Republican Form of Government

By Paul Engel

February 28, 2022

  • Is American a democracy or a republic?
  • What is the difference between a democracy and a republic?
  • What responsibility does the federal government have to protect our republican form of government?

We keep hearing about threats to America’s democracy. Occasionally, I’ll even hear someone point out that the United States is not a democracy, but a republic. How many Americans know the difference? And just what are the responsibilities of the federal government to protect that republican form of government?

Republic vs Democracy

If you’ve followed The Constitution Study for any length of time, you know that I’m a stickler for definitions. So the first thing we need to do is define some terms.

Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens.

DEMOCRACY: Websters 1828 Dictionary

  1. A commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people. In modern usage, it differs from a democracy or democratic state, in which the people exercise the powers of sovereignty in person. Yet the democracies of Greece are often called republics.

REPUBLIC: Websters 1828 Dictionary

The main difference between a democracy and a republic is the election of representation. I’ve met several people who believe this is a difference without a distinction, but it is an important difference. As some of our Founding Fathers put it:

We are now forming a republican government. Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments —

Alexander Hamilton – Federal Convention, June 26, 1787

Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%.

Thomas Jefferson

Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.

John Adams

and my personal favorite…

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!

Benjamin Franklin

History has shown that democracies are not the peace, love, and kumbaya environments we’ve been led to believe. All that’s necessary to see the distinction between a democracy and the republic we have here, is to look at the differences between the American and French Revolutions. Sure, we’ve had turmoil in the United States, but we still live under the same Constitution and government that we created in 1787. Compare that with the turmoil in France, with the Reign of Terror which led to the collapse of the “republic” and the introduction of an empire under Napoleon.

The fundamental concept behind a democracy is majority rule. Don’t get me wrong, allowing the majority to decide a course of action is generally a good thing, but there are three major problems running a country that way. First, how do you get 330 million people to vote on legislation, much less take the time and effort necessary to consider the long-term impact? Simply take a look at the ballot proposition amendment processes in California and Florida and you can see what I’m talking about. Somebody gets enough signatures to put something on the ballot, the special interest groups promote or disparage it, and then most of the voters make an emotional decision without reading the amendment, much less considering it in depth. Which leads us to the second major issue.

It’s rarely a majority that actually makes the decision, but a vocal and influential minority that steers the majority in their preferred direction. Look at the social changes over last few years. According to Statista, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, and transgenders, represent only 5.6% of the population, but look at the demands they make over the rest of us. Or consider the influence political parties have used to direct their members’ decisions on numerous topics. Now, with the media, social media, and politicians working hard to restrict your ability to see anything other than the approved narrative, an even smaller group of people are directing the will of the majority.

Lastly, in a democracy, if someone or some group can convince a majority of the people to infringe on your rights, then it becomes law. In a democracy, your right to freedom of religion, speech, and press only exists at the sufferance of the majority. Your right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, to a trial by an impartial jury, or even to petition the government for a redress of grievance can be taken away by the simple majority vote.

While a republic deals with the voting issue, it does nothing to fix the influence of a minority over the crowd or the protection of rights. Your legislators are just as influenced by vocal minorities as the people are, and in a simple republic a majority vote of the legislature could take away your rights. Which is why America is not merely a Republic, we are a Constitutional Republic.

  1. The established form of government in a state, kingdom or country; a system of fundamental rules, principles and ordinances for the government of a state or nation. In free states, the constitution is paramount to the statutes or laws enacted by the legislature, limiting and controlling its power; and in the United States, the legislature is created, and its powers designated, by the constitution

CONSTITUTION: Websters 1828 Dictionary

By establishing the Constitution not just by custom but by law, being the supreme law of the land means there is a check upon government’s ability to infringe on your rights. Now, neither legislatures or the people can take away your rights by simple vote; only the actions of three-fourths of the states can change the Constitution. As with any other law, it is merely ink on paper, or in this case, ink on parchment. The Constitution itself can do nothing to protect your rights; it is up to We the People to use it to do so. If the American people do not uphold the Constitution, then we will lose the republic.

Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, because if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.

Daniel Webster

Duties of the United States

So if the United States is a republic, what about the states themselves? What form of governments do states have, and what role does the federal government have over them?

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. 

U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution tasks the United States with thee objectives regarding the states: Insuring they have a republican form of government, protecting them from invasion, and when called upon, to protect them against domestic violence. Let’s look at each of these individually.

Republican Form of Government

Simply put, the United States is to guarantee that each state has a republican form of government. What does that mean? The government of each state was created by its own constitution. In those constitutions, the three branches of each state government are defined, procedures established, and limits imposed. Many, but not all states, have in their constitutions a statement that all power is inherent in the people. This is the sovereign power Noah Webster mentioned in his definition of a republic. Each state constitution establishes a process for electing representatives in the legislature and for electing the state’s chief executive (the governor). Again many, but I don’t believe all states, also elect those who serve in the judicial branch. Congress, when admitting new states to the union under Article VI, Section 3, must insure that they have a republican form of government. Beyond that, what is the role of the United States in the governing of the states?

Some have claimed that the United States has the power to oversee elections in the states under their guarantee of a republican form of government. Others claim the United States has the power to oversee how a state’s apportioned representation is allocated in an effort to guarantee not only a republican form of government, but one that is considered fair by the feds. But does guaranteeing a form of government include regulating the processes of that government or is this just another usurpation of state power by those in Washington, D.C.?

Protecting Against Invasion

The recent influx of illegal aliens, with the tacit approval of the current administration, have led some to declare this an invasion. But does the rhetoric match up with the definition?

INVASION, noun s as z. [Latin invasio, from invado. See Invade.]

  1. A hostile entrance into the possessions of another; particularly, the entrance of a hostile army into a country for the purpose of conquest or plunder, or the attack of a military force.

INVASION: Websters 1828 Dictionary

INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war. 

INVASION: The Free Legal Dictionary

So does the illegal entrance into this country constitute an invasion? Does it matter how many are illegally entering the country? According to both Noah Webster and The Free Legal Dictionary, the answer is no. There is no hostile army entering our country, neither is there an attack by a military force. What we have is the natural consequence of the states handing over their power to regulate immigration to another, specifically the United States.

I’m sure many of you are complaining that immigration is a federal issue, but not according to the Constitution. Search all you want, you will not find the power to regulate immigration in the Constitution of the United States. Instead what you will find is Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

Congress has the power to create uniform rules for becoming a citizen, not for immigration from a foreign country. According to the Tenth Amendment, any powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states. Therefore, the power to regulate immigration is a state power. By asking Washington, D.C. to do what they should do for themselves, these border states have left themselves vulnerable to the whims of Washington, D.C. politics.

Protecting Against Domestic Violence

Does the United States have the authority to deal with domestic violence in the states? Only when the legislature of a state, or its executive when the legislature is not in session, requests it. That is why President Trump did not send in federal forces to quell the violence that shook so many of our major cities in the summer of 2020; the states didn’t ask for it. Yes, President Trump sent in federal agents, but only to protect federal property. This was to fulfill his duty to execute the laws of the United States. Without a request to quell domestic violence from the states, the President had no legal authority to get involved.


After the Constitutional Convention, when asked what type of government they had given us, Benjamin Franklin stated, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” The American people should take that admonition very seriously, because today we are losing the republic. How can we expect the United States to guarantee a republican form of government to the states, when so many in the states don’t realize we are a republic? More and more people either do not know or do not care that we are a republic not a democracy. They are promoting the idea that everything must be democratic and that anything which they can get a majority to acquiesce with must be done. It is unfortunate that some go so far as to claim that the American people are required to acquiesce to whatever the current political dogma demands, whether it contradicts the Constitution or not.

Those who have handed over their responsibility to the federal government are no better. Whether individuals, localities, or states, they further degrade the republic by violating the consent of the governed codified in the Constitution, weakening the sovereignty of the people in favor of political expediency.

The Constitution for the United States of America is the oldest national constitution in the world, and second only to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in age. Two hundred and thirty four years is a good run, but that is no guarantee that it will continue. If we wish to uphold the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands, then it’s up to We the People to work to keep it. Otherwise, our future may look more like Napoleonic France, or worse, the Reign of Terror that proceeded it.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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Think You Really Know An Incumbent or Challenger?

By: Devvy

February 28, 2022

The upcoming mid-term primaries are without exaggeration the most important since the founding of this constitutional republic.  As I wrote last month:  Reelect the same incumbents and America will be completely dead by 2024.  If you keep doing the same thing that doesn’t work over and over and over, how can you expect anything to change?

Demonic governors like sexual deviant Kate Brown (Oregon) should not only be defeated in their primary but run out of politics in their state just like ANY governor who bought into the COVID production.  If you’ve never watched the movie, Wag the Dog starring Dustin Hoffman, believe me, it’s well worth your time.  The story is about a “spin doctor” (In politics that’s whores who work in media who get paid to lie while smiling.) and a well- known producer who decide to concoct a ‘ghost’ war over in Albania based on fake news as a distraction over a breaking sex scandal involving the US president. It’s free on line (full screen) and most streaming networks.

Normally it takes at least six months to as long as a year to film, edit, do re-writes and all that before a movie is released; indies are a bit different and welcome category.  Wag the Dog was a wrap in 90 days and released one month before America found out Bill Slut Clinton was wagging his little whistle into the mouth of a young and very naïve intern named Monica Lewinsky.

I don’t bring up that movie to make light of all the deaths from the weaponized flu known as COVID-19, but because the American people need to understand how they’ve been played for fools, again, using fear and optics to sell their lie.  It breaks my heart every time I think back to all the media coverage filled with nothing but lies while families grieved who couldn’t even be with their loved one at the end.

Flashback that we have to keep shoving into the face of our elected officials at the local level.  I’m going to address this soon in a column. The swine flu epidemic that was not as CDC advertised (PODCAST) by a real pro, Sharyl Attisson, February 19, 2020

“When the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was publicizing a supposed swine epidemic in 2009, I got a tip from two government health insiders.It led me to ask CDC for the actual lab test results for American patients believed to have contracted swine flu.

“CDC declined to provide the information on a timely basis, even though it was at their fingertips and belongs to the public.  So I went to each of the 50 states, which had provided the lab test results to CDC, and obtained the information that way. The results were shocking. Almost none of the “swine flu” patients had swine flu.

Got that? The Center for Disease Creation LIED big time to the American people and got away with it because the corporate controlled media whores censored the truth from you. Their nightly “news” mouth pieces lied right to your face.  They promoted a health hoax in an attempt to scare people into such fear they’d believe anything to “stay safe”.

Trump was crushing all the GOP candidates for the approaching presidential election.  Those who really run and control DC could not allow an outsider like Trump to come in and ruin their plans.  So, the DNC committed the most grotesque breach of public trust by selecting an old man already experiencing dementia; a dimwit totally incapable of being president being used by his wife and handlers.  Someone they could control.  Timing in life is everything and out of the blue along comes this COVID-19 and by March 2020, the big production was underway and so were final plans being put in place to rig the outcome of the election.

Are there ANY members of the U.S. Congress who should be reelected?  A handful of Republicans and please remember I’ve belonged to no party since 1996.  Thomas Massie, Mo Brooks and Andy Biggs at the top of the list.  Might be a few more but believe me, the number is small.

Many years ago, I wrote this column, Uninformed, Disinterested, Brainwashed & Special Interest Voters  5-29-06. “Disinterested, dumbed down voters are killing US. Recently, a young woman who heard me talking to someone about the illegals protesting in Sacramento, chirped in with, “Oh, yeah. I saw something about that on TV. The immigration, thing, huh?” The immigration thing? This “Gen X-er” doesn’t have a clue and is apparently completely detached from the world around her.

“Last week, smarmy, Peter Fenn, who bills himself as a “democratic strategist” said on one of the cable talk programs that the illegals invasion “hasn’t hurt America.” Not to be outdone, Tony Snow, Bush’s new puppet mouthpiece responded to a question recently regarding illegals with this, “If you had a traffic ticket and you paid it, you’re not forever a speeder, are you?” It is beyond outrageous for either of these two party hacks to marginalize the massive destruction to our country because of this invasion by illegals, not to mention how many Americans have been raped and murdered by illegals and illegals who are sexual predators out there trolling for your son or daughter.

“Bush is a lame duck president. He doesn’t care about you or the U.S. Constitution. It’s his job to put the final pieces in place to destroy this republic. As for the November pretend elections, Jerry will vote for Barney Frank, a sodomite congressman out of NY because Jerry is a sodomite. Lesbians will vote for Marxists like Hillary Clinton and Diane Feinstein because they support sexual deviants and support the killing of unborn babies.

“Millions of natural born, naturalized or illegals will vote for any incumbent or candidate with a Spanish surname: “If anyone’s going to be deported, it’s going to be you! … Get out! We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s by violence or nonviolence…. ” Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.”

“Union members will vote for Democrats because they mistakenly believe the Democratic Party stands for the working man. Nothing could be further from the truth as every Democrat in office since 1913 has lied to their members about the federal income tax, have allowed the working class to be plundered via the privately owned “Federal” Reserve and fed them one string of lies after another – the same as the Republican Party has done to its members. Both parties are guilty of withholding the truth from the American people.

“Americans of African descent will vote for an incumbent or candidate only if they are the same race. It is the same with people of Asian descent. Not because that incumbent has a full understanding of the U.S. Constitution, the history and founding of this republic and has served in office by upholding their oath. They vote by race.

“The same applies to religions. Too many Americans will only vote for someone of the Jewish or Christian faith or who isn’t Catholic. Millions of women will only vote for a female incumbent or candidate who promises them “free” child care and a thousand other unconstitutional expenditures from the public treasury. The same goes for seniors who continue to vote for incumbents who promise “free prescription pills” and will save social security!

“The same promise to “Save social security!!!!” incumbents have been selling for 60 years. Then there is corporate America who fund and vote for incumbents who steal from the people’s purse to fund a million unconstitutional pork projects or perks for the wealthy pharmaceutical companies.” Presidential elections in this country have become a putrid, toxic process every four years. Every special interest group in the country demanding this or that from a presidential candidate. Race based politics is nothing new. It continues to plague this country because the herds of cattle in the Democratic Party keep playing such an ugly game.”

Has anything changed?  Oh, a bit here and there. After the predicted 2008 crash, tens of millions of Americans had enough and the ‘Tea Party’ movement was birthed.  Unfortunately, like so many national movements (now it’s the limp Black Lies Movement where the communist founders have become millionaires), a ‘national office’ is created and then comes the corruption and playing millions of genuinely concerned Americans for useful fools.

Over the decades people have asked me why my Project on Winning Economic Reform (when I released the first editions of my booklet, Why A Bankrupt America in 1993)- why I didn’t have a national office in DC and how could they join my organization?  My response:  All politics are local and it’s up to the people in each state to unify to kill the cancers destroying this country.  America doesn’t need yet another tax-exempt “conservative” outfit that never works to kill the cancer because remember:  There’ no money in the cure, only the treatment.

Where is the ‘Tea Party Movement’ today?  There are chapters scattered here and there around the country doing a great job but hundreds of them just gave up and quit after a few years of frustration or were too busy with their weekends.  But, in the next election they voted for same Republicans who continued to loot our purse while constantly pointing the finger at the Democrats because the November elections start with the primaries and if you don’t boot them then, come election day, it’s the same old hold your nose and vote. Sincere, caring Americans continued to believe the every-two years primary staples like, “I’m for smaller government, more money in your pocket, less taxes”, blah, blah, blah.

In 2016 the American people went to the polls in massive numbers to elect Donald Trump as they did in November 2020.  Putting aside the absolute proof that election was stolen, the American people were cheated and look at the destruction to this country since China’s whore, dementia addled Joe Biden was illegally sworn into office.

Start with killing tens of thousands of energy jobs and the indescribable and completely avoidable tuck tail & run out of Afghanistan leaving behind thousands of our own and $85 BILLION dollars in military hardware.  Many family members did not want Biden at the ceremony when the bodies were removed from the plane.

Many are asking why vote after the stolen election in November 2020?  Why?  Because rivers of blood washed this land as thousands died to give us the God-given right to choose those who handle government at all levels.  AND – if every challenger (no, I’m not talking about some of the loons out there) who should have won immediately file to stop certification of the vote and conduct a forensic audit, we would see a different outcome nationwide.

Do you really know the voting record of your incumbent in Congress or your state capitol?  People think Texas is some sort of paradise with Greg Abbott as our governor.  Abbott locked down this state for NO scientific reason (It’s COVID!) and waited many long months to protect workers from being fired for refusing to get one of those deadly COVID experimental injections.  Of course that didn’t help the thousands who had already lost their paychecks.

Make no mistake:  Abbott wants the White House.  He’s owned by the biggest special interest groups in this state and his actions to shut down the border was way too little, too late.  The minute Biden was illegally sworn in, Abbott should have done several things he had the legal authority to do but never did.  Six months later after the flood of illegals got so bad along with poll numbers, he started begging for bux to build the wall.  Make me gag.

What a shame Trump is still listening to the wrong people by endorsing incumbents like Sen. Mike Lee [R-UT] who never met a bill he didn’t love to bring in more foreign workers while perfectly qualified, highly educated Americans for those jobs are working for whatever they can find.  Trump’s endorsement of Greg Abbott makes me sick.  Thankfully polls here show Trump supporters could care less Trump has endorsed Abbott, they want him out.

Personally, I voted (last week) for Don Huffines, a former state senator.  He never took a penny in salary; donated it all.  His voting record as a conservative is a consistent, solid A.  Rare for me, I actually made a donation to his campaign.  I would like to see him as governor for 4 years and then Chad Prather who will someday make a great governor for the State of Texas.

As for Allen West, also running for Texas governor, he is one of the most over-rated blowhards who did NOTHING while in Congress except whine and ride the coat tails of his military service.  West came to Texas and somehow became head of the state GOP party.  IMHO, West not only isn’t very intelligent, he’s a bully to boot.  But, Texans will make up their own mind.  One thing for certain:  We need every vote to force a run off-off.  Abbott has a massive $65 million in his campaign coffers and due to the damn courts and redistricting, our primary is tomorrow, March 1st which gives Abbott a huge advantage. Texas Scorecard on issues.

The other critical office here in Texas is Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Now, being a legal eagle, I’ve paid great attention to what old Ken has been doing over the years.  I’ve never thought he was particularly intelligent but my big question is why has this dragged on for 7 years?  AG Paxton has been under indictment on state securities fraud charges since 2015and investigation by the FBI.  Of course, he’s pleaded not guilty but in October 2020 several high-level assistants in his office who’ve worked for him for years don’t believe he’s innocent so they simply quit.  They accused Paxton of crimes like bribery, abuse of others and a whole long list.  Some say it’s political but I ain’t buying it.

Louis Gohmert is currently a member of Congress [R-TX]; so popular in his district no one ever runs against him.  Like gutless Greg Abbott, Paxton has declined to show up for debates.  There are three candidates running against Paxton.  Too bad Trump has endorsed Paxton, but hopefully it won’t matter to voters who actually do their homework vs President-Elect Trump who gets some list of GOP incumbents the shadow government or the Federalist want to keep in office.

I voted against Paxton last week by voting for Gohmert or as they say, the lesser of two evils. A damn sad situation.

You know, there’s a reason the Founding Fathers put a 2-year limit on U.S. House members.  They don’t get the job done, throw them out of office.  When the Constitution was ratified, states chose their U.S. Senators.  If they didn’t do the job representing the interests of the state, they were recalled and replaced.  Then came the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution which was two states short of legal ratification which handed electing senators to the mobs.

This is a two-part series on Congressman Gohmert that gives you his actual voting (or non-voting record).  One has to wonder why voters in his district thinks he walks on water?

Voters have to depend on what challengers promise to do if elected.  If you missed these, I hope you’ll take the time to read them because they make my point today as they did back then:

Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, May 18, 2010–A very important READ.

Are Americans Really This Stupid? June27, 2012

“In a June 24, 2012, poll finding from Rassmussen: “Only 22% of the nation’s likely voters believe the government today has such consent.”

“In other words, 78% of the American people believe the U.S. Congress is doing whatever the hell they want without any regard to we the people.

“There is a great rage blowing across this country because the thieves in the Outlaw Congress aren’t just spending us into poverty, they are destroying a once great constitutional republic. Well, guess what? People are so dang mad, they’ve gone to the polls and once again voted for their own destruction during the 2012 primary cycle.

“There are still many primaries before the November pretend elections covering the U.S. House of Representatives. Since no one has the legal right to vote for any U.S. Senator, I’ve ignored those numbers. But, let’s take a look at just how angry people are and we’ll remember in November!

“Using two web sites, ballotpedia and the official U.S. house web site, I looked at the primary election results for a handful of states – just the U.S. House. It made me sick.

Alabama – 7 districts – 7 incumbents won
California 53 districts – 44 incumbents won
Illinois 18 districts – 14 incumbents won
Indiana – 9 district – 6 incumbents won
Iowa – five districts – 4 incumbents won
Mississippi – 4 districts – 4 incumbents won
North Carolina – 13 districts – 10 incumbents won
Ohio – 18 districts – 15 incumbents won
Pennsylvania – 19 districts – 16 incumbents won
South Carolina – 7 districts – 6 incumbents won
Texas – 36 districts – 30 incumbents won
Virginia 11 districts – 11 incumbents won

“Some seats were uncontested, either party, so the incumbent will walk right back in come November. New districts were created as a result of the 2010 census based on counting illegal aliens; those seats are up for grabs. Some incumbents are retiring, which you and I will pay for until they leave this earth in retirement and benefits if they served long enough to draw a pension.

The American people in those states are so happy with the destruction of their rights and the fleecing of their wallets by their incumbents, collectively they’re going to send back 167 of the same crooks, cowards and incompetent jackals to finish us off. There is still a pretend election in November where Republican incumbents will square off against a Democrat who won the primary on their party ticket; the same applies just the opposite.

“However, with the average return of incumbents to the Outlaw Congress being 96%, most of those 167 primary winners will win. There are 435 U.S. House seats. With many more primaries to go, those numbers will increase by the hundreds.”And people expected change by reelecting the same employees who’ve ruined your company?

We had a special election November 2, 2021,for eight amendments to our state constitution. Very serious business that affects ALL Texans.  I went down to our election office at the court house to get the turn out numbers.  Voters have TWO WEEKS early voting time to accommodate everyone so there’s no excuse not to vote.  Of all the registered voters for our entire county, guess how many got off their complaining backsides and voted? 8.62%.

Yeah, you read that right.  8.62% cared enough about those amendments, how they would affect their lives and more importantly, their children’s future to go vote. Statewide turn out:  9%.  How disgusting and a slap in the face to all who died to give us a constitutional republic and freedoms no other country has ever had to this day.  I find it beyond sad and reprehensible we have to beg people to get to the polls and vote when poor souls who live under communist rule like China and N. Korea have absolutely no say – you worship communism and the ruling party or off to re-education camps or they simply kill you and your family.

Only YOU know the candidates for all the offices in your district plus federal incumbents and challengers.  And don’t forget this:  Counting of votes for all federal offices end at midnightSCOTUS 9-0 Decision:  Federal Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void

It does take time to research challengers & incumbents vs some 30-second radio commercial.  But, priority vs importance.  These are the very people from county commissioners to school boards who spend your money and make laws that mostly continue to crush our freedom and God-given rights.

Gretchen Whitmer, the Demonic governor of Michigan is a star with the Democrat/Communist Party USA.  Like other communist Democrat governors and too many Republican ones like Abbott, that_itch destroyed the lives and businesses of millions in Michigan over the COVID show smiling for the cameras at every opportunity.  That woman defines dictator and yet polls as of yesterday show her winning over a Republican candidate 73.1% to 26.9%!  I can only ask:  What the Hell?  Have voters out there forgotten what she did to their lives and state over the monstrous COVID plandemic lie?  I can tell you this:  If I lived in Michigan and she gets reelected in November, I swear on the Bible I would be gone from Michigan quicker than a NY second.

The Democrat/Communist Party USA are very well organized and will stop at nothing to cheat their way to keep the U.S. House and Senate starting with the upcoming primaries.  Macomb County Nursing Home Employee Sentenced to Jail for Forging Signatures of Mentally Disabled on Absentee Ballot Applications, Feb. 27, 2022

For the love of God, our country, your children and grandchildren, PLEASE take the time to really look at candidates and let’s boot as many as we can during the primaries.  EVERY vote will count so please do your part in helping friends and family with analyzing every candidate on your ballot during the primaries.  Here are the dates for the 2022 primaries.

One of the best sources for congressional voting records for the past 50 years is the John Birch Society.  They do a fantastic job and can be of enormous help; see here.

Look up their web sites for bills (incumbents for Congress and your state legislators).  For the House:  Senate:  For your state use a search engine to find your state legislature, house member and senator.  Click on their page and you’ll get a history of the bills they introduced and you’ll see where they stand on issues.

2022 candidates:  Audit the vote.  File right away to stop certification.  Don’t let vote fraud cheat you, all the people who worked hard for your campaign and who voted for you.

This is a MUST watch for all Americans so please share it.  Americans who identify as Democrats need the truth so they will stop voting for incumbents who are only using them to keep power:  Revealing the Truth About the Democratic Party (7:55)

I also highly recommend you take the time to watch the movie, The Patriot starring Mel Gibson.  It’s free on line and on most streaming networks.  Food for thought.  About ten years ago I sent Christmas gifts to our vets at Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, MD.  Two months later and much to my shock, the DVD was returned and stamped “too controversial” on the envelope.  My late husband was a retired Army Colonel who was really PO’d about it.

And by all means, please boycott shadow government turncoat lackey, former AG Bill Barr’s new book, One Damn Thing After AnotherBill Barr’s Book Torches Trump, Blames Him For January 6.  This fits Barr perfectly:  et tu, Brute.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two, save ten dollars then give one to a friend.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

(Allow me to insert this here as it IS the raw truth.  Many have already seen it but we continue to get new readers every day.  There are a lot of truly constitutional based candidates running against incumbents. Rotten incumbents in both the house and senate who absolutely must be primaried out, but it’s up to US – YOU AND ME. First, though, we have to accept the bitter truth and fight back smart.

“It was in 1966, when Carroll Quigley wrote his massive book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 to 1248 of his book, he wrote this:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the right and the other of the left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.

“The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.

“This is what exists today in America! We have one party with one agenda! This book had its first printing in 1966. The powers that be (Milner, Rhodes, the CFR, etc.) were so horrified that Quigley had exposed their secrets, the book was not reprinted, and Macmillan Publishing destroyed the plates.

“It wasn’t until 1974 that Jack Meserole got permission from Quigley, reprinted the book, and sold it for his cost. Quigley laughed at the elitists because he knew the noose was so tight around the necks of Americans that even with the truth of his book, nothing would change.”)

Putin’s War Against Ukraine: His War Against All Of Us

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 28, 2022

Hitler ran over Poland the same way Putin invaded Ukraine. The Mein Kampf madman that caused millions to die…and now, in the 21st century, another madman causing countless thousands, maybe millions to die! We stand in the 21st Century for heaven sakes. Why wage war?

During the Vietnam War, singer Edwin Starr sang, “War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.” And yet, General Westmoreland fed LBJ and Congress a pack of lies that got 58,479 American boys killed and 2.3 million Vietnamese civilians, and kids killed from bombs, bullets, napalm, shelling, Agent Orange and suicides.

During that 10-year war, our country was led by another madman by the name of Lyndon Baines Johnson and the insecure and shallow Richard M. Nixon. They killed millions. They accomplished “absolutely nothing.”

Okay, So Let’s Do It Some More—War

America’s insanity and madness in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 20 years—is now being repeated in Ukraine. We spent $6 trillion in those wars that accomplished nothing but death, destruction, madness for our troops to the tune of 114,000 U.S. soldier-suicides. (Source: We blew up their entire countries, their homes, their lives, their cultures.

Then we discovered that bin Laden lived in Pakistan. So, we killed him in 2011. Did that end the war in Afghanistan? Nope! We blasted away for another 10 years.

Why am I so depressed and sad over Putin’s insanity? Answer: there will be thousands of young men who lose their arms, legs, sight, minds, bodies and lives on both sides. Young, strong Russian boys will fight and kill because Putin made them. Young, strong Ukrainian boys will lose their lives fighting the other young Russian boys. Is it beyond stupid, insane, idiotic or what?

In the end, what will it accomplish?

As a painful reminder of my youth, I remember doing Basic Training at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1968. All manner of boys returned from Nam with their legs missing, their arms missing, their hands missing, their faces burned away by napalm (jelly gasoline bombs that stuck to their skin via “friendly fire”). Their eyelids were burned off, their lips burned away, and their ears fried.

I was sick to my stomach 24/7. The same at Fort Riley, Kansas. And then, at Brooke Army Hospital at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. I figured I was a dead man if I got shipped out to Nam. If not dead, my body would be a depository for bullets or napalm.

What drove the Vietnam War? Answer: lies like the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Who made out? Bankers, investors, corporate elites, Monsanto with Agent Orange, munitions companies, uniform companies, boot companies, Haliburton, U.S. senators and House members who enjoyed insider trading on defense contracts. Read General Smedley Butler’s book: War is a Racket. Young men die while old men fill their pockets.

Why does Smedley Butler think that war is a racket?

“Butler suggested that the means for war should be “conscripted” before those who would fight the war: It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labor before the nation’s manhood can be conscripted.”

What drove Putin to declare war on a sovereign country like Ukraine? Answer: hubris, lies, greed. Who pays? Young men!

But in 2022, all of Canada, America, Europe, Australia and other Western Countries pay a price in the loss of the advancement of humanity. Putin drags us back to our Neanderthal beginnings. He drags us back into the realm of Hitler. Putin proves to be as crazy and amoral as Kim Jung Il, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Mao.

All those men caused the suffering and deaths of millions. At this point, we don’t know how many Russian boys and Ukrainian boys will die or be maimed or PTSD’d into a life of drugs and alcohol. We don’t know how many mothers and children will be homeless and starve to death. We don’t know how many cities will be bombed into submission.

How do the people of the world feel? Well, Saturday Night Live gave a “Prayer for the people of Ukraine.” Over 2,000 Russian people demonstrated against the war in Moscow for the past three nights. Even arresting them could not stop the protests.

“I do not want my pictures in your offices, for the President is not an icon, an idol, or a portrait. Hang your kids’ photos instead, and look at them each time you are making a decision.” Volodymyr Zelensky, President Ukraine.

Facebook account, “War Sucks! Just Sayin’,” said Allen Green.

Facebook account, “The only way to stop Russia now is if enough celebrities record themselves in their mansions singing John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’.”

Facebook account, “Russia should be banned from the World Cup, Olympics, all international athletic events.”

NPR: A Russian warship pulled up to an island in the Black Sea guarded by Ukrainian service members — demanding their surrender “to avoid bloodshed and unnecessary deaths.” After a moment, the Ukrainians had a reply: “Russian warship. Go f*** yourself.”

As for this American, every time I think humanity stands on the brink of advancing with all of us together, visa vie, solving overpopulation, correcting climate change, stopping the Sixth Extinction Session, clearing polluted skies, solving plastic oceans and dozens of other areas we must attend—another madman like Putin atavistic ally tosses us backward.

May God bless the people of Ukraine, and please God, save all those young men on both sides of that stupidly insane war. As Lennon said, “Give peace a chance.” May Putin rot in hell for eternity.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

When Will We Understand That?

By Rob Pue

February 27, 2022

Things are happening more and more quickly now all across the globe.  The despotism of the tyrants that rule the nations is growing more intense, though you probably haven’t noticed it if you’re the typical American who gets their news in “sound bytes” and Facebook “memes.”  As one of our writers recently noted, this is the age of the “half-read page,” where people can’t be bothered to think for themselves.

The news changes so rapidly that what I write on Monday is often out-of-date by the time it is broadcast or published on Tuesday.  In my previous message I talked about the Freedom Convoy in Canada as they had peacefully held the line, trying to get their political representatives to hear their voices, crying out for basic freedoms and liberties to be restored.  In a movement that spanned about three-weeks’ time, more than 50,000 big-rig trucks traveled across Canada, garnering enthusiastic support from Canadians from all walks of life along the way.

Canadian citizens lined the highways and over-passes in frigid temperatures and blizzards to cheer the truckers on. They held Canadian flags, hand-made signs calling for freedom and liberty and banners with positive messages of support.  Of course, the first thing the Canadian government officials did was to impose a ban on standing in public places — if they were there to support the truckers.  The crowd-funding site GoFundMe seized millions of donated dollars. When the truckers switched to GiveSendGo, the Canadian government seized those funds — and captured the names of all the donors.

The truckers arrived in Canada’s capitol of Ottawa, welcomed by thousands of citizens there, who stood with them.  The Canadian people were simply asking for their voices to be heard by the government officials who are supposed to represent them — after two years of increasing tyranny and illegal government edicts, reminiscent of pre-Nazi Germany, the people had had enough.  It was time to DO something and the truckers led the way.  For two weeks, they held their ground in the city of Ottawa, surrounding the parliament building.  People from all walks of life came to join them, camping out in tents in the frigid cold.  But the atmosphere remained peaceful and patriotic with speeches by notable leaders, veterans, patriots and experts in their fields.  There was singing of patriotic songs, raising of the national flag and a mutual care for one another.

They made quite a splash and had overwhelming support of citizens around the world.  But still Trudeau and Canadian politicians would not listen. In his best attempt to direct the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media to broadcast lies, Trudeau called the protestors “a fringe minority,” that held “unacceptable views.”  Millions of Canadian citizens a “fringe minority?”  “Unacceptagle views?”  Who, I ask you, determines what views are acceptable, and which ones are not?  The Globalist Thought Police, of course.  Then, they made it illegal for fuel stations to sell diesel to the truckers.  When individual citizens began carrying heavy cans of fuel into the staging area to supply the trucks themselves, police arrested them and confiscated the fuel.

Some of the protestors were decorated military veterans.  They held their rallies at a nearby war memorial.  But the government CLOSED that memorial to the public, not allowing veterans to even visit their own memorial.

Early last week, after coming out of hiding, Trudeau imposed the Emergency Measures Act — which, in theory, could not take effect until parliament voted on it.  But Trudeau moved forward unilaterally.  These Emergency Measures are reserved for times of war and extreme national crisis or danger.  The Freedom Convoy protest did not constitute any of these things.  Nothing at all like the situation in Seattle, Washington during the summer of 2020, when the Marxist Black Lives Matters and ANTIFA overtook six square blocks of that city, renaming it “CHAZ,” declaring itself a “sovereign nation,” yet still demanding federal aid.

In that situation, the local police precinct building was violently overtaken by protestors, and during the occupation of the CHAZ area, there were multiple shootings and daily violence.  Our mainstream media, however, portrayed this all as a “festive block party.”  Nevermind the looting, burning and destruction of local businesses, the attacks on police, the extortion of local store owners and the rapes and murders that occurred there.  THAT was considered a “peaceful protest,” which called for the defunding of local police.  I guess that’s not surprising for a city that boasts a statue of Vladimir Lenin as one of it’s most important landmarks.  Even as monuments of real American heroes and historical figures have been constantly removed from public view, steadily for years now, the statue of the Communist Lenin remains the “pride of Seattle.”  But that’s another topic.

Early last week, Ottawa’s police chief resigned, rather than be a part of Trudeau’s brutal crackdown on peaceful citizens. On Thursday last week, I watched a press conference by the Canadian Freedom Convoy leadership, which included several Canadian military veterans.  They stated their case and there was an atmosphere of patriotism and optimism.

Later that day, however, the Deputy Prime Minister announced that bank accounts of donors to the truckers had been frozen — and that online fundraising for the group was being tracked by the government’s anti-money-laundering unit.  Yes — those that dared to support the protest have now had their bank accounts seized by the government.  Those individuals will likely be criminally charged in the coming days.  Even if they never attended a single public event, but only donated to a cause they believed in.

Thursday evening, protest leaders Tamara Lich and Christopher Barber were arrested — they’re expected to be charged with “counseling to commit the offense of mischief.”  And by early the next morning — Friday — Parliament Hill was flooded with police.  They began arresting protestors using brute force.  A meeting in Parliament, in which the proposed Emergency Measures Act was to be debated, was cancelled instead — the very day the first of the violence erupted.  You see, there WAS no violence on the part of the protestors.  Violence only began when the police crackdown began.  In a particularly ironic video, police can be seen attacking an RV camper with an axe while at least eight SWAT team members surrounded the vehicle with machine guns drawn.  A sticker on the camper proclaimed one simple word: “FREEDOM.”

Police also used horses, trampling protestors, including an elderly lady with a walker.  Trudeau’s Emergency Measures also give him the power to limit people from assembling or moving around freely; police can compel other citizens to help them — in this case, conscripting tow truck companies to remove the trucks against their will, many of which have since been seized by the government.  At last count, more than 200 people have been arrested and jailed, but that number will likely grow to the thousands, once officials wade through their list of participants and donors to the cause.

So as this modern-day “Gestapo” has devastated it’s own citizens, stolen their money and seized their assets, assaulted them with rubber bullets, beat them with batons and rifle butts, smashed vehicle windows and hauled people off to prison, it appears the Freedom Convoy has failed in its attempt to procure freedom for the people of Canada.  Canada has fallen to the Communist dictatorship of Justin Trudeau.

But why is Trudeau so intent on jabbing everyone and forcing every citizen to show their “papers” in order to move freely on their way in Canada?  Information has come forth from multiple reputable, credible and respected sources indicating that The Trudeau Foundation holds 40% ownership of Acuitas Therapeutics.  Acuitas is the manufacturer of the lipid nano particles used by Pfizer in their mRNA injections.  So is it any wonder that other treatments, that are actually REALLY safe and effective, have been banned — and getting jabbed and having proper paperwork to prove it is MANDATORY?  Is it any wonder that Trudeau refused to even discuss the matter before imposing war-time measures to defeat and imprison his own people?  Is it any wonder that he order ten times the number of clot-shots as there are Canadian people?  Or that he’s stated that people will need at least 8 booster shots, minimum and that this will continue through 2024?

But the Canadian Freedom Convoy lit a spark that ignited across the globe.  There were similar protests all across European countries.  Citizens of New Zealand also rose up and gathered at their parliament building, setting up tents and camping in city streets around the building — simply in an effort to get someone — ANYONE — from parliament to listen to their concerns as they plead for freedom from radical tyranny.

In response, parliament building loudspeakers would simply blare a pro-jab mandate message every few minutes, but not a single representative of the people would talk with them.  As thousands gathered, very peacefully, they held signs with messages like “Freedom,” “We are not lab rats,” and “Treat us like people.”   These signs were contrary to the New Zealand government’s mantra of “No Jab, No Job.”  Eventually, police there took similar heavy-handed measures as we saw in Canada, and now many are in jail, others have gone home, and nothing has changed.

This week, The People’s Convoy is set to begin in California, and head east toward Washington DC.  Unlike the Freedom Convoy in Canada, this American event is led by truckers, but open to everyone — you can join the convoy in your car, on your motorcycle or whatever.  I have a feeling they’re opening it to everyone because there are not enough American truckers willing to take part.  Canada had a great impact — worldwide — because 50,000 truckers rolling across the country, supported by millions of people is hard to ignore.  But sadly, I have my doubts that Americans have the courage — or even the interest — to resist the tyranny that has been upon us for two years now.

First they closed our small businesses, stating “two weeks to flatten the curve.”  Then they mandated mask-wearing and “social distancing” and most complied, because we were told to “follow the science.”  Then the jab mandates: “no jab, no job.”  Little by little, they’ve taken more of our freedoms away from us here in America, but because it’s been done slowly and incrementally, few have noticed or resisted.

Then they outlawed truth tellers, banned them from social media sites and the internet.  Then they took control of Big Tech, making it nearly impossible to find two sides to this story of the “Planned Demic.”  They slandered and persecuted doctors, scientists and researchers telling the truth.  “Cancel Culture” was in full swing but it didn’t concern most Americans because it didn’t affect them personally.  But MANY have lost their jobs;   Many have been killed by the “mandatory” jabs  — and by the hospitals using the official Fauci protocols.  But most didn’t believe it, or care, because it didn’t affect them.  Especially Christians.  But it affected them right from the start when churches were forced to close their doors and Christians arrested for meeting in church parking lots, but they couldn’t recognize the face of tyranny, even as it beat them over the head.

Soon the clamp down is coming here, just as we’ve seen around the world…Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe…  The Globalists’ greatest prize is the destruction of the United States.  They’re well on their way and they’re definitely coming for ALL of our freedoms soon.  I encourage you to wholeheartedly support  The People’s Convoy here in America.  If we do nothing, nothing will change.  But when the tyrants are able to seize all your money, all your assets, everything you have — simply for having “unacceptable thoughts” — I’m not sure we can win.  But we most definitely won’t win if we never try, and this is a fight for our very lives — and those our our grandchildren.

You DO realize, don’t you, that this could all end tomorrow if our nation would simply turn back to God?  There is no political solution.  War is not the answer, though we ARE in the most severe spiritual battle of the age.  As a once-Christian nation, America could lead the world in this.  Turn back to God.  Remember His commandments, beg His forgiveness and cry out for His mercy.  If we were to do this, the tyrants would be crushed and our Lord would heal our land.  But we are a stiff-necked people with hard hearts.  We’ve forgotten our Creator and Sustainer.  The Word of God should be ringing out in our streets, in our schools, our universities, and in our churches — constantly, as we pray without ceasing.  “Repent” should be the word on everyone’s lips and the action of every heart. Yet we refuse.  There is no movement but the movement of God Almighty that will save our nation — or the world now.  WHEN will we understand that?

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 350.

What Happened To The Integrity Of Our Elected Officials, Part 2

By Pastor Roger Anghis

February 27, 2022

The biggest problem I see in America today is the elected officials that do everything they can to override the Constitution.  The Democrats have tried to pass laws that would take the right of the States to govern their elections and put it into the hands of the federal government. What this is doing is centralizing all power into Washington.  Thomas Jefferson warned of the results of this when he stated: “When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another.” We can see that being the result of the Democrat’s voting bill.

I’m not sure that this bill would survive the courts but Democrats don’t pay much attention to courts.  After Biden lost his mandate for federal employees he told the departments to enforce the mandate anyway. These are not just unconstitutional directives from the White House they are forcing a person to choose between his right to determine what goes into his/her body or being able to feed his/her family.  Noah Webster warned the government that we have a constitutional recourse for an action of this nature taken by the government: “The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.”  The Founders believed that the individual person had rights that government could not take away.  Under British rule, they had privileges, not rights.  The Crown could do whatever it wanted.

Our modern-day politicians have gotten to the point where they believe we are their subjects, not their employers.  The politicians are supported by the mainstream media.  One MSNBC host, Melissa Harris-Perry, stuck her foot in her mouth and in an attempt to increase spending on education backed up the communist notion Hillary wrote about in It Takes A Village and the is children belong to the state, not their parents. Her comment: “We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities,” Harris-Perry said in the ad. “Once we recognize it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the households, then we start making better investments.” [1] Democrats have been running the ‘education system’ for decades, which is why we have indoctrinated children instead of educated children. Our elected officials on both sides of the aisle don’t seem to want to do anything about this problem.  The last available edition of the Nation’s Report Card, released in 2019 prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, showed that only 37% of grade 12 students could be considered proficient readers, according to the Department of Education’s standard.

Now, a teacher at Patterson High School in Baltimore has informed a local news outlet that 77% of students there were reading at an elementary or even kindergarten level, indicating that the nation may see a precipitous drop in the reports for 2020 and 2021.[2]

Baltimore is as blue as you can get but in a very red state, we see a similar problem: A Texas Education Agency assessment for spring 2021 found that 36% of students in fourth grade met grade-level reading standards, while 45% of eighth-grade students met grade-level standards for reading. The agency said the numbers represented a decline from previous years.[3]

California, with some of the worst leadership in the country, suffer even worse: Students in California fared no better. The number of students who were reading above grade standard declined from 26% in 2019 to 21% in 2021, while the percentage of students near grade standards increased from 43% to 56%.[4]

Where are the politicians looking out for the future of our nation by ensuring that we have a well-educated generation? They are paying attention to the needs of their political donors.  Notice all the great stock picks that Nancy Pelosi has had when she controls the legislation of the companies that fund her.

In a letter to Joseph Warren, Samuel Adams warned: “It is not possible that any state should long remain free, where Virtue is not supremely honored.” There is very little virtue in modern politics at the state level and especially in Washington.  There is greed for money and greed for power.  We have to resist these intrusions into our lives and our government.  Ronald Reagan once said: “Recognize that government invasion of public power is eventually an assault upon your own business. If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he’ll eat you last.” This invasion is exactly what the Democrats are attempting.

We have allowed unscrupulous men and women to take over our government.  We’ve allowed it and it is ‘we’ that must stop it.  We did it with votes and we must undo it with votes. If we don’t it will take much more violent means but our nation is worth it.  The future for our children is worth it.  Thomas Paine made this now-famous comment: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” And he also stated: “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” I want my children and grandchildren to live in the peace I grew up in.  We must do what we must do and with God’s help, we will.

A final quote from Ronald Reagan: Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. MSNBC host: children belong to the whole communities not their parents
  2. Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, teacher says
  3. Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, teacher says
  4. Students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels, teacher says

Trudeau’s Police State, Truckers for Freedom, and the Coming Confrontation

By Steven Yates

February 26, 2022

The police attacks on the caravan of peaceful protesters against covid-19(84) vaccine mandates in Ottawa, Canada, illustrate what I said three weeks ago.

Governments, faced with opposition to what clearly ceased to be a public health issue some time ago and became a naked grab for power, have two choices. They can back down. Or they can do what Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did and go full Nazi. They can establish a de jure (not merely de facto) police state, and respond with intimidation, or with force and brutality.

Trudeau invoked the rarely-used Emergencies Act which gave the Canadian government dictatorial powers, including to plunder private funding sources and even bank accounts. Then he sent in an army of militarized police, some on horseback, to clear out protesters who hadn’t left on their own.

Close to two hundred arrests have been made. Authorities have pledged to track down truckers who left voluntarily, taking a page out of the playbook of the Land of the Free to the south, which spent all of 2021 tracking down and prosecuting/persecuting Jan-6rs.

Creating a new pool of political prisoners.

No discussion was launched of why protesters were in Ottawa in the first place!

Libertarians have a point when they target governments as institutions with a legal monopoly on the use of force and violence to exact their will on unwilling or reluctant populations. This makes them inherently dangerous.

Where Libertarians miss the mark is on locus of political (and economic) control, which (in advanced nations, anyway) is not government.

Trudeau serves the globalist overclass — GloboCorp, if you prefer; the super elite, if you want. He serves them no less than the Bidenistas and most European governments (also governments of Australia, New Zealand, etc.).

Hence it was predictable that he wouldn’t back down.

The Trucker Freedom Convoy faced at least two disadvantages in getting its message across. One is the purposefully induced confusion between the idea just of getting the covid-19(84) injection and choosing to get it.

As I’ve sometimes said: if you want to get the injections, get the injections. If you believe your safety is more important than your freedom, and you also believe the jabs are really protecting you from the deadliest disease since the bubonic plague, then by all means, get them. As a believer in freedom, I’d be the last person to stand in your way.

But respect the right of others to refuse the injections.

This concept of freedom of choice eludes most people (all left-liberals) unless we’re talking about abortion — which isn’t a mere right of choice since it kills another living being with intrinsic value (perfect for a materialist-based death culture).

Then there is the third group that is neither governmental nor freedom-inclined. Probably almost all are vaxxed. They believed “their” government and its health “authorities” would never lie to them. There are lots of terms for this majority, some not especially polite: sheeple, “normies,” blue pill people, or lower-veilers. Most are fundamentally decent, and in Ottawa they got caught in the middle.

Naturally, the globalist-controlled media emphasized their plight: dealing with truck horns all hours of the day and night, not being able to drive freely on city streets, etc.

You can always expect globalist-controlled corporate media to exaggerate whatever makes its enforcers look good and freedom fighters look bad. Naturally, the former celebrated last weekend when Emergencies Act empowered police moved in and forced the truckers out of downtown Ottawa — having rigs towed and sometimes breaking truck windows.

Trudeau’s actions in Canada serve as potential precedent for governments elsewhere to deal with anti-mandate protesters using brute force.

A similar convoy is on its way to the Asylum on the Potomac. I don’t have specifics, although according to Truckers for Freedom, March 2 is a likely start date. It may happen sooner. (Were I helping coordinate such an event, I’d drop as many false and conflicting rabbit trails as I could all over Facebook, Reddit, etc., to confuse the enforcers as much as possible, while using the most heavily encrypted messaging software I could find to communicate with my compatriots. Two or more can play the misdirection game.) You can support this effort here. But be advised: money intended for Canadian truckers was intercepted when elite-controlled GoFundMe cut them off. The same thing could easily happen — probably will happen — in the U.S. if this convoy rolls up onto the infamous Beltway. (Apparently, fences are already going up inside the city.)

And given that a Christian crowdfunding site picked up where GoFundMe left off and was hacked, names and amounts divulged, that could happen again and cause donors problems down the road. Not trying to discourage anyone here, just outlining plausible scenarios.

Early this morning as I write this (it’s Feb 21), the following appeared in my inbox. The anonymous author wrote as follows (and I am sure, given that online bots have invaded even email, the misspelling of vaccine is deliberate):

Canadians’ breaking point came when Justin Trudeau effectively put tens of thousands of Canadian truckers out of work with needless vaxxine mandates that do not serve the interests of Canadians on any level – especially those who supply Canadians with everything they need.

In response, our truckers said they’d had enough and they drove to Ottawa to peacefully tell our political tyrants and morons they’d had enough.

In doing so, they struck a nerve with millions of other Canadians who have now joined them in solidarity against the vaxxine mandates and restrictions the Canadian prime minister has instated.

Consistent with the natural disposition of Canadians, their protest has been peaceful, non-violent and family-friendly as a public gathering.

Furthermore, the protest is comprised of vaxxinated and unvaxxinated Canadians alike. In fact, there are far more vaxxinated protesting than are unvaxxinated ones. Instead of listening to their legitimate grievances, however, Justin Trudeau ran into hiding. First, behind his kids, claiming that they had COVID and then later declaring he had it, too, and so wasn’t able to address their concerns.

What he didn’t realize then and seems not to realize now is that, as a double-jabbed and boosted leader, who actually caught COVID, he completely invalidated his messaging about the efficacy of the vaxxines to the Canadian people.

In fact, by affirming a COVID-positive status, he proved what Canadians have known for a long time: the vaxxines aren’t working. You can still catch and spread COVID, whether you’re vaxxinated or unvaxxinated and this effectively eliminates the distinction between vaxxinated and unvaxxinated people and with that distinction erased, vaxxinated and unvaxxinated Canadians have now joined together to say, ‘Enough!’”

We now know there is no difference between us and we’re all in the same boat together. All Justin Trudeau has really wanted to do is use lies and divisive language to divide Canadians, to cause fissures and fractures between them and to use hate and discord as a form of coercion for his Globalist handlers’ agenda.

And rather than listen to the eminently rational complaints of the millions of Canadians protesting, the Trudeau government responded with what is the equivalent of Martial Law; it has begun to freeze protestors bank accounts, threaten property seizures, arrest, prison, massive fines, the cancellation of insurance and permanent restriction of international travel, especially of truckers and thus, forever restricting their ability to work.

This heavy-handed response and a refusal to listen is the hallmark of a tyrannical leader who cannot be rationally be deemed worthy of holding office any longer.

The same, of course, will apply to the Bidenistas if they mount a similar response to an American convoy.

There are added dangers, such as infiltration by agent provocateurs, e.g., the FBI and Homeland Security. While I doubt many of the latter are able to drive a big rig, if truckers gather on the ground, their vehicles parked, and start mingling on foot, they will no longer have surety that everyone in their midst is one of them. This is a danger in any society of anonymous masses. Tucker Carlson thinks the Jan-6ers might have been infiltrated, and viewing events of that day using three computer windows onto the scene I wondered if a few antifa types were posing as Trump supporters in and around the Capitol that day.

The above writer suggests an alternative protest: work stoppages. Continuing:

So here is what we need you to do, to stand in solidarity with them on February 21, 2022: Those representing the truckers and their families have requested that everyone who wants to stand with them, choose not to go to work for a fixed period of time.

Here’s a specific call to truckers and Canadians:

First, if you’re a trucker of any kind in Canada, on February 21st, 2022, if you want to stand in solidarity with those fighting for your freedom, stop hauling, altogether – not just for a week but until the vaxxine mandates are lifted, Justin Trudeau resigns and/or the Liberal Party appoints a new leader and the invocation of the Emergencies Act is revoked by the Canadian Parliament.

Haul nothing. Park your rig and refuse to haul a single item until Trudeau and the mandates are gone.

If you own a trucking company, encourage your employees and contract-holders to take the same stand, and have them partner with their brothers and sisters in Ottawa.

The government of Canada does not own the people of Canada. In fact, under Section 7 of the Constitution, Canadians have a right of liberty, which means all of us have the right to stay at home.

To our American brothers and sisters in the trucking industry, we would ask this: if you want to stand with us here, in Canada, refuse to haul anything into Canada until the mandates are removed and encourage your fellow haulers to do the same.

While we encourage people to come lawfully to Ottawa, to make their voices heard, if you cannot come, you can still take your stand with those who are there.

This is a peaceful protest that the Emergencies Act has absolutely no authority to override – unless, of course, the government conscripts you by fiat for slave labor.

In fact, it is not rooted in violence or hate but in complete passivity – and actually, in inactivity.

Beyond this, there is this call to the rest of Canadians who support our brave truckers and their families, and that is this: It is absolutely unfair that brave Canadians stand alone and risk everything in Ottawa in freezing temperatures for everyone else. So every Canadian who stands against tyranny needs to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them.

They’re the ones risking their homes, freedom and livelihood and it is completely unacceptable that Canadians cheering what they’re doing reap the benefit of their courage without also sharing in their sacrifice.

Therefore, we’re asking, that beginning February 21, 2022, no one go to work until the mandates are lifted and Justin Trudeau resigns or is removed as leader of the Party by his party.

Asking that Justin Trudeau be removed as leader of his party is not an attempt to overthrow the government but a reasonable petition to members of Parliament to use the lawful powers imbued to them by their office to remove someone from leadership who is clearly no longer serving the interests of Canadians.

Therefore, make whatever arrangements you need to make for as long as you need to make them to stay at home from work. We recommend to everyone that they stock up on supplies and be prepared for protracted shortages of goods. We also ask that you forward this message to everyone in your network on every platform available to you, not only so that they can stand but so that they can prepare.

As well, we ask you to call your Member of Parliament and demand that they call their Liberal and Conservative and NDP counterparts in Parliament to ensure an end to the mandates and the revocation of the invocation of the Emergencies Act.

If you’re a Member of Parliament, a legislator or the premier of a province and you’ve received this message, it is also time for you to get a backbone. The Canadian people have watched you flip-flop on your position so many times, it is difficult to believe you have any integrity left and we’re sick of it.

It’s time to prove you have a measure of backbone remaining. So take a principled stand and admit that nothing you’ve attempted to implement to deal with COVID has worked. Masks haven’t worked. Distancing hasn’t worked, quarantines haven’t worked and the vaxxines aren’t working. And you know it.

In fact, the data shows that huge numbers of vaxxinated people are now extremely sick and they’re rightly pissed-off. Many of them feel completely duped and actually comprise a large number of the protest groups now amassing.

Near the end of 2020I watched the injections begin to be rolled out—knowing that never in the history of medical science and technology had a legitimate vaccine been developed and proven to be both safe and effective in just a few months!—and immediately wrote that this would be the big fight of the following year. It remains a big fight.

But it is not the biggest fight.

A major confrontation is coming! Numerous reputable scholars (one of the latest is Kees Van Der Pijl, the very astute Dutch political scientist about whom I wrote recently) help us frame it.

It will not be “left” versus “right” as those words are bandied about. I know folks who self-identify as left who agree with me completely about this.

Noris this a clash between “rich” and “poor”; there will be “rich” people who suffer terribly if they earned their wealth honestly and are not on board with The Agenda.

Nor is it about race/ethnicity/religion. African-Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics, Asians; Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., are threatened equally.

Finally, this is not about sex/gender, although so-called gender fluidity has presented a nice distraction, alongside critical race theory, driving groups apart so their focus is nowhere near the real centers of power.

This is about the superelite, the Globalist overclass — GloboCorp — making Fifth Generation Warfare against We the People, and We the People discovering this and fighting back!

GloboCorp consists of power-hungry psychopaths who have been planning world domination for so many decades you might as well stop counting. Having been found out, they are now pulling out all stops to make it happen. Many observers have concluded that this is what SARS-Cov-2 was all about!

They see us as livestock. Literally.

Which may be why their denizens in lab coats concocted something causing rising numbers of deaths from a variety of causes, and may be the central feature of a long-term depopulation agenda.

Culling the herds!

Van Der Pijl names names. So have I, and so have others.

Fauci is almost certainly a psychopath who bears a huge responsibility for destroying the credibility of medical science and public health institutions in America, but he’s hardly alone. He’s just one highly visible figure in a huge network stretching across multiple organizations from federal bureaucracies such as the NIH to the globalist UN (of which the WHO is a division), and myriad private (or mostly private) entities: Gates and Rockefeller among other deep-pocketed tax-exempt foundations, the World Economic Forum, the City of London and its many appendages, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Atlantic Council, the Tavistock Institute, the Aspen Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, and others.

Add Big Pharma to that list (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, etc.), Big Food, Big Tech, a few war-machine outfits like BlackRock, and you have what I collectively call GloboCorp.

