The Rhino and media support for Trump, led by sell out Mike Pence is no different and less comforting than when Pelosi reminds us often that she prays for Trump regularly.  Wow!  Let’s have a moment of silence.  What a praying Christian she is….not!

No matter how rough the course may be for a while, Trump has Constitutionally won by default and he and real Americans must stand and fight.  Trump must never concede an election that he and America boldly won.  Trump must stand with the military and start making needed arrests for treason and election fraud no matter how radical that sounds.  Crimes and felonies have been committed and it wasn’t by Trump.

The mainstream media, Republican RINO’s, Governors, attorney generals, liberal judges, many in the House and Senate, along with Mike Pence must answer for supporting and standing with bold election crimes instead of the law, Constitution and the American people.

It is time for massive arrests with Trump and the military taking charge.  Let Biden, the media and Democrats continue calling Trump names – Dictator, Hitler, Coward and poor loser. America knows who Trump really is – Patriot, American, Constitution and God lover.  He is a man of principle, courage, honor, brilliant ideas for America and a man who ain’t for sale like almost all on the other side.  This is not over. Stand with President Trump all the way.

© 2021 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

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U.S. Capitol Police Murder Trump Supporter

By Cliff Kincaid

The Daily Caller, co-founded by Tucker Carlson and still associated with him through fundraising devices (selling Tucker Carlson coffee mugs), has run an “editorial” from its “editorial board,” entitled, “Patriots Do Not Storm Their Nation’s Capitol.” This is their way of rising above the pro-Trump deplorables who assembled in Washington on Wednesday. But the editorial failed to emphasize the significance of the U.S. Capitol Police murdering a U.S. military veteran and Trump supporter in cold blood.

The editorial from this “conservative” publication said that “thousands of protestors whipped themselves into a #stopthesteal frenzy” and, “Eventually, many of them descended on the Capitol building, hellbent on disrupting the American constitutional process.”

Actually, it was not “many.” Very few stormed the Capitol. These protesters were outraged over a national election being stolen, in the wake of news reports released at that time by the media that Vice President Mike Pence had announced that he would NOT stop the steal.

The “editorial board” thundered, “Every single one of the people who stormed that building and participated in that rank, un-American lawlessness should be in jail. There are prodigious photos and video evidence. Law enforcement officials should find them and prosecute them, all of them, no exceptions.”

Well, law enforcement did find one of them, unarmed and protesting inside the Capitol, and shot her to death. She was a 35-year-old California woman, Ashli Babbitt, a military veteran and Trump supporter.

A local TV station reported, “Babbitt was an Air Force veteran who served on multiple tours in the Middle East. Her Twitter feed includes several pro-Trump posts and pictures of her at local pro-Trump rallies.”

Tucker Carlson is still listed as co-founder of the publication on its website. On his Fox show, he described the scene: “Footage, which can easily be found online, shows Babbitt standing in a hallway right off the House floor with an American flag tied around her neck. The scene around her is chaotic. People are bumping into each other, yelling, trying to get through the door into the chamber. Suddenly, with no warning, there is gunfire. You hear a shot and Babbitt falls. People in the hallway scream. The camera closes in on her face. Babbitt looks stunned. She’s staring straight ahead. You can see that she knows she’s about to die, which she did.”

Vince Coglianese is listed as Editorial Director of the Daily Caller and is also the host of WMAL’s “Mornings On The Mall” in Washington, D.C.I have requested an interview so he can explain the editorial direction of this publication.

At the Save America Rally, President Trump asked for peaceful protest, saying:

“We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period.”

Referring to China Joe Biden, he said that, if the fraud is allowed to stand, “You will have an illegitimate president, that’s what you’ll have. And we can’t let that happen.”

The Daily Caller asserted that “The president’s repeated claims that Pence can overturn the results are false.”

At the rally, Trump cited John Eastman, a constitutional attorney, as saying that Pence could send the elections back to the various states disputing the “certified” results. In this way, Pence would follow the constitutional requirement.

Trump noted, “John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, ‘What an absolute disgrace, that this could be happening to our constitution.’”

Trump added, “I hope Mike is going to do the right thing…I hope so. I hope so because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do. This is from the number one or certainly one of the top constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it.”

Trump had declared, in a statement, “States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!”

He was referring to hearings held by the states into election fraud. The issue was the constitutional authority given to the state legislatures.

The Daily Caller asserted, as fact, “The vice president does not have the power to object to any of the state electors’ votes. Congress alone was granted the ability to contest results by the Electoral Count Act of 1887.”

John Eastman, a Constitutional law professor and scholar at the Claremont Institute, says Pence could send the matter back to the states for resolution.

As the president was finishing, speaking to the Save America Rally, Pence issued a letter basically saying that he was going to let the illegal and unconstitutional electoral votes stand. The news traveled fast and obviously incited some of the protesters. Plus, there were reports of some Antifa members having infiltrated the gathering.

Incredibly, Pence admitted in his letter that was released that voting irregularities took place in our November elections and there was disregard of state election statutes by some officials.

Pence failed in his duty to the people and this incited some of the protesters.

A Trump supporter was murdered in cold blood in the aftermath.

“The peaceful transfer of power is a hallmark of western democracy,” said the Daily Caller. “It is the cornerstone of everything we love. It is apple pie.”

Free and fair elections were also supposed to be apple pie.

Tucker Carlson asked people to consider why Ashli Babbitt went to the rally in the first place. He noted, “She bore no resemblance to the angry children we have seen wrecking our cities in recent months — pasty, entitled nihilists dressed in black, setting fires and spray-painting slogans on statues. She looked pretty much like everyone else. So why was she there? We ought to think about that. If you want to fix it, you have to think about that.”

Instead of addressing these issues, the Big Media and Big Tech are resorting, once again, to massive censorship. Conservative publications like the Daily Caller are playing along, censoring the truth.

There is a lesson here for conservatives desperate for truthful information. Don’t count on those who claim to be “conservatives.” They can be frauds, too.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

If They Can Do It to Us, They Can Do It to You

By Lee Duigon

I am writing this on Tuesday, under a self-imposed deadline. You’re reading it on Thursday.

But in between lies Wednesday, January 6. To me it’s tomorrow, and I have no idea what tomorrow may bring.

Senator Ted Cruz, with eleven other senators, has stated his intention to object to the certification of 2020’s travesty of an election and says he will demand an audit. Who believes the Democrats will allow it? Although you’d think, given the thousands of allegations of massive fraud, backed up by a mountain of evidence, that Democrats would want to put those charges to rest… somehow. That they refuse an audit can only mean they have very much to hide.

So all we get out of them, and out of their stooges in the nooze media and Big Tech, is bald denials that there was any fraud at all, name-calling, ridicule, and a manic rush to get China Joe Biden into the White House come hell or high water. They refuse to look at the evidence.

They stole the election and want to keep it.

We will ignore the question of whether we even trust the government to investigate itself. Since President Donald Trump first declared his candidacy, Democrats, nooze media, and the Deep State worked around the clock to defeat him; and having failed in that, to run him out of office with one hoax after another. After four years of that, we are now expected to play nice and believe the whopper that 80 million of us voted for a doddering plagiarist who spent most of the campaign hiding in his cellar.

We do not believe it and we will not play nice.

What we are looking at here is a vast scheme to impose a global government on us while maintaining the illusion that nations are governed by themselves. Now they have the technology to dictate the results of any election, anywhere. A manufactured consent of the governed. And if they can seal the deal here in America, they can do it anywhere in the world. No government, ever again, will need to worry about public support for its agenda. The Dominion Systems voting machines will provide however many votes the tyrants need.

We are asked to believe that 80 million of us—who have not been seen or heard from since Election Day—voted for higher taxes, non-existent borders, the Green New Deal, lockdowns and face masks for as long as needed to whip us all into obedience, transgender, sweetheart deals for Communist China, and every other lunatic project that Far Left Crazy can imagine.

No, we did not vote for those things. We voted to re-elect our president who, without the fraud, would have had a resounding victory. But our votes were canceled out. By fraud.

Do I know what to do about it? No, I don’t. We’ve never dealt with such a colossal crime before. We are asked to submit to a government that has no right to be there. I can only pray that we will not.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week at my blog, . Click the link and visit before somebody shuts me down. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Difficult Path Into 2021

By Frosty Wooldridge

As of last night’s results in Georgia, the democratic party will now be able to run roughshod over the other half of our country’s citizens.  It’s a clean sweep of power, money and influence.  The mainstream media made it possible along with the CIA, FBI and corruption of the Deep State that pulls all the levers of power.

At the surface, we see cheering by half the country that doesn’t understand what open borders will mean.  That cheering half of Americans can’t or won’t see the undertow ripping at the foundation of our Constitutional Republic.

As promised, Mr. Biden will create a free-for-all at America’s southern border.  Hundreds of thousands and into the millions of desperate Mexicans, Central Americans, South Americans and Asians see a new opportunity to migrate.

But first, let’s look at the success of California’s massive illegal and legal immigrant load.  Its schools now teach in Spanish in the predominantly Latino classrooms.  It’s schools supply gratuitous breakfasts and lunches for something over 1.0 million poverty-stricken students from all over the globe.  Gangs distribute endless drugs to every student ready to get hooked on heroin, fentanyl, smack, cocaine, ecstasy and/or any number of drugs made available.

Additionally, a recent report by Pedro Gonzalez, writer for American Greatness, said, “All politics have consequences. But few political issues are as consequential as immigration because it alone raises that all-important question: “Who are we?” Immigration policy determines whether America exists as a coherent political unit, a home to a people sharing an identity and national destiny, or as “only a geographical expression.”

In other words, once you import multiple languages, cultures and incompatible ethos’, your country becomes an identity-less geographical polyglot.  No identity, no language, no commonality equals no country. 

In 2021, mass immigration isn’t about saving anyone. It’s about power and profit.  Now that Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi hold the reins of power, absolutely, they can import more constituents who will vote them into absolute power.

But the undercurrent today shows extreme consequences on multiple levels in California.  That state features somewhere around 4.0 million illegal aliens.  It’s broke. It’s got 70,000 American homeless living in tents in the streets.  It’s got the largest underground economy in the world with illegals working off the books, not paying taxes, yet using all the welfare, medication, educational and housing benefits meant for American citizens.

Last year, Oakland’s Center for Community Development reported that 52 percent or, a whopping 1.6 million Mexican households in California struggled to afford food, housing and utilities.  California features the highest child poverty rate in the USA.  Of the most poverty-stricken households in that state, a mind-numbing 71 percent are Hispanics.  Worse, Mexicans drop out of school to form the largest illiteracy enclave in America. That’s what they did in Mexico, and are simply repeating that cultural propensity in America.  Very few attend or complete college.

In other words, the more of the third world we import into America, the sooner we create those same conditions in our country.  I’ve asked this question many times: what is the most important aspect of failed countries or cultures or states?  Answer: mass illiteracy.

While you’ll hear from Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Biden, Harris and other democratic elites the wonders and benefits to immigration, none of them ever walks into the trenches of reality.

When you peel away the veneer of Biden, it’s all about numbers, power and profit.

If you look back in history, characters like Machiavelli stated the obvious: People lie.  Biden, Schumer and Pelosi lie with ease, grace and a smile.  In the end, they enjoy self-deception that creates a fractured and fragmented America.

Do you as an American citizen think we can survive another 10 or 20 or 50 different languages being used by millions of immigrants in our country?  Can we survive middle eastern cultures, religions and their languages?  Any chance we will be able to add another 10 to 20 million immigrants onto our food stamp and educational rolls?  How will we make their underground economy sustain our already $26 trillion in national debt?

Finally, what happens when our “Black Lives Matter…Antifa…Boogaloo” gangs turn into “Mexican Lives Matter…Arab Lives Matter…Chinese Lives Matter…Iraqi Lives Matter…Pakistani Lives Matter…Indian Lives Matter…Muslim Lives Matter…and another hundred other ethnic groups marching, burning, looting and raining mayhem down onto the streets of America?”  Forget about American lives mattering!

Are you ready for that eventuality?

If you want to see what Biden-Harris have in store for you, take 30 minutes to watch this video written and narrated by yours truly. It will graphically show you what’s coming at your children.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Can an Entire Society Be Gaslighted?

By Steven Yates

“[B]ecause I am mad, I hate you. Because I am mad, I have betrayed you. And because I’m mad, I’m rejoicing in my heart, without a shred of pity, without a shred of regret, watching you go with glory in my heart!” —Paula Alquist, Gaslight (1944)

The other day I read an article on gaslighting. The author, who has a book on the subject, explained in detail what gaslighting is and how it works.

In a nutshell, it is the process of manipulating a person through mind games of various sorts to gain power over them by making their question their perception of reality and eventually their sanity. Gaslighting can be used by bullies, abusers, and cult leaders. The term originated with the 1944 film Gaslight, in which a man does this to his wife. The manipulator or abuser operates slowly, so the victim won’t figure out what’s going on.

Gaslighting involves telling increasingly brazen lies — even in the face of what the victim can plainly see is true. The manipulator or abuser says things and then denies saying them.

Or he moves the victim’s possessions around in stealth, putting them in odd places or hiding them so the victim will think she’s misplaced them. This causes confusion and disorientation when it happens repeatedly.

The point is to keep the victim off balance, leading to mental paralysis and shutdown. Should the victim cry foul, the manipulator or abuser says his target is crazy and encourages others to call him/her crazy. The intention is to further shake the victim’s sense of what is real.

Suddenly the question surfaced:

Can an entire society be gaslighted?

Possibly as a last resort, by elite manipulators who want to get rid of an unwanted political figure who is exposing them? Or an unwanted movement that has imagined life without them and would get rid of them?

Trump got into elected office four years ago despite strong opposition from the Establishment — whether you call it the Swamp, the Deep State, the Global Corporatocracy, the Power Elite, or what-have-you. These are the people who own and control Corporate Media, whose bias has been unprecedented and have not bothered to hide it. Some members of Trump’s own party do not hide their contempt for the man or his unwashed supporters in their red MAGA hats.

The Establishment spent four years trying to destroy Trump’s presidency, first with hoaxed allegations about supposed Russian collusion. This dragged on for two years, wasted billions of taxpayer dollars, and found nothing.

Later came Ukraine and impeachment—all the while Biden’s son and offspring of other Power Elite denizens such as Nancy Pelosi were eyeball-deep drawing millions from corrupt Ukraine-based corporations.

Again: nothing.

In between were events like Charlottesville. What was clear: the cultural left had metastasized, like a cancer. It doubled-down under Trump’s watch, and actually grew stronger. The George Floyd riots ratcheted up cultural leftism still more. Last year we saw a surge of out-and-out Marxism which targeted U.S. history for cancellation. I’ve written about this. (By the way, the reason I keep using the term cultural left is that there is no substantial economic left in America. An economic left would defend the interests of workers. But the American working class is too white and too male. The cultural left has therefore thrown workers to the wolves in pursuit of gender-idiocy.)

Trump survived all this.

Not only that, by the start of 2020 he was well on his way to winning reelection by a landslide. For most voters it really is the economy, stupid, and according to the official numbers, the economy was roaring. Somehow, under the watch of this racist, white supremacist president, the official black and Hispanic unemployment rates had fallen to historic lows! The Dow, meanwhile, hit record highs!

