Creating Solitude for Your Spiritual Bliss
The point of solitude means to be luxuriously immersed in the quiet moments of your own choices. You become fully aware of being alive without being ushered into the scurry of daily living.
The point of solitude means to be luxuriously immersed in the quiet moments of your own choices. You become fully aware of being alive without being ushered into the scurry of daily living.
In 2014, Smartmatic’s CEO, Antonio Mugica and British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown announced the launching of the SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company based in London whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer. Malloch-Brown became the chairman of the board of directors of SGO since it’s foundation.
Fox News is the milquetoast network, sometimes offering good conservative news items but coupled with its own misguided opinions from various anchors and paid commentators about how President Trump should be conducting his campaign. Their latest advice: avoid the “personal attacks” and campaign on the “issues.”
Meanwhile, the Cackle Queen has held no press conferences, sat for no interviews, and labored to give the impression that there’s really nothing that she has to do to win this. Instead, what we get is a ton of media drivel about her “campaign of joy.”
In a world full of treachery (unfaithfulness in covenant to God) and betrayal to the God who gave so much (John 3:16), how few there are who understand how to bear their cross that the Lord may be truly glorified (1 Corinthians 2:8; Romans 1:16; 2 Timothy 4:16-17).
"It is lust for power, greed, selfishness, and impatience that will destroy all of you. We must change our approach to one another. We must discover the true meaning of grace and love."
I repeat my request to President Trump: He should pause his campaign and deliver a national address to the American people explaining that not only is his life in danger but that the American system of government is being subverted by powerful domestic and global forces that want to install Kamala Harris in the White House.
What can we conclude from this decision? First and foremost, that everyone deserves due process, regardless of how despicable we may think them to be. Remember, no matter how badly you may want someone to pay for their actions, there’s probably someone out there who feels the same way about you.
Progressives are full blown Marxists. Oh, they might huff and puff and say that’s not true but well-crafted Soviet style brain washing indoctrination methods were slowly inculcated using America’s schools even before I was born. By the time impressionable (and sometimes rebellious) young Americans got out of high school or colleges, they believe America is a democracy which it is not.
A writer-alcoholic Dina Kucera said, “I felt empty and sad for years, and for a long, long time, alcohol worked. I’d drink, and all the sadness would go away. Not only did the sadness go away, but I was fantastic. I was beautiful, funny and I could do math. But at some point, the booze stopped working. Every time I drank, I could feel pieces of me leaving.
As a more than 40-year veteran observer of the American political scene, I have never seen anything like this presidential campaign, where one political party, the Democrats, have eliminated their own candidate from the race and tried to kill the opposition candidate. But this is the situation America finds itself in.
The second restrainer we have lost in America is the home. God’s definition of the home is the place where dad, mom, and the children – called the family – live and function together. A home is a place of love, a place of instruction, and a place of discipline. Great families make a nation great. America once had a great family structure. When the family structure is destroyed in a nation, then that nation quickly falls into disarray and decay.
God’s “Church” is meant to be a restraining force against evil, darkness and wickedness in this world. God gives His Holy Spirit and the very power of God that raised Christ from the dead lives within those who are truly, soundly saved. I have to wonder how many are truly, soundly saved in our American churches today — and how many think they are, because they’ve been deceived by cowardly false teachers...
Change the debate, openly oppose anti-freedom policies, expose non-governmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in the shadows dictating policy, force elected officials to be personally accountable for their actions. This is how we will drain the swamp – with dedicated activists that understand who the mosquitos are and stand ready at a moment’s notice to take action with a big can of Raid!
The media likes to tell us that the Harris team has it all wrapped up. But this too is puffery. Unfortunately, the majority party here in Oregon always falls for fake media news and think the same way. But they are all struggling against reality; they can't defeat truth.
Think of the almost-20 percent increase in the cost of living during the era of Biden-Harris. Or think of the disaster on the Southern border, in which Harris had a direct hand whether again through malfeasance or simple incompetence. Now she’s the Democrat Party’s presidential candidate.
Rather than attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress, Kamala Harris went to a black college sorority event. Then, after Jewish Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro was passed over for the vice-presidential pick, CNN’s Van Jones, a leftist himself, admitted, “You also have anti-Semitism that has gotten marbled into this party.