We are talking about a control grid of, at most, three to four hundred extended families, plus several thousand more technocrats, bureaucrats, political-class stoolies (Trudeau fits into this category as does Biden), and probably thousands more functionaries who sold their soul to the devil for a paycheck. Doubtless a very small group of those families (according to some writers the number is thirteen) run the show and assign marching orders to the rest.

There are a lot more of us than there are of them, and they know it — but they also control the bulk of the world’s economic and financial resources, governments, war-capable technology, so-called think tanks and NGOs, moneyed media outlets able to shape public opinion, and increasingly, usable land. They have been able to use “public schools” and the entertainment industry to cultivate populations of short-attention-spanned “normies” who neither know nor care about any of this, and this has worked to their advantage. But we red-pilled types have grown in number and in credibility, and now the situation is nearing a tipping point.

GloboCorp has multiple options, as I’ve discussed. Among them is a controlled demolition of the U.S. economy designed to wipe out the remainder of the middle class, destroy the dollar (opening the door to a digital global currency), conceivably coupled with gold confiscation and criminalizing private transactions using bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

A takedown of the U.S. economy, perhaps via a cyberattack that would be blamed on Russia,it would destabilize all other economies large and small because of the interconnectedness of all the fiat currencies and financial networks. The point here is to take out everybody’s will and capacity to mount effective resistance.

Maybe this won’t happen. Maybe we’ll see another plandemic, something far more virulent than SARS-Cov-2 turned out to be. I don’t know. GloboCorp has its inner circles and back-room sanctums, and I’m nowhere near any of them.

What I would do: read my series on separation and the formation of intentional communities (starting here). Begin stocking/storing extra supplies of everything you need in preparation for more supply-line breakdowns and shortages. I recommend having supplies of all staples— non perishables, vitamins, cleaners, toiletries, first-aid kits, etc.—able to last you six months and preferably longer.

And don’t advertise! If a massive economic shutdown should throw millions out of work (and if work-by-remote options are also gone!), the “normies” who dismissed all this as “conspiracy nuttery” may have few qualms about doing some plundering of their own!

Prepare to be demonized in GloboCorp-controlled mass media, because you will be blamed for whatever chaos ensues once GloboCorp makes its next move. Then be prepared for a long and protracted struggle which could well be a battle to the death, because it is likely to be: us, or them.

Finally, remember the words of the Prophet Habakkuk (1:6-9, 3:17-19):

“ … I am raising up the Chaldeans, a bitter and hasty nation which marches through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs…. They are terrible and dreadful; their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves…. They all come for violence; their faces are set like the east wind. They gather captives like sand….

“Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and be no heard in the stalls—  Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and he will make me walk on my high hills.”

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

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God or Government: Who Do You Trust?

By Bud Hancock

Should a Believer Trust The Government?

I find it curious that so many ‘religious people’ still believe, and place their trust in, the fallacy that governments are going to make things better for them and their families.  Ronald Reagan once said: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’”.  That old saw has made the rounds many times and still gets a few laughs, but the premise behind it is not laughable.  There are literally thousands of recorded instances of people who relied on the government to help them in certain situations and they were, for the most part, greatly disappointed.  That so many  ‘non-believers’ have bought into the satanic deception that governments can be trusted is not surprising, but a large number of those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ are also among those who place a great amount of trust in government.

A large number of seriously deluded Americans, both Christians and non-Christians, have the idea that “Uncle Sam”, as the US government has long been called, is a beneficent ‘rich uncle’ who needs only to be asked and he will give you whatever you need.  However, one must examine that idea carefully to avoid being further deceived by such nonsense.

To begin with, the US government manufactures no goods or products, it produces absolutely nothing tangible, and therefore has no inherent monetary wealth with which to be ‘beneficent’ to anyone.  In order for the government to function at any level, it must tax its citizens to get the revenue it uses to exist and function.  It has been thus with all governments since at least the time of Jesus.  When questioned by the Pharisees whether it was lawful to give tribute (taxes) to Caesar, Jesus asked for a coin that was used to pay the tax,  and having verified that the inscription on the coin was that of Caesar, He told His disciples and the evil Pharisees to “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God, what is God’s” (Mark 12:17)

I am not, and would not, advocate that any American citizen, especially those who are believers, refuse to pay the taxes levied by any ‘legitimate government’.  Jesus Himself told His disciples to pay the tribute levied by the Roman government.  Failure to do so would be illegal and unwise.  But, though we are to “pay Caesar” (the government) what is owed to them, we do NOT owe them our trust, or our worship.

Did the Founders Trust The Government?

Abraham Lincoln called the United States, “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, and that may have been true when the government was originally formed; at least that’s what was promised to all the citizens of the new country.  However, it was not very long until the words of several of the Founding Fathers rang true.  The Founders may have trusted the idea of a republican form of government, but, with a strong belief in God, and an understanding of human nature, they seemed to have serious doubts about those who administer the government.

For example, Benjamin Franklin injected this note of prophetic insight after writing much of the US Constitution: “I agree to this Constitution … and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other”.  Samuel Adams said: “If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.

These are just a few of the comments made by early American leaders who feared that corruption would turn the ‘grand experiment’ of what should have been a beautiful republic, into a corrupt and despotic democracy.  A large majority of our Founders were God-fearing men who knew that, unless the government remained solidly based on the Judeo-Christian values upon which it was founded, it would soon turn from ‘republicanism’ into a democracy.  The Founding Fathers were, first and foremost, landowners who grew crops, ran businesses and engaged in profitable commerce.  They were NOT politicians.  They understood the difference between a republic and a democracy and desired to establish a true republic.  For a while, their attempts produced a wonderful government experiment that became a real republic.

Unfortunately, we are now living in a country that only faintly resembles the original republic.  Having degenerated into a corrupt, and sometimes chaotic democracy, our nation’s government has been tainted by evil and greed, and an unchecked hunger for power and control, the very definition of being ‘political.

If you actually know the meaning of ‘politics’, this comes as no great surprise.

Per, this is the definition of ‘politics’: “the use of intrigue* or strategy** in obtaining any position of power^ or control^^, as in business, university, etc.”. 

*The definition of ‘intrigue’ is: “the use of underhanded machinations or deceitful stratagems”.

**Strategy is defined as: a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result”.  The words ‘power’ and ‘control’ should need no definition.  The desire for power, especially when fulfilled, usually leads to a hunger for more power.  John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902) famously said: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.  We are now seeing and living in a nation that is the result of corruption based on greed for power and money, in other words, a nation whose government cannot be trusted, period.

I contend that of all the names, or entities, a person can place his or her trust in, the United States government is certainly NOT one of them.

Accepting the Lie

Anyone truly interested in knowing what is happening in almost every segment of our society is easily able to educate himself/herself with available data on the level of corruption now rampant in the US government.  Those who claim otherwise are merely allowing themselves to be deceived into believing a lie, or they are a part of the corruption and are therefore complicit in the continuing deception of the American people.

Based on comments made by many college students interviewed on various campuses across America, the vast majority of them seem to have no problem with what is happening to our former republic and have seemingly bought the lie that ‘socialism is a good thing’.  They seem to be in favor of implementing a system that will turn our nation into a third world socialist toilet, as it has in every place it has been tried.  The evil system of socialism itself is based on a lie, as is the claim that socialism is, was, or ever could be a sound system of government.

What is that lie?  That everyone should rely on government to provide for their every need from cradle to grave, and that government can actually be trusted to follow through on the promise to provide those needs.  Current promoters of socialism claim that previous attempts to make socialism succeed were ‘not done right’; they insist that when socialism is allowed to grow and flourish, everyone will be better off because the ‘wealth’ will be distributed ‘more evenly’ throughout society.

Personally, I have worked hard all my life and have been greatly blessed by God with a strong work ethic and blessed by Him in all my endeavors.  I learned at an early age to accept that we live in a cursed world and that the curse pronounced on Adam, and through him, on the earth, has not yet been lifted.  As a result, I have been very successful in most of my endeavors, thanks to God.  The very idea that someone in a government should have the right, or authority, to determine what happens to my assets is totally abhorrent to me.

Wealth redistribution is, and long has been, well-established in our government and is a regular occurrence in the US Congress whereby those who are supposed to be working for the betterment of all their constituents, are instead working on ways to enrich themselves at taxpayer expense.  Nearly all the representatives in both the US House and the US Senate leave Congress much, much wealthier than when they entered it.  Those who so easily and eagerly accept the ‘socialism lie’ fail to understand that the socialists’ plan for wealth redistribution requires that only a certain, small number of people, especially those who feel that, due to what they perceive as their higher ‘level of intelligence’ than all the rest of the lower class of people, will decide how all wealth is distributed.  Because they have accepted the socialists lie, they still display some level of trust in those corrupt people who have been elected to political offices in Congress, or the Presidency.

In 1837, President Andrew Jackson said, “I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.”  Old Hickory would be horrified if he could see the extent of corruption that is now so much a part of our American political system today.

The members of Congress alluded to by President Jackson, as well as the majority of those who have served there since Jackson’s day, were, and still are, greatly enriched by the ‘backroom’ deals they make, lobbying each other, and FOR each other, to get money from the treasury allocated to their pet special projects, some of which money, amazingly, seems to find its way into their own pockets.  The same corrupt congressional reps are privy to insider trading information and, even though it is illegal, when such information is used, it permits them to become extremely wealthy.  Where did the excessive wealth of congressional veterans originate?  To some extent, it came from the very treasury they were elected to oversee and  safeguard.

This information is public knowledge and is available for anyone who wants to dig for it.  In spite of the availability of the info proving the corruption of government and its officials, many people still have some confidence in those to whom has been entrusted the oversight of the national treasury.  Even worse, with all the corruption that CAN easily be seen through simple research, much more is hidden from our sight.

The Deception of Human Government

While some believers may be deceived into accepting the lie of the world and its governments, the lie that tries to convince us that our trust can, and should, be placed in that government’s benevolence and its ability to care for all its citizen’s needs, others are now seeing the error in that acceptance.  The statement, Government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have”, should be remembered and memorized by every believer.  Though the identification of the author of it is unverified, this famous statement has been made by many throughout the years; personally, I remember Barry Goldwater saying this in his campaign for President back in 1964.  Regardless of who originally said it, it still rings true today.  It is very easy to make promises, especially during the emotionally charged setting of a presidential campaign.  Following through on such promises is usually a much more difficult matter.  Harry Browne famously stated: “For those looking for security, be forewarned, there is nothing more insecure than a political promise”.  It must be remembered that, since government is not a producer/seller of goods, all the money it promises to one group of people must be taken from a different group of people: “Hello, wealth redistribution!  Hello, Socialism!  Goodbye freedom and prosperity!”

The thought of receiving something that one has neither inherited nor earned, something that can be had with little to no effort on the part of the recipient, is a temptation too strong for most people to resist, and they eagerly buy into the fallacy that ‘they have a right to it’ when in fact, no one has the right to anything that was not earned by ‘the sweat of thy face”, based on the curse pronounced by God on Adam, and thus on the entire human race, in Genesis 3:18.  The lure of things easily obtained thorough a promise made by a politician, if accepted by the recipient, is a destroyer of motivation, a work-ethic killer that has robbed millions of Americans of the joy of working, sometimes very hard, to obtain that which is needed for life and fulfillment.  Those who mistakenly believe that they can have all their ‘things’ simply by putting their trust in human government, will find themselves disappointed, disillusioned and usually desperate at some point in their lives.  Misplaced trust can lead to a state of complete confusion and a lost ability to trust anything or anyone again.

Rahm Emmanuel, a member of the administration of former president Barack Obama once said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”  In this time of ‘crisis’, supposedly brought on by a deadly virus that has swept across the world, it is once again apparent that government wants to establish itself as the saviour of man.  Due to the virus, our entire economy has been affected, with many businesses shut down and people told to ‘stay home’.  While these unconstitutional lockdown orders have already destroyed many small businesses, with many others uncertain if they will reopen when ‘the crisis’ is over, government has stepped in with their offer of a ‘stimulus’, basically a government-funded handout to ‘help people’.  Meanwhile our debt-ridden nation has seen another 2+ trillion dollars added to an already unpayable debt.

I research every major national event, especially the crises we face, to try to get the real facts about them, not just what the experts and government leaders tell us.  Now that this crisis has been going on for several months, and after the American public has been spoon-fed many ‘so-called facts’ that have since been proven to be lies, it is time for all of us to ask: “Just what is the truth of this event, and what has actually happened?”

Medical Event or Political Event?

I am certainty not a medical doctor, so I have no factual evidence of the deadliness, or lack thereof, of this virus, but I have enough common sense to know that this event appears to be a carefully planned attempt to see how far the American people can be pushed to obey unconstitutional orders.  It was pushed to us all using fear as the basis, telling us that hundreds of thousands of us, possibly millions of us, would die from this virus.  We all know what a powerful motivator fear can be.  It is one of the main tools Satan has used to destroy people in one way or another and he has become expert in its use.

The latest data I read concerning the total number of cases of the virus and the deaths from it indicate that the death rate is around 0.15 %, certainly much lower than the original estimate of 3-4%, or even higher, as stated by the medical experts that advise our President.  The actual death rate is very close to the average death rate of seasonal influenza that we all contend with year after year.  And we are now learning that the overwhelming number of people who have died as a result of this virus, are those who are elderly and/or have one or more underlying medical issues that cause the virus to be more deadly.  Now, in spite of the facts about the virus, we are being told to keep fearing, that this virus will certainly return this fall to destroy us all again.  Based on what we now know of the true death rate of the virus, we seem to be facing some contradictions.

Ayn Rand, in her colossal and classic novel, “Atlas Shrugged” said, “Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.”Realizing the nature of contradictions, that they are highly illusory, every person, and especially every believer must ask himself: “What premise have I been using to determine the truth of this ‘crisis’”?  If that premise is that governments can be trusted to speak the truth, then it is certainly time to examine our premises and make some changes in them.

All those who have placed their trust in government, then see how corrupt that government truly is, and how untrustworthy it is, will likely believe they are facing a ‘contradiction’.  However, their original premise, that governments can be trusted, is a ‘wrong premise’.  They CANNOT be trusted.

What to Do, Whom to Trust

If believers ever find themselves confused, confounded, or conflicted by what is happening around them, regarding the level of government corruption, their only recourse is to go back to the basics of God’s Word to determine what a true follower of Jesus should place his or her trust in.

One can easily find Godly direction on trust, in the Psalms: “O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:” (Psalm 7:1). “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me” (Psalm 56;11).  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust” (Psalm 91:2).  “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him” (Proverbs 30:5).  Paul, writing to Timothy said: “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy” (I Timothy 6:17).  These are just a few of the many scriptures written in God’s Word where we are commanded to ‘trust in God’ and not in the world or any of the riches of this world.

But exactly what does it mean to trust God?  How does one go about it?  Is there a secret formula that can be followed to become a ‘God-truster’?  I go back to my earliest childhood experiences, remembering my father, a common man, poorly-educated, albeit a hard-working man from the south.  Though uneducated, he was raised by a God-fearing mother who always taught her seven children to work hard, love and worship God and to live by His word.  I knew from a very young age that my father and mother loved me and wanted to provide the very best for me, to the extent they were able.  I always knew that Dad and Mom would keep me fed, clothed and healthy though we were quite poor.  I never lacked for the necessities growing up, and I knew it was due to the love of my Dad and Mom for me, and the fact they trusted God for provision.  I learned over a short period of time during my childhood to trust my parents for my needs.  Along with my trust, I learned to love Dad and Mom wholeheartedly.

Therefore, whenever I would approach my Dad to ask for something I really wanted, I knew that, when he said he would do it, he would do it no matter what the cost to him.  There were times when he told me no, either because what I had asked was more than he could afford, or it was not a good thing for me.  But, when he said yes to any request, he never let me down.  I learned to trust his word, and trust HIM through his actions that fulfilled his words.  Trusting God is no different than trusting a human parent; it starts with knowing the words that they have spoken and believing they will put the full force of their authority behind those words.

Jesus taught this same precept to His disciples: “Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?  Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?  If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (Matthew 7:9-11).

When Jesus disciples’ tried to keep a group of small children away from Him, Jesus taught His disciples how anyone must relate to God in order to please Him: “Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.  But Jesus said, Suffer(permit) little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:13-15).

We must relate to our heavenly Father as we would to our earthly fathers, by developing a simple, child-like faith in the words that God has spoken, by first believing, then knowing, that He will put all His authority behind those words to provide for us when we ask anything according to those words.  Over a period of years, developing such faith will bring us to a place where we can approach the Throne of Grace, boldly and, by simply asking and believing, receive from Him (Hebrews 4:16).  However, just as it took some formative years in my early life to trust my Dad, building a relationship that led to trust, it takes time to build a relationship with God, through His word, to reach that place of loving Him and trusting in Him and His word.


The US government has multiple web sites where they post almost any information they are willing to share.  Supposedly, in those postings, one can learn just what to expect from the government.  But, keep in mind, that doesn’t mean that those words, though posted publicly for all to see, will always be what the government does.  On the contrary. Anyone placing blind trust in any government will soon learn that the people who write all the legislation and the regulations that control so much of our lives, are experts in ‘doublespeak’.  Just as I learned to trust my Dad, then God, through experiencing their ability and their willingness to make good on their words, I have learned that one can only trust a government to the extent it  has proven itself trustworthy.  Since there has never been a successful human government in the nearly 6000 years since Adam was created, it stands to reason that no government has earned that trust. And until Jesus returns to this earth and establishes a righteous kingdom, with Himself on the throne, that will not change.

I realize that, no matter what I write here, there will still be millions of folk, both rich and poor, who will still place all their trust in some government, expecting that, whatever that government has promised, it will bring to pass.  This blind trust will likely keep them in the dark and unwilling to accept that governments are NOT to be trusted, until they experience the doublespeak of government for themselves.  The world is still blindly stumbling along in the darkness and will continue to do so until a light shines in their lives, and dispels that darkness.  Until then, we can only pray that someone already living in the light will share it with them.

However, true believers should not be living in any kind of darkness.  With eyes, both fleshly and spiritual, wide open, they should by now know that all the governments of the world are inherently evil, totally or nearly corrupt and are under the control of Satan (Matthew 4:8-9, Luke 4:5-6) and his evil minions, both demonic and human, who have no other motivation than to steal, kill and destroy.  Somehow, it seems foolish to place any trust in a government that is mostly controlled by the persons who have determined to destroy us all.

In direct opposition to Satan is Jesus, whom God’s word says is the LIGHT, and He has come to bring LIFE (John 10:10).  Only by placing all our trust in Him, in simple childlike faith, will we ever experience true peace, joy and fulfillment.  No earthly government can honestly make this claim, and should not be trusted to fulfill it if they do.

Loving someone and trusting them wholeheartedly go hand in hand.  If you truly love them, you will trust them completely.  In Exodus 20:2-17, you will find listed the ten commandments given to Moses by God on Mount Sanai.  The first is: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me”(Exodus 20:2).  God indicated that He is a jealous God who forbids the worship of any other god, in whatever form it may exist.  Jesus, when asked by a lawyer, “What is the great commandment in the law?”, replied, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.This is the first and great commandment” (Matthew 22:37-38).  The author of Exodus 20 doesn’t use the words “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”, but simply says, You shall have no other gods before Me”.   In my mind, since love and trust go hand in hand, the Lord is saying: “the thing that you love, and trust most, has, or will, become the god you worship.”  Knowing that God is indeed a jealous God, we must be extremely careful not to love and place our trust in anything that could come between us and God. If one places all his or her trust in government promises, as though the government were capable of providing a person’s needs, has that person then made the government his god?  That is a question every believer must ask and answer to his own satisfaction, all the while remembering that God will not share His glory with any man or government.

I am reminded of the words reportedly spoken by Nancy Pelosi, who after being elected the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2006, said: “You don’t need God anymore, you have us Democrats”.  The fact that she is, once again, Speaker of the House, is a sobering reminder that anyone, other than God Himself, claiming to have godlike qualities, abilities, and attributes, is a person never to be trusted, EVER.  Every person, whether saved or unsaved, has the right to choose whom to trust; as for me and my house, we will serve, and trust, the Lord.


© 2022 Bud Hancock – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bud Hancock:

[BIO: Bud Hancock was born and raised in a small textile town in North Carolina. After graduating from high school, Bud began an apprenticeship with General Motors. Retiring after a 30 year career. Shortly thereafter, he started a new career in the bank security/ATM business, advancing from an entry level technician to one of two North Carolina customer service managers for his employer. At age 75, Bud continues to study God’s word and write articles on Christian living and geopolitical issues from the Biblical end times perspective.]

Putin’s War Machine Was Made in Washington

By Cliff Kincaid

February 25, 2022

The “experts” say Russia is a gas station with an army. Who made this army possible? The answer: politicians and corporate interests in Washington, D.C., and other Western capitals.

In our 2014 book, Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire, we quoted Michael Birnbaum, the Washington Post’s Moscow bureau chief, as noting that “after Russia’s brief war with neighboring Georgia in 2008, top leaders rethought their old habits. Although Russia ultimately prevailed in that conflict, its soldiers proved ill-equipped and disorganized, struggling with Soviet-era equipment that failed them on numerous occasions. So leaders turned to the West to boost their capabilities.”

In other words, the West decided to make future Russian conquests more easily accomplished by the Kremlin. The French, the Germans, and Italians began providing sophisticated military equipment to Moscow.

These deals with Moscow make the activities of Armand Hammer seem mild by comparison.

Hammer was the chairman of Occidental Petroleum and a champion of East-West trade whose father Julius laundered money to establish the first Soviet espionage networks in the United States. Armand Hammer was himself exposed as a Soviet agent who helped former Vice President Al Gore and his family become rich.

Trade with the USSR served Soviet interests then, and it serves Russian interests today.

President Obama and his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton engineered a “reset” with Russia, supposedly to improve relations. It only served to bolster the regime of Vladimir Putin.

It was in 2012, after the Russian “reset,” that President Obama pushed Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) for Russia through the Congress, with the support of the Big Business-dominated Coalition for U.S.-Russia Trade, passing the Senate by 92-4, and the House by 365-43.

Conservative or libertarian groups such as the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute supported trade benefits for Moscow.

Two years later, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Going back in time, once again to the Obama/Biden Administration, remember that Barack Hussein Obama mocked Mitt Romney’s statement during the 2012 campaign that Russia was our geopolitical adversary. Obama refused to supply Ukraine, after the invasion of 2014, with heavy weapons to defend themselves and then praised the Russians for their role in the Iran nuclear deal.

Clearly, Russia was exercising some sort of control over the Obama administration.

As a young man in Hawaii, Obama was mentored by a pro-Russian communist, Frank Marshall Davis, who taught him that “Red Russia” was a savior of the world’s oppressed peoples.

We had warned the world abut Obama’s communist sympathies.

The one-time chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, former Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), preferred to explain U.S. policy by claiming there had been another “intelligence failure.”

He admitted to CNN’s Jake Tapper on April 12, 2016, that the U.S. government has badly “misjudged” the intentions of Putin “for many, many years.” He declared, “The biggest intelligence failure that we have had since 9/11 has been the inability to predict the leadership plans and intentions of the Putin regime in Russia.”

After the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008, Rep. Nunes noted, the U.S. continued to engage diplomatically with the Russians, and “we continued to talk to the Russians, and then they invaded Eastern Ukraine.” “We missed that,” he said. “And then we completely missed entirely when they put a new base, a new base with aircraft into the Mediterranean, into Syria. We just missed it. We were blind.”

This series of “misses” is just an excuse. Our policy makers and intelligence “experts” were blind to the reality of communism in Russia and China.

Putin, a former KGB spy, never repudiated the Soviet state and, in fact, called the death of Soviet communism a “geopolitical disaster.” His invasion in 2008 of Georgia, the former Soviet Republic, was evidence of his true intentions. He then invaded Ukraine, to put down an anti-communist uprising there. He invades again, as if to clear up any confusion on the subject.

There are many of us who believe this is much worse than blindness. It is treason that has put an ant-communist revolution in Ukraine, one of the great developments of modern times, in jeopardy.

A reckoning should begin with naming the names of those who backed the Obama/Biden Administration into granting trade benefits to Russia.

One Senator, who now postures as tough on Russia, is Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), who voted to “normalize” trade relations with Russia, saying it would “help create jobs in Delaware by allowing U.S. businesses to take better advantage of the emerging Russian market.” He explained, “With this vote, the Senate agreed that we cannot allow outdated, Soviet-era policies to prevent healthy, robust trade with the fast-growing Russian market.”

I suggest Americans review the Senate and House votes that helped Russia develop its economic power to such an extent that it could help create a modern Army to go along with the use of energy resources to use as blackmail material against Europe and the West.

Putin’s war has literally been made in Washington, D.C.

In effect, Putin’s Russia has been created by the same forces that explained the phenomenon of Armand Hammer and the betrayal of the West. The sad truth is that the Russians used the same trick twice. As a result, the Free World is now at the mercy of a resurgent Russia and a Red China with superpower status.

The future is easy to predict. Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea, and Israel are all in jeopardy of extinction. Then comes the main enemy.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders (USA)

By Lex Greene

February 25, 2022

If you don’t know who Klaus Schwab is, it’s high time you do.

Born Klaus Martin Schwab in Ravensburg Germany in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a highly educated and intelligent individual with a doctorate degree in mechanical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, a doctorate in economics from the University of Fribourg, and a Master of Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Klaus was born and remains a Citizen of Germany, after being denied application for Citizenship in Switzerland, despite living in Switzerland and having two Swiss parents. During the earlier years of his career, he served on a number of company boards, such as The Swatch Group, The Daily Mail Group, and Vontobel Holding. He is also a former member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.

In 1971, Schwab founded the European Management Forum, which in 1987 became the World Economic Forum (WEF) — often referred to simply as “Davos“, the name of the town where the forum is hosted each year. First, he controlled the EU nations and now, he aims to control the world.

For 44-years, Schwab focused all of his resources and energy upon developing a plan for a new form of Global Economics and Governance, all based upon Marxist theories of a One World point of view wherein both shareholders (business investors, owners, operators) and corporate stakeholders (workers) are equal. Schwab could easily be considered the father of “sustainable development” concepts, to include not only his view towards Marxist economic world domination by a small global ruling class elite, other “sustainable development” con games like fake Climate Change, Social Engineering through education and mass media, and genetically modified foods.

He who controls everything, controls everyone!

Meeting with great resistance from sovereign nations and government throughout the world, Schwab developed a viable strategy for implementing his vision for how the entire world should be, again, based upon the economic principles of Karl Marx and Frederick Engle. He had to “win the hearts and minds of the people.” As Marx once said, “Democracy is the road to socialism.”

That’s why the USA was never meant to be a democracy, but rather a Republican form of government, as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.

Today, Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is a who’s who of the richest most powerful people all over the world. Members and Partners of his group have a few things in common…

  • They are all driven by a quest for personal wealth and power
  • Most of them are very wealthy and hold powerful positions
  • They all share a vision for world domination, on their terms
  • Everyone else is expendable in the search for “sustainable development”
  • Marxism is their political philosophy
  • A One World Order is their goal
  • The goal justifies all means of execution

They (WEF) have taken the front position on the plot for global governance worldwide, dwarfing the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, Cecil Rhodes and all who came before them. They are not controlled by the United Nations or NATO, they control both, and much more. The WEF now has six global offices around the world, two of which are in the United States, New York, and San Francisco. The other four are in Switzerland, Beijing, Tokyo, and Mumbai.

In recent years, we have seen much written about UN Agenda 21. Although this plan is entirely aligned with Schwab’s vision for the world, it is not a plan hatched by the UN. It’s just one of many pieces of the Klaus Schwab global puzzle for how to lead (force) all sovereign nations into a global order under the WEF design for “sustainable development.”

As an example, what the world just witnessed in Canada, the gestapo-styled treatment of the most decent and peaceful political protesters in human history in Ottawa, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was clearly at war with his own citizens and unwilling to pay them any allegiance whatsoever…is the result of influence from the WEF.

PM Trudeau quite clearly, does NOT work for the people of Canada. But the following members of the Trudeau regime, do all work for Klaus Schwab and his WEF, and that is who Trudeau takes his orders from.

  1. Justin Trudeau
  2. Ailish Campbell
  3. François-Philippe Champagne
  4. Chrystia Freeland
  5. Elissa Golberg
  6. Karina Gould
  7. Jagmeet Singh
  8. Renée Maria Tremblay

Fifteen years ago in 2007, Schwab launched his new WEF global control brainchild, his Young Global Leaders Program. The above list of Canadian political figures are members of Klaus Schwab’s Global Leaders. They were placed in power by the WEF to bring Canada into the group of countries controlled by the WEF. Those were largely “global police” you just saw in Ottawa, robotic, without conscience or any remorse, soulless enforcers with no concern for Canadian Rights at all.

In the USA, Schwab has seated almost 300 of his “global leaders” in positions of power for the same purpose, to bring the United States under the control of the WEF. People whose names you would expect, and others you might not, such as Maria Bartiromo, Peter Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Garlin Gilchrist II, Joseph P. Kennedy III, Vanessa Kerry, and Mark Zuckerberg. (FULL LIST HERE)

But this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg…

Hundreds, if not thousands of international corporations are also partners with Klaus Schwab and his maniacal vision of WEF world economic and political domination. Here are just a few you might know…

Bain & Company
Bank of America
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Goldman Sachs
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Morgan Stanley
Open Society Foundations
S&P Global
The Coca-Cola Company
Verizon Communications
Western Union

That’s only a small sampling… (FULL LIST HERE)

Every one of the companies on the list is cooperating with, funding, and participating in Klaus Schwab’s world domination via his “COVID19 GLOBAL RESET.” If YOU are doing business with any of these companies, then YOU TOO are funding this insane agenda for world economic and political domination.

Whether you are American, Canadian, European, African, Middle Eastern, or a citizen anywhere else in the world, this is who runs your country today, not any of the people you elected.

NOTE: Trump was the highly unwelcome exception. Not only is Trump not a WEF partner, he also categorically angered every member of the WEF when he spoke briefly at Davos. That’s why he had to go, no matter how much fraud was needed in the 2020 election. He did the same at a UN meeting.

However, these are NOT the most powerful people on earth. Most people just believe they are and that’s how they get away with everything they are doing. They also made sure that whole societies feel entirely helpless, powerless, and hopeless. That’s a very important element in “winning the hearts and minds” of the citizenry. Things are quite easy to predict once you make people think they don’t have a choice, such as, whether or not to wear a mask or take a lethal vaccine.

These are the most powerful people in any country…

  1. Farmers – if they don’t grow, no one eats.
  2. Truckers – if they don’t deliver, no one eats.
  3. Workers – if they don’t work, nothing moves anywhere.

It’s a myth that politicians, lawyers, and global Marxists are the most powerful people, no matter how rich they may be. The richest corporate CEO, market player, politician and lawyer will go broke overnight, if the three above shut it all down.

Like all socialists, Klaus Schwab has decided that no one should be paid high wages or salaries, no one should own anything, and no one should be free to disagree. But he pays himself over a million a year in salary to run WEF and has an unlimited expense account like Biden and Harris with an even better golden parachute.

Does it shock you to see all four lethal vaccine-makers, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca partnered with Klaus and his WEF? Do you still wonder why these lethal injections are still being forced upon whole societies, even though they have never saved a single life and have murdered thousands already? Is it science you followed, or Schwab’s maniacal plot?

Schwab’s WEF is behind every evil we are dealing with today, and he has foot soldiers seeded in power all around the globe.

The GRAND PRIZE is the USA, for if the USA is no longer free, sovereign, or secure, no place on earth will be.

Should you stand and fight, or not?

What makes you think you even have a choice?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Were There Giants in the Bible?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

February 24, 2022

I have been casually exploring the whole giant thingee recently in my relentless pursuit of Truth.  My research led me to Steve Quayle and his wonderful website where his deep-dive into this controversial subject really caused me and millions of others to question whether we have been getting the full story on the giants and their relationship to the spiritual world.

It is not a subject that many Believers will mention for fear of ridicule from their peers.  But “upon further review” millions of Christians are being enlightened everyday about the “evil spirits in high places” and what the Bible actually teaches about these dark forces.

My interest was particularly peaked when I saw this article pop up on my internet stream.


Giants discovered in China I said to myself.  What the heck is that all about?  So, I took the bait and clicked.  It seems that over 5000 skeletons of giants had been unearthed in China.  Of course, who can believe the Chinese…but it prompted me to do a bit more digging.  My friends Steve Quayle and LA Marzulli would be proud of me.

My internet sleuthing led me to a reputable source Answers in Genesis where I found a fascinating article on “Giants in the Bible.”

Like many of you, I had heard of Goliath, and I was told that he had 4 brothers, but I had no idea how prevalent the mention of giants was in the Scriptures.  Allow me to summarize for you the great research done by the folks at AIG and researcher Tim Chafey.  The following references are from Chafey’s work.

Giants are mentioned in the Bible first in Genesis 6. “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

They were given names…almost like tribes or kinds…Nephilim, Anakim, Rephaim, Amorites, Emim, and Zuzim.

The Amorites are mentioned more than 80 times in Scripture, and early on, some were allied with Abraham (Genesis 14:13).

The Emim had dwelt there in times past, a people as great and numerous and tall as the Anakim. They were also regarded as giants [Hebrew rephaim], like the Anakim, but the Moabites call them Emim (Deuteronomy 2:10–11).

The Zamzummim (almost certainly the same as Zuzim in Genesis 14:5) were also called giants and listed in the same chapter as the Emim.

Rephaim is the most common term used to describe giants in the Bible. (e.g., Deuteronomy 3:11, 13). It may refer to a certain people group, or it may be a term that simply means giants. The singular form, raphah, also appears several times (e.g., 2 Samuel 21:16, 18, 20).

The word Nephilim that is translated as “giants” in Genesis 6 is the Hebrew word and many Bible versions simply transliterate it as such. The Nephilim were mentioned again when the spies returned from their exploratory mission of the land of Canaan.

The Anakim were mentioned in several of these passages. They were perhaps the best known of the giants dwelling in the land of Canaan at the time of the Exodus.

Let’s dig deeper.  Here is a list of the 10 biggest giants mentioned in the Bible.  You will find the link here.

  • Og, the King of Bashan found in Deut. 3:11.
  • Goliath of Gath.  1 Sam. 17:4
  • Ishbibenob, a son of Goliath (2 Sam. 21:16,17)
  • Saph (also called Sippai) (2 Sam. 21:18; 1 Chron. 20:6)
  • Lahmi (2 Sam. 21:20; 1 Chron. 20:6)
  • An unusual anonymous giant. (2 Sam. 21:20)
  • Anak (Josh. 11:22)
  • Anak’s 3 sons Ahiman (See Num. 13:22; Josh. 15:14; Judges 1:10)
  • Talmai and (10) Sheshai.

There is so much we don’t know about the Bible and there is a great unveiling that is taking place today.  Many believe the Nephilim were the mixed seed of fallen angels and human women.  Because the fallen angels were not human, they were immortal and unable to die.  Hence, they became “disembodied spirits” which today roam the invisible spiritual realm looking for a body to occupy.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers; evil spirits in high places.”

Could those disembodied spirits be the demons that so many struggle against today?

The Bible tells us that “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”  What was going on in the days of Noah?  Was DNA being messed with?  Could the modern-day transhumanism movement be a replica of what was happening in Noah’s day?

Never forget, the battle was between the “SEED of the serpent and the SEED of the woman.”

Are we seeing a replay of the Days of Noah?  Are the Devil’s disciples messing with the seed (DNA) of the woman once again?

Check out Steve Quayle’s work.  We are warned in the Scriptures that “my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”  Sometimes it is not what you know that matters…it is what you don’t know.

Did you know that giants are mentioned all throughout the Bible?  Why not? Does it matter?

What else hasn’t your Pastor taught you?  What else don’t you know?

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

How Our School Boards Turned Against Us

by Lee Duigon

February 24, 2022

When I was a newspaper reporter in the 1970s, I covered several local boards of education. Board members were ordinary people who wanted to make sure their communities provided a decent education for their children. By and large, it was a calm, peaceful, humdrum process.

There was the occasional controversy. Maybe an old school had to be closed, because it wasn’t worth the money to keep repairing it, and a new one built to replace it. This could lead to some pretty lively public meetings. Or maybe some “expert” down in Trenton would recommend the schools provide sex education curricula. Then the parents would show up to the next meeting and gently persuade the board not even to try doing this; and that would be the end of it.

Two forces rose up to change this—a power-grabbing New Jersey Dept. of Education, founded in 1945 and now feeling its oats, and money-grabbing teacher unions, established in the 1960s.

Bit by bit, the DOE took over the running of New Jersey’s schools. From time to time, the unions would launch a teachers’ strike for higher pay and benefits. With their hired consultants, lock-step unity, and increasingly large war chests, the unions usually won these public relations battles. Children were prompted and coached to go to board meetings and plead, “Oh, please, don’t fire our beloved teachers!” The school boards usually caved.

By the mid-Seventies, the state was dictating to the local boards, which had no power to resist. Whenever the public voted down the school budget, the state almost always restored the cuts. And the unions got richer and richer, allied themselves to the Democrat Party, and began making demands of their own.

And school boards gradually turned into the satraps of a kind of Great King down in Trenton, and began to view the people who elected them not as citizens, but subjects. “Hey! We’re the ones who know what’s best for children! Stuff the parents.” And why not? They were there to do the state’s bidding, they were there to keep the unions happy. Trenton could cancel any decisions they made that weren’t politically correct. And of course we now had a U.S. Dept. of Education that was even more demanding. Remember “Common Core”?

Now we have local school boards whose members meet in secret and, egged on by the unions and the state, routinely plug in such abominations as Critical Race Theory, “comprehensive sex education” (don’t even ask), promotion of “transgender” propaganda, and stocking the school libraries with what can only be described as filth. And parents, the undefended taxpayers who have to fund these orgies of misgovernment and educational malpractice, can’t object without the school boards running to the federal Dept. of Justice and having the parents branded as “potential domestic terrorists.” Some objecting parents have even been arrested on the spot—for questioning their school board.

Vote them out, and you only get more satraps. Any local board that tries to stand up against the state and federal governments, and the unions, usually gets crushed. I should mention that it’s never been hard to get elected to the school board. I knew a man in Union Beach who was elected to the board when five of his friends wrote him in as a prank.

What can we do?

The only thing we can do that will mean anything, that will have any positive effect, is to pull our children out of public school and educate them at home. This year, the number of families homeschooling their children increased four times over, the biggest increase ever.

America needs more homeschooling, not less. Public education has become Far Left Crazy’s favorite indoctrination mill, with the colleges and universities finishing the job. Today we have more alternatives to public schooling than we’ve ever had before. Let’s use them to empty out the classrooms.

Kill public education, and the Far Left in America… dies for lack of nourishment.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit, while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

America Plunging Into An Endemic Lawless Society

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 24, 2022

One of the most important factors for a successful society: that each citizen respects, honors and participates in the rule of law.

Without personal accountability and personal responsibility, a society plummets into the “Dark Side” of humanity.  Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”

In the news recently, reporters videotaped hundreds of people jumping the turnstiles in the New York City subway system.  More cheat their fares on the city buses.

As reported, “Nearly 30 percent of New York city bus users and 8 percent of subway users aren’t paying their fare. It costs the city big time….fare beaters are costing the Big Apple more than $300 million a year.”

If enough citizens continue to jump the turnstiles or screw their bus fares, the entire transportation system will collapse into financial ruin.  It serves 15 million along the east coast.

In the last three months of 2021, NYC police issued 28,000 tickets for violations of transit fares being broken.

Major felonies on the New York City subway system were up 75 percent in January 2022, with robberies jumping to 137 percent higher and grand larceny at 111 percent than February of 2021.

Last weekend in NYC subways, riders watched six stabbings and two assaults.  “There are 6.39 felonies on the NYC subways, daily,” reported the New York times.

Across the nation, citizens shoplifted $52 billion in mercantile goods in 2021.  Entire gang units in San Francisco “smashed and grabbed” trains moving through the city. Cars and businesses in downtown San Francisco suffered hundreds of thousands of dollars in thefts.

Ironically, the San Francisco City Council voted to allow at least $950.00 in theft to NOT be prosecuted.  That vote unleashed massive crime in the city.  The same occurred in Los Angeles.

Last summer, such lawlessness visited my family as thieves stole my brother Rex’s Harley-Davidson worth $20,000.00. He worked his butt off for that bike.  They stole $30,000.00 worth of goods out Rex’s garage in little old LeRoy, Michigan, population 500.  While visiting San Francisco in June of 2021, I witnessed a “smash & grab” right across the street from where I parked. The police told me not to leave my car unattended.  We fled the city without seeing it.

Do you remember “The Tragedy of Detroit”, where the city became SO lawless in the 1980’s, that 1.2 million people fled the Motor City?  I worked in Detroit for 20 years to see it right before my eyes.  Graffiti everywhere. Cars stolen at the drop of a hat. Trash everywhere. Carjackings at intersections where thugs waved a gun in your face and told you to get out your car…then, they hopped in and drove off to a chop shop. Schools suffered 80 percent flunkout and dropout rates.  As houses were abandoned, thieves stole copper tubing. Mayor Coleman Young became so corrupt, the city collapsed.  It’s now being propped up by 300,000 immigrants all on welfare.

In 2021, thieves stole 810,400 cars off American streets.  Gun shootings and knife stabbings grew into the thousands. Chicago stands at the forefront of violence.  If you go online, you cannot believe the items being stolen across this country. It’s mind boggling.

The lawlessness rises right up the Joe Biden White House. He invited 2,000,000 lawbreakers into our country in 2021. He’s still in violation of his oath of office in 2022 as he continues to break our laws. If the President of the United States won’t enforce our laws, that’s a pretty good indication that we’re becoming an endemically lawless society.  The same holds true for AG Bragg in NYC, AG Kim Foxx in Chicago and George Gascon in Los Angeles.  All of them encourage lawlessness by releasing criminals back onto the streets with “no bail get out of jail cards.”

What does all this theft, thievery and felonies mean?  Answer: it means that the “Basic Goodness” of the citizens of our country has bled into lawlessness in our youth.  More than a few parents failed to teach their children basic citizenship.  We’ve got 25 million illegal aliens that crashed our borders…that now live with immunity from our laws because of our own law makers.   Additionally, we allowed 46 million foreign born immigrants to breach our country with their propensities for corruption, theft and violence.  We pay for 300,000 mothers of anchor babies that siphon our taxes year after year…all of them illegal.

Are you interested in what’s going to happen to our society when there are many more of them than there are of us?  Do you know why Somalia, Egypt, India, Sudan, Congo, Mexico and other societies live in such rot?  Take a few guesses.

We’re in for a worsening ride as this endemic lawlessness simply overwhelms our national scene.  Once the baby boomers die out, it’s going to be Black Lives Matter, Antifa, AOC, Tlaib, Jackson, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, et al…calling the shots. Dear God, save us from them.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

We need a total termination of all immigration for the next 20 years. These two organizations are the only ones to advocate for a 20 year moratorium on all immigration. Take action: and

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Patriotic Americans Classified as Domestic Terrorists

By Kelleigh Nelson

February 23, 2022

The closer the collapse of an empire, the crazier their laws.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.  —George Orwell

I have always been of the opinion that unpopularity earned by doing what is right is not unpopularity at all, but glory.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

There is no denying that Hitler and Stalin are alive today… they are waiting for us to forget, because this is what makes possible the resurrection of these two monsters.  —Simon Wiesenthal

A warrior knows he could die in battle, he just doesn’t expect the arrows to be from his own government.  Today’s warriors are the doctors, scientists, pathologists, funeral directors, actuaries, conservative journalists and radio hosts who are bringing us the truth.  The floodgates are opened, but we the people must be behind those who are standing for the rest of us.  If the enemies of freedom can eliminate them, we are next.

Today’s censorship is the greatest threat of all. Silence is not golden.  The very right of free speech was so important to our founders that it was placed in our first amendment.

The Lord God Almighty gave us free will to choose whom we shall worship.  Our country was founded on the words of our Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

We are again facing what our founders faced with, “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

When a nation turns its back on the Creator, He lifts His Hand of blessing.  Our Judeo-Christian heritage is all but obliterated from every facet of society.  It is imperative that we turn back to Him.

We are at war, a Revolution to be exact, will we put on the full armor of God and having done all, to Stand?  Will we fight for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or will we kneel to the despots who claim that we are domestic terrorists?

Domestic Terrorists

Our current President has declared white supremacists to be the “most lethal terrorist threat” to the US today.  There is no evidence to support the belief that white supremacy is a significant problem in America today. Link Neither is there any evidence to support the presence of systemic racism.  Yet, our intelligence communities have decided that white supremacists are the greatest threat in America.

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) sent a letter on September 29, to President Biden warning that school boards face “physical threats” due to opposition to COVID-19 policies and critical race theory. The letter claimed that some unruly parent protests may be “equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism.”  Upon investigation, not one case of a “physical threat” was unearthed. The NSBA issued a letter of apology, but it was too little, too late. Link

Patriotic God-fearing Americans who love their country and our US Constitution are now classified by the federal government and intelligence branches as being domestic terrorists.  Our future does not bode well.  One need only look at what our neighbors to the north are going through.

Trudeau just went full Nazi in Canada and declared the Emergencies Act – and is even sending in armed soldiers on horseback to beat and trample innocent protesters and is arresting any reporter who dares to report on his tyranny. Fifteen days (two lousy weeks) to slow the spread and it turned into two full years.  If you resist in Canada, or protest, they will freeze your bank accounts, take your children and pets, tow your vehicles and toss you in prison.

Is America next?

US Intelligence Community

The US intelligence community consists of 18 organizations, including intelligence elements of the five DoD services; the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space Force.  The two agencies wielding the most political power in today’s environ are the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The FBI has defined Domestic Terrorists, but does not include Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Islamic “Extremists,” The New Black Panthers, or the Not F’g Around Coalition, to name just a few.

In an article entitled;  The War Comes Home: The Evolution of Domestic Terrorism in the United States, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) states the following:

Some U.S. government agencies have outlined the threat from domestic extremists, though most have not provided recent data about terrorist incidents. In its Homeland Threat Assessment released in October 2020, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security concluded that “racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation similarly argued that the “top threat we face from domestic violent extremists” is from racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremists, including white supremacists.

Violence and the threat of violence are important components of terrorism. This analysis divides terrorism into several categories: religious, ethnonationalist, violent-far-right, violent-far-left, and other (which includes terrorism that does not fit neatly into any of the other categories).

There you have it.Whites Americans are the target!

How many times did America’s Pravda media call the 2020 riots and violence by BLM and Antifa “fiery protests, but mostly peaceful?” Mostly peaceful?  Who the hell are they kidding?  The destruction was massive.  Police were told to stand down while stores were damaged and looted, businesses burned, and Portland, Oregon’s federal building has $2.3 million in damages.  These communist thugs damaged federal and private property throughout the country.

Certainly, they are on the FBI and DHS list of domestic terrorists, aren’t they?

Well, No!

The DHS put out a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin on Feb. 7, 2022, stating that, “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”

Truth has become the new hate speech.


In the early 1900s, America was bereft of intelligence agencies other than the small staff of the Secret Service.  One issue of the day was anarchism, an often-violent offshoot of Marxism, with its revolutionary call to overthrow capitalism and bring power to the common man. Anarchists took it a step further, they wanted to do away with government entirely.

The prevailing anarchistic creed that government was oppressive and repressive, that it should be overthrown by random attacks on the ruling class (including everyone from police to priests to politicians), was preached by often articulate spokesmen and women around the world. By the end of the nineteenth century, several world leaders were among those who had been assassinated.Anarchists were the first modern day terrorists.

After the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt became the President and named Charles Bonaparte as the Attorney General.  With a need for criminal investigators, Bonaparte kept borrowing Secret Service (SS) men until Congress put a stop to it.  He decided to start his own investigatory agency and hired several of the SS he had borrowed. In 1909, Bonaparte’s successor, Attorney General George W. Wickersham, gave this band of agents their first name—the Bureau of Investigation. It stuck.

During its first 15 years, the Bureau was a shadow of its future self. It was not yet strong enough to withstand the sometimes-corrupting influence of patronage politics on hiring, promotions, and transfers.(Sounds as though it never changed) J. Edgar Hoover was appointed as Director of the Bureau of Investigation and was credited for the founding of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935 and built it into the huge organization it is today. He amassed a great deal of power and was in a position to intimidate and threaten others, including multiple sitting presidents of the United States.  Here is the list of directors who headed the FBI from its inception.

The US Department of Homeland Security is a relatively new member of the intelligence community.  It was founded in 2003, in response to the devastation of the September 11, 2001 attacks.  Its stated missions involve anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management. Like the FBI, the DHS is more about leftist politics than doing the job they were formed to do.

Our latest FBI Director, Christopher Wray, was suggested to President Donald Trump by Chris Christie.  His nomination should have been pulled when he testified that he would not take orders from President Trump, but the 45th President let it slide. The FBI Director reports to the Attorney General who is the number one legal advisor to the president.

I’ll never forget the photo of FBI agents kneeling for George Floyd…a known drug addict and felon.

Few FBI Directors have had the public’s interest at heart, most, including Hoover, who spent his career amassing and expanding his power, a power he abused, were political animals.  Hoover never trusted anyone he didn’t have something on.  He was a monumental egotist with an insatiable demand for flattering publicity; he had little respect for American constitutional values. He was above all an aggrandizing bureaucrat, whose reach knew no bounds. He expanded his power and survived through abuses that amounted to little less than blackmail of prominent public officials and private citizens and personal intimidation toward any person or institution daring to question his authority.

Eighty years ago, a brilliant female cryptologist found out exactly what Hoover and the FBI were all about.

A Trip Back in Time

William Friedman and Elizebeth Smith Friedman were American cryptologists who helped decipher enemy codes from World War I to World War II.The book, The Woman Who Smashed Codes, by Jason Fagone tells Elizebeth’s amazing story.

William studied genetics at Cornell University (B.S., 1914). Elizebeth Smith majored in English at Hillsdale (Michigan) College (B.A., 1915). They met at the Riverbank Laboratories (Geneva, Illinois), run by millionaire eccentric, George Fabyan, where they both eventually became involved in cryptology working often for the government in decoding diplomatic messages. In 1917–18 William served in the U.S. Army, partly in France, analyzing German code books.

In the 1930s, Elizebeth became America’s, and the world’s, most famous code breaker.  The evidence she gave in criminal trials describing how she cracked encrypted messages passing between mobsters made her a newspaper sensation. She even had to be protected by security guards.

Throughout World War II Elizebeth used her skills to hunt Nazi spies who were spreading into the West. She broke these Nazi spy codes for the FBI, which would have been lost without her—and then Hoover turned around and painted himself as the big hero. There was nothing she could do, because of secrecy rules.

She also broke coded messages sent on Germany’s Enigma machines. These messages revealed a plot by the Argentinian government to help Germany replace South American governments with Nazis, giving Germany bases from which to attack America. Her discoveries allowed the western allies to thwart the Argentinian and German plans.

While working for the intelligence department of the Coast Guard, Elisebeth discovered there were clandestine Nazi spies in Brazil sending codes.  Hoover’s FBI attacked and captured this group, beat them mercilessly and exposed their code breaking and then thanked the South American police.  His actions ruined the American and UK code breaking efforts.  After this happened, the Coast Guard and Navy purposely bypassed the publicity seeking Hoover, and gave nothing to the FBI.  It took months for them to again break the new codes, and many American’s and allies’ lives were lost because of Hoover’s foolish self-aggrandizing bravado.

Elizebeth Smith Friedman’s wartime code breaking work was so secret that she was forbidden to mention it in public. She died many years before government archives were brought to light showing what she had done. During and after World War II, Hoover and the FBI took the credit for work Elizebeth and her U.S. Coast Guard team had carried out.Those were the early years of Hoover’s nearly half-century reign as FBI Director.

Since those days, we’ve seen dozens of very negative FBI actions.

  • Whitey Bulger was an FBI informant who murdered 19 people while working for the FBI.
  • Cook County State’s Attorney’s office, with just a little bit of help and guidance from the FBI raided the home of Fred Hampton, a prominent Black Panther, and assassinated him while he slept. The immense amount of energy, time and resources the FBI spent subverting Hampton, a noted orator and political strategist, came out over the years and in 1982 his family won a major civil lawsuit.
  • Jack Olsen’s, Last Man Standing: The Tragedy and Triumph of Geronimo Pratt, is the gripping story of Geronimo Pratt, war hero, (two combat tours in Vietnam), and community leader, who was framed by the FBI in one of the greatest travesties of justice in American history.Geronimo Pratt did not commit the murder for which he served twenty-seven nightmarish years. As a UCLA student, though, he had led the Los Angeles Chapter of the Black Panther Party, and became a target of the FBI.Why?  He detested violence.  The FBI willfully and criminally withheld evidence they knew would exonerate Pratt, because they wanted his outspoken voice silenced via prison.  Stu Hanlon and Johnny Cochran proved his innocence and sued the FBI and LAPD and won $5 million.
  • The 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge, FBI sniper kills two innocents. Randy Weaver sues FBI and wins $3.1 million.
  • The 1993 Trade Center building bombing involving the FBI.
  • The 1993 Branch Davidian Waco, TX Siege.
  • The Coverup of the 1995 Murrah Building bombing.
  • The FBI spying on President Trump, the phony Russian collusion, and the set up by two FBI agents to eliminate National Security Advisor, General Michael T. Flynn.

I’ve mentioned only a few of the circumstances where the FBI failed to act or their actions cost lives.  Here is a list of many of their controversies.

Has the FBI had good men and women?  Yes, they have!But most of those agents left or were forced out. John Guandolo and Robyn Gritz (Link) are just two of the wonderful agents who are no longer protecting America. There are far more.


We are facing the most treacherous time in American history and it is apparent that US intelligence communities will “just follow orders.”

Our Judeo-Christian society has long been the object of destruction.  We must pray, fight and stand.  “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

Resistance to tyranny comes with many consequences, but then so does submission.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

It’s Only A Question That You Can Answer: Americans Vs. Foreigners

By Bradlee Dean

February 23, 2022

“I should say that full one third were averse to the revolution…. An opposite third… gave themselves up to an enthusiastic gratitude to France. The middle third,… always averse to war, were rather lukewarm both to England and France;….” -President John Adams

John Adams stated: “I should say that full one third were averse to the revolution…. An opposite third… gave themselves up to an enthusiastic gratitude to France. The middle third,… always averse to war, were rather lukewarm both to England and France;….”

It is quite clear what it is that President John Adams has given us here. We have a view of the lay of the land during that particular time.

As a matter of fact, did you know that less than 3% of the population along with 13 colonies and 56 signers were used by the Lord to establish what it is that we now have in the present? We have the longest standing constitution in modern history (Deuteronomy 28:1-15).

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Our forefathers fought, bled and, in many cases, died giving us the freedoms that we have today (John 15:13).

Yet, the question that I have for the modern-day American is why are foreigners that are acting out in defiance towards tyrants seem to look and act more like the posterity of our forefathers than the Americans do (Jeremiah 3:19)?


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The question that every American must answer: Why Do Foreigners In Protest Act More Like Forefathers Than Most Americans Do?

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[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

What Have We Learned From Ottawa?

By Lex Greene

February 22, 2022

If you pay attention, you will learn something useful every day. If you learn from other’s mistakes, you won’t have to make those same mistakes yourself, repeatedly. You still can, but you don’t have to…

No thanks to the fake news media, who either ignored events altogether, or intentionally misreported the facts on the ground with a clear intent to mislead viewers…we have seen a flood of video content from citizens on the ground via social media posts and live presentations.

Never in the history of mankind has there ever been a more peaceful, respectful, clean, moral, and ethical political protest, anywhere on earth. In stark contrast to all BLM and ANTIFA protests, or frankly every Marxist riot since the 1960s, the trucker’s protest in Ottawa was a shining example of how decent moral people should assemble in public square for redress of their grievances.

For this, I give the great patriots of Canada huge credit, not only for organizing the protest in this manner, but also for maintaining their calm and cool even as government enforcers did not. No matter the outcome, these great Canadians are heroes, and the world is watching!

What have we learned from the Ottawa experience so far?

What started as an effort to end all failed COVID19 mandates, quickly became a war for the future of freedom and liberty in Canada. The effort to convince political leaders to do the right thing and return freedom to the people, was immediately turned away by the government who will never return freedom to the people. The real problem came into vivid focus.

Once you allow your government to disarm the people, peaceful is the only option the people have. Similar in nature to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights protects the Right of the people to put down government abuse and tyranny. But once disarmed, the people have no means to do it, other than to pray for it, and ultimately, beg for it.

Never give your enemy time to prepare. Unlike the disorganized effort by American truckers to duplicate the Ottawa convoy in the USA, allowing the Biden regime weeks and months to prepare, the good people of Canada rolled into Ottawa largely unannounced, and caught the Trudeau regime by surprise. You never telegraph your plans to the enemy in advance. It’s disastrous.

No modern day law enforcement or military can be trusted to do the right thing. Yes, in both Canada and the USA, every member of the Military and Law Enforcement has sworn a solemn oath to protect and defend the Rights of the People. But as we have seen in Ottawa, and to some degree in the USA, places like New York City and Chicago, most of these folks will NOT keep those oaths. A few of conscience will, at their own peril. But most will simply follow unlawful orders against the people they are sworn to protect, like mindless, soulless robots without any conscience whatsoever. These are NOT law enforcers; they are merely global political policy enforcers. They cannot be trusted at all.