Then, oh-so-conveniently, along came Captain Covid!

Borders slammed shut to air travel like steel trap doors. Supply lines were disrupted. Tens of thousands of businesses deemed “inessential” were forcibly closed by lockdowns (although “big box” stores owned by billionaires stayed open).

Official U-3 unemployment surged to double-digits. Remaining work and much education moved online. Mask-wearing in public became ubiquitous. If you refused, you could be confronted by a busybody you’d never seen before. “Essential” stores and facilities had up prominent signs ordering mask-wearing on their premises. Also appearing everywhere were lines and diagrams on floors telling you how close you could stand to the person in front of you — “social distancing.”

And all of a sudden, the bad economy was Trump’s fault! Also the Covid death numbers! He’d “mismanaged” the “worst public health crisis in a century.”

The rest, as some say, is history!

It seemed clear to me that in addition to pursuing a last ditch opportunity to harm the Trump presidency, a great social experiment had begun.

The official narrative is that the “pandemic”was an unlucky accident: a coronavirus that had evolved in bats jumped to humans at this exact moment. If you believe this, search (not on Google!) for Event 201. It was held October 18, 2019 at the John Hopkins University Center for Health Security, jointly sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum. Its working assumption was the need for a coordinated public-private response to a pandemic caused by — you guessed it — a coronavirus.

The very thing that may have already appeared in Wuhan, and which the Chinese Communist Party (dutifully?) kept under wraps until air traffic from there had spread it around the world.

Trump closed off air traffic from China. For this, again Trump was called a racist. (And because he used the phrase China virus a few times.)

Although the majority of coronavirus “positives” were asymptomatic and actual Covid illnesses had a survival rate of over 99.95 percent for those under 75 and not suffering from comorbidities, lockdowns continued — sometimes coming and going unpredictably, like the belongings of the gaslighting victim in the movie. This was accepted because Corporate Media kept viewers paralyzed with the latest positives and deaths 24/7.

All of a sudden, Trump’s reelection was not assured!  Or so went the mainstream narrative!

What the Democrats did next defied rational explanation if they had any motive other than to position for the presidency someone easily controlled—and for Biden’s VP, an unscrupulous opportunist who built her career as a California prosecuting attorney putting black men in prison in record numbers. She looked like a progressive!

Fake polls placed Earpiece Joe in the lead, when he wasn’t leading anything. Trump filled arenas, whilst Joe could barely fill a high school auditorium. Trump’s supporters remained enthusiastic, while progressives (those who supported Sanders prior to the DNC’s blatant steal of that nomination for Hillary Clinton) hesitated. They aren’t the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, but they’re smart enough to know that Earpiece Joe is Establishment through and through. The Establishmentprotects governmental-corporate alliances against the common people, and will never give them national healthcare or absolution of student loan debt or anything else they say they want.

Nor will it solve the very real problems in black communities. But it can enflame them for its own purposes. The George Floyd riots again.

Catherine Austin Fitts has made some interesting observations about the patterns these followed (if you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, scroll to around 28:40).

Were the riots orchestrated? Were they part of the same systemic campaign as the lockdowns, their purpose to further destroy Main Street and redistribute America’s wealth upward into the hands of the corporate wing of the Power Elite?

Fitts observed that the billionaire class has increased its net worth by 27 percent since the start of the “pandemic.”

She also wryly notes the incongruence between ordering churches shuttered because churchgoers could transmit the virus, but it’s okay to attend riots. What I recall: many rioters weren’t wearing masks or social distancing as they smashed, looted, and burned property — including small businesses owned by black men and women.

Come to election season. Never a great speaker to begin with, Earpiece Joe seemed to spend much of his time behind closed doors (perhaps out of fear of uttering dementia-caused gaffes in public).

November 3 arrived. At the end of the day, Trump was confounding the fake polls and looked to be on his way to reelection.

By the following morning, Biden was leading in swing states — soon to be contested states — with early-morning spikes in votes clearly visible on graphs.

On November 7, Corporate Media declared Biden the winner!

Some of us suspected all along that this election would be stolen, because as I’ve said many times past, the Establishment wants Trump gone. He can’t be controlled.

Nor will his following bow before the altar of political correctness, the cult of “woke.” White supremacists, all, therefore!

Now, we are fed lies 24/7 … about almost everything!

The Corporate Media lie factories insist that we are the ones lying or are delusional, presenting “fake news,” “baseless conspiracy theories,” “without evidence,” etc.,ad nauseam.

A judiciary collectively refuses to look at the charts and hundreds of signed affidavits testifying to wrongdoing in those swing states and declares there to be “no evidence of fraud.”

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along, move along…. 

I’ve started calling this the Iron Wall of Denial.

The number of votes cast turns out to exceed the number of legally registered voters by 1.8 million. Wrongthink! “Fact checkers” (paid by whom?) flagged that claim when I posted it on Flakebook not long ago. “False information,” Flakebook called it.

Finding that stat wasn’t easy. Search on Google or Yahoo, and “fact checking” is what comes up. These are Big Tech’s algorithmic narrative control efforts, hard at work!

So we come at last to the question of the hour.

Can an entire society be gaslighted?

Can it be made to believe, e.g., that racist white cops are purposefully hunting down and killing unarmed black men?

Can it be made to believe its members are in danger of sickness and death if they do not wear face diapers to “protect” each other,and if they don’t allow their livelihoods to be destroyed?

Can the population be made to believe that only Big Pharma can save them?

Can as many people as possible be made to feel crazy for thinking that absent unprecedented fraud, Trump actually won, by being told, also 24/7, that their claims are “false” and “baseless,” the product of “unhinged conspiracy theorists”?

Can the population be incentivized to see Biden as the legitimate victor because he always appears in front of a large backdrop reading Office of the President Elect? (Constitutionally, there is no such thing!)

Almost nothing is as it seems, or is presented in Corporate Media. Our world has been turned upside down. Even the Nashville explosion appears differently on actual footage than what the media reported. Where did the explosion actually come from? The RV, or across the street?

There are official narratives, and then there is what alternative media sources, sometimes you own senses, and your own free mind, are trying to tell you.

Which do you trust?

Is the Establishment gaslighting us all, or trying to?

Corporate Media wants you to not know about the middle-of-the-night vote spikes for Biden, on charts you could see with your own eyes; or the hundreds of sworn affidavits, signed under penalty of perjury, testifying to direct observing wrongdoing in voting locations.

Or the roles played by electronic voting machines, which we know can be hacked. How, precisely, were scales tipped so that possibly millions of votes for Trump were converted via digital magic to votes for Biden? (This might help answer that question; Eric Coomer now claims to have received death threats and be in hiding.)

Corporate media are feeding us official narratives 24/7 presenting context-free accounts of the latest Covid cases and deaths, with no distinction between those who died with Covid (but from a comorbidity) and those who died from Covid. Once this distinction is drawn, the death count drops astronomically (by about 94 percent!!)!

We are also to ignore the fatalities from heart attacks, motorcycle wrecks, etc., of those who happened to have tested positive for the coronavirus and so are “Covid deaths.”

Has the official number of Covid deaths hit 300,000 yet? How many could have been saved with hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, both safe if taken properly, without waiting for Big Pharma’s barely tested but oh-so-profitable syringed elixir? “Unproven,” sayeth the Establishment of the former, despite the results of many doctors who found themselves threatened with the loss of their licenses to practice medicine.

Upside down….

Again: gaslighting tries to get its victims to question their perception of reality, their judgment, and even their sanity. All the while, those doing the gaslighting pose as the trustworthy adults in the room.

And because of total media saturation — because none of us have the time or resources to check and personally validate every single claim in circulationit has worked spectacularly!

Does anyone, therefore, not see that this same gaslighting will continue into 2021? With information about those other cures for Covid ruthlessly suppressed by Corporate Media propaganda, you’ll eventually be asked — no, told, ordered(if you want to board a plane or reenter public space, that is) — to take that elixir, shooting into your arm unknown (but possibly genetically altering) ingredients.

Dropped down the memory hole are the following inconvenient truths:

  • Never before has a vaccine of this type been rolled out prior to four-to-five year period of research, development, and testing. Not only do we have almost no idea of the effectiveness of this thing, or if effective, how long the effectiveness will last, we have no idea of any long term effects? By the time these appear,possibly with over a billion people vaccinated, it will be too late!

We’re told that the vaccine has to be administered in two doses. This, too, is unprecedented. Will we even be told if people start dropping dead from the vaccine, or will these be reclassified as “Covid deaths”?

  • After years of effort, no one has been able to develop an effective vaccine for a coronavirus. Developing a vaccine for any virus is immensely difficult if only because viruses are always mutating. Thus the reason the “experts” tell you to get a flu vaccine every year (plus how they tend to be on Big Pharma’s payroll).
  • Now we are told that this coronavirus has mutated, and that the new strain is more transmissible than the old. On the most charitable possible reading of what we know, is there any reason for thinking any vaccine we presently have will work on the new strain?
  • And speaking of the flu, does anybody know what happened to it this year? I’ll tell you. The case numbers dropped from 59 million from the start of flu season in October 2019 t0—

Are you sitting down?

To 877 cases.

That’s not a typo. Eight hundred and seventy seven reported cases of the flu this year.

Because most others are being reclassified as Covid cases.Covid is a bad flu! That’s all it is! It is dangerous to specific populations or people with certain conditions, but not all that dangerous to the rest of us. Like the flu or a bad cold, it is an inconvenience, not a death sentence, especially for those who have built up their immune systems.

Americans, and other populations around the world, have allowed their economies to be demolished and themselves to be gaslighted by Power Elite controlled organizations such as the WHO over a bad flu! One of the people at the helm of the Power Elite, and the biggest billionaire promoter of arguably unsafe vaccines, has no medical or public health credentials at all! You know his name. Surely we are entitled to ask, Who is Bill Gates?

His sidekick, Tony Fauci, has been positioned by the Establishment as “the nation’s leading infectious disease expert” when he is far more a career bureaucrat. Federal bureaucrats do not actually diagnose or treat patients.

The question for you as we enter this new year, ladies and gentlemen: do you trust the Establishment’s relentless fear machine, denial factory, billionaires, and “experts” whom we can be sure do not have your best interests in mind — or your own eyes, ears, and capacity to do investigative research (those who have time)?

Dr. Ron Paul — anyone remember him? Unlike Gates, he was an actual medical doctor before he went into politics — recently observed:

“Americans should pause and reflect on the lies they are being sold. Masks are just a form of psychological manipulation. Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they are worthless and potentially harmful. Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question. A nation of people who just do what they are told by the ‘experts’ without question is a nation ripe for descent into total tyranny. This is no empty warning — it’s backed up by history. Time to stand up to all the petty tyrants from our hometowns to Washington, D.C. It is time to reclaim our freedom.”

What will you do today to reclaim your freedom? What will you do to expose thegaslighting of America? I would start by taking off that ridiculous face diaper. Then I would turn off Corporate Media.All of it, including Flakebook’s “fact checkers.”

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year. Please consider supporting his work on Patreon.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Nothing Will Stop the Socialists Short of A Massive Conservative Uprising

By Ron Ewart

Socialism and Capitalism – In Contrast

“To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.  It’s asserting the value of saying that the America we want and the America that we are proud of is one in which all children can access a dignified education.  It’s one in which no person is too poor to have the medicines they need to live.”  —Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York Congresswoman

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.  Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”  —Winston Churchill, Former Prime Minister of England, World War II

“I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself… I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth.  Communism is the goal.”  —Roger Nash Baldwin, socialist worker and one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

“Socialism states that you owe me something simply because I exist.  Capitalism, by contrast, results in a sort of reality-forced altruism:  I may not want to help you, I may dislike you, but if I don’t give you a product or service you want, I will starve.  Voluntary exchange is more moral than forced redistribution.”  —Ben Shapiro, Conservative Radio Talk Show Host

In short, a socialist would abolish the U. S. Constitution, the foundation of liberty.  In contrast, the capitalist would preserve, protect and defend the Constitution to assure that individual freedom and the American Constitutional Republic will be preserved in perpetuity.

The socialist wants top-down power run by arrogant elites who think they know what is best for all people and will exercise dictatorial control to enforce their top-down power.  In response to the Coronavirus, wide-scale business shut downs, national forced mask wearing and mandatory vaccinations come easy to them.  They are obsessed with power.  Their final goal is absolute power.  Their guides are the “Rules for Radicals” and the “Karl Marx manifesto.”

Once again and in contrast, the capitalist wants bottom up power in what is known as the “people” or the “Consent of the Governed.”  They are guided by and take their cues from the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.

But then of course you know all this.  The question is, will you do anything about it?

The socialist Democrats are winning and they have been winning for many decades, all the way back to President Woodrow Wilson, about the time when the Progressive Movement was beginning to take off.  Through decades of public school and college brainwashing, they have convinced a majority of the people to believe that socialism is the way and the light.  Every big city in America is the soul and heartbeat of Progressivism.  Unfortunately, that is where most of the votes are concentrated.  Every Democrat voter that aids and abets the socialist Democrats with their vote is a traitor to the Constitution, a traitor to the Constitutional Republic and a traitor to individual freedom itself.

Virtually every American institution is infected with the Progressive ideology. Their goal is the exclusion of any other ideology and total control of the government.  They are very close to reaching that goal and a large segment of the population is helping them to get there by the votes of that large segment.  Stopping them from reaching that goal is the duty and responsibility of every Conservative individual if freedom is to be preserved.  With Joe Biden as president, that duty and responsibility is ever more urgent.

But then of course you know all this.  The question is, will you do anything about it?

In pursuit of stopping the socialist Democrats, trillions of words have been written and uttered by conservative authors and hundreds of talk show hosts, mostly to no avail.   President Trump came along and attempted to throw a monkey wrench into the gears of the Progressive Establishment.  For his efforts the Establishment and Deep State sought revenge and obstructed every attempt he made to help all Americans in both national and foreign policy.  They broke the law to spy on him.  (No one has been held accountable for those crimes.)  They went after his campaign staff.  They labeled him a traitor.  They said he colluded with a foreign power, Russia.  They investigated him relentlessly.  They tried to impeach him but failed.  They assailed his character.  They attacked his family.  They said he was daft and crazy in the head.  They belittled the positive initiatives he completed, or didn’t report on them at all.   He received no accolades from the press or anyone else for the work that he has done for America and Americans.  Even so, he has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times.

In spite of the heated and constant attacks by academics, the news and social media, Trump has been able to do more for all Americans in four years than virtually any other president before him.  Nevertheless, he receives no credit for his efforts.  They did it to President Reagan, they did it to George H. W. Bush and they did it to George W. Bush.  That is the future and what can be expected for any Republican President in America today.  The Establishment, the Deep State and social media have stacked the deck against conservatives.  The fix is in.  The pay-offs have been paid.

The reality is, the socialist Democrats have a score of 1, and the Conservatives have a score of 0, in this political game known as “power-power, who has the power?”  The socialist Democrats have the ball and they are keeping it from the Conservatives ….. by any means, including cheating, lying, deception and voter fraud.

But then of course you know all this.  The question is, will you do anything about it? 