Once hired, these wannabe journalists are thrilled to be on their way until they learn that their bosses don’t give a damn about anything they think, believe, want to convey to a hungry public. For most media employees, it soon becomes clear that they are expected—indeed, mandated—to reflect and convey the belief systems of their employers.
The beauty of our system, especially the due process protections, is that everyone gets them. Rich or poor, popular or not, the Constitution protects all of our rights. If we allow them to be trampled because of tradition, we lose more than just the right to a trial by jury, we lose the most basic protections of justice.
Local “educators” and the state teachers’ union in Oklahoma have vowed to defy a move by the state superintendent of schools to install Bibles in every classroom, grades 5-12, to help children study “the core values and historical context of our country”.
He shows you how to identify your strengths, focus on your dreams and manifest your highest function and performance. Yes, other writers give you similar ideas on maximizing your life—and, they might resonate more with you.
When the Globalists realized that a New Ice Age wasn’t going to fly, that it was too obvious that we weren’t going to be wiped out by glaciers, even in the long-distant future, they knew they would have to come up with a somewhat-believable bogeyman.
The enemies of God will not stop at Israel, and that includes American enemies and even some Americans who claim Christ. The United Kingdom is within the Islamic grasp. America could be in the grip of foreign control soon. Some say it already is. If we do not stand up for the Jews today, who will there be to stand when they come for us?
At the Republican National Convention this last week, the platform decided to usurp God's Law and do its best to lower the Law that condemns both sodomy and abortion (Amos 2:4). The two abominable sins that dare and assure the justice of God. Read Amos 4:11.
Did Biden’s handlers, and perhaps their handlers, see that he’d fallen behind Trump in all the polls in swing states? Did they decide to pull the plug on their figurehead in the hopes that they could replace him with someone who wouldn’t lose the upcoming election in a landslide?
The insanity rapidly destroying the USA has gone on long enough and if it’s not properly addressed in the 2024 election cycle, this country will never be of, by, or for, legal U.S. Citizens ever again.
In 1962 Bible reading and prayer were eliminated from government schools. The 10 commandments were removed in 1980, but they’re back in Louisiana and similar bills are proposed in several other states. Racism is being used by Congressional democrats to divide and conquer our country for Marxism.
“On July 14, the FCC voted to unleash 5G in the United States, approving sweeping Spectrum Frontiers rules to make spectrum bands above 24 GHz available for 5G. Even though serious health risks are associated with the proliferation of cell phone technology, the attitude of the FCC seems to be ‘full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes.’
I woke up to find out the nightmare had become reality. The Progressives, Socialists and Marxists that have purposefully infected and now permeate throughout The US guv'mint, and I include the highly mischievous RINO's who collaborate seamlessly with them. They have preached and PREACHED about how "They" are going to make their behaviors and policies transparent! It is my firm conviction that "They" have finally achieved their lofty goal.
Understand that you live with the exact creative energy of the universe as every human that ever lived on this planet. That “universal vibration, frequency and pulsation” charges through your body 24/7. Engage that living energy into your thought processes. Think, grow and act on your own behalf.
And the official nation-wide hospital protocol — and the ONLY drug allowed for use in American hospitals for COVID — was Remdesivir. I didn’t learn of this until two years after Bob died, when multiple doctors and scientists came out and blew the whistle on it. Remdesivir, they said, was actually a bio-weapon. It had been tested in Africa, but so many people died during the tests, that testing was halted.
America is no longer a Republic!!!! We have been captured and are being ruled by the New World Order demonic occult Marxists elites. In reality, we are being ruled by the Kingdom of Satan and not by the Kingdom of God!!! These Marxists elites have been in a spiritual war against this nation since our founding.
This gospel message destroys systems of partiality and division and brings unity under God to all who embrace it (Galatians 3:26-28). In the end, for those redeemed by Christ, there will be a grand family reunion and celebration in heaven.
Yet, if the mullahs get their hands on the bomb, they will make use of it in numerous ways. They will use it for blackmail, they will use it in small packages through untraceable proxies, and they might even launch it with their missiles in a homicide-suicide fashion, which is their trademark.
Renaming, re-defining, re-imagining is how the left succeeds. So we can look for a re-imagined Kamala who will now be for peace and freedom. To Kamala peace is war and freedom means you can say anything you want that agrees with the regime. We must be on to their lies and expose them as soon as we hear the lie. She lied about Joe's condition for 3 years. She lied about the border.
