Primary: Will Texans Vote to Clean Out Corrupt RINO’s in the Legislature?

Our governor, Greg Abbott, should have used the power and authority given to him by statute here in Texas to call up the State Militia (which is NOT the National Guard) to “repel an invasion” the day impostor president Biden was sworn into office.  No, instead he seems to want to keep relying other states to send their National Guard.  I’m done writing him on that issue.

By |2024-02-19T00:18:57-05:00February 19th, 2024|

Give Me Your Poor, Illiterate, Criminals, Drug Cartels, Anti-Western Masses Yearning to Change America

What does that mean? As to welfare for millions, what happens when their numbers that do not contribute exceed the rest of us who do contribute? As to illiteracy, do you understand that people with very low IQ’s lack any “educational thrust or interest” toward personal intellectual betterment? They become our endemic poor.

By |2024-02-19T00:17:21-05:00February 19th, 2024|

Civil War in America?

This case is unprecedented. We’ve never seen a clash of narratives like this. Those on opposite sides literally do not see the world the same way. They aren’t making the same assumptions about what kind of political system we’re living under. Small wonder some are ready to divide the country — peacefully, if possible; forcibly if necessary. This is where the narrative wars have brought us.

By |2024-02-19T00:16:28-05:00February 19th, 2024|

What Will History Record of this Generation of Lukewarm Christians?

What will history record about our generation as we have sat by and allowed evil to capture our nation.  Will we be remembered for our sexual revolution, that government is our provider and not God, that a man can have a baby, that some boys are girls and some girls are boys, that marriage is not only between a man and a woman but could be between two men and two women...

By |2024-02-18T00:51:44-05:00February 18th, 2024|

Putin Entertains Tucker in Russia

Professor Renato Cristin (University of Trieste, Italy) and I are among the signatories of the Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism. We agree that Vladimir Putin should be put on trial for communist crimes against humanity.

By |2024-02-18T01:22:27-05:00February 18th, 2024|

Calling Things As They Are

Stowe’s faith in Jesus Christ, her increasing understanding of the evils of slavery from the testimony of escaped slaves, and the compelling arguments of abolitionist apologists strongly influenced her to become a passionate abolitionist and supporter of the Underground Railroad, which helped many fugitives from slavery escape to freedom in Canada.

By |2024-02-18T00:23:40-05:00February 18th, 2024|

Trump, Insurrection, and Disqualification

One is easily overwhelmed by the fatuity and even imbecility of the politically motivated drivel which has inundated, and continues to flood, the Internet concerning Mr. Trump’s supposed disqualification for the office of President of the United States under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States because of his alleged participation in the so-called “January Sixth Insurrection”.

By |2024-02-17T00:16:09-05:00February 17th, 2024|

Florida, You Have A Big Problem

The proposed legislation enables an election worker to decide what might constitute “harassment”. The proposed penalties for violation of HB721, include imprisonment. This bill has now been fast-tracked to the state Senate for approval.

By |2024-02-17T00:15:02-05:00February 17th, 2024|

The Battle of the Gods

It’s a really, really old story that only changes in nuances as the centuries turn into millennia.  The Supreme God created other gods to co-reign with Him, and then He created man.  His co-reigning entities rebelled and altered the created order.  I know it’s popular to blame the perpetual failures of humanity on Adam and Eve, but they had help.

By |2024-02-18T00:57:25-05:00February 17th, 2024|

Democrat Beats Democrat in New York Election

With a narrow majority, House Republicans voted to expel one of their own members and then lost a special election for that vacant seat in New York on Tuesday to a Biden-supporting Democrat. But it turns out the “Republican opponent” was also a Democrat.

By |2024-02-16T00:22:10-05:00February 16th, 2024|

Tucker & Vladimir: The Interview of the Decade, if Not the Century!

Though summarily booted off Fox News only ten months ago, Tucker Carlson has singlehandedly pulled off the journalistic coup of the century. He’s now the envy of the myriad sycophants in mainstream media newsrooms, who do nothing more than read the scripts given them by their handlers, all of whom are in the pay of their globalist masters. Predictably, they’re attacking Carlson on cue, meaning he’s over the target.

By |2024-02-16T00:20:07-05:00February 16th, 2024|

Foreign Occupation of Our White House

At a time when our beloved country is being systematically flooded with foreign invaders from all over the globe, South America, China, the Middle East, most of them military age males unaccompanied by women and children, it seems more important than ever to establish a means to prevent “illegal aliens” from voting in our elections...

By |2024-02-16T14:33:23-05:00February 16th, 2024|

Dems to Gullible Citizens: Open your Homes to Illegals

First we have a member of the Boston City Council suggesting that suburban residents “open their homes” to illegal aliens, now called “Migrants”. It seems the sanctuary city is running out of sanctuary; so you folks out there—“the wealthy,” as she calls you—ought to find it in your hearts to provide it.

By |2024-02-15T00:14:42-05:00February 15th, 2024|

Are We Cleaning up the Wrong House?

Do you lead family devotions with your children? Do you regularly pray and read the Bible with your spouse? Have you discussed spiritual issues with your children or do you leave that to the “youth leader?” Have you removed the influence of TV from your impressionable children? Have you checked their i-pods to see what they are listening to?