Yes, we know.  You have heard all this before.  The hard truth is, socialist Democrats cannot be defeated without millions of conservatives rising up in unison, with force if necessary.  But long before force becomes necessary, conservatives have peaceful means at their disposal.  The constitution is still in force.  The law is still functional even though Democrat corruption and collusion is in blatant evidence.  Peaceful protests and Redress of Grievances are still protected by the First Amendment.  The trick is for all conservatives to speak with one voice in one single action at a time.

If just 10 million conservative Americans contacted the White House and their senators and congressmen and women on one single subject, the President and Congress would have to listen.

The government’s Achilles heal is the money we send to them in the form of taxes.  If 10 million Americans just stopped paying all of their taxes, Washington DC and state governments would get the message.  The IRS or the states simply could not prosecute 10 million Americans for breaking the law.  After all, in 2020 government did hardly anything to stop the rioting, looting and burning perpetrated by socialist Democrats, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, in major cities around the country.  The government lets millions of illegal aliens get away with breaking our laws and even murder, rape and robbery.

What we are leading up to is a single action that millions of conservative Americans could take with very little effort on their part.  If implemented en masse, governments, powerful corporations, the Establishment and the Deep State would suddenly realize their game is up.  The people will have spoken and with force behind their words.

We offer this single action as a patriot that is determined to not let a free America shrivel up and die because a power, foreign to freedom, is trying to take over and radically change America from a free nation to an Absolute Democrat Monarchy, ruled by arrogant oligarchs and insane wood-be dictators.

This single statement, with strong language, is a direct and open challenge to the incoming President and Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, should they be inaugurated on January 20th, 2021 and it looks like they will be.  The challenge (a warning!) is powerful and comes with teeth to back it up.  Its effect will be determined by the number of conservative Americans that are willing to put their name to that challenge.  If not in the millions, the challenge will be ignored.

The challenge must go viral.  To get the message out, it must appear on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and wherever else in social media.  It should be tweeted and re-tweeted a million times.  It should be uttered from the lips of millions of Americans with the message that freedom is not dead, the Constitution has not been overturned, the rule of law is still operational and America’s Constitutional Republic is alive and well, ready for the fight.  If you truly want to stop the socialist Democrats and globalism, millions of Americans need to take up the challenge.

For those of you whose heart still beats strong for individual freedom, we urge you to review this challenge and determine for yourself if you have the courage to back it up.  If you intend to sit on the sidelines in this fight, it won’t be long before you get what you deserve.

There is very little time left to save the Republic from disintegration from within.  If you don’t want to see America turn into a socialist regime; if you don’t want to see American sovereignty dissolve into mediocre, corrupt globalism; if you don’t want to see the permanent take over of the American government by top-down authoritarian socialist oligarchs; if you don’t want to see the destruction of the U. S. Constitution; if you don’t want to witness individual freedom fade into some old aging history book never to rise again; then we urge you to log onto “The Challenge” today!

[Must see VIDEO to understand what’s coming down this week]

Conservatives owe it to America and freedom to start off 2021 with a major concrete action.

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Major Victory Happens When Americans Fight The Good Fight Of Faith Against Tyranny? They Win!

By Bradlee Dean

“The Lord is willing to give you what it is that you are willing to fight for.”

We hear in the American Church today the much-repeated Scripture found in 1 Timothy 6:12: “Fight the good fight of faith.”  Yet, how few actually practice what the Word preaches?

I think of the commonly know faith chapter found in Hebrews 11:32-34 where it tells us:

“And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.
Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.”

How foreign is this to the American Church today?

[YouTube Video]

It seems that the world, in many ways, has a better grip on Scriptures than those who claim to be Christians (1 John 2:4).

WIVB News reported:

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (WIVB)- Orchard Park gym Athletes Unleashed is now allowed to reopen at full capacity after a ruling from the State Supreme Court.

According to attorney Paul Cambria, Judge Paul Wojtaszek struck down the 25% capacity rule specifically for the gym.

Gym owner Robby Dinero has been fighting with the state since November when the county slapped him with a $15,000 fine for defying government COVID orders to shut down his business and getting into a confrontation with sheriff’s deputies and an inspector for the health department trying to close him down.

Video of that incident went viral and Dinero went on Fox News and announced the fine ripping it up on air.

Video Shows Robby Tear Up $15,000 fine.

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

Conclusion: In contrast, here you have an individual who wins the day because he sees right through the fraud that is being perpetrated upon the American people, and where are the professors in the Church?  They are masked up and submitted to the tyrants that mean to rule their lives (Luke 16:8; Romans 12:21).

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Secret Nazi Plan Fulfillment

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

In 2010, my book THE POWER ELITE AND THE SECRET NAZI PLAN was published. In it, I wrote that the secret Nazi plan to take over the world was to come to fulfillment in 2 generations after World War II. That is now, but people don’t recognize it!

A dialectical process was used for many years to synthesize Western capitalism and Eastern communism into a World Socialist Government. As I wrote in my book, before such a government could come to fulfillment, each nation would have to become Socialist first, and that is what the word Nazi means—National Socialist Workers Party.

Relevant to the U.S., the plan required that this country first be torn apart in terms of its values and culture to prepare the way for Biblical End Times. If one tears at the fabric of a society long enough, its center cannot hold. In 1919, the famous poet William Butler Yeats wrote “The Second Coming” using Christian imagery concerning the Apocalypse and Second Coming of Christ. The poem begins with these words:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”

Look around you at the violence and the loss of moral conviction by many, especially millennials who are largely self-absorbed. As The Holy Bible described the future, “The love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12). Where is their innocence, as sexual promiscuity and abandonment of Biblical admonitions against fornication have become commonplace?

For the secret Nazi plan to be fulfilled, chaos must occur, fulfilling the centuries-old desideratum “Ordo ab Chao!” (Order out of Chaos). The New World Order (NWO) has been pursued by the Power Elite (PE) for centuries and is politically bipartisan. Just as President George H.W. Bush became known for his use of the term NWO, President-Elect Joe Biden in his address to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on January 13, 1993 proclaimed his desire to pursue a NWO. Joe Biden was vice-president under President Barack Obama, who on April 5,2009 delivered a speech in Prague concerning the growth of terrorism, warning that “we could reach the point where the center cannot hold.” Barack Obama was a follower of Saul Alinsky who had an Acknowledgment to Lucifer at the front of his book, RULES FOR RADICALS, in which Alinsky advocated “fanning the latent hostilities” and “rubbing raw the resentments” of communities, which we see now being played out in the recent rioting in cities like Portland, Oregon.

Near the beginning of chapter 20 of my book concerning the secret Nazi plan, I wrote that according to American government official Sumner Welles’ THE TIME FOR DECISION (1944), “it would work in three principal ways: (a) It will try to create doubts among the people of each country as to the ability, integrity, wisdom, or loyalty of their leading statesmen; (b) in critical moments it will attempt to paralyze or to diminish the capacity for cool thinking by the people as a whole; and (c) it will search each country for men who, through ambition, vanity, or personal interest, will be disposed to serve the causes….When the right time comes, stimulate internal dissention sufficiently to destroy the morale of the people in those countries marked as victims.” Doesn’t this sound like today?

Zbigniew Brzezinski (ZB) has been a top political adviser to Presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama. He wrote a book, BETWEEN TWO AGES, in 1970 in which he praised Marxism and wrote about the coming Technozoic Era as follows: “In the technotronic society the trends seem to be toward…effectively exploiting the latest communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason….Human beings become increasingly manipulable and malleable…the increasing availability of biochemical means of human control…the possibility of extensive chemical mind control….A national grid that will integrate existing electronic data banks is already being developed….The projected world information grid….”

Geopolitically, I quoted PE agent ZB stating at Mikhail Gorbachev’s first State of the World Forum in 1995 that the plan for a world government would link regional economic arrangements. I also mentioned that the final link would be a Middle Eastern Union, which at the time was thought to be impossible. However, recently Israel has reached economic arrangements with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Lebanon. Israelis would do well to remember, however, that Ezekiel 13:16 prophesized “the prophets of Israel which prophecy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord God.”

What’s next for America and the world? Luciferian Alice A. Bailey in her writings emphasized a “new world order” and “points of light.” She also wrote a pamphlet, “The Next Three Years (1934-1935-1936),” in which she revealed that the “outer form” of the “World Federation of Nations” will be “taking rapid shape” by 2025, and that one should “not infer by this that we shall have a perfected world religion and a complete community of nations. Not so rapidly does nature move, but the vision and the idea will be universally recognized, universally desired, and generally worked for. When these conditions exist, nothing can stop the appearance of the ultimate physical form….Approximately 400 men and women are working consciously with the Plan.”

To bring this to fulfillment, the series of crises that began with the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001 will continue. In my 1991 book, NOW IS THE DAWNING OF THE NEW AGE NEW WORLD ORDER, I wrote that Dr. Richard Day (a former medical director of Planned Parenthood) in a March 1969 speech in Pittsburgh announced that in terms of controlling population, “Everything is in place, and nobody can stop us now….This time, we’re going to do it right.” He further said “hard-to-cure diseases would be created,” and there would be a new world religion and “terrorism would be used to make people demand international controls; and economic interdependence would help lessen national sovereignty, as people would become citizens of the world.”

Before the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Americans greatly valued their freedom. However, the afternoon of the attacks, ABC News/Washington Post released survey results showing two-thirds of Americans would be willing to sacrifice some freedoms for peace and security! Government controls concerning air travel went so far as to require the inspection of elderly women’s shoes before they could board a commercial airliner !

These government controls continued with the current Covid-19 crisis, as people across the world are required to wear masks, obey curfews, and be quarantined. On May 28, 2018 (8 months before the first case of Covid-19 was found on November 17, 2019 in Wuhan, China), Moderna (whose Covid-19 vaccines are now being distributed across the U.S.) amended a previous patent application and included the following words: “Because of a concern for re-emergence or a deliberate release of the SARS coronavirus, vaccine development was initiated.” The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is listed by Moderna as one of its “strategic collaborators.” And remember that in 2015, Bill Gates delivered a Ted Talks saying the following: “Today the greatest risk of a global catastrophe doesn’t look like this (picture of war). Instead it looks like this (picture of a virus). If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war. Not missiles but microbes….You can have a virus where people feel well enough while they’re infectious that they get on an airplane or they go to a market. The source of the virus could be a natural epidemic, or it could be bioterrorism….It would spread throughout the world very, very quickly….”

Further government controls will be implemented with each new crisis that occurs until the secret Nazi plan is brought to fruition as part of the PE’s larger plan for a World Socialist Government. As Robert Hugh Benson wrote in his 1907 book, LORD OF THE WORLD, about the future: “…Esotericism is making enormous strides….Patriotism has been dying fast ….The new era has begun….Party must unite with Party, country with country, and continent with continent….Persecution was coming….It involved all the stupendous force of Socialism….America was powerless….This appearance of peace has deceived many….The world is one now, not many. Individualism is dead….For anyone to say that they believe in God—it is high treason….” May God help us and have mercy on our souls!

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

President Trump – The Lion Must Triumph to Save the Republic!

by George Lujack

President Donald J. Trump has presented to the American people the numerous methods employed to commit massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election in an address to the nation on December 22nd that the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge.

Not only did President Trump predetermine that there would be unprecedented voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, senile Joe Biden confirmed it in a Freudian slip when he stated that he and the Democrat Party had “put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

We have been told by the mainstream media, big tech, the Democrats, and spineless RINO Republicans that Joe Biden is the president elect, certified by the electoral college. The msm, big tech, et al., do not choose the president of the United States, We The People do, that is, if the United States is indeed going to remain a republic.

We have been told by the mainstream media, big tech, the Democrats, and spineless RINO Republicans that there is “no evidence” of massive voter fraud and that Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20, 2021. This is amusing, particularly coming from the mainstream media that investigated President Trump ceaselessly, without evidence, for Russian collusion, while turning a blind eye to all the evidence of Vice President Joe Biden’s corruption in Ukraine and his (and other Democrats’) collusion and corrupt financial dealings with Ukraine,Russia, and China.

In some cases, the mainstream media and others have modified their stance of saying there has been “no voter fraud,” to “there has not been enough voter fraud to alter the outcome of the election.” Hmm… Remember to tell your children to lie on their resumes and cheat on their job application tests, and, if they get caught cheating, simply tell their prospective employer, “Yes, I lied and cheated to attain this position, but it was not enough to alter my qualifications for this job!”

The mainstream media is no longer reporting news and hasn’t been for quite some time. They now are merely a propaganda arm of their Democrat overlords that spin narratives to the American public. Many Americans are awake to this, but sadly many are asleep.

The Democrat Party knows it cannot win elections. For decades the Democrats have been crying “voter suppression! Black people cannot produce an ID card when they go to vote, and if you require them to do so, you are disenfranchising them!” A foreigner visiting the United States, based on Democrats’ cries of voter suppression, would think that there are white-hooded KKK members at America’s polling places chasing away black voters and / or black people generally do not possess any forms of identification.

The decades long façade of voter suppression segued perfectly into the rationale for mail-in ballots for Democrats in 2020, when they used their nuclear option to attempt to bring down President Trump by panicking the American public with doomsday scenarios of deaths in the street, unless all states accepted mail-in voter ballots to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

We have been told by the mainstream media, big tech, the Democrats, and spineless RINO Republicans that President Trump is desperate, that he has lost all his court cases, most notably the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to not hear a case brought up by the state of Texas, joined by 17 other states, against the battleground states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, claiming that these states violated election law, which led to a fraudulent Biden victory in those battleground states, which thereby affected and disenfranchised the people of the state of Texas and the other states which duly and lawfully elected President Trump.

President Trump did not lose one court case. When courts refuse to hear a case, it is tantamount to a state not sanctioning a boxing match. Mike Tyson never lost a boxing match, unless he fought it and lost it in the ring. President Trump has not lost a single court case, but sixty courts have refused to hear his case.

The U.S. Supreme Court, in refusing to hear the Texas case on behalf of President Trump, stated that Texas did not have “standing” to take the state of Georgia to court. This is simply NOT TRUE.It has been claimed that Chief Justice Roberts may have been compromised and threatened, because he is on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet flight logs. Roberts was allegedly heard screaming through the walls of the Supreme Court, telling the other Supreme Court Justices to refuse the Texas case, saying, “I don’t give a f@#% about ‘Bush v. Gore’ … at that time we didn’t have riots.”

The Supreme Court cowered and shirked their responsibility. If the state of Texas sued the state of Georgia over who they elected as their governor of Georgia, then indeed the state of Texas would have no standing. But… If Georgia fraudulently elected Biden as president, this directly affects the people of Texas, and all the people of the United States, who were disenfranchised by the state of Georgia and the other swing states by their voter fraud, as the president is the president of all the people in all of the United States.

Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Republicans, and real Americans have got to stop attempting to reason with mindless, soulless Democrats, take the gloves off, and reclaim the republic. Enough games. Let’s stop pretending that we can reason with people who think abortion is not murder, that two men or two women can be married, and gender is changeable. If Democrats think killing babies to thin the human herd is acceptable, is it any wonder why five Democrat governors would place COVID-infected patients in elderly nursing homes? Any wonder why hydroxychloroquine is a virtually banned treatment for COVID? Democrats, if they have their way, will regulate how long people are allowed to live, as in the sci-fi movie Logan’s Run.

