Mr.President, Taxpayers Are Tired Of Funding Illegals

Do all children have some inherent right to live in America if they have done nothing wrong? If not, then why should the children of illegal immigrants have such a right? —Thomas Sowell

Fifty-seven percent of all households that are led by an immigrant (legal or illegal) are enrolled in at least one welfare program.  —Michael Snyder

Trump Supporters in Shock

Trump’s tweets about DACA have his supporters reeling.  American taxpayers have paid billions and billions supporting law breaking illegal aliens, and we’re sick and tired of it.  We voted for Trump because of his stance on illegals and our sieve southern border being closed.  Here’s what he tweeted:

They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own – brought in by parents at young age. Plus, BIG border security.

Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!

The answer to his question seems pretty clear: The people who want to throw out those described are the tens of millions of Americans who voted for the guy who said he would do just that, that’s you Mr. President!

Our President says, “We’re not looking at amnesty, we’re not looking at citizenship, we’re allowing people to stay here.  We’re working with everyone, with Republicans, with Democrats.  We’re not talking about amnesty, we’re talking about taking care of people, people who have done a good job and were not brought here by their own volition, but very importantly, we have to have a wall.”

Sorry Mr. President, but if you think you aren’t giving them amnesty and citizenship and the right to vote, Congress or your successor will.  Just take a look at what Reagan’s amnesty cost us.  And what about taking care of the American citizens whose tax dollars funded these law breakers!  Your number one allegiance belongs to us, the American citizenry, not DACAs.

Meeting with the Enemy

After Schumer and Pelosi had dinner with the President, they came out and lied to the media. There is no deal with the President on DACA and the elimination of the border wall. Toss that!  It’s garbage from the lying leftists.

However, on the heels of the evening meeting with these two socialist-loving Democratic leaders, the President’s tweets are our clearest public indication yet that he is eager to sign a law that will protect those 800,000 or so immigrants from deportation in exchange for border security measures of some kind.

Sorry Mr. President, but on this one we’re not with you no matter what you think you’ll get in return for the amnesty of these illegals, and that’s what it is whether you call it that or not.  You will get nothing from the likes of socialists Schumer and Pelosi.  They will stab you in the back because they hate you, even more than the establishment globalists in the Republican party.  They want DACA and then amnesty for all the illegals who have broken the law and entered our country illegally and cost the American working citizens billions in tax dollars. Do Not Trust Them Ever!  They will burn you every time, and the illegals vote for Democrats.

You tweet us, “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!”

Just who the hell do you think paid for the education of these illegals?  The American Taxpayer did!  And just who the hell do you think they’re taking jobs from?  The American citizens!  And just who the hell do you think paid for the welfare to these people?  The American taxpayer!  And yes, 700,000 jobs are held by these illegals who were brought in by their families who broke the law, or they were sent across the border when Obama said, “Everyone come!”  Link  Just who the hell do you think paid for the cost of resettling these children in America?  The American taxpayer!

When are you going to care about us, the American citizen taxpayer???

Do You Remember What Obama Did?

President Obama’s de facto open border policy welcomed everyone, from unaccompanied minors to cartel members to Islamic terrorists, into our country.  Whether it’s called “refugee resettlement” or “amnesty,” the program clearly was intended to keep these underage illegals in the U.S.  The open border provided an entry way for more terrifying possibilities of who was entering our country.

It really doesn’t make much sense now, does it?!  Our homeless go without eating and our elderly go without needed medications.  Our mentally ill go without treatment because Reagan turned them loose from mental healthcare facilities.  Our troops go without proper equipment and our dear veterans do without promised benefits and proper medical care. And what do the sewer rats in our Congress do?  They unconstitutionally donate billions of taxpayer dollars to other countries as well as to illegal aliens who have entered our country illegally.

I know Mr. President that you are a decent and caring man, so I ask you Mr. Trump, “Where the hell is your concern for the American citizen who has sacrificed so much and who has watched our debt rise exponentially to where every citizen in America has that rotten debt albatross around their necks?

Time to stop it, and that means deportations, and it means giving jobs back to Americans. It means caring about America’s citizens before you care about these illegal aliens who have family in foreign countries they could go back to.  Make them come in like our ancestors did through Ellis Island.  Freedom is not free, we paid big time for it, and they have not.  They cheated, and stole into this country illegally, they broke the law and then used the welfare programs of this country with no respect for her citizens.

According to Rush Limbaugh, there is no other country in the world who takes in foreign children and gives them aid and comfort.  Send these children back to their parents and families in their countries of origin.

DACA and Fraud

Who is doing the research on DACA for the feds?  I have to wonder, because just a quick scan of websites tells anyone that DACA is ripe with fraud.  As many as half of the approximately 800,000 people who now have work permits under DACA may have lied on their applications to get approved, said Matt O’Brien, an attorney and until last year a manager in the investigative unit of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

“Based on what I had seen and what I discussed with my colleagues, the fraud rate is 40 to 50 percent. It’s possible that it was higher,” he told LifeZette this week.  The kind of fraud that was often flagged, he noted, involved lying about age.  Link

There you have it, and we’re to allow these people to stay in our country?

DACA and Murder

What about American families who have lost loved ones because Dreamers murdered them?  Is there no sense of protection for American citizens?  Apparently not, because illegals, and I include Islamic refugees, continue to rape, murder, and destroy citizens of this country.

A man charged with multiple murders was erroneously shielded from deportation under DACA, despite gang ties.  And, sympathetic media has scrambled to trot out shiny Dreamers, but forgets all the nightmares, and the nightmare list is very long.  Link

Trump Must Keep Campaign Promises

The reality is that DACA is still growing, they’re not sending their best and brightest (never have), it will cost Americans and our government a huge amount of money, it encourages more illegal immigration, it imports crime, it helps democrats, and it is fundamentally illegitimate. Link

Representative Steve King says Trump must reverse his amnesty course to what he promised in the campaign or the GOP will be finished in 2018 and 2020.

Excuse me Rep. King, you are right, but the GOP who has the majority in both houses of Congress is doing absolutely nothing to help Americans or this President.  They have a perfect opportunity to rectify every filthy thing the Democrats have instituted over the last few decades.  Instead they are working against the President’s policies (the wall, tax reform, Obamacare repeal, infrastructure, veteran care, etc.). They are slow walking everything that should have been passed the first three months Trump was in office.  Democrats would be verboten for decades if Republicans would pass Trump’s legislation, but they are so in bed with the filthy commie left’s agenda that they will destroy any chance of our President succeeding.

Amnesty Means Loss of Support

Sean Hannity is a long-time supporter of our President, but he made it clear on his September 14th program that Trump must keep his campaign promises on amnesty or his support is over.  Link

Steve Bannon, who following his White House exit returned as the head of Breitbart News, told CBS’ “60 Minutes” last week he didn’t agree with Trump’s decision to give Congress a window to save DACA legislatively, and that “the guys in the far-right” and “on the conservative side” were “not happy” with it either.

No Amnesty is a Good Amnesty by Ann Coulter spells out the truth of why, like Reagan’s amnesty in 1986, it ends up being far more illegals allowed into our country. Of the 888,637 fraudulent DACA applications, guess how many our government approved. Answer: More than 800,000. I suggest you read this important article.

Laura Ingraham tweeted, “When does the American working class, without any real wage increase in 15 years, who send their kids to overcrowded public schools, get amnesty?”

In another tweet to her 1.71 million followers, Laura called a pledge for more border security “meaningless.”  She’s angry and so are we.  A promise is a promise President Trump, and there is no way in hell that we believe Rush Limbaugh’s statement that 67% of Trump supporters don’t care about DACA.

Just read the negative comments on articles President Trump, if your Chief of Staff Kelly will allow you to see them.

Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep

Both the left and right have pummeled our President with spewing fake news, resisting his policies, obstructing, and lying about him at every turn.  They want him to fail along with his policies and promises.

The President needs to stick to his agenda, reform the tax code, repeal Obamacare, repatriate corporate profits, cut government regulations, scrap trade deals like NAFTA, rebuild the military, build our border wall, give education fully back to the states and dump the NEA along with Betsy DeVos, fix the infrastructure, and above all, defeat Islamism and ISIS, and rid our nation of barbaric savages who wish to destroy our culture and overtake our nation.

People who don’t keep their promises can’t be trusted.  Remember what happened to George H.W. Bush who promised no new taxes. He gave us Bill Clinton.

It’s time to let your voice be heard!  No amnesty for DACA.

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Harvey, Irma And God’s Mercy

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6

By Monday morning, the 11th of September, praying Americans were thanking God for hearing our many prayers for Florida and Hurricane Irma’s devastation.

For days, we watched the arrival of a Hurricane that was supposed to be so huge that all of the State of Florida would be decimated.  The media constantly repeated that this was the biggest storm of the century, it was not.  They were so excited about this horrible storm that my husband could no longer stand listening to them, and muted the sound.

I am glad those in charge, the Governor, the police, the first responders, the EMT’s, and all others were on guard to remove people before this evil monster hit.  They did a fabulous job, and of course they’re getting no credit because credit would go to Republican Governor Scott and President Trump.

Lives were lost and property was damaged and destroyed, but far less than what was forecast, and I fully believe it is because we kept asking our God to move this thing, to take His Hand and still it, to stop the devastation, to quell the storm, to ease the wind, to calm the waters, and to bring peace.

And He did.  Praise His Holy Name.

If It Bleeds, It Leads

The news media never changed the story, it was going to be the worst Florida Hurricane ever.  But our God had other plans.  The golden tendrils of prayers we sent to the throne asking Him to quell this monster were answered.  Yet, we keep hearing horror stories, and there are areas that are devastated.  Key West, Key Largo, Jacksonville, Miami, St. Augustine, Marco Island, and Naples were some of the very hardest hit by Irma.

This picture is at the Dinner Key Marina in Miami.

Fernando Oropeza walks up the stairs after taking his dog Simon out for a walk at a hotel on September 10, 2017, in Fort Myers, Florida.  They were soaked.

In East Naples, a man inspects the damage to his neighbor’s home.

Yes, there is a lot of damage, but it could have been far worse.  Unbelievably, my friend who lives in Clearwater, never lost power, and that in itself is a miracle because Irma was forecast to literally take out the Tampa area.  My friends in The Villages were spared, friends in Coral Springs, and friends in West Palm and Eustis were spared.  Thank You Lord!

As Rush Limbaugh said on Thursday, the 7th, he watches the smaller outlets that report the changes in the forecast, whereas the larger ones are locked into what they decided from three days prior to the first land hit by Irma.  His viewpoint was that it could change from what was forecast, and it definitely did do that.  To God be the glory!

The Taxpayer Cost of Harvey and Irma

While at this point it’s hard to know how much damage there is, these storms seem likely to have caused $150 billion to $200 billion in total damage to homes and furnishings, vehicles, commercial real estate, and public infrastructure. This is comparable to the property loss resulting from Hurricane Katrina.  The federal government has approved aid, and will now approve more for Florida.  US taxpayers will have to foot the bill, but that’s not the end of it.

Nearly every single homeowner in the US has homeowner’s insurance.  Our insurance costs don’t have steep increases in years when there are no natural disasters, because the companies are in competition with each other.  But just wait for your bill after these two hurricanes.  There will be a steep rise because this is when the insurance companies make their money and build their extravagant buildings.  Yep, we’re about to be gouged again.

Years ago, I asked a secretary at our insurance company why the huge increase happened one year, and she said it was because we had to help pay for the natural disasters that year.  I told her I didn’t have any natural disaster, and I thought the increase was over the top.  We expect a much higher premium this year.

Be Cautious with Donations

The Hollywood elite have gathered together for a telethon to collect monies for various organizations, mostly the American Red Cross, (ARC) which I wouldn’t give a dime to.  Of course, Jennifer Lawrence is claiming hurricane Harvey and Irma are Mother Nature’s divine judgement and revenge on President Trump for his attitude towards global warming. Link  What a bunch of leftist horse hockey.  But this is what was spewed by Hollywood elitists, that global warming and climate change cause these hurricanes.

Hmmm, if the big earthquake comes and Lawrence is in California and falls into the sea, what divine judgement would that be?

Donors might be surprised to learn the American Red Cross (ARC) doesn’t make clear what percentage of their dollars will go directly to helping the victims of the storm.  Dating back to 2014, NPR and Pro Publica have reported that the Red Cross misstated how donor dollars are spent.

study released by Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, concluded that the Red Cross had spent $124 million, one-quarter of the money donors gave for earthquake relief in Haiti in 2010, on internal expenses.  Their CEO earns $500,000 a year, but hasn’t had a raise since 2008.

I remember how angry people were when they found out that monies they’d donated after 9/11 to the Red Cross were not all going to 9/11 needs, but to various other areas.  People were astonished, and angry.

My uncles always told me they’d never give them a dime.  Why?  Because when these men were coming off the front in WWII, there was the Red Cross, charging 10 cents for a lousy cup of weak coffee instead of giving it to them.  But wait, there’s more…

Succumbing to pressure following the deportation of Danish Jews to Theresienstadt, the Germans permitted representatives from the Danish Red Cross and the International Red Cross to visit in June 1944. It was all an elaborate hoax. The Germans intensified deportations from the ghetto shortly before the visit to eliminate the overcrowding, and the ghetto itself was “beautified.” Gardens were planted, houses painted, and barracks renovated. The Nazis staged social and cultural events for the visiting Red Cross dignitaries. Once the visit was over, the Germans resumed deportations from Theresienstadt, which did not end until October 1944.

Here is a photo of Jewish children in the Theresienstadt ghetto taken during an inspection by the International Red Cross.

The Red Cross, told us no one was being brutalized or killed, and the camp was lovely, and of course there was no questioning or investigation of the people or the Nazis.

No, I wouldn’t give the lousy Red Cross a penny.

As for other large organizations, Brian A. Gallagher, President and CEO of United Way Worldwide, earns $1.2 million.

Christian Organizations Help

By contrast to the more excessive salaries, the Salvation Army CEO salary seems more reasonable, according to this quote from a 2016 article: “W. Todd Bassett, National Commander of the Salvation Army, was paid (along with his wife, who also works for the organization) an estimated $94,091 in salary and benefits in 2003 (including house and car). (Source: Fayetteville Observer).” The best approach is probably to look at a charity website and see if they have the CEO salary listed.

Christian organizations seem to be outgiving most others.  Samaritan’s Purse has an overall rating of 96.32, and gives nearly 90 cents of every dollar to help those in need.  That’s what you want to check when donating to any non-profit charity.  Franklin Graham’s organization is a nondenominational, Christian organization that provides spiritual and physical aid to people affected by disaster and poverty around the world. It focuses on helping victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine.  More information about Samaritan’s Purse.

I am not promoting them, just reporting that they have stretched their limits to help people in these hurricanes.  Please donate to the local food banks who need help as do the pet rescue organizations.  Do your own research and decide, but I would suggest you stay far away from organizations like the American Red Cross and United Way.


Whenever there are tragedies and natural disasters in America, her people, no matter their differences, always seem to come together, even if it’s just for a short time.  We’ve seen it time and again.  This is the norm, but then there are the few…

We’ve also seen the looters and those who refuse to help others in need.  Sometimes it can be a grave mistake.  And it all comes down to legalities rather than saving people from devastating storms.

The Marriott Hotel sent a rescue ship to the Caribbean after Irma, and left non-guests stranded on the dock.

The hundreds of people waiting on the dock in St. Thomas on Friday night, the 8th of September, had just survived a hit from Hurricane Irma that had crippled the airport and devastated pretty much every building not made of concrete.  Food and water were in short supply, and electricity was almost non-existent.  Hurricane Jose hadn’t turned north yet.  The people on the island feared they’d be wiped out with another storm on St. Thomas.

But a large ship with enough room to transport all the tourists was approaching the dock. Just in time, help had come.  But it hadn’t come, the ship refused to take on the passengers who were not guests of the Marriott although there was plenty of room to transport them to San Juan to get flights home.

The callousness of the Marriott for these people, both elderly and young couples with children, will cost them dearly.  Had they taken these people aboard and gotten them to San Juan, these folks would have stayed at Marriott Hotels the rest of their lives and talked about Marriott saving them for years. [Link]

Now they’ll tell everyone they know about the cold and heartless treatment of Marriott who left them stranded, and perhaps destroyed by another incoming storm.

God’s Hand moved Jose and another storm didn’t cause devastation, but no thanks to Marriott.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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The American Taxpayer’s Cost Of DACA’s Illegal Immigrants

Illegal immigration is a crisis for our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems. —Timothy Murphy

Eliminate Illegal Amnesties

As a candidate, Trump pledged to “immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties.”  So, why is our president repeatedly expressing empathy with the participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)?

Now he is saying to Congress, “Legalize DACA or I will revisit it.”  What? Supporters of Trump have already said they will exit the Trump train if he legalizes illegal aliens who broke the law.  Daily Caller says Trump is allowing Dreamers to stay and even Rush Limbaugh is fine with it.  Excuse me Rush, but this is screw the taxpayer again!

Illegal aliens, who are eligible for DACA needed to have entered the United States illegally before 2007 and be 15 or younger at the time of their arrival. They also had to be younger than 31 years of age when DACA was officially created in June 2012.

Although there are over 1.3 million people who are eligible for Obama’s DACA program, of those who applied, approximately 800,000 individuals have it.

DACA and Fraud

New research has shown that DACA itself is a jumbled mess of fraud and unaccountability.

“There’s a ‘huge’ rate of fraud in the DACA program,” a former insider warns, and many of the people who are in the DACA program have provided false information in order to escape deportation and remain in the U.S.

“As many as half of the approximately 800,000 people who now have work permits under DACA may have lied on their applications to get approved,” said Matt O’Brien, an attorney and until last year a manager in the investigative unit of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

“Based on what I had seen and what I discussed with my colleagues, the fraud rate is 40 to 50 percent. It’s possible that it was higher,” he told LifeZette this week.

So why in hell would we want to give these lawbreakers and liars free citizenship in the United States?  And why doesn’t the Trump administration know this?

DACA and Crime

Many participants, referred to euphemistically as “dreamers,” arrived in the United States as small children and have little recollection of their birth countries. DACA does not give them residency status, but temporarily protects them from deportation and allows them to work legally. The protection can be revoked at any time and some of these illegals have lost their DACA protections after being arrested for vicious crimes, yet many are still not deported.

What about American families who have lost loved ones because Dreamers murdered them?  Is there no sense of protection for American citizens?  Apparently not, because illegals, and I include Islamic refugees, continue to rape, murder, and destroy citizens of this country.

A man charged with multiple murders was erroneously shielded from deportation under DACA, despite gang ties.  And, sympathetic media has scrambled to trot out shiny Dreamers, but forgets all the nightmares, and the nightmare list is very long.  Link

Then there’s the parental program, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, or DAPA, which was blocked by a federal judge in Texas after 26 states sued. Republicans saw it as a “backdoor amnesty” and argued that Obama overstepped his authority by protecting a specific class of immigrants living in the United States illegally.

These illegals need to be deported because they broke the law to get here.  Sound harsh?  Not really, when you realize some of these “children” were teens when they came here.  If they haven’t any relatives in any state who could take them in, then fine, let them stay. However, if they have one family member in another nation, they need to go back and immigrate legally as our ancestors from Europe did when they came through Ellis Island.

Why won’t much deportation happen? Because the Democrats are against it, the Republicans are against it when nobody is looking.  Chicago, California, and New York are against it, a dozen large businesses are very against it, the media are against it, the Loony Tune Left is against it, academia is against it, the Latinos no matter how badly they’re behaving is not enough to deport them, and the Millennials don’t give a damn.

That leaves us, the taxpayers, who should be screaming at the top of our lungs about these illegal alien lawbreakers milking us for decades.  Yet we have a bunch of socialists in Congress who don’t give a rat’s ass about the taxpayers.  Needless to say, it’s why we must be screaming constantly at these rotten “servants” of the people.

Congress Gets Six Months

Why is Trump giving Congress six months to do something?  This was an Executive Order by Obama that should have been undone and the majority of these people deported to their countries of origin. DACA creates an amnesty and the infamous and euphemistic sounding “path to citizenship” for illegals who violated American territory with their illegal invader parents.  It is nothing more than an extension of the anchor baby concept to foreign-born non-citizens.  Senator Jacob Howard, who introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, said its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigner or aliens.  So, who changed it?

The anchor baby scam was invented 35 years ago by a liberal zealot, Justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the children born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens.  Unconstitutional poppycock.

The Conniving Congress

Our President has said the Dreamers have no reason to worry, but American citizens have big reasons to worry since this is now in the hands of Congress and a Republican party who is not capable of governing.

Pelosi and her fellow democrats, led by Luis Gutierrez and his Latin supremacists, filed a discharge petition to begin the trickery that could ultimately lead to a vote on the so-called DREAM Act, and I mean an immediate vote.  Knowing the desire of both the left and right for amnesty and their fake bleeding-heart liberalism, they will easily pass this and send it to lily-livered McConnell, who will not promote the votes to kill it, and it will go to the President’s desk.

Even if the President vetoes the rotten amnesty, these vile Trump hating spineless weasels in our Republican Majority Congress, will spit in his face and override the veto.  That’s what Trump is dealing with.

Michelle Malkin, a former Trump bashing so-called-conservative wrote a fabulous article wherein she states, There is No Such Thing As a Deserving Dreamer!  She is absolutely right, they are all about “I, I, I, me, me, me, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie and deserve, deserve, deserve,” when they deserve nothing!  They are lawbreakers who are bleeding America’s taxpayers dry.

Of course, the Associated Press refers to these illegal aliens as undocumented citizens.  Oh yes, I really want these demanding lawbreakers given free citizenship in the United States, when my ancestors worked hard to get here, and worked hard to make America a great country.

Deportation Costs Less

Steven A. Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, crunched the numbers and found that the number of illegal immigrants will drain nearly $750 billion from taxpayers over their lifetimes — amounting to six times the deportation costs, and that’s only for 11 million.  We all know it’s up to 50 or 60 million illegals.  Multiply $750 billion by 5.5 more million and see what it’s costing us.

The feds have replaced America’s aborted babies with these illegals, many who never assimilate into society as our European ancestors so willingly did.

“Sometimes people say, look we couldn’t deport everybody because it’s prohibitively expensive,” Mr. Camarota said. “But if your only concern is fiscal cost, it’s pretty clear that letting them stay is a hell of a lot more expensive.”

Deportation in the Past

Eisenhower deported over a million illegal aliens in 1954.   They were loaded onto trains, buses and planes and deposited deep in Mexico’s interior to prevent them from returning.

Back then, prominent U.S. senators were troubled by a government program that allowed some Mexican workers to enter the country legally. Sens. Herbert Lehman, D-N.Y., and Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn., the Chicago Tribune reported, “charged that the recruitment program makes it easy for Communists and other subversives to enter the United States.” Lehman estimated the daily flow of troublemakers as “perhaps many hundreds.”

Well, today it is far more, and we have become overrun with illegal aliens and Islamic refugees, the majority of whom are sucking America’s funds dry and have put us in debt that will never be repaid, and that’s not to mention the death and destruction caused by these aliens.

Advisor Kushner Joins with Dems on DACA

“President Donald Trump’s son-in-law set up a secret back channel to help a top Democratic Senator lobby White House officials in favor of the “DACA” amnesty for 800,000 young illegals.  [Link]

Socialist Sen. Dick Durbin, the second-ranking Democratic Senator, spilled the beans in an interview with Reuters, where he described how he worked with Jared Kushner and liberal Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to promote the DACA amnesty in April and July.

In addition, Durbin said there had been telephone calls between him and Kushner as well as calls and meetings with then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, now chief of staff. They had, and increasingly still have, President Trump surrounded with the globalist mindset.

Sessions apparently wants DACA destroyed, as does Steve Miller, who understands MAGA, but we’ll have to see how long Steve lasts with a McMaster bullseye on his back.

Bleeding American Taxpayers

DACA and DAPA and every other illegal amnesty needs to be destroyed.

A Drexel University professor has openly encouraged people to destroy government property of ICE vehicles in order to stop DACA deportation.  Not only should he be charged with inciting illegal activities, but he should be fired from Drexel.  George Ciccariello-Maher teaches Global studies at Drexel University, and he made headlines last December when he tweeted out that the one thing he wanted for Christmas was “white genocide.”  This bozo is a white boy.

Given the competitiveness of admissions, it is all the more outrageous that the University of Miami is offering Dreamers a full scholarship worth $62,000, as well as lower GPA and SAT standards. [Link]  The Dreamer scholarship is “renewable for up to four academic years or such time as is required to complete the baccalaureate degree.”  So, illegals who have broken the law get a free ride, while again American taxpayers take it in the arse.

To top it off, Janet Napolitano, former Sec. of Homeland Security under Obama, filed a lawsuit  protesting the phase out of DACA by the administration, declaring that it is being done by executive whim. Maybe Trump should have just had his DHS Secretary write a memo. Then they could treat it as if it were a law.

The reality is that DACA is still growing, they’re not sending their best and brightest (never have), it will cost Americans and their government a huge amount of money, it encourages more illegal immigration, it imports crime, it helps democrats, and it is fundamentally illegitimate.  [Link]

It’s up to us!

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A Message Of Glorious Hope From The Mom’s March For Our Children And America

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. —George Washington

My sweet momma read the Bible to me, along with all the wonderful childhood books, as well as the once conservative Chicago Tribune.  I learned to love, to cry, and to watch politics, all because of what my mother taught me through books.  She was a mom who would be in this gathering of mothers.

Now those same kinds of wonderful mothers are bringing us back to the glory roots of American society and culture.   Sarah Palin, Candy Carson (wife of Dr. Ben Carson) and Missy Robertson (Duck Dynasty) join the list of power moms speaking at the Mom’s March, a national gathering of mothers on September 23rd in the Heartland of America, Omaha, Nebraska, and broadcast live across the nation. Thousands of mothers in every state in America have signed up to join the march in person or online. Public gatherings to view the march are being organized in several states.

I was fortunate to hear Candy Carson last year at Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum Council meeting, and she is an amazing speaker, and an absolutely delightful Christian woman.

Sign the Declaration of Mothers

The Declaration of Mothers is the standard and foundation for the march, and at the top of that list is, “Our Rights Come from God.”  Please join the thousands of moms in more than 3,000 cities in every state in America who have signed the Declaration proclaiming truth is self-evident, families matter, and freedom is worth fighting for.

National Map of Light keeps track of how many mothers have signed the Declaration and are joining the march in heart and spirit.  These women recognize the powerful influence of mothers and stand united for truth, family, freedom and the U.S. Constitution which protects the divine, inherent rights of mothers.

Mom’s March for America isn’t a physical march walking down the street, shouting, and carrying signs. It is a cultural march toward a higher standard of decency, civility, and liberty.

“The Mom’s March isn’t about politics, parties, or presidents,” says Kimberly Fletcher, “it’s about standing for, and promoting, the principles and values America was founded on—the principles and values that made us the freest, most prosperous nation on earth.  Mom’s March for America is a movement, uniting mothers across the nation to stand for truth, family and freedom.”

This event is for the women of America who are frustrated with the decline in our culture and are seeking a voice for their values.  Listen to the minute and a half video by Kimberly Fletcher, Founder and President of Homemakers for America Inc.

Countering the Evil

The Mom’s March for America doesn’t mention other marches, but what it really does is show America that civility, decency, love of country, and hope for our future still exists in the heartland of our country.

So, in effect, they are countering the evil and darkness of the women’s march promoted by Islamist Linda Sarsour.  Remember the spewed filth from Ashley Judd, filth that should never be uttered by a lady, which she proved she was not.  And there was Madonna telling us she wanted to blow up the White House.  All of these foolish women donned “pussy” hats to prove they were women who were for murdering their unborn babies and hating the President elected by the people.  They called themselves nasty women and that was an understatement.

This is why we all need to sign the Declaration and turn on the light, and wipe out the evil in our culture with mothers who love God, who stand for truth, who reverence the family and who cherish freedom.

How to Help

For event details, go here.  Check out their press release, and please help by donating what you can.  A good portion of the funds needed to cover costs have been met, but they are still relying on America’s mothers to help hit the target.  It’s up to us to help fund this wonderful gathering from our own pockets, no George Soros help with this one!

Check out their media kit and send it far and wide to radio stations, local newspapers, talk show hosts and Fox News.

Show up in Omaha!  This is our chance to shout out that America still has the values our parents and grandparents were raised with, the very same culture and values that made America great.  Stand up for the Moms of America.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Our President And First Lady Make Us Proud To Be Americans

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.  —Steve Maraboli

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.  —Mark Twain

The Trumps in Texas

The very best kind of people are the ones who come into your life and make you see the sun where you once only saw clouds.  They are the same folks who believe in you so much that you start to believe in you too. They are the very once in a lifetime kind of people who love and care for others.

Our President and first lady are those kinds of people.  In their visits to Texas and Louisiana to help people who lost so much, they brought cheer, hope and joy. Watch the smiling faces of the Texans who got to meet the President and our beautiful first lady.  Many of those faces were black Americans who love our President.

What is shown in this video is the reason the globalist establishment hates him.  They know he is the real deal, and they are the fakes in grave danger of losing their power because layer by layer he alone is removing the chains of slavery they have put in place to be used for legal tyranny.

Social Security gun ban? Repealed. Trans-Pacific Partnership? Withdrawn. UN Climate Treaty? Withdrawn. Unvetted refugee admissions? Ended. Catch-and-Release at the border? Prohibited, and so much more. Today, Donald Trump is expected to also end Barack Obama’s DACA amnesty program.  I pray he does!

The President is doing what he can. The GOP, however, is actively trying to stop him, and we know why, because most of them are aligned with the same agenda as the left, the destruction of America’s freedoms, her rule of law, and her Constitution, of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The President’s Day of Prayers

On September 1st, President Trump signed a proclamation declaring Sunday, the 3rd of September, a “National Day of Prayer” for the state of Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

One of my email friends wrote, “Today in Church our pastor specifically mentioned that we included prayers for ‘The Day of Prayers’ as requested.   I wouldn’t call it a mass movement, but I see more signs that more people are praying for our nation than has happened in a long time.”

We should be praying daily for our country, and for our President and his family for guidance, wisdom and protection.

Those Without Compassion

The ugliest thing I have ever seen is a human being without compassion.  We saw Obama playing golf while Louisiana flooded in August of 2016.  Eleven people died and 40,000 homes were damaged by floods in Louisiana. Obama did speak with FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate from his vacation spot in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.  The former president was briefed on the resources and support and then went back to playing golf, he never changed his travel plans.

So, Obama played golf, Hillary slept, and Donald Trump went to Louisiana with a semi load of needed supplies.  Had Obama or Hillary sent supplies for the people, the photo-op by the leftist media would have been spectacular, but not with Trump. Everything he did was done silently, with the help of Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9.

This is the fabulous man we voted for…a man with a heart for America’s people, and with an open pocket book.  Can you imagine just for a moment what the secret service thinks when our President eagerly mingles with the people, shaking hands, taking pictures, hugging everyone, passing out meals, giving them needed supplies.  I know they are worried sick, but I also know that God has His Hands on this man, President Donald J. Trump.

The Laughable Insane Leftist Media

The President and first lady boarded Air Force One for Texas and immediately Melania Trump was attacked from the leftist media and crazy whack job Lynn Yeager, contributing fashion editor from Vogue.  Why?  Because FLOTUS was wearing her standard beautiful stilettos.  This is her normal dress, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Here is a picture of Lynn Yeager allegedly blending in with the people, but back in 2007, she excoriated the news media for attacking how political women dress. Of course, Lynn Yeager is not someone I’d want to follow in how to blend in with the people.

Note that when FLOTUS arrived in Texas to help with Harvey survivors, she was wearing tennis shoes.  To think these media idiots have nothing better to do but attack our beautiful first lady for her dress, especially when she is such a class act at all times.  And I loved her FLOTUS hat!

There’s certainly a big difference between our present first lady, who is always dressed appropriately and always knows proper protocol, compared to our former first lady who occasionally made our eyes bleed with what she put on her body.

I cannot remember anything that Michelle Obama ever wore that resembled attire I would want to emulate.  Here are some examples.  Yet, the media never said a negative word about what adorned this woman’s body, or whether she was dressed appropriately as First Lady of the United States of America.

Designers Refuse to Dress Melania Trump

There are many liberal designers who are refusing to dress Melania Trump, and it is their loss.  She has her own revenge.  Link

Stylist Phillip Bloch said, “Fashion people are fickle and fake. They are starting to see she is a beautiful woman who is married to the president, and it is an honor to dress her.”

Not since Jacqueline Kennedy has there been a first lady who needs less help.

“She doesn’t need couture. She can buy off the rack, and it looks beautiful,” Bloch said. “She knows her size, and she knows what works on her. She luxuriates in minimal.”

And she always looks absolutely gorgeous.  And we’re proud to have her as our first lady, a beautiful, intelligent, kind and giving woman, next to the man who is working to save our beloved country.


Donald Trump and I are the same age, we grew up in the country during her very best times, other than Viet Nam, and we know what it’s like to love our country and love her people. Our President wants to Make America Great Again…great like the country we grew up in and loved.

I’ll leave you with these wonderful quotes that describe our President.

“One who is kind is sympathetic and gentle with others. He is considerate of others’ feelings and courteous in his behavior. He has a helpful nature. Kindness pardons others’ weaknesses and faults. Kindness is extended to all — to the aged and the young, to animals, to those low of station as well as the high.”  Ezra Taft Benson

“There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity.”  Nathaniel Branden

And to that, I say a big AMEN!

P.S. Again I come to all the avid readers of NewsWithViews and ask you for support.  Running a website this large is a huge operation and a huge monetary cost.  Please help us to keep bringing the truth into your home every morning.  Won’t you add NWVs to your monthly donations, every little bit helps this website stay alive.  You can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Our President, Sacrificing Everything To Save America

Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.  —Napoleon Hill

The Lord gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.  —Charles Spurgeon

Our country was sliding into total destruction, there was little hope.  Then Donald J. Trump announced that he was running for President.  From that moment on, he stepped into the fire of hatred from the left, the neo-con Trotskyite right, and the Communist media.  It has never stopped.

He spoke like us, he said things we’ve said to each other, and it all resonated with America’s people.  We knew he was our last chance to save our country, and we knew that the Lord God gave us this chance.  Maybe it’s our Nineveh, and that’s okay, we’ll take it.  If you don’t know about Nineveh, read the Book of Jonah.

Donald Trump is not perfect, and he never will be.  He will make mistakes, but I believe he is trying to do his very best for all of us.

For Love of Country

What did our President give up to bring back the America of his youth?  Everything!  He gave up running a wonderful business, a beautiful home life, privacy, and people who respected him.  He and his family have lost business revenue, lost reservations at Mar-a-Lago, and lost respect they truly deserve.

Mr. Trump has been lied about, pilloried, and held in disdain by media, the Democrats, and even his own weak left-leaning spineless party.  College professors to media personalities have called for his assassination, including a New York play depicting our President and his wife’s murders. And a former comedian photographed herself pretending to be an ISIS terrorist holding the likeness of our President’s dismembered head.

This is the decay of our culture promoted by the Communist media and socialist left, and encouraged by the right.  Their agenda has been stalled by the election of our President, and that’s why they hate him and want him destroyed. He is fighting the DC Swamp.

Destroying the Swamp Rats

Our President has pledged to drain the swamp, not hire from it. He needs to start hiring people from the heartland of America who have brilliant resumes, who worked themselves to the bone to elect him, and who could fill any administration position.  That swamp in DC is the most vile and evil nest of vipers and rats in our country, and there’s only a few who are not sheltered within it.  My friend Bud Hancock said it perfectly, and gave me permission to share his words with my readers.

I just read, and reviewed the video of the sermon by Pastor David Whitney in NewsWithViews titled, “What Lawyers are Practicing Today, (Hint: It’s not Law).”  Interesting what he said about the “swamp” and it made me think a little harder about that statement and how it relates to “draining the swamp.”

I have seen swamps, both in person and in movies.  I fail to see how anyone could actually “love a swamp” due to its very nature, the muddy water, the slime in it, the dangerous, unseen creatures who inhabit it.  I know in my heart that when God created the earth, there was not a swamp to be seen.  They are the very antithesis of the habitation to be desired by any person made in God’s image.  However, the critters best fitted for life in a swamp, poisonous vipers, rats, reptiles etc., will leave the swamp briefly, showing themselves openly for short periods of time, even causing some misguided souls to think of them as beautiful creatures.  But when the first sign of their enemies, and their destruction appears, they immediately scamper back to their nasty hiding places in the swamp.  They do so because they love the swamp.  It conceals them from the destruction that they would receive if they deserted the swamp for any extended period of time.  And, because they do love the swamp, they will utterly attack and destroy anyone who threatens to do away with them and/or their means of concealment-the swamp.

I admire Trump, or anyone else who truly desires to drain the DC swamp, but, the possibility of such an event occurring, especially if attempted by a mere human, is remote at best.  The day is coming when the King Triumphant will judge every swamp creature and will remove them from their concealment, exposing all their nasty, foul deeds.  When he does that, the swamp will not only be drained, it will cease to exist.  Just my humble opinion and I am anxiously awaiting that event!

This is what our President is dealing with, a swamp filled with rats who would destroy him at any opportunity in order to ensure their globalist agenda will prevail.  And, it is why we must pray mightily every day for our President.  We must pray a hedge of protection about him, pray the guidance of the Holy Spirit upon him, and pray for God’s wisdom to guide this man who has given up everything for us.

The Race Card

Now these fools who hate Trump because he’s not a globalist, because he loves his country, because he wants it to be great again, are calling him a racist.  Soros and his minions have hired America’s uneducated fools, and here’s the proof, to create a new civil war of conflict and strife throughout America.

Oh, they tried the sexual attacks before the election, and when they didn’t work, they resorted to the race card again.  The cry of racism against Trump was never a factor until he decided to run as a Republican for the office of President of the United States of America.

They forget that Trump is well-known for hiring minorities.  They also forget that when he bought Mar-a-Lago, he was the first club in Palm Beach to open it to Jews and Blacks.  Link

Donald J. Trump has dated a black woman, married two immigrants, employed thousands of blacks, Asians and Hispanics and has Jewish grandchildren.  So, if he is a racist, then I’m the Easter bunny.

Trump’s Love of All Americans

Trump wants all Americans to succeed, and he truly means all Americans. He has fought discrimination, and given a helping hand to so very many throughout his entire life.

  • Trump sheltered black singer, Jennifer Hudson, rent-free after her family was murdered. [Link]
  • Trump sued the City of Palm Beach over 30 years ago, when he bought a segregated club, Mar-A-Lago, to open it to Jews and blacks. Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, alleging that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. [Link]
  • Donald Trump showed his true character with Dr. Ben Carson during one of the campaign debates, and Dr. Carson has never forgotten it.
  • Donald Trump paid to ensure a Mexican American boy would graduate from college when he saw a news story about his terminally ill mother. [Link]
  • Donald Trump sent $10 K to a hero black bus driver, Darnell Barton, after seeing a news story about how he saved a woman from jumping off a bridge. [Link]
  • Lynne Patton has been a member of the Donald Trump circle since 2009. She is the vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and also a senior assistant to Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump. Lynne even narrated a YouTube video in which she defended the Trump family against accusations that Donald Trump is racist.

According to her bio on the Eric Trump Foundation website, Patton is responsible for planning all of the Eric Trump Foundation’s fundraising events. She also helps the foundation’s relationship with St. Jude’s Research Hospital as senior assistant to Donald Trump’s three oldest children.

And… our President has signed a law taking aim at the funding of Planned Parenthood, and his budget proposes to cut all funding to same.  Thousands of black babies per year are aborted, and the PP clinics are purposely built in black neighborhoods.  Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, wanted the black race destroyed.  She said, “Colored people are human weeds and need to be exterminated.”  Link  Trump wants to stop the slaughter.

Politics v. Business

Frank Cooke spent his life in business.  He told me how he had to learn and adapt, and get the right people in place for business to be successful.  He said he was sometimes a millionaire and other times dead broke, and he knows how successful businessmen think. Here are his comments about our President:

Been thinking… you know Trump is a very successful entrepreneur.  He thinks like one.  So, getting a business off the ground is always rough going.  But nurturing your newborn baby means you have to evolve quickly especially during the child’s early years.  Always remember Trump started with very little political experience and no “political bench strength.”  Startup businesses go through different phases of growth… many small steps at the onset to larger ones moving from small to mid-size to large.

Our wise old Fox President Trump has paid dearly for the wisdom he has now at 70.  Keep in mind he is in the game of “his business vision” not politics.  He just may be “exploring the landscape,” seeking the right talent to move the golf ball to the next hole. This time next year he will have changed out probably 80% of the White House staff.


Bud and Frank are both right.  Our President has a huge battle on his hands and has given up so much to save the country he loves.  He needs us to help him.

Our country had founding fathers who gave all, they mutually pledged to each other, their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to build this nation.  Every other country in the world is run by kings or tyrants where the people are their subjects.  Only America is unique in that “we the people” are the rulers.

Our Founders created a great country, and Trump is trying to save it from destruction.  Trump said he wanted the government given back to the American people where it rightfully belongs, and he’s fighting to do just that.

One of our nation’s greatest military men said this to me, “These are definitely difficult times our nation faces. It is being torn apart by minority groups on both sides…and always remember that 2% of the passionate will always defeat 98% of the indifferent unless this latter group wakes up and takes responsibility for who we elect into political office.”

It’s up to us.  We need to step up and demand that our servants in Congress help our President accomplish his goals.

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P.S.  We must fight for what is right, if we don’t, then the loss of this great nation will be on our shoulders.  The same goes for NewsWithViews.  There are so few really strong conservative websites, and NewsWithViews is one of the best.  Thank you for continuing to help us stay alive and bringing the latest news and research into your mailbox every morning.  Please donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Hypocrite Republicans Criticize Pardon Of Sheriff Joe

Hypocrite: someone who conveniently forgets their own faults to point out someone else’s.

For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul. Job 27:8

John McCain and his leftist buddy, Jeff Flake, along with Speaker Ryan all criticized Trump’s decision about Maricopa County’s former lawman. The pardon “undermines Trump’s claim for the respect of rule of law (lex rex) as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions,” said McCain.  Remorse for following the law??? How about your remorse Senator for allowing all our POWs and MIAs to die in Nam because you refused to release classified records!

What in hell is wrong with these three globalist neo-cons who are no more in the conservative camp than is Soros, the very one out to destroy Sheriff Arpaio.  Yeah, we know.

Flake said he would have preferred that Trump “honor the judicial process and let it take its course.” Arpaio was convicted of contempt of court for refusing to obey a judge’s order to stop patrols that focused on Hispanics as part of Arpaio’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants. He had yet to be sentenced but could have faced 6 months in jail. Please folks, vote the bums out.

Sheriff Joe enforced the laws, pro-amnesty Senators McCain and Flake ignore them. [Link]

Attorney General Jeff Sessions

I’m really tired of Sessions’ ability to evade doing the job he was hired to do, and he’s recused himself far too many times.  Yes, Sessions bailed out again, this time on Sheriff Joe.  The civil contempt lawsuit against Arpaio was brought by the ACLU and its counsel Covington & Burling, the law firm of Eric Holder.

The President had, before trial, asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to review the Arpaio prosecution and to consider dropping the criminal charges. This request by President Trump was perfectly proper and within his authority as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. Arpaio’s attorney, Larry Klayman, at the outset had suggested this approach to Sheriff Joe.

Klayman stated, “However, as was true of my similar request to have Sessions review the on-going and equally political prosecution of Cliven Bundy, Sessions abdicated his responsibility and refused the president’s lawful request, apparently claiming, without legal basis, that the request was improper.”  What total bull dung!

The latest outrageous determination by the DOJ is again protecting Hillary Clinton.  According to a delusional and very corrupt official in the FBI named David M. Hardy, who is the FBI records management section chief, there isn’t enough public interest in the Hillary Clinton case to justify releasing her records.  What?  Are you kidding me?  How many times did we hear, “Lock her up!”  Link

Why the hell isn’t Sessions cleaning house?  Is he another spineless weasel enjoined to the uni-party globalists?

Klayman is right, it’s way past time Sessions should man up and start doing the job he was hired to do.

Soros Tries to Destroy Arpaio

Every single thing Joe Arpaio did in Arizona as Sheriff of Maricopa County was legal.   Soros sunk an astonishing $2.3 million into a campaign aimed at defeating Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, according to a filed campaign finance report.

In all, Soros’ independent campaign, Maricopa Strong, spent $3.2 million on ads attacking the six-term sheriff. Texas billionaire John Arnold kicked in $500,000 and Laurene Powell Jobs of California, widow of Steve Jobs, another $250,000.

Soros also took aim at Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery, funding an independent campaign called Arizona Safety & Justice, which has spent $1.4 million to bounce him out of office.

Both Montgomery and Arpaio have decried Soros’ spending and filed campaign finance complaints, contending they weren’t properly notified about campaign ads.

Guilty of Upholding the Law

America’s Sheriff, Joe Arpaio was found guilty of misdemeanor criminal contempt without the benefit of a jury of his peers by guess who?

The guilty ruling, by Clinton appointed U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton is the latest chapter of a nearly decade-long saga of legal proceedings against Sheriff Joe initiated by leftist groups opposed to his aggressive policing of illegal aliens. The 85-year-old Arpaio should never have been charged, and thankfully our President pardoned him for good reason.

The charges against Arpaio stem from a civil rights suit demanding he cease “racial profiling” in his Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office’s immigration enforcement operations. After a federal judge issued an order demanding certain practices, Arpaio was charged with contempt for continuing to try to enforce the law as he saw fit.  Link

Racial profiling is used against the sheriff because Arpaio went after illegal aliens, most of whom were Hispanics.

John McCain and Fellow POWs

McCain’s hypocrisy in damning Trump’s pardon of Sheriff Joe smells to high heaven. The Arizona Senator was among the most vocal critics. “Trump pardoning the sheriff ‘undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law,’ McCain tweeted.”  What hogwash!

Remember, back in 2008, Jerome Corsi reported that McCain had been funded by Soros since 2001, and Soros was behind the removal of Sheriff Arpaio.  We also know quite a bit about McCain’s past, which is a far bigger scandal than anything America’s favorite Sheriff has ever done.  Let’s look again at McCain’s history.

As a former Viet Nam POW, we know that McCain recorded a Tokyo Rose-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969. It was hardly a secret in veterans’ circles that McCain had spent much of the war producing Communist propaganda broadcasts since these had regularly been played in the prisoner camps as a means of breaking the spirits of those American POWs who resisted collaboration.

But there is a far bigger scandal, which I touched on in a previous article.

Sidney Schanberg’s massively documented expose about McCain’s role in the POW/MIA cover up, is the greater scandal.  Schanberg is one of America’s greatest wartime journalists, a Pulitzer Prize winning former top editor at The New York Times. In the years since then, other leading journalists have praised Schanberg’s remarkable research, now giving his conclusions the combined backing of four New York Times Pulitzer Prizes, while two former Republican Congressmen who had served on the Intelligence Committee have also strongly corroborated his account.

McCain fought against the release of classified Vietnam POW records and insisted they be sealed.  He and John Kerry buried the evidence. He also voted against a Senate Select Committee recommendation to investigate possible POWs left behind that were classified as MIAs.

McCain purposely suppressed information about what happened to American soldiers missing in action in Vietnam.  Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus, the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books, most likely to protect himself.

In 1993 the front page of the New York Times broke the story that a Politburo transcript found in the Kremlin archives fully confirmed the existence of the additional POWs, and when interviewed on the PBS News hour former National Security Advisors Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted that the document was very likely correct and that hundreds of America’s Vietnam POWs had indeed been left behind. The reality of Schanberg’s POW story is now about as solidly established as anything can be that has not yet received an official blessing from the American mainstream media.

McCain also had his POW records sealed, which is not consistent with someone proud of their record.

The Obama Pardons

The very same Republicans, Democrats and media who are excoriating Trump’s pardon of Arpaio never batted an eye at the fact that former President Obama commuted the sentences of over 1000 people in jail for drug crimes.

In addition, the same politicians never expressed a hint of disapproval at the fact that Obama pardoned 74-year-old Oscar Lopez Rivera — a radical Marxist responsible for an era of domestic terrorism in Puerto Rico, hundreds of bombings, and a massive attempt to overthrow the government (“seditious conspiracy”).

And what about Obama’s commutation of Bradley Manning who was convicted of violating the Espionage Act, stealing government property, violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and multiple counts of disobeying orders.

Born Bradley Manning, Obama likely commuted his sentence because of his sexual identity confusion as a statement and a slap in the face to the religious right.  Manning now calls himself “Chelsea” Manning.

Here is the full list of Obama’s pardons.

The Clinton Pardons

Barbara Olson wrote the premier book on Bill Clinton’s pardons of cronies and friends when he left office.  Her book, “The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House,” exposes a true abuse of power by an American President.

Marc Rich is the businessman who faced criminal prosecution for illegally trading with America’s enemies, Those enemies included Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini,  Khadafy’s Libya, Milosevic’s Yugoslavia, Kim Il-sung’s North Korea, Communist dictatorships in Cuba and the Soviet Union itself.  Link

Rich was on the FBI’s most wanted list and was facing prosecution by Rudy Giuliani in 1983, when he fled to Switzerland and lived in exile.

The outrageous Marc Rich pardon is still paying off.  Rich’s ex-wife Denise donated $450,000 to the fledgling Clinton Library and “over $1 million to Democratic campaigns in the Clinton era.”  The flow of funds from those connected to Marc Rich or the pardon scandal have continued to the Clintons.

Rich died in 2013. But his business partners, lawyers, advisors and friends have showered millions of dollars on the Clintons in the decade and a half following the scandal, a scandal even Barney Frank and Obama found appalling.

Here is the full list of Clinton’s pardons.


The Republican hatred of our President is unparalleled in American history, and their hypocrisy should be obvious to the American electorate.

P.S. Again I come to all the avid readers of NewsWithViews and ask you for support.  Running a website this large is a huge operation and a huge monetary cost.  Please help us to keep bringing the truth into your home every morning.  Won’t you add NWVs to your monthly donations, every little bit helps this website stay alive.  You can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Trump’s Trojan Horse Revealed

Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable, than loyalty. —Cicero

The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged. —G. K. Chesterton

Loyalty is a noble trait and one that is coveted by leaders, but our 45th President has not seen many faithful and devoted Republicans, either in Congress or in his administration.  The establishment sewer rats are doing everything they can to stop our President from destroying their globalist goals.

Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, Mike Dubke, Michael Short, Preet Bharara, James Comey, and Sally Yates are gone.  Several were known leakers and others were Obama holdovers.  There are many people in our President’s administration, even close advisors who I highly doubt are loyal to our 45th President.

Others who were very loyal to our President and his policies who are no longer in the administration, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and his entire NSC staff are gone, along with Steve Bannon, and now Sebastian Gorka.  Monica Crowley was torpedoed before she even made it into the administration.

And yet, we still have leaks.

Pence Would Have Lost Governorship

Instead he was chosen as Trump’s Vice President.  Pence spent 12 years in Congress and he is an establishment insider. Trump obviously thought Pence could help him with legislation in Congress, but it appears there has been no real help from the VP.

My longtime friend and Trump Supporter, Suzy Chilberg, leader of a huge tea party in Northern Indiana, wrote that Pence could have lost reelection as Indiana’s Governor.  Here’s what she said…

Even his political action committee’s name gives off a crusader vibe: Principles Exalt a Nation. As Kelleigh and I have often talked, the GOP power-mongering “controllers” pushed Pence on Trump.  Pence was likely to lose the governorship of Indiana.  I live in Indiana.  I am a precinct committee person.  I know.

Indy was not going to be able to save his sorry self.  He had pissed off so many of the electorate because of his political dances about Common Core (CC) and other things, that people were really upset with him.  Indiana is still under CC because more than anything, Pence was greedy for federal funds.

He is also responsible for leading Indiana into the medical mess Obamacare set up.  He always sells the thing (whatever it is) with his “Christian” droning voice, but since he went to DC as a congressman this man has been centered on DC $$.  It made sense he’d be chosen by the Elitists to “guide” this president who is way too trusting of this “God fearing Christian.”

Thus, Indiana was set to go blue when Pence lost the governorship.  Not in the legislature, but in a candidate for governor who had lost umpteen other attempts.  So, they had to move Pence to get Holcomb on the ticket and keep IN in the red zone.  Keeps our votes in red, don’t you know.

I have always felt deep down that the real leaks are from Pence.  He has been so helpful to our man at the helm, yeah sure…like the snake lying next to its owner while measuring her for its next meal.

Suzy is right, in Indiana, Pence presided over the withdrawal from Common Core, yet he quickly turned this triumph into a charade. Instead of returning to Indiana’s superb pre–Common Core standards, Pence stacked the replacement committees to ensure the return of Common Core. Indiana’s new standards are nothing but a slightly mangled and rebranded version of what they supposedly replace.

Common Core opponents are deeply disappointed by this outcome. The Indiana mothers who ignited the national rebellion against Common Core are wondering why Governor Pence betrayed their trust.

So, Pence took credit for repealing Common Core in Indiana when in fact he merely replaced it with a rebranded version of the same standards — actually, standards that might be even worse.  Link

Pence Is Chosen

Let’s go back to the day Pence was chosen as Trump’s running mate, and to the early campaign.  The VP choice was promoted by Ivanka, and was a choice obviously made to garner Pence’s friends in the House into aiding Mr. Trump’s agenda.

  • Governor Pence pulled his name from the governor’s race in Indiana before Trump had a chance to announce him, resulting in the Indianapolis Star catching wind of it and announcing his nomination before the President.
  • When Trump’s recorded and edited locker room chat with none other than Billy Bush came out, Pence stated his disapproval as though Pence was so pure that he had never uttered trash talk, and he hid away. The media wanted Trump to drop out and Pence to take the lead.

Pence could have said something like, “What would the country rather have, a man who engages in common locker room talk, or a woman who is a traitor to her country?”

  • Pence’s endorsement of Paul Ryan, John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, and other leftist Republicans was done prior to Trump’s forced endorsements.

Lacking Principles or Pure Hypocrisy?

Can we call Pence a hypocrite?  Truly, if he had any principles, he wouldn’t have even accepted the nomination of VP, because he couldn’t be a part of our President’s campaign promises in good conscience.  His congressional voting record is the opposite of our President’s policies.

The former Governor has close ties to the party establishment, and so does his lawyer. Note that James Comey worked for McGuire Woods law firm from 1993-1996, and Pence’s office confirmed that he retained Richard Cullen, chairman of McGuire Woods LLP, to assist him in responding to inquiries by special counsel Robert Mueller.  Cullen and Comey used to work together at McGuire Woods, and Richard Cullen is the Godfather to one of Comey’s daughters.

Recently, Mike Pence joined with Ivanka and Jared and cheered Trump for not undoing Obama’s LBGT Executive Order for Christian evangelicals.  Many are upset with this stance, and even more upset that Pence, who claims to be a fundamentalist Christian would go along with it.  Link  Christians are accusing Pence of hypocrisy since he has flip-flopped on this issue.

Also recall that Trump’s two top establishment globalists, Pence and Priebus supported getting rid of Flynn after they alleged he misled his colleagues about conversations with the Russian ambassador.  The willingness to throw Flynn under the bus was a great loss of the man who well knows counterterrorism strategy. He spent more than 33 years in Army intelligence.

Establishment Lauds Pence

Members of the Republican establishment have lauded Pence for his experience and his solid credentials.  He endorsed Dominionist Ted Cruz in the 2016 Republican primaries, and has been praised by Paul Ryan, who has described him a “personal friend” and a “movement conservative.”  What does that mean?

  • Pence’s votes while in Congress were not good and he only received a 62% freedom index, the same as John McCain’s. Link
  • Pence stated, “Trade means jobs but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Link
  • “Calls to ban Muslims from entering the US are offensive and unconstitutional.” Link
  • Pence strongly denounced Trump’s proposal to close the US borders to Muslim refugees. Link

And why shouldn’t the establishment laud him? After Christie left the administration because of Bridgegate, Pence was put in charge of the transition team, so is that why all the choices are from globalist insiders?

Is Pence Trump’s Achilles Heel?

With all due respect, when I look at our Vice President, I see a man with core ambitions that would betray Trump to get there.  When President Trump speaks, there is a sincerity, but when Pence speaks it seems artificial, not from the heart.  He’s playing a part, and he’s dangerous.

Pence has been in office for 16 years, first as a member of Congress and from 2013 as Indiana’s governor.  He is an establishment globalist Republican and belongs more in the camp of Ryan, McCain and McConnell than in Mark Meadow’s and Jim Jordan’s Freedom Caucus who believe in limited government, the Constitution, the rule of law, (Lex Rex) and policies that promote the liberty, safety and prosperity of all Americans.  One look at how Pence voted for 12 years in Congress has convinced me he’s no “Christian conservative.”

Pence Plans for Presidency

Circa News reported that Vice President Mike Pence filed to create a new political action committee called the Great America Committee, ahead of the 2018 and 2020 elections.  This is the first time a sitting Vice President has filed to create a separate political PAC.  Allegedly it is done to cover the costs of his support for Republican GOP members in both the 2018 and 2020 elections.  The new PAC will accept individual donations up to $5K.

Pence is holding private dinners with big donors and corporate interests at his DC home.  Link  Despite his protestations to the contrary, the vice president looks to be preparing for his own political future. Is he betting everything will come crashing down on Trump and he can take over?  Link

A spokesman confirmed the existence of the new committee and said it is being overseen by Marty Obst and Nick Ayers, two former Pence campaign aides and close confidants of the vice president.

Social media is a twitter with suspicions that Pence may have his own political goals.  However, those close to him state that he is simply gearing up for coming elections of fellow GOPers.  I don’t buy it.

The establishment loves Pence, and if anything happens to Trump, they know Pence is waiting in the wings and will easily accept orders from the movers and shakers of DC.

As much as Pence may deny it, the evidence is mounting that he is indeed laying the groundwork for rescuing his own political career from the ashes of Trump’s. As Politico’s Eliana Johnson reports, Pence’s recent hire of top campaign hand Nick Ayers as his chief of staff is “less about a secret campaign to challenge Trump in 2020” and more about ensuring that Pence can “preserve his future political options, whatever they may be.”

Pence is also closely aligned with the Trump hating Koch brothers, and he stated in 2014, that he was “grateful,” for David Koch.  He has longstanding ties to the Koch brothers’ political network, which was a strong supporter of his governorship but stayed on the sidelines of the 2016 election due to widespread opposition among donors to Trump’s candidacy. Short, who adorns his office with Pence paraphernalia, is a former president of the group that oversees the Koch brothers’ political activism. The Kochs hate Trump, but will go all out for Pence.  Pence held an unscheduled visit with GOP mega-donor Charles Koch in Colorado last June, ahead of the Koch brothers’ network donor meeting.

Pence has kept a certain distance from the Trump White House in past months, staying above the chaos of the latest Russia controversies, especially those concerning Trump’s son, Donald Jr. who met with a Russian lawyer who said she had information on Hillary Clinton.  Pence’s aides were quick to emphasize that the vice president had not even joined the campaign at the time of Trump Jr. meeting.  Everybody is forgetting that Clinton allies did the same thing as Don Jr.

Leaks to Take Down Trump

Is Mike Pence the Deep State that Trump fears and hates?  A well-known commentator has said, “I have read a bunch of articles saying the ultimate source of Trump’s leaks are Pence himself, who is acting more like an enemy combatant than a devoted VP.”

Pence wants to be President, it’s written all over him, and anyone who falls for his phony perfect Christian persona isn’t looking deeply into the man.  Axios reported in July: “Most elected Republicans in town would privately prefer a President Pence. When push comes to shove, they may not protect Trump. Indeed, their natural impulse will be to throw him overboard.”

Pence is salivating at the notion that the Democrats, or some nefarious set of people, will remove Donald Trump from office through invoking the 25th Amendment’s disability clause. The Democrats allege that Trump is mentally ill and this will be their justification. Assassination remains a possibility that is widely promoted by the left.

Pence’s true colors are surfacing, he is a globalist and a selfish opportunist.  Why does the VP need his own PAC? Pence is becoming a major liability to Trump. He is actively plotting to replace Trump in 2020 because, presumably, someone from the Deep State has indicated a change is coming.


What about Obama following in Trump’s footsteps when it comes to Trump’s contact with world leaders?  He’s a private citizen now and should be charged with violating the Logan Act.  Just what is he telling these leaders?  Is he saying that Trump won’t be around long so ignore him?

Steve Maraboli’s quote perfectly fits our VP.  “You can speak with spiritual eloquence, pray in public, and maintain a holy appearance…but it is your behavior that will reveal your true character.”

The fate of our country is in the balance.  The left and the right have the same agenda, both have been part of the Deep State for a long, long time.  Pence is waiting in the wings and chomping at the bit to be the next President no matter how it happens.

Whatever Donald Trump brings us, it’s far better than what the globalist Deep State has planned.

P.S.  NewsWithViews writers work overtime to bring readers the real truth of what is happening in our country.  We donate our time and efforts because the truth is so very rare today, especially in main stream media.  The CEO and publisher of NWVs has put his heart, soul, and personal funds into this effort.  Won’t you please help us by sending your monthly donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Populist Strategist Steve Bannon, Exits Trump Administration

We don’t believe there is a functional conservative party in this country, and we certainly don’t think the Republican Party is that. Stephen Bannon

You don’t come to us for warm and fuzzy.  We think of ourselves as violently anti-establishment, particularly “anti” the permanent political class.  We say Paul Ryan was grown in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation.  Steve Bannon, in early 2016

The Loss Of Steve Bannon

Bannon’s above quotes are absolutely true, and his loss will be felt, but he did promise only a year.  He said that his departure was voluntary, and that he’d planned it to coincide with the one-year anniversary of his joining the Trump campaign as chief executive, on August 14, 2016.

“On August 7th, I talked to Chief of Staff John Kelly and to the President, and I told them that my resignation would be effective the following Monday, on the 14th,” he said. “I’d always planned on spending one year. General Kelly has brought in a great new system, but I said it would be best. I want to get back to Breitbart.”

The only reason it was delayed until Friday the 18th was because of the Charlottesville riots.

Bannon said he would continue waging a war against Trump’s enemies and would do all he can to help the President stay on track and keep his promises.  That could put Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, chief economic adviser Gary Cohn, national security adviser H.R. McMaster, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator Majority leader Mitch McConnell all firmly in his crosshairs.

Pam Geller’s Assessment

Geller wrote that Bannon may have resigned, but that it was clear that John Kelly made Bannon’s remaining time in the West Wing very short.  Kelly said Bannon was a disruptive force and a source of leaks aimed at undermining his rivals.  One of those rivals, with whom Kelly is deeply in sympathy, is National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, who clashed forcefully with Bannon over such policies as strategy for the war in Afghanistan.

Bannon co-authored Trump’s inaugural address where the President spoke of self-dealing Washington politicians and their policies that led to the shuttered factories and broken lives of what he called, “American carnage.”  Apparently that great speech was even watered down by moderates Ivanka and Jared.

Here’s the big problem.  Chief of Staff Kelly, who was appointed July 28, immediately brought a previously unseen degree of his form of discipline and process to the West Wing. Kelly quickly established himself by exercising tight control over Trump’s access to information and personnel, ensuring control of the latter by instituting a strict closed door policy in the Oval office.

So, who and what is Kelly keeping from our President?

In a Daily Caller article, Bannon stated that the days of Ivanka crying to her father are over.  She wanted him to appeal to moderates, which as a Democrat isn’t surprising, especially since she’s good friends with Chelsea Clinton, Huma Abedin, and Dina Powell. Bannon told her and Jared that those very moderates hate the mention of Trump’s name.  He said to appeal to moderates would cause the loss of the populist base who elected Trump, and he was right.

Stone On Bannon

In Roger Stone’s article in the Daily Caller, he said this, “It is more in sadness than in anger that I conclude that Steve Bannon has failed to look out for the Trump constituency, while establishment ‘never Trumpers’ line up for cushy jobs and prestigious ambassadorships. Not understanding that ‘personnel is policy,’ Bannon refused to fight for any of his allies or those who helped get Trump elected. It’s as if Steve felt the grubby business of patronage was below him.”

I didn’t know that Steve was responsible for getting other true conservatives hired, but surely other people got calls and emails as well.  And yes, there are definitely a great number of wonderful people out here in America who worked themselves silly to get Trump elected.  Many of those people have resumes that would actually over-qualify them for working in any number of departments in the administration.  So, if this is true, why didn’t he listen to the calls?  And the bigger question is why is no one else listening to calls?

Cabal Of The Generals

Roger Stone calls McMaster, Mattis and Kelly the Cabal and the Seven Days in May crew, and says they are now very much in control.  He says McMaster is in alliance with White House Chief, John Kelly who reminds him very much of Alexander Haig.  He believes they are aligned with Mad Dog Mattis, the first non-civilian Defense Secretary in modern times. [Link]

Peter R. Mansoor, a retired Army colonel who served with McMaster in Iraq during the 2007 surge of U.S. troops, said that McMaster “absolutely does not view Islam as the enemy.”  And that is why he needs to be ousted yesterday.

Stone says the generals are globalists and internationalists and were responsible for the ouster of Scaramucci, whose only sin was immediate access to the President.  Kelly is now controlling access and information to the President which didn’t exist under Priebus.

The generals wanted Bannon ousted, and Stone says that he was standing alone because he didn’t hire others who were like minded.  Yet, Bannon was the prime mover in the appointment of Rex Tillerson, whose chief patron was CFR member Condoleezza Rice, and Rice had recommended Tillerson in a face to face meeting with Trump in New York.  And why is the pressure to remove Soros people from embassies across Eastern Europe ignored in the Tillerson state department?

Stone also claims Bannon didn’t tell the President that Joe Arpaio was being unfairly prosecuted.  According to Stone, Bannon also came up with a higher tax proposal which would be a disaster for the Trump economic revolution.

Nevertheless, the generals have removed Bannon for the same reason they removed Scaramucci, because of their independent access to the President.

Roger says these generals, who are aligned with the Mueller gang and James Comey, and the permanent two-party globalist establishment have a slow-motion coup afoot.   They intend to seize control of all information and render the President impotent for a takedown by the executioners, a la Seven Days in May.

Now Kelly is looking to the Leon Panetta model with Clinton for dealing with Trump. Link  John Kelly was senior military assistant to the secretary of defense when President Barack Obama tapped Leon Panetta to take over the Pentagon.

New York Times

Maggie Haberman of the NY Times reported that in an interview with the American Prospect, which Bannon thought was off the record, and said wasn’t even an interview, he mocked his colleagues and contradicted Trump’s tough threats towards North Korea.  He said, “There’s no military solution here, they got us.”  Privately, Steve seemed to be provoking our President, and yet, there isn’t an option that is comfortable, is there?  After more than two decades of our leaders mollifying this commie regime, it has only gotten worse, and Trump is handed the resulting mess.

Bannon joins the long list of those who are no longer with Trump, and the three I loved the most were General Flynn, Steve Bannon, and Jeff Sessions, the latter of whom should be far more of a vicious attack dog than he seems to be, and is disappointing a lot of deplorables.  Many of us wish Trump had installed Rudy Giuliani as AG instead because Rudy had the chutzpah to go after the mob and that takes mettle.

Look, Bannon had a falling out with many of the following people, and Bannon was right about many of the insider enemies, especially that mess in the NSA. [Link]

The Latest From Breitbart

Breitbart has said that Bannon was not just Trump’s master strategist, but he actually turned around a failing campaign in August of 2016.  And of course, Bannon was the hardcore conservative spine of the administration.  He actually had a “whiteboard” in the West Wing listing the promises Trump made to the voters, and Bannon was determined to check as many of them off as possible.

Steve really was the Trump agenda.  He convinced Trump to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords even though the Kushners fought him, and he convinced Trump to visit Israel on his first trip abroad, both of which were very smart moves.

Steve was no political climber, so he was able to always deliver totally honest advice and criticism to our President.  He reportedly told Trump that firing FBI Director James Comey would be more trouble than it was worth, and boy was he right about that.  Look at the resulting Mueller mess.


Trump railed against U.S. troop engagement in Afghanistan as a candidate promising to end expensive foreign intervention and nation-building. And he had two high level officials in his administration who agreed with him who are now gone. Yet, Breitbart reported that the President’s Afghanistan speech was received with a chorus of cheers.

It was during a security council meeting about Afghanistan that Trump changed his original stance. If you ask his supporters if they want more troops in Afghanistan, eighty percent would say they don’t.  The media are used to dealing with sheep, but Trump supporters aren’t sheep, and sending more soldiers to die in the Middle East is not what they want.  Analysts suggest the “new strategy” is only an extension of the failed status quo.

An experienced military leader commented, “Big question, to what end?”  And he’s exactly right.

Bannon Can Do More At Breitbart

If Trump went to a rally and announced Bannon’s dismissal, he would get booed. Bannon may be out of the White House but don’t think he’s still not in the fight.  Corey Lewandowski was fired under similar dubious circumstances only to find out he was doing undercover work for Trump at CNN.

Bannon may help Trump more on the outside than in the administration, but only time will tell.  Trump still holds meetings with former campaign hands Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie, and still occasionally reaches out to Roger Stone. There’s no reason he won’t use Bannon as an outside barometer as well, and Bannon could be more effective from that unaccountable post than he was from within the inner circle.

Halsey English ripped off a quick note about White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon’s dismissal being the beginning of something bigger.  Orange County GOP Representative and Trump supporter, Dana Rohrabacher, met with WikiLeaks founder and fugitive Julian Assange, with information that Rohrabacher feels may be worthy of a presidential pardon.  He released some of the details of the meeting, and said he was returning to Washington to tell President Trump the rest of the details face to face. Is there a chance Democrats are going to be exposed?  Let’s hope so.

Bannon’s Parting Words

“The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” Bannon said on Friday, the 18th of August, shortly after confirming his departure. “We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It’ll be something else. And there’ll be all kinds of fights, and there’ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over.”

I don’t know how to decipher his parting statement, but good luck Steve, we’re sorry to see you go.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Destroying History: The Race Baiting Politically Correct Anarchists

The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern States. Charles Dickens, 1862

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.  Marcus Garvey

When a scholar, an academic, or a journalist is more concerned with presenting a desired conclusion rather than the conclusion arising from facts and truth, he is no longer a scholar, an academic or a journalist. He is a demagogue and a liar.  And that is what we have today, both in higher education and in the media.  Charlottesville is the prime example.  They are about destruction, just like Communists and Islamists.

Communism and Islam Destroy Historical Sites

The truth of the Russian Revolution is not taught in schools today. If it were, Americans would understand that when the Russian Revolution ushered in communism via Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin, the historic landmarks of the country and Romanovs were destroyed, along with libraries and books.  Over 1,000 Russian Orthodox priests were sent to Siberia where they were worked to death. Lenin spent time in prison before coming to power, just as did Hitler and Mandela, Communists and National Socialist fascists alike.

Wherever Islam is in control, historical shrines are destroyed.  ISIS has actually bulldozed and blown up archeological sites. [Link] One need only read Oriana Fallaci’s book, The Rage and the Pride to understand the depths of Islamic destruction of historic monuments of every religion.

When I saw the videos of destruction of a Southern statue in Durham NC, the several placards and signs all had a web site address on the bottom in red letters. The same was on almost all of them. This is one of the sites of the Communist Party USA.

If we allow anarchists to systematically destroy all “Southern Heritage” sites, we are in effect also allowing the desecration of veterans’ memorials, and that includes General Robert E. Lee.

General Robert E. Lee

After the tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia, precipitated by the city government’s decision to remove the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park, we should be struck by how the animosity toward Lee is based on ignorance of the man and his cause.  Academic education in America is dead, but communist propaganda is alive and well.  These fools know nothing of the truth of Robert E. Lee, much less America’s founders.

Robert E. Lee was married to George Washington’s granddaughter. He believed slavery was a great evil and his wife broke the law by teaching slaves to read and write. Lee worked with Grant during the Mexican-American war and became a decorated war hero defending America.

Lee had inherited slaves; however, he freed them. In an 1856 letter, Lee wrote of his hope that slavery would eventually disappear, declaring, “There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil.” He called for prayer to see the final abolition of human slavery through peaceful means.  Lee was a Christian and a gentleman.

Lee was also very torn about the prospect of the South leaving the Union. George Washington was a huge influence on him. He believed that ultimately, states’ rights trumped the federal government and chose to lead the Southern army.

His estate, Arlington, near Washington DC was his home and while away fighting the war, the federal government demanded that Lee himself pay his taxes in person. He sent his wife, but the money was not accepted from a woman. When he could not pay the taxes, the government began burying dead Union soldiers on his land. The government is still burying people there today. It is now called Arlington National Cemetery.  Do they want to destroy that as well?

After the war, he worked with Andrew Johnson’s program of reconstruction. He became very popular with the northern states and the Barracks at West Point were named in his honor in 1962.

Besmirching the memory of General Lee by attacking him as a slave-owning racist who led a bloody rebellion to preserve slavery that cost well over 600,000 American lives is despicable.  No military veteran and highly decorated war hero should ever be treated as such.

Bloodshed and Violence in Charlottesville

In Ann Coulter’s recent article, When Liberals Club People, It’s With Love in Their Hearts, she is totally right when she says that liberals have Republicans over a barrel when they use the word “racist.” The word is kryptonite, and it turns the entire GOP and most rightwing media into sniveling cowards.  The dumbed down American people don’t even understand that the first black politicians in Congress were all Republicans!

Journalist Lee Stranahan says both sides were paid by Soros, and the police decision to stand down and let these two groups go at it was made MONTHS ago, not the day of the event. Why? They WANTED a violent confrontation so they could attach it to Trump and by extension his followers since the Russian thing has evaporated other than Mueller and his leftist lawyers.

‘Unite the Right’ organizer Jason Kessler was reportedly an Obama supporter involved in the Occupy movement as recently as November 2016, before establishing his white supremacist group “Unity & Security for America” in January, 2017.  Nothing smells right about any of this. In fact, Lee Stranahan has connected the “Unite the Right” rally to an identical Neo-Nazi movement in Ukraine supported by John McCain and Hillary Clinton. [Link]

The Mayor of Charlottesville, Michael Signer worked for John Podesta and was in Obama’s State Department Transition Team.  Think Obama and Soros aren’t working together to destroy our legally elected President?

Charlottesville police have now come forward and said, “We were told to stand down to ignite a race war.”

Trump Speaks the Truth

Our President accurately noted that the Antifa thugs showed up illegally, brought weapons to the protest, then started the violence.  He condemned both sides. The media went berserk over him actually stating what happened, as clearly backed by the video evidence.  For that, a bunch of his Goldman Sachs-loving CEO’s backed out of his business council basically signaling they are either cowards or enemies of America, likely both, so Trump shut it down.

Here are two GREAT articles summarizing what happened at Charlottesville.  Along those lines, this author makes a GREAT point, The real problem this country faces are white democrats.  Here’s the essential thing to take home. The media wants to connect the White Supremacists to Trump, and by extension to YOU essentially saying that anyone who supports Trump is a white supremacist.  This is the latest tactic to take down our President.

Thomas Jefferson Condemned Slave Trade

Thomas Jefferson condemned the slave trade in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence, but the New England slave traders lobbied to have the clause stricken. From 1755 to 1766, no fewer than 23,000 slaves landed in Massachusetts. By 1787, Rhode Island had taken first place in the slave trade to be unseated later by New York. Before long, millions of slaves would be brought to America by way of Northern slave ships.

There were no Southern slave ships involved in the triangular trade of slaves. It was all about money.  New Englanders not only sold blacks to Southern planters but also kept slaves for themselves as well as enslaving the local Indian population.

Slavery did not appear in the South until Northern settlers began to migrate South, bringing with them their slaves. Of the 9.5 million slaves brought to the Western Hemisphere from 1500 – 1870, less than 6% were brought to the United States. Our Spanish, British and French neighbors owned over 94% of the slaves brought to the New World. In the South, less than 7% of the total population ever owned a slave. In other words, over 93% of Southerners did not own any slaves.

The slave trade flourished in colonial Northern ports, but New England, by far, was the leading slave merchant of the American colonies. The first venture from New England to Africa was undertaken in 1644 by an association of Boston traders.

History Rewritten by the Victors

Churchill was right when he said history is written by the victors, but he should have said, “History is REWRITTEN by the victors.”

With the rise of politically correct Marxist revisionism as the only acceptable “system” for the study of history, everything about the War has been reduced to one issue only: that of slavery.  Instead, these propagandized fools who have no true knowledge of real history are destroying the statues of American veterans who they know nothing about.

With revisionists, the only consideration was slavery—not tariffs or a tyrannous federal government or the slow economic and political strangulation of the States of the South, or even the existing hatred and contempt in which most of the rest of the so-called “union” held their Southern brethren. The north cared little about the growing impoverishment of the South especially given the fact that the South’s poverty was the consequence of Southern tax dollars enriching the rest of the Union.  Is it any wonder they chose to secede?

Actor James Woods sees the hypocrisy of the leftists and tweeted this photo of the statue of Senator Robert Byrd, who was a Grand Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan.  Byrd was Hillary Clinton’s mentor.  Woods asks, “When is this baby coming down?”

Robert Byrd wrote in December 1944, to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:  “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

The Real History

Every slave that ever entered into this country came in on a Northern built, owned and operated slave ship, or a European slave ship. Slave ships would primarily enter the U.S. into major Northern ports, such as New York and Boston. The early financial infrastructure of those cities was built primarily on the slave trade. These ships would take Northern made rum into Africa and trade the rum with African tribes for slaves that these tribes had captured during tribal wars. [Link]

Large numbers of free blacks owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slave holding states. The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves.  Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).

Census figures quote that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. [Link] The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.

I have personally visited numerous southern gravesites where the servants were buried next to their “masters,” and the inscriptions read, “Beloved brother in Christ, or Beloved sister in Christ.”  Of course, there were evil men who treated men they considered slaves as chattel they could destroy at will, but if history reported the truth, they would see that this was most manifest with free black masters, and the huge plantations.

Black Slave Owners

In 1860 there were at least six blacks in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves. The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another black slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000. That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978.

In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860, 125 free blacks owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free blacks in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings. In North Carolina 69 free blacks were slave owners.

In 1860 William Ellison was South Carolina’s largest black slave owner. In Black Masters. A Free Family of Color in the Old South, authors Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roak write a sympathetic account of Ellison’s life. From Ellison’s birth as a slave to his death at 71, the authors attempt to provide justification, based on their own speculation, as to why a former slave would become a magnate slave master.


The true picture of the Old South that is never presented by the nation’s revisionists, is that the American South had been undergoing changes far greater than generations of Americans have been led to believe.  Slavery was shortly to be obsolete and economically nonviable, and would have disappeared.

The nation would have been spared awesome traumas from which it would never fully recover and the deaths of 600,000 Americans.

The destruction of American history and our monuments is a disaster for this country. The eradication of history must stop. The Confederate statues are our history and that history will become meaningless if we obliterate all symbols of it.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Mitch McConnell Blames Our President For Senate’s Failure

So, if we lie to the government, it’s a felony.  But if they lie to us it’s politics.  —Bill Murray

For those looking for security, be forewarned that there’s nothing more insecure than a political promise.  —Harry Browne

The chorus from the 1983 song, Promises, Promises, seems appropriate for our Senate.

For seven years the Republicans have promised to repeal Obamacare.  They claimed they had to have the House, so we gave them the House.  Then they said they needed the Senate, so we gave them the Senate.  Then they said they needed the White House, and now they have all three, but they’ve still failed to repeal Obamacare.  They campaigned on repealing this albatross around our necks to get re-elected, but now they’ve proven that they never really wanted to get rid of it.

Senate Lifer McConnell Blames President Trump

McConnell met with his Kentucky constituents at a Rotary meeting, and guess who the Senate Majority Leader, shamelessly blamed for the Senate’s failure?  Our President!  He said, “Our new president, of course, has not been in this line of work before, and I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the Democratic process.”

Sean Hannity has said, “No Senator, YOU are a WEAK, SPINELESS leader who does not keep his word and you need to Retire!”

Listen to McConnell’s excuses.

Mitch is blaming our President for expecting Congress to pass a budget, tax reform, to repeal Obamacare, etc., and he calls those excessive expectations!  This is the DC septic system, and it needs to be purged.

Excessive expectations?  Seven years wasn’t long enough?  You didn’t have a plan after seven years of how to eliminate Obamacare?  It’s not our hard-working President who is at fault.

C’mon Senator, you made a promise when you wanted to be re-elected, and then on December 6th of last year, you clearly stated that, “The very first thing out of the box we’re going to do when we get sworn in is repealing Obamacare. First thing we’re going to do.”

The President heard you, and he expected you were telling the truth, along with your buddies, McCain and Murkowski who both campaigned on repealing Obamacare.  And then you didn’t keep the Senate there to work through this so you could get a vote that would finally repeal this horrid burden on American taxpayers.  Nope, you let them all go home, and they will not face their constituents and we know why.

Is it any wonder Lou Dobbs is saying “Ditch Mitch,” and my friend Ruth added to Dobb’s statement with, “Ditch Mitch and Ditch McMaster Faster!”

GOP Told Trump Repeal Was a Slam Dunk

Congressman Peter King said, “The president was told early on by legislative leaders that they could pass the repeal quickly.” The GOP said it was a “slam dunk.”

In Trump’s August 10th press conference, he was asked about his relationship with Senator McConnell.  He said, “I just want to get repeal and replace done. I’ve been hearing repeal and replace now for seven years. I said, ‘Mitch, get to work and let’s get it done.’ They should have had this last one done. They lost by one vote. For a thing like that to happen is a disgrace. And, frankly, it shouldn’t have happened. That I can tell you.”

Can you imagine what we would accomplish as a country if our Republican Congressional leadership wasn’t made up of Trump hating left-leaning spineless cowards?

Eleven GOP swamp-rat Senators have tweeted support for McConnell…McConnell’s sidekick and bagman, Cornyn TX; Corker TN; Tillis FL; Isakson GA; Collins ME; Hatch UT; Gardner OH; Heller NV; Flake AZ; Young IN; Capito WV.  Remember these Senators when they’re in the next primary, which is the most important vote.

Thirty GOP Senate snakes, including Luther Strange, are “opposing any effort to curtail the existing rights and prerogatives (including the 60-rule vote to end the Democrat filibuster) of Senators to engage in full, robust, and extended debate as we consider legislation before the body in the future.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell agrees with them. [Link]

Buying Allegiance Is Fruitless

I’ve come to the conclusion that our President is too nice of a guy to politicians who will never unite behind him despite the fact they’re in the same party.  Elaine Chao is not exactly the kind of Cabinet pick you would expect from outsider Donald Trump.

She is Mitch McConnell’s wife.  Her father owns a shipping company, and that very company was caught with 90 lbs. of cocaine on it.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has deep business and political links to China, and McConnell claims he’s an anti-drug warrior.  But guess what…

McConnell and his wife received a personal gift from a family member worth between $5 million and $25 million, according to his annual financial disclosure report.

The gift came from Chao’s father, Dr. James S.C. Chao, a wealthy Chinese-born businessman, and it boosted McConnell’s personal worth from a minimum of $3 million in 2007 to more than $7 million.

And that’s just the beginning of her resume.

Open Arms to Never Trumpers

The President invited Willard Romney to interview for Secretary of State, and had dinner with him more than once.  This was after Romney openly excoriated Mr. Trump prior to the election and spoke against him at, of all places the Hinckley Institute, even after he had appealed to Trump for monetary help in his Presidential Campaign in 2008, and Trump helped him.

Our President invited neo-con Trotskyite Senator Bob Corker from the State of TN to interview as well.  Happily, Corker didn’t get the job but he’s slammed Trump every chance he’s had since then. And how many top business people who are far leftists has he invited to meet with him, over and over again…including Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Tim Cook of Apple.  He has had open arms to all hoping to bring them into the fold.

It hasn’t worked and it never will work because Trump is not a globalist insider.  They hate him, and they may be nice to his face, but they will do everything they can to destroy every single promise he made to the American public.

So, Why Endorse Strange?

The Alabama seat left open by Senator Sessions’ appointment as our Attorney General has three Republicans vying for his Senate seat.  One is Mo Brooks, a hardcore pro-lifer, Trump supporter, and Constitutional conservative.

Another is Snake in the Grass’ Luther Strange who, as the race intensifies, has falsely attacked pro-Trump candidate, Mo Brooks.  Strange is supported by neo-con lackeys, McConnell and Karl Rove.  He is an establishment insider.  Our ever-pragmatic president should have jumped down McConnell’s throat, but instead he backed Luther Strange to fill AG Sessions Alabama seat.

The true conservative is Mo Brooks, tried and true.  Alabama voters do not like and do not trust Luther Strange, so why is our President endorsing someone who is anathema to his policies, who will vote against him, and who is supported by those in Congress who hate Trump.  And who the hell advised him to endorse Strange?  Does he believe he’ll get McConnell to repeal Obamacare by supporting this moderate?

Judge Roy Moore

The third candidate is Judge Roy Moore, the “10 Commandments” judge, and I hate to say this, but he is not a good choice.  He is in the dominionist/reconstructionist (D/R) camp, and he is promoting a Constitutional Convention.  Many people have tried to show him historical documents proving how dangerous a new convention would be, but he won’t listen.  He believes he can get a marriage amendment by opening the Constitution.  What fantasy!

It is hard for me to fathom why Moore, who is a judge, will not read what Chief Justice Warren Burger wrote to Phyllis Schlafly about the risks of opening the Constitution, and why he will not listen to ultra-conservative Judge Scalia’s statements. Neither will he look at precedent of our 1787 Convention where the delegates were to discuss the commerce issue and revise the Articles of Confederation.  They closed the doors, threw out the Articles and started anew.  This is the precedent.  We had statesmen then, we do not have them now.  This will happen again if we open our Constitution, because the goal of establishment globalists and George Soros is to eliminate our God given rights.

Dr. Gary North, a leader in the D/R movement, advocates that the Constitution must be scrapped in favor of a new theocratic form of government, a valid reason for D/Rs to want a new convention.

As for Moore’s beliefs, he has set up the Foundation for Moral Law which files briefs in court cases concerning the public display of the Ten Commandments and other First Amendment issues. The foundation also prepares seminars that will teach judges, lawyers, and law students about Old Testament Biblical Law as the basis of America’s laws and Constitution.  John Eidsmoe is a prominent Christian Reconstructionist theorist, who works at the Foundation for Moral Law.

Dominionism derives from a small fringe sect called Christian Reconstructionism, founded by a Calvinist theologian named R. J. Rushdoony in the 1960s. Christian Reconstructionism openly advocates replacing American law with the strictures of the Old Testament, replete with the death penalty by stoning for homosexuality, abortion, and even apostasy.

This doctrine comes in both “hard” and “soft” varieties, but D/Rs want a theocratic form of government, where only those of their doctrine will rule in life, art, education, health care, government, family life, law and so on.  All these areas are to be based on Old Testament Mosaic Law, which is a theonomy, and the U.S. Constitution will be replaced with a political and judicial system based on Mosaic Law. [Link]

While most dominionists would say they favor the U.S. Constitution, and merely seek to restore it to the original intentions of the founders, in fact, their views are profoundly anti-democratic. Their worldview is not one based on the rights of the individual as we have come to know them, but on notions of Mosaic biblical law.

In the D/R worldview, those of other Christian doctrines or other religious beliefs are second-class citizens at best. Dominionism means, as a matter of theocratic public policy, reducing or eliminating the legal standing of those who do not share their views.  Sounds a lot like Islam, doesn’t it?

The 613 Mosaic Laws

The Mosaic Law was given to us so we would know what sin is.  Without going into the exegesis of why Christians are no longer under the Mosaic Law, but are now under the Law of Christ, the answer is in Romans 10:4.  It states that our Savior is the end of the Law, and that includes all 613, even the 10 commandments.  Hence it has ceased to function. We are justified by faith in Christ, not by the works of the law, because no flesh is justified by works of the law, (Gal. 2:16) just as OT saints were saved by faith. Again, there is no sanctification or perfection through the law. Heb. 7:19.

Torah Law is one unit, and there is no commandment that has continued beyond the cross of Christ.  The Law is there and can be used as a teaching tool to show God’s standard of righteousness, and man’s sinfulness and need of a substitutionary atonement.  It can be used to point one to Christ (Gal 3:23-25).  However, it has completely ceased to function as an authority over individuals.  The old law has been disannulled, and we are under the new law…the Law of Christ in Gal 6:2, and the Law of the Spirit of Life in Romans 8:2.

This is a brand-new law totally separate from the Law of Moses.  The Law of Christ contains all the commandments applicable to a New Testament believer, nine of which are very similar to those found in the 10 commandments, but are not from the 613 in Mosaic Law.


We simply must elect representatives who will help our President complete the promises he set forth in his campaign. Obviously, McConnell’s choice of Luther Strange is another establishment insider who will work to defeat Trump’s promises. I would hope that Alabamians cast their vote for a man who will help our President and that man is Mo Brooks.  We already have enough sewer-rat Republicans to expunge.

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© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Senator John McCain, A Modern Day Benedict Arnold

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.  —General Douglas MacArthur

No intelligent man ever trusted a traitor.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Why isn’t the Republican party unifying behind their president? The Democrats unify no matter what, they all stick together as they did for Clinton and Obama, but the Republicans, every time they have a chance to succeed, they squander a great opportunity to demonstrate the difference between them and the commie left.  They continually disappoint the American people. The answer is simple, the RINO’s are really Democrats. The problem is, the people keep reelecting them over and over. You can’t keep electing or reelecting traitors and expect to save America.

Now, with the announcement of John McCain’s serious brain cancer, many people commented that they were glad to hear it.  Personally, I wouldn’t wish this form of cancer on my worst enemy, and said we should pray that John McCain would have a “come to Jesus” moment before he succumbs to this illness.

The treachery of Collins, McCain and Murkowski.  

After the Senator’s betrayal with the last Obamacare repeal vote, praying for him will dwindle to a few.  Americans are angry, and not just with McCain, whose conservative vote rating is 49%, but also with Alaska’s Murkowski who gets a 65.1% conservative rating, and Maine’s Collins who joined in a no vote. Senator Collins is a self-proclaimed moderate and gets a 46.3% conservative rating.

Collins tied herself to Planned Parenthood.  She thought the salvation of the abortion provider was more important than cost-effective health insurance provided in a free market for all Americans. [Link] This pro-abortion Senator did not vote for Trump.

McCain’s no vote defeated the bill that would have defunded Planned Parenthood and saved the baby humans.

McCain and Murkowski pledged repeatedly to repeal Obamacare when running for re-election, whereas Sen. Collins consistently voted against any Obamacare repeal proposed by the Senate. And they call themselves Republicans!

McCain’s Betrayal

The man has a brain cancer that will probably kill him.  We saw in his questioning of James Comey where McCain’s questions were not understandable and he actually called Comey, President Comey.  [Link]

Remember Comey allowed Hillary to walk free.  And John McCain is not only a friend of Hillary Clinton’s, but he is also an amnesty lover just as she is and always has been.  Their reasoning is clear, abortion has murdered 60 million American children, and we are replacing them with Democrat voters who are Mexicans and Muslims.  McCain said Hillary was a great Secretary of State, “I think Hillary did a fine job, she’s a rock star.”

Back in early June, McCain told a left-leaning overseas newspaper that Barack Obama provided better leadership for America than Trump.  Call him what he is, a Benedict Arnold, and a snake.

Remember, this is the guy who sent a courier to Great Britain to get that phony Trump dossier and then gave it to Comey, when everyone in DC knew it was a made-up pile of dung and wouldn’t touch it.

McCain has betrayed Americans over and over again, and there’s a long list of former Viet Nam POWs who are not at all pleased with McCain.  But this betrayal of a no vote on repealing Obamacare, when he campaigned to repeal it, is a slap in the face of our President.  McCain took pleasure in joining with Democrats to screw the American taxpayers.  He broke seven years of promises, he’s a liar and a hypocrite.  McCain greeted Democrats with big smiles and issued hugs to Senators Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein.

It was also widely reported that McCain laughingly told democrats, “Let’s see Donald make America great again now.”  We have no actual proof that he said those words, but McCain has an evil and vindictive mean streak and there are many who will testify to same.

Trump Threatens to End Insurance Bailouts

Trump previously tweeted, “If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!” [Link]

When Obamacare was passed, the Congressional staffers were appalled when they found out they couldn’t afford it.  Of course, what it meant for everyday Americans never entered their tiny brains.

After enough of their screaming, they were effectively subsidized 70% of the premiums so they could afford it. Obama wrote an executive order for these subsidies.

Government, in other words, is paying for Senate and congressional staffers’ health care and members of the House and Senate. They are under Obamacare but heavily subsidized.  In other words, they are subsidized at the same rate as people who can’t afford it. [Link] I’m with Trump, eliminate their bailouts.

Soros and the McCain Institute

In 2008, Jerome Corsi reported that McCain had been funded by Soros since 2001.

Like H.R. McMaster, McCain is closely tied to George Soros. They reportedly became friends after the senator was exposed as a member of the “Keating Five political scandal” during the Savings and Loan industry scandal during former President George H. W. Bush’s administration. As the bank chairman, Charles Keating paid $1.3 million to bribe five members of Congress to interfere with government regulators on behalf of the savings bank.  McCain was one of the most reprehensible in this scandal, and the American taxpayers had to again pick up the bill.

Then, in 2012 McCain turned over nearly $9 million in unspent funds from his failed 2008 presidential campaign to a new foundation bearing his name, the McCain Institute for International Leadership.  It is a tax exempt non-profit foundation with assets just over $8 million and associated with Arizona State University.

The institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from billionaire liberal activist-funder George Soros and from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s “bag man.” Teneo has long helped enrich Clinton through lucrative speaking and business deals.

Bloomberg reported in 2016 on a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation to the institute, a contribution the McCain group has refused to explain publicly, but this is just one of many questionable donations. [Link ], [Link]

The McCain Foundation bears a striking resemblance to the corrupt Clinton family Foundation, including funds accepted from Soros. [Link] The Institute is now refusing to release the names of other big donors.

Graham, Rubio, McCain and Benghazi

Back in 2005 Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi had dismantled his WMD program and was lauded by the international community. Thus, relations between Libya and the US were improving. However, in 2011, Rubio hoped to polish his foreign policy credentials for an eventual president campaign, and so he thoroughly backed Hillary Clinton’s War on Libya. Following the murder of Gaddafi, Rubio, McCain and Graham celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.

The Senator’s Unsavory Past

Okay, people…before John McCain dies and the ridiculous “tributes” to the man make me wretch, let’s remember what McCain’s real legacy is: His father was the Admiral in charge of the Pacific fleet prosecuting the war in Vietnam Nam.

His captors called him “Songbird McCain” allegedly because he spilled his guts about everything so he wouldn’t be tortured in the POW camp in Nam.  He made propaganda films for the Communists.  Did you know Nixon pardoned him for collaborating with the enemy?

In his memoir Faith of My Fathers, McCain admitted to being a lousy midshipman at the naval academy and a flier who lost four or five planes. (The time he decided to hug the ground in Spain for the hell of it and flew into some power lines the plane may have survived–it’s not clear from his account.) And when he was captured he caved under torture. He concedes other POWs performed better.  The following links reveal far more.

The Real John McCain Vietnam Story

McCain Nearly Sunk Aircraft Carrier

John McCain is No Hero

Neither a Good Man, Nor a Public Servant

Betrayal of America’s Missing POWs

McCain fought against the release of classified Vietnam POW records and insisted they be sealed.  He and John Kerry buried the evidence. He also voted against a Senate Select Committee recommendation to investigate possible POWs left behind that were classified as MIAs.  He agreed with the lazy DOD at time who did not want the workload of investigating this possibility. Soldiers who had died were never brought home, and American prisoners of war died in captivity because of John McCain.  You can add Henry Kissinger to this atrocity.  Watch the stunning short video…

McCain purposely suppressed information about what happened to American soldiers missing in action in Vietnam.  Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus, the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.

Jerome Corsi reported that this POW case haunted and helped destroy McCain’s image as a war hero.  Read the mass of evidence of our men left behind by this Senator.

Could it be that McCain, nicknamed “Songbird” by other fellow POWs did not want people to see his own records?  TRUMP was absolutely right about him.  Now, because of McCain’s positions, Trump needs to find a way to release the sealed POW documents, and bring those men home.

McCain and Gang of Eight Amnesty

McCain wants Congress to pass the Gang of Eight’s comprehensive amnesty bill when he returns to the Senate after getting treatments for brain cancer. He reportedly spoke to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer about joining forces again to pass the “Gang of Eight” bill.  This is a massive amnesty bill, totally anathema to Trump’s policies.

The bill would give a path to citizenship to most illegal immigrants.  It would greatly increase the number of H-1B visas to allow companies to displace American workers, U.S. born and legal immigrants, with foreigners who are not more qualified. It would also greatly increase the number of legal immigrants who would be eligible to enter the country over the next 30 years to put more downward pressure on wages on blue-collar and white-collar workers of all backgrounds already in the United States.  All of which American workers DO NOT NEED, and Trump campaigned against.

McCain worked with leftists from both sides of the aisle, Schumer, Marco Rubio, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Dick Durbin, Bob Menendez and Michael Bennet, on the “Gang of Eight” bill, which was introduced in 2013.

Remember Trump’s poem, “The Snake?”  This poem superbly exposes the dangers of McCain and his Gang of Eight amnesty.


Before the phony tearful tributes to John McCain, like those of Ted Kennedy, be sure you remember the facts about this self-proclaimed Maverick. The facts do not agree with that portrait of a heroic patriot and great American.  He even has dissed his former running mate, Sarah Palin.

With respect to his family, John McCain was never the great man so many portray him to be.

I do not wish the man any harm or ill-will. Yet, the false narratives of his valor and service are just that…false.  He is a modern day Benedict Arnold, and he will face his eternal fate.

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© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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McMaster Targets And Terminates Trump Loyalists

Millions of Americans cannot tell you who lived at Mount Vernon or who wrote the Declaration of Independence, let alone the Emancipation Proclamation. But they know that to be a Benedict Arnold is to be a traitor of the deepest dye, someone who coldly betrays not only a sacred cause, but every moral scruple along the way. Arthur Herman

Trump loyalists are losing their jobs at the National Security Council and being replaced by those who have no allegiance whatsoever to our President’s campaign promises.  Well over fifty percent of the National Security Council staff are Obama holdovers who should have been gone over six months ago.

“It’s like the Bush years never ended,” notes one National Security Council staffer who didn’t come in under McMaster. “I didn’t sign up for this s**t and the American people didn’t vote for it.” Link

The staffer also doubts that Democrats are to blame for withholding security clearances, especially for those with ties to General Michael Flynn. The Pentagon under Secretary Mattis has been working with Senator John McCain to deny security clearances over the fictitious Russia investigation.

And, an ex-FBI agent warns that McMaster is in the enemy camp

Who Lobbied for LTG McMaster

Breitbart gave us the inside information from Jerusalem Post columnist, Caroline Glick.

Finally, there is the issue of how McMaster got there in the first place. Trump interviewed McMaster at Mara Lago for a half an hour. He was under terrible pressure after firing Flynn to find someone.

And who recommended McMaster? You won’t believe this.

Senator John McCain. That’s right. The NSA got his job on the basis of a recommendation from the man who just saved Obamacare.

Senator Tom Cotton also lobbied for McMaster having once served under him, and Defense Secretary Mattis did as well. [Link]

But the nationalists may have a competitive advantage: Trump, who already thinks McMaster is a “pain” who talks too much and has complained to aides that he wants Flynn back at the White House, is reportedly considering sending McMaster to replace Gen. John Nicholson as the top commander of American and NATO troops in Afghanistan. [Link]

John Kelly Supports McMaster

It seems that H.R. McMaster is a wolf in sheep’s clothing who is sabotaging the President’s agenda.  Remember, McMaster was caught leaking internal White House politics to now former Acting FBI Head Andy McCabe.

One would think that McMaster would shortly be out the door because he is not liked by Bannon or the President.  However, he allegedly has an ally in Chief of Staff John Kelly.

Kelly told McMaster that he wants him to remain, and actually authorized him to “make any staffing changes he wants.”  McMaster took that as a green light to oust top intelligence aide Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a Michael Flynn hire who has a warm relationship with Jared Kushner.  

In the past, McMaster attempted to rid the council of Cohen-Watnick, but was overruled by President Trump, Steve Bannon, and Jared Kushner.  Now, after months of trying, he has succeeded.

McMaster’s abhorrence of Bannon is quite obvious, as those who he’s fired were close to Bannon.  And the fact that he hired CFR and Trilateralist, Dina Habib Powell, a close friend of Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin, as his Deputy NSA Advisor for Security is extremely troubling.

Two separate National Security Council sources have confirmed that McMaster and Deputy NSA Dina Powell have leaked classified information at an unprecedented rate to their allies in the anti-Trump media, leading Congress to issue a report warning about its ramifications.

As for Kelly, Rush Limbaugh stated that Kelly called former FBI Director Comey when he was fired to express his anger over how Trump handled it.  Kelly allegedly told Comey he was even considering resigning over how Trump treated the former FBI director. [Link]

And… Breitbart is reporting that McMaster is frequently volatile.

Susan Rice and McMaster

Former Obama advisor, Susan Rice wanted General Flynn out, and she apparently helped make it happen.  After McMaster was selected, she tweeted to him that she hoped he could choose his staff and get rid of the Strategic Initiatives Group.  The Strategic Initiatives Group is a layer of the White House National Security Council that’s led by Mr. Bannon.  McMaster has stated that he believes Rice did not do anything wrong amid accusations of “unmasking” the identities of Trump associates.

He actually allowed Susan Rice to maintain her security clearance to access classified information, despite reservations Trump had about her motives.  McMaster sent an official secret letter to Rice informing her that she would maintain unfettered access to classified information, according to a report from Circa’s Sara Carter.

Why should Susan Rice still have a security clearance?  How is giving this known liar and power abuser access to secret data consistent with our national security?  Obviously, the NSA Director is serving an agenda that has no similarity to our President’s and is not based upon what is best for our nation.

The president was not aware of McMaster’s actions, according to two senior White House officials and an intelligence official, but obviously is by now.

McMaster Purges Trump Loyalists

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick wrote that H.R. McMaster is purging pro-Israel staff from the National Security Council and turning the administration against President Donald Trump’s policies.

Glick noted that “all of these people” whom McMaster has recently fired, Rich Higgins, Derek Harvey, and Ezra Cohen-Watnick “are pro-Israel and oppose the Iran nuclear deal, positions that Trump holds.”

The president was not informed of the move until after Higgins was fired, according to one source who is in regular contact with senior NSC figures.

Published reports described Higgins’ firing as a “lasting victory” for McMaster over longtime Trump officials who helped get the president into office.

Meanwhile, Glick noted, McMaster has replaced pro-Israel officials with anti-Israel, anti-Trump officials, and he allowed anti-Israel Obama holdovers to continue in their jobs:

McMaster fires all of Trump’s loyalists and replaces them with Trump’s opponents, like Kris Bauman, an Israel hater and Hamas supporter who McMaster hired to work on the Israel-Palestinian desk. He allows anti-Israel, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, pro-Iran Obama people like Robert Malley to walk around the NSC and tell people what to do and think. He has left Ben (reporters know nothing about foreign policy and I lied to sell them the Iran deal) Rhodes’ and Valerie Jarrett’s people in place.

Victoria Coates, a Flynn hire who served as a senior NSC member until recently, has been reassigned at her request to the administration’s Middle East peace team. The move is being viewed as a promotion and it is expected she will continue to play a role in the Iran portfolio, sources said.

Another wonderful member of the NSC, K.T. McFarland who was the Deputy NSA under General Flynn is now the Ambassador to Singapore.

Glick expressed disbelief that Trump could fire former General Michael Flynn as NSA “essentially for nothing,” while allowing McMaster to attack Israel, and undermining the rest of the Trump administration’s foreign policy with impunity.

Caroline Glick said that Trump should not fear firing another advisor, and I agree with her.  McMaster’s agenda is totally different than the President’s.  He and his entire leftist staff need to hear the words, “You’re fired.”

Iran is the Catalyst

One of the central flashpoints in this internal battle has been Iran and the future of the nuclear accord, which Trump campaigned against.  The following info is from a report by the Free Beacon.

“McMaster basically has this list and over the next two weeks he’s going to phase out more senior officials loyal to Trump,” said one administration insider intimately familiar with the upheaval occurring at the White House National Security Council (NSC). “They’re taking out people who were chosen to best implement the president’s policy that he articulated during the campaign.”

All these moves have instilled fury both inside and outside of the administration and it’s obvious our President is being pushed in a direction which is antithetical to the campaign promises that brought him into office.

Many of these fired NSC officials had been making the case that Trump should scrap the Obama administration’s 2015 nuclear deal over increasingly aggressive Iranian ballistic missile activity and mounting evidence Tehran is breaching the accord. McMaster, as well as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and top Obama-era State Department officials who worked on the deal, have aggressively urged maintaining it.

Harvey Fired for Plan to Scrap Iran Deal

The reason Derek Harvey is out is because he had constructed a comprehensive plan on how to scrap the nuclear deal.

In the past, McMaster has refused to fire the Obama holdovers. Now-fired Middle East NSC director Derek Harvey compiled a list of Obama holdovers and took that list directly to the president, who requested that McMaster follow through with Harvey’s recommendations. McMaster outright refused.

A source described the Trump administration’s Iran policy as “completely gutted” in the aftermath of these firings.

“These were people who fought for Trump’s election since he was nominated,” said one of the multiple sources in close contact with the NSC. “Many of these people were in Trump Tower during the period between the election and inauguration. These are people who gave up everything to support him against Hillary, and these are the people being purged by McMaster.”

Rich Higgins Fired for Memo Critical of Islam

McMaster told the National Security Council staff that the label “radical Islamic terrorism” was not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic.” Link That has been his position for years. McMaster even sent memos throughout the government complaining of Trump’s usage of these words in the joint session of Congress speech.  That was Obama’s stance, but President Trump has used those very words many times.

Experts on Koranic law have openly stated that the Obama-McMaster interpretation of Islamic scripture is plainly wrong.  Obviously, McMaster doesn’t agree.

In a story by the Atlantic‘s Rosie Gray which detailed the firing of Higgins, it is clear where McMaster stands on the dangers of Islamic Radical Terrorists.

The story described a memo written by Higgins outlining how the Trump administration should wrest control of policy-making from career staffers hostile to Trump. McMaster is said to have gone on the “warpath” over the disclosure of that memo.

Rich Higgins, a former Pentagon official who served in the NSC’s strategic-planning office as a director for strategic planning, was let go on July 21. Higgins’s memo describes supposed domestic and international threats to Trump’s presidency, including globalists, bankers, the “deep state,” and Islamists. The memo characterizes the Russia story as a plot to sabotage Trump’s nationalist agenda. It asserts that globalists and Islamists are seeking to destroy America. The memo also includes a set of recommendations, arguing that the problem constitutes a national-security priority.

“Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed,” the memo warns. It argues that this has led “Islamists to ally with cultural Marxists,” but that in the long run, “Islamists will co-opt the movement in its entirety.”

Higgins wrote the memo in late May, and at some time afterwards it began circulating among people outside the White House associated with the Trump campaign to whom Higgins had given it.

Higgins’s past writings focus on similar themes. “National Security officials are prohibited from developing a factual understanding of Islamic threat doctrines, preferring instead to depend upon 5th column Muslim Brotherhood cultural advisors,” he wrote in September. Higgins gave an interview to the Daily Caller News Foundation last year that outlines many of the same ideas laid out in the memo.

Higgins, according to another source with direct knowledge of the incident, was called into the White House Counsel’s office and asked about the memo. On July 21, the Friday of that week, he was informed by McMaster’s deputy Ricky Waddell that he was losing his job.

Another source said McMaster looked for evidence in the NSC’s email system to determine the name of the memo’s author “and then fired him.” [Link]

McMaster is following Susan Rice’s orders and eliminating all the people who came up with Trump and are genuinely loyal to him.

The security council continues to be overwhelmingly staffed with Obama holdovers (almost all of whom have retained their positions.)

So why then, is our President defending McMaster when conservatives are seeking his dismissal? [Link]

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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The Left’s Lawsuit And Smear Campaign Against Roger Stone

“Toxic people will try to destroy the reputations of those who they know can crush them with the truth.”

One of the clearest indicators you’ve got a group of mentally unstable persons on your hands is smear campaigning. We’re talking about the entire main stream media as well as the Democrats.  Smear campaigners carefully and strategically use lies, exaggerations, suspicions, and false accusations to try destroying one’s credibility.  They hide behind a cloak of upstanding heroism and feigned innocence in an attempt to make as many people as possible think their efforts are not based on their vindictiveness, but on upstanding concern.

However, we all know their efforts are based on venomous and malevolent hatred and anger over the Democrats’ loss of the election to President Donald J. Trump.  They have many targets, but their latest is Roger Stone.