By |2024-02-15T00:13:11-05:00February 15th, 2024|

Primaries, What Are They Good For?

Imagine walking into a voting booth, and the ballot listing all the names of the people who have qualified to run for office? There still needs to be some vetting process for candidates, some paperwork to request access to the ballot, and probably some process to insure there is enough support to warrant being included. Beyond that, let all comers be on the ballot and let the people decide.

By |2024-02-14T00:22:52-05:00February 14th, 2024|

The Idolatry Of Sports

Somehow or another, the children of the apostate have mistakenly made entertainers and professional athletes people of importance so much so that they have put their idols, players, and teams in the place of Christ (Exodus 20:13; Acts 4:12).

By |2024-02-14T00:21:22-05:00February 14th, 2024|

Matt Gaetz, Denizen of the Deep State

Matt Gaetz is promoting a Constitutional Convention via Mark Meckler’s Convention of States (CoS), which is heavily funded by the Koch organizations.  He claims the only way to get congressional term limits and a balanced budget amendment, is with another Article V convention.

By |2024-02-13T00:15:45-05:00February 13th, 2024|

It’s Trump Vs. Obama in 2024

I wasn’t sure if Taylor Swift would power the Chiefs to victory in the Super Bowl, but I am completely certain that that Barack Hussein Obama is the key to understanding the fate of Joe Biden. In our new report, The Super Bowl of Elections, I look at both candidates in this presidential election year. It’s Trump Vs. Obama.

By |2024-02-13T00:14:49-05:00February 13th, 2024|

We MUST Stop Illegal Aliens from Voting

Despite all the conspiracy theories by the MSM and their anchors, all of whom have mental constipation and continue to barf Biden won, the 2020 election counting process was the dirtiest, most massive fraud I’ve ever seen since I started learning about election fraud back in 1993.  Fair and equal elections have been stolen from us since the 1960’s.

By |2024-02-12T00:16:57-05:00February 12th, 2024|

Joe Biden and Alzheimer’s Disease Along with Jill Biden’s Coverup

After the disastrous Friday DOJ report on Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, he stood in front of the nation in a press conference to tell us that he talked to one world leader in Egypt thinking that leader was from Mexico. Biden made nonsensical gaffes, memory lapses, dropped sentences, misstatements and outright lies.

By |2024-02-12T00:15:41-05:00February 12th, 2024|

Who Owns America’s Lands?

Manifest destiny was a phrase in the 19th-century United States that represented the belief that American settlers were destined to expand westward across North America, and that this belief was both obvious ("manifest") and certain ("destiny"). The belief was rooted in American exceptionalism and Romantic nationalism, implying the inevitable spread of the Republican form of governance.

By |2024-02-12T00:14:48-05:00February 12th, 2024|

We Will Choose Liberty or Slavery

In America, the citizens and Body of Christ have watched for over 60 years evil men who declared war on our freedoms and liberty and we have seen our God dethroned, our culture polluted, our values assaulted, and our nation invaded.  We have been demonized as extremists and bigots for holding on to beliefs we have held for generations.

By |2024-02-11T00:46:49-05:00February 11th, 2024|

Globalist Babylon Is Coming

So many in our land have fallen for great deception.  But as I stated, God always warns His people.  He always makes a way of escape before He pronounces judgment and destruction.  I pray that many will open their eyes today, awake from their stupor and turn back to God.  Open that dusty Bible, get on your knees and pray and seek His face and turn from your wicked ways.

By |2024-02-11T00:45:55-05:00February 11th, 2024|

Valentine’s Lasting Legacy: Embracing the Greatest Act of Love

For those who celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, remember the faithfulness of Valentinus through his acts of love and refusal to renounce Christ unto death, and that true love is more than a feeling that comes and goes. It is not based on transitory things like circumstances, the weather, or personal possessions.

By |2024-02-11T00:42:08-05:00February 11th, 2024|

Raise the Minimum Wage to $100.00 An Hour

I’ve asked NWV’s to run this old column because inflation is absolutely killing all but the very wealthy.  It is critically important we educate our fellow Americans about this issue, so please do share with your email lists and all social media.  Manipulation of the currency and the “Federal” Reserve – something the majority of our adult aged population knows absolutely nothing about.

By |2024-02-10T00:21:46-05:00February 10th, 2024|

Defining WW III

Christ had defeated the gods on their own turf, and the fallout was tremendous.  We find ourselves in 2024 where the ancient gods who went underground have resurfaced with a vengeance.  The scene on the earth has changed since they were dethroned, and their tactics have changed.  This is what we’ll get into in the coming weeks.

By |2024-02-10T00:20:15-05:00February 10th, 2024|

Islamic Justice: Justice Par Excellence

I was walking my two puppies, entirely focused on the job of making sure I cleaned up after them, like a good neighbor should, when someone bumped into me, knocked me to the ground, and yelled, “Watch where are you going? You blind?” I turned around to apologize when I saw my friend doubled up laughing.

By |2024-02-10T00:19:17-05:00February 10th, 2024|

Trump is Right About Ukraine

Looking back at the history of socialists in the West, Putin himself declared that “…the[U.S.] Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to Social Democratic ideas, if compared to Europe. And it was from the Social Democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.”