No matter how peaceful and respectful the protesters are, the Global Reset enforcers will NOT be.For more than three weeks, Canadian patriots held peaceful vigil in Ottawa. Not only were they threatening no one, destroying nothing, looting, and burning not a single home or store in the area, they were actually cleaning up the streets and feeding the homeless and hungry citizens of Ottawa. They did it right! But it didn’t matter. The tyrannical global Marxist agenda of PM Justin Trudeau was willing to use any force necessary to end the protest and keep his Marxist boot on the neck of every Canadian citizen. Throughout history, socialists, and communists all over the world have resorted to violence and force to advance their agendas and Ottawa was going to be no exception. As peaceful protesters laid flowers at the feet of the Nazi-style enforcers, those enforcers trampled the protesters under horse’s hoofsand beat the protesters with gestapo-type batons, arresting innocent people and stealing their personal property, including their bank accounts.

The people remain the biggest problem of all. A significant number of Canadians took the side of the Global Reset enforcers, publicly shaming the peaceful protesters while calling upon the enforcers to use even more force and violence to end the demonstration for freedom. Tyrannical dictators are easy to get rid of, so long as the people are united in that cause. But when any society is deeply divided, some willing to die for freedom, others ready to kill for their Marxist utopian fantasy, there is no way for it to end peacefully. Unfortunately, more than Trudeau will have to be defeated before freedom can return to Canada, and the same will be true in the USA.

Coming to America Next…

As American truckers struggle to organize a convoy across the USA, months after freedom-loving people all over the world have been in the streets, the Biden regime is anticipating their every move. They too, are learning from the scenes in Canada and they are preparing in the USA.

Unlike the good people of Canada, freedom-lovers in the USA are NOT disarmed. In fact, American Citizens are the most well-armed society on earth, far outnumbering any law enforcement or military anywhere in the world. Most are also highly trained, with more than 20-million military veterans and former law enforcement officers, in every city, every state.

As opposed to countries where governments were allowed to disarm the people long ago, Citizens of the USA have been stockpiling and “prepping” for this moment in history. Obama and Biden have proven to be the greatest weapons and ammo salesmen in history.

Let me be very clear…the fact that Americans are not yet in the streets, is proof enough that Americans prefer peace. They have patiently tolerated the very worst the U.S. Government has ever attempted to do to its people, and still, Americans are patiently and peacefully seeking nonviolent means to solve the problem. No sane person wants war.

But our enemies do, and that’s why we must question their sanity!

There’s a reason why old sayings are old sayings, “If you want war, prepare for peace. But if you want peace, prepare for war!”

As events and Ottawa have well proven now, no matter how peaceful we are, the people who mean us harm will NOT hesitate to use violence and force against us. No matter how much we want peace, those who mean us harm are prepared to use force. We have already seen small examples of this in the USA, at school board meetings, town hall meetings, BLM and ANTIFA riots, and the recent steady rise in violent crime all across the country.

It matters not, that American Citizens do not want war. War is coming regardless.

The Global Reset authorities are determined to finish off all national sovereignty and security and force every nation into their COVID19 GREAT MARXIST RESET.

In Canada, the following government officials are direct servants of Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum and Davos Group, and they were installed into Canadian government power for the sole purpose of leading Canada into total destruction. There are many more underlings, but these are listed by the WEF.

Justin Trudeau
Ailish Campbell
François-Philippe Champagne
Chrystia Freeland
Elissa Golberg
Karina Gould
Jagmeet Singh
Renée Maria Tremblay

But they are seeded in the U.S. as well. Many names you would expect, and others you likely wouldn’t expect, such as Maria Bartiromo, Peter Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Garlin Gilchrist II, Joseph P. Kennedy III, Vanessa Kerry, and Mark Zuckerberg. In all, there are almost 300 listed as global partners on the WEF site. COMPLETE LIST HERE

If you think that’s bad, read the full list of U.S. international corporations that are directly partnered with Klaus Schwab and his maniacal Marxist Global Reset.Companies like AIG, Amazon, AstraZeneca, Bain & Company, Bank of America, Barclays, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, BlackRock, Chevron, Cisco, Citi, Dow, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HSBC, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase & Co.,Mastercard,Meta, Microsoft, Moderna, Morgan Stanley, Nestlé, Open Society Foundations, PayPal, Pfizer, S&P Global, The Coca-Cola Company, UPS, Verizon Communications, Visa, and Western Union.

That’s just a few of the companies that are listed as direct partners with Schwab and his WEF Marxist Global Reset. HERE’S THE COMPLETE LIST

Are you getting the picture clearly yet?

Like the COVID19 scamdemic itself, created and put in play by all of these people and companies for the sole purpose of gaining total control over the entire world population through constant fearmongering, and ushering in Schwab’s maniacal vision for a Marxist Global Order under his command and control, his Global Reset was created to empower only a tiny handful of global elites while enslaving or eliminating everyone else!

There is NO WAY we are getting our freedom and liberty back peacefully. They are certain that THEY are “too big to fail,” and that “WE are too weak to resist!”

If you didn’t know it before, you certainly should know it by now. What we have seen unfold in Ottawa is just the tip of the iceberg for what’s coming next.

If you want peace, freedom, and liberty ever again, then we must prepare for war. We will never get it back any other way…because THEY won’t let us…any other way!

May God watch over all freedom-loving people everywhere. We are in the fight of our lives now. May God grant us the wisdom and strength to defeat this evil, for all mankind.


Ottawa shows exactly how a trucker convoy to a government center of power works. I support all peaceful efforts by patriots to make their case to public servants. However, wisdom indicates a better way forward.

A convoy is a parade, for show. They can and will prepare to put it down, exactly like they did in Ottawa. In the USA, Biden has already had over a month to prepare.

However, 73% of all U.S. commerce across the country moves by way of trucks. If truckers simply shut down and stop hauling, 73% of the nation’s commerce ends in an instant. Take those trucks home and drop anchor. With government forced supply chain shortages already affecting most Americans, it would only take a few days to have everyone’s attention.

This is how the most powerful group in America, the truckers, can have the impact they desire, without fear of counter-measures or reprisals from the rogue government currently in power.

It’s not enough to be tough…you must be wise as well!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Is Separation Insuperable and Will it Tear us Asunder?

Sidney Secular

February 22, 2022

In the end, separation – assuming it is even possible given the Great Reset and the installation of the New World Order! – will be our salvation. The dissensions and tensions between the daffy and deluded Demonrat “woke” and the intelligent and actually“awake” are insufferable – but that’s the way the Left wants it and when they get it, they immediately range ever more increasingly into their leftist “woke” world. There’s no way to level the playing field when they control all the available means of mass communication along with all the systems of government including the courts.

The March 2022 edition of The Freedom Times newspaper contains three articles that interpret the aforesaid theme in different ways – and further elucidating the matter is the simple fact that normal people and those on the left presently live in entirely different realities. The reality of those on the left is a simulation fostered by artifices both created and employed by mass media and the leaders of the technological revolution and exercised through their cancel culture in order to cancel our reality. True conservatives remain rooted in actual reality. On the other hand, completely deracinated lefties pursue whichever way their woke winds blow, that is, every which way but what is, in fact,the real world, or “reality!”

The first of the three pieces in the paper, “The Wizard of Oz and the ADA,” compares the “Covidiocy” we have been and continue experiencing with the illusions fostered by the Wizard in 1939 movie of that name. Author Ric Beckett compares most “sheeple” in the world with the Scarecrow character who didn’t have a brain and so went along with those in power and their commotion and hullabaloo to stop the claimed “deadly virus” by complying with obviously destructive mandates supposedly designed to “slow the spread” and “flatten the curve” of a plague that, it was claimed, was killing millions! Of course, the actual number dying directly from the “malignant” virus was a fraction of 1% of those claimed to have died and even then, many died because they were denied treatment that would have saved them had it been utilized! The sheeple complied because that’s what they were programmed (and accustomed) to do when an anointed “authority” was giving the orders, much as was “Wizard” in the movie.

Of course, in reality the manipulators behind today’s curtain are much like the Wizard; that is, they have an agenda and make use of compliant supplicants to obtain that agenda. In other words, in 2020,we had a bunch of rich and powerful psychopaths who get their jollies – power and great wealth! –  by yanking people around with deranged directives meant to control and, eventually,to destroy them.

Dorothy in the movie represents the public at large, that is, decent law-abiding folks who wished only to do what was best to stop what they were told was a great danger to humanity. And, as with Dorothy in the Wizard’s throne room, much of today’s public is finally awakening from its created stupor to see that the hype and hysteria werean illusion! Of course, that “awakening” would have been possiblemuch earlier in the course of events had it happened when the film was originally released in 1939, a time when average people were rooted in reality.But as generations passed, the utopian fantasies of the left have increasingly held sway, seducing those still capable of rational thought into the leftist orbit which seems to revolve around the mythical planetsof Ego and Now. Socialist utopian promises have been so promoted and promised by the New World Orderlies in the United Nations, the leftist foundations, the NGOs, the academics in their “looniversities” and the mainstream media for so long that the mental miasma istoo thick to seetrue reality anymore. As well, the “noose” media has cut off the oxygen of facts and truth and we are left choking on their false narratives with only a few sources of reality left to sustain us if we are even able to access them.

The second article, “Does America Have a Future?” is penned by the highly esteemed columnist and former editor of the Wall Street Journal, Paul Craig Roberts who unabashedly concludes that America does not have a future because the gulf between the artificial reality of the “woke” and the actual reality of the “awake” is too wide – and getting wider!As long as the Demonrats and the RINOs are in control, the “Hate America” and “Hate Whitey” mantras will be FedGov policy and that means that both the US and Western Civilization have no future.

The article uses the orgy of psychodrama surrounding the January 6th non-event labelled as “a Trump planned insurrection” to demonstrate that Demonrats and Never-Trumpers are so far into their delusions that they can never be snapped out of them. Of course, I must also make clear here that those “in charge” in the Deep State know perfectly well that the whole thing is just one more “false flag,” but far too many people who aren’t that much “in the know,” believe it. Claiming that the rally of January 6th by unarmed ordinary Americans – if one doesn’t count the government stooges and Antifa participants – was a riot, an insurrection and a coup unparalleled in American history – and then expecting the super-gullible masses to believe that claim – takes “chutzpah” to new heights! That the average American of either party would swallow this fraud hook, line, and sinker beggars all belief – but apparently, they have done so even to the point at which many media commentators insist that only the “courage of the DC police saved American democracy” from being overthrown by the shock troops of Donald Trump!!

The claim that the “rioters” attempted to overcome the world’s most militarized regime in history without weapons seems to be something only the mindless could conceive much less believe. Many claimed that these “insurrectionists” forced their way into the Capitol through its doors, but this requires far more than a mere suspension of reality! Remember, the two bronze doors that guard the Constitution Avenue entrance each weigh 6½ tons and measure 38 feet 7 inches high by nearly 10 feet wide and 11 inches thick! Furthermore, these massive doors can only be opened from the inside! Consider! Many who attended the rally to protest a stolen election were elderly. One older woman sat on the Capitol steps because she was tired and soon found herself ordered by one of those same brave Capitol cops to get up and move because she wasn’t permitted to sit there! Such are the claimed insurrectionists!

Then there is the fact that no law enforcement officers or Capitol guards were harmed or even threatened with harm! However, this entirely relevant fact seems to be of no interest to those making these considered judgments. Rather, they are living in a matrix of reality all their own in which a young woman demonstrator (white) was murdered by a cop (black) but is considered – and presented – as the offender.  The “reality” of this “matrix” was clearly defined in a statement made by Debbie Wasserman Schultz(D-FL) that exhibited an astonishing level of ignorance and fraud in which she called former President Trump a conspirator against American democracy who brought “dark days to our country’s history.” Yet, she provided no believable explanation for the massive vote changes in swing states in the middle of the night after Republican poll watchers had been removed. As well, how was the alleged insurrection going to succeed? Apparently, according to those recounting the matter, Trump and his minions would take over the military and the TV stations. Really? Apparently sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair constituted a coup although we later learn that those involved in such actions were among the “false flag” operatives and were friends of the owner of the chair, not Donald Trump.

Debbie, along with her deranged fellow Demonrats and their media whores created false narratives (a/k/a lies) and then foisted these on a generally clueless public without shame or fear of exposure. Branding ordinary Americans as “terrorists” when they don’t “get with the program” continues to fly without being shot down by the media and as a result innocent Americans are held as political prisoners without any of the Constitutional guarantees that would prevent this tyranny. What is terrifying is that most Americans are deaf and dumb when outrages are pushed down their throats, or they fall for utterances that are obviously false either because they don’t care or they don’t want to “rock the boat.”

By constant repetition, the January 6th “deadly insurrection” has been made into reality. When you have a propaganda ministry instead of a free press, the sheeple are molded by the constant repetition of lies and propaganda. As we have been told by those who know about such things, people more willingly believe a big lie than a small one and any lie told often enough will be believed. Our “history books” are proof of that!

Far too many Americans voted for the traitorous, ineligible, and completely unqualified Obama – twice! Those who did not make that mistake a third time (when faced will Hillary!) voted for Trump, but alas, far too many even of the “awakened” have allowed the Demonrats to steal the 2020 election with nary a squeal while the rest voted for a party whose program was the installation of a communist one world government and the enslavement of America! Either way, with very few exceptions,Americans appear – at this time at least – beyond redemption. All the present hoopla about Biden and Covid is far too little far too late to make much, if any, difference at all.

The third article demonstrates that a good part of the population is living in a simulated reality and bears the title, “The Covid Matrix” by “Z-Man”. All who have seen the Matrix films understand the concept of an alternate reality used by the author in his title. This concept has been popular as a theme in science fiction since the earliest days of the genre. Indeed, it even predates what we understand as “science fiction” for we see it in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels published in 1726 long before the likes of Clarke and Asimov. These alternate realities are reached when the protagonist falls through some sort of portal into that reality as in Alice Through the Looking Glass published in 1865 or he discovers he is already living in a simulated reality created and controlled by others as in the Matrix films. The goal in either case is to discover actual reality, who is behind the deception and how to get out of and back to said “actual reality.”

In these situations, people are so deceived – usually! –  that they do not notice anything that is important to the deceivers as possibly leading to enlightenment. However, occasionally, as a sort of “example,” one person knows that what all see as “reality” isn’t “real,” but chooses to return and live within it requesting that his memory be erased so that he can function there. And it is the “why” of this act that is all important! He does it because he prefers the simulation to reality itself!  The enduring popularity of the movie “The Matrix” and the mixed reviews of its follow-up films is due in great part to the fact that many people believe that there is something “off ” in this world and they want it “fixed” but are seldom able to describe not only how to fix it, but what they really want to be “reality” when it is “fixed.”

People have been drawn to or sucked into this hyper-(un)reality through today’s ubiquitous “technology.” They are wedded to their phones and tethered to their computers. They spend hours of their days dallying through a “reality” known only to their eyes, ears and brains and because this has become true reality for them, they are “online” at every opportunity! Remember, one can obtain all that one may desire in this way without leaving home. It is akin to Ali Baba’s cave where a simple “password” opens to the speaker a world of endless riches and eternal entertainment.

Of course, this ability to alter reality when started early enough in one’s life leads to an inability to distinguish reality from the simulation presented online. Immersion in the world of mass culture utilizing the internet as its primary portal crowds out time spent in “the here and now” for many people. This is evidenced by folks walking around staring or talking into their “smartphones” and mobile devices that have become more important to them than experiencing the real world around them. These are the people who walk into fountains in malls or into busy streets without notice until reality makes itself known to them unpleasantly! These “almost trans-humans” are merged to their technology and as a result, interrupt life itself. We see this in movies or concerts when “yakkers” talk to “yentas” on their phones, interrupting or disrupting the enjoyment of the people around them trying to partake of “real” life. Indeed, recently a man murdered someone in a movie over the use of a cell phone! You can’t get more real than that!

This is what happens when reality meets unreality and people no longer have the ability to make judgments based upon what is truly real. People sitting at a dinner table will text rather than talk to each other. These are the people who will be helpless if a cyber-attack shuts down communications networks for any amount of time. Online rabid leftists are the worst of this looney lot. They are completely caught up in their closed, make-believe world and tweet out itty-bitty tweets via Twitter to their fellow leftist twits. Their sources of “information” (that is, reality they are willing to accept!) are blogs and news sites that cater exclusively to their closed subculture. For these people, their enemies are all incarnations or variations of Hitler and their fragile psyches would suffer a major blow if for some reason Hitler was historically revised into a hero! It would leave their “reality” a shambles.

The “false realities” phenomenon has balkanized the populace into alternative worlds that are mutually exclusive and eternally hostile. They provide a sort of spiritual nourishment that consumerism and materialism cannot provide for those adrift without a religious anchor in a world gone insane. People group easily into artificial constructs and this fact is used by our rulers to create ever more conflict within the populace. We must always remember that old adage, “divide and conquer!” One example of this is the famous “race card” that separates us by race. But there are always new opportunities for such conflicts. The present most useful social conflict for the Deep State is the “vaxxers vs. the anti-vaxxers,” a construct in which people who are no danger to anyone are presented as a danger to people who, having taken these murderous potions, are now a danger to those who have not! This is a very real example of a “non-reality construct.”

People riding around in their cars with windows closed and wearing three masks exist in an artificial reality that is as real to them as race, ethnicity or religion to those who are still rooted in actual reality. People are not working as much from different knowledge bases or even different honestly obtained opinions, but from differing understandings of reality itself. The author provides a vivid example of these different realities and the inability of a person caught up in one such situation to understand what is going on in a reality he refuses to accept. The story involves a man from Quebec, Canada who cannot separate himself from his particular “Covid reality” that is both nonsensical and artificial. This mangoes to Florida and is nearly driven insane by the conflicts between what is “real” to him coming from Canada, and what is real to the people in Florida. As noted, he is a “Covidian,” something to be expected living in a place that has embraced the Covid scenario as the preferred reality. In Canadian Covid reality, people are expected to drop dead in the streets if they dare remove their masks. As a result, because of fear everyone has become a zombie dutifully following the instructions of their leaders to fight a terrible – if nonexistent – plague.

So, naturally, when the man finds himself in a place where no one cares about Covid, he becomes a victim of “reality fatigue.” Rather than wear masks and use up all the available supply of hand sanitizer, those around him are partying and rubbing elbows at busy bars and clubs. Unable to adjust, he continues to wear three masks in public making him look ridiculous and bringing him to the attention of those who are existing in another reality; this is both a blow to his self-image and a threat (as he sees it) to his very life. As a result, he struggles to square the artificiality of his life in Canada with the physical reality of “normal life” in Florida. Unfortunately, this man’s experiences did not lead him to question the reality of his life in Quebec but rather he somehow found a way to square his Florida experiences and prove – at least to himself – that his reality was indeed, reality!

In the end, he was overjoyed to return home to receive constant reinforcement that his was the legitimate reality. This man trusted the prescribed scientific “facts” of his unreality more than the “evidence” he observed with his own eyes! The inability to perceive what is real vs. what one believes or, more to the point, what one wishes to believe is real meant that there was no way for him to find middle ground with the Floridians. Either they were right, or he was right – and for the Canadian, it could only be his reality.

Play this scenario out over every aspect of the mass culture and it is no wonder that people cannot get along and are howling for each other’s blood or at least, the repression of the other guy’s reality. What is at stake is not the petty prizes of politics, but defining the nature of reality, that is, nature itself. Thus, it is readily apparent that the “reds” and the “blues” will tear each other asunder to prevent the country from tearing itself asunder because different components of the population see reality itself differently. It cannot be otherwise!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

What’s Really Going On In America: Do We Want To Survive, Or, Simply Commit National Suicide?

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 21, 2022

On February 7, 2022, the Washington Post editorial board wrote one of the most absurd, if not completely senseless, editorials to come out of that paper in the past 20 years. It’s titled: “The U.S. Needs More Immigrants and More Babies.”

Mind you, these are all college graduates. They have written about every environmental crisis known to man in the pages of their newspaper. They look out daily at those consequences in Washington DC with their horrific gridlock, air pollution, congestion, crime, climate change, et al…yet write such a stupid editorial that they think Americans will buy into. Here’s what they want you to swallow:

At 334 million Americans in 2022, and we grew by 5.0 million more Americans, net gain, in 2021. Thanks to Biden allowing 2,000,000 illegal migrants to jump our borders—in addition to their burgeoning birth rates! We are the third most populated country in the world and we are the third fastest growing country in the world behind India and China.

Ironically, the American people heeded Earth Day in 1970 averaging 2.03 children per woman since that time. Our Congress didn’t take the warnings of Earth Day. They passed the Immigration Reform bill that has continually dumped over 1,000,000 immigrants into our country annually. That’s from a pool of 83,000,000 new babies, added, net gain, to the world every year since 1970. Even in the face of accelerating environmental nightmares, they have opened the doors to the world…and the world is pouring through those open doors—into America.

Why? Because the third world didn’t take note of Earth Day.

The third world jumped the world population from 3.5 billion in 1970 to its current 7.9 billion in 2022 and headed for 10 billion by mid-century.

Because of our enormous numbers of 334 million, we face every kind of environmental catastrophe from Global Climate Change, to air polluted skies over our cities, to endless traffic gridlock, to 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic inundating our oceans, to the “6th Extinction Session” where we’re losing 100 species to extinction 24/7, to our poisoned rivers such as the Mississippi River where it dumps thousands of chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico forming a 10,000 square mile “dead zone”, butterflies going extinct, bee colony collapses, 1,000,000 road kills on our nation’s highways 24/7…and the list of devastating ecological problems accelerates with every added person to the USA.

Here in the West, we endure the sixth year of an “Exceptional Drought.” That’s the reason for the wildfires that have scorched millions of acres in the past three years…all West of the Rockies. And yet, the Washington Post editors urge more immigration, babies and people.

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett, , University of Colorado, USA.

At some point, if we remain on this current growth path, we will collapse our civilization. It could be 10 years or 20 years or 30 years…but it’s in process as you read this column, and it’s not going to be pretty.

What’s astounding to me stems from the fact that the Washington Post editors look at the nightmare of India’s 1.3 billion and China’s 1.4 billion people—and they want our country to follow into those overpopulated realities that I’ve witnessed firsthand.

If you jump off the environmental wagon, you find yourself stuck in the “quicksand” of our accelerating sociological problems. We see 38,000,000 Americans subsisting on food stamps. They are wards of your State Tax Dollars. We endure 580,000 homeless. We pay for over 124,000 new refugees living on military bases that are costing us endless billions. We’re $30 trillion in national debt. We see 7 out of 10 African-American babies without fathers and mothers living on welfare. We watch news casts of inner-city Chicago black youths murdering each other by the hundreds in gun fights weekly.

It’s getting so bad that entire cities face problems they can’t solve. Example: San Francisco suffers 35,000 homeless junkies. Another 66,000 homeless junkies shoplift, steal and rob trains in Los Angeles.

So the question looms for the Washington Post editorial board: “How will adding another 100 million immigrants by 2050 solve any of our problems?” I ask. “Do you have an answer to that question?”

Martin Luther King grasped with great clarity that one of the key driving causes of global poverty and misery is overpopulation. In 1966 he said, “There is no human circumstance more tragic than the persisting existence of a harmful condition for which a remedy is readily available. Family planning, to relate population to world resources, is possible, practical and necessary. Unlike plagues of the dark ages or contemporary diseases we do not yet understand, the modern plague of overpopulation is solvable by means we have discovered and with resources we possess. What is lacking is not sufficient knowledge of the solution but universal consciousness of the gravity of the problem and education of billions who are its victims.”

How can the Washington Post editorial board fly in the face of reality? Since we can’t and/or haven’t solved our problems today, but in fact they are worsening exponentially, how do you expect us to survive another 20 or 50 or 100 million more people that you want immigrated into America?

These numbers are in serious progression today with horrific consequences to our children in 2050.

I’d love to see your “Solutions to Our Overpopulation Crisis” in the pages of the Washington Post.

Why won’t we see such an editorial? Answer: because solutions extend beyond our grasp. Well there is one solution: it’s called “The Darwin Solution.” And that solution proves really, really ugly.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions? Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you. Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future? If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water. Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

We need a total termination of all immigration for the next 20 years. These two organizations are the only ones to advocate for a 20 year moratorium on all immigration. Take action: and

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Feb. 22: Reinstate Washington’s Birthday as a National Holiday — On His Real Birthday!

By Rees Lloyd

February 21, 2022

Repeal The Uniform Monday Holiday Act

February 22, 2022, is the 290th anniversary of the birth in 1732 of General and President George Washington, the “Father Of Our Country.” He was the most universally respected and admired American in the age of the Founding Fathers, and in the history of America.

For generations, George Washington’s Birthday was a National Holiday celebrated on the actual anniversary of his birth, February 22. On Washington’s Birthday. Americans paused to remember and honor him. Parents and schools taught American children about his life on his birthday; urged the children to learn about the Father Of His [Their] Country; and to follow his example of patriotic love of country, selfless service and sacrifice for freedom, personal honor, dedication to duty, fidelity to principle.

By observing Washington’s Birthday as a National Holiday on his actual birth date, Feb. 22, the focus of the nation was on Washington.However, all that changed in 1971. Congress — pressured by federal government bureaucrats and other employees and their unions  desiring another paid three-day holiday — abolished “Washington’s Birthday” as a National Holiday. It was replaced with “Presidents’ Day,” to be observed on the “third Monday of February,” as a result of the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act,” which gave government employees their sought after three-day weekend.

As a result, Americans in general, and in particular American children in government schools, learn little or nothing about the greatest man in the history of America, George Washington, without whose extraordinary virtues and sacrifices they would not be free.

Further, and ignominiously, Washington’s Birthday was it was replaced by “President’s Day.” Got it? Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln—who were giants in history, were lumped in with the likes of politicians who held the office of President, but did little or nothing to ennoble it, and much to ignoble it by incompetence or moral failure.

No other president has been so universally admired in America — or in the world — as was General George Washington. Washington was by far the most admired man of the Founding Father’s generation. He was called the “Father Of His Country.” He was America’s first President, and the only President unanimously elected, and unanimously re-elected. He was, as Revolutionary War hero General “Light Horse” Harry Lee memorably said: “First in war. First in peace. First in the hearts of his countrymen.”

Can that be said today, when Washington’s Birthday  is no longer a National Holiday, and the nation’s children learn more in progressive liberal, politically correct, cultural-relativist government schools about  “the life of Mohammad” than the life of George Washington?

When schools, politicians, and media celebrate such farcical concocted “holidays” as “Kwanzaa” (never a holiday or observed  in Africa) or  “Cinco de Mayo” (never a holiday or observed in Mexico), while George Washington’s Birthday Holiday is no more?

George Washington, first, last, and always a soldier serving God and Country, was heralded in his time as the “Apostle of Liberty,” the “Indispensable Man,” having with his ragtag band of American citizen-soldiers of the Revolutionary Army defeated the English Empire, then the most powerful military force in the world, in eight years of war to establish our American independence, our freedom.

Washington did not seek the Presidency–it sought him. He was elected unanimously –twice. He was offered the Presidency for life.  But he stunned the world when he refused a third term  and even monarchical rule, and, instead walked away from power to return to his home as citizen. He was, is, our American “Cincinatus.” Washington, like that Fifth Century (BC), Roman general, fought the battles of the nation; held unequaled power; but did not covet it, and instead returned to his farm. So was Washington satisfied to be a citizen of a free America, rather than its ruler.

When Washington did that, walked away from ultimate power, even England’s King George III, whom Washington had defeated in our War of Independence, hailed Washington “as the greatest man of his era.”

John Adams, his successor as President, said of him: “If we look over the catalogue of the first magistrates of nations, whether they have been denominated Presidents or Consuls, Kings or Princes, where shall we find one whose commanding talents and virtues, whose overruling good fortune, have so completely united all hearts and voices in his favor?…His example is complete; and it will teach wisdom and virtue  to Magistrates, Citizens, and Men, not only in the present age, but in future generations.”

Thomas Jefferson, father of the Declaration of Independence and our third president, said of Washington that he was: ”The only man in the United States who possessed the confidence of all. There was no other one who was considered as anything more than a party leader….And it may be truly said that never did nature and fortune combine more perfectly to make a man great, and to place him in the same constellation with whatever worthies have merited from man an everlasting remembrance.”

Even the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who admitted his love of power and yielded to no man a claim of greater glory than he himself possessed, spoke of his admiration of Washington: “This great man fought against tyranny: he established the liberty of his country. His memory will always be dear to the French people, as it will be to all freemen.”

Are those words  still true to this generation of Americans? Those words of Adams, Jefferson, Gen. Harry Lee, the English King George III and the French Emperor Napoleon, all speaking with awe at the example of Washington’s life as one which would be taught “not only in the present age, but in future generations,” as John Adams said, and his memory “held all free men” as Napoleon said?

Is Washington still  “First in war. First in peace. First in the hearts of his countrymen,” as Gen. “Light Horse” Harry Lee said of him? If not, why not?

Are we Americans better for it, as a people, as a nation, when we honor no longer the one American who was so universally acknowledged in his time —  and up to this generation of transformed Americans —  as the Greatest American, the Father Of Our Country? He who defeated tyranny, held ultimate power by acclamation and then walked away from it to preserve the freedom he had created as a soldier? He who lived his life for God and Country?

Are the children of a nation, like the children of a family, really better off, better people, by forgetting their father, being without their father, forgetting the virtues their father taught, being orphaned?

We Americans today, whatever our ages, whatever our ancestry, ethnicity, or race, as Americans, are the children of the American  Founding Fathers, including in the particular George Washington, whom the Founding Fathers proclaimed the greatest among them, the Father Of Our Country.

May both the God that George Washington so faithfully served bless and keep him; may the Country he so loyally served always remember and honor him;  and may the lessons of his life be learned in this and every generation so that the freedom he fought for and created may not wither and weaken, to be destroyed by enemies foreign, or domestic.

Tell Congress to repeal the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act,” no matter the tears and anguish of taxpayer-paid government employees who will be deprived of another  three-day holiday — and no matter the loss to the politicians of those government employees’ campaign contributions by which they purchased their uniform three-day weekend holidays from the politicians by elimination of George Washington’s Birthday for the uninspiring “Presidents Day.”

Congress should re-establish George Washington’s Birthday as a National Holiday — and celebrate it on his actual birth day, February 22. The Father Of Our Country deserves no less. The people of our nation, especially the children, deserve no less.


© 2022 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd:

Death to Democracy in America Top Goal

By: Devvy

February 21, 2022

“…the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” — H. L. Mencken (1922)

How many times have we all heard “our democracy” by teachers, politicians, “highly” educated adults, speakers at some convention or inside the nation’s capital?  The prostitute media here in the U.S. are in full cover-up mode right now pushing for war with the Russians over Ukraine.  Save democracy in Ukraine!

Oh my God!  Russia, Russia, Russia!  War tomorrow declares Putin!  It matters not what is really going on over there between Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.  One can pray the two of them come to some diplomatic agreement despite the 24/7 propaganda by neo-con war mongers war is the only solution they declare sitting in their $500 ergonomic chairs in front of a computer.

The $1 BILLION BORROWED dollars career criminal, fake “president” Joe Biden bragged about withholding from Ukraine unless the lead prosecutor looking into his drug addicted son’s business dealings was immediately fired was 1,0000% unconstitututional.  You, me, our children and grand children are STILL paying interest on that looting of OUR purse.

Why is the US prostitute media honed in like a laser right now about Russia & Ukraine?  First, the bombshell revelations which came out last week regarding spying on Trump by broomstick champion rider, Hillary Clinton, both before President-Elect Trump became president and afterwards.  This latest bombshell from Durham is political Kryptonite – not just for career criminal, Hillary Rodham, but for all those involved.  Is it any wonder 40 communists (Democrat incumbents) have announced their retirement?

While time is in short supply for so many, I feel these articles and interview with John Solomon and Sara Carter are well worth the time.  As for the whores who work for CNN, MSNBC and all the rest:  Do you like your crow baked or fried?  We have been right all this time.  What Hillary Clinton and her slimy coconspirators did makes Watergate look like kids who got caught filching from the cookie jar.  The big question: Will the global elites whose names you never hear about throw them under the bus or will they all continue to get away with breaking a dozen laws?

Durham Will Go After FBI Next Says Investigative Reporter John Solomon

John Solomon has the receipts

Latest Durham revelations put Biden’s national security adviser in uneasy light

Durham Does Full 180 Locking On Biden After Clinton Revealed Dire Biden Connection!

Durham Report: Clinton Camp Spied on Trump while in White House by Sara Carter

Second, I wish I were wrong on this but people like me began warning in June 2005 about the banks and what was coming at us like a freight train.  Most Americans had no idea and we all know what happened to tens of millions of our fellow Americans who lost their homes, cars, jobs and huge amounts of their 401(K) savings; so many never recovered.  The ‘greatest’ depression in the history of the world is percolating so a new war is needed and that means spilling more American blood for a fight that isn’t ours.  War is profitable and always needed when the US economy is about to tank.  The “Great ReSet” is ready to go right along with everything you’ve ever worked for – down the drain.  I am not wrong on this.  America you are facing two choices:  Slavery or freedom.

Great Reset in Action: World Economic Forum’s Communist ‘Digital Identity’ Scheme (Video)

During all this drum beating and Biden’s diaper has been changed on schedule, he’s allowed to open the pie hole in his face.  Fabulous!  Now that fraud playing president can vomit up some geopolitical mish-mash from one of his flunkies like Jake Trapper.  Think about this:  What will Putin get out of starting a ground war with Ukraine?  While I was in the hospital recently, I gave it quite a bit of thought and how Putin actually thinks.  We shall see.

Make no mistake:  Vlad Putin is a cold-blooded killer despite his public persona of being a Christian.Putin served as an intelligence officer for the KGB for 15 years and was known throughout Europe as a cold-blooded killer before moving up the political ladder.

Putin also likes to play head games because he’s a lot smarter than people who know virtually nothing on the subject.  I won’t get into NATO for now, but soon.  For several years, one of Putin’s closest confidants was Vladislav Surkov[1] until 2020 when he ran into legal problems with the EU.  Surkov is still in the game only not in the public eye as when he was Putin’s closest buddy nick-named Putin’s Rasputin.

Really, the one person who could keep Putin in check was Donald Trump, which is why the most blatant stolen election in our history was so critical to the traitors running this country through their surrogates in Congress and our state capitols.  Trump wanted no more wars (See the Monroe Doctrine).  Unacceptable to those who make tens of millions off the sale of war equipment.

Let us remember a few very important things here:

Russia is oil.  How many Americans have any idea what’s been going on over there regarding pipe lines and Putin’s very cozy relationship with the Butcher of Bejiing and one of Satan’s favorites:  Xi Jinping?  The commies need oil, Russia is their pipeline along with other countries along the route.  This is nothing new and like all whores, China doesn’t care who they sleep with:

Iran, Bush & Communist China, Jan. 6, 2006

Last year, China signed a $70 billion oil and gas purchase agreement with Iran, undercutting efforts by the United States and Europe to isolate Tehran and force it to give up plans for nuclear weapons. If Cnooc acquires Unocal, it would have gas fields and a pipeline in Burma, whose operation by the U.S. company has been criticized by human-rights groups.

“No matter if it’s rogue’s oil or a friend’s oil, we don’t care,” said an energy adviser to the central government who spoke on the condition he not be identified, citing the threat of government disciplinary action. “Human rights? We don’t care. We care about oil. Whether Iran would have nuclear weapons or not is not our business. America cares, but Iran is not our neighbor. Anyone who helps China with energy is a friend.”

Russia, China agree new coal deal for 100 million ton supply: state media, Feb. 20, 2022

Putin, Macron Agree To Hold Trilateral Talks “In The Next Few Hours” To Halt Escalation In Ukraine, Feb. 20, 2022

“Nyet!” Russia Won’t Invade Ukraine … Putin Knows Better

While dirty traitor, Hillary Rodham Clinton was screeching Donald Trump was in bed with whores and the Russians, no one – including those wonderful Republican “conservatives” in Congress had any problem with a deal known as Uranium One. Hildebeast pulled off this insane scheme while unlawfully holding the office of Secretary of State [2].

FBI’s 37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One by John Solomon

According to Hillary Clinton and her America hating backers, the Russians are our mortal enemy yet that miscreant had no trouble whatsoever pulling off the Uranium One deal with them.  Hillary Clinton is just as evil as George Soros.

We the people have been raped for billions of dollars supplying the Russians with military hardware longer than I’ve been alive as well as massive funding by U.S. billionaires who play all sides.  I’ve encouraged everyone read the books below because they will change forever how you look at both political parties and how We the people have been lied to all our adult lives.

Free on line:  Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution  The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists.  Author Antony Sutton who should posthumously receive the Medal of Freedom.

Free on line:  Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler  by Antony Sutton

Free on line:  Wall Street and FDR  by Antony Sutton

Free on line.  Truth not fiction.  These are the players.  Some are now in Hell, but their children and new America hating corporations over the past few decades now control the game while Americans enrich them with their spending dollars.

This book is a must read regardless of political party; bigger libraries have copies.  These are the crooks, liars and dirty players who’ve enriched themselves beyond belief while deliberately destroying the middle class and driving the poor into further poverty:   Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties – July 14, 2020

I bring the issue of democracy up at this time because that’s all the chanting going on right now:  Saving democracy in Ukraine and around the world!  What rubbish.  Our Founding Fathers hated democracy as a form of government.  They knew it amounted to little more than two wolves eyeing one lamb for lunch. Democracy is simply a form of government which destroys every country infected by it.

Because of the propaganda taught in schools, half of Americans believe democracy is wonderful because it’s mob rule.  Why do you think the communists (Democrats) work so hard at getting new voters – even illegals?  Never mind the U.S. Constitution.  I want, give me, give me!  The mobs (democracy) demanding more and more and more and today all that unconstitutional spending (social and global warming BS) has reached over $30,000,000,000,000.  THIRTY TRILLION BORROWED DOLLARS SPENT BY YOUR INCUMBENT AND MINE FOR VOTES.  Please don’t insult me by pointing the finger at the Democrats as Republicans are just as guilty of all the massive, unconstitutional spending.  Read my book if you want the truth.

Thomas Jefferson said it best and what have we done?  Saddled our children and grand children with unpayable debt as little more than slaves to the banking cartels:

“Then I say, the earth belongs to each of these generations during its course, fully and in its own right. The second generation receives it clear of the debts and incumbrances of the first, the third of the second, and so on. For if the first could charge it with a debt, then the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living generation. Then, no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence.” –Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455

The piper gets paid interest every month with the sweat off your back and still the mobs demand more.  The well is running dry and the old so-called “Great Depression” will look like prosperity in the not-too-distant future.  Please don’t blame me.  I’m the messenger, I didn’t create this nightmare.

It’s long past time schools start teaching the evil outcome of democracy and why those wise men hundreds of years ago created the greatest form of government known to mankind:  a constitutional republic.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands.

Not to the democracy, but to the republic.  As a substitute school teacher who always signed up for civics and history classes, those students got the truth and why a republic benefits ALL Americans.  I also – every time – read Art. 1, of the Constitution to the class which to my delight usually ended up with some lively and greatly beneficial exchanges with my students.  Those are the ONLY areas of spending and legislation authorized by the U.S. Constitution for Congress.

The next time you hear any politician or person refer to “our democracy” here in America, politely correct them.  I’ve been doing it for decades.  Here is the one document I recommend people print out and hand out – which I also did for all my civics classes.  Before the tree can grow, the seeds must be planted.

And, we start with those we elect – after we defeat the same incumbents who’ve been destroying this republic for decadesBoots on the ground and stay the course. No matter your work or school schedule, every group or organization has something effective each of us can do for the cause. Get connected.  (That was 2013 and here we are on the brink.)

“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.” Dresden Jameson

The Mobs Take to the Street Again – A speech I gave on July 6, 2002.  Very worth reading.

Democracy or Republic – Which is it?

America as a constitutional republic is based on law, not emotions which is why democracies always flame out and take down a country with it.

The Founding Fathers Rejected Democracy, “So why did they reject Democracy?  Because it is inherently flawed with the “share the wealth” philosophy, which only works as long as there is someone else’s money to share.  Those receiving are quite pleased with getting something for nothing. But those forced to give are denied the right to spend the benefits of their own labor in their own self-interest, which creates jobs no matter how the money is spent.  They also lose a portion of their incentive to produce.

“Fraser Tyler, author of The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic authored more than 200 years ago said it best.  “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  It can only exist until voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.”

Please think about this when you vote in the upcoming primaries.  Will you leave your children with a banana republic like Venezuela or a free nation given to us by those with the courage to stand and fight for what they believed in for the future? You’re men, ain’t you?

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.” Thomas Jefferson, Letter to W. C. Jarvis, September 28, 1820

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two, save ten dollars then give one to a friend.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

2022 CANDIDATES:  AUDIT THE VOTE – DON’T LET THEM CHEAT YOU.  NO MORE.  We’ve had it with election fraud.  We must also elect Americans who have the guts to stand up and fight for the Constitution and constitutional government and condemn the poison of democracy.


[1]  Despite rumors of resignation, Putin’s gray cardinal Surkov keeps job

[2]  Follow up on Quo Warranto as it relates to removing Obama/Soetoro

Related – These are my columns.  They are history the American people need to understand just as I have continued to learn over the past 30+ years:

Has Bush Admin. Aided China’s Support of Global Terrorists?  Part 1, 8-18-04

Has Bush Admin. Aided China’s Support of Global Terrorists?  Part 2, 8-23-04

Republican controlled Senate advances Biden agenda this week, Feb. 19, 2022 – Remember that when you vote in the upcoming primaries.

“In 1966, Carroll Quigley wrote his massive book Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time. Tragedy being that so many people have to die, and Hope being the New World Order. He was the official historian for the CFR and was privileged to study the elites’ plans for the world for nearly two years. Quigley taught at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University from 1941 to 1976, and was Bill Clinton’s mentor. On page 1247 of his book, he wrote this:

“The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method …..Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but WILL STILL PURSUE, with new vigor, approximately the SAME BASIC POLICIES.”

Two Stooges: Boehner and Cantor laugh as they sell America down the debt river

Boehner now sits on the board of 4 corporations including one that sells pot.  Cantor works on Wall Street making millions.  Both have become extremely rich for doing their part in destroying our republic purchased with so much blood.  Today it is dementia addled millionaire many times over, Nancy Pelosi and communist lapdog, Mitch McConnell.

Biden is Stumbling into a World War

By Cliff Kincaid

February 21, 2022

[DISCLAIMER: The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of NWVs, it’s owners, employee, other contributing writers and advertisers. Free speech – next to our Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content they or even one bot doesn’t like, NWVs would become no different than CNN, MSNBC, SPOTIFY, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and all the other Fascist America hating corporations Americans continue to support when there are so many other alternatives. You read, you decide. Thank you.]

As a 40-year veteran of the conservative movement, as someone who met Ronald Reagan several times and promoted his “Reagan Doctrine” of anti-communist action, I am astounded at how so many modern-day “conservatives” are taking the side of a former KGB spy in the Russia vs. Ukraine confrontation. This development represents the Russian infiltration of a movement whose defining characteristic was once anti-communism.

Almost as disturbing is Joe Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris at the Munich “security conference,” threatening former Russian President Vladimir Putin with a “swift, severe, and united” response if Russia attacks Ukraine.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky  called this road “appeasement” and he knows who the real appeasers are. He also knows that “sanctions” have been too little too late, and that no sanctions will convince the Germans to terminate purchases of gas from Russia. That makes Germany into a gas station owned by Russia.

In truth, Ukraine has made its share of enemies in the West, as retired Lt. Colonel and “whistleblower,” Alexander Vindman, who was born in Ukraine, played a role in the campaign to impeach former President Trump, who did what the Obama/Biden regime never did – arm Ukraine with weapons to defeat invading Russian forces.

But going beyond partisan politics, which has kept some conservatives from coming to the aid of this former Soviet republic, one of the real experts on communist strategy, Christopher Story, wrote an important bookThe European Union Collective: Enemy of Its Member States: A Study in Russian and German Strategy to Complete Lenin’s World Revolution, back in 2002. He understood what the Soviets/Russians were doing, with a special emphasis on Ukraine’s role.

What Christopher Story didn’t anticipate was the Maidan Square demonstrators in Kiev in 2013, who forced a Kremlin puppet to flee, and the dozens of spontaneous demonstrations around Ukraine, which knocked down dozens of Lenin statues. This made Ukraine a special Russian target and an example to the world of what a real anti-communist revolution could accomplish.

As such, true conservatives have to recognize and pay homage to the Reagan legacy, which always recognized the need for justice for Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, but also for those suffering under the communist/KGB comrades in Russia as well.

Today, even without an actual Russia invasion, the same alliance that started World War II is back in business.

Biden has treated Germany as an ally, a major miscalculation which has backfired in a big way. Trump, by contrast, was always suspicious of long-time German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her commitment to NATO. History shows that it was Trump who secured a $400 billion increase in defense spending from NATO allies by 2024, and the number of members meeting their minimum obligations more than doubled.

Incredibly, Tucker Carlson of Fox and others of his ilk are trying to blame the under-funded and German-dominated NATO for Russia’s threats, demonstrating the effectiveness of Russian disinformation. They seem to have forgotten how Russia stole Ukraine’s nuclear weapons in a flawed deal brokered by President Bill Clinton. That deal, the Budapest Memorandum, made it possible for Russia to rearm and to eventually invade Ukraine in 2014, when Joe Biden was Barack Hussein Obama’s vice president.

With Biden, a Democrat with corrupt ties to Ukraine who mismanaged our Afghanistan pull-out, now in power as president, these Tucker Carlson “conservatives” have in knee-jerk fashion taken the side of Vladimir Putin. His job in the old KGB days was managing communist agents, possibly including a young East German communist by the name of Angela Merkel, later to become Chancellor of a unified Germany. The new pro-Russia chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, carries forward this disturbing pattern and legacy.

This Russian-German alliance is a real threat that precedes the development of what Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky ominously called the EUSSR: The Soviet Roots of European Integration. Russia is coordinating its threats against Europe with the rise of Communist China in Asia and the continuing carnage of the China virus worldwide.

If “conservatives’ continue taking the side of our enemies, they will give the pathetic Biden the opportunity to cast himself as a decisive leader as we head into the fall elections.

These modern-day “conservatives” are a movement that threatens America’s survival as leader of the Free World and the Free World itself. Reagan would have nothing to do with these people. In fact, he would denounce and read them out of the freedom movement.

Thank goodness Tucker Carlson does not have much influence on the GOP. Republicans on Capitol Hill understand what is happening and do not want to wave the white flag of surrender. While opposing the deployment of American troops to Ukraine, which is not yet a NATO country, they have introduced the NYET Act, the Never Yielding Europe’s Territory Act. They have attacked the weakness of the Biden regime, noting that the Biden Administration “has yet to impose a single meaningful sanction in response to this blatant and ongoing aggression.” In short, these legislators are keeping Reagan’s anti-communist vision alive. Their bill would sanction Putin’s comrades and major banks BEFORE Russia further invades Ukraine.

On Sunday, activists gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to take part in the eighth annual vigil honoring fallen heroes of the 2013-14 Revolution of Dignity, and to petition President Biden for a stronger stance in deterring Russia. But even if what Biden calls an “incursion” comes, and there are reports that Putin has ordered a full-scale invasion, the U.S. may be forced into a Reagan-like posture of supporting an anti-communist insurgency on the territory of Ukraine. That would be the true conservative position. It would separate the Reagan conservatives from the phony Tucker Carlson variety.

The danger, of course, is that the Obama/Biden/Harris excuse for a U.S. Administration would bungle this as well, creating another no-win war that Democrats are so good at starting.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.  

What Happened To The Integrity Of Our Elected Officials, Part 1

By Pastor Roger Anghis

February 20, 2022

One of the things that I have noticed since I have begun to study the politics of America is the severe downgrade of the quality of character in the people we send to Washington to ‘represent’ us.  They are all sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and should always put America and the American people first. Most of the people that are in Washington do very little of either and mock the ones that do.

Most people pay no attention to what these elected officials do until what they’ve done affects their pocketbook.  Usually, by then it’s too late. The damage is done and in Washington, it is very hard to undo anything.  Ronald Reagan once said that the closest thing to eternal life on earth is a government program.  To prove his point there was a half-cent tax that was implemented to pay the debt of WW I. That debt has long been paid but the tax is still there.

When we had elected officials that followed the Constitution our nation flourished. Now we have politicians that look out more for themselves ignoring their oath of office and the principles of the Constitution.  A conversation between Representative Pete Stark (D) of California and a voter at a town hall meeting asked about government overreach concerning the failed Obamacare bill: “I think that there are very few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life. The basis for that would be how would it affect other people.”

After the questioner asks what possible constitutional limits there are, then, if Obamacare can pass constitutional muster, Stark replies: “The federal government yes, can do most anything in this country.”

The questioner, outraged: “You, sir, and people like you are destroying this nation.”

Stark, smirking: “And I guess you’re here to save it. And that makes me very uncomfortable.”[1] What this member of the Democrat Party was insinuating was that the federal government had the right to govern every individual as it pleases them but our Constitution put serious restraints on the federal government because we have a representative government and that government only has the power that We the People give it. Patrick Henry stated: “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”  All this demanding that we get the ‘jab’ is, for all intents and purposes, bull!  They do not have the constitutional authority to do it but if we let them they will go as far as they want.

We the people must stand up to this type of tyranny if we want to stay free.  Look at Australia. People who exercise their right to determine what is put in their bodies are being arrested and put in internment camps. Their guns were taken away from them years ago.  They have no form of defense so the government does what it wants.  That is what the Democrats want to do here.  They demand total control over our lives.  Right now there are too many people that can and will stand up and say No! and can back it up with firepower.  Thomas Jefferson stated: “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” I never want to see us get to the point where bloodshed is required but at the same time, I will not stand by and let the government dictate how I can live, where I can work, IF I can work, and what I have to do, healthwise, to keep them happy.  That is not their job. Their number one job is to protect America and they are failing at that miserably.

When it comes to the Second Amendment there are members of Congress that don’t feel that we should support it and they want to eliminate it.  The only reason is then they can do what they want just like the government is doing in Australia and what Hitler did in Germany in the 1930s. There are around 320 million guns in America that they know of. I think it is more around 500 million.  Nations won’t attack American soil because they know that just the hunters in four states would constitute the largest standing army in the world.  Not all gun owners hunt. Let that sink in.

Many members of Congress, virtually all of them Democrats,  say that the Second Amendment is only for the militia, not the individual.  This just shows the ignorance of these people concerning the great history of America. But that is what they want, an ignorant populace that is unaware of the rights that are being taken from them.  Samuel Adams made a statement concerning the individual owning a gun: “The Constitution shall never be construed… to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”  Richard Henry Lee a Founding Father, jurist, and member of the Continental Congress declared: “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…”  It is hard to understand today’s politicians that feel that it is perfectly acceptable to just throw away a provision of our Constitution that is actually the glue that holds it all together. In my humble opinion that is exactly why they want to eliminate it.

If we allow this to happen, America is gone. I believe that there are too many that have and will continue to refuse to see this happen. We just need a leader that has the guts to stand up against the embedded tyranny. This is still God’s nation and as long as He has one person willing to take that stand, we will see America saved from the clutches of the enemy. Courage is contagious. One man with it will stiffen the spines of many others.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Rep Pete Stark: constitutional limits on federal power totally don’t exist

Supply Chain Siege

By 2022 Rob Pue

February 20, 2022

It was long overdue, but it needed to happen.  Around the world, citizens have been rising up to protest the New World Order Globalists, though the mainstream media has put a virtual “media blackout” on this information.  But now, citizens of Canada have decided they’ve had enough.  Enough of the lockdowns, mask and jab mandates, Nazi-esque requirements to show proof of injections to move about freely in public, and enough of the tyrannical edicts of a Communist dictator.

Since the start of 2021, the world’s been experiencing a “supply chain shortage.”  Cargo ships sitting off shore, unable to unload their wares; ports backed up with not enough workers to unload them; severe restrictions put on truckers and rail companies to move the supplies.  But this has been a “siege” — a “managed” supply chain crisis — orchestrated and manipulated carefully by those controlling the narrative and agenda.

Now, things have changed.  When Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau decided he’d make it mandatory for truckers to be jabbed in order to cross the border to the US, and for US truckers to enter Canada, enough was enough.  From British Columbia to Nova Scotia, truckers took to the road in a massive show of solidarity against the reprehensible dictatorship that has ruled that country for far too long.  And while massive protests in places like France, England, Germany and Australia could be ignored by the media because they’re so far removed from America, Canada’s situation hits closer to home.

I’m proud of what the Canadian truckers have accomplished, but also concerned that American truckers have not yet begun a similar protest.  That NEEDS to happen too.  The chickens need to come home to roost.

For two years now, I’ve watched as frightening news stories have been coming out of Canada.  It’s no secret that Chinese troops have been training with Canadian military and have been stationed close to the American border for years now.  It’s no secret that despite what parliament representatives of the Canadian people want, the Canadian leadership has stated openly that COVID concentration camps, as we see in Australia, are now completed and ready to receive their human hostages — in every Canadian province.  It’s no secret that Trudeau fancies himself a modern-day Fidel Castro and has been a champion of Communist ideology all his life.

Like Barack Hussein Obama, the current resident of our White House — and others preceding them — Trudeau is prime minister because the Globalists CHOSE him.  They placed him in power to do their bidding, and he’s been a perfect little puppet for Klous Schwab and the World Economic Forum.  And like American governors, the Canadian premiers and most all of Canadian parliament are under the same boots.

Proverbs 29, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”  Friends, the WORLD has been in mourning since March of 2020 when “Event 201” went live.  The Biden campaign phrase “Build Back Better” has now been used by rulers world-wide.  It’s no coincidence that they’re all saying the exact same thing.  But in order to build something back, it first needs to be destroyed.  Psalm 11, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

The Canadian truckers are showing us what the righteous can do.  Though the Leftist media portrays them as terrorists, racists, bigots and violent extremists, nothing could be further from the truth.  As the trucks have rolled across Canada, decorated with patriotic flags and messages of freedom and hope, I’ve seen, among those messages, many stating “Jesus is Lord,” “God bless Canada,” “Our Hope is in Christ alone,” and many more.  The same can be said of those standing along the roadways to cheer the truckers on, holding signs with similar sentiments.

This is a PEACEFUL protest, involving millions.  More than 50,000 trucks, and millions of Canadian citizens standing with them in solidarity, along frozen highways, braving sub-zero temperatures as they gather on overpasses, offering their aid and assistance, sacrificially, because what’s going on right now is probably the most important, the most urgent, the most powerful thing the people can do.

But Trudeau, his cronies — and their puppet masters — are not going to back down easily.  These New World Order Globalists have been working toward their ultimate goal for more than a hundred years.  Not only do they NOT care what the people want or think, or what science may prove (and by the way, none of this has EVER been about ‘COVID,’) these devils have made incredible progress toward their goal of world domination in only two years.  They’re not giving up now.  I just hope the people don’t either.  I hope the pain and punishments, the heartaches and heartbreaks, the imprisonment and deaths that are sure to come as a result of their courageous stand do not break their spirits, sending them back into abject slavery.  If you think retribution is not coming, you’re sadly mistaken.  There is a price to pay for freedom, and it’s expensive.

Almost immediately, Canadian premiers (the equivalent of American governors) sent forth edicts that it’s now illegal to stand and cheer for the passing trucks in the convoys.  Fines of $10,000 are levied on any who dare disobey.  In Ottawa, while the atmosphere has been described as a “love fest;” indeed one husband-and-wife trucker team stated it was the “greatest outpouring of kindness and atmosphere of love we’ve ever seen at any event in our lives,” the Canadian media is pushing the same old Statist propaganda, saying it’s all about “white supremacy,” “racism,” “white nationalism,” and violence.  But there IS no violence — at least not from the truckers or their supporters.  The only violence we’ve seen has come from government officials and police.

And in case you haven’t heard, Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski was once again arrested at his home on February 8th — by a stealth SWAT team as he attempted to leave home to go preach to the truckers.

In order to break the protesters’ will, orders went forth that fuel stations are not allowed to sell fuel to the truckers.  The government has ordered hotels not to rent any rooms to anyone… hotels are being paid by the government to remain empty.  Canadian citizens then began walking in to the heart of the protest, carrying heavy loads of diesel fuel to keep the engines running — and bringing food and supplies to the truckers and their families, but these people are now being immediately arrested for doing so.

Meanwhile, truckers are in danger of freezing to death in the sub-zero temperatures.  They sleep in their trucks.  Many are there with their wives and young children and they depend on the trucks being able to run in order to have heat.

And for some, the punishment for fighting for freedom has already become too much.  The Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario was cleared of all trucks on February 14th after Ontario premier Doug Ford declared there would be fines of $100,000 and a year in jail for anyone blocking roads, bridges or walkways.  But meanwhile, a major border crossing between British Columbia and Washington State remains closed, as is the border blockade in Coutts, Alberta, just north of Montana.  The Canadian government also cut off cellular communications in these regions to further hurt the truckers.

The spark that set this fire ablaze was when Trudeau made it mandatory for all truckers, Canadian and American, to be fully jabbed and show their papers in order to cross their southern border.  Interestingly, the US southern border remains wide open, with a red carpet fully rolled out, to welcome any and all, regardless of jab status, as illegal aliens invade our country at the invitation of the Leftist Elites — even as these illegals loot, destroy and kill once they arrive here, over-taking farms, ranches and entire border towns, now in a state of emergency.  Covert American government agencies are strategically relocating millions of illegals into cities and towns all across the US, under the cover of darkness, so American citizens remain clueless — until it’s too late.  But that’s another story.

