USA Point of NO Return

By Lex Greene

November 21, 2023

Millions of Americans sense that the USA is currently at a most vulnerable, dangerous time in U.S. history, as they try to prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday while struggling to feel thankful for anything going on in the country or the world since November 2020.

Eight years of Obama was anything but peaceful, productive for America or of benefit to any American. Obama’s 3rd term behind the curtain of the so-called Biden administration, run by all of Obama’s former staff, has been even more violent and dangerous to the country and the world than Obama’s reign between 2009-2017.

Since the beginning of Obama’s Manchurian term in January 2021, the USA has been driven into the toilet while wars with numerous foreign countries have been ignited to destabilize all sovereign nations in preparation for their “One World Order” under Nazis at the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), and World Health Organization (WHO).

The only peaceful and prosperous time in recent U.S. history was four years of Trump when our country was not at war with anyone, and we made significant headway towards peaceful diplomatic solutions to global conflicts. Bush was at war for eight years in the Middle East, followed by eight more years of war under Obama, four years of peace under Trump and another warmongering period under Biden, aka Barack Hussein Obama.

Yet despite these “facts,” millions of young Americans still hate Trump while calling for peace in the world? They are in American streets supporting known terrorists Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah, all proxy terrorists for Iran and their global Caliphate.

These ignorant children chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” without any clue at all what they are chanting. Between the river and the sea is Israel. They are chanting for the complete elimination of Israel and the rise of a new Islamic terror State in its place. They are chanting for the death of Israel and all Israelis… They have no clue that it isn’t just Israel in the crosshairs of their global Caliphate…

Today’s deeply indoctrinated American youth is so fatally brainwashed that they may not be salvageable. They weep for terrorists in Gaza who attacked innocent Israeli men, women, children, and infants on October 7, gang-raping, murdering and beheading innocent citizen neighbors, while calling the victims of that attack “terrorists.” It’s impossible to imagine brains more backwards than this…

These young fools think they are “independent thinkers” while demonstrating no ability to think independently of their slave owners, the anti-American global Marxist community organizers who lit the fire in Israel, mobilized the mindless kids into our streets, with pre-printed flags, signs, and t-shirts manufactured well in advance of the October 7th attacks. Still, these kids ask no obvious questions.

No matter what Americans do to turn the tide back towards a better America today, these mindless kids are fast becoming a controlling voting majority in the USA. These foolish kids are determined to vote themselves and all of us into hell, under global totalitarian rule that only respects force, death, and destruction as a proper means to our end.

The question isn’t who should have a right to abortion, but rather, why do millions of Americans want to murder their own children in the womb? It’s not about what weapons can be used to take the life of an innocent, but rather, why do people want to kill innocent people at all? It’s not about how to take care of illegal invaders flooding into our country, but rather, why are we tolerating a massive foreign invasion of our country? Why are they allowed to be here at all, illegally, at insane taxpayer expense?

These kids have been taught that their expensive education replaces basic common sense, experience and the wisdom that only comes with years of experience. They actually believe that they are smarter than the people who had to teach them how to use a spoon, how to walk, and talk. They don’t want a job or career useful to the world. They want to be social media influencers…and video game experts.

Their little minds have been so twisted inside out, that they may never be able to tell daylight from dark.

This, my friends, is the point of no return for any freedom-loving nation.

These kids cry for freedom for all, while they work to cancel every freedom-loving person they encounter. Despite all forms of socialism and communism failing everywhere on earth it has ever been tried, and countries that fell from those experiments running from those concepts now, these kids still think it can work for them, because they don’t want to earn anything on their own.

If we can’t reform these young minds, we will have no choice but to sit them on the sidelines in order to save them from themselves.

Since July 4, 1776 – The USA has always been and will forever be, whatever the American people make it, or allow it to be. When American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and prosperity are no longer the #1 priority of every American, none of these things will exist in the USA anymore.

Be thankful this week, that there remains a few Americans willing to make a united stand for all Americans, no matter the cost. If not for the few, all would be lost already.

We now have only two types of people in the USA… those who love America and Freedom, and those who hate both. Those who stand for the innocent, and those who stand for the evil in this world.

Within these two groups, there are only three types of people, in both…

  • People who make things happen
  • People who watch things happen
  • People who wonder what just happened

Right now, the people who hate the USA and everything it stands for are very organized, unified, very well-funded, and mobilized in group #1. But a vast majority of people who love America and freedom find themselves stuck in groups #2 and #3, either watching it all happen, or wondering what just happened.

If it’s true that “we” still outnumber them, you can’t tell it by their action and “our” inaction.

The only thing that separates “patriot” from “pretender” is ACTION. Without ACTION in “our” group, including the financial resources to move mountains instead of propping up politicians, there are absolutely no solutions to anything.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

China’s Mass Murder Experiment, Phase Two

By Cliff Kincaid

November 30, 2022

Of all the things Dr. Anthony Fauci said, perhaps the most incriminating was that he didn’t “have enough insight” into the Communist Party in China to understand “the interactions” between the communists and their scientists. Similarly, many people tod ay claim to be puzzled by the COVID lockdowns in China, described by communist authorities as based on “science.” They think China is making a big mistake and is somehow in danger of being toppled by “the people.”

When the Red Chinese regime says the current lockdown policy is based on science, it means that there is another phase in the Marxist experiment, otherwise known as scientific socialism, achieved through the dialectic. It’s not primarily designed to control the people. After all, they are already controlled. The “protesters” wouldn’t be allowed to protest if the Communist Party of China didn’t want the demonstrations to go forward. They are organized for foreign consumption, especially in the U.S., and we are supposed to believe there is a real freedom movement in China that can actually succeed.

I believe these protests are a diversion. I think that what’s happening in China is a rehearsal for the next wave of the pandemic – the release of another virus, as deadly or even more dangerous than COVID-19.

Early in the pandemic, anti-communist author and filmmaker Robert Orlando noted that, as a result of unleashing this virus on the world, “China is now positioned geopolitically the way the U.S. was in the post-World War II era of 1945. For very different reasons than the U.S displayed then, China is now the emerging hegemony.”

You might, at this point, think this is ridiculous, since the COVID lockdowns in China continue and we seem to be “living” with the virus, even though more than 300 a day are dying.

But this is a strange way of getting back to “normal.”

Orlando noted early on in the pandemic, “One leak of the virus has set us back almost 10 trillion dollars. Combined with fear, it has weakened our once rugged nation-state, which now appears blindly committed to its own silent decline. If you were in China, and the self-destructive war was the only alternative, isn’t this what you’d do?”

This seemingly self-destructive war continues, at a time when we are “living” with the virus, since the lockdowns have been discontinued and the kids are in school. But our economy continues to decline. Several major U.S. firms, including Apple and Tesla, are dependent on China for manufacturing products but seem to be having second thoughts about that.

The big story, which made possible the China virus, is that many Americans have ignored the nature of Chinese communism and now seem to think the protests in China will have any kind of impact.

Bertil Haggman, director of the Center for Research on Geopolitics in Sweden, notes that the Communist Party of China (CCP) is a criminal political party that is probably responsible for killing between 80 and 100 million people, the highest number of political killings in modern time by one party-state perpetrator.

Haggman notes that the Communist Party of China was actually founded by a Bolshevik Soviet agent, Grigori Naumovich Voitinsky, a Russian born in Belarus in 1893. He was an agent of the Communist International (Comintern).

Hagmann tells me, “Voitinsky, the real founder of CCP, grew up in the U.S., joined the American Socialist Party, was active in the USA and Canada. He went to Soviet Russia after the Bolshevik coup d’état and was in China as a Comintern agent. Little seems to be known about his time as a socialist in the West.”

What we need, argues Haggman, is a strategy of “decoupling” from China and freezing the regime out of the world economic system.

As we see this process developing, with various companies moving their operations from China, we are fooling ourselves if we think China will admit the error of its ways on COVID and decide to join the community of nations.

I believe the current lockdowns are a rehearsal for the release of another virus.

The assumption by many was that the Chinese would not deliberately infect their own people. But these are communists.

The book, The Private Life of Chairman Mao, written by the former dictator’s physician, documented his addiction to sleeping pills and barbiturates. The book exposes Mao as a degenerate and philanderer with homosexual tendencies and genital herpes who engaged in orgies. A man “devoid of human feeling, incapable of love,” he nevertheless was a dedicated communist with an understanding of Marxist dialectics and knew how to “unleash the energies of the people” through socialism.

It is clear that dictator Xi, on the verge of becoming the acknowledged dictator of the world, is just as demented and yet firmly believes in socialism. This is a dangerous personality disorder.

In his dialectical way of thinking, the COVID lockdowns serve the interests of the Communist Party and will confuse the West into thinking a democracy is somehow sprouting from a homegrown anti-CCP protest.

Dictator Xi knows better than that. He has something else up the sleeve of his Mao jacket and he’s probably let his junior partner, former KGB colonel Putin, in on the secret.  The worst is yet to come, either through the release of another virus or an actual invasion of the Republic of China on Taiwan.

I’m betting on another virus, or at least another variant that will increase the daily death toll in America to 1000 or more.

When that happens, our “liberal” leaders will follow China’s lockdown example.

Be prepared.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Strawman Does Not Exist! No One To Blame But….

By Bradlee Dean

November 30, 2022

“The is no such thing as a Democratic Party constitutionally. It is merely a strawman to cover for the compromise of the Republican Party, which, by the way, does not constitutionally exist!”

A friend of mine recently sent this over to me and thought it was worth a little notoriety. This is what he wrote and how he wrote it:

If this offends the liberal progressives, then you are one of the lost souls that needs to hit bottom before you can see the real truth. Remembering the footprints of Jesus as he will carry you through the darkest of times.

Just know that Jesus has not left you, Luke 15:11. You left him, and he is awaiting you to come back home.

He is exactly right.

The Democrats removed Jesus from their Democratic platform.

The Democrats support killing the unborn. 70,000,000 since Row Vs Wade. Even in the third trimester.

The Democrats supported slavery, Segregation, Jim Crow Laws and founded the KKK.

The Democrats opposed the Civil Rights of 1865 and 1965.

The Democrats opposed the voting rights for Blacks in 1880.

The Democrats opposed women’s voting rights in 1920.

The Democrats supported leaving the Union, thus creating a Civil War as 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats supported WWI, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson. 115,516 died.

The Democrats supported WWII Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 418,000 Americans died, 60 million total.

The Democrats supported the Korean War, Democrat President, Harry S. Truman, nearly 5,000,000 died.

The Democrats supported the Vietnam War, Democrat President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. 58,000 Americans died.

The Democrats supported sex education for elementary children and gender equity.

The Democrats supported the JAB for Covid-19 and the death count, unknown.

The Democrats supported defunding police and burning down police departments.

The Democrats supported Black Lives Matter. The opposite of MLK “I have a dream.”

The Democrats supported LGBTQ and gender manipulation.

The Democrats support men in women’s sports.

The Democrats support the legalization of drugs.

The Democrats support the removal of God in all public space.

The Democrats support open borders and the legalization of 11,000,000 Illegals.

The Democrats support sanctuary cities for Illegals.

The Democrats support licenses for illegals.

The Democrats support limited jail sentences for criminals, No death penalty.

The Democrats support the theft of store property up to 1,000.

The Democrats support same remarriage.

The Democrats support shutting down free speech for conservatives on college campuses.

The Democrat’s oppose same day voting and proof of ID, which appears written in the Constitutional law.

The Democrats oppose the death penalty but support the killing of the unborn.

The Democrats oppose preaching politics from the pulpit, yet support Planned Parenthood, the taking of a life.

The two party system exists no more than having 98 other parties that man has unconstitutionally added to the Constitution. We are a constitutional republic. We are ruled by law, under God, which unites if it is heeded (Psalm 33:12).

[Rumble Video]

The unconstitutional two-party system has been created to divide the people so that they are more easily conquered, period (Mark3:25)! There is no strawman.

[Rumble Video]

When it comes down to who is the responsible party, only the people that allow this nonsense to continue are to blame (Hosea 4:6).

The “right,” as they call themselves, only complain of what it is that they are guilty of doing or tolerating.

In conclusion, if the “right” was doing the right thing all of the time, there would be no left (strawman).

Americans, our sins are finding us out. The strawman does not exist, REPENT (Acts 20:21).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

How Trump Saved the World

By Cliff Kincaid

November 29, 2022

As part of its drive to prevent Trump from running in 2024, the New York Post has run a Bill Barr column under the headline, “Trump threatens to burn down the GOP, it’s time to move on.” The real issue is why the GOP should be saved, with people like Bill Barr in it. Barr was an Attorney General under Trump who failed to do his job. He didn’t investigate Hunter Biden and dismissed evidence of substantial vote fraud in the 2020 election.

The New York Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, but is now under orders from owner Rupert Murdoch to burn down Trump’s 2024 presidential bid.

You can’t trust the New York Post anymore. It should be burned to the ground, not Trump’s campaign.

At the same time, another faux friend of the former president is now clamoring for “American greatness,” through a Texas conference hosted by John Solomon. The Heritage Foundation was the “conservative” group that foisted Mark Esper on Trump, selling him as a conservative.  Now it’s sponsoring a series of programs for “American Greatness.”

In my column, “The Traitors, Dopes, Dupes, and Globalists Around Trump,” I noted that Esper became Defense Secretary under Trump and was a former Chief of Staff at the Heritage Foundation. He opposed the use of the Insurrection Act to bring law and order to our burning cities, and pursued his own brand of “diversity and inclusiveness” in the Armed Forces. He then wrote an anti-Trump book, ironically titled “A Sacred Oath.”

At least the Heritage Foundation recognizes Ukraine as a sovereign and independent country that doesn’t deserve being reduced to rubble by Red Russia. It’s tragic that I still get messages from so-called “conservatives” who are on Putin’s side in this war.

Trump, for his part, was firmly on Ukraine’s side and went further, advising Germany to quit going green through its shutdown of its nuclear plants and becoming more dependent on Russian oil and gas. A Biden presidency, on the other hand, weakened America and Europe. Now we are in an endless war costing tens of billions.

Pat Buchanan admits Putin’s Red Army is “failing,” in the face of fierce Ukrainian resistance, and  writes, “Putin’s goal: As the Ukrainian army battles the Russian army in the Donbas and Kherson, the power grid upon which the Ukrainian nation and people depend is to be systematically attacked, shut down, destroyed. Without electric power, there will be no light or heat in Ukrainian homes, hospitals, offices or schools. Without electricity, food cannot be preserved, stoves do not work, water cannot be pumped. Without power, light and heat, Putin’s expectation is that the Ukrainian people, who have patriotically supported their army, will, in the tens of thousands this winter, be at risk of freezing to death in the dark.”

Buchanan, who once declared that Vladimir Putin was a Christian “planting Russia’s flag firmly on the side of traditional Christianity,” has recognized the sheer brutality of Putin’s war, and the basic fact that Putin started this war, not Ukraine. Buchanan has apparently decided that his support for the dictator’s regime has its limits. But he also seems to think, at this critical juncture, the U.S. should consider withdrawing support for Ukraine.

Buchanan is a veteran columnist and former anti-communist communications director for President Ronald Reagan. Buchanan now seems to realize that Soviet Russia has become Red Russia, virtually the same monster.

Incredibly, however, he recommends forcing Ukraine to capitulate to Russia’s demands, so we don’t have to spend any more money on the war. The U.S., he writes, has “the right to tell Kyiv when we believe that the risks of further fighting exceed any potential gain for us; and, if Kyiv is determined to fight on, to give notice that Ukraine will be doing so without any more U.S. munitions.”

What he should be saying is that Biden’s no-win war strategy has to be overhauled, and that Reagan’s campaign against the “Evil Empire” of Soviet/Red Russia has to be resurrected. We should not be afraid of calling for regime change in Russia, China, North Korea, and other communist states.

China and Russia are both enemies of America. Awareness of this fact helps us understand why we are losing to both under the Biden Administration.

This situation, if it is consistently articulated by true conservatives, leads to the inevitable conclusion that Trump’s foreign policy, which kept the peace, was the wise and correct one. Trump was standing in the way of communist domination of the world and the United States. He can do so again.

Trump isn’t the one who could burn down the GOP, as Bill Barr claims. It’s people like Bill Barr, who didn’t do their jobs when they had the opportunity. It’s people like Barr who are burning down America as they propose taking down Trump.

The American people will have the last word.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The Real Charlie Kirk and TPUSA

By Kelleigh Nelson

November 29, 2022

We are told that there are conservatives, liberals and independents in America. We wish this were true, so that our task would not be so great. The truth is that 99% of Americans are liberals. They do not know it and they cannot help it, until they relearn what conservatism is and what it is not. —The Don Bell Report

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen —Samuel Adams

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. —Matthew 7:15-17

The GOP establishment is toothless and most of them favor the unconstitutional rot promoted by the Democrat Party. You know who they are! I wrote about these false friends in a 23-part series in 2014.  Other writers received complaints about my work because they felt I was disparaging conservative leaders.  Nevertheless, many politicians with an “R” behind their names are false friends.  Look at the 12 Republicans who voted for the Respect for Marriage Act.

How many Republicans defied the COVID lies, the hospital protocols, mask mandates, the lockdowns, mandatory jabs and their deadly results?

How many have done anything to expose vote fraud?

How many follow their oaths to the US Constitution?

And how many organizations are truly trying to save America from the Great Reset, aka, UN Agenda 21/30?

Today, most of the emails landing in our inbox headline how evil has permeated our country bringing her to her knees, but during this election cycle, emails from politicians are daily assaults.  Unsubscribing seems useless.  The perpetrators will disappear for a while, but ultimately they’ll pop back up.  Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Mike Pompeo and others just keep returning.

Some, like Sara Carter, haven’t an “unsubscribe” in any of her emails and you can’t get rid of her no matter what you do.  She’s in the “junk” file, but I still have to dump it every day.  And yes, I’ve tried everything as suggested by email friends to get rid of her.  Impossible!


One perpetrator who is especially persistent is Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA (TPUSA).  I finally thought I’d eliminated him from my email, but now snail mail delivers his flyers to me every week.

Charlie Kirk is a member of the Council for National Policy, a secretive group founded in 1981 by Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, Nelson Bunker Hunt and T. Cullen Davis. I wasn’t surprised to find Kirk was a member.

Fast talking Charlie Kirk just strikes me as another phony neo-conservative leader who is all about money. Kirk started TPUSA in 2012, and he told Epoch Times, “Our movement is rooted in timeless principles, our approach is one that is entrepreneurial and new age, and our foundation is one that is laid where we have to save this greatest country to ever exist in the history of the world.”

In a 2018 Collegian article entitled, Charlie Kirk and TPUSA Aren’t Conservative, as Real Conservatives Already Knew, Kaylee McGhee states, “There’s no question that TPUSA is reaching students on left-leaning campuses, whether the numbers are fudged or not. But rather than informing these kids about the fundamental, constitutional principles conservatism seeks to protect, Kirk hustles his base to his favorite politicians’ campaign rallies.

She also mentioned that Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) warned that “A TPUSA field director even praised the Nazis, saying ‘The only thing they didn’t get right is that they didn’t keep going.’”  To be fair, many groups are infiltrated with undesirables who are there to poison the group’s reputation.

The December 2019 annual TPUSA Student Action Summit was held in West Palm Beach, Florida with top speakers including Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity.  Constitutional conservatives?  Not quite.  And all were promoting a Constitutional Convention! (Beck has since changed his mind.)

Side Stepping Tough Questions

Portions of the following information are taken from the December 2019 issue of Chronicles Magazine. Pedro Gonzalez’ article, The Hijacking of Nationalist Conservatism, covered the TPUSA’s and YAF’s handling of tough politically incorrect questions.

The Groypers, a culturally and constitutionally conservative group headed by Nick Fuentes, is labeled by the left as white nationalists with anti-Semitic beliefs.  His members continue to haunt Charlie Kirk by asking tough questions at many of TPUSA’s gatherings.

Michelle Malkin, who recently retired after becoming weary of the battle, sided with Fuentes because Kirk’s group won’t answer the tough questions.  Same story as Young American’s for Freedom who parted from Michelle for standing with the Groypers.

A 2021 investor prospectus detailed TPUSA’s seven-fold plan to “win the American Culture War and to inspire our kids to love America again.”  Sounds great, doesn’t it! TPUSA professes “conservative” values to the public, but it’s student chapter handbook warns against “talk about abortion, gay marriage, sex ed, etc.”

Discussion of America’s cultural destruction is sidelined.

During one tour, one attendee asked Kirk about his traditional values, “How long do we have to wait until child drag shows are pushed as American traditional conservatism?”

Fair question since Kirk had recently posed with “Lady Maga,” a man who styles himself America’s conservative drag queen superstar.  Kirk deferred this question to his cohost, Rob Smith, a proud homosexual and recent conservative convert, who proceeded to demean the questioner.  Smith then accused another attendee of being a closeted homosexual for asking a similar question and anyone talking about his lifestyle was behind the times, and as such, doesn’t have any place in the conservative movement.

You can’t save America by allowing her culture to be destroyed.

Homosexuality, pride parades and perversion are openly flaunted on Main Street USA.  No one really cares what consenting adults do in their own bedrooms, but now it’s brandished via tranny-led library stories. Underage children are now indoctrinated and propagandized regarding changing their gender and “sex-ed” is taught to kindergarten children. Any wonder home schooling is exponentially growing?!  Most Americans find this promotion of perversion repulsive.

But that wasn’t the end of it.  Another attendee pressed the question as to how it was possible to reconcile LGBTQ ideology, which Kirk advocates, with Judeo-Christian morality without diluting the conservative movement.  Instead of honestly answering the questions, Kirk and Smith responded with belittling and bullying comments.

Kirk has even praised efforts by the US to impose homosexual institutions on sovereign countries without their consent.

Loving America is one thing, but loving perversion is anathema to our Creator and those who worship Him.


TPUSA’s leader also has a problem with restricting legal immigration. Of course, he’s against illegal immigration (or is he?), but he loves the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program which is rife with fraud.  It is a visa program designed to attract capital investment by foreigners which then offers them a path to lawful permanent residency.  Basically, it imports a foreign elite, primarily from China.  Isn’t that just lovely!?  Kirk doesn’t believe there should be any limitations on EB-5 visas.  He says to do so, “is backwards and stupid.”

Oh, and he wants to “staple a green card behind your diploma” if you hold an F-1 foreign academic visa.  The F-1 has been used by U.S. companies to import laborers at the expense of American citizens.  We have no idea how many people overstay their visas and morph into those illegal aliens Kirk claims to oppose.  Visa overstayers were the largest source of illegal immigration until, of course, Joe Biden opened our southern border.  Venezuela has shipped us their prisoners just as Cuba did long ago.

Here is Breitbart’s 2015 article on Senator Rubio’s bill, backed by Mark Zuckerberg, which allows unlimited Muslim immigration. It was called the Immigration Innovation Act or I-Squared. These are the same types of bills Charlie Kirk apparently has no problem endorsing.

In an October, 2019 American Greatness article, Michelle Malkin wrote about our suicidal open borders campaign by cheap-labor corporatists to undercut American graduates.

The second largest privately held corporation in the country actually funds Charlie Kirk and loves open borders…the Koch brother organizations.  More on them later.

What Charlie Kirk espouses is a lie.  Michelle Malkin writes, “There are about 10,000 educational institutions accredited by the federal government’s Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) to accept foreign students. Oversight is lax and the national security implications are obvious. Incentives to police F-1 holders are weak, despite several high-profile espionage and terrorism cases involving student visa violators (including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the Times Square bombing plot, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the 9/11 attacks). Despite requiring foreign students to demonstrate they intend to go home after their studies are complete, America still has no way of tracking whether visa holders actually have gone home after their visas expire. Our government simply does not know how many illegal alien student visa overstayers are currently in the country.”

TPUSA Losses

The Kansas State University chapter of TPUSA lost its leadership after officers accused Kirk’s organization of “fair weather conservatism.”  They didn’t like the avoidance of authentic patriotic and social conservatism, Kirk’s leftist stance on immigration and the censorship of the Groypers questions.  The Groypers would show up, politely sit through a speech and then ask questions, but their treatment by Kirk was unconscionable.  Why?

Kirk’s form of conservatism is very similar to the neo-conservatives within the Republican Party, folks like Mike Pence, former AZ Senator Jeff Flake, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and Senators Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and John McCain who posed with rebels they helped arm and funded in Libya in 2011, a year before those rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi.  Notice how many politicians are never smeared by mainstream media. True dissidents, and I’m not just talking about America’s wonderful dissident doctors, but our true Constitutional conservatives are constantly taking heat.

The Con of the Con-Con

TPUSA is not teaching the young people about the fundamentals of our Declaration of Independence or our 1787 Constitution.  Why would they defend it when Kirk is promoting a new Constitutional Convention via Mark Meckler’s Convention of States.

Obviously, Charlie has never read Article V of the Constitution because Meckler tells everyone that this is a state convention and they can bypass Congress.  (Article V).  The very first words are, “The Congress…” There is no way a convention can be opened, convened or called and bypass Congress.

What few people understand is that Congress chooses the delegates from each state.  With only a handful of true Constitutional conservatives in the House and Senate, one can only imagine the ensuing disaster.  We don’t change marriage vows or the Ten Commandments because folks don’t obey them; why should we change our Constitution to suit political fraud.

Mark Meckler and others leading this charge like to point to the conservatives who are behind a new convention, names like Sean Hannity, Ron DeSantis, Mark Meadows, Pete Coburn, Pete Hegseth, Rick Santorum, Ben Shapiro, Allen West, Rand Paul, Mark Levin and others.

Virtually all organizations and prominent people (talking heads) currently promoting the Article V are tied to the Koch Brothers or George Soros.  Included are the Heritage Foundation, Freedom Works, the Cato Institute, Independence Institute, Goldwater Institute, Soros’ Open Society Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans for Prosperity and Tea Party Patriots (TPP) now headed by Jenny Beth Martin after Mark Meckler left to promote the Convention of States.  Tea Party Patriots also promotes open borders/amnesty, common core and sustainable development.

At the end of 2020, ALEC entered into a partnership with TPUSA to position more conservative students on university boards of regents.  ALEC has long been promoting a Constitutional Convention as well as being funded by the Koch organizations.  The Church of Scientology is also a member of ALEC.  ALEC is a national organization made up of legislators from every state as well as some federal legislators who meet and draft “model Legislation” for every stateLink

The desire to destroy America’s Constitution goes all the way back to 1788 when James Madison wrote a letter to G. I. Turberville when he was asked how he felt if another General Convention should be called.  He wrote:

You wish to know my sentiments on the project of (an Article V) Convention as suggested by New York. I shall give them to you with great frankness. If a General Convention were to take place for the avowed and sole purpose of revising the Constitution, it would naturally consider itself as having a greater latitude than the Congress appointed to administer and support as well as to amend the system; it would consequently give greater agitation to the public mind; an election into it would be courted by the most violent partizans [sic] on both sides; it would probably consist of the most heterogeneous characters; would be the very focus of that flame which has already too much heated men of all parties; would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric.

The enemies of freedom have wanted to destroy the document given to us by men who had just spent seven years at war for independence from Great Britain.  Those brilliant men of letters recorded our God Given freedoms in the Bill of Rights knowing that only an educated and moral populace could keep them.

Our silence is guaranteeing the loss of those unalienable freedoms.

For a masterful overview of the perpetrators who are working to destroy our liberty and enslave us under a tyrannical world government, read Richard D. Fry’s 2014 testimony before the Standing Committee on Federal and State Affairs of the Kansas State.

Koch Organizations

Charlie Kirk claims he is not funded by the Koch brothers.  However, Turning Point USA is funded by a variety of right-wing mega-donors with a history of flooding the political process with money, including the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Ed Uihlein Family FoundationFoster Friess, Michael Leven and various Koch brothers-affiliated groups, such as the Foundation for Economic Education, Donors Trust and Donors Capitol Fund.  Here is a list of TPUSA’s donors.

The Koch organizations masquerade as conservative, especially Americans for Prosperity, but anyone who has read my past articles knows that the Koch brothers were far left of center both culturally and politically.  Link, Link

Kirk and Kochs go hand in hand with wanting our 1787 Constitution opened, and likely destroyed.  The precedent was set in 1787 when the Articles of Confederation were tossed out and a fabric of freedom was sewn into the American psyche.

Benjamin Franklin’s last quote was in a letter to his friend, French scientist Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, “Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” 

Should it happen again, not one person in this country could measure up to those who spent days laboring over the proper penning of Godly freedoms for all of America.


Charlie Kirk and TPUSA is just one group of many who would risk the entire fabric of freedoms our founders gave us.

Before you fund the likes of these, please do your homework, for they masquerade as sheep, but inwardly are ravening wolves.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Respect for Marriage Act Should be Called Respect For Gay Marriage Act

By Paul Engel

November 28, 2022

  • Does the Respect for Marriage defend marriage or is it an attempt to change it?
  • Does Congress have the constitutional authority to define marriage?
  • What can We the People and the states do in the face of this legislation?

There is legislation working its way through Congress called the Respect for Marriage Act. Does this act truly respect marriage? Let’s face it, the definition of marriage has been changing for centuries. Marriages used to include polygamy and other relationships that are no longer legal. Does this act respect the institution of marriage, change it to make it better, or merely open the door to its degradation? Does Congress even have the legal authority to pass such legislation?


The Respect for Marriage Act was introduced to the House of Representatives by Rep. Jerry Nadler on July 18th, 2022. Let’s start by looking at the Constitutional Authority Statement, which is required by House Rule XII.


Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant
to the following:
Article IV, Section 1
Fifth Amendment, Section 5
Fourteenth Amendment, Section 5
Article I, Section 8, Clause 18


Mr. Nadler claims four separate parts of the Constitution authorizes Congress to pass such legislation. Let’s look at them in reverse order.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 is the Necessary and Proper Clause.


To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. 


If Congress can show that the power they are attempting to legislate is vested by the Constitution into the government of the United States, then the legislation is valid. If however, there is no such power delegated in the Constitution, then the act is void. At least according to the Supreme Court in the Marbury v. Madison opinion..


Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.


So this is pretty much a throw-away clause. It doesn’t show that Congress has the power unless the other three statements show a power vested in the United States. Next, Mr. Nadler looks to section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment…


The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.


This section allows Congress to pass legislation related to the Fourteenth Amendment. Since Mr. Nadler doesn’t claim that this amendment vests any power to Congress related to this legislation, this too is a throw away reason.

The Fifth Amendment doesn’t have a Section 5. Which leaves us with Article IV, Section 1, the Full Faith and Credit Clause.


Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. 


This, the only cause given by Mr. Nadler with any possibility of being legitimate, is the crux of the matter. Since the matter of recognizing and licensing marriage was turned over to the state in 1741, America has been sliding down the slippery slope to this point. According to an article from…


It is widely reported that in 1741 the colony of North Carolina took judicial control over marriages. At the time, the primary concern was interracial marriages. 

North Carolina sought to prohibit interracial marriages by issuing marriage licenses to those deemed acceptable for marriage. 


By the 1920s 38 states had similar laws, putting the state in charge not only of sanctioning marriage, but defining it as well. Because of the Full Faith and Credit Clause (Article IV, Section 1), any marriage license issued by a state must be given full faith and credit in all other states. It’s in this context that we must look at the language of the Respect for Marriage Act.

If we are going to respect something, we should start by understanding what it is. At our nation’s founding, marriage had a simple definition. From Webster’s 1828 dictionary..


The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life.


As I’ve already stated, the definition of marriage has changed over time. Now, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online, marriage is:


the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law


So which definition of marriage does Mr. Nadler wish to respect?

Section 2 of the alleged Respect for Marriage Act states…


Section 1738C of title 28, United States Code, is repealed.


This legislation would repeal 28 U.S.C. 1738C, which violates the Full Faith and Credit Clause.


No State, territory, or possession of the United States, or Indian tribe, shall be required to give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State, territory, possession, or tribe respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other State, territory, possession, or tribe, or a right or claim arising from such relationship.


This legislation would replace §1738C with:


(a) In General.—No person acting under color of State law may deny—

(1) full faith and credit to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other State pertaining to a marriage between 2 individuals, on the basis of the sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin of those individuals; or

(2) a right or claim arising from such a marriage on the basis that such marriage would not be recognized under the law of that State on the basis of the sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin of those individuals.


In other words, the definition of marriage will effectively be the conglomeration of how all 50 states define marriage. Since the State of New York legally recognized marriage between two people of the same sex, all 50 states would have to recognize it.

Does anyone remember the Defense of Marriage Act? Signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996, this legislation defined marriage as between one man and one woman.


In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word marriage” means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word spouse” refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.


This act was found to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States for violating the Due Process Clause in the cases United States v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges.

The Respect for Marriage Act would replace the Defense of Marriage Act with:


(a) For the purposes of any Federal law, rule, or regulation in which marital status is a factor, an individual shall be considered married if that individuals marriage is valid in the State where the marriage was entered into or, in the case of a marriage entered into outside any State, if the marriage is valid in the place where entered into and the marriage could have been entered into in a State.


Which means the federal government would have to recognize all of these marriages as well. Should any states legalize marriages between three or more people, all states would have to recognize that as well. Based on recent history, you can assume pretty much any relationship between anyone and anything will one day be considered marriage in some state, and therefore recognized throughout the country.

I guess we have the answer to the question I posed earlier. Which version of marriage does Mr. Nadler wish to respect? The free for all, whatever someone can pass, definition of marriage? Isn’t it amazing how, in just 25 years defending marriage as one man and one woman has morphed into respecting whatever some can convince enough people to call marriage. In my mind, this does not bode well for the institution, and that is a problem.

Study after study has shown that children raised in a home where their parents are married to each other have the best outcome overall. Better outcomes in school, fewer instances of legal trouble, drug abuse, and on and on. Is this because the term “marriage” has some special benefit? Or is it the family headed by legally bound parents that provides this blessing? What happens when marriage no longer means one man and one woman, a legally bound couple that can beget children? Sure same-sex couples can adopt children, can be good parents, and raise good children, but the odds are more likely that there will be problems. Who knows what will happen with multiple fathers, mothers, and whatever else the human mind can come up with.

I fear this newfound ‘respect’ for what anyone wants to call marriage means the further destruction of the family with all of the associated societal issues. It’s important that we remember though, the Respect for Marriage Act is not the cause of these issues, but the symptom of the damage that marriage and the family has already suffered.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Died Suddenly Documentary – An Honest Review

By: Devvy

November 28, 2022

Before I cover that documentary, denial regarding those COVID experimental injections and safety is being driven by fear.  Over the decades Americans have been conditioned to trust their doctors, mother government out in DC and the rotten, corrupted MSM.  When COVID hit, scumbag former VP president, Mike Pence,[1] brought us Dr. Death Fauci and liar Deborah Birx.

Fauci is 81 years old.  As a federal employee, I wonder if he uses this pharmacy:  Members Of Congress: Alcoholics, Dementia, Alzheimer’s – How Many?, July 30, 2018 – “Uproar as Capitol Hill pharmacist dishes on Alzheimer’s prescriptions for the powerful

“The owner of the Capitol Hill pharmacy that supplies prescription drugs for members of Congress and staff has sparked a frenzy of speculation after claiming he gives meds to lawmakers with “pretty serious health problems” and appearing to question their mental faculties.

“At first it’s cool, and then you realize, I’m filling some drugs that are for some pretty serious health problems as well. And these are the people that are running the country,” Grubb’s Pharmacy’s Dr. Michael Kim told STAT News, reportedly citing treatments for conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

“It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday,’” he said.”

It’s no secret Sen. Diane Feinstein, age 89 and in office 30 years, is in advanced stages of Altzheimer’s.  Members of her staff and some media have quietly expressed deep concern.  Does Congress Have a Dementia Problem?, Nov. 2, 2017 (US Term Limits)

“Last week, the health of McCain’s colleague Thad Cochran (R-MS), 79, also came under scrutiny. Reporter John Bresnahan of POLITICO documented that Cochran “appeared frail and at times disoriented” during their hallway interview. Cochran “at one point needed a staffer to remind him where the Senate chamber is located,” despite having served in that chamber for the last 40 years.

“After locating the chamber, Cochran cast the wrong vote on a bill and had to correct himself after an aide pointed out the error…“President Harry Truman, in the aftermath of World War II, sent a handwritten note to Congress demanding the passage of term limits. “We’d help to cure seniority and senility, both terrible legislative diseases,” Truman wrote. “The appropriations committees of the House and Senate are aged and decrepit men, who if they think at all…backward thinking.”

“Truman’s words are a prophetic description of today’s Congress, where the chairman of the Senate appropriations committee briefly forgot last week that he was even on the committee at all. That chairman is Thad Cochran.”  Cochran served in the U.S. House for five years and then the Senate for 40 before retiring in 2018 for health reasons.  He died in 2019, age 81.

By April 2020, I knew Fauci was lying about face masks and just about everything else.  I think by the first of 2021, many millions of Americans had their fill of that despicable man and no longer trusted a word a said – except the brainwashed whose engines run on fear.

Fauci was deposed last Wednesday in a lawsuit brought by Louisiana and Missouri’s Attorney Generals.  Fauci Could Not Recall Key Details During Deposition: Louisiana Attorney General, Nov. 23, 2022, “It was amazing, literally, that we spent seven hours with Dr. Fauci—this is a man who single-handedly wrecked the U.S. economy based upon ‘the science, follow the science.’ And over the course of seven hours, we discovered that he can’t recall practically anything dealing with his COVID response,” Landry told The Epoch Times after leaving the deposition. “He just said, ‘I can’t recall, I haven’t seen that. And I think we need to put these documents into context,’” Landry added.

“It was extremely troubling to realize that this is a man who advises presidents of the United States and yet couldn’t recall information he put out, information he discussed, press conferences he held dealing with the COVID-19 response,” Landry added later.”  (The full transcripts will be released later, although reporting on WND says the court has ordered the deposition sealed. I see a lawsuit coming on that decision.)

Those following senate hearings have watched Sen. Rand Paul scorch Fauci.  Well-practiced Fauci tried to give back while looking dignified and failed.  Dr. Death’s last day being paid for by the sweat of your labor is Dec. 31, 2022.  He knew Sen. Paul would not stop and likely another factor is Robert Kennedy Jr.’s #1 best selling book at NY Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Publisher Weekly National Best Seller:  The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.  Naturally, Kennedy was roasted by the usual intellectually lazy mobs in the fake media who deny facts and the truth.

Is Fauci in the first stages of dementia?  Wouldn’t surprise me as my late mother suffered through it for years before she passed away at age 93.  Mask lover, Dr. Death, should have listened to real experts.  READ:  German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’, Oct. 14, 2020 – “This well-known German neurologist and neurophysiologist, Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson, warns of a tsunami of dementia years down the road because of oxygen deprivation from wearing masks today. Are you willing to risk your brain to scientifically unfounded, politically-motivated mandates.”

Quoting Dr. Griesz-Brisson, “I know how damaging oxygen deprivation is for the brain, cardiologists know how damaging it is for the heart, pulmonologists know how damaging it is for the lungs. Oxygen deprivation damages every single organ.

“Where are our health departments, our health insurance, our medical associations? It would have been their duty to be vehemently against the lockdown and to stop it and stop it from the very beginning.”  And yes, early dementia is statistically rising in the 18-49 year age group.

Fauci emailed friend saying masks were ‘ineffective,’ pushed for mandates anyway, Missouri AG says – Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt shared a ‘tidbit’ from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s deposition on Friday in which he allegedly stated that masks were ‘ineffective’ before supporting mandates, Nov. 25, 2022 – “Another tidbit from Fauci depo: In Feb 2020 he emailed a friend advising her masks were ineffective. Confirmed again on Mar 31. On Apr 3 he’s adamant masks should be worn even though he couldn’t cite a single study to prove it. Mandates followed—Lives ruined.”

I live in W. Texas and I still to this day tragically see mothers hauling their kids around in the grocery store wearing masks.  Mommy is wearing one, too.  Have you noticed service is getting worse by the month with companies you deal with?  Mistakes on orders, insurance companies, doctor’s receptionists.  I have and think to myself, their brains have been fried from wearing those masks.  (I wore one only 4 times total; hospitalized earlier this year with pneumonia.)

Probably the only truth coming out of Dr. Death’s mouth:

Fauci does not foresee a Covid-19 vaccine mandate in the United States,  August 18, 2020:   “I don’t think you’ll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public,” Fauci said on Tuesday during a town hall. “Fauci said everyone has the right to refuse a vaccine. “If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public, then there’s nothing you can do about that. You cannot force someone to take a vaccine,” he said.”

On to the documentary, Died Suddenly, and I’m going to give you an honest opinion.  Not like the hit pieces out there attacking the content.  Of course, this is to be expected.  Those injected are terrified of the truth, insist the COVID vaccines are safe. They can no longer claim they’re effective because over time people allegedly continued to get COVID (using the debunked PCR tests), it became apparent even if the person was jabbed like a pin cushion it didn’t matter.  So, back in September 2021, the CDC (Center for Disease Creation) simply played a new doublespeak game changing the definition of what is a vaccine.

A product became a preparation which is closer to the mark.  “Vaccine:  A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from the disease.  New definition:  A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” Now, the only problem is, those experimental injections kill your immune system leaving your body open for invasion of cancer and autoimmune diseases; 80 for which there is no cure.

The one important thing missed is legally they are not vaccines.  Pulling this from my Dec. 6, 2021, column because this is VERY important if you missed it:

Pfizer BioNTech filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Dec. 31, 2019See document here, pg 14 – 15:

“To our knowledge, there is no current precedent for an mRNA-based immunotherapy such as the type we are developing being approved for sale by the FDA, European Commission or any other regulatory agency elsewhere in the world. Although we expect to submit BLAs for our mRNA-based product candidates in the United States, and in the European Union, mRNA therapies have been classified as gene therapy medicinal products, other jurisdictions may consider our mRNA-based product candidates to be new drugs, not biologics or gene therapy medicinal products, and require different marketing applications.

“Any product candidates we develop may not be effective, may be only moderately effective, or may prove to have undesirable or unintended side effects, toxicities or other characteristics that may preclude our obtaining marketing approval or prevent or limit commercial use.”

Pg 16:  “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA…Our product candidates may not work as intended, may cause undesirable side effects or may have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant negative consequences following marketing approval, if any.”

Vaccines normally take 10-15 years before getting approval for mass distribution.  The first injections were rolled out in hospitals on Dec. 14, 2020.  That SEC filing was last day of 2019 before production began. Clinical trials are scheduled through 2023, so yes, humans on this planet are being used as test subjects.  15 MILLION Texans have received those experimental injections.

How about Moderna and their SEC filing, June 30, 2020?  “Regulatory requirements governing gene and cell therapy products have evolved and may continue to change in the future, and the implications for mRNA-based therapies are unknown…Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.”

“Click on Table of Contents and go down to page 64; “Our pursuit of mRNA-1273, a potential vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, continues to be subject to completion of the required clinical trials and regulatory approval in the United States and elsewhere. We may be unable to produce a vaccine that successfully treats the virus in a timely manner, if at allCurrently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.

On Moderna’s web site under EUA  it says, “The Moderna COVID‑19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA, under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19) for use in individuals 18 years of age and older. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID‑19.”

What Is Gene Therapy? How Does It Work? – “Recognizing this, scientists have been working for decades on ways to modify genes or replace faulty genes with healthy ones to treat, cure or prevent a disease or medical condition.”

If those experimental injections are so safe, why still under EUA? Emergency Use Authorization? There is no emergency and there never was:

10/12/2022 FDA Authorizes Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines for Use as a Booster Dose in Younger Age Groups

The FDA amended the emergency use authorizations (EUAs) of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent to authorize their use as a single booster dose in younger age groups.”

Died Suddenly. One thing I hate regarding videos by well-intentioned people is the blasting music and irrelevant images before you find the meat – especially when the subject matter is so serious. We want Died Suddenly to be seen by Americans (and the world) who don’t know what’s going on, not get tuned out by ‘filler’ material.

Beginning at the 1:15 minutes mark to 6:01, which includes a vomit interview with actor Tom Hanks, I feel should not have been included.  The documentary, I feel should have opened with a narrator/host explaining the upcoming interviews with embalmers, funeral directors – those directly involved in seeing what we can’t.  The interview with Lt Col. Teresa Long is very important; she is a protected federal whistleblower, her affidavit is here.

I would not have included the depopulation agenda because it deserves a second documentary featuring individuals like Dr. Francis Boyle, J.D. who was the creator of the U.S BioWeapons Act and knows what he’s talking about.  Americans who see Died Suddenly can only take so much shock at a time.  People will be scared to death after seeing Died Suddenly but I feel the majority of Americans are too afraid to even believe the depopulation agenda so you can’t just have a two, three-minute clip of Bill Gates and expect my neighbor up the street to understand the evil.

The fearless, courageous, Dr. Peter McCullough is given no introduction, just quick clips so the person viewing has no idea who he is – the most published cardiologist in America, his testimony in front of various committees, i.e., United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.  The fact that he’s been blacklisted, booted from Baylor University in February 2021, for telling the scientific and medical truth would tell the viewer who isn’t up to speed something smells bad.  And, that’s who we want to reach out to:  Americans who’ve been lied to, are now suffering blood clots in their body and other serious medical problems.

Now Dr. McCullough is being forced to fight rotten, corrupt and ignorant unelected “health” agency officials who don’t know their arse from their elbow on this issue but want to take away his license.  I believe it would have been very appropriate and necessary to have a narrator/host give all his credentials because of the credibility issue.

However, I do thank all those involved in making the documentary and the individuals interviewed from embalmers to the important information on insurance companies regarding death rates.  Yes, there’s quite a bit that can make one queasy as most of us aren’t used to seeing blood blots.  But, it’s essential everyone SEE the truth and not just that coverage but also death rates.  I believe there’s a great possibility many of the big insurance companies are going to go bankrupt as people continue getting those injections and phony boosters.

I know a contractor here in town in good health until a few months after getting those experimental injections.  He developed bad, serious blood clots in one of his legs.  It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s killing people or causing people to endure the pain and misery of developing blood clots. There’s another video everyone should watch, but once again, there’s no introduction who Dr.  Judy Mikovits or Dr. Sherri Tenpenny are which is a shame because the average person out there doesn’t know who they are or their fields of scientific expertise.  Ten million views so far, go here and scroll down to the second video; 29:28 minutes.

Regarding the Died Suddenly one hour and eight-minute documentary, it received massive exposure on the Internet before release on Nov. 19, 2022.  Hit pieces like this are all over the Internet:  “‘Died Suddenly’ Covid-19 VAXX movie has been watched by 7 million people within 24 hours“. It’s all about anti-vaxxer propaganda!  “A couple hours of grifters telling lies so you’ll give them money.”  I feel confident none of those interviewed in the documentary were paid and it’s not a “couple of hours”.

Steve Kirsch, another warrior out there (worth many millions), took a doctor (a fool) to the woodshed:  Answering the critics of “Died Suddenly” – “The critic, Eric Burnett, MD says there is nothing to see here: these are just regular post-mortem blood clots.”  It’s a fairly short read well worth the time.

Died Suddenly premiered on Nov. 19, 2022 on Stew Peters web site (his film).  It doesn’t have a tracking for views the last time I looked but that could be the 7 million referred to above.  It went up on Rumble on Nov. 21st.  At 11:00 pm on Nov. 22nd, it had 3,804,016 views. On Nov. 23rd at 6:00 am, 4,539,37 views and by 4:00 pm the same day, 6,948,89.  As of Nov. 27, 2022 at 11:27 pm, 9,129,104 and last look at 4:15 pm on the 27th, 9,234,160; no doubt will reach 10 million views soon.  In five hours on the 27th another 105,056 watched the documentary.   No doubt people want the truth – especially those forced to take the injections to keep their jobs so they can feed their family and those who might be single, widow or widower.

Despite my negative comments about the documentary which is just my opinion, I do feel it’s important to get as many people as possible to watch it.  Please share this with everyone because there’s a crack in the dam that is going to spread and bring down this house of lies:  Vaccinated Americans a majority of COVID deaths for first time in August – Kaiser Family Foundation says, ‘We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated’, Nov. 23, 2022, FOX News – “The paper described a “troubling trend” as the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been “steadily rising” over the past year.”

Steadily rising?  It has since mid-2020 and it is mass murder.  Do all you can to get your city council member to watch it as hospitals, clinics and pharmacies continue to jab people and the screeching to get jabbed will only ramp up now winter is here.  They have the power over those corporations/companies’ business licenses in cities.  The same for your state rep and senator.  Have 15, 30 or more people sign a letter demanding they watch it and that your state stop authorizing those injections.  If we do nothing, nothing gets done.

Died Suddenly (Yes, you can enlarge the screen.)

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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[1]  All written by Kelleigh Nelson

Judas Mike Pence Joins Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold, Part One, Feb. 10, 2021

Mike Pence, Water Boy for the Deep State, Part Two, Feb. 16, 2021

Satan’s Minions, the Financiers of Michael R. Pence, Part 3, Feb. 22, 2021

Mike Pence, a History of Treachery and Betrayal, Sept. 28, 2021

Related – Oh, its all just conspiracy theories promoted by anti-vaxxers!  None of these experts in their field of medicine and scientists know what they’re talking about!  I know this data and information will cause GREAT distress for parents believing they did the right thing having their child/teen get the shots.  I’m so sorry but only the truth will stop the carnage.

While I’ve saved hundreds there isn’t room, but these are new since my last column on this nightmare.  READPeople Dying in Their Sleep Linked to Vaccines, Explains Dr. Peter McCullough, Cardiologist, Nov. 22, 2022.  Real vaccines are pulled off the market if 30-50 at the most die.  Here, go look at victims of those experimental injections and tell me this isn’t a mass disaster.  Real people, not “rare” as the criminals at the FDA & CDC want you to believe.  Just read a dozen of the real-life destruction.  Your heart will break for all of them.  Read + video:  This is What Is Really in the “Vaccines”, Oct. 27, 2022

STOP the Infanticide! 5,000% Increase in Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines!, Nov. 4, 2022 – “The U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was updated today, and there are now 4,534 fetal deaths recorded in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines given to pregnant and child-bearing women. (Source.)” (Only1% reported.)  //  Children Suddenly Dying – ‘It’s Through The Roof’ – Dr. Peter McCullough //  Dr. Russell Blaylock: How Vaccine-Induced Spike Proteins Damage the Brain and Cause Cancer

READPfizer Document Exposes FDA Criminal Cover-Up Of Vaccine Deaths – Agenda #9 – BOS Meeting December 14, 2021 – “Thanks to the efforts of a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, we now have smoking-gun confidential documents that show Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines were killing thousands of people; and causing spontaneous abortions and neonatal deaths while damaging three times more women than men.”  (That’s why Pfizer wanted the court to give them 55 YEARS to release documents but the court said no and now we have the truth.)  WATCHEd Dowd and Mike Adams deep dive into EXCESS MORTALITY following covid vaccines

Top London cardiologist: Stop the COVID-19 shots NOW – Presents ‘real-world data’ after confessing he had been ‘willfully blind’, Sept. 27, 2022  //  Another cardiologist calls for halt to COVID shots – Counts as many as 70 patients with heart conditions tied to vaccine, Nov. 26, 2022

10,000% Increase in Cancers Following COVID-19 Vaccines as Doctors and Scientists Worldwide Sound the Alarm, August 2, 2022 (A few doctors were warning about this by mid-2021 – all censored, of course.  // Mass COVID-19 vaccination is a deadly and unscientific policy that will cause surge in cancer rates, warns pathologist, May 11, 2022  //  Explosion of cancer and latent disease after covid “vaccination”.  “In the 25-44 year-old age group there has been an 84% increase in mortality according to insurance companies.”  May 30, 2022  //  England Study Confirms 100 Myocarditis Deaths After COVID Shots – “In the largest study to date on myocarditis deaths related to COVID-19 vaccination, researchers found that 100 people in England died of myocarditis soon after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.”  Sept. 15, 2022

“Sex & The City” Actor Mocks “Non-Vaxxed” As “Ignorant Morons” – Dead 5 Months After Potential Pfizer COVID Shot Induced Cancer, Oct. 4, 2022 “And while many have mocked the “anti-vaxxers” while taking their shot, they failed to live to really tell about it because they died shortly thereafter. Now, a “Sex and the City” actor is dead five months after taking the deadly Pfizer shot and mocking “non-vaccinated” people as “ignorant morons.”

“57-year-old Willie Garson, whose real name is William Paszamant, received his second Pfizer mRNA injection on April 14, according to his Twitter account.”  //  Idaho doctor reports “20 times increase” in cancer among those “vaccinated” for covid, Sept. 14, 2021 //  HUGE: COVID Vaccine Injury Payments EXPLODE in Australia – More than 80 Times Higher than Last Year, Oct. 28, 2022 //  This Has Cost Millions of Lives’: Steve Kirsch on Suppression of Repurposed, Drugs and a Spike in Deaths 5 Months After Vaccine Rollout, Nov. 24 2022 – “The clue was the embalmers. The clue was the insurance companies. The embalmers never saw anything until midway in 2021. And then they started seeing these massive clots … It only started six months into the vaccination program,” says Steve Kirsch, the executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.”

 (What Immunologist/Molecular Biologist, Prof. Dolores Cahill warned was going to happen back in January 2021.  So many microbiologists, molecular biologists and other specialists warned:  It can take 4-18 months before the technology begins to work on your immune system if it doesn’t kill you within a few days.)

Government reports prove COVID Vaccination is causing Hundreds of Thousands to ‘Die Suddenly’ every week & Confidential Pfizer Docs. confirm your Government knew it would happen  Nov. 25, 2022 //  Over 23k Children ‘Died Suddenly’ across Europe following EMA approval of the COVID Vaccine Nov. 25, 2022 //  Respected physician researcher finds disturbing connection between excess mortality and COVID vaccines but can’t get data published, Oct. 26, 2022 //  COVID-19 Vaccines Have Caused 84% of All Deaths Recorded in VAERS for the Past 32 Years – Pfizer #1 in Vaccine Deaths, Even Before COVID, Oct. 24, 2022

18-Year-Old Varsity High School Cheerleader Dies Suddenly due to Blood Clot), Oct. 27, 2022 // The Unvaccinated: We Won’t Forget. They celebrated our deaths and danced on our graves, Nov. 20, 2022 – “Making the rounds online is an LA Times article from earlier this year titled Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish, yes — but may be necessary. The article URL is even titled “why-shouldnt-we-dance-on-the-graves-of-anti-vaxxers.” (Yes, they’ve all gone insane.)  //  What is behind all these young healthy athletes dying ‘suddenly’?, Nov. 11, 2022

Watch: Funeral Director Reports Mass Death in ‘Young Jab Recipients’ – ‘This is an Agenda’, Oct. 20, 2022 – “A British undertaker is sounding the alarm on COVID-19 vaccines, claiming that young recipients of the shot are filling his funeral home at a substantial rate…“As a funeral director, I’m seeing a massive increase in death rate exclusively in young jab recipients,” O’Looney stated.” //  New Swiss Study: Covid Shots Increase Risk of Myocarditis by 800 TIMES in Young Adults

Top cardiologist ties ‘unexpected’ deaths, collapses to COVID shot – ‘My duty … to urgently inform doctors, patients and members of the public’, Oct. 19, 2022 –“A top London cardiologist who was one of the first to take the COVID-19 vaccine and promote it on British television is warning his colleagues and the public he has evidence tying the incidences around the world of “unexpected” cardiac events in otherwise healthy people to the COVID-19 vaccines.”  //  18-Year-Old Mississippi State University Football Player Sam Westmoreland Dies Suddenly, Oct 19, 2022  //  Government reports prove COVID Vaccination is killing Hundreds of Thousands every week & Confidential Pfizer Docs. confirm your Government knew it would happen, Oct. 16, 2022

(Which is why I only eat – and not much, really – free range beef, grass fed beef.  Very lucky to have a butcher in town; all the cattle are fairly local.)  LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA “vaccination”, Oct. 22, 2022  //  Alberta Doctor Calls on Medical Association to Investigate ‘Sudden Deaths’ of ’80 Young Doctors’ Oct. 20, 2022  // 

Food Author who Celebrated Anti-Vaxxers “Dying in Legions” Suddenly DEAD from Cardiac Arrest, Nov. 22, 2022.  She posted in a tweet that “some of the right people” were dying – those who refuse the injections.  She was only 49 years old and despite her hateful rhetoric, no one should be dying or becoming permanently disabled because of those experimental injections.

Demand for Unvaccinated Blood Soaring, Nov. 22, 2022  //  2 Years Too Late – Pfizer And Moderna To Investigate Their Vaccines For Myocarditis Risk, Nov. 15, 2022  //  Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’,    – “Terrifying’ new research finds vaccine spike protein unexpectedly in bloodstream. The protein is linked to blood clots, heart and brain damage, and potential risks to nursing babies and fertility.”

“Died Unexpectedly” Cases Surge with More Deaths in 2022 than 2020-2021 as People Continue to Get COVID-19 Vaccines, Nov. 6, 2022

The Funeral Business Is Booming. And Not Because Of Covid, Nov. 24, 2022

Heart Deaths Spike During Booster Vaccine Rollout as Excess Non-Covid Deaths Approach 25,000, Nov. 24, 2022 – “A number of experts have suggested the experimental mRNA Covid vaccines may be playing an important role. The jabs are known to be associated with heart problems and blood-clotting problems, and autopsies have shown that people have died as a result of inflammation due to spike protein in their heart.”

Three Runners Suffer Heart Attacks and 125 Other Requires Medical Attention Following Spanish Half-Marathon, Nov. 2, 2022

I’m Just Sad At What’s Happening In Our Country

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 28, 2022

As we near one of the foundational events in our country’s history, Christmas, I’m just sad.

When I look at what happened in Moscow, Idaho, I just want to cry my eyes out.  Three beautiful University of Idaho coeds and one college boy were murdered with a knife in their sleep!  How could someone possess such rage against four innocent lives?  He’s probably a guy…and he stabbed them multiple times until they died.  And, he was very thorough at his task. Not a one of them cried out to wake the others.  Now, he’s out there, but even if he’s caught, he faces a jail cell for life, and the parents of those four kids will suffer a lifetime of pain, sorrow and loss of their cherished children.

The whole event in Idaho sickens me to my stomach.

It reminds me back when I was a college kid at Michigan State University.  Guys got drafted off my floor to serve in Vietnam. More than 58,479 of them didn’t come home.  Their young lives were terminated by politicians who killed them via the military industrial complex’s corporate elites.  Why? Answer: money.  So many promising young men never got to live their lives!  The same thing happened in Afghanistan and Iraq for 20 years!  We lost 7,100 combat deaths, 114,000 soldier suicides and $6 trillion totally wasted in those useless and meaningless wars.

Then, last week, we’ve got a 31 year old minority kid who slaughtered six innocent lives at a Walmart in Virginia.  He walks in with raging anger, struts right up to his co-workers—and shoots them dead.  How do you do that?  Then, he shoots himself.  But in the process, he left some children fatherless or motherless. He killed six people who were the daughters and sons of some parents. Those six had best friends who will never get to tip a beer with them or play softball at the company picnic.  I just cry a thousand tears.

Even worse, this kind of killing spree occurs every weekend in Chicago, NYC, LA, San Francisco, Atlanta, Detroit, Miami, St. Louis, New Orleans, et al.  It’s nuts! Have we lost our collective minds into a barbaric black hole?

Last Christmas in Waukesha, Wisconsin, minority nutjob Darrel Brooks took his SUV and mowed down dozens of parade participants, killing six of them and wounded another dozen.  None of them had anything to do with Mr. Brooks.  He should have been assigned to a psychiatric hospital years before because he had made so many violent charges on his social media site.  But instead, he got to kill all those mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers.  It makes me tear-up just thinking about it.

This year, 2022, we’ve got the  “Woke Crowd” allowing DNA men to pretend they are women, and they get to beat the crap out of DNA female college athletes who train their whole lives to swim, track, wrestle and other sports…for scholarships and athletic competition among other women.  And yet, those intellectual morons at the NCAA allowed that kind of insanity to continue so that 6’4” 210  pound second-rate swimmers like Will “Lia”  Thompson could hoist a trophy and destroy every woman in his wake.  Yet, we’ve got NCAA “woke” women in positions to allow that crap to continue.  And if you don’t, you’re called a racist, narcissist, misogynist, and any other name they can call you if you don’t agree with their own insanity.

Why do those “Woke” people do it to some sports, but not tennis or basketball or football or soccer?  Why not create separate sports competitions for  “trans-athletes” to compete against other trans-athletes of their own DNA categories?  That would stop this nonsense in a New York Second.   Or, why didn’t DNA women athletes simply Boycott any event with a DNA trans dude?

What about Critical Race Theory being taught in colleges, the military and corporations?  Why not just teach hate, anger, and racial conflict as the perfect solution to America’s racial problems? That way, we can all be at each other’s throats every day.  Why not teach “how to hate your country” because of the color of your skin or lack of color?  Why not teach every American kid how to stomp on our flag? Why not teach each kid to dishonor his parents?   Yes, let’s all be, as McDonald’s teaches its employees, “just a little less White.”  That’s about as stupid as telling Black people to be a little less black.

How about teaching all our children that “God is Dead”, so nothing matters?  Your religion doesn’t matter, your parents don’t matter, your teachers don’t matter, your local police don’t matter…and your firefighters don’t matter.  How do you think that’s working out for the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters that destroyed $2 billion in property and got a lot of people killed in 2020 with the support of people like Kamala Harris who is now vice president of America?  I am sick to my stomach at the disrespect shown to our country, our laws, our police, our teachers and/or anyone trying to keep this nation in one piece.

What about Joe Biden’s total disregard for our laws concerning the invasion of refugees, now over 8.1 million invited into our country in the past 22 months?  Did you notice that November 16, 2022, the world population reached 8.0 billion people?  And more than 1.6 billion of them want to migrate to the USA, Canada and Europe?  Do you understand the implications of those numbers?   And yet, Time Magazine wrote an absurd article this week that it’s now 8.0 billion people with new opportunities.  But in fact, every new added baby at over 83,000,000 annually, net gain, exacerbates human misery, starvation, wars for resources, catastrophic climate destabilization, crowding, water shortages, animal extinction rates and more.

If you want to know what we’re doing to the planet with our sheer numbers, watch these two 90-minute videos on YouTube. They will sober you up as to what humanity is doing to the oceans, air, land and water.  They are: Seaspiracy at 90 minutes and Cowspiracy at 90 minutes.  You will be shocked at what kind of a world your children will inherit.  I cry for the future of our children.

Here I sit in front of my computer this last week of November 2022.  I’m sad at the prospects for America’s future if we keep voting into Washington DC the power-seekers, money-mongers, the corporate elites for the military industrial complex, and people like Joe Biden who suffers severe dementia, AOC /Rashida Tlaib/Ilhan Omar/Maxine Waters/Sheila Jackson/ Nancy Pelosi/Hank Johnson and quite a few others who possess a brain somewhere on the level of the Scare Crow in the Wizard of Oz.  (The scarecrow wished he had a brain instead of a head full of straw.)

This Christmas, with love and respect for God and our fellow Americans, we need a Renaissance of Thought and Action in our country.  I say my prayers every night…hoping for a better tomorrow.  What are you doing to bring such a Renaissance to your family and community?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Democrats’ ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Scam

By Pastor Roger Anghis

November 27, 2022

On November 28th the Senate will do a full chamber vote on what the Democrats call Respect for Marriage Act which, as is typical of most democrat bills, is the exact opposite of what this bill will do. It does NOT respect marriage; it attacks everyone that supports traditional marriage (between one man and one woman). What this bill does is to shove the radical leftist same-sex ideology down everybody’s throat by making that perverted ideology federal law.

The passage of this law will any state that has laws that define marriage as between one man and one woman will have to disregard that law and impose the federal law on all it’s citizens no matter what your religious beliefs might be. Any opposition to this law using your religious beliefs will be considered discrimination. Remember all the bakers that wouldn’t bake a cake for a same-sex ceremony? They will no longer be able to claim religious beliefs for refusing to make them a cake. ALL YOUR RELIGIOUS RIGHTS WILL BE REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF PERVERTED IDEOLOGY.

Here is a comment from the Heritage Foundation concerning this bill: Don’t be fooled by the left’s messaging: This bill is no exception to the left’s agenda. It too is just another radical policy being peddled by progressives.