Kamala, in charge of the border, has been the kind of failure that is in blindingly bright focus around the world. The flood of drugs is on her padded shoulders. She babbles and giggles at the most inappropriate times. Her “word salads” are served up wherever she opens her mouth; too much fiber in the national diet has caused much cramping and nausea.
Kimberly did finally resign—only when pushed hard— after what The Hill called her “disastrous appearance before Congress,” only to leave us with another stonewaller, Acting Director Ronald Rowe. At least we did get the satisfaction of watching several Senators rake him over the coals.
Jesus was not a Roman. He was a Jew. The religious leaders took him to Pilate because only Pilate could sentence HIM to death. The Jewish leaders were mad because Christ was usurping THEIR power by declaring Himself KING of the Jews. He challenged THEIR authority.
Bill Gates and his playmates at the Untied Nations (let the error stand) have recently ramped up their campaign to get The Common People to eat insects. It’ll Save The Planet—see? And it’s Sustainable! Science says so! And Science is always right—at least, for as long as scientists can tell which way the wind blows.
Stress may be the greatest cause of countless diseases afflicting millions of Americans. Heart attacks, anxiety, suicides, obesity and other afflictions find their origins in some kind of stressful situation manifesting in countless numbers of people.
During this chaos and controversy, much of it stemming from the attack on Trump’s life and continuing threats, Trump has found a winning issue that will attract millions of people and many new voters -- an alternative monetary system that bypasses the Federal Reserve through crypto currencies based on new technology, such as Bitcoin.
So, I encourage you, rather than being disheartened by the current dismal state of affairs, let us draw courage and resolve like our forebears who overcame their conflicts. We too can be victorious and change the course of our government. It has fallen to us to be the generation that turns Oregon and America back to its foundational first principles.
The Lord used Micheal Landon, aka “Pa,” to convey to me what the family unit is all about (Psalm 68:6). Not only that but also what a father is to be to his children. I bet these actors and actresses all have heard this a million times over. The fact is, the Lord used him to be a “Pa” unto me, no doubt.
My driver license expires on September 12, 2024. So, this morning I got up at 5 a.m. and dressed and drove to the Department of Motor Vehicles. I had received a notice in the mail that if I wanted a “Real ID,” I had to bring my Social Security card, my birth certificate, proof of residence, i.e. the deed to my home, electric bill, etc., my voter’s card and my driver’s license.
I do have a concern. Now that the courts are expected to infer what Congress meant when it was silent or ambiguous, we have a similar problem, just with another branch of government. What is to keep the courts from “interpreting” the law to mean something exactly the opposite of what Congress wrote? After all, that is exactly what they did in Chevron in the first place.
President Trump was almost murdered after a coordinated effort to jail and bankrupt him, which is still ongoing, and when that stalled, they tried to kill him. Johnson’s response is to ask House Democrat Leader Hakim Jeffries to join a bipartisan effort to get to the bottom of the incident, when the Democrats’ attacks on Trump as a dictator and Hitler inspired the attack.
There are many tentacles to this international cabal of bankers and billionaires. It’s not just the CFR or Trilateral Commission, but – and I thank a deep-diver researcher, Robert, for providing me with some of them, despite the amount of research I have been doing the past 31 years.
Gossip may be called “The devil’s radio” for lack of a better metaphor. You’ve heard, “The devil is in the details…the devil made me do it.” We somehow use the “devil” to sidestep our own culpability. Aristotle, Socrates and Kant realized that the “devil” in all of human foibles remains our own choices.
A vast majority of Americans REGARDLESS OF RACE, CREED, PARTY AFFILIATION OR MEDIA-LABELLED “PREFERENCE” were shocked and horrified at the attempt on Donald Trump’s life. Many have switched their support to him for the upcoming election. Many had already abandoned the Left. The upcoming election will show that in spades, as they say, if we are allowed to get there.
Our Founding Fathers valued freedom and liberty. Freedom is not the right to do what you wish to do – it is the capacity to do what you ought to do without someone pointing a gun at your head and making you do it or making a law to prevent you from doing it.
In my message from last week, titled “So Predictable,” I predicted that although Joe Biden repeatedly vowed, he would never drop out of the presidential race, that he definitely would, eventually. And almost immediately after my message was published or broadcast by all the media outlets that carry it, he did. I knew it was coming, but I didn’t expect it to happen as quickly as it did.