I should also mention the wicked tactics of GoFundMe — the fundraising platform that initially raised more than $10 million to back the Freedom Convoy with fuel and supplies and other necessities.  As most of you know, GoFundMe shut the truckers’ account down, and attempted to confiscate all the money, then give it to OTHER groups, including Leftist/Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter.  When this didn’t fly, GoFundMe agreed to return the money directly to the donors.  But the Toronto-Dominion Bank had already seized some of those funds.

Then the truckers used an alternative crowd-funding site called GiveSendGo.  Another $10 million was quickly raised in support of these freedom fighters.  But a Canadian judge attempted to seize those funds as well.  Here was GiveSendGo’s response: “Know this! Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo.  All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign.”  Good for them.

Now, even so-called “conservative” politicians are calling for an end to the protests, promising they will not stop fighting for freedom until they achieve it.  It seems the Canadian “conservatives” are just as full of lies and empty promises as their American counterparts.  Meanwhile, Trudeau is promising a “crackdown,” and one of his advisors stated, “Trust me, I will not run out of ways to make this hurt: cancel their insurance; suspend their drivers’ licenses; prohibit any future regulatory certification for truckers, etc…”

The Freedom Convoy is having a positive effect.  So far, the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Prince Edward Island have announced they will either be substantially lifting COVID restrictions or ending them altogether, this week.  But meanwhile, Ontario is doubling down. Trudeau, Ontario and the mayor of Ottawa have cut off supplies, threatened outrageous monetary fines and jail time, authorized police to confiscate fuel and food brought in by citizens to help the truckers and they would LIKE to slash their tires and tow their trucks.

But as one commentator asked, “How many trucks can Trudeau tow when tow trucks won’t tow trucks?”  Indeed.  Towing companies are refusing to remove the trucks.  But sadly, like good little Nazis, the local police continue to “just follow orders” as they arrest and persecute their fellow citizens.

Wisconsin author Tony Horvath has recently written a fictional book titled The Corn Seige,” in which he imagines a glimpse into the future — roughly two years from now.  In his story, the plans of the Global Leftists are thwarted because ordinary Americans, living in “flyover country,” simply stop doing business with those who have been oppressing them.  County sheriffs get on board and set up blockades, keeping those from Leftist areas of the country out of their counties.  Within “flyover country,” all is well.  People have plenty of food, power, heat and supplies.  People are free and life is normal.   But the liberal cities are cut off.  Truckers no longer deliver there.  Power companies cut off power supplies.  All those “peasants” who run the engine of the American economy simply stop doing business with those who hate them.  It’s an interesting book, and there are similarities with the Freedom Convoy.  Indeed, if given no other option but to end the blockades or lose everything, I hope the truckers will simply PARK their trucks — and thereby take back control of the “supply chain crisis” that’s currently being run by those seeking the destruction of our economy and all of Western civilization.

But as much as we admire and cheer for those truckers currently standing in our place on the front lines, it’s my fervent prayer that WE don’t buckle under the pressure.  Because however this ends up, it’s going to affect ALL of us.  Remember, 75% of everything you see in the stores arrives there by truck.  The truckers have tremendous power to break the backs of the tyrants and I hope they do that.  But I also hope that those cheering them on today will not be calling for their blood tomorrow, when things begin getting tough — for the rest of us.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 349.

Double-Speak, Lies, and the Drive For an Article V Convention of States

By Tom DeWeese

February 19, 2022

The drive for an Article V Convention of States is assaulting state legislatures at an intense level. Obviously, proponents of such an action are counting on the discontent of Americans as the Biden cabal proves the misery of massive federal intrusion into every aspect of our lives. Americans naturally want to rein it in.

The problem is the Article V Convention of States strategy is a false hope being perpetrated by forces pretending to be conservative, promising a workable solution to balance the federal budget, stop out-of-control regulations, and give the government back to the people. In truth, the Article V Convention of States movement is one of the greatest flimflams ever perpetrated on the American people. It’s nearly the equivalent of combining the lies of the covid pandemic with election fraud and climate change. In short, the drive for the Article V Convention of States is just that dangerous because unaware state legislators are falling for it, and naive and trusting constituents are supporting them. The Republic is at stake.

The Convention of States Project is the main force pushing the lie in state legislatures. 1984 author George Orwell would have been impressed by this group’s mastery of “double-speak.” They claim that Article V of the U.S. Constitution allows the States to call for a convention that will only consider amendments to the U. S. Constitution. They insist that such a “Convention of States” is not a Constitutional Convention. They claim that the states can control the convention agenda as well as the process of choosing the delegates. Further, they claim that, since anything the convention produces must be approved by a three-fourths majority of the states, there is no possibility that bad things can happen. Worse, they create the impression that freedom-loving advocates of limited government will control the process – you know – Conservatives! NONE OF THESE CLAIMS ARE TRUE!

Here Are the Facts

Article V of the Constitution grants only the following powers regarding such a convention:

First, state legislatures must apply to Congress for a convention.
Second, when two-thirds of the States have presented such an application Congress then calls for the convention.
Three-Fourths of the States are then needed to ratify the actions of the convention.

That’s it. Those are the only guidelines provided in the Constitution for a Convention of States. There are no guidelines on how delegates will be chosen, or how the agenda will be decided. Once enough States apply for the convention, all those decisions concerning when there will be a convention, where it will be held, and who will be delegates, are decided by Congress. This becomes a Constitutional Convention or a Con Con. There is no such thing as a Convention of States controlled by the States.

Today, that means that Nancy Pelosi will lead the decision process on how delegates are chosen and who they will be. Can you imagine what that delegate line-up will look like under her direction? Picture every radical interest group like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter joining forces with the producers in global corporations and the wonderful insight of the World Economic Forum. And, of course, we will need a solid representation of illegal aliens, who will have so much at stake in the outcome of such a historic gathering. Yep, let’s put the genius of Madison, Jefferson, and Washington on the operating table for these forces to give it a lobotomy! Do you think anyone who isn’t marching in goose-step with, or having ideas and credentials not in line with cultural Marxism will be allowed?

Yet, Convention of States Project head, Mark Meckler is busy assuring state legislators that the States can bypass Congress, States will make the rules, control the delegates, limit the convention topic, and will consider only amendments to the Constitution.

The fact is, once chosen, the delegates to a Constitutional Convention become the most powerful force in the country. They have no boss. They are free to move forward as they see fit. To prove that point, here is a little history.

There has been only one Con Con in U.S. history. That was in 1787. It was not intended to be a Con Con. At the time the nation was operating under the Articles of Confederation. There were problems with how the states were dealing with each other through interstate commerce and it was known that the Articles of Confederation needed some revisions. So, it was decided to call a meeting of the States to discuss such revisions. The States did not want this convention to create a new constitution. Rhode Island refused to send delegates for fear that it could become such a convention. Delegates from several other states were given specific instructions by their state governments to not participate in a Constitutional Convention. There was also a very strongly worded resolution by Congress limiting the meeting to the “sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.” Those instructions were completely ignored. As soon as the delegates arrived in Philadelphia, the doors were closed, and the meeting was kept secret until finally they were opened to announce a completely new Constitution for the nation. That is a Precedent!

Second, the Articles of Confederation specifically ordered that no changes could be made to that legal document unless 100% of the States supported the changes. Obviously a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation qualifies as a change! However, then a very radical event took place. As the new Constitution was presented to the people to be ratified by the States, the 100% rule of the Articles of Confederation was completely ignored. Instead, Article VII of the new Constitution, which at this point was only a proposed document to be considered, was used as the guideline to ratify the new constitution. Article VII says “But ratification of the new Constitution The Ratification of the Conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same.” So, in fact, the rules of an unratified document were used to ratify itself. That is a Precedent!

Why are these details important to the debate over an Article V Convention of States? Because, as Mark Meckler and his Convention of States Project are assuring that such things could never happen, that states will control the issues discussed, and that there will not be a Constitutional Convention, there are very specific precedents to the contrary already established. You can be assured that they will be used by those forces who seek to trash the current Constitution. For example, what would stop the delegates from writing a new constitution that simply said the majority of delegates could formally ratify it into law? There would be no need for the states to approve it. It would simply become law. The precedent is there to allow it.

New Constitutions have Already Been Written

Now add to the debate that many forces have already written their own preferred versions of a new constitution to replace our Republic. There are more than twenty such constitutions in existence, just waiting for the opportunity offered from a Convention of States.

The National Constitution Center, a quasi-official branch of the federal government, sponsored a Constitution Drafting Project. They brought together three teams of leading constitutional scholars. The three teams included Team Libertarian, led by representatives from the CATO Institute and the Goldwater Institute; Team Progressive, led by representatives from the Georgetown Law School, Columbia Law School, and the New York University School of Law; and Team Conservative, led by representatives from Princeton University, Stanford Law School, and Arizona University. Just the folks you would want to replace James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. In 2021, they released their three proposed new constitutions.

According to constitutional expert Publius Huldah, each would transfer massive new powers to the Federal government and would legalize many of the unconstitutional acts that have been going on for 100 years. The Progressive Constitution would make abortion, pedophilia, and bestiality constitutionally granted rights. Team Conservative was headed up by Princeton professor Robbie George, who also happens to be a Board Member of the Convention of States Project. That version of a Conservative constitution makes a severe attack on gun rights, authorizing the state and federal governments to ban the possession of all arms, unless they are “ordinarily used for self-defense recreational purposes…” The question must be asked, why would a board member of the very group which promises that there would be no new constitution, actually help write a new constitution?

Meanwhile, a second movement dedicated to writing a new constitution is called Constitution 2020. George Soros heavily bankrolled this movement. The project seeks to create a “progressive” consensus as to what the U.S. Constitution should provide. It would focus on the issues of Equity, Citizenship, and “hopeful pragmatism.”

Mark Meckler of the Convention of States Project argues that there is no possibility of a runaway convention, because the states would be in control of it. The reality is that the runaway has already begun as massive forces are gleefully preparing what will happen when the convention doors are shut to the public.

If the American Republic is to survive, then state legislators must see through the lies and deliberate fraud contained in the Convention of States resolutions which they face. Know this. The Constitution of the United States is not in need of fixing. Instead, those we have entrusted to protect it must be eliminated. The Constitution cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Is America a Republic, or as RINOs and Dems call it, A Democracy?

By Karen Schoen

February 19, 2022

The goal of the Marxist Left is to keep the American people in a constant state of fear. Once you dumb people down in school and people don’t learn how to think, use common sense, logic, and reason they become easy prey for the cowardly Globalist, Communist, Fascists, RINOs, called the Marxist Democrat Party. They are freedom’s enemy.

Their plan has been in the making for decades. People don’t want to volunteer to give up freedom. So in order to win the Globalists must control the media and lie. We will lose as long as we refuse to address the enemy and call them out by name. We may win battles here and there, but they will win the war because they go unchallenged.

The Midterms will determine the level of freedom that Americans are willing to give up. Therefore, the Globalists will be on high alert to demonize Americans, MAGA, and anyone they view as in their way. You will be hearing how the MAGA people are going to steal our democracy.

First off, America is a Republic, not a democracy. So tell them they can have the democracy; we’re keeping the Republic. A Democracy means mob rule. A Republic guarantees equality for all individuals under the law. US Constitution Article IV Section 4 The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union, a Republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion (oops, a black eye to the open borders crowd.) The word democracy doesn’t appear in the Constitution.

There is one thing that the Globalist, Communist, Fascists, RINOs, the Marxist Democrat Party will never be able to overcome in the 2022 election… and that is, there are more of us than there are of them!

They have stolen all the money (1% of the population controls 90% of the wealth); have devised a way to put the corporations in line, controlling and censoring goods and thoughts, instead of analyzing risk assessment to the value of a corporation, the ESG (Environment, Social (Justice) Governance score takes precedence. They have destroyed America’s energy, healthcare, education, and small businesses sectors.

They lie endlessly and are trying their best to beat us into submission. However, judging by the crowds at Trump rallies, mandate demonstrations, and worldwide demonstrations like the Canadian Freedom Truckers rally, the mandate rallies in England, France, and Italy, they will not bring the GREAT RESET to the world without a fight.

America is different than any other country in the world. The land and assets and riches of America belong to We The People, not they, the government. What they are doing is outright theft. The greatest asset of America is We The People. We the American people, earn our citizenship every day as we work and toil to make sure that our country is and always will be the shining city on a hill.

We live in a culture of pervasive obedience. People are giving up their personal agenda, even their ability to reason, out of fear and willingly adhering to the masses. What has recently been called mass formation psychosis, aka Hegelian Dialectic, but you don’t need a fancy term to see it; it’s everywhere.

We have a tremendous amount of issues facing each and every one of us because everything is connected. What you do affects other people without you even realizing it. Let’s take a hard look at 2021, not the talking points that we hear. We all know what the disasters are. But what we are not putting together is who are these people, what policies do they support, and why do they want to destroy America?

Let’s understand who they are and what their motives are.

Globalists – Think United Nations. They want to control the world. They have no allegiance to any country. They pay to influence elections for their favored candidates and lie to get them in office. Look at how the Defund the Police program “helped” the Democrat cities destroy themselves with crime, drugs, suicide, and homelessness.

Notice, their program is NEVER to blame. To them the “common good” means, you give the government all your means of production and distribution of all goods and services. Then the globalists will “share” all sectors equitably – determined by them. Of course, they never share their stuff, only yours. Their view of We the People is there are too many people in the world to control, so depopulation is the name of their game. Globalists don’t care who lives or dies. People are just data points and now are just collateral damage.

Every time we do something online, we are monitored, and our data points are captured. Their goal is to create the perfect droid who will behave like a human without pesky human traits like empathy or reason—no one to rise up in descent. Your Social Credit score will control your behavior. No more money, just a digital card. You will get a card, and when you don’t behave, you will be punished and lose points. No food, travel, children, or ownership in anything. This affects every action you do as you interact with others. Your body, your family, especially children all belong to the government. Did you get your birthing license yet? You are just the birthing partner of the government.

Their UNESCO programs in all American schools provide “limited learning for lifelong labor.” Get your kids out of public government indoctrination clinics that teach nothing other than hate. The only thing Globalists understand is money. Keeping your kids out of government schools decreases their funding.

Communism – The goal of all “isms” is to destroy any hope of individual thought or individual ownership. Globalists and Communists seek to suppress fundamental human rights granted by G-d, because they are atheists. Communists do not believe in G-d. Only government can grant you your rights. What will you lose? Gone are rights to property, freedom of the press, assembly, speech, movement, and religion. No wonder why they hate the US Constitution; Globalists nullified the 1st Amendment. All goods and services must be distributed equitably. Of course, everyone gets the same except the Globalists who control who gets what. Once you have achieved total compliance and have a good Social Credit score, you get to share the crumbs. Globalists never share their stuff, only yours. “You will own nothing and like it.” is their battle cry from Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum.

Once the people realize the scam, they protest. Communists can not ever have opposition. Therefore over 100 million people who questioned or thought they might question were killed over the last one hundred years. Since Communists have no plan after the revolution, they NEVER face the consequences of their actions. The plandemic forced businesses to close and people to stay home and take care of their families. The wonderful government now pays people to stay home. Ignorant sheeple buy into their lies. Now the populace relies on the Communist government to live. But workers are still needed. Their answer is to bring in illegals who will work at a fraction of the salary. The Communist government then stops the give-away programs. Workers who return to work only to find their jobs now command less because there is now a pool of new laborers working for less. Under Communism, the government is made up of criminal Globalists in both parties, who own and control everything.

Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control,” – Professor Maurice King.

For the common good. How do you make people give up their dreams? You lie to them and use racism to divide them.

Fascism – Margaret Thatcher said, Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money. Hence Fascism took root as the funding mechanism. Fascism is Capitalism in decay, – Vladimir Lenin.

Did you ever wonder why major corporations become “WOKE” so fast? It was not really fast. This plan used to keep corporations in line is called ESG (Environment, Social ((Justice)), Governance). This scoring was introduced in 2015 to the banking community as a way to assess risk. It is just being implemented now. What a wonderful way to force public and private companies and major corporations into compliance. They convinced our legislators to change the capitalist model to fascist PPP – Public Private Partnerships. Where the public taxpayer pays and the private gets the profit. Thank you, Rick Scott, for bringing PPPs to Florida. Once the government partners with corporations, regulations can be used to destroy competition. Legislators can then do some insider trading. You and I would go to jail if we did this.

The business scores points by forcing businesses to incorporate programs like Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE) into their instructional programs. If they have low points, then loans, subsidies, government contracts, etc., will be no more. You will now see ESG Risk assessment scores on the stock exchange sheets. Go woke and destroy your country if they only cared, or go broke.

What do these globalists want? Everything you own.

From widely-respected economist Martin Armstrong: “I am deeply concerned that too many Americans are totally blind to the truth. They think this election is just about Biden v Trump. This is the World Economic Forum Agenda summary on eight predictions for 2030, which includes the surrender of the United States to the United Nations. They say the US will no longer be the world Superpower. They will end eating meat, hence Gates’ investment in meat alternatives. They will make fossil fuels history which is why Biden said in the debate he would end the fossil fuel industry and he will rejoin the globalists movement in the United Nations.

  1. “You’ll own nothing” — and “you’ll be happy about it.”
  2. “The US won’t be the world’s leading superpower.”
  3. “You won’t die waiting for an organ donor” — 3D printers will make them.
  4. “You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”
  5. “A billion people will be displaced by climate change” – Soros’ Open Borders.
  6. “Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide.” – “There will be a global price on carbon. This will help make fossil fuels history.”
  7. “You could be preparing to go to Mars” — Scientists “will have worked out how to keep you healthy in space.”
    “Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.” – “Checks and balances that underpin our democracies must not be forgotten.”
  8. This is the agenda that has been set in motion by this fake COVID-19 Pandemic which was instigated by these people, and the lockdowns were intended to crush the economy, set it in the direction of nationalizing all industry, and wipe out small business. They are developing passports that will require vaccines in order to travel. They are deliberately trying to reduce international travel to reduce pollution and to prevent mass uprisings against their new Communist Agenda. Yes, they are moving from Socialism, where you still own something, to Communism, where the government owns everything. It is no coincidence that Pikkety is behind this in league with Klaus Schwab. Communism began in France. They sold the idea to Karl Marx, who was first a socialist.
  9. This is what is at stake in this election. This is not about liking or disliking Trump. They want people to vote on such a superficial basis that he is obnoxious, insults people, and is one of the hated rich.”

I’ll end with a few thoughts from Xiaodan Li:

“To achieve the Socialist goal, the ruling elites divide society by race and class (working vs. poor criminals) in order for them to justify the use of power for wealth transfer.

Socialism promotes collective good over individual well-being and government control over self-governance.

Socialist politicians promise equality in outcome for all. In America, we have equal opportunity for all.

Socialist government authorities dictate which industries will survive.”

Under Soros’ and his ilk, “The cornerstone of capitalism, rule of law, individual freedoms, and private property will be destroyed.”

Time for serious boycotts. Check your bank on the stock exchange. If you see an ESG score, then it’s time to move to a state or local bank. Move your social media to a platform that will not censor. Why are you giving money to people who hate you?

There is only one way to stop a political bully, fight them with the truth. Are you ready?

I will not comply, will you? I believe America is worth saving.

© 2022 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:

Another Bright Shiny Object Distracting Those Silly Americans

By Kat Stansell

February 18, 2022

With news of the Chinese Olympics all over the media, Xi and Putin met in a summit on Feb. 4, 2022. This meeting produced an “unprecedented 5400 word joint statement” which has “consolidated their alliance against the United States.” We , it seems, have entered a new Cold War, while we were waiting for the sporting events to start.

What else could we expect? The strength of the United States has been gravely eroded by pathetic actions of the feckless coup in Washington, DC. America is no longer a threat, but has become a weak sister on the international stage, a veritable laughingstock, who has the respect of few around the world. This puts us and our freedoms in direct danger of destruction, from the outside as well as the inside. The Russia/China alliance has been being built over the last decade, but was severely interrupted by the strong leadership of Donald Trump from 2017 – 2020. As soon as the CCP got Joe Biden installed behind the barbed wire in DC, they knew they would be free to dominate the world.

Chinese media is gushing about a “new era in international relations NOT defined by the U.S.” (Global Times) It is being regarded as “a scathing rejection of the US-led Western hegemony that increasingly threatens global security and stability.” ”Certain states’ attempts to impose their own ‘democratic standards’ on other countries…to draw dividing lines on the grounds of ideology…prove to be nothing but the flouting of democracy” Russia and China believe that this undermines the stability of the world order. THEIRS.

The goals of this Communist alliance are broad but direct.

Their alliance is based on the heavy-fisted use of totalitarian control, rather than western democracy, which has been redefined as the enemy of civilization. Russia has basically handed China the right to attack Taiwan, and China has told Russia they may go ahead and attack Ukraine. They state that they will “cooperate to oppose ‘democratic’ revolutions and may even cooperate to reorder the balance of power in Europe in Russia’s favor.”

“Any defense initiative by the US and the West is a threat to China and Russia”, as defined by this agreement. They urge the West to “eliminate the unrestricted development of global ABM systems”. The agreement is silent to the joint actions of Russia and China to bolster their own militaries and nuclear arsenals, or to secure “Low Earth Orbit and the Moon” for their control. Of course.

In the words of Richard Fischer writing for Geostrategy Direct, “the Feb. 4, China-Russia Summit and statement marks the formal emergence of an alliance-level of cooperation between two dictatorships, explicitly aimed at destroying the power of the United States and other democracies… like Taiwan and Ukraine which threaten the power of the CCP and the Putin dictatorship.”

The gravity of this situation cannot be overemphasized. The uncontested, stolen US election in Nov. 2020 has allowed China to set up a beachhead in our nation’s capitol while making official the cooperation between the world’s two largest Communist countries. Donald J. Trump, like him or not, was the one President of the United States who demanded the respect of both Russia and China. Neither were destined to become our allies over the long haul, but both were backing down from aggressive stances while he was in office. Putin and Xi both respected Trump’s willingness and courage to stand up to them. Strong men respect strong men. This is why, of course, the CCP needed Trump out, and the installation of a failing puppet at the helm of our ship of state.

Globalists have been working for centuries to bring the United States to this point. They are salivating at our demise.

We, in our communities across this nation, are the last chance to save our republic. Acting locally, we can and MUST reverse the willful ignorance and criminal activity in our governments, county, state and federal. WE MUST ELECT THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVES TO OFFICE AROUND THE COUNTRY. The first step is securing our ballots for the upcoming Nov. 2022 election. This can only be done by people working together in local groups where they have the most power and influence. If we do not, if we stand idly by once again, we will play right into the new China/Russia alliance and hand those espousing our death and destruction the green light to proceed.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

[BIO: Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction.]

Corporations Working Hand-In-Glove To Enforce Illegal Government Mandates

By Bradlee Dean

February 18, 2022

Fascism-an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities.

One thing I have noticed over the years is how the corrupt in government advocate some unlawful agenda and then, the corporations nationwide, and world-wide, that are working in alliance with them attempt to push through what it is that the government could never do without them (Isaiah 28:18).

  • Abortion Agenda
  • The Race Card
  • Gay Agenda
  • Homosexual Marriage
  • Transgender Agenda
  • Marijuana
  • Mask mandates
  • Vaccine Mandates
  • Vaccine Passports etc.

To prove the point, Hershey fired un”vaccinated” employees.

“The Hershey Co. has begun firing office workers who have declined to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

On the way out the door, the candy manufacturer is asking the fired employees to sign a nine-page confidentiality and release agreement that would remove their rights to sue the company or talk about their experience.

While their signature comes with a “special separation payment,” many haven’t signed the agreement and won’t get the money. Employees say the payment was determined by an algorithm, and for some, amounted to just over two months’ pay.

By most accounts, working at Hershey was a great job. Employees at the company’s headquarters in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and at offices in other states report higher than average wages and bowls of candy placed around the offices for snacking. For holidays, employees would get a big bag of treats to take home, although that practice stopped after Easter 2021. There’s a sample room for trying new products, colorful graphics decorating the walls, and the products are more fun than selling insurance.

But it stopped being fun after months of human resources department meetings that employees say included education about the vaccines, asking if the employee had changed their mind about getting the shots, as well as uncomfortably invasive questions.

“I really thought I’d be OK,” Kim Durham, a former payment analyst and sourcing buyer, told The Epoch Times. “I thought, you cannot question my faith. Nobody can question that.”

Can anyone show me where a company has the lawful authority in doing so? You cannot answer that because there is NO law that gives them the power or authority in doing so, just the opposite.

As a matter of fact, the companies just told you that they were, in fact, breaking the law.

The article reported: “On the way out the door, the candy manufacturer is asking the fired employees to sign a nine-page confidentiality and release agreement that would remove their rights to sue the company or talk about their experience.”

Why would they request this if they were abiding by the law (Psalm 94:20)?

Americans need to be acquainted with the law here.  Therefore, they are doing what they are doing because most do not know the difference (Hosea 4:6).

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Goose-Stepping into Paradise

by Lee Duigon

February 17, 2022

I didn’t realize the Winter Olympics were on until they were almost over (which happens this Sunday, I suppose). I chanced to see a picture of the opening ceremonies—Chinese Communist soldiers goose-stepping under their flag.

Why do brutal tyrannical regimes always seem to come up with these silly walks for military parades? Hitler, Stalin, Peron, Kim Whatsisname—they all made their soldiers perform silly walks. Who knows why? Maybe it’s just a dictator thing.

China is a bloodthirsty communist dictatorship which world leaders like to pretend is a civilized country. In fact, the global ruling class is very fond of China and would love to do a lot of things the Chicoms do. That “social credit” system, for instance—boffo. If they’d had that in Canada this year, the Freedom Convey never would’ve gotten started. And name an American Democrat who doesn’t admire and want to emulate Red China. I remember Thomas Friedman of the New York Times (he has two swimming pools, not just one) longingly sighing over China’s ability to disregard public opinion, dispense with debate, and Just Do a Green New Deal whether the plebs like it or not. But don’t hold your breath waiting for China to play nice with Climate Change—although in general it’s a good idea to hold your breath when visiting a Chinese city. You can cut the polluted air with a machete.

Have we learned nothing from that disastrous 20th century—when every time you turned around, there was more barbed wire and another pile of dead bodies? Red China is this fallen world’s hangover from that horrible century. It seduces stupid intellectuals. It promises great things.

But these are not new promises. Ye shall be as gods, Satan promised Adam and Eve and launched the DIY Divinity project that they’re still working on today. We break eggs to make the omelet. It’s gonna be great! Just give government enough power over people, the power to sweep off anyone who gets in the way, enough money—all of it, if need be—and the Science and technology it needs to Do Everything (I can’t believe I’m writing something so ridiculous)… and it’s bob’s yer uncle—paradise on earth! All our sins, all our follies, all our hardships, will be engineered out of the system by The Smartest People In The World. Honk if you trust Bill Gates.

Barbed Wire. Dead bodies. That’s how it always turns out. We spent a whole century proving it. Papa Doc Duvalier. The nut in Rumania. Idi Amin. Castro. But who has space to list them all? And none of them could hold a candle to China’s Chairman Mao, when it came to murdering the people of his own country. Tens of millions, at least.

But never mind! China is the future! Join the Chinese Communist Party in goose-stepping into Paradise! See—those golden gates are right in front of us, and we’re gonna go through—globalism’s gonna bring us through.

Just as soon as they get rid of those grubby little Uighurs. And anyone else who’s in the way.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit my site… while you still can. My work can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Bring Back the Nuremberg Trials and do it Publicly

Coach Dave Daubenmire

February 17, 2022

I just got locked up in Facebook jail for saying that Hillary should hang.  I’ve spent more time in jail than her.

Hillary Clinton is a traitor.  Now that the evidence clearly shows that’s why we’re not permitted to demand the law be followed?

But she is not alone.  I hope they have built an industrial grade group of gallows in Gitmo.

America has become a third world country when it comes to our government.  There can not be a more corrupt group of politicians in the world than the one’s we see “serving” us in Washington D. C.

Many of them should jailed.  A whole cadre of miscreants have turned America into a Banana Republic.  It is obvious now.  Our “public servants” have been serving themselves.

I grew up in an age when we used to laugh at the media in Moscow.  Y’all remember the PRAVDA jokes because everyone outside of Russia could see that they were simply promoting the corrupt government message.

“Those poor Russian people are so deceived.  Why can’t they see that their leadership is lying to them?”  Those were the types of words we used when we discussed what was going on behind the Iron Curtain.

Well, the joke is on us.  Joe American is the biggest fool the world has ever seen.  We are slowly waking up to the fact that we have been trapped in our own Lying Curtain.

Yep, Hillary and a whole host of others should be jailed.

Treason is punishable by death.  Sadly, we no longer have the stomach for harsh justice.  Hillary and her Luciferian cohorts know that.  They are counting on the soft under-belly of Christianity to offer them grace.

Well, I want JUSTICE.  The Bible teaches us that “Mercy follows justice”, and I believe that the Mercy of Jesus Christ is available to us all…but Justice comes before Mercy. Without justice there can be no mercy.

Treason is defined as “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

What could be more treasonous than spying on the President of the United States?

Do you have any understanding of the damage Hillary Clinton has done to our Republic?  What if Putin had done what she did?  Joe Biden is President because Hillary’s fake Russiagate overthrew the Trump administration.  That, my friends, is treasonous.

Who else knew about it?  Who else took part in the undermining and eventual overthrown of the US Government?  Who helped her?  Who covered for her?  Who looked the other way?

I bet this GANG OF 8 knew.

Looking the other way is a crime as well.  It is called Misprison of treason.

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.”

Who knew? Comey? Clapper? Biden? Obama? McConnell? Pelosi? Ryan? Barr? The list is endless.  A cabal of accomplices on both sides of the aisle were complicit or negligent by their silence and cooperation.  Silence is compliance.  God only knows how many others knew what was going on.

Our Republic stands in the valley of decision.  A valley so deep that the very survival of this nation dangles over the abyss.

Spying on a sitting President.  Let that sink in.  Nixon was a piker.

The United States of America is under siege.  We are being defeated from within. Even our police departments defend the power of the corrupt government rather than the rights of the people.  Look at what is going on in Canada. Cops stealing the truckers diesel fuel so they won’t be able to keep warm. Loyal to a dictator Justin Trudeau for a paycheck.

“People need to be held accountable.”  I hear that crap all of the time.  Lady Justice is supposed to be blind but she obviously has her foot on the scales.  They spied on the President and rigged an election.  Our liberty is slipping through our fingers.

Do you really think that “the corrupt government” will hold “the corrupt government” accountable?

It all ties together.

Bring back the Nuremberg trials and do it publicly.

Message to the FBI and the Secret Service.  I’m not planning any vigilante justice.  I make no threats to Hillary and her cohorts. I am simply asking that YOU follow YOUR oath and protect us from ALL enemies…especially the DOMESTIC ones.

I believe in the rule of law.  I believe in honest, God-ordained government.  The act of treason is punishable by death.  I simply call for justice.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

580,000 Homeless Americans Need Our Help: Not Illegal Immigrants

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 17, 2022

Two nights ago, February 15, 2022, on News Nation with Ashleigh Banfield, she reported that America features 580,000 homeless citizens.  Not only that, but San Francisco boasts 35,000 homeless while Los Angeles simmers with 66,000 people living in tents, sleeping on cardboard boxes and deposit their daily constitutional on the streets of the city. On the West Coast, Seattle sports 6,000 homeless living near grade schools, under bridges, in the woods and right up to residential fence lines.

In 2019, I bicycled through San Francisco to see it for myself.  The streets reeked with feces, rotten food, rat droppings, needles, trash everywhere and urine.  When I pedaled through Los Angeles, it was almost beyond imagination how anyone could live in such human misery.

While traveling through Asia, I saw the same thing 20 years ago.  India features 1.4 billion people living at the lowest end of the spectrum.  An astounding 60 percent of Indians lack a toilet, shower and sink.  Poverty remains the norm.  Filth cannot be imagined.  Trash stifles every street, river and lake. Illiteracy dominates.

In Denver, I see 10,000 homeless at every juncture in the city.  They’ve trashed City Park so much so; they have gated it off against anyone.

The glaring, if not totally insane aspect of all this homelessness stems from the fact that our U.S. Congress and this president continue pouring millions more homeless into our country every year.  And yet, the mainstream media suppresses any mention of all of it.

One of the interviews on Banfield’s show said that 60 percent of the homeless suffer from mental health/addiction problems.  Individuals make up a full 70 percent of the homeless while families fill out the last 30 percent.

(These are the streets of downtown Denver, Colorado. Street after street, after street. Denver City Council members voted to allow this situation.)  Photo by Frosty Wooldridge

Banfield interviewed Christi Carpenter of SafeTime, who works to place homeless people in residential homes.  She proved to be a wide-eyed idealist that possessed no idea of the dangers to homeowners to let deranged-drug-addicted, illiterate, drunken and totally insane individuals into average American homes.  How do you get 35,000 in San Francisco and another 66,000 LA homeless into residential homes?

Having bicycled through their ranks, I witnessed third world misery here in the USA, which, by the way, the stench sickened me in India and Bangladesh, but to smell it here in America, it’s nearly impossible to understand what those people in charge in all these cities are doing to solve the crisis.  Here in Denver, they let them camp and crap all over the streets off California Ave and 14th.  I snapped dozens of pictures.

And yet, Biden wants another 2,000,000 third world migrants added again to our country in 2022.  What kind of crazy people operate in Washington DC?  We know AOC, the daffy dufus female out of New York is a whack job.  We know that Maxine Waters from California can’t add 2+2 to obtain 4.  We know that Senator Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi “insider trade” on defense contracts, but they won’t solve the homeless problems in their own states.

(Over 66,000 homeless in Los Angeles live under bridges, on the streets, on the beaches, trash everywhere, drugs, human misery, and, the people in charge refuse to solve the problems.) Photo by Frosty Wooldridge

So, what do we do with 2,000,000 more illegal immigrants while we see 580,000 of our own homeless citizens languishing in some kind of slum-purgatory?  Will any of those millions of immigrants solve America’s homeless problems?  Will any of the 38 million people subsisting on food stamps and EBT cards solve our homeless problems?  Why aren’t any  solutions forthcoming?

And did you notice the homeless African-American Tuesday night follow an Asian-American girl back to her apartment in New York City, while he walked in behind her, and stabbed her 40 times. She died.  He featured a criminal record as long as a football field and a brain the size of a pea…but he was let out every time until he killed that girl. Now, we get to feed him three squares and a cot for the next 60 years at an average of $65,000.00 annually.

Who is running the cuckoo’s nest?  With all of this stupidity, Biden wants to solve the “Climate Change” crisis by adding 5.0 million more people to our highways annually, along with their homes burning fuels to keep warm…and then, what it takes in fossil fuels to feed 5.0 million more people within the USA annually, net gain.

Is there an “ounce of common sense” in Washington DC?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

We need a total termination of all immigration for the next 20 years. These two organizations are the only ones to advocate for a 20 year moratorium on all immigration. Take action: and

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Another War, Another Buck

By Servando Gonzalez

February 16, 2022

Part One: Communism in America

Currently, warmongers of both factions of the Repucratic Party are doing what they do best: pushing for another war. Actually, they have strong reasons for. Despite the strong support they gave to terrorists worldwide, the World on Terror did not end with a bang, but with a whimper, because the would-be terrorists did not terrorize enough.

Currently, its substitute, the War on the Virus, frantically waged against viruses nobody has seen, isolated, much less proven their existence, is losing steam. Surprisingly, a group of Canadian truckers is coming to rescue us from totalitarianism in the Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave. This explains why both Repucrats and the globalist conspirators who control and bankroll them are very nervous and doing their best to push us into another war to keep us terrorized.

But this time, believe it or not, these madmen are seemingly toying with the idea of starting the ultimate war, a nuclear war. Perhaps they see it as the right tool to reach their goal of killing no less than 85 percent of the population on this planet.

And, surprise! Apparently some “conservative” Republicans love Communism so much that they want to restore it in Russia —which some of them are still calling the Soviet Union. This explains why these anti-Russia “conservative” Republicans such as Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Ben Shapiro and Glenn Beck, just to mention the most notorious, are calling real American patriots such as Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Steve Bannon, traitors, allegedly because they are soft on Putin and Communism. But this is a typical case of the pot calling the kettle black, because since the beginning of the past century the United States of America has been a full-fledged Communist country, and none of the dyed-in-the-wool “conservative” Republicans has fought against it.

Yes, you read that right, Communism is as American as Apple Pie and, if you still ignore this easily verifiable fact, it is because you are either a brainwashed sheep or don’t know what Communism is all about.

In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx wrote that in order to call a country Communist it must have certain characteristics. Cardinal among these are a central bank owned by international bankers, a heavy progressive or graduated income tax designed so the very rich pay no taxes, a state-controlled system of public education whose true role is brainwashing students about he marvels of Communism and other nasty things. All these measures were implemented a long time ago in this country, and currently the globalist conspirators who control this country are working hard on implementing the rest of the measures Communist love: abolition of religion, abolition of the family as a basic social unit and elimination of private property.[1]

Moreover, contrary to the most extended belief, Communism is actually the creation of demented leftists, but of the most reactionary right. It is actually a false flag operation concocted by international bankers and oil magnates to better exploit the working masses.

Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, a.k.a. Karl Marx, published his Communist Manifesto in 1848. But the Manifesto borrowed so heavily from Clinton Roosevelt’s book The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law, published in 1841, which Marx found at the Reading Room of the British Museum, that it was close to a plagiarism. Dr. Emanuel M. Josephson, one of the few authors who has studied the subject in detail, titled his book on Clinton Roosevelt Roosevelt’s Communist Manifesto.[2] Josephson was absolutely right. Both Roosevelt’s Science and Marx’s Manifesto agree on the prerequisites for the implementation of the new communist society.

According to some sources, the Communist League in London commissioned Marx to write the Communist Manifesto. The League, formerly known as the League of the Just (or the League of Just Men), was an offshoot of the Parisian Outlaws League (which evolved from the Jacobin movement). The League was made up of rich and powerful men from different countries that had conspired to create much of the turmoil that engulfed Europe in 1848 —very similar to the turmoil we are experiencing these days created by the globalist conspirators.

It seems, however, that it was not by chance that Marx found Roosevelt’s book. In 1849, both Clinton Roosevelt and Horace Greeley, owner of the New York Tribune, the country’s first national newspaper, provided funds for the Communist League in London to pay for the publication of Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Moreover, Greeley put Marx on his newspapers’ payroll.

The fact that Communism is actually the creation of international bankers explains why the Rockefellers were always in love with Stalin, Mao, Castro and every other communist and fascist dictator in the world. It may also explain why Obama and now Biden are pushing America in the way of communo-fascism with the support of Wall Street bankers and mega corporations.

But only brainwashed Americans who still see the present situation as a political battle between conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats have a reason to be surprised, because there is nothing to be surprised about. Obama and Biden are just the logical culmination of a process that began a long time ago, in the early 1900s. Its secret goal was turning the American Republic, and eventually the world, into a communo-fascist totalitarian dictatorship under the control of a few international bankers. This new global dictatorship is what the conspirators euphemistically call the New World Order.

If some Americans are concerned because Biden and the “progressive” liberals are going the communist way, it is because they have been brainwashed in the public schools to believe they live in a Democracy under a capitalist economic system. The reality, however, it is quite different. Actually, the United States of America has been a communist country since 1913, when “Colonel” Edward Mandell House, following ideas taken from Roosevelt’s Science of Government and Marx’s Communist Manifesto ordered his puppet Woodrow Wilson to create the Federal Reserve System and the Internal Revenue System (originally named the Bureau of Internal Revenue).

Another premise Marx mentioned for the creation of a Communist state is the creation of a system of public schools to better brainwash the new generation. Well, as early as 1902, John D. Rockefeller and other conspirators created the General Education Board as a precursor of the Department of Education.

Once they got control over the Department of Education, the globalist conspirators began using it to brainwash students into accepting their globalist agenda. In 1945 “educator” John Dewey, founder of the Progressive Education Association, called for the establishment of a “genuine world order,” in which national sovereignty would be subordinate to world authority. In 1976 the Rockefeller-controlled and financed National Education Association (NEA), published a program entitled, “A Declaration of Interdependence: Education for a Global Community.” The document states NEA’s educational plan for the world:

“We are committed to the idea of Education for Global Community. You are invited to help turn the commitment into action by mobilizing world education for development of a world commitment into action by mobilizing world education.”

This excellent brainwashing job disingenuously called “public education” has been carried out for many long years by our Communist system of government education. The excellent results are obvious for everybody to see: American childrens are in the lowest levels in reading, history, geography and math. This explains why teachers get salary increases almost every year.

Granted, I’m not sure if Vladimir Putin is as honest and pure as most of our American politicians, big business leaders and high rank military officers. What is evident is that, contrary to our leaders, Putin does not hate his country, he seemingly is a devoted Christian and, even more important, he doesn’t want Russia to become part of the globalist conspirator’s beloved New World Order. That’s the true reason why the globalist conspirators hate him so much.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


  1. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto (New York: Penguin, 1983), pp. 104-105. According to some sources, Marx was not only a plagiarist, but also a Satanist. See Richmond Wurmbrand, Was Karl Marx a Satanist? (Glendale, CA: Diane Books, 1976). Had Marx been alive today, he would be pleased about the advance of Satanism in this former God-fearing Republic. See, Servando Gonzalez, Coronavirus for Dunces (Hayward, CA: El Gato Tuerto, 2020), pp. 99, 167.
  2. See Emmanuel Josephson, Roosevelt’s Communist Manifesto (New York: Chedney Press, 1955). Some people believe that both Clinton Roosevelt’s Science and Karl Marx’s Manifesto were plagiarized from yet an earlier eighteenth century collection of writings by Adam Weishaupt, and that Roosevelt simply picked up the torch and passed it on to Marx, but that’s another story.

Who Controls China, Controls the World

By Kathleen Marquardt

February 16, 2022

We have read many articles seen many videos recently saying that America could be at war with China soon. If that is so, it would be straight out of George Orwell’s 1984, where we are fighting with other areas of the world just to keep our citizens afraid and in line. And yesterday, it was sent home to me.

My phone rang and told me I had a call from Mainland China. Did I answer? NO! Why would anyone in China be calling me? For a second, I thought it might be the people in Wuhan calling about an article I wrote a couple of years ago that they wanted to be pulled. But no, I had their number.

Then the voicemail came:

It was not about the largest facility ever built — right before Covid was released — to dispose of dangerous medical waste. It was about a medical appointment with my doctor here in Tennessee.

Our pundits tell us we may be at war with China, or maybe Russia, or, instead, Iran – or perhaps all three, soon. Yet our medical facilities are outsourcing to China? I’m sorry, I do not understand. How do I wrap my brain around this?

In my humble opinion, it is the update of 1984. At the Yalta Conference in 1945, it took just 11 minutes for Roosevelt, Gromyko, and a U.S. government “nobody” (Churchill wasn’t at the table for this) to hand China to the Russians. From “We Have Met the Enemy, Our own government”:

What does this whole sordid transaction teach us about the good faith of the advisers of Roosevelt and the assorted liberals, Communists, Communist sympathizers? And agents of the Kremlin – the Achesons, the Lattimores, the Phillip Jessups, and the Institute of Pacific Relations – who have for so long been insincerely befuddling the people with talk of imperialism and people’s rights in Asia.

Why, merely this: that in their minds the imperialism of the west, that decaying instrument of European expansion, is wicked and must be opposed. The imperialism of Russia is not only commendable but must be advanced by every means of diplomacy and war at whatever cost to the United States. That is the liber-leftist doctrine on imperialism. Have we heard one liberal voice raised in the Senate or elsewhere in condemnation Roosevelt’s surrender to Russian imperialism at Yalta? This is the test, and by it we may measure the monstrous hypocrisy of the liberal elements in Congress and in the country which have assisted in and applauded the surrender of all China to Russia without the firing of a single Russian shot.

There was a lot of talk of the U.S. trying to entice Russia into the Japanese war, which was pure disinformation. Russia wanted to attack Japan and, far more important wanted a seat at the peace table where the spoils of the war would be divided, and they would get more than their fair share (their share would have been zero).

Back in 1942, in a meeting with Averell Harriman in Moscow, “Stalin told Harriman then that Japan was the historic enemy of Russia and that her eventual defeat was essential to Russian interests. (emphasis, mine.) Roosevelt was (falsely) advised by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that “we had a long, hard row to hoe with the Japanese and that without Russia’s help we might not achieve victory”. The Japanese were already sending out peace feelers, but this was kept from Roosevelt.

McCarthy sums it up: Was this a sincere endeavor by the master of global strategy to advance American interest? Did we sorely need Russian assistance? Or was it another in the baffling pattern of General Marshall’s interventions in the course of the great war which conduces to the well-being of the Kremlin.

Re China, McCarthy again lays it out so that we aren’t able to pretend not to understand: Was it to the Kremlin’s interest to march its armies into Manchuria, from which they had been barred since 1905 by the Kwantung army, and to be in possession there when the war ended? If some Americans did not grasp the strategic importance of Manchuria, there is certainly abundant evidence that the Kremlin, faithful to Lenin’s dictum that “he who controls China controls the world,” never lost sight of it. . . . Any intelligent American, after giving the matter sufficient thought, would know that the aim of Roosevelt and Marshall at Yalta should have been not how to get the Russians in, but how to keep them out.

John Stewart Service was one of the men whose job was to assure the Departments of War and State that “the Chinese Communists were moderate reformers, simple agrarians in the style of Thomas Jefferson, (emphasis, mine) with no subservience to Moscow. Service sent a report to the State Department in 1944, stating:

Politically, any orientation which the Chinese Communists may once have had toward the Soviet Union seems to be a thing of the past. The Communists have worked to make their thinking and program realistically Chinese, and they are carrying out democratic policies which they expect the United States to approve and sympathetically support.

Am I being silly to be concerned about any of my medical information being in Mainland China? It probably has been for years, and perhaps it is just having it confirmed that bothers me. But I am not the only one here with significant concerns. Tom DeWeese posted this today:

“It might just be wishful thinking on my part, but I’m hoping the positive result of the China Olympics will be a great awakening to the true nature of communism. They will lie, cheat, steal and do anything necessary to win. They are censoring the news media and intimidating reporters, disqualifying teams for questionable infractions, including team uniform fittings – especially those of the strongest teams. They are basically starving the athletes with uneatable rations, which can only lead to weakening them in competition. Meanwhile, the Chinese seem to keep winning. China should never have been awarded the honor to host the Olympics. Communism is the face of the greatest threat to human freedom and should never be honored in civilized society as simply another political philosophy. It destroys everything that represents human decency. Take a good look at these Olympic games and see communism in action — and stop it wherever it breeds.”

Where is the outrage? When do the governments of those competitors start demanding review and response? It looks like “we the people” are the only ones concerned that our world is being run by those who believe that “your truth is yours and mine is mine”. In fact, our government and those of most of the Western World are all caving or perhaps, better said, in collusion with the Chinese. My bet is the latter.

Let’s Roll!

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

Will Trudeau and Biden Pull the Trigger?

By Lex Greene

February 16, 2022

With every passing moment and rising tide of country-wide public demonstrations against any further tyrannical abuses of governmental power, it becomes more and more obvious that none of the current western leaders are actually in charge of anything, except their Nazi enforcers. They are all taking orders from a global power-elite and assaulting their own countries.

It’s also clear that these so-called leaders have painted themselves into a very dangerous corner. So far, both have tried labeling their Citizens as criminals, threatened them with everything they can, frozen patriot funds donated to support the citizen’s protest, and call on banks to seize the funds they can’t freeze at GoFundMe or other fund-raising apps. Nothing is working to quiet public dissent…

Meanwhile, cops are becoming increasingly violent as they attempt to steal gas, wood, food, and water and essentially starve or freeze protesters out of position, even after a Canadian court ordered police to stand down and return the truckers private property. A court order totally ignored by the Trudeau government. The scenes are nothing short of pre-WW Germany.

None of this ever happened to BLM or ANTIFA as they looted and burned cities all across America for the past few years. None of this is even done to any illegal invader at the USA southern border.

In fact, four people were shot at a Justin Bieber Super Bowl Party and L.A. fans destroyed blocks of L.A. following their team win, at least 19-businesses vandalized and looted, and the leftist media isn’t at all interested.

But almost two weeks of trucker demonstrations around the globe later, the only violence, theft, and destruction has been done by tyrannical government officials, lawless fake “law enforcers” to be exact.

While Biden and Trudeau try to affix public attention upon the Russian threat on the Ukraine border, both have already declared WAR against their own Citizens in Canada and the USA. Both are working in concert with one another, as well as with a cabal of Marxist misfits around the world, in an effort to put down the increasing demonstration of discontent among Citizens everywhere, fed up with the baseless draconian tyranny coming from the halls of their own governments.

According to both “leaders,” only public demonstrations that involve destruction of public and private property, looting, theft, violence, assaults on law enforcement and the torching of entire cities, qualify as “lawful protests.” In the USA, such events have only taken place in Democrat run cities, at the hands of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, both of which are Democrat Party sponsored terror groups funded through the DNC global fund-raising machine, ACT BLUE.

After just 12-months of a fraudulent Biden dictatorship, the entire world is melting down. Russia is threatening to invade Ukraine, China is threatening to invade Taiwan, and both are threatening to annihilate the USA if Biden should dare to interfere. Our southern border is wide open and flooded with millions of illegal invaders from 145 countries, most of them military age males, whom Biden then ships to cities across America in the dark of night.

The U.S. Dollar is being systematically driven into the tank, the U.S. economy is in the worst shape since the Great Depression, and society is so divided that it may never be able to unite on freedom ever again. Inflation is the worst we have seen in more than 40-years and the stock market may soon see the biggest “correction” in its history.

Literally everything Biden could break has been broken, in just 12-months. Still, Biden and Trudeau are only concerned with keeping Klaus Schwab’s Great Commie Reset on track, and silencing all dissenters, just like they have silenced all REAL COVID science for over two years.

The peaceful protests taking place in Canada, the USA, and countries all over the globe, by unarmed law-abiding taxpayer Citizens, have been declared “unlawful, racist, white supremacist, insurrections, and a threat to democracy.” The people who made this declaration are the same people who funded, promoted, and defend to this day, and illegal invasion of the USA and the BLM and ANTIFA riots across the USA.

As Citizens rise up all over the globe, to end the tyrannical government abuses of power ordered by Klaus Schwab (WEF) and his many minions in positions of power and influence around the world, mid-level minions like Biden and Trudeau find themselves painted into a deadly corner, and someone isn’t going to survive it…either the Schwab (WEF) puppets, or the Citizens.

So far, the people have rejected every call to stand down and return home. Every time the WEF puppets raise their threats against the Citizens, more Citizens show up to stand their ground. Both sides are rapidly approaching that moment when no one can back down. Push is coming to shove!

The LEFT has been working to defund both Law Enforcement and the Military for years now, in both countries. It was the political Right that once “backed the blue” and celebrated past military heroes. But as the world watches current enforcers in both groups enforce the WEF Global Reset orders, in direct violation of the law, the Right will soon find itself no longer able to back either group.

The scenes we see playing out everywhere now, of “law enforcement” allegedly trying to enforce the law, is nothing more than people in that job trying to keep their taxpayer-funded paycheck at any cost, by simply following whatever tyrannical orders they are given without any regard for whether or not they should be following those orders. And they have the nerve to demand public respect…

These are very low level useful idiots for the WEF global reset underway, not real “law enforcement” officers. What they are doing is “unlawful.” They are not at all concerned with the law. They are only concerned with their paycheck, funded entirely by the taxpayers they are desperately trying to silence.

But here’s the corner these fake “leaders” have painted themselves and all of “our” employees into.

Sooner or later, so long as the Citizens don’t surrender, these morons will face a critical decision, to issue the order to pull the trigger and fire on peaceful unarmed Citizens, or not. They are already making arrests. They are arresting peaceful and lawful Citizens for using their “free speech” to speak to their elected public servants, who aren’t listening at all.

It’s only a matter of time until the “global reset enforcers” will have to decide just how far they are willing to go to keep that taxpayer-funded paycheck. Are they willing to kill innocent unarmed Citizens? It wouldn’t be the first time global Nazis killed for their anti-American global agenda.

Clearly, they have not done the math. There are not enough police or military to take on their entire citizenry in any country, outside of communist China and Russia. Those issuing the orders believe that they are untouchable, but no one is untouchable.

The fake “leaders” issuing orders think they can issue these orders free from any personal consequences. They are wrong about that.

Those following the orders clearly think they can do what they are doing, free from any personal consequences too. They are wrong also!

Time will soon tell just how far they are all willing to go in an effort to stamp out their own Citizens, in support of the WEF COVID19: GLOBAL MARXIST RESET.

Everyone is following orders, including the fake leaders and their useful idiots. How far are they willing to go to serve the global agenda of Klaus Schwab and his maniacal Young Global Leaders?

We’re about to find out!

If any government opens fire on peaceful unarmed protesters, that will be a shot heard around the world, as the entire world is watching intently.

That would be their final fatal error!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Feb. 15, 1973: American POW’s Come Home With Honor—A Day To Remember

by Rees Lloyd

February 15, 2022

February 15, 2022 is the 49th  anniversary of a shining moment in American history: It was on that day in 1973 that American prisoners of war came home from Vietnam with their honor intact,  after suffering unspeakable torture, some for over seven years, at the hands of  North Vietnam led by dedicated Communist Ho Chi Minh.

It was a day of great importance in 1973 in an America divided by the war in Vietnam. And it is a day to remember all these years later in an even more  divided America.It is important for what it teaches about honor, duty, country, and who and what we are as Americans.

The Vietnam War had divided Americans as never before. It was and remains the first time in American history that veterans came home from war not to be honored for their service and sacrifice, but to be vilified, defamed as “war criminals,” told by their military commanders not to wear their uniforms in traveling home, many even spat upon as they arrived home at airports, train or bus stations.

Of the Americans who served, the Prisoners of War who exposed the inhuman torture of POW’s by their North Vietnam captors under the leadership of dedicated Communist Ho Chi Minh, were the most despised, and vilified by celebrities like Progressive Liberal Jane Fonda; her Leftist husband Tom Hayden—a founder of Students For A Democratic Society (“SDS”); the “Prairie Fire” communist domestic terrorist bombers like Bill Ayers (a multi-millionaire’s son) and his wife, Bernadine Dorn (a wealthy lawyer’s daughter) ; and self-promoting Democrat political opportunists like John Kerry, who publicly accused American troops of war crimes in Congressional testimony without ever being able to offer any proof. He was later thoroughly exposed as an utter and contemptible self-promoting liar by the book “Unfit For Command,”  but remains to this day a leader in the Democrat Party.

These Leftist, Progressive Liberal Democrats, Socialists, Communists, and Communist supporting Democrats, publicly, viciously, and blatantly falsely denounced the POW’s as “liars” in claiming “torture.” They insisted that Ho Chi Minh was but a benevolent nationalist patriot who would not engage in torture. Only after the war was the overwhelming evidence acknowledged that Ho Chi Minh was in fact a dedicated Communist dictator who was in fact responsible for, and had personally ordered, the torture of POW’s on his refusal to follow the Geneva Accords.

The American prisoners of war were almost all American pilots, who resisted Communist demands that they betray America despite appalling, inhumane, torture, ordered and orchestrated by dedicated Communist Ho Chi Minh right up to the day of his death. Today, those facts are indisputable.

There were 776 Americans taken prisoner of war; 114 of them died in Communist captivity.  The Communists under Ho Chi Minh refused to recognize them as Prisoners of War. Instead, the Communists declared them to be “war criminals” and blatantly violated the Geneva Convention. In what became known by the POW’s as the “Hanoi Hilton,” and like prisons, the POWs were kept in filthy, windowless, vermin-infested, airless cells.

Those seen as “ringleaders” of the resistance, like ranking officers of the resisters in what became known as the “Alcatraz Eleven,” James Stockdale, who would later receive the Medal of Honor, and his second in command, Jeremiah Denton, who receive the Navy Cross, would be locked in solitary confinement for over four long years, in which horrific torture was inflicted on them, and the other resisters.

The fact of torture was not confirmed until 1966. Then, the Communists attempted to force Jeremiah Denton to participate in a propaganda broadcast to be filmed by a Japanese crew for international distribution.

Instead, Denton not only did not say what the Communists wanted him to say, but he blinked his eyes as if he had an eye problem. He was in fact  blinking in Morse Code: “T-O-R-T-U-R-E.” Naval intelligence immediately understood what Denton was communicating.  When the Communists later realized what Denton had done, they tortured him nearly to death, as he recounts in his now classic book on what POW’s endured:When Hell Was In Session.” (WND Book)

Overwhelming post-war proof of torture beyond any reasonable doubt has given the lie  to Fonda, Hayden, Kerry, et al, including books by many of the POWs. These include, the late Admiral Jeremiah Denton’s classic “When Hell Was In Session;”  “Surviving Hell,” by Col. Leo Thorsness (USAF, ret.; Medal of Honor); The Passing Of The Night,” by the late Gen. Robinson Risner (USAF); American Patriot,” the biography of the late and legendary Air Force combat pilot Col. Bud Day,a hero in three wars (WWII, Korea, Vietnam), Medal of Honor recipient  who was the most decorated veteran of his era; Chained Eagle,” by Everett Alvarez, Jr., the first pilot shot down, a POW for eight years; and, among others, Faith of my Fathers,”  by the late Sen. John McCain who refused an offer of early release by the Communists because his father was the Commanding Admiral, and suffered horrendous torture for his refusal.  Whatever thoughts may be today be regarding McCain’s actions as a politician, McCain was a true hero as a POW; was recognized as such by his fellow POWs; and was left permanently crippled in his arms by torture.