With your typical,emotional-minded,amoral Democrat, they simply do not care about evidence that goes against their cause. Call it evidence nullification or suppression, but with many Democrats it is style or symbolism over substance and that is all that matters to them. When Rudy Giuliani presented evidence upon evidence of massive voter fraud including statements from hundreds of eye witnesses coming forward willing to testify about the voter fraud they had seen under the threat of perjury, the reaction from the godless establishment media was, “What evidence? Giuliani’s hair dye is running down the sides of his face!”

“It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” 
—Joseph Stalin, Premier of the Soviet Union

Mail-in ballot fraud (including dead, multi-state, out of state, and unregistered voters, unfolded alleged mail-in ballot sheets fed multiple times into voting machines by Democrat poll worker operatives in the dead of night, and truck dumps of Biden only ballots), coupled with Dominion voting machines whose data was accessible via the internet – whose vote tallies were switched from Trump to Biden, and an army of corrupt Democrat politicians and worker bee drones dedicated to cheating to ensure President Trump was defeated, was certainly enough voter fraud to swing the election from President Trump to Joe Biden. Does anyone honestly believe that gaff-ridden Joe Biden, a man who didn’t even bother to campaign, who sat it out in his basement bunker, received far more votes than any president in U.S. history?

“We gave you a Republic, if you can keep it.”
—Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of the United States

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
—President Ronald Reagan – July 6, 1987

“Today is the fourth of July [SIXTH OF JANUARY]. And you [THE AMERICAN PEOPLE] will once again be fighting for our freedom. … We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re [FREEDOM IS] going to live on! We’re [THE REPUBLIC IS] going to survive! Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!”
—Independence Day (1996 Sci-fi/Action) – President Whitmore Speech [WITH MODERN DAY APPLICATION]

It is not enough that President Trump retains his office. He MUST begin arresting people … for treason. One can only tread in a den of vipers for so long without being bitten and crucified. Just ask Yeshua (Jesus) – Matthew 23:33. President Trump must use all of his resources at his disposal as president, as Abraham Lincoln did before him, to drain and prosecute the swamp. This would include invoking the Insurrection Act and holding public military trials. The Deep State has been committing treasonous crimes with impunity. Now that useless William Barr has resigned as Attorney General, hire a pit bull like Rudy Giuliani or Michael Flynn as your next A.G. and command him to start arresting people and begin holding public trials.

A historic day, comparable to America’s Independence Day of July 4, 1776, is coming on January 6, 2021. On this day our government, with all its check and balances – brilliantly crafted by the nation’s Founding Fathers, will decide if unelected elitists, the msm, big tech, Democrats and their operatives will determine the outcomes of our elections and the fate of our nation via propaganda and voter fraud and for a pretense encourage Americans to vote in predetermined elections, or We The People will stomp out the corruption and massive voter fraud that is plainly evident, maintain voting integrity, and keep our freedoms and our republic intact.

“Listen to the word of the Lord. God says, I will put at your helm for TWO TERMS a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts.”
—Kim Clement, President Trump prophecy, February 10, 2007

Joe Biden is a career criminal / politician and puppet of the Deep State and the global elites. President Trump must remain president or the republic will be lost for the foreseeable future. Even if Trump were to run again in 2024, the Deep State will simply rig the election once again and determine the president for us, and it won’t be Donald J. Trump.

This January 6th, I encourage all Americans to take to the streets wearing Trump / MAGA gear, waving flags, with gloves off, declaring in one united voice that our republic will not “move on” and go quietly into the night, and that we will remain a government of the people, by the people, and for the people!

The Lion, Donald Trump, must prevail and triumph. If he does not triumph, freedom loving, constitutional Americans will have to take to the streets to defend themselves from freedom restricting,  unconstitutional edicts, henceforth. Freedom is not free, it must be fought for.

Pray for our president, as the prayer of the righteous avails much – James 5:16.
We have God on our side, and if God is for us, who can stand against us? – Romans 8:31.

God bless America and God bless Donald J. Trump, duly elected two term president of the United States!

© 2021 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack:

The Problems Biden-Harris and Their Congress Won’t Solve In 2021

By Frosty Wooldridge

We elect our presidents and Congresses to fix, repair and solve our national problems.  As we enter 2021, however, we will discover that they won’t solve any of our major problems in the next 52 weeks.  Why is that?  Answer: they didn’t solve those problems in the past 52 weeks.

What problems need fixing, but won’t get fixed?

First off, we’ve been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years at $6 trillion in spending.  We’ve accomplished nothing to secure our freedoms or ensure our safety.  Both countries remain ‘goat herder’ third world nightmares with no foundation for any kind of civil or 21st century advanced societies.  Yet, the new president and Congress will continue spending something like $4 billion every 30 days to keep those ‘forever wars’…forever.  Note that since those two wars started in 2001, 114,000 active duty and retired military veterans committed suicide.  In other words, we killed more of our own BECAUSE we allowed those wars to cause insanity in our own troops, enough so, that those kids killed themselves.   But you never hear about such an insane number of suicides by the mainstream media.  But you can count on the Military Industrial Complex boys to talk Biden and Congress into continuing those wars.

Second, we’ve been battling to secure our borders for 30 years from the Mexican, Central America and Asian invasion…well, we citizens have asked, begged, protested and marched to secure our borders from an excess of 25 million migrants who have jumped them since 1990.  Have you seen one bill, one president or one Congress stop the onslaught of all those people?  E-Verify?  Enforce US Code 8, Section 1324? Actually guard the borders? Arrest illegal employers?  Nope!  Instead, you pay for their kids, education, housing, food, medical and babies.  Do those people in Congress take that money out of their $180,000.00 a year salaries?  Good luck with your guess.

In fact, Biden expects to grant amnesty to every illegal migrant, and in fact, all of DACA, and then, all of the migrants marching toward our southern border as you read this column.  Instead of solving the problem, Biden promises to enlarge it, expand it and encourage it. Expect more drugs, anchor babies and criminal syndicates to rampage throughout America’s cities and our kids.

Third, since Reagan with his Trickle-Down Economics in the 1980’s, our national debt jumped from $3 trillion to $26 trillion in 2021.  Do you see one single Congressional Critter attempting to pay it down, stop it from growing or solving it for the American taxpayers?  As Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot, and supposed you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

Fourth,  have you traveled to Seattle, Washington with 6,000 people living in tents in the city streets and under bridges?  How about the 11,000 homeless in tents in San Francisco?  What about the 62,000 subsisting in tents Los Angeles?  They leave needles, human waste and trash all over the streets.  Repeat that in Chicago, Miami, Houston, Denver, New York City, etc., with no solution in sight.

On Saturday, January 2, 2021, my wife and I traveled to downtown Denver to see no less than a small portion of the estimated 10,000 homeless slumming it in tarp tents, nylon tents, rags, grocery carts full of junk, debris for blocks on end, needles, human waste, stench of filth, drug-addicted kids lying on the cement, cardboard mattresses and worse…yet the Denver City Council actually won’t do anything to clean up those slums.  I took 50 pictures of what we witnessed. Just sickening beyond comprehension. I did the same in LA on my West Coast bike trip in 2018. You can’t quite get your mind around 62,000 homeless living in the streets…with no solutions by the elected elite like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and/or Gavin Newsome.  They let those conditions continue as they toast their friends at parties in Washington DC.

(City of Denver with 10,000 homeless living in tents. Hundreds of trashed tarp tents and junk line the streets of Denver, Colorado, January 2, 2021) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Fifth, we’ve got a dramatic and nasty racial crisis in America. We’ve got angry Black people burning, looting, rioting and creating mayhem in our streets.  Instead of solving the problems of Blacks, it’s all festering, smoldering, and growing like a boiling caldron with the wood being thrown into the fire.   We tried to solve it with the Great Society, with WIC and ADC and Affirmative Action…along with BET, Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, American Negro College Fund and dozens of other remedies. Result?  Ain’t working folks!

We’ve got 7 out of 10 Black babies born out of wedlock.  We’ve got over 1.0 million Blacks in prisons.  We’ve got massive Black illiteracy in Chicago, NYC, Miami, LA and elsewhere…with no solutions.  Even the Black Caucus can’t solve it or dozens of Blacks in public offices.  If you take a stroll down the streets of Southside Chicago, you’ve got a pretty good chance of being shot by a stray bullet.

Sixth, while we spend $750 billion annually on wars 10,000 miles away, our infrastructure rots, decays and crumbles.  Around 700 water mains break 24/7 in the USA.  “It is estimated that an average of 700 water mains will break in cities and towns across North America in an average day. Corrosion and rot are the main causes of infrastructure breakdowns.”  (Source:

(Over 62,000 homeless Americans live like this in Los Angeles. Filth, trash, tents, human waste, stench, drugs, alcohol, human misery)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Instead of money and jobs to fix them, we fight useless, aimless, inane and insane wars that cost us 114,000 American soldier suicides in the past 20 years.  Something must be seriously wrong with your presidents and Congresses to continue such insane wars. (Source: ,  Veteran suicide will account for more than $221 billion in public costs. Since 2001, more than 114,000 veterans have died by suicide.)

Seventh, while we now have in excess of 12 million unemployed, our Congress imports 120,000 legal immigrants every 30 days.  That’s legal and illegal and they add up to over 1.5 million annually.  Please help me understand the ‘logic’ , ‘reasoning’, ‘rational’ for such stupidity, moronic choices and sheer lunacy of Congress to do that to us.

Why would they do that when our cities suffer insufferable vehicle congestion, their skies polluted with horrific toxic air pollution and everyone faced with being compacted like human sardines in a sardine tin?

Eighth, we’ve suffered massive loss of small businesses from the Covid pandemic, but Congress floods us with 1.5 million immigrants that have to be fed, watered, housed, educated, and medicated while we, the American taxpayers are getting our asses kicked through a financial brick wall.  What are those “idiots” as Mark Twain would say, doing in Washington DC?

Nineth, this report only scratches the surface of our problems. We’re enduring a political, economic, racial, environmental and sociological riptide the likes that have never been experienced before in history.

Wouldn’t it make sense to create a national conference of the finest economic, community, racial, environmental, climate, engineers, immigration, and population experts in this country to come up with solutions?  Why haven’t those people in Washington DC tried such an option?  We need plans, solutions and actions.  Not more horsefeathers!

As we slog our way into 2021, it’s more than frightening that our own elected representatives make our situation worse, not better.  By the end of another 365 days, it will be worse, not better.  Oh, before 2021 is over probably within six months, President Biden will be assigned to an assisted living resort while President Harris takes over and leads us down the same insane path as her predecessors.

As Mark Twain said, “Suppose you were an idiot, and supposed you were a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

What the Constitution REQUIRES Congress to Do on January 6, 2021

By Publius Huldah

  1. The Rule of Law is being erased in our Land

Several years ago, I saw a movie on TV.  The setting was Berlin, Germany just after WWII at the time the Soviets were laying roles of barbed wire on the ground to mark the border between East and West Berlin.  The main characters were a young American woman and a young German man. He had gotten a law degree while Hitler was taking over Germany; but he never practiced law.  She asked him why and he said, “The Law disappeared”.

And that’s what’s going on in our Country:  The Law – as the standard which those in government must obey – has disappeared and is being replaced by the age-old system where those with the power do what they want, and the cowards go along with it.

Just as the cowards in Germany went along with Hitler; cowards in America are going along with the Left’s brazen theft of the recent election. Countries are destroyed by such cowards; and that may be the reason Revelation 21:8 lists cowards as the first to be thrown into the Lake of Fire:  Tyrants couldn’t get to first base without the acquiescence of cowards.

So this paper calls upon each Member of Congress to rise up and restore the Rule of Law to our Land.[1] Knowledge of Truth – and the Love of Truth – makes us strong.  So learn the Truth, embrace it, and restore the Rule of Law.

  1. We must read each Part of the Constitution in the Light cast by the other Parts

It is impossible to understand any Part of the Constitution without understanding how that Part fits into the Whole; and how each individual Part is affected by the other Parts addressing the same subject. Accordingly, it is an ancient rule of construction that constitutional provisions or statutes that are on the same subject (in parimateria) must be construed together [link].

So it is a serious misconstruction of the 12th Amendment to assert that Congress’s role on January 6 is the passive one of merely counting numbers; or that the Presiding Officer has discretion to do whatever he wants.

As shown below, specific provisions of the Constitution impose on Congress the Duty to determine whether the Electors were lawfully chosen; and whether the putative President elect and Vice-President elect are qualified for office.

  1. When it meets on January 6, Congress must enforce these Constitutional provisions respecting the Appointment of Electors

Article I, §4, clause 1; Article II, §1, clause 2; and Article II, §1, clause 4

Art. I, §4, cl. 1 says that only state and federal legislatures have the power to make laws addressing the Times, Places and Manner of conducting federal elections.  So Judges and State executive officials have no lawful authority to change the election laws made by the Legislatures!

Art. II, §1, cl. 2 says that the Electors for President and Vice-President are to be appointed in such manner as the State Legislatures shall direct.  So Judges and State executive officials have no lawful authority to change the election laws respecting how the Electors are to be chosen!

So Electors who were appointed in violation of these two provisions were unlawfully appointed and hence are not legally competent to cast votes for President and Vice President.

Art. II, §1, cl.4 provides that Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors.  At 3 USC §1, Congress set the time for chusing Electors for November 3.  So Electors who were appointed after November 3 by means of late ballots (which was made possible by unconstitutional changes to state election laws which unlawfully extended the deadlines for receiving ballots past Nov. 3) were unlawfully appointed and hence are not legally competent to cast votes for President and Vice President.[2]

  1. Congress must also enforce these Constitutional provisions respecting the qualifications for the Offices of President and Vice-President

Article II, §1, clause 5

Art. II, §1, cl. 5 sets forth qualifications for the Office of President.  After our first generation of Presidents [who were all born as subjects of the King of England] had passed away; the qualifications for President are that he must be a “natural born citizen”, at least 35 years of age, and have been for at least 14 Years a Resident within the United States.

The last sentence of the 12th Amendment shows that no person who is ineligible to be President is eligible to be Vice-President.[3]

The 22nd Amendment

The 22ndAmendment imposes term limits on the office of President.  So any person who has already served two terms is constitutionally ineligible to be President.

The 20th Amendment, §3

  • 3 of the 20th Amendment addresses what happens when the President elect and/or Vice-President elect “fail to qualify”. So §3 underlines Art. II, §1, cl. 5; the last sentence of the 12th Amendment; and the 22nd Amendment: If the President elect or the Vice-President elect “fail to qualify”, they are to be passed over.

So!  The Constitutional scheme is that the Electors’ choice is subject to Congress’ determinations of:

  • whether the requirements of Art. I, §4, cl. 1; Art. II, §1, cl.2; and Art. II, §1, cl. 4 were obeyed when the Electors were selected; and
  • whether the persons whom the Electors chose meet the requirements of Art. II, §1, cl. 5; the last sentence of the 12th Amendment, and the term limits provision of the 22nd

If not, Congress must disqualify the persons.