Despite its name, the bill isn’t about marriage or respect at all. It’s about imposing the radical left’s sexual ideology as state orthodoxy.

Final passage would mean states no longer are allowed to define and recognize marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. Instead, they would be forced to recognize any union between two individuals, regardless of sex, as marriage.

Even more radical, the bill would require federal recognition of polygamy if just one state requires it.

By radically redefining marriage and eviscerating states’ rights, the bill would transform matters of disagreement—even on the basis of deeply and sincerely held religious belief—into discrimination.

Those who refuse to submit—whether states, government officials, or any the U.S. attorney general deems to be “acting under the color of State law”—would be punished for their beliefs.

Despite what advocates might say, similar laws elsewhere have been weaponized to punish dissenters. As they have done with dissenters before, radical leftists would use this law to ensure yet a more total compliance with their ideology.

Ultimately, enactment of HR 8404 would destabilize essential pillars of American society: family and religion.[1]

As is usual with democrats they completely ignore the rights enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Even Obama stated that he would be able to ‘accomplish more’ but he was restricted by the Constitution. Biden is completely ignoring the rights that we are guaranteed in the Constitution.  The First Amendment in our Bill of Rights states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: of the abridging the freedom of speech . . .” This bill ignores all of that part of the First Amendment by establishing the religion of secular humanism over all other religions, will not allow a person or group to take a stand for their religious beliefs and if we speak against the perversion of homosexuality, we will be charged with a hate crime.

There is also a provision in this unconstitutional law that allows the government to remove the 501(C)3 status of churches that stand against what God calls an abomination.  This bill will force all states to recognize a same-sex marriage that occurred in another state voiding any law in any state that limits marriage to one man and one woman.  There is a strong argument against the federal governments right to force states to accept this provision. An article in the Daily Citizen states: It’s also dubious whether Congress has the power under Article IV, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, known as the “full faith and credit clause,” to require such recognition. The full faith and credit clause, by its own terms, requires state courts to recognize statutes, official documents and court judgments from other states, but invoking that clause in support of out-of-state same-sex marriages is controversial and most likely unconstitutional.

For example, states license hundreds of different legal statuses in addition to marriage, from fishing to barbershops to guns. Unless a state grants some kind of reciprocity to its sister states in any given category, a fishing or some other license you obtain in Vermont won’t do you any good in Colorado. But reciprocity is up to each state, and Congress has never used the full faith and credit clause to impose that type of uniformity on such state-recognized statuses.[2]

I am not one to beat around the bush about a subject. I can look at things in just one way.  What is right and what is wrong. Those are subjects that a person by the time they are fifteen or sixteen years old should have a good grasp on them. The Democrat party does not have much of an understanding of if at all of either. They understand power only and will do anything including violating all of your rights to get that power. This is one of those power grabs. Democrats don’t own a monopoly on stupid. There were twelve Republicans that voted for this that got it out of committee. Here is a comment from the Daily Signal on the twelve RINO Republicans that slapped Christians in the face: Twelve Republicans voted for advancing the legislation: Sens. Roy Blunt of Missouri, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Shelley Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine, Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Rob Portman of Ohio, Mitt Romney of Utah, Dan Sullivan of Alaska, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Todd Young of Indiana.

Most of these lawmakers did not respond to requests for comment from The Daily Signal.

Ernst said Wednesday evening that “after hearing directly from Iowans, and closely reviewing the amended language,” she believes “this bill protects religious freedoms and will simply maintain the status quo in Iowa.”[3]

I’m not shocked at some of the republicans that voted for this. Murkowski who votes 60%= of the time with democrats, Susan Collins, RINO Romney, and Cynthia Lummis from Wyoming was a surprise. I didn’t think anybody in Wyoming was that anti-American. Joni Ernst was the big shocker stating that the bill ‘protects religious freedoms’ went it destroys religious freedoms.

Not all bills that make it out of committee pass on the floor and hopefully this is one of them. But be assured that the Democrats will do all they can to get this passed.  It has already passed the House with 37 Republicans voting for it. It will go back to the House if it passes the Senate because of a couple changes that were made. We need to let our Senators know that we do not want this bill passed. So, please contact your Senators to oppose HR 8404.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. House-passed-respect-marriage-act-isnt-about-marriage-its-about
  2. House-passes-dangerous-bill-enshrining-same-sex-marriage-as-election-year-tactic
  3. Senate-votes-on-radical-lgbtq-legislation-respect-for-marriage-act

What Are You Worried About?

By Rob Pue

November 27, 2022

There’s certainly no shortage of things that should concern us, and can cause us great anxiety in these days we’re living in.  The daily news is never good, and even the usually-reliable alternative media now engages in speculation on doom and gloom predictions, giving us ever more things to worry and fret about.

Yes, we are under God’s judgment and things in our country and the world are definitely in a downward spiral, and the lies and deception of the Godless Leftists have many cowering in fear of the future.  I’m here to tell you, no matter what happens, our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, has promised never to leave us or forsake us.  Yes, in this world we will have trials and tribulations, but as His people, we’ve been told NOT to fear.  We should listen.

Yes, our actions do create consequences that we must deal with.  Many now, are dealing with health concerns — some potentially life-threatening.  Many have been forever injured or already killed by the COVID jabs — whether they were coerced into taking them against their will or they did so willingly.  Either way, the warnings I, and many others, shouted from the rooftops all along went unheeded and ignored, but now the sad truth is coming out.  But,  for millions, it’s too late now.

Many now, are also in danger of losing their jobs as more and more businesses are falling prey to the Globalist agenda and the planned economic destruction of the USA.  Homelessness in America today is greater than it was during the Great Depression.  There are over 100 “tent cities” in Washington DC alone — filled with lost souls who have lost all hope.  The same is true in all of our major cities and even our small towns are now scrambling for ways to house and feed the homeless in their areas.

Violent crime is also on the rise nationwide.  The vandalism and violence of two years ago by the Marxist BLM and ANTIFA movements has led to unbridled lawlessness in communities large and small across the nation.  Even in the ultra-liberal city of San Francisco, a majority of citizens there no longer feel safe and many carry baseball bats, knives, guns, pepper spray or some other form of personal protection, because there is now a 50% chance of being violently attacked when you’re out in public in that city.

Looters in California are now allowed to steal up to $1000 in merchandise of their choice from any store they like.  Police won’t even bother to show up to file a report if the theft is under $1000.  So now, we have “smash and grab” flash mobs overtaking retail stores — and they do so knowing there will be no punishment for their crimes.

Meanwhile the daily news continues to grow more ominous.  The US purposely provoking war with Russia; more evidence that our election system is still rigged with thousands of ballots dumped in for counting — in areas where the Communists needed more so-called “votes” to “win.”  With the mid-term elections, Nevada became the first state to pass a constitutional amendment protecting “transgenderism” and child grooming — and making it a crime for anyone to say a word against it.

Biden’s Orwellian so-called “Ministry of Truth” is back in action too.  Now that all eyes are elsewhere, the Leftist’s “Disinformation Governance Board” is, once again, back online to silence all political and social dissent.

A few more recent headlines:  “Wells Fargo braces for more layoffs as loan volumes collapse 90%.”  “Truckers reporting NO diesel fuel.”  “Ten-Foot wall put around Federal Reserve Bank in Washington on Sunday.”  “Horrified West shudders as German-China-Russia axis begins forming.”  “China president orders nation to ‘prepare for war.’”  “Dr. Peter McCullough says the number of children suddenly dying is through the roof.”  “California, Michigan and Vermont codify abortion rights in their constitutions.” “Recreational marijuana now legal in 22 states.” “US Patent describes ‘toxic mosquito aerial program’ to spread chemical and biological weapons.”  “Montana votes to deny medical care for born-alive infants and let them die.”

We live in a wicked world, friends, and it’s getting darker every moment.  Let us not forget about the J6 political prisoners still languishing in prison for crimes they didn’t commit — or the thousands of others on the FBI, CIA, DOJ and Homeland Security “hit lists” that have not yet had their front doors kicked in or been attacked by federal agents with guns drawn — for the crime of “wrong-think.”  Make no mistake, this IS happening to innocent Christians, conservatives and patriotic Americans every day.  It’s just taking some time to get to all those who need to be punished, re-educated and made examples of.

Yes, there’s much to be anxious about.  Plenty to keep us busy worrying and fretting.  Plenty to take to the Lord in prayer.  But now, more than ever, we need to learn to stop focusing on the evil and turn our eyes upon Jesus.  Draw close to God and He will draw close to you.  Embrace the Holy Spirit and you will find peace.  Learn from the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:

“…do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?  Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?  …But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.  Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”

Indeed, what good does it do for anyone to spend their lives worrying about things that MIGHT happen?  Or even to worry about things that have already happened.  What’s done is done.  In some cases, there is good work you still can do — righteous work you can do — to reverse the evils thrust upon us, and by all means, you should be doing that good work.

But to worry and fret about the wickedness and evil overtaking our land accomplishes nothing.  So don’t worry about tomorrow — or what MIGHT or MIGHT NOT happen tomorrow.  TODAY has plenty of troubles for you to deal with.

Fear can be paralyzing.  It can cause us to hunker down, close our mouths, hide in our closets, and cover our lamps with a bushel basket.  This is what the Globalists are counting on.  They live to create fear, because fear is one of the best tools they have to control us.  Fear also causes us to bury the talents God has given us to invest for the sake of His kingdom.  In God’s plan for His people, fear equals failure.  Cowardice equals unbelief and evil.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.  Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.  This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones.”  (Proverbs 3:5-8).

Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”  That may seem impossible in these dark days where the devil seems to win at every turn, but have some faith in your Creator.  When things become all too overwhelming for you to cope with, just be still and KNOW that HE is God.  He WILL be exalted among the heathen.  Can you imagine that day?  It’s coming!  He WILL be exalted in the earth, and His faithful remnant will be vindicated in His righteous judgment.  Every knee will bow — and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Imagine Bill Gates, Klous Schwab, Hillary Clinton, Anthony Fauci, Obama, Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, AOC — all kneeling before Almighty God, and confessing with their mouths that Jesus Christ IS Lord.

God’s Word promises that, folks.  We need not doubt.  Doubt is double-mindedness.  Doubt is unbelief.  James, chapter one: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials…If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;  he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”

As God’s remnant few, we have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind.  (2 Timothy 1:7).  Fear is from the enemy and meant to immobilize us, keep us ineffective for the work God has called us to.  But God has given us POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND.  1 Corinthians 2: “What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.  This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.  The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”

Friends, if you’re truly born again, you’re a new creation in Christ and He’s given you His Holy Spirit.  The very Spirit of God Himself lives inside you.  This is why our world  — and our country —  is so divided today.  Most do not have the Holy Spirit, therefore they CANNOT understand the things the Spirit reveals to God’s children.  This is why they think we’re nuts.  They see us as fools.  It’s not that they don’t want to understand, but rather they CAN’T understand truth.  We’re dealing with a spiritual battle here.  We’re dealing with things that can only be spiritually discerned.  Without the Spirit of God, the lost and perishing are incapable of understanding.

Certainly, some very real, very awful things are going to be happening to all of us.  But you know what?  We’re going to live through it.  It won’t be pleasant.  It won’t be pretty.  But we’re going to live through it… we’re going to GO through it — and if we’re God’s children, then He will be with us through it all.  He’s promised to never leave us or forsake us.  So stop being paralyzed by fear.  Stop letting it stop you.  Step out into the battle, in the midst of the storm and stand up for Christ.  Though the world hates you for being a Christ-follower, follow anyway. What’s the worst that could happen?  You die?  Ecclesiates reminds us that the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth.  To live is Christ; to die is gain.  So why fear?  Why worry?

Philippians 4: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Are you feeling helpless and hopeless today?  Are you fearful or worried today about all we see coming upon the world, and all we have to deal with in our own personal lives?  John chapter 16 can be a wonderful comfort to you, if you take time to read just even that one chapter of Scripture.  These are the words of Jesus, and He closes that chapter with this message: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world.”

People need the Lord.  He’s called us to do our best to introduce them to Him.  While the rest of the world is paralyzed in fear, each of us should endure the trials we WILL face or are already facing, with courage, boldness and strength.  With power, love and sound minds.    And don’t forget to thank our Lord for His mercy and grace.  Count your blessings.  It’s hard to be fearful and filled with worry and anxiety when you’re busy counting your blessings.  I think you’ll find that takes a while.  May you have HIS peace in your heart — today and always.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 378

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Bible Based Prayers to Help Strengthen Christian Believers

By Investigative Reporter Gregory Ciola

November 27, 2022

There are so many obstacles and troubles that we all deal with. Just because you’ve accepted Christ doesn’t mean all your problems in life come to an end. The only answer to confront the battles we face is to focus on the scriptures that deal with the issues you are going through and use them to say prayers and stand in faith. Here are ten powerful prayers topics with some great scriptures to help.

Heavenly Father, help me to conquer all darkness and let the light of Jesus penetrate my heart and mind and reign in me forever!

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” — John 8:12 KJV

“I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.”  — John 12:46 KJV

“The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.” — Matthew 4:16 KJV

“The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” — Psalm 27:1 KJV

Heavenly Father, help me to be joyful and always rejoice and praise you!

“I will always thank the Lord; I will never stop praising him. I will praise him for what he has done; may all who are oppressed listen and be glad! Proclaim with me the Lord’s greatness; let us praise his name together! I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me; he freed me from all my fears.” — Psalm 34:1-4 GNT

“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.” — Psalm 118:24-25 KJV

“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, my soul! I will praise him as long as I live; I will sing to my God all my life.” — Psalm 146:1-2 GNT

Heavenly Father, I confess that Jesus is my Savior and I believe and declare that by His stripes I am healed!

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” — Isaiah 53:5 KJV

“Praise the Lord, my soul! All my being, praise his holy name! Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget how kind he is. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He keeps me from the grave and blesses me with love and mercy. He fills my life with good things, so that I stay young and strong like an eagle.” — Psalm 103:1-5 GNT

Heavenly Father, I pray through the power of your Holy Spirit to give me peace!

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:” — Isaiah 26:3-4 KJV

“I have seen how they acted, but I will heal them. I will lead them and help them, and I will comfort those who mourn. I offer peace to all, both near and far! I will heal my people.” — Isaiah 57:18-19 GNT

Heavenly Father, help me to take every thought captive so I obey Christ!

“It is true that we live in the world, but we do not fight from worldly motives. The weapons we use in our fight are not the world’s weapons but God’s powerful weapons, which we use to destroy strongholds. We destroy false arguments; we pull down every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey Christ.” — II Corinthians 10:3-5 GNT

Heavenly Father, help me to renew my mind!

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” — Romans 12:2 KJV

“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” — Ephesians 4:22-24 KJV

Heavenly Father, guard my heart and mind and use my mouth to praise you!

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:” — Ephesians 4:29-31 KJV

“Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV

“That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” — Romans 15:6 KJV

“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;” — I Peter 1:13 KJV

Heavenly Father, if I have committed any sins against you or anyone else, I ask you to cleanse, heal, and forgive me!

“Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O LORD.” — Psalm 70:1 KJV

“I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice; and he gave ear unto me.” — Psalm 77:1 KJV

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” — James 5:16 KJV

Heavenly Father, I believe by faith that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me and I ask you to change me to be in His image and likeness!

“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” — Romans 8:11 KJV

Heavenly Father, I believe that all power and authority has been given unto Jesus. Help me to win the battles I face by staying rooted and grounded in your word!

“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” — Matthew 28:18 KJV

“Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.” — I Peter 3:22 KJV

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:” — Ephesian 6:11-17 KJV

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Two Plus Two Still Equals Four

by Rolaant McKenzie

November 27, 2022

Nineteen Eighty-Four (also stylized as 1984), a dystopian science fiction cautionary tale authored by Eric Blair (1903-1950) under the pen name George Orwell, describes a futuristic superstate named Oceania under the totalitarian control of the Party, which is led by Big Brother. His rule of Oceania was reminiscent of Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia. Through the Ministry of Truth, Big Brother’s Party engaged in pervasive government surveillance, constant propaganda, and historical revisionism to stamp out individuality, independent thinking, and anything else contrary to Party doctrine and control.

The Party had three slogans: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

The story is told from the perspective of Winston Smith, a diligent mid-level worker at the Ministry of Truth whose job is to revise news and historical accounts to make them conform to the Party’s propaganda of the day. Eventually he secretly comes to hate his job, the Party, and Big Brother, and dreams of thinking and living as a free man. Smith purchased and kept a forbidden diary, covertly writing his thoughts in a corner of his small room not surveilled by the large flat screen television. In it he wrote, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.”

Smith later learned about a shadowy resistance group called the Brotherhood. However, his contact with the Brotherhood turned out to be a Party agent, and he was arrested. Smith was taken to the Ministry of Love, where he was subjected to months of psychological manipulation and physical torture.

His chief tormentor, O’Brien, noting what he had written in his diary, would hold up four fingers and ask Smith how many fingers he was holding up. Whenever he would answer four, great pain was exerted on him. O’Brien was eventually able get Smith to accept whatever he said the number of fingers he held up (whether three, five, or all of them at once), instead of the four he actually held up, and believe it in his own mind.

With this accomplished, O’Brien was successful in changing Smith’s mind to believe in the impossibility of seeing reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party. Whatever the Party held to be the truth, was truth. Smith was released once his hatred of Big Brother and the Party was turned to love.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian novelist and historian, was one of the most famous of dissidents in the Soviet Union. He was arrested for a critical reference to Stalin in a private letter and sentenced without a hearing to eight years in a labor camp. His prison term ended on the day of Stalin’s death in 1953, but he was placed in “perpetual exile” in Kazakhstan rather than given his freedom. In 1974 he wrote an essay entitled, Live Not by Lies, where he urged his readers not to participate in or cooperate with narratives that they know not to be true. Living by lies strengthens self-censorship and the power of tyrants to conform the thoughts of people to their control, even more than force or the threat of force. Noncooperation with falsehood is a kind of civil disobedience that breaks their power to control the mind.

The term gaslighting comes from the title of the 1944 American film Gaslight, starring Ingrid Bergman. It refers to a form of manipulation and psychological control where victims are deliberately given false information with the intent of causing them to question what they know to be true or their perception of reality. Such manipulation often makes it difficult for victims over time to recognize the truth.

Satan, using today’s vernacular, could be described as the first “trans” person. This fallen angel appeared as a serpent in the Garden of Eden to Adam and Eve, where he gaslighted them into believing that if they disobeyed God and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would be like God, the sole determiner of what is good and evil (Genesis 3). Satan was able to persuade them that 2+2=5. That is, reject the truth and reality of God’s word, and bring death on themselves and the rest of the world.

Since that time to the present day, Satan transforms himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) and manipulates society through his servants into believing things that should be self-evidently false. In a multitude of ways, he gaslights people into believing 2+2=5.

Despite the observable intricate complexity of the universe, the world, and even our own bodies, we have been increasingly told by our educational and scientific institutions for more than a century that we are the result of random chance and evolution (Romans 1:18-32). Human beings are not the special creation of God, and so there is no intrinsic value to human life.

The result of this mindset can be seen in subtle ways, such as the transition in the workplace from calling staff personnel to calling them resources. The former term acknowledges the personhood and intrinsic value of employees as human beings. The latter dehumanizes them into mere tools that can be utilized or cast aside depending on its convenience to the corporation.

Other consequences of this belief have not been so subtle. It has led to …

  • The widespread practice of murdering babies in and outside of the womb (abortion) and calling it choice and reproductive health care.
  • The promotion of suicide (euthanasia) by calling it self-deliverance.
  • The advertisement and mandating of experimental genetic code medical treatments that cause mass injuries and fatalities worldwide while calling them safe and effective against an illness with a 99% recovery rate.
  • Telling boys to be dissatisfied with their objective biological makeup and to undergo permanent genital mutilation to be a girl (or vice versa) and calling it gender-affirming surgery.
  • The advancement of economic austerity, famine, and depopulation to “save the earth” and calling it warfare against human-driven global cooling/warming/climate change.
  • The development of a slave class of people utterly imbedded with and controlled by technology (the remnant of humanity allowed to exist to serve modern-day feudal lords) and calling it the transhumanist dream of health and longevity for all.

Just as Adam and Eve were given false information by Satan with the intent of misleading them to question what they knew to be truth from God and separating them from Him, we are bombarded continually with these kinds of messages with the intent of achieving the same outcome. Without a firm foundation, the best and strongest of us would eventually succumb just as Winston Smith did in 1984.

Richard Wurmbrand (1909–2001), founder of the ministry Voice of the Martyrs, was a Romanian pastor of Jewish descent. He preached at bomb shelters and rescued Jews during World War II. In 1948, Pastor Wurmbrand publicly said in then-Marxist Romania that there can be no reconciliation between communism and Christianity. He is remembered for his courage in standing up in a gathering of church leaders and denouncing government control of the churches. As a result, he was arrested and sent to prison by the Romanian regime, which promoted state-sponsored atheism.

Pastor Wurmbrand experienced 14 years of imprisonment and torture. At any time, he could have surrendered to his tormentors and abandoned his faith in God, but he did not. He had something that Winston Smith lacked. His firm foundation was the Rock, Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24-27).

We are constantly surrounded by propaganda broadcast by the prince of the power of the air, the devil, through his servants and the institutions they control (Ephesians 2:1-10) to keep us separated from God and lead us to destruction. The only effective defense against this is trust in Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6; Ephesians 6:10-17).

Jesus is the Giver of Living Water (John 4:10, 7:37-39), the permanent indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, who washes away the masks of deception surrounding us so that we would avoid them for the pathways to destruction and death they are.

Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12), and for all who trust in Him He dispels the falsehoods of the father of lies, rescues us from the domain of darkness and transfers us into His kingdom that will last forever (Colossians 1:13-20).

In Christ we have peace with God that guards our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:6-7), and because of this no matter what comes at us we can unswervingly maintain that two plus two will always equal four.

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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Communists Are Now in Charge, Can We Win Back This Republic?

Andrew C. Wallace

November 26, 2022

There can be no doubt that our Constitutional Republic exists in name only, having been replaced by Communist Rule by force (The Enemy). I am convinced that we will win back the Republic, but at great cost, because the Parasitic Super Rich Ruing Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions (THE ENEMY) will not go down without a fight. To hell with abstract terms, the Enemy of the people is the Enemy. Period. Remember, they have been attempting to take over our country for more than 200 years.

To address the problem we must make the following assumptions:

1.The Enemy has taken over total control of the government and is ruling by the barrel of a gun in complete contravention of the Constitution, without any legality whatsoever.

2. Equal Justice does not exist in the faux federal government. There is no safety or justice in large Democrat/Communist cities or states.

3. The Majority of all federal legislation is unconstitutional, as it does not comport with the Enumerated Powers in our Constitution.

4. More than half the population is dependent directly or indirectly on income from the federal government. This of course is a big plus for the Enemy. But this advantage will be short-lived, because the printed money will soon be worthless and people will turn on the government. (It is impossible to change this situation without returning to Constitutional gold money, which the Enemy does not want to do because they would lose control.)

5. About half of our population supports the Enemy because of handouts, brainwashing by teachers and media, and just plain ignorance. But mostly its just the free money. The fools don’t know that this is economically impossible in the long run. Remember the fall of Rome.

6. The people of this country live in fear of the FBI and other rogue federal agencies acting under “the color of law”. The people know their Constitutional Rights and that the Enemy has none, which is a disaster waiting to happen. This could and likely will trigger a massive upheaval.

7. At the present time the Enemy (Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class, wealthy families, elites, big money, corporations, government officials, etc) control everything and everybody with money and the barrel of a gun.

8. Leaders of both political parties are subservient minions of the Enemy for money and power.

9. It is impossible to win national elections due to corruption, fraud and a complicit Supreme Court. In the short run, you can’t inform the brainwashed, but you must live in the short run. With cowardly and corrupt governors, complicit courts and a compromised Department of Justice, you have no remedy about unfair elections.

We are going to suffer for years, through many levels, before we regain our freedom. I predict that some levels will be fraught with destruction and bloodshed. I am predicting the following levels:

1. We are at the starting gate, where everyone is hoping that the recent election will result in a slowdown in the destruction of the country. But when faced with the barrels of guns by totally corrupt usurpers, little or no progress will be made. We can’t forget that long-term elected officials are under control of the Enemy (Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class, Elites, Big Money, Establishment, Wealthy Families, etc). Please note, I just call them what they are: The Enemy!

2. We could experience some real hell in the period before the next election, if borders are not closed, inflation continues unabated, open-ended funding of the Ukraine War continues, FBI continues “Color of Law” attacks, etc. The real danger comes from citizen resistance to unlawful attacks by government. If the feds then respond even harder, it will precipitate severe and escalating blowback. Frankly, it will be a miracle if we get to the 2024 elections without a major confrontation and over-reaction on both sides.

3. The 2024 elections are our last, best chance to prevent a civil war. The “America First Republicans”, a minority of the Republican legislators, must force fair and Constitutional elections. If they fail, the people will lose their only opportunity to regain their Constitutional Republic without destruction and bloodshed, resulting in a civil war (not my recommendation, but a reality).

Our only hope is President Trump, who has demonstrated his patriotism and capability in the face of The Enemy to do the right things. I don’t care how many crooked politicians he calls pigs or worse, because they are pigs. The Enemy hates his guts because he interfered with their theft and degradation of the American people and our Constitution. Every major media outlet, including Fox News, will smear and vilify him because his election would result in a return to prosperity of the People at the expense of The Enemy (PSRRC, etc.).

President Trump speaks the plain, unvarnished language of the people and not the phony polished words of the Enemy (the “upper crust” and “woke” crowd).

The Election of 2024 will be a contest between the informed working -class, former middle-class (MAGA voters) and the wealthy, self-proclaimed elite Democrat/Communists (The Enemy), government, media, corporations and their brainwashed free-loaders in the inner-city plantations. The Democrat Party is not the party of your grandfather! It is the party of the wealthy, The Enemy.

Anyone who thinks that a government that produces nothing can support people who do nothing is as dumb as a box of rocks.

Let’s look at the numbers (I have little confidence in the absolute accuracy of these numbers, however.). National debt is $31 Trillion, GDP is $24 trillion, Revenue is $3.6 trillion, Federal Budget is estimated to be $5.8 Trillion, Every citizen owes $92,772 of the debt. Interest on the debt will soon exceed total revenue. It is economically impossible for federal government to continue funding most of its “unconstitutional “ expenditures that produce a $2 trillion or more deficit a year. (Say Goodby to Social Security, Medicare, Pensions and all government benefits!) It has been reported that 40 million able-bodied people refuse to work because they are paid not to work by government, resulting in inflation and shortages. If we don’t return to a government of “constitutional size”, we will continue as bankrupt, and everything we cherish will be gone. Period.

4. Assume we managed to take back control of all three branches of government in 2024, while replacing the old guard of the Republican Party with “America First” Republicans. Now we can make our federal government comply with the Constitution 100%, and our prosperity will soar. But if we fail, I can see nothing but destruction and bloodshed for years to come as Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” learn the truth by starvation and experience (the only way they will learn in the short run).

5. I want to make clear that,win or lose the 2024 election, drastic changes will take place over which no one has control. All creditable experts say that we will soon be in a massive, long and enduring economic depression with the dollar in free-fall. If we terminate all “unconstitutional” parts of the federal government, return usurped powers back to the states, put the able- bodied back to work, etc., we can return the Republic to the People with all its benefits. If we can’t do this, we will suffer a civil war and sink into economic oblivion until we again fund government with tariffs, rather than the income tax.

CRITICAL WARNING: If The Enemy, through the government, again violates the Constitution and instigates instant and comprehensive slavery known as DIGITAL MONEY, it is an immediate DECLARATION OF CIVIL WAR. You would be like a Chinese serf with no God-given Rights, no property, no nothing. You would be a convict in a “country-wide prison”.

Anyone who questions this truth is an idiot.

I am a Patriot and an 88 year old, legally-blind disabled veteran with a modicum of education and experience. My writing is based upon this, and my knowledge of History, Economics and The Constitution. At my age, I don’t have time for BS, so I call a spade a spade. I am not advocating any course of action because I can’t participate. I report circumstances as I see them.

God Bless the Constitutional Republic.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Responsible Freedom Vs Globalist Techno-Feudalism, Part 1

By Steven Yates

November 26, 2022

The Race Is On!

Trump has announced, as everyone reading this probably knows. The response has been predictable. Trump’s speech was low key, with less bombast than in the past. To a corporate media waiting to pounce, this became “low energy” and “boring.” The speech covered a lot of territory. Thus it “meandered.”

In many respects it was a dark speech, though, recounting the disasters that have befallen America since January 21, 2021. These are easily summarized: the worst price inflation in half a century, chaos at the border, rising violent crime; rising interest rates, falling home values; worsening hostility to everything white, gender-bending being forced on elementary school children who have no psychological defenses against it; a foreign proxy war against Russia involving threats of nukes; aggressive gestures by China against Taiwan, and North Korea against everyone in reach of their rockets (South Korea, Japan, Guam). Little Rocket Man threatens to destabilize the entire region.

None of this would be happening were Trump still in office! Trump noted that we have two more years of the present disastrous regime!

He didn’t seem to play up the theft of his presidency in 2020 — or comment on the relative absence of the predicted red wave in 2022.

Biden’s approval rating was just 36 percent going into November 8, with many in his own party expressing doubt that he should run again in 2024.

So I ask this: does the near-absence of a resounding red wave make any sense whatsoever?

I myself wrote about the grip of the abortion death culture on the country, especially on left-leaning career women and brainwashed Gen-Zers who also support every “diversity” measure out there. These are important counter-considerations. But are American voters, whatever their sex or generation, especially if they buy gas and food and worry about their safety or that of their children, really so completely out to lunch that they would vote to keep the party responsible for the debacle of the past two years in power?

So could there have been fraud on a massive scale in this election?

Final consideration: a red wave did happen in Florida. Paul Craig Roberts explains:

How do we reconcile Florida’s red wave with the absence of one elsewhere? The answer is that Florida doesn’t permit all the voting ways that make it easy to steal. I voted in Florida on a paper ballot that was counted immediately prior to my departing the site, and I was given a confirmation of my counted vote. Gov. DeSantis and Senator Rubio won by overwhelming margins. DeSantis defeated Democrat Crist by 59% to 40%. Even heavily Democrat Miami-Dade County voted 55% for Republican DeSantis. Rubio defeated his Democrat challenger by a double-digit margin. Of Florida’s contingent of 28 members of the House, 20 are Republican. Why only in Florida were Democrats rejected as was expected to happen in many states?

Indeed, why?

My first point: except apparently for Florida, our voting system is broken. We either fix it, or we America First conservatives can forget ever being allowed to win again on a scale large enough to make any difference. Trump can forget about winning in 2024. The lawfare currently being waged against him will only accelerate as it is.

What to do?

Get rid of electronic voting machines and end mail-in voting.




Return to one-day, in-person voting, locally in one’s precinct (not in large voting centers as was done in Maricopa Co., Arizona, and precipitated the chaos there).

This was the system we Boomers grew up with. It worked. We took it for granted.

Use paper ballots that are verified with voter ID (drivers license, proof of legal residency), recorded, and counted on the spot.

All in one day!

This is why we call it Election Day (not Week, or Month)!

The system we grew up with delivered same-day results. We knew by late evening who won any given race.

The word digital wasn’t in our vocabularies.

Now we have all this much-vaunted digital technology on top of mail-in voting, and it takes days and even weeks to process and count ballots, often due to equipment “malfunctions” that appeared out of nowhere!

This is ridiculous!

My fear, though, is that such proposals as these have no chance of gaining traction, because of the grip official narratives now have on the body politic — among Establishment Republicans as well as Establishment Democrats.

Controlled corporate media (which no longer bothers to hide its preference for the Party of Chaos and Decadence) hammers them incessantly.

The first prevailing grand narrative: “election denialism” and “conspiracy theories,” not widespread fraud, cost Republicans their projected red wave!

Almost no one with visibility is challenging this publicly at a national level!

Kari Lake is challenging what happened in Maricopa Co., but in the face of the ridicule she’s receiving from local corporate media (especially the Phoenix-based Arizona Republic), I see no reason to think her challenge will go anywhere.

Oh, and there’s Mike Lindell, the “pillow guy,” who claims that his team caught cheating in real time.

But he’s a “conspiracy theorist”!

So I doubt we will see any investigation of whether fraud occurred in Election 2022, where, when, and how accomplished.

The approved messaging: repudiate Trump and Trumpism, red-staters, and you’ll win elections again!

Trump and Trumpism are “threats to democracy.” This is the second prevailing grand narrative presently circulating.

In plain English: we are being told to drop America First conservatism and go back to the globalist-serving fake “movement conservatism” of the Bushes, the Romneys, and other neocons.

If this occurs, the Party of Chaos and Decadence might as well stay in charge!

My second point, therefore, follows naturally:

We anti-globalist America First conservatives need to figure out where we want the GOP to go, or where we want to go with or without the GOP.

I am open to the possibility that Trump may not be our best standard-bearer.

That may shock some readers, but let’s remember: our movement predates Trump. Approved narratives about the presumed benefits of “globalization” to Americans had collapsed, as well as those of the “social justice” movement (once called political correctness, now it’s called Wokery) as whites became the only ethnic group in America to enter a visibly downward economic spiral in the new millennium.

These collapses happened well before 2015. Trump did not cause them. He benefited from them. He was able to channel their effects on the GOP base and ride them straight into the White House. The fact that a man with no previous experience in politics was able to do this ought to be of great interest!

But now?

In my last article I expressed bafflement over Trump’s treatment of DeSantis. What I’ve read and what correspondence I’ve had since doesn’t go beyond what even mainstream corporate media has figured out: DeSantis won reelection in Florida without seeking Trump’s endorsement. This bruised Trump’s ego, and he’s launched a preemptive strike against a potential rival for 2024 nomination.

I worry that Trump’s Mt. Everest sized ego, combined with a lack of focus and an inability to control his temper, are going to be his downfall. As he remains for all practical purposes the dominant influence on the Republican Party base, he could take Republicans down with him.

Even if DeSantis runs (he has not announced, and has plenty of time). Then there will be question marks. Would a hypothetical Candidate DeSantis state the real reasons for his 2022 victory in Florida and pledge to fix our broken election system? Or would he keep silent, having caved in the face of the approved narratives?

Either way, absent such fixes, we get four more years of rule by the Party of Chaos and Decadence!

Which would be catastrophic!

Especially with World Economic Forum Great Resetters breathing down our necks!

We America First conservatives have to define what we stand for besides the slogans: what kind of society we want, and what we are willing to do to build it. This includes the possibility of withdrawing, separating, building our own autonomous, self-sustaining institutions — independent of the official ones. And be prepared to defend ourselves, if need be (emphasis on defense!!). For however long it takes to ride this out.

We need to do this now — well before 2024 gets here! Actually we needed to do it yesterday — last week, last month, last year! Long before now!

It’s easy to say, we have over a full year. That’s a good recipe for sitting on our rear ends while our enemies are doing nothing of the sort!

I developed some suggestions here, here, here, here, here, and here! I know of groups who have already mostly separated themselves and are educating others how to do it.

GloboCorp — the Great Resetters, globalists, the superelite, call them what you will — know what kind of world they want!

They have said so, many times, in multiple venues, and in books that are readily available on sites like Amazon and elsewhere.

They did not change Agenda 21 to Agenda 2030 because the latter phrase looks prettier.

Twenty-thirty is their target year, in which they plan for us peasants to “own nothing, have no privacy, and be happy.”

Given the situation with voting and the unlikelihood that it will be fixed, I am not optimistic that the present system can be saved! But it can be exited!

Hence my interest in systems capable of political-economic autonomy and independence — rooted in an ethical and political philosophy I’ve begun calling responsible freedom.

The race is on: globalist techno-feudalism — the culmination of all the mainstream-approved narratives, plus the destruction of the dollar and Anglo-American (white, Christian) heritage and culture, ending with the Great Reset — or responsible freedom in which persons have intrinsic value and we act accordingly in a decentralizing world.

I will develop these final points in more detail in Part 2. For now, it should be sufficient to say: this race will be won, or lost, by 2030! We have, at most, eight years to get this done! After that it will be too late!

To Be Continued in Part 2.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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ANNOUNCING: an online course/tutorial entitled The Philosophy of Responsible Freedom, directed by Jack C. Carney with myself as chief partner: a Zoom-based intellectual encounter between an atheist (Carney) and a Christian (Yates) exploring the history of ideas using Academy of Ideas videos and supplementing them with the thoughts of others. Carney is an autodidact in areas ranging across psychology, psychiatry and anthropology who emphasizes the importance of human relationships in a world where loss is omnipresent (he also teaches English online). I am an author and trained philosopher with a doctorate in the subject who taught philosophy courses in years past, walked away from academia, still writes philosophy emphasizing the need to identify, clarify, and evaluate the success (or failure) of worldviews in civilization, stages of civilization, the quest to build free societies, and how worldviews either enhance or hobble responsible freedom. Course/tutorial outline here. For more information or to get on our email list:

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) is available here and here. His earlier Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) is available here.

While admittedly the real world can be scary enough, he has also written a novel of cosmic horror. The Shadow Over Sarnath will be published early next year.

The campaign I have been running improved a little last month, with one new Patron since my last article. The reality remains: people are exiting such sites, often for reasons beyond their (or my) control. I might still have to return to pursuing copywriting, copyediting and ghostwriting clients as a source of income in this era of roaring inflation.

Thank you, “Joe Biden”!

This would mean reduced visibility on It might even mean a “farewell” piece in December, even if only temporarily. Those are the breaks. I am not independently wealthy. To reverse this while there is still time (i.e., before a new client accepts my offer), please consider pledging today by going here and signing up.

Father of The Bill of Rights

By Paul Engel

November 25, 2022

  • We know the Constitution has a Bill of Rights. But do you know the man most responsible for that document?
  • After writing about the Virginia Bill of Rights, I wanted to learn more about the man who brought us that document.
  • Learning about the struggles George Mason went through to give us that document, I see he has earn the title Father of the Bill of Rights.

While writing my last two articles about the Virginia Bill of Rights, I became more and more impressed by the person who had written them. I decided to do some research on this little known, but extremely important Founding Father, and what I found did not diminish my opinion of him. So today, let’s take a closer look at George Mason, the man known as the Father of the Bill of Rights.

Like most Americans, the vast majority of our Founding Fathers were a mystery to me. Sure, we’ve heard of George Washington, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin, but what about Benjamin Rush, Gouverneur Morris, or the subject of this article, George Mason? Most American treasure the Bill of Rights, but know nothing about the man who made sure we have one.

Citizen Politician

George Mason was a Virginia land owner and early proponent of independence. When the British Parliament imposed improper taxes on the colonies, he pushed to boycott British goods. He spoke eloquently about states’ rights and against slavery, even though he owned many (because it was illegal under British law to free slaves).

Although described as detesting politics, George Mason helped develop strategies to get around the Stamp Act of 1765 and served briefly in Virginia’s House of Burgesses, as well as in both the Fourth and Fifth Virginia Conventions. While he’s probably best known for the Virginia Declaration of Rights, he also worked on Virginia’s Constitution.

Mason spent most of his time during the Revolutionary War protecting Fairfax County and serving in the House of Delegates, although he often missed sessions due to bad health. In 1777 he was assigned to the committee to revise Virginia’s laws, but resigned on the grounds that he was not a lawyer.

Constitutional Convention

George Mason went to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, and was one of its more influential delegates. Mason consistently supported a formal amendment process (something missing from the Articles of Confederation), and although he was a slave owner, gave an impassioned speech against the institution of slavery. Suspicious of government, Mason understood the need for a central government more powerful than that under the Articles of Confederation, but he wanted to make sure it would not threaten local interests. Mason was the first to propose that the seat of the central government not be in a state capital to avoid that state’s legislature being too influential. Although overshadowed by Patrick Henry, Mason was among the anti-Federalists and key to the adoption of the Bill of Rights.

On September 12, 1787, Elbridge Gerry proposed, and George Mason seconded, that a committee be appointed to write a bill of rights to be included in the proposed constitution. That proposal failed, however, with ten states opposing it and not a single one supporting it. This is also why, when the Constitution was signed by the delegates on September 17th, three men refused to sign it: George Mason, Eldbrige Gerry, and Edmund Randolph.


George Mason almost immediately began writing his Objections to this Constitution of Government in Philadelphia. While this document was published, it was apparently without Mason’s permission. His ‘Objections’ were widely cited in opposition to ratification, although Mason himself was criticized for writing it under his own name. At the time, political tracts were signed using pen names. Despite the criticism, ‘Objections’ became one of the most influential works in the Anti-Federalist movement. In fact, the opening line, “There is no Declaration of Rights” became the Anti-Federalist’s slogan.

Although Mason had difficulties winning election to Virginia’s ratification from the Fairfax county, which he represented in the House of Delegates, the rules governing the convention allowed him to run in any county where he owned property. He sought and won election from Stafford County, and renewed his fight for a Declaration of Rights to be included in the Constitution.

By the time the Virginia Ratification Convention opened, Edmund Randolph had abandoned his Anti-Federalist position, making George Mason’s goal even harder to achieve. The political infighting was intense, and for a long time it looked like the Constitution would be ratified as is. Finally, a resolution was considered to withhold ratification pending approval of a declaration of rights, which was defeated 88-80, and on June 25, 1788, the Convention ratified the Constitution by a vote of 89-79. Following the ratification, Mason served on a committee to compile a list of recommended amendments, and by and large, Mason’s draft was adopted.

I believe George Mason’s influence, especially his ‘Objections,’ help show others the shortcomings in the proposed Constitution. The convention in Massachusetts was so contentious it erupted into a fist fight when Anti-Federalist Eldbridge Gerry was not allowed to speak. The impasse was eventually resolved when Samuel Adams and John Hancock, both Anti-Federalists, agreed to ratification on the condition that the convention also propose amendments. This became know as the Massachusetts Compromise, and included a requirement for grand juries in capital cases and reserving to the states powers not delegated to the United States.

Drafting the Bill of Rights

Although James Madison was originally opposed to Mason’s idea of a declaration of rights, he gradually came to understand the importance of having one. Although opposed by James Monroe in the first election for the House of Representatives, Madison won, in part due to a pledge to introduce amendments to the Constitution forming a bill of rights. Madison was greatly influenced by the state constitutions, including the Virginia Delegation of Rights, authored by George Mason. Seventeen articles were approved by the House of Representatives, but only twelve by the Senate. After some negotiation, including the rewording of some of the articles, these twelve amendments were approved by Congress and sent to the states for ratification. Ten were ratified in 1791, and one was not ratified until 1992.


George Mason returned to his home at Gunston Hall, where he devoted himself to his family, his health, and local affairs, although he did keep up his correspondence with political leaders. He ended up resigning from the Fairfax County Court after an act of Congress required officeholders to take an oath to support the Constitution.

Although George Mason died in 1792, he did live long enough to see his idea of a declaration of rights added to the Constitution. After reading both documents, I think you will agree that most of the ideas George Mason included in the Virginia Declaration of Rights in 1776 ended up in the Bill of Rights in 1791. While some may consider James Madison the father of the Bill of Rights, due to his drafting of the amendments, its true parentage goes back to George Mason and his Virginia Declaration of Rights.

Two things, other than the Virginia Declaration of Rights, struck me when I looked at this Founding Father. First, Mason was not a lawyer. Since so many of our “political class” seem to start in law school today, what’s sad now is when you consider that most of those schools do not teach the actual language of the supreme law of the land anymore. Instead, they teach judges opinions, in what is euphemistically called “constitutional law”. It warms my heart, especially after being repeatedly asked if I am a lawyer simply because I study, teach, and advise on the Constitution, that this non-lawyer succeeded in so many of his endeavors.

The second thing that strikes me is Mason’s tenacious adherence to what he believed was right. Being outnumbered, in both the Constitutional Convention and the Virginia Ratification Convention, did not stop him from sticking to his guns. Even in defeat at the Virginia Convention, he was still able to submit his recommendations for amendments. It reminds me of something said by another Founding Father, John Quincy Adams, when asked why he persisted in the face of what looked like insurmountable odds,

The duty is our, results are Gods

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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Life Will Never Be the Same

By Cliff Kincaid

November 25, 2022

We go through the pretense of Thanksgiving but we know life will never be the same. We just went through a war that cost the lives of more than one million Americans and cost trillions and nobody seems to have noticed. Indeed, China waged war on America through the China virus na Joe said just as much when he groveled to dictator Xi on the world stage of the G20 meeting.

You may recall that China Joe begged Xi not to invade the Republic of China on Taiwan, a separate country, but quickly added that it was part of the communist empire anyway. So is America. We are becoming China.

The Republicans are promising another investigation and perhaps an impeachment or two.

I hate to dwell on the negative, but going through the carnage of the China virus is a once-in-a-lifetime experience which should never be forgotten. Remember the phrase “Never Forget?” It turns out China killed just as many people as died in the Nazi war on the Jews.

Yet there was Xi, lecturing the rest of the world about China’s superiority. In a sense, we can and should understand that China is speaking from a position of “Peace through strength.” It’s peace of the grave. They don’t care about how many of their own people have to die. They have bodies to spare. The objective is to cripple the West.  And they have done so.

Meanwhile, Americans are voting for more abortion and marijuana, as the economy crashes, inevitably leading to more government welfare checks to the victims of inflation and job loss.

Thanksgiving? We can thank God for this great country and the freedom we once enjoyed. But America will never be the same. Life will never be the same. We may never recover.

Even today, after years of isolation from the virus, the virus kills and maims. It is a war that shows no sign of ending.

In Europe, having suffered through the China virus, there is another war, this one waged by Chinese surrogate, former KGB colonel Vladimir Putin. There used to be a time when Red China was the junior partner to Soviet Russia. Now, Red Russia is the junior partner to Red China, whose communist rulers mastered the art of “Permanent Revolution” and the Marxist dialectic. It’s China leading the world communist revolution.

Back here at home, Americans re-elected governors who engineered the mass murder of old people in nursing homes. Exposing them to the virus hastened the end of their lives. Many died trying to breathe and hooked up to machines. Families waved to their sick parents from outside those homes. Nursing homes became death camps.

Yet, we are so desperate to survive the on-going economic catastrophe that we want to forget about the one million dead. Forget about justice for the dead. We are afraid we will be next, consigned to the death camps when some new China virus variant emerges from a Chinese lab. We will try to survive within the confines of our homes, with little outside contact.

Please, Xi, spare us from another one million dead.

Instead of worrying ourselves to death over this pandemic, we vote for marijuana for the young, so they don’t have to think about elderly parents getting the virus and dying or wasting away in nursing homes. Let them get high, rather than eat cake.

Which brings up the likely bankruptcy of Social Security and Medicare. Increasingly, it seems we don’t have the money as a nation to care for all of these old people, and doctors can’t afford to survive economically under Medicare anyway. Inevitably, the old people will be given mercy killings, at government expense of course. Canada is leading the way, demonstrating how it can be done. It’s cheaper to kill than let them live.

We know this is the future, even as we pretend otherwise. Only God can save us now.

There are still a few things we can do. We can understand the one-party state that America has become. We can pursue various forms of resistance.   And who knows? Perhaps divine intervention will cause a collapse of this evil system being imposed on us by evil people. That would lead to a real Thanksgiving.

After all, the Declaration of Independence says that when any form of government becomes destructive of our lives, rights and freedoms, “it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

It goes without saying that communism is our enemy, at home and abroad. But we have to say it – again and again.  And we have to act on it, just like our ancestors did when they revolted against King George.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Why Is Retirement So Hard?

By Lee Duigon

November 24, 2022

Which of these expectations turned out for you?

“I love retirement! Now I have time to do all these things I’ve always wanted to do but didn’t have the time. These are truly golden years!”

Or this: “How come, when I was going out to work every day, I was still able to get all these things done around the house? Rooms got vacuumed, furniture got dusted, groceries got bought as needed—and there was still time available for watching The Rockford Files. But now that I’m retired, I just can’t seem to do everything!”

Ask anyone. My sister, my brother, my daughter-in-law, my wife’s friends—they’ll all tell you the same thing. Since they retired, they just can’t keep up. Things don’t get done. Where in the world does the time go? Before retirement, we even had time to arrange these big family dinners, fifteen or sixteen of us around the table with this great big spread of lovely food. How did we ever manage that?

I’m a writer, so I don’t retire: just keep going till I can go no more. But somehow, when I was a reporter and editor working 60-hour weeks, a lot more got done around here. We even gave a party now and then. How did we do that?

Now it’s all we can do just to pull off a Thanksgiving dinner for just the two of us and relax with “Godzilla vs. Megalon” while the turkey’s cooking. There’s no one we can invite to join us, everybody’s either died or moved away. And somehow I’ve lost my taste for driving on the Garden State Parkway.

Whatever happened to “As you grow older, life grows easier?” Who was the madman who first said that?

Oh, the fun of showing up for Thanksgiving at my mother’s house with a pillow tucked under my shirt so she could see it and cry out “O holy Moses! What’s happened to you!” And the whole family in the living room, playing Mad Libs. Or even charades. And Grandma feeding the dog under the table. And my father played the spoons. Or that time the turkey got a late start and we all got hungrier and hungrier, with nothing to eat except pretzels; and they didn’t get us very far.

We are thankful to the Lord our God for His love, for each other, for our memories, for our food, for our great country and its tradition of liberty and the multitude of blessings showered on it. We are thankful for the work He gives us to do, and pray it may be fruitful in His service.

For these we still have all the time we need.

May the Lord bless you and keep you: in Jesus’ name, Amen.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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This Thanksgiving: Forgive Them Anyhow

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 24, 2022

During Thanksgiving, let us do our best to lighten our emotional loads by appreciating our friends, thanking our parents, enjoying our neighbors and forgiving those who have hurt us. Let us all work as Americans toward a more peaceful, united and stable society. May we all smile, thrive and bless all we meet during this season of “Thanksgiving.”

Back in high school, rumors started as fast as a lightning storm to destroy any girl’s reputation. Often out of jealousy for some perceived transgression, classmates concocted stories to create hurt for another person.

(If you look closely, you can see a cyclist navigating that dirt road leading into the Valley of the Gods, Utah. During your lifetime, you face curving roads, blind corners that you can’t see coming and things up ahead that you can’t imagine. You will also meet friends, moments and predicaments that bewilder you. Keep pedaling, paddling or hiking toward your truest self. The journey will reward you with an amazing life.)

As we grew older, most of us learned through the years that everyone paddles his or her canoe as best they can on this unique journey through life.

But along the way, in most communities around the world, people talk about other people. They make judgments. They hold verdicts. They render conclusions based on their perceptions.

Someone always gets emotionally damaged by bitter reprisals, anger, gossip and other peoples’ frustrations.

It’s been said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

I once knew a friend who carried grudges against those who wronged him. He piled them into a potato sack that he slung over his shoulder every day when he traveled to work. When I saw him for lunch one day, he carried on about new additions to his “potato sack full of grudges.”

Finally, I said, “Jack, you carry so many negative thoughts about folks who have done you wrong that you keep piling complaints into that sack that you carry around on your back. The more you complain, the more you add to the sack—I think it must be getting pretty heavy and pretty rotten. Have you ever thought of forgiving all those who wronged you?”

“I just can’t,” Jack said.

“If you did,” I said, “it would take a load off your mind and emotions. Give it a try.”

“How do I do it?” he asked.

“People can be harsh, unfair, perverse, dishonest and irrational,” I said. “Just forgive them anyhow. Forgive them unconditionally in your own mind and heart. They don’t need to know it. You don’t have to tell them. Just know that you forgave them. In doing that, you forgive yourself. It’s really freeing.”

Jack seemed to “click” the solution into his mind. From that day, he let go of his anger, bitterness, frustrations and disappointments he experienced with people. One of the best things he did: Jack associated with people who supported him. He fled “those” people who remained in his former paradigm. He changed jobs.

The facts: if you grow into a successful person, others may deride you. Forgive them anyhow.

It’s possible that if you maintain honesty and speak your mind, others may call you names or betray you. Forgive them anyhow.

You may build a business or work hard to succeed, but someone undermines you. Forgive them anyhow and move toward your dreams on your earned experiences.

If you show positive energy and aliveness, others may be jealous and display their envy. Guess what? Forgive them anyhow.

In my lifetime, I have picked up a million pieces of trash from rivers, lakes and streams. Also, I picked up trash in the oceans, along roads and in parks. I’ve organized major river/trash pickups. Nonetheless, people keep throwing it. As angry as it makes me, I forgive them anyhow.

Therefore, you may do good things in the world, but people don’t care and forget quickly. Do your good anyhow.

While the world disappoints, frustrates and diminishes everyone along the journey, give the world your best anyhow.

During and at the end of your life, you discover that you define your journey, how you live it and how you maintain yourself in the whirling tempest of living.

Shakespeare’s Polonius in Hamlet said, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be. For the loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all else, to thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day, though canst be false to any man.”

Interesting because Polonius’ detractors spoke of him as overly officious, garrulous and impertinent.

Be yourself anyhow, because in the end, it’s all between you and the Great Spirit (God) that expresses through all of us.

Happy Thanksgiving from our house to your house. Sandi and Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, CO.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Bury the Dead and Move On

By Cliff Kincaid

November 23, 2022

If you scan the official “readout” of China Joe’s G20 discussions with his boss, Red Chinese dictator Xi, you will begin to understand why the Communist Party of China is now ruling the world. We knew China Joe was subservient to Xi before the meeting but the official summary of what they talked about confirms that this is now “official” policy for everyone to see.

To make matters worse, there is no embarrassment over this. Indeed, China Joe has dispatched his flunkie, Secretary of State Blinken, to go to Beijing to beg for more high-level meetings, so China Joe can continue his groveling.

China Joe is continuing to fulfill the instructions of his not-so-secret boss, Barack Hussein Obama, who went to Beijing after his two terms in a meeting the Chinese press called a discussion among “veteran cadre,” a euphemism for communist operatives.

The official “Readout of President Joe Biden’s Meeting with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China” is a sad commentary on America’s inferior place in the world. China Joe didn’t even mention the China virus suffering and death unleashed on the world.

The Reuters story about the meeting was, “Biden and Xi clash over Taiwan in Bali but Cold War fears cool.”

So don’t worry: despite more than one million dead Americans, the China virus brouhaha won’t be a future factor. Let’s just put this behind us. Let’s bury the dead and move on.

One might be tempted to blame this on Hunter Biden’s financial shenanigans and kickbacks to the “Big Guy.” Money plays a role. But so does ideology. China Joe didn’t get the nickname China Joe for nothing. He functions as a foreign agent for the Red Chinese regime. It’s time to recognize this fact and NOT move on.

So when possible new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy says he wants to investigate the origin of COVID-19, let’s recognize this ploy for what it is – another failure to deal with communism and its spawn. “The Communist Party of China hid the seriousness of the disease, led a propaganda campaign blaming the U.S., used their supplies to exert influence, and continue to refuse international experts to investigate what happened,” McCarthy points out. What more is there left to investigate?  These endless investigations are just another excuse to do nothing.

In the preamble of his “Commitment to America,” McCarthy says, “As Americans, we cherish our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

What about the right to life of the more than one million Americans dead from the China virus?

The promise of another investigation is a way to avoid recognizing that China declared war on America and wiped out many of our most vulnerable citizens.

We have a national government that will not protect our country from a foreign invasion, as we see on the southern border, and an attack in the form of a dangerous virus. Under these circumstances, don’t we have a right to alter or abolish this government?

One might say the invasion is also the result of China Joe doing China’s bidding, since fentanyl is flowing north along with the mules who carry it.

Say what you like about Trump, the fact remains that China hated him, too. He acted early to combat the China virus and put tariffs on Chinese goods.  He brought kingpin designations against drug traffickers operating in China, India, and Mexico.

In his announcement of a 2024 campaign, he went further, calling for the death penalty for drug traffickers.

This is an interesting proposal, since the drug traffickers have positions in the Congress of the United States, such as Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), who says that “cannabis must be decriminalized at the federal level as a matter of basic justice in the country.”

Drug trafficking has become official government policy in many states, and Raskin wants it to be official government policy at the federal level. Incredibly, ranking Republican member of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) also supports legalization. They held a hearing with pro-dope advocates.

House Democrats and Republicans co-published a joint memo making the case for legalization.

The Chinese couldn’t be happier. As they exert more and more control over the United States, there is a bipartisan push to push more dope on Americans, to make them even dopier than they are now. That’s just what we need – Americans getting high, unable and unwilling to do the serious critical thinking we need to save America.

There are some who blame the election results on vote fraud. I say it’s mostly because of the dopes in the population who are now smoking dope and have lost awareness of what freedom really means. They are herded to the polls or else their votes are harvested. These are the people who think abortion is health care. They think “democracy” is one-party rule. It’s what motivated them to vote Democrat. It’s why America is coming to resemble China more every day.

And that is no accident.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Author of “Common Sense” Thomas Paine in Lighting the Fuse that Brought About the Separation

By Bradlee Dean

November 23, 2022

“Thomas referenced the Scripture in teaching men to throw off the tyrant in England, showing men as to whom they are to submit too.”

I am absolutely astounded at the willful ignorance of those who take heed in giving ear to that of the revisionists of the day (Jeremiah 5:21).

To suggest that Thomas Paine was the least religious (Christian) forefather that we have, I have only one question to ask:  What must have been the level of dedication to Christ the other forefathers must have exhibited (Hebrews 13:7)?

Thomas Paine made reference to the Scriptures in teaching the colonies and the forefathers what must be done in obeying the Lord, and that was they must throw off the monarch (1 Samuel 8).

In the short video below, Thomas Paine goes to the Word of God in showing the children of Israel that asked for a king, was the custom of the heathen nations round about and how it was highly forbidden by the King of kings.

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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We Are No Longer A Republic

by Glynn Adams

November 22, 2022

I will admit this article is very negative but we are dealing with a very passive, negative, and disobedient religious system in America.  Most of the Body of Christ in this nation cannot get more negative than blatantly disobeying the LORD Jesus Christ and His Word and allowing evil to capture our nation and ruling over us when we have all Kingdom power, all Kingdom authority, His Name, His Word, and His spiritual weapons!!!

This most recent midterm election has clearly confirmed the direction this nation has been heading for some time now toward third world status and the politicians lead and not WE THE PEOPLE.  It also confirmed the ignorance of the so-called Christians, the citizens, and the Republican Party in this nation.  I am not disappointed and nor am I surprised at what happened on Election Day in America.

I am grieved but not surprised that we are no longer a Republic ruled by WE THE PEOPLE.  Because the Body of Christ in this nation will not resist the evil overtaking this nation, we are a captured nation, ruled by Satan, and we have become a dwelling place of demons and the gods of Zeiss and all the other gods of the ancient pagan world have moved into our nation and are manifesting themselves openly.   The pastors are blind and without knowledge and the pew warmers are deceived and ignorant.

The Globalist and demonic occults are after our seed – our children.  So-called Christians and their pastors as well as parents are silent and are afraid to resist the evil overtaking our nation.  In Revelation, cowards are the first cast into hell!!!  Every year we have less and less moral and virtuous citizens to maintain a Republic.  As of now America has a blink future because we are losing our younger generations to the demonic world and will not be able to maintain this Republic form of government!!!

The demonic occults and Globalist cabal led by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are extremely effective in systemically dismantling this nation piece by piece using the same Marxists ideology that Lenin and Marx used so effectively to change the thinking and culture of other captured nations.  They clearly understand, “Train up a child when he/she is young and when they are old, they will not depart (from whatever they are taught.”)  Most pastors in the Body of Christ do not teach and equip their people for ministry and they present no moral compass to our nation.  They are useless false pastors and their flock is useless!!!  To disobey the LORD Jesus Christ and His Word and to remain silent in the face of evil and to refuse to resist evil is itself evil and God will not hold us guiltless!!!!

Lenin and Marx always enlisted willing citizens who would betray their nation and Marx called them useful idiots.  He would use the treasonous citizens to help him change the culture and thinking of a nation and the Democratic Party in this nation has served the Globalists well as useful idiots.  The Democrats are united, everyone is on the same page, and they are very faithful to the Globalists elites and the destructive Marxists ideology.  The difference in the Democrats and Republicans is the Democrats play to win and the Republicans do not.  I might add here that there are useful idiots among those who say they are Christians.  They are disobedient to the Word and the LORD Jesus Christ and betray Him like Judas and the Pharisees!!  There is no difference between what the Democrats are doing and what so-called Christians are doing.  Both are following Satan and his ways!!!!!  To remain silent in the face of evil is about as evil as you can get!!!

But it is the ignorance of the so-called Christians, citizens, and the Republican Party and their leaders that took center stage in this election.   It was amazing how inept they were because the Democrats had nothing to run on because of their open borders policy, fentanyl coming in killing our children,  inflation, lock downs during COVIT, deliberately destroying this nation,  reckless spending,  shut down of fossil fuels, anti-God agenda, taking away our freedoms, immorality, abortion, genderism, drugs, and our educational systems and I could go on and on without end.  I knew the fix was in as soon as the Republicans ran Dr. Oz in the very important swing state of Pennsylvania and Senator Leader McConnell withdrew funds from certain Republican Senatorial candidates.  We certainly can’t accuse the Democrats and Republicans of not working together!!!

It would have been nice to have won both Houses of Congress but in reality, our problems in this nation are not going to be solved by politicians but by the making of disciples of the Kingdom of God who are moral and virtuous, who will obey God in resisting the evil overtaking this nation.  Unfortunately, the Globalists are making more disciples than Christians are.  We must realize there is no power or authority outside the Kingdom of God.

What a spiritual mess we are in.  Pastors and their flock ignore evil and tolerate the evil overtaking this nation.    Jesus Christ and your obedience to our LORD and King is supposed to be our life!!!   Are you all in?  Are you totally committed to obedience of Jesus and His Word?  Jesus said in Matthew 16:25, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”  If you think you will save your life by remaining silent to all this evil overtaking this nation, you are deceived and you will lose your life to Satan and his punishment in hell!!!!!

Because so many are disobedient to the LORD Jesus Christ, we are under the judgment of God.  We have no fear of God or love of God to obey Him, to be committed to Him, to be submitted to Him, to be faithful to Him, and to show allegiance to Him.  What the American Pastors and most of the Body of Christ are doing today in America in the name of religion is the betrayal of the ages!!!  What is coming to America will not be pretty but very painful unless we repent and turn back to the ways of God.  True repentance will cause us to get rid of these false pastors and nominal, pretending- to- be- Christians and forming an army of God to resist the demonic world overtaking this nation.   Time to radically change your ways!!!

I want to go back to the basics that we must learn that are so clear in the Word of God.  The Bible is a story that flows from Genesis to Revelation that tell us the story of God wanting sons, a people in His image and likeness that would represent Him on this earth and would be the ones who would expand His Heavenly Kingdom in this earthly realm in which we live.

I want you to remember these verses from the Word of God in Psalms 115:15-16, “May you be blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth.  The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’s; but the earth He has given to the children of men.”  God is saying in plain English, “Heaven I rule but My children will rule the earth.”  Rule is to manage the earth bringing down the heavenly ways and oppose Satan’s ways.  So God’s desire is for His children who are filled with the Holy Spirit and who have been given all authority by God to rule -to manage- the earth.  Just remember this:  What area God’s children do not rule on this earth, Satan and his children will rule.   To not to resist evil is to be overcome by evil.  This is the war and it is a war the Body of Christ is not showing up for and engaging!!!

In American churches, we are being lied to by false pastors who preach error and not the whole council of God’s truth.  We are not told of the war between God and Satan, the war between our body of flesh and our spirit, the war between heaven and hell, light and darkness, lies and truth, the war in America against the truth and the war in America against Christians, the true followers of Jesus Christ.

We are told Christianity is a religion of peace, comfort, ease, no controversy, and that we can ignore or tolerate evil.  But evil is progressive and aggressive; never sleeps, always looking for an avenue into the created humans of God.  Jesus Christ is our only protection and the Word of God clearly explains how we are protected and how to resist.  One of our greatest sins today is Satan is exalting his lies against the Word of God and the Body of Christ in America is silent.  We are refusing the onslaught of Satan against us and our nation!!!  We are not told that one day we will have to give an account to Jesus Christ for the assignment and purpose God gave to each one on this earth.