More recently, Author Alvin Townley has written a book magnificently telling the true story of the torture POW’s endured in Vietnam, and what  their families endured at home: DEFIANT: The POWs Who Endured Vietnams Most Infamous Prison; The Women Who Fought For Them, And The One Who Never Returned.”

The nation was and remained terribly divided over Vietnam. It was not until February, 1973, that the  breakthrough in Paris peace talks came and Operation Homecoming began. The first flight of emancipated POWs out of Vietnam to Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines was on Feb. 12, 1973. At Clark, the elected spokesman for the POWs, then-Captain Jeremiah Denton, in military uniform, stepped to the microphone, and spoke in short stroke words which began the stirring of the heart of a divided nation:

We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances. We are profoundly grateful to our Commander-in-Chief and to our nation for this day. God Bless America.”

Then came that shining moment three days later on February 15, 1973, when Denton, Jim Mulligan, and the others of the first group of POW’s landed at the Portsmouth Naval base in Virginia, back on American soil. Their wives and children rushed to embrace them, as, to the POWs surprise, a huge crowd of Americans roared with cheers for them, waving flags, laughing, some weeping with joyful emotion, Americans at last embracing  the Americans they sent to war, welcoming them home as all Vietnam veterans should have been welcomed.

Many of the Vietnam POW’s are no longer with us, including  Admiral James Stockdale, Admiral Jeremiah Denton, Col. Bud Day, and many others. But their example is with us, and it is a challenge.

Lt. Col. Orson Swindle,  a much decorated retired Marine combat pilot who flew over 200 missions before being shot down on November 11, 1966, is one of the surviving POW’s. He endured six years and four months of torture at the hands of the North Vietnamese Communists who targeted him as one of the worst of the “resisters.” He is universally admired and recognized in almost all of the memoirs of the former POW’s, and other books on the POW’s.  The late POW Col. Leo Thorsness once described Col. Swindle to me as “the toughest of the tough” resisters.

As the 49th Anniversary of the POW’s return in honor approached, I asked Lt.Col. Swindle why he believes it is important now to remember what the POW’s did then. He said:

“I think it is very important to remember and honor the service and sacrifice of the Vietnam War POW’s because our democracy depends on our people doing the right thing. The Vietnam POW’s did that, in the face of great adversity. We held on for five, six, seven, and even eight years of torture. We did the right thing. We just said ‘No!”

“We knew our country isn’t perfect. But, even knowing the warts and all, our country  has offered all people more freedom, and more opportunity than any country ever, and is still, the greatest nation on earth. Deserving of our support, our sacrifice, even our love. That  is why we did what we did.

“In the interrogations, in which we were often beaten, abused, or tortured, it would have been so easy to escape punishment by saying what the Communists wanted to hear. But, we said “No.” We often got beaten up, but we said “No.”

I was, I believe, POW Number 144. Ultimately, there would be over 700. I learned so much from those who came before me. They were remarkable leaders who set the example. Men like [later Admiral and Medal of Honor recipient] James Stockdale, [later Admiral, and Navy Cross recipient] Jeremiah Denton, and Bud Day [Air Force combat pilot, Medal of Honor recipient, hero in three wars —WWII, Korea, and Vietnam—, and considered the most decorated veteran of his era]. They and the other POW’s who followed them ought to be remembered, honored, and followed.

“Following their example, we suffered, but we wouldn’t surrender, through years of abuse, beatings, and torture. We would just say—‘No!” And we did that time after time.

I confess that I am greatly concerned about what is happening in our country today. No one seems to be held accountable. We have a debacle in Afghanistan in which Americans were left behind. We have an invasion at our southern border. We have rising inflation. We have crime escalating all across the country. We have mandates telling us we can’t leave our homes, or enter restaurants without masks, or go to church. We have had hundreds of violent riots, looting, burning, police being injured. There is one crisis after another. We are being lied to repeatedly. But  no one is being held accountable. I am afraid if we don’t wake up and stand up against this, and against so-called “Woke” culture, we are not going to have a country.

“So, I believe Citizens need to do today what the POW’s did even in the face of terrible torture—do the right thing, and just say ‘No!”

Amen. May the God the  POW’s served bless and keep them; may the country for which the POW’s  served and sacrificed so courageously and honorably always remember and honor them—and their families.

© 2022 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

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The Leipzig School

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

February 15, 2022

Originally published June 25, 2004

The last several years, a great deal of attention has been paid to the effects upon American society of the Frankfurt School, associated with names like Georg Lukacs, Max Horkheimer, Eric Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Wilhelm Reich and Herbert Marcuse. However, practically no attention has been given to the effects of the Leipzig School, which is equally important. The following is an outline of the background and history of the Leipzig School.

1- Rousseau’s Social Contract and Swiss educator Pestalozzi (Illuminati code name “Alfred”) impacted French Revolution.

2- Pestalozzi’s philosophy in American schools 1806, and believed religion should not be the guiding principle in education. Horace Mann (father of American public education) picked up on this.

3- Weishaupt infiltrated French Revolution and through education accomplished many goals. The Illuminati also placed its people with future rulers (e.g., Czar Alexander I) to educate them.

4- Comte de St. Simon’s scientific and collectivist socialism was an industrial feudalism ruled by self-appointed elite. Robert Owen and son and New Harmony followed from this, and Orestes Brownson said their goal was to have national education without Christianity.

5- St. Simon’s secretary Auguste Comte coined “Sociology” 1838, and during this time, Ludwig von Westphalen taught St. Simon’s principles to von Westphalen’s son-in-law, Karl Marx.

6- Skull & Bones formed at this time (early 1830s) from German university corps, and will use elitist swastika symbol.

7- August Comte’s System of Positive Polity volumes published around 1850, attacking culture (before Gramsci) with a “Religion of Humanity” (humanism rather than Christianity). “Positivism” takes over our courts with Positivists like Holmes and Frankfurter saying the Constitution means whatever they say it means, in a humanistically relativistic sense (Holmes writes Harold Laski that all the unfit, including fundamentalists, should be sterilized).

8- St. Simon’s elitist-controlled socialistic industrial feudalism is picked up by John Ruskin (swastika on grave) who reads Plato daily and believes children belong to whole community. Ruskin belongs to Society for Psychical Research.

9- Ruskin is mentor of Cecil Rhodes (and Gandhi), and Rhodes forms secret society to take the government of the world.

10- At the same time Rhodes is listening to Ruskin, Wilhelm Wundt (grandfather code name “Raphael” with Illuminati) begins experimental lab in 1870s at Leipzig University. Wundt arrives in 1875 and lab begins 1879. Pavlov comes to Leipzig to study 1884, and G. Stanley Hall is Wundt’s first American Ph.D. student.

11- Hall brought to Johns Hopkins University by Skull & Bones member Daniel Coit Gilman, and Hall mentors John Dewey (father of Progressive Education) there. Dewey is member of Society for Psychical Research and is an educational psychologist. Also at Johns Hopkins in late 19th century are Woodrow Wilson and Abraham Flexner. Flexner was mentored by Hall and later goes with Rockefeller’s General Education Board, whose chairman Frederick Gates talks about rural folk in the “moulding hands” of the elite. Gates is a Baptist leader, and in 1919 the American Baptist Society will publish W.Z. Batten’s The New World Order referring to the need for Social Control and a “world federation.” The General Education Board was founded in 1902, the year after E.A. Ross (Socialist) wrote Social Control describing control by the “Elite.” Abraham Flexner, mentioned above, will become a Rhodes lecturer and will form the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton modeled after Oxford’s All Souls College.

12- Russian Alexander Luria is a follower of Wundt, and other American Ph.D.s from Wundt include Charles Judd (mentor of Edward Lee Thorndike) and James McKeen Cattell (heads Psychological Corporation, which sought key people placed in key positions, and tests used at the Carnegie-funded first Governor’s School in the nation in 1963 attended by Dennis Cuddy, with Psychological Corporation wanting to keep tabs on us) and James Earl Russell (head of Psychology Department at Columbia University Teachers College).

13- Hall’s student, John Dewey, early 1900s member of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (later called the League for Industrial Democracy with Dewey its president), and in 1904 Dewey joined the faculty at Columbia University Teachers College.

14- Dewey known as “Father of Progressive Education” and he was honorary president of the National Education Association in 1932. The NEA in 1912 began to promote the training of teachers in sex education (before sex education promotion of Bela Kun regime in Hungary, under which Georg Lukacs in 1919 became Deputy Commissar for Culture and founded the Institute for Marxist Research which was renamed the Institute for Social Research, or Frankfurt School).

15- Dewey 1916 Democracy and Education says independent individualist has form of “insanity” as “the group” is what counts.

16- Dewey 1919 with Institute for International Education which holds 1930s Moscow Summer Sessions to train young Americans in Soviet philosophy. On the National Advisory Council of IIE is Frank Porter Graham (president of the University of North Carolina 1930-49), who was “active in the fierce fight against a proposed New York state law to bar from the teaching profession any one advocating overthrow of the government by force and violence.” (Chicago Daily Tribune, August 6, 1946, pp. 1,4.)

17- Dewey 1920s in Russia and loves Bolshevism and undermining church and family, and he describes it in The New Republic (December 5, 1928).

18- Dewey 1929 Individualism Old and New says we’re in for some kind of socialism in U.S.

19- Dewey 1933 Humanist Manifesto and 1934 A Common Faith (dogmatic religions will have to surrender).

20- Dewey’s influence at Columbia University Teachers College great and by early 1950s it was producing one-third of 160 largest school systems’ principals and superintendents.

21- Progressive education controlled the classrooms by early 1960s. August Comte had argued that the intellect should be subordinated to the heart, and in early 1960s effective education replaced cognitive (academic basics) as most important. It would hurt Johnny’s self-esteem to fail him, so there was grade inflation and social promotions. Moral absolutes were out, and values clarification brought humanistic moral relativism in via situation ethics.

22- Dewey disciples include George Counts (initially loved Russia, and was research director for 1930s Commission on the Social Studies, promoting socialism via schools), Harold Rugg and William Kilpatrick. The Commission on the Social Studies was funded by the Carnegie Foundation, and in B.K. Eakman’s Cloning of the American Mind, one reads that Dewey, Russell and Thorndike at Columbia University Teachers College “steeped the College in Wundtian educational philosophy – with the aid of a $450,000 gift from oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller. In the 1930s and 1940s, the Carnegie forces and the Psychological Corporation worked closely with G. Stanley Hall, Edward Thorndike of Teachers College, John Dewey and the other American Wundtians, to connect, solidify, and proliferate Wundtian psychology, a primary feature of which is the socialistic worldview. Carnegie’s helpmates in the states and testing companies helped to ensure implementation of Wundtian social and educational packages.”

23- Most public school educators today proudly proclaim they are “progressive educators,” and at the university level, Dewey was co-founder in 1919 of the New School for Social Research which became America’s first university for adults. In 1997 it was officially renamed New School University and currently enrolls more than 25,000 students annually. The New School continues to maintain its tradition of educational innovation. The World Policy Institute, through its association with the New School’s new Master’s degree program in International Affairs, helps train tomorrow’s professionals in the field. Former U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey is president of the New School University and a member of the 9/11 Commission in 2004.

24- Wundtian psychologist Kurt Lewin comes to the U.S. 1933 promoting his theories of group dynamics.

25- Rockefeller Foundation 1933 focused on “social control” research, and in 1938 funded the Radio Project at Princeton University (Frankfurt School Theodore Adorno musical director) and in 1945 funded Tavistock Institute for Human Relations based on Lewin’s principles (“social chaos” theory followed by Tavistock’s Fred Emery’s “social turbulence” theories where people and groups can go into psychological retreat due to emotional and other crises). Lewin was with OSS (later called CIA) in WWII.

26- In the 1990s, the Tavistock Institute and the European Commission worked on a feasibility study to research the effect of using Smart Cards in competence accreditation. The study will be carried out in the USA and parts of Europe. The project involved assessing and validating students’ skills, with information placed on personal skills Smart Cards, which “become real passports to employment.”

27- In October 1997, the Tavistock Institute (and Manchester University) completed the final report for the European Commission, and described in a report summary were the relevancy of Goals 2000, SCANS (U.S. Department of Labor Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) typology with its “profound implications for the curriculum and training changes that this will require,” valid skills standards and portable credentials “benchmarked to international standards such as those promulgated by the International Standards Organization (ISO).” The report summary went on to say that “there is increasing attention being focused on developing global skill standards and accreditation agreements,” and there will be “partnerships between government, industry, and representatives of worker organizations [and] a high degree of integration embedding skills within the broader context of economic and social activity, and specifically within the areas of secondary education, work-based learning and local and regional economic development. The National Skill Standards Board, Goals 2000, School-to-Work program are all combining to act as a catalyst to promote the formation of partnerships to develop skills standards.”

© 2022 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

1885 Smallpox Vax Was the Blueprint for Today’s Covid-19 Vax

By Kelleigh Nelson

February 15, 2022

In a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out. It was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation. —Dr. Peter A. McCullough

Dr. McCullough gives us a stark and clear summary: “Remdesivir has two problems. First, it doesn’t work. Second, it is toxic and it kills people.” —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

One-third of teens and young adults reported worsening mental health during the pandemic. According to an Ohio State University study, suicide rates among children rose 50 percent. A study in August 11, 2021 by Brown University found that infants born during the quarantine were short, on average, 22 IQ points as measured by Baylor scale tests. Some 93,000 Americans died of overdoses in 2020—a 30 percent rise over 2019.  —Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This vaccine is directly killing individuals…It can damage you, no doubt about it.  The scoreboard is lit up as bright as it can be: death, hospitalization, cardiac and neurologic injuries, miscarriage, still birth, it can’t get worse.  I can’t think of any drug or any injection that is as dangerous as this group of vaccines, in particular, the Pfizer vaccine.  —Dr. Peter A. McCullough

The killing fields of America are here.  We are at a crossroads.  Death by government and Big Pharma is staring us in the face.  This isn’t the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment by our US Health Department, this isn’t the cancer-causing polio vaccine injections of the 50s, or the plutonium experiments on babies and military in the 40s, all of which were evil unto themselves and totally unconstitutional.  This isn’t even the heinous abomination of millions upon millions of European Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust.  No,as evil as these past genocides were, COVID hospital protocols and multiple C-19 “vaccines” are a worldwide genocide proliferated by the medical drug cartel and their mafioso friends.

The determination to preserve medical freedom is in our hands…and the war is on against the mandated murderous jabs by government, Big Pharma and their stakeholders.  These pharmaceutical companies are bringing in billions with this evil inoculation, and now they’re on their 4th booster jab despite thousands of deaths and adverse effects. They’re targeting our infants and toddlers but the FDA has refused, for the time being, approval of these jabs for children six months to five years.

Canadian truckers who want the jab mandates stopped have been arrested and their trucks hauled away after the government cut off their food and fuel.  Trudeau’s totalitarian edicts have destroyed any semblance of freedom in Canada.  Without truckers, supplies will be even more limited, but the elitists will never starve.

Forced vaccines are not new.

History Repeats

Mandatory vaccination has happened before…with smallpox 135 years ago.  Here’s what a Midwest doctor told Steve Kirsch:

What is currently happening with the COVID mandates and protests is nearly identical to what happened 135 years ago with the smallpox vaccine campaigns, where the vaccination made smallpox epidemics worse, the vaccines killed a lot of people, the public refused them and governments responded by harsher and harsher mandatory vaccination laws.

Eventually one of the largest protests of the century broke out in 1885, vaccine mandates were scrapped in one area in favor of alternative management of smallpox, and this is what actually ended smallpox.

My belief is that this is a very important message to get out to the current protest movement and will do a lot of good if it does.

I wrote a 10-page concise but detailed and referenced summary of everything that happened which I want to be made available (but I do not want credit for).

The entire summary can be found here and I would greatly appreciate it if you could bring awareness to this issue.

The deadly mistakes of 135 years ago are evident today.  Interestingly enough, the smallpox vax was forced upon our military after 9/11 and it caused myocarditis.

Vax Injuries

Three respected immunologists, Dr. Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his discovery of the HIV virus, and who recently passed away), Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, the most published immunologist in history, and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a top immunologist in the Netherlands, have all warned that when you mass vaccinate in the middle of an active outbreak, you cause variants to emerge.  American dissident physicians have stated the same.

Dr. Bhakdi comments, “There is a good possibility that whoever orchestrated this knows exactly what they’re doing, and they are doing it on purpose to maintain the new variants and the consequences, which is essentially a psyop to cause a global psychosis due to fear, lockdowns and face diapers.”

In this 17-minute video, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains the irrefutable bodily damages from the jab.  People who died after having the vaccine, had family-requested autopsies and nothing was found until Dr. Arne Burkhardt performed more thorough autopsies.  Burkhardt is one of the most experienced pathologists in Europe.

In the organs of 90% these people Dr. Burkhardt found clear evidence of auto-immune attack by killer lymphocytes on the tissues, the main organs being the heart, the lungs and the liver.  His article, “Notes and recommendations for conducting post-mortem examination (autopsy) of persons deceased in connection with COVID vaccination,” is posted on Doctors for Covid Ethics. The data is so damning and proves these inoculations are killing the young and the old.

It is now known that auto-immune attack reactions, leading to self-destruction, are being triggered by these “vaccines.”  Dr. Bhakdi states, “What Arne Burkhardt found was that in 90% of the deceased, age 28 to 90, women and men, one to one, who would never have thought they’d die because of these ‘vaccines,’ the same pathological findings were found in all of them. When Dr. Burkhardt says killer lymphocytes have invaded the hearts and lungs, and sometimes other organs of these people,the question arises, ‘Why the hell do killer lymphocytes invade the organs?’  The only answer is that these organs are producing the targets that are seen by the killer lymphocytes, and that target is the viral protein.”

What is going to happen?  Bhakdi says, “Your lymphocytes and the cells responsible for immune control over your body are dying. They are responsible for controlling viruses and every other disease that attacks the body.

Because of the jabs, the immune system is dying.The result will be high incidences in various countries of tuberculosis where it is now dormant. Tumor cells are no longer under control causing increased numbers of cancers, as evidenced by pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole of Idaho, viruses, herpes, Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) which kills babies in the womb, toxoplasmosis, and a horrifying number of other illnesses.

Dr. Bhakdi tells us, “Clearly the ‘vaccines’ are not working – a fantastic business circumstance for Big Pharma to continue generating income with ‘boosters’ – but not so good for humanity.”

Two high school basketball players suddenly dropped dead on the court last week with heart problems.

Bill Gates, who is the principal investor in many of these COVID jabs, stipulated that their risk is so great that he would not provide them to people unless every government shielded him from lawsuits, just like they shield the pharmaceutical giants who made these mRNA jabs.

Pfizer announced that the COVID-19 “vaccine” it makes with BioNTech registered a staggering $36.8 billion of sales in 2021.

Meanwhile, Moderna’s CEO dumped his stock and deleted his twitter account.  The Moderna CEO’s strange moves came shortly after a former Blackrock executive began investigating the death statistics from insurance companies and funeral homes.

Deadly Hospital Protocols/Remdesivir

Registered nurse, Nicole Sirotek spoke out at Senator Ron Johnson’s hearing of “dissident” medical professionals who were speaking the truth about the injections and the hospital protocols for treatment of COVID.  Watch her eight-minute talk.

Ms. Sirotek states that she didn’t see a single patient die of COVID, she’s seen a substantial number of patients die of negligence and medical malfeasance. She was told by the staff that they were just following orders.  She stated that she saw the pharmaceutical companies rolling out remdesivir on the patients, when they had no right to treat them.  She said everyone saw that this FDA approved costly drug was killing the patients and they had less than a 25% survival rate if they received more than two doses at an extremely high cost, not to mention the destruction of their kidneys/liver.

So why in the world would the FDA approve a drug that must be monitored for kidney/liver failure? The FDA now approves the drug to treat “non-hospitalized patients.” The drug is administered through an IV, and patients must be closely monitored. But non-hospitalized?  Doctors have sounded the alarm for months, but their voices have fallen on deaf ears.

Remdesivir is first degree murder.  It is being used to kill us.

The antiviral drug is owned by Gilead Sciences and developed with investment from the federal government, that being NIAID and the CDC at a tune of $79 million. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation owns a $6.5 million stake in Gilead.  It had languished for years with no apparent commercial use.  But remdesivir was a big win for Gilead when it was given to half the patients hospitalized with COVID.  Link Anthony Fauci knew of remdesivir’s toxicity when he orchestrated its approval for COVID patients.

Dr. Fauci has persistently insisted on double-blind randomized placebo trials for medicines he dislikes (those that compete with his patented remedies) and airily fixed the NIAID study of remdesivir by changing the endpoints midstream to favor the drug.  He has never demanded randomized studies to confirm safety of the combined 69 vaccine doses currently on the childhood schedule.  Every one of these vaccines is regarded as so “unavoidably unsafe” in the words of the 1986 Vaccine Act (NCVIA) and the Supreme Court, that their manufacturers have demanded, and received, immunity from liability. Page 35, The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Nicole Sirotek tells of a 10-year-old she had to have flown out who had received the first jab the previous day and had myocardial infarction.  She says, “The doctors won’t believe it and use victim shaming claiming it’s anxiety or stress, but if they put down that it was a vaccine injury, the physician and corporation, the hospital or clinic actually won’t get reimbursed, so it is labeled as anxiety or neuropathy, or Guillain-Barre Syndrome.”

Hospitals receive payments for testing every patient for C-19, every diagnosis and every ‘COVID death,’ as well as any time they use remdesivir and mechanical ventilation. They don’t get a special bonus if you live, so is it any wonder patients still aren’t receiving appropriate care?

WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients!

Dr. Paul Marik, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and former director of the ICU at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, learned about his 14-day suspension when he arrived to work last November and found a letter on his desk.  Because he would not treat patients with remdesivir when he was at Sentara, but wanted to save their lives with alternative inexpensive repurposed drugs, he was suspended for two weeks.  Dr. Marik has testified that remdesivir increases the risk of death.  Sentara eliminated one of the finest physicians they had, a physician who actually developed a treatment for sepsis that saves 50-80% of patients.  Marik is the co-founder of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, ( which offers prevention and treatment protocols for COVID.

Negligence and Medical Malfeasance

Nicole also said that she had worked in other countries on the COVID virus, and she sees America’s healthcare as so deteriorated as to be like that of third world countries. She said she was getting reports from the organization she founded, America’s Frontline Nurses, saying that patients were not getting food or water.  “How come a patient hasn’t been fed in nine days who isn’t intubated and is telling that they would like to have food?!”  She said she’s had patients on vents who haven’t been bathed, fed, given water or turned to avoid bed sores.

“If you ask me, this isn’t a hospital, it’s a concentration camp. Nowhere in the United States do we isolate people for hundreds of hours at a time with no human contact.  It’s not even allowed in the prisons.  You cannot isolate prisoners beyond a certain period of time because it’s horrible for their mental health and it’s considered inhumane.  However, in these hospitals now, we’re allowed to isolate patients from their families for days, and you have to say goodbye to them over an iPhone.”

In this latest horrifying story, a father was forced to leave his teenage Down Syndrome daughter who was sick with C-19, after four days of being by her bedside.  The hospital actually threw him out.  The guard who walked him to his car told him to seek a higher authority.  They sent their other daughter in to be with her, but most shocking was that one of the physicians put a “Do Not Resuscitate” on his daughter’s chart and hours before she died, Grace received an assortment of drugs – including three doses of lorazepam and a dose of morphine.  The parents watched their daughter die via FaceTime while their other daughter screamed for the nurses.  They were outside the door and would not come into the room to save the teen they had just murdered with drugs that were used for palliative care, not for the Wuhan virus.

How can anyone call this anything but mass murder?!

Critical Against Government?  You’re a Domestic Terrorist

The Biden administration has designated free speech as a terrorist threat when it criticizes the federal government.  The Department of Homeland Security U.S. terrorism threat summary includes spreading ‘disinformation’ about not trusting government! 

It states, (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.

This bulletin is in effect until June 7, 2022.

Our dissident physicians, scientists and nurses, along with authors, journalists and American citizens are now considered domestic terrorists for freely speaking/writing our beliefs.


In 1860, Frederick Douglass commented, “Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist.”

Silence is not golden!  The medical drug cartel mafia are determined to quell the truth as well as the dissidents who utter it. It is essential that no voice of truth be stilled!

They must hear the cry of FREEDOM!

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Stealing Presidential Elections From the States

By Paul Engel

February 14, 2022

  • Do you know how we elect a President?
  • Do you know who is in charge of Presidential elections?
  • What do you think would happen if Congress set the rules for Presidential elections?

Does Congress have the legal power to regulate Presidential elections? The answer is no. Yet Senators Angus King, Amy Klobuchar, and Dick Durbin have released a discussion draft of their legislation to place Congress in control of the Presidential election process, in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States. Let’s look at this blatant act of theft in the light of what the Constitution actually says. Then we can decide how to deal with these oath-breakers.

Following months of research and consultation with outside experts and scholars, Senators share proposal to address ambiguities in 1887 law

King, Klobuchar, Durbin Share Discussion Draft to Modernize Electoral Count Act

The first question anyone should ask when considering a piece of legislation is: “Is it constitutional?” Meaning, is it enacting a power delegated to that government or is it prohibited by the Constitution? So let’s look at the power this legislation claims to exercise and see if it’s constitutional or not.

To amend title 3, United States Code, to revise the rules for Presidential elections and counting electoral votes, and for other purposes.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

This legislation claims the power to revise the rules for two things: Presidential elections and counting electoral votes. The first question we must ask is does the Constitution delegate to Congress the power to regulate Presidential elections?

Presidential Electors


(a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 1 of title 3, United States Code, is amended—

(1) by striking sections 1 and 2 and inserting the following:

‘‘§ 1.Time of choosing electors

‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The time of choosing electors of President and Vice President shall be, in each State, election day.

‘‘(b) PROHIBITION ON USING ALTERNATIVE DATES.—No State may establish any day other than election day as the time for choosing electors of President and Vice President.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

The first change this legislation would make is to the time of choosing electors. This is a power delegated to Congress.

The Congress may determine the Time of choosing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 4

From there on, the legislation attempts to regulate the manner in which presidential electors are chosen.


‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a State that chooses electors by popular election, the last day on which popular ballots may be cast in such election shall be election day.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

That power, however, is specifically given to the state legislatures.

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress:

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 2

The proposed legislation goes on to “allow” states to establish by law how to treat ballots, allow for mail-in ballots, deal with those waiting to cast ballots when the polls close, etc. The law even “allows” the states to set rules for resolving whether a ballot was filled out and submitted on time, as long as it complies with federal law. This legislation would establish a procedure for extending the time for voting under certain conditions, such as a catastrophic event, major disaster, or act of terrorism. The legislation would even establish a criminal penalty for anyone causing a catastrophic event to extend the time for voting.

This legislation would also “allow” states to provide alternative electors, as long as they did so by election day. These electors would be the only ones allowed to fill any vacancies that may happen before the electors vote. This legislation would establish a standard for making the final determination of the appointment of electors, such determination to be final and conclusive. This final determination is to be certified by the state official responsible for the duty or by the judgment of a federal court. If a state does not reach a final decision by the deadline required by this legislation, any of the candidates for President or Vice President can bring a civil action seeking a declaratory judgment in federal court. This legislation even claims the power to bind a state’s governor.

FINAL DETERMINATION BINDING ON GOVERNOR.—For purposes of the duties of the Governor set out in section 6, a final determination of the appointment of electors by a State under this section shall be conclusive and the only names of electors contained in the certificates of identification of electors that are transmitted under that section. If any State official purports to discharge the duties set out in section 6 in a manner inconsistent with this subsection, such actions shall be void and without legal effect; and no State official or purported elector may certify or transmit to any official listed in sections 6 or 11 any purported certificate of identification of electors contrary to the final determination, and any action by a State official or purported elector certifying or transmitting such certificate contrary to the final determination shall be void and without legal effect.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

How nice of Congress. There’s just one problem, because none of this is authorized by the Constitution of the United States. Since establishing rules for choosing presidential electors is not a power delegated to the United States by the Constitution, that power remains with the states.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

This legislation then goes on to create a whole new set of rules for the issuance and transmission of the certificates of those chosen to be electors.


‘‘(A) issue 14 duplicate original certificates of identification of electors as described in paragraph (2),

‘‘(B) transmit such duplicate original certificates of identification of electors as provided in paragraph (3), and

‘‘(C) make publicly available on a website maintained by the governor, a copy of one such duplicate original of the certificate of identification of electors.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

There is no requirement in the Constitution for the states to tell Congress who was been chosen as electors; it’s none of their business. To make matters worse, should a governor fulfill their oath to support the Constitutions of their state and the United States and ignore these illegal rules, Congress proposes to take the power to determine the slate of electors out of the hands of the duly elected officials of the state and place it in the hands of the federal courts.

‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—If the governor of a State fails to execute the duties under this subsection by the date applicable under paragraph (3)(B), the chief State election official of the State shall execute such duties within one day for the governors failure.

‘‘(B) FAILURE BY CHIEF STATE ELECTION OFFICIAL.—If the governor fails to execute the duties under this subsection by the date applicable under paragraph (3)(B) and the chief State election official fails to execute the duties under subparagraph (A), then any candidate for President or Vice President on the ballot in that State may bring an action in the Federal district court of the district in which the State capital of the State whose determination is at issue is located or the Federal district court for the District of Columbia seeking declaratory, injunctive, or other appropriate equitable relief to ensure the identity of the electors listed on the certificate of identification reflects the final determination under section 5. Any judgment in such action, if neither stayed nor modified on appeal, shall be treated for purposes of this chapter in the same manner as a certificate of identification of electors issued under this section, and the court shall direct the preparation and transmission of, or itself prepare and transmit, any document required to effectuate the judgment.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

Nowhere in the Constitution is Congress delegated the authority to determine the handling of the election certificates before they are delivered. Yet this legislation creates an extended set of rules for the electors to deliver their votes. It would require seven (7) duplicate original certificates with the lists of votes for President and Vice President, adding an outer envelope with a copy of the certificate, and continuing the illegal practice of sending copies of the certificates not only to the President of the Senate, but to the Speaker of the House, the Secretary of State, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. All in direct violation of the process required by the Twelfth Amendment:

and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XII

Counting Elector’s Votes

Not only would this legislation unlawfully regulate the appointment of presidential electors, it ignores the Constitution regarding the counting of their votes.

(A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the President pro tempore of the Senate shall be the presiding officer at the joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives referred to in paragraph (1).

‘‘(1) PRESENTATION OF ELECTORAL CERTIFI CATES.—In the alphabetical order of the States, the Secretary of the Senate shall open in the presence of the tellers the outer envelope containing for a State the certificate of identification of electors and the sealed certificate of votes provided to the President of the Senate under section 11, and shall make a preliminary determination that the State has submitted its list of electors which list shall have been previously made available to the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

That’s incorrect, because the Twelfth Amendment clearly states the role of opening the certificates and having them counted belongs to the President of the Senate, who is the sitting Vice President.

the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XII

Furthermore, there is nothing in the Constitution about making these certificates available to the members of Congress before they are opened in a joint session or for a “preliminary determination” by the Secretary of the Senate. This legislation changes the process for objections to be heard, something that is part of current federal law and not in the Constitution.

‘‘(2) CALL FOR OBJECTIONS.—After the Secretary of the Senate has made the preliminary determination under paragraph (1) with respect to a State, the presiding officer shall call for objections to the validity of the certificate of identification of electors of such State.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

As a final finger into the eye of the Constitution, and in fact representative government, this legislation claims the power to determine what to do should no decision be made in time for the inauguration:

‘‘(3) If the Administrator has not made the announcement under paragraph (1) by the third Tuesday after election day (as defined in section 21 of title 3, United States Code), the Administrator shall, for purposes of this Act
(A) treat as President-elect the 2 candidates for President with the most pledged votes of electors of President, based on certifications by States of their final canvass; and
(B) treat as Vice-President-elect the 2 candidates for Vice President with the most pledged votes of electors of Vice President, based on certifications by States of their final canvass.

Discussion Draft of the Electoral Count Modernization Act

Compare that to what the Constitution actually says:

… If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XX, Section 3

Congress doesn’t get to decide who acts as President unless both the President elect and Vice President elect have yet to be decided by inauguration day. In that case, the law is to determine who is to act as President, not establish a committee for the Presidency or Vice Presidency.


My guess is few of you have heard about this proposed legislation. It is yet another example of the corruption, lawlessness, and unfaithfulness to their oath that so many in Congress display. If those in Congress are so ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, why do we keep hiring them to serve us? As President James A. Garfield said:

[N]ow more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature …

James A. Garfield

It appears most of the American people are willing to tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. That means this abuse of the Constitution, the experiment in self government, and the consent of the governed is ultimately our fault. The question is, will the American people do anything to stop it before it becomes “law”?

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Jan. 6th Political Prisoners: Where are the Jerry Spence’s to Defend Them?

By: Devvy

February 14, 2022

This will not be a popular column but after 31 years in the trenches 24/7, I’ve had it with cowards, liars and thieves from both political parties at all levels of government – especially judges. I’ve had it with so-called Americans who spend more time yapping on those damn fancy phones than lifting one finger to help save our constitutional republic.

It’s now been nearly two years since Republicans turned cowards and handed a dementia addled career criminal the People’s House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, District of Criminals.  An individual who did not win the November 2020 election but rather was placed by massive election fraud into the WH.  Cheater China Joe Biden.

His VP choice, skunk and professional liar, Kamala Harris, who slept her way to the top of political cabals is constitutionally ineligible to be president but that matters not to those who pulled off this incredible and open for all to see vote fraud.  RINO’s aided and abetted the same fraud to place human garbage, Marxist, Hussein Obama into the WH.

The day before two senate seats were stolen once again through in-your-face vote fraud;  both GOP candidates, simply walked away without a fight.

January 6, 2021, was a setup just like the alleged victory which put Bush, Jr., into the WH instead of POS, John Kerry, which would have a tragedy for this country.  I’ve never voted for a member of the Democrat/Communist Party USA and never will.  But, cheating is cheating and it hurts ALL Americans.

READ:  A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election 7-10-08–Mine

READ: Vote Fraud: I Thought I’d Seen It All Until…Jan. 4, 2021 – Mine:  “Will anyone be held accountable for election interference or any other laws broken by trying to get rid of the evidence?  Who ordered the trucks to pick up all those ballots?  That senate committee authorized the audit and filming of the ballots.”

“What happened at the Capitol was well planned and timed to completely disrupt the process of counting Electoral College votes.  We know Fascists called ANTIFA were bused in, given a police escort to protect them.  Those domestic terrorist thugs masqueraded as MAGA supporters and along with, sadly, patriotic Americans who got caught up in the moment, stormed the Capitol.  Others outside breaking windows which Trump supporters tried to stop. Below this column are numerous articles and videos about what really happened.

“Big tech immediately began their purge.  Parler is now down after Apple and Google made their move.  Americans exercising their First Amendment right to protest peacefully and who were not part of crashing the Capitol are being fired from their jobsChildren are ratting out their parents who attended.  Welcome to Communist China.

“Following the incident, Congress reconvened and Americans watched the total and complete betrayal by members of both parties.  All of them blubbering about what happened.  An affront to democracy!  We must “save democracy”.  MAGA supporters of President Trump were all broad painted as radical extremists – as were the heroes of the Revolutionary War who gave their lives to birth this constitutional republic.

“Hypocrites vomiting up such violence has no place in this country, blah, blah, blah.  Members of the Democrat/Communist Party USA who have openly supported the last eight months of destruction by Black Lies Movement and ANTIFA, couldn’t shut up.  Elected Republicans across the country bellowed it was all President Trump’s fault so they could impress their constituents.

“When the farce of counting Electoral College votes resumed, Republicans, independents and Democrats who voted for Trump watched the Club of Cowards betray this country and President-Elect Trump.  Prior to the incident, 13 GOP senators pledged to stand up to the stealing of an election.  They all knew that PA counted 205,000 more votes than eligible voters in the state. That there is an ocean of PROVABLE fraud.

“Then they turned into cowards.  Yellow-bellied cowards.  Loeffler said she would not protest the Electoral College votes for either PA or AZ because of the orchestrated break-in of the Capitol.  Despite the fact that proof showed Jan 5th during the run-off’s in GA, votes were switched that night, Loeffler and Perdue seem to have skulked off and do not intend to challenge their alleged loss; both have conceded.  Knowing how the election was rigged in Nov., why would both of them not challenge the results?  This makes no sense to me whatsoever.”

Report: Dems ‘Bracing for Defeat’ in Georgia – Time for vote fraud to ensure they “win”.

Programming error on security keys” prompts “emergency ballot” use in Georgia Senate runoff – “Gabriel Sterling, Voting System Implementation Manager for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, announced early Tuesday morning on Twitter that a “programming error on security keys” resulted in “backup emergency ballots” having to be brought in to Columbia County (located near Augusta) for the Georgia Senate runoff election.”  Good to have those “emergency ballots” on hand when you need them.

Jan. 5thIT Teams Teams Confirms Mail-In Ballots Were Received with Votes Already Filled In By Machine

Just like Nov. 3rd:  As GOP Pulls Ahead in Georgia Senate Races, Democrat County Stops Counting Votes for the Night  ILLEGAL under federal election law.  Second county:  Here We Go Again: DeKalb County Georgia is Re-Scanning Advance Ballots Because of ‘Memory Card Issue’  – “Scan em till you win em is Georgia’s motto.”  If it was done after midnight that’s illegal under federal election law.

The other cowards who broke their word and betrayed America are:

Marsha Blackburn, R-TN, Class 1 – A very popular counterfeit senator who does nothing but bitch about Biden, yet had she stood for the truth on Jan. 6, 2020, Biden would be in a nursing home by now and President-Elect Trump would still be in the WH.

Steve Daines, R-MT, Class II

James Lankford, R-OK, Class III – That mealy-mouthed, spineless toady said, “We are headed toward certification of Joe Biden as [president of the United States] and we will work together.”  Work together with a man who stole the election through cheating and fraud?  I damn well hope the people of Oklahoma remember your cowardice next primary time.

Ron Johnson, R-WI, Class III.  On Dec. 16, 2020, Johnson chaired the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on election fraud.  He knew how bad it was yet he turned coward on Jan. 6, 2020.

I ways give credit where credit is due and Johnson has done an exemplary job on exposing the destruction of those fake COVID “vaccines”, but he is no hero of mine.  Had he stood his ground, Jan. 6, 2020, none of what happened with COVID and the destruction of millions of jobs and lives would never have happened.  Please think about all this in those upcoming primaries. Re-Elect Same Incumbents: America Will be Dead by 2024, Jan. 31, 2022-Mine

Weak GOP House Leader McCarthy Shows His True Colors – Sides with McConnell and Democrats – Calls Jan 6 a “Violent Insurrection”

Mike Braun, R-IN, Class 1

Bill Hagerty, R-TN, Class II

Terms for senators in Class I expire in 2025, Class II in 2027, and Class III in 2023

Storming the Capitol had NOTHING to do with the massive vote fraud in November.  NOTHING.  But those cowards, each and every one of them sent this message:  We do not care the election was stolen.  We know it was but we are going to condone it using the incident as an excuse.  That’s like a brigade of fire fighters saying they’re not going to put out the fire because they don’t like the man who owns the warehouse.

Why would they crap on the Constitution, the American people and their own president?  The answer is simple:  Those remaining in the senate know if they didn’t fold like a tent, they won’t remain in the good graces of establishment RINOs who also betrayed President Trump.

If they didn’t play in the right sand box come election time, the machines will defeat them.  If this stealing of an election is allowed to stand, no Republican will get re-elected again unless they betrayed this country on Jan. 6th.  It will be near impossible to elect constitutional Republican candidates or Republicans at all.

Betray the American people so they can keep enriching themselves and family members just as did pedophile former speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert.  They love power more than the truth and this country despite their flowery speeches and indignation.  Instead of standing as did those who fought and died to give us our freedom as no other country on this earth enjoys, they gave their loyalty to Lucifer’s Democrat/Communist Party USA.

We are now well over one year and the guilty are still walking free in AZ, GA, PA, MI and NV.  Prior to the mayhem orchestrated by special ops of the treasonous bastards who pulled off storming the Capitol, a dozen Republicans pledged to reject the electoral college votes.  Soon as they came back, those COWARDS backed down and handed cheater Joe Biden the WH with help from dirty traitor, Mike Pence.

THIS MUST BE ENFORCED DURING THE FEDERAL PRIMARIES OR THE CHEATING WILL PUT a majority of Communists & socialists in Congress: SCOTUS 9-0 Decision:  Federal Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void – Read and make damn sure ALL ballots for federal candidates STOP being counted at midnight.

Stolen Election: States Need Not Comply, Part 3 – Mine – These are critically important for Americans working hard to save this republic before it’s too late – and it’s getting late.

Here’s how Bush “won” the WH.  I interviewed Prof. Phillips.  There’s no question Bush, Jr., lost Ohio and therefore lost the national election.  Phillips, a former college professor, wrote a book titled, Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election. This monstrous undertaking covers the 2004 election results in the State of Ohio. Remember, the chief executive for the biggest vote fraud machine operation in this country said he would deliver Ohio to Bush. He did.

What makes Phillips investigation so compelling is the book is filled with concrete proof that the voters of Ohio were robbed of their right to fair and impartial elections. The amount of work that went into this investigation is staggering: 30,0000 images of forensic evidence, then personally examining 126,000 ballots, 127 poll books and 141 voter signature books from 18 counties in Ohio. This is the definitive and documented evidence of crimes that cannot, must not be ignored.

One thing that showed up in his findings was the same thing I wrote about back in 1996: discrepancies in the numbers during the voting process – where are they? If you click here and go to page seven of my findings, you’ll see what I’m talking about. I knew what happened: vote rigging and it was done by the machines. We saw the same thing repeat itself during this last phony primary season. A recount was paid for and done in the State of New Hampshire. The so-called final audit of the numbers did not agree with the results as recorded on primary night. Of course, the numbers continue to change for weeks after a primary or election; I’ve covered this in previous columns in detail.”  And here we are today with a brain dead pretend president and lunatics for cabinet members. 

All because gutless, cowardly Republicans caved on January 6, 2020.  Remember that this primary season.

The solutions are there, we just need to network across this country from now until the primaries (March 1st is the all important one here in Texas).

Which brings me to those American political prisoners who’ve been treated worse than if in N. Korea or Russian gulag.  Jan. 6th was planned and will be proven as treason and/or sedition but, in the meantime, so many arrested for absolutely minor ‘nothing’ misdemeanors are being tortured and moved from prison to jail to someplace else there their families can’t see them.  These horror stories would not be tolerated in 1776, I guarantee you that.

ANTIFA TERRORIST WITH PIPE BOMB Who Targeted Jan. 6 Patriot Event Is Released from Jail Without Posting Bond — While J-6er Jeremy Brown Is Still Held in Same Jail on Misdemeanor Charge

NEW FOOTAGE Shows Trained, Plainclothes Operatives Coordinating Break-In Through Capitol Window on January 6 (VIDEO)

Hardened criminals are given bail while Joe Smith INVITED INTO the capitol is still behind bars.  For God’s sake where is the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?  Some will have spent more time behind bars than the offense for sentencing purposes.

Most have no money to hire high priced legal counsel although generous Americans have been giving what they can.  Instead, they’ve ended up with “free” federal public defenders happy to send them to prison for years.

I do believe with all my heart if the amazing Jerry Spence were 20 years younger, he would have been out in DC fighting like the King of the Jungle to get the more than 700 arrested at least bailed out. 

I am a long-time follower of Jerry Spence and have tremendous respect for him. Read most of his books.  However, he is 91 now and probably just as angered and disgusted as you and I over this madness.  Bio:  Jerry Spence

And SHAME on the federal judge who has allowed this travesty to continue.

“Was Ray Epps A Fed?” – ‘I Can’t Answer That’: FBI Asst. Director Refuses To Answer Any of Ted Cruz’s Questions About Jan 6 in Fiery Exchange on Capitol Hill – (Video)

For months Fascists ANTIFA & Black LIES Movement burned cities, looted, killed, set fires to federal buildings and were either never arrested or simply released on bail and skipped town.  Too damn bad gun owners, private and elected have ZERO understanding of the Second Amendment or none of it would have gone on for more than one day. Study shows there were 8,700 George Floyd ‘events’ costing up to $2 billion – But Capitol riot, called an ‘insurrection,’ lasted only hours, cost $1.5 million

Prosecutors break down charges, convictions for 725 arrested so far in Jan. 6 attack on Capitol

Capitol Police ‘covering up 14,000 hours of video about what really happened’

WE WERE RIGHT: Jan-6er Defense Attorney Confirms the US Capitol Magnetic Columbus Doors Were Opened from the Inside

George Soros Attorney Prosecutes Jan-6er in DC Gulag on Made-Up Charges! …Please Help This Man WIN!

Jan 6 Committee PANICS Over Ray Epps!!! Who he is and what’s up with the FBI

Feds admit video of January 6 ‘riot’ shows officers fist-bumping ‘rioters’ – Evidence could complicate many of the cases pending against individuals there that day

Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus

Career criminal, POS Hildebeast Clinton, the slut she’s married to, all the dirty players making zillions can afford $1,000 an hour- attorneys while decent, average Americans rot in jails.  So, I ask and I’d donate my time if I were an attorney:  If you can, please help get the rest of those political prisoner’s out on bail or all charges dismissed. 

I have many more columns coming up even though I’m still recovering from being in the hospital.  BUT, Kelleigh Nelson and all the other very fine, accurate researchers are also working around the clock – for now – to bring you the most up to date information and what we can all do right now to save our beloved country.

I say for now because NWVs is just about out of money and without an infusion of donations like right now, our voices will be silenced.  Please don’t let that happen – not after decades of thousands and thousands of hours of research and writing to bring you the truth and solutions.

PayPal cancel them, Google cancel their advertising, Facebook and other America hating left wing tech companies are making it hard to survive.

Please give what you can right now; donate here.  Checks & Money orders please send to: NewsWithViews, P.O. Box 990, Spring Branch, TX, 78070-9998

This should be the #1 film watched around this country.  Period. Capitol Punishment. $10 and worth every penny.  Share the cost, invite 10 people to watch.  Invite members of your church, city council, mayor, sheriff and county commissioners watch that movie because trouble is coming, sadly.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two and save ten dollars then give one to a friend.

© 2021 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

2022 CANDIDATES:  AUDIT THE VOTE – DON’T LET THEM CHEAT YOU.  NO MORE.  We’ve had it with election fraud.


What Can YOU Do for Your Country?Mine – Very important about judges.

“A violent terrorist attack” come on @tedcruz you sound like @AdamKinzinger. Was it wrong? Sure… but it wasn’t an insurrection and it damn sure wasn’t a “terrorist attack!” #January6 #tedcruz

Always falls on deaf earsVote fraud underway – what candidates must do, 11-4-12 – Mine-  Will candidates audit  the vote this primary season or simply accept being cheated by vote fraud?

Jan 6th: Anomalies THEY Hoped You’d Forget. The shocking truth Pelosi doesn’t want you to know!

How ‘They’ Sell Vote Fraud As Legitimate Election Totals, 2-20-17– Mine

Voters educate the elected, 1-27-13 – Mine

Voters educate the elected, Appendix, 1-27-13 – Mine

Another piece of human garbage who hates freedom & liberty:

Dem Strategist James Carville: Voters Don’t Care About Jan 6th Probe

This Valentine’s Day: More Wonder, Please

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 14, 2022

For the record, my wife Sandi and I live day to day with a sense of hope and harmony.  We exercise, do our jobs, fix dinner, watch movies and contribute to our community in Golden, Colorado.  We enjoy friends, go dancing and laugh a lot.  We’re grateful for all our blessings.

So, instead of a serious column today, please enjoy a bicycle adventure that carries you into the wonders of Nature.  We live in a beautiful world.  Let’s try to preserve it and all the other creatures living in it.

A Bicycle Journey from Mexicali, Mexico to Calgary, Canada

In the spring, Doug and I pedaled from Mexicali, Mexico toward Calgary, Canada to meet Bryan Delay who had bicycled South America with us. We rode up the middle of California, through Oregon and upwards through Washington State. Because of springtime, we watched millions of birds flying over our heads all day long. Wave after wave after wave! Big Canadian geese, lovely white pelicans, cranes, Arctic Terns, mallards, Western grebes, and many more that we couldn’t identify.

We rolled our bikes past the Saltan Sea in southern California. We cranked through Joshua Tree National Monument with its wondrous boulders. We headed into the southern end of Death Valley at 116 degrees F. on April 1st. That Henry Wade exit proved itself 30 miles of sand and butt-busting cycling. We packed plenty of water in order to make the pavement of the regular highway through the valley.

Interestingly, when you lay your life on the line, but you’re prepared, life meets you. I mean, death could meet you, too. But with intrepid hearts, Doug and I pedaled northward into the heat-tempest of that scorching day. If you ever felt like you had died and gone to the fiery dungeons of Hell, that day would define it.

Along the road, we saw an approaching motorhome creating a dust storm behind its wheels. When it came up to us, the driver stopped. “Do you guys know the temperature?” he asked. “It’s 116 degrees.”

“We feel it with every push on the pedals,” Doug said. “Not our lucky day to be pedaling in this kind of intense heat.”

“Here,” the wife said, “Two cold pears out of our cooler and two ice cold lemonades.”

Monika and Reinhold, a lovely couple from Germany, gave us two gifts in that scorching desert that we remember to this day. We broke open the cans and guzzled the cool liquid that slid down our throats as refreshingly as if we had drunk the water cascading over Niagara Falls. And those two cold pears, well, a five-course dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City could not compare to the joy of those delicious, juicy, life-giving pears.

More wonder, please!

As we cranked our iron steeds into the Sierra Nevada mountains, one night we stopped by “Lake Almanor” that was named for three sisters, Alice, Martha and Eleanor Gay.  As we sat there under a clear, star-lit sky with the sun just touching down over the mountain peaks, the fire burned brightly into the gathering dusk. Overhead, a 50 gaggle of Canadian geese honked their way across the lake before flapping their mighty wings to settle down on still waters. What a racket they made! Within minutes another gaggle of Western grebes, diving ducks, settled near the geese. Before us, we saw mallards creating V-wakes across the glass-still waters of the lake. Then, the diving ducks began diving for food and popped up to create circles that expanded across the waters. Before us, a mathematical board of triangles, circles and lines cut the lake into sections, much like a protractor and a sextant gone wild.

“Gees,” said Doug. “I can’t imagine how much more intricate and beautiful Nature’s showcase at this moment.”

“I’d say we’re right in the middle of the magnificence of the universe,” I said.

More wonder, please!

Several days later, we reached the General Sherman Sequoia at 2,500 years old, and a whopping 120 tons of wood with a 30-foot diameter base. Standing beneath it, you, a mere human, become less than a speck of sand, a tiny blob of protoplasm. Yet, you share the same energy as that 2,500-year-old tree, and you share a moment in time for your life. That tree drinks 500 gallons of water a day and expires 500 gallons of water. That tree was ‘old’ at the time of the Roman Empire, and today, it’s 25 centuries later, and it’s still growing strong. To stand at the base of it with our bicycles, well….

More wonder, please!

On that trip with Doug, a man who has bicycled seven continents and ridden through 130 countries, he knows the wonders of the world. He and I have marveled at our stunning moments in the Australian Outback, the fantastic beauties of South America and the sheer magnitude of the history of Europe. Not to mention Asia and the Wall of China on our bicycles.  I don’t mind sharing with you that I feel incredible gratitude as a small farm boy milking cows in Michigan, to become a journalist and world traveler. I have much to be thankful for as a citizen of the United States.  It’s why I write with such passion to save our country from endless immigration—which will prove the greatest nightmare for America in the 21st century.

More wonder, please!

As we moved further north, we captured rare moments in Yosemite National Park. We pedaled up that winding road that featured an eight percent incline! Raging white waters poured down the Merced River out of the High Sierra Mountains. Our legs felt like fried bacon after a day of climbing and descending. It’s a roller coaster ride, but our minds pushed our bodies into it; our legs obeyed our commands.

Somehow, they eagerly respond to the task. Our lungs heaved and our hearts thrived. We “willed” the spokes to spin via the power of our legs. Around us, Nature thrived with flowers, eagles, bees, hummingbirds and the promise of spring. We headed into Yosemite more than 4,000 feet of elevation gain while pounding the pedals. Froto and Condor, the names of our two bikes, responded by carrying us upward.

We became aware of every movement because our thighs felt tender with the sensation of living. We pushed on, toward the final ascent into the valley. In front of us a monster of a mountain appeared—El Capitan. Our eyes grew wide. We took a deep breath. Suddenly, we felt only wonder.

Like I said, More WONDER, Please! And that’s bicycle adventure.

We enjoy a beautiful country; I’ve seen all of it in its glory; I want to preserve it for future generations.  We must take action for the preservation of America.  What are you doing for the future of America and your children?

Dough Armstrong, 7 continent world bicycle traveler, with his sidekick Frosty Wooldridge, 6 continent world bicycle traveler; Yes! Please bring on more WONDER!

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge, Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


© 2022 Frosty Wooldgidge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Senility or Sabotage

By Michael Peroutka

February 13, 2022

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

And at Article IV and Section 4, the Constitution says this:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion…”

So, the federal government has an affirmative duty to secure the borders of our country against invasion.

But Joe Biden and his agents are doing exactly the opposite.

Video Column

Under his direction, agents of the federal government have not only failed to defend America’s borders, but they are deeply complicit in aiding and assisting the invading enemies.

Now, on the other hand, despite a diligent search, I can find no Constitutional provision which authorizes Joe Biden to protect the borders of the Ukraine.

But, for some reason, Joe Biden has decided that Ukrainian lives and property are worth defending but American lives and livelihoods are not. (In fact, he is willing to risk American lives to defend Ukrainian lives.)

When you consider all this together with lawless vaccine mandates, lockdowns, reckless spending, endangerment of the military and the abandonment of Americans behind enemy lines, at some point, don’t you have to question his allegiance?

Many of his most strident critics such as Sean Hannity and Mark Levin question Biden’s competence and his cognition, but isn’t it beyond time to question his motives?

Is this senility? Or is this sabotage?

By the way, the Constitution defines “Treason” at Article III and Section 3.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2022 Michael Peroutka – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Peroutka:

Democrats Fake Justice, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

February 13, 2022

We have seen that the shadow government does not operate in the best interest of America or the American people.  The formation of the Federal Reserve was nothing more than a successful attempt to control our currency. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor a Reserve but a controlling agent that governs our economic system. I’m not a lawyer nor a Constitutional scholar but I don’t think that what Woodrow Wilson did in forming the Federal Reserve is even constitutional.  They refuse to be audited and refuse to be held accountable to anyone. Eustace Mullins wrote about the operations of the Federal Reserve: Each of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks is organized into a corporation whose shares are sold to the commercial banks and thrifts operating within the Bank’s district. Shareholders elect six of the nine board of directors for their regional Federal Reserve Bank as well as its president. Mullins reported that the top eight stockholders of the New York Fed were, in order from largest to smallest as of 1983, Citibank, Chase Manhatten, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, Bankers Trust Company, National Bank of North America, and the Bank of New York (Mullins, p. 179). Together, these banks owned about 63 percent of the New York Fed’s outstanding stock. Mullins then showed that many of these banks are owned by about a dozen European banking organizations, mostly British, and most notably the Rothschild banking dynasty. Through their American agents, they are able to select the board of directors for the New York Fed and to direct U.S. monetary policy. Mullins explained,

‘… The most powerful men in the United States were themselves answerable to another power, a foreign power, and a power which had been steadfastly seeking to extend its control over the young republic since its very inception. The power was the financial power of England, centered in the London Branch of the House of Rothschild. The fact was that in 1910, the United States was for all practical purposes being ruled from England, and so it is today’ (Mullins, p. 47-48).

He further commented that the day the Federal Reserve Act was passed, “the Constitution ceased to be the governing covenant of the American people, and our liberties were handed over to a small group of international bankers” (Ibid, p. 29).

This usurpation of our Constitution was engineered by the Democrat Party. No surprise but it has not been challenged by the Republicans making them just as guilty. Somehow these politicians are not bothered by the tearing down of the foundations of this great nation.  The Federal Reserve says that they are accountable to Congress but every time Congress calls for an audit of the agency it refuses access to files and data. In an interview with Jim Lehrer that was aired on PBS’ News Hour on September 18, 2007, that you can watch on YouTube, formal Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, essentially, that the Federal Reserve was above the law and that no agency of government can overrule their actions:

Jim Lehrer: “What is the proper relationship, what should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the Fed and a president of the United States?”

Alan Greenspan: “Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don’t frankly matter.”[1]  The Youtube video of this conversation has been pulled.  I wonder why?

This ‘above the law’ attitude of the Federal Reserve was solidified by Ben Bernanke in 2009 when before Congress he refused to tell Congress who the Federal Reserve lent $2.2 trillion: The fact that the Fed is above the law was demonstrated by current Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, during his appearance before Congress on March 4, 2009 (as shown in this video). Senator Bernie Sanders asked Bernanke about $2.2 trillion in American tax dollars that was lent out by Federal Reserve. Bernanke refused to provide an answer:

Senator Sanders: “Will you tell the American people to whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars? … Can you tell us who they are?”