Mr. Stone is an American political consultant, lobbyist, strategist and amazing author of numerous well-researched and referenced books.  Roger is well known for his use of opposition research for candidates of the Republican Party, and now he needs our help.

Roger Stone in Crosshairs

Because of Stone’s decades long close friendship with our President, he has become a target of the left, and a target they want destroyed.  They are falsely charging Mr. Stone of colluding with the Russian state to elect President Donald Trump.

It was Stone’s miniscule communications with a Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0, and his alleged communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that put him in the crosshairs of the FBI as investigators look for connections between Trump’s campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Liberal Democrat members of Congress have continued to accuse Roger Stone of being a traitor without any facts to substantiate their outrageous claims. To date, neither the House nor Senate Intelligence Committees have agreed to allow Roger to testify in public in order to clear his name.

I don’t know how many times it has to be proven that there has never been any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but this repeated lie is spreading to everyone involved with the Trump campaign.  We all know the real collusion lies in the Democratic campaign of Hillary Clinton.

Obama Administration Lawyers File Suit

Former members of the Obama administration filed a baseless and defamatory federal lawsuit (download PDF) against Roger and the Trump-for-President campaign accusing them of conspiring with Russian operatives to publish the information allegedly hacked from the DNC on WikiLeaks.

These Obama lawyers belong to the recently organized group, United to Protect Democracy.  Aaron Klein reported in Breitbart that the group is partnered with an organization heavily financed by billionaire Communist George Soros and is led by a former Obama lawyer who previously worked at a Soros-financed global activist outfit.

United to Protect Democracy is led by Ian Bassin, who served as Associate Counsel to the Obama White House and previously served in the Education Policy Working Group for Obama’s 2008 Presidential Transition Team.  Bassin previously served as General Counsel and Campaign Director at Avaaz, which describes itself as a “global web movement to bring people-powered politics to decision-making everywhere.”

Discover the Networks describes Avaaz as “the global counterpart of the George Soros-funded MoveOn,” and a “global ‘e-advocacy’ nonprofit organization whose chief function is to promote leftwing political agendas through Web-based movement-building and campaigns.”

ABC News reports that the organization also receives financial backing from George Soros,, and the SEIU. In addition, Avaaz has received funding from Res Publica, which is bankrolled, in part, by Soros’s Open Society Institute.

How You Can Help

Fighting back against all of these attacks is expensive, especially when Soros money is behind them. Roger has no choice but to take on the legal expense of fighting both of these efforts to smear him. Mr. Stone and his family need your help to punch back. Please donate to the effort to clear Roger’s name and prove all those who are still crying over the election of our President wrong.


I’ve made a small donation to help Roger Stone, and hope others will do the same.  Please spread this article far and wide to help Roger with this lawsuit.

P.S.  Articles like this are brought to you through and the diligent work of publisher and CEO, Paul Walter.  We have hundreds of thousands of readers, but we don’t have the resources of the liberal media.  That is why we count solely on our readers to keep us alive and bringing truth into your mailbox every day.  Please keep us in mind when you pay your monthly bills, and send a donation our way as well.  All donations are so very much appreciated.

Additional Information:

Roger Stone and Seth Rich was partying with Imran Awan on the night of his murder exposing modern mugwumps/

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Trump And Sessions, Is Their Feud A Grand Charade?

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.  —Matthew 10:16

Jeff Sessions, beloved by the Trump base and his colleagues, deserves better than the twitter trashing he’s getting from his boss, and our President should stop publicly attacking his Attorney General.  His staff told him to ease up and instead Trump increased his accusations.  Yet, I understand his frustration and exasperation, especially because Jeff Sessions was his first and very brave supporter, and Trump was counting on him to be in charge.

Should Sessions have recused himself?  Maybe not, but as he stated in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, he made “the right decision,” despite the criticism he faces from President Trump.  Sessions said, “I’m confident I made the right decision. The decision is consistent with the rule of law. An attorney general who doesn’t follow the law is not very effective in leading the Department of Justice.”  Watch the four minute interview.

The core of our President’s discontent is the fact that despite any evidence whatsoever, Mueller is hiring dozens of Clinton/Obama supporters to delve into everything Trump has ever done, and any enemies Trump has will be subpoenaed to go for his throat.

There was never any Russian collusion, this has been stated time and again, even by Democrats, but the insanity continues and is even ramped up with the likes of Mueller.

Media Misdirection?

When the NYTs interview with President Trump came out, I was talking with a good friend.  Both of us mentioned that something just didn’t smell right with the public attacks by our President against Sessions.  It actually looks as though our President wants Sessions to submit his resignation.  Who would he find who would be better than Sessions, especially on immigration?  There is no one!

Recently I talked to another good friend and mentioned that this squabble looked like misdirection.  Her response was, “Oh my gosh, you’re giving me chills!  I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

In my two previous articles, here and here, I’ve gone over the various statements and decisions of both the President and his AG.  But when you add it all up, there is just something wrong with the whole picture.

Trump may be a blue-collar billionaire and may not have the polish of lifelong deceitful establishment politicians, but he’s not classless.  If he were, he wouldn’t attract women as brilliant and beautiful as Melania, and he wouldn’t be as kind as he is to those we perceive as his enemies.  Yes, yes, I know, some women will do anything for money.

As for Jeff Sessions, he is a southern gentleman who would not stand for the abuse he’s been getting, yet he has not resigned.  After the Times article came out, Sessions spoke to the media with Rosenstein and McCabe at his side, two who IMHO should be canned, and said he’s not going anywhere, and he smiled throughout.  Good, we need him, and so does our President!

Limbaugh Listeners Also Suspicious

Rush Limbaugh’s show two days in a row, had callers who were suspicious of this quarrel between Trump and Sessions.  Limbaugh made it clear when he stated, “None of this Trump-Sessions stuff makes any sense. This kind of open criticism, if it’s designed to make Sessions resign, it isn’t working. And if the objective here is to get him to resign, it means Trump wants him gone. And if he wants him gone, he could just fire him. He’s not doing that.”

Maybe Trump thought that Sessions was more of a brawler than he has turned out to be, but Sessions will not do anything to dishonor the office.  His class and stature wouldn’t permit it.  Sessions holds the entire position as attorney general and the Department of Justice, in the highest regard, and he wouldn’t want to do anything himself that would sully its reputation or image.  Bottom line, he won’t.

One of Limbaugh’s callers said he thought that the President was doing a bit of “wag the dog,” while being a master at managing the media.  He believed that Trump is working on something and the feud is diverting the media’s attention.  And that may be true because from the moment Trump announced he was running for President, there has not been one day that he hasn’t been the top story in the MSM.

Sessions to Prosecute Leakers

Another caller said he believed Trump was putting Sessions on a pedestal with the media by attacking him.  In the past, the media and Democrats have done everything to damage the reputation of our AG, but now they’re extolling his virtues simply because Trump has maligned Sessions in tweets and public statements.  The media always takes the opposite opinion of our President.

Rush has another theory that this was a giant political strategy to end all of this castigation of Sessions as a prelude to having him proclaimed filled with honor and integrity as he opens the leak investigation.  And that is now happening!


But there’s more.  Hillary, oh yeah, they want to go after her with a full-fledged investigation!  So, are they distracting the media in order to go after Hillary?  Limbaugh thinks it’s being structured and planned. He could be right.

He believes the public flaying of Sessions is strategic, designed to hide from the media and the Democrats what’s really going on.  Every day this lambasting of Sessions continues, with the image that Sessions isn’t doing anything Trump wants. But…behind the scenes, everybody’s on board to finally taking it to the Democrats and doing an investigation, but they know they can’t do that if everybody’s aware they’re doing it. [Link] So they’re hiding it behind the subterfuge of this feud.  Maybe…who knows.

DOJ’s Huge Accomplishments

While the feud is playing out in the media, the Department of Justice is accomplishing Trump’s agenda.  There has been a huge crack down on sanctuary cities, in fact Sessions upped the ante on sanctuary cities by declaring that any state not complying with requests concerning illegal immigrants held in local jails will lose federal grant money.  He’s had to tweak that a bit because of a Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling, so he changed the request to let local authorities tell ICE 48 hours in advance of a suspect’s release so their agents can come to the jail to interview him.

John McManus, President emeritus of the John Birch Society said, “Sanctuary cities constitute a thumbing of the nose at legitimate laws designed to thwart unlawful immigration. If the entire nation adopted sanctuary policy, there would soon be no nation, because, as history has shown, a nation without control of its borders soon ceases to be independent.”  Read the full story.

Think about it, Trump calls for an investigation into the leaks/leakers, and the very next day Sessions announces the FBI and DOJ are ramping up leak investigations and prosecuting the leakers, as well as slowing illegal immigration.  Sessions is doing all of this. They had to have this in the hopper for a good while.

Our AG is working with ICE and the Border Patrol, with great results. The number of illegal immigrants getting into the country has slowed way, way down. The number of illegal immigrants trying to get into the country is way, way down.  Jeff Sessions has his eye on the entire immigration policies the President proposed, and he’s following through.

In fact, California farmers are openly complaining in the LA Times that they can’t find enough people to pick the fruits and vegetables and they’re having to pay higher wages.  These are summer jobs that could go to American youngsters.  My own daughter actually spent two summers de-tasseling corn for Indiana farmers.

Sewer Drainage

Anthony Scaramucci was the new Communications Director. He went on an expletive laden rant with the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza, claiming Priebus was trying to sabotage him and keep him from getting the White House job.  As my friend Rick Wells stated, “There are many who would say that it is just what the doctor ordered for a White House being strangled by a web of establishment, Democrat, deep state and media operatives.”

Scaramucci was President Trump’s new junkyard dog with big teeth.  His first target was assistant press secretary Michael Short who Scaramucci suspected of leaking.

Sean Spicer could have stayed, but he chose to resign, so he’s gone, and now so is Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, replaced by Director of Homeland Security, General John Kelly.  Spicer previously worked with Priebus at the RNC.

Now Scaramucci is out after only three weeks on the job because General Kelly didn’t want him as Communications Director.  Limbaugh stated on his July 31st show that the General told Trump he didn’t want Scaramucci as Communications Director. Limbaugh also stated that the General called former FBI Director Comey when he was fired to express his anger over how Trump handled it.  Kelly allegedly told Comey he was even considering resigning over how Trump treated the former FBI director. [Link]

If this is true, Trump should have shown General Kelly the door, not Scaramucci.

I’d love to see our President appoint General Michael T. Flynn to the Director’s job.  People are tweeting Trump to do just that!  Let the media eat cake!

Three officials have now claimed that FBI General Counsel James A. Baker (no relation to former Senator Baker or his son) is the “top suspect” in a criminal investigation into leaks of classified Department of Justice information to the media.  Baker is a close ally of former FBI Director, James Comey. [Link]

Sara Carter of Circa News is reporting that sources are telling her that NSA Director, H.R. McMaster has been communicating White House internal politics to Deep State Acting FBI Director Andy McCabe. Carter then implied that more White House shake-ups are perhaps on the horizon.


Is the feud a charade?  We don’t know, and we may never know, but the hatred by media, globalist establishment Democrat politicians, and many of the neo-con Republicans has created a phony investigation that never should have happened.  Our President has made promises to the American people, and those promises are what the globalists wish to destroy.  Let’s hope this discord between our President and AG Sessions is just that, a huge diversion, and behind the scenes they’re working together.

Sessions Should Withdraw His Recusal And Fire Mueller

When you’ve made a mistake, admit it and be sorry.  No one in history has ever choked to death from swallowing his pride.  Anonymous

The Art of the Deal

Our President is the very definition of the American success story.  Donald J. Trump is street smart, and a real scrapper when it comes to deals, and he has proven that over and over again in business.  His book, Art of the Deal, one of 15 best sellers, makes his business acumen clear, but it’s time he stops publicly attacking the one man who supported him from the very beginning, time to take it private and settle it.

As I stated in my last article, our President and our Attorney General need to meet in the White House residence over dinner for a one-on-one chat regarding Sessions’ recusal. Jeff Sessions is a man who is honorable and by the book, and he obviously thought he was doing the right thing, but now he needs to undo his mistake to save the President from Mueller’s witch hunt.

Tom Fitton Says Un-Recuse

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch has publicly stated that our Attorney General can legally un-recuse himself from the Russia election investigation and fire Robert Mueller. [Link]

Fitton says that Sessions probably thought he was recusing himself from a limited set of circumstances.  He said, “You can’t have an attorney general that is unable to manage the largest case known to the public that is going on in the Justice Department. Now they have moved beyond Russia and are investigating everything.”

In lieu of a finite charge, Sessions could have delayed recusal and would be on solid legal ground, contends Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group.  Boehm said, “I think the world of Jeff Sessions. I think he’s a good man. But, if you look at every other incident, people in positions at Justice in the past administration wouldn’t do it because they would fear a fishing expedition. Before Sessions recused himself, he should have called for an actual crime, a statute. He would have been on firm legal ground.”

On July 24th, Trish Regan interviewed Fitton on Fox Business and asked Fitton why Sessions isn’t being more aggressive.

Fitton stated, “Because he has recused himself from this key rule of law issue, which is the investigation of what went on during the Obama administration, with respect to how it handled the Clinton investigations, and now this whole Russia collusion scandal which has metastasized under a rogue prosecutor into an investigation into anything this prosecutor wants to investigate. You know, the president has a right to expect that his attorney general and his appointees are going to supervise prosecutors appropriately, and that is not happening here.

And he is not really answerable to anyone, Mueller isn’t, which raises constitutional concerns, but you know, just from a practical perspective, who is running the show at Justice Department? This is a major investigation that is being done without any adult supervision, and there are other investigations that many expect to have been done that the administration — the Justice Department is AWOL on.

He can un-recuse himself. I think he was cornered into recusing himself initially, I think he inappropriately recused himself and he should fix the situation and start running the Justice Department and taking control of these investigations as appropriate.”

Ann Coulter Agrees, Un-Recuse

Back on June 12th, Ann Coulter appeared on Sean Hannity’s program before Jeff Sessions upcoming testimony, and stated unequivocally that AG Sessions should come out swinging and defending his meetings with the Russian Ambassador, while making the case for dissolving the FBI’s Special Counsel investigation headed by former FBI head Robert Mueller. [Link] Watch the video of her interview with Sean.

The only reason Sessions recused himself from this investigation was because he met with the Russian ambassador which every senator has done.  The democrats do as well, but the media has an agenda that certainly doesn’t include the truth.

Coulter states, “Claire McKaskill was tweeting out about her meeting with the Russian Ambassador.  Dianne Feinstein – there are pictures of them all meeting with the Russian Ambassador. There is nothing improper about Jeff Sessions meeting with the Russian ambassador, and on that, he recuses himself and they demand a special counsel on the false claim, which Comey allowed to sit out there, that Donald Trump himself was personally under investigation.”

She continued, “Sessions has got to say the entire point of having an independent counsel has evaporated with James Comey’s reluctant admission that Trump is not under investigation – so he’s not recusing himself, he’s firing Mueller.  The only possible downside is that the media will be hysterical! Will anyone notice the difference? They’ve been calling for Trump’s impeachment before he was sworn in!” [Link]

Coulter and Limbaugh agree and both say the same thing we all say, that Republicans are instinctive losers; they never fight for what is right and they should never apologize or back down.  And that includes Sessions!

Ann was right then and she’s right now.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to un-recuse himself and fire Mueller.

Hillary Investigation Pledge

Back in late November of 2016, our President-elect said that he probably won’t make good on his campaign pledge to pursue a new criminal investigation into his political rival, Hillary Clinton.  He had won the election and was feeling magnanimous towards his defeated rival.

“It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about,” he said in an on-the-record discussion with reporters from The New York Times.

Trump cast his reversal as a unifying move that, contrary to some of the early backlash, he believes won’t upset his supporters.

He said that prosecuting Clinton “would be very, very divisive for the country.”

Trump did, however, suggest he wasn’t taking potential investigations into Clinton off the table, while still remarking that he doesn’t want to “hurt the Clintons.”

“I’m not looking to go back and go through this,” he added.

Two Too Many Recusals

During his confirmation hearing in early January of this year, Jeff Sessions said he would recuse himself from any possible investigations related to Hillary Clinton if he is confirmed as President-elect Donald Trump‘s attorney general.  Did he say this because he knew President Trump had decided to not investigate the Clintons?

“I do believe that that could place my objectivity in question,” Sessions told Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “I believe the proper thing for me to do would be for me to recuse myself.”

I do not believe Sen. Sessions recusal was a wise decision in this case, or in the case of the Russian investigation.  I know his reputation is truly stellar, and not only do the folks of Alabama love him, but those who know his Senate reputation love him.

However, Sessions said he would refuse an order from the president to name a special prosecutor to go after Clinton, a move Trump called for during the campaign.

Our candidate of choice led crowds in cheers of “Lock her up,” and then seemingly reneged on his campaign promise to go after her.  The prospect of Clinton or any of her cohorts and co-conspirators actually going to prison for their crimes seems increasingly unlikely.  Yet, our President is now attacking his Attorney General for failing to investigate Hillary Clinton.

Republicans in Congress have vowed to continue an investigation into Clinton’s private email setup, but like the Obamacare repeal, this seems a false promise.

Giuliani Sides with Sessions

Rumors are circulating of the prospect of replacing AG Sessions with former US Attorney and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.  Obviously, our President is not satisfied with AG Sessions’ performance to date.  Is he testing the waters or trying to light a fire under his AG?

Giuliani has said that Sessions made the right choice with both the Democrats and Republicans applying pressure for recusal.

Trump’s advisers have also explained to him that anyone who was part of his campaign, including Giuliani, would likely face pressure to recuse themselves from the Russia investigation.


President Trump, you need to meet one-on-one with your Attorney General and stop allowing this disagreement to be public.  And the Attorney General needs to step up, and tell the public that his recusals are being withdrawn and he’s immediately firing Robert Mueller and the dozens of Clinton and Obama supporting lawyers Mueller has hired.  He also might consider firing Rod Rosenstein for even appointing someone like his buddy, Mueller.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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NYT Interviews Trump About Sessions’ Recusal

Be decisive.  Right or wrong, make a decision.  The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.  And after all, it is not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.  Roy Disney

President Trump’s NYTs Interview

President Trump agreed to an interview with NYTs reporters, Peter Baker, Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman.  The latter occasionally gives this administration a fair shake, and she even commented on how upbeat Trump was. When she actually had a chance to speak to him, she couldn’t believe that he was so cordial.

Michael Schmidt was one of the interviewers, and I was surprised since Schmidt was the primary recipient of leaks provided by fired FBI Director James Comey and his allies and the leaked information was intended to damage the office of our President.

In the interview, President Trump expressed his anger that AG Sessions recused himself from the Russia/collusion investigation.  He also expressed his obvious displeasure with the way Mueller is handling this investigation. Look, the President’s responses to reporters’ questions were sincere and honest.  He told us clearly that he doesn’t appreciate what the recusal cost him and what Rosenstein unleashed upon him, his family, and his young presidency, with the appointment of Mueller. He’s correct to be angry about it.

But the truth is, this all came from Comey, didn’t it!  That snake set the stage for a special prosecutor with his leaks.  How was Sessions to know what Comey would unleash in his testimony when he recused himself?  He didn’t.  Not only that, but AG Sessions is one who follows the law explicitly and that’s why he recused himself.  Nevertheless, he would have been wise to have spoken to his boss prior to deciding to recuse.

The Decision to Recuse

If Jeff Sessions had not recused himself, who in the administration would tell the attorney general that even the appearance of a potential conflict of interest is a very bad thing? No one!  Who would say publicly that staying on would violate official Department of Justice regulations, (28 CFR 45.2) (28 U.S.C. § 528) other than the usual Democratic loons in the House and Senate and the self-righteous cretins in the fake news media?  Again, no one.

The latter DOJ regulation mentioned above actually leaves it to the Attorney General to promulgate regulations with more detailed criteria for assessing such conflicts. And as with many conflict of interest provisions, the law makes clear that even an appearance of such a conflict is legally problematic.

Sessions served as the chairman of the Trump campaign’s national security advisory committee. His close affiliation with Trump and the campaign, and the potential conflicts of interest that creates, was the excuse used by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to call AG Sessions to resign over reports that he spoke with Russia’s ambassador to the United States during the presidential campaign.  What rot!

Then our weak Republicans joined in by calling for Sessions to recuse himself.  This is so typical of the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans who are fighting this administration as hard as the left.  Talk about a lack of chutzpah!  This would never have happened with Obama; the left would have raised holy Hannah.

In early March, Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation on the advice of Justice Department ethics officials, saying, “They said that since I had involvement with the campaign, I should not be involved in any campaign investigation.”

So, was Jeff just following the law and now Trump is making a mistake in attacking his top supporter? Or should Jeff have said to those demanding his recusal, “Folks, I’m hired to do a job, and I’ll do that job no matter who is in charge without any prejudicial influence.”

Sessions Response to NYT’s Interview

After the President’s statements regarding the recusal, when asked if he would resign, our Attorney General stated that he was honored to have the job and intended to stay in it and work hard for both national interests and President Trump.  He said that the President gave them several directives, one of which was to dismantle internet transnational organizations.  He then announced that they had dismantled the largest “Dark Web” site in the world.  Sessions then said that he loves the job, loves the department and intends to continue.  Rosenstein basically said the same thing.  Watch the three-minute video:

AG Sessions was flanked by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Acting Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Andrew McCabe, who were both also criticized by the president in the New York Times interview.  I view these two as fifth column insiders who should have been canned long ago.  Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller are long time affiliates.  Andrew McCabe is actually facing three federal inquiries for (1) sexual discrimination and subsequent retaliation against the complainant, (General Michael T. Flynn) (2) campaigning as an FBI official for his wife, which is a violation of the Hatch Act, and (3) ethics violations relating to campaign payments to his wife.

Our Attorney General has also reinstated civil asset forfeitures for police departments, stating that this helps law enforcement defund organized crime.  Unfortunately, some innocent people have had to hire legal help to get their funds back, and in some cases, they lose.

Back in March, our AG required the resignations of 46 Obama appointed U.S. attorneys.  He has cleaned house in the past, but the DOJ needs to be thoroughly sanitized of all appointees by previous administrations.

Mueller Expands His Witch Hunt Investigation On Trump

During the interview with the Times, President Trump said if special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia Investigation looked into the Trump family finances, it would cross a red line, and he’s right.

Mueller is looking into President Trump’s entire business transactions as part of the ongoing probe into the phony alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russians according to a report in Bloomberg.  He is pushing his investigation into territories previously warned against by the President himself, and journalist Lou Dobbs has some advice for the Commander in Chief.  Here’s what he said:

“I personally believe it’s time for President Trump to get rid of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, and get rid of special investigator Robert Mueller, clear out the Obama leftovers in the Department of Justice, and appoint officials to investigate the real corruption and toxic collusion in the D.C. swamp.”

Deputy AG Rosenstein said, “It’s time to do the right thing – it’s past time.  Dobbs denounced the blatant conflicts of interest infesting the Trump-Russia election collusion conspiracy theory being investigated by Mueller and his team of Democrat operatives, noting, “Nearly half of them gave money to Hillary Clinton or to President Obama.”

Dobbs is right of course. President Trump first needs to direct Rosenstein to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation to the fake Russian election collusion, and that if Mueller doesn’t limit the investigation to what he was hired for, he will be fired.  The President also needs to tell Rosenstein that if he doesn’t follow these orders, he too will be fired.

The Real Law Breakers

From Whitewater to Benghazi, we all know what the Clinton cabal is about.  Pay to play, Clinton Foundation, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, selling influence, and 20% of our uranium to Russia for a big payoff.  “Lock her up” was not just a campaign slogan!

And then there’s Holder’s and Obama’s Fast and Furious, and Comey’s illegal leaks of classified information, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, Susan Rice and others who orchestrated all this phony Russia narrative and leaks to delegitimize Trump’s presidency.  Americans want our DOJ to go after the criminals of the Dark State.

Tucker Carlson Berates President Trump

I don’t watch Carlson because he has a habit of talking over guests, and you can’t understand either of them when both are speaking.  Tucker is not the professional Bill O’Reilly was, albeit I wasn’t a big fan of O’Reilly.  Needless to say, this attack on our President was uncalled for and spewed an invective that normally appears only on MSM.  Now it’s all over on the web, thanks to the arrogance of Tucker Carlson.

He commented, “President Trump’s attack on Jeff Sessions in the failing NY Times suggests he’s forgetting who’s on his side. Sessions is one of the few who believed in him from the start and was making progress on his agenda.”

President Trump and AG Sessions

Donald John Trump gave up a lifestyle that we can only imagine, his wonderful family, his beautiful wife and their son, and a life of ease running a billion-dollar business to save his country.  He is not a politician.  He is simply a citizen who loves America and has spent his own money to lead our country back to greatness.  He is not perfect, only God has that claim, but he loves the USA, and he’s fighting to save not only America, but his own presidency from the left’s onslaught.

President Trump, you are the leader of America, and as such, it is up to you to guide the people in your administration, yet still allowing them to make their own choices.  Please invite Attorney General Sessions to the White House residence for a one on one discussion.  Have dinner together and discuss where this will go, who in the DOJ needs to be fired, and how to handle the Dark State enemies of freedom.

AG Sessions may have made a mistake in recusing himself, but this can be worked out, and he is a strong supporter of your agenda as well as all your promises.  He is working hard to help you in many ways.

President Trump and Rod Rosenstein

Secondly, invite Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein for a one-on-one dinner in the White House residence.  You nominated Rosenstein, and he has put Mueller in charge of this investigation, and Mueller has gone off the rails by hiring Clinton and Obama supporters who plan to investigate your entire business life as well as the election.  Rosenstein’s choice of Robert Mueller tells your supporters that he is left of center in appointing someone who is definitely not bipartisan.  If he doesn’t rein in Mueller, tell him his days are numbered, and so are Mueller’s.  Lou Dobbs is right.


Tucker Carlson is right about one aspect.  Sessions, like General Flynn and Steve Bannon are the renegades Trump hired in the beginning.  They are the backbone of support for this President and the American people.  They are the people we want in this administration, not the fifth column Dark State who seems to occasionally whisper in his ear.  Trump cannot afford another loss.

Our President has suffered the most evil and vindictive lies and slander from the Democratic establishment socialists and MSM.  His own party has fought him on fulfilling the promises he’s made to the American people, the very people who elected him because of those promises.  He has been inundated and deluged with false charges, not only on his person, but on his family and those in his administration.  It has been non-stop from the moment he announced his candidacy, and it revved up to a point of psychosis when Hillary was defeated by this populist leader who remembers the greatness of our country.

Never discount what Trump says or does, often his plans are far ahead of what we see.  We play checkers, and he’s playing chess.

As Sun Tzu said, “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.”

It’s up to us.  We must demand Congress works to help our President.

Email: –

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202)-224-3121

If you don’t know your representatives, go to who is my and enter your zip code or state.

P.S.  We must fight for what is right, if we don’t, then the loss of this great nation will be on our shoulders.  The same goes for NewsWithViews.  It is up to all of us to keep the free flow of information available.  Thank you for continuing to help NWVs stay alive and coming into your mailbox every morning.  You can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Illegitimi Non Carborundum, President Trump

During his June 2015 presidential announcement speech, Mr. Trump said, “But Obamacare kicks in in 2016. Really big league. It is going to be amazingly destructive. Doctors are quitting. I have a friend who’s a doctor, and he said to me the other day, ‘Donald, I never saw anything like it. I have more accountants than I have nurses.’ It’s a disaster. My patients are beside themselves. They had a plan that was good. They have no plan now.”

Yes, doctors are quitting in droves. The loss of physicians right here in Knoxville at the University of Tennessee Medical Center is astounding.  They get close to retirement, I’m talking 55 to 60, and say, “I’ve had enough, I’m outta here.”  The loss is astronomical.

Prior to Obamacare, people were still complaining about health insurance and its costs, mostly because of bills passed by Congress that allowed illegals to freely gain healthcare in the US without insurance, and working Americans’ costs rose. But back then, 25 and 30 years ago, people had jobs and they had discretional income, and many of them had health insurance through work.

Perhaps 20 or 30 million folks didn’t have insurance and for that Obama and gang threw out what worked and came up with this unaffordable monstrosity in the name of “compassion” to insure the 30 million who weren’t insured.

Most young people in their 20s and 30s don’t care about insurance, they’re healthy.  That’s a lot of people who’ve now been forced to buy or pay penalties.  Totally unconstitutional.  Even those who didn’t have insurance were never turned away in an emergency.  Bottom line, this is all about control and wealth redistribution.

Trump Says, Let Obamacare Implode

President Trump said, “I am not going to own this sucker. It isn’t mine. I had nothing to do with it. I’ve engaged in good-faith efforts to fix this and people aren’t interested. So, fine. If you’re not interested establishment, you live with the results.” [Link] He’s not going to own it.  Watch this one-minute video from our President.

Oh yes, Republicans all voted against Obamacare in 2010, but now they can’t come to an agreement on Repeal and Replace, so what does McConnell decide? To finally allow a total repeal vote like they’ve had six times before.  And now they’ve proven they don’t want to really repeal it.  It’s all been smoke and mirrors over the last seven years to fool the electorate into re-electing them.

Guess who the Senators are who would vote against the total repeal…Shelley Capito of WV, Lisa Murkowski of AK, and Susan Collins of ME. These women should have a “D” behind their names, and remember, most of these same Republicans failed to defund this unconstitutional filth when they had the chance. [Link]

The Republicans promised to repeal Obamacare if they were given the House, then given the Senate, then given the White House. They have all three and they’re not repealing squat in Obamacare. Do these left leaning Repubs know what is going to become of their party if they refuse to comply with the President’s promises to the American people?

Donald Trump has had enough, and I don’t blame him.  As a show of good faith, he tried to work with the Republicans to Repeal and Replace, although all of us just want the horrid piece of trash repealed, and they’ve failed, not once, but twice.  Now Trump is saying he is going to just let Obamacare fail, and he’s sure as hell not going to own it…which he’s also been saying for months.  Let the radical leftist Democrats absorb all the blame, along with Obama…just let the thing crash and burn. [Link]

The Democrats are responsible and deserve the blame.  No one would work with Trump in the Republican Congress, so it’s time to let Obama’s so-called “legacy” implode.  Oh yes, they’ll try to blame Trump.  Democrat Steny Hoyer is already saying, Trump, you have to do something to save Obamacare.  Hogwash!  The thing is an albatross, let it flounder and die.  And Dems, you’re the ones who passed this garbage, so own it.

Democrats Promised Wonderful Healthcare

I remember Pelosi saying, “Affordable healthcare for all Americans!”  “We have to pass it to see what’s in it.”  They sang the praises of Obamacare and everything was so wonderful.  Affordable for all, insuring everyone, keep your doc, keep your plan…all bull dung, and they knew it.  They knew it was going to implode and they wanted single payer all along.  What screwed them out of that single payer goal was the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the election!

Look at all those smiling gleeful radical lefties who knowingly trashed individual freedoms granted by God in our Constitution!  It was Vladimir Lenin who said, “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state.”

Taxpayer Opposition to Obamacare

When taxpaying Americans opposed this unconstitutional monstrosity and screamed about it, they couldn’t understand what the problem was!  Of course not, the leftist dingbats in the Democratic party have their own Cadillac policies, and they live in their own little lobbyist funded bubble.

It was those very taxpayers who were sick of the redistribution of wealth forced on us by this Obamacare debacle who elected Trump.  Our costs went up, and illegal aliens received free care.

Thirty-Four Dems Voted Against the ACA

In 2009, 34 House Democrats voted against the Affordable Care Act. Many came from red or purple states—Texas, Tennessee, Ohio—and identified themselves as part of the moderate-to-conservative “Blue Dog” coalition. (No Senate Dems voted against the bill.)

Now only four of those democrats are still in Congress, 30 of them are gone.  Reps. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts and Dan Lipinski of Illinois were among the 34 House Democrats who voted against the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

Lipinski said even though he has publicly criticized problems with Obamacare, he has never voted in favor of repeal measures the GOP has brought to the House floor in recent years.

“We can’t throw it all out,” Lipinski said. “Let’s fix it so it works.” (Sorry Lipinski, it isn’t ever going to work.)

Lynch and Peterson have both called for repairing the law, although Peterson last year was the sole Democrat to vote yes on a GOP bill to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood. Peterson told Minnesota Public Radio later that “what we should be doing is working to fix it.”  (Sorry but there isn’t a fix, it needs to be dumped and let the free market work.)

All three have criticized Obamacare, which has resulted in premium spikes, high deductibles and vanishing health insurance markets, but they are not rallying behind the Republican proposals, and neither are they rallying behind total repeal.

Trump’s Promises

As Huey Long said so long ago, “The only difference between the Democratic Leadership and the Republican Leadership is that one of them was skinning from the ankle up, and the other from the ear down.”

Our President has tried to work with these people, but the Republicans in Congress lean more to the left than to the right.  Unfortunately, it is the American people who will suffer.

Yes, Obamacare will implode, but Mr. President, Illegitimi non carborundum…Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Where Is The Republican Promise To Repeal ObamaCare?

All authority belongs to the people.  —President Thomas Jefferson

If people let government decide which foods they eat and medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.  —President Thomas Jefferson

Experience hath shown that, even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.  —President Thomas Jefferson

McConnell, Ryan and the rest of the neo-conservative Trotskyite Republicans are doing absolutely nothing to destroy Obamacare.  Prior to their re-elections, they yammered and yammered to us about repealing Obamacare, and now look at them!  Liars all!

If they would get on board with our President’s promises to the American people, they would gain overwhelming support from the American taxpayers and more conservatives would be elected in 2018.  As it stands, they’re playing a losing game.

A while back, I was listening to Dennis Prager while driving, and he was again lauding that not one Republican voted for Obamacare.  The House passed the Senate bill with a 219212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it. So, Prager is right about that, but what he doesn’t tell you is that the Republicans could have defunded Obamacare, but did not.  Link  So, the question remains, whose side are the Republicans really on?

GOP “Pledge to America”

Remember the GOP Pledge to America from September of 2010?  Here is a portion:

We offer a plan to repeal and replace the government takeover of health care with common-sense solutions focused on lowering costs and protecting American jobs.  We will enact real medical liability reform; allow Americans to purchase health coverage across state lines; empower small businesses with greater purchasing power; and create new incentives to save for future health needsWe will protect the doctor-patient relationship, and ensure that those with pre-existing conditions gain access to the coverage they needWe will permanently end taxpayer funding of abortion and codify the Hyde Amendment.

How many times have we heard this from these Republican politicians?  And where are we today?  They can’t even come to an agreement to repeal this horrid failing law which has saddled American taxpayers with unbelievably higher health care costs.

And we don’t want a replacement!  How freaking many times do we have to tell them that!

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) actually made care unaffordable for the majority of working Americans, other than the DC politicians of course who still have a Cadillac plan for themselves because they’re exempt from OCare.

Republicans Voted Six Times to Repeal

How many times have the Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare in full?  The reality is six times. The first time was when Republicans first took the House majority, once after the Supreme Court decision with Justice Roberts calling ACA a tax, and once in the 2014 Congress. And then, the budget every year afterward.  Here is a timeline of the GOPs efforts to kill ACA the first four years of implementation.

There were never enough votes and Obama would have vetoed, and the Republicans knew that. Usually an act is passed by a simple majority, but to override a presidential veto it takes a two-thirds vote of the House and Senate.

Obama claimed Republicans had voted over 50 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  Democrats and their advocates in the press have ridiculed the GOP’s anti-Obamacare efforts. “The House Republicans have voted more than 30 times to repeal Obamacare,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said in March 2013. “The House has wasted weeks voting more than 40 times to repeal Obamacare,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in October 2013

Democrats think that is six too many. But it is not 50, or even close to 50. The rest of the votes, actually 54 to 62 so far, were votes that ranged from defunding measures that would have crippled Obamacare to delaying measures that would have put off some of the very same provisions in the law that President Obama had delayed unilaterally, to measures fixing portions of the law that passed both houses of Congress with bipartisan support and were signed by the president.

Obvious all show and no go and the Republicans knew it…just theatre for the masses when elections were imminent.  Now that they own the House, Senate and Executive Branch, they can’t manage to do what they promised and REPEAL OBAMACARE!

McConnell Failure to Pass Trump Agenda

The inability of the Republicans to deliver for this President is astonishing and very telling.  Like many of the democrats, the moderate left leaning Republicans wanted another establishment globalist.  This outsider, Donald J. Trump, has disrupted their plans, and as such, they are doing their best to disrupt our President’s promises to the American people.

On Lou Dobb’s July 10th show, he played a clip of Mitch McConnell and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) standing outside the White House as McConnell offers the customary excuses for failing to perform, how he had hoped to have delivered but, “they’re not quite there.”  He thinks they’ve got a really good chance of getting there, it’s just going to take them “a little bit longer.”

Rick Wells is right when he says, “Nobody can stretch out a defeat into as many nonproductive weeks as Mitch McConnell.”

So, what have they been doing all this time?  Is it that they’re afraid to gut Obama’s signature legacy of unconstitutional government healthcare?

The Cost of Failure

Lou Dobbs actually interviewed Kellyanne Conway two nights in a row regarding the chances of the Senate passing Obamacare revisions…Not Repeal!  He made mincemeat of her because she gave the typical political answers, not the reality about the mess in Congress with these phony right-wingers. It’s only six minutes long… watch it!

Dobbs says, “We have just 3 weeks to get something done, and all I’m hearing and all the American people are seeing is nothing from the House and the Senate leadership to hold the Dems accountable.”  He is absolutely right.  Is McConnell up to the leadership or not?  Dobbs asks, “Or is he another political hack mediocrity sitting in the most important job on Capitol Hill?”

If the Republicans fail to destroy Obamacare after all their talk of repealing it, this will cost them in 2018, and in 2020.  The American taxpayers want and need relief and we want it NOW.

The Rotten Backroom Deals

Christopher Jacobs of The Federalist stated, “Buried within the pages of the revised Senate health-care bill are numerous formula tweaks meant to advantage certain states. Call them backroom deals, call them earmarks, call them whatever you like: several provisions were inserted into the bill over the past two weeks with the intent of appealing to certain constituents.”

Lovely, the unconstitutional criminal element in our Senate cannot manage to just repeal a horrible law, they have to tinker with it to get their own special advantages.  Jacobs lists them, and these are only a few:

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has seen to it that unless she gets her disproportionate benefit from the funding formula she will not vote for the bill.  $1.32 billion in Stability Fund dollars is automatically directed to Alaska in Section 106 of the bill.  No other state benefits.  The Alaskan Pipeline in Section 126 also benefits that one state.

The South Dakota Purchase in the new Section 138 makes Indian Health Service enrollees subject to a 100 percent federal Medicaid match. Current law only allows this through Indian health service organization.

Then there’s the Buffalo Bribe that is a New York fiasco to get the Senators to vote for the bill.

Jacobs reminds us that, “The original Senate bill allowed for nearly $200 billion in “candy” to distribute to persuade wayward lawmakers. In both number and dollar amount, the number of “deals” to date may dwarf what’s to come.”

Too Many Unknowns

McConnell has already delayed the Senate break for another two weeks as he needs to win more Republican votes, but the worry is that this thing still has the full stench of Obamacare on it.   So far, the sense is there hasn’t been a major overhaul—beyond Obamacare taxes for high-earners being preserved and extra funding for opioid programs, and that stinks.

Then there’s the amendment proposal by Senator Cruz to let insurers sell unregulated plans as long as they offer an Obamacare-compliant plan as well.  What?  Where is the REPEAL in this???

Republican moderates will probably not allow big cuts to Medicaid.  Enough of them opposed the draft bill’s deep Medicaid cuts to kill it. One has to wonder what the Senate has been doing with this Repeal and Replace business.  It doesn’t look good to me and neither does it look good to physician and Senator Rand Paul.  He believes the legislation will boost spending on subsidies and keep some Obamacare taxes, and that’s not what a repeal means.

“We’ve had time to hear what’s going to be in the new bill, and as far as I can tell, the new bill is the same as the old bill except for it leaves in place more taxes, increases taxpayer subsidies to buy insurance, and adds about $70 billion to the insurance bailout superfund.  I don’t see anything in here really remotely resembling repeal. And I’ve said for some time now that the bill has to look more like repeal to get my vote. I can’t support it at this point,” Paul said.


The Senate is only in session half a year, if that, and they think they’re so wonderful for taking another two weeks of their summer break to stay.  How about they stay until they actually repeal this pile of dung, and then they can go home!

Speaker Ryan claims they’re far ahead of schedule.  What a joke.  They can’t actually find a way to truly REPEAL this albatross that hangs around American taxpayers’ necks, but what the hell do they care.  As I stated before, they have their Cadillac luxury healthcare, and none of them retire early.

Speaker Ryan, if you think you’re so far ahead of schedule, where is the legislation on infrastructure, the southern border wall, tax reform, immigration reform, etc. etc. ad nauseam.  Republicans are all “slow like a frog walking,” when it comes to our President’s legislative promises, and this makes it even clearer what side of the aisle they are really on.

It’s up to us to harass them!

Support our President-Contact Congress, tell them to get a backbone and fight!

White House Email: –

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Republicans are AWOL on standing up for our president who is doing his best to Make America Great Again. Shame on them!

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202)-224-3121

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P.S. We not only need to support our President.  We also need to support NewsWithViews and their efforts to bring articles by top researchers and journalists into your home daily.  Please help us keep NWVs alive and well.  You can donate here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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President Trump Knows America’s Greatness Is Liberty

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. John F. Kennedy

When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object. Patrick Henry

John Kennedy was a Democrat president who today sounds more like a Republican than our Republicans.  Liberty…yes liberty, that is what America has meant and needs to mean again.  We have a chance to bring our country back to glory, freedom and yes, liberty, but it’s up to all of us, not just the President we soundly elected.

Nostalgia for America

I am the same age as our President.  We were both born in 1946, and we both saw the best of this country in our youth. This man who gave up years of his comfortable life with his family and prosperous business did it to try to save the America he knows and loves, the America of our youth.

His memories of being raised in New York are probably different than my memories of being raised in Chicago, but I wouldn’t think they’re that different.  We both loved John Wayne, and we both knew all the celebrities in this two-minute video made 47 years ago in the closing scene of Wayne’s show, “Swing Out Sweet Land,” where they sing Irving Berlin’s God Bless America!  This video is baby boomer nostalgia for what our country once was…

We have been blessed with someone who wants to take us again to glory, and if we don’t help him, then we are just as guilty as the globalist insiders who are willing to destroy this great nation for their own personal gain.

At the recent G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, leaders were gathering for a photo op, and were sporting a G20 pin on their lapel.  Not Trump. He was wearing an American flag, and I was so proud of him.

One Issue Voters

This article will not be like my normally researched articles.  Why?  Because one of the finest education researchers in America who I have long loved and respected recently told me that she would not again vote for President Donald J. Trump.  She is not the only one, but the fact that she has joined the ranks of these people who are one-issue voters makes me so very sad.  She stated that she felt someone else would run who would be better.  There is no one else.  Another Trump would be an anomaly, unless it’s Donald Jr.

Don Jr. is being excoriated for another false Russian story which now makes my eyes glaze over.  Wonder why?  They want to destroy him, because Don Jr. is even more of a conservative ideologue than his daddy, and he has political aspirations, and I love the guy!  Even Maggie Haberman of the NYT’s says this latest story is bunk. She’s right and I won’t waste ink on anymore of this media garbage.  Nevertheless, be prepared for a full four years of this media bull dung.  There is NO EVIDENCE of collusion.

Another dear friend who I have loved and honored for 30 plus years never voted for Trump because he is wrong on education, and I agree with her, but she has divorced me because I supported Trump.  Her close friend wrote me some of the most odious emails because I would not “dump Trump.” This person even said she’d prefer Jeb Bush!  The choice of Betsy DeVos was horrid, but believe me, Samuel Blumenfeld makes it clear that education has been dying in America since the late1800s.  Educate your children at home like my neighbors have done, and save them from the filth of common core and charter schools promoted by lying devious Betsy DeVos.

I hate to tell my friends, but there hasn’t been anyone better in our White House since Calvin Coolidge.

Our President Isn’t Perfect

Did you expect our President to be perfect?  If you did, you were whistling in the wind.  No one is perfect, but I thank God every single day that it is not Hillary Rodham Clinton who is again in our White House.  I suffered through this woman in high school and as a fellow Goldwater girl, and I don’t want her anywhere near our government ever again.  She is an abomination to the freedom and liberty our founders bestowed upon this wonderful country.

I hear people saying Trump hasn’t built the wall, he hasn’t repealed Obamacare, he hasn’t dumped NAFTA.  And just who does he need to help him do this?  The Congress!  And we know many of our so-called conservatives are nothing more than Democrats in Republican drag.

Every person who voted for Trump has two Senators and one Representative.  That’s three people in Congress that should be called, emailed and harassed into doing what our President promised he’d do.  If you detest Betsy DeVos, then call Congress, emailing each other about how vile she is doesn’t get rid of her.  It’s all up to us to help this President, and to educate him.

The Trump Achievements

In six months, the accomplishments of our 45th President are staggering.  We should be rejoicing!

We no longer have the horrid TPP trade deal which would have absolutely destroyed our sovereignty.  Trump was right about TPP and China.  Thank God, it’s gone.

We no longer have the UN Paris Accord climate deal that would have skyrocketed our energy costs and destroyed our sovereignty. [Link] Thank God, it’s gone.

Refugees entering America have been stopped from six countries, albeit it took the Supreme Court to overrule the lower courts filled with Bush, Clinton and Obama appointees.  Trump’s immigration plans are forging ahead. [Link]

Trump overturned The Johnson Amendment with an EO, allowing the pulpits the freedom to speak.  So, why aren’t they?

Trump has advanced pro-life policies. [Link] Save the baby humans!

There are so many other accomplishments.  Check out the sub-lists of his continuing achievements.  This is a reason to smile!

Presidents Trump and Putin

Trump and Putin had a cordial two-hour meeting while in Hamburg at the G20 meeting.

Jackie Calmes at the LA Times said she was saddened to see Putin not looking confident when he met Trump, as he had when he met Obama. She expected a steely confidence from Putin, and she didn’t see it, and she was distressed. She said she was surprised.

I’m not surprised because I believe these two men will respect each other.  All the phony Russian involvement in our election has moved the left to want war with Russia.  That’s the last thing we need.  Tomi Lahren believes that the left wants to start aggressions with Russia because Podesta and Wasserman Schultz couldn’t protect their emails.

How quickly they forget the Clinton relations with Russia when Hillary sold them 20% of our uranium and made herself a fortune for the Clinton Foundation, and Bill got $500K for a speaking engagement…of course, that’s okay.

When Russia Was Our Ally

Let’s go back to the late 80s and look at some of our WWII survivors from both Russia and America.

An American film crew accompanying Ronald Reagan on his 1988 trip to the Soviet Union chanced upon an amazing story.

Contacted by a Russian dentist in Moscow, he told them he wanted help reaching out to the Americans who had helped him and his comrades survive terrible conditions in German POW camp Stalag III B.

Each Friday in the camp the Americans received 5 kilos of food from the American Red Cross.  The Russians only received one liter of turnip soup and one liter of water from the Nazis.  They were dying of starvation, and when one of them passed, they would carry out the dead soldier to be counted so they would get more food.

The Americans could see this, and two American brothers got together with the Russian dentist and figured out a way to smuggle food to them.  After the guards passed at night, the Americans would throw food over the fence to the Russians.  If they had been caught, they’d have been killed immediately.

When the Nazis found out, they had all 8,000 American prisoners stand in the hot sun for three hours demanding to know the Russian behind the scheme.  They never spoke.

The dentist whom the Americans loved and did not betray wanted to find out if any of the men were still alive, and gave their names to the reporter.  He had taken an oath to find and thank those Americans.  Watch what happens…it’s only 10 minutes long, and amazing.

It turned out to be an incredible tale of cooperation and human sympathy whose lesson is badly needed today.

Don’t miss this video, it’s an incredible and beautiful story of compassion to humanity.

President Trump’s Tweets

Fellow writer, Lloyd Marcus, had a recent article entitled, Tweet On, Mr. President, and I fully agree with Lloyd’s take on Trump’s tweets.  Here is the first paragraph of his article.

President Trump is criticized from all sides for sparing with fake news media via tweets. Some say Trump’s tweets are a distraction from getting out his message. The truth is fake news media are relentlessly 24/7 distorting and misrepresenting Trump’s agenda and message. Tweeting is Trump’s direct line to the American people which is the reason his tweets infuriate and frustrate fake news media.

Oh yes, tweeting is the President speaking directly to the people, and the media is infuriated because they can’t spin it before the people get it.  Trump is playing them like a fiddle, and it’s made me laugh many times over.

There is no reason he can’t speak to us directly, and neither is there any reason he should stop.  Donald J. Trump is a blue-collar billionaire.  He’s one of us, and he talks like regular Americans talk to each other.

He’s made us proud when he’s traveled to Israel and Arab nations, he’s made us proud when he was in Poland and at the G20 in Hamburg.  He is an American patriot and as Presidential as they come.  He is also just like the common man, and that’s why so many of us love him, and will vote for him again.

Support our President-Contact Congress, tell them to fight!

Email: –

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Republicans are AWOL on standing up for our president who is doing his best to create jobs and protect America. Shame on them!

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FBI Rotten From The Top Down, First Comey, Now McCabe

A traitor is a betrayer – one who practices injury, while professing friendship. Benedict Arnold was a traitor, solely because, while professing friendship for the American cause, he attempted to injure it. An open enemy, however criminal in other respects, is no traitor. Lysander Spooner

Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall when the wise are banished from the public councils because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded because they flatter the people in order to betray them. Joseph Story, former Justice of the Supreme Court

Comey’s understudy, Democrat Andrew McCabe, now the acting FBI Director, is facing three federal inquiries for (1) sexual discrimination and subsequent retaliation against the complainant, (General Michael T. Flynn) (2) campaigning as an FBI official for his wife, which is a violation of the Hatch Act, and (3) ethics violations relating to campaign payments to his wife.

Let’s take a look at these charges one by one.  John Solomon and Sarah Carter of Circa, exposed McCabe’s retaliation against General Michael T. Flynn.

McCabe’s Vendetta Against Flynn

Robin Gritz who is a decorated counterterrorism agent, had filed a sexual discrimination and retaliation lawsuit against Andrew McCabe and other top FBI officials.  Once she filed the lawsuit, McCabe began investigating Gritz personally looking for any dirt on her he could find.

Unfortunately, it takes a good deal of time for the lawsuit to work its way through the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and is still waiting for review by an administrative law judge in the Office of Federal Operations.

In 2014 Michael Flynn backed up the sex discrimination charge brought by Gritz against McCabe and other top people at the FBI.  Surprise…two years later Flynn is the subject of a McCabe-led FBI investigation about how he supposedly colluded with the Russian ambassador.

The General was on Trump’s transition team. It would make perfect sense he would be talking to the Russian ambassador.  And, as Rush Limbaugh says, “Flynn is a super patriot, number one. He is a full-fledged super patriot. He would not sell out the United States to the Russian ambassador for anything. That’s his public image.”

There was never anything to the Flynn/Russia story, and I even have strong doubts about Flynn lying to the Vice President, because Pence is an establishment globalist insider who wouldn’t want a man like General Flynn in the administration. If there was any lie by Flynn, it had to be inadvertent simply because of the stature of this General.  Of course, there’s also the possibility the General didn’t fully trust Pence, but that is simply conjecture from this writer.

Flynn’s intervention on behalf of Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was highly unusual, and included a letter in 2014 on his official Pentagon stationary, a public interview in 2015 supporting Gritz’s case and an offer to testify on her behalf. His offer put him as a hostile witness in a case against McCabe, who was rising through the bureau’s leadership ranks.

By the way, McCabe spent 30 minutes being interviewed by Trump for FBI Director and was rejected.  Christopher Wray was chosen instead.

General Flynn, who led the Defense Intelligence Agency, worked closely with Gritz to find terrorists overseas. He said it’s a shame the FBI let go of someone with years of national security experience.  “She was one of the really bright lights and shining stars early on who got it when it came to the kind of enemy that we’re facing, and I just thought she was a real pro.”

It seems she was not believed, as there was no support for her from anywhere except from Flynn. Gritz ended up being fired, her security clearance pulled, and she ends up without a job living back at home with mom and dad. She also believes the FBI is blackballing her in her field so that she cannot get another job.

Flynn defended her and then two years later, Flynn is under investigation by the FBI for supposedly colluding with the Russians.

Who within the FBI had a personal reason for wanting to take Flynn out? The answer, obviously is Andrew McCabe.  The FBI’s leaking of adverse information about Flynn was unconscionable. If McCabe is responsible for it, he should be held accountable.

McCabe’s Ethic Violations During His Wife’s Campaign

The WSJ reported that the political organization of Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the FBI who later helped oversee the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email use.  Jill McCabe ran for a Virginia State Senate seat as a Democrat in 2015, and she is the wife of then deputy FBI Director McCabe.

The Journal also stated that it was McCabe who told lower-level FBI investigators to “stand down” in their inquiry into whether illegal influence-peddling or financial crimes were being committed at the Clinton Foundation. Meanwhile, McCabe did not recuse himself from the investigation into presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails, despite an apparent conflict of interest involving his wife.

Remember McAuliffe was prominently featured last August, 2016 for his decision to restore the voting rights of some 13,000 West Virginia ex-felons, an effort he was expected to continue until the voting rights for all 200,000 ex-criminals have been restored.  Why?  So they could vote for Democrats.

The WSJ added that the Virginia Democratic Party, over which Mr. McAuliffe exerts considerable control, donated an additional $207,788 worth of support to Dr. Jill McCabe’s campaign in the form of mailers, according to the records. That totals to slightly more than $675,000 to her candidacy from entities either directly under Mr. McAuliffe’s control or strongly influenced by him.

Investigation of Andrew McCabe

The Hatch Act prohibits FBI employees from engaging “in political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group.”

It defines prohibited political activity as “any activity directed at the success or failure of a partisan group or candidate in a partisan election.”

There are too many questions about McCabe’s actions during his wife’s campaign.  McCabe attended a meeting with his wife and McAuliffe on a Saturday in March 2015 specifically to discuss having Jill McCabe run for state Senate in Virginia as a Democrat.

The Office of U.S. Special Counsel, (OSC) the government’s main whistleblower agency, is investigating McCabe’s involvement.  The agency’s probe was prompted by a complaint in April from Robyn Gritz, who is suing the FBI and McCabe alleging sexual discrimination during her 16-year career.  She forwarded social media photos showing McCabe wearing a T-shirt supporting his wife’s campaign during a public event and then posting a photo on social media urging voters to join him in voting for his wife.  She filed the complaint alleging the social media photos are evidence of possible Hatch Act violations.

“I am voting for Jill because she is the best wife ever,” McCabe put on a sign that he photographed himself holding. The photo was posted on her social media page a few days before the election, in response to Dr. Jill McCabe’s plea to “help me win” by posting photos expressing reasons why voters should vote for her, according to the complaint.

Other social media photos in the complaint showed McCabe’s minor daughter campaigning with her mother, wearing an FBI shirt, and McCabe voting with his wife at a polling station.

Hatch Act Tougher for FBI Employees

The Hatch Act prohibits all federal employees from engaging in election activities during work hours, but most are free to involve themselves during off hours.

However, the law imposes a tougher standard for FBI employees, and prohibits partisan campaigning at any time. The Law states that FBI employees, “may not campaign for or against candidates or otherwise engage in political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group.”

Gritz argued in her complaint to the OSC that the photos suggest McCabe violated that standard.

“As a former FBI agent, it is my understanding that we were held to a higher level with regard to the Hatch Act,” Gritz wrote in her OSC complaint. “While I’m filing this complaint, I am doing it due to the large number of current, former and retired FBI agents who know if they were acting such as McCabe we’d be already on leave without pay, under investigation and assured of being in violation. We are all under the impression that these are, in fact, violations.”


Richard Painter, the former chief ethics lawyer for the White House, said that the social media photos and the McAuliffe meeting documents raise serious questions because FBI and intelligence community officials must adhere to more stringent rules under the Hatch Act.

“What is not acceptable would be using the official position, in the government, particularly the official position in the FBI in order to further a political campaign, the political campaign of a spouse or anybody else,” Painter told Circa.

Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom said McCabe may not have the bureau’s rank and file behind him.

“I’ve talked to numerous agents that have some knowledge of what’s going on inside the FBI,” said Kallstrom. “The appearance of conflict of interest is substantial, and you can’t have a high position in the bureau and have even the apparent conflict of interest.”  Kallstrom is not betting on McCabe lasting much longer at the bureau.

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, believes McCabe also has a conflict of interest in the ongoing probe into alleged Trump collusion with Russia in the 2016 election.

This fallacious and distorted probe already cost retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn his job as Trump’s national security adviser.  And that is the greatest loss to this administration.

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© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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The Seditious And Toxic Atmosphere Of The Globalists

When did political differences become an excuse for lawlessness? Just as President Obama’s life was respected by conservatives who disagreed with him politically, President Trump’s life should be respected by liberals who disagree with him politically.

The Democratic Party, academia, Hollywood and the media have systematically created the toxic atmosphere we now have to contend with. They have set the tone for what is occurring today.  This is war…every Democrat and Republican like Sen. John McCain, his partner Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan needs to be voted out.  The primaries are the most important votes we cast, and we need to fund and fight for the true and honest constitutional conservatives to run against the Democrats. The superb DVD documentary “Hollywood’s War on God” , reveals how satanic forces are using the movies.

The left needs to be destroyed, and that includes the left leaning Republicans. We all know who they are, Ryan, McCain, Collins, Graham, McConnell, and many more.  Our nation absolutely cannot survive more of these communist agitators fomenting rage because their globalist goals have been set aside by voters who chose freedom.

The Good News

Normally when there are run-offs and special elections, the opposite party of the president wins, but not this time.

Republican Greg Gianforte won the special election for Montana’s open US House seat, beating Rob Quist democrat.

Republican Ralph Norman won a special election to fill the South Carolina congressional seat vacated by Mick Mulvaney, battling to a victory closer than many expected to replace the new White House budget director.

Ron Estes, Kansas state treasurer, won the special election to fill the seat vacated by new CIA director, Mike Pompeo, in a district that President Trump carried by 27 points.

Republican Karen Handel defeated Democrat Jon Ossoff in a high-stakes special election for a Georgia House seat denying Democrats their first major victory of the Donald Trump era.

Granted, they did not win by huge percentages as those they were replacing had in the past.  The average loss of points was 13.  Nevertheless, a win is still a win, and the left is feeling the pain.

These wins are inciting and provoking more civil unrest promoted by the entire left and encouraged by the socialist media.

Hatred and Savagery

The left wants it their way or they will destroy what is left of the country. Look at the shootings, rioting, threats of violence, destruction of personal property, the constant theme of assassinations of our President, the words of hatred slung by them all with the added ‘benefit’ of the left’s success in eradicating what is left of societal decency.  We are looking at anarchy.   The character assassination of our President and his administration and the total refusal of the left to accept the outcome of a legitimate presidential election is the weapon they’re using.

The latest election results will increase their vitriolic and savage criticism against our President and conservative republicans.  In my lifetime, I have never seen such viciousness, and I want to know why these vile creatures are not being charged with sedition.  Common manners and decency were once the building blocks of our society, but today the left leads in decaying society’s respect and civility to others. They claim it’s their right under “freedom of speech.”  (Cornell University’s definition of sedition.)

Laws Limit Some Freedom of Speech

Under Title 18, Section 871 of the United States Code, it is a Class E felony for anyone to “knowingly and willfully” threaten to “take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States.”  Threatening the President is considered a political offense.

There are laws on the books that these people should be charged with, despite the freedoms of the first amendment. Certain types of speech are not protected by the first amendment: obscenity, fighting words, defamation (including libel and slander), child pornography, perjury, blackmail, incitement to imminent lawless action, true threats, and solicitations to commit crimes. Of course, libel and slander are rarely charged by public figures today since the 1964 supreme court decision in NYTs v. Sullivan wherein the court decided that media could lie with impunity about public figures unless the person could prove malice.  The court claimed this was a first amendment right of media.  The Warren court was stacked with six leftists and three moderates, so the unconstitutional verdict was 9-0.

Arrest the Seditionists

Andrew McCarthy’s recent article in National Review stated,

Whether it is Berkeley or Benghazi, it is standard operating procedure among the most influential, most allegedly mainstream Democratic politicians to rationalize rioting as mere ‘protest.’ In their alternative reality, violence in the name of sedition is ‘free speech’ — a passionate expression of political dissent — started me on this while the actual political speech they so savagely suppress is the atrocity.

What McCarthy went on to say reminded me of something my mother said long ago when I was a teenager and then a young adult.  She was right when she said that we were headed for a war of ideals…righteousness and freedom or slavery to the state.  God how I miss my amazing mother who started me on the journey to save America at the ripe old age of five.

One of the worst legacies of those 1960s Days of Rage was the failure of will to prosecute violent leaders of the radical Left to the full extent of the law — particularly the likes of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Weather Underground terrorists who got a complete pass. In its madness, the nation drew a moral equivalence between anti-American terrorism and the excesses of American government agents who pursued the terrorists, as if warrantless searches and spying, however concededly outrageous, were comparable to plots and attempts to commit mass murder. The government did not want the depths of its misconduct explored, so charges were dropped in some cases and pled away for a song in others — denying an exploration of the depths of the terrorists’ depravity. “Guilty as sin, free as a bird,” crowed Ayers, waxing nostalgic on the eve of the 9/11 attacks.

The message could not be clearer: For the political Left in this country, violence in the pursuit of “social justice” is not to be condemned, it is to be understood. There is the occasional winking rebuke of the forcible methods, but the underlying “progressive” cause is always endorsed, and the seditionist vanguard is the object of adulation.

McCarthy is right when he says, “Sedition and its related pathologies must be prosecuted. Equally important, they must be condemned. Without that, there cannot be a pluralistic, flourishing society.”  So where are the Republicans, where is the Secret Service, where is the DOJ???

Seditious Sewage Spewed by Left

The big question is why these people are not arrested, some are not even visited by the Secret Service.

  • Everyone has seen the disgusting photo by Kathy Griffin. It is so imprinted on minds, that I do not want it in any of my articles ever again.  She has rightfully lost many engagements.
  • Shakespeare in the park and their bloody assassination of Caesar and his wife in which the Roman ruler is unmistakably depicted as Donald Trump, and his wife has an Eastern European accent. They’ve lost two sponsors, Bank of America, and Delta Airlines.
  • During a rambling disjointed speech, scruffy and aging Johnny Depp joked about killing Donald Trump at Glastonbury 2017, asking, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a President?” He was referring to John Wilkes Booth and the murder of Lincoln. Then he said, “However, it has been a while and maybe it is time.”
  • Bernie Sanders supporter, Sarah Silverman is voicing her support for a military overthrow of the government, and telling her millions of twitter fans to join the resistance. What do they mean by resistance…violence and sedition?
  • Phil Montag, a Nebraska state Democratic party official, who was chairman of the technology committee, was fired after an audio recording surfaced earlier this week of him saying that he was “glad” that Scalise was shot and that he wished “he was f***ing dead.”

“This motherf***er, his whole job is to get people, convince Republicans to f***ing kick people off of f***ing health care,” Montag is heard saying in the audio recording, which was published on the website

“I’m glad he got shot. I’m not gonna f***ing say that publicly. I’m glad he got shot.”  “I wish he was f***ing dead,” he added.

Montag obviously doesn’t have a full grasp of the English language.

  • We all remember Madonna at the pussyhat women’s march led by Islamist Linda Sarsour, telling people, “I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.” She got herself an interview with the Secret Service, but again, why wasn’t she charged and arrested?
  • One of Snoop Dogg’s music video (literally) paints our President as a clown and orchestrates his death. At the video’s end, the rapper points a gun at the Trump figure and shoots. But instead of a bullet, a red flag that reads “Bang!” fires out of the gun.
  • Right after the election, shock-rocker Marilyn Mansonhad to take his turn in the Trump-bashing festivities. In one of his songs, a Trump-like persona wearing a suit and a red tie lies decapitated on a concrete floor, in a pool of his own blood.
  • Robert De Niro confirmed to ABC’s “The View” in February that he would like to punch Trump in the face. He clarified earlier comments, saying “It wasn’t like I was gonna go find him and really punch him in the face, but he’s gotta hear it.”

Really Bob?  Our president wants Robert Kennedy Jr. to look into the vaccines and autism, and you have an autistic child and wanted the VAX film shown and then backed down and you’re attacking our President?  Robert De Niro says his wife believes autistic son changed ‘overnight’ after vaccination.

  • Trinity College Professor Johnny Eric Williams seemed to arguein a June 18 Facebook post that first responders to the shooting should have let the wounded individuals die.  In another post, Williams wrote that he is, “fed the f**k up with self-identified white’s daily violence directed at immigrants, Muslims, and sexual and racially oppressed people.”  He added that, “the time is now to confront these inhuman assholes and end this now.”
  • Tucker Carlson even had a fiery exchange with Democratic strategist Jim Devine over a tweet he sent out Monday with the hashtag “hunt Republican congressmen.”

Hunt them?  What the hell does that mean?  Hunt and shoot to kill?  These people have gone over the cliff and need to be arrested and tried for sedition and whatever other laws the DOJ can come up with.

The Face of the Democratic Party

This is the face of the democratic party and the radical leftists on which they rely. There is within the American Left an increasingly active element that is not only deeply left of center, and fundamentally opposed to free speech, but also openly violent.

This is the kind of talk that delegitimizes the representative republic process and weakens institutions. It smacks of treason. It is an effort to sow the seeds of civil war. It is unlike anything we’ve heard during a presidential campaign or tenure. It doesn’t just acknowledge the possibility of violence, it actually revels in it.

The Left Created James Hodgkinson

The Left gave us James Hodgkinson, Bernie Sanders supporter, and democratic socialist, who opened fire on Republicans.

The FBI, under democrat Andy McCabe, gave an utterly bizarre update on its investigation into an attempt to assassinate Republican members of Congress, including Rep. Steve Scalise who remains in the hospital with an upgraded condition to “fair” and said he faces a long recovery.

We know from other reporting that the list to kill was of six Republican Freedom Caucus members, including Rep. Mo Brooks, who was present at the practice.

So, what does the FBI decide this information means? Well, the takeaway of the briefing was characterized well by the Associated Press headline about it, which is total BS!  “FBI: Gunman who shot congressman had no target in mind.”

The AP reported the FBI

  • believes the gunman “had no concrete plan to inflict violence” against Republicans,
  • “had not yet clarified who, if anyone, he planned to target, or why,”
  • believes he may have just “happened upon” the baseball game the morning of June 14, and that the attack appeared “spontaneous,”
  • are unclear on the “context” of Hodgkinson’s note with six names of members of Congress,
  • does not believe that photographs of the baseball field or other sites “represented surveillance of intended targets,” and
  • “painted a picture of a down-on-his-luck man with few future prospects.”

In fact, USA Today went with “FBI offers portrait of troubled Alexandria shooter with ‘anger management problem’” for their headline, since that’s what the FBI emphasized in the briefing.

The FBI also said there was no “nexus to terrorism” in the attempted mass assassination of Republican leadership by a Democratic activist.

Excuse the hell outta me, this is outright BS and everyone knows it.  What the hell is the FBI peddling? And where is AG Sessions?  Time to dump the holdovers from OBAMA!  Truly, we need Rudy Giuliani to go after this mess.

P.S.  Folks, please excuse my anger and the slowness of how things move in DC., we all know it’s always been like that, and our President is fighting a huge war just to get his promises to the American people completed.  It will be a long fight.  It is the same with NewsWithViews.  Every day we work to bring the best and most informative articles to the American people.  We need you to tweet them, Facebook them, and send them to your friends.  We also need you to please help keep NWVs alive.  You can donate here, and we appreciate every single donation!  If you decide to send in a check, please be sure to mention my name. Thank you so much.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Mueller Hires Clinton And Obama Supporters To Investigate Trump

CNN tried to conduct an online Trump hating poll, but it turned out to be a landslide for our President!  Here’s what they asked…  “Should Trump be investigated for obstruction of justice?”  (and they included a very unflattering pic of the President).  As of Monday morning, 2,698,604 votes had been cast.  The verdict: 70.2% said “no,” and just 29.8% said “yes.”  Yes, we still support our duly elected President, Donald J. Trump!

Where are the Republicans?

Our President is right, this is a witch hunt, and you know that whatever this independent counsel does, they will eventually end up with some kind of bogus inane charge.  So, where is the outrage from the Republicans who have a Republican President, and a totally Republican Congress, thanks to the campaign of Donald John Trump and the grassroots Americans who voted for him?  Where the hell is the outrage, and why aren’t they speaking up?

Trump’s greatest problem is the cowardice of congressional Republicans. Most of them are in the DC swamp Trump initially attacked, but they owe their majority status to the president.  Fools that they are, they will eventually have to realize that the anti-Trump campaign is a sewer that could devour them, and their only chance of retaining control of the Congress is to pull together and put the president’s promises and programs through, yet they’re silent.  Why?  Because most are establishment globalists just like their buddies across the aisle.

While President Trump is the public face of the attacks, the individual that is being targeted, we the people will ultimately pay the price for the America-haters’ success in thwarting what is, in fact, our agenda that was adopted by Mr. Trump.

The Real Russian Collusion

Remember the uranium deal brokered through government agencies by then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family, built, financed, and eventually sold off to the Russians, a company that would become known as Uranium One. The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Even the NYT’s reported this story!

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling $2.35 million, and then another half million for a Moscow speech by Bill Clinton for a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

In August of 2009, Sec. of State Clinton requested FBI Director Mueller to be the one to personally conduct the transfer a 10-gram sample of HEU to Russian law enforcement sources during a secret “plane-side” meeting on a “tarmac” in the early fall of 2009.  A leaked classified cable confirmed Director Mueller’s September 21, flight to Moscow.  Why don’t we ask him about his collusion with Russia? [Link]

And say, Bernie Sanders might know more…he and his wife honeymooned in Russia.

Democrats Wouldn’t Allow This

We know good and danged well that this kind of behavior would never have been allowed with Obama, and it wasn’t allowed with the weekly scandals of President Clinton.  The scandals were shut down by the media and the Democratic party.  So where is the Republican chutzpah?  They are too damned silent.

Donald Trump is certainly not perfect, and I’m not at all in love with some of his choices, but I get down on my knees every single day and thank the Lord that we do not have the criminal, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in our White House again.

We need to help our President.  Just because you voted for him doesn’t mean you can go back to sleep or sit on the couch with no worries.  We are responsible for the government we get, and it’s up to each of us to fight for and help the good guys.

Who are the good guys?  Well, there sure aren’t very many of them, but the Conservative Caucus comes to mind, and so does our President, Steve Bannon, Jeffrey Sessions, and one great American who gave all, General Michael Flynn.

The enemies of freedom on the left, in the neo-con right, and in the main stream media all want to destroy the man who is not one of them.  He is not a globalist, not part of the establishment, and certainly not a politician.

It’s time to let him know via Twitter and through contacts listed at the end of this article, that he needs to go on the offensive and needs to expose what is happening to him and his administration, and just exactly who is doing it.  And he definitely needs to oust the Deep State holdovers from previous administrations just as Secretary Zinke did with the Department of Interior.

Robert Mueller Hires 13 Lawyers

Robert Mueller has hired 13 lawyers, and is planning to hire more, to help in the spurious investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 presidential election.  Talk about beating a dead horse. Now the left is pushing for obstruction of justice charges simply because of the president’s perhaps unwise expression of hope to Comey that General Flynn would not be prosecuted and then his firing of Comey. This does not qualify as obstruction of justice.

So why is there an FBI investigation when there is nothing at all to investigate? Because Democrats, unlike the Republicans, never give up and never give in.  They are so angry that they lost this election, they are now hellbent to destroy the rightfully elected President, and they’ve got their own insiders to do it.  This witch hunt is a huge career enhancement for all these lawyers.  And think about the bucks this is costing the taxpayers, and how all these lawyers will want to find “something” to hang their hats on.  I am totally and completely disgusted.

Mueller’s High-Powered Team

According to a report by CNN, those hired by Mueller are seasoned attorneys and experts, but as far as I’m concerned Mueller has proven he is incapable of being truly independent with his choices.

James Quarles worked at Mueller’s firm, Wilmer Hale.  Quarles has given nearly $33,000 to political campaigns over the years. He gave money to Democratic presidential candidates Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In addition, Quarles gave more than $10,000 to help Democrats get elected to the House and another $10,000 on the Senate side, including money to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.  Quarles is a former assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate investigation, which the left likes to use as a comparison to the Trump investigation.

Jeannie Rhee, is a white-collar crime specialist, who also worked at Mueller’s old firm, and worked under Eric Holder for two years.  She has given $16,000 to the Democrats since 2008, and she maxed out for Hillary in ’15 and ’16. She has already received attention for representing the Clinton Foundation in a racketeering lawsuit brought by a conservative advocacy group, and also represented Clinton herself in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails. She was Hillary’s attorney and now she’s on the staff to go after Donald Trump.

Andrew Weissmann, is a seasoned prosecutor who has spent his career going after organized crime.  He was the general counsel who prosecuted the Enron case, which was overturned 8-0 in the US Supreme Court.  Weissman gave Obama $2,300 and $2,000 to the Democrat Party.

Aaron Zebley was the attorney for Justin Cooper, who was Clinton’s personal staff aide, and was one of two people who had access to Hillary’s ‘private’ email server and helped to set it up in the first place. He worked for the Clinton White House, then a personal aide to Bill Clinton and then worked for the Clinton Foundation.  He also worked at Wilmer Hale with Mueller. Zebley is a cybersecurity expert who spent decades in the FBI before joining a private practice.

Then there’s Michael Dreeben who has argued more than 100 cases in front of the Supreme Court and is an expert on criminal law. And the latest is Elizabeth Prelogar, former law clerk for liberal Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, who has donated in the past to Hillary’s and Obama’s presidential campaigns.

The New York Times reported that Mueller was also looking into possible money laundering by Trump campaign staffers and associates, and that may be the reason he hired Lisa Page who has strong experience with money laundering and organized crime cases. [Link]

The fact that Mueller’s team can conduct such a broad probe, apparently looking into every possible angle of the Trump-Russia scandal, from possible financial crimes to outright collusion with the Kremlin, is a reflection of just how much legal firepower he has assembled.

Dick Morris observes, “So there are 330 million people in America and probably four or five million lawyers. And Mueller couldn’t find anybody except aides who worked for Bill Clinton, represented Hillary Clinton or worked for the Clinton Foundation to go after Donald Trump. This is not a special prosecutor’s staff. This is a hit squad.”

The President’s Lawyers

Trump’s team, by contrast, is led by Marc Kasowitz, a Wall Street lawyer with minimal experience in federal investigations. His top two partners so far, Michael Bowe and Jay Sekulow, are known more for their time on TV rather than their time in the courtroom, and don’t have anywhere near the background Mueller’s team has to take on this challenge.  Trump recently hired John Dowd, who represented McCain during the Keating Five scandal.

Prominent lawyers with investigative experience at four major law firms declined to represent the president, citing concerns about Kasowitz’s leadership and his influence over Trump. These lawyers include Brendan Sullivan of Williams & Connolly, a white-collar specialist who is consistently named as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in the country, and Ted Olson of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, who was the solicitor general under George W. Bush from 2001 to 2004.  His wife was Barbara Olson, killed in 9/11.

Remember, VP Pence’s lawyer is Richard Cullen, the Godfather of one of Comey’s daughter’s.  Comey was a partner at Cullen’s firm.

The Investigation Has Started

Mueller’s team requested information from National Intelligence Director Dan Coates and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers. The investigators have interviewed former deputy director of NSA Richard Ledgett, Coates and Rogers, who testified that they were not pressurized by the Trump Administration officials.

The interviews are the first official functions of the special counsel’s new team of investigators.

Trump Supporters

Only one Republican can be credited for speaking out.  RNC national chairwoman Rona McDaniel is calling for an end to all of these blatant partisan exercises quickly, noting that Mueller has proven that he is incapable of being truly independent.

Other than the American people, there are very few media people who are supporting Trump.  Sean Hannity has called for Rosenstein and Mueller to recuse themselves or resign.  Lou Dobbs and Limbaugh both support our President and know the left is foaming at the mouth to destroy Trump.

Newt Gingrich said the investigation into collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russian interests is a partisan “witch hunt” by top Democrats.  “It’s a totally one-sided witch hunt spurred on by the liberal media… and shrill partisanship of Schumer and Pelosi,” he said.

We need Rudy Giuliani, where is he, and where the hell is the White House Offensive?

Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller have a different agenda.  They don’t share the beliefs of the President and are determined to undermine the will of the American people who elected him.  The swamp is not being drained, new areas are being developed and built, it’s expanding.

And it’s being done by the insiders of the Deep State.

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Deep State Trio: Comey, Rosenstein And Mueller, Aim To Destroy Trump

For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.  None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. —Isaiah 59:3-4 KJV

Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller

While everyone is looking at Robert Mueller as the culprit in this witch hunt of our President, we had better take a closer look at Rosenstein, the Deputy AG who appointed Mueller as special counsel for the DOJ and establishment infiltration.  Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller are long time affiliates.

Never Trumpers Infiltrate Administration

Roger Stone feels that the Never Trumpers have infiltrated the administration via Reince Priebus, but I believe VP Pence is also responsible. How else does one explain CFR member, Dina Habib Powell, best friend of Valerie Jarrett, Huma Abedin, and CFR member Condoleezza Rice? Powell is Arabic and a former Goldman Sachs employee. She is the current U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy to President Donald Trump under McMaster. She is also an Assistant to the President and Senior Counselor for Economic Initiatives.

Powell is being promoted by Jared and Ivanka to be our President’s next Chief of Staff, yet throughout her career Powell has opposed everything Trump stands for. As Stone says, this would be jumping from the frying pan into the fire, when there are already way too many quislings in the administration whose allegiance belongs, not to Donald Trump, but to the RNC, and that appears to be true for Rod Rosenstein.

Rod Rosenstein, Deputy AG

Harvard graduate Rosenstein was nominated by President Donald Trump to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States DOJ on January 13, 2017. Rosenstein was confirmed on April 25, 2017.  This certainly does not mean he’s a conservative, or an anti-globalist.

I would love to know who suggests these people, and then who vets them for our President…perhaps Pence and Priebus? There are only a few in this administration who are truly conservative, and one of them is already gone, General Michael Flynn, and several others never even made it to confirmation.

Rosenstein is being hailed as a brilliant choice who is admired and respected and completely free of controversy.  Excuse me, but wasn’t Comey hailed with the same exact rhetoric before he angered the left, and disappointed the right?

Leftist Slate Magazine stated that Rosenstein would be a good check against Jeff Sessions, and the Washington Com-Post even called Rosenstein a fabulous choice for the position and completely free of controversy!  Bah Humbug!  Obviously, he’s an establishment insider if these leftist rags love him.

Rosenstein and Mueller

Rosenstein joined the U.S. Department of Justice through the Attorney General’s Honors Program. From 1990 to 1993, he prosecuted public corruption cases as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, then led by Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller.  They’ve been joined at the hip for a long, long time.

Mueller and Rosenstein are both part of the “Deep State.”  In fact, as Stone reports, both of them have ties to the Bush machine.  Remember the Clinton theft of FBI documents?  Craig Livingstone, director of the White House Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission.

Mueller served as clean up man for Bill and Hillary Clinton.  As independent counsel from 1995 to 1997, he found no criminal prosecution against White House officials who had rummaged through FBI records to get background reports in the use of political blackmail.

In 2001, top Justice Department official Lee J. Radek, roundly criticized for steering the China gate probe away from the White House, had a friend in Robert S. Mueller, President Bush’s pick to replace FBI Director Louis Freeh.  Radek ran the campaign finance task force that was charged with looking into rampant 1996 Clinton-Gore fund-raising abuses that included Chinese money-laundering and possible influence-peddling.  Many branded Radek a “bureaucrat” who was more interested in throttling the case against the Clinton White House, and thereby keeping his job, than pushing it.  Mueller even received a glowing endorsement from China cheerleaders like Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Hillary Clinton. [Link]

In the 1990s, Rosenstein was on a team of prosecutors appointed by Kenneth Starr to investigate Bill and Hillary Clinton’s “Whitewater” business dealings in Arkansas. In 2012, Attorney General Eric Holder tapped him to investigate national security leaks to news outlets, a response to heavy criticism of the Obama administration by congressional Republicans.  Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr exonerated both President Clinton and the First Lady with respect to the FBI files matter in 1998.  And Ken Starr is telling the President not to fire Mueller.

Clintons and Comey

In the mid-1990s, Comey joined the Senate Whitewater Committee as a deputy special counsel. There he dug into allegations that the Clintons took part in a fraud connected to an Arkansas real estate venture gone bust. No charges were ever brought against either Clinton, but the scandal would eventually lead to independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s probe that would result in the Lewinsky scandal.

How about the Sandy Berger affair?  Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, who was sentenced in 2005 to two-years’ probation and fined $50,000 as the result of a plea bargain, for stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them.  He had also been functioning as a Hillary Clinton campaign adviser before his death last December.

James Comey, was the deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, and apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger.  The documents Berger stole basically proved Bill Clinton could have gone after and killed Osama bin laden, but didn’t, proving he was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.

As I mentioned in my previous article, Comey also gave Bill Clinton a pass with his pardon of Marc Rich and others.  Then came his pass on Hillary and her email debacle, where she set up a private email server for herself, her family and Abedin which was not accessible by the federal government or congress, and on which classified documents were passed.

Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act of 1913 by allowing national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed” through “gross negligence.”  And get this, Comey had Hillary Clinton’s definitive backup email device during the entire charade of an investigation into the former Secretary of State, according to court records obtained by Judicial Watch.

Godfather of Comey’s Daughter is Pence Lawyer

Here is a timeline of Comey’s career, note that he worked for McGuire Woods law firm from 1993-1996.  VP Pence’s office confirmed that he retained Richard Cullen, chairman of McGuire Woods LLP, to assist him in responding to inquiries by special counsel Robert Mueller.  Cullen and Comey used to work together at McGuire Woods, and Richard Cullen is the Godfather to one of Comey’s daughters.  Too close for comfort if you ask me.

Comey / Mueller Buddy-Buddy Connections

The fact that Robert Mueller, the former FBI head who “bungled” the post-9/11 anthrax attack, is leading the “Russia-gate” investigation should be a matter of grave concern for Americans.  Mueller’s appointment to investigate our President for sacking Comey is a conflict of interest, especially since they have worked closely together in the past.

“Former Director Mueller is exactly the right kind of individual for this job. I now have significantly greater confidence that the investigation will follow the facts wherever they lead.” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) stated. Schumer, Dick Durbin and other Democrats echoed these comments, along with neo-cons John McCain and Paul Ryan, which should worry constitutional conservatives.


Remember in 2003, Valerie Plame’s name being inadvertently leaked by Richard Armitage who confessed to his boss, Colin Powell?  This was a scheme against Vice President Cheney that ended in the conviction of his aide, Scooter Libby, for a weakly proven process crime.  Tag team Comey was the special prosecutor and Mueller was FBI Director.  They may well have honed their Deep State purge of political opponents then, something clearly at the bottom of this investigation into fictional “Russian collusion” and now “Obstruction of Justice” with the Trump campaign. [Link]


Comey is a very close friend of Mueller, and covered for the erstwhile director in the Amerithrax affair and the upcoming inquiry could very well be a quid pro quo transaction.

Mueller thought he had his man in the bungled Anthrax investigation because two drug sniffing doggies liked scientist Steven Hatfill when he petted them.  Mueller used this flimsy proof on this conservative government scientist, when in fact, the FBI ignored a 2002 tip from a scientific colleague of the alleged anthrax killer, who turned out to be a Fort Detrick scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins.  There was no firm proof he was responsible either, and he ended up committing suicide.  Comey seconded Mueller’s opinion, and they were both wrong.

Also check out Comey and Mueller’s showdown at John Ashcroft’s hospital bed.  Link

And don’t forget Mueller’s purposely botched probe and coverup of the BCCI scandal.

Mueller and Islam

Robert Mueller purged FBI training documents after 9/11. As reported by Rick Wells, FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom spoke to Maria Bartiromo.  The topic of the interview shifted to the issue of the real collusion, that of the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR taking a prominent role and infiltrating the FBI. He described how the White House, under both George W. Bush and the Obama regime and the FBI, including specifically Robert Mueller, changed to accommodate the demands of the terrorist front organization after the Twin Towers came down.  Mueller acquiesced with Muslim Brotherhood front group, CAIR.

He also met with Nihad Awad, executive director of Hamas doing business as CAIR, as well as senior leadership of the Islamic Institute, the American Muslim Council and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (all Muslim Brotherhood affiliates) in 2002 at FBI headquarters.

In 2005, under Mueller’s administration, the FBI presented an award to Mohamed Magid, the imam of the infamous ADAMS center – a hardline Wahhabis mosque – and the president of ISNA.

There have been several other instances of Mueller’s Muslim Brotherhood collusion and investigative “incompetence.”

In 2013, Mueller testified that he was unaware that the mosque attended by the Tsarnaev brothers, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing that resulted in three deaths and close to 300 injuries, was founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi.  Incredibly, Mueller’s department had been conducting “outreach” activities with the facility’s imam at the time.

Gohmert Exposed Mueller as Terrorist Facilitator

Rep. Louis Gohmert, (R-TX) knows what Robert Mueller is, and does not share the fawning reverence for him as the DC swamp creatures do.  Mueller, has a long record of being an official cover man for jihadists choosing to operate in the United States. Remember the fact that Mueller purged all of the FBI training materials and other records which indicated reference to Islamic terrorism in the months following the 9/11 attacks, but then he also ignored warnings about the Tsarnaev brothers and never even attempted to investigate their mosque.

Judicial Watch exclusively obtained droves of records back in 2013 documenting how, under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI purged all anti-terrorism training material deemed “offensive” to Muslims after secret meetings between Islamic organizations and the FBI chief. Judicial Watch had to sue to get the records and published an in-depth report on the scandal in 2013 and a lengthier, updated follow-up in 2015.  Read the full report.

When Gohmert questioned Mueller two months after the Boston bombing, he forced admissions from him of his failures or complicity in creating the situation in which the terrorist attacks occurred.  Here’s the full story.

Watch the video:

Many Uncomfortable with Mueller

Why should we be uncomfortable with Mueller? 1) The leftist establishment is comfortable with him. 2) He worked in tandem with Comey on a couple of high profile cases. 3) He was chosen as FBI head by George W. Bush (hater of Trump and owner of the words “That was some weird shit,” in describing Trump’s Inauguration speech. 4) Obama felt so comfortable with Mueller that upon taking office he extended Mueller’s ten-year tenure an additional two years.

Not exactly a resume I feel comfortable in handing our president’s fate over to.


One way to counter the Mueller probe is to discredit Mueller, using the facts about his terrible treatment of a series of American scientists in the anthrax case. In the end, the FBI paid off one scientist, to the tune of millions of dollars in damages, and drove another to his death. Meanwhile, the al-Qaeda operatives who carried out the attacks got away. That Mueller could survive this debacle with a sterling reputation is evidence of the corruption in the Washington, D.C. swamp.

Next up, Mueller hires 13 lawyers for this phony Russian probe and plans to hire more.

P.S.  Time is something we cannot ever recover. Every life is given only so much time. The CEO and publisher of NewsWithViews (born in a communist country) spends much of his time and money working to save our beloved America and our freedoms and liberties. Won’t you please help us by sending monthly donations here. Every donation is greatly appreciated.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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James Comey, The FBI’s, And Clinton’s Politically Corrupt Dirty Cop

Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today’s hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told the President privately:  The President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference.  He also admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference. Marc  Kasowitz, President Trump’s personal lawyer

How does a man with absolutely no law enforcement experience become the head of the most modern crime fighting organization in the United States? 

James Comey has proven himself to be a poisonous swamp snake who was paid to deliberately provide cover for high-level corruption by the Clintons and Obama.  And now he has been offered a $10 million-dollar book deal following his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, with a movie to follow making this louse out as a hero.

We know that Comey has been central in trying to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration. He is as dirty as they come in DC.  His level of cover, the FBI, was deep into an effort to dump Trump.  And what Trump and Sessions’ DOJ did was spectacular.  When Comey was 3,000 miles away, they fired him and dumped his entire office.  Trump moved quickly, and exactly at the right time to cut off the head off the snake of this traitorous Obama/Clinton insider.  Superb inside job by Trump and Sessions!

Comey’s Clinton Connections

James Comey was also director and board member of HSBC Bank until 2013, which is tightly connected to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation received up to $81 million from clients of the controversial bank. This is the same HSBC that was accused of laundering drug cartel money, was heavily involved in the LIBOR scandal (huge price fixing scandal), and who knows what else, and all while our esteemed FBI Director James Comey says “she didn’t intend it.”  Yeah, right!

Top that off with Loretta Lynch telling Comey to call the Hillary investigation a “matter,” because the words “criminal investigation” insinuated that a crime had been committed.  Uh, yeah, it had.  Comey admitted to colluding with Loretta Lynch to falsify his statements to benefit Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Limbaugh asked where the Republicans were on Comey’s admissions about Loretta Lynch?  Not a word from them…other than Louis Gohmert.

Remember the Whitewater Investigation?  Twenty years ago, Comey, an attorney on the Senate Whitewater Investigation, was looking into the conduct of President Bill Clinton and the first lady, Hillary.  The investigation was to determine whether Bill used his political position as Governor of Arkansas in the 80s to push through an illegal loan to benefit their business partner in Whitewater.  Several people involved went to jail, but no criminal prosecution came down for the Clintons.  James Comey was the Deputy Special Counsel for the investigation.

Remember all those last-minute Bill Clinton pardons right before he left the White House? The list was supposed to be given to Congress for approval well ahead of Bill’s last day.  Among the many questionable pardons was billionaire Marc Rich (who traded illegally with America’s enemies, including Iran).  The whole deal reeked of impropriety after learning that Rich’s wife donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library.   Again, James Comey oversaw investigations of the pardons, and he did not recommend charging Clinton in any of these matters.  Barbara Olson exposed this in her book, The Final Days.  She was my friend, and died on 9/11 in the plane that hit the Pentagon.

Remember the interesting chance meeting of Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport where they allegedly spoke about their grandchildren?  Shortly after the meeting, FBI Director Comey released his decision not to press charges on Hillary.  He couldn’t wait to exonerate Hillary Clinton, and he said, “I can’t find any intent on her part to share classified data, and therefore no prosecutor would do so.”

AND, in an unprecedented move, he imposed a gag order on all the agents involved with the Hillary email investigation.  Suspicious?  You bet!

So, we have Lynch, previously appointed by Bill Clinton, and formerly an employee of the law firm that is connected to Hillary’s email scandal, in charge of the investigation into Hillary’s email scandal.  The lead investigative agency is led by a man who twice investigated the Clintons and both times found them not guilty of wrong doing.  He was also appointed by the current President, Obama, who appointed Lynch, who is Comey’s boss.  Comey and Lynch have known each other for decades as well.  Coincidence?  I don’t think so.

Trump Never Under Investigation

President Trump was never under investigation and Comey told him that three times, beginning in January.  Marco Rubio even made the point that everything in the administration had been leaking except that Trump was not under investigation! That didn’t leak, and of course, we know why.

The entire Senate and House Intelligence communities have known since January that Trump was not under investigation.  Every socialist Democrat as well as the Republicans, have known this. Comey had told everyone in a closed session up on Capitol Hill that Trump was not under investigation.

Many of the Democrat Senators knew our President was not being investigated, yet they continued to make those false media charges.  And guess who the worst ones were…Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren.

Dan McLaughlin, National Review: Just think how many times Schumer made the charge while knowing all along it wasn’t true. All these Democrats charging Trump, alluding to it, alleging. Some of them saying they haven’t seen any evidence of collusion. They were honest about that. But they did not divulge that they knew Trump was not under investigation. This is a huge media scam. Contrast this with Hillary.

Now the Dems are claiming they never said that Trump was under investigation by the FBI.  However, it is blatantly false, their claims appeared in numerous leftist rags.

Again, where were the Republicans shouting for the cameras, for the people, the idea that Trump had not been a target for three months and that everybody knew it? Where were the Republicans on TV excoriating this investigation and chastising the Democrats for perpetrating this fraud? Where are the Republicans?  Silent, and capitulating as usual.

Comey a Big Leaker

He leaked data, property of the FBI, to the New York Times via his professor buddy.  He’s a leaker, and for that he should be charged.  His on-camera admission was stunning.

And, while testifying, Comey stated nine times that he might be wrong. “Although I could be wrong. I might be wrong. I could very well be wrong.” Nine times. Like Limbaugh said, he was definitely covering his arse.

Here is the Director of the FBI, the nation’s top cop, and what does he do?  He acts like a whiny school boy and plays very dastardly games behind the scenes.  So, when he testifies, he tries to explain it away by saying that he was afraid of President Trump.  The guy is 6’8” tall, and he’s afraid of Trump…really?

Comey said he only started writing memos after he met Trump, because he said he thought Trump was a liar and a mean person.  He’s lying again.  He also wrote memos when he spoke to George W. Bush, and admitted it in the book, Angler, which he helped Barton Gellman write about Dick Cheney.  Perhaps he decided he’d collect info on presidents to keep in files just like those of J. Edgar Hoover.

He claimed Trump was lying about him and lying about the FBI, and that he was afraid of Trump.  So, what did he do? He called a buddy of his at the Columbia School of Journalism, Columbia University, and asked him to “share” the memos, his inside private information from talks with our President. This is not “sharing” anything; this is leaking!  And he hoped his buddy would leak it to the media.

Mark Bauerlein, writes, “During his testimony, James Comey didn’t sound like the head of a fearsome investigative agency. He sounded like a middle manager in business who’s just attended a human resources seminar on inappropriate behavior in the workplace.”

No Russian Collusion

There never was any evidence that votes were tampered with by Russia, and Comey admitted it over and over again.  So, if Trump was never part of any investigation, what is all this fake news about Russian involvement in the presidential election.  It’s horse hockey promoted by the commie Democrats and media, and we all know it.  What a waste of taxpayer dollars on this fake news garbage investigation.

Dershowitz: Dem Pundits Endangering Civil Liberties

Democrat Alan Dershowitz, a strict interpreter of the law, has been stellar in exposing the truth.  This is the crowning glory of truth to the lying leftist media from a fellow Democrat who knows the Constitution.  He has made mincemeat of the leftist commentators who haven’t a clue of what our Constitution says.  Watch his interview with Anderson Cooper.

Dershowitz’s article, Comey Confirms That I’m right — and All the Democratic Commentators Are Wrong, explains everything constitutionally.  Here’s part of what he said:

The left seems to believe the FBI Director has powers independent of the President which is totally untrue.  (Dershowitz has pointed out over and over again that the left does not understand our Constitution.)

Look, when Obama was president, he ordered the FBI to do exactly what he wanted done, and no one spoke against it.  That’s the president’s privilege.

Comey confirmed that under our Constitution, the president has the authority to direct the FBI to stop investigating any individual. The president can, in theory, decide who to investigate, who to stop investigating, who to prosecute and who not to prosecute.  The president is the head of the unified executive branch of government, and the Justice Department and the FBI work under him and he may order them to do what he wishes.

As a matter of law, Comey is 100 percent correct.  As I have long argued, and as Comey confirmed in his written statement, our history shows that many presidents—from Adams to Jefferson, to Lincoln, to Roosevelt, to Kennedy, to Bush 1, and to Obama – have directed the Justice Department with regard to ongoing investigations. The history is clear, the precedents are clear, the constitutional structure is clear, and common sense is clear.

Yet virtually every Democratic pundit, in their haste to “get” President Trump, has willfully ignored these realities.  In doing so they have endangered our civil liberties and constitutional rights.

Now that even former Director Comey has acknowledged that the Constitution would permit the president to direct the Justice Department and the FBI in this matter, let us put the issue of obstruction of justice behind us once and for all and focus on the political, moral, and other non-criminal aspects of President Trump’s conduct.

Donald Trump cannot be prosecuted for exercising constitutional authority.

Kasowitz Files Complaint

President Trump’s personal lawyer Marc Kasowitz will file a complaint with the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General asking for an inquiry into James Comey over his leaking the details of his conversations with the president and the memos about those conversations, according to a source close to the Trump legal team.

Kasowitz is also drafting a similar submission to be sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the former FBI director’s Senate testimony and “other matters,” according to ABC news.

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Trump Follows Constitution, Withdraws From Paris Accord

There is no proof that carbon dioxide is causing or precedes global warming…All indications are that the minor warming cycle finished in 2001 and that Arctic ice melting is related to cyclical orbit-tilt-axis changes in earth’s angle to the sun.  John Williams, agricultural scientist, researcher, author, and educator, University of Melbourne

The Constitution gives the President the power to commit the United States to treaties – but only with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the US Senate, and only if the agreement does not contravene the Constitution. Keep that in mind as we look at Obama’s actions with the signing late in his presidency of the Paris Accord.

Signature of Paris Accord Unconstitutional

Obama claimed that the Paris Agreement was not a treaty, thus he did not submit the Agreement to the Senate for approval. The problem is that the Paris Agreement is certainly a treaty, but it was a unilateral act by President Obama that had no basis in the U.S. Constitution.

It should have and would have required Senate ratification by a two-thirds majority, under the Constitution’s Treaty Clause (Art 2, Sec. 2, Clause 2). That’s how the Framers of the Constitution understood the Clause.

The reason we’re being told that the Paris Accord is a nontreaty is because it evades the requirements of the Constitution to ratify it. Why? Because of something called the “Treaty on Treaties.”

What Makes Paris Accord a Treaty?

The Paris agreement is a treaty as defined by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, i.e., “an international agreement concluded between two or more States in written form and governed by international law….”

So why does Senate confirmation matter? Our Framers wisely believed that it would be unsafe to give one man alone the power to bind the country through a treaty, and they were right, because the Senate would not have ratified the Paris Accord!

So, how did we legally bypass the Constitution and get a treaty?  Well, we can thank former President Nixon.

Nixon’s Treaty on Treaties

In 1970, President Richard M. Nixon signed a monstrosity known as the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. It is referred to as the “Treaty on Treaties,” — even though our Constitution is clear that a treaty requires a supermajority of two-thirds of the Senate to ratify.  The U.S. Senate has not given its advice and consent to this treaty either, so it should be withdrawn as well.

Don’t start nodding off, this is important…hang in there with me. Under Article 18 of this Treaty on Treaties, once a nation signs a treaty — or merely does something that could be interpreted as “expressing its consent to be bound by the treaty” — that nation is “obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of the treaty.”  Here’s what it says:



A State is obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of a treaty when:

(a) It has signed the treaty or has exchanged instruments constituting the treaty subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, until it shall have made its intention clear not to become a party to the treaty; or

(b) It has expressed its consent to be bound by the treaty, pending the entry into force of the treaty and provided that such entry into force is not unduly delayed.

In other words, the Constitution notwithstanding, once a presidential administration signs or otherwise signals assent to the terms of an international agreement, the United States must consider itself bound – even though the Senate has not approved it, even though it has not been ratified.  Totally unconstitutional.

The Treaty on Treaties claims the equivalent of Senate ratification. Obama’s signature is what triggered the Treaty on Treaties obligation to follow it, even though it hasn’t been ratified.

Clinton signed Kyoto and Bypassed Senate

Of course, presidents don’t like going to the Senate for approval of their pet projects. Back in 1998 Bill Clinton signed the Kyoto Treaty on global warming without submitting it to the Senate for ratification. He knew that if he did so the treaty would be DOA.

President George W. Bush withdrew the signature of the United States from the treaty in 2001, even as Donald Trump backed out of the Paris Accord. In both cases there was a lot of huffing and puffing from the left, but Mr. Bush and Mr. Trump were simply doing what their voters wanted. They were also more faithful to the Constitution than Clinton or Obama had been.

Basically, Obama’s signing of this Agreement had no Constitutional standing whatsoever, so President Trump’s withdrawal was officially burying a legally dead horse.

Some Claim Withdrawal Takes Years

Any number of leftist articles have claimed that actual withdrawal from this agreement would take three or four years with considerable administrative and legal costs.  They also claim we’re the highest per capita emissions producer, but they forget China is in a pollution league by itself accounting for 30 percent of worldwide emissions.  Article 28 of the Agreement purported to prohibit any signatory nation from withdrawing until three years after its entry into force on Nov. 4, 2016. But that restriction—like the entire Agreement—was constitutionally null and void.

Other articles claim the agreement is fundamentally symbolic, which we also know is hogwash, it would have thoroughly destroyed America’s economy.  Link

This Treaty on Treaties is a mechanism to commit the United States to things that are drastically, horribly detrimental to us without going through the constitutional process that ratifies such treaties. It substitutes verbal consent of agreement in principle, as the equivalent of a signature and two-thirds of the Senate voting to affirm. The American people are being told, “It’s only symbolic, just a piece of paper, means nothing.” They’re also being told that Trump would gain a foothold with the left if he kept it in force.  What nonsense!  The left is the enemy, we need to defeat them at every turn.

Andrew McCarthy is Right

Here’s what he wrote in his article, Don’t Stop With Paris!

President Trump should not stop at Paris. While he’s at it, he should affirmatively withdraw the United States from the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. We don’t need an international convention on that. We have a Constitution that renders multilateral boondoggles unbinding in the absence of super-majority Senate consent. Want to put “America first”? Then it is past time to reify our sovereignty and the rule of law — our law.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Liberal Media Fueling Hatred For Republicans And Our President

Shooter Hodgkinson Radicalized By Hate Filled Marxist Democrats, Hollywood And The Liberal Media

Relentless hatred, glorification of murder, beheading and revolting theatrical ‘Julian’ assassination directed at Trump, his team, his supporters and all serious patriot constitutionalists  –  promoted by the heinously deteriorated, unprincipled and coordinated and organized Far Left, Media and Entertainment industry have set a national (and international) ‘norm’ permitting and clearly promoting the ultimate form of violence as – somehow – an acceptable solution to their problem associated with removing obstacles to their unimpeded access to and retention of – raw political power. This contemporary 21st-century ‘murder as political tool’ theme didn’t begin with the attempt on the life of Steve Scalise. It began with the ‘sudden death’ of Andrew Breitbart.  Charlite

Congressman Scalise Shot by Hate-Filled Radicalized Leftist

Congressman Steve Scalise and several others were shot at a baseball practice shortly after 7 a.m. Wednesday morning at a recreational facility in Alexandria, Virginia.

The Republicans were practicing for an upcoming charity congressional baseball game.  There were no democrats present, they had practiced earlier in the morning.

A man approached the game and apparently asked Rep. Ron DeSantis, “Are you Democrats or Republicans?”  When DeSantis replied, “Republicans,” the gunman walked away and then came back blasting.

House Majority Whip, Steve Scalise was shot in the hip and underwent surgery.  He is listed in stable condition, his office said.  Representative Roger Williams and Matt Mika, who works as a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, were also victims, but expected to fully recover.  Mika was there as a coach since he was a former baseball player.

Also injured were the two Capitol Police officers who have been identified as David Bailey and Krystal Griner.  Paul Ryan said, “I spoke with special agents Bailey and Greiner this morning. One was being treated and one was about to go into surgery. It is clear to me based on various eyewitness accounts that without these two heroes many lives would have been lost.”

Scalise’s Security Detail Saved Lives

Senator Rand Paul said Scalise’s security detail exchanged fire with the active shooter.  “Steve Scalise is in leadership and that’s the only reason there was security detail there at all. I’m sad that he was shot but he actually saved everybody’s life by being there.  These guys were real heroes and I think without them everybody probably would have been killed.”

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Illinois, told ABC News he saw “the bravery of the two capitol police officers that engaged the shooter and saved the lives of every single person there. Without them there, this would have been a massacre.”

Shooter Was A Bernie Sanders Supporter

The shooter, described as a middle-aged white male with dark hair, was taken to a local hospital where he died of his injuries.  His actions were described by police as a “deliberate attack” on unarmed civilians.  The suspect was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Ill., according to law enforcement officials.

Hodgkinson loved Bernie Sanders, and actually campaigned for him, he hated ‘racist’ Republicans, had a history of domestic violence and had previously been arrested. He wrote on his Facebook page, “Trump is a traitor. Trump has destroyed our democracy. It’s time to destroy Trump & Co.” [Link]

Sanders has apologized for his campaign worker shooting Republicans.

The Left Promotes Hate And Violence

Godless hateful radical, Kathy Griffin with her ISIS depiction of a decapitated Trump, Shakespeare in the Park with their outrageous depiction of murder of our President and first lady night after night, the hatred and outrage of the media, this is the deranged base of the democrat party.  By the way, Delta Air Lines and Bank of America have pulled their sponsorships of this seditious filth.

The left claims love, tolerance, and compassion, but their propaganda is hate-filled hostility and outrage toward anyone who doesn’t think like them. They are promoting their followers to become unhinged. How I wish they’d tried this with Obama and gang.

Limbaugh reported that Hodgkinson was devoted to left-wing TV and comedy programs and media personalities that promoted his radicalization. He mentioned, Last week Tonight With John Oliver, the Nightly Show on the Comedy Central, Democracy Now, The Ed Show, and the Rachel Maddow Show. He apparently loved Rachel Maddow, and wanted her to run for president. Also included were, The Daily Show on Comedy Central, and Real Time with Bill Maher. These are the shows Hodgkinson wanted everyone to watch…which clearly helped in his radicalization.

Rush went on to say that Hodgkinson may not have started out this way, but clearly, this is what you end up with when you stoke and fuel raw hatred and resentment. At some point, it’s going to blow over because it cannot be contained…this is the ultimate in rage and disappointment of the fanatic left.

The leftist media and Dems cannot continue to enrage people the way they’ve been doing and not expect violence to erupt, but then that is most likely what they want, and they’ll then turn and blame that on our President and conservatives.

Professor John Griffin of the Art Institute of Washington posted on Facebook that House Republicans “should be lined up and shot” for passing the American Health Care Act to reform Obamacare.

Back in January, on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Senator Tim Kaine said Democrats must “fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box,” against the administration of President Donald Trump. [Link]

The Democrats and the leftist media have been promoting this for years. Since the election of Trump, they have virtually assured their followers that Trump is guilty of everything they claim and that every congressional hearing or testimony is going to provide the proof.  AG Sessions, Comey, Sally Yates, and on and on, but their lies are dashed on the rocks of truth, and the hatred and frustration builds.

The leftists build up expectations that Trump is not really the president. They claim he cheated, and he and the Russians were in collusion to steal the election from their heroine, Hillary.

There is no evidence for any of it!  The lies they promote keep blowing up in their faces, and the frustration and anger builds to a crescendo when they are disappointed time and again that their enemy has not been vanquished.  This is how we end up with the likes of Hodgkinson.

Was Hodgkinson deranged and unhinged?

People who met and worked with this shooter said he was an average fellow, pretty laid back and mellow.  So, was he unhinged?  It’s doubtful, but he was driven to extreme hatred by those mentioned above.  The propaganda infiltrated his mind to a point where he just had to follow statements like those of Professor Griffin.

How many more brainwashed by the Trump hating liberal media Hodgkinsons are out there waiting to get their revenge?

P.S.  Folks, NewsWithViews is ever on the cutting edge of what is going on in our nation.  Please help us to keep coming into your home every single morning with news you’ll never get from the main stream media.  We thank you for anything you can do to help us.  Please send donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Leakers Expose Private Trump/Sessions Conversation

The goal of this Nation, I so strongly believe, is to be a preeminent world power. We have to understand what comes with that: The responsibility to be strong. Jeff Sessions

Media Strikes Again

Our Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is absolutely right, on the responsibility to be strong! And that means not only our President, but his entire administration.  Why? Because he’s not one of them and he’s bucking the globalist new world order gang who hates that President Trump wants to free America from their clutches.

So now, the leakers, who are from previous administrations, and perhaps some even in Trump’s administration, are telling the MSM that Sessions and Trump are not getting along, had a big set-to and Sessions offered his resignation.  True or false, we don’t know, all of it may be an embellishment by the backstabbers leaking this.

Honestly Mr. President, if you’d fire these jackals, this conversation between you and our Attorney General, would never have become public.  Way past time to send out pink slips.

Media Says Sessions Offered Resignation

It has been alleged that Trump has not been happy with Jeff Sessions since he recused himself from investigating the phony story of Russian meddling in the election.  And our President is right.  Jeff Sessions should not have recused himself during confirmation of investigating Hillary Clinton either. I’m sure he thought he was doing the proper thing to maintain peace, but he was wrong.  You cannot ever give in to the enemy, whether it be the Democrats or the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans who are Democrats in Republican drag.

What I believe AG Sessions should have said to these clowns who demanded his recusal was, “Folks, I’m hired to do a job, and I’ll do that job no matter who is in charge without any prejudicial influence.”  That is remaining strong.

So, the two of them got in a heated conversation, and Sessions allegedly offered his resignation which was turned down by Trump.