Jesus told us upfront what those who followed Him would face in ministry.  Our false pastors have lied to us in that they have not equipped us for this ministry or told us about what we will face in this world.  Jesus said we will be hated, persecuted, sent out by Jesus as lambs among wolves and people will say all manner of evil against you on account of Jesus.  The Bible is clear, “All liars will be cast into hell!!!”

As a matter of fact, the purpose and goal of Jesus coming to this earth was to communicate His ideas and concepts from His mind to our mind.   That is why we renew our mind (Romans 12:2) with the washing of the water of the Word to remove our ideas from our mind so we can receive His ideas in our mind.  “Let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus.” (Philippines 2:5)   The King’s Word is law; it contains His ideas and we are to embrace them and to obey them and we have no opinion or private interpretation!!!

So what did God have in mind when He created man and placed him on this physical earth?   It was God’s idea to share His invisible Kingdom Government in Heaven with His offspring, which He called mankind and sons, and to give to them His nature and characteristics so they would extend His invisible Kingdom Government to the Physical realm called earth.   It is called the Kingdom of God.

In Genesis 1:26, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, in our likeness, and let them (let mankind) rule, rule (have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”)   Notice here that God did not intend for man to rule over man.   This statement is the first declaration of God’s intent for you and me, and encompasses the total purpose, assignment, potential, passion, and design of man as an entity.

The second declaration of God’s intent for you and me as sons of God was to extend His rule, His will, and nature from heaven to earth.  His desire was to manifest His glorious character, wisdom, righteous judgments, and purposes in the earth realm through the administrative leadership of His sons on earth.  Man was created with the gifts and divine nature when he is born from above to execute God’s will on the earth.

The ultimate goal of God the Creator was to colonize earth with the ways of heaven and establish it as a visible territory of the invisible Kingdom of God.  His purpose was to have His will done and the heavenly kingdom come to earth just as it is in heaven.  The Bible says that in the fullness of time Jesus came to earth.  The fullness brought Rome to power so He did not have to explain Kingdom in detail to the people because they were under the rule of Caesar’s Roman kingdom and knew exactly how it operated.

Caesar would extend his territory by sending a governor to a region to colonize that region to become a Roman Colony that would reflect the character and will of Caesar.  That is exactly what Jesus did when He came to earth.  He established His Kingdom, taught His disciples all about the Kingdom of God, character in the Kingdom, conduct in the Kingdom and ministry in the Kingdom.  Jesus later sent them out to make disciples and to colonize that region to be ruled by the character and will of God.   That mandate has not changed today while we continue to ignore it!!!

In the Kingdom of God in America, Jesus does not send out a governor like the Roman Empire did.  He has the church – sons and daughters of God.  God gave us power, all authority which means we have the full backing of God in heaven with us.  What is the purpose or mission of the church in America?.  We are Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.  We represent the government of the Kingdom.  We represent heaven on earth – we are to bring the will of God, the character of God, the ways of God, the morality of God and to train and equip them to bring this Kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven.  One only has to look at the foolishness we are doing in church today to see how far from the will of God we are in America.

The first thing Jesus did after the wilderness experience was to proclaim, “Repent the Kingdom of God is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17)    Change your ways, the way you think, think Kingdom, it is here.  Then in Luke 4:43, Jesus said, “I must preach the Kingdom of God to the other cities also because for this purpose I have been sent.”  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!  Yes He did and that is our purpose and mission also in America.  To proclaim the Kingdom of God by bringing His will in heaven to earth.  Jesus is clear, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  Pray like this, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?  Yes, and we have ignored it.  We attend church instead!!!!!

Christians, we have a mandate from Jesus to be on a mission to represent God and manage the earth.  If you do not know your mission and purpose, you will do all kind of things but not the right things.  Satan will give us good things so we will not do the right things.  Present the Kingdom of God which is the rule of God!!!  Today, most Christians in America are ruled by Doctrine of Demons and not God.

The Kingdom of God is all about influence but Satan wants to influence America.  Is not Satan influencing America more today than the followers of Jesus?  In America today, there is so much confusion and lack of knowledge in the Body of Christ today.  Our false pastors are not teaching the Word of God and those who claim to be Christians are not studying the Word of God to learn the ways of God.

If we had any fear of God or understood the fear of God, we would as a Body of Christ, come into obedience to our King and LORD!!!  Jesus said in Mathew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?  Yes – and many think they are secure in Jesus by attending church services while disobedient to God.  The tragedy in America is those who are deceived do not know they are deceived because they do not hear the truth from their false pastors!!!   God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks for the writings of the late Myles Monroe and his vast knowledge of the Kingdom of God, and Pastor Ron Carpenter of Redemption of Church in California)

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

© 2022 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

America’s Silence in the Face of Tyranny

By Kelleigh Nelson

November 22, 2022

Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.  —John Locke

The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) asserts that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property and freedom of the press.  —Thomas Jefferson

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.  It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all.  —Thomas Jefferson

The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the Republican model of government are justly considered, perhaps, as deeply, as finally staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.  —George Washington

Americans were built with an inner strength, a strength that fought for independence and liberty for seven long years.  The end of conflict came only after British forces were removed from Charleston and Savannah in late 1782.  The future often looked bleak, but by the grace of God, the American patriots fought on and won.

Where is that inner strength today?  Have we lost it?  Have we grown too fat and lazy to even pay attention to the tyrannical moves of the federal and state governments?  I’m afraid this is the case, combined with the elimination of academic education replaced with Pavlovian dog training, Skinnerian conditioning and communist propaganda.

Our Constitution means nothing to the majority of people whose education failed to teach them our God given rights and freedoms, those very freedoms which blessed the birth of this once great nation.

Trampled Rights

The first amendment in our Bill of Rights grants five freedoms.  It protects speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government. Together, these five guaranteed freedoms make the people of the United States of America the freest in the world.  However, over time, and especially during the C-19 years, these unalienable rights were sacrificed “for our safety” by our federal and state governments. Fear and subjugation went hand in hand to squelch any rebellion against the tyrants while those precious God given rights were trampled into dust.

The only protest we saw was the January 6th 2020 Capitol Hill protest, and we all suspect/know the FBI was involved despite their denials. Those who were peacefully attending are now spending their lives in a dungeon of hell and the US Constitution’s protections are once again trampled to dust.  I’ll admit it was foolish to go into the Capitol, but the doors were opened to them and President Trump’s request for national guard presence was denied by Nancy Pelosi.

Compare January 6th 2020 to the recent runoff election in Brazil.  Over three million Brazilians protested election fraud and are still out every day protesting.  Bolsonaro’s Party has moved to annul the election since the results could not be validated.  The people know electoral fraud was committed by Communist convicted criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Silent Republicans

All we heard from them were promises while they were running for office.  But no one has mentioned vote fraud other than those who, almost two weeks later, are still doing recounts.  Ever wonder why only Democrats succeed in winning the recounts or runoffs?  And they are the biggest election fraud deniers, along with their comrades in mainstream media.

Kari Lake, Arizona gubernatorial candidate, is still fighting the election fraud where she was ahead and after days of recounts, Katie Hobbs allegedly wins.

Hershel Walker, Georgia’s Republican Senatorial candidate is in a runoff on December 6th with Raphael Warnock.  It concerns me that those who are shilling for Hershel are not true patriots. Americans for Prosperity is a Koch organization. Then there’s Nikki Haley and she’s a World Economic Forum member. Former Speaker, Newt Gingrich who voted years ago for the UN gun grab, and several other folks most refer to as RINOs, want you to send Hershel more money.  This includes the RNC who won’t stop emailing or calling me.  I hope Hershel wins and he is not beholden to these people.

However, in Lawrence Sellin’s recent article, he exposes the Chinese connection in the Georgia runoff.  He writes, A November 15, 2022 article entitled “U.S. midterm elections: Georgia’s “play-in” to determine the final Senate map – How Chinese can seize the critical moment,” published on the Chinese language website of the BBC, described how the Chinese in Georgia are organizing to defeat Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker in the upcoming run-off election.

According to that BBC article, Xiao Yu, who has helped several Chinese people run for office in Georgia and organized Chinese electioneering in the 2020 presidential election, is mobilizing Chinese to participate in the second round of the ballot in support of Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock.

So, the Chinese Communist Party is helping the Stalinist Democrats to win in Georgia, and probably many other states.

And we’re learning our overseas military are being deprived of their valid votes.

A shocking testimony reported by Gateway Pundit reveals democrats were stealing overseas and military ballots from Michigan, Georgia and now Arizona too.  The ballots were tampered with and all looked like xerox copies. Proof doesn’t sway the fraud deniers.

George Soros, with the help of his Democrat Party comrades, has financed campaigns of left-wing district attorneys, and he succeeded in installing leftist prosecutors in major cities. Money was spread nationwide to Democrat Party candidates, and most won.

There are five representatives in the House who consistently vote with the Constitution, Andy Biggs, Thomas Massey, Paul Gosar, Al Rosendale and Chip Roy.  Those are the five members who have a freedom index of 100% every year.  There are several members with 97s and 93s, but they should all be 100% all the time.

In the Senate, Rand Paul (KY), and Mike Lee consistently receive 100%.  Senator Ron Johnson (WI) came close to losing his seat in this month’s election, but thankfully he won.  Blackburn and Hagerty in TN, Lummis in WY, Cruz in TX, and Braun in IN, all come in at the 93% level.  The rest are lower and many are at 0%, meaning they always vote against the document they took an oath to uphold.

Abridging States’ Rights

Twelve Republican Senators joined the Democrats and voted for the Respect for Marriage Act.  HR 8404, which passed the House of Representatives in July, “provides statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages,” repealing provisions that define marriage as between a man and a woman. Sens. Roy Blunt (MO), Richard Burr (NC) Shelley Capito (WV), Susan Collins (ME), Cynthia Lummis (WY), Rob Portman (OH), Mitt Romney (UT), Dan Sullivan (AK), Thom Tillis (NC), Joni Ernst (IA), Lisa Murkowski (AK), and Todd Young (IN).

“Make no mistake,” Alliance Defending Freedom President Kristen Waggoner warned, “this bill will be used by officials and activists to punish and ruin those who do not share the government’s view on marriage.”

Once again, marriage, abortion, slander and libel, and so many other federal grabs at legislation, belong only to the states. The federal government overstepped their bounds and trampled the Constitution they took an oath to defend.

Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution lays out the enumerated powers of the federal government.  The feds have overstepped their limited powers and forced them upon the states, time and again.  The 10th Amendment reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

Socialists and Communists

In 2019, Trevor Loudon supplied a list of socialists and communists in our Congress.  He believed then that about 100 members of the House would struggle to pass a low- level security test.  He named a number of them, all democrats, including Tulsi Gabbard.

While the Democrat Party has long exhibited Stalinist actions and overt tendencies, the Republican Party isn’t far behind.  Many Americans refer to Republicans as Republicans in Name Only (RINOs), but I would have to disagree. The majority of Republicans are very similar to their buddies across the aisle. Other than a handful of Constitutional Republicans, the rest do little to stop the onslaught of communism; we’ve seen that time and again.  So, what are they?  They’re slow Marxists, not full-blown Stalinists like the Democrats, but more like Leon Trotsky, a Russian Marxist revolutionary who believed that the slow implementation of Marxist doctrine would succeed in achieving the goal and the citizenry would accept it.

This is the reason so many of them fought against Donald Trump in 2016 and throughout his presidency, and most likely the reason they joined in election fraud denial when it was so very obvious that 2020 was outright skullduggery.

Trump 2024

Trump declares his candidacy for 2024.

President Trump, why bother running again? Vote fraud is now rampant! They’ll never let you win.  My friend Christine commented, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It isn’t fair to Trump’s supporters or the rest of the country to continue this charade.”

Number one, we want an apology for Operation Warp Speed Death jabs, the millions of deaths and the adverse effects they have caused.  We want the enemies of freedom, who caused this evil, exposed and charged.  Their demand for amnesty should be met with two words, and it ain’t, “Let’s Dance.”

Secondly, if you believe that the election won’t be stolen after the last three were stolen, (yes, 2018 was stolen too, and you know about 2020 and 2022) you are full of hot air and that’s being kind.  We all know it, why don’t you?  Unless our elections go back to one vote for one man, we are finished.  You won’t make any difference to them; they’ll destroy you from both sides of the aisle and steal the votes for other republicans as well.

Why don’t you spend two years and work with good people to help change the laws back to what our founders intended (one man, one vote) instead of the obvious cheating we’ve seen over and over again that no one does anything about. Then you’d help the country regain her righteousness.

Do you hear our people?

I did not support Kari Lake, but hoped she’d win against Hobbs, obviously vote fraud is still rampant across the country, and especially in Arizona’s Maricopa County.

Few protested over Covid, most donned the masks, stayed in their houses, lost their businesses while big box stores gained trillions.

No one complained when communists from Antifa and BLM torched and destroyed cities and federal buildings to the tune of billions in damages. And the Insurrection Act was never used because you, President Trump, listened to your Deep State advisors.

No one complained about the 2018 election fraud when republicans went to bed believing they’d won and days or weeks later, after recounts, they lost.

No one complained about the massive 2020 election fraud, and nothing was done.

Now, no one is complaining about the theft of another election in 2022.

Fix it first!  Don’t put us through this insanity again!

Nancy Pelosi is Out

By a very small majority, the Republicans regained the House.  However, so many of them are left of center, I don’t believe it will make much difference.

As for Kevin McCarthy, he should never become Speaker of the House.  He used FTX cash to defeat conservatives in 2022.  He funded a “secretive,” anti-MAGA campaign within the GOP to protect his establishment speaker ambitions.

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) is the former House Freedom Caucus Chairman, and he’s not so certain that McCarthy is the right man for the job.

Biggs believes that McCarthy may not be a strong enough candidate for the party, “He’s back-pedaled on things like impeachment. In some ways, that indicates a willingness to be weakening the oversight authority that we need to have, and the leverage points we need to have in order to deal with a Democrat president.”

I hope Congressman Biggs launches a challenge against McCarthy and wins.

It’s about time we had a true patriot leading the House.

Worthless Dollars

We’ve called the two parties the uni-party for a long time, and for good reason.

More money is now wanted for the fascists in Ukraine, while our own country is circling the drain and inflation has skyrocketed.  How much confidence do you have that republicans will vote it down?

The White House is asking Congress for $37.7 Billion in new Ukraine aid which would bring total US spending on the war to about $105 billion.

Then they’ll want money for Taiwan. The printing presses are spewing out more and more worthless dollars as American’s suffer higher and higher prices.  And who is getting rich off it?  Ponzi scheme!

Mac Slavo writes that the US is going to attempt to quickly arm Taiwan as the “China Threat” grows.  But with Biden in the back pocket of Xi Jinping, who knows.


Where are my fellow Americans?  Crickets!  Time to take lessons from Brazil.

Our citizens don’t write, call or email their reps.  And if those reps don’t hear any noise from the people, they’ll keep doing what makes them rich and to hell with the unwashed masses who just want to be left alone.

Our founders paid dearly for our nation’s independence.  What are we willing to do to save her?

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Coming of the World Dictator

By Cliff Kincaid

November 21, 2022

In China, dictator Xi had a rival taken off stage. In America, our feds are more civilized. China Joe ordered his Attorney General to launch another special counsel investigation of his rival, Donald J. Trump. The plan is to tie him up in court for years so he can’t campaign effectively. This is how a Communist America works these days.

Whether you like him or not, Trump is the candidate who derailed Barack Hussein’s Obama’s “Permanent Revolution,” which was supposed to go forward under “President” Hillary Clinton. He is clearly seen as the one candidate in the future who can stop the Democrats from consolidating their power.

In the midst of this orchestrated chaos, many Senate Republicans are joining Democrats in pushing gay marriage, while in the House the Republicans are hoping to investigate various Biden officials, but not Joe and certainly not Barry.

Meanwhile, China Joe rubbed elbows with dictator Xi on the stage of the G20 meeting, forgetting to mention China’s mass murder of more than one million Americans through the “leak” of the China virus from a Chinese military lab (6.6 million people have died worldwide). Instead, Xi lectured the weak and pathetic Canadian ruler Trudeau about the “leak” of a conversation they had. Put in his place by the world dictator, Trudeau meekly replied that he was for free speech, blah and blah.

This is the world today, in which Western “leaders” play subservient roles to Xi as former Russian KGB colonel Putin bombs Ukraine into oblivion, with deaths on both sides running into the hundreds of thousands. Russia is winning, despite what you see and hear, as it bombs Ukraine into ash and rubble and America is drained of billions of dollars in military aid to keep the no-win war going.

On Fox, however, Tucker Carlson continues to spout the Russian line and disparage Ukraine and its courageous leader, Zelensky, whose country is going into the deep freeze under assault by Russian forces and Iranian drones. Tucker probably arranged the Fox News hiring of former Bernie Sanders peacenik candidate Tulsi Gabbard, whose communist ties and record of appeasement of Russian client state Syria is well-known and documented by anti-communist analyst Trevor Loudon and others.

Fox News is becoming a laughing stock, almost as ridiculous as the UFO and cattle mutilation segments featured on Tucker’s show.

Back on Capitol Hill, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee say they are “gearing up” investigations on several Biden Administration officials in preparation for the 118th Congress. These Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, and White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain.

But what if one or more of these officials gets impeached? These hearings will feature Republican politicians competing for face time on Fox News and nothing much will be done.

I can understand why they left China Joe off the list. After all, he is an empty suit, much like Senator-elect Fetterman of Pennsylvania, and the real power is Barack Hussein Obama, whose “Permanent Revolution” is on-going. But Republicans lacked the intestinal fortitude to impeach Obama because he was our first black president.

What about the senior citizens murdered by Democratic governors in nursing homes when COVID arrived and they were placed in direct proximity of the virus? Who will speak for them? Who will hold those governors, such as Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, accountable?

More social chaos, including euthanasia, is next on the agenda, as we have seen in Trudeau’s Canada. It’s called Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). Canada went communist years ago and is now on the cutting edge of societal revolution. The conservatives there are in permanent minority status.

In America, half — or more than half — of the voting population went for candidates promising abortion-on-demand rather than lower energy and food prices. Hence, death is their official agenda, and you are next.

The Netflix horror film, “Old People,” is from, appropriately enough, Germany, and deals with the revolt of the seniors when they are left alone to be killed or die. They are “life unworthy of life,” to use the Nazi phrase.

As if Chinese-supplied fentanyl is not enough, young people have a special place in this New World Order, as they are promised more marijuana and “magic mushrooms.” If they survive, they will end up in hospitals and mental health clinics, or even injection sites where local governments will supply the needles. Some will run the “official” drug operations, with kickbacks in the form of political contributions to the Democrats who made them possible and taxes skimmed off by politicians in power.

All of this may sound unduly pessimistic, but we now have the opportunity to pass judgment on the phony “Red Wave” that was promised by “news” organizations as diverse as Fox News, the New York Post, and Stephen K. Bannon’s “War Room” show on Real America’s Voice.

The “conservative” media suppressed the conservative vote with all of the nonsense about Republicans taking the House with 50 seats and the Senate by four or five seats. They made conservatives think victory was in the bag. None of them has since apologized for getting it wrong.

As a result of this deception, we are faced with a Republican Senate “Leader” Mitch McConnell, who voted for Merrick Garland as Attorney General. In the House, conservative Rep. Andy Biggs challenged Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for GOP Conference chair and received only 31 votes.

This was all predictable. When former Republican Rep. Steve King came under media attack for speaking out in favor of saving Western civilization, McCarthy arranged to have King replaced on various congressional committees and orchestrated his defeat. King had supported a House Internal Security Committee to uncover communists.

Howard Phillips, 1941-2013, chairman of the Conservative Caucus, was a visionary who started a third political party, now known as the Constitution Party, when the Republican Party began drifting away from conservatism.

Today, Republicans are at a crossroads. Trump is attempting to save the GOP from itself while others want to “save” the party from Trump. Can the party under these circumstances be transformed into a home for constitutional conservatives?

One thing we know for sure – the “conservative” media have been terribly compromised by liars and deceivers who don’t grasp the political reality of what’s happening in their own country and the world.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Something Fundamentally Going Wrong With Our Country

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 21, 2022

Last Saturday night in Colorado Springs, a city where I once worked, a 22-year-old kid, Anderson Aldrich, killed five and injured 25 LGBTQ patrons at a gay bar.

Last summer, in New York City, a guy followed a mother with her child in a stroller down the street…and shot her in the back of the head. Killed her instantly and made the child an instant orphan.

Two years ago, a Muslim immigrant in Boulder, Colorado’s King Soopers on Table Mesa, a place where I used to shop, killed 13 in a madhouse killing spree.

In Idaho, some nut-job knifed three college girls and one guy to death in their own home, in their own beds, with two other roommates sleeping in the same house.

Last Christmas, a crazy guy with a crazy history, ran down six people and injured a score of others in a Christmas parade in Wisconsin. He told countless people of his intentions, but police let him go.

Each weekend in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, New Orleans, St. Louis, LA and San Francisco—dozens of crazy men kill or injure other citizens as they walk along the streets of their cities.  As of this column being written on Sunday afternoon, 11/20/22, Chicago registered 12 killed and 45 wounded last weekend.  The count goes on to 12 midnight…so there will be more death and mayhem in the streets of Chicago.

On Sunday night in Denver, my wife Sandi and I are going to see the Pentatonix singing group in Denver because the leader singer, Scott Hoying has been a friend of ours since he was a little kid. His father, Rick Hoying, got us front row tickets. I actually motorcycled to Alaska with Scott Hoying when he was 12 years old as he rode with his father.  We’re hoping we don’t get shot going to the concert.  Because the reality is…we could get shot.

In our small town of Golden, Colorado, every Christmas, we accompany four thousand residents carrying candles and singing, “We wish you a Merry Christmas….” We walk down the hill on Washington Avenue along with Santa and Mrs. Claus. At the end of the street, we have always enjoyed all the lights being lit up along the river.  But this year, we seriously will not attend the parade because there could be a nutcase with a gun shooting at random.

In other words, something is fundamentally going wrong in America.

Our D.A.’s, judges and other people in power are not prosecuting criminals. We are seeing intellectual nut-cases advocate for “defunding the police” in the face of exploding crime. A criminal is released back onto the streets within hours of being caught via cashless bail.  Most murders are NOT solved.  There are just no consequences to crime in 2022.

We’re seeing kids learning how to commit violence with video games. We’re seeing millions of fatherless children acting out their own frustrations with violence.  We’re seeing sociopaths being born and developed in our inner cities.  We’re seeing homeless drug addicts by the tens of thousands plying our city streets. There are 10,000 in Denver.

In 2021, we lost 107,000 Americans to fentanyl, heroin, meth and other drugs while our own president of the United States facilitated massive drug importation at our southern border.  Mexico’s president is in on the drug deal. Our president invites those drugs into our country.  The police can’t keep up with it. And, very emotionally disturbed American children are taking drugs by the millions.  We can expect another 107,000 or more drug deaths in 2022.

One guy, a high roller, Samuel Bankman Fried, defrauded 4.0 billions of dollars from investors at FTX, the new crypto or Bitcoin currency.  He funneled donations into the billions to democrat candidates he wanted elected. In other words, money buys our elections and money elects our candidates.  We’re talking corruption, cheating, liars galore and sheer undermining of our Constitution at every level.

As of the weekend report, criminals stole or destroyed an estimated $94.1 billion in 2022, thus far.  (Source:

Our founders based the success of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights on the premise that most if not all of our citizens contribute to their country via educated, moral, ethical, personal accountability and personal responsibility as the mainstay of our laws.

Obviously, that ain’t happening!

On Saturday night, I spoke with one of my longtime Army buddies. He said, “The way things are going, we’ve crossed the Rubicon…and we’re not going to get this country back.”

If we citizens fail to elect representatives, judges, police chiefs and others to enforce our laws, we could lose our own lives at any moment.  If we elect pathetic, incompetent/corrupt figures like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson, Hank Johnson, Alvin Bragg, Kim Foxx, Joe Biden, George Gascon, Lori Lightfoot and many others like them…well, we deserve our lawless society.

As it keeps getting worse, every one of us could end up getting shot and/or killed.

From our household, please God…protect us and all good citizens of America.  May each of you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving and may your family and friends be safe from harm.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Were You Expecting a “Red Wave” With the Same, Easily Manipulated Electronic Voting Machines?

By Rob Pue

November 20, 2022

Were you expecting a “Red Wave” on November 8th?  Why would you think that?  Did you forget about the presidential election of 2020?  We were still using the same, easily manipulated electronic voting machines.  Even after the “People” demanded a redress of grievances for an obviously stolen election on January 6 of ‘21, it was the PEOPLE who were persecuted and prosecuted.  Congress never addressed “Election Reform” in any way, so we still had mail-in ballots, an abundance of questionable absentee ballots, and ballots mysteriously showing up after election day.  And in this age of computerization and electronic ease, it’s still taking more than a week, in some areas, to complete the counting.  How stupid do they think we are?  Nevermind — they know how stupid we are.

Even when millions were outraged at the arrogant election steal of 2020, and after presenting irrefutable evidence of such, the People, being brainwashed by the Mainstream Media and just plain tired of it all, just gave up and gave in and accepted the usurper in the White House as being “legitimate,” but with an asterisk.  But that was not the first time our elections were rigged — just the most blatant example.  Our elections have been maniupulated for decades.  It’s no longer who is “elected,” but rather who is selected.  And in case you don’t realize it, we the People, aren’t doing the selecting and haven’t for years.  An obvious example might be the junior senator from Illinois who suddenly became “president” after having done nothing whatsoever, other than learn to lie convincingly.

And yes, today, I’m speaking of politics — something we’ve been trained to believe that Christians are supposed to keep their grubby hands off of, especially so-called “pastors.”  Today’s modern American Pastors wouldn’t speak on anything that could even remotely be considered a “political” issue if their lives depended on it.  Actually, they do depend on it…as do the lives of the sheep they’re supposed to be leading.  Not to mention their children and grandchildren.

As go the pulpits, so goes the nation.  Our pastors’ lack of courage to address the vital issues of the day, and teach their people what the Bible has to say about all these matters is THE sole reason our country is now in total collapse.  Forget the “slippery slope” we were on in the 1980s and ‘90s.  We’ve long since descended into the abyss.  That “slippery slope” is now just a pleasant memory of days gone by… we only WISH we could go back, and have the guts to do something to avert the disaster that is 2022.

You cannot separate “Church” and “State” in a nation that was established by God’s mercy and grace, and whose Founding Fathers not only knew this, but enshrined the Word of God in our country’s sacred foundational documents, carved into stone in our nation’s capitol, built into legislation they passed and worked hard to ensure God and His Holy Word would be studied and revered by children of future generations.

But here we are.  Now, we go to church on Sunday, daring not to speak a word about so-called “politics” to anyone, and then go vote on Tuesday, looking to the Republicans as our Great Saviors.

Honestly, I’m done using the verbiage of the Establishment State.  Let’s call things as they are.  Instead of “Democrats” and “Republicans,” let’s use the proper terms: “Communists” and “Politicians.”  Because that’s what we’re really dealing with and it’s time we acknowledge it.  I’ve heard people call the Democratic party “demonic,” and I have no doubt it most definitely is.  But the other wing of the demon is still part of the same demon.  Some may honor God with their lips, but when are we going to learn that none of them can be trusted, any more than we’d trust a telemarketer?

Show me some FRUIT and then they may earn a bit of my trust.  Simply having the letter “R” after your name means nothing to me, and it shouldn’t mean anything to you.  The lesser of two evils is still evil — and the Communists and Politicians have earned my disdain.  If you don’t feel the same way, I feel sorry for you that you’re so mislead.

“Democrats” and “Republicans;” “Left” and “Right” are nothing more than buzz words used to divide us.  Even when the so-called “good guys” have held majorities in office, very little good has come of it.  Not only do they NOT advance the righteous agendas of God — they don’t even fight for the very things they claim to stand for while on the campaign trail.

And isn’t it amazing how these people go to DC and suddenly get a six-figure income for working less than half a year; but they actually become multi-millionaires or billionaires before they leave office — if they ever do.  How does that happen?  And why doesn’t anyone ever really ask those questions?  Not to mention, the hefty pensions they receive for the rest of their lives if they ever do retire or are somehow “voted out.”

Now, we’re supposed to believe that a majority of voters actually CHOSE to re-hire those who shut down businesses and churches; forced us to wear bacteria-laden facemasks to enter a store, school or use public transportation; conspired with Big Pharma to push a series of KNOWN deadly, de-population shots and show proof of our jab status to enter restaurants, travel or stay in hotels…

Forced these shots into adults lest they lose their livelihoods; forced these shots into our children, rendering them sterile, with serious life-long illnesses and killing others; purposely destroyed our energy independence, causing massive spikes in costs to operate our cars, trucks, trains, planes and ships — not to mention heat our homes; purposely neutered our US military, leaving us virtually defenseless at a time when they’ve ALSO led us to the brink of hot, kinetic war…

Opened our borders to foreign invaders and handed them, on average $4000 a month in “benefits” along with free housing and food, while our senior citizens subsist on $1200 a month; brainwashed our kids to hate their parents and their country; brainwashed our kids until they develop “gender dysphoria — a phenomenon that has risen by 4000% just in the past two years alone; pumped pornography into our schools; cheered sodomites as the most “courageous” among us; have blatantly stated they’re pushing for Marxism, Democratic Socialism and Communism…

Thrust us into an economic depression; have attempted to force us into the Green New Deal; have stolen children from parents; labeled parents who care as “the most dangerous threat to our democracy” — those “domestic terrorists;” imprisoned without charges, without bail and without representation all who dare voice dissent.  Sent billions of dollars to Ukraine — one of the most corrupt countries on Earth and the epicenter of money-laundering for the Globalists, Communists and Politicians.

I could go on.  Suffice to say, the United States of America has become the laughing stock of the world.  We’re now officially a third-world country…. just as Barack Hussein Obama intended, and is now implementing in his “third term.”

In some political races November 8th, the Politicians beat the Communists — but only by less than 1%.  In other races, the Communists beat the Politicians by similar margins.  If we’re to believe these numbers, presented to us by the Mainstream Media, which 85% of Americans say they do not trust, then this country really IS divided.  And perhaps it’s true.  Maybe they really HAVE brainwashed half the country to believe that evil is good and good is evil.  If that’s the case, it won’t take much longer before every thought of every person is only evil all the time.

This didn’t have to happen.  Things didn’t need to be this way.  If only we’d stood up — in the “before times” — when “all” we faced was that “slippery slope.”  I’ve been warning of this for nearly 25 years now.  A few understood and saw this coming too, and some took action.  Most thought I was nuts.  Especially the pastors, who will have nothing whatsoever to do with me and absolutely HATE our truth-telling newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News.  I guess you can lead a person to the truth but you can’t make them think.

Again, this all goes back to the destruction of the American Church.  As goes the Church, so goes the Family.  As goes the Family, so goes the Nation.  Or a simplified version, which I mentioned previously: As goes the Pulpit, So goes the Nation.  Either way, it comes down to worldly, carnal compromise, cowardice from the pulpit and the invasion of our “churches” by demonically-influenced lost souls, who were never counseled, discipled and trained for the work of the ministry, but rather simply catered to just as they were, in their sin.

This was followed by the “seeker friendly” movement in which pastors began to tailor their sermons to soothe the consciences of the lost sinners, allowing them to remain in their carnal lifestyles and unrepentance.  So instead of pastors preaching the whole Word of God leading to the salvation of souls, pastors have allowed the unrepentant sinners in the audience to dictate what was preached from the pulpit, which of course, is apostasy.   Reverence for God was lost in the process.  Respect for God and Country is dead now.  Biblical illiteracy is rampant.  Only a small remnant remains, as described in Matthew 7:14.

The Remnant has been shouting 2 Chronicles 7:14 from the rooftops.  Even the cowardly preachers will quote it, in their hypocrisy.  But it has little to none effect anymore… it’s become just something we say, with no intention of ever really doing: “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

I’d also recommend studying Deuteronomy, which contains the wisdom of the final words of Moses.  But as you do so, understand that we are now in the place where the people of our land have forgotten God.  We’ve done exactly what Moses warned us NOT to do.  For the most part, Americans have shunned God, spit in His face at every opportunity.  Even as He’s blessed this country with abundance and wealth, luxury and ease, as He’s not only given us all we need, but abundantly more than we need, we have pridefully cursed Him, denied Him, and followed false teachers in our churches who preach doctrines of demons.  Thus, we have so-called “Christian” churches now promoting sodomite “marriage,” “drag queen” performances and pagan ceremonies of all types.  We’ve set up idols to Satan in our cities and towns, we’ve allowed the murder of our children, first through abortion, now through the death shots.  And we’ve done so with pride.

While most Americans still claim to be Christians, few have any depth of knowledge of God’s Word, and few truly follow Christ.  If we did, we’d be causing “no small stir” in this nation; we’d be turning the world upside down for God, as the early disciples did, rather than blending in to the carnality and ignorance of the heathen.

Now that our US Justice system and every 3-letter agency has been openly weaponized against Christians, the “chilling effect” of that will only thin the remnant further… even fewer will now be willing to resist the devil, for fear of imprisonment, persecution and losing their “stuff.”  I’m happy to tell you, I am one who will stand firm ‘til the end.  I’ve stood firm through all that’s happened so far, and I plan to finish the race well, even if the Communists and Politicians require my head in a basket.  What do I — or any of us who truly follow Christ — have to lose?  Philippians 1:21, “For me to live is Christ, an to die is gain.”

So, sorry folks, you didn’t get the “red wave” you were hoping for.  Sorry to have to tell you that you’ve been chasing after the wrong Savior… Meanwhile, for those who can understand…Philippians 4:4-7, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”      Prepare for persecution, and pray without ceasing.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 377.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Thanking God for Jesus in Stressful Times

by Rolaant McKenzie

November 20, 2022

There are some years that are particularly challenging, where multiple situations and events arise that are overwhelming to the soul. Since 2020, pandemic fears have caused the destruction of many small businesses, greatly increased death globally from mandated experimental medical treatments, the sharpest political divisions in the country since the Civil War more than 160 years ago, rioting and looting in numerous major cities, social isolation from loved ones, and the increasing threat of nuclear warfare.

These things have caused the rise in delayed medical diagnoses that have resulted in severe injury and death, increased depression, and suicide. Being thankful in the face of these things can seem to be an impossible task. It would be far easier to fall into despair and hopelessness, as many have.

In 605 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem and captured it. Among the captives he took with him back to Babylon was Daniel, part of the nobility of the Kingdom of Judah. Daniel was a young man when he was taken captive to Babylon. It is not hard to imagine the anguish he must have felt when he saw his home surrounded by foreign invaders, and eventually destroyed by them. Think of the mass violence and death he witnessed, and the separation from family and his homeland to what may have seemed to him an uncertain fate. He probably felt the abject hopeless feeling that God had abandoned him and his people.

Yet even in this situation, Daniel’s life was characterized by faithfulness to God. This included being thankful to God in even the most dire of circumstances, which helped him to endure adversity and persevere (Daniel 2:23, 6:10).

Psalm 107 describes several dangerous situations, the kinds in which any of us may find ourselves.  Facing dehydration and starvation in the desert (vs. 4-6), the distress of captivity (vs. 10-14), deadly illness (vs. 17-20), and being tossed around in a stormy sea. But in these circumstances, the Lord’s provision and deliverance led to thanksgiving (Psalm 107:6-8, 13-15, 19-21, 28-31).

The apostle Paul in his missionary travels experienced much suffering and persecution for the name of Jesus. Paul gave a summary of them:

“Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. I have been on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea, dangers among false brethren; I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.” (2 Corinthians 11:24-27)

Despite these things, Paul exhorted his readers to have an attitude of thanksgiving.

“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Notice that he does not say to give thanks for everything, but in everything. We do not give thanks for acute illness, bankruptcy, or the death of a loved one. But, as difficult as it can be at times, we can and should give thanks in the midst of these trials.

Praising and giving thanks to God is not just to please Him but is for our benefit as well. It takes the focus away from ourselves and places it on Christ and His love and goodness toward us. It helps us to be content no matter what situation we may experience.

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” (Colossians 3:15-17)

If we stop for a moment and think, there are still many things for which we should be thankful. Many of us still have shelter, food, transportation, loved ones, friends, health, and intact mental faculties. These blessings are often taken for granted. Adopting and developing an attitude of praise and thanksgiving to God for these and His many other blessings can help us to develop the qualities of faith, patience, and perseverance in our characters. This is pleasing to God and helps us to be able to receive and enjoy the peace and rest He offers to us.

Some of you may know of the television cartoon series called The Simpsons. Humor aside, those who are familiar with some of the regular characters in this show will know of a certain Ned Flanders, who is Homer Simpson’s deeply religious Christian neighbor. While the show often sadly pokes fun at his and his family’s piety, there was one episode that caught my attention. It was the one called When Flanders Failed (Season 3, Episode 3, 10/3/1991), where Mr. Flanders started a business that sold various items made for left-handed people.

He put all his money and energy into his business only to see it fail miserably. As a result, the Flanders family, who was once wealthy in the good things of life, lost nearly all their material goods and their home. All that was left to them was their car, and the family planned to live in their car until they could hopefully find lodging with a relative in another city.

What I found touching in this episode, and where I think we all could draw a lesson, was that despite this calamity the Flanders family still sang praises to God and thanked Him for what they had. In spite of their sadness at losing nearly everything, they had the courage and faith in God to face the unknown, because like the apostle Paul they learned to be content in whatever circumstances they found themselves (Philippians 4:11-12).

We can all learn, by God’s grace, through the indwelling Holy Spirit, to have this attitude. In life we do not always know when things will go well or take a turn for the worse. But we have the promise that God will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). For this we can always be grateful. An attitude of praise and thanksgiving keeps us mindful that all we have and receive comes by God’s blessing, and it gives us the strength to face any lack or adversity. It also helps us to be more aware of those undergoing hard times and encourages us to reach out by faith with a helping hand (James 2:14-18).

Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Resurrection Day Sunday can be something we experience throughout the year. The Father sent into the world the greatest gift of His own Son, God in the flesh, to save people dead in their trespasses and sins. Jesus paid in full the penalty for sinners by dying on the cross. He rose again on the third day, the first day of the week, so that all who trust in Him alone are born again, reconciled to God, and receive eternal life. This is the best reason to have an attitude of thanksgiving as a way of life.

Not only will Jesus be with you always in this life, but He will also see to it that all who trust in Him alone will make it home to heaven.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” (Jude 1:24-25)

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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The Fate of America Lies In The Balance

By Pastor Roger Anghis

November 20, 2022

The one thing that we need to be aware of is the devil will not peaceably give up any ground he has taken. The United States was founded by men and women of God, and I believe that God was on our side during the Revolutionary War.  I stated the many instances where God intervened on our behalf during that conflict and allowed us to either be victorious or saved us from utter defeat in my book Defining America’s Exceptionalism. Our Founders depended on God’s intervention daily to help us win that war.  This is verified by a quote from George Washington: “When I contemplate the interposition of Providence, as it was visibly manifested, in guiding us through the Revolution, in preparing us for the reception of a general government, and in conciliating the good will of the People of America towards one”

I fully understand that our success or failure will depend on whether we continue to depend on His assistance to withstand the attack that are presently under. The very existence of this great nation depends on how we rely on His guidance and His favor, Does God need the whole nation to stand with Him. It would be nice, but He can work with one person if that’s all He has to work with. There are many times in scripture where God used one man to defeat hundreds.  Shama defended his lentil patch and single handedly killed over 600 men, Adino the Eznite: he lifted up his spear against eight hundred, whom he slew at one time. I’m not advocating violence but simply showing that God can use one person to defeat an enemy.

God led us through the Revolutionary War and many times He saved the Continental Army from defeat.  Washington was always seeking God’s face on what to do and that is what we must do as well. It is going to take His guidance to get us through this. The United States produces over 90% of the gospel that is take out to the four corners of the world and God is not about to let a handful of liberal hacks take this nation from Him. He isn’t done with us and He will defend us until the time comes for the church to be taken out. He has told many modern-day prophets that He isn’t done with us and that America will be saved. Have we gone in the wrong direction? San Francisco is the modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. We have allowed 60 million babies to be murdered in the womb.  We’ve take God out of the school and even many churches be He offends some people but we are still the worlds source of the gospel.

The numbers for this election have not been tabulated yet but the largest voting bloc, the evangelicals, either didn’t show up or did not vote with the biblical values we are supposed to vote with. I don’t know the number but there shouldn’t be one person who calls themselves a Christian that voted for anyone on the Democrat ticket. That party embraces everything that God is against.  Homosexuality, same-sex marriage, abortion, and so many other things that it is hard to even list them. Why do so-called Christians embrace this party? Charles Finney told us years ago what to watch out for: “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

People that refuse to vote for ‘the lesser of two evils’ elect democrats by not voting.  They never take into consideration that Jesus has never run for office and never will so all they’ve ever had to vote for is the lesser of two evils and I assure you that He expects you to vote for the lesser of two evils and condemns those that don’t vote at all.

Our political system was designed for the participation of the populace not just by the elite. One party, the democrats, have taken it upon themselves to subvert our system and turn it into a dictatorship. Democrats hate patriotism. They hate the Christian principles that we were founded on. They even hate the prosperity that our free-market capitalism produces because they want everyone to depend on the government. Demanding government handouts is not what the Founders envisioned. The democrats want a government of the government by the government for the government but ours is a government of the people by the people for the people.  Our Constitution is not a guideline for telling the people what they can do or cannot do but it tells the government what we allow it to do. Thomas Jefferson stated: “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories.” If we don’t get back to this way of thinking, we will allow a handful of elites to govern all we do.

We made a little progress in the midterms in the direction we need to go by getting control of the House back.  Now we must keep the pressure on the House to do what they need to do to curb policies of the liberals.  Our nation got into the trouble we are in over a long period of time, and we will not turn the ship around in one election.  It will take several elections to do so.  Thomas Jefferson warned of where we are now politically: “The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal Judiciary; an irresponsible body … working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated into one.” We have so-called jurists that legislate from the bench. Elana Kagan even stated that they aren’t supposed to, but they do it almost daily. Why was she confirmed when it was known that she said this? Why was she nominated? This happened because of the type of people we have put into office. This is why vetting a candidate is so important.

Our first step towards regaining our nation has begun.  It is a small step, but it is a step. Prayer and God’s guidance will be imperative for our success.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

The Red Wave Reduced to a Ripple

By Sidney Secular

November 19, 2022

Despite the rah-rahs at the Trump rallies, the general conservative and even nominal normie angst over the deteriorating state of the nation, and the increasingly discredited public polls that supposedly showed almost 75% of the sheeple dissatisfied with the “status woe”, hardly any leftie or middle-of-the-road toadie was wooed away from their wayward ways or their customary echo chamber propaganda “bullpits,” and the election fraud methodologies/manipulations were hardly addressed since the last “selections” so that those in-the-know knew that the forecasted red rave/wave was an overblown and wishful thinking expectation as we sail off into a sunset that is only one of the things that are truly “red” (as in communist, not conservative).

Stinker Biden came away smelling like a rose as his minions massively manipulated the voting processes all across the nation with special attention to the swing states and the particularly important election contests where the lowdown slowdown shakedown was proceeding in deja vu fashion. The masses either still cannot smell a rat and “scentse” that they are losing their remaining liberties or they – just as are the “informed” – are powerless to do anything about it. For the “brain-fogged,” maybe all that weed had desensitized more than their nasal passages as the leftist commentators continued on with their nightly nasal diatribes. The control-bent leftist legions are so well ensconced in important positions that they will continue to take increased liberties with our rights and liberties until there are no liberties left to conserve – which is pretty much where we are now, actually!

Ex-President Trump’s influence seemed to have little bearing on the outcomes of the races where he was supporting a particular contestant. His momentum going forward towards 2024 has thus been stopped for the moment, anyway. Libber fundraisers actually put money behind Trump-endorsed candidates in GOP primaries so that the Dems could face and demolish them in the general election; such is the number and influence of the Never-Trumpers and the poor choices sometimes made by Trump, and it worked like a charm. The abuse of the political process was thus extended into new nuances as the general vacuum in ethics seems to spread like a cancer across the political landscape, swallowing up all before it.

Governor DeSantis of Florida took all the correct positions on the current hot button issues and stuck to them, the only prominent current figure in power to do so and give the impression that he doesn’t swing and sway every way the wind blows, so he has positioned himself as a leading Republican candidate for President for 2024 – always assuming that that party really wants to win. Republicans have a long track record of people like Liz Cheney. At most, a red trickle or ripple seems to have been what happened in the mid-terms. When you compare that with what should have been the case, one can make the case that it was instead a red blood-letting as the insouciant sheeple let the bad guys get away with their continuing communist conspiracy takeover. The Perfidious Party of Chaos rode the red ripple like skateboarders and certainly did not go down and drown, and have positioned themselves such that their positions are now the new abnormal normal.

It didn’t seem there was any way even the Stupid GOP Party could blow it this time – always assuming that the game was “fair” (a poor assumption at best, and stupid at worst!) –  but the unlimited Jewish money from the likes of Soros and the lucre saved by employing invaders seems to overcome all ethical considerations and obstacles like a steamroller on steroids. The overemphasis on shekels inevitably leaves us in shackles. Even if the Republications had met red wave expectations, they would in all probability have blown their opportunity by failing to focus on important issues like the Great Replacement, insane immigration levels, an out of control educational establishment, a weaponized bureaucracy and military and the failure of affirmative action to give the blacks any satisfaction, none of which were campaign issues in the first place. They blew their chance with their so-called failure to meet the “terms and conditions” of their so-called Contract with America in 1994, and there is no reason to believe they would not have blown it again, as they just seem to follow in the tracks of the Democrats in a deadly “follow the Judas goat,” that would have further turned off their base.

Was the election stolen or is the population so zombified/”trance-formed” and ignorant that nothing good can come of it all, and nothing is predictable anymore? It would seem there is a seamless “sin-chronous” combination of the two. On the one hand, all the trends pointed to a red wave with normal citizens becoming overly tired of the handouts and the unscrupulous actions of the Bidenista regime screwing us as well as the rampant violent crime resulting in George Soros’ funded “prosecutors” and liberal judges. Even the “Communist News Network”(CNN) exit polls were showing a marked shift away from the shifty demonrats. The Dems were allegedly losing support among women, moderates, youth, “people of color”, college grads, independents and even denizens of the blue urban cores whose taxonomy was resulting in their being taxed beyond all reason and endurance. All of this was supposedly happening in all the age brackets and among all the races. Biden had an approval rating of a very low 36%, so how does that jibe with the vote counts in the election results? The party in power usually loses significant representation in midterm elections, but the red wave never materialized or, rather more to the point, was never allowed to materialize!

That the election was stolen is staring us in the face. What can be done about it? Nothing –  for now and perhaps forever. The Dems are in control of the Executive branch and all the deep state bureaucracies. They certainly are not going to police themselves. The mass media is now just another Deep State bureaucracy, a mouthpiece, puppet and appendage of the demonrat party and should be treated accordingly; that is as a monopoly rather than a constitutionally protected “free press” and their owners and leading mouthpieces defanged or replaced.

Thirty-five years ago or so, people began using web browsers on a regular basis and many businesses and individuals established some kind of online presence. Here, now, was our chance to free ourselves from the shackels of a media and educational establishment that was censoring and deep-sixing books, people and ideas from public consciousness. The overlords were starting to contrive ways to get their way and stifle opposing viewpoints. Then the Covidiocy came along and scrambled people’s minds and gave the tyrants the excuse and modalities to clamp down and reinforce their mental, and now physical, shackels upon the people. The people were stupefied and thus became stupider yet, and now are another step along in their subservience to the establishment. Americans are still in a funk and have not recovered their joie-de-vivre, and in their emotionally blue state have allowed the “blue” establishment to further spread their tentacles in their tenacity to overpower and control all opposition.

Frankly, the “American experiment” is basically over because it can neither continue nor recover while its population gets progressively dumbed down and suffers from top-down mind control. Pivotal problems and issues are dissed, not discussed, and the People’s morals, and indeed their immorality, continue to be influenced by the entertainment industry and “progressive” philosophies. Now the Marxist experimentation begins in earnest and will lead us – as do all Marxist’ endeavors – down the road to perdition.

Getting back to stolen elections: it’s not all the fault of the GOP! Remember, it is easy to set it up a straw man to deflect from our own inactivity and gullibility. But remember, a corrupt judge and a 40 year-long consent decree meant that starting in 1981, the Republican National Committee had been prohibited by law from helping with poll watcher efforts or nearly any voting-related litigation. The subsequent 40-year period gave the demonrats the time and ability to lay the groundwork establishing a fortress of election corruption. Thanks to Covid, the Dems were then able to fortify that fortress with mail-in ballots, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, same day as election voter registration, drivers’ licenses for illegals serving as official ID, not even requiring an ID to vote, drawn out election periods, and most importantly “election machines” that can be (and ARE) gamed. Voting machines everywhere are all vulnerable to cheating. Excuses for election delays and forays into fraud for the midterms include voting machines going down, tabulators failing, paper running out (in one case in 44 different locations in a geographical cluster!) and printer settings being wrong. These occurrences were nearly all created by the crooks in the most contested elections and voting precincts. All this depredation against the depressing spectacle of big media claiming that there has been no evidence of vote fraud from the 2016 elections going forward, and any questioning of these facts being a “threat to democracy” or a Russian plot –  or both.

I’m not letting the insouciant suckers off the hook here. How could the cradle of liberty, Pennsylvania, take up with a no-account retard like John Fetterman, a man like Biden who never worked a day in his life and faces enormous health problems that could kill him at any moment win a Senate seat away from the highly articulate Dr. Oz who went door-to-door all over PA to bring his message “home?”  It boggles the mind and beggars belief. Half the population seems to have lost its instinct for survival and common-sense decision making capability. The left keeps harping about “saving democracy” meaning the status woe is the way to go and questioning the establishment narratives makes you a treasonous terrorist white supremacist, even if you aren’t white. My series of articles in this newsletter and elsewhere on White Genocide was based on a treatise written by Neil Kumar, a genuine patriot who ran for Congress to represent a portion of the Ozarks in Arkansas, who laid out the issues as no one else has, as reflected in my reflections on white genocide. He received only 21% of the vote in the midterms, showing how far we have to go to inculcate any common sense into the average commoner.

In a recent survey of white voters, about one-third identified as “born again” and skewed strongly towards the GOP while the remaining not-so-religious whites vote for the demonrats by about a 54% to 44% margin. Their world view is foreign to racial thinking or to any real thinking at all, as they are under the spell of the “trance-formation”  that spells disaster for the Historic American Nation. The message of the real right is not getting through and where it does redound, it is censored and silenced. It is blindingly clear that we will not find salvation in voting. Aside from the rampant election fraud, we are faced with the far more consequential reasons for our slide: demography, indoctrination, and censorship. Demography in a nutshell is our replacement or being shoved aside by unassimilable foreigners who vote only for those offering the biggest handouts, or those that more nearly look like them. Indoctrination is occurring at every level across the “awokened” landscape including schools, work environments, the thoroughly debased “entertainment industry,” the present day lame excuse for churches, and now the military. It only takes one generation of messed up youth to mess up our future, and the Gen-Xers are divorced from our traditions as well as from sanity. One has to ask: How much worse does crime have to get? How many more drug overdose deaths do we have to tolerate before we seal the border? When are we going to start solving our own problems vice importing all the world’s problems as well?

Americans no longer value freedom although they talk about it constantly. Indeed, the concept of “freedom” held by many of today’s “Americans” is the freedom everybody has to do what they want done and to believe as they do! The only people who truly appreciate what freedom actually is come from Eastern Europe! Why? Because they know the difference between having it and not having it. They are not happy in seeing it slip, sliding away in the West, the last place on earth where it at least used to exist! The worst tyrants during the Covid mania were re-elected with ease. Gavin Newsom won by 18 points; kvetchin Gretchen Whitmer won handily by 10 points; the repugnant Kathy Hochul handily defeated a great candidate in Lee Zeldin and the list goes on and on and on. There were pockets of sanity where worthy candidates won by large margins. These included Ron DeSantis, Kristi Noem, Kim Reynolds, Rand Paul and Eric Schmitt – all good, but not nearly enough to avoid destruction.

Localism, decentralization, and maybe secession of the still sane deep red flyover areas remain as possible alternatives. A big man in DC cannot fight the nearly ubiquitous new treasonous communist conspiracy anymore. Much more on future courses of action to be taken in future articles.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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No Governor Honors his Constitutional Oath; DeSantis may be Best But He’s NOT Ready for Presidency!

Andrew C. Wallace

November 19, 2022

Governors, like all members of Congress, officials, judges, and military flag officers refuse to obey their sacred Oaths to the Constitution. Simply stated, this failure makes their positions untenable and without legitimacy, while doing great harm to “We The People”.

Our Governors are Cowards and well-funded Minions of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families, elites, big money, establishment, etc. If only our governors were independent, obeyed their Constitutions, were honest, and had courage, then your life could be great! Our states have the Constitutional power, and Governors must use it as follows:

1. The borders must be closed! Governors have the Constitutional power to stop invasion with deadly force, and they refuse to do it. Everyone who allows or supports invaders is a “Constitutional traitor” and should be so charged (Government spends $338.3 Billion on invaders, costing $2500 per taxpayer!).
2. Tariffs could replace income tax (as in the past up to 1913), which would also bring jobs back to America.
3. Return to Constitutional gold and silver money which ends inflation, wars for profit, and government boondoggles.
4. End Tax-Free Foundations which protect the resources of the wealthy forever, while allowing them to do all kinds of crazy things to our detriment.
5. Kick the FBI and every unconstitutional federal agency out of the state (a majority of federal agencies).
6. Repeal 17th Amendment to take back Senators from control by the PSRRC and corporations.
7. Round up all illegal invaders and deport them before they destroy this country financially and by crime. (The only reason for open borders is to destroy poor Blacks, poor Whites, and the country!).

NOTE: The preceding actions have a chance of mitigating a massive and prolonged Depression. Very soon the government will not be able to fund anything or anybody. Fiat dollars and new fiat digital dollars will be worthless!

The preceding objectives will give power back to the people and make us healthy, wealthy, and happy again .

Governor DeSantis may be the best of the worst, but he has not demonstrated his dedication to the Constitution or the courage to take back powers usurped by the federal administration. And he has had four years to do it! DeSantis has made many good decisions, but not one of them was in real opposition to the PSRRC’s graft and money laundering. Until he has the courage to oppose them by taking back usurped state powers, I must assume he is just another well-financed minion of big money (PSRRC).

Governor DeSantis seems to be highly-supported by the PSRRC, big money and their corporate minions. I could never vote for anyone who was under their control!

Governor DeSantis knows that President Trump did not have support of the PSRRC. In fact, both political parties smeared and framed him constantly for four years because he was giving the country back to the people (reducing PSRRC profits). President Trump closed the border, gave us energy independence, started tariffs for government income and to bring back jobs, ended wars for profit, reduced red tape, etc. President Trump did all of this while the corporate minions in government and media did everything to destroy him. I don’t care how he walks and talks or how many banks he beat at their own game. Nothing changes the fact that he did more for American people than all the presidents in the last 100 years, combined.

Reminder, Fox News has been promoting Governor DeSantis for years only because he is no threat to Big Money (PSRRC). You will note that Fox News Anchors criticize the Government just enough to keep their MAGA audience happy, but not enough to expose the harm being done to the people. Fox is even advertising the Faux Covid Vaccine! Fox News is owned by the ‘Left’.

By his failures to date, Governor DeSantis has demonstrated that he can’t match President Trump’s ability to get elected without support of big money, or accomplish what President Trump did in the face of massive contrived opposition and vilification.

Governor DeSantis has the rare opportunity to be another President George Washington if he has the courage and ability to take Florida and then the country back from the PSRRC and their Communist Minions in the government and media.

In a political matchup today , Governor DeSantis has little substance when compared to President Trump, but he can eclipse President Trump if he honors the Constitution in Florida and refuses funding and control by the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). I would really like to help Governor DeSantis, but that is impossible for me as a common citizen. His staff has refused to answer my supportive letters and e-mails for years.

The games are over.

Disclaimer: I am a Patriot Writer from Flyover Country Florida, as such my words are primitive and direct, lacking the polish and obfuscation of the Ivy League. I pity the brainwashed Communists among us, for they know not what they believe, and will starve and die at the hands of their own.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Overton Window: How Politicians Define the Spectrum of Acceptability

by Kathleen Marquardt

November 18, 2022

Little girls are made of sugar and spice, Little boys are made of frogs and snails and puppy-dogs’ tails [i]

Not so long ago, maybe a decade, the Overton Window was a relevant measure of what was acceptable in America. Not today. Today it is just another tool in the arsenal of Cancel Culture.

The Overton Window is a model for understanding how ideas in society change over time and influence politics. The core concept is that politicians are limited in what policy ideas they can support — they generally only pursue policies that are widely accepted throughout society as legitimate policy options. These policies lie inside the Overton Window. Other policy ideas exist, but politicians risk losing popular support if they champion these ideas. These policies lie outside the Overton Window. [ii]

Today, instead of showing what policies are accepted throughout society, the Overton Window is used to program the masses into thinking that sick and twisted ideas and behavior are fully acceptable to “the average Jane and Joe, so they should realize they are the ones that are behind and need to catch up. The other side of that is the Deep State and globalists use it to take what is not acceptable in today’s modern world of Cancel Culture and tell the people it is just normal behavior in today’s modern world – so get used to it. That the average Jane and Joe need to learn when to keep their mouths shut about things that offend them and their religion.  And while they are about that, they should look at their beliefs and update them.

With any luck, Jane and Joe learn to condemn those who would endorse moral absolutes; they are just way too passe’ to exhibit today – you might be shamed for criticizing drag queens teaching kindergarteners how to masturbate. Just shut up and accept that the world has changed and left you behind.

The new, adulterated and perverted Overton Window shows us what we will accept in the near future – or else. Today one of those “or elses” is not just acceptance of the LGBTQRSTUV+. We must now believe that changing one’s gender is a prevalent necessity, and we must voice our acceptance, nay, our encouragement for every child to jump onto that bandwagon. Thankfully, my children are grown and identify with the sexes they were born. I feel bad for the parents who have children thinking they were born in the wrong body. But those parents need to quit cowering and protect their children. That doesn’t mean acceptance of gender surgery, hormones, and psychiatric sessions to teach them how to be what they aren’t.

In the early 1990s, my children were told that everyone is either bi or lesbian/gay; that no one is straight. Of course, this was the early days of that indoctrination. Silly me, I should have read the writing on the wall – it had to morph. And what were the readings of the Overton Window back then on the gender issue? The issue was pretty silent other than in relationship to the AIDS crisis.

Now our kindergarteners are groomed to think they must be in that alphabet/number/symbol soup or there must be something wrong with them. The stigma of being the sex you were born with is not to be borne. The peer pressure, the pressure from teachers who have been programmed to more than support this, all have to been so hard for children who are trying to just survive in such an upside-down world. Get your kids out of public schools; they are the factories set up to ruin our youth. What they are allowing/promoting is sick.

This is NOT about acceptance or tolerance; it is about driving people to extol the perverted lifestyle and condemn those not practicing it. Why? It is another tool to reduce the human population. If you don’t have a uterus, you aren’t going to be making babies, no matter what gender you think you are.

We have the President’s press Secretary warning Red state legislatures that they better not try to stop supposedly transgender children from harming themselves by undergoing mutilating surgeries or being psychologically messed up by shrinks pressuring them to conform to a sick and twisted falsehood.

We have a Justice Department threatening states “with legal action if they try to protect kids from groomers and demented doctors like Richard/Rachel Levine … Biden’s choice to be the country’s Number 2 health official.”[iii]

The University of Tennessee Medical Center provides a slew of services for “Gender Affirming Care:


Our comprehensive team of medical experts is here to provide any adult transition-related care and support to help individuals express their own gender in a way they are comfortable with and to affirm their own gender identity.

Feminizing Medical Care

  • Body contouring
  • Breast augmentation
  • Orchiectomy
  • Vaginoplasty

Masculinizing Medical Care

  • Body contouring
  • Metoidioplasty
  • Hormone therapy
  • Primary care
  • Chest Masculinization
  • Hysterectomy and oophorectomy
  • Phalloplasty
  • Speech therapy

Surgical Treatments

  • Body contouring
  • Top surgery (all types)
  • Bottom surgery (most forms of Vaginoplasty, Metoidioplasty, Phalloplasty)
  • Facial surgery for both trans women and trans men
  • Tracheal shave

Vocal cord surgery [iv]

No one can read that list and think it offers health care! It is telling people to play god with their own bodies. But it tears bodies apart; it cannot change the sex of the human in that body. It can try to alter characteristics, but a man does not birth a baby, and a woman does not impregnate a man – no matter how you change the shape of the body.

That’s not all. These are also part of what the university offers:

Planned Parenthood

Q Card Project


Services: Free Q Cards for you to fill in and give to your doctor to inform them of your name, pronouns, sexual orientation, gender identity and any topics you want to discuss with your healthcare provider. Q Card also has a tear-off panel with tips for providing sensitive care for queer and trans youth.



Services: Involves multiple offices and provides rapid follow-up.

What to report: A bias-related incident is any act of bigotry, harassment, intimidation, coercion, or damage to property by known or unknown perpetrators that occurs on campus or within an area that impacts the UT community and which an individual can reasonably conclude is directed at a member or a group of the UT community due to that individual’s or group’s actual or perceived age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any combination of these or related factors.

Pride Center


Commission for LGBT People at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Knoxville Chapter of the Trans Empowerment Project 


The Qloset is a 100% free, queer friendly open clothing option for UT students, faculty, and staff. The Qloset has gender neutral and gender affirming clothing, shoes, and accessories, all available for browsing in a supportive environment. The Qloset is sponsored by the Trans and Nonbinary Subcommittee of the UTK Commission for LGBT People, in partnership with the Pride Center. Gently used or new donations can be dropped at the Pride Center (see address/contact above).

SOFFA (Significant Others, Friends, Family, Supportive Allies, Children (16 and up) of gender transition seeking Transgender/Transsexual persons internet group:

Lambda Law Society

volOUT [v]

And what are our universities and colleges doing with this travesty? They can’t even teach our children how to be sound citizens who understand a work ethic and know enough to hold a job other than flipping burgers. They have no business perverting the students. Yes, I know that is what Thomas Dewey, the Frankfurt School, Horace Mann and the rest of the Marxist cabal set up our education system to do – along with dumbing down the kids, imbuing them with Socialism, communitarianism — and technocracy for the one’s with any gray matter left in their skulls. What about indiscriminate free speech, the right to property?

Today’s students are being indoctrinated, not educated. May parents wake up and realize that they know their children better than the Marxists in our so-called education system and that being a tomboy doesn’t make a girl a boy in a female body. Parents need to protect their children from this and not allow people with a sick and twisted agenda to orchestrate their lives.

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:


[i] Old nursery rhyme


[iii] R. Cort Kirkwood, “Psaki threatens states don’t protect trans kids from mental physical abuse “ The Ne  A  American


[v] UTK website

Red Faces After Red Wave Propaganda

By Cliff Kincaid

November 18, 2022

The Republicans blew an opportunity to reverse the damage done by China Joe. They were assisted by conservative media and MAGA commentators who ended up with egg on their faces after deceiving tens of millions of conservatives about what was really happening.

These organizations include the New York Post, Fox News, Fox Business, Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech channel, the Clay & Buck radio show, PJ Media, Townhall, the Daily Caller, and the Real America’s Voice network.

The New York Post predicted a “Red Tsunami” but then blamed former President Trump when it did not materialize. “There will be a big red wave” declared Conservative Political Action Coalition chairman Matt Schlapp on the Fox Business Network show Varney & Co. Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech channel called election day “Red Wave Day.”

On November 8, the day of the elections, Rush Limbaugh successors Clay Travis and Buck Seton declared, “The Rout Is On!”  and said, “Make sure you vote today, then go home and watch the Red Tsunami.”

Kurt Schlichter of Townhall said “The next few days will be very difficult for the progressives, pinkos, commies, and other Democrats…”

The Daily Caller ran a “Red Wave 2022” feature.

The “Red Tsunami” turned out to be a Red Trickle or Whimper.

Clay and Buck are on 400 radio stations, where they promoted a series of GOP losers. Clay Travis told Ann Coulter: “And what we’ve been talking about is, you look at Washington, I think Tiffany Smiley could eventually beat patty Murray.” Coulter responded, “Yeah. Yeah. That’s wild. Patty Murray is the stupidest senator.”