Bernanke: “No”[2]

This reminds me of the time under oath an Obama official was asked where Obama got all the pallets of cash they gave Iran. The official plead the 5th.  Republicans did nothing. Bernanke was a Republican until about 2015 and is now an Independent which shows that none of the parties seem to care about justice or the Constitution.

Crimes against the United States are ignored regularly by our politicians in both parties.  Representative Swalwell had a long going affair with a Chinese spy and Adam Shiff put him in charge of CIA oversite! When newly elected California representative Eric Swalwell arrived in Washington, DC, in January 2013, he brought three things with him: a reputation as someone to watch, having bumped off ossified 20-term Democrat incumbent Pete Stark in the primary; a crap ton of ambition; and a Chinese spy he was banging.

According to media reports, the spy, Fang “Christine” Fang, latched onto Swalwell around 2011 when he was a new city councilor for Dublin, California. She became a bundler for his campaign in addition to other services performed. Swalwell let her place at least one intern in his congressional office; as a freshman, he was slotted onto the Science, Space, and Technology subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee where Democrat Bennie Thompson was ranking member at the time.

In 2014, Swalwell was reelected. Now part of the new anti-American majority in the House, he moved over to serve under the sociopathic buddy of sexual predator and major Democrat donor Ed Buck, Adam Schiff. Schiff put him in charge of the oversight committee for the CIA.[3]

Even though the affair was well known Democrat powers to be simply ignored it and the probable implications of sleeping with a Chinese spy.

It seems that China is allowed unfettered access to our politicians and our education system with no recourse. Think that traitors and spies that engage in espionage activities on the behalf of the CCP should, at the very least, be locked up so that they can no longer steal US technology or secrets to send back to their overlords in Red China?

Well, Brandon and his DOJ disagree. While they’re fine with locking up January 6th protesters indefinitely and sending in the police to arrest people for not wearing a mask, punishing Chinese spies is just a bridge too far for the modern FBI.

You see, there’s a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor that was seeking federal grants, but hid his connection to Red China during the process. As Just the News reports:

Professor Gang Chen had been accused of omitting, when applying for an Energy Department grant, that he held a position as an “overseas expert” for the Chinese government, in addition to sitting on the advisory board of Shenzhen’s Southern University of Technology.

Yeah, right. Chen was charged back in January of 2021, discovered and prosecuted by the Trump Era “China Initiative.” Either Chen turned in the forms he was supposed to and disclosed his ties to Red China yet it took the government an entire year to find some form lost in the mail, or he broke the law and now Team Biden is letting him off the hook.[4]

Breaking the law has resulted in no charges, no jail time, no fines, and not even being censored if you’re a Democrat. They blame Republicans for all the negative results of their lawbreaking.  We have effectively become a one-party dictatorship. The Democrats are now just trying to make it legal. We either stand now or we’ll kneel.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  2. Six former US presidents warn invisible shadow government
  3. While Eric Swalwell was sleeping with a Chinese spy Adam Schiff put him in charge of CIA oversight
  4. Brandons DOJ drops charges against the MIT professor that spied for-china

Dopers, Doping, and the Dopes in Charge of Our Lives

By Cliff Kincaid

February 12, 2022

[DISCLAIMER: The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of NWVs, it’s owners, employee, other contributing writers and advertisers. Free speech – next to our Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content they or even one bot doesn’t like, NWVs would become no different than CNN, FOX, SPOTIFY, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and all the other Fascist America hating corporations Americans continue to support when there are so many other alternatives. You read, you decide. Thank you.]

We live in a world of pretense, where we pretend that our enemies don’t exist, and that our government will protect us from them anyway. We are surrounded by liars, cheats, and thieves – minds clouded by dope and doping.

As American athletes compete for medals in Communist China’s Olympics, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)  administrator Anne Milgram has confirmed what we already know – that Communist China is working with Mexican criminal organizations to flood the United States with deadly drugs, killing tens of thousands of our people.

One of the highlights of her interview on CNN was a warning to potheads and stoners that marijuana is now being laced with the deadly drug fentanyl.

She should take a tour of the DEA Museum and its exhibit on Harry Anslinger, who ran the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) for more than 30 years and was a major critic of Red China’s role in drug trafficking.

Sadly, the exhibit plays down the threat, saying, “After the war [World War II] America’s attention turned toward the Cold War and the spread of Communism. China, a source country for opiates, became a target for a so-called Communist narcotics offensive. The McCarthy scare reinforced Anslinger’s worries that Communists were ‘flooding the world with dope to corrupt the youth of America.’”

It looks like DEA administrator Milgram is now beginning to understand the “so-called” communist source of the problem.

But China was more than a “source country.”  Anslinger’s article, “The Opium of the Peoples’ Government,” describes in detail how the Chinese Communists pushed drugs on the Free World to demoralize the “bourgeoisie.”

We have known this for decades. It still continues. This is a deliberate policy on their part.

The Russian communists push drugs as well, even on their own people, as evident in the case of the 15-year-old Russian figure skater, Kamila Valieva, who has tested positive for a banned substance.

It’s being called the new Russia-gate scandal. This one is for real.

Many don’t realize the official Russian team has been banned, and Valieva is a member of the ROC, the Russian Olympic Committee, a substitute. It’s how the Russians managed to get into the Olympics anyway, after a major doping scandal was exposed, implicating the top officials of the Putin regime.

Like most things in Russia, it is state-sponsored.

Despite this, Putin showed up at the Olympic games, dozing off in the bleachers before issuing a joint statement with the Chinese communist dictator calling for a New World Order free of United States influence.

As much as this appeals to an American population disgusted with the China Joe regime, America is still our country, and we have been blessed by God and the work of our ancestors. We have a duty to save it.

We have got to make sure it survives so that our families can have a future. We have got to think of the Biden Administration as pretenders, working in tandem with the enemies that want to destroy us, and figure out ways to evict them from power while making sure the country does not go down the drain.

Our enemies at home and abroad are real. We have to stay focused.

One who is literally out of his mind is Tucker Carlson, who pretends that Russia is not an aggressor and that Ukraine’s 40 million people should just get out of the way, to make sure Russia’s borders are secure and that Putin can remain a peaceful world leader. This is what passes for modern conservatism. It’s not Ronald Reagan conservatism.

Equally significant and bizarre, Biden says “There will no longer be” a Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany if Russia invades Ukraine. But Biden already approved it. He has no interest in saving Ukraine, except as a cash cow for his family.

Tucker likes to talk about corruption in Ukraine, a real concern. But nobody wants to talk about Russian ownership of major German politicians, a process underway for decades and which claimed Angela Merkel and current Chancellor Olaf Scholz as alleged Putin puppets.

No matter what happens with Ukraine, most of the rest of Europe seems lost.

To understand our future, consider the “new” communist man (or woman) promised by the Russians, designed to make this morally corrupt and bankrupt country look great at the Olympic Games.  That was the genesis of the notorious Russian doping scandal.

That first Russia-gate doping scandal involved a man named Grigory Rodchenkov, the former director of Moscow’s anti-doping laboratory, who revealed how the Moscow regime drugged their athletes. The case was featured in the Oscar-winning documentary film “Icarus.”

The Russian regime reportedly sent an assassination squad to kill him after he escaped to the U.S. This, too, was state-sponsored.

Such plots can be traced back to Putin himself, who holds Ukraine and the world hostage while he makes threats. Biden negotiates with this criminal, making Biden complicit in Putin’s crimes, because Russian nukes can obliterate and incinerate our nation.

The Russians stole our nukes, and so did the Chinese.

KGB poisons are still in the Russian arsenal. So are banned substances to make Russian athletes win competitions.

If you don’t serve the state, in Russia, you will die, one way or another. Even if you do serve the state, you may die, after your usefulness is over.

In China, if you criticize a top official for sexual harassment, you disappear, only to remerge with a government monitor and change your story.

In the U.S., at least, most enemies of the state are allowed to live. Thank goodness for small favors. There is still a measure of freedom left in this country.

But was the Russian skater aware she was being drugged? Dan Wetzel of Yahoo! Sports writes that “it would be par for the course for Russia to drug a child athlete only to have her stay eligible because, as a child athlete, she is too young and naive to know she was drugged.”

The Russians may get their gold medals anyway. Let’s just pretend the doping didn’t take place, officially.

But we are not much better than the Russians or the Chinese in the matter of dope. Many of our state governments encourage drug use, through legalization of dope, because of the tax revenue. Conservative hero Joe Rogan once called marijuana a performance enhancer and supported Bernie Sanders for president. That makes sense.

An excellent treatment of this problem, demonstrating the interconnections, was on the Fox News  “Lawrence Jones Cross Country” show, where a drug addict discussed how smoking marijuana as a teenager eventually led her down the dangerous path of pills and fentanyl. But it’s not prim and proper to refer to marijuana as a gateway drug. It’s too lucrative to legalize the dope and create more potheads.

In a major reversal, it turns out that the Biden Administration will NOT be giving out crack pipes to addicts, to get high at taxpayer expense when they are given “safe drug use” kits. They will have to get their own pipes and needles.

We need more people like Harry Anslinger – and Joe McCarthy. They wouldn’t tolerate communists killing our people with drugs.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Hidden Depths of the Deep State

By JW Bryan

February 12, 2022

At the outset of information of the existence and operation of the Deep State, the general mindset was that this was only a part of the FBI that was working to put together false information to implicate President Trump in dealings which would help result in his impeachment.

However, subsequent events, as well as results from the research of many individuals,have revealed that this was only the tip of the iceberg as far as the depth and breadth of the Deep State’s operation goes.

It is now completely evident that the Deep State is involved in practically everything related to changing America into a Socialist/Communist state. We are currently finding that most conservative organizations are heavily saturated.  And if they’re not actually staffed with those connected to it their top leaders are directing the show.  This, of course, results in those organizations either doing nothing, or doing the wrong thing.

How has this come about? A good example would be the selections of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett as President Trump’s three chosen supreme court justices.

Conservatives were led to believe that all of them were/are Constitutional Conservatives.  However, subsequent observations refute this. According to a recent article by Kelleigh Nelson, anyone still believing that these justices are true Constitutional Conservatives hasn’t been paying attention to how they vote.

Nelson states, “Not one of them even follows the U.S. Constitution. What is so discouraging is that they take turns being on the side of those who vote against our Constitution and against American citizens. Watch how they vote, and you’ll notice that one of the three will always side with Roberts, Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer.”

I had noticed this prior to reading her article. Also, I had noticed that Justice Roberts did the same; If an issue came up that was practically insignificant, even though it might lean to the conservative side, he would vote with the conservatives, but if it was a key issue leaning to the left, he would support it.

I highly recommend this article by Kelleigh Nelson. Not only will one be enlightened concerning the things going on now, but also the many traitorous activities extending back to the Reagan years. And please go to the highlighted links which will give you a good beginning for a political science education in addition to a better understanding of how, and why issues which begin with being promoted as, Conservative and pro-American, turn out to be exactly the opposite.

This has come about, largely and in part, by the fact that most conservative organizations Americans are influenced by, like the Heritage Foundation and many others, are saturated, and to some extent staffed by those whose agenda is completely opposite of that claimed by the organization.

The Heritage Foundation has, for many years, been the epitome of influence for what was considered,”conservatives in the know.” This, of course, and as it was intended,resulted in many lesser conservative organizations and their adherents’ becoming satellites of the Heritage Foundation. So, what Heritage promoted, or stood behind was greeted with favor as it was presented to the conservative base.

But let’s look at a few examples of what it supported and promoted. I’ve already touched on the planting of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett in the Supreme Court; this resulted in the Court being, possibly the enemy of America for the remainder of time. In addition, the list of justices which Heritage submitted for President Trump to choose from to be candidates for Justices of the Supreme Court contained close to 20 lower court judges of which only two of them were Pro-Life. The remainder were all pro-abortionists. So, in view of this alone, we can deduce conclusively that esoterically speaking,the only thing conservative about the Heritage foundation is its purpose to keep things as they are, i.e., to support and promote issues which are diametrically opposed to American principles.

What can we say about those individuals and organizations who support Heritage in the way of donations? Well, I would say most individuals continue to perceive it to represent the epitome of conservative thinking. In view of that, they think they’ve done their patriotic bit by donating a few dollars from time to time. However, it is quite evident that probably at least 90% of them don’t have the foggiest idea of what Heritage’s purpose and goals are.

That is only for individuals; for organizations and corporations…well, that’s a different pot of beans.

There may be a few small conservative organizations that have not succumbed to Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) connections, that continue to think Heritage is what it says it is. But for most of the larger so-called conservative organizations and corporations, and wealthier individuals, I believe that they are aware of the real Heritage agenda. For information on this part, I suggest the article by Kelleigh Nelson, which I referred to earlier.

The Deep State deepens with Vice President Michael Pence!

Trump thought he was the “trustworthy” and devout “Christian” Vice President was more than willing to tell the politically naïve President that Heritage was a conservative think tank who would guide him to constitutionally conservative judges for the Supreme Court.

This, of course, identifies the former VP as an agent of the Deep State, which to all practically thinking makes him a traitor, in my opinion. But he’s only one; there are many more throughout the Republican Party, who are referred to as Trotskyites, Neo-cons and RINOs. All of these have their part in aiding the Deep State.

I marvel at the amount of intelligence my friend, Kelleigh Nelson, has disclosed in this article. Considering the number of articles of quality, she writes throughout the year, it just seems impossible that she, in such a limited amount of time, would be able to unveil so much that was practically hidden from the public.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, I began to have suspicions about Pence. I had noticed some remarks he had made to the effect that he was for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). This was at the time in which Trump had let it be known that he was against it. Subsequently however, Pence became silent about the issue.

Practically all Kelleigh reveals in this single article plays into what the title of this article is all about. However, this article will be directed at the transitions over the last hundred plus years which set the tablemaking it possible for the enemies of liberty to bring about what we are witnessing today.

We now know that the deep state didn’t justsuddenly come into being for the purpose of helping to concoct lies about former President Donald Trump. Its beginnings started before I was born, a little over 94 years ago.  It all goes back at least to 1776 with the advent of the Illuminati. But the pot was beginning to boil even prior to that, with some financial interests starting to get both financial and political thingsarranged to set the table for future developments toward the goal of world government.

Skipping over the following 150 years with all the events of that time to World War I, the agenda for world government attempted to use the war for an impetus to aid them in instituting the League of Nations. However, the U.S. senators at that time read the Charter which resulted in the rejection of the League of Nations.

The failure to bring forth the League of Nations resulted in the agenda having to begin again. They accomplished this with the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921.To show the position of its agenda and sphere of influence, John Foster Dulles, the former U.S. Secretary of state, was its president. At the very outset, he began recruiting men of an international bent, both in government and high-up financial affairs.By the year 1939, the agents of the CFR descended upon Washington, DC to begin taking over the U.S. State Department on September 12, 1939.

For moreinformation relative to the above events, go to my previous article, “Path to Understanding, Part 3.”

By 1950,the CFR’s membership totaled approximately one thousand, at which time it became the invisible government. Dan Smoot, Assistant to J. Edgar Hoover, wrote a book titled, “The Invisible Government”, wherein he described much about the CFR.

Here then is a partial outline of the development of the main planning and coordinating force behind everything that is happening today.

Probably the most significant thing the CFR was able to achieve towards progress related to its goal of world domination was its success in getting the United Nations accepted and set up, as well as getting it acknowledged as an “institution of peace.” However, we are at last seeing that the strive for world peace is only esoteric, which is to say the peace it is working to achieve is when it is in complete domination of the world where no resistance exists from anyone.

The following are prime examples of how the CFR gets things done through the power of government.

According to James Perloff, Author of “Shadows of Power,”in 1953 the Bricker Amendment was introduced in Congress. It stipulated that no treaty signed by the U.S. could override the Constitution or infringe on the rights guaranteed Americans. It was born out of painful retrospect of Yalta and the U.N. Charter. Foreign Affairs, the official publication of the CFR, ran a 19-page denunciation of the Bricker Amendment as its lead article in October 1953. President Eisenhower towed the CFR line calling the Amendments’ backers “nuts and crackpots.” Biographer Ambrose writes, “Eisenhower used all his persuasive powers – at stag dinners, at meetings, in private, in correspondence, even on the golf course, to kill the amendment. And killed it was.”

Mr. Perloff also states, “In the fall of 1953, Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the Reece Committee, was invited to the headquarters of the Ford Foundation by its President, H. Rowan Gaither (CFR). According to Dodd, Gaither told him, “Mr. Dodd, all of us here at the policy making-level have had experience, either in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) or the European Economic Administration, with directives from the White House. We operate under those directives here. Would you like to know what those directives are?”  Dodd replied that he would. Gaither said, “The substance of them is that we shall use our grant-making power to alter our life in the United States that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union.”

These two events confirm that Eisenhower was a secret agent of the CFR. It has been reported that he was a member of the organization which was possible and likely. This could have played into him being bumped from a Lt. Colonel to a 5 star General. So, we can readily see that all this resulted in a useful hidden depth of the Deep State. For more on this see my article, “The Enemies of Our President, Part 3.”

The membership of the CFR possibly stands now at between six and seven thousand with about five or six hundred in government departments. We can be sure they are continually striving to bring to fruition the entire agenda of the CFR. Each of them, I’m sure, are connected to those who are their personal satellites which aid in spreading the CFR narrative – world government via the Great Reset, but the CFR will not be referenced anywhere.

There are those who might say, “I’ve never seen anything attributed to the CFR as being involved in what is happening now.” Of course not, it is practically never out front; it works from behind the scenes through others.

© 2022 JW Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan:

In Defense of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán

By Steven Yates

February 11, 2022

“We must fight against an opponent which is different from us. Their faces are not visible, but are hidden from view; they do not fight directly, but by stealth; they are not honorable, but unprincipled; they are not national, but international; they do not believe in work, but speculate with money; they have no homeland, but feel that the whole world is theirs.”  —Viktor Orbán, ceremonial speech on the 170th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 (March 15, 2018).

“Let us confidently declare that Christian democracy is not liberal. Liberal democracy is liberal, while Christian democracy is, by definition, not liberal: it is, if you like, illiberal. And we can specifically say this in connection with a few important issues – say, three great issues. Liberal democracy is in favor of multiculturalism, while Christian democracy gives priority to Christian culture; this is an illiberal concept. Liberal democracy is pro-immigration, while Christian democracy is anti-immigration; this is again a genuinely illiberal concept. And liberal democracy sides with adaptable family models, while Christian democracy rests on the foundations of the Christian family model; once more, this is an illiberal concept.”  —Viktor Orbán, Tusnádfürdő speech, July 28, 2018

“Hungary was led to bankruptcy by a government of former communists pursuing liberal policy. This example strengthens the conviction that in fact there is no such thing as a liberal: a liberal is nothing more than a communist with a university degree. If we had taken their advice, right now Hungary would be in the intensive care ward, with the tubes of IMF and Brussels credit attached to every limb. And the fingers on the valves regulating the flow of credit would belong to George Soros.”  —Viktor Orbán, State of the Nation speech, February 19, 2020

Anglo-European Regime Media hates Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán—who since 2010 has led his country in a direction independent of the liberal-leftist-globalist mindset that dominates the European Union (and Regime Media itself, of course).

He’s been hit with the usual demon words: autocrat, authoritarian, proto-fascist, xenophobic, and so on.

Who is Viktor Orbán, and why is he important? Why is he so despised? What does he have to do with the narrative wars being waged on our side of the Atlantic?

Born in 1963, he studied law in one of Hungary’s major universities. He went into politics following the collapse of the Soviet Empire which freed his country from the 1945 – 1989 Communist dictatorship. He has served as prime minister twice, the first time from 1998 – 2002. He was elected again in 2010.

He is up for reelection in less than two months.

Orbán leads the country’s conservative Fidesz Party. He has unabashedly stood up for Christianity and defended strong families—establishing policies that incentivize parents to have children. He has stood against unlimited immigration and open borders. He actually had built an electrified fence along the country’s border with Serbia to keep illegals out. It is important to note: Orbán has not blocked immigration tout court. Just illegal immigration.

His efforts on behalf of Hungarians have worked! Arguably Hungary is a stronger and more prosperous country today than it was twelve years ago!

If this alone is not enough to arouse the ire of leftists who despise independent success whenever and wherever they see it, European or American, Orbán has openly attacked George Soros — also Hungarian-born but cut from a very different piece of cloth!

Orbán’s person and accomplishments were recently highlighted on a Tucker Carlson Original entitled Hungary vs George Soros (the second such program I know of, the first being on possible FBI involvement on January 6, 2021). This just-under-30-minute presentation has aroused still more hostility from all the usual suspects.

Watch the video. All Tucker does is allow the Hungarian leader to speak for himself. With Tucker as guide, Orbán allows us to see inside the country he has led and shaped for the past 12 years.

What we see is an unabashed nationalist. If he had a tagline, it might read, “Hungary for Hungarians!” And why not? As Carlson points out—and as anyone who digs into the regional history can confirm — Hungarians as a distinct people have been subject to sometimes brutal conquest and outside rule numerous times over the past few centuries: the Ottoman Turks, the Hapsburgs, the Nazis, and finally the Communists.

And now the EU, which unlike its predecessors but like most globalist entities dominates through financial control and cultural subjugation instead of overt military conquest.

Orbán understands that there are more subtle ways to destroy a country than by subjecting it to overt totalitarian rule by foreign invaders.

Just force open its borders. Never mind whether the justification is freedom of migration or “free trade.” Just let inside anyone who wants to enter!

Then do not compel assimilation, or teach them the language! Instead, let them form colonies and slowly dilute the traditions and practices that make up a national identity!

Censor criticisms or depictions of the results by calling them racist and xenophobic!

Within a generation or two, you no longer have a country with its own culture and identity!

This is what multiculturalism and political correctness have done elsewhere in the EU. Just look at the messes that characterize France, or Germany, or even the U.K (Brexit notwithstanding). The banking and other political-corporate oligarchs who run the EU doubtless live in gated and heavily-guarded communities and do not have to see the carnage on the streets and in deteriorating neighborhoods.

If you want to destroy a nation, moreover, support NGOs that serve as conduits of moneyed support for liberalism/leftism/globalism. Support academics who promote leftism and technocracy to a generation of students who then will not have been exposed to anything else. This is all where George Soros comes in.

Among the reasons Orbán is hated is that while opposing all these tendencies that dominate elsewhere he’s openly called Soros onto the carpet.

According to Regime Media, that’s not only being a “conspiracy theorist” but an “anti-Semite” to boot (Soros being Jewish)!

Orbán has called Soros “the most corrupt man in today’s international politics,” that he stands behind the financiers of the EU who threaten Hungary and monetizes their marching orders, which include supporting initiatives within the country that would force it to dismantle its border protections.

The war of words between the two escalated in 2020 following Soros publishing an article in the globalist Project Syndicate accusing Orbán of doing the very thing he has been doing for years, and advising that both Poland and Hungary be punished for rejecting a 1.15 trillion euro seven-year budget package that would enable EU member states to “become part of a unifying European empire under the banner of a global ‘open society,’” as Orbán put it. He invokes the “rule of law” so as to avoid having to call it rule by the elites.

Orbán calls Soros an “economic criminal” who “made his money through speculation, ruining the lives of millions of people, and even blackmailing entire national economies….” He adds that many believe prime ministers must not debate with economic criminals, just as governments “must not negotiate with terrorists.”

Soros embraces the idea of Europe as Empire. Orbán rejects this idea, contending that every attempt to build an empire in Europe has failed. Thus:

“ … the Soros network, which promotes a global open society and seeks to abolish national frameworks, is the greatest threat faced by the states of the European Union…. The goals of the network are obvious: to create multi-ethnic, multicultural open societies by accelerating migration, and to dismantle national decision-making, placing it in the hands of the global elite.”

Orbán signed a law giving Hungary more banking freedom than other EU nations. He understands that without this sort of independence his country will eventually be at the mercy of the EU elites. He does not reject cooperating with other European nations. Obviously, international cooperation is essential to solve common problems. But they should cooperate as independent nations, not as vassal states controlled from Brussels.

He thus cooperates on his own terms. Sometimes the results fuel the criticisms against him. For example, he has met with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whose reinauguration ceremony he attended in 2018. Erdoğan has also met with Orbán in Budapest to discuss common interests. What Orbán said: “A stable Turkish government and a stable Turkey are a precondition for Hungary not to be endangered in any way due to overland migration.”

Orbán has not gotten everything right. Back in 2014 he proposed an Internet tax, which drew widespread criticism and protest. The idea was scrapped.

Far worse is that like nearly all national leaders, he drank the covid-19(84) kool-aide, importing the same injections as everyone else has done. Teachers and health care workers have been required to get them. Orbán hasn’t supported mandating them by law as Austria has done, though, leaving the matter in the hands of employers as the U.S. has tried to do. Six million Hungarians (out of a population of 9.8 million) have gotten two shots, with 3.3 million receiving the third. A fourth is being introduced. The percentage of those vaxxed in Hungary is significantly less than its neighbors. There is, like elsewhere, a determined opposition characterized in all the now-familiar ways.

Hungary’s next national election is April 3. Orbán has a tough fight on his hands. Donald Trump has endorsed him, for whatever this is worth. Otherwise, the sharks are circling. He faces a front of six opposition parties spanning the conventional spectrum. They have united behind Péter Márki-Zay, probably best characterized as a center-right, pro-EU globalist-by-default. What’s united him with them is such allegations as were made by the NGO Freedom House (an example of Soros’s meddling?) that Hungary is now only “partly free.”

As of this writing, neither Orbán’s Fidesz Party nor the opposition has an advantage according to polls. A referendum on special LGBTQ rights is to be held the same day. Among the questions to be asked voters is whether they support sexual orientation workshops in schools without parental consent and whether they favor promoting “gender reassignment” procedures as options for children. This is typical EU.

Orbán has come out against rights and privileges for homosexuals as we’d expect, and this, too, has brought down on his head the wrath of leftists. He has accused the Bidenistas in the Asylum on the Potomac, bureaucrats in Brussels, and the George Soros network of meddling in Hungary’s internal affairs ahead of the election.

He’s been criticized for “repressing” leftists in universities such as the Soros-founded Central European University which moved to Vienna in retaliation alleging having been “forced out” of Hungary and claiming their academic freedom was violated. I am unsure the education reform Orbán championed was a good idea, but it might be worth noting:as longtime readers know, academic leftists nearly always view any criticisms of their ideas as tantamount to violations of their academic freedoms; or worse (and more dishonestly), they accuse their critics of being racists, fascists, xenophobes, etc., ad nauseam. This leaves me wondering whether there is anything here to take seriously or whether this is the same as we see in American universities where leftists yell bloody murder if anyone tries to hold them accountable.

Why do events transpiring in a relatively small Eastern European nation of 9.8 million matter? Because they demonstrate before the world what actually works, i.e., brings genuine benefits to a people, versus what leaves other nations in the shambles that describes much of the rest of continental Europe (except Switzerland and the handful of other places where globalist elites typically congregate).

They demonstrate — again! — the lengths to which voices of the Regime will go, to demonize anyone exercising real leadership within his nation.

This is as true in the U.S. as it is in Europe.

Hungary now hangs in the balance. Will it remain a small but bright beacon of Christian nationalism, an “illiberal democracy” (Orbán’s phrase) in the heart of liberal-leftist-globalist Europe? Or will its voters allow it to go back down that road, sinking a unique place back into the multicultural mire? They probably ought to keep a very close eye on what happens April 3. If there’s any election the globalists would probably like to steal, it’s this one.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

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© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Law Enforcement (or) Gestapo for Hire?

By Lex Greene

February 10, 2022

Over the past two years, we have learned that most Americans will do just about anything for money, even if it costs them everything. They’ll follow unlawful and unconstitutional orders that threaten their health and safety, lock themselves up, wear worthless masks, take injections without any knowledge of what’s in those injections. None of this has anything to do with “following the science.” The science is entirely on our side.

No one did these things for better health. They all did it in a failed effort to protect their financial well-being, under constant false propaganda, threats,bribery, and coercion from those who are actually in control of every person unwilling to control their own lives.

We shouldn’t be shocked to see members of Law Enforcement or the Military in the streets as they follow unlawful orders from a fraudulent administration in an overt threat of force against the people that they all took an oath to protect and defend. After all, they just want to keep their paychecks, just like most Americans who have also done shameful things over the past two years, for the same reason.

In fact, every doctor, nurse, and pharmacist that has administered one of the so-called “COVID vaccines” has done so for the same reason, to protect their jobs, their incomes and country club lifestyles. They don’t know what’s in those injections anymore than you or I do. To this day, the vaccine inserts remain BLANK. Just ask to see one!

The news media doesn’t know anything about the content of the injections either because the pharmaceutical companies making billions of dollars marketing these injections won’t tell anyone what’s in them. They actually asked a court to conceal all related information and adverse event data for more than fifty-years. By the time they release all of the proper drug information on these injections, none of us will be alive anymore.

Yet here we are…watching Law Enforcement and Military deployments to enforce unlawful and unconstitutional mandates issued by public servants with no such authority, no different than the Gestapo blindly carrying out the unlawful enforcement of orders issued by Adolf Hitler, or other tyrants Mao and Mussolini.

Every one of these officers and soldiers is following illegal orders and they are all doing it for the same reason, to protect their paycheck.

Don’t be mad at them for doing it though…many of you have done the same thing for exactly the same reason. At least half of Americans have gone-along to get-along and none of them “followed the science.” They all followed the herd that was following the false propaganda. They all did it to protect their own lifestyles, or so they thought at the time.

After watching half of the country choose a paycheck over freedom, liberty, or even their own health and that of their children, it shouldn’t surprise us to watch members of Law Enforcement and the Military doing the same thing for the exact same reason.

It turns out that most modern Americans are for sale, and cheap!

More than two-years into a global scamdemic supported by no real science whatsoever, most Americans live in fear of the next alleged “variant,” or what their public servants may do to them, if they don’t comply with whatever unlawful orders fall from the Ivory Tower in Washington DC, as if our Constitution created a monarchy, dictatorship, or oligarchy of unelected and unaccountable judges.

The same thing happened in pre-World War Germany, and it resulted in the Nuremberg Trials which prosecuted players who simply “followed orders” despite knowing they were doing massive harm to innocent people. After convicting lawyers, judges, doctors, and enforcers for their role in the event, the Nuremberg Code emerged as an international Law, making it illegal to force or coerce any experimental (emergency use only authorization) medical procedure on anyone for any reason, without the complete “informed consent” of the patient.

No one is “informed” because the “vaccine” inserts remain BLANK, and the “vaccine” manufacturers have concealed the contents and adverse reactions to their products.

As a result, no one is immune from suit or prosecution. Immunities exist only so long as the people involved have no reason to believe they are doing any harm to anyone with their protocol. But more than a million VAERS Reports related to these injections eliminates any thought of immunity for anyone involved in forcing or coercing citizens into these injections. They only need to read more than a million VAERS Reports to know they are causing harm and death to thousands of patients, and maybe millions more in the end.

Why are Law Enforcement officers, Military personnel, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, media personalities, politicians, judges, company boards and many others still forcing these lethal injections on uninformed patients against their will?

The answer is…they are all doing it for money, to protect a paycheck. They all see what happens to people of conscience who refuse to participate in this madness…they are targeted for total destruction!

So, they decided to choose their own personal well-being, no matter what that costs you! They have chosen a paycheck over their oaths to protect and defend. They think they work for their superiors, but in every case, that paycheck is funded by you, the American taxpayer. In the end, they all work for us, not their maniacal superiors on the job, though you can’t tell it right now.

Meanwhile, in every case, their ranks are being purged of those with a conscience, those unwilling to go-long in some futile effort to get-along. There is no getting along with communists or socialists. In the end, they will cancel their own useful idiots, for the greater good of the maniacal Global Reset leaders.

When confronted with evil, we each have only two choices… fight it and defeat it (or) surrender to it.

It’s not hard to see which choice most Americans have made so far. Will that change? Or will all of these players face their own Nuremberg Trial one day?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Dramatically Devolving and Changing Face of America

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 10, 2022

If you drive, walk or ride a bicycle in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Green Bay, New York City, Chicago, LA, Miami or Detroit, Michigan in 2022, be prepared for the new bastardized form of America in the 21st century.

Each day, Joe Biden and Congress import an average of 10,000 legal and illegal third world immigrants into our country.  They can’t speak English.  They lack any educational background.  They carry corrosive cultural practices.  They head toward the welfare and food stamp offices of each city where Biden flies them.  They arrive from 190 different countries at your expense.

If you visit Detroit, 300,000 middle eastern immigrants have turned that “Motor City” into an Islamic City complete with blaring music across the rooftops.  You won’t see Old Glory flying anywhere in Dearborn or Hamtramck.  You will not hear English being spoken, but you will see women in black dresses with head-coverings.  The spoken language?  Answer: Arabic.

When you visit Miami, you will not hear English, but Spanish. It’s no longer an American city. It’s more like Mexico City.  The same goes for Los Angeles where an excess of 4.0 million illegal alien migrants preside with immunity from our laws.  They don’t act, speak or think like born/and raised Americans.

If you visit Minneapolis, you can’t avoid “Somaliland” where 125,000 Somalian immigrants dominate the welfare rolls, food stamp stores, and housing.  They’ve trashed the schools and run drugs into every available “once” American neighborhood.  Why is that?  Answer: that’s what illiterate people do…they run drugs.

While visiting Chicago, you may have to dodge errant bullets at any hour of the day.  The schools suffer trashing, gunfire, theft and disorder.

What’s coming with all “multiculturalism and diversity”?
Answer: when illiterate, angry immigrants cannot resolve their issues, they start shooting.

A suspect who allegedly shot a Milwaukee police officer last month pleaded not guilty on Monday to attempted first-degree intentional homicide and other charges.

A 22-year-old Asian immigrant thug, Jetrin Rodthong faces a $1 million bond in the case. In addition to attempted first-degree intentional homicide, he’s also facing three counts of bail jumping, possession of drugs,  second-degree recklessly endangering safety, operating a vehicle without the owner’s consent, and hit-and-run involving injury.

“On the evening of Jan. 27, officer Herbert Davis III was called to the city’s Menomonee Valley neighborhood to check on a person who was sick or injured.  Davis initially found Rodthong slumped over in the vehicle and the suspect tried to run away after being woken up.”

The two exchanged gunfire and both were struck before Rodthong allegedly fled the scene in Davis’ squad car. Rodthong crashed into another vehicle, fled on foot, and was later captured by police.

At the time of the shooting, Rodthong sported multiple open felony cases, according to court records. Policed arrested him twice in August 2020 on charges of resisting arrest, possession of drugs, and driving a vehicle without the owner’s consent. He was also arrested in March 2020 for attempting to flee a police officer in a vehicle.

It was the third shooting of a law enforcement officer in Milwaukee in two weeks.

Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Deputy Christian Almonte was shot on Jan. 26 while searching a neighborhood following a traffic stop. On Jan. 13, an off-duty Milwaukee police detective was shot while trying to stop an attempted robbery. Both the deputy and detective survived their wounds.

The Rodthong thug is one case among thousands of refugee immigrants who arrived from the third world, and now, will be carrying on the same violent behaviors in your neighborhood as their 10,000 additional numbers, daily, reach your sweet little American city at some point.

How might this harsh reality disturb you?  Answer: if Biden keeps importing them, and Congress keeps importing them into our midst…very little of America will be left for your children in the coming years.

As a journalist who watched it happen to Detroit, Michigan over a 20-year period, I “see” exactly the same future for all of our cities as we import the refugees of the world with wildly incompatible cultures, to foment the problems of the world within our very delicate culture.

How much time do we have left to save ourselves? By the end of the 2020’s, we are expected to add another 30 million more immigrants.  Biden will add another 8.0 million illegals on his own. Why aren’t people speaking about this very harsh reality?

If we don’t stop all immigration, NOW, I don’t think we’re going to survive as an intact civilization.  I doubt, and I don’t say this with any kind of optimism, America will be fractured beyond repair before 2050.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Devil Made Me Do It

Coach Dave Daubenmire

February 10, 2022

Most Americans recognize the phrase “the Devil made me do it,” from Flip Wilson who hosted a smash comedy show in the 1970’s.  That was back when people were permitted to say funny things no matter whom it might offend.

Funny was, and still is, funny.  It is just that the Lefties are too boorish to be able to laugh at themselves.  Jokes are now offensive…unless they are jokes about Christian men…and there is now an open season on that genre of discrimination.  Flip Wilson would be a right-wing Uncle Tom by today’s cultural standards.

But no matter what era one looks at the Truth never changes.  Although Mr. Wilson was speaking tongue-in-cheek, he was actually on to something.  The Devil, who is real, does not have the power to actually MAKE someone behave in a particular fashion, but Satan does have the power to influence behavior.  That was true in the 1970’s and it is still true today.

The Good Lord gave each one of us free will, and although we are easily influenced by things around us, the behavior choices that we make are the results of our personal decisions.  The Devil can’t FORCE any of us to do his bidding, but he does have the ability to pressure us into bad decisions. ALL bad behavior begins with stinkin’ thinkin’.

I ask that the non-believers reading this would humor me a bit by permitting me to posit something that needs to be considered.  There is such a thing as TRUTH, no matter how much the Devil’s kids try to destroy it.  Men are men and women are women and no amount of voodoo science can change those Truths. The Bible actually teaches us that Satan is ‘the father of lies.”  Telling lies is the way that Satan advances his agenda.  Each individual, because of free will, is given the prerogative to believe the Truth or to believe a lie.

Truth is not, and never can be, merely an opinion.  Truth can be muddied over, twisted, denied, ignored, and watered-down, but at the end of the day THE TRUTH is THE TRUTH.

Did God really say?”  That was the first question ever uttered in the Bible.  It was spoken by The Serpent to Adam’s spouse, Eve.  All lies and deception begin by questioning Truth.  We are all prisoners to what we KNOW, and, more importantly, what we BELIEVE.  Eve had no firsthand knowledge of what God had actually said because she was not an eyewitness to what God had spoken to Adam.  Her knowledge was 2nd hand.  She KNEW what God had said, but she didn’t actually BELIEVE it.  Old Slew Foot hooked Adam’s wife with one seemingly harmless question.  “Did God really say…?”

We have been fighting lies ever since.

The world today is awash in half-truths and miss-truths.  So much of what we believe today does not pass the smell test.  That is why Satan’s team is so hell-bent on exercising censorship upon those with a differing opinion.  If Fauci and team Satan are ever forced to pony up the evidence for the bilge they have been spewing for the past two years their claims will tumble down faster than the Twin Towers in 2001.  Just like their daddy the Devil, they must block the Truth from being exposed.

You see, Flip Wilson was partially right.  Their daddy IS “making them do it” through the use of liars and deception.  It is what the Devil’s kids do.  They lie. But the question is who is making you believe them?

All of the problems we face in America are in our minds.  That is where all the trouble begins.  That is why “mind control” and television “programming” are so essential in this war.  Every decision we make begins as a thought.  If you can control, or influence, the thoughts of people then it becomes easy to control them.  The battle ground, as the Bible teaches, is in the mind.  What you THINK and what you BELIEVE makes all the difference in what you DO!

That is the game-changer you see.  Jesus, through the Bible, teaches us what we SHOULD do and then leaves the choice up to us.  It is called obedience.  Obey God and His precepts and life will go much better for everyone.  Ignore them, and trouble lurks around every corner.  Satan’s role is simply to get you to doubt what God has said.  He does that by messing with our minds.

We are told in the book of Romans to “take captive every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.”  Thoughts lead to actions.  Wrong thoughts lead to wrong beliefs.  Wrong beliefs lead to wrong behaviors.  Wrong behaviors have gotten us into the mess we now find ourselves in.  Only Truth, and obeying Truth, can ever get us back on track.

According to the Bible, lying is a sin.  Where I come from liars were hated and were considered the low-life’s of America.  Lies are destructive.  Just look around America.  Liars govern all of us.  No one is every held accountable for lying anymore.  “Parsing words” has become a political art.  The best liars get rewarded.

The Bible talks a great deal about demons.  They are called, “principalities and powers, evil spirits in high places.”  Could the Bible be True?  Could evil, demonic spirits actually be controlling people by interfering with their thought process?  What did the writer of Romans mean when he exhorted us to “take captive every thought…?”  Could our thoughts actually be controlling us?  Is it possible for us to control our behaviors by simply “capturing” a thought before it becomes an action?

We are warned that “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”  Could it be that we are on the highway to hell not because of what we know, but because of what we don’t know?  Could our lack of understanding of the spiritual world and the way the Devil operates be hindering the advancement of the Kingdom of God?

Let me ask you a question.  Does your Pastor spend much time training you in how to fight against the “wiles of the Devil?”  Has he explained the invisible world around us and the influence that the demonic world has on this world?  Has he taught you how to recognize and fight against the forces of darkness?

Flip Wilson was partially right.  The Devil can’t MAKE you do anything. but he sure can influence those who don’t understand the spiritual war raging around us.  Are your eyes open?  Do you understand that the battle is between good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong?

All wrong belief leads to wrong behavior.  How else can you explain the darkness sweeping across this land?

The Devil is real.  Until you accept that Truth nothing will ever make sense.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Is Tucker Carlson More Offensive Than Joe Rogan?

By Cliff Kincaid

February 9, 2022

Forget about the foul-mouthed Joe Rogan, the rich former host of “Fear Factor” who, desperate to save his podcast, has collapsed in fear in the face of liberal pressure over his COVID podcasts. More serious is the case of Tucker Carlson, the number one-rated Fox News host, who has been acting indifferent to the fate of 40 million people in Ukraine. His public posture, which has a major influence on conservatives and Republicans, is that Russia’s military mobilization on the border of Ukraine is designed to protect Russia.

As Rogan gets “conservative” support, despite his numerous instances of using racist N-word language, Tucker’s disdain for the people of Ukraine actually gets some support from the same people. Strange.

In a related development, the Russian propaganda organ RT quotes their leader, former KGB spy Vladimir Putin, as saying that the friendship between Russia and China has become an example of how two nations can develop together and support each other “in almost all areas.” That means killing independence for Ukraine — and then Taiwan.

Incredibly, Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan was on a Sunday show downplaying the relationship, saying that Xi and Putin, in their lengthy declaration, didn’t actually use the word “alliance.”

Tucker Carlson, another dummy on geopolitics who has become a favorite of RT, has made the equally astounding claim that NATO has been pushing Russia into the arms of China.

Of course, this had happened years ago – more than 20 years ago, in fact, and before that, when a Russian agent by the name of Grigori Voitinsky actually created and became the founder of Maoist China. Russia established a strategic partnership or alliance with Communist China from the very beginning of the Chinese communist regime and formalized this in writing in 2001. It was called the “Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between.”

Tucker, a conservative who leans on the far-left for foreign policy advice and is admittedly under NSA surveillance, seems to be unfamiliar with this.

On July 7, 2021 (that was last year, Tucker), Chinese Communist official State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended and addressed the Reception Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation in Beijing.

The new China-Russia announcement, unveiled as the “Genocide Games” were launched in China, was headlined in the communist People’s World, “Russia and China issue joint call for an end to NATO expansion.”

NATO expansion is the new bogeyman. Tucker has bought into Moscow’s line.

But nobody seriously believes NATO is poised to march into Moscow or Beijing. It’s just an excuse for Russia to seize more of Ukraine. Only Tucker Carlson and his lackeys believe the propaganda spewing from the KGB mouth of Vladimir Putin.

However, Xi and Putin are somewhat honest about their own intentions, offering in their joint statement various proposals, treaties, and agreements that will advance their own interests.

These include:

The Eurasian Economic Union
  China’s Belt and Road Initiative
  The Global Development Initiative
  The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
  The Paris Climate Agreement.
The One-China principle (China owns Taiwan).
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

China’s cooperation with Russia takes place through BRICS, the SCO, and the Eurasian Economic Union. Here are the facts which have escaped Tucker’s attention:

BRICS (Russia, China and India, with Brazil and South Africa) defended Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine back in 2014.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was established in 2001 by China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, and the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Member-States of the Eurasian Economic Union are the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.

Regarding the other initiatives, here are some of the most significant:

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, are code words for global taxes and other forms of foreign aid from the U.S. to the rest of the world.
The U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change proposes legally binding limits on carbon emissions, crippling what’s left of our industrial economy, along with new legally binding financial commitments that could run into the trillions of dollars to be “redistributed” from the U.S. and other “rich” nations.
The Paris Climate Agreement was so one-sided against the United States the Trump Administration withdrew from it.
China’s Global Development Initiative (GDI) is designed to accelerate the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Meanwhile, the American people are saddled with China Joe Biden, as he prepared to meet at the White House with the pro-Russia chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz. Equally significant, it turns out that Germany’s new far left interior minister, Nancy Faeser, wrote for a communist-run Antifa Magazine.

Who lost Germany? That’s on Biden’s watch. He gave Germany the OK to get more Russian oil and gas through Nord Stream 2 and the Germans promptly turned their backs on Ukraine.

We are facing what the late Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky called the development of the EUSSR – a Europe dominated by Russia, in alliance with Germany and China.

The United States is increasingly isolated.

But so is Israel, which figures to be increasingly under assault by a nuclear-armed Iran, backed by Russia and China, which is being promised a new appeasement deal by the Biden Administration.

At this critical point in history, we can’t afford having a nincompoop on foreign affairs hosting the number one-rated program on Fox. He’s more of an embarrassment than Joe Rogan.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Everything They Touch Is Cursed! Gay Comic Book Bombs!

By Bradlee Dean

February 9, 2022

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”  —Jude 1:7

Most recently, another mainstream media “useful idiot” attacked The Sons of Liberty radio and media outlet with accusations of being hateful, bigoted, conspiratorial and engaged in efforts to undermine democracy (Revelation 12:10).

First off, if the law is hateful in condemning sodomy, “crimes against nature” (Leviticus 18:22-20:13), or any other subversive organization in America, then we are guilty as charged. Check your state statute-it is illegal in every state of our union.

[Rumble Video]

For those who are paying attention, the mainstream media has a long history of covering for conspirators (Jeremiah 11:9).

[Rumble Video]

Finally, as to their last accusation of “efforts to undermine democracy.” We are NOT a democracy; we are a Constitutional republic (Article IV, Section 4 US Constitution)!

So, after considering the source (John 8:44), here is another prime example of what it is that the MSM means to conceal from the people (Luke 12:2).

The Boy Scouts of America’s plan to emerge from bankruptcy with a $2.7-billion settlement suffered a major setback this week, but the youth group and lawyers for thousands of men who were sexually abused in the ranks say they will continue to work toward a deal.

The Scouts’ opening bid was rebuffed when it failed to garner “overwhelming support” — which both sides defined as 75% — from the nearly 54,000 abuse survivors who voted on the proposed settlement, touted as the largest of its kind in U.S. history.

A preliminary tally released late Tuesday showed the reorganization plan fell just short of what was needed to be confirmed by the bankruptcy judge presiding over the case. The count put the “yes” votes at 73%.

“Survivors understood that the Plan does not adequately compensate them,” John Humphrey, co-chairman of the official tort claimants committee appointed by the bankruptcy trustee to represent all victims, said in a statement.

This is after the people gave the Boy Scouts of America the green light to open the flood gates to the sodomites in making a prey out of the young boys (Romans 1:24).

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What’s worse is that not one word of justice upon the heads of the perpetrators was mentioned, not a word!

[Rumble Video]

The American people, somehow or another, believe that this abominable lifestyle is what the people are asking for, but it’s just the opposite.

These haters push the agenda in hopes of normalizing the crime.  Yet, in America, it is backfiring over and over again.

[Rumble Video]

Brietbart just reported:

DC Comics turned Superman into a bisexual who fights climate deniers, and to the shock of no one who lives in the real world, the comic has bombed.

Previous estimates for the book’s sales showed it was in the gutter with Comichron claiming the first book of Superman: Son of Kal-El only sold 68,800 issues back in July when it first debuted. That was good for the 17th best selling comic of the month.

The most recent data compiled by Comichron reveals that the book’s third issue only sold 34,000 copies in September. That was good for the 77th best selling comic of the month.

That 68,800 number for the first issue is even worse when you compare it to previous Superman #1 issues. When the series was rebooted when Brian Michael Bendis took over the title back in 2018, Superman #1 sold 133,700 copies.

Other Superman #1 editions sold 118,434 copies, 105,380 copies, and 118,376 copies.

Bisexual Superman (who now has a boyfriend with pink hair) has already fallen out of the top 50 comic sellers. What a humiliation, After all, this is Superman we’re talking about, the most famous superhero of all time, and DC’s woketards killed the brand so effectively it couldn’t crack the top 50.

It should be pointed out that Bisexual Superman is not Superman-Superman. Bisexual Superman is the son of Superman-Superman and Lois Lane, but who cares? These people are out of their minds.

In conclusion: When the Lord said that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (1 Corinthians 5:6), He meant just that.

Americans know what the end aim is here with this abominable agenda and to act otherwise is self-deceptive to the highest of Heavens.  Consider the children (Luke 17:2).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:


By Lex Greene

February 8, 2022

According to Joe Biden, more than two-thirds of USA citizens have received one or more of the COVID19 fake “vaccines.” But none of them are “vaxxed” still, and life for the vaxxed is far worse than if they had never fallen for the scam. They live every moment in fear!

Round One was sold on the promise that if you would just shut up and take it, you will no longer need to be locked down, isolated, wear a worthless mask, or ever worry about getting or spreading COVID19 and you, “can return to normal life” for being a good little boy or girl, or whatever gender you identify as today.

Of course, we have since learned a few important things about who is and who isn’t vaxxed.

To this day, no one who has taken one of the Gates-Fauci injections, knows what was in it. They have no idea what is in any of the subsequent injections either. Still today, the “vaccine” inserts remain BLANK. Just ask your local doctor or pharmacist to see a copy of the vaccine inserts. Despite this fact, millions of go-along to get-along citizens mindlessly lined up for the lethal injections, and millions still are two years later.

Now we know, one jab isn’t enough. You will need a second, and third, and boosters from this point on, according to the “experts,” whom millions of citizens already followed off this cliff.

The CDC has established that if you get one of their “vaccines,” you are NOT vaccinated until fifteen days after your injection. This is due to the fact that more than 80% of adverse events caused by these “vaccines” happens in the first seven days following injection, most often, within the first three days after injection.

This is how the CDC gets away with labeling these “vaccine deaths” as “COVID deaths,” and vaccine injuries as COVID19. If someone dies in the first fourteen days following the injection, it’s not a “vaccine death” because according to the CDC, you’re not actually vaccinated until day fifteen, after injection. Never mind that you were well and not dead until you took the JAB. If the “vaccine” killed you within the first fourteen days, you died of COVID19, not the lethal vaccine responsible for your death.

More than two years into the COVID scamdemic, here’s what we now know, and all of it has been confirmed by the so-called experts, who told us all the opposite for the past two years.

  • No one is actually vaxxed. Once you take the first injection, you will have to keep taking more injections, because to date, none of the injections prevent infection, transmission, illness, or death. The “boosters” have already proven more lethal than the original injections.
  • None of the masks we were told to wear for the past two years are designed to, or capable of preventing the spread of any virus. Wearing one just makes you look uneducated.
  • None of the injections are FDA Approved. But Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have been FDA Approved for human use for decades. Fauci authorized the use of Hydroxychloroquine to eradicate SARS1 between 2003-2005. Fauci has known this is a highly effective and inexpensive treatment from the beginning. So why did he block the use of it for the past two years?
  • Fauci’s drug Remdesivir was taken down years ago due to it causing renal failure, the lungs to fill with fluids (pneumonia), resulting in the need to ventilate patients until dead. This is the ONLY drug Fauci authorized for COVID19 hospitalized patient protocols, and thousands have died in the hospital under this protocol since. They are all labeled “COVID deaths.”
  • Under the “most deadly pandemic in recent years,” the overall death rate in the USA hasn’t changed much, about 0.01% to 0.10% each year, which is very typical, largely dependent upon the length and severity of the “flu season” in any given year. The 2020 and 2021 overall USA death rate remains significantly lower than in past years, despite claims to the contrary.
  • Between 60% and 90% of all COVID hospitalizations today are “vaccinated” patients. Obviously, this is most noticeable in countries with the highest VAX rates, like Israel and the UK. But it’s also a matter of fact in the USA.
  • Even though our lame stream media keeps fearmongering with false numbers, recently announcing the “new milestone of 900,000 Americans dead from COVID19,” the REAL number of deaths in the USA from COVID19 is approximately 54,000, 6% of the death cases marked COVID. This too, has been openly admitted by the CDC, but that hasn’t stopped the Biden regime and their leftist media from using the much scarier 900,000 number. 54,000 is about the same number that die each year of the FLU, on average.
  • Even if we use Biden’s scary 900,000 number, that represents only 0.28% of the US population, meaning that 99.72% of US citizens have easily survived COVID19 over the past two years. But if we use the real number, 54,000 deaths (most likely from the flu), that represents 0.017% of the US population, proving that COVID19 was never a “pandemic” or even an “epidemic” with an overall USA survival rate of 99.98%.

As these TRUTHS reach the general public, despite massive efforts to make sure it doesn’t, the people are waking up and they are taking to the streets to shut the entire scamdemic down. People are in the streets of nations all over the globe, the most visible being the trucker and farmer protests in cities across Canada.

The people are pissed, and they should be. They have been lied to, dictated to, bribed, threatened, coerced,silenced, socially shamed, and penalized out of their most fundamental human rights for over two years now. As I write, the US Military is purging America’s best war fighters from its ranks for refusing lethal injections already proven to at best, not work, and at worst, cause illness and death.

US Companies are still trying to force and coerce their employees into taking these fatal injections against their will and better judgement, just to keep their paychecks, even though there are no standing mandates in effect from any governmental body. No governmental body or employer has ever had the right or authority to force inject anyone with anything, against their will.

To the wise UNVAXXED, congratulations! You could smell this global fraud from the start and stood your ground to protect yourselves and loved ones from lethal injections at odds with all real known science, and the Global Reset that is the real pandemic behind COVID19. You my friends, are TRUE Americans who stood on facts and real science and never fell for the plethora of lies told to advance an evil global agenda.

As for those who are now trapped in the endless injection system, Americans used to be born smart enough to never trust politicians, lawyers, global Marxists and used car salesmen. How did you get so foolish?

Last, will you remain this foolish now that you have the real facts and science? Or are you AWAKE now?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Mass Murder by a Medical System that has Lost Its Direction and Soul

By Kelleigh Nelson

February 8, 2022

People were dying, [yet] all of my ideas were getting shouted down. My superiors were showing up [to my clinical meetings] and getting me to stand down, because I was entertaining the idea that we should do this, that and the other thing, and they didn’t want anything to be done. —Dr. Pierre Kory

This is a war on cheap repurposed drugs.  —Dr. Paul Marik before testifying on NH Bill that would make Ivermectin available OTC in NH.

I never thought I’d see the day where doctors are censored, and patients are kept from care.  —Dr. Peter McCullough

An epidemic, either naturally caused or intentionally caused, is the most likely thing to cause…say…10 million excess deaths.  —Bill Gates – 2017

Were we lied to about the number of deaths from Covid?  Yes!  Were the tests run at cycles too high to purposely show false positives? Yes!  Could someone pass the virus if asymptomatic? No!  Was social distancing valid?  No!  Were masks beneficial? No!  Was the lockdown effective in stopping the viral spread?  No!

Have nearly half of small businesses been destroyed? Yes!  Has the economy tanked?  Yes!  Have the big box stores benefitted? Yes!Has domestic abuse risen?  Yes!  Has drug addiction climbed?  Yes!  Have suicide rates escalated? Yes!  Have mental and physical problems risen?  Yes!  Have children lost IQ from the masking? Yes!  Are children disabled via speech impediments and learning disabilities because of the lockdowns and masking?  Yes!

Have the AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH protocols saved patients?  Hell no!  They have purposely murdered hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who could have been saved.  The dissident doctors, scientists and healthcare workers know there are repurposed drugs (inexpensive and available) that could have saved up to 86% of those who perished.  Have those same stakeholders lied about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?  Yes, even Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine lied.

Have we been sold a lie via fear mongering and media propaganda?  Yes! Has the government enacted mandates that are unconstitutional?  Yes!  Has the Bill of Rights been violated?  Yes!

Are the COVID jabs dangerous to your health and wellbeing? Very!  Are the actuarial tables showing a rise in deaths of young people who had the jab?  Yes!  Are our soldiers being disabled by the jab? Yes! Have we been lied to from day one about the creation of this Wuhan virus and who is responsible?  Yes!

Was the CIA involved in planning this pandemic?  Yes!  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, states that there were over 20 “pandemic” simulations beginning in 2000, and Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the CIA were involved in every one of them. “The CIA wrote the script, high-level CIA officials participated in every one of those pandemic simulations.”

Kennedy states, “So they practiced again and again and again: How to use the pandemic as a pretext for imposing totalitarian controls and for obliterating liberal democracy across the planet.”

This was all part of a decades-old globalist-devised blueprint for the future.

“New World System”

The previous two nightmare years were engineered decades ago and exposed in the 1960s.  Dr. Vernon Coleman’s short 17-minute video explains what the globalist architects were up to back then and where we are today…frighteningly close to completion!  He mentioned a dystopian lecture by Dr. Richard Day.