Your enemy is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), consisting of wealthy families and individuals. They rule the world through their control of corporations, media, Congress and bureaucrats in the administrative state. The PSRRC is also supported by the judiciary who think they are the law, and do not honor their Oath to the Constitution.
Before I explain, let me just say that I love women, real women. I’m married to one and I’m the father of another, brother of two and brother-in-law to three more, and they are all amazing human beings, real women. They are smart, loving, caring and tolerant people, and ferocious protectors of those they love, especially children.
Like many others, I’ve considered a number of possibilities of a second shooter, primarily because Crooks seems the unlikeliest of assassins, and because the Dems and Deep State allies long to be rid of Trump.
How much do you know about the assassination attempt against Donald Trump the weekend before last? Including anything gleaned from my piece, or sent out by online “influencers.” Was there a second shooter? Did Secret Service simply screw up, or was there major malfeasance (i.e., was this an attempted Deep State hit)? Given that Thomas Crooks, 20, was a Gen Z digital native, where’s his digital footprint? Are we really supposed to believe he didn’t have one?
Yet, on any given day, the people could decide the time has come for them to enforce the Charters of Freedom. On that day, the people will have begun the process of reclaiming their country and their future…but not until. If you want your country back, you’ll have to take your Oval Office back first!
I think the thing that turns people off in politics is the towering insincerity of it all. It’s always the honeyed tongue with the dagger poised to punctuate the praise with a damned good stabbing.
Many people drag the past back into the present. Others make excuses for poor choices. Still others wave personal responsibility onto circumstances. Others abandon themselves in favor of the modus operandi of their “shadow” side.
The article, "It’s Biden’s Fault," is the best analysis I have seen about the fact that Joe Biden (and Kamala Harris) bear responsibility for the attempted assassination of their political opponent, President Trump. These are basic facts about the chain of command.
It is up to us to get everyone we know to vote. Recognize that they lie all the time. Charlie Kirk said this and I agree. "Every time you hear 'democracy' replace it with 'our regime.'" If you do you will understand their actions. Trevor Loudon, author of "The Enemies Within" and his new series "House Un-American" is my guest on this week's podcast. Join us as we explore the world as it will be under communism.
Oh, how the revisionists of the day would have us all believe that our forefathers were a bunch of Satanists and occultists who were used to establish this country. Read Matthew 7:16-20. I am here today to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth.
Europe will be Muslim in a dozen years,” promises the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Supreme Guide (dictator), who is racing full-speed ahead to make as many bombs as possible with long-range missiles capable of delivering their payload anywhere in the world.
The court’s disregard of the Constitution goes far beyond Donald Trump and his January 6th actions. Consider that attacks against pro-lifers advocates, parents, traditional Roman Catholics, and so many more by the Biden Administration’s so-called Department of Justice.
We cannot really know if this housing will be filled with foreign troops soon, or if it is just a nauseating display of “federal middle finger to the taxpayer”. The next 3.5 months are not going to be dull. Keep your head up and your eyes open.
After years spent painting themselves into this fatal corner, with the democrat party on the brink of extinction, party leaders work around the clock to terminate 14,465,519 2024 DNC primary voters and pick their own puppet candidates for President and Vice President at the upcoming convention.
Underneath it all, a silent evil was growing and we’ve come to see our people change. Proper attire is gone, profanity has become common, respect for elders has been extinguished and revolutions in psychiatry, popular culture and jurisprudence have removed nearly all sense of immoral and illegal from the notion of perversion.
I didn’t watch the presidential debate in June. I knew it was just another act in this macabre theater play that the government and media wants us to believe is real. By now, I would hope that most Americans understand that nothing they show us is real. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Most still believe what they’re told by the mainstream press, and what is put forth by politicians, political parties, special interest groups and social media.
I personally watched the oceans turn from perfection to a rolling garbage pile ebbing and throbbing with the tides as humanity tossed plastic in millions of forms, glass, tires, chemicals, nets, nylon, canvas and worse into the oceans of the world.
In this case, as we saw in the Hunter Biden laptop coverup, there are honest people in the bureaucracy, such as those IRS whistleblowers. We must hear from the insiders, not the paid stooges running the Secret Service and the FBI. As for the Trump campaign, bring in a private security service as soon as possible to protect him.
As I am finishing this article, I just heard about the attempted assassination of former President Trump. This looks like God intervened and saved his life. Surely someone close to him will present the gospel to former President Trump!! A lot of questions need to be answered and as in times past, they will slow walk this and we may never know the real motive behind this shooting.