Murray beat Smiley by 14 points.

Coulter had also predicted a massive Red Wave, saying on October 14, “Maybe it’s not a wild and reckless prediction, but the news this week suggests that the media are slowly edging up to the truth, and that Republicans could be on track to well outperform the polls.” Then, when it failed to materialize, she blamed Trump!

Stephen K. Bannon, who was fired by President Trump, had declared, “I see 50 [House Republican] seats in 2022. Keep this up.”

On Bannon’s “War Room” show on Real America’s Voice on November 3, Sebastian Gorka of the Salem Media Group had commented on “an obvious trend line” in favor of the GOP and cited estimates about “submerged voters” who would deliver the House to the Republican Party by as many as many as 54 seats.

In a column before the November 8 elections, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted that Rep. Kevin McCarthy would become Speaker of the House after the election of “a surprisingly large GOP majority.”

“We see a global awakening with populist and nationalist and capitalist and pro-human people being elected all over the world,” Alex Jones told Jack Posobiec of Human Events and Real America’s Voice.

This prediction came before the Marxist Lula won in Brazil.

By contrast, I warned in advance in my column “How to Lose Winnable Elections” that the Republicans would disappoint. I said:

  • Republicans didn’t do their job when Barack Hussein Obama was president and set America on this Marxist course. They didn’t impeach him because they didn’t want to be accused of racism for going after America’s first black president.
  • Republicans think they can win because of the bad economy. But the Marxist welfare state has hooked many people on federal payments of one sort or another. They look to the Democratic Party for welfare. That includes illegals but many Americans, too.

Stephen K. Bannon at CPAC declared, “we are at war … a political and ideological war.” Clearly, however, he doesn’t know how to win the war.

But the new House has an inviting target: crypto billionaire and Democrat donor Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), whose firm has gone bankrupt. There are reports that Bankman-Fried may have donated as much as $100 million to Democrats, including China Joe in 2020. He became the new George Soros, the hedge fund operator who manipulated foreign currencies to make billions and used part of his fortune to fund “progressive” groups.

As noted by Minnesota Republican Rep. Tom Emmer, there are indications that the Biden-appointed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman, Gary Gensler, was allegedly part of a Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) scheme through the now-bankrupt FTX exchange to monopolize the crypto industry. Gensler, the chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission under Obama, was sold as a “Wall Street critic” by the liberal media.

Emmer, just elected as the Republican Whip in the House, the third-ranking post in the new GOP majority, can help lead the effort to expose the SBF fraud scheme involving top Democrats. But Emmer, who has a solid conservative voting record, has been falsely attacked by fake conservative media as a “liberal” and RINO (Republican in Name Only).

Exposing SBF through a class action law suit and congressional hearings could topple the entire Democratic Party structure. The FTX bankruptcy is far bigger than Hunter Biden’s financial shenanigans.

Having been disappointed by the failure of conservative media to directly meet the challenge of a Marxist President, Barack Obama, ASI launched a national television channel on YouTube, with 500 videos, which has now been terminated for violating “community standards.” That demonstrates how we were right on target with our analysis of the current crisis and Obama’s role in creating it.

With another crop of commentators totally misreading the electorate and blowing coverage of the 2022 election, it’s time for conservatives to demand accountability. We hope to do this through a new truth-telling ASI channel on a new platform.

My new “World Revolution Report” documents everything that went wrong with coverage of the midterms with screen shots and direct quotes and goes into far more detail than this column. We have an established 40-year track record of independent analysis, on the cutting edge of conservative research with more than a dozen books, including three on the “Permanent Revolution” initiated by Obama and carried on by China Joe.

Humanity Just Hit Eight Billion On This Planet: What Does It Mean For America, Canada and Europe?

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 16, 2022

This week, November 16, 2022, world demographers announced that the eight billionth human being just made his or her entry onto the planet.  In just 12 years, from 2010, humans added another billion of themselves onto Earth.  In another 12 years, humans will add another one billion of themselves, net gain, to our world.

At the same time, over 1,000,000,000 human beings live in extreme poverty with lack of clean water, food and shelter.  Most of them live in Africa, India, South America, Mexico and Indochina. Over a half million of them live homeless in America.

As to poverty, 5,000,000 children starve to death annually. Another 8,000,000 adults die in various aspects of starvation, nutritional deprivation and disease.  Oct 15, 2022: “How Many Children in the World are Starving? Research conducted by UNICEF in 2018 stated that 4.1 million children die from undernutrition every year, that’s 45% of children under 5 years old in developing nations. One in six children (100 million) in developing nations is underweight and one in four of the world’s children are stunted. Child mortality or the under-five mortality rate refers to the probability of a child dying between birth and exactly 5 years of age, expressed per 1,000 live births. In 2020, 5.0 million children under 5 years of age died. This translates to 13,800 children under the age of 5 dying every day in 2020. Globally, infectious diseases, including … (Source:

In other words, there’s a whole lot of death among third world nations that suffer massive, endless, exponential birth rates.  While we’re seeing extraordinary poverty/death rates, humans continue to procreate at a furious pace.  Two billion more by mid-century.

What Does That Mean For First World Countries?

First of all, since Earth Day in 1970, Western countries chose birth control to bare two children per woman on average across Canada, America, Europe and Australia.  Those countries stabilized their populations.

But the rest of the world exploded from 3.5 billion in 1970 to our current 8 billion in 2022.  That’s an addition of 4.5 billion “resource competitors” scrounging the planet for water, energy, food and resources.

More sobering stems from the fact that Africa at 1.4 billion in 2022 expects to reach 2.0 billion by 2050.  India at 1.3 billion in 2022, will hit 1.55 billion by 2050. China, even with 1 child per family, will jump from 1.4 billion to 1.5 billion by 2050.

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett, , University of Colorado, USA.

What’s going to happen with those astounding human numbers…all of them needing water, food, clothing and shelter?   Here’s the harsh reality check that no one wants to talk about…those desperate refugees are flooding into Europe, Canada and America.

In the last 22 months of the Biden administration, the U.S. Border Patrol tabulated 5.5 million refugees jumped the border that they counted, and 1.1 million “got-aways” made their way across without being caught.  That’s 6.6 million refugee migrants. That’s on top of the  2.0 million legal immigrants in the past two years.  If allowed,  we will  see upwards of 10,  20, 30 and even 50 million  more immigrants crossing into the USA in the next 10 years. (Source:

Canada has seen over 2,000,000 refugee migrants cross its border to the invitation of Justin Trudeau.  Those middle eastern and African refugees are changing the entire culture of Canada into a mixture of racial conflict, welfare burden for Canadians and outright overpopulation of that once sane country.

Europe has absorbed over 2,000,000 refugees in past three years. And, there is no end to the line. Their cultures, religions, languages and sheer numbers have caused horrific degradation of Europeans in every country.

At some point, America, Canada and Europe will see their countries degrade into cultural conflict, religious tension, acute water shortages, severe energy crisis, food shortages and resource exhaustion.  That could devolve into anarchy and total breakdown of society.

“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Finally, on the international scene,  Jane Goodall said it best:

“We can’t go on like this. We can’t push human population growth under the carpet. I would encourage every single conservation organization, every single government organization to consider the absurdity of unlimited economic development on a planet of finite natural resources.” Jane Goodall

You want a picture of what’s coming to America?  Try these two short videos. This is what your children face.

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Bible Belt is Broken

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

November 17, 2022

Note:  This commentary was written Nov. 11, 2011…11 years ago.  Not much has changed.

If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works? -Prov. 24:11-12

The Personhood Amendment went down to defeat in Mississippi on Tuesday. It would have effectively ended abortion in the state of Mississippi by amending the state constitution and declaring a child is a “person” from the moment of implantation.

This would have granted to the pre-born the same rights that born-people enjoy as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. It is a sad day for Mississippi. It is a tragic day for the unborn. It is a defining day for the lukewarm churches that populate the state of Mississippi.

I spent four days last week in the Gulfport/Biloxi area doing what I could to ensure the passage of Amendment 26. Those of us who journeyed there saw this issue as a bell-weather on the condition of the American church.

Mississippi is not only in the Bible-Belt, but it could be argued that it is the buckle of the belt; Deep in the heart of Dixie, where people still proudly cling to their God and their guns. If folks in God-fearing Mississippi won’t step to the plate and end abortion, what hope is there anywhere else in America? That is what compelled us to go.

There are over 3700 churches in the state. We visited as many of them as we could in an attempt to alert the pastors of the great opportunity that the Lord had given the church to be “the church.”

We handed out bulletin-inserts for them to give to their congregation. We offered free “Vote For Life” signs for them to display on their property. We organized phone banks to call the pastors and exhort them to exhort their flocks to stand up for the babies.

We knew one thing for sure. If the church showed up and voted for Life, the amendment would pass by a large majority.

There are specific mandates that God has given to “His church.” Mathew 16 tells us that “the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.” Storming the gates of hell is the charge Jesus laid specifically at the door. Hell can never prevail against a gate-storming church…that is His promise.

But the church has shirked the responsibility. We have passed the buck and hired mercenaries to do our dirty work. We call them Pro-life Republicans, politicians, but they are surrogate salt. They are vote counters, not Truth defenders. Why would we expect them to do a job that the pastors will not? It is so much easier to send another to war than it is to go ourselves. Voting is so much easier than fighting.

I learned a lot during those four days. If you don’t mind, I would like to share those observations with you.

We have a crisis of Godly leadership in our churches. Truth has fallen in the street and it cannot get up. The blind are leading the blind.

His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant. -Is 56

Most pastors are building their own kingdoms. They are oblivious to the depth of evil that is flooding this nation, and even those who do see it think that the Lord is powerless to do anything about it. They have failed to make the connection of the impact the “cultural” issues are having in regards to the expansion of the Gospel. They are either unwilling or incapable of “contending for the Truth.”

The last thing they want to do is rock the boat. Controversial subjects, like baby-murder, are not welcome in “their” church. The refuse to get involved in “politics” as if defending unborn babies was political? (I wonder if Jesus considers abortion a “political” issue.)

They have withdrawn from the battlefield. They are MIA in the battle for Truth in our schools, government, and families. All ministry “outreach” is really “inreach.” If you want to hear the Gospel from most churches you are going to have to go to them because they sure aren’t coming to you. They are content to hide inside their stain-glassed fortresses where their word rules the day.

Jesus exhorted his followers to “GO YE.” Today’s followers say “COME YE”…come visit our church and hear our great pastor pass out candy.

The church has become secularized. The salt of the earth has been leavened by the salt of the world. For the most part, people who attend church think no differently about issues than their neighbors who don’t attend church.

For many pastors, pastoring is a job, with job security. Especially in tough times more customers  need food. The sugary, non-offensive Gospel guarantees that the pew-sitters will return, pay their tithes, and keep the pastor employed. New businesses (churches) are popping up on every corner. Need a steady job? Start a church. Never in American history have there been more churches and less Gospel than today.

The “belt of Truth” is the lynchpin upon which the entire Gospel connects. The Gospel is Truth…the Word is Truth…Jesus is Truth…yet so many Christians follow lies. Pastors no longer preach the Truth, pew-sitters no longer know the Truth, and the nation no longer believes in the Truth. The belt is busted and our glutinous underbelly is beginning to spill over.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”

This week, the church in Mississippi, the buckle of the Bible-Belt, chose death.  The ladder of leadership provides not only a higher view but also a higher responsibility to share what others cannot see, to direct those at ground level toward the good and safe, and steer them from the bad and dangerous.

But today in our churches, the blind are leading the blind… “Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant…”

The debate in Mississippi was over the personhood of the pre-born child. The enemies of truth wanted to make it about rape, incest, and birth control. As Planned Predators (Parenthood) used smoke and mirrors to deceive the people, the “watchmen” were incapable of seeing the truth for themselves.

WWJD? Would Jesus vote no on granting life to unborn children because he feared women would not have the right to birth control? Would Jesus support the killing of unborn children because the daddy was a rapist?

Most American-Christians think like the secular world. They do not have the mind of Christ.

As a football coach I have often heard experts say that you can tell a lot about a coach by watching the way his team plays. Watching the way most “churches” play tells me volumes about the weenie in the pulpit.

The buckle of the Bible-Belt is broken and the problem is being exposed. Maybe that is why more and more pastors are turning in their pants for skirts.

Skirts don’t require belts.  The Bible-Belt is unbuckled.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Teachers Caught Making Dirty Movies In Their Classroom

By Lee Duigon

November 16, 2022

As a nation—one might even say “as a civilization”—how much trouble are we in?

In Arizona recently, two middle school teachers, a wife and her husband, have been fired for using the woman’s classroom as a studio for making pornographic movies starring themselves.

They thought they’d get away with it. After all, they weren’t doing it during school hours. They thought they could ensure that their “Only Fans” skin flicks wouldn’t be seen anywhere within their own school district. But of course once it’s on the Internet, everyone can see it; and everyone did. First students, then staff, then parents. Public uproar forced the local school board to fire the pair of them.

They did it, they said, to make ends meet: they couldn’t run their household on just two teachers’ salaries. Boo hoo. Well, heck—if you’re strapped for cash, what could be more natural than to make pornographic films and sell them on the Internet? Doesn’t everybody?

You want your children to be “educated” by characters like this because ______. Fill in the blank and win a tin-foil hat.

Now, if all they did was assign gay porn for reading, and encourage the kiddies to volunteer for “gender reassignment,” as public school teachers are now doing to their hearts’ content all over the country, they’d still have their jobs. And maybe the FBI would spy on parents who objected, and list them as “stochastic terrorists.” Certainly SloJo Biden’s administration would support them to the hilt—“transgender rights,” y’know.

Meanwhile, down in the Swamp, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky), who intends to be re-elected to his post, has a 7% approval rating, nationwide. And 80-plus percent of Americans think the country’s going in the wrong direction, big-time. Seven percent. Vladimir Putin could probably match that.

Historically, the president’s party loses, and often loses big, in the midterm elections. But not this time. It’s a miracle!

What are we to do when the government steers the country straight to the edge of the cliff and a national election somehow fails to put it right? What went wrong with this year’s elections?

Ooooh! That sounds like Election Denial! Better call the FBI.

Speaking only for myself, heh-heh, you’re damned right I deny it. Up, down, and sideways. There is certainly something wrong with our election process, and many people know what it is: mail-in votes, ballot harvesting (illegal in many states, but no one’s found a way to stop it yet), voter rolls full of dead people and people who don’t live there anymore and people who never existed in the first place. That is how you end up with miraculous Democrat victories. And the guy charged with leading the opposition in the Senate has a 7 percent approval rating! What was he leading us to?

Somehow Republicans squeezed out a hair’s-breadth victory in the House of Representatives. It should have been 40, 50, or 60 seats gained—in the aggregate, they received some 6 million more votes than Democrats—but mysteriously, unexpectedly, astoundingly, their resulting majority is only paper-thin. And now we can wait to see what they do with it. Last time we gave them good majority in both the House and Senate, they did… nothing.

Yo, Congress! We have teachers making dirty movies in their classroom, and the FBI intimidating parents, and $5-a-gallon gasoline—and you had freakin’ well better do something about it! Don’t let our House of Representatives be just a house of cards.

We’re running out of time to save our republic.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit—before the FBI does. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Our Constitution, Rule of Law and GOD are Supreme

By Andrew Wallace

November 16, 2022

The Establishment, consisting of the Most Wealthy Family’s controlling Corporations, Banks, Media, Judges, Elected and Appointed Officials, Law Enforcement, Medical Care and all Educational Institutions are an Unconstitutional Cabal. This Establishment and the people associated with it are guilty of Treason against the Republic and its Citizens; they are guilty of the Deaths, and unspeakable crimes suffered by Tens of Thousands of Americans. The Establishment, contrary to law is also bringing millions of Muslims and illegal’s into the country as future voters and criminals while we are paying for it.

Facts specified in our Constitution, by the Rule of Law and by God, will guide us in terminating the power and control that the Establishment and its minions in government may try to use to defeat us.

There is also no doubt that this president, and the last several have done their best, contrary to the Constitution, to enrich themselves and sell out our country to foreign interests while thousands in our Armed Forces in combat are killed by improper Rules of Engagement and shortages.

Even more of our citizens are being raped, robbed, molested, and murdered by illegal’s and Muslims for the profit of the Democrat and Republican Establishments. None of this would be possible without the full support and direction of the traitors in all three branches of government who are  guilty in the Deaths of Thousands of Americans for profit and power.

If the Establishment Media had not lied and generally covered up these Unconstitutional atrocities by government the people would have long since removed the traitors from office with extreme prejudice.

I am not here to cry about what these dirty rotten SOBs have done to our beloved Republic, nor am I advocating that we shoot them, unless they shoot at us first. The Founders gave us guns for self defense not for hunting. The FBI has a bad habit of killing citizens if they don’t do what they want them to do. Remember Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Burns Oregon et. al. You should be legally armed with a handgun and a semi auto 308 rifle which is what was  used to shoot the Oregon Rancher in the back. All of this was caused because the Ranchers were protesting the Federal Governments Unconstitutional control of the state’s land to profit from it. Read Art.1, Sec.8, Clause 17 of our Constitution. Just because the Rabid Environmentalists and their Fellow Travelers the Socialists/Progressives/Democrats/Republicans/Communists would like the land for power and profit contrary to the Constitution will not make it so.

As a retired Economist and student of History I can guarantee you a robust economy with plenty of jobs within about 18 months after we do just a few things. Eliminate the income tax and don’t replace it with any other tax. Terminate the private Federal Reserve Bank. Replace unconstitutional paper money with gold and silver. Terminate all unconstitutional federal programs prior to federal bankruptcy and transfer to states who wish to handle them. Return to people the right to petition directly to a Grand Jury. Force Judges to allow juries the right to be told their powers. Use a tariff system that will force American companies to return to this country.

The former chairman of the Federal Reserve said in a speech that they caused the great Depression. This means that if you had hard working relatives in this country around 1913 they should have left you some money if not for the Federal Reserve. Of course the great depression was a big benefit to the Establishment who took advantage of the people.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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Facebook Proves Once Again That They Are Subversive To American Law & Government

By Bradlee Dean

November 16, 2022

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death…” -18 U.S. Code & 2381 – Treason

Friends, when reading the Preamble to the US Constitution, it states that “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice…” The very first thing that our forefathers established was justice (Isaiah 51:4).

When looking through to the provisions given concerning justice, we can find in Article III, Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

And when we look to 18 U.S. Code & 2381, which deals with treason, the consequence of such a crime is:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

Last week, subversive Facebook paid special attention to my social media platform page, as they have over the last 10 years and decided to pull a post highlighting American law against those who are guilty of the act of treason (Luke 22:48).

Once again, we can see what they are attempting to do when it comes to covering for the guilty, as well as themselves (Jeremiah 11:9).

Regardless of those who mean to subvert American government, law unto judgment upon the heads of the guilty is the only remedy when it comes to those who are guilty of treason (Isaiah 26:9).

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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No Red Wave? What’s Next?

By Steven Yates

November 15, 2022

The Party of Chaos and Debauchery is celebrating. There was no anticipated “red wave,” they are saying. Nothing happened beyond fulfilling predictions that Republicans would take the House with the slimmest of margins while the Party of Chaos and Debauchery kept the Senate. Many Trump-endorsed Republican candidates lost their races. As I write this, key races in Arizona and Georgia remain undecided. The former is a lawsuit waiting to happen, as it seems clear: the “malfunction” of Maricopa Co. voting equipment (that worked fine during primaries) occurred primarily in Republican-dominated areas. Hundreds of thousands of votes remain unprocessed, again as of this writing. Enough of those should go to Kari Lake to put her over the top.

If they do not — and especially if Katie Hobbs is declared the winner in mainstream media — Kari Lake has positioned herself to cry foul.

There can be no doubt there was fraud in 2020, and that it changed the outcome. I recall seeing the massive (and mathematically impossible) 3 am spikes in votes, all for Biden, in places like Antrim Co., Michigan — on webpages that were scrubbed from the Internet in a matter of days. I know of hundreds of other people who saw the same thing I did. I recall the affidavits, signed under penalty of perjury. All memory-holed, so the Establishment could collectively bleat, “there’s no evidence!” Two election workers who wrote to me in response to an article I penned told me they had witnessed malfeasance. At least one had spoken up publicly, but shut up following a death threat.

I didn’t see anything like that this time. But Paul Craig Roberts is open to the possibility of another stolen election, based on the results of exit polling which were not reflected in the actual outcome. He recently wrote (worth quoting at length; note that he cites an Establishment source, not Infowars; all emphases are his):

Today November 9, 2022, updated at 10:49 AM EST, CNN reporters Zachary B. Wolf and Curt Merrill remarked that the widely expected red wave did not materialize and then went on to present data that is inconsistent with the closeness of the voting.

The reporters compare the exit polls from the 2018 elections with those of the 2022 elections.  The comparisons show that the Democrats lost support in Tuesday’s elections among women, moderates, youth, people of color, urban voters, college graduates, and independents.

Exit polls 2022 midterm 2018 shift

The Democrats’ support among women declined from 19 points favorable to Democrats to only 8 points.  Republican support among men rose from 4 points over Democrats to 14 points.

By age, the preference for Democrats over Republicans for 18-29 years of age declined from 35 points to 28 and for 30-44 years of age from 19 points to 4.  Republican support over Democrats rose from 1 to 10 points for those 45-64 years of age and from 2 to 12 points for those 65 and older.

White men’s preference for Republicans increased from 21 to 28 points. White women moved from a 50-50 split to an 8 point preference for Republicans.  Black women’s preference for Democrats declined from 85 points to 78.  Black men’s preference for Democrats declined from 76 points to 65.  Latina women’s preference for democrats fell from 47 points to 33; and Latino men’s preference for Democrats fell from 29 points to 8.  

Urban voters preference for Democrats declined from 33 points over Republicans to 17 points. Suburban and Rural voters preferences for Republicans rose by 6 points and 15 points.

Democrats also lost support among white and black college graduates.  Among white votes without college degrees the preference for Republicans rose by 10 points.

Among moderates, the preference for Democrats eroded from 26 points to 15. Among conservatives the Republican advantage rose from 67 points t 83. Among liberals there was essentially no change.

The CNN exit polls show substantial erosion of the Democrat voting base since the 2018 election.  How can such substantial erosion be consistent with the lack of any significant Republican gain on Tuesday?

The outcome of Tuesday’s election is made even more difficult to comprehend by CNN’s reporters when they report:

“Back in 2018, 37% of voters said they were Democrats, compared with 33% who said they were Republicans and 30% who said they were independents. In 2022, it was Republicans who have the edge. When they won control of the House in 2018, Democrats had an advantage among independent voters. That is nearly gone in 2022.

“Both Democrats and Republicans improved their performance among the party faithful. But Republicans built a lead among voters who don’t have a a favorable view of either party. Democrats lost their edge among voters who have a favorable view of both parties.”

There are many other indications that indicate that much is amiss in the vote count. Polls show that Biden suffers an approval rate of only 36% and that a large majority of Americans do not want Biden to run for reelection in two years.  How is this preference consistent with the vote count of Tuesday’s election?

Consider also that the party in power loses representation in midterm elections, but despite the substantial turn away from Democrats revealed by CNN, this normal result did not occur on Tuesday. 

Moreover, consider that in Florida, there was a red wave. Ron DeSantis won reelection handily, as did Marco Rubio. How so? What made Florida different? Turning to Roberts again:

The answer is that Florida doesn’t permit all the voting ways that make it easy to steal. I voted in Florida on a paper ballot that was counted immediately prior to my departing the site, and I was given a confirmation of my counted vote. Gov. DeSantis and Senator Rubio won by overwhelming margins. DeSantis defeated Democrat Crist by 59% to 40%. Even heavily Democrat Miami-Dade County voted 55% for Republican DeSantis. Rubio defeated his Democrat challenger by a double-digit margin. Of Florida’s contingent of 28 members of the House, 20 are Republican. Why only in Florida were Democrats rejected as was expected to happen in many states?

I don’t know. As I said, I saw no vote spikes. Maybe the thieves have learned to cover their tracks better.

Or maybe — just maybe — this cigar is just a cigar, and the abortion death culture is a lot stronger than even I thought. I sensed a lot of anger among feminists and their many sympathizers over the Supreme Court reversing Roe v Wade. All voted for the Party of Chaos and Debauchery.

Plus the fact that the leading edge of Gen Z is now old enough to vote in numbers large enough to affect the outcome. Gen Z voted overwhelmingly for the Party of Chaos and Debauchery. This is not good, as Gen Z is the largest cohort in history!

Bottom line: the Party of Chaos and Debauchery still controls the culture (via corporate media and the enormous entertainment industry). As long as materialism remains the prevailing worldview in the West, this is not going to change. Morality will continue to be subjectively defined and subordinated to identity politics and personal whim.

We should have learned from 2020’s introduction of a genetically engineered virus into the world, moreover, that scare tactics work! The scare tactic this time was to demonize “MAGA” Republicans as “threats to democracy.” Since most people now consider the right to vote as a sign they live in a real, bona fide democracy, the tactic worked.

These all may have balanced out our side’s focus on roaring inflation, for example, or rising violent crime, or the disaster on the Southern border. Remember, though, that partisans of the Party of Chaos and Debauchery see all attention on the latter as nothing more than “nativism” and “xenophobia.”

Such domestic issues may also have nullified the perceived weakness of the Bidenistas in the face of foreign leaders either taking or contemplating actions (Vladimir Putin invading Ukraine, the Chinese Communist Party menacing Taiwan, and Kim Jong Un returning to firing off rockets capable of reaching Japan and Guam). We are closer to a nuclear confrontation with Russia than we have been since the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962). Somehow, this didn’t seem important!

Returning to the election, what I think we need to do — among other things to secure elections if we hope to have any semblance of free and fair elections in the future — is get rid of electronic voting machines and digital processing of votes, completely, once and for all, forever. It has been known since the early 2000s that these machines are vulnerable to hacking and fraud. Can they or can they not be connected to the Internet? The official answer to this is, No, but I think we are all clear: the official answer, like many official answers, is a lie!

Digitizing everything is going to be our downfall.

In the meantime, we’ve got what we’ve got: a media celebrating the losses of the “MAGA (Trump-endorsed) Republicans,” with many Republicans themselves now declaring Trump to be “toxic.”

Yes, it’s all too convenient.

This is exactly what the globalists want: their opponents uncertain and divided amongst themselves, and Trump out of the picture as a viable candidate in 2024 in favor of someone they can control, or believe they can bring under control. Will that someone be Ron DeSantis? It’s too soon to tell, and I’m not making any predictions as I’ve seen nothing where he states directly that he wants the job.

Trump, in the meantime, is not helping himself any, with his verbal assaults on DeSantis, especially as the two seem to agree on most essentials. For a while I thought this was being orchestrated by corporate media, but now I am not so sure. Trump comes across as a bully with labels like “Ron DeSanctimonious,” which serve no one’s interests including his.

Citing this time James Howard Kunstler who opined recently:

Speaking of Mr. DeSantis and Mr. Trump, the ex-President has been verbally laying into the Florida governor so viciously lately that he might have made a fatal error in his quest for electoral redemption. The opponents of Progressive-Woke-Jacobinism don’t need a circus ringmaster. They need a credible leader, especially one that can manage his or her emotions at least as well as Vladimir Putin does.

Kunstler is right. Trump’s ego and his temper may yet be his undoing. And since no one else is ready to assume the mantle of leading Trumpism in a broader sense (economic nationalism, opposition to globalism and creeping technocracy), if Trump goes down and DeSantis doesn’t rise up — or Kari Lake or someone we’ve not seen yet — the country goes down with him.

But aren’t there other Republicans (some might bleat)?


Ted Cruz types? Lindsey Graham? Please! Someone else out of a “movement conservatism” that has conserved nothing for the past 70 years???

If that crowd is all the Republican Party has to offer — and if it cannot find some way to sell itself to Gen Z — then the country will fall the rest of the way to the Party of Chaos and Debauchery in 2024 and to the techno-feudalist Great Reset by 2028.

Recall that 2030 is the globalist target date for a world in which “you will own nothing, have no privacy, but life has never been better!” We are already well over four-fifths of the way there!


ANNOUNCING: an online course/tutorial entitled The Philosophy of Responsible Freedom, directed by Jack C. Carney with myself as chief partner: a Zoom-based intellectual encounter between an atheist (Carney) and a Christian (Yates) exploring the history of ideas using Academy of Ideas videos and supplementing them with the thoughts of others. Carney is an autodidact in areas ranging across psychology, psychiatry and anthropology who emphasizes the importance of human relationships in a world where loss is omnipresent (he also does online classes in English). I am an author and trained philosopher who taught many philosophy courses in years past, walked away from academia, still writes philosophy emphasizing the need to identify, clarify, and evaluate the success (or failure) of worldviews in civilization, stages of civilization, the quest to build free societies, and how worldviews either enhance or hobble responsible freedom. Course/tutorial outline here. For more information or to get on our email list:

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) is available here and here. His earlier Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) is available here.

While admittedly the real world can be scary enough, he has also written a novel of cosmic horror. The Shadow Over Sarnath will be published soon.

The campaign I have been running improved a little last month, with one new Patron since my last article. The reality remains: people are exiting such sites, often for reasons beyond their (or my) control. I might still have to return to pursuing copywriting, copyediting and ghostwriting clients as a source of income in this era of roaring inflation.

Thank you, “Joe Biden”!

This would mean reduced visibility on It might even mean a “farewell” piece in December, even if only temporarily. Those are the breaks. I am not independently wealthy. To reverse this while there is still time (i.e., before a new client accepts my offer), please consider pledging today by going here and signing up.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

On the Eve of Destruction, Part 1

By Kathleen Marquardt

November 15, 2022

From our Forefathers to our Four Fake Fathers

But you tell me
Over and over and over again, my friend
How you don’t believe
We’re on the eve of destruction

Today, we are under enormous pressures to replace our political, educational, and religious (social) structures that were set up to protect the individual, to educate our children with the necessary knowledge, and give them the ability to understand and contribute to the continuation of our way of a life of liberty. Yet this pressure toward a negative change has been on-going for decades. Today, we are seeing what seems to be the last “push”, the tipping point from freedom to Marxism – all in the desire for a one-world tyranny. What is quite obvious is that this is not from “the will of the people” but is being thrust upon us and secretly has been in the works for too long.

Instead of following the sage advice of our Forefathers, we are being led by the nose by “our four fathers” – Gates, Fauci, (Maurice Strong’s weaker, dumber replacement) Schwab, plus Kissinger (and the wannabe, Obama).

At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin responded to a woman who asked, Dr. Franklin, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy? His reply was “A republic, if you can keep it.” Obviously, that republic has been chiseled down so often that it offers little or no resemblance to a republic. Those working toward a one-world government have been calling our government a democracy for many decades, inuring us to thinking of it as one rather than a republic. A democracy is the rule of the majority; a republic is the rule of law protecting the God-given natural rights of every individual. What the globalists are trying to foist on us today through the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights are rights given to us by those in control. Our republic was designed to protect our rights, not to declare what rights the powers-that-be will allow us.

While individuals and groups have warned us from the beginning, they have been ignored, unheard. A significant factor in that cover-up has been via the media of movies, television, newspapers ,and textbooks. They all have been coordinated to put out the same messages at the same time, making it seem as though there was no other “take” on the actions and incidents happening. One might think that the people would catch on after seeing the exact same words, sentences, and whole paragraphs mimicked across all networks – and much of the world. But, regretfully, the masses have succumbed to mass psychosis of implanted ignorance.

How could this have been done so easily and with little push-back?

Begin with religion

The answer can be found in Auguste Comte’s [i] System of Positive Polity, published in four volumes between 1851 and 1854. His system is one of a “new spiritual life and new material life.”

We are now, in the vanguard of Humanity, the beginning of the end of this long education of Man; for we can clearly trace its general feature, now that we have founded the new Science of Sociology, and as a deduction from Sociology, the Universal Religion. Five centuries of anarchy have passed even in the West, since the last phase of the preparatory eras closed with the Middle Age. We must see in this how urgent is the need of a new reorganisation; a new spiritual life first, and then a new material life.”[ii], [iii]

The belief system has to be tackled before the new political system can be installed. And the only belief system the globalists need to dismantle is Christianity; it stands in the way of all the globalists. This new belief system was introduced and inculcated through the education system. The three-legged stool of sociology/Marxism. Our country, America, was founded on the morally-absolute Judeo-Christian principles enumerated in the Ten Commandments. Positivism: a philosophical system that holds that every rationally justifiable assertion can be scientifically verified or is capable of logical or mathematical proof, and that therefore rejects metaphysics and theism.

What is to replace Christianity? Comte calls it the Religion of Humanity; globalists have formed the World’s Council of Churches that is to encompass all religions together – a witch’s stew, for sure. Comte called it Positivism: the theory that laws are to be understood as social rules, valid because they are enacted by authority or derive logically from existing decisions, and that ideal or moral considerations (e.g., that a rule is unjust) should not limit the scope or operation of the law.

Stop. Digest that last sentence. First, laws are to become our sphere of existence whether they are moral or not! I am so naïve. Apparently, right and wrong, good and evil are no longer the yardsticks of morality. Forget Christianity. Forget the moral absolutes. But don’t forget religion; just don’t call it religion. Positivism is a religion, taught in our schools under the title of Sociology.

In that same vein, we have “scientific socialism” (now technocracy) from Pierre-Joseph Prudhon in 1840, that “… in a given society, the authority of man over man is inversely proportional to the stage of intellectual development which that society has reached; and the probable duration of that authority can be calculated from the more or less general desire for a true government, — that is, for a scientific government. And just as the right of force and the right of artifice retreat before the steady advance of justice, and must finally be extinguished in equality, so the sovereignty of the will yields to the sovereignty of the reason and must at last be lost in scientific socialism.”[iv]

From these roots, we get to the collective, communitarian, “it takes a village” thinking. In other words, we are too ignorant, too caught up in silly ideas like individual rights, freedom, moral absolutes, live-and-let-live, to understand what the global elites are trying to do for our own good – not theirs. They are being the ultimate humanitarians, thinking of we the little people instead of what their wants and needs might be. “Everything we have belongs then to Humanity; for everything comes to us from her–life, fortune, talents, information, tenderness, energy, etc. . . The whole of the Positive education, intellectual as well as affective, will familiarise us thoroughly with our complete dependence on humanity, so as to make us duly feel that we are all necessarily meant for her unintermitting service.”[v]

Perhaps our global elite missed the feminine pronoun there. If you haven’t noticed, there are few women (are there any?) in the higher ranks of the New World Order. Yes, there are token ones, but none sitting at the top with the likes of Schwab, Gates, or Soros. Oh well. At least Hillary isn’t lording it over us.

In Klaus Schwab’s COVID-19: The Great Reset, he explains that the “essence of the 21st century is Interdependence, a by-product of globalization and technological progress.”[vi] He goes on to state that “globalization and technological progress have advanced so much over the past few decades has prompted some pundits to declare that the world is now ‘hyperconnected’ – a variant of interdependence on steroids!” [vii]

Schwab, in his Great Reset, would have us believe that we live in an interdependent world (forget national borders and sovereignty) which is a “world of deep systemic connectivity, in which all risks affect each other through a web of complex interactions …; these risks — economic, geopolitical, and societal or environmental are interdependent and interconnected. In other words, we of the world population are going to all be treated the same, have the same god, and do what the globalists think the little people must do to “save the world from ourselves. That we, the world’s population of useless eaters will all be given the exact same Universal Basic Income, own nothing because the globalists will let us rent the bleakest basics, and yes, we who will own nothing will be owned — that’s a law of nature. They, being so far above us, have no restrictions; but that is okay because there are fewer of them thus their carbon footprints, even though much larger than ours, don’t need to be addressed. They are the gods. And global warming is their myth projected on us to grab control.

Even the Christian faithful have gotten sucked-up into this, some in very big ways – like Charles Carroll Bonney and John Henry Barrows. Bonney came up with the idea to “unite all religion against all irreligion,” and worked to form the World Parliament of Religions. He then initiated the process for organizing the Parliament of Religions by appointing John Henry Barrows as chairman to administer the General Committee on World’s Parliament of Religions. Bonney’s view was that there are common essentials of all religions by which everyone may be saved.

But how to spread the word? Through the churches, synagogues, mosques, ashrams? That might be the way if the need was to convince and convert all peoples in the world. But the globalists understand that America and the West were all that needed to be weaned on a new religion; one of political correctness and rewriting history, of moral relativism and anything goes. To “make of many peoples one truly human race; we would form of many states one mighty and harmonious brotherhood of nations, over whose bounteous fields, tilled by enlightened industry, guarded by establish justice, and reaped by willing hands for happy homes, shall bend forever the bounteous skies of peace.”[viii]

How were the globalists going to do this, inculcate Positivism into a country build on personal freedom, property rights, and the rule of law?

Next: Part 2 of Eve of Destruction

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

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[i] Full name: Isidore Marie Auguste Francois Xavier Comte

[ii] Comte, Auguste, System of Positive Polity, Vol. II, p. 344.

[iii] I want to thank Erica Carle for the information on Comte.


[v] Comte, “The Catechism of Positive Religion”, 1852.

[vi] Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset, p, 22

[vii] Ibid.

[viii] Charles Carroll Bonney, “The World Parliament of Religions”, presented at the World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893.

Song, Eve of Destruction written by P.F. Sloan, sung by Barry McGuire

America Votes for Obama’s Brand of Marxism

By Cliff Kincaid

November 14, 2022

In Pennsylvania, the brain-damaged Democrat Fetterman (endorsed by Oprah) beat the Muslim doctor (a creation of Oprah) accused of quackery but backed by Donald J. Trump and Sean Hannity. Nothing more needs to be said about America’s descent into oblivion and catastrophe, otherwise known as communism.

Face the facts: the Marxists won the elections on November 8, in what is being called a “Rainbow Wave.” Barack Hussein Obama is their leader.

On November 8, the American people voted for abortion, marijuana, and more welfare. Voters in Colorado voted to legalize “magic mushrooms.” Despite all of the supposed anti-vaccine sentiment in the land, the COVID “lockdown lefties” in Michigan, New York, and Wisconsin won their gubernatorial races.

It turns out that the American people are more fearful of the virus than the vaccines.

Some are claiming this is all because of vote fraud. But that doesn’t explain why conservative Kentucky voted pro-abortion, conservative Missouri voted to legalize dope, and conservative South Dakota voted for more welfare (Medicaid expansion under Obama’s Affordable Care Act).

Consider that Missouri voted for Trump by 15 points or more, but became the 21st state to legalize marijuana for “recreational use.”

The truth is that the Democrats got their base out to vote, the Soros-funded pro-drug lobby vastly outspent anti-drug activists, and the Republicans had no effective response to any of this – except to bet that voters would punish the Democrats for Biden’s disastrous economic policies.

Stephen K. Bannon had predicted a massive Red Wave would destroy the Democrats. Instead, the Republicans are in a civil war, in the middle of an American civil war. Trump is violating Reagan’s 11th commandment, “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican,” with his attacks on Florida’s successful Republican governor, Ron DeSantis. Trump even attacked the Republican governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, bizarrely saying his name “sounds Chinese.”

The new edition of my newsletter “World Revolution Report” explains what really happened. Conservatives in the Republican Party and the media underestimated the important role played by Barack Hussein Obama, America’s first Marxist president, in mobilizing Democratic Party resources and voters to counteract the unpopularity and disastrous record of the current president, Joe Biden, Obama’s former vice president.

We were deceived by both sides. Conservative media, including Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, failed the conservative movement. Their phony predictions of a Red Wave or a “referendum” on the Biden Administration now seem more demoralizing than the results themselves.

It looks like conservative viewers will need a heavy dose of the “Relaxium” or “Relief Factor” hawked on these channels if they are ever going to digest the meaning of the crushing defeats.

As of this writing, no official Republican “leaders” and architects of the November 8 “Red Whimper” have resigned in disgrace.

One of the silliest treatments of the elections was a column headlined, “Tulsi Gabbard Saves the Day for America and GOP,” when the former Democratic Party congresswoman left the party. The columnist wrote, “Tulsi, we all love and appreciate you. You are our hero. You may have changed the midterms…You may have just changed the direction of America. You may have just saved the GOP with your raw truth. God bless you.”

It was complete nonsense.

A member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” project, Gabbard is a peacenik former supporter of socialist Bernie Sanders who was nevertheless embraced by many conservatives and appeared with regularity on the Fox News Channel.

With Democrats in control of the Senate, there’s no way we will see efforts to dismantle the major elements of the so-called administrative state. The CIA, FBI, and the IRS will survive. More IRS agents will be unleashed on patriotic Americans. But there is also a lesson to be drawn as far as Biden’s disastrous foreign policy is concerned.

In this context, it is important to note that the leftist Council for a Livable World is pointing to its Senate victories:

  • Michael Bennet (D-CO)
  • John Fetterman (D-PA)
  • Maggie Hassan (D-NH)
  • Patty Murray (D-WA)
  • Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)
  • Peter Welch (D-VT)

Biden owes his political career to this group. The Council for a Livable World was started by alleged Soviet agent Leo Szilard and supported by money from Al Gore Sr., who in turn was funded by Soviet agent Armand Hammer. This connection goes directly to Biden, not just his son, Hunter, the drug addict. The Council for a Livable World is the key to understanding Biden and his support for a “New World Order.”

Before YouTube censored by group’s 500 anti-communist videos, I had posted a video entitled, “Hillary Clinton, Walter Cronkite and World Government,” featuring Hillary Clinton and Walter Cronkite at a World Federalist Association meeting in1999. This has been the guiding philosophy of the Council for a Livable World, the major media and the Democratic Party.

Biden’s open endorsement of a New World Order actually came in a Wall Street Journal article titled, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.”

Bringing this ominous picture up to date, Biden will use his final two years in office to implement this plan. I fought one major aspect of this when Biden ran the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and tried to ram through the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty. We were part of a coalition that stopped its passage.

Having the control of the Senate is critical to Biden’s effort.

As researcher Trevor Loudon documents in his books White House Reds and Security Risk Senators, there are no background checks on U.S. Senators – some of the most powerful lawmakers on the planet.

The problem for the “conservative” side is the lack of knowledge about the nature of communism and the forces behind it. All of this is captured in personal terms in the new book, The Devil and Bella Dodd: One Woman’s Struggle Against Communism and Her Redemption, about the spiritual dimensions of this crisis. A priest by the name of Fulton Sheen helped Bella Dodd escape from the demonic mentality of the Communist Party.

It’s tragic the churches of today have lost the credibility necessary to lead the nation in a moral crusade.

Equally ominous, Trevor Loudon has described how a Russian fascist-communist hybrid movement known as National Bolshevism has been infiltrating the conservative movement in the United States for the purpose of discrediting genuine conservatives and patriots in the United States and other Western nations.

This is a scandal that traditional conservatives have to take seriously, if they are ever to turn the tables on the communists involved in the Democratic Party. The key is identifying the figures in the conservative media either rooting for Russia or calling for America to abandon the fight for freedom from Russia in Europe.

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“Biden Inflation” Misses the Real Target

By: Devvy

November 14, 2022

“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” – Thomas Jefferson

Putting all the blame for the nightmare inflation we are experiencing on the walking corpse in the WH was a very effective political tool during this mid-term selection/election.  In no way am I defending the life-long crook and usurper president, Joe Biden.

So many of us have been warning for years all the “free” money being printed by the unconstitutional “Federal” Reserve was going to bring what is now upon us.  Biden insists inflation is ‘temporary,’ ‘expected’ despite $4.7T spending plan, July 19, 2021

Of course, China Joe had no idea what was coming out of his mouth, only what he can mumble through from notes or a teleprompter and even then, it’s pathetic.  Yeah, Joe and today, most of the cows are already out of the barn.

It’s a tragedy the majority of Americans regardless of skin color, ethnic background or political affiliation have zero understanding about the danger of fiat currencies issued by the “central bank” aka Fed.  They know nothing about quantitative easing.

Nor do they know anything about this:  Banks are over leveraged 2 QUADRILLION dollars in derivatives. This will be the worst financial collapse EVER.  Oct. 4, 2022.  I sure didn’t know until nearly 31 years ago when I literally stumbled onto the issue which caused me to pursue the truth.  When the feces hit in September 2008, Americans were broad-sided.  Tens of millions never fully recovered.  Many were finished off when the country was virtually closed down over COVID.

In pursuit of the truth, I sacrificed “fun” and “leisure” time which is fishing, a great passion of mine and one I haven’t indulged in for a long time.  You don’t sit on the couch and watch TV while your house is on fire.  And despite all the efforts of individuals like Dr. Edwin Vieira and so many other real experts on the disabilities of our monetary system, the majority of Americans still have no understanding on this issue.

Which is exactly what those who have been engineering our collapse longer than I’ve been alive have been counting on.  While the American people are herded in the desired direction – using inflation as a big head-liner for the mid-term selection/election – nary a whisper from the current Congress or even state legislatures about what actually causes inflation.  Or, should I say engineered inflation, stagnation, hyper-inflation, recessions and depressions?

Oh, no, can’t have the truth disseminated to the American people.  Lower education institutions (colleges and universities) continue feeding Keynesian Economics to young Americans as the Holy Grail.  Tragic.

Actually, Steve Forbes summed it up rather well although way too late, The Fed’s Plans To Slow Inflation Will Kill The Economy: Is A Recession Inevitable? May 17, 2022, “The belief that a handful of people in Washington can constructively drive the activities of millions of people making billions of buy-and-sell decisions each day is beyond preposterous. The Fed is now trying to engineer a slowdown because of its belief that too much economic activity causes inflation. Creating too much money that undermines the value of the dollar is the real cause.”

Creating too much money.  Think of the TRILLIONS printed up when the COVID plandemic hit the world.  Even though OUR PURSE is overdrawn $31 TRILLION DOLLARS IN unpayable debt, the global elites running the show have made sure We the People continue being raped to send more money to rich-boy, Zelinsky, president of one of the most corrupt countries on the planet.  Now near triple digit BILLIONS in cash and military equipment.

Ukraine is the most corrupt globalist owned Country in the world. It’s literally the Cabals Headquarters, March 1, 2022 (Short clip with George Soros – watch) Zelinsky is laughing himself silly over ignorant Americans all the way to his off-shore accounts.  Who is Ukraine’s President Zelensky? Ex-comedian at center of new war – “Less than four years ago, Volodymyr Zelensky was one of Ukraine’s most popular TV comedians, starring in a satirical TV show and performing in a troupe where he played the piano with his penis for five minutes.

$31 TRILLION in the hole and without any constitutional authority:  $1 Billion In Aid Given To Afghanistan After Taliban Take Over Via USAID Unaccounted For, Nov. 4, 2022.  This is what you work to pay for in federal taxes?  Not to mention 13 Americans killed when that imbecile in the WH, his grossly incompetent Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, and top military advisers pulled off the worst military defeat in our history.

The degree of suffering by Americans IS ALMOST BEYOND COMPREHENSION but it’s all too real and to me, heart breaking.  Parents eating one meal a day so their children can have two while the school feeds them breakfast.  Americans worried sick about how they’re going to afford to heat their home or apt this winter as inflation gobbles their savings – especially for seniors.

Family pets surrendered because there’s no money for dog food; people food and gas have to come first.  Thousands of perfectly healthy dogs and cats are being killed every day because city owned pet “shelters” (dog pounds) like the one in my city simply don’t have the space or money to keep them alive.  We were a no kill shelter for years while our city council let the problems fester to the point where now innocent furr-babies will get the needle and hauled around the corner to the land fill where their carcasses are dumped. I’ve been working hard on this in between everything else.

Still coming will be massive foreclosures, auto repos, defaults on credit card payments and the list goes on.  Yeah, it is very depressing and you can blame BOTH parties for not abolishing the “Federal” Reserve Banking Act of 1913 (which former Congressman Ron Paul tried to do in 2007.  No co-sponsors).  The Fed and other central banks around the world are boxed into a corner and don’t know what the hell they’re doing.

Here we are today with the mobs demanding more unconstitutional spending for whatever special interest groups who buy the favors of Congress and state legislators while our nation drowns in debt.  Over the past three decades one thing that stands out to me is too many Americans have no idea the difference between the national debt and the deficit.  Most Americans when they hear those words just let them pass between their ears and go about their business.  They don’t understand and because they don’t, they don’t want anyone to know they don’t.  It makes me sick how under-educated generations of Americans are on critical issues.

Most only hear the same old “interest on the national debt” but it doesn’t register with them why are we being forced to pay interest on our own money?  The only thing that matters is how much is left on their credit cards to buy food, gas at the pump or medications.  Well, the day of reckoning has been underway for years – before China Joe cheated his way into the WH.

Americans are going to have to decide their priorities and by that, I mean getting educated, fully informed as to the real cause of inflation and other destructive monetary disasters.  That means sacrificing time one would rather spend doing other things.  Thomas Jefferson also said, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

People always ask me – especially at the library – how can you read so much?  I probably read at least 100 murder mystery books a year.  Can’t spend all my time wading in the filthy political toilet.  Besides, I like puzzles.  Yes, I read very fast except when it comes to learning like when I read Pieces of Eight by Dr. Edwin Vieira decades ago; that two-column scholarly work should have won a Pulitzer Prize.  A little over 1,700 pages which includes footnotes and source references.

It was not an easy read for me but the knowledge was worth every minute of reading time.  If a person isn’t willing to spend the time to learn the truth on any subject, how can they make informed decisions?  I hope you will share this with everyone because Americans are not being told the truth and it’s headlines like this that steam my windows because it promotes false hope:  Republican victory in midterm elections a first step toward national economic turnaround, Nov. 11, 2022- “The era of bigger and bigger government is over – at least for the foreseeable future.

“Republicans did what they needed to do on Election Day. They have seemingly retaken the House of Representatives, picking up around ten seats, ushering in divided government. The House GOP offers a welcome bulwark against destructive leftist policies.

“That means the end of Democrats’ reckless spending that’s fueling the inflationary fire burning holes in Americans’ pockets. It means tax increases, radical labor law rewrites, and other destructive far-left legislative proposals are off the table. Small business owners are breathing a sigh of relief.”

Ten seats or 50 seats, it still means the majority of incumbents in the GOP who have NEVER gone after the cancer and spent just as recklessly and wasteful as the DemonRats for decades are still there.  Now, suddenly they’re going to “fix” the problem?  Hell, most of them and that includes the newbies don’t have a clue about our monetary system.  If they did, not a word from them on the campaign trail. Those who do, refuse to declare war on the Fed because they need the magical money machine to continue funding unconstitutional agencies, cabinets and the war machine called NATO.

Yes, there’s always been a solution and I hate writing this, but it’s been ignored despite the efforts of so many like Dr. Edwin Vieira and we’re all going to suffer, badly.  Read one article/column below every day.  I am careful about which articles/columns I recommend because there is so much spin and outright lies out there.  But, all the ones below are a must read.

I wrote this a month before COVID hit the news.  In a panic, DC flooded the country with hot checks.  Tens of BILLIONS of borrowed dollars while our freedoms and liberty were being destroyed by governors, mayors and unelected “health care” boards and, of course, Dr. Death Fauci and that liar, Dr. Deborah Birx.

Jan. 6, 2020, Warning About the “Best Economy in Fifty Years”

August 1, 2022 (Mine, also), Global Depression is Already Underway

Nov. 28, 2022, Greyerz Just Warned The World Is About To Experience Another Major Dose Of Economic, Financial And Social Upheaval  – “I don’t like being a Cassandra predicting doom and gloom that few will believe today.  But these are the consequences that history teaches us time and time again. But sadly everyone thinks it is different today.  Since every currency system in history has collapsed, it is quite a certain bet that this one will too.”

Nov. 2, 2022, $2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen – Egon von Greyerz – “In this interview with Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog Egon von Greyerz explains, “Credit has increased dramatically through derivatives.  All instruments being issued now by banks, pension funds, stock funds, it’s all synthetic.”

SOLUTION which few, if any, did what needed to get done.  Monetary Reform 102, May 28, 2011, by Dr. Edwin Vieira.  MODEL CONGRESSIONAL ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS WHO RECEIVE AND PAY VARIOUS FORMS OF UNITED STATES COIN AND CURRENCY

Public Law ___-___  ___ Congress  An Act – Full bill is in the column.

July 2, 2012, Corporativism in Money and banking has led America to Fascism, July 2, 2012, Dr. Edwin Vieira, “And specifically at the doorstep of the Federal Reserve System, because the unworkable monetary and banking systems foisted on this country in 1913 lie at the root of all of these economic and political problems.”

Nov. 9, 2022,  The World Is Quickly Approaching A Hyperinflation Disaster

Nov. 9, 2022,  The Era of All-Powerful Central Banks Is Over – Charles Hugh Smith

June 7, 2022.  I wish there wasn’t commercials but this is an important and accurate video:  Kim Dotcom Breaks Down the True Scale of US Government Debt

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Interest Payments On The National Debt On Pace To Surpass Military Spending, Nov. 7, 2022

October 2022 U.S. Foreclosure Activity Increases 57 Percent from October 2021, Nov. 9, 2022

Big Tech Crash! Twitter Near Bankruptcy, Amazon First Company to Lose $1 TRILLION, Facebook Fires 11,000 Employees, Nov. 11, 2022

Wells Fargo Braces For More Layoffs As Loan Volumes Collapse 90% YOY, Nov. 4, 2022

Car repossessions on the rise, as average price hits $47,000 (Check out the photo)

In Inflation’s Shadow, Credit Card Delinquencies Continue To Climb: Survey, Nov. 12, 2022

The Absurdity of Keynesian Economics

U.S. D.O.D issued a contract for COVID-19 Research to a company in Ukraine, 3 months before COVID-19 was known to exist, Oct. 6, 2022

Dire Situation In Europe And The U.S. As Military Catastrophe For Ukraine Unfolds, Sept. 26, 2022 – “At this rate it is only a matter of time before half or more of our country is living in total squalor and will join the Europeans in freezing this winter.”

Why Did CBS News Censor Its Own Documentary Exposing How 70% of US Funding for Ukraine is Wasted

Eight Years Ago: US-NATO Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine  –  Paid for by you and me with BORROWED money.

The End Of World Dollar Hegemony: Turning The US Into Weimar Germany, Nov. 10, 2022

Shakedown! Kiev Sends Lawmakers To DC To Demand New Congress Keeps Money Flowing, Nov. 10, 2022

We sent many of our best weapons to Ukraine and the Russians are blowing them to hell. July 14, 2022

Our Enormous, Insane, Crippling National Debt: $31 Trillion

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 14, 2022

“Bleeding Americans into bankruptcy with a thousand financial cuts”

As of this November 2022, our national debt reached $31,246,400,000,000.00 (trillion).  Each American citizen owes $93,732.00 as soon as they draw their first breath.  Our national debt jumps another $30,000.00 every ten seconds.  ( ) (National debt clock)

Congress jumped the national debt from $9 trillion 16 years ago to its current record of $31 trillion in 2022.

Oct 4, 2021: The interest payments on the federal debt ran $413 billion in 2021 according to the Congressional Budget Office.

What does that mean to you?  Answer: it means you are paying horrendous interest rates that are reflected in inflation rates.  In other words, the U.S. government uses your credit card to pay bills that it can’t pay.  So, it borrows more money. You pay for that borrowing.

At the same time, your two senators and House member keep voting for such things as giving Ukraine $51 billion in military armaments and cash to fight their war 10,000 miles away.  Congress votes for billions in foreign aid:

Feb 7, 2022: Over a five year period, our Congress away $300,000,000,000.00 to foreign countries.  In 2021, the United States budgeted $38 billion for foreign aid spending. As of this reporting, it has disbursed over $32 billion. Almost 25% of that budget has gone to just ten countries: Ethiopia ($1.13 billion) Jordan ($1.03 billion) Afghanistan ($860 million) South Sudan ($821 million) Congo ($814 million) Yemen ($814 million).  (Source)

All of those countries are overpopulated, poor, illiterate, Islamic and totally unproductive.  There’s another problem in Africa: at 1.4 billion people in 2022, the United Nations projections show Africa will jump to 2.0 billion within 27 years. In other words, all your tax dollars going to those poor countries are totally useless, totally wasted and totally a rip-off by our U.S. Congress.  You must wonder what kind of financial morons are running our country.

Where else are your tax dollars going?

EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) food stamps are a government-funded program that provides assistance to low-income families and individuals. The program is administered by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the cost of the program varies depending on the size of the household and the state in which they live.

In general, the average cost of EBT food stamps for a family of four is about $4,000 per year. However, this amount can vary greatly depending on the specific circumstances of the family. For example, families who have more children or live in high-cost areas may receive more assistance than those who have fewer children or live in lower-cost areas.

NPR and the major networks don’t tell you that over 40,000,000 Americans and illegal aliens tap into the EBT bonanza.

Sep 6, 2022: According to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 42 million people were using food stamps in 2016, which is about 13 percent of the population. There are a number of reasons why more people are using food stamps, including the Great Recession, which led to job losses and reduced incomes for many families.  (Source:

With the Covid pandemic, the number of people using food stamps as well as illegal aliens applying for and using food stamps…increased.

Not only that, our 125,000 Somalian immigrants in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area, scammed over $100,000,000.00 in falsified EBT card money.  They spent it and/or sent it back over to Somalia in briefcases while you paid for their flights.  If such illiterate refugees like those Somalians could steal that much money off the U.S. Government, you can imagine the scams going on all over the country.

No wonder we’re in debt for $31 trillion!

How many kids receive free breakfasts and lunches across the USA?

One in five American children live below the poverty line, and over 2.9 million students live in households where they are unsure when they might get their next meal. Around 30 million students around the country qualify for free or reduced cost school lunches through a federal program called the National School Lunch Program.

The average cost of each of those breakfasts and lunches runs over $10.00 per child (transport, labor, food costs). If you do the math, you’re looking at $300 billion annually for kids with parents who lack enough money to feed their own children. So, why did they have them if they couldn’t afford or feed them? Answer: third world  mentality, illiteracy and their ace-in-the-hole: your tax dollars.

This report of our national debt only touches the tip of the corrupt iceberg.  We’ve got U.S. Senators and House members scamming the American people with insider trading on defense contracts.  We’ve got 42,000,000 people on EBT cards that contribute nothing to America in the way of work, earnings or paying taxes. In other words, they are useless to themselves and to our society.  We’ve got $52,000,000,000.00 in shoplifting annually across America. We’ve got 23 to 25 million illegal alien people sending back cash transfers of $69 billion annually, to their country of origin. (Source: )

What about drug money leaving the USA?

Americans spend a whopping $150,000,000,000.00 in illegal drugs annually that come in from our southern border. (Source:  Thanks to Joe Biden, those numbers will double and triple in the next two years of open borders.  Deaths on overdose: 107,000 overdose deaths in 2021. Expected to increase to over 120,000 deaths in 2022.

What’s so sickening if not horrifying stems from the fact that our own president of the USA facilitates drug addiction, drug trafficking and child trafficking…with his open border policy.

What’s the worst part of all this nightmare?  From what this journalist can tell…it’s only going to get worse.  And, since our own leaders fail us at every juncture, there’s nothing we citizens can do about it.  And, from the elections last week, we voted most of the same idiots that have done nothing to secure our borders…back into office.

At this point, according to the US Border Patrol, Biden allowed in excess of 6.6 million illegal aliens into the USA in the past 22 months…at a cost of in excess $20.4 billion. (Source:  It’s going to be interesting to see what the total will be when Biden leaves office in 2024. A guess would be well over 12 billion illegals and another 6 billion of their birthrate kids.

As one great historian said, “Most large countries destroy themselves by choosing national suicide.”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

The Rainbow Is The Miracle Sign of God That He Wants Us To See

By Investigative Report Gregory Ciola

November 13, 2022

I have done avid research into the rainbow for many years. There is so much information that I feel called to share with the world. This will open people’s eyes to understand the spiritual significance of the rainbow.

The rainbow is the sign of the son of man. In the Old Testament King James version, it is called a token in the book of Genesis and a sign in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit directed me to do the proper research to connect the rainbow to the sign.

The word token used in Genesis comes from the original Hebrew word “owth” which can be looked up in the Strong’s Concordance. It means a signal, mark, miracle, sign, or token.

The Greek word for sign used in Matthew 24:30 is “Semeion” which means supernatural miracle, sign, token, wonder. Here are the scriptures that connected the rainbow to the sign.

“And God said, This is the token (sign) of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow (RAINBOW) in the cloud, and it shall be for a token (sign) of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow (RAINBOW) shall be seen in the cloud: And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. And the bow (RAINBOW) shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, This is the token (sign) of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.” Genesis 9:12-17

A mystery that has long been hidden is the sign of the Son of Man referenced in Matthew. I have often asked myself what this sign is. I prayed on it and pondered it for many years. Then one day I started looking some of the words up in the Strong’s Concordance and it sent me on an exploration journey. The most magnificent aspect of this journey was all the rainbows I began to see after doing this research. The scriptures opened my eyes to connect all the dots and I began to see all these connections with rainbows, clouds, signs, tokens, and Jesus as the Light of the world.

“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” – Matthew 24:30

The clouds of heaven have the rainbow and represent the glory of God. His light shines in those clouds. That light is the rainbow. God is telling Noah that when he brings a cloud over the earth that the rainbow shall be seen. There is no way that a covenant of this magnitude isn’t linked to Jesus when it says that Jesus comes back in the clouds.

“Behold, he cometh with CLOUDS; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” – Revelation 1:7

“And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a RAINBOW round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.” – Revelation 4:2-3

More biblical validation to prove that the rainbow will be in the clouds when Christ returns comes from the book of Ezekiel.

“And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great CLOUD, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.” – Ezekiel 1:4

The brightness within this cloud is the Rainbow. The dramatic passages that prove this and link the cloud and the rainbow together which also is linked to Revelation where the rainbow is over the throne proves that this is the greatest miraculous sign from heaven that God wants us to see and understand.

And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.

And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.

As the appearance of the bow (RAINBOW) that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake.” – Ezekiel 1:26-28

You can watch this powerful sermon that I made to fully grasp and understand the miraculous rainbow connections and signs.

What has given me amazing validation of this teaching has been all the rainbows I have seen personally over the past three years. If you go to my ministry website page here, you can see some of them.

One of the most dramatic ones is a rainbow that my sister’s friend took in Clermont, FL in September 2022. It was right near the top of the high hill. They know that I am passionate about the rainbow so she sent me the picture. It is a wonderful looking double rainbow.

As I looked intensely at the picture I saw what appeared to be a face. Then I enlarged it, and this is what I saw.

One of the biggest battles going on between God and Satan is over the rainbow. Before the devil fell, he was the light bearer in heaven. You can read more about this in Isaiah chapter 14 and Ezekiel 28. When he fell and was kicked out, he lost his access to the light. He is now the son of darkness. The power of darkness is Satan and Jesus came to deliver us all from it.

“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:” – Colossians 1:13

Almost all the rainbow symbols being used around the world are mockeries of the truth. Satan is using the six colored rainbow flag as his master symbol to promote the most vile and despicable movements that have ever existed in history. The real rainbow is seven colors not six. Jesus is the Light of the world. That light is the rainbow. All pure white light from heaven breaks into the seven colored rainbow.

Satan is trying to lock mankind into his 666 system of darkness. The true light of heaven is Jesus Christ. His light will be put into everyone he resurrects or transfers to his kingdom. The deep mystery of God is that once that light gets put into those that are linked to heaven, they will never be able to die. They will have bodies of perfection with the seven colors of the rainbow linked to the DNA and cells of all those saved.

The devil knows this, so he is doing all in his power to try to block and stop all of mankind. Therefore, the world’s anti-biblical sexual revolution agenda worships the six colored rainbow. Anyone caught up in this evil who doesn’t repent and turn to the truth and the real Light of the world, who is Jesus Christ, will be blocked from heaven. There is much more I will cover in future articles. I hope you enjoy and share what I’ve covered thus far.

© 2022 Gregory Ciola – All Rights Reserved

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America Has Lost Its Moral Compass

By Pastor Roger Anghis

November 13, 2022

In trying to evaluate the 2022 Midterm Elections there is only one conclusion that a sane person can come to. America has lost its moral compass. We, conservatives, anticipated a red wave. It never manifested. If the church had come out in mass and voted biblical values most Democrats would be out of office today. But, as usual, the church stayed home not willing to ‘vote for the lesser of two evils.’ Which is a totally head up your butt mindset seeing that that is all we’ve ever had to vote for. Jesus has never run for office and never will so you’ll never have the ‘perfect’ candidate to vote for.