By |2024-02-09T00:29:13-05:00February 9th, 2024|

The Nikki Haley Plot Against the USA

In the good ole days when the average American was smarter than the average politician, citizens would defeat Nikki Haley in the GOP Presidential race just because they know that millions in her campaign funds come from far-left democrat donors and over 70% of her primary voters are also democrats. Republican voters have had it with democrats voting in republican primaries, for just this reason.

By |2024-02-09T00:27:46-05:00February 9th, 2024|

Regulating Your Life

This is why it’s so important for you to read and understand the Constitution for yourself. Not only so you can recognize these unconstitutional acts, but so you can prepare yourself to defend and assert your rights, including the right to have the supreme law of the land faithfully enforced.

By |2024-02-09T00:25:55-05:00February 9th, 2024|

The New World Order is Satanic

If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.

By |2024-02-08T00:19:36-05:00February 8th, 2024|

A Mind-Numbing 750 U.S. Military Bases in 80 Countries Around the World

Who thinks we need 750 bases in 80 countries?  Can you give one single, rational reason for such impositions and incursions on those  80  countries?  While we’re $35 trillion in national debt, why are we wasting more money and 450,000 military personnel on those bases?  What’s the point?  What’s the end game?  Who benefits?

By |2024-02-08T00:18:32-05:00February 8th, 2024|

The Food Fight Over Richard III

The Globe Theater has announced plans to stage a production of Richard III—with a woman in the title role. The production has already been hit with a wave of protest by an assortment of “disabled activists” who say you have to “live the experience” before you can play the part: only disabled actors need apply.

By |2024-02-08T00:17:27-05:00February 8th, 2024|

llhan Omar: The Somali President Is Our President (Video)

Yesterday, we highlighted Ilhan Omar spewing out the truth in her confusion.  This she did while serving a foreign state posing as a state representative (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). If only the people in this country would awake to the history of these destroyers that now confront us in the present (Hosea 4:6).

By |2024-02-07T00:16:29-05:00February 7th, 2024|

Four Decades of Islamic Occupation in Iran

The people of Iran wish nothing less than a complete regime change through the democratic process of a free referendum. They believe it is the surest, safest, and fastest way to achieve a democratic Iran and end the world’s nightmare of nuclear holocaust that is currently facing us all.

By |2024-02-06T00:24:30-05:00February 6th, 2024|

The Real Insurrection in America

Unless you’ve been hiding from everything politics in the United States, you are aware that there are actors in several states that have sued in their state courts to disqualify Donald Trump from being on their states primary election ballot for President of the United States. As of this writing, in only two states, Colorado and Maine, have those actors found some measure of success.

By |2024-02-06T00:23:46-05:00February 6th, 2024|

The Meducation of Our Nation

What this system is actually accomplishing is a ‘cradle to grave’ wheel that encircles EVERY age person. It attacks our VABs (Values, Attitudes and Beliefs). It seeks to correct our God-given rights into government assigned rights. It violates, several times a day, our civil rights as well.

By |2024-02-06T00:22:58-05:00February 6th, 2024|

Iran: Cut Off the Head

20 years in Afghanistan with no formal declaration of war by Congress.  Thousands more of our military dead, thousands injured; too many who will never recover mentally.  And, still the U.S. continues to shove our military on Middle Eastern countries who do not want us there.  Their religious groups have been fighting each other for a thousand years.

By |2024-02-05T00:08:32-05:00February 5th, 2024|

Deadly Trojan Horse: Ilhan Omar, Somalia First, America Last

How do you think those 10 million illegal alien border jumpers are going to benefit our nation?  How will you and your family benefit from the terrorists that are already planning attacks to kill us? How will you feel when one of your family members dies in those attacks? Because it’s a fact that some of us are going to die from internal terrorist attacks!  Who wants more Ilhan Omar’s in our U.S. Congress when she clearly states that she represents Somalia and not America?

By |2024-02-05T00:07:39-05:00February 5th, 2024|

How Democrat Leaders Feel About Their Voters

2024 will be the last chance WE have to stop the final destruction of the American Dream and American way of life. If WE fail in this duty this time, well, throughout history, freedom once lost, has never been regained! Our children and grandchildren will remember us as only those who stood up in the face of evil tyranny, and those who didn’t. No one will be remembered any other way…

By |2024-02-05T00:06:55-05:00February 5th, 2024|

Our Man-Made Pandemic Of Anxiety

I’ve come to understand that anxiety and worry is the by-product of a spirit of pride and self-sufficiency. The truth is, we can’t help or save ourselves. Apart from God, we can do nothing. (John 15:4-5). When we become hard hearted and believe we can control and do things in our own power, it’s no wonder we worry and become anxious.

By |2024-02-04T00:54:52-05:00February 4th, 2024|

Claudine Gay and the Collapse of DIE Ideology, Part 2

Believe it or not, there are folks out there who self-identify as leftist whom I don’t consider crazy. This is because they get some things right. They have their eyes on power systems, destructive processes, and dysfunctional arrangements. Their criticisms are pragmatic rather than moral.

By |2024-02-04T00:53:28-05:00February 4th, 2024|

Tendering Transgendering to the Tender of Age

Gender ideology is being pushed onto society by perverts and profiteers through their money and influence and with the help of the same virtue-signaling Karens and Kevins who supported the COVID lockdowns. Yet, the entire ideology contradicts all common sense, disregards all decency and all propriety and barring the victory of evil as the result of our apathy...