In March 1969, Dr. Richard Day, Professor of Pediatrics at Mt. Sinai Medical School in New York gave a chilling lecture about the “New World System.”Previously he had served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.  He told of future plans, whether as a forewarning or to unburden himself.  He spoke as though he had colluded with the blueprint designers. His warnings for the future were uncannily accurate.

Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended Dr. Day’s lecture.The audience was told not to take notes, but he later recorded his recollections of what was said by Dr. Day. Two of the three tapes made by Dr. Dunegan were transcribed and can be accessed at this website.  It’s all there, and we’re experiencing everything Dr. Day told the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society 53 years ago.  I urge you to fully peruse the website it as it contains vital information not included in this article.

Dr. Coleman exposed the highlights of Dr. Day’s lecture.  Day warned that in the future, the elderly would be eliminated by making it more difficult for them to access medical care.  He stated that social chaos would be promoted, travel would be restricted, hospitals would become jails, private medicine would be eliminated, the incidence of heart attacks would be deliberately increased, the world population would be reduced, information would be controlled, fake science would be used to promote the myth of global warming, there would be cameras everywhere, sports will become unisex, ID cards will be implanted, food supplies would be controlled, the weather would be controlled, and the people would be controlled.

He also warned that books would be banned and removed from libraries if they were considered dangerous.  Professor Day also stated that television sets would be able to watch the people who watch them and that new diseases would be deliberately introduced.

Dr. Coleman mentioned we were warned in the 80s that everyone would be affected by AIDS, and by the 2000s, medical organizations were constantly producing unsubstantiated scare stories.  Today the beat goes on…

Our Soulless Medical System

Dr. Dunegan was shocked when Dr. Daystated, “Some of you will think I’m talking about Communism. Well, what I’m talking about is much bigger than Communism!”

Of the over 40 topics discussed in the transcribed two tapes, I’ve included only a few of Dr. Dunegan’s statements, those that pertain to the medical industry.My comments are in italics.

  • Limiting access to affordable medical care.

A big item that was elaborated on at some length was the cost of medical care would be made burdensomely high. Medical care would be connected very closely with one’s work but also would be made very, very high in cost so that it would simply be unavailable to people beyond a certain time. Unless they had a remarkably rich, supporting family, they would just have to do without care. And the idea was that if everybody says, “Enough! What a burden it is on the young to try to maintain the old people,” then the young would become agreeable to helping Mom and Dad along the way, provided this was done humanely and with dignity. Then the example was – there could be a nice farewell party, a real celebration. Mom and Dad had done a good job. Then after the party is over, they take the “demise pill.”

  • Planning the control over medicine.

There would be profound changes in the practice of medicine. Overall, medicine would be much more tightly controlled.  Insurance is the racket they’ve been using to control what you are allowed and not allowed.

This has already been exacerbated by Obama’s euphemistically named, “Affordable Care Act.”  The cost of insurance and thus medical care has risen exponentially, along with the cost of prescription medications. More at the Link.

  • Elimination of private doctors.

The image of the doctor would change. No longer would he be seen as an individual professional in service to individual patients.  The doctor would be gradually recognized as a highly skilled technician – and his job would change. The job is to include things like executions by lethal injection.

Healthcare providers in other countries ravaged by COVID have decided that age 60 is the cut off age for life or for use of resources that can benefit younger patients.

Last December, New Zealand okayed euthanasia for COVID patients.

Ninestates (CA, CO, HI, ME, NJ, NM, OR, VT, and WA) and DC legalized physician-assisted suicide via legislation.  One state, (MT) has legal physician-assisted suicide via court ruling.

The image of the doctor being a powerful, independent person would have to be changed. Dr. Richard Day went on to say, “Doctors are making entirely too much money. They should advertise like any other product.” Lawyers would be advertising too.

Lawyers already are advertising, and very few physicians still have single practices.  All of them are working for an employer in a group practice, which can advertise. 

Keep in mind, this was an audience of doctors; being addressed by a doctor. And it was interesting that he would make some rather insulting statements to his audience without fear of antagonizing us. The solo practitioner would become a thing of the past.

They have.

A few die-hards might try to hold out, but most doctors would be employed by an institution of one kind or another. Group practice would be encouraged, corporations would be encouraged, and then once the corporate image of medical care gradually became more and more acceptable, doctors would more and more become employees rather than independent contractors. Along with that, of course, unstated but necessary, is the employee serves his employer, not his patient.

  • New difficult to diagnose and untreatable diseases.

The next heading to talk about is Health and Disease. Day said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. They would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable – at least for a long time. No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, “Is this a case of what he was talking about?” Some years later AIDS developed. I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease.

Covid has never been isolated, neither have any of the so-called “variants.”

  • Suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control.

Cancer. He said, “We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it’s ever decided that it should be released. But consider – if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as of something else.” Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation.

And there’s all the money made from those stricken with the disease.

  • Inducing heart attacks as a form of assassination.

Another very interesting thing was heart attacks. Day said, “There is now a way to simulate a real heart attack. It can be used as a means of assassination.” Only a very skilled pathologist who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish this from the real thing. I thought that was a very surprising and shocking thing to hear from this particular man at that particular time. This, and the business of the cancer cure, really still stand out sharply in my memory, because they were so shocking and, at that time, seemed to me out of character.

He then went on to talk about nutrition and exercise sort of in the same framework. People would have to eat right and exercise right to live as long as before. Most won’t. In retrospect, I tend to think he meant high salt diets and high fat diets would predispose toward high blood pressure and premature arteriosclerotic heart disease. And that if people who were too dumb or too lazy to exercise as they should, then their circulating fats go up and predispose to disease.

Dr. Day also said something about diet information would be widely available, but most people, particularly stupid people, who had no right to continue living anyway, would ignore the advice and just go on and eat what was convenient and tasted good. There were some other unpleasant things said about food. I just can’t recall what they were. But I do remember having reflections about wanting to plant a garden in the backyard to get around whatever these contaminated foods would be. I regret I don’t remember the details about nutrition and hazardous nutrition.

Researchers are now putting COVID mRNA vaccines in lettuce, spinach and edible plants to vaccinate the unvaxxed.

Anybody who was lazy enough to want convenience foods rather than fixing his own also had better be energetic enough to exercise. Because if he was too lazy to exercise and too lazy to fix his own food, then he didn’t deserve to live very long.

This was all presented as sort of a moral judgement about people and what they should do with their energies. People who are smart, who would learn about nutrition, and who are disciplined enough to eat right and exercise right are better people – and the kind you want to live longer.

Look at the rise in heart attacks with the COVID vax, not to mention a shortened life because of myocarditis, pericarditis, and a destroyed immune system.

Professor Day also mentioned the need for more jails, and using hospitals as jails.  Hospitals could serve as jails. Some new hospital construction would be designed so as to make them adaptable to jail-like use.

Haven’t we already seen this very thing happen to many elderly patients and only by the grace of God have families and attorneys gotten them out of these new COVID-death prisons.  Attorneys Report Spike in Calls for Help from Families of Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19.

All of this was forecast in 1969, and nearly everything Dr. Day lectured about has already happened…and at an increasingly accelerated rate.  Today, medical care for the un-jabbed is being denied, social credits are being introduced, and the mandatory childhood jabs are on their way to kill or sterilize our children.  Babies and toddlers are next.

What has occurred in the last two years is a culmination of these plans. The hospital protocols for COVID are a death sentence and the unvaxxed “pure bloods” are also paying a hefty price.

Vax Mandates

A three year old boy was denied heart surgery in Germany, the UK and Israel because his parents weren’t “vaccinated.”  Finally, he was flown to Greece where the surgery was performed.

A Boston hospital refused a 31-year-old man a heart transplant because he did not want to be inoculated with C-19 jabs.  One look at the myocarditis and pericarditis stats after these vax injections would deter anyone, yet medical personnel, who are supposed to stay informed, either know nothing, or continue to protect themselves rather than their patients.  They follow their employers’ mandates.

Cleveland Clinic has made it mandatory for anyone receiving a transplant to be Covid jabbed.  A kidney transplant became available for Mike Ganim via a friend of the family.  But then devastating news was dropped on them when Cleveland Clinic said the donor had to have the C-19 vax in order to “protect” everyone.  The donor had religious reasons, including freedom, for her refusal of this inoculation.

The U.S. Navy is violating a court order by allegedly blocking treatment for a traumatic brain injury and inflicting other forms of punishment on SEALs who requested religious exemptions to the coronavirus “vaccine,” according to a new legal complaint.

Adverse Effects and Fatalities

The military’s mandated injections resulted in a high rate of disorders, ailments and death, as well as the onset of COVID-19, influenza, pneumonia, and over 100 other conditions.

The findings of the Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers, as told to attorney Thomas Renz, are consistent with remarks from OneAmerica CEO J. Scott Davison, who stated during a call hosted by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Indiana Hospital Association that “working age people (18 to 64) are dying at a rate that is 40% higher than pre-pandemic rates.”

Healthy young sports figures are dying because of the vax; 108 FIFA footballers and over 400 athletes dead from heart failure in six months.

Journalist and commentator Daniel Horowitz, who spoke with attorney Renz before Senator Ron Johnson’s panel discussion, explained in an article published January 26th that the doctors “queried the numbers for hundreds of codes from 2016 through 2020 to establish a baseline five-year average.”

An alarming increase in cancer, miscarriages and myocarditis was found in addition to many other diseases (as outlined in Senator Ron Johnson’s letter to DOD Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III).

  • Hypertension — 2,181% increase
  • Diseases of the nervous system — 1,048% increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of esophagus — 894% increase
  • Multiple sclerosis — 680% increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs — 624% increase
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome — 551% increase
  • Breast cancer — 487% increase
  • Demyelinating — 487% increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands — 474% increase
  • Female infertility — 472% increase
  • Pulmonary embolism — 468% increase
  • Migraines — 452% increase
  • Ovarian dysfunction — 437% increase
  • Testicular cancer — 369% increase
  • Tachycardia — 302% increase

Medical Propaganda

There are hundreds of thousands of incidences of hospital protocols for COVID patients and those who received the jabs resulting in death.  COVID fatalities are kept high despite available repurposed drugs and OTC supplements. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and supplements are cheap, can be used at home, will keep you out of hospital and are on the WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines.  These effective medications have purposely been maligned, not only by the media, the snakeholders and the majority of medical caregivers, but by The Lancet medical journal and the New England Journal of Medicine.

Robert Kennedy Jr. states, “Somebody at the very pinnacle of the medical cartel had twisted arms, kicked groins, and stoved in kneecaps to force these periodicals to abandon their policies, shred their ethics, and spend down their centuries of hard-won credibility in a desperate bid to torpedo HCQ.  To date, neither the authors of the false anti-HCQ claims, nor the journals, have explained who induced them to coauthor and publish the most momentous fraud in the history of scientific publishing.”

The globalist goals were always pointed at a “vaccine,” where billions would funnel into the pockets of Gates, Fauci, and their friends in Big Pharma.  Thus, the maligning of repurposed wonder drugs, and the murder of millions was accomplished to fill the coffers of the depopulation enemies of freedom and complete the Great Reset.


There can be only one conclusion.  Mass Murder was planned and we are the prey.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Corruption Is A Mechanism By Which Third World Countries Operate

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 7, 2022

Have you ever traveled through Mexico or witnessed the homeless camps by the hundreds of thousands outside Mexico City? That enormous, toxic and air polluted city houses 22,000,000 people! Their Brown Cloud over that metropolitan area chokes every citizen with deadly chemicals with every breath 24/7. They shut down their water systems at a certain time in the evening because they cannot service those 22 million people. The water is polluted, soil polluted and air SO polluted that none of it can be corrected.

And yet, Mexico at 128 million expects to jump to 145 million by 2050. Where do you think those starving 17 million will escape to “find a better life?”

If you dig into Mexico City further, as I did when I visited, drug cartels enlist children to “mule” over $100 billion in drugs over the USA border. Cartels have decapitated, hung and killed in excess of 50,000 people in the past 10 years.

If any politician tries to stop the human trafficking, sex trade or drug trade, they kill them, and/or their family members. Guys like the drug lord Al Chapo kill with impunity. With all the billions of dollars in the hands of the rich and powerful, the average Mexican lacks a 6th grade education. They murder police officers who get into their way.

In the past 30 years, over 15,000,000 Mexicans fled their country for a “better life in America”, by illegally crossing America’s borders. In 2021, over 2,000,000 illegal aliens violated our country’s borders from 160 different third world countries.

In other words, they fled the corruption, the killings, the drugs, the poverty and the futility of their third world countries.

But, do you notice what’s happening at an accelerating pace in the United States? Do you notice that we proceed quickly on our way to becoming a third world country where “corruption is a mechanism…”?

Here in the United States in 2021, 374 police officers were executed by shooters at traffic stops, domestic abuse calls, shot in their squad cars, killed by snipers and run down by very low-grade, uneducated, third world people…in this case low-grade American citizens.

In Chicago in 2021, 575 people, mostly Black, killed 575 other Blacks with guns and knives. In Los Angeles, the “City of Angels”, 393 men mostly Black and Latino, killed 393 others. In the Big Apple, 485 men killed another 485 other men in shootouts.

The Wall Street Journal reported, “Several cities set new records for murders in 2021. Philadelphia, Portland, Ore., Louisville, Ky., and Albuquerque, N.M., had their deadliest years on record. Philadelphia, the nation’s sixth-largest city, had 562 homicides surpassing its previous high of 500 set in 1990.”

After the Black Lives Matter anarchist movement started in 2020 with $2 billion in burning, looting and mayhem…the crime spikes make Mexico City seem like Disneyland. We’ve got “smash & grabs” occurring all over America. How much theft?

According to latest figures, shoplifters along with “smash & grab” guys steal $52 billion in mercantile goods, annually. “In 2020, there were an estimated 5,086,096 larceny-thefts nationwide. That’s $47 million daily loss to stores.”

Who pays the difference? Law-abiding American citizens.

It makes you wonder…who allows this kind of carnage across America? Why would anyone want to defund the police in the face of such lawlessness? Why would District Attorneys like Kim Foxx in Chicago or George Cascon in Los Angeles allow “no bail” rewards for killers and shoplifters?

Why are governors, senators and House members allowing this kind of third world corruption to continue unabated? Who takes any action to solve the root problems of lawless citizens? Answer: no one!

Every American needs to understand that the more third world people we allow into our country, the more our country devolves into “corruption as a mechanism by which a third world country operates.”

America Becoming A Third World Country

The deeper we devolve, and the more third world people we import, the faster we degrade our once “law-abiding” citizens into the mayhem of what’s going on in Detroit, Minneapolis, Chicago, Portland, Philadelphia, NYC, LA, et al.

Once there are more parents who rear kids who are drug pushers, shoplifters and/or just plain murderers…there’s no going back. There’s no way to solve what happened to Detroit, Michigan. There’s no way to solve the endless weekend murder rates in Chicago and the rest.

And, remember this: last year Joe Biden invited 2,000,000 third world people illegally into the USA. Congress invited another 1,000,000 legal refugees from over 160 countries with more misery than you can imagine. That’s why those people escape their countries.

If we continue on this endless legal and illegal immigration path, and add the projected 100 million more refugees to America by 2050…when things start falling apart…where do we flee? Where will you escape with your family?

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions? Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you. Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future? If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water. Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Nuremberg Code and the COVID-19 “Vaccines”

By Paul Engel

February 7, 2022

  • How are the Emergency Use Authorization laws being manipulated in order to promote “vaccines” that are not legally vaccines?
  • What is the role of medical ethics in the ongoing push for “vaccine” mandates?
  • What is informed consent and why is it so important?

Many of you may be wondering what medical ethics has to do with the Constitution. Many who’ve been following what’s been going on with the COVID-19 “vaccine” and related mandates have asked me about the Nuremberg Code. While this set of medical ethics is not law in the United States, it does support the rights protected by the Constitution. Understanding this code, and how the Constitution protects your rights, is paramount if liberty and freedom are to survive the attack they are under by enemies both governmental and societal.

On December 9, 1946, criminal proceeding against 23 German physicians and administrators were heard by an American military tribunal. They were charged with willingly participating in crimes against humanity, specifically for medical experiments conducted on human beings. In the tribunals’ August 19th verdict, they produced ten points entitled Permissible Medical Experiments, which became known as The Nuremberg Code.

The Nuremberg Code

During the Nazi regime in Germany, people were the subjects of medical experiments. Some claimed that it was the only way to study certain things, and that the good to society outweighed the pain, suffering, and loss suffered by the subjects. Others looked at both the forced subjection to experimentation and the horrendous treatment of some of the subjects and vehemently disagreed. The tribunal, after looking at the evidence presented to it, determined there must be a way to reap the benefits of human experimentation without the cruel and horrific treatment of the test subjects. Enter The Nuremberg Code.

The great weight of the evidence before us is to the effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

Permissible Medical Experiments

How could the medical community gather the data it needs while still respecting the rights of their potential test subjects? The first, largest, and most important point of The Nuremberg Code is the idea of informed consent.

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

Permissible Medical Experiments

It’s absolutely essential that the subject not only consent to participate in the experiment, but that consent must be both voluntary and informed. One of the most horrific aspects of Nazi medical experiments was the forced participation of those considered Lebensunwerten Lebens (Life Unworthy of Life). To prevent that, The Nuremberg Code requires that the subject have both the legal capacity to give consent and the freedom of choice. Force, fraud, deceit, and duress are expressly forbidden. Furthermore, that consent must be not only free, but informed. The subject must be made aware of, and able to comprehend, both the risks and rewards of participating in the experiment. This was expounded on as the first point went on.

This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

Permissible Medical Experiments

Before becoming a test subject, a person must be made aware of the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment. They must also be told all of the risks they can reasonably expect, not only upon their health, but upon their person as well.

The first point of The Nuremberg Code goes on to identify who is responsible for making sure the subject has provided informed consent.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

Permissible Medical Experiments

It’s not the responsibility of the subject to track down all of this data, but of those who initiate, direct, or engage in the experiment. This means that everyone from the person who initiates the experiment to the person administering the product is responsible for insuring that the consent is both informed and voluntary. Notice that this is a personal responsibility, not something that can be pawned off onto someone else.

So what does The Nuremberg Code have to do with COVID-19 “vaccines”? The answer starts with how the “vaccines” were made available in the first place.

Emergency Use Authorization

The first thing we need to remember is that all of the COVID-19 “vaccines” available in the United States fall under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

(a) In general
(1) Emergency uses
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter and section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262], and subject to the provisions of this section, the Secretary may authorize the introduction into interstate commerce, during the effective period of a declaration under subsection (b), of a drug, device, or biological product intended for use in an actual or potential emergency (referred to in this section as an emergency use”).

21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3

The idea is simple. In an emergency, the government will allow a drug, device, or biological product to enter the market before completing the regular approval process, which usually takes years. Certain conditions must exist before such an authorization can be legally issued. Let’s take a look at them one by one in relation to COVID-19

(c) Criteria for issuance of authorization
The Secretary may issue an authorization under this section with respect to the emergency use of a product only if, after consultation with the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the Director of the National Institutes of Health, and the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (to the extent feasible and appropriate given the applicable circumstances described in subsection (b)(1)), the Secretary concludes-
(1) that an agent referred to in a declaration under subsection (b) can cause a serious or life-threatening disease or condition;

21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3

Is COVID-19 a serious or life-threatening disease? There is evidence that the initial variants of the disease could be serious enough to require hospitalization and even cause death. However, in August of 2020 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a report stating that 94% of the COVID deaths they were reporting involved more that just COVID. Using the data available by January 16, 2022, those 94% of deaths certificates listed an average of four additional causes of death. Which brings into question, how many of the over 800,000 deaths the CDC is reporting are people who died with COVID, not of it? As of the writing of this article, the CDC is reporting 862,494 total deaths. If less than 6% of those death certificates list only COVID as the cause of deaths, that means we are only sure that about 52,000 were caused by COVID, or about .015% of the U.S. population.

(2) that, based on the totality of scientific evidence available to the Secretary, including data from adequate and well-controlled clinical trials, if available, it is reasonable to believe that-
(A) the product may be effective in diagnosing, treating, or preventing-
(i) such disease or condition; or
(ii) a serious or life-threatening disease or condition caused by a product authorized under this section, approved or cleared under this chapter, or licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262], for diagnosing, treating, or preventing such a disease or condition caused by such an agent; and

(B) the known and potential benefits of the product, when used to diagnose, prevent, or treat such disease or condition, outweigh the known and potential risks of the product, taking into consideration the material threat posed by the agent or agents identified in a declaration under subsection (b)(1)(D), if applicable;

21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3

Based on the totality of scientific data, do the COVID “vaccines” diagnose, treat, or prevent the disease? While there was much hype about the effectiveness of these “vaccines” when they were first released, that bubble has well and truly burst. Well-controlled clinical trials, along with other studies, have shown that the effectiveness of these “vaccines” is short-lived at best, ranging between 2-6 months. Studies have shown that those who have received the “vaccine” can not only get COVID, but when they do they can spread it at least as easily as the “unvaccinated”. So not only do the “vaccines” not treat COVID, they neither prevent infection nor transmission. In other words, the “vaccines” are a private health concern, not a public one.

(3) that there is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating such disease or condition;

21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3

The evidence that existing approved medications were capable of treating COVID-19 has been around for more than a year. However, the same government bureaucracy that has been promoting these “vaccines” has conveniently not only failed to approve these products for treatment of COVID-19, they have lied about the evidence for their effectiveness.

(4) in the case of a determination described in subsection (b)(1)(B)(ii), that the request for emergency use is made by the Secretary of Defense; and

(5) that such other criteria as the Secretary may by regulation prescribe are satisfied.

21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3

These last two are not really an issue currently with COVID-19.

So what does this have to do with The Nuremberg Code? As I stated before, all of the “vaccines” currently available in the U.S. are NOT Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved; they are issued under an EUA. That means, according to the law, they are either unapproved or conditionally approved.

(2) Approval status of product
An authorization under paragraph (1) may authorize an emergency use of a product that-
(A) is not approved, licensed, or cleared for commercial distribution under section 355, 360(k), 360b, or 360e of this title or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262] or conditionally approved under section 360ccc of this title (referred to in this section as an unapproved product”); or
(B) is approved, conditionally approved under section 360ccc of this title, licensed, or cleared under such a provision, but which use is not under such provision an approved, conditionally approved under section 360ccc of this title, licensed, or cleared use of the product (referred to in this section as an unapproved use of an approved product”).

21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3

It’s not only the “vaccines” that are being distributed under an EUA, because the COVID-19 RT-PCR test is as well. I’m sure some of you are screaming that “The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine!” Well, yes and no. You see the FDA gave approval for the Comirnaty brand of the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine”, but Pfizer has refused to distribute that particular version in the United States. Furthermore, the FDA required, in their approval letter, that BioNTech conduct no less than six additional studies because they could not assess the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis from the data that had already been submitted.

Not only are the COVID-19 “vaccines” only available in the U.S. under an EUA, but both the Pfizer and Moderna products are based on a new technology, mRNA, which has never been tested in humans before, and is not even legally a vaccine.

A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogens structure, that is administered to prevent or treat infection by the pathogen and that functions by stimulating the production of an immune response.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

Even a recent article from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) refers to these mRNA “vaccines” as experimental. So even if you haven’t taken a COVID-19 “vaccine”, you are participating in a medical experiment if you’ve had an PCR test.

We’ve looked at the law and The Nuremberg Code, but what does all of this have to do with the Constitution?

Liberty, Property, and Informed Consent

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; …

Amendment V

Your right to liberty and property go hand and hand with informed consent. I have been saying since the first mask mandates were issued, that these violated the Constitution because they denied you of the right to live at liberty without following due process (a process designed to protect the rights of the individual). Also, they violate your right to the property you have in your own body. These mask mandates though are nothing when compared to the infringement of these rights that “vaccine” mandates impose. Masks are not human medical experimentation. COVID-19 “vaccines” are.

The Nuremberg Code requires that, before you participate in a medical experiment, you must provide informed consent. Looked at another way, your right to liberty and the property you have in your body means you cannot be asked to participate in a medical experiment without informed consent. Have the American people been given the legal capacity to give informed consent when it comes to COVID-19 “vaccines”? Let’s go back to The Nuremberg Code and break informed consent down step by step.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent;

Permissible Medical Experiments

Throughout most of the states, the age at which a person can legally give consent is around 18 years of age. Now we are seeing the medical community push for minors to be allowed to consent to receive these “vaccines”. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published an article in July, 2021 recommending “a policy allowing minors to receive the vaccine without parental consent would use a sliding scale of decision-making authority”. In short, they want a policy that allows children to participate in a medical experiment without the legal capacity to give consent.

should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion;

Permissible Medical Experiments

It seems almost daily I hear of another group being pressured to participate in this medical experiment. From cities and states requiring proof of “vaccination” to participate in society, to government regulations requiring employers institute mandates for their employees, the push is on to get everyone to be part of this experiment. This, however, is not the free power of choice. These mandates are coercion, duress, and an over-reaching exercise of powers. Given the data from the CDC about the safety and efficacy of these “vaccines”, I would say this push to vaccinate amounts to fraud. Add to that the work of media, social media, and celebrities, to declare anyone questioning the efficacy or dangers of these “vaccines” as “anti-vaxers” or distributing “medical misinformation”, you have deceit on an international scale.

and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

Permissible Medical Experiments

How can the American people have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of these vaccines when the FDA refuses to let their safety data be independently reviewed? How can the American people provide an informed consent when everyone from social media to the CDC, from networks to the FDA, and from celebrities to the White House, label anything contrary to the approved narrative as “medical misinformation”? There can be no true knowledge about the “vaccines” when those who are expected to share information instead hide what they disagree with.


All of this comes just from the first point of The Nuremberg Code. I do not have time to go into the other nine points. Perhaps I will in a future article. What I have shown is not only that those in government, entertainment, academia, business, and everyday citizens at all levels have been promoting a vast medical experiment, not only on Americans, but on people worldwide. People from bureaucrats to doctors, nurses, and volunteers have been violating the medical ethics contained in The Nuremberg Code, the laws of the United States and, most likely, the laws of your state as well.

There are a group of people for whom the phrase “Never Again” has special meaning. We were supposed to have learned our lesson from the Nazis. Lessons about the dangers of rhetoric without evidence, of emotion over reason, of treating groups of people as sub-human. We were supposed to have learned the dangers of unrestrained power and a lack of ethics. We were supposed to have learned of the horrible consequences of human medical experimentation.

I guess we have not learned from our history. Which means Santayana was right: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

The Origin of Covid-19—Updated, Part 13

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

February 7, 2022

In Part 12 of my series, I referred to an analysis by Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy. Similarly, there is an analysis by Lt. Col. Dany Shoham and Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser titled “The U.S. intelligence community and the roots of the pandemic virus” (JOURNAL ON CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, July-December 2021), which concludes as follows: “It was recently disclosed that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) together with EcoHealth Alliance intended to artificially incorporate human-specific furin cleavage sites into an unspecified SARS-related bat virus, transform it into a dispersible aerosolic form, and spray it in the Mojiang mine, so as to experimentally vaccinate bats residing therein. A pertinent research proposal asking for funding was submitted in 2018 to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and rejected, due to being hazardous, as explained: ‘It is clear that the proposed project…could have put local communities at risk.’ But this does not mean it has not been carried out by WIV. The collaboration with EcoHealth and, alongside, the corollary joint research proposal (looking for more than a U.S.$14 million grant) were highly desirable for WIV—in various senses meeting one common Chinese optimal modus operandi, which combines such peculiarity with legitimacy, finance, sophisticated know-how, upgraded constituents, and scientific spying—yet not a necessity. WIV could well have carried out this research project, hence, on its own, eventually, and into 2019. The uncanny experimental layout of that research proposal, overall, is noticeably suspicious and obviously consistent with the lab-leak scenario. Surprisingly or not, this basically unclassified research proposal has been leaked by an anonymous whistleblower in September 2021. Much earlier, already in 2018, it should have been regarded to be a meaningful warning signal, if not a concrete alert. Surprisingly or not, additionally, this highly intriguing affair has not been mentioned at all in the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s (ODNI’s) unclassified documents. Dr. David Asher, who officially and thoroughly inquired into the roots of the pandemic virus, was critical and direct in reference to the ODNI’s October document at large: ‘Personally, I find it startling and almost a disgrace to the nation’s intelligence or the international intelligence.'”

Concerning how Drs. Fauci and Collins handled the matter of a possible lab leak origin of Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic, in Timothy Nerozzi’s Fox News (January 28) report, “US scientists who downplayed COVID-19 lab leak origins theory sang a different tune in private, emails show, ” the author wrote that “some experts may have consciously chosen to suppress evidence that could fuel ‘conspiracists’.” He reported that in a February 2020, meeting Dr. Robert Garry from Tulane’s School of Medicine said: “I really can’t think of a plausible natural scenario where you get from the bat virus…to nCoV where you insert exactly 4 amino acids 12 nucleotide that all have to be added at the exact time to gain this function. I just can’t figure out how this gets accomplished in nature.” Dr. Garry also added: “Don’t mention a lab origin, as that will just add fuel to the conspiricists.” Nerozzi further indicated that Dr. Kristian Anderson, a prominent virologist at the Scripps lab, told Fauci Jan. 31, 2020, that ‘the genome is inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory,’ an observation that points to synthetic manufacturing.” Toward the end of the meeting, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins stated that “a swift convening of experts in a confidence inspiring framework is needed, or the voices of conspiracy will quickly dominate.” Collins wrote to Fauci, “Wondering is there something NIH can do to put down this very destructive conspiracy.” And toward the end of his report, Nerozzi revealed that “on the guidance of world virology experts, Facebook actively suppressed reporting on the lab leak theory, utilizing ‘false information’ warnings and listing relevant investigations as ‘debunked’ until May 2021.”

In previous parts of this series, I have mentioned the benefits of fluvoxamine. In the December 2021 edition of the scholarly journal DRUGS, there is an article by 5 scientists titled, “Fluvoxamine for the Early Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Review of Current Evidence,” which has an Abstract in which one reads: “Academic and governmental experts throughout the USA met in 2021 to discuss the potential for use of fluvoxamine as early treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection….Two randomized controlled trials and one observational study examining the effect of fluvoxamine in COVID-19 treatment have found high efficacy….Fluvoxamine appears to have substantial potential as a safe and widely available medication that could be repurposed to ameliorate serious COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality….”

Have you ever wondered why the FDA has not granted “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) for fluvoxamine? Below is from Steve Kirsch’s newsletter titled “Do you know why there isn’t an EUA for fluvoxamine?” answering that question. Kirsch states: “The reason is simple. To get an EUA for a repurposed drug, you have to partner with a drug company in the EUA application. Because no drug company will partner with us, there won’t be an EUA. Ever. So most doctors will never prescribe it for COVID, even though it works better than anything else,…even after 2 trials where it had 100% risk reduction in both trials without any downside risk….When the fluvoxamine Phase 3 study published in LANCET showed the drug worked better than any other drug (including the new antiviral pills from Merck and Pfizer), the NIH simply ignored the study.”

As I have written before, the vaccines being used against Covid-19 (which are really gene therapy and not vaccines) have been approved on an experimental basis, and the clinical trials will not even be completed until 2023. Thus, we are just beginning to realize some of the long-term consequences. For example, on February 1, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Austin asking about information provided by Ohio attorney Thomas Renz. The information was from the Department of Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) comparing a 5-year average from 2016 to 2020.2 to vaccine injury among military personnel until February 15, 2022. There was a 2181% increase in hypertension, 680% increase in multiple sclerosis, 487% increase in breast cancer, 472% increase in female infertility, 452% increase in migraines, 369% increase in testicular cancer, etc. Sen. Johnson also asked, “Have registered diagnoses of myocarditis in DMED been removed from the database from January 2021 to December 2021? If so, please explain why and when this information was removed and identify who removed it.”

© 2022 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Getting Out of ‘Scare-City!’

By Rob Pue

February 6, 2022

There’s a lot of fear in our world today.  Many are fearful, and even despairing, as we see the world slide so quickly under the tyrannical bootheels of the New World Order Globalists.  Around the globe, there are serious supply chain disruptions, which have been purposely orchestrated  to bring about poverty and famine, so that us “peasants” must beg our “masters” for a scrap of bread.

If one dares speak the truth, it’s labeled “hate speech.”  Truth-tellers are NOT allowed.  Recently, the UN announced they’re looking into ways to simply shut down the independent websites of those who publish information contrary to the “Great Reset” agenda.  “Good” is called “evil” and “evil” is called “good.”  Real science and critical thinking has been censored and outlawed.  Parents who speak out at school board meetings against racism, LGBTQP+ indoctrination and the abuse of their children through forced mask-wearing and forced injections are now targeted as “domestic terrorists.”  Workers who file for a religious exemption from the jab are now being monitored and tracked for their faith in God — by no less than 25 government agencies here in the US.

In most churches across our country, the pastors are silent on all these matters, and the congregations simply “sing louder” to drown out the cries of those being threatened, targeted and terrorized by their own government.  Jeremiah 5:31, “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power;  and My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?  Indeed, what will you do in the end, if you’ve followed only LIES for so long?  If only the pastors and priests would gather the courage to stand against evil, and diligently instruct their people on how to properly respond in days like these.  But they simply continue to “prophecy good things” — a form of godliness, a pretend godliness, without any power at all.

Professing Christians, called to be the salt and light in this dark world, have lost their savor, and therefore have become irrelevant, good for nothing, except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.  Can you show me any area of American society where Christianity has the power and authority it once did?  Can you say “Ichabod?”  Truly, the glory of God has departed from our land.  And its the fault of a shameful, cowardly “Church.”

After nearly two years of “two weeks to flatten the curve,” people are more fearful than ever.  Yes, people have died from COVID, but we now know that most of those deaths were preventable; life-saving treatments were forbidden, while hospitals implemented Fauci’s official “hospital protocols,” using deadly drugs and treatments that systematically killed patients.  And it’s still going on.  Doctors who know better are forbidden to deviate from the official hospital protocols — or speak the truth publicly, for fear of losing their licenses.

Today, many are fearful about coming food shortages.  Shortages of EVERYTHING, in fact.  The United States is quickly becoming a third-world country.  You may not see it yet and think that’s an exaggeration.  But those predicted shortages will soon arrive in your town if they haven’t already.  You’ve been warned. We’re also facing hyper-inflation and make no mistake, this is not by accident.  The powers-that-be WANT us all in bread lines.  Their GOAL is to make us all completely dependent on government for all of our basic necessities.  The more fearful and desperate people become, the more compliant and obedient they become.  That’s the plan.

But that’s the plan of the Globalists — that’s their wordly plan.  (God laughs at that, by the way!)  As Christ-followers, we have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but rather of power, of love and a sound mind.  It’s time we put our faith into action, and USE the power that God has given us; it’s time we show real, Godly LOVE to a lost and dying world, and it’s definitely time we use our heads…He’s given us a sound mind, and that’s a terrible thing to waste!

Now, we’re certainly not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices.  Yes, the devil is loose and raging in our world today.  We shouldn’t bury our heads in the sand and pretend all the wickedness going on around us isn’t happening.  We shouldn’t call truth-tellers “conspiracy theorists” and we MUST resist evil every time it’s thrust upon us.  Truly, if we resist the devil, he will flee from us.  He has no choice.  But if we fail to maintain a close walk with our Lord and Savior, if we listen more to the media’s approved talking points, if we fear the world more than we fear God, then we’re going to be just plain fearful.  And so many today are.

Last spring, when they shut down the pipleline, there was a “gas scare” in some of our southern and south-eastern states.  Some gas stations were closed down completely because there was no gas.  Others were open, but had strict limits on how much gas each person could buy, but people were still filling up all their vehicles and as many gas cans as they could — and of course, the prices for gas increased dramatically.

During that time, a good friend of mine was traveling from one of those southern states, to come speak at a church in Ohio that my wife and I were visiting.  In his sermon, he talked about his experiences, traveling north.  Some of his friends down south had asked him, “are you still planning to go to Ohio?  What if you get stranded?  What if you can’t get gas?”  When he turned on the radio news, all the talk was about severe shortages, which were only going to get worse.  It seemed everyone he ran into was afraid — scared of the the scarcity.  My friend was not.

He used a phrase during his sermon that I asked his permission to borrow.  He said, “we have to stop living in ‘Scare-City.’  Scarcity.”   You see, all the talk everywhere was about the gas shortage and scarcity of gas.  But Jesus instructed His followers to not be like the world, to not be like the heathen.  He said in Matthew 6, “…your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him.”  He knows our needs, even before we ask.

My friend was not preaching a fake “prosperity gospel” message and neither am I.  His point — and mine — is that God knows our needs and He takes care of His children when we put our trust in Him, follow Him and are obedient to His call.  Don’t look at our current circumstances in despair.  Look at those circumstances and see what God will do!  AND what He will do THROUGH YOU if you listen to the Holy Spirit, your Counselor and Friend.

Proverbs 3: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones.  Honor the Lord from your wealth, and from the first of all your produce.  Then your barns will be filled with plenty…

“My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord or loathe His rebuke, for whom the Lord loves He disciplines, just as a father disciplines the son in whom he delights.  Blessed is a person who finds wisdom, and one who obtains understanding…Comply with sound wisdom and discretion, and they will be life to your soul…Then you will walk in your way securely, and your foot will not stumble.  When you lie down, you will not be afraid;  when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.  Do not be afraid of sudden danger, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes.  For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.”

There’s our answer.  And notice, it doesn’t say we won’t have trouble.  It says “do not be afraid of trouble from the wicked WHEN it comes.”  Jesus Himself told us that in this world we will have tribulation, but we should take heart because HE has overcome the world!”

Let’s use our heads.  We know what the enemy is planning, and doing.  So let’s be wise and use the sound minds God’s given us, His children.  Remember the dreams of Pharaoh in Egypt?  The seven fat cows being swallowed up by the seven sickly cows?  The seven robust heads of grain being devoured by the seven weak heads of grain?  Joseph had the wisdom to interpret those dreams.  A famine — scarcity — was coming to Egypt.  He could have been fearful and full of despair, but instead he used wisdom.  He prepared.  He stockpiled food and supplies while he was able to, in anticipation for the coming scarcity.

And when the scarcity came, not only was the land of Egypt prepared, but they were also prepared to help others — including Joseph’s long-lost family.  Joseph was truly blessed, though he certainly endured harsh treatment, many trials and tribulations during his time in Egypt.  It wasn’t all health, wealth and prosperity and certainly when he languished in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, I doubt he would have called that “his best life now.”  He went through a lot, but never wavered from his faith in God.  And God brought him through, reunited him with his family and out of all these things built the nation of Israel, His chosen people.

Of course, the story doesn’t end there.  The Israelites eventually became slaves of the Egyptians and their lives were miserable. Eventually God raised up Moses to deliver His people from the tyranny of the king.  But as Moses obeyed the commands of God and defied the tyrant Pharaoh, Pharaoh made life even more miserable for the Hebrews.  The slaves were required to make bricks using mud and straw.  Pharaoh commanded that the straw be removed, but that the Hebrews still be required to make the same quota of bricks.  A scarcity of straw meant more toil, more misery and pain.  The plan was to make them so miserable that they’d forget about the idea of leaving Egypt and worshiping God.

Of course, we all know how that ended.  Not well for the tyrants.  God took care of His people when they were faithful and looked to Him for their needs.  Yet even after they left Egypt, it wasn’t long before they began complaining about the scarcity of “luxuries” they had as slaves in Egypt.  They actually wanted to turn back and live as slaves rather than trust God for their provision.  They were in the wilderness, but still living in “Scare-City” — even as God provided manna and meat and satisfied all their needs.  The people were still discontented, doubtful and disobedient.

Friends, it’s time we move OUT of “Scare-City.”  As children of God, we need never fear.  Of course we’re going to have trials and tribulations in this world.  Of course the wicked will grow more and more wicked — and vengeful — on those of us who love the Lord.  They hated Jesus first — what makes you think we’re going to be well-liked and popular in this world?  No, we’ll be hated too, for His name’s sake.  But if there’s any scarcity, it’s a scarcity of FAITH among those of us who call ourselves “Christians.” And there’s a famine of God’s Word in the land!

So hold on to your faith and draw close to God.  You KNOW what’s right and wrong.  You KNOW what’s good and what’s evil.  Do right. Do good. Be faithful.  Trust GOD!

The wicked, evil Globalist tyrants that appear to be running things will find their plans smashed to bits soon enough.  In the meantime, it’s going to be tough.  Get used to it.  PLAN for it.  It’s the “new normal,” but it won’t last forever.  The question is, what side will you stand on while we’re going through it?  Stop living in fear.  Fear is a great motivator toward compliance and allegiance with evil. The useless masks you allow them to force you to wear, and strap to the faces of your children serve only ONE purpose: to keep us all reminded that we must be afraid. Afraid of WHAT?  The disapproval of men?  Confrontations with strangers in stores?

Too many of us are afraid of losing our stuff: our jobs, if we don’t take the jabs, perhaps our homes, our cars, our luxuries, our lives of ease…if we don’t comply with evil tyranny, or if we dare to speak the truth OUT LOUD in public.  But every time we do comply, we aid the cause of the enemy, we lead others astray and we make another conscious choice to obey men rather than God.

It’s time we get out of “Scare-City” and into the abundance of God’s promises.  Let our faith be steadfast, let our service be to God alone.  Let us boldly speak the truth at every opportunity and may we never comply with evil and lies.  For more encouragement in these things, I urge you to read — and soak in — Luke 12.  Read the whole chapter — we all need it.  I’ll end here with verse 25: “Which of you, by worrying, can add a single day to his life?”  So ONWARD, Christian soldiers!  Let’s march together, OUT of “Scare-City!”

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 348.

Democrats Fake Justice, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

February 6, 2022

Trump made the phrase ‘Fake News’ very popular.  The more he used the term, the more the fake news proved him right. When the Democrats took control of the House they exposed to Americans that they were the supporters of Fake Justice. We saw that with two impeachments that had no grounds whatsoever.  The never-ending investigations into Trump’s business dealings that produced no foul play while at the same time totally ignoring the blatant illegal dealings of Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Barak Obama, and Joe Biden himself.

Adam ‘Pencil Neck’ Shiff ran secret hearings not allowing Republicans to attend.  Totally unconstitutional. Hillary Clinton deleted 30,000 emails AFTER they were subpoenaed yet not one charge has been brought against her.[1]  The Democrats and Hillary paid for the fake dossier, which effectively was a foreign influence in our election, which is unconstitutional, and still, no charges have been brought forth for anyone in the DNC or Hillary. There have been so many attacks on the constitutional process of our elections by Democrats and no one is held accountable.  Even our Supreme Court doesn’t have the guts to hear the election fraud case that has evidence that is irrefutable.[2]

The Deep State is very deep.  Not just the justice system, not just Congress but local and State politics as well.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt was well aware of this when he stated: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”[3]  He also stated: “Presidents are selected, not elected.” But this has been scrubbed from the internet. Surprise, surprise. The form of government that our Founders gave us is no longer the government that we have today.

Eisenhower warned us of the great military complex in his farewell speech in 1961.[4]  He knew that there were some forceful powers in the shadows that controlled too much of the destiny of America.  Once we fully understand this we can see why there has been so much resistance to the Trump presidency.  He began to expose all of the swamp creatures in Washington and in the process, he exposed the massive corruption in our political system throughout the entire country.  It has been going on for decades and that corruption has its foundation in a shadow government. In his autobiography in 1913, Theodore Roosevelt states: “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”[5]

But he is not the only president or high official that has warned the American people about this shadow government. Our first president, George Washington, was aware of and warned about the Illuminati in a letter he wrote on October 24, 1798: “It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may… actually had a separation [sic]of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.”6 The threat of outside influence has been there literally from day one.

John Kennedy, in a speech titled “The President and the Press”, made this statement: Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired.
If the press is awaiting a declaration of war before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.

It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match. Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary restraints of national security–and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.”[7]  They, the shadow government, have kept themselves out of the limelight because they knew the American people would rise up against them if what they were doing were known.

David Rockefeller, an anti-American low-life, is one of the many that have fought to take down America just as George Soros is doing today. In an address to the Trilateral Commission in June of 1991, he stated: “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” Notice that many, if not all of the nation’s news media have been involved in keeping the American people ignorant about what these globalist organizations are doing. He’s even proud of the fact that he has been involved in the attempted overthrow of America: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.  If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”[8]

Virtually all of these usurpations of our Constitutional law have been done by the Democrats.  Republicans are just as guilty as they have done nothing to expose or stop them making them just as guilty.  C. L. De Montesquieu, a French judge, and political  philosopher stated: “The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.” We have witnessed that decay accelerate over the last hundred and fifty years. If we expect to continue as we were founded we must stop this from continuing.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton deleted 33000 em/
  2. Supreme Court refuses to hear post election fraud cases including those filed by GOP: Sidney Powell
  8. David Rockefeller autobiography “Memoirs” page 405

The Covid Narrative Is Collapsing, but We’re Not Out of the Woods!

By Steven Yates

February 5, 2022

The official covid-19(84) narrative — that mask-wearing and social distancing are effective, that destructive lockdowns were necessary, that the mRNA injections are safe and effective — is collapsing all across the Northern Hemisphere.

Collapsing here means: losing credibility with critical segments of populations.

Efforts at mandates, governmental or corporate, are being resisted. People including health care workers who were on the front lines in 2020 are quitting their jobs rather than being jabbed because an employer demands it. Not a majority, but enough to make a dent.

As for governments, gradually over the past several months one nation after another has seen mass protests: Australia, New Zealand, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic, others. Countries such as Denmark are following the U.K. and ending restrictions. (Sweden never had significant restrictions at all, and did not suffer a proportionately larger number of “cases” of covid.)

Regime Media is trying as hard as it can to ignore all this. What it can’t ignore, it denounces as “misinformation.”

Vaccine mandates are under attack. We’ve seen the convoy of tens of thousands of truckers that converged on Ottawa, the Canadian capitol, at the end of January. They drove Trudeau into hiding. They have the power to shut down the city if the Canadian government doesn’t back off its mandates.

A similar movement has formed on social media in the U.S., and might be ready to roll up into the Bidenistas’ faces on or around the start of March.

Truckers are essential! Without them, goods do not get moved from Point A to Point B! This is universal in the so-called developed world. Truckers are learning how much power they have!

What is becoming clear: to maintain the approved narrative, governments are going to have to go full Nazi! Because the only thing likely to stop this grassroots movement for health freedom is a brutal crackdown!

There are people in the EU I wouldn’t put this past. Parts of China are in lockdown mode, moreover, because of a “zero-covid” policy there. If the Bidenistas tried this, though, with all the talk about whether the country is on its way to “Civil War II,” they’d be asking for this very thing! There are enough fed up people out in the hinterlands!

Rational people are fed up, that is, with measures that make no sense outside the assumption that a globalist technocratic “world order” based on total surveillance and control (and depopulation) is the goal, supported by political / Regime Media disinformation, gaslighting, and as much censorship of dissenting voices as is possible.

Give it a few more months, and the pushback might just work!

I’m predicting that if it does, we’ll not see more actual cases of covid than we would have seen anyway!

We might even figure out what a “case” is. Is it a positive PCR test (with no symptoms of any kind)? Is it actual sickness? Hospitalization? Does anyone know?

But should this happen and covid gradually becomes yesterday’s news, let’s not rest on our laurels under the assumption that this is over!

I agree with Paul Craig Roberts, reviewing the just-published States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population In Check by Kees Van Der Pijl. Van Der Pijl is a Dutch political scientist specializing in international relations and the power systems behind them. He has authored numerous books.


Van Der Pijl answers the question so many people have of why and how a fake “deadly pandemic” was orchestrated with worldwide participation in the fraud. He shows that the event was long in the making by a global elite consisting of philanthropists such as Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, elite organizations such as the World Economic Forum, tech companies and multi-billionaire owners, Fauci at NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, pharmaceutical companies and lobbyists, and elite organizations and groups created for the purpose of concentrating power and advancing and protecting the global elites’ rule by using fear to condition the masses to being controlled and deprived of a voice and alternative explanations. I had been thinking along these lines, but lacked Van Der Pijl’s detailed knowledge of the personalities, organizations and groups and the interactions and cooperation between them. He gives us the story. It was an elaborate exercise in massive deception and censorship that was able to discredit the world’s most renowned medical scientists and to elevate pure fiction to fact and public policy.

We owe it to ourselves to read States of Emergency in order to come to terms with the fact that we are ruled by people devoid of integrity to whom truth is an inconvenience and who are concerned solely with their control and power.

We need to read the book also to understand how things really work, how decisions are really made, how careers are made and ended by whether or not you serve the narrative and how well, how regulatory agencies such as FDA, NIH, CDC, WHO are in fact marketing departments for Big Pharma, how politicians’ positions are dictated by the sources of their campaign funds, why universities and the media must function as Ministries of Propaganda for the ruling elites and their narratives, how Fauci and Big Pharma control content in medical journals via grants to medical researchers. Van Der Pijl writes that pharmaceutical industry research grants make the industry the co-author of many articles and that more than half of all The Lancet‘s revenues come from pharmaceutical companies orders of reprints of articles supportive of their products. Van Der Pijl writes “According to the former editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, who had 20 years of experience, it is simply no longer possible to believe much of the published clinical research.”

As I noted last week, real medical science has stopped.

It has stopped because what does not serve money and power is simply not pursued, much less published.

Why should anyone expect covid to be any different?

The plandemic was years in the making, and the fight against the powers behind it is not over!

What we must remember:we are dealing with psychopaths, and with organizations which stand to lose billions if the mRNA injections and “boosters” stop rolling out!

In my last piece I mentioned the possibility of governments falling before this is over. If deaths accelerate over the next year or two or three, this will be doubly true—as not just the remaining non injected will be standing firm but the injected, terrified and furious, will turn on the politicians and health bureaucrats they trusted.

The danger is that they won’t be looking at the big picture. They will see their national elites as villains (which they are) but not the super elite power system behind them.

Bringing down a government is far easier, moreover, than putting something viable in its place. The U.S. should have learned this from its disastrous misadventure in Iraq.

When civil strife erupts, GloboCorp’s minions could well be waiting in the wings, with promises (and money!), ready to restore order.

If enough lives have been sufficiently disrupted by unemployment, shortages, rolling blackouts, or worse, they might welcome someone who promises to “fix” things.This is the absolute worst thing the world’s masses could do, but I can see it happening.

What will be installed will be the “new normal” of the technocratic dictatorship that was wanted all along, not the freedom the non injected want.

Hegelian dialectic:crisis à reaction à response!

Moneyed / powered players foment a worldwide crisis using whatever power plays and scare tactics are necessary. The crisis provokes a Do-something! reaction. The moneyed / powered players move in with what they wanted all along!

How do we prevent this?

The only thing to do is what we are doing now, which is to fight the narrative war as hard as we can, wherever we can, going outside the deplatforming and censorship to the extent we can.

But even should we win, we’re not out of the woods!

Psychopaths, remember?

Suppose the globalists figure out that they might lose.

There’s one thing we can be sure of: they won’t simply crawl into the nearest corner and weep! 

Consider this creepy warning by “creepy Bill Gates.”

Around the start of last November, he made a statement about “bioterrorism.” He specifically mentioned smallpox—

Wait a minute, Yates! Did you say smallpox? Wasn’t that eradicated?

Yes, supposedly, but the fact that Bill Gates made that statement indicates that it is something GloboCorp might be thinking about.

The very week of Gates’s comment, suspicious vials were found in a Merck lab in Pennsylvania. No one can account for what they were doing there, although we were “assured” that nothing escaped and that public safety was never compromised.

Two entities in the world can legally store variola, the virus that causes smallpox. One is the CDC. The other is the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology (the VECTOR Institute) in Koltsovo, Russia.

The scenario: a genetically engineered variant of variola is released in a heavily trafficked location (e.g., a men’s room) in the international airport of a major city.

A genetically engineered variant would evade whatever protections afforded by the smallpox vax most of us probably got when we were children.

Smallpox has a long incubation period: in most cases ten days to two weeks.

Which means: anew strain could spread everywhere before anyone knew anything was wrong!

Smallpox has a mortality rate of 30 percent, moreover, as opposed to covid’s mortality rate of under 0.5 percent for everyone under 70.

Anyone who thinks we’ve been in a health emergency hasn’t seen anything compared to the panic that would ensue!

But could GloboCorp’s denizens ensure that they would be protected from their own vile creation?

I have no idea, of course.

They have at least two other options.

One is a massive cyber attack able to shut down large portions of the grid, including the Internet, possibly for weeks that could stretch into months. The attack would be blamed on Russia.

We’ve already seen one very suspicious event which could have been a test.

The point is, we’re dependent on the Internet. Were a cyber attack to shut down Internet access, we would find out at once just how dependent!

Imagine your laptop or phone suddenly turned into a paper weight, and you get the idea.

Again, anyone who thought the lockdowns were destructive hasn’t seen anything compared to what being knocked offline for an extended period would do. Even in covid lockdowns you could still follow national and world events, work and get paid remotely, attend online classes, etc.

An objection to this scenario is that the superelite is just as dependent on the Internet as we peasants. Unless they have a “hyper-internet” waiting behind the scenes, a “meta” era technology.

It wouldn’t surprise me any, but we have no real way of knowing.

The other nuclear option—literally!—is fomenting all-out war with Russia: a war for which most Americans have been “prepped” by Regime Media for years now. It would most likely start with a false flag attack in Ukraine.

I don’t think the present-day West could win a conventional war with Russia. I doubt that an army led by a guy who whines about not understanding “white rage” could stand up against a country of strategists whose universities produce scientists (the real thing!) and engineers, not gender studies majors and “systemic racism” obsessives.

Nukes, then?

Read The Road, by Cormac McCarthy!

The point is, as dangerous as the world has probably seemed, if the psychopaths who run GloboCorp sincerely believe they are going to lose not just this battle but that this, their most determined effort to establish conditions for a global control grid, could go down in flames, there is no telling what they might do!

Things could get really ugly, really fast!

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

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© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Vaccine Derangement Syndrome (VDS)

Sidney Secular

February 5, 2022

Today we have acronyms for everything; this is probably a throwback to America’s military history as such means of ID (identification) are favored among soldiers. In this article I provide a definition of a “disease” afflicting large portions of the populations of both America and the rest of the world that is making everybody more than a little daffy – and dangerous for those unafflicted.

VDS is an easily recognizable condition that is an unfortunate admixture of psychology, sociology and physical conditions in which the afflicted blindly follow government edicts however lacking in sense and wisdom these edicts may be. These “instructions” frequently violate both the rights and heath requirements of the individual as well as being contrary to the good that the individual is told these “instructions” provide. Many Americans have come to believe that any medical directive issued by “an authority” whether in the health field or of some health related government entity, is absolute!

One very important aspect of this syndrome is the unfailing belief that such directives are based on real “science”even when those who question them are themselves physicians and scientists. Indeed, the term “science” has been politicized to the point at which conclusions are determined first and then the “research” is manipulated to produce the predetermined conclusion – if in fact research is conducted at all. Meanwhile, those afflicted with VDS submit themselves and even their children – born and unborn – to spurious – and experimental – “cures,” thus becoming experimental tests subjects without even knowing that that is what they are.

This use of hapless human guinea pigs is forbidden by the Nuremberg Code passed after the trial of Nazi doctors who used unwilling prisoners in their medical experiments.The ten points of the code given in the section of the judges’ verdict and were entitled “Permissible Medical Experiments:”

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
  2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
  4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

It is interesting to note that today in Germany, efforts are being made to nullify this code as it directly reflects the ongoing situation of those who take these “vaccines” without understanding that, like the victims of the Nazis, they, too are participating in medical experimentation!

Many of those afflicted with VDS unfortunately have attained prestigious positions of influence in government, the religious sector, sports and entertainment, academics, gurus of technology and military leadership circles. Alas, there do not appear to be large numbers of politicians and bureaucrats willing to donate their lives to “science” but that is probably because they know very well the risk involved.

However, as far as politics is concerned, it would certainly appear that Democrat voters are particularly beset with VBS– at least with regards to their opinion of those of us who apparently are not and therefore reject “the jab!” A recent Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Report national poll of January 13, 2022 shows that among Democrats, 55% support fining Americans who refuse the jab, 59% support house arrest of the unvaccinated, 48% support imprisoning those who question vaccine efficacy on social media, 45% support internment camps for the unvaccinated, 47% support government surveillance of the unvaccinated, and 29% support the State removing children from unvaccinated parents especially if those children have not been vaccinated. VDS affliction has apparently reached critical condition among our Social Justice warriors just as the percentage of the clinically sane in that group is falling precipitously! From these statistics, it is obvious that these deadly “vaccines” are even more dangerous than knowledgeable people first thought! For whether one willingly embraces spurious “gene therapy” and nano-technology designed to create AI “transhumans” or depopulate the world, a la the call of Bill Gates and his ilk, or, in the alternative, one stands up for individual liberty and refuses to participate in mass murder, it would appear that the results don’t favor those of us who do not have VDS.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Canadians Are Better Americans Now

By Lex Greene

February 4, 2022

In case you don’t know, a group I work with ( called for a national trucker strike and protest in the USA back on September 1, 2021, in a detailed mission paper issued by the group over five months ago. It started a brief firestorm of chatter on the subject, but as has become a fatal norm in the USA, nobody could agree on when to do it, different groups issuing a dozen different dates until none of the dates happened. Five months later, USA truckers still don’t have it quite together yet.