In looking at the democrats that were running for office it is hard to understand how they garnered any votes in the first place.  I’m not saying the Republican candidates were saints but they had more going for them than the majority of the Democrats.  Most of the Democrats refused to debate their Republican opposition. For a good reason. They could not defend their stance on immigration, lockdowns, mandatory COVID jabs, face masks, attack on our energy sector, the indoctrination of our kids in public schools with perverted sexual materials, and the horrible economy that their policies have created. That should have been a major red flag right there but for some reason no one paid attention.

John Fetterman beat Mehmet Oz. Didn’t anybody watch their debate? The man had a stroke a few months back and couldn’t put a completely understandable sentence together. I’m not trying to belittle him but his mental state is not conducive to what will be necessary to function as a Senator. His policies are completely off the wall.  He wants to empty out 50% of the prisons, he wants to have taxpayer-funded sites for drug addicts to be able to go and shoot up

Then we have Raphael Warnock who is a pro-choice pastor. I don’t know what god he is supposed to represent but it isn’t the God of the Bible. He has even spoken negatively about white Christians: “There is nothing about evangelical white Christianity that would make you think it values black lives,” said Honor in the sermon. “The fact is that this is a tradition that devalues black bodies, so much so that the devaluing of black bodies is about as American as apple pie.”

While Warnock did not speak at the event, his name was at the top of a welcome message to attendees that played at the beginning of the program. The sermon could reignite concerns about Warnock’s own controversial statements and promotion of extremist rhetoric, including a sermon in which he said Americans need to repent for their “whiteness” and his defense of anti-Semitic pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Honor added that “evangelical Christianity” was the “ideological basis for the enslavement of Africans, the expansion of white supremacy, the resistance to reconstruction, the acceptance of racial segregation laws, and the recent dismissal of the Black Lives Matter movement to end murders of black bodies by police.”[1] No Christian that believes in the God of Abraham would endorse this anti-Christian idiocy.

Katie Hobbs in the race for Governor of Arizona drew about half the crowds that Kari Lake had, refused to debate Kari Lake, opposed the increase of border patrol agents, opposed voter integrity laws, and as Secretary of State oversees the race for governor which is a conflict of interest because she is also running for that seat and she refuses to recuse herself which I understand is required by law that she does.  Sorry to say but honesty and integrity are not character traits of Democrats.

It appears that when voting for someone there is only one thing people look for and that’s the (R) or (D) after their name which is why our government is in the shape that it’s in. I put the vast majority of the blame for that on the church.  Since 1954 after the passage of the Johnson Gag Order most churches completely backed out of the political arena. That ensured that the influence of the church no longer touched our politics. Too many pastors used the 13th chapter of Romans as a scapegoat for not being involved in politics. That chapter, for some reason, is not understood by most pastors. We are to follow God’s teachings and principles, not man’s. Most pastors are more afraid of the IRS than they are of God. They give milk toast sermons because they don’t want to offend one side or the other. Scripture tells pastors to preach the Word in AND out of season.  If somebody gets offended it is because they are not in line with the Word of God. The pastors are to make the word of God clear.

When looking at whom we had to elect this year was much more than Democrats versus Republicans. It even was more than good versus evil. It was freedom over tyranny. One party is hell-bent to control all we do, where we live, what kind of transportation we have, what we eat, if we will be allowed to protect ourselves, and be forced to endure a double teared ‘justice’ system where the political elites live under one set of rules and the average Joe lives under a different set of rules. This is evident with Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress when he refused to produce documents pertaining to Operation Fast and Furious and nothing was done to him.  Steve Bannon was held in contempt of Congress and was sentenced to four months in jail. Nobody died with what Bannon did but American citizens were killed because of Holder’s actions. Nothing to see here folks, move along.  How about Hillary’s 30,000 emails she deleted AFTER they were subpoenaed? Nobody raided her house with a swat team at six in the morning. Then it was proven she paid for the Russian dossier used against Trump using foreign influence in our elections. Still, nobody raided her house at six in the morning.

We are losing our freedoms and we keep putting the people back in office that are taking them away because we are uninformed about the people we elect. We are uninformed because we don’t take the time to vet those running for office.  They, in many cases, tell us exactly what they want to do and we elect them anyway. Ronald Reagan stated: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” We are so close to this that it is scary. At the time of this writing, it is still unknown if we won control of the House or the Senate. It looks good for the House and that will help in curbing some of Biden’s agenda. By all rights, we should have won 50-60 seats in the house but it looks like a very small majority but that’s a start and we have to make more progress in 2024. We cannot lose our attention on this. The future of our children and our nation depends on us being diligent.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Warnock’s church airs sermon calling evangelical Christianity the ideological basis of white supremacy

Keep the Bigger Picture in Mind

by Rolaant McKenzie

November 13, 2022

The 2016 epic science fiction film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story depicts a motley band of individuals coming together on a mission to steal the schematics to the Death Star, the Galactic Empire’s weapon of mass destruction on a planetary scale. Ordinary people did extraordinary things because they came to the understanding that life and freedom for everyone was worth defending. They looked beyond their individual situations in life and saw the bigger picture, and in doing so, became part of something greater than themselves. The Rogue One team members willingly went through many setbacks and dangers, and sacrificed their lives to accomplish the mission. Though they did not live to see it, the information was later used to destroy the planet killer and save countless lives on a multitude of worlds.

When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He chose twelve disciples. Among them were fishermen, a tax collector, and a political revolutionary. They were a group of emotional, impulsive, sometimes fiery tempered, sometimes slow to understand, honestly skeptical, tender-hearted followers. Disciples like these were unlikely to get along with one another, much less work together effectively for a common cause.

But Jesus took this motley band with all their frailties and patiently taught them, even as they looked for a political kingdom and their elevated places in it. After His death on the cross, bodily resurrection, and ascension to heaven they were filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the mission for which the Lord prepared them. They were able to see beyond their individual aspirations to the bigger picture and became deeply involved in something greater than themselves: calling the world to repentance and faith in the risen Savior, Jesus Christ.

“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’” (Matthew 28:18-20)

In the midst of the powerful and often hostile Roman empire, the disciples of Jesus were dedicated to fulfilling their commission of proclaiming to the world what they had witnessed regarding Jesus and the salvation available only through His name.

They suffered greatly for their faith and faced many dangers as they spread the gospel message (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), but they turned the world upside down with their bold witness (Acts 17). They were crucified, beheaded, stoned, and put to the sword. But the bigger picture given to them through the risen Christ, the eternal perspective, helped them to remain firm in their mission even though they would not live to see its culmination.

Like Jesus’ followers, we come from many different walks of life and have a multitude of personality traits and imperfections. Many of us were prone to live according to our individual dreams and aspirations that ran counter to God’s plans for us.

But those of us who believed in the Lord Jesus, trusting in Him alone for forgiveness of sin and eternal life, received the presence of the Holy Spirit. He helped us to see beyond the deceptions, devices, and destructive power of the rulers of this world to something far greater than ourselves.

Being reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ gives us an understanding of the bigger picture, the eternal perspective, and the mission to share the gospel message as the only enduring hope in a darkening world.

We will face setbacks, disappointments, and dangers just as Jesus’ disciples and believers through the centuries did. After all, we live in a world controlled by very powerful forces that often affect our lives in very negative ways, and sometimes this can be quite overwhelming.

When Jesus invited Peter to walk on the water with Him, Peter was distracted by the stormy wind, took his eyes off Jesus, and started to sink into the water (Matthew 14:22-33). It is easy to become distracted and dismayed by the concerted efforts of global elites to create political and economic instability, energy scarcity, famine, and nuclear war to consolidate their control as gods of this world.

But do not allow these things to discourage you, make you afraid, or cause you to do things that play into the hands of the demonic powers and principalities that control them (Ephesians 6:10-17). Remember that their defeat is sure and everlasting, even if we do not see it in this life (Hebrews 11; Revelation 19:11-21).

Keep your eyes on Jesus and trust in Him. Just as He stretched out His hand and saved Peter from drowning, He is able to keep us from drowning in the evil that attempts to swallow us up in this world.

Immerse yourself in God’s word and study it carefully in its context. There is hope, wisdom, and strength that comes from it. According to the abilities granted to us by God, we must continue to be salt and light in our communities and to proclaim the gospel of Christ wherever and to whomever we can.

What we see now will not and cannot last. The suffering, pain, disappointments, and tragedies we face are all temporary. Keep the bigger picture in mind. The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is forever. Let us invite as many as we can into that eternal reality, where it will be good and stay good.

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.’” (Revelation 21:1-4)

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie:


On the Eve of Destruction

By Kathleen Marquardt

November 12, 2022

Part 1, From our Forefathers to our Four Fake Fathers

But you tell me

Over and over and over again, my friend

How you don’t believe

We’re on the eve of destruction

Today, we are under enormous pressures to replace our political, educational, and religious (social) structures that were set up to protect the individual, to educate our children with the necessary knowledge, and give them the ability to understand and contribute to the continuation of our way of a life of liberty. Yet this pressure toward a negative change has been on-going for decades. Today, we are seeing what seems to be the last “push”, the tipping point from freedom to Marxism – all in the desire for a one-world tyranny. What is quite obvious is that this is not from “the will of the people” but is being thrust upon us and secretly has been in the works for too long.

Instead of following the sage advice of our Forefathers, we are being led by the nose by “our four fathers” – Gates, Fauci, (Maurice Strong’s weaker, dumber replacement) Schwab, plus Kissinger (and the wannabe, Obama).

At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin responded to a woman who asked, Dr. Franklin, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy? His reply was “A republic, if you can keep it.” Obviously, that republic has been chiseled down so often that it offers little or no resemblance to a republic. Those working toward a one-world government have been calling our government a democracy for many decades, inuring us to thinking of it as one rather than a republic. A democracy is the rule of the majority; a republic is the rule of law protecting the God-given natural rights of every individual. What the globalists are trying to foist on us today through the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights are rights given to us by those in control. Our republic was designed to protect our rights, not to declare what rights the powers-that-be will allow us.

While individuals and groups have warned us from the beginning, they have been ignored, unheard. A significant factor in that cover-up has been via the media of movies, television, newspapers, and textbooks. They all have been coordinated to put out the same messages at the same time, making it seem as though there was no other “take” on the actions and incidents happening. One might think that the people would catch on after seeing the exact same words, sentences, and whole paragraphs mimicked across all networks – and much of the world. But, regretfully, the masses have succumbed to mass psychosis of implanted ignorance.

How could this have been done so easily and with little push-back?

Begin with religion

The answer can be found in Auguste Comte’s [i] System of Positive Polity, published in four volumes between 1851 and 1854. His system is one of a “new spiritual life and new material life.”

We are now, in the vanguard of Humanity, the beginning of the end of this long education of Man; for we can clearly trace its general feature, now that we have founded the new Science of Sociology, and as a deduction from Sociology, the Universal Religion. Five centuries of anarchy have passed even in the West, since the last phase of the preparatory eras closed with the Middle Age. We must see in this how urgent is the need of a new reorganisation; a new spiritual life first, and then a new material life.”[ii], [iii]

The belief system has to be tackled before the new political system can be installed. And the only belief system the globalists need to dismantle is Christianity; it stands in the way of all the globalists. This new belief system was introduced and inculcated through the education system. The three-legged stool of sociology/Marxism. Our country, America, was founded on the morally-absolute Judeo-Christian principles enumerated in the Ten Commandments. Positivism: a philosophical system that holds that every rationally justifiable assertion can be scientifically verified or is capable of logical or mathematical proof, and that therefore rejects metaphysics and theism.

What is to replace Christianity? Comte calls it the Religion of Humanity; globalists have formed the World’s Council of Churches that is to encompass all religions together – a witch’s stew, for sure. Comte called it Positivism: the theory that laws are to be understood as social rules, valid because they are enacted by authority or derive logically from existing decisions, and that ideal or moral considerations (e.g., that a rule is unjust) should not limit the scope or operation of the law.

Stop. Digest that last sentence. First, laws are to become our sphere of existence whether they are moral or not! I am so naïve. Apparently, right and wrong, good and evil are no longer the yardsticks of morality. Forget Christianity. Forget the moral absolutes. But don’t forget religion; just don’t call it religion. Positivism is a religion, taught in our schools under the title of Sociology.

In that same vein, we have “scientific socialism” (now technocracy) from Pierre-Joseph Prudhon in 1840, that “… in a given society, the authority of man over man is inversely proportional to the stage of intellectual development which that society has reached; and the probable duration of that authority can be calculated from the more or less general desire for a true government, — that is, for a scientific government. And just as the right of force and the right of artifice retreat before the steady advance of justice, and must finally be extinguished in equality, so the sovereignty of the will yields to the sovereignty of the reason and must at last be lost in scientific socialism.”[iv]

From these roots, we get to the collective, communitarian, “it takes a village” thinking. In other words, we are too ignorant, too caught up in silly ideas like individual rights, freedom, moral absolutes, live-and-let-live, to understand what the global elites are trying to do for our own good – not theirs. They are being the ultimate humanitarians, thinking of we the little people instead of what their wants and needs might be. “Everything we have belongs then to Humanity; for everything comes to us from her–life, fortune, talents, information, tenderness, energy, etc. . . The whole of the Positive education, intellectual as well as affective, will familiarise us thoroughly with our complete dependence on humanity, so as to make us duly feel that we are all necessarily meant for her unintermitting service.”[v]

Perhaps our global elite missed the feminine pronoun there. If you haven’t noticed, there are few women (are there any?) in the higher ranks of the New World Order. Yes, there are token ones, but none sitting at the top with the likes of Schwab, Gates, or Soros. Oh well. At least Hillary isn’t lording it over us.

In Klaus Schwab’s COVID-19: The Great Reset, he explains that the “essence of the 21st century is Interdependence, a by-product of globalization and technological progress.”[vi] He goes on to state that “globalization and technological progress have advanced so much over the past few decades has prompted some pundits to declare that the world is now ‘hyperconnected’ – a variant of interdependence on steroids!” [vii]

Schwab, in his Great Reset, would have us believe that we live in an interdependent world (forget national borders and sovereignty) which is a “world of deep systemic connectivity, in which all risks affect each other through a web of complex interactions …; these risks — economic, geopolitical, and societal or environmental are interdependent and interconnected. In other words, we of the world population are going to all be treated the same, have the same god, and do what the globalists think the little people must do to “save the world from ourselves. That we, the world’s population of useless eaters will all be given the exact same Universal Basic Income, own nothing because the globalists will let us rent the bleakest basics, and yes, we who will own nothing will be owned — thats a law of nature. They, being so far above us, have no restrictions; but that is okay because there are fewer of them thus their carbon footprints, even though much larger than ours, don’t need to be addressed. They are the gods. And global warming is their myth projected on us to grab control.

Even the Christian faithful have gotten sucked-up into this, some in very big ways – like Charles Carroll Bonney and John Henry Barrows. Bonney came up with the idea to “unite all religion against all irreligion,” and worked to form the World Parliament of Religions. He then initiated the process for organizing the Parliament of Religions by appointing John Henry Barrows as chairman to administer the General Committee on World’s Parliament of Religions. Bonney’s view was that there are common essentials of all religions by which everyone may be saved.

But how to spread the word? Through the churches, synagogues, mosques, ashrams? That might be the way if the need was to convince and convert all peoples in the world. But the globalists understand that America and the West were all that needed to be weaned on a new religion; one of political correctness and rewriting history, of moral relativism and anything goes. To “make of many peoples one truly human race; we would form of many states one mighty and harmonious brotherhood of nations, over whose bounteous fields, tilled by enlightened industry, guarded by establish justice, and reaped by willing hands for happy homes, shall bend forever the bounteous skies of peace.”[viii]

How were the globalists going to do this, inculcate Positivism into a country build on personal freedom, property rights, and the rule of law?

Next: Part 2 of Eve of Destruction

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:


[i] Full name: Isidore Marie Auguste Francois Xavier Comte

[ii] Comte, Auguste, System of Positive Polity, Vol. II, p. 344.

[iii] I want to thank Erica Carle for the information on Comte.


[v] Comte, “The Catechism of Positive Religion”, 1852.

[vi] Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset, p, 22

[vii] Ibid.

[viii] Charles Carroll Bonney, “The World Parliament of Religions”, presented at the World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893.

Song, Eve of Destruction written by P.F. Sloan, sung by Barry McGuire

No Denial, Just Proof

By Kat Stansell

November 12, 2022

Forget 2020. We’ve caught them in the act in 2022!

Recently Biden was propped up behind a podium to holler threats to “2020 election deniers”. It was laughable, pathetic even, as his own have been mewling and puking about stolen elections for the past six years.

My answer: FORGET 2020! The proof of our duly elected government being stolen in a successful Coup has been there for all to see since November 4 of that year. Only the most afflicted with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), that viral mental condition apparently more potent than Covid for some, still think Biden is really our President. They may never recover, but I frankly don’t care. Self-inflicted wounds draw little sympathy from me.

To the abject horror of the unelected government behind the walls in DC, a huge majority of Americans still love their country, and can see the damage being done. Yesterday, NBC broadcast poll results showing 81% of America, dissatisfied with the direction of the country. Not only are these disapproval numbers historic, but also is the fact that it’s their own lapdog media that is talking about it! How the heck did the lapdog suddenly grow a set ?? The people who were supposed to be in their pocket are speaking out.

A Muslim American in Dearborn Mi has gone public to announce that Muslims should NOT vote for democrats.

Skin color, ethnicity, gender (although they have tried to muddle that), city/town/state of residence is seemingly going to have nothing to do with how people intend to vote in these Midterms. See the Wall Street Journal Poll from Monday, Nov. 7.

All those whom the Left has been working 24/7 to divide, and mislead, are waking up. Damn! Millions of those they thought were “woke” are now really awakening.

AND THE LEFT IS TERRIFIED! Count on the bovine feces (aka, BS) to fly, and fists be shaken as their fear increases.

There may well be more they will try. Keep reading.

We are finding proof of already established fraud, all over the place, in action for 2022. Proof which cannot be denied. Forget the “deniers” thing; forget 2020. Take a look at what is going on, right now.


Florida is a good place to start, for two reasons.

First, it has the reputation of being a good red state. It’s governor is gaining national prominence for his “conservative” acts. If there were fraud in Florida, the governor’s new “Election Crimes” unit would surely get on top of it. Right? Hold that thought.

Next, there are large groups of non-partisan patriots who have been working since DeSantis’s narrow victory in 2018, to make sure their state is safe for legitimate voter preference to be reflected. Their discoveries are stunning, in a red state especially. I’ve told their story before.

My purpose here is to hit the high spots which shine light on the fraud in the state. All NEW PROOF for 2022, Joey.

Thousands of mailings to voters on the rolls in various Florida counties were returned to the supervisors of Election – and to the candidates who were sending campaign mail to the same lists – as “undeliverable”, by the USPS. These “bad addresses” were kept on the rolls – not removed or flagged and set aside – and were used to send mail-in ballots.

These ballots were returned VOTED AND SIGNED.

Friday, October 28, 2022, a volunteer using high power magnification on thousands of signatures that were 100% match (to their voter application signatures four or more years previously) determined that these signatures with made by ink jet, not real ink. The dots were the proof. This finding was made public the next day.

Hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were also sent, in singles or pairs, to addresses where canvassers found they had not been requested. Nor received. These phantom ballots seemed to carpet the state, as more and more residents signed affidavits to this fact. This occurred over months.

Whole street names were found to have been changed before the primary, to create more bad addresses, then changed back once ballots were mailed.

This kind of fraud is identity theft. Using someone’s name to cast a vote is actionable malfeasance. That fact was denied by Florida officials.

The printers of these ballots were next in the spotlight, for good reason. People do not usually carry around little ink jet printers to sign legal documents.

One printer, Runbeck, provides ballots for two of the most populous counties, Pinellas and Hillsborough, where their “records” show 90% of all voters “requested” mail-in ballots. You may recognize the Runbeck name as having been flagged for suspicious activity in the 2020 elections. Oops, sorry, not allowed to talk about that.

The other printer, Fidlar Elections, prints ballots for 66% of the remaining Florida counties. In 2017, Fidlar, an Orlando company was sold to Cathedral Printers in Rome, NY. Hang on. This is important.

Cathedral is owned and run by Marianne Gaige, a strong supporter of far-left causes, including Soros’s ActBlue and Democrat Action, which works to bring a Blue governor to every state. She also contributed to both the Obama and Soros Campaigns, under several different auspices.

One of Cathedral’s employees, known as “Stacey Rodriguez” is married to a high election official in Florida, Mark Earley, the President of the Florida Supervisors of Election Assn.

Stacey Rodriguez Earley was awarded full access to Florida’s voter rolls through a course she took and passed, which course was designed by the FL Elections Supervisors, the organization of which hubby, Mark, is President. The plaque she earned is pictured online with the name “Stacey Rodriguez”. Why not “Stacey Earley”?

Ms. Stacey’s birth name was Pace, daughter of Raul Pace, owner of Fidlar Elections until his death. Rodriguez is from her first marriage to the man who controlled all fossil fuels for Florida Power and Light. Stacey knows printing and lots of important people.

I’ve spent this much time on Florida because few believe that this kind of fraud can occur in such a “good red state”. Take note, please. NEVER think this kind of criminal activity is impossible anywhere.

Everything I’ve touched on here has been made public, with proof. Governor DeSantis’s closest associates have been provided with it all. Crickets. Remember that Election Crimes unit? In that good red state? Yeah. So much for that.

* * *

Of course, we know that the news of fraud and “questionable occurrences” relating to the upcoming election has been coming from all over, not just Florida. The news is full of Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Texas – even Indiana! Just a quick run-through from this past week.

In MI, there has been so much, that it might take a whole book to tell it all. Suffice it to say that the crooked state officials under crooked Gov. Whitmer have been doing their best to shore up the steal. Here’s one quickie. In Detroit, training videos for Democrat poll challengers assured them that there would be thugs, like bouncers, in black shirts marked ICU (I see you) there to “back them up” and help to roust Republicans. During the primaries, these unidentified black-shirts tossed out a Republican challenger for asking a question about a machine that showed connection to the internet.

An Indiana poll worker named Zheng was removed from his duties after citizen complaints that he was showing anyone who asked how to use the machines – and vote straight Democrat. He was James Zheng. In China, the family name comes first, and that family name, Zheng, is involved in some interesting stuff over there. Just sayin’. Glad he was caught, but how many more are there, trying?

A Democrat public election employee in Wisconsin was fired for sending fake military ballots to a Republican state legislator who had been leading the fight against election fraud since 2020 “to show her how easy it was to do”!!

In Pennsylvania, the Department of State suddenly changed its voter registration application last summer to include a mail-in ballot application. Voters and state workers were confused and remain that way. Lots of mail-in ballots were sent, and are “out there”. Also, The PA Supreme Court has ruled that undated ballots cannot be accepted; still, what’s to stop those well-trained poll workers from “curing” that little mistake? Ballot curing is perfectly legal in Pennsylvania.

Again, a whole report could be written on Pennsylvania alone. Remember, that is where the BLM “greeters” outside the polls in 2008, wielded batons at conservatives trying to cast a ballot.

Rich history.

In Texas, Harris County (Houston), the most populous county in the state, experienced some “fumbles” by election administrators in the primary where wrong ballots were ordered for the machines, then 10,000 + votes were found and counted days after the election. Also, drive-thru voter registration sites were established where the crucial chain of custody requirements were violated repeatedly. It was even observed by an alert citizen that voter registrations were being done in the front yard of someone who isn’t even a US citizen!

Then, there is the state budget for election-related issues, which was raised by over 900% for 2023, without explanation Just, wow. Somebody needs to do some diggin’. Come clean, good red state legislators.!

Ok, one more. The New Mexico Secretary of State’s website has just come under the spotlight today (11/7), thanks to the sharp eye of Joe Hoft at the Gateway Pundit. Yesterday and for several previous days, the site showed over 17 million registered voters – in a state whose population is only 2.1million! Today, the site has been altered to show 1.36 million registered, which is more in line with reality. That would make the registration 86% of all citizens of voting age in the state, or 4% lower than it was in 2020. New Mexico just may be getting the message about the bloat of the ERIC member rolls. Or, maybe just the message that it looks bad to have them.

* * *

What I’ve been able to present to you here is just a tiny fragment of everything that is going in Fraud 2022. I chose not to even mention states like NY and California where voter fraud has been institutionalized for years.

Now, of course, The cyber security units of the National Guard have been “called” into 14 states to help “assure honest elections” and prevent things like that awful Russian interference in 2016! They will be linked up with CISA, a globalist federal agency who thinks they are responsible for the cyber security of our elections. Did you even know tht our National Guard HAD cyber security units? Yeah. Me either.

CISA is related to DHS. Smell something?

Each of those states which “requested” the Guard (AZ, CO, CT, DE, HI, IL, IA, LA, NM, NY, NC, PA, WA and WV) are now Blue or leaning blue, and all but LA are ERIC members. (NC is joining in 2023 for a “trial run”.) Despite training at the FEMA camp where the UN was trained in 2015 to put down an American rebellion, the National Guard is a threat presence.

The only possible assist they could make to the results in the states to which they were “called” is pockets full of thumb drives quietly inserted to change vote totals in the machines.

Look at the states involved. Lots of tight races in each.

Also, don’t forget that ol’ Joe invited Chinese Tik Tok in to our election party as well. Just for keeping things honest.

Sorry, I know this is getting long. Stick with me. It’s stuff about fraud, and I’m about done.

* * *

In 2020, before the election, I wrote about a professional fraudster in NJ, who had come forth for an interview with the NY Post, and bragged about how he had been working election fraud for 30+ years. He claimed to be a “master at fixing mail-in ballots”. The confessor was a “top Democrat operative” who stated that fraud was rather “more the rule than the exception.”. He explained, in detail, how “mail-in ballots had been used to steal elections for years.” He had personally schooled at least 20 others other operatives in NJ, NY, and PA. His words, not mine.

Hey, Joe! When you’ve got party operatives out there bragging on your fraud, you can’t shake your fist at those who believe him. Want even MORE people to question your creds?

* * *

From this vantage point, on the eve of Midterms 2022, I can see several different possibilities. By the time you read this, some things will already be history. I pray that one of them is not our republic.

First and best, the Red Tsunami materializes and washes all the filth and corruption away with it. Then we will have one more chance to right the ship of state. Should that be our blessing, we must treat it as such, and get to work immediately to prevent further rot in our political and societal structure. Big job? You bet, but I’d rather have the opportunity than not.

Another, middle-ground chance, is that the fraud we can see happens, but is not sufficient to overcome the 81+% of America which is desperate for change. We win, but not without a struggle in some states. This may be the most likely.

The worst of three scenarios is that the fraud is laid on blatantly and extensively, daring us to object – in any way. In this case, they would steal Congress and state offices. We would lose and be furious. Fighting mad. And that is just the way they want us. The enemy would love nothing more than to get us to fire the first literal shots, then they’d bring in the UN troops to disarm and take us down.

But we cannot blow, regardless of how justified it might feel. Remember that is their fondest dream. They want us controlled and disarmed. Don’t give it to them. Hold your powder.

So, whatever happens in the days following this most important election in our history, keep your cool. They do not appear to be a confident enemy, for they are acting very afraid.

They still fear us.

Please remember what Thomas Jefferson told us over 200 years ago: “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When people fear their government there is tyranny.”

They do still fear us. So we must stand strong. SMART and strong.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Gout Patient Experiences Complete Relief With MSM Mineral Formula

By Investigative Reporter Gregory Ciola

November 11, 2022

Millions of Americans suffer with gout; a common inflammatory arthritis triggered by the crystallization of uric acid within the joints. In a PubMed article they reported the following results.

“In 2015-16, the overall prevalence of gout among US adults was 3.9%, corresponding to a total affected population of 9.2 million. Hyperuricaemia (>0.40 mmol/l or 6.8 mg/dl) was seen in 14.6% of the US population (estimated 32.5 million individuals.” [i]

The biggest problem with the modern medical world is that virtually nothing is ever done to investigate mineral deficiencies that are linked to a wide range of health problems. It’s easier to sell prescriptions to relieve symptoms, but don’t fix underlying problems. Gout is a very serious condition. Many people who suffer with it can be in extremely bad pain. Some can’t even stand up or work.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is one of the most important and beneficial minerals in the world. MSM used in our Sulfur Defense supplement that we have sold since 2010 has a well-documented record of safety and has been studied in a wide variety of investigations.

MSM Proven To Support Joint Health

In studies, the MSM in Sulfur Defense has been shown to encourage a significant reduction in pain and deterioration of cartilage matrix in joints. Also revealed was the ability of our MSM to improve mobility and modify the immune response.

MSM Proven To Alleviate Inflammation

Researchers have observed that MSM may modify pro-inflammatory mechanisms to alleviate exercise-induced soreness and support antioxidant levels in the body. Properties found in our MSM can help deter the accumulation of oxidative damage that develops through aging and stress on the body.

There is no known evidence of interactions between the Sulfur Defense MSM and pharmaceuticals, herbs, vitamins, or minerals.

Marty Martinson is a customer of ours who experienced a horrific case of gout for over 23 years. Someone he knew told him to try our Sulfur Defense MSM product and he has been gout free using it now for several years. He was so excited about the results that he wants to tell everyone he knows what he went through. Here is the interview I conducted with Marty about his before and after experience.

Q: How old were you when you were first diagnosed with gout?

I was 30 years old.

Q: What were the symptoms you had?

My big toe felt like it was broken. It was swollen and I couldn’t put any pressure on it, so walking was impossible.

Q: Did it come and go or was this something that hit you and never went away?

In the beginning I was getting a flare up a couple of times a year, and over time it began to happen more and more frequently. Before I started taking MSM it had gotten so bad that I was in a constant state of flare up in one joint or another.

Q: Did the gout cause any issues with walking or being able to work?

I was a standout high school athlete and went on to play football and rugby in college. I was also very active in the martial arts. Once I was diagnosed and as the gout progressed it absolutely ended my athletic endeavors. Every time I attempted to start any kind of training the gout would rear its ugly head and I would be sidelined for a couple of weeks. This was also true if I attempted to change my diet. All of this resulted in an incremental weight gain over time, which accelerated my flare ups.

Work was a whole other issue. My career has primarily been in sales, so I was in constant motion. In and out of my car doing presentations, etc. I would come up with fake injuries to cover for my constant limping or inability to walk during flare ups. I also used my sick days and most of my vacation days for flare ups. I didn’t want to appear weak, so I disguised my affliction.

Q: What did the doctors tell you to do?

I have yet to meet a doctor that truly understands gout. Every doctor I have ever spoken to about it refers to the standards from the 1950’s. No red meat, cut back on fatty foods, stay away from seafood, no beer or wine, etc. They also prescribed the same archaic prescriptions. Indomethacin, colchicine, and eventually allopurinol. None of which did anything but deal with the symptoms.

Q: Tell our audience more about the medicines you were taking, and did they help at all?

Indomethacin – It was to be used during flare ups to reduce the swelling. I later discovered this was a form of Naproxen, and just switched over to Aleve to save a few bucks. It reduced the swelling, and helped with the pain, but it did nothing for a major flare up.

Colchicine – It was to be used to reduce Uric acid during a flare up. Every time I went to the doctor they would do my blood work, (which was usually because I was having a major flare up), the colchicine would make my liver counts go through the roof.

Allopurinol – It was to be taken daily for the rest of my life. Initially, it worked, but as my body became accustomed to it, the doctor would continually increase the dosage as my symptoms returned.

Q: How many years did you suffer with this problem?

I am 56 years old, and I was diagnosed when I was 30. I discovered the Sulfur Defense MSM when I was 53.

Q: How did you find out about our product?

I was getting a massage, and as the masseuse got to my feet I flinched. She asked me why, and I told her, “I have gout”. She recommended I try sulfur crystals and the rest is history.

Q: How much did you take and how long after using it did you see results?

I started with 1 spoonful in the morning, and 16 ounces of water. I started to notice a difference within about a month, and after about six months, I was talking with my wife, and said, “You know, I haven’t had a flare up in like six months, and my joints feel great”. So, I would recommend to anybody interested to commit to six months and see if it helps.

Q: Tell our readers how you are now.

It’s been a little over 2 years since my last flare up. I feel great, I have started playing golf weekly, I am walking 10,000 steps per day, and starting to chip away at the weight gain I suffered from my lack of mobility. I truly look forward to regaining some of my athletic prowess and shape from my youth. I had reserved myself to the fact that as I aged, I would be miserable and in constant pain, but MSM has given me hope. That is not to say that I don’t have some long term affects from gout with some joint damage due to years of suffering, but now I can exercise again. If I can cut my weight back to a healthy number my hope is that it will further alleviate some of the long-term issues.

Q: Have you changed anything with your diet, or do you just use the Sulfur Defense?

I have changed my diet. My current regime is a low carb program to help my body cut weight. When I tried this before MSM within 2 or 3 days I would be in the midst of a major flare up. I am eating the very things that every doctor I ever spoke with about gout warned me to stop. Red meat, seafood, wine, beer, etc. No flare ups!

Q: Do you know anyone else who has the same problem, and have you been able to get them to follow what you did?

I have made several posts on Facebook gout groups, and several people have identified with my condition and are now trying it themselves. They have all committed to keep me posted and share the message if they have positive results.

Q: Is there any concluding information you would like to share with readers that would be very important to know?

Give it a try. If it works for you, you can avoid all those years of agony, sleepless nights, and permanent joint damage. It has changed my life and given me hope that I can live the rest of my life with dignity and mobility.

Sulfur Defense is available on our website or Amazon

These statements have not been evaluated by The Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Gregory Ciola:

A True American Seer

By Servando Gonzalez

November 11, 2022

We live in an eternal present. We cannot modify the past and only guess about the future. Nevertheless, since immemorial times, humans have tried to predict what will happen.

The ancient Greek were very interested in the future. Some of them traveled to the island of Delphi to listen to the Pythia who, while seated on her tripod, delivered precious information through her divinations about things to come.

Many years later, Nostradamus, the French seer, offered his vision of the future. Unfortunately, his predictions were expressed in a sort of convoluted language difficult to understand. Nevertheless, some people believe he actually predicted some events.

Also, as the Russians had their seer, the clairvoyant Helena Blavatsky, Hitler had his own seer, Erik Jan Hanussen. And Americans were not left behind. Many Americans believed the prophecies advanced by Edgar Cayce and Jeanne Dixon.

Nevertheless, none of these seers have so accurately predicted the future as the prophecies advanced by an American seer whose prophecies always become true. I am talking about Foreign Affairs, the main organ of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). For reasons difficult to explain, Foreign Affairs is the key to know way in advance the future policies, particularly the foreign policy, the U.S. is going to follow.

Just by chance, a few weeks ago I found a past issue of Foreign Affairs (Volume 97, number 3, May/June 2018). It prominently displaying on its cover the caption: “Is Democracy Dying? — A Global Report.” Most of the articles are devoted to sell the idea of the benefits of an American democracy.

Among those were:

-Walter Russell Mead, “The Big Shift: How American Democracy Fails Its Way to Success.”

-Ronald Inglehart, “The Age of Insecurity: Can Democracy Save Itself?” In this article the author creates a new term: “representative democracy,” which is a contradiction in terms. Moreover, he believes that “democracy has a major advantage over other political systems; it provides a nonviolent way to replace a country’s leaders.”

-Yascha Mounk and Roberto Stefan Moa, “The End of the Democratic Century: Autocracy’s Global Ascendance.” According to these authors, “… the twentieth century was marked by the dominance not just of a particular country but also the political systems it helped spread: liberal democracy.”

-Ivan Krastev, “Eastern Europe’s Illiberal Revolution: The Long Road to Democratic Decline.”

So, if you still ignore where the current push for democracy originated, this issues of Foreign Affairs gives us a clue. It originated at the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan.

Now, why the globalist conspirators ensconced at their ivory towers in the Council on Foreign Relations love democracy so much. Some time ago, one of them gave us a clue:

In his book 1984 The Power to Lead, author James McGregor Burns (CFR) recognized the fact that to carry out their plans for the total destruction of America as we knew it, the CFR conspirators needed to get rid of the U.S. Constitution. According to him,

“Let’s us face reality. The framers [of the U.S. Constitution] have simply been too shrewd for us. They have outwitted us. They designed separate institutions that cannot be unified by mechanical linkages, frail bridges, tinkering. If we are to ‘turn the Founders upside down’ — we must directly confront the constitutional structure they erected.”

According to a well-known anecdote, just after the end of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when our Constitution was adopted, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government they had given us. Franklin laconic answer was, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

As anybody can verify, the word ‘democracy’ does not appear in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The Founding Fathers knew that all democracies eventually become tyrannies, that’s why they created a Constitutional Republic, where the rights of the minority were as important as the wishes of some minorities passing as majorities.

Nevertheless, though American presidents solemnly swear to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, most of them, particularly Democrats, have sided with the domestic enemies ensconced in the Council on Foreign Relations in their attacks on the Constitution. Most recent attack came from Joe Biden who, in his bizarre speech on September 1, 2022, on a demonic dark, blood-red background at the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, PA, mentioned the word “democracy” 31 times. Now you may guess who paid him to do it.

On the other hand, we need to recognize the globalist conspirators are not fools. it is easier and cheaper to recruit and pay a mob to go to the street yelling about the need to do whatever the person who provided the money wants, than buying individual politicians in Congress to push for it. This explains why globalist George Soros have been doing it successfully for many years.

By the way, I vividly remember when Castro yelled at the mass meetings in Havana’s Revolution Square: “This is a true democracy.” He was right. And today’s Cuba, formerly a representative Republic, is the disastrous result of that drastic change.

The results of this election will tell us if America still be a representative Republic or will be fully changed into a Democracy. So, expect the best but prepare for the worst.

Servando’s book  Partners in Treason: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of America, banned by Amazon, is still available at the NewsWithViews store. You may order your copy here, supply is limited.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:

Veterans Day 2022—Will We “Keep Faith” To Veterans?

By Rees Lloyd

November 11, 2022

The cost of war is in two parts: The cost of the battle itself, which is immediate; and the cost of care for those sent to fight the battle. Since most of those fighting the battle are young, that cost can continue for sixty years, or even longer. But when the country needs veterans, it gets veterans; when it feels it no longer needs veterans, it forgets veterans.”

These are the poignant words of a now deceased 100% disabled combat veteran of the Vietnam War generation.  The truth of his words should long survive him, and should be remembered not only on this Veterans Day, November 11,  2022, but every day — if we Americans are to “keep faith” with all those veterans who have served and sacrificed in defense of American freedom.

Maj. Gen. Patrick H. Brady (USA, ret.), a recipient of the Medal of Honor for his heroism in the Vietnam War who is regarded as America’s most decorated living veteran, has written in tribute to America’s veterans:  “America, under our Constitution, has no hereditary class of nobility.Americas nobles are her veterans.”

There are an estimated more than 18-million living American veterans. It has rightly been said of them, and of all Veterans who have served in defense of freedom, including those serving now:  All gave some, some gave all.”

As to giving “all,” over 1.4-million veterans have given their lives in all the wars in defense of American freedom. Many thousands are still “Missing in Action.” Many millions more have survived but suffered devastating wounds lasting their entire lives. In the modern era, many veterans are surviving wounds that would have been fatal in earlier wars due to advances in medical care. They will need continuing care for decades, long after the close of wars in which they served.

It is they who must not be forgotten when actual war recedes; it is they with whom Americans must “keep faith.” Patriotic warriors for freedom were mostly young when wounded.  They will need continuing care, even when the attention of  political office holders and Americans generally tends to shove them out of sight and out of mind as other problems take the center of attention.

There are over 9-million of those veterans who are receiving medical care today through the Veterans Administration hospitals and medical facilities for the wounds of war—physical, mental, and emotional. They are survivors from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, the War Against Terror in the Middle East,  including combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. They all deserve, and must receive, the medical care they were promised by the nation that they would receive for their military service.

But that will require that the Americans whose freedom was purchased by the service of veterans must “keep faith” with America’s veterans.

It has generally been thought among veterans that the medical care provided by doctors and nurses of the VA is good —  “if you can get it.” Too often, that needed care has been delayed, and thereby denied.

For years, there have been  stories of long waits to actually see a physician—waits sometimes so long that veterans have died waiting.  There  also have been horror stories of mistreatment of veterans by career bureaucrat administrators at the VA, including deliberate falsification of records to hide the bureaucrats’ failures. Regarding those abuses, it was until recently all but impossible to remove the VA bureaucrats responsible for the problems.

Thanks to reforms initiated and fought for by former President Donald J. Trump in his first term starting in 2016, long waits have been cut down by allowing veterans “freedom to choose” to seek help from private physicians when the VA is unable to provide timely help.

The Trump reforms include the ability to terminate those VA bureaucrats and employees who fail to properly serve the veterans. Several thousand VA bureaucrats and other VA employees  were reportedly fired  during the Trump administration for abuses. The result has been that President Trump received  an approval rating among veterans being served by VA of an astonishing “91%.”

Veterans need the vigilance and support of Americans to ensure that the promises made to veterans for their service are fulfilled.

The late General Norman (“Stormin’ Norman”) Schwarzkopf, who led the victory in Desert Storm which brought down the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, famously said: “Some things are worth living for. Some things are worth dying for. One of those things is freedom.”

America’s veterans are those men and women who took an oath to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Every single one of them took that oath and entered military service knowing that they might be required to die, or suffer horrible wounds, in defense of freedom. Yet, they served. As noted, some 1.4-million American veterans have died in defense of our freedom. Countless millions suffered the wounds of war, many lasting a lifetime. Those veterans need the vigilance and support of Americans to ensure that the promises made to veterans for their service are fulfilled.

There can be no doubt that we of this generation of Americans owe a great debt to America’s veterans who preserved and protected our freedom by their service—including all those veterans who are serving now.

We pay our debt to those who have served, in part, by remembering, honoring, and “keeping  faith” with veterans by insuring that the promises made to them are kept.

This Veterans Day 2022, we Americans would do well to honor veterans and reflect on just what Veterans Day means.

Veterans Day was originally “Armistice Day,” honoring WWI veterans. Congress later amended it to “Veterans Day” to honor all veterans.  Veterans Day observances traditionally commence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year, the anniversary of the date and time of the signing of the Armistice ending combat in World War I on November 11, 1918.

WWI was a horrible war of slaughter: There were over over 10-million casualties. It began in 1914. The first of some 4-million Americans who would serve in —and win that war — began arriving in France in June, 1917, when it looked as if Germany would be victorious.

The first Americans to die were three soldiers who were killed in combat on Nov. 3, 1917. By the time the Armistice was signed a year later, on Nov. 11, 1918, some 117,000 Americans — almost 10,000 per month of combat—had given their lives in service.

The horror of WWI, presented side-by-side with the sacrifices of those Americans and allied forces who served, fought, and died — and the need for us to “keep the faith” with those who served —is expressed most profoundly by the poem, “Flanders Fields.” It is perhaps the most moving poem ever written about war, and sacrifice,  honor, and the need for those who live not to “break faith” with those who served, were wounded, or died for freedom.

“Flanders Fields”  was written by then-Major John McCrae, MD, a surgeon in the Canadian Army who was born in 1872 and would die in 1918, the year that terrible war ended. Dr. McCrae wrote the poem in the devastation of the battle of Ypres in WWI, days after his best comrade had been killed. His words reach across more than a century to bring home the reality of all the wars, and the need to “keep faith” with those who served.

On Veterans Day 2022, may God bless all the veterans who have served in defense of our freedom in all the wars. And may the country whose freedom they preserved honor them on Veterans Day and on every day. They kept the faith with us; and, as expressed in the haunting words of “Flanders Field,” we must not “break faith” with them.


By Lt. Col. John McCrae, Army of Canada, WWI

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow,
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be it yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Field.

© 2022 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd:

The Marxist General in the American Civil War

By Cliff Kincaid

November 10, 2022

Despite clams of a MAGA Red Wave on November 8, Barack Hussein Obama pulled it off. America’s first Marxist president emerged from the shadows and orchestrated a Democratic Party comeback that has effectively blocked any Republican effort in Congress to root out communism and corruption.

The puppet master behind China Joe, Obama understands Marxist strategies of gaining and maintaining power. He outmaneuvered the naïve MAGA Republicans who believed their own propaganda of a Red Tsunami.

Stephen K. Bannon, Sebastian Gorka and other self-proclaimed MAGA spokesmen had predicted massive Republican gains, including 50 seats or more in the House. As of this writing, Republicans may get a slim House majority. Control of the Senate is still undecided.

MAGA candidates in Pennsylvania, where they should have done well, were crushed.

A MAGA candidate for governor in Maryland, Dan Cox, was decisively beaten by a former marijuana company executive, Wes Moore, who is described as the next Obama.

In short, we are continuing to see the “fundamental transformation” of America, which began years ago under the watchful eye of Barack Hussein Obama and his top lieutenants, including one Patrick Gaspard. He was the president of the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundations, giving away nearly a billion dollars per year to dozens of left-wing and Marxist organizations around the world.

Please note that Soros’ favorite causes include drug legalization, strengthening the United Nations, opposition to the death penalty, euthanasia, tax increases (including a global tax), immigrant rights, feminism, abortion rights, and homosexual/transgender rights. This continues to be the recipe for solidifying control of a Marxist America.

Targeting blacks and guilty white liberals, Gaspard had announced a staggering grant of $220 million of Soros money into black power movements, “placing a bet on their ability to carry today’s momentum toward a better tomorrow.” That’s on top of the admitted $15.2 billon the billionaire hedge fund operator had already provided to various Marxist and “progressive” forces.

In our special report, “Personnel is Policy: How Obama Transformed America,” we identified the people orchestrating this strategy as Patrick Gaspard, who is still unknown to many conservatives, and Steve Phillips, the actual author of the Rainbow Nation strategy.

As I argued in a column before the elections, we need to go back in history and understand what Obama has already accomplished. My group, America’s Survival, Inc., published three books on the political significance of the Obama presidency.

Gaspard, now President & CEO of the Center for American Progress (CAP), defends the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the Inflation Reduction Act, laws which have created domestic and global crisis and chaos. You can see it in today’s headlines, with massive layoffs in the tech and financial sectors.

America is entering the period of stagflation.

Gaspard said that, regardless of the election results, “If progressives hang together, the capacity for what we can achieve is enormous.”

“At CAP,” he says, “we will continue to do whatever we can to lift up the landmark laws that passed in the first two years of the Biden administration, champion their benefits, and push for additional policies that can improve lives in this country.”

All of this is Marxist rhetoric but the Democrats motivated their base. The Republican effort, despite all of the overheated pro-MAGA rhetoric from people like Stephen K. Bannon, fell short. That’s partly because traditional Republicans are turned off by the rhetoric of people like Bannon, his associate Alex Jones, and other MAGA sycophants on the “Real America’s Voice” channel.

Still, the channel itself proclaimed, “The Red Wave never showed up.”

On the Democratic side, Gaspard is the quiet behind-the-scenes operator who was initially nominated by Obama to be his Ambassador to South Africa, already considered a “Rainbow Nation.” A member of Obama’s inner circle, he had served as Director of the White House Office of Political Affairs, where he helped coordinate the rainbow political strategy. He also served as the Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee and lobbyist for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

Steve Phillips, author of the Rainbow Nation strategy, says, “There is a New American Majority in America, consisting of roughly 75% of people of color and 40% of whites. If progressives help manifest that majority at the polls, the midterms can be a time for celebration. And if the [2022] results are disappointing, the imperative to adopt smarter strategies and invest in a voter turnout machine for 2023 and 2024 will be that much stronger.

This was written, of course, before the November 8 election results came in and demonstrated that the Democratic Party “voter turnout machine” is far superior to that of the Republicans.

Demonstrating his reach in the media, Phillips has now joined ESPN host Stephen A. Smith to discuss Phillips’ new book, How We Win the Civil War: Securing a Multiracial Democracy and Ending White Supremacy for Good.

The Obama machine is committed to winning not only the American civil war but what Bertil Haggman, director of the Center for Research on Geopolitics in Sweden, calls a “planetary civil war.” We are in the midst of this revolution, which has been carried forward by Barack Hussein Obama, as we saw in his appearances on the campaign trail. He is the real power behind China Joe.

“V.I. Lenin, one of the keenest criminal political minds in world history, early claimed that the imperative was to train professional revolutionists and they had, according to him, to be trained for years,” explains Haggman. “Lenin meant what he said and during the existence of the Soviet regime over 100,000 dedicated communists were trained in Soviet Russian or satellite political warfare academies. The trainees later made careers in local communist parties and home countries often to become powerful politicians to influence world political events.”

Obama was once described by a Communist Party writer as the Marxist “mole” in the American political system. “Obama is Never Going Away” was the title of my column warning of what was to come on November 8.

As an eyewitness to what is happening in South Africa, Gaspard understood how a communist regime could take power through the democratic process.  The communist government there is exploiting the votes of the majority black population.

Here, the strategy is slightly different. The key to the Obama/Gaspard strategy is to shame enough whites to join the communist coalition.  These are the “progressive whites” who were caught up in the George Floyd protests. Through one of the most skillful propaganda campaigns ever launched, the cops in the Floyd case were portrayed as cold-blooded killers when in fact they were confronted with a career criminal high on drugs who was foaming at the mouth and resisting arrest.

We can expect more of this kind of propaganda in the months ahead, as we anticipate the 2024 presidential race. The MAGA movement needs to understand how communists overthrow non-communist majorities and make democracies into dictatorships.

A good place to start is the 1961 House Committee on Un-American Activities analysis of the book How Parliament can Play a Revolutionary Part in Transition to Socialism. It is one of the most amazing Communist documents of our time.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Now What?

By Lee Duigon

November 10, 2022

Just 24 hours before I sat down to write this, the Internet was buzzing with predictions and prognostications, all of them foretelling a Great Red Wave, a red tsunami, that would sweep the Evil Party out of office and save the country from their insane and wicked policies.

All wrong, every babbling one of them. No red wave. Couldn’t even beat that out-to-lunch jidrool in Pennsylvania. And as I write, we don’t even know yet whether we’ll have even razor-thin majorities in either house of Congress.

But whether we do or don’t, it’s back to work. Surrender is not an option. As Sun Tzu once said, “On death ground—fight.” Nothing else will do.

Well: if we do have a majority, even if it’s only one vote, here’s what we must do.

The Republicans must immediately vote to reopen the Keystone Pipeline. SloJo will veto that. Republicans must try to override the veto, forcing Democrats to stop them. And when that happens, we will have forced the Democrats to take sole ownership of crazy high gas prices. No one to blame for that but them.

They must be seen to own the policies that America hates. The non-existent southern border. Transgender madness. Critical Race Theory in the schools. Corrupt deals with the globalists and Chinese communists. Turning violent criminals loose to claim more victims. Vote against these follies to force the Democrats to vote for them. Let there be no doubt whatsoever that these are the fools who are so grossly damaging our country. Them and them alone.

And I guess we might as well stop listening to pollsters. How they could have been so wrong—again!—is baffling. Are they that incompetent, or simply that mendacious? Either way, they’re useless.

God once told His prophets that He would wait before he crushed the heathen nations of Canaan—that He would wait until they’d filled their iniquity. That would take a long time, but what is time to God?

Is He waiting for the nations of the world today to fill to the brim their own cup of iniquity? How much farther do they have to go? How many more children, worldwide, will be addled, drugged, surgically mutilated and rendered sterile for life, before that cup is filled? How many more babies will be aborted? How many more needless wars? How many more idols, like “transgender,” must be set up and given human sacrifices?

Can America any longer be Ronald Reagan’s shining “city on a hill,” inspiring the other nations? We are not a shining city today. What we are is a pathetic broken mess. Thank you, teachers’ unions, race hustlers, colleges that make us stupid, Hollywood, integrity-free news media, and all the rest of Woke! Thank you for corrupting us, abusing us, and stupefying all the nations.

It was all done in plain sight; and we failed to stop it. We didn’t know how. We still don’t, do we?

But we must put our trust in God and take the adventure that falls to us. He put us here to serve Him. Not for any worldly reward, but simply because that’s what God’s people do.

The rest is up to Him. And the judge of all the earth will surely do right.

One way or another.

I have discussed these and other issues throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit… while we can. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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You Really Expected A Red Wave?

By Kelleigh Nelson

November 10, 2022

ACORN, you may recall, is the left-wing activist group with longtime ties to community organizer-turned-President Barack Obama. The nonprofit, which now takes in 40 percent of its revenues from American taxpayers after four decades on the public teat, has a history of engaging in voter fraud, corporate shakedowns, partisan bullying and pro-illegal immigration lobbying. The Democrats’ stimulus proposals could make the group – and its lesser known but even more radical ideological allies – eligible for upward of $5 billion in new public cash.  —Michelle Malkin

In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate – look to his character.  When a citizen gives his suffrage to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not on his own interest, but that of his neighbor, he betrays the interest of his country. —Noah Webster

It has been thought that corruption is restrained by confining the suffrage to a few of the wealthier of the people: but it would be more effectually restrained by an extension of that to such numbers as would bid defiance to the means of corruption. —Thomas Jefferson, 1785 – Thomas Jefferson advocated for extending the right to vote as widely as possible.

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) said, “I’m hopeful in about eight and a half months there’s gonna be a big change on election day.”  Well Jim, you and a whole lot of other Republicans and rightwing pundits said much the same thing, but all of you were ignoring the 2018 and 2020 election.  Don’t you remember Jim? In 2018, so many republicans went to bed election eve believing they had won only to wake up to recounts and eventual losses.  In the end, the Democrats took the House.

Thanks to the failure of the Republican Party to do anything about the 2018 and 2020 voter fraud, the “Red Wave” most pundits forecast was not forthcoming.  Those of us who look at reality, and tell the truth to the people, knew it was highly unlikely the Stalinist Democrats would relinquish their control.  And yes, it was fine to pray, but one also needs to work to stop the criminal theft.  Name me one Republican who has done anything to stop the gigantic fraud in America’s elections.

The Supreme Court refused to hear any 2020 general election cases involving voter fraud.  On December 11, 2021,the Supreme Court denied a Texas effort that would have essentially nullified the presidential elections in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin. Seventeen other states joined in the suit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch dissented.

On February 22, the Supreme Court rejected three GOP elections-related lawsuits regarding the state of Pennsylvania.  The same three justices dissented.  The fact that states did not follow their own state legislatively set laws is the issue millions of people still are not happy with.  The Roberts led Supreme Court has declined to hear any of the cases brought challenging the procedures of how the election was conducted.

Most of my friends and those who read my articles know election fraud has been around for a long, long time.

The Disputed 1876 Election

In order to ensure Republican Rutherford B. Hayes’s election in 1876, Republican leaders negotiated an agreement with Southern Democrats in the House. The Republicans agreed to remove federal troops policing the South as soon as Hayes became president. Hayes also agreed to have at least one Southerner appointed to his cabinet.  The 1876 election saw the highest voter turnout of any in U.S. history (82%) and was decided by a single electoral vote.

At the end of election day, there was no clear winner in South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana.  Yet, both parties claimed victory.  Republican controlled “returning” boards determined the official electoral votes.

Those controlled boards determined which votes they’d count or throw out if they deemed them fraudulent.  Sound familiar?  They argued in all three states that fraud, intimidation and violence in certain districts invalidated votes, and they threw out enough Democratic votes for Hayes to win.  All three state-returning-boards awarded their electoral votes to Hayes.

While Hayes strongly supported African Americans’ right to vote and protection of their civil rights, he had little influence in the South. By the time he took office, the only federal troops still in the South protecting Republican governments were limited to small areas surrounding state houses in the capitals of New Orleans and Columbia.  But, thank the Lord, after 12 years of Martial Law in the Southern States, the federal troops were gone.

1948 Texas Senate Election

Frank Hamer was the legendary Texas Ranger who trapped and killed notorious outlaws, Bonnie and Clyde.  R. Cort Kirkwood wrote the entire story for the February 1st, 2021 New American Magazine.  Hamer was shot 17 times and killed 53 men during his illustrious career.  He also saved 15 black men from death at the hands of lynch mobs in various towns and cities in east Texas, where he led an unpopular fight against the Ku Klux Klan.

It was July, 1948 when beloved Texas Governor, Coke Stevenson ran for the Senate and won, but victory was stolen by election thief Lyndon Baines Johnson.  In the Democratic primary of 1948, Stevenson bested Johnson by more than 70,000 votes, but neither candidate received a majority of the more than one million cast.  Three men were in the running, but the most votes went to Stevenson with 477,077 and to Johnson with 405,617.  The two met again in a runoff on Saturday, August 28th.

Kirkwood writes, “Though polling put Stevenson ahead, 53-47 percent, Johnson turned that deficit around. As more precincts reported results, Stevenson’s lead dwindled to less than 1,000 votes, and while more uncounted votes magically appeared, by Tuesday, election officials had declared Stevenson the victor by a slim 349. Yet the counting still wasn’t finished. More and more counties in the Rio Grande Valley reported “new votes” for Johnson, which cut his deficit to 157. That still wasn’t enough to defeat Stevenson.  At 12:30 p.m. on Friday, September 3, Jim Wells County called in a 200-vote change that gave Johnson 494,191 to Stevenson’s 484,104.”

Sound familiar?

Cork Stevenson knew there was fraud, so with his friend Frank Hamer and two lawyers, they traveled to Corpus Christi to check the votes.  Hamer and Stevenson went to the bank where election records for Precinct 13 were kept. “Git,” Hamer told one band of five. “Fall back!” he ordered the second larger group blocking the bank’s door. He was ready to draw the gun holstered at his side.  The other men had removed their jackets and none were armed except Frank.

They proved the votes had been rigged and a “7” had obviously been changed to a “9.”  A Mexican American in the precinct told the two lawyers that “people live longer down here if they keep their mouths shut.”

Even though they had the proof of vote fraud, the Democrats did the same thing they always do and on January 6th, 1948, they declared Johnson the winner by one vote.

The evidence from Hamer and Stevenson didn’t matter.  Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black halted the trial just minutes before the vote boxes were to be opened in court. Johnson’s attorney, future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas, successfully argued to Associate Justice Hugo Black, then in charge of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, that primaries were “irrevocably and incontestably vested” in Texas law.

Black agreed, and the Supreme Court upheld his ruling. Fraud was discounted out of hand, just like it was in our 2020 general election and the runoff in Georgia in January of 2021.

Hugo Black was one of the liberal democrats nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Many Americans also know of the 1946 Battle of Athens in McMinn County, Tennessee regarding Democrat vote fraud by Paul Cantrell, the candidate for sheriff who tied his campaign closely to the popularity of the Roosevelt administration and rode FDR’s coattails to victory over his Republican opponent.  He ruled until 1946 when returning WWII veterans stopped the deceit.

1960 Election

As reported in the Chicago Daily News, sister publication of the Chicago Sun-Times:

In 1960, some irregularities in Illinois votes, specifically the ones in Chicago, prompted calls for an investigation from Republicans over then-Sen. John F. Kennedy’s victory. The saga played out in the pages of the Chicago Daily News.

“Fewer than 100,000 votes out of a total of 69 million cast in the Nov. 8 election may decide whether Vice President Nixon or Sen. Kennedy is to be our nest President,” William Harrison Fetridge, chairman of the Nixon Recount Committee of Illinois, told the Daily News on Dec. 5, 1960.

Fetridge name-dropped Chicago as one of the cities “where entrenched political machines control the election machinery,” alleging voter fraud. A lawsuit later filed accused Cook County of digging up “Kennedy voters from the cemeteries of Chicago.”

Voter fraud in Cook County certainly wasn’t unheard of at the time (picture it: Cicero, 1924), but did Republicans have a case? According to scholar Edmund F. Kallina’s article in “Presidential Studies Quarterly,” the answer is yes, but also, no. His research found that Nixon was not “cheated out of Illinois’ electoral votes.”

2000 Election

In the 2000 election, George W. Bush narrowly lost the popular vote to Democrat Al Gore but defeated Gore in the electoral college.

Ultimately, the contest focused on Florida. Networks initially projected Gore the winner in Florida, but later they declared that Bush had opened an insurmountable lead. Gore called Bush and conceded the election, but then…in the early hours of the following morning, the race in Florida seemed far closer than Gore’s staff had originally believe.  Fewer than 600 votes separated the candidates and appeared to be narrowing.  Gore called Bush and retracted his concession.

Then came machine recounts, hanging chads, pregnant chads, and finally a statewide recount by ordered by the Florida Supreme Court.

But wait, the Bush campaign quickly filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking it to delay the recounts until it could hear the case; a stay was issued by the court on December 9. Several days later concluding that a fair statewide recount could not be performed in time to meet the December 18th deadline for certifying the state’s electors.  Ultimately, the court issued a controversial 5-4 decision to reverse the Florida Supreme Court’s recount order and that awarded the presidency to Bush.  The electoral vote was narrow, but Bush won over Gore by 271 to 266, again by only one (1) more vote than required.  One Gore elector abstained.

America’s past elections have been questioned again and again, but the 2018, 2020 and now 2022 elections manifest blatant irregularities that are noticeable by much of the electorate.

We’ve seen it all, late night suitcases of votes being poured into the coffers, all for one particular candidate.  Mike Lindell proved the damning evidence of voter fraud and Dinesh D’Souza showed it to us on film.


If we don’t fix the problem, the problem will repeat, and that’s what we saw Tuesday evening.  Evil has a hold on America and the demons aren’t about to let go.  We’ve tossed the Lord God out of everything in our culture and society, so why does anyone expect anything good to come of efforts until we turn back to Him?

The Red Wave was a lie from the beginning and most folks knew it.  You can’t have change when the same fraud is still in place.

Pennsylvania electing an idiot like Fetterman?  Please!

Maricopa County in AZ still all screwed up just like 2020?  Please!

Kari Lake barely getting enough votes to beat Katie Dobbs?  Who are they kidding?

Everyone rushed out to vote, truly in droves, but it was just as useless as the massive voting in 2020.

I had hoped and prayed it would be different, but I knew in my heart what we’d see again.  I’m sure many people feel as I do, America is dying.  And a lot of folks told me that if these election results weren’t good, then there is no reason to bother to vote again unless it is fixed, and that seems unlikely.

A new year is coming and there is something we can do.  Urge everyone to open their Bibles and read through the entire book in one year in chronological order.  Do not forsake the Old Testament (the Hebrew Bible), for therein lies the foundation for all of our Judeo-Christian faith.

Draw closer to our Creator and He will help us.

It is the only answer.

Isaiah 41:10

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

A Few Post-Election Thoughts: Our Tumultuous Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 10, 2022

Americans are suffering through the most crushing economic conditions in decades, rampant crime, endless infusion of drugs across our southern border, reckless foreign/nuclear war flirtations, the most perverse assaults on family and parental rights in history, and topped off by an embarrassing, senile, unpopular disaster in the White House. He leads with bellicose pronouncements as he shows indifference to the ordeal he is inflicting on working American people.  And yet, American voters, largely, chose to continue on the same path. How do you figure that out?

One of my dear friends in Washington DC wrote me right after the election results.  He wondered how someone like John Fetterman, a man who has never worked a job in his life, and who faces enormous health problems that could kill him at any moment—won a U.S. Senate seat away from the highly articulate Dr. Oz?

Because of my friend’s background, he’s very articulate on all aspects of the immigration invasion intensifying on our southern border.  The fact is, we have lacked any border enforcement for the past 22 months.  We are no longer a sovereign nation.

So, my insider DC friend, what do you make of our dilemma?

“My biggest frustration is obviously that there was no red wave,” he said. “Given how deplorable Biden’s policies are and what an absolute wreck he has made of our country, if voters didn’t repudiate that with new leadership, then when would they ever? Just how bad do things have to get to see a reaction?

“Half of Americans seem to have lost their instinct for survival, if not common-sense decision-making.  The left keeps harping about “saving Democracy.”  What’s more essential to the preservation of the Republic than being able to identify major problems in society and selecting new leaders who can fix them?

“I disagree with some of my fellow conservatives this is due to election fraud. Yes, it exists here and there and needs redress but attributing our losses and poor performance to that masks the far more consequential reasons for our slide: demography, indoctrination and censorship.”