This did not mean Dawkins had abandoned his beliefs in atheism, Darwinian evolution, or his view that Biblical creationism was “pernicious nonsense,” for he considered his position as a cultural Christian to be distinct from being a believing Christian.
The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet, of which only one billion existed less than 200 years ago.
Donald Trump remains undeterred by this attempt on his life, standing as a beacon of hope and resilience. His commitment to saving this nation from the clutches of the deep state and fulfilling his vision of greatness is stronger than ever. This incident, far from weakening his resolve, has only solidified his determination to fight for the American people and restore the country to its former glory.
The vast majority of the masses are barely making it and our children’s standard of living – something that has always been a point of pride with Americans – is demonstrably lower than that of their parents for perhaps the first time in history. It's time for the people to get something in return for all those taxes. Consider it a "piece dividend" to get a decent piece of the pie.
Tough times are coming. But tough times produce tough people. Maybe a little bit of persecution will be good for Christianity. But we must face up to the reality that we are entering into a time of FIGHT or FLIGHT. How the church responds to the difficult times will determine the outcome. The tide is beginning to turn in America.
Holding state level agencies accountable will be a major priority at the Secretary of States office. Conducting comprehensive reviews is essential to ensure that agencies and executive offices are operating efficiently, delivering services effectively, and adhering to the statutory limits set by the legislature.
I’m reminded of the ancient king who held court each day. He beckoned the local sage for words of wisdom. Each day for a year, the sage brought the king an overly ripe piece of fruit along with a witty statement. When the sage left, the king tossed the fruit into a hole in a pillar where it fell to the basement, untouched.
John Roberts of Fox News appears to be getting sick and tired of Secret Service stonewalling on the matter of its multiple “security failures” in the attempted assassination of President Trump. On Wednesday, he noted that the federal agency has not held a public briefing on what happened and he said the response is “approaching the level of scandal.”
I have written numerous times now that the 2024 U.S. Elections will represent a final opportunity for the American people to turn our country away from evil and bondage before the clock runs out on our Constitutional Representative Republic. It will be one of two things when the smoke clears and the dust settles this fall, and the American people will decide. It will be reformed, or it will be gone!
We local journalists kind of enjoyed the Silly Season. You could have a lot of fun trying to grind a news story out of those non-events. It was a challenge—and a welcome change from sitting in on rancorous town council meetings that went on till midnight.
Yet Trump’s rousing “Fight! Fight! Fight” message to the crowd was not only an inspiring battle cry—coming at such a moment, it was also a poignant one. This was a beloved President and Commander-in-Chief, essentially saying to the MAGA millions: “Even if they take me down, keep fighting! Fight for your country! Fight for liberty! Fight for your families! Fight so good triumphs against evil! Fight!”
One version of the inside job theory requires that Crooks have previous contact with the FBI, which, twenty years ago, gained an underground reputation for pulling unhappy or unstable individuals into its clutches, presenting them with illegal activities often involving explosives, effectively entrapping them and then arresting them, as “evidence” of the “terrorist threat” (foreign or domestic).
Last week, I put in social media circulation how the people are being played by the powers that are tolerated when it comes to the two options given to them concerning the presidency of the United States (Ephesians 4:14).
If Trump is correct that God saved his life, and it sure looks that way, he understands there is something else at work in America. This is not secular politics. This is something more sinister. As such, his enemies won’t stop at one attempt. I believe, based on my research, other assassination plots are already underway.
I think we're being given the bread and circuses version of the latest ploy of the NWO, to distract us with the glittery, shiny object of an abysmally failed Biden performance of the most RIDICULOUS debate I have ever had the great misfortune to suffer through, while the more venomous snake slithers into the room and opens its mouth to devour, once and for all, the Republic of the United States.
After living through President Kennedy’s assassination, President Reagan’s attempted assassination, the murder of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., the attempt on Trump’s life looks like so many others from the past. An inside job.
Trump is a private citizen. An attempt was made on his life. An innocent attendee leaving behind a wife and daughter, was killed. Two other innocent Americans were critically injured. Sheriff Slupe is the ultimate law enforcement official in his county. A sheriff can request assistance from outside agencies like State Police, FBI, ATF, but he is top dog in his county and those felony crimes were committed in his county.