The Canadians simply decided enough is enough and rolled out on short notice, gathering participants and steam as they rolled from the west coast of Canada to Ottawa. Even better, this is day 6 for truckers, farmers and citizens in Ottawa and they don’t seem to be at all interested in leaving until they accomplish what they set out to do.

These Canadians have the true spirit of our Founders in 1776. They understand that they can only accomplish their goal of freedom and liberty by united action. They also seem to understand that massive peaceful action is more effective than threats of violence and nonsense about Civil War.

Once Canadians hit that all-important “enough is enough” stage, the truckers rolled and everyone else joined. If you want people to follow, someone has to lead. Meanwhile in the USA, DC convoy organizers are talking about a March 1 roll date. While I certainly support this effort, they are giving the Biden administration yet another month to erect counter-measures before the trucks start rolling, which may prove to be a critical error.

The world has looked at the USA as a paper tiger for decades…Big on talk, short on action. The world sees USA citizens as the world’s most pampered and spoiled citizens on earth. They are not wrong about that!

Citizens of the USA have enjoyed the finest of everything life has to offer for more than 200-years. The early generations made that possible, but that was long ago. More recent generations have never had to sacrifice anything for anything, beyond paying their own bills. The freedom handed to them by those who paid the price with their blood and treasure, has been taken for granted for a very long time in the USA, and most simply assume that the kinds of tyranny we have endured the past two years, could never happen in the USA.

Many like myself have often asked “what will it take for Americans to act like Americans again?” How bad do things need to get before Americans will stand up together and put down the greatest threat to USA freedom, liberty, peace and tranquility, our own criminally corrupt power-drunk government run amok?

If you had told me in 2019 that more than half of the USA would be frightened into self-imposed home arrest over some corona virus, conned into wearing useless masks, and coerced into lethal injections without even knowing what’s in those fatal jabs, I would have laughed, believing that my fellow Americans would never surrender to such insanity.

History has since proven me wrong, more than half of Americans are that ignorant and cowardly, which is why Canadians, and frankly, citizens all over the globe that have been in the streets for months now, are better Americans than most Americans today. It’s shameful!

The world once looked to the USA to step up when called, to protect freedom and liberty for people held hostage under the boot of socialism and communism elsewhere. But now, Americans may be the last to make a stand for freedom and liberty, even in their own country. Many are still scared to leave the house without a totally useless mask on…

If you want to know the single largest reason for this shameful behavior, I can tell you what it is…in a word, MONEY!

The world has also accused citizens of the USA of being mere prostitutes, willing to do anything for the once mighty dollar, including sell their freedom and liberty, and that of their children and grandchildren, for a pittance, a paycheck, or a so-called stimulus check. The world is right about this too.

Most who have taken the Gates and Fauci jab, didn’t do it for better health. They did it to keep a paycheck, or to keep peace with people social-shaming them into it. They took the jab, not because they were following any science, but because they were simply following a blatantly insane herd.

Even though they now know the masks do nothing to prevent the spread of any virus, they still have their mask on and try to shame others into the same. Even though they now know that none of the so-called “vaccines” work to prevent infection, transmission, illness, or death, they still keep taking the jabs and try to force everyone else to take them too.

Citizens of the USA are demonstrating that they no longer have what it takes to be a sovereign nation of free people. As people all over the world rise up against their tyrannical socialist governments, my fellow citizens sit whining about everything they have lost without ever getting up to stop the very visible demise of our once great nation.

In the past, USA liberals used to run to Canada to escape a military draft, or get socialized medicine, or some other government handout. But in the future, it may be USA conservatives moving to Canada where freedom and liberty may soon reign as a result of actions Canadians are taking right now.

If USA citizens continue to sit on the sidelines, waiting for the right moment to confront this evil, or waiting for someone else to do it, that will cause the end of the greatest free people ever known to mankind. Thankfully, maybe those of us who love freedom and liberty and would give all to preserve it for our kids and grandkids, may be able to find a new home in Canada, once the USA is gone.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, COVID19 has done nothing to destroy the USA. Unlawful and unconstitutional abuses of power under the guise of COVID19 have done a great deal to destroy the USA, beginning with the stolen elections of 2020 and every evil policy put in motion by Obama’s Biden regime since January 20, 2021.

Is enough enough yet for USA citizens? If not, when will it be?

The fact is, if just one trucker hit the road today in California, headed for DC, by the time he arrived in DC, there would be a hundred thousand truckers, farmers, and citizens right behind him. This is what leadership looks like.

Do we need some Canadians to come down to start our fight for freedom?

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Secure the Vote – Nothing is more important!

By Kat Stansell

February 4, 2022

Securing our precious right to vote is THE ONLY thing that can save this nation, and the freedoms it provides us. Our lives, quite literally, depend on it. Let that sink in. We are well into the process of losing our Republic to Communism. Let THAT sink in. In 2020, the legal, Constitutional government of America fell to a coup, well orchestrated and perpetrated with the help of fraudulent votes. The only way to take it back, short of the break-up of our Union, or bloody warfare in which both sides will lose, is to secure the vote, once and for all, in every precinct in the nation. The only way to make this happen, is to work from the local level, where each and every one of us has the power to make a difference. We are strongest in our own back yard, where we are surrounded by neighbors and friends who share the lives we lead, and all of the privileges therein. Communication is easier and more direct, less diluted, and people can and will come together in a shared cause. Freedom is the common denominator; your neighbors understand, for their lives depend on it too. Rural people share needs and wants, as do city dwellers. Working for a national group dilutes goals or even nullifies your impact. Today, working at the national level to correct voter fraud is inefficient and, really, ineffective, and almost farcical. Moreover, you don’t want to find yourself helping the feds who want to do you in!

When fraud occurs, as it has been for years, it happens right in our own back yards. That is where we must stop it and develop systems and procedures to prevent it from happening again. We know our own towns; we know our own precincts. We know best how to “true” our own vote. Millions of honest Americans, of all colors and income levels have had their votes nullified by the criminals who do this. Millions are needed to help change that. Securing our ballots is key to keeping our freedom. Period. A few examples of what has been happening under our noses should be all the motivation anyone would need.

Election fraud has been happening in every state for decades, in everybody’s “back yards”. Those who practice it are very open about it. Its existence is no longer open to debate. They tell us what they have been doing. The most notable confession is the now infamous statement of Joe Biden, in October before the 2020 election, when he told us that “We (the Democrat Party) have developed one of the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organizations in the history of United States politics.” Joe knew this, of course, because as Obama’s VP, he watched the steal take Florida’s electoral votes in 2012. Remember? The votes trickled in for days AFTER the election, (sure sign of fraud), and the results were not certified for over a week, while the blue vote totals crept up and up, and the red ones barely budged.

Many others who have worked the scams to steal the vote, are very forthcoming about the details of their activities as well. Some bragged that they have been at it for 30+ years. My favorite among many was, “Confessions of a Voter Fraud: I Was a Master at Fixing Mail-in Ballots.”, as told to a NY Post writer, Jon Levine, Aug. 20, 2020. The confessor was a “top Democrat operative” working in New Jersey, who stated that voter fraud is “more the rule than the exception.” “He also revealed that such efforts … extend far beyond NJ.” In 2020, he said that “there is no race in New Jersey – from city council to United States Senate – that we haven’t worked on.” “He explained in detail, how mail-in vote fraudsters have been stealing elections for years.” He has trained and led “at least 20 operatives in NJ, NY, and PA…” Those trainees have gone on to train others. This man is a Bernie Sanders supporter and, as such, disparages both parties and works for chaos. He is a Socialist. He wants America to fall, or so he thinks. (All quotes above are from The New American, 9/1/2020, “Democrat Operative ADMITS: …”)

There is one more story that I will always remember.

Hawkfish, an analytics group working for the Biden campaign and funded by Bloomberg in 2020, stated that “Donald Trump will win in a landslide on Nov. 3, but in subsequent weeks, the mail-in vote will overturn it! (see their own website) They were trying to sell the idea that TRUMP would be responsible for the fraud; that his voters voted more in person, while the left used the mail. Those mail-in ballots, all from the Left they would have you believe, would arrive and be counted AFTER the polls closed, and would carry the day. Hawkfish plainly thought the American public was so stupid that they would believe that hundreds of thousands of ballots which showed up after the polls closed were legitimate and ALL for Biden. They did not count on the many who have come forth since, revealing the truckloads of ballots transported across state lines in the dark of night and counted in closed rooms. Nor did they anticipate the security footage that showed suitcases and boxes of ballots drug from secreted locations, and put into the count. Evidence of fraud was everywhere.

Hawkfish termed this “The Red Mirage”. I term it BLATANT FRAUD, as the mail-in sector has always been the easiest and most prevalent arena for insecure ballots and fraud. Real Clear Politics has dozens of statistics on this, countrywide. Remember, too, that the left always accuses the other side of doing what they, themselves, are actually doing. They were planning the Big Steal, so tried to blame it on the other side. It is a behavioral aberration called “Projection” and has proven a great way to see through them. Transparency in action!

Many Americans are understandably distressed and angry about all of this. I know I am. Without free and fair elections, we will lose our country. We are nearly there, and we MUST stem this tide of lies and illegal actions which are dealing the fatal blows to our republic. Over the months since November, 2020, people across the country are seeing the picture. Voters of both parties have begun to see what has happened. Although, some may still think that the coup represents good, polls and surveys show that there are fewer and fewer by the day who are so deceived.

Realize that those now pretending to be our “government” are those who are removing your freedom to worship, assemble, speak, care for your own bodies, own property, etc. A healthy economy is being deliberately destroyed, and a healthy nation (once first in the world for health care; now LAST since the coming of Fauci control, per RFK Jr. in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci)) is being sickened and killed. Yes, depopulation is truly a goal now. Understand Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum) and others. Their goal is to eliminate 500 million people from the earth asap, and they have at times been open about that as well. Remember that one former POTUS told us that the government is not the solution to our problems; rather, it is the problem? Today, government is not only the “problem”, it is the mortal enemy. You want to work with THESE guys to secure your vote?

A look at the infamous HR-1 helps us to understand their intent as to the vote. HR-1 was the FIRST bill introduced by Speaker of the House, Pelosi, when the new Congress convened after the coup of 2020. They went right to work on permanent destruction of our voting rights. The bill voids long-standing and simple state voter ID requirements, which, despite fear- mongering by the left, are popular and effective. HR 1 also forces states to allow for ballot-harvesting, by which third party political operatives collect and return mail-in ballots. This destroys the one sacrosanct provision of fair voting – the chain of custody, wherein a marked ballot can be traced from the voter all the way to the count. This fraud-enabling bill also prevents states from cleaning up their voter rolls within 90 days of a federal election.

Let me repeat. These are NOT the people whom you want to help to secure the ballots in YOUR state!

However blatant their efforts to steal the vote and secure the fraud, the US “government” is now reaching out through conservative organizations, unashamedly asking citizens to join in their efforts to improve the voting process in 2022. This is both laughable and infuriating. For example, a recent issue of its magazine, The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), whose readers are often retirees with time on their hands, recommended that its members join in with the US Election Assistance Commission (USEAC) to work for fair voting in their states. One quick look at this group will tell you why this is a bad idea.

The Executive Director of USEAC, Mona Harrington, “assembled a new cyber team to assist in the 2020 elections” during her short tenure with the agency. She has since moved on to CISA, another cyber “security” group dealing with elections. This is not exactly a notable accomplishment, considering the cyber tampering that occurred quite blatantly during the 2020 election cycle. Also, the header on the USEAC’s own website ( has a tab on the top, allowing the reader to translate its contents into CHINESE. Why on earth does a “dot-gov” website, ostensibly working to improve our American elections, need Chinese translation? That was all I needed to see. These are NOT the people you want to help, or whom want to help you.

Every American needs to know that securing the vote in their local communities is the sine qua non of our having a future as a free nation. AMAC was on target there, but not in their recommendation of a federal government group, born and raised in Congress, as a legitimate election security organization. There are citizens’ groups in every state who are doing good work. Contact yours. Get off the couch and out the door to join them. Keep your efforts at home where you have the most impact, and less chance of accidentally helping those who are working for the destruction of this great nation. Our Republic can not stand another frontal assault. Our ballots must be secured, and election fraud must stop now.

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© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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[BIO: Kat Stansell is the Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center. A native of Cincinnati Ohio, and graduate of Denison University, Kat served the Village of Mettawa, IL, as treasurer and chair of the Planning Commission, where she got a good look at the process of civic vs. corporate interaction. She has been a local activist, working for several candidates and organizations. She has also written for newspapers and websites, and organized events highlighting issues of the day.]

Aren’t You Tired Of Celebrities Trashing America?

By Frosty Wooldridge

February 3, 2022

For the past several years, Hollywood and TV celebrities continually trash the United States at every juncture.  Ironically, most of them attained millionaire status from their “make-believe” jobs of acting.  Few of them ever picked up a shovel to actually work a real job that makes America viable.

Which Americans make this country work?  Answer: nurses, truck drivers, teachers, police officers, doctors, linemen, plumbers, roofers, pavers, dish washers, waiters, pilots, military, and anyone who actually contributes to America’s workforce.

Who doesn’t make this country work?  Answer:  movie stars do nothing to bring water to your tap or food to your table or drive your kids to school.  Millionaire sports stars do nothing to better your lives or that of your community.  They drive insanely expensive cars and live on luxury yachts or sport their mega homes.

What’s another class that doesn’t make this country work:  Answer: politicians.  Tell me one thing that Joe Biden did that was productive in his 47 years in Congress and now, one year in the White House.  Can’t think of any?  You’re right!  His greatest achievements have been speeches that didn’t move you like Lincoln or M.L. King or FDR.

This past week movie star has-been and horribly obese Whoopi Goldberg on a really regrettable TV show titled, “The View”,  stuck her foot in her mouth one time too many. She’s a really nasty lady who is horribly anti-American, anti-police, and anti-education…for starters.

Whoopi supports looting, arsonists and anarchists Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Critical Race Theory and Defund the Police.  When it comes to using her millions of dollars from the entertainment sector, she has never started an inner-city girl’s school for African-Americans. She has never stood up for America. She hates this country.  She’s angry.  If you listen to one hour of her bashing America, she makes you sick to your stomach.  It’s like she is an “entertainment terrorist” who foments violence.

Yet, everything she owns in this country, she could never attain in her native Africa.  She would not be a star. She would not be rich. She would not be so well-fed.

The same goes for Joy Behar on “The View.”  She’s just a nasty lady with vitriolic tongue that she can’t stop.  According to her,  you would think that America stands for everything evil in this world.

There are others like her such as Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddox, Joy Reid, Stephan Colbert and others who cut our country to ribbons.  They don’t even pretend to want a unified and functioning society.  They espouse CRT to fracture our children into racial conflict.  They hype the smallest incidents with police—way out of proportion.

When some people state that Mathematics equate to “racism”, they expand it. If math is “racist,” then the wind or a cloud or water is “racist.”  This “Woke” stuff and transgender woke insanity has gone too far.  When a police officer saves a life or many lives, they diminish his or her work.

But what really hit me this past week stems from Whoopi Goldberg’s attacks on Jews…and… ”White people killing white people….”  Is she illiterate?  Is she racist?  Is she educated?  Will her legacy be one of meaning or destructive behavior?

For an African-American to enjoy SO many opportunities in America, you would think she would get down on her knees and thank God for her good fortune to be born in America.

But instead, she’s an angry, combative, washed-up, and an old bag who enjoys a seat at the table of “The View” because of…her talents?  Her mind?  Her sexy body?  Does anything she says have any meaning?

At some point, all those people that do nothing but complain, need to start working to make America better.  The fact is: most minorities in America are light years ahead of their former countries.  That’s why over 4,000,000 legal and illegal migrants crossed over into America in 2021.

While it was illegal, unethical and criminal, Joe Biden invited them into our country against all of our laws…but, for the first time in his life, he actually did something. He saved 4,000,000 immigrants from their miserable lives in their miserable countries.  Good for you, Joe!  Now, how to figure on paying for your stupidities?  Oh, sorry…we pay with our tax dollars.

Bet you can’t wait to see Whoopi back on TV in two weeks and Joe Biden in the White House for another three years.

If Joe Dementia Biden or his handlers keep him from dealing with reality, it means our country will be dealing greater consequences down the road.  I’m reminded of Eleanor Roosevelt’s famous quote: “We must prevent human tragedy rather than run around trying to save ourselves after an event has already occurred.  Unfortunately, history clearly shows that we arrive at catastrophe by failing to act when we should have acted.  The opportunity passes us by, and the next disaster is always more difficult and compounded than the last one.”

By the time the next three years pass under Joe Biden’s dementia and incompetence, we’ll find ourselves in one hell of a mess.

Is anyone in America thinking about these questions?  Are we not galloping into America’s twilight years?

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  Every American with children or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

If you want to see two documentaries that give visual proof of my book’s contents, go to Netflix, and type in “Cowspiracy” that shows you the damage to the air, land and water.  Watch “Seaspiracy” to see how humans are destroying the oceans.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Will Anyone Blow the Trumpet?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

February 3, 2022

(This commentary was written on January 30, 2015.  It is still relevant today)

Is there no one who will stand for righteousness? America was once known as “the land of the free and the home of the brave”.  Today, we are neither.

In fact, it is the loss of bravery that has led to our loss of freedom.  It’s hard to find anyone who is willing to stand up for anything anymore…except for the god-haters.  They are boldly standing up all over the stinkin’ place for their demented agenda.

Proverbs tell us that “the righteous are as bold as lions.”  Evidently we are not very righteous anymore.  Christians have become the easiest pushovers in America…especially our pastors.  They will neither do, nor will they allow anything that might rock the boat.  I guess that is because they think the church is either a hospital ship or a cruise ship, while the brave men who built this country saw the church as a battleship.

Oh, for the good old days when men were brave and America was free. Has there ever been a time in American history when moral leadership was so lacking?

I am reminded of what George Washington said in his Farewell Address:

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

It is this lack of morality that has led to the demise of this nation.  No foreign foe was ever capable of destroying this nation, but we have crumbled from within.  “Those great pillars”, as Washington stated, have crumbled because we no longer have men who will boldly proclaim the Truth.

Why would we ever expect any politician to stand up for Truth when the men in the pulpit are afraid to do so?  Why should we expect politicians to fight to end abortion when the pastors won’t?

Oh but my pastor speaks out all the time against what is happening in this nation,” I had a woman tell me the other day.  “That’s great,” I responded.  “But does he ever do anything besides talk about it?  Does he ever get his name in the paper for his public stand against the sin ravaging this nation?  Do you ever see him out in the streets fighting against the decadence that is destroying the pillars of society?  Do you ever see him at school board meetings raising hell with the debauchery and lies being taught to our children?  Is there any specific group of citizens that hate him?”

Truth is dangerous.  Fighting for it can get dicey.  You can get yourself in a whole lot of trouble when you speak your mind.  Most aren’t willing to go there.  Most won’t take the risk.  They have convinced themselves that preaching is fighting. Well, talk is cheap.  Preaching ain’t fighting.  Flapping one’s jowls at the already converted gives one a false sense of accomplishment, yet signifies nothing.

I am reminded of a story I once heard about President Lincoln.  Although my details may be a bit sketchy, the story goes something like this: It seems that one of President Lincoln’s trusted friends was delivering a message at a local church, and President Lincoln, out of respect for his friend, sneaked in the back just as the sermon was about to begin.  The President stayed until the message was concluded and slipped out the same way he entered.

The next morning he had the opportunity to have breakfast with his friend, and the ‘preacher’ inquired about Lincoln’s critique of his sermon.  “It was well delivered and filled with enthusiasm,” the President responded.  “But it was a failure because not once did you ask your audience to do something great!”

It is time for our pastors to ‘do something great’.

Christianity is a lifestyle, not a religion.  It is most alive when striving for the souls of men.  The outward-living of the Gospel is the most dangerous act that a Christian man can undertake.

Millions have died because of their stand.  Millions more will.  The current crop of Christian leaders are an affront to the Christ they claim to serve.  Our spiritual DNA speaks of the exploits of the unnamed heroes of Hebrews 11, which describes such folks as those “of whom the world was not worthy.”

Can you name ONE ‘man of God’ on the national stage who doesn’t give a rat’s behind about what people think of him?  Can you give me one big-name Christian leader who is clearly articulating what is happening to the pillars of religion and morality in this nation?

Over 100 million people will soon have a satanic ritual pumped right into their homes as Satan goes mainstream.  The Super Bowl halftime show will be nothing short of a satanic ritual.  Has your pastor warned you of this so that you can be aware while attending your church’s Super Bowl party?

We need ‘religious leaders’ who will tell the world that homosexuality is a moral perversion; or openly declare that abortion is murder and that those who participate in that sin are spitting in the face of God; or declare that the actions of the current resident of the White House are some of the most un-American, un-Christian fruit in the history of this nation?

Won’t someone openly defy the thievery of the IRS and the Federal Reserve, or fight against the government subsidy of sin, or openly and boldly declare that the idea of Grace before repentance can be found nowhere in the Holy Word? Oh, there are thousands ‘preaching,’ but there are shamefully few who are actually willing to do anything.  Our nation sits on the precipice.  Unthinkable disaster lies just around the corner.

The State is godless. The church is most faithful when it fights against the rules and edicts of godless government.  Every problem facing this nation is a moral problem. Every one.  Yet not one pastor in 10,000 will stand up and be counted.

Remember this: Satan never preaches about Heaven…he preaches the here and now.  He tells you that God is love.  Get all you can now.  Be happy.  Live a full life.  Don’t judge anyone.  Most of America’s pastors are preaching this same message.

Hell is the church’s business.  That is why Jesus said that we are to be salt…and not sugar.  Judgment, sin, and personal and collective morality is the church’s business…and business should be booming. Jesus told us a lot of things. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Take up your cross and follow me. The wicked shall be turned into hell along with all the nations that forget God. He who loves his life shall lose it

We Christians simply love ourselves too much.  Speech is never free.  Just ask John the Baptist.  Ask his cousin, The Christ.  Their willingness to exercise their freedom cost them their lives.

Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.”  – Patrick Henry.

Will any pastors fall in line behind him?  Will anyone blow the trumpet?

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Christian Communists?

By Lee Duigon

February 3, 2022

Were the first Christians… communists? It seems Francis I, the Red Pope, thinks so. He bases his opinion on the Bible, Acts 4:32, which says:

“And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.” They sold their lands and houses and donated all the money to the church.

Well, that sounds pretty communistic, doesn’t it? But what was the context? After all, there’s nothing in the Old Testament that says there’s anything wrong with private property—very far from it. Certainly the laws, as handed down by God through Moses, established all sorts of property rights.

What the Pope didn’t see fit to mention was that this, in Acts 4, was the very first generation of Christians—the foundation of the whole Church, which would soon spread throughout the world. Their mission, far more important than any other consideration, was to establish the Church. From this mission nothing would be permitted to distract them. Property, lands, business, personal possessions—these would have been distractions. So they were set aside.

The Pope’s remarks centered around taxation, which he described as “a necessary tool of wealth redistribution”. In fact, he said, taxation “must”—yes, he said must—“promote the redistribution of wealth.”

What bunk.

From voluntary contributions to the church, for the purpose to establishing the Church as a new thing in a fallen world, the Red Pope swings effortlessly into involuntary contributions to the state, backed up by lethal force—as if they were the same thing! As if the early saints were the same as Bernie Sanders, Karl Marx, or any other socialist. As if there were no difference between creating the Church and scarfing down tax dollars to set up vast bureaucracies for the purpose of controlling people.

As soon as we come up against the question of who gets to redistribute everybody else’s wealth, the potential for abuse leaps out at us with a scream. The early church created deacons, appointed by the apostles themselves, to administer the church’s resources. The idea was to remove the distractions of ordinary, everyday life so that the saints could concentrate on the church’s mission. You can’t do that if you have to devote your time to paying bills and keeping your household from falling into debt.

Throughout history the Church practiced charity. Socialists practice control. Government gets swollen to enormous size and gets involved in everything. Most of the money they collect in taxes sticks to the government’s fingers, in the form of ever-bigger, ever-more complicated, bureaucracies. Some is doled out to favored groups of voters. The world has had many socialist governments, all of them focused on only one thing: accumulating power over their own people—and other peoples, if they can get them.

There is no comparison between the wealth generated by capitalism and the failure and frustration that never fail to accompany socialism. Or haven’t you had a look at Venezuela lately? Socialists took over a well-off, thriving country and made it poor. And miserable.

Whom does the Pope think will do the redistributing? Government, of course! Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barak Obama—very, very far from being saints. Take the working taxpayer’s hard-earned money and use it to grow the government. With sops handed out to various groups of dependents: just enough to keep them dependent.

Can he possibly be so naïve as to think that greedy politicians, with their private jets and mansions and $30,000-a-plate fundraisers, will ever do anything but have a damned good time at the public’s expense?

I’ll see your Lenin and raise you a Gavin Newsom.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

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The Ukraine Crisis: Facts Versus Lies

Tom Ertl

February 2, 2022

In the old detective series Dragnet, the protagonist Sgt. Joe Friday became famous for his phrase, “Just the facts, ma’am!”

Is it possible today to get “just the facts” about anything in the Western world? No, because the corporate media is complicit in all the crimes of their global masters of the universe and have become the propaganda arm of disinformation advancing their worldwide globalist agenda.

This is the case with the globalist empire that is provoking Russia by way of Ukraine. Of course by “empire,” I mean the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire of the New World Order headquartered in the City of London with offices in Brussels, New York, and Washington, DC.

The Empire’s goal of world domination over the decades of the last century has been achieved through both deception and the force of arms. By the use of propaganda and disinformation, along with color revolutions, the Empire has funded proxies used to destabilize nations they seek to topple and absorb.

This is what is happening in the Ukraine right now. This ginned up “crisis” is not about the wellbeing of Ukraine, but rather it is about the Empire’s attempt to chip away at Russia and isolate them, since they are a firewall to the Empire’s goal of world subjection.

So let us look at the Empire’s media lies and propaganda and contrast it with facts. I write from the worldview of an American Protestant who places his Christian religion above his nationalism.



FACTS: Since the Soviet empire fell and the various satellite nations of the Eastern Bloc gained their independence, the present Russian Federation, created in 1991, has done nothing to threaten the United States or to compromise its borders. They have not planted military bases near the United States, nor have they posed any threat to our domestic economy. Yes, Russia is competing with the US to provide natural gas to Europe, but they are doing so—ahem—in a capitalist free-market manner. Their product is quicker and cheaper. Remember, it was Germany who asked Russia to build Nord Stream II.

If the question is formulated, “Was the Soviet Union an enemy of the US?”, then the answer would be yes. But there is no more Soviet Union, which Reagan accurately labeled “the Evil Empire,” with its expansionist military aggression.

Russian president Putin has come under tremendous criticism in his own country for being conciliatory to the US in his public addresses, referencing the US as “colleagues and partners.”

Putin, along with his foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, has always resorted to dialogue and cooperation rather than coercive military action, “foreign aid” bribes, or meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. When dealing with the Empire and NATO, the foreign policy of Russia toward Ukraine has been strictly defensive. Their time is running out. Just as the United States in the early ‘60s did not want Russian nukes in Cuba, so too Russia does not want NATO military bases and missiles in the Ukraine.

When one examines “just the facts,” what we see is Russia’s unbelievable forbearance in the face of ceaseless aggression of the Empire and the non-stop agitation of the Western propaganda machine.


FACTS: This mantra is chanted ruthlessly by “conservative” commentators such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Ben Shapiro. Nevertheless, upon examination, none of their inflammatory statements are supported by facts or evidence. Their propaganda relies on hearkening back to a bygone era, old Soviet stereotypes, and distant memories of past decades.

Putin is a European Russian. Out of a population of 144 million people, fully 111 million live west of the Ural Mountains in the continent of Europe. In religion and culture, Putin is much more European than Asian. Yet he is demonized by the West and assailed with constant lies.

In Putin’s last four presidential elections from 2000–2018, he had vote margins over his closest competitor of 23.9%, 58.1%, 46.2%, and 64.9%. What Western politician could ever have this level of admiration and respect from his people as Putin does?

Putin was secretly baptized as an infant in 1952 by his mother at an underground Orthodox Church ceremony. He identifies himself as a Russian Orthodox Christian and often attends Sunday services in Moscow. Is Putin’s faith genuine? That’s between him and God. What matters most to Russia’s people is Putin’s unwavering support of the church. He is very close to and supportive of the Russian Orthodox Church and has been instrumental in renewing Russia’s historic “symphonia” relationship between church and state. In America, the government attacks the church. In Russia, church and state work together to advance a Christian culture. The Russians know without Trinitarian Orthodoxy there is no Russia. Their 1,000-year Christian faith is their foundation.

George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel 1984 had its “two minutes of hate” where the people’s minds were conditioned to oppose anything the ruling party wanted them to oppose. Putin is the Empire’s new Emmanuel Goldstein.

In reality, Putin will go down in Russian history as one of its greatest princes if not the greatest. In miraculous fashion, he has decoupled Russia from the Western banking oligarchs, severed the Russian economy from Western parasites, restored Russian defenses, and shown the nation the path to full recovery after over 70 years of brutal communism. In the world of modern diplomacy, Putin is the foremost adult in a room of impulsive Western boys and avaricious megalomaniacs.


FACTS: This is one of the “whopper” lies. The fact is that the Ukraine is currently a vassal state of the Anglo-American Empire, and its shadow government is being run out of the United States embassy in Kiev, being led and orchestrated by a Russophobe, neo-con American, Victoria Nuland, who serves as the Under Secretary of State.

Any sovereignty Ukraine possessed disappeared when the US State Department engineered a coup d’état where democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych was forced to flee in 2014. These events were called the “Maidan Revolution.” In the Western media it was called the “Revolution of Dignity.” It was one of the Empire’s many “color revolutions” to isolate and chip away at Russia and expand the Empire’s hegemony.

The main narrative created by the Empire, the American war party, neo-cons, and their supportive conservative pundits is, “Ukraine is a sovereign country, and it deserves our US protection and support.”

Yet the opposite is true. The US-led regime change in Ukraine’s government was under the direct control of the United States, which has installed its successive puppets. Americans are very comfortable with effecting “regime change” while hypocritically talking about “respecting sovereignty.” The dissonance could not be clearer.

If the American commentators are really concerned about Ukraine sovereignty, shouldn’t they be exposing the past actions against Ukraine’s sovereignty by the US State Department and NATO?


FACTS: This lie cannot be effectively understood without knowing the history of NATO (1949) and the dissolving of the Soviet Union in 1991.

NATO was created as a military alliance of Western European countries, including Canada and the US, to counter FDR, Churchill, and Truman’s assistance to Stalin’s invasion of seven Eastern European countries by 1948.

The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, and the Russian Federation formed with pro-Empire president, Boris Yeltsin, installed. At the time, George H. W. Bush, James Baker, and American diplomats assured President Gorbachev that NATO would not expand eastward. None of these agreements were put in writing (Gorbachev’s mistake) and the US went back on their commitment. NATO, which started with 12 members as an answer to the former Warsaw Pact nations, now stands at 30 members and is constantly working to surround Russia with additional NATO states. The Warsaw Pact was dissolved on July 1, 1991, after communism fell.

The issue over Ukraine membership in NATO, is Russian security and Article 5 of the NATO member states’ agreement. Article 5 is based on military alliance commitments that when one member state is attacked, all other NATO members must come to its defense. This absurd article is a sure path to war. This is similar to the “entangling alliances” over Serbia that compelled Europe to the disaster of WWI.

A simple application of the Golden Rule brings this all in perspective. How would we respond if Russia built and fortified military bases in Cuba, Mexico, and Canada, and stocked it with nuclear missiles? We all know how that went over. Why should anyone expect Russia not to respond similarly when NATO seeks to expand into the Ukraine and place massive amounts of military equipment and even nukes on its border? Why can’t we be honest about this? Why do our conservative commentators never bring this up for discussion?


FACTS: This lie is another whopper. The US, which runs Ukraine, has placed CIA operatives and numerous military advisers throughout Ukraine, along with offensive and defensive military weapons. Supplying military equipment to a border country is in itself an act of war.

In response, Russia has had to build up its defenses in its own country near the Ukraine border and in Belarus.

The Empire and NATO is moving toward Russia’s front porch, just miles from Moscow and yet Russia is the aggressor? Putin currently has stated that Russia has nowhere else to retreat. It is commonly said that the side which fires the first shot starts the war. This is not actually true. It is another neo-con trick. It is the one who makes firing the first shot necessary who starts the war. The Empire’s endgame with Russia is to encircle, attack, destroy, and subjugate.


FACTS: This claim is laughable. When the Empire decapitates a nation, installs their own puppets, and takes control of a country, that country ends up being plundered financially by being made dependent on their conquerors.

In the days of the Soviet Union, and even after the collapse of communism in 1991, the Ukraine was an agricultural and industrial center. Since 1991, and the Empire’s regime change in 2014, Ukraine has become Europe’s poorest country and has lost 14.7 million people.

Ukraine has fared no differently than other nations brought under Western hegemony, facing poverty, destruction of its defenses, massive loss of population, and third world dependency. Who is the real aggressor?

The only reason the US State Department is in Ukraine is in order to destabilize Russia. The Empire’s plan is to isolate Russia by the numerous color revolutions it organizes in the nations that border Russia. The most recent example is what just happened this January in Kazakhstan. The culprits in this recent Kazakhstan color revolution are always the same: CIA, English MI6, and Israel’s Mossad.


FACTS: No, the invasion has already taken place since 2005 and 2014 by the Empire and NATO. The Empire’s invasion was similar to invasions of other countries, regime changes, takeovers of the military, and running puppet governments from US embassies, turning Ukraine from its own sovereign nation into a vassal state.

If the Russian military enters Ukrainian territory, it will be for purposes of liberation of the Ukrainian people from their present conquerors. The liberation will be first in the Donbas region marked by Russian humanitarian aid, with some help to rebuild the Ukrainian infrastructure and economy which the Empire has destroyed.

Russia is committed to defend Russian people in the Donbas of Ukraine but has no desire to incorporate Ukraine into the Russian Federation.


The sources of power for a new order in the world are already in. The days of American hegemony, instituted at Bretton Woods (1944), are in full reversal. The world is fast moving from the Empires unipolar base to a multipolar base of power of Russia, China, Iran, and India.

Unfortunately, the Empire’s arrogance in their rejection of Russia forced the Russians eastward to China. However, Russia is ever so careful in their new relationship with China, not to mention an “alliance,” meaning militarily, but a “strategic partnership” which is mostly economic. Russia will never foolishly enter into the obligations of a military alliance.

This move has put Russia in a somewhat difficult position, especially if the relationship deepens. For Russia is Christian and China is atheistic. Russia’s hope here is the growing numbers and vigor of the Chinese church.

History demonstrates that when a major shift in power moves from an old order to a new one, that the transition period is never smooth. For despite being vassal states of the old order, the smaller states are often militarily and economically dependent on the empire. When an empire fades from power, old disputes immediately emerge and smaller economies go into freefall.

Also, despite Russia’s advances out of the Western financial systems, they remain tied to a Western-styled central bank. They will never be truly free from the Empire until they rid themselves from the City of London financial center. All of these things take time.

But what is certain is the tectonic plates of power have now shifted from the Empire’s old order to a new Eastern order. The old corrupt Empire must fall and, hopefully, a new multipolar order will provide a base for the nations to live in peace.


American conservatives and Christians need to start putting their Christianity above their nationalism and take an objective view of the foreign policy of our country. We will not be able to correct our disastrous international policies unless we take an honest look at what we have done.

The days of conservatives covering up the State Department’s international crimes with chest beating and shouts of “Oohrah” and “USA, USA” are over. We must stop listening to the Sean Hannity-matinee-commentator types who “see no evil” when they look at US foreign policy. The American neo-cons have been weighed in the balance and have been found wanting. War fatigue has set in. Americans have lost their stomach for their endless and pointless wars.

Questions are starting to be asked. Why does the United States military have over 750 bases in over 150 countries? Who gave the United States Department of State the right to rule the world? What is the real American interest in these foreign countries?

We must face the massive amount of destruction and human misery the US State Department has brought to the world since WWII. The US policy of war, economic sanctions, regime changes, created conflicts, blockades, currency devaluation, and trade restrictions have resulted in the biggest humanitarian crisis since the end of WWII. Does the average American recognize how much we as a country are hated and despised around the world because of our meddling? “Saving the world for democracy?” Oh, please.

I am afraid that the average American mind—having lived under decades of propaganda extolling US foreign policy as the epitome of righteousness with some kind of holy calling—will be unable to escape their mental conditioning.

But there is good news. The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire is in a freefall collapse. America’s military and worldwide hegemony is coming to an end. NATO’s disintegration is in process. There are already French politicians pushing a French exit out of NATO.

All empires fall. This one will also fall. Empires fall because they are unable to sustain the costs of hegemony and they go broke. The Empire’s defeat in Afghanistan is the start of a larger pattern that will continue to the utmost edges of the Empire.

The other good news is the ascent of the Russian Federation’s influence around the world. Russia, which seems to be the only voice of international reason in the world, has been a tremendously stabilizing influence in the last decade.

Russia has virtually ended the US funding and led proxy wars in the Middle East and is one of the few countries that can get the rogue state of Israel under control where they would be compelled to live in peace with their neighbors.

Russia had an empire once. It does not seek another one, but they would like to have security for their people from the evil, war-loving, sodomy-promoting, gender-confused, hedonistic, pro-abortion, porn-ified, anti-family, anti-Christ nations of the West.

To the West, leave Russia alone. Its recovery out of atheistic Bolshevism is the modern miracle of our time. Who could have seen a Christian Russia emerge from the rubble of communism, and all in just three decades?

America, let Russia finish its recovery. Let her new destiny run its course. A destiny that will once again bring her to a place as one of the great Christian nations of the world.

As for post-Christian Europe and America, all that remains is judgment. I believe it to be irreversible. The West has squandered its Christian heritage and blessings. Its 100 years of unending wars, state-sponsored terror, and institutionalized decadence has reaped the whirlwind. The collapse is not coming; it is already upon us.

Like Russia, the West also has its coming destiny which must run its course. After its collapse, Europe and America must rebuild again. Maybe in God’s gracious providence a Christian Russia could be our model and aid us in the renewal of a new Western Christian civilization.

© 2022 Tom Ertl – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl:

All Human Differences Are Social Constructs Now

Sidney Secular

February 2, 2022

The essential diametric differences, distinctions and divergences between the concepts of quality and equality undergird the drama of life and the political and social theatrics in our decaying civilization. It is a never-ending duel between creativity and conformity while the derivative dichotomy of the realist vs. the dullard creates all the talking points and memes that are the stuff of today’s schemes and demands by our elite rulers and their minions.

America seems obsessed with “equality” even when it is not possible to achieve that mythical goal. On the other hand, it is quality that has made us what we are– or were! – and therefore quality should always be our goal. When quality is neither actively sought nor actually permitted, the bogus goal of equality becomes its replacement, rearing its fictitious head as the sole means of obtaining an overriding social good. And where the demand for equality predominates, quality is not only discouraged but frequently perceived – and claimed – as a great social evil. For instance, in education when quality work does not result in high grades, all are degraded no matter the quality of their work. The “lesser evil” becomes the “greater good.”

The concept, definition, and application of “equality” has always been in dispute, for as some seek to be “more equal” than others, the zeitgeist changes. America was founded on a different and better understanding of men’s relationship because we had disposed of the aristocratic and ecclesiastical privileged footings that the colonists had left behind in the Old World. However, as with nature, man’s political and social character abhors a vacuum and the vacuum created by the loss of the older orders left us ripe for the creation of the artificial culture that we now have. Instead of Kings and Priests, we have the rule of the powerful moneyed elite and their cronies and minions. And as with the older rulers, it is still in the interests of these status seekers and propagandists to dumb down, homogenize, and produce a sameness in “the masses” that is identified as “equality.” In his book, The Screwtape Letters, Christian apologist C. S. Lewis describes this idea to enslave mankind. Screwtape, a major demon is instructing Wormwood, a minor tempter about the use of “equality” as a tool for the wicked:

“What I want to fix your attention on is the vast, overall movement toward the discrediting, and finally the elimination of every kind of human excellence—moral, cultural, social, or intellectual. And is it not pretty to notice how democracy (in the incantatory sense) is now doing for us the work that was once done by the most ancient Dictatorships, and by the same methods? You remember how one of the Greek Dictators (they called them ‘tyrants’ then) sent an envoy to another Dictator to ask his advice about the principles of government. The second Dictator led the envoy into a field of corn, and there he snicked off with his cane the top of every stalk that rose an inch or so above the general level. The moral was plain. Allow no pre-eminence among your subjects! Let no man live who is wiser, or better, or more famous, or even handsomer than the mass. Cut them all down to a level; all slaves, all ciphers, all nobodies. All equals. Thus, Tyrants could practice, in a sense, ‘democracy.’ But now ‘democracy’ can do the same work without any other tyranny than her own. No one need now go through the field with a cane. The little stalks will of themselves bite off the big ones. The big ones are beginning to bite off their own in their desire to ‘Be Like Stalks.’”

And this is how a new order of conformity and obsequiousness has been created – that is through the use of the concept of “equality” and the belief that it is the only good to be sought in the culture.

Under this new order, equality is undergoing an expansion that demands all remaining natural distinctions be seen as unjust simply because such distinctions as talent or beauty or even basic biological realities such as sex are nothing more than social constructs obstructing social justice. Nothing human is natural anymore. Distinctions are leftovers from the patriarchy we are no longer permitted to patronize. Differences in sex and race are things we now seek to erase – well, that is not entirely true. As long as white people exist, race is very much a defining standard that must be followed in the culture. White is bad, everything else, especially black, is good. Everything that is from whites or of whites or by whites or, most important, for whites must be removed, destroyed and cast upon the ash heap of history. Only then will true equality and social justice be obtained.

Meanwhile, everything else is fluid and therefore subject to constant change. As a result, you cannot have standards or means by which to address this “fluid” culture. And, of course, such fundamental changes in civilization require new legal and social arrangements. As there are no longer any standards – and everything is relative anyway – such arrangements you thought you possessed can and will disintegrate when new memes and schemes are foisted upon us. These fundamental social changes come about through the whims of whoever feels frightened or offended by those trying to establish or maintain a semblance of order, stability, and – most of all – sanity.

“Transgenderism” – a social construct in which the individual can be any gender desired by selecting from the available 57 available varieties in order to “ketchup” to the latest trends – is the ultimate fatuous fantasy. Nature is to be conquered if not abhorred, and you can go on gender benders whenever you want without consequence – until you surgically remove your genitalia! A democracy, or rather mobocracy ruled by the demented and deranged and employing politicized and warped “science,” justifies schemes to diminish any and all natural differences. The old “hard” totalitarian dictates that employed brute physical force are being replaced by a softer, if not kinder or gentler totalitarianism of coercive propaganda and social pressure. This mental and emotional tyranny creates an abiding fear of being ostracized as freaky or different – or, actually, normal! – a condition that will get you expelled from your social circles and shunned by welcoming committees of the overbearing majority. Social media, the new lifeblood of the culture makes any rejection of group norms into a matter of hate while we are assured that the whole world violently rejects any attitude or behavior deemed unseemly by these same standards.

And it’s not just social pressure that constitutes a form of tyranny, albeit a soft one. The West’s politically correct regimes back up their soft-headed mandates and dictates with hard and fast rules and laws that characterize rebellion against the consensus as “criminal.” Harsh penalties comparable to those used in the worst religious inquisitions are applied for any misbehavior because politics has now become today’s expression of religion. These can include job loss, gigantic fines and long imprisonments without benefit of ordinary criminal legal procedures. Even lawyers who dare represent the unfortunate social subversive can be punished with a loss of their license and jail time for taking the politically incorrect side in this dispute. The case of attorney Sylvia Stolz in Germany is one such example. Neither is being a public defender whose job it is to defend those who cannot obtain representation, beanexcuse for defending the wrong client!

Being anyone or anything you want and expecting everyone to meet your expectations can lead to outlandish demands and very confused responses. One such example is the case of Emile Ratelband, a 69 year old Dutchman who petitioned a court to shave 20 years off his official age because he says he feels 49! Another well-known example is that of Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who presented herself for decades as black; Rachel belongs to a category of people whose whims would have been a ticket to the looney bin but a few short, sane years ago. Denying this crazy demand would ordinarily brand you a hater and a sexist, racist, xenophobe, etc., but because of changing demographic whims, her fantasy would not pass muster as a newer and loonier whim denies cultural appropriation to whites who wish to define, imitate and/or employ cultural artifacts associated with other races! On the other hand, other races can appropriate white cultural characteristics without being derided as deluded or – you get it! – racist! The popular and critically acclaimed play, “Hamilton,” where blacks rather than whites are shown as the nation’s founders received not one knowing smirk for the silliness of the plot because the playwrights knew they could fool with the “mind” of the public without consequence at least in black appropriation. No one has tried a play in which Nat Turner is white and frankly, no one wants to do so or to speak out on any of these issues because the result is always public derision and condemnation.

For instance, calling Islam a religion of peace doesn’t even raise an eyebrow these days despite videos of widespread death and destruction at the hands of Muslims in the name of Islam! This open lie is an example of gaslighting, but more importantly, of the equalitarians forcing upon mankind their concept of the “equality” of all religions.  This aspect as applied to religion makes religion itself nonsense. There is a song in the old play Finian’s Rainbow that is entitled “When Everybody is Somebody Then Nobody is Anybody!” If all religions are basically the same save for ritual, then all have no meaning and the winner is the strongest – that is atheistic humanism, the religion of the Masons, the New World Order and Communism in which god is The State!

Even cannibalism gets a pass since expressions of negativity towards primitive religions are prohibited in museums and even in the Vatican as such “faiths” have been adjudged of equal worth to Christianity. Remember Pope Francis and his Pachamama idols on the altar of St. Peter? If passages in holy texts calling for killing are singled out, they are considered manifestations of political extremism acceptable at the time but not acceptable now. Thus, the violence of Islamic terrorists arises according to the culture, from political movements and not from Islam. And, of course, those particular “political movements” arise from the conservative end of the political spectrum in the West.

The phobia mongers insist that those who have verboten ideas have obtained them from doctrines involving anti-egalitarianism and the ridiculous idea that men are not “interchangeable” as are insects in the hive.It is not permitted to acknowledge that people can be (are?) different or unequal in many and various respects. Condemnation of such “phobias” is given moral “rightness” because it is presented as a fight for equality. The entire Western world and all its institutions including the churches have already undergone profound transformations under the pressure of the idea of equality. Those who could and should have opposed the incremental changes as they historically occurred stood around immobile as if victims of a paralyzing toxin. After a time, those who could have opposed these individual communistic thrusts were co-opted into becoming their adherents and promoters so as to“go along” to “get along.” Each “compromise” made further compromises all the easier and any effort to stem the thrust more difficult. Those who tried were accused of being “inconsistent.” The effect may be likened to a slowly rolling tsunami drowning all who get in its way. The few scattered holdouts who opposed the encroaching “marx-cysts” are perceived and presented as paranoid or, more to the point, evil. Those whose instincts and powers of discrimination have been blunted by incessant media manipulation see “equality”much as its partner in moral dissipation, “tolerance;” that is, benign and the social good we must work towards achieving. Seeing distinctions means that you are delusional, that is “seeing things.” And it is this manifestation of tyranny that permitted the old Soviet Union and even some western nations such as Canada to send those who won’t comply to mental hospitals to be “cured” of their humanity.

The old metaphysical and religious notion of “evil” – a dark force within and outside of humans has for practical purposes disappeared – although you are told to “go to hell” if you disagree. There are no longer evil people, only wrong actions and these are the outcome of wretched social institutions and white privilege. This “white-washing” provides an excuse to empty the prisons since the inmates are now perceived only as victims of a white society. When they get out, they immediately resume their old ways and pounce on the populace, but the judges who let them out and the prosecutors who refuse to prosecute don’t seem to notice or care. Prisons, once called penitentiaries to which the criminal was sent to repent his sins have been transformed by at least some “enlightened prison systems as reintegration centers preparing the unrepentant for a new opportunity to sin. There is no atonement since that mindset smacks of old-fashioned religion and requires moral standards not acceptable today.

The more notorious – and thus admired – miscreants and kingpins are sent to what are for all intents and purposes recreation centers or luxurious accommodations. In the alternative, there are the many prison systems in which reforms are never instituted but rather are run as profit centers for private firms. In these actual prisons, basic amenities are often withheld as a means of enriching the operators. Government run prison systems also suffer because taxes are diverted from them to pay for the increasing costs of running the welfare state. Prisoners in these places are used as wage slaves and paid a pittance or nothing for their labor as in Texas and Arkansas. These places are practicing chattel slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment of the now almost defunct Constitution.

Then there is the first of May or “May Day,” traditionally a celebration of the arrival of Spring but now, together with Labor Day a celebration of Communism. We also have such “cultural celebrations” as Gay Pride parades – fashionable rituals for the indecently clad in our subverted blue enclaves. Interestingly enough, we used to shout “mayday” as a distress signal in the military, but it is also applicable to the present cultural calamities. And now, a new phenomenon is about to go viral like a Facebook meme; that is, the “March for Equality” that swept European countries last year. Constant injections of new leftist equality fostering rituals must be paraded before the eyes of the public to keep the concept of equality in people’s minds lest they are released from their thrall and wake up!In such ways, these messages are internalized becoming the “new normal!” As a result, after a while your neighbors become your own “Big Brother,” available to reinforce the values of the original “Big Brother” while the “ad council,” a vague and shadowy entity, produces “public service” messages about “equality” to parade before your eyes on TV and public transportation, thus validating the issue as an ongoing matter of “public interest.”

Plato was wise to the ways of the culture destroyers a very long time ago, when he noted in Book VIII of “The Republic” that democracies sacrifice merit and natural ability to the gods of an imaginary equality. Subsequent thinkers have beat around the bush or bandied about various such philosophies having lost an awareness of the eventual end of these same “democracies:” the dustbin of history. Today, equality takes precedence over sanity and even survival in the form of new social norms of rights, entitlements, and benefits. Getting into the best colleges is now possible for those who can’t pass the SAT because the test has become optional. Dispensing trophies to “non-winners” in competitions is another egalitarian phenomenon and such examples of absurdity are legion. But other than a few mumbles and muted grumbles among those who pass for conservative leaders and commentators, there is no open, palpable opposition to this culture of entitlement. Even the idea of exposing the “new normal”to rational thought fills people with dread and unless somehow interrupted, the downward spiral occasioned by public induced fear will continue until our civilization is dead – if it is not already so.

As pointed out in another article in this newsletter, the cultural weapon of Fear has become the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse, every bit as dangerous and destructive as its fellows, Plague, Famine, War and Death and far, far more prevalent in these dark days. Is it too late to ask Americans to wake up?!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Secure Borders for Ukraine and America

By Cliff Kincaid

February 1, 2022

Pete Hegseth of Fox News questions why Biden is worried about the borders of Ukraine and not those of the United States. The correct answer is that we should support secure borders for both countries and oppose Russian aggression.

Hegseth, a true patriot, served in the Middle East, and we thank him for his service. The difference between his wars and Ukraine is that the anti-communists running this former Soviet republic are not asking for American troops, only American arms.  Why can’t we demand security for America and Ukraine? There is no reason we can’t do both.

As we demand security on our southern border, we should also affirm sovereignty for the U.S. and Ukraine while objecting to Russian aggression. Why is this position so difficult to understand and adopt?

We are not nation building in Ukraine. The country is already independent of Russia.

Some conservatives are frustrated that Biden won’t protect our own border and they take out their anger on Ukraine. Another factor is corruption in Ukraine and financial ties to the Biden family. But Russia is even worse. It supplied the dossier the Democrats used to investigate and impeach Trump.

Too much faulty logic is being displayed by personalities like Tucker Carlson that seems intended to benefit Russia and consign the fate of 40 million people to Vladimir Putin’s dreams of a new Russian empire.

On the surface, Biden is doing and saying some things that are correct about Ukraine. But we all know that he can’t be taken seriously. What conservatives should be doing is drawing attention to how the Bill Clinton and Obama/Biden Administrations disarmed Ukraine, putting that country at the mercy of Russian aggression today.

Everything that is happening in Europe is the result of pro-Russian appeasement policies set in motion by Democratic presidents.

To understand this bizarre state of affairs, consider the fact that Ukraine once had some 1,900 strategic nuclear weapons, the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal.

My column, “How Clinton and Obama Disarmed and Abandoned Ukraine,” explains all of this. In exchange for Ukraine removing its strategic nuclear weapons and sending them to Russia, the Budapest Memorandum confirmed that the United States, Britain and Russia “reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations…”

Clinton/Obama/Biden have created the conditions for the Russian attacks on Ukraine.

Unbelievable but true.

Now, Biden postures as a friend of freedom, while “conservatives” like Tucker Carlson of Fox News act indifferent to the fate of Ukraine and seem willing to turn the country over to Russia. In effect, Tucker is adopting the old Biden position.

In the face of the Biden betrayals, and his too-little-too-late approach, conservatives should not excuse Russian aggression. We should support border security for Ukraine and the United States. That’s the consistent and principled position. That’s the conservative position.

A country without borders is not a country. That applies to the U.S. and Ukraine.

Remember that an anti-communist revolution is still underway in Ukraine and that we need something like that here, in the United States. We have to support the people of Ukraine and encourage anti-Russian resistance.

Tucker Carlson isn’t the only prominent pro-Russia “conservative” indifferent to the fate of Ukraine. I just got an email message from Ilana Mercer, a contributor to the conservative Townhall website, saying, “With central and eastern Europe being swallowed up progressively by the NATO alliance, Russia has legitimate security concerns. Abutting its border, Russia will soon have to endure all NATO members carrying out military maneuvers.”

Among other things, she seems ignorant of the fact that Russia is attempting to swallow up Ukraine, despite signing an agreement, the Budapest Memorandum, guaranteeing Ukraine’s independence.

This is the kind of pro-Russian disinformation conservatives are getting from the likes of Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon and others of their ilk.

We are faced today with the prospect of a Russian war on Ukraine that is made possible because the Obama/Biden Administration failed to provide Ukraine the weapons the country needed while draining financial resources away from a major Ukrainian gas company to the Biden family.

As president, Trump, under assault as an alleged Russian agent, demanded that Ukrainian authorities investigate the corruption that was making the country weak in the face of the Russian threat. For this, Trump was impeached.

Even so, Trump helped Ukraine far more than Obama/Biden.

As noted by Senator Tom Cotton, “For four years, Democrats maligned President Trump as weak on Russia. In reality, Mr. Trump put pressure on the Kremlin by killing the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, increasing NATO defense spending, and providing lethal aid to Ukraine, among other actions. This effectively deterred a renewed invasion or any big brinkmanship along the Ukrainian border. Mr. Biden’s feeble foreign policy has invited his aggression.”

As Cotton indicates, the situation has change dramatically under Biden. His family took money from Ukraine while failing to help the country defend itself — until it now seems too late.

This is not the time for conservatives to go wobbly.

To be sure, the use of American troops in Ukraine cannot be justified without Congressional approval, and there is no reason for Congress to approve such a deployment, with the U.S. Armed Forces in disarray over political correctness and unreasonable vaccine mandates.

Conservatives can oppose American troops in Ukraine while supporting the country’s independence and sovereignty. There is nothing contradictory in this position. It is the right thing to do.

What they should be worried about is Russia-China collaboration, at a time when the China virus continues to claim American lives, and seek ways to undermine both of these dangerous adversaries.

If we ignore the fate of Ukraine and sacrifice this country to Russia, we will be jeopardizing the future of freedom around the world. This surrender will send a strong message to other enemies as well.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Victims of Illegal Immigration

by Allan Wall

February 1, 2022

Our Mainstream Media is expert at presenting victims.   They write articles about people who have suffered or died and when you read the articles, you feel sympathy for the victims.

However, the Mainstream Media drums up more sympathy for certain victim groups than others.

For example, the Mainstream Media will run sympathetic  reports about illegal aliens – how much they have suffered in their home country, how difficult it was to travel to America and enter illegally, and of course , how much they suffer after they arrive to the United States.

But what about victim of illegal immigration?

That class of victims, well, they don’t care so much about them.

But there are many victims of illegal immigration.   There are Americans who have been killed by illegal immigrants, either intentionally or through negligence.

And, there are immigrants themselves who are victims of illegal immigrants.

Since we can’t rely on the Mainstream Media to present this class of victims, we must educate the public.

One of the organizations educating the public is the US Incorporated organization, based in Petoskey, Michigan.

US Incorporated has released its Third Edition of The Victims of Illegal Immigration. It is a booklet containing true stories of people killed by illegal aliens in the United States. This is a topic which is mostly ignored by the Mainstream Media and it needs to be more widely known.

I was commissioned to write the booklet by Izzy Lyman, US Incorporated Executive Director. So I wrote the 16 articles in the booklet. It’s my first published book.

The booklets are being distributed free of charge. All you have to do is send an email requesting a copy. I recommend you do so.

The booklet is not enjoyable reading, but it does contain important information that is important for Americans to know about.

To request a copy of the booklet, click here and scroll to the bottom to reach the email address with which you can order the The Victims of Illegal Immigration, Third Edition.

Share this information with your friends and family, because it’s something Americans need to know about.  They need to know about it because this situation needs to be changed.

And with the Biden administration now overseeing a mass entry of illegal aliens, more and more of your fellow Americans are at risk.  Let’s bring this ongoing tragedy to an end as soon as possible!

© 2022 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

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