The New York Times, citing unnamed sources, of course the rotten leakers, reported that Sessions told Trump that he needed more freedom to do his job successfully and he could resign if that was what Trump wanted.

A source (leaker again) told the paper the conversation occurred right before Trump’s overseas trip.  Well, that’s weeks ago, so this is just now coming out.  Insanity it’s over, move on.

The Travel Ban

Trump took to Twitter to publicly criticize the DOJ’s legal strategy in defending his proposed travel ban barring the entry of people from certain Muslim-majority countries.

He tweeted, “The Justice Dept. should have stayed with the original Travel Ban, not the watered down, politically correct version they submitted to the supreme court.” However, Mr. President, you oversee the department and you also signed the second version of the ban.  The buck stops with you, don’t pass the blame.

Mistakes Have Been Made

Mr. President, the same thing goes for you as goes for our wonderful Attorney General, who should not have recused himself.  You should not have allowed divisiveness to come between your Vice President and General Michael Flynn.  Instead of asking for his resignation, or accepting it, or whatever was done, you should have said to both of them, “We cannot let the enemies of freedom divide us or create discord, controversy and tension.  Both of you work out your problems and get back to work.”

In allowing the loss of that great man, General Michael Flynn, you allowed the enemy to believe they had won and could continue to destroy the people you chose for your administration.

We Need Sessions

There cannot be this kind of friction with the men who are the very best choices for this administration, and these conversations do not belong in the public arena.  They sound like a married couple arguing over the children, and one says, “Well, then get a divorce.”  That has to stop, and only by firing previous administration appointees will that happen.

You, President Trump have made some excellent choices, and some that we’re not happy with, but you are beloved because you know what is wrong with America and you have pledged to straighten it out.  We want to help you.  The very best thing you could do is keep any conversations totally private, and get rid of the leakers.  Hire some folks out here with excellent resumes who are not part of the establishment cabal.  I’m talking about people all over America who spent their own money and time and worked themselves into exhaustion to elect you.  Call us…we have names for you, and make it right with our wonderful Attorney General.  We need him, and so do you.

And now our Attorney General has to give testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on this insanity of Russian collusion in the 2016 Presidential race, and the firing of James Comey. Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano believes that Jeff Sessions should not testify that he will be in a dangerous position.

P.S.  This past Sunday you may have noticed that NewsWithViews did not arrive in your email as it does every morning. Why? Because our editor’s laptop computer crashed when he and his wife were on a mini vacation in Lake Tahoe 10 hours away from the home office. We all know how much these computers cost, and that’s only a portion of what it takes to run NWVs. We thank all of you for reading NWVs and forwarding the many articles, and we especially thank those of you who give so generously to keep NWVs coming into your home every morning. Please help us continue by donating here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Are We Really Out Of The Paris Climate Agreement

There is no proof that carbon dioxide is causing or precedes global warming…All indications are that the minor warming cycle finished in 2001 and that Arctic ice melting is related to cyclical orbit-tilt-axis changes in earth’s angle to the sun.  John Williams, agricultural scientist, researcher, author, and educator, University of Melbourne: 

I submit that there is no man-made global cooling/warming, that there is no study or research data that makes a good argument to that effect when carefully examined objectively and that the Earth has many different and wide-ranging cycles that man cannot control, no matter how much he would like to Sherwood Thoele, analytical chemist and mathematician

The Constitution gives the President the power to commit the United States to treaties – but only with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the US Senate, and only if the agreement does not contravene the Constitution.  Keep that in mind as we look at Obama’s actions with the Paris Accord signing, as well as his actions with the Iran deal.

Breitbart had a recent article regarding the negatives of the Paris Accord.

  1. It’s all about science. Nope, it’s lies and false science to bleed taxpayers.
  2. We should stay in because the accords are mostly symbolic anyway. Hogwash! That’s a trap!

The globalist, New World Order promoting President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, stated on twitter that it’s unwise to take us out of the Accord, and shows we’re no longer ready to lead.  What bull hockey!  Our President just saved American citizens from a criminal atrocity.

  1. Pulling out would violate international norms. What rubbish!  Our President neutralized Obama’s attempt to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and is a huge step toward restoring the rule of law.
  2. Pulling out of the accords is a sin against Gaia. Here comes the new age hokum!  Good grief, the real sin is man believing that they can control what God instituted when he created the world.
  3. We must stay in the accords to demonstrate American “leadership.” Oh yeah, this one is priceless.  We have to stay in this tommyrot so we don’t sacrifice our leadership to unreasonable and illogical demands made by foreign leaders.
  4. We have to stay in Paris so the kids do not turn against environmentalism. Right, the children are being brainwashed daily in our government schools with the common core rot and propaganda.  They’ll turn into snowflakes like those in our universities.
  5. We should stay in because China loves it. This is the one that really blows it.  We should stay in because the world’s largest communist polluter likes it.  Why do you suppose that is?  Because China is given 30 years to comply and they won’t comply then either, but her adversaries all will.  How stupid are these idiot proponents?  Don’t answer that, we all know.

Obama’s Signature of Paris Accord Unconstitutional

Obama claims that the Paris Agreement is not a treaty. Since he claims it is not a treaty, he does not plan to submit the Agreement to the Senate for approval.

The problem is that the Paris Agreement is certainly a treaty.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

1- Six reasons we will always have the Paris agreement
2- Millman well always have the Paris accord
3- Top 7 worst reasons keep Paris climate accord
4- Paris agreement withdrawal justified
5- Paris climate pact should be abandoned
6- Don’t stop with Paris Treaty on Treaties
7- In ditching Paris deal Trump does right by America and the world
8- Six reasons we will always have the Paris agreement

Climate Change, The New Form Of Totalitarianism

The new green left (environmentalist) propaganda reminds me of the old red left (communist) propaganda. The dirty word is now carbon rather than capitalism. The game is simply to intrude and control everything. Vincent U. Muirhead, professor emeritus of aerospace engineering, researched gas dynamics, University of Kansas

Environmentalist Propaganda, Same as Old Red Communist Propaganda

First global warming, then climate change, both are truly a stinking lie, a hoax, and worse than that, it’s criminal.  Is the climate changing? Of course. The climate always has changed and always will.

Is the earth getting warmer? We should hope so for at least two reasons: First, the world emerged from the Little Ice Age in the 19th century, so it would be worrisome if it weren’t getting warmer.  Second, all the history indicates that humans thrive more during warmer cyclical periods than colder ones.

In the early 1970s, the NYTs said every major climate organization endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA, and it was because of atmospheric carbon dioxide and aerosols.  Popular Science magazine was warning that an ice age was coming!  Right, and now we have cycled to a warmer climate, and they’re telling us it’s all man made.

It is likely that earth has warmed less than many official temperature records indicate.  The most accurate measures of temperature come from satellites. Since the start of these measurements in 1979, they show minor fluctuations and an insignificant net change in global temperature.

Even if the always-wrong climate change computer models turned out to be right in this case, we are talking about spending trillions of dollars, and sacrificing millions of jobs, to reduce the average global temperature in the year 2100 by 0.17 degrees. Sacrifices that would force many Americans into Third World standards of living would contribute 0.015 degrees to that total reduction.

And thanks to common core, our educational system from kindergarten on is brainwashing our children into believing humans are the cause of climate change and that they must save the planet by using less of everything, especially energy.

Obvious Elitist Lies

Yet the world’s elites use everything at their disposal.  Bill Gates is “deeply troubled” by Trump’s withdrawal decision as he flies his huge $52 million Global Express super plane. Think about his carbon footprint all over the skies.

Leonardo de Caprio said, “Trump threatened the livability of our planet” as he flew on a private jet 4000 miles from Cannes, France to New York to accept a Global Climate Award – and then flew back to Cannes again on this private plane, saying Trump’s decision was an “historic mistake.”   And think about the Obamas!

It’s do as I say, not as I do.  This is the ugly truth about what potentially could be the crime of the century.

The Fallacy of Climate Change

Back in the 1970s, I was quite familiar with weatherman John Coleman as he was our favorite weatherman in the Chicago area.  He has long stood against the fraudulent science of Climate Change.  John Coleman said, “A majority of American citizens are now becoming skeptical of the claim that our carbon footprints, resulting from our use of fossil fuels, are going to lead to climatic calamities.”

There are no signs of global warming, or of any climate change other than God’s natural cyclical changes that we’ve gone through since the beginning of time.

It turns out that the government has been manipulating climate computer models. This means that the American taxpayers are being charged $4.7 billion a year in taxes that are being used to fund organizations that carry out meaningless studies based on bad science. Basically, the American people are paying fake scientists to lie to them.  Coleman exposes the lie, and he tweets and emails those promoting it.

My grandparents owned a dairy farm, and when I was a child in the 1950s I remember asking grandpa why Pine Lake was so high with water. He explained to me that if I lived long enough, I’d see the cycles of weather go from hot to cold, wet to dry and back again, because that’s the way God made the earth.

Trump’s Paris Accord Exit

The United States has joined Nicaragua and Syria as one of only three countries in the world to stand apart from the destructive global pact, signed last year, while 195 other nations have signed onto this insanity.

Senior White House adviser Steve Bannon and Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt argued against staying in the Paris agreement, the successor to the Kyoto Protocol. White House advisers Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Economic Advisor Gary Cohn, argue that the United States should remain in the Paris agreement.

Over forty conservative groups urged the President to withdraw.  “The treaty is based on the idea that from now on developed nations like the U.S. must live with less and pay more. That is not the American way,” said Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance and former head of Trump’s DOE transition team. “President Trump’s ‘America First’ energy plan is about making energy more affordable and giving Americans more say over their energy choices. The Paris treaty stands in the way of achieving that goal.” ​

Trump said the agreement as a “bad deal” and an effort to “redistribute wealth” from America to the rest of the world, and the Paris deal allows countries such as China and India to carry on polluting at the expense of the US economy and jobs.  He’s spot on!

Death and Taxes

The Climate change aficionados believe in population engineering, the intentional manipulation of human population size and structure to limit carbon footprints.  God says “Choose Life,” but these godless manipulators are telling us that by merely being alive, we are harming the earth, all of which also plays into the UN Agenda 21.  Those who believe we need the Paris Accord could help us out by volunteering to end their lives, and saving Mother Earth!

The redistribution of wealth occurs with higher prices on all goods and services, but especially on energy.  The increased taxes end up in several pockets, first the pockets of our politicians, then the pockets of the United Nations, and then the pockets of third world country dictators.  This is the scam, bleed the American people dry, bring us down to third world country levels and make the corrupt politicians and hucksters even more wealthy.  Our economy would be totally and irrevocably destroyed.

Think of the power that governments would have if they controlled energy consumption, just like healthcare.  By controlling energy, you control people. No wonder governments have spent tens of billions of dollars promoting this scenario and supporting political panels like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to disseminate the desired false “findings.”

Who would lose if governments gain the power to order a significant reduction in CO2 emissions? Around the world, millions of people at the margins of survival would die, it would be a worldwide holocaust. Millions of others would suffer unnecessary impoverishment and deprivation. Even in wealthier countries, people who are affluent enough to afford the monetary costs could find their lives heavily regimented by government bureaucrats monitoring and limiting how many miles they may travel and what activities they may undertake.  This is the goal with a totalitarian regime.

Politicians Committed to Paris Accord

Michael Bloomberg, Democratic socialist former mayor of New York, is coordinating a group of politicians, academics and businesses that is committed to the Paris Accord despite President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement. He is not the only one. So far, the group includes 30 mayors, three governors, more than 80 university presidents, and more than 100 businesses.  [Link]

Pittsburgh, PA, counting on Trump’s revival of coal mining, has a mayor who is the antithesis of freedom. Devvy Kidd’s article explains this fool well. Bill Peduto says his city of Pittsburgh will still follow the Paris Accord. Pittsburgh needs jobs, including coal mining, but Peduto will eliminate even more.

Well, that’s nice, and so special of these leftists, but how will they carry out their donations to the United Nations? And just how will the citizens living in these cities feel about being bled to death for the UN and corrupt political leaders?

Cyclical Climate Changes Confirmed

Receding Swiss glaciers inconveniently revealed 4000-year-old forests – and made it clear that glacier retreat and reforming is nothing new. Dr. Christian Schlüchter’s discovery of 4,000-year-old chunks of wood at the leading edge of a Swiss glacier didn’t make the global warming doom and gloomers very happy. Schlüchter has a distinguished reputation as a giant in the field of geology and paleoclimatology who has authored/coauthored more than 250 papers and is a professor emeritus at the University of Bern in Switzerland.

He made himself even more unpopular thanks to an interview titled “Our Society is Fundamentally Dishonest” which appeared in the Swiss publication Der Bund where he criticized the U.N.-dominated institutional climate science hierarchy for extreme tunnel vision and political contamination.

More Evidence

Other evidence exists that there is really nothing new about dramatic glacier advances and retreats. In fact, the Alps were nearly glacier-free again about 2,000 years ago. Schlüchter points out that, “the forest line was much higher than it is today; there were hardly any glaciers. Nowhere in the detailed travel accounts from Roman times are glaciers mentioned.”

Schlüchter criticizes his critics for focusing on a time period which is “indeed too short.” His studies and analyses of a Rhone glacier area reveal that “the rock surface had [previously] been ice-free 5,800 of the last 10,000 years.”

National Geographic tells of retreating ice in the Alps that shed new light on a high-altitude battle in World War I.  Countless other archaeological discoveries have been made as glaciers melt after hundreds of years, and areas will eventually freeze again.

In 2014, there was a return of the Arctic ice cap as it grew by 29% in a year with “global cooling.”  The BBC reported in 2007 that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.  But there were 533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than in 2012.  Link  Wrong again!  Physical evidence proves the fundamental dishonesty of climate change propaganda.

James Spann, American Meteorological Society-certified meteorologist, “Billions of dollars of grant money (over $50 billion) are flowing into the pockets of those on the man-made global warming bandwagon. No man-made global warming, the money dries up. This is big money, make no mistake about it. Always follow the money trail and it tells a story.”


Initially this article was to be on whether or not we are really out of the Paris Accord with the President’s withdrawal, but some background on the massive lie of Climate Change needed to be exposed.  The Paris Accord is not a treaty by Constitutional standards, but then we haven’t yet discussed the monstrous Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties signed by President Nixon in 1970.  Stay tuned.

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© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Civilization Jihad, The Islamic Trojan Horse

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of the Washington establishment is remarkable by any standard. Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo noted in October 2011: “What we’re seeing not just inside the White House, but inside the government entities, the national security entities, the State Department – is a strong push by the Muslim Brotherhood to get their people not just into operational positions, but policy positions – deeper, long term, bureaucratic positions.” —Robert Spencer, Muslim Brotherhood in America

“Barbarism will bring you no glory, evil will bring you no dignity. If you choose the path of terror, your life will be empty, your life will be brief, and your soul will be condemned… Heroes don’t kill innocents, they save them.” —President Donald J. Trump

Violent jihad is easy to identify and obvious in the danger it presents, we’ve seen it time and time again in Orlando, at Ft. Hood, the Boston Marathon, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, etc., all of which occurred while Obama was President.

And the democrat appointed leftist judges on our federal courts don’t want us to stop importing these barbaric savages who kill innocents in the name of their false god.  Even with the alleged vetting of refugee immigrants, we end up with the likes of Tun Lon Sein who is in custody and facing federal charges after he caused a nasty incident in Charlotte, NC.  But the stealth of civilization jihad is far more dangerous and it has already made vast inroads.

Please check out Devvy Kidd’s latest article regarding George Washington’s vision, her insight is brilliant.

What is Civilization Jihad

Civilization jihad is by its nature and design a subtler, but truly more dangerous threat in the long run. It aims to transform a society from within so it can eventually be brought under Islamic law.

Since the goal is the overthrow of the society and its existing government and laws, civilization jihad can be a “pre-violent” preparation for violent jihad or if successful enough, it may well achieve the desired end on its own.

The term “civilization jihad” is our enemy’s own name for efforts to subvert our society from within using the very freedoms they will then take away.

We’ve all seen it, the attempts to subvert government officials and to prevent Americans from speaking about Islam and violent jihad.  We’ve seen courts actually approve the spreading of Sharia law where it’s becoming normalized and accepted, and now we’re even seeing Islamic female mutilation being demanded in America.

Muslim leaders and organizations are seeking to transform how the intelligence community, Defense Department, police, schools, universities, etc. speak about jihadist threats to America’s liberties.

And Obama has helped them by expanding the Muslim population in America, as we’re a targeted country.  They do not assimilate in communities.  Civilization jihadists will use political correctness, lawsuits and damage to careers of American officials who do not tow the Islamic line.

For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, it is everywhere in our society.

Civilization Jihad Exposed in 2008 Trial

In the 2008 terrorism trial United States v. Holy Land Foundation, a document written by senior Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood leader, Mohammad Akram, was entered into evidence.  It was called, An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group

It states that the purpose of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America is “a Civilization-Jihadist Process.”  They are conducting a “grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believer so that it is eliminated.”

There you have it, and that is the inside plan for destruction of America, and yet we have fools in our judiciary, and throughout politics, who wish to stop our President from protecting American citizens against these savages who wish to overtake and control us with their political ideology.  Islam is not a religion, but it masquerades as one in order to overthrow and overtake all nations of the world.  Peace is not ever possible with Islam.

Muslim Congressmen

We already have two Muslim Congressmen as representatives, Keith Ellison elected in 2006 from Minnesota’s fifth district, and Andre Carson, elected in 2008 from Indiana’s seventh district.  Check the Ellison link, and then remember the Democrats almost made him chair of the DNC.

One has to ask just how ignorant of Islam the electorate in these districts has to be to put these kinds of infiltrating destroyers into our government, and of course, both are Democrats.  Carson is on our House Committee on Intelligence, and with his history of racist family ties, this does not bode well for American citizenry.

Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist is not only a long-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations, but he is also a member of the rightwing Council for National Policy and sits on the board of the NRA, who tried unsuccessfully to unseat him.  He is responsible for introducing the Muslim Brotherhood to President George W. Bush after 9/11.  He is also married to a Muslim woman and has allegedly converted to Islam.  He is the head of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR).

Norquist supported Obama’s amnesty for illegal aliens and has been a facilitator of Islamist infiltration of the right. Even fellow CNP member Joe Farah of World Net Daily wants to dump Grover from the so-called “Conservative Movement.” Norquist was staunchly against Arizona’s immigration law and totally supported the 13 story Ground Zero Mosque, and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.

He is also on the advisory board of GOProud, an organization of conservative gay Republicans, and the boards of the Hispanic Leadership Fund, the Indian-American Republican Caucus, and Michael Farris’s, an organization that wishes to add a Parental Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution via a Constitutional Convention.

For a full overview of Norquist’s Islamic activities, go here and here.  This is inside infiltration by one who claims to be “conservative.”

Tillerson’s State Dept.

A trusted Obama aide who once worked for an alleged Iranian regime lobbying group is one of the individuals in charge of Iran policy planning at the State Department under Secretary Rex Tillerson.

Sahar Nowrouzzadeh, the Iran director for Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), is now in charge of Iran and the Persian Gulf region on the policy planning staff at the State Department.  One of Nowrouzzadeh’s primary duties under President Obama was to promote initiatives that pushed the Iran deal.  With other high ranking staff, she helped to craft false narratives on the Iran deal to sell to the American public.

Nowrouzzadeh is a former employee of the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), a non-profit that is accused of being a lobbying group for the Iranian regime. NIAC’s current president, Trita Parsi, has long held close relationships with top officials in the Tehran dictatorship. In February, a group of over 100 prominent Iranian dissidents called for Congress to investigate NIAC’s ties to the Iranian regime.

Why Secretary Tillerson has decided to keep on a chief Obama policy official remains unclear.  Does our President know?

Generals Mattis and McMaster

 When Mattis tried to get Democrat Michele Flournoy, a former appointee under both Clinton and Obama, that was outrageous enough, and Flournoy would have been Hillary Clinton’s Secretary of Defense. She was an Obama/Hillary hack. Having her as Deputy Secretary of State in an administration trying to move on from those failed policies was wildly wrong. But Mattis nearly quit because Team Trump wouldn’t let him have her.  Then came an even worse choice by Mattis.

He chose Anne Patterson, an Islamist shill who had to be removed from Egypt after widespread public outrageThis is why.

Patterson demanded that Egypt’s recently appointed Supreme Commander of the Egyptian Armed Forces, General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, release all Muslim Brotherhood members currently being held for questioning.  She even asked the lawyer for the Copts to tell them not to participate” in the demonstrations against Morsi and the Brotherhood.  Link  Trump pushed back, and Mattis withdrew her name.

Remember that both Sec. of Defense Mattis and NSA Chief McMaster abhor the words, “radical Islamic terrorism.” McMaster actually tried to stop our President from using these words in his speech to the joint session of Congress, but Trump spoke them loudly and clearly.

NSA General H. R. McMaster, may be a commendable warrior but one who is lodged firmly in the Bush/Obama see-no-Islam mindset, which is at odds with Trump’s oft-stated determination to recognize the connection between Islam and terrorism. McMaster, like Obama, has also stated that the Islamic state is not Islamic.

The Pentagon

The Pentagon has agreed to formally review an anti-terror training program taught to special forces by a private contractor for material deemed offensive to Islam and Muslims, even though the Muslim group that lodged a complaint against the allegedly “Islamophobic” program has been accused by the Justice Department of supporting terrorism and is currently banned from outreach activities by the FBI.  Link  They’re being told by the very terrorist enemy we’re fighting that they cannot describe truthfully what and who is responsible for terrorism!

We also now have Muslim Chaplains in our military, some of them with deep ties to radical Islamic terrorism, such as Rafael Lantigua.  Air Force brass recently learned of his radical associations, apparently for the first time.  There are now 10 Muslim military chaplains, 5 of whom are in the Army.  How do they lead and counsel Christians or Jews?

Remember Nidal Malik Hasan, 46, an American-born Muslim of Palestinian heritage? He is the former Army Medical Corps psychiatrist and jihadist who fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others in the Fort Hood mass shooting on November 5, 2009, for which he was convicted in a court martial and sentenced to death.

American Education Promotes Islam

Iowa State University actually gave International Studies students an assignment to write a paper that gives an historical account of 911 from the perspective of the terrorist network. [Link]

A Detroit-area school system has branded itself a “safe haven” for refugees and immigrants.[Link] Hamtramck Public Schools will provide “community resources” and “access to legal services” for any families negatively impacted by President Trump’s policies, according to a statement published in a Detroit newspaper.  “All Hamtramck schools are safe havens with a commitment to help all immigrant families connect with the needed resources to avoid deportation,” Superintendent Thomas Niczay told the Detroit News.  This city was once populated by Polish, but has been fully transformed, like so many other American towns and cities.

In Texas, Liberty High School’s prayer room, which is reportedly dedicated to students who practice Islam, allows the students to pray at the school on Fridays instead of leaving to say their required prayers. The letter cites the school’s own news site, which focused on the prayer room.  The prayer room is not available to other faiths, only to Islamists.  The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that, “One religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another.”

In Lumberton, Texas, high school girls were made to wear burqas as part of a rotten CSCOPE study of Islam.  One student quoted the teacher as saying, “We are going to work to change your perception of Islam.”  The teacher in the burqa lesson, according to a student, also said, “I do not necessarily agree with this, but I am supposed to teach you that we are not to call these people terrorists anymore, but freedom fighters.” [Link]

In a Chatham, New Jersey middle school, they were using a cartoon video to teach the Five Pillars of Islam to seventh-grade students.  Seventh graders in this school are taught: “May God help us all find the true faith, Islam.”  Also taught in the video is the Shahada, which is the Muslim prayer of conversion, “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.”  The parents say no other religion is taught nearly to this level of detail in the “world cultures and geography” class.

The parents wanted to know who picked the curriculum, who picked the video and the accompanying PowerPoint. None of their concerns have been addressed by the school board or the superintendent.  Thomas More Law Center is representing the parents. [Link]

Teacher Michael DeNobile in Oswego County, New York, gave his students an assignment asking students to argue in favor of exterminating Jews.  It sounds incomprehensible, but New York education commissioner, Mary Ellen Elia, speaking in Syracuse, NY, defended the teacher’s assignment asking students to argue in favor of exterminating Jews. [Link]

Stealth Jihadists

Jihad includes ideological, cultural, demographic, diplomatic, psychological and economic warfare, and above all disinformation to confuse infidels about the threat they face.  Legal endeavors, civil rights initiatives, media campaigns – all these and more are the weapons of the stealth jihadists, chosen precisely because without other pieces of the puzzle, they don’t appear to be weapons at all, or part of any cumulative effort.  I’ve touched on just the very tip of this huge iceberg.

It is why our President seeks to limit incoming refugees and to thoroughly vet those who enter, and we must demand that Congress help him.  Robert Spencer’s book, Stealth Jihad, is a must read for every American concerned about our culture, freedom, and safety.

P.S.  George Soros’s money has had a lasting effect on America.  Think of Ferguson and Baltimore, not to mention the 2016 Presidential campaign, where he spent millions to pay those who rioted.  Certainly there are some true conservatives with cash in their pockets to help the David’s fight the Goliaths, but instead we subsist on small donations from our readers who truly love America.  We thank and bless our readers for any and all donations, knowing that every penny is helping us to bring the truth into your mailbox every morning.  You can send any donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Kathy Griffin, Godless Radical Beheads Trump In Seditious ISIS Gag

June 1, 2017

Sedition, the crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction. And folks, this is violence, and we’ve seen it escalate to horrendous atrocities by the socialist left who cannot accept that Donald J. Trump is America’s President.

Kathy Griffin is a so-called comedian who long ago disavowed her Catholic upbringing. As a young girl, Griffin attended St. Bernadine’s Elementary School and began to develop a dislike for organized religion because of the punishments she said she received from the nuns.  Her hatred of God is obvious in everything she says and does.  And she stepped over the bounds of common decency with her latest unspeakable attack on our President and his family.

Barron Trump, the 11-year-old first son was apparently watching television alongside his mother when a photo of Griffin’s video appeared on the screen, and he allegedly panicked and started screaming, “Mommy, Mommy!”

He is 11 years old.  He doesn’t have a clue of who the demented comedian, Kathy Griffin even is…so his initial reaction to the image was that something horrible had happened to his father.

Griffin’s 2007 Emmy Award

At the 2007 Emmy awards, Griffin stated in her acceptance speech, “A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.” She went on to say, “Suck it, Jesus. This is my God now!” referring to the Emmy.

Yes, this woman thinks nothing of offending America’s Christians, our Messiah Jesus Christ, or those who voted for Donald J. Trump.  She has crossed the line of common decency into a sickness of hatred that could ultimately destroy her soul.

President and Mrs. Trump’s Comments

“Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11-year-old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!” Trump tweeted Wednesday morning.  He is so right, and his wife, Melania went even further.

“I Went Too Far,” Says Griffin

Griffin apologized on social media after the Secret Service suggested she will be investigated for threatening the president, and well she should be!  Her act is one of sedition.

Well, Kathy, how about apologizing to the Trump family?!  That’s something you haven’t done!  And especially to their young son, Barron.

Just because you can say something, or do something in our country, doesn’t mean you should.  You have offended Christians and the majority of the electorate with your macabre and seditious stunt…a stunt where when you apologized, you even rolled your eyes.  There are consequences Griffin, and one day you’ll see them.

Can you imagine what would have happened she had done this to our partially black President Obama?  The media would have demanded her head on a platter, her arrest, charged her with sedition, held her until trial and then sent her to prison for life.  But because our President is not one of the globalist establishment insiders, we hear little to nothing from the left, the Republican right, and even the pulpits.  All quiet on the Western front!  But the tweets are very telling…

The Decay of Societal Decency

I’ve watched the descent of common decency, of courtesy, of the once recognized standard of propriety, good taste, and modesty degenerate into tasteless flippancy. The least you can expect from society is some respect for the decencies, but the slippery slope started long ago.  Perhaps it was in the 1960s, or maybe even earlier, but now it is so obvious that society is no longer refined; it is vulgar and utterly repugnant.  Anything goes, no matter how distasteful, and that is evident by the filth spewed from Kathy Griffin.

Griffin’s CNN Future

CNN says it has cut ties with the comedian, reluctantly of course. The network said it had terminated its agreement with the comedian to appear on its New Year’s Eve programs which she’d hosted for a decade with Anderson Cooper.  I doubt this will last long.

CNN initially called her video “disgusting and offensive.” Anderson Cooper weighed in with his own reprimand, “For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in,” he tweeted. “It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate.”

A New Mexico casino said it has canceled a performance by Griffin. She was scheduled to perform at Route 66 Casino, operated by Laguna Pueblo, in July.

Griffin has also lost a commercial endorsement deal that she landed just three weeks ago. Squatty Potty, a Utah-based company whose products include toilet stools and other bathroom accessories, said it was suspending an ad campaign that featured Griffin.

And that’s where Griffin belongs…in the toilet, and flushed.

Where is the Outrage???

Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton was quick to express her outrage at Griffin tweeting, “This is vile and wrong. It is never funny to joke about killing a president.”  I wonder if she said that only because her father was one.  Well Chelsea, where are the rest of your leftist buds, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, David Brock, George Soros, your parents, the Obamas, etc.?  Not a peep…

Remember when CNN got a rodeo clown fired for wearing an Obama mask?  Limbaugh expounded on this today, and here’s what he said:

You would have thought that God and the Creator himself was being made fun of and laughed at and mocked. This clown, the man who wore the Obama face mask was smeared, he was targeted, he was lampooned, he was criticized, he was savaged for wearing an Obama mask, because it was sacrilegious, it was insulting, it was beyond the pale, it was over the top.

Now with Kathy Griffin and her decapitation of Trump stunt all over the Drive-By Media you hear people saying, “I don’t want to talk about it. Come on, come on, let’s move on. This is so outrageous, it’s not even worth talking about.” Mika Brzezinski, soon to be Mika Brzezinski Scarborough, on Morning Jolt, “I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to talk about it. There’s nothing to see.” Some woman named Molly Ball who writes for some left-wing publication inside the Beltway was on CNN. “What’s the big deal? It isn’t any big deal.” Total, total hypocrisy.

Because It’s Trump, No Big Deal

The left is tolerant of anyone who brings perversion into society and calls it normal.  Yet, they have no tolerance for those who oppose this perversion and who are appalled at the annihilation of proper etiquette and common decency towards our fellow man.

We cannot just sit around and pray, we must work.  Just as the Lord said in Ephesians 2:9 “Not of works, lest any man should boast.” And then followed it with Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto GOOD WORKS, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

We must stand for righteousness, we must stand for a Godly and decent society.  We must rebuff this filth with all of our being, and as Ephesians 6:13 states, “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, TO STAND…”

P.S.  Many hours are spent every week by researchers who write for NewsWithViews, and we do it without compensation, strictly for the love of our country.  Paul Walter, owner and editor of NWVs, spends every evening making sure our articles are uploaded and sent into your email each morning.  Keeping a website like NWVs up and running is no small project, and it does cost money.  Any donations you can send to help will be greatly appreciated.  You can send donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Sean Hannity In Crosshairs For Speaking Truth About Seth Rich

Nazi Minister, Joseph Goebbels once said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”  The last time a group of socialists told a “big lie,” six million Jews died.  The Democrats are now telling a “big lie” about Russia.  The fact that people believe this lie, and help to spread it, shows us why it was so easy for the Nazis to kill six million Jews.  History is repeating itself…in America.  The Democrats are bringing upon us a calamity that will haunt our Republic for generations.  The word “Democrat” has become to us and our offspring, a curse.  Vinnie James, Black American Musician

Fox News host Sean Hannity began losing advertisers amid heightened controversy surrounding his decision to draw attention to the death of DNC staffer Seth Rich.  Hannity first raised concerns about Seth Rich and WikiLeaks back in August of 2016.

However, in recent weeks, Hannity has repeatedly pushed the claim that Rich was not the victim of a botched robbery, as authorities suspect, but rather that he was killed for providing WikiLeaks with internal DNC emails.

Seth Rich Murdered

Roger Stone says our President should order the FBI to take over the investigation of the Rich murder, and I agree with him.  Even Congressman Blake Farenthold, (R-TX) was attacked by CNN for calling for a federal investigation into Seth Rich’s murder.

Private eye, Rod Wheeler, a former DC police detective, was investigating for the Rich family, but being paid by a third party.  The local police claimed Rich was murdered because of a botched robbery, yet his wallet, cash, ring, and valuables were on his body.

There seems to be too much collusion between the DC Mayor and police department in calling this a robbery.  Rich was shot in the back and left for dead while walking home from a bar at 4:20 a.m.

Seth Rich and WikiLeaks

Fox5 in Washington D.C. released a report claiming that DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks prior to his murder in July 2016. The report claimed Rod Wheeler had found tangible evidence of a connection to Rich and WikiLeaks on Rich’s computer. He was suspected as the possible source for the DNC leaks which began during the presidential campaign.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange offered a $20 K reward for the murder of Seth Rich.  What clearer indication could you have had that Rich was his source?  Rich was not a low-level grunt at the DNC, he was the head of the IT division.  He was also a Sanders supporter, which well could be the motive for the leaks, and would shut down the whole claptrap story of Russia being involved…which there isn’t a shred of evidence to support.

Rod Wheeler even stated that senior DC police officers told him they were ordered to stand down on this murder investigation, and Wheeler is a respected former police investigator with ties to those inside the police department.

Now Seth Rich’s parents have changed their story.  They initially stated that they did not believe this was a robbery.  Even Rich’s father was quoted as saying, his ring, his wallet, cash etc. were still on him, but now they seem to be backing off and trying to discredit the work of Detective Wheeler.  Threats and payoffs?

Federal Investigator Agrees with Wheeler

A federal investigator corroborated what Wheeler told Fox News, speaking on the condition of anonymity, saying, “I have seen and read the emails between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks.” He stated that the emails are in the possession of the FBI, as the stalled case remains open but at a supposed dead end.

The federal investigator said there are a total of 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments, correspondence between Democratic National Committee leaders, which were transferred from Rich to WikiLeaks’ Gavin MacFadyen before May 21st, 2016. They spanned a period covering January of 2015 thru May of 2016. [Link]

The DNC never allowed the FBI to examine their supposedly hacked servers despite multiple requests at different levels.  Former Director Comey confirmed as much while testifying under oath and couldn’t explain why the DNC rebuffed the FBI’s request for a firsthand examination.  But the FBI didn’t need their approval to take their computers!

In Dec. 2016, DNC hired cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, which later released a report asserting that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC, and then retracted that statement.

Who Really Murdered Seth Rich

According to the D.C. Metro PD Public Incident Report, CCN #16113797 Seth Rich was shot at 4:20 a.m. on July 10, 2016.  Three of these police were wearing body cameras, but all the film has “disappeared,” or never been released.  And what about cameras in Rich’s neighborhood?  Apparently one caught a grainy version of two men approaching and shooting Rich from behind.

The public narrative reads as follows: “The decedent was conscious and breathing with apparent gunshot wound(s) to the back. The decedent was transported to local area hospital and was pronounced by attending physician at 0557 hours.”  Really?  He was pronounced dead at 5:57 a.m.?

The report makes it clear that the DNC staffer was “conscious and breathing” when he was transported to a local area hospital.

Based on a May 16, Intellihub report by Shepard Ambellas titled: “D.C. surgeon who operated on Seth Rich: ‘The DNC staffer was alive and well after surgery, before a group of Law Enforcement Officers showed up to the ICU’.” Rich was taken to Medstar Washington Hospital Center which is located just 3 minutes away from where he was shot.

According to Ambellas’ Intellihub report, “A 4-year resident surgeon at Washington Hospital Center claims that Seth Rich was alive and recovering well in facility’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after being treated for a total of 3 routine gunshot wounds — that is until a number of law enforcement officers arrived eight hours later kicking most everyone out of the ICU and physically barring doctors and others from attending to Rich.”  (Three gunshot wounds from two bullets, one entering and exiting, and one just entering.)

So, who was attending to Rich as all of this was taking place?  What Intellihub reported smells to high heaven wherein Seth Rich was actually left to die without any attending.

What is the truth, and will we ever know it?  Did Rich die at 5:57 a.m. or was he operated on and expected to survive, and then purposely expunged?

Police sources close to the investigation said there had been seven arrests linked to armed robberies in the Rich neighborhood that happened just days before he was killed. Those arrests were made after his murder, and there were three guns that were recovered after the apprehension.  However, none of those firearms matched with the ballistics in Rich’s murder.

Wheeler Sent Cease and Desist Letter

And here’s an ugly little connection…Brad Bauman is now the Rich Family spokesman. He is a crisis public relations consultant working with the Pastorum Group. A media release from the Pastorum Group reveals that Bauman previously worked for the DNC and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).  They strongly supported Hillary and SEIU is a client of the Strategic Consulting Group, which was founded by the Democratic operative Robert Creamer, who is close to Robby Mook,” Clinton’s former campaign manager.

Wheeler was sent a cease and desist letter on behalf of the Rich family by Joseph Ingrisano of the law firm Kutak Rock LLP. Kutak Rock has a long history of incredibly close affiliation with DNC politicians.  Kutak also has ties to the Rose Law Firm, which was at the center of the infamous Whitewater Controversy during the 1990’s. Hillary Clinton as well as White House staffer Vince Foster both practiced law at Rose. [Link]

Who is the Deep State?

It’s mainly intelligence agencies, but also the owned media, and even deeper…and they are out to destroy those who stand in their way of a new communist America.  They absolutely hate Trump because he is not part of the globalist establishment, and he won the hearts of the American people.  Every news story put out by the media claims anonymous sources or current and former officials.

Remember Obama appointed his minions as civil servants before he left office.  Dick Morris tells us they can’t be fired, but the federal government terminated almost 12,000 federal employees in 2009. Since government employees, as compared to private sector employees, are vested with additional constitutional procedural rights before they may be terminated, firing a civil servant is more difficult and takes more time, but it can and should be done. Link  Sessions should do it and do it now to stop the leaks.

Who is Behind Hannity Attack?

None other than the former conservative turned socialist liberal, David Brock and Media Matters, (MM) who is funded by…you guessed it!  George Soros.   MM is known for its aggressive criticism of conservative journalists and media outlets, including its “War on Fox News.”

The former conservative turned liberal, David Brock, is now aligned with leftist elitists.  John Podesta, former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, and chairman of Hillary’s campaign, provided office space for Media Matters early in its formation at the Center for American Progress, a Democratic think tank which Podesta established in 2002.  Brock is also very close to Hillary Clinton, and Podesta actually writes for MM.

Jeff Bezos and the CIA

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, who is worth $89 billion, bought the Washington Post (WaPo) even though it was losing money, because it is influential in politics and creates public perception of the news, in other words, it lies with impunity, as does all leftist media.

Amazon signed a data processing and storage contract with the CIA in 2015, and Bezos is close to that agency – perhaps very close.  The CIA contract is for $600 million, at least twice what Bezos paid for the Post in 2013. The contract is supposed to be a deal for Bezos and his web-based business to build the CIA a private cloud for intel data.  WaPo attacks President Trump daily with false stories that most likely come from the CIA.  Bezos hired several Democrat Party insiders, including John Podesta. Put all that together, and you are looking at an example of the deep state.

Amazon has a bad history of currying favor with the U.S. government’s “national security” establishment. The media watch group FAIRpointed out what happened after WikiLeaks published State Department cables: “WikiLeaks was booted from Amazon’s webhosting service AWS. So, at the height of public interest in what WikiLeaks was publishing, readers were unable to access the WikiLeaks website.”

“What emerges now is what, in intelligence parlance, is called an ‘agent of influence’ owning the Post — with a huge financial interest in playing nice with the CIA,” said former CIA official Ray McGovern. “In other words, two main players nourishing the national security state in undisguised collaboration.” [Link]


There’s so much more, but it’s doubtful we’ll ever really know the full story.  Sean Hannity came close to losing his job when Soros’s minions pressured his advertisers to drop him because of his Seth Rich exposes.

Where is CIA Director Michael Pompeo, what does he know, and what is he doing about all of this?

P.S.  Many hours are spent every week by researchers who write for NewsWithViews, and we do it without compensation, strictly for the love of our country.  Paul Walter, Senior Editor of NWVs, spends every evening making sure our articles are uploaded and sent into your email each morning.  Keeping a website like NWVs up and running is no small project, and it does cost money.  Any donations you can send to help will be greatly appreciated.  You can send donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Our President’s Amazing And Successful First Foreign Trip

The Egyptian president, al-Sisi, gave President Trump the ultimate compliment yesterday.   He said, “Mr. President, let me express our appreciation and respect. Let me say you have a unique personality that is capable of doing the impossible.” (Can you imagine the angst our American Socialist media is feeling?!)

In watching all the speeches and pomp and ceremony, I was very proud of our President, and proud for America.  For the first time in decades, I’m seeing foreign dignitaries respect America’s leader, and truly like him.  Maybe it’s just politics, but I don’t think so.  Despite all the hatred spewed by our media, the democrats and the neo-cons, this President can and will accomplish great things.

It is suffocating living in America where freedom of speech is oppressed in the name of hatred for our President because he won the election. The disrespect and sedition fomented by the media, by Hollywood, by commentators is a sign of the disintegration of decency in our culture. Is it even possible to get back to the basics of civility with each other? The societal decay is sadly so very evident, that I highly doubt it.  I’ve even experienced this lack of civility from a Hillary supporting neighbor we’ve been friends with for 30 years.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia

It refreshing to see the president away from home, where he is treated well. Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi led the way in confronting Islamic terrorism.  He exiled the Muslim Brotherhood and formed a coalition of Arab nations to confront the extremist elements promoting violence.  King Abdullah III of Jordan joined in 2014; and that eventually led to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States uniting and forming an anti-extremism Arab coalition.

In 2015, King Salman of Saudi Arabia took up the cause for peace, and this has resulted in the Arab Islamic American Summit.

On Saturday, the 20th of May, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman placed the King Abdulaziz al Saud Collar around President Trump’s neck during a ceremony in the country’s capital. The gold medallion is considered the kingdom’s highest civilian honor.

Trump received the medal during a ceremony at the Royal Court in Riyadh shortly after he arrived in Saudi Arabia for his first foreign trip as president.

Here is the full transcript of his speech where he lashes out at Iran, and says its own citizens are victims of its policies and that terror groups ISIS, Al-Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas are responsible for generations of vanished dreams. He is right, my first son-in-law came out of Iran when the Shah was still in power, and they loved him and being westernized.  When his parents visited America, after the Shah had died, if I mentioned Khomeni’s name, they’d immediately say, “Morte, Morte,” meaning “death.”  They hated him.

The President didn’t mince words when he spoke about eliminating Islamic terrorism and murderous acts against Jews and Christians.

There is still much work to be done. That means honestly confronting the crisis of Islamic extremism and the Islamists and Islamic terror of all kinds. We must stop what they’re doing to inspire, because they do nothing to inspire but kill. Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear. Barbarism will deliver you no glory. Piety to evil will bring you no dignity. If you choose the path of terror, your life will be empty, your life will be brief, and your soul will be fully condemned. And political leaders must speak out to affirm the same idea. Heroes don’t kill innocents. They save them.

This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people of all religions who seek to protect it.

This is a battle between Good and Evil.

Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia may well obtain a massive weapons arsenal and missile defense system in a $110 billion deal pushed by H.R. McMaster, Gary Cohn, and Dina Habib Powell. Under this arrangement, the Saudis will obtain technology to build civilian nuclear reactors.  President Trump has expressed strong skepticism of this deal.

The Grace of our First Lady Wins Israeli Fans

The very lovely and thoughtful first lady won many fans with her kindness to Nechama Rivlin, President Rivlin’s wife.

Here is the story from my dear friend in Israel:

The most memorable moment from this trip, to me, was that moment at the entrance to the house of President Rivlin.

Nechama Rivlin, President Rivlin’s wife, welcomed the First Lady Melania Trump at the door. As they were about to walk inside, Nechama whispered to Melania that she will do her best to catch up with the walking pace, but she might be a bit slower because of her medical condition which requires her to use an oxygen tank. Melania took her hand, looked at her and said, “We’ll walk at any pace you choose.” And so, they walked, slowly, gracefully and proudly, hand in hand.
That is the moment I choose to cherish. That silent gesture has neither any political significance nor any colorful tone to it, but it is everything.

It is the hope we yearn for when we speak of peace;
It is the kindness we wish to protect when we speak of defeating terror;
It is the dignity we want to teach when we speak of stopping hate;
It is the friendship we pray for when we speak of our unbreakable bond;
In other words, this gesture encompasses everything that is good, kind and human.

The Trumps and Netanyahus

It is quite obvious these two leaders and their wives are very affectionate friends.  Benjamin Netanyahu is a totally different man than he was with Barack Hussein Obama.

I don’t remember which trip it was that Netanyahu made to the Obama White House, but I do remember that Obama was rude, offensive, antagonistic and proper protocol, which we rarely saw from Hussein, was totally defunct.  The former President even made Netanyahu use the rear entrance to the White House…such poor taste was evident with an ally we desperately need in the Middle East. I was appalled and embarrassed and angry at what was done to our ally.

Remember when Netanyahu came to the United States and addressed the joint session of Congress on the danger of the American-Iran deal? That infuriated Obama. He tried to get that speech cancelled but he couldn’t because the Speaker of the House is who extends such invitations.  I loved that speech, it was phenomenal and I’m sure General Flynn can validate Netanyahu’s worries.

Limbaugh reminded us of another horrible slight by Obama to Prime Minister Netanyahu.  He told this story:

Obama and Netanyahu and their various aides were working on something, and abruptly Obama got up and said to Netanyahu, “I’m leaving. I have to go have dinner with my family. You stay here. You keep working on this, and I’ll come back afterwards and see where you are.” The White House was very proud of that. They made sure that news got out. Disrespecting the prime minister of Israel? That was a big plus for Obama with his buddies around the world and his lunatic Democrat base.

Obama may have felt big when he did this, but he made America small.  Now we have a President who we can once again be proud of as he travels the globe and represents the United States and her people.

President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered remarks to the media prior to dinner together at the residence of Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu.

The protocol was one of ease and great friendship, and this is historic for our country as is the fact that our president was the first to make a trip to the Western wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism.

Netanyahu said he would go with President Trump to the wall, but our President said he did not want it to be a media event, he wished to pay respects alone.

Our President also visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. This was a great day for these two countries who are such great allies.

President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered remarks to the media prior to dinner together at the residence of Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu.  The Prime Minister’s comments were very interesting.

We want you to know how much we appreciate the change in American policy on Iran which you enunciated so clearly, just an hour ago.  I want you to know how much we appreciate your bold decision to act against the use of chemical weapons in Syria, and I want to tell you how much we appreciate the reassertion of American leadership in the Middle East….I look forward to working closely with you to confront the dangers we face together in this violent and volatile Middle East.

I believe that together we can roll back Iran’s march of aggression and terror in this region and we can thwart Iran’s unbridled ambition to become a nuclear weapon state.  I also look forward to working closely with you to advance peace in our region because you have noted so succinctly that common dangers and turning former enemies into partners, and that’s where we see something new and potentially something very promising. 

It won’t be simple, but for the first time in many years, and Mr. President, for the first time in my lifetime, I see a real hope for change, (not the change of former President Obama). The Arab leaders who you met yesterday could help change the atmosphere and they could help create the conditions for a realistic peace.  These are all great signs on your historic visit.  It’s a visit that I think has echoed down the ages because the great Abraham Lincoln is reported to have said that there was no city on earth that he so much desired to see as Jerusalem. Well, Mr. President, Donald, there’s no city on earth where you are more welcome than right here with us in Jerusalem.  Welcome to Jerusalem!  Welcome to Israel!

Our President and First Lady at Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem is Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. Established in 1953, Yad Vashem is on the western slope of Mount Herzl, also known as the Mount of Remembrance.

It is dedicated to preserving the memory of the dead; honoring Jews who fought against their Nazi oppressors and Gentiles who selflessly aided Jews in need; and researching the phenomenon of the Holocaust in particular and genocide in general, with the aim of avoiding such events in the future.


The American media has called our President incompetent, incapable, reckless and so dangerous and stupid and uninformed and ill-prepared that he could undo all of the great accomplishments of every president before him and do it in record time.  But that’s not what’s happening is it!?  Instead, the foreign leaders are singing President Trump’s praises.

The Donald Trump of the media would have you believe everything negative they spew about our President, but the man who is representing America is truly the epitome of a great leader.

We now have a president who is respected by foreign leaders, and I thank God for him, and would ask everyone to pray for our President, for guidance, wisdom, and protection.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Message To President Trump, Time To Pull The Plug On The Swamp

How soon we forget history…Government is not reason.  Government is not eloquence.  It is force. And like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. —George Washington

We have never had total war against a President like we’re seeing with Donald Trump. All elements of national media are uniting to stop him.  —Ann Coulter

It’s nearly incontrovertible that a slow-motion coup d’état is being attempted. Since November 9, 2016, forces within the U.S. government, media, and partisan opposition have aligned to overthrow the Electoral College winner, Donald J. Trump.  From the day of his electoral victory over Hillary Clinton, the Fake News Media (FNM) has waged flat-out relentless war upon him.

Our President is in a nest of vipers, a swamp with treacherous and traitorous snakes intent on destroying his Presidency.  It’s time to take off the gloves and drain the swamp.

It’s War Against the Deep State

Communist Vladimir Lenin stated, “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”  Our globalist establishment socialist media and politicos are following Lenin’s words to a “T.”

It is why President Trump must pull the plug on the swamp.

Everything our President has wanted to do has been sabotaged by previous administration appointees with too much authority, and their underlings have followed suit.  Every single person in any appointed position, not appointed by President Trump, needs to be told, “Thank you for your service, but as of 5 p.m. today you are no longer needed.”  Start with the holdovers in the Justice Department.

Mr. President, you’re not going to lose by telling them goodbye, and you need to put your own people in charge.  We’ve seen you hire successful businessmen, and that’s wonderful, but you cannot choose from inside the beltway with establishment globalists and win.

On Monday (5/15), the Washington Post ran this front page headline:  Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador.  And how did the WaPo know this?  Because anonymous “current and former U.S. officials” who were not there told them.  It is obvious where this bilge originated.

These establishment insiders are passing false information to the democrats and media, and once these insiders are gone, you will have cut the head off the snake.  Their underlings will be afraid they’re next, and your loyal appointees can finally take their places.

Grassroots Supporters Make Great Employees

Bring in your initial supporters, there are many fine people in America who supported you and went to extreme lengths for 18 months to help you get elected.  We want you to succeed, far more than any of the beltway insiders!  There are so many of us!  The former sheriff right here in Knoxville, TN, who ran the President’s East Tennessee campaign for a full 18 months, has anti-terrorism training received in Israel that few in the DHS have had.  He should be in your Department of Homeland Security, and he’s a helicopter pilot as well!  Another strong supporter who I would love to see in your administration, and who could help you in so many ways, is Rudy Giuliani!

The left is never going to stop because they cannot believe you won the election, but expelling them from your administration will be a powerful blow to their bloodlust derangement.  It’s time to go on the offensive with a sledgehammer of criminal prosecution by the Justice Department.

The Left Will Never Accept Election Results

At the end of the third presidential debate in October of 2016, Chris Wallace asked Donald Trump if he would accept the results of the election.  Of course, Hillary said she would because she believed she had it all locked up.  However, Mr. Trump said, “I will tell you at the time.” Hillary Clinton responded to Trump’s rigged elections claims by calling his remark, “horrifying.”  She said, “That is not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around for 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections. We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election.”

Well Hillary, you and the rest of the establishment globalists in our government as well as the media, have made it clear that they don’t accept the people’s choice of Donald J. Trump.  This is why a stake must be driven through the heart of their socialist dogma.

Coddled Snowflakes Lose It

Protestors have shouted, “Not my President.” Leftists literally took to the streets to shout and cry and burn flags because their preferred candidate lost.  The college snowflakes have proven even more embarrassing. The front page of the Harvard Crimson is full of articles about the “anxiety,” “disbelief” or “shock” being felt by students and faculty over Trump’s win. Cornell students hosted a “cry-in” that allowed students to “console” each other.

Protests erupted at many other schools, including Columbia, where these snowflakes were “weeping in the streets” and “running, screaming and crying.” The University of Michigan-Flint provided students “safe spaces” and “counseling” to help them deal with the results of the election.

Good Lord, these puppies and kitties couldn’t have lived through WWII, much less the depressions of 1929 and 1931.  They haven’t a clue of what hardscrabble Americans lived through in those days, and how they struggled and survived and won.

There is NO Russian Collusion

Everyone knows it, including some of the Democratic leftists.  Even Alan Dershowitz has openly stated there is no evidence of any Trump/Russia collusion.

You know where there was collusion? How about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz throwing Bernie Sanders under the bus. She and the DNC promoted Hillary Clinton, and the leaked emails showed how the Democrats screwed over Bernie Sanders.

How about the collusion between CNN and the Hillary Clinton campaign to the extent of giving her debate questions in advance? And that would be Donna Brazile, who worked at CNN. There’s some collusion for you, and that’s meddling in an election to boot. There’s no evidence the Russians did anything of the sort, and yet what are they investigating?

Our President’s Promises

Patriotic Americans came out in droves to vote for Donald J. Trump.  He promised to build a border wall and stop illegal immigration, and the number of illegals crossing our border is already down 70%.  That wall will be built, and there is money for the wall.

Our President promised to reverse Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders.  Trump has turned back a good number of them, and there’s many more to come.  Link

Withholding federal funding from sanctuary cities where illegal immigrants and lawbreakers are harbored will happen in time, and the Justice Department may end up doing it.

Donald J. Trump wants to re-equip and rebuild our military, reduce federal regulations and cut corporate taxes to get the economy growing, encourage domestic exploration and production of domestic energy source, renegotiate or eliminate trade deals, and the big one, tax reform to simplify the income tax system, and shrink the size of federal bureaucracy. 

Key Positions Need to Be Filled

It is unbelievable how many key positions the Senate has failed to confirm.  Of 557 key positions requiring Senate confirmation … 455 still have no nominee, and perhaps some of them won’t, 24 are still awaiting nomination, 49 are formally nominated, and only 29 are confirmed.  What is the holdup on the other 20?

These positions include Cabinet secretaries, deputy and assistant secretaries, chief financial officers, general counsel, heads of agencies, ambassadors and other critical leadership positions. These are a portion of the roughly 1,200 positions that require Senate confirmation.

So yes, President Trump, it definitely is time to drain the swamp and do as Jack Welch suggests.

It’s Time for Total Hardball

Jack Welch, the former chief executive of General Electric, advised the president to get more aggressive with the Deep State government bureaucrats whose leaks have triggered much of the chaos now engulfing the White House. “You’ve got to nail them and get them the hell out of there,” Welch said.

Waging war against the Fake News Media is even more urgently necessary.  That’s because the FNM is the Deep State’s mouthpiece to the world.  Shutting down the mouthpiece by slitting its jugular means cleaning house.

Support our President

Email:  (thanks to Richard for this)

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202)-224-3121

If you don’t know your representatives, go to who is my and enter your zip code or state.

P.S. Time is a commodity none of us can regain once it’s gone, but if you’re spending time doing something the Lord has led you to do, it never seems a waste.  The journalists at NewsWithViews spend hours in research and writing, and our editor spends even more time putting it all together in a format that comes into your home daily.  I know that late every evening, he is up working to keep Americans informed with the truth, and that is why I so often ask for a few dollars in donations.  We donate our time and talent, and Paul Walter donates his hard-earned money and time, all to save our country.  Please, please help if you can, and send your donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Stand Up For Trump Or Lose America Forever

Media, Deep State, GOP RINOs, Democrats and Never Trumpers out to destroy our president

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” —Coco Chanel

The elite media has been caught in so many lies because of false statements that its whole reputation has eroded, their circulation is down, and their profits are down. —Geraldo Rivera

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.”Edmund Burke

Why the Media Lies

Well, Geraldo, you don’t know the half of it, and undoubtedly you haven’t done your homework to know why the Democratic socialist media is allowed to lie with impunity.  It all started in 1964 with the supreme court case, NYTs v. Sullivan.  This progressive Warren Court decision destroyed the dignity of the American people.  Prior to ’64, media could not and did not lie about others for fear of retribution, (i.e., being sued for libel or slander) but with this SCOTUS decision, all that has changed.  We can thank the liberal 1964 Warren Supreme Court for a unanimous decision in New York Times Company v. Sullivan.  Remember, they’re the same court that in 1962 took prayer out of school.

This landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84 S. Ct. 710, 11 L. Ed. 2d 686 (1964), extended the First Amendment‘s guarantee of free speech to LIBEL cases brought by public officials. The Supreme Court sought to encourage public debate by changing the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts.

And now we see what this decision has allowed leftist media to do to the President chosen by grassroots Americans who were tired of the lies, deceit and destruction of our beloved country. Middle America had had enough, and although the pollsters and the pipers tried to convince us to not even bother to vote, we were fed up with the denizens of the swamp. It was time, and we got our first non-globalist, non-New World Order president in decades.

Left Still Screaming Election Rigged

The same party who had ridiculed Trump on his comments about the election being rigged, (see Devvy Kidd’s latest) started screaming that the election was rigged. They even advocated having the election repeated. They created mobs that burned and pillaged, stopped traffic, threatened murder, battery and rape of Trump supporters, and became the anarchists that the socialist dream thrives upon.  Anything to derail Trump from winning.

The insanity continues blaming the Russians and even Senator Diane Feinstein says, “We have zero evidence of Russian collusion during the 2016 presidential campaign.”  That’s because there is no truth whatsoever to this claim.  However, the leftist media glommed onto it when Trump made a joke about Hillary’s missing emails.

During one of the Presidential debates, while speaking about the hacking of DNC emails, Trump made a sarcastic joke and said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’ll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”  And that’s all it took for the Socialist media to accuse Trump of collusion with Russia.

Trump Fires Comey

President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey and was accused of sharing top-secret intelligence data with the Russian foreign minister and the Russian ambassador to the United States, the latter a known Russian spy.  The firing was not done with Presidential class, yet I understand completely why Trump got rid of him, as we all knew Comey was in Obama’s pocket.  And there is far more to this than meets the eye, more in an upcoming article.

The left hated Comey as they perceived he cost Hillary the election.  Reid wanted Comey investigated, the leftist Atlantic stated that Comey had done lasting damage to the FBI, Politico claimed Comey had destroyed Clinton’s chances and needed to go.  Every leftist rag and all the Democrats piled on Comey, but when Trump fired him, the left was in a predicament.  They are now claiming that Trump interfered with the investigation into the non-existent Russian involvement in the 2016 election by getting rid of the man charged with investigating this claim.  The hogwash and bull dung is shoulder deep.

Media Attacks on Trump

The Washington Post, owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, is promoting the intentional evil destruction of this American electorate supported presidency.  The Post declared that Trump met with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador and shared intelligence with the Russians, which by the way, he has the right to do. Why?  Because, as President, he can declassify anything anytime he chooses.  Undoubtedly a rogue intelligence agent gave this information to the Post, and in doing so, committed a felony.  Typical of the Obama elitists.

Now the Post has stated that, “A month before Donald Trump clinched the Republican nomination, one of his closest allies in Congress — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy — made a politically explosive assertion in a private conversation on Capitol Hill with his fellow GOP leaders: that Trump could be the beneficiary of payments from Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, according to a recording of the June 15, 2016, exchange, which was listened to and verified by The Washington Post.  Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is a Californian Republican known in Congress as a fervent defender of Putin and Russia.

It wasn’t long ago that the leftists all loved Russia and wanted to snuggle up to them, but now they’re using these lies to say that our President is in bed with Russia’s leader.

Kevin McCarthy is an obvious globalist neo-con Trotskyite to even suggest such balderdash.

The Leaks

All these leaks mean Trump must fear his own Intel Community.  He needs to tell Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to annul both of his recusals.  The first recusal was given during his confirmation hearing where he recused himself from ever going after Hillary Clinton’s alleged criminal actions.  The second recusal was that he wouldn’t be in charge of this phony Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

He also needs to tell AG Sessions to can anyone who was hired by former administrations, no matter who it was.  None of them are trustworthy.

We are now stuck with Deputy AG, Rod Rosenberg’s choice of investigator, Robert Mueller, and it was approved by the President.  This is another democrat coup.

Who is Robert Mueller?

Democrats have just been gifted their Special Prosecutor by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.  Rick Wells reported, “They’re popping the champagne at the DNC and in various swamp watering holes across the sewer that is our nation’s capital, one of the many traitors within the Trump administration has, as is typical, given in to Democrat demands. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has named former FBI Director Robert Mueller, a longtime associate of the fired former FBI Director James Comey, as the Special Prosecutor they’ve been lusting for.”  Rick’s words are spot on!

Why should we be uncomfortable with Mueller?  Here are four reasons from a fellow researcher… 1) The leftist establishment is comfortable with him. 2) He worked in tandem with Comey on a couple of high profile cases. 3) He was chosen as FBI head by George W Bush (hater of Trump and owner of the words “That was some weird shit,” in describing Trump Inauguration speech. 4) Obama, felt so comfortable with Mueller that upon taking office he extended Mueller’s ten-year tenure an additional two years.

Not exactly a resume I feel comfortable in handing our president’s fate over to.

It is worth reiterating Mueller’s misguided handiwork and collaboration with radical Islamic organizations as FBI director. Judicial Watch exclusively obtained droves of records back in 2013 documenting how, under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI purged all anti-terrorism training material deemed “offensive” to Muslims after secret meetings between Islamic organizations and the FBI chief. Judicial Watch had to sue to get the records and published an in-depth report on the scandal in 2013 and a lengthier, updated follow-up in 2015.  Read Judicial Watch’s full report.

Also check out Comey and Mueller’s showdown at John Ashcroft’s hospital bed.  Link

Trump says, “Never Give Up!”

Trump gave a beautiful speech to the Coast Guard Academy Commencement.  Trump told the cadets that “adversity makes you stronger” and to never “give in,” “back down,” or “stop doing what you know is right.”

“Nothing worth doing ever, ever, ever came easy,” he said. “And the more righteous your fight, the more opposition that you will face.”

Here is his entire speech, and everything he says is spot on!  For once we have a President who tells the truth! Trump’s speech starts at 1:09:40.

Where is Trump’s Support?

Are his only supporters Lou Dobbs and Sean Hannity?  Where are any true conservatives in Congress who should be standing up for the President the American people elected?

Remember the words of Irish statesman, Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.  Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.  Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.”

So, again folks, it’s up to us.  If we don’t support the man we chose to save our country, no one else will.  The Congress is full of globalist socialists on both sides of the aisle.  We must be active.  The left is funded and promoted by George Soros’ monies and they march and scream and want their communist USA. See Shaun Hannity show last night. He’s right on. If we don’t wake up and help our president you will live under Communism and lose America forever.

To stop this insanity, it’s all up to us.  As Burke said, if we do nothing, evil will triumph.

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202) 224-3121

When you call the Capital tell the Republican’s to get a backbone and stand up to the Communists, I mean the DemocRats. An Elephant isn’t scared of a Jackass.

If you don’t know your representatives, go to and enter your zip code or state.

One of my readers told me an even better place to write, but I can’t find it…lost in all the emails.

P.S. Every day, journalists who write for NewsWithViews do so to bring you the latest news the MSM fails to deliver. Our editor, Paul Walter, strives to get these important articles into your home on a daily basis to help all of us to save America. Time and money are the efforts put into this website, efforts that are given in life blood. Won’t you help us keep this website alive by donating a few dollars every month. I know we’re all struggling, but freedom is not free, and we all know it, and a few bucks from your grocery money won’t be missed, but will help us to bring truth to America. You can donate here.

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Senator Mike Lee Promotes Anti-Gun Merrick Garland For FBI Director

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Merrick Garland has a long record, and, among other things, it leads to the conclusion that he would vote to reverse one of Justice Scalia’s most important opinions, D.C. vs. Heller, which affirmed that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms.   

Has Senator Mike Lee Lost His Mind?

Or is the Senator a moderate leftist himself?  Lee is tweeting Trump that he should nominate Merrick Garland for Director of the FBI in order to quell the hatred from the left.  Really Mikey?  There is nothing that would stop the globalist’s hatred of political outsider, Donald J. Trump!

And why the hell should we cave to them time and time again?  Has caving to the left produced anything worthwhile in the past?  No, of course it hasn’t, and it never will.  Tell me one time Senator when the left has caved to the right!  They are fighting tooth and nail to derail and destroy this presidency, something you also tried to do.  Giving them anything is pure asinine stupidity showing weakness and lack of judgment.  They need to be destroyed, not encouraged.

Senator Mike Lee is no Conservative

Before we look at Judge Garland’s background, let’s take a closer look at Mike Lee.

In early October, 2016, Senator Mike Lee said to Trump, “I respectfully ask you, with all due respect, to step aside. Step down, allow someone else to carry the banner of these principles… rather than weighing down the American people.”

Does anyone who supported our new President believe he should listen to Senator Lee?  And just who did you want to carry the banner Senator?  Your globalist buddy, Dominionist Ted Cruz?

In September of 2016, Trump put Lee on a list of possible Supreme Court nominees; Lee rebuffed him, saying he preferred to stay in the Senate.  Good Senator, we don’t want you on the high court.

The Deseret News said Mike Lee has lost credibility to speak on financial issues…because he did a short-sell on his home that us regular folks can’t do because we don’t have pull with the banks.

We also remember what you did at the Republican Convention Senator!  You and your wife, Sharon Lee were rules committee members at the RNC, both of whom supported Ted Cruz and hoped to change the rules to derail Trump. That did not happen.

Ken Cuccinelli of the Senate Conservatives Fund and Mike Lee both sold out grassroots conservatives so they could make a spectacle on the floor of the Republican National Convention as part of the last dying breaths of the “NeverTrump” collective.

As a so-called pro-life senator, you didn’t care about Flint, Michigan babies drinking water laced with lead, did you?   Lee fought to prevent any federal funding from going to help the city of Flint, Michigan replace the old lead pipes that are causing their water to be contaminated.

Back in September of 2016, Lee was one of only three Senators to oppose a $10 billion water bill that included $100 million in aid to Flint — specifically because of that part of the bill. In March, he blocked another $220 million emergency aid package to Flint. He supported a Republican stopgap budget that included aid to flood victims in four states, but not the aid to Flint.  Link

We remember that you told trade experts that you were looking for ways to curtail the president’s wide-ranging powers to impose tariffs…you’d rather foreign governments have manufacturing rather than American corporations, which would offer American jobs.

Mike Lee on Immigration

In 2013, Lee introduced bills that would eliminate the per country percentage caps on all H1B visa holders. The second bill would extend the amount of time certain agricultural workers are allowed to stay and work.  Sorry Senator, but this doesn’t help American workers or high school and college kids looking for part-time work.

Lee also supported legislation that would bring more Muslims into America. In January of 2015, a handful of Senators quietly introduced new legislation in Congress that would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigration into the United States – lifting caps entirely on several categories of visas favored by immigrants from Muslim countries. The Mark Zuckerberg-backed legislation, S.153, was called the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared). [Link]

The I-Squared bill is significant for a second reason. One of the Senators who introduced the bill, former Presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, won reelection to the Florida Senate. Remember the infamous Gang of Eight?

In August of 2015, Senators Cruz, Grassley, and Sessions were all lobbying for legislation that would enact a mandatory minimum prison sentence of five years for immigrants who try to re-enter the country illegally after being deported. This was in response to the murder of Kathryn Steinle after Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an immigrant from Mexico who had repeatedly re-entered the United States illegally after being deported, allegedly fired the shot that killed the 32-year-old woman on July 1, 2015.

According to Politico, Mike Lee was aligned with liberal Democratic Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Dick Durbin of Illinois to ease mandatory minimums for certain crimes, and is uncomfortable with such binding punishments for immigration offenses. He even threatened to oppose sanctuary cities legislation that includes mandatory minimums.

In Michelle Malkin’s book, Sold Out, she covered the I-Squared Act, S.153. She stated, “If you are an American worker, that bill is more appropriately called the ‘I’m Screwed Act.’” This rotten legislation had 14 sponsors back in 2015, and Senator Mike Lee of Utah was one of them.

The Senator isn’t nearly as conservative as many believe.  In fact, he’s very much like establishment globalist, John McCain.

Obama’s Nominee, Merrick Garland

Garland is the chief judge of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals who was nominated by Obama for the Supreme Court seat vacated when Judge Antonin Scalia died.  But Garland never received a hearing or a vote, his nomination was stalled by Senate Republicans who argued a justice should be nominated by whoever won the upcoming 2016 presidential election.  Thank God, the Republicans kept him out, for once they stood their ground against the left, a miracle in itself.

Not only is Senator Lee pushing Garland, but the judge was also floated by the so-called conservative Daily Caller, which speculated Garland’s confirmation would clear a coveted seat on the influential D.C. Court of Appeals, allowing Trump to appoint a right-leaning judge.  Definitely not an argument that holds water in my book.

According to a ranking of Supreme Court and appeals court judges, Garland was rated as ideologically similar to Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama’s previous picks for the court, and this is who Senator Lee wants for FBI Director?

Garland and the Second Amendment

If you want a judge who hates the second amendment, Garland is the man. Mike Lee framed Garland’s “long history of prosecutorial experience” as “an exciting pick” to head the FBI.  Really?  Obama’s choice for the high court is an “exciting pick?”

Garland’s extensive record leads to the conclusion that he would vote to reverse one of Justice Scalia’s most important opinions, D.C. vs. Heller, which affirmed that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms, and there is history to prove it.

In 2007, Judge Garland voted to undo a D.C. Circuit court decision striking down one of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation.  Most gun owners remember this decision.

The socialist District of Columbia government had passed a ban on individual handgun possession, which even prohibited having a firearm in your own home for self-defense. A three-judge panel struck down the ban, but Garland wanted to reconsider that ruling. He voted with another liberal on the court, Judge David Tatel, who by the way, sits on the board of the liberty destroying Carnegie Foundation.

Earlier cases had signaled their strong hostility to gun owner rights.  Fortunately, they didn’t win the vote, and the Supremes had a chance to hear and rule on the case, for the people and the Constitution.

And in an earlier case Garland voted with Tatel to uphold an unlawful Clinton-era regulation that created an illegal gun registry. Congress prohibited federal gun registration mandates back in 1968, but the Clinton Administration had been “retaining for six months the records of lawful gun buyers from the National Instant Check System.”

By storing these records, the feds created a registry that violated the 1968 law. It even violated the 1994 law that had created the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in the first place. Congress directly forbade the government from retaining background check records for law abiding citizens.

Garland, however, thought all of these regulations were legal, which doesn’t say much for his judicial abilities! Obviously, he has a very liberal view of our second amendment rights and his ability to trample the Constitution, since he apparently wanted to undo a key court victory protecting them. And he had no problem upholding illegal executive actions that violate our rights as gun owners.

He’s no moderate, that’s for sure.

Much of the above info is taken from Carrie Severino’s excellent article in National Review.

Garland on Social Issues

As for the abortion issue, it rarely came up in the D.C. Circuit Court.  Their rulings were mostly on regulations, so finding where he stands is unlikely as his stance on social issues is very murky.  Americans United for Life believe he’s pro-abortion.  Their proof however, is weak, but I’d bet AUL is right.

Apparently, Garland once spoke at a gathering celebrating the 2005 release of a book on the late Justice Harry Blackmun by veteran New York Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse. After Blackmun’s death, Greenhouse had drawn heavily on the release of a huge treasure trove of Blackmun’s papers—papers Garland called “a great gift to the country.” Blackmun was the author of Roe v. Wade.

According to a ranking of Supreme Court and appeals court judges, Garland is ideologically similar to Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama’s previous picks for the court.  Needless to say, I wouldn’t want him on the high court, and neither would I want him as Director of the FBI.

Roger Stone’s choice for FBI Director is Jeanine Pirro.  Sounds good to me!

P.S.  In today’s world everything costs, but rarely do we stop to count the cost of liberty and freedom.  Our mainstream media is fully owned and controlled, and truth is a rare commodity.  NewsWithViews works diligently to bring you up-to-date information on what is really happening in our country, and like everything else, costs have risen.  Won’t you please help us keep the truth coming into your homes every morning…no matter the size of the donation, every little bit helps.  You can donate here, and keep freedom alive.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Trump Defends Flynn While Clashing With McMaster

The intelligence community does not have complete ‘eyes on’ the totality of the Iranian nuclear program, nor can it guarantee that we have identified all of Iran’s nuclear facilities and processes. LTG Michael T. Flynn

General Flynn as the Scapegoat

What is it with the hatred of General Michael T. Flynn? Fear? Is it the fact that Flynn knows far more about the enemies of freedom than anyone else in any of the past administrations all the way back to Carter? It seems obvious that the globalists on both the left and right do not want the Islamic threat exposed or eliminated, neither do they want many other facets of their existence uncovered which would totally destroy them.

Why is it that the West Wing officials all wish to jump on the bandwagon to throw Flynn under the bus? This is over the top contempt even worse than was shown for Trump during the campaign.  President Trump says Flynn is the victim of a Democrat/media-fueled “witch hunt,” and he is right, but add to the fact that many globalists surround our new President and they surely wanted rid of a man as accomplished as Flynn.

White House staffers have been anonymously telling reporters for weeks that Flynn was a bad advisor with an agenda, and comments were not confined to one faction of the White House. Two of those globalists, Vice President Mike Pence and Priebus, supported getting rid of Flynn after they alleged he misled his colleagues about conversations with the Russian ambassador.

The willingness to throw Flynn under the bus has been broadly shared, but we don’t know the real reason why, and most likely never will.  Link

The Bogus Russian Connection

We’re still getting this yada clap trap that Flynn lied to VP Pence, but I’m not buying it, and neither is anyone else. The whole Flynn/Russia connection portrayed by the media and intelligence is hogwash and everyone knows it. As Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn had the highest security clearance you can get, and had every right as National Security Advisor to speak to the Russian ambassador. So why the hell was he fired?

Want to talk about real collusion with Russia, take a look at Hillary Clinton’s approval of the transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russia and nine investors in the deal who funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.  But of course, media never speaks of that Kremlin/Clinton scandal.  The progressives and the media yawned!  Link

Axed for Speaking the Truth

Obama fired the General from his position as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014, after Flynn told a congressional committee that the American people are in more danger now than just a few years ago, an uncomfortable truth Obama didn’t want the American people to hear.  When the General saw policies that were unfavorable to America, he spoke out about it, and Obama looked at Flynn as disloyal. But that’s Hussein Obama. Flynn was one of the most vocal and loyal campaigners and supporters of Trump from day one of Trump’s announcement to run.

The very same day that Clapper and Yates were to testify before the Senate subcommittee, it was leaked that Obama had whispered in Trump’s ear, “This Flynn guy? You can’t trust the guy. I wouldn’t have him in there.” And of course, Sally Yates, the former acting AG stated that General Flynn was susceptible to blackmail because of his phone call with the Russian ambassador. Well Sally, if your statement was true, all the democrats who snuggled with Sergey Kislyak are also susceptible to blackmail, but Flynn was only following orders, and he definitely had security clearances the others did not.

The hatred of General Flynn, who could have helped our President “Keep America Safe,” is beyond the pale and utterly disgusting.

After all these so-called investigations by former FBI Director Comey and Sally Yates and Clapper’s testimonies, we still have no idea who the leakers were who got this mess started.  However, we do have Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and AG Sessions to thank for getting our President to finally tell Comey, “You’re fired!”  And for good reason!

Trump Stops Anti-Flynn Rhetoric

The President has told his staff to immediately stop feeding negatives about Flynn to the media.  It’s worth noting that the one person in the White House who is still standing by Flynn is our President.  Trump says Flynn is the victim of a “witch hunt,” and has publicly endorsed Flynn’s past request for immunity.  Sources have stated the following from our President:

  • General Flynn is a good man who served his country admirably.
  • The Russia story is “fake news” and Flynn did nothing wrong by having the conversations with the Russian ambassador.
  • When Flynn went to Russia in 2015 to deliver a paid speech and take a photo with Putin, he was acting under an Obama security clearance. This is a point the President wants to stress, and you can expect to hear the White House press team repeat it.

But why the heck was Flynn fired to begin with? There is no reason for the man to be out of a job when he supported Trump all the way through the campaign. There is nothing that General Flynn did that hasn’t been done by other NSA Directors.

Trump Disillusioned with McMaster

According to Eli Lake’s recent article in Bloomberg, Washington loves Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, and that includes Senator McCain, but the bloom is off the rose for Trump. There have been some major disagreements between the President and his rather pompous and arrogant security advisor.

The disillusionment may have first started when the General reportedly told the National Security Council staff that the label “radical Islamic terrorism” was not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic.” That has been his position for years. McMaster even sent memos throughout the government complaining of Trump’s usage of these words in the joint session of Congress speech.  That was Obama’s stance, but President Trump has used those very words many times. Experts on Koranic law have openly stated that the Obama-McMaster interpretation of Islamic scripture is plainly wrong.

Even more worrisome is the fact that a faction of the White House staff is convinced that McMaster is trying to trick Trump into the kind of nation building our President campaigned against. Apparently, Trump was livid when he found out that McMaster had told his South Korean counterpart that it wasn’t official policy to get them to pay for a new missile system, when Trump was trying to get them to pay their fair share.

McMaster’s Choice of NSC Staff

Remember it was former National Security Advisor Susan Rice who urged McMaster to purge the National Security Council of all Trump loyalists, and shortly after that, Steve Bannon was gone.

Back in mid-March, at the behest of Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner, NSA General McMaster had informed Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the National Security Council’s senior director for intelligence programs, that he’d be moving to another position. But Cohen-Watnick went to Bannon and Kushner—with whom he’d apparently formed an alliance while working on the president’s transition team—and according to sources, fought the move. After Trump was informed of the situation, he overruled McMaster and told Cohen-Watnick he could stay put. Cohen-Watnick was brought to the council by General Michael Flynn.

In my recent article, I told about McMaster’s choice of Valerie Jarrett’s friend, Dina Habib Powell as Deputy NSA, replacing Flynn’s choice of K.T. McFarland.  Now sources have reported that both our President and Steve Bannon have pressed McMaster to fire the Obama holdovers at the Council who were suspected of leaking to the press. And, Eli Lake’s article states that the list of names to go was compiled by Derek Harvey, a former Defense Intelligence Agency colonel who was also hired by Flynn. McMaster balked and refused to fire anyone on the list, asserting that he alone had the authority to fire and hire his staff. This certainly did not play well.

McMaster did not accompany Trump to meet with Australia’s prime minister; the outgoing deputy national security adviser, K.T. McFarland, attended instead.

Reince Priebus actually blocked McMaster this month from hiring Brigadier General Ricky Waddell as his deputy, complaining that McMaster failed to seek approval for that pick. McMaster had asked his inherited deputy to leave by May 10, but she is now expected to stay on for the time being.  This is a good thing.


In his book “The Field of Fight,” which I highly recommend, General Flynn prescribed four steps essential to defeating radical Islamists and their allies. The first two were: to destroy the jihadi armies, killing and capturing their leaders; and “discrediting their ideology, which requires a serious program all its own.” That is precisely right.  When Gen. Flynn was National Security Advisor, he was able to convince Mr. Trump of the necessity of fighting the ideological war. Gen. McMaster will advise against it.

President Trump is in the unenviable position of either overruling his National Security Advisor or failing to win the war.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

President Trump Keeps His Promise To Gut The Unconstitutional Johnson Amendment

Under the First Amendment, the pastor has the right to determine what is said from the pulpit, not the IRS —David Fiorazo

As long as it is supported by Democratic politicians and by liberal Hollywood players, censorship is a useful tool to stifle dissent. —Andrew Breitbart

If I get elected president, one of the early things, one of the absolute first things I’m going to do is work on totally knocking out the Johnson Amendment.” —Mr. Trump told Christian leaders during his campaign.

I was nine years old when LBJ shoved this rotten unconstitutional law through the Senate, and he did it strictly to silence those against him.  Our new President has removed the muzzle from our clergy after 60 years of censorship.  The pulpits are weak, and have been for years, but maybe this will give them the impetus to have a bit of the courage and spine our clergy had during the revolutionary war.

Throughout all my adult years, I’ve never seen any church assailed by the IRS for endorsing democrat politicians, but speak from the pulpit about conservative politicians, and the IRS is right there.

The 1954 Johnson Amendment is the unconstitutional law which restricted American clergy’s ability to speak about political candidates from their pulpits. It was an amendment to the tax-exempt status (501c3) which stated that if clergy preached politics from the pulpit, they could lose their 501c3 exemption.

LBJ’s Agenda to Silence Christians

Texas Democrat, Lyndon Baines Johnson, was a powerful politician running for reelection as Senator, but two anti-communist, tax-exempt groups were opposing him and passing out literature during the campaigns. He was the Senate minority leader at the time, and of course, was the “accidental” president who got us into the Vietnam War, then prevented us from winning.

Johnson contacted the IRS and found the group’s activity was legal, so he sought other options to fight them. He offered his unconstitutional amendment to a pending, massive, tax code overhaul bill, and records indicate an absence of committee hearings on the amendment.  There was never any legislative analysis as to the effect of this bill, and it was purely and simply created by LBJ to protect LBJ.

Again, the 1954 Johnson Amendment, passed by Congress, stated that non-profits, Christian churches and organizations, could not speak in favor of any political candidate despite the prohibition stated in the First Amendment of our Bill of Rights.  In effect, this law allowed the government to strip churches or charities of their nonprofit status if they got involved in politics.  The amendment has been used as a club to beat clergy into silence ever since, and very few churches chose to go without the tax exemption.

This illicit legislation paved the way for the increased suppression of free speech, and because of the confusion and misinformation about the law, many religious leaders have been unnecessarily self-censoring for over six decades. They are not only censoring themselves on political candidates, but on any political subject matter.

Because of their fear of the IRS, and their misunderstanding of the actual illegal amendment, the pulpits have literally shut down their comments on anything happening in society via local, state or federal politics. They are absolutely frozen in fear when it comes to talking about the Bible as it relates to cultural, political, fiscal, and social issues, which all fall under the category of moral issues, something God’s Word clearly defines.

Trump Works to Keep His Promise

Our President signed the order “asking” the IRS to use “maximum enforcement discretion” over the enforced regulation in the Johnson Amendment.  The order directs the IRS simply to not enforce that provision, which is valid, but the entire law should not be enforced.  Trump said, “Freedom is not a gift from government, it is a gift from God, and we’re giving our churches their voices back.”

“This financial threat against the faith community is over,” Trump said. “No one should be censoring sermons or targeting pastors.”  He is right; it is unconstitutional.

The order, which also affects non-profits, promises “regulatory relief” for groups with religious objections to the preventive services requirement in the Affordable Care Act, according to a White House official. Those requirements include covering birth control and the move could apply to religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor, who have moral objections to paying for contraception.  [Link]

Trump promised to “totally destroy” the law prohibiting the political activities when he spoke in February at the National Prayer Breakfast, but some believe fully abolishing the regulation could take an act of Congress.  Why?  Because this was a bill passed by Congress, and Congress has not obeyed the Constitution for multiple decades.

It should be remembered that the Constitution does not empower the President to selectively enforce only laws which he approves. If Americans accept this principle, then they are accepting the substance of dictatorship.  However, in this case, the President should instruct all executive agencies to ignore this unconstitutional law.

The globalist Republicans in Congress hate our President, but they are the ones who should know this is an unconstitutional amendment.  Most politicians, both left and right, probably have no desire to undo Johnson’s self-serving law, as it also protects them!

GOP Lawmakers Offer New Bill

Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate rolled out legislation in February of this year to repeal the “Johnson Amendment.”  It is called the “Free Speech Fairness Act.” The legislation was introduced in the House by Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), and in the Senate by Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.).

Their bill fixes but does not repeal the Johnson Amendment, and it applies to all 501c3 entities, not just churchesThey claim this bill is the first step in getting congress to fix what it created in 1954.  They also claim this Act is needed to protect the constitutional freedoms of pastors and churches.

The legislation comes after President Trump vowed to repeal the Johnson Amendment during his presidential campaign and reiterated that pledge during the National Prayer Breakfast, and he has now signed the executive order restricting the IRS from enforcing the Johnson Amendment.

One has to wonder if any of America’s politicians have even read our Constitution.  I asked my friend Publius Huldah about our President’s Executive Order, and this is what she said:

What we have is an unconstitutional act of Congress addressed by an Executive Order.  Congress has no Constitutional authority to say who can and who can’t endorse candidates for office.  Restricting political speech is not one of the enumerated powers; and furthermore, it is prohibited by the First Amendment.

The Johnson amendment is totally unconstitutional as outside the scope of powers delegated and is in violation of the First Amendment.

So, what is a President to do?  Order the executive agencies to ignore the unconstitutional pretended law.


We must be vigilant, and we must be the catalysts who help our President destroy this unconstitutional censoring, especially of our clergy.  As such, I am again listing the contacts for our representatives.  Even when they don’t want to listen, even when the aids lie to us, (and they do) even when they have their own agendas, when we pound them with enough calls and emails, they do cave.  We’ve overloaded the capitol hill phone lines before, let’s do it again! Use the Constitutional truth from Publius and get it to your reps and to our President.

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives (202)-224-3121

If you don’t know your representatives, go to and enter your zip code or state.

Bottom line folks, it’s up to “we the people” to take part in making America great again.

P.S.  Dear readers…the writers for NewsWithViews are working to save America from a globalist one world order cabal, and we know many of these enemies occupy seats in Congress.  The publisher of NWVs escaped the communist country of Slovenia when he was a child.  He so understands the dangers our country faces, and this is why his heart, his time, and his funds go into this website…all to save his beloved adopted country of America.  We work daily to bring you truth you cannot get from the main stream media.  Please help us keep NWVs up and running.  Any donations, large or small will help and can be sent here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Big Pharma Advocate Scott Gottlieb Chosen To Head FDA

The world has 6.8 billion people…that’s headed up to about 9 billion.  Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent. – Bill Gates, Member of Bilderberg Group

When speaking to drug manufacturers in late January, Donald Trump said, “We have a fantastic person that I’ll be naming fairly soon who’s going to streamline the FDA. You’re going to get your products approved or not approved, but it’s going to be a quick process. It’s not going to take 15 years…. Surprised you can’t get them to move faster.”

He told the gathered pharmaceutical industry leaders that his administration would reduce taxes, regulations, and the time it takes for product approval, but that they must lower drug prices and bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States.

The FDA appointment has been closely watched by the pharmaceutical industry and consumer activists alike: reducing regulation is one of Trump’s top priorities. In a February speech to Congress, Trump promised to “slash the restraints” on drug approval, complaining about the “slow and burdensome approval process” at the FDA.

I’m all for reducing the exorbitant taxes, regulations on business, bringing manufacturing back to America, and lowering drug prices, but like many others, I’m very disturbed at rushing drug product approvals.

Gottlieb would help reach the goal of faster drug approval or denial, and therein lies a huge danger to the public.

FDA Commissioner Nominee

When the President announced FDA Commissioner nominee, Scott Gottlieb, Big Pharma let out a huge sigh of relief.

Scott Gottlieb is a Washington fixture with a medical degree, experience at the FDA and in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and an allegedly respected health policy analyst.  AEI is funded and endorsed by well-known globalists and socialists, although it masquerades as right-leaning.

He has been a venture partner at New Enterprise Associates since 2007, and is an independent director at Tolero Pharmaceuticals, and Daiichi Sankyo Inc, and a member of GlaxoSmithKline‘s product investment board.

Gottlieb’s deep ties to the industry he would regulate go back more than decade, and he currently serves on the board of three pharmaceutical companies. His venture capital firm, New Enterprise Associates, funds 150 others. Gottlieb received more than $400,000 from Big Pharma between 2013 and 2015, according to a database maintained by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

In 2013, Senator Mitch McConnell appointed Gottlieb to serve as a member of the Federal Health IT Policy Committee which advises the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is responsible for making recommendations on the meaningful use standards as part of the HITECH Act (electronic health information technology).  McConnell heavily favors Gottlieb.

Big Pharma is delighted with this choice!

Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals

Glaxo is ranked the top vaccine producer, and Gottlieb is on their board, although he would have to resign in order to head the FDA.  No one likes that a prospective head of the FDA took $410,000 from GlaxoSmithKline. But maybe this isn’t the same as putting a charter school advocate in charge of the education department.  Ahem.

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Merck & Co., Pfizer, and Sanofi account for 80 percent of global vaccine revenues. Although these “big four” vary significantly by portfolio and pipeline size, GSK of the United Kingdom ranked first in terms of research and development, pricing strategy and registration, and manufacturing and supply, according to a report released by the Access to Medicine Foundation.

By the way, Merck’s two-dose vaccine against chicken pox, a common childhood disease, has now accounted for a painful epidemic of shingles. Link

There are so many negatives regarding vaccines, especially those given newborns, and resulting autism, that Trump has actually spoken with Robert Kennedy, Jr. regarding research on same, as well as heading a vaccine safety commission.  I’ve heard nothing since March, but would hope that RFK, Jr. is still in the lineup.  He was interviewed by Tucker Carlson and made his case.

Gottlieb on Vaccines

In a confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Energy, Labor, and Pensions on April 5, 2017, Scott Gottlieb, MD, stated categorically that there “is no causal link between vaccination and autism.”  Think there isn’t some collusion here since he sits on the board of one of the largest vaccine producers?

Back in November of 2016, another new study claimed there was no link between vaccines and autism.  What the media didn’t tell you was that the study was done by The Lewin Group, a consulting firm that lists major vaccine makers among its clients.

Sharyl Attkisson reports what the news doesn’t tell us. “As an aside, according to, The Lewin Group’s parent company, United Health Group, is a key government partner in Obamacare. Its subsidiary QSSI was given the contract to build the federal government’s website. One of its top executives and his family are top Obama donors.

Gottlieb’s Rush to Market

“The truth is, the FDA’s required trials reveal limited information,” Gottlieb wrote in an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune in 2005. “In many cases, it is only after drugs are on the market for many years and given to thousands of patients that their true benefits (sic.) are revealed.”

Well, if he believes that, why then is he doing exactly the opposite?

When three people in a multiple sclerosis drug trial lost blood platelets and one died, he stated that stopping the study was “an overreaction” because the disease, not the drug, might be to blame.

Gottlieb wrote accusatory emails to underlings when FDA scientists rejected Pfizer’s osteoporosis drug candidate Oporia, forecasted to earn $1 billion a year.  Boniva, advertised by Sally Field, and Fosamax have been linked to femur breakage and jaw bone disintegration.

Surely everyone has seen the advertisements for Chantix, Pfizer’s stop smoking drug.  Gottlieb rushed it to market, but a string of suicides and the violent death of Dallas musician Carter Albrecht leave many with doubts about the drug.

Gottlieb even trashed the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study that found hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was bad not good for women’s health, saying the results “were rushed to print with a cleverly orchestrated PR blitz.”  Most women now think of HRT as cancer in a bottle.  And Eli Lilly’s Evista is another horror story.

FDA’s Approved Dangerous Drugs

I certainly can understand that a promising drug not yet cleared by the FDA could possibly save lives, and this is the reason our President feels the drugs must be available.

However, when we look at the history of the FDA and drugs which have gone to market and then have been pulled because of extreme adverse effects, it would seem that 20 year studies should be the norm.

Thalidomide was a widely-used drug in the late 1950s and early 1960s for the treatment of nausea in pregnant women. It became apparent in the 1960s that Thalidomide  resulted in severe birth defects in thousands of children, especially in the United Kingdom.

Over 10,000 children were born with Thalidomide related birth defects throughout the world. The United States was largely spared this tragedy thanks to the work of one woman, Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey, a new employee of the FDA. Her insistence on sufficient documentation kept Thalidomide off the U.S. market for over a year, adequate time for doctors to uncover the link between Thalidomide and birth defects. Thanks to Kelsey, fewer than 100 were born in America.

Dr. Kelsey went on to write the rules that govern most clinical drug trials today. She retired from the FDA in 2005 at age 90.

Remember Vioxx, Merck’s illegally marketed drug for arthritis? Vioxx was introduced into the market in 1999 but was not approved by the FDA for rheumatoid arthritis until 2002. While it is not illegal for a physician to prescribe a drug for an unapproved use, federal law prohibits a manufacturer from promoting a drug for uses not approved by the FDA.  The FDA estimated in 2004 that Vioxx was responsible for more than 57,000 deaths.  Merck & Co. has agreed to a massive $950 million settlement with the U.S. government and 43 states over the way it marketed the painkiller Vioxx.

FDA officials say they asked Pfizer — the maker of Bextra — to remove it from U.S. pharmacies because risks of heartstomach, and skin problems clearly outweighed its benefits as an anti-inflammatory.

Celebrex, a closely related drug also made by Pfizer, from the class of pain relievers known as Cox-2 inhibitors, will be allowed to remain on the market. But it will be forced to carry strict new warnings alerting doctors and patients that it elevates the risk of heart attacks and strokes, the FDA says.

The blood thinner Xarelto was approved by the FDA.  It is now facing 18,000 lawsuits for extreme bleeding.

The FDA and big Pharma have admitted that antidepressants increase the risk of suicide by over 800%, according to court documents in a trial against GlaxoSmithKline.  Ann Blake Tracy of Coalition for Drug Awareness has exposed the side effects of these drugs, violence and suicide.

Remember Zelnorm for irritable bowel syndrome?  Surely most have seen the commercials.  It has been recalled because of a higher chance of heart attack, stroke, and unstable angina (heart/chest pain).

Drug Recalls

The list of drug recalls by the FDA is huge.  A recall is issued when a drug becomes dangerous to the consumer.  Drug safety is supposedly strictly monitored by the FDA in the U.S. before going on the market.  Once it is on the market the FDA and the drug manufacturer continue to monitor the effectiveness and safety of the drug.  If any problems arise regarding safety of the drug then a recall is issued.  Here is a short list of 35 FDA approved drugs pulled from the market.

In an interview with Vioxx whistleblower Dr. David Graham, (senior drug safety researcher at the FDA), he said the following, “On the safety side, I think that the American public can’t be very confident. They can have some confidence because it turns out that most drugs are remarkably safe. But, when there are unsafe drugs, the FDA is very likely to err on the side of industry. Rarely will they keep a drug from being marketed or pull a drug off the market.  Unfortunately, that’s the way the FDA is currently structured.”

Here is Graham’s Senate testimony regarding the dangers of Vioxx.


Although I fully understand the desire to get lifesaving drugs to our citizens in record time, the big concern is the danger these drugs pose to the public when they haven’t had long term studies.  Last year, over half a million Americans were hurt by FDA approved prescription drugs, and 100,000 of them died.

How did that happen? If some prescription drugs are that dangerous, how are they getting approved?

The answer is not simple. There are good people involved in the process. But the incentive in the system has become totally distorted.

Scott Gottlieb’s association with these large pharmaceutical companies gives me great pause as to his commitment to the American public rather than Big Pharma.

I would urge our President to think twice about streamlining the FDA to get drugs approved more quickly.  In the end, it may be extremely detrimental, not only to the public, but also to our President.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Globalist Republicans Aid Democrats To Thwart Trump

May 2, 2017

I know that I am leaving the winning side for the losing side, but it is better to die on the losing side than to live under Communism. Whittaker Chambers

No one should suffer from the great delusion that any form of communism or socialism which promotes the dictatorship of the few instead of the initiative of the millions can produce a happier or more prosperous society. Charles E. Wilson


There is way too much wrong with this bill!  Money goes to Planned Parenthood to murder more of our unborn, money continues to go to sanctuary cities to hide illegal alien criminals, there is no money for the border wall so our sovereignty is still nonexistent.  We fought like hell to send all these republicans to Congress and they act like Democrats because our President isn’t one of “them.”

Pence called the deal a “bipartisan win for the American people.”  Who the hell is this globalist ass kidding?  Oh yeah, we know he’s one of them and chummy with the Republicans who hate Trump, and we haven’t fallen for his phony Bible thumping.

Chuckie Schumer thinks they’ve had a massive victory, and perhaps the above Chambers quote would seem to be true, especially with the aid the republicans are giving to the democrats to thwart everything Trump promised in his campaign.  Even without the Conservative Caucus vote, this rotten piece of legislation may pass.

I don’t want our side to be the losing side; I want us to win, but to do that, we have to let the criminals in Congress know we mean business.

I want the wall built, I want the influx of non-vetted refugees from known terrorist nations stopped, I want sanctuary cities defunded, I want Obamacare repealed, and I want taxes lowered across the board!

No one person helped Donald J. Trump get elected, certainly not Jared Kushner as some have proclaimed.  The only reason Trump is in our White House is because the American people heard him echo what they themselves wanted, and they responded with massive votes.

So, let’s take a look at where we stand on these issues, even though there are far, far more, and see who is blocking our President and ultimately THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

Build the Wall

Most of the billions of dollars in cash sent to Mexico by Mexicans living in the U.S. is transferred by “undocumented” workers, read illegal aliens, and the total topped $26 billion in 2016, according to research by the Washington institute Inter-American Dialogue.

While services have expanded, the cost of sending money to Latin America and the Caribbean has dropped to below 5 percent of the transfer amount.  Time to raise it.  Do the addition, if it’s raised to 7 percent, that extra 2 percent would bring in $520 million in one year.  Surely in a number of years the wall would be paid for, so what’s the hold up? Haven’t we given enough taxpayer aid to illegal aliens?  How about getting some of it back to build the wall?

House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the cost could range from $12 billion-$15 billion.  Surely businessman Trump could beat that price.  The likes of McCain, Murkowsky, Corker, Cornyn, Lankford, Amash, and others of the same ilk are fighting our president tooth and nail.  They have a million excuses for allowing our southern border to remain a sieve.

And according to Rush Limbaugh they’ve actually laughed at Trump’s belief that he’ll get the wall.  Maybe they’d best call China and ask them to tear down their wall, after all, it isn’t fair to illegal aliens.

Mexico is saying the wall is hostile and unfriendly and an aggravating action!  Really Mexico?  Well, your criminals pouring over our borders and murdering Americans and bleeding the taxpayers dry is rather hostile and unfriendly as well.

Tyrannical Judges Gutting the Constitution

Mr. President, the Constitution and the law is on your side for your travel ban.  You have the authority to stop these judges from delaying your executive orders regarding who enters our country.  The majority of these judges have been put in place by Democratic presidents.  Carter, Bush, and Obama appointed the three 9th circuit court judges who upheld District Judge Robart’s stay on Trump’s first EO.

Obama appointee Judge Theodore D. Chuang ruled that the purpose of the President’s first travel ban, and also his revised travel ban, was to discriminate against Muslims for political reasons and the ruling cited Mr. Trump’s own campaign words against him.  What hogwash!

What these judges do not understand is that this is not an executive order against a religion, but against a worldwide political movement that carries with it hatred for infidels, or non-Muslims.  Hundreds of thousands of non-vetted refugees have entered this country, and they have no desire to assimilate.  One needs only to look at Europe today to understand why Trump’s EO’s should stand.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate immigration. In 1952, Congress passed a law empowering the president to deny entry into the U.S. to “any class of aliens” considered to be “detrimental to the interests of the United States.”  In other words, a threat to America and in the interests of national security.  And that is exactly what our President is trying to do!  He wants to stop the threat!

The Supremes like making law, don’t wait on them, use the law you now have that previous presidents have used, and move ahead.

Defunding of Sanctuary Cities

Judge William Orrick was appointed by Obama, in 2012, to the position of US District Judge for the Northern District of California.  This leftist ruled that the US government can’t withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities.  Orrick raised a couple hundred thou for Obama, and he also blocked the release of the underground recordings of Planned Parenthood, in which the sale of harvested organs from aborted babies was openly discussed.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the U.S. Department of Justice had sent warning letters to nine jurisdictions which were identified in a May 2016 report by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General as having laws that potentially violate 8 U.S.C. § 1373 a/k/a “sanctuary city policies.”  Link

The administration says sanctuary cities allow dangerous criminals back on the street and that the order is needed to keep the country safe…think of Kathryn Steinle and others murdered in “sanctuary” cities.  These sanctuary cities, like Portland and Berkeley are ripe for leftist violence, and are “safe spaces” for total censorship of free speech.

Again, the law is usurped by these judges, and again it will probably end up in the supreme court…which means more American citizens will die in these cities before a ruling on the law which already exists to protect us, comes down from the high court.

Obamacare Repeal

Conservatives were thankful that RyanCare failed.  What Trump supporters wanted to know was why Paul Ryan was allowed to put forth something that still had the stench of Obamacare, and expect the shrinking middleclass to like it.

RyanCare 2.0 was not worth passing, and would have been political suicide for the Republicans.  We want Obamacare repealed completely, without any fixes.  Just get rid of the damned thing!  Put those few who needed Obamacare on Medicaid for the interim while the free market adjusts.

Representative Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, along with 30 of the most conservative members of Congress, said RyanCare didn’t go far enough, and they were right.  It didn’t, and that’s why they were against it!  The members are very pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, but RyanCare simply did not defeat enough of Obamacare.

Jordan was interviewed by Chris Wallace who attacked him for not passing the RyanCare bill and repeated what Speaker Ryan had said, “We’re now stuck with Obamacare for the foreseeable future.” Jordan stated that only 17% of Americans were actually for the “American Health Care Act.”

Wallace accused Jordan and the Caucus of going against Trump and Ryan on this important bill and being obstructionists.  But Jordan came back with the truth of it.  He said, “This is about the American people and what we told them we were going to do. There is no way this legislation was consistent with what the American people sent us here to accomplish, no way it was consistent with what we told them we were going to do, and that’s why you saw members oppose it and that’s why the Freedom Caucus opposed it in large part, because of that simple fact.”

Jordan said they promised to do it the way they told the American people, and this bill absolutely did not live up to that promise.  “So, let’s do tax reform, like we told the American people we were going to. Let’s make sure we actually secure the border, build the wall, like we told the American people we were going to. We make this job way too complicated.  Do what we told the American people we were going to do.”

Even the evil United Nations is warning the Trump administration in a bizarre letter that repealing the unconstitutional ObamaCare takeover of health insurance may violate what the UN likes to call “international law.”

Repeal, without any replacement is the only answer!

Tax Reform

Speaker Paul Ryan is claiming that the failure of RyanCare will now make tax reform much more difficult.  White House budget director Mick Mulvaney and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin both had essentially the same message.  However, plans for tax reform, job creation, trade deals, and infrastructure spending remain intact regardless of what happened to the health care bill.

That admission shows how tough it’s been for Trump to get any major legislative victories, and the Republicans have offered none to speak of. In spite of Republican control of Congress, Trump and GOP leaders haven’t been able to move forward on significant legislation. It is simply because the majority of Republicans are more in bed with their democrat so-called adversaries than with their Republican President.  The push for healthcare reform hit the wall when both moderates and conservatives balked at the bill as presented, and hill Republicans concede that comprehensive tax reform may be harder to accomplish!

What a bunch of poppycock.  I never saw one thing Obama wanted to be difficult for him to pass even when the Republicans won back the House in 2010 (and assumed control in January 2011), and won back Senate control in 2014 (assuming control in January 2015).  They still gave Obama everything he wanted or they would have been called “racists” by the Socialist media.  So, they ran scared and caved.

We have a president who made promises to the American people, who resonated with the middleclass and grassroots, who told them what he wanted to do, and the NeverTrumpers in his own party are making new legislation just as difficult for him as the communists in the Democratic party.


We’ve hit the first 100 days, and Lou Dobbs made it clear when he said, “Speaker Ryan, working against the President and his agenda at every turn, frustrating the entire GOP conference and indeed the American people. President Trump has been gracious, he’s been generous, even, with the inept Ryan, but the President today, acknowledging that he is disappointed.”

Folks, it has always been up to us.  Electing a president you like doesn’t mean that one man alone can fix it all.  The entire congress needs to be cleaned out and replaced at nearly every election if they don’t follow the Constitution.  Unfortunately, we now have several generations who have not been taught the Constitution and are illiterate when it comes to understanding our government and even our voting system.

Still, it is up to all of us.  We must make our voices heard, just as we did when we elected Trump.  That means calling the White House and the damnable traitorous filth in Congress, it means emailing your senators and representatives.  It means we have to harass them into doing what we voted for, Donald Trump’s campaign promises!

The White House phone number – (202) 456-1111

Capitol Switchboard for your Senators and representatives 202-224-3121

If you don’t know your representatives, go to and enter your zip code or state.

Bottom line folks, it’s up to we the people.  So, get off your backsides and get busy!

P.S. Dear constant readers…The editor and owner of NewsWithViews works tirelessly to bring you some of the finest researchers in America and worldwide.  It’s a heartfelt desire by our publisher to save our beloved country.  It takes time and money, and we need your constant help.  Even a few dollars a month keeps the costs down.  Keep NWVs coming into your mailbox by sending your donations here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Could Valerie Jarrett’s Friend Replace Reince Priebus?

Surround yourself with smart, dedicated people – to build something isn’t a one-man show. It’s more important to have smart people who really believe in what you’re doing than really experienced people who may not share your dream. —Niklas Zennstrom Skype founder

Rumor has it that Reince Priebus might be on his way out as the President’s Chief of Staff, and one of the names coming up as a possible replacement is Dina Habib Powell. Sources have stated, “Reince is responsible, ultimately, for the rollout of the immigration executive order. He failed to get AG Sessions on the calendar in the Senate in time for what he knew would be a highly controversial executive order (the EO travel ban).  He was supposed to be this wizard in dealing with congressional Republicans, but has not been successful in getting anything serious done.”

It’s doubtful that Reince will be replaced, but Dina Habib Powell is someone we need to keep an eye on.

Who is Dina Habib Powell?

Dina Habib Powell, 43, a former executive with Goldman Sachs, is the first Arab-American to join the Trump White House.  Powell joined Goldman Sachs as a managing director in 2007 and became partner in 2010.  She was born in Cairo, Egypt, and immigrated at age four with her parents to Dallas, Texas.

She is shown here with Gary Cohn, president and COO, Goldman Sachs. Cohn is also the chief economic advisor to President Donald Trump and Director of the National Economic Council.  Next is James Dimon, chairman, president and CEO, JP Morgan; Mary Callahan Erdoes, CEO, JP Morgan Asset Management; and Dina Habib Powell, in January 2013.  (Gary Cohn is another interesting character that needs exposure.)

Powell served as the assistant secretary of state for education and cultural affairs during President George W. Bush’s administration and became the youngest person to direct the White House’s personnel office at 29, while working closely with Vice President Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove.

National Security Council

Powell was named the U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy on March 15th.  She replaces K.T. McFarland who was handpicked by former NSA Chief, General Michael T. Flynn.  McFarland is a Fox News security pundit and previously worked as a public affairs official in Ronald Reagan’s Pentagon. Like her new boss, H.R. McMaster, Powell is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, but then, so was K.T. McFarland.  However, McFarland’s views on Islam more closely matched General Flynn’s.

Dina Powell is expected to work closely with national security adviser H.R. McMaster and focus on long-term issues. She is also expected to help lead an interagency policy process working with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, CIA Director Mike Pompeo, and Defense Secretary James Mattis, all of whom seem soft on Islamic terrorism.  Powell will also continue to work with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner on economic initiatives, but the NSC role is expected to take up much of her time.

According to leftist rags like Politico, who get their approval for articles from the Democratic party, Powell has a strong personal relationship with Valerie Jarrett, the former co-president with Barack Obama.  Jarrett, who was born in Iran, and is widely rumored to be the architect of the Iran Nuclear Deal, reportedly has moved into Obama’s home in Washington, D.C. to lead a resistance movement against Trump’s efforts to reverse Obama’s foreign and domestic policies. Powell is also a friend of Ivanka Trump and is her “woman in the White House.”

Gene Sperling, a former Clinton and Obama economic adviser, is another close friend of Powell’s. Republicans who have worked with Powell before have offered nothing but praise for her, including former secretary of state and CFR member, Condoleezza Rice.  Ahem.

Richard C. Powell and Teneo

Richard C. Powell is the ex-husband of Dina Powell, and he is the President of Teneo Strategy.

On the official website, Teneo describes itself as, “Exclusively dedicated to advising the leaders of the world’s most complex organizations. Our 12 operating divisions collaboratively solve the most pressing reputational, transformational & capital markets issues.”

Teneo Holdings is a global consulting firm with deep Clinton connections. Teneo serves in an odd relationship to Clinton Inc.  Doug Band, Mr. Clinton’s right-hand man for many years, is a Teneo founder.  Band also helped Bill Clinton found the Clinton Global Initiative, (which has now closed its doors) and he worked for the William J. Clinton Foundation.

According to the Teneo website, Band was also “part of the negotiation team that handled all aspects of Hillary Clinton becoming Secretary of State.”

Doug Band still serves as the president of Teneo Holdings, whereas Richard Powell is the president of Teneo Strategy.

Huma Abedin, Mrs. Clinton’s right-hand woman for many years, was a senior advisor to Teneo at the same time she held a top position as part of Mrs. Clinton’s inner circle at the State Department. Bill Clinton was both a paid advisor to Teneo and a client.

Secretary of State Clinton’s former Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland, Declan Kelly, is a Teneo co-founder and its CEO. Teneo isn’t really well known other than in the upper echelon of the elite, with only a few known corporate clients. It is best known for its relationship with the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

In addition, Bill Clinton himself formerly served in a paid advisory role for Teneo. However, in 2012, his advisory role ended as he became a client of the firm. A spokesman for the company, Matt McKenna, told Politico that Bill Clinton remains “a friend and an unpaid adviser to Teneo and its founders.”

Too Close for Comfort

It’s a well-known fact that very few of the power brokers in Congress are in agreement with our President on many of his policies.  They are fighting him on almost everything he wants to do, and none of them are really pitching in to help.  As far as I’m concerned, the Conservative Caucus represents the only members who are really for the American people, and there’s only 29 of them.

Donald Trump’s administration has far more globalist neo-cons than I would like, but we have to step back and look at who is recommending these people and who is even vetting them.

Here’s what we know…Dina Habib Powell was working for Ivanka Trump regarding women’s issues.  NSA Chief McMaster took a liking to Powell, and both are CFR members.  Ivanka was instrumental in the approval of Mike Pence for Vice President.  Pence is in charge of the transition team, and probably the team who does the vetting of nominees as well.  Thus, it seems highly likely that the Kushner’s and the Vice President actually were pivotal in choosing Powell for Deputy NSA for Strategy, along with McMaster, of course.

Many of the people chosen for Trump’s administration have relationships with the previous president and his people. Even Paul Ryan’s wife is an Obama supporter.  I find this just a bit too close for comfort.  People tell me there’s not enough conservatives to choose from.  Surely every nominee doesn’t have to be a billionaire, and by the way, what happened to Rudy Giuliani?

Our businessman President is very new at politics, and it’s lonely at the top when surrounded by so many political globalists and lobbyists who would have preferred Hillary Rodham Clinton.   He has already accomplished a great deal, despite the many roadblocks thrown in his path. (We’ll talk about that in another article.) Congressman Steve King, a Cruz supporter, is bashing our President for not getting enough done, but…

Trump has just been our President for three months, and he’s certainly not getting the help he needs from Congressional Republicans, and now, Ryan is claiming there’s no money for a wall, after presenting us with Obamacare lite.

It’s not just up to our President, it’s up to all of us who voted for him to call and email these reps and tell them what we want.  It’s also helpful for us to privately tweet Trump to let him know exactly where we stand on these issues.

Call the White House hotline and tell them what you want, and why it’s so important.  Here’s the number, 202-456-1111.  Pray for Donald J. Trump daily, for guidance and wisdom from above.  He has a huge job ahead of him, and no one in DC is making it easy for him.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Evil Has No Bounds, Leftists Destroy O’Reilly Factor

The Left is doing to America what it has done to almost everything it has deeply influenced – the arts, the university, religion, culture, minorities, Europe: ruining it. Dennis Prager

Bill O’Reilly is fired from Fox News for being a sexist pig. Right. I really believe that! I’m with Pamela Geller who said, “As for these sexual harassment allegations, I find their claims too little, too late, and too opportunistic. It’s interesting how these broads go along until they don’t get their own show or when the payouts begin. It seems to me that these women exploit their sexuality until they don’t get what they want.”

For decades, I worked in corporate offices as a secretary, as administrative assistants, and as middle management.  Prior to the corporate environment, waitressing and bartending paid the bills. In all of these positions, there were a great many men, some who were wonderful, others who were not so wonderful.  And there were a lot of passes.

A woman can easily rebuff a pass in the corporate world with a few well thought out words when the attention is unwanted.  Every strong woman knows that.  So, when I hear that women have complained of sexual harassment and unwanted advances…my immediate thought is they were paid to destroy, or they have a vendetta because they didn’t get whatever they expected to receive.  It’s rare that women can’t totally annihilate an office aggressor, yet it does happen, but not in this instance.

The Murdoch Family

Rupert Murdoch has stood behind his number one nighttime host for a long time, rebuffing the stories of his sexual advances.  O’Reilly gave Murdoch loyalty and profits, something Murdoch prizes.  Remember when Rupert Murdoch and his wife were in Scotland, when Trump opened his new hotel and golf course?  Trump took them to dinner in his new place.  [Link]

Murdoch is 86 years old, and he is known to disdain political correctness.  But one must remember that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.  Although he is usually described as a political conservative, there is little evidence that he has any firm political or moral convictions that could be described as “conservative” in the conventional sense, even with the left’s demonization of him.

Nevertheless, Murdoch is a common-sense pragmatist, much like our President, Donald Trump.  So, he gave way to his progressive liberal sons and their wives who fired O’Reilly.  The 2014 photo shows Murdoch with his sons, James and Lachen, who will take over Fox News.

Pressure from the Left

Advertising boycotts and protests at the headquarters of News Corp, the corporation that owns Fox News, were all instigated by leftists. O’Reilly’s show lost about 90 advertisers earlier this month after The New York Times reported that five women were paid $13 million to settle sexual harassment lawsuits. They are cheering that O’Reilly is gone.  I’ve never been an O’Reilly fan, and turned him off in the late 90s, but I was sorry to see him ousted, especially with the help of the communist NYTs.

Nevertheless, Tucker Carlson, his replacement, has pulled some very high scores in the slot vacated by Megyn Kelly, and even equaled or surpassed O’Reilly occasionally on viewership.  Murdoch’s choice might be right, gaining younger and newer viewers, but O’Reilly is a major loss.

My choice however, if he had wanted it, would have been Lou Dobbs, the number one man on Fox News Business who speaks the truth night after night.

The Left Uses Character Assassination

Bill O’Reilly’s lawyer said the embattled Fox News anchor is the target of “far-left organizations” seeking his destruction, and he’s right.  “This law firm has uncovered evidence that the smear campaign is being orchestrated by far-left organizations bent on destroying O’Reilly for political and financial reasons. The evidence will be put forth shortly and is irrefutable.”

Color Of Change launched a petition to pressure advertisers, which was signed by 340,000 people, and that’s miniscule in my book.

Color of Change held protests outside Fox News headquarters and geo-targeted Fox New headquarters and affiliates with digital ads that share a phone number to confidentially report harassment.  Color Of Change cautions that the fight for a fair workplace at Fox News is hardly over.

Sources inside Fox News cited loss of ad revenue as a central reason for firing O’Reilly, this attack followed the same model that Color Of Change used to push Glenn Beck off the air in 2011, escalating from behind-the-scenes pressure on companies to public pressure if companies did not drop their ads and was instrumental in getting O’Reilly off the air.  And no, I’ve never been a Beck fan.

Remember Roger Ailes?  He was the founder and chief executive of Fox News, and he resigned from his position under fire, but will remain with the company until 2018 as a consultant for Fox News’s parent company, 21st Century Fox.  Gretchen Carlson was the accuser in Ailes demise.  Despite the fact that Ailes and Murdoch were long time close friends, Murdoch’s sons and their wives won out against Ailes as well.

The Truth of the Matter

Rick Wells explains it ever so well in his recent article, O’Reilly Forced Out – Leftist Agitators, MSM, Pressure On Advertisers Did Him In.  Rick is right when he states,

Of course, that supposed “evil man” never had his day in court, he was tried by tweet, email, “news” articles and public pressure and wasn’t allowed to offer a defense. His leftist accusers were given inches and they ate up the miles. Just as the policy of “strategic patience” was an open invitation for bad actors like North Korea to continue to misbehave, the policy of settling lawsuits to prevent more has the opposite effect. It’s a neon sign that says “Lawyers and Opportunists Welcome.”


At age 86, Rupert is not going to last forever, and his two sons, who are socialist democrats, will totally destroy Fox News.  What was once our only hope of media truth, will be just like the rest of MSM.  Fox is the network that supported Trump, the only one!

There’s blood in the water, and you know who the next target will be…Sean Hannity, the attack is already on the horizon.  Then they’ll target Janine Pirro, Tucker Carlson, and of course, Lou Dobbs.  Napolitano has been slammed time and again, but thankfully, he keeps coming back!

What’s left is not very appealing to any conservative…leftist homosexual, Shepherd Smith, Juan Williams and his socialist pronouncements, the always laughable Geraldo Rivera, and the ever besotted, Bob Beckel.

What has been done to countless conservative organizations is the same thing that is being done to President Trump and his administration, and I exposed it in my recent article, Time to Tell Political Correctness to Take a Hike.

Soros’s organizations rattle their sabers and the republicans run for cover; they cave!  This has to stop!  They need to have the chutzpah of Ann Coulter who has stood her ground with Berkeley as to when she will give her speech.  The only way we win is by never retreating.

The left will keep using this same rotten tactic until the right learns to ignore them and weather the storms.  Blood in the water draws more sharks, and this won’t end well for Fox News or for American constitutionalists.

I’d like to see these true conservatives get together with Breitbart and start their own network, one that isn’t “fair and balanced” with mostly liberals, but one that is truly Constitutionally conservative.  Bet me, it would bring in billions.

P.S. For many years now, the editor of NewsWithViews, Paul Walter, has worked to bring us articles from some of the finest research journalists in America.  Every morning we wake up to three or four amazing columns that keep us informed.  Despite the economic downturn of the last dozen or more years, our editor strives to keep NWVs at the forefront.  Much of the cost comes out of his own pocket, all because of his love for America.  Few people realize the time and funds it takes to do this.  So, even if it’s only a few dollars, please help us keep NWVs alive and well.  Any amount is appreciated, and you can send donations here.  God bless!  And keep reading!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Time To Tell Political Correctness To Take A Hike

I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either. Donald Trump

Our former sheriff recently called me, and said he was ready to shoot the radio when he heard that Rep. Nunes had recused himself from the Intelligence Committee investigating the false claim of Russian collusion in our 2016 election.  My friend said he wants to tell these Trump folks to get a spine, and stop backing down every time the left gives them a hard time with their politically correct demands and lies!

I remember hearing the above quote by Trump many times during his campaign. Our President and his administration should heed his own words and stop buckling every time the Socialist Democrats attack him or his people.  When you’re right, you’re right, and none of them should give way to the left!

We need strong leadership and that’s why we elected Donald J. Trump.  When the sharks on the left see that their actions cause the Trump folks to back down, they smell blood in the water, and they intensify their attacks.

There have been losses because of these vilifications, many of which were very detrimental to our president’s objectives for the country.

General Michael T. Flynn

Strong leadership was needed when the attacks started on our former NSA Chief, when the left accused him of Russian interaction against the Logan Act, an Act no one has ever been charged with.  Then we hear that the General allegedly lied to Pence, but in reality, Pence was probably talking about one thing and Flynn another and paths got crossed.  Do I trust Pence?  No, I don’t and I never will.  I was told by an inside source that Ivanka had the final say on choosing Governor Pence as the VP, and thus the reason Pence is so close to our President.  Scroll down to “Is Trump’s Staff Loyal?” in this article, and look at Pence’s record.

President Trump should have called both Pence and Flynn into his office and told them to straighten out any misunderstandings, and work together as a team, no matter the misunderstandings.  He should also have told them to get back to work, that they’d all weather the lies of the left and the media by sticking together.  That’s full-blown leadership, and it’s how you keep good people!  But he didn’t.  Instead, he had the General resign, and we lost the very best Chief of the NSA who, with 33 years of intelligence and Army experience, knows more about our risks from Islamic terrorism than anyone else in his administration.

The replacement, H.R. McMaster, is a long-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations. According to Peter R. Mansoor, a retired Army colonel who served with McMaster in Iraq during the 2007 surge of U.S. troops, he said that McMaster “absolutely does not view Islam as the enemy.”

Was this second choice to appease the left, or was this second choice chosen and allegedly vetted by a globalist insider close to our President?  Perhaps the one in charge of the transition team.  Whatever the case, America lost bigtime when General Flynn resigned.

Attorney General Jeffrey B. Sessions

I don’t know a Senator who is more beloved by his state’s constituents than Jeff Sessions, and that goes for all races in Alabama.  Sessions helped to get Trump elected, and was with him at many of the campaign rallies where he heard the crowd’s response to Hillary Clinton echoed loudly by Trump supporters, “Lock her up!”

Unfortunately, the Senator recused himself from any future investigations into Hillary Clinton’s emails, stating he’d made politically charged comments about her during the campaign.  He should not have backed down or given in to pressure.

Then in early March, the Attorney General announced that he will recuse himself from “any existing or future investigations” regarding the 2016 presidential campaign investigation, responding to bipartisan pressure to step aside from a probe into Moscow meddling.  This came amid revelations he spoke twice with Russia’s ambassador and didn’t disclose it to Congress, which was just more horse hockey from the left.

Dana Boente became Acting Deputy Attorney General upon the confirmation and swearing in of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and will serve in that position until DAG Nominee Rod Rosenstein is confirmed.  Sally Yates was fired from the DAG position for betrayal.

The Senator should never have recused himself from anything.  He should have told them that he was there to uphold the law, and do his job.

Monica Crowley and the NSC

Crowley was set to be the senior director of communications at the National Security Council before a hit job by CNN destroyed her.  She was recently interviewed by Sean Hannity and said the following:

Look, what happened to me was a despicable straight up political hit job.  There is a very toxic and increasingly poisonous atmosphere of personal destruction in DC and the media.  It’s always been there, but now it’s on a whole different level.

The attack on me was a test.  What happened to me, what happened to General Flynn, what is happening to AG Sessions and others, is all of a piece.  There is a very dangerous and very effective destabilization campaign under way against this President, his administration, and his agenda.

Again, why did the administration allow her to be sidetracked and destroyed?  Every time the left accuses anyone in the Trump administration of anything, they withdraw and step aside!

Devin Nunes Exposes Surveillance

Prior to Rep. Nunes revelations about Obama’s staff spying on the Trump campaign, there was a hearing with FBI Director Comey. He stated there was no evidence of wiretapping at Trump Tower, and several Democrat politicians including Mike Pence’s good friend, Sen. Jeff Flake, demanded Trump apologize to Obama for tweeting that the former president had wiretapped him.  One wonders why Comey is still the FBI Director???

House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) stated that he had been given information about members of President Trump’s transition team having been under surveillance by the Obama administration, that individual names had been revealed by the intelligence community, and that those names had been leaked to the media.

He delivered the info to Trump, and said that the surveillance was done legally, but the leaks were probably illegal.

The surveillance was allegedly done by Obama’s people to find collusion with Russia for the 2016 election.  No evidence between Russia and the Trump campaign has been found, and several former Obama administration intelligence officials have publicly stated that evidence does not exist.

Now, Nunes has recused himself from the Intelligence Committee and the investigation into the Russian election collusion charges, because of attacks by several “leftwing activist groups” who filed accusations against him with the Office of Congressional Ethics, citing he mishandled classified information.  He said their charges are “entirely false and politically motivated.”

So, why did he back down? By backing down under false accusations only empowers the intimidator. See the first 6:30 minutes of Judge Jeanine Pirro‘s show on Fox explaining the weakness of the Republicans. Democrats can’t win with lies, so they resort to intimidation. Why? because they know it works. The intimidated in most cases compromises or backs down.

Tyrannical Judges Dominate

Mr. President, the Constitution and the law is on your side for your travel ban.  You have the authority to stop these judges from delaying your executive orders regarding who enters our country.  The majority of these judges have been put in place by Democratic presidents.  Carter, Bush, and Obama appointed the three 9th circuit court judges who upheld District Judge Robart’s stay on Trump’s first EO.

Obama appointed Judge Theodore D. Chuang ruled that the purpose of the President’s first travel ban, and also his revised travel ban, was to discriminate against Muslims for political reasons and the ruling cited Mr. Trump’s own words against him.

The ruling quotes extensively from the President’s 2016 election campaign, in which he said he wished to implement a ban on Muslims entering the United States without being vetted first.

What these judges do not understand is that this is not an executive order against a religion, but against a worldwide political movement that carries with it hatred for infidels, or non-Muslims.  Hundreds of thousands of unvetted refugees have entered this country, and they have no desire to assimilate.  One needs only to look at Europe today to understand why Trump’s EO’s should stand.

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate immigration. In 1952, Congress passed a law empowering the president to deny entry into the U.S. to “any class of aliens” considered to be “detrimental to the interests of the United States.”  In other words, a threat to America and in the interests of national security.  And that is exactly what our President is trying to do!  He wants to stop the threat!

So, Mr. President, since you’ve already tried to stop the influx of Islamists from seven majority-Muslim nations via Visas and EO’s, and the Democrat appointed judges have stopped your Constitutional right to do so, why not use the Constitution and previous rulings and tell these tyrannical judges you have the law on your side.

The Left Attacks and the Right Caves

The same party who had ridiculed Trump on his comments about the election being rigged, started screaming that the election was rigged, and their lies about Russia have been repeated so often, that the mindless leftists believe it.

The left even advocated having the election repeated.  They created Soros mobs that burned and pillaged, stopped traffic, threatened murder, battery and rape of Trump supporters, and became the anarchists that the socialist dream thrives on.

This is exactly what happens when political correctness takes over and participation trophies are awarded to everyone.  They cannot conceive how disgusting and subservient they’ve become, but they use it, and they use it very flawlessly against us.

Carl Lasner of Frontpage Magazine says it perfectly, “Political correctness is a tool for liberals to arrest debate, questioning and criticism. Political correctness is seductive since it grants the most power to those perceived as the weakest victims. It reinforces the primacy of self-pity since the “wronged” person gets to shut down disagreement. Ultimately, political correctness grants people the right to no longer engage or to follow rules. Cults often attempt through brainwashing to revamp human nature. Liberal intellectuals attempt exactly that with political correctness.”

The Democratic Socialists and their pals in the MSM have become adroit at attacking the Trump administration, and using their PC bilge to ensure that those on the right back down…and they’ve done it every time.  The left accuses and the right withdraws, or steps aside!  Where the hell is the chutzpah?  Where is the steel spine?  Why in heaven’s name aren’t these people, including our President, telling the left to go pound sand?

P.S.  NewsWithViews exists because of a deep love of our country.  Every day, our publisher brings new articles into your mailbox, articles that you cannot find in the main stream media.  This labor of love costs money, and a whole lot of time, and it is through our readers’ donations that NWVs continues.  Any donation helps us survive and thrive.  Please help us.  All donations can be sent here.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

A Lot Can Happen In Three Days

Because he lives, I can face tomorrow, because he lives, all fear is gone, because I know he holds the future and life is worth the living, just because he lives.  -The Gaithers, Because He Lives

Not since early in our beloved country have we been free from fears of takeover by globalist one world order leftists who wish to destroy our God-Given Freedoms.  Those freedoms were written down on a piece of paper called the United States Constitution, all the way back in 1787, by 39 statesmen who were delegates to the Convention.

We have lived through turmoil and trials over and over again in the many years since our founders fought for and won independence, freedom and liberty.  Ours was a nation blessed by God and rewarded many times over for her goodness because of our Judeo-Christian founding.

The last many decades have seen the decline of this brilliantly founded nation, and a decline of her faith in the Almighty.  We have failed to hold true to the Word and the directions God gave us in His manufacturer’s handbook.

But God is still on the throne, He still hears and answers our prayers, sometimes with miracles, and He has everything in His Hands, and in His control.  Worry not, we are to rest in Him.  He gave us the entire story in His Word, and we well know, a lot can happen in three days.

The Old Testament Foretold Messiah

Isaiah 53

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely, he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

Zechariah 12:10 predicts the “piercing” of the Messiah, which occurred after Jesus died on the cross.

So many more examples could be provided of Old Testament prophesies of Messiah’s birth, life, crucifixion and resurrection.

The Resurrection

John Chapter 20 tells the story of the risen Jesus.  He is risen indeed!

Mary Magdalene went to the sepulcher and saw that the Lord’s body was gone.  She wept, and when she looked into the tomb, she saw two angels sitting at the foot and head of where Jesus lay.  They asked her why she was weeping, and she said they had taken her Lord.  She turned and thought she saw the gardener; she did not recognize the Saviour and he said to her, “Why are you weeping and who are you seeking?”  She asked, “Sir, where have you taken him?”

Jesus said to her, “Mary,” and she turned to him and realized who he was and said, “Rabboni,” which means great master or teacher, the most honorable of all titles.  She then rushed to the apostles to tell them that Jesus lives!  A lot can happen in three days!

How Times Have Changed

In the early 1960s, my high school in Park Ridge, Illinois had more than 6,000 students.  As such, we had numerous choral and music classes.  Back then, we performed Handel’s Messiah with opera singers and a full orchestra.  Tickets were sold for the program on a Saturday evening in our huge auditorium, and it was packed. I still have the record, and I still remember the words so well.  This alone tells me how much our country has changed as this would not be “allowed” in our government schools today.

Isaiah 9:6: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Grief to Joy

Sunday is resurrection day.  “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”  The Messiah conquered death for all of us who believe on Him. We rejoice!

Grief was turned to joy when the apostles realized that their Saviour was alive, He has risen indeed!  And because He lives, we can face anything that comes our way, knowing that our sins are forgiven, the final perfect sinless lamb of God sacrifice was made for us all.  Now when we approach the throne of God, we are washed clean, white as the driven snow because the blood shed by Messiah doesn’t just cover our sins, but has washed them away.

Revelation 1:17-18, “Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.”

A lot can happen in just three days.  Our Christian Holy week ends with our resurrected Messiah!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

What Is The Biblical Definition Of Zionism

“And I heard the number of those who were sealed.  One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed:  Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.  After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands” (Rev. 7:4–9).

It doesn’t take a Zionist to figure out that the twelve tribes of Revelation are not the Church. Much of Christendom over many centuries made claims to the contrary—hoping that Christians were the promised Israel instead of the Jews. But the text is explicit that “the children of Israel” (Rev. 7:4) have the “seal of the living God” (Rev. 7:2). The Apostle John sees all Israel represented in the Kingdom of Heaven! This is cause for praise to the living God, the God of Israel, for His unconditional covenantal keeping power.

After the apostle beholds the redeemed sons and daughters of Zion, (Israel) he turns his gaze to the overwhelming spectacle of gathered nations, tribes, peoples and tongues. How great is God’s salvation, brought in through the Jews (John 4:22), to the Jew first and also to the Gentile! (Rom. 1:16).

From this glimpse into eternity, we rejoice in knowing that just as surely as God is gathering Israel to His covenant land, He will gather us to His Eternal Kingdom. We’ll coalesce as the New Jerusalem with the twelve tribes as our gates and the twelve apostles as our foundations (Rev. 21:12–14).  Link

What is a Zionist?

In a recent article, I received hundreds of comments, 99% of them agreed with me, but a number of those Christian brothers and sisters asked me to explain Biblical Zion and Zionism.  To that end, I called Ariel Ministries and asked them if I could reprint Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum’s article on same.  Dr. Fruchtenbaum is one of the finest Biblical scholars alive today, and came to Christ very early in his life. You can learn of his journey through the eulogy he gave for his mentor, Burl Haynie.

Whether or not you agree with his doctrine is not relevant because he answers the question of what Zionism is, both Biblically and historically.  Ariel Ministries has been a blessing to me and countless other believers for many decades.


By Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum

The word “Zionism” is very common today thanks to the United Nations condemnation of it during their General Assembly debate on November 10, 1975.  Because of this, there is much confusion among Christians as to the nature of Zionism and whether or not Christians should support it or stand against it.  We at Ariel Ministries get many letters asking us to explain what Zionism is.

There is a lot of propaganda going on concerning Zionism; much of it is guilty of distortion and misinformation.  In fact, anti-Zionism has become merely a new term of old fashioned anti-Semitism.

Some circles are claiming that Zionism is a worldwide Jewish conspiracy aimed at the undermining of western culture in order to allow for a communist takeover.  In these circles, Zionism is equated with communism.  Much literature is being published propounding this by anti-Semitic groups and this writer has had the ugly experience of having to see and read much of this hate literature.  One of the most famous works that give this view of Zionism is known as the PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION.  This was actually a Russian forgery by a group of anti-Semites who were attempting to propagate the theory of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.  It purports to be the record or “protocols” of Jewish elders who came together to develop a program for world domination but has been proved to be a Russian forgery by Czarists who were trying to propagandize the masses against the communists.  From this came the popular view that communism was a Jewish conspiracy.

When the Arab states on four occasions failed to defeat Israel with the force of arms, they began a propaganda campaign to equate Zionism with racism.  Thanks to Arab oil power to bribe and to intimidate the nations, the victims of racism are now accused of being racist themselves.  The United Nations has ceased to be an organization seeking justice and peace for the world.  It has become a tool for the destruction of existing nations.  By condemning Zionism’s right to exist, they have condemned Israel’s right to exist.  It is impossible to separate Zionism from Israel.  By this one stroke then, the United Nations legalized the destruction of Israel by their enemies.  The United Nations is indeed guilty of playing into the hands of Satan who will, during the great tribulation, organize a worldwide invasion of Israel (Zechariah 12:1-3, 14:1-22).  Although the verdict was repealed 17 years later, the damage was already done.

But if Zionism is neither a worldwide Jewish conspiracy nor a Jewish form of racism, what is it then?

The root of Zionism is the word “Zion.”  Furthermore, the word “Zion,” although originally referred to the mount upon which stood the Jewish temple, eventually became equivalent to the name, “Jerusalem.”  So, Zionism is concerned with the land of Zion and with its capital of Jerusalem.

Zionism describes a feeling.  Zionism is an expression of the longing and yearning that the Jewish people have had in the past and still have for their homeland.  Zionism existed during the Egyptian bondage.  It existed during the Babylonian captivity.  It exists in these days of the dispersion which began in 70 A.D.  As soon as any Jew expressed a desire to go back to his land, regardless of his reason, he was expressing Zionism.  Any Jew who looked toward and identified himself with the promised land, whether he knew it or not, whether he admitted it or not, was a Zionist.

Zionism is neither a conspiracy nor racism.  It is an expression of a yearning placed into every Jewish heart by God Himself.  Unfulfilled Zionism is being outside the land of Israel.  Fulfilled Zionism is being and living in the land.

But what most Christians want to know is this:  Is Zionism Biblical?  To this question, every believer who takes the Bible literally and seriously must say yes.  A typical Zionist passage of Scripture is found in Psalm 137:1-6.

“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yeah, we wept, when we remembered Zion.  Upon the willows in the midst thereof we hanged up our harps.  For there they that led us captive required of us songs, And they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.  How shall we sing Jehovah’s song in a foreign land?  If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her skill.  Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.  If I remember thee not: if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.”

The longing to go back to Israel, by the Jewish captives in Babylon, is an expression of Zionism.  The word “Zion” is used twice as is its equivalent “Jerusalem.”  Zion is to be remembered (verse 1) and so are its songs (verse 3).  Jerusalem must not be forgotten (verse 5) but preferred above all joys (verse 6).  It is impossible to be more Zionistic than the author of Psalm 137.

Another Zionist was Isaiah the prophet for he wrote in 62:1:

“For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness go forth as brightness, and Her salvation as a lamp that burneth.”

Many other passages may be cited but lack of time forbids us doing so.  But these should suffice to show that Zionism is a Biblical expression and therefore Christians should be active in two things:  First, to stand by the State of Israel; and secondly, to condemn all misrepresentations of Zionism as either a conspiracy or racism.


Patriotic Americans come in all sizes and shapes, from all denominations of Christendom and Judaism, as well as other religions, and from all races and skin colors.  All of us however, will agree that the United Nations is an evil entity and America should dissolve her membership in same.

Thus, I would hope that folks understand that one of the giant foes of freedom, the United Nations, is actually behind the pejorative and very negative usage of Zion and Zionism.

As for those of you who tilt towards anti-Semitism, perhaps this will give some explanation as to how the United Nations has purposely propagandized the term.

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Geller And Spencer: Did The FBI Want Them Dead?

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of the Washington establishment is remarkable by any standard. Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo noted in October 2011: “What we’re seeing not just inside the White House, but inside the government entities, the national security entities, the State Department – is a strong push by the Muslim Brotherhood to get their people not just into operational positions, but policy positions – deeper, long term, bureaucratic positions.” ― Robert Spencer, Muslim Brotherhood in America

Before we discuss the jihadi attack at Pamela Geller’s art exhibit in Garland, Texas back in 2015, let’s take a look at some of the FBI’s activities from the recent past.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

The question is this…why is the FBI often involved in the murder of American citizens?

The FBI operates under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice and is a member of the U.S. Intelligence community, and reports to the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence.  At this point, they have a rather jaded history, especially when run by Democrat appointees.  William Sessions was the FBI director during Ruby Ridge and WACO and he was fired by Bill Clinton in July of 1993.  Yes, FBI directors can be fired for cause.

The FBI at Ruby Ridge

Twenty-five years ago, in August of 1992, an FBI sniper shot Vicki Weaver in the head as she held her ten-month-old baby at her home in Ruby Ridge, Idaho. The FBI sniper, Lon Horiuchi, also shot her husband Randy Weaver in the back, and wounded family friend, Kevin Harris. Their son was shot in the back and killed the day before by U.S. Marshals on the family’s property. One of the Marshals also died, as did a Weaver family dog killed by the officials.  In 1997, Horiuchi was charged with manslaughter for the death of Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge, but the charges were later dropped, and he was even promoted.

This all started after years of federal investigation into Randy Weaver, beginning in the mid-1980s when Weaver’s neighbor, bitter over a land dispute, called him to the attention of various federal authorities. The most that came from these investigations was a charge, possibly true but contested, that Weaver had sold illegally sawed-off shotguns to an ATF informant, a charge with which an agent threatened Weaver if he refused to participate in another one of their investigations into third parties. Not wanting to be an ATF informant, Weaver refused. Eventually, a trial was set, but Weaver was told the wrong court date. A grand jury indicted him for failure to appear before he had a chance to show up on the date he was told.

The federal agents ambushed his property and when all was done, one official and two of the Weaver group had died and two were wounded, along with the loss of their family pet.

Weaver and his friend were finally acquitted, and in a lawsuit against the government, Weaver was awarded $3.1 million.

The best summation of Ruby Ridge is still Jess Walter’s Ruby Ridge: The Truth and Tragedy of the Randy Weaver Family. No punches are pulled when it comes to the family’s racist inclinations, but more importantly, the government’s criminal negligence and cover-up are described by Walter in excellent, damning detail.

The Waco Siege, April 19, 1993

The attempt by the ATF and FBI to search the Branch Davidian ranch, for illegal firearms and explosives, led to the infamous WACO siege, and the deaths of 84 to 100 men, women and children.  Clinton appointee, Attorney General, Janet Reno, was in charge of this raid.  Reno ordered the brutal assault by dozens of federal agents on the Davidian complex in Waco. The attack ended a 51-day siege that began in February, when an earlier raid had led to the deaths of six Branch Davidians and four federal agents.

There were four cameras aimed at the compound during the siege, and all of the recordings went missing.

In the spring of 1998, under the Freedom of Information Act, investigators from MGA Studio’s film division became the first private citizens to gain access to the Waco investigation evidence lockers. What they found was shocking. Upon examination, the evidence gathered under the supervision of federal officials appeared to contradict the FBI’s congressional testimony, raising serious and disturbing questions about events surrounding the siege at Mt. Carmel and the deaths of the Davidians. Since 1993, former members of the FBI, former Special Forces, and CIA operatives have come forward with new evidence to suggest that the FBI’s claim of what happened is inaccurate.

Whistleblower, and former FBI agent and supervisor, Dr. Frederick Whitehurst has exposed the entire Branch Davidian debacle in this video.  The footage reveals crimes by the FBI against the Waco families, including FBI machine-gunning would-be escapees at the back of the building during the fire.

Cliven Bundy and LaVoy Finicum

Finicum, 54, an Arizona rancher, was one of the leaders of the Jan. 2, 2016 takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon.  All of this is a result of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) taking land from ranchers, the last one being Cliven Bundy.  Bundy and Finicum both owned ranches in Nevada and Arizona respectively.

The underlying conflict that led to the armed Cliven Bundy standoff in Nevada goes back decades. Since the ’90s, Bundy had refused to pay required grazing permits and fees to the U.S. government — the government says he owes about a million dollars, all told.  A court ordered Bundy to remove his cattle from federal lands.  It all boiled over in April of 2014, when federal agents came to round up hundreds of his cows near his ranch in the Nevada desert.

They were met by local ranchers, veterans, and Bundy supporters, some on horseback, waving American flags. Interstate 15 was blocked. Guns were drawn and things got extremely tense. Federal agents in military-style combat fatigues eventually stood down. … Cliven Bundy wasn’t arrested until almost two years later.  It’s been reported that a company tied to Harry Reid’s son wants the Bundy land.

The first trial for Cliven Bundy protestors began this February, 2017.

The trial for Ammon Bundy, his brother Ryan, and five others from the Oregon Malheur wildlife standoff took six weeks. And the verdict took five days: all defendants were found not guilty of federal conspiracy charges.

Bureau of Land Management

It was 1812, when the BLM got its unofficial start as the General Land Office (GLO). The job back then was to encourage western migration, homesteading and food self-sufficiency. The GLO and the U.S. Grazing Service merged in 1946 to officially form the BLM. Since then, under the guise of conservation strategies, government dictates and the globalist Agenda 21 mandates, the BLM has grown into a massive, out of control federal behemoth stealing homesteads, deeds, rights and lands from generational ranchers and farmers. In 2014, covered the events at Clive Bundy’s anti BLM stand at Bunkerville, Nevada, where 80% of the land in that state is federally controlled. That documentation is still in progress, as is the fight to end the BLM.

The Murder of LaVoy Finicum

In fall 2015, rancher LaVoy Finicum followed in Bundy’s footsteps and chose to stop complying with his lease contract with the Bureau of Land Management, in spite of a long positive relationship with the agency.

LaVoy said he was among the first advance team of cowboys and veterans who occupied the Malheur refuge in protest over the imprisonment of local ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond and federal management of public lands.  He and Ryan Bundy drove to Oregon together in his truck, thinking they were only staying for a day or two to help protest.

Finicum was reportedly killed during an officer involved shooting with Oregon State Police and the FBI while traveling with Ryan C. Bundy, 43, Ryan W. Payne, 32, Shawna Cox, 59, and Victoria Sharp, 18.  They were on U.S. Highway 395, bound for John Day, scheduled to speak at an evening community meeting about the future of the area, when the ambush occurred.  The use of deadly force is always a last resort, but in the case of Robert LaVoy Finicum, it appears they were determined to go straight to the last resort.

A roadblock was set up to stop and arrest the group.  The roadblock plan was devised by the FBI’s elite Hostage Rescue Team and approved by Greg Bretzing, FBI special agent in charge in Oregon. The plan also was reviewed by top officials at FBI headquarters and at the Oregon State Police.

It is obvious that the protest was moving toward a peaceful resolution when the roadblock was set up.  Oregon Governor, Kate Brown was putting pressure on the FBI to end it sooner than later, and they did, resulting in the murder of LaVoy Finicum.  Link

Black Lives Matter can protest and call for the death of policemen, and destroy property, yet landowners and citizens cannot protest the use of private and public taxpayer land without being seen as criminals. This is in opposition to everything our Constitution protects us from.

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

Charlie Hebdo is a French leftist satirical weekly magazine, featuring cartoons, reports, polemics, and jokes. It is irreverent and stridently non-conformist in tone.  Two Islamic terrorist attacks occurred against Hebdo in 2011 and 2015.  It was obvious both were in response to Hebdo’s printing of Muhammad cartoons.  In the latter attack, 12 people were murdered, including their publisher and several prominent cartoonists.

If the government passes an unjust law, the only way to protest it is to do what that law says you cannot do, e.g., Rosa Parks.  If an enemy of freedom and free speech attacks and murders because of others’ opinions, then this too needs to be challenged. It is the reason for Pamela Geller’s 2015 art exhibit, featuring historical and modern images of Muhammad, some created by Muslims. It was only provocative to Muslims who believe in Islam’s death penalty for blasphemy and brainwashed infidels (dhimmis).

Robert Spencer is a successful author, an expert on radical Islam and is the director of the website, Jihad Watch.  He also co-founded Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and the Freedom Defense Initiative with political activist, Pamela Geller, with whom he also co-authored a book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America.

Both Geller and Spencer have charged that the FBI, under Barack Obama, wanted them dead.  In 2015, Geller held an art exhibit and drawing contest featuring images of Muhammad. The aim was to defend free speech by showing that Americans could not be intimidated into complying with Islamic strictures prohibiting the depiction of Muhammad.  Watch this five minute Steve Malzberg interview with Robert Spencer.

An FBI undercover agent was in a car behind two shooters, Elton Simpson, and Nadir Soofi, who shot and injured a security guard at this exhibit.  The agent actually texted the two shooters to “tear up Texas,” to literally go ahead with the shooting of Geller and Spencer.  (Remember the CBS News report of the FBI’s foreknowledge of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing?)

Robert Spencer writes about the 60 Minutes’ episode which aired on March 26, 2017 and exposed a portion of what happened at Pam Geller’s art exhibit in Garland, Texas. Breitbart carried the video portion of the interview on 60 Minutes.


Years ago, true crime writer, Jack Olsen, wrote the book, Last Man Standing: The Tragedy and Triumph of Geronimo Pratt.  It is the story of an educated man, from an educated family who, while in the Black Panthers, wanted no violence.  The FBI set him up for a murder he didn’t commit, and put him in jail for 26 years, during which time, attempts on his life were constant.  Two amazing lawyers proved his innocence and sued the FBI and gained millions for Pratt.

Rogue intelligence agencies?  Sounds like it, and now we have Obama appointed, James Comey, as Director of the FBI.

P.S. NewsWithViews is truly the only avenue that brings Constitutional truth into your mailbox daily, and that’s why I write for them.  Our editor, Paul Walter, has given his heart and soul, not to mention his time and money, into saving America.  The journalists who write for him are by far some of the finest conservative researchers you will ever read.  No one likes to ask for money, but donations are needed to help Mr. Walter in this endeavor.  So, even if it’s only a few dollars, please help us keep this website alive.  And to those of you who have sent donations, we thank and bless you for your willingness to keep this website alive.  All donations can be sent here.  Thank you, and God bless!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

Trump Conservatives Thankful For Ryancare Failure

I also protect myself by being flexible, I never get too attached to one deal or one approach… I keep a lot of balls in the air, because most deals fall out, no matter how promising they seem at first.  –Donald J. Trump, The Art of the Deal

You have to be very rough and very tough with most contractors or they’ll take the shirt right off your back, –Trump wrote in the 1987 business classic, Art of the Deal

And maybe it’s just fine with Trump, because he is the master at the “Art of the Deal.”  But it is even finer with all of his supporters because there were far too many caveats in this Obamacare lite that none of his supporters liked.

The Art of the Deal

In Art of the Deal, Trump recalled a 1981 meeting with the attorney general and the head of gaming enforcement for New Jersey in which he threatened to walk away from Atlantic City, despite already making huge investments on the Boardwalk there, if he didn’t get certain concessions.  (The book is worth the read to understand our 45th President).

He described the situation, “Much as I wanted to build a great casino on the great site I’d assembled, I said, I have a very successful real estate business in New York, and I was more than willing to walk away from Atlantic City if the regulatory process proved to be too difficult or too time-consuming. The bottom line, I concluded, was that I didn’t intend to invest any more money, or to begin any construction, until I got a decision one way or the other on my licensing.”

Trump enjoyed telling us that this ploy worked. A process that normally dragged on for more than 18 months was completed within six.

He clearly hasn’t forgotten the lesson, and he needs to realize that the Conservative Caucus represents the grassroots folks who put him in our White House.

The Problem with Obamacare 2.0

Congressman Mo Brooks said he voted against Obamacare 2.0 “because it has more bad policy than any bill I have ever faced.  I simply cannot, and will not, vote for bad legislation that hurts so many Americans solely because Washington friends and colleagues ask me to.  While this bill has many major flaws, I emphasize just two.”

  1. ObamaCare 2.0 Increases Insurance Premiums by 15-20%.
  2. ObamaCare 2.0 is the Largest Republican Welfare Program in History.

Read what Brooks said about this bill and the problems with it, and watch his Fox New interview.

Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan

As one of the globalist insiders, Reince Priebus isn’t portraying Speaker Paul Ryan as the problem or as being at fault.  Instead, Priebus is embracing Ryan, the most disloyal anti-Trump neo-con Trotskyite in the House.  Remember Ryan gave us the rotten ObamaCare 2.0 as the only option.  Priebus apparently was successful in convincing our President that conservatives who were committed to the American people should be vilified for not going along with this monstrosity.

RyanCare 2.0 was not worth passing, and would have been political suicide for the Republicans.  We don’t want overtures to the Democrats.  We want Obamacare repealed completely, without any fixes.  Just get rid of the damned thing!

I find it worrisome that the President has tweeted that he will consider courting Democrats in order to pass his legislation.  It seems that the quality of the legislation, which would have hurt middle class Americans, is less of an issue than having another win.  The President had better be careful not to lose the support of the grassroots Americans who put him in office.

What is shocking is that Paul Ryan is being lauded for bringing forth a rotten piece of legislation that would have been a total disaster, while conservatives are disrespected.  Our President is a supposedly a savvy businessman, but I believe he needs someone close to him who he can fully trust to read these bills before he listens to globalist insiders who want to sell him a bill of goods that will destroy him.  Trump needs to stick with his base, and he needs to hire some grassroots researchers who know the truth.

Control, Control, Control

Socialist Democrat, Bernie Sanders, couldn’t wait for the first repeal and replacement of Obamacare to go down in flames.  He was right there proposing his single provider plan, and surely the looney liberal commie leftists in the Democrat party, along with several of the left leaning fools in the Republican party, will go right along with this.

The democrats will all stick together, and when Obamacare collapses, when the middle class is denied healthcare because of skyrocketing premiums, and outrageous deductions, the Socialists once again move in to take over.  Where are the Republicans?  Divided, again, with the leftist likes of Paul Ryan, who should be ousted from the House.  Wealth redistribution reigns, and to hell with the American people!

Obamacare is Communism

Saul Alinsky died in 1972, but his writings influenced those behind the scenes in political control of our nation today.  He said, “Control healthcare and you control the people.”  He was right, and so were Democratic Socialists, Cloward and Piven, who said the same thing.

Look, healthcare is not a right, it is a need.  How you fulfill that need is your personal responsibility.  If someone willingly donates money or services to meet that need, that is their choice.  However, if the government forcibly takes your money, or property, to provide for another citizen or illegal alien’s health care, that is a high crime; a total violation of our Constitutional rights.  It is wealth REDISTRIBUTION!

The Constitution IS A LIMITATION ON GOVERNMENT, not individual rights.  Capitalism and free market, free enterprise is our forefathers’ charter for protecting us against excessive government, which is also well known as Socialism/Communism!

Let’s Follow the Money

J.D. Pendry’s latest article, Always Follow the Money, spelled out some important facts about who BC/BS wanted to win.  Ahem.  It’s a short article, but through the website Open Secrets, Pendry highlights just where millions in donations went during the 2016 election cycle.  Talk about spreading the wealth around!

Pendry opines, “I certainly do not have a problem with legal campaign contributions, but I get concerned when an insurance carrier as large as Blue Cross/Blue Shield spreads around this much cash and even more concerned when these many politicians elected and sworn to fix our looming health care disaster are recipients of it.  When that happens, what real chance does average Middle Class America have at getting legislation that favors them?”

J.D. is absolutely right, and that’s why it is up to the American people to let our president know that we want Obamacare totally repealed, with no replacement!  Let the free market rule and reign!

House Freedom Caucus

Representative Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, along with 30 of the most conservative members of Congress, said this bill didn’t go far enough, and they were right.  It didn’t, and that’s why they were against it!  The members are very pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, but RyanCare simply did not defeat enough of Obamacare.

Jordan was interviewed by Chris Wallace who attacked him for not passing the RyanCare bill and repeated what Speaker Ryan had said, “We’re now stuck with Obamacare for the foreseeable future.” Jordan stated that only 17% of Americans were actually for the “American Health Care Act.”

Wallace accused Jordan and the Caucus of going against Trump and Ryan on this important bill and being obstructionists.  But Jordan came back with the truth of it.  He said, “This is about the American people and what we told them we were going to do. There is no way this legislation was consistent with what the American people sent us here to accomplish, no way it was consistent with what we told them we were going to do, and that’s why you saw members oppose it and that’s why the Freedom Caucus opposed it in large part, because of that simple fact.”

Jordan said they promised to do it the way they told the American people, and this bill absolutely did not live up to that promise.  “So let’s do tax reform, like we told the American people we were going to. Let’s make sure we actually secure the border, build the wall, like we told the American people we were going to. We make this job way too complicated.  Do what we told the American people we were going to do.”

It is of interest that Ted Poe of Texas dropped out of the Freedom Caucus over their unwillingness to support this horrific bill.

House Bills Repealing Obamacare

On January 3, 2017, Steve King put forth H.R. 175 to abolish the ACA, or Obamacare.  It has been languishing in committees since then.  However, it is a house resolution, and as such carries no force of law even if passed.

Mo Brooks, representative from Huntsville, AL, submitted a one sentence act to eliminate Obamacare. “Effective as of Dec. 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted,” the bill states.

Interesting that it has absolutely no sponsors…


In my article, Repeal, But Don’t Replace ObamaCare, I revealed how Congress created this crisis, and how it goes all the way back to the early 1900s.

I believe the only way to fix all this mess is to repeal Obamacare in its entirety. Mandate that all insurance must go back to where it was, Mo Brooks bill is superb! I know my insurance costs would drop exponentially.  Then, anyone who cannot get coverage goes to Medicaid. Obama converted healthcare to a tax…it was a tax; plain and simple. Any attempt to keep Obamacare and tinker with it will fail, because the people want it gone, the middle class hates it, and it’s destroying us.

There was absolutely NOBODY on Capitol Hill who was fully aware of everything in Obamacare.  Remember Pelosi said we had to pass it to know what was in it!

The “Affordable Care Act” did not make health insurance affordable for anyone other than those who could not get it and belonged on government systems, and who were illegal aliens. The rest of us paid more, not less. Healthcare is a total mess and it has risen to such a high consumption level within the entire GDP, it reduces disposable income of the average household and that acts simply as an economic depressant.

President Trump, keep your promise to the people who elected you.  We don’t want Obamacare fixes, we want it totally REPEALED!

© 2017 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

News With Views Response To Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s Lies

A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others.  When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest form of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal in satisfying his vices.  And it all comes from lying—to others and to yourself.  Fyodor Dostoevsk

Baldwin Pulls Articles from NWVs

Last week, the editor of NewsWithViews, Mr. Paul Walter, left a message with Chuck Baldwin’s office, that NWVs would no longer print any of Mr. Baldwin’s anti-Semitic articles.  Mr. Walter said they’d be happy to print any other articles, but they receive too many complaints and lose readers when Baldwin’s anti-Israel articles appear on the website, even when the editor includes a disclaimer.

Instead of Chuck returning Mr. Walter’s call, he had his secretary email him that Baldwin wanted all his articles pulled and would no longer write for NWVs. They are still posted.  Baldwin had always requested that his articles be sent out by NWVs singularly, and NWVs had always complied.

Baldwin Lies on Facebook

Subsequently, Mr. Walter received several phone calls alerting him to Baldwin’s statement on his Facebook page, and realized that Chuck Baldwin, a professed Baptist preacher, had blatantly lied about Mr. Walter and NWVs.

Mr. Walter said, “It’s very sad that Chuck Baldwin, who calls himself a man-of-God, stated on his Facebook page that a Zionist gives NWVs $1,000 a month, and said he would no longer contribute if Baldwin’s articles are still on the website.”

Pastor Baldwin is using the negative connotation of Zionism which is very common today thanks to the United Nations condemnation of it during their General Assembly debate on November 10, 1975.  Because of this, there is much confusion among Christians as to the nature of Zionism.  Biblical Zionism is nothing more than the desire of the Jews for their homeland.  Watch for a future article on “Zionism, What it is and What it is Not.”

Here are Baldwin’s exact Facebook words:

This website owner (whom I have had a very friendly business relationship with for many years and whom I believed was a committed patriot and constitutionalist) said that a wealthy Zionist contributor had threatened to cut off his $1000 per month donation to the website if I was allowed to continue to write critical comments against Israel.  Imagine: there are 70 writers on this website, and ONE writer (me) tells the truth about Israel and that ONE writer (me) must be censored.  Worse yet is the fact that the website owner said he actually AGREES with me about the Zionist problem.

That’s how it works, folks. These angry, intolerant, wealthy Zionists use the power of their money to intimidate and coerce not only the mainstream media but also the conservative media into kowtowing to their radical Zionist agenda.

So, the owner of sold his convictions for $1,000 a month. Well, I won’t sell mine FOR ANY PRICE. I will let the Author of truth (God) and the lovers of truth (my readers) make up the slack for any tyrannical Zionist who thinks he can purchase my tongue or my pen with his blood money.

The entire statement by Chuck Baldwin is a fabrication of his imagination, and Baldwin never even spoke to NWVs’ editor.  Mr. Walter wishes he was receiving $1000 a month from a reader.  No one knows how very much it costs to keep a large website like NWVs up and running, and no one has ever given Mr. Walter $1000 a month. NWVs received only one thousand dollar donation from Canada about 7 or so years ago.

Baldwin stating that this alleged donor was a Zionist is also preposterous.  When donations come into NWVs, Mr. Walter doesn’t inquire as to what religious affiliation or what denomination they are…so Baldwin’s statement is again, a total lie.

As for agreeing with Chuck Baldwin on Zionists, that too is a blatant lie.  There are evil Jewish folks who do evil things, but there are far more evil gentiles and Asians in history who have committed more atrocities and murders than any Jewish person.  Think about Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Ho Chi Minh, Kim Jong il, Kim Jong un, Mao Zedong, Idi Amin, Chiang Kai-shek, Leopold II, and on and on.

History shows the story of evil coming from gentiles and Asians, but those who hate the Jewish people concentrate only on the 14 million Jews in the world and use them as scapegoats.  Why?  Because the Bible is clear, satan (purposely not capitalized) has always wanted to destroy God’s chosen people.  How can anyone hate the Jews and say they love the Jewish Messiah?

Writers Challenged Baldwin

Guest columnist, Alexander Gofen, a Christian immigrant from Russia, wrote an article entitled, Unashamed Anti-Zionism and Demagoguery of Pastor Chuck Baldwin.  Alexander starts his article with this statement:

It is rare in these days to see such unashamed anti-Zionism displayed loud and proud by a seemingly conservative author, whose language and arguments are, however, more appropriate to the vile socialist left. Mr. Baldwin resorts to demagoguery by mixing together both valid and very invalid issues, i.e., anti-Zionism rants. [Link]

Rabbi Nachum Shifren also had a response to Baldwin’s article, and wrote an article entitled, Chuck Baldwin, Netanyahu, Jews and the Christians.  He made the following opening statements:

I have had the good fortune to see my articles in NewsWithViews over the years. I say this because being one of the “deplorables” in America today limits our access to many journalistic opportunities, and yet, like many of the faithful of publisher Paul Walter, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

As such, many of you who’ve been following Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s philosophical meanderings through the years might have caught a slight dissonance in his recent column, “Is Netanyahu Finished“, as if something was out of sync.

This writer has never actually challenged what Chuck Baldwin stated, but I did email him about a statement he made in one of his articles.  Baldwin stated that today’s Jews of Israel are not the Jews of the Bible.  So, I wrote and asked him who they were since Jesus was quite clear in the scriptures that they were in fact, despite intermarriage, still descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel).  I never received an answer.

However, perhaps Dr. Thomas Ice can clarify in his article, The Biblical Definition of Jewishness. “The notion that Jews cannot have the blood of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob flowing through their veins is purely one manufactured by those with an anti-Semitic bias.”  Ice states, “Since there was about a 2000-year period from the call of Abraham until the time of Christ, and Jesus referred to the residents of Israel as Jews, then we have a precedent to do so today.  It has been about another 2000 years since the time of Christ until our present day.  If the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were considered Jews after two thousand years by Jesus in His day, then why should they not be considered descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob today, after another two thousand years have passed?”


Paul Walter, the editor of NewsWithViews appreciated the majority of well researched articles submitted by Chuck Baldwin.  However, anti-Semitism does not have a place in the columns on NewsWithViews, and never will.

As a Baptist pastor, Chuck Baldwin’s vindictive lies about Mr. Walter are surprising for a man who calls himself a Christian.  Also it’s a great sin for Baldwin to set up his facebook followers to judge Mr. Walter falsely. He obviously has forgotten the 9th Commandment in Deuteronomy 5:20, “Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

And again, in Proverbs 12:22, “Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.”

“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.” Matthew 15:9

The most important verse is Jeremiah 23, which states, “Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my Pastor,” saith the Lord.

Pastor Baldwin may wish to reread one of his own articles from February of 2016, Why are Christians so Mean and Nasty?  In it he states the following,

“Far too many professing Christians are just as mean and nasty as any unchurched person you will ever find–maybe more so. A sizeable portion of our professing Christians today are gossiping, slandering, backbiting, nosy, meddlesome, temperamental, mean-spirited, authority-hating, self-absorbed, whining little babies. They walk around with a chip on their shoulder just daring anyone to knock it off.”

Pastor Baldwin, you took a private conversation public, and you did it with vindictiveness and lies.  These are not the actions of a man of God.

Please pray for Pastor Baldwin and pray for us.  We all need to draw nearer to the King of Glory, Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, and King of the Jews.

Supremes Overturn Gorsuch Ruling, And Dems Vow To Filibuster

True freedom requires the rule of law and justice, and a judicial system in which the rights of some are not secured by the denial of rights to others. Jonathan Sacks

The people in general ought to have regard to the moral character of those whom they invest with authority either in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches. John Witherspoon

Judge Gorsuch’s 2008 Decision

Judge Gorsuch’s 2008 decision in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit was the touchstone for Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District, the case the justices heard in January, and have just now unanimously decided for the plaintiff.  Believe me folks, this is not good for our school districts or for taxpayers.

At issue was an autistic youngster who had been in public school from kindergarten to fourth grade.  The parents decided the child was not progressing as they expected in fifth grade, so they put him in a private school costing $70,000 a year.

They then sued the school to pay for the private school cost because they claimed he wasn’t reaching his potential in the public school despite 37 hours of special-ed services per week.

This case first went to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) for review, and the ALJ rejected Endrew’s parent’s request for reimbursement concluding that Endrew’s public school had provided him with “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), an act signed into law in 1990 by George H.W. Bush, a law which needs repealing.

Then the district court affirmed their ruling, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit also affirmed, as did Judge Gorsuch who ruled the school had reached their “de minimis” standard. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires States to provide “merely more than de minimis” in providing “some educational benefit” to students under the IDEA.

Supremes Overturn Gorsuch Ruling

On March 22, 2017, the Supreme Court unanimously overturned the 10th circuit court decision, ruling in favor of higher standards for disabled children via IDEA in the case brought by plaintiff child, Endrew.

Sadly, Judge Gorsuch apologized in the confirmation hearings for his ruling against this autistic child, saying that he was bound by precedent, which Gorsuch does not like to go against.  In this case, he should have held his ground, because he was right! And, apologies win nothing!

So, from now on when parents of a disabled child decide (all of which is subjective) that their child is not making the proper advances in a public school, they can arbitrarily send their child to a costly private school and have the school district pay for it.  The school district is funded by TAXPAYERS!!!

Do you understand what this will cost the American taxpayer in real estate taxes to support the local school districts who will have to pay high costs when a parent decides the school isn’t doing the job they expect?  Just who will decide who gets taxpayer dollars for their child’s special education, because the school district doesn’t meet their objectives?  More unelected councils?

Think about the Education Czar, Betsy DeVos, who wants to privatize our public schools and have corporations running them for profit!  The public schools will either go broke or tax us to death for the costs which will also affect private, and religious schools.  Betsy Devos is anathema to academic education, but few people understand how very dangerous she truly is to our children.  She will love this decision, because it plays right into her hands.

Dems Confirm Gorsuch Filibuster

The Democrats just confirmed they will filibuster Gorsuch, requiring that he be withdrawn and replaced.

Democratic Sen. Bob Casey, son of the famous Pennsylvania pro-life Gov. Bob Casey, who is up for reelection, and who pretends to be pro-life, announced he will join the filibuster.  Gorsuch and the pro-choice backed and funded Federalist Society made that easy for Sen. Casey to do.  It might even help his reelection in light of Gorsuch’s pro-choice performance.

Another Democratic Senator up for reelection, who also pretends to be pro-life, is Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, and he may join the filibuster.  The Democrats may have enough votes to block Gorsuch.

This truly creates a second chance for 30 million unborn babies, for Trump’s advisers, and for the Republican Party to nominate someone who is actually pro-life, like Charles Canady of Florida.  Second chances do not occur often in politics, but here it is, so time to pray and work, because big money is for Gorsuch.

Koch Brothers Fund Gorsuch Nomination

The Koch brothers, David and Charles, and other billionaires who are pro-abortion are clamoring for the Senate to change their rules to try to overcome the filibuster.

David and Charles Koch

The Koch brothers (pronounced “Coke”) are the billionaire co-owners of Koch Industries. As two of the richest people in the world, they are key funders of the neo-con infrastructure, including the pro-Constitutional Convention, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and the State Policy Network (mini-Heritage Foundations in each state).  Key articles on the Kochs include: Koch Brothers,  Koch Industries, Americans for Prosperity, and Freedom Partners.

David Koch is on the board of Trustees of Rockefeller University. He is also on the board of Earthwatch Institute, an environmental, sustainability, Agenda 21 group, and the board of the globalist new age Aspen InstituteSee this map of Koch’s many connections.  David Koch also supports abortion, gay marriage, and stem-cell research.

The secret donors who are financing ads for Gorsuch don’t care about the unborn.  They’re just fine with the prospect of relegating pro-life senators to irrelevancy in future confirmation battles.  Many senators, both Republican and conservative Democrats, have spoken out against changing their rules to confirm Gorsuch.  Changing the rules to confirm pro-choice Gorsuch would be a colossal mistake for the pro-life movement, for the GOP, and for our country.

All President Trump has to do is pick a pro-life nominee who has a base of support, which Gorsuch never had.  The sooner Trump does this, the sooner his own polling will improve.

It is essential that we pray for our President, for the unborn, and for our country.  We need to help him keep all his promises to the American people.  We also need to pray that he has discernment as to those who surround and guide him.


Never in my lifetime have I seen so many advertisements for a Supreme Court nominee, but then the Koch billionaires are allegedly paying for them.  And, Gorsuch, a term limit CFR member will join two other CFR members on the court, Breyer and Ginsberg.  Here is a short tutorial on the CFR.

The first week after his nomination, Neil Gorsuch told a US senator that President Donald Trump’s tweets about the judiciary, i.e., Judge Robard’s restraining order against Trump’s immigration ban, are “demoralizing” and “disheartening.”  He also said in his confirmation hearing that “Judges have to “start with a heavy, heavy presumption in favor of precedent in our system,” which is why he loves stare decisis, and will probably never vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.  Stare decisis is Latin for “to stand by things decided,” and is the doctrine of precedent.

During the confirmation hearings, while being questioned by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., on the destruction of unborn children, Gorsuch stated “the Supreme Court of the United States has held in Roe v. Wade that a fetus is not a person for purposes of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

When Durbin asked if he accepted that, the judge replied, “That’s the law of the land. I accept the law of the land, senator, yes.”

And his statement on “same-sex marriage,” Gorsuch acknowledged the Supreme Court had ruled such marriages are protected by the Constitution. He declared Obergefell v. Hodges, which struck down “same-sex marriage” bans nationwide in 2015, to be “absolutely settled law.”

I believe Gorsuch will be confirmed, but I am praying he is not.  The theatre being played out by the democrats and some of the left leaning neo-conservative Republicans is just that, theatre for the dumbed down believing masses, who don’t understand the game.

One need only remember that in 2006, when Neil Gorsuch was nominated by George W. Bush, “not a single Democrat opposed his confirmation in 2006,” tweeted Mitch McConnell on February 1st.  Both Bush families stated they were pro-choice after they were out of office. It is likely the Democrat Senators knew the families were really pro-choice and thus confirmed their nominee. Here’s the list of the leftists who confirmed him.

The Senators most likely know that Neil Gorsuch is another John Roberts or Kennedy, and is no Antonin Scalia.


P.S.  NewsWithViews has launched a new website to help get the truth out to even more Americans.  Be patient while we smooth out the bugs.  Our country needs citizens who will stand up for her and for her Constitution.  This is the call of the editor of NewsWithViews.  He has put his reputation and finances on the line for our country.  Please help him keep the truth arriving daily in your mailbox.  You can donate here, even if it’s just a small amount every month, it will definitely help.  Thank you for your patience and love of the truth.

Fethullah Gulen, The Hand That Rocks America’s Charter School Cradle

“You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers … until the conditions are ripe, they [the followers] must continue like this … The time is not yet right. You must wait for the time when you are complete and conditions are ripe.” —Fethullah Gülen June 1999

LTG Michael T. Flynn, our former NSA Chief, hoped to rid the country of Fethullah Gulen, and for good reason, the protection of American citizenry and especially of our children.

Fethullah Gulen

So, who is Gulen?  Why are American tax dollars funding his charter schools with no school board oversight?  Why is he allowed to bring thousands of Turkish Muslims into America via H1-B Visas, promoted heavily by the likes of Senator Mike Lee and others in Congress?  Why are his charter schools on our Air Force bases? And what is the connection of Gulen to the CIA?

The leader of the Gulen Charter schools has been hiding in the Pocono Mountains since 1999. The CIA will tell you he came here for “health reasons” but in truth he ran from his government and went into exile when he was accused of attempting to undermine Turkey’s secular regime in order to institute an Islamic state. He obtained his long time visa with the help of former CIA officials.

Sibel Edmonds explains how Gulen was brought into the United States during the Clinton Administration, and how Bill Clinton’s White House, the State Department and the Justice Department’s Janet Reno provided the infamous mullah and his terrorism-heroin operations with blanket immunity and protection.  Clinton’s hand-picked handlers, Graham Fuller and Mark Grossman, were selected to manage and direct Gulen’s cells in the U.S. and abroad.  Link

Gülen is a Turkish imam who started a worldwide network of charter schools to teach the principles of Islam. His massive wealth is estimated to be between $22-50 billion.  In building a sophisticated and well-funded worldwide network, including a substantial presence here in America, Gulen is following in the footsteps and exhortations of Mohammed, who counseled patience and deception (Taqiyya) as a means of overcoming the infidel when the power of the infidel was greater than the power of the umma, (the Muslim community).  This is called “Civilization Jihad,” and is more sinister and dangerous than the frontal assault strategy of al Qaeda and Hamas.

However, Fethullah Gulen, has also made radical remarks encouraging Muslims to destroy “infidels.”  His call for taking violent action against non-Muslims can be traced to the voice recording of a sermon which he preached in the 1980s.

Our Taxes Fund Gulen Charters

Gulen is educating more than 35,000 students in nearly 200 publicly funded schools, and makes up the largest charter school network in the United States. They promote an Islamic agenda, but receive government money, unlike other religious schools in the United States. These are the schools that are part of what is called Fethullah Gülen Community (FGC), also known as “the Gülen Movement.”

The U.S. Gülen schools receive public, state, and federal funds, but there is no oversight by the local school board. The Gulen charters are the 2nd largest charter chain in the US, second only to the rotten KIPP charters. The Gulen charters have been raided by the FBI many times.  American news organizations have done little to inform the public about the Gülen Movement, its schools, or any deeper significance or associated controversies. To date, only one news story has been produced by the mainstream press, USA Today’s, “Objectives of charter schools with Turkish connections questioned,” and it is rather weak.

Here is a list of Gulen charter schools, albeit it is from last year, but notice the variety of names for these charters.  The innocuous names like Chicago Math and Science Academy and Pioneer Charter School of Science, don’t inform the community that they’re run by an Islamic Mullah.

Gulen and H1B Visas

Gülen schools are among the nation’s largest users of the H1B visas. In 2009, the schools received government approvals for 684 visas – more than Google Inc. (440) but fewer than a technology powerhouse such as Intel Corp. (1,203), reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.  However, they may be facing harder times in the future.

Over the past 10 years, the schools have imported thousands of Turkish educators to work in the schools, most of them with ties to Gülen, who lives in a small Pennsylvania town called Saylorsburg.  The charters receive approximately $150 million a year in tax breaks and subsidies.  Government officials are increasingly concerned that taxpayer dollars are being used to fund a close-knit network of Turkish teachers and businesses using charter schools as a Trojan horse for embedding into the U.S. education system.

These so-called Turkish teachers who speak very little English and who have no teaching experience, come to America and teach for a bit and then disappear into American society.  It is inconceivable that our visa officers have approved thousands of visas for English teachers whose English is incomprehensible.  There are over 5,000 Turkish employees on H1B Visas.  And, unbelievably, the Gülen organization illegally threatens to revoke these visas unless the Turkish teachers agree to kick back part of their salary to the organization.

Gulen Charters on US Air Force Bases

Countries all over the world are forcing Gulen schools out because of his statements and ideology, but Americans are allowing his Islamic schools on our Air Force bases.  One has to wonder why.  Is it because these bases contain our fighter jets?

General Flynn said, “We are facing another ‘ism,’ just like we faced Nazism, and fascism, and imperialism and communism. This is Islamism, it is a vicious cancer inside the body of 1.7 billion people on this planet and it has to be excised.”

Lawyer Robert R. Amsterdam, founder of international law firm, Amsterdam and Partners LLP, has been engaged by the Republic of Turkey (Erdogan)…to conduct a wide ranging investigation into the operations and geopolitical influence of the Gülen organization, which is behind the Coral Academy of Science and over 140 other public charter schools scattered across 26 American states.”

The Coral Academy of Science in Las Vegas has a Gulen charter on the Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. Amsterdam says his firm’s investigation revealed that the Gülen organization “uses charter schools and affiliated businesses in the U.S. to misappropriate and launder state and federal education dollars, which the organization then uses for its own benefit to develop political power in this country and globally.”

Nellis AFB is a US military installation with military schools and more squadrons than any other USAF base, and hosts air combat exercises such as Exercise Red Flag and close air support exercises such as Green Flag-West flown in “Military Operations Area (MOA) airspace.” They are associated with the nearby Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR). The base also has the Combined Air and Space Operations Center-Nellis.  One wonders if this is why the Gulen charter is located there.

Coral Academy successfully opened a school on Davis-Monthan AFB in 2009, and it tried but failed to gain access to Marine Corps Base Hawaii and Naval Station Great Lakes in Illinois.  In California, Magnolia Public Schools applied for a charter in Oceanside, where Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is located, although it temporarily withdrew its application after Amsterdam’s law firm pointed out Magnolia’s connection to the Gülen organization.

Robert Amsterdam asks, “In light of Gülen’s modus operandi elsewhere, the Department of Homeland Security should be asking itself why such a non-transparent, religion-based organization would seek to establish itself on our military bases, teaching the children of our service men and women.”  This is the same thing General Michael Flynn was asking!

Seems the Gulen schools do not follow the law either.  The charter on Nellis AFB did not have a school nurse on site when a child broke her elbow at recess and was sent back to her classroom for the rest of the day.  Now they are claiming there is a nurse on staff.  Link

The CIA and Gulen

The plot to overthrow the current government of Turkey by the CIA was first started in 2008 by the US military-intelligence establishment supported think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) (please check the link), whose board members are a “who’s who” of American military connected individuals, pharmaceutical companies, CFR members, and Socialist Democrats.  Their research papers advocated the United States creating what they call a “moderate Muslim” majority in the Middle East to battle Islamic extremists and whose target nation for this action was Turkey.  And Gulen was right there ready to help them.  So, is Gulen working for the CIA?

Graham Fuller, the former CIA Station Chief in Istanbul, and former handler of Fethullah Gülen, is allegedly one of the top American experts on Turkey and the Middle East. As a former CIA agent, he endorsed Gülen not only to enter the US, but to take up residence in the Pocono Mountains, and to then start over 100 charter schools.  All the while, Gulen collects our tax dollars and indoctrinates our children.

The Turkish media reported that none other than Gülen mentor, “former” CIA man Graham E. Fuller, along with another “former” CIA person and close Fuller associate, were some 20 minutes from Istanbul the night the of failed July 15, 2016 coup attempt which would have replaced President Erdogan with Gulen.  Fuller claims to have retired from the agency years ago, when he went over to the CIA-tied RAND Corporation.  An article by F. William Engdahl details Fuller’s long involvement with Gulen as well as his links to the two Chechyn brothers accused of the Boston Marathon bombing.  It has been reported that the coup plotters intended to whisk Fuller to Greece.


General Michael T. Flynn’s history in military intelligence, his knowledge of Islam, and the Gulen/CIA infiltration into America’s charter schools may well have put him at odds with intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council.  It is my belief that this could have added to the impetus to eliminate the General from the Trump administration, not only by embedded Obama appointees, but also by some of the globalist players surrounding our new president.

Losing General Flynn was a great loss to the Trump administration and to all American citizens.

Important Links

NewsWithViews’ own Diane Kepus has done extensive research on Fethullah Gulen.  Her articles are an education in their own right, and should be read by every American who is concerned with our safety and the education of America’s children.

CIA Supporting the Islamic Indoctrination of our Children

Danger: Gulen Charter Schools and the Fethullah Gulen Movement – Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5

Another fine researcher is Sibel Edmonds, who has also exposed Fethullah Gulen Charter Schools, the CIA connections, and more. [Link]

LTG Michael T. Flynn v. Fethullah Gulen Charter Schools

What will our lives be like if we lose this war?  It’s actually a very easy question to answer: we’d live the way the unfortunate residents of the “caliphate” or the oppressed citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran live today, in a totalitarian state under the dictates of the most rigid version of Sharia.  A Russian KGB or Nazi SS-like state where the citizens spy on one another, and the regime doles out death or lesser punishment to those judged insufficiently loyal.  -LTG Michael T. Flynn, The Field of Fight

General Flynn is right, and his number one interest is the safety and security of American citizenry, and that is the reason he was appointed as National Security Advisor.  The General is still under attack, only this time it is because he not only wanted to protect American citizens, but more importantly their children.  Flynn is also a board member of Brigitte Gabriel’s Act for America, who educates citizens and elected officials to impact public policy and protect America from terrorism.

Safety is something President Trump reiterated time and again during the campaign and after his election, and is one of the many reasons I supported him.

Today, our President is trying to keep his promise to protect America and her people from dangerous Islamic political ideology via executive orders on immigration which are Constitutionally sound.  Yet, he is now being blocked again by judicial tyrants, both of whom are connected to Obama. [Link] More on this in future articles.

General Flynn History

General Flynn served honorably for 33 years in US military, much of the time at the top levels of military intelligence.  Obama fired the General from his position as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014, after Flynn told a congressional committee that the American people are in more danger now than just a few years ago, an uncomfortable truth Obama didn’t want the American people to hear.

Last February, Flynn was railroaded out of the Trump administration by intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council using a sophisticated “disinformation campaign” to create a crisis atmosphere for speaking to the Russian ambassador, despite illegally obtained wiretapping transcripts of the conversation which showed Flynn never did anything illegal.  There is far more to this than we presently know.

It is my opinion that the General would still be our NSA Chief were it not for VP Pence, who, along with Sean Spicer, mentioned that Flynn was gone because of a “trust issue.”  Worse yet, days later while in Europe, Pence twisted the knife by repeating the statement to a foreign audience for no reason.  In my recent article, I listed Pence’s globalist voting record while in Congress, as well as his actions as Indiana governor.  Unfortunately, Pence is also closely aligned with the Trump hating Koch brothers, and he stated in 2014, that he was “grateful,” for David Koch.

Pence Says Flynn Firing Affirmed

VP Pence said the Turkey ties of the former NSA Chief are an affirmation of the decision to fire Michael Flynn, but he obviously hasn’t a clue of Fethullah Gulen or his charter schools which pose dangers to America and her children, or does he…  Surely Pence knows there are three Gulen Islamic charters operating in Indianapolis, Indiana, and that in 2014, the FBI raided 19 charter schools affiliated with the Gülen Movement in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois for reasons allegedly related to crimes linked to education tenders. [Link

Maybe the Vice President should research how many state legislators have visited Turkey thanks to the generosity of Fethullah Gulen, who wanted their approval for more of his charter schools in their states.

Pence stated in an interview with Fox News that the report that Flynn was lobbying for Turkey’s Erdogan, was the first he had heard about Flynn’s role.  The General filed paperwork with the Justice Department acknowledging his work for a company owned by a Turkish businessman — work that could have aided Turkey’s government in the extradition of Islamist Fethullah Gulen.  The media is reporting this would have been a scandal, but again, there is nothing here that is illegal, and Turkey is a NATO ally in the middle east.

The White House, via Sean Spicer, even said the President was not aware of Flynn’s work on the matter, but Trump transition lawyers did not view Flynn’s lobbying work for a Turkish businessman as a liability for an official who serves as the president’s closest adviser on security and international affairs. They also raised new questions about whether Trump’s transition team actually vetted the appointees. Obviously, Pence and Spicer are unaware that Flynn’s work was quite widely circulated at the time by The Daily Caller and others.

Oh, c’mon people, who are you fooling?  Pence was in charge of all of the vetting, effective November 11th, and General Flynn was picked as National Security Adviser on November 17th, 2016.  So, is Pence now saying they haven’t vetted the Trump appointees?  Worse yet, did he not report all his findings to the President?

Even the leftist rag, Politico, revealed that from September to November last year, while Flynn was working as a top adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign, he was lobbying for Inovo, a Dutch firm linked to the Turkish government, earning $530,000 for his company, Flynn Intel Group Inc.  The General had even penned an op-ed calling for the “radical” cleric (whom the Turkish government wants to extradite) to be booted out of the US.

In an op-ed in The Hill, the General made these statements,

We must begin with understanding that Turkey is vital to U.S. interests. Turkey is really our strongest ally against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), as well as a source of stability in the region. It provides badly needed cooperation with U.S. military operations.

The primary bone of contention between the U.S. and Turkey is Fethullah Gülen, a shady Islamic mullah residing in Pennsylvania whom former President Clinton once called his “friend” in a well circulated video.

Gülen portrays himself as a moderate, but he is in fact a radical Islamist. He has publicly boasted about his “soldiers” waiting for his orders to do whatever he directs them to do. If he were in reality a moderate, he would not be in exile, nor would he excite the animus of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government.

After the General joined the Trump administration, he, like other incoming officials, agreed not to lobby for five years after leaving government service and never to represent foreign governments. Flynn’s newly disclosed lobbying would not have violated that pledge because it occurred before he joined the Trump administration in January.

Gulen and WikiLeaks

As far back as 2009, and 2011, WikiLeaks exposed Fethullah Gulen and was right on the money.  Our Vice President has stated he will go after those who exposed the governments’ unconstitutional program to spy on American citizens.  Why then, is Pence wanting to use the full force of the law against Assange and WikiLeaks when

WikiLeaks actually helped Trump get elected, and whistleblowers are different than criminals?

Judge Napolitano said, “Assange is clearly a media entity, albeit an unorthodox one… so the thief, the person who hands it to WikiLeaks, is the criminal. Not WikiLeaks.”  And, Pence may also run into a first amendment issue with Assange. [Link]

Napolitano is absolutely right.  Why aren’t they going after the perpetrators rather than WikiLeaks who exposed them?  The fact that Pence did not address the issue of violating Americans’ privacy, including General Flynn’s, but only those who ratted them out and exposed their crimes, is extremely troubling, especially when he has openly stated that there is no truth to the statements that the CIA is surveilling US citizens.

Judge Napolitano opined that, based upon and observations of the disruption that is taking place, it seems obvious that someone needs to be tasked with cleaning up this entire mess. “Why not bring General Flynn back from his premature departure, and put him in charge of finding out what has been going on in this regard and prosecuting or at a minimum holding those responsible accountable to the American people?”

General Michael T. Flynn has known about Fethullah Gulen for a long time. The General knows that the primary objective of the Gulen Movement is to increase its share of power.  He also knows that Gulen is wrapped up with the CIA, and a CIA handler named Graham Fuller, and that same CIA wanted to rid the Trump administration of General Flynn, for obvious reasons.  Not only is Flynn a skilled intelligence officer, but he knows Islam and the danger it represents to America, and in this case to America’s children.


There is some good news.  President Donald Trump’s potential pick for EU ambassadorship, Ted Malloch, said that he believes the new U.S. administration will likely extradite Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) leader Fetullah Gülen, as Turkey is member of NATO and a strategic ally.

Morocco’s ministry of education has announced that the country has shut down all schools operating under the umbrella of Mohamed Al-Fatih group, an educational establishment linked with the Gülenist Terror Group.  The same goes for other African countries including Sudan, Somalia, Benin and Guinea.

Sun Tzu said, “He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.” Gulenists know their enemy well and that is why they do not fear the result of their fight. The problem is that the West does not know that the enemy is within, so they should be worried about the result of the fight. A country can survive its fools and its opportunists; however, it cannot endure the enemy from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly, like al Qaeda. But the enemy within moves freely amongst those within the gates, but surely, he is whispering and rustling through all the alleys. For the enemy within speaks, eats, acts, dresses, and behaves in ways familiar to his victims.

General Michael T. Flynn understands this only too well.  In the next article, we’ll show why the General was working to extradite Gulen to Turkey, and rid America of the Gulen Charter schools.

P.S.  NWVs comes into your mailbox daily because of the efforts of the editor, and those who write for him.  Maintaining the website is costly, as is the time and effort put into the daily distribution of articles which you will not see in main stream media.  Please support NWVs monthly with any amount you can spare.  Your help brings the truth to America.

Gorsuch Not A Sure Vote In Trump Immigration Ban

Shortly after Donald Trump announced the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, it was revealed that Gorsuch had picked a Henry Kissinger quotation to caption his 1988 Columbia yearbook photograph: “The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” Henry Kissinger, August 29, 1967

It’s an odd remark for someone whose primary credential is his supposed textual fidelity to the Constitution, but then people often change from their college days.  Yet many questions remain about our President’s first nominee for the Supreme Court.

In nominating Tenth Circuit Judge Neil Gorsuch, a Harvard Law School graduate who was unanimously confirmed to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in 2006 by George W. Bush, President Trump believes he has effectively chosen to restore the Court to the status quo.  Unfortunately, a number of strong Constitutional conservatives are not so sure.

In my February article, The Pros and Cons of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, I stated the facts as we knew them, hoping my readers would come to their own decision on the man, but now even more about this judge has come to light.  There are some good things, and there are some very disturbing things that we need to immediately consider.

A very troubling factor to me was the fact that Neil Gorsuch was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, listed in the 2008 CFR Annual Report Membership Roster. He is not listed in the 2017 Annual Report, but is listed as a member in his 2006 nomination by President George W. Bush. (See part 8)

Gorsuch on Executive Privilege

Judge Gorsuch’s record indicates that he is neither a staunch defender nor a harsh critic of immigrants’ rights. (We’re talking about illegal immigrants here.) In his time on the bench, Judge Gorsuch has dealt with only a handful of prominent immigration law cases. Of those, he has ruled in favor of the immigrant slightly less than half of the time.

However, while Judge Gorsuch and Justice Scalia are similar in many ways, many have noted that they disagreed sharply on how much deference to give to federal agencies’ interpretations of the law.

Under what’s known as “Chevron deference,” courts play only a limited role in reviewing an agency’s interpretation of a law within its area of expertise.  Although Justice Scalia was a staunch supporter of this principle, Judge Gorsuch has openly criticized Chevron deference, asserting instead that only judges should get to decide what the law is.

Do you see the danger here?  This would lead anyone to understand that Judge Gorsuch could side with the tyrannical judges who have stopped the Constitutionally legal executive orders of our President, Donald J. Trump, who wishes to limit the influx of Islamic foreigners immigrating to the United States, (foreigners who may well be a danger to American citizens that our President has sworn to protect), to oppose our President’s Constitutional duty and legality.

To top it off, our globalist Vice President is taking the exact opposite opinion of his boss and saying, “A judge ‘certainly’ has the right to stop Trump’s travel ban.”  I’m sorry, VP Pence, but the Constitution allows the Executive branch to deny entry into the United States.  Link  It has been done in the past by Democrats Jimmy Carter, and Barack Hussein Obama.  The President has sworn to protect American citizens!

Remember VP Pence’s pledge of commitment to the unelected councils (read Soviet) of the dictatorial European Union!  Link  And, God forbid anything happens to our President because with globalist Pence, you can forget the wall, forget repealing Obamacare, forget stopping the trade deals, and everything else that encouraged us all to vote for the man who spoke our language.

Gorsuch on Travel Ban

The Drudge Report revealed a Bloomberg article where some experts and academics say Gorsuch’s criticism of executive overreach in the Gutierrez-Brizuela case and others could lead him to reach decisions at odds with the 45th president’s policies. The judge’s thinking in those cases is likely to be a subject of intense interest in confirmation hearings next week.

Here’s the Bloomberg Story:

A Mexican immigrant who twice entered the U.S. illegally has one man in particular to thank for being able to live and work in Oklahoma City with his family — Judge Neil M. Gorsuch.

Gorsuch, the nominee President Donald Trump is betting on to be his Supreme Court tie-breaker, wrote a 2016 ruling permitting Hugo Rosario Gutierrez-Brizuela to stay in the U.S. and, his lawyer hopes, within a few years become a citizen.

“Without it we were done,” said Timothy Cook, the attorney. Had the decision gone the other way, Gutierrez-Brizuela would have been promptly deported, he said.

As Trump vows to fight all the way to the nation’s top court to preserve his temporary ban on travel from six mostly Muslim nations and immigration agents turn to more aggressive tactics on city streets, Gorsuch’s conservative credentials have been hailed as likely to swing the divided court in the president’s favor.

But as lawmakers scrutinize Gorsuch’s decade-long tenure on a federal appeals court for clues about how he might rule on hot-button issues such as abortion and gun control, his record shows that on immigration rights, he can’t be easily categorized.

Moreover, some experts and academics say Gorsuch’s criticism of executive overreach in the Gutierrez-Brizuela case and others could lead him to reach decisions at odds with the Republican president’s policies. The judge’s thinking in those cases is likely to be a subject of intense interest in confirmation hearings next week.


I am not at all convinced that this choice coming from the left leaning Federalist Society is one that will resonate with the Trump supporting American electorate.

Gorsuch belongs to an extremely liberal, pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage church, and he and his wife and daughters are very involved in this church.

Secondly, Gorsuch’s stance in this Gutierrez-Brizuela case would worry anyone about American citizens’ safety with this judge on the Supreme Court.

Please pray for our President, and pray for our nation. And above all, get off your couch and get involved. Run for a county commissioner seat, city council, school board, whatever. Trump is giving us an opportunity of a lifetime to take America back, if not for yourself do it for your grandchildren. The corrupt swamp is not just in Washington DC, it’s also in your state, county and city government as well.

P.S.  Our country needs citizens who will stand up for her and for her Constitution.  This is the call of the publisher of NewsWithViews.  He has put his reputation and finances on the line for our country.  Please help him keep the truth arriving daily in your mailbox.  You can donate here, even if it’s just a small amount every month, it will definitely help.  Thank you, and keep reading.

Sedition, Espionage And Wiretapping Of President Trump

Obama and Hillary surrogates put forth a false narrative of Russian collusion, but had no evidence to support the allegation.  It appears that on a second attempt, the Obama Administration got a FISA court order to monitor communications of the Trump campaign, treasure hunting for evidence to support the false narrative and apparently, there is none.  Now a backfire has put the Obama gang and their media lapdogs on the defensive. —J.D. Pendry

Wouldn’t it be nice to see the lying Socialist-loving media actually on the defensive and in a meltdown?  What’s funny is they’ve actually put a bit of truth out in the past, and now they’re having to eat their own words.  The NYTs asked Sean Spicer if there was proof of Obama’s wiretapping, and Sean said, “No,” but the NYTs itself printed the story on January 19, 2017.

Hopefully, our new AG go full bore after the former administration and their alleged illegal wiretapping!

Attorney General Sessions has not recused himself from an investigation into the latest wiretapping allegation and that just thrills me.  Trump has turned the tables on the left and their phony Russian election collusion stories.

The Gateway Pundit supplied an entire list of those the Obama administration had wiretapped.  However, Obama is denying he ever spied on Trump or his administration.  Yet, he has his handler, communist-bred Valerie Jarrett, in his rented townhouse, only blocks from the White House, to lead the charge to topple the peoples’ choice for President. Jarrett, from within the White House may have launched a Watergate style attack on Trump during the election, and is now continuing her attack.

Levin Calls for Congressional Investigation

Even former NeverTrumper and pro-Constitutional Convention talk show host, Mark Levin, has said, “The evidence is overwhelming.  This is not about President Trump’s tweet, it is about the Obama administration’s spying.  The question isn’t whether it spied, we know they went to the FISA court twice.  The question is, who did they spy on, and the extent of the spying.  That is, the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, Trump surrogates, and the American people.”

Levin called Obama’s efforts, “police state” tactics, and suggested that Obama’s actions should be the target of a congressional investigation.  He also stated that the theories about Russian interference in the presidential election were nothing more than conspiracy theories. Here’s the entire interview.

The Timeline

The first Obama FISA request came in June of 2016.  In July, Trump made a joke about Hillary’s missing emails saying that maybe Russia can find them.  This was the catalyst for the Socialist media to glom onto the fabrication that Russia hacked the election for Trump’s win.

In October, the Podesta emails kept flowing out from WikiLeaks, and new scandals were in the news daily.  Of course, the Clinton campaign blamed Trump and the Russians, spewing the allegation that the Russians hacked the Democrat emails. The truth of the matter is Podesta’s emails were obtained because he fell for a phishing scam.

When Julian Assange was interviewed in London by Sean Hannity, he clearly stated that Russia was not responsible for the hacking of the DNC. He has no reason to lie. We have just seen that the CIA department has possession of Russia hacking malware that can be used to make it appear that Russia’s fingerprints were on the DNC hacks. The CIA was possibly the source of the “hacks” during the election cycle. They didn’t give information to WikiLeaks, because Assange said that the source came from within the DNC, but these hacks were essentially made for no reason other than to provide a cover story that Russian hacking helped Trump win the election.

In October, the second FISA request was made by Obama, focusing on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks.  Again, no evidence whatsoever is found, but they continued their spying, ostensibly for national security reasons.

These are police state tactics where the standing administration is actually monitoring an opposing presidential campaign with surveillance by the federal government.  There should be media outrage, but the media is part of the problem.

In January of 2017, John McCain got into the act and turned over to the FBI the phony Buzzfeed intel “dossier” compiled by a foreign spy.  All of this was false, and nothing could be verified; the info had been floating around DC for months and ignored.

In early January, Obama decided to expand the NSA sharing and to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intel agencies before applying privacy protections.  Totally unheard of and dangerous, these reduced protections made it easier for intel on private citizens to be leaked or circulated.

Even worse is the NYT’s report on the eve of Inauguration Day, that several agencies, FBI, CIA, NSA, and the Treasury Department are all monitoring several associates of the Trump campaign suspected of Russian ties.  Yes, multi-agencies were working on this false story to destroy the peoples’ new president and his administration.

In February, the irreplaceable, NSA Chief, General Michael Flynn, fell prey to the lies of the FBI transcripts.  Obama’s Sally Yates, acting AG, is fired for insubordination.  The General, the finest appointee besides Sessions in Trump’s administration, ends up resigning over allegedly misleading VP Pence, most likely inadvertently, about the content of this normal conversation with the Russian Ambassador.

My own belief is that globalist VP Pence wanted to be rid of the General.  While in Germany days after Flynn’s resignation, Pence mentioned needlessly that Flynn was gone because of a “lack of trust.”  Spicer had uttered the same words.  I believe Pence is the core of why the General, who was a loyalist from the beginning, is gone.

Jeff Kredo is reporting that, “The CIA and Departments of Justice and Treasury are being sued by Judicial Watch for their role in leaking highly classified material as part of an effort to undermine the credibility of former Trump administration NSA Chief Michael Flynn, according to a recent announcement.”

Back to the timeline…later in February, the NYTs cited four current and former American officials in the Trump campaign who had “repeated contacts with Russian intel officials.  Of course, it’s been denied by the Trump administration, and then the NYTs admitted there was no evidence of any collusion between the campaign and the Russians.  Finally, the administration is raising questions about illegal intel leaks.

In March, the Bezos owned Washington Post reported that AG Sessions had contact twice with the Russian ambassador during the campaign, once at the Heritage Foundation, and once at a meeting in Sessions’ Senate office.

My previous article exposed just how many times the top Democratic Socialists have also met with the Russian ambassador as well as President Putin.

The Back Story

NSA Admiral Mike Rogers visited Trump Tower just 10 days after the election, and right after another Mike Rogers – the former House intelligence Chairman who retired after lying about the Benghazi fiasco – was kicked off the Trump transition team on intelligence.  No one could figure out why he was kicked out.  However, if you’ve read the Benghazi Brief you know how damaged, corrupted and untrustworthy Chairman Mike Rogers was – and he previously sat on the oversight gang of eight.

It appears that NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers didn’t want to participate in the spying scheme (Clapper, Brennan, etc.), of President Obama’s post presidency efforts to undermine Donald Trump.  It could be that NSA Rogers didn’t want to visit Trump Tower until Chairman Rogers was gone.

The end result was Admiral Rogers was fired.

Andrew McCarthy Sums It Up

Former prosecutor, Andrew McCarthy summarized the story in William F. Buckley’s NeverTrump National Review.

McCarthy tells that Obama and his minions wanted criminal investigations of Trump’s top people, yet there was nothing criminal to find.  Surprise, Surprise!  So what they did next was convert the investigation into an intel probe under FISA (The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act).  Parts of this story have been confirmed by the BBC, NYTs, and the McClatchy papers.

Normally a FISA surveillance is allowed by the court whenever the feds ask to spy on certain people, but not this time.  The court refused permission to spy on Trump’s people according to the BBC.  McCarthy commented that this is notable because, “the FISA court is notoriously solicitous of government requests to conduct national security surveillance.”

Not liking the refusals, the Obama administration came back during the final weeks of the campaign with a third request that didn’t specifically mention Trump. Then the request was granted by the court, BUT…reports from the Guardian and BBC don’t mention tapping of phones.

Of course, there have been denials by the Obama administration, which McCarthy calls “disingenuous on several levels.” Others have characterized them as a “non-denial denial.”

The Deep-Police-State

Newt Gingrich made the observation, “To think this happened to be done by some bureaucrats with no supervision, when you know, for example, that Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, spent an hour in secret with Bill Clinton just before they dropped charges against his wife. I mean all of this stuff smells to high heaven despite the best efforts of the elite media to cover it up.”  He said, “These Obama wiretaps of our President are very serious, and very dangerous to our liberties.”

The very first FISA request on Trump Tower came after Bill Clinton, and Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch, had their private meeting on the plane. [Link]

Gingrich made it clear that Schumer is trying to derail this presidency by keeping Obama appointees in power.  Schumer knows that Jeff Sessions is a man of integrity and character above reproach, but he attacks the finest in Trump’s administration.

FBI Director Comey

According to the NYTs, “The FBI director reportedly made the verbal request, to the Justice Department to publicly reject President Trump’s assertion that Obama ordered the tapping of Trump’s phones, senior American officials said on Sunday. They said Mr. Comey argued that the highly-charged claim is false and must be corrected, but the department has not released any such statement.”

Director Comey allegedly said, and it’s only supported by anonymous sources, for the DOJ to refute the President’s allegations, because, “it falsely insinuates that the FBI broke the law.”

So, it’s okay with the FBI to falsely insinuate that the President broke the law, but nobody had better make that same claim about them.  Fake news?  Maybe. We’re still wondering why Comey was retained.

Obama’s Community Organizers

Donald Trump’s latest tweets sent arrows into the MSM and Obama’s Organizing for America (OFA).

Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says OFA is an army of agitators 30,000 strong who will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency, and the ex-president “will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.”  Sperry writes that the ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the incoming administration through a network of leftist nonprofits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (currently more than $40 million) and has some 250 offices nationwide.  OFA’s IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate OFA has 32,525 volunteers nationwide.  The ex-president and his wife will oversee the operation from their foundation office near the White House.

Obama has moved some of his top players into the OFA.  He has even moved his co-president and handler, Valerie Jarrett, into his rented home.


Here’s the meat of this whole filthy deep-state spying sedition…the story is not the Trump campaign. The story is not the Russians hacked the election. The story is not the Trump campaign was working with the Russians. The story is the effort by Barack Hussein Obama — and the Democrat Party, and the New York Times, and Washington Post, and Politico — to sabotage and destroy the Trump presidency, and Monica Crowley knows this all too personally.

Crowley was set to be the senior director of communications at the National Security Council before a hit job by CNN destroyed her.  She was recently interviewed by Sean Hannity and said the following:

Look, what happened to me was a despicable straight up political hit job.  There is a very toxic and increasingly poisonous atmosphere of personal destruction in DC and the media.  It’s always been there, but now it’s on a whole different level.

The attack on me was a test.  What happened to me, what happened to General Flynn, what is happening to AG Sessions and others, is all of a piece.  There is a very dangerous and very effective destabilization campaign under way against this President, his administration, and his agenda.  What I hope the President and his senior aides understand is that these forces are not just looking to delegitimize him, they want to personally destroy him, destroy his presidency, and they would like to see the man in prison.

They are out for blood, and the reason they must destroy him is because Donald Trump is an alien organism that has been injected into the body politic by the American people to reform it.  He must not be allowed to succeed.  They want him and his people rejected from the system, just like any alien organism.  He must not be allowed to succeed, and I hope everyone around him understands that this is a war, and they will not end until they destroy the President of the United States.

David Brock and other organizations have already raised tens of millions of dollars for an impeachment process.  They want “jail to the chief.”  We are so far beyond normal politics.  We are in a very dangerous moment.  While President Trump is a very strong leader and a man of strong constitution, and he was able to survive all of this during the campaign and get elected president, I hope to God he is strong enough to withstand the monolithic opposition, a federal bureaucracy that is completely out to undermine him every day, and the intelligence community that is engaged in this as well.

If Trump succeeds, the country changes for the good, and the globalists do not want that to happen.

Please pray continually for our President, his administration, and our country.

The Left’s Attempted Sabotage And Destruction Of AG Sessions

Protect me from the plots of the wicked, from mobs of evil men. They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim cruel words like arrows.  They are quick to spread their shameless lies; they destroy good men with cowardly slander.  Psalm 64:2-4

Fake News, Fake News, Fake News! 

AG Sessions is the latest to be under attack for speaking to the Ambassador from Russia.  The former Alabama Senator should never have recused himself from the investigation of the phony Russian connection to the election. Neither should Sessions have recused himself during the confirmation hearings of a future investigation into Bill and Hillary Clinton’s affairs.  With all the squawking by the democratic socialists, the liberal media, and the Soros/Obama organizers, they’ve latched onto this phony Russian involvement in the election story and are pumping it for all it’s worth.

The media’s lies are that Putin loves Trump, Trump loves Putin, and they got together to make sure Trump won the election via Russian interference…all lies.  Again, media is allowed to lie with impunity because of the 1964 Supreme Court decision, NYTs v. Sullivan.

The entire Trump administration simply must not cave to any of this, and they need to completely ignore these rabble rousers. The first to fall was, of course, the brilliant and knowledgeable General Michael Flynn, a loss to this administration that will never be replaced with anyone as capable or experienced as Flynn.  I really believe this was President Trump’s first and worst mistake.  Letting the talented Flynn resign instead of fighting the media lies was a big mistake.  He should have told both Pence and Flynn to ride it out and get back to work.  Flynn’s replacement, General McMaster, is nothing but a CFR globalist clone.

AG Jeff Sessions is probably the finest Christian man we’ve had in politics for decades.  Not only was he re-elected four times by Alabamians, but he was beloved by the citizenry, and that includes all races.  He has spent five decades as a champion of civil rights.

There is no way the media or any investigation can prove that Trump or any of his administration have worked with the Russians to win the election.  Now that AG Sessions has recused himself, an Obama lackey is in charge of the investigation into these false allegations, and that leads us to the real Trojan Horse.

The Internal Trojan Horse

There are many Obama appointee holdovers on the National Security Council affecting our military operations.  There are a handful of Obama appointee holdovers at the CIA who were groomed to oppose President Trump by John Brennan and Mike Morell, both of whom repeatedly lied about Benghazi.

There are Obama holdovers in NSA, DHS, EPA, and the FBI, including some members of the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, ISNA, MAS, etc., who are opposing President Trump.  The nine personnel who criminally released the content of General Mike Flynn’s telephone conversations with the Russian Ambassador to the press were Obama holdovers…another reason Trump should have told them to go pound sand and kept General Flynn.  Think I’m angry about it, you dang well bet I am…and my arrows all point to VP Pence.  Flynn should definitely still be in the administration!  The loss was catastrophic for the nation.

Socialist Democrats Lie Again

Democrats were aghast after learning Attorney General Jeff Sessions met twice, as a senator, before his confirmation as an AG, with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. without telling Congress at his confirmation hearing – but it turns out Sergey Kislyak is no stranger to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

The Russian Ambassador was seated with the democrats at the Joint Sessions of Congress meeting the other night.  He is a good friend of…here it comes, Chuckie Schumer!  And guess who else he’s met and enjoyed…a picture is worth a thousand words.

Funny thing too, Senator Nancy Pelosi claimed she’d never met with this Russian Ambassador, but in fact, she had, and she met with other high level Russian dignitaries. Link

Then you have Senator Clair McCaskill claiming she never met with the Russian Ambassador, but she apparently forgot about her tweets in January of 2013 where she stated she, along with several other democrats, was off to meet with him.  Link

During Obama’s reign, the longtime Russian ambassador met with seven Democratic senators in a single sit-down in 2013.  Ambassador Sergey Kisylak appeared at the Obama White House at least 22 times…running a silent coup on Trump.

As House Speaker Paul Ryan put it last week, “We meet with ambassadors all the time.”

Sessions Rejects Democrat Claims

The central issue dogging Sessions is not so much that he met with the ambassador, but that he claimed during his confirmation hearing he had no “communications” with Russian officials during his time as a Trump campaign surrogate. In a press conference, though, Sessions rejected claims he misled Congress and suggested he was answering in the context of campaign-related discussions, which he maintains he never had.

But some Sessions critics nevertheless portrayed meetings with Kislyak, whose country was accused of meddling in the 2016 campaign, as a rare summit, particularly for a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee like Sessions.

And no, Jeff Sessions didn’t perjure himself.  It’s not even a close call.  All of this is bunk, or as Limbaugh calls it, Barbara Streisand (B.S.).

Democrat Involvement with Russia

The Russian link to Obama is the real investigation. When Obama said to Russian Prime Minister, Medvedev, “You tell Vladimir, I’ll have much more flexibility after the election,” about reducing America’s nuclear stockpile, anyone with a brain knew what was going on.  The question arises again, what party is in bed with the Russians?  Sessions is certainly not alone.  The democrats love Russian dignitaries is an open book.

Let’s look at history, because it’s worth remembering the reprehensible behavior of Senator Ted Kennedy in 1984.  While Senator Al Franken and other Democrats have the vapors over a truthful, complete, and correct answer AG Jeff Sessions gave in his confirmation hearing, it’s worth remembering the reprehensible behavior of Senator Ted Kennedy in 1984.

This behavior didn’t involve launching a vehicle into a tidal channel while drunk. (The Bridge at Chappaquiddick by Jack Olsen)  This reprehensible behavior was collusion with America’s most deadly enemy in an effort to defeat Ronald Reagan’s reelection.

The memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy (P.J. Media):

Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. “The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,” the memorandum stated. “These issues, according to the senator, (Kennedy) will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign.”

Among the promises, Kennedy made the Soviets was that he would ensure that the television networks gave the Soviet leader primetime slots to speak directly to the American people, thus undermining Reagan’s framing of the sinister nature of the USSR.  Even then, the Democrats had the power to collude with the legacy media.  Kennedy also promised to help Andropov penetrate the American message with his Soviet agitprop.

Exactly right!  Even 30 years ago, Democrat senators were colluding with America’s enemies to bring down Republicans.

Limbaugh has said the real scandal is that a “silent coup” is underway against President Trump.  “There is the execution of an attempt at a peaceful coup,” said the radio talk show host last week. “A peaceful coup to oust Donald Trump is what we are witnessing. It’s been orchestrated by Obama and the Democrat Party. It’s that simple.”

Obama Collusion with Russia

The real collusion between our government and the Russians happened with Barack Hussein Obama.  How far back do you have to go to find where Trump and Putin were allegedly buddies…I’ll tell you.  It went all the way back to when Trump made a joke about Russia finding Hillary Clinton’s lost emailsthe left grabbed onto it as though Trump was aligned with Russia.  Link  Anyone with a brain knew he was making a joke!

Remember when Clinton and Loretta Lynch met for a half hour on the plane before the AG was going to look into charging Hillary Clinton?  And Schumer is calling for Sessions’ resignation, for colluding with Russians, but according to Schumer it was okay for Clinton and Loretta Lynch to meet, with the story they were talking about their grandchildren.  Right…we all really believe that!  These are two-faced hypocrites, and everyone knows it.

The Russian Ambassador is at the core of this entire false narrative promoted by the Democratic socialists and their leftist owned media.  Sergey Kisylak has lamented that Washington, D.C. “has become lonely.”  He has told associates that, “he is surprised how people who once sought his company were now trying to stay away.”

Remember that Kisylak was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, according to the Daily Caller.  Kisylak has always been a staunch defender of Russia and has at times attempted to undermine America’s foreign policy.  Link

Kisylak’s alliance with the left is far greater than it was ever established with the right, but the left wants to destroy Trump with their claim that Trump and Russia colluded to win the election and steal it from Hillary Clinton.  And there’s no evidence for this. They haven’t found any evidence, because there isn’t any and that’s because it couldn’t have happened!


Before he left office, Obama elevated insiders to political positions where they could not be fired.  This was done in order to work from the inside to destroy Trump. The President needs to find a way to get rid of them.  They’ve already done a great deal of damage, and now we’re hearing about massive wiretapping and spying on the new president and his administration.

At this point, Trump is probably eating his words.  On November 11, 2016, he called Obama a “very good man,” and said he would seek his counsel in the future.

The next women’s march is co-organized by an islamic terrorist

Peaceful dissent and protest is a hallmark of American freedom.  Rioting, destroying business, and attacking people who disagree with you are hallmarks of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Communist China, North Korea…  If you are either too stupid to understand that or you actually embrace this approach, then you are not American.  Not even close.  J. D. Pendry

J.D. Pendry is absolutely spot on, and the filthy tirades by the so-called Hollywood elite in the first women’s march, demanding more dead babies, was enough to show grassroots Americans that those women are demonically possessed.  And yes, the initial women’s march was co-organized by a pro-Palestinian Islamic woman named Linda Sarsour.  The photo of her picture on a van, is from the first march.

The foolish women attending these marches cannot see that it behooves Islamics to promote American women to kill their unborn babies.  Why?  Because the typical Islamic family produces 6.2 children and this is how they take over nation states, by sheer numbers. American women have two children per family, sometimes less, sometimes none, and barely replace themselves.  The American women involved in this are being played by Islamists for the takeover of the western world, and they’re too stupid to even see it.

The Truth from Oriana Fallaci

Italian journalist, Oriana Fallaci, had the chutzpah to tell the truth about Islam. She did it quite well in her little book, The Rage and the Pride. To read it is to understand the destruction of Europe.  Oriana warned America that the same would happen to us. She had death threats from Islamists, over and over again, but she stood for the truth.

To paraphrase this wonderful brave woman, she said of Islam,

First, they immigrate, then they breed like rats, then they use the laws of the country they’re infiltrating to gain special accommodations for their religious views. Then, when there are enough of them, they disrupt the normal lives of the country’s people, and then the so-called ‘moderates’ join in. And pretty soon, the country is lost.

No, not all Islamists are like this, but a large majority are, and they want to dominate the world. Islam is not a religion, nor is it peaceful, and they do not worship the same God as Judeo-Christians. Islam is found in the Koran, Sira, and Hadith, and it is involved in these Women’s Marches, both the first one, and now the second one.

Convicted Terrorist Organizes March

Notice the garbage left by the first march, unlike when pro-lifers march on D.C., and there is nothing to empty except garbage cans.  These women are destructive, and this is shown explicitly by those who are organizing these militant marches.  Like J.D. Pendry said, “they are not Americans.”   A manifesto published in The Guardian on 6 February 17, states this very fact…a “new wave of militant feminist struggle.”  Struggle to kill their unborn babies, the very children who have different DNA and who are growing inside the mother’s body? Is that their struggle?  That baby is not part of her body, it is a totally different human being, but they would rather kill the child than allow it life, because their lives center around their own self-identity and nothing else.

“Militant” feminist struggle somehow seems appropriate, considering one of these so-called feminists is Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a former “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine” (PFLP) terrorist who was sentenced to life in prison in Israel in 1970 for her involvement in two terrorist bombings in Jerusalem in 1969.  One of the bombings killed two students while they were shopping for groceries (both males) – but Odeh only spent 10 years in prison before being released in a prisoner exchange with the PFLP in 1980.

How Odeh managed to become a US citizen in 2004 without proper vetting is beyond most Americans, and this is what our President wants to stop.  Apparently, the INS never bothered to check even google, or they’d have found she was a convicted terrorist.

In 2014, she was convicted of immigration fraud for the lies she told to enter this country, mainly for concealing her arrest, conviction, and imprisonment for the 1969 bombings. However, she won the right to a new trial this coming spring, by claiming she had been suffering from PTSD at the time she lied on her application. Oh, and in her time as a citizen, she worked for a while as an Obamacare navigator.  She also served as associate director at the Arab American Action Network in Chicago, Illinois.  Odeh’s history is a perfect reason she never should have been allowed in our country.

Americans need to understand that our own government has worked against the citizens to implement the new world order and globalism.  This is why the hatred of Donald Trump is so vitriolic.  He is not a globalist.  He has promised to keep these barbaric savages from infiltrating and destroying our beloved country.

This is why we need our President’s Executive Order stopping potential Islamic terrorists from coming into the United States.  The danger to American citizens has been exposed time and again, and the rotten leftist appointed judiciary is fighting the man who wants to protect us!

Odeh’s Manifesto Document

Rasmea Yousef Odeh, actually co-authored this Manifesto document with Communist Angela Davis, and Maoist Tithi Bhattacharya.  The left believes this Islamist woman is a hero, despite her murdering past and imprisonment.

Angela Davis and Communism

Angela Davis is a Stalinist professor and longtime supporter of the Black Panthers who blocked voting districts in 2008 in order to elect Obama. My cousin lived in Philadelphia at the time and actually emailed me about what was happening.  And Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, actually dropped the case against them.

Davis is best known for being acquitted in a 1972 trial after three guns she bought were used in a courtroom shootout that resulted in the death of a judge. She celebrated by going to Cuba.  In the 70s, when my family and I lived in Moline, Illinois, we attended a church, the denomination of which I was raised in…and they had a meeting after the service on Sunday morning.  After this meeting, I never stepped foot in this church again, because I found that monies we donated to this church, which were going to the Synod, were funding Communist Angela Davis.

Maoisist Tithi Bhattacharya

A third co-author, Tithi Bhattacharya, praised Maoism in an essay for the International Socialist Review, noting that Maoists are “on the terrorist list of the US State Department, Canada, and the European Union.”  Maoism is a political philosophy which builds upon both Marxism and Leninism.  Just lovely, and totally anathema to the founding of our beloved country based on freedom and liberty.

These women think this is an international grass-roots affair, and they are promising more information on how to participate in protests throughout our country, all of which are financed and promoted by George Soros and Barack Hussein Obama’s Indivisible movement.  They are actually urging women to walk off their jobs and join a demonstration near them to promote the murder of unborn babies, and hatred of our new President.

This group of Islamic and communist leftists wants women to spend their day blocking roads, bridges, and squares and abstaining from any domestic care and sexual relations with their spouses, and boycotting any pro-Trump businesses.  They also want everyone to wear red in solidarity.

Violence, Not Peaceful Demonstrations

The hostility and belligerence of the manifesto and its call for a “militant” uprising is yet another indicator that liberals are increasingly willing to justify violence in the name of opposing Trump. After the Berkeley campus erupted in flames and violence to protest the planned appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos, many socialist activists took to Twitter to cheer them on.  Hollywood stars Debra Messing and Sarah Silverman both tweeted their support, with Messing saying, “Resistance works,” and Silverman ranting, “Wake up and join the resistance.  Once the military is with us, fascists get overthrown.  Mad king and his handlers go bye-bye.”

The insanity is that they don’t realize they are the fascists…not our new President.

The organizers of this second march believe that it is okay to punch people in the face if you hate them.  And now, Trump supporters are not the only targets, these protestors are even angry at liberal democrats, allegedly because they too are “linked to the corporate capitalist structure,” according to Angela Davis.


In our President’s first message to the joint session of Congress, he said, “Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. We are also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical Islamic terrorism.”  Rasmea Yousef Odeh is a radical Islamic terrorist, and she is one of the organizers of this latest women’s march.

The rage at losing their globalist socialist new world order candidate has made them vicious, sadistic and cold blooded, and their fanatical pro-abortion stances are seen as demonic in nature.  The filth they spewed at the last march was repulsive and abhorrent.  They lacked the female refinement of good manners and good taste, and dove headfirst into the sewers of vulgar and offensive obscenities.  Please pray for them.

Trump supporters want to keep our sovereign nation, our faith in God, our freedoms and liberties.  We want borders that protect our citizens, jobs that pay enough to raise our families, free market healthcare, and lower taxes, and those are just a few reasons why we elected Donald J. Trump as our President.

Pray for him, hold his feet to the fire, and tweet to him how you feel.  He is a man chosen by God, and it is our prayers that will give him the wisdom to lead our country.

National March 4 Trump rally, this Saturday


Stop the Fight, Let’s Unite

On Saturday, March 4th, Spirit of America rallies will take place all over the country. The events are being heralded as Pro-Trump rallies, intended to unite and counter the divisional protest marches being held in opposition to our President.

Main Street Patriots has a list of events, by State, with times and locations available HERE. There is also a Facebook Page HERE – March for Trump is HERE

Vincent Harvey, an Air Force veteran felt it was time to do something positive for President Trump. Haney said, “The idea for the event came out of the blue. I was inspired to do something supportive to offset the wave of negativity and lies.” Haney was inspired after seeing multiple protests, including the debased Women’s March, and the violence and destruction by Soros paid protestors.

What first started out as a single march in Washington D.C. has grown into a nationwide movement. The grassroots formed March4Trump is receiving increased sponsorship for its nationwide event. The goal of these marches and rallies is to peacefully unite all people. March4Trump is seeking only individuals who wish to spread love rather than hate, unite rather than divide, and support rather than resistance.

Joy Villa DC Keynote Speaker

March4Trump is pleased to announce, Singer Joy Villa , has accepted our invitation to be a keynote speaker at the March 4th event in Washington DC. She, along with the March4Trump Organization, are seeking to unite the Nation together in support of our newly elected President.

Joy Villa gained national attention by attending the Grammy’s in a Make America Great Again gown designed by, Andre Soriano. Ms. Villa was one of a select few among the Hollywood elite to publicly show support for President Donald J. Trump. “I support our country and our president, I’m proud to be an American woman supporting March4Trump,” said Villa in a statement.

This bold statement brought other celebrity’s out who were silent about their support. Her support of Trump increased her record sales, and boosted Ms. Villa’s self-released five song E.P. “I Make the Static” to number one on both iTunes and Amazon’s Best Sellers Lists, and gave her hit number 12 on the Billboard charts.

Other well-known celebrities will attend marches across the country. This is a peaceful assembly. The promoters are asking that marchers do not impede traffic, litter, vandalize, or do anything else unbefitting to Americans supporting our President. Any violators will be asked to leave and turned over to authorities when appropriate. If your intentions are other than peaceful this event is not for you. 

New NSA chief, McMaster, breaks with Trump on “Radical Islamic Terrorism”

Europe is no longer Europe, it is Eurabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense. There are moments in Life when keeping silent becomes a fault, and speaking an obligation. A civic duty, a moral challenge, a categorical imperative from which we cannot escape. —Journalist Oriana Fallaci

The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world. —Mahmoud Ahmadinejah, President of Iran

The very title of this article should worry all of us. The newly appointed National Security Adviser thinks the term, “radical Islamic terrorism” is not beneficial because terrorists are “un-Islamic.”

Peter R. Mansoor, a retired Army colonel who served with McMaster in Iraq during the 2007 surge of U.S. troops, said earlier that McMaster “absolutely does not view Islam as the enemy. So, I think he will present a degree of pushback against the theories being propounded in the White House that this is a clash of civilizations and needs to be treated as such.” 

“McMaster, like (President) Obama, is someone who was in positions of leadership and thought the United states should not play into the jihadist propaganda that this is a religious war,” William McCants, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told The Times. [Link], [Link]

Trump was right, and so was General Flynn. So, who vetted McMaster, and who is advising our President, and it’s even more worrisome that Senator McCain is thrilled with Trump’s latest choice.

McCain Lauds McMaster for NSA

When Trump selected General H.R. McMaster to be his National Security Advisor, most folks breathed a sigh of relief that CFR member, John Bolton wasn’t chosen, but that relief may have been premature. 

General McMaster, like his supporters, Senator McCain, and Moscow born, Max Boot, the Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, are all members of the CFR

Sen. McCain, who in Munich, stated his not-so-subtle attacks on Trump for not being harder on Russia, said that, “McMaster knows how to succeed. I give President Trump great credit for this decision, as well as his national security cabinet choices. I could not imagine a better, more capable national security team than the one we have right now.”

Max Boot stated much the same thing, “H.R. McMaster is one of the most impressive army officers of his generation—a rare combination of soldier and scholar,” said Max Boot, in an email to The Daily Beast. “But not even the most talented individual will succeed in that job as long as Bannon and Kushner continue to run their own foreign policies.” 

Apparently, McMaster is not the man to guide President Trump toward better relations with Russia and less US interference in the internal affairs of other nations, as was former NSA Chief, General Michael Flynn. 


In a speech delivered at the Center for Strategic and International Studies just last May, Gen. McMaster blamed the lack of sufficient US military presence overseas for what he calls a more aggressive Russian geostrategic posturing. Take note of what the General said:

Even though it may have been apparent, at least since 2008, that Russia was changing its geostrategic behavior and engaging in…probing, probing at the far reaches of American power, our strategic response was to accelerate our withdrawal of…army forces from Europe. And what we’re seeing now is we’ve awakened to obviously this threat from Russia who is waging limited war for limited objectives. Annexing Crimea. Invading Ukraine. At zero cost. And consolidating gains over that territory, and portraying the reaction by us and partners as escalatory. … What is required is forward deterrence. To be able to ratchet up the cost at the frontier.

The General also made the completely fallacious assertion that Russia invaded Georgia in 2008. Even the overtly anti-Russia European Union concluded that Georgia was to blame for launching an ill-advised attack on Russian peacekeeping forces that were part of an international mission in South Ossetia.

This certainly doesn’t sound like someone who is going to work to help our President improve relations with Russia. In fact, McMaster is a hawk and is all about conflict with Russia. Is it any wonder that the likes of Max Boot and John McCain are thrilled with Trump’s new NSA Chief? 

McCain’s Long Feud with Trump

The Bezos owned Washington Post reported that Trump had stated, “McCain is no war hero,” but they misled the people by misstating what Trump had actually said, as clarified by Sharyl Attkisson. Nothing new here, misquotes and lies are a common thread of media since the 1964 NYTs v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision allowing media to lie with impunity. And this is the reality of what Trump calls, “fake news.” 

Remember too that in September of 2016, Trump endorsed John McCain for re-election and said nice things about him.

So, what’s with the Senator from Arizona?

The Real John McCain

He served our country, and we do not know what he went through as a POW, so we honor him for his service. 

However, the truth of the matter is that despite McCain’s military service, he has never been a man of or for the American people, and the “R” he wears behind his name more often than not comes across as a “D.” 

In fact, last October, this alleged Republican stated that he would not be voting for Donald Trump, the nominee from his own party! So, who did he vote for…Hillary?

Trump did state that McCain graduated at the bottom of his class, and he was right. Even McCain alluded to his academic record during a commencement speech in 1997 when he stated, “This is quite an unexpected honor for a Naval Academy midshipman who graduated fifth from the bottom in the Class of ’58.” He actually graduated 790th out of 795 students. 

There are countless stories on the web of McCain’s actual service and his actual imprisonment by the Vietcong, but there is one by Philip Giraldi that elucidates truth. He tells of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sydney Schanberg, who was intrigued by the Vietnam POW issue, and began pursuing the McCain story in the late 1980s.

Schanberg makes two key points: first that a number of American prisoners of war were left behind in Indochina in 1973 with the connivance of top levels in the U.S. government (See Henry Kissinger, Soviet Agent), and second that John McCain has worked assiduously to obstruct any efforts to open Pentagon files and follow up on leads to determine the status of the POWs and the “missing in action.”


John McCain is still a powerful voice in the Senate consistently advocating policies calling for the United States to use military force around the world. More troubling perhaps, McCain has consistently and irrationally advocated an undeviating hard line against Russia, the only country with the military capability to confront and destroy much of the United States through its nuclear armed ballistic missile forces. Perhaps this is why he is so enamored with General McMaster, and why he so hated General Flynn.

McCain’s Voting Record

Conservative Review grants McCain an “F” with a 48 percent rating, calling out McCain for an extensive 32-year entrenchment in Washington. CR Editor, Gaston Mooney, said, “McCain’s consistent support for gun control, cap and trade, amnesty, and tax increases have put him at odds with just about every coalition inside the Republican Party. McCain pandered to the right in 2008, and he did it again to be re-elected in 2016. 

“There are few Republicans who have betrayed our conservative principles more than John McCain,” read the Senate Conservatives Fund letter. “McCain lost his way a long time ago.”

The Senator has also been criticized for his part in the “Gang of Eight” immigration reform and his support for amnesty, his vote for the taxpayer funded “Wall Street” bailout, his vote to fund implementation of Obamacareand criticism of efforts to halt that funding, opposition to a $1.3 trillion tax cut, support for a $600 billion tax hike, repeated votes to raise the debt limit and voting against term limits.

Mincing no words, the Senate Conservatives’ letter refers to McCain as “one of the most anti-conservative RINOs in the Senate.”

McCain’s Munich Conference Comments

What kind of American is John McCain? He’s certainly not one who represents the Constitution he took an oath to uphold.

McCain apparently had no problem bashing our President in foreign countries recently. Why didn’t McCain honor the tradition of standing for America in foreign countries? He has embarrassed our nation, and himself, just as Obama did over and over again.

 Here is the transcript of McCain’s speech in Munich. Without mentioning President Trump even once, he ridiculed and slammed his policies, his presidency, and his abilities. In doing so, McCain also slammed every American who voted for Trump and wants his policies to succeed. 

But what I found the most telling was his comment, “I refuse to accept the demise of our world order.” He actually mentioned “world order” five times in his short Munich speech. What world order John? The New World Order you’ve been pushing since you took office in 1987?

The Senator even stated that VP Pence, and Generals Kelly and Mattis, all disagree with Trump’s stances and policies and have also voiced those opinions at the Munich Conference.

The Senator’s latest attacks on our President are unconscionable and absolutely bordering on sedition.

McCain on Meet the Press

On Sunday, during an interview with Chuck Todd, the senator again talked about the “new world order” established after World War II, and how he is fearful it is under assault from a variety of forces. (Does this remind you of George H.W. Bush’s 1991 NWO speech?)

He also claimed to be worried about presidential advisor Steve Bannon’s role on the National Security Council. Then he attacked Trump by saying, “A free press is vital and suppressing a free press is “how dictators get started.” 

His comments were ridiculous. My friend Vin Sabella said this:

First, he claimed that the president was destroying freedom of the press. Then he said that’s what all dictators do to gain power. Then he said he didn’t mean that Trump was trying to be a dictator.

And, if that’s true, Senator, why did you bring up the fact that you thought Trump was muzzling the press and say that that is what dictators do in the same breath? I think the answer is obvious. You wanted to call Trump a potential dictator and be able to weasel your way out of having done so if you were called on it.

As Rand Paul said, McCain is deliberately blowing Trump’s criticism of the press out of proportion. Every president has criticized the press throughout history. But, as Paul says, there is a big difference between criticizing the press and passing a law or issuing an executive order to suppress the press. Trump has obviously done neither. 

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, (daughter of Zbignew Brzezinski) recently made it clear that she believes it is the media’s job to control what people think. Really Mika? One need only watch Chris Cuomo or Van Jones to understand their propaganda and socialist/communist allegiances.

Bannon’s NSC Status

The question arises, could we lose another valuable man in the National Security Council? Fox News reported the following:

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that if President Donald Trump’s newly appointed national security adviser wanted to remove chief strategist Steve Bannon from the National Security Council’s principals committee, the president would “take that under serious consideration.”

“The president has made clear to him he’s got full authority to structure the national security team the way he wants,” Spicer said of Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, whom Trump appointed last Monday as his new NSA chief. Spicer made the remarks in the daily White House press briefing.

Does this worry me? You bet it does. Bannon is one of the most trusted insiders and as such, he should remain exactly where he is for our President.


Donald J. Trump is in new waters, and he is learning as he goes. He wants to keep his promises to the American people. He’s the boss, and his employees should follow his lead.

Our President has a huge job, and he is wrestling against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. Pray for him, and pray for our country.

VP Pence pledges commitment to the dictatorial European union

The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense. The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration. —Donald J. Trump June, 2016

Reassuring our Allies

Link] Brussels is the de facto capitol of the European Union.

Excuse me, VP Pence, but wasn’t our President thrilled when the UK dropped out of the EU? He even said that Great Britain had exercised the right of all free peoples, so why did you say, “Today, it is my privilege on behalf of President Trump to express the strong commitment of the United States to continued cooperation and partnership with the European Union.”

As I recall, Donald Trump and Nigel Farage actually celebrated when Britain declared their independence from the EU.

Trump/Bannon Backed Brexit

President Trump apparently caused “alarm” with some by endorsing Britain’s decision to leave the bloc and suggesting that other states might follow. He was supportive of Britain’s vote last year to leave the 28-nation EU, and he has suggested that the EU itself could soon fall apart.

VP Pence’s recent statements in Europe seem far different than Donald Trump’s and Steve Bannon’s.

Breitbart wrote in January, 2016, “The European Parliament’s chief Brexit negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt, lists President Donald Trump, and his chief strategist Steve Bannon, as “one of the main three existential threats facing the European Union.” Verhofstadt views Trump and his populist policy advisers as an even greater threat to the EU than Brexit itself.

And well he should. Trump knows that freedom doesn’t come from unelected faceless bureaucrats telling countries what to do.

Pence on NATO

Pence voiced the administration’s strong support for NATO last weekend. His meetings were aimed at assuring European leaders that his words reflected the views of President Trump.

“The United States’ commitment to the European Union is steadfast and enduring,” he said.

Trump on NATO

However, in a January, 2017 interview with the Times of London, Trump questioned the value of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance when he was asked whether he understood why many in Eastern Europe feared Russian aggression.


VP Pence is a long-time politician and establishment globalist, and this is obvious from his stances during his 12 years in Congress, mentioned in my last article. However, his library from his 12 years in Congress is sealed until 2022 or his death.

President Trump however, believes strongly in freedom and sovereignty and is working toward this goal for America. Britain broke free and America must take heed to understand the same establishment who controls the EU are the same ones who are building NAFTA and the North American Union. 

Is our Vice President simply assuaging Europe’s worries, or are some of his beliefs and stances in direct opposition to our President’s? Time will tell.

Is a shadow government trying to take down the Trump Administration?

There is no escape from this war. Do you want to be ruled by men who eagerly drink the blood of their dying enemies? Such questions are almost never asked. Yet if you read the publicly available ISIS documents on their intentions, there’s no doubt that they are dead set on taking us over and drinking our blood. —General Michael Flynn

The American Police State

Donald J. Trump is the only, and the last hope for America, and his recent press conference was superb. As such, I have supported him from the time he announced his candidacy. However, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t made some mistakes.

Well then, why the hell did Trump let him resign, or even ask for his resignation? Even Rush Limbaugh spent days asking the same question, and I want to know why Trump didn’t say to him, “General, I know all these charges are false, we will weather this attack, now get back to work.” 

Instead, Trump allowed the Obama deep state to derail one of his best men. As such, his administration should use the grand jury through Attorney General Jeff Sessions to subpoena the leakers and the news organizations who received these taped conversations and then rehire Flynn. There is obviously a slow-motion coup underway instigated by the US intelligence community.

Are we a police state? What was done to General Flynn is an egregious violation of the Espionage Act. There are so many acts of sedition, including what Obama is doing, and I want to know why they’re not being prosecuted.

The Obama Holdovers

This is a crime, Obama’s spies, holdovers who have not yet been replaced, but should immediately be ousted, taped a private citizen’s phone conversation (before he was sworn in as NSA Chief) and found Flynn had called the Russian Ambassador. Incoming administrations call foreign countries all the time, it’s part of their new job and not a crime. Even left of center Charles Krauthammer has said the same thing.


Flynn insisted that he crossed no lines in his telephone conversation with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. “If I did, believe me, the FBI would be down my throat, my clearances would be pulled. There were no lines crossed, and the leakers must be prosecuted.”

Flynn did nothing that should have required him to resign. There has not been anyone who has been charged with the 1799 Logan Act, and every new NSA appointee has readied himself and his president by speaking to leaders of foreign governments. Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do, and what Trump needs to stop immediately.

Lou Dobbs stated, “President Trump, in my opinion, must end tenure for federal workers, must purge the State Department, and bring both the State Department and our intelligence community under the control of this President. To not do so and not do so quickly will only create more opportunities for obstructionism and put in jeopardy the entire Trump agenda, if not Mr. Trump’s Presidency itself.

Former Ambassador John Bolton echoed Dobbs’ sentiments, “There’s no way to overcome those leaks without getting firm control of all the bureaucracies in question. You need to get your people out into the departments and agencies, you need to staff up in the White House.”

General Flynn’s Objectives

General Flynn wanted to get rid of the rotten intelligence, but the shadow government eliminated him instead. As I see it, our president got rid of a loyal employee and is keeping those who have already spoken against him, including Judge Gorsuch.

Trump took office only a month ago, after 18 months of the most vitriolic campaign against him by the left and many of the neo-con rightwing. The animosity against him has been intensified to such an extreme that he absolutely must go to war against these leaks. Talk means nothing, he has to stop it now, because if he capitulates, it will be over for America and for his presidency.

Even more worrisome, William Binney, a former top NSA official turned whistleblower, who is credited with being the architect of their surveillance program, declared without reservation that the National Security Agency (NSA) is “absolutely” monitoring, eavesdropping, and spying on the phone calls of President Trump. [Link]

Sean Spicer Press Briefing

[Link] “There’s nothing that the general did that was a violation of any sort,” Spicer said. “What this came down to was a matter of trust.”

Really Sean? I highly doubt this, unless it came from one of the globalist insiders since Flynn has been a total loyalist from the very beginning. Who told you to say that?

Who is Responsible

General Flynn said in his book, “We’re in a world war against a messianic mass movement of evil people, most of them inspired by a totalitarian ideology, radical Islam, but we are not permitted to speak or write those two words, which is potentially fatal to our culture.”

And Obama and his minions are still angry over Hillary’s loss, so he and his people are doing everything they can to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. When Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, the community organizer has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House. [Link] He is using the Alinsky plan to destroy Trump.

Treason? The leaks are the issue. It’s illegal to leak classified information. The responsible parties need to go to jail. [Link] This is laid right at the feet of former CIA Director, John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence, Jim Clapper. (Brennan actually voted for the Communist party in 1976). It was really obvious when Brennan was leading the charge with unfounded innuendos. And the Obama White House was directly involved before they left…especially Obama advisor Ben RhodesThe Democrats are behind this and some of the Republicans are involved with the leaks as well. 

The rogue weasels have struck. Terrified that Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn would tear them out root and branch, they connived and colluded, anonymously of course, to leak highly-sensitive intelligence information to destroy Flynn before he could destroy them.


The talk within the tight-knit community of retired intelligence officers was that Flynn’s sacking was a result of intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council using a sophisticated “disinformation campaign” to create a crisis atmosphere. The former intel officers say the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last few months were the type of high profile hard-ball accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy states, not for White House officials.

CIA Director, Mike Pompeo

Prior to Flynn’s departure, Pompeo recently rejected a request for an elite security clearance for Flynn’s Senior Director for Africa, Robin Townley, required for service on the National Security Council, when Townley had received this clearance previously

He also recently stated on Fox News, that the CIA does not hide intelligence from the president, although the WSJ stated on February 16th, that U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from President Donald Trump, because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter.

Cliff Kincaid’s in AIM, he states this about Pompeo:

In a newsworthy development that went mostly unreported here in the U.S., Trump’s new director of the CIA, former Rep. Mike Pompeo, traveled to Saudi Arabia to give a top Saudi official a CIA award for “counter-terrorism” named after a discredited former CIA director. The Saudi official was given the “George Tenet Medal” in recognition of his “excellent intelligence performance, in the domain of counter-terrorism and his unbound contribution to realize world security and peace.” Tenet is known for his embarrassing and false “slam dunk” comments about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before the U.S. invasion.

Pompeo’s tribute to the Saudi official, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, is astounding considering the evidence of the Saudi role in facilitating jihadist terrorism in Syria, a debacle that has helped to produce 500,000 dead and refugees streaming into Europe and the United States. Bin Nayef serves as Minister of Interior.

Rather than focus on Flynn, the media should be asking what Pompeo is doing paying tribute to a Saudi official whose regime is neck-deep in a conflict that has produced a major humanitarian catastrophe. And why is the CIA giving an award named after a director who failed in the intelligence mission of the agency he led? 

Napolitano Speaks with Stuart Varney

Napolitano doesn’t believe anyone will ever be prosecuted for the leaks, as he believes it is the same people who leaked the nonsense about Donald Trump in a hotel in Moscow. He said they know how to leak, they are professional spies, they are professional leakers, their fingerprints appear nowhere.”

The Judge even asked, “Did Mike Flynn get fired for telling a white lie to Mike Pence? Absolutely not. He got fired because he was a threat to the intelligence community that he and President Trump are preparing to shake up.”

Napolitano names those entities, starting with the NSA, which he points out “has the ability to listen in real time to every conversation we have. The FBI, which has its own intelligence people, the Defense Department, which has its own intelligence people. Theoretically they all work for him and they are attacking him.”

In disbelief Varney says, “This is sabotage from inside the intelligence community of the Trump administration, to get rid of General Flynn, he was kind of scapegoated here, he was an easy target.” Judge Napolitano agrees with a series of “Yes” responses, noting that the actions are an attack on the President and that what we’ve seen to this point is a “pinprick.”

Varney notes that Trump is going to have to walk through a firestorm, with Napolitano agreeing and lamenting that he lost a valuable asset in General Flynn. He notes that Flynn, “as a former spy himself, knows these people, and he knows how they operate, and now he’s gone.” [Link]

General Flynn and Iran

Washington Free Beacon cited several anonymous sources who suggested that there was a very specific reason that Flynn was targeted — his opposition to the Iran deal:

Ben Rhodes, and the Iranian mullahs who are celebrating today,” said one veteran foreign policy insider who is close to Flynn and the White House. “They know that the number one target is Iran … [and] they all knew their little sacred agreement with Iran was going to go off the books. So, they got rid of Flynn before any of the [secret] agreements even surfaced.”

Flynn had been preparing to publicize many of the details about the nuclear deal that had been intentionally hidden by the Obama administration as part of its effort to garner support for the deal, these sources said.

Flynn is now “gone before anybody can see what happened” with these secret agreements, said the second insider close to Flynn and the White House.

Flynn, he concludes, was just the appetizer: the knives are now out for President Trump. The fake news media is in a feeding frenzy, including this attack on Kellyanne Conway and this bill of indictment of the Trump Administration from the Washington Post. The practical result of the decision will be to escalate attacks on the White House, not reduce them. The Establishment is a wounded beast fighting for its life. This is a take-no-prisoners, no-quarter-asked-or-given war.

Flynn and Fethullah Gulen Charter Schools

Brad Hoff’s July 2016 essay in Foreign Policy Journal. Flynn humiliated the bungling CIA and exposed the incompetence and deception of the Obama administration, and got fired for it.

David P. Goldman (aka Spengler), writing on PJ Media said, “Flynn is the one senior U.S. intelligence officer with the guts to blow the whistle on a series of catastrophic intelligence and operational failures. The available facts point to the conclusion that elements of the humiliated (and perhaps soon-to-be-unemployed) intelligence community is trying to exact vengeance against a principled and patriotic officer. When the Turkish smear against Flynn came out in November, I smelled a rat. The present affair stinks like a dumpster full of dead rats.”

Spy Community’s New Powers

And just who was taping the General? The answer, we know now, was the National Security Agency. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes (R-CA) is calling for the leakers, the nine-unnamed current and former officials cited by the Washington Post, to be jailed.” [Link]

The New York Times wrote that In Obama’s final days, he expanded the power of the NSA to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections. Obama’s new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the NSA may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. [Link]

Is Trump’s Staff Loyal

According to the Huffington Post, Roger Stone, a former adviser and longtime friend to Trump, suggested Priebus played a role in Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s recent split from the administration. He said he would like to see chief of staff, Reince Priebus, ousted from the White House immediately, claiming he is responsible for the extraordinary number of leaks plaguing the Trump administration.

Stone may be right as Gateway Pundit has reported that Katie Walsh, Deputy White House Chief of Staff is the leaker. What is not known is if this #NeverTrumper was taking orders from her boss, Priebus, or if she was doing this on her own.

However, I’m not sure Priebus is the problem, and if he is, he may not be the sole problem. In the last two weeks, I’ve received numerous calls from Hoosiers who have told me they believe VP Pence is the big problem. 

Some of the problems they have with Pence relate to his term as Governor of Indiana, but others come from recent revelations. They believe he carries a bible in one hand and a knife in the other. So, let’s look at just a few of the complaints I’ve received.

According to this website, Mike Pence cheered Trump for not undoing Obama’s LBGT Executive Order for Christian evangelicals. Many are upset with this stance, and even more upset that Pence, who claims to be a fundamentalist Christian would go along with it. My stance is perhaps down the middle. I don’t believe we need all kinds of laws, but I do believe the Constitution covers every American citizen, and that includes the LBGT community. Trump made this clear after the Orlando murders of 50 gay people. He was against this before he was for it. [Link] Nevertheless, Christians are accusing Pence of hypocrisy since he has flip-flopped on this issue.

 In Indiana, Pence presided over the withdrawal from Common Core, yet he quickly turned this triumph into a charade. Instead of returning to Indiana’s superb pre–Common Core standards, Pence stacked the replacement committees to ensure the return of Common Core. Indiana’s new standards are nothing but a slightly mangled and rebranded version of what they supposedly replace.

Common Core opponents are deeply disappointed by this outcome. The plucky Indiana mothers who ignited the national rebellion against Common Core are wondering why Governor Pence seems to have betrayed their trust.

So, in other words, Pence took credit for repealing Common Core in Indiana when in fact he merely replaced it with a rebranded version of the same standards — nay, standards that might be even worse. [Link]

 Pence’s votes while in Congress were not good and he only received a 62% freedom index. [Link]
 Pence initially supported Sen. Ted Cruz. [Link]
 Pence stated, “Trade means jobs but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.” [Link]
 “Calls to ban Muslims from entering the US are offensive and unconstitutional.” 
Pence strongly denounced Trump’s proposal last December to close the US borders to Muslims. [Link]

There were several who mentioned Pence’s disloyalties prior to the election, stating he pulled his name from the governor’s race in Indiana before Trump had a chance to announce him, resulting in the Indianapolis Star catching wind of it and announcing his nomination early.

One Indiana friend said that she was disappointed that Pence went against Trump when the edited video of Trump’s locker room talk came out, as though Pence was so pure that he never slipped up with trash talk.

Another pointed out that Pence’s endorsement of Paul Ryan, John McCain, and other leftist Republicans prior to Trump’s forced endorsement, was uncalled for. 

So, is there friction in the home court? I don’t know, I’m just reporting what I’ve been told in numerous phone conversations, with people who love Trump and are very upset and discouraged with the loss of General Flynn.


Flynn’s attack and dismissal has left blood in the water. Flynn was thrown under the bus. The sharks are circling. Will Bannon, Miller, Spicer, or Conway be next?

Remember that when Flynn was attacked in the media for his ties to Russia, he was not allowed by the White House to defend himself. He was instructed not to speak to the press when he was in the fight for his political life. His staff was not even allowed to review the transcripts of his call to the Russian ambassador. Why? And who ordered it?

All of it is fake news!

There is no Russian conspiracy, yet the open hatred, hostility and contempt of the hard left and the Democratic Socialists, financed largely by evil anti-Semite atheist George Soros, has declared war on our Republic, with plans of total destruction and the rise of national socialism. And they constantly repeat the Russian lie. 

Nazi Joseph Goebbels said, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”

Pray for our president. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12.

General Michael T. Flynn, best choice for NSA Chief

Winning against a determined enemy requires a willingness to clearly define the threat and to work very hard to understand their passions, fears and beliefs. —The Field of Fight Lt. General Michael T. Flynn

Michael T. Flynn knows more about Islamic terrorism than anyone in Trump’s cabinet. It is why we need him for our NSA Chief! The left knows it, and it is why they will use every tactic they can to derail his nomination, including the bogus claim that he promised a lifting of sanctions against Russia when he spoke with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. 

General Flynn spent more than 33 years as an intelligence officer, and that will serve us well. He served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Senior Military Intelligence Officer in the Department of Defense. Of all the military men in our President’s new administration, General Flynn knows more about the cunning and ability-to-adapt of the Islamic enemies of freedom than anyone else in Trump’s administration. His book, The Field of Fight, should be read by every patriotic American. Get it, and read it, only 180 high powered packed intel pages! It is why we desperately need this man.

The Bogus Attack Against Flynn

At issue is whether or not Flynn discussed the lifting of sanctions against Russia with Sergey Kislyak before Trump’s inauguration. U.S. intelligence services routinely intercept and monitor diplomats. According to transcripts of the conversation, they show that General Flynn did discuss sanctions with the ambassador. What they don’t show is that the General made any sort of promise to lift the sanctions once Mr. Trump took office. Rather, they show Flynn making general comments about relations between the two countries improving under President Trump. 

Had the General promised a lifting of sanctions, he would have violated a law that prohibits private citizens from engaging in foreign policy, the Logan Act. Flynn has stated that he really doesn’t remember the entire conversation, but the transcripts actually show he made no sort of promise, so reality is, the left is scared to death of Flynn and want him gone.


Personally, I can’t remember what I said on the telephone yesterday, let alone weeks or months ago, but the transcripts verify that Flynn did not break the law. Nevertheless, you have Pelosi tweeting, “Gen. Flynn should be suspended and have his intelligence clearance revoked.” Of course, you have Lindsey Graham joining with leftist Sheldon Whitehouse, both of whom lead the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subpanel on crime and terrorism, launching an investigation of Russia’s efforts to influence the U.S. election. Insanity reigns in our Congress.

We need Flynn, he has amazing intelligence regarding radical Islam, and he is probably the finest choice in Trump’s administration to carry out the duties of NSA Chief. 

CIA Hatred of Trump Spills Over

CIA Director Pompeo, recently rejected a request for an elite security clearance for Senior Director for Africa, Robin Townley, required for service on the National Security Council. Townley is a long-time associate of Gen. Michael Flynn, and a former Marine intelligence officer who had long maintained a top secret-level security clearance. 

Apparently, Flynn is justifiably angry over this rejection, and this escalates the friction between Flynn and this agency, one I’ve considered rogue for many decades. Townley had spent most of his adult life with high level clearances, so it is difficult to take this as anything but the war the CIA declared on Trump right after the election. The CIA actually had granted the same kind of clearance to Obama’s appointee, Ben Rhodes, despite Rhodes having been declined the same kind of clearance by the FBI because of his obsequious attachment to Iran.

Apparently, Flynn and his allies believe it was motivated by Townley’s skepticism of the intelligence community’s techniques — sentiments shared by Flynn, and many knowledgeable Americans. 

The CIA and others in the intelligence community seem threatened by Flynn and his allies. Why? Because this 33-year Army intelligence veteran knows more about the dangers facing America than anyone. Marine Robin Townley doesn’t believe the CIA runs the world, and his closeness to his boss was probably what made him a target.

The CIA needs a massive cleanout, but meanwhile, Pompeo apparently believes his sandbagging of Townley is a small price to pay if it helps him avoid the Porter Goss treatment.

Flynn’s Plan to Beat Radical Islam

General Flynn not only wants to stop Islamic terrorists, but he wants to fight their radical ideology. He wants to combat it more broadly, using informational warfare. “We can’t possibly have an effective campaign against Radical Islamic ideology without the cooperation of the likes of Google, Facebook and Twitter.

“But first,” he writes, “the government has to overcome the political taboo of tying Islamic violence to the religion of Islam, including its sacred texts, which he says the enemy is using as a manual of warfare.”

“It’s long past time for us to denounce the many evils of Radical Islam,” he writes, while highlighting the many defeats of ISIS and al Qaeda to show potential recruits that “the Almighty has changed sides in the holy war.”
Advance details of the plan can be gleaned from Flynn’s book. In it, the Army veteran proposes discrediting the “evil (religious) doctrines” motivating jihadists — namely the Islamic rewards for martyrdom (or suicidal terrorism) and the totalitarian tenets of Sharia law — using psy-ops and counter-propaganda, not just through federal government channels but also through “our schools, media and social networks.”

“If we can’t tackle enemy doctrines that call for our domination or extinction,” Flynn writes, “we aren’t going to destroy their jihadis.”

Fired by former President Barack Obama from the Defense Intelligence Agency for taking such stands, Flynn vows to reverse the longstanding government practice of whitewashing the violent nature of the enemy’s faith through pleasant platitudes like, “The terrorists are hijacking a religion of peace” and other apologia. He calls such policies “Islamophilia,” and complains they border on appeasement, which, in my estimation, they do.

Nazis and Islamists

Donald Trump has been compared to Adolf Hitler by the leftists in America, by political adversaries who disagree with him vehemently and with vitriol. Professors, political commentators, irate comedians, Hollywood entertainers, and especially some of the leaders from our black communities have engaged in the purposeful promotion of this comparison. Their political demonizing is done for a purpose, but certainly not one that is helpful to America, and if you’ll notice, it also extends to Trump’s nominees.

Marion Ingeborg Andrews, (Inge) was born in Dusseldorf, Germany, in 1940 during Hitler’s reign. She is infuriated that people compare President Trump to Hitler and has said, 

General Flynn’s book echoes Inge’s fears when he states, “Religious fanatics and secular tyrants work quite well together, transcending even deep ideological divides. The most dramatic example comes from the infamous case of the grand mufti of Jerusalem in the 1930s and 1940s, Amin al-Husseini, and his efforts to forge an operational relationship between Nazi Germany and his own Muslim Brotherhood.” Chuck Morse’s book, The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism spells it out clearly.

“Like the leaders of other fascist states, the mullahs who have ruled the Islamic Republic have claimed universal authority in the name of their doctrine, not of their country. And they say they are prepared to die—along with their followers—to accomplish their mission. As Khomeini put it shortly after the occupation of the American embassy in Tehran in 1979: “We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah…For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.” General Flynn – The Field of Fight.

The General makes this clear on page 103 of his dynamic book when he states, “Keep your eyes on that word, ‘totalitarian.” That is the key concept.” 

“This also helps clarify the nature of the global alliance we face. The countries and movements that are trying to destroy us have worldviews that may seem to be in violent conflict with one another. But they are united by their hatred of the democratic West and their conviction that dictatorship is superior. So, while it may appear that, say, there is little in common between Communist North Korea, and radical Shi’ite Iran, or between the leaders of the radical Sunni Islamic State’s ‘caliphate’ and the Iranians, in fact it is no more difficult for them to cooperate in the war against us than it was for Hitler and the grand mufti to cooperate in the 1930s and 1940s.”

General Flynn knows that Iran is the core of terrorism training, and this is another reason that President Trump has said, “Iran’s nuclear deal is inconceivable and a disaster for Israel.” [Link]

Our President has stated many times, “Make America Safe Again.” Our president knows that some of the refugees and illegal aliens are of the criminal element, and his job as our President is to keep this sovereign nation’s people protected.


Trump and his nominees are real men, not men that have been feminized, and that’s why they hate real men like Trump, General Flynn, advisor Stephen Miller, and his other nominees. [See Stephen Miller on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace] also [See Stephen Miller shellac George Stephanopoulos on ABC] and [See Stephen Miller Destroy Chuck Todd on Meet The Press]

What’s good for the goose…So how about these leftists apply the same tactics towards their Hollywood and sports figures like they’re applying with the attacks on all of Trump’s nominees, but especially on General Flynn?!


Sean Penn is another one. In 2008, the actor flew to Cuba to interview Castro. In what was a seven-hour conversation with Castro, Penn described the hardliner as having the “agility of a young man” who “exercises every day, his eyes are bright and his voice is strong.”

Add to this fawning of the Communist Dictator, these other Hollywood actors, Jack Nicholson, Ted Turner, Danny Glover, Kevin Costner, Chevy Chase, and Harry Belafonte. Where is the Logan Act with them? Excuse me, why weren’t their conversations recorded??? [Link]


And what about George Clooney’s visit to Angela Merkel? Muslim migrants have now flooded into a massive camp next to George Clooney’s $10 million Italian villa. So, how about it George…maybe you could take in about 50 of them and feed and house them?!

The number of the White house comment line is (202) 456-1111, and the number of the house switchboard (202)225-3121. Call the White House, and then your senators and tell them we need General Michael T. Flynn as our National Security Advisor. No one else will do, we need Flynn!

Obamacare, destroying the middleclass

Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass. —Jonathan Gruber, an architect of the Affordable Care Act, on the passage of Obamacare.

In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other. —Voltaire (1764)

This article is about escaping the horrid results of Obamacare, and the pain it has already caused, and is still causing. It is also an inside look of just what has happened to families like mine because of government control of the medical industry. The cost of healthcare has increased exponentially in 2017, especially for middle America, while the availability has decreased at the same rate.

Obamacare has given us deductibles that are impossible to reach! Was the goal to rid the country of the baby boomers by destroying their ability to afford healthcare? One wonders because of the obvious wealth redistribution.

It is why we need your help President Trump, and we need it now.

Destroying Free Market Healthcare

In my previous article on Obamacare, I went back to the core of how this entire rotten takeover of healthcare was initiated by our own government starting in 1910. The powers that be knew that with the first “black president” in our White House, the takeover of 20% of our economy could easily happen, and it did. The Republicans all voted against it, which they tout every time it’s mentioned, but what they don’t tell you is that when they had an opportunity to defund it, they refused. All the political promises of repealing this albatross went by the wayside once they were re-elected. 

Thus, what Americans now have is the world’s most expensive, most bureaucratic, and arguably least functional health care system. This system cannot be “reformed.” It can only be escaped from, until its dysfunction in the face of superior alternatives (i.e. the free market system of a representative Republic) collapses it.

It will require a paradigm shift of major proportions, especially in this age of entitlements, dependences, and a population that can’t think without a book of rules to follow because they’ve been so dumbed down for the last 50 years. We cannot simply “repeal and replace” Obamacare. We need a different way of thinking about public health, and it has to be under the heading of free enterprise, allowing the market to dictate rather than the government.

The fact that our President wishes to replace it makes me crazy. Why replace it? Health care is not a right. Progressives have pushed these so-called positive rights on all Americans, and they do not exist in our founding documents. These positive rights are enumerated by none other than the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights which claims that everyone has a right to health care. Horse hockey! Our nation was once one of personal and individual responsibility, not this communal leveling of the playing field where everyone is equally poor except for the ruling elite.

Of course, there’s no such thing as free health care. The government has no money of its own which means that it cannot “give” anyone health care without first taking away something from someone else, and that’s us, the working and now shrinking middleclass taxpayer! We pay, and we pay, and we pay.

Social Security and Medicare

Are Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid sanctioned by our Constitution? Not on your life! Again, it is government control of segments of the population. However, let’s make something crystal clear. When the politicos of DC and our state legislators talk about entitlements and include Social Security and Medicare, they are wrong! Neither are entitlements! We have paid into both all our working lives. 


Roosevelt gave us Social Security in August of 1935, and everyone who worked after that date has paid into it all their lives. In July 1965, under the leadership of President Lyndon Johnson, Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history, and since then, we’ve paid into it!

This isn’t government aid, this is money we gave the government, and they should give back. Why do you think there have been no increases in Social Security for four years? Because we’re supporting more than 20% of the population, legal and illegal in true welfare programs. Let’s look at what they are without including the boondoggle of Obamacare costs to the middleclass taxpayer.

Real Entitlements

participation in six major welfare programs from 2009 to 2012, which were:

Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) better known as food stamps, Housing Assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Family’s (TANF) which is cash benefits, and general assistance. 

Their report however, doesn’t discuss other kinds of support that people might receive, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, free school lunches, the Women, Infants, Children Nutrition (WIC program), Head Start, energy assistance programs, and Pell Grants. While it doesn’t capture the full spectrum of welfare in the U.S., the results still provide a clearer picture of who is receiving public assistance, and it sure isn’t the middleclass.

Check out the cost of welfare for immigrant and native householdsby the Center for Immigration Studies.

Ours is a system that’s rife with abuse and which discourages people from making responsible decisions. Whatever your take on welfare, there’s no denying that these programs to help the poor cost a lot of money, and are riddled with fraud and corruption. I’m not against helping the truly needy, but I want to stop all those who are gaming the system, and I believe our new President understands that.

The Middleclass Cheated Again

Socialists like Obama and Hillary think only of the masses, not an individual’s personal rights. Their beliefs are anathema to the freedoms granted by God in our Constitution’s representative republic. Yes, we’re a republic, not a democracy, and there’s a big difference! These elitists think only of the votes they garner from their welfare recipients, not those of us who are the grassroots and backbone of America’s middleclass society.

As an adult, I have always been part of the middleclass. I have worked since I was 12 years old. After marrying, I worked a full-time job and often had a part-time job on the side. Many of my readers will echo the same story. We were taught to work to attain the needs for our family, and our work ethic was top of the line. 

As a young woman, I received healthcare in all my jobs, and rarely used any of it other than for my daughter and our yearly checkups. However, the costs back in the early 70s were negligible. The employers paid nearly everything, and rarely do young people even think about healthcare, much less use it. This is the reason so many chose to pay the fines rather than the higher fees for Obamacare.

Changes in Healthcare

When my husband and I moved to Knoxville in 1987, his company insurance was pretty much fully funded. Our deductible was $250.00 a person and prescriptions were three to five dollars. Insurance back then paid nearly the entire cost of care, unlike today where they pay only 70% after you’ve met the huge deductible.

What a difference 30 years makes, especially with Obamacare. As costs rose, first came the Flexible Spending Arrangement or Flex Plan (part of Government Cafeteria plans). This was adopted where tax free monies could be put aside from an employee’s paycheck to cover costs not covered by insurance, up to $5,500 at the employer’s discretion, with a carryover into the next year for a short period of time. We took the full $4,000 per year the company allowed, and it worked well for several years. A portion was deducted from each paycheck to cover the Flex Plan. 

With the inception of Obamacare, the law changed the allowable Flex Plan to a maximum $2,500. This meant that we paid more out of taxable monies for healthcare costs not covered by insurance, but our healthcare still wasn’t too bad, as the deductible was $1,000 per person, and the payout 70/30 after that.

Big Changes in 2017

We all knew from research that in 2017, after Obama left office, the rules of the Affordable Health Care Act (what an oxymoron) would drastically change, affecting higher costs not only to individuals but to employers, and especially to middleclass Americans. This is another reason Donald J. Trump was elected. 

This year for us, the deductible through employer is $4,000 per person for in-network and $6,000 deductible for out-of-network. Flex Plans would not cover the deductible, so an HSA is a better choice. HSA is a Health Savings Account, and is also tax free monies like the Flex Plan. Anyone can put monies into the HSA, and employers may fully fund it for their employees, if they’re flush enough to afford it. Between my husband’s employer and us, we were allowed to put in $7,750 for 2016. We were forced to take an insurance payout of $6,500 that would have been taxable, so we dumped it into the HSA to cover the deductible, otherwise there would only be the $1,250 employer donation in our HSA.

The entire problem with high deductibles at our ages is that you must have the funds to put into an HSA in order to have the tax-free cash to pay the costs until you meet the deductible. Many folks are on fixed incomes, and everything increases yearly except their incomes. For four years, Social Security recipients haven’t had an increase despite costs rising. Yet, our congress critters get a 10% raise every year, unless…get this…they vote against it. Nice how they make these laws for themselves, isn’t it. And remember, they are exempt from Obamacare and have the Cadillac of healthcare plans.

In order to plan for next year, not only has the cost of healthcare through my husband’s company risen, which is deducted from the paycheck, but we have to take an additional $250.00 per paycheck to put into savings for next year’s HSA which will hopefully cover deductible, that’s if the deductible doesn’t go up again.

Obamacare has not only hurt American workers, but the strain on employers to cover these rapidly increasing costs and still insure their employees is another knife in the back of small businesses. 

Wealth Redistribution

There are many in America, including illegal aliens who are receiving many benefits from our government, paid for by taxpayer’s dollars. Yet, those of us who have worked all our lives are stretched to the limit trying to afford health care in our later years.

The Republicans in Congress claimed they had a plan ready to repeal Obamacare, and still give options to those who signed up for it. Yet, now we hear it may take longer. For us, this means we will basically have no health care because of the cost and deductibles.


The real end result is the fact that working middleclass Americans are getting royally screwed once again. Monies which could have been spent on vacations and purchases which would have helped the economy, are now being held back because we need it for medical costs. At this time in our lives we expected to have more to spend, but our government has seen to it that we have less.

Mr. President, repeal Obamacare now. Let the free market work. Remember, healthcare is not a right. Wealth redistribution is the name of this entire game. We are paying more, and receiving less, while welfare recipients and illegals get their care free, and our representative republic is ignoring us.

President Trump, we’re counting on you!

Judicial tyranny: black robed tyrants USURP executive law

I have to laugh because even the incorrigible Howard Stern has made some strong statements against Democrats, albeit this was back in 2008. Stern claims to be a libertarian, and he said, “I have vowed, I will never vote for a Democrat again. No matter who they are. I don’t care if God becomes a Democrat. These Democrats are communists. This is communism. This is gangsterism. This is crazy.”

Robart is No Laughing Matter

As Senator John Warner stated, protecting our borders is at the heart of sovereignty, and Democrat Judge James Robart’s actions are no laughing matter. He has put the kibosh on Trump’s executive order to check refugees coming in from seven different terrorist-promoting Islamic nations to make sure they do not wish to do harm to American citizens. Why would any sane person want to stop the President from protecting us? As my retired attorney friend, Joe, said to me, “That’s really it Kelleigh, they’re insane.”

What really blows my mind is the fact that not one Federal Judge in America tried to stop even one of Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders, but President Trump’s EO to protect America is stopped by a leftist Democrat judge. God help us! But then, in reality, they have no right to do so. This belongs to the executive branch alone.

Robart’s Nomination

On December 9, 2003, Robart was nominated by President George W. Bush to a seat on the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington. Robart was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on June 17, 2004. George W. Bush also nominated Gorsuch to federal court and he too was confirmed unanimously. The Senate, knowing Bush was left of center, and really pro-choice, easily confirmed this democratic lawyer to the high court, just as they confirmed Neil Gorsuch in 2006. 

Robart’s Ruling

This Democratic Liberal Judge is a full-fledged socialist. His ruling didn’t consider any opinions on the law. He believed, without legal authority, that the president wasn’t making a smart move, and he stayed it. This decision on the immigrant ban from terrorist promoting countries went to the Ninth Circuit court, the most liberal court in the nation and of course, they stayed it. Protecting America from Islamic terrorists was one of Trump’s promises, and who is delaying our safety? None other than the Democratic Socialists…again! This time of the judiciary!

But hey, Judge Robart has even praised the Black Lives Matter anarchists in a lawsuit against Seattle police! 

And Judge Michelle Friedland of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, who ruled on the Trump travel order won the ACLU’s “LGBT Award.” [Link]


The Ninth Circuit has continued the stay, and now the higher court’s denial of an immediate stay means the legal battles over the ban will continue for days at least. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco asked challengers of the ban to respond to the appeal, and for the Justice Department to file a counter-response by Monday afternoon.

It could go to the Supreme Court. But what if the Senate holds up Trump’s confirmation of Judge Gorsuch? A four to four vote by the Supremes could leave us high and dry with the last decision holding. We may be overrun with terrorists from Islamic terrorist states, all because of one socialist judge.

It is NOT a “Muslim ban.” You will search the Executive Order in vain for mentions of Islam, or any other religion. Trump reminded reporters that ISIS specifically said that they would use the migration system to infiltrate the United States and other countries. The order is based on security reviews conducted by President Barack Obama’s deputies. The moratorium is temporary, and the executive order is absolutely legal, and is a security measure. [Link]

Vetting Foreigners from Terrorist States

President Trump wanted to vet foreigners arriving from Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Libya and Yemen. Trump’s order bars citizens of the seven countries from entering the U.S. for 90 days, all refugees for 120 days and indefinitely halts refugees from Syria. Pretty simple and straightforward. 

Chuck Schumer recently stated, “There are tears running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight.” He said this in response to Trump’s EO on immigrants from these pro-terrorist states, but that is quite a change from the tweet Schumer sent out in 2015 when he said, “We must tighten loopholes in the Visa Waiver program, ensure passports can’t be faked, and stop terrorists who want to exploit the system.”

Many other presidents have implemented travel bans in the past. Jimmy Carter implemented a travel ban on citizens from Iran after the Shah was deposed and students seized the U.S. Embassy in 1979. 

And will wonders never cease, even Obama implemented a ban against refugees from Iraq in 2011. It was two Iraqi Muslims living in Kentucky who were sending weapons and cash to al-Qaida in Iraq. They were arrested, tried, convicted, and are in prison. Apparently, the Judge was unable to access this information.

State Department Whistle Blower

Mary Doetsch, a retired U.S. State Department veteran has blown the whistleon the entire refugee program by sending a letter to the Chicago Tribune. She wrote, “As a recently retired 25-year veteran of the U.S. Department of State who served almost eight years as a refugee coordinator throughout the Middle East, Africa, Russia and Cuba, I have seen first-hand the abuses and fraud that permeate the refugee program and know about the entrenched interests that fight every effort to implement much-needed reform. Despite claims of enhanced vetting, the reality is that it is virtually impossible to vet an individual who has no type of an official record, particularly in countries compromised by terrorism. U.S. immigration officials simply rely on the person’s often rehearsed and fabricated ‘testimony.’ I have personally seen this on hundreds of occasions.” 


Mary goes on to say that she is in complete agreement with President Trump’s EO, and that she doesn’t believe it goes far enough!

Robarts Inaccuracy on Arrests

Judge Robart asked DOJ attorney Michelle Bennett how many arrests of foreign nationals had come from the states in Trump’s EO.

She said she didn’t have that information, and then Robart claimed that there were none, but Breitbart reported that according to a database built by the Senate’s immigration subcommittee, the federal government has arrested and convicted at least 73 people from the seven countries of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen. That fact alone tells us the huge inaccuracy of this judge’s rationale for imposing a “Temporary Restraining Order” ban on the president’s popular reform of the expensive refugee and immigration programs allowing untold numbers of terrorists into our nation without the vetting that has always been customary. 

Several sites have verified that these countries and even others not listed, are hotbeds of terrorism training and activities with plans against the United States. Here is a list of some of the terrorists who have committed crimes from these very countries, and here are the countries with a large terrorism presence. Somali refugees who have come to this country have even been involved in terror plots, including more than 40 of which left the country to join ISIS, al-Shabab and al-Qaida, according to the FBI.

Somalis seem to be a big problem as they are ripe for recruitment by ISIS. Minnesota’s Attorney General said, “We have a terror recruitment problem in Minnesota” involving the Somali refugee community in the state.” Obama actually had to approve grants to teach Somali youth how to avoid being recruited. But there’s more, these same refugees have carried out knife attacks in malls and on college campuses injuring a number of people. We know this judge doesn’t live in a cave, his entire stay on President Trump’s order is purely political.

Pamela Geller, editor in chief of the Geller Report and president of American Freedom Defense Initiative, said Robart’s decision, if upheld, smacks directly at the sovereignty of the United States and strips the president of his constitutional authority to protect the nation. 

Companies Suing Trump Over Ban

Apple, Google, Facebook, Spotify, Airbnb, Citrix, eBay, Etsy, Intel, Microsoft, Netflix, Snap, Twitter and Uber are just some of the high-profile companies that participated in filing the brief, the goal of which is to make clear that the technology industry and American businesses in general oppose Trump’s ban. Here is the entire list from the website.

I would urge folks not to buy Chobani yogurt inasmuch as Chobani announced the hiring of Syrian Muslims. The owner of Chobani was tied to the Clinton campaign and Clinton Global Initiative. The same now goes for Starbucks Coffee regarding their hiring. What about jobs for the American citizens?

Judge Napolitano Weighs In

Martha MacCallum interviewed Judge Andrew Napolitano on Judge Robart’s stay, and he stated clearly and unequivocally that President Trump has the power to do exactly what he’s doing. Here’s what he said in this interview with MacCallum. 

“We have a federal district court judge in Seattle who basically second-guessed the President on the wisdom and propriety of the President’s executive order. And that is absolutely not the job of federal judges in our society.”

“The law on which President Trump relied is crystal clear. A 1952 statute which says, just as John Roberts read from the government’s brief, that the president of the United States has the authority to suspend any immigration of an individual or a group or a class of people, for public health, public safety or national security. It’s not the President and the courts, it’s not the President and the Congress. It’s the President alone.”

Judicial Tyranny

Black robed tyrants are legislating from the bench. Our President is right, should someone arrive on these flights who is a terrorist and acts to kill Americans, the blame will land directly on these judicial tyrants. That a district judge would overrule the president of the United States on a matter of border security in wartime is subversive.

When politicians don black robes, and seize powers they do not have, they should be called out for what they are – usurpers and petty tyrants. It is our elected representatives who make the laws and rule the nation, not judges or justices!

Selwyn Duke made it clear in his recent article.

Does our current status quo make our Constitution a suicide pact? Thomas Jefferson certainly said as much, warning that accepting judicial supremacy would make our founding document just that, a “felo de se,” (suicide) as he put it in Latin.

No, Trump could simply ignore the court ruling suspending his ban.

Does this sound like a government of, by and for the people to you?

The Bottom Line

American citizens have seen terrorist activities on our own soil for years now. Here is a full list, starting in April of 1972. We have welcomed immigrants with open arms since the nation’s inception, but with caution to protect our people. There are many reasons most citizens want immigrants vetted, not only for the harm they might intend, but for assimilation, and disease…diseases we have not seen in decades. We do not want “no-go” zones throughout our country. And yes, I’ve seen women in full burkas in my local grocery.

I have two British friends, one who is an American citizen and one who is still in UK, who would so love to come to America and become a naturalized citizen. The UK today is overrun with so many Islamists that British citizens, women especially, are afraid to be in certain parts of the country.

My friend Stan, who has been here for decades, told me that it took him many steps to become an American citizen and all told, it was about two years. He is an absolutely wonderful addition to our citizenry. My friend Shirley should also come to the USA, she loves our country.

However, today, plane and shiploads of refugees from countries known to breed terrorists are being dumped in cities all over America. Without the vetting, it has become a breeding ground for terrorist training and terrorist activity.

Trump Senior Advisor, Steven Miller said, “The U.S. has an absolute sovereign right to determine who can and cannot enter our country.”

Laura Ingraham says our President should address the nation to make his case for the executive order, and I agree. The reality is, his action is absolutely legal, and it is being done for the safety of all Americans.

Our President needs to tell these judges to go pound sand!

The pros and cons of Judge Neil M. Gorsuch

Our young are so full of innocence and capabilities that are not yet known. Why would anyone want to destroy that through abortion? One of the most absurd pro-choice claims is that those who are pro-life do not like or care for the baby after he or she is born. In fact, pro-lifers find equal importance of life inside and outside of the womb. The gravity in a baby’s eyes, showing such extreme happiness for life, is one of the most beautiful things in the world. —G. K. Chesterton

I am overjoyed that Donald J. Trump is our 45th President, and I’m thrilled with 95% of his nominees. Nevertheless, unlike the sycophants who supported Obama and Hillary, when I am in doubt, I’m going to let my readers know about it.


Deuteronomy to Choose Life! When those of us who hate Roe v. Wade think of the suffering of millions of little babies in their mothers’ wombs when abortion is chosen, we cry out for it to come to a screeching halt. We know too what happens to those little murdered bodies. It is why our 45th President has promised to put pro-life justices on the Supreme Court. We can thank God Hillary Clinton is not nominating a justice. 

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995. He has proven to be stellar on pro-life issues.


Neil Gorsuch and Antonin Scalia

When introducing Neil Gorsuch, our President said, “I took the task of this nomination very seriously. I have selected an individual whose qualities define, really, and I mean closely, define what we’re looking for. Judge Gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support.” He added that Gorsuch’s resume was as good as he’s ever seen.

Gorsuch is better than half of those on the list who really don’t see much that can be done in stopping abortion. He does have sterling credentials, and in theory believes in the Constitution. However, no one can truly say whether or not he’d vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, which is ultimately the definition of pro-life.

Gorsuch and Scalia were friends, and obviously had enjoyed time together in Colorado as the signed photo suggests.

The insignia reads, “To Neil Gorsuch, Fond memories of a day on the Colorado. With warm regards, Antonin Scalia.

After President Trump’s announcement of Neil Gorsuch as his nominee, Gorsuch met Mrs. Scalia and chatted amiably with her and her son, Fr. Paul Scalia.

Gorsuch and Hobby Lobby

Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which came into play in the decision for Hobby Lobby from the lower court. The case was about religious freedom, not about abortion per se. Gorsuch sided with the Little Sisters of the Poor in a similar religious freedom case involving Obamacare.

According to ABC News, Gorsuch “is a defender of the ‘Free Exercise Clause,’ which says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” As such, he has also championed the rights of religious groups to display their religion in public places. And that’s a big Amen.

Gorsuch and Assisted Suicide

Gorsuch concludes his book by suggesting that the law could allow for terminally ill patients to refuse treatments that would extend their lives, while stopping short of permitting intentional killing.

In his book, The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia (2006), Gorsuch praised the pro-abortion ruling that upheld Roe v. Wade as follows: “The plurality in Casey expressly sought to provide a firmer basis for the abortion right and to shore up the reasoning behind Roe’s result.” (p. 79) This is extremely troubling, as no one who is pro-life would ever assert that there is a “firmer basis” and better “reasoning” that can support the horrifically unjust result of abortion-on-demand.

Citing the Judge’s book as proof that he is pro-life is not valid inasmuch as pro-abortion supreme court judges have ruled against physician assisted suicide in the past.

Gorsuch and Stare Decisis

Gorsuch also clings to bad precedent, and is an extreme supporter of stare decisis, both of which are excuses for upholding Roe v. Wade rather than overturning it. “Our duty to follow precedent sometimes requires us to make mistakes,” Gorsuch declared in ruling against the Second Amendment rights of a man before his court. United States v. Games-Perez, 667 F.3d 1136, 1142 (10th Cir. 2012) (Gorsuch, J. concurring).

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 505 US 833. The doctrine operates both horizontally and vertically. Horizontal stare decisis refers to a court adhering to its own precedent. A court engages in vertical stare decisis when it applies precedent from a higher court. Consequently, stare decisis discourages litigating established precedents.

unworkable. In addition, significant societal changes may also prompt the Court to overrule precedent; however, any decision to overrule precedent is exercised cautiously. (Cornell University Law School)

Gorsuch Nominated by George W. Bush

“Not a single Democrat opposed #NeilGorsuch’s confirmation in 2006,” tweeted Mitch McConnell on February 1st. Both Bush families stated they were pro-choice after they were out of office. It is likely the Democrat Senators knew the families were really pro-choice and thus confirmed their nominee. Here’s the list of the leftists who confirmed him.

Gorsuch and the CFR

Neil Gorsuch was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, listed in the 2008 CFR Annual Report Membership Roster. He is not listed in the 2017 Annual Report, but is listed as a member in his 2006 nomination by President George W. Bush. (See part 8)

Aside from his stint at Harvard Law, can we conjecture that his term membership in the CFR might have influenced him with the One-World-Socialist-Police-State-under-the-United-Nations goals of the CFR? Here is a short tutorial on the CFR. You can also purchase a booklet about the CFR

Because of his membership, will he will be a shoe-in for the post, as he was in 2006? Other CFR Members of the Court are Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer.

The only way you can find out about CFR Membership rosters is to obtain the CFR Annual Reports through purchase from Amazon for a nominal fee. (Hat tip to Sue.)

Gorsuch’s Pro-Abortion Church

Neil Gorsuch and his wife attend the apostate St. John’s Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado, that has a woman rector, Rev. Susan Springer, who considers homosexuality as acceptable, and who believes that women have the right to kill their unborn babies. Springer also promotes climate control and gun control. [Link]

Homosexuals have had union blessing ceremonies in the church. Here is an article written by Rev. Susan Springer in 2010 supporting homosexuals and their behavior.

In 1994, as the anti-abortion movement mobilized to restrict reproductive freedom of American women, the Episcopal Church added this resolve:

“The Episcopal Church expresses its unequivocal opposition to any legislative, executive or judicial action on the part of local, state or national governments that abridges the right of a woman to reach an informed decision about the termination of pregnancy or that would limit the access of a woman to safe means of acting on her decision.”

From this article in Huffington Post, it appears Gorsuch is also pro-gay marriage, and unlikely to ever change Roe v. Wade.

Gorsuch’s membership in an Episcopal church in Boulder, Colorado, whose female senior pastor attended the Women’s March in Colorado, and has been associated with other liberal causes, gives great pause to most pro-life conservatives.

Lobbyist Influence

The influence, primarily by the pro-abortion Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation lobbyists, over the Supreme Court decision by our President was unprecedented. Why did Trump lock himself into only 21 names given by these organizations?

According to media accounts Trump considered only candidates whom the Federalist Society recommended, and no others. Florida Supreme Court Justice Charles Canady is pro-life and more qualified than Gorsuch, but apparently, Trump never even interviewed Canady. Other prominent pro-life candidates, both on and off the list, who Trump cited during his campaign, were also not seriously considered.

If this were merely the first time that a Supreme Court nominee was supposedly pro-life, but was actually pro-choice, then perhaps a “wait and see” approach might be reasonable. However, unborn children have been sacrificed time and time again by this deception. President Ronald Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor, who was supposed to be pro-life but wasn’t, and then likewise for Anthony Kennedy. The first President Bush appointed David Souter, who was also supposed to be pro-life, but became stridently pro-abortion instead.

Link] They launched a digital campaign urging senators to confirm Gorsuch, and they plan to mobilize the network’s 3.2 million activists to put pressure on lawmakers.

Gorsuch on Other Issues

In an analysis by Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, he pointed out that Gorsuch joined an opinion that adhered to the anti-gun view that “concealed weapons create an immediate and severe danger to the public.” United States v. Rodriguez, 739 F.3d 481, 490 (10th Cir. 2013).

On the transgender issue, Gorsuch joined an opinion holding that “it is unlawful to discriminate against a transgender (or any other) person because he or she does not behave in accordance with an employer’s expectations for men or women.” Kastl v. Maricopa Cty. Cmty. Coll. Dist., 325 F. App’x 492, 493 (9th Cir. 2009).

Where will Gorsuch come down on in the issue of whether men, who claim to be women, may enter women’s public bathrooms, showers and locker rooms. His opinion would affect children in public school facilities. Will he even be questioned on this issue by senators during his hearing proceedings? 


Unfortunately for us, Gorsuch’s views on abortion are not well defined. In his book, he wrote, “In Roe, the Court explained that, had it found the fetus to be a “person” for purposes of the Fourteenth Amendment, it could not have created a right to abortion because no constitutional basis exists for preferring the mother’s liberty interests over the child’s life.”

For the sake of the unborn babies in America, I pray that Gorsuch truly is pro-life.

Like Joe Friday of Dragnet, I’m just giving you the facts, the decision is yours.

Only the squeaky wheel gets the oil

A squeaky wheel is a distraction, and the longer it continues, the more irritating it becomes, until finally, oil is applied to stop the squeak.

Put on Your Armor, the Battle for America Begins

The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and in this case, the squeaky wheel is none other than Soros’s hired protestors. It is time for us to make just as loud a noise as these slugs hired by the community organizers. 

That means us! We succeeded in electing an outsider, it’s time to put on the full armor of God and get busy. We cannot be couch potatoes and let President Trump do all the work and fight the battle alone. It is up to us to send emails, to get on the phone to our Congress critters, and demand that they help the man we selected and elected as our 45th President. This means daily! Our new President needs our help in getting his nominees confirmed by the Senate.

We simply CANNOT expect that all will be okay now that we have Donald J. Trump in our White House. The left hates him and many of the neo-con Trotskyite right hate him. Why? Because he is NOT a consummate globalist politician as too many of our previous presidents have been. Trump is a successful businessman, and even though there are areas where I disagree with him, I know this man loves America and wants to bring her back to the glorious nation she once was, with happy and prosperous citizens.

The Media

Throughout Trump’s campaign, the media has proven inept at destroying him, and he used them thoroughly and unabashedly. Because he won, the media is now accelerating their attacks, but they’re using the same techniques they’ve always tried. So far, they’re beating their heads against the wall, but they won’t quit because the objective is to destroy Donald Trump. Their goal is to destroy his reputation and presidency and ultimately to impeach him. Even if he remains in office, they want him ruined in the minds of the American people. 

The Democrat Party is foaming at the mouth wanting Trump to implode, but it’s not going to happen. This businessman has dealt with tough problems and tough people for many years. We watched him throughout the campaign, and he ignored all the attacks and brutality thrown in his face and stayed the course. Trump has a steel spine and a faith in God and himself that I have never seen in any politician.

Protests, Protests, Protests

How many protests were there against Obama? There were a few, but you never saw police cars set on fire, businesses destroyed, looting, and vandalism. It didn’t happen, because we’re too busy working. 

Our President withstood some of the vilest accusations and lies, and yet he kept going. We showed up at his rallies is such numbers that he knew he was resonating with American citizens.

The pro-abort Islamic and leftist organized Women’s March was covered massively by the media, but the pro-life march received little coverage.

Protests won’t stop because billionaire George Soros will happily keep paying protestors to show up. Point in fact, protestors were sitting around in airports waiting for Trump to write his promised executive order, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States.” 

Trump stated a year and a half ago that he would sign an EO vetting the refugees coming into America from states known for training terrorists. For days the protestors waited, and then the media portrays it as though American citizens were immediately roused to indignation. Fake news again!


The protests won’t end, and neither will the leaders of sanctuary cities stop challenging the laws our President wants to uphold. Instead, they will continue to defy federal law and to allow illegal aliens to hide within their boundaries, many of whom will commit crimes against American citizens, including murder and rape.

Watch for the next protest march. It will be scientists against President Trump’s move to halt the EPA and this false climate change agenda which is all about making the rich richer and bleeding American taxpayers. 

Short Memories

The Daily Callerreminded us that in 1975, many liberals were part of a chorus of big name Democrats who refused to accept any Vietnamese refugees when millions were trying to escape South Vietnam as it fell to the communists. This even included orphans. And guess who led this…none other than California’s Governor Jerry Brown, Senator Joe Biden, George McGovern, and New York Democratic Congresswoman, Elizabeth Holzman. They didn’t want Vietnamese who were fleeing communism to enter our country, but they applaud lawbreakers from Mexico and Islamic refugees who could well be terrorists. God help us…truly!

Does anyone remember the Montagnards? They were the Vietnamese tribesmen who fought alongside America’s Special Forces soldiers during the Vietnam war. My husband’s uncle was Special Forces in Vietnam, and he and his men at Ft. Bragg pleaded for donations to help the Montagnards who made it to America, because the American government would not help them. Thank you, Henry Kissinger!

How about the C-span video of President Clinton in the 1995 State of the Union address? Anyone remember that? Clinton said we’re disturbed by the large number of illegal aliens, they’re stealing jobs from Americans, they cost the taxpayers. Bill said he’s hiring more border guards to protect us, and deporting twice as many criminal aliens as before, and cracking down on illegal hiring, and barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens, and speeding deportation of illegals who commit crimes. Does this not sound like our new President? It wasn’t…it was 1995 and Bill Clinton! My how times change and hypocrites change their stories.

one-half minute video: 

You’re Fired!

President Donald Trump fired the Obama appointee, and acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, for refusing to enforce a legal order. Yates has been replaced with Dana Boente, US Attorney for the Eastern District of VA, who will now act as Attorney General until nominee Senator Jeff Sessions has been confirmed. Limbaugh went overboard in his monologue on the last day of January in excoriating Trump for keeping Obama’s people, but this is the gist of the entire problem, and why we need to speak up!

Senate Traitors

The Senate Democrats have boycotted the committee vote on Tom Price for HHS Secretary, and Steven Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary. Only four nominees have been confirmed after nearly two weeks.

Then you have the likes of John McCain, and Lindsey Graham joining with Socialist Democrat, Chuck Schumer. Why is it McCain and Graham still have “R’s” behind their names???

It is true, they are traitors to the Constitution, and traitors to their own party.

Trump is fighting the Islamic conquest of the West. We need to help him. 

We Are the Squeaky Wheel

Get off the couch, get on the computer, get on the phone, and call every day to your senators, and write them emails. The protestors are people without jobs being paid by George Soros and the Socialist Democrats. We are the taxpayers of America! We are those who voted for a businessman to turn our beloved America back to God and sanity.

We cannot just be the squeaky wheel, we have to be the thundering voice of protest, not a squeak, but a lion’s roar, not marching in the streets, but pressuring our senators, and yes, even the democratic senators like Schumer, to approve our President’s choices. Their actions are dishonorable, and they need to know what we think.

The Republicans did not delay Obama’s choices, even when we wanted them to. It is unconscionable they’re holding up Trump’s nominees. We need to be heard! It is fully up to us to help Donald J. Trump to do what he promised he would do! Stand up and demand these Senators approve our President’s nominees.

It’s time to be heard! Our 45th President is counting on us!

The Federalist Society, friend or foe

My view is that regardless of whether you think prohibiting abortion is good or whether you think prohibiting abortion is bad, regardless of how you come out on that, my only point is the Constitution does not say anything about it. It leaves it up to democratic choice. Some states prohibited it and some states didn’t. What Roe vs. Wade said was that no state can prohibit it. That is simply not in the Constitution. —Justice Antonin Scalia

Our new President is doing what he promised he’d do, and his first week has been absolutely thrilling. He told us that a top priority is to place pro-life justices on the Supreme Court. We need to help him do that, thus the reason for this article. 

Judge Gorsuch’s Pastor Attends Women’s March

Susan Woodward Springer is senior Pastor to Judge Neil Gorsuch, and on participating in the Women’s March said, “I have never felt so connected to humanity.” Judge Gorsuch is an usher at her pro-abortion church. Remember, there were no pro-life women allowed at the Women’s March. Does Gorsuch sound like a Scalia to you?

An independent, published ranking of judges said Gorsuch is not even in the top 100 most conservative federal appellate judges. See this important article, Judged by the Company You Keep.

Pro-Life Supreme Court Justices

Our new president gave us a list of 21 justices for the Supreme Court to replace Antonin Scalia. His plan was to fill the vacancy with a strong originalist and pro-life justice. The Federalist Society was instrumental in providing the list of names, along with the Heritage Foundation. Not many of their suggestions were pro-life, and top that off with all of them being very young, which would give the court a justice who could rule for abortion another 40 years. 

Some candidates would be terrific, while others are like David Souter. The Federalist Society leaders helped rally support for Senate confirmation of “Obamacare is a tax,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., but they also rallied support for Alito.

Latest Contender to Replace Scalia, Judge Neil Gorsuch, is Not Pro-Life.


Let’s take a quick overview of the Federalist Society, who founded them, who is on their board, and just exactly who funds them, which will shock you. Here is their 2015 Form 990.

Founders of the Federalist Society

As I mentioned in my previous article, the Federalist Society began at Yale Law School, (home of Skull and Bones), Harvard Law School (that bastion of higher liberal learning), and the University of Chicago Law School, (home of Bill Ayers and where protestors disallowed Trump rally). It originally started as a student organization which challenged what its members perceived as the orthodox American liberal ideology found in most law schools. These three Ivy league schools are known as having a Marxist agenda.

David Schizer who clerked for Ruth Bader Ginsberg; and Alex Kozinski, former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Robert Bork; former Indiana Congressman, David McIntosh, now head of pro-amnesty and anti-Trump Club of Growth; Lee Liberman Otis; Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham and Steven Calabresi.

Let’s take a look at just a few of them.

Edwin Meese

In 1967, when Ronald Reagan was Governor of California, legislators introduced a therapeutic abortion bill which allowed abortion, “when it would gravely impair the physical or mental health of the mother,” the latter of which opened the door for many more abortions. His legal affairs secretary, Edwin Meese, and press secretary, Lyn Nofziger supported it and urged Reagan to sign it. 

Chester Finn.


Spencer Abraham

National Council of La Raza for his efforts on the immigration issue of blocking supposed cuts to legal immigration. He is also a fellow of the Hoover Institute.

Steven Calabresi

Libertarian Calabresi is the Chairman of the Federalist Society, and is pro same-sex marriage.

In his essay posted on SSRN, Calabresi’s primary originalist case for a right to same-sex marriage runs something like this. Laws forbidding same-sex marriage violate principles of freedom and equality, and therefore they violate the Fourteenth Amendment, which of course was one of the Reconstruction-era constitutional amendments. [Link]

Calabresi also endorsed Rudy Giuliani for president. Despite my respect for Giuliani, Rudy is pro-choice. One wonders if that was the reason for Calabresi’s endorsement.

David McIntosh

McIntosh is the co-chairman of the Federalist Society. The former Indiana Congressman now heads Club for Growth. He was an avid NeverTrumper. In fact, his organization spent $1million in a Trump smear campaign in Iowa which featured lies and fabricated information. Why? Because Club for Growth is avidly pro-amnesty. They also begged Trump for a million dollars, and he turned them down. McIntosh backed both Cruz and Rubio in the 2016 campaign. The pro-abortion Koch brothers have funded Club for Growth, and the Club sponsors the pro-Constitutional Convention American Legislative Exchange Council.

And…McIntosh is the disgraced former Congressman who was caught forging the letterhead of Alliance for Justice, and manufacturing a phony news release. Caught red-handed, he eventually admitted that he’d issued the fake release which included false AFJ financials. His apology to House Dems and to the AFJ was not accepted.

Stephen Moore was the original founder of Club for Growth and a recent fellow at the Heritage Foundation. He is now one of President Trump’s economic advisors. 

Ed Whelan

Andy Schlafly’s attempt to fulfill our President’s pledge for pro-life justices. Whelan pretends that Gorsuch’s book against assisted suicide gives him pro-life credentials. It doesn’t. All the pro-aborts on the Supreme Court voted against a constitutional right to assisted suicide. Gorsuch is no better.

Leonard Leo

Leonard Leo, is executive vice president of the Federalist Society, and let’s make it clear, it is not a pro-life organization and has never had a pro-life presentation at its annual conference for decades. Mr. Leo is steering Trump away from his pledge to nominate a pro-life justice to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This ostensibly pro-life adviser to Trump, Leonard Leo, is not even helpful in honoring the pledge and has recommended candidates who are not pro-life and who will not overturn Roe v. Wade. Mr. Leo even stated on Bloomberg Law radio that he does not envision the new Court, with Trump-nominated justices, overturning Roe v. Wade. [Link]

The Federalist Society Donors

In 2013, the Federalist Society held their annual dinner with guest speakers Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas, and Federal Appellate Judge Diane Sykes. This was a $200-per-plate black-tie fundraising dinner, funded in part by the Koch brothers. [Link]

“By headlining this fundraiser, Judge Sykes is clearly in violation of the Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges and Justice Thomas would be as well—if only the Supreme Court was bound by an ethical code,” Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) said in a statement. The ethical codes are there to ensure that outside interests do not sway judicial decisions.

Here is a list of the sponsors for this dinner. Recognizable names are Chevron, Verizon, Google, Facebook, and Time Warner, none of whom are pro-life standard bearers.

Take a gander at the list of donors who attended this dinner. Among those who gave $100,000 are the following:

Koch Industries, David Koch, and their Claude Lambe Foundation each gave $100,000. David Koch is pro-abortion.

Google and Microsoft are among donors who gave $100,000 or more, according to the society’s annual report for 2015. I dare say, neither Google nor Microsoft have ever promoted pro-life.

The Sarah Scaife Foundation is a big donor. Sarah Scaife was the mother of wealthy businessman Richard Mellon Scaife, who donated up to $30 million to the Heritage Foundation. Richard Mellon Scaife funded Planned Parenthood, and even took an ad out in the WSJ promoting taxpayer funding. [Link] His mother, Sarah, had Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, into her home every Sunday afternoon for tea. [Link]

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and her husband, George, gave between $50,000 and $100,000. Why? Because they are pro-life, and there are great pro-life people within the Society. Kellyanne Conway has done great things for our new president, a president we’ve not seen the likes of since Calvin Coolidge. 

George Conway is a New York lawyer and Federalist Society member, and has been nominated for Solicitor General in Trump’s administration. They are both soundly pro-life. [Link]

Those donating $25,000 to $49,000 included:

Amway Multi-Marketing Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation. These are the in-laws of Betsy DeVos, nominated for education secretary.

Verizon and Google also donated.

In the final category is Delta Airlines, Google, ExxonMobil Corporation, Facebook, GlaxoSmithKline, and Pepsi, Co. None of whom support life.


The Federalist Society obviously has overstepped its proper role in this process, pushing some of the members’ own agenda in an unprecedented way. If published reports are correct, all the finalists are young, Federalist Society candidates who are not as qualified (or as pro-life) as other candidates our President should be interviewing and choosing.

I am thrilled with the election of Donald J. Trump as our 45th President, and his promise to choose pro-life justices gained many endorsements and votes. If we eliminate Judge Gorsuch, the next judge who will be floated by the pro-abortion portion of the Society will be Judge Thomas Hardiman.


Phyllis Schlafly was one of the first to endorse him. Her son, Andy Schlafly, should be contacted by our President because he has done the research on all of these candidates.

The people’s president, Donald J. Trump

President Donald J. Trump’s Inauguration Speech

What an amazing day for America! The media and politicos said he couldn’t do it, and he did! He did it in spades…he won massively. Why? Because the grassroots Americans came out and voted for the brilliant businessman who spoke their same language.

Our 45th President was sworn in with his hand on the Bible given to him as a child by his mother upon his graduation from Sunday Church Primary School in 1955, and beneath it was the Bible of Abraham Lincoln. 

Our first non-globalist President in decades said, “A new vision will govern our land, it’s going to be America first!” And it’s because he has a connection with the working families of America, more than any other candidate who has run for decades…he’s a blue-collar billionaire. He knows the pain we’ve suffered with free-trade, foreign labor, taxes, Islamic refugees, and illegal immigration.

Donald J. Trump said we’re a nation protected by God. He talked about people in Detroit or Nebraska going to bed at night and feeling safe and blessed. He assured us that we are protected by our great military and law enforcement, and most importantly we are protected by God. He said that no matter our color, black, brown, or white, we all bleed red.

The Inauguration Speech

Short as the speech was, it nevertheless was power packed. Trump reiterated his campaign promises. And when he spoke, you knew the globalists were cringing. Our socialist media called it radical, but our new President was speaking directly to the people who elected him.

My dear UK friend, Shirley Edwards, who also writes for NewsWithViews, wrote a great note to me and our publisher. Here’s a portion of what she said…

I just wanted to let you both know that some of us Brits are standing with America today and praying for God to bless your new president.

I have just watched the speech, thought it was wonderful, and even stood up in my living room for the anthem.

What a relief when the helicopter took off with Obama. 

I felt his speech contained a lot of hope, and he brought back strength, dignity and grace to America. I also loved the prayers and that God was brought right back to the forefront.

He never wavered and stood strong, whilst all those twitching globalists sat around him. I enjoyed watching them look uncomfortable.

The comment about our twitching globalists had me laughing because she hit the nail on the head! Especially when it came to “We now have no hope,” Michelle Obama.

Tears of Joy

Unlike other inaugurals, this one was something special. You could feel the emotion of the people, not only those who gathered in DC, but all of us around the country who supported our new President. It’s because so many of us felt so passionate about this man. We cried, we prayed, and we laughed.

I watched the entire day, all through the parade, and to the Liberty and Freedom Ball where our new President and his beautiful wife took to the dance floor to Frank Sinatra’s, “I Did It My Way.” How perfect!


During the entire inauguration, there were only pockets of demonstrators. Media reported 10 or 15 people here and there.

Jeanine Pirro interviewed Chris Cox, head of Bikers for Trump, and he stated that he engaged several protestors because of their aggressive behavior. He asked them, “Is anyone here being paid by George Soros, raise your hand?” “All 15 of the guys with their ski masks on raised their hands.” Cox stated that they actually engaged about five different protestors and they came out on the short end of the stick. He said, “One guy had his earring knocked right out of his nose after spitting and throwing his middle finger at the biker’s face, and the police talked to him, and later he said, ‘Okay sir.’”

However, following the inauguration, protesters started a fire on the street, burning what appeared to be garbage and a plastic newspaper stand. These were not protestors, but black masked anarchists, who were destroying private property, breaking windows of Starbucks, McDonalds and the Bank of America. These were the same people paid by the likes of the Socialist left and George Soros who destroyed Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland.


Socialist Media

At Obama’s last press conference, he told the media not to be sycophants, to be skeptics! So, despite being his sycophants, he now wants them to be skeptics with Trump, as though they haven’t railed against Trump since he announced his candidacy.

Communist News Network (CNN) host, Wolf Blitzer asked his audience, “What if an incoming president and his immediate successors were wiped out on day one?” In CNN’s analysis, most of the people who would take over in the worst-case scenario would keep the Obama administration in power, at least indirectly. This hostile and antagonistic leftist was whistling for the loons to do what Blitzer was questioning.

CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill says that only “mediocre Negros” support Donald Trump, this just one day after the President-Elect met with Martin Luther King the 3rd, son of Martin Luther King Jr., the famous Civil Rights leader. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. There were many black Americans who attended the inauguration, two of whom drove all the way from Alaska to be there. I highly doubt they’d consider themselves “mediocre Negroes.” The same goes for wonderful Republican conservative and pro-life activist, Alveda King, who is the niece of Martin Luther King.

Talladega College’s marching band received more than three times what it needed to get to Washington, D.C., for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration celebrations. The historic black college in Alabama needed to raise $75,000 for travel, lodging and other expenses. Through a GoFundMe page, more than 7,600 people donated $420,000 in just 13 days. These are not “mediocre Negroes,” they are proud young Americans who were overjoyed to march in Donald J. Trump’s inauguration parade.

Shameful Behavior

Unable to admit defeat nationwide, and unable to accept the rejection of their entire globalist plans, the Democratic Socialists stooped to childish and unpatriotic behavior, ignoring their Constitutional oath to our representative Republic and their own constituents. Their world has been turned upside down because an outsider destroyed them, and is on his way to destroying their globalist plans and Socialist media. Their actions are those of childish spoiled losers.

Sixty-Seven Democrat Representatives refused to go to the inauguration of our 45th President, failing miserably to accept the peaceful transition of power. The majority of them are from the Socialist blue state of California. [Link

In a shameful act of political theatre on a day designed to be non-partisan and uniting for America, Representative John Lewis refused to attend the inauguration claiming he’s never missed one during his three decades of public service. He even stated Trump was an illegitimate president because of Russian hackers, of which there is absolutely no proof, and is fake news. Problem is, Lewis was lying. He said and did exactly the same thing with George W. Bush’s inauguration. Adding to the fact that he lied, he has also allegedly failed to pay taxes on his pricey DC townhouse. Voter ID would stop it…it’s all insanity.

Only two nominees have been confirmed so far, Generals Mattis and Kelly. The Democrat Senators and many of the left leaning Republicans are childishly immature and whiny over every confirmation. They are purposely slowing the process when they know they don’t have the votes to derail Trump’s choices. Obama had six nominees and George W. seven nominees confirmed the day of their inauguration.

Senator Cruz Excoriates Democrats

During Senator Jeff Sessions’ Attorney-General confirmation hearing, Senator Ted Cruz pointed out numerous Democratic hypocrisies that have been manifested in the past few years and during the hearing. Democrats on the committee, especially Dianne Feinstein, had been grilling Sessions on whether he would uphold abortion laws if he becomes Attorney General. Senator Patrick Leahy interrogated Sessions on LGBT rights, questioning whether Sessions would uphold civil rights laws as Attorney General.

But did the Democrats care when Obama routinely flouted the law? We know the answer, and Ted Cruz wasn’t having any of it, and shot back. This is a must see video to truly understand how bad and hypocritical the Democrats are.

I’m not a fan of Senator Cruz, but he did a great job with this, even if he was rebuilding his own reputation after the RNC Convention. Credit where credit is due.

Tolerance Only Applies to Leftists

We’ve got the so-called tolerant leftists of Hollywood applying pressure to anyone who meets with President Trump. Of course, their tolerance is only for those who spew the same doctrines they believe in. The real fear of the globalist Socialist left is that our new President will succeed, and sadly, even half the Republicans feel the same way. The Socialist left is already feeling their irrelevance, and with Trump in our White House, they’re more than afraid for their futures. [Link]

The Democrats have made fools of themselves by not showing up at the inauguration, and Hollywood has made fools of themselves by thinking we care one whit what they think about their liberal politics. Hopefully, Trump supporters will stop going to their movies.

We Won, Get Over It

Look you sniveling Socialists, we suffered through eight years of one of the worst Marxist and pro-Islamic presidents this country has ever seen. We never rioted, we never destroyed towns, we never marched and burned. We dealt with it. You need to now do the same.

I think you all conveniently forget that race relations were far better prior to Barack Hussein Obama. He has put us back farther than the 1950s. Remember Ferguson and Baltimore, both were created by Obama’s own actions and inactions.

Don’t forget Fast and Furious where to this day, more than 1,000 guns remain missing as a result of this scandal. 

How about Benghazi, where other countries withdrew their diplomatic presence from the region, but Secretary of State Hillary Clinton forced Americans to stay in a compound that did not have adequate security measures. She also ignored multiple requests for additional security from Stevens in the final moments of his life while he and his companions were in the midst of a deadly terror attack.

And how about when Obama pretended the massive Louisiana oil spill wasn’t happening and headed off to vacation. Remember when eleven Deepwater workers died, and Governor Jindal declared an emergency? 

What about the Hurricane tragedy in Louisiana? Trump was there, Hillary and Obama were nowhere in sight.

Obama took two weeks to visit San Bernardino after terrorists killed 14 people, and how about calling Ft. Hood “Islamic terrorism,” instead of “workplace violence.” In February of 1992, Donald J. Atwood, deputy secretary of defense under President George H.W. Bush, signed Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5210.56, making military bases gun free zones. God help us…why???

And don’t forget Orlando, Florida, where a Muslim convert murdered 50 folks in a gay bar, and Obama said it was because of gun violence and homegrown terrorism. Right Obama!

What about the rollout of Obamacare…nationalized healthcare that destroyed our chances of keeping our doctors, our health insurance, and now soaring costs and huge deductibles? It is so much more now that many cannot pay the premiums, and we have death panels, and a website that never worked properly because Michelle Obama’s Princeton friend was given the contract.

I suppose too that the leftists think it’s just swell that Obama’s tax collectors targeted conservative groups and got away with it.


What about unlimited immigration, Obama’s lack of seriousness about terrorism, his release of Islamic terrorists from Gitmo, his Iran deal and giveaway of billions of dollars to the number one terrorist promoting country in the world, our national debt doubled under Obama, his permanent changes to society, his packing the courts with leftists, his lack of care for our veterans, and on and on.

Our New President

Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America because we were sick of decades of leftists on both sides of the aisle, and Barack Hussein Obama was the catalyst that put us over the edge. In rode Donald Trump on a white horse to save the day, and the American grassroots rallied to support him. It’s up to us to help him reach the goals he’s promised, and that means we must be in the war with him. The battle has just begun! So, Dear Lord, give our President protection, strength and Your Wisdom!

Say no to Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

One of the reasons I changed — one of the primary reasons — a friend of mine’s wife was pregnant, in this case married. She was pregnant and he didn’t really want the baby. And he was telling me the story,” Trump told Brody. “He was crying as he was telling me the story. He ends up having the baby and the baby is the apple of his eye. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him. And you know here’s a baby that wasn’t going to be let into life. And I heard this, and some other stories, and I am pro-life. —Donald J. Trump

Our 45th President told us he would put pro-life judges on our Supreme Court. However, those who helped him with the list of conservative judges were both the Federalist Society, and the Heritage Foundation (called Heretic Foundation by many of my well-educated friends). 

Neil Gorsuch is Not Pro-Life

The pro-life movement has only a few hours or days to object, protest, criticize, and veto the nomination of this pro-choice candidate. Trump floats these trial balloons to see if people object. We must strongly object, and please speak out loudly now.

not pro-life.

More information, including how Gorsuch opposes overturning precedent even when it is wrong, is here. He supports special rights for transgenders, too. And he is no Scalia, as Gorsuch was not even on the Law Review in law school.

Evangelicals spoke out and vetoed the previous top choice, Bill Pryor. Now it is urgent that pro-lifers speak out immediately and veto Neil Gorsuch. 

These choices are coming from the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation. The Federalist Society is attempting to get a pro-Roe judge chosen instead of another Scalia.

Who is the Federalist Society?

The Federalist Society began at Yale Law School, (home of Skull and Bones), Harvard Law School(that bastion of higher liberal learning), and the University of Chicago Law School, (home of Bill Ayers and where protestors disallowed Trump rally). It originally started as a student organization which challenged what its members perceived as the orthodox American liberal ideology found in most law schools. Doesn’t this actually make you laugh when these three Ivy league schools are known as having a Marxist agenda?

Pro-Lifers Need to Respond

There are ways to respond, and as my friend Devvy Kidd said, “We have to flood the White House with calls, tweets, emails. This has worked in the past if enough people do it.”

The comment phone number is: 202-456-1111. 

The caller simply needs to say:

I strenuously object to Neil Gorsuch as a supreme court justice nominee. He is not pro-life. I urge President Trump to nominate:

Judge Jennifer Elrod or Judge Edith Jones

You can also tweet Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Sean Spicer, etc. Simply tweet, “Gorsuch is not pro-life. Choose true pro-lifers…Charles Canady, Judge Elrod or Edith Jones.”

You can email the White House here

You can comment on Face Book here.

WH fax: 202-456-7890


It is up to the American people to let our President know where we stand. Life is God given, and the Lord said in Deuteronomy, CHOOSE LIFE! Let President Trump know we want Pro-Life Justices!

Exposed! The power behind the women’s march

The most persecuted group in the world today is Christians. Christians in Nigeria, Egypt, Syria and other nations are murdered, raped, kidnapped, enslaved and persecuted on a daily basis. The reason for the vast majority of all of this violence is that they are Christian among Muslims.

But their abuse does not stop with the violence. The perpetrators of violence are measured in the thousands, but the greatest abuse is at the hands of those who should demand that the violence stop. The silence in the face of this persecution is denial and justification. The persecutors are few, but the deniers are in the billions. —Professor Bill Warner

Pro-Palestinian Islamic Heads the Women’s March

Sarsour is a Palestinian-American activist who is the executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. This group will receive $10 million over the next five years, awarded to them by the Mayor of New York City. [Link] Sarsour is very vocal about her support for Palestine and her utter hatred for Israel. She was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.

In 2016, Sarsour endorsed Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States, and attended the Democratic Convention as a delegate from the State of New York. 

The women in this march celebrate abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy. No pro-life feminists were allowed. Yet, the Islamic National Co-Chair, Sarsour, and her Muslim brethren have an average of 6.2 children per family. Their goal is to outnumber Jews and Christians via population growth.

An Obama White House “Champion of Change,” Sarsour spoke at the 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America. While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.

Linda Sarsour is very active on Twitter. She is pro Sharia law, and a couple of her tweets even have a seditious tone to them where she romanticizes Sharia law and hints at it taking over America whereby we would have interest free loans. (Islamists do not pay interest on loans).

She tweeted this picture of American women tying on hijabs in solidarity with Islam.

So, women of America, how do you like the fact that the organizer of your march advocates for Shariah Law, has ties to the terrorist group, Hamas, is considered a second class citizen because she’s a Muslim woman, and is leading your pro-rights Women’s March? 

Here is a list of the so-called celebrities attending the Women’s March, which includes Planned Parenthood President, Cecile Richards, daughter of former Democratic Governor of Texas, Ann “Ma” Richards.

And of course, once again, this march is being funded by the Soros groups

Truly, have these women lost their minds?

Seditionists at Women’s March

A photograph was taken by an observer of the Women’s March in Washington D.C. that shows a participant holding a sign that calls for the assassination of President Donald Trump. The sign reads, “Someone should chop Trump’s head off & burn it in the ashes of everything he loved. 666”
This is sedition, calling for the assassination of our duly elected President, but even worse, signing it with the number of the anti-Christ is telling. And he’s smiling!

Heather Lowrey

Heather Lowrey, who described herself as a Louisville vixen and aspiring wrestling diva on her Twitter profile, before going into electronic hiding, tweeted the message on January 17, “If someone was cruel enough to assassinate MLK, maybe someone will be kind enough to assassinate Trump. #bekind #trump #lovetrumpshate.” 

Her employers soon after fired Lowrey and issued public statements distancing themselves from her threatening tweet.


Donning a black p***y hat, the music icon dropped the F-bomb four times, sparking a slew of apologies from broadcasters airing the protest live. 

Ashley Judd

“Our pu**ies are for our pleasure, for birthing new generations of filthy, vulgar, nasty, proud, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh, generations of nasty women.” [Link]

She went on to rant and rave about her monthly periods and why Tampax is taxed whereas Viagra and other men’s erectile dysfunction prescriptions are not. I guess she doesn’t realize that one is a physician’s prescription and the other is an over-the-counter convenience for women. 

Patriotism vs. Classless Morons

Samuel Adams said, “He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of this country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man…The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy this gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people.” Virtue was absent at the Women’s March.


And Thomas Paine stated, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” President Trump has given up a life of ease to take on the huge task of righting our beloved nation, not just for his own descendants, but for all of the Americans he loves and cares about.

And like President Trump, singer Lee Greenwood is the epitome of true patriotism. Back in 2015, when Lee Greenwood crossed paths with the U.S. Army Chorus, they shared a profoundly patriotic moment in the tunnels of Nationals Park, Washington, D.C. In honor of Lee and the amazing patriotic impact his music has had on our nation, here is the video. And may God Bless you, Sir, and God Bless the USA!

There’s a New Sheriff in Town

Those days have now come to an end, and the liberal Socialists are rebelling.
Journalist Daniel Greenfield said it far better than I ever could, “There were those who celebrated and those who mourned the fall of the USSR. So too there are those who celebrate and those who mourn the end of Obama. The tears of leftist hipsters crying over Obama are no different than those of the old women holding up Stalin’s portrait on May Day in the Red Square.”

Senator Mike Lee is not Supreme Court material

In early October, 2016, Senator Mike Lee said to Trump, “I respectfully ask you, with all due respect, to step aside. Step down, allow someone else to carry the banner of these principles… rather than weighing down the American people.”

Really Senator? What banner of principles are you talking about? How is Mr. Trump weighing down the American people with his policies, when he is solidly with working Americans…and is…

The first candidate who actually stated the problems Americans have been talking about for years? The first candidate who actually said he can fix these problems and save our country, and make America great again? The first candidate who actually wants to get rid of the rotten trade deals and bring back jobs? The first candidate who wants to repeal Obama’s nationalized healthcare? The first candidate who wants to close our borders and stop the illegal alien migration? The first candidate who wants to vet Syrian and Somali Muslims before they come into our country? The first candidate who wants to take good care of our veterans and see that they get proper healthcare? The first candidate who is gung ho to protect our second amendment rights? The first candidate who is not a globalist and who is sick and tired of the permanent political class?

And Senator, what about the companies who are deciding to stay and expand in the US before Trump is even inaugurated? [Link

There will be a great many more who will stay and expand once Trump is in office.

Senator, what comes to mind when I look at your hatred of Donald Trump is a verse from God’s Word. John 8:7 “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Doubtful that you are without sin, Senator, and doubtful that you would stand for the same Constitutionally conservative principles Donald Trump stands for, since you’ve made your hatred of Trump so visceral!

Mike Lee on Supreme Court List

I say, “Good!” We do not want you on the Supreme Court Senator Lee, because you are nothing at all like Antonin Scalia.

Lee’s Attempts to Derail Trump

In the October, 2016 video you actually posted on Facebook where you told Donald Trump to step down and let someone else carry the banner of the Republican party, who did you want to carry it? Who else did you think was capable, your good buddy, Ted Cruz who has allegedly had affairs and who didn’t sue the National Enquirer for their story on same? Or maybe you liked Jeb Bush, Rubio, Kasich or Graham since you never endorsed Donald Trump. We know you voted for your fellow Mormon, Evan McMullen as a protest voteagainst Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump is not perfect Senator Lee, but neither are you! And for sure, neither is your buddy, Ted Cruz, who I’ve exposed in more than a dozen articles. 

Why didn’t you endorse Donald Trump and the truly conservative policies he espouses? The only reason I can think of is that you’re just like the bunch from William F. Buckley’s old National Review rag who swore they’d never vote for Trump. That same group, which included George Will, Michael Barone, David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Lawrence Kudlow, Peggy Noonan, and editor Rich Lowry, gathered together in an exclusive meeting with President Obama in 2009 to sing his praises after the ’08 election. [Link] I can only surmise that you would be happier if Hillary Clinton had become the 45th president.

Lee Pushes Trade

wide-ranging powers to impose tariffs. 

The aide said a bill could be introduced as soon as Trump takes office, and it may require the new President to go through Congress to use tariffs. 


The staffer emphasized that the bill is not just a push against Trump on trade, but part of a broader effort to transfer more legislative power to Congress from the executive branch…and if you believe that, I’ve a bridge to sell you.

Lee’s Rubio/Cruz Alliance Attempt

In the week before the Florida Republican primary in March, Lee headed early to the GOP presidential debate there with a mission: to convince one Senate friend, Marco Rubio, to ally with another, Ted Cruz, and form a unity ticket to block Donald Trump from winning the Republican nomination. But at the last minute, as Lee prepared to board his plane, Rubio backed out of the meeting. [Link

Smart decision by Rubio, but Senator Lee, your hatred of Donald J. Trump is over the top. Again Senator, you seemingly would have been happier with one of the left leaning Republicans who would continue the globalist agenda. 

RNC Convention Attempts to Derail Trump

Senator Mike Lee and his wife, Sharon Lee were rules committee members at the RNC, both of whom supported Ted Cruz and hoped to change the rules to derail Trump. That did not happen.

Ken Cuccinelli of the Senate Conservatives Fund and Mike Lee sold out grassroots conservatives so they could make a spectacle on the floor of the Republican National Convention as part of the last dying breaths of the “NeverTrump” collective. 

According to Breitbart, Ken Cuccinelli, of the Senate Conservatives Fund, and Lee were offered two packages that had almost everything they wanted in them, but they turned it down. As they planned to take their already losing “NeverTrump” battle to the Convention floor, Priebus offered them a similarly lucrative pro-grassroots package. But Cuccinelli and Lee turned down these packages from Priebus and the RNC that would have significantly increased the power grassroots conservatives have over the Republican Party, and they did it so as to create a show on the floor of the convention.

“He never had any intention of doing anything but trying to create a scene,” a senior Republican strategist said of Cuccinelli. “He’s been working with the NeverTrump folks, and they’ve been saying, ‘Oh no we’re not a part of that.’ Bulls**t. They have been a part of that from day one.”

‘Pro-Life’ Senator Lee Fine with Flint Babies Drinking Poison Water

Every once in a while, there is a thing that one would assume that all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, would support.

Senator Mike Lee, is fighting tooth and nail to prevent any federal funding from going to help the city of Flint, Michigan replace the old lead pipes that are causing their water to be contaminated. Back in September of 2016, Lee was one of only three Senators to oppose a $10 billion water bill that included $100 million in aid to Flint — specifically because of that part of the bill. In March, he blocked another $220 million emergency aid package to Flint. He currently supports a Republican stopgap budget that includes aid to flood victims in four states, but not the aid to Flint. [Link]

Lee claims he’s pro-life, but Flint, Michigan families and children apparently don’t count.

Lee Short-Sells Home

The Deseret News says Mike Lee has lost credibility to speak on financial issues…

Back in 2012, Senator Lee was forced to sell his million-dollar Alpine home. The Senator bills himself as a fiscal conservative. He advocates for financial responsibility, a balanced budget, lower government spending, and a reduction of national debt, but apparently, those responsibilities belong only to others, not to Mike Lee.

He knew what his salary as a Senator would be before he bought this home.
In the short sale, the bank agreed to take a loss of up to $400,000 on the senator’s home. Certainly, there’s always risk involved in a purchase, but true integrity is that we own our choices and are accountable for the consequences. In this case, the bank is taking the loss and Lee is walking away.

There are millions of Americans who have negative equity in their homes. If they all did what Lee has done, the entire nation would fall into a catastrophic depression.

Lee has repeatedly denounced the U.S. government for not living within its means. Now, the senator is the recipient of his own personal bailout. He has torpedoed his ability to speak with credibility on issues of financial and fiscal responsibility.

Why Lee Said He Wouldn’t Vote Trump

In an interview with Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg, Lee slammed Trump for pushing a conspiracy theory that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael, was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and said the candidate’s comments about Muslims are “religiously intolerant.” 

Sorry Senator Lee, but Roger Stone, author of The Man Who Killed Kennedy, confirmed that Rafael Cruz was involved with Lee Harvey Oswald. Stone also told me personally that he had come across Rafael Cruz’s name when doing research for his book.

As for negative comments about Islamists, Trump has stated time and again that before Muslims are allowed into our country, they need to be vetted. Why? Just take a look at some of the documented Islamic terrorist attacksagainst Jews and Christians. 

Mike Lee and Islamic Immigration

Lee also supported legislation that would bring more Muslims into America. No wonder he is anti-Trump! Obviously, Senator, you and Hillary would get along quite well with allowing hundreds of thousands more non-vetted Muslims into our country.

In January of 2015, a handful of Senators quietly introduced new legislation in Congress that would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigration into the United States – lifting caps entirely on several categories of visas favored by immigrants from Muslim countries. The Mark Zuckerberg-backed legislation, S.153, is called the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared). [Link]

The I-Squared bill is significant for a second reason. One of the Senators who introduced the bill, former Presidential candidate, Marco Rubio, just won reelection to the Senate in Florida. Remember the infamous Gang of Eight?

In August of 2015, Senators Cruz, Grassley, and Sessions were all lobbying for legislation that would enact a mandatory minimum prison sentence of five years for immigrants who try to re-enter the country illegally after being deported. This was in response to the murder of Kathryn Steinle after Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an immigrant from Mexico who had repeatedly re-entered the United States illegally after being deported, allegedly fired the shot that killed the 32-year-old woman on July 1, 2015.

According to Politico, Mike Lee was aligned with liberal Democratic Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Dick Durbin of Illinois to ease mandatory minimums for certain crimes, and is uncomfortable with such binding punishments for immigration offenses. He even threatened to oppose sanctuary cities legislation that includes mandatory minimums.


Senator Lee’s hatred of our new President, who has brought grassroots Americans renewed hope for the future, is hard to fathom when Lee claims to be a Constitutional conservative. His desire to destroy Donald Trump lines up with the likes of the Democratic controlled main stream media, the Clintons, and the Obamas. Would I trust Mike Lee on our Supreme Court? My answer is obvious.

CNN and democrats failed to destroy Trump

“I win an election easily, a great ‘movement’ is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!” -Donald Trump

“Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to ‘leak’ into the public. One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany?” -Donald Trump

Russia, Russia, Russia…the Democrat controlled media has found a fake news story they believe will stick, and they’re not going to let it go. What is their bottom line? Two things…destroy Donald J. Trump by delegitimizing his win, and start a war with Russia.

The Democratic socialists still believe that Comey and Russia stole the election from Hillary Clinton. They still believe they won! They’ve protested in the streets and laid the blame on just about everything and everyone but themselves.

They cannot believe that the American electorate turned out in droves to absolutely destroy their candidate and give the presidency to an outsider who hates globalism! As long as Donald J. Trump is in office, the leftist media will try their best to destroy him.

Accepting Defeat with Grace

George Washington Carver said, “Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” 

To bear defeat with dignity, to accept criticism with poise, to receive honors with humility—these are marks of maturity and graciousness. Obviously, this quote by author, William Arthur Ward has totally been ignored by the Democratic socialist left.

While the election may be over, Hillary Clinton supporters are not taking the results well. Can you guess who isn’t on their blame list? Of course, the unlikeable Hillary Clinton whose supporters cannot accept defeat, are now blaming Russia.

Who is Really Colluding with Russia?

Here’s the exchange caught on an open mic. Think maybe Putin hacked the 2012 election for Obama? Ahem.

And what about the uranium deal brokered through government agencies by then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family, built, financed, and eventually sold off to the Russians, a company that would become known as Uranium One. The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Even the NYT’s reported this story!

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling $2.35 million, and then another half million for a Moscow speech by Bill Clinton for a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

To top it off, the outgoing Obama Administration just approved a large shipment of uranium to Iran…from Russia! [Link]

Tell me who is actually in bed with the Russians? 

Warmongers, McCain and Graham

Through an endless barrage of ugly propaganda, the U.S. government and the mainstream American socialist press have put the world on course for a potential nuclear showdown with Russia. This risk has been undertaken all because of fake news and media hype regarding Vladimir Putin.

Two Republicans, John McCain and Lindsey Graham, and a Democrat, Amy Klobuchar, all voiced their support for action to be taken against Russia for “meddling with the presidential election” in November. There is no proof! They are insane! Do we really want a nuclear war with Russia?! 

McCain, Graham, and Klobuchar are claiming that there is support from 99% of both Republicans and Democrats for actions against Russia, and particularly against Vladimir Putin personally.

The US has expelled 35 Russian diplomats as punishment for alleged interference into the presidential election. It will also close two Russian compounds used for intelligence-gathering, in Maryland and New York, as part of a slew of retaliatory measures. President Barack Obama had vowed action against Russia amid US accusations it directed hacks against the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The US State Department declared the 35 Russian diplomats from the Washington DC embassy and the consulate in San Francisco “persona non-grata,” giving them and their families 72 hours to leave the US.

President Obama’s actions are obviously designed to strangle Trump’s presidency while it is still in the cradle. He took this audacious action with less than one month left before turning the keys of the White House over to the new president, and put Trump in the position to either reverse the actions or let it stand. The socialist media will make it difficult for our new president either way he goes.


BuzzFeed and CNN

The political establishment went nuclear on President-elect Donald Trump with a double-barreled blast of “leaked” “intelligence” reports by CNN and BuzzFeed. The documents contain explosive bull dung, and unverified opposition research that alleged intel ties between Russia and Trump, and also claims Russia holds sexual blackmail material over Trump.

If these journalists were true journalists who wanted the truth, and not leftist socialist journalists itching for anything to destroy Donald J. Trump, then they would have found that the original documents did not conform to CIA or UK intelligence requirements. 

So, scrape BuzzFeed and CNN off the bottom of your shoes and move on.
This tripe has been around for months, but guess who decided to fetch this garbage from across the pond and make sure it was taken to the FBI?!

Senator John McCain Deeply Involved

Oh yes, there you have it, Senator McCain, who disowned Trump before the election, admitted he handed this 35-page dossier document outlining claims of Kremlin blackmail to FBI. He claims that he received it and gave it directly to FBI Director James Comey because he was “unable to make judgment about accuracy.” Right John, we really believe that! 

McCain actually sent someone on a plane to the UK to retrieve this made-up piece of slander so he could give it to the FBI. He later made the statement, “Comey already had it. I wasn’t the first guy that gave it to him. I was wearing my citizen hat, my good citizen hat, sensitive material, who knows if it’s true, potential problem.” Oh yeah, great citizen that you are Senator…you’re a lout, and you know it.

Rick Wilson, Buzz Feed and CNN … claimed Trump wouldn’t say anything bad about Putin because Putin is blackmailing Trump with this garbage, and the media is using it to say that Putin hijacked the election, and that’s why Hillary lost.

Remember, Buzz Feed published the entire 35-page dossier of memos. None of it was verified. None of it was established. None of it was approved. None of it was confirmed. They admitted this when they published it. It’s totally made up. It is a series of memos written by a former spook at MI6, the U.K. version of the CIA. And it turns out that the guy who was actually commissioned to do this, works for an outfit hired by Planned Parenthood. The guy is embedded deeply in liberal Democrat politics. The whole thing is made up.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele prepared the dossier. In hiding, Steele is now claiming he fears for his life.

If anyone was blackmailable it was Hillary. Hillary cheated Bernie Sanders, the DNC emails were hacked, the Clinton Foundation monies are questionable, Benghazi, Syria…and on and on. [Link]

The media is dangerously close to implosion. They’re used to being able to use innuendo and allegations to destroy people, and it’s not working against Donald J. Trump. Trump not only survives, but actually grows stronger and more powerful after each one of these attacks. They are just days away from losing everything because they cannot get Trump. Everything they’ve used against Trump has been totally ineffective, and Trump and his team know this. 

Russia Categorically Denies Involvement

Russia has denied any involvement with hacking and reports on Trump. And, so far, she has ignored the slaps in her face from the Obama administration, and for that, we can thank Putin. “The information is not true and is nothing other than a total fabrication,” Kremlin spokesman Peskov said, responding to allegations Moscow had a compromising report on Donald Trump. “You have to react to this with a certain humor, but there’s also a sad side to this. Hysteria is being whipped up to maintain a political witch hunt.”

Washington Post, 3-25-14) And Hillary Clinton actually compared Putin to Hitler on March 5, 2014. (Washington Post) Of course their words belie their actions with Russia.

Decades ago, the left always took the side of the Soviets over any Republican, and they also hated American intelligence. Today, they hate the Russians and love American intelligence. Why? Because it’s all about what suits them for their political purposes.

President Trump Responds to Fake News

Trump’s January 11th, 2017 press conference made total mincemeat out of the main stream media. If you missed this gargantuan slap down of CNN, you need to listen. President-elect Trump directly called BuzzFeed a “failing piece of garbage,” and further rightly calling CNN “fake news.”

We now have a strong leader, a leader with chutzpah who never cowers when the fake news folks attack. The media’s tactics won’t work this time. Trump will use social media and press conferences to counter their lies. It’s so nice to see a leader with a spine of steel who speaks the truth.


The idea that the Russians tampered with this election is still out there, and it’s not going to stop. The entire left, which includes the media will keep trying to convince people of it, even when there’s not a shred of evidence and that’s been proven. It didn’t happen, but they will keep lying about it, and that’s not to say the Russians do not try. We believe the Russians did get into the Democrat National Committee computer and did get into John Podesta’s email and did release what they found, but that didn’t spread disinformation. Everything they told us, or Assange told us, that we learned about in Podesta’s email account, everything happened to be true!

The Russians didn’t run a disinformation campaign, and they certainly didn’t tamper with voting machines. If anyone tampered with them, it was George Soros and the Democrats. The Russians had nothing to do with the election that mattered regarding the results. So, all this pontificating regarding Russian hacking is fake news that the brainwashed folks who listen to the MSM will believe.


Global Government in Peril.

Remember these five things:

1. Putin hates the New World Order. [Link]
2. Great Britain exited the European Union – Brexit won. [Link]
3. Marine Le Pen has reawakened France and may win. [Link]
4. Italy on track to leave EU, bows PM hopeful [Link]
5. Hungarian referendum, EU humiliated as 95% say no. [Link]

God’s Word tells us there will be a “Globalist Order,” but the people have pushed back, and we very well may have a reprieve because of the sacrifices of those who love freedom.

Very shortly, President Donald J. Trump will move into our White House. I can hardly wait. Please continue to pray for him for wisdom and protection.

It’s up to us, the John Does of America

Pro-Life Supreme Court Judges

Odd way to start an article on the choice of supreme court judges? Well, not really, because it is up to all of us. It’s up to us to be the John Does who speak up for life…life of the unborn. It is ultimately the most important decision our new President will make, and it’s a decision that will affect America for decades to come. We need to be the catalysts who ensure pro-life Supreme Court Judges.

The movie, Meet John Doe, with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck, is just one of the many famous Frank Capra movies that were so successful. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is another famous Capra film starring Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur about a newly appointed United States Senator who fights against a corrupt political system. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, with Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur, is another wonderful Capra film, but it’s the John Doe movie that represents the common man.

Truly, the common man elected this outsider, Donald J. Trump, who will not play the globalist games or buy into the one-world-order agenda put forth by both Republicans (the Rockefeller Kingmakers) and the Socialist Democrats for far too many decades. This outsider has promised us pro-life supreme court justices, and we need to help him achieve that goal in spades!

Pro-Life Coalition Letter

A remarkable 90 pro-life groups have signed onto the a fabulous coalition letter, drafted by Andy Schlafly and loyalists and friends of Phyllis Schlafly’s who were early Trump supporters. The letter with the pro-life group signees has been delivered to both President-elect Trump in New York, and Vice President-elect Pence in Washington D.C.

Please review the letter, because it contains an Appendix which includes six candidates on President-elect Trump’s list of 21 Supreme Court Justices who lack any pro-life record and have even shown an unwillingness to take a pro-life position publicly.

On January 1st, 2017, Fox News Sunday read from the coalition letter, and the segment was aired again later on Sunday. This widely viewed news show also used Andy Schlafly’s superb analysis of the candidates, which you can read here

Andy Schlafly believes that media and the senators will push for a woman simply because all four women on Trump’s list are not pro-life. Two true pro-life judges are Jennifer Elrod and Edith Jones who could be interviewed for the job, and I’d certainly like one of them to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. However, my personal opinion leans toward a strong Constitutional originalist and pro-life male candidate to replace Antonin Scalia. The three women presently on the court are far left liberals appointed by Socialist Democrat presidents.

Trump promised the American people in the last debate, and even afterwards, that he would pick only pro-life nominees, and not just from his list whose nominees came from the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation. [Link

It is up to us, the John Does of the country, the common man who elected Mr. Trump, to stand up and fight for life. Our force is greater than we know…just look at what we have accomplished already with the outsider who is now our 45th President. We won the battle, but the war wages on, and we cannot rest on our laurels now. We can shut down the DC capital switchboard as we’ve done before. Let your voices be heard, loud and clear! Pro-life Supreme Court justices for the unborn…this is the rallying call!

The Origin of Eugenics

The history of population reduction, of the falsely alleged “genetically inferior,” via eugenics goes back farther than most Americans are aware, and it involves many of our past leaders. So, let’s do a short refresher course of Planned Parenthood and the elitists who promoted and funded eugenics.

Margaret Sanger (1922), was the first president and founder of Planned Parenthood. The origins of Planned Parenthood date to October 16, 1916, when Sanger, her sister Ethel Byrne, and Russian immigrant, Fania Mindellopened the first birth control clinic in the U.S. in the Brownsville section of the New York borough of Brooklyn.

Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger’s American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

Black Genocide)

Politicians Behind Black Genocide

According to the New American Magazine, a documentary called Maafa21, which details how the elite have been targeting African Americans since the days of slavery, has some juicy info in it regarding the politicians behind Black Genocide. Maafa21 begins in the mid-1800s with Francis Galton, (cousin of Charles Darwin) the British statistician who coined the word “eugenics,” or “selective breeding as proposed human improvement.” 

From there, Maafa 21 weaves a chilling tale of the efforts of racists in the United States to eliminate African-Americans from the population. Hitler credited American eugenicists with influencing his European agenda. Through the 20th century these influential bigots planned tactics such as injecting a sterilizing agent into public water supplies. The documentary explains how their racist efforts continue to the present day, and provides a legitimate explanation of the relatively unchanged size of the black population as compared with other races in the United States.

Funding Eugenics

The Rockefeller Foundation was established in 1912, and immediately began giving money to eugenics research organizations. (Edwin Black’s War Against the Weak) Eugenics was a pseudo-scientific and social science movement that emerged in the late 19th century, and gained significant traction in the first half of the 20th century.

The vast wealth and fortunes of the major industrialists and bankers in the United States flowed heavily into the eugenics organizations, promoting and expanding this racist and elitist ideology. Money from the Ned Harriman railroad fortune (father of W. Averell Harriman), with millions given by the Rockefeller and Carnegie family fortunes were subsequently “devoted to sterilization of several hundred thousand of American ‘defectives’ annually, as a matter of eugenics.” [Link]

Powerful American Bigots

Link] (Source: Lodi News-Sentinel – Oct 10, 1966)

In 1965, former Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower, complained that the United States was spending money to slow the population growth of responsible families while at the same time providing financial incentives for ignorant, feebleminded and lazy people to have more babies. He said that history would rightly condemn the United States if we didn’t link welfare to family-planning. At that time, Eisenhower was the co-chairman of a Planned Parenthood fund-raising campaign along with former Democratic President Harry Truman.

LBJ Birth Control Cited: “President Johnson has been the major force in shaping a virtual revolution in government thinking to help meet the global population crisis.” Planned Parenthood- World Population (Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – Oct 11, 1966)

Remembered for the Vietnam War, the War on Poverty, and the Great Society, Johnson was also the first U.S. president to back federal support for birth control in social welfare and public health programs (at the urging of a Republican representative from Texas, George H. W. Bush). Margaret Sanger died midway through Johnson’s presidency in 1966.

John Ehrlichman, who was an assistant to President Richard Nixon, wrote that Nixon once told him that African-Americans could not really benefit from federal programs because they are genetically inferior to whites. Later, Nixon would label birth control a national priority and sign legislation to make it available as a service of the U.S. government. Then in March of 1972, the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future which Nixon had created three years earlier with the help of Congressional Democrats, began calling for the nationwide legalization of abortion.

Nixon stated, “A majority of people in Colorado voted for abortion, I think a majority of people in Michigan are for abortion, I think in both cases, well, certainly in Michigan, they will vote for it because they think that what’s going to be aborted generally are the little black bastards.” [Link]

The Bottom Line

In a 2009 New York Times Magazine interview, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Emily Bazelon that, “…I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” The “Populations” Ginsburg and the rest of the Political Elite referred to is clearly defined in Maafa21.

Trump reminded America during his third debate with Hillary Clinton that he is not afraid to stand up for the unborn, spelling out what partial birth abortion really is…the murder of fully developed babies in the womb.

Abortion, an unjust, murderous procedure, should of course be illegal. Donald Trump has said that if he is elected president, he will appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue to the states where it belongs.

abortion is a racist institution.

So, tell me, who are the racists? Certainly not our 45th President, Donald J. Trump

Yes, it’s up to us, the John Does of America, to stand up for life. The bottom line is that we need true pro-life justices. What greater right do we have than the right to life?

Repeal, but don’t replace Obamacare

Let me get this straight…We’re going to be “gifted” with a healthcare plan we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least 10 million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that didn’t read it, but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we’ll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke. —Donald J. Trump

Healthcare is Not a Right

Last year, a man at my local meat market stopped taking his blood pressure medication because he could no longer afford it when his employer switched to a cheaper insurance plan. Obamacare literally priced him out of his life. He died two months later.

Now that 2017 is here, and Obama is leaving office, the real stranglehold of Obamacare is hitting the American middleclass with huge cost increases and heavy deductibles.

Please President Trump, repeal Obamacare, but do not add another boondoggle to our already ridiculously huge government. NO REPLACEMENT OF OBAMACARE IS NECESSARY!

What is wrong with allowing the free market to handle healthcare?

Past major laws and other policies implemented by the Federal and state governments have interfered with the health care marketplace to the point where our people are not only suffering, but dying. Is that the intent? Nearly every law regarding healthcare that has been passed since the early 1900s should be repealed, not just Obamacare!

Is Any of Obamacare Good?

President Trump has rightly stated that competition across state lines would create more competitive insurance markets, and that pre-existing conditions should not disqualify care under new health plans.

But why are we allowing young people to be carried on their parents’ insurance until age 26? The percentage of youth who actually become ill between college graduation and age 26 is so miniscule as to be almost unchartable. 

Most young people don’t need much care. Lots of younger men don’t even bother with annual checkups, and many don’t do more than that — and it’s not just because they think they’re invincible.

Young women are more likely to see a doctor at least once, and the yearly exam can cost up to $500. But even with what you might shell out for birth control, it can still be cheaper than the total cost of insurance — which may not cover the doctor you want to see, anyway. So why not find a doctor you like and pay in cash for simple, one-office treatments?


How much have our insurance rates gone up simply because parents across the country are now insuring their children until age 26? And the big question…why aren’t these young people responsible for themselves?

Illegal Aliens Increase Costs

Between 1983 and 1992, health care costs rose almost 10% annually. Prescription drug costs rose 12.1 percent a year. Home health care prices increased 18.3 percent annually. (Perhaps there were only 10 to 15 million illegal aliens in our country 30 odd years ago, but I believe we’re at 50 to 60 million today).

Congress expanded Medicaid to include illegal immigrantschildren (through CHIP, Children’s Medicaid), and pregnant women

Because of the U.S. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C.), most hospitals may not refuse anyone treatment for an emergency medical condition because of citizenship (illegal aliens)legal status, or ability to pay. An example of the cost conflict between federal government, state and local government, and private institutions, is that the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) brings injured and ill illegal aliens to hospital emergency rooms, but does not pay for their medical care. Almost $190 million, or about 25 percent, of the uncompensated costs Southwest border county hospitals incurred, resulted from emergency medical treatment provided to illegal immigrants. 

Emergency rooms on our southern borders have gone bankrupt and closed. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the cost to American taxpayers for medical treatment of illegals, and now the so-called Syrian refugees and Somalis, has exacerbated and exponentially increased our own healthcare costs. [Link], [Link], [Link]

Anchor baby births alone have cost Americans billions of dollars each year. Breitbart documents that one is born every 93 seconds. Medicaid alone paid $2.2 billion last year to partially reimburse hospitals for unpaid illegal alien delivery bills, double estimates from news reports.

The amount not reimbursed to hospitals is in the tens of billions. A staggering 84 hospitals in California alone, have been forced to close their doors because of unpaid bills by illegal aliensLos Angeles emergency rooms are full of illegal aliens. Hospitals which manage to remain open, pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us, which translates into more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums for Americans. 

In fact, at one hospital in Dallas…Parkland Memorial Hospital (yes, the same hospital where JFK died after his assassination in 1963), a staggering 70% of all babies born are to illegal aliens. Nationally, 400,000 anchor babies a year — 1 in 10 of all births — are illegal alien offspring.

Special Interests Lobby Politicians

If we don’t advertise alcohol or cigarettes, because of their inherent dangers, why are drug companies allowed to advertise, especially when so many deaths occur each year from pharmaceutical drugs? [Link] When you hear the side effects, why would anyone take those drugs?


Congress Creates Crisis

Since the early 1900s, medical special interests have been lobbying politicians to reduce competition. We know that by the 1980s, the U.S. was restricting the supply of physicians, hospitals, insurance and pharmaceuticals, while subsidizing demand. Free enterprise has given way to government control in “partnership” with a few large or politically well-connected companies.

Here’s a quick look at the history of government messing with our healthcare…

In 1910, under Republican President Taft, limiting healthcare competition was started after the American Medical Association (AMA) lobbied the states to strengthen the regulation of medical licensure and allow their state AMA offices to oversee the closure or merger of nearly half of medical schools and also the reduction of class sizes, controlling supply and demand.

In 1912, Teddy Roosevelt ran as an independent progressive candidate, with many liberal reforms, including national health care. Back then however, healthcare was fairly cheap.

In 1925, prescription drug monopolies began after the federal government, led by Republican President Calvin Coolidge, started allowing the patenting of drugs. And guess what…these drug monopolies have been promoted by government research and development subsidies targeted to favored pharmaceutical companies.

By the 1930s, advances were happening in medicine. The FDR administration pushed for health insurance, and against the advice of insurance professionals, Blue Cross began offering private coverage for hospital care in dozens of states. 

During the early 1940s, FDR asked for a Bill of Rights which included medical care. Truman later offered a national health program plan, proposing a single system that would include all of American society, but it was denounced by the AMA and was called a Communist plot by a House subcommittee. 

In 1945, buyer monopolization began after the McCarran-Ferguson Act led by the Roosevelt Administration exempted the business of medical insurance from most federal regulation, including antitrust laws.

In 1946, institutional provider monopolization began after favored hospitals received federal subsidies (matching grants and loans) provided under the Hospital Survey and Construction Act passed during the Truman Administration.

In 1951, The IRS declared group premiums tax deductible. Employers then started to become the dominant third-party insurance buyer during the Truman Administration. 

Federal responsibility for the sick and poor was established as a government responsibility in the 1950s rather than a responsibility of families or churches. The price of hospital care doubled.

In the early 1960s, when the administration of John F. Kennedy discussed a plan for government health care that would cover people of Social Security age, the American Medical Association (AMA) fought back, along with the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, with a well-funded campaign–complete with a commercial featuring actor Ronald Reagan, who was determined to talk to America about an “imminent threat.”

During Lyndon Johnson’s tenure, nationalization of healthcare was started when the democrat house and senate passed his Medicare/Medicaid bills, and we’ve seen massive cost increases every year since. Most of us have paid into Medicare all our lives, it is not an entitlement, neither is Social Security. We paid for it, we want it back!

In 1974, The Nixon Administration also strengthened buyer monopolization after the Employee Retirement Income Security Actexempted employee health benefit plans offered by large employers (HMOs) from state regulations and lawsuits (brought by people denied coverage). 

The proliferation of managed-care organizations (MCOs) in general, and HMOs in particular, resulted from the 1965 enactment of Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor. Literally overnight, on July 1, 1966, millions of Americans lost all financial responsibility for their health-care decisions.

In the 1980s, under Reagan, there was a shift towards privatization and corporatization of healthcare. Medicare shifts to payment by diagnosis (DRG) instead of by treatment. Private plans quickly follow suit, with growing complaints by insurance companies that the traditional fee-for-service method of payment to doctors is being exploited. I can remember when I would go to a physician with a problem, and he could diagnose my symptoms without weeks of various expensive tests.

In 1984, prescription drug monopolies were strengthened during the Reagan Administration after the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act permitted the extension of patents beyond 20 years. (*The government also allowed pharmaceuticals companies to bribe physicians to prescribe more expensive drugs.*)

Under President Clinton, health care costs rise at double the rate of inflation throughout the 1990s.

During the 2000s, health care costs continue to rise, and Medicare is seen as unsustainable.

In 2003, the Medicare Modernization Act added Medicare Part D to cover prescription drug coverage. It also changed the name of Medicare Part C to the Medicare Advantageprogram. The number of people using those plans tripled to 17.6 million by 2016. Those costs rose faster than the cost of Medicare itself.

In 2013, full nationalization of healthcare was given to us through Obamacare. And we already know the results of this giant government debacle. [Link]

Physicians have openly stated that Obamacare was never about health care, but about achieving another Progressive goal of massive wealth redistribution.

Our Loss of Freedom

In 2015, U.S. health care costs were $3.2 trillion. That makes health care one of the largest U.S. industries, equaling 17.8 percent of Gross Domestic Product. Compare that to 1960, when health care only cost $27.2 billion, just 5 percent of GDP.

“Would socialized medicine lead to socialization of other phases of life? Vladimir Lenin thought so when he declared, “Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state.”

The ultimate objective of the Democratic socialists is to nationalize the entire health care industry of the United States, thus completely taking over one-sixth of the U.S. economy. Their goal all along has been to implement a single-payer system, where the federal government alone collects all fees for health care services, pays all costs, and has complete control. And sometime down the road under ObamaCare the government will (control the food) tell you what you can and can not eat. They are using the Marxist Hegelian Dialectic to accomplish exactly that.

Prior to Obamacare, most citizens were happy with their healthcare, other than the rapidly escalating costs. Claims that US healthcare is substandard are hogwash. Almost half of those who are now insured are on the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.

For an in-depth overview of America’s healthcare, see Discover the Networks, a Guide to the Political Left.

President Donald J. Trump and the false charge of racism

Ah yes, racism, the word we’ve come to hear too many times since 2008. Everyone who didn’t love, adore, and worship Barack Hussein Obama was a racist. Now that Donald J. Trump has dethroned the sniveling drooling leftist socialists and put Hillary out to pasture (God willing), the racist caterwauling against Trump has again escalated. The Southern Poverty Law Center has falsely promoted that the KKK is involved with the Trump administration, and the slandering counterfeit New York Times repeats this deceitfulness. The millennials, who never do any research, actually believe this kaka, as do others who listen only to main stream media. 

Trump is No Racist, he never has been, and never will be. I have written about it over and over again. He wants all Americans to succeed, and he’s proven it. But first I want to tell you about my dear sweet friend, Cathy.

Long Time Friends

Forty-five years ago, I lived in western Illinois with my former husband. Across the street was my friend Cathy. Even though we moved away, we remained close friends and always sisters in Christ. Cathy has four wonderfully accomplished children, and ten years ago, her beloved husband passed into glory. My dear friend happens to be a black gal. 

Cathy comes for visits from time to time and hopefully will be visiting again this spring, but in our last conversation she brought up a subject that needs to be discussed, the election, and racism.

I remember her telling me of their family visits to the deep south years ago, and one particular story she told me stuck in my mind. She said they were in a meat market, and the young white employee swept sawdust over their shoes while they waited for their order. They said nothing, because to do so would cause more problems.


Growing up with black skin shouldn’t be any different than growing up with white skin, but because of the past, our black brothers and sisters always have their antennae up for those whose bigotry can be sensed. They are attuned naturally to that wave length.

Steve Bannon

Cathy was concerned that Trump’s administration may be racist to some degree because the leftist media, New York Times, Washington Post, Daily Kos, Business Insider, etc., have alleged that Steve Bannon once told a colleague that only property owners should vote. Of course, my friend felt that if this should happen, poor blacks would never have a say in the elections, and that this held racial overtones. There is no documentation that Bannon ever said this. The Supreme Court actually ruled in the 1964 case, NYTs vs. Sullivan, that the media can lie with impunity, and that it’s a first amendment right.

Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World, Andrew noted that the “Democrat-media complex” would tarnish any conservative with “made-up closet KKK status.”

While being targeted is a badge of honor for Steve, lies are lies, and they deserved to be called what they are. [Link]

Originally, Only Landowners Voted


Kelo versus New London, and the confiscation of one American’s property to give it to another private American based on the notion that the government making that decision will get more tax money from the second American than from the first.

Given that one of the causes of the American Revolution was an unjust tax, the founders understood very well that taxation could become a way for one group to prey on another group. So, while the Constitution empowered the federal government to levy taxes, it limited this power mostly to indirect taxes such as tariffs, duties, and excise taxes. For much of American history, the federal government subsisted solely on those taxes.

This election policy did not mean that some people would never have the opportunity to vote in their lifetime. In fact, it provided another encouragement in regards to working hard, succeeding, and reaching the upper echelon of society. Self-reliance, personal responsibility, and the financial success that would accompany such an ethic, in other words, would also result in the benefit of being able to vote.

It is Trump’s goal to make America’s citizens prosperous, and that means all citizens. And no, we’ll probably never go back to only landowners voting, but with Trump, there will be more American citizens as landowners, with more of an interest in the politics that would affect them.

Make America Great Again

Over and over again during the campaign, Trump has stated that the black community needs jobs, that illegal alien immigration needs to stop, that trade deals are destroying our jobs, and especially jobs for middle Americans, both black and white. The cry of racism against Trump was never a factor until he decided to run as a Republican for the office of President of the United States of America.

“More than anyone else in the Republican field, Trump understands the impact of illegal, cheap labor on the Black unemployment rate,” writes Raynard Jackson, the founder of a D.C.-based political consulting firm. “On this issue, he is more in tune with the grassroots in the Black community than Obama, the NAACP, the National Urban League, and the Congressional Black Caucus—go figure.” This cheap labor will also exacerbate the Black unemployment rate, which is the highest of any group in the country, Jackson adds.

Trump’s Love of All Americans

Trump wants all Americans to succeed, and he truly means all Americans. He has fought discrimination, and given a helping hand to so very many throughout his entire life.

 Trump sheltered black singer, Jennifer Hudson, rent-free after her family was murdered. [Link]
 Trump sued the City of Palm Beach over 30 years ago, when he bought a segregated club, Mar-A-Lago, to open it to Jews and blacks. Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, alleging that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. [Link]
 Donald Trump showed his true character with Dr. Ben Carson during one of the campaign debates, and Dr. Carson has never forgotten it.
 Donald Trump paid to ensure a Mexican American boy would graduate from college when he saw a news story about his terminally ill mother. [Link]
 Donald Trump sent $10 K to a hero black bus driver, Darnell Barton, after seeing a news story about how he saved a woman from jumping off a bridge. [Link]
 Lynne Patton has been a member of the Donald Trump circle since 2009. She is the vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation and also a senior assistant to Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump. Lynne even narrated a YouTube video called “The Trump Family I Know – A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks Out,” in which she defended the Trump family against accusations that Donald Trump is racist. 

“The Trump family that I know is, without question, one of the most generous, compassionate and philanthropic families I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing and the honor to call friends,” Patton says in the March video. “They have been incredibly loyal to me and to the countless dedicated people they employ around the world – hiring more minority and female executives than any other company for which I’ve ever worked.”

According to her bio on the Eric Trump Foundation website, Patton is responsible for planning all of the Eric Trump Foundation’s fundraising events. She also helps the foundation’s relationship with St. Jude’s Research Hospital as senior assistant to Donald Trump’s three oldest children.


I called friend and fellow NewsWithViews writer, Lloyd Marcus, because Lloyd is a black man, and he may have had a different take on my friend’s comments, and I wanted his opinion. We both came to the same conclusion however, as I’ve stated above.

How I wish there were honest American media, because then my friend would never have even considered a thought of racism with a statement that hasn’t even been proven as fact. I highly doubt that she knows of the 1964 Supreme Court decision in NYTs vs. Sullivan, where the media is allowed to lie with impunity about public figures. 

President Trump is no racist, and neither are those in his administration. Should anyone show any inclination towards that, our new President has no problem saying, “You’re fired.”

The gift that truly keeps on giving

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. —Matthew 2:10

Our Fallen Human Nature

There is no chicken little (the sky is falling) when you have Jesus. We rejoice because no matter our circumstances, the Lord is with us. Philippians 4:4.

As I write this, our newly elected president has not yet even taken his oath of office and people are deciding he’s not “draining the swamp” the way they expected him to do. There is no patience, no waiting on God, there is an immediate rush to judgment. 

Stop it! Wait on the Lord! We believed our new president, now let’s see what he can do. Realize that he may make some mistakes! Haven’t we all! 

Why is it that our fallen human nature immediately runs to negativity? Why is it that we immediately want to destroy any hope or promise God has given us? It’s our nature…that old sinful nature. And the Lord knows just exactly how we are! We so often fail to rest in HIM!


Remember Abraham and Sarah? The story starts in Genesis 11:30. The promise of God to Abraham would take twenty-five years to come to fulfillment. Of course, Abraham would never have known that it would take that long. He trusted God and knew that He would keep His word, and until then he must wait on the Lord. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to wait. Sometimes waiting for an answer to prayer is often part of the answer. We are far too impatient and want answers now, yet God in His gracious plan and purpose allows us to wait until His time.

Sadly, Abraham listened to his wife Sarah rather than waiting on God to do what He said he would do. Sarah thought she needed to help God, not understanding fully that with Him, all things are possible, and His promises are forever. Believers know the rest of this story.

Wait on the Lord, and wait on Him in prayer. 

Rejoicing in Adversity

The pastor was grateful for the assignment because of the solitude he had. The stench was so bad that even the guards stayed far away. So, the pastor had the freedom to pray aloud, sing hymns to the Lord, and recite Scripture. The cesspool had become a garden of communion with God. And what did he sing? In the Garden, by Charles A. Miles, a 1913 hymn.

I come to the garden alone,
While the dew is still on the roses,
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.


And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.
I’d stay in the garden with Him,
Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling.

Out of the hardest of circumstances and worst of situations this man’s experience is a testimony of how God is in control no matter how horrible the situation might be.

Fire and Loss in East Tennessee

Tennessee is the Volunteer State, and rebuilding will take place, but the loss to so many is heartbreaking and devastating. The Fire Chief lost his own home while helping others. The Mayor of Gatlinburg lost his home as well as his resort which was extra income. Yet, their worries were all for their own people, and prayers for rain, which we received the next day. We rejoiced, and praised the Lord for His mercy.

Now comes the cleanup and the much-needed help. Dolly Parton is giving $1,000 a month to every family who lost their homes. This will go on for six months. She has also donated $1 million to help rebuild, and she has even bigger plans.

This is the buckle of the Bible belt, and the majority of people know the Lord, and trust in Him, even through tears and loss. One man lost his wife and two daughters, and has written a letter of forgiveness to the two teens, stating that this is what Jesus would have him do.

December is a huge tourist month for Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge. They’re back open, and beautifully decorated for the season, won’t you please come!

Corrie Ten Boom

Corrie was a Christian who, along with her father and other family members, helped many Jews escape the Nazi Holocaust during World War II. She was imprisoned for her actions. She watched her sister, Betsy, die in Ravensbruck concentration camp.

In 1947 she had come from Holland to defeated Germany to give a talk about forgiveness. Everyone filed out in silence after her speech, and then a man walked up to her and asked her if she really meant what she said about forgiveness. She saw the man as he had been, a guard at Ravensbruck who had watched her and her sister march by him naked as their clothes and shoes lay strewn in a pile on the floor.

She saw him and memories flashed in her mind. Her natural hatred and revulsion made her stiffen and she fumbled in her pocketbook. The former guard told her he had become a Christian and he reached out his hand to her. Corrie said that her arm felt like lead, and that she didn’t know if she could lift it.

She had told the audience of Germans, “When we confess our sins, God casts them into the deepest ocean, gone forever.”

“You mentioned Ravensbrück in your talk,” the man said. “I was a guard there.

But since that time,” he went on, “I have become a Christian. I know that God has forgiven me for the cruel things I did there, but I would like to hear it from your lips as well Fräulein,”–again the hand came out– “will you forgive me?”

Corrie said she stood there, and she remembered what the Lord has said, “If you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” She prayed, “Father, help me.”

Finally, her wooden arm reached up to grasp the man’s hand, and she said, “The current started in my shoulder, raced down my arm, sprang into our joined hands. And then this healing warmth seemed to flood my whole being, bringing tears to my eyes.”

“I forgive you, brother!” she cried. “With all my heart!” [Link]

The Birth of Our Savior

Christmas is here. The birth of our King of Glory is celebrated every year for one month of joyous preparation, and one special day reminding everyone of His gift to us. It is the season where we say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS! We rejoice in the knowledge of our amazing Salvation through Christ the King who came in the simplest and humblest of wrappings.

Jesus is God’s gift to all humanity. The perfect sinless gift. The gift of eternal life. The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah!

Life is about what happens beyond the grave. Life is about knowing the God who made you and who gave you the greatest gift you will ever receive.
When you are shopping for gifts, when you are decorating your home, when you are baking and cooking, when you are opening those gifts from under the tree, when you are celebrating with family and friends, remember the perfect everlasting gift, the gift that truly keeps on giving, throughout our lives, and then into eternity.

Despite what we may live through, if we have the King of Glory in our lives, He is the blessed gift who holds us up in both joy and trials.

May your Christmas and your heart reflect the exultation of knowing Him and receiving His special gift. For it is by grace…

The non-existent tolerant liberal

“A funny thing about tolerant people? They’re really only tolerant when you agree with them.” —Greg Gutfeld

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society. —Aristotle

Societal Demands of the Left

The hardcore socialist left, along with many of the right, actually demand that we tolerate those I really have no use for…this includes the parasites that suck off the government largesse, i.e. taxpayers, the illegal aliens who do the same and have broken our very laws by entering our country, the criminal element of illegal aliens who have cost thousands of American citizens’ lives, the Islamists who are brought into our country and refuse to assimilate and want us to change for them, the Islamic immigrants who have created no-go zones, the theft by our politicians, the lobbyists, the stealing of our liberties, monies, and future, the transgender/bathroom issue, the politicians who promote all of this, and oh so much more! I refuse to ‘tolerate’ any of these things, and will continue to fight to restore my country to a sense of sanity.

What does tolerate really mean? I tolerate extremely inclement weather, I tolerate the fools on the road, I tolerate my liberal neighbors, I tolerate my neighbor’s barking dogs, I tolerate the fools in TN who keep voting in the same rotten neo-cons, and on and on, but these are things you really can’t do much about.

But do you think the left tolerates us and our beliefs…that’s a resounding, “Hell No they don’t!” How many times our Trump signs were stolen, how many cars were keyed that had Trump signs on them. We’re in the buckle of the Bible belt, and even years ago, I had my van keyed in a high-end grocery lot, because it had pro-life signs on it.

Tolerance? It is only what Judeo-Christian Constitutionalists who love their country are supposed to have for the “anything goes” radical left wing Democratic Socialists. 

Free Speech Censorship

Don’t you dare say anything negative about Barack or Michelle Obama because you’ll immediately be labeled as a racist. You don’t dare criticize the man’s lack of protocol or his total carnage of the middle east via his Secretaries of State, Hillary and Kerry, much less his total destruction of America and race relations, or his disdain for our allies, and his love of Islamic states. Say anything about Michelle Obama’s wide backside and her horrid lunch menu for America’s children, (which they’ve refused to eat) and you’re a racist. 

How has he helped our black brothers and sisters? He has not, he has created a canyon divide between America’s whites and blacks, rather than bringing us together as Americans. We are back in the 50s with race relations and it is unconscionable.

Cover-ups of this administration are absolutely phenomenal and aided by the leftwing media who are all owned by six groups, GE, Disney, Viacom, Newscorp, Time Warner and CBS.

It is the left who demands we accept the astronomical growth of government and their corruption, along with the unbiblical laws passed by our Congress and courts, including our Supreme Court Justices. 

The Left’s Hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton’s comments during the final debate are a prime example. When Trump refused to say that he would automatically accept the results of the election (because he knew about voter fraud), Hillary went bonkers!

She responded, “That’s horrifying!” She went on to say, “That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election.”

Yada, yada, yada Hillary, we know your harangue, it’s always the same…what’s good for us, doesn’t apply to you.

Really Hillary??? And what is your stance today? You joined the idiotic recount with green candidate, Jill Stein! How horrifying that you have not accepted the election results and have tried to destroy our Representative Republic. (It’s not a democracy Hillary!)

Threats Against Trump Ignored

Upon entering office, Trump should immediately remove CNN from the White House press corps. Why? Because Clinton News Network correspondent Suzanne Malveaux was caught joking about Donald Trump’s plane crashing. [Link


An Egyptian youth was forced to leave the US after posting an article about killing President-elect Trump. [Link]

Tenth Graders Threaten Trump

Threats to assassinate President-elect Trump have been rampant on Twitter. At John Marshall High School in San Antonio, Texas, two tenth-grade male students, and their teacher, were reprimanded by the school district over a skit the students performed in English class that showed President-elect Donald Trump being assassinated.


Allegedly these students submitted their scripts to the teacher for approval, but the teacher stated the students changed the script afterward. As part of their performance, one of the boys made a gunfire sound effect with his cell phone while the other boy, portraying the President-elect, fell to the ground pretending to be dead.

The so-called skit, entitled, “The Assassination of Donald Trump,” was stopped by the teacher once she saw the students had changed the script. But why wasn’t it stopped with the very title??? Why was it allowed to go as far as it did?

In a statement released by superintendent Brian Woods, he said the skits were part of a study on Shakespeare and the teacher had no idea of the students’ script change. (Not until the sound of a gunshot?)

Many parents are outraged, and furious that these same students are still in school, and they also don’t understand why the teacher gets to keep teaching with a simple apology.

This type of activity from high school youngsters is indicative of the divisive rhetoric being spewed by the main stream media. [Link]

College Professor Attacks Trump

A psychology instructor at Orange Coast College addressed students in her popular human sexuality class and told them that the election of Donald Trump was “an act of terrorism,” which she blamed on the Electoral College. (In other words, because her socialist candidate lost.)

Olga Perez Stable Cox’s rant was recorded and posted by an Orange County College Republican to a Facebook page. Take a look at this woman and ask yourself if you’d want your children taking a class from her.

Hundreds of people at the college came out to rally for and against her.

“This has nothing to do with free speech. It’s a professor overstepping her profession,” student Vincent Wetzel told the Orange County Register. “Of all the people who are supposed to provide an inclusive environment, it’s her. Now, I don’t feel comfortable.”

The school says it’s investigating the video and whether the student who recorded it should face disciplinary action for recording Cox without her permission. (Right, go after the victim, not the perpetrator.)

Attorney Shawn Steel filed a complaint, in the form of a letter with Orange Coast College, on behalf of the schools’ College Republicans on November 30. In his letter, Steel made three demands: that Cox take “take an anger management course that’s monitored, because sometime they lie on this stuff, that she formally apologizes to all the students in this class, and to have college faculty send a letter that all faculty be respectful to students.” [Link

In an interview with Breitbart News, Steel said, “This has gone on [at] thousands of American campuses and tens of thousands of classrooms … We finally had a smoking gun with the recording of this teacher. She’s been doing this for 30 years and has never been spotlighted like this before.”
Threatening Our President

President of the United States.” The United States Secret Service investigates suspected violations of this law and monitors those who have a history of threatening the President. Threatening the President is considered a political offense. Immigrants who commit this crime can be deported


From just these few examples, it’s easy to see that tolerance is only demanded of Christians and Constitutionalists, of Bible carrying, and gun toting fundamental conservatives. There is no tolerance from the socialist left for any of our beliefs, or even for the freedoms and liberties our founders gave us in our 1787 Constitution.

Donald Trump’s victory has made the Democratic Socialists (and there are many on the right as well) more fanatical and rabid in their hatred of everything we believe in and stand for.

It is up to all of us to keep standing for truth, for liberty, and for freedom. Don’t go back to sleep now, because we have just won a battle, the war is certainly not over.

President Trump, Heritage Foundation is controlled opposition

Don’t fear the enemy who attacks you, but the fake friend who hugs you. 

The government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. —Thomas Jefferson

In my last article, I documented Heritage Foundation’s drafting and promotion of job destroying NAFTA, but Heritage is also responsible for many other ills that American citizens face today, including healthcare and education.

Who Funds Heritage

Heritage is not required to disclose its donors, but according to a Media Transparency report in 2006, donors have included the John M. Olin Foundation, the Castle Rock Foundation, the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation (founders of Amway and father-in-law to newly appointed Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos), Bradley Foundation (board members include Federal Reserve and CFR members), the Koch Brothers and Claude Lambe Foundation, and Richard Mellon Scaife, who gave over $30 million to Heritage. 

Scaife supported abortion, and paid for a full-page ad in the WSJ in 2011, “From the Desk of Richard M. Scaife – An Open Letter to Fellow Conservatives: Why Conservatives Should Oppose Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood.” His mother was a good friend of Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, and had her in for tea every Sunday afternoon.

Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American Democracy reveals other benefactors: “Heritage received grants from Amoco, General Motors, Chase Manhattan Bank (David Rockefeller) and right-wing foundations like Olin and Bradley.” 

Heritage and National Healthcare

As John Adams said, “Facts are stubborn things.” Heritage has promoted much that is anathema to our Constitution. Let’s look at the facts.

James Taranto, who writes the Wall Street Journal’s “Best of the Web” column, put forth a lengthy and informative discussion on the conservative origins of the individual mandate, whose inclusion in Obamacare is today its most controversial feature on the Right.

Taranto writes that he was there when the Heritage Foundation was promoting the mandate:

Heritage did put forward the idea of an individual mandate, though it predated Hillary Care by several years. We know this because we were there: In 1988-90, we were employed at Heritage as a public relations associate (a junior writer and editor), and we wrote at least one press release for a publication touting Heritage’s plan for comprehensive legislation to provide universal “quality, affordable health care.”

As a junior publicist, we weren’t being paid for our personal opinions. But we are now, so you will be the first to know that when we worked at Heritage, we hated the Heritage plan, especially the individual mandate. “Universal health care” was neither already established nor inevitable, and we thought the foundation had made a serious philosophical and strategic error in accepting rather than disputing the left-liberal notion that the provision of “quality, affordable health care” to everyone was a proper role of government. As to the mandate, we remember reading about it and thinking: “I thought we were supposed to be for freedom.”

The plan was introduced in a 1989 book, “A National Health System for America” by Stuart Butler and Heritage Senior Researcher, Edmund Haislmaier. We seem to have mislaid our copy, and we couldn’t find it online, but we did track down a 1990 Backgrounder and a 1991 lecture by Butler that outlined the plan. One of its two major planks, the equalization of tax treatment for individually purchased and employer-provided health insurance, seemed sensible and unobjectionable, at least in principle.

But the other was the mandate, described as a “Health Care Social Contract” and fleshed out in the lecture. [Link]

11th circuit court of appeals, dated May 11, 2011. If you read the Amicus brief, notice Edwin Meese’s name as well as Randy Barnett, of Georgetown University who has long been promoting a Constitutional Convention with Michael Patrick Leahy of Tennessee.

A Reagan loyalist since the 1968 GOP convention, Coors began spending a lot of time in Washington, D.C. and at the White House. The attempt at governance by the Kitchen Cabinet became so elaborate that they actually established an office in the Executive Office Building across from the White House. 

Embarrassed by the image of a covey of millionaires seeming to run parallel and sometimes conflicting personnel recruitment operations, senior White House staff produced legal opinions saying that it was illegal for a private group to occupy government property, in this case a White House office. 

Although Coors produced a legal opinion arguing there was no violation of law, Coors and friends were evicted. Heritage could hardly claim diminished relations with the Reagan Administration, however, as an estimated two-thirds of its Mandate recommendations were adopted in the first year of the Administration.

Edwin Feulner, that “this Administration will cooperate fully with your efforts.” The newly elected Ronald Reagan passed out copies of the Mandate at his first Cabinet meeting, and it quickly became his administration’s blueprint. By the end of Reagan’s first year in office, 60 percent of the Mandate’s 2,000 ideas were being implemented. After leaving the Reagan Administration, Meese joined the staff of the Heritage Foundation and is still there today. 


Edwin J. Feulner, formerly the president of Heritage Foundation, had a yearly income including deferred compensation of $1,098,612. Former Attorney General, Edwin Meese, takes home half a million a year from Heritage. This is where your $25 monthly donations go…to enrich the lives of these top dogs. Feulner is also a charter member of the Council for National Policy (CNP). 

The Rockefeller/Heritage Connection

Education researcher Chey Simonton states in her article on the Rockefeller/Heritage Connection,

A Choice Not an Echo.”) Along with radical World Government advocate, Walter Hoffman of the World Federalist Association, they participated on the 16 member U.S. Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations. Working with the US Information Agency, Feulner also participated in facilitating the infamous 1985 US-Soviet Education Technology and Cultural Exchange Agreement. Soviet pedagogy, based on behavioral conditioning for a compliant collective labor force, is a dream come true for the dozens of multinational corporations funding all the think tanks promoting American education reform. The humanist Carnegie Foundation, a century-long collaborator with Rockefeller philanthropy, facilitated the Soviet side of this Exchange Agreement.”

Remember, in 1934, the Carnegie Corporation called for a shift from free enterprise to collectivism. They wanted the Soviet planned economy. [Link

historic meeting between Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at the Geneva Summit. 

Soviet-American Educational Exchange Agreement. The National American Legion was one of hundreds of conservative groups refusing to do anything about the US/Soviet Education Agreements. 

Charlotte Iserbyt, identified conservative “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing,” who not only gave the Soviets access to American education, but whose act of treason “virtually merged the two educational systems.”Leading the pack for an educational exchange initiative was none other than: 

U.S.-Soviet education agreements, and who had an office in Moscow, supported Soviet-style magnet schools (i.e., tax supported choice/charter schools), and had state affiliate organizations across the nation writing charter school legislation that reads like it has been written by the U.S. Department of Education, the Carnegie Corporation and the National Education Association.”

Industry Puts Heat on Schools to Teach Skills Employees Need.”

Both Feulner and Weyrich were also involved with other powerful players and shadowy figures, some from the right and some from the left. They have been included in groups formed to reinvent the UN, supposedly to face the 21st century. It is becoming more and more evident that Weyrich and Feulner were in fact organizing a tight group that represented the merger of right and left, which we have seen over the past 65 years, and which was quite obvious in our recent election.

Media cannot delegitimize the people’s choice

When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. —Dresden James.

If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand that difference, and choose their news sources accordingly. —Thomas Sowell

The Rabid Media

Delegitimizing Trump’s election is what the media is all about today. Fake News is bantered about as though it all comes from the “Alt-right,” (a Hillary invention) when in fact, it is the mainstream press that presents us daily with literally fake news.

Despite Trump winning and winning by a very high margin, despite Hillary being vanquished, despite the left suffering defeat after defeat, the MSM is still doing the same damnable thing they’ve always done. They are trying to set the agenda, trying to destroy the win, trying to tell the American people that they really didn’t choose this man who is not a globalist politician, but an outsider businessman. They are trying their very best to get everyone to talk about what they’ve determined is important. And it is all LIES! 

What a crock of garbage we’re now being fed about Russians leaving fingerprints on the 2016 election! Trump’s massive rallies were not caused by Russian hackers!

Hillary Joins Stein Recounts

Jill Stein’s so-called recount has proven there were even more votes for Trump. In the Wisconsin day-five recount update, 32,423 votes for Hillary Clinton were erased resulting in a 28,830-vote net increase for Donald Trump. [Link]

The fact that Hillary joined with Stein is hilarious. Remember what she said during the debate when Trump refused to say whether he would accept the outcome of the election? He was right to say that knowing the outrageous voter fraud perpetrated again and again by the Democratic socialists.

In the third debate, Trump answered Chris Wallace’s question about accepting the outcome of the vote, by saying, “I’ll let you know at the time.”
Clinton, thinking she’d be the winner, responded, “That’s horrifying.”

She went on to say, “That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections, and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. President Obama said the other day that when you’re whining before the game is even finished it just shows you’re not even up to doing the job.”

She added, “And let’s be clear about what he’s saying and what he means. He’s denigrating—he’s talking down our democracy. I for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our major two parties would take that kind of position.”

Clinton was later asked by reporters about Trump’s statement at the debate and she said, “I truly doubt he has ever read the Constitution.”

Well Hillary, we’re a representative Republic, not a democracy, although I know you would prefer the latter. I also know you were taught the Constitution in high school by our teacher, Paul Carlson, just like I was, and we know you read it in law school, but all you’ve ever done is trample it under your feet.

Media says Russian Hackers

Even Limbaugh has been quoted by The Hill, saying no one can prove Russia hacked the election, and they agree with him!

Grasping at straws, because there is no proof whatsoever of Russia hacking anything to do with the election, but the media and their socialist comrades in the Obama administration are hellbent to try to prove there actually was Russian influence for Trump. All of this because of the released Podesta emails.

The Independent Journal Review tells the story. Former British ambassador, Craig Murray, has come forward in the foreign press to assert the DNC emails released by WikiLeaks were not obtained by hacks, but rather came via leaks within the Democratic National Committee.

Jon Rappoport’s article, Top 11 “Russian-hack” questions the “rogue-Electors” should ask the CIA, truly spells out the idiotic useless attempts by the media to cast aspersions on the resounding defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Unlawful for Electors to Change Votes


Now, a group entitled, Unite for America, is using celebrities (if you can call them that) to urge electors to break the law and change their votes to Hillary.

The video, released on Wednesday by the group, is framed as a public service announcement with celebrities such as Martin Sheen, Debra Messing, and James Cromwell begging Republican members of the Electoral College to cast their votes against Donald Trump on Dec. 19.

“Thirty-Seven Electors can be American heroes by voting their conscience for a real leader,” the group says on its YouTube page. It is the first and only video uploaded by Unite for America.

The group’s website,, describes the organization as a “multi-partisan movement” of “concerned citizens, organizations, unions and grassroots networks formed in the wake of the 2016 Presidential Crisis.”

What crisis? There is no crisis…the American people voted, and decided who they wanted, and soundly rejected Hillary Clinton, and the other also-rans.
Despite the group’s reference to alleged foreign influence in the presidential election, (Vladimir Putin sham) a trace of the group’s URL shows that its website was registered in a foreign country.

According to a search on ICANN WHOIS, a website that provides public access to data on registered URL names, was created on Nov. 26 with internet service provider Tucows Inc., located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [Link]

Isn’t this just typical? These celebrities, most of whom are socialists, and many who are avowed communists, have decided they must interfere with the will of the American people.


Our new president should be confirmed by the electoral college on December 19th, and then inaugurated on January 20, 2017. Our Constitution was followed, and he was rightly elected by the people, despite huge Democratic voter fraud.

Donald Trump is not perfect, and as far as I’m concerned has already made a couple glaring mistakes in choices, especially for Education Secretary, but the vast majority of his choices have been superb, and we need to give the man time. He will make mistakes, but he has no problem rectifying them and saying, “You’re fired.”

I’ve even watched him invite those who were his enemies during the campaign to meet with him. I do believe this man holds no grudges and has tried to bring all of them into the fold to work for what is best for America and her people. His attitude is a Christian one, and one we haven’t seen from our presidents in far too long.

The fact that these leftist rabble-rousers cannot accept the will of the people without trying to destroy our Constitution and the electorate’s choice, is typical of their failure to accept America’s rejection of their socialist candidate.

Hillary’s words now ring back at her. “How horrifying!” “I’m appalled.” Eat those words Hillary, they belong to you.

Heritage foundation drafted NAFTA, President Trump can scrap it

giant sucking sound” as thousands of businesses and millions of jobs would leave this country. Most Americans chose to believe Bill Clinton. Well, it is 24 years later and it turns out that Perot was right and Clinton was dead wrong.

United Technologies (Carrier) is staying in Indiana, all because Mr. Trump made it beneficial for them to stay! He used the direct approach and went right to the head of Carrier and asked what they needed to remain in America. 

Our newly elected president has stated time and again that NAFTA was the cause for American jobs being decimated. The North American Free Trade Agreement has done far more than destroy over 30% of our manufacturing. Our economy (jobs), our healthcare, and academic education have all suffered. William F. Jasper, summarized what NAFTA was really about: “The planet is quietly being divided up into regional blocs ruled by an unelected and unaccountable cabal.”

NAFTA is seen by globalists here as a step toward a North American Union (NAU). Robert Pastor, professor of international relations at American University, and a strong supporter of NAFTA’s ultimate goals, wrote in Foreign Affairs, the magazine of the globalist CFR, “NAFTA was merely the first draft of an economic Constitution for North America.”

Big Business, Big Finance, Big Media, ex-presidents, and former secretaries of state all supported the deal. Murray Rothbard was right when he said, “The fight was about foreign policy, about the globalist policy that the United States has been pursuing since Woodrow Wilson, and certainly since World War II. It was about the Establishment-Keynesian dream of a New World Order. NAFTA was a vital step down the road to that order.”

Scott Miller of the Center for Strategic and International Studies admitted that Trump has the power to take the United States out of NAFTA, on his own, without any approval by Congress: “Congress has delegated authority [on trade] to the president over the last 100 years.”

Let’s hope Trump has the courage and fortitude to save us from this horrid trade deal!

Who started these trade deals anyway?

Heritage Foundation and NAFTA

The 1993 Annual Report of the Heritage Foundation of Washington, D.C., dedicated to their twentieth-year celebration, stated the following:

Please note that Richard V. Allen is a member of both the rightwing Council for National Policy, and the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. 

Former Heritage President, Ed Fuelner

In Lee Edwards’ 2013 book, Leading the Way: The Story of Ed Feulner and the Heritage Foundation, on page 233 Edwards states, 

“One of Heritage’s most influential papers was a state-by-state survey compiled by analyst Doug Seay. The survey showed that forty-two governors, Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative, strongly favored the agreement because it would create thousands of new jobs and improve the economy of their states.”

They were wrong, and they knew it. 

Jobs, Living Standards, and the Economy

NAFTA was the door through which American workers were shoved into the neoliberal globalist labor market.

By establishing the principle that U.S. corporations could relocate production elsewhere and sell back into the United States, NAFTA undercut the bargaining power of American workers, which had driven the expansion of the middle class since the end of World War II. The result has been 20 years of stagnant wages and the upward redistribution of income, wealth and political power.

Despite the pro-Trade rhetoric of Heritage and our politicians, the central goal of NAFTA was not “expanding trade.” After all, the U.S., Mexico, and Canada had been trading goods and services with each other for centuries. NAFTA’s central purpose was to free American corporations from U.S. laws protecting workers and the environment. Moreover, it paved the way for the rest of the neoliberal agenda in the US—the privatization of public services, the regulation of finance, and the destruction of the independent trade union movement.

The inevitable result was to undercut workers’ living standards all across North America. First, it caused the loss of some 700,000 jobs as production moved to Mexico.

Second, NAFTA strengthened the ability of U.S. employers to force workers to accept lower wages and benefits. 

Third, the destructive effect of NAFTA on the Mexican agricultural and small business sectors dislocated several million Mexican workers and their families, and was a major cause in the dramatic increase in illegal alien workers flowing into the U.S. labor market. This put further downward pressure on U.S. wages, especially in the already lower paying market for less skilled labor. 

Fourth, and ultimately most important, NAFTA was the template for rules of the emerging global economy, in which the benefits would flow to capital and the costs to labor. In other words, the corporations got rich, and the workers got shafted. Thus, NAFTA is both symbol and substance of the global “race to the bottom.”

Talk about the American worker getting royally screwed! I remember listening to talk radio at the time, and Chuck Harder worked endlessly to inform the American people of the imminent dangers of NAFTA.

NAFTA and American Health Care

The dramatic increase in illegal aliens, caused by NAFTA, has put such a strain on hospital emergency rooms on our southern border and in California, that many of them have closed.

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)is an act passed by Congress in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenshiplegal status, or ability to payThere are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may not transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment except with the informed consent or stabilization of the patient or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.

In March of 2016, Newsmax claimed there are 61 million illegal aliens in America, and Breitbart mentioned 30 million in August of 2015. Whatever the case, we know that for 20 years the media has said 11-12 million illegals are in America, and it is far more.

NAFTA and American Education

Illegal aliens cost America’s states over $761 million per year in our school systems, and six chapters of NAFTA have a direct impact on the public education system.

Under NAFTA, education in all three countries was to be privatized.
Privatization is the transfer of a government organization to a private entity.

The rise of charters is the prime example, touted by both the left and right. The privatization effect of charters goes much further, both for-profit, and not-for-profit charters conform schools to principles of privately run enterprises. Despite much evidence to the contrary, competition is touted as the high virtue that makes charters superior. Their very ability to exclude is an important factor in the success, for the few charters who actually are successful. Remember that charters are tax funded! Yet, they do not report to local school boards!

Should taxpayer dollars intended for schools be permitted to generate a private profit? I don’t think so!

Educators knew from following the NAFTA negotiations that turning public education into a commodity for sale in the capitalist marketplace was a central component of the agreement. They understood that at stake was not just public education, but the very idea of the “public.”

Part of the dialogue that has come out of NAFTA was from United States Information Agency Director, Joseph Duffey. In a September 12, 1993 Washington Times article, he stated that he expects the North American countries to succeed in achieving a sense of regional community(regionalism is communism) where the quest for a common community of nations in Western Europe has foundered. He’s talking about a North American Union (NAU), just like the European Union.

He went on to say, “We’re trying to reverse the tradition of nationalism and people, who in looking to their identity, look backwards to the past. Instead, we want them to look to the future.” In other words, Americans should no longer think of themselves as Americans whose founders were for freedom, liberty and individuality, but rather as world citizens, or citizens of the NAU.

Chapter 11 of NAFTA establishes the principle that foreign investors should be granted the same facilities as national investors, without any restrictions.
Chapter 12 of NAFTA (cross-border commerce of services). The new NAFTA rules have accelerated the imposition of new evaluation methods in education, developed by private institutions and based on standardized tests. Such tests are an effective means to restrict access to higher education and to assign young people coercively to technological schools that are not their vocational choice.

Key words are “education reform,” “standardized tests,” “state standards,” all of these are part and parcel of the destruction of education via Common Core, which actually started in the 1960s with mastery learning, and which was accelerated with NAFTA.

The Free Trade Agreement got the ball rolling for the development of skills standards by the newly formed National Skills Standards Board. It was endorsed by the U.S. Labor Department Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) study originated under Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole. This eventually led to the School-to-Work Opportunities Act and the dumbing down of American education curriculum for global workforce training.

With all of this emphasis on “standards” it should be pointed out that NAFTA allows exchanges of all categories of professionals, with those coming from Mexico and Canada having met their own countries’ standards, not necessarily equal to those required in the United States. 

page 315 in The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America to see the impact on education in the US by the signing the North American Free Trade Agreement.


As Murray Rothbard explained at the time NAFTA was passed, “In the first place, genuine free trade doesn’t require a treaty or trade agreement. NAFTA is called a trade agreement so it can avoid the constitutional requirement of approval by two thirds of the Senate. If the establishment truly wants free trade, all it has to do is repeal all our numerous tariffs, import quotas, anti-dumping laws, and other American-imposed restrictions on trade.”

No wonder Trump carried Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio. One way he could now repay those voters who put him in the White House is to cut out the sovereignty-killing cancer called NAFTA, and help restore the American Dream for millions of American workers.

President-elect Trump, dump NAFTA your very first day in office!

Not all Trump’s Supreme Court choices are pro-life

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.” —Thomas Jefferson

Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives. Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness. —Alveda King

President elect Trump stated, “Justice Scalia was a remarkable person and a brilliant Supreme Court Justice. His career was defined by his reverence for the Constitution and his legacy of protecting Americans’ most cherished freedoms. He was a Justice who did not believe in legislating from the bench, and he is a person whom I held in the highest regard and will always greatly respect his intelligence and conviction to uphold the Constitution of our country. My list of potential Supreme Court justices is representative of the kind of constitutional principles I value and, as President, I plan to use this list as a guide to nominate our next United States Supreme Court Justices.”

At the third debate Trump described the 21 candidates he had identified on two separate lists as “pro-life. “They will have a conservative bent. They will be protecting the Second Amendment. They are great scholars in all cases, and they’re people of tremendous respect. They will interpret the Constitution the way the Founders wanted it interpreted, and I believe that’s very important.”

Okay, President Trump, let’s take a closer look at your choices, or should we say, The Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation’s choices…[Link]

Trump’s Supreme Court Choices

Here is the full list of the 21 judges Trump would consider appointing for the Supreme Court. He has stated that they are all conservatives, but they are not all pro-life!

Asked what he would do to protect the “sanctity of human life,” Trump said it starts with the Supreme Court.

“I will protect it, and the biggest way to protect it is through the Supreme Court and putting people in the court,” he said. Then vet them President Trump!

Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” 

Which Nominees are Pro-Life?

Association of American Physicians & Surgeons. 

Thanks to Schlafly and several Eagle Forum members who have researched President Trump’s list of potential Supreme Court justices, they’ve concluded the following:

 12 of 21 are not serious contenders due to age, controversy, or political motivation for including them.
 3 of 21 are not really pro-life, as research proves based on their writings and statements.
 3 of 21 are probably not pro-life, as they have been unusually silent on the issue.
 1 of 21 is possibly pro-life, and could be good on the issue.
 2 of 21 are certainly pro-life and will remain pro-life despite pressure by the pro-abort media.

Schlafly states, “Our challenge is to have one of the two ‘certainly pro-life’ candidates selected as the nominee. Trump wants to pick a pro-lifer, but obstacles include the media, Senators, Capitol Hill staff, and possibly bad luck.”


Nominees Who are Not Pro-Life

Sykes sentenced two veteran abortion protesters to 60 days in jail.

sexism in law, and she has repeatedly mentioned Roe v. Wade without criticizing it. Larson clerked for Justice Scalia, but many of his clerks were not pro-life. She has no federal judgeship experience and is similar to David Souter in her weakness in writing ability, which makes her susceptible to influence by the liberal media.

The following three would probably NOT be pro-life on the Supreme Court

Raymond Kethledge – He joined a decision that favorably cited a precedent that censored a pro-life advertisement.

Allison Eid – She has been unusually silent on abortion. She tersely dissented from a denial of certiorari before the Colorado Supreme Court in a challenge to an injunction against abortion protesters, initially on only the limited grounds of the length of the injunction, and then later, only on the free speech grounds.

Blackmun decision that gave abortionists legal standing to challenge pro-life laws.

Pledge for a Pro-Life Nominee

In a letter to President Trump, entitled, “Coalition Letter on the Pledge for a Pro-Life Nomination for Justice Scalia’s Seat on the U.S. Supreme Court,” signed by pro-life conservative groups and organizations, true pro-life justices are put forward for consideration as nominees.

As the letter states in part, 

As you stated during the campaign and in your 60 Minutes interview after your election, you are pro-life and you pledged to nominate justices to the Supreme Court who are pro-life. In addition, Phyllis Schlafly and other conservatives endorsed you in reliance on your public pledge to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia with someone as close to his views as possible.

Justice Scalia never ducked the abortion issue, and always sided with the pro-life position. His replacement should be nothing less.

You indicated that you will make your nomination from a list of 21 candidates that was provided to you by others. Unfortunately, the list omits any women who have a pro-life record, and includes a total of only four women out of 21. This was probably an oversight, because many well-qualified women with pro-life records are available for nomination, and they should be considered for this important position. For example, Judge Jennifer Elrod of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has credentials equal to or better than those on the list, and she would be an outstanding nominee for Justice Scalia’s seat.

Attempts to nominate a “stealth” candidate lacking in a record on abortion was the failed approach of the past, and would be inconsistent with the transparency of your incoming Administration. Despite that, at least a half-dozen of the candidates on the list lack a pro-life record. We urge you not to consider these candidates lacking a pro-life record for the position of Justice Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court. Several of these judges on the list have even written or spoken in ways that are at odds with the pro-life position.

Pro-Life Judges

In addition to Judge Elrod as recommended above, her elder colleague Judge Edith Jones would also be a stellar choice. She is likewise a female jurist who has qualifications superior to most on the current list, and yet was inexplicably omitted.

There are several outstanding candidates who have pro-life records that would fulfill your pledge. For example, Justice Charles Canady of the Florida Supreme Court, who is on your current list, would be a fabulous nominee. Judges Elrod and Jones, and Justice Canady, are all experienced judges who have been transparent about their views and have an unblemished record on the bench. Any of these would be a tremendous addition to the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Senate Confirmations of Trump Choices

Not all senate republicans are staunchly pro-life, yet they have vowed to confirm the president’s nominee.

“We’re going to confirm the president’s nominee one way or the other. And there’s an easy way and there’s a hard way,” said Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (right). (| Getty.)

If Republicans change the Supreme Court confirmation threshold to a simple majority, Trump could conceivably install even more conservative justices to the Supreme Court with relative ease. Three current justices are in their late 70s or early 80s. [Link]

This is why it is mandatory that President Trump keeps his promise to choose true pro-life Justices!


President-elect Trump is going to announce his top choices very soon. Please repost this article and email it to your lists. 

If you know any pro-life, pro-family leaders who are willing to sign this coalition letter to the Trump campaign regarding Supreme Court Justice nominees, immediately contact Andy Schlafly or Priscilla Gray.

Why our founders gave us the electoral college

Benjamin Franklin on Electoral College

President Trump, I was disheartened to hear you say that we should do away with the electoral college when you wouldn’t have won the election, despite millions of illegal’s voting for Hillary, had we not been given the college by our founders. What those wonderful and brilliant statesmen gave us is crucial to preserve freedom and preventing a tyrant from getting elected. These are some of the important reasons the founders gave us the electoral college! Please refresh yourself on this important part of our Constitution which has kept us from mob rule since 1787. 

Although the preamble to the Constitution begins with “We the people,” the word “democracy” (mob rule) is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Even the Pledge of Allegiance is “to the Republic for which it stands.” We are supposed to be a nation of laws, “rule of law” rather than “mob rule.” Read on…

Creation of the Electoral College

The Electoral College was created for two reasons. 

The first purpose was to create a buffer between population centers and the rest of the country. 

The second, as part of the structure of the government that gave smaller less populated states a voice in the selection of President.

Without the electoral college giving a voice to the smaller states, the large populated areas (as those on both coasts) would always elect the president. Today, those areas are heavily populated with welfare recipients, sanctuary cities, and we cannot discount illegal alien voters, who vote largely democratic for the free stuff they receive from the federal government. The electoral college is a buffer that allows all states to have a voice.

America is a Constitutional Republic Based on Laws

One of the inherent weaknesses in a government based ONLY on the will of the people is the potential for mob rule. This was often the downfall of direct democracies, where all the people decided on public matters directly rather than through representatives. We were created as a representative Republic, NOT A DEMOCRACY! In designing the electoral college, the founders sought to insulate the selection of president from the convulsions of the multitudes. The college was essentially an extra layer of security helping to guarantee that the president would be a truly capable individual.

In creating the basic architecture of the American government, the Founders struggled to satisfy each state’s demand for greater representation while attempting to balance popular sovereignty against the risk posed to the minority from majoritarian rule from larger population states.

Our Constitution clarifies the Electoral College in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2, and in part states:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The product of the Founders’ compromise has been well balanced and enduring, and we would be wise to leave it intact, despite what Soros and the Democrats would like to do to it.

The First Reason for the College

The first reason that the founders created the Electoral College may be difficult to understand today. The founding fathers were afraid of direct election to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power. Alexander Hamilton wrote about it in the Federalist papers. I know they were right!

(See All of the Federalist 68)

Hamilton defends the process for selecting the president. He argues that the system of an electoral college ensures that “the sense of the people” will play a key role in selecting the president, while, at the same time, affording “as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder.” It was believed that electing the president directly, without the intermediate step of the electors, might lead to instability. Hamilton argues that electors will be protected from bias since they do not hold any other political office and are separated from electors from other states.Hamilton believed that this system would best ensure that the president was a man of great virtue and ability, which has not always been the case, but has undoubtedly kept us somewhat protected. 

They believed that with the Electoral College no one would be able to manipulate the citizenry. It would act as check on an electorate that might be duped. Hamilton and the other founders did not trust the population to make the right choice. (We have seen this many times in the past, which proved our founders right, and they didn’t have radio or television influence in the late 1700s.) 

The founders also believed that the Electoral College had the advantage of being a group that met only once and thus could not be manipulated over time by foreign governments or others. Brilliant men of letters, oh how I wish they were here today!


The Second Reason for the College

The electoral college is also part of compromises made at the 1787 Convention to satisfy the small states. The United States Constitution was made by and for the states, and the founders wanted each state to have a voice in elections.

Under the system of the Electoral College each state had the same number of electoral votes as they have senators and representatives in Congress, thus no state could have less than three. 

Again, the Electoral College system was drafted by the states to empower the states, so as to preserve regional identity and protect small states from the domination of the larger ones.

The Daily Caller states it even better than I ever could:

The Founders understood that democracy was important, but they knew that if it wasn’t tempered by a republican system, majority rule could lead to tyranny. Thomas Jefferson wisely admonished future generations of voters that, “Measures are too often decided, not according to the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an overbearing majority.”

Although the Framers guaranteed a “Republican form of government” to the states (Article 4, Section 4), the rights of states are under attack. Their jurisdiction in issues ranging from the death penalty to healthcare standards to the regulation of firearms have become subject to federal mandates. Presidents swear an oath to “preserve and protect the Constitution,” and that must include a firewall to shield our republic from the deception of “democratic” national elections.


The founders of America’s Republic, the authors of our Constitution, were men not only of letters, but of bravery and fortitude who gave us a document like no other document ever given to any nation. We need the electoral college, the inclusion of same in our Constitution was a brilliant addition. God certainly must have given those men a vision of our future for this measure to have been added to protect us.

These men were undoubtedly led by God to preserve the freedoms and liberties they fought to attain. May the Good Lord above help us to do the same, and may our new president take time to study the American Constitution he will soon take an oath to preserve, protect, and defend.

President Trump, backtracking could erode your base

I am so very pleased with many of the appointments made by our new president. The people he will have close to him are brilliant and will follow his policies and agenda. I am also glad that President Trump doesn’t have a problem saying, “You’re fired,” because there are a couple he’s appointed, or who are on the list, that are anathema to Trump’s administration and the people who supported him. Probably 90% of Americans don’t know the difference, but researchers like myself certainly do.

Hillary Clinton Corruption

I can see that immediately going after Hillary Clinton could set up an Obama pardon, and I also can see that it would start off the new administration with more hatred from the socialist left, as well as disgust from the socialist right. However, President Trump, you made a promise! There are many reasons she should be thoroughly investigated by your attorney general and your new Department of Justice appointees.

1. No one is above the law. Are there different laws for multi-millionaires than there are for regular Joe’s? I certainly could give you many examples of far less done by ordinary folks who ended up in prison. 

2. The country’s democrat voters don’t know what Hillary has done, and they need to learn about it. A full investigation and exposure by the MSM would inform them of just how corrupt the entire Clinton cabal truly has been.

3. The very extreme radical democratic party needs to be destroyed, or they will destroy us. 

You campaigned on this promise, and people voted for you because of your promises, and we’re counting on you keeping them .

Secretary of State

Remember Mr. Trump when you read us the story of the “the snake?” What Mitt Romney said and did when you were campaigning was venomous. Don’t make the mistake of letting that snake into our house. 

1. Remember Barry Goldwater? Mitt Romney went to the 1964 Republican National Convention when his moderate father battled conservative Barry Goldwater for the party nomination over issues of civil rights and ideological extremism. The family ended up supporting Lyndon Baines Johnson for president. This is Romney’s training, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he voted for Hillary.

2. Remember Romney Care in Massachusetts? It was the blueprint for Obamacare!

3. After he claimed a pro-life conversion, Willard Mitt Romney

 authorized tax-funded surgical elective abortion two years after he claimed he was pro-life.
 advocated grisly research on embryos after he claimed a pro-life conversion.
 nominated a pro-abort Democrat judge after he claimed a pro-life conversion.
 gave Planned Parenthood a permanent seat on a state board after he claimed a pro-life conversion.
 bragged that he would continue to defend abortion “rights” after he claimed a pro-life conversion.

To top it off, the Pro-Life Family Movement discredit themselves again and again. These groups and people repeat the false claim of Romney being pro-life after he:

 funded abortion statewide through taxpayer monies.
 opposed a Massachusetts Defense of Marriage Constitutional amendment.
 said homosexuals should be allowed in the boy scouts.
 officially celebrated “Gay-Straight Youth Pride Day.”
 sat on the board of directors for a leading purveyor of pornography without opposing the corporation’s exploitation of women.
 supported Bill Clinton’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” and thinks it worked and shouldn’t be changed.
 boosted funding for homosexual “education” starting in kindergarten.
 opposes a ban on homosexual scoutmasters.
 forced Catholic Charities, the nation’s #1 adoption and foster care service to place children with same sex couples even though he was under no legal obligation to do so.
 passed over Republican lawyers for three quarters of the 36 judicial vacancies he faced and nominated two open homosexuals.
 supports passage at the state level of the Employment non-discrimination Act which would force churches and other religious organizations against the beliefs of their faith, to hire homosexuals and transvestites or face criminal fines and prosecution.

On United Nations Agenda 21, Romney is all for it and enacted Smart Growth in the State of Massachusetts while Governor.

Lou Dobbs reminded us of Romney’s excursion overseas in 2012 and what a mess he made of the trip, offending every leader he met. Not good for a potential Secretary of State!

Here’s the short video

Remember what Huey Long said, “Do you know what you have when you reward an enemy? A rewarded enemy.”

President Trump, Mr. Romney doesn’t match up with your policies and promises at all.

United Nations Ambassador

Haley endorsed and campaigned for pro-amnesty supporter, Marco Rubio.

Globalist Haley criticized Trump’s hateful and violent rhetoric, linking it to last year’s Charleston shooting. She has called Trump dangerous and said he’s promoting hate, and she gets rewarded with an appointment as UN Ambassador. 

Perhaps Trump is rewarding SC for voting for him by removing their governor. The Lt. Governor, Henry McMaster, will take over the remainder of Haley’s second term. 

Huey Long again comes to mind.

Education Secretary

I was thrilled that Michelle Rhee was no longer in consideration for education, but now her evil twin is taking her place. Donald Trump promised to get rid of common core in education. Betsy DeVos has been appointed by Trump as Education Secretary, and what I want to know is why we need an Ed. Secretary when Trump said he was going to abolish the Department of Education. 

The Department of Education (DOE) was created by Jimmy Carter with the full support of Newt Gingrich, one of the few Republicans who voted for it, and he thwarted Reagan’s efforts to abolish it.

DeVos is the daughter-in-law of Amway founder, Richard DeVos, and her brother is the infamous Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, the private military company whose contractors were responsible for the killing of 17 Iraqi civilians in 2007, among other incidents. Breitbart reports that the DeVos families have donated to the Clinton Foundation.


Researcher Rachel Tabachnik noted in a 2011 Alternet profile of the DeVos family’s school privatization efforts that after voucher initiatives were consistently defeated by voters, the DeVos family shifted their strategy to a legislative one, and began spending millions on both campaign contributions and lobbying.

Like many privatization advocates, DeVos has resisted efforts to hold charter schools and non-public schools to the same standards reformers apply to private schools. As Chalkbeat notes, since she and her husband helped get Michigan’s charter school law pass, they have “worked to protect charters from additional regulation.” That may be why there has been little action in the state to improve or close low-performing charter schools.

When Michigan lawmakers this year were considering a measure that would have added oversight for charter schools in Detroit, members of the DeVos family poured $1.45 million into legislators’ campaign coffers — an average of $25,000 a day for seven weeks. Oversight was not included in the final legislation.

1989 Governor’s Conference speech he gave which should scare the socks off any of today’s parents. Lamar is the same man who promised he was “ending the national school board” by rushing a huge federal ed bill into law, that gave the U.S. Ed. Secretary direct control over what children learned and when. Totally unconstitutional, this decision belongs to the states.

These people are a bunch of control freaks who promise “local control,” but whose every effort is directed in the opposite direction.

Molly Hensley-Clancy wrote that DeVos claims now to be against Common Core, but she pitted her big money against the legislative battles to reject Common Core. It has also been reported that DeVos’s husband personally called state senators in Michigan to get them to vote against a Common Core REPEAL BILL.

Her organization, American Federation for Children, contributed HUGE sums of money for state school board races in Alabama on the side of Common Core supporters trying to oust Common Core opponents.

Trump’s transition team reported that his “discussion with DeVos was focused on the Common Core mission, and setting higher national standards and promoting the growth of school choice across the nation.” I wanted to scream when I heard those words! “Setting higher nations standards” is code for Common Core. National standards are what Common Core was designed to be. That’s how we got this rotten filthy Common Core.

Tying so-called Common Core “higher standards” to school choice is double-speak for “requiring all private schools to teach this filthy, brain destroying Common Core by using the control mechanism of tests.” Teaching to the test is why so many good teachers have left their profession or retired.

When Betsy DeVos acclaims “school choice,” she’s pushing an ed agenda that includes requiring all the schools that take voucher money to use state-determined curriculum, LIKE COMMON CORE!

She has used her millions of dollars in the past to do this. She’ll use the power as ed secretary to do the same thing.

If Trump wants to increase school choice, (which I’m against because federal regulations will follow every penny of tax dollars), and improve education for our children, he needs to send Betsy DeVos packing. Her forms of “school choice” replace one set of monopolies with another, both controlled. That’s not choice, choice is what we already have, she is out to destroy it.

And there’s more…

what she wrote in RollCall in 1997: “I know something about soft money, as my family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican Party. I have decided, however, to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence. Now I simply concede the point. They are right. We do expect some things in return. My money gives me the right to influence politicians more than you can, peons.” 

Really Betsy? You’re part of the cabal like Hillary who are wealthy enough that your voice counts, but ours doesn’t?

We sent a fighter to the White House and we expect him to appoint the same kind of personage to his cabinet, not the filthy phony status quo. We want the legacy of a conservative leader like Phyllis Schlafly who said plainly, “Back to real phonics, reading, writing, and arithmetic.” 

Charters, vouchers and choice sound so good, but when you peel away the phony veneer, you see the rot beneath that the American people know nothing about.


President Trump is far more intelligent than I am, and always seems to have tricks up his sleeves, but his latest choices give me the willies. Don’t get me wrong, I love General Flynn, Senator Sessions, General Mattis, and even can go with Rep. Pompeo, but I want to know who is advising our new President on these latest choices.

Grassroots Americans who have been in the battle to save our Republic for multiple decades, have more knowledge and documentation than any of the so-called D.C. insiders. I so wish our new president would give us an hour of his time.

Pray for him, for protection, and especially for God’s divine wisdom and guidance, he needs it.

In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God

What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?

It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy.

Thanksgiving has been celebrated off and on since 1789, after a proclamation by President George Washington. Abraham Lincoln made it a federal holiday in 1863 for the last Thursday in November. In 1939, Franklin Roosevelt declared the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving, rather than the last Thursday, because sometimes November has five Thursdays. Thanksgiving and Christmas are part of the broad holiday season. 

I always think of Norman Rockwell’s famous painting, “Freedom From Want,” when Thanksgiving is upon us. How blessed we have been! And how often we forget how blessed we still are! 

Giving Thanks 

As for me and mine, this Thanksgiving and Christmas will be one of great joy. Our nation has a reprieve, and a new leader, and he’s already off to a great start. But this article is not about our new President, it’s about all of us and how blessed we truly are.

Here I sit in front of my computer, in a warm, comfortable home, the dryer is running with a load of clothes, the dogs are sleeping at my feet, and my sweetheart is on the phone with one of our old friends. What a blessing! Thank you, Lord!

I’ll go to bed tonight in comfort with pillows and blankets, and Lord willing, sleep soundly. While I sleep, the dishwasher runs, and they’ll all be clean and dry in the morning. I’ll wake up tomorrow to a great breakfast, a hot bath, and hopefully some rain because we’re in a drought with fires all around us. What a blessing! Thank you, Lord!

With a flip of a switch, there are lights in the dark, there’s a song on the radio, there’s a friend or family member on the phone. What a blessing! Thank you, Lord!

Giving Thanks is Good for Us

Feeling and expressing appreciation is good for us. Like any wise father, God wants us to learn to be thankful for all the gifts He has given us (James 1:1-7). It is in our best interest to be reminded that everything we have is a gift from Him. Without gratefulness, we become arrogant and self-centered. We begin to believe that we have achieved everything on our own. Thankfulness keeps our hearts in a right relationship to the Giver of all good gifts. Psalm 138, “I thank you Lord with all my heart.”

Giving thanks also reminds us of how much we do have. Human beings are prone to covetousness. We tend to focus on what we don’t have. By giving thanks continually we are reminded of how much we do have. When we focus on blessings rather than wants, we are happier. When we start thanking God for the things we usually take for granted, our perspective changes. We realize that we could not even exist without the merciful blessings of God. And count that all joy!

Family and Friends

Many families live far apart today, and there is travel to be home with loved ones. What a blessing to gather with those you love. I remember well the many long rides to my grandparents’ farm in northern Indiana. What a thrill it was to be with all my wonderful family. Cherish these blessed times, for too soon they become fond memories. Thank you, Lord!


Holy Days

This season is my favorite time of year, even though it’s so very busy. Remember to stop with the hustle and bustle, and to thank God for all He has given to us. The joy overflows when you just list the many wonderful things we have. Smile at everyone, you never know what that smile will do for someone else.

I wish you all a most wonderful and blessed Holy Season, one filled with joy, love, and above all, thanksgiving to our Creator for the bountiful blessings we enjoy every day. 

Thank you, Lord!

Gen. Flynn accepts NSA, sessions for AG, Pompeo for CIA, Gen. Mattis for Sec. of Defense

“We should understand the Constitution as the founders meant that it should be understood. We can do this by reading their words about it, such as those contained in the Federalist Papers. Such understanding is essential if we are to preserve what God has given us.” —Ezra Taft Benson

“We may be tossed upon an ocean where we can see no land – not, perhaps, the sun or stars. But there is a chart and a compass for us to study, to consult, and to obey. The chart is the Constitution.” —Daniel Webster at an address at Springfield Massachusetts on 29 September 1847

President Trump Listens to Us

Am I pleased with our President-elect’s choices so far? Yes, I am. Like Trump, none of them are perfect, but they will do a wonderful job for our new President. Even if there are areas in these men’s political lives that are not perfect, we now have a president who will listen to the American people. He has heard us in the past.

We told Mr. Trump that common core was rotting the minds of the students and destroying the teaching profession, and the government schools have eliminated academic teaching. Trump knows, and common core is on the way out. More than that needs to go as well.

Long ago, Trump was pro-choice, thought it was a woman’s right, but then he watched a video of an abortion, and that was the catalyst that brought him to the saving knowledge that it is an evil that needs to be eliminated. The gestating baby is a human being that is separate from the mother, and as such should have the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

When Mr. Trump was first questioned about the land in the Western states being held by the Feds, he thought it was okay. Then he got some flak from the American citizens who know what is going on. He sent his son to investigate, and then Trump wrote an article about it in the Reno Gazette Journal, Trump: Nevada, US Needs a President Who Obeys the Law. Listen to this three-minute video on same. 


I do not know of any politician, much less a president of the United States who has listened to the people like Donald J. Trump. This is why I have hope.

The other area that deeply concerns me is Veteran Affairs. We need a veteran to take on the problems in this arena. It would also be wise to have a veteran who has been through the VA system and knows what needs to be done to implement our President’s agenda.

The choices of our 45th president are, so far, absolutely brilliant. He is choosing the cream of the crop, and those who will follow through with the policies and plans our new President has to Make America Great Again.

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn

General Flynn has accepted the position of National Security Advisor. I am so pleased to know he will be helping our new President. This is a man of great character and intellect who is absolutely perfect for the position. I cannot express how absolutely delighted I am at this appointment.

The Field of Fight. It is 180 pages long with an index and is a quick read. His book offers a plan that combines creative, imaginative, and strategic solutions with political engagement and effective military action…a plan to win.

Congratulations to General Flynn!

Senator Jeff Sessions

For two decades, Jeff Sessions has been the junior senator from Alabama. He is beloved by his constituents.

Senator Sessions chaired Trump’s National Security Advisory committee. ‘‘The president-elect has been unbelievably impressed with Senator Sessions and his phenomenal record as Alabama’s attorney general and U.S. attorney,’’ a Trump transition statement released Thursday read. ‘‘It is no wonder the people of Alabama re-elected him without opposition.’’

Sessions has opposed nearly every immigration bill that has come before the Senate the past two decades that has included a path to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally.

He’s also fought legal immigration, including guest worker programs for illegal immigrants and visa programs for foreign workers in science, math and high-tech. In 2007, Sessions got a bill passed which essentially banned, for 10 years, federal contractors who hire illegal immigrants.


I have always favored Senator Sessions because of his stance on trade, and especially on the horrible Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). He was also against fast tracking of TPP which many senators voted for, including Sen. Cruz. Fast tracking actually gave away Congress’s control to the President for six years. Fast-track, or trade promotion authority (TPA), allowed the White House to send trade deals to Congress for up-or-down votes. The Senate would not be able to filibuster them, and lawmakers would not have the power to amend them.

The expedited process, which lasts until 2018, and can be extended until 2021, greatly increased Obama’s chances of concluding negotiations on the TPP, which was a top goal of his. Thankfully, it has not passed.

Senator Sessions has not always voted the way I would have liked, but he is strong on the rule of law, and strong on protecting America. This is an honorable and good man, and I pray the Senate endorses his nomination.

Congressman Mike Pompeo

President elect Trump has nominated Congressman Mike Pompeo for head of the CIA. I’m impressed with Pompeo’s strong stance for law and order, not to mention his ability to staunch pro-terrorism activities in local mosques. [Link] Mike Pompeo, a conservative Republican congressman from Kansas, has heavily criticized the Iran deal, and was a member of the congressional committee that blasted Hillary Clinton over the attack in Benghazi, Libya. Watch his questioning of Hillary on Benghazi. Pompeo would be a huge improvement over John Brennan.

See YouTube Video Here.

Pompeo is a member of the House intelligence committee, which oversees U.S. intelligence gathering efforts. In 2014, he was appointed to the House Select Benghazi Committee to probe the 2011 attack on the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi.

Pompeo certainly has the knowledge and skills to run the CIA. More than that he has the guts to make a tough call, something the CIA has been unwilling to do since early in the George W. Bush administration. So far, so good, but…

Unfortunately, here’s what Mike Pompeo had to say about Edward Snowden: “[He] should be brought back from Russia and given due process, and I think the proper outcome would be that he would be given a death sentence.” (Washington Examiner, 2/11/16). I am in total disagreement with Pompeo and Trump’s stances on Edward Snowden. To most Americans, Snowden is a hero.

Rep. Pompeo is also a heavy supporter of the NSA’s surveillance programs: “Congress should pass a law re-establishing collection of all metadata, and combining it with publicly available financial and lifestyle information into a comprehensive, searchable database. Legal and bureaucratic impediments to surveillance should be removed.” (The Atlantic, 11/18/16). Sorry Mike and President elect Trump, this is totally unconstitutional and I fully disagree with you.

In April of 2014, Pompeo introduced the bill that would become The Dark Act, banning states from passing laws mandating GMO labeling on food. Instead, The Dark Act introduces very weak and confusing federal GMO labels. Few people will pay attention to them or even realize they’re there.

This position requires affirmation by the Senate. Pompeo would not be my first choice, but he is still a huge improvement over Obama’s John Brennan.

General Mattis, Sec. of Defense

“You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.” Mattis’s letter to 1st Marine Division.
“Marines don’t know how to spell the word defeat.” (Business Insider)

For more of his famous quotes, go here.

James N. Mattis is a retired United States Marine Corps general who last served as the 11th commander of United States Central Command from August 11, 2010 to March 22, 2013. Mattis is known for implementing the COIN strategy.

From Military Times:

General Mattis criticized President Barack Obama for being naive about Iranian intentions and Congress for being “pretty much absent” on last year’s nuclear deal. I’d bet he’ll get along with General Flynn just fine.

Mattis is a guy who speaks his mind, he has even disagreed with Trump in the past. There were two generals I thought would be great in this position, Generals James Mattis and Stanley McChrystal. 


The left is urging people to boycott Ivanka Trump’s line of jewelry and clothing at various outlets. I would bet this will backfire, and her products will sell even more quickly.

Starbucks, whose CEO once said he didn’t want customers who believed marriage was only between a man and a woman, is finding out how smart Trump supporters truly are. When they order their coffee from the barista, they have to give their names so when it’s prepared, their names are yelled out. Guess what name they’re giving? You’ve got it! Trump!

Donald J. Trump, the true gentleman that he is, spoke with the press right before meeting with Robert Woodson Sr., an adviser to House Speaker Paul Ryan on issues of poverty. Woodson says he’s being considered for a post in Donald Trump’s administration as secretary for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Watch the video here

Trump welcomed Woodson and was outside with him and Mike Pence when he asked the press, “How you guys doing out there? Need anything?” Some of the New York press answered, “Yeah, hot chocolate, it’s getting cold out here.” What did our new president do? He sent out hot chocolate, coffee and sandwiches.

The mark of a true gentleman, a class act … that’s our newly elected president.

Pray a hedge of protection around him, his family, and his administration, and for divine wisdom in all that he does.

Trump’s early presidential choices

As much as people refuse to believe it, the company you keep does have an impact and influence on your choices, and that my friends, is why Donald J. Trump will choose well. He just has to make sure everyone in his boat is rowing, and not drilling holes when he’s not looking.

Those of us who are long time researchers into people in politics know that Mr. Trump has chosen very well with some, and not so well with others, but wait and watch. We all must remember that this is the man who got himself elected, and knew how to do it. Right now, he’s like an angel in kindergarten, and he will make some mistakes, but he’s already rectified a couple, so hang on to your hats, because this man is a quick study! The Revolution has begun!

Three different groups of people ran his campaign, all of whom were excellent for the time he needed them. The democrat controlled media made hay out of it, and excoriated everything he did, insinuating that he was losing it by naming new people, when he knew exactly what he was doing. 

Matthew 10:6 often comes to mind when I think of the brilliance of our new President, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”

How many times our new President has proven to us that he has a plan, and we didn’t see it. His plan and his goals worked. He is our new President, despite the despicable lies spewed for months by the Democrat (read Clinton) controlled media.

Let’s look at some of his fabulous choices.

Nigel Farage and Trump

Don’t these two great guys look happy! By now we’ve all heard that Nigel Farage has joked about being President Trump’s Ambassador to the European Union. He should be Britain’s Ambassador to the United States, so we could get our bust of Churchill back in the White House! 

Link] Americans love Nigel, and so does Trump; he’s a terrific friend. 

Reince Priebus, Chief of Staff

Mike Savage is going crazy over the appointment of Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff. The nationally syndicated talk-radio host pledged to hold Trump’s feet to the fire and he is keeping his word, criticizing the appointment of Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus as White House chief of staff.

Steve Bannon for Chief Strategist

Dingy Harry says Trump must rescind his Steve Bannon appointment, but that isn’t going to happen Senator Reid! Trump has named Steve Bannon White House Chief Strategist, and as such, he and Reince Priebus will be working closely together to help President Trump.

As David Horowitz pointed out, the source for the claim that Bannon is anti-Semitic is “a one sentence claim from an angry ex-wife in divorce court no less, that Bannon didn’t want their kids to go to school with Jews.” Horowitz noted in response that Bannon had wanted to produce a Horowitz biopic: “I find that particularly amusing since Bannon wanted to make a film to celebrate this Jew’s life.”


CNN actually claimed that Bannon wrote an article about Bill Kristol entitled, Bill Kristol, a Renegade Jew. Their big mistake was that the article was actually written by David Horowitz, a fellow Jew, and Steve Bannon had nothing to do with it.

Pamela Geller has openly stated she stands with Bannon. She said, “I am fortunate to say that I have known and worked with Steve Bannon ever since the tragic passing of Andrew Breitbart. While he was at Breitbart, he would ask me to write articles on pressing issues — usually several times each week. Longtime readers who are deeply familiar with my work know that I am a fiercely proud Jew and unapologetic Zionist. As long as I have known Steve, he has been an unabashed supporter of Israel, and of those of us who fight against Jew-hatred and racism. Unequivocally. He is whip-smart, courageous, bold, and loyal.

Former Breitbart employee, Jeff Shapiro, said the same thing. [Link]

The Real Anti-Semites in the Democrat Party

Want to know where the real anti-Semites are? In your own party Harry Reid, and one in particular is now being considered for the Chair of the DNC. His name is Keith Ellison, and he is the Democratic Congressman from Minnesota. He is one of only two Muslims in Congress, the other being Indiana’s André Carson. Harry Reid has endorsed Ellison for this position over former Vermont Governor, Howard Dean.

From Robert Spencer at Frontpage Magazine comes the truth:

In 2008, Ellison accepted $13,350 from the Muslim American Society (MAS) to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Muslim American Society is a Muslim Brotherhood organization: “In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation’s major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members.”
That’s from the Chicago Tribune in 2004, in an article that is now carried on the Muslim Brotherhood’s English-language website, Ikhwanweb.

to – denounce Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups.

Hamas has declared: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.” Ellison has spoken before several groups that have ties to Hamas, and has accepted money from a Muslim Brotherhood group; Hamas styles itself the Muslim Brotherhood for Palestine. Does Keith Ellison also, then, think that “killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah”? No establishment media “journalist” would ever dream of asking him that question, but it’s a fair one: Hamas repeatedly demonstrates genuine and murderous anti-Semitism, and Ellison has repeatedly shown himself willing and even eager to associate himself with Hamas-linked groups.

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn

The Field of Fight, to know he absolutely belongs in this role in the Trump administration.

Flynn, a highly decorated military intelligence officer, would serve as Mr. Trump’s principal point of contact with the State Department, the Pentagon and various U.S. intelligence agencies. Flynn left his position with the NIA, frustrated with working under the vacillations, aimless meandering and lack of a desire to win of the Obama White House. He became a vocal critic of the current White House after his departure.

Americans Voted Overwhelming for Trump

The entire map was red! Trump won the electoral college and the popular vote as well. The non-Partisan groups “Vote Stand” and “True the Vote” have just announced that they have completed an analysis of 180 million voter registrations, and have concluded that more than 3 million non-citizens voted on Election Day. [Link]

Just how much voter fraud occurred? We don’t know the answer to that, but we do know that the Trump campaign was all over the country watching. We also don’t know how many Chicago dead got up out of their graves to vote. It is my opinion, and it’s only an opinion, that had this been a totally honest election, blue would rarely have been seen on the map.

We won the election, and now we have to win the rest. The democrats are in dire straits, and that’s where we need to keep them. 

The Main Stream Media

Planned Parenthood is none-to-thrilled, nor impressed, by Donald J. Trump’s rise to the Presidency. They’ve been an ardent supporter of using protests to stop the billionaire mogul from achieving this position. And according to an article published on Fox News, they still are. 

There is a coordinated effort underway to create panic and unrest in America. The media is trying to sell us the line that the country is angry and upset over Trump’s election. Nothing could be further from the truth…they are selling another illusion.

Next, I want you to understand that these rioting, “heroes and patriots,” that the lying media are pushing and promoting as the greatest thing since 1776, are just a bunch of low-down, paid-for scum and thugs. They’re “Criminals.” 

And one more thing, once President Trump is sworn in, I hope he’ll send his Department of Justice after the likes of the scum openly endorsing the assassination of America’s new President.


I’ve been laughing at the number of anti-Trumpers marching through his office, Cruz, Romney, et al. The media is going bonkers reporting that these people may be appointed to a position in Trump’s administration. Most likely Trump is garnering support from factions who were against him, but he’s having fun doing it and watching the media guessing at what he’s up to. So far, Trump’s appointments have been skilled and well thought out…

Our blue-collar billionaire President, Donald J. Trump, will take only $1.00 per year in salary and very few vacations, if any. He says there’s a lot of work to be done, he’s so right!

Pray a hedge of protection around him, his family, and his administration. Pray for divine wisdom for this newly elected outsider. And pray for our country and her people.

Tennessee Senator Bob Corker is no conservative

Conservatism, we are told, is out-of-date. This charge is preposterous and we ought to boldly say so. The laws of God, and of nature, have no dateline. These principles are derived from the nature of man, and from the truths that God has revealed about His creation. To suggest that the Conservative philosophy is out of date is akin to saying that the Golden Rule, or the Ten Commandments or Aristotle’s Politics are out of date. —Barry Goldwater, Conscience of a Conservative 1960

Keeping Faith

Pat Buchanan recently stated, “Donald Trump should be magnanimous and gracious toward those whom he defeated this week, but his first duty is to keep faith with those who put their faith in him. And that means he has to choose outsiders, and choose them from outside the beltway. There are a few who are wonderful, Jeff Sessions, General Michael Flynn, Duncan Hunter, Jr., Rudy Giuliani, and others, but for the most part the beltway is full of establishment globalists.

America, the only nation ever founded in the name of liberty, never had a more ardent champion of liberty than Barry Goldwater. Simply put, Goldwater was in love with freedom. I never thought I’d see another man like Senator Goldwater, but now I have. Goldwater always spoke his mind no matter who was listening, and he was an ardent supporter of the Constitution and very limited government. 

Fifty-two years later, we have a new President who is very much like Barry Goldwater. He has given up a lifestyle of ease, comfort, joy, and time with his family to try to save our country. Why? Because he, like Goldwater, is in love with freedom, and he wants to keep it for all Americans. But he’s not a politician, so he really needs input from the grassroots.

By the way, Donald J. Trump also won the popular vote! [Link] And he took Michigan too! Electoral count, 306 to 232. 

President Trump’s Cabinet Choices

Many of the cabinet choices are excellent, and many of them are outsiders, but then there are a few who I wish were not on the list at all, and I wonder who is even doing any research on these candidates. Several of the choices truly scare me to death. Diane Kepus did a full review of the candidates in her recent article, and it is superb.

I actually wish our new President elect, would call on people with years of experience who are real outsiders. 

Right here in Knoxville, TN, we have a former sheriff with 33 years of law enforcement, who was trained in counter-terrorism in Israel, has managed a number of major disasters, is an FAA licensed helicopter pilot, FBI Certified Anti-Sniper, FBI Certified Hostage Negotiator, FBI Certified Instructor, FBI Advanced Firearms Instructor, and so much more that it would take pages to list. Here he is with our new President back whenTrump visited Knoxville, TN, and Hutchison headed up his security.

Not only that, but this former Sheriff was a Trump delegate to the Convention, and for 17 months worked for our new President-elect managing East Tennessee at his own expense. He would be perfect for the Department of Homeland Security!

But let’s take a look at one TN globalist on the list for Secretary of State…

Establishment Senator Bob Corker

If Senator Bob Corker joins the cabinet of President-elect Donald Trump, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam would appoint a replacement to fill the U.S. Senate seat he would leave behind. Bob Corker and Governor Haslam are two peas in a pod. Haslam campaigned in 2010 as a conservative Christian, which is a total oxymoron. 

As a matter of fact, ten days before the presidential election, Haslam publicly stated that Trump should drop out of the race. Then he told Tennessee, whose delegates went to Trump, that he did not vote for Trump. It’s what we’ve come to expect from this ultra-wealthy governor who spent $20 million to get elected in 2010. Both these men masquerade as something they are not. True conservative Tennesseans know that both Haslam and Corker are establishment globalists. Corker’s votes expose him.

Bailout Bob

American citizens fail every day, and we’re never bailed out, why are big corporations? Too big to fail is another lie from the pit. [Link]

Corker and Veterans

Although a bill to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system received nearly unanimous support in the U.S. House and Senate back in 2014, U.S. Sen. Bob Corker, voted against the measure twice.

Those voting in favor of the bill included U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee, and all nine members of the state delegation in the U.S. House, Republicans and Democrats.

The act, in its final form, would cost $16.3 billion. Included in that amount is $10 billion to allow veterans to receive care outside of the VA system under certain conditions, $5 billion for the VA to hire more medical personnel and $1.3 billion for leasing of 27 medical facilities in 18 states and Puerto Rico.



So, Bob Corker voted against one of the exact policies Donald Trump has put forward!

Corker and Amnesty

While 21 other Senators stood up and voted with Cruz, 28 Senators who had previously come out against executive amnesty voted in favor of fully funding it, including Corker. [Link]

Corker and the Muslim Brotherhood

Along with Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida, in late 2015, Sen. Cruz introduced legislation calling on the Obama administration to designate the Islamist political group, Muslim Brotherhood, as a foreign terrorist organization.

The bill, called the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act, came after a string of evidence suggested the group supports terrorism, and after similar moves from a handful of foreign countries in recent years.

“As this bill detailed, the Brotherhood’s stated goal is to wage violent jihad against its enemies, and our legislation is a reality check that the United States is on that list as well,” Cruz said in a statement.

Terrorism expert, Patrick Poole, wrote that the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker, had not even held hearings on the bill, much less arranged for it to be voted on. Bob Corker refused to act on a bill, that would not only be useful, but that would have caused Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama a great deal of discomfort. [Link]

Doesn’t much match up with Trump’s policies, does it?!

Corker and the Path to Citizenship

Here’s who voted for this “path to citizenship” bill. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) Jeff Chiesa (R-N.J.) Susan Collins (R-Maine) Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) Dean Heller (R-Nev.) John Hoeven (R-N.D.) Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) John McCain (R-Ariz.) Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and of course, Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). [Link] Same old bunch, isn’t it?

This certainly is not one of President Trump’s policies.

Corker Rejects Blocking Arms to Saudis

In September of 2016, a bill to block a huge American arms deal to Saudi Arabia failed to pass in the Senate. Lawmakers voted 71-27 to table Senate Joint Resolution 39.

The bill would have halted a $1.15 billion sale of hundreds of U.S.-made tank structures, machine guns, grenade launchers and armored vehicle structures, along with thousands of rounds of ammunition, to Saudi Arabia.

Sen. Corker opposed the bill. He joined several other lawmakers in arguing that the U.S. should help Saudi Arabia in order to “balance the power” in the Middle East against Iran. Corker also claimed that U.S. weapons can help the Saudi monarchy “fight terrorism.” [Link]

Foreign Workers and Refugees

Remember these Omnibus bills that were so horrendous? In 2015, Bob Corker voted for the FY2016 Omnibus Spending bill to increase foreign workers and refugees. Corker also voted in favor of H.R. 2029, the Omnibus Spending bill for 2016. This legislation increased the number of H-2B low-skilled, non-agricultural guest worker visas issued in 2016 from 66,000 to 264,000. It also increased funding for refugee resettlement to allow for an increase of 10,000 refugees in 2016.

No, this doesn’t match up with President Trump’s policies either.

Corker and the Iran Bill

Along with 98 other Senators, Bob Corker voted to pass the Corker Iran bill despite the fact that it cedes treaty power in regard to this Iran nuclear deal to Obama. 

Thanks to the efforts of Tennessee’s Bob Corker, the Obama Iran deal passed, and Corker was the one who cast the deciding 60th vote. Read all about his betrayal at Breitbart. The cost to the American taxpayer in not only in the billions of tax dollars given to one of the top terrorist promoting countries, but it endangers the entire middle east as well as the West.

Social Security and Medicare

Donald Trump says he’ll save Social Security and Medicare, and why shouldn’t he, we’ve paid into it all our working lives, and we still pay taxes on social security, not once, but twice. We pay into it with pre-taxed dollars, and then guess what, we get to pay taxes on it again after we retire and get it back. How very nice of the government to double tax us.

As for Medicare, all of us who have worked since 1965 have paid into Medicare. So, why does Senator Bob Corker want it classified as welfare when it is not? WE PAID FOR IT…IT IS OUR MONEY. Corker is attacking senior groups for protecting organizations for not supporting his legislation setting a Medicare Kill Switch with arbitrary spending caps, or the GOP/Ryan Budget bill which Senator Corker voted for or even means-testing the programs, turning them into welfare programs. [Link]



economic rescue bill and emphasized that the bill is about Main Street, not Wall Street, more double speak. He also voted for the New Start nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia that Obama promoted. This was a deal Hillary Clinton loved. And, don’t forget the rotten bipartisan Energy Reform Act of 2008.

There’s plenty more this left leaning Republican has voted for which is anathema to the policies of our newly elected President Trump. 

Hope Mr Trump remembers that.

Globalists on the left and right attacking Trump’s victory

Unity, Unity, Unity, the Lie from the Left

We do not want “unity” with the leftists in any way shape or form. We want what Donald Trump told us he was planning to do. The left with their “unity” garbage just wants to water down President Trump’s policies and plans for Making America Great Again. 

I tuned in to Rush Limbaugh today about half way through his program, and he too was saying stay away from bi-partisanship. We don’t need to make nice, they lost, it’s our game now. Nationwide, the Dems lost big in 2010, 2012, and 2014. The people have voiced their opinion. We simply cannot squander this opportunity to destroy the left. It is up to the Republicans to stand firm for a change, and President Trump will have to demand they do just that.

Trump Must Maintain Results of Victory

Our new President must maintain the results of Tuesday’s victory. It will take fortitude, spine, and guts, which we know Donald J. Trump has in spades. But I say this because Trump is, above all things, a kind, generous gentleman, but in the arena of President, he must remain hardcore on what he has promised the American people, and what he wants to do. He’s done that in the business world, and he now will have to do the same thing as the world’s greatest leader.

RINO McConnell will fight you. He shot down or expressed little enthusiasm in some of Trump’s plans. He even declined to discuss the Senate’s immigration agenda further. McConnell also threw cold water on Trump’s infrastructure plans, calling it not a top priority. Bridges, roads and airports are in total disrepair and McConnell says it’s not a top priority! I truly have little use for the likes of these leftists who call themselves conservative Republicans. They are more foul than even the Democrat left because they masquerade as conservatives, when in fact they have the same agenda as the left. A false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy.

Gingrich Explains the Left’s Tactics

Sean Hannity interviewed establishment CFR member Newt Gingrich the day after the election, and Sean said he had to resist stating the names of all the people who not only sabotaged the Trump campaign, but who refused to help him. 

Newt answered him saying, “The little whiny negative sniveling cowards, who were NeverTrumpers, are beneath our paying attention to them. Let them drift off into the ashbin of history while we go ahead and work with Donald Trump and with the house and senate Republicans to create a dramatically new future.”


Hannity then asked Newt if the old order establishment Republicans will, as quickly as they can, turn on Trump to stop the progress he’s laid out, even with the mandate Trump received from the American people. 

I am certainly not a fan of Newt Gingrich, but what he said next is exactly how the neo-con’s work…they are weasels, and they’ll try anything to damage President Trump’s efforts to restore America. 

Gingrich explained, “Their technique won’t be to turn on him. Their technique will be to say, ‘Oh be reasonable. Don’t push too hard. Don’t force the issue. Find a compromise with Democrats. Maybe you shouldn’t name one of the justices who is conservative on your list. Maybe you should find a nice moderate acceptable to the democrats.’” 

“Down that road is a disaster. So, we have to be aware that the danger is not that they will actively fight. The danger is that they’re going to offer honeyed words of subversion that undermines the entire movement to Make America Great Again.” 

Newt said Trump will move America back to being great again, drain the swamp in Washington, and provide far better experiences for every American. But our new President will have to remain vigilant.

Remember the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero!

Trump Meets with Obama

In Obama’s meeting with President elect Trump, we heard his lies when he said, “We are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed, because if you succeed the country succeeds.” What a pile of kaka! 

NAFTA to be Renegotiated, TPP Dead

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday he is willing to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which US President-elect Donald Trump has said he wants to change or scrap. [Link]


Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday told trade unions the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal is dead in the new Congress, aligning with a key element of President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda for the first 100 days. This is wonderful! [Link]


Trump’s policies have already made a difference in America. The European populists are rejoicing, other than a few like Hillary’s favorite world leader, Germany’s globalist Angela Merkel. Freedom and liberty can spread like wildfire! But there are dangers…and they come in the form of false friends. Those who sabotaged and disavowed Trump are now saying they’ll work with him. These globalists will try to worm their way into the administration. Careful, Mr. President, they are sly and they lie!

A lot can happen in the next seven weeks. We all need to be watchmen on the wall, and President Trump will have to be very wary of who he appoints. Several people he has mentioned for posts need to be deleted. Thankfully, our new President is a quick study, and he doesn’t have a problem saying, “You’re fired.”

P.S. A special note. I want to thank Paul Walter for so many ideas for my articles. This article’s subject matter is another one of his. Thanks also to the hundreds of emails from readers who were so kind to write to me and thank NewsWithViews for printing such wonderful articles on Trump. It truly was a huge group effort. NWV lost a couple writers because Mr. Walter refused to post their anti-Trump articles.

And one last thing. Please pray daily for President Trump, his wife and family, and his administration. Pray a hedge of protection around them all, and pray for divine wisdom for our 45th President of the United States.
Thank God we have a president who loves freedom!

The morning after, and victory is sweet

How many of you stayed up all night to watch the final electoral votes come in with Pennsylvania giving Donald J. Trump the victory? The entire day, I never turned on the TV, never tuned into Fox News, because I didn’t want to listen to the pundits with their idiocy about this race. The talking heads make me want to kick the television.

Praying throughout the day was what I was led to do. Even listening to Rush Limbaugh was off the agenda. Silence was truly golden. Many of us just rested in the Lord knowing all was in His Hands.

My husband and I watched a movie, and then he retired for the night. At 10:30 EST, I found an electoral map on the web and watched it for the rest of the night. Wow, what a race, a real nail biter, which it wouldn’t have been without vote fraud, and if our media actually did their jobs.

Trump was at 254 and needed only 16 more electoral votes. Pennsylvania would give him 20, and Michigan would give him 16, but if Hillary took those states, then he needed Arizona with 11, Vermont with 4, and Alaska with 3, to win. The media dragged it out and wouldn’t give Pennsylvania to Trump until very early in the morning. (Surely they made more money that way). Finally, Pennsylvania was called for Trump and he was the winner. Arizona, Alaska, Michigan and Pennsylvania went to Trump, but Vermont went to Hillary.

Paul Walter, CEO of NewsWithViews, and another friend both called me when Trump was announced as the winner. Like so many others, we were absolutely joyous and overwhelmed with thanksgiving and relief. Hallelujah…praise God for answered prayer!

President elect Donald J. Trump is God’s gift to America. God’s Hand was all over this campaign and election!

Battered and Bruised, and Victorious!

From the very beginning, when Trump and his wife walked down the staircase in Trump Tower to announce his campaign for the presidency, the globalists on both sides of the aisle excoriated this man’s abilities. The attacks were vitriolic and biased. The primary campaign debates were demonstrative of the hatred by the media and the other candidates. Why? Because Trump is not in their globalist cabal! He’s an outsider…one who loves America, loves her people, and wants her to be strong just as she was when he was a youngster and watched his father build his business.


The Never Trumpers

Remember William F. Buckley’s National Review list of Never TrumpRepublicans who would rather have the corrupt socialist Hillary than vote for an outsider who wasn’t in their globalist cabal? Topping off that list was none other than Bilderberger Bill Kristol, crazy Glenn Beck, Cal Thomas, Ed Meese, Michael Medved, Erick Erickson, Brent Bozell and Club for Growth’s pro-amnesty, David McIntosh. The only one on the list of Never Trumpers who shocked me was Thomas Sowell. Sad, but true. These people would actually prefer another Trotskyite Republican who would lose to the corrupt hardcore socialist, Hillary Clinton, rather than have an outsider who could win and truly Make America Great Again!

Mitt Romney condemned Donald Trump despite the fact that he called Trump in 2012 begging for support and help in winning his campaign. Trump went to bat for him and funded his campaign, but when Trump was campaigning, Romney turned his back on him. Why? Because the Never Trumpers from National Review, Lindsey Graham, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney, are all globalist insiders. But Trump is an outsider who wants to Make America Great Again! And where did Romney go to spew his hatred for Mr. Trump? To the Hinckley Institute…does that name ring a bell? [Link]

The Media

The leftist media spewed its negative diatribe against Trump daily, looking for any crack in his armor to expose him as a foul human being who has no right to even run for high office. The rightwing media was equally as vitriolic in its hatred of Trump. Megyn Kelly on Fox News epitomized the distaste for this blue-collar billionaire beloved by America’s citizens. Of course, few people know that Fox News funded Hillary to the tune of $3 million and allegedly 96% of their employees vote democratic. Fair and balanced my backside.

Not one of the moderators in the primary debates or the three debates with Clinton even came close to being a Republican, much less a conservative, so Mr. Trump had to put up with the leftist pro-Clinton cabal asking every debate question. Then too, Donna Brazile fed the debate questions to Hillary in advance…how special of her. Cheaters didn’t win this time!

The MSM didn’t report squat on the very telling Assange WikiLeaks’ emails, and they ignored or downplayed all of Hillary Clinton’s treasonous activities with Pay to Play, her emails on private cell phones, and the Clinton Foundation.

World Leaders Happy

Obviously, our new President elect has already made a number of foreign leaders quite happy. Not only will there be mutual respect between President Trump and these leaders, but there will also be renewed respect for the United States. Eight years of dealing with Obama has obviously strained many relationships. A number of leaders phoned our new President the day after the election.

Reuters reported that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who happens to be a Muslim, was the first international call made to President-elect Trump, coming on Wednesday. President al-Sisi expressed his hopes of fostering closer diplomatic ties with the US under the Trump administration.

Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu is certainly happy. For eight years, he has had to deal with Obama treating him as though he’s a nuisance. President Obama has made deals with the country who is Israel’s number one enemy, and ignored Netanyahu’s plaintive objections. [Link]

Bibi called President elect Trump and said, “My friend, congratulations on being elected president of the United States of America. You are a great friend of Israel. Over the years you’ve expressed your support consistently, and I deeply appreciate it.” He added he was “confident, the two of us, working closely together, will bring the great alliance between our two countries to even greater heights.”

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, who has been engaged in an ongoing war of words with Obama and the UN and has expanded to include some diplomatic collateral damage, also offered a congratulatory message. Duterte has been disgusted with Obama’s dismissive, dictatorial manner of dealing with the Filipino leader. He is clearly delighted that Obama’s successor was beaten. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin was optimistic, with the Kremlin writing that Mr. Putin, “expressed hope for joint work to restore Russian-American relations from their state of crisis, and also to address pressing international issues and search for effective responses to challenges concerning global security.”

Trump Supporters Joyous

The working-class Americans have taken our country back. They were tired of losing, and said, Enough! Then they went out in droves and voted for the blue-collar billionaire businessman who spoke their language.


All the grassroots Americans who have supported Mr. Trump from the beginning of his campaign, are ecstatic, and we know in our hearts that God has blessed our nation. We also know that there is a lot of very hard work ahead of Mr. Trump, and that the administration he chooses will be responsible for accomplishing the goals he has set forth.

Our new President will need prayer, as will his wife and family, and his entire administration. His job will not be an easy one, but I am confident that our nation will see changes that will greatly benefit all her people. 

One long battle is over, and now many new ones will begin, but we have a leader who we can be proud to call our President.

The best man to lead this republic, Donald J. Trump

Who Will You Choose, God or Man?

Tomorrow is the election, the day the nation decides whether they want the man given to us by God to lead us out of the mire, or whether we will continue with the corruption, greed, and globalization of our nation.

I believe Donald J. Trump will win, and win big. Our God is a mighty and glorious God. He gave us a choice with Donald J. Trump, and I choose to speak and act positively, rather than the negativity of the talking head pundits who are trying to convince us Trump doesn’t have a chance. Neither do I believe the polls, polls that are skewed to destroy our fervor and faith. 

Refusing Negativity

My dear friend Suzy said it best:

Our words set on fire the course of nature whether for good or evil.

WHY lend credence to the enemy’s efforts to destroy America with their own doubts, wavering’s, double-mindedness and unbelief?

We NEED to come into AGREEMENT!

Donald Trump will win in a landslide more than the 1980 election…keep the faith, look up, and stand on God’s promises.

Not long ago I was talking to a very dear friend and we were talking about Donald Trump. This is a man who often quotes Philippians 4:8 to me, about “thinking on the good things.” He said a very negative thing to me regarding what the powers that be would do to Trump. I will not repeat it because I refuse to, and I rebuffed his comment, and told him not to say it aloud again. Why speak what the demons of the air and the two legged demons on earth will rejoice in hearing?

Instead, pray a hedge of protection around Mr. Trump, his family, and his entire campaign. Pray for our nation, and thank God for inspiring this man to give the nation his all to save our beloved country. 

Surely many of my readers have seen the negative article allegedly written by Bill Bennett. If not, look it up because I refuse to restate what was said in this article, and I rejected his words every time it came into my email. Negativity spreads like wildfire, but things of good report are rarely repeated. (Except “How ‘bout them Cubbies?!” does actually work this year!)
God’s Bible Heroes Weren’t Perfect

Truly, the only perfect person in God’s Word, was God himself! All the other heroes of the Bible were far less than perfect, just old sinners like the rest of us.

Moses, David and Paul come to mind when I think of Bible heroes…heroes that God used despite their weaknesses, sin and failures, and these three were murderers. 

Think about it. Noah got drunk. Abraham was very old, and his wife Sara very impatient. Jacob was a cheater. King David was an adulterer and murderer. Solomon had many concubines who influenced his belief in God. Moses was a murderer, a doubter, had anger issues, and he stuttered. Aaron decided a golden calf was worth worshipping. Jonah ran from God (remember Nineveh?). Gideon was terribly insecure. Miriam was a gossip. Elijah was moody. Paul was a murderer. Peter was a liar and denier. Thomas was a doubter. And on and on with the heroes we know were God’s chosen to do His work. Not a one of these heroes was perfect, but they were chosen by God for His purposes.

Many folks question Mr. Trump’s Christianity. He is private about his faith, but he has shown it in so many other ways. He is fervent about attending church, and yes, I know going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. Yet, actions speak so much louder than words, and Trump never talks about his generosity to others, the recipients do! The Bible doesn’t call very many folks “good men,” but I believe this man, Donald J. Trump, is truly a good man.

It is why I want you all to watch one more short video from a Puerto Rican man who worked for Mr. Trump in the early 80s. His story is one that we’ve heard many times. The heart of Mr. Trump is a heart of love and compassion. Listen to William Campudoni tell of how Donald J. Trump gave him a chance like no one else would.

Courage, Compassion and a Spine of Steel

Truly, Trump has courage in his soul, compassion in his heart, and steel in his spine. How many could put up with the constant attacks, lies, and distortions of his words that he’s put up with for over a year? Every rally he’s done he’s seen all of us out there cheering for him. We are the people he loves and wants to help, and this has kept him strong and driven. 

Last December 2015, I wrote an article about the Book of Jonah, which is only four chapters long and tells the story of Jonah, the whale, and the City of Nineveh. I’ve often thought that Donald Trump is here to give America her Nineveh…a respite from the destruction.

has to be a supernatural power behind him.”

From the start, Donald Trump had few supporters and a lot of scoffers and mockers yet God brought the man tremendous victories! I thank Him for raising up a bold leader for clearly His Almighty hand is upon the man. We are well aware that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever! From Israel, comes this picture of our Jewish friends for Trump.

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Please join us in this national need for our collective voices to be heard above the voting booths, and to all citizens in our country who have yet to make up their minds.

Dearly Beloved God in Heaven, 

You know our needs, our desires, and our fears for our America. You know our hearts. We come to Your throne with a final prayer for this election and our beloved nation. Please give us a president who loves our country and everything she once stood for, a nation who respects YOU as the one true God. Please dear Lord, give us a president who will, with Your help, restore America to her former glory, the way You intended her to be…the bastion of freedom and liberty to all the world. Please help us to respect, honor, and thank you daily for all You have given us and never to take anything for granted. Lord God, we plead our cause, weaken and destroy the evil permeating our culture and political realm, and strengthen the good to bring honor and glory to Your Holy Name.

May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and His Son, Jesus, the Christ, bless this nation with a leader who will truly “drain the swamp.” Amen and Amen.

The incestuous elitist establishment and the Clintons

“The public needs to know the kinds of things a government does in its name or the ‘consent of the governed’ is meaningless…The consent of the governed is not consent if it is not informed.” —Edward Snowden

“The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution.” —Thomas Jefferson

An investigation into the Clinton Foundation has actually been ongoing for a long time and is the core of all the investigations, even though we just heard about it. Hillary was hiding a private server in her basement in New York, and was using this server to hide her activities. Those activities were about soliciting donations from foreign governments to get personal payments to the Foundation. Why? For two reasons, Hillary’s access to government policy for these foreign governments while Secretary of State, and to enrich the Clinton family! Only 10% of what is taken in by this so-called charity foundation is given to charity. The rest is for expenses!

Totally unconstitutional, and if she gets off, this will be repeated by future Democrats and Republicans, and foreign entities will have total access to America’s politics.

Investigators are now 99%sure that five foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into Hillary’s private email server. She put our national security in jeopardy! Will she ever be indicted? Highly doubtful with the way the DOJ and FBI are stacked with her friends. Alan Dershowitz says Hillary will never be indicted. Maybe he’s right, but we have a powerful God on our side, and I believe the truth will out!

So, let’s take a look at the Department of Justice and FBI.

Peter Kadzik and John Podesta

John Podesta is Hillary’s campaign manager. Peter Kadzik is Podesta’s best friend, and another Clinton stooge. Kadzik, is the attorney general who now promises an “expedited review” of the Huma/Weiner/Clinton emails, and he was Marc Rich’s attorney. But wait…remember Marc Rich?

The Field of Fight, and you’ll know more about Iran and how very dangerous they are to our freedoms.)

This all happened before Kadzik joined the Justice Dept. in 2013. He was lobbying Clinton’s Chief of Staff, John Podesta, for help obtaining a pardon for the fugitive Rich, which he received. It appeared, and was reported, that Kadzik was recruited by the Rich people, specifically because of his friendship with Podesta.

Peter Kadzik and WikiLeaks

Two Different Investigations

These investigations are being conducted by a completely different team of FBI agents who are under the purview of prosecutors of the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn. This is the office that Attorney General, Loretta Lynch ran for six years when she was appointed by Bill Clinton. Obama chose her from the Eastern District and made her Attorney General. While Lynch was at the Eastern District, she staffed it, and all the prosecutors and employees at this District are still Lynch’s. Here’s where it gets ugly. This is apparently the office that has the Clinton Foundation investigation, ahem…

Okay, the FBI works for the Department of Justice. The email investigation of Hillary’s email server is allegedly happening out of the Manhattan office, Southern District of New York. It is this latter office that has come across the emails from Weiner’s and Abedin’s laptop which they were apparently both using at home. This came about because of an investigation into the perverted internet acts by Weiner with a minor. 

This group in Manhattan has asked the other team for everything they have on the Foundation, and it is not being shared. Why? Because Loretta Lynch who works for Obama and was appointed by Clinton has dug in her heels. Her Justice Department is blocking the FBI team from examining emails in connection with its investigation of the Foundation. If it wasn’t for the Clinton Foundation, there wouldn’t be a Hillary email scandal because FBI Director Comey already stated that there was no crime committed…cough, cough…”no intent to commit a crime,” when Hillary was trafficking in emails that might have been classified.

When the one team started looking at Weiner’s emails, and they found Foundation emails, when Huma had stated she’d turned in everything, well…the kaka poopoo hit the fan, because it looked like Huma lied! The FBI team needs further evidence, and wanted info from the Eastern District, but they are being blocked.

In Andrew McCarthy’s article of 2 November 16, he asked this question, “Why is Lynch rushing the search for classified e-mails but blocking the pay-to-play corruption probe? It’s well worth the read, even though it’s at the National Review! He says this is why the agents on the Clinton Foundation team wanted to get their investigation out of the Eastern District office and move it to the Southern District in Manhattan. The Southern District has a tradition of relative independence from the Justice Department and a reputation for pursuing political corruption cases aggressively. The US Attorney at the Southern District is Preet Bharara and he is known for prosecuting Republicans and Democrats who have engaged in illegal activities and corruption. 

FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe

The Clinton Foundation FBI Agents were said to be barred from prosecutor shopping by FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe. According to a recent WSJ article, McCabe also instructed FBI agents who wanted to pursue a Clinton Foundation investigation aggressively to “stand down.” Why? Well, here’s the other incestuous connection.

Terry McAuliffe, long time Clinton fundraiser and intimate, sent $675,000 to the failed state senate campaign of McCabe’s wife.

McCabe has had a leadership role in the investigation of Hillary’s private email and homebrew server in her New York mansion while Secretary of State. The connections are far too suspect. McCabe should recuse himself from further involvement in the Hillary email investigation, but so far he hasn’t. 

Rotten in Denmark

There is a distinct whiff of something rotten in Denmark in this whole scenario. Podesta and Kadzik, McAuliffe and McCabe, Obama and Lynch, all of them are obviously protecting the corrupt Hillary Clinton. 

What a convoluted mess this woman and her cronies have given us. This is far and above even a Clancy novel…but it’s all true!

Trump is absolutely right when he says, “It is Rigged!” And he’s absolutely right when he says, “Drain the Swamp!”

The only choice is the outsider, the non-globalist, the man who loves America and her people, the man who wants the Constitution to prevail, the man who wants to build our military, the man who wants to take great care of our veterans, the man who hates abortion, the man who wants to close our borders and save our sovereignty, the man who wants to restore great healthcare, the man who wants to appoint conservative originalists to the Supreme Court, the man who wants to stop the influx of dangerous Islamists into our country, the man who supports our second amendment, and the man who will make the greatest president of the United States since Franklin Pierce. 

Franklin was a man for the Constitution and the people, and that is what Donald J. Trump represents. Vote for him, and you’ll vote to save and restore our nation. We need this amazing businessman to lead our nation back to health.

Pray for him, pray for his family, and pray for our nation. God gave us this man and this opportunity…vote for saving America! Vote for Donald J. Trump!

Clinton campaign imploding, Abedin in hot water

“Additionally, when she walked around the White House, NO ONE was permitted to look her in the eye, they all had to lower their heads with their eyes towards the ground whenever she walked by. Clearly she is a class act!”—Ronald Kessler, Inside the White House

Hillary is Once Again Under Investigation

Abedin has worked for Hillary Clinton for 21 years as her number one aide, and her presence has been fodder for any number of conservative articles, including my own, because of her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which makes this entire FBI investigation even more interesting.

She previously was granted an immunity deal by the FBI, as were other Clinton staff.

By withholding evidence during her FBI interview, that she had a home computer and then lying that she only printed emails at the State Dept., not home, Huma Abedin just wrote a big fat VOID over her immunity deal. So, is she going to talk or face jail? My guess is she’ll plead the 5th. She is not on the plane with Hillary to Florida, although she was on the plane yesterday to Iowa. Hillary doesn’t want her around apparently. When you play with fire, you often get burned.

This could not have happened at a worse time for Hillary Clinton. I wonder what kind of deal Obama is making to be kept out of this mess. She is now a cornered animal, and one I would consider even more dangerous than she is normally.

Huma Testified to Hillary’s Burned Schedules

Yes, Huma Abedin testified in a deposition last July where she indicated that Hillary Clinton destroyed a ton of her schedules when she was Secretary of State. Why would she put hundreds of her own travel logs in a burn bag to have destroyed? Aren’t all of her travels as Secretary documented by the government?

In that deposition, it was obvious that Huma was also “extremely careless” with some sensitive documents, and even emailed another aide to tell her that Hillary’s schedule was left sitting on a bed in an unlocked hotel room. 

There’s more…WikiLeaks revealed that Abedin had access to Hillary’s Secretary of State email address that wasn’t secured! Hillary apparently naps quite frequently because of a mental health issue, or maybe because of one too many cocktails, but nevertheless, she allowed Huma to use her email server to send replies and read what was coming in. Abedin did NOT have the clearance to operate under this capacity, but Hillary allowed her to do so. 

Assange and Judicial Watch Release New Emails

In Julian Assange’s latest release of 296 emails, it is believed that Huma Abedin has committed a number of felonies. Judicial Watch, in working with WikiLeaks, says these emails show that Hillary has committed more crimes, but also that Abedin is complicit.


The new documents reveal that in April 2009, controversial Clinton Foundation official, Doug Band, pushed for a job for an associate. In the email, Band tells Hillary Clinton’s former aides at the State Department, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, that it is “important to take care of [Redacted]. Band is reassured by Abedin that, “Personnel has been sending him options.” Band is co-founder of Teneo Strategy with Bill Clinton, and a top official of the Clinton Foundation, including its Clinton Global Initiative.

Remember that Doug Band was originally Bill Clinton’s close aide, and John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign manager, whose WikiLeaks emails are of great interest, was Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff.

Doug Band actually directed Abedin and Cheryl Mills to put Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire and Clinton Foundation donor, Gilbert Chagoury, in touch with the person at the State Dept. on Lebanon. He insisted to Huma and Cheryl that Chagoury is a key guy. Of course he is, because he’s a close friend of Bill Clinton’s and a top donor to his Foundation. According to foundation documents, he’s a top donor of between $1 and $5 million. And…get this, he pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative. But there’s even more…Chagoury was convicted in Switzerland in 2000 for laundering money from Nigeria and had to repay $66 million to the Nigerian government. The corruption runs deep.

What they were doing was a clear violation of the ethics agreements Hillary had to sign before becoming Secretary of State. She promised she would not participate personally and substantially in any particular matter involving specific parties in which The William J. Clinton Foundation (or the Clinton Global Initiative) were involved.

“No wonder Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin hid emails from the American people, the courts and Congress,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “They show the Clinton Foundation, Clinton donors, and operatives worked with Hillary Clinton in potential violation of the law.”

In June, Judicial Watch uncovered two batches (here and here) of new Clinton email records through court-ordered discovery.

Twice in May, Judicial Watch uncovered new Clinton emails, including emails that show Clinton knew about the security risk of her BlackBerry (see hereand here).

This is another email find also at odds with her official campaign statementsuggesting all “work or potentially work-related emails” were provided to the State Department.

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch discusses his team’s findings in this video.

Social Media Black Out

FBI emails are not trending on Twitter, on Facebook, on Buzz feed, or Snap Chat. What is trending on Twitter now is the top story that Hillary Clinton is winning! Control, control, control. The 5th story on Twitter is, “Was James Comey Wrong to Write to Congress!”

The FBI has opened a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT! And you can’t find squat about it on social media! 

What kind of genius loses $6 billion dollars, four American lives, a laptop, four cell phones, three tablets, and 33,000 emails all while Secretary of State? A criminal, that’s what kind!

Hillary has learned from countless previous scandals that lying and obfuscating allows you to get away with criminal conduct. 

Trump is right, it’s way past time to Drain the Swamp!

Donald J. Trump: fearless courage, for God, for family and for country

Bias has always been a factor in journalism. It’s nearly impossible to remove. Humans have their thoughts, and keeping them out of your work is difficult. But 2016 saw the remaining veneer of credibility, thin as it was, stripped away and set on fire. —Derek Hunter, Former NeverTrumper Talk Show Host

The Spine of Steel

In the face of the most horrific attacks on his person, his family, and his policies, Trump has withstood the avalanche of media bias and hatred and never wavered. He has shown he definitely has what it takes to be the 45th President of the United States of America.

Remember the one man in China’s Tiananmen Square who stood defiantly against the tanks? He was mowed down for wanting freedom. The Clinton Machine including main stream media, the Justice Department, the republican 5th column, and every globalist in America, has excoriated Trump with lies, hatred, and half-truths. They too wanted Trump mowed down. But he stood defiantly in the face of all the hatred. And he stood because he knows that America is on the precipice of destruction and only he can save her. He has shown a spine of steel, true chutzpah!

He gave up a life of leisure, a life filled with wonderful accomplishments, with family, with business, with his children, and he did it for America, and for all of us, and he continually tells us that he loves us.

I’m so proud to have been a supporter of this amazing man from the very beginning of his campaign.

FBI Reopens Investigation into Hillary Email Use

Trump, speaking to cheering supporters Friday afternoon in Manchester, N.H., praised the FBI for having the “courage” to “right the horrible mistake that they made” – saying he hopes that is “corrected.” 

“Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before,” Trump said. “We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.”
In a nod to the significance of the FBI’s announcement, Trump quipped: “The rest of my speech is going to be so boring.”

WikiLeaks Has Finally Burst the Hillary Clinton Bubble

If Bill Clinton can pardon the Riches, then Donald Trump can pardon and bring home, Julian Assange. 

Be sure to watch the Fox segment below:

Indictment Coming for Hillary?

Of course, the question remains, will the powers-that-be protect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Julian Assange assures us that the next batch of emails he releases will be enough to indict Hillary. Assange also made it clear that there is no evidence of Russian involvement, despite the Clinton campaign’s claims. 

Julian Assange is still holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, but he’s sure been busy! Not only has he released 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Committee, now he says he’ll be releasing more, enough to see Hillary Clinton indicted and arrested. All I can say is, “It’s about danged time.”

Assange has given a number of interviews where he states there is no evidence that any of these emails came from Russian sources. He has said that the DNC servers were ripe for hacking and were riddled with holes. He says that when the Clinton Campaign talks about having proof the emails were hacked by Russians, he says he doesn’t know what they’re talking about, but they’re not talking about my leak. He said that maybe someday his sources will step forward and some will have egg on their faces.

Of course, it’s not important where the emails come from, but what is in them! What they have now is the Clinton Campaign using diversion to escape the truth of these emails…what she does is blame the Russians, blame the Russians, over and over again, and say that these were private emails that were hacked. Well, Hill, your private emails have exposed you and your entire rotten corrupt campaign.

No kidding Hillary, they were emails that were not on a secured server. You got people killed because of your ineptness and laziness as the Secretary of State under the Obama administration, who absolutely detests you and your husband. I wouldn’t be surprised if Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama are gleeful about this.

We know that Obama supports you only because he wants you to continue his policies. We know and Obama knows that Donald J. Trump will dismantle everything that this Marxist Muslim loving president has done to our beloved country.

Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin and Chelsea Clinton

The possibility of Hillary occupying the White House again is frightening…we know too much about this woman. She has consistently covered up the controversy regarding her unauthorized emails, she was on trial for how she responded to the Benghazi attack which left four Americans dead because of her failure to react in time to save them. Bill really hasn’t helped her out as he has grabbed headlines for his sex scandals, and his ill-gotten statements while campaigning. Hillary continually blames innocent Trump for the things that she herself has done. She’s guilty…we all know it.

Clinton emails that prompted a review were actually found on Anthony Weiner’s device…so just how much did Huma Abedin tell her husband, Anthony Weiner? The guy is a total pervert. So, where does this leave us? Trump’s statements about Weiner were spot on when he called him a security risk reflective of Hillary’s bad judgment.

The “pay to play” Clinton Foundation has been exposed with emails from the former president’s daughter, whose name is on the foundation, accusing his aides of “hustling” business to win clients at foundation events. We have Chelsea insisting that these aides were taking “significant sums of money from my parents personally.”

And we have longtime Hillary loyalist Huma Abedin concerned about the former secretary of State promising to attend a foundation event in Morocco at the request of its king, who had just promised a $12-million donation to the foundation. “She created this mess and she knows it,” Abedin wrote.


Just remember, a lot can happen in 10 days, and I really don’t trust the entire Justice Department or anyone in this present administration. So, we have to keep working and praying. Hillary will not go down without a fight, and God only knows what she’ll do next.

This is not a rightwing conspiracy Hillary, you did this to yourself, and blessed be, Julian Assange is exposing all of it.

It’s time to elect a man who is not a politician. It’s time to elect an outsider. It’s time to elect a businessman. It’s time to elect someone who wants to make America great again. It’s time to elect a man who will DRAIN THE SWAMP! Vote to save America! Vote for Donald J. Trump.

Who will the presidential candidates bring with them into power

Who Will They Bring with Them?

Just think about how many people come with the president, their programs, their policies, and the departments they fill! Each person they choose affects the lives of all Americans. There’s the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veteran’s Affairs. Then there’s the Cabinet and the many thousands of government employees who promote programs throughout the country.

Fr. Orsi warns that one of these candidates can be very dangerous to our faith, our freedoms, and our families. He says, “The results of this election will touch us in a very personal way. Therefore, we have to make the right choice.”

Health and Human Services

He goes on to give us just a few examples of areas we need to be concerned about. The person in charge of Health and Human Services will have plenty to say about contraception and abortion. This choice can interfere with our freedoms, especially the freedom of religion. Whereas Trump would choose a devout pro-lifer, Hillary would choose someone like Cecil Richards, the head of Planned Parenthood. 


Of course, we must be concerned about the Secretary of Education with the flourishing of common core. Fr. Orsi comments that education filters through every facet of our society, and how a nanny state can gain control over our whole curriculum and indoctrinate children in ways we can never imagine. The damage which could be done, in ways that can change the understanding of faith and family, and take away our freedom itself. Donald Trump has said that he wants to eliminate the Department of Education, but Hillary Clinton would enforce Common Core upon all schools. With Trump, there would be no Department of Education, he would turn it back to the states where it belongs.

The Supreme Court

“Perhaps most importantly,” comments Fr. Orsi, “We must be concerned about the courts in our country.” He comments that, “Many are aware there is one vacancy on the Supreme Court, and certainly there will be more. The court in recent years has become the arbiter of right and wrong in our country. If there is a progressive majority on that court, much of the legislation passed by an unfriendly president, could very much affect our wellbeing. But, there is more than that, there are the appellate courts, and many other lower courts which will be influenced by the person who is elected President of the United States. We can’t afford to make the wrong choice. Our very country depends upon voting correctly this November.”


Fr. Orsi’s comments are profound for today, especially for Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, which has already seen problems with the judiciary in local court.

The Core Problem in Politics Today

The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It, she presented the core problem in American politics today. There are no checks and balances on judicial power. For the past fifty years, liberal judges have moved beyond the strict interpretation of law to the creation of law. They have become legislators, and have sought to impose their leftist bias on the rest of the community. The rule of law has thus been replaced by the rule of judges: judges who are unelected and unaccountable. It is only too obvious in the lawsuit brought against Eagle Forum’s 501(c)4 entity. 

I’ve penned several articles on Eagle Forum in the last year, but in the most recent article, Treachery From Inside Eagle Forum Family, I explained the betrayal of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum by her youngest daughter, Anne Cori, and her cohorts.

The Eagle Forum Lawsuit

The judicial violations are obvious in the lawsuit against Eagle Forum’s 501(c)4 entity. The original suit was filed in April of 2016, and was limited to this one entity of Eagle Forum, the 501(c)4.

It has been suspected that all along this Gang of Six (Anne Cori and the five others on the board) wanted all the other entities of Eagle Forum. The Illinois judge in this case, despite being a republican, actually used the brief presented by Anne Cori’s attorneys, and stated that John Schlafly and Ed Martin had 24 hours to get out of Eagle Forum! There are five entities of Eagle Forum, and the lawsuit is only over one entity!

Quite obviously, this judge overstepped his bounds! Is he colluding with them? Does he not understand what the entire case is all about? Does he not understand that Eagle Forum is more than one entity? Is he stupid? Has he not read through the document. He should know better!

Illinois Judge John B. Barberis has ordered Eagle Forum (Schlafly’s website) to remove all pro-Trump articles posted after April 10, 2016.

This is key, because the judge is implying it is one organization, and it is not! Each of the five entities did not have separate websites, they all posted on the one! This judge is busy doing fund raising for his campaign for judge on a higher court, and Judge Barberis is the lowest rated judge in Illinois

So, even six weeks after her death, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly is still being attacked by the left, #NeverTrumpers and activist judges.

Remember Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Curiel is the democrat judge in charge of the Trump University case and guess who nominated him? Barack Hussein Obama. Do you actually believe there is no bias in his rulings on Trump’s University case? 

WikiLeaks, the Window into Hillary’s Mind

Catholics United and Catholics in Alliance of the Common Good, in order to change the teaching of the church. 

Please watch Fr. Orsi and these wonderful young millennials as they comment on our upcoming election.

This marvelous priest’s final comments are, 

By changing this, according to their own concept, we now have abortion on demand, we now have homosexual marriage, and we now have transgender rights, where people of the opposite gender may use locker-room facilities and bathrooms of a sex that is not consistent with their biological makeup. These things are an abomination to Almighty God. They contravene common sense. I believe our young people have a tremendous amount of common sense, that they are reasonable, but they must be guided. 

This election is one of the most important elections in the history of America. As a matter of fact, I believe it is the most important. Elections do have consequences, and unless Hillary Clinton is defeated in this election, America as we know it will be no more. I implore all of you, please vote our faith, our family, and our freedom depends on you voting the right way. God bless you.”

This election is our last to save this nation. Those who are standing in the gap to save America have stepped forward, and this is the video that tells the story.

Hillary and the FBI are shameless liars

Hillary’s Radical Training

There’s nothing new about radicals, camouflaging their agendas as moderates in order to disarm the public and their opposition. Devised by Communists, and originally from the likes of Lenin, they pretended to be democrats in order to form alliances with liberals, which would help them acquire the power to shut the democracy down. Saul Alinsky borrowed it for his use and taught multitudes how to use it, including Hillary Rodham Clinton. Her education with Alinsky began in 1961 when she was a freshman in high school.

It’s been used time and again throughout history. There’s really nothing new about these leftist radicals like Hillary, Kaine, Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders and the rest of the globalist ilk. They use the same agendas over and over again, and the dumbed down Americans fall for it. Why? Because the education was destroyed long ago, and the Soviet Polytech form of behavioral training replaced academic teaching. Gorbachev and Reagan struck the deals in 1985 and 1988, the US/Soviet Education Agreements, and that was the elimination of academic teaching.

Lenin and Castro were two of Alinsky’s heroes. He often used the slogan of Communist dictator, Mao Zedong, “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” The Black Panthers used it in the 60s, and still use it today. 

The FBI Found Guilty

How interesting, however, was the fact that one Black Panther never wanted violence in order to promote change. His name was Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt. He served two combat tours in Viet Nam, reaching the rank of Sergeant, was honorably discharged, earning two Bronze Stars, a Silver Star and two Purple Hearts.

In 1968, the FBI put an innocent man in prison for 27 years. This was long ago, and they’re again showing their true colors with Hillary’s email scandal. But first, let’s go back a bit to Hillary’s past.

Hillary’s Home in Park Ridge, Illinois

Somehow everything that comes out of Hillary’s mouth is a full-blown lie, or twisted truth.

FBI Dumps 100 Pages of Hillary Investigation

Even with much of this document redacted, there is damning information within it. Hillary should not be anywhere near the White House, much less running for the high office of President. Understand that this is from someone inside the FBI, it is not a WikiLeaks hacked email.

If you fully understand what the FBI is saying in these 100 pages, then you have to ask, how could the FBI decide this was not actionable? It’s so explosive, and Obama knew she was using a private server because he was communicating with her on it. So, when he told the public he heard about it on the news, he was lying, just like Hillary!


One of Hillary’s lines of defense was to claim, falsely, that she never sent or received classified documents on her off-the-books email system. But she did, and it was covered up, by the FBI, by the State Department, and by the White House.

In Jim Kouri’s recent article, he states that Hillary also told General Petraeus to use her private email and thousands of those are missing from the 30,000 emails.

Government Protection of Hillary and Obama

Okay, so then a meeting was called, an “all agency” meeting at the State Department to discuss the classification review of the Hillary Clinton emails. By all agencies, they meant CIA, DIA, FBI, and members of the State Department and who knows who else, and Patrick Kennedy presided!

They discussed declassifying her classified emails to protect her! All of these agencies! What a set up! What protection! And don’t forget that it also protected Obama!

How many are in prison today for doing a miniscule amount of what Hillary did!

FBI Complicit

After the meeting, Patrick Kennedy called the FBI and wanted them to go along with the plan, but they refused to declassify. He asked to speak to someone else and was connected to Michael Steinbach. Here’s where they made their deal.

Prior to ending the conversation, Kennedy asked whether the FBI or STATE would conduct the public statements on the matter. Steinbach advised him that the FBI would not comment publicly on the matter.

The call ended and, according to (redacted) the Associated Press published the story within the hour. At this point, HILLARY WAS FREE TO LIE! THE COVERUP WAS COMPLETE!

Former Secretary of State Clinton appeared in front of the press shortly thereafter to deny having sent classified emails on her private email server.

The Benghazi Email

Since the FBI said they would say nothing about it, and Comey wasn’t involved at this point, Kennedy buried the email in the basement of the Department of State, out of sight, out of mind. On 16 October 16, WikiLeaks emails were released that pointed to a Benghazi thread that exposed the entire duplicitousness.

Obviously, this mess was never going to be exposed because Obama was involved, and he certainly wouldn’t want to stain himself with Hillary’s illegal and treasonous activities via her personal servers.

Marc Turi, Arms Dealer

Marc Turi was indicted in 2014 on four felony counts: two of arms dealing in violation of the Arms Export Control Act and two of lying to the State Department in official applications. The charges accused Turi of claiming that the weapons involved were destined for Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, when the arms were actually intended to reach Libya.

Turi’s lawyers argued that the shipments were part of a U.S. government-authorized effort to arm Libyan rebels.

Marc Turi told Fox News that the Obama administration had wanted to arm Libyan rebels to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi during the Arab Spring uprising, but were stopped by a UN sanction on arms sales to the country.

Wikileaks head, Julian Assange, in July suggested that he had emails proving that Clinton “pushed” the “flows” of weapons “going over to Syria.”

Additionally, Turi’s case had delved into emails sent to and from the controversial private account that Clinton used as Secretary of State, which the defense planned to harness at any trial.


Clinton armed the Benghazi rebels, that’s the bottom line. The FBI covered up the classified emails with the help of the CIA, the DIA, the White House, and Lord knows who else. In 1968, the FBI was responsible for framing an innocent man who spent 27 years in prison for a murder he didn’t do. Seems their modus operandi hasn’t changed much in all those years. Except this time the reverse is true. They are aiding Hillary Clinton, fully knowing she is guilty of breaking the law.

FBI Director Comey called Clinton’s emails careless, not criminal. [Link] However, someone inside the FBI released the 100-page redacted document linked to at the beginning of this article. Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks has given us the emails.

What can anyone say about Hillary Clinton’s corruption that hasn’t already been said time and again.

Donald Trump doesn’t just have to beat Hillary, he has to beat Hillary’s media, Hillary’s debate committee, Hillary’s Wall Street donors, Hillary’s corrupt government connections, and Hillary’s corrupt foreign connections.

Trump says the D.C. swamp needs to be drained and he is so right. It especially needs to be drained of the Obamas and Clintons and anyone who enabled them to get away with their treasonous activities.

The American electorate simply cannot allow this corruption to continue. It’s time to elect an outsider instead of another corrupt politician.

Hillary loves Margaret Sanger and planned parenthood

“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. Deep seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” —Hillary Clinton on abortion

“I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan.”—Margaret Sanger

“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” —Margaret Sanger

“There is only one reply to a request for a higher birthrate among the intelligent, and that is to ask the government to first take the burden of the insane and feeble-minded from your back. [Mandatory] sterilization for these is the answer.” —Margaret Sanger, “The Function of Sterilization.” Birth Control Review, October 1926 

Michael Bresciani’s recent article in the Christian Post spells out the foolishness of some of our electorate when he writes, “The land of high perversion and dead babies goes self-righteous on Trump?” Although I seldom read or agree with the Christian Post, Bresciani makes perfect sense in this article. Hillary’s campaign is serving up a circus sideshow to distract us from the multiple horrific problems facing Americans today. Those problems will never be ameliorated by the likes of Hillary Clinton. 

Bresciani goes on to say, “Will we spank Trump by electing the dowdy little self-serving woman who can’t tell the difference between a rapist and a husband, the truth and a lie, and the difference between soldiers and ambassadors who deserve our best protection and the need to hide her secret plan to deceive and save face at the cost of their brave lives? If we succeed in putting Hillary Clinton in the White House, we will also succeed in bringing about the last days of this nation. Don’t delude yourself into thinking I am talking about NWO and last day’s eschatological fare – I am talking USA.”

Saving America or Allowing Destruction

Some of our electorate vote for or against candidates on single issues. The two largest of these are pro-life and pro-second amendment. Trump is both, Hillary is not. Right there is our only vote. Don’t deceive yourself into believing that if you stay home and fail to vote that it isn’t a vote for Hillary, because it is…and you will be guilty of aiding in the final destruction of America.

If anyone believes that God’s Hand of blessing is fully on this nation after we’ve murdered 60 million babies since 1973, they are living in a dream world…and have never opened the manufacturer’s handbook. Hillary claims to be a Christian, but her actions belie her lying words. 

Obama’s, who voted four times in the Illinois legislature against the Born Alive Infant Protection ACT (BAIPA). This ACT protected babies who survived abortion, but Obama voted in favor of leaving them to die. A vote against this legislation was a vote for infanticide. 

voted to oppose the partial-birth abortion ban in 2003.

She made that clear in the last debate. 

Hillary’s love of the butchery of Planned Parenthood should be enough for pro-lifers to vote for Donald Trump. 

The Lord has given us an opportunity to turn our nation around, and the globalist socialists like Hillary will do anything they can to stop the man given to us who can accomplish the goal of saving our country. This includes the fake outrage, and outright lies by the media and the phony rightwing neo-cons over an illegally taped conversation from a dozen years ago. I’ve heard far worse in my lifetime, that’s for sure.

Barry Goldwater knew all about the leftist cabal back in the early 60s. He said, “If everybody in this town (D.C.) connected with politics had to leave town because of chasing women and drinking, you would have no government.”

Bernie Marcus, co-founder of the Home Depot said, “When Trump made those statements, he was not a member of congress, he was not a politician, he was in show business when he made those remarks, and what does that have to do with what’s happening today?” Absolutely nothing! 

Hillary and the Catholic Church

Father Michael Orsi spoke at the National Day of Remembrance for aborted babies. He made it clear that we are in a battle for the soul of America and that the pulpits must speak out. Their tax-exempt status means nothing compared to the destruction that will result if Hillary Clinton is elected. “Somehow, Christians have come to buy the story that you cannot be political in church,” said Orsi. “Let me tell you right now, oh yes, you can, and oh, yes, you better be. Because you might not have a church to go to if you don’t vote the right way in November.”

Pavone added, “Moreover, it is not ultimately about either one of them, but rather the good of the nation as reflected in two things: a) What will they do, and b) Who comes into power with them.” 

The new WikiLeaks dump from Clinton campaign, chief John Podesta’s emails, reveals that Podesta created a couple of activist groups for the sake of undermining the Catholic bishops and the Church’s authority.

In the 2011 e-mail chain, a progressive activist named Sanford “Sandy” Newman e-mailed Podesta to suggest collaboration on a way to do this. He said, “There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church.”


The latest WikiLeaks’ emails reveal the smug contempt of globalist liberal elites for Catholics, Evangelicals, Southerners, and even Hispanics loyal to them, who they’ve actually called “needy Latinos.” The contents of these emails correlate with the revealed bigotries of Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. 

Let me ask, which Christian denominations stand steadfast against the slaughter of the unborn?

Hillary Loves Abortion

Get this into your mind, Hillary LOVES Planned Parenthood and their founder! Planned Parenthood is endorsing and supporting the Democratic candidate. In January, the organization announced that it was breaking a 100-year-old tradition to endorse Clinton during the primary races. Planned Parenthood is promising to spend a seven-figure sum to aid Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in Michigan, Virginia, and Texas. [Link

Of course, it’s all so the murder of the unborn, and sale of their body parts, will continue and escalate under a Hillary presidency. Back in 2012, I wrote Culture of Death, regarding the use of these little ones’ bodies for profit. Now it has been fully exposed! Where is the outrage? Where is the church? And why would anyone vote for this vile, filthy, hate-filled evil woman?

“As president, I will always have your back,” Clinton told the assembled Planned Parenthood activists. She unapologetically proclaimed support for abortion rights: “Defending women’s health means defending access to abortion – not just in theory, but in reality.” She called for the expansion of Planned Parenthood’s funding for non-abortion women’s health services and for federal funding of abortion, and she name-checked transgender health issues and reproductive justice activists. In a room that was rapt and grateful, she fluently spoke their language.

Hillary believes Trump will reverse progress for women, when the real fact is that Trump is a devout pro-lifer, and he believes Planned Parenthood’s murder of the innocent unborn should never be funded by taxpayer dollars! 

Margaret Sanger’s Hatred

Margaret Sanger’s ideology was cemented in eugenics, the extermination of certain groups of people. Sanger was extremely vocal on her beliefs and what her newfound organization would do. In 1939, she said, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” 

How I wish America’s black population knew what great love and admiration Hillary had for a woman who wanted to exterminate their entire race! 

Pivot of Civilization,” Sanger penned her thoughts regarding immigrants, the poor, and the error of philanthropy. Sanger’s ideology of racial and social hygiene bleeds through her writings on breeding an ideal human race and she stated, “They are…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ’spawning… human beings who never should have been born.”

She also stated, “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world.”

Hillary’s Former Obstetrician

Dr. William Harrison, OB, GYN, proudly admitted to doing some 20,000 abortions, and he counted Hillary Clinton as his patient and fellow pro-choice advocate when she was expecting Chelsea and afterward. Harrison died in 2010 of leukemia, but he thought he was doing God’s work as an abortionist. Like Hillary, he was a Methodist, and the Methodist Church they were part of is strongly pro-abortion. Harrison was the largest abortion provider in Arkansas. [Link]

The Socialist Owned Media

Oh, how I would love to go back to the years where there were actually newspapers like the Chicago Tribune which were conservative and fed us the truth. That was 50 years ago, and yes, I remember because my mother started reading that paper to me when I was five years old! Now we are fed propaganda daily on every channel, and that includes Fox News. Other than a few like Lou Dobbs, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and sometimes Hannity, we are starved for the truth. The socialist media’s support for a corrupt and evil globalist like Hillary is beyond words, and it’s been exposed by WikiLeaks and the FBI.

This is the same woman who recently said, “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. . . the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. . . some of those folks, they are irredeemable.” Hillary points a finger at Trump supporters, but three are pointing back at her…she’s the one who is truly irredeemable.

Excuse me, Hillary, those “deplorables” are pro-lifers, pro-second amendment, God fearing Jews and Christians, who want our borders closed, who want our vets cared for, who want these insane wars stopped, who want jobs back in America, who want reasonable healthcare, who want our schools to go back to academic teaching, and who want our politicians to obey the Constitution they swore an oath to uphold. 

When they oppose abortion, are they “clinging” to their “guns or religion” to express their “frustrations,” to borrow from then-candidate Barack Obama’s dismissive comments? No, they long for the America that was the land of the free and home of the brave, and the America who did not murder our unborn in their mothers’ wombs. They want a prosperous and strong America for their children and grandchildren.

Actor Jon Voight perfectly expressed his thoughts about this crucial election. Take a few minutes and listen to what he says.

God has given us the choice to save our nation from her final destruction, but it can be accomplished with only one candidate. We absolutely must give Donald J. Trump the opportunity to save our beloved country. This election is really our last chance.

Sally Miller, former Miss Arkansas says Hillary is satan in drag

The Beauty Queen

Sally Miller is the former 1958 Miss Arkansas and Little Rock radio talk show host. She was a top-10 finalist in the 1958 Miss America pageant. Fulfilling a childhood dream, she even traveled the length of The Great Wall of China on foot in 1990.

Sally hadn’t intended to put her affair with Bill Clinton into her book, until last fall when she found she was being followed, spied on, and harassed again by Hillary. The intimate details of what Bill told Sally during their three months together gives us a picture of who really runs the show in the Clinton marriage.

The book is dedicated to her father, the one parent who truly loved her.

My Conversation with Sally

The American Mirror did an interview with Sally, and unlike many others who claimed dalliances with Clinton, Sally comes across as one hundred percent clear, with not a hint of deception in her body language or in her tone throughout the interview.

Here is the full interview

Talking to this lovely woman was like talking to an old friend. Sally had a miserable childhood with a dominant and sexually abusive mother, and a weak but loving father who unfortunately kowtowed to her mother’s wishes. Her mother had always criticized Sally and told her she was flat chested and ugly, yet this beautiful woman went on to be a top 10 finalist in the Miss America pageant. During the pageant, the associated press voted her the best legs, and from the above picture, most folks would agree with them!

Sally Meets Bill

CNN anchor reported that at least 14 women have come forward and dropped the bomb that they had affairs, or were assaulted by Bill Clinton. The anchor said, “After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations, there are about 14 women who are said to have made claims at one time or another. [Link]

Sally Miller’s name appears with a list of other women who Bill Clinton allegedly had sexual trysts with while married to Hillary Clinton. She claims to have had an affair with Bill that lasted three months. However, unlike what many of the other women have said, Sally tells a different story completely, and it rings totally true.

When Sally was going through a divorce, her lawyer, State Senator, Mutt Gibson, said the first thing was to get her away from Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The legislature was in session, so he helped Sally get hired as a senate aid. The second day she was there, she met Bill Clinton, and Bill asked her, “Do I know you?” 

Bill was raised between Hope and Hot Springs, Arkansas, and the Miss America pageant was in Hot Springs. Sally commented that everyone knows everyone as well as their business. As Miss Arkansas, her face was readily recognizable.

There were any number of nightly parties held by lobbyists, and many of the legislators went to these parties. She and Bill attended some of these parties, danced together and had several friendly conversations.


Sally said that many men felt “entitled,” and at one party she attended, the former Governor of Arkansas, Dale Bumpers, was holding court. He was there for favors from the ladies, and when Sally was finally ushered into his room to meet him, she realized what was going on and quickly exited.

Bill and Sally Meet Again

Ten years later Sally was going thru the second divorce, and she met Bill again under different circumstances… 

Sally’s father was a railroad steam engineer, and there was an 819-steam engine that needed major overhauling to be made operational, so Sally made it her job to get it up and going, and she did.

It was 1983, and Bill was Governor of Arkansas. Sally went to his office in the capitol to present her plans for the steam engine. Bill’s secretary told her he was on the golf course, but said Bill would call her, and they’d talk about the rail historical society and her proposal. Sally still has the exact proposal…and Bill did call her.

Bill told her he was at the country club, but offered to stop at her house, which he did. He looked at the proposal…and said he would take it home. That was the beginning of their three-month relationship. The two of them got reacquainted, had a great time as friends and lovers, and then broke up because she was running for mayor on the Republican ticket. 

Sally told me that Bill could curse like a sailor, and the last thing he said to her when he walked out the door was “F**k you.” He told her that she didn’t know sh*t about politics, that the democrats already “know the winner and it ain’t you, and the democrat will win because she’s stupid and will take orders.”

She lost the race. 

The Three Months Together

Sally said they liked each other, they had fun together, they laughed and talked, and he did coke, and they sang and played the piano. She said that Bill made her feel good about herself.

Miller also doesn’t believe the rape charges against Bill. She says he doesn’t need to rape anyone because he’s such a charmer, and he was way too passive in bed. She feels that Juanita Broaddick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey have changed their stories, and she believes they’re opportunists. “It wasn’t Bill that was dangerous, it was his wife, Hillary.”

Sally doesn’t believe that Dolly Kyle was with Bill for 40 years and Gennifer Flowers was with him for 12 years, and no one calls him Billy as these women have done. A reporter did, however, overhear the gruesome threat leveled against Gennifer by Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton had stated, “The great story here, were anybody willing to find it and write about it, and explain it, is this vast rightwing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president. Yes, it’s a conspiracy theory that Bill is a cheating dog.” Here’s the video from 1998.

Right Hillary, you allegedly like women more than men (See this YouTube Video), and you expected your husband to go along with that and not seek female companionship…

The Real Hillary According to Bill

On Sally’s Facebook page, she states, “The most sobering remarks ever shared by Bill Clinton came after I told him about visiting Easter Seal the day before and singing songs with a group of children with disabilities. More serious than I had ever seen him, Bill repeated a frightening promise Hillary made during her pregnancy.”

“He described Hillary being viciously angry, doubling both her fists, beating on her stomach, and yelling, ‘If this f**king thing inside me is a brainless Mongoloid or a Thalidomide Freak, or has any other deformity, you can be damn sure I’ll have the f**kin retard killed. I will not let some piece of pathetic, dribbling shit ruin my life, is that clear?!’”

And she recounts in her book what Bill told her about Hillary.

The only time Hillary gets aroused or agrees to play sexy is after she snorts coke. But, even then, she’s frigid. Hillary goes absolutely ape-s**t crazy—I mean screams, hits, and cusses if I touch her breasts! Right after we started fooling around, she warned me to stay away from her tits, telling me, “If you want to nurse, go home to your momma!”

Sally commented that, “No one gives a damn about Bill anymore. Hillary is the one, and she should have kept him in line, but she went after Bill’s women because Bill was her ticket to success, and she needed him.”

Chelsea, The Only Clinton Child

Bill told Sally that Hillary was a lesbian when Sally inquired why Hillary was so cold. He told her that Hillary had had several abortions, but according to political analysts, if they wanted to move up in politics, they had to have a child, and thus, Chelsea was born.

Bill had said he was going to leave Hillary if she didn’t have a baby. He thought he could change her, and she would be a normal wife, but he finally saw her for what she really was.

It is Sally’s belief that Hillary married Bill to get her where she wanted to be. She figured she could control him, but he wanted female companionship and a traditional family. He threatened to leave her, and that’s when she finally became pregnant.

Bill was the only normal thing in Chelsea’s life, raised basically by Bill and state troopers. Sally comments that Hillary had retained her maiden name of Rodham because she felt she was more important than Bill, but out of necessity changed her name to Hillary Rodham Clinton, and finally to Hillary Clinton when Bill ran for president. Hillary had nothing to do with raising Chelsea, and the staff seldom saw them as Bill, Hillary and Chelsea. Hillary was busy promoting herself the entire time. Her goal was the limelight and power.

Sally said that Bill had redeeming features, but Hillary had an ugly disposition and ugly legs, and probably hates women who have nice legs. Perhaps that’s why the huge assortment of pantsuits!

Back when he and Sally were having an affair, Sally didn’t think it would ever be possible for Bill to become president. She knew that Hillary wanted Bill’s mother as far away from the White House as possible, because Bill’s mother was considered “easy,” she went out and danced and kicked up her heels and so forth. Bill’s brother, Rodger, had the nerve to end up in prison because he did drugs.

Threats and Intimidation

Sally Miller noted that Hillary doesn’t care that she described her affair with Bill, as it’s “old news.” But she’s certain Hillary doesn’t want it known how she paid professionals to frighten, stalk, and threaten her… with the goal of “finishing her off!”

This beauty queen described how she’s been under attack from the Clintons – who are infamous for their intimidation tactics – since the 1990s. She was physically threatened by a Clinton campaign operative, and is worried that they will stop at nothing to silence her during the 2016 campaign.

As Jack Dennis reported, “It’s been well established, but underreported by American media, that Hillary Clinton unleashed her operatives, including Ron Tucker, to threaten Miller beginning in 1992.


Hillary is hellbent to become the first female president of the United States, and she will do anything to attain that power, including using her operatives and connections to destroy Mr. Trump’s reputation.

The media is totally owned by Hillary Clinton, and they do her bidding, covering for her at every turn. They will never tell the truth about how corrupt and dangerous Hillary Clinton truly is, not only to Bill’s former paramours, but to our nation and the world as a whole. Sally refers to Hillary as “satan in drag,” and it is a fitting description.

Sally’s book, “The Beauty Queen, is the story of her life, her loves, her losses, her joys, her affair with Bill Clinton, and her utter fear of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Bill, Hillary, and a convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein

Elite deviance is a condition sociologists say exists in a society when the elite of that society no longer believe that the rules apply … to them. “It is not due primarily to psychopathological variables, but to the institutionalization of elite wrongdoing.” —Professor David Simon

Shaping Public Opinion

The 2016 election is the most vitriolic and debased that I’ve ever seen. Granted the corruption and mudslinging by the Democratic candidate is beyond fiendish, but there have been others which were just as vile. The difference lies in subtlety. There is absolutely none this year. It is all out slander and libel about the Republican candidate. The media, the White House, the Department of Justice, the Democrats, and the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans are doing their best to make Trump more unlikeable than Hillary. It cannot be done.

The compliments by Miss Teen regarding Donald Trump will never see CNN, that is not their plan. Wikileaks even revealed the Clinton camp was posting FAKE “Sexist Trump Job Ads” on Craigslist. Hillary supporter, Jessica Leeds, claimed Trump groped her on a first-class flight in the early 80s. Her story has been proven to be another lie, and a witness from the plane came forward and exposed her. [Link

Trump’s former Mar-a-Lago butler, Anthony Senecal has stated that all these claims are absolutely false, and he should know because he was there for years, even when Trump was single. Senecal blames Trump’s democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. All of the allegations have been immediately debunked


The narrative today is through the roof against Donald J. Trump…all because he’s an outsider and is not a member of the globalist cabal. The media is using every polling mechanism available in the hope of swaying the public. They’re trying to tell us that Mr. Trump’s supporters are abandoning him because he’s guilty of whatever crimes the media has blamed him for…he hates women, he’s the sexual assaulter, he’s the misogynist. This is what the Clinton owned socialist media is telling us. It’s blah, blah, blah, he’s rotten and evil … and we hear that all day long. They promote Hillary as the little princess who will come in and save the day. What absolute bull dung!


Unlikeable Hillary

Bill Clinton’s former press secretary, Dee Dee Myers said, “In her personal life, she always seemed like she had something to hide.” One of her biographers, Carl Bernstein, noted that she indulged in “subterfuge and eliding.” This explains why all the likeability lessons in the world weren’t going to change her or put a stop to her lies.

Unlikeable, he quotes one of Hillary’s acquaintances who said, “She freely admits she’s always had anger issues when she’s annoyed by people, which is often, it shows.” They went on to say, “She looks at her critics as a handful of nuts. Her outburst during the Senate committee hearing on Benghazi– ‘What difference does it make?’—was in total keeping with her pattern of behavior.

Something snaps when she’s under pressure and emotional stress. As much as anything else, Bill pushed the Spielberg likeability lessons on Hillary in order to avoid another meltdown like Benghazi when she hit the campaign trail.” 

Hillary Mellows?

Hillary’s friends claimed she had mellowed with age, that her famous temper was under control, that she didn’t vent or get physically aggressive like she used to, that she didn’t poke people in the chest with her forefinger, or throw hard objects at their heads…all was in the past. There was a new Hillary with composure and the maturity to be the president of the United States. 

Trouble is, the falsely painted picture of this violent, aggressive, and vitriolic woman didn’t last long.

Bill, Hillary, and Democrat Mega Donor, Jeffrey Epstein

Virginia Roberts, who alleged in court documents that Bill Clinton visited convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, where he witnessed sexual orgies, stated, “There were times when I was physically abused to the point that I remember fearfully thinking that I didn’t know whether I was going to survive.” 

Hillary accused Bill of not wanting her to be president since his libido had gotten into the news again, and she was about to announce her run for president. Obviously, this brought up Bill’s past encounters with Sally Miller, Juanita Broaddrick, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Dolly Kyle Browning, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and Monika Lewinsky.

Bill had consorted many times with convicted pedophile and registered sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein. Between 2002 and 2003, Bill was on Epstein’s plane and was accompanied to Africa by Epstein’s close companion, Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of the late, and disgraced, British newspaper tycoon, Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine was later accused of recruiting underage girls for Epstein.

Epstein had a Boeing 727, a black Gulfstream, a Cessna 421, and a helicopter for jaunts all over the world. Bill used Epstein to fly (without secret service) to South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Mozambique…all of which was pitched to Epstein by Doug Band, Bill’s advance man, founder and head of Teneo, which I wrote about some time ago.

Epstein even flew Bill to Hong Kong on his plane, the “Lolita Express.” Bill used the plane for countless trips to Russia, and China. When Epstein was arrested, Bill allegedly cut ties with the billionaire.

Flight logs show that Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane at least 11 times, including once when a soft-core porn star was on board. —Photo:
Gregory P. Mango

The New York Post wrote, “Bill’s Libido Threatens to Derail Hillary—Again
The Clinton Foundation had accepted a $25,000 donation from Epstein in 2006, and Epstein’s “Madam,” Ghislaine Maxwell was a guest at Chelsea’s wedding in 2010.

Hillary’s Enraged Meltdown

All of this became public knowledge when several of Epstein’s alleged victims surfaced in 2011. Epstein had paid off more than 30 cases out of court, and spent 13 months in the Palm Beach County Stockade for soliciting a minor for prostitution.

One of the alleged victims, Virginia Roberts, charged that Bill Clinton had visited Epstein’s one-hundred-acre private island in St. Thomas, called Little Saint James, where he witnessed sexual orgies, although she stated he did not participate. Roberts states that she met Bill twice, but was told by Epstein that they were good friends.

Roberts believed Bill certainly knew about Jeffrey’s girls because there were three desks in the living area of the villa on the island and they were covered with pictures of Jeffrey shaking hands with famous people as well as photos of naked girls, including Virginia in a hammock. (Page 199, Unlikeable)

Even after Epstein was released from prison in Florida, he was able to allure prominent figures in the world of entertainment and television news to his dinner table, including Woody Allen, George Stephanopoulos and Katie Couric. (Page 199, Unlikeable)

Epstein hadn’t paid off all the women to keep them quiet, and they were suing him under the Crime Victims’ Act. Hillary wanted pressure put on him to settle so the problem would go away. Some of these girls’ lawyers wanted Bill to be a material witness and testify. They had to be contacted and told they couldn’t call the former president and put him in a compromising position, but it was Hillary who was worried…and she wasn’t easily placated.

An infuriated Hillary told one of Clinton’s trusted legal advisors, “Can you really make this f**king thing go away? My head is going to explode if I hear one more thing about this damn degenerate.”

Stand By Your Man, and Woman

In 1998, at the height of the Lewinsky scandal and looming impeachment, Bill managed to save his own presidency, in large part because Hillary stood by her man. In return, Bill was meant to do what it took when it was her turn to run.

Game Change,” was that Bill Clinton would do whatever he wanted to do. His blow-up right before the South Carolina primary, in which he called Obama’s anti-war stance “a fairy tale,” led to Hillary’s crushing defeat.

Blood Feud” between the Clinton’s and Obama’s still exists, but Obama wants his policies continued, and Hillary wants the White House, so a temporary truce has been called.


Think about what Hillary would do to this nation, aside from being a continuation of the Obama administration. The last vestiges of freedom and liberty would be destroyed. Hillary wants open borders, open trade, 550% more Muslims than Obama and once and for all destroying the vibrant economy Americans enjoyed for so long before NAFTA.

And yes, a dozen years ago, Donald exchanged titillating off-color words with Billy Bush. It has already been proven that this tape was edited, and I know that Trump doesn’t remember what was actually said in the exchange that long ago.

Bimbo eruptions are Bill Clinton’s modus operandi, not Donald Trump’s. It has already been proven that the Clinton-endorsing women who are claiming Donald Trump tried to touch them, are liars.

Hillary is so afraid of Donald Trump and so afraid of the issues he brings to the table that she must destroy him on a personal level.

The only candidate who will save America is Donald Trump. The supreme court, trade agreements, immigration, and the Islamic invasion are all in the balance.

Paul Ryan sabotages his own party with Trump tape

Reputation is what men and women think of us, character is what God and the angels know of us. —Thomas Paine

Those of us who follow politics seriously rather than view it as a game show do not look at Hillary Clinton and simply think, “first woman president.” We think for example, “first ex-co president,” or “first wife of a disbarred lawyer and impeached former incumbent,” or “first person to use her daughter as photo-op protection during her husband’s perjury rap.” —Christopher Hitchens

GOP Commits Suicide to Destroy Trump

In my recent article, regarding a statement Trump made almost a dozen years ago, I exposed the hypocrisy of the globalists. Six weeks ago, I heard that this was going to happen, and that there would be more attacks prior to both debates and the November 8th election. It is up to the American people to understand that the socialists want Trump destroyed because with him in our White House, their New World Order agenda will be curtailed. He has laid it all on the line to try to save this country, and that includes his business as well. Only our founders had the courage to do the same.

Concerning the tape, there was an expectation of privacy, and if you watched the video, Trump quite obviously did not know he was being taped. The Bush connection mentioned in my previous article is extremely suspect, but so is the NEVERTRUMP GOP. 

It turns out that the audio had been edited to give the impression that Trump was being adulterous in his attempt to seduce the woman. Edited out of the audio is Trump saying that the incident with the married woman took place when he was a single man.

Said Jerry Falwell, Jr. in a recent address: “I think this whole tape… video tape thing was planned, I think it was timed, I think it might have even been a conspiracy among establishment Republicans who have known about it for weeks and who tried to time it to do the maximum damage to Donald Trump, and I just… I just think it just backfired on them.”

Investigative journalist Mike Cernovich identified the source of the leak as Daniel “Dan” Samuel Senor, a close advisor to House Speaker Paul Ryan. According to Mike Cernovich, Donald Trump’s get out the vote efforts have been sabotaged at every level by the GOP, sources reported. Some of the sabotage is obvious and clear, and others is subtler. Their motivations for sabotage vary from personal and professional jealousy to financial.

Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit confirmed that GOP elites indeed had leaked the damaging audio. 

Breitbart confirms Ryan and GOP globalists leaked the damaging audio.

Sabotaging Trump’s Voter Registration Drives

Cernovics describes two ways in which Trump’s political party is sabotaging his voter registration drives:

1. Bait-and-switch: Cernovich says that Trump volunteers have told him that when they went to their local GOP office to get out the vote, they were told to campaign for other GOP candidates. When the volunteers say they wanted to campaign for Trump, they were told to leave.

2. The big ignore: Other Trump volunteers said they’d show up to GOP offices only to find the doors had been locked. Their calls would go unreturned. All of which made it impossible to volunteer to get out the vote for Donald Trump.

According to Cernovich, the GOP was sabotaging Trump’s efforts even well before the infamous “tape” was leaked:

The GOP’s plan was to lose Pennsylvania, Florida, and Ohio. Then the “hit mic” video gave them an excuse to make their sabotage public. The “hot mic” video had no effect on voter sentiment, but it did give the saboteurs an excuse to publicly renounce Trump. Local offices were shut down, and Senators and Congressmen and other Republicans were told that endorsing Trump would lead to funding being cut off.

The GOP is committing suicide.


The Intimidation Game, How the Left is Silencing Free Speech, by Kimberly Strassel tells a big story we all need to understand. Whether America’s citizens choose to believe it or not, we are being censored at every turn. 

Gateway Pundit reported that Twitter recently censored 32 of Donald Trump’s twitters, all of which were GOTO Battleground tweets about early voting.

Breitbart reported that the Senate is investigating Facebook suppression of conservative voices while amplifying leftist movements such as Black Lives Matters.

Facebook Censorship and the War on Free Speech, by Breitbart reports, 

British journalist, Douglas Murray, looked at Facebook as a battleground in the war on free speech recalling a recent case in which the social media giant was “forced to back down when caught permitting anti-Israel postings, but censoring equivalent anti-Palestinian postings.”

To this, Murray adds the disturbing September incident in which German chancellor Angela Merkel was caught on an open mike, asking Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg if he would help suppress “anti-immigration” postings… and he replied that he was already working on it.

It’s clear enough that Merkel and the rest of her government believe the best way to handle the insane migrant disaster they’ve unleashed upon Europe is to forbid their citizens from complaining about it.

And Jihad Watch reported that Hillary Clinton’s favorite world leader is Angela Merkel.

Tell me truly how many of our letters to the editor actually get printed? Very bloody few! I know, because I write a great many of them, and when one is printed, it’s heavily edited.

Censorship is what occurs in communist countries like Red China.

Hillary and Russia

Quite obviously the second debate was profoundly owned by Trump. He controlled the entire evening and refused to allow the moderators or Hillary to upstage him or deny him the equality he was denied in the first debate.
This time he won, hands down!

What infuriates me with the Clinton owned media, and the unending lies every time Hillary opens her mouth, is the statement that Trump and Putin are good friends. There is no substantial connection whatsoever between Trump and Russia. Yet, both Hillary and the media continue to claim one. This is psychological projection, which incorporates blame shifting. I’ve mentioned this twice before, but I bring it up again because there is a much deeper connection on record with Hillary Clinton and Russia than with Donald Trump.

Assange has reported that there is an extremely well-documented pattern of when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, the people, companies, governments, who wanted a decision by the secretary of state in their favor, made large donations to the Clinton Foundation or in some other cases made business deals with people around Hillary Clinton.

One particular instance is the approval by Secretary Clinton of selling 20 percent of the US-Iranian reprocessing rights to a Russian company to be exported to Russia. At that time, a large donation was made by those Russian interests to the Clinton foundation.

Russians gradually assumed control of one-fifth of the world’s uranium production with the help of Bill Clinton and his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, resulting in a flow of millions into the Clinton Foundation. [Link]

It would be nice if someone would explain to Americans why the Clintons aren’t in prison for arranging the sale of a US uranium mine to Russia, but then, this is just one of their infractions.

Hillary’s Emails

Thirteen cell phones and five IPADS and confidential government secrets sent over private email servers…and Hillary says it was “a mistake.” One of those emails actually got an Iranian scientist, who was a spy for the U.S., murdered.

She actually destroyed these phones and IPADS after they were subpoenaed! Well, Hillary, you’ve put American citizens working undercover overseas in jeopardy, and you’ve put American secrets in email servers that were hacked, and we know you didn’t even care. We also know you had your staff strip the “confidential headers” off emails and then send them through your personal accounts.

The State Department claims none of the emails now marked classified were labeled as such at the time they were sent. However, one email thread from June 2011, appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser, Jake Sullivan, to send secure information through insecure means.

Nixon should have never been impeached, and he should have retained his presidency. Hillary, on the other hand, has lied, cheated and deceived the public her entire life, and Trump is right, she should be in prison.

Globalist Republicans Pull Trump Endorsements

Well, really, these Republicans didn’t want Trump as the candidate anyway. They’d rather have Hillary Clinton as president to continue their New World Order agenda. These phonies tell the public the congress would stop Hillary from pushing through her goals for America, but the sure as heck didn’t stop Obama, did they!

Here is the list of those who have denounced or pulled their endorsements of Trump. 

I have to laugh at Ted Cruz because he never sued the Inquirer over its story about his many affairs.

Marco Rubio is on the list as well, and there are pictures all over the web of his gay foam parties.

Then there’s that upstanding righteous man John McCain, who divorced his first wife after her car accident that left her a cripple. The Huffington Post reportedhe’s called opponents and colleagues “sh**heads,” “a**holes” and in at least one case “a f***ing jerk,” but that’s not the least of it. Check the article, he called his wife a vile name in public.

We know where Willard Romney and Jeb Bush stand, and Toomey is an anti-gunner…the list is filled with others who should be ousted from politics. The Bush family has already announced they’re voting for Hillary. Not one of them is pure as the driven snow, yet they act holier-than-thou as though they’ve never said or done anything that wouldn’t pass public scrutiny and the light of day. 


Newt Gingrich said, “My only advice to Republican leaders is simple. In the end, you either help defeat Hillary Clinton, or you help elect Hillary Clinton. I think, to sit on your hands, to find some pretense because Donald Trump isn’t pure enough, so you’re willing to have Hillary Clinton get elected, is an enormous disservice to the country and to the future of our children and grandchildren.” He added that any Republican not favoring Donald Trump should resign from the Republican party and become a Democrat.

Gingrich is right. These Republicans obviously wouldn’t mind more supreme court justices like Ginsberg, Sotomayer, or Kagen.

In the second debate, the moderators ignored the other major leak of last week, of Clinton’s speech to Brazilian bankers where she confessed she “dreams” of a “hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders.” Trump is right again, she’s all for the “gold standard” TPP, and destroying more American jobs.

Our culture has been radically changed with nearly eight years of Barry Soetoro, aka, Barack Hussein Obama. Hillary would literally and totally destroy the few vestiges of freedom which are left.

She has made it plain she hates “everyday Americans.” She’s called us deplorables, and she means it. 

There is massive collusion. It exists between Hillary and the main stream media, the Department of Justice, and the White House…all of whom are doing Hillary’s bidding.

I don’t know many people who could stand up to the onslaught of hatred that Mr. Trump has put up with since he announced he was running for president. He is fighting the biggest battle of his life, not only to save the country from total destruction, but he’s also fighting for his family and his business. It certainly does take courage and a spine of steel. Pray for Mr. Trump and his entire family, and pray for our nation, because if Hillary Clinton wins, Mr. Trump won’t be the only one who loses.

Kaine and Hillary – a perfect treacherous match

“It is not easy to determine who are the more criminal. They who would make their way to places of power and trust by indirect means, or they who have so little concern for the welfare of their country as to harken to them. No civil rulers are to be obeyed when they enjoin things that are inconsistent with the commands of God: All such disobedience is lawful and glorious.” — Jonathan Mayew (1720-1766) Preacher in The First Great Spiritual Awakening

Prior to Elaine Quijano’s introduction of the Vice Presidential candidates, two announcers on CBS, John Dickerson and Major Garrett, made the statement, “The Trump campaign is hoping Mike Pence can make up for Trump’s loss in the first debate.” I knew right then that I wouldn’t be liking this debate any better than the Lester Holt debate. 

Trump did not lose the first debate according to all the polls. He won it. The only thing he needs to do is to not respond to Hillary’s lies. Instead, he should laugh, which will be degrading to her, and say, “Hillary, you just can’t tell the truth, can you!?” 

Just Who is Tim Kaine looking out his bus window?

Senator Kaine graduated from Harvard Law School in 1983. He was previously the Governor of Virginia and is now the junior Senator from that same state. Makes one wonder what is wrong with the voters of Virginia, doesn’t it!

Let’s be blunt. He’s another socialist just like his running mate, Hillary Rodham Clinton. The NYTs referenced him as a “moderate” in order to pick up swing states, but Kaine is no moderate…he’s another Democratic socialist on his way to becoming a hardcore communist.

Sean Hannity actually put together a montage of the many interruptions by Kaine.

The man is just outright rude to the bone. Limbaugh commented on it, and said it was beneath the American public to even view this charade. Kaine obviously can’t control himself and never learned common decency or manners. His uncivil discourse became vulgar and tasteless.

Kaine’s entire script was an attack against Trump, hoping that Pence could not defend him. It failed miserably, and Pence did a beautiful job of making Kaine look like a belligerent fool. Pence won, hands down!

Policies and Beliefs

 Kaine strongly favors government enforced affirmative action for women and non-whites.
 The Senator favors a very progressive income tax. Can you say communism?
 Tim Kaine is staunchly pro-amnesty for illegal aliens and favors a “pathway to citizenship.
 He believes in the nationalization of corporations and banks. Can you say fascism?
 Like Hillary, He believes that Voter ID laws make it unnecessarily difficult for people to vote in political elections. (That’s illegals he’s talking about.)
 He believes in the separation-of-church-and-state and that it makes school prayer, government funding for religious organizations, and the posting of the Ten Commandments in public places impermissible. 

Kaine Flip Flops

Since Senator Kaine has become Hillary’s choice for VP, he has flip flopped on a number of issues. He said during the debate to “fact-check,” and many reliable sources did exactly that!

 When he ran for Governor of Virginia he told the people he opposed gay marriage. So did Hillary at one time. Now they both endorse it.
 When Kaine ran for Lt. Governor of Virginia, he campaigned on being a supporter of the second amendment, and that he would not propose new gun laws. However, as Senator, he has signed every anti-gun law that has come across his desk.
 Kaine previously was against tax payer funded abortion. Now that he’s running as VP, he is for removing all state restrictions on abortion.
 TPP was at the top of Kaine’s list to support, that is until he was chosen as Hillary’s running mate. Like Hillary, he shifted for the campaign.
 In previous years, Kaine was for off-shore drilling, but now has jumped to the other side to match Hillary.

Embracing Radical Islam

Senator Kaine has a long history of embracing radical Islam. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission, spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist suspect, and has received many donations from well-known Islamist groups. In exchange for these campaign contributions, he appointed a radical jihadi to the Virginia Immigration Commission.

In 2007, Kaine, as Governor of Virginia, chose Muslim American Society (MAS) President, Esam Omeish, to the state’s Immigration Commission. Even a Muslim organization against Islamism criticized the appointment and reckless lack of vetting

Esam Omeish runs a group described by Federal prosecutors in a 2008 court filing as “the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” Omeish is the V.P. of a radical mosque that had the al-Qaeda operative Anwar Al-Awlaki as its imam and two of the 9/11 hijackers, and Nidal Hasan, the perpetrator of the Fort Hood shooting, in the congregation. Omeish is still a board member, even as he serves on the Virginia Immigration Commission. A Chicago Tribune investigation confirmed this in 2004.

It is well known that MAS is not at all moderate. Convicted terrorist, Abdurrahman Alamoudi, has stated that everyone knows MAS is the Muslim Brotherhood. Obviously, Kaine chose to ignore this. The Clarion Society has a fully documented profile on MAS.

According to Omeish’s website, he was also President of the National Muslim Students Association and served for two years on the national board of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which the Justice Department also labeled as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-financing trial.

Back in late 2011, Kaine spoke at a “Candidates Night” dinner organized by the New Dominion PAC that presented a Lifetime Achievement Award for Jamal Barzinji, a described “founding father of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood,” according to the Global Muslim Brotherhood Watch. FBI’s radar in 1987-1988 when an informant inside the Brotherhood identified Barzinji and his associated groups as being part of a network of Brotherhood fronts to “institute the Islamic Revolution in the United States.”

Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine’s Islamic Ties, by Breitbart, stated, In 2003, U.S. Customs Service Senior Special Agent David Kane said in a sworn affidavit that Barzinji and the network of entities he led were investigated because he “is not only closed associated with PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad)…but also with Hamas.” Counter-terrorism reporter Patrick Poole broke the story that Barzinji was nearly prosecuted but the Obama Justice Department dropped plans for indictment.

The Senator also agrees with Hillary Clinton on bringing in 550% more refugees. He exemplifies the Democratic Socialist Party’s willingness to risk the security of the American people by admitting large numbers of Islamist “refugees” from Syria. He also opposed a bill passed by the House of Representatives that would have required more careful vetting of Syrians and Iraqis before they can be admitted to the United States as “refugees.” [Link]


Hillary’s choice of Tim Kaine shows her intention to continue the policies of Obama’s administration promoting Muslim Brotherhood and Iran and betraying Israel. [Link] Hillary obviously has little regard for the security of American citizens. She has chosen a man who is willing to cozy up to well-known terror-promoters here in America in exchange for cash.

Chaplains Fired for Praying in Jesus’ Name

So, Virginia’s Governor Kaine denied first amendment rights to police chaplains because they prayed publicly in Jesus’ name. Had these officers been Muslims, I doubt they would have been forced to resign.

The Iran Deal

The Senator was all for giving away billions of taxpayer dollars to Iran and supporting the disastrous nuclear deal.

He fawningly followed the direction of President Obama and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid in supporting a filibuster to block the Senate majority opposed to the deal from conducting an up-or-down vote on Obama’s appeasement pact. 

Bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress opposed the deal. Senator Kaine himself admitted to having reservations in light of Iran’s past record of cheating and state sponsorship of terrorism. Yet he gave the rabid Iranian regime the benefit of the doubt.

Kaine declared himself a “strong supporter” of the final agreement, which would allow the Islamist regime in Tehran to enrich uranium, build advanced centrifuges, purchase ballistic missiles, fund terrorism, and be guaranteed of having a near-zero breakout time to the development of a nuclear bomb approximately a decade down the road.

The Senator always claimed he was a strongly pro-Israel Democrat, but if he was, he would not have been one of only a dozen senators who refused to sign a letter to Obama warning of legislated legal constraints on funding the Palestinian Arab authority after it struck an alliance with Hamas. [Link]


We simply cannot afford another eight years of the Alinsky plan for destruction written about in Hillary’s senior thesis at Wellesley. Community organizer, Obama, has brought us to the very edge of total annihilation. Hillary, and her closely matched partner, Tim Kaine, will absolutely eliminate whatever vestiges of freedom were left to Americans.

Benghazi is the worst of it, but there’s a mountain of scandals from both Clintons, not to mention the “coincidence” of so many people around them mysteriously dying.

Should these two progressive socialists take our White House, the nation will be flooded with illegal aliens from Mexico and refugees from the middle east, fleeing the destabilization and conflict created by Secretary Clinton. They will not only add to the huge debt given to us by the last several presidents, and Obama in particular, but a constitutional conservative could never be elected to our White House again.

This election is extremely important…because it is the tilting point of no return. Trump isn’t perfect, but none of God’s chosen heroes of the Bible were either. Pray for our nation, pray for Mr. Trump and his family, and pray that Mr. Trump wins the White House. Our futures, and our descendants’ futures depend upon it.

Jeff Bezos and Megyn Kelly trash Trump

“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.” —H.L. Mencken

“Evil isn’t the real threat to the world. Stupid is just as destructive as Evil, maybe more so, and it’s a hell of a lot more common. What we really need is a crusade against Stupid. That might actually make a difference.” —Jim Butcher

Most of us didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday, we’ve heard it all before, and as my friend Jim O’Neill said, “I do not know what convent these shocked sisters came from, but I have heard similar male braggadocio my entire adult life.” 

Trump Locker Room Comments: Is He Alone with the Potty Talk.” We’re not voting for a preacher or for someone who is perfect; we’re voting for someone to stand against the globalists and get us out of this horrid mess before the destruction is complete.

The phony rightwing wants Trump to resign, but Trump never quits anything, thank God. If he wants to quell the idiots, here’s what he should say at the beginning of the debate:

I realize that I have indeed offended others, and for that I ask their forgiveness, whomever they may be. I am asking that in every pulpit throughout the nation, that the congregations are asked to not only pray for me, but to pray for this nation to become spiritually stronger as well, and that this may serve also as an example to others to also help strengthen this nation and each and every one of her citizens.

Jeff Bezos and the Washington Post

Amazon’s CEO, Democrat Jeff Bezos, owns the Washington Post, and he has made it his goal to destroy Donald Trump and elect Democratic socialist globalist, Hillary Clinton. To do this, he is using every tactic possible to destroy Trump’s reputation. A recording of a conversation Trump had with another man nearly 12 years ago is now being played on every media outlet. 

Trump was on a bus with Billy Bush and they were going to tape an “Access Hollywood” segment promoting his upcoming cameo on the soap Opera, “Days of Our Lives.” Trump recounted his failed attempt to seduce a woman in the past. I think most women know that men can be absolutely raunchy at times, especially when they’re with other men, but compared to what I’ve seen, Trump still looked and sounded like Shakespeare. In parts of the tape it is unclear who is talking, and how many men were on the bus with them.

The Washington Post has the video/audio and is playing it hoping to give Hillary ammunition for the debate. The reality is absurdly humorous. Hillary is married to a womanizer, a man accused of rape who had to pay off his accuser, and someone who had fellatio performed on him in the Oval Office by a young intern, and they claim they’re shocked hearing jock talk between Trump and another man? Get real! Anything to destroy the only chance we have to save America! 

Who is Billy Bush?

What is of the utmost interest is that Billy Bush is the first cousin of George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Marvin and Dorothy, and the nephew of George H.W. Bush. So, let’s think about this. Knowing that Trump has mentioned many times in the past two dozen years that he might run for president someday, is it farfetched that the Bush clan would tell Billy to tape record any conversation that could be used later? And who started the conversation? My guess is this has been waiting in the wings, a la the Bush family for just this particular opportunity. We already know the Bush family plans to vote for Hillary.

Obama Gets a Pass

The Republicans have had every opportunity to expose Obama for what he is, and they could have dug into his past, but they cowered. These lying neo-cons, who live in the sexual sewer of DC, are now acting like prudes, but they had absolutely no problem with Obama’s words. He actually said, “Gotta have them ribs, and p*ssy too.” Granted he was reading from his own book, Dreams From My Father, but no one found anything he said offensive. Why? Because Obama is a globalist just like they are, and Donald J. Trump is not!

Megyn Kelly Attacks Trump

Megyn Kelly was quick to get in on the attack of Trump for his bawdy conversation exposed by Bezos’ Washington Post. She exclaimed that she had never heard such vulgar language, and such talk about women. Please Megyn, who do you think you are kidding. We all know you’re no lady, and I’ve seen enough in my life to know that women are worse than men today.

Video: Stern and Kelly

In 2010, Kelly was interviewed by Greg Veis for GQ Magazine. Here is the entire article which discussed Kelly leaving the practice of law, and joining Fox News as a journalist. She even talks about Brit Hume joking about the rumor of him having an affair with her. The interview was fairly innocent, but the provocative photos of Megyn Kelly were over the top.

Hillary Will Act Shocked and Offended

Hillary will use this latest evidence of Trump’s love of beautiful females to go after and disparage him, and claim he abuses women. Sure, Hillary, that’s why so many women chased after him…he’s not only good looking, but very wealthy. Hillary had best not attack Trump for using ribald language either, inasmuch as her mouth loves the “f” word.

Hillary’s vulgar and nasty language is well documented. Check out Selwyn Duke’s page on Hillary Clinton’s Vulgar Mouth. Here are just a few that are documented:

‘F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.’ (From the book American Evita by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 – Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.”)
“Where is the G-damn f***ing flag? I want the G-damn f***ing flag up every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise.” (From the book Inside the White House by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 – Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day, 1991.)

Why Americans Want Trump

This was sent to me in email by Candace. She sent it to all the conservative outlets, and I fully agree with her:


Trump has apologized and made it clear, listen to the video.

Understand that the media will use anything they can to destroy Trump and to put another Democratic socialist globalist in our White House. Twelve years ago, Trump was talking trash with a bunch of other men. So what!

I worked as the Administrative Assistant to the President of an entertainment facility that featured sports events and famous entertainers and rock groups. The language and conversations of some of them would make a harlot blush. I watched women throw themselves at stars and sports figures and walk up to them and ask if they wanted to bed them (in less polite terms).

In my youth, I worked at the Chicago Playboy Club, and heard the same types of things from various back-of-the-house personnel, and sometimes conversations amongst male cardholders, and that was the late 60s.

Hillary’s State Department lost $6 billion taxpayer dollars

It was under Wilson, of course, that the first huge parts of the Marxist program, such as the progressive income tax, were incorporated into the American system. —Robert W. Welch, Jr.

America is a land of taxation that was founded to avoid taxation. —Laurence J. Peter

Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut save you thirty cents? —Peg Bracken

Trump Tax Records Illegally Published

illegally published three pages of Trump’s 1995 income tax documents. To run for President of the United States, revealing your tax returns is unnecessary. The Times’ story is that Trump “declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.” It is illegal for the IRS to share that information with anyone. It is also illegal for the Times to publish it, yet no one is talking about that. 

Taxes are deferred with losses like this, giving the business an opportunity to rebuild, which is exactly what the Trump Organization did under Donald Trump’s leadership.

The New York Times and Hillary Clinton have both used the same provision. Losses in one year carry over and count against whatever gains or income you show in succeeding years. Hillary claimed a $700,000 loss on her taxes in 2015. She is also saying that Trump would get $4 billion by eliminating the estate tax and American citizens get nothing. What Hillary is not telling her supporters is that she’s using the exact same tax provisions on her own taxes. Twisted lies, that’s the mantra with Hillary Clinton.


If Hillary continues to mock Trump about his loss of nearly $1 billion, he needs to ask her to explain exactly how it was that she lost $6 billion taxpayer dollarsand has never been held accountable for this loss. The fact is, Mr. Trump’s loss was his own money and Hillary’s loss was our taxpayer dollars. Under her care, a U.S. Ambassador and three other brave Americans lost their lives. She lied repeatedly to their families and the American public about what happened. Her gross mishandling of foreign interferences in other governments has also cost American taxpayers millions! She also spent millions in taxpayer dollars outsourcing American jobs!

The scandal here has nothing to do with Trump’s tax records.

White House Trashed by Bill and Hillary, Artifacts Stolen

There’s another scandal Hillary doesn’t want Trump to talk about. In my last article, I told about a BLM Hillary supporter who defaced the brand new D.C. Trump International Hotel. Why? Because Hillary previously set the example. When the Clintons left the White House in 2001, they not only stole $200,000 worth of furniture, they also stole fine china and artwork, then they defaced White House walls with graffiti, destroyed antique doorknobs, glued desk drawers closed, removed the “w’s” from keyboards, cut electronic cabling, ripped phones out of the walls, and cost the American taxpayers thousands of dollars in repairs. 

The Clinton name is synonymous with scandals, and always has been. What Hillary is using is called psychological projection, (accuse others of what you do). For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting. Therein lies the key to Hillary’s attacks on Mr. Trump. She is what she blames Mr. Trump for being, and we have proved it again and again. 

Trump Followed the Law

Economic Downturn

That Trump was losing money during the early to mid-1990s — a period marked by bankruptcies and poor business decisions in the entire economy, was already well established. He has told this many times, but his wise business practices pulled him out of the decline and put him back on top. What he claimed on his taxes for his company is what any good businessman would do. You use the laws available to you, just like Cuban, Buffet, Soros, and the Clintons. Of course the Clinton’s Foundation monies come from Islamic sources, and the media avoids this subject as well.

The Rule of Law

The Rule of Law is what once governed our great nation, but abject lawlessness is determining the future and it is time it stopped. This is why so many Americans are supporting Donald J. Trump. 

“Bottom line is Trump has paid hundreds of millions in property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes, along with very substantial charitable contributions,” the campaign said. “Mr. Trump knows the tax code far better than anyone who has ever run for president and he is the only one that knows how to fix it.”

The MSM has abandoned all journalistic honesty and decency. Their outright goal is to seat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the White House to allow her to totally destroy the country with her Marxist globalist policies.

Tax Ramifications

Gingrich on Fox News with Neil Cavuto

Newt Gingrich had a few words to say regarding the expose of Trump’s taxes. “One difference between Trump and Clinton when it comes to taxes,” Newt Gingrich said, “is Clinton looks at tax revenues like a source of income for herself and her so-called charity, the Clinton Foundation.”

“Trump looks at taxes like most Americans do,” Gingrich said: “a price that must be paid for living in America, but one that should be as low as legally possible.”

“Most Americans agree with the principle that as long as you follow the law, if you can find ways to minimize your taxes, that’s totally legitimate, in fact, part of the American way of life,” Gingrich pointed out.

“Nobody expects you to go out and pay more than your fair share, your fair share is defined by the law.”

NYTs Calls Trump “The Comeback King”

In 1995, the NYTs specifically wrote about the collapse of the real-estate financial markets, and called Donald Trump, “The Comeback King.”

The article focused on the revival of Trump’s business fortunes after a series of missteps in the early 1990s, the same missteps it profiled in its article last weekend.

Today though, the NYTs is backing Hillary, and anything they can say to derail Trump or put doubt in his supporters’ minds is the goal of the entire paper.

The Daily Caller writes, The Times is instead vilifying Trump for using his massive business losses as a tax write-off, allowing him to pay the IRS what the law required him to and no more. In the words of the Times, Trump’s adherence to U.S. tax law “relieved him of the burden of paying taxes like everyone else.”


There is nothing here but wise business practices by the Trump Organization. Unfortunately, we’ll never see an expose of the Clinton Foundation, Hillary’s email servers, Hillary’s destruction of 13 cell phones and 5 IPADS, or any of the other numerous documented corrupt policies and actions of Bill and Hillary Clinton in the NYTs or any other main stream media.

Yet, when Mr. Trump follows the laws of the land for the Trump Organization, the media vilifies him. The enemies of freedom are using the old mantra of class envy to try to destroy Donald Trump.

He has made his fortune fairly, and has remained inside the laws of the land. The Clintons, on the other hand, have used lies, obfuscation, and deceit to create their fortunes.

There is only one choice for President of the United States of America, and it certainly isn’t the scandal laden Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s anti-trump criminal accomplices

The worst thing about being lied to is knowing that you’re not worth the truth.

The father of an ISIS mass murderer, the mother of a thug shot by the police, and now a former Miss Universe pageant winner who got fat, got pregnant by a drug lord, and was linked to an attempted murder, and alleged murder threats against a judge in 1998, are helping Hillary promote anti-Trump lawlessness.

For Hillary, the drive for power, success and money always overrides standards of honor and decency. From Whitewater to Benghazi, from her email debacle to funding the Clinton Foundation and her 2016 race for the White House…corruption, lies, and deceit are her trademarks.

Hillary’s Friends and Supporters

Remember the Pulse Nightclub gunman who shot and killed 49 people in Orlando, Florida back in August of this year? 

The father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman, Omar Mateen, showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee at her Kissimmee, Florida rally and was cheering her on.

WPTV in Florida. The affiliate later interviewed Mateen, who held up a large, yellow, pro-Clinton banner calling her “good for national security” and “gun control laws.”

Interesting because Hillary has never been good on national security, and she wants to eliminate the second amendment of the unalienable God given Bill of Rights.

Remember Mike Brown?

In August of 2014, Ferguson, Missouri was a quiet working class suburb. Then all hell broke loose between the growing black community and the white police force, when an officer shot and killed an 18-year-old unarmed black man by the name of Michael Brown. A store video showsBrown had just robbed the convenience store and assaulted the clerk when he tried to stop him. A white police officer, named Darren Wilson, shot and killed Michael Brown, when he attacked and beat the officer. The street confrontation on that sultry day launched the “Black Lives Matter” movement.

What resulted was the destruction of Ferguson because a white police officer had defended his life against a young black thug who was high on marijuana and had a bag of it on his person.

So what does Hillary do? She certainly doesn’t reinforce “law and order,” but instead joins with the mother of Michael Brown, despite the fact that it will contribute to the continued unwarranted violence against police.

Former 1996 Miss Universe, Alicia Machado

Alicia Machado is Hillary’s latest attack against Mr. Trump. Hillary can’t argue policy because she knows she’ll lose, so instead she falls back on the lessons she learned from atheist Marxist Saul Alinsky, and attacks her opponent’s reputation with the dregs of humanity.

This former beauty queen claims that she gained weight (60 lbs.) after being crowned Miss Universe, and Donald Trump called her Miss Piggy. How absolutely awful, isn’t it! What humiliation she must have suffered! Problem is that Alicia Machado has been rolling in the mud for a long time, and even with would-be murderers.

Back in 1998 Machado was allegedly involved in the shooting of Francisco Sbert Mousko, who suffered brain damage when two bullets punctured his skull outside the church where his dead wife was being eulogized. His family claimed the alleged gunman, Juan Rodriguez Reggeti, Machado’s then boyfriend, had accused Sbert of driving his sister to commit suicide.

The family asserted that Machado was the getaway driver for her boyfriend.

“Our accusations against Alicia Machado are based on coinciding testimony from witnesses, who place her in the vehicle in which Juan Rodriguez fled the scene,” said Omar Arenas Candelo, one of three attorneys who presented the allegations to a criminal court after the shooting.

Then, later that same year, a Venezuela judge said that Machado threatened to murder him after he indicted her boyfriend for the attempted murder.

Machado threatened “to ruin my career as a judge and … kill me,” Judge Maximiliano Fuenmayor said in an interview on the subject on Venezuelan television in 1998. 


The former Miss Universe modeled nude for Mexican Playboy in 2006 and 2012. In 2005, a sex-tape of Machado and a co-star on the Venezuelan reality show, La Granja, surfaced where she was having sex with a fellow contestant on-camera. Allegedly, there are porn videos of her available.

What is not told is that when Machado gained weight in 1996, Trump appeared with her on camera in a gym and was very kind to her.

here are several former contestantsdefending Trump’s honor!

Since then, Machado has become a U.S. citizen, and has gone to work for Hillary.

Foul Mouthed Hispanic Children and Clinton

Back in 2015, in one of the lowest stunts of the primary season, a political action committee run by a Hillary Clinton supporter forced Hispanic child actors to read vulgarity-laden scripts labeling GOP frontrunner Donald Trump a “racist.” The script read by the children had them telling Trump that anchor babies are protected by the Constitution and that he should leave the country if he doesn’t respect the document.

Some legal authorities say that the 14th Amendment confers automatic citizenship on anyone born on American soil,” states economist and political theorist Thomas Sowell. “But the very authors of that Amendment said otherwise. And some distinguished legal scholars today, including Professor Lino Graglia of the University of Texas Law School, say otherwise.”

Senator Jacob Howard, who introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, said its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigners or aliens.

The PAC is registered with the Federal Election Commission by pro-LGBT activist and social media strategist Luke Montgomery, who was approached by the Clinton campaign in 2014 and is behind another campaign to elect Hillary Clinton, [Link]

BLM Attacks the Law and Order Candidate

A BLM (Black Lives Matter) Hillary supporter has defaced the brand new D.C. Trump International Hotel. Why? Because Hillary has set the example. When the Clintons left the White House in 2000, they not only stole $200,000 worth of furniture, but they defaced White House walls with graffiti, destroyed antique doorknobs, glued desk drawers closed, removed the “w’s” from keyboards, cut electronic cabling, ripped phones out of the walls, and cost the American taxpayers thousands of dollars in repairs.

The Hillary supporter was caught on a cell phone video vandalizing Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Had this been done by a Trump supporter to Hillary’s property, it would be splashed on the front page of every newspaper, website, and televised news program. Since it happened to Trump by the BLM criminal element, the media says nothing.

Hillary Pursues BLM Endorsement

In January of this year, Hillary met privately with BLM leaders, Deray Mckesson and Johnetta Elzie.

DeRay McKesson and Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop) were the lead agitators at the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. These BLM activists are responsible for millions of dollars of public destruction and dozens of attacks on police and innocent pedestrians.

Hillary encourages these so-called activists, who are, in fact, nothing more than racists thugs who promote violence and the destruction of private property. The whole BLM contingent plays into her hands to attack her opponent. Hillary Clinton actually pursued the endorsement of Black Lives Matter activists, but blew off the largest police union in the United States.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter has been around now for two years, triggered by the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. BLM believes that racist police officers are the greatest threat facing young black men today. This belief has resulted in violence, destruction, murder and attempted murder of police officers.

Because of this, police are now backing off proactive policing, and violent crime is on the rise. The reality, claims Heather MacDonald in her superb article, The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement, is that there is no government agency more dedicated to the idea, that black lives matter, than the police. 

“We have been talking obsessively about alleged police racism over the last 20 years in order to avoid talking about a far larger problem, black on black crime.” This is the uncomfortable truth, and statistics uphold the statement when each year approximately 6,000 blacks are murdered. Blacks are killed at six times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined.

In 2015, the nation’s police killed 987 civilians according to a database compiled by the Washington Post. Whites were 50%, or 493 of those victims, and blacks were 26% or 258. 

Ms. MacDonald goes on to state that “In America’s 75 largest counties in 2009, blacks constituted 62% of all robbery defendants, 57% of all assault defendants, but only 15% of the population. Moreover, 40% of all cop killers have been black over the last decade.”

The Crime Rate Drop

We’ve all heard about drive by shootings resulting in deaths of youngsters and often their mothers. All the stories are heartbreaking, but 20 years ago the crime rates were much higher. In New York City in 1990 there were 2,245 homicides. In 2014, there were 333, a decrease of 85%. According to statistics nationwide, crime has fallen at an historic rate.

The Imprimus article goes on to tell of a policing revolution that began in New York and spread nationwide, but is now being threatened. In 1994, the NYPD top brass embraced the idea that police can actually prevent crime, not just respond to it. The program they started was called Compstat, weekly accountability sessions. They looked for patterns, and analyzed crime data on a daily basis, and strategized on tactics to quell crime outbreaks as they were emerging.

However, these victories are now in jeopardy thanks to the BLM movement. Police are worried they’ll become the next racist cop of the week, and lose their jobs, and perhaps even their lives. Many police today will no longer fight back because of this very fear. So now, officers in these urban/inner city areas are cutting back on the type of policing that actually led to the decline of crime of the 90s and 2000s.

Crime Increases

BLM demands that police back off, but they are not the entire community. There are countless requests by law abiding residents for more police, and when officers back off high crime neighborhoods, crime escalates once again. Homicides in Milwaukee had a 72% increase, Cleveland increased 90%, Nashville increased 83%, D.C. increased 54%, Minneapolis increased 61%, and in Chicago where actual pedestrian stops by officers were down by 90%, shootings were up 80% through March of 2016.
Policing is Political

Hillary Clinton is embracing anti-police ideology with those she promotes and uses to target her opponent, Donald J. Trump. Barack Hussein Obama, his entire administration, university and college presidents, foundation heads, and the main stream media all want to blame the police, not crime, and not lawlessness.

Obama has succeeded in dividing our nation and creating racist environments that pit fellow Americans against each other. And of course, we all know George Soros is putting his money in the pockets of both Hillary and these radicals. Hillary Clinton will continue this divide, and lawlessness will reign. Just recently Hillary stated that Angela Merkel was one of her favorite world leaders. One need only look at Merkel’s policies to see the devastation which has rocked Germany and will rock America if Clinton is elected.

We are looking at catastrophic increases in crime rates if we allow this woman back in our White House. Those who keep our communities safe are under attack. Not only has the border patrol endorsed Donald J. Trump, but the nation’s largest police union has also endorsed him.

We need a president who cares for all Americans, and who will not only Make America Great Again, but will heal the divide between her people, and make America safe again for all citizens.

Hillary the politician vs. Trump the president

The debate was structurally biased and Holt biased it. He repeatedly argued with Trump about the facts. Despite the ban on fact-checking, Holt attempted to debate Trump on the Iraq War and on the birth certificate. It was a disgraceful and a biased performance. It is a reminder that the structure of the debates must be changed to prevent mainstream media from dominating it. Every question was shaped to frame a left-wing agenda. Holt hurled numerous attacks at Trump. He only passingly offered Hillary a chance to address her emails when Trump had already brought it up. —Daniel Greenfield

The Biased Debate

I don’t like to watch debates, I never have, and having watched Hillary debate in high school and use tactics that were less than honorable, watching her lie through her teeth during this first debate, was enough to make me wretch. The above quote from Daniel Greenfield is so absolutely true. Lester Holt wanted to debate Trump himself! His bias was obvious as were his softball questions to Hillary. I thought as I watched it, that every time Hillary can’t really answer a question in one sentence or two, she rambles on, and you can tell she’s lying, she’s lying, she’s lying. Fifteen personal questions to Trump and only two to Hillary.

Spiritually Alive                                Spiritually Dead

Democratic Socialist Moderators

I’ve mentioned in several articles that I’ve wondered why we cannot have someone like Lou Dobbs, Steve Malzberg, Laura Ingraham, Neil Cavuto or Sean Hannity as moderators instead of these Democratic socialists all the time. Unfortunately, Roger Stone told me that once a candidate signs on with the Debate Commission, they have no say as to moderators. We need to get this changed…it’s time our side actually gave some zingers to the candidates from Marxist hell. Sure wish Mr. Trump had been able to use “The Art of the Deal,” to get this changed prior to the debates.

Hillary Promotes Her Socialist Beliefs

goals of Marxism are no longer taught in American/government schools.

Obvious Lester Holt Bias

Clinton came across as smug, pompous, robotic and rehearsed to the point of memorization. Did anyone besides Devvy Kidd and me notice her drugged out look? The MSM of course saw Hillary as winning the debate, but she is losing ground with voters in swing states according to the Charlotte Observer.

Lester Holt shilled for Hillary Clinton. Obviously, he didn’t want the backlash he saw Matt Lauer receive when he moderated the Commander-in-Chief forumand actually allowed questions from the audience which put Hillary in a very uncomfortable state.


Rudy Giuliani asserted that Holt was “extremely unfair” and that his “fact checking” every time Hillary said the word “fact,” or the one time she mentioned, “fact check,” showed Holt’s obvious bias, especially over the “stop and frisk” issue which was completely inaccurate. Rudy should know, as he was the Mayor of New York when it was used.

The Daily Caller analysis said that Mr. Trump was interrupted 41 times by Lester Holt whereas he only interrupted Hillary seven times.

Holt really wanted to debate Trump, and challenged him six times on his answers, but Hillary was asked no follow up questions throughout the entire debate.

The Washington Times, agreed with me that Trump was forced to debate Lester Holt as well as Hillary.

The bottom line is that Holt was much harsher on Trump than Hillary, and anyone who watched could see the obvious bias. Holt only mentioned Hillary’s email scandal when he asked Hillary to respond to Trump rather than crafting a tough question himself.

The Donald needed to bring up Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, and the entire Hillary email debacle, but wasn’t really given an opportunity.

Neil Cavuto exposed the bias of Lester Holt in this video where he shows that Donald Trump never supported the war in Iraq, an issue Trump had to defend against Holt.

Hillary Lies

Hillary Clinton’s litany of lies throughout the first presidential debate had me screaming at the television. Another reason my husband refuses to even watch them, they’re so scripted! Let’s just look at a few.

she called it the “gold standard” of trade deals, just as Trump stated. As Secretary of State, Hillary championed
TPP 24 times

Hillary Clinton defended NAFTA, which her husband signed into law, and the accompanying unemployment as a good trade deal, in the face of attacks by Donald Trump. He said, “NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere but certainly ever signed in this country, and now you want to approve Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Trump also cited the 30-50 percent reduction in manufacturing in key states as being more than just an opinion.

Tax the Wealthy – Really interesting Hillary, especially since while Secretary of State, you have colluded with foreign dignitaries to help them out if they make large donations to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary advocates raising taxes on the wealthy because she doesn’t believe they pay enough. “I think it’s time to suggest that the wealthy pay their fair share,” she said. 

The truth is that America has the most progressive tax system in the world — the top 10 percent contribute over half of all income tax revenue…and the top 10% are the ones who use their money to create businesses and jobs, but jobs aren’t really important to Hillary.

Anyone remember what Democrat President John F. Kennedy said about lowering taxes?

Kennedy proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65% He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%. Those figures for the early 60s are astronomical. Economic growth expanded in 1963, and Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress insisted that reducing taxes without corresponding spending cuts was unacceptable. Kennedy disagreed, arguing that “a rising tide lifts all boats” and that strong economic growth would not continue without lower taxes. He was right.

The Field of Fight.

Hillary’s Emails – Hillary said, “I made a mistake using a private email.” But she didn’t use a private email, she used multiple private email servers. She implied that she didn’t know she’d done anything wrong, but she was trained for two hours by the FBI before taking over the job of Secretary of State!

Vladimir Putin


Trump covered all the important messages asked in the debate, and he should have brushed aside the nitpicking and ignored it because the entire hour was spent attacking Trump.

Hillary may have looked as though she held her own against Donald J. Trump, but the reality of this debate is that she proved her complete disregard for truth and she lied through her teeth to the American people. Did she have the questions in advance? Who knows…a few websites believe she did.


Look people, the day of the first debate, the powers that be shut down Michael Savage’s affiliates when he started to speak about Hillary’s illnesses. We are living in a censoring tyrannical government like that of Communist Mikhail Gorbachev, the Baathist Saddam Hussein government, Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania, or the Peoples’ Republic of China. We should be shouting at the top of our lungs…The First Amendment of the Constitution is a God given unalienable right…the right to speak the truth as you see it.

Treachery from inside Eagle Forum family

An honest enemy is better than a false friend. When in doubt, pay more attention to what people do and less to what they say. Actions not only speak louder than words, they are more difficult to fake. —Zero Dean

The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. It comes from your friends and loved ones.

One Daughter’s Antipathy

On the day that Phyllis died, Ms. Cori made a surprise visit to her mother’s home contrary to the instructions of her mother and her healthcare representative.

Ms. Cori spent 45 minutes with her mother, while Phyllis’ dear friend, Kathleen, watched from the doorway. Anne later claimed that her mother smiled, squeezed her hand, forgave her, and that Anne would carry on Phyllis’s legacy. The problem with this massive deception is that Phyllis had been in a coma for over 10 hours, as confirmed by multiple witnesses including a home health care assistant. Kathleen documented the truth, and knew that Phyllis could not, and did not, do anything Anne claimed.

Sometimes the people you’d take a bullet for are the ones behind the trigger. Sadly, it’s often with friends and family.

The Brilliant Schlafly Family

Phyllis’s entire family has followed in their parents’ footsteps regarding education. Andrew, and Liza are attorneys, and John is both an attorney and CPA. Dr. Bruce is a hand surgeon, and Roger has a PhD in mathematics. Ms. Cori has her undergrad degree in history from Georgetown University, and she is a cook who owns the Kitchen Conservatory, a retailer which offers cooking classes. 


Tom Cori, a widower and former CEO of Sigma-Aldrich, a Merck Company, in 2004. Ms. Cori used to cater affairs for Tom’s first wife, who was on the board of Planned Parenthood.

The Gang of Six Turns Against Phyllis

Last year, when Phyllis endorsed Donald Trump for President, board members who were once close to her turned against her, led by her youngest child, Anne Cori.

Six of the eleven board members of Eagle Forum (501c4) desired to take over the organization behind Phyllis’s back and remove her and the board’s choice as president, Ed Martin. Those six rogue board members are Anne Cori of Missouri, Eunie Smith of Alabama, Cathie Adams of Texas, Rosina Kovar of Colorado, Shirley Curry of Tennessee, and Carolyn McLarty of Oklahoma. Dominionist Donna Hearne is not on the board, but is in bed with the rest of these traitorous women. She is the Missouri operative whose donors are drying up, and she has worked to plan the takeover.

These six, and a few Eagles who agree with them, are supporters of Ted Cruz or NeverTrumpers. Anne Cori, who has declared herself “pro-choice,” strongly supported Ted Cruz who is committed to rewriting the Constitution in an Article V Convention. Does Anne Cori support a Con-Con? Who knows, but that too is anathema to her mother’s beliefs. Ms. Cori did nothing to stop Con-Con as it sailed to passage in Missouri last year, until national Eagle Forum intervened, another reason her mother fired her.

escorted Heidi Cruz out of the convention as the crowd heckled her because of her husband’s speech when he failed to endorse Trump. The Con-Con network is central to the Cruz campaign and its strategy.

Dissention at Eagle Council

The very first day of the Council meeting, the “Gang of Six” and their devotees showed up sporting badges that said, “For Phyllis.” In fact, it is the opposite, they are against Phyllis and everything Eagle Forum stands for, because Phyllis endorsed Donald J. Trump for president. The reality is that none of this Gang of Six or their adherents are really “For Phyllis.” They are with her pro-choice, pro-Cruz daughter, Anne Cori, and some of them have jumped on the Cruz bandwagon for a Constitutional Convention, which is needed for Cruz’s North American Union.

As to the Gang of 6, Eagle Council confirmed that they are rejected by the vast majority of Eagles when former Oregon State Senator, Marylin Shannon asked for a vote from us, and she got it in spades!

On Sunday, after Publius Huldah spoke, various state members took the stage to give their reports. The specific names of speakers, and what they would talk about was determined beforehand, and anyone from the “Gang of Six” was not to disrupt the conference. However, Deborah Love of Alabama took the stage as an attempt to use a proxy in defiance of a court order which the Gang of Six litigants was required to respect/or obey. She was not accepted because her name was not on the court order dated that Friday when Eagle Council began.

She apparently doesn’t know the status of her state either, because she claimed they’d fought off the Article V Constitutional Convention in Alabama. I beg to differ with her, because in early 2015, they passed a call of the unlawful and unconstitutional Convention of States.

Ed Martin told her she was not allowed to speak and should remove herself from the stage, but she would not. Joyce Koth, who was sitting two seats to my right, started singing, America the Beautiful, and we all joined in song. Zina, who was sitting to my left stood up and went to the stage and turned the microphone upside down, and then turned her back on Deborah Love. We succeeded in drowning her out.

Anne Cori tried to film Deborah Love, which again, is not allowed, so Joyce stepped in front of her.

One gentleman who sat next to Tom Cori told me that Tom said he and his wife always sit at separate tables so they could later compare notes.

Anne Cori Ousted

The Gang of Six has left a string of unpaid bills to innocent vendors of Eagle Forum, despite having the funding to pay them. The Gang is late again in approving payment of the lease obligation on the office in D.C.

Who is Tom Cori?

embryonic stem cell research. Mallinckrodt is a private foundation that funds basic biomedical research in St Louis and throughout the United States.

Embryonic stem cells, as their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors.

The mission of the Foundation is to support early stage investigators engaged in biomedical research that has the potential to significantly advance the understanding, diagnosis, or treatment of disease.

An article in the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Human Embryo Research is Illegal, Immoral and Unnecessary, stands against stem cell research, as do many other Christian denominations. As stated in the article, “This proposal is immoral because it violates a central tenet of all civilized codes on human experimentation beginning with the Nuremberg Code: It approves doing deadly harm to a member of the human species solely for the sake of potential benefit to others.” Tom Cori’s mother was Jewish, yet he apparently approves of this immoral activity.

Carnegie Foundation and the Coris

There were five major industrialists who financed socialist and terrorist causes, and one of them was Andrew Carnegie, steel magnate and British Chartist. The Carnegie Institute for Science was founded in 1895 by Pilgrims Society member, Andrew Carnegie.

It is this latter Institute for Science which is of interest. Why? Because Tom Cori, husband of Anne Cori, is a Trustee. If you scroll to page 21 in the Carnegie Institute website, you will see Tom and Anne Cori listed as individuals who have made lifetime contributions of between $100,000 and $999,999.

Both Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation monies went to promote John Dewey, Marxism, a One-World-Government agenda, and Socialism. The foundations (principally the Rockefeller and Carnegie) stimulated two-thirds of the total endowment funding of all institutions of higher learning in America during the first third of the 20th century. If you love common core, you’ll love Carnegie, their destruction of American education is legend.

They are the very KINGMAKERS whom Phillis identified in her classic book, A Choice, Not an Echo.

Eagle Council Memorial

The memorial for Phyllis at Eagle Council was held Saturday morning. There were a number of speakers, including her sons. Roger told a great story about his childhood and how he was always testing his mother’s limits. They were crossing the street and Phyllis told him to stay within the crosswalk. Roger responded that he’d still be dead if a car hit him inside or outside of the crosswalk. Phyllis, always quick with a response said, “But we’d have a better lawsuit if you’re within the crosswalk.”

Another speaker was Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert, who was a Cruz supporter and has never endorsed Mr. Trump. However, he has stated he will vote for Trump to keep Hillary out of the White House. I was standing in the back of the pavilion and watched as Gohmert came down the side aisle on his way out. Ms. Cori was sitting alone in the very back, and she and Gohmert embraced and spoke for a good while, birds of a feather I imagined. 


One has to wonder if Tom Cori, corporate raider for Sigma-Aldrich, has been advising his wife how to destroy her mother’s conservative organization. Ms. Cori’s stances are anathema to Phyllis’s Eagle Forum policies. Phyllis was pro-life, pro-family, pro-academic education, and pro-Constitution. Tom and Anne Cori stand in total opposition to these policies.

Apparently the other five women on the board, along with a few followers, are in agreement with Cori’s policies and also support Ted Cruz, who has finally endorsed Donald J. Trump for president, albeit too late to redeem his stature after his Convention speech.

Anne Cori’s actions are those of a daughter who detests her own mother, and wishes to destroy her legacy. The monies given to Eagle Forum by members is being wasted on these hostile lawsuits. Even at 92, Phyllis handled them as she handled her adversaries, without letting them ruin her day.


Anne Cori, and the women from Eagle Forum who stand with her, should resign as Phyllis asked them all to do, and this includes those in my state of Tennessee, as well as the ones in California. Their treatment of Eagle Forum’s founder is dishonorable and contemptible.

The Lord promised each of us three score and ten in Psalm 90:10. God blessed both Phyllis and us with an extra 22 years of her brilliance. Thanks be to God!

Eagle Forum stands as a bastion of conservative light in an America who desperately needs their leadership and policies to continue. President Ed Martin, Phyllis’s loyal Eagles, and her sons, are well equipped to carry on her legacy.

Phyllis Schlafly’s last great work

“The Conservative Case for Trump is nothing less than the case for saving America from socialist tyranny…Every conservative needs to read this book and heed the wisdom of the heroic Phyllis Schlafly.” —Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo, professor of economics, Loyola University Maryland

Schlafly’s Magnum Opus

The Conservative Case for Trump,” was released the day after Phyllis passed into glory on September 5, 2016, and is now on the New York Times best seller list. I’d love to say it is Phyllis’s magnum opus, but she has written so many phenomenal books that to name one would be to marginalize her other great works. “A Choice, Not an Echo,” the updated and expanded 50th anniversary edition of the original publication, is a phenomenal book documenting the Rockefeller Republican Kingmakers. The updated version was released in 2014, and perhaps that is her Magnum Opus, but this last book is one with great hope for America, and Phyllis spent her last few months on earth making sure the American people knew it.

Eagle Forum Council 2016

Phyllis would not have wanted any of Eagle Forum’s efforts to save our beloved Republic to come to a halt because she was no longer with us. Only two weeks after her death, Phyllis’s choice for President of Eagle Forum, Ed Martin, and her sons and faithful employees continued their plans for Eagle Forum’s yearly council meeting which met on September 16th through 18th. I was blessed to be an invited guest at this wonderful celebration.

It would be difficult to highlight the many exceptional speakers in this article, but suffice to say, my very favorites were Dr. and Mrs. Ben Carson. Candy Carson received the Eagle Forum Fulltime Homemaker Award. Her husband introduced her and spoke about their courtship, marriage, and lives together. Candy expounded on this theme and then told us about her husband’s choice to run for President and how he experienced some of the ugliness of politics. I am truly in awe of this wonderful couple. They both love Donald J. Trump, and I would hope that Dr. Carson will be an integral part of Mr. Trump’s administration.

Watch for future articles about the Carson’s, and the rest of the speakers, as well as those who came to honor Phyllis in the Saturday morning Celebration of Life. 

The Last Book

As noted in my previous article, Phyllis Schlafly and President of Eagle Forum and co-author, Ed Martin, worked tirelessly for hundreds of hours poring through her written work and Mr. Trump’s policies to put together the book, The Conservative Case for Trump. Phyllis and her colleagues met with and interviewed Mr. Trump. This amazing book not only contains a treasure trove of Phyllis’s writings on Mr. Trump, but it contains direct answers from Mr. Trump on how to fix the problems our beloved country faces today.

Brett Decker, co-author and editor of the book, was formerly editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times. He asked Mr. Trump direct questions, and he received answers just as direct. Mr. Decker told us at Eagle Forum Council that he had only 13 days to edit this new book! His efforts were well worth it.


The Books’ Chapters Tell the Story

The first chapter in this marvelous little book, is about the “Immigration Invasion.”

Donald J. Trump said, “The first thing we need to do is secure our southern border, and we need to do it now. We have to stop the flood, and the best way to do that is to build a wall.”

And what was one of Phyllis’s greatest accomplishments at the 2016 GOP convention? She actually got “The Wall” in the Republican platform! What an amazing woman!

“Rotten Trade Deals” is covered in Chapter 2, and Mr. Trump says, “Open markets are the ideal, but if one guy is cheating the whole time, how is that fair trade?”

The Chapter titles alone will thrill any true old right Constitutional Conservative. Political Correctness Kills, Restraining Judicial Activism, Military Superiority, Trump or a New Constitutional Convention, and so much more! 

Trump’s Trial by Fire

On page 145, Phil Jennings, an investment banker, novelist and a former Marine Corps pilot in Vietnam, stated the following:

When I hear Republican and conservative elites lecture the rest of us about Trump’s supposed deviations from the ideological strictures, or his shortcomings as a human being, I think about what Jesus said about casting the first stone. I seriously doubt any of these critics would be able to stand up to the same type of scrutiny they are giving Trump, assuming they had the guts to get into the arena…

I don’t pretend to know if God would vote for Donald Trump, or for that matter what state He is registered to vote in. But I do know that the God of Abraham who shed his grace on America had a purpose and a vision. He would not turn his back on a country and a people that has achieved so much under his blessings. Donald Trump wants to make America great again, and as far as I know, if he did he would be doing God’s work.


The care of our veterans, the supreme court justices, national security, fixing social security, repealing Obamacare, religious liberty, restraining judicial activism, and securing our borders are just a few of the topics. It’s all in this book, and tell me just how many women at nearly 92 years of age could work as hard as Phyllis did with her colleagues to turn out this marvelous book on the candidate they believe will save our Republic. That brilliant mind of hers never wavered, never rested, and never stopped the critical thinking until her last day on earth.

Thank you Mrs. Schlafly, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Decker for this marvelous book which gives an exclusive inside view of the man, Donald Trump, and his plans to restore America’s greatness. America’s people will be blessed to have Mr. Trump as our 45th president of the United States of America.

Is the queen of corruption too sick to campaign?

In the United States, the Constitution is a health chart left by the Founding Fathers which shows whether or not the body politic is in good health. If the national body is found to be in poor health, the Founding Fathers also left a prescription for the restoration of health called the Declaration of Independence. —Dick Gregory

Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits. —Thomas Jefferson

What is Wrong with Hillary?

Today’s Hillary is not the effervescent and exuberant high school Alinsky fan. Over and over we’re seeing problems where Hillary has episodes of lost memory, or what appear to be epileptic seizures, or even difficulty in walking and climbing stairs. We need to look at her health. I do not believe she is well enough to even be running for president, much less serving a four-year term. 

The upcoming debates are debilitating, and I wonder if she’ll take another half-hour bathroom break to get away from Mr. Trump. Remember, two of the debates are scheduled opposite of high profile football games. Was she responsible for those dates with the complicit MSM so there are less viewers? We already know every single moderator is a liberal Democrat, and two are actually tied to the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Collapses in New York

At the early morning memorial on the 15th anniversary of 9/11, Hillary Clinton rushed out of the ceremony and was seen being helped into her SUV as she faints. Here are the videos from The Conservative Treehouse website that show what happened, which appeared more serious than a fainting spell. The last video shows something metallic falling from one pants leg.
Video #2 –
Here is a mirror view –
Video #3 –

Fox News is now reporting that Hillary has pneumonia, which was diagnosed Friday, and allegedly caused her fainting spell. But everything is fine, move along, nothing to see here. 

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

Friends whose parents have had this say that Hillary’s symptoms match NPH exactly. 

Eric Boling of Fox News received a call from a physician regarding Hillary’s symptoms and the likelihood of NPH. He explains in his article, Wake Up America: Hillary Clinton Owes Us This.

For several months, Hillary took a powerful anti-coagulant to thin her blood and dissolve the deep brain clot from a fall she had. Most people respond from this condition without permanent brain damage.

However, some elderly patients turn up with a complication known as normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), which is characterized by balance problems and urinary incontinence and sometimes looks similar to Parkinson’s Disease.


It causes thinking and reasoning problems, difficulty walking and loss of bladder control. Other symptoms are memory loss, speech problems, apathy and withdrawal, changes in mood and behavior, difficulties with reasoning, paying attention, or judgment, walking problems, unsteadiness, leg weakness, sudden falls, shuffling steps, “getting stuck” or “freezing” while walking, urinary symptoms, inability to hold urine, and frequent and urgent urination. Maybe that’s why Hillary had to leave the debate with Bernie, to go to the bathroom?


The treatment of choice for NPH patients who show a positive response to diagnostic testing is the placement of a CSF shunt. A shunt is an implantable device designed to drain CSF fluid away from the brain thereby allowing the enlarged ventricles to return to a normal state.

Surgery can help with urinary and balance problems, but there is no guarantee as to recovery, and not all symptoms are relieved with surgery

Reports of Poor Health

There have been so many reports on Hillary’s poor health that they are finally hitting even major media, although those who speak out are often terminated from employment. 

In 2009, Hillary had a severe fall when going to the White House, and she broke her elbow. 

In 2011, she fell boarding a plane. 

In 2012, she has another fall at home, resulting in a severe concussion, which Bill Clinton says took her six months to recover from, and she ended up with a blood-clot in the brain, and a lifetime of being on blood thinners.

Is she prone to falling? It appears as though she has equilibrium problems. You can see from the following photos that she can barely get up a few stairs without two people helping her. If she does fall and hit her head again, she will probably get another blood-clot. The photos are from February of this year. 

Fox Medical Team Comments

The public has a right to know what her neurological records show, but both Hillary and Bill’s medical records are sealed.

Other Symptoms of NPH?

She has extreme reactions to visual stimuli as seen in this video.

She has coughing fits while on stage speaking as seen herehere, and here on her plane, and this has happened multiple times. Her bathroom trips have been bad enough, but what causes this constant dry cough? Could it be NPH? Here she is at a recent rally where she blames the coughing fit on being allergic to Donald Trump. It pained me to even watch this!

She seems to go bobble-head in this video, which is an overreaction if I ever saw one. I tried to mimic what she did and couldn’t even do it!

At a recent rally, she seems to lose her train of thought, get a bit dizzy, and have a bit of a blackout.

American Thinker has an article regarding Hillary constantly being accompanied by a medic with an anti-seizure injection at the ready.

And here’s another video where she seemingly gets flummoxed by a protester. Notice the same black gentleman runs up to her and says, “Keep talking.”
That black gentleman is the same man who was Bill Clinton’s former medical aide, and was with Bill 24/7 after his heart surgery. He has been at the side of Hillary Clinton for several months (pictured below right with President Clinton who was recovering from heart surgery).

Ed Klein’s New Book

“Unlikeable, The Problem with Hillary,” actually details her previous health problems, and goes into the strokes, blinding headaches, insomnia and other health issues that have plagued Hillary and sapped her energy. “For the first time I’ve known her, she’s showing self-doubt about her strength and vitality,” a friend of Clinton’s told author Edward Klein.

Dr. Lisa Bardack released a letter stating that Hillary was healthy. The letter outlined Clinton’s medical history, which included her treatment for a brain concussion, an analysis of blood clots affecting her legs and brain on separate occasions, an underactive thyroid gland examination, and a complete family history of heart disease. Despite good results, Ed Klein says Hillary is keeping medical information under wraps.

“There were incidents on the campaign trail when she felt faint and nearly swooned,” he claimed. “Those incidents were kept secret.”

Of course she’s not likeable. She never has been likeable. This woman has a mouth on her that would make a sailor blush, and she detests anyone who gets in her way. You’ll never hear her saying the words Mr. Trump says to us. 

She’s Not Physically Fit

The conclusion has to be that Hillary is not physically fit to even be running for president, much less to take on the full-time job. Nevertheless, she is hell bent to regain the White House. No, we’d just end up with either Bill running things, or Vice Presidential nominee, Tim Kaine, both of whom are equally as deranged as Hillary.

This is not an election we can afford to sit out. To do so, would be a vote for Hillary, and this woman is simply too far to the left and too dangerous to our freedoms. Even if you don’t agree with every Trump policy, we are at the tipping point. Think of what our children and grandchildren’s futures will be with millions upon millions of refugees allowed into our country, not to mention open borders.

I believe God put it on Mr. Trump’s heart that he was chosen to save our Republic. I also believe that he is an answer to our prayers for our country. Mr. Trump has stepped up now because he knows what destruction awaits us if he is not allowed to set us right. There is no more time.

Schlafly’s chosen successor, Ed Martin, continues to champion Eagle Forum

The United States is a giant island of freedom, achievement, wealth and prosperity in a world hostile to our values. —Phyllis Schlafly

“This beloved woman had more strength… and heart than 50 of the strongest politicians all put together. She never apologized, she never backed down in taking on the Kingmakers. She loved her country, she loved her family, and she loved her God. Her legacy will live on every time some underdog defies the odds and delivers a win for the people.” —Donald Trump speaking at Phyllis Schlafly’s funeral mass

Eagle Forum Leadership

Leadership is about substance, namely character. It is not about personality, possessions, or charisma, but all about who you are as a person. For 44 years, Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum (EF) was led by a woman with great strength of character and fortitude.

She passed the torch to the man she chose as her successor, Edward Robert Martin, Jr., knowing he would carry on her legacy. Had it not been for Ed Martin, we would not have had Phyllis as long as we did. The two of them worked so well together, and both of them were always smiling, even when facing adversity.

It was Ed Martin who made sure Phyllis was able to attend the GOP Convention in Cleveland as a delegate from Missouri for Donald J. Trump. Several women had tried to block Phyllis from being a delegate at the Republican Convention, but Ed turned the tables in righteous anger to champion Phyllis as a delegate for Mr. Trump.

She and Ed, along with her other loyal Eagles and two of her sons, were there for two weeks fighting for the GOP platform to be pro-family and with sound Constitutional issues, just as she has for decades. She met with hundreds of people who celebrated her work and her presence at this momentous convention experience to work to elect an anti-establishment candidate who opposes the Kingmakers’ agenda.

Ed and her loyal Eagles trained platform delegates about issues, and encouraged them to get “the wall” issue into the platform. They taught them how to craft words so that the Article V Convention of States language did not pollute the principled Republican platform which upholds our miraculous Constitution. 

It was an absolute joy for Phyllis to attend this Convention and again be an integral part of shaping the Republican platform, just as she had been since 1952.

Phyllis’s Latest Book

A Choice Not an Echo, was updated and released on its 50th anniversary in 2014. This book, perhaps her most famous, was first released during Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign against LBJ. In it, Phyllis exposed the Rockefeller Republicans who she called the “Kingmakers.” The updated and expanded edition is without question a masterpiece. In all her years, she never stopped writing.

The Conservative Case for Trump, was released. She co-authored this book with Ed Martin and Brett Decker. Phyllis and Ed spent hundreds of hours poring through her writings, and Donald Trump’s policies, to present us with a solid case for electing Donald J. Trump as our 45th president. 

Martin’s Distinguished Career

Character is the glue that bonds solid and meaningful relationships, and Ed Martin and Phyllis certainly were in lockstep, and she trusted him implicitly. Trust is a function of two things: character and competence. Character includes your integrity, your motive, and your intent with people. Competence includes your capabilities, your skills, and your track record. Ed has it all.

Mr. Martin grew up in New Jersey, attended the College of the Holy Cross and majored in English. He also attended Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy while on a Rotary International scholarship and earned another bachelor’s degree. It was in Rome where he decided to attend law school and went to Saint Louis University School of Law. Ed holds a law degree and advanced degrees in medical ethics and philosophy and was awarded postgraduate fellowships. Ed’s passion for pro-life issues goes back to his childhood and his upbringing.

While at law school, Ed attended a Thanksgiving dinner with Pope John Paul IIin 1997. He received an invitation to the dinner because he served as the sole youth representative expert of the Synod of the Bishops on the Americas. Following graduation, Martin worked as director of the Human Rights Office for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. He is pictured with Rosa Parks.

Once in private practice, Ed specialized in pro-bono cases. He even appeared on the Lou Dobbs show regarding the Illinois health plan requirement of pharmacies to carry the morning after abortion pill. Two pharmacists argued that carrying this medication violated their religious rights. Ed won this case, and others for small businessmen.


Ed served as Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party and as a member of the Republican National Committee. He was chief of staff for Missouri Governor Matt Blunt, where he helped pass pro-life legislation. Having run for office, Ed is well versed in political strategy and tactics, how candidates win and lose, and how legislation is passed and defeated. When Ed ran for Attorney General, Phyllis Schlafly and Coach Holtz both supported him.

On January 5, 2013 Ed Martin was elected Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party. He served for two years, and then he left the post in January of 2015 to become president of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum.

Ed and his wife Carol, a physician specializing in geriatric internal medicine, live in St. Louis with their four children.

Martin Elected President of Eagle Forum

Martin was elected President of Eagle Forum by the Board of Directors on Jan. 31, 2015. Phyllis Schlafly, whom the Board elevated to Chairman of the Board and CEO, said, “Ed Martin is uniquely qualified and prepared to carry on the essential educational and political leadership of EF that has made it the premier organization of grassroots volunteers in the conservative movement. He is fully committed to all the values and principles that Eagle Forum has always espoused.”

Ed Martin’s income comes from two of the EF organizations and both the 501c3 and 501c4 boards reviewed and confirmed his salary to serve as president at their 2015 board meetings.


Betrayal and Attempted Takeover

Last year, when Phyllis endorsed Donald Trump for President, board members who were once close to her turned against her, including her youngest child, Anne Cori.

Six of the eleven board members of Eagle Forum (501c4) desired to take over the organization behind Phyllis’s back and remove her and the board’s choice as president, Ed Martin. Those six rogue board members are Anne Cori of Missouri, Eunie Smith of Alabama, Cathie Adams of Texas, Rosina Kovar of Colorado, Shirley Curry of Tennessee, and Carolyn McLarty of Oklahoma. 

These six, and some of the other Eagles who agree with them, are supporters of Ted Cruz or NeverTrumpers. Anne Cori, who has declared herself “pro-choice,” strongly supported Ted Cruz who is committed to rewriting the Constitution in an Article V Constitutional Convention. Phyllis has fought against abortion and a Constitutional Convention for decades. Several women obviously lean toward Cruz’s heretical doctrine of Dominionism.

Phyllis wrote them a letter and asked them to resign despite her past love and respect for them.

These women, and other Eagles who have jumped on this morally suspect bandwagon, claim they want to “save” Eagle Forum, but in fact, they are trying to destroy the organization. They all anticipated getting a chunk of EF’s monies, and that is what this is really about…greed.

Anne Cori spent much of her life cultivating a resentment of the prolife, pro-family organizations around which her parents raised her. Indeed, in 1994, Anne herself informed Priscilla Gray, while Priscilla was in Phyllis’ employ, that she was “pro-choice,” and had “never been interested in Mother’s issues.” Anne is married to Tom Cori who has had Planned Parenthood board affiliations.

Sometime back, Phyllis thought Anne may have changed, and so she accepted Anne’s help in management at Eagle Forum as Anne had shown herself to be a talented businesswoman. However, after a period of time, Phyllis realized her sentimentality was improperly placed and that Anne, “who is a talented entrepreneur, has no interest in the issues, and therefore cannot be an Eagle leader.”

The Vultures Descend

Unfortunately, the betrayal by these six women was far greater than Phyllis imagined. Anne Cori conspired to “entrepreneur” the millions of dollars from Eagle Forum’s various organizations by forming liaisons with five longtime eagles.

Cori’s and her gang’s goal is to take over all seven entities of EF which were founded by Phyllis and to control all of her intellectual property and the funds which she raised and saved for future goals.

This “gang of six,” and their fellow conspirators, who were apparently tempted by the opportunity to have access to the millions, initiated a lawsuit, and they have seized bank accounts and caused them to be frozen in this crucial election year. These rogue board members, in effect, took the power away from Phyllis who, they suggested, was being manipulated.

We know for a fact that Phyllis was never and has never been manipulated by anyone. Her stalwart Christian faith and pro-family, pro-Constitution policies were sound and true to the end, and this could be seen in her speeches, interviews, and writings.

These ambitious older women have aspirations of dividing Eagle Forum amongst themselves. Cathie Adams wants to take some of EF to Texas, and Eunie Smith wants to take some to Alabama. Ann Cori realized she could tap their ambitions and collude with them in taking over EF and mold it to their beliefs rather than those established by Phyllis Schlafly.

This “gang of six” has now filed a federal lawsuit, and obviously hopes to claim ownership of all of Phyllis’s intellectual property. This includes all her books and articles…it is where the money lies.

While at the Convention, Phyllis repeatedly made this statement, “Well, they wanted me to die and I didn’t die soon enough, so they sued to take over EF, and to take it away from my intended direction.” She said they wanted to own her name and own her intellectual property. Like vultures, they circled her during the last year of her life looking for an opportunity to pick her bones. 

Phyllis was brokenhearted, but determined to fight. As Donald Trump stated at her funeral, “Even at the age of 92, this beloved woman had more strength, and fire, and heart, than 50 strong politicians all put together.” He was right, and fight she did with Ed Martin and her devoted friends and sons at her side.

Schlafly always recognized jealousy when it existed, yet she chose to ignore it and carry on with her work. These bitter women are so full of jealousy, pride, ambition, envy, and the lust for money that they will destroy, if possible, what Phyllis Schlafly has built. The big question is, who is funding their lawsuit? It is obviously BIG MONEY and it is likely the Kingmakers whom Phyllis has fought all her life. They want to destroy her legacy.


Many times Phyllis commented that Ed Martin is an extraordinarily good man, and the perfect choice to carry on as the leader of Eagle Forum. Romans 3:20 states, “As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.” Yet, in Acts 11:24, the Lord says this about Barnabas, “For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.” 

Phyllis was right, Ed Martin is an extraordinarily good man, and she chose wisely her successor and leader for Eagle Forum. 

Ed Martin and Phyllis’s staunch supporters continue to fight this takeover which would destroy the legacy which Phyllis built for 70 years. When Phyllis chose Ed Martin, she chose well.

When Phyllis died, her small spot of cancer had been in remission for years. What really killed Phyllis was betrayal. Elder abuse and constant harassment by those who brought the lawsuits contributed strongly to her suffering. That suffering was compounded by her own daughter who repeatedly telephoned her mother late at night and recited the mantra, “I love you, and I want to preserve your legacy.” 

Phyllis responded with, “If you really love me that much, drop the lawsuit.” 

The harassing calls from Anne continued late into the night, and Phyllis endured it for over a month before she made a police report against her daughter, and instructed the them to tell Anne Cori to cease and desist.

The betrayal, by women she had helped to become prominent in their states, and the resulting stress of lawsuits, one which was even served at the GOP convention, is what really killed her.

If justice were true, these women and their cohorts would be charged with manslaughter. Yet, as Christian believers, those who stood with Phyllis are praying for them. The battle for the survival of Eagle Forum will continue with Phyllis’s dear friend, Ed Martin, at the helm. 

We are praying for their success, so that Eagle Forum will continue to lead effectively in the American public square. This is what Phyllis Schlafly established it to be.

Hillary Clinton’s love of Islam

“Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” -Hillary Clinton Nov. 16, 2015.

“Radical Islamists intend to create an even larger Islamic state based on the ancient precepts of Radical Islam, and they are fully prepared to use absolute violence to achieve it.” -LTG Michael T. Flynn, The Field of Fight

Hillary and Chelsea Study Islam

The March, 25, 1996 San Jose Mercury News contained an article, “First Lady Studying Islam Faith.” In part, it states the following:

Clinton and her 16-year-old daughter, Chelsea, who studied Islamic history in school, are off on an eight-day international trip whose main theme is religious tolerance.

They’ll visit the Bosnian city of Tuzia to cheer up U.S. troops and meet with religious leaders.

Then it’s off to Turkey for some sightseeing and more religious discussion at the Islamic Cultural Center in Istanbul. 

Throughout her journey, Clinton will preach “a theme of religious harmony,” according to an aide.

You’d have thought the two of them would have figured out that Islam is a political system, not a religion, and that 96% of all Islamic doctrine subjugates women. They obviously couldn’t care less. You never hear the National Organization of Women say squat about the inhumane treatment of females by Muslim men. 

It was only too obvious at the Democratic Convention with Khizr Khan’s wife standing silent beside him with her hijab covering her head. We now know all about Khan and his use of his dead son, who has been gone for over 12 years, as a ploy for Hillary and against Donald Trump.

Hillary Sides with Obama and Jarrett on Muslims

Valerie Jarrett is an Iranian Muslim. She also has five secret service agents, and I wonder why. In 1977, while at Stanford University, she stated, “I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. I am also an American citizen and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me, and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself.”

Jarrett’s father, Vernon, was an avowed communist. The Chicago connection is also there, the Mayor of Chicago, Richard M. Daley, was Valerie’s former boss. Richard’s brother William M. Daley, was Obama’s former Chief of Staff. 

Hillary even sided with George W. Bush regarding Islam by referencing a speech he made where he stated, “We must all stand up against offensive, inflammatory, hateful anti-Muslim rhetoric.” I lost total respect for Dubya when he said about Islam, “We all worship the same God.” Sorry Georgie, but you do not know God’s Word.

Iranian Islamist, Valerie Jarrett, is President Obama’s Senior Advisor. Secretary of State, John Kerry, has an Iranian son-in-law. Hillary’s top aide for over 20 years is an Islamist! They are all in love with Islam!

Of course Hillary, whose youth was infiltrated with Saul Alinsky Marxist propaganda, ignores the once sound teaching of her Methodist “faith,” and embraces Islam as though it’s equal in stature to our Judeo-Christian faiths. Hillary Clinton told Women in the World Summit that Christians must deny their faith through the enforcement of laws, by stating that the Christian belief in being pro-life, and anti-abortion, must change, and that this should be done through laws and “political will.”

Sorry Hillary, but God said, “Choose Life” in Deuteronomy, and I’ll stick with Him! More on Hillary’s love of baby murder in another article.

Jihadi Hillary

Last November, Hillary Clinton, the American woman most responsible for the current refugee crisis in the Middle East, blasted Republicans for not wanting to accept unvetted Syrian Muslim refugees in the aftermath of the Paris terror attacks. It seems the entire left has a strange love of Islamists, and actually prefer Muslims over Christians. Islamic countries are daily murdering Christians, and yet Hillary and her likeminded pals want to flood our nation with more of them! The rapes, murders, pillaging, and destruction taking place in Europe doesn’t seem to bother them one iota. See the shocking video below.

Neither did Ft. Hood, Orlando, San Bernardino, Muslim snipers in Tacoma, Washington, the Boston Marathon, Chattanooga, TN, and countless other single murderous attacks. [Link] Second class citizenry for females, honor killings, the covering of their entire bodies, murder of wives, female mutilations, decapitations, acid thrown in women’s faces, stoning if they make the mistake of talking to another man, or getting raped, torturous murder of dogs and animals, hatred of Jews and Christians, nothing seems to bother these leftists and their love fest with Muslims. [Link], [Link], [Link

Trump v. Clinton

Mr. Trump believes the Constitution covers everyone who is an American citizen, and rightly it should. He has stated that the LBGTQ community has the right to be protected just like any other citizen. It is why, after the Orlando massacre of 50 people in a gay nightclub by a Muslim, Mr. Trump again stated that we must stop the influx of all these foreign Islamist refugees until we can vet each and every one of them. Islam hates gays. Executions for being gay have been carried out in Iran and Saudi Arabia, and eight other Muslim nations have laws against homosexuality.

So how does this wash with Hillary Clinton’s love of Islam and her alleged pro-gay marriage stance. How too does this stance hold up with Hillary’s statement in Newsweek in early 2011, where she stated, “I believe that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st Century.”

Really Hillary? Sounds pretty cold and devious to me. If you love Islam and want another 550% brought into our country, then how can you say you’ll protect the rights of gay Americans or of American women and girls? Europe is experiencing a rape fest via Islamist refugees

It’s a dichotomy Hillary, and it doesn’t wash! Your words belie your actions!

Hillary’s Caretaker, Huma Abedin

Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide, for a decade, edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11. Huma Abedin was assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairsworking under her mother, who remains editor-in-chief. She was also working in the White House as an intern for the first lady, Hillary Clinton.

Huma began working for Hillary in 1996, when she was a 19-year-old intern fresh from George Washington University assigned to the First Lady’s office. Her mother convinced her to take the job, and now 20 years later, she is Hillary’s traveling chief of staff, a senior adviser, and a deputy chief of staff when Hillary was secretary of state. She is the vice-chair of Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign.

She has one child and is married to the infamous sextist, Anthony Weiner, although they recently separated after his latest sexting scandal. They were married by President Bill Clinton, but unlike Hillary, Huma is not standing by her man.

Back in 2012, the press asked Trump about Anthony Weiner. Trump said he knew the guy was a grade A jerk then. Weiner’s latest sexting with his little boy snuggled up next to him on the bed in the background proves Trump was right. In this one-minute video, Trump calls Weiner a whack job pervert.

Huma’s Radical Islamic Ties

When Abedin was two years old, the family moved to Jidda, Saudi Arabia, where, with the backing of Abdullah Omar Nasseef, then the president of King Abdulaziz University, her father founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Nasseef served as Secretary General of the Muslim World League, which was specifically mentioned as a funding source by Osama Bin Laden. (The Saudis kept the Muslim League off terrorist lists to protect Huma Abedin.) In addition to Al Qaeda finance connections, Naseef also worked for a group of Hamas financiers. So did Huma’s mom. The purpose of the Muslim League was to support efforts to proselytize Islam in the West.

After Syed died, his wife, Saleha, succeeded him as director of the institute and editor of the Journal, positions she still holds. She has also been active in the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, which is now headed by Nasseef and was banned in Israel because of its ties to the Union of Good, a pro-Hamas fund-raising network, run by Yusuf al-Qaradawi

The Obama White House recently hosted Qaradawi’s principal deputy, Sheikh Abdulla bin Bayyah, who also endorsed the fatwa calling for the killing of U.S. troops, Jews, and Americans along with personnel in Iraq.

In an article in Breitbart, Roger Stone stated, “Omar Abdul Naseef, who also founded the Rabita Trust, was identified by the Department of Justice as one of the funders of the attack on America on 9/11. Those are indisputable facts. Huma also comes out of the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, as did Mr. Khan, who of course got quite a bit of press at the Democratic convention. Two radical Islamic organizations.”

Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, is closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and to supporters of violent jihad. Among other things, she directs an organization – the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child.

Saleha Abedin is an influential sharia activist who has published a book called, Women in Islam, that claims man-made laws enslave women. It is ‘women’s rights’ in the repressive sharia context. It reportedly provides sharia justifications for such practices as female-genital mutilation, the death penalty for apostates from Islam, the legal subordination of women, and the participation of women in violent jihad.

Hillary Clinton at the Dar al-Hekma college for women during a “town hall” meeting in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah in 2010. Abedin’s mother, Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin, is on Clinton’s right. Photo: Getty Images

Huma Abedin Emails

Several of Abedin’s emails on Hillary Clinton’s server have drawn scrutinyamid accusations that donors to the Clinton Foundation received special accessto the state department. Watch the hour long Clinton Cash movie for full documentation.

Charles Grassley (R) of Iowa is Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and has questioned Abedin’s arrangement to earn income privately while she worked for Mrs. Clinton at the State Department. In addition to being on Hillary’s personal payroll, Abedin received money from the Clinton Foundation and Teneo, a consulting firm founded by Doug Band, formerly a senior aide to Bill Clinton. See my previous article on Teneo.

Islam and Its Barbaric Convictions

The Field of Fight, on page 110, he states the following:

Islamists want to impose a worldwide system based on their version of Sharia law that denies freedoms of conscience, choices, and liberties. Basic freedoms! When one starts messing with freedom of conscience, one is not only violating the U.S. Constitution, but also denying a universal human right. I firmly believe that Radical Islam is a tribal cult and must be crushed. Critics get buried in the details of sunna, hadiths, the umma, and the musings of countless Muslim clerics and imams.

These so-called Islamic scholars keep their message so complicated so as to create chaos, to confuse in order to control. Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mussolini were more transparent. Sharia is a violent law that is buried in barbaric convictions.

Perhaps the scariest part about this to a man who grew up in tiny Rhode Island is that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) now says if we criticize the Prophet or Islam, we can be charged with blasphemy. That is like saying as a Roman Catholic (and a St. Mary’s School-education Catholic at that), I cannot criticize the priests who rape and the cardinals and bishops who cover it up.

If General Michael T. Flynn finds Radical Islam and their demands scary, then we all had better realize what a massive and overwhelming danger we would face with Hillary Clinton in our White House.

Hillary takes a page from the LBJ playbook


Read the Joseph Goebbels quotes again before you read this article. All of our media is the same. Newspapers from Maine to California and from Washington to Florida all have the same news in them. There is no investigative reporting in any media anymore, and there hasn’t been for a very, very long time. 

It is why our communist leaning media is promoting Hillary Clinton, and disparaging Donald Trump at every turn. It’s going to get worse before the election and Hillary’s propaganda will grow exponentially before November 8th. But there is great hope, and the hope is Donald J. Trump.

Goldwater v. Johnson

In 1964, Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater was the GOP nominee for President. He had been looking forward to challenging his friend, John F. Kennedy, but after Kennedy’s assassination, he decided he would still run for president against Lyndon Baines Johnson.


Goldwater won the nomination over moderate Pennsylvania Governor William Scranton, and liberal New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. He was the most conservative presidential candidate in decades, just like Donald J. Trump is today, and he defeated the eastern establishment Republican elitist, and globalist, Nelson Rockefeller. Goldwater actually suffered from a lack of support from his own GOP party, and his deeply held conservative policies were not widely accepted. Johnson, on the other hand, was preaching his anti-poverty programs known as the Great Society, while portraying Goldwater as a dangerous extremist. Goldwater warned us that socialism was coming, and he was right. We ended up with vastly larger government, welfare and Medicare/Medicaid. We cannot afford to do this again.

LBJ’s Political Ads

LBJ’s ads against the “dangerous” Goldwater were powerful. Fears of nuclear radiation were related by showing a child eating ice cream. One spot showed Klansmen burning a cross as a drawling voice-over read a KKK endorsement of Goldwater. Another began evocatively with a nighttime landing of Air Force One…the return flight from Dallas after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. 

The real watershed of the campaign was when Johnson put out the now famous/infamous “daisy” commercial.

Remember what LBJ gave us that Hillary will expand upon! LBJ’s Great Society and years of Democrat control over black communities nationwide have resulted in the destruction of black families, with poverty, rampant crime, drugs, failing schools, and government dependency. Just look at Chicago’s south side!

Psychological Projection

What Johnson used, and what Hillary is now copying verbatim is called psychological projection. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting. Therein lies the key to Hillary’s attacks on Mr. Trump. She is what she blames Mr. Trump for being, and we can prove it. The same thing was true in the LBJ/Goldwater race.

The LBJ Playbook Hillary Loves

They used several tactics that could easily be used again, because this race is so very similar to the Goldwater/LBJ race of 1964. 

Goldwater’s congressional experience and his statements of policy were attacked in 1964. Now, Trump’s statements on policy will be used like a voting record to attack him. 

In the 1964 primary, Goldwater’s opponents, Scranton and Rockefeller, said terrible things about him. The statements by those two men were used right before the general election to bash Goldwater by his fellow Republicans. This same tactic is already in Hillary’s bag of tricks, and I would bet we’ll hear a whole lot of statements from Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, and Jeb Bush…all stacked in a powerful commercial against Mr. Trump. Their statements are lies of course, but powerfully put together nevertheless.

Ads from the Goldwater era were actual graphics of what the Senator had said, and Hillary can and will use the same thing, possibly with photos of truckloads, trains and ships of Mexicans being sent back to Mexico. 

In an interview these two men did with Politico, they said they’ve got a bag of tricks all ready for this campaign.

Hillary’s Tactics

Here comes the fear tactic, just like the one used by LBJ in 1964. Again, it’s the same thing, and the person we really need to fear, is none other than the one using the tactics, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

When Hillary gave her speech in Reno, NV, she spoke about Alt-Right, a term she made up and which none of her supporters understood prior to her speech. She claims the Alt-Right is the “fringe” of the Conservative Right and is racist.

The commercial she ran against Trump stated he was endorsed by the Imperial Wizard of the Rebel Brigade Knights of the KKK in Virginia. The MSM devoted an entire week, and they continue in smearing Mr. Trump, in order to distract the electorate from the scandals of her emails and the Clinton Foundation. And it’s all total poppycock! She quotes from none other than filthy Morris Dee’s Southern Poverty Law Center.

Hillary and the KKK

“People who live in glass houses…” doesn’t seem to bother Hillary. Clinton was endorsed by a KKK Grand Dragon, Will Quigg. A prominent member of the KKK announced earlier this year that Hillary’s presidential campaign has received more than $20,000 in donations contributed by their members. She has disavowed the association, but kept the funds, donated anonymously.

Hillary’s good friend, former U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), was the founder and recruiter of the West Virginia chapter for the KKK. In the 1940s, he obtained the rank of “Exalted cyclops” and spent decades promoting their vile, racist messages. Remember too, that Sen. Byrd took part in what was, at the time, the longest filibuster ever against the Civil Rights Act. Byrd recruited over 150 people to the KKK.

Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

None of Byrd’s statements meant anything to Hillary. She praised Byrd and called him, “my friend and mentor.” Here is the video of Hillary’s comments on his passing.

Trump Loves All Americans

Trying to claim Trump is a racist is beyond the pale. In my article, Donald Trump Upset the Applecart of Racism 30 Years Ago, Trump derailed the racism in Palm Beach society when he allowed blacks and Jews into his Mar-a-Lago club.

Back in 1998, and 1999, none other than Jesse Jackson introduced Trump and said, “Donald Trump is a champion of minority empowerment.” Trump was an honored guest at the annual Wall Street Conference hosted by the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Jackson’ DC-based “multi-racial, multi-issue, progressive, international membership organization fighting for social change.” Here is the video of Jackson saying Donald Trump is a champion of minority empowerment. Or at least he used to before the turn of the millennium.

Dr. Ben Carson has endorsed Trump long ago, and often introduces and speaks for him. Pastor Mark Burns, co-founder of the NOW television network, one of the many black pastors who met with Donald Trump, announced his support for the Republican presidential hopeful and shared the large amount of praise Trump received from his religious colleagues.

Diamond and Silk have gone all out for Mr. Trump, and have even spoken at his rallies.

Medger Evers brother, Charles, also endorsed Mr. Trump. He is 94 years old and was also a Reagan supporter.

Alicia Garza is the leader and co-founder of Black Lives Matter, and she sat down for an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek and answered various questions about the problems with racism and the way it is addressed in America. In the interview, Garza said, “Hillary Clinton’s actions do not indicate she cares for the black community. The Clintons use black people for votes, but then don’t do anything for black communities after they’re elected. They use us for photo ops.”

Perhaps the biggest shock statement of the interview is that Garza said the black community is not “indebted” to the Democratic party in any way, which is a stark contrast to how the democrats feel about the black vote. Hillary feel like she has it locked up, but she’s clearly wrong.

Louis Farrakhan has actually endorsed Trump, and what he says in this interview with Alex Jones, most conservatives would agree with. I’m certainly not a fan, and most of what Farrakhan says is anathema to Christians and white Americans. Yet, he too endorses Mr. Trump.

Prior to Mr. Trump’s campaign for president, black leaders were friends and admirers of Donald J. Trump, and many of them still are.
So, who is the Racist? 

While Donald Trump was building a business and creating jobs for thousands of people, Hillary was working for leftists and radicals.

Unlike Hillary Rodham, Donald Trump never worked for any of these types of people, and neither did he ever write them letters, praise them, or accept funds from them.

So who is the real racist? Who associates with the racists, with the parents of thugs and murderers, with radicals, communists, and subversives? And who has praised them and accepted their donations? Just who should we fear?

Judging by Hillary’s criteria, she is the racist and extremist who is the most dangerous, and she must believe like her friend and mentor, Robert Byrd, who said that blacks are mongrels.

Remember what Hillary said in her Reno speech…“There’s an old Mexican proverb that says, ‘Tell me with whom you walk, and I will tell you who you are.’”

Well, Hillary, we know with whom you walk!

Leftist moderators control debates for Hillary

“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” —Richard Salant, former President of CBS News

“…the J.P. Morgan [banking] interests…. and their subsidiary organizations got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the US…. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. …an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information….” —Congressman Oscar Callaway

Who Decides the Debate Moderators?

Have any of my readers ever seen a true Constitutional conservative as a debate moderator? I haven’t…not ever. There is no “fair and balanced” in the debate schedules, the debate moderators, or the debate questions. Remember the Faux News primary debates? Even those so-called conservative moderators were in full blown hatred toward the only candidate who represents the people, and who wants to make America great again.

The Commission on Presidential Debates was established in 1987, allegedly to ensure that the debates provide the best possible information to viewers and listeners. Here is the commission leadership with the likes of Jimmy Carter, Olympia Snowe, and Jim Lehrer. 

Really? They actually are selling this load of horse manure to the people of America? And worse yet, we never demand moderators that are real conservatives, much less truly unbiased ones! Unfortunately, once the candidates agree to the Commission’s debates, it’s a done deal…no wiggle room.

Why can’t we have moderators like Judge Jeanine Pirro, Lou Dobbs, Steve Malzberg or even Sean Hannity? Why are the moderators always Democrats? And why can’t both candidates choose the moderators? Instead we have an unelected board who decides who will ask the questions, and we know how it is slated right from the very beginning. 

The Chosen Ones

So who are this year’s moderators? The same old leftist globalists who don’t want the status-quo upset by the likes of the candidate who actually loves America and her people and defies the globalist agenda. The Commission claims they are non-partisan, but I fail to see where even one of their chosen moderators is considered a Constitutional conservative. Every moderator is a democrat! 

The presidential debates will be 90 minutes long, from 9 pm to 10:30 pm, sans commercials. 


WASHINGTON, D.C. – On September 2nd, 2016, Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. (neo-con Republican) and Michael D. McCurry, (Democrat), co-chairs of the ‘non-partisan’ Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), announced the moderators for the 2016 general election presidential and vice presidential debates. The moderators are as follows: 

First presidential debate:
Lester Holt, Anchor, NBC Nightly News – (Democrat)
Monday, September 26, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

Vice presidential debate:
Elaine Quijano, Anchor, CBSN and Correspondent, CBS News (former CNN reporter – Democrat)
Tuesday, October 4, Longwood University, Farmville, VA 

Second presidential debate (town meeting):
Martha Raddatz, Chief Global Affairs Correspondent and Co-Anchor of “This Week,” ABC – (Democrat)
Sunday, October 9, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 

Third presidential debate:
Wednesday, October 19, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 

The CPD also announced that Steve Scully, Senior Executive Producer, White House and Political Editor for C-SPAN Networks, will serve as backup moderator for all the debates.

The Forum

Matt Lauer (Democrat) will host the Commander-in-Chief Forum on Wednesday, the 7th of September, in New York City. Lauer is the regular co-host of NBC’s Today Show. Matt’s interviews with Democrats are always very easy going and lightweight, but the questions put to Republican guests are filled with bitter queries, and subtle attacks.

The Daily Caller reports that this interview will be a one-hour forum where Clinton and Trump will answer questions about national security, military affairs, and veteran’s issues in front of an audience mainly made up of members of the military. The two candidates will not be on the stage at the same time, but will instead go back to back.

The Clinton Foundation Connection

It is worth noting that Matt Lauer is listed as a ‘notable past member’ on the Clinton Global Initiative’s website — along with Anderson Cooper and Katie Couric. 

Clinton Foundation donors also include dozens of media organizations and individuals. [Link]

Since all of the moderators are Democrats, and two of the moderators are very involved with the Clintons and their Foundation, which side would you expect they’d be on?

Despite Hillary Clinton’s ongoing scandals, her close ties to media outlets such as Google, CNN, PBS and The New York Times have seemed to pay off. All of them, and more, have gone out of their way to censor negative stories about Clinton, particularly ones involving the Clinton Foundation. The media outlets who suppress harmful Clinton stories all have one common thread. They’ve all donated to the Clinton Foundation. 

Liberal Controlled Media

I’m sure Mr. Trump is well aware of what he is up against. He faced the same thing in every primary debate, including from the moderators on Fox News, the so-called “fair and balanced” station. Last April, 2016, Breitbart reported that only 6% of people say they trust the media. A poll in July of 2015 found that 70% of Americans believe the media is biased. Needless to say, the informed American public trusts used car salesmen more than they trust the main stream meat market media.

Neither do we trust the moderators on any of these debates to be fair. Why should they be…they’re all in the can for Hillary Clinton. Donald J. Trump knows this and is well prepared for battle. As my friend Marilyn stated in her latest column, Mr. Trump would be very wise to answer Hillary and the audience, “My statements support the Constitution of the United States.”

Apply the statement to specific policies, like: “I believe mine is the best solution to the problem of illegal immigration because it supports the Constitution of the United States. It follows the laws set down by the Constitution. What you suggest as a solution to this problem violates the founding documents of this nation!”

You can’t top that, it’s door closed!

Do some illegal aliens deserve a break?

My allegiance, as my readers are well aware of, will always be with Mr. Trump. I cannot fathom what our country would become with Hillary as President. She has already stated she would allow 550% more Islamic refugees into our country, as well as her 100-day amnesty for those who are already here illegally, whether they are criminals or not. For 30 years we have heard 11 to 12 million illegals are in our country. In fact, the numbers are more likely 50 to 60 million. Donald Trump must win the election, or our nation is lost.

Mr. Trump is a planner, tactically and strategically. There are rumors that early on he met with two of the best constitutional professors in the country. Last year, he met with Scalia about executive power, orders, and right to revoke and repeal unconstitutionally mandated agencies with power exceeding that of legislative branch. Many believe Mr. Trump has a master plan that was formulated long before he announced his candidacy, and he’s following that plan to a “T.” 

The Insane Media

America’s future is hanging by a thread, and we are at the tilting point of sliding into a third world country led by dictators. Our people are angry, they’re afraid, and they do not like what has happened in the last 50 years, much less the deterioration during Obama’s dictatorial reign.

Yet, the likes of Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, and other neo-cons are not thinking of the American people, our children, or grandchildren’s futures. They are thinking of their globalist agenda, and how Mr. Trump would destroy those dreams. All Ted Cruz can conjure up in his self-aggrandizing mind is the 2020 race, and that he wants to be the next illegal alien to hold the office of president.

Never Trumpsters Foaming at the Mouth

Cruz lost the respect of many supporters at the RNC Convention when he didn’t think of our country and her future, but only of his own self-pride. Many finally saw him as a phony Christian when he failed to stand tall and endorse Trump for the good of the nation, and instead showed himself for what he really is…a prideful, bitter, and jealous man who would rather have Hillary in the White House than Mr. Trump. 

Today, they believe they have a reason to crawl out of their hidey holes and attack Donald Trump because they think he’s flip-flopping on immigration, but is he? 

We must remember this. Trump has always said that if you are here illegally, you will have to leave the country and then get back in line to become a citizen. That means no amnesty and no legalization for people who have come here illegally. Chris ChristieReince Priebus and Dr. Ben Carson have echoed Trump’s stance.

Sean Hannity Town Hall with Trump

Town Hall Video Here:

Here is part of the conversation in Austin, Texas with Sean Hannity during part
Two of their Town Hall.

Hannity says, “This is going to be a big issue. You’re not a criminal alien, you’ve committed no crimes, but you didn’t respect our laws and sovereignty. You also seem to be indicating there might be something other than ‘they have to go back.’ Am I reading that right?”

Trump states, “Look, we have to follow the laws of our country. We have to follow the laws! Now, can we be, and I’ll ask the audience…you have somebody who is terrific, who has been here a long time (Hannity says 20 years), long court proceeding, long everything, okay, in other words, to get them out. (He then asks the audience) Can we go through a process, or do they have to get out? Tell me.

When he restated the question and asked the audience, there was more applause when Trump asked again if these people should be given a chance.

Of course this echoes not only the empathy of the American people, but also of Mr. Trump. But are they right or are they sanctioning lawbreaking and theft?

Hannity says to Mr. Trump, “Initially you said they all must go, but you’re now saying we might give people like this a chance, but there’s no citizenship.” Trump echoes, “No Citizenship. And let’s go a step further, they’ll pay back taxes, and they will have to pay taxes, there’s no amnesty, but we work with them. I’ve had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people and they’ll say to me, ‘Mr. Trump, I really love you, but to take a person who has been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and the family out, it’s so tough Mr. Trump,’ and I have it all the time. It’s a very, very hard thing.” 

No, it’s not a hard thing Mr. Trump. They are law breakers and tax dollar thieves. Your base has supported you because of your strong stance. Whatever support from Latinos you might gain is minor compared to what you could lose for changing your stance. The American taxpayer simply cannot keep sanctioning lawbreakers and theft. These illegals are bleeding our citizens of their hard earned dollars, and they are receiving far more than our military veterans receive.

The Dangers of Amnesty for Any Group

If there is any kind of amnesty for any portion of these illegals which says, “you can stay, but you can’t vote and you can’t become a citizen,” it is not going to be permanent, because any legislature can come along later and change all that. It would be within the legislative power. The Democrats will do it when they get back in power, and the Republicans could as well, and then we would have a situation just like they want, more democrat votes, more anti-western culture.

Marco Rubio’s Gang of Eight

Remember Marco Rubio? He said exactly the same thing about illegals who have resided in our country for a long time and appear to be good members of society. Rubio’s “Gang of Eight” amnesty with the likes of Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin, and New York Democrat, Chuck Schumer, was plainly an easy “path to citizenship.” Their Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill was nothing more than repackaged amnesty.

Fiscal Burden of Illegals to Taxpayers

Here are the costs of illegal aliens to the American Taxpayer, and these are probably low. [Link]

$113 Billion per year for illegals
42.2 Billion on education
10.8 Billion on medical care
9.6 Billion on general expenses
8.7 Billion on justice expenditures
5.3 Billion on welfare related costs

One child of an illegal alien family costs American taxpayers $12,000 a year. How do we recoup that loss from a family who has been here 15 or 20 years and had four or five children? Why should they be allowed to remain in our country when they’ve not only broken our laws, but have stolen so many of our tax dollars?

Here are the percentages of federal convictions of illegal immigration from the US sentencing commission:

18% in drug trafficking
30% in kidnapping/hostage taking
75% drug possession
10% money laundering
21% of national defense
5% of murder

The Cause of the Immigration Conflict

Again, the rage on all the news channels is Trump’s so-called flip-flop on immigration. And guess who started this mess? None other than Trump’s new Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway.

One would think by now, she’d figure out you don’t go on programs headed by the leftist talking heads, but she did, and she’s made several huge faux pas regarding Trump’s stand on immigration, or did she? Going on TV programs with her suggestive generalities has been extremely damaging, and has started this avalanche of attacks on Trump.

I will never abandon Trump because of the huge Islamic threat that only Trump can overcome, but I do believe Conway’s so-called “softening” of Mr. Trump’s message is not in the best interests of America’s citizens, or for Mr. Trump.
Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway 

Media Matters claims that the Trump Campaign is still paying Corey Lewandowski $20K per month, and that he is still an advisor to Mr. Trump. Inside sources have informed me that it was Lewandowski who suggested Conway as Campaign Manager.

Conway believes she now has complete control, that she is the media hound dog for Mr. Trump’s campaign, and that she’ll change him from what she likely considers unrefined and distasteful, into her form of polished candidate. I thought she was going to be the coordinator, not the spokesperson. What happened to that person? 

Any changes you try to make to Donald J. Trump will only help Hillary Clinton into our White House again! 

His former client was Rubio, and Kellyanne’s former client was Cruz.

Conway and Robert Mercer

Robert Mercer originally funded Ted Cruz with a $13.5 million PAC. Mercer put Kellyanne Conway in charge of the spending.

After Cruz’s failure to endorse Mr. Trump at the GOP convention, the Mercers issued a rare statement saying their support of Trump is rooted in their total opposition to Hillary. They are now using their monies to attack Clinton. Mercer put $2 million more into the super-PAC last month, and David Bossie is now marketing it to other donors as a way to fight the Democratic nominee without explicitly endorsing Trump. Its name: Defeat Crooked Hillary.

Mercer doesn’t bother me, other than the fact that Kellyanne was in charge of such a large chunk of funds for Cruz. 

Conway and the Independent Women’s Forum

Kellyanne is on the board of the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF). It is a GOP establishment organization, full of neo-conservatives with various ties to the Council on Foreign Relations.

The organizations who fund them would hardly be approved by true constitutional conservatives, and some of the awards they give out have been to CFR members, like Condoleezza Rice.

IWF is funded by the Koch Brothers’ Claude R. Lambe Foundation, the Harry Bradley Foundation, and Richard Mellon Scaife’s Sarah Scaife Foundation. I’ve written about the globalist Koch brothers many times, as well as Richard Mellon (Chase Mellon Bank) Scaife, who was always pro-choice, and whose own mother used to have Margaret Sanger into her home every Sunday afternoon for tea. The Bradley Foundation has on its board, CFR member, Robert George along with former editor of the Trump hating National Review, George Will. The Joyce and Donald Rumsfeld Foundation have also funded IWF. Rumsfeld is also a CFR member.

Who Should Be Allowed to Stay

The only ones who should be allowed to stay are the children of illegals who were brought into America 20, 30, or even 40 years ago. If they are productive members of society, we cannot send them back because they only know America. They grew up here through no fault of their own.

Mr. Trump has stated that all criminal elements and gang members will be deported and this will be started the first day he takes office. He suggested law abiding illegals who have been here for 15 or 20 years, may be allowed to stay, but…

Mr. Trump, they’re not law abiding! They have come here illegally, and they steal from taxpayers! The cost is in the trillions! There has to be some retribution for breaking the law! Go back, and come in legally, just as you’ve continually stated. Truly, if people have crossed our border and sneaked into the United States, they have no right to be here.

Has Trump really changed his stance? As a pragmatic businessman, he says what he thinks to the people who are supporting him. He actually asked us what we think! Go back and listen to the Town Hall again. How often does that happen that any politician really gives a rat’s pidutti what we think? Trump is tough, fair, and humane, and he speaks his mind to us daily.

We must have Mr. Trump’s “America First” Policy on Immigration, on Trade, on Islamic Refugees, on the Bill of Rights, on Veterans, on health care, on everything that he has told us he stands for. That is the reason I support him, and my support will not waver.

My conversation with General Michael T. Flynn

“There is something about the American soldier—despite our best efforts to shit on them, they rise to the occasion and perform miraculously.” —Gen. Michael T. Flynn, The Field of Fight

“Do you want to be ruled by men who eagerly drink the blood of their dying enemies?” —Gen. Michael T. Flynn, The Field of Fight

The Field of Fight

In General Michael T. Flynn’s new book, The Field of Fight, How we can Win the War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies, he states that we are no longer shocked or horrified by the jihadi terrorist’s slaughter of innocents. There have been too many videos, photos, and descriptions of suicide bombings, beheadings, mass executions, public hangings, burnings, stoning’s and crucifixions. As the General states, we have heard them say, “we love death more than you love life,” over and over again, and we have heard them chant, “Death to America.” It is now no longer as shocking as it once was.

Have we lost the shock factor? If so, we are in more danger than I suspected. Military men like General Flynn have fought to stop the jihads worldwide so that it doesn’t end up on America’s doorstep. We are now at that precipice, and this General, and others like him, know what it will take to win. Flynn states in his book, “We are in a World War with Islamic terrorists, but very few Americans recognize it, and fewer still have any idea how to win it.”

Gen. Flynn (Ret.) spent more than 33 years as an intelligence officer. He served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and was the Senior Military Intelligence Officer in the Department of Defense. He has since founded the Flynn Intel Group, a commercial, government, and international intelligence security and cyber firm specializing in defense, diplomacy, and development initiatives. 

I urge everyone to purchase Gen. Flynn’s new book. It is concise, well-referenced, easy to read, written in terms easily understood by laymen, and it is loaded with information we need to understand what our military and our country is facing. It truly is an amazing overview of where we are in this global war on terror. In Chapter 4 of the general’s book, he tells how we can and must win. It is a necessity for any freedom loving American to read this book in order to understand the jihadists, and why we absolutely must win. There are many direct quotes from, “The Field of Fight” in this article.

I was so pleased to have had the privilege of speaking with Gen. Flynn, and want to thank my friend, Allen B. Clark, who served as a U.S. Army Military intelligence officer in Vietnam, for the introduction.

Rebuilding Our Military

(Hat tip to a great group of Trump supporters in northern Indiana for additional questions.)

My first question posed to Gen. Flynn was off the record, and I asked if he already had a post within the Trump administration. His answer was explicit. He said, “It doesn’t have to be off the record. We have not even discussed this. Right now, Mr. Trump is in the final stretch of this race. He has had different people to help him in each area, the primaries, the convention and nomination, and now the home stretch. Steve Bannon will be wonderful for him. I am concentrating only on getting him elected on November 8th.”

I asked about the loss of many great generals under the present administration. Gen. Flynn stated, “We have a professional military, a military who swears to uphold the Constitution, and protect us from both foreign and domestic enemies. Our military is strengthened by the President who wears two hats, one of being the President, and one of being the Commander in Chief. When the leader himself strengthens and upholds the military, the morale is high. We need to rebuild that morale, and Donald Trump is the man to do just that. So even with those we’ve lost in the past, or those who were forced to resign, our military will rebuild with the right Commander in Chief at the helm.”

The General added that, “Rebuilding our military could happen rapidly with the right leader. It will happen quickly with a change in thinking and in the culture of how to win again. The readiness level will take some time. Our present leader has cut the military, there is no warrior class, and no sacrifice on behalf of our country which is backed by a good president. Hillary would be more of the same, and we cannot allow that to happen.”

In answer to my question regarding Mr. Trump’s plan to rebuild our military and infrastructure, the general said, “Donald J. Trump has stated where we need to go as we move forward, and he will give some strategic, but not exacting information.”

I wondered if the many military officers would return to service should Mr. Trump be their new Commander in Chief. Gen. Flynn said he didn’t know, I’d have to ask them. “We do have good people serving, and they certainly need an uplift in morale, so as not to lose recruiting ability. Both Obama and Hillary are disconnected from the military.”

Released Terrorists

Obama has released dozens of terrorists from Guantanamo Bay, and many of them are jihadists ready to kill, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. 

He was released by President Obama from the Iraqi prison in 2009, and since then he’s had time to form a plan and collect and train an army of terrorists estimated at 7,000 men. Late last year Baghdadi announced that he was creating a new group to be merged with a rival al Qaeda affiliate, active in Syria. 

I asked Gen. Flynn how we can recapture these terrorists, attain needed information, and ferret out the Islamists in America who mean us harm. He said that without Trump in our White House, it will not happen. 

He stated, “We must capture the enemy, interrogate with professionals, learn from these terrorists, and obviously keep Gitmo open.” He also said that about one-third of those released return to the battlefield and lead attacks against us and other allies.

See Something, Say Nothing, he makes it clear that this administration actually purged serious terrorist threats from the DHS. Obama declared one day after the Paris mass terror attacks, that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, had nothing to do with Islam. The General has said, “You cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists.’

Arab Nations Would Help Us

Flynn mentioned the 21st Century Arab-NATO structure. We have not clearly defined the enemy, and it is taking too long because of the perils of Obama. We are focused on Iraq and Syria and now Turkey is in peril. No one trusts us. We have alienated our allies, especially the best friend we have in the Middle East, Israel. We need to support them.

In his book, The Field of Fight, he explains that numerous Iraqi Imams who rejected the revolutionary doctrines of the insurgents, chief among them was Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. He counseled cooperation between Shi’ites and Sunnis. He was the strongest and most revered voice in the community, and we should have echoed it and denounced the Islamists’ embrace of suicide terrorism. It was our failure to attack our enemies’ ideology, yet we still defeated them every time we went after them on the battlefield.

Iran, Leading Supporter of Jihad

Gen. Flynn’s book heavily documents Iranian involvement in jihad along with criminal elements such as organized crime, drug cartels, and common criminals. Also included is Russia’s part in terrorism via the old KGB prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Iran is one of the most repressive regimes on earth. The General states, “Iran is in ruins. It has undergone an all-time record drop in its birth rate, the corruption of its ruling class is legendary, there are alarming rates of suicide, prostitution, depression and drug abuse, unemployment is high, and there’s a mounting shortage of fresh water. The country’s wealth is overwhelmingly being funneled into jihad and into the private accounts of the nation’s rulers.” 

Obama invested $1.7 billion of American tax dollars in the Iran deal, and Iran is permitted to pursue the construction of two newly announced nuclear plants under the parameters of this nuclear agreement. The latest revelations are that Obama did indeed pay a $400 million ransom to Iran for the release of Americans illegally held hostage by Iran. The administration calls the payment “leverage.”

“Iran also has the highest per capita execution rate in the world, and is second only to the People’s Republic of China. They have been at war with the US for 40 years.” They don’t negotiate, and this is why the entire Iranian deal cooked up by Obama, Iranian-born presidential advisor, Valerie Jarrett, and John Kerry, whose son-in-law is Iranian is a very destruction one for America. We know our tax dollars will go for jihad.

Iran calls us the “Great Satan,” and they still chant, “Death to America,” so why would any western leader believe they would enforce their agreement with us?
China’s Involvement in Jihad

I asked Gen. Flynn where China stood in this war on terrorism. He said, “They play a big part, and it is subtle and behind the scenes. They are financing foreign military sales with Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan.” Gen. Flynn has made it clear that we are facing an alliance between Radical Islamists and regimes in Havana, Pyongyang, Moscow, and Beijing. He also makes it clear that we are facing a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. We are under attack, not only from nation-states directly, but also from al Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIS, and countless other terrorist groups. (P. 76, Field of Fight)

The General stated that about 40% of China’s energy comes from the Persian Gulf, through the Strait of Hormuz and for half a century, the US has allowed energy to flow to them. 

China is increasing diplomatic engagement with Persian Gulf countries. The move coincides with the increase in tensions between the United States and Iran surrounding the Strait of Hormuz, and is part of an effort by Beijing to increase its cooperation with the oil-producing Gulf countries as a way to safeguard Chinese energy security and expand its economic influence in the region.

All our trade deals have given away America’s ability to protect her own people. China is developing its military (against many treaties) especially in the South China Sea, and Japan has had a defiant reaction to China’s latest navigation rules.

New Intel System Wins Wars

In Gen. Flynn’s book, The Field of Fight, he spells out specialized intelligence, developed by General Stan McChrystal and LTG Flynn, was called “Pattern Analysis.” Flynn describes it as, “a very detailed form of intelligence work that requires the complete breakdown of an enemy’s cell structure.” He also states that “a fundamental requirement for good intelligence was and is total commitment to the truth. Unfortunately, many of the intel officers, military and civilian alike, found ways to rationalize the production of seriously misleading information for the policymakers.”

Of course no one wants to be the messenger that delivers bad news to the leaders, and so many have kept quiet. Gen. Flynn says this is what is going on in our intelligence system today regarding our fight against Radical Islamists, and it all starts at the very top of our government.

The General explains that in Iraq, they would use unmanned surveillance to check on things they were learning in the interrogation booth, and then would direct human sources to go and check out what they learned from the detainees. This was a fusion of intelligence in the interrogation process with advanced communications technology and effective operation on the battlefield. He states, “In the end, we operationalized intelligence to increase knowledge for our tactical to strategic decision makers. This type of intelligence warfare was and remains a critical component of how to destroy Radical Islamism today and those enemies we will face in the future.” (P.52-53, Field of Fight)


“In order to beat this enemy we need to discredit the ideology. Muslims need to take a more public international stand. To do it they will have to be helped, prompted, and pushed by the U.S., something we are not doing now. We need to depend on Middle East allies like Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.

Our leaders don’t want to identify our enemies, and that puts us on the path to defeat. Today, we’re not nearly good enough. A big reason for that is that we don’t get inside their heads. Alas, our schools, media, and social networks are doing a poor job of helping Americans understand our enemies in order to defeat them. So is our government.”

“What will our lives be like if we lose this war?” Gen. Flynn answers that question, “We’d live the way the unfortunate residents of the “caliphate” or the oppressed citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran live today, in a totalitarian state under the dictates of the most rigid version of Sharia. (P.159, Field of Fight)

The conclusion of the general’s book should be read by every American. We absolutely must win this war, and we cannot expect it to be won without a strong leader and determined Commander in Chief. This is why we so desperately need Donald J. Trump as our 45th President of the United States.

The Alinsky accomplishments of the queen of corruption

Truly evil people don’t just hurt others. They take pride in the pain they cause and then try to blame their victims.

Why We Must Vote for Trump

There are some in our electorate who are still unhappy that Cruz didn’t win. They have vowed to not vote for Trump, and in effect, are casting a vote for Hillary. In voting for anyone other than Mr. Trump, we could easily end up with the vile and deceitful Hillary Clinton as president. Truly, this election is our last chance to turn America around. Our children and grandchildren will pay the price if we allow Hillary back in our White House. We simply must put aside any discontent, and cast a ballot for America and for our children’s future. Slavery under the caliphate and Sharia, is not what I want for my descendants. 

The Two Main Spoilers

Gary Johnson is running on the Libertarian ticket. He is the former governor of New Mexico. He is strongly pro-abortion and pro-Constitutional Convention.

Then there’s “Never Trump” Evan McMullin, the former chief policy director for Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives, and former CIA operations officer. He is a CFR member, has also worked at Goldman Sachs, as well as a volunteer refugee resettlement officer for the United Nations. Fellow Mormons, like Beck and Romney, are backing McMullin, along with the Never Trumpsters like Erick Erickson. 

Apparently these people believe in thwarting the will of the people to save America from Mr. Trump, thus giving us the most corrupt women in American politics, not to mention the influx of millions more illegals and Islamic refugees.

The Unlikeable Sister Frigidaire

Unlikeable, states that Bill had Hillary take lessons from the Clintons’ friend, Stephen Spielberg, in how to be more likeable. So Spielberg supplied Hillary with acting coaches to help her when she had to give a speech. Unfortunately, she didn’t like it, and she has remained her cold, abusive self. 

At a high school soccer game during cold weather, Hillary commented to a competitor on how cold it was. “I wish people like you would freeze to death,” said the girl. 

When Hillary asked how the girl could feel that way when the girl didn’t even know her, the young soccer player responded, “I don’t have to know you to hate you.” 

Hillary just couldn’t understand that maybe there was something about her that the other girl just didn’t like. (Page 33, Hell to Pay).

Hillary’s Past “Accomplishments”

This ill-tempered, violent, loud-mouthed, hateful and abusive woman wants to be your next President, and have total control as Commander-in-Chief of our Military, the very Military for which she has shown incredible disdain throughout her public life.

Remember her most vile comment about Benghazi: “What difference at this point does it make?”

It made a lot of difference to the families of those who died. Their pleas for help went unanswered, and security was told to stand down. Tig Tiegen and Mark Geist refused the order, and went to help, nearly losing their own lives. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton went to bed.

The Lessons of Watergate

Another little insight into Hillary comes from the book, Without Honor: Crimes of Camelot and the Impeachment of Richard Nixon, where Jerry Zeifman, who was Chief Counsel for the Judiciary Committee, states that he fired her for repeatedly lying and stealing records that were essential to a fair trial of Nixon, because the documents implicated Democrats in illegal actions during the Camelot years. Is this true? I’m not certain of that.

Hell to Pay, she tells about what Hillary learned in working Watergate, and how it came into play 20 years later.

John Doar, a liberal Republican, was special counsel in charge of the House Judiciary investigation of the president, and took a liking to Hillary Rodham who worked long hours in a cramped office. She had Doar’s confidence. Zeifman, on the other hand, stated, “It seems to me that Haldeman and Ehrlichman are crude amateurs at arrogance in comparison to the more polished and sophisticated arrogance and deceit of some of Doar’s assistants.”

Nixon ended up being his own worst enemy. John Connally, the most trusted member of Nixon’s cabinet had told him to gather the tapes in the Rose Garden and proudly burn them. Barbara Olsen stated that from the standpoint of Machiavellian tactics, of course, Connally was right. Had Nixon burned the tapes, he would have been seen by his supporters as standing up for the rights of the presidency, and daring his tormentors to impeach on the remaining evidence. Nixon thought he could survive by admitting half of the truth. Goldwater later actually convinced him to resign for the good of the country.

Nevertheless, Hillary witnessed the path that led to Nixon’s ruin. She and her husband later demonstrated what she’d learned as the final lesson of Watergate and that was that any compromise with a criminal investigation is fatal. So, what did they do? They obfuscated, stonewalled, denied the undeniable, destroyed evidence, and attacked the accusers. 

Alinsky Taught Hillary Well

This is exactly the same thing that Hillary is doing today with the email debacle and the Clinton Foundation. It is the same thing that she did with Benghazi, and Libya, Whitewater, Travelgate, Troopergate, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Vince Foster’s suicide, Juanita Broaddrick, looting the White House, Filegate (FBI files on enemies, Chinagate (the sale of high-tech secrets), landing under sniper fire, missing law firm billing records, Pardongate (Remember the Rich’s), and countless other scandals she’s wormed out of by using the tactics she learned from her good friend, Saul Alinsky, and from a front row seat in Watergate and watching Nixon’s mistakes. 

See what I mean?


The fifth rule in Saul Alinsky’s dozen Rules for Radicals, has been successfully used by Hillary Rodham Clinton, many times throughout her life.

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

She’s used it against her enemies, against her competitors, against her husband’s paramours, and she’s using it every day of the campaign, just as she’s used every other Alinsky Rule all her life. She learned them early under the tutelage of her Park Ridge Methodist youth minister, Don Jones, who introduced her to Alinsky, and Marxism. Up until Jones’ death in 2007, he would occasionally travel with Hillary as her “spiritual advisor.”

The seeds of this woman’s actions, attitudes, and beliefs were planted early on, in 1961. She has become even more skilled than Alinsky ever imagined. It is another reason that she must be defeated. Our nation simply cannot endure and survive four years of her corruption, much less eight.

Trump adds bannon and Conway for race to the top

Manafort Resigns

The MSM is screaming Trump campaign shakeup, and yammering night and day about trouble within the campaign. What a load of horse hockey! The Clinton campaign has hundreds of staffers, and when Trump hires two new staffers, they call it a shakeup! Idiotic. It is common in the home stretch of a campaign to beef up the pack for the win. Paul Manafort stated much the same.

Mr. Manafort was set up by the Clintonistas and the NYTs in particular. [Link] Make sure you read Roger Stone’s article, Donald Trump, Paul Manafort and the New McCarthyism, for all the details. Stone also exposed John Podesta’s brother as having done what they’ve accused Manafort of doing. [Link] John Podesta is Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager.

What the MSM reported were lies, purposely put out to damage the Trump campaign, and this is the reason Mr. Manafort resigned. He wants Trump to win, and certainly does not want this negative publicity to splash back onto Mr. Trump. The campaign has lost a brilliant political consultant, all because of lies by the enemies of freedom.

Conway and Manafort

Saving our Country

Our very country is at stake in the 2016 election. We are at the tipping point, and only Donald J. Trump can level our nation again. Many grassroots Americans are working overtime to help Mr. Trump become our 45th President of the United States. And now, at the bottom of the 9th, he’s added two of my most favorite people to his campaign, so the bases are loaded, and here comes the grand slam! 

Bannon, and Conway now head up the Trump campaign, along with a lot of other brilliant people and great advisors, including my favorite intel officer, LTG Michael Flynn. One must remember the fabulous RNC convention we tuned into for four nights. It was Manafort who gave us the finest convention we’ve seen in over 50 years! He promised an exciting GOP gathering in Cleveland, and that’s exactly what we got, truly the ultimate reality show. Not only was the entire program informative, but it was totally entertaining.

The latest addition of Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Bannon is a bold and productive move on the part of Donald Trump. Both these people are top tier skilled politicos.

Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway is a veteran pollster. Her husband, George, is a New York lawyer who was part of secret efforts to boost the lawsuit of Clinton accuser Paula Jones. He is a litigation partner at the law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz. 

Her company biography callsher a “fully-recovered” attorney, and says she is admitted to practice law in four jurisdictions (Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia). She has practiced law, clerked for a judge in Washington, DC and for four years, was an adjunct professor at George Washington University Law Center.

In 1995, Kellyanne founded The Polling Company, Inc., which is “a nationally-regarded primary research and consulting firm based in Washington, DC, with offices in New York City.” Bloomberg calls Conway “a 49-year-old movement conservative from New York” and says she is the “first woman to manage a Republican presidential campaign.”

Conway was also employed by the Cruz campaign as a strategist for Keep the Promise I, a pro-Cruz super-PAC, bankrolled by hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, that ran attack ads against Trump during the primary campaign, including one blasting the real estate mogul for supposedly supporting government-run healthcare, which of course wasn’t true. Robert Mercer now has a Super Pac which is running attack ads against Hillary Clinton.

Remember, for Kellyanne, it was a job. She supports Donald Trump for president, and she’s dynamite at what she does.

By the way, Carl Icahn called into CNN today to announce that he is backing Mr. Trump. Icahn is worth $17 billion. He believes the American blue collar and middle class workers will all support Mr. Trump. Why? Because Trump will bring back American jobs, and because Trump is the “blue-collar billionaire.”

Stephen Bannon

Government Accountability Institute, where he helped orchestrate the filming of Clinton Cash. He is also the former executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of the Breitbart News Network. He resigned in order to work for Mr. Trump.

Seinfeld. He sold the company in 1998.

Bannon then became an executive producer in Hollywood. He produced Anthony Hopkins’s 1999 film, Titus. He also became a partner with entertainment industry executive Jeff Kwatinetz at The Firm, Inc., a film and television management company.

Bloomberg thinks Bannon is the most dangerous political operative in America, because he wants to take down Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, and he’s doing a very good job of it.

According to the Bloomberg article, 

Bannon sits at the nexus of what Hillary Clinton once dubbed “the vast right-wing conspiracy,” where he and his network have done more than anyone else to complicate her presidential ambitions—and they plan to do more. But this “conspiracy,” at least under Bannon, has mutated into something different from what Clinton described: It’s as eager to go after establishment Republicans such as Boehner or Jeb Bush as Democrats like Clinton.

In 2004, Bannon made a documentary about Ronald Reagan titled In the Face of Evil. During the making and screening of this film, Bannon was introduced to Peter Schweizer, who wrote Clinton Cash, and publisher Andrew Breitbart

Breitbart actually apprenticed under Matt Drudge, and later Drudge introduced him to Arianna Huffington, who was then still a Republican, and Breitbart actually helped her start Huffington Post. We lost a great one with Andrew Breitbart.

Democrats believe that Bannon and his ilk have been more effective than conservatives who targeted Bill Clinton 25 years ago. In fact, Bannon has come out with so much on the Clintons, including a focus on how the donors in Clinton Cash violated many of the principles liberals hold dear. The Clintons have basically played a lot of people for fools, and they’ve enriched themselves beyond belief while doing it.

That’s not all, Peter Schweizer’s e-book, Bush Bucks: How Public Service and Corporations Helped Make Jeb Rich, examines how Bush enriched himself after leaving the Florida governor’s mansion in 2007. The rot is in both the right and the left.


One must always remember that Donald J. Trump is a businessman and not a politician. He has even stated this in his last few speeches. He has also stated he is a leader, and that is what our country needs…a leader who will put America back on the track of freedom and liberty for all.

He is a man who takes charge. He knows in his gut and his heart what is right and what he needs to do. Like his first wife, Ivana said, “If Donald says he’ll do something, you can count on it being done.”

Mr. Trump has had to learn politics as he’s traveled through this snake pit of MSM, GOP, and Democrat attacks. He fills stadiums to capacity while Hillary Clinton struggles to fill a high school classroom. His campaign has been ramped up to where it is now on steroids. It is up to us to help him fulfill his promises for Making America Great Again. Get everyone to the polls on November 8th, and vote Trump!

Obama plays golf, Hillary sleeps, and Donald Trump sends supplies to Louisiana

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” —Charles Dickens

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Where is Obama?

While Obama plays his umpteenth round of golf, the nation suffers, especially the State of Louisiana where flooding has caused 13 deaths, wrecked 40,000 homes, and affected more than 100,000 residents. These survivors are now homeless. Louisiana felt the horrible flooding was being totally ignored by the rest of the nation, and they were right.

Aid workers were there helping, and a word from the President would have helped too.

The leader of the free world didn’t care. Golfing in Martha’s Vineyard was more important to him than helping the people in Louisiana. 

Where is Hillary?

Hillary Clinton didn’t care, she is too busy taking days off to rest and nap. She’s probably thinking, “At this point, what difference does it make?”

Where is Donald Trump?

He and Mike Pence were there in Louisiana. They met with Franklin Graham of Samaritan’s Purse and talked to the people who need help.

Behind the scenes, Trump met with several families and told them to stay strong, that they would rebuild. But what none of them even knew was that Trump had sent an 18-wheeler loaded with supplies to the devastated area, and it was being unloaded without anyone knowing about it until CNN found out and reported it … but just once.

You can see in the above video that Mr. Trump had sent supplies which were desperately needed.


It’s not the money folks, because Obama and the Clintons both have enough money that they could have done the exact same thing and sent an 18 wheeler full of supplies. But they didn’t even think about it. As president of this country, wouldn’t you think Obama should have gone immediately to Louisiana? As candidate for President, wouldn’t you think Hillary would have shown up?

Had Obama or Hillary sent supplies for the people, the photo-op would be spectacular, but not with Trump. Everything he did was done silently.

As for me and mine, this is the kind of man I want in our White House as President of the United States.

Trump is right, election can be rigged and vote fraud is real

It is a sign of the times that the absence of meaningful ID requirements in many states leaves our voting process vulnerable to fraud and allows legal votes to be cancelled out by illegally cast ballots. —Virgil Goode

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. —Joseph Stalin

Remember the Deal

Voter Fraud, Thank Howard Baker.

In 1982, Republican Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee, entered into an agreement with Democrat and former Klansman, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. The agreement they made, in effect, barred Republicans from pursuing suspected cases of voter fraud without first getting a federal court’s approval. This agreement is good until December 1, 2017. I highly doubt that some leader won’t extend this insane arrangement for another 35 years.

Take note! Fortunately, this agreement does not bind GOP state committees. 

Nehlen v. Ryan Primary

Absolutely voter fraud does exist. Look at the recent primary in Wisconsin where Paul Nehlen was leading at 49% to Ryan’s 41%. Paul Ryan had tanked! Yet, we end up with Paul Ryan again, and with 76% of the vote. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark! Here is the Wisconsin approved voting equipment.

Yes, Virginia, Vote Fraud Exists

Roger Stone said the following on the Milo Yiannopoulos show:

I think we all know, that in this day and age, a computer can do anything. These voter machines are essentially a computer. Who is to say they could not be rigged?” asked Roger Stone on the topic of voter fraud.

“There’s a mathematician called Richard Charnin, a very eccentric fellow. Last time I met him he was wearing a ski jacket in 90-degree weather, he’s one of those. He’s also brilliant.”

“He’s a retired mathematician and he’s a genius. He’s written an extensive monograph on how every election in the state of Wisconsin (think Nehlen v. Ryan) in the last decade has been stolen, and you figure this out by comparing the polling, on a district by district basis, to the results, and then you’ll find a swing that is mathematically impossible,” Stone claimed. “In other words, you were losing a given precinct by four points, and then you’ll win it by twelve. Such a swing is unlikely to say the least.”

“The elections are rigged for one entity or another. So, who are the perpetrators? The perpetrators are the people who manufacture and sell these machines. The most common electronic voting machine, which is really just a computer, is a company called Diebold,” Stone replied.

Diebold’s top executives and owners of the company are major donors to the Bush’s. Is this a major factor on how George W. Bush quite improbably beat John Kerry?” 

“I think we have widespread voter fraud, but the first thing that Trump needs to do is begin talking about it constantly,” Stone said. “He needs to say for example, ‘I am leading in Florida. The polls all show it. If I lose Florida, we will know that there’s voter fraud. If there’s voter fraud, this election will be illegitimate, the election of the winner will be illegitimate, we will have a constitutional crisis, widespread civil disobedience, and the government will no longer be the government.’”

“If you can’t have an honest election, nothing else counts,” he continued. “I think he’s gotta put them on notice that their inauguration will be a rhetorical, and when I mean civil disobedience, not violence, but it will be a bloodbath. The government will be shut down if they attempt to steal this and swear Hillary in. No, we will not stand for it. We will not stand for it.”

Check out Roger’s latest article in The Hill, Can the 2016 Election be Rigged? You Bet

Hacking the Machines

A ragtag group of obsessive tech experts is warning that stealing the ultimate prize—victory on Nov. 8—would be child’s play in the article, How to Hack an Election in Seven Minutes.

We know there will be a strong attempt to steal this election. As we’ve seen with both parties in this race, they are determined to keep the globalists in power, and will use any means to do just that. The following eight-minute video clarifies how very easily an election can be stolen. I strongly urge you to watch it.

Diebold accused this gentleman of foolishness, and apparent negligence, insisting that only authorized persons should test their systems for security. They said that the hack was equivalent to leaving your car unlocked, with the windows down and the keys left in the ignition.

However, scientists at Berkeley University confirmed the findings on this video. In fact, they discovered 16 further security flaws in Diebold’s touch screen machines. Diebold claims they’ve updated their software to make it even more secure. They also insist that their electronic voting systems are more accurate than their predecessors. But we must ask, “Why can votes be altered without leaving a trace?”

The Diebold Machine Fraud

An article in Politico states,


Unfortunately, what Mr. Trump doesn’t understand is that most of the fraud is perpetrated by the voting machines themselves, and he had better be talking about it.

Despite many groups like True the vote, Judicial Watch, Defend the Vote, Show ID to Vote, and many others who work to allow only registered legal voters into the voting booths, these groups do nothing to validate that the machines are not programmed to spew out false results. The worst culprit machines are Diebold, and Diebold controls 40% of America’s precincts, and again, they are major donors to the globalist Bush’s. 

Election observers are fine, but how do they know anything about the inner workings of the machines, and who has programmed them? In the documentary, Hacking Democracy, which I strongly urge everyone to watch, it shows how easily it is for programmers to put malicious software into the computer that adds up the votes. Unfortunately, we do not have anyone who actually checks the validity of the very computers who tally our votes. How do we know the votes are even counted correctly by that same computer? This documentary states:

Inside the voting machine, there is not a person taking dictation as to our votes, but there are lots of people involved in writing the software, and lots of people who could have touched the software before it went into the machine. If one of those people put something malicious in the software, and it’s distributed to all the machines, then that one person could be responsible for the change of tens of thousands of votes, maybe even hundreds of thousands across the country. That’s a very dangerous situation.

It is a secret how these voting machines actually work. The companies that make them keep it a secret. None of the computer scientists felt they could even look at the code, because the code was supposed to be a secret. The certification labs who examine it keep their process a secret of what they do. Even the election officials who buy the equipment are prohibited by their contract from ever looking to see how it works.


Hacking Democracy” has been broadcast many times on HBO, exposing the dangers of the voting machines used in America’s mid-term and presidential elections. Electronic voting machines count almost 100% of America’s votes in county, state and federal elections. The Diebold voting machines and their hackable software are still used today in twenty-seven states. The security holes and complete lack of transparency still pose an extraordinary risk to US elections.

Election officials need to be more demanding of the vendors as to the technical specifications of this equipment. The vendors are driving the process of voting technology in the United States. It would be far better if citizens were to select technology that satisfies their needs.

Unfortunately, Donald J. Trump can hire thousands of observers for each polling place, but they will never see the real fraud being perpetrated by the very machines which count the votes.

It is up to all of us to flood the polls this November, and to constantly talk about the fraud which has been proven over and over again with these Diebold machines. As always, our politicians will do nothing. We simply must demand that citizens select the technology we want, and without computerized machines, and it is mandatory that Trump supporters get to the polls in droves.

Roger Stone’s best advice, “The single best thing that the Trump people can do is to register a million new voters in the ten swing States. What I would do is take the margin by which Romney lost, double it. That would be my target for new registration.”

The birth of the queen of corruption, Hillary Rodham Clinton

“If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men (or women) shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” — Samuel Adams (1722–1803) Father of the American Revolution, Patriot and Statesman

Evil is a cancerous and destructive force that destroys everything around it. One who plays host to demonic/satanic entities will eventually be destroyed by those same forces they have given themselves over to…. And this person has the blood of thousands on her hands and soul. A tree is known by its fruit and hers is foul and rotten beyond human comprehension. — Ralph Rowe, on Hillary Clinton

High School with Hillary

In 1960, I started high school at Maine Township H.S. East, in the Village of Park Ridge, Illinois. Park Ridge was a strongly conservative and Republican suburb in the northwest area of Chicago. In 1961, Hillary was at the exact same school. I graduated in 1964 from the largest class who ever attended at Maine East, 1,029 students, and in 1965, Hillary transferred to the brand new Maine South for her senior year.

Hillary’s first book, “It Takes a Village” was based on the name of the town she was raised in, the Village of Park Ridge.

I was not a friend of Hillary Rodham’s, but I was a Goldwater girl with her and knew her from that perspective. For readers who are too young to remember Barry Goldwater, he was our last truly constitutionally conservative Republican nominee in 1964. Many writers have compared Donald J. Trump and his treatment by the GOP to the same treatment received by Barry Goldwater. As a matter of fact, George Romney, father of Willard Mitt, who was in the primary that year, was so angry that he didn’t win, that he and his entire family voted for the corrupt and murderous Lyndon Baines Johnson. Sounds like so many of our traitorous GOP today!

A mock election, where Hillary was for Senator Goldwater, was held Hillary’s class, and she supported Goldwater who won the school election.

Yes, Hillary Clinton was a strong Republican in those days. Paul Carlson, who taught US History and government for 50 years at Maine East, actually received a letter from Hillary Clinton stating she would always be a strong conservative Republican. Paul Carlson was just that, and he was beloved by every student who was fortunate enough to have him as their teacher. He passed away in 2008 and taught more than 14,000 students. Once you were in his classes, your life was changed forever.

Hillary’s real personality came through over and over during high school, and I can testify to her arrogance and self-aggrandizement. A perfect example is when she pretended to be a journalist from Time magazine conducting an interview, with herself as the subject. Much of the interview featured her own accomplishments, even interrupting herself to expound on her attributes. In this self-interview, the last question she asked was, “What was your ambition in high school?” Her answer was, “To marry a senator and settle down in Georgetown.” Quite obviously, she’s attained the goal and more.

Hillary was very accomplished as well as an honor roll student. This websitecontains a full overview of her high school activities.

Here is her bio from the 1965 Senior Class Yearbook.

One must remember that when she transferred from Maine East, which had a student population of over 5,000 youngsters, to Maine South, the population of her class was then less than half of what it had been. Her competition was greatly reduced, giving her higher percentages, which she wouldn’t have had at Maine East.

Hillary, Methodist Youth Minister Don Jones, and Saul Alinsky

Don Jones became the Youth Minister at the Methodist Church in Park Ridge in 1961. 

He was instrumental in destroying the traditional upbringing of many of his young charges, and Hillary Rodham was one of them. Jones was a liberal social justice Methodist youth minister who became a mentor to Hillary Rodham in the early 60s. He was the one who pulled her away from her father’s “Goldwater Girl” roots via Alinsky.

I dare say few people who have done research on Hillary actually understand that Don Jones was the catalyst who changed her and brought her into the world of Alinsky. Even Dinesh D’Souza’s latest movie doesn’t tell this.

From CNN’s article on Hillary’s Park Ridge Methodist Youth Minister, Don Jones, it states:

So just two years after he moved to Park Ridge, Jones left. And although it is not totally clear, Ricketts and others said his unorthodox style may have been the reason.

How sad it is that Hillary Clinton even met Saul Alinsky, and we have Rev. Don Jones to thank for changing this young girl and many like her, from Constitutional conservatives into the Luciferian Marxist anti-God beliefs of Saul Alinsky.

Hillary would later describe Alinsky as a “great seducer” of young minds, as did Jones, which was apparently the reason that Jones brought his wide-eyed teens to meet with the radical whose politics Jones liked. Jones succeeded. Hillary was taken in, and she has been forever lost to the leftist, agnostic, Alinsky who dedicated his book, “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer.

And you see the results today. Again, we must look at the roots of where her cancerous evil comes from, just as my friend Ralph Rowe stated in the quote above.


Hillary Clinton should never be anywhere near our White House again. This woman is corrupt and rotten to her very core. We cannot survive four years of her running the country. There is so much more to tell about this Queen of Corruption!

The reality of Trump endorsements

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” —Mahatma Gandhi

Trump’s Incumbent Endorsements


My friend Jim said this,

If you’ve read, “Art of the Deal,” you’ll understand exactly what Jim is saying.
My friend, Henry, commented, 

Kel, what do you think would have been the reaction if last night the Donald had said the following, “I have been asked by the GOP establishment to endorse Paul Ryan, John McLame and Kelly Ayotte in their primaries for the sake of party unity. Since these people stand in opposition to most of what I and the American people stand for, I will not endorse them but rather endorse their opponents.” 

I think the crowd would have gone bonkers, and he would have gained thousands more voters, and let the chips fall where they may. I do not think that his lacking the support of the GOPe traitors or a divided GOP party will harm his chances of being elected. Just my 2 cents. Plus, it would show once again that the Donald is a man of integrity and does not budge in that regard. We would all love it.

I agree with both of my friends, but my take is just a bit different. If all three of these globalist traitors are reelected, how do you suppose Mr. Trump would get them to work with him when he’s elected? They may still give him a hard time, because he is not in their globalist cabal, but you know they’d never help him at all without the endorsement.

Here is the video where Trump endorsed Ryan, McCain, and Ayotte. Skip to 1:12 and listen. Note that he had to read this portion of his speech. He rarely reads anything.

I want them all to be dumped, I hope their challengers win in a landslide, especially Paul Nehlen and Kelli Ward!

Legend Phyllis Schlafly thunders for Ryan’s ouster and says, “Get rid of him!” [Link] This 91-year-old woman attended the RNC Convention, and is all for Donald J. Trump!

We would all like a purist, and someone who did not have to play the political games, but for the sake of expediency and of gaining the prize, Trump takes them all on and then brushes them aside.

Behind the scenes, Trump’s people are working to elect the challengers. In Arizona, the third person spoiler has dropped out, and now the primary is between Kelli Ward and John McCain. So far, McCain cannot seem to get higher than 40% ratings. Go Kelli!

Bottom line, Mr. Trump does have to keep his eyes on the prize, the rest is just a distraction. The war is against Hillary for the White House.

Democrats Endorse Trump

Working for the Good of All.

On 5 August 2016, he was interviewed by Anna Kooiman on Fox Business. The life changing experience he had was a massive cardiac arrest. He said he died, saw the bright white light, saw the love of God and was, “Good to go.” Several hours later he woke up on a respirator and the rest is history. Ken said he didn’t need to come back, he was raised in Cleveland’s projects, had only a high school education, but a great family and a great community, and was helping a lot of local people, and learning to survive and thrive.

Ken Lanci answers a question from Anna regarding his support of Mr. Trump by saying, “Donald Trump doesn’t fully realize yet the plan God has for him.” He then talks about doubting Thomas who needed to see Christ’s hands and side to fully believe he was alive, and then he says, “When Donald Trump puts his hands on that Bible, the Hand of God will be there with him because there’s no man or woman, who can do the job without strong faith and the help of God.” 

Muslims Endorse Trump

Now this just absolutely blows my mind. Louis Farrakhan has actually endorsed Trump, and what he says in this interview withAlex Jones, most conservatives would agree with. Yes, I know he’s a Muslim, and I know he called his people to kill white folks. 

And we know other things that Farrakhan has said, that are anathema to the freedoms of all Americans. Yet, I would still urge you to watch this video because it’s surprisingly telling and it’s only 12 minutes long. 

Civil Rights Leader Endorses Trump

Charles Evers, brother of slain civil rights leader, Medgar Evers, has endorsed Donald Trump for president. Although Charles Evers, 93, also has a storied history in Mississippi’s civil rights movement, he was also the state’s NAACP field secretary and the first black mayor in Mississippi post-Reconstruction. He became a Republican in 1980, and endorsed Ronald Reagan for president that year.

Evers said, “I haven’t seen any proof of Trump being a racist. All of us have some racism in us. Even me.”

This is a righteous and decent man, a man who needs to be lauded for seeking truth.

Losers who Were #NeverTrump

The adamant #NeverTrump lawmaker, Rep. Tim Huelskamp, has lost to pro-Trump challenger Roger Marshall. Though Huelskamp is considered ‘tea party’ he was one of the most vocal anti-trump members of Congress and has close political ties to Senator Cruz. Does this surprise anyone????

From the AP on Huelskamp, “A doctor backed by agriculture and business groups ousted U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp Tuesday in a Kansas Republican primary race that focused on the tea party-backed incumbent’s battles with GOP leaders and criticism that he was too cantankerous to be effective.

Great Bend obstetrician Roger Marshall won the tough contest against Huelskamp in the 1st District, which spans western and much of central Kansas.”

Trump’s Campaign Donations

For the month of July, the Trump campaign raised $80 million, nearly $30 million more than in June! That’s an all-time record! However, the love fest between the DNC/MSM said absolutely nothing!

The Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post reported that Hillary Clinton’s campaign raised $63 million, and was praising the amount that they raised. Bezos hates Trump, but he apparently can’t add or subtract, because Trump raised much more than Hillary.

Wonder why we never hear a word about it? It’s because the DNC and MSM are in bed together, and you can bet that if Hillary raised this amount, it would be on every station and every talking head would be yammering about it.
Paul Ryan is No Friend of Freedom

Ryan says he’s worried about the Republican majority in Congress! What a joke. He’s so in bed with Obama that he should have a “D” behind his name rather than an “R,” but then there’s so danged many of them in Congress who are just like him, including John McCain.

The New York Times reports. These two multi-billionaires plan to spend more than $42 million on this election cycle to keep the GOP majority in the Senate. Their efforts include fully disavowing Trump, even if it could distance his core voters, and developing ads that distinguish GOP candidates from Trump. These Marxist globalists do not want the status quo to change. [Link]

McCain Should Retire

Surely by now we all know about McCain and his extreme leftist leanings, not to mention his wife and daughter’s leftist activities. But that aside, McCain took the side of Sharia promoting Khizr Khan rather than standing by America’s Republican choice for president. By now, everyone knows what Khizr Khan really is all about and what a blatant traitor to his son’s sacrifice this man became. Why? Because he’s promoting someone who will allow Muslims to overtake America, and that someone is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Bill Koch Supports Trump

Another Koch brother is endorsing Trump and raising money for him. Bill Koch, a lesser known Koch brother, who with his brother Frederick, split from Charles and David years ago, is hosting a fundraiser for Mr. Trump. Bill Koch plans to host a private fundraiser at his Cape Cod, Mass. home. Tickets for the event will range from $2,700 a person to $50,000, depending on commitment-level of supporters. [Link]

Supporters and Detractors

Here is a long list of those who endorse Mr. Trump, yet it is not complete. 

By now we all know those who are against him, and we should take notice that those very same people do NOT have the interests of the American people in their hearts or minds. 

Those who are against Trump, and I’m not just talking about Ryan, Kasich, Cruz and other top dogs, but the likes of Bilderberger Irving Kristol, Ron Paul, Tom Sowell, Brent Bozell, Erick Erickson, Club for Growth’s pro-amnesty David McIntosh, Michael Medved, Cliff Kincaid, controlled-opposition Heritage Foundation’s Ed Meese, Cal Thomas, and other so-called “conservatives.” Excuse me, but man’s best friend doesn’t deserve to be equated with these globalist toadies. My apology to toads.

The word “conservative” loses its meaning when applied to this ilk. These people are no more conservative than Feinstein or Schumer. They are the neo-conservative Trotskyites, or slow Marxists…and by now, many Americans have caught on to them. Remember too that the media is all owned by leftists, so stop listening to their lies.

Donald J. Trump rallies are still huge, while Hillary suffers to even fill the seats. So take heart folks! The man of the people is still the front runner, and we desperately need him to lead our nation. Pray for him and his family.

Chaos, confusion, booing, Wikileaks and the DNC convention

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence. —Thomas Jefferson

Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both. —John F. Kennedy

but for the DNC convention, they had to hire people to fill the vacant seats!

Hillary and the Military

Tig Tiegen and Mark Geist were guest speakers at the Republican Convention. These two men disobeyed the order to stand down at Benghazi. The audience loved them.

As you watched the DNC speeches, the Trump bashing, the anti-gun rancor, the hypocrisy of the left spewing their hate against everything American, just stop and think what kind of leadership will be in charge of our military. It’s now apparent the folks serving in our armed forces are one step ahead of them, and they already have a plan, if Hillary takes the oval. [Link]

Benghazi survivor and former CIA operative John “Tig” Tiegen, said special forces are already leaving in droves, and even more will leave if Hillary is elected. Why? Because they know that if they call for help, they may never receive it. That’s not the America they signed up to serve and protect.

Trump wants to make the military strong again. He also wants our veterans to get the best possible health care which they greatly deserve, without waiting so long that they die. 

Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz

For the sake of brevity, let’s call her Debbie WS.

We all know about Debbie WS by now. She actually showed up at the RNC Convention to take notes on how to counter whatever Donald Trump said. But that’s not the big story. The big story is that WS is a mole, and she’s the one who stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders for Hillary!

Following the resignation of WS from her role as Chairman of the DNC, Hillary Clinton issued the following statement:

“I want to thank my longtime friend, Debbie WS for her leadership of the DNC over the past five years. I am grateful to Debbie for getting the Democratic party to this year’s historic convention in Philadelphia, and I know that this week’s events will be a success thanks to her hard work and leadership. There’s simply no one better at taking the fight to the Republicans than Debbie–which is why I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states. I look forward to campaigning with Debbie in Florida and helping her in her re-election bid–because as President, I will need fighters like Debbie in Congress who are ready on day one to get to work for the American people.”

Surely, Hillary’s statement is enough to make any thinking American gag! Corruption at the core, and she thanks the very woman responsible for getting her the nomination when we all know Bernie actually won.

Jim Marchant said this about Debbie WS:

“She is evil. When I was involved in Politics in Florida, I served on a Task Force that included her. I actually had to sit by her the entire time the task force was in effect. 

She also hated me and I wear that proudly as a badge of honor.”

Apparently Bernie supporters and a large segment of the Democrat party have grown weary of the lies, corruption, and deception. Ahem! On the first day of the DNC convention, WS was booed off the stage at the morning breakfast by the Florida delegates when she rose to speak. Obviously, the votes of those who supported commie Bernie were negated by the WS organization, and their voices were removed from the debate.

Unfortunately, Sanders has shown himself to be a tool of the cabal when he endorsed Clinton to loud boos from the Convention delegates.

“He made a commitment to run for president. He had made a commitment to contest this convention. He hadn’t conceded. He hadn’t suspended. He hadn’t released us. And he told us that he would be grateful for our vote,” said Jim Boydston, a delegate from California. “And then he just handed it off.”

Bernie Supporters Protest and Walk-Out

While some thought the Bernie supporters would fall in line and vote Clinton, many of them stated they would not. They claimed they were cheated of their rightful candidate. And yes, as Trump stated, Debbie WS was guilty of stacking the deck for Hillary. He said, “It’s a rigged system,” and he’s right. Bernie supporters were emboldened by the email leaks, and took to the streets to protest. With chants of “Hell no DNC, we won’t vote for Hillary,” and “Lock her up,” the protesters made it clear they would not be casting their votes for Hillary Clinton. Instead, many of them stated they’d vote for Trump.

Sanders protestors became even more stoked with the release of 20,000 hacked DNC emails. These emails also document the DNC ties with the media, including Politico’s submission of articles to the DNC for approval before publication.

Many delegate supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders walked out of the Democratic National Convention after a roll call determined Hillary Clinton to be the nominee. Supporters from all states headed toward the exits and left the convention. 

Here’s a video of the empty seats in the convention after Bernie delegations left. No voter enthusiasm! The place was emptied out.

Bill Speaks for Hillary

Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic Convention was almost humorous. If you believed his lies about his devoted and wonderful wife, then we should ask him point blank, over and over again, “If Hillary was so wonderful, why did you screw around on her all the years of your marriage, and even rape Juanita Broaddrick?”

Hillary’s Illicit and Illegal Actions

How can Hillary still be allowed to be the DNC nominee with everything we know about her? Let’s just look at a few of her disreputable and sordid actions.

1. In 1974 she was fired for being a liar by a supervisor who described her as an “unethical, dishonest lawyer.”
2. Her inaction in Benghazi that cost four American lives.
3. Clinton Foundation scandals that just keep coming.
4. Her laughter about defending a child rapist and setting him free while destroying a 12-year old’s life.
5. Hillary’s radical pal, Saul Alinsky, a friendship which started in college, but actually was ignited in high school by her Methodist youth minister, Don Jones.
6. Whitewater which resulted in jail time for her friends, but not for them.
7. Vince Foster’s death
8. Emailgate, which put our nation at risk over and over again, and yet Director of the FBI, Comey, and Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, let her skate on all charges.
9. Huma Abedin, Filegate, looting the White House and countless other illicit and illegal and corrupt actions by this woman and her husband.

There’s so much more and we all know it. Yet, this woman is running for President of the United States when she should be on trial for her treasonous activities. 

Bill Clinton Sleep’s Through Hillary’s Speech

When the former first lady was speaking about his policies about the Daesh (ISIL) Takfiri group, Bill was nodding off.

I guess Bill has heard her boring tele-prompter speech too many times to stay awake late at night, and he dozed off while sitting between his daughter, Chelsea, and Hillary’s VP candidate, Kaine.

Kaine actually tried to hide Clinton’s napping from the cameras by leaning over and shielding his body. It didn’t work, he was caught. Bet Hillary gave him what-for over this, but the poor man is worn out, and it was past his bedtime.

Ugly State of Affairs at the DNC Convention

Devvy Kidd’s recent column, Bill and Hill’s Convention, Beyond Obscene, gives a great birds’ eye view of the lies, wickedness, depravity, turpitude, and disgraceful attacks against truth which occurred at the 2016 DNC Convention. Our country is in decline for many reasons. The number one reason is the total elimination of God in our society, and the murder of innocents in the womb and elderly in their final days. God said CHOOSE LIFE, and I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton would actually vote to kill born alive infants.


It is now or never. This is our last chance. I believe God gave us Donald J. Trump as the man who could and would turn our nation back to God and back to the heart and soul of her founders. Should our nation choose otherwise, we are ultimately doomed. We simply must choose Mr. Trump and allow him the opportunity to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Paul Ryan, refugee resettlements and open borders

He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of this country who tries most to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man. The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy this gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people. —Samuel Adams

Paul Nehlen is running against Paul Ryan in the Wisconsin primary on August 9th. In early July, I interviewed Mr. Nehlen and wrote an article which included his answers to my questions. I strongly endorse Paul Nehlen for Congressman of Wisconsin’s 1st district as Paul Ryan has proven he is a big government globalist. 

If you didn’t like Ryan’s $1.1 trillion Omnibus bill that gave Obama every nickel he asked for, you certainly will not like the number of Islamic refugees he wants to bring to America. Paul Ryan, (worse that former speaker John Boehner), is a traitor to the once conservative Republican party, and he is a traitor to the American citizenry.

Ryan on Immigration

Ryan has secretly been working behind the public’s back to round up enough votes to fully fund Obama’s increase of refugees from 70,000 to 85,000 this year, and 100,000 next year.

All of these refugees come from third world countries, including Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. These countries are not only bastions of ISIS jihadists, but include al-Qaida and the international Muslim Brotherhood. Paul Ryan’s stance on open borders and immigration is absolutely horrifying to American citizens.

video of Ryan and Gutierrez stumping for Sen. Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill in which the two make a candid pitch for unlimited immigration shows just how far Ryan is willing to go to push for open borders policies. Paul Ryan takes money from the veterans and gives it to illegal aliens. See video below. 

“Get rid of him! We don’t want anybody who believes in open borders,” Phyllis Schlafly told Breitbart. “Obviously Paul Ryan is not an ‘America first’ guy.” And she’s totally right! 

Breitbart reported on July 25th that American mothers, whose children were killed by illegal aliens, said that House Speaker Paul Ryan and members of his security detail fled from his guarded (and walled) estate on Saturday, as they attempted to present Ryan with the photos of their murdered children, and show him the true cost of his open borders agenda. Ryan ran because he knows his stance on open borders kills American citizens every day.

Paul Ryan is paying for and helping Obama transplant dangerous Muslims into all of America!

Ryan on Refugee Resettlements and Obama

The first major act that Paul Ryan took as the new Speaker of the House, was to block any amendments with a closed rule process on a flawed bill dealing with immigration. [Link] House Speaker Paul Ryan, is a major resettlement facilitator. In last year’s must-pass Omnibus bill, Ryan could have defunded Obama’s resettlement program which would have effectively ended that program. That same filthy Omnibus bill fully funded Obama’s refugee resettlement operation, all Mideast immigration programs, Sanctuary Cities, Obama’s continued executive amnesty for DREAMers, and the resettlement of illegal aliens within the U.S. interior. [Link]

Transforming America and at the same time exposing citizens to potential terrorist threats should be, but is not, dead on arrival in a Republican-controlled Congress.

Leader Ryan has worked hard to ensure that the resettlement surge goes forward, and that President Obama will achieve one of his most coveted goals before he leaves office.

In another article by Breitbart on August 1, 2016, Paul Ryan received a standing ovation from wealthy donors after denouncing the views of Republican voters, who are skeptical of so-called “free trade” deals. This includes the Republican Nominee, Donald J. Trump! 

At a meeting hosted by the globalist Koch Brothers, Paul Ryan touted the importance of free trade, an issue Trump has railed against, and said it was essential that party leaders make a better case for the free market. Trump argues that free trade agreements have hurt American workers, and that better deals are needed. Trump is right, but Paul Ryan is a globalist who loves free trade, and who doesn’t care one whit about Americans having jobs.

This is one horrible filthy rotten agreement that will screw American workers and destroy even more jobs, leveling us to a 3rd world country. Watch Senator Sessions speak about this rotten TPP.

Critical Alert: Jeff Sessions Warns America Against Potentially Disastrous Obama Trade Deal,” they report:

Only Two Republicans Admit They Have Actually Read Secret Obama Trade Deal – Both Unsupportive” reports on a survey they did of Senate Republicans where they asked three questions: (1) Have you read the TPP, specifically the ‘living agreement’ in the trade deal that allows the deal to be changed and countries added without congressional review? (2) Does the Senator agree with Sen. Sessions’ call to make the TPP available to the public? And, (3) Will the Senator vote for fast track Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) if the TPP hasn’t been stripped of the ‘living agreement’ section that would allow countries to amend the deal without Congressional approval, and to even add countries (like China, if they wanted to) to the deal without Congressional approval?

Janna Little Ryan

Paul Ryan is married to Janna Little Ryan, a flaming left wing liberal progressive, anti-Constitutional, big government George Soros supporter who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice. Since Paul Ryan is so desirous of pleasing Barack Hussein Obama, perhaps pillow talk means more to him than the country. [Link]

The Choice Has to be Paul Nehlen

Donald Trump has praised Paul Nehlen, and he has not endorsed Ryan. Here are the 10 things Paul Nehlen says he’ll do within the 60 days after he’s elected. Congress has, at best, a 5% to 9% approval rating. If we elect more men and women like Paul Nehlen, the ratings will definitely improve. I believe this man will honor the oath of office, and it is why I support him with all my heart.

Please do all you can to promote Mr. Nehlen’s efforts to unseat Paul Ryan in the August 9th Wisconsin primary. Donations can be made through his website, and an address is included should you wish to send a check.