No President in the history of the United States has achieved as much in his first three years in his first term in office as President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, no President in the history of America has been subjected to such incessant vile and unjustified attacks as President Trump.
Satan, the dragon, the serpent, is raging. Meanwhile, our pastors are silent, like dumb dogs, and rarely, if ever, train their people for the any type of significant kingdom work. But God gave us His Word. We must use it to educate, train, prepare and equip ourselves and one another for this work and work as hard as we can, while we still can.
These similarities between the days of Noah and Lot and the present day indicate that humanity is moving away from God’s divine order and that judgment may be imminent. Disrespect for marriage, rejection of God’s Word, widespread violence, corruption, pervasive illicit sexual behavior, blasphemy, and organized satanic activities are all reminiscent of rebellion to the ways of God.
When an entire population is brainwashed by lies concerning the Jews, is it any wonder that missteps by Palestinian leaders receive such vitriolic responses? The fact is that Barghouti and other leaders of supposed Palestinian advocacy organizations must toe a very well drawn-out line of constant hatred toward Israel and the Jews.
Choose rationally, basing your choices on facts to the best you can ascertain them, and you’ll at least survive. Maybe even thrive. Choose irrationally, basing your choices on fantasy, propaganda or lies, you’ll pay a possibly very steep price.
I’m not quite sure why former UK Prime Minister, Rushi Sunak decided to hold the General Election on the 4th July this year. He must have surely known that his party, the so-called Conservatives, didn’t stand for liberation, and they certainly didn’t stand any chance this time around of winning. Everyone knew that after their 14 years of continual oppression, betrayal and lies, winning the General Election wasn’t even an option.
Does your family live in a home located in a single-family neighborhood of your choosing? A place where your kids are safe to play in the yard, you can enjoy the sun in your own lounge chair, the grill is ready to be fired up for dinner, and your neighbors wave hello? Best of all, are you counting on the equity value growing with each mortgage payment, preparing for your financial future? Well, get ready to lose it
Trump is an obvious target of many of these same forces but has decided, for reasons of political expediency, to make a deal with them. He has warned Republicans that opposition to abortion has “cost” the GOP politically. So he endorses abortion drugs and “state’s rights” on abortion, a formula that led to the first American Civil War when some states wanted to keep slaves and others wanted them to be free of bondage.
When does a rifle become a machine gun? That is the question asked in the Supreme Court case Garland v. Cargill. When the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives suddenly decided to redefine bump stocks as machine guns, many Americans simply complied. However, when Michael Cargill surrendered his bump stocks to the ATF, he did so under protest, filing suit to challenge the rule under the Administrative Procedure Act.
Let’s scoot over to the annual “New Champions” (of what?) conference in China, where Klaus Schwab, head honcho of the World Economic Forum, made some pertinent remarks… about taking over the world, I think it was.
Its 2024 platform is weak, declaring that while the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States “guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process,” the States are “free to pass Laws protecting those Rights.” By the same token, they are also “free” to deny those rights.
On July 4, 1776, a group of Americans approved a document declaring the United States of America free from English rule. This document was the Declaration of Independence, and today we celebrate the 242nd birthday of this courageous action! The Declaration of Independence is the nation’s birth certificate.
Besides TB, the invaders are also bringing with them yellow fever – spread like malaria by the mosquito, a creature the US has in plenty, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and other diseases that were on the fast road to eradication in the US a short time ago.
There are monsters in our country today. Not big grizzly bears who will crush your skull and then devour your guts, not the Frankenstein or werewolf monsters that Boris Karloff presented on his weekly late-night program, not the kind of monsters children think are in their closets or under their beds, but the kind far more dangerous than our imaginations. They are real and they embody the essence of evil.
In truth, the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens have gotten away with years of national and international crimes and the walls are closing in on them politically at this moment. The SCOTUS ruling makes certain that none of them are free from investigation or prosecution, in the event that the Department of Justice is ever returned to a constitutional agency engaged in enforcing real laws, not political persecutions.
I’m not ridiculing the man. However much I disagree with his politics and what his handlers have done to the U.S. over the past three and a half years, I can’t find it in me to wish Joe Biden harm. Quite the contrary. To my way of thinking, what we’ve been seeing has all the markings of a form of elder abuse!