What are the three most dangerous aspects of what’s going on in Washington DC that all of us, liberals and conservatives, facing?

Demography is destiny and is inextricably linked to immigration,” he said.  “Importing tens of millions of poor, government-dependent foreigners into the U.S. who overwhelmingly vote for the party of big government is the Democrats’ key strategy for maintaining an electoral advantage in all perpetuity. Just since Biden took office, 5,500,000 million aliens have entered our country along with 1.1 million reported “got-aways.” No, they can’t vote yet in federal elections, but they will, and by the way, a growing number of jurisdictions are now allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections.  And the millions allowed in under Obama, they are voting at all levels.  Given the slim margins of victory we see now in elections, I fear we are witnessing a shift to permanent mathematical advantage for the Democrats.

Indoctrination of young people is occurring at every level, not only schools but in work environments, entertainment, churches, and the military. “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”― Vladimir Lenin.  Yep, Gen Xers showed up last night and robotically did what they were brainwashed to do.

“Finally, censorship occurring systematically throughout our culture chills civic debate and labels those who dare to argue as racists and haters who must be disenfranchised.  It is an insidious intimidation tactic that effectively maintains the leftist status quo, particularly with Millennials and the aforementioned Gen-Xers.  (We can hope Elon Musk prevails in liberating Twitter).

“All three combined means the Dems don’t really need fraud to win; they’ve achieved their means far more comprehensively.

“The good news from last night’s midterm is it appears conservatives will take the House. This is significant because it carries with it “power of the purse” authority that can reduce spending, grants oversight, subpoena and impeachment power, and of course means the GOP can stop legislation. Keep in mind that while Republicans didn’t win by the margins they hoped for, taking the House was a step forward. Another positive is that DeSantis has primed all-important Florida for a 2024 run Trump’s re-election hopes are now dashed.”

But how did the good people of Pennsylvania elect John Fetterman? What would cause 70 percent of Americans that say we’re headed in the wrong direction—to re-elect U.S. Senators and House Members back into their seats of power?

“Yes, Fetterman.  (Me slapping my forehead in sheer disbelief) Stroke or no stroke, he’s still an idiot but with his level of current incapacitation, he ranks as America’s all-time worst candidate.  The fact that half of PA voters chose him is Exhibit A in how blind allegiance to leftism trumps all else.  It’s a truly shocking example of how mentality incapacitated extreme leftist voters are, and reveals – even more than the broader election does – the challenges we face making our case.”

You gotta’ ask, how much worse does the crime have to become? How many millions more refugees do we have to import before our society breaks down?  How many more drug overdose deaths will it take to close our borders? How much more in debt do we have to fall before our entire system fails?  When are we going to solve our problems rather than import more of them?

Anybody asking these questions across America?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Prepperism, Part 4. “The Alpha Strategy”

By Sidney Secular

November 9, 2022

This article is pretty straightforward, pertinent and to the point for preppers and planners.

We all have to buy food for as long as we live – and lots of it. Food is an alternative store of value whose purchase in these days of supermarkets and the internet is often casually overlooked. Concern for its provision should be a mainstay in considering a rainy day. Food preparation also provides the means for a safe investment to combat and overcome inflation, supply shortages and increasing supply chain bottlenecks. What is less readily apparent but obvious is that there are startling nontaxable financial gains when you invest in a deep pantry filled with long lasting, nutritious and delicious food. It is eventually eaten, so buying non-perishable foodstuffs in bulk instead of regular trips to the grocery store for small quantities is without risk – and your “returns” in terms of cost savings ahead of rising prices do not result in an increase of your taxes. You needn’t be an Einstein to know that you benefit when you buy low and “sell” higher and in the case of food, the term “sell” equates to consumption

With annual food inflation now running in excess of 17%, by smart purchasing strategies you can make substantial financial gains. For example, let’s talk about the economics of dried beans, which can be stored for 7 years and still maintain their taste. In one year, you gain 17%, and by year seven –  considering the magic of compound interest! –  your returns are up 119%! That’s not beans, folks! Then consider dried milk.  This commodity lasts 20 years and will yield a 360% “gain” over that period. Basic wheat lasts 25 years and if you dip into it after 15 years, you have realized a 255% gain. Similar results obtain with such items as oats and rice, both of which can last for 25 years! The IRS would be oblivious to these gains and since you received no actual monetary returns, your conscience would not have to distress you providing you were foolish enough to feel guilt when the IRS fails in its corrupt activities.

Furthermore, you can expand this strategy by cooperating with others to take advantage of quantity discounts! And, by all means, don’t forget coffee, paper goods such as paper towels and toilet paper along with many other non-food items such as bath soap, toothpaste, aspirin, shampoo &etc. that remain on your shopping list as long as you have a shopping list. Below is a list of foods with long shelf-lives that you might want to consider keeping on hand. The strategy of buying items you know you will use over a lifetime that retain their freshness for very long periods and that will turn grocery savings into investment “ravings” is fully explained in the book, “The Alpha Strategy: The Ultimate Plan of Financial Self-Defense” by John A Pugsley. It is available from Amazon and E-bay and has been a basic “bible” of prepper information since 1981.

Remember that all these items must be kept in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight and in airtight containers:

Baking soda: 25 years
Cornmeal: 5 years
Dried beans: 7 years
Dried carrots: 7 years
Cocoa: 20 years
Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables: 8 years
(Regular) dried fruits: 5 years
Dried milk: 20 years
Pasta: 7 years
Instant potatoes: 20 years
Rice: 7 years
Rolled oats: 25 years
Salt: 25 years
Soup mix: 5 years
Sugar: 7 years
Wheat: 25 years
Canned foods: 2 to 3 years
Meals Ready-to-Eat(MREs): 4 years

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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This Isn’t Government, It’s A Death Cult

By Bradlee Dean

November 9, 2022

If This Is NOT A Provocation to War, What Is It?

“No wonder why the Lord curses and judges nations for not laying to heart (Malachi 2:2).”

First off, friends, let’s get this correct, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia declared, “The Constitution contains NO right to abortion,” period!

Yet, all the while knowing this, we continually hear governors and those running for office act and speak as if to suggest that this is legal and that it is a constitutionally protected right, when it is not; and they all the while know that it is not (Psalm 94:20). Also, read 2 Kings 24:4 and Number 35:33.

All those in God’s Creation have a RIGHT to Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that includes the babies in the mother’s womb.

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Secondly, I was just in Michigan doing speaking engagements and while I was there, I noticed signs on the yards of the people throughout the state in protest of something that is being proposed by the tyrannical governor there called “Prop 3.”  Remember, this is the said governor that wears a pink hat during photo opts that state “Planned Parenthood,” “Make America Great Again.” She is, without a doubt, a modern-day Jezebel.

They want you to believe that the purpose of government is the right to murder (Exodus 20:13) when the opposite is true. They are literally hell bent on death, and especially that of the unborn.

Apparently, Gretchen Whitmer is not considering her end (Galatians 6:7) nor are the people that are tolerating her intended crimes. This is what Prop 3 proposes.

Proposal 3, sponsored by Reproductive Freedom For All, would amend the Michigan Constitution to:

  • Guarantee that “every individual” in the state has a “fundamental right to reproductive freedom.” That would include the right to make decisions about abortion, but also prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, miscarriage management and infertility care.
  • Still allow elected officials to prohibit or otherwise regulate abortion after a fetus reaches “viability.” However, the state could not prohibit any abortions that a medical professional deems necessary to “protect the life or physical or mental health” of the pregnant individual.
  • Only allow the state to restrict abortion rights if the restrictions are “justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”
  • Prohibit the state from penalizing or prosecuting an individual based on “actual, potential, perceived or alleged pregnancy outcomes,” including abortion, miscarriages and stillbirths.

In other words, the state assumes authority in all cases for abortion, as well as assuming control over the children without parental oversight. Sounds like Adolph Hitler’s Germany’ does it not?

I have a question for all the incumbents attempting to pass this unconstitutional and tyrannical proposal, since when did the state have children? They do NOT!

Opponents argue the proposal would also invalidate other existing abortion regulations, including a parental consent law for minors that lawmakers approved in 1991 after a separate petition drive by Right to Life of Michigan. The fate of those laws is murky and may depend on future court rulings.

The amendment “is not about protecting existing rights, but smuggling a radical proposal into the constitution that would repeal or drastically alter dozens of state laws,” according to Citizens to Support MI Women and Children.

I have to say that when this information was first brought up that my response to it was that it is nothing short of a provocation to war by attacking the life of the innocent and usurping parental rights.

Again, the state has no children and for them to create these proposals and stand behind them shows you how unqualified and purposed these murderers truly are (John 8:44).

Don’t get me wrong, friends, this is murder! This is NOT American government.  This is a cult operating under the guise of government that is inspired by the devil himself (John 10:10)!

This is child sacrifice! Americans are accomplices to these crimes before God by tolerating these crimes (Mark 11:23).

With that said, do you know what I heard from the people concerning these proposals?  “It will not pass.”  I’m not making this up.  I hear halfhearted people say just that. No wonder why the Lord curses and judges nations for not laying to heart (Malachi 2:2).

The people of Michigan have suffered abuse after abuse under this tyrant’s totalitarian regime.  The criminals are protecting each other while they assail their constituents (Daniel 3).  The people have every lawful right under Heaven to right themselves of these wrongs by rounding every one of these criminals up and to begin the process of impeachment and prosecution (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 US Constitution).  If they fail to do so, just imagine what they have planned for the next round of abuses.

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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The Premeditated Murder of the American Family

By Joan Swirsky

November 8, 2022

In 1959, I was 18, newly married to my former boyfriend of four years, and thrilled to be starting my “grown-up” life with the man of my dreams. Little did my then-apolitical self know that the close of that halcyon decade had been preceded by nearly a century of a concerted effort to destroy the American family, an effort fueled by the same fanatical Communist zealots who now occupy the Oval Office of the United States of America!

Now why would anyone––much less a huge number of people––want to destroy the greatest and most successful experiment in government in world history, one which President Abraham Lincoln described as “of the people, by the people, for the people,” the Democratic Republic of the United States of America?

Simply, because it flew in the face of every political system that previously existed––monarchies, dictatorships, oligarchies, aristocracies, totalitarianism, communism, socialism––systems in which the immense power and abuse-of-power that these regimes exercised would be vanquished if replaced by the Power of the People that the Founding Fathers of America envisioned.

The mission of those other regimes was never ever about concern for their populaces; rather it was––and is today––purely about the acquisition and maintenance of power and control and especially the immense wealth that comes with both power and control. Always, always, always follow the money!


The enemies of America thought long and hard about how to destroy this fledgling experiment. It was clear to them that America’s strength was a function of three phenomena:

  • A fervent belief in the God who makes miracles happen, for just one example the crushing defeat of the thunderously powerful English Empire’s armies by blazing patriots like General George Washington and his ragtag army of American heroes.
  • An equally ardent belief in and passion for the concept of Freedom. Men who knew they were going to die, and their wives who believed their deaths were for the noble cause of freedom, all sacrificed to bring about our victory over the monarchy that wanted to continue to rule us.
  • The most passionate was the embrace, belief, and allegiance to family, its sanctity, its strength, its ability to weather all storms and overcome all obstacles.

If we destroy all three, our enemies reasoned, the masses they considered essentially stupid would be forced to rely exclusively on Big Government. And so, to this day, the socialists-cum-communists among us are employing––as their predecessors did–– every malevolent, criminal, and vicious tactic they can muster to actualize that goal.


The America haters among us have already:

Still, the family remains their most desired––yet maddeningly elusive––target.


That effort was generously helped––perhaps, at first, innocently––by the theories of Sigmund Freud (1836-1939), the Austrian neurologist-cum-psychiatrist who was wildly successful in convincing the relatively new and free-thinking American public that the genesis of neuroses, phobias, anxieties, obsessions, depression, psychosis, and general psychological malfunction not only took place in the first few years of life, but that the mothers who raised these suffering children were primarily to blame. Later therapists, like the sadistic psychiatrist Bruno Bettelheim, blamed mothers for their children’s autism.

Mission #1 Accomplished: Mothers are not good for children.

These psychological theories prevailed throughout the 20th century and up to today, embraced by generations of psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, and psychotherapists until 1998 when they were thoroughly debunked by Judith Rich Harris in The Nurture Assumption, where the Harvard-educated psychologist and editor of most of the psychology texts used in colleges and medical schools in America argued persuasively that a person’s peer group is the major influence of thought, feelings, and behavior throughout life.


In 1960, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the most world-changing medication in history, developed by Dr. John Rock, a Harvard professor and obstetrician-gynecologist with five children––along with Drs. Gregory Pincus, C.M. Phang, and Selzo Garcia. Their creation was the birth-control pill, aka The Pill! For the first time in world history, women had control over their reproduction.

For millions of women, it was their own Declaration of Independence, and a huge relief not to have to worry every month about getting pregnant.

Mission #2 Accomplished: Now we can be just like men, some women reasoned, and have as much sex as we want without worrying about getting pregnant. Thus was the Free Sex movement born and a complete redefinition of traditional morality.


Three years after The Pill, in 1963, a book by Betty Friedan, a housewife with three children, shot to the top of every bestseller list. In essence, The Feminine Mystique told women that they were simply too smart, too creative, too intrinsically or at least potentially powerful to be spending their time, actually wasting their time changing diapers, folding laundry, and—the most colossal waste of time of all––raising children.

Nevertheless, Friedan’s book resonated with multimillions of women who had lived through the peaceful ‘50s and been spared the suffering and sacrifice of their mothers and grandmothers who had lived through the Great Depression in 1929, planted Victory Gardens during World Wars I and II, joined Rosie the Riveter in working in factories and shipyards to help the WWII war effort, lost husbands and sons to war, often raised children on their own, yet kept their families intact. The list of their arduous and valorous deeds goes on and on.

But that was then, the young women of the ‘60’s believed…this is now. Look what we have already accomplished! After that stodgy old Republican President (and former General) Dwight D. Eisenhower, we elected the dashing Democrat John F. Kennedy, with his glamorous wife Jackie and their two adorable children––all who ushered in the age of politics on “live” TV.

Mission #3 Accomplished: Multimillions of young women abandoned the once-desired goal of early marriage and motherhood and instead enrolled in colleges and universities where they pursued professional careers ranging from medicine and law and architecture to jobs like telephone linewomen to military combatants to firefighters to hedge fund managers to business executives, et al.

Coincidentally, ahem, an economy that once allowed men to work outside of the home and support a wife and children magically became an economy that only two working parents could afford. Kind of like an economy that was completely energy independent in 2020 quite magically became one in which the President of the United States had to beg foreign countries to sell him oil in 2021.


But the ‘60s also ushered in the historically unprecedented rash of violent assassinations––live on TV––of:

  • U.S. President John F. Kennedy in 1963 (age 46),
  • Firebrand Black activist Malcolm X in 1965 (age 39),
  • Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 (age 39),
  • Former Attorney General and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 (age 42).

All of a sudden, the idealized world of the newly emancipated women was shattered. The world is out of control, they realized. Is it any wonder that so many of them enthusiastically embraced (or attended) the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival, with not only free sex but a geyser of drugs for the smoking and snorting and injecting?

Mission #4 Accomplished: Many of these college-educated women congratulated themselves on avoiding marriage and especially motherhood, asking themselves: “Who wants to bring a child into this world?”


In 1971, Gloria Steinem––“We are becoming the men we wanted to marry” ––founded the first national feminist magazine, Ms., along with founding editor Letty Cottin Pogrebin and others.

Its message, as Pogrebin said on TV, was to spare women the dire fate of talking to their friends about laundry detergents. This and other angry feminist messages inspired an entire generation of women to use The Pill, defer marriage, go to college, pursue careers, and not even contemplate marriage or motherhood until their early- or mid-thirties, when their biological clocks started ticking quite loudly.

Mission #5 Accomplished: The traditional nuclear family was being dismantled by a new generation of women who bought into the notion that making money was infinitely more satisfying, meaningful, and important than raising children.


On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision in Roe v. Wade that all women had a “right” to an abortion. To this day, that decision is the Holy Grail of millions of women who believe that “my body, my choice” starts after they’ve had unprotected sex and gotten pregnant with a baby they don’t want.

In 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and sent the decision for abortion back to each individual state. Today, every woman in the United States who wants an abortion can get an abortion, although some may have to endure the inconvenience of traveling to another state…forget about the inconvenience their embryos face of a death sentence!

Mission #6 Accomplished: The once-most-cherished accomplishment of both men and women—to be the parent of a newborn baby––was effectively reduced to ending that baby’s life in utero. And today, in some states, abortion exists right up to the moment a full-term baby is delivered, and, believe it or not, in California, even up to the time a healthy thriving baby is 28 days old!


But uh-oh. After graduating from college and laboring in the workforce for over a decade, millions of women realized that this money-making thing wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. But looking for a good man––after stepping on their necks on the way up the ladder––was even more problematic.

Nevertheless, the new social phenomenon of women marrying in their mid-thirties and older took hold, and not coincidentally gave rise to a booming in-vitro-fertilization industry, as millions of these new brides learned that conceiving and carrying a child after the age of 35 was both a “high-risk” and extremely pricey enterprise.

Mission #7 Accomplished: Take the joy out of intimacy and sex, make it a mechanical act, and further erode both marriage and the family at the same time.


The modern women had been told by the influencers of the day that they could “have it all” –– marriage, children, and career. Since they wanted it all, they bought it!

Some women were lucky to have their mothers or mothers-in-law or even young grandmothers volunteer to raise their children, and a rare few could afford expensive nannies.

But most women had to rely on another industry that boomed like no other––the daycare business––where mothers dropped off their infants, babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to caregivers who tended up to 20 or more children at a time. This meant that for the entire day, paid workers made sure that those children were safe and fed, but not necessarily held, loved, comforted, taught, or nurtured.

However, this still allowed the mothers of these infants, babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to brag that the hour or so they spent with their child at the end of a day––in which both mother and child were exhausted––was, ahem, “quality time.”

In addition, these “older” mothers, already guilty about the protracted hours away from their children, strove to be “friends” with their kids, praising them for, um, waking up in the morning, even smoking pot with them, and, in essence, abandoning the traditional role of the parent who teaches right and wrong, good and bad, proper behavior, et al.

Mission #8 Accomplished: Women out of the home, children being raised by strangers, the American family being dismantled piece by piece.


Two geniuses…Steve Case, the founding CEO of America Online (AOL) in 1983 (which really took off in the ‘90s), and Steve Jobs, who invented, created, introduced the iPhone in 2007 and the iPad in 2010.

No need to elaborate on the degree to which these geniuses totally eliminated face-to-face communication and succeeded in riveting both parents and children to all the tantalizing distractions on these electronic devices that separate people and depersonalize intimate relationships, especially meaningful communication between parents and children.

Mission #9 Accomplished: Family concerns take a backseat to beeping texts, sexy emojis, Facebook invitations, Instagram images, Hollywood gossip, and horrifically graphic porn sites, which even savvy eight-year-olds can access with ease.

Worse, this has given rise to an entire generation of sociopaths who, understandably, have little or no human empathy, given the largely robotic care they received, combined with their toxic schooling and intimate “relationships” with their electronic devices.

Also, a remarkably fragile generation. When parents fear that “everything children see, do, eat, hear, and lick could hurt them,” write Lenore Skenazy and Jonathan Haidt in “The Fragile Generation,” children are left “more fragile, more easily offended, and more reliant on others.” Safe spaces, anyone?


With all this success, it is no wonder that the lunatics who are running the insane asylum that is America today have inflicted their warped vision of the world on a tremendous number of people, thanks largely to a corrupt leftist media who are literally paid––see Media Whores––to carry these sick messages 24/7.

Men can have babies, they say. Well, of course, it you’re a woman who thinks she’s a man and decides to “transition” and undergo a double mastectomy and take testosterone injections but keeps her ovaries and uterus and Fallopian tubes and then is artificially inseminated and conceives and carries a baby, all the time proclaiming her maleness, he/she must think we’re all like recent Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who when asked to define a woman said she couldn’t because “I am not a biologist.” Right.


And now we have an ad––since removed and eliminated from every search engine––that shows a child laughing and sharing an experience with her clearly delighted mother. Both are on iPads communicating long distance. The ad ends with a voice telling the mother: “You Don’t Have to Be There.”

Right. The mother doesn’t have to be there to raise and love and comfort and teach and tuck her child in at night, and the father doesn’t have to be there, either. Only Big Government should raise their child to be a good little obedient Communist. That’s the message!

Mission #10 Accomplished: Father never mentioned, mother out of the picture, the actual premeditated murder of the American family.

I rest my case.

© 2022 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


Prayer for America

Ms. Smallback

November 8, 2022

Almighty God, Father of all Creation, Ancient of Days,

We call upon you to move in the power of Your might.  We recognize our nation has gone the way of Baal and idolatry, and You are justified in Your judgments.  We recognize the slaughter of the innocent demands a reckoning.  We don’t come before you as a righteous nation, one that is intent on upholding the ways of the Kingdom of God, but one instead that is groaning under the weight of corruption and wickedness.  We know that there are none righteous, no not one, apart from the atonement of Christ.

We recognize that the institutional church has compromised its calling to bring the lost to salvation, and has partnered with the systems of the world.  And yet, my Lord, You have reserved a people who have not compromised, who have practiced repentance and the ways of Your kingdom.

Father, You remain faithful even when we are faithless, for You cannot deny yourself.  Forgive us our complacency, our compromise, our apathy.  Forgive us our inaction and our weaknesses.  Restore the fear of the Lord in our land, in our homes and in our hearts.  Transfer power from the works of darkness to the Kingdom of God, and give us the wisdom and abilities to wield it with the wisdom of Heaven and the authority of Christ.

Father have mercy on our nation, for our rulers are wicked and have partnered with the works of darkness.  They have deceived the simple-minded and weak-willed; they have pacified and distracted even the strong and mindful.  They have been empowered by abhorrent deeds of wickedness in their partnership to the gods of darkness.  They have compromised our government, our society, our culture, our families, our public and private venues and installed cultural evils, works of iniquity, and a culture of sin from diabolical orders of evil in nearly every realm.

Spirit of the Living God, send your angelic hosts of heaven to war on our behalf.  Enable the righteous to partner with heaven and its Kingdom of righteousness to bring down the giants deployed in our land.  Anoint your Davids and Deborahs and the children of Your kingdom.  Raise up and release Elijahs to confront the priests and servants of Baal and expose their impotence.

Do not abandon us to the powers of darkness in our hour of need.  If you do not intervene our nation will be lost, and yet we know You care about the hearts of men.  Rescue us from the tyrants around us.  Remove the ungodly persons’ power, those bent on the works of flesh and the works of darkness.  Bring them to repentance, and if they will not repent, bring them to judgment. Deliver us from our oppressors and let Your Spirit embolden us to walk in the authority of Christ who redeemed us from the works of darkness.

Render Your verdict, King of Glory, upon our land.  Shut the mouth of the enemy.  Expose the hidden works of darkness, and release the light of Your Kingdom in our hearts, our homes, in the byways and highways, in the public and private arenas.  May the sons and daughters of God arise in the authority of the King of kings and slay the giants opposing the Living God, and make open spectacles of the priests and servants of wickedness, for Your Great Name, and for Your Glory.

We call upon You, Ancient of Days, to arrest the wickedness in our land, deliver Your people, and release Your power and glory. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. May the children of God arise and shatter the works of darkness that all may know Yahweh is God and there is none other, that Christ is the King of kings and holds the title deed of earth and has come to set the captives free, to heal the broken, and to save the lost to reconcile mankind to the Creator, Jehovah.

© 2022 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

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2022 – This ONE is It

By Lex Greene

November 7, 2022

The entire future of American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and tranquility hang in the balance of one single election now. The 2022 mid-terms are the most critical elections in the entire history of the United States of America.

This election cycle is unlike any election before it, and it may well be the last sovereign election for a country on the brink. There is only one issue in 2022, displayed in a short list of critical decisions, with basically three competing voter blocs…

The Three Voting Blocs

  • The America First bloc – determined to vote for U.S. sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and tranquility, under the Republican form of government guaranteed every State and Citizen in Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Global Marxist One World Order bloc – determined to destroy U.S. sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and tranquility, in favor of a Marxist Global One World Government wherein we will “own nothing and be happy,” the Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum “COVID19 GREAT RESET,” which today’s democrats refer to as “democracy.”
  • The I Don’t Know or Care bloc – made up of horrifically ill-informed citizens who don’t take any personal responsibility for the current condition or future of our country, often claiming “independent” status or abstaining from political engagement altogether. Others in this group jump back and forth, election to election, trying to vote for people they like, instead of things they stand for, or against. This bloc includes those who claim their vote doesn’t count, so they make it not count, by not voting.

The Key Manifestations of the Single Issue Election

  • The fundamental Right to Life, vs. a Right to Kill
  • Individual Liberty, vs. Collective Bargaining
  • E pluribus unum, vs. Division based on race, religion, economic status, ethnicity, political views
  • A safe, secure, and prosperous nation, vs. a member of a global 3rd world commune
  • Transparent legitimate elections of, by and for the people, vs. an unlawful and unconstitutional selection process
  • A bright future for our kids and grandkids, vs. the end of freedom and liberty
  • Government sanity, vs. ongoing government insanity
  • True science, vs. Fake fatal science
  • Economic strength, vs. economic collapse
  • National strength, vs. national weakness
  • Peace, vs. War

In less than 24 hours, the American People will choose their own fate in the most critical election in U.S. history. I believe it is accurate to refer to the 2022 mid-terms as “a point of no return.” The USA has been intentionally weakened, divided, distracted, threatened, punished, pitted against each other, frightened, dumbed down and drugged up, all for the greater good of the ruling class elites…all political parties.

No voter will be able to vote for the “perfect candidate” because no such candidate exists. Jesus isn’t running for office. More than any previous election, we will have to vote against people, in order to vote for something much more important than any politician, any of them.

Our nation’s Founders were right, they gave us a Republic, if we can keep it. For more than a hundred years now, we have not done a good job of keeping our republic. Through fake history in public schools and communist indoctrination on college campuses, to the steady diet of outright lies spread by our fake news media and parroted on all social media platforms, Americans have lost connection with their foundations of freedom.

We will either vote to regain control of our anti-American government, or we won’t.

The primaries are used to remove bad incumbents from the general election ballot, like Liz Cheney. The general elections must be used to remove bad incumbents who were not primaried out, primarily, democrats that have caused unparalleled death and destruction, record inflation, supply line shortages, unconstitutional mandates, and openly labeled half of all Americans “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists.” Party of unity? Insane!

This ONE is it! We either vote out every evil lying Marxist scumbag tomorrow, or we will have crossed “the point of no return.” Throughout world history, freedom once lost, has never been regained.

This ONE is it! You either make a united stand for AMERICA FIRST, or America will fall into 3rd world status, never to return to freedom and liberty any time in the foreseeable future.

A vote against a Republican tomorrow, is a vote for the democrat opponent. If you don’t like the Republican on your ticket, you should have worked harder in the primaries. Now is not the time for divisions within our ranks. Now is the time for all America First voters to vote for America First.

Although the fake media does its best to make every election look like a beauty contest, all about personalities, pretty faces, and smooth talkers, it’s about far more than that! The best we can do is the best we can do. All we can do, is what we have to do tomorrow! Shame on anyone who doesn’t do what we all have to do tomorrow!

Do all we can and pray that it’s enough! Pray, then get up off your knees and take the future into your own hands.

Stand up for what’s right, not who you think is the perfect candidate. There is no such thing!

Last, if we succeed in voting out evil tomorrow, our work has just begun. With new representatives elected, we must begin the process of holding their feet to the fire, to make sure that they do exactly what we elected them to do, every day, every month, every year, until we clean this mess up together.

We must be “forever vigilant” again. The future of this country cannot be left in the hands of a few career criminals we label politicians. The future is ours to make…if we say so!

God Bless America First and foremost!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Post-Midterm Elections: When the Real Work Begins

By: Devvy

November 7, 2022

Anticipation for the midterm elections tomorrow is running at fever pitch.  Socialists (liberals) and progressives (communists) are in absolute meltdown to the point of madness Republicans are likely to regain control of the House and hopefully, the Senate.

I Am Going to Kill Him” and “Skin Him Alive” – Young Leftist Arrested After Leaving Threatening Voicemails for GOP Gubernatorial Candidate //  MEDIA SILENT: Shots Fired At Home Where Republican Candidate’s Children Were Sleeping  //  ABC’s Hostin: Women Voting for Republicans Is Like Roaches Voting for RAID  //  Before the election is even over:  Political Violence Rages Against Republican Candidates, Staffers, Volunteers

Of course, killing the unborn was to be the biggest arrow in the Democrat/Communist Party USA’s quiver but except for uber-liberal hot spots, it’s not a big sell but that doesn’t stop this grotesque vomit:

Abortions equal job growth, Democrats argue in closing days of election, Nov. 1, 2022  //  Of course, your career in Hollywood is far more important than a human life, a beating heart.  Think I would pay money to see her movies that pay her big paycheck?  When pigs fly.  Anne Hathaway: ‘Abortion Can Be Another Word for Mercy’, Nov. 1, 2022

One thing for sure, snake U.S. House Minority Whip, Kevin McCarthy [R], must NOT become Speaker of the House and dirty Mitch China McConnell [R] must NOT become Senate Majority Leader, again, or Senate Minority Leader if Republicans don’t take the senate.  McCarthy-McConnell Republicans betrayed Trump, killed the wall //  BETRAYAL: Kevin McCarthy Throws President Trump Under the Bus:  “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) issued a statement on Wednesday echoing Democrat talking points in blaming President Donald Trump for violence that occurred in the U.S. Capitol last week.

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack by mob rioters,” McCarthy said about last week’s demonstration.”

Republicans and independents across this country had damn well better make that known to their district offices the first week of January 2023.  I want to know what the hell is wrong with Republican voters that they voted for McCarthy to win his primary this year, which he did?  There were no other qualified Republicans on the ballot?

There’s a whole lot of new candidates out there who won their primary.  Republican men and women who seem very sincere and determined about saving this country.  But it’s going to have to be us, all of us, to make our voices heard the day after they’re sworn into office if they win their elections to Congress or state houses.  Smaller government, less taxes has been a staple of Republican candidates for decades and it’s been nothing of the sort when they’ve held the majority.

Forget impeaching the impostor in the WH playing president.  That would give us the illegitimate VP and brainless nitwit, Kamala Ho Harris in the WH who would still be controlled by the shadow government.  And, it would be a waste of time just like the J6 Committee.  God only knows what the power brokers who control the Democrat/Communist Party USA in DC have in store for Biden, but likely the 25th Amendment might come into play.

Regardless, if Republicans do take both chambers of Congress, they can override crook China Joe’s vetoes.  The U.S. House, if they become the majority, can defund the scam called climate change and a long list of unconstitutional spending because they hold the people’s purse.  No, they can’t “fix” inflation because most of them don’t have a clue and tragically for our country and people, the worst is yet to come.  Remember who wanted to “cool the economy”?  The unconstitutional, privately owned “Federal” Reserve who manipulate and debase our currency.

On November 4, 2022, Joe Biden in the early stages of Altzheimer’s said, “…we’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America” – that would be coal.  That parasite said we’re going to be the wind generation!  The only wind is coming out his backside.  We’ll all be dead without fossil fuels.  So-called renewable energy is unreliable and CANNOT provide the power this country needs, period.  And, allegedly, according to polls last week, 33% of brain-dead dullards say they want old Joe to run in 2024.

Texas Disaster – What Americans Need to Know, Feb. 22, 2021 (The Polar Vortex that hit Texas in February 2021.  121 Texans died from freezing to death.)  //  Renewable Energy IS Causing an Environmental Wasteland, March  1, 2021

One can only hope, if elected – especially to Congress – incoming GOP winners don’t cower or cave to old “establishment” Republicans like Mitch McConnell whose been in office since 1985.  Nor, in my opinion should they follow in the footsteps of GOP House member, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who shot off her mouth saying all those horrible mass school shootings were staged.  I’m sure that made loved ones and parents of children murdered at those schools feel just dandy.  To my knowledge she’s never apologized to any parent, only to the media and on the house floor trying to keep her job.  That, her poster below and being a supporter of QAnon garbage got her thrown off committees by Democrats and 11 Republicans.

Not very smart to use a picture of yourself holding a rifle with a photo of three America hating members of Congress even as disgusting as they are.  Voters in her district like her because she stands up, they say.  Well, yeah, that is a good thing, but it’s how you do it that countsso you don’t get kicked off committees important to your district.

The same is true for your state legislatures.  States not controlled by socialists and communists (California, NY, MI and others) must stand up to the criminal syndicate in DC. They must fight back using nullification and the Tenth Amendment.

Conservatives need to become constitutionalists and one can only pray all these (I hope) newly elected Republican members of Congress go after cancers like the “Fed”, getting us out of the UN and NATO, abolishing the Seventeenth Amendment, term limits for Congress and more.  That won’t happen if We the People don’t stay in their faces the day after they’ve been sworn in.

I know, we’re all sick and tired and fed up with the biggest whorehouse on Earth – Congress, rotten governors, state legislators down to city councils destroying our rights, taxing us into poverty, killing businesses with regulations and the list goes on.  But we can’t just say, oh, boy we won and stop paying attention to what they’re doing while you’re trying to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are fast approaching, but come January, only WE can save this country with God’s help.  We all just want to be left alone but that won’t happen until the American people stand up and say no more and get involved on a regular basis with what’s going on federal, state and local.  Eternal vigilance or our constitutional republic will be no more.

The best way to do that and I’ve written this before is to join groups and organizations that are actually winning the fight and who know how to fight back and get results.  These two are top of the list:  American Policy Center and the John Birch Society.  Go to their web sites and find out how to fight back and hold elected public servants accountable every day they’re in office.  America’s children have no future if we don’t restore this country to what it used to be and stop the massive push to destroy our sovereignty and suck us into the nightmare called world government via the Great Reset.  Your children, grand children’s future and even yours depending on your age – it’s all but destroyed.  We must stop the EVIL forces diligently working to destroy us but it won’t happen until Americans commit to getting involved.


The Democrat/Communist Party USA have been experts at vote fraud for a VERY LONG time.  Not that Republicans at various levels of state and federal government haven’t engaged in election fraud, the biggest example being the 2004 election, Kerry vs Bush, Jr.  Kerry actually won the state and the election.

Richard Hayes Phillips, is the author of Witness To A Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election.  Phillips’ book is an absolute condemnation of vote fraud in the State of Ohio. Phillips and volunteers examined 126,00 ballots, 127 poll books and 141 voter signature books from 18 counties: “Thousands of ballots in heavily Democratic precincts were pre-punched for third-party candidates. Voting machines were rigged, tabulators were rigged, ballot boxes were stuffed, ballots were altered, ballots were sorted according to candidate, and ballots were destroyed.”

I read the book. The amount of work put into that investigation is truly staggering. I would never vote for John Kerry, endorsed by the Communist Party USA (just like Barry Soetoro Obama), but the factual truth is Bush lost Ohio and the election. Phillips’s book proves it beyond any doubt.

Act surprised:  The Lake Campaign Has Questions After a Local Media Outlet Called Her Race…12 Days Early, Oct. 28, 2022 (Of course the win was for her Democrat opponent, a liar and cheat, Katie Hobbs.)

Nothing new:  ABC News posted “…results and predictions…” (their words) on their web site in the early evening of Nov. 2, 1998 – 12 hours before any polls opened in the 50 states.  How accurate were they in calling races around the country?  Why, they were only off .0174%.  Since then, massive election fraud has only escalated in favor of Democrats with the help of punk Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), the other tech-giants and prostitute “mainstream” media.

It will be up to candidates, their supporters and donors to fight back if they allegedly lose and I wrote two recent columns on this:  Proof Mail-In Ballots Facilitates Voter Fraud and Federal Elections End at Midnight ON Election Day.  I was actually surprised and pleased to see this last week:  Dems claim ballots 2 weeks late are good, now court rules -‘We are supposed to have an Election Day, not Election Weeks – or months’ – “The state itself said it got more than 266,000 vote-by-mail ballots during the last election during the 14-day period when they were late….Illinois’ 14-day extension of Election Day beyond the date set by Congress is illegal, violates the civil rights of voters, and encourages fraud.”

Don’t listen to those who say I’m not voting because my vote doesn’t count is playing right into the hands of our enemies.  Vote tomorrow if you haven’t already.  Overwhelm the system and do as the bumper sticker on my SUV says:  2022 Candidates Audit the Vote.  It will come off tomorrow but it’s gotten attention over this past year.  Democrats End Sad, Depressing, Desperate, Midterm Campaign with Four Worst Losers in History- Biden, Obama, Abortion and Drag Queens: “With Obama as president, Democrats lost 76 House seats 15 US Senate seats, 13 Governorships and 816 state legislative seats. Historic numbers.”

Will there be violence over election results?  I would say the chances are very high and it will all by design and careful planning by Democrat operatives – just like Jan. 6, 2021 – and it will be blamed on Republicans and “MAGA” supporters.  Biden Delivers Ominous Warning from His Globalist Puppet Masters – The Narrative Has Been Set for Election Chaos and Political Violence, Nov. 5, 2022  (Too bad we have no constitutional militia so defined in the Second Amendment.)

And one final thing: DO WATCH this video interview – Robert Barnes/George Gammon Discuss Their Lawsuit Against the Fed (Barnes is an attorney)

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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EVERY ONE of imposter president Biden’s cabinet heads, agencies , water boys & girls is the biggest collection of incompetent imbeciles in the history of this country.  Democrat Campaign Chief to America: Eat Chef Boyardee to Offset High Gas Prices, Stomach Inflation  (And Secty of Transportation butt-jumper, Petey Buttigieg, is nowhere to be found.)

BREAKING: Ballots Discovered “Pre-Loaded” Inside Drop Box in Pennsylvania… Two Others Reportedly Also Had “Pre-Loaded” Ballots Inside the Boxes, Oct. 27, 2022

HUGE BREAKING! Democrat Blows Whistle On Widespread Orlando Area Ballot-Harvesting Operation In Black Communities [VIDEO], Oct. 27, 2022:  “During their testimony in front of the AZ Senate on June 2, Engelbrecht and Phillips released a bombshell video featuring investigator Gregg Phillips and a whistleblower in Yuma, Co., Arizona, who revealed how the elections were stolen in her community.”  Both Engelbrecht and Phillips are now in jail for refusing to name their confidential informant; I believe FBI.  This is reminiscent of the old Russia and their infamous gulags.  For God’s sake, this can’t go on in this country.

This J6 Political Prisoner Was Denied Mental Health Treatment On Suicide Prevention, Left Completely Alone In Filthy Conditions For Days: ‘The Pit of Hell’

Registered Democrat Arrested for Voting Machine Tampering – Allegedly Inserted USB Flash Drive into Voting Machine

HERE WE GO: Voter Registration System in Pennsylvania Experiencing Outages

Nevada secretary of state stands by ban on hand-count of mail-in ballots

From the vote fraud capitol of the country (Next to AZ & PA):  Human error results in more than 1,000 unsent absentee ballots in metro Atlanta ahead of midterms

Here We Go… Biden DOJ Notifies Rural Missouri County They will Be Inspecting Precincts, Harassing Officials on Election Day – How Is This Possible?  (Bypassing their SOS) “Why are they focusing on middle America? Shouldn’t the DOJ be protecting our elections and not harassing rural counties?”

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Orders Election Officials to Set Aside Undated Mail-In Ballots, Nov. 1, 2022

Wisconsin courts shoot down liberal groups’ attempts to change rules for absentee ballots, Nov. 2, 2022

Election integrity storm brewing in PA: Over 250k ballots sent to voters with unverified ID, Oct. 27, 2022

Huge Implications: “Georgia Supreme Court Rules *Voters* Have the Right to Sue Election Officials Who Violate Law” – Via VoterGa, Oct. 27, 2022

North Dakota Republican Attorney General Drew Wrigley Says Individuals Who Say They Are Citizens Are OK to Vote, Oct. 27, 2022

BREAKING: Top Detroit Election Official Admits Under Oath Thugs Tasked With “Security” In Upcoming Election At Detroit’s Former TCF Center Are “Volunteers” Who He Also Calls “Poll Workers” [VIDEO]

Florida Election Crime Unit Arrests and Charges Woman for Voter Fraud — Claims She Double Voted in Florida and Alaska Elections Since 2014, Nov. 5, 2022

Here We Go… Biden DOJ Notifies Rural Missouri County They will Be Inspecting Precincts, Harassing Officials on Election Day – How Is This Possible?, Nov. 5, 2022

It’s Not Just St. Louis – New York City Is Training Election Workers to Accept ALL SIGNATURES That Are WILDLY UNMATCHED, Nov. 5, 2022

As Democrats Warn About the GOP ‘Stealing’ Elections, They Continue Their Push to Let Non-Citizens Vote, Oct. 31, 2022

Arizona Judge Bans Cameras at Ballot Drop Boxes – The Fraudsters and Democrat Ballot Traffickers Will be Given Free Reign, Nov. 2, 2022

OUTRAGEOUS: The Criminal Training Caught in the DetroitLeaks Video in 2020 Is Now Being Taught in Other States in 2022 – If You are a Victim of This Call Law Enforcement!, Nov. 2, 2022

Judge Denies Motion to Dismiss Charges against Harry Wait–Who Proved Wisconsin Ballots Can Be Obtained Illegally, Oct. 29, 2022

EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday’s Georgia Supreme Court Ruling Will Likely Lead to Audit of 147,000 Suspected Fraudulent Ballots in Fulton County in the 2020 Election, Oct. 28, 2022

Their Hate Runneth Over and It’s In Play for the November Elections

By Kat Stansell

November 7, 2022

When the Speaker of the US House of Representatives is filmed expressing childish hate-filled venom, it tells us all we need to know. This is exactly what is underlying the entire mess we find ourselves in today. Mindless hatred for our nation and the majority of the people in it is the modus operandi of Washington DC. It directs and controls everything.

A video of Nancy Pelosi taken inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has been released by CNN. It shows the Speaker of the House quite clearly saying that she “hopes he (Trump) will” come inside so she can “punch him out”. She says she “will go to jail” for it, but that the personal satisfaction from having been able to perform that infantile act will have been “worth it”.

PELOSI ON JAN. 6: “I hope [Trump] comes. I’m gonna punch him out! This is my moment. I’ve been waiting for this—for trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I’m gonna punch him out and I’m gonna go to jail and I’m gonna be happy.”

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 14, 2022

The above is the link to a Twitter feed, showing Pelosi and her rant. If it’s already been taken down, well, THAT’s DC in 2022, also.

If your third grader had said what the Speaker did, you’d have scolded him for being childish. Welcome to DC in 2022. Spoiled brats, with massive dark funding along with our billions of taxpayer dollars, are in charge. And they are dangerous because their perverted and violent ways are real, and all aimed at us. Their goal is to take down America.

Forget the ridiculous, laughable imagery of the little bag of alcohol soaked bones trying to swing at a man with the commanding stature of Donald Trump. Yes, it was one of the lapdog media who released the film. CNN. Wish I could make that into something hopeful, but I very much doubt it. Maybe they just wanted a good laugh at her expense.

What Pelosi’s infantile outburst shows very clearly is the Junta’s pure hatred for us, directed at a man who did so much to improve our lives. They hated Donald Trump before he was elected the first time, because they already knew that he would stand in the way of their plans to destroy the American Constitutional Republic.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. They will do everything in their power to prevent his return. Even an arrest with completely false charges may come soon, to attempt to prevent him from running again. That is what usually happens following a coup; the former leader is jailed. While I’ve waited daily for this shoe to drop, I pray that this will not happen here in America. Yet, the 2020 coup has followed the course of what happens in most banana republics when the legitimate government is overthrown. After the coup, then the Purge (Jan. 6 arrests), so who can really know what insanity is to follow?

Pelosi’s rant is just another bit of transparency of the Left. She makes it abundantly clear that they feel a vile and intense hatred toward us. Every one of their actions to date has shown that they are trying to bring the American Republic to its end.

From the ‘Resident, Biden’s first EO shutting off our oil supplies, to his murderous ineptitude in Afghanistan, to the destruction of our food chain, to the depletion of our strategic oil reserves, to the use of the Scamdemic for control, to the billions of our hard-earned dollars thrown at the Fascist regime in Ukraine, we know that the destruction of the Constitutional Republic is the goal. New acts against us are being rolled out so fast that it is impossible to keep a list of them up to date.

None of this is about green energy, which has been proven over and over to be a farcical scam. Even Bill Gates admits it. The clip below is one of several that have captured him saying so. (NB: this clip is from a national group of constitutional conservatives, who happen to be homosexuals. They have been attacked along with every other patriotic American. So, it is very clear to see that the Cabal does not support any ideology except for the destruction of our country. They use people of all persuasions who will play along; the qualifying factor is hatred, not sexual orientation or anything else. There are a lot of liberal screamers who are in for a big shock when they discover this.)

For those they cannot kill, the Globalists intend a life of eating bugs and living in concrete cells in the new “green cities” with electricity, food and supplies available at the whim of the controllers. We know this for fact. It has been promised out loud, by the puppet masters behind the scene who are in charge of our doddering Head of State and his minions like Pelosi, Schumer and the lot.

“You will have nothing and like it,” states Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum. A lot of us still cannot give this kind of a statement credence.

This inability to accept the insanity is normal for human beings who were raised with morals and values but it is actually a very real part of the problem.

As I wrote in “Incredulous”, a large part of America cannot come to terms with what they are seeing and hearing, so they back away. They hide in their own little world so they won’t have to be exposed to this stuff and worse. No one wants to see tatooed gender dysphoric men dressed in tutus and waving their genitals, doing obscene dances in front of children. It is more than most can stand, yet these and other horrors are on the fast track to becoming our reality, however, whether or not sane Americans are willing to believe it.

“But,” pipe up the complacent millions, who have sat back and watched (aka, allowed) this all to happen, “we’re gonna’ have a Red Wave, and throw ’em out!!” Somehow, reading and hearing this makes everyone feel better. But, I am here to warn you that – without your help – the “red wave” will not be strong enough to break down the vast blue seawall of fraud and dark money.

Nothing is going to happen automatically despite the vast numbers of people who want this current leadership gone.

Once, election time was when the tide was turned. Changes were made to leadership, but no longer.

True, about 70+ percent of Americans of all races, ethnic backgrounds and party labels are realizing that they are NOT better off today than they were two years ago. Reagan’s question for the ages comes up again.

I’m not going to bother with the inflation numbers and predictions of interest rates, the crashing of the markets and the like. They will have worsened by the time this is published. But, this is NOT ENOUGH to cause a change in our federal governance. This is not a normal election year.

The ESG (Environmental Social Governance) experiment being surgically inserted in our largest corporations will cause them to pressure their employees to become “woke” and vote that way. ESG and its bloodline of Chinese Social Credit Scoring will push many votes to the Left, insane or not.

Then, of course, there is the vast fraud network which has been in place for years, only becoming undeniable after Nov., 2020.

I have long worried that our “October Surprise” this year will be the cancellation of November’s Midterms. The stage has been set.

In June of 2021 at a conference in Geneva, Biden provided Putin a list of the most sensitive and important spots on our power grid.

Fast forward to last spring. Suddenly, NATO membership became a cause for war, and the US began threatening Putin– who was, to that point, peaceful – with independent nations on his Eastern borders becoming NATO members. How did Putin suddenly become our enemy after our senile ‘resident shared with him our most vulnerable grid targets?? Was this all planned in advance? It surely would make a good way to postpone or cancel an election…

This whole multi-billion dollar mess became Biden’s war. He and his crooked cronies needed to erase the evidence of drug labs, money laundering and other criminal enterprises.

Just as importantly, the DC regime needed a fall guy, a scape goat, on whom to blame everything they were doing – and plan on doing – to us here in America. I honestly still fear that that includes a cancellation of the upcoming elections. They KNOW they cannot win.

* * *


If the elections are allowed to proceed, please know that the changes we so desperately need are up to US. Understand the vast amounts of voter fraud in the works in every state, which is planned to mitigate against our choices. In a separate article, I will fill you in on the latest discoveries of this, by citizen activists in the “good red state” of Florida. What is occurring in the Sunshine State is replicated nationwide. “Stunning” and “sickening” are two words that come to mind.

ONLY OUR VOTING IN PERSON ON ELECTION DAY – NEVER EARLY OR BY MAIL – CAN MITIGATE AGAINST THE FRAUD. Early and mailed ballots are the two kinds that feed the machinery of the Steal.

The regime that hates us can be defeated if we do this one simple thing, and make sure that everyone you know does the same.

Pelosi and Company can be neutered and sent back home, to mainline their favorite cocktails. Their hatred has no place in the running of a country, least of all the nation that has done the most good for the most millions of people worldwide, in history.

Yes, it is up to us. Complacency kills countries and ours has nearly killed the free republic of America. Inconvenience yourself to vote in person on November 8. Make it a group effort. Give rides to others, and take folding chairs to the polls The longer the line, the better the chance that OUR votes will be recorded for what they are. Be thrilled to wait. Plan on it.

Do not let the venom of our illegitimate government, the enemy-in-residence in our nation’s capitol, poison our treasured liberty.


As I finished this article, a national announcement was made that early and mail-in ballots were already being cast in record numbers. Lord save us if this trend continues. Please go out and vote ON ELECTION DAY. BE the change we so desperately need.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Our Great Constitution Is Used As A Front For Traitors?

By Andrew C Wallace

November 7, 2022

If you read our Declaration of Independence and compare it with current conditions you will think that we were better off under King George.

All of our rights from God and our Constitution are being denied us through the barrel of a gun.

Our legislatures pass Unconstitutional laws, ignore the Constitution and legitimate laws. Those who do this are guilty of Treason.

Our people can’t petition the government or courts for relief without being told that they have “NO STANDING”. We have a two tier Justice System. There can be no equal justice until at least a  few hundred Officials and bureaucrats are in jail.

I will say again that a Majority of Federal Laws are an unconstitutional concentration of usurped powers by the federal government contrary to the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution.  This is for the benefit of the Parasitc Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) who control the corporations that bribe politicians in both parties.

None of this would be possible without corrupt government agencies like the FBI and DOJ. Of course the Supreme court is in the tank along with all the other traitors. There is a consensus among patriots that the FBI must be terminated and its employees should never be allowed to work for government again.

None of this treason would be possible if a majority of our Elected Officials, Bureaucrats, Judges,  Flag Officers et al. were not corrupt, cowardly or both

Average citizens can’t understand why our federal government is keeping an open border allowing invaders and drugs access to our country. Majority of the invaders are young men who don’t speak English, have no skills or education, many are criminals.  In Europe this resulted in rape and crime. Contrary to law, government funds are supporting the invaders, when it stops, we will have millions of criminals that must be incarcerated or deported. The border must be closed with deadly force if necessary

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) has made our country a PIRANHA  AMONG NATIONS  by waging war on country after country for 75 years. The only reason was for profit and power. Wars also transfer our peoples wealth into the hands of the PSRRC. Wars for profit would not be possible if we were on a Constitutional Gold standard.

It must be stated that our Flag Officers have not won a single war in over 75 years Our military is reported to be in poor condition to defend us They are short of bullets and everything else because it was left in Afghanistan  or given to Ukraine. Military is also dependent on China for equipment.

I don’t care for Putin. But there is ample evidence that the Ukrainian government is no kind of democracy and was responsible for attacks on Eastern Ukraine that were blamed on the Russians. The only ones to profit from this war is our very own PSRRC. There is a consensus that we destroyed the Russian pipeline because otherwise the Germans had to make a deal to save their country. But know this, Ukrainian war has increased Russian’s Economy and destroyed ours and Europe’s. I don’t believe a word that the fake media  reports on Ukraine. or anything else.

Our Constitution calls for a Free Press, but our press is not free. Our last election was proof that our press was in no way free. The press is controlled by corporations and government agencies like the FBI

If you want Middle Class Manufacturing Jobs, Innovation, The American Dream, End of Inflation, Real Money, Stable  Retirement, Good Schools and Medical Care, Safe Streets et al. You must demand return of tariffs, termination of Federal Reserve Bank, return to a gold and silver backed currency and termination of federal income tax. Tariffs finance government and make manufacturing in our country competitive here. Income tax and fiat currency are only required if you want to steal from the government and wage no win wars to profit the PSRRC

Most large corporations have no loyalty to the country  or its people. Their only loyalty is to the PSRRC, the controlling stockholders. Corporations export jobs if labor is cheaper elsewhere and import the cheap labor they can’t export. The only way to control them is by using tariffs that fund the government and make Americans competitive with anyone.

Another note to the FBI. Based on your corrupt actions I don’t believe that you understand what I am writing. So I will tell you that I am only exercising my rights to freedom of speech by reporting the facts as I see them. I never advocate violence or unlawful behavior. Based upon what I hear, the Constitution means nothing to the FBI


My Message To The Traitors, I WILL NOT COMPLY   

I WILL NOT COMPLY with any Presidential Executive Orders, for they have no Constitutional authority over me.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with Common Law unless it has Constitutional compliance with my Protected Rights.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with Judicial rulings at any level that attempt to make law, as this is the role of the Legislative Branch.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with laws made by unelected bureaucrats who have no authority over me.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with a majority of Federal Laws that are unconstitutional because they are beyond the scope of the Limited and Enumerated Powers in our Constitution.

I WILL NOT COMPLY with unconstitutional edicts requiring me to submit to faux vaccine injections or other protocols.

I WILL NOT COMPLY if unconstitutionally ordered to surrender my firearms, nor will I relinquish the right to use deadly force in defense of life and property.


© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Democracy Is On The Ballot: Actually, Viable Candidates Are On The Ballot

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 7, 2022

Okay, I watch television news programs from all sides.  It’s good to get perspectives from liberals, libertarians, conservatives, constitutionalists and independents.  Each group thinks they possess the answers on how to maintain America.  At one point, up until the late nineties, they all pulled together to some degree to pass laws that benefited all Americans.

Since that time, unfortunately, our country has been torn asunder with too many people from too many different countries with too many opposing world views, and they lack any understanding of the intricacies of a Constitutional Republic.  We’ve morphed from a similar culture and language into multiple cultures, multiple languages and incompatible thought patterns.

America no longer holds that, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”

In America today, racial conflict surfaces daily.  Critical Race Theory advocates WANT division of one race against the other. Crime surfaces 24/7 in our big cities at an alarming rate.  People murder each other at the drop of a hat in Chicago, New Orleans, NYC, Detroit, LA and San Francisco.  Our once sovereign nation is today, a free-for-all invasion of the world’s refugees.  We’ve got religious tension because of so many incompatible religions.  We’ve got inflation because the folks in Washington DC fail to balance the books.  We’ve got gas and food prices off the charts.

All of those problems accelerated once Joe Biden walked into the White House 22 months ago.  Yes, he displays his dementia every time he stands behind a podium, even with his teleprompter telling him what to say or do.  But it’s his handlers who are calling the shots…and they are calling a LOT of bad shots. We’re talking “The Peter Principle” personified, i.e., incompetence, negligence and gross stupidity.

It has caused enormous problems for us both here and abroad.  Biden pushes the Green New Deal, but fell asleep at a conference of world leaders on Climate Change in Europe.   He tells us that the borders are secure, but doesn’t understand that his invitation to all refugees has allowed over 6.6 million illegal aliens to jump our borders in the past 22 months. While our homeless and veterans languish in the streets, he puts illegal aliens into hotels with transport, food and medical care.  At our expense, of course!  And he’s violating our laws. (Source: U.S. Border Patrol, Illegal entries, 2022, )

Whether it’s massive crime of “smash & grab” in our cities, or outright thousands of murders of blacks on blacks in our cities, or the depletion of our oil reserves—Joe Biden and 545 Congressional Critters continue to drive our country into the toilet.

Democracy is on the ballot this Tuesday, November 8, 2022

But on the Democrat side, the talking heads like Morning Joe, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd, et al., keep repeating, “Democracy is on the ballot” this coming Tuesday with our national elections.

That’s not true in any way, shape, form or matter.  What’s on the ballot is a new set of citizen-candidates like Dr. Oz of Pennsylvania, Kari Lake for governor in Arizona, Black Masters for U.S. Senate in Arizona, Candidate for U.S. Senate Adam Laxalt in Nevada, Lee Zeldin for governor of New York, Tudor Dixon for governor in Michigan, Buldoc of New Hampshire, and Hershel Walker for U.S. Senate in Georgia.

What’s the big deal?  For starters, all those old, worn out incumbents haven’t done squat to improve the nightmare now gripping America.  So, as the U.S. Constitution promotes, new citizen-politicians compete against corrupt, career politicians like Nancy Pelosi, 82, 40 years in Congress, Charles Schumer 30 years in Congress, Maxine Waters, forever in Congress, Whitmer of Michigan doing a very poor job as governor…and the list grows.

So, is “Democracy on the ballot”?   In fact, our republic stands the test of time because “we the people” are about to hire a group of competent leaders from our ranks who will secure the border, who will stomp on crime, who will stop the drugs, who will promote America First, who will spend wisely, and who will change what’s been happening, toward a new direction.

Letters from readers; yes, there are reasonable American citizens thinking rationally and asking straight-forward questions

T.R. from Arizona said, “If I knew a Democrat, I would ask them about the open border, shutting down our oil and gas industry, releasing criminals onto our streets to commit more crimes etc…. If Liberals want to shut down the production of fossil fuels, that’s fine, but wait until the alternative is fully functional. If EV’s are such a good deal, why do we need to pay people to buy them?”

  1. A. Cave Creek, AZ said, “Sir, I commend you and your well written articles. Yours is an earth-shaking brutal assessment of our current situation in this country! This has been part of the plan to destroy our country from within.

“Soon we must address the elephant in the room entailing the minority folks of this great United States. Somehow, we can’t bring ourselves to be honest and forth right on this subject people continually are afraid of. Black Americans need to control their own and change their hatred for others.  In my life, I have witnessed more violence by Blacks than twenty people. I lost my hearing in my left ear in Vietnam from what is called the knockout game. I’ve been shot and stabbed while working 15 years as a police officer in Chicago’s ghettos. It seems to be only getting worse by what you see. We must do something to curb this violence.  You give me hope for our future and my children and their children. Please keep up the great work, we are behind you.”

On Tuesday, our democracy is not on the ballot.  However, our country stands in the balance. If the majority of Americans like what Joe Biden has done to our country in the past 22 months, well, vote for him and all his supporters.

If you’re sick and tired of the nightmare Joe Biden and his supporters have created, vote for anyone but the people who support and allowed 6.1 million illegal refugees to violate our borders, endless drugs killing 100,000 Americans annually, inflation, waste, racial conflict, rampant crime, no answers to our problems, and a continuation of incompetence.

Vote for new, fresh minds who will serve you rather than corporate interests. Vote for your children’s futures. Vote for America’s future.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

God Has the Plan; Let’s Use His Plan!

By Glynn Adams

November 6, 2022

We must get in on the plan of God because we can see what man’s plans and church has done to America and her citizens!!!   Jesus is clear in John 15:4-5, 7-8, “Abide in Me, and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.  I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him bears much fruit for without Me you can do nothing. ……If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.  By this My Father is glorified that you bear much fruit so you will be My disciples”

America has become a hub for demons and false religion.  Jesus said in Mathew 16:13-20, “I will build My Ekkelsia (assembly or congregation of people who will be just like Me on this earth and they will be My sons and disciples that will reflect My nature and My ways to the world.”)

The church system that man has built in America with pulpits and sermons, etc. and none of it has any Biblical basis whatsoever.  The assembly that Jesus built is demonstrated in the Book of Acts.  Those disciples had the power of the Holy Spirit, one another – not just one another but a fellowship with one another and in one accord, the memory of Jesus and His Words and someone’s house to meet in.   Church today that we attend is no way what Jesus had in mind in Matthew 16.

As a matter of fact, the purpose and goal of Jesus coming to this earth was to communicate His ideas and concepts from His mind to our mind.  That is why we renew our mind (Romans 12:2) with the washing of the water of the Word to remove our ideas from our mind so we can receive His ideas in our mind.  “Let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus.” (Philippines 2:5)   The King’s Word is law; it contains His ideas and we are to embrace them and to obey them and we have no opinion or private interpretation!!!

So what did God have in mind when He created man and placed him on this physical earth?   It was God’s idea to share His invisible Kingdom Government in Heaven with His offspring, which He called mankind and sons, and to give to them His nature and characteristics so they would extend His invisible Kingdom Government to the Physical realm called earth.   It is called the Kingdom of God.

In Genesis 1:26, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, in our likeness, and let them (let mankind) rule (have dominion) over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”  Notice here that God did not intend for man to rule over man.  This statement is the first declaration of God’s intent for you and me, and encompasses the total purpose, assignment, potential, passion, and design of man as an entity.

The second declaration of God’s intent for you and me as sons of God was to extend His rule, His will, and nature from heaven to earth.  His desire was to manifest His glorious character, wisdom, righteous judgments, and purposes in the earth realm through the administrative leadership of His sons on earth.  Man was created with the gifts and divine nature when he is born from above to execute God’s will on the earth.

The ultimate goal of God the Creator was to colonize earth with the ways of heaven and establish it as a visible territory of the invisible Kingdom of God.  His purpose was to have His will done and the heavenly kingdom come to earth just as it is in heaven.  The Bible says that in the fullness of time Jesus came to earth.  The fullness brought Rome to power so He did not have to explain Kingdom in detail to the people because they were under the rule of Caesar’s Roman kingdom and knew exactly how it operated.

Caesar would extend his territory by sending a governor to a region to colonize that region to become a Roman Colony that would reflect the character and will of Caesar.  That is exactly what Jesus did when He came to earth.  He established His Kingdom, taught His disciples all about the Kingdom of God, character in the Kingdom, conduct in the Kingdom and ministry in the Kingdom.  Jesus later sent them out to make disciples and to colonize that region to be ruled by the character and will of God.  That mandate has not changed today while we continue to ignore it!!!

In the Kingdom of God in America, Jesus does not send out a governor like the Roman Empire did.  He has the church – sons and daughters of God.  God gave us power, all authority which means we have the full backing of God in heaven with us.  What is the purpose or mission of the church in America?.  We are Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.  We represent the government of the Kingdom.  We represent heaven on earth – we are to bring the will of God, the character of God, the ways of God, the morality of God and to train and equip them to bring this Kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven.  One only has to look at the foolishness we are doing in church today to see how far from the will of God we are in America.

The first thing Jesus did after the wilderness experience was to proclaim, “Repent the Kingdom of God is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17)    Change your ways, the way you think, think Kingdom, it is here.  Then in Luke 4:43, Jesus said, “I must preach the Kingdom of God to the other cities also because for this purpose I have been sent.”  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!  Yes He did and that is our purpose and mission also in America.  To proclaim the Kingdom of God by bringing His will in heaven to earth.  Jesus is clear, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  Pray like this, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?  Yes, and we have ignored it.  We attend church instead!!

Christians, we have a mandate from Jesus to be on a mission to represent God on earth.  If you do not know your mission and purpose, you will do all kind of things but not the right things.  Satan will give us good things so we will not do the right things.  Present the Kingdom of God which is the rule of God!!!  Today, most Christians in America are ruled by Doctrine of Demons and not God.

Are you a testimony of God and His Kingdom wherever you go – a testimony to government, medical, or all parts of culture or whoever you encounter?  Jesus gave a mission to the church.  Matthew 28:18-20.  “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  (You have my back I have your back) Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.”

Are you making disciples of Jesus Christ and His kingdom of God?  Are you teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded us?   You are the teacher, you are to be exercising dominion.  To dominate the situation for the Kingdom sake –the rule of God?  The Kingdom is all about influence.  So is the kingdom of Satan.  Who is influencing our nation today?  God or Satan?  Satan is influencing America today

That is to our shame!!!  Do you realize that influence is more potent than power.  Jesus said the Kingdom is like yeast.  Put a dab in and it will spread all over.  We have not done this.  All we do is go to a building, our form of godliness playground, then go home.  In our deception and disobedience, we feel our spiritual mission and purpose is accomplished.  In reality, we are an abomination to God and we have the fruit, the rule of Satan, we are a captured nation, and we have become a dwelling place for demons and their manifestations to prove it!!!!!