  1. Congress is also bound by these Constitutional provisions

The Guaranty clause at Article IV, §4

Art. IV, § 4 says:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” [emphasis added]

Since the essence of a “Republic” is that power is exercised by Representatives elected by The People;[4] the violations of Art. I, §4, cl. 1; Art.II, §1, cl. 2; and Art. II, §1, cl.4 (which made massive election fraud possible) strike at the heart of our Constitutional Republic.

When Electors are selected in violation of our Constitution by means of last minutes changes unlawfully made to state election laws; and/or an election is stolen by means of fraud, the Right of The People to choose their Representatives is taken away from them – and the Republic is destroyed.

Art. IV, §4 imposes on Congress the Duty to guarantee lawful and honest federal elections.  Congress can do this by enforcing Art. I, §4, cl. 1; Art.II, §1, cl.2; and Art.II, §1, cl. 4 by disqualifying the Electors chosen in contravention of those provisions.

Congress may (and should) also disqualify Biden and Harris on the additional ground that their pretended election was procured by cheating.  They must be stripped of their sham “win”.[5]

The Supremacy clause at Article VI, cl. 2

Art. VI, cl. 2says:

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof…shall be the supreme Law of the Land…” [italics added]

Only those Acts of Congress which are consistent with the Constitution are part of the supreme Law of the Land.[6]

Accordingly, Sections 5 and 15 of the Electoral Count Act (3 USC §§1-21), are unconstitutional to the extent they purport to:

  • require Congress to accept slates of Electors who were appointed in violation of Art. I, §4, cl.1; Art. II, §1, cl. 2; and Art. II, §1, cl. 4;
  • require Congress, in the case of dueling slates of Electors, to choose the slate signed by the Governor of the State and reject the slate approved by the State Legislature;[7] and
  • eliminate the 12th Amendment’s dispute resolution procedures under which the House of Representatives chooses the President; and the Senate chooses the Vice-President.[8]

But, contrary to what some have asserted, the 12th Amendment most manifestly does NOT vest exclusive authority and sole discretion in the President of the Senate (Vice-President Mike Pence)to determine which slates of Electors for a State are to be counted and which slates are to be rejected!

As President of the Senate, the Vice-President has certain Parliamentary powers at his disposal; but he has no “discretion” in deciding whether he will adhere to the Constitutional framework governing the Election.  He – and every other Member of Congress – must adhere to and enforce each Constitutional provision.

The Oath of Office at Article VI, cl. 3

Every Member of Congress is bound by Oath or Affirmation to support our Constitution.  On January 6, you must lay aside all personal considerations.  Do your DUTY as set forth in the Constitution. And remember: This isn’t about Trump – this is about whether our Republic is to survive.  If you permit violations of the Constitution and the resulting fraud to prevail; you will destroy our Republic.

  1. Our Constitution sets up an elegant system of checks and balances

One of the benefits of the “separation of powers” Principle is that it provides a mechanism for one power to correct violations made by another power. Within the federal and State governments, powers are divided into three Branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.  Each Branch has the duty to “check” the violations of the other Branches.

Likewise, the power of the State governments is separated from the power of the federal government.  When people within State governments violate the Constitution – as was done in the recent election – it is the Duty of the federal government to “check” the violation.  Since Electors were chosen in violation of the Constitution; Congress has the Duty to check the violations and reject those Electors.


[1] The term, “rule of law”, is defined here at Point 7.

[2] The same Principle applies to Electors who were chosen before Nov. 3 pursuant to [unconstitutional] state election laws which permit early voting for selection of Electors.

[3] It appears that at the time Kamala Harris was born, her parents were not US Citizens.  If so, she is constitutionally ineligible to be President or Vice-President [link].  Congress has the Duty to inquire into this matter; and if they find that she is not a “natural born citizen” within the original intent of Art. II, §1, cl.5, it is Congress’ Duty to disqualify her. Congress is the body which is charged with determining the eligibility of the President and Vice-President [link].

[4] Federalist No. 10 (J. Madison): “A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, … *** … The two great points of difference between a democracy and a republic are: first, the delegation of the government, in the latter, to a small number of citizens elected by the rest; …”

[5] If you win a medal at the Olympics; and it’s later discovered that you cheated by taking performance-enhancing drugs, you will be stripped of “win” and medal – and both will be awarded to your runner-up. The same Principle applies to stolen elections.

[6] Federalist No. 78, 10th para (A. Hamilton):“…every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; ….” [emphasis mine]

[7] Art. II, §1, cl. 2 provides that the State Legislatures have the power to direct how the Electors are to be appointed!  The State Governor has no constitutional power whatsoever in the selection of Presidential Electors!

[8] To the same effect, see the Complaint recently filed by US Representative Louie Gohmert [link].

Defeating the New World Order

By Cliff Kincaid

The new year is here, and the worst is yet to come. Sorry to sound negative, but we suspect the Republicans will lose the George Senate run-off elections and the Democratic Party will try to consolidate its power while moving America into a New World Order now dubbed the Great Reset. There’s no way out, no turning back. Or is there?

There’s a chance the Republicans will take those two seats but many are wondering what purpose that will serve if it leaves the Senate in the hands of a spineless Mitch McConnell and the presidency in the hands of Beijing. This may be the best alternative for the election riggers. They may figure that a nominally “Republican” Senate, in which people like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins hold sway, will be a lever to keep Trump voters in their place as the GOP rediscovers its Country Club and Chamber of Commerce roots. Such a spectacle could mean Romney, who lost an easily winnable presidential race to Barack Hussein Obama, will become a national media star, capable of making more havoc for the GOP.

Romney will then run again for the presidency in 2024, as Utah-based broadcaster Sam Bushman predicted during an interview on America’s Survival TV.

We are in a predicament. In the famous scene in “Braveheart,” patriot William Wallace rallies the sons of Scotland with a great “Freedom Speech” and his cohorts ask, “Now what do we do?” They go on to defeat the British in that battle but Wallace gets tortured and killed in the end. It’s hard to defeat an empire.

Communism is an empire that grows more powerful by the day. The China virus is their latest means to an end, far more successful than global warming or climate change. It threatens to make America into a satellite of Beijing.

The ruthless global operators on the verge of seizing the White House for China Joe are using a virus that came out of a Chinese lab as the world buries their dead and slides into tyranny. Sadly, even some conservatives debate the nature of the virus, the virus tests, and so forth, without holding the Red Chinese rulers accountable for what they have done. Regardless of how many are dead and from what, the death and suffering are very real. We can’t lose sight of that fact.

Out of the wreckage is supposed to come the New World Order, with China on top and a “post-communist” Russia playing second fiddle. Together, Chinese-Russian nuclear arms can destroy the United States in seconds.

Europe is on track to become an appendage of China, as evidenced by their recently concluded financial investment agreement.

With Trump’s presidency hanging in the balance, the U.S. Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, just overrode a Trump veto of a defense bill that will not save us from China or Russia but does rename U.S. military bases and keeps tens of thousands of American troops deployed in foreign countries. If anybody ever needed any more proof that the Republicans are just as corrupt as the Democrats, this override vote was it. Trump lost in the Senate by an 81-13 vote. The House overrode the veto by a vote of 322-87.

Trump rallies the people in Georgia and then the nation on Wednesday as his supporters mobilize in D.C. for the great counting of the Electoral votes. His options are limited. But some Republican Senators have found their spine, as a growing number are promising to dispute the scheduled congressional election certification.

Trump has more options. “It is an established fact that a sitting American President can simply nullify a fraudulently executed national election and order another valid and observed national election, for the preservation of the Constitution and for the sake of the voters and the nation,” writes columnist Vic Biorseth.

While resisting the idea of a third major political party, Biorseth urges a frontal assault on the corruption in the Democratic and Republican parties, academia, and the churches. And there is time, he maintains.

In the same way the Russian revolution was followed by “several years of internal warfare,” he says the overwhelming majority of the American citizenry who are behind President Trump can be counted on to resist.

Perhaps. But some are demoralized and won’t vote in Georgia because they don’t trust a rigged system that gave the state to China Joe Biden during the early morning hours of November 4th when mysterious ballots were found in suitcases.

One thing we can do is plan for generations ahead, cognizant of the need to maintain records of how America was betrayed and what was lost. We also have to take a fresh look at the past and how we got here.

One lesson is that the “Greatest Generation” of Americans ended up as cannon fodder for the communist revolution, since the Nazis were defeated but the communists were permitted to regroup, take Eastern Europe, and wage wars in such places as Korea and Vietnam.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives to stop this part of the communist advance and thousands remain in place in South Korea. Meanwhile, the communists seized power on the mainland of China.

This is the danger we face today, as many American struggle to understand how the communists waged war so easily within our borders, taking over major institutions, even the churches, as Americans intelligence agencies staged a coup against Trump.

What do we do? I asked Professor Renato Cristin of Italy that question. He and I are signatories to the call for a Nuremberg of communism, modeled after the trials of Nazi leaders after the war. It was started by the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, who completely understood that the anti-Trump political exercises of Democratic Party politicians over the last several years were, in fact, the work of Russian sympathizers in a grand scheme of disinformation and subversion designed to mask the advance of global communism under China.

We need to begin by urging everybody to join the petition campaign for a tribunal investigating communist crimes, including those committed on American soil.

In addition, Professor Cristin tells me, we also need to look at those places, such as Poland, where a conservative government is in place. “Poland today has a conservative government, authentically anti-communist and of great cultural depth, which is realizing many of your and our ideas, and should be valued as a model for the reorganization of conservatives around the world,” he says. “It is no coincidence that President Trump chose Warsaw, on July 6, 2017, to give his only great speech in Europe — a speech that for theoretical quality and intensity of anti-communism far exceeded the famous one of Kennedy in front of the Berlin Wall. In fact, for the Trump administration, Poland was the best ally in Europe and in the world in general. Here, perhaps relaunching what the Polish government is doing today can be a valid idea as an initial and partial answer to your interesting and important question.”

In his own article on our current global predicament, Cristin asks “why did we not treat communism in the same way as we treated National Socialism (which was the only right thing to do)?” I recommend his article for it outlines a path to take by conservatives in America, Europe, and the rest of the world.

He says, “It is only when the matter is finally settled in all seriousness with no understatements, that communism can become a monster to be feared, a tragedy that must never be allowed to happen again. This may serve the purpose of uniting Europeans against their genuine common enemy (which is, of course, communism, but also the radical Islamism of today). We must make Europeans understand that communism is a virus, a foreign body in the midst of true European traditions and an enemy of Europe’s civilization.”

The Nuremberg crimes tribunal should be publicized around the world. “In the name of millions exterminated in the past, and to safeguard future generations from a recurrence, Nuremberg Trials for Communism must be enacted as soon as possible,” the petition says.

Who will join us?

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

No Arrests Means NO Crimes

By JB Williams

When a tree falls in the woods and there is no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound? When no court will allow evidence of a crime to be presented in their chambers, is there still any evidence? When evidence of criminal activities doesn’t result in any arrests, were there really any crimes committed?

This is the very strange and highly dangerous world Americans find themselves in as we enter 2021 on the heels of the most fraudulent election cycle in 244-years of U.S. history.

According to democrat politicians, judges, lawyers, and the news media, “there was no election fraud in 2020.” This claim is made entirely on the basis that no court in the country has agreed to review any evidence of the fraud in their courtrooms. Every court has taken the Sergeant Shultz “I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing” position, as if ignoring the evidence somehow discredits the evidence, or makes it vanish.

What the courts have actually done is deny due process of law on the most critical case of political corruption in our 244-years. They have violated their oaths, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and every legal American and in so doing, they have all but guaranteed the total collapse of the USA.

The courts, all the way to and including the U.S. Supreme Court, have eliminated themselves from the equation. They are no longer a legitimate active part of our constitutional form of government. They have removed themselves from the process of justice and placed justice in the hands of the American people. The Article III branch of the Federal government (the Judiciary) no longer holds any constitutional authority over anything! They have totally abdicated any lawful authority over anything at this point. They are total sellouts, with the exception of Justices Thomas and Alito.

On January 6th, we will learn which members of Congress have any honor and which ones are also total sellouts, as Congress meets to accept or reject fraudulent presidential electors for two worthless criminals…Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Allegedly, more than 100 House Representatives plan to object. At least 106 Representatives joined the Texas Supreme Court case against the fraudulent states, only to watch that court refuse to keep its oath. All 106 should object on the 6th or they were just grandstanding in the Texas case.

But the U.S. Senate appears committed to standing down, allowing the outright theft of the 2020 elections and our country, for their own personal profit motives. The Article I branch of our Federal government (Legislative) is poised to collapse on the 6th of January. If Congress affirms criminal Biden and Harris to sit in our White House, Congress will walk away from their oaths and lawful authority, just like the courts have.

CLICK HERE to call your Senators now!

Meanwhile, our Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation have been sitting on massive volumes of treasonous activities committed by countless political officials at the Federal, State and Local levels for years, maybe for decades now.

They know that the 2020 elections were full of fraud. They knew long before the elections that they were sitting on damning evidence of international corruption by the Biden family and others. They have openly stated that they would not release any of that evidence “because it could alter the outcome of the elections…”

That’s akin to saying they won’t release proof that your babysitter is a child molester, because it might cause you to fire your babysitter. That’s a level of corruption that no country can survive!

At the end of the day, if criminals are not arrested and charged for their crimes, then there was no crime. The same fraud used on November 3rd is currently being used in Georgia for two senate runoff races that will determine control of the U.S. Senate on January 5th. We should expect the same fraudulent results when the same fraudulent systems remain in place.

All of this leaves the future of our Constitutional Republic, freedom, liberty, and justice, in the hands of President Donald J. Trump and his 74-million voters, which is why President Trump is calling all 74-million voters to D.C. for the January 6th Congressional meeting to certify 2020 election results.

The Democrat D.C. Mayor is doing all she can to prevent Trump supporters from being able to get anywhere near the capitol grounds on the 6th. READ HERE

Issued Thursday, December 31, 2020

From Tuesday, January 5, 2021 through Thursday, January 7, 2021, multiple First Amendment demonstrations are expected to occur in the District of Columbia. In conjunction with these demonstrations, there will be parking restriction and potential street closures that motorists should take into consideration:

The following streets will be posted as Emergency No Parking on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 6:00 a.m. to Thursday, January 7, 2021 11:59 p.m:

H Street from 15th Street, NW to 17th Street, NW

I Street from 15th Street, NW to 17th Street, NW

Connecticut Avenue from H Street, NW to L Street, NW

Vermont Avenue from H Street, NW to L Street, NW

15th Street from I Street to K Street, NW (west side of McPherson Square)

17th Street from I Street to K Street, NW (east side of Farragut Square)


The clock is running down on America. The Judicial branch is corrupted beyond salvation, without a total house cleaning. The Legislative branch will choose its future on January 6th. Odds favor they will commit political suicide on that day and join the Judicial branch as a totally unlawful and irrelevant branch of a failed government.

President Trump is running out of options and time… If no one guilty of these treasonous crimes is arrested for their actions before the 6th, then no amount of evidence or objections will be taken seriously on the 6th.

No arrests mean that there were no crimes committed… simple as that!

If there is serious evidence of serious crimes committed during the 2020 elections, then that evidence must result in arrests, or none of the evidence will be taken seriously…even though the whole world knows that treason was committed by the globalist left throughout the 2020 elections.