Whose running our government? Marxist traitor Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett as I covered in my History Being Written column cited above. But, they are just the ‘errand boys”. Multitudes of those mega DNC/Biden donors are connected and work with the organizations I’ve listed. Americans fund them with their wallets not knowing who pulls the puppet strings
Surely, in both her education and clinical work, she was aware of, sensitive to, knowledgeable about – and protective of – the students whose limitations rendered them incapable of higher function. Surely, she became capable of detecting, even diagnosing, thought and speech disorders, dissociative thinking, and incoherent ramblings.
He had his legs blown off in Vietnam. At that moment, he had hand-walked 936 miles in 19 months. Two years later, I heard on an NPR newscast that it took him 3 years, 8 months, 6 days to complete his coast-to-coast journey. I cried my eyes out upon hearing about his triumph. I was humbled beyond measure to be a tiny moment in his journey.
I understand the role of the Republicans. They are in politics to get rich and pay little attention to the American People. Both of my Senators from Texas are on the Judicial Committee and neither has held anyone accountable for the J6ers and local citizens who have been harassed by the FBI in School Board Meetings.
Friends, no matter what age you may be, if you are a true Christ-follower, understand that if Jesus is truly your Lord, then He has called you, and you have work to do for His kingdom. You’re not too old. You’re not without value. On the contrary, you have tremendous value and more to offer than you realize. Your work on this earth is not, by any means, finished — as long as you’re still breathing air.
As we seek to acquire beneficial food for ourselves and our families, it is difficult to catch everything that may be harmful to our health. It is good and proper for believers in the Lord Jesus to peacefully resist efforts to centralize food production in the hands of the few seeking to control and destroy us with harmful substances. We do not need to fear them because God has given His word and prayer as a means of help.
When it comes to causing disease, fluorides break up the bonds that are found in our DNA, destabilizing the DNA, and this inhibits the effectiveness of the immune system anywhere from 30% to 70%. The amount of fluoride in drinking water is sufficient to lower thyroid activity. Fluorides cause the breakdown of collagen which results in the wrinkling of the skin and the weakening of ligaments and muscles.
Dropping feces seems to be a new low, even for a communist dictatorship. They don’t do that kind of thing here, in the great United States. Instead, poop is packaged as “news” emanating from the Biden White House and regurgitated by the “mainstream media.” But one of the bags has exploded in their face. Biden stands exposed as a corpse, a cadaver, masquerading as president.
Miraculously, the Dems have also already determined not only that the reluctant Michelle will run, but that she’ll beat Trump—though she hasn’t campaigned, raised money, held any rallies, delivered any speeches, or debated the hugely popular Trump. And they assure us she’ll not just squeak by, but beat him in a landslide!
They ALL knew. Every damn one of them. If a dolt like me can figure out that there is something wrong when the President of the United States is crapping his pants in public, certainly those who swim with the sharks in the Independent Nation of Washington, DC knew it as well.
On June 18, 1940, Winston Churchill addressed the British - House of Commons with one of his most famous speeches, the legendary "Finest Hour" speech. It is one of the most inspiring and uplifting speeches of our modern era. Churchill made the claim that,
Many women competing in "women’s" sports today have found themselves facing a new type of opponent: transgendered biologically-born men. This is an increasing trend that has picked up momentum since 2003 when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) allowed transgender athletes to compete in women’s sports.
I am not “obsessed” with Joe Scarborough. But I am curious about his change of heart, the death of his former staffer, and his demonstrable lies about Biden’s health. This is a person with contempt for his audience and a desire to deceive them for political purposes. He went from one end of the political spectrum to the other.
In last week’s debate the world saw the president of the United States as a doddering, confused old man. What we didn’t see was whoever is pulling the old man’s strings behind the scenes: invisible, and therefor unaccountable. “Transparency in government” has become LOL material.
Trump was brilliant, never overstepping his narrow bounds thrown down by the CNN gauntlet. Instead of bursting out and trying to talk over anyone, he stuck to the rules and USED FACIAL EXPRESSIONS TO REPLACE WORDS. Genius. His face said all that needed to be said.
As the Democrat Party controlled mass media sticks to their talking points memo, allegedly “factchecking Trump” without factchecking Biden at all, maybe it’s time for YOU to do your own factchecking!
While Taylor Caldwell’s books were fiction, she used them to try to educate the American people about the CFR which she used a slightly different name for. Caldwell’s books sold millions. She was right on point and here we are today. Unlike William Wallace, we have the right to vote, to protest, the Internet, credible social media and through recall (can’t do Congress) get rid of the destroyers.