The true church is God’s agency on this earth to bring the Kingdom to all nations.  Jesus did not come to earth to establish a religion called Christianity but for the church to be God’s agency to bring the Kingdom of God to rule in the earth and to exert influence on people to the ways and character of God.  The church is the training agency for the Kingdom of God and for reigning on this earth.  Teach dominion, teach people how to rule under God’s laws.  The church is designed to equip the believer in their area of ignorance.

Ephesians 4:11, the pastors are to be training and equipping people to be in the image and likeness of Christ.  Church is to be the express image of Jesus Christ.  Train you to act like Christ.  YOU ARE THE STANDARD OF CHRIST!!!   The church is God’s boots on the ground to represent the government of the Kingdom of God on this earth and to bring the will of God in heaven down to earth.  To reflect the will and character of God on this earth.

Do not waste your time with religious and denomination people.  Their mindset is on their religion and what Jesus can do for them. Jesus said in Matthew 13, they have not been given to know the mystery of the Kingdom.  They have no understanding, cannot see, cannot hear, and will not read or act on the Word of God.  They are deceived and do not know they are deceived.  That is religion and doctrine of demons!!!   Jesus and John called the religious a brood of vipers for a reason.  Jesus warned His disciples of the leaven (the teachings) of the religious leaders.  He said beware of false prophets who look like sheep but are ravenous wolves.  They are deadly and you will lose your life in God if you follow them!!!

Repent of our sins, be humble, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, be obedient, committed, submissive, faithful, and show total allegiance, God can restore what we have allowed the canker worm to steal.  Like Adam and Eve, we are eating from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil and we have lost our spiritual connection to God.  There is no plan of God outside the Kingdom of God and a living and obedient Body of Christ.  We must have both.  There is no power and authority of God outside of the Kingdom of God.

If God gives us a plan I suspect we would not carry it out.  We don’t obey God now.  Our children are being destroyed in these public schools and our culture and if thousands of parents refuse to engage the School Boards because of intimidation then they won’t carry out God’s plan if He gave them one!  It took over 60 years for us to get in this spiritual mess and there are no quick fixes to defeat this evil overtaking our nation.  I don’t think the average Christian in America has any idea of the level of obedience, commitment, submission, faithfulness and allegiance that is required by Jesus to be His disciple.  None!!!

We have been lied to that church and Christianity are peaceful, comfortable, easy-going, no controversy while Jesus has been honest with us from the beginning – you will be hated, persecuted, I send you out as lambs among wolvers and people will say all manner of evil against you on account of Me..

We are in one big spiritual mess in this nation.  We have been lied to, we have lied, and we have been so disobedient and neglectful of our spiritual responsibilities in this nation.  We have no fear of God and we ignore and neglect Scriptures at will.  But Jesus will one day have us give an account of what we did or did not do with what He has given to us while on this earth. It will be a fearful and frightful time for the average Christian in America standing before Him!!!

We just don’t seem to see the urgency of the hour before us and the dangerous and perilous times before us!!!  When we continue to be disobedient and continue to sin willfully, what we don’t realize is we then become adversaries to God.  “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which devour the adversaries.”   Read the rest of Hebrews 10:28-31 and you will see it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

God has the plan but He is calling His Body in America to a higher level of discipleship and supernatural living.  For those believers who have learned the disciplines in being true disciples’ of Christ, God will trust you with His supernatural power, gifts, and wisdom.  In addition, those who are submitting themselves to learn the disciplines of Jesus Christ, God will entrust a greater measure of His Spirit and will enable His true Remnant Church to seek first His Kingdom, to be His Ambassadors of His Kingdom of God and to represent the government of the Kingdom to bring His will, His character, His ways, and His morality on earth as it is in heaven.

We are so ignorant and deceived that we do not realize that no one, including Jesus,  is coming to bail us out in America as God has given us dominion and what we allowed to go wrong in our nation, we will have to fix using His Name, His power, His authority, His Word, and His spiritual weapons!!!.  Jesus will show up at the battlefield if we, in obedience, will first show up!!!

Did you ever just sit down and ponder in your American culture religious and deceived mind and ask why the disciples of Jesus, except one, died at the hand of Caesar in the First Century?  It wasn’t because they met and had fellowship in some house.  Those obedient disciples representing the Ekkelsia that Jesus Christ built were outside in those dangerous areas of the Roman kingdom influencing and making disciples with the Kingdom of God message  in Caesar’s kingdom and, those new Roman Christians were influencing and making disciples  in Caesar’s kingdom and he would not tolerate it, and he killed them.

As you ponder this in your comfortable “safe zones” in America as you play religious games while our nation has been captured by Satan, we are ruled by Satan, and our nation has become a dwelling place of demons and millions are being destroyed by demonic manifestations and ministry and you sat on your ass in America, in disobedience, claiming you are a Christian, waiting on the rapture, and on your way to heaven, you are grossly deceived.   To be a follower of Jesus Christ is all about total obedience to Him and His Word and not on church attendance.  If you believe that church attendance will get you to heaven, you are deceived and you have not read your Bible, and you are in for a rude awakening as you stand before God one day!!!   The way of Jesus is narrow and difficult and few find it. (Matthew 7:14)

I’m not trying to be cute and cruel, but thank God someone told you the truth before it is too late.  Rebuke that demonic American religious spirit and embrace the LORD Jesus and His Kingdom message and get out into this nation and be a witness of the Kingdom of God and stand against this evil in our nation!!!  How important is the Kingdom to Jesus?  “And this gospel (the good news) of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?  You bet – He said “seek” first the Kingdom and “preach” this good news in all the world!!!

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to the late Myles Munroe and his awesome knowledge of the Kingdom of God, the late David Wilkerson, Pastor Paul McGuire and so many other great pastors and God’s grace from whom I learned the truth)

© 2022 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

Which Would You Rather Have?

By Rob Pue

November 6, 2022

On Monday October 24th, the Young America’s Foundation at the University of Wisconsin invited Matt Walsh, the producer of the blockbuster documentary, titled “What Is A Woman?” to speak at the UW-Madison Campus. Walsh held a question-and-answer session after the showing of the film.

Even before the event began, the Leftist lunatics were out in force, causing extensive damage to the student union, including profanity-filled graffiti spray painted across the Memorial Union’s front steps, on the terrace, in Alumni Park and over a Bucky Badger statue. As the start time for the event neared, about 500 protestors took to the streets with more violence, chanting, and signs comparing Walsh to a Nazi; others calling him a pedophile. About ten people from Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee also attended the event to minister to the protestors and support Walsh and his message. The Christians were under constant physical and verbal attack. One courageous young man, Nick Proell, held a sign with 1 Corinthians 13:6 written on it: “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”

This young man — a teenager — went along with his peers from Mercy Seat Church to preach and start conversations about God’s design for human sexuality among the violent protestors outside the event. He set his Bible down for a minute in order to engage a crowd of attackers in a conversation, and then someone grabbed his Bible, tore it to shreds and one of the attackers even began eating the pages.

They also stole more than $1000 of the group’s equipment, including cameras and microphones. After the attack, Proell told the Daily Wire, “…as a Christian I’m called to love God and love my neighbor as myself.

“If I saw someone walking off a cliff, how much would I have to hate them to see them walking off a cliff and not tell them there’s a way out? These people are just like me before Jesus — sinners who love their sin and hate God. But praise God, He gives sinners the greatest joy, peace, and pleasure when He saves their soul from destruction. And now, because God saved me, I have so much joy. I want to go and tell everyone about this life-changing good news, that you can be reconciled to your Creator by repenting of your sins and trusting in Jesus, who bore the punishment we deserve by dying on a cross. It’s the most loving message I could tell anyone.”

Proell explained that radical gender ideology and child mutilation are fundamentally opposed to the biblical worldview since “God made man and woman in His image,” each with distinct roles and characteristics, but “nevertheless equal” in value.

How did the college respond to all this? Well, the Dean of Students called Walsh a speaker whose views “We believe are harmful to the trans community.” Walsh, himself, noted that UW-Madison was taking the side of the “trans” protestors and said the University’s actions demonstrated the “worst cowardice I’ve ever seen by a university.

But the rabid and rage-filled pro-trans protestors were greatly outnumbered by the sold-out audience who wanted to hear Walsh speak and see the movie. Of course, the mainstream media joined the side of the protestors and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel called Walsh “an anti-trans right-wing conservative commentator” and placed the blame for the vandalism, violence and destruction squarely on Walsh’s shoulders. What else would we expect them to do?

Our Universities and College campuses should be places of higher learning — places where ideas can be discussed and debated rationally. But that’s a long-dead concept. And when The Daily Wire attempted to debut the film Walsh produced, “What Is A Woman,” their website was attacked, delaying the film’s release. By the way, Matt Walsh has also been attacked when invited to speak at Universities in Houston, Illinois and Florida.

If you’ve not seen the film “What Is A Woman,” I would encourage you to do so, because it takes on the idea of “gender dysphoria” directly — with Walsh asking the simple question: “What is a woman.” He asks University professors, sociologists, social workers, doctors, counselors, teachers and everyday people on the street. None can answer that simple question — except primitive African tribesmen, who thought the question was ridiculous because in their culture, the idea of “gender dysphoria” is a biological absurdity. The movie does have some adult language, so beware of that, but it’s difficult to have an adult conversation without using adult language — unless, of course, you’re in an American kindergarten classroom, where today, anything goes.

Of course, Matt Walsh is not the only one the Left hates. He’s just the latest target. This past spring, conservative speaker Michael Knowles was invited to speak at Boston University, and was opposed by several student groups on that campus, including: “BU Students for Reproductive Freedom,” “Young Democratic Socialists,” “The Trans Listening Circle,” “The Queer Activist Collective,” “The Mental Health Collective,” and a group called “OutLAW.” These groups also created what they called “organized safe spaces” throughout the campus for trans and queer students while the event was being held. So these universities, where students once fought for de-segregation and equality are now voluntarily SELF-segregating in “safe spaces.” Go figure. Knowles made the very on-target point that “Very radical, very creepy people are trying to indoctrinate children into sexual ideologies.”

Indeed they are. Even universities and teachers’ unions have been caught instructing future teachers of pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school and college students how to infuse the LGBTQP+ indoctrination into the minds of our children and young adults — without the parents finding out. Many schools across the country are now providing “trans closets” where kids can come to school dressed as their biological gender, but then before school starts, go to the “trans closet” and dress as the opposite sex — then change back before going home. So parents are kept in the dark as teachers and so-called “counselors” indulge and encourage the kids in the perversion and confusion they teach. You should be aware that these same type of “trans closets” are now being offered by homosexual- and trans-
affirming so-called “churches” too.

Earlier in October, the FBI raided the home of Chet Gallagher, with guns drawn, and arrested eleven peaceful Christians who minister outside abortion centers. Many of those eleven are friends that I’ve also ministered alongside at abortion centers around the country. The supposed “crime” they committed was blocking the entrance to an abortion facility — 18 months ago. But videos show the group was simply gathered outside, attempting to speak to the women and girls as they were led by “death-scorts” into the murder mills. They were also seen singing hymns and praying. Among those now charged is 87-year-old Eva Edl, a holocaust survivor, who I’ve also worked alongside on the street. This sweet lady would never harm a fly and all of them have sincere hearts of compassion for the innocent children — and the women and girls being exploited by the blood lust of the abortion industry. But now, they each face a potential 11 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Around that same time, our good friend, Pastor Bill Dunfee from Frazeysburg, Ohio, was also arrested by the FBI. His crime was for a sermon he gave to his church in December of 2020, regarding the obviously fraudulent election of that year. He’s also charged with engaging in physical violence in DC on January 6th of 2021. The mainstream media will spin this to make Pastor Bill look like a right-wing fanatic and a criminal. I can tell you, he IS a bold, courageous preacher of God’s Word but I also know him to be a soft-hearted, loving and compassionate man, full of mercy and grace — and I know for a fact that he’d never encourage any form of violence against anyone.

It’s unlikely any of the charges against these Christians can be proven. But that doesn’t really matter today. Because today, our so-called “justice system” has been weaponized against law-abiding citizens and especially against Christians and conservatives who dare speak the truth on ANY matter — and absolutely against any who dare GO and DO things that conflict with the twisted ideologies of the Left. Parents who object to the sexualization and pornography being pushed in public schools — and voice their concerns at school board meetings are now officially “domestic terrorists.” I should mention, the point was recently made, that some of the pro-sodomite and pro- “trans” books now being made mandatory reading in our public schools are so filthy and foul that it’s actually illegal for parents to read portions of them at public school board meetings — because those meetings are usually broadcast on local cable access TV channels — and the FCC prohibits pornography and especially CHILD PORN to be broadcast. Yet it’s spoon-fed to our toddlers as early as possible.

The fight for sanity continues in public schools all across this country. Just recently, Cody Hiller, a Physical Education teacher for 14 years at West Frankfort High School in Illinois, refused to follow orders and let a girl into the boys’ locker room. Hiller was removed from his job and put on disciplinary leave. This is what happens when you protect kids. This is what happens when you stand for righteousness. Need I mention the hundreds of J6 political prisoners still being held in jail — still without being charged with a crime and still without a trial and still without bail? It’s been almost two years. All they did was show up with flags and banners to a rally of millions to present a redress of grievances.

Let me remind you of the First Amendment of our Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The thing is, CONGRESS hasn’t made any laws that tread on these rights. CONGRESS has done virtually nothing other than enrich their own bank accounts — even when so-called “conservatives” have been in power. No, our free exercise of religion has been struck down by government health officials. Our freedom of speech has been done away with by big tech, Google and social media. Our “press” is owned by the Globalist Banksters, “Peaceful Assembly” is now determined by which side you’re on — the devil’s team or God’s team. If you stand for righteousness you’re not considered “peaceful.” Even if you’re 87 years old and just sitting down singing hymns. And if you attempt to petition your government for a redress of grievances, you’re a domestic terrorist. Because Joe Biden’s handlers say you are.

Are we just supposed to forget about the billions of dollars of destruction that ANTIFA and BLM did in 2020? Are we supposed to forget about the historical monuments torn down and destroyed because American history is now labeled “racist?” Are we supposed to forget the scenes of mayhem, burning, looting, rioting and murder in our country’s streets from coast to coast — while so-called “law enforcement” was ordered to “stand down” and “let them burn it all down?” Are we supposed to forget about illegal mandates that shut down businesses and churches while keeping liquor stores and strip clubs open? Are we supposed to forget about the “official hospital protocols” that medically kidnapped and killed millions? All those forced to choose between the jab and their job? All the families who couldn’t attend weddings or funerals… and all those senior citizens who died alone behind a plastic bubble, not allowed to even see their loved ones? And now, are we supposed to remain silent as our children are being groomed by sodomite pedophiles — openly and “pridefully” in our public schools?

I’ve been to the streets and I’ve seen, first-hand how these Leftist lunatics behave. After years of public school and college indoctrination, they are literally filled with extreme hatred and rage any time their brainwashed minds are challenged with an ounce of truth. They turn blue in the face and scream like demons, they lash out in violence, they vandalize, steal, loot, burn, and destroy. Full on temper tantrums and mental meltdowns — until they’re able to return to their “safe spaces.” They advocate for communism and call patriots and truth-tellers “Nazis.” Dear Lord, what have we come to?

Is this really what we want for the future of our children and grandchildren? The future of our country? Compare what you see in these seeds of the satanic agenda with those who stand for God, righteousness and justice. Which would you rather have for the future of our country? And what are you going to do about it? What CAN we do about it in this late hour? Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email Ask for message number 376.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Rebuilding of America, Part 2

By Pastor Roger Anghis

November 6, 2022

The foundation that America was built on is in shambles. Our federal government no longer operates the way the Founders designed it to operate. The Founders believed in a small federal government but today we have a government that has overreached its constitutional boundaries by being involved in areas where it has no constitutional right and ignoring the areas where it is mandated to be. If we look at history, we see that governments that do whatever they want, as we see not just the federal government but many states as well doing, it has evolved into a dictatorship from the constitutional republic that it started out as.

We have to recognize where our government has stepped over its bounds so we can reign in that overreach. We also need to recognize where the government has failed in its constitutional responsibilities.  The area where the federal government has failed grossly in my opinion is in border security.  There has only been two presidents in my lifetime that have done anything to stem the flow of illegals from across our southern border.  Dwight Eisenhower and Donald J. Trump. Eisenhower shipped the illegals back in such large numbers that they began to self-deport. Trump built the wall and deported the illegals.  When you look at the Constitution you’ll see Article IV Section IV states that one of the federal governments responsibilities is to “protect them (States) from invasion”. They may not be bearing weapons but they are still invading.  Many that are coming across our southern border are on the terrorist watch list.  Biden has allowed the population of 15 states to enter our country without being vetted in any way. We don’t know what kind of diseases they are bringing, what their intentions are, nor does this administration seem to even care.

The federal government has even gone so far as to sue states that have made efforts to stop the flow of illegals. The Biden administration escalated its war of words with Arizona Republican Governor Doug Ducey over an innovative solution close off an area of the porous southern border with shipping containers, accusing the state of trespassing on federal land.

Ducey defied the open-borders regime when he rejected demands to remove the containers which the state is using to fill gaps not covered by a wall, trying to stem the tide of illegal immigrants and deadly fentanyl that continues to flood into the country, an effort that began in August with the governor putting his foot down.

“Arizona has had enough,” Ducey said in a statement. “We can’t wait any longer. The Biden administration’s lack of urgency on border security is a dereliction of duty. For the last two years, Arizona has made every attempt to work with Washington to address the crisis on our border. Time and time again we’ve stepped in to clean up their mess. Arizonans can’t wait any longer for the federal government to deliver on their delayed promises.”[1]

This is an enormous strain on our job market, education system, health care system, and housing market. Not to mention that it is the American taxpayer that has to pay for all of this.  This is nothing less than treason and should be addressed as such. A nation with no borders is not a nation at all. If this is allowed to continue unabated, we will soon be a third-world country. I know Americans didn’t vote for that in 2020.

Our education system is at the bottom of the list of industrialized nations. There are third-world nations that have better rankings in math, reading, and science than our system does. We used to be number one. The planedemic is a small cause of this but students, primarily in blue states, have not been able to read at grade level for years. Liberals won’t fail a student because it ‘is a negative effect on their self-esteem. If they can’t function in society just what good does their self-esteem do them?  In a normal year, the exercise would have been scaled back by this point, Woll said. “But because of the pandemic, I’m still doing those letter sounds every day.”

Teaching aide Hannah Chancey faces the same problem in second grade classrooms at Rehobeth Elementary School in a small low-income community in southeastern Alabama, a state with reading scores near the bottom nationally.

“They couldn’t read; they couldn’t identify letters,” said Chancey, clutching a clipboard with the names of children who need extra instruction. “We couldn’t have enough help.”

Nationwide, test scores for younger students, who are just learning to read, dropped far more than for older students. The average third grader’s reading score fell 6 percentile points on the MAP test, twice the drop of the average eighth grader. In a separate pandemic study of second and third graders in 100 school districts, Stanford University researchers found that although teachers had figured out how to teach reading remotely during the 2020-21 school year, students didn’t catch up.

“They’re still behind,” said Ben Domingue, an assistant professor at Stanford who was one of the authors. Domingue said reading gaps in younger children could “mutate” into future academic problems. Students need to read in order to learn other subjects, from science to history.[2]

We don’t teach the fundamentals of living in a society anymore. We don’t teach history because I am convinced if we teach the truth about communism students wouldn’t embrace it like they are doing today.  If we teach the truth about the Founding of America and the sacrifices the Founders made and what they began gave the world the most prosperous, charitable, and powerful nation in the history of the world and that would create patriotism.  Liberals don’t want patriotism. Liberals don’t want a love of the liberty and freedom the Founders gave us.  This goes back to Henry Ford and probably further.  Ford funded the school system but he required what he wanted to be taught.  He wanted workers, not thinkers. Thinkers would create competition. He didn’t want the competition.

Places of higher education were places where you could discuss different ideas. Look at both sides of a situation and discuss things through.  These places of so-called higher education today only allow one side to be talked about. The liberal, socialist point of view. Students are not taught that socialism has never worked at any time in history. Look at 1930s Germany, the USSR, Greece, Cuba, Venezuela, and every other nation that has tried that system. They claim that ideology will bring equality but that equality is equal misery.

Every election is important but if we don’t begin to put responsible people who will follow the Constitution instead of a political ideology our way of life will be gone. Klaus Schwab has declared that by 2030 we will own nothing and be happy. It needs to be the other way, he owns nothing and we’ll be happy. This present administration is willing to let this worthless unelected bureaucrat tell Americans what they can have and do. That isn’t what our Constitution says. The rebuilding must start with the 2022 election and continue with each succeeding election electing people who believe in America First!.

Remember Reagan warned us that we were no more than one generation away from losing our freedom. Let’s not make this that generation.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Biden regime accuses Arizona of trespassing after state deploys innovative border control project
  2. America’s reading problem scores were dropping even before the pandemic

Stronger Together in Jesus

by Rolaant McKenzie

November 6, 2022

In the last book of The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle, a wicked ape named Shift persuaded a naïve donkey called Puzzle to wear a lion’s skin and impersonate Aslan (a figure of Jesus). Shift used Puzzle, and even collaborated with soldiers from a foreign hostile nation, in his schemes to gain power and control over the other creatures of Narnia. But when the real Aslan appeared and defeated Shift, a band of dwarves who were deceived by Shift’s false Aslan refused to believe in the genuine one and decided to go their own way. They had become so jaded that even when taken into Aslan’s country (a symbol of heaven), they could only perceive themselves as being locked in a dark, smelly stable.

There are many who have reacted to being misled by a professing “Christian” or other religious organization preaching a different gospel (Galatians 1:6-9) in much the same way as most of the dwarves did in C.S. Lewis’ story. Not wishing to be deceived again, they reject most churches as false and avoid association with any of them. They decide to worship and read God’s word alone, foregoing fellowship with other believers.

These are challenging times for Christians to gather and worship together in person. In Communist, Islamic, or other authoritarian countries, believers gathering together often bring severe persecution, imprisonment or death. Increasingly in Western countries, government sanctions of various kinds are imposed for doing so.

Nonetheless, the importance and necessity of assembling with fellow believers remains. It is essential and cannot be neglected or adequately reproduced by video conferencing technology, something that cannot fully mitigate the isolation from others and the loneliness it brings. Living separate from a strong local assembly of believers can spiritually weaken and leave one more vulnerable to the deceptive schemes of the enemy. God created us to give and receive the benefits of friendship and community. This point is illustrated in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, which says:

“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.”

Friends can help you accomplish more than you could achieve on your own; companions can help in times of need; partners can bring comfort; and friends can provide protection in difficult situations.

The following are several key characteristics of a strong local assembly of believers.

  • A proper perspective on Scripture: Does it hold to the divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Scriptures as the foundation of truth, and the accurate record of God’s revelation to humanity? Does it believe the Bible is the only rule for Christian faith and practice? (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:20- 21)
  • Bible teaching and preaching is emphasized: Is there a strong commitment to high-quality Bible teaching? Are believers being fed from the Word each week? (Acts 20:27; 1 Timothy 4:13-16; 2 Timothy 4:1-5) Is Scripture taught in its proper context?
  • Doctrinally sound: Where does it stand on fundamental tenets of the Christian faith? This includes the deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ; human depravity; the all-sufficient work of Christ on the cross; His death, burial, and bodily resurrection; and salvation by grace through faith in Him alone.
  • Consistent practice: Is what is believed and taught consistently practiced?

Being part of a church fellowship with these qualities will help believers “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18), protect against being drawn away into false teaching, help build up the body of Christ through shared talents and service, and provide comfort and encouragement in difficult times such as these.

In the 2019 film, Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker, the Resistance leader General Poe Dameron gathered his pilots for a few last words before the final battle against Palpatine’s great armada of star battle cruisers. He sensed their fear regarding their chances for success. It was as though a mouse was going up against an elephant. The effort to be free of Palpatine’s tyranny appeared headed to a hopeless and terrible end.

But General Dameron sought to encourage his pilots by telling them that help from the rest of the galaxy would come to their aid. There were far more against Palpatine’s rule than for it. He said their adversary wanted to convince them that they were all alone and powerless to resist. But this was a lie. They were not alone as long as they who loved freedom gathered and worked together. Their power was far greater than Palpatine’s and that is what he feared and hated. With these words of exhortation, they went off to battle.

Though initially few in number against the enormous fleet of enemy ships and taking heavy losses, General Dameron continued to encourage his pilots not to give up because help would come. Suddenly, a multitude of starships from all over the galaxy appeared looking almost like grains of sand in space. Palpatine’s commanding general exclaimed, “Where did they get all these fighter craft? They have no navy.” His lieutenant told him, “This is not a navy, sir. It’s just … people.”

The motley fleet of “just people” utterly defeated Palpatine’s armada, which led to a general revolt against his rule across the galaxy that resulted in the restoration of freedom.

By holding fast to faith in their cause for freedom, realizing that they were not alone, and coming together to encourage one another for the final fight, they had a power that could not be turned back or overcome. This is reminiscent of what the writer of Hebrews said to Jewish believers in Jesus in the 1st century A.D., where many of them were being isolated and ostracized by family, friends, and associates for their faith. Hebrews 10:23-25 says,

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

Do not listen to the devil when he says you do not need fellowship and that you can go it alone, or that you are all alone and it is useless to resist the darkness he brings. Those who trust in Jesus alone for salvation are never truly alone because He promises to always be with us (Matthew 28:20). But we need each other, too. And He has given the gift of fellowship to encourage and strengthen us in our sojourn on earth. Several logs burn brightly together; but put one aside on the cold hearth and the fire goes out. Together in Jesus Christ believers are stronger, even if the world at times is daunting and appears about to overcome and destroy.

“You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie:


Appointed Boards Are NOT Lawmakers!

By Tom DeWeese

November 5, 2022

This alert is directed specifically to local, county, and state elected representatives. As for local residents and activists, I ask that you share this with your elected representatives and demand that they take action to protect you from the jaws of power hungry corporations that are working through appointed boards, run by hired bureaucrats, to impose an agenda to control and destroy American food, energy supplies, property rights, and liberty.

To those elected representatives I ask, DO YOU ENJOY BEING THE DOORMATS OF HIRED BUREAUCRATS WITH AN AGENDA? The belief of elected representatives that they are powerless to oppose the dictates of appointed boards – that is the root of the problem. Such an attitude is leading to the destruction of representative government. And it must be confronted immediately. Appointed boards represent nobody!

Originally, appointed boards were created by elected officials as a means to carry out certain bureaucratic and administrative tasks and oversee specific policies that the elected representatives have voted to deal with. But today they have become all-powerful forces within themselves as they have morphed into semi-autonomous overlords who no longer answer to anybody, including the very legislature who created them. If liberty is to be saved, that must be changed.

It must be made clear to these boards that they do not have the power to create regulations or laws on their own. They work for the elected county board, city council, or state legislature. They certainly do not have the power or the official position to dictate policy to elected lawmakers.

Yet too many lawmakers fail to understand that fact. Instead, when faced with an issue they either don’t understand or would rather not get involved, these elected representatives of the people prefer to cower in the corner like helpless children and exclaim “there’s nothing we can do, it’s up to the board!”

Hogwash! It’s time for them to grow up and face reality. These elected bodies are allowing non-elected appointed bureaucrats to usurp their power and authority to represent the people and, in doing so, steal the voice of the people. That is tyranny! Shane on you!

Elected representatives, including mayors, governors, city councils, county supervisors, state legislators, and county sheriffs, are elected by the people to represent them and protect their rights. They are the forces we count on to stand up to the overreach of government agencies at any level. In addition, elected representatives are also cowering to the power and influence of private, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as those in the radical environmental movement. Plus, there are now private corporations which use those appointed boards to help them grab private land to build their private enterprises.

These private corporations include the infamous Blackrock, which is using the force of Eminent Domain to become the largest landlord in the nation. They are using threats and intimidation to force farmers to sacrifice their private property. If the property owners don’t comply voluntarily, then the corporations plan to take it though the power granted to them by appointed utilities boards. That’s the tyranny which those who supply our food are living under.

Such private corporations are NOT public utilities. Yet this is how elected representatives take the coward’s way out. Instead of courageously defending constituents and their rights against powerful forces, they meekly succumb to their agenda. “There’s nothing we can do. The board has decided.” THIS IS HOW YOU REPRESENT YOUR PEOPLE? That’s not representation – it’s a sell out! It’s a shameful outrage!

Of course, the main scare tactic employed to intimidate and force elected representatives to comply is Climate Change. That so-called threat is behind nearly every policy you are facing. The fear of Environmental Armageddon is being used to get us to voluntarily surrender our liberties. Massive amounts of money are being deployed from the federal government, rich and powerful NGOs, and the corporations themselves. As a result, governments take more control over our lives, NGOs get more powerful to enforce their agenda, and corporations get richer. That is why the forces behind it, from the global and federal levels, are freely disregarding Constitutional law – because we have a global crisis! Do we? Let’s see.

Here are the true facts of the SCIENCE concerning Climate Change:

  1. There is no evidence whatsoever to back up the claims of man-made climate change. Or that CO2 carbon from man-made emissions is a danger. There are more scientific studies to back up the claim that carbon is good, than there are legitimate studies supporting man-made climate change and these studies are honestly peer reviewed.
  2. There is no consensus of scientists. Those who oppose the theory are simply unfunded and silenced. The only consensus on the dangers of climate change come from bought scientists. The money determines the science.
  3. Nearly every program promoted as environmental protection is in reality a much bigger threat to the environment than anything man is doing. Here are some examples.
  • Forest Service refuses to remove dead trees from the floor of forests, creating 8 feet or more of kindling – causing the worst fires in history.
  • Mining of lithium for battery powered electric cars destroys huge areas of land- never to recover. Imagine when all gas powered cars are banned and millions of electric cars replace them. We will see lithium mines deeper than the Grand Canyon. And there is a lot more oil and gas than lithium in the world.
  1. Wind and Solar produce next to nothing for the power grid. If all fossil fuels were banned and all power was to come from wind and solar, it would provide 4% of the power we need to run the country.
  • 17 million acres of solar farms are planned for the mid-west states to replace coal and gas power plants – which take up only a few acres.
  • To build those solar farms will take a massive amount of copper- yet mining is being restricted.
  • The solar panels are made of plastic – which takes oil to produce.
  • Underneath those solar panels that run end to end, row by row for thousands of acres is cement for infrastructure of wires. Nothing grows under them – no plants grow, no animals can build their homes. Valuable farm land is virtually destroyed.
  • Sun light is necessary to produce energy through solar panels. Nothing is provided after dark. When it snows the panels are covered – no electricity is produced in such storms.
  • WIND Power – 250 million acres are targeted in the Midwest states for wind power.
  • Wind power needs huge amounts of oil for the turbines to turn. And those blades are not degradable when they no longer work. Most of the turbines work only for a few years.
  • Again, there is massive infrastructure needed under the planned forests of turbines.
  • Picture 250 million acres of these turbines – the death of scenic views, of peaceful land, and in the air – nothing will be flying. Millions of birds, raptors, and endangered species are destroyed – in the name of environmental protection. There is already evidence that fish are being endangered under the turbines placed off shore.
  1. Sustainable ESG – the global plan to control energy.
  • ESG stands for Environmental Social Governance. Social. It has nothing to do with environmental protection – but rather economic tyranny.
  • Net Zero means no carbon emissions. Much of Europe has marched toward this over the last 30 years. Today they are facing a massive energy crisis and are giving up on wind and solar power. Now they are reopening coal minds and returning to oil. So is India – and China! But the United States, ignoring all of this recent history, is marching in the wrong direction.
  • SUSTAINABLE – that is the term of the policy to impose it all. It’s a trigger word designed to get us all to give up our liberties voluntarily. The late Rosa Kori, founder of Democrats Against Agenda 21, produced this definition of Sustainable: “Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the word. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!
  • Dr. Lee Merritt, environmental scientist, points out that the destruction of topsoil from solar and wind may be creating a new “dust bowl” phenomenon. She says plants are starving for CO2, and they are not growing as well because they don’t have the ground cover. AGAIN, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY HELPING TO DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT.
  • Finally, this detail concerning co2 capture pipelines: In a small town in Mississippi, a carbon capture pipeline ruptured. A green cloud descended over the town, blocking oxygen and creating a foul smell. Dozens of people became disoriented, nauseated, and dazed. Many collapsed in their homes. Even car engines shut off because they too need oxygen. And there has never been emergency training for first responders to deal with it. Months later some people are still reporting metal fogginess. That makes carbon capture pipelines a major health risk!

But today, all these lies, designed to lead to the destruction of our free society, economic system, and property rights, are being empowered because of the lack of understanding and outright cowardice of elected representatives who will not stand up for their own constituents.

Elected Representatives – that’s the garbage YOU are allowing to be imposed because you will not stand up to appointed boards and corporate greed. YOU SHAMEFUL DOORMATS!


Do you want to do the right thing? Do you care to actually represent your constituents? Do you want to protect their rights to own and control their own property? Then lead the fight to protect your constituents. Just say no!

YOU must take direct action right there in your own jurisdiction.

You must fully understand that you are not pawns to appointed boards and the corrupt bureaucrats behind them. You have the power and the obligation to stand up and lead – protect your people. You have the power and the duty to take legislative action to stop this assault on private property.

Here is a step-by-step plan to guide you:

First, in your counties, form a Liberty Coalition consisting of those elected representatives who support the return to freedom — even if you are a minority on your county board or city council. Pledge to each other that you will stand together to protect property rights of your residents, support local free enterprise, and protect the individual rights of your county constituents. These are the three pillars of freedom.

Next, prepare a legislative plan to protect the local land that has been targeted for wind and solar farms or carbon capture pipelines. Give the owners the right to say no to the corporations. Property rights protection is the number one weapon to use against Sustainable policy because if property is protected then sustainable policy cannot be enforced.

You will need a definition of property rights: “Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership becomes a barren right” Justice Richard B. Sanders 1997. Washington State Supreme Court.

Resolution of Property Rights

My American Policy Center (APC) has sample legislation, written by a state legislator, designed to protect private property and stop the tyranny of eminent domain use for such projects. APC also has sample resolutions which can help to clearly establish the county’s position on property rights protection. We are ready to help. Are you ready to fight?

As you are pulling together your Liberty Coalition, once the legislation is in place, extend your hands to all your neighboring counties to work together in united Liberty Coalitions. Introduce the exact same legislation in each county – and do it all on the same day if possible for greater effect.

This will put you back in charge of the debate. You will have drawn a line in the sand and a warning to the appointed boards and to the corporations that you will tolerate neither intimidation nor land grabs.

Finally, with all of it in place, hold news conferences on the same day, at the same time in each county to announce your actions. Then boldly declare your counties protected! You will have defended the uniqueness in every county and each county’s right to decide for themselves. It’s called self government.

Even if you only get a few counties to join this effort, you have created a road block that will send a message for the appointed boards and corporations to back off. Your territory is off limits to them. Stand up – join hands and say no and do not back down.

And here is one other piece of advice for you to protect yourself. If anyone comes up to you to apply pressure or a bribe to make you stop this effort – head immediately to the nearest camera and expose them.

Above all — Do not plead with appointed boards – Stand up with your legislative powers and take control.

Understand this – those behind these land and power grabs are terrified that you will finally wake up and understand your true power to act. Do it. Stop hesitating. Stop hiding behind the excuse of appointed boards. And stop allowing their tyranny. That’s why you were elected by the people. Do this and they will come out strong for you.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Printers Involved in Florida Voter Fraud?

By Kat Stansell

November 5, 2022

Activists find Startling “Coincidences” and Relationships

A team of researchers from the Florida Republican Assembly have revealed some incredible “coincidences” in the relationships of Florida officials to the printing companies which print the ballots for Florida voters.

This investigation into Florida election systems began when analysts now working with the FRA went to learn just how and why the fraud occurred in 2020. As mail-in ballots have long been a vehicle for questionable voting accuracy, (Judicial Watch has found that there are over 28 million still floating around the nation from different elections!) the team from FRA chose to begin with them. They surveyed the state to see where those ballots were being sent. They learned that Pinellas County (Tampa/St. Pete) had the most mail-in ballot voters per sq. mi. in the state. By far. In Pinellas, 80- 90% of the residents of high-rise apartment buildings in the county were registered to vote by mail. Only 1 in ten residents living in high rises voted in person or early? This smelled a bit odd, so they dug further.

The printing company, Runbeck, was found to be the one printing all ballots for Pinellas (and Hillsborough) County. So? Well, Runbeck is the same printer connected to allegations of election fraud in both Georgia and Arizona in the 2020 election.

Hmmmm. Coincidence? Maybe…

Checking further, the FRA team found a printing company that prints election supplies and ballots for 42 of the other 65 Florida counties. Its name is Fidlar Elections, once a Florida-based company. In 2017, Fidlar was purchased by a big national printer, Cathedral Printing, based in Rome NY. Cathedral provides services to municipalities and election authorities which include voter id cards, sample and actual ballots.

In 2014, Cathedral Printing had also purchased a Florida company named Axis Data Solutions. So what? Here’s what. Axis was the developer of software to track ballots – which worked with Fidlar Elections’ printing systems. The two were merged after the 2017 Fidlar purchase by Cathedral. This allowed Fidlar to act a bit like ERIC, the electronic registration database, and gather massive amounts of information on Florida voters, under the auspices of voter roll maintenance. Fidlar’s Axis-assisted files included who had moved away and who didn’t voted, two valuable categories for phantom voting. No rules exist to “maintain” these voter rolls, which, in Florida are at 101.6% of all possible citizens of voting age – which statistic is provided by the USEAC. More coincidence?

Why, then, are Florida election authorities allowing our ballots to be printed and our voter information to be collected by out-of-state concerns? Shouldn’t this be an instate function to support local businesses? It would certainly help to assure security of our elections if the printer(s) were under close scrutiny by state officials. Wouldn’t it? Keep in mind that 2017 purchase date. Trump was inaugurated that year. Surely THAT was just a coincidence…

Back to the big out-of-state printer. Who are they, with whom we are trusting our voting integrity?

Cathedral Printing’s Chairman and CEO is a woman named Marianne Gaige, a member of the printing industry hall of fame and a Harvard MBA graduate. She has been with Cathedral for 27 years.

According to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) Ms. Gaige is also a regular contributor to Democrat candidates and PAC’s, including the campaign and victory funds for both Obama and Biden. She also contributes monthly to ActBlue, a donation pass-through organization that, distributes money to whomever ActBlue thinks needs it. We can surmise, then, that any donor to ActBlue supports anything and everything Left, with little discretion.

Marianne Gaige also sends monthly donations to Democratic Action/Democratic Governors’ Action (both listed at the same DC address) which is focused on electing Democrat governors for all 50 states. Act Blue also supports this cause. THIS IS THE WOMAN PRINTING AND TRACKING 64% OF FLORIDA’S BALLOTS. Ok, well anyone is free to contribute to political organizations as they see fit. Right? Absolutely. But, read on.

Another Cathedral/Fidlar Elections employee, Stacy Rodriguez, earned certification in 2018 as “Master Florida Elections Vendor”, an award from the Florida Association of Supervisors of Elections. A man named Mark Earley is president of this group.

In checking the posting of Ms. Rodriguez’s award, up pops another coincidence.

When the link to her name is clicked, it takes the reader to “Stacey Earley!”

Stacy Rodriguez turns out to be Stacy Earley, wife of Mark Earley who is currently Leon County (Tallahassee) Supervisor of Elections and president of the Florida Supervisors of Elections Assn. Photographs from Mark Earley’s 2020 social media reelection campaign show the same woman who, on Fidlar’s page, is holding a plaque with the name, “Stacy Rodriguez”.

Why the two names? “Rodriguez” is not her maiden name. Why not just call herself Stacey Earley in her professional life? Again, something smells.

Mark Early is also chair of the Florida SOE Assn’s Cybersecurity Committee and Vice-Chair of its Legislative Committee. Just fyi.

Mr. Earley serves (or disserves) Floridians in two other interesting rolls. He is on the Executive Committee of of EI-ISAC (Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center) which is contracted by the federal Department of Homeland Security to provide “cybersecurity services’ for state election entities.” This union of EI- ISAC and the DHS may well be unconstitutional in addition to being another step towards federalizing our election infrastructure! The DHS has NO business whatsoever in state election matters. Several documents of agreement between counties in other states were featured in this revealing article.

Mark Earley also serves on the Local Leadership Council of the USEAC (Election Assistance Commission), which has always been a favorite of mine for its home page banner, which offers instant translation into many foreign languages. Check it out! The need for this begs the entire question of US election integrity This is the organization that has Florida’s voter roll numbers at the above mentioned 101.6%.

Even more importantly, Mrs. Stacey Earley, in her position at Fidlar Elections, has a wide-ranging ability to access to voter information in the state of Florida. Whenever anyone in the state of Florida signs up to receive a vote-by-mail ballot, Fidlar Elections, gets an electronic notice Then, Fidlar not only prints that ballot and mails it to the address on file, it also TRACKS the ballot through the mail. Every request. As the one at Fidlar who has earned certification as Master Florida Vendor – from her husband’s organization – Stacey “Rodriguez” Earley has complete access to everything in the states’ voter rolls, and can track any voter’s information statewide.

This is no longer coincidence. This is something more, and it smells even worse.

First, why does the state of Florida allow a private out-of-state company consisting of two former Florida businesses to both print AND track ballots?

Second, how it is allowed that a wife of Florida’s President of Election Supervisors and SOE of Leon County be given access to the rolls of the state, through earning an “ “award” granted by the state organization of which her husband is president? Also, her employer is making millions from a contract granted by her husband. A BIG hmmmmm.

Let’s go back and look at some 2020 numbers, to show you the impact of mail-in votes, and why they are so important. According to the Leon County website, election day and early votes were “reasonably close” for Trump and Biden. (Remember, Leon is a blue county) On election day, Trump led by 287 votes. Biden had the edge in early voting, by 13,147. However, of the mailed votes, 74% went to Biden. The same kind of lopsided results happened in counties across the state (and states across the nation.) Those mail-in voters are a different bunch alright. OH, wait. It’s just coincidence.

Another problem/coincidence is that Leon County uses Poll Chief, the poll worker software company whose Chinese CEO was just arrested a few weeks ago, for sending US data to China. The other Florida county using Poll Chief is Hillsborough County (Tampa). They began using the system in 2011. As you may have learned in recent days, Poll Chief gathers the personal data of all election workers including home addresses, schools attended by their children, bank account numbers and the like. This information is then used to make poll workers do as they are told, whether or not it is legal or moral.

According to Red State, the Poll chief app also can be easily repurposed for ballot harvesting and delivery. In a Chinese company with this much access to sensitive data, , we can pretty much expect the worse.

WHY does a good red state like Florida allow the use of these tools of Election fraud??

WHY does Florida just sit back and ignore all of this?? This is a matter for the highest official in the state, and we are providing him with all of this.

You can choose to check the “coincidence” box in every one of these areas of information. But you cannot ignore the stink. Something smells rotten in the state of Florida, and the Florida Republican Association is asking our officials to take a whiff and explain.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Obama is Never Going Away

By Cliff Kincaid

November 5, 2022

Even if Republicans take back the Congress on November 8, America will continue to be a Marxist state. The return of Barack Hussein Obama to the campaign trail tells us all we need to know about America today. He is running the show and has finally emerged out in the open again.

It’s true that Congress has the power of the purse, but you and I know that a Republican Congress under the control of Senator Mitch McConnell and Rep. Kevin McCarthy lack the expertise, knowledge, and will to “take America back” and dismantle the major elements of the so-called administrative state. The CIA, FBI, and the IRS will survive, and you and I know it.

A GOP Senate can, however, block any Obama/Biden nominees to the federal courts and the Supreme Court. To his credit, McConnell blocked Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. This kind of resistance must take the form of political hardball by stopping all Biden judicial appointments. It can and must continue.

Regarding the invasion of America, you and I also know that the illegal aliens constitute a cheap work force for big corporations. That won’t change, since many of those companies finance the GOP. Still, Congress and the states have to do what they can to hinder the invasion. It won’t be enough because the federal government has to do its job, and it won’t.

Issues such as higher taxes and higher interest rates, road gridlock, skyrocketing crime, and failing schools are on the agenda of most Americans. Some of these issues are more effectively addressed on the local and state levels.

On the federal level, Congress can try to cut federal taxes. For example, President Trump produced an unprecedented economic boom with $3.2 trillion in historic tax relief before China released its deadly virus on the world. That occurred through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

But Obama/Biden will veto any new tax cuts for the people.

So let’s understand what a possible Red Wave will mean and why the “progressives” will continue to maintain a political edge.

To repeat a point that I have been making for years, America’s current predicament is the result of eight years of Barack Hussein Obama, a Marxist student of Russian agent Frank Marshall Davis. After his two presidential terms, Obama met with Chinese Communist President Xi to plot the final phase of the world revolution. That meeting led to the release of the China virus, the “election” of Joe Biden, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This meeting was further proof that Obama’s Marxist experiment was being organized in cooperation with China and Russia.

To recap what happened at this critical meeting, Obama in November 2017 rushed over to Beijing to clink glasses with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. The Chinese media hailed the reunion as a meeting of “veteran cadre,” an extraordinary term that means the former U.S. President has been operating as a communist agent or operative.

Obama also worked with the Russians, when he was caught telling them he needed “more flexibility” to accommodate Vladimir Putin’s objectives. Acting on behalf of Obama, Biden did the rest, encouraging a Russian invasion of Ukraine and the no-win war against Russia that America is funding under “Commander-in-Chief” Biden.

Why didn’t conservatives call Obama a Marxist? They were scared of being called McCarthyites.

Remember that the Republicans failed to impeach Obama for actions that would have forced the resignation of a Republican president. In this context, Republicans were scared of being called racist for impeaching America’s first black president.

At this critical juncture, we need to go back in history and understand what Obama has already accomplished. My group, America’s Survival, Inc., published three books on the political significance of the Obama presidency.

Tragically, Trump and his people didn’t grasp the problem. After all, among other mistakes, he nominated Christopher Wray as head of the FBI.

I have long argued that the destruction of our two-party political system has been so successful that our main hope is that the Supreme Court, under the influence of Trump’s three nominees and a “conservative” majority, will contribute to conservative victories, such as we have seen on the right to life and Second Amendment rights. Another potential victory is another ruling that will eliminate affirmative action in education.

All of this is important to put into context because of all the hype surrounding a possible Red Wave on November 8.

The impotence of any future Republican Congress can be seen in the activities of the central bank, the Federal Reserve, which is raising interest rates, leading to much higher mortgage interest rates, trouble in the housing market, and a recession.

There is nothing Congress can or will do about this.

But Congress can offer hope by proposing a new currency, crypto, that people can invest in. This is the kind of issue that captures the imagination and gives millions of Americans the hope that American capitalism can be saved and individual freedom restored.

A group of lawmakers, mostly Republicans, have introduced the Financial Freedom Act, to prohibit regulations which limit the type of investments that self-directed 401(k) account investors can choose through a brokerage window. The bill allows individuals to invest in cryptocurrency. It’s a good first step.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) calls this risky. Yet, many state governments have state-sponsored lotteries and sanction gambling.

Today, Americans are so despondent over our economic situation that even some conservative states are contemplating legalization of marijuana, to generate tax revenue. In exchange, we get more mental illness and violence, as we all saw in the case of the doper who was arrested in the Pelosi house and the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter Nikolas Cruz, a pothead who reported communicating with demons.

But there is some resistance. Rep. Vicky Hartzler held a Marijuana Impact Roundtable in Columbia, Missouri. A previous event featured testimonials from those overcoming cannabis addiction, parent groups, law enforcement officials, and prosecutors.

Obama, of course, was our first stoner president. A former member of the “Choom Gang” of heavy marijuana users, he has endorsed former marijuana company executive Wes Moore for governor of Maryland. Maryland is one of those states voting on legalization of dope on November 8.

As he returns to the campaign trail, Obama is thinking ahead and planning to outmaneuver the Republicans, even after a Red Wave is scheduled to occur.

So let’s put the Hunter laptop “investigation” on hold and urge Congress to hold some long-overdue hearings into Barack Hussein Obama’s links to Frank Marshall Davis, Russia and China.  That’s where the “fundamental transformation” of America began.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Did You Know That Sick Ballots Can be “Cured”?

By Kat Stansell

November 4, 2022

Now that others are finally – at long last – out and talking about the trouble with ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information Center, as we at the American Policy Center have been doing for so many months, I thought it a great time to take a look at another piece of the formula for fraud, ballot curing.

Ballot curing is the process by which election workers are allowed to “fix problems” on mailed-in ballots so that the votes can be counted. OK, right up front, you can smell that litter box again. *

No signature? NO problem? Signature that doesn’t match yours on file with the state? NO problem. No voter ID information, no date? Get the ballot in late? Don’t worry!

Technically “curing” is a two-part procedure of correction and notification. If someone “forgets” to sign a ballot, or the signature does not match that on file with the state, those sweet people working the elections can fix that. We begin to see why Republican poll workers are kept at bay in thousands of precincts across the nation. Although there is notification procedure in place in many of the curing states, to contact the voter, that is often not done, for obvious reasons.

Let your mind roll a little on this…. What would this procedure look like? Do we call them, and ask them to come into the election office where it was too inconvenient for them to have to gone to vote in the first place? How about we mail something to their listed address, when so many of those addresses belong to the phantom voters? All that does is waste time, money, and thousands of yellow “undeliverable mail” stickers! You can see why notification and follow-through are often dropped. Reconnecting with voters on highly bloated rolls is a fools mission. The notification process is the most futile/insecure/inaccurate part of the curing methodology, so we can understand why is avoided. It is, however, the only possible way that ballot curing could be legitimate, and it would take a lot of work. Thus, “curing” is better suited for fraud than for clean elections.

In November, 2020, five of the biggest “battleground” states (AZ, PA, GA, MI and WI) allowed voters to cure or fix their ballots– for weeks, apparently, until the totals were what was desired by the Globalists, not the voters. First ask how and why these states had so many “mistakes” as to change vote totals. Oh, well. Never mind. We already know.

According to the US Election Assistance Commission (USEAC (that federal organization with foreign language translation tools on their website), ballot curing prevents their old bogeyman, disenfranchisement. They believe that ballots which show up with mistakes should be fixed, and the votes counted.

Instead of declaring these bad ballots invalid, the process of “curing” all those “sick” ballots has been installed, now in 25 states.

Ok. We’re all capable of a mistake, even on something so important as our ballots. Where I grew up, though, there were consequences for a screw-up. But, the Left doesn’t believe in responsibility OR consequences, as we already know. With ballot curing, someone who messes up their vote – or “someone” who doesn’t exist at all – is spared the horror of their vote not counting.

Allow me to put it a different way: if someone cannot follow directions on a ballot – or, does not read English well enough to do so – they have NO BUSINESS VOTING! This is about simple comprehension.

How can a “voter” understand the issues or know whom to choose to represent them, if they do not have the capacity to follow simple directions?

We already know that the Left believes the worst of their voters. Now, we know that they assume that their voters are incapable of voting a ballot correctly, in great enough numbers to require a fix, or a “cure”. What an insult!

It is no wonder that millions are switching parties. Good people are just sick of being considered idiots and fools.

Of course, the voters that they continually insult, the blindly led, uninformed lemmings, are the favorites of the Left, so for them, the Progressives will develop rules like ballot curing. In other words, in the name of people they consider idiots, another method to alter the outcome of elections is developed. Think it’s for “the people” or the Steal? Yeah. Me, too.

* * *

Let’s face it. The ballot curing procedure is very important to the election criminals because of the increasing numbers of ballots being voted by mail. The more votes come in by mail, the better chance the fraud machinery has to change them.

In 2020, 69% of all ballots were cast “non-traditionally” either by mail or early. This year, the Left hopes for an even higher percentage of all votes to be cast by mail, many of which, I predict, will need “curing”.

Lady Liberty hopes America will wake up and vote only in person, on election day! Help keep her torch burning.

Keeping our freedom is up to you.

Here’s another little wrinkle in honest elections and a big opportunity to increase voting by mail…a ballot sent to every voter!

Currently twelve states** – California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Washington state and the District of Columbia – mail a ballot to EVERY VOTER, whether or not one is requested. (11 of these are ERIC members. Another “coincidence”?) In these states, everyone on the rolls receives a ballot, whether or not the rolls are current – whether or not that “voter” even exists. And, of course, as of last month, Pennsylvania mails a ballot to anyone registering to vote.

As of 2018, Real Clear Politics reported that over 28 million mailed ballots were still unaccounted for in the previous four elections. (2012 – 2018) *** Why do we continue this? Sheer numbers point to inaccuracies which may well equate to fraud.

The greater the number of mailed ballots in circulation, the more opportunity there is to find sick votes that need “curing”.

Is there even an eligible voter at the addresses to which all these ballots are sent? Who knows?? We do know, however, that, thanks to ERIC, there are millions of phantom names and addresses on those bloated rolls in 33 states, to which ballots can be sent. We also know that, in states like Florida, thousands of ballots sent to undeliverable addresses have been returned voted for the 2022 midterms.

Houston, we have a problem.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

* * *

Mail-in voting along with this tool of “ballot curing” will be responsible for millions of fraudulent votes if we let it. The more mailed ballots we allow, the more potential for fraud there will be. Period.

Why give the cheaters a chance??


Carry that message to everyone you know to do the same, whether next door, at the grocery store, at work or church, or on social media. Get the word out! Use the graphic above for flyers, signs, social media contact, and in every email you send.

Show up to vote on election day. Take a friend. Give a ride to some seniors. Make voting an event! Feeling tired or rushed? Tough. Too much trouble? Hardly. Complacency has brought us to this point. It’s now or never. Inconvenience yourself for the sake of our nation. It is just one day, and we have just this one last chance.

* The world of the left is like a well used litter box

** the official number is impossible to determine, so I am not quoting a single source. Various numbers from 9 – 14 appear, but the Covid designations, some of which are still in place, make this another truth difficult to call.

*** Million mail- in ballots went missing in last four elections

Teachers, Preachers and Greens… The Unholy Alliance Transforming America

By Tom DeWeese

November 4, 2022

“The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory, destroy its books, its culture, and its history.Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The world around it will forget even faster. The struggle of man agasinst power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.” (milan kundera)

When Communism “fell” in the late 1980’s, those who were busy scheming to impose global governance on the sovereign nations had a problem. Suddenly, the only super power in the world was the United States – the only nation on Earth based on the ideals of limited government, individual liberty and free enterprise. If American bedrock ideals of freedom took hold in the emerging nations of the old Soviet Empire, global governance was impossible.

What to do? The answer was obvious. Change America. Get her to join the community of nations with a proper attitude. Force her to learn her proper place. Target: America’s attitudes, values and beliefs. And to force us to quickly question those American ideals, elements of guilt and fear would be essential.

Two specific targets were identified: the American public school system and America’s Christian churches. These were the breeding grounds for the out-of-step American ideas. The schools taught us of the Founding Fathers and their courageous battle to recognize that we are all born with our rights as free individuals. And they taught us that its government’s job to protect those rights. Moreover, the very source of those ideals, as stated by the Founders over and over again, came from Christian teachings. In short, Christianity is the root of American culture.

The guilt and fear elements of the scheme were to come from a campaign that told us that American selfishness and mass consumption were destroying the planet. In short, the modern environmental movement was chosen as the shock and awe tactic to force America into the global village. Over the next three decades these forces combined to rapidly and drastically change America in a very significant way. As Ronald Reagan said, “We are but one generation away from losing our liberties.” Change the attitudes, values and beliefs of just one generation and America will forget its founding principles and fall in line with the globalist world view.

School reform = Indoctrination

Throughout American history, parents took on the role of teaching children boundaries, without which a free society cannot function. Children were taught at a young age to respect the rights of others; they were taught the rules of games, without which they could not be played; they were taught to not go into a neighbor’s yard without permission; they were taught modesty and loyalty and pride in their school, town, and nation. They were taught to be independent and take care of their own, without expecting someone else to do it for them. And they were taught that their property, ideas and dreams are their own, to control and pursue. These are attitudes, values, and beliefs that make a free society possible. To get America to fall in line and accept the concept of global governance, these things needed to be changed – and fast.

It is fairly well known what has happened to American schools since the 1990s, when massive “reform” took place through the establishment of the federal Department of Education and programs with names like Goals 2000, School to Work, Workforce Development and later, No Child Left Behind. Of course today we have Critical Race Theory. Local control of American schools disappeared and a federal curriculum based on behavior modification, focusing on a global outlook replaced basic academics and true American history. A psychology-driven curriculum instead focused on breaking down the structure of American society.

Parents were virtually eliminated from the education process, kept from visiting classrooms, participating in homework assignments and banned from seeing copies of tests and evaluation exams. In time, Americans began to notice that their children changed after entering school. Children were not learning to read and write. Math skills declined. Knowledge of basic American and world history was near non-existent.

But children suddenly announced that they were now vegetarians (usually at about the third grade). Parents began to notice that environmental questions or statements started popping up in math, language and history text books. Children were obviously learning little about America’s unique history or the ideals of the Founders, other than the fact that some of our greatest founders were slave holders.

Today, in the classroom, rather than basic academics, the children are fed a steady stream of pictures and stories of environmental destruction, supposedly caused by man. The text books speak of the earth only as a fragile victim of man’s development. The students are taught that the earth is their “mother” from which all good derives.

A fourth grade math book called Quest 2000 contains “math” questions like this one: Mindy read that a typical goldfish lives for 6 years. Mindy has a goldfish six years old. Should Mindy continue to buy goldfish? Explain your thinking.

Representatives of groups like the Sierra Club and People for the ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA) are brought into the classroom for days on end to talk to the children and indoctrinate them in the “green” message. There are no opposing views introduced (because that would interrupt the behavior modification process). Only a few years ago, some children were forced to watch Al Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth” as many as four times during their school days.

The children, after being fed a constant diet of such dribble, are then assessed and evaluated on the progress of their behavior modification. Parent’s think those assessments are about testing for academic ability. If children fail to respond with the proper attitudes, they are given special courses and “personalized” computer programs to help them along the way. And then they are tested again and again until they submit.

After twelve years of this indoctrination your children will certainly have all of the proper environmental attitudes, unable to think or reason for themselves, ready to accept and support whatever message those in charge hand down. In other words, your child has become the perfect anti-property, anti-technology, anti-industry, unquestioning, simple-minded, global village idiot.

And the indoctrination is taking its toll. Children have been known to break out into tears when meat is served for dinner because they’ve been assaulted by PeTA in the classroom – told not to eat their friends, the animals. One six year old girl refused to sleep in a beautiful old four poster bed inherited from her grandmother. When asked why, sobbing, she told her mother, because they had to kill trees to make it. Another young boy compared lumber jacks to rapists and murderers. Vegan activists now storm into grocery stores, blocking meat departments and pouring bottles of milk on the floor.

The American public education system has become a major tool in the drive to destroy from within the American ideal.

Green Invasion of Christian Churches

Some worried and concerned parents try to find comfort that their children are safe in their church Sunday school, where they will at least learn the proper attitudes, values and beliefs from a solid Christian view. They are about to be shocked out of that comfort zone.

The lesser noticed and perhaps more covert effort to modify American society has been the assault on Christian churches. It’s an invasion specifically designed to change the very root of Western culture. Beginning in 1993, 67,000 Christian congregations were targeted by a highly organized and well funded effort to change, and ultimately remove Christianity as a threat to their agenda.

The driving force behind the assault on Christian churches is called the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE). The Partnership is a formal agreement among four of the nation’s largest religious organizations, including the U.S. Catholic Conference, National Council of Churches, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, and the Evangelical Environmental Network. In addition, The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) holds a special “consultative” relationship with the Partnership. Funding comes from (among others) Pew Charitable Trusts, Stephen C. Rockefeller, the Turner Foundation, W. Alton Jones Foundation and the New World Foundation.

The Partnership operates out of an Anglican church in New York City called St. John, the Divine. The Cathedral is also the home of the Gaia Institute and the Temple of Understanding. The Temple is an official United Nations Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).

The former Executive Director of the Partnership, Paul Gorman, said, “…how people of faith engage the environment crisis will have much to do with the future well-being of the planet, and in all likelihood, with the future of religious life as well.”

But don’t be misled into thinking these are just good Christians seeking to address environmental issues. The exact opposite is the case. The programs of the Religious Partnership for the Environment seek to steer churches away from Christian teachings and, instead engage in spreading the worship of the earth – “Gaia” – in the name of the Christian religion. Worship of Gaia, in fact, calls for man to worship the creation rather than the creator – the exact opposite of Christian teachings.

Today’s environmental movement promotes a social order for a global society organized around the notion that the earth itself is the giver of life. They advocate that man is not part of the ecology, but in fact, is the destroyer of it. Disciples of the Gaia hypothesis believe that all living things (except for man) are interconnected and to damage or destroy even a tiny insect is to damage whole ecological systems.

Such a position is the basis for the Wildlands Project that calls for “rewilding” 50% of all the land in every state, a massive assault on the concept of private property, and state and national sovereignty. That idea, created by the radical Earth First group, quickly made its way into a major UN document called the Biodiversity Treaty, and though never ratified by the US Senate, is now being implemented across the nation, with millions of acres of land being locked away from human use. It is also the basis behind wolf and bear reintroductions; behind the destruction of dams; behind the blocking of building projects for the sake of flies and sucker fish; and it’s the very root of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development that is now dictating development policy and so-called social justice in nearly every city and county in the nation.

Meanwhile, the Religious Partnership for the Environment is moving to bring all of the world’s religions in line to spout from their pulpits the Gaia position as the true source of life and spirituality and, therefore, the only relevant object of worship. They are, in short, changing Christianity to match their world view.

Regularly, the Partnership sponsors conferences and seminars to bring pastors, priests and rabbis together for instruction. They prepare sermons, issue papers and Sunday school materials to carry the Gaia message into the churches. The documents are carefully written in the language or style of each religion so the church leader can easily incorporate them into church policy. Shortly after attending such a meeting, it is not surprising to hear a pastor suddenly preaching carefully worded sermons, which, upon investigation, are found to contain earth- worshiping paganism – a fact the minister would no doubt be shocked to learn.

In May, 1992, the Partnership issued a Declaration of the “Mission to Washington.” The document was a statement of purpose on how the Partnership intended to deal with our nation’s environmental policy. The final line of the document stated, “Understanding that the world does not belong to any one nation or generation, and sharing a spirit of utmost urgency, we dedicate ourselves to undertake bold action to cherish and protect the environment of our planetary home.” The language is straight out of the scriptures of Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Treaty, Gaia, Al Gore’s book, “Earth in the Balance,” and the Sierra Club.

The document was then signed by a wide array of religious leaders including Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, President, University of Notre Dame; Reverend Gilbert Horn, Ex. Dir. Colorado Council of Churches; Mrs. Annette Kane, Ex. Dir, National Council of Catholic Women; Dr. C. William Nichols, Pres. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); The Reverend Dr. William Phillippe, Ex Dir, General Assembly Council, Presbyterian Church, USA; Rev. Tyrone S. Pitts, Sec Gen, Progressive National Baptist Convention; Dr. Howard Ris, Ex. Dir. National Baptist Convention; Dr. Foy Valentine, former Ex Dir. Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention; and Dr. Richard Land, Ex. Dir. Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Also signing the document were such notorious environmental leaders as Mr. George Frampton, President, the Wilderness Society; Chief Global Warming alarmist Dr. James Hansen, Director, Goddard Institute for Space Studies; The Rev. Thomas Berry, Director, the Temple of Understanding; and Dr. Howard Ris, Ex. Dir. Union of Concerned Scientists.

In short, these respected Christian leaders locked arms with some of the most radical environmentalists in a document that declared its determination to enforce radical environmental policy based on pagan earth worship and anti-American, anti-free enterprise policy.

Here, these radicals speak for themselves: Helen Caldicott, of the Union of Concerned Scientists:

“Capitalism is destroying the earth.” Please note that the UCS was started in the late 1980s as a part of the Nuclear Freeze movement, which was proven to be funded in part by the Soviet KGB. The membership of the UCS has always consisted of less than 10 percent scientists and more than 90 percent generic America-bashers.

Father Thomas Berry, a dissident Catholic Priest, is a prime spokesman for Gaia. Father Berry contends that Christianity promotes a “deep cultural pathology of human greed and addiction.” He advocates that the earth is disintegrating and that Christianity is to blame. In his book, “Dream of the Earth,” (published by Sierra Club Books) Berry never uses the word “God” but speaks of a supernatural force in the universe. He says that “we should place less emphasis on Christ as a person and a redeemer. We should put the Bible away for twenty years while we radically rethink our religious ideas.”