If no one is arrested, then what are Trump supporters expected to do in D.C. on the 6th? Take matters into their own hands and provide street justice themselves? Trump has all the constitutional authority he needs to resolve this matter legally and arrest critical players. If he doesn’t do it, he is highly unlikely to survive 2020 and so are we…

[Order JB William’s book: “Trumped: The New American Revolution“]

© 2021 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams:

Trump Is Fighting Both Parties, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

It is easy to see that President Trump will have a battle on his hands over the next four years.  I believe that he will be sworn in on January 20th but the Republicans are doing their best to turn the reigns over to the traitors to America which will ensure that a Republican never again sits in the highest office in the land.  It kind of reminds me of the Christmas movie It’s A Wonderful Life.  The main character, Jimmy Stewart, had a choice of a world with him or without him.  Pottersville was the choice without him.  It looked like a third world country.  Everyone was in poverty and the only prosperous person was Mr. Potter.  He owned everything and controlled everything including the people.  With Biden in charge, that is just how it will be.

What is disgusting to me is the Republicans that are trying to get Trump to give up.  Even Mitch McConnell is telling Trump to let it go.  Incoming Senator Tommy Tuberville has indicated that he will oppose the Electoral College votes from the contested states but has run up against McConnell in doing so. In a video tweeted by liberal activist Lauren Windsor, Tuberville was deceptively asked if he was “going to fight to make this election right?”

“You see what’s coming. You’ve been reading about it in the House,” Tuberville said. “We’re going to have to do it in the Senate.”

The suggestion would defy Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., warning Republican senators not to join a floor-fight to challenge the electoral votes in several key swing states.

His contention is that the effort may harm the outcome of Georgia’s run-off elections, and that it would result in a “terrible vote” for Republicans, forcing them to either support Trump or publicly buck him.

“We’re going to fight hard,” he replied, prompting further questioning about January 6, which is when Congress convenes to officially tally Electoral College votes.[1]

With the evidence that is out there concerning how massive the voter fraud is I am amazed at the lack of guts from the Republican Party to fight for an election that was obviously fraught with voter fraud that Trump obviously won hands down.  Why are the Republicans so willing to just give up the fight?  McConnell warned Senate Republican colleagues during a Dec. 15 conference call that objecting to counting certain states’ electoral votes on Jan. 6 would be a political mistake.

He said it would be politically damaging to Republican senators up for reelection to cast votes on such a divisive topic, according to senators who participated in the discussion.

Senators who vote to dismiss the objection face Trump’s wrath, which could dampen support from Trump loyalists in future elections.

Trump in recent days has vented his frustration with Senate Republicans for not joining his effort to contest the election.

“Mitch, 75,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting President (by a lot). Too soon to give up,” he tweeted at McConnell. “The Republican Party must finally learn to fight. People are angry!”[2]

I guess Republicans don’t care that if this is not stood up to right now our American experiment is over!  The Democrats will see to it that a Republican never sits in that office again.  Once again, then, he pulled the GOP out of the political fire – for Trump himself need not worry about re-election, no matter what transpires between now and January 20, but Republicans on Capitol Hill would have been blamed for the shutdown, as they always are.

With only a handful of exceptions, congressional Republicans have proven themselves weak, listless, and largely unprincipled. They ride the D.C. gravy train for as long as they can – decades, in some cases – and they let the Democrats push them around on every issue. This is what they have done for at least the past 20 years. It’s what they learn, apparently, at the John McCain Academy of Go Along to Get Along Political Theory.

Trump Train Or Gravy Train?

Little wonder, many of them quickly abandoned Trump, even in the face of evidence that something was very wrong with the November election result. Trump is not the go along to get along type. For four years, he ran through the carriages of that gravy train, causing havoc. He flung open the windows to let in the light and the fresh air. He also often pulled the emergency cords, forcing the lawmakers to stop at places through which they would normally have whisked, full speed ahead toward their favorite destinations: Pork City, Payraise Park, and Donation Station.[3]

Trump has exposed so much of the corruption that is in the swamp that it is scaring most of D.C.  It’s obvious that the long-timers of both Parties are up to their eyebrows in corruption.  Feinstein and her twenty-year Chinese spy, Swalwell with his sexcapade with the Chinese spy, McConnell’s wife may be compromised because of her sister.  Maybe that’s why McConnell is so eager to ‘move on’.

China invested $400 million into Dominion’s parent company Staple Street Capital LLC which “three of the four board members of that subsidiary’s board are Chinese and could represent Chinese investors,”[4] but we also see that Mitt Romney has some ties to the same corrupt companies that Hunter Biden is involved with.  Romney has his own problems that make it clear he is not a real conservative and underscore why Romney is so maliciously anti-Trump.

Romney’s Foreign Policy Adviser Joseph Cofer Black Served On the Board of Burisma Holdings Alongside Hunter Biden:

The Huffington Post reported in 2017: 

“Former Director of CIA’s Counterterrorist Center joined Burisma’s board, and he will help to expand the company’s global presence.

Burisma Group, an independent oil and gas company with operations in Ukraine, announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company’s board of directors. Joseph Cofer Black’s past experience includes: Director of CIA’s Counterterrorist Center between 1999 and 2002, and Ambassador at Large for Counter-Terrorism between 2002 and 2004. With such a strong background, Mr. Black will be leading the company’s security and strategic development efforts[5]

The corruption is deep and those that want it to continue are many and in both Parties.  This is what happens when we stop paying attention to who we put into places of authority.  Samuel Adams made a comment that we should take to heart: “The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.” It appears that the people we have sitting in high places are only out for themselves and they don’t care what it costs America.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Senator elect Tuberville hints hell support challenge to election results as McConnell begs GOP to let it go
  2. GOP seeks to avoid messy Trump fight over electoral college
  3. The Republican Party abandons Trump at its peril
  4. Fact check: What the China dominion and $400 million story is actually about

The Treasonous Reasons Behind the Theft of Our 2020 Election

By JW Bryan

First create crises which will allow changes in the voting process that will be favorable to whatever plans and strategy are envisioned for success.

Secondly, develop a narrative concerning the forthcoming charges of election tampering irregularities, out-right stealing from the opposition; presenting the subjects as sore losers who are grasping at straws.

Have authorities lined up who will respond publicly that there is no evidence of any election fraud, and if there is any, it isn’t enough to overturn an election. Have the friendly courts prepared to dismiss all charges brought before them regardless of the amount and validity of evidence.

As we have seen, the multi-faceted so-called, “Covid-19 pandemic” was the concocted crisis which resulted in the left, communists, socialists, progressives, democrats, and the powers above them, to have the opportunity to steal the 2020 Presidential Election.

At the very outset, this so-called crisis resulted in the excuse for rule changes allowing mail-in ballots. This resulted in an untold number of fraudulent ballots being collected and submitted into the vote tallying process at various locations and intervals as needed to overturn the Trump landslide.

All was planned and coordinated. Many of us have observed and noted that at a certain point in the vote tallying process on the night of Nov. 3rd, several states stopped counting votes at almost the same time. This had to have been preplanned and coordinated from a central command position. Thissuggests the possibility as well as the probability that the theft of the election did not come about because of the existence of the pandemic, but rather, the pandemic was concocted for the purpose of stealing the election.

There is much evidence which suggests that there were many other objectives that were sought. The forced submission to vaccination in order to work and travel is in the plan,and that is only a starter. Plans are being made the world over to place “non-vaxers,” those who refuse to be vaccinated, in camps. In fact, one writer, Rob Pue, in an article, “The ‘Dark Winter’ is at the Door,” published by News with Views states that it is already happening in Canada. Also, in addition, there were supposed to be 20,000 Chinese Communist troops in Canada and for training with Canadian troops, but it was cancelled by their Defense Minister.

According to an article in Natural, the Canadian government has published a bid request for “programmable hydraulic guillotines needed in support of Canada’s response to Covid-19” Now, if this report is true it suggests some very scary times are in the future; what we might call – shadows of the French Revolution, in which 25,000 French citizens lost their heads by guillotine for allegedly violating a public safety law.

Also, if the report was true that Chinese troops were to be Canada, then here’s something which could be a clue concerning why they are there. During the Obama Administration, he made a deal with Canada for them to supply a military back-up to the U.S. in case there was an uprising of its citizens against what was planned. This could be what Canada is preparing for by making a deal with China.

We don’t know what was planned, but Obama did, and evidently, he reasoned that the American people might not stand for what he was up to. So, he was preparing for the possibility and maybe even the probability of an uprising of the American people against whatever plans that were on the table, which could likely be implemented against the people.

It was Obama who stated that, he was going to “fundamentally transform America,” and everything he initiated was to that end which is currently referred to as “The Great Reset.” I heartily recommend reading this article. Everyone needs to prepare themselves and their family for the advent of this anti-God, anti-human thing that is coming down the pike with no one to stop it.

I realize that God could prevent this from happening; however, if he did it would prevent the playing-out of the principle mandated from Creation which holds that all choices result in consequences. Millions made the choice many years ago to reject God and his principles. Subsequently, in the eons of time, He incrementally gave up on those who made these choices and turned them over to a reprobate mind. It seems that we are well into experiencing the consequences resulting from worldly choices by society as a whole, including government, both federal and state, along with businesses occupying high plateaus, all have become infiltrated with reprobates. These increases further hasten the consequences we will ultimately deal with.

The constant gravitation into government and high places of influence upon society, including our pulpits who are infiltrated by the enemies of freedom, leads me to believe that America is most likely 90 percent controlled by these anti-God agents.

The only way to prepare for it is to turn our eyes to God and his Son, Jesus Christ. I am thankful that all my children and grandchildren are spiritually prepared, but I shudder to think of the millions, especially of the children, who aren’t prepared spiritually.  Too many have never been confronted with the knowledge of Christ and how we have to learn of him and accept him as our personal Savior to escape eternal damnation in the fires of Hell.

Open and digest your Bibles, and when you read it you will be better able to explain to others, and especially your children how a reprobate thinks for they are those who God has turned over to a reprobate mind.  Once this happens,they’ll never repent and come to the Lord because to do so one has to be visited by the Holy Spirit of God Almighty.

The Deep State

Only a few of us knew about the Deep State at the time Obama surfaced, but I’m sure Obama did. The Deep State hasn’t just recently come into being; it’s been there all along, in organized form, all the way back to 1921. The forces which set the stage to bring it into existence were in the making eons before.

The globalists planned to use the horrors of world war one as an impetus which would result in the League of Nations, and from that the gradual incremental culmination of events which would finally usher in world government. The United States Senate, upon reading the charter, rejected the U.S. becoming a part of it. The members of the senate which led the opposition to it were referred to by the “fake news” of that time, as the “Irreconcilables.”

This led to the proponents of world government having to go to plan B, which was the instituting of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), with John Foster Dulles being the head of it. His brother, Allen Dulles was brought in to head up the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the initial implementation which brought about the Deep State.  Nothing has changed; today’s CIA Director is Gina Haspel whose mentor was John Brennan.

About 30 years later, Dan Smoot, assistant to J. Edgar Hoover, wrote, “The Invisible Government” about the CFR and its goal for world government. He really called it right; at the time the CFR had about one thousand very high profiled members – but it was invisible. Currently the membership is reportedly somewhere between five and six thousand but it is still practically invisible. Here are details on how it was able to take over the State Department of the United States and now practically the entire governmental operations. This resulted via their members being in positions of authority where they could bring in others and have them placed in governmental positions of authority. For a better understanding of what has happened, see “What next Mr. President” – Part 1.

In the fall of 1953, Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the Reese Committee, was informed by the President of the Ford Foundation, H. Rowan Gaither (CFR member) that the Foundation operated under the directives from the White House. The substance was, “that we shall use our grant-making power to alter our life in the United States so we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.” Guess who was in the White House in 1953. It was Dwight D. Eisenhower.

What does all this have to do with stealing the 2020 Presidential Election?

As I previously stated,the CFR was brought into existence specifically for the purpose of changing U.S. policies to coincide with specific government programs, both foreign and domestic, which were designed to incrementally bring to fruition the long sought-after goal of a one world government. To simply state it, Donald Trump was in the way; the agenda for the new world order could not allow him to remain in the White House for a second term. It is estimated that the globalist’s agenda for world government, has already been set-back as much as 30 years because of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Thus, it was imperative that a full all-out attack with everything in the arsenal of the globalist’s agenda must be made against the entire world, and especially the people of America. And the fake pandemic fueled by a bioweapon developed virus – COVID-19, for the purpose of bringing about a contrived “crisis” designed to force people to take a vaccine that will purposely have multiple side effects of disastrous proportions.  Why?  Because the COVID-19 virus has never been isolated, so how could they make a vaccine to target it?

If you are even just considering getting vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus Robert f. Kennedy Jr. has a message for you: don’t do it.  Robert Kennedy Jr. recently issued a public statement urging people everywhere to avoid the COVID-19 jab at all costs because it contains an untested new technology known as mRNA, the long-term side effects of which are completely unknown. Everyone needs to read what Mr. Kennedy says about this issue by going to the link above, it is very informative.

Shortly afterward, there was a correction concerning Kennedy’s statement to the effect that, “He didn’t state it quite like that,” but more to his position that everyone had their right to make the choice whether to take the vaccine or not.

There’s also the article by Dr. Yeadon, where he states there is no need for a vaccine, the so-called pandemic is nearly over, if in fact, it ever was a pandemic.Dr. Yeadon points out many things which have been improperly reported.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, who spent over 30 years leading new allergy and respiratory medicines research in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, and retired from Pfizer with “the most senior research position in this field, wrote:

There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic.  I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines.  You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease.  You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.

His comments come at the end of a comprehensive criticism of the Scientific Advisor Group for Emergencies (SAGE), a government agency of the U.K. tasked with advising the central government in emergencies. SAGE has played a predominate role in determining public lockdown policies in the U.K., including those recently implemented, as a response to the COVID-19 virus.

The articles of Robert Kennedy and Dr. Yeadon are extensive, but should be read by every American considering this new vaccine.Please pass this on to your fellow citizens so they can make an educated decision about their lives and vaccines.

© 2021 JW Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan:

The Death Toll from Drugs in America

By Cliff Kincaid

Clueless FBI agents and other law enforcement personnel are scrambling to understand the motives of the Nashville suicide bomber. But a friend says he “loved smoking weed,” as records do show an arrest for marijuana possession. Other descriptions include hippie and long-haired flower child. This is all we need to know about the bomber, Anthony Quinn Warner, who couldn’t think straight and probably suffered from brain damage as a result of heavy drug use. This is America’s future.

In response to a pandemic, unemployment, small business bankruptcies, and suffering in general, Democrats passed a marijuana legalization bill. Marijuana is their “Soma” for our Brave New World under the “Great Reset.”

Soma was the drug that kept people silent and compliant as they became slaves to the World State in the Aldous Huxley novel.Marijuana and other drugs can not only sedate the population but alter the minds of many suffering from the problems of isolation and depression, sparking more suicides, even violence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period. Most, of course, can be blamed on Chinese-supplied Fentanyl, but marijuana is also playing a role in drug deaths.

I say “other drugs” because Oregon just decriminalized cocaine, meth, and LSD by passing a measured backed by money from billionaires George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.

It seems that many of America’s billionaires, who have increased their wealth dramatically during the pandemic, want to get America hooked on mind-altering drugs.

In a major victory for the “progressives,” the House Dems voted for the pot industry (228-164)even before Speaker Nancy Pelosi brought up the new China virus “relief” bill that passed both Houses. That demonstrates their priorities.

Our friends to the north, who have been living under the legal marijuana regime of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau since 2018, have known about the disturbing evidence that birth defects have been associated with marijuana use by pregnant women. Marijuana, warned the Canadian Marijuana Victims Alliance, could be the new Thalidomide, the drug marketed in the 1950s and the early 1960s in Europe and Canada as a sleeping pill for pregnant women but which caused thousands of children to be born with missing thumbs, underdeveloped limbs, eye and ear defects, and congenital heart disease.

Anti-drug activist Pamela McColl notes that the Canadian government still officially warns that marijuana should not be used if you are pregnant, are planning to get pregnant, or are breast-feeding, or are a man who wishes to start a family. This is because of the link between THC, the main psychoactive component of marijuana, and birth defects. McColl appeared on my ASI TV show to discuss this threat to young people eager for children.

America has a Food and Drug Administration for a reason. It doesn’t always do its job, and sometimes acts too quickly in approving drugs.

Birth Defects

One excellent FDA reviewer by the name of Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey refused to authorize thalidomide for the U.S. market because she doubted the drug’s safety. She resisted the corporate pressure to market the drug for pregnant women in the U.S. and received the President’s Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service from President John F. Kennedy in 1962

Today, in regard to marijuana, the FDA “strongly advises” against the use of cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and marijuana in any form during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Nevertheless, marijuana is flooding the U.S. for “medicinal” and “recreational” purposes. Why? As noted in a new lawsuit against New Jersey officials filed by attorney David G. Evans, it is money, greed, and tax revenue for government. The issue is implementation of State Public Question # 1 that attempts to legalize “cannabis.”

Attorney General Bill Barr, who didn’t detect voting fraud during the election and suppressed news of investigations of Hunter Biden during the campaign, has failed to enforce federal marijuana laws. He was a disgrace and bears some of the blame for allowing this poison to spread across America.

Meanwhile, more cases like that of Andy Zorn will take place. The son of Sally Schindel, he developed a marijuana addiction to the point of having a psychotic break with reality leading to suicide, after leaving a note proclaiming, “Marijuana killed my soul + ruined my brain.” She tells the terrible story in an ASI TV program.

Creating one public health crisis on top of another is of no consequence to the profiteers making money on a bipartisan basis. The Big Pot business guarantees more obedient slaves who will vote to keep the goodies (or marijuana gummies) coming, and result in more financial donations from the slave masters marketing marijuana to the kids and then turning over blood money to the politicians.

Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul was once involved in the pot industry. Former Republican House Speaker John Boehner works for the pot business Acreage Holdings. Matthew Whitaker, who served as the country’s top cop for three months after Jeff Sessions resigned from the Department of Justice, works for a CBD firm named Alternate Health Company.

On the Canadian side, Brian Mulroney, the eighteenth Prime Minister of Canada from 1984 to 1993 and leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada from 1983 and 1993, is on the board of Acreage.

The company declares, “We deeply believe in the transformational power that cannabis can have to heal and change the world and aim to help it achieve its full potential in helping people to lead better lives.” This is dangerous New Age gibberish.

Meanwhile, Newsmax, supposedly the new “conservative” alternative to Fox, has sent out a “breaking news” alert, with advice on “Using Edible Marijuana Responsibly” from Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs. The message tells us, “Martha Stewart is now selling gourmet, hemp-derived CBD edibles.” She says, “I can pop 20 of them and just feel OK. But some of my friends do two and feel high. I don’t know why.”

Sounds like a bet worth taking, right? Richard Kirk is the Denver man who ate a marijuana gummy, went nuts, and murdered his wife.

The China virus attacks the lungs, in the same way pot does. But pot also attacks the brain, creating more mental illness.

Our already over-stretched health care professionals will just have to spend some of their time trying to calm down stoners going through psychotic episodes linked to pot. They will then want guaranteed national health care to take care of their physical and psychiatric problems.

In terms of COVID-19, pot enables people stuck at home or waiting in lines for free food to get stoned and think about other things. It’s the perfect “cure.” Perhaps smoking dope will replace going to church. Plus, cities get tax revenue from the weed sales. This helps explain why pot shops were allowed to stay open during the lockdowns while churches were closed. Churches don’t pay taxes.

As George Soros, the godfather of drug legalization, undoubtedly realized, pot is the perfect commodity, guaranteed to keep those customers coming back for more, in higher and higher doses. Until, of course, they’re dead.

The money angle is a very important one, not only for the politicians but for the marijuana “industry” itself.

Getting America Hooked for Profit

CNBC and its anchors and analysts are heavily promoting the pot business, even while they shed crocodile tears over hospitals filling up with China virus patients.

CNBC interviewed the CEO of an outfit called “Weed Maps,” which is supposed to be a guide to score pot and “find medical and recreational marijuana dispensaries, brands, deliveries, deals & doctors near you.” These days you don’t have to meet a dirty street dealer in a dark alley. You can buy dope from a “respectable” businessman with a doctor’s “prescription.”

Billions are being made at the expense of public health. These people are shameless in their pursuit of profit and are counting on the Harris/Biden Administration to follow through with legalization of marijuana (and perhaps other drugs) nationally. CNBC’s Jim Cramer regularly promotes pot stocks and predicts legalization under Biden/Harris.

Kamala Harris loves marijuana and Joe Biden knows a lot about it, too. His daughter was busted for weed and his son Hunter experienced harder drugs like cocaine, forcing him out of the military after he was caught snorting.

Reporter Alana Goodman reported, “In 2017 divorce papers, Hunter Biden’s then-wife Kathleen stated he spent ‘extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations).’ The same year, it emerged that Hunter Biden was in a relationship with his late brother Beau’s widow, Hallie. Hunter Biden separated from Kathleen five months after Beau’s death from brain cancer at age 46 in May 2015.”

People like Carla Lowe of Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana are hoping to spark a new parent movement to combat the threat.

But don’t look for any marijuana victim stories on CNBC. The truth will cut into the profits of the pot stock pushers like Cramer.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Swamp – How Bad is it?

JB Williams

In 2016, more than 63 million Americans elected Donald J. Trump to “drain the swamp.” In 2020, more than 74 million legal voters attempted to re-elect Donald J. Trump to finish “draining the swamp” in his second term. But the swamp just wasn’t going to allow that to happen.

Even though billions of people all over the world witnessed massive election fraud in the USA on a scale never before seen, the swamp continues to insist that no such fraud took place and that there is no evidence to prove otherwise.

The swamp repeatedly beats the drum of false information, convincing many fools that they are right, and hoping that sooner or later, if they tell the lie often enough, long enough, even otherwise intelligent people will eventually believe it’s true.

Here’s why the swamp is winning and why it’s likely to consume our beloved country in less than 30 days from today.

You No Longer Believe Your Own Eyes

Oh sure, you all saw the fraud taking place with your own eyes. You saw election results flipped over night, as hundreds of thousands of trucked in Biden ballots arrive in the dark of night, after the polls closed and after all poll watchers were sent home or removed from the counting rooms. But do you believe what you saw?

A bomb was detonated on 2nd Avenue in downtown Nashville TN on Christmas morning. The current public narrative claims the event was the work of another “lone wolf” bomber with no previous history, who detonated his RV after broadcasting a loudspeaker warning for everyone to evacuate the area in advance of the blast.

HERE IS RAW FOOTAGE of that explosion. Trusting your own eyes, what do you see? Does the initial blast come from the RV on the left of the screen? Or does it come from the right across the street from the RV? Was the RV demolished in the initial blast? Or is it still intact after the blast? What do you believe, your own eyes, or the approved public narrative?

Yes, “fake news” is the only kind of news we have today, no matter which is your favorite news source. Not one single major news outlet tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth today. Secondary independent news sources are full of wild conspiracy theories as they try to find truth in a sea of lies. Like a broken clock, they might get it right twice a day.

A quick internet search for medical studies done over many years to determine the effectiveness of face masks to prevent the spread of any virus, will quickly turn up two opposite results now. First, you will see all of the “Google approved” links of recently posted government approved narratives and opinions by “government experts” supporting the use of the masks. But if you keep digging, you will find numerous actual studies done over many years, all of them confirming that face masks are totally useless in preventing the spread of any virus. Which reports do you believe?

All of your life, you were taught to believe that our courts exist to provide a peaceful legal means and process for finding true justice. You thought that every legal American had a right to due process of law, to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law that applies the laws equally to everyone, no matter race, creed, or color. But now you know that even the President of the United States, more than 20 States and over 74 million Trump voters, have no right to due process in the courts at all, as every court in the country refuses access to present evidence of massive election fraud in their chambers.

But the swamp is telling you that “Trump lost every case filed in all these courts.” How do you lose a case you were not allowed to present? When someone is denied entry to present evidence to the court, did they “lose the case” on the merits of the evidence, or were they simply denied due process of law? Which do you believe?

If you research COVID19, (Coronavirus 2019), you will quickly confirm that all “corona” type viruses are a version of the common cold. If you keep researching, you will confirm that the common cold also kills elderly or health compromised people, every year, as does the common flu.

We all know that COVID19 was weaponized for the 2020 elections. Without it, there would have been no mail-in voting and only the usual level of cheating, not enough to defeat Trump, who got more than 10 million more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016, setting records from numerous “minority” voting groups, while hitting an all-time high among regular GOP voters. But what is the swamp telling you? Which version of reality do you believe? The one you know, or the one they tell you?

Do you believe what you see, or what you’re told to believe?

World history is full of examples of socialism and communism failing, 100% of the time. Still, what have the young voters been dog whistle trained to believe? That free stuff actually exists, and is preferable to freedom?

Do you still wear a mask? Do you still social distance? Do you still stay at home when told to? If you do, it’s because you too have been dog whistle trained to believe and do what you’re told, despite what you see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, and know in the pit of your stomach to be true.

You have been told by the CDC that over 350,000 Americans have died from COVID in 2020. You have also been told by the CDC that only 6% of those deaths (21,000) were actually deaths from COVID alone. 94% were dying of something else and may or may not have “tested positive” for COVID, with or without any COVID symptoms. So, which CDC reports do you believe? The ones you KNOW are true, or the ones you are told to believe?

According to the swamp, COVID19 has over a 98.5% survival rate in the USA. When has this country or the world ever shut everything down and totally destroy our economy and millions of lives, over a common cold with a 98.5% survival rate or better? NEVER! Until the 2020 elections…

How Bad is the Swamp?

Because most Americans no longer believe their own eyes and ears, or their gut instincts, they are easily susceptible to the powers of suggestion. Today’s Americans grew up with TV and Radio, accustomed to both telling them what is going on in their cities, country, and world. Even though most know they are watching “fake news” and even say so, among friends, they still believe almost everything the TV or Radio tells them.

And THAT…is how bad the swamp is!

People who will believe anything, will fall for anything. They are easily controlled and manipulated, and will “go along to get along” just in case the “fake news” might be right this time.

According to the swamp, Trump and Senate Republicans don’t want you to have your so-called “stimulus” money from the Nanny Gov. Is the news media telling you that 80% of that congressional bill was spending for foreign countries? Are they telling you that this is what Trump and Republicans want to strip from the bill, before sending you another government handout? Which story is true? Do you even know anymore? Do you even care anymore?

How many of you “patriots” are howling for your stimulus check, while opposing socialism? Why haven’t you already reopened your businesses or returned to work, so that you don’t need a check from Nanny Gov? Because someone told you not to?

Most Americans think they work for the government now. They must, or they would be issuing orders to their public servants, instead of taking orders from them…

The “swamp” is nearly everyone in a government position of any kind today, no matter what party they claim to belong to. It’s also nearly everyone in National Security and the Military, as well as State and Local Law Enforcement, public education, and academia. Yes, the swamp has been allowed to flourish in America, to become the “majority” in America. It’s vast…to put it lightly…and…it includes most of you!

But it can only exist because of YOU, us, We the People!

We are sheep being led to slaughter and many of us know it, but fail to do anything to stop it.

The swamp wants us to believe that “there is nothing we can do.” Of course, they do. Why would they want us to believe anything else? And just like the masks and the RV bombing fairy tales, most Americans believe them.

Many say, “they are not afraid of us anymore!” …and they are right, they aren’t! They have no reason to be! What have the American people done that would give them any reason to worry about anything, since 1776?

Nobody is afraid of the average American these days. Why would they be? Americans have allowed themselves to be dumbed down, drugged up, displaced, divided, and discouraged for decades. They look like the perfect society to take over…fat, dumb and happy to go along, to get along. There won’t even be a fight!

Stimulate What?

Americans are currently awaiting their next round of so-called stimulus money, with bated breath. The first round was $1200, congressional democrats wanted the second round to be $600 until Trump demanded at least $2000.

What do you think this will stimulate? Our closed economy? Is it to stimulate your ability to pay your bills, while our public servants continue to force us out of business? If you add the $1200 and $2000 together, it’s $3200 for the year. Does that replace the income they took from you in 2020? Really, at an annual average of $61.53 per week? This will solve your problems?

It will only stimulate what it is intended to stimulate…it’s sit down and shut up hush money, a bribe, to help you go along to get along, while they finish off our country! For $600-$2000, most Americans will indeed sit down and shut up! You’re being bribed with only 20% of the “stimulus” bill, with the other 80% being sent overseas, to be funneled back to the DNC via international donations through Act Blue. Rather than standing with Trump to stop that 80%, you’re only focused on the 20% that the swamp keeps you focused on.

Or, Have Americans Finally Had Enough?

After everything that have been done to them in 2020 under COVID-TYRANNY, if they still haven’t had enough, then we’re all done here, we’re out of time.

On January 3rd, the new-norm congress will be seated. On January 5th, the Georgia Senate runoff will be counted, with over 2 million illegal Stacey Abrams mail-in ballots already collected and GOP voters casting their ballots on Dominion voting machines. Meanwhile, many so-called “conservatives” are telling GOP voters to “boycott the vote.” It’s not mandatory for anyone to vote, so, all this does is help democrats steal the last two seats they need to control the US Senate. BRILLIANT!

On January 6th, Congress will meet to count the 2020 Electoral College votes. We will see which members of Congress take a stand for us, and which ones take a stand for “the swamp.” We will see what Vice President Mike Pence stands for on that day.

Then, we will see whether or not the American people have had enough or not. We will see what We the People really stand for… Do you believe what you know is true, or what they tell you is true?

Only 3% of Americans fought for freedom and liberty in the American Revolution, the three-percenters. 2/3 of them died to give birth to freedom and liberty in America. It was the single largest loss of American life in any American war.

Who are we and what do we stand for now?

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams:

Senate Hopeful Raphael Warnock: This Pastor is NO Pastor, What is Wrong With Christians

By Greg Holt

I am literally amazed at the teaching out there that so-called Christians will follow and believe.

Raphael Warnock is a Democrat who also happens to be a pastor.  First I cannot understand how anyone can possibly say they are a believer in Jesus – and be a Democrat.  Does that sound a little too strong to you?  A little “off” maybe?  It’s not.

One absolutely cannot be a true believer in Jesus Christ and be a Democrat, can’t happen.  Why not you ask?  Simple – Democrats support the murder of helpless babies, the world calls it abortion, or the newest catch phrase, “women’s health.”  Since when does women’s health necessitate the inclusion of abortion?  And since when is ANY godly man or woman ok with killing babies?

God CREATED man (Genesis 1:27) and He did not create us for death, but rather life (John 10:10) God after all in the flesh sacrificed Himself for us, making a way for us when we were yet His enemies (Ephesians 2:1-10).  All life is important to God.  In Deuteronomy 30:19 God calls us to choose life, not death.  In Jeremiah 1:5, God says he knew us before we were formed in the womb – our spirit is eternal.  Psalm 139:13 says: For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. (ESV)  Job 31:5 says God made us, ALL of us.

If your faith decrees that abortion is ok, then your faith did not in any case come from or through Jesus Christ.  This so-called pastor is good with abortion, and accepts the endorsement of Planned Parenthood.  I’m here to tell you, unless this man repents, he WILL be one of the goats (Matthew 25:31-46) judged by Christ.  Our Lord will not accept lightly the condemnation of His little ones to a violent and painful death – an unnecessary and evil death.

Democrats also support the weakening of, or the destruction of the American Constitution – our unique form of government that was designed by those who worship God.  Our government was designed around the belief in God, and that those who governed would be led by a faith in Jesus Christ.  The Constitution, the entirety of the great American experiment, was not designed with secular unbelievers (humanists) in mind, but rather God.

“The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave… These may be best understood by reading and carefully studying the institutes of the great Law Giver and Head of the Christian Church, which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.”  —Samuel Adams (Source)

“The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights.” —George Washington  (Source)

“Firstly I commit my Soul into the hands of God, its great and benevolent author.”  —Josiah Bartlett  (Source)

“We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments of God.”  —James Madison  (Source)

There are many more quotes where these came from, the Founding Fathers very obviously had a strong faith in God, this faith guided their actions and decisions in framing the government and this faith was worth protecting.

Raphael Warnock is running for office, whatever, that’s fine.  He stated in 2011 that one CANNOT serve God, and serve in the military.  WHAT???

“‘America, nobody can serve God and the military,’ Warnock said in the sermon delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where he serves as senior pastor.”  (Source)

So I have to ask, what does Warnock have to say about Moses?  Or King David? How about King Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 27:6) whom God referred to as His servant?  What about Elijah, a major prophet of God – who slew hundreds of people (1 Kings 18), the prophets of Baal?

God has no issues with the military, this is made up nonsense in Warnock’s head.

Warnock also saidthat Americans need to repent for their worship of whiteness.  How’s that again?

In an interview with Tim Bryant, Warnock stated that abortion is consistent with his philosophy as a Christian minister.

“‘I believe unequivocally in a woman’s right to choose, and that the decision is something that we don’t want government engaged in – that’s between her and her doctor and her minister,’ he said, adding that, during his campaign, he has been ‘focused on women’s health, women’s choice, reproductive justice. That is consistent with my view as a Christian minister. And I will fight for it.’

When Bryant asked him, ‘Do you think it’s consistent with God’s view – that God endorses the millions of abortions we’ve had in this country since Roe v. Wade?’ Warnock replied, ‘I think that human agency and freedom is consistent with my view as a minister.’”  (Source)

Reproductive justice?  Seriously???  Where I would like to ask is the justice for the human baby that was ripped to shreds in the womb with a pair of forceps and then vacuumed out like the dirt on your rug?  What about that pastor Warnock?

Raphael Warnock is the pastor of a megachurch, how this happened is beyond me given what he supports.  His flock is woefully misled, and those who would vote for this man are as well.  A believer in Christ must be guided by what Jesus teaches, not what the world says is ok, and not what those who would fill the coffers are ok with.

Read more on Inspirational Christian Blogs

Read my three most recent articles:

ALERT! Free Speech is in Serious Danger: WordPress AGAIN Shuts Down a Huge Conservative Site

Election Auditors, IT Specialists, and Data Analysts Among Others Speak: Overwhelming Evidence of Voter Fraud – Enough to Change the Election

Did Joe Biden Use THE HAMMER to Steal the Election?

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Globalists Unveil Their Latest Scheme

By Cliff Kincaid

With their own peculiar brand of a New Year’s resolution, the globalists are out with their latest plan – a Global Alliance to Defend Democracies. The feel-good ploy has two purposes –to divert attention from our own failing “democracy,” and to assemble a group of nations supposedly to contain Red China. It could attract the support of people who think there may be something salvageable in a potential Biden presidency.

But if Biden takes power, America’s “democracy” will lie in tatters. We will be a laughing stock around the world.

The proposal, once advocated by such personalities as John McCain, has now surfaced in the writings of Richard Kemp, a former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, under the sponsorship of the Gatestone Institute, a group associated with fired Trump adviser John Bolton.

Kemp reports, “British Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to use the G7 summit that Britain is hosting in 2021 to launch the ‘D10,’ intended as an alliance of democracies to counter China.His proposal is for the G7 group of leading industrialized nations to be joined by Australia, South Korea and India. The focus would be on developing 5G telecommunications technology to reduce dependence on Huawei and the Chinese Communist Party as well as reliance on essential medical supplies from China.”

The G7 consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Referring to China Joe, Kemp adds, “President-elect Joe Biden put forward a somewhat similar initiative in 2019 and it is widely believed that he plans to convene a ‘Summit for Democracies’ in 2021. It appears his intention is broader than Mr. Johnson’s both in scope and participation, and that it includes promoting liberal democratic values across the world.”

China Joe will be promoting “liberal values” when his political party has seized power through electoral fraud and communist violence in the streets?

Coincidentally, the Streit Council has been fundraising for its own long-standing plan to create a “Union of Democracies” and declares, “As 2020 comes to an end, we are reminded more than ever of the importance of our mission as originally envisioned in Clarence Streit’s 1939 bestseller, Union Now. In an irrevocably interdependent world, personal and collective challenges are interrelated.”

Union Now is another world government scheme that includes a proposal for a global constitution.

Some of these ideas can be traced to a “Congress of Prague” that was held back in 1996 and whose goal, in the words of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, was “the defense, entrenchment and extension of our Western inheritance of freedom.” Alist of the “International Advisory Board” members at the time included such people as William Kristol, the former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Mitch McConnell, the current Republican Senate Majority Leader.

Thatcher, who gave away Hong Kong to the Red Chinese, was identified as a patron of the Congress, along with Henry A. Kissinger.

In her memoirs, Thatcher had predicted economic change on the Chinese mainland would lead to political reform. She said, “The Chinese belief that the benefits of a liberal economic system can be had without a liberal political system seems to me false in the long term.”

In fact, China’s dictatorship is more entrenched than ever before and is running roughshod over the freedom of its own people and residents of Hong Kong. Globally, China has devastated Western economies (but not its own) with the China virus.

The publication Axios reports that China’s economy is expected to grow by 8.4% in 2021.“China managed to become a post-COVID economy within months of the virus striking,” it says. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to sputter along, with many states in lockdown and going deeper into debt and financial turmoil.

Axios says China’s success stems from its communist dictatorship using a “centralized epidemic response system” very strict lockdowns, as “only one member of each household permitted to leave home every couple of days for necessary supplies,” together with “an effective and efficient nationwide contact-tracing program.”

In other words, communism works.

“How China Won 2020” is the title of the Axios article that celebrates the death and destruction inflicted by Chinese communism on the rest of the world.

Both Thatcher, a noted “conservative,” and Kissinger, an adviser to Republican and Democratic administrations, were terribly wrong on China. The CIA also got it wrong. Today, their adherents propose an “alliance” or “union” of democracies to counter China when China has effective control of Joe Biden and his family, in a country, the USA, that is supposedly the leader of the “Free World”but which has been characterized by rampant election fraud designed to take Donald J. Trump out of the presidency.

China Joe’s “Summit of Democracies” has a cheerleader in Jonas Parello-Plesner, executive director of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation in Copenhagen, Denmark. Corporate supporters include Google, Microsoft, the Atlantic Council, the National Democratic Institute, and the International Republican Institute. (The latter receives funding through grants from the U.S. State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy, a number of European foundations and aid agencies and other Western countries, and the United Nations.)

Curiously, this outfit has an associated entity, the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity, that accepts the Biden presidency. (John Kerry is a member).

An alternative to these various “democracy” gimmicks, often cloaked in language about the dangers of Russian election meddling, is an international communist crimes tribunal targeting China and Russia. It could also expose communists operating on American soil. Professor Renato Cristin has made the case for such a tribunal in various publications.

This proposal was initiated by the Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky before his untimely death. He told me in an interview that the problem in fighting communism has been Western complicity with the communist regimes. China Joe, implicated by the Hunter Biden laptop in payments to his family from China, is an example of that. So is member of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Eric Swalwell, who was publicly sniffing out Russian agents while allegedly sleeping with a suspected Chinese spy. Yet, Axios reports, Swalwell “is not accused of wrongdoing…”

“I was shocked,” he said. “Just over six years ago, I was told about this individual and then I offered to help, and I did help and I was thanked by the FBI for my help and that person is no longer in the country.”

All of this happens right before our eyes and is excused or rationalized by the intelligence agencies and the media.

The November 3 presidential election, also stolen in front of our eyes, is further evidence of this corruption. But the worst may be yet to come, especially if Mitch McConnell and other Republicans fail to protest the steal on January 6 and usher China Joe Biden into the U.S presidency.

Based on what Col. Kemp says, a new “democracy alliance” will be unveiled, supposedly to counter China. It may even be led by Rep. Swalwell. It will be a mask for further integration into a New World Order dominated by China.

Consider that Europe has just revealed a new investment agreement with China. Expect China Joe to follow suit, accepting crumbs from the Chinese as Americans literally survive on crumbs.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Higher Education Being Lowered From Its High Horse

By Sidney Secular
The corrupted and denatured universities are losing their near universal monopoly on knowledge attainment, knowledge storage, and specialized training for high salary professions. Besides, they just cost too much, so they’re on their way out, but they don’t want to admit it yet.
The position of the universities is somewhat analogous to that of the monasteries in Medieval Europe which were all-powerful as knowledge repositories, book producers, and the home of proto-science, and operated in a kind of bubble–a world of their own. The combination of the Reformation, competition from the printing press, the nascent universities, and political maneuvering against the Catholic Church led to their dissolution in the early 16th Century. Now its time for the university bubble to burst, as well.
With the degradation and the near disappearance of the true “liberal arts”, which had provided the thrust for free inquiry and the discipline of philosophy which were at heart the search for “truth”, or even “The Truth”, the universities fell into the “everything is relative” syndrome, automatically destroying the idea of universal truth. Thus, universities faltered and fell for the allure of political correctness via the sabotaging influences of Cultural Marxism, the Frankfurt School’s “Critical Theory”(criticizing tradition and established ideas for no good reason except to undermine society), and the infiltration of the culture distorters and destroyers, and so became the incubator for all the Left-wing and Communist craziness that is overtaking society.
The Left blindly demands that more “minority” applicants and those who don’t perform as well on supposedly culturally biased school entrance exams be allowed into the “elite” universities, or even charter high schools. Thus, as this happens, “elite people” will begin sending their children to institutions of lesser repute, and the Ivy League schools and their ilk will cease to be regarded as “elite” as they are dumbed down to the least common denominator in accordance with equalitarian dogma.
Educators and analysts continue insisting that those of lower academic capability enter “higher education” in order to “earn more money”. They overlook that this simply results in the dumbing down of higher education. The Bachelor’s Degree is losing its value as employers lose faith in what it represents.
The proportion of university-age students attending universities has risen from 13% in Britain in 1991 to 50% today, with similar results elsewhere, meaning that the requirements for the Bachelor Degree are being diluted to graduate dummies, making the degree nowhere near the gold standard it once was.
Already, employers are setting up their own systems of assessment, sometimes giving the job to a non-graduates. They are bypassing degrees and reverting to de facto apprenticeships where they establish their own entry requirements and train people on the job. Surveys have found that employers regard young college grads as deficient in such key workplace skills as written and oral communications, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning–the very things that college was supposed to teach them.
Universities, especially for non-STEM students, are turning into very expensive day care centers. Young people are maturing more slowly, living more sheltered lives. The “I-Generation”(those born in the mid to late 1990s), the ones after the Millennials, is less likely to ever have done any work and less likely to drive than the Millennials were at the same age. Thus, the university for them is not a rite of passage, but merely an extension of “home”.
Hence, we see the genesis of the “snowflake” phenomenon. As immature individuals, the students want to feel intellectually “safe”, protected from ideas that upset them, and to enjoy the right not to be “offended”. The faculty increasingly agrees; and even if they don’t, they censor their teaching accordingly to avoid bad student reports and having their contracts terminated.
The obvious fact is that many high school students would be better off learning a skilled trade where there are many opportunities available than saddling themselves with huge student debt by obtaining a degree from a mediocre university leading to questionable employment prospects.
It would be frivolous to obtain a liberal arts degree but for the fact many benighted employers still require a college degree. However, more and more companies that used to require a degree for certain administrative jobs no longer require one.
Already, the massive expansion in the number of universities that began in the 1960s is now contracting. Smaller colleges are simply closing their doors, unable to fill the spaces and thus unable to stay afloat. Experts predict 25% of colleges will “fail” over the next two decades.
Since it is readily apparent to everyone that the Left acts stridently to restrict free speech on campus and prevents prominent conservatives from giving speeches and commencement addresses to the student body, the public concludes that the academics are biased, that their research is not to be trusted, and that they should not be funded by taxpayer money or be permitted charity status. In 2006, 41% of Americans had a lot of confidence in higher education, but by 2017, that was down to 14%.
“Academic mobbing”–in which fanatical leftist “lackacademics” destroy colleagues whose research challenges leftist dogmas–further undermines public confidence in academia.
It’s obvious that universities can be regarded as the ideological enemies of conservative governments. Hopefully, such governments can soon overcome their cowardice and obliviousness to all of this extreme Marxism and simply abolish universities’ tax breaks and partial public funding, and so let them sink or swim on their own.
Then there’s the technology-driven competition the increasingly woke and expensive universities must face. They are rapidly becoming redundant as it becomes easier to educate oneself on any subject.
There is a “freelance fringe” of academics who hang around university towns and perform tutoring of students in addition to other work, such as journalism, who have become increasingly prominent and available as a result of publicity on the internet and social media. Students are also turning to quasi-academics, often YouTube personalities, who become their de facto teachers.
Due to this competition, the teaching of non-STEM subjects will contract, and the availability of some STEM programs are also likely to contract. Once a significant number of key people, often those who are more intelligent or perceptive, start to lose confidence in the system, then their lack of confidence will become contagious, especially among those turned off by the extreme Marxism of much of the educational establishment.
Of course, the incredible stratospheric level of fees required to obtain a college education that result in terribly burdensome loans will ensure that the college bubble will burst, and the Left will be left to lose one of its key weapons and advantages in the promotion of the downfall of the West.”
© 2021 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved
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