By |2024-02-04T00:52:28-05:00February 4th, 2024|

The SDGs in Your Town

Warriors, all around us we see not only what I've listed above, but the SDGs inserted into healthcare, technology and even more. Change agents are also being inserted into our towns and governments. Schools see the biggest presence of these intruders of our lives. Why? Because as we creep ever closer to 2030, the UN will increase its evil into our worlds UNLESS we stop it!

By |2024-02-03T00:12:55-05:00February 3rd, 2024|

Suzanne Harp’s Dynamic Campaign Advocating for Texas

Suzanne Harp, a formidable Texas' 3rd Congressional District candidate, has been making waves with her dynamic and multi-faceted campaign strategy. From community engagement to fundraising events, Harp is leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit to represent the interests of her constituents.

By |2024-02-03T00:12:16-05:00February 3rd, 2024|

Divided, You’ve Already Been Conquered

2024 is the final hour…Americans will either rise united against all enemies, foreign and domestic, or they will lose their country forever, divided and conquered. The time for choosing has arrived…

By |2024-02-02T00:08:19-05:00February 2nd, 2024|

Biden’s Illegal Secret War

The Obama-Biden policies do not benefit the United States and Trump wisely reversed them. If they are not reversed again, we can anticipate more disabled American veterans, if they are able to avoid losing their lives during Biden’s re-election campaign.

By |2024-02-02T00:07:22-05:00February 2nd, 2024|

Chevron Deference

Chevron appears to have been an attempt to “keep things going” when Congress was silent or ambiguous on a specific issue. If Congress leaves gaps in their legislation, it’s up to Congress, the representatives of the people and the states, to fill them in. It’s most certainly not within the powers delegated to the executive or judicial branches. We’ll have to wait and see if a majority of the justices on the court recognize the usurpation of powers Chevron Deference has become.

By |2024-02-02T00:06:33-05:00February 2nd, 2024|

American Taxpayers The New Slaves Paying For Illegal Alien Border Jumpers

Do you have any idea of how much more of a “wage slave” you’re going to become as you pay, and pay and pay for what Joe Biden is doing to our country?  Do you feel sickened as to what’s happening to our country under Joe Biden and/or his handlers? Who in his or her right mind thinks Joe Biden is capable of another four years in the White House?

By |2024-02-01T00:15:54-05:00February 1st, 2024|

Did a Typo Teach Us Wisdom?

When St. Paul wrote this, what could have seemed more foolish, more ridiculous, to the intellectuals of those days than a little fringe group of Jewish fools worshiping a crucified nobody whom they claimed to by the Son of God—and claiming that He had risen from the dead as the Savior of the entire human race?

By |2024-02-01T00:14:43-05:00February 1st, 2024|

An Orwellian Switcheroo: Charging Israel with Genocide

That diabolical orgy of sex-and-bloodlust cannot be forgotten when one considers the current Israel-Hamas war. As the world now knows, Hamas poses an existential threat to Israel. Therefore those who support Hamas are supporting the eradication of Israel, i.e. genocide against the Jews. And in its genocidal resolve, Hamas is joined by likeminded Arab Islamists who continually plot, plan and attack Israel, directly or through proxies, e.g. Iran.

By |2024-01-31T00:14:21-05:00January 31st, 2024|

Speaking Truth to Satanic Lies

The reality is, Israel’s IDF is the most moral army in the world.  How do I know?  Because the Lord told them “Choose Life!”  They have.  Chai stands as one of the most widely recognized symbols of Judaism. It is Hebrew for “life.” The term “chai,” emphasizes the significance of life in Judaism.  Israel’s medical teams have saved many Palestinians, including youngsters, but the world fails to see the truth.

By |2024-01-30T00:11:11-05:00January 30th, 2024|

War Fever in Washington

House Republicans released their articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sunday, the same day Biden’s war with Iran escalated. It appears the Republicans should be targeting the “Commander-in-Chief” in name only for the immediate impeachment. Tell Mayorkas to wait his turn.

By |2024-01-30T00:10:12-05:00January 30th, 2024|

Finally: RNC Files Bombshell Election Lawsuit

Like tens of millions of Americans, watching the 2020 presidential race stolen from Donald Trump, I was sickened.  As someone whose been writing about election fraud since 1993, I knew the lying, cheating Democrat/Communist Party USA would use every dirty trick in the book.  Only this time around, the Big Steal was made possible not just by rigged machines and cheating human vote counters but by ignorant or partisan judges.

By |2024-01-29T00:11:33-05:00January 29th, 2024|

Marxist Murder of the American Dream

From day one, July 4, 1776, when a handful of real American patriots declared our independence from England and British rule, they also established our independence from any form of government tyranny, foreign or domestic. The basis of the American Dream is self-determination and self-governance.

By |2024-01-29T00:08:28-05:00January 29th, 2024|

Joe Biden’s Deliberate Invasion of America

Gosh darn! After three years of Biden’s open borders and 9.6 million illegal aliens now living off our tax dollars, as well as destroying our laws, the House GOP wants to bring impeachment proceedings against the director of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.  Note that Mayorkas has broken every law on the books.

By |2024-01-29T00:10:36-05:00January 29th, 2024|

Claudine Gay and the Collapse of DIE Ideology, Part 1

The recent exposés on Claudine Gay, Harvard’s former president and current embarrassment, illustrate what we critics were saying about affirmative action decades ago: it promotes unqualified people into positions of responsibility, hurting their institutions. Claudine Gay is such an obvious case of a Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity...

By |2024-01-28T01:11:11-05:00January 28th, 2024|

Babylon the Great Is Fallen

I have good news, and bad news.  First the good news, from Psalm 33: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.”  Now the bad news: God is not pleased with the United States of America.  Almighty God is no longer Lord of our nation.

By |2024-01-28T00:40:20-05:00January 28th, 2024|

Another Impeachable Offense from Biden

President Biden’s war with Iran is illegal and unconstitutional, under the terms set by Biden for President Trump. “Let's be clear,” said Biden in 2020. “Donald Trump does not have the authority to take us into war with Iran without Congressional approval. A president should never take this nation to war without the informed consent of the American people.”

By |2024-01-27T00:14:30-05:00January 27th, 2024|

It’s the Six Moves Between That are Worrisome

So now is the time to return to God, to descend to a place of rest and trust in Him instead of a puffed up place of self-sufficiency, or a panicked state of distrust and fear.  As I sought God at the end of 2023 for wisdom for the coming year, He was faithful to give it.  He showed me there will be trials and turbulence and even disaster ahead.

By |2024-01-27T00:13:39-05:00January 27th, 2024|

Arms Rights Roundup

America has lost its oldest factory -- a gun manufacturing facility. Two-hundred year old Remington Arms, one of America's major arms producers, has shuttered its doors at its iconic and venerable main manufacturing plant  in the tiny town of Ilion, New York where 230 workers were employed. As recently as 2013, about 1,400 workers were producing 4,900 guns per day at this site. Over the last 10 years, most of the  production has been farmed out to other manufacturing sites around the country.

By |2024-01-26T00:50:32-05:00January 26th, 2024|

Who Do Elected Representatives Think They’re Representing?

Today’s freedom activists must organize effectively. That specifically requires action at the local level. The further government gets from the people, the more corrupt it becomes. Let’s organize to change that. Now is the time to prepare for this year’s vital election. Do not accept ‘the defeatist attitude’ that we can’t win.

By |2024-01-26T00:12:38-05:00January 26th, 2024|

Why Was Davos Important?

Is America worth saving? There is only one way to save America that is - with hard work. Are you up to it? Can you share this article with 5 people and ask them to share with 5 and so on? Sharing the truth and applying knowledge is power. This is the only way to save America. You can do it. I know you can.

By |2024-01-25T01:07:31-05:00January 25th, 2024|

Biden’s Forever Wars

In the latest example of deepening involvement in another war, U.S. Central Command announced that the two “missing” U.S. Navy SEALs died “during the boarding of an illicit dhow [a small sailing vessel] carrying Iranian advanced conventional weapons…” but there was no explanation or constitutional justification for this military operation.

By |2024-01-24T00:16:10-05:00January 24th, 2024|

Liberty Counsel Warns “The Next Shot May Be Mandatory”

That profit-building marketing scheme led to the distribution of a new and dangerous shot that led to hundreds of millions of injuries. Four years into the COVID “crisis,” people are now aware of the danger and are refusing to take the mRNA “booster” shots. So Big Pharma has found another way to increase profits — by getting the World Health Organization (WHO) to compel people to take the shots.

By |2024-01-24T00:14:52-05:00January 24th, 2024|

German Farmers Revolt Against Policies Enhancing Globalism and Climate Hysteria

For much of this first month of the new year, protesting farmers have practically shut down Germany. They’ve used trucks and tractors to block major highways in and out of Berlin and several other major German cities. They’ve received massive popular support and been joined by others in “low tech” professions (electricians, rail workers, etc.). Additional support has come from their counterparts in The Netherlands who have been fighting this same battle for over a year now, and from Poland and the Czech Republic.

By |2024-01-23T00:12:26-05:00January 23rd, 2024|

What’s Wrong With this Picture 2008-2020

In 2024, we will either have free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, or we will be off to the races. 2024 is the breaking point. Trust me on this… I follow growing public sentiments very closely.

By |2024-01-23T00:15:47-05:00January 23rd, 2024|

New Push for Amnesty MUST Be Crushed

The border INVASION has back fired for the evil doers.  Oh, it’s worked as far as allowing more than 8 MILLION unvetted illegal aliens to be distributed around the country, but now even The UnReachables are starting to realize the “compassionate” theme has brought crime, chaos and in some way is now touching their lives.

By |2024-01-22T00:24:41-05:00January 22nd, 2024|

We Have Become a Nation That Has Lost Its Collective Mind

If you possess a rational mind, you cannot justify what’s going on in America in 2024. Up is down; down is up. Crime is celebrated; law- abiding citizens are fools. Shoplifting is cool; paying for your groceries is for suckers. When a male pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.

By |2024-01-22T00:23:48-05:00January 22nd, 2024|

A Way Of Life That Leads To Death

But if you meet life with anger, jealousy, hate, hostility and hurt feelings, your guilt will grow through the years. Worsening, you become angry with yourself and your sickness.