Also part of the Temple of Understanding was the late Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, which produced the Biodiversity Treaty and Agenda 21. Strong owns a ranch in Colorado where he has built a Babylonian sun god temple. Strong famously said, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Mathew Fox, a former member of the Dominican Order and a self-proclaimed New Age leader and Gaia spokesman, said, “the world is being called to a new post- denominational, even post- Christian belief system that sees the earth as a living being – mythologically, as Gaia, Mother Earth – with mankind as her consciousness.”

How does all of this pagan earth worship affect American society and, moreover, affect the average Christian American in their church pew? Are the efforts of the Partnership and its supporters reaching their goal of changing the attitudes, values and beliefs of American society to fit into the global village? You be the judge. Following are a few actual events that have taken place around the nation since the assault on Christianity began.

ITEM: As the congregation sat in their church pews in the great Cathedral of St. John, the Divine in New York City, the priest stands at the alter, ready to receive a procession of animals for the annual Feast of Saint Francis blessing. Down the aisle comes a procession of elephants, camels, donkeys, monkeys and birds. These are followed by members of the congregation carrying bowls of compost and worms. Next, to the sounds of music, come acrobats and jugglers. In the pulpit, former Vice President Al Gore delivered a sermon, saying, “God is not separate from the Earth.”

ITEM: Meanwhile, in Kansas City, at the Westin Crown Center Hotel, in an event sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, a North American native Indian prayed to the grandfather spirit. And he prayed to the spirits of the Four Directions. He prayed for these spirits to bless the Earth and oversee the conference.

Then, former California State Senator Tom Hayden, a founder of the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), offered an earth prayer, claiming the earth was speaking through him as he said, “On this Earth Day let us say an earth prayer and make an earth pledge.” “In the Bible,” Hayden said, “Ruah means both wind and spirit, so let us take time to breathe with the universe, connect with the earth and remember what we need to know and do.” Hayden continued his prayer by saying, “Celebrate that ancient spirits are born again in us, spirits of eagle vision, of coyote craft, of bear stewardship, of buffalo wisdom, of ancient goddesses, of druids, of native people, of Thoreau and Sitting Bull – born again and over again in John Muir and Rachel Carson and David Brower and Alice Walker.” Hayden then asked the congregation to commit to carry the written word of Al Gore into official deeds.

Then, musician Paul Winter entertained the congregation with his saxophone. He explained that he had gone into the Superior Forest and taped exchanges of howls between his saxophone and a wolf. He then asked the congregation to join him in a “Howl-le-lu-ia Chorus.” He made a wolf sound, and nearly 200 Episcopalians from Kansas howled back, expressing their oneness with the wolf.

ITEM: On a hillside, just outside Boulder, Colorado, 200 Americans “found their own space” and began meditating and resonating – using vibrating sounds that sounded something like locusts.

Leader of the meeting was Jose Arguelles, leader of PAN (Planet Art Network) and New Age Transformation. Arguelles is the man who claimed to have “decoded” the Mayan calendar and predicted great catastrophe for the world by 2012, unless we rejected our current calendar and adopt the natural time Thirteen Moon 28-day calendar. As usual, the dire predictions of the radical greens failed to materialize.

However, addressing the gathered crowd, Arguelles presented them with a new idea – that of seeing the earth as a living, spiritual being that could feel pain. The group was asked to tune into the crystal matrix frequency – what he called Mother Earth’s heartbeat. He told them to relax. Many went into a trance-like state. As people felt they were being filled with the Earth’s energy, they became vocal, with sounds rising and falling rhythmically. Some swayed and some fell down on the ground and began writhing.

Then Jose Arguelles stood before them and brought them to silence. Arguelles told the group to concentrate on a cloud floating over head, just drifting, and then he told them to invite the cloud in to fill the empty spirit, the empty soul. He then said to invite PAN in – to accept Pan as the leader and guide for their lives.

Jose explained that Pan was the first son of Mother Earth and used to live close to his mother in the primeval forest with his brothers and sisters. Pan’s brothers and sisters, he said, were the ones who went out and founded the temple-building societies. He meant the Aztecs and the Egyptians, etc.

But when Pan refused to join his siblings in the cities, they called him evil and “Satan.” The siblings, Jose said, invented their own selfish religion – Christianity, which, he said, must be removed because it includes a vision of an Apocalypse.

The Boulder audience was told that right now, Mother Earth is bringing Pan back to save us and lead us into the New Age. The audience was told it could help by surrendering to Pan, tuning into the crystal matrix frequencies and carrying out the directions while tuned in. Arguelles then explained this might included the physical removal of Christians because they are the biggest obstacle to transformation.

Can Americans have any doubt as to where the Earth worshipping, radical environmental movement intends to take American society? Why are “Christian” leaders and officials locking arms with such foes of the American ideal of freedom, and to help them destroy the very religion they profess to lead?

America is in a life or death battle for its very soul, both in its public school classrooms and in its Christian church pews. Freedom is in the balance.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

We Need to Repudiate Political Violence

By Steven Yates

November 4, 2022

What occasions this article was reading, on the very day my last article appeared, of the physical attack on Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s husband, in California.

The story in a nutshell: David DePape, 42, allegedly broke into the Pelosi home and confronted Paul Pelosi, 82, demanding to know, “Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?” She wasn’t there, of course. She was in Washington. He was somehow able to get a 911 call out, then leave the line open. An attentive dispatcher named Heather Grives inferred from what she heard at the other end that something was seriously wrong and sent police to the Pelosi residence stat. They found DePape and Pelosi struggling over a hammer which DePape had brought with him and used to break windows to force his way in. On orders from the police to drop the hammer, Pelosi relinquished it, and DePape then used it to savagely attack him. Pelosi sustained arm, hand, and head injuries including a skull fracture, requiring emergency surgery and hospitalization.

As of this writing, Paul Pelosi is expected to make a full recovery.

DePape is facing charges that include first-degree burglary, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and elder abuse.

This is all based on official reportage. One thing bothers me. The Pelosis are rich, obviously. I found myself wondering if their house is in a gated community, like many of the rich in that area. Did they, or the community, not have private security? If so, how was DePape able to get that far without being confronted?

Are there grounds for doubting the veracity of this story? I don’t know….

A lot of people would have to be “in on it,” including the San Francisco police, the dispatcher mentioned above, others.

One thing is for sure: corporate media is having a field day! You see, DePape is said to have espoused many of the same things advocated on sites like this one, and by people such as myself. He is said to have blogged denouncing global elites, accusing them of being behind the plandemic (no indication that he used that word), denouncing anti-white racism, promoting the idea that Election 2020 was stolen, linking to sites maintaining that the covid-19 jabs are deadly.

All very convenient….

He also allegedly wrote about Jews (speaking of the “Holohoax”), about the globalists being “Satan-worshipping pedophiles” (the idea QAnon peddles), about space aliens.

It is unclear how solid his attachment to the political right was. No one has supplied an immediate motive for his attack. Estranged from his family for years, according to the San Francisco Chronicle (article difficult to access because of a paywall) his Internet history showed him to have once been a member of the Green Party. He had been a pro-nudist activist who made jewelry working with quartz crystals.

In short, the guy looks to have been a nut.

Or another patsy. We’ll just have to stay tuned on that one.

Two weeks prior to a major election, corporate media is playing up a connection between an alleged violent attack on the spouse of a sitting member of Congress and “election denial” and other “conspiracy theories.”

Even should this be a false flag somehow, what I have to say applies anyway.

I know of no one here, or on other sites I frequent, who has advocated violence against anyone, especially public figures.

We are nevertheless blamed by the Bidenistas and their media mouthpieces for the toxic and increasingly tense political climate, which has resulted in threats against election workers as well as public officials (and their families).

I believe the organized left is far more to blame for this climate. Why? Because leftists control far more corporate media than do conservatives. Their resources are vastly superior to ours! They control Big Tech and other corporate endeavors (not Twitter anymore, and listen to them howl!). They control Hollywood and entertainment media, academia and public schools, and since January 21, 2021, Congress and the White House.

The left has weaponized language, promoted censorship (dating back at least to Trump’s upset victory in November 2016), staged proven hoaxes (e.g., Russiagate), persecuted and prosecuted political foes, and broadcasted its own messages of hate and derangement surrounded with hypocritical virtue-signaling about “protecting democracy.”

Are we really supposed to trust left-leaning media to report an incident like this truthfully without watching very closely?

But never mind all that.

I think we should repudiate initiating violence against those we disagree with, and we need to do it now!

We need to affirm that violence is justified only in retaliation against its initiation by others, especially leftists. If there is violence, let them start it. Let it be obvious who is starting it.

And never mind what Trump was alleged to have said back in the day — in arenas where leftists were protesting outside, blocking highways, and menacing attendees when they attempted to come and go in peace.

We need to affirm — or perhaps reaffirm — that what we do is rooted in a moral view of the universe, that unlike leftists we have a moral compass.

There are definite rights versus wrongs in this world!

Otherwise, what business do we have condemning what we maintain the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, George Soros, other globalists, have been up to?

If the frustration becomes too much, we should withdraw instead of engaging “the other side.” I have advocated doing this anyway — as Brandon Smith has recently compellingly argued, “red state” communities are going to have to form alternative economies to protect themselves from the Great Reset.

Alternative economies include: growing vegetables for food, raising chickens and livestock; being able to supply clean water, construct housing, keep the lights on; etc. Those involved should indeed be prepared to defend themselves, and that means preserving gun ownership for defensive use. There will be enough work involved in all this that those doing it will probably not have time to pursue “conspiracy theories.”

Think self-control and love, instead of unfocused rage and vituperation.

Take advice from both the ancient Stoics and Christianity.

The Stoic philosopher Epictetus (50 – 138 A.D.) counseled self-control in the following fashion, writing in his Enchiridion (Manual):

There are the things which are within our power, and there are things which are beyond our power. Within our power are opinion, aim, desire, aversion, and, in one word, whatever affairs are our own. Beyond our power are body, property, reputation, office, and, in one word, whatever are not properly our own affairs.

Or in modern parlance, we can control our personal speech and behaviors, our focus and personal goals — all our immediate thoughts, words, actions.

We cannot control the motives or opinions of others, the reactions of others to what we say, or actions taken by others.

Any more than we can control traffic, or the weather.

How much grief do people cause themselves, to the point of damaging their health, trying to control what they cannot control, or griping about what is beyond their control?

We can, of courses, control what we read, allow into our minds, and learn about. We can learn new skills.

(I have written more about the benefits of a Stoic outlook here and here.)

In what spirit do we advance what we can control?

How about love, instead of hate or indifference?

Christianity enters the picture at this point.

For we should love one another, as Jesus Christ loved us (John 13:34; John 15:12). This includes political foes and even enemies (Matt. 5:44; Luke 6:27f.). Loving our enemies does not mean allowing them to hurt us. It means appealing to God’s grace for help in adopting the right attitude as we respond to them, and defend ourselves if necessary. Physical violence should always be a last resort.

Paul told the Corinthians:

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I have become sounding brass and clanging cymbal…. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely; does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things…. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.  (1 Cor. 13:1, 4-7, 13).

For my part, I have criticized the Bidenistas and other Democrats plenty. I have described the present administration’s policies as disastrous, or catastrophic. But I cannot find it in me to wish them physical harm, or to wish harm on their family members. That seems deeply and profoundly evil to me.

My counsel, therefore: respond to the Democrats’ disastrous or catastrophic policies by going to the polls on November 8 and voting Republican.

Go in a spirit of desiring what is best for the nation, not simply defeating the other side. What would be best for the nation: energy independence, border security, sound money, sound health/medical science, restored agricultural and manufacturing bases, homeschooling, decentralizing power generally. Those will do for a start.

Add to that election security. Because: yeah, I know, there’s a danger of elections being digitally or otherwise stolen on November 8 (especially in places like Arizona where an articulate “conservative populist” presents an existential threat to the status quo). That is what poll watchers are for, and the most we can do is encourage their vigilance. Vigilance does not mean intimidation, or bullying. It means watchfulness. It means controlling what one can control.

If we do not do these things, in the spirit of control over our emotions, countering lies with truth, and engaging others with the love Christ showed for us — and who suffered far worse than any of us ever will — regardless of what they do, then we risk becoming no better than those we oppose.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) is available here and here. His earlier Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) is available here.

While admittedly the real world can be scary enough, he has also written a novel of cosmic horror. The Shadow Over Sarnath will be published soon.

The campaign I have been running improved a little this past month, with one new Patron since my last article. The reality remains: people are exiting such sites, often for reasons beyond their (or my) control. I might still have to return to pursuing copywriting, copyediting and ghostwriting clients as a source of income in this era of roaring inflation.

Thank you, “Joe Biden”!

This would mean reduced visibility on It might even mean a “farewell” piece in December, even if only temporarily. Those are the breaks. I am not independently wealthy. To reverse this while there is still time (i.e., before a new client accepts my offer), please consider pledging today by going here and signing up.

Affirmative Action: The Most Racist Program In America

By Frosty Wooldridge

November 3, 2022

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President Lyndon Baines Johnson first codified “Affirmative Action” during his presidency in the 1960’s.

What is affirmative action and how does it work?

Affirmative action is a policy in which an individual’s color, race, sex, religion or national origin are taken into account to increase opportunities provided to an underrepresented part of society.

What affirmative action isn’t:  it’s not based on achievement, effort or intellectual abilities.  It’s based on the color of one’s skin or gender. It’s based on quotas.  In America, since Affirmative Action became law, it has discriminated against Caucasians, Asians, Jewish people and others who perform higher on SAT’s and other standardized tests.

It furthers racism at the national, state and local levels.  Instead of a nation where a person’s hard work and excellence carry him or her into college or jobs, Affirmative Action places people of color or gender into colleges and/or jobs above other, more qualified persons.

At this moment, the Supreme Court faces a test as to the validity of Affirmative Action continuing in America.  If America is to reward individuals on their hard work, intelligence and merits, Affirmative Action must be abolished.  This is America where our U.S. Constitution guarantees a level playing field for all citizens.

Who has benefited from Affirmative Action?  While I attended Michigan State University in the 1960’s, I played football with Bubba Smith and many other African-American superstars. Unfortunately, few of them were academically prepared for college courses.  Bubba Smith and most of the defensive/offensive linemen at MSU never attended classes. In fact, I remember taking Physiology 316.  I studied my rear-end off for that course. The first day, over a dozen African-American “student athletes” sat near me. They never attended again until the final test.  They all received 4.0’s and I earned a 3.0 grade.  That was Affirmative Action for them and academic fraud for the professor.  That’s how Bubba Smith continued his academic eligibility throughout his four years at MSU along with his friends.  He sat in the North Wonders Hall grill most nights with his girlfriends or buddies.  I suspect that he and his friends were functionally illiterate.

Finally, the academic fraud became so great that the NCAA passed Prop. 148 that supposedly forced student-athletes to academically perform to at least a “C” level.  Of course, if you look across all the big colleges, that isn’t happening.  They should change to a specific “Football Major” where virtually no academic standards are needed.

Through the years, when a company is forced to hire someone to fill out their quotas, the other personnel in the company must “cover” for the person who is unqualified and/or simply cannot perform the work.

Who are some of the people who benefited from Affirmative Action?

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor admitted in an interview that she became a justice because of Affirmative Action.   The latest justice to gain her job because of her gender and color—Justice Jackson.  Biden picked Kamala Harris for vice president because of her gender and color. Obviously not because of her qualifications.

In a recent interview, Indian-American writer Vivek Ramaswamy said, “Affirmative action doesn’t work.  It’s an assault on American democracy.  What if they forced affirmative action onto the NBA where there are 95 percent blacks, or the NFL where there are 90 percent blacks?  It would ruin the sport, and nobody would watch.”

In the same interview, whites are penalized 310 points off their SAT scores and Asians penalized 400 points off their SAT scores when applying for college so people of color can gain those college slots.  (Source: Carlson Show, FOXNEWS, November 1, 2022)

At Harvard Medical School, blacks are seven times more accepted over whites, which results in doctors with questionable abilities.

It begs the question; who would like an unqualified Affirmative Action medical doctor to perform heart surgery on them or an unqualified person to fly an F-16 jet in combat or perform technical tasks on a spaceship?

You can get away with Affirmative Action as to “student-athletes” because they advance into the NFL or NBA.  But the ones that don’t make the big leagues are left with vacant college experiences, no degrees and no skills for a quality job.

As it stands, Affirmative Action, LGBTQ+, CRT and Transgenderism are wrecking the U.S. military.  Students at the military academies are being brainwashed beyond comprehension.  While some of the male soldiers want to wear a dress and lipstick…it’s freaking out the straight cadets. That’s why recruitments have dropped dramatically for our all-volunteer military.

But, in 2022 America, you’re a racist if you question Affirmative Action.  In reality, it needs to be questioned because Affirmative Action is racist to its core.

With all the welfare, EBT cards, ADC, WIC, Section 8 housing, unemployment benefits and government give-aways going on, I remember one welfare queen with four children on a video said, “With all my benefits, I don’t know why anyone would want to work in America.”

She featured such illiteracy, that she didn’t understand that you and I  pay for her benefits with our 40 to 50 hour per week jobs.

First and foremost, America has worked because all of our citizens have rolled up our sleeves like “Rosie the Riveter” in World War II, and we got the job done.  We made this country successful because we carried the  “work ethic” with us from former generations.  Whether you are a teacher, truck driver, soldier, nurse, tire-changer, cashier, waitperson, doctor, prison guard, police officer, maid, snowplow operator or trash truck driver—we all make America successful by our dedication and hard work at our jobs.

With these kids today spending 10 hours a day on their smart phones via social media, and/or continuing Affirmative Action, we need to be questioning what kind of a society we’re creating from here on out?  Will we be able to defend ourselves? Will we be able to maintain law and order? Will we be able to feed ourselves?  Will we be able to keep our country viable?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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“We The People” Are Mostly Sheep, Ruled By Unconstitutional Officials

Andrew C Wallace

November 3, 2022

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I say “Mostly Cowards” because only a very small percentage will fight, which is validated by history. Not to worry, there will be more than enough to prevail in Guerilla Warfare. No determined Guerilla force has ever been defeated in the field. I am advocating nothing, just stating facts.

I have learned from the last 15 years writing for NewsWithViews that it is impossible to inform the brainwashed left of anything. They will die as Communists from starvation or violence. My only objective is to give MAGA readers information they can use. I have pointed out important major issues and left out details that are not critical..

Most elected officials, bureaucrats, judges, FBI, DOJ, media, corporate officials, flag officers, etc are as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. All of these corrupt people are bribed minions of the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy families who control the corporations that pay them

The objective of the PSRRC is to enrich themselves, impoverish “We The People” and destroy the Constitutional Republic to make way for the One World Order ( Great Reset). How are they doing this? Let me list some of the schemes.

The major turning point was in 1913 with the inception of the Income Tax, Federal Reserve Bank, Tax Free Foundations and direct election of Senators (depriving states and The People of power and wealth). Every one of these actions was designed to empower and enrich the PSRRC while impoverishing “We the People”.

Most importantly the PSRRC works to concentrate all powers in the federal government contrary to our Constitution. This started in earnest with President Lincoln who started and fought a Civil War for centralization of power and it had “not a damn thing to do with freeing the slaves”. It had everything to do with power and money for the PSRRC of the period.

At the present time a majority of the federal government is Unconstitutional because they have Usurped most of their powers from the states contrary to the “Enumerated Powers” in the Constitution.

The legal system in our country no longer functions for the average citizen. The DOJ, FBI, judges and most government agencies are ant-American to the point of being criminal while ignoring the Constitution. The federal government operates under unconstitutional Administrative law. Judges follow made up case law and ignore the Constitution. A favorite ploy of the courts is to refuse to hear your case because of “Lack of Standing”. Americans are being deprived of all their rights from God and our Founding Documents.

Prior to 1913 our government was financed by tariffs, therefore no taxes. Tariffs also allow protection of American workers from cheap foreign labor, but ant-American corporations don’t give a damn about American workers.

When President Trump used tariffs again to return manufacturing jobs to the United States, the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) tried to frame and destroy him. President Trump did more for the American people than all the presidents combined in the last 100 years. He closed our border, made us energy independent, allowed food in the stores, ended foreign wars, instituted tariffs to return manufacturing jobs to America, etc. So I don’t care how President Trump talks or walks. Nor do I care if he beat some banks at their own game. I only care about what he did for our country.

The smooth talking charismatic presidents enriched themselves and the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) while impoverishing “We The People” and killing our young in wars for profit ( along with millions of innocents).

Our government is pretty much hated around the world for waging no win wars killing millions of people for profit of the PSRRC (Military Industrial Complex).

Putin may be a dictator, but he is ruthless in defense of Russia, The Ukraine war was caused by our government and fake media. Period! “We The People”, here and in Europe are being rapidly impoverished by the war. Millions are dying and the PSRRC is laughing all the way to the bank. Make no mistake, everything about the Ukraine War is fake (Based on False Flags and propaganda), except for the death and destruction.  Putin has every reason to defend Russia against NATO, the Great Reset (One World Order) and our corrupt government. If only our Government would defend the United States like Putin defends Russia. Before you take exception to my writing about Ukraine war you must avail yourself of the facts, and not from our lying government or media.

Our Military Flag Officers have not won a war in 75 years while the PSRRC profits, “We the People” pay for the wars that impoverish us and we bury our dead. So far as I know not one war in the last 75 years had anything to do with our national security, they were mass murder for PSRRC profits and power. Can you see how a “French Style Reign of Terror” could result as retribution?

Everything about Climate Change and Green Energy ( EVs, solar and wind power, etc)) are impossible fairy tales designed to impoverish “We the People”.

As one example, Electric vehicles (EVs) require more materials to produce than gas powered vehicles ( materials America does not have), EVs require fossil fuels to generate electricity, we don’t have generating capacity for an all EV fleet., or the capability to deliver the electricity. Most people can’t afford to buy EVs much less discard them when battery dies. These scams are simply designed  to destroy “We the People” and the Republic, there can be no other reason.

There is now no question that the Chinese and American governments collaborated in development of the Covid Virus. The so called vaccine ( it was not a vaccine) not only didn’t protect you from the virus, but it made you more susceptible to it with all kinds of deadly side effects. Masking, Social Distancing, Lockdowns, etc didn’t work and had very negative effects. Wearing a mask is only a sign of obedience, ignorance and cowardice or a damn Communist advertising his stupidity…

Latest reports are that the faux vaccines killed 200 million people and harmed another two billion. Death rates are soaring. This is only the beginning of a full scale effort at depopulation. The perpetrators should be hunted down, divested of their ill gotten gains, executed or sent to prison for life. How many more people have to die before there is serious retribution?  Reports are that it is a great devise for permanent birth control. If you are elderly and alive, thank God, chances are that you didn’t take the so called vaccine, if you got the shot it’s a miracle. There is no known way to restore your damaged immune system or get the poison out of your system, you can only pray.

Our government officials are following the Communist Manifesto, not our Constitution. Communists are anti-family, anti -religion, want you to live in apartments, abort babies, use public transportation, use digital money, hate “American Dream”, own nothing ,and be happy. FYI, more than half of black babies are aborted.

Democrat Communists are turning our cities into crime infested hell holes to destroy our Republic. No one should reside in, or visit a Democrat city unless you must, and can carry a firearm. But, if you should harm an attacker you will be the one in jail, so the prudent action is to stay out of all Democrat cities and let them kill and maim their own.

If the election in November gives power to the Republicans, it will only slow down the PSRRC and their Communist minions in corporations and government, because both parties are in the tank (corrupt).

Our Republic can only be returned to “We The People” when a majority of the federal government is disbanded in compliance with the Constitution. This will require a strong leader , a civil war or both.

God Bless America.

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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You Have a Right to Be Wrong

by Lee Duigon

November 3, 2022

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“Misinformation” is a lively buzzword, these days. Our so-called government is trying to stamp it out. For our own good, of course. Otherwise we might actually listen to someone who is spreading “misinformation” about our beloved COVID-19 vaccines, Climate Change, or that pure-as-the-driven snow election that we had in 2020. Free speech is all well and good… but we don’t want to be subjected to Wrong Speech, do we?

But sometimes “wrong” turns out to be right, after all.

Consider Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865), a pioneer of antiseptic procedures ( In those days, “childbed fever” was a killer. Women died from infections that set in during the birthing process. Semmelweis came up with the novel idea of requiring doctors to wash their hands before moving on to the next patient. He thus reduced the mortality rate among his patients to less than 1 percent.

You’d have thought he’d be hailed as a hero for saving all those lives. But you’d be wrong. Semmelweis scandalized the scientific establishment of his time. He went against the Settled Science! He was condemned, mocked, punished—and finally locked away in a lunatic asylum, where he died, probably as a result of being beaten by his keepers. They said he was crazy, evil, totally wrong.

But he was right. His Wrong Science is now the right science. Too late to do him any good, though. Because in his day, he was accused of Misinformation. By saving birthing women’s lives, he became a villain and a laughing-stock.

He wouldn’t have fared much better today. By bucking the establishment, he set himself up for a big-time hurt. Today he’d be censored, de-platformed, banned for life from the social media, deleted, and silenced. Probably they wouldn’t kill him today, but only because they don’t much do that anymore: just write him off as another misinformation-spreader. And cut him off from his audience.

Winston Churchill was wrong—and mocked and vilified for it—when he said they shouldn’t trust Hitler to honor his agreements and keep the peace. He turned out to be right, and it was a good thing he was still around to save his country when they needed him.

A general named Nicias was Wrong when he opposed the Athenian democracy’s hysterical decision to widen the Peloponnesian War by attacking Syracuse. Nicias was so hated for his unwelcome advice that they punished him by putting him in charge of the invasion. No one came back alive from that adventure. Nicias had been right, after all.

Even if “misinformation” doesn’t turn out to be true, our country’s founders still thought it well worthwhile to guarantee free speech. Truth can be made stronger by colliding with error. Sometimes the result of that collision is a third way that no one had yet thought of, and that way proves to be the right way. But when error is ruthlessly suppressed, no third way will be found.

Our own opinion-leaders try to silence all opinions but their own. That’s how they use the social media. They also egg on their followers to shout down “wrong” opinions and resort to riot if shouting doesn’t work. You can see that in action at many of our alleged universities.

You do not lose your First Amendment rights because other people think you’re wrong. Indeed, the amendment was drawn up to prevent that. Can you imagine Thomas Jefferson adding a clause that reads “except for Climate Change deniers, gender fluidity deniers, election deniers, and anyone else who dares to take issue with the prevailing point of view”?

We have a constitutional republic, not a “democracy.” God forbid we ever wind up in the clutches of “democracy.”

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week in my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit: we don’t care if you’re wrong from time to time! My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Federal Elections End at Midnight ON Election Day

By: Devvy

November 2, 2020

President Elect Donald Trump won the 2020 election.  I watched every hearing and watched every credible video following the steal.  Massive ballot dumps in the middle of the night – hundreds of thousands between Georgia and Pennsylvania alone.  Mail in ballots not only accepted days after a federal election ends, but counted.

Counting of ballots put off until the next day.  In Allegheny, PA, counting of ballots stopped at 1:30 am and didn’t resume until the next morning at 10:00 am.  In Fulton County, GA, counting was stopped on Nov. 3rd due to a pipe bursting which was not only fixed, but the polling center was still operational.  There are several videos clearly showing a woman putting a stack of ballots in a counting machine five separate times – the same stack of ballots!

All in violation of federal election laws.  Foster v Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 is a 9-0 decision back in 1997 by the U.S. Supreme Court.  They agreed to take up the issue of federal statutes vs state’s regarding election for federal offices and state election dates.  The case that started it:  MURPHY J. FOSTER, Jr., GOVERNOR OF LOUISIANA, et al., PETITIONERS v. G. SCOTT LOVE, PAUL S. BERGERON, KATHLEEN B. BALHOFF, and BENNIE BAKER-BOURGEOIS.

It’s rare SCOTUS has a 9-0 decision and this one surprised me considering the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg was on the bench back then.  You can read the transcript of the oral arguments in Foster v Love here.

Quoting Ginsberg:  “It is an election, and it seems to me, being an election it conflicts with the Federal single Election Day.” It’s unfortunate this was not the key argument in Trump’s lawsuits although several of us tried to get him this information.

Constitutional attorney, Ren Jander’s November 18, 2020 piece, Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision) is a thorough examination of that case and federal statutes.  Jander wrote, “Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void.”

After a comprehensive analysis of the Constitution, federal and state statutes, Jander further writes:  “Consider all of the above in light of the results of the 2020 presidential elections; in Pennsylvania today, two weeks after Election Day, 8000 votes suddenly appeared, and the initial count is still not complete; Arizona has tens of thousands of ballots left to count in the initial canvass;  Georgia discovered over 2600 missing votes yesterday, and the entire State is conducting a recount; Wisconsin just announced the details and costs of a forthcoming recount; Michigan is buried in litigation supported by many sworn affidavits alleging irregularities.  None of these states consummated their elections on November 3rd. The elections have failed, as a matter of law.  The results should be voided.

“Reading Foster v. Love, together with the 9th Circuit’s analysis in Voting Integrity Project v. Keisling, we know that consummating an election before federal Election Day is prohibited, and that early voting is not prohibited, as long as the election is finally consummated on Election Day.  If that be the case, then statutory construction makes it obvious that elections consummated after Election Day are preempted by the federal Election Day statutes.

“Any other construction would render the statutes inoperable.  If “the election” – which is defined in Foster v. Love – as the combined acts of voters and officials – begins before Election Day, then continues after Election Day, there is no real Election Day.  The statute would be utterly inefficient, and the plenary authority of Congress over the time to choose electors would be denied.  There is no possible construction of the statute which would allow State elections for presidential electors to continue after Election Day.”

Many thousands of votes were “discovered” days after the November 2020 election.  Counting of votes in key swing states extended well beyond Election Day when counting of the ballots had to stop at midnight ON Election Day.

On Nov. 5, 2020, Fox News reported, “The Postal Service failed to deliver 150,000 completed ballots to polling stations before Election Day, the Washington Post reported, including 12,000 in five of the states where the U.S. still eagerly awaits a final count.”  Pennsylvania decided they would accept more ballot counting three days after Election Day as if the Foster v. Love Supreme Court decision didn’t exist.

We cannot allow that to happen for the upcoming mid-term elections.  It’s up to the candidates and their supporters to make their county elections official in charge of elections aware federal elections must be consummated ON Election Day as so decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Long Time Passing

November 2, 2022

Where are the Greens, the environmental groups that were opposing us? You know, Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy[1], Greenpeace, National Wildlife Federation, Audubon Society, Natural Resource Defense Council, EarthFirst!, Sea Shepherd Society, Wilderness Society, Humane Society of the United States, People for the ethical Treatment of Animals, Smithsonian Institution, Union of Concerned Scientists, World Resources Institute, Friends of the Earth, and too many more.

They attacked property rights, ranching, mining, drilling, fishing, hunting, medical research, and so much more. They held huge meetings with wealthy backers like David Suzuki, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, and Prince Charles. Those meetings discussed how to get rid of us small guys – the protectors of the land and animal users and caretakers. In the early ‘90s, they concluded that there was “no silver bullet” to rid them of us at a meeting in Canada. We weren’t backed by big money. We got small donations from other “wise use” people – or, more often, we footed our own bill.

Why did they even think about silver bullets? Because we were so dangerous to society, they were backed by major $$$$$$$$$$. Here are the top ten “Environmental Grantmakers” for 1990, the heyday of the Green/Animal Rights/anti-industry war:

Richard King Mellon Foundation

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

The Pew Charitable Trusts

The Ford Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

W. Alton Jones Foundation, Inc.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (there are tens and tens more feeding them.)

Corporations supply a great deal of funding to these Green organizations. Just some of those: Aldus Corporation, Amoco, ARCO, Burlington Northern, Burpee, Champion International, Conoco, Liz Claiborne, Orvis, Patagonia, Phillips Petroleum, Tabasco, U.S. Trust, Waste Management, Wells Fargo Bank, L.L. Bean, Chevron, Coca-Cola, DuPont, Eastman Kodak, J.P. Morgan, Philip Morris, Ciba-Geigy, Dow Chemical, Exxon, General Electric, General Motors, IBM, Mars Foundation, Mobil Oil, Monsanto, Penzoil, 3M, Weyerhaeuser, AT&T Foundation, Proctor 7 Gamble, Exxon, and again, so many more.

What was our crime? What did we do to sic all the major environmental groups on us and that the world’s major corporations needed to fund them? Supposedly, we were trashing the planet – killing birds and animals, tearing up the Earth, tearing down all the trees, despoiling the rivers, and polluting the skies.

Look at the situation now. Wind turbines are killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of birds. After not a long life, those turbines are buried, not very deep, but they stop any possible use of the land (and as they disintegrate, they pollute what Earth is there. I haven’t heard a peep or chirp from any Green group about all those dead eagles, hawks, or birds. Why not? Far more creatures are being killed now than were ever in the past. Where are the Earth Liberation Front and the Monkey Wrench gang? We are watching the Earth being destroyed, and the so-called saviors of the Earth are sitting on their hands! They banned paper bags at the grocery store and replaced that biodegradable product with plastic bags! Uh, Greenpeace, you are vocal about a kid’s birthday party losing 3 or 5 balloons, but plastic bags by the millions are okay? Ah, the makers fund you. Oops. The government is pouring millions of pollutants into the skies to reduce the sun’s heat. Two things there – pollution that is killing birds, animals, plants, rivers – oh, and us – but that last is probably what makes all the other things acceptable. And where are those Greens now? No more environmentalists howling in the forest at the loss of trees because of environmental degradation? No Greens chaining themselves to a factory that is producing wind-turbine blades? No animal rightists march against PeTA for killing animals they take in?

So, we can assume those Green groups were either reinvented or bought out by big business to end the industrial revolution that allowed so many people to come up from poverty and survive to a decent age. That was their goal. Saying “the digital age” was replacing the industrial age was a farce from the beginning. I always wondered how those brilliant people thought they could build their computerized world without industry. Now I know; they couldn’t.

All those foundations and organizations listed above, and too many more in both categories, are trying to destroy 90% of the human population – and all the rest is collateral damage. Who cares? All those environmental organizations that were supposedly populated by nature lovers who couldn’t stand to see a mouse in a trap, a fur on a woman, a tree that was going to provide paper or walls for a house, a fish or cow used to feed us. Instead, they disappeared as soon as their marching orders were changed.

Now they man the barricades for Black Lives Matters (so the big boss can buy her mansions) and Antifa so they can cause wanton destruction and death while being eulogized for destroying people, businesses, and cities.

If the Greens were so dedicated to Mother Earth and her non-human denizens, why are they now letting it go to hell?

Our world is upside down. It is time for the silent majority to say NO! Loudly.

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

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[1] “The Nature Conservancy is perhaps the most dangerous of all environmental groups, not only because it I the richest, but also because it appears to be harmless and idealistic.” “Last bit of Eden teeters on brink of development”, New York Times, April 2,1992, p. B7.

In Contrast to Mere Words, Christian Love Does!

By Bradlee Dean

October 2, 2022

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“Scripture clearly teaches us that action speaks louder than words.”

Did you know that George Washington used to say “Deeds not words”?  I suspect that he extracted that directly from the Bible.  In 1 John 3:18, it tells us:

“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”

In 1 Thessalonians 1:3, Scripture tells us:

“Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love.”

Last week, I did a show asking the listeners and viewers the question to 157 cities, where did Jesus ever preach “God loves you,” or where did He ever say that He loved His disciples, or anyone else for that matter?  Of course, no one could answer that question because it is not in Scripture.  Though it is not there, is it not interesting that this is what is being preached from the pulpits in America today?  Again, let me say it, it is NOT the in scripture.

Though I asked for a caller to call in and to prove otherwise, they could not do that, but they sure know how to take out of context what I am saying here. One guy wrote:

I think that this “The scriptures do not say that God loves us” argument is not a hill that I would die on.

Friends, I did not say that God didn’t love us.  I said that He never told us that He loved us through giving us mere lip service.  As a matter of fact, it was Jesus that said to them that claim to love Him:

“This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.” -Matthew 15:18

They said they loved Him.  Yet, they did not love Him in action, which is no love at all.

People say all the time that they love the Lord, but they do nothing to prove their love in exhibition or in demonstration to the very God that they say that they love.

The Lord said we are not to love in WORD (We are not to talk of it because Scripture does nothing of the sort), neither in tongue; but in DEED (Action) and in TRUTH.

Friends, action speaks a lot louder than words and a demonstration of the action towards the Lord and the people that we are to serve speaks volumes to the lost: Real love acts. This is foreign to the American Church in so many ways. This is what the Bible teaches.

By the way, speaking of a hill to die on, this individual heard what it was that he wanted to hear and seemed to have missed the whole point that I was making (1 John 4:6).

Dying on a hill, namely Calvary, is exactly what Scripture is talking about when it comes to what real love is all about.

“For God SO LOVED THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” -John 3:16

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” -1 John 4:10

“Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” -1 John 3:16

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” -John 15:13

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© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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The Serial Killers in Our Midst

By Cliff Kincaid

November 1, 2022

A new Netflix film, “The Good Nurse,” is based on the actual case of a serial killer operating in a series of hospitals who killed dozens if not hundreds of patients. At the end, we are told that the hospitals which employed Charles Cullen as a nurse were never prosecuted. He was shuffled around like the pedophile priests who were caught in one parish and then sent to other churches.

But Cullen is a piker compared to government failures at all levels.

The China virus has resulted in so much pain, suffering, and death that it is sometimes difficult to know where to place the blame. It starts with China but spreads to those in America who made the virus possible and failed in most cases to contain the death and destruction and in fact accelerated it.

People have a right to refuse the Trump Warp Speed vaccines and accept the consequences, including death, but I have also argued that those who claimed the virus was a hoax bear some responsibility for the mass murder.

More than one million Americans have died, with more than 700,000 of those over 65 years of age. What’s more, there are estimates that between 7.7 million and 23 million Americans are suffering from the long-term effects of infection with the virus, known as Long COVID. Of this number, an estimated 1 million have left the labor force, no longer able to work

China Joe won’t hold China responsible for obvious reasons. And the Republicans have been promising investigations and accountability ever since the pandemic began. They are now focusing attention on the damage done to the children who were prevented from going to school during the lockdowns.

But we are never going to be “free” of COVID. It will always be with us. That makes it imperative to understand this virus and take appropriate action to protect ourselves.

Meanwhile, China continues to hold millions of their own citizens in COVID lockdowns, under the COVID Zero policy, while tens of millions of Americans have managed to avoid serious health problems and death through the Trump Warp Speed vaccines. Still the pandemic continues, even though China Joe said it was over and just got a booster.

One area that we can concentrate on, in terms of “accountability,” is the fact that various governors are implicated in nursing home policies that put COVID-positive patients into the same facilities as the most vulnerable seniors. That happened during the first wave of the pandemic when vaccines were not yet available.

“In New York,” as noted by Michigan State Senator Jim Runestad, “the Democratic attorney general did the right thing and launched an investigation into the Democratic administration’s nursing home policies. She put people over politics.”  By contrast, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced that her office would not investigate the Governor Gretchen Whitmer administration for the same policy.

Running against Whitmer in the gubernatorial election, Republican Tudor Dixon said, “Gretchen Whitmer was warned not to put COVID patients into nursing homes. She tragically did.”

In New York, as noted by Attorney General Letitia James, the findings included that “a larger number of nursing home residents died from COVID-19 than the New York State Department of Health’s (DOH) published nursing home data reflected and may have been undercounted by as much as 50 percent.”

Never forget that coronavirus victims, many of them elderly, died or suffered in isolation. Some were staring out windows at their loved ones, who were not allowed in. Nursing homes were devastated and became death chambers.

Our doctors and nurses did their best to save the destitute.

Yet, the Manhattan district attorney’s office closed its investigation into former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s handling of nursing home COVID-19 deaths without bringing charges against Cuomo.

Janice Dean of Fox News was one of those who demanded action regarding Cuomo’s directive for New York nursing homes to admit COVID patients. She lost loved ones to COVID in New York nursing homes.

While killing seniors, Michigan Governor Whitmer justified abortions in her state, under the terms of the coronavirus lockdown, as “life-sustaining.” In addition to getting abortions, Michigan residents could get their dope because pot stores remained open. In fact, Whitmer allowed home delivery of marijuana.

On the federal level, there still has been no accountability for government murder of our fellow citizens through the government’s failure to be prepared for the COVID pandemic.

In terms of the virus origins, we know that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was listed as a partner with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and government doctor Anthony Fauci signed a “memorandum of understanding” with the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO).

But federal documents released to America’s Survival, Inc. show that NIH director Dr. Francis Collins, an Obama holdover, had a long history of collaborating with the communist Chinese regime. Collins, not Fauci, is the real villain, which may help explain why Collins has since resigned.

Fauci is the public face of the NIH and a convenient scapegoat.

Under Trump, the Justice Department had “requested” COVID data from “the governors of states that issued orders which may have resulted in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents: Those were identified as New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

However, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise also sent letters on this matter to the governors of five states: Andrew Cuomo of New York, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Gavin Newsom of California, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, and Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania. But it’s not clear is any responses were received, or what was done with them.

As we know, Trump was forced out office, and the “request” for data went nowhere.

Rep. Elise Stefanik led a letter signed by the entire New York Republican delegation declaring that “The Biden Administration’s refusal to investigate disgraced former Governor Cuomo’s deadly nursing home policy makes them complicit in Cuomo’s criminal corruption and coverup.”

She added, “For months, the Biden DOJ has ignored my calls for an investigation into Cuomo’s criminal actions, which senselessly cost thousands of lives of our vulnerable seniors. Now we know Cuomo’s lies continued even further, and I will continue to demand answers and full transparency from the Biden Administration for the sake of the families who lost loved ones because of Cuomo’s criminal actions. New Yorkers deserve better.”

Rep. Stefanik now says she “wants to convene a congressional investigation” into Cuomo’s order to bring COVID-19 positive residents into nursing homes. “We will not hesitate to subpoena Gov. Cuomo for the crimes he’s committed against the people of New York state,” she said.

Those are tough words. But we already have the evidence of thousands of Americans being killed in nursing homes because of official government policies that targeted our most vulnerable citizens.

As long as the politicians responsible for these policies remain free or in power, we will never have justice in America.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Rattlesnakes and Americans…Be Like

By Lex Greene

November 1, 2022

As Britain and other foreign military leaders figured out long ago, you never want to war with Americans on American soil, because “there will be an armed warrior hiding behind every blade of grass…”

Though the world doesn’t like our politicians any better than we do, or than they like their own, respect for the American people themselves, remains high. For more than 245 years, Americans have given of themselves for the cause of freedom and liberty all over the globe, asking only peace in return.

Yes, Americans have willingly died by the millions, defending the Natural Rights of all human beings, no matter where on earth. Those Americans are indeed an ornery bunch, despite the greedy, corrupt, and criminal nature of their politicians…

But at the same time, Americans are much like a rattlesnake…peaceful creatures going about their own business, largely ignoring all else, in search of their next meal. With the exception of a few true psychos, Americans are so busy in their own lives that they will seldom waste time, energy, or resources, bothering anyone else. And, because the USA is by far the most culturally and ethnically diverse nation anywhere on earth, the mere notion that any American is “racist” by nature, is just plain silly.

Left alone, 99.9% of Americans aren’t going to threaten or bother anyone, just like the rattlesnake.

If you ever grab a seat on the front porch of a country store in West Texas, sooner or later, a rattlesnake will pass through. If you leave it alone and sit still, it will just pass right on by without biting anyone. It doesn’t want to waste its valuable venom on anything too big to eat.

However, if you instead decide to corner that snake, refusing to allow it to pass on by peacefully, someone is going to get bit. In this case, when you do get bit, don’t blame the snake. The snake didn’t even know you were there, until you attacked it. Once you threaten the snake, quite frankly, you deserve to be bitten. The snake wasn’t doing anything to you…

Likewise, 99.9% of Americans (a few psychos excluded), don’t want to be bothered with you. They are focused on their own lives, and their next meal, just like the snake. But, if you insist on cornering the American people and threatening them, well, then you’re going to get bit, for sure…

Now, like the rattlesnake story, if you push Americans until you get bit, it’s your fault. You absolutely deserve what you get, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Americans were willing to pass on by peacefully, and you foolishly altered their peaceful intent.

Because Americans spend their time living life instead of babysitting corrupt politicians, the “untouchables” have come to believe that they can push Americans around forever without any consequences. But as the rattlesnake once said…no one is untouchable.

Even worse is the mother lion…who is far more fierce, and vicious, in defense of her cubs, than in defense of herself. Mess with those cubs and now you really have made a fatal mistake.

Those who think they are on the cusp of stealing the USA away from Americans, like today’s Marxist democrats, go-along to get-along republicans, and their band of international criminals at the WEF, UN, NATO, IMF, and China, have cornered millions of otherwise peaceful American Citizens. They know not what they have done, or what they continue to do.

Greedy corrupt politicians have wasted trillions in American tax dollars and driven the country into unsustainable debt. They caused massive death and destruction through their ongoing maniacal COVID protocols. They caused Americans to lose all faith in every branch and agency of their own government. They threaten the economic well-being of every Citizen, flooded our country with criminal illegal aliens, cut off energy and food supply lines, causing record inflation and social chaos, putting the country on track to a Civil War and maybe even World War III.

They have literally destroyed all trust in the government, top to bottom, all political parties.

Everything they could do to push Americans into a corner, they have done. Sooner or later, Americans are going to strike back in defense. Cornered now, the snake is a threat to them, and even more so, the mother lions.

There was no “insurrection” in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. If there had been, no one in D.C. power today would be there anymore, nothing could have stopped it. The “untouchables” know this, which is why they work so hard to label that rally an “insurrection,” granting themselves the constitutional authority to unleash the U.S. Military on American Citizens. Without the “insurrection” label on J6, Biden is forbidden the use of the military against Citizens, as he has openly threatened.

As we near the 2021 mid-terms, Americans will try once more to alter the course of history peacefully, renewing and preserving American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, and peace, with their vote. If the “untouchables” repeat the 2020 election fraud, preventing Americans from saving themselves peacefully, it will open the gates of hell and unleash the full force of the American people on those involved in evil.

I’m not calling for it, I don’t have to… as democrat President JFK once said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

In case you don’t know, via the maniacal COVID19 GREAT RESET, the USA has been placed on a fast track to economic collapse and social ruin. If you don’t know how that works, READ THIS. Things can get much worse than you think, far faster than you can imagine.

If the Americans are able to alter the course of history on November 8th, peacefully, they will have a huge mess to clean up, created by those seeking to destroy the USA. It will take years to clean up the mess created in just the past 20 months, much less the past hundred years.

But if they are not able to alter history peacefully, whatever happens next will be a defensive action against those who are attacking American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, and prosperity. They will have brought that hell upon themselves, just like the fools who cornered the rattlesnake or threatened the cubs of a mother lion.

They will have only themselves to blame… May God Bless and Protect the True America First Patriot and Make America Great Again!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Anthony Fauci’s Sociopathic Murder of the Masses

By Kelleigh Nelson

November 1, 2022

The mainstream media and social media giants are imposing a totalitarian censorship to prevent public health advocates, like myself, from voicing concerns and from engaging in civil informed debate in the public square.  —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist. —Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself.  It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime.  —Potter Stewart, Dissenting to Ginsberg v. United States

It happened. Therefore, it can happen again. It can happen everywhere.  —Primo Levi, Italian Jewish survivor of Auschwitz

Indifference and the silence of people led to the Holocaust. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all. —Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor

Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ‘A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.’  Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions.  —RFK Jr. exposes the decades of lies.  Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate

In Charlotte Iserbyt’s 1999 book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, she exposed the truth of communism and the unelected powers who rule.

She states the following on page 134:

The Daily World of November 8, 1975 carried a very interesting article entitled “Planning is Socialism’s Trademark” by Morris Zeitlin.  The Daily World (newspaper of the Communist Party USA) was formerly known as The Daily Worker and was founded in 1924.  The importance of this article lies in its blatant admission that regionalism, which is gradually becoming the accepted method of unelected governance in the United States (unelected councils and task forces, participatory democracy, public-private partnerships, etc.) is the form of government used in democratic socialist and communist countries.

Throughout the country from federal agencies down to local city and county boards, all of the decisions regarding C-19 were made by unelected heads of agencies which affected every American.  Those choices were followed by state governors, city and county mayors, heads of police and fire departments, hospital administrators, etc.  They all loved their totalitarian control and then the mandates!  Get the clot shots!

Except of course for those Biden deemed exempt.

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is a drug regulatory, drug safety watchdog agency.  The FDA doesn’t tell doctors how to treat patients.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), is a government funded research organization.  The NIH doesn’t tell doctors how to treat patients.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is an infectious and chronic disease, epidemiologic and analytic organization.  The CDC doesn’t tell doctors how to treat patients.

A lot of these quasi-governmental agencies that people think are governmental are actually front groups of the pharmaceutical industry.

Not one of these federal agency leaders was elected, and not one of them ever treated a C-19 patient. Yet, every one of them told America what we could and could not do and then destroyed the ability of physicians to properly treat patients other than with their deadly protocols. Their goal was the money-making deadly inoculations for C-19.

When hospitals followed those protocols they collected beaucoup tax payer dollars from the federal government, with the highest payments for patients who died. The following chart shows the monies each state received for each C-19 patient.

Remember that the PCR tests were not valid tests for COVID and the Nobel Peace Prize inventor, Kary Mullis, told us it was improperly used and would give far too many false positives.  Mullis knew Dr. Anthony Fauci was dangerous and said he spent $22 billion and killed 100,000 people with his fraudulent AIDS drugs.

Nor should we look to other unelected parties to tell us what to do, and that includes our local health departments who advocated mandates that are destructive not only to children, but to all citizens.  And the latest is the euphemistically named Congressional bill H.R.550 (Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021) which paves the way for state and local health departments, as well as public and private health care providers, to share personal health data with the federal government. The bill has hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars allocated to the tracking system’s success.

The Wentworth Report states, “In 2000, Dr. Fauci, who Dr. Joseph Mercola calls a sociopathic bureaucrat, met with Bill Gates, who asked to partner with the NIH in an agreement to vaccinate the entire population of the world with a battery of new vaccines. In 2009, this agreement was rebranded as “The Decade of Vaccines,” the objective of which was to implement mandatory vaccinations for every adult and child on the planet by the year 2020. Link

“Gates calls what he does philanthropy capitalism, the idea that, you can use philanthropy to make money. He had a foundation where he has sheltered $50 billion in tax-free money. He continues to have absolute control over it. He uses that money to gain control of public health agencies in our country and the World Health Organization.”

Portions of the following info come from The Real Anthony Fauci movies.  We’d all be wise to purchase a copy of these two films.

Willowbrook State School

In 1965, Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. visited Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York and was appalled at the situation and called it a snake pit, similar to the 1948 movie by the same name.  The institution’s medical personnel were conducting US Army funded experiments on the children.  These children had been abandoned by their parents in dilapidated institutions.

Children housed at Willowbrook were intentionally given hepatitis in an attempt to track the development of the viral infection. The study lasted for 14 years.  It wasn’t until 1987 that Willowbrook was shut down.

Just one of the horrid experiments was the deliberate injection of Hepatitis during 1964. From 1958-1964 feces was taken from children who had Hepatitis, put in milkshakes and fed to newly admitted children for experimentation purposes.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments were conducted between 1932 and 1972.  The Willowbrook experiments started in 1956.

The Nuremberg Codes were formulated in August of 1947, yet these experiments on Americans were never prosecuted under the Codes.  The question remains, “Why not?”

Now there’s far worse.

Fauci and AIDS

In the late 1980s, foster children in seven states were enrolled in experiments of HIV and AIDS drug trials.  Fauci called them studies, but they were invasive experiments.  Fauci arranged for the drug companies to get access to these experiments.  Merck, Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, Glaxo Wellcome and others were involved.

I wrote about Fauci’s experiments on children in October of 2020 in an article entitled, Is Dr. Anthony Fauci Guilty of Negligent Homicide?  I now believe he is guilty of murder in the first degree, but I highly doubt he’ll ever see justice here on earth.

The Wentworth Report states, “AZT was a chemotherapy formulation that was so toxic it killed all the rats when they gave it to them. The inventor of AZT felt that it was unsafe for any human use, so he didn’t even patent it …

“Very early on, the National Cancer Institute had found that when you put AZT in a culture of HIV, that killed the HIV, not surprisingly. It killed anything it touched. And so, Fauci partnered with the manufacturer of AZT.  He guided that formulation through the regulatory process and tried to fast track it. He cheated terribly on the clinical trials.”

Children who were considered to have AIDS via the PCR tests used during COVID, were as unreliable for AIDS prognosis as they were for COVID.  Thus, many of the children were not even HIV positive.

Fauci together with pharmaceutical companies sponsored these AZT experiments.  Many of the children died.  In Hawthorn, New York there is a cemetery where these children are buried.  Journalist Celia Farber, who is featured in The Real Anthony Fauci movies, tells of the burial site of at least 80 children, perhaps more, their bodies in metal caskets, many with more than one body per casket.

Farber commented that, “Fauci’s reign has elements to totalitarian societies and it also has the theme of mafioso velvetiness to it.”

“…Dr. Fauci copied the choreographed script for winning remdesivir’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the worn rabbit-eared playbook that he developed during his early AIDS years, and then used repeatedly across his career to win approvals for deadly and ineffective drugs,” writes Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “Time and again, he has terminated clinical trials of his sweetheart drugs the moment they begin to reveal cataclysmic toxicity. He makes the absurd claim that his drug-du-jour had proven so miraculously effective that it would be unethical to deny it to the public, and then he strong-arms FDA to grant his approvals.”

Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and President of the Alliance for Human Research Protection ( stated, “Most people cannot imagine that there are people, especially medical doctors, which Dr. Fauci is, who would disregard the humanity of people including children.  There was horrific abuse and because it was government sponsored, together with pharmaceutical companies, they had kind of free rein.  New York State and New York City provided the children for the government experiments.  New York Administration for Services’ documents confirmed there were 80 deaths and many others suffered serious harm.”

Reagan’s Injury Compensation Act

In 1986, Reagan signed into law a bill that gave compensation to children for drug exports and vaccine injuries.  It was meant to make vaccines safer, but it gave virtual liability protection to vaccine manufacturers and health care providers who were providing vaccines.

Mary Holland, general counsel and President of the Children’s Health Defense states, “The 1986 Act was created and signed into law by Reagan.  It allegedly created a program for compensation of children who were injured by their vaccines or who died and they would get some level of compensation.”

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny said, “The 1986 Injury Compensation Act was a real game changer because all of the drug companies who were making vaccines were deciding that they were not going to do vaccines anymore unless they got liability protection because they were getting sued at every turn.”

Mary Holland said, “The blanket liability protection created a boon town, a gold rush. The sad reality is a whole new industry of recklessly developed vaccines that are highly profitable was created, and it did not lead to compensation to children who are injured and it absolutely did not lead to safer vaccines.”

Here is a 45-page report on The Horrible History of Big Pharma.

“That’s one of the tragedies that is across the board when it comes to public health.  Because you see, when doctors join forces with government, they no longer comply with medicine’s mission which is the sacred oath to do no harm to the individual patient. They become agents of government and they do what they’re told,” added Vera Sharav.

This is just like the physicians who work for a group.  They do what they’re told or they lose their jobs, and the groups invariably get their instructions from the CDC, NIH and FDA.

John D. Rockefeller

“In 1910, John D. Rockefeller really kind of took over medicine, particularly the medical schools. And they redirected medicine to be totally focused on pharmaceutical interventions and also, various surgical procedures, in other words, to make it a real business.  The Rockefellers are involved in everything, the World Health Organization, both Rockefeller and Gates.”

John D. Rockefeller was not just interested in oil, but in medicine, in education and in retaining his massive earnings via tax free foundations.

Britannica states, “He made possible the founding of the University of Chicago in 1892, and by the time of his death—from a heart attack in 1937, shortly before his 98th birthday—he had given it some $35 million. In association with his son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., he created major philanthropic institutions, including the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (renamed Rockefeller University) in New York City (1901), the General Education Board (1902), and the Rockefeller Foundation (1913).  Rockefeller’s benefactions during his lifetime totaled more than $500 million.”

Vera Sharav’s insight on foundations is spot on, “The very wealthy foundations were formed to eliminate their tax requirement.  Foundations don’t have to pay taxes.  So, they simply move their business under the flag of foundations and then they’re exempt from taxation and they gain huge control because they’re distributing money to all sorts of non-government agencies.  They get to decide exactly who to give money to, what kind of policies to support.  In the meantime, they’re shoveling in money for themselves.”

That is one of the tragedies that is across the board when it comes to public health.

NIH Payments

Robert Kennedy Jr. tells us, “One of the secrets that they’ve tried to keep hidden at NIH are these direct payments from the pharmaceutical company not only to the agency, but to hundreds if not thousands of scientists and officials within those agencies for royalty payments for the drugs that that agency has partnered with the pharmaceutical company to develop and market.

“The agency has become a big marketing arm for Big Pharma.  And they don’t want the American public to know that that is the ultimate object of this terrible devolution.  And one of the big emblems of that devolution are the payments that are being made to Tony Fauci, to his deputies, to his scientists.  We’ve made FOIA requests and inquiries and the NIH has stonewalled us.”

They’ve had hundreds of FOIA requests and are being sued over those requests, but as of yet, little has been forthcoming.  This is an important portion of the last 25 minutes of the second video.

Dr. Pierre Kory says, “To call Fauci ‘America’s doctor’ is such a misnomer.  He’s essential a mafia don who runs all three agencies.  He rules science and the practice of medicine.”

Vera Sharav calls Fauci, “a shyster, a man without scruples of any kind.”

Dr. Paul Marik says, “He should be charged with the crimes he’s responsible for which go back to the HIV era.  He did some terrible experiments in Africa.  He’s resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of patients.”

Global leaders have united in an urgent call for an international pandemic treaty to be headed by the World Health Organization (WHO).  The loss of American sovereignty has been nibbled away at for decades, but this kind of treaty would eliminate American citizens freedoms to choose their own health care and would be forced to abide by the dictates of the WHO.

There is no conclusion to this ongoing battle against tyranny, and I should end here.

However, I’m going to include Vera Sharav’s speech in its entirety rather than just linking to it.  She was to give the speech in Brussels but because of protestors, it was given in a restaurant. She outlines the parallels of today with the German Holocaust of European Jewry.

She states exactly what we’re facing because she’s been through it before.

A vital lesson from the Holocaust is that genocide was facilitated by global silence, indifference and the failure to intervene. The Holocaust was set in motion when personal freedom, legal rights and civil rights were swept aside.

The author Primo Levi, an Italian Jewish survivor of Auschwitz, warned: “It happened. Therefore, it can happen again. It can happen everywhere.”

As a Holocaust survivor, I am appalled by poseurs who control the Holocaust narrative. They deny the relevance of the Holocaust to current discrimination and increasingly aggressive and repressive edicts.

These vigilantes censor and silence those who speak out. By denying the relevance of the Holocaust to current repression, the vigilantes are Holocaust deniers.

Elie Wiesel, an Auschwitz survivor and Nobel laureate, was regarded as the victims’ voice. He stated: “Indifference and the silence of people led to the Holocaust. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.”

Today, survivors are shaken by the fear-mongering, and divisive, discriminatory measures against a minority. Horrifying scenes include police in black uniforms brutally attacking demonstrators in European cities, in Australia, and, yes, in Israel. These are painful reminders of the prelude to the Holocaust in which the Nazis:

    • Used the psychological weapons of fear and propaganda to impose a genocidal regime.
    • Demonized Jews as the spreaders of disease and the cause of their misery.
    • Systematically obliterated moral norms and values.
    • Destroyed their social conscience in the name of public health.

Today’s predators are also using fear and propaganda to maintain a state of anxiety and helplessness. The objective ­ then and now ­ is identical ­ to condition people to become obedient and to follow directives without question.

The global assault on our freedoms and our right to self-determination is facilitated by the weaponization of medicine. Then and now, the medical establishment has provided
a veneer of legitimacy to mass medical murder.

The Nazis declared disabled people ­ “unfit for life.” The 1,000 German infants and young children who were the world’s first medical murder victims were actually murdered in hospitals.

In 2020, global governments declared an emergency and issued deadly medical dictates:

    • Hospitals were ordered not to treat the elderly in nursing homes. The result was mass medical murder ­ which Sweden called “active euthanasia.”
    • UK hospitals used lethal doses of the drug Midazolam to medically murder the elderly ­ a drug they continue to stockpile.
    • S. hospital guidelines still call for the elderly to receive minimal treatment.
    • Doctors in Western Europe and the U.S. are forbidden to prescribe existing, licensed, safe and effective, life-saving treatments for COVID patients.

Today, humanity is threatened by the global heirs of the Nazis. The real virus that continues to infect these predators is Eugenics.

A report by the U.S. Commission on the Holocaust, chaired by Elie Wiesel, noted: “… the inclination to duplicate the Nazi option and once again exterminate millions of people remains a hideous threat.”

The modern-day Nazis’ objective is global population reduction. The global oligarchs are determined to gain absolute control of the world’s resources ­ natural, financial and human.

Bill Gates, a lifelong eugenicist and major stakeholder in the vaccine industry, declared the COVID vaccine the “final solution.”

COVID injections use an experimental, gene transfer technology. Its testing on the global population is in gross violation of the foremost human right to “voluntary, informed consent.”

Those who refuse to be injected are vilified as spreaders of a deadly virus. They are subjected to increasingly harsh penalties and discrimination. Germany, Austria and Italy are once again swept up by an orgy of fascist hate-mongering. This time the unvaccinated are being targeted.

The claimed rationale for vaccine mandates was to protect people from getting and transmitting infection. However, the incontrovertible evidence shows that COVID injections do not prevent infection or its transmission and they do not provide immunity.

Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s director, Rochelle Wallensky, has acknowledged that COVID jabs cannot prevent transmission.

Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, conceded that “two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection ­ if any.”

If vaccinated people can get infected and spread COVID ­ why are they privileged? Why are the unvaccinated ­ who refuse to be injected with a clinically worthless product ­ maligned, discriminated against, threatened with job loss, and the withdrawal of their children’s schooling?

If COVID injections do not protect anyone’s health, what is the real objective of vaccine mandates and digital passports?

Many independent scientists are warning that these injections are biological weapons of mass destruction. Tens of thousands of doctors, scientists and nurses refuse the injections ­ even if it means losing their jobs and their licenses.

Government data from the UK, Israel, the U.S. and the EMA [European Medicines Agency] confirm that massive deaths and injuries have been reported. Close to 38,000 Europeans have died following the shots. And more than 3,390,000 have suffered injuries. Healthy, athletic, young adults have died. Children are suffering from myocarditis and blood clots. Neurodegenerative diseases are also emerging in the vaccinated.

We are at a catastrophic junction in human history. Today’s predators have unleashed an injectable biological weapon designed to deliver a poisonous spike protein, and stealth surveillance technology, into the body.

This weapon enables the predators to control the global population remotely 24 hours a day. We must choose ­ whether to disobey, and assert our freedom and our rights as human beings ­or to be enslaved.

Auschwitz survivor, Mariann Turski, a Polish journalist, was asked if a Holocaust could happen again. He replied: “It could happen. If civil rights are violated ­ if minority rights are not respected and are abolished.”

He urged everyone to “defend the constitution, defend your rights, defend your democracy. Minority rights must be protected… Thou shalt not be indifferent when any minority faces discrimination.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer,­ an exceptional German Protestant minister during the Nazi regime stated, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Rabbi Michoel Green just posted an urgent plea that it’s “time to atone for the Holocaust by not allowing it to be repeated.” Green admonishes everyone not to obey tyrants’ orders and not to marginalize and persecute minorities. And he tells the Jews: “Don’t repeat the fatal error of blindly heeding your capo betrayers and walking obsequiously like to the slaughter. Wake up NOW.”

Do not be deluded; the unvaccinated are not the enemy. The first step on the slippery slope to genocide is the stigmatization of a minority. Silence invites ever-increasing repressive restrictions. If we are to survive as free human beings, we must speak out against discrimination. We must not ever be silent again ­ not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

The vaccine program is betrayal.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: