Academy Award a Dud – Time to Go Back to Hand Cranked Cameras!

by Rev. Austin Miles

The so-called Academy Awards Show tonight was the worst presentation ever shown on TV.  First of it exhibited no excellence. There was no structure. It was like Amateur Night in Dixie. Indeed there was not one iota of professionalism spotlighting a skilled profession which should be trusted to be totally polished. Nobody in attendance wore a tuxedo or formal gown. Many men were without even a tie. The room looked more like a union hall affair rather than a venue for the most high profile profession on earth.

There were no special artistic set pieces to put up in the room to give some movie atmosphere. They,  of all people, should know that atmosphere is everything. They were totally unprepared for the guests who would come to this ‘special’ night.

There should have been gentlemen in attendance, of better yet, some of the actors, who would go and escort any actress up and down the steps to and from the platform. That courtesy was totally absent. There was nothing to indicate any sophistication in this ‘talent show.’  Plus the locations darted between the U.S. and China which got confusing.  The location rooms for the audience  were drab and without imagination. One might have been sitting at the local McDonalds.

Mostly blacks took part, and the so-called music was rock-style music, between scenes, that captured nothing about what this show was to be about. The music did not offer any mood for the awards that would be given.

There was absolutely no dignity with the audience or professionalism in the presentation.  Audience members appeared to have come right from their work places.

And as to be expected, one black contender just had to state that ‘the police kill three blacks a day.”  Now where in hell did he get that statistic and why did he have to say that?  What has that to do with this program? And there were some other anti-American jabs.

This thing was not even produced, but thrown together in spaces that appeared more designed for Rotary Club dinners than something that should be the ultimate in formality, courtesy and a salute to the arts.

There was nothing in that room to indicate that this was the ultimate motion picture presentation.

Every part of this event was flawed.  When the MEMORANDUM piece was shown on the screens with photos of actors who had died this year, the names were quickly blacked out before anyone could actually read them. It was rushed. This is just plain carelessness.

Watching this abomination was a total waste of time. Plus nobody wanted to hear the political statements which had nothing to do with the project at hand.  I remember hearing the great dancer, Martha Graham say at an actor’s event in New York: “While diplomatic tongues and swords have failed to pave the way for world peace, the actors, speaking an international language, gives hope that things can work toward peace.”

We all have a role in the twist and turns of life. Lets take that mantle with purpose.  Whenever we meet someone new, wherever he or she comes from or whatever background they have, let us remember that each person we meet or deal with is the only one of him or her in the entire world.  Wow!  What a privilege to meet that person, the only one in existence.

Entertainers must entertain, not get into political rhetoric.

© 2021 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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The Cancer Of Identity Politics

By Ron Edwards

Every morning that by the grace of God I arise from my overnight slumber I give thanks to our Creator for another day of life.  I am also thankful for being born in the United States of America.  My wonderful Dad taught me at the age of eight how blessed we are to be sovereign United States citizens.  Dad grew up during the era of Jim Crow and other horrible Democrat party encouraged cruel racist practices.  Yet he was intelligent enough to understand that by hard work, faith and a no quit spirit, he could carve out a good life for himself and his family.  Dad was a successful man, because he first identified himself as a child of God destined for success.  He not only told me, but by example Dad backed up his belief with action and thus was blessed and long remembered for the fine example he set for myself, my two sisters and many other people throughout his relatively short time on earth.  My Dad passed away when I was only twelve years of age.  But I believe with all my heart, that he was greeted by almighty God for a job well done for his effort to properly raise my sisters and I.

Of course, there were Dad’s traditional teachings concerning right and wrong and how we must always strive to do what is morally correct.  Dad, like the founding Fathers clearly understood that for our nation to be free, we must maintain high personal moral standards.  He advocated for self defense if necessary against democrat party KKK racist bullies or any criminals, if the situation would present itself.  But never, ever did he express hatred for the United States overall.  Neither did Dad ever dream that it would be beneficial to destroy the USA from within by adopting a brutal socialist form of government which would make life even more miserable.  Dad experienced the pain of discrimination, race identity bigotry, etc.  But rather than seek to find ways to destroy our republic, he believed that “We the People” should push for the adherence to the God inspired principles enumerated in our Bill of Rights, Constitution and the Holy Bible.  Dad was proud to be a firm believing Christian privileged to live in this great republic.  He concluded that the good of the United States of America far outweigh her foibles.

I believe if my Dad were alive today, he would be appalled at the current state of affairs in regards to the so called battle against racism.  The horrendous use of identity politics in order to try and intimidate black Americans who have escaped from the oppressive/racist democrat party plantation is immoral and only leads to destruction. Just recently, racist white democrats viciously attacked Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina for over 18 hours on social media.  The reason was because, Senator Scott stated during his great rebuttal speech, that “America is not a racist nation”.  Not only is the good senator’s statement true, but just as important, that I is also his own opinion.  The last time I checked, we have the right of free speech, which includes opinions and stating facts.  The cancer of identity politics is literally eating away at the ability and the will of the American black community to strive for excellence and appreciate the great potential in life the United States still represents.  Unfortunately, the identity politics crowd and their democrat party allies are not interested in seeing black Americans, particularly black men succeed in life like own father did, or Senator Tim Scott today.

The reason being is because they know that if black Americans on average received the sort of upbringing my father gave me, they would have no influence whatsoever.  The identity politics pushers are part of a cadre of evil doers who are dependent upon a population no longer encouraged to seek high moral based solutions to problems like inequality and racism.  We must stop allowing people to be treated like politically identified groups.  We were fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving creator who immensely cares for us all individually.  That was a major influence on the Founding Fathers who recognized our importance as individuals with God given unalienable rights.  If the goal of the progressives was to overcome the racism they find in every nook and cranny, they would insist America refer to and adhere to the instruction manuals known as the Bill of Rights and Constitution.  We can crush identity politics and restore our great nation.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary on,, LNMRadio, etc. Also, the Ron Edwards American Experience talk show blows away the Myths and reveals the Truth every Sunday through Friday 3:00 PM ET, 12:00 PM PT via, iHeartradio, Spreaker and Saturdays on Nevada Talk Network kely/

© 2021 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Is This Nation’s Fait Accompli An Acceptance of Our Destruction?

By Frosty Wooldridge

FOX NEWS journalist Tucker Carlson said, “Demographic change is the key to the Democratic party’s political ambitions. Let’s say that again for emphasis because it is the secret to the entire immigration debate. Demographic change is the key to the Democratic party’s political initiative. In order to win and maintain power, Democrats plan to change the population of the country.  Mass immigration increases the power of the Democratic Party. Period! That’s the reason Democrats support it. It’s the only reason.”

If you watch Biden’s Executive Orders and his weekly support of open borders, you’re watching the deformation of your country…formerly known as the United States of America.

Writer Dan Short said, “Concepts, ideologies, and irrationality are not the foundations to preserve this nation of absolute miraculous wonder!  As those in this nation, who even if we are acquiescent, just accept the wonder of this nation, never keeping abreast of the danger presently occurring; just know this nation is the only one ever to achieve what this nation did once.

“What has to occur to wake up this nation to the facts of reality? Today the greatest assault on this nation’s very existence is occurring. While our own political apparatus, the government of this country – does not reject this attack – but in collusion with those who would fundamentally transform this nation are assisting.”

This journalist has been writing about our ongoing demise for over 30 years.  I’ve seen it, I’m watching it currently and I am terrified as to the future of our children.

Short continued, “What American can even comprehend the bloviating, the absolute incomprehensible illiteracy, and magnified ignorance displayed on a continuum by our government. Who in this nation when hearing the direction, the concern, the absolute disregard of a world of reality can comprehend this absolute irrational insanity! While chasing concepts beyond what rational or reasonable people would even entertain.”

By 2042, according to the Pew Research Center, European-Americans, the ones that created the U.S. Constitution and the “rule of law” will have dropped from a 90 percent majority to a 49 percent minority.  What then when you look at all the failed societies in the world that are now flooding into our country?

Short nails it, “Is it not incomprehensible that not only is this parrot Biden – who is reading the script, provided by others with the same determination to destroy this nation –that there is a group of nihilists, a cell of communist, the ideologues of this nation’s demise exist with the power to speak on behalf of their design of destruction of this nation. Is this the result of the contamination of the ‘Frankfort School,’ once expelled from Germany with their form of cultural communism in our ‘Ivy League’ … or shall we call them what they are, the American Petri dish of communism … academia?”

There will be a point reached when bedrock Americans will no longer be in charge of America.  You’re watching it in Canada, Europe and Australia.  When you import the third world, you become the third world.  Does that statement make sense to you?  Can you see it happening in your communities as more people refuse to speak English?  Or, celebrate Old Glory?  Or, take part in Christmas and Easter?  Or, enjoy the 4th of July?

You can bet they don’t celebrate in “Somaliland” Minneapolis, Minnesota.  It’s little Somalia now with 120,000 refugees all on welfare and all of them practicing Sharia Law.  Same with Detroit. Look at Los Angeles as it devolves into Mexico el Norte.  Heck, a trip to Miami would show you a totally un-America.

“The problem: the Republicans, who are all that is left to protect this nation,” said Short. “Decided that their form of indirect communism is preferable to the communism of direct application of the Democratic Party. Why cannot they understand that those who do not vote – do so – because they wish not the same message with a different spokesman? They – those who love this nation – reject this message of darkness, this balkanization of our society, this destruction of our ethnicity, the genocide of our nation.”

At this point, most bedrock Americans hope or expect the BLM fiasco to solve itself. But they would be wrong. It’s only going to worsen.  They hope that locations like Somaliland in Minneapolis or Detroit will assimilate. But they would be wrong.  They hope that 20 million Mexicans want to become Americans.  Good luck with that hopeless hope.

Let’s get real.  With continued immigration, our reality will become harsh, and then, much harsher. If we keep voting in the scoundrels that are doing this to our country, we will most certainly see the loss of our country.

“Will we continue to act passively as if we are already defeated?” said Short. 

Should that fait accompli of our nation’s demise in the last 50 years continue?  Should endless immigration continue?  What about your thoughts?

Join: ; ; 

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video. 

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Far Left Tool Kit

by Lee Duigon

Fundamentally transforming America into a socialist hell-hole is a big job, even for confirmed fanatics and other bad guys. But they’re doing it as fast as they can; and here are six of the most useful tools in their kit.

*The Ruptured Border. Refusing to enforce our nation’s borders is indispensable. You not only import chaos—and people will give the government more power if they think it will protect them from chaos—but you can also import weird foreign diseases. And now we know that the threat of a new disease can justify all sorts of restrictions on our freedoms. Since the rise of a certain disease in 2020, statists have never had it so good.

*Riots Ready to Go. The threat of riots will deter courts from making rulings that the wokies don’t like. So they keep the riots simmering on the stovetop, ready at an instant’s notice. Raw physical terror, coupled with millions of dollars’ worth of damage to our cities, will keep the judges in line.

*Fomenting Racial Strife. The Far Left in America would be hard pressed to carry on without continual racial strife. Keep the people hating each other, fearful of each other, and the odds are they’ll never join together to demand the restoration of their liberties. You might be able to accomplish this by insisting on lockdowns, face masks, and social distancing; but hey, no plague works forever. But if you can get all the different races hating each other, you’ll never have to worry about them uniting to oppose the runaway state. Let’s hear it for Critical Race Theory! With this as a pedagogical fixture in our schools and colleges, the Left will never run short of useful idiots.

*Transgender. This is an attack on the very fabric of reality. We all know, unless we’re profoundly stupid, that no one can actually change his “gender.” Surgical mutilation, drugs, hormones, and behavioral modification can’t change a single one of the millions and millions of chromosomes in every human body. Even so, if you can make it a rule that everyone else has to pay lip service to “trans,” or else, you establish the principal that there’s no such thing as real reality: there’s only whatever you say is real. This used to be called insanity. Now it’s a political doctrine.

*Censorship. We don’t want people talking, do we? Not unless we can control what they say! Big Government relies on Big Tech to erase dissent, and Big Tech is very glad to do it. They see themselves as someday forming a vital piece of a global government. See, if we have a dissenting thought or two, what good is it if we can’t share it? If we can’t discuss it with anybody else? One-person protest movements don’t get very far, do they?

*Let the Corporations Do the Dirty Work. Why go to the trouble to enact, uh, “laws,” if some court is going to rule them unconstitutional and shut them down? Ah! You can get the private sector to do things that the government can’t do. Vaccine passports, for instance: blatantly unconstitutional, even Democrats might (I say “might,” not “can”) realize it’s a wasted effort. But what if an airline refuses to sell you a ticket unless you can prove you’ve been vaccinated—with a drug not yet approved by the FDA, and therefore an experimental drug, which the law says you can’t be forced to take? You either don’t fly, or you put yourself through the rigors of suing the airline. Each and every abuse of liberty by the private sector, be it a restaurant, a ballpark, or whatever, would require its own individual lawsuit to correct. This can consume years and years—and meanwhile the statists continue on their merry way, wiping out our freedoms.

Lady Liberty has a price on her head, and globalists and other leftids are trying to hunt her down and put her away.

And my word count tells me that if I had stopped with that last sentence, I would have written an essay of 666 words.

Tell me it’s a coincidence.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while you still can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Without The Rightful Authority Freedom Will Vanish

By Dave Daubenmire

Once again, the miss-understanding of words has led us down a precipitous path.  Part of the mess we find ourselves in today is a result of a re-working of the English language.  I wrote a column back in 2009 entitled CHANGE THE WORDS, CHANGE THE WORLD.  It is worth the read and you can find it here.  The Socialist Left poisons everything they touch.

Words have meaning.  They are the vehicle through which every thought is communicated.  For years, most Americans shared an understanding of a common language…based on common usage of words.  Slowly and steadily the meanings morphed into confusion.  Today, so many words no longer mean what they used to mean, and most Americans still have not bridged the language barrier.

Many people blame pop culture, but the morphing of words was far more sinister than simply using slang.  For instance, the term “hang-out” can hold a variety of meanings.  But context can usually clear up the confusion one might have whenever that phrase is used.  “I’m going to hang out.”  “Your pockets will hang-out.”  “I’ll meet you at the hang-out.”  “The laundry is going to hang out all day.”

Each of those phrases used in context can clarify the communication.  But it is the CHANGING of the meaning of words that is most deceptive.  It leads to agreement when there is no agreement.  It is almost as if you need a law degree to communicate today.  A thesaurus is becoming as useless as a rotary phone.

Which leads me to the greatest manipulation of words in American history.  The current dog-muzzle virus has introduced a whole new level of miss-communication.  Made-up phrases are one of the Socialist Left’s greatest weapons.  “Social distancing” is an example of a nebulous, purposefully confusing linguistic lunacy.  Neither of those words were designed to be used together…you know…sort of like gay marriage.

The Communist Left loves to use nonsensical terms.  The foggier the explanation the greater their chance of successfully undermining Truth.  “Public servant” is another of those weaponized terms.  If most Americans understand what the words really meant there would be a revolution by this weekend.  The Commies are great at disguising their true intentions behind an amalgamation of terms.

But there are other words that are much less obvious.  Democracy is one of those words.  The Lefties love to talk about our “democracy,” when our form of government is a Constitutional Republic.  A Republican form of government is a democracy but not all democracies are republics.  That would be like calling a T-Bone steak a hamburger.  Although they both come from a cow there is a significant difference in the two.

Mask mandates are not laws.  According to Webster a mandate is an order, but an order is not a law.  Heath Departments can issue mandates, governors can issue mandates, but mandates do not carry the weight of laws.  The formula for creating a law is clearly spelled out in State and Federal Constitutions.   Mandates are not laws and are void of power.

Authority is the key word.  It is one of those terms that the Commies have shoved to the back of the bus.  So much of what is going on in America is being done without AUTHORITY.

Webster defines authority as “legal power.”  Power and authority are not the same.  Often today we see power used as a usurpation of authority.  Because we fail to recognize the difference in the two, much of what we see being “mandated” as public policy has no authority behind it.  The governor has the POWER to mandate masks, but he does not have the AUTHORITY to enforce it.

Watch this video of a Canadian Pastor ordering the police off Church property.   This is a clear demonstration of AUTHORITY being exercised against brute police POWER.  The badges and the guns give the police the POWER to disrupt the service, but they have no AUTHORITY to do so.  Legal authority emanates from God through the people.  Brute power is often exercised in the absence of authority.  The Pastor destroys the POWER of the police by simply exercising his AUTHORITY.

A school Principal may have the AUTHORITY to exercise his POWER in the school, but the same Principal has NO AUTHORITY to do so in MY HOME.  He could show up at my home with a Police SWAT team and use POWER to enforce his school rules, but he has no authority to do so no matter how many cops he brings.

Because we no longer understand the difference between AUTHORITY and POWER, we are surrendering our rights.  Presidential Executive Orders may hold POWER, but their AUTHORITY is limited ONLY to the EXECUTIVE Branch.

This entire lockdown has been void of AUTHORTY.  I do not care how many police officers show up at my house they do not have the AUTHORITY to force my family to wear a mask.

Despite what your teachers may have taught you most of what the Government does is void of AUTHORITY.  Governmental POWER without rightful AUTHORITY is the definition of tyranny.

In Mathew 28:18 Jesus said, “All power is given unto me in both heaven and earth.”  Jesus had POWER because His Father had the AUTHORITY.  All earthly authority falls under the jurisdiction of Almighty God.  He handed-off that power to His People.  Our duty was to “go into all the world and teach them to observe all I have commanded you.”   That is called “delegated” authority.

Our government violates the authority delegated to them by God and substitutes RAW POWER to enforce their illegal edicts.  The use of POWER without rightful AUTHORITY destroys freedom.

Tyrannythe exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice.”

Mask mandates?  Social distancing?  Job furloughs? Non-essential churches?  Mandatory vaccinations?  This is just the tip of the iceberg.

If America is ever to make it safely to shore it is time we stood in the streets and asked a remarkably simple question of our governmental officials.

By what authority do you do this?

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Trump’s Miracle Vaccines Save Millions

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

At the White House COVID Task Force briefing on Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci mentioned several dangerous variants of the China virus, without noting China as the ultimate source. He described one as South African, one as Brazilian, and one from California. But the words “China virus” were not mentioned. The other significant omission was the role of former President Trump in making life-saving vaccines possible.

More transmissible coronavirus variants are the result of the time the virus has to spread and replicate. That’s why “experimental” vaccines were approved in the first place. As time has gone by, more and more people have come to recognize SARS-CoV-2 as a deadly pathogen which came out of a Chinese lab.

In an article, “How Conservatives Must Respond to China and the Virus,” Professor Renato Cristin argues that we must understand the Chinese origin of the virus because of its geostrategic implications. He writes, “Politically dividing ourselves for health reasons would be the biggest nonsense we can do. If we split, we are giving a gift to the left, to the Democrats and to all extremist movements that want to destroy the United States and the entire Western world, and it would also be a gift to Communist China, which caused the epidemic by producing the virus.”

The destruction of innocent lives in India, as pictures show mass COVID cremations, has demonstrated the death and destruction that China can inflict on the world through a biological weapon. It is estimated that only 2 percent of the 1.4 billion people in India has been fully vaccinated as the government pleads for vaccines.

Still, the myth persists among some in the U.S. that the virus is as harmless as the common cold, and that mass vaccination is a demonic plot.

Despite the risks and “adverse events,” including some deaths, the vaccines are working, driving down the number of hospitalizations and COVID-related deaths. Betsy McCaughey, a public health expert and former lieutenant governor of New York, says, “The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reduce the risk of developing COVID by 90 to 95 percent, compared with being unvaccinated. US data show the risk of getting infected after these vaccines is a minuscule 0.008 percent.”

Even the liberal media have recognized what the Trump Administration achieved. USA Today admitted that Trump “made a high-stakes gamble that led to record-breaking vaccine development” before China Joe Biden seized the presidency.

Newsweek admitted, “Trump came through on his promise to deliver a new coronavirus vaccine in record time, an accomplishment experts attribute to the administration’s significant financial investment and modern technology.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper called Trump’s development of COVID vaccines “an unmitigated success and we should acknowledge that.”

Official figures show that the COVID-19 pandemic caused approximately 375,000 deaths in the United States during 2020. It was the third leading cause of death, behind cancer and heart disease. Flu was the ninth leading cause of death, taking 53,495 lives.

Overall, as a result of COVID, the age-adjusted death rate increased by 15.9 percent in 2020.

As the crisis continues, with a reported 45 percent of Republicans, mostly Trump supporters, refusing vaccinations, there is evidence that some Republican voters are embracing them in greater numbers.

A new poll finds that 78 percent of senior Republicans (adults 65+) are likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine or are already vaccinated. That’s good news for Republicans, who have been perceived to be Luddite “anti-vaxxers” opposed to scientific and medical progress.

Israel, with the highest vaccination rate in the world, recorded no new daily Covid-19 deaths for the first time in 10 months on April 22. The nation is buying vaccines from Pfizer, one of the companies authorized by Trump to develop the COVID vaccines.

Strangely, websites that were once strongly pro-Trump don’t want to give the former president credit. Indeed, many are engaged in fear-mongering about the vaccines. Here are a few falsehoods and misleading assertions I recently found among conservative personalities and columnists:

  • CLAIM: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits the virus has not been isolated. FALSE. CDC says that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.
  • CLAIM: An upcoming conference known as the Red Pill Expo is featuring a speaker who claims that the virus does not even exist. FALSE. Another Red Pill Expo speaker, Alex Newman, told me, “It is my personal opinion that there is a real virus known as SARS-CoV2, engineered in a Communist Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, that was released on the world for strategic purposes.” Photos of the virus have been taken using an electron microscope.
  • CLAIM: A story proclaimed that a new study had predicted a “Third Wave” of sickness and death “will be dominated by those who have been fully vaccinated.” MISLEADING. This is not because of the vaccine. It’s because while the vaccines reduce infections, hospitalizations, and deaths among vulnerable and older people, they are not 100 percent effective.
  • CLAIM: One columnist claimed that “Americans being forced to take one of those lethal cocktails [vaccines] are NOT being told they are experimental drugs.” FALSE. The informed consent form that Americans taking the vaccines must sign says they are “unapproved,” that there is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19, and the vaccines are for “emergency use.”

The “emergency” is, of course, the release of the dangerous China virus.

Not only is the China virus real, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) confirms that “China remains a key source of supply for the precursor chemicals that Mexican cartels use to produce the large amounts of fentanyl they are smuggling into the United States.”

More than 87,200 people in the U.S. died from drug overdoses, primarily related to opioids, during the 12-month period from September 2019 to September 2020, according to the data from the CDC.

With China Joe opening the southern border, the Drug Enforcement Administration just announced a new initiative, Project Wave Breaker, “to disrupt the flow of deadly fentanyl into the United States.”

So while deaths from the China virus may decline here, we can anticipate more deaths from China-supplied fentanyl.

What we desperately need is a vaccine to counter China Joe’s pro-China policies.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

To Stop Mob Violence You Must Crush It!

By Ron Ewart

“What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created?  No martyr’s cause has ever been stilled by an assassin’s bullet.  No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders.  A sniper is only a coward, not a hero; and an uncontrolled or uncontrollable mob is only the voice of madness, not the voice of the people.”   —Robert Kennedy

“The student who invades an administration building, roughs up a dean, rifles the files and issues ‘non-negotiable demands’ may have some of his demands met by a permissive university administration. But the greater his ‘victory’ the more he will have undermined the security of his own rights.”   —Richard M. Nixon

Every parent instinctively knows, or should know, that if a young child acts out, becomes violent, belligerent, or disrespectful, some form of discipline is in order.  And the discipline has to be the kind that gets the message across.  If no discipline is applied or if the discipline is not sufficient, the child will continue his or her behavior and that behavior will only get worse over time.    That’s the child that ends up committing crimes because he or she still believes that there are no consequences for his or her actions.  He or she then becomes a line item on a police rap sheet, or shot by police on the streets, black or white.  The fact is criminals are made from life’s negative experiences, not born.   (See: “Little Black Box Theory”)

Males, especially young males, are the worst offenders of crime.  Females constitute less than 20% of arrests for most crime categories.  (Source: Gender and Crime,

But what makes the criminal in the mob that will riot, loot, burn and kill?  One source describes it this way:

“When a group of people has assembled because they’re emotional and angry about something, it only takes one act of violence to whip the crowd into a fury. Others will follow the initial rioter’s lead and begin destroying property or hurting people. A lot of research has been conducted into the mindset of a violent mob. Being part of a group can destroy people’s inhibitions, making them do things they’d never otherwise do. They lose their individual values and principles and adopt the group’s principles, which, during a riot, are usually to cause destruction and avoid detection.  Being in the midst of a mob can be exciting and powerful, and it can make people feel invisible — they are part of a huge group, and they won’t be detected or held responsible for their actions.”

However, in this day of cameras everywhere, picking out individuals from photos and videos in a rioting mob aren’t that difficult, especially during daytime hours.  Just ask the over 400 individuals that have been arrested and sit in jail for their participation in the January 6th occupation of the U. S. Capitol Building.

In contrast, more than 10,000 people have been arrested for the rioting, burning and looting in 140 cities around the country since the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis on May 25th, 2020.  We were unable to determine how many arrested were actually prosecuted for their crimes and served or are serving time in prison.  Many prosecutors refuse to prosecute the rioters and let them go free.  Not so the Capitol occupiers.

What prosecutors are not doing with regard to the rioters, looters and arsonists is called permissiveness.   Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the son of the last shah of Iran, used permissiveness in his description of where Western civilization is headed:  “Growing terrorism, permissive societies, democracy collapsing through lack of law and order.  If things continue on their present track, the disintegration of Western societies will occur much sooner than you think under the hammer blows of fascism and communism.  Freedom is not something that does not have a breaking point, and your enemies would like you to reach that point.

In the last year, not only is crime on the rise because of the demeaning, decimation and de-funding of police departments in many of the major cities, we must endure constant protests, rioting, looting and burning in our down town areas by hard-core revolutionaries.  The mobs are growing in number, influence and power.  They mean to tear down our constitutional system of government, our culture and our way of life by violence and intimidation.  They mean to destroy the love and bonding of families, the very esssence of our existence.   Because of citizen apathy and police looking the other way, it’s working.

An article by the Three Percent Organization gave us a glimpse into what we can expect from these revolutionaries:

In one of the rallies that were held across the country, a young activist speaking at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington D.C. made it clear that there will be hell to pay for white America and issued a call for what sounded like a violent revolution.

According to the 21-year-old who was identified as Rahim B“How much longer can we protest and march in the streets before we are ready, really ready, to get blood on our hands because one of these days, it’s going to have to come to that.”

He added; “Bringing about that change is not going to always be pretty, and it’s not going to be peaceful.

Rahim B. also encouraged the looting which after going unpunished last year will be even worse this time aroundI don’t condemn who loot, I support them for looting. I support people who take matters in their own hands. If you want to set something on fire, go do that.”

Earlier in the week, BLM activist and prolific tweeter Bree Newsome defended rioting and looting to her followersI’m definitely in the camp of defending rioting & looting as a legitimate, politically-informed response to state violence,” she tweeted.

What is the mob’s rationale for doing all this rioting, looting and burning, the false flag of systemic racism, handed to them on a platter by socialist Democrat politicians, social media and the news media?  They have whipped Blacks up into an out-of-control frenzy.  Critical Race Theory, now taught in our schools as reverse racism against Whites, is part of their strategy.  In addition to violence, socialism policies and radical environmentalism are their legislative levers to effect the changes.

NOTEMost Blacks shot by white cops have a significant criminal history, or on drugs, resisted arrest, or endangered the lives of the cops or the general public.  The Black population in U. S. prisons is double any other race and more than five times the White population.  That disparity cannot be explained by racism.  Is it any wonder that cops, White or Black, encounter Blacks more frequently?

Like naughty children who have never been disciplined, these revolutionaries intend to keep up the violence until the politicians and the scared people, quivering with fear in their homes and businesses, capitulate and give into the revolutionary’s demands.

One of those demands was that Police Officer Chauvin must be found guilty on three counts for the murder of George Floyd.  If it wasn’t a guilty clean sweep the mob was going to take to the streets again in violent protest.  These nut cases resorted to open threats, witness tampering and jury intimidation to get their way.  Even the President, Vice President and Representative Maxine Waters got into the act during the trial, trying to influence the jury.  The issues for appeal are numerous.  The story of this police officer is hardly over and he could still get off with a mistrial.  Is he guilty?  Maybe but due to other evidence, not absolutely!

The upshot of all this is that the political violence will continue until someone crushes the rioters.  Without the National Guard, the local police can’t seem to control the violence.  Thrusting the National Guard into the mix will bring about order but won’t solve the national problem or the false issues causing the violence.  Since the mob revolutionaries don’t suffer any major consequences for their actions, they are free to do whatever they like while the rest of us must endure the aftermath of looted stores, burned out buildings, lost jobs and lost business revenue.

When law enforcement cannot restore order and stop the violence that only leaves the people to stop it in what could be a massive outbreak of vigilante justice.  But the people are cowed in the corner like wounded rats and won’t lift a finger to save them selves.  And not just save them selves from rioters, looters and arsonists, but won’t lift a finger to restore the freedoms they have lost due to long-term government corruption and tyranny.  Government didn’t become corrupt overnight.  Government is corruption.

Any normal, reasonable and prudent person knows that the only appropriate response to uncontrollable violence is an equal or greater force.  But Americans have grown so civilized they shy away from confrontation and allow Goliath to slew the masses as it were.  Where is David with his magic slingshot?

The solution to the current rioting, looting and burning by those who would destroy us from within is much more simple than most people realize.  Even though we don’t condone or advocate for violence, if every shop owner in the free fire zone owned a pump shotgun and was willing to use it, they could bring the looting and arson to an immediate halt.  If just one or two of these lowlife’s were blown away in the process of committing their crimes of looting and burning, the rest would scatter like flies.  If they believed that all shop and business owners were so armed, they wouldn’t come back.

This would also apply to the southern border as well.  If the border were say patrolled by A-10 Thunderbolts, or an AH 64E Apache Helicopter, or a Lockheed AC-130 gun ship and they were to fire warning shots at the illegal aliens as they attempted to cross the border, the aliens would turn tail and run as fast as possible back to their home countries.

Some of you will instantly say this is inhumane.  It doesn’t comport with America’s values.  But if a show of force produced a huge reduction in human, drug and sex trafficking, that would be even more humane.  It would stop the illegal aliens from making the over 1,000 mile journey to America where they endure all kinds of inhumane treatment along the way, like beatings, theft, rape and sodomy at the hands of the brutal cartels, along with the extortion money they must pay to the cartels.

As we have said many times in our articles, “If you don’t confront the bully with equal or a greater force, the bully owns you.”  The socialist Democrats and the mob now own you.  Their power over you grows by the day under the Biden Administration.  If you have the courage, you can fight back peacefully with “The Mandate” before revolution or civil war become the only remaining alternative.

We don’t have the luxury of time.  “We Can’t Wait For The 2022 Mid Terms.”

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

Manipulating Vaccine Recipients Numbers to Isolate The Non Vaccinated

By Bradlee Dean

“The same ones that have lied to you for decades (because you have tolerated them) are the same ones lying to you again today.”

Are you paying attention to the fact that it is that same actors that are selling you their version of this pandemic day by day (Ephesians 4:14)? Of course, no qualified doctor can propose an opposing view which would call their pandemic into question.

These are the same ones hyping up and exaggerating fears over more COVID-19 spikes that have been found to be flat out lies (John 8:44).

You are also aware, I am sure, of these same actors that are, in fact, the responsible parties for profiting from the vaccinations that they are attempting to drive you towards (Deuteronomy 16:19).

You are aware, are you not, that these are the same actors that have been found to be the ones responsible for having manufactured death certificates, as well as manipulated the test results of what they have sold you when it comes to that of COVID-19.

[Brighteon Video]

The truth be told, the only ones that we can verify that are dying are the ones that have taken their vaccines (Leviticus 17:11, 19:19).

[Brighteon Video]

In essence, friends, from start to finish, this has been one big fraud that has been perpetuated on the people on a global basis.

[Rumble Video]

One thing that has stood out to me concerning this plandemic of late is the arbitrary numbers that are continually rained down upon the people in order to isolate them.

Last week, we were told by the mainstream media that over 100 million people have been vaccinated. I knew that it was not true.

Then, at the end of that same week, the same media spin doctors reported that the corrupt CDC said that 66 million people had been vaccinated.


The following week, we again heard by the same useful idiots, which are controlled by 6 corporations globally, that 77 million people had been vaccinated. Still not true.

Then mid-week, we were told by treasonous Joe Biden that over 100 million people have been vaccinated. Not true.

Now, how do I know that these numbers are manufactured?

I have a friend that is the main law enforcement officer in his county. One day, he voluntarily told me that we are being told that 75% of the elderly have been vaccinated by the mainstream media and yet, these numbers do not fit. He went on and said that we have 147,000 alone in this county.  He said that he had the real numbers in front of him and out of that 147, 000 only 5,400 people had received their vaccinations. Friends, that is not 75%, that is less than 3%.

So, if you take 330 million people, let’s go to the high numbers, and 3% of the 100 million, which Joe Biden reported have taken it, have actually been vaccinated, that is only about 3 million people.

The reason for this is that they have lost the narrative.

People are not going along with it and that is why they have taken measures to manipulate the truth and force the vaccinations upon you (Psalm 94:20).

In conclusion: The reason that they are manipulating the numbers is the same reason they get away with what they do. The American people believe the same ones that they say that they do not believe (Romans 1:18).

These propagandists are manipulating you to believe that everyone is getting the vaccines when the opposite is true.

This is the reason for the Saul Alinsky tactic that, once again, is being played out right before your eyes: “Cause the enemy to believe that there are more of us than there really is.”  It is to isolate you into believing that you are the only ones that are refusing to comply.

[Rumble Video]

© 2021 Bradlee dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Gov. Abbott: Stop COVID-19 Vaccinations Now

By Devvy

If you are unfamiliar with my latest columns on this nightmare, please go to my archives.  This time my letter isn’t to the Health & Safety committees in our state legislature, but to my GOP governor, Greg Abbott.

You need to do the same, just tailor my letter to your governor.  Send a copy to members of a science or health safety committee in your legislature if you’ve been writing them as I have been doing for over two months.  Samples of those letters are in my archives.

April 28, 2021

Governor Greg Abbott

Austin, TX

CF:  Chairwomen Health & Safety committees, Rep.  Stephanie Klick, Sen. Louis Kolkhorst, Rep. Jacey Jetton, Rep. Tom Oliverson, Sen. Charles Perry and Sen. Dawn Buckingham

Dear Gov. Abbott:

You must stop all vaccinations in this state.  More Americans have now died after getting one of those experimental shots being passed off as vaccines than ALL vaccines combined over the past 15 years.

Newly confirmed through VAERS (Vaccinate Adverse Events Reporting System):  Mother received a Pfiser “vaccine” at work.  Mother breast feeds 5-MONTH old baby.  Baby develops rash, fever, off to the ER.  Blood analysis revealed highly elevated liver enzymes.  Perfectly healthy baby with no allergies or anything else dead within 24 hours.

Two days after the ghouls at the CDC decided Johnson & Johnson’s “vaccine” is safe to continue shooting up victims, confirmed, the first man this time in the SF Bay Area developed blood clots and hospitalized.  He’s lucky to be alive.

The number of victims who’ve developed life-threatening blood clots is now up to 16 with 3 dead.  The dead have names, governor.  They’re not just statistics.

Confirmed:  5,800 Americans get coronavirus after receiving two doses of vaccines, 74 dead

You need to read the enclosed letter to the committee members above.  Myself and others have requested the two committees (House & Senate) open investigations which is explained in my letter.

VAERS is weeks behind in reporting.  The number of dead, maimed for life and all the rest will continue to rise.  The same thing is going on over in Europe.

Vaccination centers around the country are closing because the American people are getting the truth and refuse to become guinea pigs.  Lawsuits are already filed because a PCR test does NOT test for any virus.  It’s fraud to claim otherwise.  The number of cases in Texas based on a PCR test is a manufactured lie.

Americans being forced to take one of those lethal cocktails are NOT being told they are experimental drugs.  Under federal law they MUST be told.  None of those “vaccines” are FDA approved.

This should NOT be happening.  Samantha Wise, a mother of five in Conway, Arkansas was fired March 3, 2021, from her job.  Her employer made mandatory all employees get one of those experimental shots, she declined.  They canned her.

Former Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer on Experimental COVID Injections: “I Have Absolutely no Doubt that we are in the Presence of Evil” – Dr. Mike Yeadon

“I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population.  I feel great fear, but I’m not deterred from giving expert testimony to multiple groups of able lawyers like Rocco Galati in Canada and Reiner Fuellmich in Germany.  I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products.”

I doubt one could consider Dr. Mike Yeadon an anti-vaxxer.

Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit is Filed in International Criminal Court Over Nuremberg Code Violation, March 22, 2021

“The entire world is watching in horror as death rates have skyrocketed in Israel since the Israeli government brokered a secret deal with Pfizer to inject the entire population with their experimental COVID shots, which are now being mandated as a condition to participate in society.

“The Anshe Ha-Emet (People of the Truth) fellowship — comprising Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens — complained to the ICC prosecutor at the Hague, accusing the government of conducting a national “medical experiment” without first seeking “informed consent.”

“When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the prime minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that, in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code,” the Anshe Ha-Emet suit states.

“Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law argues that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s agreement with Pfizer and Netanyahu’s own admission make it clear that Israel’s warp-speed vaccination campaign “is indeed a medical experiment and that this was the essence of the agreement.”

“The complaint has now been accepted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and will be considered.”

Look it up:  Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community, Health Impact News

I fully realize the difficulty in taking a stand but the millions of Americans who now know the truth will hold governors and lawmakers responsible for not stopping the carnage.  This is just the beginning.  It’s what happens to the human body down the road 1-2 years.  Once a person gets one of those experimental shots there’s no going back.

The death toll as of this date is 3,486, an increase of 1,249 dead Americans in just 13 days.  You need to start checking the data on the VAERS web site.

You must stop all vaccinations in this state.  They are not effective and they sure as heck are not safe.


Devvy Kidd

The letter I included to Gov. Abbott is here.

As I said in my last column:  It’s time to really raise hell (non-violently, of course) with state lawmakers and governors:  Stop giving those experimental gene editing technology shots to residents in our state.  He who shouts the loudest gets heard.

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Chauvin Trial Verdict Was a Foregone Conclusion Even Before the Trial Started

By Greg Holt

Appeasement didn’t work with Hitler, and it’s not going to work with Black Lives Matter either

Everyone has by now heard about the conviction of former police officer Derek Chauvin for the killing of George Floyd.  But was this really justice?  Was this a conviction based on facts, or was this a conviction based on fear?

The knee on the neck

I personally do not agree with the knee on the neck, and it was said at first that this was how police were trained.  Upon further investigation, that would seem to be untrue.

From Fox News:

“Mercil said officers are trained in how to get control of a suspect by using their arms on the side of a person’s neck to slow blood flow to the brain. He said officers are not taught to use their legs or knees, though a knee on the neck can happen depending on a person’s resistance.”

Floyd was resisting arrest, he also had a history with police, and he had drugs in his system.  All is not black and white, as some would have us believe.

A knee on the neck “could” happen.  Apparently, not everyone even agrees that Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s neck.  When the Minneapolis police department’s use-of-force instructor Lt. Johnny Mercil (who spoke against Chauvin) was asked if it looked like Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulder – Mercil agreed that it was.

What the autopsy revealed

The autopsy that the prosecution referred to as conclusive evidence of Chauvin’s guilt is anything but conclusive.  The “facts” as stated by the various “experts” are far from even being in agreement as to cause of death.  Dr. Andrew Baker, who is the chief medical examiner for Hennepin County gave conflicting testimony on what the cause of death was.  The former chief medical examiner for Hennepin County, Dr. Lindsey Thomas (who trained Dr. Baker) gave yet another opinion.

Dr. Baker testified that:

“Floyd’s existing and underlying heart disease was a contributing cause of his death; it was evidenced by a heart that ‘weighed more than it should’ and coronary arteries that were significantly narrowed.

‘The law enforcement subdual and neck compression is just more than Mr. Floyd could take by virtue of his heart conditions,’ Baker said.”

Baker went on to say however that he found “no real damage to the brain, lungs or heart.”  He also stated that there was “severe narrowing of coronary arteries, significant enough to cause sudden death in a person.”  Then he went on to say Floyd was generally healthy.  Seriously???

According to Dr. Baker’s autopsy report, heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), and drugs contributed to Floyd’s death.  Baker also thought Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s back, not on the neck.

Then there is this admission from the good doctor:

“Also, Baker told jurors that if Floyd had been found dead in his locked residence with no evidence of trauma, he would’ve concluded Floyd died of an overdose.”

Dr. Baker stated that Floyd’s breathing did not appear to be impaired because of Chauvin’s knee.  Dr. Thomas stated that (in direct opposition to Baker’s “facts”) that Floyd died due to asphyxia as a result of the officer(s) actions in restraining him.

George Floyd’s family had another autopsy performed, and the findings of that autopsy agree with Thomas’s findings, asphyxiation due to “sustained pressure.”

Thomas also said that Floyd did not have a heart attack or stroke.  Baker said Floyd died from cardiopulmonary arrest, similar to but not the same as a heart attack.  Ether way, the heart stops, and you are dead unless swiftly treated.

Thomas also stated:

“If Floyd had died at home, with no confrontation with police, Thomas said she would probably have concluded that Floyd died of heart disease.

Asked if, in another hypothetical scenario where Floyd was found dead at home, she would conclude Floyd died of an overdose, Thomas said she ‘could consider’ it.”

From 7 News:

“Dr [sic] David Fowler, is a pathologist who has testified in numerous high-profile police use-of-force cases, testified that Floyd died of a sudden heart rhythm disturbance as a result of his heart disease.

He also said the fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system were contributing factors in his death.”

Opinions and facts

Multiple experts with differing opinions.  Who is right?  And what about exactly where Chauvin’s knee was?  All of these differing facts, and opinions (there are more opinions here than facts) contribute to what actually happened.  It also obviously contributes to a reasonable jury’s decision.  Except that said jury was likely influenced by the threat of nation-wide mayhem unless Chauvin was convicted.

Minneapolis police have stated that there is no training whereby officers are told to use neck restraint.  Yet the Minneapolis PD’s own training officer talked about how it could be used.  Well, which way is it?  Neck restraint is not used or taught, or it is used in some situations with guidelines, they can’t have it both ways.  The Minneapolis Chief of Police, Medaria Arradondo said Chauvin also violated the department’s policy regarding neck restraints by kneeling on Floyd’s neck. “A conscious neck restraint by policy mentions light to moderate pressure,” he said.  Again, which way is it, there is a policy, or there isn’t?

The prosecution is required to prove their case beyond the shadow of a doubt.  There seems to be plenty of doubt here.  There is significant disagreement on exactly what all happened, how it happened, and exactly what caused the death of Mr. Floyd.

With all of the facts being interpreted in a different manner by the “experts,” are we seeing a mere difference in professional opinion, or was this official misconduct because “opinions” have been swayed to affect a “desired” outcome?

Did Derek Chauvin receive a fair trial?  I think many have grave doubts about that.  I in no way am trying to suggest here that Chauvin did nothing wrong, but that isn’t what this whole debacle is about.  Did Chauvin in fact receive the fair trial he was entitled to, or was the result (decision) of this trial a forgone conclusion?

Media and other influence

Let no one forget for even a moment the fact that the media has been practically screaming for Derek Chauvin’s blood.  It is painfully obvious that many public figures as well as the Leftist media had already convicted Chauvin before the trial even began.  Chauvin is guilty, move on, nothing else to see here.

Al Sharpton called for Chauvin’s conviction.

Congresswoman Big Mouth, AKA Maxine Waters also called for a conviction, yet she took it even a step further going so far as to potentially incite violence.


“Waters had told a crowd of demonstrators gathered in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota: ‘We’re looking for a guilty verdict. And we’re looking to see if all of this [inaudible] that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd.

‘And we’ve got to get more active,’ Waters unadvisedly continued. ‘[We’ve] got to get more confrontational. … We’ve got to make sure that they know we mean business.’”

This came from all places a Leftist publication.  I want you to note something here, look what MSNBC had to say about this in the form of the article’s title and subtitle, it’s pretty telling, and for once – honest.

Maxine Waters’ Chauvin trial comments expose Democrats’ hypocrisy

Dismissing Maxine Waters’ comments as trivial was not just a lie — it was a profound disservice. (subtitle)

The trial’s judge dismissed a request for mistrial because of this, but read what the judge had to say about Waters:

Judge Peter Cahill denied the request but said that Waters’ comments were ‘abhorrent’ and that she may have handed the defense a lifeline anyway.

‘I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned,’ Cahill said as arguments concluded Monday and the jury began deliberations.”

Kamala Harris said that a conviction would not “heal the pain” of systematic racism.  Biden echoed this same sentiment when he rushed to the cameras after Chauvin’s conviction.  Before Chauvin was convicted, Biden “prayed” for his conviction.  No president or any other elected official has any business saying this.

Black Lives Matter

Was a conviction “enough” for Black Lives Matter?  No, actually it wasn’t.  Their next target?  The other officers involved in the Floyd shooting, as well as the people who burned stuff down, after all, they should not suffer the penalty for their crime.  Criminal penalties are for white people only.

Here is what some BLM supporters had to say:

“…We’re not gonna let these pigs in these buildings have any more control over our lives today. That s**t ends today.”

“…The only reason once again, that we got this conviction, is because we showed up. And if we don’t keep showing up, and if we don’t change laws, and we don’t attack this system, from every single f***ing angle we can, we will be here again.”

“We’re not, we’re never gonna be satisfied,” the BLM supporter said. “Black Lives Matter isn’t a trend. It’s a movement. Black Lives Matter forever, okay? So, we’re not gonna stop just because we’ve got one conviction. We’re happy with the conviction, but we’re gonna keep going. … This is a black genocide. This is more than one case. We’re not satisfied.”

“…the power that we have is immeasurable…this movement has made it’s way to your front door and we are no longer knocking…no justice (crowd) no peace…(crowd) BURN IT DOWN!”

Watch the video, it is an eye opener and typical of BLM.  Do as we say or else.

Conclusion – was it a fair trial?

Given the evidence presented above, NO, I don’t think Derek Chauvin had even a remote possibility of a fair trial.  Many cities had businesses boarded up in anticipation of violence all across the U.S.  Black Lives Matter made threats that the verdict had better be the “right” verdict:

Shaun King, the opinion writer and Black Lives Matter activist, thinks so.

Under the headline America will riot if Derek Chauvin isn’t convicted for killing George Floyd, King wrote: ‘Yes, Dr. (Martin Luther) King said that riots ‘are the language of the unheard,’ but hear me now – if Derek Chauvin is not convicted of some degree – first, second or third – of murder, if he is not held accountable in the court of law, a reckoning is going to befall this country one way or another. And it should.’”

Greg Gutfield of Fox News stated after the verdict that he was glad Chauvin was convicted.  His reasoning leaves a lot to be desired.

“I’m glad that he was found guilty on all charges, even if he might not be guilty of all charges,” Gutfeld said. “I’m glad that he’s guilty of all charges, because I want a verdict that keeps this country from going up in flames.”

But this attitude is precisely the attitude that has been and is prevailing nation-wide.  Did jurors base their decisions on the influence and threats of Black Lives Matter and others who vocalized their support for them, and the George Floyd family?  It sure seems like it from where I’m sitting.

In closing, listen to Tucker Carlson’s take on this; he hit the nail right on the head.  Oh, and when you hear what Nancy Pelosi said, be sure to have your barf bag ready. [You Tube Video]

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Fox News
USA Today
7 News
NBC News
The Hill
Daily Wire
Business Insider

Officer Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice to Marxist Mobs

By Kelleigh Nelson

Socialism is an alternative to capitalism as potassium cyanide is an alternative to water. —Ludwig von Mises, Human Action: A Treatise on Economics

If you can convince people that freedom is injustice, they will then believe that slavery is freedom. —Stefan Molyneux

Communism is the final logic of the dehumanization of man. —Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both. —John F. Kennedy

Freedom for the wolves has often meant death to the sheep. —Isaiah Berlin, British Philosopher

The jury in the Chauvin case came back with a guilty verdict on all counts, second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in a case that had sparked nationwide riots over the death of George Floyd.

Of course, they did.

Jurors were terrified that BLM and Antifa Marxist mobs would come to their homes and splatter pig’s blood on their doors or burn their homes to the ground or worse. Alternate juror, Lisa Christensen admitted same to reporters when she stated she didn’t want to go through the rioting.

Just like the cowards on the Supreme Court who refused to hear so many valid cases regarding the illegitimate and treasonous 2020 elections, fear overruled their duty.

There is no fair system of “law and order” in America. There is only the arbitrary application of power for political purposes. Mob rule has taken over America; law and order are dead, and the Constitutional right to due process has been shredded beyond recognition. The mobs are incited to tamper with juries and judges by the press arm of their media comrades and with the full weight and backing of the communist infiltrated governing establishment.

Derek Chauvin was never going to receive a fair trial.

MPD Neck Restraint Training

George Floyd was 6’6” and weighed 223 pounds and his violent criminal history went back decades.  When he was arrested in Minnesota for passing a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill, he refused to get into the police car claiming he had claustrophobia, although he had just been pulled out of a vehicle with several people, including a drug dealer who refused to testify for fear of incriminating himself.

Minneapolis use-of-force trainer testified that officers are instructed that people under the influence of certain drugs can “become stronger” than they normally would be.  And even with three officers, they couldn’t contain Floyd; the ingested drugs were working on him.

Here’s the kicker though…the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) training materials show knee-to-neck restraint similar to the one used on Floyd.  The training materials specify: “the maximal restraint technique shall only be used in situations where handcuffed subjects are combative and still pose a threat to themselves, officers or others, or could cause significant property damage if not properly restrained.”  Well yes, Floyd would not get into the police vehicle and was combative.  However, there is a slide with a photo that states officers should “place the subject in the recovery position to alleviate positional asphyxia.”

An attorney for officer Thomas Lane, who was present at the scene, stated, “The training material supports that neck restraint was something taught to officers who, although new to the job, knew that officers are allowed to use reasonable force when needed. Based on Floyd’s actions up to this point, the officers had no idea what he would do next – hurt himself, hurt the officers, flee, or anything else, but he was not cooperating.”  Lane had asked Chauvin if they should turn Floyd on his side, and Chauvin said to leave him where he was until the ambulance arrived.

After the BLM/Antifa communist riots and destruction in Minneapolis, the MPD eliminated the neck restraint hold. Meanwhile Derek Chauvin had followed training and is now labeled a felon by the mob motivated jurors.

Officer Chauvin was trained to use this technique by the MPD.  He heard Floyd say he couldn’t breathe earlier, and that would infer that he should not have held subject Floyd in this manner for very long.  However, the size of George Floyd and his former combative stance against getting into the police car could have made the decision to continue the restraint a valid one.  No one knows.

Defense witness, Barry Brodd, a former Santa Rosa, California police officer, said he did not believe that the responding officers’ actions, pinning Floyd to the pavement while he was handcuffed facedown with Chauvin’s knee on his neck for what prosecutors have said was 9 minutes, 29 seconds, qualified as a use of force. He said that he believed it was a “control hold” and that he did not think Chauvin was inflicting any pain on Floyd.  Link

“I felt that Derek Chauvin was justified and was acting with objective reasonableness, following Minneapolis Police Department policy and current standards of law enforcement, in his interactions with Mr. Floyd,” Brodd said.

No proof was ever offered that Chauvin’s knee killed George Floyd, because no such proof could ever be offered. The very notion was ridiculous. Floyd died from a lifetime of health-destroying decisions coupled with the lethal number of drugs in his system. If Floyd hadn’t died on camera, nothing would have happened. Instead, for political expediency, Chauvin was made into a human sacrifice. He was disowned by the state he served and the public he protected.

Even the president of the Fraternal Order of Police, Patrick Yoes said, “The trial was fair and due process was served.”  Really?  Is the sacrificing of an officer to appease the communist mob’s American justice?  (BLM/Antifa still rioted.)

Chauvin was never going to receive a fair trial.

Other Factors

Everyone who saw the videos of Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s neck jumped to the conclusion that officer Chauvin killed Floyd via excessive force; even Rush Limbaugh made accusatory statements that never should have been uttered.  Despite the juror’s verdict, this appears to be invalid.

If people were to see the entire video, America would know that officer Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulder, not his neck…but America’s comrades want a blood sacrifice of a police officer doing his job. During cross-examination, the Chief of Police admitted that Chauvin’s knee was on George Floyd’s shoulder blade after he was shown the body cam video from another perspective side-by-side.

Regardless of your views on the death of George Floyd, we know three things are true.

  1. George Floyd had a long violent criminal history and he had enough illicit drugs in his system to do grave damage. An autopsy found methamphetamine and enough fentanyl in Floyd’s system at the time of his death to kill him, along with heart disease. Investigators also found pills containing methamphetamine and fentanyl inside Floyd’s SUV and the backseat of a squad car officers tried to push him into.

Floyd had been sentenced to five years in prison in 2009 for aggravated assault stemming from a robbery where Floyd entered a woman’s home, pointed a gun at her stomach and searched the home for drugs and money, according to court records.

  1. Dr. David Fowler, a former chief medical examiner for the state of Maryland and now a member of a consulting firm, testifying for the defense in the murder trial of officer Chauvin told the court that George Floyd died of a cardiac arrest combined with drug use, and not low oxygen as several prosecution witnesses claimed.

“Any of the sounds Mr. Floyd is making requires you to take air in … and out …,” Dr. Fowler said of bystander and police body camera videos showing Floyd pleading to breathe as three officers restrained him. “You cannot make sound unless you’re … moving air and your mouth is open.”

He said the fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system, and possible carbon monoxide poisoning from auto exhaust from a nearby patrol car, were contributing factors.  The pathologist listed a multitude of factors: Floyd’s narrowed arteries, his enlarged heart, his high blood pressure, his drug use, the stress of his restraint, the vehicle exhaust, and a tumor or growth in his lower abdomen that can sometimes play a role in high blood pressure by releasing “fight-or-flight” hormones.  He testified that the manner of death was “undetermined” due to the combination of factors.

Dr. Fowler is being repaid for his testimony by having all of his reports of deaths in police custody, during his tenure as chief medical examiner, reviewed according to representatives from the offices of Governor Tim Walz (D) and Attorney General Keith Ellison (D).

  1. Communist revolutionary enemies of America used Floyd’s death to advance their hostile political agenda and gain deeper control of the narratives used to destroy America and her justice system.

Officer Chauvin was never going to receive a fair trial.

Biden, Pelosi and Waters

Prior to the verdict, Biden stated that he was praying for the right verdict and he phoned the family of George Floyd to say he was in prayers with them and was praying for a guilty verdict.  This is grounds for appeal, and should have been grounds for mistrial.

After the verdict of guilty on all counts came in, Biden made another inflammatory statement regarding Officer Chauvin’s trial and kowtowed to his BLM/Antifa comrades.  He said, “It was a murder in full light of day, and it ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism the vice president just referred to.  The systemic racism that’s a stain on our nation’s soul.  The knee on the neck of justice for black Americans.”  Disgraceful!

Andrea Widburg’s recent American Thinker article stated, “Think about that: a police officer in one city follows the rules for dealing with an overdosing person, while surrounded by a large, threatening mob, and that suddenly becomes the symbol of a stain on the soul for all of America.  Really?”

Please…there was no systemic racism until the Democrats promoted it, along with their comrades, BLM/Antifa and the deceitful and treasonous media.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi probably made one of the most offensive and odious statements about George Floyd. During a news conference, she stated, “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice, for being there to call out to your mom, how heartbreaking was that, and because of you … your name will always be synonymous with justice.”  She later added this, “His family’s calls for justice for his murder were heard around the world. He did not die in vain. We must make sure other families don’t suffer the same racism, violence and pain, and we must enact the George Floyd #JusticeInPolicing Act.”

The city of Minneapolis on March 12, 2021 agreed to pay $27 million to settle a lawsuit by the family of George Floyd over his death in police custody.

Don’t forget that Pelosi presented the folded flag to Floyd’s brother, a flag that represents an honor of service to the country. This was symbolic of hatred for the men and women who give their lives in service to this country…and a slap in the face to every military veteran.

Asked how protesters should respond if Chauvin isn’t found guilty, Maxine Waters said: “We’ve got to stay on the street. And we’ve got to get more active. We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.” Really Maxine? More rioting, arson, looting and vandalism of American businesses is just fine with you?  Her words are still active on FB and Twitter, but President Trump is not.

Waters’ statements seem to be in violation of House ethics rules that require members to conduct themselves “at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.”

Maxine should be ousted from Congress, but her fellow comrades will support her vindictive and evil invectives. Her statements alone should overturn this trial.

Officer Chauvin was made a human sacrifice to the Marxist mobs by America’s “public servants.”

Ashli Babbitt

Here’s the real rub.  On January 6th, unarmed 14-year high-ranking Air Force veteran and patriotic Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was savagely gunned down by the U.S. Capitol Police while peacefully protesting the illegitimate executive seizure of power by the Democrats through Manchurian candidate Joe Biden.

US Capitol special agent David Bailey, who killed Ashli Babbitt, is allegedly a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter militant. According to reports, he threatened to kill Trump supporters on Facebook for months.  Why does he still have a job as a capitol agent?  DOJ officials determined there wasn’t enough evidence to support a criminal prosecution.  Marxist BLM members are apparently not to be violated, criticized, or tampered with.

Tucker Carlson reports that Samuel Montoya, the man who filmed the video showing Ashli Babbitt being shot, has been arrested and sits in jail. His crime? Apparently trespassing. Two-tiered justice, police state!


A year before the death of George Floyd, which inspired months upon months of protests across America, The Dallas Morning News (DMN) reported on the then-three-year-old story of a man with a case very similar to Floyd’s.

Tony Timpa, a 32-year-old man from north Texas, reportedly called 911 after having driven his car into a shady parking lot in a bout of drug-fueled panic and fear. According to a video released from DMN, Timpa told the dispatch officer he wasn’t taking his mental health medication and “had taken drugs.”

Just an hour later, Timpa was dead.  He was white, no charges were brought against the officers.

Barring a miracle, officer Chauvin will spend his life in prison.


Americans should be completely purged of the illusion that a fair justice system still exists that will protect them from the predatory actions of the Deep State. There is no fair system of “law and order” in America. There is only the arbitrary application of power for political purposes.  General Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Carter Page and so many others know this well.

The rule of law, truth, justice, righteousness and liberty are being destroyed incrementally by those who hate our God given freedoms.  America has long been infiltrated with the evil godless tentacles of hardcore communism.  This is why we saw such hatred and venom against the 45th President who by himself stood against this demonic onslaught, with little help from his own party.

The most important thing for America’s police is to protect, and the commies don’t want us protected.  If you think Minneapolis will never turn into Mogadishu – it’s coming.  The police are leaving cities in droves…and the Marxists in government want our guns.  Private property, protected by police departments, will be a thing of the past. It starts in our own backyard, in our home, in our small group, in our community.  Stand up!  Fight!  Take the country back!

George Washington had only a small percentage of Americans who fought with him for independence, God protected him and led him to victory and He will protect us.

We have patriotic warriors who are dedicated to saving our Republic from communist revolutionaries wishing our annihilation.  Help these organizations with your donations and work with them.

The John Birch Society

God loves a cheerful giver and He hears the prayers of his children.  We are fighting an insurrection…more dangerous than the 1775 Revolutionary War for independence from Great Britain, but with God’s help, freedom will again prevail.

And having done all, TO STAND!

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Multicultural America: Are We Becoming a Land of Strangers?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Is Biden purposely flooding America in order to displace us from our own country?

Yesterday, my wife Sandi and I shopped at a Costco store in Denver, Colorado.  It sounded and felt like shopping in different countries with so many languages being spoken and strange modes of dress.

We encountered immigrants from Pakistan, India, Mexico, China, Vietnam, Somalia, China and another half dozen countries.  Since they spoke in their native languages, we felt zero commonality with them.  We felt like strangers in our own community.

Let me speak to this harsh reality:  India adds 14 million net gain annually to its already bloated 1.3 billion people with no end in sight.  China adds 8 million annually, net gain.  Africa, at 1.3 billion expects to hit 2.1 billion within 29 years. In other words, they continue producing more children than they can water, feed or sustain.  Result: they create an endless refugee line of desperate immigrants seeking any country that still offers enough water, food and shelter.

What does that mean to you and your kids?  It means: no end of the line of immigrants.  They won’t stop their endless birth rates, so they use first world counties for infinite immigration to turn our country into the same thing they fled.

Last month, I interviewed on the Ross Kaminiski radio show at in Denver.  I mentioned that the current 1965 Immigration Reform Act injected over 100 million immigrants into our country from 150 countries in the last 45 years.  He said, “So what!”

I said, “We face more fragmentation and fracturing than ever before in the history of the United States.  We’ve got racism raging more than ever with Mexican Mafia invading Los Angeles and pushing African-Americans out.  We’ve got Black Flash Mobs in Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver and Minneapolis knocking down and killing European-Americans.  We’ve got Somalian drug gangs in Wisconsin and Minnesota. We’ve got Muslim ‘honor killings’  and  ‘Female Genital Mutilation’ in America.”

After the George Floyd killing, and now the Danuate Wright kid getting killed, Black Lives Matter may burn, loot and destroy another $2 billion in destruction of our cities.

Kaminiski said something like, “You always face crime and differences no matter where you are in the world.”

“Well,” I said.  “If Biden’s amnesty bill passes the House, instead of 1.1 million immigrants annually, they increased it to 2.0 million legal immigrants annually. That doubles the speed of immigration to overwhelm our society.”

“We can handle another 100 million immigrants and more,” he said.

“But can we double our population from 330 million to the projected 625 million?”  I asked him, “What about quality of life, standard of living, water shortages (already experienced in seven states in 2021), energy, resources and environment?”

“The Earth can handle it, the oceans can handle all the carbon we can pump into them,” Kaminski said.

Last week, I wrote a commentary about Superintendent of schools, Jason Glassman, in Eagle County, Colorado, addressing his plea that Americans become a bi-lingual country. He told me that we must fight racism.

I told him, “Endless immigration not only creates intractable poverty, illiteracy and linguistic chaos, it feeds racism, grows racism and ultimately splits a country into a multicultural quagmire.  Just look at New York City, Chicago, Minneapolis, Houston, Miami and Los Angeles.”

He didn’t like that reality check.

I ask you, with our Congress injecting 100 million more immigrants into this country from 190 third world countries around the globe—what do you think will happen in the next three decades?

Do you think it’s going to be a garden bouquet, melting pot, and gloriously multicultural civilization where everyone sings Kumbaya in 50 different languages?

If my experience in Costco this past weekend indicates our future, I suspect we face becoming a “Nation of Strangers.”  We can expect more separation, more political disparateness, linguistic separation and more cultural fragmentation than anyone understands.

Tell me if Colorado Governor Lamm’s starting point for the “Eight ways to destroy America” doesn’t ring true.

As to turning ourselves into a multi-lingual society, former Governor Richard D. Lamm said in a speech in Washington, DC which I attended, “Here is how they destroyed their countries: first, turn America into a bilingual or multi lingual and bicultural country.  History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.  It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual.  The historical scholar Seymour Lipset put it this way, “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy.  Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon—all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

When Florida, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California start suffering from accelerating water shortages because of another 100 million immigrants, how will we speak to those issues with endless language confusion. How will we get onto the same page?

Let me share with you; does Lamm’s speech make sense?  Can you see it as clearly as I see it?  Do you see the future for your children?

Do you understand when folks cannot obtain enough water or food, they degrade to violence? When you mix different races and languages, you mix different worldviews.  How do you think India, China and Pakistan became failed civilizations—so much so—their citizens flee those countries?

Do you think immigrants become as enlightened as our Western republic once they reach our shores?  Do you think they blend into our culture?

Once we face water shortages, gas shortages and more environmental degradation, we Americans, having lost our country to mass immigration, and having become the new minority group by 2042 (that includes European-Americans and African-Americans)—we face irreversible consequences and unsolvable problems.

We could have stopped it.

But instead, you’ve got Ross Kaminski’s’ who don’t know their butts from a hole in the ground and Superintendents like Jason Glassman who think we need to change our English language-speaking country into everybody else’s language.

This whole situation won’t end in a pretty picture.  I am astounded as to why I am virtually the only journalist in the country who possesses the guts to spell it out.    We need hundreds Americans and journalists, along with radio and television people to address what we face by adding 100,000,000 (million) people to our country.

It’s beyond stupid, it’s beyond ludicrous, it’s insane and it’s unsustainable environmentally and sociologically.  Please join these organizations to stop your children from this untenable future: ; ;; ;

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

An Unaware and Compliant Citizenry

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

In a previous article, I quoted from emails by Democrat strategist Bill Ivey to John Podesta and Podesta’s subsequent strategy as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign manager. The response by NewsWithViews readers was underwhelming, so I will try to explain the emails’ importance. Podesta had been President Clinton’s chief-of-staff, and Ivey was communicating with him regarding their CONSPIRACY. On March 13, 2016, Ivey wrote to Podesta: “We’ve been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry.”

Note that Ivey says “we’ve” and uses the past tense. This clearly implies a large group has “conspired” for a long time. And consider how much and how long it would take to “produce an unaware and compliant citizenry”! There is an April 23, 2015 document which was “part of tens of thousands of emails to and from John Podesta” with a strategy stating ,”We need to be elevating (certain Republican) Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to take them seriously.” A member of the compliant press, THE WASHINGTON POST reported in early August 2015 that “Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump…encouraged Trump’s efforts to play a larger role in the Republican Party,…and then analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the GOP base.”

The Clintons’ and others’ efforts to “produce and unaware and compliant citizenry” began with the National Education Association (NEA), whose President Catherine Barrett wrote in the February 10, 1973 edition of SATURDAY REVIEW OF EDUCATION: “Dramatic changes in the way we will raise our children in the year 2000 are indicated, particularly in terms of schooling….We will need to recognize that the so-called ‘basic skills,’ which currently represent nearly the total effort in elementary schools, will be taught in one-quarter of the present school day….When this happens—and it’s near—-the teacher can rise to his true calling. More than a dispenser of information, the teacher will be a conveyor of values, a philosopher….We will be agents of change.”

Via values clarification techniques, the values of students were to be changed to situation ethics. I attended the first Governor’s School for the gifted in the nation. It was in North Carolina and funded by Carnegie, and Hillary Clinton modeled Arkansas’s Governor’s School after ours, but the assault upon traditional values was even more radicalized, and one student even committed suicide! In the 1980s, Hillary Clinton along with David Rockefeller, Jr. and others became Board members of Carnegie’s National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), with Mario Cuomo chairman and N.C. Governor Jim Hunt vice-chairman. The president of the NCEE was Marc Tucker, who right after Bill Clinton won the presidency in November 1992 wrote a letter to Hillary Clinton saying this would give then a chance to implement their “cradle-to-grave” plan for all Americans.

The following year, at the July 2-5, 1993 NEA’s national convention, President Clinton addressed the delegates and thanked the NEA for “the gift of our assistant secretary,” referring to long-time NEA activist Sharon Robinson, who became U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office of Education Research and Improvement (OERI, where I had worked in the Reagan administration). President Clinton went on to say that he believed his goals for America closely parallel those of the NEA, further stating: “And I believe that the president of this organization would say we have had the partnership I promised in the campaign of 1992, and we will continue to have it….You and I are joined in a common cause, and I believe we will succeed.” On December 15, 1993, EDUCATION WEEK reported that “Debra DeLee, the former director of governmental relations for the NEA, has joined the Democratic National Committee as its executive director.”

By this time, civics (which I had taken as a full-year course in 9th grade in 1960) had already been dropped from many public school curricula across the nation (remember Ivey’s conspiracy). During the 1990s and the Clinton presidency, Outcome-Based Education (OBE) was being emphasized. Its father was William Spady, who said OBE took 3 forms: Traditional (not very different from former educational practices), Transitional (where education would transition to the final goal of), Transformational Education, which emphasized changing children’s values. In “Future Trends: Considerations in Developing Exit Outcomes” (September 1987), Spady wrote that “Despite the historical trend toward intellectual enlightenment and cultural pluralism, there has been a major rise in religious and political orthodoxy, intolerance, fundamentalism, and conservatism with which young people will have to be prepared to deal.”

As parents became more aware of what OBE was trying to do, it ran into increasing disfavor, and the planners of our future had to come up with a different tactic. Therefore in 2008, the Hunt Institute (named for formerly mentioned N.C. Governor Jim Hunt) at N.C. State University began to develop what would come to be known as the Common Core (CC) curriculum. It would not take long for parents to realize that CC was not benefiting many students, causing them to not reach proficiency on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. The population would become increasingly “dumbed down” as former Reagan administration OERI member Charlotte Iserbyt called them. This has resulted in “an unaware citizenry,” which has become more and more manipulable or “compliant” (giving up some freedoms after the 9/11 attacks, and now taking Covid-19 vaccine shots apparently every year, etc.).

In Alexis De Tocqueville’s DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA (1840), he described a despotism to come: “…The supreme power extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform….The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided….It does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd….It is vain to summon a people who have been rendered so dependent on the central power to choose from time to time the representatives of that power; this rare and brief exercise of their free choice…will not prevent them from gradually losing the faculties of thinking, feeling, and acting for themselves, and thus gradually falling below the level of humanity.” “An unaware and compliant citizenry”?

My mother used to have as many files as I did on various issues such as Agenda 21 (see my mother’s New Age New World Order tree chart by going to and scroll about two-thirds the way down the article), and she was always clipping things out of publications for research. One day she found that an office of the National Center for Health Statistics was located nearby and they were sending all our personal health records to Moscow. We wondered why should the Soviets need too be sent all our health records!? We tried to spread the alarm about this, but “an unaware and compliant citizenry” did not seem to care!

Another word for despot is dictator, and remember that before President Joe Biden signed 30 Executive Orders in the first 3 days of his presidency, he told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on October 15, 2020: “Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, ‘Well, if you can’t get the votes, by executive order unless you’re going to do something.’ Things you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator.”

© 2021 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Addendum G


COVID-19 Shots:  The Dead Have Names

By:  Devvy

April 26, 2021

State of Texas.  Tailor to your state committees both house and senate.

Rep. Stephanie Klick, House Committee on Public Health Senate Committee on Health & Human Services P.O. Box 2910, Austin, Texas 78768

Sen. Lois W. Kolkhorst,  P.O. Box 2910 P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Statio Austin, TX 78711

Cf: Rep. Jacey Jetton, Sen. Charles Perry, Rep. Tom Oliverson and Sen. Dawn Buckingham

Dear Chairwoman Klick and Chairwoman Kolkhorst:

Since my last letter to your committees, April 6, 2021, number of deaths following a COVID-19 experimental gene editing technology shot has increased as predicted.  “To get a perspective on the magnitude of deaths following COVID shots that are being reported to the CDC, there were only 3,445 deaths reported to the CDC following all vaccines from 1/1/2005 through 11/30/2020, the 15-year period prior to the FDA issuing emergency use authorizations for experimental COVID injections in December of 2020.”  Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

April 3,2021:  2,249 deaths.  An increase of 199 in seven days.  The number of adverse “events” 50,861.   During the same time serious injuries reached 7,726, an increase of 631.  28% of deaths within 48 hours of getting the shot, 19% within 24 hours.  43% of deaths were victims who got sick within 48 hours of the jab.

VAERS is lagging weeks on posting.  Here are the April 16th numbers:

3,486 deaths.   86,080 injuries, 1,217 permanent disabilities, 12,374 emergency room/doctor visits, 6,282 hospitalized, and 1,906 life threatening injuries.

April 3:  2,249 deaths.  April 16: 3,486 deaths.  Increase of 1,249 dead Americans.

April 3:  50,861 adverse” events.  April 16:  86,080 injured.  A whopping increase of 35, 219 injured.

March 11:  734 permanent disabilities.  The victim can no longer function normally or work.

April 16:  1,217, an increase of 734.

March 15:  6,716 visits to ER.  April 16:  12,374.  An increase of 5,658.

March 15:  3,976 hospitalizations.  April 16:  6,282.  An increase of 2,306.

Reporting to VAERS is only about 1-10% at the most.  Now, 71 million Americans have tragically received one or more of those experimental gene editing technology shots, roughly 123 million doses.  Pharma houses want to make it yearly.  Cha-ching.

Many vocally condemned the ‘pause’ because of blood clots from Johnson & Johnson’s experimental shot. “Only” 6 out of six million who got the shot, one dead, one fighting for her life in the hospital.  As of this date, it’s now 15 with what the CDC described as “massive clots close to the brain”.  3 dead, 7 still hospitalized, all women.

The three dead victims have names.  They were wives, mothers, grandma, favorite auntie, sister, human.  Those who condemned the ‘pause’ remind me of the bumper sticker:  Those who support abortion have already been born.  So what if it was your mom or wife or your teen age daughter?  It’s all for the “greater good”.  Their lives, their pain mean nothing.  In the eyes of COVID-19 shots advocates, their lives don’t matter.

It is shocking the CDC decided last week everything is just fine.  Johnson & Johnson can go ahead and keep giving those shots.  The dead mean nothing to them; just the usual acceptable collateral damage.  It’s for the “greater good”.

A new book has been released by Dr.  Karina Reiss and Dr.  Sucharit Bhadki titled Corona Unmasked:  New Facts and Figures.  I have enclosed the cover page and pg 20 from one of the chapters which closes with:  “Until reliable and convincing data are available, this high-risk human experiment must not be allowed to continue.”  If you think these are ‘anti-vaxxers’ or arm-chair conspiracy theorists, their bio’s are also enclosed.  Both doctors are no light-weights just like the hundreds globally who have been trying to warn the world since last Dec:  Don’t take those shots.

I’ve also enclosed a copy of this:  Microbiology & Infectious Diseases.  COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease by J. Bart Classen, MD, an immunologist with decades of experience and under attack as are experts around the world trying to stop this horrific nightmare.  Classen says risk, he does not say everyone will develop Prion Disease.

(CDC: Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. They are distinguished by long incubation periods, characteristic spongiform changes associated with neuronal loss, and a failure to induce inflammatory response.

The causative agents of TSEs are believed to be prions. The term “prions” refers to abnormal, pathogenic agents that are transmissible and are able to induce abnormal folding of specific normal cellular proteins called prion proteins that are found most abundantly in the brain. The functions of these normal prion proteins are still not completely understood. The abnormal folding of the prion proteins leads to brain damage and the characteristic signs and symptoms of the disease. Prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.)

I urged you in a previous letter to bring in to testify in front of your committees, microbiologists and scientists who are the real experts and ask them the hard questions.  I would include Drs. Reiss, Bhadki and Classen.

The more people given those experimental shots the more deaths we’ll see.  More suffering, more permanent disabilities.  All of those experts, hundreds of them (globally and here in the U.S.) unlike career criminal Anthony Fauci who should have gone to a federal prison decades ago, know what they’re talking about.  Again, I ask you:  Are they ALL “anti-vaxxers” and conspiracy theorists? 

Over two months ago, our Howard County GOP Club sent all of you a letter supported by signatures from our members requesting an investigation into the existence of this purported SARS-CoV-2 so I won’t repeat myself.  I provided all of the research proving neither the CDC nor health agencies in 40 countries have a purified isolated particles specimen.

Everywhere you read this alleged virus came from Wuhan, China.  But recall what I included in my letter to you dated March 3rd:   “Ten days ago I watched a video that absolutely caused my jaw to drop. This interview on Jan. 23, 2021, was between an NBC reporter in Wuhan, China and Dr. Wu Zunyou, Chinese Center for Disease Control. In response to the reporter’s question about why they haven’t shared data, Zunyou said, “They didn’t isolate the virus.” And, there you have it.  Computer models are not specimens.

Two most common questions asked:  If people aren’t dying from this alleged virus, what are they dying from?  Everyone says the virus came from Wuhan labs, I mean, didn’t it?

For the past year microbiologists, epidemiologists, virologists and doctors have stated, based on their individual DECADES of experience, this is a nasty influenza flu and should be treated as is done with other respiratory illnesses.  For only the second time since the CDC was birthed, they abruptly stated they would not be reporting cases of influenza flu for 2020/21.  Why not?  Because the big money is in vaccines and “cases” reported.

There It Is: CDC Equates Coronavirus Hospitalizations to Seasonal Flu and Finally Admits It’s MUCH LESS Dangerous for Children, May 2, 2020:  “In May the CDC equated the Wuhan coronavirus to the seasonal flu.  The COVID-19 hospitalization rates are “similar to” those in the 65 and older category during “recent high severity influenza seasons.”

But we saw all the clips on the nightly snooze (news) showing hospitals over flowing, desperation, dire circumstances.  Reported number of deaths as of today:  571,922.  By the CDC’s own admission, only 6% are caused by this alleged virus bringing the true number to around 34,315.  Influenza viruses float around all year.  That is a fact.

Highest number of deaths from influenza flu was 2018:  80,000 with 900,000 hospitalized.  Why weren’t hospitals over run then?  To date, hospitalized for COVID from Mar. 15, 2020 – Mar. 4, 2021:  120,000.  For that this country was brought to her knees.  2019-2020 influenza flu season:  38 million caught it.  18 million saw a health care provider.  400,000 hospitalized and 22,000 deaths.  We did not lockdown this country.  Peak season is December – March but can go to May.  Viruses hate heat which is why forcing people to wear masks outdoors last summer and this one is rank stupidity.

We don’t shut down this country over the yearly flu.  People sadly died from the flu because too many are unhealthy.  With a 42% obesity rate in this country, you’re looking at tens and tens of MILLIONS of Americans with serious health problems like heart disease, strokes, kidney disease, eye problems, nerve damage and more.

Then, when a severe strain of influenza comes along, boom! Down they go because their immune systems are severely compromised.  Despite all the warnings, Americans don’t seem to care because obesity rates just continue to climb.  The elderly with one or more serious health conditions make up a large number of deaths.  The population in this country is severely lacking vitamin D which is critical.

The upside is vaccination sites around the country are closing down because people are doing their research and getting fully informed.  They do not want some experimental shot.  40% of our military have also said no to those experimental shots.

As I informed you before, all my letters to your committees are published in my weekly column.  Notification is sent to over 70,000 subscribers who then send the link to their email lists, onto social media platforms of every stripe.  We are getting the truth out.  Then voters by the hundreds of thousands who get this data and verified facts are going to wonder why lawmakers and governors did nothing to stop the carnage.

Recall I mentioned life insurance corporations and no payout if the person dies from taking a COVID-19 experimental shot?  Enclosed is a copy of a letter to an individual belonging to, if I read it correctly, HUPA, which appears to be subsidized health care under Harvard plans.  Name and membership ID protected.  It says side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine are not covered.  So far, 86,080 adverse reactions, 12,374 emergency room/doctor visits, 6,282 hospitalized, and 1,906 life threatening injuries.  Will all those victim’s medical insurance plans cover them?  Americans should check.

The requests to your committees are not unreasonable.  Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is Director General of the thoroughly CORRUPT WHO.  Tedros started the hysteria by declaring a pandemic.  Ghebreyesus isn’t even a doctor.  He is however a member of the Leftist Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) which is a Marxist/Leninist group.  TPLF is listed in the Global Terrorism Database.   The Communist Chinese contribute ten times more $$ to the WHO than the U.S.  Trump put a stop to it, the imposter “president”, dementia addled Cheater China Joe Biden, restored funding.

Fauci, Tedros, Bill Gates, George Soros – all part of a grand incestuous cabal.  And speaking of Fauci, who knew he was a prophet?  Jan. 11, 2017, at a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University: “There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” Fauci said during his “Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration” speech, which came shortly before Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20. He added, “the thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we’re going to see this in the next few years.”  USA Today

Just because the thoroughly corrupt WHO declares a pandemic doesn’t mean the cause they promote exists.  It seems to me this should be relatively easy.  Haul in the new CDC Director, Rochelle P. Walensky before your committee and ask her the key question: Does the CDC have a purified isolated particles specimen?  Not a computer model but the real deal.

We also requested a forensic analysis of death certificates.  This country was brought to its knees over astronomical numbers of “cases”.  Cases based on using a PCR test that DOES NOT test for viruses.  It recognizes RNA and DNA.  It is a manufacturing technique, not a diagnostic tool.  Yet, media and politicians continue blasting over 25 million “cases”.  Deaths from that alleged virus reaches landmark of over half a million!  We know that to be a manufactured lie as only (God rest their souls) about 6% of those who passed away was a direct result of that alleged virus.

CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths – 130,000 of them.  And pneumonia, influenza.

And, now this:

Biden Administration Allowing Death Certificates to Be “Modified”: “On April 12, radical congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) held a press conference. They let New Yorkers know that if a relative died in the early stages of the pandemic and their death certificate doesn’t mention COVID-19 as a cause, they can now have the certificate edited – and claim up to $35,500.”  Including illegal aliens.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

(“This is an excellent definition of the “Big lie,” however, there seems to be no evidence that it was used by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, though it is often attributed to him.  The original description of the big lie appeared in Mein Kampf.  Adolf Hitler applied it to the behavior of Jews rather than as a tactic he advocated.”  Jewish Virtual Library)

Giving those experimental shots to children makes me sick to my soul.  Well-meaning parents or school districts demanding kids get shot up like guinea pigs, they’re now getting them as I write this.  Moderna has never produced a vaccine before and they haven’t now.  It’s mRNA technology and it’s deadly.  People have no idea how many billions have been paid out by Modera & Pfiser in lawsuits.  Trust them?  When pigs fly.  Just plug this into a search engine and be prepared, it will shock you:  moderna pfizer history of lawsuits

Safe?  Look it up.  Children Next to be Sacrificed to COVID-19 mRNA Injections as 12-Year-Old Girl is Paralyzed During Trials

This is totally reprehensible as masks DO NOT protect you or anyone else from viruses.  Facial masks for doctors and nurses started a long time ago.  They began wearing them to keep body fluids, brain and other body tissue and blood from getting on them.

SHOCK VIDEO: Security Guards Body-Slam Fan, Cuff Him and Drag Him from Game for Not Wearing Facemask While Eating at Ralston Arena During Omaha Beef Football Game #Peak2021

Here in America?  EXCLUSIVE: NYC Judge Removes 6-Year-Old From Mother Because She Didn’t Wear a Mask While Dropping Her Off at School  – That poor woman was OUTSIDE and her daughter already going through the doors into school.

This is particularly horrifying.  LAPD going to the mentally disabled who are homebound and forcing the needle into their arms against their will for COVID shot.  For God’s sake, this is America, not Communist China.  Video which is heart breaking:

That’s what has been going on in this country for the past 13 months.  I know this is political Kryptonite, but to ignore the truth is heinous.  Americans MUST be told the truth about those experimental shots.  As I explained in my last letter, it’s also criminal to give the shot without informed consent.  People have to be told under federal law they are getting an experimental drug.

I hope lawsuits against PCR manufacturers for fraud succeed because it is fraud.  They knowingly sell test kits that don’t test for any virus.  I hope class action lawsuits are filed against pharmacies, hospitals and others for giving those experimental drugs in violation of federal law which I explained in one of my recent letters to you.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich PCR Lawsuit Update – March 2021

“In Germany, two cases have been filed, each contain the PCR tests. Dr Fuellmich is about to file twelve more complaints and will try to include motions for a preliminary judgement so that we will not be pushed aside towards the end of the year because this is what happened to both of these complaints. We filed them at the end of last year and we now have gotten trial dates and the trial is scheduled, the oral hearing is scheduled for 9 November 2021.

“Obviously, this is an attempt at slowing us down because everybody knows by now that the PCR test are the centrepiece of this entire hoax. It’s Drosden (Christian) who promoted his PCR test as the gold standard for detecting infections and it’s the WHO under Tedros who recommended this worldwide, so this is at the centre of this entire scandal.  If we destroy the PCR test as a means of detecting infections the whole house of cards is going to crash.

“You probably know that there’s another PCR test complaint that was filed in New York by our friend Ray Fleurs of CHD Children’s Health Defence. This is seven or eight weeks ago, and we expected the oral hearing was on this motion for preliminary judgement was seven or eight weeks ago, and everybody who saw him argue this case said this is brilliant, he did an excellent job and it was obvious that the judge is going to decide in our favour. This hasn’t happened yet, but that’s because the filing of the case and probably the oral argument got the other side scared shitless, let me put it this way.

“That’s why the state of NY, not the city of NY this is about school closures, rather about the duty of mandatory of PCR testing for students who want to go to school. Now the state of NY changed its tune and all of a sudden issued a letter saying that no student can be forced to undergo PCR testing in order to go to school.”

All those microbiologists, virologists and other doctors with decades of experience are telling us that the process of killing a person’s immune system starts 4-18 months after the shot.  Then, that technology begins to attack vital organs (liver, kidney, heart, lungs) and people will develop auto immune diseases for which there is no cure.  Too many will die within a few years.  There is no going back after the shot.

In closing, you must meet with Gov. Abbott.  Stop all vaccinations in this state.  Forget about politics and elections.  How many more dead or permanently damaged will it take for Gov. Abbott to do what’s best for the people of Texas?

This will be my last letter to your committees.  All that’s left is to keep reporting the latest number of dead Americans, number of those maimed for life, suffer horrible “adverse” events and hospitalizations.


Devvy Kidd

Print the text below on separate pages and staple to your letter. It’s two pages:

Additional Information.  Simply use a search engine.

STUDY: Chemical That Causes Penises To Shrink Found In Face Masks – Phthalates has been linked to genital shrinkage, decreased fertility rates, and less masculine behavior in young boys

PCR test revelations from official literature; they expose their own lies

“They didn’t isolate the virus” Chief Chinese epidemiologist tells NBC News—referring to samples taken from the Wuhan market a year ago – video

Dr. L.Palevsky COVID Vax Installs Genetic Instructions to Make Spike Protein in Body & Sheds 4/23/21 (deadly)  On Bitchute.

Researchers launch study to explore connection between irregular menstruations and coronavirus vaccines (Large blood clotting.)

Dr. (Christiane) Northrup Discusses “Worst Case Scenarios” with New COVID Vaccine Dangers

Thousands of Reports of Menstrual Irregularities, Reproductive Dysfunction Following CV Vaccines

What we’ve said for the past year:  it’s nonsense.  MIT Study Suggests Six Foot Social Distancing, Limited Occupancy Rules Are Completely Pointless,  April 24, 2021

Dr. Lee Merritt:  In Animal Studies, After Being Injected With MRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection

Why?  Vaccine Makers Destroy COVID Vaccine Safety Studies

CDC Violated Law to Inflate COVID Cases and Fatalities

How Long will Honest and Ethical Scientists and Doctors Remain Silent About Mass Murders and Population Reduction?, April 22, 2021:

“Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory, Dr. Michael Yeadon, continues to grant public interviews sounding the alarm about COVID fraud and efforts to reduce the world’s population through dangerous COVID injections.

“Yesterday, Perspectives on the Pandemic published a recent interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon on their YouTube channel.  Much of what Dr. Yeadon talked about can be found in the videos and articles we have already published featuring Dr. Yeadon, but one thing Dr. Yeadon shared in this interview was that even though he is one of the few scientists speaking out about the COVID lies and deception, that most of his peers in his field actually agree with him.

“He then proceeded to explain why most of them have chosen to remain silent, as they are intimidated and fear speaking out. Dr. Yeadon talks about what it has cost him, so far, to go public with the truth and expose the lies of Big Pharma over COVID-19.

“He has been attacked and slandered, and it has basically ruined his career as a scientist. He has nothing to gain for going public with the truth, and has actually suffered great harm for doing so.

“Like the doctors who stood by and said nothing in Nazi Germany in WWII as human experiments were conducted on children and other patients without informed consent, one has to wonder just how long these honest and ethical doctors who are not part of the COVID scam can remain silent, as thousands are now dying from the experimental injections, and many more are casualties of bad COVID policies that have caused joblessness, suicides, mental depression, and more.

“We have lifted that portion of Dr. Yeadon’s interview into a short clip where he discusses why he is alone in speaking out, and what that has cost him. This is from our Rumble channel, and it should also be available soon on our Bitchute channel.

To mask or not? Physician calls them ‘a ticking time bomb’ – Dangers to health, life and environment adding up

German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’, Oct. 6, 2020

“The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.   However, when you have chronic oxygen deprivation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the under-supply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress.

“We know that neurodegenerative diseases take years to decades to develop. If today you forget your phone number, the breakdown in your brain would have already started 20 or 30 years ago.   While you’re thinking that you have gotten used to wearing your mask and rebreathing your own exhaled air, the degenerative processes in your brain are getting amplified as your oxygen deprivation continues.

“The second problem is that the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves normally. So in case our governments will generously allow as to get rid of the masks and go back to breathing oxygen freely again in a few months, the lost nerve cells will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone.”

Back To: Covid-19 shots: The Dead Have Names

COVID-19 Shots: The Dead Have Names

By: Devvy

Regular readers of my columns know I have sent several letters to the lawmakers below regarding SARS-Cov-2.  This will be my last letter to those lawmakers as our legislature goes out of session in five weeks and doesn’t return until January 2023; the same as Montana, Nevada and North Dakota.  Yes, they can and have in the past called a special session.

“On February 2, 2007, Texas became the first state to issue a mandate—by executive order from the governor—that all girls entering the sixth grade receive the vaccine.  A couple of months later, the legislature passed HB 1098 which overrode the executive order and the governor withheld his veto.  In 2015, the Rhode Island Department of Health included HPV as a school entry requirement for seventh graders. The Department is authorized to do this without legislative approval.”

(I only included RI to let readers know parents there are forced to put their daughters at grave risk.)

Rick Perry was bought and paid for on the HPV vaccine and later came out and said, well, it was a mistake to mandate it after how many young girls and women got those shots?

Govt. Still Pushing HPV Vaccine on Kids a Decade after JW Exposed Deadly Side Effects, March 9, 2017

“A decade after Judicial Watch exposed the dangers of a government-backed cervical cancer vaccine, a federal lawsuit highlights its perilous side effects including paralysis, seizures, nausea and death. Litigation was initiated by disgruntled parents because the government is still pushing the hazardous vaccine, manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Merck, on children as young as nine years old to treat a sexually transmitted disease.

“The vaccine is called Gardasil and in the last ten years Judicial Watch has uncovered troves of government records documenting its harmful side effects. The vaccine was scandalously fast-tracked by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and was ardently promoted by the Obama administration as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

“Instead it’s been linked to thousands of debilitating side effects, according to the government’s own daunting statistics. This includes thousands of cases of paralysis, convulsions, blindness and dozens of deaths. Back in 2008, after receiving the first disturbing batch of records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Judicial Watch published a special report detailing Gardasil’s approval process, side effects, safety concerns and marketing practices. Undoubtedly, it illustrates a large-scale public health experiment…(Emphsis mine)

“U.S. law forbids lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers, but Judicial Watch has obtained records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that its National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded nearly $6 million to dozens of victims in claims made against the very HPV vaccine it is pushing on children.

“In 2014 a physician who worked at Merck denounced Gardasil as an ineffective vaccine with deadly side effects that serves no other purpose than to generate profit for its manufacturer. The former pharmaceutical industry doctor, Bernard Dalbergue, said Gardasil is useless, costs a fortune and that decision-makers at all levels are aware of it.

“I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers,” Dr. Dalbergue said. He added that there is far too much financial interest for the vaccine to be withdrawn. Dr. Dalbergue’s statements were used by a member of the French Parliament as part of a broader campaign blasting Gardasil’s horrible safety record in Europe.

“All these years later governments at the federal, state, county and city level are still promoting this highly controversial vaccine. In many states, parents aren’t even notified because Gardasil falls under sexual and reproductive healthcare services, which certain minors can receive without parental consent.

“New York is one of the states that has long offered minors confidential sexual and reproductive healthcare services. This month a group of mothers in New York filed a lawsuit in federal court because the state administers the HPV vaccine to children without their parents’ consent. The complaint lists many of the vaccine’s serious side effects and says that the 16-year-old daughter of one of the plaintiffs had to be rushed to the emergency room after receiving the shot.

“She has suffered intermittent and ongoing paralysis in her legs from the HPV vaccine requiring use of a wheelchair, and when not paralyzed, has ongoing weakness in her legs, impaired life functions, and ongoing severe headaches, fatigue and nausea,” the complaint states. The mother reported the serious adverse reaction to the CDC and a nurse from the agency contacted her to confirm “this was a known reaction to the HPV vaccine and related to the HPV vaccine,” court documents reveal.”

All the victims of that HPV vaccine have names.  They aren’t just statistics.   Despite the astronomical increase in autism in kids who received bundles of vaccines all at once, vaccine manufacturers – exempt from financial liability – continue to screech autism is not caused by vaccines.  The videos below are less than two-minutes each of heart break told by parents.   Your heart will bleed while vaccine manufacturers rake in tens of billions every year.

Hear This Well: Breaking the Silence on Vaccine ViolenceHear This Well: Breaking the Silence on Vaccine Violence / Hear This Well: Breaking the Silence on Vaccine Violence / Hear This Well: Breaking the Silence on Vaccine Violence

Want more with names?  Go here and see a sickening number of parents filled with pain over “safe” vaccines which have destroyed their child forever.

Landmark ruling in an Italian court has said Valentino Bocca’s autism was provoked by the MMR jab he had at aged nine months.  “His parents have already been awarded £140,000 and could be paid an additional £800,000 in their case against the Italian government.”

Parents of autistic children love them, make no mistake about that.  But what breaks their heart is not their inconvenience, it’s that their precious child has lost the opportunity to live a healthy life, not a life condemned to potential horrific health problems and a mind which doesn’t function properly.

Bailey Banks, life destroyed after receiving the MMR vaccine.  (Mumps, measles, rubella.)  In precious little Bailey’s case, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, Office of Special Master, the court found:

“The Court found, supra, that Bailey’s ADEM was both caused-in-fact and proximately caused by his vaccination. It is well-understood that the vaccination at issue can cause ADEM, and the Court found, based upon a full reading and hearing of the pertinent facts in this case, that it did actually cause the ADEM.

“Furthermore, Bailey’s ADEM was severe enough to cause lasting, residual damage, and retarded his developmental progress, which fits under the generalized heading of Pervasive Developmental Delay, or PDD. The Court found that Bailey would not have suffered this delay but for the administration of the MMR vaccine, and that this chain of causation was not too remote, but was rather a proximate sequence of cause and effect leading inexorably from vaccination to Pervasive Developmental Delay.”  I read all 28 pages and so should you.

Elias Tembenis:  Another child dead after DTaP vaccination at 4 months.  Diphtheria (D), tetanus (T), and pertussis (aP).  That little boy had horrible seizures but, doctor knows best, vaccines are safe – he was then shot up with boosters and more vaccines.   Little Elias showed “features” of PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder).  Another one under the austism spectrum disorder.  He died at the ripe age of 7.  According to the filing, cause of death was multisystem organ failure after a heart attack which was caused by his seizures.

Same Federal Court of Claims:  “Petitioners have satisfied the legal requirements for proving that Elias’s December 26, 2000 DTaP vaccination was a legal cause of his epilepsy and death. Respondent has not overcome Petitioners’ evidence by proving an alternative cause. Therefore, I find that Petitioners have established entitlement to compensation under the Vaccine Act.”  Here is the court’s decision, 18 pgs.

Remember the measles outbreak in 2015 at Disneyworld?  The media whipped up the fear and parents scrambled to get their child(ren) shot up.  I’ll be 72 in June.  When we were kids (4 siblings) we all got measles, no mumps.  No shots.  We got over it and went back to school.  Is this want you want to happen to your precious child over something like the measles?  The hell your life becomes when your child is a victim?  There are so many more, it would take a thousand pages to list.  The mis-named COVID-19 experimental gene editing technology shots passed off as vaccines were developed in a scant nine months.  Insanity.

Cliff Kincaid wrote a column back February 10, 2015:  Say Her Name:  Vaccine Victim Hannah Poling.

“In a September 10, 2010, story on the vaccine-injury court award, Attkisson reported, “Hannah was described as normal, happy and precocious in her first 18 months. Then, in July 2000, she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor’s visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Afterward, her health declined rapidly. She developed high fevers, stopped eating, didn’t respond when spoken to, began showing signs of autism, and began having screaming fits.”

Cliff:  “You don’t have to be a scientist to notice this pattern. I have heard from several parents who have seen it for themselves. One told me, “Our son was affected by vaccines and there are too many out there with the same story.  I’m sick of hearing and reading news reports saying there is no correlation between autism and vaccines.

“The controversy over vaccines has been another media low point. We are being told they are completely safe with no side effects. That’s a blatant lie…The major media are not eager to address it, either. But the people are demanding that the truth be told. They do not believe the media’s declarations of vaccine safety and effectiveness.”

And what has the major media been telling us?  Those COVID jabs are safe.  Those of us asking reasonable questions about the Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots should not be bullied by anyone.  We should not be made to feel guilty for not getting one of those shots “because they save lives.”  All we seek is the truth whether one is a Democrat, no Party, Republican or Green Party.

President-elect Trump has been very vocal in the past about vaccines: Trump links vaccines to autism ‘epidemic’, Sept. 16, 2015:  “The GOP front-runner said he still supported certain vaccines, but in smaller doses over a longer period of time. Under current procedures, he said it’s dangerous for the public.  “Autism has become an epidemic, he said. “It has gotten totally out of control.”

There has been a fair amount of speculation Barron Trump falls on the autistic spectrum from doctors who’ve observed certain behavior by Trump’s son.  Speculation is that Trump’s attacks since 2007 against massive numbers of vaccines given all at once  is because of his son.  I have no idea if it’s true.  Barron just seems shy to me; he doesn’t seek attention from the media or during events.  Just an average teenager whose father is a billionaire.

Naturally, Trump took a shellacking from the media whores.  Yes, Trump has been promoting those COVID jabs saying last week those questioning the efficacy are peddling “deranged pseudo-science” that fuels the “anti-vax” movement.  As to the effectiveness of those jabs, I doubt Trumps knows this, either:  Yale Epidemiologist: More than Half of New COVID Patients Have Been Vaccinated (VIDEO)

Trump was upset the J & J shots were put on ‘pause’ after six women had massive blood clots.  The question is:  How much does Trump really know about those COVID “vaccines”?  I submit to you he knows little to nothing about them, just like about a couple hundred million or more adults in this country including lawmakers and well-meaning doctors.

Trump sincerely cares about people but he’s been lied to like the rest of America.  If he knew what’s been in my columns as well as Kelleigh Nelson and others, I don’t believe Trump would have taken one of those shots.  But, that’s speculation on my part.

I hope you will take the time to send a snail mail letter to the appropriate committee in your state legislature.  Use mine if you want.  Click on ADDENDUM G.  This last letter to those committees contains a great deal of information most have not seen or heard.

It’s time to really raise hell (non-violently, of course) with state lawmakers and governors:  Stop giving those experimental gene editing technology shots to residents in our state.  He who shouts the loudest gets heard.

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


Punishing Success and Rewarding Failure

By JB Williams

America is rapidly being forced into a completely new norm where in government institutions have adopted the role of punishing success and rewarding failure, allegedly for “the greater common good.”

This “regressive” concept has many names today, socialism, Marxism, progressivism, communism, collectivism, despotism, fascism, democracy, totalitarianism…it’s all the same thing by many names…the centralized governmental power to punish those who work hard and sacrifice for a better future, and reward those who don’t with gifts from the public trough.

The overall plan is to create a central power that will promise to take care of us all equally, ignoring the historical reality that any government powerful enough to do everything “for” us, is powerful enough to do anything “to” us…all of us. Those who have studied world history have seen exactly how this turns out, 100% of the time.

Successful people are known as “the haves” and failures are called “have-nots.” Karl Marx said it this way, “from each according to their ability; to each according to their need.” Marx’s effort to live his own life by this failed principle left Marx living his life in squaller, as four of his seven children died young of starvation and dysentery, while two of the three who survived childhood, committed suicide as adults.

Marx was determined to be a total failure in life, and simply take from others to survive. In the end, that cost Marx six of his seven children. Here in the USA, parents can go to prison for abusing their children in a similar manner, or that’s how it used to be in the old norm. Marx was the poster boy for “deadbeat dads!”

But thanks to government run public education (indoctrination) and Marxist college campuses, far too many young and middle age Americans think all of this is a grand idea that will serve them much better than freedom and liberty. So, by democratic processes rigged to serve their lazy agenda, they vote to “take from those who have; and give to those who have not” as if this has never been tried before.

How do we punish the Successful?

It seems the most hated class in America today is the white, working, self-reliant, taxpaying, law abiding American. According to today’s Democrats, money and these folks are the root of all evil in the world. That’s why Democrats must strip them of their earnings and eliminate the successful class, the “haves.”

New data shows that the top 1-percent of earners (with incomes over $540,009) pay over 40-percent of all income taxes in the USA. In other words, 1% of Americans carry 40% of the nation’s load for the other 99% of Americans.

The top fifty-percent of tax-filers earn 88-percent of all income and pay 97-percent of all income taxes. To put a fine point on it, the top 50% of income earners (making more than $43,615 per year) pay 97% of all income taxes in the USA, while the bottom 50% (making $43,614 per year or less) pay at the most, 3% of the nation’s income taxes. Most in this group do not pay any federal income taxes at all, and many actually receive tax “refunds” for taxes they never paid.

One in every two Americans is entirely dependent upon the success and tax payments of the other. Then along came 2020 and COVID19, which quickly turned over 75% of Americans into instant government dependents waiting for their next “stimulus check,” which hasn’t stimulated anything more than government dependency and a skyrocketing national debt.

Real or imaginary, COVID19 was used to create an entire nation of scared mask-wearing government dependents locked out of their businesses, jobs, and lives for over a year now. This is forced Marxism at its very best!

Add to this punitive tax system, extreme over regulation of all productive sectors of society and you have advanced the goal of eliminating the “haves” for temporary benefit of the “have-nots.” Soon, everyone will be a government dependent. No one will be able to pay any taxes! Everyone will be destitute.

And by the way, no matter what the corporate tax rate is, corporations do NOT pay taxes.

How do we Reward Failures?

Well, 50% of Americans exist thanks to the taxes paid by the other 50% of Americans. The producers in America are under increasing attack from government punitive taxation, over-regulation, and the “have-nots,” who never pass up an opportunity to vote themselves more “free stuff” from the public feeding trough. This is “democracy,” wherein 50.1% of the people can legally steal from the other 49.9% via “democratic” processes. This is NOT a “Constitutional Republic,” of course.

But this is just the beginning…

The Justice System is completely broken. Anyone can sue anyone for anything, or even nothing at all, and as long as it’s a “have-not” suing a “have,” the courts will rule in favor of the have-not every time. A few years ago, I saw a case where a man in his late 70s died of cancer, after smoking four packs of cigarettes every day since he was 15 years old. His family sued the cigarette company, and the court awarded the family $200M for the wrongful death of their loved one. INSANITY!

Never mind that every pack he smoked had a warning on it, or that he chose to chain-smoke for 55-years despite those warnings. It was “have-nots” suing the “haves” and that was the end of that. Cases like this happen every day in America and it has gone on for decades now. You get the point…we have problems everywhere now.

After a year locked out of our lives, Americans got a $1400 check from Uncle Joe two months late, while our fabulous government leaders are kicking homeless Americans back into the streets to make room for illegal alien shelters, at $75,000 per illegal, and the Governor of New York is planning on paying every illegal in NY $15,000 each for breaking and entering into our country.

As a nation, we’re a total sick and gross train wreck!

The question is… what are Americans going to do about it?

According to the Marxists, nobody should own a private plane. That’s terrible news for everyone who makes a living designing, building, selling, and operating private planes. According to them, no one should own a big house, except their illustrious Marxist leaders, who own several of them.

If we stay on this “democratic” path, it won’t take long to totally destroy the U.S. economy, personal earnings, individual prosperity, freedom, liberty and in the end, every American.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said it exactly right years ago… “Socialism is a great idea until you run out of other people’s money.” The “rich” have other names, like philanthropist, investor, employer, researcher and developer, builder, creator, innovator, and inventor. Poor people don’t become wealthy by making all rich people poor.

Once the “rich” have been robbed of everything they worked and sacrificed for, all that’s left is a 3rd world nation of equally poor people. No jobs, no creativity, no innovation, no charities, nothing…nothing but a tyrannical government that has to control a destitute people to keep them from killing each other to survive.

America must return to rewarding winners, not losers. Or America will become a nation of nothing but destitute losers, like every other country that ever attempted socialism.

© 2021 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams:

Blood in the Streets is Not an Alternative

By Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall

One of the people I listen to when he speaks is Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics.  He and I usually agree.  He said it all this week:

“…The real issue here is that election fraud has reached new levels, and it is not limited to simply presidential candidates. The risk that this will be used in the 2022 election for Congress is highly likely, and if this is not addressed, it will only lead to blood in the streets.”

Martin Armstrong suffered greatly at the hands of the U.S. government.  Just as they tried to destroy Catherine Austin Fitts, they also attacked Armstrong. The man who in the 1980s and 90s had central bankers and politicians calling him for advice was removed from the memory banks of media sites.  “They” do that to you when you succeed at understanding their game and figure out ways around it.

If we let elected officials get by with “don’t worry about the election in 2022, we got it handled,” we need to be ready to say hello to the great re-set and we need to prepare for violence.

It is extremely important to inform our elected officials of what the public knows.  I expected a “Don’t worry about anything, we’ve got this handled” response – and that’s what I got.

Yes.  One person multiplied by a lot of other “one persons” can make a difference.  I invite you to join me.

You can make a difference and I hope the following material helps you in making a statement to your local officials to do update their voting files and find a computer system that doesn’t go on the internet to delete votes from one person while sending to another.  If you get results, I hope you’ll let me know.

We are at war.  Be a good soldier.  Understand that you may not be able to change your entire state, but you can make inroads locally.  That’s where to begin.


Dear Commissioner ___________:

There is little doubt – if any – that the 2020 election utilized fraudulent means to achieve pre-determined victories desired by powerful people representing the worlds of politics, corporations, media, health, climate control and those highly powerful members of the World Economic Forum who seek an international re-set of traditional monetary systems.

Strong proof – not just evidence, proof – exists to validate what I’ve stated above and it has been made public.  It also appears public officials choose to ignore it.

Almost all of the election problems focus on computers that are the product of Dominion… the computers used by ***** County (as well as most of the rest of the State of Colorado and many other states).

When you combine the above statements with the lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch against the State of Colorado for having voter records that are hugely inaccurate (and a follow-up research project by Dr. Douglas Frank, a professional analyst, showing ***** County’s records of registered voters exceed the number of qualified voters in the county), it is more than bothersome.  It suggests a lack of concern as to whether or not laws are obeyed.  Especially election laws.  Especially by elected officials whose job it is to ensure laws are obeyed.

I have heard nothing to indicate that anyone, including the County Commissioners and the County Clerk, are concerned or doing anything to make sure appropriate research is done on the voting machines we use, making sure they are not capable of being online at any time during an election, that computer keys are well checked/protected, and that appropriate updates are made to our registered voter files.  Voters must have confidence that elected officials are, indeed, the people for whom they voted, not people promoted by outside power seekers.

Please inform me of the work being done on these critical issues and let me know when I can expect to hear public statements about changes to be made… a return to paper ballots is one alternative.

It takes time to perform audits and to plan to sequester ballots for the 2022 election so good follow-up counting can occur.  I’d like to know how Colorado’s voter registrations got so far out of line in the first place to warrant a lawsuit by Judicial Watch.

I’d like to know why Broomfield County, CO was shown to have more votes in 2020 than it had registered voters.  It was publicized worldwide by Mike Lindell.  Statistics clearly show Lindell’s video was watched by more than 150 million viewers.  It is an embarrassment to the State and certainly does not give people a reason to trust their government, federal, state, or county.


It did not take long for a response from all three County Commissioners.  They are good people trying to do a difficult job and I believe they are not getting accurate information to help them make intelligent decisions.

I won’t suggest the mistakes don’t involve politics as they used to be.  But politics will never be what they used to be… never again.  Democrats figured that out and switched from their usual “liberal progressive” inch of progress at a time mode to their end objective:  Socialism and communism.  And it is being shoved down our throats as fast as they can.

It seems like Republicans think we will forget how an election was stolen from us.  Judges appear to believe the same.  We must let them know we won’t forget.  We will always remember that America is a great nation.  We will always remember that Americans need to come first in America.

None of them understand that President Donald J. Trump changed things for both parties.  He re-defined them.  He did it by not being a politician… he was a businessman and ran government like a business.  It caused Trump a great deal of pain and public humiliation.  He learned time after time that, with few exceptions, he could not trust anyone… not even his own vice president.  Ronald Reagan had the same problem but was more politically experienced than Trump.

Trump took credit for his victories and he was held responsible for the times his administration failed… even when it was the backstabbers, not him, who caused the failures – Fauci, for  example.

Many people were bothered by his directness, his ego, his Tweets, etc.  But by and large, people loved him for his honesty and his willingness to be open with the people (regardless of whether they liked how he communicated).  And there is the rub.

So how did the County respond to my letter?  They gave me the old “I’ve asked about these things and have been assured our Dominion computers can’t go on the internet,” etc.  And how did I respond to their response?  It’s from that material you can arm yourself for a fight against naiveté and poorly informed or uncaring or dishonest elected officials.

We have three County Commissioners.  The morning after receiving my email, I had a response.  I had sent copies to the other two Commissioners and they, too, had responded saying they agreed with the Chairman of Commissioners who wrote the response.

I’ve removed personal names and the name of my county.  My purpose in writing this article is not to take a shot at anyone.  My purpose is to make sure all County Commissioners  everywhere have information about voting machines/computers and the damage they have done and will continue to do if we don’t do something about it.

Why did I expect this kind of response?  Because we have talented people serving as County Commissioners and I have waited since last November to hear news that my County is buying a computer system other than Dominion.

Like most people who are concerned about the 2020 election results, I follow this information and consider it a key issue.  You should, too.  If we don’t let elected officials know the truth, they may not have access to it.  If they do nothing because we do nothing, 2022’s election will look just like 2020’s election.

Also, as I alluded to above, politicians are politicians.  Republicans do not have any sense that we as voters are not going to willingly go back to how they have been running things. .. or not running things, depending on your view.

They think we will forget 2020 because we always have and we have remained loyal to “the party.”  I believe those days are over.


Dear Commissioner (Name):

Thank you very much for your fast response to my inquiry.  It is good to know that (County Clerk’s name), you and the other Commissioners support voters in their quest to have their votes counted — only once.

I will add this statement, however.  I believe many representatives of the people are being deceived when it comes to Dominion Voting Systems.  Further, investigations which have been done – legitimate investigations – validate my belief.  I am confident that you and the other Commissioners make a daily effort to serve the people in the best way possible – but it is difficult to do if you are not getting accurate information on which to base important decisions.

With regard to your comments regarding Judicial Watch’s lawsuit and specifically what it said, please find a copy of the document that was filed in the courts attached.  That way, you are not dependent upon what people say about it but upon what it really says.

You are right that the census from 10 years ago was used as one of the factors to determine the eligible number of voters, but so were numerous other factors, including updated census data and voter registration versus votes, etc.

Here are some examples with links to the source used included:

Trump campaign lawyer urges probe into dominion at Colorado election integrity hearing (Source for the following.)

Former Republican Secretary of State Scott Gessler acknowledged flaws in Colorado’s voting system.

“There is a glaring security hole in Colorado’s signature verification requirements,” Gessler said, CBS reported. “So basically, because of sloppy voter rolls, we oftentimes send out ballots to ineligible voters, or dual ballots to voters, and someone can simply put a mark and pretend or come up with some type of illegible signature as a witness and that will be counted.”OR, THERE IS THIS — WHICH IS BASED ON SOLID ANALYSIS:

Colorado’s 2020 election results are also suspect. Biden’s numbers raise serious red flags and alleged turnout is more like Saddam’s Iraq than the us  (Source)

“In the 2016 Presidential election in Colorado, Hillary beat future President Trump with 1,339,000 votes to Trump’s 1,202,000 votes, a difference of approximately 137,000 votes.  Neither candidate won the majority of the votes with Hillary at 48% and Trump at 43%.  Libertarian Gary Johnson won 5% with 145,000 votes.  Voter turnout was 74%.

“Obama received 1,289,000 votes in Colorado in 2008 and 1,323,000 in 2012.

In the 2020 election, Joe Biden reportedly received 1,804,000 votes to President Trump 1,366,000 votes.

“We are supposed to believe this nonsense without question.

“Trump improved his vote in the state by approximately 162,000 votes!

Joe Biden who didn’t even campaign in Colorado reportedly improved on Hillary’s haul by 465,352 votes!

“Colorado reportedly had a record-setting turnout of 85%:

“However, voter turnout for Presidential elections is usually closer to 50-55% which puts Colorado’s results into question:

“Somehow with an increase in voters and population of less than 200,000 since 2016, Joe Biden attracted 460,000 more (38%) votes than Obama or Hillary did in the prior elections.  Biden received 440,000 more votes than President Trump who surpassed his, Hillary’s and Obama’s record totals from the past.

This guy who couldn’t make it out of the basement and who we can’t recall ever drawing circles in Colorado won.  He was not that popular.  This absolutely does not add up.”


“DENVER, Colorado — A lawsuit filed Monday in US District Court in Denver alleges the Colorado Secretary of State’s office failed to clean up its voter rolls in compliance with the National Voter Registration Act.

“The conservative, non-partisan educational foundation Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit along with three voters from El Paso, Elbert and Adams counties.

“During the summer of 2019, the group commissioned a study where they compared voter registration data collected by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) with the most recent five-year Census Bureau estimates of the voting-age population. Their study found that 40 of Colorado’s 64 counties reported registration rates that exceeded 100% of the eligible citizen voting-age population.

“Last month, the group again compared the Census data with voter registration numbers provided by the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office. That second comparison revealed some 20 counties had voter registration rates that exceeded 100% of the eligible population. However, as many as 39 counties had registration rates that exceeded 100% during a single month of that 5-year period.

The lawsuit also contends that the counties removed comparatively low numbers of voters from the rolls even though the Census Bureau suggests a greater number of people had changed their address verification forms to voters as is required by the National Voter Registration Act.

“It is a direct threat to free and fair elections that with record numbers of mail-in ballots this cycle, over half of Colorado counties have more people registered to vote than are eligible to register,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a news release. “With its inaction, Colorado has failed its citizens and opened itself up to potentially be the victim of massive voter fraud.”

My Comment:  So, it appears you and the other Commissioners have a different view on what a wonderful job ***** County is doing to keep our voting records in compliance with the law than do I – and Judicial Watch (which has an excellent record of winning these cases in court).


You say in your email to me:  “While ***** County does currently use Dominion machines, (name of County Clerk) and past Clerks, have assured me that at no time are these machines connected to the internet. They are not online.”

(Name of County Clerk) may have been told – even assured – that Dominion computers utilized for elections do not have access to the internet but the evidence is totally to the contrary.  I personally watched a video of an executive officer of Dominion showing a room full of people how the computers could be attached to the internet.   In addition, Dominion Voting Systems training manuals refer to the capacity for their computers to be internet connected.  It is impossible to have insight into how Dominion Voting Systems works if you have not read these training manuals.

An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems, Staple Street Capital, acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018, received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.

On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities, states the investigation, which also notes that another payment of $200,000,000 was received in December 2014.  (Unless my banking background has deserted me, Staple Street invested either $600 million or $1 billion, depending on how you read the information.)

A copy of the SEC Form D is attached.

“UBS Securities is a Swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities Co LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” according to the report.”

My comment:  As a ***** County resident who recognizes that China is not a friend to the United States, I find it interesting and somewhat offensive that so many politicians who are elected to office to protect the rights of voters are so willing to give responsibility for an honest vote count to a Chinese-owned company.  Politicians may overlook such data and forget the dangers to our Republic when enemy intent is assumed harmless when, indeed, but statistics say precisely the opposite.  Voters will not overlook it – now, or in the future.


Antrim County, MI started out making those who cried “foul” look like conspiracy nuts.

However, when it was all over, Antrim County found itself being conspiracy involved.

And the strongest statement of all:  The vote switched.  The vote count went from 7,769 for Biden and 4,509 for Trump to 5,959 for Biden and 9,759 for Trump.  That’s how far off Dominion machines (which were connected to the internet) were in this one, single Michigan County.  I’m sure election officials in Antrim County were given the same assurances that ***** County election officials were given.  The Michigan vote is still a question mark.

Texas did not accept Dominion’s computers or Smartmatic’s software.  Why?  Because they did their homework.

On February 25, 2021, a long-contested fight for a complete audit of Maricopa County, AZ ballots from the 2020 Presidential election was moved forward when a judge ruled that the Arizona Senate has access to 2.1 million ballots from Arizona’s most populous county so it can audit results of the 2020 election.

Senate subpoenas to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for information and equipment needed to perform the audit have been pending since Dec. 15, 2020 and were upheld by a judge on Feb. 25. In mid-March, the state Senate announced that Republicans in that chamber would be conducting a “broad and detailed” review of Maricopa’s ballots, one that would involve “testing the machines, scanning the ballots, performing a full hand count and checking for any IT breaches,” among other approaches.

The in-depth Maricopa County audit is scheduled to begin Friday, April 23rd.

GEORGIA lost the major league baseball (MLB) All Star game to Denver because of election problems in Fulton County that have never been resolved to the satisfaction of voters.  Interestingly, Colorado’s voting laws are more stringent than those of Georgia.  Hmmmm…. Georgia has a Republican governor; Colorado has a Democrat.

When I look at the legislative time loss, the tax dollar loss, the confusion and chaos that have been caused mainly because of the questionable capabilities and objectives of Dominion Voting Systems and hundreds of counties around the country deciding to continue using the technology, I understand the lost trust of the people in government.

Your response indicates that you have a very surface level interest in a problem that, if looked at objectively, could totally upset our Republican form of government.  It indicates that you have asked naïve questions about a highly complex potential problem for the voters of ***** County.

Your response indicates a total lack of interest in something that “may” happen, but something IS happening.  Judicial Watch is a group of professionals whose “win” record in court is substantial.  But someone has told you that everything is good in the ***** County Election Office and you accept that.

I ask you and your fellow County Commissioners:   What are you doing to provide voters – all voters – with a secure way to vote, a secure way to ensure our votes are properly counted, and why does ***** County appear to be tied to Dominion Voting System?  With the good research done that proves this company’s integrity is questionable, why would this or any other County want to continue doing business with them?

Again, thank you for your response.  I do hope you will give this topic a bit more in-depth thought because there are a lot of red flags out there suggesting all responsible public servants should.


Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall

Hopefully, this letter provided enough information to my County Commissioners to get them involved in solving voter registration and voting problems.

In addition to the letter, I included four attachments:

  1. The Dominion Training Manuals;
  2. The SEC filing showing Chinese ownership of Dominion;
  3. The Judicial Watch lawsuit;
  4. Questions that need to be answered about using computer counting sytems for elections (provided by an expert in the field).

I hope all of this material will help you create a letter of your own to your local authorities about how they plan to change your voting system locally in time for the 2022 election.

© 2021 Marilyn M. Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall:

America’s Lack Of Judicial Integrity, Part 3

By Roger Anghis

I could go on for weeks on this subject but I will end it with this installment on the lack of integrity in our court system, even the Supreme Court, to address the stolen election of 2020. For those of you who have been paying attention, you know that the fraud that was perpetrated in the 2020 election was the worst in the history of America.  There has been ballot stuffing as long as we’ve had elections and that’s how Lyndon Johnson won his first Senate race.  When it was beginning to be exposed by non-profits Johnson attached a rider to an IRS bill that took churches and other non-profits out of the political arena.  Unfortunately, the churches didn’t have the guts to stand up to that violation of their constitutional rights.  Now, most churches are more afraid of the IRS than they are of God.  That’s why we have pansies in the pulpit today.

The fraud began when several key battleground states began to change their voting regulations weeks before the election.  Not requiring signature verification, everybody getting mail-in ballots whether asked for or not, not allowing poll workers close enough to be able to verify postage dates and the actual counting.  The recount was useless because none of the ballots was verified as required by their state law.  The big point here is it was the Secretary of State that changed the voting requirements but to change anything requirement took legislation for state legislators which never occurred.  That made the changes illegal and should have made their results void.

This same thing occurred in Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada.  Those illegal changes should have voided all those states but they were allowed anyway.  None of the states’ attorneys general would do anything about the illegal changes and none of the states’ courts would do anything either.  Can you say this was a well-organized coup?

Then we have a USPS truck driver, in a sworn affidavit, who stated he drove a truck full of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.[1] Then that trailer simply disappeared.[2] First off, you have to ask why are there Pennsylvania ballots stored in New York?  It was also noted that there were no folds in the ballots.  This is an impossibility for a mail-in ballot.  Conclusion, fake ballot.  There were stacks of ballots with either the same name or the same handwriting on the signature in Michigan but the poll workers were told to count them anyway.[3] Aldo in Michigan it was discovered that the Dominion machines had an error rate of 68.05%: After the forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim, Co., MI, Allied Security Operations Group has concluded that the Dominion Voting machines were assigned a 68.05% error rate. DePerno explained that when ballots are put through the machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect the ballots in a folder. “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote,” DePerno explained. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is 1 in 250,000 ballots or .0008%. [See Video proof]

Based on the Allied Security Operations report, Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno states: “we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.[4] Notice that the allowed error rate was .0008% yet the machines were PROGRAMED for a 68.05% error rate and yet the count was still allowed.

Now we have states that are scheduling audits but the county commissioners such as the ones in Maricopa County in Arizona have fought against allowing an audit for months.  There is only one reason to fight an audit and that is you have something to hide that you can’t erase.  Most of the other states have resisted any kind of an audit as well for obviously the same reason.  We didn’t use to stand for this type of corruption.  Americans used to fight back when their rights were being flagrantly violated.  There is a movie called The Battle of Athens that every America should watch about a town in Tennessee in the late 1940s that fought back against the same corruption we witnessed in 2020. You can see it here.  I’m not advocating violence but I am advocating defending our rights.

The voice of the people was silenced in 2020 by democrat voter fraud.  It was assisted but many foreign nations including Iran, Italy with the primary culprit being China.  Our voting machines were not supposed to be connected to the internet yet China was able to access these machines and change the votes all night long as the votes were being counted.  The proof is there and was partially presented to the Supreme Court of the United States and they refused to hear the case. A slap in the face to every legal voter in America.  There was a multi-state suit filed concerning this and the highest court in the land refused to hear the case and just recently this month the Supreme Court rejected hearing another case out of Pennsylvania.[4] America has lost confidence in our court system and our election system.  Real evidence has proven that Trump won 84 million votes and Biden received only 66 million.  The right to vote is one of the most sacred rights in America and that was take from the American people in the same manner it is taken from those that live in socialist nations.

If you paid much attention, you found that ALL of the ‘found’ votes were for Biden.  Is there any other proof needed to prove that there was massive fraud?  The evidence is overwhelming and our courts need to hear that evidence.  If you haven’t watched Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference, take the time to do so.  It should make your blood boil.

Both the President and the vice-President have to qualify as Natural Born Citizens to hold those offices.  Biden qualifies but Harris, being born in 1964 when her parents were not citizens makes her unqualified.  She’s basically nothing more than an anchor baby.  Of course, Obama didn’t qualify either as he was never a citizen and under international law, he was a British subject just as his dad was.  We heard nothing out of the Republicans on either of these unqualified people.  The Deep State runs deep. And our nation deserves better from the people we have put in positions of authority. But then again, the people that set these people in places of authority in D.C. should be more accountable as well.  The spilled blood of the people that have defended our way of life deserves better too.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  3. MI. official caught on video telling volunteers to count multiple ballots with the very same signature during audit of votes in Antrim county

Marks of Respect in the UK for the Duke of Edinburgh and the Loss of Respect for Good Friday

By Shirley Edwards

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.  Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

I am really not quite sure what I thought about the ‘covid-secure’ funeral of Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, who passed away, aged 99 on the 9th April.   I watched it, but briefly, with a strange inner conflict, for the respect which I felt I should have had, to the nothingness I witnessed, which I know some of my fellow countrymen must have also sensed and felt.

I am aware of the military history of the Duke of Edinburgh, which should obviously be honored, but from the strategically placed guardsmen and the military personnel, who were all socially distanced under the perfect blue sky in the grounds of Windsor Castle, to the images of the queen sat all alone in a darkened chapel, and the black masked attendees; 30 in total, including the estranged Prince Harry, there was definitely something missing from the usual sadness or empathy you might feel for another.

Of course, the death of someone who is 99 years old, is much different from the death of someone younger, and the grief felt by close family members, to an onlooking public is not comparable, but I can report that there is definitely a large shift in our respect towards royalty these days in comparison to the respect which I have witnessed from the British public towards our monarchy in the past.

It is interesting to note that it was reported that the BBC received over 110,000 complaints in the week before his funeral, citing that there was too much coverage of his life.   However, many of those complaints were also in relation to how his death was announced on the airwaves which was un-professional and confusing.

BBC sets up complaints page for ‘too much coverage’ of Philip’s death | Evening Standard

In relation to the media, almost every newspaper also appeared to herald a headline which championed him as the ‘Grandfather to the Nation’ which people could neither recognize or acknowledge.  This stemmed from the confusion in relation to some of his insensitive actions and some of the comments the prince was well known and reported for, in comparison to the image now being portrayed.  His person has been somewhat remote and usually in the background, in comparison to the presence of his wife, the Queen.

In fairness, I believe his comments have sometimes been very humorous and honest rather than reportedly racist.  They are the blunt remarks we sometimes think ourselves but would never outwardly have the courage to say.  However, a comment that he is well known for and which has resurfaced and been remembered for in past year is from 1988.

On death

In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation (1988)

Therefore, apart from his unfortunate comment and aside from Prince Phillips obvious military history and his position in the monarchy, could it be that the media coverage had over-played their hand in thinking they knew how people feel and what people wanted or needed during this time, or are they being socially manipulative?

There is a massive divide in the UK between people who trust establishments and those who don’t.  There are those who want to hang on to the image of ‘royalty’ and some sense of superiority, but there is a now also a population who know about elite globalists, their agenda’s, their coldness and their incessant lies.  They have lived under massive propaganda and a very evident form of psychological abuse for the past twelve months.  There is a suspicion about who is who.  There has been an ‘awakening’ that those who are meant to serve us are not respecting us.  They are aware that the mainstream media does not report the truth and are the mouthpieces for a corrupt system.  Something is wrong.

They see a government who considers itself unanswerable and unaccountable, regardless of what they say; and it is this that has killed the last vestiges of respect. ‘Enough is enough’ is the lament.   There have been but a handful of men and women who have publicly spoken up. There have been demonstrations across the cities in the UK.  Under-reported by the media, the last demonstration in London against lockdowns reported as a few hundred people, was estimated at 80,000 people.  The country has really been run on the integrity and goodness of people, and not by the leadership of any governmental system.

The ‘covid-secure’ life which has showed no respect towards their family life, their loved ones, their freedoms, including their right to worship has been abused.   Their ‘non-essential’ needs and their own personal identity dismissed.  Isolation and division have been their motive.

Was the service meant to create some unity between a us and a them?  I don’t know.

It is unfortunate that the monarchy and the heads of the Church of England appeared to abandon their ‘subjects’ during 2020, at a time when it could have bought people together.   Therefore, despite the outward show of a covid-secure funeral for the Duke of Edinburgh, I believe there is now instead a bitter-sweet detachment of loyalty.

It didn’t have to be this way.

The lone figure of a woman sat all alone at her husband’s funeral was a reflection of the feminizing of our country.      Where have the men gone?   The scene was a replicate of funerals which happened up and down the country last year where people could not be consoled at a funeral.   Surely, it should be a choice in those circumstances.  Surely, the men who were at Prince Phillips funeral, and who were weighted down with medals could have sat near to the queen.

The infamous interview with Prince Harry and Megan Markle with TV Host Oprah Winfrey was also a reflection of how the feminine aspect of political correctness is being used, except in this instance it failed.  Or did it?  What we have to remember is whilst the media is attracting your attention towards this, it is directing your attention away from something/someone else.  In this instance, we have to remember that it may be the alleged friendship and involvement of Prince Andrew, the queen’s son, with Jeffrey Epstein.  A story which will not go away.  Prince Harry is not the only concern to the queen.  Andrew has been permanently banned from royal duties.  It was reported he wanted to wear full military attire for the funeral and be recognized as an Admiral!

Prince Andrew refuses to deny he stayed in Jeffrey Epstein mansion | Prince Andrew | The Guardian

Prince Andrew wants to wear full military attire for Prince Philip’s funeral | Daily Mail Online

The media are also now pushing a narrative that Kate Middleton is the family’s new peace-maker, based solely on the fact that they saw her walking with the two brothers away from the funeral.   They have no idea whatsoever what was being said or done, but now it is not unusual to hear the public repeating the same ‘parrot-fashioned’ sentence.

Dismantling the Patriarch and The Importance of the Father and Son.

The infiltration of a Good Friday church service by Covid police in London is indicative of the dis-respect which has slowly and purposefully dismantled the respect we should have for our Creator and all life.   A belief and a faith in God and the moral values and love which Truth promotes have been slowly dismantled over a period of many years.   It is claimed it is the end of the church age.

Targeting churches and worshippers who had chosen to attend church on a very special day, Good Friday, the day which remembers the crucifixion of Jesus, the son of God, was weak.   It was a false premise to have claimed the actions were for the safety of others.  We know it has nothing to do with safety.

Under ‘covid-secure’ regulations many laws have been passed in government which the public have not noticed.  This is how it works.

  • On the 30th March, last year, Matt Hancock who is the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, republished the biggest change to abortion law since 1967 by allowing a woman’s home to legally be a place where an abortion can be carried out – without medical supervision. The government are now deciding whether to make this permanent, despite ‘promising’ it was only a temporary response to the pandemic.

Safeguarding is not high on this government’s agenda.

  • On the 20th May, last year, a new system came into effect which meant people over the age of 18 had to ‘opt out’ of being an organ doner from a register they had never signed up to. The Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill received Royal Assent on 15th March 2019.
  • There is currently a Private Members Bill, The Assisted Dying bill which is at its second reading in the House of Lords to enable competent adults who are terminally ill to be provided assistance at their request to end their own life (suicide). The sponsor is Lord Falconor of Thoroton.

These are just a few of the laws which get passed. when you are looking the other way.

The death of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh will leave a great void in the lives of the Queen and his family.  They knew him better than anyone else.  Pray for his family.

However, The Death and the Crucifixion of Gods son and Christian values is what we should all really mourn for today.

One Solitary Life

One Solitary Life – YouTube

He was born in an obscure village The child of a peasant woman He grew up in another obscure village Where he worked in a carpenter shop Until he was thirty He never wrote a book He never held an office He never went to college He never visited a big city He never travelled more than two hundred miles From the place where he was born He did none of the things Usually associated with greatness He had no credentials but himself He was only thirty three His friends ran away One of them denied him He was turned over to his enemies And went through the mockery of a trial He was nailed to a cross between two thieves While dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing The only property he had on earth When he was dead He was laid in a borrowed grave Through the pity of a friend Nineteen centuries have come and gone And today Jesus is the central figure of the human race And the leader of mankind’s progress All the armies that have ever marched All the navies that have ever sailed All the parliaments that have ever sat All the kings that ever reigned put together Have not affected the life of mankind on earth As powerfully as that one solitary life. Dr James Allan © 1926

© 2021 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards:

Additional Information

25 Things You Didn’t Know About Prince Philip | Reader’s Digest (

One year on from the double U-turn on DIY home abortions – Christian Concern

Royal Assent – UK Parliament

What is the opt out system? – NHS Organ Donation

Charles Falconer, Lord Falconer of Thoroton | Biography & Facts | Britannica

Assisted Dying Bill [HL] – Parliamentary Bills – UK Parliament

Archbishop Welby defends right to free speech in Batley school row (

BBC sets up complaints page for ‘too much coverage’ of Philip’s death | Evening Standard

Covid: Police ‘regret’ over halting church Good Friday service – BBC News

Joe Biden – The Mass Shooting President

By Lex Greene

According to CNN, the election of Joe Biden has set off a world record of mass shooting events in the USA that the world has never seen before, with “at least 147 mass shootings across the country since Joe took office – at least 45 such events in just the past 30-days.”

By contrast, the USA recorded just 35 mass shooting events during the four years that Donald J. Trump was President, an annual average of just 8.75 mass shooting events per year during the Trump administration. At the current rate of events since Joe Biden took office, the USA could see as many as 540 mass shooting events in 2021 alone. That’s a 6100% increase in mass shootings under Joe Biden, so far.

Already, Joe Biden had won the distinguished title of THE MASS SHOOTING PRESIDENT, with the most mass shootings in just a three month period, the highest anywhere in the world and throughout world history.

What is it about the Biden pseudo-administration that has touched off this mass shooting phenomenon across America, besides the fact that all democrats have made every Americans feel angry and totally demoralized for years?

Problem #1Democrat Criminal Justice Reform

In order to buy more votes from some of the worst people America has to offer, democrats have been focused on what they call “criminal justice reform,” which is essentially a movement to reduce the number of people incarcerated for their crimes, many of them violent crimes, and reinstate their voting rights for upcoming elections. Governance by felons… what a grand idea!

This movement has released thousands of often violent criminals into the population, resulting in rising crime rates all across the country from a growing number of repeat offenders on the streets. When you need more voters, any voter will do, if you’re a member of the socialist Democrat Party.

Problem #2Targeting and Eliminating Law Enforcement

As the Democrat Party (DNC) has become the Democratic Socialist Party of the USA, the DNC has adopted its entire political platform from the Democratic Socialists of America, which includes both the release of violent felons from prison and the current all-out attack on Law Enforcement we see today.

Once again, under the guise of “law enforcement reform,” democratic socialists (DNC) have painted a hard target on the back of every law enforcement officer and agency in the USA, causing a mass exodus of good law enforcement personnel across the country, especially in the most dangerous cities in the USA, all of them, run by democrat Governors and Mayors.

The focus of democratic socialists isn’t on stopping crime, it’s on stopping any form of viable law enforcement, as they also work to release more and more dangerous felons from prison. And let’s not overlook the mass invasion of illegal aliens on our southern border.

Problem # 3The Most Fraudulent Election cycle in U.S. History (2020)

The entire world watched the massive fraud in the 2020 election cycle, and they also watched courts in the USA, including the US Supreme Court, refuse to allow any evidence of that massive fraud to be presented in any court in the USA.

Every election has some fraud in it, at the local, state, and federal level. Politics is a dirty business…it always has been, and it always will be. But the 2020 election cycle marks the most massive blatant election fraud by numerous means and methods, in the history of “free democratic elections.”

After a year of fraudulent COVID19 lockdowns created and governed by democrat politician’s intent upon stealing the 2020 elections via COVID forced unregulated mail-in balloting…the nation was already on edge. As the nation and world watched the unprecedented level of election fraud in 2020, the people became ever more galvanized in their distrust and disdain for all things political, including a CIA controlled news media, which lies to the public all day every day, about everything.

Faith in freedom, liberty, fairness, ethics, morality, and their political systems, fell to rock bottom as the nation watched their country stolen right under their noses. Politicians knew they were pushing Americans to the brink of all-out war, and that’s why they hide behind troops, fencing and razor wire still today, and for the foreseeable future, as they continue to control the population.

Problem #4Socialist Policies, Tyrannical Tactics, and the Gun Grab

Next, once you release felons back into population, eliminate or hamstring law enforcement and secure yourself behind troops and razor wire, control the entire citizenry for over a year… now it’s time to strip the American people of their inalienable Constitutionally protected Right to keep and bear arms.

Maybe 30% of the country now thinks socialism is a new progressive idea worth trying, thanks to the dumbing down in public education and Marxist college campuses. The rest of us all know better from either living under or studying the history of Socialism, Marxism and Communism around the globe, all of which ends in brutal tyranny and a total loss of freedom, liberty, and prosperity for all.

But the DSAUSA is now in total control of the DNC, which is now in total control of our Federal Government, at least temporarily.

Problem #5No Legitimate Elections Ever Again

So long as the fraudulent elections in 2020 are allowed to stand, that’s the end of legitimate elections in the USA. The fruit from a poisonous tree, is also poisonous. It’s impossible for an election full of fraud to result in anything but a fraudulent outcome.

It’s been proven beyond any doubt that numerous Democrat controlled states intentionally and systematically ran “unlawful and unconstitutional” elections in 2020. The only possible result of any “unlawful and unconstitutional” election, is an “unlawful and unconstitutional” outcome.

This means that as the DSAUSA-DNC rushes to destroy all freedom, liberty and prosperity in America from DC and all democrat controlled cities, elections are no longer a means of solving the problem.

Last… as the nation rockets toward totally unsustainable debt, more lockdowns, more masking, vaccinations, and social distancing dictates from above, mass shootings, suicides, civil unrest and eventually, all-out street war is almost certain… this is Biden’s “new norm” following the 2020 elections.

With over 147 mass shootings already in the record books only a few weeks after the Biden regime seized power, the future looks very dim for America and in fact, the world

The Mass Shooting President (and Vice President) must go! They have no constitutional right to sit in office and every minute they do, the nation dives deeper and deeper into the abyss, as Americans take aim at each other over what the socialist left is doing to ALL OF US!

May God help us all!

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

The GOP Divide Between the Vaxxed and the Vaxxed-Not

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of this author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Former President Trump’s battles with Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney are minor compared with the Trump base splitting with their leader on the issue of coronavirus vaccines. “A house divided against itself cannot stand” declared Abraham Lincoln about the American civil war. One poll shows that 45 percent of Republicans will not take the life-saving vaccines that were made possible by their favorite Republican President.

“I’m all in favor of the vaccine,” Trump told New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin. “It’s one of the great achievements, a true miracle, and not only for the United States. We’re saving tens of millions of lives throughout the world. We’re saving entire countries.”

However, as countries like Israel return to some semblance of normality after a massive vaccination campaign against the virus, America’s battle could drag on for years with various strains or mutations.  “The huge percentage of GOP voters refusing to get vaccinated is likely to drag out the pandemic” declares Vanity Fair.

Trump’s supporters will be blamed and the Republican Party will pay the political price.

Based on the responses I have received to my own pro-vaccine columns, many Trump supporters fear the vaccine is either a deadly killer unleashed by Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci to depopulate the world or else that it contains a microchip on the road to the Biblical apocalypse and world government ruled by the Anti-Christ.

Devotion to this apocalyptic view has reached such heights that my pro-vaccine columns once carried on conservative sites are now run with warnings and disclaimers, when they are carried at all. “The reason I have not run your pro-vaccine columns is because I believe the ‘vaccines’ are very dangerous,” said one leading conservative editor.

Hence, censorship is occurring on both sides.

Trump Supporters Turn on Trump

Ironically, this means that pro-Trump editors and others are resisting the signature achievement of former president Trump.  “The enemies of America exploited Trump’s well-known and well-documented fear of sickness and death,” said one pro-Trump columnist who has now turned on him. “It was the fatal flaw of President Trump’s magnificent first term.”

Trump adviser Peter Navarro, who was right about the China threat before he joined the administration, says with pride that “The father of the [coronavirus] vaccine is Donald J. Trump.” The former president calls it the Trumpcine.

As these comments suggest, this is the kind of issue that Republicans should be exploiting, not running away from. But their base fears the vaccine more than the virus.

Trump told Sean Hannity he encourages people to take the Covid-19 vaccine. “I encourage people to take it. I do,” Trump said. “I had it and I took it.” He added, “They want me to do a commercial saying take the vaccine,” he continued. “And they think that’s very important and I’d certainly do it.”

This makes Trump a villain among his own supporters, weakening his own base of support as he tries to rally people against the socialist schemes of the Democratic Party. This divide in the GOP makes it easy for the Democrats to solidify and expand their one-party rule.

Young Republican-leaning voters are turned off by the anti-vaccine rhetoric. They would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to saving lives and are taking vaccines to save themselves and their families.

Without a quick turn-around, the Republican Party will forever be tainted by the notion of being resistant to progress on the most fundamental issue of our time – how to respond to Chinese aggression in the form of the China virus. It could change the political direction and landscape of the country forever.

Sensing this is the case, a writer for The Federalist noted Trump’s pivotal role in developing the vaccines but then tried to offer an explanation for why so many of his supporters are balking at taking it. The writer tried to insist the reluctance is because Trump supporters have reasonable arguments for avoiding the vaccines. He writes, “Perhaps they assessed the risks of getting COVID compared to the risks of an experimental medical treatment whose long-term effects are unknown, and decided that the former is a risk they’re willing to take. Is that unreasonable? Is it crazy?”

The real problem is that many on the conservative side are still getting bombarded by claims that the China virus doesn’t even exist. The new revolutionary vaccines are seen as diabolical schemes to make them into slaves and zombies.

To carry this one step further, in preparation for an upcoming conference, the Red Pill Expo is now advertising “one of the most popular and most Internet-banned truth-tellers” and how he “will strike at the roots of the greatest medical hoax of all time” – the China virus. The promo says, “Virus? Virus? WHAT Virus? This Doctor Says There is no Such Thing!” In a follow-up, we are told that a microbiologist will say that “vaccines will decimate world’s population.”

In fact, it’s the China virus that is already doing that, and many are taking the vaccine to stop the spread and save the lives of others.

The Red Pill Expo is a Poison Pill

Journalist Alex Newman, one of the Red Expo Speakers, told me, “It is my personal opinion that there is a real virus known as SARS-CoV2, engineered in a Communist Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, that was released on the world for strategic purposes. However, with the massive global deception surrounding this whole situation — and the unprecedented censorship we’re seeing — I believe it behooves everyone to listen to alternative points of view before making important decisions that could have life-long ramifications.”

But the issue is whether these “alternative points of view” contribute to a rational discussion or whether they are misleading people on a matter of life and death.

Claims about the virus being a hoax are absurd on their face, especially in light of the fact that Trump himself — their favorite president — got the virus and the disease. Trump was given 8 drugs to treat the disease, with one through an IV.

Such paranoia feeds upon itself. When I wrote a column about the strange bedfellows of Trump and Obama taking the vaccine, one person replied, “How can we know that the elites are really taking the vaccine and not a vitamin B shot or something else harmless?” Another wrote, “He did not really take it – they injected a sugar-water placebo.”

This is an indication of the paranoia gripping many in the Trump base who believe he betrayed them.

Trump Was Pro-Science

These people forget that it was Trump who championed “America First” policies and scientific breakthroughs, especially in medicine.  On his list of accomplishments, he emphasizes that his administration “promoted research and innovation in healthcare to ensure that American patients have access to the best treatment in the world.” One example of that was passage of “Right to Try” legislation to give terminally ill patients access to lifesaving cures.

In this context, as millions are dying from the China virus, Trump has recommended taking his vaccines on several occasions and major Christian leaders such as Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, and Dr. James Dobson have endorsed them.

Graham calls it the “Good Samaritan” approach to take the vaccine and save the lives of others.

The New York Times story, “Least Vaccinated U.S. Counties Have Something in Common: Trump Voters,” is an indication that Trump voters will be portrayed as uneducated, anti-science, and standing in the way of herd immunity and a normal life.

The political charge will have some sting, since it is my impression after years in the conservative movement that that this attitude constitutes a modern form of the Luddite mentality that resists life-saving and other advances for humanity. I have noticed that some of these same people are also paranoid about 5G technology, digital currencies, artificial intelligence, cell phones and Zoom technology.

While the issue ought to be Democratic Party extremism, Republican voters will find themselves pigeonholed as anti-technology fanatics in the mold of Theodore Kaczynski, whose bombing campaign against modern society from an isolated Montana cabin earned him the title “Unabomber.”

Kaczynski killed three people and wounded many others, getting a punishment of life in federal prison.

The anti-vaxxers who believe the China virus is a fake or as harmless as the common cold will be blamed for many more dead Americans. Those who dispense such claims are not serving the public interest and are creating a nation of the vaxxed and the vaxxed-not.  Their leader Donald J. Trump and his Republican Party will suffer politically as a result.

“Biden is delivering on his vaccine promises” declares the Center for American Progress (CAP), a major liberal think tank, taking advantage of what the Biden Administration inherited from Trump. It reports that 200 million vaccine shots have been delivered. CAP says the next step is making sure everyone who can get vaccinated actually does get vaccinated.

It is ironic that Trump’s supporters are in the forefront of denying their leader the credit he deserves while Biden assumes responsibility for what the Trump Administration made possible. This political outcome spells doom for the GOP.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Worsening War Against White People

By Steven Yates

Let’s just say it. White people (especially conservatives and Christians) are at war with the cult of Woke. They did not start this war. Most seem unaware of it. But they’d better wake up and realize they are in a war that has already killed dozens of white men and women whose fates will not make headlines in a controlled corporate media very much on the Woke cult’s side.

I warned 30 years ago that if what was then called political correctness wasn’t opposed, it would spread like a plague until it controlled every major institution in the West.

What even I didn’t grasp was how far it would actually go!

But revolutionism is like that. It sets out to uproot the old completely. It tries to leave no stone unturned.

PC was able to seize the moral high ground. Isn’t “equality” more moral than “inequality”? Aren’t you therefore a bad person (or even evil) if you think “equality” impossible? Conservatives mostly floundered. I don’t think most had any idea what they were up against.

So far, 2021 could turn out to be one of the deadliest years on record. There have been well over a dozen mass shootings. But surely readers have noticed: if the shooter is white, his whiteness is noted up front and center, sometimes in the headline.

If there’s no mention of race/ethnicity, that is because the shooter was not white.

The approved Woke narrative is that angry white men (especially police) are tracking down and shooting unarmed blacks. Or: Blacks. For as you may also have noticed, shortly after the George Floyd riots corporate media began capitalizing the word Black. No one capitalizes white. This speaks volumes.

So: a shooter kills ten people in a Boulder, Colo. supermarket. When something like this happens, at first no one has much information. So the incident makes the national news.

But when the shooter turns out to be a Muslim, the story abruptly falls from the radar. Incidentally, all of Ahmad Allisa’s victims were white.

Just a couple weeks ago there was a mass shooting in Rock Hill, S.C. I have friends there, so I wanted to learn all I could as soon as possible. A prominent doctor and his wife, their two grandchildren, and a fifth person in the wrong place at the wrong time were shot in cold blood. A sixth person was severely injured and remains in intensive care as of this writing.

The shooter (who later killed himself) turned out to be a black jock, formerly of the NFL.


Another case that doesn’t fit the narrative!

Down the Memory Hole!

So you didn’t hear about it on CNN, which trumpets cases that do fit the narrative, such as the Chauvin trial (white cop kills unarmed black man), and, like a hawk, watches two recent incidents: the killing of Daunte Wilson by former officer Kim Potter in a Minneapolis suburb, and last week, the killing of a black 13-year old by a white officer in Chicago which now has that city on edge.

What you won’t hear on CNN, or on MSNBC; or read about in The New York Times or The Washington Post, is that 33 white people (women as well as men) were murdered by blacks during March alone!

Ashli Babbitt, who was white and unarmed, was shot in cold blood on January 6 by Capitol cop we have good reason to believe is black, who remains unidentified, and will not face any charges.

Tucker Carlson is now one of the few remaining voices of sanity who still has a job in corporate media (his show is one of the most popular on Fox News). I often wonder how long this will last.

Recently he accused Democrats of using immigration as a “path to power” for themselves. He was accused of defending “replacement theory.” (This interview appears to have been what triggered the fracas.) “Replacement theory” seems to be the idea that an effort is underway to undercut a predominantly white population with unlimited nonwhite immigration, diluting white votes.

Carlson is one of the few voices defending the interests of American white people, especially conservatives. If you do this in Woke America, you’re a racist, or a white supremacist. That’s part of the approved narrative. (Example.)

What antiwhite racists condemn as “replacement theory” has actually been going on for quite some time. It makes perfect sense if you have a power analysis of the past 50 years. Democrats want votes that will give them a permanent lock on political power. Corporations want cheap labor. This explains why so many of the latter have tilted left over the past 30 years.

On April 16, CNN’s Chris Cuomo — master of the self-righteous sneer — laid into Carlson with that old saw about America being a “nation of immigrants.”

America was founded by colonists, not immigrants. Colonists from Great Britain established a republic based on a unique and distinctive political philosophy. Immigrants came later and were expected to embrace this philosophy and the culture that had developed around it (which included learning English). For decades, this worked splendidly. It worked because the bulk of immigration was from Europe — from places holding most of the same values Americans espoused.

Liberals believed they could fix what wasn’t broken. So Congress passed the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1965. LBJ signed it into law. This opened the doors to non-Europeans, and to peoples many of whose backgrounds and values were incongruent with those of most Americans. The doors became floodgates, and by the 1990s, many immigrant populations were fundamentally inassimilable. They began to congregate in their own enclaves, mostly in big cities, not learning English. The standard of living dropped precipitously in these places (e.g., California). Through sheer numbers, they began to influence local politics. Local became state; state is becoming national.

Now, several offspring of cultures fundamentally alien to Anglo-European civilization sit in Congress. They call themselves “the Squad.”

Mainstream leftists like Cuomo wax hysterical over the “white supremacy” of a caucus the few remaining conservatives in Congress were considering forming, the America First Caucus to promote Anglo-Saxon political values.

So powerful are Woke voices like Cuomo’s that the idea was scrapped less than 24 hours after it was floated.

Whites are now the only people in America with no right to preserve, much less promote, their history and heritage.

We should remind today’s Woke-controlled mainstream that not only such notions as free speech, freedom of religion, of assembly, and so on, but concepts of due process and innocence until proven guilty in a court of law all originated in Anglo-Saxon thought. Their roots go back to documents such as the Magna Carta of 1215. They did not originate in the third world.

This is what Wokesters wish to cancel, and why they are so filled with hate even as they condemn white conservatives as haters. Psychologists have a concept called projection. One’s own worst and most hated traits are projected onto the other. That is what we are seeing here.

Tucker Carlson came under attack from the powerful Anti-Defamation League which has called for his cancellation. Carlson has stood his ground. To their credit (so far, again as of this writing) Fox News backs him.

Should he be forced from the airwaves, will whites find another voice as visible and articulate as his?

Incidentally, the location of Carlson’s home is a well-guarded secret, because of death threats and fears for his family’s safety. That’s Woke America.

What is clear — especially with the Bidenistas now calling the shots in the District of Corruption — is that the war on whites is escalating.

All that it will accomplish, other than promoting needless bloodshed, is transform our present Age of Decadence into an Age of Collapse.

Arguably, big cities are already collapsing as their productive citizens flee. Black radicals and other leftists are holding Minneapolis essentially hostage. Police are quitting out of despair and fear for their families’ safety. I don’t think evidence will matter in the Chauvin trial. Members of the jury know that if they acquit, they will face threats, their families face threats, their homes could be discovered and burned down.

What is being replaced is not just a people, but an entire worldview and way of life, one based not just on free speech and due process, but on ideals of achievement and success gained through work. Most Wokesters, a lot of whom are white products of today’s public schools and major universities, are incapable of hard work. Their worldview is steeped in Critical Race Theory. CRT is an ideology based on hate. What it comes down to: all whites are inherently racists with “privilege” who should be shamed and demoralized, allowing for the cancelation of their rights as persons, their history, their influence, their faith, and their value systems. Majority-white Western civilization is permeated with “systemic racism” that can only be uprooted through a complete transformation (revolutionism again).

Back in the 1990s when I first started writing about these topics, the cultural left controlled academia and had gotten its claws into mainstream media, the entertainment world, and the judicial system. Now it controls not just academia, corporate media, Hollywood, and the judicial system, but upper echelons of the military, Big Tech, Big Business generally, even scientific and medical research!

If you doubt that the Woke cult has its teeth into basic biology and medicine, consider the “trans” phenomenon, and the fact that scientists have been called out for saying that normally there are two and only two sexes. The Bidenistas, claiming themselves to be “following the science” where Covid-19(84) is concerned, openly promote “trans” rubbish which is now filtering into grade schools.

To their credit, some states are moving against CRT and “trans” rubbish. Will they have the stones to stand up to the District of Corruption and media hostility, including defying Bidenista executive orders if it comes to that?

America now has the most antiwhite, antimale, and antistraight White House in its history. Things are likely to get worse. When Sleepy Joe’s dementia forces him from office (hopefully before he blunders his way into a war with Russia), Kamala Harris will be president.

I have trouble imagining the catastrophe that will be!!

So far, news of mass shootings of whites are kept subdued by the corporate media machine. If a Harris presidency brings the Woke cult’s war against white people completely out of the closet, it would not surprise me. The question is, are whites going to prepare? Are they going to take this seriously, or just assume “that’ll never happen to me” or “Yates is just being paranoid!”

You better hope so! Believe me, I would rather be wrong about all this!

All I can recommend are things I’ve said before: get out of big cities; separate where possible and practical; homeschool your kids; do not give up your guns!

Above all, be sure you are right with God. Recognizing that Jesus Christ (not Science, not Politics) is the sole path to salvation (John 14:6). This is independent of race/ethnicity! The Anglo-European West succeeded not because of “whiteness” but because of the real (not political) correctness of its worldview in grasping how reality works and the Providential God behind it.

I mention this last in case anyone has the impression that I defend “whiteness,” or white conservatives, without qualification. I do not. I’ve also written at length: one of the main reasons we’re in this mess is because a majority-white population all but abandoned the worldview that build the West: educationally, intellectually, morally, and above all, spiritually. The Woke cult is filled with white people with leftist beliefs, after all. All it has done is fill a vacuum. Antifa is mostly white. Black Lives Matter has huge numbers of supporters (and corporate donors!) who are white.

In the final analysis this is not about race but worldview. As the saying goes, when people stop believing in God, the problem is not that they believe in nothing but that they will believe in anything. Relatedly, the GOP filled up with “conservatives” who haven’t the slightest idea what they want to conserve. This has been true for at least 30 years. It explains why they’ve been helpless against the leftist onslaught, and why many Republicans no less than Democrats react with horror at the very idea of caucus to defend and promote Anglo-Saxon values.

Unless the worldview and values that build Western civilization are somehow recovered, the West will pass into history as another failed empire. Many of you reading this will live to see it happen.

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published this year by Wipf and Stock.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

The Death Blow: an Article V Convention to Replace Our Constitution

By Publius Huldah

Open your eyes and see what is going on in our Country.  If you don’t face up to Reality right now and act accordingly, we are doomed.

The fight over whether to have an Article V convention isn’t between Republicans and Democrats, or liberals or “conservatives”.  It is spiritual warfare between those who want to keep our Biblically based Constitution of 1787;[1] and godless revolutionaries who want to get rid of our Constitution and set up the New World Order.

  1. Our institutions have long since been captured by the enemy

The transformation of our Country into the New World Order has been going on for well over 100 years. A brief summary of the capture of our institutions is set forth here.  But even worse than the capture of our institutions, was the ideological subversion of the American People: former KGB officer Yuri Bezemov described that ideological subversion here.

Now that all of our institutions have been captured, and great numbers of Americans have been ideologically subverted; the War is turning “hot”:  The enemy now seeks to finish the job of destroying us and our Country.

  1. Our Republic was overthrown in the last election

The essential characteristic of a “republic” is that power is exercised by representatives elected by the People.  Due to last minute unconstitutional changes to State elections laws which made massive election fraud possible,[2] the last election was stolen; and we lost our Right to choose our representatives.  They are now chosen by those who control the voting machines.

  1. Violent insurrections in the cities

The violent insurrections in the cities are carried on by Marxist-trained communist agitators who mean to kill us and burn down our cities – they say so here and in many other videos which have been on the internet.  And we’ve seen on the internet videos showing that the violent insurrections are supported by various members of Congress and the pretended Vice-President of the United States.

  1. Replacing our Constitution at an Article V convention

So now the time is ripe for the forces of the New World Order to move in for the final kill:  To get rid of our Constitution.  That Constitution is the only thing [other than the Mercy of God] remaining which stands between us and hell of the New World Order.

If Congress calls a convention under Article V, US Constitution; our present Constitution of 1787 can – and almost certainly will – be replaced with a new constitution.[3]

Congress is the body which has the constitutional authority to “call” – organize and set up – an Article V convention.  Congress – the same Congress which is now controlled by those who egg on the insurrections which are destroying our cities and intimidating the inhabitants.

And it is that Congress which has the power to determine how Delegates to an Article V Convention are selected – and even who they will be.  The Constitution is explicit:

  • Article V grants to Congress the power to “call” the Convention.
  • Article I, §8, last clause, grants to Congress the power to make the laws necessary & proper to carry out its power to organize and set up the convention.

Accordingly, the Congressional Research Service Report of April 11, 2014 [link] recognizes:

“First, Article V delegates important and exclusive authority over the amendment process to Congress…”

“Second…Congress has traditionally laid claim to broad responsibilities in connection with a convention, including… (4) determining the number and selection process for its delegates…” (p.4)

So, among its other powers respecting a convention, Congress may appoint the Delegates – they may appoint themselves!  And those members of Congress who support the violent insurrections, or are getting money from the Chinese Communists, and other subversives may well be the Delegates!

If State Legislatures give to Congress the power to call an Article V Convention, there is nothing any of us can do to stop it if Congress appoints subversives & revolutionaries as Delegates.

And while Congress is deciding who the Delegates will be, and where the Convention will meet, what will be going on outside the Capitol Building?  Busloads of armed and violent Antifa and BLM rioters were sent into Minneapolis to intimidate the Jury in the Chauvin trial;[4] and to commit murder, mayhem, and burn down the City in the event Chauvin were acquitted [link].  Will these thugs also descend on the District of Columbia when Congress is deciding who the Delegates will be?

And what about the convention itself?  Will the Delegates be intimidated by armed and violent Antifa and BLM thugs surrounding the place the Convention meets?   Will these thugs demand that the proposed Constitution for the New Socialist Republic of North America [link] be imposed?  Will they demand the Marxist Constitution George Soros wants [link]?  Will the Chinese Communist Party demand that the Delegates impose the Constitution they want?  Or will the globalists demand that the Delegates propose a new Constitution which transforms the formerly sovereign United States into a member state of the North American Union [link]?  Will the Delegates be in such fear of their lives that – as in the Chauvin Jury – they surrender to the demands of the mob?

And know this:  Any constitution has its own mode of ratification.  The proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America [link] provides at Article XII, §1 that it is ratified by a referendum called by the President.  The States don’t vote on it; they are dissolved and replaced by regional governments answerable to the new national government.

And as to ratification of the new constitution by national referendum: we would see once again, that Lenin was right when he said the people who vote don’t determine the outcome of elections – the people who count the votes do.

  1. And it is Republican State Legislators who are putting us in this fatal danger

The Article V Convention is being marketed by demagogues and hirelings to State Legislators (primarily Republicans) as the “conservative” solution to our problems.  They falsely assure State Legislators that they will select Delegates and have complete control over what they do.[5] And since Legislators of today often know little to nothing about our Founding Documents, History, or Civics; and have been ideologically subverted as well, they fall for the marketing.

And, like many others, they are shutting their eyes to the unpleasant Reality described above. But that is the context in which an Article V convention would take place today.

These are the ones who will turn over to Congress the power to get the new Constitution which will be the death blow to this Country.  

May God have mercy on their souls – they will have much to answer for.  It is their adamant refusal to listen to the warnings against an Article V Convention which has grave moral implications for them.

© 2021 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Publius Huldah:


[1] Our Constitution of 1787 was based on God’s Model of civil government [link].

[2] The unconstitutional changes to our State Election Laws which created the opportunities for the fraud are described in a series of papers here.

[3] See, e.g., “What the Convention Lobby isn’t telling you about our Declaration of Independence” [link] & “How to get a new Constitution under the PRETEXT of proposing Amendments” [link].

[4] Alan Dershowitz speaks here of how US Congresswoman Maxine Waters called for riots if Chauvin weren’t convicted, thereby terrorizing the Jurors into finding Chauvin “guilty”.

[5] Eminent conservative constitutional litigators William Olson & Herb Titus have rightly described such assurances as “false” and “reckless in the extreme” [link].

Who Should be Concerned About America? Answer: Everyone Who Wants to Eat

By Frosty Wooldridge

As to our ongoing invasion of our southern border:

First of all, thank each and every one of you who write me with your ideas on what our country faces. Most importantly more and more of you understand what “someone” is doing to our country by flooding it with endless millions of third world immigrants either legally or illegally.  Again, to make this demographic horror clear to you, we remain on course to add 100 million, that’s 100,000,000 more immigrants within the next 29 years. That means we will double the population of our 35 most populated cities. Example: New York City at 8.3 million will grow to l6.6 millions and on down the line.

Each new imported person must be watered, fed, housed, warmed, transported, educated, medicated and much more while we try to maintain any semblance of a balanced environment.  Additionally, their impact on our water, energy and resources jumps to over 30 times greater than the country from which they fled.

The worst part of this entire ordeal: we expend enormous amounts of fossil fuel energy that creates chaos in our biosphere.   Try to ignore this video:

No one is immune: study offers bleak climate change outlook” by Ann Thompson, NBC correspondent. She asked the scientist, “Who should be concerned?”  He said, “Everyone who eats food.”

We lose the foundation of our ethos, culture and language by the importation of more than 100,000 legal immigrants every 30 days without end.  Radio talk show host in Idaho, Zeb Bell, said last week, “My dear friend, Frosty Wooldridge of Golden, Colorado, is and has been right all along. Right on what? Immigration! The United States is no longer a melting pot of foreigners coming to America and blending in with our culture and values, nope, not anymore.

“Now, they come here to establish their culture and their values and their language and their laws. Just last week there was a large editorial in the USA Today that said basically, “We’re too tough on refugees coming here from Syria and other mid-eastern countries, we should relax our standards and welcome them and be more inclusive.”

“President Biden is doing all he can to break our laws, tear apart our borders and welcome any and all to stay here and of course, vote Democratic. Come one, Come all…Come to America. We welcome you!

“I don’t. Right this minute as you’re reading this, illegals are crossing our borders, right now in mosques across America, certain Muslims are planning devious deeds against the United States Right now more unwanted, unskilled, unwarranted refugees are dipping into our resources of welfare and overcrowding our infrastructure.

“You know, I’d laugh if it were funny, but here’s a circus clown turned president, Biden, criticizing and complaining to Russia’s Putin about infringement and crossing Ukraine’s borders.  We have to stop….STOP…these ridiculous numbers of immigrants coming here and bloating to the point of catastrophe, our cities, our infrastructure and our welfare programs.

“The U.S. Titanic is sinking into a sewage pit of chaos! What good is a hand extended in friendship, when all they want is a handout!  A free ride, at the expense of the American taxpayer…YOU AND ME! I’m for a defined quota system of not more than 100,000 immigrants per year and they must be stable, reliable and willing to work and contribute individuals. I don’t want their culture, their language or their laws. This is America, assimilate or get on the next boat back to your homeland. America isn’t your home…it’s mine. When you’ve earned your citizenship and honored our flag and Constitution, then we’ll sit at the same table – not before!”

Mark of Colorado wrote, “I enjoy reading your column because I enjoy your perspective on things.  I would like to recommend to you a man named Alan Watt. He gives outstanding talks that can be downloaded free from his website if you scroll down a bit and the talks are in the left hand column:

“After listening to Alan Watt for almost 10 years now, I can almost predict the future now that I know what the “Agenda” is, i.e., the planned destruction of America through uncontrolled immigration and sending [incompatible] cultures to parts of America that have no business being there (African’s sent to Minnesota to resettle, Muslims taking over Detroit, etc., all planned by the Elite).

“Dumbing down the school system, sending all jobs to Asia, running wars for profit, etc.   ALL Republicans and Democrats have bought into the Agenda for 2 reasons: either they are for the Agenda being good globalists and thieves, or they have been blackmailed and must go along or suffer the consequences.

“Additionally, you must read a book entitled “A Brief History of the Future” by Jacques Attali, one of the “big boys” who wrote a book about 15 years ago called “Winners and Losers in the Coming New World Order” in which he said the new boat people of the 21st century will be Americans going abroad looking for work after their countries are over-run by 3rd world populations (all planned of course, that’s the key to understand, it’s planned and executed by the Elite, whose henchmen include Jacques Attalli, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill & Hillary Clinton, etc.  Just read the review and it will curdle your blood.”

I must say that a few Americans see the writing on the wall.  I will keep sounding the alarm, but you must act by empowering yourself with pure numbers of these organizations who work to reduce all immigration into America. ; ;

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

A Tale of Two Follies

by Lee Duigon

Which will prove to be the worse disaster as a leader of the world—Communist China under President-for-life Xi Jin Ping, or the Vatican under Francis I, the Red Pope?

It’s not a trick question. It’s an unanswerable question.

Red China has just launched a new app to make it easier for—I won’t call them citizens; “slaves” would be more accurate–to report each other for “mistaken opinions”. Western liberals howl and smite their breasts in paroxysms of envy.

But next month the Vatican will host a “world health conference” (you are excused for laughing; I know it’s hard not to) in which the Pope will buddy up with Doc Fauci, abortion cheerleader Chelsea Clinton, and New Age superstar Deepak Chopra—plus assorted Big Pharma CEOs, movie stars, rock stars, and other fabulous celebrities you never heard of. No, it’s not a PBS pledge drive. I don’t know what to call it. Together they will expound the meaning of life. While pushing for a global government.

Is any of this real, or is it just some really bad dystopian movie that hopefully is almost over? I mean, really—Deepak Chopra?

The Chicoms hope their captive people will enthusiastically “supervise” one another. Sort of like DYFS on steroids. Tick off your neighbor, and he can make you disappear. Any criticism of the Communist Party, its leaders, its policies, or of China in general, in any way, shape, or form, is to be reported to the government. I think I just heard Mark Zuckerberg cry out, “Why didn’t we think of that?” But our own Big Tech oligarchs are used to playing catch-up to the commies.

But don’t sell Pope Francis short. If nothing else, he sticks to the task at hand. This, after all, is the pope who twice had “Pachamama”—a heathen thingy from the Amazon—carted into the Vatican gardens to receive what looked very like a form of worship. He had to do it twice because the first time some Catholics carried the idol out and dumped it into the Tiber. Francis had it salvaged and brought back. This time he seems to have taken pains not to invite any Catholics to the Vatican.

How do you choose between rock-hard, jackbooted tyranny, a la Xi, and subtle, seductive, really cool and trendy B.S., a la Francis and his new playmates? Or do you have to choose at all—because either one seems likely to lead to the same end? You can either be bullied into submission or driveled into it.

Wow, though. Imagine a whole country of a couple billion people all trained and encouraged to rat each other out to the government. It takes one’s breath away. Can’t you just see Chuck Schumer frantically jumping up and down and shouting “Here, here, here! We want it here!” And China will have the new app coupled with its existing “social credit system,” so that any deviation from the party line can be punished instantly: and you can be just as instantly rewarded for turning someone in. Oh, boy—a free slurpee at my nearest Seven-Eleven. I’ve gotta find some more lives to wreck!

We mustn’t make the mistake of thinking the Pope and Red China are competing with each other. Does anyone compete with China? They’ve already bought our sports leagues, dozens of our most influential politicians, whole platoons of college professors, squads of scientists, and most of Hollywood. Who’s left to compete with them?

Think, rather, of Francis and Xi working in harmony, virtually in tandem, to bring about the socialist paradise they both crave so passionately: a world in which Diversity is guaranteed by complete, coerced uniformity of word and deed, and liberty is strictly controlled, limited, and, well, erased. Think of an unholy matrimony of church and state.

And then pray very, very hard it never happens.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed; just click the link. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Obama Takes Trump’s Warp Speed Vaccine

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Trump and Obama agree on one thing: take the China virus vaccines. This is significant because Trump supporters and blacks are two groups that are resisting the vaccines. These groups are playing Russian roulette with the China virus and human lives.

Some Christians see the vaccines as deadly killers or the “Mark of the Beast” signifying the End Times. If this is true, Trump and Obama will either be seriously injured or dead from the vaccines or else teaming up to run the world government of the anti-Christ. I doubt it.

Trump launched Operation Warp Speed so the vaccines could be ready as quickly as possible to save lives. But when they became available, some of his followers called him a dupe of Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and Anthony Fauci. Nevertheless, Trump, who got Covid and the vaccine, has remained adamant that they are life-savers. His position is supported by such Christian leaders as Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, and Dr. James Dobson. Capitol Hill conservatives, including the GOP Doctors Caucus, endorse the vaccines as well.

Some blacks remember the government’s Tuskegee experiment, in which, as Obama noted, “the government withheld treatment that was available for black men for syphilis.” Hence, they don’t want to get jabbed with the coronavirus vaccine. It says something that Obama is taking Trump’s Warp Speed vaccines.

As Obama said, if these vaccines are so risky and dangerous, why are the nation’s “wealthy and powerful” taking it? Are they on a suicide mission? I doubt it.

I have supported the vaccines and have been censored as a result. Websites that once featured or highlighted my work won’t run my columns about the vaccines. Dozens of people have “unsubscribed” to my website because they don’t want to read a point of view in support of what their own favorite president, Trump, accomplished. That’s fine. These people didn’t contribute to my site to begin with. I am sad but not startled that so many people refuse to see the validity of another point of view.

I do think editors of these one-sided “conservative” websites are harming the public interest and need for balance and fairness in news. They are making it seem as though conservatives are opposed to life-saving vaccines. This makes Trump supporters look backward.

I may be the most censored columnist in America and used to be the exclusive target of left-wing groups relying on attacks on my character prepared by outfits like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  Now I’m targeted by fellow conservatives playing to paranoia in order to get clicks from hucksters selling fear.

Nobody should be forced to take the vaccine or read something that makes them uncomfortable. But this attitude spells trouble for Republicans who think they can win a national election if a major part of their base has deserted former President Trump on the signature achievement of his presidency.

We can learn something from Israel, fighting for its very existence. Israel is now opening back up and returning to normal because so many have taken the vaccines.

In this context, Israel just honored the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, at an Independence Day ceremony, for supplying those vaccines.

The Times of Israel reported that Bourla delivered a recorded video message broadcast on national TV that, “Together we are demonstrating that through mass vaccination we can defeat the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives.” He added, “We have shown that there is a path back to normal, and that definitely is something the entire world can celebrate.”

He is a son of Jewish Holocaust survivors from Greece.

It’s hard to believe that Israel under Prime Minister Netanyahu is on a suicide mission. Netanyahu understands the problem of terrorism. He knows Israel has enemies. After all, there are reports that Israel was behind a recent strike on an Iranian nuclear facility. This nation knows how to defend itself.

What this shows is that improvements in vaccine technology can be made. The response proves that, in reaction to a biological weapon from China, a biological response from the U.S. can succeed. It is still a major catastrophe that so many have died – and continue to die. But the vaccines give us a chance to save lives and regroup, in order to get on a war footing with China.

We are fortunate that Trump was president at the time the Chinese communists decided to unleash the virus on America, Israel, and the world. He responded decisively. Of course, one obvious reason for the attack was to create the conditions for China Joe and the Democrats to take power under the cover of the Covid-19 pandemic. That part of their plan was carried out but Trump is still standing, leading the return to America First policies.

This can only succeed, however, if his followers jettison the End Times rhetoric that has frozen them in time and fear and get with the Trump program of individual and national survival.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

One Thing That The “Officials” Forgot To Tell You About The Vaccines, The Truth

By Bradlee Dean

“Four scathing federal studies, including two by congress, one by the U. S. Senate, and one by the HHS Inspector General, paint CDC as a cesspool of corruption, mismanagement and dysfunction with alarming conflicts of interest suborning it’s research, regulatory and policy making functions.” -Robert Kennedy Jr.

A couple of weeks ago, the tyrant Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was cheerleading the people to take their vaccinations so that things can go back to normal (Matthew 7:13).  By the way, Tim Walz extended his unconstitutional emergency powers for the 13th time this week.

[Brighteon Video]

“Big Pharma is among the nation’s largest political donors, giving $31 million last year to national political candidates. It spends more on political lobbying than any other industry, $3.0 billion from 1998 to 2014—double the amount spent by oil and gas and four times as much as defense and aerospace lobbyists.” -Robert Kennedy Jr.

I wonder if this has anything to do with it (Deuteronomy 16:19).

The carrot that was set before them was the freedoms being offered back to the people if they did what it was that they were told to do (Psalm 94:20).

Just for the record, my rights do not come from the state, they come from the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:17).  Furthermore, those that work for me derive their just powers from the consent of the people, not the other way around (The Declaration of Independence).

[Rumble Video]

With that said, here is the short video that should be shared with every person in this country.  Enjoy.

[Brighteon Video]

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

The Absolute Democrat Monarchy That’s Coming For You

By Ron Ewart

Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true.”  Eric Hoffer, was an American moral and social philosopher.  He was the author of ten books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983.

Of all the dumb tricks a society could do to itself, this one takes the cake.  By their own vote, tens of millions of Americans unwittingly set a trap for them selves and then walked right into the trap they created.  In a land of free elections the voters managed to elect a cadre of political idiots with malice and lies in their hearts, whose stated goals are to enslave the very people that voted them into office.  One might say that the voter is self-destructive and prone to suicide.   Or worse, maybe they like being slaves and dependent on big mother government.  All that other stuff about liberty, self-reliance, unalienable rights and the Constitution are passé and irrelevant, especially now when the government is so free about passing out printed or borrowed dollars to ignorant voters.

Unfortunately, the voters have created their own worst nightmare and there apparently is no way to reverse it except to wait for the next election.  But by then it will probably be too late.  The people are now stuck with an Absolute Democrat Monarchy exercising raw political power and virtually unrestrained by the 17 enumerated powers contained in Article 1, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution.

The leaders that the voters have elected now believe they have the divine right to rule and do anything they want, without limitation, reservation, or electoral mandate.  All political power is now concentrated in the oligarchs of the Democrat socialist monarchy and they plan to use their perceived divine power to fundamentally alter America’s foundation of freedom, our culture and our way of life forever.  They have a 100-year head start, created oh so slowly under the umbrella of Progressivism.  You can vociferously object but it won’t do you any good.

In a land that is allegedly governed by the rule of law is now a nation ruled by ruthless men and women, corporate and social media hegemony, cancel culture, way too powerful teacher’s unions, supporters of Black Lives Matter a fascist group, endorsers of Critical Race Theory, allows so-called scientific experts to lie and a hopelessly corrupt news media.  They have thrown off the mantel of civility, constitutional procedure and decorum in favor of rule by irrational, lawless dictates and the sword, where peacefully occupying the U. S. Capitol by some patriots is bad but burning, looting and rioting under the guise of legal protests are good.  Obey or suffer the consequences of their wrath should you defy their cult ideology or their power.

Over 400 people have been arrested for protesting at the U. S. Capitol building and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  In contrast, rioters, looters and arsonists are still doing their dirty work all over America, mostly with impunity.   Those that are arrested are released immediately without bail.

Hillary Clinton, a Democrat, skates her major violations of law but government sends in a 29-member SWAT team to arrest Roger Stone, a Republican, for minor infractions.  Leaders at the FBI, DOJ and CIA get away with becoming virtually lawless in their pursuit of a president they don’t like.  They are still running around free as a bird.  The investigator into their misdeeds by U. S. Prosecutor John Durham seems to be AWOL.

The leaders that the people have elected to run this country are liars, con men and cheats.  Every statement they utter, every bill they pass or try to pass, every executive order the President signs are based on lies, false flags, corrupt science, or irrational politics.   Obama Care was a lie.  The $1.9 Trillion dollar Covid rescue legislation was a lie.  The proposed $2.25 Trillion infrastructure bill is a lie and they know it.

Packing the Supreme Court, repealing the electoral college, repealing the Senate filibuster rule, reparations for blacks, Medicare for all, involving government in social equity and gender dysphoria, granting free college tuition and paying off student loan debt, are all based solely on achieving absolute power by buying votes, resulting in a nation ruled in perpetuity by socialist Democrats.  This is nothing more than a Constitutional Republic being replaced by an Absolute Democrat Monarchy without a shot being fired.

You can’t overturn this arrogant power grab by Democrats by peaceful means or being nice or diplomatic.  Yes, we’re civilized and we have been trained to be nice, polite and civil.  But how is that working out for conservatives?  Has it stopped the onslaught of a flurry of local, state and federal laws that continue to “eat” away at our freedom, our liberty and our property rights?  Has Biden, Pelosi, or Schumer, or your liberal-controlled state houses, or your city or county councils changed course because conservatives are being civil?  Has being nice changed one liberal-progressive-socialist mind?  Not likely.  Absolute power is their goal and their obsession.

Conservatives have a determined opponent (Progressives) that is not only intransigent, but they have been successful for two reasons in winning the hearts and minds of a large percentage of the American people, academia, social media and the news media.  One, the Progressives have “bought off” the people with “give aways” out of the public treasury (our money) and have created a “pig trough” from which the “people” can feed.  Pigs don’t bite the hand that feeds them.

Two, they have adroitly used irrational “compassion” and the people’s collective “guilty conscience”, to sell the people, academia and the news media, that the “compassionate-collectivism” way is the only right way.  Fixing climate change is good but fossil fuels are bad.  But the truth is, mandatory compassion, (taxes, etc.) is not compassion at all.  It is enforced charity by any other name.  Enforced charity is servitude, if not slavery.  And collectivism is the arch enemy of individual freedom and liberty.

With that strong support bought with your money, Progressives have been able to fundamentally change America over the last 100 years, in spite of conservative’s somewhat limp opposition to that change.  It is readily apparent that conservatives do not have academia and they certainly don’t have the news or social media in their pockets.  What they might have is enough people to oppose the liberal-progressive agenda, if America is truly a center-right country, as so many have claimed.  However, if those “enough people” cannot come together on their values and principles and vigorously defend them, the liberal-progressive agenda has won.

The depth of anyone’s commitment to change is directly related to their conviction that what they stand for, is right.  The more intransigent is your opponent, the more force you will have to bring to defeat that opponent.  As you increase your force, being nice becomes less and less effective, as history has taught us.  Neville Chamberlain did not stop the Nazis by being nice.

You watch as your government wastes billions of your tax dollars on poorly thought-out programs that do nothing but have unintended and very expensive consequences. You cry out for redress on the illegal immigration problem, that your government refuses to fix, when the “fix” is pretty damn easy to do just by building and patrolling a wall and enforcing current laws.

You watch as your children are brainwashed and indoctrinated from Kindergarten through four years of college, while you pay through the nose, roll your eyes and do nothing.

You watch as politicians promise the moon from the public treasury to the undeserving that will drive America into financial oblivion.  You watch as your government passes laws that drive up the cost of housing, energy, food, cars and everything else, for reasons that defy common sense.

You watch as they promise universal health care that will do nothing more than raise the cost of health care, decrease its quality and give government the authority to further control your behavior, because they say they are paying for your medical care.  Medicare is nothing more than government-run health care, but many doctors are now refusing to accept Medicare patients because government is reducing what they pay the doctors, to control costs.  Just imagine what it will be like under government-run Medicare for all.  You can kiss the best health care service in the world, goodbye!

You watch as government outlaws the incandescent light bulb that has served Americans since Thomas Edison.  They are going to replace the incandescent bulb with a fluorescent bulb that costs more and has mercury in it.  If it breaks it will cost you $2,000 to clean up the resulting hazardous waste.  Oh and it will also cost you to dispose of the fluorescent bulb as well.

The minute these thieves that call themselves politicians go into session, the stealing begins.  They pass gigantic, poorly managed social programs that take billions of dollars in the sweat and labor from the millions of us that are working.  They then transfer our sweat, blood and tears to someone else, that isn’t.  Their so-called safety nets discourage the work ethic and entice others to jump on the government bandwagon so they don’t have to work either. (A free lunch for them that isn’t free for you and me)  Need we mention the millions of illegal aliens who come here by breaking our laws and attach themselves to our schools, hospitals and safety nets?  Then the illegal aliens send billions back to their homeland that they gain from the exploitation of cheap labor and welfare benefits.

Unless conservative Americans increase their force against this Absolute Democrat Monarchy and cease being nice, the other side will not get the message.  Because not only does the opposition have a large segment of the people, academia and the news media in their pockets, they have billions of our tax dollars to push us back at the executive level, at the legislative level and at the judicial level, be it local, state or the federal government.  But worse, the government supports special interest groups in a big way, again with our tax money, to fight against us.

In a war and we are in a war of ideas, ideology and philosophy, when the other side holds most of the “aces”, and they do, the opposing side had better resort to the winning tactics of generals who are out numbered, out gunned and out spent.  Being nice is not one of those tactics.

General Washington changed the field of battle by employing guerilla warfare.  The British moaned and groaned that he wasn’t fighting fair.  Tough!  As he was out numbered, he turned to the messages of passion and patriotism to motivate his men.  When he was out spent, he enlisted the help of the enemy of his enemies, France.  Conservative Americans are not in a shooting war ….. yet, but if they do not start resorting to the strategy of winning and cease being nice, they will most certainly lose and so will freedom and liberty.  One of the ways you can start fighting back is to issue “The Mandate.”

You can ignore this Absolute Democrat Monarchy (ADM) that socialist Democrats have created at your own peril, but ADM isn’t going to go away on its own. It is only going to get stronger.

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

Never in America—right?

By Cherie Zaslawsky

In a recent broadcast, Tucker Carlson featured a story destined to send shockwaves throughout America. In discussing Canada’s new policy of mandatory detention of people who test positive for Covid in “government facilities,” Tucker referred to these “facilities” as “internment camps.” He’s right, of course, and using the correct terminology brings the euphemistically camouflaged truth out into the open.

But could something like this be done in America?

The CDC’s Alphabet Soup

Well, if you go to the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) website and look up Legal Authorities for Isolation and Quarantine, you may be surprised by what you find under the heading of Federal Law: The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

According to the Heritage Foundation, “Over the course of the last decades, the Commerce Clause has been used as a primary source for the regulatory expansion of the national government.” It seems the Commerce Clause could well win a popularity contest as the most often used rationale for unconstitutional shenanigans. So let’s take a good look at it.

Hmmm…. In my copy of the Constitution, the “Commerce Clause,” as an item in what is essentially a bulleted list, reads thus: “The Congress shall have the power…to regulate commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes.”

Funny, I don’t see anything there about running a medical dictatorship, depriving citizens of their rights and liberty through mandatory “lockdowns,” “house arrests” or quarantines, let alone forced isolation of American citizens in FEMA camps and the like.

That part must have been discovered in a penumbra or in emanations, along with most other tyrannical usurpations of our rights, as they were originally laid out by the Founders in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. That’s independence not only of our nation, but of We the People as sovereign individuals.

Draconian Governmental Authority over Public Health

Perhaps our illustrious lawmakers figured that We the Pesky People might see through this sham, so they covered their tracks in the US Code, as follows: Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states.

And here’s the clincher: The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the CDC.

So there you have it—three short steps to get out from under the protection of the Constitution, and into the waiting arms and needles and potential internment camps of the CDC.

By the way, many states have also lavished similar totalitarian powers on themselves—witness Governor Gavin Newsom’s destruction of California under the color of the California Emergency Services Act. And guess who gets to define what an emergency is, or when it ends…if ever? In fact, the CDC’s website states that: “States have police power functions to protect the health, safety, and welfare of persons within their borders. To control the spread of disease within their borders, states have laws to enforce the use of isolation and quarantine.” Got it?

Reading further in the CDC website’s entry on Quarantine and Isolation, we find this:

The CDC’s Role

Under 42 Code of Federal Regulations parts 70 and 71, CDC is authorized to detain, medically examine, and release persons arriving into the United States and traveling between states who are suspected of carrying these communicable diseases. (Emphasis mine)

As part of its federal authority, CDC routinely monitors persons arriving at U.S. land border crossings and passengers and crew arriving at U.S. ports of entry for signs or symptoms of communicable diseases.

So how’s the CDC doing at our southern border? Are they medically examining the thousands of Covid-positive illegal aliens Biden’s welcoming with open arms? What other communicable diseases has the CDC found among the hordes of unwashed migrants? That’s odd…I don’t remember CNN or MSNBC et al. reporting about them. I guess the CDC is too busy mandating social distancing and face masks and vaccine recommendations to America citizens to deal with the migrant invasion.

But let’s keep parsing the CDC’s legal mandate. The phrase above that should frighten and outrage every legal American citizen pertaining to the CDC’s role under Code 42 is, of course, this one: “authorized to detain.” Hmmm… to whom does this apply? Under what circumstances? Does it apply to travelers returning home to the U.S.? To Americans crossing state lines?

How about to all of us? Apparently, we have it worse than the Canadians, since they at least need to have a positive test as a prerequisite to internment; we only need to be “suspected.” And here’s the $64-million-dollar question: detained for how long?

We’re not done yet. Here’s the government’s next installment:


If a quarantineable disease is suspected or identified, CDC may issue a federal isolation or quarantine order. (Emphasis mine).  Public health authorities at the federal, state, local, and tribal levels may sometimes seek help from police or other law enforcement officers to enforce a public health order.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Coast Guard officers are authorized to help enforce federal quarantine orders.

Breaking a federal quarantine order is punishable by fines and imprisonment.

Federal law allows the conditional release of persons from quarantine if they comply with medical monitoring and surveillance. (Emphasis mine)

And the penalty for non-submission?

  • 271. Penalties for violation of quarantine laws (a) Penalties for persons violating quarantine laws. Any person who violates any regulation prescribed under sections 264 to 266 of this title, or any provision of section 269 of this title or any regulation prescribed thereunder, or who enters or departs from the limits of any quarantine station, ground, or anchorage in disregard of quarantine rules and regulations or without permission of the quarantine officer in charge, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. (Emphasis mine)

Clearly, there’s something much bigger going on than “protection” from a virus from which 99.9% of people under 80 recover. Ask yourself why countries all over the world continue to insist that healthy people wear face masks—obscuring their humanity and interfering with normal life and normal healthy breathing—and are pushing a novel, highly experimental gene-modifying vaccine on their citizens.

Remember Ben Franklin’s prescient words, “Those who give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither.” Regardless of what we deserve, in the moment we surrender our liberty, we’ve also surrendered our safety.

© 2021 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cherie Zaslawsky:

Mandela’s Communist White Hatred Germinates In American Soil

By Kelleigh Nelson

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may only act by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. —Ayn Rand

From its earliest days, the Cuban Revolution has also been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people.  We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of the vicious imperialist orchestrated campaign to destroy the impressive gain made in the Cuban Revolution.  Long live the Cuban Revolution.  Long live comrade Fidel Castro.  —Comrade Nelson Mandela

Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest – forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries. —Hannah Arendt

Despite the fact that both Obama and Oprah fawned over Nelson Mandela, he was not a savior for South African blacks.  He deplored the white farmers who planted fields and raised cattle that fed all South Africans.  By black hands, many white families and even their babies were macheted to death.  The seeds of Mandela’s “anti-apartheid” have been planted in America and are now being thrust to fruition on our soil.

Mandela said, “The cause of Communism is the greatest cause in the history of mankind!” 

Unreported in American press, there is a brutal white genocide still occurring. This massacre is being instigated by the African National Congress (ANC), South African Communist Party (SACP), and like-minded organizations. The stories of white farmers being murdered, women and babies being raped, and property being destroyed or stolen are legion. Not only is the South African regime doing nothing to prevent it, they are deliberately adding fuel to the fire. Thousands of whites have lost their lives in this ongoing purge, just as thousands of blacks lost theirs in the ANC’s brutal rise to power years previous.  Link

Critical Race Theory proponents won’t tell you how close America is to Mandela’s South African carnage of whites.  Whites and blacks who disagreed with him or his wife Winnie, were necklaced.

Demonizing White Americans

The very founders of America, those who gave their lives and fortunes to gain independence and liberty for all Americans, have become the enemies of today’s society.  Our Judeo-Christian brothers and sisters who fought for freedom via secession from the very country who wished to enslave them with taxes and control, are now under an accursed and diabolical attack.

White hatred is the new parasitic hostility imbuing black Americans who have been brainwashed and propagandized by Marxist infiltration of their churches.

At a prayer session in support of Black Lives Matter, the pastor of St. Xavier Catholic Church in New York City instructed white congregants that they must renounce their white privilege to help “transform the church culture.”

Nelson Mandela’s hatred extended to our Jewish brothers and sisters.  He stated, “Yasser Arafat was one of the outstanding freedom fighters of this generation, one who gave his entire life to the cause of the Palestinian people.”  Mandela didn’t mention the “Palestinian cause” is wiping Israel out.

The perfidious media proclaims white privilege as evil as if there was such a thing, the NYTs 1619 Project as truth, revisionist history of our founders as factual and white on black crimes as far exceeding other criminal atrocities which is a total fabrication.  Compensation to black Americans for our past history has been massive and continues today.  No black or white Americans alive today have owned any black, Irish, or native American persons as slaves, but instead have been helped to attain advances for all into American society and government.

All of it is a lie…a lie propagated by those who hate the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Christian’s Messiah Jesus…communists hate the Bible and any mention of the Creator.  Their goal is to usurp God and put man in God’s place.

Infiltration of Black Churches

In September of 2020, I wrote an article about Manning Johnson’s superb 1958 book, Color, Communism and Common Sense.  The entire 79-page booklet is available at the link; hardcopy on the web.

Archibald Roosevelt, the fifth child of President Theodore Roosevelt, wrote the forward to Mr. Manning’s book.

Manning Johnson’s story begins very much like many other black Americans brought up in a religious home.  It was the preaching of a communist Bishop of the Episcopal Church that inducted him into the party.  Johnson was a man of ability and education and felt himself frustrated by his race and color and fell under the spell of communist propaganda. 

For ten long years he remained in the party, but the Communists failed to recognize Manning’s Christian upbringing; he was intelligent and he had courage and his upbringing allowed him to see through the lies of the communist doctrine.  Johnson explains in his book how communists have used and are using certain American blacks to the detriment of all Americans, both black and white. 

The 78-page booklet exposes how black churches were subverted and the communist plot to use black Americans, concocted by Stalin in 1928, to create racial hatred.  He tells of the real “Uncle Toms,” communists who posed as “friends of the Negro,” and under the guise of a campaign for black rights, set race against race in a cold-blooded struggle for power.  They are the ones who plotted with a diabolical foreign power the moral decay, physical slavery and spiritual death of their own race.

Early Marxists

Marxists immigrated to America in 1848 after socialism had failed to take root in Europe; they’ve made a permanent home in America.  During the American Civil War, Marx wrote about his support of the Union Army, the Republican Party and Lincoln himself.  In fact, he named the president as “the single-minded son of the working class.”  Marx wrote to President Lincoln and after Lincoln’s assassination, he wrote to President Johnson.

It is historical fact that before the Revolutionary War, the Southern colonies were petitioning the king of England to stop the importation of slaves into their colonies.  Many nations, as well as our New England colonies were engaged in this nefarious commerce in slaves.  New England and English merchants were lobbying the English government to keep the slave trade open.

Thomas Jefferson attempted to place into the Declaration of Independence a complaint against the king’s government criticizing that government for not allowing the colonies to end the African slave trade.  It was deleted so as not to upset New England which was profiting from it. (Robert L. Dabney, A Defense of Virginia and the South)

Oh, that Jefferson had been present at the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

Critical Race Theory

Quotes from Roger Simon’s recent article Critical Race Theory: The Great Evil of Our Time are some of the best.

Something called Critical Race Theory intervened to turn our society around, head it back toward racial enmity and, to be blunt, destroy our country, and with it our common humanity, unless it is stopped.

CRT is a growing cancer infecting our schools, media, entertainment, and businesses. Every aspect of our culture has been infected with this absurdity right up to the corporate board rooms. Even Coca Cola executives are now instructing us on the dangers of “whiteness.” Do they actually believe this hogwash? Who knows? Perhaps they are just scared, cowards playing along with the zeitgeist to keep their lucrative jobs. But if that’s so, it’s worse.

Most importantly, the ideology has infected our schools, even at the lowest levels, to the degree that young children are being hard-wired to hate or distrust each other and, even more sadly, themselves. (It now starts in kindergarten.)

White kids—no matter their social class, no matter at what point their families came to America, in many cases decades and more after slavery, fleeing genocides, pogroms, the most abject poverty or whatever—are being taught they are oppressors and must spend their lives expiating the sin of their skin color.

If you wanted to invent an ideology that actually created racism where it doesn’t exist, you could do no better than Critical Race Theory.

Dr. Carol Swain is a former professor of political science and law professor at Vanderbilt University and a lifetime member of the James Madison Society.  Her insightful January 2020 article on Critical Race Theory, is a must read especially her own educational experience and the white teachers who encouraged her.

Systemic racism” is an evil lie!  Thomas Sowell says it reminds him of Nazi Germany and the propaganda tactics of Joseph Goebbels. It tells minority communities they have no power over their own lives, when they actually have great power.  The Tuskegee Airmen certainly did, and they were asked by white bombers to be their guards. Why? Because they were trained in aerial combat and were magnificent in protecting larger bombers from German fighter planes.  Yes, they lost some; but their nickname was Red-Tail Angels.

My father’s grave is in the same cemetery as Tuskegee Airman Richard Highbaugh’s grave at Oak Woods Cemetery in Chicago, along with 1936 Gold Medal winner Olympian Champion Jesse Owens who put Hitler to shame.  God bless them all.  They loved this country, they knew freedom and despite the times, they became America’s heroes.

21st Century Communists

Black Lives Matter (BLM) was founded in 2013 and is run by three Marxist women mostly trained by Bill Ayer’s 1960s Weather Underground communists.  They have moved to infiltrate every segment of American society and to promote their communist propaganda, not only through churches, but through government schools.  BLM and Antifa are both communist organizations committed to overthrowing America’s culture, society and constitutional order. BLM founders are also prophetesses of demonic darkness… watch Alex Newman’s short video on their occultism.  BLM founders have made millions upon millions from “woke” corporations funding their evil ideology.

American Marxists work to foment hatred and division, ultimately serving to overthrow our Judeo-Christian culture. A shadow government has grown to the point where it now sets the politically correct rules for American Society.  It is Marxism based upon group conflict and their hatred for Western civilization.  The race baiting and false animosity will ultimately lead to the communist destruction of America’s white immigrants just as white hatred was instigated in South Africa by Mandela.

And they have guns, firearms the neo-Marxists in Congress wish to rest from the hands of law-abiding citizens.  A BLM mob took over a restaurant in Dallas’ historic downtown district. They took over the business with guns, threatening to burn it down. The radical-pandering news media continues to ignore the counter-productive methods BLM and Antifa utilize; they are part and parcel of the same ideology.

America’s White Racism

The BLM/Antifa communists are not going away; they want to destroy America and those who represent our European founders.  Nelson Mandela’s communist hatred of white South Africans is in America.

Old social media posts written by BLM co-founder Toronto Yusra Khogali made the rounds.  Yusra Khogali in 2016 wrote “white people are a genetic defect of blackness” in a since-deleted Facebook post.  “Whiteness is not humxness,” Khogali wrote in a Facebook post. “in fact, white skin is sub-humxn.” They can’t even express themselves in proper English.

Here are just a few media reports, all of which are marching toward hatred of all white Americans…and ultimately the same destruction for American whites as those in South Africa.  We’ve already seen over a year of riots and devastation that was never interrupted by local authorities or police.  There were no consequences for the evil acts.  Thus, they will continue.

There are countless media reports of white hatred.  Fourteen years ago, Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, two young college students were brutally savaged and murdered by five black perpetrators when they hijacked their car.  It was never called a hate crime because it was black on white.


We’ve already seen the riots, the violence and the destruction in America by BLM, Antifa and various communist groups.  Over the last century we’ve seen God and the 10 commandments removed from government schools; public prayer disallowed, monuments and product labels being changed to assuage the CRT proponents.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters was caught on tape….Waters calls for Marxists’ organization Black Lives Matters to do even worse if the Chauvin trial doesn’t go her way.  Waters wants BLM to stay in the streets and riot despite the deaths of more than three people in the 2020 riots.  She calls them to burn down cities.  Why is she still in Congress?

Racism is being used by Congressional democrats to divide and conquer our country for Marxism.  Our 45th President hadn’t a racist bone in his body, and they used racism against him, when in fact they are the real true racists…they hate and they disparage and they destroy.  One needs only look at the illegitimate 46th president’s appointees to know that racism and anti-Semitism is once again alive and well…just as it was under our 44th president.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Surrender by Fear of a Cold

By Lex Greene

If you had told me in 2019 that the USA would surrender everything in 2020, their jobs, their businesses, their freedom, liberty, their families, their friends, even their guns…I would have said you were nuts. If you had told me Americans would do this out of pure unwarranted FEAR of a “corona virus” (aka common cold – SARS2) with a 99.7% survival rate, or that they would line up to take a “vaccine” that isn’t a vaccine at all, with no scientific trials, two years before trials could even be completed, I would have suggested you need a psych ward.

If you had told me America was going to elect an 80-year old career politician with zero accomplishments and late stage dementia as President, or a zero resume former racist prosecutor who has laughed and slept her way to power as Vice President, I would have called the medics from the Funny Farm to gather you up myself.

It’s now public knowledge that the CDC grossly overstated COVID deaths by some 1600%. The CDC has admitted that 94% of all COVID marked deaths in the USA, did not die of COVID19. Only 6% of the CDC marked COVID deaths actually died of COVID19, according to the CDC.

It’s also public knowledge that none of the masks people are still wearing, are designed to or capable of stopping the spread of any virus. It’s public knowledge that between 2003-2005, SARS1 was eradicated by Hydroxychloroquine…and that the U.S. Federal Government prevented the medical community from using that same drug to fight COVID19, aka SARS2.

Still, more than a year later, most Americans are still stumbling through the world with their useless masks on, taking shots with no idea what’s in them, or what the long term effects will be, many having lost their businesses and jobs as well as family members, all out of fear of catching a common cold with a 99.7% survival rate.

Prior to this last year, had you told me that Americans would never ever give up their Second Amendment Rights, I would have quickly agreed. But now that I have seen with my own eyes, how easy it has been to frighten 97% of Americans out of their entire lives, I now believe most Americans will give up every Right they ever had, just as easily and quickly as they put on that worthless mask over a year ago.

Since the Biden pseudo-administration stole federal power on January 20, 2021, they have rushed forward to finish off American freedom, liberty, sovereignty, and security at a breakneck speed. Every minute of every day since 1/20/21, the fake Biden administration has moved against the American people at every chance, on every front, no guess work needed.

Officially, there is only a 0.009% chance you will every die from COVID or any other strain of the common cold. But there is 100% chance our nation is going to fall into global communism under the Biden regime, if Americans don’t wake the hell up fast, and grow a pair to put a stop to this insanity.

It’s public knowledge that the COVID19 event in 2020 was a “planned” event. We know this from documented evidence out of Johns Hopkins Medical Center and the Bill Gates Foundation, titled Event 201 Pandemic Exercise planned between 2013 and 2019.

Donald J. Trump was elected President in November 2016. In 2017, Dr. Fauci stated with absolute certainty that Trump would face a pandemic. Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said “there is no doubt Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.”

How stupid is the average American today?

The 3rd leading cause of death in the USA is the Medical community itself. Yet, Americans still blindly “follow the science” even when there is NO science to back the government mandates, and Bill (population control) Gates is the college dropout Doctor.

What made it all possible was decades of dumbing down in the public education system, and the CIA run U.S. news media propaganda machine. While Americans scramble to find the problem, they fail to realize that they ARE the problem.

Despite our Founders efforts in the Charters of Freedom, we have never had any Rights beyond those we are willing to fight and die for. The Founders documents made it possible for Americans to protect and defend their Rights peacefully, so long as Americans never stopped being “forever vigilant” in that pursuit.

But today, most Americans no longer even know what their Rights are, much less have the courage to stand up and defend any of them. They don’t know what to do, even if they can see what’s happening right under their noses all day. Soon, they will run out of time and opportunity to do anything about it at all, as the Biden regime moves at light speed to strip away every Right we ever had.

Fear is the main motivator. Once global Marxists saw how easy it was to lock down 300M Americans using fear of a common cold, they knew that America had arrived at that moment in history when, as Khrushchev once said, “America can be taken down from within, without firing a single shot.”

The same Americans that are the only solution we have, are also the main source of the problem. Their ignorance, apathy, fear, and self-indulgence will be the real cause of their demise. If you’re looking for the problem and you’re still not looking in the mirror, you can’t see the problem yet.

Career political criminals like Biden and Harris are simply taking full advantage of this fatal national condition. The fencing, razor wire and troops standing guard around this regime, are only there in case Americans wake up and react at some point. Until then, the Biden regime will move forward until you have nothing left to take.

To quote a buddy of mine, “COVID is the tool, Fear is the weapon, Control is the goal.”

If you’re looking for the solution, that’s easy… If one person refuses to comply, that person is in big trouble. 10 people, still in trouble… but when 100M people stand up together and simply refuse to comply or show any respect at all for a pseudo-administration, then the globalists are in trouble. No fence, razor wire or troops can stop 100M Americans from doing anything they want to do.

In fact, this is the only real solution there is… Everything else is a mere Band-Aid.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Grinding Predicament of Canada, Australia, Europe and America in the 21st Century: Endless Immigration

By Frosty Wooldridge

As Biden welcomes an invasion of our southern border with Mexico, few people understand the long-term consequences.  Here they are in a nutshell:

The four largest Western countries, America, Canada, Australia and Europe maintain the most responsible birth rates in the world.  The citizens of those countries practice birth control, which brought their birth rates down to 2.0 or less in the past 51 years since 1970.

While Western thinking and intelligent action created stable societies, the rest of the world roared ahead by adding 3.5 billion in those 45 years to reach 7.8 billion, and continues with 83 million, net gain, annually, or 1 billion added every 12 years.  And, no end in sight as humans see a projected 2.2 billion more within 29 years by 2050.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 83 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Annually, 12 million starve to death (4 million children and 8 million adults; United Nations Population Statistics) and at least 2 billion live within the “human misery index” of daily water and food scarcity. Notwithstanding, they keep reproducing without means, end or understanding.

Those folks continue adding 83 million annually, so, in order to save themselves, they export endless millions of their numbers into stable Western countries who chose 2.0 birth rates.  Within the next two decades, demographers project 50 to 100 million refugees searching for a new place to land.

In the meantime, not one world leader addresses it.  Not one Western leader touches the subject. Immigration remains the “last taboo” right up there with the “Earth is flat”; “The sun and universe rotates around the Earth” as spoken by the Pope; and finally, let’s not deal with “global climate change” or the fact that we face complete “Peak Oil energy exhaustion” within 29 years.  If we ignore it, the whole mess will go away.

Answer: not on your life!

Some of us deal with immigration because it not only adds to Canada, America, Europe and Australia’s final horrific population expansions—the added numbers from the Third World, when they reach the First World, they quintuple their use of resources—thus magnifying the carbon footprint, water footprint, resource footprint and energy footprint.  Not by a little, but by an “exponential growth” factor second to none.  Therefore, immigration into the West creates a nightmare.  What might that nightmare mean?  It means the Third World keeps using the First World for a human exhaust vent.  If the West allows immigration, the Third World will continue exploding those 83 million annually.

In the end, the West ultimately faces duplicating the Third World in overpopulation and environmental damage.  It won’t be pretty folks.

My friend, Canadian writer Tim Murray, watching Canada being flooded, wrote, “Once again, someone claims that any focus on immigration to the United States is a meaningless distraction. In effect, I am saying that the annual addition of more than 30 million consumers to the third most populous and industrialized nation on earth is irrelevant. Moreover, since all nations and all global citizens will be subject to an energy contraction, building walls will not insulate us from that impact.

“This stance is not credible. If energy deliveries will contract, it is ever more imperative to contract the number of consumers in America, or at the very least, prevent the US population from growing. Each additional American citizen will reduce the per capita share of non-renewable resources. We may not be able to solve the energy crisis, but surely we can’t stand by and allow that crisis to be accelerated by an indifference to immigration growth.

“We hope to reduce population levels by a grassroots approach, by building a “belief consensus” for population reduction among target groups, like “grandmothers” who are not in the breeding phase of life. But how do you sell birth control to people who look around and see their own communities bulge with immigrants, legal and illegal? How do you tell the Smith’s and the Jones’ that they should not have children when the Sanchez family down the block is having five?

“As one of my critics told me, governments are determined to grow the population by one means or another. If citizens choose not to birth children at a replacement level, then governments will import them. “I prefer to have my own children than to outsource that job to immigrants”, a reader said. This is a natural reaction. If you don’t reduce immigration, you can’t convince people to remain childless in the interest of population control.

“Let’s get real. Controlling migration is the most efficient method of controlling or reducing population growth. “But how does that affect global population levels?” a reader asked. The answer is that open borders are a proven fertility stimulant to those countries, which rely on massive emigration to relieve their population pressures and gain remittance money. The Philippines and Haiti are a case in point. Migration promotes global population growth.”

Canadian Tim Murray puts it into logical perspective.  We cannot and will not survive our current path.  I guarantee it; I witnessed it in my world travels.  Canada, America, Australia and Europe must move this issue to the top of the national conversation—or they eventually face collapse. That’s a fact! We must strive to write, speak and multiply our numbers and message.

This is your watch, so move out and change history toward a viable planet for your children.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Republicans Can “Pack the Court”, Too

By: Devvy

Members of Congress who belong to the Democrat/Communist Party USA are in a hurry, a bit hurry.  Most of them know Cheater China Joe Biden did not win the election last November and that chapter is not closed by any means.

Watching the illegitimate “Biden administration” since January 20, 2021, has been like watching Keystone Cops.  Actually worse than that.  More like a box of chickens clucking around.  I have no doubt whatsoever the world is laughing at America.

His illegitimate cabinet picks are bad for America.  I shouldn’t say Joe’s picks as those not in denial know the other impostor president, Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett are running the disaster out there in the District of Criminals.  The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield, publicly proclaimed to the world recently that “White supremacy was “weaved” into U.S. founding documents and principles”.

Cheater Joe’s current nominee for Asst. Attorney General:  Kristen Clarke is unfit to be in government – David Harsanyi notes controversial Biden nominee supported ‘racist pseudoscientific quackery’:  “If Donald Trump, or any Republican, had picked a nominee who had once promoted a Holocaust-denying white identitarian to an assistant AG position there would – rightly – be a media meltdown. Clarke has every right to live free and work where she can, but she has no God-given right to hold a position of power over citizens.  With her history, she shouldn’t.”

I’m not going to go into the whole list of verifiable extremists Cheater China Joe’s handlers have installed but it is beyond sickening.

One of the biggest wet dreams for Democrats in Congress (and their useful fool sycophants) is “packing the Supreme Court”.  Not a new undertaking but urgent in their minds after Trump was able to put new luke-warm “conservatives” on the bench who in the end, betrayed him over the fraudulent election.

Back in 1988, I was a ‘roving reporter’ at a U.S. Army base in No. California.  It was a side pursuit of mine (unpaid) outside my ‘real’ job.  I had so much fun covering activities on the base.  Yes, that’s me for an exercise which I wrote my article for our base newspaper, Military Magazine:  Shifting Into High Gear.  “The United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK) recently began Team Spirit “88” Field Training Exercise.”

I wrote many stories and ironically, one was about socialist mass murderer, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his effort to increase the number of justices on SCOTUS to 15.  The usual cabal of miscreants in this current session of Congress, Sen. Ed Markey, Rep. Jerry Nadler, Rep. Hank Johnson, Rep. Mondaire Jones, want to amend Section 1, Title 28 of the U.S. Code which reads:  The Supreme Court of the United States shall consist of a Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices, any six of whom shall constitute a quorum.

This new bill seeks to change Title 28 US Code to:  “A Chief Justice of the United States and twelve associate justices, any eight of whom shall constitute a quorum.”

Cheater China Joe had this to say about it back in 1983 when he chaired the Judiciary Committee:  “But it was a bonehead idea. It was a terrible, terrible mistake to make.”

Markey, et al claim it would “restore the integrity of the court”.  Um, that’s really not the way to get on the favorable side of current Supreme Court Justices but then again, those with such little brain matter don’t have the capacity to think that far ahead.

Trump hater, Jerry Nadler, vomited up this babble: “Some people will say we’re packing the Court. We’re not packing. We’re unpacking.  Senator McConnell and the Republicans packed it over the last couple of years.”  Uh, no, Jerry, vacancies needed to be filled.  But the dullards out there who know nothing about this issue will all dutifully nod their little bubble heads.

What can YOU do to help stop that insanity?  Call your Democrat U.S. House slug and politely tell he/she the primaries are coming up and you will be part of the effort to make sure you lose if you support that bill as well as getting rid of the Electoral College.

No one should be voting for ANY member of the Democrat/Communist Party USA, period.  I have no doubt those who’ve lost their jobs since old Joe took over will not be voting Democrat.  But, the good news, it’s spreading:  Uh Oh: Democrats are Bleeding Support with One of Their Key Voting Blocs and – look them up and call.  A few million calls will get the job done.  Remind them the Republicans can do the same thing right back.  Tit for tat.  Oh, can I say that or will it offend someone?

I believe this is all for the primaries and then Nov. 2022.  The socialists & communists in Congress want this to appease their radical left voters knowing it likely won’t succeed.  Why?  Because they (Pelosi, Schumer, et al) know if Republicans take the House and Senate in the November 2022 election, they can do the same thing:  Introduce a bill change 28 US Code and add two, six or seven new justices.  Yes, they can.  If Biden is still “in office”, a 2/3rds vote by both chambers in Congress can override his veto.

The same applies to the on-going efforts to eliminate the Electoral College which would be the end for presidential elections unless it’s for a Democrat candidate as the big, crime infested cities would secure the desired outcome.  The empty heads out there screaming to eliminate the Electoral College can’t even define how it works.  The professional America haters know exactly what would happen if it were eliminated.   The Electoral College (Why We Use It and Why It Matters)

So, you see, this is just more political shenanigans.  Republicans change the code, then if Democrats become a majority, they change the code again and/or restore the Electoral College.  Scum like Pelosi, Schumer and their ilk know the American people do not want that kind of chaos that would resemble a tennis match.  But, those behind both issues can and will use it for the primaries for votes.

Shifting gears for a minute, I received so much email about my last column, The U.S. Not Prepared for Mini Ice Age: Wake Up, I wanted to share with you a conversation I had with two very nice gentlemen who knocked on my front door the other day.  They wanted to tell me about putting solar panels in if I was one of the unlucky who got bombarded by the March 13th hail storm.  Yes, I will be getting a new roof, new roof on my storage shed and repair my two-year old fences in the back yard.

While my Jack Russell Terrier hides during storms, my Tibetan Mastiff isn’t usually bothered.  Not that night; she whimpered the whole time until it stopped.  In my back yard, hail the size of my fist.  This photo is from another location here in Texas.

How exciting the government would give me $3,000 for jumping on this opportunity!  I ask this nice man where in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize Congress to give people three grand for putting solar panels on their house?  One of them hymned and hawed.  Basically, it didn’t matter because that’s how those two nice men make their living.  Didn’t matter to them that Americans who don’t have solar will be subsidizing those who choose to install solar panels.

I furthered on asking them how can you justify giving – in violation of the supreme law of the land – “free” money, in this case $3,000, to people when the U.S. Treasury is overdrawn just under $30 TRILLION dollars?  They agreed the debt was too high but they were there to sell me this wonderful opportunity because it’s how they make their living.  I’ve said this for a long time:  When it comes to the U.S. Constitution or someone’s job, guess who wins?

I want everyone in America to be successful but not by shredding the Constitution and certainly not by saddling our children and grandchildren with UNPAYABLE debt.

“Then I say, the earth belongs to each of these generations during its course, fully and in its own right. The second generation receives it clear of the debts and incumbrances of the first, the third of the second, and so on. For if the first could charge it with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence.” –Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455

I have no objection to people or businesses using solar but people need to know the destruction they cause to the environment.  I also informed them we’ve entered into a mini-ice age. The failure of so-called unreliable, renewable energy during the Polar Vortex last February was a deadly wake-up call for Americans.  I politely told them solar won’t keep you alive when the sun isn’t warming the planet.  Response:  Well, you know you can store solar power?  My response:  Yes, but not enough to last as long as 35 years.  They didn’t get their sale and moved on to the next house.

Make no mistake:  Those dark spots one sees on the sun are disappearing.  That is a scientific fact climate change hustlers can’t deny because it’s there for all to see.

The climate change hoax is wearing thin as the truth about global warming aka climate change reaches more Americans.  And real science backed data warning we have entered into a mini ice age.  So, time to crank up the professional liars passing themselves off as reporters, journalists and news anchors:

Major News Outlets Pledge to Begin Calling ‘Climate Change’ a ‘Climate Emergency’, April 13, 2021

“A number of major news organizations worldwide, ranging from Scientific American and The Columbia Journalism Review to The Guardian and Al Jazeera, have signed a pledge to begin referring to “climate change” as a “climate emergency” in their reporting.

“Scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term ‘climate emergency’ in its coverage of climate change,” the publication announced Monday in a tweet to its 3.9 million followers touting “the impact we hope it can have throughout the media landscape.”

“We Are Living in a Climate Emergency, and We’re Going to Say So,” the headline of a Scientific American commentary published Monday declares. Claiming that that climate change is “the biggest environmental emergency to beset the earth in millennia,” the piece announces the name change.”

No, we aren’t living in a climate emergency but you see how devious they are in reaching the uninformed, brain washed masses.

A mini ice age means prolonged life-threatening temperatures.  People around the world should take this very seriously.  The world has been manipulated and lied to on a grand scale about global warming aka climate change for 50 years.  I urge you to take 15 minutes of your time and read the article below.  Individuals at NASA should go to jail for manipulating scientific data to suit their agenda.

Forget Global Warming, The Sun Says An Ice Age Is Coming, March 4, 2019

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Trumpcine Liberates the American People

By Cliff Kincaid

Former President Trump has issued his strongest statement yet on the need to take his Warp Speed vaccines and save America from the China virus. He has denounced the Biden Administration and others who delay freedom from this killer virus exported by the Chinese Communist Party.

“With COVID cases still rising nationwide, it’s sheer lunacy to delay millions of vaccinations and feed fears among the vax-resistant,” he said, referring to how the Biden Administration halted distribution of one of the vaccines. Trump called that “deranged pseudo-science” from the federal medical bureaucracy.

Trump’s major accomplishments included the best economy in decades, border security, superior military equipment, pro-life and anti-terrorist polices, launching the Space Force, and Operation Warp Speed anti-China virus vaccines. It’s the latter that he has repeatedly emphasized since he has been out of office, as America copes with more than 565,000 total Covid deaths and the worldwide death toll tops 3 million.

Ironically, however, some of his former supporters are in the opposition to the vaccines that the Trump Administration developed. “Trump is a traitor,” declared one “expert” insisting the life-saving vaccines are a communist plot to kill Americans. Such views are now popular among some one-time Trump supporters, who claim the China virus that evidence indicates was created in a Wuhan lab is not really that dangerous.

In my column, “Trump’s Fair-Weather Friends,” I noted that Operation Warp Speed is the one achievement that China Joe Biden won’t dismantle and in fact wants to exploit for his own political benefit. I pointed out that conservative governors such as Ron DeSantis in Florida are promoting the vaccines. Conservative governments around the globe are promoting them, too.

But this was before China Joe Biden’s medical bureaucracy halted distribution of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

In his statement, Trump said, “The federal pause on the J&J shot makes no sense. Why is the Biden White House letting insanely risk-averse bureaucrats run the show?”

He went on, “Just six people out of the nearly 7 million who’ve gotten the Johnson & Johnson vaccine reported blood clots. The condition is more common in the general population, and every vaccine — indeed, every medication — carries some risk, including the Moderna and Pfizer jabs.”

As noted by Dr. Martin Makary, M.D., a surgeon and professor at Johns Hopkins Medical School, about 1 in 600 Americans have died from COVID-19. He says that’s a bigger risk than taking the “risky” vaccines.

Hence, the delay in using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will probably increase paranoia, cost lives, and spread the disease.

The maneuver by the China Joe Administration also means a delay in achieving herd immunity and resuming a normal life. The delay will scare some paranoid people into thinking the vaccine is more dangerous than getting the virus.

While the vaccines don’t entirely prevent infections, the evidence suggests that more serious cases of disease will be avoided, such as those requiring hospitalization. This is a major achievement.

Summing up the data, a writer for RedState noted that, out of 75 million full vaccinations (i.e. all doses administered) given, only around 5,800 reinfections have been recorded. That puts reinfection chances, per the CDC, at around 0.0075%. In other words, it’s a level of risk that’s not only acceptable but basically miraculous. Further, the chances of death at that point are less than being struck by lightning.”

On Capitol Hill, conservative Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz are taking the vaccines and say they are so effective that he and others will now scrap the use of masks.  “At this point, I’ve been vaccinated. Everybody working in the Senate has been vaccinated,” he said.

Actually, Senator Rand Paul has immunity as a result of getting the disease. Other people, such as Trump, got the disease and a vaccine as a back-up.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a major Trump supporter, has repeatedly emphasized that the vaccines are safe and effective. “Get a vaccine because it’s good for you to do it,” he says. “It works…you can live your life…If you get a vaccine … you’re immune. So act immune.”

This positive attitude is what those determined to implement a “Great Reset” truly fear. They are realizing that the vaccines ae giving Americans back their health and their freedom of movement. By taking advantage of the Warp Speed vaccines, Americans are showing the Red Chinese that their China virus can’t defeat America.

Modesty aside, the former president has reportedly called the coronavirus vaccine the Trumpcine, a recognition of how his Administration had launched an unprecedented drive to develop and make available an effective vaccine by January 2021. Pfizer and Moderna developed two vaccines in just nine months, which was five times faster than the fastest prior vaccine development in American history. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was issued Emergency Use Authorization for its single-dose COVID-19 vaccine in February.

Biden’s suspension of the latter has now been recognized by Republicans and Democrats as a major mistake that threatens people’s lives.

Even liberal media are wondering why the Biden Administration acted this way. ABC News noted that “the chance of developing this rare type of blood clot [from the J &J vaccine] was less than one in a million — about half a person’s chances of getting hit by lightning, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

In a previous statement, Trump had demanded that the bureaucracy “clean up the record” and “and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back online quickly.” He concluded, “The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!”

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Biden Qualifies For Impeachment

by Rev. Austin Miles

The articles of impeachment were drawn up to save us from imperial presidents who manage to grab the office, not for the service of the people, but on the contrary, a determent to the people as well as society itself. Unfortunately, some political figures, including presidents, get into office to serve themselves, not the country they are supposed to represent. In the Trump case, the Socialist-Communist Party, under the Democrat logo, were the culprits determined to lounge on the power blanket, and frankly, overthrow the government so we could be under their command.

And this is why we have Article ll, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, which is the formal process that allows Congress to bring charges of “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” against high-ranking civil officers, such as the president, if he misuses the office he has been entrusted with. This can include ‘derelict of duty’ or even selling out our country.

However, the world recently saw the most egregious misuse of the articles of impeachment in the history of our nation. The Democrats used the impeachment law to try and get rid of the most productive, successful president in history. He strengthened our economy, negotiated with countries like China who had the mistaken idea that they were in charge, upgraded our military, and gained the respect of nations around the world, unlike a previous imposter president who spent his time overseas apologizing for America. What??? Of even more value, President Trump kept America Safe.

So President Trump did everything right, yet, the democrats determined to have him impeached simply because he was not a democrat-socialist communist. So that’s how it works!

The leftists hated President Trump with energy that was amazing. They seemed not even to sleep as they were occupied every second trying to figure out a way to impeach him and get rid of him. It was with such hatred that it had to create mental issues with the Dems. The first impeachment attempt failed. Then, in the most ridiculous move ever seen by this writer, they tried to impeach him when he was no longer in the Oval Office. Let that sink in.

Trump’s term had ended and he had moved out of the White House and the Oval Office. Yet the Dems tried desperately to kick him out of office when he was no longer in that office. It was like being fired from a job one did not have. Absolutely ridiculous!

Let’s look again at the articles of Impeachment: “The President, the Vice President, and other officers of the United States, can be kicked out of office (impeached) if they are found guilty of double-crossing (betraying) the country, offering people money or getting money to do something dishonest like voting Democrat-Communist, or other really big crimes.”

Doesn’t this describe Biden? (I will not refer to him as “President Biden” as he did not win that election.) Proof below.

But he can be kicked out of the office he falsely occupies using the articles of impeachment. He most certainly can and must be for the sake of America.

The first thing Biden did when it was announced that he now held the Executive Office, was to cancel the Keystone Pipeline. This was a major project and Biden, for whatever unknown reason, shut it down in the midst of its construction putting over 70,000 Americans out of work and an expensive project left unfinished. This was the dumbest, most stupid thing this writer, during a long lifetime, has ever witnessed. Biden still cannot give an explanation for his action.

He brought in the National Guard to assist in an emergency, then, instead of putting them up in a room somewhere, he left them in a freezing garage where they slept on the floor. Yet, this bumble headed retard spends $80 million a month to put invaders of this country, the illegal immigrants who have crashed our gates, up in motels and hotels. Yet he will not put up those in the service of the United States into proper rooms at night but leaves them to sleep on a freezing floor of a freezing garage. This is totally unacceptable.

President Donald Trump had kept the borders intact and had a good relationship with the President of Mexico. And we were safe. Within the first 72 hours that Biden intruded into the Oval Office, he stated that there were essentially no borders and that all immigrants were welcome to come and live in America. Yep, come on in !! Not only that but they would be given housing, education, and medical care. The only whispered requirement they would have would be to vote Democrat-Communist in each election.

The flood of immigrants who rushed through where the borders had been, included murderers, rapists, thieves, carriers of the Covet 19 virus, MS 13 gang members and moochers. And our tax money supports them. Money that could have been better used by our own families.

And Biden has figured out that it is more efficient to (mis)use Executive Orders to get a proposition into place than to try and get it voted in.

All he is required to do is to issue an “Executive Order” for anything he wants to accomplish. sign it, and it becomes law. Nobody else is involved. You will see that as he cancels the 2nd Amendment (the right to bear arms). In the process of the Biden Administration, we have lost our energy independence. And brace yourselves for the increase of gas prices.

In the very short time he has been in office, Biden has executed, now get this, 42 Executive Orders. Also during this short time with Biden in his cocoon, the National Debt has skyrocketed to $28 TRILLION DOLLARS! And that number grows every minute.

Our country has not advanced in any way but has digressed into Les Misérables. Billionaire George Soros, is paying all the bills for the destruction of The United States of America including the placement of Joe Biden into the Oval Office. The intent is to put the entire world under Communism. The only country standing in the way is America. This is why the extra effort has become mandatory for the enemies of America.

There has been considerable debate over the years regarding the definition of Impeachment crimes. In the past they have been executed for “corrupt conduct,” “malpractice or neglect of duty.” Then it came down to “treason or bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The term, “high crimes and misdemeanors” was borrowed by the framers from British law where it referred to crimes by public officials against the government. This is a key. Any political crimes against the citizens can be classified as ‘against the government,’ since the citizens depend upon the government for their well being. That puts this law into perspective. With this as a guide, Joe Biden’s misconduct can be defined as ‘against the government (that he desires to change)’ and therefore against the people.

There should be no delay in charging Biden for neglect of duty (sabotaged over 70.000 American jobs) and malpractice certainly finds a landing spot here. A second charge can be instituted for Kamala Harris who could not even be bothered to visit the border to witness first hand what is taking place so measures can be taken to correct the entire mess. Our beautiful country has taken a nose dive since Biden was placed (not voted in-but PLACED) into the Oval Office.

Contact your Representatives to implement this. Biden indeed qualifies for impeachment.

See this video which PROVES that this election was RIGGED.
1 Attached Images

Photo Caption: America’s New Commander

In his late teens the author studied the Law


© 2021 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

The Son of Man Cometh

By Rob Pue

Some things in this world can simply be chalked up to coincidence. Others, not so much. For those who have studied God’s Word and have eyes to see, it’s obvious that the words of prophecy in Scripture are coming to pass now, before our very eyes.

Let’s look at just a few things that have been happening on Planet Earth in just the past month. These are things you most likely are not aware of, because the mainstream media doesn’t generally report on them, and if they do, they report on them only in passing, or worse yet, in jest.  Yet, the things now coming upon the Earth are nothing to joke about.

As Christ-followers we’re in the midst of a spiritual battle. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6). Let’s also look at Ephesians 2, which offers an especially relevant message for our day. “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience, among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ — by grace you have been saved — and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”

Yes, the spiritual battle rages on. The children of God versus the children of wrath, as we face off against Satan and his demons — spiritual wickedness in high places. Those of us who now follow Christ were once dead in our trespasses and sins, like the rest of the world. We followed the “prince of the power of the air,” (Satan).  That’s the power the unsaved world follows today, still living in the passions of the flesh.  Still carrying out the desires of the body and mind. Still children of wrath. They cannot understand what’s happening in our world because they’re without the power of the Holy Spirit of God within them, and so they’re without the ability to discern those things that are spiritually discerned. They’re lost, confused, and soon their hearts will fail them for fear, when they see all that is coming upon the earth.

In Luke 21 and Matthew 24, Jesus warned us all not to be deceived, because many would come in His name. Many false prophets rising to deceive many. There are a lot of false prophets in our world today. Many claiming to be more intelligent than God, our Creator. They claim to follow “science,” yet their science will disappoint them when all their human wisdom is proven to be nonsense. Speaking of false prophets, are you aware that the pope held an interfaith meeting in the city of Ur in Northern Iraq — the birthplace of Abraham — last month? His purpose was to stress the commonalities between all world religions and call for global cooperation.

But those who read and study Scripture know that not all “religions” lead to our one true God. Only one does. Jesus said, “No man comes to the Father but by Me.” While the Global Elites are now seeking a New World Order, a One World Government, they will also be seeking a One World Religion, denying Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Yet one day, perhaps one day soon, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD. Even the pope will bow to the one TRUE God of Heaven.

We’ve seen the wars and rumors of wars, we’ve seen nation rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. We’ve seen the horrific famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places.  Jesus said these are but the beginning of sorrows.  We were also warned by Jesus that Christ-followers would be delivered up to be persecuted and killed.  Jesus said that we would be hated of all nations for His name’s sake.  How true that is today.

Certainly you’ve seen what’s happened in Canada recently, where a pastor had the courage to stand up against the tyranny of government officials and police and keep the church he leads open. In righteous indignation, he threw the tyrants out of God’s house and off the property.  But they returned — this time to erect a giant fence around the church, and post 200 armed guards around it to keep people out. This, NOT in communist China — but rather, in communist Canada.  We know that Canada’s been bowing down to Satan for a long time now, and many Christian brothers and sisters there are being persecuted daily.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently stated openly that “evangelical Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.”  But the same sentiment has been playing out in our country for years now as well.  The stories are too many in number to even begin to list.

But make no mistake, Jesus IS coming back and He will be coming as the just Judge of the world, to make war on those who have blasphemed Almighty God and persecuted His people. Scripture tells us that immediately before we see the sign of the Son of Man coming in the heavens, the sun will be darkened, the moon shall not give her light, the stars will fall from heaven and the heavens will be shaken.  Remember, this is in addition to earthquakes, famines and pestilences.

So in case you missed it, here are some news stories from around the world, that have taken place just in the past month. There’s been an enormous increase in strange lights being seen in the sky all over the world. These lights appear to be some sort of spacecraft — moving at speeds that exceed the speed of sound, but they make no sound at all. No sonic booms. Sightings of “UFOs” have become so concerning that the Pentagon has been ordered to research this and release a report on these phenomenon by June of this year.

There have also been an increase in loud “booming” sounds coming from deep underground; again, all over the world. In the US, they’ve been encountered in every state — from Maine to California — over the past month, and there is no explanation. When these loud booms take place, there is never any indication of an earthquake, yet they’re so strong they shake houses. A man in Michigan reported last month that this happened again — the second time in six months, and authorities have offered no explanation.

Then there were the deadly tornadoes that ravaged the southern US.  In Alabama, one tornado, with winds of 150 miles per hour, traveled on the ground for 150 miles, destroying everything in it’s path for three hours straight last month.   And that was just one of 17 tornadoes that struck the southern US in March.

Meanwhile, we’ve been seeing signs in the skies overhead.  Two fireballs, believed to be meteors were seen March 21st in New York, Vermont and Pennsylvania.  The same day fireballs in the sky frightened people across England.  Others were seen in March in other countries around the world.

About that same time, a huge geyser was reported in Imperial City, California.  But this one’s different.  It is MOVING… it’s moving ten feet every month and is said to be the only moving geyser in the world.

Los Angeles reported it’s third earthquake in ten days on April 10th.  The average number of earthquakes there is five in a year.  Here we have three within ten days.  There has also been extreme flooding in Maui.  Residents there said they’ve never seen anything like it.  And on April 9th, western Australia received more rain in 24 hours than they get during the heaviest rains in a month’s time.  The massive flooding that has resulted there has been called “of biblical proportions.”

In China, cyclones and strong winds have caused the worst sandstorm in over a decade.  Residents of Beijing said, “it looks like the end of the world,” and “It feels like a science fiction movie.”

And then there are the volcanoes. It’s very likely that you missed out on hearing about these as well.  First of all, the “dormant” volcano in Iceland erupted last month, for the first time in 800 years.  This was accompanied by 40,000 mini earthquakes in the area.  There was also a volcanic eruption in eastern Russia, as well as giant sinkholes opening up in Croatia.  And another volcano erupted multiple times in Sicily within the last month.  Not to mention the earthquake in Congo, Africa, or the volcano that erupted for the first time in forty years on the island of St. Vincent in the Carribean, on April 9th.  Experts say this one could continue for weeks or months.

These are just a few of the odd occurrences we’ve seen over just the past month around the world.  Many will claim all this is due to “climate change.”  Others will say the Earth goes through natural cycles and none of this is out of the ordinary at all.  But I disagree.  What we’re seeing is not just an increase in frequency of these violent natural phemomena, but an increase in intensity, and an increased number of these events around the world.

Add to that the things even our best scientists cannot explain:  the loud booms heard worldwide, coming from far beneath the earth.   The strange lights in the sky that defy science, and for which our Pentagon is preparing a report on “UFOs.”  Incidentally, I would not be surprised if the enemy of our souls uses the idea of “extraterrestrials” and “UFOs” to deceive even more people around the world.  I can also see how a discovery of “life” from other galaxies could well be used to help usher in the New World Order and the Planetary One-World Government that is now being prepared to enslave the peoples of the earth.

But what makes all these things even more interesting is the discovery, in mid-March, of additional fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls.  This is the first time in more than sixty years that such a discovery has been made, and the texts date back 2,000 years.  The newly discovered fragments contain verses from the biblical books of Nahum and Zechariah.  The words of these ancient Scriptures are significant, considering all we’ve just talked about.

Specifically, the text of Nahum 1:5 & 6 were discovered.  Let’s read that together:  “The mountains quake before Him and the hills melt away.  The earth trembles at His presence, the world and all who live in it.  Who can withstand His indignation?  Who can endure His fierce anger?  His wrath is poured out like fire; the rocks are shattered before Him.”

And Zechariah 8:16 & 17 tell us how we SHOULD be living: “These are the things you are to do: speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts. Do not plot evil against each other, and do not love to swear falsely. ‘I hate all this,’ declares the Lord.”

Today, we have the kings and rulers of the earth taking counsel together against the Lord and His anointed. We see the heathen raging and the people imagining vain things.  We, as a people, seem no longer capable of telling the truth; so much of what we hear and believe today are lies. As for “sound judgment” in our courts, I think we can all agree that our so-called “justice” system is anything but just. People plot against one another and those so many of us trust “swear falsely,” doing the bidding of Satan and his demons and deceiving the whole world… even, if possible, the very elect of God.

So we shouldn’t be surprised when we see the mountains quake, and the hills melt away with volcanic heat. Because the earth is trembling as heaven prepares for Christ’s soon return. How gracious of our God to reveal, once again to us, the words of these prophets, at a time we all need to hear and heed them most. For as we read again in Nahum: “…Who can withstand His indignation?  Who can endure His fierce anger?  His wrath is poured out like fire; the rocks are shattered before Him.”

Now, of course, no one knows the day or the hour when Jesus will return. But we have been warned in Scripture, and now Scripture is coming to life all around us, and not only that, our gracious God has unearthed again, perhaps a final warning in the words from those recently found Dead Sea Scrolls.

“Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh.”   (Mathew 24:44).  Let me finish with the words of Luke 21: “Then there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars; and there will be anguish on the earth among nations bewildered by the roaring sea and waves.  People will faint from fear and expectation of the things that are coming on the world, because the celestial powers will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is near!” Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 322.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Truth About Energy, Part 3

By Roger Anghis

The lies behind this climate change garbage are only a means to an end and the end is control.  The powers to be want to control everything every person on this planet does.  The architect of the New Green Deal, Saikat Chakrabarti, commented on the real reason for the New Green Deal: “. . .It wasn’t originally a climate thing at all, we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”[1] Why would they need to change the economy if it wasn’t to benefit only the elite and powerful with the average Joe bearing the brunt of the expense?  America is the only nation on earth that has the ability to create a booming economy through our free-market system that benefits the lower class, middle class, upper class, and the major corporations but that’s their problem.  If the lower- and middle-class benefit, they don’t make as much and you are harder to control.  Everything comes into focus when just a few pieces of the puzzle come together.

The only way they can achieve this is to create some fake scary scenarios like “We’ve only got twelve years to save the planet.”  Think about that.  It took us 6000 years to ‘mess it up but we can change it all and save the planet in just twelve years if we just let the government control all the energy and energy consumption.  Government can’t balance a budget what makes them think they can save the planet?  It’s all fake news and we have to address it as such and resist their attempts to restrict our freedoms.

We keep hearing about how all we need to do is build more solar panels and wind farms and we can save the world.  Well, when you look at the logistics of this you find that that dream of not being dependent on fossil fuels is nothing but an unobtainable pipe dream.  Let’s look at some hard facts.  All energies have limits to their abilities.  The maximum percentage that the sun’s photons can be converted to electricity is about 33%.  Present solar technology is at 26%.  There isn’t a lot of growth available there.  With the wind, the maximum capture to produce electricity is 60% and our present wind technology is at 45%.  Again, there isn’t a whole lot of growth available there either.  One other factor is solar only works when the sun shines and wind farms produce only when the wind blows. In our northern states, these technologies would be seasonal at best. They could never be depended on year-round.

When these points are brought up the proponents of green energy come back with that’s what batteries are for.  Okay.  Let’s look at that for a minute.  It would take the largest battery manufacturing facility in the United States, Tesla’s factory in Nevada 500 years to make enough batteries to store one days’ worth of electricity America needs.[2]  Again, we see liberals come up with what sounds like good ideas but when you put it to paper and crunch the numbers with real facts, these ideas are pipe dreams at best.  If wind and solar are so much better then why, after 20 years and billions of dollars in subsidies, does it only account for 3% of the world’s energy?  Asking for a friend.

The green energy proponents claim that their goal is to save the environment but here again we find that facts just don’t see that being possible.  Windmills, solar, and batteries are all made from nonrenewable materials.  We know that AOC and here ill-informed group want all government vehicles to be all-electric.  Here are some facts that they seem to have passed over in coming to this conclusion.  The more electric cars we have the more power plants we have to build to supply the electricity to charge their batteries.  Add to that that a car battery weighs about half a ton but we have to dig up and process 250 tons of raw materials to make that battery.

Wind farms create other problems.  To build a 100 MW wind farm which will supply about 75,000 homes, it requires 30,000 tons of iron ore, 50,000 tons of concrete, and 900 tons of non-recyclable plastic.  And these only produce when the wind blows.  For the same size solar farm to supply the same number of homes the amount of steel, glass, and cement is 150% greater than for a wind farm.[3]  The rare earth minerals needed for both of these ‘green energy’ devices will require an increase of 200%-2000% in mining to supply the manufacturing of these devices and most of those minerals are not available in America.  We’ll have to start massive mining operations in areas that are now pristine lands which will tip the environmentalists over the edge.  We haven’t even talked about the animal rights activists that are already going berserk, probably rightfully so, over the deaths of some migratory birds that have been killed by the windmills some of which are on the endangered species list.  And we can’t forget about the solar farm that was scrapped because it was going to be built in an area where an endangered tortoise lives.

We can’t forget that all this mining requires large amounts of equipment made from non-renewable materials using fossil fuel to operate taking materials to factories that operate on fossil fuels.  Then we have to contend with the waste.  All of these ‘green energy’ devices only last about 20 years where a fossil fuel turbine has a life span double that.  The International Renewable Energy Agency has determined that by 2050 just the disposed solar panels will be twice all of the world’s plastic waste and the waste from windmills and batteries will create millions of tons of not real environmentally friendly waste.

On a cost comparative basis, the cost to build one windmill is about the same as drilling one oil well.  The windmill will produce the equivalent of one barrel of oil an hour where the oil well produces ten barrels an hour.  It costs about 50 cents to store a barrel of oil but the batteries needed to store the electricity produced by the windmill costs $200.  What we are seeing is that this New Green Deal is not efficient, not cost-effective in any way, and is not dependable.  Fossil fuels are not as bad as they say they are and they are cheap in comparison and much more efficient.

The path America takes from here is up to its citizens.  Do we sit back and let the elites take our freedoms and our nation away from us or do we stand up and say enough is enough?  The choice is ours.  Chose wisely, your kids’ future depends on it.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes


Pressing Toward the “Mark”

By Butch Paugh

In Phil. 3:14 we read that Paul said, “I press toward the “mark” for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”.  Of course, Paul is teaching all followers of Christ to follow his example.  But, this is not the “mark” we are going to discuss in this article.

We are going to look at the one talked about in Rev. 13:16-18, known as the “mark” of the beast.  We are going to look into what this warning is all about, what the mark is and how the masses are deceived into “receiving” it.

Before we get into the methods that have been used over many decades to lure us into the beast system, we need first to know and understand that our Creator, Redeemer and God did solemnly warn us about the dangers in putting our trust and care in men or men’s governments.  We must first understand and acknowledge that we have voluntarily “given” ourselves over to the “Beast” system.  At least in the beginning of the process of deception, it took a voluntary acceptance on our part to enter the beast system.  Please read and study very carefully these few references!  We could list many more, but these alone are more than enough to prove God’s warning, that we willfully ignored.  (Through ignorance perhaps, but the results are the same.)  Damnation is the final end of our greed, apathy and ignorance.  (Neh. 9:36-38, Prov. 23:1-4, Jer.17:5, Mt. 6:24-25 and Phil. 4:19)  Obviously, this article is written mainly to the ones who say they follow Christ and the Word of God.  The 1611 KJV Bible!  We must accept and recognize the fact that we, the Church of Christ, have pretty much been almost completely caught up in this deception of the enemy.  We must determine to not proceed any further into this abyss.

Let’s take a brief look into how this massive deception has been used in the “benefits” each cunning snare has promised us if we will simply comply and obey!

(1)  The social security number.  This deception came about under Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration.  Roosevelt was a great deceiver that was part of the “planned” so-called great depression.  Because the people became “afraid” for their future material necessities, they were more than ready to accept the “number” assigned to them for a lifetime to receive a retirement benefit, that was held out of their paycheck and put into the care of politicians to manage for them, (Jer. 17:5) because we were not disciplined enough to do it for ourselves!  On “my” card it says this number is not to be used for I.D. purposes.  We all know now that in most cases it is essential to have this identifying number in order to transact any business.  At first, you could opt in the “system” or not. Now, for all intents and purposes, it is not an option.  Roosevelt also started the W.P.A., Working People of America, to put people to work on infrastructure and other odd jobs at the expense of the taxpayer.  Yet another socialist program we the people volunteered to support. (Prov. 23:1-4)  Roosevelt “led” the people like frightened sheeple into the first huge move into Socialism and the “beast” system that would be used to bring us into the Antichrist’s government!

Now, let’s list a few more “benefits” that we have been given as privileges for our compliance and obedience.

(2)  A driver’s license needed to have the “right” to travel.  This license turned the right into a privilege.  FYI – License-Black’s Law Dictionary – “Permission to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal”.  Along with this “permission” to travel we now carry another form of ID that has assigned us another number, digital (numbered) picture of our face.  And, in some cases, digital (numbered) fingerprints and eye scans.  This identifying “mark” is also needed to transact a “business deal”!  This “con” almost everyone has accepted has placed the unique identifying number of your face, (a number of mankind) into a worldwide data base by which you can be traced and monitored!  Travelers should be “certified” that they are capable of using a mode of transportation, but no identifying license should be required.  Here are a few more licenses needed to do an act which would otherwise be illegal.

(3)  A marriage license.

(4)  A business license.

(5)  A hunting or fishing license.

All of which came with an identifying number attached.

If we follow the rules and have all the identifying “marks” and numbers needed, we may and will qualify for a numerous amount of other of man’s benefits and dainties.

(6)  Food stamps.

(7)  Disability Social Security (whether you have paid into it or not)

(8)  HUD

(9)  C.H.I.P.S

(10)  Clothing Vouchers.

(11)  Free medical care.

(12)  Medicaid.

(13)  Medicare and many more I’m sure that I haven’t listed here.

All are available for those with the right identifying “marks” and are obedient to the “system”.  I think by now anyone who desires to see the deception we have about all ignorantly and foolishly fallen into the deception and can be easily seen.  It has pretty much gotten the masses already in the beast system.  All that is needed now is the final “tweaking” of the system to take us into the antichrist’s final deception.  You can believe that this extremely hyped-up Covid scare is a huge push in that direction!  Fear being the great motivation once again!

We had just as well accept the fact that nearly all of mankind has already been deceived into the system of the beast as prophesied in Rev. 13:7.  In verse eight, we are told that the only ones who will not worship the beast are those who have their names written in the Lamb’s (Christ) Book of Life.  We must be very certain that we have been born again into the Family of God.  (I Pet. 1:10)  Please take the time to read II Thes. 2:10  Yet another warning!

We are about ready to take a look at what the mark is according to Scripture.  But, before we do, it is vitally important to understand that Satan is called the Great Deceiver and father of all liars for a reason! (Rev. 12:9, John 8:44)  Now let’s get to the definitions of the mark referred to eight times in the book of Revelation.

For as long as I can remember, it has been “assumed” that the “mark” of the beast was going to be a computer chip placed in the right hand or forehead. (Rev. 13:16)  While I am not at all convinced that this concept is totally correct, I must admit that with the state of ignorance of the Word of God and truth in general, I can certainly accept the fact that many of the fearful, ignorant and the “techies” will fall right in line to receive this “mark”.  But folks, it goes much deeper than this.  The word mark in all of its’ references in Rev. 13 is Strong’s number 5480 and it does not mean a device put “in” the body, but rather a scratch, an etching, a stamp or a badge of servitude.  It also can mean a sculptured figure (statue).  So, to be honest I still am not clear as to how this involves the right hand or forehead or what exactly this mark is.  Perhaps an “etching” of the pentagram or hexagram?

But, as you look further into teaching on the mark you will find that no man might buy or sell, unless he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name!

Dear reader, I must confess that I have not been given the knowledge of interpreting the entire meaning of such passages as we just looked at, but of this one thing I am sure!  For many generations and actually throughout most of man’s history, we have been deceived through our ignorance, laziness, fear and lack of faith in our Creator to follow man’s promises and bow to his supposed authority, so we could “live” at ease for another day!  It’s in our fallen nature to believe Satan’s lies to be more like “gods” ourselves!  (Gen. 3:1-5)

In closing, please accept this final admonishment in Christ’s name!  Question anything and everything that man’s government offers you!  At the risk of losing all, including their lives, countless numbers of Godly men and women have refused man’s deceitful benefits!  Many examples and warnings about this demonic deception are found in God’s Word to us.

Proverbs 3:5-7

© 2021 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh:

2020 Election Post-Mortem

By Cherie Zaslawsky

Part 1: High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Now that the putative Biden-Harris administration is going full tilt, as we catch our breath and reflect on what has transpired in our country, we would do well to consider the wider implications of the theft of this election. So let’s return to the scene of the crime—actually, to the scenes of the multiple crimes inflicted on our nation.

Election Theft Crime #1

By now we know about the Dems’ rampant and shameless vote fraud, and the gigantic CCP cyber attack on our election through Dominion and other voting machines. We have hard evidence of foreign interference in our election in the 270 pages of evidence compiled by attorney Sidney Powell, as well as a treasure trove of incriminating evidence recently made public by Mike Lindell in his documentary “Absolute Proof!” In that documentary, we actually got to see the forensic data, including computer time stamps, and all manner of specificity: from computer X to computer Y in this or that location, etc. The data entries are all unique, but they coincidentally all show the exact same vote shift: from President Trump to Beijing Biden. And we have paper evidence as well. You may recall that back in early January, Patrick Byrne—former CEO of Overstock who joined Sidney Powell and others to aid Trump in attempting to prove his election win—wrote about a shredding company given 3,000 pounds of ballots from Georgia to dispose of, pieces of which remained and were subsequently analyzed. In their midst, authorities discovered a shipping receipt…wait for it…from China! Of course, the ballots themselves were not legitimate—they were phony Chinese knock-offs, all marked for…guess who? Let’s call that Crime #1.

Election Theft Crime #2

Crime #2 is the false flag event before, during and after the peaceful Trump rally in D.C. on January 6th. You better believe the radical Left, aka Democrats, had war-gamed January 6th down to the last detail. In fact, there’s a video by brilliant young journalist Millie Weaver, that, in my opinion, puts the Watergate journalists Woodward and Bernstein to shame. In that video, we hear the Leftists planning and plotting their on-the-ground destructive strategies through conversations Millie’s undercover reporter recorded in real-time, à la Project Veritas. It is an eye-opener for sure.

Here are the names of some of the Marxist/revolutionary organizations infesting our nation and busily planning its demise: The Sunrise Movement, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Momentum, Extinction Rebellion, Shutdown DC, and United for Peace and Justice, which is a coalition of over 1,000 Leftist groups. And as everyone witnessed on live TV, they were all on fire to wreak havoc on January 6th! In the undercover video, they are planning for every contingency, including a Trump win. That possibility, in their minds, called for the literal takeover of D.C., like Seattle’s CHAZ on steroids.

And in case you think these Leftists/Marxists are just fringy aging hippies and clueless young radicals operating in a fantasy world of their own, here’s some more bad news for you: these radical organizations boast many government officials among their ranks! That’s right: people who for all we know are nameless, faceless bureaucrats conducting the nation’s business for their fat paychecks and handsome retirement benefits, are colluding with the Soros-funded minions hell-bent on overturning the freest and most prosperous nation in human history. One such woman worked at DHS Headquarters. Another still works in National Security. Go figure!

They war-gamed for every possible outcome—if only Conservatives did that! If Trump were to win they’d use Plan A. If Biden won but Trump wouldn’t concede, Plan B. If the results were unclear, Plan C, etc. And they took strategy lessons from a real pro: Lisa Fithian, of the National Steering Committee of United for Peace and Justice, an organization which, in true Orwellian fashion, seeks war rather than peace, and the destruction of the rule of law under our Constitution, rather than justice.

Originally, these folks planned to actually physically seize the White House and take over major cities all over the country on election night. I suppose as the Big Steal proceeded apace, they were told they could wait it out. Then came their new plan, “On the 5th we’re going to shut down the White House.” They managed to procure a military-style “target map” that is far more detailed than Google Earth maps, to use for spotting the police stations, key government buildings, bridges, places to blockade and disrupt transportation, etc. Spooky. Creepy. Malevolent.

Watching Communists at work is not for the faint-hearted.

Election Theft Crime #3

Crime #3 took place in the Capitol Building in the aftermath of the false flag “insurrection” in which Antifa thugs masquerading as Trump supporters broke some windows and instigated chaos. By the way, it now seems that the only deaths during the “storming of the Capitol”—which was more like a spontaneous sightseeing tour for folks who got waved in by the Capitol police—were from medical emergencies, not violence, with the exception of the death of Ashli Babbitt, who was purportedly shot and killed by a Capitol policeman. Funny thing about that point-blank shooting death, though. Some have pointed out that there was hardly any blood although Babbitt was shot at close range in the neck, which would normally have resulted in copious bleeding and splatter. Just sayin’.

Let’s now examine what transpired as our heroic Congressional Representatives finally emerged from their safe-space bunker. And notice how the Deep State performs many of its most egregious acts of destruction under cover of darkness, in the middle of the night. That’s what they did with their fraudulent vote-counting, and that’s what they did vis-à-vis the Joint Session of Congress. Some of the Congressional members may not have known the “insurrection” was basically Leftist preplanned theater, and so really felt threatened and frightened. Of course they’d be quick to believe the MSM narrative, which was also propounded by their colluding colleagues.

But ask yourself this: Why didn’t VP Pence send everyone home and announce a plan to reconvene on Friday, or maybe Monday, to conduct this all-important business for the nation? Would any of us have been in a proper state of mind to intelligently and dispassionately decide the fate of our Republic under those chaotic circumstances? They’d had a shock, and were likely tired and hungry and wanting to go home, have dinner and a stiff drink, and go to bed. Perhaps that’s why they stopped the proceedings after hearing from only two of the four states whose legislatures had submitted requests for time to conduct forensic audits. In any case, once again, at 3:40am, after we’d all gone to sleep—the same way they’d counted up the fake votes in the wee small hours of the morning—they sold out America by certifying the results of the Color Revolution against our nation. We must never forget this final travesty was performed by American citizens on American soil—predominantly by those we trusted and employed as our elected representatives.

Part 2: The Biblical Resonance

What makes the stolen 2020 election Biblical is not only that it may well spell the end of the American experiment in liberty, but that the fate of the entire world seems to hang upon it. For while members of the unholy alliance among the Chinese Communists, the Deep State, the Republicans in Name Only (RINOs), the Democrats, the radical Left (but I repeat myself)—may have sought to take down America for their own reasons, the ultimate goal of the Davos Cabal is nothing short of enslaving all the people of the world under their planned and tyrannical One World Government. The good news is that millions of people worldwide have awakened to this danger—another reason the cabal is moving at lightning speed, and taking so many big risks in the process. This battle is spiritual as well as physical, moral as well as political—a battle ultimately for our bodies, minds, and very souls.

The Power of MAGA

And as some of us see fit to describe Pence as Judas, or perhaps Pontius Pilate, this simultaneously implies the analogy of Trump as Savior. Of course we’re well acquainted with Trump’s shortcomings and foibles, and understand that as human  beings, we’re all imperfect, so I’m certainly not comparing Trump to Jesus in any literal sense. Nevertheless, President Trump, as he himself has stated, stood between us and our enemies, and many have looked to him as our champion and protector. For those who haven’t read my article “Trump is My President!”, here’s a small sample of the national and international reverence for this man:

“I’m from Malaysia, and Trump is my President!”
“I’m from Japan, and Trump is my President!”
“I’m from Canada, and Trump is my President!”
“I’m from Wisconsin and Trump is my President!”
“I’m from Singapore, and Trump is my President!”
“I’m from Ireland, and Trump is my President!”


So much love and appreciation for this man worldwide!

The massive following for Trump, the enthusiasm, loyalty and especially the renewed passion for freedom he inspired, is what the globalists/elites/liberals/Leftists/Progressives want desperately to snuff out. Trump awoke the Sleeping Giant: America’s patriots. He brought love of country and pride in the USA back to us. And he brought God back into the conversation, doubtless much to the consternation of Leftists who thought they’d successfully excised Him permanently from public discourse.

And as the Romans and Sanhedrin viewed Jesus as a danger to the status quo, so too does our ruling class view Trump as a danger to their plan for a New World Order. That’s why, on the night of January 6th, sometime after midnight, they chose to crucify our Republic along with our President, since Trump had become not just the leader of our nation and our Commander-in-Chief, but also the symbol of our liberty under God. That they followed this evil deed with another sham impeachment is tantamount to placing the crown of thorns on Trump’s head and mocking him after the fact.

The godless Left vs. the Christian right

What we’ve witnessed playing out is to some extent a battle between the godless Left and the Christian/Conservative Right. Consider Founding Father John Adams’ words: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” And for a more modern day example, how about Solzhenitsyn’s famous quote that summarizes what he learned after the terrible ordeal of his imprisonment under Soviet Communism: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” The Democrats’ hatred of President Trump is a reflection not only of their hatred of America, but also of God Himself.

It is no accident that Trump was so popular with Conservatives, or that Evangelical Christians voted for him in great numbers. How many times did President Trump invoke the name of God? And when he ended a speech with “God bless you, and God bless America!” people knew he meant what he said. You could see it in his actions, and hear it in his voice.

President Trump may have referred to God in his speeches nearly as often as Obama referred to himself when speechifying during his destructive eight years in office. As history demonstrates, if you take God out of the equation, morality often vanishes as well. Man then becomes his own god, and as such, there’s no stopping him should he seek absolute power. This paves the way for the State to become all-powerful, and the eradication of people’s liberty soon follows. Perhaps that’s why Karl Marx said, The goal of the Communists is to enter into men’s minds and cast God down from his throne.” Then the Politburo can place itself on that throne, and woe to the newly dispossessed serfs thereafter.

An alternative Biblical analogy for President Trump’s role may be that of the restrainer who keeps the burgeoning evil at bay. Trump certainly did that by standing up to Communist China, Iran, North Korea, the G20 Davos elites, and the deeply corrupt United Nations, while taking America out of pro-globalist trade deals, the disastrous Iran deal, and the ruinous Paris Climate Accord, among others. President Trump stood between us and those who wish us harm, and we owe him immense gratitude for all he accomplished and all he endured on our behalf. Now it is up to us to wrest our Republic out of the hands of the treasonous conspirators who snatched it from our grasp.

© 2021 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cherie Zaslawsky:

Capitol Police Knew All About the Riot Before it Happened – So Did Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

By Greg Holt

Capitol Police knew about the riot on January 6th before it happened, and did little about it

The Capitol Hill riot of January 6th was blamed squarely on then President Trump – still president as far as I’m concerned.  At least that is the story line you will hear from the mainstream media.  The question has to be asked however, who trusts what the mainstream media reports?


From  Trending Politics

The New York Times has finally confirmed what many political observers had been saying all along about the Capitol riots: It was pre-planned, the Capitol Police knew it was coming, and authorities effectively gave a ‘stand down’ order.

Capitol Police were not only warned by the FBI, but the Department of Homeland Security also warned them.  And yet they still failed to take adequate measures to protect Congress etc.

From  AOL

Michael Bolton, the Capitol Police inspector general who has for months been investigating the security failures that paved the way for the deadly Jan. 6 attack, told members of the House Administration Committee that an unnamed assistant deputy chief made the call to not deploy non-lethal riot weapons like 40mm munition grenade launchers.

NBC News gleefully reported on the Capitol Police’s unpreparedness in responding to a deadly attack launched by supposed Trump supporters to stop the certification of President Joe Biden’s election victory.

Except that I’m pretty sure that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the attack on the Capitol.

Back in January,  Hillary Clinton posited that Trump was not only responsible for the riot, but that he was giving updates to Russia’s Putin, while Nancy Pelosi cheered her on.

“This has to be about getting even, settling the score.  It can’t be that Hillary Clinton is this utterly stupid and deceived can it?

Clinton stated in her podcast You and Me Both, that she would like to see Trump’s phone records.  Picture this for a moment – the president of the United States giving Putin, the leader of Russia a sitrep on a riot in his own capitol.  Right, I’m sure that is exactly what happened.”

This all sounds pretty far-fetched to me.  If it was Trump supporters (it was not) that stormed the Capitol, being that Trump supporters are low-life evil people – then why did a highly positioned Capitol Police official make the call not to use riot weapons?  Why did he knowingly endanger his own men?  How does that even begin to make any sense?  A commanding officer does not ever decide to pull the rug out from under his own men when they are battling the “enemy.”

From the  New York Post

“At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The Post.

The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.

The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in New York City demonstrations, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed, the source said.”

From  Wayne Dupree:

“As you know, we’ve been told time and time again that Parler was the social media site that started the so-called ‘insurrection’ at the Capitol.

The Dems and the media said that the ‘insurrection’ was born on Parler and grew there and turned into the so-called ‘horrific nightmare’ that has scarred and destroyed filthy rich liberal elite politicians for the rest of their lives.

I bet you didn’t know that Parler alerted the FBI 50 times about Jan 6th posts that they felt were concerning.

50 times…before January 6th.”

So the FBI, you know the top police agency in America, the one that had it in for Trump and worked against him?  Yeah that one.  Well they were informed about the 6th before it even happened.  And what did they do?  Not much.  What happened to Parler?  Amazon booted them off their server.  Sounds fair right?

From  American Greatness

“Although the Democrat-controlled Oversight Committee is targeting Parler, an independent study by Forbes revealed that in the over 200 charging documents filed by DOJ in connection with the Capitol riots, 73 included references to post on Facebook, 24 referenced YouTube, and 20 referenced Instagram. In contrast, there were only 8 references to Parler. In addition, the FBI thanked Parler for helping law enforcement before and after January 6, reports the Journal.

‘Far from being the far-right instigator and rogue company that Big Tech has portrayed Parler to be, the facts conclusively demonstrate that Parler has been a responsible and law-abiding company focused on ensuring that only free and lawful speech exists on its platform,’ Messrs. Dry and Wernick wrote.”

So Big Tech puts the screws to Parler making all kinds of false accusations, meanwhile Parler reported to the FBI what was being posted about the planned riot at the Capitol.  Meanwhile there was even more “activity” concerning the Jan. 6th riot posted on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, but NOTHING was done about or to these social media platforms.

Now why do you suppose that is?  I will tell you why.  These social media platforms along with others like Google etc. are part of what my colleague Joe Newby over at  Conservative Firing Line refers to as the  Silicon Valley Axis of Evil.  A very apt term.  These people encapsulate all that is wrong with America today.

The bottom line here is that all of this was done to discredit Trump, and to destroy the MAGA movement or whatever term you want to use to describe the millions of Americans who support Trump.

This sounds on the face of it like a ridiculous claim if you are not familiar with what has all happened since Trump came on the scene.  Trump was not supposed to win in 2016.  Trump was not supposed to remain in office either.  Nor was Trump supposed to make so much progress in straightening out the mess the Democrats made of America.

Trump was and is the greatest threat there is to the Democratic socialists in America and their plans.  He is also a grave threat to the globalist movement that seeks One World Government – which government Trump is of course dead set against.

America is tired of the Democrats.  America is tired of Joe Biden.  It’s time to take out the trash.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Trending Politics
NBC News
Wayne Dupree
American Greatness
Conservative Firing Line

The Jab

By Dr. John Ure

I decided recently from my study that I am a targeted individual, known as a TI. Just what is a TI you are asking? Well, it is someone such as myself who is intelligent, knowledgeable, truth seeking, and willing to either speak the truth about atrocities, or at least not write scripts for medications I felt were harmful. Where has this gotten me? Under attack by the system.

I have been a licensed physician for 40 years and know I have been a positive influence on untold numbers of lives. Some were saved in the ER, and I believe had it not been for my actions and the nurses working with me, patients would have died. I am not in the ER or clinic at this time and do not know if I will have the privilege of going back into that setting. What I do know is that I would not want to be there having to deal with all the rules and regulations that have been put into place by the powers that be who have knee jerk reactions. You know all of the things I am referring to because we all have been impacted by them. The following are titles I could have used for this article and I hope those of you who take the time to read it are able to come away understanding just why you do not want to take the JAB.

Why You Must Refuse the Vaccine

It Is Not What You Think

They Are Lying To You

It Will Kill You

The reason this article is called the JAB is because it is not a vaccine. The definition of a vaccine is a molecule injected into your body to allow your system to manufacture an antibody to a disease process. What is being called a vaccine is in no way, shape or form a vaccine. It is a product designed to achieve a specific outcome. Bottom line is that in the lab they took a few pieces of genetic material they say codes for the spike protein and wrapped it in a lipid envelope and then injected it into the individual. We do not know what the code is calling for exactly but they tell us that it is for the genetic material of the virus that calls for the spike protein of any of the corona viruses.

One can visualize this as if it were a recipe for a food dish with the MRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) taking the code and entering the cell and telling the ribosome (the site of protein synthesis) just what protein to make. All of the RNA and DNA background can be seen in greater detail in my earlier articles. Here is the big deal, we have no idea really what they have coded for. Do you really trust the government or big Pharma to tell you the truth? Those JABS are going to take between 4 and 14 months to prove to be deadly.

Two experts, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, a doctor with the same credentials as mine, and Judy Mikovits an expert in virology have said the same thing. They both agree that around 50 million people will die because of the JAB. AT 30 days into the so-called vaccine program there were 40,000 adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAER). As Dr. Tenpenny stated, we are at a critical juncture of time. We can no longer pussyfoot around trying to be sensitive to the snowflakes or whatever group you can think of. Those with intelligence, knowledge and wisdom need to stand firm and speak out about what the government is doing is DEAD wrong.

There have been 3,100 cases of anaphylactic shock. What is really shocking is that it is estimated that only 10% of adverse reactions or death are being reported. Can you imagine the true number of adverse incidents? Right now, there are paid actors stating why you should take the vaccine. We have nurses and doctors dancing around and shouting “I got the vaccine; I got the vaccine.” They are not going to be dancing when the ill effects begin to unfold. Bell’s Palsy, neuropathies, and cardiac arrhythmias could be expected to develop.

When people get an autoimmune reaction, and die of a blood disorder like the doctor in Florida who developed thrombocytopenia and suffered a hemorrhagic stroke following a JAB, we have to take notice. It is sad that his widow said that she believed he did the right thing taking the JAB, she is obviously in denial.

Check out the large numbers of post JAB deaths that are outlined on the site of Dana Ashlie. It is unbelievable, and yet they are clamoring for the JAB everywhere. You will not see pictures or read articles of the unfortunate victims of this evil agenda because mainstream media is owned by the individuals behind this Machiavellian attack.

It was reported to me by my office manager that a lady she knows had a 28-year-old daughter. She took the first jab and was ok. When she took the follow up second jab, she died two days later. Reinette Senum reported that a male friend of hers was in the ER of a local hospital. He noticed a female nurse being pushed in a wheel chair and thought they were test driving a new wheel chair. He realized something was wrong when they put her on a bed beside his. The curtain was pulled around her but when the doctor came in, he had no trouble overhearing the conversation. The doctor asked her what was wrong and she said that her throat was swelling and she could not swallow.

He then said, “I took the vaccine and my arm was paralyzed for 36 hours.” What is wrong with these people? There is no need for me to list the numbers of people, their ages and situations that have died as a direct result of the JAB.

These deaths are found in lists all over the internet. Just yesterday a neighbor was visiting with me and she proudly stated that she had taken her vaccination. I asked her what type, and again she proudly stated it was Astra Zeneca the best. She has no idea that she has sealed her fate and I estimate that she will be dead in less than two years.

At this point I am shifting gears just a bit because there are so many strands in this evil web and they are all interconnected. I have already written about 5G and just how horrible it is and how it is being used as a weapon. Get out of the cities and learn how to make a Faraday cage around your rooms to prevent the microwave 5G, 60 Ghz radiation.

I know this was sounding the alarm for the JAB but I wanted to reinforce just what is going on with the 5G further. When I was a science teacher I taught about electrons and the spin of the electrons and the various orbits. I already had suspected that the absorption of oxygen was being interfered with but had not come across the following.

5G is adversely affecting the spin of the electrons interfering with the way that they are supposed to bind to hemoglobin. In short, I firmly believe there may not be a virus at all and it is all the effect of the radiation. If you have not read my previous article regarding 5G, please do so. This is the reason people were dying. Simple oxygen starvation because the molecules of oxygen in the air had been modified. Also, I have found the way the radiation adversely effects the animals and the insects.

Studies have shown that ants will align their antennae to the radiation and when a cell phone was turned on then they went around in a circle around the phone. I challenge you to go out in your yard and try to find a honey bee. They are really rare and many other insects are not to be found. This in turn is affecting all of our plants and animals with trees dying everywhere.

On top of that, all of the chem spraying in the sky t has placed on us toxic heavy metals such as aluminum which cause many disease processes, and also acts as an accelerant to fires. Once again see my previous article on the fake forest fires, which were the result of directed energy weapons.

I know it sounds as though I’m crazy but I believe our sun is being covered by some technology that I am not aware of. I had noticed that the color from the sun is not right. It is a much whiter light than in the past. The colors of the grass and trees is more like it was being illuminated by a LED type of light. It was always a bright yellow and you could look at it for a few seconds before feeling discomfort. Now if you look at the sun it is so bright that it is painful to continue looking at it.

I do not know what the agenda here is but it probably upsets a balance of sorts. We are being attacked on so many sides with additives in our food, fluoride in the toothpaste and water, food without the nutrients it once had and all of the radiation, as mentioned above with the adverse effects on life in general.

As people die from the 5G, a fake virus is brought out with a test that gives false positives. Then we have the masks with some type of worm or parasite or manufactured particles in them. Throw in the swabs that I had suspected were actually inoculations which seems to be the case. Now we have the vaccines that are designed to kill.

People are scared to death. The end game is population reduction any way it can be achieved. I do not have an answer. I wish I did, but I can tell you some things that may help. Try to stay as far away from the wireless technology as you can. Put covers over the smart meters. Put a blocker over the wifi transmitter. The signal is much stronger than it needs to be. I think the most important thing to do is get out of the cities, and stop going into the metropolitan areas. Grow your own heirloom food. Shop at stores who sell organic foods; even though the grass-fed beef may be more expensive it is better for you. In fact, I am convinced a vegetarian diet is the best.

In conclusion, I saw a comment on a video that I am adopting. “It is time to stop trying to wake up the Sheeple, but wake up the LIONS and let’s start to fight.”

Comments by email are appreciated. The following is from Sherri Tenpenny’s work and is very important information.

POSTED BY: VAXXTERADMIN2 12/27/2020 by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, VAERS report of injuries as of Feb. 4, 2021: 563 deaths – 12,697 injuries

VAERS report of injuries, as of Feb. 18, 2021: 1095 deaths – 19,907 injuries

In December 2020, the first vaccines for coronavirus disease were granted an EUA – Emergency Use Authorization – by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Vaccine administration began immediately.

Were you first in line? I hope you were not, and I hope no one you care about ran to get this injection either. This is not “just another vaccine” and this is not “just like getting a flu shot.” The ingredients are experimental and the mRNA is coded to produce a protein that CAN modify your genes.

What We Know About the COVID Vaccines According to the Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker, as of Dec. 26, 2020, 83 vaccines are in Phase 1, 2 or 3 human and animal clinical trials, with 18 approaching the final stages of testing. Never before have so many companies tested so many different vaccines at the same time, against a virus that has not been isolated. Of those in the trials, five vaccines are now early use, with three vaccines approved for clinical use… Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca.

Here’s what we have been told so far: Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) Pfizer’s vaccine – given the tentative name Comirnaty – has been approved for persons 16 years of age and older. The mRNA vaccine consists of two doses (30mcg solution in 0.3cc) given intramuscularly 21 days apart. The vaccine must be stored at -94F (-70C). mRNA is an unstable molecule, which is why it needs to be wrapped in lipid nanoparticles for storage and transportation. But the lipid nanoparticle is exquisitely sensitive to temperature; hence the reason that the vaccine must be stored and transported at extraordinarily low temperatures.

The ingredients found in Pfizer’s vaccine include the following: ▪ nucleoside-modified mRNA encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 ▪ Lipid: (4-hydroxybutyl) azanediyl) bis(hexane-6,1- diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate) ▪ Lipid: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. [DSPC] ▪ Lipid: 2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N, N-ditetradecylacetamide ▪ Lipid: cholesterol ▪ potassium chloride ▪ potassium dihydrogen phosphate ▪ sodium chloride ▪ disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate ▪ sucrose.

Note that none of the ingredients are listed with milligrams dosage. Look at the first three excipients. Not one of these has ever been used in a previously approved vaccine. Have they been tested for synergistic toxicity? Has there been stability testing for the breakdown of each ingredient when warmed to room temperature? And what about all those allergic reactions being reported? Have ANY of these chemicals been tested for allergic responses, in humans or even in animals?

Pfizer gives explicit instructions on how to mix and administer this injection. While Pfizer and the FDA have no idea if this vaccine will prevent infection or even if the antibodies will persist long term, Pfizer expects to manufacture over 1.3 billion doses worldwide by the end of 2021.

Moderna (mRNA-1273) Like Pfizer’s vaccine, also uses mRNA as its vehicle for inducing antibody responses to the spike protein. Approved for those 18 years of age and older, the vaccine is given in two doses, (100 mcg in 0.5 cc intramuscular injection) with the second dose given one month (28 days) later, or as close to the recommended interval as possible.

This vaccine can be stored for up to six months at -4F (-20C) temperatures. The ingredients in the Moderna vaccine have now been listed on the Moderna Fact Sheet for providers: Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is a white to off-white suspension for intramuscular injection to be injected 28 days apart. Each 0.5 mL dose of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine contains: ▪ Messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding the pre-fusion stabilized Spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2 virus, 100 mcg ▪ IMPORTANT: The Moderna patent states that another mRNA may be present that encodes for the protein, flagellin, an unapproved vaccine adjuvant used to stimulate the proinflammatory Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) ▪ Lipid: (4-hydroxybutyl) azanediyl) bis (hexane-6,1- diyl) bis (2-hexyldecanoate) ▪ Lipid: 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. [DSPC] ▪ Lipid: 2-[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide ▪ Lipid: cholesterol ▪ tromethamine, 31 mg – this is a prescription medication used to treat metabolic acidosis ▪ tromethamine hydrochloride, 18 mg acetic acid, 0.42 mg ▪ sodium acetate, 0.12 mg ▪ sucrose, 43.5 mg

Are you willing to be injected with something unknown and never tested before in humans? Buried deep inside the Moderna patent is a section that has been ignored by the media and is not mentioned on the Moderna provider fact sheet.

The mRNA in the Moderna vaccine has been coded to transcribe a protein, flagellin, that is used to enhance the cytokine response of the macrophages. Either of the currently authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can be used when indicated; ACIP does not state a product preference. However, these two vaccines are not interchangeable and both doses of the series should be completed with the same product. However, if two doses of different mRNA COVID-19 vaccine products are inadvertently administered, no worries! Additional doses of either product are not recommended.

Remember that both vaccines are completely protected from all liability by the 2005 PREP Act. So, if the nurse gives you the wrong shot, and you have a serious reaction, even death, there will be no repercussions for the nurse and no compensation for you.

One more candidate: AstraZeneca (AZD1222) (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) AstraZeneca’s AZD1222 coronavirus vaccine candidate, formerly known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus, hence its original name. While it can cause infection in chimpanzees, the virus was genetically changed so it cannot reproduce/ replicate in humans. The manufacturer released only a cursory list of ingredients, without including the microgram or milligram amount of each chemical. One 0.5cc injecting includes: ▪ COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S* recombinant) 5 Ч 10^10 viral particles (vp) ▪ *This product contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ▪ Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding the SARS CoV 2 Spike (S) glycoprotein ▪ Genetically modified human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell ▪ List of excipients – unknown amounts: ▪ L-Histidine ▪ L-Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate ▪ Magnesium chloride hexahydrate ▪ Polysorbate 80 ▪ Ethanol ▪ Sucrose ▪ Sodium chloride ▪ Disodium edetate dihydrate ▪ Water for injections.

This vaccine candidate is of interest because the clinical studies, done in collaboration with the University of Oxford, were widely publicized as the first and most promising vaccine. However, in May 2020, it was reported that all the vaccinated monkeys treated with the Oxford vaccine became infected when challenged. Then, why did the company press forward with the renamed, AZD1222 vaccine candidate? Because even though the vaccine did not protect the animals from infection, it did moderate the disease. Watch for this type of logic as the 80+ COVID vaccines try to make their way into the multi-trillion-dollar vaccine market. But not to let all that research and money go to waste, researchers now believe the shot will be effective against a new viral variant emerging in Britain.

Please pray fervently that we may be delivered from the evil that is falling upon us!

© 2021 Dr. John Ure – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. John Ure:


Super Rich Started Last Civil War and They are Doing it Again

Andrew C Wallace

The wealthy, self appointed rulers and their corrupt followers started the last civil war when 500,000 people died, and half of the country was destroyed. Now they are starting another civil war for the same reasons, power and money. This time the death toll will be many times higher due to starvation in the inner city plantations. No quarter will be asked, or given, as both sides are strongly committed. Patriots will not abandon their Constitution for Communism and the useful idiots supporting Communism don’t have a factual clue about anything. Useful idiots living in the inner city plantations are not stupid, but thanks to Democrat fake schools, and fake media they are as ignorant of the truth as a box of rocks.

Contrary to common knowledge, the primary cause of the last civil war was not to free the slaves. It was fought to enrich the wealthy in the Northeast and to unconstitutionally   centralize all power in the federal government over the states. Lincoln only freed the slaves in the Confederacy, not in Union territory for political and military considerations later in the war. He paid Black soldiers’ half of what he paid white soldiers. Starting with slavery the Democrats have done nothing positive for the Blacks.

The wealthy got a tariff law passed that prevented the South from buying and selling to Europe which forced the South to do business on very adverse terms with the wealthy in the North. Everything was done then, as it is now, to enrich the wealthy families, corrupt elected officials, judges, and bureaucrats.

Since the founding of our country, the wealthy have been parasites stealing everything they could from the government and the people. This was possible then. as it is now, because most elected officials, judges and bureaucrats are bribed and corrupt. Equal justice does not exist. There is no law for the wealthy and their minions, while the FBI frames average Americans. Every dollar given to other countries is subject to kickbacks. There is no better example of this corruption than VP Biden. I will never refer to Biden as president, he is a corrupt serial liar and traitor guilty of insurrection. The wealthy get even richer every time they send our military into no win wars that have little or nothing to do with our security. We pay the price with our dead and maimed military, while the wealthy laugh all the way to the bank with their blood money.

Our cities are overflowing with homeless, while borders are unlawfully wide open. Our faux government is paying for housing, medical care, education and other benefits for illegals . But, our own people, including veterans are suffering and ignored. These illegal’s are taking jobs and benefits away from poor citizens and reducing their wages. The Wealthy benefit from cheap labor that is subsidized by the faux government. People must also realize that illegals will destroy Medicare and Social Security. It is past time for people to realize that the wealthy hate them, and hate America. America was settled by people who left Europe for a better life, now life in our cities is like the Europe they escaped from.

Every single law, executive order or action taken by this Communist dictatorship will enrich the wealthy, destroy America and impoverish the people

We must face these facts:

Power by insurrection has no authority to govern. Patriots will be guided by this fact.

Bloody civil war or fair Constitutional elections are the only options.

There is nothing too unlawful or reprehensible that the wealthy won’t do and haven’t already done to unconstitutionally concentrate all power in the federal government, which they control with money. They have been doing this since the Constitution was signed.

The wealthy have 100% of the power and own 85% of all the assets in this country, including your mortgage. They just demonstrated this ruthless power by taking over the government 100% by insurrection. They have taken our capital away from the people and control it with the barrels of thousands of guns, fencing and barbed wire. These unlawful dictators are Chinese style Communists who rule with the barrel of a gun, fear and brutality. This was demonstrated when they burned and destroyed the Democrat cities. To hell with your Constitutional Rights, They will burn you out and kill you, while Democrat elected officials allowed or promoted it for political reasons. Make no mistake, the only reason patriots are not dead or in prison is our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms to protect us from criminals and a corrupt government. Naïve pansies without at least an AR15, plenty of ammunition, and long term rations are a liability to us all, and can expect to be dead. Patriots will make no allowances for fence sitters or supporters of the wealthy, their minions and the Communist Democrats.

It is imperative you understand that the wealthy and their bribed followers among elected officials, bureaucrats, judges, et. al., have been unlawfully subverting our Constitution for at least 200 years. They have been following the Communist plan of centralizing all power, destroying the traditional family, destroying religion and denying us of our Constitutional rights. The wealthy are ignoring the legitimate Constitutional power of the people and the states. They have unlawfully usurped power and set up a Chinese Communist style dictatorship. We no longer have a Constitutional Republic.

In order for you to better understand the total treason perpetrated on the American people I have quoted below, exactly, the words of Publius Huldah. She is a well known and highly respected Constitutional Scholar.

“Fed gov’t of 3 branches: legislative, Executive & Judicial:

  1. Has lawful power only over these objects

(for the Country at large):

  • International trade & diplomacy
  • War—national defense
  • Make Treaties, but only on objects authorized by


  • Laws on naturalization & immigration
  • Certain civil rights ( in the Amendments)
  • Make & enforce only a few criminal laws
  • Federal courts for specific purposes only
  • Miscellaneous “housekeeping”: census, etc.
  • May borrow money & levy taxes, but only for purposes authorized by Constitution!
  1. God given rights secured by federal gov’t:
  • Life: military, pirates, traitors, secure borders
  • Property Rights: honest money, weights & measures, patents & copyrights, bankruptcy law
  • Limited & enumerated powers secure right to be left alone!
  • Fair trials in federal courts: Dt 1:16-17, Dt 19:15-20 & Mt 18: 16; Ex 18:13-26; don’t bear false witness, 5th-8th Amendments

The Fed gov’t & state gov’ts have different spheres of operation. The fed gov’t is supreme only in those few & enumerated powers delegated exclusively to it. The States or the People retain supremacy in all other matters. When the Fed Gov’t usurps powers retained by the States or the People, it becomes unlawful & illegitimate: Nullification  is the “rightful remedy”.

The wealthy and their cabal of traitors have been unlawfully expanding power of the federal government for about 200 years. This is obvious to anyone reading the previous outline  by Publius Huldah  and comparing them with only the 15 Executive Departments of the federal government. I believe that 10 of the 15 are unconstitutional or redundant. Some obvious examples are Education, Labor, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Agriculture. There is nothing in the Constitution, not a single word, giving the federal government any authority to usurp these functions from the states, or the people. Think of the money we could save if the federal government did only what it was supposed to do.

This brings us to the really dark side of government known as the Administrative State. What follows is a rough, free translation of what goes on in the belly of the beast. When a law is passed for the benefit of the wealthy paymasters it is then put into a form suitable for application by the bureaucrats. These bureaucrats are unelected, remain forever and answer to no one but the wealthy. Bureaucrats determine details of how law will be applied, the rules you must follow, your guilt or innocence, and penalties. There is absolutely nothing Constitutional or Democratic in the Administrative State. Under these circumstances only God could have accomplished more than President Trump.

We have judges who think they make the law, they don’t,  and that the Constitution changes with time, it doesn’t. During the recent insurrection by the wealthy and their cabal, the Supreme Court even refused to hear cases that were obvious violations of the Constitution. There can be little doubt that a majority of the court is as compromised as the FBI and DOJ.

As an 87 year old Economist with a modicum of experience and education I want to warn you about our Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank. They admitted to causing the great depression of the thirties by flooding the country with money and then constricting it. They are flooding the county with money again. I think this will lead to inflation and a terrible depression to coincide with a civil war in a year or so.

All veterans took the following oath and will keep it for life, I didn’t include the part that refers only to those on active duty.

I, Andrew Wallace, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same………

I am in no physical condition to honor my oath by taking up arms to defend my country, but as a man I will defend my home and family against the Communist thugs who burned and destroyed our cities. This is my right and obligation under State and Federal Constitutions.

The purpose of this paper is to better inform both sides in the hope that they can reach a peaceful resolution.

© 2021 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution = Planned Dystopia

by Kathleen Marquardt

Klaus Schwab has been someone in the background of global machinations for many decades. He is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) which he formed in 1971 (fifty years ago) as an International NGO (one of the way too many “civil society” partners of the United Nations). The majority of these NGOs are there to promote and embed Agenda 21/2030/The Green New Deal into every country, no matter how small, in the world. Schwab’s WEF was set up to push Public-Private Cooperation, in other words, fascism, across the globe.

Kimberly Amadeo, President of World Money Watch defines fascism as: “a brutal economic system in which a supreme leader and their government controls the private entities that own the factors of production. The four factors are entrepreneurship, capital goods, natural resources, and labor. A central planning authority directs company leaders to work in the national interest, which actively suppresses those who oppose it”.[i]

To simplify and clarify what Public-Private Partnerships PPPs) are:

In a speech at the Freedom 21 National Conference in Dallas in 2007, Tom DeWeese, president of American Policy Center, noted:

During the first years of the Clinton Administration in the early 1990s, there was much fanfare about a new policy to “reinvent government.” It was sold as a way to make government more efficient and less costly. It would, said its proponents, “bring business technologies to public service.”

Pro-business, anti-big-government conservatives and libertarians were intrigued. The backbone of the plan was a call for “public/private partnerships.” Now that sounded like their kind of program.

Government, they said, would finally tap the tremendous power of the entrepreneurial process and the force of the free market into making government more effective and efficient. It sounded so revolutionary and so American.

Being open-minded and wanting to help us get back to what the framers of the Constitution had built for us, we wanted this to be true. But as Tom pointed out:

Today that “reinvention” has revealed itself to be the policy known as Sustainable Development, which is nothing more than a plan for a top-down managed society. Sustainable Development policy includes population control; development control; technology control; resource control; and in a great sense, thought control.

Sustainable Development is not freedom. Not one of the three principles apply. There is no individuality as it advocates group policies; there is no private property under Sustainable Development – period. And there is no free enterprise as markets and supplies are tightly controlled by the hand of government.

Yet, incredibly, much of the Sustainable policy has been embraced by the “free-trade” movement, which advocates open borders, free trade zones, and one-size fits all regulations, currencies, and the use of public/private partnerships. And many of the biggest proponents of the policy are conservative and libertarian think tanks.

Tom nails it:  Public/Private Partnerships = Government – Sanctioned Monopolies

It is little understood by the general public how public/private partnerships can be used, not as a way to diminish the size of government, but in fact, to increase government’s power.

That’s because no one ever comes forward and tells the general public the entire plan for something as vast as the Security and Prosperity Partnership. No one ever calls for a debate or a vote to implement the plan with public approval.

Instead, it’s done incrementally, a piece at a time, in an easy to disguise program here – a suggestion there. There are few debates or discussions. Even elected officials rarely know the true agenda they are helping to put in place.

Slowly, the whole comes together. By the time people realize the truth, it’s already in place. Policy is set.[ii]

For fifty years the WEF has been using these PPPs to cancel any liberty, individual freedom, and take property rights from individuals. Agenda 21! The Public Private Partnerships are a big tool in relieving us of our property, liberty, and control of our nation. PPPs and Regionalism, with its unelected governing bodies, work hand in hand to destroy our Constitution and the rule of law.

As society breaks down, the globalists welcome the anarchy, chaos, and general social unrest. Next, they need a defining event.

What drew Schwab to set up the WEF?

“The most influential group that spurred the creation of Klaus Schwab’s symposium was the Club of Rome, an influential think tank of the scientific and monied elite that mirrors the World Economic Forum in many ways, including in its promotion of a global governance model led by a technocratic elite. The Club had been founded in 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish chemist Alexander King during a private meeting at a residence owned by the Rockefeller family in Bellagio, Italy.”[iii]

The Club of Rome spelled out what they view as the true enemy:

In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.[iv]

Realizing that back in the ‘70s, when the above was written, the masses weren’t yet dumbed-down enough to accept that they needed to join VHEMT, the voluntary human extinction movement. The globalist Marxist Left decided a New Ice Age would fit the bill of a major crisis that only they could fix. Oops, it didn’t happen. So, let’s flip it to Global Warming (to go along with the hole in the ozone. Of course, the Earth wasn’t warming. Tweak that, voila, Climate Change. Ignore the fact that the climate changes four times a year, and sometimes daily.

No matter the science. We are facing an apocalyptic threat.

Maurice Strong, former Undersecretary General of the UN, Sec. Gen. of UN Conference on the Environment, executive director of the UN Environment Programme, was called a visionary and a “pioneer of global sustainable development. He was the secretary-general of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit which unveiled Agenda 21, the culmination of decades of scheming, planning, and cajoling to bring about a global government via the UN. He was also a close friend of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and many of the rogues’ gallery of One-World government advocates.

In interviews that Strong did with two reporters in Canada wanting to write about their golden boy, both times he talked about his vision of the future. The early vision focused on the WEF:

Each year, the Word Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEOs prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics, gather in February. to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead.

 “What if a small group of these world leaders were to form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse? It’s February. They are all at Davos. These aren’t terrorists. They’re world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world’s commodity and stock markets. They’ve engineered a panic using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies. They’ve jammed the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can’t close. The rich countries . . . I probably shouldn’t be saying things like this.”[v]

Does this sound familiar? Sure sounds plausible to me. In his second theoretical vision, Strong dreams, “what if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive those rich countries would have to sign an agreement, reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group’s conclusion is “no”. The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, a group decides ‘isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? This group of world leaders form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse’.”[vi]

It’s in the works now; it has been for decades. But a statement that most overlook, but it shows that the people on the Left, the globalists, the Fabians, the cultural Marxists, the Communists are all looking for the right bait, the right evil foe to attack.

Strong and Klaus Schwab were good friends; they were also close with David Rockefeller. They were (are, in Schwab’s case) members of that not so secret, secret society, the Bilderburg Group. The Bilderburg Group is approximately 130 political leaders from Europe and North America who meet once a year for informal discussions about major issues. “The Meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed. Thanks to the private nature of the Meeting, the participants take part as individuals rather than in any official capacity, and hence are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.”[vii]

According to Schwab, the fourth Industrial Revolution provides the potential “to robotize humanity, and thus compromise our traditional sources of meaning—work, community, family, identity.[viii]” He also predicts that it will “lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness.[ix]” And it will “upend the existing ways of sensing, calculating, organizing, acting and delivering”. That was a statement from 2015, so don’t think he hasn’t been pushing this for a long time. Now his edicts are getting more definitive, “Even our thinking and behavior will have to dramatically shift. We must have a new social contract centered on Social Justice. We need a change of mindset, moving from short-term to long-term thinking, moving from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder responsibility (ed. note: PPPs). Environmental, social and good governance have to be a measured part of corporate and governmental accountability.”[x][xi]

While Schwab is predicting that his Industrial Revolution will “lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness”, Dr. Anthon Mueller, a German professor of economics, wrote, “The WEF’s great reset project is social engineering at the highest level. Advocates of the reset contend that the UN failed to establish order in the world and could not advance forcefully its agenda of sustainable development—known as Agenda 2030 —because of its bureaucratic, slow, and contradictory way of working. In contrast, the actions of the organizational committee of the World Economic Forum are swift and smart. When a consensus has been formed, it can be implemented by the global elite all over the world.”

Johnny Vedmore at Unlimited Hangout writes, “At the Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting in January 2021, Schwab stressed that the building of trust would be integral to the success of the Great Reset, signalling a subsequent expansion of the initiative’s already massive public relations campaign. Though Schwab called for the building of trust through unspecified “progress,” trust is normally facilitated through transparency. Perhaps that is why so many have declined to trust Mr. Schwab and his motives, as so little is known about the man’s history and background prior to his founding of the World Economic Forum in the early 1970s.”

The Global Technology Governance Summit (GTGS) of the World Economic Forum, meeting in Tokyo (and virtual) the first week of April 2021 has a number of documents to be discussed. One, Harnessing new technologies, states:

“Industry transformation: No industry has been untouched by the global response to COVID-19. The world can no longer operate as it has, and as such markets will have to respond to its new and evolving needs. To survive, every business in the world will have to become a technology company. – Government transformation: The transformation of government will be front and centre in the area of digital infrastructure as technology services become an essential public utility comparable to electricity, water or roads. In simple terms, Pubic Private Partnerships. The government controls, the businesses follow government orders.

In one of the best articles I’ve read on the Great Reset, Thomas DiLorenzo’s “The Great Nonsense of “The Great Reset”, is this:

[S]ocialism . . . is . . . the society that must emerge if humanity is to cope with . . . the ecological burden that economic growth is placing on the environment . . . . [C]apitalism must be monitored, regulated, and contained to such a degree that it would be difficult to call the final social order capitalism.”    Robert Heilbroner, “After Capitalism,” The New Yorker, Sept. 10, 1990

The above quotation by socialist economist, the late Robert Heilbroner, was written in the context of an article that lamented and mourned the worldwide collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s. The great debate between capitalism and socialism was over, he said, and Ludwig von Mises was right about socialism all along, said a man who had spent the past half century promoting socialism in his teaching, speaking, and writing. But do not despair, he told his fellow socialists, for there is one more trick up our sleeves, namely, the Trojan Horse of achieving socialism under the guise of ‘environmentalism.’

“The basic strategy was then, as it is now, to constantly frighten the gullible public with predictions of The End of the World from environmental catastrophe unless we abandon capitalism and adopt socialist central planning. This has always been the one constant theme of the environmentalist movement (not to be confused with the conservation movement which is actually interested in the health of the planet and the humans who occupy it) since the 1960s.  It ignores the fact that the twentieth-century socialist countries like the Soviet Union and China had by far the worse environmental problems on the planet, orders of magnitude worse than in the capitalist countries.”

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order. David Rockefeller at a 1994 UN Dinner

Can a combination of two fraud emergencies, COVID and Climate Change, be the crises that will usher in the globalist dream of a New World Order? If so, and if the inhabitants of what remains of the free world do not get off their duffs and wake up to this threat, Klaus Schwab et al will have achieved the “global transformation” they have spent 100+ years to achieve.

I for one want to see them fail. We, the useless eaters, the nobodies, can stop them. All we have to do is turn over the rock they are under and let the sun shine in. Most people, if they see the truth, will start thinking.

The World Economic Forum summarizes the eight predictions in the following statements:

  1. People will own nothing. Goods are either free of charge or must be lent from the state.
  2. The United States will no longer be the leading superpower, but a handful of countries will dominate.
  3. Organs will not be transplanted but printed.
  4. Meat consumption will be minimized.
  5. Massive displacement of people will take place with billions of refugees.
  6. To limit the emission of carbon dioxide, a global price will be set at an exorbitant level.
  7. People can prepare to go to Mars and start a journey to find alien life.
  8. Western values will be tested to the breaking point.

I cannot believe even half of the American people want to live like that.

We must take back our country a city and a county at a time. All the while, we must get our lesser magistrates to ignore unconstitutional federal laws, throw the bums out of office, and we must educate our children with truth, reason, and sound science.

© 2021 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:


[i]  Amadeo, K.

[ii] _private_partnerships

[iii] Schwab

[iv]  Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, p. 85

[v]  Wood, Daniel, West magazine May 1990.

[vi]  Johnston, Jim, British Columbia Report 3, no.22 (May 18,1992).

[vii] Bilderburg

[viii]           ow-to-respond/

[ix]  Ibid.



The China Virus Was an Inside Job

By Cliff Kincaid

We have lost 564K people to the China virus, while Europe has lost more than 1 million. But Avril Haines, China Joe’s Director of National Intelligence, refuses to say that China is an enemy. It is a “threat,” she conceded, but U.S. intelligence agencies are on top of the problem.

These are real people and real deaths. This is communism in action. And the slaughter continues.

The result:  3 million deaths have been linked to COVID-19 worldwide.

In general terms, she pontificates, the U.S. is faced with “adversaries and competitors, critical transnational threats, and conflicts and instability.”

This pablum costs $85 billion a year ($61.9 billion for the National Intelligence Program, as well as $23.1 billion for the Military Intelligence Program.)

Give us our money back. I want a refund.

President Trump was tough on China and has been proven right. Thanks to Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, a fact recognized by such people as Franklin Graham and Dr. James Dobson, we have the chance of surviving the deadly China virus through revolutionary vaccines.

The Europeans are way behind us, largely because of a vast bureaucracy that didn’t act fast enough and is now overly dependent on China.

Ignoring this mass murder, Haines said that “Domestic Violent Extremism,” or DVE, is “an increasingly complex threat that is growing in the United States.” In her Senate testimony, she referred to “white racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, including Neo-Nazi groups,” being “the fastest growing terrorist threat they face.”

There was no mention of any communist groups active in the United States, many of which support Red China.

Regarding the China virus, as reported by CNN and other media, she said U.S. intelligence agencies do not know “exactly where, when or how Covid-19 virus was transmitted initially” in China. She said there are two theories — that “it emerged naturally from human contact with infected animals or it was a laboratory accident.”

But how can they rule out that it was man-made and deliberately released? The answer is they can’t.  They are playing the communist dialectical game – giving us two choices that lead us in a direction that advances the communist plan. The government doesn’t want us to know that they know and that they will not tell us.

Haines alluded to “vaccine diplomacy” on the part of China, the source of the virus. Like “good” communists, dedicated to world domination, they release the virus and then offer their own vaccine as a solution, as they seek “to build influence and in some cases demand accessions from other governments” to control the spread, she said in a matter-of-fact manner.

In the meantime, why not hold China guilty for this diabolical assault and for crimes against humanity?

The answer is that U.S. intelligence knows the virus was man-made but that explanation can’t be offered publicly because it links U.S. Government agencies to the production of the weapon. This is the dirty secret.

People see headlines like, “Pentagon Develops Microchip That Detects COVID When Inserted Under Skin,” and think ordinary civilians are on the verge of getting implants from government, when the evidence suggests that the military recognizes we are in for a period of sustained biological warfare from China. News organs like “60 Minutes” won’t make the necessary conclusion that we are at war with China and that our troops are in desperate need of additional protection, beyond the life-saving vaccines.

Similarly, when vaccine maker Pfizer says a booster shot may be necessary,  the company is acknowledging something that former Trump adviser Peter Navarro understands and writes about in the Washington Times: “The high degree of asymmetric spread —  along with the rapid and deadly mutations of the virus we are now observing —  suggest the possibility of a weaponized virus.”

But here’s his other punch line: “As to whether SARS-CoV-2 was genetically engineered, it is here where Dr. Fauci enters this dangerous picture: In 2017, without sufficient warning to the Trump White House, Dr, Fauci and his NIH colleague Dr. Francis Collins re-authorized the use of so-called gain-of-function research inside China’s Wuhan Lab. Gain-of-function is a genetic engineering tool that improves the ability of a virus to cause disease. In pushing for gain-of-function, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins unilaterally overturned a 2014 decision by the Obama White House to restrict such experiments because of their inherent dangers.”

Navarro is right. Last April I wrote the column, “Obama/Biden Financed China’s Virus Experiments,” looking at the evidence. I noted, “It turns out that one of the country’s most prominent medical and scientific organizations, the federally-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been funding investigations in China’s most controversial and insecure lab of dangerous viruses in China.”

Then I added this column, “NIH Director in the Middle of China Virus Scandal,” about Collins, an Obama holdover who has a long history of collaborating with the communist Chinese regime.

Keep in mind that these dangerous experiments continued until 2014, when the “cooperation” was suspended, and then restarted in 2017 “without sufficient warning to the Trump White House,” Navarro says.

Our intelligence agencies know this. It didn’t take me $85 billion to dig this out.

Here’s some more background you can discover through a simple Google search (if you know what you are looking for) – it’s the history of the US-China Collaborative Biomedical Research Program. American taxpayers have been paying Chinese Communist scientists to conduct controversial experiments that give the communists expertise they can use in weapons.

The Chinese “researchers” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were receiving assistance from the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch, University of Alabama, University of North Texas, EcoHealth Alliance, Harvard University, and the National Institutes of Health.

All of this was out in the open. You don’t need to be James Bond to discover this.

The Senate hearing on Wednesday on the “Annual Threat Assessment,” as determined by our intelligence agencies, ignores the real threat – those same intelligence agencies that knew what was going on and didn’t protest.

But Haines will not report that fact because the truth implicates Obama/Biden personnel in the production and release of the virus. They know the government has been infiltrated by China sympathizers, and our Intelligence Community has been infiltrated as well.

Politicians on Capitol Hill have their heads in the sand, pretending this evidence does not exist. They know the U.S. Government was involved in these dangerous experiments. They are afraid to follow the trail where it leads because it suggests the release of the China virus was an inside job with Chinese and American fingerprints all over the dangerous and deadly sequence of events.

Until we come up with something or someone that will investigate and name our enemies, and then protect the American people, refund that $85 billion directly to the American people.

Frankly, what we desperately need is a Joe McCarthy-type figure in the Senate (or House) who will investigate these agencies and name the names, as Peter Navarro has begun to do.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

It Is Not About Left Or Right But Rather Up Or Down

By Ron Edwards

There is a right or wrong way to do every single thing in life.  Children are to be raised properly in the way they should go, so that they do not permanently drift off from the good moral path through life.  The United States was founded upon the hallowed principles listed in the Holy Bible.  She was also built upon the principles of liberty and personal responsibility.  The Founders and Americans for many generations understood, that for United States sovereign citizens to remain free, they had to also retain a high moral character.  It was also noted, that parents were responsible to pass down good moral teachings to their children.  Doing so ensured that our republic remained free, competitive, strong, and an overall great place to live. There was a time when most parents, teachers and ministers stressed the good relationship between a sound education based upon biblical absolutes and the future of the United States.

Great men like Founding Father John Adams pointed out in 1776 that “Statesmen may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.”  Despite the constant hate filled drum beat of lies and half truths robotic millennials constantly spew forth about how horrible the founding fathers and Ronald Reagan were, history refutes them at every turn.  Educational icon, Daniel Webster, along with Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush, Samuel Adams George Washington, and later Frederick Douglas, George Washington Carver, and Booker T. Washington echoed these same sentiments.  They believed that the strength of the republic was dependent upon the morality of her people.  They also understood that the principles of Christianity must undergird it.  They all saw the proper education of young minds being at the heart of it.

In Colonial America, in addition to the Bible and the Bay Psalm Book, the first textbook for schoolchildren, The New England primer, taught the ABC’s by children memorizing basic biblical truths and lessons about life: A—-In Adam’s fall, we sinned all.  B—-Heaven to find, the Bible Mind.  C—Christ crucified for sinners died, and so on.  Included in the Primer were the names of the Old and New Testament books and the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostle’s creed, the Ten Commandments, the Westminster Assembly Shorter Catechism, and John Cotton’s “Spiritual Milk for American Babes.”  The Primer was the second best selling book in the American colonies (the Bible was the number one selling book).  In 1836, Noah Webster, often called “The Father of American Education,” expressed the purpose of schools was meant for the advertisement of the Christian faith:  which all children, under a freedom oriented government ought to be instructed.  No truth is more evident in my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”

Unfortunately, it is evident that education in the United States of America long ago took a major turn for the undisputable worse.  As a result, the quality of parenting and preaching have declined in both overall quality and leadership.  The evidence is on display in the streets of many United States cities and small towns.  The rioters that plundered cities from sea to shining sea.  The evil indoctrination of students in government schools, disastrous parental guidance, and the many horrific false preachers are the main contributing factors of the deviant behavior exhibited in all facets of American life.  In my opinion, the streets of Portland, Oregon can serve as a prime example what happens when a nation no longer properly educates their generations of young people.  The Founding Fathers warned that our republic would quickly falter and ultimately fail, once Christian based moral instruction is excluded from education and rearing our youth. For many years, parents, the preachers, and the teachers did not care enough to teach what was is morally correct to several generations of young Americans. If they had, I guarantee you that the likes of Chinese concubine Joe Biden and cackling Kamala would not be in their present positions of authority presiding over the most open border in 20 years.  My Dad used to tell me that the elected officials are a reflection of “We the People.” Unfortunately, Dad was right.  But rather than despair, we must regroup and reset our nation on the proper course that I believe God intended and the Founding Fathers recognized.  If not, the destroyers now in office will achieve their goal of making the United States into their image as one nation gone under, for good.  Good bless you, God Bless America and may America bless God.  Also make sure you enjoy The Ron Edwards American Experience talk show, every Sunday through Friday via, also aired on LNM Radio, and weekends on the Nevada Talk Network –

© 2021 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Beware the Government-Corporate Complex

By Dave Daubenmire

Most white guys will not write about race because the media has successfully silenced our voices for fear of being called the R word.  Well, I am not one of them.  As Yogi would say, “I call them like I see them” and no amount of intolerance from the tolerance crowd is going to silence my voice.

I am sick of the double-standard and I am sick of watching black America being co-opted by Communists.  The Communist Left lay in hiding waiting for the next “injustice” to rear its ugly head so that they can fill the streets to permanently fracture an already divided nation.

Sorry folks, but most of America is sooo over racism.  Americans of ALL ethnicities are not racist.  Racism is BIG BUSINESS and is being used to destroy this nation.  If the Communist controlled media were to quit the race-baiting I believe most Americans would get along.  “Live and let live” is a great mantra that seems to work for every individual American.

I have been casually observing the attempt by the Georgia legislature to clean up their election laws.  Like several other states, the loosey-goosey attitude of those responsible for ensuring fair elections has caused them to drop the ball.  Perception is everything and whether the election was stolen or not will be debated into perpetuity, but there can be no doubt that the elections APPEARED to be fraudulent. The Bible tells us to “avoid the very appearance of evil.”

The self-appointed elite are interested in power.  The ability to control how billions of dollars will be spent and the perks that accompany such power must be extremely intoxicating.  How else can you explain the blatant lust for power that permeates our American society?

Sadly, most God fearing American simply want to be left alone.  There is little you can do in life today without running into some government agency intent on controlling every activity you want to engage in.  Heck, you need a license to do just about anything but vote.  But you do not even need an ID to do that.  I wonder why?

Politicians get in power by taking power from free men.  One of the easiest ways to do that is to convince those who have little that those who have a lot somehow stole it from them.  Maybe not them personally, but certainly from some oppressed group that they identify with.

I have never been black, but if I were I would find it incredibly insulting to insinuate that I somehow have a problem getting an ID.  I mean, do you really think that black Americans are incapable of figuring it out?  Are we really to believe that if white Republicans are in control that black Georgians will somehow be unable to vote because an ID is required?  Essentially, the Democrats are saying that blacks are too stupid to possess an ID.  Talk about bigotry…

What an insult.  Yet globs of corporations are jumping on the “Jim Crow” campaign and boycotting Georgia simply because “minorities” are too uneducated to follow the law. Will that blatant “soft bigotry of low expectations” ever be called out for the disrespect it is?  Doesn’t it bother black Americans that the government, and corporations, thinks they are stupid?

I want every vote to count.  Every LEGAL one.  For the life of me I cannot understand why this is so hard to grasp.  Americans of all colors and ethnicities are opposed to cheating.  The NFL, which is 70% black, the NBA, which is 81% black, and MLB which is a paltry 42% black all hate it when “bad calls” determine the winner of a game.  So, they introduced a system of “replay” to ensure the integrity of the game.  Now, MLB punishes the entire state of Georgia simply because the people want to ensure the same integrity of the elections that “instant replay” provides most black-dominated professional sports leagues.

Is instant replay in a sports contest somehow racist?  Do we ever hear sports fans focusing on the “race” of the umpires or referees?  No body cares because the “eye in the sky does not lie.”  A quick, honest review of the game video ensures the proper call and prevents someone from being disenfranchised because of a bias on the part of those trusted with enforcing the rules.

Should our election be any different?  What in the hell is wrong with the MLB and the plethora of multi-national corporations who care less about election integrity than the honesty and veracity of sports officials?  It is mind-blowing…the deep stupidity of those promoting such a foolish idea…that inner city minorities are still too oppressed to get an ID to vote.

Look.  Something went wrong with the election, OK?  Millions of American will no longer trust that their vote counts.  Cheating is not tolerated in athletic competition, why is it tolerated in elections?

Oh…that’s right.  Blacks do not know how to get an ID.  How gullible are Americans, starting with corporate CEO’s?  Stupid is as stupid does.

Former President Eisenhower famously warned Americans of the power of the government-media complex.  But a much more dangerous threat has emerged with the information age and that is the government-corporate complex.  Today, the politicians write the narrative, and the corporations enforce it.

Why do Coke, Delta, and MLB feel they have to involve themselves in social justice in America?  The cancel culture borders on insanity.

We stand on the precipice of a huge cliff here in America.  Individual liberty is rapidly being destroyed. Facebook, Twitter, and other “platforms” have embedded themselves in the lives of average Americans and are now imposing “community standards” on the rest of us.  It is not the government that will enforce those standards, but the large multi-national corporations that will control the masses by determining who can buy and sell and where they can do it.

The Government is issuing mask mandates, but it is the corporations that are enforcing them.  Walmart gets rich while the local guy goes broke.

At least 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump and now the corporations are crying “racism” simply because they demand “further review” of the violation of the rules.

“Follow the money” is the adage that seems to be playing out before our very eyes. Governments empower corporations and in return the corporations enforce the party line.

I will never purchase another Coke product, fly Delta, or attend a Major League Baseball game.  I pray you take the same pledge.

Beware the government-corporation complex.

© 2021 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

When Stopped by Cops: Don’t Fight or Run from the Law

By Frosty Wooldridge

Over the last several years, a number of really stupid people have been stopped by the police, but then, resisted arrest.  The local juvenile thug in St. Louis robbed a convenience store, got stopped by a cop, and then wrestled with the cop, only to escape, then turn to charge toward the cop with an intent to do bodily harm.  Michael Brown proved to be one stupid kid. Black, White or Brown—don’t run from the law.  It will end badly. Many cops are killed by such people.  Cops kill such lawbreakers.

All in all, our country witnesses a breakdown in respect for the rule of law, personal accountability and personal responsibility. These kids fail to become law abiding, reasonable and productive citizens.

Last year, after a lifetime of crime, federal prison, drug addiction, abuse of women, carjacking’s, selling drugs, porno star and other more disgusting behaviors—George Floyd passed counterfeit bills in Minneapolis, MN for which he was arrested by cops. Instead of complying with officers, he resisted arrest.  Right or wrong, he died for his actions.  Had he complied with officers, he would be in jail today, and/or at least, he would be alive. And, he wouldn’t have caused $2 billion in looting, riots and burning of cities.  But because of a lifetime of stupid, criminal choices, George Floyd put our country through hell.  He’s been eulogized and canonized by Black America, when it fact, he was the worst example of a citizen you could find anywhere in this country.  At least his family is $27 million richer for his life of crime.

This week, Daunte Wright, a 20 year old “hoodlum in the making,” resisted arrest on an outstanding warrant, drove off, got shot, and died.  He bragged on his FB page with what looked like a .45 caliber handgun that he pointed at viewers that visited his site. I watched him dare anyone to mess with him before FB pulled it down.  In other words, this kid modeled after Michael Brown, George Floyd and many other “thugs in the making.”

Come on…Wright is brandishing a .45 caliber handgun on his Facebook page! What would provoke such a violent trajectory?  What was his mother doing to abet such behavior?  Why didn’t his teachers take him to counseling?  What else could happen with an absentee father?

At some point, we need to revamp parenting, school attendance, and respect for the rule of law.  Obviously, Wright’s mother and father failed that child.  While the mother cried at the injustice of Wright’s death, who would cry at the funeral of someone that Wright was destined to kill on his pathway through life as a thug and criminal?  Why didn’t his school see his criminal behavior emerging.  He never received wholesome attention from his peers, parents and relatives.

But The Larger Question Looms Across America

What in the daylights is going on with the way parents bring up their kids?  Why is it “okay” to stomp on the American flag that represents their freedom of choice? Why isn’t there no “Pledge of Allegiance” before starting classes each day?   Why would kids “hate” their country when it’s the most successful and free country with unlimited choices on this planet?  Why did we allow wholesale anarchy last summer from BLM and Antifa—both terrorist and anarchist groups that need to sitting in jail to learn good citizenship?

What’s worse than the Wright case stems from the fact that Black on Black killings continue daily in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, LA and Atlanta as a matter of standard operating procedure. But you don’t see one BLM leader taking proactive action by creating after school classes, or meaningful after school sports, or community involvement.  African-Americans need to choose to create better communities where education is the number one priority.   Instead, who created that giant “death soup kitchen” in our major cities?  Why haven’t they solved it?

You can only blame “White Privilege”, “Racism” and “White Supremacy” for so long.  In the end, Black America needs to pull itself up and move forward with positive actions such as completing educational goals, solid parenting, dedicated employment and good citizenship.

Last month, near my home in Golden, a 21 year old Muslim immigrant killed 11 people via execution in Boulder, Colorado at a King Soopers grocery store.  I’ve shopped there over the years.  This kid enjoyed an incredible life of opportunity in America—only to choose death and mayhem that will see him living in jail for the rest of his life.  In the meantime, he took away 11 peoples’ lives.

This country, you, me and our leaders need to ask ourselves how far down this multicultural  and diversity ‘rabbit hole’ we want to drive our civilization.  How much diversity can we survive?

Is it possible that we need to allow predominantly Black cities to hire only Black cops?  Or, totally Hispanic cities to hire only Hispanic cops?  Or, totally White cities to hire only White cops?

If we did, BLM wouldn’t have any more excuses to burn our cities down, loot our stores and create anarchy in our streets.

It’s something  worth thinking about because what’s happening today: ain’t working!

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridg

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

More About Joe and the Jews

By Joan Swirsky

Democrat Jimmy Carter became the U.S. president in 1977, only 32 years after six-million Jewish men, women, children and infants were savagely starved, tortured, shot in cold blood, buried in mass graves and gassed to death by Hitler’s bloodthirsty Nazi regime in Germany and other East European countries.

Yet, the longtime Sunday school teacher could not control himself when it came to revealing his hatred of Jews and detestation of Israel––sentiments that ooze from his 96-year-old pores to this day.

This is who Democrats voted for. This is who Jewish Democrats voted for.

I thought that Carter would hold the all-time record for in-your-face anti-Semitism, but then along came Barack Obama, with his undisguised animus toward Israel and his appointment to influential positions of a huge number of career Jew haters and loathers of Israel. I listed all of them in my article “The Obama Voter––Not this Jew” (look it up).

As longtime journalist Ed Lasky of the American Thinker has written: “One seemingly consistent theme running throughout Barack Obama’s career is his comfort with aligning himself with people who are anti-Israel advocates.”

And, I would add, anti-American advocates!

This is who Democrats voted for. This is who Jewish Democrats voted for.


Right by Obama’s side for his entire eight years in office was VP Joe Biden, consistently endorsing, approving of and applauding his boss’s policies, including the Iran deal, which pretended to delay the world’s most malign terrorist state from acquiring nuclear weapons that the mullahs said then––and say today––are intended to eliminate the State of Israel.

But really no surprise. Ole Joe’s antipathy toward Israel goes way back. According to writer David Israel, in the summer of 1973, only months after he defeated a Republican incumbent to become the junior U.S. senator from Delaware, Biden visited the highest-ranking Egyptian officials and then––with treachery aforethought––delivered their disinformation to Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.

“Biden told Meir that all the Egyptian VIPS affirmed Israel’s military superiority and assured him that it would be impossible for Egypt to go to war against Israel. “We all know how that turned out,” writer Israel reminds us, of the Yom Kippur War, with a decisive failure of U.S. Intelligence agencies (surprise, surprise!) and grave losses for our most reliable ally in the Middle East.

Ten years later, in June 1982, Senator Joe Biden banged the desk in front of him with his fist at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting and threatened then-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin with cutting off aid to Israel.

Begin forcefully responded: “Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

In 2015, on the occasion of Israel’s 67th birthday, then-VP Joe Biden said the following: “…I’ve had the great privilege of knowing every Israeli Prime Minister since Golda Meir and more than just casually. And I’ve worked with many of you in this room for up to 40 years. You know me. You raised me. You educated me. And I know you.”

As journalist David Israel wrote: “And we know you, too, President Joe Biden. And as you put it in 1973, we have no delusions.”

And just the other day, on April 8th, Holocaust Remembrance Day––the day that commemorates the six-million Jews who perished in the Holocaust––the Biden regime released its push for gun confiscation, red-flag laws, and the end of the 2nd Amendment.

“So that very day,” writer Steven Neill points out, “we remembered the deaths of six-million Jews at the hands of a tyrannical government and at the same time [Biden’s] government is going full Nazi!”

And in keeping with their vicious antagonism toward Jews and Israel, Joe Biden’s Democrat-run House Foreign Affairs Committee released a Yom HaShoah statement that omitted reference to the six-million Jews killed in the Holocaust and spelled Holocaust with a lowercase H.

Yet again, this is who Democrats voted for. This is who Jewish Democrats voted for.


Less than two weeks after his inauguration on January 20th, 2021, ole Joe immediately made key appointments of longtime Jew- and Israel-loathers. Here is a synopsis of those early appointments from my recent article, “Joe’s Jews”:

MAHER BITAR for Senior Director for Intelligence of the National Security Council (NSC)…according to Daniel Greenfield, an aggressive anti-Israel activist and Boycott/Divest/Sanction (BDS) supporter who has called for the destruction of Israel.

ANTHONY BLINKEN for Secretary of State…he has praised radical anti-Israel J Street as a ‘constructive force,’” and opposed designating the terrorist Iranian IRGC as a foreign terror organization.

KRISTEN CLARKE as head of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Paul Miller, executive director of the Haym Salomon Center, documents that Clarke “has a troubling history of advocating for anti-Semites and representing anti-Semitic lies as ‘fact.’”

REEMA DODIN for Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. According to the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Dodin’s background as a Palestinian propagandist and supporter of suicide bombings is so egregious that she should be fired on the spot. Dodin also organized anti-Israel rallies at UC Berkeley, and has spread Medieval-style blood libels…

AVRIL HAINES for Director of National Intelligence. Described as being rabidly anti-Israel…last May she signed a vicious J Street letter with 30 notoriously Israel-loathing former foreign-policy officials calling on the Democrat Party to oppose Israel’s lawful rights in Judea and Samaria.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE for White House Press Secretary. The former head of, a far-left anti-Israel group, she has praised lawmakers for boycotting pro-Israel groups and has accused Israel of “war crimes.”

JOHN KERRY as Envoy for Climate. Adam Berkowitz has written that “even the Israeli leftist newspaper Haaretz is appalled by John Kerry’s…utter capitulation to Hamas.” And Joseph Klein has written of Kerry’s farewell stab at Israel when he was Secretary of State under Obama.

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS for Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, is a board member of HIAS, which partners with terrorism-financier Islamic Relief. He has undermined Israeli repatriation policies…and signed a letter defending and praising Jew-basher Linda Sarsour.

DENIS McDONOUGH for Secretary of the Veterans Administration. He has spoken at the anti-Israel J Street convention and falsely condemned Israel’s “occupation.”

SUSAN RICE for Domestic Policy Advisor (aka Biden’s Valerie Jarrett). The serial liar and inveterate Israel basher was Obama’s senior foreign-policy advisor and also John Kerry’s chief foreign-policy adviser when he ran for President.

WENDY SHERMAN for Deputy Secretary of State. Sherman negotiated the disastrous Iran deal. Again, ZOA spokesmen spell out Sherman’s threat to Israel of consequences from the United Nations (aka the virulently anti-Israel cesspool in NY City) if Israel did not accept a Palestinian (terror) state.


Since then, Biden has expanded his anti-Israel appointments and policies significantly. Clearly, whoever is running the show behind the armed camp at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue believes that nothing is more important than undermining, sabotaging, and “getting” the Jews and Israel.

Space limitations prevent me from elaborating at length, but here are the cold hard facts of some but not all of the Jew-and-Israel-detesting people Biden has appointed in just the past four or five weeks.

HADY AMR for Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, to be in charge, as Daniel Greenfield spells out, of setting the Biden administration’s policy on Israel––the perfect pick given his former praise for the “Palestinian” intifada and former role as a Fellow of the Brookings’ Doha Center for Qatar, a “tiny Islamic tyranny allied with Iran, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood…and a backer of Hamas.”

PETE BUTTIGIEG for Secretary of Transportation, the guy who now threatens to cut aid to Israel. As Greenfield explains, he is being advised by close associates of Obama and Soros, hence his wholehearted entrance into the anti-Israel echo chamber.

DEB HAALAND (D-NM) for Secretary of the Interior. In June 2020, she signed a vicious letter––along with anti-Semites Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY), and Democrat Betty McCollum (MN), et al––falsely accusing Israelis of violence against the people who call themselves Palestinians.

COLIN KAHL for Undersecretary of Defense. According to ZOA President Morton A. Klein and Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. Kahl has a dismal record of advocating pro-Iranian regime positions, opposing Iran sanctions, advancing an anti-Israel resolution at the U.N, holding anti-Israel positions, and promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

ROBERT MALLEY for U.S. Special Envoy on Iran. Malley has a long and alarming record of anti-Israel hostility and appeasement of Iran, Hamas, the PLO, Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, and Syria.

BETTY McCOLLUM, Democrat Representative from Minnesota, for the Chair of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. The vocal anti-Israel lawmaker spews anti-Semitic tropes and aggressively supports cutting aid to Israel.

DENIS McDONOUGH for Secretary of Veterans Affairs). According to the ZOA, while serving as Obama’s chief-of-staff he gave a harsh, anti-Israel keynote speech at the anti-Israel group J Street’s convention and falsely and maliciously called Israel’s presence on historic Jewish lands guaranteed to the Jewish people under international law an “occupation of ‘Palestinian’ land.”

ERIN PELTON for Special Assistant to Biden and a Senior Adviser on Domestic Policy. She is a former lobbyist for Qatar, which has close ties to Iran, is a central hub for terrorism financing, and is also suspected of funding Hezbollah.

SAMANTHA POWER for head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Obama’s U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has, according to the ZOA, an  “abominable anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-Iran record”… [and a] history of anti-Israel statements and actions….Power indeed uses the mantra of ‘human rights’ to condemn and damage human rights-loving countries, especially the U.S. and Israel, and to instead support murderous hateful regimes.”

JEN PSAKI, White House Press Secretary, As a State Dept. spokesperson during the Obama-Biden regime, she questioned Israel’s commitment to peace, defended the U.S. working with the Hamas-Fatah-Palestinian Authority “unity” government while Hamas’ charter calls for Israel’s annihilation and murdering every Jew in existence, and was incapable of saying yes when asked if Israel was an important ally of the U.S.

SYMONE SANDERS for Senior Advisor and Chief Spokesperson to the Vice President, a woman who gave a free pass to avowed Jew-hater Linda Sarsour after Sarsour’s violence-inciting statements, such as notorious tweet that throwing rocks at Israelis is “the definition of courage.”

UZRA ZEYA, who has a long record of denouncing the “Israel lobby,” according to journalist Hugh Fitzgerald, as well as her full supporting of the despotic and corrupt regimes of Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in Judea  and Samaria, and promoting claims about Jewish media control and dual loyalty to Israel.

Once again, this is who Democrats voted for. This is who Jewish Democrats voted for.


Biden erasing Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Biden unveils a policy honoring Osama bin Laden’s old friend Khashoggi who hates Jews and America.

Biden to restart “Palestinian” payments to terrorists and their families.

In an act of stunning rudeness and blatant hostility, Biden consciously refuses to call Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for well over a month since his oath of office.

In February, Politico exposed a U.S. State Department official in the Biden Administration, Fritz Berggren, for operating a website on which he refers to Jews as “the seed of the serpent” and a “brood of vipers.” To date, no word of sanctions or firing of Berggren.

While Iranian-backed Iraqi militias were likely behind a deadly rocket barrage on a U.S.-led coalition base in northern Iraq in February, that didn’t stop Biden from releasing $3 billion in Iranian funds that have been frozen in Iraq, Oman and South Korea due to Washington’s sanctions. According to Rabbi Yaacov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish values, this funding violates the Taylor Force Act––signed by President Trump in 2018––which stops U.S. aid to the PA until it stops paying stipends to martyred terrorists. Every global terror organization is delighted to see President Biden in power,” Menken added.

Just as the Obama-Biden regime was infamous for leaking intelligence information that was horribly damaging to Israel, the Biden regime is already doing the same, leaking “to The New York Times that Israel attacked an Iranian ship in the Red Sea.”

Biden now intends to reinstate funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) — hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year for an agency that teaches “Palestinian” children to hate “the Enemy” Israel and believe “Jihad is the road of glory.”

The ZOA’s recent report on the U.S. State Department concluded, not surprisingly,  that it “is strongly biased against the Jewish State of Israel, relies on falsehoods from anti-Israel and terror-connected Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and others, and resumed using the inaccurate term “occupied” to refer to the ‘West Bank,’ Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, and eastern Jerusalem. The Trump administration had correctly and appropriately dropped the inaccurate term “occupied.”

Joe Biden: “Jewish settlements are illegal”
Bernie Sanders: “Jewish settlements are illegal”
Elizabeth Warren: “Jewish settlements are illegal”
Pete Buttigieg: “Jewish settlements are illegal”
Illhan Omar: “Jewish settlements are illegal”
Rashida Tlaib: “Jewish settlements are illegal”
Jimmy Carter: “Jewish settlements are illegal”
Barack Obama: “Jewish settlements are illegal”
Jeremy Corbyn: “Jewish settlements are illegal”

Donald Trump: “No they aren’t. Jews have the right to live anywhere they choose”

American Jews: “Trump is an antisemite”

Once again, this is who Democrats voted for. This is who Jewish Democrats voted for.

How could that be? What kind of psychopathology drives people to support a political candidate whose worldview and political philosophy wishes them dead? As Eileen Toplansky sagely asks: “American Jewry–– when will you wake up?”

© 2021 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:

Video: People Take Stand For Business Owner, Tell Health Department Gestapo “To Get Out”

By Bradlee Dean

“Lions never bow before hyenas.” -Artur Pawlowski

People across the globe have begun to awaken to the fact that they once again have been played by their perspective governments concerning this latest global fraud (Ephesians 4:14).

Joe Kovacs reports at World Net Daily:

In the second case from this past weekend, video shows health authorities being booted of a building courtesy of loud shouting from people objecting to their presence.

The latest confrontation took place at the Corduroy restaurant in Vancouver, British Columbia, which allegedly was at odds with the current COVID-19 safety guidelines banning indoor dining in the Canadian province.

The video depicts two health inspectors speaking with the restaurant’s owner, Rebecca Matthews. No one inside the eatery appeared to be wearing face masks, except for the government officials.

“Who do you work for?” Matthews asked the inspectors.

“You see the signs on the door there,” she continued. “You understand what you’re doing here? You’re trespassing on my private property.”

This video was posted by Rebel News on April 05, 2021

[Rubble Video]

Conclusion: It is of interest how the Lord is raising up His Church from the likes of the unexpected (1 Corinthians 1:27).

Friends, the Lord will have His way one way or another, with or without us. It is for us to respond to His commandments (Deuteronomy 4:6), not for Him to do what it is that many have left off, which brings in a curse (Deuteronomy 28: 63). It is up to us to put a stop to all of this.

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Vaccines Are a Self-Defense Weapon Against China

By Cliff Kincaid

Seemingly content to sit in in their homes and wait for the free government money to arrive, many Americans still cower in fear over the China virus vaccines and the remote possibility of “vaccine passports.” They fear that Big Pharma will inject poisons into their systems, make them into zombies, and track them. By contrast, former President Trump has repeatedly emphasized that the vaccines developed from his Operation Warp Speed are safe and effective. Trump says, “The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!”

In a development strongly criticized by former President Trump, the Biden Administration temporarily suspended Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose vaccine after six women developed blood clots, out of the nearly 7 million people in the U.S. who had the shot. Trump said the suspension was not necessary and that the vaccine had an “extraordinary” track record.

Betsy McCaughey, a former lieutenant governor of New York and health policy expert, calls the development of vaccines to stop the carnage a “miracle” and gives Trump complete credit. She writes that “Trump is responsible for producing vaccines in record time and guaranteeing that America had first dibs on the supply.”

Feeding the fear, which will accelerate after Biden’s suspension of the Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose vaccine, G. Edward Griffin, creator of Red Pill Expo, warns of “The Great Culling by Vaccine,” a reference to an alleged depopulation scheme.

Some commentators note that those found with the virus have a 99.75 percent recovery rate but this still means that the virus has claimed more than 2.9 million lives and there is no end in sight, as variants keep emerging. Some of those who survive have very strange symptoms, such as the loss of taste and smell, and hearing problems like Tinnitus.

Christian advocate Dr. James Dobson says, “The Warp Speed immunizations that are now in use offer better immune protection than what is acquired by surviving the disease…we give thanks to God for President Trump’s leadership in launching Operation Warp Speed and the many gifted people within our medical and science communities who have worked tirelessly to help the world overcome this crisis.”

Dobson specifically endorses the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

Some say that only by using these vaccines can we be free of the China virus and restore our nation to economic, military, and spiritual health.

While reasonable people acknowledge that Big Pharma has produced many life-saving drugs and vaccines that make our lives better, on the matter of China virus vaccines there is suddenly instant dread on the part of some former Trump supporters.

I opposed questionable vaccines when I ran the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom. But the China virus is such a threat that any and all measures, including revolutionary mRNA vaccines, must be taken to protect ourselves.

The answer is not to live in isolation like Ted Kaczynski and get angry at the world around you.

I have been researching Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber serving life in federal prison, because of my discovery of Luddite thinking among some opponents of China virus vaccines. Some of these people are also paranoid about 5G technology, digital currencies, artificial intelligence, cell phones and Zoom technology.

The Harvard-educated Kaczynski was an evil genius who wrote “Industrial Society and Its Future,” which was published in the Washington Post in 1995 to help the FBI locate the anarchist zealot. It worked. He was arrested and convicted of murder.

His targets were leaders in science, technology, and industry. He killed three and injured many more. One of the injured victims was David Gelernter, a computer scientist and conservative intellectual who would later write a book about the evil nature of the Unabomber and his philosophy.

A 2018 documentary, “Unabomber – In His Own Words,” describes Kaczynski’s admiration for a French anarchist named Jacques Ellul, sympathy for the eco-terrorist movement, and favorable comments about Muslim terrorists waging war on Western society.

Although Kaczynski was critical of “leftism,” he was a self-declared revolutionary and opponent of capitalism and industrial development. That makes him into what Marxists call an “ecological socialist.” He was himself a victim of Cultural Marxism, leaving what he described as a “stinking family” behind to live alone in a small Montana cabin with no electricity or running water where he constructed his bombs. His bombing campaign continued for 18 years.

Sadly, the modern-day Luddite escaped the death penalty and still spews his venom from a secure federal prison cell, where he inspires Earth First radicals, eco-socialists, and anti-technology activists. A book of his “collected writings” on environmental issues was published in 2010, but his influence can also be seen in the activities of the Green New Deal approach to running America.

A modern example of environmental thinking can be found in Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, who has made it clear that her love of Mother Earth will take precedence over Americans using oil and gas resources on federal lands.

Our enemies in China, Russia, and Iran are not bound by the odd-ball thinking of people like Ted Kaczynski or Deb Haaland. They will exploit every resource and develop every technology necessary to bury the United States.

Rather than think we can survive in a cave or a log cabin somewhere, we have to make sure technology is harnessed for the benefit of the American people. That’s especially true of military technology. The Center for Security Policy warns that the Chinese Communist Party wants to be the dominant military power on Earth by 2049 and the dominant terrestrial power in space.

In order to safeguard our security, we have to stay alive in the face of the threat posed by the China virus and its variants.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

* Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Biden, You’re Not A President. You’re Just An Old Fool!

By Ron Ewart

“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society.  If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed, [senility] and love of power.”  —P. J. O’Rourke, a contemporary American political satirist and journalist

Somehow the people manage to elect the dimmest Democrat politicians to public office who seem to be disconnected from reality, devoid of logic and reason and without a lick of common sense.  The electorate is so stupid it votes for party over substance, it votes for government dependence instead of independence and self-reliance, it votes for race over character and it votes for socialism over constitutional freedom.  Now just how smart is that?

But Americans get what they vote for and they are about to get a nasty taste of what they voted for in President Joe “Jim Crow Obsessed” Biden; Kamala “Socialist hair brain” Harris; Chuck “I want my mommy” Schumer and Nancy, “I sure got a big freezer” Pelosi.

Who in their right mind would undo the highly successful immigration controls established under the previous administration and open up the southern border to every ignorant, diseased Juan, Jose’ and Miguel peasant from Central and South America and about 190 other nations on this earth, many of which would like to destroy our way of life and blow us up?  What Biden has done is not just grossly negligent.  It is criminal, if not treasonous.

Anyone with half a brain knows that Joe Biden, by executive action, let the evil immigration genie out of the bottle and now, because of pride or politics or both, won’t or refuses to corral the genie and put her back in the bottle.  The rest of America must now pay for Joe’s lame brain politically driven stupidity and our culture will be forever altered from its constitutional foundation.  Meanwhile, illegal aliens are literally getting away with murder while the rest of legal Americans are slaves to the law and subject to ever-rising taxes to pay for it all.

What possible reason could there be to waive all or a portion of student loan debt, except to buy votes from ignorant Americans while responsible Americans paid or are paying off their debt?  On what planet do these nut cases live to think that providing free college tuition is a great idea other than to buy votes from prepubescent college kids and their parents?  That’s what Joe and his cadre of Democrat misfits want to do.

What motive must President Biden and the socialist Democrats have for burying the next several generations in un-payable debt with two trillion here and a couple of more trillion there?  To buy more votes of course.  However, virtually every economist will tell you, too many dollars in circulation can lead to run-away inflation where everyone, including the poor, pay the inflation tax in higher prices.  Why do we let these imbeciles anywhere near our money?

What evil occupies the minds of the inventors of Critical Race Theory, (CRT) a theory that is designed to tick off 70% of the population and divide us even more than we are divided now?  It’s diabolical!  Behind our backs CRT has found its way into all of our institutions, including our schools and colleges and even our military.  How did CRT get there?  A black college professor, lawyer and civil rights activist by the name of Derrick Bell, along with Allan Freeman and Richard Delgado, another professor-lawyer, came up with this theory in the 1970’s because they were obsessed with racial inequality.  So to correct racial inequality through CRT they pitted the white race against the black race in what can only be called nothing less than reverse racism.  Are they trying their best to start a civil war?

In New York state they are planning to use taxpayer money, $2 billion of it, to pay illegal aliens that lost their jobs during the pandemic at the rate of $15,600 per alien, illegal aliens that are being rewarded for braking our laws to get here.  Why aren’t legal, incensed Americans rushing the capitol of New York in Albany and tarring and feathering the stupid politicians who came up with this idea.  And it’s not just New York that came up with this vile boondoggle.  Joe and his merry band of socialist Democrat cutthroats wants to pay illegal aliens taxpayer dollars and free health care, along with granting them all amnesty.  Have Democrat politicians gone stark raving mad, or do they have a death wish?

But one of the worst Joe Biden insanities and obscenities is attempting to shut down fossil fuels and trying to replace them with intermittent, inefficient wind and solar power in the name of man-caused global warming.   First, it can’t be done without papering the entire continent with wind farms and solar arrays.  Second, such an attempt will drive the cost of energy up by several factors on those that can least afford it.  Third, the environmental damage and human rights abuses to obtain the raw materials for wind and solar far exceed their benefit.  (Read it all here at: “Climate”)

Approximately 80% of all American energy comes from fossil fuels.   It runs our cars, buses, trucks, trains and airplanes.  It heats our homes, it creates electricity for lighting, appliances and charging our electric vehicles.  It provides the raw materials for plastics, resins, synthetics and products for nylon stockings, paint, etc.  A modern society could not run without fossil fuels and not only would abandoning fossil fuels throw us back to pioneer days and outhouses, it would send the current American society into absolute chaos.  (Read “Back To The Future”)  And yet the deranged idiots that are now running this asylum believe we can somehow eliminate fossil fuels and still maintain our current standard of living.  Abandoning fossil fuels isn’t progress and it won’t solve climate change.  It is unnecessarily punitive on the general population and in fact it is grossly negligent if not just plain stupid.  Not only that, the reasons for doing so, are a fraud.

Now Joe and the gun-control nuts want to restrict the right of gun ownership even more by saying that “no amendment is absolute,” meaning the Second Amendment of course.  With a stroke of his pen, an offhanded remark and his utterance as his Holiness God, Joe and his socialist cohorts finally came clean about the intent of government to relieve you of those pesky Bill of Rights that get in the way of the government to govern and more particularly the Second Amendment.

If Joe was trying to invoke insurrection, he is getting mighty close.  If government keeps nipping away at the Second Amendment such that it no longer has any effect in law as a God-given right, can a revolution be just around the corner?  There are tens of millions of Americans who won’t give up their guns without a fight.  America isn’t Great Britain or Australia.  The Second Amendment is enshrined in the psyche’ of almost 100,000,000 patriotic Americans.   It WILL NOT be repealed in the hearts and minds of the American people because government says it is so.

After getting the socialist Democrats in Congress to vote for a massive $1.9 Trillion Covid rescue bill that wasn’t Covid rescue at all, without a single Republican vote, Joe now wants the socialist Democrats in Congress to pass an infrastructure bill where just a small portion of it is for infrastructure.  90% of the bill is to buy votes and make the people more dependent on government, just like socialist Democrats Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson and Obama have done.

But this alleged infrastructure bill requires a 60% majority vote.  To get around the 60% threshold, the socialist Democrats are seriously considering the repeal of the Senate filibuster rule, giving the Democrats the power to pass any socialist legislation they want by a simple majority.  They won’t ever need Republicans again to pass legislation as long as the Senate maintains at least a 50-50 split or better between Democrats and Republicans.

If you will remember, when the Democrats were in control of both houses and Obama was president, that is how we got Obama Care.  Not a single Republican voted for this nationalization of 20% of our economy and as the Republicans quickly found out, Obama Care can’t be repealed.  This 1,000-page law is now set in stone even though it was hopelessly flawed from the beginning.

There are many actions that Joe Biden and the Democrats have in-acted or are attempting to in-act, that are the antithesis of a free society and a Constitutional Republic.  Each one is designed to tear apart the fabric of liberty and force us all under the huge umbrella of unbridled, out-of-control government.  Each one has the specific, premeditated goal of reducing the entire population to nothing but serfs and slaves to an almighty, centralized government, the founding father’s worst nightmare. That is precisely because “the people manage to elect the dimmest Democrat politicians to public office who seem to be disconnected from reality, devoid of logic and reason and without a lick of common sense.”  Some Republicans fit that category as well.  Joe Biden is just one of those dim bulbs (and we do mean dim) that got elected by fraud, deceit and unconstitutional acts, aided and abetted by the corrupt news media and the hopelessly and even more corrupt social media.

Much of what Joe and the Democrats have done, can be undone by implementing “The Mandate.”  But that would require that millions of Americans get up off their dead butts and take up the fight against the evil that has overtaken our Republic.  We don’t have a lot of time to mess around.  “We Can’t Wait For The 2022 Mid Terms” to take action.

Ladies and gentlemen, if slow Joe is not just plain stupid, senile, or insane, that only leaves two other possibilities.  He must either be an out-and-out traitor, or an agent for one or more malicious foreign powers, or both.  He should be impeached and then tried for treason even if he is “just a doddering old fool.”

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

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The New World Order’s Pied Pipers

By Cherie Zaslawsky

If you’ve ever seen the quirky 1960 comic film Never on Sunday, you may remember Melina Mercouri’s character, Ilya—a  free-spirited, happy-go-lucky prostitute living in a seaside village in Greece. An erudite tourist from New York arrives, and, attempting to give Ilya some culture, takes her to watch a Greek tragedy in a large amphitheatre. He’s mystified when she cries while the rest of the audience smiles, and laughs at the tragic ending, when everyone else is crying. He soon learns why—Ilya invents her own storyline, which always ends happily. She informs her American companion, that the characters aren’t really dead and that in the end, “They all go down to the seashore!”

Ilya’s happy spin on classic Greek tragedies reminds me of QAnon’s ongoing storyline with its ever elusive fairytale ending, that has entranced thousands of Trump supporters who believe the anonymous poster “Q” is a high level military intelligence person or team allied with Trump.


Even though Trump conceded to Biden, and Sleepy Joe has been awake enough to sign dozens of Executive Orders, none of which bode well for We the People, a number of intelligent people I know believe that Trump will be back as our President this year. In fact, the Q folks have predicted March 4th as the date for his inauguration! (As of this writing, that would be next Thursday.) While I’d rejoice along with them if this came to pass, I’ve yet to see any sign of things moving in that direction; in fact, Trump himself, speaking at the CPAC Conference today, February 28th, made no mention of reclaiming the stolen election, and instead intimated he’d run in 2024.

I wonder what excuse the prognosticators will use this time…

They see what the rest of us see—the militarized zone complete with razor-wire fence around our Capitol that shuts out We the People—but, like Ilya with her rosy spin on the Greek tragedies, they’re certain the troops guarding the Biden regime are Trump’s, and that they’re poised to arrest the seditious criminals in Congress and the White House. They hear that Trump supporters have been designated enemies of the state, but believe the “white hats” in “the military” will root out the real enemies and save the day for American patriots, so we should just sit back, munching our popcorn, and “watch the show.”

They’re also convinced that Trump left office as part of a gigantic, worldwide “sting” operation in which all the treasonous crooks and criminals will be soon arrested and tried by military tribunals—which they believe are already happening—and sent to GITMO, or executed for treason. It would, of course, serve the cause of justice if Trump, who won the election in a landslide, were restored to his rightful place in the White House, and the coup plotters were to get their comeuppance. Wishful thinking, however, won’t make it so.

There’s more to this story: the Q crowd believes America was turned into a “Corporation” in 1871, and that President Trump declared that Corporation bankrupt, so now we get to return to our Republic, which we had mistakenly believed we lived under all this time—only now we are debt free. Hmmm… More on that below. And perhaps they also think the corruption and collusion of our media, Hollywood, our universities, Big Tech and Big Pharma will all automatically disappear as we enter QAnon’s new utopia. I guess the “white hats” will see to that as well.


And now for the climax of this fairytale: NESARA—an acronym for National Economic Security and Recovery Act, accompanied by the far more worrisome, GESARA—the global version of the same utopian plan. All debt will suddenly be erased and forgiven in a worldwide debt jubilee. Hurray! the Q followers shout. Well, not so fast. Doesn’t this sound an awful lot like the Great Reset that globalist Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and his ilk have been clamoring for?

Be careful what you wish for, ladies and gentlemen. The flipside of a debt jubilee on your mortgage is that you will no longer own your home. Nor will you own anything else.

What happens under NESARA/GESARA when your mortgage debt vanishes? Time to break out a bottle of champagne! You own your home free and clear then, right? Well, not exactly. Remember there are no free lunches. You owed that $500,000 and it didn’t just disappear. Someone effectively paid it, after quietly taking over your mortgage. And that someone now owns your home. That someone is likely the IMF. In fact, if this Great Communist Reset takes over in America, when you look up the deed to your home online, you may well find that your name is no longer there as the owner.

But isn’t “Building back better”—the globalists’ new mantra that Pretender-in-Chief Biden is already parroting—a good idea? After all, there are so many problems in our world—can’t we do better? Well, a slogan promoted by the World Economic Forum, the UN and the IMF—three globalist fortresses—is not to be taken lightly, so let’s take a closer look at their generous plan for the betterment of our world.


The folks who brought down the American middle class and destroyed our small businesses, (the Davos elites, Chi Comms, radical Left, corrupt Dems and RINOs, etc.), want to help us out by “building back” what they recklessly destroyed. And they, being geniuses, are convinced they can make things better than they were pre-Covid.

So let’s see how.

They’ve mapped out a blueprint for the world in which you’re tied to an electronic ID linked to your bank account, so they can turn your access to money on or off at will—perhaps involving a mark on your hand without which there’s no buying or selling. Your health records, perhaps on that chip on your hand, will also be monitored, and you’d better roll up your sleeve for your booster vaccines if you want to travel, or even leave home to go to the grocery store.

You’ll have a “social credit score” like the people in Communist China, and you’ll be under constant surveillance. And, by the way, remember how your local restaurants, churches, synagogues, gyms, movie theaters, hair and nail salons were deemed “non-essential”? Well, now your ownership of your home, your car, your personal possessions, will be similarly deemed “non-essential,” but this time, permanently. What a relief! No more pesky ownership. A reassuring video by the World Economic Forum explains that by 2030, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” And yes, this means you don’t even own yourself—neither your body nor your mind. You belong not to God, and not to yourself, but to the State, i.e. The Global State. Happy now?


Would-be kidnappers know how to approach a child with candy and a nice smile. NESARA/GESARA is just such a piece of sugary confection, accompanied by a duper’s delight smile. This is a fairytale with a very predictable ending, and it’s a far cry from, “and they lived happily ever after.”

In an open letter to President Trump sent long before the election, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano addressed the NESARA/GESARA bribe of debt forgiveness. He writes: “A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.”

“The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt.

The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property…” [emphasis mine]

And that’s not all. The Great Reset also calls for, “…adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”


This picture is grim, indeed. But the Archbishop also sees hope: “The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people.”

Now it is up to us, We the People, to stand for our Lord, our Republic, our liberty, and our posterity. But to do so, we need to first acknowledge the truth of what has befallen us, painful though that may be. Then, like our forebears who founded this great nation, we oppose tyranny and do all we can to restore our Republic, our Constitution, and our sovereignty, so that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the Earth.

© 2021 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cherie Zaslawsky:

Unraveling the Lies and Dropping the Masks

by Kelleigh Nelson

In our age there is no such thing as “keeping out of politics.” All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. —George Orwell

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever. —George Orwell

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.  —Hannah Arendt

Last week, I received a lovely note from Les Fradkin, world-famous award-winning composer and virtuoso MIDI guitarist and so much more. He said, “I read your NewsWithViews columns all the time. You really need to hear this. Quote it if you like in your column. My gift to you.”  I loved it because he sang about what is happening to our country, and for us to “turn to the truth and turn to the light.”  We know who that is…the good Lord God Almighty.  Listen here.

I’ve been blessed with readers like Les Fradkin, a brilliant musician and entertainer, and the many folks who comment on my articles and instill in me the courage and tenacity to continue researching and writing.  Without them, I’d have given it up long ago.

Now to the subject at hand.

Fear and Submission

When I enter grocery stores, the malls, the garden center at Home Depot or any other retailer and see my fellow Tennesseans with face diapers, sometimes two, even when they’re outside in the fresh air, it breaks my heart.  I’m shocked at their docile and obsequious attitude for a virus that has a 99.75 percent recovery. Their blind obedience to the perfidious media, Dr. Fauci and the socialist democrats make me cringe.  I never thought this many of my fellow Americans would be so compliant.  They have been deluded into accepting control, the restrictions and the totalitarian destruction of our God-given rights.

Animals will never allow the dumbest of the herd to lead them.  Unfortunately, America’s so-called representatives have their heads up their backsides and the worst of the lot are leading them, all fraudulently and unconstitutionally, all working to destroy our unalienable Bill of Rights.

There is no science-based reason for wearing a mask, but the mask Nazis have no fear of getting in your face should you not don the diaper.  I’ve been accosted several times, but I’ve found the best response is one of two… “I don’t live in China…yet,” or “I’m sorry, I’m not one of the lemmings.”  Then walk away from the nutcase who believes he’s better than you because he wears a mask that will eventually make him sick…as has been exposed time and again.  If the mask Nazi believes the mask actually saves him from getting sick or passing on the virus, ask him why he’s worried about someone without a mask…

Whenever I see a mask-less face, I tell them that it is so wonderful to see their face and invariably, we end up talking.  This has happened several times in the grocery store and these folks have become like-minded friends.

Realize that workers around the world have lost $3.7 trillion in the alleged pandemic, but billionaires have gained $3.9 trillion.  This is the largest one-year wealth transfer in history, yet no one is talking about the millions of destroyed middle class small businesses that build our economy.

Worldwide Virology Labs

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences is a research institute on virology administered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which reports to the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Located in Wuhan, Hubei, it opened mainland China’s first biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory.  The institute has strong ties to the Galveston national Laboratory in Galveston, Texas and the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie in Lyon, France and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. The Wuhan institute has been an active research center for the study of coronaviruses.

The Galveston National Laboratory (GNL) is an anchor lab of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Biodefense Laboratory Network, which includes laboratories built by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at 14 universities throughout the U.S. with containment capabilities for biodefense research. Dr. Anthony Fauci is the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).  Dr. Fauci’s NIAID funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology at $7.4 million after it was moved from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

The GNL is one of two labs with Biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) capabilities located on a U.S. university campus. The other is the National Emerging Infectious Disease Laboratory (NEIDL) located at Boston University. In addition, the GNL has extensive BSL3 capabilities where work on highly infectious pathogens, including SARS-CoV2, are studied and medical countermeasures such as antiviral and antibody therapies and vaccines are developed.

Dr. James LeDuc is a former U.S. Centers for Disease Control official who once led the office responsible for preventing deaths from viral disease.  He is now the director of the Galveston National Laboratory.

The Galveston lab has worked with China since 2013, when construction began on the Wuhan laboratory. Both the Galveston and Wuhan research facilities operate Biosafety Level 4 laboratories, which are designed to safely contain the most lethal and infectious pathogens for research.  Apparently, it didn’t work too well, did it…

Dr. LeDuc stated, “While the Wuhan lab was under construction, the National Lab provided “short-term training experiences” to the staff. The Galveston lab also hosted two Chinese post-doctoral students, who were trained to work safely in BSL-4 laboratories and who returned to China to work in the Wuhan lab.”  He added that those students started a biosafety and biocontainment training program for the Wuhan lab.

As mentioned in the Alex Newman interview with Dr. Lee Merritt, there were hundreds of Chinese communist virologists working with vaccine makers, Moderna, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and GSK.

GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer

The Wuhan Institute of Virology is not owned by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) as some have claimed.  However, GSK has a 100-year legacy of helping to transform the health, lives and futures of people around China.  Since 2010, GSK has achieved 14 Food and Drug Administration registrations in China.

GSK is in a joint venture with Pfizer, but does not own them; they completed a 2019 transaction with Pfizer to form a new world-leading consumer healthcare joint venture. The Joint Venture brings together two portfolios of consumer health brands, including GSK’s Sensodyne, Voltaren and Panadol and Pfizer’s Advil, Centrum and Caltrate.  This venture makes them the global leader in over-the-counter products and gives them number one or two market share positions in all key geographies, including the US and China.

Pfizer is one of the manufacturers of the mRNA Covid vaccine and none of them have been approved; they’ve only received emergency authorization.  Recently, the Times of Israel carried an article saying the Pfizer “experimental” vaccine worked well in the trials on 2,260 American adolescents, ages 12-15, and recipients have shown strong antibodies to the virus.  Pfizer is eyeing FDA approval.

GSK and BlackRock, Inc.

BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment management corporation based in New York City and owned by Democrat Larry Fink. Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with $8.67 trillion in assets under management as of January 2021.

BlackRock Inc. has filed an SC 13G/A form with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosing ownership of 377,284,263 shares of GlaxoSmithKline plc (US: GSK). This represents 7.5 percent ownership of the company. In their previous filing dated 2020-02-05, BlackRock Inc. had reported owning 376,159,235 shares, indicating an increase of 0.30 percent.

Why do I mention BlackRock Inc?  Because in 2018, Soros Fund Management also dramatically boosted its shares in BlackRock Inc., overseeing $6 trillion by nearly 60 percent to 12,983 total shares in the second quarter of 2018.

BlackRock, Inc. also manages the French AXA, a French multinational insurance firm who strongly backs climate control.  Axa has called for the creation of a “net zero underwriting alliance” that would see member companies from across the insurance sector align their business activities with the 1.5 Celsius warming pathway required under the Paris Agreement, fundamentally reshaping the global economy.

Larry Fink wants member companies from across the insurance sector to align their business activities with the 1.5C warming pathway required under the Paris Agreement. Realize all of this nonsense is about money and taxes…not about global warming or climate change which is cyclical. Link  In late 2019, BlackRock, Inc. named Sebastien Herzog, a senior official at French insurer Axa’s investment management arm, as its operations director for France, Belgium and Luxembourg.  Spiderwebs of pharma control. Birds of a feather…stick together with climate change lies.

Deadly Vaccines

Veteran investigative reporter Leo Hohmann discovered a 2017 Ted Talk presentation by Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna Inc., where he clearly explains in layperson’s language just what the mRNA technology does in vaccines. Zaks states, they are “hacking the software of life,” by injecting their own genetic code into humans. What we are witnessing in this new class of “vaccines” is clearly the wedding together of digital technology born out of the computer age, with Darwinian biology and medicine. It is transhumanism.

People who received the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine reported more side effects than those who got the Pfizer/BioNTech shot, according to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

There’s more….

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews. Please read the entire article…

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to Covid-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.  Variants of vaccines are three percent of the original virus, and are miniscule compared to the original virus.  They are not a danger once the virus has passed through the citizenry.

Yes, our government is lying to us, just as they lied to us about polio vaccines grown on Simian monkey kidneys that caused soft tissue cancers to recipients and their descendants.

Dr. Yeadon’s main points are stated in this magnificent article by Patrick Delaney.

His main points included:

  1. There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”
  2. Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.
  3. Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign.
  4. Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”
  5. Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”
  6. Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.
  7. The fact that this at least could betrue means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.”

Dr. Yeadon states, as I have in previous articles, “The eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power and this is a really artful way of getting you to line-up and receive some unspecified thing that will damage you.” And here’s a list of the very dangers of the criminal past of vaccine makers.

EUA Vaccines Not Mandatory

Ever since the Food and Drug Administration granted “emergency use authorization” (EUA) for two new vaccines in December 2020, (Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna) employers, schools, and other organizations are grappling with whether to require Covid-19 vaccination.

While organizations are certainly free to encourage their employees, students, and other members to be vaccinated, federal law provides that, at least until the vaccine is licensed, individuals must have the option to accept or decline to be vaccinated.

The clinical trials the FDA will rely upon to ultimately decide whether to license these vaccines are still underway and are designed to last for approximately two years to collect adequate data to establish if these vaccines are safe and effective enough for the FDA to license.

Given the uncertainty about the two vaccines, their EUAs are explicit that each is “an investigational vaccine not licensed for any indication” and require that all “promotional material relating to the Covid-19 Vaccine clearly and conspicuously … state that this product has not been approved or licensed by the FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA” (emphasis added).

When Dr. Amanda Cohn, the executive secretary of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, was asked if Covid-19 vaccination can be required, she responded that under an EUA, “vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. So, early in this vaccination phase, individuals will have to be consented and they won’t be able to be mandatory.” Cohn later affirmed that this prohibition on requiring the vaccines applies to organizations, including hospitalsLink


Speaking of great entertainers as in the opening of this article, one of my all-time favorite actors was Alan Rickman.  He said this, “And it’s a human need to be told stories.  The more we’re governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we came from, and what might be possible.”

Alan has passed onto glory, but I would urge my readers to rent his magnificent true story movie, “Something the Lord Made” about the black cardiac pioneer Vivien Thomas (1910–1985) and his complex and volatile partnership with white surgeon Alfred Blalock (1899–1964), the “Blue Baby doctor” who pioneered modern heart surgery.

It is magnificent.  I sent it to my momma’s cousin years ago whose husband is a retired psychiatrist and their eldest child a cardiac physician…they loved it.

© 2021 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Nation of Lawyers, Not Laws

By Lex Greene

On April 8, 2021 in a speech pertaining to his maniacal “gun grab” agenda, pseudo-president Joe Biden plainly proclaimed that no amendment to the Constitution is absolute,” meaning, that nothing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights is absolute, all of it, subject to change via the whims of Executive Orders.

Not only does Joe Biden think he has the power to make laws by the stroke of his pen, but he also believes he is not restrained in any way by the text of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. He believes he can amend or overrule the Constitution itself, by mere Executive Order. These are the ramblings of a tyrannical madman who sees himself as a God, a totally unbridled dictator!

Biden is a lawyer, and like most modern lawyers, he believes not in a nation of laws as created by the sole lawmaking branch of government, the legislature…but rather in the unconstitutional lawmaking authority of lawyers, by way of Court opinions and Executive Orders. They believe that the Constitution creates an Executive dictatorship, or an unelected oligarchy of rulers from the bench, or a convenient combination of the two.

Since seizing federal power on January 20, 2021, the pseudo-Biden administration has issued and signed at least 38 new Executive Orders, all of them treated as if they are “laws.” For any Oval Office occupant to be able to create laws by the mere stroke of their pen, they would have to be a dictator, a one-man lawmaker, and we would have to be living in a pure dictatorship, not a Constitutional Republic.

But contrary to modern unconstitutional indoctrinations, Executive Orders are NOT law, even though today’s legal profession may insist that they are. This is the fundamental undermining of Constitutional Law via British Common Law tactics, which Jefferson warned of, not long after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787.

“Our Constitution . . . intending to establish three departments, co-ordinate and independent that they might check and balance one another, it has given—according to this opinion to one of them alone the right to prescribe rules for the government of others; and to that one, too, which is unelected by and independent of the nation. . . . The Constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please.” (Jefferson letter to Judge Spencer Roane, Sept. 6, 1819)

The lawyer lies and the courts swear to it… and this is exactly how the most fraudulent election in U.S. history is still allowed to stand as of today, as even the U.S. Supreme Court refused to allow any evidence of fraud to be presented in its chambers.

Meanwhile, a growing number of State Supreme Courts are hearing the evidence and ruling that the 2020 elections were “unlawful and unconstitutional” within their own states. If the election processes were unlawful and unconstitutional, then so are the results of that election, hence, the use of the term “pseudo-president.”

Righting the wrongs in the 2020 election is critical to the survival of the U.S. Constitutional Republic. No one should have any doubts about that at this point. But just as critical, is preventing the use of Executive Orders that are also unlawful and unconstitutional.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is very plain language. It’s intentionally extremely broad in nature and it’s not listed as a Right of the people, but rather a prohibition of government, to ever institute any laws which infringe in any manner, upon the natural Rights of the people to keep and bear arms. The language is broad, because this Right is equally broad.

To “infringe” is to “act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.” In this case, it’s the natural Right of all American citizens to “keep” (possess) and “bear” (carry) firearms, as protected by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, by which, all other natural Rights are protected.

Any law, policy, order, or rule which “acts so as to limit, undermine or encroach” upon this God-given natural Right, is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. By definition, it’s “unconstitutional.”

That which is unconstitutional on its face, is unlawful and carries with it, no force of law whatsoever. This is the fundamental difference between a Constitutional Republic and a tyrannical dictatorship.

Jefferson was right in the early 1800s when he could already see the dangers of the Article III judicial branch, to ever expand the power of itself and the Executive branch by fiat, until we were no longer a nation of laws, but a mere nation of lawyers working around the clock to undermine and subvert the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

“The judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated fabric. They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone. This will lay all things at their feet, and they are too well versed in English law to forget the maxim, ‘boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem’ [good judges have ample jurisdiction]. . . . A judiciary independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing; but independence of the will of the nation is a solecism, at least in a republican government.” (Jefferson letter to Thomas Ritchie, Dec. 25, 1820)

Fortunately, the Founding documents of the United States of America were not written in legalese or even old English, requiring a lawyer to properly interpret and explain their contents. They were all purposefully written in plain modern English, so that every citizen with a 3rd grade reading comprehension level could properly interpret the documents on their own.

This is also why the USA never was and was never intended to be a “democracy,” but rather a Constitutional Republic instead. A democracy can use the will of the majority to run roughshod over the minority, 50.1 over 49.9… But a Constitutional Republic prevents the will of any majority from running roughshod over any minority, so long as the Constitution remains the Supreme Law of the Land.

And this, is why no President can be allowed to rule from on high by mere stroke of the pen, like some tin-horn dictator in a 3rd world commune. It’s also why only the constitutionally empowered legislative branch has any lawmaking authority at all.

Mass non-compliance of unlawful and unconstitutional mandates, of any form or any subject, is the first line and means of defense. American citizens have no legal, moral, or ethical obligation to follow or live under any unlawful or unconstitutional acts of government, and when they stand up together, there is nothing more powerful.

However, our silence is recorded as our consent… and that’s how we got here. Be silent no more…consent no more…stand together, not alone, and reclaim our Right as the true power of a self-governed people under the Supreme Law of this land, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The U.S. Not Prepared for Mini Ice Age: Wake Up

By: Devvy

Americans are gearing up for summer as spring is in full bloom.  Hot temperatures we normally see in states like Arizona, Texas, Florida and others will soon be upon us.  For many it means the yearly thaw from snow states and time for fun in the sun.

Imbecile, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, ‘climate change’ cult members from the brain dead Hollywood screeching club, ignorant politicians including too many Republicans in Congress, reporters, those scared by the nonsense coming from mega mouths Greta Thunberg , Al Gore (bechev) and others believe we have a scant 9-10 years before the earth fries us all like a microwave oven.

None of them can spell science but through constant, repeated lies they’ve convinced people around the world the end is in sight.  The brainwashing began in the public indoctrination centers called schools.  The so-called “Green New Deal” is nothing but a well-planned move to completely bankrupt this country and kill capitalism in favor of slavery, loss of our freedoms and eventually the iron fist of communism.

Over the decades “global warming” turned into a dud with voters here in the U.S. so it was re-branded as climate change.  I’ve been monitoring earthquakes over the last 18 months after I started reading up on periods of life- threatening cold weather called ice ages which led me to learn about what is a ‘mini ice age’.

Criminal impostor “president” and medical example of advanced dementia possibly bordering on Altzheimer’s (Biden’s confusion, “where are we”?, mixing up who his wife is with another female), Cheater China Joe , is trying to sell his handlers $3 TRILLION dollar infrastructure nightmare which would include $400 BILLION BORROWED DOLLARS for climate change.  If we don’t fight this the consequences are going to be horrific.

I know, we’re all battle worn, but the destroyers are in a hurry.  The truth about COVID (masks, lockdowns, tests, deaths, cases) is reaching too many Americans as well as those experimental gene editing technology shots being passed off as vaccines.  On this issue we have to go after Congress and our state capitols.  Democrats are too far gone so forget any of them on committees.

We also have to make very clear to incumbents the primaries are coming up and if they don’t denounce this manufactured hoax, we’ll all work to get them defeated.  Worrying about getting reelected is a betrayal of your oath of office.  Either stand up and defeat the lies or get defeated at the ballot box.

Below is a sample letter you can use to the science committees in Congress, once again, just tailor it to be coming from you.  Addendum F is a similar letter for your state legislature committees.  If you can, get as many people as possible to sign with you on a separate signature page and attach to letter.  He who shouts the loudest gets heard and the climate change cult screams at the top of their lungs, day in and day out.

Someone emailed and wanted to know why all these letters are so long.  In my decades of experience, I’ve found that most politicians either don’t have a clue or are willing participants in all these destructive schemes.  Just as we’re trying to educate our fellow Americans, so too must me shove the truth down the throats of incumbents at all levels of government.

I’m going to ask our Howard County GOP today to put this one on our official letterhead, collect signatures and then I’ll get them off.  If we do nothing on the big issues, this republic will not survive.  We can and must become a unified force.


Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science.  Reps:  (Skip Trump hater, Peter Meijer, who is very likely on his way out after one term.)  To get their mailing address, just click on their photos.  Send to their district offices, not DC.

Frank Lucas, Ranking Member

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science

CF:  Rep. Mo Brooks, Brian Babin and Mike Garcia

The U.S. Not Prepared for Mini Ice Age:  Wake Up

Dear Rep. Lucas:

Cheater China Joe Biden’s proposed $3 TRILLION BORROWED DOLLARS infrastructure nightmare includes $400 BILLION to fight one of the biggest manufactured lies ever shoved down the throats of Americans:  Climate change.

It’s long past time for Republicans to quit worrying about votes, stand up and tell the American people the truth.  I believe there’s ample scientific evidence we have entered into a new mini-ice age.  This country is not prepared the same as my home state of Texas and others were not prepared when that Polar Vortex hit in February.  The earth is cooling, not warming.

A history lesson

“In 1928 at the Sixth Party Congress held in Moscow, the Communist dictators composed and approved “The Program” which would usher in a ‘New Word Order’, a term I’m sure you’ve probably heard.  That scheme, ‘The Program of the Third International’ called for a global environmental program which would be used to eradicate national sovereignty thereby creating a world dictatorship.  Every nation on earth and their national boundaries would be replaced by an omnipotent, one world government and regional governances.  Due to the rank ignorance of local governments nationwide, too many drank the poison of Agenda 21.

“It was agreed that an environmental “crisis” would be gradually developed to siphon off the money from capitalism and reduce countries to socialism and eventually under communism.  Twenty delegates from the U.S. voted for the 1928 Program of the Third International.”  Jeri Lynn Ball (a prolific researcher) from her book, Masters of Seduction:  Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction

At the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992, the Secretariat for World Order distributed a nonpublic document titled, “The Initiative for Eco-92 Earth’s Charter.” It reads, in part, under policies that must be implemented as follows:

“The Security Council of the U.N. will inform all nations that outmoded notions of national sovereignty will be discarded and that the Security Council has complete legal, military and economic jurisdiction in any region of the world … The Security Council of the U.N. will take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major Nations of the Security Council.”

In Dixie Lee Ray’s book, Environmental Overkill – Whatever Happened to Common Sense, one gets a full accounting of what really went on with Al Gore and his loony friends at the Rio Summit. On page 10 of her book, it states:

“The objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), is to bring about a change in the present system of independent nations. The future is to be world government, with central planning by the UN. Fear of environmental crises, whether real or not, is expected to lead to compliance. If force is needed, it will be provided by a UN green-helmeted police force, already authorized by the Security Council.”

The EPA is the flagship in America to carry out this environmental terrorism against our people.  In the ensuing years, the EPA has become more destructive than a cat five hurricane.

Dixie Lee Ray was a former governor of Washington State, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Asst. Secretary of State in the U.S. Bureau of Oceans. She passed away in 1994 and was a Democrat.

The climate change zealots never stop and their efforts are paying off:

‘Ecocide Could Become the 5th Crime Prosecuted by International Criminal Court – ‘Prosecute & imprison political leaders & corporate executives’ – Claim ecocide ‘poses a similar threat to humanity’ as Holocaust

Would you like to be charged by the International Criminal Court and prosecuted for not stopping ‘Ecoside’, the destruction of our planet?  Think it can’t happen?  Those freedom haters are hugely funded by billionaires like George Soros.

Scientists from around the world have been denouncing global warming aka climate change for decades.  Their expert analysis based on studying and analyzing have been censored by the “gods of the universe” aka tech giants as well as media networks.  I believe, based on all my research, we are now faced with the reality of already having entered into a new ‘mini ice age’.  But, it’s doesn’t matter what I believe, it’s what science is telling us now and that’s why hearings need to be held.  Bring in these scientists and ask the hard questions.

The sun plays a huge role and you all need to take this seriously.  Please note the dates in the articles below.  The sun is about to shut down but not completely.  There will still be plenty of sunlight but on the sun’s surface those small dark blotches called sun spots are on the verge of disappearing.  That is a scientific fact that many scientists who live and breathe climate research know it likely will bring a long stretch of severe cold; as long as 35 years.

 “New Little ICE Age Instead of Global Warming?” by Dr Theodor Landscheidt

“Among the long list or scientific papers suggesting that a solar-driven spell of global cooling is on the cards, Dr Theodor Landscheidt’s ‘New Little ICE Age Instead of Global Warming?’ probably has the claim of priority.

“Published in 2003, just a year before his death, Landscheidt’s research is standing the test of time, and is still largely on course to be proved correct.

“The paper’s abstract begins:

‘Analysis of the sun’s varying activity in the last two millennia indicates that contrary to the IPCC’s speculation about man-made global warming as high as 5.8C within the next hundred years, a long period of cool climate with its coldest phase around 2030 is to be expected.’

“Crucially, in the growing list of research concluding that a solar-driven multidecadal spell of global cooling is on the cards (research from multiple studies of quite different characteristics), the year 2030 ALWAYS features prominently. Unlike the IPCC, which tosses its thermageddon doomsday date back and forth like a hot potato, researchers who track the multimillennial plays of the cosmos (namely those of the Sun) routinely land on the year 2030 as being the date of ‘climate deterioration’: this in itself should serve as compelling evidence.”  As with the others, very important read as the excerpt above is just that.

Climate Theories Crumble as Data and Experts Suggest Global Cooling, August 21, 2013

“So-called global-warming alarmists are in a frenzy after the latest climate data confirmed the Earth actually appears to be entering a potential cooling trend, sea-ice cover in Antarctica is growing to record levels, tornadoes and hurricanes are at record lows, and more. According to experts, the most recent revelations continue to make a mockery of alarmist claims — debunking United Nations theories about human-caused global warming and the wildly inaccurate supposed “climate models” used to forecast doom and gloom by forces seeking carbon taxes and more centralized government.

“Proponents of what is known as “anthropogenic global warming” theories, which claim that human activity is to blame for alleged warming, have long warned that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would lead to “catastrophic” warming. The problem is that even based on data gathered by the planet’s premier climate alarmists — the U.K. Met Office, for example, or various U.S. agencies — shows that global warming stopped more than a decade and a half ago, as The New American reported last year.”

GLOBAL FREEZING: 15-year ICE AGE to hit in just 4 years as the sun prepares to ‘HIBERNATE’, Nov. 8, 2016

“A team of experts have warned that huge seismic events, including volcanic eruptions, plunging global temperatures and destabilisation of the Earth’s crust will become more common after worrying changes to the surface of the Sun were recorded.  It could take up to 15 years for solar activity to return to normal with extreme weather and freezing temperatures continuing until 2035…

“They have also been linked to major earthquakes in tremor hotspots igniting fears that major cities including Tokyo and Los Angeles could be facing the next ‘big one’.  Research by the The Space and Science Research Center in Florida revealed a strong link between low solar activity and seismic events.

“The study looked at volcanic activity between 1650 – 2009 and earthquake activity between 1700 – 2009 comparing it to sunspots records.   It revealed a terrifying correlation between reduced solar activity and the largest seismic and volcanic events in recorded history.  This strong association between eruption timing and the solar minimum is statistically significant to a confidence level of 96.7 per cent.”

“The frequency of sunspots is expected to rapidly decline over the next four years reaching a minimum between 2019 and 2020.  Solar expert Piers Corbyn of forecasting group WeatherAction warned the Earth faces another mini ice age with potentially devastating consequences.”

British Astrophysicists: “Mini Ice Age is Accelerating – New ‘Maunder Minimum’ Has Begun” + the Beaufort Gyre, Sept. 23, 2020

“We are plunging now into a deep mini ice age,” says British astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, “and there is no way out”.

“For the next 20 years it’s going to get colder and colder, on average, says Corbyn who holds a B.Sc. in Physics and an M.Sc. in Astrophysics. The jet stream will be wilder: there will be more wild temperature changes, more hail events, more earthquakes, more extreme volcano events, more snow in winters, lousy summers, late springs, short autumns, and more and more crop failures.

“The fact is the sun rules the sea temperature, and the sea temperature rules the climate,” explains Corbyn.  “What we have happening now is the start of the mini ice age … it began around 2013. It’s a slow start, and now the rate of moving into the mini ice age is accelerating.  The best thing to do now is to tell your politicians to stop believing nonsense,” concludes Corbyn.”

I have been monitoring earthquakes for the past 18 months as well as erupting volcanoes world-wide – and they are big time.  Not a pretty picture those graphs and charts.  On March 13, 2021, my city was hit with a hail storm that was scary bad; hail in my backyard the size of my fist.  Huge damage here and not normal.

Piers Corbyn is another voice of many in his field being censored but also branded with the usual labels of ‘climate denier’ or ‘conspiracy nut’ for running afoul of the climate change propaganda advocates.  Scientists and meteorologists like him around the world are trying to warn people and governments.  While Corbyn has a reputation of being somewhat of a crank, his expertise cannot be denied.

Corbyn was awarded (the word they use in Great Britain) a first-class BSc (Honors) degree in 1968 from Imperial College in London; 1981 a postgraduate degree in astrophysics from Queen Mary College, University of London.

Professor Valentina Zharkova:  Northumbria University · Department of Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering, BSc, MSc , PhD, FRAS  (United Kingdom)

Professor Valentina Zharkova Breaks Her Silence and CONFIRMS “Super” Grand Solar Minimum, Nov. 6, 2018 

“Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October, 2018. The information she unveiled should shake/wake you up.

“Zharkova was one of only two scientists to correctly predict solar cycle 24 would be weaker than cycle 23 — in fact, only 2 out of 150 models predicted this.  Zharkova’s models have run at a 97% accuracy and now suggest a Super Grand Solar Minimum is on the cards beginning 2020.  Grand Solar Minimums are prolonged periods of reduced solar activity, and in the past have gone hand-in-hand with times of global cooling.”

Back in2014, Mark Giampapa, who is a solar physicist at the National Solar Observatory (NSO) in Tucson, Arizona said, “Our sun may be entering a grand minimum of sunspot activity, not unlike the Maunder Minimum that some climatologists think caused record low winter temperatures in Northern Europe during the latter half of the 17th century.

“My opinion is that we are heading into a Maunder Minimum.  “I’m seeing a continuation in the decline of the sunspots’ mean magnetic field strengths and a weakening of the polar magnetic fields and subsurface flows.”

Scientist Warns Of Mini Ice Age As Sun Hibernates During Solar Minimum, Feb. 3, 2020

“An expert warned that Earth might experience a mini ice age when the Sun hibernates due to its solar minimum cycle.  According to the expert, the Sun’s hibernation and extremely cold weather could last for over three decades.

“The solar minimum is a period in the Sun’s solar cycle that occurs every 11 years. During the solar minimum, sunspots on the Sun’s surface diminishes, leading to a weaker output from the massive star.  On the other hand, during a solar maximum, the Sun emits more energy as its sunspots increase.

“According to Valentina Zharkhova, a professor at Northumbria University’s department of mathematics, physics and electrical engineering, the Sun is about to enter a Grand Solar Minimum this year, which is like an extended version of the solar minimum. Instead of lasting for only a couple of years, the Grand Solar Minimum could extend for 33 years.”

Attached is a page of other sources.  A mini ice age will wreak havoc and destruction for our farming communities as well as ranchers.  Life threatening temperatures this country is NOT prepared for while loons like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and other cult worshipers of climate change screech the end is near.

Lockdown Every 2 Years for Climate Change, March 10, 2021:  “The Guardian has put out the truth, perhaps ahead of schedule. There are those pushing for lockdowns every two years to meet the Paris requirement of ZERO CO2. Everyone’s future is to change and they never ONCE allowed anyone to ever vote on this agenda.”

We the People have been raped in taxes to pay down the interest on borrowed debt so Congress can continue spending DEBT for this monstrous hoax called climate change.  Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars with more rape coming.  I darn near gagged years ago when I saw the headlines:  DoD Goes Green.  The destruction of our military continues with this nonsense.

Department of Defense Predicted Climate Change Would Destroy Us by 2020, Jan. 3,2020:  “Back in 2004, the Department of Defense released a report assuring the world Climate Change would destroy all of us by the year 2020.  Well, welcome to the year 2020! And welcome to yet another fake doomsday prediction number 42 from our renowned climate experts!”

Fight back – go on the offensive.

I urge your committee to hold hearings and bring in person or by conferencing Piers Corbyn, Prof. Valentina Zharova and Mark Giampapa.  Unfortunately, Dr Theodor Landscheidt passed away but there are so many more.  Stop being afraid of the whores who pass themselves off as “mainstream” media or members of the Democrat/Communist Party USA who serve in Congress.

You can also send out a letter to all your constituents letting them know you’re going to bring in these experts to your committee and why.  Actually, every Republican in Congress should do the same letter.  That way you begin to show the people in your district how they’ve been lied to and deceived for political reasons.

As more and more Americans become aware of the truth, they will hold all of you responsible – especially when food becomes scarce.  Make no mistake, communist zealots in Congress pushing the ‘New Green Deal’ care nothing about our ranchers not to mention the loss of easily one million jobs.


Devvy Kidd

U.S. Senate Committee on Science.  Forget Roy Blunt, thankfully he’s leaving.  They represent ag states:  Ranking Member Roger Wicker, Sen. Deb Fischer, Sen. Jerry Moran

Use a separate page – Make sure a copy goes to both Congress and the committees in your state legislature. 

Additional Sources:

NASA has been warning of a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) for the past Decade, Sept. 15, 2020

Undeniable Fact: “Carbon Dioxide” is NOT a “Pollutant” but a Giver of Life, March 30, 2021 – “Without continued reliance on carbon-energy, much of Canada’s population would simply freeze to death in the next few winters.”  – Chemist Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser.  Open letter to the Canadian Prime Minister in that article.

Earth Cooling Dramatically, Feb. 18, 2021 by Dr. Mark Sircus

Read:  EXCLUSIVE: Marc Morano Talks His New Book ‘Green Fraud: Why The Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think’

“Essentially, they’re talking about how we’re going to go from the COVID lockdowns to the climate lockdowns,’ Marc Morano said of the Left.”

Mark Morano’s web site:  Climate Depot –

Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures, Aug. 12, 2019

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions, Nov. 15, 2019:  “Now, in what might be the largest scientific fraud ever uncovered, NASA and the NOAA have been caught red-handed altering historical temperature data to produce a “climate change narrative” that defies reality. This finding, originally documented on the Real Science website, is detailed here.

“We now know that historical temperature data for the continental United States were deliberately altered by NASA and NOAA scientists in a politically-motivated attempt to rewrite history and claim global warming is causing U.S. temperatures to trend upward. The data actually show that we are in a cooling trend, not a warming trend (see charts below).

“This story is starting to break worldwide right now across the media, with The Telegraph now reporting (1), “NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been ‘adjusting’ its record by replacing real temperatures with data ‘fabricated’ by computer models.”

“Because the actual historical temperature record doesn’t fit the frenzied, doomsday narrative of global warming being fronted today on the political stage, the data were simply altered using “computer models” and then published as fact.  Here’s the proof of the climate change fraud:”

Climate Expert Lord Monckton: Global Warming Ceased Over 18 Years Ago, June 5, 2015

Dr Roger Higgs: Global warming and cooling for last 2,000 years mimic Sun’s magnetic activity, not CO2, April 9, 2021

Heavy April Snow to Pummel Multiple Continents Simultaneously, as the Sun [once again] Fades to Blank, Mar. 31. 2021: “The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

“Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

“Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.”

Slovenia suffers Coldest April Temp in History, Belgrade breaks All-Time Snow Record, European Winemakers bust-out the “Frost Fires,” and an Antarctic Blast threatens Early-Season Snow in SE Australia, April 8, 2021:  “And lastly, today, April 8, our Sun is once again “blank”—-no sunspots are peppering the Earth-facing solar disk.”

“UK on for Record April Snow, as Rare March Blizzards Blanket Turkey, Cyprus, Algeria, Taiwan, and India, Mar. 25, 2021:  “And finally, it would appear that Global Warming has taken the first quarter of 2021 off.

“Temperature anomalies for the year to date (to March 22) reveal our planet has been “cooking” at just 0.09C above the 1991-2020 climatological average — hardly signs of an impending fiery doom.  Give it up, alarmists.  Find yourselves another crusade.”

Latest massive whales and dolphin die-off are signs of solar storm, magnetic pole shift and waning magnetosphere, Feb. 24, 2021

The Unabomber and Other Transgender Pioneers

By Cliff Kincaid

“Abortion Is Health Care” was the actual headline over an email I received from the Center for American Progress, with a message quoting a young woman as saying, “I celebrate my abortion, and no one can take that away from me.” This is today’s “progressive” point of view. The actual destruction of a human being is passed off as “heath care.”

Such viewpoints also make their way into “news” stories. The quote about celebrating abortion was actually taken from a story in Teen Vogue, a magazine devoted to fashion, beauty, and entertainment news for teens.

Another example is the phrase “common-sense gun safety measures.” This means taking away Second Amendment rights from law-abiding citizens.

To cite another recent example, consider the phrase “gender-affirming” when discussing surgeries and chemical castration that are used on children. The media agenda today is to glorify perversion and make kids into pawns of the sexual revolution. They promote an industry, much like the abortion industry, which profits from destroying the biological basis of human life.

The agenda is either to kill kids or make them into something they are not. By any objective measure, this is child exploitation and child abuse.

As a veteran media critic, I’ve gotten pretty good at documenting the insidious inventory of slanted journalism techniques that constitute media bias. I have written many books on media misdeeds, including media malpractice – that is, deliberate deception or bias through gross negligence. But the media bias today has sunk even lower, to the extent of masking harm to children in benign and even favorable terms.

It is shocking that some Republicans have fallen for it.

Exhibit number one is a story from the fashionable and corporate-supporting Axios, a media outlet on the cutting edge of societal transformation, about “transgender children.” The story, by somebody named Orion Rummler, is one of the best examples of a style of “journalism” that is designed to undermine everything that is wholesome and good about growing up as boys and girls, based on DNA and the biological facts of life.

Here’s how it began: “Arkansas’ Republican-controlled House and Senate on Tuesday overrode GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s veto of a bill that criminalizes gender-affirming care for transgender children.”

The bill was the “Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act.”

Writing for the Washington Post, an unusual outlet for a conservative governor, Hutchinson claimed he was for limited government and opposed to making the state into “the definitive oracle” in such matters.

Medical Experiments on Minors

But as Tucker Carlson noted in a debate with the governor, one can say the same thing about laws that prohibit minors from drinking beer and getting married. Carlson asked, “Okay, then why are we preventing kids from drinking? Sincere question — or getting married? Sincere question. Having sex? They’re not old enough to have sex, but they’re old enough to be chemically castrated? How does that work exactly?”

The term “gender-affirming” is actually DNA denial, a form of child abuse which exploits children so they can be made into cogs of the on-going sexual revolution that is now expanding on the basis of the deranged belief that boys can be girls, and vice versa.

Not one critic of this insidious practice of sexual mutilation of young people was quoted in the piece. Instead, sexual activists and doctors in the business, as well as the ACLU, are quoted in favor of somehow changing boys into girls.

In order to understand this form of Cultural Marxism, please note the case of the Harvard-educated Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, about whom a psychiatric report said his mental state had deteriorated to the point where he had “fantasies of being a female” and “became convinced that he should undergo sex change surgery.” This modern-day Luddite staged an 18-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured many more before his capture by the FBI in 1996.

Today, such bizarre thoughts are apparently considered completely normal by the Democratic Party and Republicans like Hutchinson.

The founder of the modern gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was a member of the Communist Party who wore a dress and promoted the North American Man-Boy Love Association and the occult. He divorced his wife, after being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, before heading off on his perverted journey, finally declaring himself to be a “Radical Faerie.”

Or consider Leslie Feinberg, a male-to-female transgender member of the Workers World Party who also pioneered this “lifestyle.”  Feinberg was described by his supporters as “an anti-racist white, working-class, secular Jewish, transgender, lesbian, female, revolutionary communist.”

Another prominent advocate of “transgender liberation” is Bradley/Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. Army analyst sentenced to prison for espionage for his/her collaboration in the release by WikiLeaks of thousands of top-secret intelligence reports. Former President Obama commuted Manning’s sentence, which was originally 35 years in prison for espionage, after only seven years in prison. Manning was an open homosexual in the Army before deciding to become a woman.

Be All You Can Be

Today, under China Joe, men can be women in the Armed Forces, with the surgeries paid for by the American taxpayers.

One can argue that adults in the civilian sector should have the “right” to try to change genders, even though their DNA remains the same DNA they were born with. But children? The obvious agenda is to confuse and capture youth, making them into cannon fodder for the revolution – and to vote Democrat.

These are confused young people, some of whom go through phases, who wonder about their sexuality. They need parental help and counseling. Most will outgrow their delusions.

It would have been appropriate for Axios reporter Orion Rummler to have quoted the ex-transgender Walt Heyer about the young people he has counseled who regret being forced to go through “transgender” surgeries and chemical treatments.  His website is “Sex Change Regret.” He was on my TV program talking about the destructive nature of transgenderism.

It was easy to find a story about this reporter in college participating in transgender events. The name on his Twitter page includes the words, “He/him, trans man.” Links are made to the groups “Trans Journalists Association” and “The Association of LGBTQ Journalists,” known as NLGJA.

The journalistic associations devoted to these special interest causes make sure reporters toe the line.

But no pressure was needed here.

Rummler went through a “training program” with the Association of LGBTQ Journalists and also says, “I wrote a story covering the LGBTQ community in Palm Springs, California during the NLGJA’s 2018 conference and received mentorship from reporters and editors with the New York Times, AP, and Fox News.”

Despite the good work of people like Tucker Carlson on this issue, Fox News has always been a financial backer of the NLGJA.

Journalists are Activists and Advocates

The biased Axios reporter, with an obvious special interest in the issue, gets his/her stories picked up by CBS News, spreading this disinformation of a sexual nature in ways that compound the damage. Another such story by the same reporter: “Pentagon to cover gender-affirming medical care for trans service members.”

Here’s another story by the same reporter carried by Yahoo! News: “Biden issues first-ever presidential proclamation for Trans Day of Visibility.”

The term “gender-affirming” is propaganda that obscures the reality of DNA as the most fundamental level of being a human being.

From a religious perspective, beyond science and human biology, one can argue that this is a full-blown assault on God’s plan for the human family.

The Axios story followed another such obscenity from CNN on the same topic, and you may have heard about this one. The article by CNN breaking news and politics reporter Devan Cole claimed “It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.”

A quick search also disclosed political activities by this “journalist” when he was in college at George Washington University.

These are current examples of “bias” that fall into the realm of dishonest story-telling that is designed to make the themes of Cultural Marxism acceptable to Americans. These “journalists” are doing real damage to young people.

Exposing these lies is a critical part of the process of restoring our nation to moral and spiritual health.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Is Anyone Angry About Biden’s Inviting An Invasion Of Our Borders?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Did the American people vote to make this country the babysitter for the rest of the world?  Did anyone vote to have $60 million allocated per month as reported by “60 Minutes”, for housing and feeding this foreign mob of people?  And, their children?

Those illegal migrants, along with another million legal immigrants annually, migrate to our shores “for a better life.”  Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  They flee suffering, misery, starvation, brutal dictatorships, drug cartels and hopelessness in their own countries in Central and South America.  They ride dinghy’s from Cuba over 90 miles of open ocean to touch down on America soil.  Once they land on our soil, they get the royal treatment of food, housing, EBT cards, cars, utilities and more from our tax dollars.

According to, we taxpayers shell out over $113 billion annually across 15 Federal Agencies in “free stuff” for those legal and illegal migrants.

How long can this invasion of our country go on?   Answer: not much longer.  We’ve got 540,000 certified homeless Americans who are starving, living in the woods and suffering from endless maladies.  We’ve got 80,000 drug overdose deaths annually.  We’re a mind-numbing $28 trillion in national debt.  We’ve got cities overrun with crime such as Chicago, Minneapolis, NYC, Miami, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis and LA.  We’ve got 330 million people to feed 990 million meals, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  How much longer can we maintain our society with that kind of demand? Those migrants go from 5 gallons of water usage per day to 80-100 gallons in our country.  They devour our resources at an unprecedented rate of speed.

If we keep this migration onslaught up, we face an added 100 million or even 150 million more people, net gain, in America by 2050.

Here’s the kicker:  in 2021, Central America, where all these people are flooding into our country, originate—houses 181 million people.  Demographic projections show Central America growing to 223 million within 29 years.  That’s 42 million more desperate people that will migrate to America “for a better life” within less than three decades.

Here’s the other kicker:  in 2021, South America, where starvation dominates in Venezuela, Columbia and throughout the region, they house 433 million people.  By 2050, they expect to overpopulate themselves by jumping to 779 million people. That’s a added 346 million people!  (Source:

That’s a total of 488 million more people heading to America “for a better life.”

Do you, fellow American, think we can save all of them?  Some of them? If you do, how?

Here is what one of my readers said, “I’ve written to you several times in the past, but my feelings concerning immigration laws, should be concerned more for the lives and well-being of Texans/US citizens rather than for illegals and all these children!!

“Someone has given these people the money to travel here AND has helped organize this movement to bring these children here! If you notice, it’s all the media and all our elected officials can talk about! Oh, these poor children!

“As far as I am concerned the problem with the children being brought into our country as well as all the other illegals, their health and well-being is not our problem!  Period! These people have let their children be used! We have absolutely no responsibility for any of these people whether young, old or otherwise. It is the problem of THEIR GOVERNMENT and not OUR GOVERNMENT!

“If these illegal immigrants don’t like the way their government operates, then they need to be responsible for changing that! It’s not our problem, folks! Most Americans are fighting back against this tyrannical government and not escaping this tyranny by  illegally entering Mexico or some other country! We don’t send our children to other countries expecting them to deal with it! So, I advocate sending every one of these illegals—-children included—back to where they came from! Then, I advocate the complete closure of our border! Absolutely, no one should be able to enter the country under any circumstances!

“I had told you in a former email that I have seen more and more illegals enter our country for many years, now. I have told you about the Mexican women who illegally entered our country while pregnant knowing full well that once their baby was born here, they would allow the mothers to stay! Just as you have pointed out, we now have many—too many illegal mothers to stay and have more children. This has doubled or tripled our Mexican population since the early 1960s!

“Why was this allowed to happen in the first place? Why has our government been so soft on letting these people stay without worry of deportation? Why weren’t our border control agents doing their job or why hasn’t Texas demanded our border be closed? I disagreed with Trump about his policy to let these families stay who were born here by mothers who illegally entered our country! in our country. This has given rise to our Mexican population.

“After all, it was the pregnant mothers who came here illegally knowing that once her child was born on US soil, she would be permitted to stay here forever! Trump had no idea what life has been like for those who live near the border! In fact, I would like to see Trump, Biden, his wife, sons  and most of all, Kamala, be forced to live in a dusty, dirty little border town and experience what many Texans have had to put up with! Let them experience the fear many families have had to face after living where illegals and drug lords have invaded their homes in the city and their private ranches!

“In my day, it was legal to post signs on the fences that surrounded a ranch and that warned that “trespasses will be shot!” I’ve seen as many as 8 or 10 illegals at a time hiding in the brush on our ranch. We never knew how many were hiding out in the brush,  waiting to steal or assault a ranch owner! This is why so many ranch families have been forced to move into town! Never should any American have to fear illegals or the drug lords! They have no right to be here!

“Our governor is married to a Mexican. I have nothing against anyone who wants to marry a Mexican. But, I suspect this is probably why the governor hasn’t done more than he’s done. He’s been more vocal about his concern for these children. More so than he is for Texans! We need to close all the loopholes of giving these people social security benefits, medical benefits and other benefits they are not entitled to. To give them this is a slap in the face at those who have worked for years and who are entitled to these benefits.   Shutting off all benefits to these people, would probably encourage them to go back to where they came from!  Angry in Texas!”

One hopeful note: Governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds said, “We will not take in any immigrants. They are Biden’s problem.”   Every governor of every state needs to repeat that!

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Satan’s Great Wrath, Because His Time is Short

By Rob Pue

Sometimes I find myself envying the uninformed. Being so involved in the news tends to weigh heavily on a person. I get a LOT of news. More than you can imagine. It’s nearly 24/7 from all parts of the globe, from all types of sources. I’ve also made it my life’s ambition to study the Scriptures, and having been given a fair amount of Godly discernment creates the perfect storm for someone like me, because now I know what’s going on in the world, and I also see how all these things fit together into a big picture.

My conclusion is that, just as Scripture tells us, Satan is loose in this world. He always has been, but now, all hell is literally breaking loose upon the earth as demonic forces are enjoying free reign like never before. In a world where the Church has retreated and compromised, surrendering to political correctness and guilted into being “tolerant” of all human behavior without judgment or even comment, the Church is no longer the restraining influence it once was. There WAS a time when God’s Church — made up of true, genuine, faithful Christ-followers — represented Him in the world, and being salt and light upon the earth, held back the forces of evil like oil and water.

For centuries, the Christian church restrained evil. Even those who were not devout Christians still had their God-given consciences, not yet seared beyond hope by hard-heartedness, sin and evil. In modern times, just the fact that a Christian church was on the corner would keep a community free from crime, even in the toughest of inner city neighborhoods. The church, the Christians and the pastor there, brought to the community, a restraining influence. But no more. In fact, in many crime-ridden dangerous areas of our inner cities, there are MULTIPLE “churches” on every block. Most all with bars on the windows and iron gates on the doors, yet evil flourishes while the “health, wealth and prosperity” preachers cower inside.

As Church leaders watered down — and even CHANGED —the Gospel, in an effort to be more “seeker friendly,” and as many refused to even comment on the wickedness around us for fear of sounding “judgmental” or “intolerant,” the message and influence of God’s Church has become neutered, meaningless and worthless. Last year, a MAJORITY of American churches VOLUNTEERED to be publicly declared “non-essential,” closing their doors to the public. Some for a year or more. Some never bothered to open again. The Bible describes it as salt that has lost its savor… “no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.”

And as this force for righteousness retreated, satanic, demonic forces rushed in to fill the void.  Today, we’re seeing a full-on exponential INCREASE in evil, because evil begets evil, wickedness begets wickedness, and it just keeps snowballing and getting worse and worse, picking up pace.  Not only is our faith “non essential” and “irrelevant” to the unsaved now, but life is often no different for professing “Christians.”

Satan is described in Scripture as being “a murderer from the beginning,” and “the father of lies.” We know that he prowls the earth as a hungry lion, looking for someone to devour. We know that he comes to kill, steal and destroy. We know that, being a murderer, the fruit he bears is always death and destruction. Being a liar, we know that whatever he calls himself, however he represents himself, the opposite will always be true, because he is the king of hypocrites. So let’s take this knowledge we have about our enemy, Satan, and look at what is really happening in our world today.

Not only are we STILL dealing with the abomination of legalized and celebrated sodomy, but that’s now quickly morphing into legalization and celebration of pedophilia. Child sex trafficking is big business all around the world, including here in the US. Many of those now coming across our southern border are children, and many are destined for a life of sexual exploitation — and many political and business leaders in our country are making money from this. We recently learned of hundreds, if not thousands, of children being trafficked aboard the container ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal. Hopefully these children will be rescued, but this is just one instance. What I’m talking about is going on constantly — even in small town America.

Satan loves to destroy children, because he hates their innocence, purity and potential. He also knows that hurting our children is the one thing that will hurt us parents and grandparents the most. And — because we love our kids, many will question the words of Scripture and try to twist clear warnings about sin so that we can still “accept and affirm” our kids even when their minds are being warped and we know they’re believing lies. Too often over the last generation, instead of admonishing and warning young people when they were headed down the path to death, we instead chose to “just love them,” or “just pray for them,” but never spoke a word of rebuke or even wise counsel, because we feared their rejection of us.

So now we have “transgender” kids in Kindergarten.  We have parents letting their little kids — some even too young to know how to tie their own shoes — choose whatever gender they prefer, and then encouraging them in that deception and celebrating clear and obvious delusion with them.  We have parents taking their children to “Drag Queen Story Time” and placing them on the laps of perverted pedophiles who read them a story about “inclusion” and “equality.” This is clearly demonic.

Speaking of “delusion,” the current occupant of our White House chose Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary, “Rachel” Levine to be the new Assistant Secretary of Health.  What’s wrong with that?  Other than the fact that we now have an Assistant Secretary of HEALTH who is morbidly obese, Levine is also the first openly transgender federal official in history.  THIS is the person that will be in charge of our HEALTH?  In the words of one notorious miscreant, “Come on, man!”

Meanwhile, as our older children are joining subversive groups like BLM and ANTIFA, supporting socialism and even communism in America, they’ve been allowed — and even aided — by our public officials, to tear down monuments and statues commemorating our history and heritage.  At the same time, they’re embracing and celebrating statues of “Baphomet,” with several of these nearly 9-foot statues being erected throughout the country. These statues depict the goat-headed pagan god sitting down, flanked by two adoring little children and room on the “lap” of the demon for real children to sit and have their picture taken. A satanic pentagram symbol is highlighted above the demon’s horns.

I didn’t watch the “Grammy” awards but I was recently shown a photo from that event. The photo depicts three women licking one another’s tongues and fondling each others’ bodies. Now, I have no interest in the Grammy Awards — I have no idea who any of those people are anyway, but plenty of our young people DO — and these are their new role models.  So while we were told by the government that we had to keep our enslaved faces covered and remain six feet apart from one another for over a year, it seems on THIS “Animal Farm,” some animals are more equal and have more rights than others.  Again, MORE satanic influence and delusion, more hypocrisy, more lies, slowly brainwashing not just our young people, but ALL of us.

Prominently highlighted and celebrated in the music industry recently have been the likes of “Cardi B,” who’s most famous so-called “song” is SO perverse I can’t even tell you the title of it here, and the so-called “rap artist,” “Lil Nas X,” who’s career really took off when he announced he’s a homosexual.  His latest video shows him cavorting erotically with Satan in various forms.  It’s too graphic to tell you about — but his fans love it.  And, you may have heard about his satanic shoes.  He recently placed an order for 666 pairs of Nike shoes, and then colored them with (quote) “60 ccs of ink and 1 drop of human blood.” The shoes are replete with satanic imagery, and are individually numbered from 1 to 666.  They were to sell for $1018 a pair; but the Nike corporation currently has a lawsuit filed against the rapper for unauthorized use of their product.

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota stated online, “our kids are being told that this kind of product is ok, it’s ‘exclusive.’  But do you know what’s more exclusive?  Their God-given eternal soul.”  Well said, Governor.

Satan made great strides in deceiving the whole world in 2020 with the coronavirus lockdowns, mask mandates, orchestrated rioting and destruction, and now the deadly, dangerous vaccine mandates. So many blindly accepted “orders” from unelected officials and unlawful edicts from those that were allegedly elected. And others just scratched their heads when those charged with keeping the peace with law and order, were ORDERED by their bosses to “stand down” and allow their cities to burn. People are currently being conditioned to EXPECT a “universal basic income” in the form of “COVID RELIEF” checks, paving the way for the Great Financial Reset…and the “New World Order” ruled by Satan.

My concern is that so many are buying into the lies and deception of the enemy of our souls — not just our young people, but people of all ages.  Those who have the Holy Spirit of God within them can clearly see and understand all that’s coming upon the earth.  But so many are willfully blind, because as Jesus said in John 3, “…men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” 

People are choosing sides now, and it’s not just our country that’s divided.  The kingdoms of heaven and hell are much more clearly defined now too.  Those who deny their Creator are sent a strong delusion, and so they believe the lies of the enemy and live accordingly.  Romans 1 tells us that God “gives them over” to reprobate minds.  When this happens, they are ripe for the picking by Satan and his demons.

So many professing Christians, sadly, do not understand the influence of the demonic realm in our natural world.  It’s almost as if they’re afraid to study it or talk about it, for fear of being considered silly.  But there’s nothing silly about it. Scripture is full of examples of Satan wreaking havoc — and his demonic spirits controlling people here on earth. It’s not silly. It’s deadly serious, and we need to know about it and understand it, because things are ramping up now — as Revelation 12 tells us, Satan knows his time is short, and so his wrath against God and mankind is getting stronger and more vile every day.

Suffice to say, millions ARE being deceived by Satan today. Millions HAVE BEEN given a strong delusion and they HAVE been given over to reprobate minds. Fallen angels — demonic spirits — ARE infecting the souls of people, young and old, on this earth. The results are worse than any virus could ever be, so this should concern you. If it doesn’t, I dare say you’re opening yourself up to strong delusion. I would strongly advise you take this seriously.

Those who have the Holy Spirit of God within them are soundly saved and can discern all these things because these things are spiritually discerned. Those apart from God think this is all nonsense. They look to “science,” their own intellects, government officials or their Hollywood heroes for answers — anywhere but to God. But mark the words from Revelation 12 again:  “…the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time.”  The time is getting shorter every second.  The clock is ticking.

Because our Lord and Savior — the “Grace of God that brings salvation” — is soon returning. One of the devil’s greatest lies is that we have all the time in the world.  That there’s no urgency to repent and turn to God. I urge you to look around at how rapidly things are changing on this planet now. How wildly demonic so many things around us seem to be. They SEEM to be that way because they ARE. The devil’s time is short — but so is yours. Turn off the TV. Open your Bible. Seek the Lord God in fervent prayer. Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you, with peace that passes all understanding. Don’t wait.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email:  Ask for message number 321.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Truth About Energy, Part 2

by Roger Anghis

Looking at our energy today we saw the disaster in Texas with the windmills and the solar that supports about 18% of their total power.  If it snows hard neither are reliable.  Liberals are pushing for alternative sources for energy which I don’t think is bad but until we have an alternative source that is reliable 100% of the time as fossil fuels are, we shouldn’t even consider replacing fossil fuels.  In the United States, 80% of our power comes from fossil fuels and only about 3.4% comes from wind and solar combined even though there have been decades of government subsidies to encourage their use.[1] Texas proved that neither are reliable during the winter months.  Keep in mind that these green new deal proponents actually believe that if the government is allowed to control the energy which also means they will have to control transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture that wind and solar will miraculously be able to supply 100% of our power.  They also believe that taxing companies that produce a lot of CO2 will reduce the amount of CO2 being introduced into the atmosphere.  Yes, they are that stupid.

We’ve been hearing for decades that rising water levels will literally bury nations if not stopped.  In 1989 the UN produced a report stating that very thing would happen by 2000 if global warming wasn’t stopped.[2]  Well, 2000 came and went and no nation was wiped off the face of the Earth because of rising sea levels or any other reason.  Man’s use of CO2 has added some CO2 to the atmosphere and from the mid-1900s to today we’ve gone from .03% to .04% in the atmosphere but we have to understand that man isn’t the only one putting CO2 into the atmosphere.  The Earth itself produces CO2 primarily from active volcanoes.  One volcano can produce as much CO2 as 250 million to 300 million automobiles but this information has been scrubbed from the internet because it destroys their man-made global warming narrative.  There are over 1500 active volcanoes above ground and 30,000 on the continental ridge in the Atlantic ocean.  One that has been dormant for over 4000 years just became active last week.  Man’s input to the CO2 ‘nightmare’, .0036%.  This means that we have literally no significant effect on ‘climate change’ at all.  If we stopped emitting CO2 there would be no change in climate change whatsoever.  Facts our liberal friends ignore and refuse to tell you.

Other CO2 facts they don’t tell us is that in that same period of time we have experienced global greening.  That is because CO2 is plant food.  When plants are exposed to higher contents of CO2 their root system increases and fruit output increases.  Elevated CO2 enhances plant growth. Carbon dioxide is the substrate for photosynthesis and, when elevated, both carbon assimilation and water use efficiency generally increases. Stimulation of root system development associated with increased growth implies more rooting, which, in turn, implies the possibility of increased water and nutrient capture. Microbes mediate carbon and nutrient flows within the soil, and CO2-induced changes in the structure and function of plant root systems may lead to changes in the microbiology of both rhizosphere and soil. Enhanced plant growth further suggests greater delivery of carbon to soil, and thus, potentially greater soil carbon storage. Soil is a vital reservoir in the global carbon cycle. Sequestration of soil carbon is closely linked to nutrient cycling. Root growth, rhizosphere microbiology, nutrient cycling and availability, and carbon storage in soils are integrally linked and have important implications for plant health.[3] Many have suggested that greenhouses that grow food would be wise to add a CO2 machine because the higher levels of CO2 could give you 30%-50% higher yields.  Plants can actually use much more than the naturally occurring carbon dioxide – as much as up to 1000-1200ppm – and using additional carbon dioxide to enrich your grow room’s air can have a brilliant effect on plant growth. Your plants will grow stronger and faster, and you can expect a 30-50% rise in yields as long as all your other growing conditions are at the optimal level.

However it should be noted that using too much can also be harmful – don’t go overboard! Too much and the ability to transpire is reduced, affecting photosynthesis and the amount of nutrients that the plant can access. You can check CO2 levels in a few different ways, one of them being with the Evolution Digital Carbon Dioxide Controller. This controller will tell you just how much is present in the air and will help you to control the amounts easily.[4]

Looking back through history science can prove that at one point in time we had ten times the CO2 levels of today and the average temperature was 25 degrees higher than we have now.  More facts the climate change fear mongers conveniently forget to tell you.  Then there’s the report from the International Disaster Data Base states that climate-related deaths from floods, storms, extreme heat, and drought have been plummeting as CO2 levels have been rising.  It was the fossil fuels that empowered us to properly heat and cool our buildings, build stronger buildings, develop mass irrigation and weather warning systems.  We should continue to look for lower-carbon energy but it should provide more energy than fossil fuels not less as wind and solar do.[5]

We do have an energy source that is carbon-free and provides much more energy than fossil fuels and that is nuclear power.  It has been given a bad reputation because of some man-made accidents but is by far the most efficient energy source we have at this time; Sweden gets 40% of its power from nuclear and France gets 70%.  No other source can provide the dependable energy we must have to keep America running as fossil fuels and nuclear power.  Both are in the sites of the organizers of the New Green Deal because neither of them will give these groups the money and power they are demanding to control every person on the planet which is their goal.  And they don’t care what it costs you for them to attain that power.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes


We Warned You, Biden and the Dems Are Bad For This Country – and Things Are About to Get a Lot Worse

By Greg Holt

Biden is trying to sell his major tax hike with an “infrastructure” plan that is both a bad deal and a huge lie

Don’t say we didn’t warn you, because we did, repeatedly – only many people chose not to listen.

Biden as promised opened the border, and we are paying the price for this already, the border is a disaster.  The AP (Associated Press) informed their staff NOT to refer to the border situation as a “crisis.”  If there is no crisis, then why did the Biden administration do an about face and say that parts of the border wall now need to be finished?  This after Biden had previously halted all wall construction on DAY ONE in office.

Firebrand socialist Demoncrat Ilhan Omar recently called Biden out on his about face, seems she isn’t happy about any holes in the wall being plugged.

Biden in his infinite wisdom also killed the Keystone Pipeline project, also on day one in office.  This move instantly destroyed thousands of jobs, and coupled with the “no new drilling rule” has endangered America’s recently achieved energy independence.  Notice gas prices at the pump are rising?  Thank commander Biden for that.

Some will tell you that the price increase is a simple supply and demand issue, more gas being used means more demand and supplies are down, therefore the product price increases.  That is true; and then some will blame OPEC.  Here is the problem with that scenario – OPEC should have little impact on U.S. fuel prices.  But since Biden wants to take away all of the U.S. oil industry’s toys and give them to the so-called renewable fuels industry, that in turn means we import more oil, which in turn means the price of gas rises, which didn’t have to happen to begin with.  One of Biden’s stated goals is to squash the oil industry like a bug, and he is following through on that promise.  You can read about that here, and here.

Biden has destroyed women’s sports.  Biden supports children being able to change their sex (transgender); his assistant secretary for health is transgender.

From CNS News:

“The idea that an 8-year-old child, a 10-year-old child decides, you know, ‘I want to be transgender, that’s what I think I’d like to be, it’d make my life a lot easier’—there should be no discrimination.”

That’s sick, that’s really screwed up thinking.  A child can’t drink, can’t drive, can’t marry, can’t vote, and can’t make 90% of their own decisions – but let’s let them be the judge of what sex they would like to be.  What the hell is wrong with these people???

King Biden has also taken it upon himself to decide that weapons need to be regulated much better, the latest round of the Democrats “never let a good crisis go to waste” panic induced gun control, a prelude to their complete removal.  Plenty of people say this is only a conspiracy theory – well when it actually happens and we who have been warning of this for a long time now are proven right, it will be far to late.

On top of all the other damage Biden and his goon squad have accomplished, now the pretender-in-chief wants to raise taxes, and spend trillions of dollars to “fix” the economy.  I’ve got news for Biden and his cohorts – first, I don’t think any of these people are all that bright, Trump had the economic fix well in hand.  Second, Biden’s supposed fix for the economy, as well as the way to generate more jobs – well to put it plainly, it’s not going to work genius.

Despite the Leftist narrative out there that raising taxes sky high generates jobs etc., Clinton tried this same tactic before, and guess what?  It didn’t work.  Oh, and Clinton himself said he raised taxes to high.

Biden is busy trying to sell a HUGE tax hike by tossing the country a bone.  Here Fido, sit, good boy!  Except that we are not dogs, and Biden’s bone, his much vaunted infrastructure plan is a joke, a joke that will have serious consequences.

Due to Biden’s day one executive orders we have already sustained job losses.  Now Ol sleepy Joe apparently wants to demolish the economy and uncreate jobs.  How does the loss of one MILLION jobs due to Biden’s plans sound?  This ought to not only scare all Americans, but it ought to give wiser heads than mine pause for thought and serious evaluation.  Maybe a peek back into our nation’s history wouldn’t hurt either.

From Breitbart News:

“They found that the U.S. would lose one million jobs in the first two years, GDP would be $117 billion lower by 2023, and ordinary capital, or investments in equipment and structures, would be $80 billion less in 2023.”

The construction industry is already reeling; COVID-19 did a lot of damage.  There are reportedly plenty of construction projects that were slated for 2020 and many of these projects either are not even started yet, or remain unfinished.  Labor shortages are also a serious problem – there is plenty of work out there right now, but people can’t be found to fill the jobs.  More construction jobs without people to do them isn’t much help.  Many people are working from home now as well.

Biden’s American Jobs Plan is riddled with serious problems and is not well designed.  No one is surprised that above 50% of the bills funding has nothing to do with its namesake, namely infrastructure and of course job creation.

Joe Biden’s grasp of the economy is on par with AOC’s – in other words, almost nonexistent.

From Fox Business:

‘“Raising taxes will not slow the economy at all,’ Biden said Friday during remarks on the March jobs report at the White House. “We’re asking corporate America to pay their fair share. It will not slow the economy at all.”

How is it that the nominal head of America can be this ignorant?

“But according to an analysis of Congressional Budget Office data published by the Tax Foundation, a center-right think tank, federal investments only deliver half the economic [sic] as private-sector investments — roughly 5% versus 10%. A dollar of federal spending results in only about $0.67 of actual investment because state, local and private sector entities reduce their spending in response.”

In other words, Biden’s massive spending will have little positive effect and plenty of negative effects.

Then there is the issue of Biden raising taxes, and not just a little bit either, this is a massive increase like what Clinton enacted.  As taxes increase, companies decrease their spending – they hire fewer workers, invest less in their businesses or not at all, and when things are bad enough, they move overseas.  Trump knew all this, which is why he LOWERED taxes.  The result?  The economy boomed and companies came back to America and invested in America, they paid employees more, and even handed out bonuses.  Biden will undo ALL of this with his foolish tax hike.

From Washington Examiner:

‘“I think raising taxes in the middle of a pandemic and economic crisis isn’t just politically negligent but economically stupid,’ said Republican strategist Matt Gorman.

The corporate tax rate would be increased from 21% to 28%, partially negating a cut signed into law by former President Donald Trump in 2017. Biden would also like to restore the Clinton-era top personal tax rate of 39.6%. Capital gain would be taxed as regular income, and unrealized capital gains would be subject to tax at death.”

Ford was set to invest 900 million in a huge project in Ohio.  Ford has now announced that they are moving the new project to Mexico.  Ford said nothing about taxes or Biden, but why else would they renege on their plans?

As mentioned earlier, when companies are to tightly squeezed, they move jobs overseas, this is what happened in the past; then Trump took office and made great strides in reducing this.  Now Biden wants to reverse all this through the misguided efforts of his administration – because Democrats and RINOs never learn.

Here is another example of Biden trying to squeeze corporations to death by taxes.  Biden wants to make substantial changes to the global intangible low-tax income, or GILTI.  The current GILTI tax rate is 10.5%.  Biden wants to increase that to 21%!  Because of other changes in the tax code, the real effective rate will then become 26.5%.

These companies that flee overseas are looking to lessen their tax burden, a process known as “inversion.”  The U.S. has fairly high tax rates, and Biden wants to restore them to the Clinton era levels – so we will once again reign supreme as the nation that has the highest tax rates in the world.

Biden also wants to repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) passed under Trump.

From Yahoo News:

“The primary effect of the TCJA was to reduce taxes for Americans in the bottom 80 percent of the income distribution. Put another way, the top 20 percent of earners were the only ones who did not get a tax cut under the TCJA. Americans earning between about $40,000 and $80,000 per year benefited most from the TCJA, and millions of others at the lowest income levels were taken off the tax rolls altogether.

President Biden, along with House and Senate Democrats, have pledged to reverse all that.”

This will also put the screws to many an American that inherits property from their parents.  As of now, the inherited property when sold (stepped-up basis) isn’t likely to carry a high tax burden provided the sale proceeds are near to or equal to the fair market value.  Biden wants to eliminate this as well making most of the sale proceeds taxable.

So could someone please remind me again how it is that Biden and the Democrats are good for this country???  I seem to have forgotten.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:

The Federalist
CNS News
U.S. News
The New York Times
Breitbart News
For Construction Pros
Fox Business
Washington Examiner
The Washington post
Yahoo News
TCP News

Are American Enemies Using Our Ports and Borders to Invade America?

Ms. Smallback

I’ve got a theory on some circumstantial evidence.  I’ll give you the theory, then the evidence.

Is the CCP and ilk working with American Communists to infiltrate for an invasion?  I think the Chinese have been sending arms over to America through their American communist contacts (or communist sympathizers, aka traitors) and they’re storing them in warehouses scattered in cities across America, waiting for the “go” order.

I’m hypothesizing that the current border migrant flood is actually hired mercenaries for an invasion.  They waited until the Biden administration was in place to flood the border.  They’ve put a gag order on the ICE and CBP agents in order to downplay the extent of invasion, pretending it’s “under control” – to give players time to get in location.  Remember they’re busing and flying these “migrants” to various locations across the U.S.  What if they’re transporting them to the locations of the stored weapons?

The migrant mercenaries then become little armies in cities unsuspecting, waiting for the go order.  They’ll be armed and most likely their leadership is already in place.  Look at the various pics of the migrants being bussed.  They’re well dressed, gold jewelry, high tech phones, and not bedraggled whatsoever.

While it’s documented the Chinese have been working with BLM and Antifa, supplying and funding them, what if that’s the cover for something more sinister?  (Not that that’s not treason in and of itself.)  [See articles here, here, and here.]

The Chauvin trial of the media spun lie about George Floyd is the pretense for new and upcoming riots.  But this is way bigger than that.  That is just the pretense to throw America off balance.  In the meantime you have (another) aggressive attempt at disarming Americans.

My theory is that they’ve been putting the arms in place for a couple years (for every caught shipment, how many have not been intercepted?).  Now they’re getting the mercenaries in place.

I think Covid has been one of the covers for getting some of the things done and in motion, (consider Newsome’s laundering “masks” via CCP).  California has some of the most draconian illegal covid mandates in place.  Can Newsome justify multi-million even billion dollar bills with China without the “pandemic crisis”?  They need a ruse to launder the weapons.  They need people afraid of the government and locked down.  What other states have been draconian?  I’d start there for weapons warehouses.  (I’d guess they’re Democrat run states.)

They waited until the border was unprotected with an administration that is actually part of this plan.  (Biden is owned by the CCP and everyone who’s been paying attention knows it.)  Anyone paying any attention can see these people are not walking thousands of miles for “refuge” in America.  These people are clean and well-kept, some overweight (no hunger issue), with high dollar phones, clothes and jewelry.  Many have been spotted with credit cards.  No, someone has organized and paid a lot of people to flood our borders.

I think they’ll use BLM and Antifa “riots” to start the ball rolling (cue Floyd/Chauvin riots), and when chaos ensues, I think they’ll move in for a total disarmament of the American people.  When (if, really – we won’t let that happen but I think that’s their plan) the disarmament of the American people happens, the Communists (in whatever national garb they’re in) will come out and take over, (or maybe the UN will be called to “restore order”?).

Simply put, we cannot disarm.  Americans organized and armed is the only reason they haven’t done it before now.

In this article we learn that Newsome had made a billion dollar deal with China for “masks” shipped monthly, but the details are not transparent.  I think we have weapons laundering going on here.

In this article (from last summer) we have weapon caches in various California warehouses.  If you don’t read any other article I link, please read this one (and the one at the end).

Assault weapons were seized in Louisville last year, sourced to China, and headed to Florida, article here, here and here.

This story from two summers ago, is gun parts from China were seized in California, article one and two.

This report tells us there was a 30% increase in gun and drug trafficking on our NORTHERN border last year.

Just last month the Biden Administration supported lawless search and seizures of guns without warrants, look here and here.

And yesterday the fool basically started the process of destroying the U.S. Constitution, specifically in relation to the2nd Amendment, but it will have an overall destruction if acted upon.  He is setting up lawless rule (not that we aren’t already under such, but this will make the government’s illegal actions now legal).  Article here.

I honestly think the cure to this communist takeover is:

  1. Americans organized and armed.
  2. Local sheriffs on board with their Constitutional duty, implementing plans and procedures to nip in the bud any true and real insurgencies, whether they be BLM, Antifa, or other.
  3. Relentless vigilance inward and outward.
  4. Prayer

Lastly, this is an astounding overview of how the British attempted arms control and confiscation just before the Revolutionary War.  Not much mainstream history likes to expound on the reality that the British tried to disarm the colonists.  There are eerily similar strains from those days to this day.  I can’t recommend this read enough.  It’s full of valuable insight and inspiration.

© 2021 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback:

Great Americans Looking Toward Our Creator

By Ron Edwards

Long before the Pilgrims journey to what they considered “The New World”, great leaders sought the mighty wisdom of God.  When God asked Solomon, “what do you desire?  The wisest man who ever lived replied, saying “I desire to be filled with your wisdom.” God was well pleased and promised Solomon that because he first sought His wisdom, that his kingdom would be blessed and prosperous.  The Lord also promised Solomon that his enemies would be at peace him and no wars would mar Israel during his reign.  The Lord gave Solomon so much wisdom, he was constantly sought out by kings and queens throughout the world for his wise council.

The founding Fathers and numerous other great Americans prayed for and received the wisdom of God.  As a result, even with the often pointed out faults by leftists seeking to destroy our republic today, the United States became the overall greatest nation in history.  It has been said that what is taught to one generation dictates what direction the nation takes via the following generation.  Daniel Webster understood that and often stressed the need to remember that God is the center of true knowledge. Considered one of the greatest orators in United States history, Daniel Webster (1782-1852) served as a U.S. congressman and senator as well as secretary of state for three different presidents.  The following is from a speech given before the Historical Society of New York on February 23, 1852:

If we and our posterity shall be true to the Christian religion, if we and they shall live always in the fear of God, and shall respect His commandments, if we and they shall maintain just moral sentiments and such conscientious convictions of duty shall control the heart and life, we may have the highest hopes of the future fortunes of our country…

But if we and our posterity reject religious institutions and authority, violate the rules eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us.  

To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice: Proverbs 21:3.

On January 25th 1974, Ronald Reagan gave his famous “Shining City Upon a Hill” speech and concluded by saying this:

We cannot escape our destiny, nor should we try to do so.  The leadership of the free world was thrust upon us in that little hall in Philadelphia.  In the days following World War II, when the economic strength and power of America was all that stood between the world and the return to the dark ages, Pope Pius said, “The American people have a great genius for splendid and unselfish actions.  Into the hands of America God has placed the destinies of an afflicted mankind.”  We were indeed and we are today, the last best hope of mankind.  The Gipper’s words rang as true as any words of destiny ever conceived and spoken by any man.  Sometimes during quiet evening moments, I fondly remember the wonder years of my childhood in Cleveland. Not because my family was wealthy or privileged, because we certainly were not.  But Dad had a way of telling stories about this wonderful nation. 

His words often painted a verbal picture of a great land of opportunity. He would also point out that despite some societal problems his generation encountered.  Dad would look on the bright side and would remind me to give God thanks for our solid family, our good health, a nice home and good neighborhood to live in. He understood that if “We the People” exercise our faith, partake of God’s wisdom, guidance and seek to live righteously, we would overcome trials and tribulations as victors and avoid being weak victims and dregs of society.  Dad would also tell me that our unique republic, including the government is a reflection of all of us.  In other words, if we seek to live according to God’s standards, we would enjoy positive developments and opportunities.  But if Godly principles, good education and our national documents are no longer taught and adhered to, then our present national condition is what occurs.    

Can we recover from our current national dilemma? Heck Yeah! But it begins with us. We must say no to the evil being thrust upon us and tell those trying to turn the United States into a permanent Godless dictatorship that our rights come from God not them.  Let us seek HIS wisdom and maintain a righteous moral standard and fight against the tyranny, we to shall be great American victors.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Do be blessed every Sunday through Friday via The Ron Edwards American Experience talk show on  Also check out

© 2021 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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So, this is Communism…

By Lex Greene

For decades now, American children have been taught that communism ended with the fall of the Soviet Union. They’ve been dog-whistle trained to believe that socialism; Marxism, is a progressive idea whose time has come. Nothing could be further from the truth and today, what we are witnessing in the USA under the pseudo-Biden regime is the new face of communism, “progressive socialism.”

Karl Marx is the globally acknowledged creator and author of today’s “democratic socialism.” Marx is also the author of the Communist Manifesto, in concert with Frederick Engels. As Marx himself wrote, “true democracy is the road to socialism, and socialism is merely a steppingstone into communism.”

Karl Marx fans proclaim his genius, writing adoring epitaphs like “Karl Heinrich Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary.” But reality tells a vastly different story about the life of Karl Marx.

Marx and his wife both came from prominent families. But Marx was lazy and self-indulgent, living in squaller his entire life. As Marx spent his life warring against freedom, liberty and individual Rights, his children were left to die of starvation.

Marx had seven (known) children with his wife, but only three of the seven children lived to adulthood. Four of the children died at incredibly young ages, all four, of starvation and malnourishment. Only three daughters lived to adulthood. This was not the plight of all children at the time of Marx’s life. It was only the plight of Marx’s children, and all who followed his teachings.

But before Marx himself passed, two of the three daughters who lived to adulthood, committed suicide. This is the true legacy of the hero to all who believe they want to follow the teachings of Karl Marx, the father of modern socialism and author of the Communist Manifesto.

In a recent survey of young American voters, 44% said they want to live under socialism, just like their hero, Karl Marx. Most Americans don’t know that they already live under socialism, with more than 64% of all federal spending dedicated to social programs. As Marx wrote, the next step after socialism is communism, and that’s where the USA is headed today.

Fences, Troops and Razor Wire

The last time fences and troops were used to protect the ruling class elites in Washington DC from angry voters, was 1932, the Bonus Army event…when a group of 43,000 demonstrators – made up of 17,000 U.S. World War I veterans, together with their families and affiliated groups – gathered in Washington, D.C. in mid-1932 to demand early cash redemption of their service certificates.

After victory in World War I, the US government promised in 1924 that servicemen would receive a bonus for their service, in 1945. The bonus was also known as the “Tombstone Bonus.” Then, the Great Depression hit, beginning with the stock market collapse of 1929. By 1932, the Depression was still dragging on, with no end in sight. Out of sheer desperation, some of the veterans decided to march on Washington to ask for the bonus right away. (source)

Instead of paying any bonuses to veterans and their families unable to feed or house themselves at the height of the Great Depression, the federal government called in troops and opened fire on the veterans and their families. Four years later, in 1936, the veterans did get their bonus, when Congress voted for the money, over democratic socialist President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s veto.

Today, U.S. National Guard troops stand in defense of the pseudo-Biden regime…why? Once again, federal authority is prepared to use military force to protect a rogue administration rushing to install the ideas of Karl Marx and stand on the throats of the American people, in the name of the “greater common good.” Why have Governors allowed their State Guards to be abused in this manner?

As Guardsmen stand a fence to protect Marxist D.C. politicians from the people, our southern border is being overrun by thousands of illegal invaders. The new face of communism is “progressive socialism” as the Biden pseudo-administration spends the nation into unsustainable debt, and floods the country with illegal aliens to bankrupt the nation under the Cloward-Piven strategy.

Simply stated, the objective of the progressive socialists is to overwhelm the U.S. economy with monstrous social spending, not for Americans, but for illegal invaders and fellow Marxists around the world. That’s why 91% of the first Biden COVID $1.9T bill and 96% of his $2T second “stimulus” bill is nothing but a global slush fund for Marxists all over the world, paid for by American taxpayers, now $30T in debt.

This is the face of communism in the USA 2021…and the young people simply know not what they do, or what they wish (and vote) for. They are destroying their own future, but they do not know it. Even worse, the younger generations have been Pavlov trained not to listen to their parents or grandparents, who have seen this all before.

The promises of gifts from the public treasury in the form of COVID stimulus checks, free college, free medicine, free food, free housing, free everything, from a country already $30-trillion in debt, is the bait. These kids think that the government has its own money and can keep writing bad checks for eternity. They do not realize that the debt their political heroes are creating, is their debt to soon pay. The mouse doesn’t know why the cheese is free…

We no longer “tax and spend” in the USA. Now we spend ourselves into unsustainable debt and then raise taxes and seize private assets from all American citizens, to try to bankrupt every citizen while bankrupting a once rich and powerful nation.

This is how a nation of free people is tricked into communism, via progressive socialism. Marx and Engels knew it, as did Khrushchev, when he said communists would take down the USA from within, without needing to ever fire a single shot. They knew that sooner or later, a dumbed down and properly indoctrinated generation would vote themselves back into bondage, while in pursuit of gifts from the public trough.

The USA is now in the final death spiral into unbridled brutal communism and most Americans can’t see it coming, especially the young people voting for it. The “cancel culture” is all about silencing all voices of dissent, all public warnings of danger ahead! And again, the social shaming and cancel culture is all run by children who think they are doing what’s best for America, muzzling all voices of dissent, as if completely unaware of who the muzzle will be fitted for in the end.

This is the face of communism…but because most Americans don’t know it, they will live under that boot for a while before they gain the knowledge and gumption to rise up against it. Evidence of an unlawful election in 2020 is everywhere, people all over the world have seen it. But those who think they want socialism, will never agree to see it.

Yet, unless the fraudulent 2020 elections are exposed and overturned, the USA is headed into the darkest period in U.S. history, for the sake of the “greater good,” of course. This isn’t about Trump or Biden, it’s about freedom and liberty. It’s about a free and independent Constitutional Republic, or just another 3rd world member of a global commune.

Every problem on earth has a solution. But they all require people able to work together in coordinated initiatives based on real facts and real targeted solutions. The first step is knowing what not to do.

Progressive socialism is communism… but the people will have to learn this the hard way. Six of Marx’s seven children had to learn this the hard way too.

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Does Former Officer Derek Chauvin Have a Chance at a Fair Trial in “Woke” America?

By Steven Yates

Many of us, wherever we are. followed the first four days of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, 45, charged with second and third degree murder and second degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Chauvin has plead not guilty to all charges.

The disturbing video of Chauvin’s knee on the back of Floyd’s neck for over nine minutes sparked massive unrest. Protesters took to the streets, and despite claims that “95 percent of protests were peaceful,” the fact remains: stores were looted and buildings were torched — many of them with black-owned businesses — in the worst explosion of racial violence since the 1960s.

Before we get any further: when seeing the video for the first time, among my thoughts was, What an idiot! With nearly everyone and his grandmother owning a smartphone, something like that was bound to go viral on social media in minutes.

So like probably most viewers I was ready to see the book thrown at Chauvin. With a number of citizen’s complaints against him from whites as well as blacks for excessive force, he didn’t come across as a nice guy. I read that several fellow officers saw a dark streak in his personality. His wife divorced him following his arrest. While no one knew what went on behind their closed doors, it was easy to wonder if she saw a chance to get away from a violent sociopath and took it.

The first four days of the trial saw a parade of eyewitnesses — ordinary people who happened to be there that day. Many had highly emotional testimony. We soon had quotable remarks such as that of Donald Williams, 33, mixed martial arts expert: “I believed I witnessed a murder.” And when one of Chauvin’s attorneys asked Genevieve Hanson, 27, an off-duty firefighter and EMT first responder, if she and others in the crowd were angry, she snapped, “I don’t know if you’ve seen anybody be killed, but it’s upsetting!” For this she received an admonition from the judge.

In the U.S., everyone accused of a crime is supposed to have a right to a fair trial, and that includes former officer Chauvin. To paraphrase the defense’s opening argument, there are always two sides to any story, and indeed, there is abundant information bound to be invisible to witnesses.

While the major question of the trial is, What caused George Floyd’s death? the more basic question before us is: does Derek Chauvin have the slightest chance at getting a fair trial?

Keep in mind that this is now the Cult of Woke’s America, not the America we grew up in. If you grasp this, you understand that the deck was stacked against Chauvin from the get-go.

I don’t envy that jury one bit! Their job is to decide the guilt or innocence of a man based on the law and the evidence. Even assuming they are given all the evidence, suppose the most honest reading of the full scope of what happened exonerates Chauvin.

If the jury votes not to convict, America’s cities will probably explode into another orgy of violence, probably exceeding that of last year. That’s just the way things are in 2020s America.

Behind-the-scenes maneuvering has already occurred aimed at securing a conviction.

Paul Craig Roberts penned an article based on information from an informant in Minneapolis, an attorney not part of the defense but there to observe. What this article reveals ought to disturb us all.

Quoting (all italics his):

“Minneapolis paid a $27 million settlement with George Floyd’s brother in the middle of jury selection for Chauvin’s trial.  In other words, in effect the city officials admitted Chauvin’s guilt prior to the jury’s determination.  One would have expected Minneapolis to hold on to $27 million of taxpayers’ money until the jury rendered a verdict both for the sake of a fair trial and for the city’s budget.

“On the eve of the trial, the district court granted the state’s motion to insert the charge of third degree murder in addition to second degree manslaughter against Chauvin.  The consequence of this for Chauvin was made clear yesterday (March 31) when the Minnesota supreme court handed down a decision on third-degree murder while Chauvin’s trial was underway.  My informant explains that the decision has the effect of allowing Minnesota to convict Chauvin of third degree murder without having to prove that Chauvin intended George Floyd’s death.  In effect, the court’s decision negates the objective evidence of the medical examiner’s report that his examination discovered three times the fatal dose of fentanyl in Floyd’s blood and no life-threatening injuries. (For [a link to] the medical report [go here].)”

Roberts adds that this “certainly looks like a state-organized setup to make certain Chauvin is convicted.  On the very eve of the trial a third degree murder charge is inserted and during the trial the Minnesota supreme court rules that third-degree murder only requires the inference of indifference to human life.”

To what extent will the jury get to hear about the drugs in George Floyd’s system? It is a reasonable inference that he was high as a kite on something when he was apprehended. A witness from inside the Cup Foods store described Floyd as seeming high, and all one need to is watch his often erratic behavior inside the store to infer this (here, starting at 3:00 when he seems disoriented, and later, at around 10:20 and again at 13:02).

His girlfriend testified that the two of them had a history of drug use they had been battling together.

A fentanyl overdose can cause difficulty breathing, which matches Floyd’s complaint to police. An autopsy report — whether it will be allowed into the record or not remains to be seen — denies that Floyd’s breathing passages exhibited physical damage sufficient to cause death, directly traceable to Chauvin’s actions.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the jury never sees this. I’ve been wrong occasionally in these columns, though, so that means there’s hope.

A case like this was inevitable. I was against the militarization of police by Homeland Security after 9/11 when phrases like domestic terrorist and enemy combatant were weaponized. We saw increased and often deadly violence by police against unarmed citizens; a website appeared documenting the number of people killed by police, naming names. Some were black and some were white. While racial ratios varied with location, I never had the impression color mattered all that much. White people have been shot to death by police. Example: Daniel Shaver, 26, killed by Philip Brailsford inside a Mesa, Ariz. hotel, back in 2016. Brailsford was acquitted of a murder charge. The case did not make headlines. People did not take to the streets in protest.

At one time, such incidents were readily findable on YouTube. In our present era of cancelation, YouTube supports the approved narrative, which is that white cops are systematically hunting down and killing unarmed black man. Do a search on YouTube for police violence, and that is what you will find, even though actual crime stats do not support the narrative (surprise, surprise).

So will the jury convict on the basis of emotional testimony that does not tell the whole story? Will they review all the medical reports and still decide that Floyd might have survived without the knee on his neck? Or will they decide that he likelihood of Floyd’s being high on a lethal dose of fentanyl constitutes reasonable doubt sufficient for a not-guilty verdict?

The trial will probably run for several more weeks, and then the jury will probably be sequestered. There will doubtless be mounting tension on the streets of America during this period.

Should Chauvin be found innocent, black mobs will take to the streets again in inflamed (and possibly elite-funded*) anger.

If he is found guilty, they could still take to the streets in a celebratory mood with the same sort of looting and burning.

My advice to America’s white people: get out of big cities before the verdict is announced. I wouldn’t stay in medium sized ones. Board up your property (home or apartment, business), and be elsewhere. I hate having to say this, but in Cult of Woke America, ordinary, nonwealthy white people are second class citizens, and there are no immediate fixes for this. So take a vacation. Prepare to be gone for several weeks if necessary. Small towns in red states might be a good bet. International travel might be better yet if you can afford it before vaccine passport tyranny descends.

The point is, do not be anywhere your physical safety and that of your loved ones might be jeopardized.

Remember that in any confrontation, neither the legal system nor any major media will be on your side.

The outcome of this trial will speak volumes. It is very possible, even probable, that fair trails are as dead in the U.S. as honest elections and the rule of law generally.

*It may not be widely known that the largest corporations in multiple industries have collectively donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter — perhaps in the misguided opinion that Black Lives Matter is really about black lives mattering and not part of the fundamental political-economic / cultural restructuring of America as a controlled society — and doubtless because they expect to profit from it.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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The Next Big Lockdown

by Lee Duigon

Really severe lockdowns are still a thing in Europe, although the beautiful people in Paris just ignore them and whoop it up at “secret restaurants”.

Here at home, our lockdowns appear to be easing up. But don’t be fooled: it’s the calm before the storm.

The Portland school board has provided us with a harbinger of things to come. They were about to adopt a fir tree as the mascot for their schools, but suddenly had second thoughts. Wait a minute! Those trees… they might be—oh, no!—racist trees. After all, “trees” were often used in lynchings. That would make them racist. And, by extension—extension really works great, here—all trees. And a picture of a pine tree on a sign outside a school—well, c’mon—that would make the school racist! And, by extension, all of Portland with it.

The trees, of course, couldn’t perform lynchings on their own. Who aided and abetted the trees? People! Human beings!

So people are racists. The schools already teach Critical Race Theory, that states that all white people are racists, all guilty, all evil, etc., etc. Presuming that no amount of “teaching” can possibly erase that guilt, it becomes obvious that from now on, white people must be… kept away from trees!

There are only two ways of doing that: either chop down all the trees, or lock down all white people so that they can’t do anything bad anymore.

But we all want to stay safe, don’t we? And the safest option here is to lock down… everybody! It’s the only way we can be sure of reining in all racism.

You may think we could get by just by locking down white people, no one else. There is much to be said for that point of view, but none of it is printable. And they’d have to be in lockdown mode forever, because they’re all born racists, born guilty, and they can’t change. Even the ones with Black Lives Matter lawn signs—what little trigger would it take to turn them into foaming-at-the-mouth racists? Better safe than sorry.

Ah! But what about “Contact Racism”? This is racism that’s spread by contact with persons—and things—already infected with racism. At this point in time there is no known vaccine for racism, no gene therapy. Exposure to racism can turn anyone into a racist. There is no immunity. Already any number of Minority Persons have been turned into white supremacists: more than a few of them even went so far as to vote for Donald Trump [five-minute break for horrified gasps]. It is suggested that quadruple face-masking might protect Minority Persons from being turned into white supremacists; but Dr. Fauci has been going back and forth on that, and we must wait for him to make up his mind.

What if you buy a used car once owned by a racist? Well, that would be a racist car—and, by extension, anyone who drives it would be a racist, too. Probably a number of racists took part in manufacturing the car. Probably? Almost certainly! So stay away from manufactured products of all kinds… because you don’t know who was working in the factory that they came out of.

Systemic racism is surely a worse problem than even King COVID, justifying draconian methods of fighting it. No one is safe. There is no immunity. You can catch it from the trees! Even palm trees, by extension. Trees, water fountains, doorknobs—all have been used by racists at one time or another.

But if we lock down everybody, and never let them out—well, then we’ve got a chance.

And that’s what we mean by saying, “Stay safe.”

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Sorry Kids, But the Adults Have Lied to You

Dave Daubenmire

I had the opportunity to speak to a group of high school seniors again this week.  I love the opportunity to openly dialogue with our future leaders.  This is the best way to find out exactly what is the make up of those “skulls full of mush.”

Because they are seniors, they fall in the age range of 17-19 although there often may be exceptions.   Most of them were able to vote in the election of 2020.  I told them that when they double their age, they will be running this nation.  It is a sobering thought.

It is also a scary thought.  The idea that the vote of one of these high school students counts the same as mine is a ploy.  Leftists would never succeed without the vote of the brainwashed public-school graduates.  Most of them have no idea how the world operates.  A case could be made that the schools are designed to keep them ignorant.  We can never remain ignorant and free.  But then again, what do you expect from a system that teaches that wearing face diapers makes us safe.

Go figure.

Even worse, is the condition of the “Christians” in the room.  It is safe to say that not even 1 in 100 understand Biblical principles nor can they clearly articulate what makes something right or wrong.  The current church-system is responsible for the lack of Scriptural understanding in the adherents, but I will save that discussion for another day.

Here is the Truth.  So much of what we teach our children today is not true.  Facts, evidence, and proof used to be required before any educated person would be expected to believe a premise postulated by a person in authority.  Ronald Reagan called it “trust but verify.”  Today, belief demands no facts, evidence, or proof.

Feelings rule the day.  That is the result of years of secularism being spewed out of the mouths of such “experts” as Oprah and other celebrities that our children are taught to emulate.  The opinion of “stars” like LeBron James, a great basketball player with merely a high school education, has more influence over Americans than their grandparents.  The average adult remains silent as our schools, and most of society teach our children things that simply are not based in facts.

Permit me to list a few of the things we teach our children for which there is no proof.

  • Humans evolved from apes.
  • Climate change is caused by man.
  • People are born homosexuals.
  • Government knows what is best.
  • Government does not lie.
  • Bruce Jenner is a woman.
  • An unborn baby is not a person.
  • Some things are free.
  • There is no God.
  • There are many different races of people.
  • White people rigged the system.
  • Lee Oswald acted alone.
  • My heritage holds you back.
  • Safe sex outside of marriage.
  • Contradictory truths.
  • Belief is proof.
  • Judges and courts make laws.
  • A real dollar is a piece of paper printed by the government.
  • God loves everyone just as they are.
  • There is no God.
  • Government grants us our rights.
  • Speech is free until someone objects.
  • The Federal Reserve is a government agency.
  • Ditto the IRS.
  • Some women have a penis.
  • Cheaters never win and winners never cheat.
  • Evidence is proof.
  • Popular opinion is never wrong.
  • Humanism and secularism are not religions.
  • The vaccines are safe.
  • Porn is free speech.
  • Homosexual behavior is normal.
  • You can borrow your way out of debt.
  • College makes one smarter.
  • America owes you something.
  • America is a democracy.
  • Science is never biased.
  • Right and wrong are determined by the courts.
  • Majority always rules.
  • If it feels good, do it.

I could go on.  So could you.  None of those statements is true yet they are taught as fact. Together we could list 1000 half-truths that we teach to our children every day.  Half-truth is a full lie.  Adults regularly lie to the children.

If Truth makes us free, why do we permit lies to be taught?  Why do we pay for our schools to teach half-truths and opinions as fact?  If every Doctor in the world told us that vaccinations were safe would that make it so?

We adults get what we pay for.  Go along to get along.  Stop worrying about Truth.  Tell them lies. Lies make us feel better.

“I wanna be like Mike!”

Ask LeBron James what he thinks.  He can dunk.  He is a millionaire.  He wears Nikes. He is on TV.  Just do it.

It is time to stop lying to our children.

© 2021 Dave daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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China’s “Death to America” Plan

By Cliff Kincaid

With some conservatives in virtual hysterics over the rollout of former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed and still resisting life-saving vaccines, it’s no wonder that Chinese President Xi Jinping must feel he is in the driving seat of the “Great Reset” and the transformation of the world order.

The U.S.-based anti-vaccine “resistance movement,” which claims the vaccines are more dangerous than the virus, is just what China needs to escape blame for the deaths of millions.

We are usually accustomed to Iran’s rulers proclaiming, “Death to America,” but it’s the new Iranian partner, Communist China, that is doing the real dirty work. The two nations signed a 25-year agreement of “comprehensive cooperation,” laying the groundwork for major changes in the Middle East that threaten Israel’s survival.

Conservative websites are full of scare stories about the vaccines, when the new vaccine technology endorsed by Trump holds out the hope of defeating this dangerous super-virus and finally returning our nation to a period of normalcy.

Some are suspicious of the new vaccine technology, but technology is advancing in many different areas. A new technology for developing vaccines is simply one advance in the world of science and human health that holds great promise for the American people. In a different area, thanks to Trump, Chinese company Huawei’s emerging dominance of emerging 5G telecommunications technology was reversed.

Opposition to advances in science and technology which can benefit Americans constitutes a modern form of the Luddite mentality, at a time when scientific superiority is an absolute must for national survival

The anti-technology resistance, represented in the past by such fanatics as the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, oppose progress and will make America further dependent on China. These opponents of progress are mostly on the left, as they oppose oil and gas technology that is made in America and instead worship Mother Earth, but they are also on the right and take the view that anything and everything that comes out of Big Pharma is harmful to human health. Yet it is a demonstrable fact that many drugs have saved lives and extended the human lifespan.

If America listens to these modern Luddites, we will certainly lose to China in the technology race.

What is lacking in some cases is what Trump did with American companies when he directed them to develop an anti-China virus vaccine to save American lives.

Former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, who did the film, “Death by China,” before he joined the Trump Administration, says with satisfaction that “The father of the [coronavirus] vaccine is Donald J. Trump.” Cutting through bureaucracy and regulations, he had predicted the U.S. would move in “Trump time” to have the vaccines quickly. He and the president were proven correct. It was a magnificent achievement.

But some naysayers don’t want to give Trump credit.

The Trump supporters who have now turned on his signature achievement — vaccines in record time — fail to come to grips with the fact that the vast majority of conservative Republicans fighting for the freedom to choose on this issue nevertheless endorse taking the vaccine. Trump knows more than most about the dangers of this virus, having contracted it. Later, he got the vaccine as a back-up.

One columnist praised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for banning vaccine passports without noting that he has fully endorsed the use of the vaccines and has in fact pioneered their use on the elderly population in his state.

Sensational claims about the vaccines being used for purposes of “genocide” and depopulation make no sense either, by virtue of the fact that the small nation of Israel, which came into being after the Holocaust, is leading the world in vaccinations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has spent most of his life fighting terrorism and protecting Israel’s existence as a nation-state, was described by a Pfizer executive as “obsessive” in his determination to save his nation from the China virus. Referring to Netanyahu, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was quoted by the Times of Israel as saying “He called me 30 times,” in order to obtain the Pfizer vaccine.

Interestingly, Bourla is the Greek-born son of Holocaust survivors.

The effort was so successful that Netanyahu proclaimed that the vaccine brought Israel “back to life” after so much pain, death, and suffering from the virus.

Recognizing the same thing can happen to America, evangelist Franklin Graham did indeed support the vaccines. He cites the story of the Good Samaritan who helps others, in the modern version, by getting vaccinated and preventing the spread of the disease. His Samaritan’s Purse organization has partnered with local entities in North Carolina to vaccinate 3,500 people.

Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, a leading supporter of Israel, was infected with the coronavirus last year and has now taken the vaccine. A spokesman said, “Pastor Hagee himself is taking the vaccine. Pastor Hagee believes in both the power of prayer and modern medicine. These are not mutually exclusive.”

At the same time, Hagee is warning, “Our world is being restructured, leaving God out of the picture. The coronavirus changed America forever.”

We can recognize the dangers of China and other political figures manipulating the circumstances surrounding the control of the disease while acknowledging it is a killer, whose death toll is now more than 2.8 million (with a U.S. death toll above 556,000).

Endtime Ministries founder Irvin Baxter passed away “with complications from Covid-19,” his organization said last November. His book, The China War and the Third Temple, was a novel about a war between Communist China and the United States that produced “plague and global disaster.” In the Bible this is referred to as the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse.

Now, that plague has taken Baxter’s life.

My own book, The Sword of Revolution and the Communist Apocalypse, predicted China’s leadership role in the global communist revolution

As people debate the meaning of the Book of Revelation, including the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Charisma Magazine has run an article noting that Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, has given his opinion. He got the disease and has dismissed claims that the vaccine is somehow the biblical mark of the beast and heralds the appearance of the anti-Christ.

If anyone has pretensions of being an “anti-Christ,” it is Chinese President Xi Jinping, as America’s leaders continue to dawdle in the face of Chinese aggression, genocide against Muslims, and mass murder using the China virus against the entire population of the world. He seems confident that his regime will overcome the campaign to move the 2022 Winter Olympics out from China.

The “depopulation” scheme is already underway, as China mows down innocent people with a virus that most assuredly came out of a Wuhan lab and that many people fail to resist by taking life-saving vaccines to protect their families and friends.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

How Many Millions of Refugees and Immigrants Can America Absorb?

By Frosty Wooldridge

During the month of March 2021, according to the United States Border Patrol, President Joe Biden, with one signature on an Executive Order, allowed 104,000 illegal aliens a free pass into the United States. Busses take them to cities with welfare offices, Section 8 Housing and all the taxpayer goodies you provide with your hard-earned money.

Biden promises amnesty for upwards of 25 million illegal migrants that crashed America’s borders in the past 35 years since the 1986 Amnesty by Ronald Regan.  That single amnesty created an invasion that’s accelerating in 2021.  In addition, he promises 800,000 DACA registrants a free pass into the USA.

Additionally, we accept 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually from other failed countries around the globe.  They, in turn, birth 900,000 babies among themselves annually. (Source: Dr. Steve Camarota,, “Immigrant Birth Rates.”)

Once those 25 million illegal immigrants, and 800,000 DACA’s enjoy citizenship, along with the 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually, they will be able to chain-migrate up to 10 of their immediate family.  When you start looking at the sheer numbers advancing upon our country, you cannot help but ask the pertinent question:

“How many legal and illegal immigrants, along with a growing line of refugees and their children, in addition to their chain-migrated families, can America absorb before collapsing?” you ask. “Can we sustain the projected 100 million by 2050 and another 300 million by 2095?”

This may be the single greatest question of the century for America, Canada, Europe, Australia and all Western civilizations that have created stable civilizations via intelligent birth control.  Because the harsh reality remains: third world countries add 83 million new babies, net gain, annually. Thus, the refugee line grows by enormous numbers.  In fact, the United Nations states that humans add another 1.0 billion of themselves every 12 years.  Right now, our species tops out at 7.8 billion and we add another million every four days.

How Nasty Do You Think It’s Going To Become?

This topic of mass immigration and sustainability should be on the tongues of every person at every diner, restaurant, doughnut shop, city council meeting, TV show, radio show and news casts in America. Our U.S. Congressional people should be addressing it every day.  They should be coming up with answers…but they aren’t, and they won’t.  Here’s what we all face:

Unknown to most countries and people living on this planet, an accelerating birthrate in Africa threatens all Western civilizations in the 21st century. At 1.3 billion in 2021, Africa accelerates toward 2.0 billion by 2050 and 4.0 billion by the end of this century. (Source: “Africa’s Population Projections” by United Nations 2016)

As an example, the average Burundian woman births 6.3 children, double the international fertility rate. Burundians expect to jump from 10 million to 20 million in two decades. Egypt, currently 98 million, expects to reach 160 million by 2050. Ethiopia, at 98 million, expects to double to 210 million by 2060. (Source: UN “Africa’s Population Projections”; Egypt Independent, July 5, 2019, “Egypt’s population to increase 60 million by 2050.”)

Ironically, Egypt imports most of its food to feed its current population in 2021. As the human race adds 1.0 billion more people, net gain, every 12 years, Africa expects to quadruple its population within 79 years. Africans grow so fast; they cannot water, feed, house, educate or sustain the expected 4.0 billion people about to appear on that continent.

Are you understanding this picture?  Do you appreciate that no matter how many immigrants we absorb into America, their home countries keep reproducing 83 million more of hungry, suffering and homeless people, ANNUALLY! They destroy themselves…but in the process of immigrating into America, they ultimately destroy our entire civilization.

But the BIG question remains:  why aren’t our leaders and the average American citizen talking, debating and discussing this impending future?  Why aren’t the top economists, environmentalists and corporate presidents asking questions like, “How will we feed all these millions? How will we maintain a viable environment?  What will we do when water, energy and resources are exhausted?  How will we preserve the wilderness?  What about our quality of life?  Do we want to travel down the same road as China, Mexico or India?  Why would we want to take that path?”

If you dear reader are asking the same questions, how about sending this column out to all your networks. Invite everyone to watch the video and read my book.  We can force a national debate-discussion on what we want to bequeath to our children.

On our current path, it’s going to be a very ugly future for our kids.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

America’s Vaccine Passports and China’s Social Credit System

By Kelleigh Nelson

No one should suffer from the great delusion that any form of communism or socialism which promotes the dictatorship of the few instead of the initiative of the millions can produce a happier or more prosperous society. —Charles E. Wilson, President Eisenhower’s Secretary of Defense

God is on your side? Is he a conservative? The Devil is on my side, he’s a good communist.
Joseph Stalin, Soviet leader, to Winston Churchill at Tehran, November 1943

If you don’t like us then don’t accept our invitations and don’t invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you. —Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet leader, November 1956

Do you love freedom?  Do you love liberty?  Do you love owning property?  Do you love your privacy?  Do you love being able to speak freely?  Do you love going to synagogue or church?  Do you love medical freedom?  And do you love being able to associate with whomever you choose?  Do you love our Constitution and our God-Given freedoms explicitly spelled out in the first ten unalienable amendments in our Bill of Rights?

We are about to lose all those freedoms, and far more.  George Orwell wrote 1984 in 1949.  Seventy-two years later we are living his dystopian tale, and patriotic, conservative and knowledgeable Americans are distraught that the majority of American citizens are docile and acquiescent.

That same majority of Americans, and the world, bought the fake fear, went along with the unnecessary lockdowns, stayed in their homes, donned their masks – which they’re still wearing, sometimes even two, and fell for the lies. Now our compliant and submissive citizens are lining up to receive the most evil experimental vaccine for a virus that has never even been isolated and has a 99.75 percent recovery.  I want to scream!

Krispy Crème is offering their sweet fattening donuts, one a day, if you only show your vaccine passport!  What unbelievable chutzpah…promoting sweets for your obedience to the evil of our federal government, the CDC, the NIH, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, WHO, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, ModeRNA, Johnson and Johnson and countless others, sadly including our former president.  I pray that his entire family has not taken this jab!

Naomi Wolf

The following video by Naomi Wolf, a Democrat and feminist, has exposed exactly what will happen if the American public accepts vaccine passports.  We will have locked into China’s communist control via social credits for every American citizen who once believed our country was the land of the free and the home of the brave.  If you haven’t listened to Naomi’s 15 min. presentation about these evil covid passports, please do…what she explains is the total control of every American.  The fact that she is a democrat makes what she is saying even more important.  There is however, a caveat.

Naomi Wolf video:

Naomi is uninformed regarding Israeli vaccine passports and should have done more research before claiming she knew about what was happening in Israel.  A friend who lives in Israel listened to the video and clarified their situation, which is nothing like what is being reported by so many.  She rightly blasts those who are repeating the false reports. Here’s what she wrote…

We just now went to a Jerusalem Bagel Restaurant, without any passport and no one said or asked for any ID. The only question they asked was “What would you like?” As I’ve said before, Israel follows the Nuremberg Laws which forbid businesses and govts from forcing people to get vaccines. Naomi is just copying what someone else said, and it’s not true reporting. It’s propaganda spreading fear.

The only scenario in Israel which allegedly has been allowed by our Labor Court is for an employer’s right to require employees to get the vaccine. It’s possible that will be appealed to a higher court. But regardless, restaurants so far, and malls and grocery stores etc., have not asked to see any green card.

The rule here for the airlines and some private clubs is you either need a green card or a test result saying you are negative for Corona, taken within the last 72 hours. Naomi just blew any cred she may have had, which she didn’t in my book, since she’s such a lefty.

The journalists claiming the totalitarian actions via vaccine passports in Israel either haven’t done their homework or any actual research. Sadly enough, they are spreading disgusting information that blackens a country that long ago moved away from socialism toward a capitalist society.

That doesn’t mean that what Naomi Wolfe reported about social credits cannot happen in America.  The despotic and totalitarian actions of the democratic socialists, and many of their comrades on the right, were exposed with their open hatred and hostility of President Trump.

Remember Claire Wolf’s statement from 1996… “America is at that awkward stage where it’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”  She made this statement a quarter of a century ago…where do you believe we are now?

Social Credit Systems

China’s plan for a social credit system is much like our financial credit system, but this system is about analyzing your character and trustworthiness toward the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  It’s an idea straight out of Orwell’s 1984.  The original Chinese proposal for the system, titled “Planning Outline for the Construction of a Social Credit System is ungodly control. Unfortunately, the second half of the paper is in Chinese, but the point is…every Chinese citizen must be a good little communist or else there are consequences.

Here is just one paragraph from this evil and obnoxious system.

Accelerating the construction of a social credit system is an important basis for comprehensively implementing the scientific development view and building a harmonious Socialist society, it is an important method to perfect the Socialist market economy system, accelerating and innovating social governance, and it has an important significance for strengthening the sincerity consciousness of the members of society, forging a desirable credit environment, raising the overall competitiveness of the country and stimulating the development of society and the progress of civilization.

Naomi Wolfe talks about the CCP’s social credit system coming to America via vaccine passports.  She believes social credit systems are part of the passport plans!

All three branches of our government are held today by hardcore Democratic Socialists, who are extremely fond of Marx and Engels.  Their followers immigrated to America in 1848 after the failure of socialism in Europe and have assiduously worked to change America into a communist state, one that too closely resembles the massive citizen control in the CCP.   In America, the parasite elements of the ruling elite want total control of all citizens and the entire plan was fomented and engineered via the “pandemic” of Covid-19.

Mainland China’s “social credit” system is the most extensive program of government surveillance the world has ever seen—one that should caution not only Hong Kong but also America and the West against further intrusions on privacy, but those in charge of our government today are thrilled with the constant surveillance and wish to implement China’s policies as soon as possible.

A Wall Street Journal article estimated that 10% of East Germans were Stasi spies, but that’s nothing compared with China’s oversight on their people.  In 2020, an additional 600 million cameras were installed in China … one for every two citizens.  Through facial recognition software, Beijing will be able to identify everyone within three seconds of anything happening.  Chinese citizens do not own their lives, their government, run by Xi Jinping, knows their every move, and monitors people they believe may go against the ideological beliefs of the CCP.  In Taiwan, the people tear down the hated spy cameras, longing to keep their freedom from the mainland.

Falun Gong members, and dissident Christians are closely watched and tracked and this is where this social credit system steps in.  The Muslim Uyghurs are recognized as native to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China and their population has felt the heavy hand of Xi Jinping. In 2017, China began a massive political reeducation program, with more than one million Uyghurs from all walks of life taken into 85 identified detention camps in Xinjiang.

The government nips any democracy movement in the bud and knows your every move via their social credit system.  Chinese citizens are ranked via merits and demerits regarding their behavior towards their masters.  Should they too often criticize their leaders, put their garbage in the wrong bin, or go against the rules of their masters, they will incur sanctions to discourage their improper and bad behavior.  The totalitarian state controls them completely…they’re denied good jobs, internet speed is cut, they’re kept out of prestigious schools and their pets can even be taken from them…thus the citizenry must be submissive to the state or they will pay dearly and that can mean imprisonment.

A recent Western Journal article exposed the cries for help from Chinese prisoners.  Notes from prisoners found hidden in decorations within holiday products made for Americans told of their imprisonment resulting from actions against the state.  Many of the prisoners are Falun Gong members and suffer more punishment than others because of their beliefs.

According to the New York Post, the letters read, “Please kindly resend this letter to the World Human Right[s] Organization. Thousands [of] people here who are under the persecution of the Chinese Communist Party Government will thank and remember you forever.”


Although I’m not a libertarian, our Tennessee Libertarians, unlike our democrats and republicans, stand firmly against vaccination passports and reject their implementation by the government at every level. They are right in saying passports are antithetical to individual liberty and they will erode our inherent rights.

We have God given sovereignty over our bodies, our property and our privacy. Our founders included those unalienable rights in the first ten amendments of our constitution.  We the people are not the servants of those elected to represent us who have shown their true totalitarian and dictatorial colors.  Their passport proposals are antithetical to individual freedoms and an infringement on liberty in a free society.

Passports will empower the state should we fail to comply.  This includes business licenses, tracking technologies that violate privacy and possibly HIPAA violations. Federal, state and local governments will increase their control and powers, none of which are enumerated under their respective constitutions.  Individual liberty will be lost.


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) introduced a proposal on April 1st that would ban COVID-19 vaccination mandates as well as so-called vaccine passports. I am afraid few will sign onto her “We Will Not Comply Act.”  We must act now…and that means telling your elected officials you want this bill passed.  State legislatures need to be heavily encouraged to write the same kinds of bills, and strongly urge their governors to sign them.

Projects like China’s Social Credit System should worry people for a number of reasons. But just like Orwell’s 1984 dystopian hell it’s being likened to, it scares us because we innately understand that it is a world we’re familiar with — only with the control and surveillance massively cranked up.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

COVID “Vaccines” and Auto Immune Diseases

By: Devvy

My last column, COVID Vaccines:  Dead Must Be Autopsied brought an avalanche of emails.  Hopefully this one will answer some of the questions.  Below is probably my last letter to the committees.  Next comes the phone calls.  Again, I urge everyone to copy & paste this letter and supplement to a word processor and get it to health safety or science committees in your state.  Just modify it for your state committees and remove my comment about my doggie.  He who roars the loudest gets heard.

BTW, following Gov. DeSantis (FL) action prohibiting so-called vaccine passports in his state, on April 6, 2021, our governor, Greg Abbott, also a Republican, issued an executive order banning them in Texas.  Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves indicated this past weekend he’ll be taking action soon.  Reeves does not support that freedom crushing “passport”.

Keep hammering on your governor if he’s a Republican.  If you have a Democrat governor but Republicans hold the majority in your state legislature, hammer on them to introduce a bill that will ban vaccine passports, get it passed and off to the governor.  If he/she vetoes the bill, with a straight majority in a large number of states they can override the veto.  Veto overrides in state legislatures (List).  We can defeat this latest draconian tool when enough states say no, it will fall apart.  2022 is big elections for governors across the country.


April 6, 2021

Rep. Stephanie Klick                                           Sen. Lois W. Kolkhorst

House Committee on Public Health               Senate Committee on Health & Human Services

P.O. Box 2910                                                        P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station

Austin, TX 78768                                                  Austin, TX 78711

Cf:   Rep. Jacey Jetton, Sen. Charles Perry, Rep. Tom Oliverson and Sen. Dawn Buckingham

Dear Chairwoman Klick and Chairwoman Kolkhorst:

The new data from VAERS comes out on April 9, 2021.  Sadly, the number of deaths, injured (adverse “events”) and permanent disabilities will have increased.  The supplement page I’m including is a release by ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) to the new director of the CDC, Dr. Rochelle Walensky.  It seems Walensky is playing the old ‘hide the truth’ game about underreporting anaphylaxis following the COVID “vaccines”.

This letter is a follow up to my last one dated April 5, 2021, which included excerpts from interviews with Prof. Dolores Cahill and Dr. Sherry Tenpenny discussing individuals who get those experimental gene editing technology shots developing auto immune diseases.  Auto immune diseases which take time to develop and then begin to attack the immune system and organs.

I didn’t know much about auto immune diseases other than when I adopted my beautiful West Highland Terrier, Muffin.  She was a rescue.  Always made sure she was up to date on her vaccines.  Muffin developed an auto immune disease; I had to monitor her blood carefully.  5 ½ years later, my vet had to put her to sleep which broke my heart.  Massive kidney failure.

When Prof. Cahill and Dr. Tenpenny speak of auto immune diseases regarding those shots, we are talking about victims developing them which will last a lifetime or lead to early death.  Currently there are 80 known auto-immune diseases, i.e., Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and so many more that have no cures.  They can affect the heart, kidneys, lungs, blood and the list goes on.

That’s what’s coming from those experimental gene editing technology shots.  I wish so much all those microbiologists (with 20, 30, 40 years of experience), doctors and scientists both here in the U.S. and around the world are all wrong.  What are the chances?

I can only pray Americans do everything they can to boost their immune systems but the irreversible damage will be done, there’s no going back.  Johnson & Johnson, Moderna & Pfizer all have legal immunity thanks to the bought and paid for Congress so who is going to pay all the medical bills?  Texas has shot up 13 MILLION citizens.

After doing more research regarding Dr. Tenpenny’s explanation, yes, it does take 4-18 months, roughly, for the process to begin.  I pray people learn the truth and do not take the second jab (“to make it more effective”), but I’m terribly upset that allegedly 161 million doses have now been given.  It will be a crime to give any of those “vaccines” to children of any age.

Former Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer on Experimental COVID Injections: “I Have Absolutely no Doubt that we are in the Presence of Evil” – Dr. Mike Yeadon

“I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population.  I feel great fear, but I’m not deterred from giving expert testimony to multiple groups of able lawyers like Rocco Galati in Canada and Reiner Fuellmich in Germany.  I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products.”

I doubt one could consider Dr. Mike Yeadon an anti-vaxxer.

Reiner Fuellmich is a world renown attorney. I’ve exchanged email with him about a class action lawsuit against the manufacturers of those PCR tests he and his colleagues have been working towards.  Make no mistake:  Class action lawsuits are coming over those “vaccines”.  Indeed, it has already begun:

Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit is Filed in International Criminal Court Over Nuremberg Code Violation, March 22, 2021

“The entire world is watching in horror as death rates have skyrocketed in Israel since the Israeli government brokered a secret deal with Pfizer to inject the entire population with their experimental COVID shots, which are now being mandated as a condition to participate in society.

“The Anshe Ha-Emet (People of the Truth) fellowship — comprising Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens — complained to the ICC prosecutor at the Hague, accusing the government of conducting a national “medical experiment” without first seeking “informed consent.”

“When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the prime minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that, in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code,” the Anshe Ha-Emet suit states.

“Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law argues that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s agreement with Pfizer and Netanyahu’s own admission make it clear that Israel’s warp-speed vaccination campaign “is indeed a medical experiment and that this was the essence of the agreement.”

“The complaint has now been accepted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and will be considered.”

Colleges and universities have announced mandatory vaccination or students should not show up for classes.  How despicable.  I have published all my letters to you in my weekly columns (including this one) asking readers to get them up on every social media platform possible as well as email lists.  Hopefully parents who have children will stand up to those institutions of lower learning and inform them they are in violation of the law.  That goes for any school districts in Texas who want to force students to get one of those experimental “vaccines”.

I don’t know if any of you have discussed stopping vaccinations in Texas with Gov. Abbott or Attorney General Paxton, but my question is:  Why not?  Don’t we have enough dead already?

This is a tragedy beyond words, not just for Americans but citizens around the world.  POLITICS BE DAMNED.  The American people deserve the truth which is all that’s been asked.  Your committees must investigate as previously outlined in my April 5, 2021 letter.


Devvy Kidd

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Make this a separate page from the letter; an image is worth a thousand words:

21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3 – Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies

Make this a supplemental page separate from the letter:

Informed Consent Action Network –

ICAN, through its attorneys, has once again written to Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the new Director of the CDC, this time to demand an answer as to why the CDC’s reporting of anaphylaxis following COVID-19 vaccination is not in line with a clinical study conducted which shows much higher rates following these vaccinations.

The CDC tells the public that “Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare and occurred in approximately 2 to 5 people per million vaccinated in the United States based on events reported to VAERS.”  However, ICAN reviewed a recent study at Mass General Brigham that assessed anaphylaxis in a clinical setting after the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.  This study, in stark contrast to the CDC’s claim, found “severe reactions consistent with anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 2.47 per 10,000 vaccinations.”  This is equivalent to 50 times to 120 times more cases than what VAERS and the CDC are reporting!

In a letter to Dr. Walensky, ICAN explained that this alarming underreporting of anaphylaxis by the CDC and VAERS is particularly troubling because it is mandatory for medical providers to report anaphylaxis after any COVID-19 vaccine to VAERS.  In addition, the CDC reports that most of these reactions occur within 30 minutes of vaccination.  The study reported that the mean time to reaction is 17 minutes post-vaccination.  This means that vaccine administrators, then, should be aware of a majority, if not all, of these cases as vaccine recipients are supposed to be observed for 15 to 30-minute periods following vaccination at all vaccination sites.

Additionally, and specifically with regard to COVID-19 vaccines, there has actually been a push by health authorities to inform medical providers that they need to report anaphylaxis to VAERS. Despite this, the rate of reporting still appears to be only around 0.8 to 2 percent of all cases of anaphylaxis.  (This is close to the Harvard Pilgrim study which found that approximately 1% of adverse events are reported to VAERS).

ICAN explained to Dr. Walensky that this raises serious concerns regarding (i) under-reporting of other serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, and (2) adverse events following other vaccines for which there has not been the same push to report adverse events. The anaphylaxis study highlights the urgency of the ongoing, well-known problem with adverse event reporting post-vaccination which ICAN has been pointing out for years.

Unless and until this is addressed, underreporting to VAERS, a passive signal detection system, will continue to blind health agencies, medical professionals, and patients from what is really occurring in the clinic and will render true informed consent impossible.

ICAN continues to ask the hard questions of Dr. Walensky and others.  ICAN will closely review any response from Dr. Walensky and will continue to push for improved transparency regarding vaccines and their development, clinical trials, and safety surveillance.

Political Pawn Franklin Graham Steps Into To What The Corrupt Are Selling – Vaccines!

By Bradlee Dean

After this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way, but made again of the lowest of the people priests of the high places: whosoever would, he consecrated him, and he became one of the priests of the high places. -1 Kings 13:33

What the men of old stood against when it comes to the preachers, the modern-day hirelings are doing just the opposite (John 10:12).

Oh, how right William Booth was when he said:

“The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, Heaven without Hell.”

Think of this with me, if you would, when our forefathers taught their posterity that “rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,” today’s hirelings teach just the opposite, “Rebellion against God is obedience to tyrants.”

[Rumble Video]

Who better to point to than that of both Billy and Franklin Graham? They have had 7 decades of having the opportunities of confronting the corruptions in administration after administration.  Yet, what is it that we have gotten from the two of them? Compromise, diplomacy, and in the end, more corruption.

And oh, how the professed Christians love the Grahams!  Say what you will about Jesus, but you best not say it about the Grahams (Matthew 16:15).

“Woe to you, when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.” -Luke 6:36

[Rumble Video]

Getting to my points here when it comes to Franklin Graham.  He posted:

Yesterday President Joe Biden tripped and fell going up the steps to board Air Force One. While some may be making fun of this incident, it should instead be a pointed reminder to all of us that we need to pray for this man. Whether you voted for him or not, and whether we agree with him or not, this is our president. We need to be praying every day for God to help him, to reveal His truth to him, and to work in his life. The Bible tells us to pray for “all who are in authority” that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives. Make no mistake—amazing things happen when we pray.

Well Graham, Biden is not my president.  King Jesus is!  And the Supremacy Clause found in Article 6, Section 2 of the U. S. Constitution demonstrates Biden is in violation of that law, but then again, you should know that and probably do but you are just doing your job (Luke 22:48; Isaiah 28:18; Ephesians 4:14).

Apparently, Franklin has forgotten that Joe Biden had been a part of the most corrupt administration in the history of this country under criminal Barack Hussein Obama.

Apparently, Franklin has forgotten that Joe Biden is guilty of the act of Treason (Article 3, Section 3 U.S. Constitution).

Furthermore, Franklin has apparently forgotten about what took place with Joe Biden back in 1988.  Then, again, evil men understand not a judgment because if they did, we would not have a Joe Biden today (Proverbs 28:5).

Remember, Franklin wants you to pray for him, which is only a distortion of Scripture in leaving off the Lord’s Commandments (Deuteronomy 8:11) in judging the wicked, which preserves our Republic (Isaiah 51:4).

How could it be otherwise when men take heed to the Grahams rather than the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:16)?

Franklin, like his father, is nothing short of controlled opposition just like that of an extorted politician (Mark 8:15).  They are making war against God and slaves of men to corruption.

Adding insult to injury, here comes Franklin Graham stating his support of vaccines and goes onto say Jesus would too.

CHVN95.1Fm reported:

Franklin Graham says that not only does he believe his father Billy Graham would have received and advocated for the COVID-19 vaccine, but that he believes Jesus would have, too.

Franklin, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, made the comments in an interview with ABC News.

“I would hope that the pastors in the pulpit would tell people how they can be saved from God’s judgment,” says Franklin. “I think for a pastor to tell someone not to take the vaccine is problematic because what would happen if that person got coronavirus and died?”

Franklin is the president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, a ministry which has been heavily involved in the fight against the pandemic.

The ministry has set up several field hospitals around the world since the pandemic began, helping alleviate pressure on overrun hospitals. Samaritan’s Purse staff and volunteers are also in Thunder Bay, Ont., helping with an outbreak there.

Franklin told ABC that his father, who was born during the 1918 flu pandemic, lost many family members to the pandemic.

“Anytime there was a vaccine or something that could help protect you, he was an advocate for, he took it,” says Franklin. “I think if there were vaccines available in the time of Christ, Jesus would have made reference to them and used them.”

Friends, this is BLASPHEMY. The Lord is the healer (Exodus 15:26-27). As a matter of fact, Jesus even gave power to heal to His disciples which is found in Matthew 10:8. And the Lord did not stop there, He even gave us (The church) power to raise the dead.

Don’t forget about the woman who had an issue of blood who gave all that she had to the doctors and was not made better (Luke 8:43-48) and how Jesus instantly healed her.

One more thing to think about here, why would Franklin Graham, knowing all the while, that the death tolls from these injections are skyrocketing all over the world and yet, lead the sheep to take one?

Worldwide people are taking to the streets in protest to them.

Why would Franklin support Bill Gates’ narrative when it comes to depopulating the world by 3 billion people?  How did Bill Gates intend on doing this, if he did a good job with vaccines?

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” -Bill Gates

Why would Franklin Graham promote a man whose father was a board member of Planned Parenthood that is responsible for the murder of over 60 million babies (Proverbs 6:17)?

Why would he support a man and woman such as Bill and Melinda Gates who just patented “Luciferase-Luciferin” Patent US10202584B2?

This is all self-explanatory.

[Brighteon Video]

Conclusion: Is Franklin Graham stupid or naïve?  Was his father?  Or are they just controlled opposition? Because if you come to the conclusion that the last 70 years of them turning on the Church and putting them to sleep in the face of tyranny has been done inadvertently, I cannot help you (Jeremiah 5:31) and you deserve what you have been putting up with.

[Brighteon Video]

© 2021 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Conservatives Had Better Learn How To Start Saying No!

By Ron Ewart

“Civil disobedience, as I put it to the audience, was not the problem, despite the warnings of some that it threatened social stability, that it led to anarchy. The greatest danger, I argued, was civil obedience, the submission of individual conscience to governmental authority. Such obedience led to the horrors we saw in totalitarian states, and in liberal states it led to the public’s acceptance of war whenever the so-called democratic government decided on it.  In such a world, the rule of law maintains things as they are. Therefore, to begin the process of change, to stop a war, to establish justice, it may be necessary to break the law, to commit acts of civil disobedience, as Southern blacks did, as antiwar protesters did.”   ― By Howard Zinn, from “You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train”

God knows government and special interests that have aligned with government, have given millions of Americans many reasons to engage in civil disobedience.  In fact, civil disobedience is long past due.  Unfortunately, the passiveness of the American people seems to know no bounds and they will bow down to anything that government demands.  (See:  “Why On Earth Do Americans Put Up With It”)

From unnecessary lock downs, to face masks, to the possibility of vaccine passports, to millions of laws, rules, regulations, restrictions, ordinances, rising gas prices, rising taxes, an exploding national debt that will trigger massive inflation, along with wide-open borders, all brought to you by the socialist Democrat ruling class who have lost their minds and forgot what country they live in, Americans are about to get hammered like never before.  But where is the push back?  Where is the resistance to tyranny?  When will rampant government corruption be fully exposed for all to see?

At least one person is saying NO!  He summed it up in a message to a couple of state legislators regarding a proposed bill to raise property taxes.  He said and we quote:

“So let me understand what you are trying to do with this House Bill.  You want to raise property taxes even though thousands are out of work due to the virus situation.  You want to raise taxes even though millions have been spent on the homeless and nothing has improved.  You want to raise taxes even though the minimum wage has increased and instead of helping, many restaurants have gone out of business.  So instead of raising income levels, many are now without jobs.  You want to increase taxes while inflation is showing its ugly head, with fuel prices increasing every day.  By the way, how is it that electric powered vehicles do not pay any road tax, and to add insult they get a tax credit?  So you want to increase property taxes while small businesses can hardly keep their doors open.  A local bakery, nearly one hundred years in business, just closed their doors.  You want to increase property taxes even though you have allowed thugs to take over part of a major city, all the while  supporting de-funding the police.  This is insanity at its peak.  Raising taxes is the easy thing to do, cutting costs takes much more skill and commitment.  Taxes are bleeding us dry and it is time to say NO MORE.

Another person had the guts to say NO! by writing the following message to the youngsters in our midst:

“It’s time for children to get their heads out of their iPhones and start thinking. So they think everything is going to be ok?    Tell that to the 6 million Jewish souls murdered by the Nazis.  Tell that to the few survivors of the Holocaust.  Tell that to the people that gave their lives for us buried in Arlington.  Tell that to the brave soldiers buried in Normandy.”

”Tell that to the 33,686 American soldiers that died in the Korean war, or the 58,148 service members that died in North Vietnam and Cambodia”. (Note: This entire war was mishandled by “intellectual giants” that know nothing about military tactics. Remember McNamara, the idiot that insisted on one aircraft for all three services, the F-111. A TOTAL FLOP.”)

”Tell that to many of our military that are in wheel chairs and will never walk again.”

”Tell that to the 48,744 individuals that committed suicide last year because that was the ‘only way out.’  Tell that to the 841,000 people that died from drug overdose since 1999, drugs that came mostly from the Mexican drug cartels due to Democrat open border policies.”

”So everything will be ok?  Think so?  These facts are no laughing matter that you can just ignore as trivial.  Get your head out of you’re a …s and set your iPhone aside for a few minutes:  Everything will NOT be ok.  Not one, not one socialistic country has EVER SURVIVED and yet that is where we are headed.  The American people are letting it happen right before their very eyes.“

”It is called history, but I guess you have to be able to read and think to proceed in that direction.  So these ‘children’ actually believe they are getting an education.  It isn’t education, it’s ‘brainwashing.’”

We have corrupt government, with a corrupt congress.  We have a corrupt election process.  The people will become slaves.  Hey children, still think everything will be ok?”

”It’s a good thing that most of the guns are held by conservatives.”

This guy said NO!.  Why aren’t other Americans saying NO!?

Did Americans say NO! when the Dem’s passed a $1.9 Trillion Covid stimulus bill that wasn’t Covid relief but instead was payoffs to Democrat donors and constituents?  They are now about to pass a $2.25 Trillion “infrastructure” bill that isn’t an infrastructure bill but just another dump into the laps of Democrat friends, associates and voters.  Will Americans say NO!?

Did Americans say no when Biden signed an executive order that opened up our southern border to tens of thousands of poor, indigent, uneducated, Covid-infected peasants that has turned into a major immigration crisis?  Will they say NO! when the Democrats grant amnesty to 22,000,000 illegal aliens?  (See: Illegal Aliens Have More Rights Than American Taxpayers”)

Where were Americans when the Progressives turned public schools from objective learning, to centers of social, environmental and one-world indoctrination?  Subjectively vague social equity now takes priority over math, reading, writing, geography and history.  That’s nuts if not patently evil.

Why didn’t Americans say NO! when Biden signed an executive order that forced girl’s sports to compete with male participants just because some male thought he was a female?

Did Americans say NO! when Democrat-run state and city governments promised and paid huge un-funded pension benefits to government employees to buy votes, sending the states and cities headlong into bankruptcy.  Now they have to be bailed out by Republican-run, fiscally responsible, red states.

Will Americans say NO! when the Democrats repeal the Electoral College and the Senate filibuster?

Will they say NO! when the Democrats are able to grant Washington DC and Puerto Rico statehood, thereby locking up America into one-party rule in perpetuity?

Will they say no when Democrats are successful in packing the U. S. Supreme Court with their own liberal cronies?  If they are successful, the U. S. Constitution will be cut to shreds, all because the people refused to say NO!

Will Americans finally say NO! to the fraud that is Climate Change and the Green New Deal that is just more socialist hogwash, cooked up by Democrats to control the masses and transfer the wealth?  (See: “Climate”)

Treachery is too kind of a word for what socialist Democrats have done and are doing to this nation.  Treason would be much more appropriate.  The only fitting response to their treason is massive civil disobedience.

Saying NO! doesn’t necessarily mean violence.  Civil disobedience “is the active, professed refusal of a citizen to obey certain laws, demands, orders, or commands of a government.  By some definitions, civil disobedience has to be nonviolent to be called “civil”.  Hence, civil disobedience is sometimes equated with peaceful protests or nonviolent resistance.”

Henry David Thoreau went further on the subject of civil disobedience.  “Thoreau asserts that because governments are typically more harmful than helpful, they therefore cannot be justified.  Democracy is no cure for this, as majorities simply by virtue of being majorities do not also gain the virtues of wisdom and justice.  The judgment of an individual’s conscience is not necessarily inferior to the decisions of a political body or majority, and so it is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right.  The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right….  Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice.  Thoreau adds, ‘I cannot for an instant recognize as my government [that] which is the slave’s government also.’”

The government, according to Thoreau, “is not just a little corrupt or unjust in the course of doing its otherwise-important work, but in fact the government is primarily an agent of corruption and injustice.  Because of this, it is ‘not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize.’” (Source:  Wikipedia)

Eventually, after years of in-effective peaceful protests or civil disobedience, Americans will have to say NO!  But history has shown us that the people will have waited so long that their NO! will have to come out of the barrel of a gun in open revolution.

There is nothing worse than an American, an American mind you, that would shrink from his or her duty and obligation to preserve, protect and defend freedom and the Constitution of the United States.  There is nothing worse than an American who refuses to acknowledge the approaching danger and does nothing to protect his or her spouse and children from that danger.  Why do Americans look the other way when their own freedom hangs in the balance?

Easter is a time of tribute, reflection, awareness and resurrection.  In the spirit of Easter, we encourage all Americans to take up the fight to “resurrect” freedom and restore the greatest nation ever to be conceived in liberty since civilization began some 6,000 years ago, by saying NO! to tyranny and corruption.  If we spent just half the time defending freedom as we do practicing our religion, America would still be a free country.

If you really want to say NO! to government tyranny and corruption, we’ve  designed a powerful tool for that purpose.  We call it “The Mandate” from “We The People.”  Take the time to review it and then follow the instructions.  It doesn’t require a signature.  We have created a PDF file and a WORD file of “The Mandate” for those who are interested.  Make it go viral so that it will have national impact.  At least do something that will show you intend to say NO! and mean it.

© 2021 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

American Corporate-Funded Chinese Communism

By Cliff Kincaid

It seems strange to some that Major League Baseball (MLB) pulled its All-Star game out of Atlanta, to punish Georgia for its voter ID law, but signed a deal with a Chinese company for rights to broadcast MLB games. It’s an indication that MLB recognizes China is in charge internationally, and that the Republicans’ days as a national political force in the United States are numbered. The MLB wants to help hammer the final nail into the coffin of the Republican Party. That means crushing free, honest, and fair elections, to make sure another Trump-like figure can never win a national election.

Former President Donald Trump thunders, “It is finally time for Republicans and Conservatives to fight back — we have more people than they do — by far! Boycott Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JP Morgan Chase, Viacom CBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS, and Merck. Don’t go back to their products until they relent. We can play the game better than them.”

But Trump has no power anymore. He is still banned by media allies of the ruling One-Party state. His Operation Warp Speed will save millions of Americans from the China virus but he rarely gets credit for that, and many of his (former) supporters are still afraid of the vaccine. However, this vaccine roll-out demonstrated what could happen when an American president mobilizes the resources of American science and technology to save American lives, rather than serve Chinese interests.

In terms of numbers, China has more “people power” exercised through the Chinese Communist Party and a global alliance of communist groups around the world, including the Communist Party USA. This group, thought by many to be insignificant, was behind the nomination and confirmation of Deb Haaland as Secretary of the Interior, in charge of America’s oil and gas resources on federal land. Bowing to “Mother Earth,” she favors legal pot to generate jobs and government revenue in the new economy.

In order for Communist China to dominate the world, any chance of a Republican comeback on the national stage must be nipped in the bud. The MLB has, in effect, become an adjunct of the Chinese Communist Party. Other corporations have followed this trend. Marxists see this as a major development in America’s transition to socialism and communism.

The Republican counter-attack — to remove MLB’s decades-old antitrust exemption — is too little too late, and won’t pass anyway in a Democratic Party-controlled Congress.

What this means is that the days when the Republicans were the party of Big Business are over. The GOP will be left with the people who elected Trump – middle-income Americans. Ironically, what can possibly save America in the current predicament is what the Marxists originally proposed – a working class revolution.

Domestically, conservatives need to take advantage of the one group formerly in the Democratic Party camp that is now totally disillusioned with Marxist politics – the workers and their families, who, in the words of Barack Hussein Obama, want to “cling” to their guns and religion.

If you’re perplexed by big corporations making deals with China, while attacking America’s system of government (such as states administering federal elections), it makes sense to Marxists. These are prime examples of what the Marxists call the highest stage of capitalism. It means old-fashioned capitalism is finished and is being replaced by monopoly capitalism and the power of what’s called “finance capital,” the hedge funds and big banks. Marxists call this imperialism, except today it’s on China’s terms.

China is today’s global imperialist power, using a pandemic caused by the China virus to consolidate power.

On cue, in regard to Biden’s $3 trillion “infrastructure” plan, socialist scholar Paul LeBlanc’s article, “Socialist Convergence and the Green New Deal,” is relevant. Written before Biden “won” the election, he says: “It is possible and necessary to build a powerful mass socialist movement in the United States by 2030 that could be in a position to provide an effective challenge to capitalism and transition to a socialist democracy.”

We have to understand, as Karl Marx predicted in the Communist Manifesto, that the new developments in America, on the road to socialism and then communism, include putting the means of communication (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in the hands of the state and using capitalism as a hammer to force the rest of us into compliance with the socialist agenda of the ruling class.

We have some freedom left in America but it’s quickly dissipating. In China, as even the Biden State Department report on China shows, there is no freedom. Our future, if the Chinese model is imposed on America, includes:

  • arbitrary or unlawful killings by the government.
  • forced disappearances by the government.
  • torture by the government; harsh and life-threatening prison and detention conditions.
  • arbitrary detention by the government…
  • political prisoners.
  • the lack of an independent judiciary and Communist Party control over the judicial and legal system.
  • arbitrary interference with privacy.
  • pervasive and intrusive technical surveillance and monitoring.
  • serious restrictions on free expression, the press, and the internet, including physical attacks on and criminal prosecution of journalists, lawyers, writers, bloggers, dissidents, petitioners, and others as well as their family members, and censorship and site blocking.
  • interference with the rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of association.

This stage of development is something that V.I. Lenin and Marxist scholars have written about for decades. Depending on the particular historical circumstances and conditions of a country, certain things will occur. As I see it, based on my study of Marx, who was a keen observer of America during the Civil War, we are now in the process of the state exercising control (though not direct ownership) of the major means of production. That includes actual production of consumer goods and monetary manipulation through the Federal Reserve.

Remember a key plank of the Communist Manifesto was “Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.” By one estimate, Federal Reserve spending during the pandemic has exceeded $7.4 trillion.

In effect, major engines of corporate capitalism have become prime movers of the historical process of moving a country from capitalism into socialism. They have become instruments of the state.

There are some honest leftists recoiling in horror at all of this. But they call it fascism. True Marxists regard it as a significant stage on the road to world communism.

Taking this process one step further on the global level, Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen just gave a speech on “International Priorities” that included “working with G20 nations to agree to a global minimum corporate tax rate…”

This is the beginning of a global tax, which requires what they call “global governance.” But don’t think the so-called “woke companies,” as Trump called them, will pay the bill. You will. On top of a rise in the corporate tax rate, which will be passed on to consumers, there will likely be a “financial transaction tax,” also known as the Tobin tax globally, to finance world government.

Ignoring China’s role in mass murder, Yellen added, “Beyond our borders, as the pandemic has made clearer than ever before, the global community is in this together.  We will fare better if we work together and support each other.”

On that basis, the American government agencies and major corporations that worked with China before the release of the virus will continue to do so, as if nothing has changed.

At this point, we need a real “people’s revolution” against the Marxists in power in China and America.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of American’s Survival, Inc.

Real Covid Facts You’re Not Allowed to Know

By Lex Greene

Americans need to WAKE UP and stop going along with people they will never be able to get along with. We have been lied to regarding the COVID19 event for over a year now and even as States finally take control of their sovereign Rights and reopen, most Americans are still stumbling along under mask in fear of their lives…for no reason at all!

Back before Americans had the common sense educated out of them via GOVERNMENT education, very few Americans would have fallen for the COVID scam or succumb to the tyrannical unlawful and unconstitutional orders they have lived under since March of 2020.

Let’s begin with the basics – U.S. Annual Death Rates

Every year between 1950 and today, Americans have died of multiple causes, at an annual death rate of between 8% and 10% of our population. Over the past 70-years, the highest annual death rate in the USA was recorded in 1950, 9.964% of the U.S. population at that time. Since then, the U.S. death rate slowly dropped to its lowest period annual death rate of 8.124% of the population in 2008.

The official death rate in the USA under COVID19 in 2020 is 8.880% of population. From 2009 to today, the U.S. death rate has slowly increased each year from 8.131% in 2009 to 8.782% in 2019, pre-COVID. That’s an average annual increase in death rate of .065% per year, before COVID. Under COVID 2020, the overall death rate increased only .098% between 2019 and 2020. But was this increase due to COVID19 (aka SARS2)?

You don’t have to believe me, read these facts at the links provided for yourself.

Questions you should have asked

  1. If your mask works, why does anyone else need one to protect you? If you feel safer wearing a mask, by all means, wear a mask. However, if your mask protects you from environmental threats, such as a cold, the flu or COVID19, then there’s no reason for you to force anyone else to wear one in your presence. The only reason to ask anyone else to wear a mask, is if your mask doesn’t work.
  2. The SARS (corona – cold) virus first showed up in the USA in 2003 and was eradicated in the USA by 2005, by the use of Hydroxychloroquine. COVID19 is SARS2 with the exact same symptoms. So, why did our government outlaw the use of Hydroxychloroquine against the COVID19 virus in 2020? (BTW- Hydroxychloroquine has had FDA approval for public use since the 1970s)
  3. Remember when the “experts” told us a 14-day national quarantine would eradicate COVID19 in April 2020? Remember when they told us over 2-million Americans were going to die of COVID19 between April 1 and April 15 of 2020? Remember that the recorded number for this period was allegedly 63,000 dead instead of 2-million? How could the medical “experts” get this so wrong?
  4. Have the “experts” been able to isolate the COVID19 protein, and if not, how did they develop a vaccine for COVID19? They haven’t…
  5. Why are the three vaccine companies making people sign a waver to get the vaccine, while affirming that none of the three vaccines are yet FDA approved?
  6. Since when do we quarantine 300-million healthy people for a year? While importing thousands of sick people illegally, at our southern border?
  7. If social distancing works, how is the virus still spreading under those unlawful orders, and how are COVID numbers dropping in states that have lifted all COVID orders?

In all CDC COVID reporting, do you know the difference between “dying with COVID” vs. “dying of COVID?” Do you understand “comorbidity?”

According to the CDC, 564,362 Americans have died “with” COVID. But the CDC admits that only 6% of these deaths were “from” COVID alone, 33,861 deaths directly due to COVID. This is public information, yet most Americans seem to be completely unaware and still scared to death of COVID.

Is the USA worse than other developed nations?

Death rates by country for 2020 Combatting false leftwing propaganda

Germany 11.510%
Greece 11.147%
Japan 11.085%
Italy 10.749%
Austria 9.941%
Denmark 9.914%
Belgium 9.780%
United Kingdom 9.429%
France 9.414%
Spain 9.312%
Sweden 9.126%
Netherland 9.005%
USA 8.880%

While the Biden pseudo-administration forces shots (not vaccines by definition) on American citizens, the UN is projecting the USA death rate to continue skyrocketing to 10.785% from now through the year 2089…. Why? Isn’t the vaccine going to work? Or are the vaccines going to make things much worse over the next 68-years? What does the UN know that Americans don’t know?

Face the facts brothers and sisters, we have been lied to and deprived of our most fundamental American Rights for over a year now, by the so-called “medical and science experts” and global Marxist policymakers currently destroying all things American.

Real Doctors have been trying to warn Americans the entire time. But the cancel culture and global propaganda machine we call news and social media, have prevented the truth from reaching most Americans. As a result, most Americans remain under socialist boot and clueless.

Even though the Michigan Supreme Court ruled all of Governor Whitmer’s COVID orders “unlawful and unconstitutional” in a 7-0 decision last October, the people of Michigan remain under her boot strictly out of fear.

The USA is NOT dying from COVID19… we are dying from unlawful and unconstitutional COVID19 mandates from people with no authority to issue or enforce those mandates whatsoever.

LAST…so far in 2021, more Americans have died from the COVID19 vaccines (2,216 and rapidly climbing) than mass shooting deaths 88. So, why is the Biden pseudo-administration targeting lawful gun owners who have not committed any crimes, instead of shutting down these vaccines? There’s an obvious answer here, again!

It’s high time for Americans to face reality, stop going along to get along with global Marxists…and hold everyone responsible for the biggest political scam in U.S. history fully accountable.

This swamp must be drained from the top down, not from the bottom up. Dr. Fauci and many others should be in prison for what they have done to the American people over the past year. But what they have in store for the next four years is far worse.

The American people cannot survive their unwarranted fear and apathy. They must stand up or surrender…

© 2021 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex:

COVID Vaccines: Dead Must Be Autopsied

By: Devvy

This is my latest snail mail letter to the committees below.  We need tens of thousands of Americans in all 50 states to do the same.  Just tailor the letter to the appropriate committee in your state legislature.  Copy & paste into your word processor; add or shorten if you feel appropriate.  If you can, attach a signature page:  “We the undersigned respectfully request your committees begin investigations”.  If a committee member gets a letter with 75 or 300 signatures it makes a huge difference.

When your state reps and senators on those committees get thousands of snail mail letters, they will feel the heat. Emails will get you a canned response. This country was brought to its knees literally in a matter of a few weeks. My God, the lives of tens of millions of Americans were destroyed and still being herded like cattle.

The fear factor is still strong out there because of the biased media and the obscene censorship by Google, Facebook, Twitter and others.  I don’t know about you but I’m sick of hearing about COVID, alleged mutations (which is scientifically the wrong word) and how we must all remain on our knees.

If we do nothing, nothing will get done and the evil doers will win.  They will continue beating scared Americans into the ground.  The push for so-called “vaccine passports” reeks of Nazi Germany.  Florida Governor DeSantis signed a bill into law on April 2, 2021:  There will be no “vaccine passports” in his state either government or private sector.

April 2, 2021

Rep. Stephanie Klick                                           Sen. Lois W. Kolkhorst

House Committee on Public Health               Senate Committee on Health & Human Services

P.O. Box 2910                                                        P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station

Austin, TX 78768                                                  Austin, TX 78711

Cf:   Rep. Jacey Jetton, Sen. Charles Perry, Rep. Tom Oliverson and Sen. Dawn Buckingham

Dear Chairwoman Klick and Chairwoman Kolkhorst:

COVID Vaccines:  Dead Must Be Autopsied

VAERS admits on their web site they are weeks behind in reporting data.  Their 4.2.2021 posting shows 2,249 deaths.  An increase of 199 in seven days.  The number of adverse “events” has now grown to a whopping 50,861! During the same time serious injuries reached 7,726, an increase of 631.  28% of deaths within 48 hours of getting the shot, 19% within 24 hours.  43% of deaths were victims who got sick within 48 hours of the jab.

The CDC put out these numbers: 6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020, March 31, 2021:  2,213 deaths

“As can be expected when new experimental “vaccines” that are not approved by the FDA are given emergency use authorization to fight a “pandemic” that is now over a year old, reported deaths following the injections of these shots have now skyrocketed in the U.S. population by over 6000% here at the end of the first quarter of 2021, as compared to recorded deaths following FDA-approved vaccines at the end of the first quarter of 2020.

“These new products, which many doctors and scientists claim do not even meet the legal definition of a “vaccine,” are described by the manufacturers themselves as “operating systems” called the “software of life,” and prior to COVID they have never been approved to be used on human populations.”

The American people are playing Russian Roulette with their lives and their families and they don’t even know it.  They don’t know they’re being shot up with experimental gene editing technology because they aren’t being told.  Most Americans have no idea those experimental drugs are not approved by the government but rather granted permission under “emergency use” conditions.

I am not an “anti-vaxxer”.  I had three vaccines by age 5 and never another since (or a flu or pneumonia shot) because I don’t need any of them.  Americans like me are told we are selfish and want people to die.  No, what Americans like me want is the truth, not more lies. 

Like the continued use of PCR tests which do NOT test for this unproven SARS-Cov-2.             Even if COVID-19 is proven to exist, a PCR test does not discern between live and dead viruses meaning that test cannot isolate a viral infection or living virusmaking it a total fraud regarding COVID-19.

Scientific FACT:  PCR is a manufacturing technique, not a diagnostic tool.  It replicates DNA sequences from millions to billions.The current figure of 30.3 million “cases” is nothing but a big fat lie.

Let me direct you to one of the most sickening articles I’ve read this past year:

Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t, Jan. 22, 2007, NY Times by Gina Kolata.

“You cannot imagine,” Dr. Talbot said. “I had a feeling at the time that this gave us a shadow of a hint of what it might be like during a pandemic flu epidemic.”

“Yet, epidemiologists say, one of the most troubling aspects of the pseudo-epidemic is that all the decisions seemed so sensible at the time.

“Dr. Katrina Kretsinger, a medical epidemiologist at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who worked on the case along with her colleague Dr. Manisha Patel, does not fault the Dartmouth doctors.

“The issue was not that they overreacted or did anything inappropriate at all,” Dr. Kretsinger said. “Instead, it is that there is often is no way to decide early on whether an epidemic is under way.”  Oh, so it’s okay to overreact to a “pseudo-pandemic”?  COVID-19 was politically declared a pandemic in record time.

COVID-19 is just a repeat of what happened after the “pseudo-pandemic” in 2009 called the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic.  For the full factual investigation, see:Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?by award winning investigative reporter, Cheryl Attkisson, Oct. 21, 2009, CBS News

“If you’ve been diagnosed “probable” or “presumed” 2009 H1N1 or “swine flu” in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu. In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That’s according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation…

“That’s unwelcome news for a Marietta, Georgia mom whose two children were diagnosed with “probable” H1N1 flu over the summer. She hoped that would mean they wouldn’t need the hastily developed H1N1 flu vaccine. However, since their cases were never confirmed with lab tests, the CDC advises they get the vaccine. “I wish they had tested and that I knew for sure whether they had it. I’m not anxious to give them an experimental vaccine if they don’t need it.”

Roll out the COVID vaccines in 2020.

What Americans like me want are safe vaccines for those who choose to get one.

Are all these people “anti-vaxxers” or “conspiracy nuts”?

87,000 Nurses “Not Guinea Pigs” Refuse COVID Vaccine in Netherlands (International Business Times), Feb. 9, 2021

FDNY Firefighters Say They’ll Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine (Over half of them), Dec. 9, 2020

Coffey County Health Department nurses decline to give the COVID vaccine (Kansas)  “Health department administrator Lindsay Payer,“ “It’s a new technology. We’ve never seen it before. It was only studied in 45 people before it was approved, and the companies that have made the vaccine they don’t have to … all liability is gone from them. So, if there’s anything bad about the vaccine it doesn’t go back to them. That’s widely known, and it’s somewhat discomforting to a nurse who has to put that in people’s bodies. So, we will find nurses that are willing to do that. I am not. My staff is not at this time.”

The Biggest COVID-19 Vaccine Skeptics? Front-Line Health Care Workers, March 21, 2021 – “According to a January analysis by Gallup, 51 percent of health care workers and first responders polled in December 2020 were unconvinced of the merits of getting vaccinated, even if the vaccine “was free, available, FDA approved and 90% effective.”

The most recent poll shows steady with 42% of Americans say they will refuse any of those experimental vaccines.  The truth is being promulgated around the world, not just here in America by highly educated, experienced scientists, microbiologists and doctors with specialized training in infectious diseases.

Why are these experimental shots called vaccines by the manufacturers?  Dr. Jospeh Mercola summed it up factually:

“Experimental gene therapies do not have financial liability shielding from the government, but pandemic vaccines do, even in the experimental stage, as long as the emergency use authorization is in effect. Another reason might be because they fear people won’t line up for experimental gene therapy. It has a very different connotation in people’s minds (as it should).

“A third possibility is that they know full well that you cannot, ethically, mandate gene therapy in the way you can mandate vaccines. Mandatory public health measure directives are typically based on the idea that it’s acceptable for some individuals to be harmed as long as the measure benefits the collective.”

The vaccine industry is a $69 BILLION dollar cash cow.  And good luck trying to cash in a life insurance policy for the bread winner in your family if he/she dies after getting one of those experimental shots.

What does this never before used mRNA vaccine do to the human body?  Moderna’s top scientist:  ‘We are actually hacking the software of life’ – In other words, anyone who takes one of their “vaccines” is little more than a guinea pig.

I sent you Prof. Dolores Cahill’s professional bio (short version 2 pages), a microbiologist and actual expert regarding vaccines.  Unlike the despicable Dr. Anthony Fauci.  On the attached pages is an excerpt from one of her interviews.

Prof. Cahill began warning back in December that in two- three months people would start dying from those experimental drugs.  Those that don’t die in the first week should be terrified about what is likely to happen within a year.  The VAERS data confirm what she and so many other experts in the field of microbiology have been warning although the CDC and manufacturers of those cocktails will tell you the shot had nothing to do with all those dead victims.

Prof. Cahill makes a strong suggestion for analyzing but I would also put forth that those unfortunate victims who die after receiving any of those “vaccines” must be autopsied.  Because as grizzly as it is, it’s necessary to see inside the deceased – especially their organs.

Prof. Cahill articulately explains what those shots do to the human body either right after the jab, shortly after (24-48 hrs) or beginning a year from now should scare the hell out of everyone – including all of you. 

I don’t know if any of the deaths so far include Texans but your committees have the ability and authority to acquire that information from VAERS.  Asking family members for permission to exhume and autopsy their loved one is excruciating, we know that.  However, if it were my family member, I would give permission in a heartbeat.  We need answers and verification of what happened to their body at the time of death.

You see, 6, 8 months to a year from now, those vaccinated – and there’s no way to claim exactly how many – have a high risk of developing specific, serious health issues that are likely to cause their death.  Any connection to those experimental drugs will be denied vehemently for obvious reasons.  High risk are those with pre-existing health issues; top of the list is obesity.  As of December 2020, 45% of adults in this country are obese putting themselves in high-risk categories.  Despite all the health warnings, obesity has now hit the highest number in our history.

The clock is ticking.  Gov. Abbott is proud as a peacock Texas is vaccinating so many.  The same governor who folded like a pup tent in a hurricane, locked down this state out of pure ignorance and destroyed the lives of millions of Texans. Stanford doc: Lockdowns ‘biggest public health mistake’ ever – ‘Catastrophic’ harms will be felt for a generation (Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of the Stanford Medical School)

I’ll say it again:  Texas must stop vaccinating.  A recap of letters to your committees:

Respectfully requested you confirm the CDC or any health agency for any government in the world can produce an isolated purified particles specimen of SARS-Cov-2.Not a complicated task:  Either the CDC can or cannot provide scientific proof using set in stone scientific protocols for detecting a virus.

Respectfully requested a complete forensic audit of death certificates and actual number of cases in Texas because those numbers are a monstrous lie since 90% of the testing was done using a PCR test.

Your committees in the House and Senate MUST interview real experts on these experimental drugs being passed off as vaccines.  I’m sure you have excellent investigators who can contact the individuals listed below.  Ideal would be to bring them in person in front of your committees and ask the hard questions.  Don’t YOU want the truth?  Well meaning doctors across this country are pushing hard as they can to get patients to take one of those vaccines.  What a terrible, terrible tragedy.

How many more dead people will be acceptable “collateral damage” for “the good of everyone”?  Your husband, your wife, your parents, friends or your children – who should NOT be given one of those shots?

Prof. Dolores Cahill.  Contact:

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny

“It takes at least 6 weeks from the time you get your injection for the spike antibody to start to develop.  So, somewhere between 3 months and quite frankly 20 years.  The immunologist I spoke to said that over the next 10 years we are going to see this go on in perpetuity, because it can take anywhere from 2 years to 19 years to get full blown auto-immune disease.  I think we will see massive injuries and a lot more deaths starting somewhere between 4 and 18 months from now.   This Vaccine will permanently alter your immune system.

“When you get this spike antibody in your system it will permanently and irreversibly change your immune system.  The messenger RNA is the spike protein to develop an antibody against that spike protein.  It means next time you come in contact with a virus the antibody should block you from getting sick.

“However, not only does it not stop you from getting sick, the antibody itself is going to turn on your body and create havoc and massive auto-immune disease. It attacks your organs by molecular mimicry. It is a genetic modification technology.”

Your investigators can track down the doctors in the video below.

#AskTheExperts – Doctors, Nurses & Health Care Professionals From Around The World: “The COVID Vaccine Is Neither Safe Nor Effective” (Video) – Dr. Hilde De Smet from Belgium in that video is factually correct when she said pharmaceutical companies have been trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine for the last 20 YEARS and it’s never happened.

Those experimental “vaccines” now being pushed on the American people were magically developed in 9 MONTHS, start to finish using for the first time ever mRNA technology.

It’s time for your committees to fulfill your obligations regarding the health safety of Texans.


Devvy Kidd

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

I ask you the reader to use separate pages for Prof. Cahill and the Items you may have missed.  It’s best to make them simply as attachments.

Separate 2 pages:

Horrific potential for death predicted among the elderly after injection with mRNA vaccines, Jan. 29, 2021, Interview with Prof. Dolores Cahill

“Then the real adverse events will happen, whatever the mRNA is in the vaccines, when the (vaccinated) person comes across that (ie. a coronavirus). It could be in February or March 2021 or a year later.

“I am also saying that people over 80 who get these, maybe about 2.5% will experience severe side effects. One in 40 people will experience adverse events where they cannot work or live life normally.

“Then with the 2nd vaccination it could be 1 in 10 or ten percent.  For the over 80-year-olds or 75-year-olds, I would think that 80% of them would have life-limiting adverse events or die when they come across the mRNA again.

“For others (not elderly) it could be half of the people who could be severely harmed.

“What it does is… this gene therapy or medical device is setting up an autoimmune disease … chronically.  It’s like injecting people who have nut allergies with peanuts.

“It’s anaphylaxis in the first wave.  It’s anaphylaxis +allergic reaction the 2nd wave.  But the 3rd reaction occurs when you come across whatever the messenger RNA is against (virus, bacterium, etc.). And now you have stimulated your immune system to have a low-grade autoimmune disease, not immunity to yourself per se because the mRNA is expressing a viral protein.

“You are making yourself a genetically modified organism, and so the immune system that is meant to push the viruses or bacteria out… now the autoimmune reaction is attacking your body low grade.

“Now (months later) when you come across the virus later in February or March that stimulates the immune system to get rid of the virus and then it (the immune system) suddenly sees that you have viral proteins in your own cells and organs, then about a week later (the adaptive immune system kicks in, the mechanism that makes specific long-term memory antibodies against a pathogen) and you go into organ failure.  Because your immune system is killing your own organs.  Those patients will present as sepsis initially.  Then (later) you die of organ failure.

“If you have one or two co-morbidities, the energy the immune system requires to boost your immune system will make them (older persons) very tired and exhausted and they don’t have the capacity to survive if they have underlying conditions.

“Normally, because the mRNA is in every cell of their body, it’s almost unstoppable.  It destroys the heart, or the spleen, or the lungs, or the liver because the mRNA is expressing the protein in every cell.

“Just as a solution, what we urgently need, is a repository, 1 in 100, or 1 in 200 vaccine vials injected, to be set aside, especially into the elderly in the care homes. They need to be stored in a biorepository of the vaccine vials randomly, so when the people begin to die, we can actually see what is in this vaccine.  We should be doing this now.

“I am concerned that there are maybe multiple mRNAs in this vaccine, not just something for coronavirus.  If it is influenza or other viruses, we would be priming these people to other natural (cold and flu) viruses that are circulating.

“We urgently need quality control to randomly require doctors to give 1 in 100 vaccine vials to a repository and someone like me could forensically analyze what’s in these vaccines.  So, when the elderly start dying, we will know.  We should be knowing now what’s in them.It’s absolutely a dangerous gene therapy. Should not be given to the elderly.”

What’s been the loudest shouting out there:  Hurry up and vaccinate the elderly.

Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths: Researchers,  Mar. 1, 2021 – Pfizer’s vaccine killed ‘about 40 times more (elderly) people’ and ‘260 times’ more of the young than ‘what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.’

Video interview:  Professor Dolores Cahill: People Will Start Dying After COVID Vaccine

Separate 2 pgs.

Did you miss these? Your staff can look them up.

Sausage Making at FDA: How Human Cancer Cells Got Into Vaccines, Dec. 10, 2020, a must read:  “In order to help you make your own conclusion about how reliably VRBPAC will protect your health, I excerpt below the transcripts from the cavalier, ignorant and astonishingly unethical deliberations during the 2012 VRBPAC meeting where panelists voted unanimously to allow use of human tumor cells in vaccines. I urge you to read and make up your own mind whether you want to place your health — and perhaps your life — in the hands of these reckless charlatans and irresponsible clowns.” (VRBPAC:  Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, FDA)

BOMBSHELL: Disposable Blue Face Masks Found to Contain Toxic, Asbestos-Like Substance that Destroys Lungs by Ethan Huff – “Health Canada has issued a warning about blue and gray disposable face masks, which contain an asbestos-like substance associated with “early pulmonary toxicity.”

“Health Canada, however, discovered during a preliminary risk assessment that the masks contain microscopic graphene particles that, when inhaled, could cause severe lung damage.

“For a while now, some daycare educators had expressed suspicion about the masks, which were causing children to feel as though they were swallowing cat hair while wearing them. We now know that instead of cat hair, children were inhaling the equivalent of asbestos all day long.”

So when will Americans be warned?  It’s not bad enough children are tortured by forcing them to wear masks all day depriving them of needed oxygen and forcing them to breathe back in what should be expelled during normal breathing, now this.

Over 100 Fully Vaccinated People in Washington State Test Positive for COVID-19, 3.31.2021 – No doubt using the worthless PCR test.

Number of Pregnant Women suffering Miscarriage after having Covid Vaccine increases by 483% in just 7 weeks  – UK.  “Just seven weeks separate the first and eighth report, and the shocking increase in the number of women losing their unborn and newborn child in that time due to having either the Pfizer or AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is appalling.”

The shaky science behind the “deadly new strains” of Sars-Cov-2 by Rosemary Frei

Council of Europe: No compulsory vaccinations and no discrimination against the unvaccinated, Feb. 9, 2021 – “On 27 January, the Council of Europe signed Resolution 2361, which states that vaccinations in EU Member States should not be mandatory. Furthermore, persons who have not been vaccinated may not be discriminated against in any way. This effectively stops the notion of “vaccine passports”.

In his own words.  BREAKING: Dr. Fauci Admits COVID Vaccine May Not Be Safe, Mar. 31, 2021.  Now children who do NOT need this experiment shoved into their bodies are going to be given one?

Bulgarian Pathology Association. COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless: “Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients, whereby “positive” is usually equated with “infected.”

“But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2.”

Canada Suspends AstraZeneca COVID Shot – 2,530 Injuries and 24 DEAD Following Mostly Pfizer and Moderna Shots

COVID-19 Vaccines Likened to ‘Software Updates’ for Your Body by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The World Is Suffering From Mass Delusional Psychosis by Dr. Joseph Mercola – “The bulk of published science also shows that masks do not prevent the spread of viral infections, and this is particularly true if you’re wearing cloth masks, surgical masks or masks with vents. Despite all of that, many still enter a state of hysteria when they see an unmasked person, even if they look perfectly healthy and clearly are not suffering from any kind of respiratory issue. This is a highly irrational state that has no basis in reality.”

Two perfect examples of the insanity out there.  Viruses hate heat. I’ve tested negative for COVID 17 times this semester. My school still forces me to mask outside, alone and this one which mirrors what the Communist Chinese do to their people who show resistance – off to re-education camps:  Students at Florida High School Warned They Will be “Re-Educated” If Caught Not Wearing a Mask (Clearwater High School)

EXCLUSIVE: Per the CDC There Are Nearly Twice As Many Vaccine Related Deaths SO FAR in 2021 (1,755) Than All the Vaccine Deaths this Past Decade (994), Mar. 29, 2021

AstraZeneca Vaccine Suspended Again in Berlin, Munich for Under-60s Amid Blood Clot Reports, March 30, 2021

Dozens in Central Florida contract COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated – WKMG TV-6 Orlando

Man’s Skin Burns, Swells, Then Peels Off in Severe Reaction to Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine, March 30, 2021

RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: COVID Vaccine Mandate Violates Federal Law, Mar. 30, 2021

The Racial and Sexist Divide Intensifies Across America

By Frosty Wooldridge

In Time Magazine this week, it speaks to “white privilege,” “racism,” “systemic white superiority” and a host of ills perpetuated by White America.  If you’re white, you’re pretty much the blame for everything wrong with America.

Time editors reported on how Black students suffered under admissions standards too high for their educational backgrounds.  They lauded Black Lives Matter for that organization’s violence for the betterment of Black Americans.  Those same editors castigated the actress Lori Loughlin for ‘buying’ her two daughters into the finest colleges.  If you watched a video of either of them, you would quickly discover their affinity for bling and glitz over math-science-biology.

The editors reported on Black Americans being cheated in corporate America.  Sexism and racism dominated their reports.  They decried that Black America wasn’t represented in Fortune 500 Magazine’s top leaders.

While Joe Biden allows hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants to crash America’s borders, he’s paid out over $86 million in hotel and food bills. The Times report rocked readers with pictures of 580,466 homeless Americans living in slums in the woods, under bridges and in blue tarp tents in major cities across America.  Time noted that homeless deaths in Wheeling, VA jumped 700 percent this year.  The editors lamented that leaders in each city and state failed to find solutions for America’s homeless.

Without a doubt, 2021 will prove a watershed year as to race, illegal migration, and Covid infections in America.  Or, at least, another watershed year since the 1960’s with Dr. Martin Luther King.

Can we save all those illegal immigrants?  What if the line explodes over 1.0 million as predicted by the U.S. Border Patrol?  One agent said, “If we keep up this rate of refugees, we’ll easily reach over 1,000,000 in 2021.”

The big question for this journalist is:  why aren’t we taking care of our citizens first with that $86 million?   What about housing, food and medical care for them?  Why are we taking care of the rest of the world’s people?  And to what end?  Can we save the estimated 4,000,000 children who die of starvation annually in Africa, India, Indochina and Mexico?  How about an estimated 8,000,000 adult starvation deaths annually, worldwide?

Can we save the 2,195 children under 12 who die every single day of the year in India from diarrhea, dysentery and other water borne disease?  (Source:  In India, diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day—more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Diarrheal diseases account for 1 in 9 child deaths worldwide, making diarrhea the second leading cause of death among children under the age of 5. ; )

Can we solve our volatile racial conflict already simmering for the summer season?  Will we survive another BLM season of conquest in our city streets?  Can we drop White culture, Asian culture, Black culture and Latino culture into this big pot of stew to see how it turns out?  How will we be deal with the projected 100 million more legal immigrants added to our country by 2050?

As the late writer Sam Francis wrote: “You cannot separate a culture from the genetic endowments of its founding people; nor can you transfer it to another people.  Individuals may have an affinity for another culture, but as a group, alien populations always revert back to their own cultural mean.”

He continued, “Without (repatriation) deportation of the majority of non-European ancestry peoples, there are only three alternatives: civil war, dictatorial authoritarianism, or secession of regions.” You might add “woke” thinking.

Are those three endings our only choices?  Or, will our Congressional mob come up with some viable solutions to the homeless, race relations, poverty, illiteracy and multiculturalism?

Bet you can’t wait to see what happens to our country in 2021.

Just published March 2021:

America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon, and/or  1 888 519 5121

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Race With The Devil

By Cliff Kincaid

As my family was visiting Rome in February of 2020, we took a tour of the Colosseum only to discover a statue of Moloch, the pagan deity of child sacrifice, being displayed. It was truly shocking. The Colosseum is viewed by many Christians as a sacred site because early Christians were martyred there. Sacrifice and resurrection are what we celebrate on Easter.

But the devil is staging a counter-attack. On Good Friday, a Nation of Islam lunatic fanatic attacked the Capitol and died in a confrontation with police. He killed one officer and injured another. He believed, as Louis Farrakhan does, that white men are devils. He described Farrakhan as the Messiah and posted the statement, “The U.S. Government is the no.1 enemy of Black people!”

Exhibiting similar thinking, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the first black man to lead the Pentagon, vows to purge the “enemies within.” He leaves no doubt these are white people of a conservative persuasion.

We are constantly lectured about the “systemic nature of racist police violence” in the murder trial of police officer Derek Chauvin, when the evidence shows that the black “victim,” George Floyd,was high on drugs, kicking and screaming, and foaming at the mouth. The police had no alternative but to pin him down with a knee to the neck, an acceptable police procedure when a suspect goes berserk.

Almost everywhere you look, in the name of diversity and inclusion, white people, especially white men, are demonized, when it’s the black family in need of redemption.

But rather than address this problem, black leadership demonizes “whitey,” demands reparations, and resists demands for fair and honest elections. Their constant racist bullying has now forced Major League Baseball to toe the line, making sports another instrument for Marxist domination of the culture.

The corruption is deep, affecting all major institutions, but the impact in the military has to be considered in some detail. The U.S. Navy now teaches that sailors can promote Black Lives Matter, a group that explicitly called for disrupting the “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” before this statement was taken down for  being too Marxist.

In this context, Mark J. Perry has posted new data from the National Center for Health Statistics on the percent of U.S. births to unmarried women by race in 2019. Blacks are at the top, with 70 percent.

With tongue in cheek, scholar Charles Murray commented, “Nothing to see here. Move along.”

Moving on, the Defense Department has issued a press release saying the Pentagon “proudly recognizes transgender and gender non-conforming people and their continued struggle for equality, security and dignity.” Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby said the DOD “will lead by example in the cause of advancing the human rights of LGBTIQ people around the world, ”with LGBTIQ standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning individuals.

I question how the mighty Defense Department can accept DNA deniers into the ranks and make their comfort and safety a high priority.

The answer, of course, is that this stems from executive orders issued by China Joe Biden.

With the Armed Forces in decline and disarray, our only hope is that sheer military equipment, in terms of bombs, missiles, ships, and planes, will provide a deterrent of some sort to our enemies. Perhaps our military muscle alone can save us.

In an example of perfect timing, so we can understand the nature of the real enemy within, the great book, Color, Communism, and Common Sense – A True Story, has been re-published.  The author, Manning Johnson,a member of the Communist Party USA’s Negro Commission and its National Committee, describes how a communist campaign was launched after the Russian revolution to exploit the “Negro question” in the U.S. and manipulate blacks and members of other minority groups for communist purposes.

The new post-Christian global order under development is being implemented in China and holds that a small group of powerful people will manage the future through technocracy. Some of these people believe in “transhumanism,” the use of science and technology to enhance human mental and physical characteristics, creating a virtual super-race of humans that effectively weeds out the white race and capitalism and “patriarchy” along with it. China’s “Motherland,” with those racial connotations, will assume the leading role.

On the cutting edge of research that includes creating the world’s first genetically-altered babies, China has created a super-virus that continues to wipe out millions of people through variants without end.

Caught off-guard by the Chinese experiments and suspicious of Big Pharma and the global elites working with China, some Americans refuse to take advantage of life-saving vaccines developed under the auspices of former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. Trump got Covid but also took the vaccine and highly recommends it, as he was directing the behind-the-scenes effort that used American ingenuity and science to produce a near miracle that defeats China’s advance and plan for world domination.

Israel understands the stakes, using the vaccines to survive another planned holocaust that has already taken 2.8 million lives on the global level.

A member of the global elite, Jeffrey Epstein believed that he would, personally, be resurrected and experience a form of eternal life. But as “the man who knew too much” with connections to Harvard and billionaires in charge of the global transition, he had to pay the price with a convenient “suicide,” when his pedophilia became too explicit for law enforcement authorities to ignore.

Our media have been to busy suppressing “conspiracy theories” about a Satanic elite practicing pedophilia to let Epstein carry on publicly for too long.

As we hopefully come to our senses with God’s guidance and return to basic Biblical truths, one important place to start is National DNA Day on April 25. The Marxist left will, of course, attempt to exploit this event with special seminars, discussions and guest speakers for their own purposes. Their agenda, carried forward in Jeffrey Epstein’s absence, is to re-engineer humanity. China is their model and hope for the world.

It sounds simplistic, but we should begin by emphasizing the basic facts of life, revealed in DNA, that men are men, and women are women. Another fact of life is that an unborn baby is unique from the moment of conception because of its DNA. These happen to correspond with Biblical truths.

Biden/Harris, who claim to be people of faith, believe that a baby is the property of the mother, in the same way slaves were the property of slave owners. Biden/Harris are DNA deniers who oppose the scientific proof of human life and human differences.

In this monumental debate, which goes to the heart of the Christian faith, we will find out whether Christians will defend that faith.

The devil, if truth be told, is behind this assault on Christianity.

The reality of this spiritual battle was impressed upon me when, a year ago, on the occasion of Easter, I wrote a column noting that six exorcisms were being conducted in the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington. An exorcism in Mount Rainier, Maryland, in the Washington, D.C. area, inspired the book by William Peter Blatty and the film, “The Exorcist.” Blatty also wrote Legion, a book about demons based on Satan’s proclamation, “My name is Legion, for we are many,” in answer to Jesus’ question, “What is your name?”

His book The Ninth Configuration (also a film) examines our present circumstances, looking at the improbability based on mathematics that the earth was created by chance.

But if we are here because of God, why doesn’t He save us?

“Maybe God can’t interfere in our affairs,” says one character. “Maybe God can’t interfere because to do so would spoil his plan for something in the future. Some evolution of man and the world that’s so unimaginably beautiful that it’s worth all the tears and all the pain of every suffering thing that ever lived; and maybe when we get to that moment in time we’ll look back and say, “Yes; yes, I’m glad that it was so!”

God can’t interfere but He can make his presence known, in a way that defies human logic and demands faith.

Many countries go through periods of decline. The Christian existentialist philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, had described corruption in the Danish State Church, declaring that everyone knew privately that the system was rotten and corrupt but they would not say so publicly. “Just as one says that death has marked a man, so we recognize the symptoms which demand to be attacked. It is a battle against lies,” he said.

That is our society today.

Kierkegaard took a leap of faith into Christianity, as opposed to Jean-Paul Sartre, an existentialist who took a disastrous leap of faith into Marxism.

America has made a leap into Marxism.

America’s current plight reminds me of the 1975 film, “Race With The Devil,” about friends trying to escape a Satanic cult. On a road trip and vacation in the wilderness, they witness from afar a human sacrifice and try to escape when they are discovered by the Satanic participants. At the end the vacationers think they’re safe when they are actually surrounded. In real life, we, too, are surrounded.

“When you race with the devil, you better be faster than hell,” says the announcer for the film.

America may not survive without outside help.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Easter Special: How Jesus Might Look Back at the Cross

By Rev. Austin Miles

(Note to Readers: In the late 1990’s a church prepared to produce an Easter Program, with several chosen to play the parts of those who had been with Jesus during the Crucifixion as they reflected on that event. When this writer was asked to “be Jesus” the answer was no, since no-one is worthy to portray Jesus. It DID seem right to present how Jesus might give His thoughts and what He might say instead of actually pretending to BE Jesus, so the writing began. The reception of it was so strong that it was decided that it be written for publication where it also received solid approval, so much so that it became an annual Easter Feature since in publications throughout the world.)

The world today is in chaos. There are no restraints in human conduct. Absolute values have long been abolished. Good is considered evil, and evil is considered good. And never has The Cross been more offensive to society than it is today. Sin abounds. Any mention of the name Jesus Christ brings contempt and ridicule. His name is blasphemed and many public displays of Christianity have been declared illegal, while at the same time, pagan religions are readily endorsed and encouraged. Seeing all of this, would Jesus have second thoughts about Calvary? How would He look back on his sacrifice today? Think about it.

Prayerfully pondering these questions, this writer speculates what Jesus might say to us today as He looks back to the Cross:

“But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Our time reference is much different in Heaven than it is on earth. If you were to be with us in Heaven, you would see an entire life spin out from birth to death in a matter of seconds.

“This is why coming to earth to face Calvary’s Cross was the greatest challenge I have had to face during my existence. First I had to come under the earth’s time system of seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months and years.

“Even more challenging was agreeing to inhabit an earthly human body with its inherited sinful nature. A body that would feel the driftings and currents of the world as well as the pain.

“And it may surprise you to learn that I had to exercise extreme faith to go through with this. Remember, I began my sacrificial life on earth as a baby… a new birth on earth. As a baby I had to be fed, bathed, and diapered like any other baby. I had to learn to take my first steps, learn to understand and speak words, and, experience the growing pains of adolescence.

“The time passes slowly for young people and soon there was such a feeling of distance between where I was at that time, and my time in Heaven with my Father, that it almost seemed a memory that may or may not have actually been.

“And while instinctively I wanted to be about my Father’s business, the Jews in the synagogues would curtly ask, “Who is this boy who asks such questions? Isn’t this Joseph the carpenter’s son?”

“I eventually faced the appointed day… a day where I would take on all the sins of mankind, a day where I would (in a human body) die a disgraceful, excruciatingly painful death while the Roman soldiers ridiculed me and religious leaders mocked in the distance.

“And yet, this was the only way that mankind could be redeemed, saved by Grace, and reconciled to God. Without this sacrifice, all would perish, which had been Satan’s plan since the Garden of Eden.

“My human body was capable of the same temptations and stress as yours. This is why that in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing what I faced the next day, I sweated great drops of blood. And yes, at one point (giving into the body I inhabited), I cried out: ‘Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take this cup from me… nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt.’

“The reality of what I faced was now before me – the unspeakable pain – having to endure all the sins of mankind in my body…to be taken to hell and back, to be ridiculed and to have one of my own disciples betray me… for money.

“I had to call on every ounce of faith I possessed to go through with this. But I had no choice. The world itself was at stake. And my love of mankind was such that I would have none perish.

“As my Father promised me, and, as explicitly detailed throughout the prophecies, the entire event went exactly as foretold, ending in great victory. Lucifer suffered his greatest defeat as the keys of death were snatched from his hands. Death was conquered, giving instead, to all who believe in me, everlasting life with me in Paradise.

“Looking at the world today… a world filled with violence, chaos, sin, unspeakable crimes against humanity… and even seeing those who call themselves My servants cutting down each other and distorting my Word, one could well ask, ‘Was it all worth it?’ If you could go back, would you go through the crucifixion again?’

“Yes I would. I would go through the whole thing for any ONE of you here. That is how much I love you. When you join me in Heaven, you will understand why I would want to share this Paradise with you. Heaven (you will see) is filled with exquisite peace and joy, and a place where you will inhabit perfect heavenly bodies… bodies free from aches, pains and disease.

“On second thought, let me clarify something. There will be one imperfect body in Heaven. And every time you see the nail holes in my hands and feet, and the scar in my side, you will be constantly reminded of how much I love you. And let me add, it was all worth it.

“So come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

© 2021 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Understanding Socialism, Communism and Marxism

By Rob Pue

There’s been a great deal of talk, recently, regarding the coming “Great Reset” and in conservative Christian circles, much talk about the “New World Order”and the coming “One World Government” that’s now moving ever closer to complete implementation under totalitarian rule.

This agenda has advanced quickly — more quickly than any of us would have ever imagined, under the “scam-demic” known as “COVID 19,” a well-orchestrated world-wide hysteria which was planned by Globalist elites in October of 2019 at a meeting called “Event 201.”Since I’ve discussed this at length many times previously, I won’t go into that here, but if you missed the information on Event 201, I urge you to research it for yourself. You can find a great deal of information on it on our website,, as well as countless other trusted alternative media sources.  There’s no doubt this was pre-planned as a means to an end.

The destruction of our country — and all of the free world Western Civilization — has been in the planning stages for decades.But only in the past year have these evil plans advanced so rapidly, and so frighteningly.Here in America, it was ridiculously easy for our US Constitution to be thrown out, and have everyone submitting to unlawful edicts from government and health officials, literally overnight. One need only look around and see the vast, vast majority of citizens here submitting to face coverings, even though there is little to no talk now of the “pandemic,” even in the complicit mainstream media. In my area, cases of COVID are WELL below 0.002% — yet many stores, restaurants and all hospitals still require people to wear masks in order to enter. Those who don’t are treated as lepers, as “unclean,” filthy, plague-carrying peasants, ignorant “science deniers” and rebels.Shunned from society.Not welcome.

Equally alarming is the vast number of people who have lined up to take the un-tested vaccines — often with dire consequences. Still, the rhetoric from the government and health officials — and the mainstream media and TV entertainment has continued. Here in Wisconsin, we’re told that if everyone takes the vaccines, we MAY be able to gather with others for the fourth of July, but our so-called “governor” still says, “…but no promises.” No promises, either, for the annual State Fair and other summertime festivals and events. And while our state legislature here overruled his statewide mask mandate, the next day he signed a new one — even though we have almost ZERO cases in Wisconsin now, even with the false-positive testing results they relied on so heavily to shut things down.

And just as alarming as all of this is the fact that Communism has been openly promoted as the platform of the New World Order to come.Imagine — Communism enthusiastically accepted, here in the United States of America. But there are a lot of labels and titles being thrown around… not just “Communism,” but also “Socialism,” “Democratic Socialism” (to take the “edge off a bit) and “Marxism.”  For those who still haven’t heard, the Black Lives Matter leaders have proudly admitted that they are trained Marxists.

Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Communism, Marxism… all antithetical to our American way of life — and all things our Founding Fathers warned against, and took steps in our US Constitution to make sure would never happen here. Unfortunately, few in our country have any clue what the Constitution is or says, or supposedly GUARANTEES our citizens, and so being ignorant of our rights, we are quickly losing them, as we go along with the agenda of the Left.

Let’s take a look at what each of these things actually is. First of all, the definition of “Socialism:” According to Webster’s dictionary, “Socialism” is “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” “A system of society or group living in which there is no private property.” “A system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the State.” And finally, “A stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between Capitalism and Communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.”

Now, let’s look at “Communism.” From Encyclopedia Britannica: “…political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production…and the natural resources of a society. Communism is thus a form of Socialism — a higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates. Exactly how Communism differs from Socialism has long been a matter of debate, but the distinction rests largely on the Communists’ adherence to the revolutionary Socialism of Karl Marx.”

Ok, so now let’s look at “Marxism.” This may be a bit more difficult to understand. Back to Webster’s:  “the political, economic and social principles and policies advocated by Marx.Especially a theory and practice of Socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society.” “Dialectical materialism’ is defined as: “the Marxist theory that maintains the material basis of a reality constantly changing in a dialectical process and the priority of matter over mind.” So in other words, no moral absolutes, no critical thinking, just submission to the almighty State. We should all be equally concerned with the idea of “DICTATORSHIP of the Proletariat.”

The “Proletariat,” means the “working class.”So in theory, the workers would be the dictators of society. How has that worked out, even here in America under Capitalism? Workers are NEVER in charge. We all work for SOMEONE, unless we’re the owner of the company. Under Capitalism, one can start at the bottom and work their way up, with incentives to work harder, learn more, be a more valuable employee to the company and continually improve their position and standard of living. There are INCENTIVES to be productive members of society. But even starting at the bottom, they’re not slaves. They’re simply unskilled workers. No one is meant to remain an unskilled worker, nor should an unskilled worker earn the same amount as one who has worked hard for years to provide and care for their family, own their own home, and live a good life.

But under Marxism, Communism and Socialism, the STATE owns all the companies.So the idea of the “Proletariat” is a fallacy…  when EVERYTHING is owned by the State, there’s no incentive to improve one’s lot in life — life becomes one of slavery and obedience to the State. Nobody is ever rewarded for working harder and doing more — but everyone is punished if the Dictator — the State — is displeased.

So none of what’s currently being planned is good, folks, despite what your high school or college kids might tell you they’ve learned in school. We’re talking about the elimination of private property, government control of EVERYTHING, and submission and obedience to a Dictator.

The Leftists “sell” all this to us using words like “income equality,” a “universal basic income,” and of course, they dangle lots of “free stuff” in front of our noses as an enticement. Case in point: the recent “stimulus” checks that so many have received, ostensibly to offset the financial losses we’ve incurred due to the “scam-demic.” But it’s interesting that in the most recent “stimulus,” IF the amount of money allocated to this plan were to be equally divided among all Americans, we’d each get paid more than $41,000. Instead, SOME of us MAY get a check for $1400. Seems like “fuzzy math!”

These payments, which are becoming more and more frequent now, are simply one more step in the plan to get us all used to dependence on the government as our source of security, and of course, to comply with the coming New World Order and the Great Reset. If you think this is nonsense, do your own research. In multiple countries around the world — including Canada — it’s been OPENLY STATED in parliament that this is GOING to happen whether people want it or not:  the elimination of all private property, a “universal basic income,” and re-education camps for those who don’t comply.

Here in the US, we have the Democratic Socialists of America. Their website boasts that they have over 92,000 members and chapters in all fifty states. Here in Wisconsin we have no less than seven chapters throughout the state. Under the heading, “What We Do,” their website states: “We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters, DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action to fight for reforms that empower working people.”

Did you catch that? They work through “campus and community-based chapters.” It’s extremely likely that so-called “Democratic Socialism” is being taught to your children and grandchildren — as early as kindergarten in the public schools — and then the ideology is solidified in college.

The Democratic Socialists of America have multiple goals, but they include free healthcare for all. The problem with this is that healthcare is not a right — it’s a SERVICE, provided to those who need it by doctors who have worked hard to be able to provide it. Those doctors, who’ve spent years in medical school, should be compensated for the hard work and dedication they put in to earning their degrees. They should NOT be paid the same as a 16-year-old kid flipping burgers at McDonald’s, who’s at the entry-level of his future career. If this is the case, there’s no incentive to dream and achieve more, to better one’s self or their position in life. I agree there’s a problem with the medical system in our country, but the answer lies in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries — not in Communism.

They also advocate for the “Green New Deal,” which is the most absurd plan to destroy the economy I’ve ever seen proposed. When first introduced, it was ridiculed.But now, with the illegitimate occupants in our White House (still surrounded by high fences, topped with razor wire, by the way), it’s being seriously promoted and planned for. The DSA also calls Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez their “foremost superstar.” This is what we’re dealing with. This is what our children have been taught in public schools — and now many of them are joining Marxist groups like BLM and ANTIFA, with absolutely NO knowledge or understanding of REAL history, science or economics. Having been thoroughly brainwashed, they’re now eager to tear down our historical monuments, re-write our history and “join the revolution” to destroy America… and then, of course, to “build back better.”

But mark my words, folks. It’s NOT going to be better. I’d encourage you to research the “45 Communist Goals For America” published in the Congressional Record in 1963, and see how far along we’ve come. We are at the edge of the cliff, friends. We’re at the turning point, where there’s no turning back. If those of us who are awake and aware do not stop this wicked agenda in it’s tracks, there’s no doubt that we, ourselves will become slaves to the Dictators of the Great Reset… and our children and grandchildren will find the “utopia” they were promised was all a wretched lie. But then, it’ll be too late — even as they finally realize how they’ve been “duped,” manipulated and used as pawns to bring about the downfall of their own country and their own enslavement.

By the way, the DSA is not just working through government, news media, entertainment media, and public schools… it’s also working through CHURCHES.I encourage you to research the “Clergy Response Team” as well as the DSA’s propaganda machine called “Religious Socialism.” The Democratic Socialists of America are working closely with churches to ELIMINATE the Gospel of Jesus Christ and replace it with a One World Religion — one that advocates for Communism just as eagerly as every other institution they’ve infiltrated.

And for those who will argue that the early Church was based on a Socialist concept, let me remind you that the selling of property and giving to those in need was based on self-sacrifice and compassion. It was not FORCED by any dictator. And WORK was an essential part of life, as it always has been. Paul told the Thessalonians, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.” He also wrote to Timothy, “If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” There was no reliance on the Church or the State to make sure everyone got their “benefits.” It was up to the individual. There was no REQUIREMENT to give up one’s property — but many did, in order to help others — of their own freewill. That’s freedom. That’s where the blessings of giving and charity come from. It’s never forced. It comes from a heart of humility, compassion and service… something you will NEVER find in Communism.

© 2021 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email: for message number 320.

The Truth About Energy, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

For the last twenty years, we have been hearing the left wail about the dangers of global warming.  Al ‘I invented the internet’ Gore declared in 2000 that by 2014 the ice caps would be melted and all the coastal cities would be underwater but that could all be stopped with a ‘carbon tax’.  Well, by 2014 the ice hadn’t melted and had actually increased to the point where a research team that went to the arctic to study the ‘massive depletion of ice’ got stranded and had to be rescued because their ship was stuck in all the ice that wasn’t supposed to be there.  Tell me God doesn’t have a sense of humor.

All these politicians that are pushing Earth’s doom from global warming don’t even believe their own lies.  Obama pushed it for years and is still touting its dangers but he bought a 6800 square foot home on 29.3 acres of waterfront property on Martha’s Vineyard.  If he believed his own BS he wouldn’t have purchased property that close to the ocean.  Most people don’t think about that because they lack the ability to critically think.

We see the elites gather together to discuss saving the world from the dangers of climate change, which they call global warming now because the Earth hasn’t warmed in over eighteen years, and they all arrive in Europe on their private planes and private yachts: Scores of A-list celebrities arrived in Sicily, Italy this week for the annual “Google Camp” to discuss the threat of climate change while communing with some of the wealthiest tech entrepreneurs in the world to a posh, seaside resort.

The event is hosted by Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who reportedly intend for the camp to be a “meeting of the minds” between technology giants, powerful business owners, and others who are known to be global thought leaders.

Many guests, rumored to include former President Barack Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Bradley Cooper, Mark Zuckerberg, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle, are said to be arriving to the multi-day fest and climate discussion via private jets and mega yachts. Others are anticipated to arrive via helicopter from the Italian mainland.

More than 114 private jets were reported to have been expected at nearby Palermo airport, where camp guests would be transported to the resort by van. Mega yachts docked at a nearby beach were reported to belong to designer Diane Von Furstenberg, German pharmaceutical giant Udo J. Vetter, Google’s Eric Schmidt, New Zealand tycoon Graeme Hart, and American billionaire David Geffen.[1]

We have a ‘climate czar’, John Kerry, who married to the heir to the Heinze fortune and they have six different houses, one is a twelve-million-dollar home close to Obama’s waterfront property on Martha’s Vineyard, twelve cars, two yachts, and a private jet.  He’s telling us we should drive a Prius and live in a 1500 square foot house and take public transportation whenever possible.  Al Gore is the same way.  He travels on private jets, has a string of gas-guzzling SUVs that take him from the airport to wherever he’s going and his house consumes the same amount of energy as ten regular houses, but he tells us that we use too much energy. George W. Bush has a home that is bigger than Gores but uses less energy than one average home because he uses thermal energy.  I guess Al Gore never heard of that.

This is very typical of elites throughout the world.  The peons, you and me, have rules they set up for us to live by but they have a separate set they live by because they deserve the benefits for being so smart.  What is never talked about is the actual results of the ‘plans’ they have set out for saving the world.  You’ve heard all the talk about the New Green Deal.  Even on the surface, the concept is stupid on steroids.  The cost alone is $53 Trillion!  They are pushing solar and wind like it is the ultimate answer.  Anybody ever lived in Seattle?  They only have an average of 58 days of sunshine.[2]  How well would solar work there? We couldn’t charge enough batteries to have enough electricity to run the city the remaining 307 days out of the year.  And the wind presents the same problem, the wind doesn’t always blow.  Except in Cheyenne.  Lived there for a year and if the wind ever stopped blowing half the city would fall flat on their face.  But the other problems with wind are the same as with solar, you can’t make enough batteries to store the electricity for the days the wind doesn’t blow.

Then you have to look at the materials that must be mined for making the batteries, the solar panels, the windmills and they all have to be mined, and manufactured using equipment and factories that are powered by fossil fuels.  That’s almost defeating the purpose. If you are capable of critical thinking you understand that the purpose of the New Green Deal is the government will have to take control of most of our lives by restricting how we live, where we live, in what kind of home we live in, what we eat, what we drive and what, if any, type of entertainment/travel we will be allowed to have. Liberals don’t tell you that.  They make it sound like they are saving humanity when all they are really doing is controlling all you do while they do whatever they want to do all at your expense.

To implement this green deal government has to very quickly prohibit the use of fossil fuel energy. Don’t think they would do that?  On Biden’s first day his executive orders stopped the Keystone XL Pipeline that stopped the delivery of 800,000 barrels of oil daily from Canada.  That cut 1000 jobs immediately just on the pipeline.  It doesn’t include all the jobs lost to the support industries for those jobs.  He also stopped all fracking on federal lands, canceled all permits for oil exploration on federal lands, and shut down Anwar in Alaska.  Trump has made us oil independent for the first time in 70 years by allowing us access to our natural resources and Biden set us back 60 years on his first day in office making us dependent on foreign oil again.

If you would ask me I would say that the present administration will not last and these policies will be reversed very quickly but for now we have to put up with the nightmare the Democrats are laying the foundation for.  But as we get into this we will see that everything the Democrats are doing is for their ability to grab more and more power so that they will be guaranteed elections from here on out.

That is yet to be seen.

© 2021 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Climate activist celebrities arrive at google camp by yachts helicopters and private jets

Standing Trial for a “Face-Mask Crime” That Does Not Exist

By Jake MacAulay

The World Health Organization has recently confirmed that the Covid-19 PCR test is a flawed procedure. This means that all the estimates of “Positive Cases”, which you have been hearing about incessantly for more than a year now are, at best, inconsequential and, at worst, totally meaningless.

Now, you have probably been very suspect of the motives of Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the mainstream managed media, with their overbearing and desperate censorship of anyone or anything that challenged or even criticized their narrative.

But now it is publicly admitted by its WHO perpetrators.

But, as we have said here before, constitutionally, lawfully, all this does not (and never did) matter.

The supreme law of every state is the State Constitution. Every elected official – every law enforcement officer – every judge –  every civil servant – every citizen – everyone is subject to its terms. No one is exempt. No circumstance – No emergency – No pandemic provides justification for any public officer to set aside or suspend its application.

But, there are some in our country like Harford County Sheriff, Jeff Gahler, and Assistant State’s Attorney, Logan Hayes, who think that the law that applies to the rest of us does not apply to them.

I say this because, when a law-abiding citizen named Dan Swain peaceably walked into his polling place last Election Day to cast his vote without wearing a face mask, he was arrested by Sheriff’s deputies, subsequently charged by the State’s Attorney, and was put on trial for disobeying a law that did not exist. In fact, during the course of the trial the states attorney put forth no evidence for failure to wear a face-mask.

This, of course, is not surprising because there exists no “face-mask law.”

Now, the Constitution of the state of Maryland clearly sets forth and describes a process for the enactment of legislation. (Article III, Sec. 29, 30, 31).

And to date there has not been an enactment by the Maryland General Assembly requiring anyone, anywhere, at any time, to wear a face-mask of any kind.

But that didn’t seem to matter to the Harford County Prosecutor, Miss Logan Hayes, who has reportedly said that she wants to make an example of Mr. Swain.


Well, my speculation is that she doesn’t want Mr. Swain (or me or you) to challenge the lawless tyranny of a governor who pretends, by use of Executive Order, to exercise authority he doesn’t have.

Since only legislature can make law, any governor’s face mask order is an obvious breach of his/her constitutional authority. It is not law.

So, Dan Swain stood trial for a crime that does not exist.

What does exist – what is taking place before our eyes – is a crime against the constitution by a lawless governor and his junior commissars in Harford County.

In conclusion, even if the whole pandemic was NOT erroneously handled and purported, the Constitution – the rule of law – is not affected by “pandemics,” or any other emergencies or circumstances.

The people, like Dan Swain, whose rights have been criminally violated by governors, police, health department officials and others, have a right and a duty to seek justice.

As the false narrative is unravelling, this very well may occur.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2021 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay:

A Smorgasbord of Corruption, Part 1

By JW Bryan

I don’t know if it is still in operation, but at one time and over many years there was a Swedish restaurant in northwest Arkansas that was very famous for its smorgasbord, which was a massive buffet loaded with many varieties of good food.

We are now confronted with a situation in America that we might call a smorgasbord of corruption; a buffet of government promotion and sponsorship of literally the most evil and abhorrent practices imaginable. It reminds me of Genesis 6:5, where God saw that the thoughts and inclinations of the people were continually turning more wicked.

We are incessantly told by our so-called health authorities that we have a health crisis which is caused by the COVID-19 viral pandemic. However, many health officials, both physicians and scientists refute this. Many are currently proclaiming that there is no pandemic and no COVID, that it is all a concoction to create a climate of fear. The goal of the health authorities in this country is the agenda for world government, i.e., the great reset, the acquiescence, by the people of total control of our health, resulting in a license to do anything that will bring about the New World Order and the fulfillment of UN Agenda 21.

There are many reports from doctors, scientists and health authorities, not connected to government, who take issue with the propaganda thatwe all need a vaccine to protect us from this “pandemic.”  The recovery rate of this virus is 98 to 99.75 percent, so why is a vaccine necessary?  Even those who have taken this vaccine are still getting COVID. Is there an ulterior motive for this vaccine?  It certainly appears to be true.

There are recent reports from very reputable sources that what people are being vaccinated with is not a normal vaccine, but rather a number of proteins designed to alter our DNA so that our immune system could be changed. Actually, we don’t know the full result of this global experiment but many of us understand the main goal of the globalists is to reduce and manage the population through any means necessary, including via vaccines.

In an interview with the New American Magazine’s Senior Editor, Alex Newman, famous Rockstar-turned-Pastor Casper McCloud explains how the Bible relates to the issue of the day – in particular the COVID pandemic, the vaccination campaign, and the push towards transhumanism. According to McCloud, the prophetic of this is huge, and this is the time for believers to shine.  McCloud also shows how Bill Gates is a key player in the transforming of society and mankind, including in the ongoing development of technologies that may be linked to the infamous “mark of the beast” described in the book of Revelation. For details watch the amazing 11 minutes of video.

Another health authority interviewed by Alex Newman was internationally renowned physician, Carrie Madej. In this interview she explains the enormous unknown risks of the mRNA COVID “vaccines” being injected into people all across the globe. She says this is a giant global experiment, and everyone who takes the experimental jabs, is participating in something unprecedented in human history. Dr. Madej also warns that these shots include code and nanotechnology that will have drastic effects on the functioning of the human body, the immune system, and even human cells. “You will literally be making part of this virus in your body.” She said “This has never happened in the history of humanity.”

She also warned that because these shots are not approved by the FDA, people should consult their life-insurance policy before taking a shot, since it may not pay out if you die. There is also a risk of infertility as the immune system is trained to target particular elements of the reproductive system. “We need to put a moratorium on this,” she said.Download and share this 15-minute video everywhere.

Three star General Thomas McInerny also has a strong video warning against the COVID vaccines.  This video is a bit longer, but well worth the time to listen, be informed and share with family and friends.

The Greg Reese video, “Forbidden knowledge/The age of modified humans has arrived,” is shocking despite the fact it is only six minutes long.

Here is just a portion of what is told in this video:

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, is a think tank started 23 years ago in1998.It has conducted dozens of exercises on simulated pandemics and bioweapon attacks, including Operation Dark Winter in 2001, where one of the main objectives was how to force-vaccinate an uncooperative population.

On October 18, 2019, Johns Hopkins partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to sponsor event 201, a simulation wherein an outbreak of a bat coronavirus kills 65 million people.

This is only a smidgen of what is contained in the video; there are many more operations that Johns Hopkins simulated on pandemics.

The culmination of all these studies was published in November 2019. The CSIS Commission on Strengthening America’s Health Security urges the US Government to, “Replace the cycle of crises and complacency that has long plagued health security preparedness with a doctrine of continuous prevention, protection and resilience.”

In other words, they’re calling for the medical tyranny we’re now seeing being manifested around us. Signed by former military, big Pharma and US Representatives, the CSIS document calls for continuous rapid vaccines, while also warning that the vaccines may go wrong and start spreading more disease. How lovely for the American people!

This would play right into their agenda. We have to remember that these are examples of the kind of people whose intentions are to completely control the lives of all who are below them, we the people, who they consider the “unwashed masses.”  I would venture to say that at least 98 plus percent of them have been turned over to a reprobate mind by the Lord God Almighty. That tells us what their future is, but it also reveals the character of the forces who plan to control our lives.

Dr. Fauci, who has been placed over this fake pandemic, is now saying that the COVID vaccine could be ready for babies and children under 12 by early 2022. Just who and what is Dr. Anthony Fauci? And why children when they don’t get it; is this to destroy their ability to procreate?  Fauci is an American physician, who hasn’t practiced in decades, an immunologist who has served as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, within the National Institutes of Health. For more on Dr. Fauci see my article of June 20th, 2020. Scroll down to the section on Dr. Fauci. Also please check out Kelleigh Nelson’s article, Is Anthony Fauci Guilty of Negligent Homicide?, and my article, “The Cover-up of The Contaminated Blood Supply” of July 25, 2020regarding Fauci’s activities in the Dr. Judy Mikovits case.

Dr. Fauci has been closely connected with the United Nations through the World Health Organization (WHO) for quite a while. From a conservative perspective, is it reasonable to believe that at the beginning of the so-called “pandemic,” he would be placed in the position as head of President Trump’s Coronavirus task force?  Of course not!  But he was, and he was chosen by none other than Vice President Pence! There is nothing reasonable about this, it equates to putting the fox in the hen house.

To our dismay, this is an example of what the Trump Administration has been plagued with all along – advice from the wrong people, people who stabbed him in the back and smiled while doing so, people who should have been vetted and were not. Nevertheless, Trump, literally all by himself gave us four years of a Nineveh, a respite of evil, despite being continually harassed and bludgeoned by the left and the mainstream media, an arm of the communist Democrat Party.

They had an objective in concocting and deploying the “pandemic.”  Of course, the primary objective was the stealing of the presidential election which they were able to successfully pull-off via the COVID -19 virus and producing the climate of fear. This resulted in the destruction of our “rule of law.”  We know this planned crisis created the ability of blue states to change their voting laws to mail-in ballots and steal the election for Biden.

All this was coordinated from a central position. Authorities of law were prepared to respond publicly that there is no evidence of any election fraud, and if there is any it isn’t enough to overturn the election. Almost all the courts, including the Supreme Court, were prepared to dismiss all charges of election fraud without viewing the evidence regardless of the amount and validity.

As a result of all this and more, we are now confronted with having to continue resisting the plans of an illegitimate entity who accessed power and control by destroying legitimate voting, i.e., one man, one vote.

We must change the politics in the very areas we live…evil starts at the bottom, and that’s where we must work…run good people for office, check them out, and if you can’t find good people, run for office yourself.  Go to your County Commission meetings, your City Council meetings…get involved.  The time is now or your children and grandchildren will live under full-blown communism.

It is evident that the goal of this pandemic was to bring in a mandatory vaccine that would ultimately help to depopulate America and bring in a one world government.

In view of a massive number of reports from physicians and scientists, there is no isolated COVID-19. It is only a concoction presented for the purpose of bringing about a climate of fear, and fear is NOT from God. Since the virus cannot be identified and isolated, then any so-called vaccine for it is false. We now have evidence of a great many deaths and adverse affects resulting from the vaccine which makes it clear that the current vaccines are not only unsafe but probably far more dangerous than what we see thus far.

Please watch the videos and check out the links I’ve supplied.  We need an educated people who understand that a medical apartheid is taking place.

Share widely!

More to come in Part Two.

© 2021 JW Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan:

Why Property Rights Matter: Part 4 – How to Fight Back

How do we effectively fight to restore private property, and our freedom of movement in America? Most think that just getting a president elected is the answer, but what if we lose that race? Or, what if we win the Presidency but lose the House of Representatives and the Senate? What chance do we then have to make any progress in protecting liberty? We have to live in the days after an election. We have to make our way forward in our lives. So, do we simply surrender and accept our fate? Or do we create a new path to protect and promote the ideals of freedom?

The first step to answer that question is to stop depending on one person, one icon to lead us forward. We must take the responsibility ourselves to assure that government does not move forward unattended. We need to be directly involved at every level, especially on the local level. Change the debate to attack anti-freedom policies, expose non-governmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in the shadows dictating policy, force elected officials to be personally responsible for their actions, and organize to assure the election of leaders who promote and defend the principles of freedom.

Picture how different our nation would be if we dug in to create a majority of governors across the nation who understood and operated under the Tenth Amendment which acknowledges the States’ power to stand against Federal overreach. What if you had a county commission that refused to participate in non-elected regional government? How would your life change if your city council was made up of individuals who guided your community under the three pillars of freedom, including protection of private property, encouragement and support for local businesses to operate and compete in free enterprise, and the lifting of rules and regulations that stifled personal choices in your individual life? How do we make all of that a reality? Set a goal to turn your local community into a Freedom Pod.

Simply focus on making these goals a reality in your community and, if successful, as prosperity spreads, the idea will certainly spread to a neighboring community, and then to the next. The challenge is to create a successful blueprint and a cadre of dedicated elected representatives that will begin to move from the local into the state level of government. That will set the stage for effecting a federal government as conceived by our forefathers. The result will be the growth of Freedom Pods across the nation.

For several decades the radical Left has been dedicated in its efforts to organize at every level of government while advocates of limited government failed to do the required “dirty work” of local organization and activism to protect our freedoms. We gave the Left a pretty clear playing field to organize and seize control, and now we are suffering under the result. For the dedicated Left, no position is too small. No appointed board is ignored. When was the last time local Conservative activists cared about positions like City Attorney? Yet these are the very officials who are enforcing the COVID-19 lockdown policies, dictated by governors and mayors. After witnessing this current election crisis, don’t you wish people with Conservative values had been interested in gaining positions on the local Board of Elections? Local government is now infested with Planners, NGOs, and federal agencies dictating policies. And the only reason they have power and influence now is because the Left fought to elect representatives who then gave it to them. So, if you want to transform your community into a Freedom Pod you must start from scratch.

Here is the end game for the forces of freedom. No matter who is president, we must take control of our cities, counties, state legislatures, and governors. Only then can we stand up the potential tyranny from Washington, DC. To live your life as YOU choose, start to grow your Freedom Pod today.

The American Policy Center (APC) is now working with organizations across the country to train and motivate local residents to take action in their own communities to begin to push back and restore American freedom. APC has created a Local Activists Handbook and a Tool Kit to help with training, and improving communications between activists and organizations, to share tactics, ideas, and successes. Learn more at

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

America’s Leaders Dawdle as the China Plague Continues to Kill

By Cliff Kincaid

One of the most popular lies among conservatives is that the coronavirus is as harmless as the common cold. President Trump, who launched Operation Warp Speed to develop anti-China virus vaccines, disagreed. We are beginning to find out, even from the “official” sources, that the virus came out of a Chinese weapons laboratory.

The United States is presently facing three dangerous threats — China, Russia and Iran.

But instead of exposing these threats, especially the on-going plague, one “popular” conservative commentator is attacking people who followed Trump’s advice and are taking the vaccines. He calls vaccinated people “walking biological time bombs” because they are trying to be, in the words of Franklin Graham, good Samaritans.

Evangelist Graham says that, based on the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, “Jesus Christ would advocate for people using vaccines and medicines to treat suffering and save lives.”

People I know are taking the vaccines because they want their families, friends, and loved ones to live. They believe the scientists commissioned by former President Trump in Operation Warp Speed have made a tremendous breakthrough in vaccine technology at a time when we need it the most. Like Trump, who took the vaccine, they are trusting America’s scientists, who, under Trump’s direction, cut through the government bureaucracy in a race to develop vaccines and save lives.

Israel, whose survival is always threatened by the Arab/Muslim bloc, is taking no chances, using the same vaccines to save their own people.

Franklin Graham has seen the suffering, saying, “Samaritan’s Purse has operated COVID-19 emergency field hospitals, and we have seen the suffering firsthand. I also have staff and their family members who contracted the virus and spent weeks on a ventilator and months hospitalized as a result — I don’t want anyone to have to go through that. Vaccines have worked for polio, smallpox, measles, the flu and so many other deadly illnesses — why not for this virus?”

He adds, “My wife and I have both had the vaccine; and at 68 years old, I want to get as many more miles out of these old bones as possible!”

Don’t be confused by baseball and basketball games occurring. Unless we reach coronavirus herd immunity quickly, the plague will continue to spread.

Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is the latest conservative to have an awakening about the China virus. She is quick to note the “bizarre” symptoms, including the loss of taste and smell. She didn’t take it seriously enough until members of her family got it. Now she recommends the use of masks.

Consider the damage already done by the Communist Chinese. Author and filmmaker Robert Orlando says that, as a result of unleashing this virus on the world, “China is now positioned geopolitically the way the U.S. was in the post-World War II era of 1945. For very different reasons than the U.S displayed then, China is now the emerging hegemony.”

He adds, “One leak of the virus has set us back almost 10 trillion dollars. Combined with fear, it has weakened our once rugged nation-state, which now appears blindly committed to its own silent decline. If you were in China, and the self-destructive war was the only alternative, isn’t this what you’d do?”

There are many stories from the victims. I have heard them. One victim of the China virus who was treated by Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse said: “My body would not relax for me. I went to the bathroom, and my throat started swelling. I couldn’t hear, and my son was crying, ‘Mom, wake up, please.’ Suddenly I couldn’t see anything, only black, and then I couldn’t hear his voice anymore.”

The death and suffering are real. This is not the common cold or the flu.

A neutral observer, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, former apostolic nuncio to the United States,declares, “We know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was in all probability produced in a laboratory with the complicity of the Chinese dictatorship. Since China is one of the main financiers of the World Health Organization (WHO) after the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, it has been able to prevent any investigation on the origin of the virus or the early stages of its spread.”

A true whistleblower, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan was on Tucker Carlson’s show and released a report indicating that the SARS CoV-2 Coronavirus was created in the Wuhan lab and deliberately released to every nation in the world.

Even World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus calls for further studies and is not taking the word of the Chinese communists that the virus came from an animal. “The role of animal markets is still unclear,” he says.

He adds, “The team also visited several laboratories in Wuhan and considered the possibility that the virus entered the human population as a result of a laboratory incident.However, I do not believe that this assessment was extensive enough. Further data and studies will be needed to reach more robust conclusions. Although the team has concluded that a laboratory leak is the least likely hypothesis, this requires further investigation, potentially with additional missions involving specialist experts, which I am ready to deploy.”

This is about as far as he can or will go. After all, China, he notes, “participated” in the report.

Even worse, Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is supposed to work for the American people, was asked by CNN host Dana Bash if he considers China the United States’ biggest adversary and he would only say there “are clearly and increasingly adversarial aspects of the relationship.”

His next answer was even worse.

She asked, “You said at your confirmation hearing, Mr. Secretary, that you believe the Chinese government misled the world about coronavirus. Given that and the millions of people, of course, who have died around the world, should China be punished for that?”

He answered, “You know, I think the issue for us is to make sure that we do everything possible to prevent another pandemic, even as we’re working through this one, or at the very least to make sure that we can mitigate in much more effective ways any damage done if something happens in the future.” He later said that “we do need to have both accountability for the past, but I think our focus needs to be on building a stronger system for the future.”

Millions are dead, including more than half a million Americans, and he wants to focus instead on the future.

No wonder he works for China Joe.

Meanwhile, Congress failed to act on H.R.6519 the “Holding the Chinese Communist Party Accountable for Infecting Americans Act of 2020.” Only 10 House members bothered to co-sponsor the Rep. Dan Crenshaw bill.

This is worse than a cover-up. This is complicity in mass murder.

Sadly, even to this day, some conservatives debate the nature of the virus, the virus tests, masks, and so forth, without holding the Red Chinese rulers accountable for what they have done. They attack the vaccinated and not the communists who unleashed the virus. They will be burying their dead as a New World Order emerges, with China on top and a “post-communist” Russia and Islamic Iran playing second and third fiddle.

With our own government failing to protect the nation as a whole, our only option is to save ourselves. That means self-defense and survival. Thank heaven Trump was in power long enough to start the process of providing life-saving vaccines.

© 2021 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Where Do We Go From Here? GloboCorp and Collapse, Part 6

By Steven Yates

… [T]he advance of technology has produced a human population that is far more helpless and dependent than any human population before, one that is unable to survive when exposed to the elements, or travel long distances on foot, make its own tools, construct its own shelter, clothe and feed itself without outside assistance, treat diseases with substances available from the environment, or teach its children to survive on their own… How will these people, who have been conditioned since birth to expect to be taken care of by a vast industrial machine, respond to suddenly being forced to rely on their own wits and physical strength to survive? How many of them will not even try and simply await a rescue that will never come?” Dmitry Orlov, Shrinking the Technosphere: Getting a Grip on Technologies that Limit our Autonomy, Self-Sufficiency and Freedom (2016)

Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Recapping main points of this series (elaborating in some cases in light of more recent developments):

  • The U.S. is now the largest banana republic in history. We crossed that Rubicon November 3-4. For more evidence, go here. The Iron Wall of Denial stands firm, however, ensuring no going back. Truth is now the “Big Lie”; lies are called truth;this is called “fortifying democracy.” Huge lawfare suits by a global voting technology corporation (you know the one), with threats of further lawsuits against conservative news outlets,indicate the level of force behind the approved narrative about (S)Election 2020. The odds of there being another honest national election in the U.S. are negligible. The Democrat Party’s H.R.1, designed to make mail-in votinga permanent fixture, will ensure this. The bill’s name — the “For the People Act” — could be straight out of Orwell!
  • Blatant double-standards are the order of the day. Leftist hooligans can loot and burn stores for weeks on end, even force police stations to close, and be labeled “mostly peaceful protesters.” A couple hundred Trump supporters (of tens of thousands present) inadvisably breach the Capitol on “1/6.” They are called “insurrectionists” and “seditionists” and hunted down like animals.
  • Conservative Patriots are not going to “take America back.” The GloboCorp / cultural left alliance spent four years scheming to get back in power following 2016’s upset. They finally succeeded. Should the country fragment amidst continued political turmoil or economic-financial collapse, conservative governance may become possible in separated states or regions where enough conservatives have gathered.
  • Separation is therefore the path to follow — psychological, spiritual, political-economic — to the extent possible and practical. This means independence skills: self-reliance, community building,and conservatives having the stones to protect themselves if need be,provided this doesn’t mean de facto suicide going up against weakened but still superior military might. But minus independence from GloboCorp-controlled systems, conservatives will have to submit to tyranny.
  • If the start of the 2020s is any indication, GloboCorp will get most of what it wants. It has learned how to use weaponize fear. But because of the trajectory empires always follow, its days are already numbered. Many of its visible leading figures are in their 80s. Bill Gates is 65. If conservatives act now, then when GloboCorp’s next generation drops the ball, they will be in a position to rebuild a world that accords with their values,and not end up like the hapless folks Dmitry Orlov envisions above, waiting for someone to rescue them.

As with the Second Coming of Christ, we have no timetable for GloboCorp’s collapse. And we can be sure, GloboCorp has learned from past errors. It will shore itself up for as long as it can. Moreover, never before will there have been a Leviathan the size of GloboCorp. Its tentacles are everywhere (does your country have a central bank?). When it goes down, it could take most of civilization with it!  Those who have done nothing to prepare could be in for a very rough ride! The worst case scenario is that of a dark age that, in the West anyway, could last a century or more!

The people who created and built up GloboCorp are sociopaths who see common people living common lives as the moral equivalent of cattle. As they embraced materialism over a century ago, they founded eugenics — which enables writing entire populations out of the moral community. After the Nazi atrocities were revealed, the idea went into eclipse.

Arguably eugenics has been revived within the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (go here): covertly, of course, since today no one would promote such ideas openly or use that term. GloboCorp has no problem with eugenics, because it has no qualms about eliminating whatever/whoever stands in its way, or cannot profitably use. It would rather not engage in overt genocide, as did Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Overt genocide is messy, would be hard to hide, and would invite unified and deadly pushback. GloboCorp’s superelites want to avoid organized, large-scale resistance at all costs! They know there are a lot more of us than there are of them. GloboCorp is, at most, 300-400 extended families at various control helms around the globe pulling strings of the various political and lower-echelon corporate classes, and in “think tanks,” with several thousand more career bureaucrats, technocrats, functionaries, intelligence-type goons and assorted spooks.

So if GloboCorp wants to eliminate or just reduce populations, it would rather just prevent them from having kids, so they unobtrusively die off in a generation or so. Perhaps disrupting their immune systems in the meantime, to shorten life spans of “useless eaters.”

Is this the real purpose of frantically vaccinating the world for Covid with poorly tested, “experimental” mRNA vaccines the long term effects of which are unknown? Is this a reason why information about HCQ/zinc and Ivermectin as cures for Covid were suppressed while people died? Does this explain the massive, ongoing narrative control, with Big Tech and Corporate Media censoring all criticisms of the approved narrative under such labels as vaccine hesitancy, with critics demonized as antivaxx loons even if they include eminently qualified MDs and PhDs in epidemiology? GloboCorp’s message is now broadcast everywhere, all the time, in all major media,to the global peasantry: don’t hesitate; don’t ask questions; obey! Trust us, we’re the experts!

It would be interesting to inquire how GloboCorp developed. There have always been power elites, and they’ve warred with each other over land and resources. But never before has amany-tentacled entity arisen that may be fractious here and there but overall has the consolidated power of GloboCorp.

I think the industrial system itself created conditions for GloboCorp’s rise, and I hope to develop this idea in a future piece. Among the things conservatives should do is question whatever allegiance they have to this system, as their ancestors the Jeffersonian agrarians questioned the Hamiltonians who eagerly imported the industrial mindset from the British. This put us on course, in the late 1800s, for the rise of Rockefellers and others who established what was then called the Money Power. They created the Federal Reserve system. Outside the Real Matrix, in the Desert of the Real, the U.S. has been a plutocratic oligarchy since 1912.

Cutting to the chase, GloboCorp’s “road to world order” has been hard, because most of the world doesn’t want to be on it! Hence the parade of scare tactics and campaigns of terror. Some, decades ago,were based in reality. Example: the fear of a third world war between powers with nuclear weapons. But others may turn out to be mostly imaginary.

Today, we hear about “man-made climate change” because GloboCorp wants us to hear about it. It is important to remember that as BS artists (most sociopaths are), they really couldn’t care less whether climate change is happening or not. Their primary interest is in having another tool they can use to instill fear and incentivize submission: one which wasn’t working, as the basic idea is too abstract, and there are just too many skeptics out here in the boonies. Should climate change be real, it would require abandoning industrialism on a global scale. Many authors variously positioned on the ideological spectrum have figured this out, and doubtless GloboCorp knows it as well, and this is part of its campaign for a world based on surveillance and control.

Industrialism does face a major crisis that has nothing to do with climate as such. One of my recent conclusions is that the entire advanced world’s most significant known challenge is natural resource depletion. One person to whom I floated the idea of oil depletion told me that (in his opinion) “peak oil” was a ploy to hike gas prices. I don’t think so. While it is impossible to say, definitely, that all the world’s oil and natural gas reserves have been discovered, arguably the world is either close to that point or has passed it. A “peak” is just that point at which the cost of extracting a barrel of oil exceeds the anticipated benefits from that barrel. An oil field where this occurs is declared dead, Further drilling there would mean operating at a loss. Fracking, on the best possible interpretation, is only buying time.

One good source I mentioned in Part 5 is James Howard Kunstler’s The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century (2005). Another good person to read on energy and its production is Dmitry Orlov, whose engineering background positions him to understand the issues. Bottom line: as I noted in Part 5, you cannot have indefinite growth with finite resources on a finite planet. If, perchance, oil has an inorganic origin and actually is renewable, there is no evidence it will be renewed in sufficient time or in sufficient quantities to keep industrialism going — especially as the latter grows and grows and grows.

Another source who ties together a lotis Michael C. Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon: the Decline of the American Empire At the End of the Age of Oil (2004). Ruppert contends that those we are calling GloboCorp have known all this for decades. For a while they weren’t united on what to do. There was the UN’s Agenda 21, but too many people learned of it and resisted. Then global “populism” happened — far less unified, but enough of an existential threat to motivate them to do whatever it took to get rid of Trump. And regardless of what happened, they had a Plan B.

They are scrambling nonetheless. A debate is raging behind the scenes whether the coronavirus presumed to cause Covid evolved in bats or was genetically engineered. Naturally, the approved narrative favors the former while a number of reputable scientists (including the scientist who isolated the HIV virus) hold out for the latter. If the coronavirus was genetically engineered and either escaped from a lab or was deliberately released, perhaps it was because GloboCorp realized time is running out. If it does not get its world government within the next decade or two, things start to disintegrate on the energy front, and it fails to achieve its most ambitious goal.

GloboCorp needs energy as much as the rest of us.What its minions thus want is a world where the peasantry’s energy use is strictly monitored and where felt necessary, curtailed. But it has no plans to apply this to itself / its own! Hence all the flower-power talk about “sustainability” and “stakeholder capitalism” while its members fly to confabs using more energy in a day than the average person uses in a month.

Enter the planned Great Reset!

Assuming natural resource depletion to be real, GloboCorp’s challenge to itself is to reduce energy use for us peasants! — while continuing to centralize the world, maintaining globalist trade policy and globalist infrastructure to maximize profits for itself while keeping the peasantry controlled and obedient.

How better to explain the controlled demolition of the world’s middle classes with business-destroying lockdowns over something with a survival rate of over 99.5 percent for everyone under 70 with no pre-existing conditions? How else to explain the systemic gaslighting of entire populations with nonstop fear porn?

A difference between Agenda 21 and the Great Reset is that the former was not put forth amidst populations made fearful of getting sick and dying—in which some were getting sick and dying, or losing loved ones, because knowledge and availability of effective non-vaccine cures was being withheld!

If fear-based incentives fail to work and the demonizing of dissidents as “conspiracy theorists” fails to work, it is clear, governments answering to GloboCorp will turn to brute force. They will use “public health” to rationalize incarcerating resistors if it comes to that.

A decentralized world, built around autonomous communities living close to the land, will also require less energy to thrive, while promising freedom instead of serfdom. Such communities can message GloboCorp: “We don’t want you; we don’t need you!”

As noted in Part 4, belief in survival is maximally important, while facing squarely the realities before us. I’ve tried to provide some basics on which others can expand (a few already have). So where do we go from here?

What we conservatives can do is be sure of our first principles. Who are we? What do we stand for, and why? What are our core values, and what is their grounding?

A major reason “movement conservatism” collapsed is that it forgot such questions. Its voices had no idea what they wanted to conserve beyond a few platitudes about “smaller government”and “lower taxes,” so they conserved nothing while the cultural left steadily advanced. “Movement conservatives” focused on the next election. Leftists think long term. They always have. Long term is what counts.

Should we reevaluate our beliefs about industrialism,a society based on mass consumption, on range-of-the-moment emotional decisions triggered by clever advertising, and increasingly on ever-rising debt?Conservatism did not originate in such an environment, and has not thrived or benefited one whit from consumer culture. What benefits from consumerism is what sells. Trumpism sold, at least to one segment of the population. “Antiracism” (i.e., anti white racism) sells to a segment of the population across the aisle that hates Trump.Outside District of Corruption enclaves and their satellite entities around the country, “movement conservatism” does not sell at all. I think this explains a lot of its rage toward Trump.

Let me ask this another way. Should we advocate for a society based on markets— a laissez faire order that is just one big market place? Or should we promote communities that contain markets: essential economic space,circumscribed by cultural institutions and educational practices that provide nonnegotiable moral direction on which we cannot place price tags? Steve Bannon observed that there is more to a nation than its economy. Love him or not, he was right, in the same sense that there is more to your life than your job. I don’t know who first said that economics is “downstream” from culture,but the idea rings true.

Culture, moreover, is “downstream” from worldview.

What is our worldview?

Materialism has never been anything but trouble. Conservatives should repudiate it explicitly, affirming instead as a core principle the reality of a transcendent realm of value — the grounding of the value of a human life.

All human life, from the unborn to the elderly; white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and so on.

This would permit (among other things) us to condemn the hypocrisy of Black Lives Matter when they call white people racists and try to cancel U.S. history while doing nothing to reduce the death toll to black children from violence in their own neighborhoods.

Many of us find the grounding of transcendent moral value in the Providential God of the Christian faith, realizing that Exodus 20 did not provide ten suggestions, that the Sermon on the Mount issued precepts for functional lives in functional communities, that the Apostle Paul offers sound advice for families who keep God at their center, and that we find our salvation in Jesus Christ — not in government, not in the economy, and not in what Dmitry Orlov calls the Technosphere.

Given all this, how do we want to impact the future? How do we want the future to be different because we were here? Will we again be a force that made the world better? (See here and here for further ideas.)

These are questions we can pose, to guide our actions in our personal and professional lives, and our political involvements, no matter what GloboCorp does, even if its actions mean we have our work cut out for us.

Conservatives should be setting examples for anyone who cares to watch. We need to be sure our thoughts, words, and actions are in alignment, and then go forward on our path in accordance with the will of our God. Will the rest of the world follow, or even notice? I don’t know, but that can’t be our concern at this point. We can’t control what others do. Our concern is with what we can do: getting our house in order, staying off false rabbit trails (e.g., QA nonsense), and gaining the skills we need.

Once we have done these things, if we are persistent and patient, much of the rest may begin to take care of itself. We can make the time. Can GloboCorp?

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory will be published by Wipf and Stock later this year.

Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

© 2021 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

The Equality Act Is The Most Unequal Act Ever

By Ron Edwards

Recently, leftist Illinois Senator Dick Durbin who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee started deliberations on the Equality Act.  The Equality Act as it is, literally threatens our religious liberty, the safety of women, boys and girls, and the unborn.  Despite those realities, the main focus of the start of debates was a propaganda video that chronicled, in my opinion, exaggerated the struggles of those choosing to participate in the LGBTQ lifestyle.  The video harped upon the supposed need of special legislation to end so-called injustice against LGBTQ people.  I find that both hilarious and maddening, because LGBTQ people have special rights all to themselves.  In fact, like their Antifa and Black Lives Matter foot soldier allies of destruction, they are allowed to attack others who do not have the hots for their lifestyle.  But if those they molest, dare to retaliate, then there is hell to pay for daring to fight back.

Unfortunately, the equality Act passed the liberal house on February 25th.  Democrats vote dunanimously for the measure and were joined by three liberal/rino Republicans.  God help us, if it passes the Senate and is signed into law.  Among the many horrors, it will force females to allow men into their shelters and bathrooms.  Also, boys and men to weak to compete with their stronger male contemporaries will be allowed to join and participate in girls and women’s sports.  Christian charities will then be forced to hand children over to LGBTQ couples.  At the same time, Christian couples would likely be banned from taking children from non-Christian organizations.  Both Christian and Catholic hospitals could be compelled to perform abortions and sex changes, or shut down.  Unfortunately, this madness is only the beginning of the deep dark goals enumerated in the so-called Equality Act.

Of course, the twin headed monster of deception, the LGBTQ lobby and their media help meets say that the above concerns are overblown, or right-wing fearmongering.  Despite the efforts to water down the concerns of many logical Americans, the Equality Act does indeed represent a deadly blow aimed at United States institutions and the very heart of American society.

Let us consider Religious Freedom

The evil Equality Act would dramatically change the wording of the public Accommodations Section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Section 3 (1) “All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods and services, … and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, sex, (including sexual orientation and gender identity) or national origin.” Public accommodation would now apply, not only to public spaces and private businesses, but also to any establishment that provides a good service, or program.  It would include service or care centers, shelters, funeral parlors, or establishment that provide health care, accounting, or legal services, and to any “establishment that provides…public gathering.”

Everyone knows that churches provide public gatherings, or they are expected to. But the major purpose of church going is to learn about God and His principles, not suggestions.  The United States was founded upon and blessed as she adhered to Judeo/Christian ethics. The United States for the most part eradicated hostile discrimination against all individuals via legal edicts and legislation. Others simply have chosen to simply abide by the Bill of Rights and the U. S. constitution for guidance regarding such matters.  But in recent years, America’s moral compass has been cracked and no longer utilized for the straight and narrow path we should travel.  In many cases, words such as discrimination are being used to discriminate, because our moral foundation is no longer stable. So now, if the so-called Equality Act ever becomes law, simply exercising your Christian beliefs, or even understanding true science could land you in big trouble.  We are increasingly being forcibly discouraged from understanding and properly discriminating between right and wrong.

God formed man and created woman. But the Equality Act provides the legal power for government and special interest groups to come after any church with fangs gaping, if the members don’t embrace and promote the 57 varieties of sexes, transgender, or question mark folks now seeking to stop your right to be an authentic follower of Christ.  There are many more harmful facets of the Equality Act that I will be discussing in upcoming columns.  I will also be addressing this and other important issues via The Ron Edwards American Experience talk show,every Sunday through Friday via  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2021 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards:

Killing Our Culture

by Lee Duigon

All over the world, Far Left Crazy is feverishly working to destroy our culture. We could cite thousands of examples; but three will suffice.

First, you can hardly hope to wreck a civilization unless you can trash its arts and, at the same time, make it virtually impossible for people to communicate with one another. The nitwits in the Oxford University Music Dept. know that. So they’re thinking of getting rid of… musical notation. [Link]

Why get rid of sheet music? After all, without it, musical compositions can’t be preserved as is. But they don’t want it preserved: because, of course, musical notation is “too colonial” and also has a high degree of “complicity in white supremacy.” Is it really necessary to explain how asinine that is? No more Mozart, no more Beethoven! Everyone who ever wrote down his musical compositions was a racist! If a white person produced it, it must be bad. Nothing racist about that.

But let’s zoom around the world to California, where the state board of (LOL) “education” recently voted unanimously to adopt an “ethnic studies curriculum” for all the public schools, grades K-12.

The purpose of these alleged studies is to teach children that their country, America, is nothing but a hate machine. It will focus on all the evil bad things America has done to various minorities throughout her history (can I still say “her”?)—which of course does not explain why so many millions of people, from all over the world, will do just about anything to come here. Like, hey, they had no idea what they were letting themselves in for!

And guess who’s guilty of all that hate and racism. Oh, those white people! Worst people ever. Let’s spend 12 years “teaching” kids that they’re guilty, evil, worthless, and that their country is the worst and hatingest country ever, totally unworthy of their love and loyalty. And their families stink, too—and don’t even get started about their no-good religion.

Why in the world does anyone put up with this? Do you really want your children soaking up 12 years of this?

We don’t want to give the impression that all this culture-killing is done by our education industry, chief culprit though it is. Here’s a plum from what we like to call our entertainment industry.

A rapper calling himself “Lil Nas,” whatever that’s supposed to mean, and ballyhooed as “a young queer Black man” who breaks down “barriers,” is selling “Satan Shoes”—and being sued by Nike for doing so ( It kind of makes it look like Nike is endorsing Satanism—not a great selling point. The shoes are modified Nike sneakers with the Nike logo still on them (that’s not going to look good in court!), plus a little pentagram and—supposedly: they might be lying—“a drop of human blood” in the soles. Mr. Nas is only going to sell 666 pairs, so get ‘em while they’re hot. They’ll probably let you wear them in Hell.

It would diminish me if I tried to write any kind of description of Mr. Nas’ musical video endeavors. Suffice it to say they’re about what you’d expect from a self-proclaimed Satanist who sells Satan Shoes.

Kill the culture, and it will kill you back.

Teach people to hate and fear each other—you don’t need masks and social distancing for that, although it helps—take away their ability to communicate anything of value to one another, and then marinate them in “entertainment” that embraces and celebrates whatever is foul, wicked, absurd, self-destructive, unholy, and stupid… and there you go, you’ve wrecked your civilization. That leaves leftists free to build something truly horrific on the ruins.

Pray the Lord will overthrow their enterprise.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2021 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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A Costless Christianity

by Dave Daubenmire

As we reach the end of Holy Week in the Christian tradition it would behoove all of us who have found salvation through Jesus Christ to do a bit of an introspective examination of what it means to be a Christian.  The title “Christian” tends to be cavalierly tossed around without much analysis.

“Christ died for our sins,” would be a common response one would hear when asking the question of one of our Christ-claiming neighbors.  But, in truth, that response does not even begin to touch the varnish on what it actually means to be a follower of Jesus.  In today’s culture of “easy-believism” simply identifying as a Christian does not carry a whole lot of sway.  Recent research demonstrates that nearly 70 percent of Americans identify as Christians.  Does simply calling oneself a Christian make you one?

Ignorance is one of a “believer’s” greatest hinderances.  Simply “believing” is wrought with booby traps as the Scriptures tell us that even the demons “believe.”  So, being a genuine Christian must mean more than just a hat-tip to the Son of God in our acknowledgement of His sacrifice upon the cross.  Yes, “Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins,” but is acknowledging that fact really all that is required for one to self-identify as a Christian?

Does the average “believer” utterly understand what that means?  Is going to church, walking an aisle, and repeating a prayer really all that is required to be a child of God?  Is faithful Sunday church attendance, celebration of the feasts and Holy Days, and a prayer at dinner time fit the requirements of entrance into God’s Kingdom?

I remember a discussion I had one time with a Sunday churchgoing, non-Christian regarding his sanding with the King of Kings.

“Why, I was raised in church my whole life. I was born a Methodist.”

I could not resist the opening.  “That explains a lot.  You need to be born again.”

I think he is still scratching his head.

Christianity is more than simply repeating a “sinner’s prayer.”  The nation is full of folks who walked an aisle and repeated the prayer.  Although that process of public repentance is a requirement for entrance into God’s family it is not the only one.  Simply being “born” into a Christian home does not make one a Christian.  There is no such thing as a “cradle to grave” Christian.Salvation is a deeply spiritual moment where one exchanges his/her life for the Life of Jesus.

Christianity is a covenant, a deal if you will.  Noah Webster defined covenant as “a mutual consent or agreement of two or more persons, to do or to forbear some act or thing; a contract; stipulation.

God gave man a New Covenant…a better deal…actually…when He sent His Son as a payment of our debt of sin.  Most Americans understand that Jesus “died for our sins,” which was HIM holding up HIS part of this New and Everlasting Covenant.  Yes, Jesus. died on the cross for OUR sins, but what is required as OUR part of this “deal?”  If Jesus died for the whole “world” does not that make every person a Christian?  What’s the deal?

I sense the pushback coming from some of the more legalistic believers who are wanting to accuse me of promoting a “works” Gospel.  Nothing could be further from the Truth.  I believe in grace alone, through faith alone, but there is a requirement to uphold our part of the Covenant.  Remember, covenant is a MUTUAL agreement.

Jesus sacrificed HIS life as His part of the deal.  What is OUR part of the deal?  What do we bring to the table in exchange for HIS life?

Our life. True Christianity will cost you YOUR life.  That completes the Covenant.  Jesus laid down HIS life for you and all He asks is that YOU lay down YOUR life for HIM.  Done deal.  Signed in blood.

But modern Christianity has lost this message.  We are constantly reminded of HIS sacrifice…HIS love for us.  But what is OUR skin in the game?  It is the missing link in this New Covenant that was signed in HIS blood.

The Apostle Paul explains that “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Jesus died for us and all He requires is that We live for Him.  A covenant.  Quid pro quo.  He dies for us and we live to Him.

Much of Christianity has lost sight of this reality.  We are told in the Book of Romans that we are to “present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”  Reasonable service?  Would it be safe to assume that reasonable service could be translated as the least we can do?  Jesus died for us, so dedicating our lives in service of Him is REASONABLE!  The LEAST we can do?  Have you done that?

This nation is in the condition we are in because, for the most part, most Christians are not willing to lay anything on the line for the cause of Christ.  This one-way covenant has hindered the advancement of the Kingdom because too many Christians have counted the cost of getting personally involved and determined they were not willing to make the sacrifice required.

All Jesus wants is YOU.  When you accepted Christ as your Savior you were given a commission.  A commission is a military charge.  A command…and order.  “Go ye” is an order…not a suggestion.  He died for you and your part of the deal was that you would LIVE for HIM.

As you reflect on the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ this weekend ask yourself this remarkably simple question.  What has following Christ cost you?

A costless Christianity is no Christianity at all.  Jesus died that you might live.  Live for him.  He is counting on you.  If you remain silent God’s voice is silenced.  He is living and speaking through you.  It is time for us to keep our part of that sacred covenant.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Critical Race Theory: Turning Reality into Something Beyond Understanding

By Frosty Wooldridge

After 245 years since America became a new nation, its greatest internal conflict continues as a ‘tension’ between the Negro race and the Caucasian race. And lately, the Asian race.  White versus Black continues with a vengeance.  No number of laws, equal rights, education or wealth seems to change the racial conflict dynamic not only in the USA, but in Canada, Europe and wherever races intermingle.

In reality, the White race conquered America by force and subdued the existing Red race or native aborigines.  Later, Whites brought Blacks over to enslave them on farms across the country.

Our nation brought aboriginal Africans from their tribal, illiterate and hut-dominated living conditions—into a whole new dynamic of Western thought, architecture and the rule of law.  None of this Western civilization has gone down well with Black Americans.  Their culture was thousands of years behind as to the dynamics of living, food, housing, laws and education.  Additionally, as with any minority race, the majority race practiced discrimination against Africans right up to 2021.

To say the least, America has a mess on its hands.  Thomas Jefferson once said, “We’ve got a wolf by the ears; we cannot keep him, and we can’t let him go.”

Along the way, everyone blames Whites for ‘racism’ and Blacks for not fitting into White civilization.  It’s worse than Joseph Heller’s  “Catch 22” scenario.  If I remember the book correctly, the lead character Yosarian was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t.

Today, Blacks and Whites are caught in a cultural battle that can’t be solved.  How do you take two entirely different races with totally different cultures—and smash them together?  Obviously, after 245 years, it’s not working.

We’ve got the Syrian Muslim immigrant Ahmed Alli killing 11 in Boulder, Colorado last week.  Just before that, a White kid shot 8 people in Atlanta.  BLM rioted, looted and killed to the tune of $2 billion last summer. Black on Black killings continue weekly in St. Louis, Chicago and Detroit.  If guns are taken away, people use knives which is now the main choice in the streets of London, United Kingdom.

While we eulogize Dr. Martin Luther King’s peaceful solutions, race relations in America continue to confound the best academics.  Notwithstanding, they’ve come up with a new theory.

Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic movement made up of civil-rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race, and to challenge mainstream liberal approaches to racial justice.

CRT is “a social philosophy which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.”

Already the theory falls flat on its face. It’s each individual who maintains personal choices as to race likes or dislikes.

CRT is loosely unified by two common themes:

  • First, that white supremacy exists and maintains power through the law.
  • Second, that transforming the relationship between law and racial power, as well as achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination more broadly, are possible.
  • Critics of CRT say that it relies on social constructionism, elevates storytelling over evidence and reason, rejects the concepts of truth and merit, and opposes liberalism.

Essentially, the death of career felon and drug addict George Floyd caused a whole new round of debate as to “white privilege” and “racism” in America.

White privilege

White privilege is the notion of myriad social advantages, benefits, and courtesies that come with being a member of the dominant race (i.e., white people). For example, a clerk not following a person around in a store, or people not crossing the street at night to avoid a person, are viewed as white privilege.” (Source:

Cheryl I. Harris and Gloria Ladson-Billings describe this notion of whiteness as property, “whereby whiteness is the ultimate property that whites alone can possess; valuable just like property. In this sense, from the CRT perspective, the white skin that some Americans possess is akin to owning a piece of property, in that it grants privileges to the owner that a renter (in this case, a person of color) would not be afforded. The property functions of whiteness – i.e., rights to disposition; rights to use and enjoyment, reputation, and status property; and the absolute right to property – make the American dream more likely and attainable for whites.”

What this “critical race theory” fails to address: Black privilege abounds in Africa where Africans kill White people for being White, and in fact, several Black political parties want to kick all 4.0 million White Africans off the continent. In Japan, racism abounds in that they won’t allow anyone into their country to settle that’s outside their race.  China does not allow immigration into its lands.

Instead of blaming Blacks or Whites with a theory, perhaps we might deal with our predicament by simply stating the obvious:  two different races from two different continents, now three continents with Asians adding to the American mix, feature cultural, genetic and biological differences that play out against each other.  In other words, races don’t mix well.  You might find some individuals that enjoy deep friendships with different races, but for the most part, people of one race like to live with and be among others of the same race.  That’s not a theory. It’s an observational fact.

You’ll see race segregation all over America.  Hmong’s stay among themselves.  Blacks like the company of other Blacks.  Latinos enjoy other Latinos.  Asians stick with other Asians.  Whites mostly enjoy the company of other Whites. Middle Easterners hang with each other.  Anybody see Jews hanging with Muslims?

We are not alone.  Mexico’s racism runs rampant.  Japan’s racism dominates.  China remains totally racist.  Korea the same!

I do find it odd if not ironic that most races living around the world in horrible conditions they created by their own cultures—line up to migrate to Western countries.  But once there, they practice their cultures without any regard to Western civilization.  They re-create the same conditions they fled.

Are there any solutions?  We’ve tried them all in the past 50 years with very little success.  As we add another 100 million immigrants to America in the next 29 years, we’re just going to stagger, struggle and plunk along with conflicted cultures, languages and growing religious conflict.  America will not be filled with Americans any longer.  Just an incompatible hodgepodge of humans in a minority dominated country!

We’ll find out the hard way that multiculturalism, diversity and race mixing didn’t/don’t/won’t work.  The best we can expect is to respect each person as we would enjoy being respected.  We don’t have to like each other, but we better respect each other as we go home to our own neighborhoods.  This journalist is not at all optimistic as to the outcome in 2050.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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