By |2024-01-21T00:21:04-05:00January 21st, 2024|

Safe Navigation Through Dark Places

Those who trust in Jesus Christ not only receive forgiveness of all their sins and reconciliation with God, but they are also transferred from a dark domain into His kingdom of light (Colossians 1:9-14). No matter what challenging uncertainties or situations we may face, the Lord’s faithfulness never changes, and He promises never to leave us lost in the dark (Hebrews 13:5-8).

By |2024-01-21T00:47:37-05:00January 21st, 2024|

Seven Moves from Checkmate

They are few and we are many.  They need the many in fear of the few.  They’ve deceived themselves (and others) that they will obtain their victory.  But it’s really not up to them.  They’re the pawns of God’s adversary, and while they think they’re calling the shots, they really aren’t.  I want to expound on the cosmic battle in the coming weeks, but it will take me some time to lay it all out.

By |2024-01-20T00:13:44-05:00January 20th, 2024|

Immigration or Invasion? Cancelling the Greatest Culture in the World

What is happening today is not new. It has been going on in many places in the world for decades. When I was in Cologne, Germany, in the early ‘70s, I had a conversation with a local couple who were very unhappy with the Turks that had been brought in for much-needed labor. The gist was that the Turks did not have the same values as the natives and were not impelled to comply with German laws and mores, but weren‘t about to leave when their work was finished.

By |2024-01-20T00:12:58-05:00January 20th, 2024|

The Communist Plot Against Trump

You have probably heard about the scandal involving anti-Trump prosecutor Fani Willis and her well-paid lawyer lover/boyfriend. Their bizarre romantic and financial relationship may sink her case against Trump. If so, she will be replaced, and the case will go on.

By |2024-01-19T00:13:26-05:00January 19th, 2024|

How the Republican Party became the RINO Party

To turn the Republican Party back into a conservative party, leave independent status and rejoin the party. Not to go-along to get-along, but to flood the party with real conservative republican voters and take back control.

By |2024-01-19T00:12:34-05:00January 19th, 2024|

High-Test Marxism Is The Revenge For Our Having Won In 2016 (And 2020)

Everybody knows that the 2020 election was an even bigger win for America, than was 2016. Of course, 2020 wasn’t allowed to happen. Since then, the speed of our country’s destruction has been turned up, by those who had to cheat to get power. We know that, as well. We are NOT frogs who will be boiled alive, however, because the water started out uncomfortably hot. Look at what happened in Trump’s first term. Turning up the heat has only energized us, and broadened our base.

By |2024-01-19T00:11:41-05:00January 19th, 2024|

Extraction Migration: Screwing the American Worker with Foreign Labor

Our own companies across America would rather cut our throats than hire American workers for a fair and living wage.  For certain, minorities with low educational skills face planned poverty by the big wigs in those Washington DC offices.  In many ways, capitalism must be the cruelest of systems when it comes to cut-throat competition.

By |2024-01-18T00:30:15-05:00January 18th, 2024|

Off to a Busy Start in Jan 2024

The decade of the 2020’s has been nothing like the American people have ever experienced.  In fact, it has overwhelmed the sleepy church as the assault upon Christianity in American has reached a fever pitch.  2024 is going to be a season where more evil is going to be exposed.  That is what we have been doing on the front lines in America since the birthing of PASS THE SALT.

By |2024-01-18T00:29:04-05:00January 18th, 2024|

Things Aren’t Working As They Should

I hiked back home. We lit candles. My wife has an oxygen generator; it doesn’t work without electricity: something to worry about. She fell asleep on the couch. I thought I’d better stay up, but by 3 a.m. I was nodding over the candles and it struck me as a dangerous position. I had to go to bed.

By |2024-01-18T00:27:50-05:00January 18th, 2024|

Hatred At My Door

Satan knows the Bible better than most Christians and from the beginning of his fall, he knew that if he could kill the Jews, he could live and rule and reign on earth forever, but we know he will not succeed.  From the beginning, he has tried to kill them, and he loves it when people believe the anti-Semitic tripe because they play into his plans.

By |2024-01-17T00:07:32-05:00January 17th, 2024|

Blaming the Jews: An International Pastime

So before you “blame the Jews” for ancient and modern tropes that demonize the Lord’s chosen people, remember you’re simultaneously scourging them for their divinely appointed role of introducing God and the Bible to the world, fulfilling prophecy, and, as Christians and Messianic Jews believe, providing the world with the Messiah, whose birth we once again celebrated a mere three weeks ago.

By |2024-01-16T00:11:50-05:00January 16th, 2024|

Lawsuits for Revenge and Profit?

By both mooting the case and vacating the First Circuit’s decision that Ms. Laufer had standing, the court does restore some sense of justice by restricting the use of malicious prosecution. However, by not deciding the question of Ms. Laufer’s standing, the court also allows her, and others like her, to act as federal vigilantes.

By |2024-01-16T00:16:36-05:00January 16th, 2024|

Will Fulton County DA Trump Persecutor Fani Willis Be Indicted?

Last week new blasting headlines featuring low intelligence diva, Big Fani Willis, Fulton County, GA DA persecuting Trump burned up the Internet.  A grand jury returned a RICO indictment against Trump and 18 others in her county.  That grand jury either has zero ability to process and fully understand the charges or they were all Democrat Unreachables.

By |2024-01-15T00:15:11-05:00January 15th, 2024|

The Deliberate Dismantling of America: What We Face If We Don’t Stop the Invasion

If we fail to stop Joe Biden’s invited refugee invasion of America, most Americans are not prepared for what’s coming. In 2024, most Americans take for granted MOST of their freedoms. They enjoy education from kindergarten through 12th grades. At least 20 percent enjoy college educations. Millions more enjoy vocational training schools.

By |2024-01-15T00:13:34-05:00January 15th, 2024|

Free, Fair, Lawful, Transparent Elections 2024

The USA is very unique in the world in that all political authority exists at the pleasure of the governed, the People. Our government has a right to exist only so long as the People say so, and only so long as governments perform within the limited powers they are granted. Taxation without representation is prohibited in the USA, no matter which party you’re loyal to, or how you might feel about it.

By |2024-01-14T01:17:03-05:00January 14th, 2024|

Honoring Our Husbands and Wives

Today, we live in a world of confusion and delusion, like I never could have dreamed we’d see in my lifetime.  Or ever, for that matter.  The “goats” on the Left have done their job well, putting forth lies and deception, so much so, that if it were possible, even the “elect” would be deceived.

By |2024-01-14T00:26:10-05:00January 14th, 2024|

Why Suzanne Harp For Congress?

Why Suzanne Harp? Because she will be a loyal congressional representative for her constituents. Because she is a fighter and believer in American exceptionalism. Because she stands tall and strong to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States for you, me, and all Americans.

By |2024-01-13T08:37:43-05:00January 13th, 2024|

Oval Office Immunity?

The US Federal Government exists solely by way of the US Constitution. If the Constitution and Bill of Rights are dead and gone, then the Federal government has no legal basis to even exist at all.

By |2024-01-12T00:20:01-05:00January 12th, 2024|

The Deliberate Dismantling of America: How You Can Stop It

What did our Founding Fathers George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abigail Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere, and Ben Franklin possess in common?  Answer: they took action.  They changed the course of history by their efforts on the battlefield.  As they sat at Constitution Hall, they hammered out the U.S. Constitution. Each man and woman took action to form the greatest country ever created on the face of the Earth.

By |2024-01-11T00:13:19-05:00January 11th, 2024|

The Dinosaurs That We Deserve

The Jurassic Park movies, starting in the 1990s, gave us a Tyrannosaur that really scared us. Balanced fore and aft at the hip, the new T. rex ran like the wind, turned on a dime, and could only be challenged, eventually, by imaginary dinosaurs cooked up in movie studios. But that was not the end of it.

By |2024-01-11T00:11:57-05:00January 11th, 2024|

Who I Am, What I’m About, 2024 Edition

Who am I? A guy with too much formal education who left academia over ten years ago, went overseas, but has returned periodically to his homeland and stays in close touch. I thank God daily for the Internet, which makes this arrangement possible. I’m married to a foreign national. No children. Two cats. We live in a place that would be very difficult to find if you didn’t know exactly where you are going.

By |2024-01-10T00:07:53-05:00January 10th, 2024|

What is Income?

Why should you pay very close attention to this case? Because, as a direct tax on something other than income, a wrong opinion from the court could open up a deluge of new direct federal taxes on everything from your home, investments, even your childhood Baseball Card collection.

By |2024-01-09T00:14:51-05:00January 9th, 2024|

Are Children Really Our Future?

As a retired teacher, I was really pleased when I read the article in the Jackson Times about how well our students are doing in the Jackson County Schools. Several schools moved up a grade. That was wonderful but did not make sense according to the statistics from US News and World Report, NAEP, or Axios that say 47% of our kids can't read write or do simple math.

By |2024-01-09T00:10:54-05:00January 9th, 2024|

Terrorists Coming Across the Border Will Strike at Some Point

Congress after Congress has refused to tighten current asylum laws so now, we have free-loaders by the MILLIONS applying for asylum for spousal abuse or a hang nail.  Court dates are being set for five to as long as 10 YEARS from now because the system is past overloaded.  Under Trump, not under the illegitimate Biden open border policy...

By |2024-01-08T00:07:22-05:00January 8th, 2024|

The Deliberate Dismantling and Ultimately, The Destruction of America

You are about to learn what’s happening to America as to its being dismantled. You are about to see how, ultimately, this current invasion will end in the destruction of America.  This report comes from the vantage point of an American journalist who has traveled the entire world on his own dime. You’re not learning this information from a paid journalist of the New York Times or the Washington Post or The Atlantic Magazine.

By |2024-01-08T00:06:15-05:00January 8th, 2024|

Celebrating January 6, 2021

On the 3rd anniversary of J6 2021, events of that day are celebrated by all sane Americans as the day when the once silent majority, stopped being silent. Before going any further, there’s a few basic facts about J6 that some foolish Americans must come to grips with…

By |2024-01-07T01:02:42-05:00January 7th, 2024|

Be Connected to the Source of True Life Rather Than AI

Over centuries of interacting with successive descendants of the Fabrini, the Oracle concluded that the success of the mission would be better served by fostering the belief among the people that it was a god and Yonada was a planet instead of a spaceship. Later generations eventually became unaware of the true nature of their “world” as that knowledge was suppressed through the implanted microchip.

By |2024-01-07T00:47:17-05:00January 7th, 2024|

2023 Year In Review

The Minnesota legislature announced their first order of business would be to enshrine a “right” to completely unrestricted abortion up to the time of birth in that state.  Governor Tim Walz signed the bill into law on January 31st, making Minnesota the first state to formally “legalize” such atrocities.

By |2024-01-07T00:05:13-05:00January 7th, 2024|

Moving Forward into 2024

The Obamas collaborated to produce a trending movie on Netflix called “Leave the World Behind.”  It’s basically an Armageddon type movie where America is under attack from various angles and the implication is it will be destroyed or fundamentally altered.  I won’t get into the details, but you can read a great synopsis of the symbolism in it here.

By |2024-01-06T00:09:08-05:00January 6th, 2024|

Corralling the Callow, the Shallow and the Clods

UN Poster Child Greta "How Dare You!" Thunberg, the screechy, preachy, snotty, sneering, sanctimonious global superstar is back once again to lead a global mob of young climate zealots in a campaign to "End Fossil Fuels." The Swedish sensation is now 20 years old but remains an idol to juvenile activists the world over.

By |2024-01-06T00:08:05-05:00January 6th, 2024|

Stop U.N. Lawyer Jack Smith

To their credit, House Republican congressional committees are examining the China threat and the “weaponization” of government and have launched an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden and his administration. But the more immediate problem is Jack Smith’s frivolous legal actions against Trump that threaten to lay the groundwork for United Nations legal action against our country as a whole.

By |2024-01-05T00:55:37-05:00January 5th, 2024|

Freedom or Slavery in 2024?

Thus, if it violates our personal morality when someone tries to enslave us, it must then follow that it is immoral for us to enslave anyone else. Can we each admit that this is true? It should seem so, but the reality of enslavement reveals a great divide in the human race. Slavery takes many forms but all of them exist because of an emotional and spiritual deficit in the hearts of the perpetrators and their supporters.

By |2024-01-05T00:53:09-05:00January 5th, 2024|

Why James Madison Trembled at the Prospect of An Article V Convention

Everyone ignores it. The federal government was able to usurp hundreds of powers not granted by our Constitution because state & local governments, hospitals, businesses, universities, farmers, individual citizens, & everybody else collaborated with the usurpations by taking federal funds to participate in unconstitutional federal programs.

By |2024-01-05T00:16:37-05:00January 5th, 2024|

The 2024 Presidential Frauds

Now, I’m well aware of all the folks who have been trying to sell their “three-legged stool” theory since McCain in 2008…Father, Mother and Born on Soil. I’m well aware of the fact that some women think that the Natural Law focus on the father alone, is some kind of slight to the mothers.

By |2024-01-04T00:59:18-05:00January 4th, 2024|

A Scent of Pushback in the Air

They’ve been sitting on that nice high perch for going on four years—and it’s a long way down from there. They might not be able to recover from such a fall. Say goodbye to global government. Give up hope of creating a new electorate who will obey them in return for free stuff.

By |2024-01-04T01:01:21-05:00January 4th, 2024|

Adding “One plus One” It ISN’T That Hard!

Eric Adams, mayor of of NYC, has been complaining for months as 130,000+ migrants have arrived in his “sanctuary city” since his President ripped open our borders. Small businesses are closing; historic hotels have been ruined; and the elderly and veterans are being thrown our of their homes to accommodate the motley flow. Crime is over the top and literally uncontrollable.

By |2024-01-03T00:37:29-05:00January 3rd, 2024|

The Horrordumbor

Watching TV and absorbing endless propaganda and drug ads 24/7 drive people to hasten to their medical appointments where they are driven to shorten their lives with Big Pharma's prescriptions and pills and stop at Taco Bell or fast food dispensary on the way home so they can imbibe some comfort food to feel better.

By |2024-01-02T00:11:58-05:00January 2nd, 2024|

The Power of Love

Love, the sacred fire, warms the coldest corners, turning dwellings into havens, and is a foundation for homes and the mortar binding families in unbreakable bonds. Lit by love's flames, hearths bring hope, dispelling shadows and illuminating unity's path.

By |2024-01-01T00:14:09-05:00January 1st, 2024|

To Be or Not To Be…American

The Constitution and all its terms and conditions are the legal mechanisms by which the Federal government has any right to exist at all. When that government refuses to abide by the terms and conditions of the Constitution, and has become destructive of its sole purpose, it has no right to exist, much less rule over the people. The contract is null and void the moment the government breaches that contract and refuses to self-correct.

By |2024-01-01T00:16:29-05:00January 1st, 2024|

The Spirit of God Dances with All of US in 2024

May 2024 bring the world closer to peace across all of humanity.  May we respect and treat our planet as we would like to be treated: with care.  May we show our families and communities our very best in citizenship. May we uplift America to a higher level of integrity, health, and happiness.  Vaya con Dios!  Happy New Year 2024 from Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge

By |2024-01-01T00:18:01-05:00January 1st, 2024|
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