The Intellectual Suicide of Academia and Corporate Media

By Steven Yates

July 16, 2022

-The Khiara Bridges Chapter

Just recently, an exchange between Josh Hawley (R.-Mo.) and a law professor at UC-Berkeley named Khiara Bridges at a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting in the wake of the overturning of Roe v Wade went viral. The exchange went like this:

JOSH HAWLEY: Professor Bridges, you said several times, you’ve used a phrase I want to make sure I understand what you mean by it. You’ve referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy. Would that be women?

KHIARA BRIDGES: Many women, cis women, have the capacity for pregnancy. Many cis women do not have the capacity for pregnancy. There are also trans men who are capable of pregnancy, as well as non-binary people who are capable of pregnancy.

J.H.: So this isn’t really a women’s rights issue, it’s a— 

K.B.: We can recognize that this impacts women, while also recognizing that it impacts other groups. Those things are not mutually exclusive, Senator Hawley.

J.H.: So your view is that the core of this right then is about what?

K.B.: So I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic and it opens up trans people to violence by not recognizing them.

J.H.: Wow, you’re saying that I’m opening up people to violence by asking whether or not women are the folks who can have pregnancies?

K.B.: So I’m—  I want to note that one out of five transgender persons have attempted suicide. So I think it’s important—

J.H.: Because of my line of questioning?

K.B.: Because—

J.H.: So we can’t talk about it?

K.B.: Because denying that trans people exist and pretending not to know that they exist—

J.H.: I’m denying that trans people exist by asking—

K.B.: Are you?

J.H.: —if you’re talking about—

K.B.: Are you? Are you?

J.H.: —about women—

K.B.: Are you?

J.H.: —having pregnancies?

K.B.: Do you believe that men can get pregnant?

J.H.: No, I don’t think men can get pregnant.

K.B.: So you are denying that trans people exist! Thank you!

J.H.: And that leads to violence? Is this how you run your classroom? Are students allowed to question you—

K.B.: Absolutely!

J.H.: —or are they also treated like this where—

K.B.: No, no, no, they’re allowed to question!

J.H.: —they’re told they’re opening up people to violence by questioning?

K.B.: We have a good time in my class! You should join!

J.H.: I bet!

K.B.: You might learn a lot!

J.H.: Wow, I would learn a lot. I’ve learned a lot—

K.B.: I know!

J.H.: —just in this exchange.

K.B.: Absolutely!

J.H.: Extraordinary.

K.B.: Yep.

So what did Sen. Hawley learn? Judging from the look on his face, I would surmise he left the exchange convinced he was dealing with a certifiable nutjob. With a nose ring at that, symbolic of the regression to tribalism heralded by identity politics.

He might also have inferred: one of many, in American academia. For obviously Professor Bridges did not hire herself. Academic hiring (which I saw up close a few times, back in the day) is a lengthy, bureaucratic process. Numerous higher-ups must sign off on permanent appointments. Many of these higher-ups have agendas. Filling quotas of “underrepresented groups” — women, ethnic minorities, and more recently, sexual minorities — has been one of them for quite a while now.

We see the result, with bizarre neologisms like cis women and trans men (now common in academia), and the wild, impulsive leaps Professor Bridges makes from seemingly banal questions like, Are we talking about women? to insinuations of violence and suicide.

American academia has fallen to the point where one is not allowed to state openly that those capable of normal pregnancy are biological women.

That’s intellectual suicide.

Also of interest is how corporate media handled the exchange. The idea that Sen. Hawley somehow lost the encounter, or engaged in a “transphobic” line of questioning, was picked up. The mental confusion over who can get pregnant was missed.

This is corporate media suicide.

Just the titles of the various reports are enough.

From the initial article I ran across (Yahoo, aggregating from ultra-left HuffPo): Professor Schools Sen. Josh Hawley for His Transphobic Questions During Abortion Hearing.

Or, from the same source: Law Professor Takes Down Josh Hawley.

Really? Did whoever wrote these headlines actually view the exchange?

From Yahoo News itself: Professor Scolds Sen. Josh Hawley During Abortion Hearing: ‘Your Line of Questioning Is Transphobic’.

From the hard-left The Advocate (also courtesy of Yahoo’s news feed): Watch Law Professor Khiara Bridges Blast Josh Hawley’s Transphobia.

From Vox (picked up by MSN and other feeds): Josh Hawley’s Viral Transphobic Comments Explained.

From NBC News: Law Professor Khiara Bridges Calls Senator Josh Hawley’s Questions About Pregnancy ‘Transphobic’.

From Business Insider: Berkeley Law Professor Tells Josh Hawley He’s Paving the Way for Violence Against Transgender People By ‘Denying That Trans People Exist’ and Can Be Pregnant.

Those should do. If you are so inclined, gentle reader, you can find more accounts of how major news media online and offline reported this incident here.

Lemmings could not do better.

It should go without saying, Hawley was not “denying that trans people exist” or can get pregnant. He was denying, by implication at least, that “trans men” are really men. If they can get pregnant, it is because they are not men but women. Period.

This should not be rocket science, but this is where we are in 2022, when a national senator is no longer allowed to say that only women can get pregnant without getting “schooled” for it (interesting word, that!), and when intellectually suicidal law professors deny biological reality in order to use “inclusive language.”

And when corporate media, given its leftward leap into wokery over the past couple of decades, describes an exchange such as this as “taking down” one of the few political figures who seems to have a grip on reality.

I recently explained this to a friend, who finally interrupted with something like, “How can someone get to be a law professor and be that stupid?!”

My response may have sounded, at first glance, like I was coming to Khiara Bridges’ defense. I pointed out that she has a doctorate in anthropology as well as a law degree. She’s written a couple of books, even if one of them is on critical race theory.

The point isn’t easy to grasp at first, but this isn’t about intelligence. It’s about your basic worldview and the direction you take it. Your reasoning — good, bad, or indifferent — and the lens through which you see the world, will follow your worldview.

Some philosophical materialists, for example, are brilliant thinkers — and if their thinking is brilliant enough it will take them into a mental cul-de-sac, which they may recognize as such or not. An example is the British-born philosopher Colin McGinn (b. 1950), who spent much of his career trying to answer, “How can human consciousness exist in a material universe?” He eventually concluded that the human brain isn’t “wired” to understand itself. Some call this the “new mysterianism.” It is a way of throwing up one’s hands in a gesture of despair. Most academic philosophers feel compelled to see everything through the lens of materialism, just like most academic scientists.

I thought it a good idea to toss a nonpolitical example in here, because readers can consider it dispassionately. For if someone begins with the political premise behind, say, critical race theory (that racism has been built into the structure of the American Constitutional political and legal system from the start, and so permeates American life whether we know it or like it or not), that person will see every situation through that lens, never question it, and hit a parallel cul-de-sac: how could the best-intentioned social engineers end racism from American society without ending American society itself? (Which may, of course, be the real goal of critical race theory.)

That such considerations are over the heads of cultural leftists is to be expected. I would be interested in a survey of how many of Professor Bridges’ students could get the year of the U.S. Constitution’s ratification right, or what they would come up with if asked to write about — for example — Federalist Papers 10 or 51. Or, more broadly, how they would respond to queries about the influence of various strains of Christianity on the history of the legal system in the U.S.

In short, if her students are learning anything.

Have they been taught anything except case law and how to view the American legal system through any lens other than race and sexual confusion?

This is the seemingly unstoppable train American academia has been on at least since the late 1980s, and when we watch exchanges such as the above, we see that train going over an intellectually suicidal cliff. When viewing how corporate media has reported the exchange to the public, we see that cliff broadening, as like lemmings, woke-era presstitutes mindlessly follow the academic “experts.”

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) is available here and here. His earlier Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) is available here.

These columns present a perspective unavailable elsewhere: of personal freedom and community autonomy, based on a philosophically-informed conservatism within a Christian worldview holding that in the last analysis, we all answer to our Creator.

This stands in contrast to the major threat of our time: a sociopathic superelite using technology and financialization to gain world domination, unleashed by secular materialism and the latter having collapsed all forms of valuation other than money and power. Globalists see themselves as answering only to each other. They do not believe in a Higher Power. They are the culmination of the materialist / secularist / liberal worldview.

My perspective incorporates accounts of how emergencies of various sorts arise or are manufactured, how controlled media hysterics generate fear in populations, and how these enable controlled governments to grab power and do the superelites’ bidding.  Hegelian dialectic: crisis, reaction, response. Foment a crisis or through inaction allow it to develop; the crisis leads to a predictable reaction within populations (“Do something!”); those with power move in with the response they planned all along.

These ideas are dispensed essentially for free. The editor of this site cannot afford to pay writers such as myself. Nor am I on the payroll of a “think tank” or some other such entity. No university or corporate leviathan has my back. I receive no grants. I am an Independent. We live in a foreign country, because of the lower cost of living. My wife and I survive on what remains of an inheritance, my monthly social security deposit into my U.S. bank account, the occasional donation, “gigs” and “odd jobs” that come our way, and

This last had been rising, but over the past few months has fallen dramatically! I have no theories why, except that I am not one of their “creatives” consistently dispensing “infotainment” on the site. Nor is the site especially truth-teller friendly.

Where this is going: the lights on this project could go out at any time, and just when they are needed most! If you value what I do, please consider becoming a Patron or arranging some other means of support to help keep this project alive (I accept donations via PayPal). Do not do it for me. Do it for you. Do you want to help spread truth, or do you prefer to live in a fake reality based on official narratives steeped in lies?

We all benefit from helping disseminate truth, and from furthering the idea that persons and freedom have intrinsic value because we were created in God’s image. These things will not preserve and defend themselves. So please consider becoming a Patron today by going to the site linked to above and making a small pledge. If just 100 people reading this were to pledge $5/mo., that would be $500 extra each month in defense of truth-telling!

The Emasculation of the American Male

by Servando Gonzalez

July 15, 2022

According to what it was reported in the press, as soon as they heard about the ongoing situation at the Uvalde school, some of the mothers ran to the place in an effort to protect the lives of their children. Unfortunately, the Uvalde police did not treat them well.

We saw dramatic scenes of Uvalde police mistreating and harassing desperate mothers. Some of them were gassed, tased, handcuffed and treated as criminals. It was a shameful day for America.

Anyway, as in the classic Sherlock Holmes novel, the dog that didn’t bark is the key to understand what really happened there. Evidently most Americans failed to notice the absence of key actors in this tragedy: the fathers. Where were they?

The events at the Uvalde school extended for close to an hour and a half. Even if some of the fathers were at work, there was enough time for some of them to go home, grab their AR-15s and extra mags, get their sidearms, and run to the school to save their children. At least, that is what I expected true American men would have done if one of their children had been taken hostage at the school.

Once there, they would have located the perpetrator, shoot him and rescue the children. Moreover, they would have shot anybody, and I mean anybody, who have tried to stop them from rescuing their children. Unfortunately, American men, the most armed population on planet Earth, do not act like men anymore. Seemingly, they lack what makes men act like men.

What has happened to the American men? Why the most heavily armed group of men in the world are currently acting like sissies? Well, there might be some answers to such questions.

Scientific evidence indicates that, particularly after the Covid shots, there has been a substantial decline on sperm count in American males.[1]  Moreover, Some studies show that American men’s testosterone levels have been declining for decades. The most prominent, a 2007 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, with average levels declining by about 1% per year.[2]

According to these studies, this dramatic decline in testosterone levels is almost certainly linked to higher rates of obesity (which suppresses testosterone) and may be linked to lower rates of smoking in men. In the 2007 study, however, the age-matched declines persisted after controlling for these variables. Many observers put more weight on increased exposure to environmental toxins, such as pesticides, and chemicals common in household products like phthalates and bisphenol A, as well as bST hormone on milk.

Moreover, some other scientists have found that residues of birth-control pills are adding 10 millions of hormones to our wastewater every single day. Most likely, some of that estrogen ends up in our drinking water and may be the cause of lowering testosterone levels in American males.[3]

But there is more than meets the eye that seemingly those studies have failed to acknowledge: what if some of these changes in testosterone levels in American men have been intentionally provoked? May it be that the globalist conspirators are intentionally destroying masculinity in the U.S.? Well, maybe they are.

According to some U.S. government documents, it was known that since 1994 the U.S. military had been developing what they called a “gay bomb”, which would made enemy soldiers “sexually irresistible” to each other.[4] The plan for a so-called “love bomb” envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behavior among troops, causing what the military called a “distasteful but completely non-lethal” blow to morale.

The so-called “gay bomb” is the name for a non-lethal psychochemical weapon that a United States Air Force research laboratory speculated about producing. The idea was discharging sex pheromones over enemy forces in order to make them sexually attracted to each other. In 1994 the Wright Laboratory in Ohio, a predecessor to today’s United States Air Force Research Laboratory, produced a three-page proposal on a variety of possible nonlethal chemical weapons, which, according to official sources, were never developed.

But, what if they lied about it, as they usually do? Why if the globalist conspirators who fully control our armed forces actually gave the green light and they developed the “gay bomb” and have been using it against their potential domestic enemies: American men?

It is known that the CIA conducted experiments on LSD and other drugs on unaware American citizens in San Francisco and New York’s subways.  So, it would not be farfetched to think that there be more reasons apart from propaganda and indoctrination explaining why American men are nor acting like men anymore.

Obviously, the globalist conspirators who are working hard to push their New Word Order upon us don’t like real men. Eventually real men may rebel and violently respond to these attacks on their country, their way of living, their family and their masculinity. This explains why the strong promotion of femininity and anti-masculinity has become a key part of the globalist conspirators’ agenda.

Currently, the globalist conspirators are devoting a lot of their time and money to push women and unmanly men into positions of political power. This is not, as they claim, because they want to give women an equal role in society, but because they think that women are easier to manipulate and control than real men. Unfortunately, examples such as Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Chicago’s mayor and The Squad prove they are right.

As a result of the social law that any political vacuum of power is rapidly occupied, we are experiencing a situation in which women and non-acting men are more and more grabbing that political power. Seemingly, the only real man left in this country is Tom Cruise. Unfortunately, I have the feeling that most of his macho man acting is just that: acting.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


  4., also

Oprah’s Next Candidate for President

By Cliff Kincaid

July 15, 2022

Oprah Winfrey’s last major foray into politics was backing Barack Hussein Obama, who promised a fundamental transformation of America and delivered. Now, Oprah is backing Wes Moore for governor of Maryland. He is supposed to be the next Obama, assuming he can win the July 19 primary.  In a campaign ad, she says, “The type of transformational leader that these times demand – that’s Wes Moore for Maryland governor.”

Moore promises to legalize dope in Maryland and once served on the board of a marijuana company, which paid him more than $1.6 million.

Remember that Obama started out as an Illinois State Senator before he was elected to the United States Senate and then ran for president.

“This moment that we’re in demands of different type of leader,” says Oprah, who is reportedly an occasional user of the drug. “For governor in Maryland, you have one in my friend Wes Moore.”

Of course, Democrats are now clamoring for a “different type of leader” on the national level.

Even if Moore doesn’t win the Democratic Party nomination for Maryland governor and the general election, he could easily surface as a Democratic Party presidential candidate in 2024. Oprah, a billionaire, carries a lot of clout.

Moore is a very controversial character, having served on the board of a marijuana company, Green Thumb Industries, as people are gradually becoming aware of marijuana’s link to mental illness and some of America’s mass shootings in recent months and years.

Of course, this isn’t of any concern to politicians trying to make money from this deadly addiction, which generates a “consumer” who comes back for more until the psychosis causes the stoner to go haywire, become homeless on the streets, or enter a mental ward.

Oprah’s endorsement of Wes Moore, a cannabis industry mouthpiece, should remind us of her own flirtation with the drug culture.

In my book about Obama, Permanent Revolution, New Age expert Constance Cumbey examined Oprah Winfrey’s career, explaining how she had gone beyond promoting kooky New Age ideas to recommending drugs for her mostly female readers.   The April 2018 edition of her “Oprah Magazine” featured the article, “Is Marijuana the New Merlot?” Another article, “Mom’s Guide to Not Getting Busted,” advised women how to use dope “without getting into trouble.”

Nevertheless, Oprah still remains an icon. “Watching Oprah,” an exhibition at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, presented the billionaire as a role model (Oprah gave the museum $21 million) and noted she has received eight awards from GLAAD for “LGBTQ acceptance” and positive portrayals of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.

Moore is committed to a “green” economy in ways other than legalizing marijuana. He wants a “climate corps” to implement a “green energy economy.”

Al Hunt, the former executive editor of Bloomberg News, admits, however, that there are a “few controversies” involving this super star candidate but then tries to dismiss them. One is that “he implied — and allowed others misleadingly to claim — that both grew up in Baltimore. He was born in another part of Maryland, moved to the Bronx and came to Baltimore for college.” Another is that he “is under some criticism for not correcting interviewers who said that he won a Bronze Star in Afghanistan.”

We are supposed to look beyond these issues.

But why would one of the major marijuana businesses in the world reach out to hire Wes Moore and put him on its board? As noted by Capital news Service, “In 2018, Moore was awarded more than $1.6 million in stocks in a marijuana company that does extensive business in Maryland and served on its board while a candidate. His connection to Chicago-based Green Thumb Industries (GTI), one of the largest cannabis companies in the world, represents a possible conflict of interest if he becomes governor as the office appoints the commission overseeing the state’s medical marijuana industry.”

Similar questions are being raised in Florida, where, as noted by the Daily Caller, Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried, who pledged to legalize marijuana if elected, “owns a sizable stake in a pot dispensary company, according to a financial disclosure.” She is so committed to dope that a Tampa newspaper labeled her as the politician who “wants to be the marijuana governor.” A local journalist by the name of Brian Burgess has raised serious questions about her “secret” connections to the marijuana industry and unexplained personal wealth.

But most journalists, who probably smoke the mind-altering substance for “recreational” purposes, don’t bother to report the political influence of Big Marijuana.

Dope is clearly a big part of the new “green” economy that Democrats have planned for the United States as a whole. Indeed, marijuana is the Soma of America’s Brave New World and the plan is to go far beyond marijuana. For those who didn’t read the Aldous Huxley classic, Spark Notes provides this information: “Soma is a drug that is handed out for free to all the citizens of the World State. In small doses, soma makes people feel good. In large doses, it creates pleasant hallucinations and a sense of timelessness.”

It also makes people believe things that are not true, such as that men can become pregnant and that more federal spending will lower inflation.

Mass murderer Nikolas Cruz blamed marijuana and other drugs for the 2018 massacre in Florida that killed 17 people.

At an America’s Survival conference in 2017, Dr. Tina Trent explained how the movement to legalize drugs now wants to make “mind-expanding” drugs more available, even mandatory, in order to erase traditional Christianity and transform consciousness through “New Age” practices.

Indeed, Measure 110 (also known as Initiative Petition 44) passed in Oregon, with the support of George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, and the Oregon Democratic Party, and decriminalized dangerous drugs like meth, cocaine, Oxycodone and heroin. As a result, to no one’s surprise, substance abuse is rising.

This seems to be the plan.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Big Government, Small Liberty

by Lee Duigon

July 14, 2022

You’ll own nothing, have no privacy… and you’ll be happy! Such is the promise offered to humanity by Klaus Schwab, Mr. World Economic Forum.

How’s that promise shaping up for us?

In Sri Lanka, ham-fisted government policies reminiscent of our own Green New Deal have exasperated the people beyond their means to tolerate it—booming inflation, shortages of food and other necessaries. They can’t stand it anymore; so they stormed the presidential palace and have chased their lunatic “president” out of the country. He was to have departed yesterday.

In the Netherlands the government’s goons are shooting at farmers who have been protesting equally insane new policies that will destroy their livelihoods. All in the service of Saving The Planet, dontcha know. There’s no indication that this mess will calm down anytime soon.

And in Canada, libs allied to the Trudeau Regime want the government to monitor “private communications” (which won’t be private anymore—so there!) so they can come down on anyone who has a difference of opinion with the rulers. Dissent in Canada has a new name: “misinformation.” We have not been told how they plan to control what is said in private communications. Will they steam open people’s letters? Create algorithms that will rat them out for any discouraging words posted on the social media? They’ll come up with something.

Is this whole world sliding into tyranny? Is freedom an endangered species?

Our Declaration of Independence, our country’s founding document, states that we “are endowed by [our] Creator with certain inalienable rights.” That means our rights are God-given and cannot and may not be sold or taken away from us. Not even by the government.

Oh, but they try! If they can’t buy our rights, they’ll use force. They’ll use fear—and chaos. Riots and all that. So they have the FBI spy on parents who don’t like what the teachers’ unions and race-baiting educators are “teaching” their children. Our national border is ruptured—on purpose. And the Biden Regime still has its sights set on establishing some kind of “Disinformation Governance Board” which would come down on anyone whose mind’s not right. It seems we don’t need no stinkin’ inalienable rights.

They want a world government, run by themselves, so passionately, they can taste it. And they don’t care who they have to hurt to get it.

As Plutarch observed some two thousand years ago, it’s not hard to impose a tyrannical regime on a city or a nation. The hard part is keeping it in being. He also remarked that tyranny is a nice lofty perch—but there’s no safe way down from it.

(And to think that all that King George III wanted was a stamp tax…)

They’ve thoroughly enjoyed subjecting us to mandates, lockdowns, an invasion of illegal immigrants, hysterical warnings of “insurrection,” Critical Race Theory, and transgender mania. Enjoyed every minute of it. This has to stop. If we can stop it with an election, good for us. But it does have to stop.

Let freedom ring! And when they try to stifle us… sing louder! And appeal to a righteous God who sets up nations and sets them down as He sees fit.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

America’s Ethicality, Morality and Decency Quotient Spiraling Into The Toilet

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 14, 2022

Have you noticed what’s happening across our country every time you read or watch a news broadcast?  Countless acts of cruelty, crime, and mayhem erupt in our cities from California to Boston.  Chicago to Miami.  Houston to Denver, et al.

Last night in Portland, Oregon, an 82 year old waited at a bus stop to be beaten to death by a four-time felon.

“Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt said the elderly men, Donald Pierce and Edward Lichenstein, were waiting for a bus at SW 5th Street and Hall when they were attacked.  Keffer J. White approached them, began to yell, made fun of them for being older and became more aggressive.

“’White headbutted Lichenstein and shoved him to the ground,’ the DA said. ‘Pierce, using a cane for balance, was pushed into the street and onto the ground where White kicked him in the head and face several times. Both men tried to get up and get away but, Schmidt said, ‘White continued his attack on both. Lichenstein died of his injuries.’”  (Source: CBS News, COIN News 6, Portland)

June 29, 2022, New York City, another lady pushing her child in a stroller suffered death from a black guy coming up from behind to shoot her in the back of the head.  Child instantly without a mother!

As reported in the previous column, 220 shooting deaths and 589 wounded during the 4th of July weekend…all in our big cities. Most of the shootings from minorities over turf, drugs, family quarrels, car jackings, and robberies.

Not to be left out, we’ve got a plethora of mass shootings at our elementary and high schools.  From Uvalde to Columbine to King Soopers in Boulder to the next killing event…and there will be another massacre somewhere in America.

Our big cities: war zones!  What else would you call that much killing?  Why can’t these people talk things over, talk things out, compromise, and then, choose to live?

While a bunch of useless politicians try to make January 6th something more than it was, they ignored the $2 billion in burning, looting and killings from the summer of 2021.  Why?  It didn’t fit their narrative.

We have attorney generals in Chicago like Kim Foxx, who is an affirmative-action law graduate and totally incompetent.  We’ve got AG Gascon in Los Angeles who is clearly corrupt. Oh, and don’t forget AG Alvin Bragg in NYC who doesn’t know a law book from a comic book—literally pushing felons back onto the streets within hours, what do you expect?

In San Francisco, street thieves rob cars on every block. They break windows and steal suitcases, cameras and anything of value.  You cannot leave your car parked on Fisherman’s Wharf because it WILL be broken and smashed when you return.  How did I know?  It happened to my wife and me last summer.

Yesterday, police discovered a homeless cave in San Jose, California with $100,000.00 in shoplifted goods.  Police arrested six homeless thieves.

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.  Another $52 billion in mercantile goods will be shoplifted out of American stores in 2022 just like $52 billion was shoplifted out of stores in 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018…etc.

We’re talking a LOT of stealing by a LOT of people.  They steal from grocery stores, clothing, sports, convenient stores, Home Depot, just about any store that doesn’t monitor who goes out the doors with what.  We’ve got immigrant gangs stealing in groups because that’s what they  did back in Somalia, Mexico, India, South Africa, Columbia, et al.

We’ve got inner-city (ghetto) kids stealing as a way of life.  They steal and deal drugs.  They steal and sell Air Jordan’s.  They steal anything they can find.

Last year, thieves stole $50,000.00  worth of goods from my brother’s and my farm in LeRoy, Michigan, population 500.  We worked hard all our lives for that gear, and in a few trailer loads, they were gone…never to be caught.  Where?  We bet all our gear made it to flea markets in Ohio or other states where there was not chance for us to catch them.

In a bodega this past week, an African-America multiple felon robbed and beat a convenient store clerk in NYC. Only this time, the clerk stabbed the felon, who ultimately died, and AG Bragg brought murder charges against the clerk.  If he had not defended himself, he would have been dead at the hands of the felon. You can see it on the video.

Our own president breaks our laws daily. He invites, houses, and transports illegal border jumpers to all part of the country.  He’s up to his ears in complicity with oil deals with his son Hunter who is a drug addict, sex addict and totally filthy human being.  Our own president invites drug cartels to move their drugs into our country to addict our children and kill 100,000 Americans annually. That’s President Joe Biden.  He’s a criminal. He’s a liar. He should be impeached.  He should be sent to an assisted living resort for senior citizen criminals suffering from dementia.

So, what does all that say about morality, ethics and decency  in America?

It means that we are losing the foundation of basic honesty, integrity, personal accountability and personal responsibility in America—in a growing percentage of our citizens…and non-citizens. It means we’re losing the basic tenants of bringing up our children to be responsible, honest and contributing adults in America.  It means that we all pay for that $52 billion in stolen goods annually.  It means that anyone of us can get killed by felons let back onto the streets.  It means we are importing crime, drugs and criminals as a way of life from other countries.

We cannot keep going forward into this lawless, defund the cops, future. We cannot become a lawless civilization. We’ll be no better than Somalia, Congo, Sudan, Mexico or Ethiopia.

What do we average Americans do to save ourselves?

  1. We need to vote AG’s, Mayors, Governors and top lawyers into positions to enforce our laws, period.  Give criminals big, fat, long jail sentences.
  2. We need TV ad campaigns showing criminals the jail times for petty shoplifting, carjacking, driving while drunk, stealing of any kind.  We’ll be happy to pay for their three squares and a cot. It would be a savings over losing $52 billion in shoplifting losses.
  3. We need to put the fear of God into every criminal by showing them on TV what they face in prison for every crime they might commit.
  4. Hire and pay police offers top salaries for serving the public. Make sure they have AG’s and the best support from their communities.
  5. Teach respect for law and order in schools.  Give sobering classes to students as to what it’s going to cost them to live a life of crime. And, what’s it like in prison.  Make them watch real-life videos of prison life.
  6. Especially show what it’s going to cost them to drink and drive. Loss of car, loss of license for 10 years, jail time, charges dramatically increased for insurance. Make it much worse for them to drink and drive. Same with drugs!  Same with texting. Make it really hurt to break our laws.
  7. Whatever it takes, short of public hangings, we need to enforce our laws to maintain a civil society.

Because if we don’t, this current nightmare will accelerate.  You want that?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

To the Ends of the Earth: Lost White Migrations and Civilizations, Part 2

By Sidney Secular

July 13, 2022


Up until recently, the origination and racial derivation of the culturally advanced civilization of the Anasazi and Hohokam peoples who lived in the American Southwest around 1,000 years ago were basically obscure but they were assumed to be just “Native American” tribes who were ancestors to the Hopi, Navaho and other pueblo Indian peoples who today reside in that area. The two peoples in question inhabited a large swath of the desert Southwest but their settlements were more or less were centered in the Four Corners region where Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado meet.

That these peoples were “Native Americans” in the accepted meaning of that term could not be further from the truth! Indeed, the folklore “history” of the resident “Indians/Native Americans” readily admit to that fact, acknowledging that the Anasazi and Hohokam were ancient enemies of their own people at a time when those civilizations were ending. As a matter of fact, the Native American populations were instrumental in destroying both cultures in a sort of precursor of the same fate of those “Indians” at the hands of the white man in the American west of the 1870s! What goes around, comes around, they say.

From what is known, the Anasazi and Hohokam peoples arrived seemingly out of nowhere, dominating their areas of settlement from just before 1,000 AD until approximately 1,250 AD. Racially, both peoples were white as indicated by the fact that a majority of both “tribes” were red-headed! This physical fact alone puts to rest any claim that they were “Native Americans!” Furthermore, both groups were far more advanced than their “native” neighbors, a fact that continues to feed the myth that Native Americans were at one time far more advanced since by arbitrary decree and definition all Pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas are deemed to be Native American – that is, Indian, a Mongoloid race of people.

Conventional archeologists just can’t seem to let go of their out-of-date paradigm that non-Native American advanced civilizations in North America could not have existed before Columbus arrived in the New World. They willingly acknowledge “Native American” civilizations such as the Aztec, Inca, Maya and Nazca,* all of whom are considered far advanced. But even in that acknowledgement there is more recent evidence of a much deeper understanding of astronomy and the cosmos – all of which was gained without the telescope and modern instrumentation. (*The Nazca Lines are a collection of giant geoglyphs—designs or motifs etched into the ground—located in the Peruvian coastal plain about 250 miles south of Lima, Peru. Created by the ancient Nazca Indians in South America and depicting various plants, animals, and geometric shapes, the 2,000-year-old Nazca Lines can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air [!] given their massive size. Despite being studied for over 80 years, these geoglyphs are still a mystery to researchers.

Some authors in the field such as Erich Von Däniken, believe that this “knowledge” was brought to Earth by “extra-terrestrials” in that historic period and that these civilizations were, in turn, consumed in the attempt to understand where they fit into the overall scheme of creation and to live in accordance with universal principles. Living in accordance with the natural order and conducting religious ceremonies to curry the favor of those whom they considered “the gods” was more important to these supposedly culturally “primitive” people than is the case with our present godless materialistic modern society! The Anasazi and Hohokam were fanatically (by our standards) consumed with such spiritually oriented practices and employed highly developed technologies to implement their visions in a practical manner that included advanced understandings of the use of herbs, natural cures, earth energies, trance-inducing plants, shamanism and esoteric practices usually associated with stone age peoples (like the Indians) but in addition were extremely competent agriculturalists with a knowledge of how to grow plentiful crops, introduce new crops where they had never grown in a particular area before, and conduct bio-engineering to create new varieties of food plants including the strain of blue corn we still consume today.

These people were not hunter-gatherers as were the great majority of those “Native Americans” who either moved from place to place following their food source or farmed on a far more primitive level. Both the Anasazi and Hohokam were able to make barren landscapes productive and had developed an urban style of structured settlements far more advanced than that of the Pueblo Indians who replaced them. They also developed extremely sophisticated canal and irrigation systems to fully utilize the precious and often sparse availability of water in their areas of settlement.

The Anasazi set up their main base of operations in the Chaco Canyon in Arizona. They created edifices of superb masonry known as “great houses,” lofty affairs sometimes five stories high with extensive horizontal additions over time that could add up to hundreds of rooms, all according to formalized floor plans. Finely plastered, high-ceiling rooms were organized into suites. These structures spread across the canyon floor in a leveled area two miles wide by nine miles long. For every twenty-nine rooms or so, a ceremonial pit known as a kiva was built. These were geometrically elegant features of plastered dry stone sunk up to fifteen feet into the ground. A bench was fashioned around the inside perimeter of the circular wall. Religious ceremonies and enactments were the primary focus of Anasazi life. A common theme of the enactments was the re-emergence of humanity after the Great Flood, an almost universal pre-occupation of ancient civilizations, which is also, of course, a major theme of our Bible.  Anasazi kivas are preserved amongst the remnants of the Anasazi cliff dwellings within Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. About 16% of the kivas investigated were integrated with underground temples called sipapus. The overall number of these temples is unknown.

At Yellowjacket Canyon, 400 kivas have been excavated, the largest of which is 81 feet in diameter. The Great Houses had walls of dressed sandstone blocks coated with a matrix of clay and mortar, then covered with layers of dried mud within which were inserted surfacing stones in distinctive patterns. The entire Great House complex was tastefully landscaped suggesting that the houses might not have been residences at all but just ceremonial centers on holy ground visited only on religious occasions! This interpretation is supported somewhat by what appear to be residential areas surrounding the Great Houses. The Chaco Canyon complex expanded over time to include 70 or more outlying towns and trading posts covering 25,000 square miles of the San Juan basin. The grandest of all the Great Houses is called Pueblo Bonito, or “Beautiful Village.” It has 5 stories covering 2 acres – 3 times the area of the White House in Washington, DC. and was about the size of the Roman coliseum, containing 800 spacious rooms. The walls were 3 feet thick to support the overall ceiling that weighed 90 tons!

There were no significant trash middens (piles) found in the area, something supporting the idea that the site was ceremonial rather than a housing structure. This belief is also supported by the presence of many kivas within the complex. These Great Houses are curiously D-shaped, apparently denoting part of a sacred architectural canon. Altogether, building all these “great houses” required 900 million stones and a quarter-million conifer trees – and their felling and transportation would not have been an easy affair. After having exhausted all the local stands by the mid-eleventh century, the ponderosa pine, spruce and fir required for construction would have had to come from mountain ranges up to 70 miles away. How this was accomplished was a great mystery made even greater by the fact that none of the lumber used bore a single mar or scratch mark on them! At the least, an extensive road system would have been required and speaking of road systems, Anasazi settlements were connected by six skillfully engineered systems covering 95,000 square miles. The lone surviving example, the Great North Road stretches from the San Juan River to Pueblo Alto where the massive turquoise processing and chert tool production sites were located. In one Great House alone, a pair of richly dressed adult human skeletons lay on a bed of 56,000 pieces of turquoise and other precious grave goods. In one kiva, archeologists removed a turquoise necklace that was 17 feet long!

Anasazi roads had a bed of caliche (hardpan), a natural cement that is still used today in the manufacture of Portland cement. Anasazi roads averaged 30 feet wide and were clearly defined at the edges by earthen beams or rock walls. Because of the type of ground over which they ran, the roads had no shoulders that might lead to a load of valuable material being overturned and thus damaged. Amazingly, the roads ran in unerringly straight lines oblivious to any obstacles in the way. Very large boulders that could not be removed were provided with steps or other means used to get over them while steep cliffs were simply bored through to avoid deviations or detours. While many today ponder how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, it would seem that a similar miracle took place in the American West by another “primitive” people.

Being a profoundly religious people, 70 mile-long spiritual pilgrimages were undertaken by large numbers of Anasazi through the worst of the New Mexican deserts. Neither were these haphazard but the pilgrims were provided with support by groups that included food suppliers, medical personnel, and guards. Participants engaged in prayer and meditation in these ancient worship practices in order to create a transcendental experience. Timing for these events was determined by celestial cycles and/or events that had a particular association with the pilgrimage. The Anasazi operated a form of pre-Internet information superhighway. Signal posts were set up at regular intervals along the entire network of roads and during daylight hours, data was passed from one relay station to the next with the use of polished obsidian mirrors. Obviously, this worked very well in the desert climate of the place!  At night, bonfires transmitted information. As noted, overcast skies and rain were infrequent and thus not a hindrance to the transmissions.

The full complexity of the Anasazi road system was not apparent until the year 2000 when the known data of the system was fed into high powered computers for analysis. Every land feature – roads, kivas, great houses, rivers, and even prominent geological structures were all deliberately aligned in a sort of sacred landscape. The alignments themselves reflected astronomical alignments with respect to the positions of the sun and moon at the solstices and equinoxes and other astronomical configurations and cycles. This type of activity in trying to align what goes on in the heavens to what is aligned on the earth seems to be a feature of all highly developed ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Mesopotamia, as well as the advanced Mesoamerican civilizations mentioned at the beginning of this article. Julius Evola, in his metaphysical writings, described these correspondences with the formula: “As above, so below.” Ceremonies observing these astronomical alignments and regularities were aimed at establishing a type of peaceful and proper correspondence between the human and natural worlds that would find favor with the gods.

Several engineering feats illustrate the Anasazi’s prodigious mechanical capabilities and the ability to carry out very large-scale operations. A spectacularly huge dam was found in New Mexico’s Animas Valley in 1892 measuring 5.5 miles across with provisions for the creation of a large reservoir. The structure was created from a mind-boggling 8 to 10 million cubic yards of material. As a means of comparison, Boulder Dam is only 1,244 feet across at the top meaning that it would take more than four dams the size of Boulder Dam to match the Animas Valley Dam. Another large scale water management project was the Weritos Dam near Pueblo Alto that created a reservoir to control storm water runoff. That project involved extraction of hundreds of thousands if not millions of tons of quartzite, a hard metamorphic rock beginning as pure quartz sandstone and converted into quartzite through heating and pressure usually related to tectonic compression. A huge complex of Anasazi quarries has been found about 125 miles north of Cheyenne, Wyoming. These vast projects were accomplished with strict adherence to existing guidelines that prevented the marring or polluting the local sites.

As well, Anasazi pottery methodology was in a class by itself compared to the more primitive techniques employed by the local Indians. All of this is beyond amazing since there is no evidence the Anasazi had a written language with the possible exception of the petroglyphs found on rocky surfaces near the cliff dwellings that they occupied during the latter part of their stay in the Southwest. From the civilization’s florescence around 1000 AD until its disappearance 140 years later, there is no indication that they had any recognized defensive measures in place. There were no warriors or walls or fortifications. Neither were there any slaves, prisons or poverty. Evidence of statecraft – that is, governing structure(s) or an existing bureaucracy is largely absent. It appears that when word spread among neighboring tribes that the Anasazi were turning a desert scrub wasteland into a paradise and needed laborers for their immense engineering projects, word spread and the other tribal people of the southwest migrated to Chaco Canyon to fill this need. Unfortunately, allowing these foreigners and non-whites to become integrated into their society was the Anasazi’s downfall. All great white civilizations have perished eventually when that occurred as we see in the West today. It is what doomed ancient Egypt, the Romans, the ancient Persians, the Anasazi and many others.

The Southwest’s climate turned more arid about 1150 AD and the drought was too severe to alleviate especially with the large numbers of people who had to be succored. When one adds the extended period of increased volcanism that consumed the region beginning at that time, the more primitive Indian cultures who had conceived of the Anasazi as gods then saw them as evil spirits who were destroying everything that they in fact had created. The consequences of the falling away of their past worshippers were terminal and the Anasazis paid for their elevated culture, lack of military preparedness and humane naivete with their extermination and the destruction of nearly all they had created so that today there is very little evidence that an advanced civilization ever occupied the region. More details on that eventuality anon.

There was another distinct but complimentary white people who settled a large area south of Chaco Canyon. These people had arrived simultaneously with the Anasazi and were named the Hohokam. Interestingly enough, the Hohokam had been allies of the Anasazi for many generations before they migrated together from South America. What distinguished the two peoples from one another was their fundamentally different approaches to agriculture.  The Anasazi were dry land farmers who relied on sufficient rainfall and upon their skills in building reservoirs for the distribution of water to crops. For a period of time matters worked out until, as we have seen, severe drought conditions led to their undoing. Meanwhile, the Hohokam who had settled in extremely dry southern Arizona were sophisticated hydraulic engineers who were able to utilize local river systems to create an amazing irrigation system which curled around to create a 1,000 mile long system of canals comparable in sophistication to anything extant today. To illustrate the size of these systems, had they been laid end to end they would have reached the Canadian border. With this system the Hohokam were able to create a twice annual growing season with a profusion and variety of crops where nothing comparable had grown before or since. Today, all these canals have been obliterated by urban development, modern farming, and the destruction wrought by the Indians. However, two of their canals have been preserved at the Pueblo Grande Museum and Agricultural Park in Phoenix, Arizona. Pueblo Grande (“Big Town”) was the Hohokam’s largest city. Today’s so-called experts, assuming the Hohokam were just another tribe of “Native Americans” assume that the Hohokam had no draft animals and that they would have had to dig through the hard sun-baked soil using hoes, axes, and digging sticks. If that were the case, it would have taken generations to construct their irrigation system. The Hohokam also developed an extensive salt mining system to preserve the superabundant quantities of produce they grew. The wealth produced by trading their prolific quantities of produce and salt allowed for extensive trading with the inhabitants of the Mississippi Valley and the Valley of Mexico (Mexico City area).

The Hohokam decorated their pottery with distinctive variations of the symbol of the swastika, a symbol used by many ancient civilizations to represent sun worship. Hohokam residential areas were comprised of clusters of homes opening on a common, open-air courtyard. Homes were fabricated to standardized measurements. They usually housed spacious workshops for arts and crafts activities, jewelry making, and weaving. Over ten local minerals including turquoise, amethyst and jade were used in these crafts and as a result, the Hohokam undertook extensive turquoise mining operations. They supplied the product in massive quantities to their Anasazi allies and exported it in large quantities to the Indians and to the rest of Latin America from Mexico to Chile. In other significant accomplishments, the Hohokam invented acid etching hundreds of years before it was independently developed in Renaissance Europe, that enabled the creation of remarkable works of art. They were also advanced metal smiths producing silver, copper and bronze bells.

The golden age of “white prehistory” (“white” American history supposedly began with Columbus) in the American Southwest lasted only 140 years. The glittering civilizations of the Anasazi and Hohokam attracted upwards of 250,000 Indians who invaded and inundated the developed area much as the “barbarians” invaded the Roman Empire from its edges. The Southwestern civilizations were very fragile since they were founded upon sophisticated technology and dried up when there wasn’t enough water to sustain the system due to severe and extended “climate change” – and, yes, this was the result of actual “climate change!” As their civilizations failed, the ignorant mass of Indians turned against them with a savagery beyond belief and destroyed those who had been their benefactors as well as nearly all the great creations of those civilizations.

Perhaps these great white cultures did not realize that their more primitive neighbors saw them as “divine” and so, when they failed, they suffered not just from the ordinary problem of “inter-tribal” hostility, but the consequences of blasphemy! For their former worshippers blamed the natural events on the very people they knew to be capable of creating “miracles.” Thus, the very people who had brought them wonders were now believed to be evil spirits that had to be destroyed in order to save what little could be saved. Violence raged through Chaco Canyon incinerating the Great Houses and many of their “elitist” occupants. The entire fabric of civilized life was torn apart. The remaining Anasazis and Hohokam understood that their formally successful experiments in advanced civilization on the Colorado Plateau had come to an end and organized evacuation was the only option. A trek of 400 miles south to the thriving commercial center of Paquimé in Mexico was considered, but they decided to employ a less risky strategy – retreat to higher elevations such as Mesa Verde and Canyon de Chelly where they could live free from fear of attack in unassailable cliff dwellings while protecting the farmers working the fields below. Defensively, stone towers of refuge constructed in the fields would afford immediate protection to those same farmers. For though none believed that the massive drought would last forever, yet the real question is why these advanced peoples believed that the Indian menace would cease or, in the alternative, could be overcome. However, not having any military tradition or training is a good indication these were peaceful people who suffered from a lack of understanding of the hostility of others as do many of today’s clueless liberals.

Nonetheless, they were not totally unthinking for besides the cliff dwellings, there were several other developments in their mountain strongholds that can be seen as the equivalent of today’s gated communities. But the strength of these strategies was a mirage as it took less than 40 years for the Indians to overcome them, one by one. The lack of any military background certainly facilitated their destruction. The Anasazi had one castle-like defensive fortification which is preserved today at Hovenweep National Monument in Utah. It is pointless to go into the gory details of how the “Native Americans” dealt their former benefactors! Simply put, these peaceful, intelligent, cultured people were killed, mutilated, and burned and all traces of their civilized cultures obliterated to the greatest extent possible. On the other hand, it does provide an interesting comparison to the howls of rage against the white man and his interaction with the Plains Indians in the 1870s when those Indians were seen purely as victims of the evil and greedy whites. It’s not that the claim was altogether wrong, but the matter was not nearly so one-sided. For by 1970, some 500 cannibalized skeletal remains had been assembled from forty Anasazi locations. And while some of these advanced people managed to escape to Mexico, at least 40,000 were savagely killed, the networks of roads they built destroyed and covered over and the temples built for their religious practices turned into banquet halls for cannibal feasts. Almost all traces of the engineering marvels built by the Anasazi and Hohokam have been buried by the sands in their former kingdoms.

The Anasazi and Hohokam were not native to the American Southwest. They had already developed their engineering and artistic skills when they were known as the Huari and the Moche peoples, prosperous pre-Inca civilizations in Peru. The time in which these people were forced to leave South America by their enemies in that place was coincidental with the sudden rise of the Anasazi and Hohokam peoples in the Southwest thus leading us to connect the groups. The Huari, Moche, Anasazi and Hohokam shared enough cultural traits to reveal their common roots.

Today, the Southwest continues to suffer from an extended drought and shrinking water reserves while nothing is being done about it. It can be properly asked is this a prelude to a scenario where the illegals and never-do-wells take over California despite the high tech Silicon Valley culture that rules it today? If that becomes the case, the parallels with the fate of the Anasazi and Hohokam are there for us to contemplate.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

If YOU Can’t be Trusted to Protect Your Own Child

By Lex Greene

July 13, 2022

Isn’t it ironic that it’s only the most critical questions of all, that are deemed politically incorrect to ask?

If YOU can’t be trusted to protect your own child, can you be trusted with anything else? If you have demonstrated no regard for human life at all, should any human anywhere trust you with their life? If you don’t believe in the most foundational Right to Life, what other Rights could you possibly believe in?

Allow me to continue…

Since none of the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines” can prevent catching CV19, prevent severe illness or death related to CV19, what is the purpose of the jab? Since more people have taken ill or died after the “vaccines” than from CV19 itself, should we still be forcing people to get the “vaccines?”

Since no amount of social distancing or mask wearing prevented CV19 from infecting people regardless of these measures, what is the purpose of these measures?

Since the 2020 elections violated State Election Laws in every State of the Union, how could the results of that unlawful election process, be lawful?

Why do you think democrats are on your side when it was Republicans who freed the slaves and advanced every Civil Rights law in the USA, while the democrat party fought against both, every step of the way?

Why do you think Republicans are “racist” when it’s democrats who started and operate the KKK, including the Senate hero for all democrats, Senator Robert KKK Byrd?

Now that Jeffrey Epstein’s key human pedophile trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted for these crimes, shouldn’t every JOHN who participated in the rape and abuse of these young girls also be prosecuted to the full extent of the law? Is it right for our federal government to protect the identity of these horrific pedophiles? Do you really think the news media doesn’t already have the real list of rapists and pedophiles?

Unless we ask the right questions, we will never get the right answers… shall I continue?

Why do you believe that conservatives or republicans are “warmongers” when history shows us that it has been democrats who started nearly every war since our nation’s founding?

Why should anyone believe in socialism and communism when both have failed everywhere they have ever been tried?

If socialism is such a great idea, why are people from socialist countries invading our southern border to escape it, and why has the USA sent foreign aid to all socialist countries for decades? Has any foreign nation ever sent aid to the USA because capitalism failed?

Why do we fight amongst ourselves when our government is the common enemy of us all, constantly working around the clock to divide our people beyond repair? Have you never heard of “divide and conquer?”

If Trump was to blame for everything that happened during his four year tenure, why isn’t Biden to blame for everything that has happened during his tenure?

88% of people recently polled in the USA agree that the USA is on the wrong track and headed for total collapse, and they are right. But do you expect this reality to change how they vote in November? Shouldn’t it?

If democrats make better government leaders, why are all of the worst, most deadly, most corrupt cities in the USA, all run by democrats?

Do you really think the same party that has already destroyed every major city in the USA, can somehow make all of America anything better?

Do you really expect people who refuse to even protect the lives of their own children, to protect you or your loved ones?

How much have you been lied too? How long have you been lied to? We have all been lied to, repeatedly, for many years. Are we now no longer able to discern truth from lies?

If you don’t trust politicians, lawyers, judges, news media, doctors, or scientists, why do you place your faith in man at all? Our Founders knew better, why don’t you?

Do you even grasp the difference between inalienable Natural Rights of every human being vs. negotiable privileges temporarily granted by some government official, usually to benefit their own power and wealth?

Everyone and their cousin is trying to tell you what to think and what to do, from politicians to judges, news anchors to social media addicts. Instead, I’m desperately trying to get you to think. I want to know what YOU think this time.

Instead of telling you what I think and why I think it, which I have done many times for many years, I’m asking you the most critical questions of the era and hoping you will take the time to answer these most critical questions.

I look forward to your answers… WRITE ME AT:

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Bloodguiltiness: It Isn’t Over Yet- There Will Be Recompense On The Heads Of The Guilty

By Bradlee Dean

July 13, 2022

“Let justice be done though the heavens fall.” –The Maxim signifies the belief that justice must be realized regardless of consequences.

Blood Guiltiness: The guilt or crime of shedding blood.

After the Roe vs Wade decision made by the Supreme Court of the United States came down, it was interesting to see the ignorance displayed by the American people (Hosea 4:6).

It was almost, as if to suggest, it was ever legal to murder their own baby in the first place.

The government in this country has no business whatsoever giving permission to the people, under the guise of “choice,” to murder the fruit of their wombs. It is the government’s purpose to condemn such an act, not to advocate for it (Proverbs 17:15).

What is more disturbing than this is when the American people somehow saw it their way to advocate the murder of the innocent in the first place especially, when it comes to those who pretend to be what they clearly are not (Titus 1:16; 1 John 2:4)!

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Some might say, Well, I didn’t have an abortion.”  I respond with 63 million babies have been murdered since 1973.  I have to ask you, where have you been?

Maybe you have forgotten that you are your brother’s keeper.

Simply put, if you are not standing against it, then you are guilty of it! Their blood is on your hands (Proverbs 6:17).

One professor posted an arrogantly, flippant statement: “Prayers heard,” as if that was enough. “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26).

Friends, Scripture tells us: “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination” (Proverbs 28:9).

God’s law states, “Thou shalt not murder” (Exodus 20:13), and if these biblically ignorant ones understood what this meant, they would have understood that the Lord does not hear their prayers.  Why, you may ask?  They did not enforce the law against those who were doing the murdering (Deuteronomy 19;19). In other words, these bystanders were made accomplices of the crimes that were being committed.

Another woman went on and said, “Praise God, the curse has been removed.” Once again, this comes from an individual who has not taken the time to search the Scriptures to know the heart of God (2 Timothy 2:15). Friends, I am here to tell you that there will be recompense bestowed on this nation for every single drop of innocent blood that has been shed… every drop (Nahum 1:13).

Their blood cries from the ground.

Genesis 4:10: “…the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.”

“Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.”
-Genesis 9:6

Numbers 35:33 also tells us: “So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.”

Also, read 2 Samuel 21:9, 2 Kings 21, Galatians 6:7, etc.

In conclusion: This woman making unbiblical posts in response to me calling her out, even went on to say that what I am saying only applies to the wicked.

I, of course, responded that the wicked, as defined in Websters 1828 Dictionary, are those that have deviated from the divine law (Exodus 20), and you know who that is (Jeremiah 5:28).

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Being BlackRocked = Being Cancelled by a Global Public Private Partnership

by Kathleen Marquardt

July 12, 2022

While most of us thought that we had a government of the people, by the people and for the people, we do not and have not had one for many decades. The transformation has been in the works for over 100 years, but the final weapon to take us to a one-world government was the two-part President’s Council on Sustainable Development/National Partnership for Reinventing Government. The first part embedded Agenda 21 into even the most minor areas of government — from federal to Podunkville. The second, while we heard even less about it, is the dangerous “focus on leading a fundamental culture change in the government”, that transfers(ed) power from Congress to the bureaucracy; from representatives of the people to unelected bodies (and thus we have no ability to oust them) who “ultimately control international finance, all corporate & business activity, government policy, and international relations.” And thus, they “have constructed a system that will enable them to seize the “global commons (ed: control of the entire world). ”[1]

This transfer of power “destroyed the check and balances in the Constitution at the local level, and therefore destroy(ed) representative government. This power shift is a philosophical shift to a completely new form of government. It is a merger between government, corporations, and non-governmental organizations.[2] This established Public/Private Partnerships (PPP) to become the new nucleus of the government. The Preamble to the Earth Summit/Agenda 21, stated flat-out that Public Private Partnerships were the future. And the Earth Summit/Agenda 21, p. 15 tells us that “Government, business and industry, including transnational corporations, strengthen partnerships to implement the principles and criteria for sustainable development.”

Now that 30-some years have passed since the Globalists began putting this into effect, we are seeing the results – and they are hideous and overwhelming. The PPPs have morphed into one Global Public/Private Partnership (GPPP), too big to fail — they hope. The term “too big to fail” is used to describe a company that’s “so entwined in the global economy that its failure would be catastrophic” If it doesn’t fail, it will be the end of civilization on this earth. But it will fail. There are too many power-hungry maniacs running things; there will be fights on who’s “king of the mountain”, who’s in charge today. When it fails, it will still be an ugly and dangerous world, but not one in which tyrants will be in control of every area of our lives. But let’s look at what the GPPP is now.

The Global Public/Private Partnership is a network of the world’s stakeholder capitalists. What is stakeholder capitalism? It is the notion that “a firm focuses on meeting the needs of all its stakeholders: customers, employees, partners, the community, and society as a whole”. Dream on. You and I, and the customers, employees, the community, and society as a whole (if that were even possible), are not, and never will be, stakeholders. The stakeholders are those rich men and women, those who run the central banks and a few government leaders. No ordinary people allowed! Think about it; it is impossible to meet the needs of all its stakeholders that they list – unless those stakeholders are told what they want, i.e., “you will own nothing and be happy”. That is the only way this can work; there are too many competing interests with that large a sphere of categories to cater to.

The stakeholders of the GPPP are global corporations, central banks, governments, billionaire foundations, think-tanks, major academic and scientific institutions, non-governmental organizations, and even labor unions. What entity did they leave out? Uh, we citizens. We will have no say (not that we have much now). Not that the governments that are considered their stakeholder partners have any say either. If you look at the U.S., you can see that the government bureaucrats hold all the power of Congress; while the executive branch is controlling those entities, the Globalists (with the Deep State) are controlling the executive.

Free-market capitalism has been dominant in the Western world since the breakup of feudalism, in which most means of production are privately owned, production is guided, and income is distributed largely through the operation of markets. And history shows that free-market capitalism has been the best economic system ever yet devised. We have not been living under a free-market system for decades; it has been gradually morphed into what we have today, a corrupted, manipulated, and controlled mess with no central structure and a monetary system with nothing to back it. And most or all of the world’s economic systems are on the verge of collapse. A planned collapse so the GPPP can step in and take over. “Since the creation of the US Federal Reserve over a century ago, every major financial market collapse has been deliberately triggered for political motives by the central bank. . .. today the US Fed is acting with its interest rate weapon (another tool of asymmetrical warfare) what is the greatest speculative financial bubble in human history, a bubble it created) [3]. All to create globalism.

Right now, we are dealing with severe land-use and housing regulations that are forcing people into cities (now called human habitats – as opposed to the rural areas which are to become part of the animal habitat). Single-family homes are considered damaging for the environment (see Sustainable by Tom DeWeese) so people need to be urged (driven) out of them and into Stack-n-Pack housing (see The Ideal Communist City). [4] Calling suburbia “sprawl” to denigrate big yards and neighborhoods with yards, barbeques, and lots of kids running around, is another tool of asymmetrical warfare. But many, if not most, of those living in suburbia in their single-family homes are middle class; the backbone of America building on the American Dream. Those desiring to own a home are finding fewer available, so they are losing a chance to build equity. Economic freedom is at stake, and with it free-market capitalism – a cornerstone of American liberty.

Now, let’s look at probably the most dangerous Global Public Private Partner, BlackRock. It is the world’s single most powerful financial institution with assets now at 9.6 trillion dollars. As Tucker Carlson said, “… that fact gives the CEO, Larry Fink, unparalleled control over the U.S. economy”. Not a pleasant thought that one person has so much power. BlackRock advises central banks and has connections with state leaders of the world. Apple and Microsoft are just two of their investments. BlackRock established a new investment fund in China; the first owned entirely by a foreign firm. Chinese investors have put a billion dollars into it. It has already attracted over 111,000 investors.

But I want to focus on BlackRock’s investing here in the U.S. – pensions and property. Re pensions: Consumers’ Research is warning that BlackRock is taking pension funds that are invested through BlackRock and putting that money into investments in China. As Consumers’ Research states, “What we’ve seen is that while BlackRock is virtue signaling[5] in the U.S., they’re aiding our adversaries with American pension dollars.” They also list the ten states whose “public pension funds are most deeply invested in Blackrock: Washington, Florida, New York, Nevada, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Montana, and West Virginia.”

What about property? We at American Policy Center have been writing and speaking for years about how the world’s bureaucrats have been making laws, regulations, rules, and reinventing governments to establish Agenda 21 through the U.N., World Economic Forum (WEF), and the GPPP. One of the many outcomes of a completed Agenda21/2030 world would be “no private property”.

The federal government (i.e., Deep State and Globalists running D.C.) incentivized Wall Street to get into the housing market. “In early 2012, it launched a pilot program that allowed private investors to easily purchase foreclosed homes by the hundreds from the government agency Fannie Mae. These new owners would then rent out the homes, creating more housing in areas heavily hit by foreclosures.” [1]

Sounds great; government has the answer. Wait. The renters of these single-family homes have discovered that a big, deep-pocket company as landlord isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And the companies are finding out that, while they may consider these homes are, basically, cookie cutter homes and the tenants are cookie cutter tenants, life may work that way in technocracy, but it doesn’t in real life. But the tenants are the ones paying for the glitches. (See the Atlantic article on Wall Street landlords. [6] That was last year; then BlackRock was a minor figure in real estate.

BlackRock is now aiming to become one of the largest landlords in the U.S.; they already own $34 billion in real estate here. And more than half of our country’s properties are owned by institutional investors (BlackRock and other stakeholders of the GPPP). According to the New York Times, BlackRock is buying every single-family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding usual home buyers.” (And before you ask, BlackRock is connected to Black Stone, but that is another story.)

BlackRock and one of the other GPPPs are also “. . . taking over centralized food production technologies and will have near-total control over the future food supply in America”. [7] They also largely own the world’s top ten food companies. And owner, Larry Fink, says it is time to force people’s behavior to change. What behavior is that? Where we live, what we eat, if we procreate? Those are the general Agenda21/GPPP/Great Reset points. To “build back better” in Marxism means to destroy everything of moral value and individual freedom and leave a rotten, fallow, world behind. Marxism cannot build back anything; it is built on the Hegelian Dialectic which tears down step after step – with no reconstruction. So, according to the GPPP, building back better means taking full control of the global commons. The global commons used to mean “those parts of the planet that fall outside national jurisdictions and to which all nations have access”. Now they mean “and all the other parts of the planet, too”.

Will they succeed? In my opinion, no. They have rushed their plan in attempt to complete it – it being Agenda 21 and one-world government – by 2030, rather than their 2050 initial date. There are other factors that will undo them, including that no matter how big your computer, you cannot factor in every variable necessary to build that tyrannical rule. In fact, there are schisms amongst the players right now. And the biggie – we Americans who still have functioning brains and moral compasses are not ready to be serfs or be composted for fertilizer.

We will prevail, but because so many waited so long to wake up, it will be an ugly, dystopian world because the “building back better” only builds, at best, brownfields.

Being BlackRocked is a dream of the GPPP and a “nightmare of all nightmares” for sane, rational, moral people.

The Lion may be battered and bruised, but he will still Roar.

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:



[1] Iain Davis, “Seizing Everything: the Theft of the Global Commons, Pt. I

[2] Joan Veon, The United Nations’ Global Straitjacket, p. 88



[5] Real Clear energy: Virtue signaling is defined as the act of publicly expressing opinions in order to demonstrate that you are a good person. However, this has become muddied with placing more importance on the appearance of moral correctness, than the correctness itself.



The Great Reset is Communism’s Final Solution

By Kelleigh Nelson

July 12, 2022

We will see how contact tracing has an unequalled capacity and a quasi-essential place in the armory needed to combat COVID-19, while at the same time being positioned to become an enabler of mass surveillance. —Klaus Schwab,  Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum

The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property. —Karl Marx

I consider that the Communist Party of the United States is one of the few Communist Parties to which history has given decisive tasks from the point of view of revolutionary movement.  You must forge real revolutionary cadres and leaders of the proletariat, who will be capable of leading millions of American workers toward the revolutionary class wars.  —Joseph Stalin in his speech to the American Communist delegation in Moscow, May 6, 1929

The 19th Century Victorian scholar of freedom, Lord Acton, made it plain to the people when he said, “Socialism is slavery.”  It is also starvation and death.

Terror By Starvation” is Charles Scaliger’s latest article in the June 13th issue of the New American Magazine.  He states, “The practice of deliberate starvation as a tool of war and oppression was fine-tuned by communists in the 20th Century.”

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the pseudonym Lenin, died on the 21st of January 1924, having killed an estimated 3 million of his people and that’s beyond the six million who died in the civil war with the Marxists gaining power. He had built a totalitarian horror, and it fell to a monster after his death.

The communist state took the place of God. Under the rhetoric of liberation, Lenin’s Red Terror plundered the rural middle class, known as Kulaks, and when they resisted, it slaughtered.  The confiscation and redistribution of grains from Kulaks in Ukraine and Russia led to starvation on an epic scale.  The urban middle classes in general, and free-thinkers in particular, suffered a similar fate.

Other mass murderers followed Lenin.  Stalin, who through mass starvation murdered at least 20 million, and Chairman Mao, most prominent among them, who starved at least 45 million Chinese.  Scaliger writes, “Mao Tse-tung’s Great Leap Forward, which resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese, primarily by starvation, was a deliberate imitation of Stalin’s Great Turn.”

Millions upon millions died of starvation when communism’s collectivism took over farms, production and ultimately property. By the time the Soviet Union collapsed the engineered famines and sweeping purges of Lenin and Stalin had murdered from 40 to 60 million, probably even more.

Remember the truckers of Canada and now the farmers of the Netherlands.  We’re seeing the beginning “tools of oppression” ultimately leading once again to mass starvation.  It was the key in the 20th Century and it’s now the 21st Century plan for the entire world and it started long, long ago.

Communists Emigrate to America

In previous articles, I’ve mentioned the 48ers, European communists who emigrated to America in 1848.  The 48ers left Europe after a series of revolutions, including Germany where Marx and his colleagues worked and fought.  Bourgeois liberals and communists fled their countries and emigrated to various countries across the world, including the United States.  The 48ers played a large roll in American leftist movements in the middle and late 1800s.

But they weren’t the first communists to come to the US.  There is a tradition of socialism and communism in the United States tracing back almost to the very origins of the movements and much further back than many of the things we consider “American” today.  Matthew Britt, author of The First Communists in the United States writes, “Only a selective reading of American history will tell you that socialism and communism don’t have a place in America’s history or society today.”

Not long after America’s founding, members of the first Marxist organization known as the Communist League moved to the states to avoid political persecution in Europe.  Robert Owen, a socialist from Wales, emigrated to America in 1824.

Owen created the Utopian Socialist Society of New Harmony, Indiana in 1825.  He tested some of his writings and speeches in both Scotland and Indiana and his experiments were very influential on Marx, Engels, and other socialists and communists at the time and later on. This led to Owen being mentioned in the Communist Manifesto and would lead to the creation of other utopian societies around the country.

Robert Owen’s influence reached key members of society.  In February and March of 1825, Owen gave two speeches to Congress when figures such as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and others were present.  Wouldn’t you love to know what our early presidents and founders thought of Owen’s speeches!

One of Owen’s sons later became a member of Congress from Indiana. Robert Dale Owen was a Democrat steeped in his father’s utopian socialism.  Later in life, he was into spiritualism as were President Lincoln and his wife, Mary.

Many of the early American communists were figures in history and have been mentioned in numerous books and articles.  Let’s take a look at just a few of the many.

Edward Bellamy, born in 1850 in Massachusetts, was another latter 19th century utopian socialist.  His claim to fame was his best-selling book, Looking Backward.  His book, still popular today, is nothing more than a socialist polemic promoting a communist society for America.  Charles Beard and John Dewey (the famous Dewey of progressive/leftist education, no relation to the John Dewey of the decimal system) considered Bellamy’s book to be the second most important book of the 19th century.  The book cited by Beard and Dewey as the most influential book of the 19th century was Marx and Engels’ Das Capital.

On page 16 of Crimes of the Educators by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman, the authors state, “Even after the rise of Hitler’s National Socialism in Germany and the Marxist-Leninist communism in Russia, Dewey still clung to Bellamy’s vision of socialist America.”  On page 17 of Crimes of the Educators, the authors write, “Dewey, who spent his professional life trying to transform Bellamy’s fantasy into American reality, is responsible for the dysfunctional public education we have today—a minimal interest in the development of intellectual, scientific, and literacy skills, and a maximal effort to produce socialized, politically correct individuals who can barely read.”

Education was a massive target of the early communists.

Francis Bellamy was the socialist minister cousin of Edward Bellamy and the original author of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Francis believed the Civil War was the defining event in American history and desired a pledge that would reinforce the meaning of the North’s victory over the south, (and the centralized federal government).  On page 292 of Lincoln’s Marxists, the author Al Benson Jr. and Walter Donald Kennedy write, “His pledge was designed to incorporate into the mind-set of all Americans the views of Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Webster, and the radical abolitionists, who he believed held the correct view of what America should be.” (One nation, indivisible.)

Joseph Weydemeyer was one of the first major figures to arrive as a forty-eighter.  He was part of the League of Communists and headed its Frankfurt chapter before moving to the US.  Prior to emigrating, Weydemeyer participated in the 1848 revolution and was a close friend of Marx and Engels.  In 1852, Weydemeyer founded the first Marxist organization in the US called the American Workers League.

In 1860, he became involved in the campaign to elect Abraham Lincoln.  Weydemeyer joined the army soon after Lincoln was elected, and during the Civil War, he led volunteer units from Missouri. With his socialist faith in strong central government, he was an avid supporter of the Union cause.

Marx even wrote a letter to Lincoln on behalf of the International Workingmen’s Association congratulating him on his second electoral victory, which you can read here.

Weydemeyer stayed politically active, which continued after the end of the war, even handing out copies of Marx’s Inaugural Address of the International Working Men’s Association to troops under his command. In his post-war career, he was elected as a county auditor in Missouri.

August Willich was a Brigadier General in the Union Army and was often referred to as “the Reddest of the Red 48ers.”  He fought in the 1848 Revolution in Germany and Friedrich Engels was his aide-de-camp, which is basically the highest-level personal aide.  Marx called Willich a “communist with a heart,” even though Willich had publicly insulted him and called him too conservative. Willich was actually more “radical” than Marx, and was part of the opposition group against Marx when the Communist League split. He wasn’t fond of Lincoln’s close ties with big-business interests, but he still supported the Republican Party and the Union’s war efforts against the South.

William Tecumseh Sherman – On page 296 of Al Benson Jr. and Walter Donald Kennedy’s book, Lincoln’s Marxists, is the following:

While doing research for this book, the author came across Sherman’s name in a list of “approved” socialists/communists in America.  The press of the Communist Party of the United States published the book from which this name, as well as the names of other leading socialists/communists, was taken.  The editor of this communist book noted that Sherman was an “outstanding” general of the Union Army.  It should be noted that the co-founder of modern-day communism, Fredrick Engels, also held this opinion.  Both Gen. William Sherman and Sen. John Sherman, his brother, believed in a strong, indivisible, central government.

General William Tecumseh Sherman’s Union “Army of the West” marched from Atlanta, Ga., to the seaport of Savannah. Enroute, Sherman’s forces intentionally devastated a 60-mile-wide swath of countryside.  Sherman’s March to the Sea was a hideous five-week destruction of “total war.” Sherman’s engineers and foraging “bummers” — were scorched-earth devils, burning Atlanta and then plundering the countryside.

Sherman’s order was clear: Thoroughly destroy every building and every piece of equipment that might be militarily valuable.  Lincoln’s army, especially those under the command of Sherman, left a swath of destruction.  Congressman Zachariah Chandler said this about the rights of Southerners, “A rebel has sacrificed all his rights.  He has no right to life, liberty, property, or the pursuit of happiness.  Everything you give him, even life itself, is a boon which he has forfeited.” (Congressional Globe, 37th Congress, 1st sess.)

Horrors were visited on the civilian population of the South, even upon women and children; mass starvation, pillaging of homes and churches, rapes of both white and black, yes, raped and murdered, thousands of citizens, both white and black, left homeless and forced to forage for whatever morsel of food they could find in the rubble left desolate after the slaughter.  Destruction of all means of production, even of medicines and medical supplies, cemeteries were looted, colleges and libraries were obliterated, a massive blight on the land and her people.

Sherman, upon hearing in 1864 that continued attacks on his army were being conducted by Southern partisans, said this, “There is a class of people (Southerners) men, women and children, who must be killed or banished before you can hope for peace and order.”  Sherman wasn’t the only one, Grant was in on the murder of non-combatants.  Grant stated, “It is our duty to weaken the enemy by destroying their means of subsistence, withdrawing their means of cultivating their fields, and every other way possible.”  And it was an order from on high, Lincoln did not dissuade his Union Army from these atrocities on Southern Americans.

With the blessing of President Abraham Lincoln, General Sherman and his 62,000
battle-hardened Union troops fulfilled his promise, raping, pillaging and burning their way through South Carolina and Georgia.

General Henry Halleck, Army Chief of Staff wrote to General Grant the order to annihilate the south, “…make all the valley south of the Baltimore and Ohio road a desert.”

Sherman obliterated the ability for men, women and children, and the elderly and infirm to sustain life.  One need only search, “The War Crimes of William T. Sherman.”

Sherman didn’t retire after the war.  He took his “scorched earth” tactics to the American Indians and wiped out their food supply.  In the late 1860s and early 1870s, nearly every Buffalo herd of the plains was slaughtered by Sherman and his men.  In an 1867 letter to Grant, Sherman referred to his policy against the native Americans as “the final solution to the Indian problem,” the same sentence Hitler said some 70 years later.

Nationwide Infiltration

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn the American people that communists had infiltrated every branch and department of government, and society.

Hollywood romanticized communism by promoting “world peace” in the 1933 movie, Gabriel Over the White House.  The movie was a promotion for the 1945 United Nations Charter and was funded by William Randolph Hearst.

The pulpits of America were slowly infiltrated with black churches being the first targets for subversion.

But the real quarry was education.

As Lenin stated so long ago, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

John Dewey’s plan to dumb down America was launched in 1898 and today it is alive, well, and flourishing with communist propaganda. Academic education is gone, a collective utopia runs in the veins of every public school and most private and religious schools. Dewey has destroyed the literacy of millions upon millions of American children, most of whom have attained only a third-grade level of reading.  Phonics is long gone, English literature is a thing of the past, simple math has become a nightmare.

Dr. Theodore Brameld, an avowed communist, was professor of education at New York University and right-hand man of Dean Ernest 0. Melby. Dean Melby was perhaps the most conspicuous champion of progressive education, and also was most vocal in his criticism of any investigation of subversion in education.

The Turning of the Tides by Paul W. Shafer and John Howland Snow was first published in 1953.  It is an expose of the destruction of academic education in America by the communists.  On Page 47, the authors expose Dr. Brameld’s device for circumventing opposition via slyness and outright deception.

In 1935, Brameld said, “Teachers favorable to the collectivist philosophy and program must influence their students, subtly, if necessary, frankly, if possible, toward acceptance of the same position.”   

It is the method referred to in the May 1937 issue of The Communist: Only when teachers have really mastered Marxism-Leninism will they be able skillfully to inject it into their teaching at the least risk of exposure, and at the same time to conduct struggles around the schools in a truly Bolshevik manner.

They trained the teachers.  And we willingly gave them our children!

Homeschool your babies and grandbabies!


The tentacles of socialism/communism are deeply ensconced in our culture, but the Great Reset is nothing new.  It has been around from the beginning of time, the desire of man to eliminate opposition and subjugate survivors into slavery.  It’s the same serpent from the Garden and his fallen minions.  The Great Reset may be communism’s final solution, but an all-powerful Creator is still in control.

We’ve recently seen breathtaking answers to prayer.  We must keep working in our local communities, keep praying, and as my friend Roger Anghis says, “God has everything in control.  It’s time to get the popcorn.”

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

It’s Trump Versus Obama/Biden/Hogan in Maryland

By Cliff Kincaid

July 12, 2022

In the deep blue state of Maryland, as primary elections approach, an anti-Trump Republican governor, Larry Hogan, is attempting to curry more favor with Democrats by passing the baton to Kelly Schulz, another liberal anti-Trump Republican regarded as the RINO-anointed heir to Hogan. Hogan, considered a major RINO, is term-limited. On the other hand, the Democrats are offering what some observers are calling “another Obama,” a black advocate of marijuana legalization by the name of Wes Moore.

Attempting to disrupt this pitiful choice is the Trump-endorsed state Delegate Dan Cox, running in the Republican primary against Schulz on July 19.  If he can win Maryland, Trump-backed candidates can win anywhere.

Maryland is an example of what’s happening nationally – Democrats and RINOs are teaming up to defeat and destroy Trump Republicans.

Kelly Schulz is running commercials on Fox News claiming that she is a conservative candidate for Governor in Maryland. But on her website she touts her endorsement from the liberal Washington Post. The paper, a long-time voice of the national Democratic Party and the Deep State, claims Schulz’ win in the primary on July 19 against conservative Dan Cox would make Maryland into “a vibrant two-party system” when she has backed out of several debates with Cox because she knows her views are unpopular with conservatives.

But she has RINO money, just like Liz Cheney.

The real story, which should be of interest to Fox viewers, is that some “Republicans” such as Schulz and Hogan are working to destroy the Trump movement in the party. What’s more, Maryland Democrats have intervened in the race, running commercials and producing fliers claiming that “Dangerous Dan Cox is Too Conservative for Maryland.” Schulz claims those efforts are meant to elect Cox, not defeat him.

Sounding like Liz Cheney attacking Trump, Schulz has accused Cox of being “QAnon” and a “fringe” candidate because he dares question Biden’s election.

In fact, however, Cox was not alone in calling for election integrity. Thousands of people from his home state of Maryland attended the January 6, 2021, rally to protest Biden’s “election.” A leader of the Frederick County (Maryland) Conservative Club, Seth Eisenberg, reported that members filled 3 buses and headed to Washington D.C. to exercise their first amendment rights. “No other club in Frederick has ever accomplished getting that many people together to attend a rally in DC before,” he said.

None participated in any violence.

But after he posted a video of the crowd, on January 8, “I woke up to find an official Facebook notice calling the video a ‘violation of community standards on dangerous individuals and organizations.’”

A similar thing happened to me, but in much bigger form, as YouTube terminated my channel, with 500 videos, because I questioned the legitimacy of the Biden and Obama presidencies.

I don’t take positions in political contests, being a journalist, but I covered a recent Cox for governor rally and saw no evidence of “QAnon or “conspiracy” theories. What I found was a group of over 500 people concerned about their rights, the miseducation of their children in Maryland schools, and high crime in the cities.

Cox, a State Delegate who is backed by former President Trump, has been relentlessly attacked by liberal elements in the Maryland Republican Party and the liberal Big Media.

“Kelly Schulz has five times the cash I do, and has paid her team around $800,000 in salaries, has spent $1.3 million at least on negative ads against me, and yet our campaign for Freedom is beating her,” says Cox, who is leading in the polls.

Showing his backbone, Cox, a state delegate, had filed impeachment charges against Hogan himself over the governor’s handling of Covid-19 and related matters. He demonstrated that he will hold both political parties “accountable” for the mess we’re in.

Having introduced a parental rights bill in the state legislature, Cox is also standing up for the fundamental rights of parents to direct their child’s medical needs, education, religion and family morals.

During Covid, Hogan closed down churches and left pot shops open. Indeed, “medical cannabis growers, processors, and dispensaries” were considered public heath establishments.

Like many states, Maryland is home to a booming “medical marijuana” industry that developed under Hogan and Schulz. Yet, on marijuana legalization, Schulz said “she doesn’t yet have a policy position,” one report indicated. Cox is opposed.

Like many areas of the nation, drug use in Maryland is out of control, thanks in part to the increasing availability of marijuana, domestically grown and imported from Mexico by the cartels.

Under RINO Governor Larry Hogan, Maryland’s medical cannabis industry has hit $600 million in revenue. Marijuana can trigger paranoia and violence and primes the brain for opioid addiction. A “Review of Cases of Marijuana and Violence” exposed the danger in all of this, finding numerous cases of marijuana linked to violence and mass murder.

On May 24, 2022, Salvador Ramos fatally shot nineteen students and two teachers and wounded seventeen others at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Earlier that day, the perpetrator shot his grandmother in the face, severely wounding her. It appears he was another mass murderer who used pot. He said he hated his mother and grandmother who restricted his marijuana use.

Robert “Bobby” Crimo, who killed seven people and wounded more than 40 in a July 4th parade, was described by friends as an “isolated stoner” into “alternate reality.” Police reports document his drug use, including marijuana.

RINO Governor Hogan went so far as to direct his Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs (GOMA) to initiate a “disparity study” of Maryland’s “regulated medical cannabis industry,” in order to identify and ensure “appropriate opportunities for minority participation.”

In other words, rather than save blacks from this drug scourge, he wants some blacks to make money by getting other blacks hooked on the dope.

On the Democratic Party side, Wes Moore, who leads the fundraising pack, wants to go further, advocating full-blown legalization. This would be payback to Green Thumb Industries, one of the largest marijuana companies in the world, on whose board he served. However, he has to win the Democratic Party nomination on July 19 and is competing against nine other Democrats.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has endorsed him, even though questions have been raised about Moore’s claims regarding his own military service and background.

“I’m inspired by the leadership of President Obama and President Biden and forever grateful for their service to our country,” says Moore.

This is Maryland’s future, unless Dan Cox can vanquish Kelly Schulz on July 19 and then defeat the Democrats in November.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Illegals Invasion: Sheriff Says Enough

By: Devvy

July 11, 2022

The open border invasion – because that’s EXACTLY what’s been going on for decades -continues destroying this country as I thoroughly covered in my column, Illegal Aliens Stealing Our Jobs, Food, Housing, Water, Clogging the Courts & Health Care System, June 20, 2022.  Illegals are counted in the census (despite Trump’s efforts to stop it) so they can get a chunk of YOUR paycheck.

The minute illegitimate president and life-long crook, Joe Biden, was sworn into office, border governors should have immediately declared the hordes an invasion and put the National Guard – armed – on the border.  At hot spots and the Rio Grande.  Do not try to step on U.S. soil.  Turn around and go back to Mexico and let them deal with you.

In AZ, where I have been on the border and seen the destruction myself, our brave Border Patrol know the established runs and paths used by illegals, coyotes and the drug cartel.  Same for Texas.  Forget California. My beautiful home state wrecked by freeloaders, leeches and criminals will now get free healthcare paid for by California taxpayers, many who can barely afford their own health care premiums or are going without.  Violation of federal immigration laws about aiding and abetting but California has become nothing but a lawless free-for-all thanks to their legislature and governor Gavin Newsom:  California Gives Free Healthcare To Illegal Immigrants, July 2, 2022

Along came President Trump who had to fight RINO’s as well as maggots in Congress, the Democrat/Communist Party USA and partisan judges who did everything they could to keep “the wall” from being built.

Biden’s handlers have done a good job having their puppet destroy just about everything Trump did to keep illegals on the Mexican side of the border.  Dirty filthy traitor:  DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is vowing an end to the “Remain in Mexico” program despite its success in drastically cutting asylum fraud, July 1, 2022

Well, one sheriff and God bless him, took matters into his own hands in his own county:

Texas sheriff takes migrant crisis into own hands, drives detainees back to border, June 30, 2022 – “Kinney County, Texas Sheriff Brad Coe said he had no choice but to take matters into his own hands at the southern border as the influx of illegal immigrants continues…

“I’ll always place the safety of the residents of Kinney County, the residents of Texas, above the comfort of anybody that’s illegally entered this country,” he said. “My job is, as an elected official in Kinney County, is to protect these people. And that’s my job and that’s what I will continue to do until further notice.”

“According to the sheriff, Biden’s open border policies are anything but compassionate and tragedies like the 53 migrants killed in a human trafficking operation will continue to happen until the administration begins to enforce border laws.”

Oh, you can’t do that! The federals are the ones who enforce immigration laws!  The human invasion has been political from the moment Ronald Reagan sold out this country when he signed an immigration “reform” bill that would end the illegals invasion once and for all!  What he did was open the door and invite millions to come on in and suck off hard working Americans.  Thousands and thousands of dead Americans at the hands of illegals since then while guns and drugs flood across the border every day of the week.

DHS anticipates an average of 441 unaccompanied children per day at border this year, a new record – President Biden’s DHS expects between 148,000 and 161,000 encounters, dwarfing the previous record, July 10. 2022

Art. 1, Sec. 8, Clause 15 of the U.S. Constitution says:  To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions

As Dr. Edwin Vieira has written so many times in his superb columns it’s a legitimate president’s job to protect these united States of America and that includes repelling an invasion.  How the President Can Secure the Borders by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D., J.D.,
August 18, 2015

Of course, we have no constitutional militia in any state of the Union.  Second Amendment:  A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Too bad no one on the U.S. Supreme Court pays any attention to the true meaning of the Second Amendment.  Gun owners in this country READ:   True vs. False Militia and Why the Difference Matters by Dr. Edwin Vieira, July 30, 2007

Our governor, Greg Abbott (who I did NOT vote for in our March primary) has taken some actions long after the cows were out of the barn and at the slaughterhouse:

To build Abbott’s border barrier, Texas will use surplus wall panels from the federal government, Feb. 15, 2022 – “The 1,700 unused wall panels are being stored in Eagle Pass. Texas didn’t have to explain its plans for the panels when it secured the federal donation.”

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Texas Restarts Border Wall Project Cancelled by Biden, Says Governor, March 14, 2022 – “EAGLE PASS, Texas — The State acquired a large quantity of 30-foot wall panels from the Biden Administration to utilize in the construction of a border wall. The materials came from federal contracts cancelled in January 2021.

“Texas is the first state ever to build a border wall,” Governor Abbott began in an exclusive interview. “A lot of the border wall is being built by border wall material that there was a contract for, Texas bought it from contractors who built the wall for President Trump. We’re building the exact same wall.”

Abbott, however, refuses to declare an invasion underway to the delight of the president of Mexico.  Watch: ‘One of the Largest Groups We’ve Ever Seen’ – Mob of 500 Illegals Swarms Texas – Enormous horde of illegals followed by another enter Eagle Pass hours apart, July 7, 2022

JUST IN: Governor Abbott Authorizes Texas National Guard, State Troopers to Apprehend Illegal Aliens and Return Them to Ports of Entry, July 7, 2022 – “Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday authorized the Texas National Guard and state troopers to apprehend illegal aliens and return them to ports of entry.  This is the first time the state has ever done something like this.

LONG overdue, but oh, wait!  Gov. Abbott Allows Illegals to Be Taken to Border, But Not Removed“No significant changes to current policy. This is still catch and release.” – Ken Cuccinelli, July 7, 2022

“This authorization by the governor follows several South Texas counties’—Kinney, Goliad, Uvalde, Val Verde, Terrell, and Zavala—announced intent to declare the border crisis an invasion themselves, as well as the Republican Party of Texas calling Abbott to declare an invasion and invoke Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution to protect Texans.

“Additionally, National Border Patrol Council Vice President Art Del Cueto called out Abbott earlier this week for his hesitancy in declaring the crisis an invasion, stating Texas “should’ve declared an invasion a long time ago.”

No doubt the illegitimate Biden Administration will have their illegitimate Attorney General, buffoon Merrick Garland, file a lawsuit.  But, there’s the problem of losing tens of thousands of National Guard who refuse to have their human rights violated by being forced to take those deadly experimental gene therapy injections being passed off as vaccines.

Army Reserve and Guard members who refused COVID vaccine now banned from drills, training, July 1, 2022 – “Guard officials told CBS News they hope that missing a paycheck for drill weekends will change the minds of the vaccine holdouts. Over time, those who remain unvaccinated will not only forfeit paychecks by missing weekend drilling, but they could also lose their proficiency, no longer be able to perform their mission, and face a discharge.”

Exclusive: Vaccine Mandate Will Force Over 700 Pilots, 40,000 National Guard Troops to Be Discharged, July 4, 2022 – So many who’ve served 18, 19 years will lose all their benefits.  Short video to watch.  Absolutely disgusting.

The solution to the human and drug invasion has been sitting since 1993.  I’ve been pounding on this since 2014.  Below is a letter I sent last week to Gov. Ron DeSantis [R-FL) as neither Abbott or our AG are remotely interested.  Encluded was page one of the bill so he can have his staff look it up.  I also sent a copy with a short cover letter to Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY] who is the most constitutionally grounded member of the U.S. House asking him to introduce the bill – along with the bill name, number and page one.

Dear Gov. DeSantis:

I saw recently you said “Enough is enough” regarding the illegals invasion. This planned nightmare could have been over by 2017. In 1993, (now deceased) Senator Dirty Harry Reid introduced the strongest most constitutionally effective and legal bill that will force millions of illegals to self-deport.

That bill, 76 pages, covers everything and one very important section blows the “legal” myth called “anchor babies” right out of the water. I’m dead serious when I say that bill IS the permanent solution. Of course, later Dirty Harry changed his mind purely for political gain and became a champion of illegal aliens.

The big magnet is welfare in all forms. Reid’s bill wipes it all out including very clearly the asylum issue. It was NOT meant to give asylum for domestic violence and while one can be sympathetic to the conditions in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico, abuse of our asylum laws is just an excuse to come suck off the government teat paid for by working Americans who can barely make it every month.

Three months after President-Elect Trump was sworn in (2017), I sent him a letter (overnight express mail) along with the bill; also a copy to Stephen Miller who was Trump’s Senior Advisor and very vocal against illegals and supported “build the wall”. Not even a canned letter response.

I also sent the information to six GOP reps and six GOP senators who claim to be fighting to close the border. Rep. Louis Gohmert, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, etc.

I told them to introduce Dirty Harry’s old bill. You own Congress and Trump will sign it, of that I have no doubt. I never received a response from any of them. I waited three more months and repeated my efforts. To this day, not a peep from any member of Congress about the permanent solution. I have NO doubt China’s lapdog, crook Mitch McConnell will never support the bill.

No doubt in my mind Dirty Harry did NOT write that bill. It was likely written by their top attorneys to withstand court challenges. Reid wasn’t very intelligent but he was a cunning scoundrel.

Our governor owned by big money here in Texas has refused to do what needs to be done so he’s been putting a Band Aid on a patient hemorrhaging on the operating table. Greg Abbott is NOT the big hero people think he is or a great conservative. Rubbish.

I’m sending a copy of this to Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY] who is the most constitutionally grounded member of Congress. A true warrior who fights like a lion against the RINOs in Congress who care nothing for the Constitution.

You, Gov. DeSantis, make things happen and I don’t say this lightly having nothing but contempt and disgust for Congress – especially Republicans. They had control of both chambers of Congress for 17 months under Trump and could have gotten Reid’s bill passed and onto Trump’s desk.

I hope you will use your considerable power in the Republican Party to get this bill, not only in front of Republican governors, but to the public. I’ve been trying since 2014 through my weekly column. I know tons of my readers have written or emailed their GOP reps and senators about Reid’s bill and receive either no response or some canned BS email response.

Hoping also Rep. Massie will re-introduce the bill even though the communists currently control both chambers of Congress for now. But, that bill should be the talk of America and rub it in the face of dementia addled Nancy Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the scum in the Democrat/Communist Party USA.

Attached is the announcement by Reid back in 1993 for his bill. *End*

To read Dirty Harry’s press release on booting out illegals, here’s my column.  A Bill:  Stop All Public Welfare in Any Form for Illegal Aliens, August 24, 2014.  If you can’t read it now, book mark and read later because not only is it the strongest bill to self-deport millions of illegals, I discuss an important court case.

DeSantis has tremendous pull in the GOP.  If the “big red wave” does happen in November, hopefully Rep. Massie will introduce it again and that’s when the big push by the American people needs to be heard around the world.  Unless and until ALL forms of welfare and illegal minors are removed from OUR schools, the wall sections will help some, but it won’t stop the hordes until they’re caught.  And NO AMNESTY.  Rewarding those who break our laws to get into this country only invites more illegals.  Time has shown that to be a fact.

If there is a super majority in the House and enough votes in the Senate (and tell Mitch McConnell to go to Hell) they can over ride a veto penned by whoever is stinking up the White House by January 2023.  OUR HOUSE.

There is one consideration which I’ve written about before and I focused on the ag belt in California.  Yes, there are workable programs that can fairly benefit seasonal workers and Americans the right way.

If the solution isn’t signed into law and enforced America will no longer be America.  As planned, our sovereignty will be dead, over run with tens more millions of illegals from more than 100 countries.

If you live in Florida, call or write a letter to DeSantis encouraging him to pursue this with every GOP house member and senators in his state:  Make that bill the talk of his state.  If you live in Rep. Thomas Massie’s district [KY], call or send him a short letter about Harry Reid’s bill and ask him to re-introduce it now and in January.

Of course, one of the big problems is the same incumbents who haven’t cured the problem – both parties – allegedly winning their primaries, will likely win in November and go right back to DC to do nothing unless We the People demand that bill get passed by both chambers of Congress.

One senator will have to introduce Reid’s bill.  It won’t be this POS:  Republican John Thune Asks Biden for More Foreign Workers to Fill U.S. Jobs as Millions of Americans Jobless, July 6, 2022.  “Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) is joining Democrats, as well as the big business lobby, in asking President Joe Biden for more legal immigration to the United States to fill American jobs.”

Thune allegedly won his primary and will likely win in November.  He is the quintessential example of why the Seventeenth Amendment must be abolished.  It’s a damn shame Rep. Mo Books [R-AL] allegedly lost his bid for the senate in Alabama while a poltroon like Thune wins.

We are the solution but not if we don’t act so get involved here.  Keep up to date on the illegals invasion here.  Encourage your border sheriffs to do the same as Kinney County, Texas Sheriff Brad Coe mentioned at the top.  Want a show down with the federals?  Bring it on.

Call talk radio and make that bill the discussion instead of more Biden this or that.  The American people can see he’s nothing but a brain impaired old man manipulated by his wife and handlers.  We either go for the solution or we, our children and grandchildren are doomed.  America is turning into a third world sh*t hole and if you think it won’t affect you or your family, you’re in denial.  Take a look at the two illegals in the photo below.

Take a look at this long list of very young to seniors killed by illegal aliens.  Think it can’t happen to you or your family?  I can guarantee you their families are still grieving and today another 12-14 Americans will die at the hands of an illegal alien.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:  (I simply have to say while I really do appreciate emails, I receive several hundred a day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I simply cannot answer all of them asking for advice, please help me with my case and other requests because it’s just me.  I try to work some of the requests and answer questions into my columns but I can only do so much.  I thank you for understanding.)


Short video to watch:  Tomi Lahren: This is why Democrats are allowing the border crisis to continue, July 8, 2022

‘Ludicrous’: Illegal aliens arrested for trespassing sue Texas governor, other officials for “violating their rights”, May 5, 2022

CBP finds ‘no evidence’ Border Patrol agents whipped Haitian migrants, but still seeks to discipline them, July 8, 2022.  We must remember what Biden, now in the first stages of Altzheimer’s, said, reading from his first grade instruction card:  “To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped — it’s outrageous,” Biden told reporters, making a whipping motion with his hand. “I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.”

Illegal Aliens Plotted July 4th Mass Shooting, Thwarted by ‘Hero Citizen’, July 7, 2022 – “The pair of suspects arrested for allegedly plotting to “shoot up” a Fourth of July celebration in Richmond, Virginia — thwarted by an American citizen — are illegal aliens, court records state.

“On Wednesday, as Breitbart News reported, the Richmond Police Department announced the arrests of Guatemalan nationals 52-year-old illegal alien Julio Alvardo Dubon and 38-year-old illegal alien Rolman Balacarcel Ac for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at the city’s July 4th celebration.”

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

By Paul Engel

July 11, 2022

  • After almost 50 years, the Supreme Court opinions in Roe and Casey have been overturned.
  • The right to obtain an abortion is not in the language of the Constitution, neither is it in the history of this country before 1973.
  • While this decision has certainly caused an uproar, this is an opportunity to review the court’s opinion.

After almost 50 years, a landmark decision of the Supreme Court has been overturned. Will it be remembered with other decisions like Dred Scott or Plessy v. Ferguson? Only time will tell. After all of the furor when a draft of the opinion was leaked, we finally get a chance to review that actual opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health in its final form.

At 213 pages, the opinion and dissents in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Heath is not only large in size but in scope. There are so many quotable phrases, it can easily become overwhelming. For that reason, and my own sanity, I’ve focused mainly on the syllabus and the summary of the opinion, adding quotes from the opinion, concurrences, and dissent only as necessary. As with all cases before the Supreme Court, this one started with a question.

Mississippis Gestational Age Act provides that [e]xcept in a medical emergency or in the case of a severe fetal abnormality, a person shall not intentionally or knowingly perform . . . or induce an abortion of an unborn human being if the probable gestational age of the unborn human being has been determined to be greater than fifteen (15) weeks.” Miss. Code Ann. §41–41–191. Respondents—Jackson Womens Health Organization, an abortion clinic, and one of its doctors—challenged the Act in Federal District Court, alleging that it violated this Courts precedents establishing a constitutional right to abortion, in particular Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health

The framing of a question is just as important as the question itself. Mississippi passed a law that limits abortions after fifteen weeks gestation. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and one of its doctors believed that the law “violated this Court’s precedents establishing a constitutional right to abortion.” Notice two very important things in that statement. Jackson Women’s Health did not claim that Mississippi’s law violated federal law or the Constitution of the United States, but judicial precedent. Judicial precedent is not law, neither is it recognized by the Constitution as supreme over the laws and constitutions of the states.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2

Jackson Women’s Health is asking the court to place a previous opinion of the court above the supreme law of the land. That really isn’t surprising, since the court has been doing that for decades, though please notice the second part of the original plaintiff’s statement. The court, through its precedent, established a constitutional right to abortion. I have not reviewed the Planned Parenthood v. Casey opinion, but I have reviewed the Roe v. Wade opinion, and you know what I did not find: A claim of a “constitutional right to abortion”. Rather, the court claimed that the decision to have an abortion was private between the woman and her doctor, and that Texas’ law criminalizing abortion represented an unreasonable seizure of her body. For almost 50 years, courts have used the precedent set in Roe and Casey, frequently referring to this so called constitutional right to abortion. If the Supreme Court said there was a right to abortion, then there’s a right to abortion.

However, in the Dobbs case, the majority of the court, rather than relying on the opinions of previous justices, looked at the Constitution and made a startling discovery.

Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health

Most people I’ve read or heard discuss this opinion, have rightly focused on the overruling of Roe and Casey. But did you notice the Tenth Amendment undertones in the holding? If the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion, then it’s not within the judicial power of the court to protect it. It’s therefore reserved to the people and their elected representatives.

How did the court come to such a decision?

(a) The critical question is whether the Constitution, properly understood, confers a right to obtain an abortion. Caseys controlling opinion skipped over that question and reaffirmed Roe solely on the basis of stare decisis. A proper application of stare decisis, however, requires an assessment of the strength of the grounds on which Roe was based. The Court therefore turns to the question that the Casey plurality did not consider.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health

As I’ve already pointed out, the Constitution, not court precedent, is the supreme law of the land. The Casey court, like so many others, placed the idea of “stare decisis” (Latin for “Let the decision stand”), above all other considerations. Since judges and justices are human, there must be a recognition of their fallibility. Courts get things wrong. If a court opinion could not be reviewed, courts would still enforce segregation laws and the concept of separate but equal. So are the grounds of Roe and Casey strong enough to survive a constitutional review?

The Constitution makes no express reference to a right to obtain an abortion, but several constitutional provisions have been offered as potential homes for an implicit constitutional right. Roe held that the abortion right is part of a right to privacy that springs from the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. … The Casey Court grounded its decision solely on the theory that the right to obtain an abortion is part of the liberty” protected by the Fourteenth Amendments Due Process Clause.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health

The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution makes it quite clear:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. 

U.S. Constitution, Amendment IX

So, is the right to an abortion among those that while not enumerated in the Constitution, are still protected by it? To find out, the court needed to look at the history of this so called right to abortion.

Next, the Court examines whether the right to obtain an abortion is rooted in the Nations history and tradition and whether it is an essential component of ordered liberty.” The Court finds that the right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nations history and tradition. The underlying theory on which Casey rested—that the Fourteenth Amendments Due Process Clause provides substantive, as well as procedural, protection for liberty”—has long been controversial.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health

Let’s start by asking what is this “ordered liberty” the court is so concerned about?

A loosely used term, diversely applied in scholarly literature and judicial opinions, ordered liberty” suggests that fundamental constitutional rights are not absolute but are determined by a balancing of the public (societal) welfare against individual (personal) rights.

Ordered Liberty,

The concept of “ordered liberty” is itself a violation of the Constitution of the United States. Remember when I quoted Article VI, Clause 2?

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not a court’s attempt to balance your constitutionally protect rights against a public interest. “Ordered liberty” is the court usurping the role of supreme law of the land.

What did the court find in America’s history and traditions around abortion?

For the first 185 years after the adoption of the Constitution, each State was permitted to address this issue in accordance with the views of its citizens. Then, in 1973, this Court decided Roe v. Wade, … Even though the Constitution makes no mention of abortion, the Court held that it confers a broad right to obtain one. It did not claim that American law or the common law had ever recognized such a right, and its survey of history ranged from the constitutionally irrelevant (e.g., its discussion of abortion in antiquity) to the plainly incorrect (e.g., its assertion that abortion was probably never a crime under the common law). After cataloging a wealth of other information having no bearing on the meaning of the Constitution, the opinion concluded with a numbered set of rules much like those that might be found in a statute enacted by a legislature.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Opinion of the Court

The court looked at the history and traditions of abortion in the United States and did not find it sufficient to establish as a right that was not enumerated in the Constitution, and therefore protected by the Ninth Amendment. It was not considered a constitutionally protected right for the first 185 years of the Constitution, and it was not recognized under either American law or common law. Although the Roe court attempted to come up with a history to justify their preferred outcome, their reasoning used both the irrelevant and the incorrect to find this missing right.

Which leaves us with a simple question. What will govern our nation, the Constitution of the United States or the previous opinion of justices?

The doctrine of stare decisis does not counsel continued acceptance of Roe and Casey. Stare decisis plays an important role and protects the interests of those who have taken action in reliance on a past decision. It reduces incentives for challenging settled precedents, saving parties and courts the expense of endless relitigation.” …. It contributes to the actual and perceived integrity of the judicial process.” … And it restrains judicial hubris by respecting the judgment of those who grappled with important questions in the past. But stare decisis is not an inexorable command,

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health

Stare decisis does have its place, but not at the expense of the law. When looking at a case, is it wise for judges and justices to look at the opinions of their predecessors? Yes. But to place the opinions of judges above the laws of our land is not only a violation of the judges’ oath of office, but an attack on self-government and an imposition of a dictatorial oligarchy on the American people. I’m not saying that precedent should be ignored, merely kept in proper perspective. And a majority of the court agrees.

The dissent argues that we have abandon[ed]” stare decisis, … but we have done no such thing, and it is the dissents understanding of stare decisis that breaks with tradition. The dissents foundational contention is that the Court should never (or perhaps almost never) overrule an egregiously wrong constitutional precedent unless the Court can poin[t] to major legal or factual changes undermining [the] decisions original basis.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthAlito Opinion

So when precedents as poorly founded as Roe and Casey are challenged, the court must act, or violate the very reason for their existence.

Like the infamous decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, Roe was also egregiously wrong and on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided. Casey perpetuated its errors, calling both sides of the national controversy to resolve their debate, but in doing so, Casey necessarily declared a winning side. Those on the losing side—those who sought to advance the States interest in fetal life—could no longer seek to persuade their elected representatives to adopt policies consistent with their views. The Court short-circuited the democratic process by closing it to the large number of Americans who disagreed with Roe.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health

As I said, Roe and Casey substituted the opinions of oligarchs for the rule of law.

Without any grounding in the constitutional text, history, or precedent, Roe imposed on the entire country a detailed set of rules for pregnancy divided into trimesters much like those that one might expect to find in a statute or regulation. … Roes failure even to note the overwhelming consensus of state laws in effect in 1868 is striking, and what it said about the common law was simply wrong.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health

Based on these facts and the law, the court had no other legitimate course of action.

We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. That provision has been held to guarantee some rights that are not mentioned in the Constitution, but any such right must be deeply rooted in this Nations history and tradition” and implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.”

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Opinion of the Court

There is no right to abortion, either in the text of the Constitution or in the history and traditions of the nation. On a personal note, I find it interesting that both Roe and Casey based their claims of a right to abortion in the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process clause:

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV, Section 1

The very right to have your life protected is the right these two courts claimed gave a women the right to take the life of an unborn child. The court went on:

The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nations history and traditions. On the contrary, an unbroken tradition of prohibiting abortion on pain of criminal punishment persisted from the earliest days of the common law until 1973. The Court in Roe could have said of abortion exactly what Glucksberg said of assisted suicide: Attitudes toward [abortion] have changed since Bracton, but our laws have consistently condemned, and continue to prohibit, [that practice].”

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthAlito Opinion

This is the hubris of the court. Without any legal basis, the Roe court made up a supposed right to abortion, and inflicted it on the nation. Then the Casey court abdicated their duty to review the law and simply allowed this abuse to continue.

The Dissent

Of course, not all of the justices agreed:

When overruling constitutional precedent, the Court has almost always pointed to major legal or factual changes undermining a decisions original basis.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthBreyer, Sotomayor, Kagan Dissent

In other words, those in the dissent assume no prior court could possibly be wrong. Without “major legal or factual changes undermining a decision’s original basis”, we are to forever be stuck with the decision. The possibility that a court has been wrong is not allowed.

The majoritys core legal postulate, then, is that we in the 21st century must read the Fourteenth Amendment just as its ratifiers did. And that is indeed what the majority emphasizes over and over again. … If the ratifiers did not understand something as central to freedom, then neither can we. Or said more particularly: If those people did not understand reproductive rights as part of the guarantee of liberty conferred in the Fourteenth Amendment, then those rights do not exist.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthBreyer, Sotomayor, Kagan Dissent

And thus we again see the hubris of the court and all those who believe the “living, breathing document” theory. These dissenting justices claim the authority to ignore the language of the Constitution, and the basic tenets of contract law (the Constitution is after all a compact between the states), and determine for themselves the understanding of rights. This is not a power delegated to the judicial branch. If, as these dissenters believe, the understanding of what is central to freedom changes, it is up to the people and the states to change the Constitution, not nine high priests in black robes. As Alito pointed out in the opinion of the court:

The Court in Roe could have said of abortion exactly what Glucksberg said of assisted suicide: Attitudes toward [abortion] have changed since Bracton, but our laws have consistently condemned, and continue to prohibit, [that practice].”

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthAlito Opinion

The dissenting justices furthered their heavy-handed opinions when it comes to the application of state laws.

Enforcement of all these draconian restrictions will also be left largely to the Statesdevices. A State can of course impose criminal penalties on abortion providers, including lengthy prison sentences. But some States will not stop there. Perhaps, in the wake of todays decision, a state law will criminalize the womans conduct too, incarcerating or fining her for daring to seek or obtain an abortion. And as Texas has recently shown, a State can turn neighbor against neighbor, enlisting fellow citizens in the effort to root out anyone who tries to get an abortion, or to assist another in doing so.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthBreyer, Sotomayor, Kagan Dissent

Once again we see justices of the Supreme Court placing their opinions above not only the law, but of the people’s right to govern themselves. If an abortion is the claiming of a human life, and it is done illegally, should not all who participate be subject to judgment? After all, if two people conspire to murder another, both are charged with a crime. As for Breyer’s comment about the state of Texas, I would remind him that it was the Supreme Court that prohibited the state of Texas in the Roe case from criminally punishing abortion providers. Meaning, Texas was merely finding a way to fulfill its duty to prevent the taking of human life without due process within the ridiculous restrictions placed on it by the Roe court.

Can a State bar women from traveling to another State to obtain an abortion? Can a State prohibit advertising out-of-state abortions or helping women get to out-of-state providers? Can a State interfere with the mailing of drugs used for medication abortions? The Constitution protects travel and speech and interstate commerce, so todays ruling will give rise to a host of new constitutional questions. Far from removing the Court from the abortion issue, the majority puts the Court at the center of the coming interjurisdictional abortion wars.”

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthBreyer, Sotomayor, Kagan Dissent

Are the states sovereign or vassals of Washington, D.C.? That is the question Breyer brings up here. Apparently, in the mind of the dissenters, the states are mere vassals to their opinions. These justices act as if the rest of the Constituiton does not exist when it supports their rhetorical purposes. But remember, the question presented to this court was not travel, advertising, or mailing, but the legality of Mississippi’s law regulating abortions.

For half a century, Roe v. Wade,… and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey,… have protected the liberty and equality of women. Roe held, and Casey reaffirmed, that the Constitution safeguards a womans right to decide for herself whether to bear a child. Roe held, and Casey reaffirmed, that in the first stages of pregnancy, the government could not make that choice for women. The government could not control a womans body or the course of a womans life: It could not determine what the womans future would be. … Respecting a woman as an autonomous being, and granting her full equality, meant giving her substantial choice over this most personal and most consequential of all life decisions.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthBreyer, Sotomayor, Kagan Dissent

Once again we see justices misleading those who read their opinions in an emotional attempt to promote their political agenda. The question in Roe, Casey, and Dobbs was not whether or not a woman could decide for herself whether or not to bear a child, but if and when the killing of the life in her womb is protected by the Constitution. Put another way, was the taking of a human life a legal form of contraception? As Alito noted in the opinion he wrote:

The dissent is very candid that it cannot show that a constitutional right to abortion has any foundation, let alone a “‘deeply rooted’” one, “‘in this Nations history and tradition.’ ”

… The most striking feature of the dissent is the absence of any serious discussion of the legitimacy of the Statesinterest in protecting fetal life.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens HealthAlito Opinion

The dissent’s case reminds me of a story I heard:

There is an old trial lawyerssaying When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. When the law is on your side, pound the law. When neither is on you side, pound the table.”

1975 December 30, Chicago Tribune, Mr. Ford, meet Mr. Harris by Patrick Buchanan


Even in a generally well thought out opinion, courts often get things wrong. The concept of “ordered liberty” the court used is a violation of the Constitution, and therefore a violation of the justices’ oaths to support it.

The Roe opinion was so badly decided, not because people disagreed with it, but because it failed the most basic concepts of judicial scrutiny. It should become a lesson on the dangers of “ordered liberty”, stare decisis, and our court’s slavish devotion to precedent above the laws they have sworn to uphold. As Justice Kavanaugh noted in his concurrence:

The Constitution does not grant the nine unelected Members of this Court the unilateral authority to rewrite the Constitution to create new rights and liberties based on our own moral or policy views. As Justice Rehnquist stated, this Court has not been granted a roving commission, either by the Founding Fathers or by the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment, to strike down laws that are based upon notions of policy or morality suddenly found unacceptable by a majority of this Court.”

This Court therefore does not possess the authority either to declare a constitutional right to abortion or to declare a constitutional prohibition of abortion.

Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health – Kavanaugh Concurrence

In so much of the hype about this opinion, one very important thing is frequently lost. This decision does not make abortion illegal in the United States nor does it does not take away a women’s right to get an abortion. It does not even claim that abortion could not be protected by law. It only says that the laws and Constitution of the United States do not provide for a right to an abortion. Those who want legal abortions in this country will have to go to the representatives’ legislative branch to get it, rather than relying on a ruling body in the courts.

May the courts, Congress, the Whitehouse, and each and every America learn the lesson of the dangers both of stare decisis and the hubris of courts issuing “rulings”. Otherwise, all it will take for those oligarchs in black robes to rule over this nation as kings and queens is the right person to not let a crisis go to waste.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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What’s Happening To Our Country?

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 11, 2022

These Crazy, Insane 2020’s

Have you ever wondered how crazy people operate?  What makes them do stupid things? What makes them commit crazy acts of self-mutilation? Or stick that first drug needle into their vein, or drive while drunk, or shoot someone on the street?  Or rob a store?  Or make a video where they ride a bicycle off a roof to crash onto a cement driveway?

They’re out there all over America!  They make videos of some of the dumbest, most dangerous and insane acts that any human being can imagine.

But what happens when our own elected officials commit some of the dumbest, stupidest, and terribly consequential acts upon us, the American people?

This past month, gasoline hit a record $5.00 per gallon.  Exactly 18 months ago, the United States enjoyed energy independence.  Gas cost around $2.00 a gallon.  But then Joe Biden, shut down the Keystone Pipeline, shut down drilling permits, and now he’s begging OPEC to pump more oil to sell us.  Not only that, as reported on all the news networks, he just sold millions of barrels of our oil reserves to China. Yes, we’re starving for gasoline, but Dementia Joe sold our oil to our enemy that’s trying to undermine us.

Did you watch a press conference where he repeated everything on the teleprompter all the way to the end, and then, read “end of quote.”  In other words, Joe Biden isn’t leading this country…the guy who writes his speeches for the teleprompter is leading our country.  Ironically, we don’t possess a clue as to his or her identity.  But it’s for damned certain, that Joe Biden is not in charge.

You would think that a rational wife who knows Joe Biden suffers from extreme dementia, for sure she would expose him, and encourage the 25th  Amendment to be put into play.  For the good of our country!   But instead, she clings to power as her husband loses his mental faculties.

Which begs the question? Who is in charge of the presidency and where is that person (s) taking our country?

Last week, I listened to one of NPR’s top water experts spend a half hour explaining how every state west of the Rocky Mountains is experiencing an eight-year “exceptional drought.”  Dry woods, drying- up rivers, drying-up lakes, aquifers being exhausted, Colorado River severely down, Lake Mead and Lake Powell down over 137 feet, and climate change not about to let up!  With another 50 feet drop, water will not turn the last turbine at Hoover Dam.  Las Vegas will go dark without electricity.

The lady water expert said that 50 million people in California, Nevada and Arizona face severe water shortages, so much so, she couldn’t see any solutions.  During the entire interview, she never spoke once about the fact that California remains on course to add 20 million, Arizona to add 3 million, and Nevada to add 1 million within 28 years.  All of those numbers of people caused by mass immigration and their birth rates!  Why won’t anyone address that fact?

And yet, I sent NPR my population book in 2009 and invited Terry Gross, Scott Simon, Steve Inskeep, Lakshmi Singh and their producers to interview my work: America On the Brink: The Next 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge.  In 2021, with another 35 million people added to the USA in 12 years since my 2009 book, we punched up to 335 million people, I sent them my latest book: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge.  I sent it out to 40 top news networks and TV hosts.

Not one single response from any of them!

I’ve sent Tucker Carlson, Anderson Cooper, John Dickerson, Chuck Todd, Bret Baier, Dana Perino, Martha McCallum, Bill Hemmer, David Muir, Norah O’Donnell, Lester Holt, 60 Minutes, Meet the Press, Face the Nation, News Nation, local TV stations in Denver, and radio talk show hosts the horrible facts that our leaders are driving our country toward another added 100,000,000 more immigrants within 28 years.  Results: nothing!  It’s obvious they could care less about their own kids’ lives and yours in 2050.

Who and why are the top networks ignoring, even suppressing the gravest issue America faces in the 21st century?  How are we going to feed, water, house, work and sustain another 100 million people added to American society?  Is anyone thinking about that?

Another nightmare: we’ve got big city inner-cities exploding with gunfire nightly and especially on weekends.  Over 220 shot dead and 589 wounded over the 4th of July, 2022.  And, yet mayors, attorney generals, city councils and police will not stop it.  That’s right!  THEY WILL NOT STOP THE KILLING!  They could by enforcing our laws, but they  don’t because, why?  Well, I don’t possess a clue.

Does anyone understand that if we keep shoving huge numbers of people into our cities, that it’s the same as rats in a cage? First, they fight with one another, and then, they start eating one another.  Same kind of animal behavior for humans—killing each other.

Why would anyone want to see the breakdown of our entire society?  Why would they not want the laws enforced to FORCE criminals into prisons, and FORCE anyone thinking of crime to stop because they KNOW they will be sent to prison?  How does such incompetence like Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot continue?  Or Adams in New York City? Or, Mayor Breed of San Francisco?  Or, Brandon Scott of Baltimore?

All of them are minority mayors in minority dominated cities that suffer  devastating breakdown of the rule of law.  Why?  What do they do all day in their offices?

Then, look at the southern border.  NBC’s Lester Holt reported that 1.5 million illegal alien migrants crossed the border in the first six months of 2022.  That’s more than 500,000 more than the first six months in 2021. Biden uses your tax dollars to fly, bus and distribute them all over the country.  In other words, Biden is on course, to reach 3,000,000 illegal aliens migrants that must be fed, housed, medically cared-for, educated, and, in the end, totally dependent on long-term welfare out of your tax dollars.  Worse, Biden is knowingly breaking our laws!

Why aren’t the mainstream media people reporting on this incredible, if not CRAZY criminal behavior?

Why aren’t the people at Face the Nation, Meet the Press, NPR and PBS reporting on any  of these disasters occurring right before our eyes?

Instead, Congress continues on the absolutely STUPID rehashing of January 6, 2021.

At the same time, we’ve got 6’4” inch DNA transgender men pretending to be women, and competing against 5’4” women in swimming, track, wrestling and more.  We’ve got mothers being turned into “birth persons” because someone said that DNA men can have babies.  HORSEFEATHERS!   We’ve got “mathematics” now on the list for being “racist” because some minority students can’t do the equations because they either don’t attend class and do the homework, or they simply don’t possess the intellectual horsepower to do the work.  It’s biological, it’s their intellectual condition…and has nothing to do with being racist.  If it was, water, blue sky, rain and dirt would all be racist.   Every time you turn around, it’s “racist” this and “racist” that.

We see our baby boomers as the fattest, most obese generation ever on the face of the planet.  We’re seeing their kids following in their footsteps.  We’ve got millions upon millions of kids tattooing their bodies into total “ink disfigurement.”  And, countless millions of kids addicted to cell phones, so much so, they can’t operate without those phones.  Pity the future of our country!

It’s my contention that this decade of the 2020’s, must be the most insane, totally crazy and absolutely NUTS period in U.S. history.  Worse, it’s going to get worse, and then, worse than that.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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There Is a New Country

by Rolaant McKenzie

July 10, 2022

In Peter Jackson’s 2003 movie adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the Dark Lord Sauron sent an enormous force of Orcs, trolls, and Easterlings to besiege the city of Minas Tirith and overthrow it during the War of the Ring. The commander of his army, the witch-king of Angmar, brought numerous siege engines and towers and catapulted incendiary missiles into the lower city, setting it ablaze. By nightfall, the Orcs brought out their largest battering-ram, called Grond, which managed to penetrate and destroy the city’s gate. Though Gandalf and the soldiers of Gondor defending the city fought bravely, they were overwhelmed by the Orcs and trolls pouring through the broken gate and had to retreat to second of the city’s seven levels.

Throughout the night, the Sauron’s forces engaged in pell-mell combat with the exhausted soldiers of Gondor, inflicting heavy losses. The defenders of Minis Tirith would fight, but then retreat to the next level of the city. Eventually, the Orcs and trolls pushed them to the fifth level. As Gandalf and the remaining soldiers of Gondor stood at the ready, waiting for a troll with an exceptionally large hammer to break down the door and allow the Orcs to stream in for the final slaughter, his friend Pippin ruefully commented:

Pippin: I didn’t think it would end this way.

Gandalf: End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.

Pippin: What? Gandalf? See what?

Gandalf: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.

Pippin: Well, that isn’t so bad.

Gandalf: No. No, it isn’t.

With these words Pippin, though not looking forward to meeting death breaking through the door, was encouraged by this hope and set his face forward with resolve. Whatever happened, he looked beyond his current circumstances to a new and better country.

In the southernmost portion of ancient Sumer (Mesopotamia) was a land called Chaldea (in modern-day Iraq), and the most important Sumerian city located on the western portion of the Euphrates River was called Ur. The land of Chaldea contained wealth beyond imagination, and Ur was preeminent in knowledge, culture, and commerce. It is said by some that the history of this region exceeded that of the land of Egypt at the height of its greatness.

It was into this environment that Abram was born, growing up in probably the most advanced culture of his day with all the comforts and modern-day conveniences it afforded. It was from here that God called him to leave the familiarity of home to travel to a new land, where he would become a great nation and a blessing to the whole world.

“Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3)

Abraham wandered from place to place in this land his innumerable descendants would receive as an inheritance, not making any permanent dwelling, but living in tents. Though not seeing the fulfillment of the promise, he trusted God to accomplish it long after his earthly journey was done. As a foreigner, a stranger in a strange land, he looked even farther into the future with gladness to the One who would establish his permanent dwelling in the new country to come (John 8:56).

“By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise; for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. By faith even Sarah herself received ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful who had promised. Therefore there was born even of one man, and him as good as dead at that, as many descendants AS THE STARS OF HEAVEN IN NUMBER, AND INNUMERABLE AS THE SAND WHICH IS BY THE SEASHORE. All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.” (Hebrews 11:8-16)

The apostle Paul saw this new country as well when he spoke of a vision he received where he was caught up to paradise and heard indescribable words no man was permitted to speak (2 Corinthians 12:2-4). He could have been a great scholar of Judaism, in time enjoying perhaps greater renown and honor in the Jewish community of his day and today as Gamaliel his teacher (Galatians 1:14). But he considered Jesus, the builder of the new country to be far more precious.

“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” (Philippians 3:7-11)

Paul recognized, as Abraham did, that he was a sojourner on earth with no permanent home, even our bodies being as temporary as a tent. No matter the afflictions he faced for proclaiming the gospel, he considered them of little weight in comparison to being in the new country with the Lord (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

“For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven, inasmuch as we, having put it on, will not be found naked. For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do not want to be unclothed but to be clothed, so that what is mortal will be swallowed up by life. Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the Spirit as a pledge. Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord—for we walk by faith, not by sight—we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:1-8)

Paul saw his real home from a distance, and he was so eager to be there that he considered the tearing down of his earthly tent preferable to remaining in it.

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake.” (Philippians 1:21-24)

John, the disciple closest to Jesus, heard Him promise that He would go on ahead of him and the other disciples to His Father’s country, where He would prepare dwelling places for them so that when He returned, they would be where He is forever.

“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:1-3)

When he saw His Lord risen from the dead, He knew even more than ever before the reality of the new country. It fueled his drive to preach the gospel and make disciples for Jesus Christ. During the reign of Roman emperor Domitian (81-96 AD), according to the early church historian Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 260–c. 340 AD), a persecution of Christians took place. During this time John was arrested in Ephesus and summoned to Rome, where he was cast into a cauldron of boiling oil (Foxe’s Book of Martyrs). Miraculously he was not harmed, so John was exiled to a small Greek island in the Aegean Sea called Patmos.

Life was extremely hard in this desolate place, but the risen and glorified Jesus appeared to John and gave him a panoramic view of the new country (Revelation 21-22), where God forever wipes away all tears, pain, turmoil, separation, and death. This view more vivid than before, not so distant as when he walked with Jesus in Galilee, gave him encouragement and hope to persevere in his current tribulation. Like Abraham, Paul, and the faithful before him, he knew that he was a pilgrim on earth passing through to a far more permanent and better home. He was given a glimpse of the new country and longed to be there.

A passport is an official document issued by a government identifying a citizen. It certifies nationality and grants formal requests for admittance and safe passage from foreign countries. Possession of a passport in a foreign land signifying a citizen of the United States of America was considered something of great value in the world for many decades. Should a U.S. citizen find himself in a country amid a crisis or disaster that threatens his safety, he can go to the U.S. embassy with confidence that his passport will make available the significant resources of the United States to grant him safe passage back home.

The city of Philippi (present-day Filippoi in northern Greece) was located on the major Roman road known as the Via Egnatia. It was “a leading city of the district of Macedonia, a Roman colony” (Acts 16:12). Whether by birth or by purchasing it with a large sum of money (Acts 21:27-22:1-29), the Romans there greatly valued their Roman citizenship with the rights and privileges it granted, much like many born or naturalized Americans today value U.S. citizenship.

As a Roman citizen himself, born in the city of Tarsus (modern-day Tersous in southeastern Turkey), the chief city of the Roman province of Cilicia, Paul shared this appreciation for Roman citizenship and on occasion took advantage of its benefits. However, he reminded the believers in Philippi the inestimable worth of citizenship in the new country.

“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself.” (Philippians 3:20-21)

This world with its oppression, war, disease, brutality, genocide, and death is not all there is, even though it may seem like it sometimes (2 Peter 3:9-12). But there is something much better and everlasting coming.

There is a new country!

Like Abraham 2,000 years earlier, the apostles, the early Christians and believers through the centuries trusted God’s promises and looked forward to “new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13). We, too, who trust in His promises will join them. All who believe the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) receive a citizenship that never fades away or ends. It cancels the old citizenship in the domain of darkness and re-births it in the kingdom of the Son of God (Colossians 1:13-14).

Walk with an eager tread as those who have passed out of death into life (John 5:24), face adversity with patience, and continue faithfully working for the Lord, knowing that your hope is not in vain, but is steadfast and sure.

Jesus is the one and only passport to the new country!

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Fight To Stay Free, Part 3

By Roger Anghis

July 10, 2022

If there are no borders a nation will not long stand as a sovereign nation.  Under Trump, we were securing our borders which no previous president had done. Reagan tried but Senator Chuck Schumer has seen to it that they remain porous as a sive. When Biden stole the office of the presidency he told the world that our southern border would be open for all to come. He did this because he knows they’ll vote democrat and most will vote illegally which is how democrats get a lot of their votes.  Now Biden is saying he’s doing everything he can to curb the invasion of illegals but he stopped the construction of the fence and the only illegals that this administration rejects outright are Cubans.  Why? They hate communism and won’t vote democrat. But Mayorkas struck a very different tone in his statements. In no uncertain terms, the DHS Secretary told Cubans that those who manage to reach the US by sea will be apprehended by the US Coast Guard and taken back to their home countries. And in regards to those with political asylum requests he said, “If individuals make, establish a well-founded fear of persecution or torture, they are referred to third countries for resettlement,” he continued. “They will not enter the United States.”

It’s worth noting that Mayorkas himself is a Cuban immigrant who fled the country with his family in 1960 when he was just a year old.[1] How’s that for being a total hypocrite?

Trump was fought by the Democrats every step of the way to build the wall.  They tried to defund it and even stated that walls don’t work yet the majority of them live in gated communities.  Even then he managed to have an increase in border apprehensions: The number of migrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border rose in fiscal 2019 to its highest annual level in 12 years. The 851,508 apprehensions recorded last fiscal year (October 2018-September 2019) were more than double the number the year before (396,579).[2] Because of Trump’s America First policies and the threat of being sent back the flow across our southern border was greatly reduced.  Under Biden however, there is an open invitation and they are coming in by the millions: The latest Biden administration disclosures in Biden v. Texas reveal that in May, DHS released 95,318 migrants CBP had encountered at the Southwest border into the United States, bringing the total of illegal migrant releases there under the Biden administration to 1,049,532 — a population larger than the number of residents in the president’s home state of Delaware, at a rate of 2,115 per day.[3]

America is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic.  The people we elect are supposed to represent the people. Most Democrats represent their political ideology and way too many Republicans follow lockstep with the Democrats, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.),  Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah),  Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Rep. Todd Young (R-Ind.) These are the traitors to the 2nd Amendment.  If we don’t stop electing people who ignore our constitutional rights we’ll soon not have any constitutional rights.

If a nation that has more energy than most of the Middle East combined won’t allow its citizens access to that energy we will soon become a third-world nation dependent on rogue nations for energy.  Under Trump, we were energy independent for the first time in over 70 years. Now Biden is begging OPEC to increase production and trying to buy oil from Venezuela.  Why?  We have more oil than both of those countries combined. Biden stopped the XL pipeline on his first day in office, stopped all fracking on federal land, rescinded permits for wells on federal land in the Gulf of Mexico and now he tries to convince us that our oil shortage is Putin’s fault. His voting base may be dumb enough to believe that but not the majority of the people.

We are seeing historically high prices for a gallon of gas and it is 100% Biden’s fault.  Media won’t talk about how his policies have caused the prices to skyrocket and help him push the Putin lies. Some have said that if Trump was back in office tomorrow there would be a 30% rise in the stock market, gas prices would drop by $2 a gallon, and inflation would be at 4% within 30 days. I believe that they are right.  What we are seeing Biden do is purposefully set things in motion to destroy America.

We have an oil shortage, we have baby formula shortages that Biden knew was coming and did nothing about.  Somehow this year has seen an unbelievable number of food processing plants destroyed or badly damaged for unexplainable reasons. There have been at the time of this writing 95 plants damaged or destroyed.   No one will ever convince me that this is a coincidence.  This is planned and contrived. Remember Klaus Schwab called for the great reset and declared that by 2030 we’ll own nothing and be happy. Traitor to America and former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, states: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” US strategy deliberately destroyed family farming in the US and abroad and led to 95% of all grain reserves in the world being under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations. Can you see where this is going?

We have seen almost 100 food processing plants destroyed or badly damaged. A handful a year is acceptable but when there have been almost a hundred and we aren’t even halfway through the year,[4] well something that isn’t going to be good for America is afoot. We must be alert and vigilant. Not just our future but the future of our children and grandchildren are at stake.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes


Can Repentance Save This Nation?

By Wylie Marshall

July 9, 2022

I haven’t watched much “news” for the past several years. But I did hear through the grape vine that Roe v. Wade was reversed. And I heard that the Supreme Court even strengthened the personal protection gun laws unless that was just a rumor. After how many years? Does that seem a little strange to you? In the middle of the most damaging administration in our history, our Supreme Court has suddenly found and can read and understand the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights?

Do I hear more noise in the streets now than I did before? Of course, we might hear more noise if the those that run the Oil Company’s filling stations lower their prices for gasoline. After President Biden told them to lower their prices to what they pay for the gas! Saw that too, and did a huge double take on that one. Just couldn’t believe he was saying it, but low and behold, they have dropped a bit! Yes, we may see more clamoring in the streets about abortion and how those guns are killing people. I am a cautious person, and I am going to have to hang on a bit longer to see what happens next. I have always been of the opinion that there are no free lunches! Are they so worried about the next election that they would reverse the abortion opinion of the Supreme Court after around 70 million babies have been murdered in and outside the womb? I have to think that something is going on here that we just don’t understand yet! They have been lying to us for years and now they are going to tell us the truth and reverse their opinion? Their modus operandi has always been to divide and conquer!

Also saw where a coach won a case for praying with his football team. What is this country coming to? Do you remember that it was 27 years ago that another football coach lost his case to the ACLU for praying with his football team?

I just read a great article by Rob Pue about Sodom and Gomorrah, I mean Columbus, Ohio and the debauchery that goes on there with the LGBTQP. I have never been to a pride parade and hope I never stumble into one going on. I have seen the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah and what fire and brimstone did to those cities! Of course, the inhabitants of those cities were burn to ashes instantly and have blown away. No evidence of them left to see!

Does it make any difference if we pray with our football team, pray in school, pray at home, or even pray at church? Does it make any difference if our children are being targeted by LGBTQP’s that have given their souls to Satan?Or if you get down to it, does it make any difference if we murder our children in the womb, in our schools or wherever?Does it really make any difference? Rob Pue’s article said the number of LGBTQP+ is rising daily with the flow of massive propaganda. And did you catch that he said that there were no less than FORTY so-called Christian “churches” marching IN the parade, in support of sodomy, transgenderism, sado-masochism and pedophilia. Why is this happening?

I read article after article after article telling us what is wrong with our culture, society, country and way of life. Everything we are doing wrong, everything our churches are doing wrong, everything our politicians are doing wrong. But where is the fix? How do we fix these problems? We have been trying to fix these problems for ages by voting a solution into office for years and years! How is that working? Not so good! Every time we vote what we think is a decent person into office, they become compromised or totally corrupted almost overnight! Satan has infiltrated every institution in our beloved country! Maybe it is time to try something different?

Do you ever pray to God, if you do, do you tell Him you love Him? Is it just lip service? How many times do we tell God that we love Him and then do the opposite of what He has told us to do? Does telling God that we love Him really mean anything if we refuse to obey Him? Obeying God is the key here. Obeying God is the only way we are going to get to where we really want to be, whether we know that or not. We praise Him in song, in sermons, and prayers and turn right around and disobey Him! How do we disobey Him? We break His Law! Even after He gave us His only Son so that we might have a relationship with Him and eventually, eternal life…how much it must hurt Him to see our behavior? The perfect life Jesus lived and the tremendous pain and suffering He went through to take away our penalty of everlasting death that we earned and deserved because we would not do the things our Creator told us to do, so that we might have life and have it more abundantly now and eternal life later! How sad this must make Him.

It was not just His dying on the cross that took away our death penalty. Jesus had to come as a human and live a perfect life! He had to live a life without committing even one sin! What does that mean? What is sin? I guess the short definition would be 1 John 3:4Everyone who practices sin is also practicing lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness. So, sin is breaking God’s Law, and if Jesus had sinned just once, He would not have been the perfect Sacrifice and would not have qualified to take away the sin of the world! Joh 1:29  On the next day, John sees Jesus coming to him, and he says, “Behold the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world. (The sacrificial lambs could not have even one blemish on them. One blemish would have disqualified them to be used as a sin offering. Exo 12:5  Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You shall take it from the sheep or from the goats.) And if Christ had sinned just once, He would have had a blemish, and we would still be living under that death penalty and still be facing that never ending death that we so deserve!

Do any of us understand that kind of love? No, not one! We are incapable of understanding agape love, and that is the kind of love God has for us! It is total unconditional love, and we are not capable of giving that kind of love. But that is where God is taking us, because that is what God is, total unconditional love! You might say, “Okay, I will understand it when I get there!” Well, if you are waiting to understand it when you get there, then you might not get there! You should start working on understanding it now! You don’t know when God the Father is going to say to you, “Come here and learn from Me!” Joh 6:45  It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore, everyone who has heard from the Father, and has learned, comes to Me. You just don’t know when that will happen! It might happen in this lifetime or the next, but it will happen, so you should be working on it now!

There is a lot of misinformation out there that is causing a lot of confusion. They confuse the “Works of the Law” which were the sacrificial laws that ended at the death of Christ, with the Law of God, the Ten Commandments! God’s word is not hard to understand if you live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. What were those words that God spoke and commanded His people to keep? They were the Ten Commandments. God personally SPOKE the Ten Commandments from His mouth and told His people to keep them for 1000 generations. Let’s see, that would be for at least 25,000 years and those years are not up yet! Exo 20:1  And God spoke all these words, saying, and He goes on to list the Ten Commandments! Deu 7:9  Therefore, know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God Who keeps covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations. 

God has to know who will obey Him and who will not. He will not allow anyone who will not obey Him to enter into His Kingdom. God will not create another Satan. God does not wish for anyone to suffer the penalty that Satan is going to suffer for all eternity. Rev 20:10  And the Devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet had been cast; and they, Satan and the demons, shall be tormented day and night into the ages of eternity. The beast and the false prophet were flesh and blood and were burnt to ashes in an instant, but Satan and the demons are spirit beings and will burn and be tormented for all eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone.

I have written before about the stories in the bible, in particular, the story of Jonah. Well, now I will tell you about another story when the children of Israel refused to obey God. I have mentioned this one before, but this time I want you to notice a different aspect of the story.

Remember the story of the children of Israel first arriving at the promise land. God had Moses send scouts into the promise land to scout it out and bring back a report. Moses sent a scout from each tribe and all, but two scouts brought back bad reports. They reported that the people of the land were too strong and there were giants in the land and that they were not able to defeat the people of the land, even though God had fought all their battles for them ever since they had left Egypt! The people became afraid because of the 10 scout’s bad reports, and refused to go up and take the promised land. So, what did God do? He had the children of Israel wander in the wilderness for 40 years until all of the adults that refused to go in and take the promised land had died. Num 14:29  Your dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness, and all that were numbered of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward, who have murmured against Me. God did not allow anyone who murmured against Him to enter into the promised land and God is not going to allow anyone into His Kingdom that will not obey Him, and He has to be assured of that fact beforehand!

People love to claim that all you have to do is to claim the grace of God and that is all that is needed. That is not what God says! Mat 15:8  ‘These people have drawn near to Me with their mouths, and with their lips they honor Me; but their hearts are far away from Me. God expects us to do something to show Him we are serious about our love for Him. God has total unconditional love for us, and we must develop that same love for Him before we will be allowed into His kingdom. He wants to know who His people are, and He wants His people to know Who their God is! Joh 14:15  If you love Me, keep the commandments— namely, My commandments. Joh 14:21  The one who has My commandments and is keeping them, that is the one who loves Me; and the one who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will manifest Myself to him.” We will not enter into God’s kingdom on lip service!

God’s Law contains a sign that few people know exist. It is a sign between God and His people. Exo 31:13  “Speak also to the children of Israel, saying, ‘Truly you shall keep My Sabbaths, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations to know that I am the LORD Who sanctifies you. Now how many generations are we to keep God’s Law? Yes, for a thousand generations! This “sign” just happens to be the fourth Commandment! That commandment is the only commandment that requires an outward example of it being kept. You actually have to do something to keep that commandment, so God can see you doing it. It is not a passive commandment that you can keep without doing anything. To keep the Sabbath day, you must go and fellowship with your brethren and go and worship God and sing psalms, and teach and learn, and pray! You have to physically do something! That is what makes it a sign between God and His people! But it has to be done on His day, the Seventh day of the week! That is the only day of the week God made Holy! Gen 2:2 And by the beginning of the seventh day God finished His work which He had made. And He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. Gen 2:3  And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because on it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. 

When will you stop being ashamed of the God that created you and let Him help you? Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. Luke 9:26 For whoever shall be ashamed of Me and My words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. Rom 1:18  Indeed, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness; And what is righteousness? 2Pe 2:21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandment that was delivered to them. 

So, what do you think is happening right now? We have a supreme court that has lied to us for 50 years while approximately 70 million babies have been murdered. Are they trying to cleanse their conscience or is it something else? What about their ruling on sodomy, gay marriage? Where is that in the Constitution of the United States?

This nation has closed its door to God a long time ago, and we are sliding into the abyss. I can not understand why our people can not see this phenomenon. Our Republic was established with Godly principles and can only flourish in a nation that has a God lead moral culture. Our Republic will not work with any other system and that is why our present government is working so hard to remove everything that has to do with a Godly moral family way of life. I’m sure there is a better way of articulating that, but I think you can understand what I am trying to say. If we don’t turn back to God and Obey His Voice, then maybe you should make your final arrangements, because if they don’t come after you with a needle, they will probably starve you to death.

Our problems are spiritual! They cannot be solved by voting them out of office. We saw that in the 2020 election. They have the elections rigged to where they will never lose another election and they know it. They are led by Satan the Devil, Eph 6:12 Because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities and against powers, against the world rulers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual power of wickedness in high places. If you don’t wake up and understand what you are up against before it is too late, then you will have nothing in this life to wake up for. The only one that can help you is God, and all He requires is that you repent of breaking His Laws, His statutes and His Judgements! How little for so much! This doesn’t have to be Satan’s world. Satan can only do what God allows him to do. Turn back to God and repent of breaking His Law and watch what happens! Nineveh repented and was spared total destruction!

© 2022 Wylie Marshall – All Rights Reserved

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International Living, Part 2

By Sidney Secular

July 9, 2022


The January 2022 issue of International Living magazine contains an article with a survey rating the best places in the world for an American to retire. The survey utilizes a formula considering the fifteen most important criteria that Americans use when they consider retiring abroad. The top twenty-five countries for retirement are rated in descending order. These are places the retiree can basically “have it all” at a small fraction of the cost of living in the USA while being free of the deteriorating quality of life we continue to suffer in this country. The results will surprise the average American who is not much of a world traveler and thereby harbors negative stereotypes about certain supposedly inferior “third world” countries.

The Gold Medal of retirement locations went to Panama with a rating of 86.1% edging out close competitors Costa Rica, Mexico, Portugal and Ecuador. Aside from highly rated Portugal, the only European countries to make the list were France, Malta, Spain, Ireland, Italy and Croatia. Thailand has made great strides in recent years and now ranks first among Asian countries. In Thailand, a couple can live on a white sand beach for $1,800 per month including rent. You can do the same in Panama for $2,000 a month or indulge yourself in Old World Europe(Portugal) for $2,200 per month. Portugal captures the essence of Old World Europe as is reflected in its outstanding score. That country’s combination of Old World charm, a rock-bottom cost of living and excellent real estate values earned it the highest rating among European entrants. The UN currently lists 193 nation states and the survey’s 25 chosen represent the cream of the crop as far as good living at reasonable rates is concerned.

You may wonder how tiny Panama edged out other better known countries that were considered. To begin with, Panama City is the only cosmopolitan capital in Central America. This exciting international hub is filled with restaurants, theaters, film festivals while having an abundance of athletic and sporting events, and features high culture and international cuisine. Islands and beaches pepper both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts with plenty of mountain retreats and rural hamlets in between. As well, there is the traditional rural lifestyle of the fishing mecca that is Pedasi. Coronado is a bustling little town with every comfort and convenience from high-speed internet to upscale grocery stores. The country itself is comprised of a small, narrow isthmus so travel distances are short. As a result, you can get to Miami in 3 short hours and to New York in 5 while remaining completely outside of the hurricane belt. The government is stable, the tap water is good and good quality personalized medical care is readily available.There are also many national parks and preserves. Of course, the most important items on your list of priorities are safety and freedom and the survey reports that you will be able to feel as safe and free as you desire, something that is no longer a guarantee in the good ol’ US of A!

And then there’s Thailand, Asia’s premium location.  Orange-robed monks walk in single file beneath glittering skyscrapers. Everything you could want or need is at hand in this colorful land and there is no long history of anti-American feelings among the populace. Thailand’s medical system is among the best in the world. The country also boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and you can purchase a two-bedroom home for less than $100,000. Also, the new 10 year long-term visa is a significant perk that will make your life easier.

If, on the other hand, Europe beckons, enjoying the warm coastal nation of Portugal should be a notion to seriously consider. It is the epitome of Old World charm. Centuries-old architecture and vineyards, cobblestone streets, omnipresent outdoor markets, and convivial cafes make your days charming and pleasing. Northern Portugal is a land of deep river valleys and rolling hills. Furthermore, the country is more green and has a milder climate than one might expect. There are towns located on towering hills as well as working fishing villages. South of the capital, Lisbon, the landscape flattens out and presents with olive groves, big skies, and oak tree forests. Further south is the Algarve region with its almond plantations that sweep down to the sea with its coastline dotted with terracotta tiled hill towns and spectacular beaches.

The Algarve is Europe’s playground, containing world-class gold courses, tennis clubs, top-rated fine dining and some of the finest beaches in Europe. As with the south of France, a mild semi-tropical climate prevails. The most amazing thing is that all of this is so affordable. A meal for two with drinks will cost less than $12. Private health insurance for a couple will go for less than $275 a month. In Portugal, apart from antibiotics and narcotics, you can get almost any needful medicine over-the-counter in a pharmacy. For those who enjoy good wine and tasty fish dinners, there’s no better place than Portugal. There is also the added bonus that, because English is taught in the schools, nearly all the people with whom one deals will speak English and everybody knows how that is a must for most Americans.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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One Man’s Crusade Against Voter Fraud

By Kat Stansell

July 8, 2022

Kris Jurski is a Florida resident and businessman, who has mounted a very successful crusade against voter fraud in his home state. Because of the time necessary to produce results, he has had to put aside his income-earning business, Vital Catalyst, LLC, and work full-time uncovering the machinery behind our stolen elections.

His company, Vital Catalyst, was hired by investors to help small businesses grow into corporations. To make it happen, he had to jump in and learn how a company works with little or no documentation, troubleshoot the bottlenecks, and develop systems geared to growth.

This is essentially what he has done with the voter fraud business in Florida. Using his expertise, he has jumped in to find out how it works (with little documentation from them, for sure!) and analyzed the operations. Only, instead of helping it to grow, Kristofer Jurski is working to put voter fraud in the Sunshine State out of business.

A lot of Florida residents knew that the fraud had been occurring. Some had done canvassing of precincts, and taken their findings to their county boards of election. Others had met with local leaders, and made public their issues. There was tremendous demand from various citizens groups to identify and fix the fraud, but there was no coordination or real direction. So, Kris Jurski provided it.

He formed The People’s Audit.

On this website, Kris provides the evidence of existing fraud, complete with graphs and charts, as well as education, to help citizens learn how to recognize and counter fraud in their own precincts. There is an online training academy to help people really understand the voting process and to protect the vote. As a Florida resident, you can go to this site, and check if your last votes were correctly registered and counted!

He has found that the Florida Fraud Machine includes state employees; special “rules” written by some to hamstring others; ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information System, of which Florida is a member; and a crafty system of voter registration that goes on 24/7/365, with fake addresses even more creative than graveyards. And, the totals manage to spike just before registration closes, to provide just enough registration to counter the anticipated “red wave”. Hmmmm…

Before revealing some details of what he has uncovered, I want to introduce you to the man behind this selfless mission.

Born in the US of Polish parents who lived under Communism, Kris remembers his aunt, on her first trip to America, standing in the bakery aisle at a Publix supermarket and weeping for the incredible bounty of baked goods on display. That image stays with him these decades later.

Kris’s wife, too, knows the suffering of those forced to live under totalitarianism. She is a naturalized American citizen born in Venezuela, whose mother is still trapped there. As they tried to get her out, the airport closed down, and they have not seen her since. The Jurski’s send money to her so that she may try to purchase the few things still available, to keep herself alive.

Kris’s mission, to expose and correct the theft of our voting rights, is born of his commitment to his own children, and to the nation that he loves. He has vowed that he WILL NOT allow his children to live under the horrors experienced by both sides of their family. Kris Jurski firmly believes that with one more stolen election, America will officially become a totalitarian state, and the only way back to freedom will entail much suffering and bloodshed, as it has worldwide.

Now, let us take a look at the highlights of what he has unearthed, by knowing how and where to look.

Statewide registrations for 2020 average 21,340 per week.

HOWEVER, in the last week before registration closed,

153,309 registered in that single week. Of that, 46,644 registered on the day registration closed; with Covid excuse applied to extend registration, another 26,895 registered the day after registration closed.

The spikes in registration over the last week are nearly identical in every county in the state. Of those last-minute registrants, 79% voted – mostly by mail! Kris calls BS on this.

Florida residents over the age of 65 need NO IDENTIFICATION! All registration for them is done by mail. In a state where people over 65 make up 20.9% of the entire population, THAT is nothing short of fraud food. In 75% of the assisted living and nursing facilities canvassed, over 50% of the names registered to that facility do not live there. Pure elder abuse.

Tens of thousands of people in just four counties (Pinellas, Miami-Dade, Okaloosa and Clay) are registered to courthouses as their residential address, with their mailing addresses listed as trailer parks, state parks and boat slips and empty buildings. Miami-Dade plays it more cleverly. Rather than using all the same addresses for over 11,000 people, they use the SOE building in Doral, and change the address by adding a letter at the end. For example, the street address is number 2700, so batches are marked 2700G, or 2700D, or 2700C, none of which actually exist.

Since 2019, over 80% of all voter registrations are accomplished at the Division of Motor Vehicles. Since 2017, when the application form was changed by the Director of Elections, there is no spot on which to declare citizenship. In addition, the new training manual for DMV admonishes employees to NEVER discourage someone from registering to vote. Essentially, every applicant at a motor vehicle center is registered or re-registered to vote.

The mandate to distribute voter registration forms at licensing centers came from the “Motor Voter Act”, National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) passed by Congress in 1993. Of the 40 states to which the NVRA applied, most ignored it for a number of years, declaring states’ rights. However, after ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) was formed in 2012, and Donald Trump entered the political scene, in 2014 – 15 suddenly, DMV’s in a number of states began assuming more of the registration process. During that period is when Maria Matthews, the Director of Elections in Florida, used $19 million in federal grants to revamp the voting procedures, adding the new forms above, and rewriting training manuals for state employees.

REMEMBER>>>the state drivers’ data is corrupted with massive amounts of DMV information – which includes green card holders, id card holders, and even learners’ permit applicants. All of these are, of course, ineligible to vote.

At this point, it is fair to mention that the County Supervisors of Elections have their hands tied to prevent them from correcting these situations. Even when citizens bring evidence to them, they can do nothing, thanks to their “training manual” rules, aka restrictions, handed down from the state Director’s office. One SOE in Flagler County, Kim Weeks, tried to disallow dishonest dealings in her meetings, and she was fired, fined and jailed for her efforts! This happened under Gov. Rick Scott, but I call for Gov. DeSantis to find out what is really occurring in his voting systems – if he plans to remain Florida’s Governor, as his state wishes him to do.

You have heard reference to ERIC, the 30-state membership organization of which Florida is a member.

The Electronic Records Information Center (ERIC) exists, ostensibly, to provide voter roll maintenance to its members. What it really is, is a massive data-gathering system that acts as a get-out-the-vote organization for the Left, and an intelligence- gathering mechanism on all state residents.

I have written two articles on ERIC, linked below. Rather than repeat myself, I urge you to read them to familiarize yourself with the organization and its ramifications.

ERIC mandates its members to register voters, legitimate or not, and brags on its website about how many new voters they have registered by the year. They would like us to believe, of course, that these were all “oppressed” people who could never have registered before – which, of course, they are not. Anyone who cares enough to vote is free to register and do their civic duty.

Perversely enough, all of the fraudulent registrations have shown how easy it is to get registered. Anyone (alive or dead or from another country) can get on the rolls.

Kris Jurski has found that the DMV input mandated by ERIC is the key to feeding millions of names of people ineligible to vote, into the voter rolls. He calls it the “Green Card Loophole”. He sees ERIC as an intelligence-gathering system that keeps personal records on everyone with a drivers license or who votes.

In Florida, we know that those registering at the Motor Vehicle locations do NOT have to be a US citizen. Each member state’s drivers permit applications differ, but many manage to get around or avoid the citizenship issue. ERIC itself, in its bylaws, forbids any voter application to be flagged for being a non- citizen.

It is important to note here that even some conservatives who say they care about voter fraud have thrown in with the ERIC system. ‘We are better with it than without it,’ they state, ‘because we need to know who moved and who died.’ The same exact words are spoken whenever the subject comes up, just like the scripted mantra from the MSM, when you hear the same words on every channel. But the voter rolls in ERIC member states are bloated, not cleaned, and its members are mandated to register, not remove. The lists ERIC provides their members, of “who moved and who died” certainly don’t help to maintain honest voter rolls in Florida. If ERIC were about cleaning the rolls, they would post THOSE stats on their website, instead of how many new voters have been registered. Lastly, ERIC would have been organized by someone with a real concern for honesty. David Becker does not qualify.

Recently, proof of election fraud in several other states was made into a dramatically factual film, 2000 Mules, by Dinesh DiSousa, with Catherine Engebrecht and Greg Phillips of True the Vote.

Another film, Rigged, by David Bossie for Citizens United, exposes the “Zuck Bucks”, from Mark Zuckerberg, which were used to aid the 2020 steal in Wisconsin and elsewhere. You must see one or both. They are powerful proof, and frightening, even nauseating, if you care about your country. Yes, it is a FACT that election fraud is occurring blatantly over much of the country, and with the help of both our government and private sources.

However, neither films answered the key question: WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF ALL THESE EXTRA NAMES? Kris Jurski has found the answer, and proven how these names are added to the rolls. He has answered the question of where the Mule Train gets its fuel – all of those votes that weren’t legitimately cast but were counted. He has opened the tombs of the Ghost Voters and traced their origins to street addresses of court houses and abandoned buildings. He has computer analysis, graphs and reports, that spell it out.

Kris feels that we need to do the following to secure our ballots:

Dump ERIC and all current election officials.
Dump all current voter registration rolls
Re-register everyone using in-person, paper records
Issue a photo id which will be required to cast a ballot
Eliminate all drop boxes and return to voting in person, on a single day or two, using paper ballots.

An odd list from a computer guy. Toss the electronics.

Is this a lot of work? You bet. Is our freedom worth it? Don’t even ask!
Kris will be speaking about the People’s Audit, on Catching Fire News. Please tune in. There is so much more.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Cultural Marxism Spawns Narco-Nation

By Cliff Kincaid

July 8, 2022

In another shocking display of America’s downward spiral into Cultural Marxism, a pothead by the name of Robert Crimo killed seven people and wounded more than 40 in a July 4th parade. Associates of Crimo, who maintained his own macabre YouTube channel, say that he was an “isolated stoner” into “alternate reality.”

You only have to look at pictures of this zombie, with his face tattoos, colored hair, and gaunt appearance, to know something is seriously wrong.

While the influence of prescription drugs cannot be ruled out, at this point all indications are that he had mental illness sparked by the “soft” drug known as cannabis.

Marijuana is legal in Illinois and Crimo’s neighborhood is home to a “marijuana dispensary.” Demonstrating his sense of priorities, Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker had called the state’s marijuana legalization bill the “Most Equity-Centric Law” in the nation. The law set aside 20 percent of the revenue generated by legalization for “mental health and substance abuse services in Illinois,” indicating advance knowledge of what was to come from legalizing a mind-altering substance.

It turns out that “reefer madness” is real and is taking its toll on young people.

In America as a whole, Big Marijuana has become a booming business, with coverage as a respectable industry from the likes of CNBC’s Jim Cramer.

The Illinois case seems to be eerily similar to the case of Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland Florida mass shooter, who plead guilty to murdering 17 people in 2018 and told police about extensive drug use, including marijuana, and “demons” in his mind.

Crimo seems to be another case of someone “programmed to kill,” probably as a result of marijuana-induced psychosis. On one of his YouTube videos, where he advertised his intentions, Crimo had posted a photo of Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK’s assassin, on his wall. That’s significant, since Oswald, as noted by communist defector Ion Mihai Pacepa, was “programmed” to kill by the KGB.

One study, “SHOOTERS, TERRORISTS AND MASS KILLERS WHO USED MARIJUANA,” lists dozens of mad stoner episodes.

If someone wants to stop “gun violence,” one place to start is enforcing federal laws against marijuana.

The Highland Park shooter, who was under police surveillance at one time, is just the latest example of mass violence that escapes the attention of the Biden’s Department of Justice. A letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland from a national coalition urging him to support enforcement of federal marijuana laws has been ignored. That’s because Democrats favor legalization and the financial donations that would flow from the marijuana industry.

At the very least, enforcement of current federal marijuana laws will save the minds of some young people and reduce the number of drug addicts with mental problems running rampant in the streets of major cities and contributing to mass murder and the rising crime rate.

To make matters worse, marijuana is now being laced with fentanyl, made by Mexican cartels with chemicals from China, to increase the carnage.

Garland should be investigating and prosecuting those behind this trend. Instead, Garland mounts the biggest investigation in FBI history to go after protesters who were lured into the Capitol on January 6, 2021, even though the only victim of gun violence that day was Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, murdered by a member of the Capitol Police.

During an appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Senator Mike Lee called for Garland to be held “accountable” for another example of malfeasance in office — failing to protect the pro-life judges on the Court. This, too, is a serious matter involving potential violence and terrorism.

But Lee knows that only 30 Senate Republicans voted against Garland’s confirmation. He was one of them, to his credit. On the other hand, Garland won the votes of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Judiciary Committee’s top Republican, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley.

Garland’s soft-on-drugs policy has been extended to Joe Biden’s son Hunter, a drug addict who illegally purchased a gun without disclosing his habit and has not been prosecuted.

As noted by Politico, “Hunter responded ‘no’ to a question on the [gun] transaction record that asks, ‘Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?’ Five years earlier, he had been discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine, and he and family members have spoken about his history of drug use.”

Only a concerted drive for impeachment can convince Republican voters they are serious about removing the Biden regime.

On the Fox show talking about the illegal street protests outside of the homes of pro-life Supreme Court members, Senator Lee said, “It is beyond my ability to understand why it is that Merrick Garland and his Department of Justice haven’t investigated and prosecuted these crimes.” He added, “I hereby call on them to do so. If they’re unwilling to do this, they’re really imperiling our entire system of government, and they need to be held accountable.”

Garland refuses to act, despite one assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh.

Lee, who won his Senate primary, is a good conservative but fails to grasp the serious nature of what the Biden regime represents.  This is not a collection of “radicals” but a communist-style regime determined to eliminate its political enemies, through intimidation and violence if necessary.  Garland showed his hand when he was caught hunting for parental terrorists at school board meetings.

Before YouTube terminated my channel, eliminating 500 anti-communist videos from public view, I had analyzed the issue of Merrick Garland’s involvement in a court case brought by the Obama Administration to drop terrorism charges against a communist by the name of Elizabeth Anna Duke. She was a member of a Weather Underground spin-off that specialized in terrorism and was charged with bombing the Capitol in 1983. Then-Judge Merrick Garland found no problem with a magistrate who arbitrarily dropped the charges against her, at the request of Obama’s Justice Department.

Garland authorized dropping that charge, but has proceeded as Attorney General with charges against trespassers lured into the Capitol on January 6 and calling them “insurrectionists.”

I had the Duke story confirmed by interviews with such key figures as legal analyst Montgomery Blair Sibley and Paul Kamenar of the National Legal and Policy Center. But now, as a result of YouTube banning my channel, these YouTube videos have been eliminated from public view (along with other videos opposing the drug legalization movement).

Through its censorship policies, YouTube is protecting Obama and the Biden regime. And now, according to filmmaker Joel Gilbert, another Obama is planning to run his wife Michelle for president in 2024, replacing Biden.

While Senator Lee demands accountability, with no likelihood of compliance, Rep. Scott Perry goes further, introducing a measure calling for Garland’s impeachment.

Lee should demand that Mitch McConnell disavow his vote for Garland and lead calls for Garland’s removal.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Abortion and the Definition of Human Life

by Peter Falkenberg Brown

July 7, 2022

~ Is the fetus a human being with sacred, inviolable rights, or is it just a clump of cells that might be inconvenient for a woman, much like a boil that can be removed at will?

The controversy after the approval in 2019 of New York’s Reproductive Health Act and its stipulation that abortion can take place up to the moment of birth, followed by then Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s remarks which seemed to approve of infanticide,[1] have highlighted key variables in the arguments about abortion.

Pro-choice feminists argue that it’s all about a woman’s right to do what she feels is best for her body and that anyone arguing against abortion is a misogynist and a tyrant. This view rests on suppositions that are, in the opinion of many pro-life advocates, entirely untrue. They are:

  • The “fetus” is just a “clump of cells.”
  • The fetus is part of the woman’s body.
  • The woman owns the clump of cells—what she does with them is nobody’s business but her own.

So, let’s explore these three assumptions.

“The ‘Fetus’ Is Just a ‘Clump of Cells’”

To me, this is the heart of the argument.

Is the fetus a human being with sacred, inviolable rights, or is it just a clump of cells that might be inconvenient for a woman, much like a boil that can be removed at will?

The New York Reproductive Health Act (Senate Bill 240), enacted on January 22, 2019, clarifies that babies in the womb are not persons.[2] The Senate bill includes this definition:

[1.] “Person,” when referring to the victim of a homicide, means a human being who has been born and is alive.

As reported by, in an article by Heather Clark on February 10, 2019, titled “NY’s New Abortion Law Allows Man Who Killed Pregnant Girlfriend to Get Away With Death of Unborn Child,”[3] Anthony Hobson, who killed both Jennifer Irigoyen and her unborn child, was only charged with the mother’s death.

Killing the child became irrelevant under the law because the unborn child was not a person.

The New York law also states (with emphasis added):

  • 2599-BB. Abortion. 1. A health care practitioner licensed, certified, or authorized under title eight of the education law, acting within his or her lawful scope of practice, may perform an abortion when, according to the practitioner’s reasonable and good faith professional judgment based on the facts of the patient’s case: the patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.[4]

In the January 22, 2019, National Review article “New York State Senate Passes Bill Permitting Abortions up to Birth,”[5] Alexandra DeSanctis wrote that the mother’s life or health was defined as:

… the exception that was defined in Roe companion case Doe v. Bolton as “all factors—physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age—relevant to the wellbeing [sic] of the patient.” In other words, abortion will be available to women essentially on demand up to the point of birth.

In my opinion, laws allowing abortion up to birth are possible because their proponents choose to believe that a child growing in a mother’s womb is nothing more than a lump of flesh. To me, this view is influenced by two primary motivating factors:

  1. Babies Can Be Seen as a Huge and Inconvenient Responsibility

Having a baby that was not planned can be an enormous burden to mothers and their families. In some cases, mothers-to-be are overwhelmed with the consequences of bearing and raising a child and choose abortion as a way out of their predicament. Although abortion can indeed be offered as a compassionate response to the mothers-to-be, it has also allowed abortion to become an all-too-convenient solution to any unwanted pregnancy. It is such an emotionally difficult procedure that it can soothe one’s conscience if the “fetus” is considered less than human—just a “clump of cells.” In essence, a “woman’s right to choose” can become an excuse for what many would call a narcissistic viewpoint.

  1. An Unwillingness to Consider the Spiritual Component of Human Beings

For someone to view a zygote or a fetus as an innately spiritual human being, however tiny and unformed it might be, one needs to view all humans as spiritual creations of an Intelligent Source.

As an aside, even among religious people who do view humans as “eternal children of God,” there is considerable questioning as to whether unborn children live forever in the afterlife if they die in the womb. Some religious people believe that a child doesn’t receive an eternal spirit until they leave the womb and draw their first breath.

Under that viewpoint, if the baby is aborted, it’s not the same as killing a living baby who has an eternal spirit. However, I would wager that even with that viewpoint, those religious people still tend to have a deep respect for children in the womb and view them as sacred creations. Still, the “first-breath” doctrine (if one may call it a doctrine) can make it a degree easier for some to consider an abortion under certain circumstances. Yet, there is no evidence anywhere that the newly-formed baby in the womb does not have an eternal spirit. I think the idea may have come about as a convenient justification to make abortion easier.

Although I once accepted the first-breath doctrine, I’ve now come to believe that God’s spirit and essence imbue everything. Everything is part of God’s energy. Thus, when the baby is conceived, I personally believe that it makes more sense to assume that the souls and spirits of the man and woman are also engaged in the sexual act (not just their physical bodies) and that God is present as well since each person is an individual incarnation of one distinct part of the omnipresent God.

Some might find it strange to consider the idea that God is present even when a man and woman make love, but it makes sense if one views God as omnipresent. If God created all energy and is the spiritual and physical force that runs the universe, if God is all there is, then God can’t be anything other than omnipresent. Where would God go during a couple’s sex act? Would God leave the room? If so, why?

Granted, there are many sexual acts that are not centered on love. Some are degraded and demeaning; some are violent and horrific, such as the act of rape. One can only assume that a compassionate and omnipresent God feels profound grief during those acts. Why God allows those acts to happen is a different topic—a discussion about the value of human freedom as it relates to the flowering of creative love, even at the cost of potential human pain.

With an omnipresent God participating in the creation of new human life, as the man and woman join and the sperm meets the egg and a zygote is created, it’s reasonable to conclude that the couple cooperates with God’s creative power to create a new life that is eternally spiritual, as well as briefly physical.

The process of creation of new life in the womb is a question that has enormous implications for how society views human beings. Or at least it should have. Is God the ultimate creator of each baby formed in the womb? Does each baby develop with eternal spiritual attributes, created from the spiritual essence of the father, the mother, and God? If so, that newly-formed zygote, fetus, and then baby inherits the God-given and inalienable rights of survival that all humans share.

If one removes God and spirituality from the process of pregnancy, then it allows the human mind to develop all sorts of theories about the definition of humans. It is plain to see, from laws like the New York Reproductive Health Act, that many on the hard-Left view babies as bits of flesh that can be flushed away.

Note that the “Left” and “classical liberals” are not the same. The “Left” includes people who espouse Marxism and totalitarian socialism and have a general contempt for freedom for all individuals—most especially those individuals with whom they disagree.

However, even an atheistic view of human life should not ignore common sense. The traditional definition of whether a human is alive or dead is the presence of a heartbeat. If the fetus has a heartbeat, it’s alive. It’s certainly not dead! So, the mishmash of convenient rationalizations about why a living baby in the womb can be declared as “not a person” really comes down to the Left’s contempt for human life in general. As reported by the Family Research Council in the January 2022 white paper “U.S. Abortion Law in Comparison with the Globe,” the author Mary Szoch wrote:

The answer lies in the definition of what abortion is. It is either the killing of an innocent unborn child in the womb, or it is not. … In light of the fact that abortion takes the life of a human being, the abortion laws of human rights violators like North Korea and China make sense. These countries do not value human life as being created in the image of God.[6]

This view of human life doesn’t stop with fetuses. As history has clearly demonstrated with the purges of over one hundred million people under Leftist regimes in the twentieth century, the hard-Left views all human beings as hunks of meat that can be put down if they don’t serve the purpose of the collective.

“The Fetus Is Part of the Woman’s Body”

Viewing the fetus as a clump of cells, disconnected from a spiritual source, allows a woman to declare that the fetus is part of her body. The slogan “my body, my choice” supports the rationale that a woman has a right to abort a fetus because a woman is the owner of her body.

However, even if God did not exist, and human babies were born solely through a process of physical evolution, it is completely erroneous to view a child in the womb as part of the woman’s body. A butterfly is not the cocoon. It is simply grown in the cocoon. A baby is born as a singular and unique entity that is able to live even after the mother’s body dies. The mother’s body is the temporary host of the baby, which is an entirely separate life form. It is utter nonsense to say that the baby is the mother’s body, and thus she can do whatever she wants with it as if she was removing a wart.

“The Woman Owns the Clump of Cells”

The short answer to a “my body, my choice” woman is: “Madam, the baby in your womb is not your body. It is a separate anddifferent mind and body of a living human being who does not belong to you.

Even if the fetus is just a clump of cells, it’s very clear that a woman cannot produce a fetus on her own. It requires the participation of a man, even with the practice of artificial insemination. Without a man’s sperm, there will be no fetus.

Although there are some new variations on how that sperm meets with the woman’s egg, the standard, historical method has been based on a sexual relationship with a man. The historically optimal scenario involves love between the man and woman, with marriage binding them together.

Writing for Aeon Magazine, in the January 17, 2019 article “The marvel of the human dad,”[7] evolutionary anthropologist Anna Machin led with this question:

Among our close animal relatives, only humans have involved and empathic fathers. Why did evolution favour the devoted dad?

She wrote:

But crucially, dad has not evolved to be the mirror to mum, a male mother, so to speak. Evolution hates redundancy and will not select for roles that duplicate each other if one type of individual can fulfill the role alone. Rather, dad’s role has evolved to complement mum’s.

Millennia have passed with the men who contributed their sperm watching as the fetus grew and was subsequently delivered as a child who was intrinsically connected to both parents—not just the mother. Men were integral to the creation and maturation of their children—sons and daughters who were usually loved and raised by both parents.

Thus, the argument that the fetus, or clump of cells, is owned by the woman is nonsense. The pregnancy and pain of childbirth do not remove the value of the man’s contribution to the creation and parenting of a new life.

After Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam spoke about abortion up to birth and gave the impression that he supported what many described as infanticide, directly after a baby is born, Tucker Carlson of Fox News interviewed pro-choice advocate Monica Klein about Northam’s remarks.

I was shocked by Klein’s smugness in her responses to Carlson. She refused to answer his questions and stated at the end of the short interview, “This is about a woman’s right to choose, and you as a man should not have a single say in that.”[8]

A Call to Action to Reexamine the Arguments for Abortion

In spite of the radical Left’s push for abortion until birth and infanticide after a baby is born, it is clear that there are still many sincere and good pro-choice women and men who are not “monsters.”

Many pro-choice men and women are compassionate. It seems like a Good Thing to care for the mothers-to-be who struggle with unwanted pregnancies that could radically alter their well-being for the worse. Who wants to inflict suffering on young mothers? No one.

Additionally, there may be cases where abortion is necessary: for example, in occurrences of severe deformity or the life of the mother. I personally think that those situations should be permissible. However, many parents of Down’s Syndrome children are grateful that those infants were not aborted. It is a complex landscape that needs to be reviewed with openness and respect for all points of view in a balanced and compassionate fashion.

Yet, as we have seen, the pro-choice movement contains elements within it that are radical and not balanced in their approach to all of the issues that need to be discussed, including the role and value of men in the parenting process, which begins at conception.

Men are the fathers of their unborn children and must be given equal rights of participation in abortion decisions.

Therefore, let us call out to both pro-lifers and good-hearted pro-choice advocates to go back to the roots of the abortion debate and reexamine all of the premises upon which abortion has been made legal. If the founding assumptions are incorrect, the end result will be deeply flawed and even horrific, as we have seen with the laws and proposals mentioned above.

We must analyze the many motivations to seek an abortion, from efforts to avoid serious repercussions or burdens to the mother to callously sought abortions that are done simply for convenience.

More than anything else, we must openly and honestly look at the sacred and spiritual value of unborn children and the definition of human life.

Killing an unborn baby in the womb must no longer be a casual action. Avoiding unwanted pregnancies should be the first method to reduce abortion. If that fails, even though placing a child up for adoption is a tragic step to take, it is still better than looking at an innocent child in the womb and deciding to kill it.

With the assumption that an unborn child is a human being—a person—that may indeed possess an eternal spirit created by God, killing that child (for that is what abortion will be, based on that definition of human life) should only happen, if at all, under the rarest of circumstances, like the life of the mother or untenable and severe deformities that would bring the child a horrific life on earth.

In all discussions about abortion, correctly defining human life is our first and most important task.

~ See more author info below.

Photo of a baby wearing many items of winter clothing, 2007, by Andrew Vargas from Clovis, United States

Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic / Image from Wikimedia Commons

© 2022 Peter Falkenberg Brown – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Peter Falkenberg Brown:


  8. – minute 2:22

Toward a World of Woke

by Lee Duigon

July 7, 2022

How do you get the Climate Change legislation that you really want? I don’t mean any half-baked toothless regulations for recycling your muesli cartons—no! I mean rock-hard, in-your-face, take-no-prisoners Climate Change laws. With jail time for anyone who dares to object.

Our friends at Far Left Crazy had to wear out their thinking caps, but they finally came up with something. Never underestimate the power of a modern education.

How do you get serious Climate Change legislation? Hold onto your birkenstocks.

**You glue yourself to famous paintings! And also slash people’s tires for having the wrong kind of car. But the caper with the paintings has grabbed all the headlines.

This is how you get a world without oil. Hey, wait a minute! Those are oil paintings, aren’t they? Well-hell! No way that slips past us! We didn’t take Nothing Studies for nothing.

So you find a classic famous work of art and you glue yourself to the frame! Make sure you’ve got your message printed on your T-shirt or a piece of cardboard: something catchy, something edifying. Like “No More Oil!” Oh—and make sure you use Crazy Glue or something equally strong, so no one can pull you loose.

This tactic really works! So far “climate protesters” have hit a Van Gogh in France, a Constable in London—and Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.” The Leonardo was only a full-size copy, but you’ve got to give an A for effort. And in New York they slashed a bunch of tires.

Anyhow, there you are, glued to the picture-frame by Crazy Glue—and some enemy of the people asks, “What happens if you have to go to the bathroom?” Uh-oh. Well, who can think of everything? You practically burned out your brain just getting this far. I mean, you could have very easily brought along a jar of mayonnaise instead of the glue, and then where are you? Boy howdy, this is real life. It’s supposed to be harder than college.

But now let’s look at the bright side. If they ever want to enjoy this great art again, without having to look at social justice wackos glued to it—well, they’re just gonna have to give up fossil fuels, won’t they? You’ve got them over a barrel. Switch to origami-powered windmills, world, or say goodbye to Andy Warhol! Can’t you already hear them saying “Uncle”?

Every dindle knows the world will run just fine if the common people have no more access to the benefits of gas and oil, and have to eat bugs instead of meat. Save that Kobe beef, that fresh-caught sea bass, for big wheels at the World Economic Forum, as a reward for their inspired leadership. Politicians, movie stars, Big Tech grandees, and celebrities of every stripe deserve to live in luxury! It’s a privilege to work and sacrifice, if it keeps them in private jets, stretch limos, and mansions fifteen feet above the tide line.

It is amazing, though, that it took the Woke world so long to think of this can’t-miss scheme. And now that Extinction Rebellion has thrown in with us, it can’t fail.

Did somebody say “extinction”? But who cares? Everyone who deserves it will simply have xer brain uploaded into a computer and locked into a gender-fluid robot… and that will be that.

Imagine a world of infallible wokesters!

And without a single drop of oil.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit—before they come for us. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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This Ain’t Norman Rockwell’s America Anymore!

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 7, 2022

“Gun violence spiked over the Fourth of July weekend, with shootings reported in nearly every U.S. state that killed a total of at least 220 people and wounded 570 others,”  according to CBS News, July 5, 2022.

Highland Park, Illinois: Robert Crimo, 22, mentally disturbed throughout his teens with suicide attempts, saying that he would kill people with 19 knives he had accumulated, bought a rife with help from his father—and shot up a 4th of July parade with seven deaths and 30 plus wounded.

You can’t help but wonder—What happened to Norman Rockwell’s America?  He painted covers on the Saturday Evening Post Magazine that depicted a kinder, gentler and more civil America.  He painted kids going fishing with grandpa.  He painted girls dancing with their fathers with their feet on dad’s shoe tops.  He painted baseball games with something always uniquely American.

As a paperboy from age 12 to 18, I enjoyed his view of America. I also delivered the Jacksonville Daily News, North Carolina. Later, I also delivered the Atlanta-Constitution Journal seven days a week at 5 a.m.  Rockwell drew one cover shot of a paperboy outracing a dog nipping at his pants.  Well, I was that kid!  Dogs chased me all the time.

But I can tell you this—I never read headlines that we’ve seen since April 20, 1999, Columbine High School, Denver, Colorado, when killers Klebold and Harris shot the hell out of students and teachers.  Sandy Hook Elementary, December 14, 2012, some kid uses a rifle to blast two dozen little kids into oblivion.  Uvalde’s Robb Elementary just weeks ago, suffered a horrific slaughter of kids.

October 1,2017: That one guy in Las Vegas mowed people down at a concert in the park. He just sprayed bullets to kill 58 and wounded 489 people listening to music and drinking beer.  How did that happen?  What nurtured a mental nightmare that dwelled inside his skull?

A year ago, at a King Soopers where I used to live in Boulder, Colorado, suffered a Muslim immigrant who walked into the store and gunned down 13 people. He did it for Allah. I  could have been one of them.

Last week, two Mexican illegal aliens were stopped in Texas with 150,000 fentanyl pills in their car—to be sold all over the country. And, those pills could have killed upwards of millions of drug users. They were the ones that got caught. With over 107,000 opioid deaths last year, you might think Joe Biden would seal the borders.  Nope! That’s not on his list of “things to do.”

Meanwhile, thousands of Americans are dying needlessly.

Dozens of such incidents occur every weekend in Chicago, St. Louis, LA, San Francisco, Detroit, Minneapolis, NYC and Miami.  The bigger the city, the more insanity rears its ugly, deadly head.

Something is going wrong in America that is beyond comprehension!

Over this past 4th weekend, how did 570 men shoot to kill 570 other people, and actually killed 220 of them?  I can’t even get my emotional and mental arms around that kind of killing.

Biden and company think it can be solved by stopping gun sales.  Psychologists and sociologists think up different societal glitches that need to be addressed.

How do you stop all the violent TV shows that engender guns as the final solution?  How do you stop Criminal Minds from giving disturbed kids ideas on how to torture people to death?  How do you top the FBI TV program where guns answer the call for every bad guy? How do you stop all the movies where violence dominates the entire movie?   How do you stop the tens of thousands of video arcades that promote gun violence?

FBI Stats Show Knives Kill Far More People Than Rifles In America – It’s Not Even Close: “Knives or other “cutting tools” accounted for another 1,476 homicides — about three times the number killed by rifles.”  (Source: Daily Caller, Virginia Kruta, March 24, 2021)

At some point, American leaders, teachers, principals, educators, and parenting associations need to come together to figure out HOW raise our children to be productive, contributing and mentally healthy human beings.

  1. Personally, I think cell phones need to be banned out of high schools and colleges. Drop them in a slot when entering a classroom.  In fact, I would not allow my kids to have a smart phone until they turned 18. And, make them pay for it by securing a part-time job.  They need to learn how to communicate with their fellow human beings face to face.
  2. Stop pumping our kids full of drugs, and very poor school lunches.
  3. Two people about to marry need to pass a rigorous parenting class over a six- or 12-month period.  They need to learn how to love, care-for, discipline and raise healthy kids who will lead positive lives. There’s one program called “Love and Logic” on how to bring up kids successfully.
  4. We need to bring dollars, teachers, professionals, modern schools, after school classes, and more into the inner cities to bring order to minority kids and a shot at a normal, productive life.
  5. While we spend trillions on wars such as Afghanistan and Iraq for 20 years at $6 trillion wasted, we need to direct such money toward our own children.

In the meantime, my wife and I won’t be attending our Christmas Parade in Golden, Colorado this December, because we could be the victims of another Harris and Klebold who just decided to pick our town and that parade.  We attend movies at the matinees, so we won’t get shot at an evening showing with a lot of movie-goers. We never walk the malls for fear of being shot.  We don’t go to downtown Denver at the 16th Street Mall because, quite frankly, it’s dangerous with 10,000 homeless living right there in the streets.

This country faces some really nasty events in the near future.  We’ve got useless politicians who won’t prosecute criminals, an absolutely senile president who lacks any understanding of what he is doing, and his “handlers” are as incompetent as he is, and, to tell you the truth from my position…nothing is going to change for the better. Biden just allowed another 240,000 illegals to cross the border in June, and God only knows how many tons of fentanyl, cocaine, hash, heroin, meth and MJ.  Those drugs make people crazy, and they make them crazy enough to kill other people.

Norman Rockwell must be turning over in his grave wondering what happened to his America?  About the most I can do is repeat what Walter Cronkite said, “And that’s the way it is on July 7, 2022.”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Representative Decries The FBI For Acting Like The Gestapo

by Bradlee Dean

July 6, 2022

“Louie Gohmert claims Justice Department and FBI using ‘Gestapo tactics.’”

Biden’s Justice Dept. rounding up innocent conservative political dissidents, Video

This is one of those topics that we cover quite a bit at The Sons of Liberty Media and that is the parallel to what is happening in America today and the Germans under Adolph Hitler in the 1930s, and here we go again (Hosea 4:6).

[Rumble Video]

All one has to do is to look to the history of many of these agencies here in America and one will come to the same conclusion.

[Rumble Video]


[Rumble Video]

The Washington Examiner recently reported:

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) ripped the Department of Justice and the FBI for lacking moral clarity, likening some law enforcement actions to “Gestapo tactics.”
“They think it’s OK to lie, especially if you’re going after Republicans,” he said Thursday at a conservative conference. “Is it reasonable or even moral for the FBI to bust down doors in the middle of the night of people that have never done anything violent, never done anything threatening?”

He added, “These are Gestapo tactics that have been incorporated in our own country, and it’s got to stop.”

Conclusion: Look to the history of how these agencies have been used.  Many are under the delusion that they are there to protect the little guy from the big guys when the opposite is true (Proverbs 17:15).

Taking it one step further, these agencies do not have constitutional standing.  So, what should one expect when they act in a foreign manner to the Constitution (John 8:44)? Just exactly what it is that they are getting.

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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If Trump Plans to Run in 2024, Time to Announce His Candidacy Is Now!

By Steven Yates

July 6, 2022

If there is one takeaway we should get from the scripted January 6 Committee hearings, it’s that its members, which include two hardcore Establishment Republicans, want to prevent another Trump presidency — by any means necessary!

The best way to do that would be to open the door to the Justice Department charging Trump with crimes ranging from seditious conspiracy to fraud, based on the official narrative (he tried to “overturn” a “free and fair democratic election”) and testimony at the hearings.

The Committee is forging ahead even though claims that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the presidential SUV are disputed. Other claims of Trump behaving violently (e.g., throwing soiled dishes against the wall on at least one occasion) are also questioned by a New York author who has been in a position to observe the man for decades and describes him as unlikely to engage in such acts. Caren White sensibly asks, if Trump had actually done this, wouldn’t we have heard about it long before now? Wouldn’t claims that he tried to grab the steering wheel of a moving vehicle have made instant headlines when they happened?

In other words, much as I hate to ask, where is the proof that these events really occurred? By the same standards of proof the Establishment has required of those alleging fraud during the early morning hours of November 4, 2020.

We are dealing with people who are not above making crap up. Criminal charges based on the official narrative of an attempted coup to block the “peaceful transition of power” — even if made on the basis of hoked-up “evidence” — would be sufficient to block another Trump run for high office while the case moved forward.

Which is why, if Trump plans to run in 2024, the time to announce his candidacy is now!

True, this would be unprecedented. November midterms are still four months away. But we have an unprecedented situation on our hands, and it’s time to pivot.

I’ve noted — many times — that we are in a war of narratives. Just over two thirds of Republicans either believe the election was stolen outright, or at least think there were enough “irregularities” to warrant investigation. They do not believe “there’s no evidence of fraud.” They think the evidence was memory-holed back in November 2020.

Almost a third of Independents agree.

From that standpoint, the Bidenistas are illegitimate, these hearings are illegitimate, and any prosecution based on them would be illegitimate.

My writing such things won’t stop this runaway locomotive, of course. Nor will any prosecution or labels (“extremist,” “white supremacist,” “fascist,” etc.), or threats,dislodge Trump and his supporters.

It is likely that some among the latter would deem a Trump prosecution as an act of war, as I’ve stated before.

All of which is why I urge sensible people to get out of big cities and even suburban environments if you can! Because we are watching two locomotives on the same tracks on collision course.

When they hit, assuming one side or the other doesn’t back down, things are going to get ugly!

The economic situation is likely to make matters uglier. For even if the Supreme Court has become a bastion of relative sanity—to the point where their conservative members have had to seek protection from leftie “peaceful protesters” outside their homes!—the last 18 months of the Bidenista regime have been catastrophic by any measure!

Everyone with a functioning brain knows this!

I’ve recently had the opportunity to have a few conversations. I’ve observed during these that you don’t have to like Trump personally. No one I know thinks he’s the most likeable guy on the planet. But as was said of Bill Clinton (who was personally very likeable), he got things done!

By all the official measures the Trump economy was roaring! We were on track for energy independence. Gas prices were under $2/gallon. Unemployment among Hispanics and African-Americans had fallen to record lows. The Dow was surpassing previous highs almost daily. Inflation was practically nonexistent. The situation on our Southern border was under control.

And unlike Clinton who had the winds of corporate media at his back, Trump did all this despite the most intense hate blasts ever directed at a president in America.

Had it been an Establishment figure in the White House, the above would have been considered major triumphs!

Trump did not start any new wars, moreover. Bill Clinton could not make that claim. And had Hillary won in 2016, U.S. troops would have been in Syria within a year. Bet on it. Also bet on ISIS still being in business and beheading Americans.

I did say, by all the official measures. We were on our way to economic heavy weather as well as significant political unrest both domestic and foreign. In 2019, both became manifest. But Trump did not control the Federal Reserve. The money printing presses started long before his watch. He did not invent inequality, nor did he invent the systems of financialization developed and honed by GloboCorp, which had begun to work their economic magic of welfare-statism-in-reverse (redistributing wealth upward!) long before his watch.

Biden killed over 10,000 jobs immediately when he closed the Keystone Pipeline with one signature. Inflation is roaring, not the economy; economists are talking recession again. Gas is averaging around $5/gallon and threatening to go higher. Our Southern border is once again an utter mess, with thousands trying to get across (and some succeeding). Biden’s abrupt pullout from Afghanistan stranded Americans there and left tons of U.S. equipment in Taliban hands. Finally, Putin moved on Ukraine because whatever other factors were involved, the Russian leader could be sure that the doofus in the American White House was too incompetent to lead any opposition against him.

So factually, are we better off or worse off than we were in 2020?

It’s a no-brainer, people!

None of this has mattered, because of how corporate media is protecting this disastrous administration with official narratives, while trying to destroy the legacy of its predecessor.

It is what it is, however, and I cannot emphasize enough what the freedom movement is up against. It starts with realizing that the truth is almost completely opposite what we get from the Establishment and its presstitute corporate media.

“Saving our democracy,” that is, refers to preserving systems that empower globalists who control economies from the top, while placating the masses with bread and circuses. Calls to preserve the “liberal world order” (such as one Bidenista recently issued over paying record-high gas prices) are the same.

And keep in mind that if you reject the Establishment’s narratives, you are ”spreading misinformation,” supporting “the Big Lie” (or “election denialism”), engaging in “right-wing extremism” or “fascism” or promoting “baseless conspiracy theories.”

It’s all upside-down, in other words. If you, your family or your community and associates want to be free of globalist structures and their effects, you’re “illiberal” and “authoritarian.” I’ve written how Viktor Orbán, a Hungarian nationalist who puts his country and its people first, is routinely labeled such. He’s hardly alone.

The possibility of such a figure, with a solid, populous movement able to defend itself with force of arms if necessary behind him, fully entrenched in the American body politic, doubtless scares the crap out of the globalists!

GloboCorp (Establishment) plans have long been to bring down what is left of the American middle class,replacing financial independence earned through work with permanent debt-serfdom, using the inflation the superelites created as a primary tool to pave the way for their Great Reset.

Speaking of which, Klaus Schwab and his cohorts are not hiding!

Six books, additional summaries of such, some available in Spanish translation, are readily available!

This is why any intelligent person buying the line that the Great Reset is a “baseless conspiracy theory” baffles me completely!

Fueled also by the “pandemic” the globalists also created for the purpose of bringing populations under direct control (conceivably minimizing the number of “useless eaters” out here), the Great Reset will introduce central bank digital currency, the use of which will be (1) monitored, and (2) required, as physical cash will slowly disappear.

I’ve personally encountered vendors already refusing cash. While in Florida recently I bought a replacement land phone. “Cash or credit?” I asked. “Debit or credit cards only,” came the curt reply. These companies probably do not know what agenda they are serving. All they know is that spending on credit has been super-streamlined and made über-convenient for both business and customer.

That’s called “nudging.”

The Great Reset is as much about psychology as it is political economy. An obviously intelligent gentleman working in a prominent bookstore in South Florida responded to my query with something like, “so we’re moving toward a world in which a handful of global corporations supply everything because they own everything” while shrugging his shoulders: “Since there’s nothing you can do about it, why should you care?”

My point has been that we are dealing with sociopaths at the top who are obsessed with total power over controlled masses who have been rendered psychologically helpless as well as economically debilitated and miseducated into thinking they live in a democracy.

Very few figures on the world stage have galvanized movements able to slow or even halt the globalist locomotive. Trump has been one of those figures, likeable or not. Can he and his supporters succeed? I don’t know. Can they survive the fallout from the ill-advised January 6 incursion which has been weaponized against them? I don’t know that, either. The largest resources and propaganda machine in human history are all arrayed on the Establishment side, the intent being to keep the Great Power Grab of 2020 (plandemic plus stolen election) in place.

For another Trump presidential run to be legally blocked would be a major triumph for the Establishment!

Trump’s enemies are moving fast! Which is why, if he plans to run again, his being coy about it must end! It’s time, as my late father might have put it, to either do something or get off the pot. If he does not plan to run, it is time to step aside with a decisive statement so someone such as Florida governor Ron DeSantis can step up when the time is right. Assuming he wants the job.


Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) is available here and here. His earlier Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) is available here.

These columns present a perspective unavailable elsewhere: of personal freedom and community autonomy, based on a philosophically-informed conservatism within a Christian worldview holding that in the last analysis, we all answer to our Creator.

This stands opposed to the major threat of our time: a sociopathic superelite using technology and financialization to gain world domination, unleashed by secular materialism and the latter’s having collapsed all forms of valuation other than money and power. Globalists see themselves as answering only to each other. They do not believe in a Higher Power. They are the culmination of the materialist / secularist / liberal worldview.

My perspective incorporates accounts of how emergencies of various sorts arise or are manufactured, how controlled media hysterics generate fear in populations, and how these enable controlled governments to grab power and do the superelites’ bidding. Hegelian dialectic: crisis, reaction, response. Foment a crisis or through inaction allow it to develop; the crisis leads to a predictable reaction within populations (“Do something!”); those with power move in with the response they had planned all along.

These ideas are dispensed essentially for free. The editor of this site cannot afford to pay writers such as myself. Nor am I on the payroll of a “think tank” or some other such entity. No university or corporate leviathan has my back. I receive no grants. I am an Independent. We live in a foreign country, because of the lower cost of living. My wife and I survive on what remains of an inheritance, my monthly social security deposit into my U.S. bank account, the occasional donation, “gigs” and “odd jobs” that come our way, and

This last had been rising, but over the past few months it has fallen dramatically! I have no theories why, except that I am not one of their “creatives” consistently dispensing “infotainment” on the site.

Where this is going: the lights on this project could go out at any time, and just when they are needed most! If you value what I do, please consider becoming a Patron or arranging some other means of support to help keep this project alive. Do not do it for me. Do it for you. Do you want to help spread truth, or do you prefer to live in a fake reality based on official narratives steeped in lies?

We all benefit from helping disseminate truth, and from furthering the idea that persons and freedom have intrinsic value because we were created in God’s image. These things will not preserve and defend themselves indefinitely without ongoing financial support, however. So please consider becoming a Patron today by going to the site linked to above and making a small pledge. If everyone reading this were to pledge just $5/mo., that would be $500 each month in defense of truth-telling!

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Alkaline vs. Acid, Life & Death Hangs in the Balance

By Gregory Ciola

July 6, 2022

The Battle For Health Is Over pH

“The doctor of the future will give little medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” — Thomas Edison

The science of balancing the body’s pH to maintain a high state of health dates to the late 1800s.  A famous research scientist named Atoine Béchamp is the most notorious pioneer of this biology. After a century of suppression, doctors and researchers are finally giving pH the attention it deserves.

In Béchamp’s research, he was able to show scientific proof that a proper acid-alkaline balance in the body correlates to a high state of health. In direct opposition to another well known scientist – Louis Pasteur – Béchamp discovered that it wasn’t germs alone that caused disease, but rather the inner condition of the patient which is regulated by pH. Béchamp concluded that just as a slight variation in body temperature away from 98.6 degrees makes you sick, any slight variance in your body’s delicate pH balance will also throw your whole system out of balance and negatively impact your health.

One of the leading indicators of poor health is when the body’s pH goes from being slightly alkaline to acidic. As Dr. Robert O. Young says in his book, Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain:

“There is only one physiological disease – the over-acidification of the body, due primarily to an inverted way of eating and living. This over-acidification leads to the one sickness, or primary symptom – the overgrowth in the body of microorganisms, whose poisons produce the symptoms we call ‘diseases’.”

Over the last 50 years the percentage of Americans suffering with poor health and disease has never been greater. A large part of this is linked to our turning away from an agrarian society where we lived closer to the land and ate pure, wholesome foods fresh from the field that were highly nourishing. Instead, almost the entire food industry is now dominated and controlled by a handful of global corporations who care more about the bottom line and shelf life than they do about quality and nutrition. Genetically engineered farming dominates the world. The following quote is important to note:

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger

Most of us are living in overcrowded concrete cities away from the farm and we’re consuming an overabundance of fast food, GMOs, processed, packaged, refined, unnatural foods and drinking sugar-laden, artificially contaminated beverages that are highly damaging and acidifying to the body. In addition to that, mineral deficiency is a silent epidemic. Heart disease is the #1 killer. Cancer is the #2. Type II diabetes and pre-diabetes affect roughly 80 million Americans. The medical system does nothing to educate patients about the shortage of minerals. They make no connection to pH.

If you’d like to get off the merry-go-round of poor health and maintain a high state of health throughout your life, then it’s time you tried a different approach. Regulating the body’s pH is leading to a paradigm shift in medical science. In a world burdened with sickness and disease, we can no longer afford to ignore the potential this biology can have on our health.

Regulating your body’s pH and making lasting changes in your health requires a complete overhaul of your diet and a thorough cleansing phase that focuses on removing unwanted acids and toxins. To modify your pH levels, you need to incorporate some simple protocols that can go a long way in assisting the body to get back to a state of homeostasis.

  • Cleansing & Detoxifying All Your Organs Regularly
  • Complete Alteration of Dietary Intake That Stops Contaminating Cells and Tissues
  • Oxygenating The Cells Through Diet, Nutritional Intake and Exercise
  • Addressing Mineral and Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Modulating The Immune System With Minerals, Herbs, and Supplements
  • Balancing Your Hormones
  • Avoiding All The Toxic Landmines Prevalent In Food, Beverages, Cosmetics, Drugs, and Vaccines

Although this process may sound complex it’s very simple to understand and easy to incorporate into your daily life.

3 Main Causes of Sickness, Disease & Pre-Mature Aging:

Acidosis DehydrationFree Radical Damage

Scientists have complicated the disease process by subcategorizing it into hundreds of different fields.

Drinking Water Is Extremely Important

Most city water throughout America is laced with countless toxic chemicals such as fluoride, chlorine, bromine, arsenic, lead, pesticides, prescription drug residues, nuclear waste, and hundreds of other chemicals. The body is made up of roughly 80% water. Water is the matrix that bathes every cell in our body with life and energy.

I must caution everyone to be extremely suspect of the bottled water industry. Many tests still show chemicals.

Regarding distilled water, you need to be careful if you use it on a regular basis because it has no bioavailable minerals and no electrical resonance properties. If you drink distilled water regularly you need to supplement your diet with a full spectrum array of high-quality minerals to replace the electrolytes. In my opinion, distilled water is excellent to use for short periods of time because it’s a powerful chelator that helps pull heavy metals and toxins out of the body. However, over long periods of time it has the potential to leach valuable minerals from your body, which could lead to problems down the road.

You want to stay away from drinking tap water unless it’s properly filtered. There are many excellent water filters and systems on the market. I highly recommend that you do your own research.

Take Charge of Your Health By Regulating Your pH

The Bible tells us that the life of the flesh is in the blood (Lev. 17:11). Without blood continuously pumping through our entire circulatory network every second of every day, we’d be dead. Scientifically we know that a constant battle to maintain balanced pH is taking place both within and out of our cells, our body fluids, and our blood. If we take care of our body and feed it the proper nutrition, its pH levels take care of themselves, as automatically as the heart pumps blood.

By ingesting, drinking, and exposing ourselves to an array of toxic acids that contaminate the blood and by depleting the soil of alkaline minerals through conventional (non-organic) farming practices, we’re disrupting our pH balance and destroying our health in the process.

Knowing the important role pH plays in the blood, it’s disturbing to see so many people abusing themselves by contaminating their bodies and blood with an overabundance of acidic compounds. Just look at some of the toxic acids people are putting into their bodies on a regular basis. They are health destroying substances that are poisonous to cellular health and, over time, will alter the body’s critical pH levels.

If there is sufficient alkaline potential in the body from a well-balanced diet and all the elimination routes are open (colon, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, thyroid), cell-damaging acids can be safely neutralized and excreted from the body before cellular damage takes place. If we consume high alkaline forming organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes grown on rich topsoil and avoid the acid landmines as much as humanly possible, we can properly alkalize the body.

The time is right for a paradigm shift to intelligent self-care and learning the divine mechanisms behind God’s magnificent, self-healing system – a process termed autogenic. We need a new level of understanding about the body’s own inherent, innate ability to heal itself. It’s time for a real wake-up call to the true causes of all disease and the direct enemies of self-healing.

When the blood contains living nutrients, the body’s cellular metabolism and pH is in proper balance, and the cells are properly nourished, hydrated, and oxygenated – susceptibility to illness is greatly lowered.

To learn more please order a copy of my book The Battle For Health Is Over pHthat is sold by News With Views.

© 2022 Greg Ciola – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Gregory Ciola:

Producing Paltry Prospects For an Educated Populace

By Sidney Secular

July 5, 2022


A report from Northwestern University in an Associated Press article indicates that local newspapers in the US are dying at the rate of two per week. The report further says that there has been new growth in digital alternatives “but not enough to compensate for what has been lost”. Continuing with the data divulged in the said report, “areas of the country that find themselves with a reliable source of local news tend to have populations that are poorer and less educated than those covered well”. If you read between those lines, you realize that they are denigrating small town papers in comparison with those that are part of the mainstream media. The country had 6,377 newspapers at the end of May, 2022, down from 8,891 in 2005. Discounting any reckoning from the economic wreck known as the COVID pandemic, 360 papers have been shut down since the end of 2019, all but 24 of them weeklies serving small communities.

Many of the new digital news sites are focused only on single issues and are clustered in or are close to big cities. More to the point, they are limited to those “readers” who have the technological ability to reach them. Mostly older people who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with computers and other such devices will not or cannot “tune in” to these publications. “News deserts” are growing: some 70 million Americans live in a county with either only one or actually no local news organization. The author of the aforesaid report, one Penelope Abernathy, worries that what’s at stake is our “democracy” and our “social and societal cohesion”. True daily newspapers printed and distributed seven days a week are also dwindling. Forty of the largest national so-called newspapers(actually propaganda rags) publish only-digital versions at least once per week, and thus are not really newspapers in the usual sense.

“Inflation” is the big bugaboo for the switch away from printed editions. The continuing degradation of the postal service coupled with the increase in charge for its use is also a matter that affects those publications reaching their readership by mail.The fiscal allegation of inflation is a sort of obfuscation as it doesn’t consider methodologies that could reduce costs such as alternative formats and smaller print that could squeeze more material on to a page, or use of cheaper paper. The report says with a “straight face” that another factor accompanying the declining number of papers is that the large newspaper chains have bought out hundreds of newspapers in small and mid-sized markets. It is readily apparent the these weren’t bought out for just the hell of it, but to produce the newspaper in a more economical and profit-producing manner. Less than one-third of the country’s 5,147 weeklies and just a dozen of the 150 large metro and regional dailies are locally owned and operated. It’s also a fair question to ask whether the buyouts were to allow the big lefty mainstream media sources to increase their grip on what is published insuring that the “press” fully follows leftist viewpoints.

Let’s further analyze what has been happening in order to elucidate what the aforesaid report is covering up or, in the alternative, leaving out. The decline in numbers of newspapers is most prominent in the poorer, older and less educated areas per said report. These would be the “whiter” areas in flyover country and in the South where the economy has tanked more than elsewhere and where people are starting to move towards greener pastures. As a result, there will be fewer and fewer people to read these papers as time goes on.Less subscribers create an attrition of papers and that results in newspapers folding. The “natives” in these mostly “red” areas are also turned off by the trash and leftist tripe their papers are probably publishing in increasing amounts, tripe that don’t reflect their values. All so-called journalists nowadays go to the same leftist academic schools to imbibe the leftist propaganda and talking points as they learn their trade. Some will return to their generally conservative oriented areas they grew up in to spread their newfound philosophies — thus the papers gradually turn “blue.” Many of these papers will have editorials and especially op-eds by prominent RINOs and neo-cons of the George Will variety whose balderdash and bald-faced lies turn off the locals to their papers.

The residents of the more rural and “less educated” areas are the last to join the digital dysphoria, so they are primarily not the ones signing up for the new digital news channels. The urbanites and sophisticates are the ones driving the digital transformations. Inflation of course is a factor when seniors and others are on fixed or low incomes, so they have to increasingly pinch pennies, so newspaper subscriptions would naturally take a hit when food and the products of big pharma take precedence overpaying for fake news they can see free on TV. Because, of course, everyone is hooked up and tethered to their boob tubes and “mobile devices!” Like intravenous feeding tubes it is infinitely easier to get fake news fixes free from the alphabet channels or that come along with their mobile device plans. Staring at screens is very addictive and tends to elbow out the time needed to read and think about newspaper articles.

These are the considerations the Northwestern University academics should have considered when they conducted their mindless survey.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Fight To Stay Free, Part 2

Pastor Roger Anghis

July 5, 2022

The Deep State thinks that this is the time to make the push for the Great Reset. Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder, and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum stated: “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world”[1] The only reason we need a reset is because the people who want total control don’t have total control and they believe that this is the only way they can get it. America has to be taken down for them to be able to accomplish this. The only way America can be taken down is for the American people to be disarmed.  We are seeing gun violence increase exponentially and that is to scare the people into believing that we need to ban guns. Britain did this and now they have a rash of knifings. They have actually discussed banning certain knives. Dumb as a rock. The criminal will always find what he needs to commit a crime. Making law-abiding people defenseless only protect the criminal.

The gun grabbers claim that the United States is around 5th on a list of 192 nations in gun violence but if you remove Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, New York City, and Washington, D.C, cities that have the strictest gun laws, we’re 189th out of 192.  That is proof alone that gun laws don’t work. Congress just passed more gun laws because of the Uvalde school shooting, but not one of the provisions will stop another school shooting. They did the same after Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and the list goes on. They continue to restrict our Constitutional rights that produce zero results for solving the problem.  They don’t understand that you can’t solve a heart problem with legislation.

If we are to stay free we have to keep our 2nd Amendment in place. ALL the facts about gun violence point to the need for the people to keep and bear arms. Let’s look at a few of the facts liberals and the media never talk about.  Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense which is 80 times more than they are used to take a life.  Conceal carry laws have reduced crime in virtually every state they have been enacted in. Twice as many kids are killed playing football than there are killed with guns. Gun-free England is not such a utopia after all. According to the BBC News, handgun crime in the United Kingdom rose by 40% in the two years after it passed its draconian gun ban in 1997. And according to a United Nations study, British citizens are more likely to become a victim of crime than are people in the United States. As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse. Armed citizens kill more criminals than the police do. Vermont: one of the safest five states in the country. In Vermont, citizens can carry a firearm without getting permission . . . without paying a fee . . . or without going through any kind of government-imposed waiting period. And yet for ten years in a row, Vermont has remained one of the top-five, safest states in the union—having three times received the “Safest State Award.” All of these facts, and there are a lot more that prove gun ownership is the safest program can be found here.[2]

The American people are being lied to about guns and we have to wake up to that. The same idiots that are demanding that guns be banned are demanding that we defund the police.  How do you think that will work out? Not enough police and you don’t have any guns. That is a heaven send for a criminal yet liberals aren’t able to wrap their heads around the truth of that.

Red Flag laws are used to disarm a person without the benefit of a court decision. The biggest problem with so-called “red flag” laws is that there is typically no due process. If you are “flagged”, you are presumed guilty and must prove your innocence before you can get your firearms returned. Thus, if you have a neighbor who doesn’t like you or an embittered former spouse, they can simply make a phone call to disarm your household.[3] Remember that our Constitution states that we are innocent until proven guilty.  Red Flag laws ignore that and you are guilty until you prove you’re innocent. In most cases that I have read about the person usually doesn’t get his guns back even if he proves his innocence. In Maryland, a man refused to surrender his guns and police killed him.[4]

Our fight is real and the liberals will not give up until they are defeated or they attain what they want and that is total control over the population. On a radio program I had a few years ago I used to end it with ‘Stay informed to stay free’.  I still believe that but as of late, I heard a more accurate phrase for today: ‘We don’t have time to wake up the sheep, we have to wake up the other lions!’ I believe that today this is what we must do. Liberals are bound and determined to control the world and they don’t care what it costs you as long as they are in control. We must stand against them with all we have if we plan to live free.  Our Founders gave us the example of what we must do to keep our freedom. We may not have to go to arms, but then we may have to.

Facts prove that we are at the very least eighty times safer with an armed society than an unarmed society.  Thomas Jefferson stated: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. We are threatened more by the government than by the citizenry and that is why our Founders gave us the 2nd Amendment.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:



Weather Modification, Another Way to Starve Americans

By Kelleigh Nelson

July 5, 2022

Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.  —Thomas Jefferson

Government has within it a tendency to abuse its power.  —John C. Calhoun

There is danger from all men.  The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.  —John Adams

The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.  —Maximilien Robespierre

Men would rather be starving and free than fed in bonds. —Pearl S. Buck

A large portion of America is suffering through extremely high temperatures and drought conditions destroying the ability of what’s left of our farming community to raise and harvest what is needed to feed us.  The planned starvation of Americans is well on its way to becoming reality.  And now, they’re using weather modification to make sure farmers endure another 1931 dust bowl.Tell the average American that our weather can be manipulated and they look at you with a “deer in the headlights” stare.

You don’t believe me? The Sirius Report gives us a list of 100 U.S. patents related to weather modification.  The first patent listed was in 1891 and the patent numbers are included with each.Scroll through the list as some of the titles are really quite telling.

In Jerry Tyson’s 2017 article, Consider the Weather, on the Prophetic Observer website, he lists just a few of the weather modification patents from 1964 to 2010.  Portions of the information below have been garnered from Tyson’s article.  Even Bill Gates is involved in weather modification and that should not surprise us as it fits well into his genocidal plans for humanity.

One of the earliest listed patents was designed to manipulate weather via “cloud seeding” or the ability to produce more rain.  Louis Gathmann of Chicago, Illinois is credited with the patent.

In August of 2013, a patent was granted to James M. Cordray for a “Rain-Maker” balloon able to produce rain at any given time, including during drought.

In 1951, Harvey M. Brandau of Wilton, Wisconsin filed his patent to modify weather.  “Process for controlling weather” had some key items that are of interest.  He said his process could dissipate clouds and fog by clearing the atmosphere of moisture particles.  Mr. Brandau also said his invention could control weather by dissipating typhoons, hurricanes and other storm centers by the dissipation of clouds forming the weather phenomena, even controlling weather causing snow and sleet.  He stated he could provide rain in designated areas and provide desirable weather.

By the 1970s, biologically active chemicals began to appear as well as “altering” precipitation by artificial means.  And in the early 1990s, the Pentagon funded HAARP.

HAARP – High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Many of us have heard of Alaska’s HAARP.  The Pentagon erected a powerful transmitter designed to beam more than a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere.  The experiment involves the world’s largest “ionospheric heater,” a device designed to zap the skies hundreds of kilometers above the Earth with high-frequency radio waves.Their patent showed the “use of altering weather by transmitting electromagnet radiation from the earth’s surface through the region or regions to be altered.”  This could also be “established at select locations for communication or other purposes.”  The magnetic force lines that radiate from pole to pole are manipulated most effectively for these purposes.

HAARP – The Pentagon’s Ultimate Weapon, Whistleblowers Say written in August of 2021, states the following:

Ever since the existence of HAARP became public, a number of independent researchers have warned the operation has a secret agenda including:

– weather modification
– mind control
– hi-tech military experiments
– triggering of earthquakes

HAARP is the ultimate in geoengineering.  Their patent proves weather manipulation is a reality, and since this is true, it’s no longer a conspiracy theory – it’s a conspiracy fact.

U.S. Patent 20100224696 A1 describes a space-based technology for generating and controlling hurricanes to weaken or dissipate the weather element.  If they can weaken or dissipate it, they can also strengthen and direct it.

Some of the weather wars people are actually saying that the hurricanes are not generated wholly by artificial systems, but rather that they are steered or influenced in terms of their direction or intensity.  Multiple patents obviously say it is factual and the U.S. patent office didn’t reject those patents.

Cutting Edge Ministries tells us about GWEN Towers— Ground Wave Emergency Network — These are huge towers that have as many as 100 copper wires fanning out at the base of the tower system underground. The Defense Department built these systems with the cover story that they would be useful for communication during and after a nuclear strike. But that story will not hold up when you understand that a thermonuclear blast at the right altitude will completely fry all communications equipment, and will render it impossible to communicate by radio at all for several hours.What GWEN towers really do is to work in conjunction with HAARP transmitters to create storms and alter weather patterns.

Weather Control as a Cold War Weapon

The Smithsonian Magazine’s Matt Novak related the history of a 1946 pilot.  The article originally appeared in Collier Magazine in 1954.

“On November 13, 1946 pilot Curtis Talbot, working for the General Electric Research Laboratory, climbed to an altitude of 14,000 feet about 30 miles east of Schenectady, New York. Talbot, along with scientist Dr. Vincent J. Schaefer, released three pounds of dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) into the clouds.As they turned south, Dr. Schaefer noted, ‘I looked toward the rear and was thrilled to see long streamers of snow falling from the base of the cloud through which we had just passed. I shouted to Curt to swing around, and as we did so we passed through a mass of glistening snow crystals! Needless to say, we were quite excited.’ They had created the world’s first human-made snowstorm.

“After the experiments of G.E.’s Research Laboratory, there was a feeling that humanity might finally be able to control one of the greatest variables of life on earth. And, as Cold War tensions heightened, weather control was seen by the United States as a potential weapon that could be even more devastating than nuclear warfare.”

Weather Weapons are real, they have a treaty to regulate them.  In fact, Patent Number 4,686,605 of August 11, 1987 by inventor Bernard J. Eastland of Spring, Texas is titled, Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and or Magnetosphere.

UN Treaty on Weather Modification

In this cover letter dated October 27, 1978, the United Nations Treaty was in effect.  The name of the treaty is “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques Approved by the General Assembly of the Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1976.”

So, what kind of weather modification could be used in military warfare?  Floods, intense rains, droughts and lack of water, severe heat, volcano eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes and even tornadoes…and more.  You can examine the document here or here.

From the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs:

“In July 1974, USA and USSR agreed to hold bilateral discussions on measures to overcome the danger of the use of environmental modification techniques for military purposes and three subsequent rounds of discussions in 1974 and 1975. In August 1975, USA and USSR tabled identical draft texts of a convention at the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (CCD), where intensive negotiations resulted in a modified text and understandings regarding four articles of this Convention in 1976.

“The Convention was approved by resolution 31/72 of the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1976, by 96 to 8 votes with 30 abstentions.”

This Treaty, or Convention, does not forbid political leaders from using these Weather Warfare weapons against their own people!  The elitists in power, and we all know who they are by now… Blackrock and Vanguard who are controlling America’s food production technologies and will have nearly total control of our food supply in America, Bill Gates with his ownership of 242,000 acres of America’s farmland, the torching of over 100 food processing plants, 10,000 cattle mysteriously dying all at once in Kansas, ranchers destroyed by the Bureau of Land Management, (remember LaVoy Finicum’s death by the FBI).  And of course, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEC) and his top advisor, Yuval Noah Harari.

Check out this map to see a small (500+) list of all the food and energy companies who have suffered serious problems in the past two years.  Scroll down the list on the right.

Olive Tree Ministries states, Harari is praised by the Zuck, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Klaus Schwab (founder of the WEC), and others. He suggests that after the Great Reset, we will enter what he describes as the “next industrial revolution,” in which we will produce, not machines, products, or services as we do now. Harari suggests we will produce “human bodies and minds.”

Dane Wigington of states, “Ionosphere heater-induced high-pressure heat domes are baking parts of the Northern Hemisphere while chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations cool-down parts of the Southern Hemisphere. Climate intervention operations continue to wreak havoc on ecosystems and populations all over the world. The global controllers are now more desperate than ever before, what cards will they play next?”


Manufactured fear has been used countless times throughout history to sway the masses into compliance and to surrender their God given freedoms for their “protection.”

The Nazi Party had Germans terrified that enemies were at the gates, and only a massive war, and the murder of millions of European Jews, Romany, dissidents and homosexuals could keep Germany safe. The evil desires of one man ultimately cost over 50 million lives, and left Germany in ruins.

The 1938 War of the Worlds radio drama by Orson Welles caused panic and massive fear among the listening audience.

The polio fears of 1949 to 1952 had everyone rushing to get the Salk vaccine and then in 1960, the Sabin sugar cube vaccine, both of which were tainted with SV-40 monkey virus causing soft tissue cancers.

The September 11, 2001 hijackings and attacks on the World Trade Center threw the nation into disbelief and yes, fear.

For two years, COVID was parroted as the worst killer pandemic to ever hit America, worse than the 2018 flu epidemic.  Fear erupted throughout the nation, except for a few who kept their wits about them.  Deadly virus causing and oxygen debilitating masks were donned even by toddlers, lockdowns destroyed a massive portion of small businesses and transferred trillions to gigantic corporations.  Drug and alcohol use skyrocketed as did suicide rates.

Hospital protocols denied cheap, safe, lifesaving medications and the federal government paid for COVID diagnoses, for oxygen masks, for ventilators and ultimately for the patients’ deaths from the Wuhan virus.  Fear was hyped…there is no cure…we must have a vaccine!  Instead, Americans received a DNA changing, emergency use authorization, rat, monkey and cat trialed “Operation Warp Speed” messenger RNA injection that failed to protect anyone from the virus.  Those injections have caused millions of deaths throughout the world, and adverse effects have destroyed the productive lives of millions more.

The virus was ultimately the culling of society’s elderly by five state governors who sent infected humanity into nursing homes, but the injections are now causing far more deaths than the actual virus itself. Now the FDA is promoting three injections for toddlers who don’t even get the virus.  Should they manage to live through it, they’ll most likely be sterile or have Vaccine induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

Food shortages are on the horizon, all planned and executed over the last several decades.  Henry Kissinger allegedly stated, “Control the food and you’ll control the people.”

This brings us to the few corporate and family farms left in operation.  The agricultural states are burning up with high temperatures and dry conditions.  The bread basket of the world is being dismantled.

In 1891 the first patent was listed for weather modification.  Imagine what they’re capable of 131 years later, another dust bowl and starvation.


In 1962, President Lyndon Baines Johnson said, “He who controls the weather will control the world.”  The Great Reset, the New World Order, and ultimately United Nations Agenda 21/30 are one and the same thing, the godless control of humanity by Luciferian forces.  Their goal is depopulation and the enslavement of remaining humanity.

Convincing Americans that our Industrial Civilization is so polluting the world that all of these unnatural storms, temperatures and disruptions are a natural result so that our citizens will be amenable to changing our civilization and moving into the already mapped out U.N. Biodiversity Areas is just part of the enslavement goal via the elites.

Starvation just may convince them.

We’ll then see how many, “Men would rather be starving and free than fed in bonds.”

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

July 4, 2022: Let Freedom Ring

By: Amil Imani

July 4, 2022

This is the time of the year that the air is filled with joy and recognition of America’s Independence Day and the formation of one of the greatest nations on Earth. There is something for everyone: spectacular fireworks, family and friends’ gatherings, concerts, patriotic music, parades, and traditional BBQ.


It puts most of us in a reflective mood, particularly when we celebrate America’s birthday. Freedom, individual liberty, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. All prodigiously good reasons to celebrate on America’s 246th birthday.


Yet, I am also disappointed to see the reality of the world as it is, particularly with what the current Democrat Party is doing to this nation of all nations. For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backward to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America and feels entitled. The left is interested only in power, control, and nothing else — even if it means sacrificing our safety and national security.


Creeping socialism, communism, liberalism, progressivism, New World Order (NWO) Globalists, and the American ‘Democrat Party’ are riding on a fast train to erode much of the foundation of this nation. A nation that is the best hope of all free people. Tragically, a terrible course was set in motion during Obama’s presidency. We have already seen the devastating impact of Obama’s redistributionist government. The Biden Administration continues Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation of America.


A global pandemic and the Biden administration has given Obama & Co. the opportunity to undo the prosperity of the Trump years and move forward with their plans to remake the U.S. into a “green” socialist Utopia, the damage to actual Americans’ lives and businesses be damned”


I would like to join all of you in the celebration of the birth of this great nation. Yet, deep in my soul, I find it also my solemn duty to keep sounding the alarm about the fire of Marxism and communism even at this poignant moment during our 4th of July celebrations.


As Ronald Reagan once said: Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people.”


I am for unity under just one banner: freedom. Any idea or action that separates people into warring camps and builds walls of separation is abhorrent to me. Marxist Democrats have degenerated into a force for oppression, segregation, and tyranny and I find it necessary to expose the harm it inflicts on fellow Americans.


This Democrat Party no longer hides its agenda. They now openly encourage millions of illegal aliens to violate our laws and break into our country, and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free health care, free education, and the right to vote — with the help of their ace in the hole, the “Fake News” media and RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only). It is obvious that the Democrat Party is at war with America, and is not interested in stopping any time soon.


As for politics, there are really no saints in this line of work — Democrats, republicans, or whatever. It is sad, but a fact that politics is dirty, parochial, and divisive. I am asking you not to make any decisions based on emotion. We must remain united and win this battle peacefully and wisely.


In 1776, our Founders stood up, put their lives and fortunes on the line and declared their freedom and independence from the chains and shackles of the King of England. I hope all Americans, once again, unite for the love of freedom and are willing to stand up and declare their Freedom and Independence, not from England, but from the chains and shackles of our own government and its lackeys.


In short, Americans have an illegitimate President and a federal government that has revealed itself to be punitive to its citizens; taking unconstitutional measures and issuing orders that amount to nothing short of federally mandated self-destruction. Nonetheless, first things first. Our highest priority is the preservation of this nation of the free. We have done what it took in the past and we must do what it takes now and into the future to safeguard our precious liberty. America is not perfect. Yet, it is the very best hope for a humanity struggling to find its humanness. We must promote the work of the good by unifying our fellow Americans to save America from fading away. America is worth defending.


Happy Independence Day.

© 2022 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The America I Grew Up In

By Kelleigh Nelson

July 4, 2022

I can’t imagine there has ever been a more gratifying time or place to be alive than America in the 1950s.  No country had ever known such prosperity.  —Bill Bryson – non-fiction author

Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation’s founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America’s storied history, the Stars and Stripes represents the very best of this nation.  —Joe Barton – Texas Congressman 1985-2019

Yes, I grew up in the 1950s, and graduated from eighth grade in 1960.  Those were some wonderful years in America.  The war was over, the future was bright, and hard work promised prosperity.

Television was brand new and still pretty sweet.  The cartoons of those days were so much fun.  Mighty Mouse, Road Runner and Tom and Jerry were some of my favorites. And those Saturday morning programs…The Lone Ranger, Sky King, Adventures of Superman, Flash Gordon, Rin Tin Tin, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, The Cisco Kid, Andy Devine with “Plunk your magic twanger froggy.”

Famous evening shows I remember were Gunsmoke, Rawhide, Yancy Derringer, Cheyenne, the Rifleman, Lassie, Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone, Peter Gunn, Bonanza, Sea Hunt with Lloyd Bridges, father of Beau Jeff Bridges, and Paladin.

There were so many more, and I know readers born in the early baby boomer generation can name all their favorites from those marvelous days in America.

I miss those days.  I want them back.  And I want back the wonderful and patriotic American actors and actresses of that era.  Here is one of our favorites, John Wayne and the celebrity ensemble.  In the second half, they all share in singing God Bless America.  Surely, you’ll fondly remember those stars who have long since passed on, but there are a few who are still with us.  Each of them has a special place in my heart, but Duke was and is always at the top, right along with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby.

Before you start the barbecues and fireworks, watch this six-minute video, and ask the Lord for help in resurrecting the marvelous America we once had.  Won’t you take just a few minutes every day to bend your knees to the Lord and ask for Him to give us wisdom and guidance in saving our beloved country?

Then take six minutes to listen to the heroes and heroines of the past.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Congress Does NOT Care About Seniors

By Devvy

July 4, 2022

Except during an election year.  They all campaign on caring about seniors; some over the decades actually did care and a few today currently serving.  But, an important bill that would go a long way towards correcting a wrong and putting badly needed money into the bank accounts of seniors continues to rot in committee.

No need to go into the strangulation regarding the price of gas and food because the majority of Americans are feeling it badly – even with two working per household.Seniors on a fixed income are really hurting.  I’m sorry to say it’s going to get a whole lot worse.

We all know the Internet is full of outright lies by special interest groups, the prostitute media, politicians and so forth.  Everyday of the week I get emails making all kinds of claims with no source reference.  After nearly 31 years in the trenches full time, I can usually spot the lies.  Some I attempt to verify only to end up on some web site peddling “legal” garbage.

Because this affects more than 55 million Americans, please let me clear up this which came in email:

“A woman dies at age 65 before collecting one benefit check.  She and her employer paid into the system for almost 50 years and she collected NOTHING.”

Correct because the woman passed.But, the legal fact is spouses of deceased, children and some other categories can apply for the deceased benefits.  See here and here.  In my case and completely unknown to me, the funeral parlor automatically notified SSA when my husband passed away.  They then stopped my SS monthly benefits and used John’s monthly benefits to me which was quite a bit more since gave up my career to do what I do.

“Keep in mind all the working people that die every year who were paying into the system and got nothing!”  Answer is same as above.  Yes, they paid into the system but now they’re deceased.  Should their SS benefits be mailed to their coffin or urn?

“And these governmental morons mismanaged the money and stole from the system, so that it’s now going broke.”

One of the more ubiquitous lies out there.  Americans need to understand: 42 USC 402: Old-age and survivors insurance benefit payments Text contains those laws in effect on July 2, 2022I covered this extensively in my last book.

Social Security is a tax that goes into the General Fund of the U.S. Treasury and is not earmarked for any specific spending purpose.  It is not any form of insurance or a contract.

“BEAUTIFUL!  And they have the audacity to call today’s seniors “vultures” in an attempt to cover their ineptitude.  DISGRACEFUL!”  Political rhetoric and CYA.

“The real reason for renaming our Social Security payments is so the government can claim that all those social security recipients are receiving entitlements thus putting them in the same category as welfare, and food stamp recipients.”   Social Security benefits are not an entitlement, it is a tax you pay during your working years and apply for later as a benefit.


2 – “F.Y.I.  By changing the name of SS contributions, it gives them a means to refute this program in the future.   It’s free money for the government to spend under this guise.

3 –  “The Social Security check is now (or soon will be) referred to as a  *Federal Benefit Payment* ?

4 – “I’ll be part of the one percent to forward this. I am forwarding it because it touches a nerve in me, and I hope it will in you. “  1 -4 is junk.

“Please keep passing it on until everyone in our country has read it.”  Don’t.

“Instead, the folks in Washington pulled off a bigger *Ponzi scheme* than Bernie Madoff ever did.

“They took our money and used it elsewhere. IT WAS LINDON JOHNSON THAT PUT THE OUR SS INTO THE GENERAL FUNDS. THE DEMOCRATS DO NOW LIKE OUR SOCIAL SECURITY PROMISES. They “forgot” (oh yes, they knew) that it was OUR money they were taking.  They didn’t have a referendum to ask us if we wanted to lend the money to them   … and they didn’t pay interest on the debt they assumed.   And recently they’ve told us that the money won’t support us for very much longer.  (Not true.)

“But is it our fault they misused our investments?  And now, to add insult to injury, they’re calling it a *benefit *, as if we never worked to earn every penny of it.   This is stealing!

“Just because they borrowed the money, doesn’t mean that our investments were for charity!

“Let’s take a stand. We have earned our right to Social Security and Medicare. Demand that our legislators bring some sense into our government.

“Find a way to keep Social Security and Medicare going for the sake of the 92% of our population who need it. Then call it what it is: Our Earned Retirement Income. 90% of people won’t forward this. PLEASE!  Will you? AND, WE ARE NOW TAXED ON OUR PAYMENTS.”

One thing is true from above:  SS is a Ponzi scheme because the system must continue to add workers to keep taxing them for the SS “fund” which is basically an IOU.  Your work history and SS taxes are in a computer file backed up by what?  A vault somewhere full of gold or worthless “Federal” Reserve NOTES?

Taxation Without Representation

We are taxed until a person decides to retire.  That person must then apply for their benefits.  During your working career SSA will send you an approximation of what you can expect in benefits upon retirement at a certain age.  What they DON’T tell you is that you will be taxed again on those benefits which are a tax you already paid. Double taxation.

Anyone who knows the factual history of the birthing of this nation knows what caused (over time) the Boston Tea Party:  Many factors including “taxation without representation,” the 1767 Townshend Revenue Act, and the 1773 Tea Act.

“In simplest terms, the Boston Tea Party happened as a result of “taxation without representation”, yet the cause is more complex than that. The American colonists believed Britain was unfairly taxing them to pay for expenses incurred during the French and Indian War. Additionally, colonists believed Parliament did not have the right to tax them because the American colonies were not represented in Parliament.”  I highly recommend you read actual history at the link above and teach your children the truth.

We the People no longer have representation in Congress 90% of the time.  The majority – both parties – have been shredding the Constitution for nearly 100 years.  Congress, the biggest whore house in the world have become representatives for special interest groups, multi-national corporations and whoever buys their favors. 

There are few exceptions and those are disposed of by ignorant voters and voters who want Congress to fund them from cradle to grave.  They demand Congress violate their oath of office to fund everything under the sun prohibited by the ConstitutionREAD:  Below is a small excerpt from a speech I made at an event held by the Free Enterprise Society, July 6, 2002, in Sunnyvale, California. How well it describes America here and now: – Rest at link.

Rep. Thomas Massie is one of our greatest warriors in Congress no one hears anything about who has been trying for years to get rid of double taxing your social security benefits:

Seniors To Get Screwed – A Third Time?, June 19, 2021

For the THIRD time, Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY] has introduced a bill to stop taxing social security benefits. No more federal taxes taken out of YOUR social security check. The time to stop this rape should have happened four years ago but it never happened because there wasn’t an outcry by tens of millions of Americans. I’ve done my best over the years to bring the bill to everyone’s attention as have many hard-working folks in organizations like AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, who have supported the bill each time Rep. Massie has introduced it only to see it die in committee.

Rep. Massie Re-introduces the Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act, May 19, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – “Today, Congressman Thomas Massie re-introduced the Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act (H.R. 2552), which would eliminate income taxes on Social Security benefits. The bill would boost the retirement income of millions of older Americans.  Social Security is financed with Americans’ tax dollars, so taxing Social Security is double-taxing by the Federal Government,” said Congressman Massie. “Taxing Social Security reduces benefits to seniors.”

“I am proud to again co-sponsor Congressman Massie’s bill to protect our seniors,” said Congressman Rod Blum. “This is a common sense bill that will end the double-taxation of our seniors. Our seniors pay enough Social Security taxes on the front end, and it is irresponsible for the government to tax them again on their earned benefits.”

“Income taxes on Social Security benefits is a double-tax on seniors when many are already being squeezed financially,” said Congressman Daniel Webster. “This is wrong and I’m pleased to co-sponsor this legislation to repeal this tax.” Congressman Jim Bridenstine said, “The government taxes, redistributes, then taxes the redistribution. Thomas Massie’s bill is a step in the right direction.”

“West Virginia seniors need relief from higher costs of living,” said Congressman Alex Mooney. “Seniors have worked hard to earn their Social Security benefits and have already been taxed on their contributions to Social Security.  The Federal Government tax on Social Security is a double-tax and its repeal would provide an immediate increase in benefits for our seniors.”

“The purpose of Social Security is to provide people with financial support during retirement, not to be another source of tax revenue for the Federal Government. Under this legislation, Social Security benefits would neither be taxable nor reportable on individual tax returns, thus restoring the integrity of the program.”

My congressman – according to his staffer – didn’t even know about Massie’s bill until I called and inquired why he was not a co-sponsor.  Rep. Massie, once again introduced the bill on Feb. 2, 2022:  H.R.6590 – Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act, 2021-2022 session which means the bill will once again die in committee Dec. 31, 2022.

Full text here.  That bill now has a whopping 23 co-sponsors.  All Republicans; not a single Democrat.  My GOP rep in the House, Congressman Jodey Arrington, is not a sponsor of that bill.

Now tell me how much Congress cares about seniors when that bill has been repeatedly introduced (the POWERFUL House, Ways & Means Committee) and allowed to die in committee without ever coming to the floor for a vote – even under Trump with Republicans controlling both chambers of Congress?

For full disclosure, I am a senior.  I turned 73 last week and am a widow.  I can tell you stopping taxing my SS benefits would go a long way for my monthly budget.  If you’re a senior you know what I’m talking about and if you’re not and God willing you live a long and happy life, one day you will also apply for your benefits you’ve already paid taxes on only to be taxed again.

And, once again:  Where the hell is AARP?  With their 30 million plus membership, they could buy enough air time and use their newsletter to get that bill passed before the end of the year. AARP could light a fire Congress can’t ignore without looking like the scoundrels they are. That’s just one of the reasons I’ve never belonged to AARP.  The other is their staunch support for the unconstitutional, privately owned “Federal” Reserve.

Right now, partisan whores on the Jan. 6th committee are busy blowing lies out their butts while Americans suffer in an effort to keep President-Elect Trump out of office along with campaigning for primaries and the November election all the while singing how they love and support seniors!  Yeah, well actions speak louder than words.

Here are members of the House, Ways & Means Committee.  Democrat/Communist Party USA controls that committee.  My congressman, Jodey Arrington, sits on that committee but does NOT support Massie’s bill.  Even though it’s July, if there is enough of a massive push by millions of seniors, the bill could still get passed before Dec. 31st.  Whether or not the fake president, Biden, who is now in the first stages of Altzheimer’s would sign it into law – well, that decision would be made by Biden’s controllers.  However, as I mentioned in a previous column, Congress can over ride a legitimate president’s veto but that would really make the Democrat/Communist Party USA look bad.

Oh, but, darn, I forgot to mention:  Not ONE U.S. Senator (that I can find scouring through all the bills) has introduced the bill for the Senate.  Before a bill goes to a legitimate president you have a bill in the house, a bill in the senate.  They get together and exchange spit until the language matches exactly and then goes to a president to sign into law.

Where’s Senator Rand Paul, Senator Marsha Blackburn, Senator Ron Johnson or Ted Cruz?  I would think all of them would have introduced a bill years ago and fight to get it passed with Rep. Massie’s bill.  Nope.  Why not?  How about your senator?

Please do get this out to your email lists and social media.  55 million Americans collect social security benefits each month with thousands more retiring each year.  That’s a formidable number who can make this happen but that won’t happen if no one knows about this bill and why hasn’t a single U.S. Senator stepped up?

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:  (I simply have to say while I really do appreciate emails, I receive several hundred a day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I simply cannot answer all of them asking for advice, please help me with my case and other requests because it’s just me.  I try to work some of the requests and answer questions into my columns but I can only do so much.  I thank you for understanding.)


The Trojan Horse of Social Security Reform by Dr. Edwin Vieira, March 14, 2005

Reforming social security – the cruel hoax, Mine

If you want to learn the historical and constitutional facts about social security so you have a full understanding, while this is long, it is essential reading written by my dear friend, Larry Becraft.  Larry has been a constitutional attorney for, I think, at least 35 years and is an expert on this issue.  If you can’t read it all at once, book mark and study later.  Knowledge is power.

Comment Upon Voluntary Nature of Social Security (Updated: April 18, 2003; links added Aug. 18, 2017)

July 4th 1776 and 2022—America Then and Now

by Attorney Rees Lloyd

July 4, 2022

The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves… .The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage of this army.  Our cruel and unrelenting enemy  leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission.  We have, therefore to conquer, or die.”

These are the now immortal words of General George Washington in his Order of July 2, 1776, following the vote on that date by the Continental Congress to adopt the American  Declaration of Independence. It was signed by John Hancock on July 2, and would be deemed complete when all delegates had signed on July 4,1776.

The United States of America by that act became the first government in the history of the world to be established by the consent of the governed—“by the people, of the people, for the people.” America is now after its birth on July 4, 1776, 246 years ago, the longest lasting free republic in the world.

The American founders generation went to war against the  English Empire, then the most powerful military force in the world, in order to create their freedom—and ours. Indeed, we Americans of this generation are among those “untold millions” whose future freedom was dependent on the willingness of the founders’ generation to serve and sacrifice their lives in the War of Independence, as General Washington wrote in his July 2, 1776 Order.

Serve and sacrifice they did. Ultimately, 25,000 American patriots would give their lives for freedom. They were citizen soldiers, patriots, who left their farms, jobs, homes, and families, and went to war for freedom. Almost all brought their own  guns from home.

These citizen soldiers, with no formal military training, rose up to fight for freedom  against the greatest military power in the world at the time, the English Empire. English King George III had the best trained, best armed, best equipped, best experienced army and navy in the world. King George III and the English elitists of that era  scoffed at the idea England could be defeated by what they ridiculed as a “ragtag” American army, that was untrained, barely equipped, with no experience, no cavalry, and no navy while England ruled the waves of the world.

The American patriots suffered one disastrous military defeat after another in the months following the July 4th Declaration of Independence. The conditions in which they fought were horrendous. They lacked food, shoes clothes, supplies, medicines, ammunition, medical care. Only a third of the population supported the war; another third was neutral; and the final third—Tories— was actively in support of England,  desiring to remain subjects of King George III rather than free citizens of America.

Yet, the American patriots fought on. The first really significant American victory after the Declaration of Independence came on Christmas Day, December 25,1776, the now famous crossing of the Delaware River in a freezing winter storm led by Gen. George Washington to win the Battle of Trenton.

That victory brought hope and inspiration that the war for freedom could be won. It would take until 1783 for the revolutionary war to be ultimately won with the signing of the treaty of Paris. It was the longest war in our American history until Vietnam.

Freedom was achieved by the American patriots despite all odds. The indispensable American in this victory for liberty was General George Washington, who would not give up. He was universally admired, respected, by the troops, who were inspired by him. He placed himself in danger with the troops countless times in the heart of battle, mounted and visible to the troops and the enemy.  When at war’s end many credited Gen. Washington with being the cause of the victory, he demurred, saying  victory came only by  the intercession of “Providence” or “the hand of God.”

Gen. George Washington later was unanimously elected to preside over the Constitutional Convention,  which created then the  Constitution under which we live now as free Americans.

George Washington would go on to be unanimously elected as the First President of the United States of America. He was unanimously elected to a second four year term. After his second term, George Washington was offered a third term, or to be “President for life,” or even “King.” George Washington refused it all, saying to serve more than two terms as President would be improper. Instead, he relinquished all power and authority, and went home to his farm, content to be a private American citizen.

In walking away from all power and authority, George Washington shocked not only the country, but the world.  Even England’s King George III, whom Washington had defeated, said that George Washington was “the most distinguished of any man living…the greatest character of the age.” Napoleon, who had no doubt of his own eminence, said:  “This great man fought against tyranny; he established the liberty of his country… .George Washington is the greatest man of his era.”

Similarly, at home, George Washington would be universally recognized as “The Father Of Our Country.” Revolutionary War hero Harry “Light Horse Harry” Lee (father of Robert E. Lee), summed up the feelings of the nation for George Washington: “First in war. First in Peace. First in the hearts of his countrymen.”

On this July 4th 2022, 246th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence and the birth day of our United States of America, and on every day, we Americans ought to remember, honor, emulate and give thanks for the patriots of July 4th 1776 — from Gen. George Washington, the Father of Our Country, to the least ranked unknown soldier of the Revolutionary Army, whose service and sacrifice created our freedom.

May God bless and keep each and all of them, and may our nation never cease to honor  and emulate them in defense of freedom.


© 2022 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd:

Part 3: What Do We Do About The Homeless In America? Are There Any Answers?

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 4, 2022

Part 3: Are there any solutions that would work?  How can we employ them?

Happy 4th of July to all Americans! Thank you for upholding our U.S. Constitution while maintaining your families, your communities and our country.

Without a doubt, this series is a gut-wrenching experience.  Having witnessed, smelled and photographed the homeless in different states, I can state unequivocally that we’re facing a monstrous societal predicament.

If we let it go unsolved, we will most certainly turn our big cities into replicas of Mumbai, India, Mexico City or Rio de Janeiro…along with many more that I’ve witnessed in my world travels.

The problems have gotten SO enormous in those countries that the governments and even local politicians cannot, do not and will not solve the daily nightmare of slums.  Simply put: they let the situation get out of control and out of hand.  It’s like an infection in your hand that you don’t take care of…in time, sepsis sets in and poisons your blood stream…and soon, you have to have your arm amputated…and/or you die.

If you look at cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago…you’re watching dying cities.  It’s amazing to me that we saw Detroit, Michigan “die” in the 80’s and 90’s from lawless tribalism by minorities, and now, we’re seeing it repeat in our other big cities.

In fact, we’re pumping more and more refugees into those cities to form even more cultural, religious and welfare-supported ghettos. If you don’t think I’m kidding, just visit the 125,000 residents of the “Somalian ghetto” in Minneapolis, MN.  Over 80 percent of them remain on welfare after 10 years in America.  Who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea to bring illiterate African bushmen to live in a modern first world country?  I just visited Minneapolis last month.  Oh my God!

The woman, J.S., who asked me to write this series, must feel even more hopeless than before she asked me. Why is that?  Answer:  I don’t think we possess enough honest politicians at the local, state or federal levels to create solutions or even follow the solutions in this series.

Here are a few other folks with their thoughts:

Frosty –

I feel your frustration.  We all share it.  But we must do something.

I live most of the year in La Quinta, Ca – – it’s part of the Palm Springs Coachella Valley.  A couple of years ago, our local paper – the Desert Sun – conducted an analysis of the homeless who inhabit this valley.  They found that 40% were mentally ill, 40% were addicted to drugs, and the other 20% were probably part of that bunch my dad called “bums.”

You can’t put 80% of the homeless who are mentally ill or on drugs into housing.  They will simply be mentally ill and on drugs in expensive houses.  So, what to do?

In California, stop wasting money on a train from nowhere to nowhere in the state’s valley.  This state needs to build mental institutions and addiction clinics.  That’s where these people need to go.  Then the state ought to build military style barracks for the bums.  Laws must be enacted to force all these people into institutions.  The bums must be forced into public works projects and housed in barracks.  It must be against the law to be homeless and on the street.

That’s how to start.  I’m not holding my breath.

Yours truly, P.F. La Quinta, CA

Mr. Wooldridge:

For way too long the solutions have been to fund for a new band-aid to treat a new symptom only to spark another new symptom requiring another band-aid, then another band-aid, then another, etc., etc., etc.

Truthfully, America is suffering from a spiritual war being waged between our Judeo/Christian based Western Civilization and humanist based cultural Marxism.  America was stable and prospering under Western Civilization but came under attack by our own university created cultural Marxist worldview beginning in the 1950s.  The goal of cultural Marxism is to destroy Western Civilization by destroying the traditional family, the Christian church, capitalism along, our constitutional republic by a slow march through the institutions.  One of the first institutions to fall was our locally controlled public schools to be converted to a government-controlled K-12 brainwashing system in order to deliberately dumb down the citizenry and destroy any sense of liberty and individual self-government.

The obvious solution is to restore our Judeo/Christian based Western Civilization.  Unfortunately, cultural Marxism is so well entrenched at this time and sustained by the university system, govt controlled K-12 schools, mainstream media, social media, alphabet soup government bureaucracies, the Democrat Party and RINOs, the WEF and the UN that there is no quick fix.  I believe life will have to get worse before enough people realize the fix is up to, WE THE PEOPLE, not civil government.

R.H. Lexington, SC

Dear Mr. Wooldridge,

Your piece on homelessness in America is a good start on a much-needed discussion.

I wonder if you have seen the multi-part documentary on this topic produced by KOMO news in Seattle.

Not only does this series portray the issues very graphically, but KOMO also proposes a solution.  The “solution” is expensive, of course, but what isn’t?  It also is working in another location, so there is much to learn from that.  No doubt there are naysayers, but clearly the formerly beautiful and workable major cities of the West Coast: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA, are dying.  Is that, in itself, the solution?

I look forward to the next articles in this series.

Sincerely, L. B.

Can a society devolve to the point of dying?  What happens when our welfare systems cannot maintain this ever-growing, massive slum population?  What happens when your own president invites drug cartels to swamp our country in deadly opioids?   Did you know that last week, two Mexicans who had crossed our border in Texas were caught with 150,000 fentanyl pills worth millions…and would kill countless Americans?  What happens when all the educated, normal, contributing American citizens—flee those cities?  Does anyone realize that once you lose the contributing citizens, you lose the tax base, and you lose lawful citizens who make a city work?

I personally saw it happen to Detroit. One of my most read and forwarded commentaries was:  “The Tragedy of Detroit” back in 2009.  I chronicled the fall of Detroit from someone who worked there and watched it with a front row seat.  You would think we would make and take intelligent changes.  We didn’t, haven’t and you’re seeing the consequences in Chicago, NYC, Miami, LA, San Francisco and on and on. Without the “rule of law” being stringently enforced, we are doomed to mayhem by minorities who lack any understanding of personal accountability and responsibility.

So, this series presented solid, reasonable solutions.  Will our city mayors and city councils take them up?  Will our federal politicians move on them?  Will somebody speak up and take action?

With what has happened to create this situation, and what has happened NOT to solve it, do you think we stand a chance of solving the homeless issue in America?

Finally, with Washington DC’s brilliant politicians who are on course to add another 100 million third world refugees to our country, to create as Biden said, “The New Liberal World Order”, do you think we average Americans stand a chance?  Answer: not a snowball’s chance in hell.

This is what America’s future looks like if we don’t change course.  Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Redeclaring Independence in 2022

By Paul Engel

July 4, 2022

  • Are the Several States in a similar state as the Colonies were in 1776?
  • Is there really much difference between the government of King George in 1776 and the government in Washington, D.C. in 2022?
  • Do you think the signers of the Declaration of Independence thought the American people would be so dependent on their central government?

Last year, I re-examined the Declaration of Independence in the light of current events. After another year, I believe the evidence is clear that the government in Washington, D.C. has become just as corrupt, despotic, and destructive to your rights as the government of King George III was.

This year, I want to look at new evidence to show you just how fast the American people are rushing toward their own servitude. My hope is that if we take a closer look how far we have fallen, We the People will once again show that tyrants are unfit to govern a free people.

I often talk about how much the state of America today resembles that of the colonies, and how the government in Washington, D.C. resembles King George. That’s why I wrote the Re-Declaration of Independence in the first place. In the 1776 Declaration, the founders listed 27 specific grievances against the crown. Let’s take a look at some recent events in the light of grievances from the Re-Declaration.

The Courts

The Federal Courts have refused their Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

… For effectively taking away our State Constitutions, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

The Re-Declaration of Independence

We seem to forget that the federal judiciary is as much a creation of the Constitution, and therefore subject to it, as the other two branches of government. While the court has the judicial power to review cases, they do not have the legal authority to overturn state laws. Yet today it seems that whenever a state passes a law a federal judge doesn’t like, they claim the power to impose a nation-wide injunction. That’s not unlike what King George did.

Federal courts have dissolved state legislative acts repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness the federal governments invasions on the rights of the people.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

One thing a bully doesn’t want to hear is that there is someone stronger than they are. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that the federal government doesn’t like it when someone points out they were created as servants to the states and not the states’ masters. So I guess it also shouldn’t be a surprise when the federal courts, who are part of the federal government, push back when the truth isn’t to their liking.

The President has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by politicizing the appointment of judges, requiring their fidelity to certain opinions rather than the supreme law of the land.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

Not only has the President obstructed justice, but it appears there are those in the judicial branch willing to leak information to persuade the court. Not to mention those who have actually used vandalism and violence to intimidate the justices into changing their positions on a case.

The Senate has made Judges dependent on their Will alone, for appointment to their offices, and threaten them with impeachment for political reasons.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

Once again, we see members of the Senate upset with those they’ve appointed to the federal courts. Not because they didn’t adhere to the law, but because they didn’t adhere to the Senator’s or Senators’ political demands.


Congress has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

People like to blame the bureaucratic state on the President. While these new offices, for the most part, do report to the office of President, they are creations of Congress. So when you heard about the Disinformation Governance Board, you should not only point your righteous anger at President Biden, but also on those who represent you in Congress.

For suspending the actions of our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

After the 2020 debacle, Congress has tried to take over the entire election process. They’ve also threatened to impose abortion laws on the states if the Supreme Court decides to return it to them.

The President

The President has refused to enforce laws protecting the borders of this nation, the States remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

Did you know that the Department of Homeland Security has plans to crack down on what they refer to as disinformation? No, I’m not talking about the suspended Disinformation Governance Board, I’m talking about the current National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin:

Some domestic violent extremists have expressed grievances related to their perception that the U.S. government is unwilling or unable to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and have called for violence to stem the flow of undocumented migrants to the United States.  We assess that there is increased risk of domestic violent extremists using changes in border security-related policies and/or enforcement mechanisms to justify violence against individuals, such as minorities and law enforcement officials involved in the enforcement of border security.

National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin

So it seems, if you point out that the current administration has not only not secured our nation’s borders, but enacted policies to invite even more illegal aliens to enter our country, then you could be a “domestic violent extremist”.

The President has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies by militarizing our police forces.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

Yes, the President helped militarize our police forces. Now, through the NSA and the DHS, the federal government is spying on us just as easily as if they stationed troops in our homes. Unfortunately, that’s not all.

The President has combined with the Senate to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving their Assent to the Acts of pretended Legislation from the United Nations and entering into international agreements without the advice and consent of the Senate:

The Re-Declaration of Independence

What do you think the President was doing when his administration suggested amendments to the World Health Organization pandemic protocols? Biden is only one in a long line of Presidents, not to mention Congressmen, who have tried to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution.

The Bureaucrats

The labyrinth of bureaucratic departments and agencies have created confusing, contradictory, and ruinous regulations for the sole purpose of fatiguing the American people into compliance with their measures.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

I’ve heard people say that the average American commits three federal felonies a day. Not because they are criminals, but because of the labyrinth of confusing and contradictory regulations that pass for laws in America’s current administrative state.

For abolishing the free System of United States Laws, establishing therein arbitrary government agencies, and enlarging the Boundaries of their power so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the absolute rule into these States:

The Re-Declaration of Independence

The CDC’s public transportation mask mandate, the private company vaccine mandate, and the recent public school transgender bathroom threat are all examples of these arbitrary and illegal acts of government.

The federal government has excited domestic insurrections amongst us by allowing it to go unopposed in cities across the land, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our borders, the merciless criminal cartels, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

The Re-Declaration of Independence

Have you noticed how certain crimes are punished severely, while others are brushed aside? BLM and Antifa rioted and vandalized parts of Washington, D.C., and yet it appears no one was held accountable. However, a few demonstrators on January 6th, 2020 enter the capital, and not only is everyone who attended the demonstration labeled an insurrectionist, but Congress holds illegal committee meetings, including prime-time “shows”, with no legitimate or constitutional purpose whatsoever.


It seems the American people have not learned from their history. Rather we have reverted to a state of servitude similar to the colonies 1776. I wonder if, when those 56 men pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in support of the Declaration of Independence, they ever conceived that not only would the American people return to a life of dependence, but that we would do so willingly. Thankfully, this does not have to be our fate.

John Jay said:

Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.

John Jay, First Chief Justice of the supreme Court of the United States

If We the People will pick up the Constitution, read it, and study it, we’ll find that our subjection to Washington, D.C., is not the law, but a result of our own actions. Washington, D.C.’s power is as fake as the emperor’s clothes in the Hans Christian Anderson story. Isn’t it time others join me in pointing out just how naked the government in Washington, D.C. really is? I believe, with a little education and some fortitude, We the People can restore the order our Constitution created. Because if we fail to do so, the future is too bleak to consider.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

The Lord Turns the Heart Wherever He Wishes

by Rolaant McKenzie

July 3, 2022

In the story of Esther, a young woman part of the Jewish exiles in Persia, through a series of providential circumstances, rose to become queen with King Ahasuerus. Though not explicitly stated in the account, it was clear that God arranged for Esther to be at that place at that time to play a crucial role in saving her people from annihilation.

When President Donald Trump nominated federal judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States on September 26, 2020, to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, many Christians and pro-life conservatives expressed hope that the new prospective Justice would be like a modern-day Esther in that she might be instrumental in overturning Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision credited with opening the door to legalized abortion in the United States.

After nearly 50 years of ending the lives of babies in the womb, and outside of the womb in many cases, the abolishment of abortion in the United States would be like someone condemned to death being granted clemency and the prospect of a new life.

Her record as a judge, law professor, being a devout Roman Catholic, and dedication to her husband and seven children increased the expectation that should a case come before the Supreme Court dealing with abortion, she would come down on the side of supporting life.

However, many times over the years those believing in the sanctity of human life in all its stages, especially those who have devoted their lives to prayer and the cause of protecting life, have felt great hope whenever a president professing to share their values on this issue nominated a judge for the Supreme Court, only for that hope to be dashed when the judge would later rule in a way inconsistent with protecting life.

Though at this time the hope was fulfilled on June 24, 2022, with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade by the Supreme Court (Justice Barrett joining the majority opinion with Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh), placing faith in human leaders like this is never a sure thing, for whatever good that can be accomplished is often unsure and temporary at best, and many times little to no good comes. Either way this can lead to great disillusionment.

“Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” (Psalm 146:3-4)

However, we can trust always in the Lord, who is more than able to turn the hearts of governors, presidents, and kings to accomplish His will in His perfect time. The best laid plans of the most powerful in the world are helpless and weak before the purposes and will of God.

“The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes.” (Proverbs 21:1)

An example of this can be seen in the account of Cyrus the Great (559 BC–530 BC), King of Persia, whom the Lord moved to free the Jewish captives in Babylon and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:1-4). And, in the story of Nehemiah, who prayed to God that his request to King Artaxerxes I (465 BC–424 BC) be granted to allow him to go to Jerusalem and rebuild its walls (Nehemiah 2:1-8).

Near the beginning of the 1971 movie adaptation of the 1964 Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof, the rabbi of the Ukrainian village of Anatevka is leaving the synagogue with his students. They asked him various questions as they went down the steps into the village. One of them asked if there was a proper blessing for the czar. With a smile, the rabbi replied, “A blessing for the czar? Of course. May God bless and keep the czar … far away from us!”

While we can see the humor in the rabbi’s comments, it is proper to petition the Lord to move in the hearts and minds of political leaders to effect welfare and justice in society, especially in relation to the ability of believers to serve the Lord in peace and share the gospel.

“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers,petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-3)

Human beings come into this world condemned to death due to the sin of the first man Adam and the sin nature handed down to us. But because of the death of Jesus on the cross that paid in full the sin debt for sinners, and His resurrection from the dead, the repentant sinner who trusts in Him alone will rise from death to newness of life that will never fade away.

Prayers made to God’s on behalf of those who wield power and influence in society provide great opportunities for followers of Jesus Christ to be salt and light wherever they live (Matthew 5:13-16). That is,to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to preserve and extend what is good, proclaim this message of forgiveness and salvation to all, and bring glory to God.

Though we may not always get the leaders we wish, we should remember that God works all things after the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11), and that the prayers of His people can accomplish much good (James 5:16). Regardless of who arises to political power where we reside, the Lord remains the same God who never leaves or forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5-6). It is His continual presence that encourages us, gives us hope, and energizes us to be an extension of His love and grace in the world.

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie:


We Are Living Through a Communist Revolution

By Cliff Kincaid

July 3, 2022

Recognizing that communism didn’t end with the fall of the Berlin Wall, former President Trump said in a speech, “…we will fight the onslaught of radicalism, socialism, and indeed it all leads to communism once and for all.”

Not only does Trump understand that communism is not dead, he perceives that this foreign and alien ideology is in control of the Democratic Party.

Flying the flag on July 4th can’t turn back the clock.

As we take pride in America, we have to recognize what has America become – and what is it becoming. For that answer, read the Communist Manifesto and take note of the fact that literally dozens of communist groups operate on American soil, in open violation of the Communist Control Act, which is still on the books. (It was introduced by a Democrat, Senator Hubert Humphrey, and signed by a Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower.)

As I note in The Sword of Revolution and The Communist Apocalypse, the Marxists see the U.S. as a society based on slavery which has since become the leading capitalist nation and must therefore be “transformed” into socialism on the road to communism. Hence, we currently see Marxists and their fellow travelers refer to slavery as the basis for American capitalism and the need for reparations.

This is what Democrats call “progressive” ideology.

Looking at this through Marxist eyes, the U.S. developed beyond an economic system based on slavery to be in the current stage between capitalism and socialism, what is called the highest stage of capitalism. This is when the Marxists capture the major organs of finance capital, major corporations, and the means of communication.

The centralization of the means of communications in the hands of the state, a key plank of the Communist Manifesto, is being implemented in the United States under the one-party state now in power. We are literally living through a “world revolution,” which is why I started the publication, “World Revolution Report,” to open the eyes of Americans to our fate as a country.

This fact was impressed upon me personally when, on the eve of July 4th, my anti-communist videos, some 500,were banned by YouTube, which is part of Google. They were eliminated from the platform all at once. I know other conservatives have been censored in this way, but my videos represented decades of anti-communist study and research. My channel was anti-communist from start to finish.

This development, which means thousands of my subscribers no longer have access to these videos as well, further represents the consolidation of a communist dictatorship in America, with control by the Marxist elites over the key means of communication.

We can debate whether the elites believe in Marxism or not. What is clear that they view Marxist strategy and tactics as political winners. The World Revolution is happening.

I believe I was targeted not for videos that questioned Biden’s election as president but those about the illegitimate presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

My “crime” in the eyes of Big Media was challenging the legitimacy of the current one-party state, the China Joe Administration, and still raising legitimate questions about Barack Hussein Obama’s background and history. On this basis, my videos on related topics, such as Cultural Marxism, were removed.

To understand our predicament, consider that Obama’s August 19, 2020, address, at the Democratic National Convention, on behalf of Biden, was the clearest indication that Obama was working for a third presidential term. He wanted to use Biden as a front for the ultimate capture of state power for revolutionary purposes. It’s Obama, not Biden, running the show.

What’s interesting, according to filmmaker and researcher Joel Gilbert, is that Obama wants to replace Biden in 2024 with his wife, Michelle. It would be a clever Marxist move.

Some on the Fox News Channel assure us that the cavalry is coming, meaning the Republicans will take back Congress in November. But many Fox News personalities refuse to discuss shenanigans in the 2020 presidential election and openly promote the homosexual lifestyle and movement that has led to the problem of transgenderism in schools.

Fox News viewers have never been told that the founder of the gay rights movement, Harry Hay, wore dresses, got involved in the occult, and advocated for the “rights” of the North American Man-Boy Love Association. My group got his FBI file through a Freedom of Information Act request.

All major institutions of society, including the conservative establishment and the churches, are tainted by know-nothings, fakes, and fraudsters.

Channels like Fox and Big Media Tech monopolies such as Google serve the state, the Biden regime, by censoring any content which casts doubt on the legitimacy of that regime. That’s how I “violated” YouTube’s community guidelines.

But one censored video, my interview with well-known conservative author Jack Cashill, was not exclusively about the fraudulent nature of the 2020 election. We had a lengthy discussion of how Barack Hussein Obama was elected using a stolen Social Security number.

YouTube does not permit discussions like this. That particular video was cited for violating YouTube’s policy against “misinformation.”

What has changed over time, as the World Revolution continues gobbling up country after country, is that China has become the leader of the world communist movement, replacing the Soviet Union/Russia. Eventually, according to the Marxist theory of history, America will become a communist state and then be integrated into the China-dominated New World Order.

However, Russia is still playing a major role, as we have seen in Europe with the invasion of Ukraine and Biden’s no-win response, dragging on for five months now.

On Fox, the “conservative” channel, one of the only independent voices, who refuses to follow the establishment Republican line, is Tucker Carlson. However, he has completely misjudged Russia’s intentions and features left-wingers such as Glenn Greenwald.

Resisting censorship, conservatives must identify the communists and their fellow travelers for what they are. Calling this “woke capitalism” or “cancel culture” won’t suffice. And denouncing “McCarthyism” only confuses people about the need for congressional internal security committees to expose and identify communists.

Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to defect from the former Soviet bloc, provided a statement for one of my conferences on the significance of the Obama presidency, saying, “I walked in Marxist moccasins for many years, and I can see how President Obama could have bought into the siren call of Marxism…”

That siren call has been accepted by so many in the United States that some might say the end is near – or fast approaching.

The cavalry, if it comes, must understand the nature of the World Revolution we find ourselves in. The solution lies in the strategy of dialectical reversal, used by President Ronald Reagan when he fought the communists in Hollywood and then on the world stage. On domestic matters, this one-time former pro-abortion politician had a reversal of his own, becoming a strong pro-life advocate and commenting, “Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves.  Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide.”

In a comment that symbolized dialectical reversal of the terms of the abortion debate, he famously remarked, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has​already been born.”

Legal abortion, like many of the other evils in society, originated in Soviet Russia.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

We Are Proud of THIS?

By Rob Pue

July 3, 2022

Homosexual activity has been going on since the fall of mankind, but what began in earnest in the 1970s has now metastasized into a full-blown cancer on the earth.  I’m talking about the radical homosexual agenda, which is now directly targeting our young children.  We’ve become so “woke” here in America that to have any doubts that this sexual deviancy is unnatural or “not normal” makes most people question whether or not they’re actually hateful bigots.

Until 1973, homosexuality was rightly considered a mental disorder.  But on December 15th of that year, the American Psychiatric Association asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the list and 3,810 voted to retain it.

The American Psychiatric Association compromised, removing homosexuality from the list of mental disorders, but replaced it with “sexual orientation disturbance” for people “in conflict with their sexual orientation.”  Thus began the push for what we now know today as “transgenderism,” even though the term was actually coined in the 1960s.  So now, with today’s Godless American culture, there can be no limits to the depths of perversity we will accept and affirm in order to “virtue signal” our wholehearted acceptance of “diversity.”  But it’s actually perversity disguised as diversity.

According to, in addition to male and female, there are now 72 additional genders, and according to law — either unwritten “societal” laws or actual city, state and federal laws, we must all obey or pay the consequences of our bigotry.

In 1987, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from it’s list of mental disorders completely, asserting that “concepts of mental disorder can be rapidly evolving social constructs that change as society changes.”  And according to a 2015 article published by Psychology Today, the standard of psychotherapy in the US and Europe is “homosexual affirming.”  Indeed, in countless cities, counties and no less than 20 states, it is now illegal for a counselor, therapist or pastor to counsel minors who are confused about their gender or have unwanted homosexual desires.

You may have heard of Jeff Younger, the Texas father of twins who’s been in a custody battle with his ex-wife wife, a pediatrician.  One of the twins — a boy — was encouraged by his mother to “transition” to a girl at the age of 2.  Jeff said his son was happy, comfortable and normal being a boy, but while living with his mother, the child took a female name, and wore girl’s clothing.  But it gets worse.

Jeff would drop his son off at school in boy’s clothes, but the teacher gave him a dress and school officials refused to use his real name or male pronouns.  They actively taught him — in public school — how to be a girl and made him use the girls’ restroom.

Younger stated, “I’ve spent over a million dollars trying to stop my ex-wife and the courts from chemically castrating my son.”  A pediatrician in Texas has planned to put him on chemical castration drugs at the age of 9.  The child is 9 now.  Jeff Younger added, “If they put James on chemical castration drugs, he’ll be permanently maimed and sterilized.  He’ll never be able to have a family or normal sexual relationship with a wife.  The American Academy of Pediatrics requires doctors to affirm children in false gender identities, rather than help them identify with their biological sex.”  Texas is one of the nation’s largest providers of sex-change surgeries and chemical castration hormone treatments to kids.

Last spring, a Canadian father, Rob Hoogland, was sentenced to six months in jail for attempting to intervene in his young daughter’s “gender transition.”  This all began several years ago, when Hoogland discovered that his then 12-year-old daughter’s name had been changed in the 7th grade yearbook.  His daughter had been shown “education” videos at her school, which are actually “gender ideology indoctrination propaganda.”  She then decided she was a boy, the school “affirmed” her as a “transgender” and proceeded to “socially transition” her without informing her parents.

The school kept all of this a secret from the parents in accordance with the British Columbia Ministry of Education’s “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Policy,” which dictates that parents have no right to know what their child’s “preferred sex, gender or name” is at school.  The school later sent the girl to a psychologist who then sent her to a doctor. That doctor  laid out a plan to medically “change” Hoogland’s then 13-year-old daughter into a male using injections of testosterone and a year later, the hospital informed the parents they would be medicalizing his daughter and that by law, they didn’t need parental consent to do so.

In 2019 a judge convicted Hoogland of “family violence” for using female pronouns when speaking about his daughter.  Thus, his prison sentence — along with a huge monetary fine.

These are just two examples of situations very similar to this.  Schools serve as powerful brainwashing facilities and their goal is to turn as many healthy young people into confused, mentally-disturbed, gender-questioning kids as possible — all without the parents’ consent or even knowledge.  And as you’ve seen, parents who do dare to speak out can end up in costly legal battles and even prison.  This is not only a massive human rights violation, but more than that, it’s extreme child abuse, taking place under “color of law.”

But it’s not just schools pushing the “queering” of our children today.”  It’s everywhere.  It’s in the atmosphere.  Radio, TV, so-called “public service announcements, billboards along the highway, the internet, movies, pop music and videos and more.

June became homosexual “pride” month in 1999 when Bill Clinton declared it to be so.  “Pride” celebrations include parades, marches, demonstrations, festivals, fairs, Drag Queen events and much more.  Including special days at Disney World and other amusement parks around the country.  Department stores like Target and Kohls celebrate homosex with rainbow-colored clothing — especially for children.  But homosexual “pride” isn’t just for June anymore.  It’s morphed into a hideous, demonic monster that preys on minds and souls — young and old — all year ‘round.

This is even commonplace now in government.  Last year, the New York Times boasted that there were nearly 1000 LGBTQP+  elected officials in the US, with the number rising fast.  The Biden regime has fast-tracked this, with the appointment of Richard “Rachel” Levine as Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services.  Levine is a morbidly obese transgender — perfect for running our national “Health and Human Services” department.  Levine was also named a four-star admiral in the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corp. states that Levine is “using ‘her’ newfound position and visibility to address a variety of inequities in health care while also serving as a role model for the LGBTQ+ community, particularly young people.”  Notice the part that says“particularly young people.”

Because the emphasis is always on the kids, for several reasons.  First, the homosexual mob must recruit young people into their death style because they’re unable to reproduce naturally, since homosexuality is the most un-natural thing in the world.  Two men committing sodomy cannot be “fruitful and multiply.”  Nor can two women.  Secondly, adult homosexuals have a known lust for “young meat.”  You’ll notice you see no rainbow flags flying at Senior Centers or nursing homes.  But wherever children gather, the homosexual agenda is deeply embedded.  The children are being groomed for sexual exploitation and rape.  If you do the research, you’ll find countless examples of pedophiles within the LGBTQP+ community.  The “P,” by the way, stands for “pedophilia.”

The Biden regime has continued it’s push toward national sodomy.  The new press secretary meets the necessary Biden criteria of being a black female. (Whatever the word ‘female’ may mean anymore).  But a headline from USA Today, dated June 8th of this year speaks volumes: “An Out Gay Woman: Karine Jean-Pierre Hopes to Empower LGBTP youth as White House Press Secretary.”  There we go… the YOUTH again.  Pay attention.  They’re coming for your children and grandchildren.

Last year, the Washington Post reported that 1 in 6 Gen Z adults are LGBT.  Meanwhile an article from US News and World Report stated the number of teens who now identify as LGBTQP+ is at 20% — so one in five of our teens is now fully brainwashed into mental illness, and that number is rising daily with the steady flow of massive propaganda.

All of this is being funded heavily by just about every major corporation in the country.  An organization known as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) basically blackmails companies into compliance.  If they do not support the homosexual and transgender agenda — financially and in other ways — companies will receive a “bad score” from HRC.  So the more these corporations donate to the cause, the higher approval score they receive, thereby “virtue signaling” their commitment to so-called “equality.”

In case you’re wondering, companies that top the list as “Platinum Partners” with HRC include Amazon, American Airlines, Apple Corporation, Coca Cola, Google, Intel, Lyft, Macy’s, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Nationwide Insurance, Pfizer, Target and UPS.  But there is virtually no company in the country you can do business with anymore that does not support this agenda, openly and proudly.  Financial support for the LGBTQP+ agenda is in the trillions of dollars.

I’m going to assume that few, if any of you, have ever attended a “pride parade.”  I’ve been to a half dozen in Columbus, Ohio, where a group of Christians has tried to witness to those in attendance.  The first year there were only 22 of us.  The last time we went, there were over 200.  Only during the first year, was I able to have a meaningful conversation with a group of lesbians and their friends.  After coming to attack me, they relented and agreed to have a dialogue.  In the end, they began to see the light, had tears in their eyes and said, “I think I have a lot to think about.”  Then they left the parade and went home.

Columbus has the second largest “pride parade” in the country, with a half-million people.  The atmosphere is shocking, to say the least.  City ordinances against public nudity and lewd behavior are shelved.  At these events, you’ll see the deepest, darkest, most vile displays you can comprehend.  The sodomites target Christians for physical attack and constant harassment.  Meanwhile, the police view US as the “bad guys” and should we so much as brush up against one of the hundreds of thousands of transgenders, homosexuals or their allies (which is very difficult to avoid in a crowd of a half million people), they scream to the police that we have “assaulted them.”  Meanwhile, we endure pushing, shoving, kicking, spitting, punching and more…all to the delight of the police as we are their entertainment.

Every company, corporation and organization you can imagine is present.  The last event we went to included no less than FORTY so-called Christian “churches” marching IN the parade, in support of sodomy, transgenderism, sado-masochism and pedophilia.  I am not exaggerating.  If anything, I’m sparing you the gory details.

It’s very much like the story of Sodom in Genesis, where the men of the city marched to Lot’s house and surrounded it, demanding they send out the two angels so they could have sex with them, and then attempted to break down the door.  Violence against Christians at these “pride parades” has ramped up substantially with the complicity of the local police.   It’s grown worse with each passing year.  Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, there is no depth to which the human mind and soul will not sink.  No restraint, just hedonism, debauchery, and unbridled vile filth.  And people take their small kids there — and literally parade them in front of a half million lust-filled sodomites, literally IN the parade.  This has nothing to do with “equality.”  It’s pure, demonic evil.  It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city…and any nation that continues to be proud of THIS.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 364.

Act Before Time Runs Out

By Jim Hollingsworth

July 2, 2022

On Friday, June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.  Their final opinion was basically the same as the draft by Justice Alito that was leaked May 2. The Court has overturned Roe v. Wade as well as Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

What the Court said was:

At the time of Roe, 30 States still prohibited abortion at all stages. [Roe] imposed the same highly restrictive regime on the entire Nation, and it effectively struck down the abortion laws of every single State.  the decision  represented the “exercise of raw judicial power,” and it sparked a national controversy that has embittered our political culture for a half century.

We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences.

The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives. (Alito: Cornell Law Review)

When the Supreme Court announced its opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization the Democrats went ballistic.  Their world was ended.  They had believed that Roe v. Wade somehow gave them a right for an abortion.  They somehow missed the fact that abortion is not even mentioned in the Constitution, was just very bad jurisprudence when it was decided, as was also Planned Parenthood v. Casey.  Over sixty-three million precious babies have lost their lives since Roe was decided.

These precious babies could one day have been president or a congressman, or even an astronaut.  They never had a chance, for their lives were taken.  In a free market economy every soul is a benefit to society; in a socialist economy every soul is a liability.  Thus, the loss of these many little ones has been a loss to us as a nation.  Also worthy of note, a high percentage of those taken have been among minorities.

Not only did the Democrats respond immediately with anger but President Biden said he was contemplating an executive order making abortion legal again in every state.  He somehow missed the fact that executive orders were designed for emergencies when Congress could not act, and that all legislative powers is given by our great Constitution to the Congress.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. (Article I, Section 1)

In recent years both the President and the Supreme Court have put forth their own legislation and Congress made little effort to stop them.  Right now the Court appears to be leaning on the Constitution, but that is a significant change from previous years.

Since Biden took office he has done more to destroy our great country than anyone before him.  If one did not know better he would have to assume that Biden and his administration were working for our enemies.

Everyone got some kind of stimulus money several months ago.  That money was not taxed, nor was it borrowed, but was simply printed and given out.  Economists call that “inflation” yet Biden has neglected to take any blame for rising prices.  Seventeen economists agree with him. These Nobel Prize winning economists are mainly professors at universities including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, and Stanford.  When it comes to economics it appears that those institutions have been wrong more often than they have been right.

Under the program of the former president to Make America Great Again life was improving.  The price of gasoline was under $2.00, and our people were working.  Even our enemies respected us. Our dollar was sound.  Now government inflation is eating at everyone’s savings, at the rate of about one percent every thirty days.

During his first week in office President Biden issued 37 executive orders.  Those orders were designed to undo all the good work of the former administration.  The most grievous was the position taken on energy.

First, he stopped work on the Keystone XL Pipeline, which put at least 11,000 people out of work.  Then he stopped drilling for oil on all public lands and offshore, and began to honor his commitment to end the use of all fossil fuels.

Surely they had to understand that over 6,000 things are made from oil, and most fertilizer comes from natural gas.  No more fossil fuels, no more vinyl fences or siding; no more plastic bags for most grocery items.  No more paved highways.  No more paint or paint thinner.  No more carpeting: Little furniture.  No refrigerators or air conditioning. Of course no more jet fuel, diesel, gasoline or kerosene.  Just look around you and notice the numbers of things made from oil.  Today, even much of our automobiles are made of plastic.

When prices began to rise the Administration said it was because of greedy meat producers, grocers and oil companies.  Some of the blame was placed on the “war” in Ukraine.  They did not seem to notice that the price of gasoline, now over $5.00/gallon, had already risen before the conflict in Ukraine.  Even the price for most food items had risen, as well as the price of housing.

Rather than reverse any of these terrible policy decisions the President went begging for more oil production from our enemies, from Venezuela, Iran and countries in the Mideast.  Every practical American knows that none of this is good energy policy, but the Biden Administration does not seem to care. Was their plan to destroy America?

Government policies have made it harder to do business, and draconian and unconstitutional measures led us closer to tyranny during the pandemic.  Even the demand that babies be vaccinated, when they are at little risk and there are serious side effects of the vaccines.  There is no discussion on anything; the President is determined to have his way in everything.  When professionals stand up and try to share the truth they are put down by the social media or various levels of government.  Some have even been fired for taking a stand against the common narrative.

As Americans we must stand against this move to take over our country by the president.  It is not too late: There is much that can be done on the local level, but time is running out.  Now is the time for patriotic Americans to stand forth and encourage others to do right.

For an excellent article on the present Biden energy policies see the excellent article by Professor Victor Davis Hanson.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jim Hollingsworth:

[BIO: Jim Hollingsworth has a master’s degree from Pensacola Christian College.  He has written four books: Climate Change: A Convenient Truth, Cortez: A Biography, The Ancient Culture of the Aztec Empire, and Abortion Compassion.]

Roe v Wade May Be Gone, but the Death Culture Remains. This Is Why

By Steven Yates

July 2, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022 will go down in history as the day one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in U.S. history was finally reversed: Roe v Wade (also Casey v Planned Parenthood).

The claim that “abortion rights” are “found” in a Constitutional “penumbra” is dead in the water.

The death culture (one might call it) — a culture in which women and more than a few men will take to the streets protesting eliminating a “right” to kill unborn babies — is still very much around, though, and clearly isn’t going anywhere.

In anticipation of last Friday’s decision, police in riot gear were seen on their way to the SCOTUS building. Can you imagine this happening in years past when SCOTUS decisions favored the cultural left (as in, e.g., Obergefell v Hodges)?

Police remained busy as protests erupted in leftie-controlled big cities. Calls to “burn down” the SCOTUS building were heard; highways were blocked; prolife women were assaulted by more of those “mostly peaceful protesters.” Antifa was on the move. Some trying to film had phones knocked from their hands and were forced to flee. Evidence continues to amass that most politically-motivated violence in America comes from lefties, despite “expert” pronouncements reciting official narratives about “right-wing extremists” and “white supremacists.”

I had little interest in the abortion issue until the day I was “asked” to teach a contemporary moral issues class and handed the textbook. There it was, the lead unit.

I dove in with few preconceptions of what to expect. The selection of readings seemed fair, in the sense that both sides were represented. Articles by “pro-choice” women professors were balanced by tracts such as an excerpt from a Pope John Paul II encyclicalre titled “The Unspeakable Crime of Abortion.” Other authors argued that abortion was either never acceptable, or was acceptable only in those rare cases when the mother’s life was threatened if the pregnancy was carried to term, or in cases of rape or incest. There were seven or eight essays in all, with questions for reflection at the end. The textbook didn’t try to resolve the issue. Current ethics textbooks never do.

What impressed me was the concern for fundamentals on one side — fundamentals here meaning: concern for what a human person is, and what ultimately grounds our saying human beings have rights — any rights? Versus those assuming a standpoint in which such issues are fully decided by legal rulings or cultural consensus, and we’re just working out the consequences.

I was unprepared for how intellectually weak and sloppy “pro-choice” reasoning (dating mostly from the 1970s) really was. Some students weren’t having it. When I posed a rhetorical question drawn from the introductory reading at the start of the discussion: “Is a fetus human?” one girl retorted, “Well, it isn’t a fish.” Of course, the debate as framed in textbooks isn’t over whether the unborn are genetically human but whether they are persons, members of the moral community. A dichotomy is simply presumed.

One author demonstrated clearly, however unintentionally, the logical minefield we enter when essential criteria for personhood cease to be complete human DNA, and when rights cease to be God-given and become legal pronouncements (or “social constructions”).

Her name was Mary Anne Warren, and she presented five “criteria for personhood” which relied on a science fiction thought experiment. She asked for the circumstances in which travelers to another planet would recognize members of a presumably very different alien species as persons like us with rights.

As I sometimes say, you can’t make this stuff up. This was to be her test for whether the unborn — who are unlike adults! — are persons.

Some of her criteria — seeing in them evidence of complex cognitive ability — ruled out not just newborns but small children, people in comas, and many Alzheimer’s sufferers. Other criteria — an ability to feel and respond to pain—utterly failed to rule out unborn babies.

A different article tried to draw an analogy between the unborn baby and a famous but unconscious violinist, to whom a woman who had been kidnapped was hooked up so that their blood-streams were shared. She was to be forced to continue sharing her blood to keep the unconscious violinist alive for nine months.

It is hard to count the number of disanalogies in this ridiculous argument.

At first I wondered how this kind of stuff ever got published in refereed academic journals, much less anthologized in a textbook students were expected to read and take seriously. I soon came to realize that by the time of the course I was teaching, left-liberals were established gatekeepers of philosophy publishing on most social-philosophy and moral-philosophy issues.

Bingo. Because sloppy thinking isn’t the exception for academic-cultural lefties. It’s the norm. It is easy to be distracted by it, and not to see where the real fault line is. Much academic discussion is put together in such a way as to avoid the “big questions.” What I am referring to will be familiar to long time readers. The distinction is between those who believe that all valuation, especially moral valuation and therefore rights ascriptions, are grounded in a transcendent reality and that reality’s God, versus those who would find them exclusively in this world, which means: in legal maneuverings and cultural consensus. Which the latter really means in turn: in the choices of those with the money and power to enforce their collective will on everyone else.

Back in the 1830s sociology-founder Auguste Comte penned his “Positive Polity” essay which founded the philosophical ideology known as positivism. This became, I am convinced, one of the most important documents helping understand how we’ve ended up where we are.

Comte formulated his “Law” of Three Stages a rising civilization passes through.The first stage is the stage of pure faith: the “religious or fictitious,” as he put it. The second stage is the stage of pure reason: the “metaphysical and abstract” which he did not think was much better. The third stage is the stage of empirical science: the “scientific and positive.” With additions by scholars to come (Great Britain’s John Stuart Mill who oversaw the translation of Comte’s writings into English, and Bertrand Russell who wrote at length of “scientific philosophy,” among others), the third stage became the stage of science, technology, commerce, utility, and the firm belief that the human race could take its progress into its own hands. This included moral progress — without gods or other transcendent abstractions from the past. There was just this world, its workings disclosed by science and in which we big-brained primates act as economic agents.

Materialism was the logical result of third stage thinking (I have written about this here, here, here, and here, with a reply to a critic here; the entire package is upgraded here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). Upshot: materialism(sometimes called materialist naturalism, or just naturalism) is a theory of reality, or a metaphysics. It is not the conclusion of any specific empirical results or scientific findings. Rather, it came to function as a first premise, or starting point. Empowered by the writings of Darwin, Freud, and others, materialism as a worldview had taken over major universities by around 1900. Given the prestige of those “experts,” it spread outwards across education generally, culture, and especially government and law. A doctrine known as legal positivism had appeared and grown dominant. Legal positivism asserts essentially that rights, justice, etc., are what the legal system (i.e., its dominant voices) says they are — no more, no less.

Materialism denies the existence of any fundamental moral distinction between human persons and the rest of physical reality. The human race as a whole has no transcendent moral significance or higher purpose. It is in this physical/material world, the world disclosed by science, that “our highest ideals must find a home” as philosopher Bertrand Russell would write in his also-pivotal “A Free Man’s Worship” (1903). By “highest ideals” he meant social justice and freedom from war.

Can we begin to see how a philosophical ideology has cheapened human life?

We — as tribal beings in many respects — had been struggling to overcome our tribalist past. What was healthiest in Enlightenment thinking was its declaration that rights were universal, not mere possessions of this or that tribe. Enlightenment philosophers did not invent this idea out of whole cloth. They got it from Christianity, and the Christian idea that man (meaning all persons) was created in God’s image.

Combine Enlightenment universalism with the notion that we can start with ourselves and invent from scratch a moral code that defines rights, and you have something that is proving to be our undoing.

The trajectory the twentieth century followed should have indicated that there was something wrong with the idea that materialist secularism could ever be the basis for a workable ethics. The Great War, as it was then called, began in 1914, shattered Europe, and because of improved communications, had ripple effects on our side of the Atlantic. The war exemplified the level of destruction human beings had become capable of, which would only worsen with time.

What is sometimes called the Jazz Age ensued starting around 1919-20; this was also an era of nihilist art movements such as Dadaism, although the overall mood of the country was giddy and upbeat.

Further shaking the optimism of earlier eras were the Great Depression, the Second World War, the rising evidence of genocides which were hardly limited to the Nazis, the coming of nuclear weapons, the rise of the Soviet Union as a world power, and the onset of the Cold War (and doctrines such as “Mutually Assured Destruction”) which lasted until 1989-91. When the Soviet Union fell, we saw not freedom but consolidations of wealth and power, irresponsible financial machinations, the unrest all this has given rise to, and the divisions we now see.

Where does abortion fit in here? This is an easy question.

Tribalism had always cheapened the life of “the other,” those outside one’s own tribe, or just those deemed inconvenient. Through hard, patient work, some of it intellectual and some of it political, the Western world started to overcome tribalism. Getting rid of chattel slavery was a major step forward.

But beginning in the 1970s, tribalism started returning in various forms. Today we have identity politics: academic tribalism. But identity politics is hardly the only form tribalism can take. Our latter-day neo tribalism has been fueled by the general idea that what it means to be human can be redefined through political or legal will, and that inconvenient humans can be written out of the moral community (what the Nazis did to the Jews, and what Stalinists did to Ukrainians who resisted collective farming).

Add to this, finally, globalists and technocrats who believe themselves capable of designing their “new world order” (or “great reset”) based on nudges, surveillance and controls, all through social engineering. This is bound to involve eliminating “useless eaters” and the systematic impoverishing of those who refuse to get with the program. Aborting unwanted unborn children will be part of this and actually encouraged if the mother can’t afford a child, or another child.

Our tribalist instincts plus materialism yield the modern death culture.

Abortion-on-demand works by writing the unborn out of the moral community. They are genetically human nonpersons, as were Jews to the Nazis and resisters to collective agriculture were to Stalin and his minions. The idea that the unborn are nonpersons is the reason “liberated” women can shout, “My body, my life, my choice!” “Women’s reproductive rights!” etc., etc.

They literally do not see another moral agent involved.

“Pro-lifers” still have their work cut out for them, therefore. This is because the end of Roe obviously does not mean the end of the death culture. As some have put it, a single federal problem has just become 50 state-level problems. Some states will ban abortion altogether (some already have, others are moving to do so). Others will become havens where the practice will continue unabated.

The problem is materialism,hovering over the death culture like a shadow so pervasive no one sees it. Corporate culture is materialist through-and-through. Decision-makers within corporate culture are not well enough educated to recognize this, but they act on it. This is why Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Facebook, Disney, Amazon, both Uber and Lyft, and many others, are ready to pay travel expenses for employees seeking abortions in states where abortion is likely to remain legal.

This will continue unless the dominant worldview of the West is changed. I vote for changing it back to Christianity, and encouraging the sort of Christian culture in which all human beings are seen as having intrinsic value and therefore as important: as “mattering” if you will.This change cannot focus on a single issue, such as abortion. It must be holistic, and address a mindset. It will cut across a swath of other issues, including sexuality, child-rearing and education, the family unit, and how businesses should operate.

What I am talking about will be extremely difficult. We are already demonized as theocrats. We will have to police themselves, so we do not become theocrats. We face a definite uphill struggle against hostile powers behind the death culture who have vastly superior resources and control of all dominant media. But ending the dominance of the death culture is the only chance Western civilization has, and time is running out.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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By Ms. Smallback

July 2, 2022

I’ve gotten a lot of things wrong in my life, and I’d wager I’ve had more wrong than right.  I would have bet a lot of money that Trump was going to be re-elected in 2020.  I held my ground on that long past the election right up to the inauguration.  I gave (and still give) serious merit to the Devolution theory.  I believed Q was a White Hat operation and was for the awakening of the patriots and those seeking good and righteousness.

I believe Trump did indeed win the election, and have maintained that it was a matter of presenting the evidence.  Eighteen months later now, and I am definitely second guessing myself.  [2000 Mules has come and gone and still no change.  Project Veritas has exposed countless media and corporate deceptions and still no change.  Exposes have been written, documentaries have been produced, witnesses murdered, and still no change.]

At different points along the way I would hear bits from God, and other times bear witness to what others shared they had heard from God.  Trying to weave together the different bits and pieces into a whole picture sometimes has proved frustrating and even fruitless.  Other times it has helped bring clarity.  What is it Paul says?  Oh yes, we know in part and prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the impartial disappears.

We are still in the imperfect part.  Especially me.  I know I am still learning bit by bit, and a lot of the time I am unlearning more than I am learning.

I settled down to rethink everything, took a step back, went back over my notes trying to figure out what I’ve missed and where.  I got waylaid by some family tragedies, some deaths, some betrayals, a lot of questions….

I’ve rethought and reformed my views on eschatology so much they are almost now a complete reformation.  I am giving serious consideration that our world is post-millennial, which strangely answers more questions than it asks.

Which leads me to present day…

The past several months, I feel like God has led me in a direction to engage in our community in a way that brings restoration to broken lives and revival to community and our local economy.  Whether Trump comes back on the scene or not seems almost irrelevant for what I feel I am to be busy with.  I’m not convinced Trump is what our country needs right now, but I certainly know he would be better than what we have.

There are still many unanswered questions I have about Trump, and I don’t know that they’ll ever be answered.  The point is, our country needs its people not its leaders.  America’s government is wickedly corrupt, and its leaders are incapable and unwilling to lead in righteousness and justice.  It is up to We the People.  If we can bring a course correction without a civil war, we will be fortunate indeed.

I’ve spent some time seeking God, trying to discern His heart, His will, and how to partner with Heaven for my life and my nation.  I don’t know if the things He showed me and I wrote about in January were possibilities or realities.  I thought they were inevitable, but maybe I’m wrong.  Maybe the things I saw can be changed?  And if they can be changed, it won’t be by doing nothing.

There are a lot of “prophetic voices” out there and usually they start to muddy the water for me.  Sometimes it’s a fine line between prophet and profit.  I implore fellow Christians to examine prophetic utterances in this article, and give examples of some current words making the headlines that I have serious questions about.

That said, I’d like to examine a word from Tim Sheets that does bear witness with me.  On June 19, Tim gave a word to his church with the title and/or instruction:  Proceed.  The essence of the word is that we are entering an intense season of warfare in our nation that will remain fierce up through the midterm elections.  We are told to prepare for escalated warfare in the spiritual and natural realms.

Tim relayed this, “An agitated spirit realm will stir violence in the natural realm.”  He said hell will try to vex Christianity, and has declared open season on Christians.  The ekklesia are to engage in the battle, using their authority to wage war on the powers of darkness on our altars of prayer, decrees and worship.

He said that in this war season the functioning ekklesia will rise to operate in higher realms of authority, and its advance will be very rapid.  Rapid strikes will come against hindering spirits, government tyranny, and cultural systemic evils.

Simultaneously the world will see both the deployment of Heaven’s armies and the fierceness of hell’s battling.  He said the fierceness of hell’s battling of God’s kingdom will be superseded by the fierceness of God’s wrath against their allegiance to Baal.  God’s fierce deployment will engage and intercessors and the angelic will deploy strike missions to break strongholds of darkness and to wither iniquitous roots.

He admonishes us to not fear the war season but to anticipate the victories.  This is a season when the ekklesia of God’s kingdom will elevate in greater levels of the dominion mandate, and an increase in bold authority from believers will be manifest.

God’s word to the ekklesia for this season is this:  “Stop looking at your options.  I am your option.  I am your map.  I am your guide.  I have plans you have not seen yet but now will see.”

In this season, prophetic dreams and visions are connecting to their moment.  Individual destiny is connecting to its moment.  Plans for the time are connecting to their moment.

Tim said God has commissioned Michael to release sufficient warriors from his army to assist God’s ekklesia, and to assist this nation.  We will fuel this angelic warfare which will lead to victories by our decrees of faith.  It’s imperative we understand the Word and will of God, so that we are making righteous, powerful and timely decrees at the right time and place.

We are not to fear the giants in the land, but hunt them.  We have to move into offensive positions against the enemies of God in the spiritual realm (which will often then manifest in the natural realm).

In this season of war, the ekklesia must come into agreement with the plans of God.  How do we come into agreement with the plans of God?  We must position ourselves to see His hand and hear His voice.  Additionally, we must position ourselves firmly in the shelter of the Most High and under the shadow of the Almighty for our protection as hell and its minions declare open season on Christians.  Our obedience to God and our intimacy with Christ are the guarantees of our protection.  If we lose track of that and lose our positions in Him, we are vulnerable to the violence being waged in the spiritual that will indeed manifest in the natural.

A few months ago, the Spirit began moving me into an offensive position in a specific arena, and has been steadily giving me direction for how I am to proceed.  Mine is not a unique position.  God is doing that with His people all over our land.  We are responsible not for “saving our nation”, but for obeying the direction of God for the realm He has given us authority in.  While we hope and pray America can be saved from the destruction of its wicked rulers, we must focus individually on the battle field God has placed us personally in, and is equipping us for.

I’d encourage believers and disciples of Christ to seek Him about this word about a season of warfare before us, and how we’re to engage.  If you missed the link to the word given by Tim Sheets, you can find it here:

© 2022 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

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Cancel Culture is Cancelling itself

By Kathleen Marquardt

We are definitely living in interesting times. I’d have preferred the 1770s, but I’m here now. For decades we at American Policy Center have been arousing people to see what is actually going on in the world rather than being duped by the globalists’ propaganda arms, the MSM and the education system. Many people are opening their eyes, but that fact has been hidden by the press. Now, the Globalists, with their Cancel Culture, are opening more eyes than imaginable thanks to their hubris. They began to believe their propaganda – gotta love it! – and thought they had ‘turned’ enough of us into gullible fools or useful idiots.

They, the Globalists, are telling us meat, milk, tuna fish (and anything else natural, except centipedes) are killing us. So, we need to eat bugs to be healthy. Uh huh. I laughed. Even many deeply duped Leftists are gagging on that. How many cockroaches does it take to supply one gram of protein? And will they expect us to eat termites? Probably, because that would be one thing that would help reduce our carbon footprints – termites are more destructive to ozone than cow farts! Bon Apetit, Leftists. I will stick with red meat; I like to have a functioning brain.

Seriously, though, those wishing to take control of the world will help us bring themselves down like all previous wannabe masters of the universe. Yes, they have seduced a sizable portion of the population, but it is not as sizable as they would have us believe. The Globalists have studied, plotted, planned, and tested their hypotheses ad nauseum, but just like Communism, they cannot factor in, let alone control, all the variables needed. Maybe they expect to metamorphose themselves into God via Transhumanism. Good luck!

That doesn’t mean we aren’t in for, probably, the most horrendous times this Earth has ever seen. Noah and Lot were witnesses to cataclysmic events but, because the world now has billions of people, and because the Globalists are ‘all in’ for “whatever it takes”, we will be subject to a truly dystopian world.

While WW I was the “war to end all wars” but didn’t put off a worse war for much more than 20 years, we have been living in WWIII for decades. We didn’t notice because very few guns and no tanks or rockets have been used – yet. This is a war using the asymmetrical weapons of dumbing down, brainwashing, programing, psychological warfare, gaslighting, promoting fear and paranoia, fake pandemics, weaponized “medications”, destroying small businesses through shut-downs, allowing rioting by paid radicals, plus cancelling our culture and replacing it with fake and corrupting values, attitudes, and beliefs. Oh, and there are many, many more weapons being used against us. Obviously, the Globalists figure if we are aware of and fight off 500 of them, one of the other 9,000 should get us, amongst which are:

ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing which, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, means:

ESG practices can include but are not limited to, strategies that select companies based on their stated commitment to one or more ESG factors —for example, companies with policies aimed at minimizing their negative impact on the environment or companies that focus on governance principles and transparency.  ESG practices may also entail screening out companies in certain sectors or that, in the view of the fund manager, have shown poor performance with regard to management of ESG risks and opportunities. Furthermore, some fund managers may focus on companies that they view as having room for improvement on ESG matters, with a view to helping those companies improve through actively engaging with the companies.[1]

In simple English, that means if your company doesn’t toe the Marxist, Agenda 21/2030, Sustainable, anti-freedom line, you will be cancelled (or just ignored, shunned, and ridiculed until you learn to follow Big Brother or fail).

This, now, is combined with modern monetary theory (MMT), which only a person educated in our institutes of higher learning now can possibly comprehend. MMT contends that government can create more money – without any backing – just because it needs the money to support the federal spending on ESG issues (along with providing billions for war materials to Ukraine) and and and. Through these weapons, the Globalists are making our money worthless in order to continue wiping out the Middle Class. The COVID lockdowns made major inroads on that goal; this is to finish us off.

Add technocracy to the cache of arms, and they now have a mega-weapon in economics. While technocracy, like MMT and ESG, is made out of whole economic cloth, it, too, is an “invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering; controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function.”[2]

Their plan is to not only change governance, but to physically change us humans, to “computerize” us. Then they can not only know everything we do when we do it, they can design us to do what they want us to do – even to die if we are useless eaters (or considered such by the global elite like Gates, Schwab, and their useful idiots – too many to list (starting with Fauci).

And don’t overlook PSYOPs, designed by the military for psychological warfare. Who knew they would use it on their own people (snark)? As Wikipedia states:

Psychological operations are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

Television and movies were major tools in the PSYOPS bag, then they discovered they could use the make-believe of those media and feed it to the people as news. Why were so many so easily fooled? I would guess that one of the reasons is because just about every outlet in print and video was coopted. So-called journalists are now just talking heads, parroting what they are fed. And few notice or care. GIGO should be the buzzword of the day. A perfect example: many people believe the puppet regime in Ukraine is poor, picked on, and pure as the driven snow. They have no idea what is going on in that part of the world, the maneuvering vis a vis NATO, the oil issue, the displaced Russian population of Ukraine. If MSM’s greenscreen slips and shows the 2x4s holding up the screen, they don’t notice. The woke are not awake, they are hypnotized.

And pseudo Climate Change, the raison d’être. The Globalists, along with their cohorts, the Deep State, are pushing electric cars when they know that 1. they cannot produce enough batteries to supply the world with electric cars, 2. there are gross human rights violations occurring in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 3. power to charge the batteries comes from electric power plants, and 4, last but certainly not least, these batteries are very damaging to the environment. But most of us realize that the issue isn’t the issue. It isn’t about developing sustainably, it is about bankrupting the middle class (who can afford these cars?) and driving people into Stack n’ Pack housing so they are easier to control.

Add to the list the sequestration of carbon, solar and wind power, “brownfielding” minority neighborhoods to drive the people out of their homes and businesses; there are dozens, if not thousands, of other weapons being used against us.

I was listening to a novel based in Shaker Heights, Ohio, the first planned community established in 1912. It was scary. The designers, the Van Sweringen brothers, were Shakers and railroad mogels (think James Hill, Jay and George Gould, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Edward Harriman, and Collis P. Huntington). The scary part is that, even then, people wanted to plan how everyone lived – and now, where and if they work, where they recreate, and if they are allowed to procreate.

We are being programmed to want to conform, not to stand out. When I was growing up, it was expected that we try to excel, stand out above the crowd. Now, we are to be a crowd – and if we are really good, we will be an unruly, angry, vengeance-seeking crowd (seeking vengeance for unknown atrocities committed in someone’s imagination.

If we truly want to fit in now, we must be indistinguishable from everyone else – Mao jackets, e-cigs instead of joints, tats instead of love beads, and multi or asexuality instead of sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll. But those were the start.

The scariest part for me is the fusion centers. We are being inundated with propaganda promoting the support of locking those up who disagree with the Sustainable Development lines promoted by the Globalists – and even those who want to own their own home on their own property un-supervised by a homeowners association. MSM watchers are becoming inured to hordes of rioters, a police state, and even their fellow citizens being locked-up for daring to speak out against Newspeak.

As I noted earlier, it is quite unlikely that the Globalist plan will pan out as they have so meticulously and duplicitously scripted. But dystopian will be descriptive of our everyday world, not a scene from a sci-fi novel. To make it somewhat less destructive, we need to now be working to stop the wheels of the Great Reset progress.

As Kat Stansell, Grassroots Outreach Coordinator for American Policy Center says, “Local action is the only way out of this. We’ve said it before, advocated for it, and built groups around the nation who have done some really good things. If you already have a Freedom Pod in your community, you are a step ahead, but now we must all go much further. We must build Freedom Rescue Platoons.”

Tom DeWeese gives great instructions on building Freedom Pods.

It is simple, and if you love what America was and can be again, you will find that it gives you a great sense of accomplishment every time you shut down one of useful idiots working so hard to destroy freedom for slavery. Give it a try.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

  2. Patrick Wood, Technocracy News

Heading In the Wrong Direction

By Glynn Adams

July 1, 2022

It seems to me that most Americans are now realizing that America is heading in the wrong direction.  While we may disagree on the reasons why we are heading in the wrong direction, the fact remains we are heading in the wrong direction.  In this article today, I want to present four reasons why America is heading in the wrong direction.

One thing that started us in the wrong direction is we are divided as a nation and the church is divided.  Jesus said in Mark 3:25, “If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” A kingdom, a nation, a church, or a marriage divided against itself, cannot stand.  America is so divided and so is the Body of Christ in America.  Our enemies have worked hard to divide our nation and the church and if we won’t resist this division and work harder to unite us than our enemies did to divide us, we will continue in the wrong direction.  No use for the details now; we either make the choice to unite or we will not stand!!!  We must make the choice first:  the Divided or the United States of America!!!  When Satan is ignored and allowed to function openly without opposition, there will always be division.

The second reason for the wrong direction is a lack of knowledge.  The Bible says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest.  Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”  I want to contrast lack of knowledge with ignorance.  Knowledge is truth on a matter and ignorance is not that you are stupid and cannot learn.  Ignorance is where you have been taught the wrong thing or you have been lied to and you believe the lie or you have ignored a truth.

Think about this – the area in your life where you don’t know truth or have knowledge, how much of a hindrance is that to you and your loved ones?  How bad is the little things you are overlooking hurting you, your family, or nation?  Proverbs says we perish for lack of knowledge.  Are we going to ignore that?  Satan is not yet in hell as many think so he operates in our ignorance.  Satan operates in what you don’t know.  When you are ignorant of a matter and you come into agreement with Satan, Satan has permission to affect your life with sickness or whatever he desires.  Remember what happened to Adam and Eve when they came into agreement with Satan?  And you “will” come into agreement with Satan if you don’t have the knowledge or truth of the Word of God on a matter.  Remember the old saying, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you?  That is a lie from hell!!!  Terrible things can happen in what you don’t know.  This is why the lies and deception of Satan are such powerful tools for him.  Only knowledge of the truth can protect you from Satan and his ways.

I have never seen so much spiritual ignorance and lack of Biblical knowledge in our nation and in the church as it is today.  We have absolutely no idea of the consequences of our ignorance on our everyday life.  We depend too much on someone else for our knowledge.  Today it is easy to believe a lie or be deceived.  We are to study to show ourselves approved, dividing the Word of God.  Most citizens or churchgoers have little to no knowledge of what is going on in this nation and why.  Until we mature more and come to the knowledge of the truth, America will continue to go in the wrong direction.  Our education systems in America are being used to destroy our seed and until we rid this nation of the Department of Education and give education back to the local communities, we will continue to head as a nation and church in the wrong direction.

The third reason for our wrong direction as a nation is we are ignorant of our Constitution and we are no longer living by it.  It takes a moral and righteous people to maintain a Republic!! It is amazing how little we live by our Constitution as a nation and that is why we are heading in the wrong direction.  Our Founding Fathers relied heavily on 700 years of blood bought history to form a Republic where WE THE PEOPLE HAD THE LIBERTY, POWER, AND AUTHORITY TO CONTROL THE Federal Government not the Federal Government having the power to control WE THE PEOPLE.  They knew the repressive nature of a central government and what happens when that government gets too big and powerful.

When we abandon our founding documents and disregard our moral foundations as we are doing today, liberty is put in peril.  One of the greatest deception and attack on our Republic has been the distortion of the very nature and framework of our governmental structure.  Namely, the incorrect notion that the Constitution says the Federal Government in Washington, D.C. is the supreme boss over the States.  In truth, it was not the Federal Government but the States and WE THE PEOPLE who were intended to retain the most power in our Republic.

The last paragraph of the Declaration of Independence gives us all we need to properly understand the difference between the modern misconception and the framer’s intent in regard to the Federal Government and the States.  Our Founders saw our States as sovereign governments or nations just like Great Britain, France, or Spain.  No mention yet of a Federal Government.  If you read further in the Declaration of Independence, we can see even more evidence of the sovereign nature of these newly independent and sovereign States.  It not only equates each new Sate with Great Britain in title but also in power, authority, and responsibility.  “As Free and Independent States, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent States may of right do.”  The States could close our borders if they wanted to!!!

So the nature of the States is that they are sovereign, independent, and free governments that existed prior to the establishment of a Federal or Central Government in Washington, D.C.  Hopefully, before it is too late, the citizens of this nation will cast off their ignorance and discover that the solution to controlling the Federal Government lies in the knowledge and application of the sovereignty of the States which they have possessed from the very founding of this nation and before a Federal Government was formed.

So the long term solution for the preservation of Liberty was to create a Federal or Central Government.  It’s purpose would be to do as a single voice what the States would otherwise have to do individually.  If foreign nations wanted to trade with our nation, instead of thirteen separate treaties and rules, this confederation of States in the form of a Federal or Central Government would allow for one treaty rather than thirteen.  The intent of the Federal Government was to act in the States’ interests to protect and promote Liberty and prosperity within our borders.  So the Federal or Central Government is a creation of the States by delegated power from the States.  The Federal Government was intended to be an agent for the States, not rule over the States.  The key to understanding that the Federal Government has no sovereignty of its own outside the power “delegated” to it by the States.  The State Legislatures will jealously and closely watch the operations of the Federal Government and be able to resist every assumption of power and to be sure guardians of the people’s liberty so said James Madison.

Perhaps you have now seen why we are going in the wrong direction.  Since the 1900s, a process carried out by the Bankers Cartel, our Presidents, our Congress, our State Governments, our Judicial and our Universities to deliberately distort and increase our Federal Governmental powers.  For years now our trusted politicians and institutions were moving us further and further away from the intent of our Founding Fathers.  Until we get back to our Founding Documents, America will continue heading in the wrong direction. (Thanks to Kris Anne Hall for her book, SOVEREIGN DUTY)

The fourth reason we are headed in the wrong direction is we no longer seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.(Matthew 6:33)  Notice Jesus did not say to seek Him first, but seek first His Kingdom.  He is the Kingdom!!!  Today we seek religion and a form of godliness.  That is why we are heading in the wrong direction in this nation.  So the best and wisest and most powerful man who ever lived – Jesus Christ made the Kingdom of God His message.  He called it the Good News – the Gospel of the Kingdom.  The “good news of the rule of God.”  It is the only thing He called the gospel.  “He went out preaching the gospel of the Kingdom.” (Mathew 4:23)  He sent out His disciples to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God.  He used the phrase, “the Kingdom of God” or its equivalent a hundred times in the New Testament.

Jesus summed up His life purpose for coming to earth in these words, “I must give the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other towns also, for that is what I was sent to do.” (Luke 4:43)  What did Jesus mean by this?  He made it the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.”  The second phrase explains the first, the coming of the Kingdom was the doing of the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven.  How is that prayer working out for America with   her churches on almost every corner?  The rule of God has not come to America, Satan now rules America.  Why is that?  Because our churches don’t seek first the Kingdom of God; today we seek the church first but the church is not the kingdom.  I’m going to make a statement here that every Christian in this nation is going to wish they would have seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and….all these things will be added to you.

What are all these things that will be added to you?  The Kingdom has benefits but it also has consequences if you don’t seek it first.  Our government at this very time is deliberately setting us up for a food and water shortage in this nation.  What are these things that will be added to you!!!  If you will go up to verse 25 in Matthew 6, you will see the context of what things will be added to you.  Don’t be anxious for your life as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; not for your body, what you will put on.  God takes care of the birds, lilies of the field, So, if you seek the Kingdom of God first, all these things, food, where you live, and clothing will be added to you. Do you get it church in America?  If you seek first the Kingdom, all these things will be added to you!!!  However, if you do not seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things will be subtracted from you.  In America today, these things are being subtracted by our government.  HATH GOD REALLY SAID TO SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM?!!  Yes, Yes!!

Matthew 24:14, Jesus tells us just how important this Kingdom is to Him.  “And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.”   What?  You show your ignorance when you declare Jesus is coming soon.  We haven’t preached the Kingdom of God in this nation much less the whole world!!!  Today pastors and church members seek the kingdom of Baptist, the kingdom of Pentecostals, the kingdom of Kenneth Copeland.  Until HIS righteousness becomes OUR righteousness and we FORSAKE our Baptist or Pentecostal righteousness, we will continue in the wrong direction.  This is why we are divided, why we are ignorant, why we can’t maintain our Constitution, and why Satan rules over us in America and not God.  We are going in the wrong direction but if we will humble ourselves and repent; change our religious ways, God is a God of restoration and He will restore America!!!

God bless,

I remain His warrior and watchman.

© 2022 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

The Time Is Now

By Pastor Mike Spaulding

July 1, 2022

However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.[1] —George Washington

Welcome to 2022. If you’re like me, you’re not sad to see 2021 pass, nor for that matter 2020. Here in Ohio, we have experienced things I never thought possible, instigated by career politicians and the political machines that they serve or, is it, that serve them? In my opinion, the bare-naked corruption has never been more visible. The disaster that Americans are experiencing right now will not change unless we decide to take appropriate action to change our circumstances.

One thing among many that the last two years has cemented in the consciousness of a growing number of Americans is that elected representatives at both the state and federal level routinely disrespect those they claim to represent. This disrespect has been building for decades, but is now unmasked for even casual observers. The last two years pulled back the curtain and snapped the last threads of illusion. Politicians are wholly owned by corporations and foreign governments, as brokered by their lawyers and bag-men, also known as lobbyists.

The level of politicians’ disrespect of their sovereigns (you and me) is appalling; a demonically manifested arrogance that should cause self-respecting people to recoil in disgust. Today’s politicos have reached a level of arrogance that they do not fear reprisals from We the People. Indeed, the people are now persecuted, prosecuted, and described as domestic terrorists for standing on our Constitutional rights and especially those enumerated in our Bill of Rights. We must change this if Americans are to again live free.

As you have already surmised, I am an action advocate. I believe Americans, especially Christians, must govern our Republic. America was designed by our Founding Fathers to be a participatory Republic. Elected servants at every level and capacity serve at the pleasure of those who elected them and by the consent of those same people. This is embodied in the first three words of the Constitution, We the People.

With those words, we establish immediately that we are, collectively, the Boss. We are the final authority on what laws our Republic will uphold and what ideals and anti-God nonsense we will vehemently reject. This is the very heart of the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Over time, America’s political class has made itself an aristocracy. Conducting a type of clandestine law fare on their sovereigns, they have leveraged the power of the state to grow their own power and wealth while destroying the liberty of We The People that made their illicit success possible.

If We Can Keep It

As in every banana republic, notice how American politicians in local school boards, state house, and Congress accumulate wealth while in office. They do it by doling out favors which we used to call legislation, and contracts at the school board, city, and county levels. Under the granite domes in state capitols and Washington DC, they sell their votes; they merely sponsor, rather than write, legislation that is written by industry law firms.

And finally, in a mafia-style arrangement that Patrick Byrne has labeled deep capture, state and federal legislators maintain a massive, invisible, unaccountable ‘fourth estate’ of European-style regulatory agencies and bureaus that write regulations to stifle competition and line the pockets of favored corporations.

As the delegates walked out of the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, Lady Powell asked, “Doctor Franklin, what kind of government have you given us, sir?”, to which Ben Franklin replied, “A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it.” Franklin and the other Founders understood that a Republic of sovereign States under this Constitution required at least a critical mass of ‘We The People’ who would remain fully engaged in the process of oversight, to enforce the terms of the magnificent law we call the Constitution.

We Have Work To Do

The free, happy people as envisioned by the Founders, can never abdicate their authority and duty of oversight and swift, fair enforcement against servants who violate the highest law in our Republic, as stipulated by that responsible remnant, collectively called We the People.

It is painfully clear that many Americans for too long have enjoyed the blessings of America without giving back a measure of service and sacrifice; the only way to perpetuate the liberty bequeathed to us. Too many Americans receive without giving; eat of the bountiful harvest without volunteering to sow the next season’s seed and tend the fields until harvest. Americans have chores to do; and for Christians especially, those chores begin with perspective.

When people have massive amounts of information available to them that contradict the desired narrative, a choice must be made. Two opposing narratives cannot be true at the same time and context. Reality is not just what each individual says it is. Reality is truth and it cannot be hidden from those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Truth is what is real and demonstrable.

When experts in the field of medicine, biology, physiology, and pharmacology all contradict with facts, research, and peer-reviewed studies what governments and their hand-picked ‘professionals’ say, the American people must understand that we have chores to do.

There is a heavy weight upon our necks and it is clearly preparation for tyranny. If we accept this burden now without complaint, those who fancy themselves our masters will speedily finish their wicked work of enslaving us all under their globalist plans.

If that sounds like an alarmist view to you, then you have been lulled into a stupor from which emotional position you are incapable of determining truth from lies.

Action Steps Needed

It is time to awaken to the stark truth that while we slept, while we raised our families, went to church, enjoyed our common civic blessings, evil people crept in and sowed our fields full of tares.

If 2020 and 2021 taught me anything it is that only those things done for Christ will stand. As recorded in the Gospel of Mark 13:32, Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away.” The context of that statement is given beginning at verse 1, where Jesus is talking about the final days before His return. There will be much tribulation and persecution. We are seeing criminals lay the foundation for the same persecution of Christians in America that we see right now around the world. And the response from the church thus far has been largely silence, either from indifference or fear.

The surest thing we have is the Word of God and its promises, unlike the worthless promises from politicians and bureaucrats. The repentant remnant of We The People need to realize that:

1) We are in dire straits at felons’ hands. Stop sugarcoating this reality. Call the criminals what they are – criminals and traitors.

2) Politicians will not change unless they are forced to. That means visiting them in their offices and anywhere they happen to appear, and voicing with the most righteous indignation fitting their behavior, your vehement disapproval of their alleged service.

3) We must become responsible overseers of our servants. This means we must spend some time educating ourselves and others about how government really works, who is paying for the outrageous legislation coming out of Congress, and how we can oppose and negate this.

4) Faith without works is dead. So is prayer without action. We must refuse to think that someone else will do the hard work of maintaining our freedom. Allowing others the privilege and great responsibility of vigilance is exactly what has gotten us into the current mess.

5) Our duty, as stipulated in the Constitution, is to demand that every agency, bureau, department, and office of our servants obey the limits we stipulate in the Constitution, or face law enforcement action, as any other felon faces. This means we will be energetically active in every organ of our local political bodies, insisting on the rule of law for all.

6) We the People will only enjoy the liberty granted by God as our Founding Fathers envisioned, to the extent we do the law enforcement duties that we stipulate in the Constitution. We the People are the Grand Jury under the Constitution. We’ve been lied to and have had our rights to call public officials to trial stolen from us.

7) A strategy of playing defense only is defeat on the installment plan. If we do not achieve success in addressing this current darkness through communication and activism, then it is time to develop and implement a strategy to replace this current government at the federal level and every state government that is a model of the federal. I am not speaking of armed revolution but of massive coordinated protests, demonstrations, and blunt persuasion beginning at the grassroots level. Mayors, Council Members, and County Commissioners are your neighbors. They will listen to you when you have an irate minority of the same opinion.

At this point, you may agree in principle but have no idea where to start. We begin by creating networks of people who meet physically, communicate regularly, and execute on action projects that specifically address the things we know to be true in America as mentioned above.

America Is Our Land

Jesus said His words will not pass away. He never uttered a word that was not true and necessary. I remind you of one thing specifically that He commanded us to do, found in Luke 19:13 – “And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” (KJV) That means we are to serve our King Jesus by using the resources He gives us (ten pounds), advance righteousness, holiness, and just civil government. Conversely, we must strenuously oppose wickedness, evil intent toward our liberty, and attempted enslavement of our posterity.

We find ourselves in similar days to those of Nehemiah. The people lamented their condition; but notice that they also knew why wickedness had descended upon them and prevailed upon their land. Here is Nehemiah 9:36-37.

Behold, we are slaves today, and as for the land which You gave to our fathers to eat its fruit and its bounty, behold, we are slaves in it. And its abundant produce is for the kings whom You have set over us because of our sins; They also rule over our bodies and over our cattle as they please, so we are in great distress.

America is in distress. If Christians do nothing, evil will prevail. We must rise up together and begin to be an active force in our land. Public servants at every level must become familiar with our names and what we stand for. A healthy fear, reverence, and respect for the One we represent must once again grip Americans.

We can and must march together under the banner of King Jesus. We are overcomers because Christ has already overcome our foes. We are victorious because Christ has already won the victory. However, those victories must be secured in real time right now through action.

Every generation must prove its loyalty to King Jesus on the field of responsible action. Let us rise to the challenge, so that our legacy will be the testimony of our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that we did not shirk our duties nor shrink back from personal responsibility; that instead, we fearlessly put our shoulders into the work for the soul of America.

If we will do this, we will hear those words we all long to hear from our Lord on that glorious day, “Well done good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest.”

© 2022 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:

*This article has been revised and edited from a previous work in a booklet titled Tactical Civics for Pastors.

[1] This article has been revised from an earlier work. Some content has been removed from the original and other content added.

Losers Weepers

by Lee Duigon

June 30, 2022

Going back some decades, Democrats have frequently used the courts to ramrod new policies that had no chance of winning popular support. They smirked at our protests and kept right on doing it. Four examples spring to mind:

*Abolishing school prayer.

*The Kelo Decision (allowing government to seize private property and turn it over to developers ‘cause it’ll be good for everybody—a monstrous expansion of “eminent domain”).

*Same-sex “marriage,” by a 5-4 decision, Anthony Kennedy all by himself casting the deciding vote for a measure that never won majority approval in a referendum—not even in California.

*And of course the original Roe v. Wade, allowing the court to impose one-size-fits-all abortion policy on all 50 states.

Well, now the Dems are hopping mad because the Supreme Court has handed down four decisions that they don’t like:

*Allowing the people to use vouchers to send their children to religious schools.

*Allowing a high school football coach to perform silent prayer on the field without having his livelihood taken away.

*Affirming the right of law-abiding citizens to carry firearms for self-defense.

*And the big one, the one that has liberals screaming in the streets, undoing Roe v. Wade and allowing the states to draft their own abortion laws.

Those four decisions have driven Democrats absolutely crazy—even crazier than they were already. This one wants to impeach Supreme Court justices for voting against them. That one wants to pack the court with far-out lefty justices. And the other wants to abolish the Supreme Court altogether, although he doesn’t tell us how. And yet another had a plan to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh.

What’s there to say but “Now you know how we feel! All those years of being told the Court has ruled, we have to suck it up—but now it’s your turn! How do you like it?”

Oh, but this is too much! How dare the court whittle down the immense power of the government? How dare they interfere with the fundamental transformation of America? If you believe Whoopi Goldberg, the court’s next stop is to bring back slavery. Why you should believe such twaddle is between you and your psychiatrist.

Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress had 50 years (!) to codify Roe v. Wade and make it into a real law—and they didn’t. How many opportunities did they have to do that, and didn’t do it? They never even tried. And now they’re screaming bloody murder over it? Not a dry eye in the house.

Conservatives have always had misgivings about leaving it up to the courts, instead of the legislature, to “make law.” Toldja, toldja, toldja! Somewhere along the line we seemed to have lost our grip on self-government and every controversial issue wound up being decided by a judge somewhere, which was most emphatically not the way to do it. Issue after issue, Congress ducked. Again and again they went running to the courts. And now, to their intense consternation, it’s their ox that’s being gored. I wonder if their heads would explode if the Supreme Court ever ruled that school prayer is all right, after all.

Damn! There they were, getting everything they wanted from the courts—and suddenly SCOTUS has bitten them where it hurts. Live by the courts, die by the courts, sunshine. You asked for it.

Now what we need is a midterm election that’ll chase these loonies out of Congress and put the Democrat Party out of business.

Once and for all.

I have discussed these and other issues throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit; you’ll be annoying the Democrats when you do. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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SCOTUS Affirms Broad 2nd Amendment Protection

By Lex Greene

June 30, 2022

For the first time in about 200-years, the U.S. Supreme Court is on a Constitutional roll. In this case, the highest court in the land ruled strictly upon the basis of Constitutional text instead of on the basis of partisan political activism, as has been a practice in the courts ever since Jefferson warned about it repeatedly in the early 1800s.

“The original error [was in] establishing a judiciary independent of the nation, and which, from the citadel of the law, can turn its guns on those they were meant to defend, and control and fashion their proceedings to its own will.” (Jefferson letter to John Wayles Eppes, 1807)

This is essentially the definition of “judicial tyranny.” Jefferson witnessed the problem before the ink was even dry on the Constitution. Today, people often refer to it in much kinder terms, “judicial activism.” No matter what you call it, the act is “unconstitutional” on its face.

Unfortunately, few modern Americans know anything at all about their foundations of freedom and liberty, codified in the Charters of Freedom. Sadly, even many contemporary “constitutionalists” can’t seem to get it quite right, due to relying upon “experts” and “scholars” to tell them what the documents say and mean, rather than studying history themselves.

But here are the foundational facts related to our Charters of Freedom and Liberty.

  1. The Declaration of Independence is our first “founding document.” It establishes why we separated from British Rule, formed a new sovereign nation of our own, on what authority, the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, based upon certain “inalienable Rights” which were “endowed by our Creator.” It further established the most basic Rights and Duties of a free people, including what to do if our government ever became destructive of freedom and liberty.
  2. The U.S. Constitution: Contrary to popular misconceptions, there is no such thing as “Constitutional Rights.” This document does not establish or grant any “Rights of the People” or even provide any direct protections for the “Rights of the People,” other than limiting that government to the enumerated powers granted it by the “consent of the governed.” This document pertains only to the Rights, Duties, systems, and limitations of the government it created. It has literally nothing to do with the “Rights of the People.”
  3. The Bill of Rights: Again, contrary to misguided popular beliefs today, the Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the “Rights of the People” either. But this document is an additional enumeration of specific items which the Federal Government is strictly prohibited from touching, at all, ever. The Bill of Rights is the only founding document that specifically protects the most basic natural Rights of the People, against government intrusions and infringements.

Now, the 2nd Amendment is one of only ten amendments that make up the Bill of Rights, which would have been better titled as a “Bill of specific prohibitions of government powers.”

This particular amendment is very short and very specific, so as to not ever be misconstrued.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The amendment has four distinct sections, all with clear specific purpose.

The WHY section: “being necessary to the security of a free State;”

The WHAT section: “to keep and bear Arms;”

The WHO section: “the right of the people;”

The PROHIBITION section: “shall not be infringed.”

In proper complete context, the Amendment says and means “being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Of course, we need to address the “well-regulated militia” section at the opening of the Amendment. This terminology was used as a term of art for the era. As we know from well recorded history, the very first fighting force in what would later become the USA, operated under the command of the Continental Congress, made up of every able bodied man from the thirteen original colonies as established in 1775 for the purpose of the American Revolution.

It wasn’t until after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 and the formation of the first Federal Government, that the branches we have today were formerly established as a uniformed Military under the command of the United States, for the protection of all member States and the Union of Sovereign States.

In other words, the American Revolution was fought by “We the People,” as no government or central federal command existed until after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. It was years later that the USA formalized “uniformed branches of the U.S. Military.” Prior to this, a “militia” of, by and for ordinary people, was all that existed.

Once the USA formed their own government commanded branches of the military, militias have often been considered a thing of the past. However, the only defense the people have even today, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to include a tyrannical government which turns its courts and military on the people themselves, is an armed citizenry with ultimate authority over all governmental bodies. Even the US Military itself, takes an oath to the Constitution and the People of the USA, not any politician.

Now, at the time of the adoption of the Bill of Rights, the term “INFRINGE” had the following meaning, and it still has that same meaning today. “To break, as contracts; to violate, either positively by contravention, or negatively by non-fulfillment or neglect of performance.”

Contravention means “Opposition; obstruction; a defeating of the operation or effect.”While the 1st Amendment is specific to the authority of Congress (shall make no law), the 2nd Amendment language applies to the Federal government in totality, “shall not be infringed” or “contravened.”

In closing, the 2nd Amendment is not in any way “ambiguous,” and therefore, it is not left up to interpretations or the political whims of time. Therefore, as the Supreme Court just ruled, court opinions, statutes, executive orders, changing political policies, or the mere “non-fulfillment or neglect of performance” which “infringe” upon upholding an unregulated Right of the People to keep (possess) and bear (carry) arms, is a direct violation of the 2nd Amendment and every oath of office. This protected natural Right of the People SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED…THE end!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What Do We Do About The Homeless In America? Solutions!

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 30, 2022

Part 2: Are we too big a society? Are our cities to big? Loss of community.  Too many corrupt politicians.

Louisiana Senator Kennedy said, “About 90 percent of Congress should be making license plates.”

When the woman who wrote me for solutions to the homeless problem in Los Angeles, she described her feelings of “homeless fatigue.”  Yes, we must possess compassion for hundreds of thousands of Americans who either became homeless by their own poor choices, or by the economy and loss of jobs, and/or drug and mental problems.  But when we see hundreds of thousands of them camped out on our streets, it causes emotional irritation and outright fear as to their crimes, craziness and emotionally warped minds.

No question! We’ve created a hell of a mess in America as to homeless and mentally unstable people.

I remember my time in the U.S. Army 1968-71.  The Army promoted drunkenness as a “manly”  way to conduct oneself.  We suffer at least 20 million alcoholics in this country.  Alcohol destroys marriages, kills hundreds of thousands on our nation’s highways, and creates mayhem in our courts as to murders, spousal abuse and child abuse.

But then, the Vietnam War produced a whole new generation of drug addicts from hash, heroin, meth, MJ…all the way to cocaine.  We can thank Lyndon Baines Johnson and the Military Industrial Complex for all of that nightmare brought home by our disillusioned soldiers in an absurd war that produced nothing but death for the Vietnamese, and death and drugs for our men in uniform.

How did homeless begin?  Are our cities too big?  Is our society racing too fast for normal minds to cope?

When I bicycled through the endless homeless in San Francisco and Los Angeles, as well as my own City of Denver, I was/am struck by the utter hopelessness, misery and horror of those people living in tents, filthy conditions, lice, bugs, rodents and human waste on the sidewalks.  All of it being allowed or promoted by the politicians of those cities.  They pretend to care. They run campaigns on how they will solve the problem.  Once in office, they don’t solve the problems.

I can only speak for Denver, but we are SO diverse racially and ethnically, that no one is on the same page.  That’s probably the greatest tragedy of a multicultural and multi-lingual society. The Hispanics fight with the Whites and the Blacks fight against Hispanics and the Whites throw up their hands. They fight each other more than solve problems.  Even when the solutions are SO obvious, they can’t compromise and engage those solutions.

In the next two parts of this series, you bring the solutions. I’m the messenger.

My simple solutions for the homeless in Denver:

  1. Pass “no loitering” laws as to sleeping on sidewalks, in tents or anywhere in the streets. All tents, junk and other items will be picked up by the city and thrown into the trash. No begging laws to keep beggars off street corners.
  2. If you’re arrested for sleeping on the streets or begging, you must be processed into a warehouse or other building, where you are required to spend the night in a room, in a bed, with a shower.  Treat them with dignity, kindness and firm hand.
  3. You cannot bring drugs, alcohol or other items into the warehouse.
  4. You may see a counselor in the morning, or you may be allowed back onto the streets for the day.
  5. Offer job counseling and training to all homeless.
  6. If homeless people are kept off the streets by “no loitering” laws, it changes the dynamic. It makes them change their choices. Very few people want to sit in a jail cell.
  7. Offer food banks to feed them. Job training. Drug addiction and mental counseling and rehab.
  8. Have police secret informants catch drug dealers, arrest them, and jail for significant time.
  9. Place National Guard troops along the entire 1,952 miles of the border with Mexico from San Diego to Brownsville, Texas.  Stop the billions of dollars of drugs slipping over the border at will by the drug cartels.  Shoot to kill drug mules or anyone pushing drugs over our borders. That would stop it very quickly.  Since we suffered 107,000 opioid overdose deaths last year, and probably another 100,000 this year, I think the “shoot to kill” drug runners would be a small price to pay for saving another 107,000 American lives in 2022.
  10. Force Mexico to stop allowing refugees to travel across Mexico to invade America.  We could cripple their economy with our power to tariff them and stop them from allowing this invasion.

The following are from a Colonel in the U.S. Army:

— Concur with your idea of informants, very wise.

–Treat this as apolitical, as your friend says both administrations and political parties have failed.

–Build that warehouse where the elected officials live, building or occupying a warehouse in Pueblo to house the homeless is a long way away from Golden, my take until those elected see the problem in their backyards, nothing changes.

–Have a homeless advocate who has been homeless on the advisory board for the dept of social services.

–Kill the incentive

–No money for food, but food

–No ability to camp on the street in front of my home.

–PUT THE HOMELESS TO WORK!  Inspect their areas, make them pick up their trash and roadside trash.  They either work or they keep walking.

–Use the military medical services to augment the mental health support needed for the homeless.  Now, I know, many will say, it’s not the problem of the military, some will even say what if a major war breaks out.  Well, if we go to war, suspend the program and by the way, whose job is it.  This is almost like the overpopulation problem.  Because you and I live in the mountains and we don’t see overpopulation in Golden or Winter Park does not mean its non-existent and does not directly affect us.

–Stop the programs that supplement those not working and if any homeless are getting any type of government support, suspend it until they register and are either in mental health programs and/or working.

–We need a CCC!  In the 30’s during the depression the President put a CCC in place to employ people.  Imagine if we could take inner city kids absent of any father, in danger of joining a gang and even those that have and combine them with the homeless to get “Shit done that we need”.

Like what you ask, well start with taking care of the environment, building trails and living in the outdoors in tents all summer!  Put them in Estes and Granby to work Rocky Mtn. National Park.  What about fighting fires?  Assisting road crews holding up that heavy sign that  says, “stop and slow”.  There are a million things we could use in this nation that we should not pay for, so let’s put a CCC together.  Many will say in the 30’s the unemployment was 40% and now its 3%, true, but for the homeless, for the black and Hispanic youth, its 100% unemployed.  This is not a program designed to punish a race, it’s a program designed to help our nation, teach youth a skill,  and provide some supervision.  How about this….any homeless youth or adult, any inner-city kid that completes two years of working for a government sponsored CCC gets 4 years of paid college!

Gotta go, lets chat soon, Keith

What are you solutions?

Part 4: More of your ideas.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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I’m Still Standing

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

June 30, 2022

Please forgive me if this commentary comes across as a little self-serving, but frankly, I don’t really give a damn what you think about it.  In football parlance, I think I have earned my opportunity to “spike the football.”

Elton John echoed in my head last week as the SCOTUS ruled in favor of football coaches praying with their players.  I was sued by the ACLU in 1997 for doing just that.  Vindication has been a long time coming…and it is for that reason I am spiking the ball today.

And don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever did?  Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid.  And I’m still standing after all this time. Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind.  I’M STILL STANDING.”

In 1997 our life was turned upside down when the ACLU came knocking on the schoolhouse door and accused me of violating the “separation between church and state” by the despicable act of actually BEING a Christian in a secular setting.  I fought for 2 years against that Luciferian organization and their acolytes as they did their best to drive me and my Christian faith from the public square.

I fought them and I fought them hard…often times standing alone…as the cowardly pastors in our community hid under the pulpits. (See: Enemies Within: The Church)  They called me a law-breaker.  They whispered that I wasn’t acting in a Christian way by not following Romans 13.  They told me I was making Christianity look bad.  They told me I should comply with Lucifer’s edicts.  They turned me into the villain…for unashamedly presenting Christianity to America’s public-school children.

It appeared to have cost me and my family nearly everything.   But it was an investment…not a cost.

But I want you to know that today…this week…I feel a great sense of vindication.  I was right in 1997 and I am still right today.  NO ONE CAN MAKE A LAW AGAINST PRAYING.  Free exercise means…well…free exercise.  God gave me the right to pray and only God can take that right away.

Not some disgruntled parent.  Not some cowardly superintendent.  Not some agnostic principal.  Not some terrorist in a black robe being prompted by the Luciferian ACLU.  The right to pray is inalienable…endowed to me by my Creator…no matter how much someone else doesn’t like it.  CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW…that’s pretty clear to me.  How about you?  Is it clear to you?

Free exercise of religion CANNOT be restricted.  Period.  Courts don’t make law.  A court opinion is just that…and opinion.  Opinions, even those offered from the highest court in the land, are not laws.  Congress makes laws….and Congress shall make no law.

This week our local media circled back to a 25-year-old story.  The Luciferian ACLU still don’t understand they lost.  You can watch the 2-minute clip here.

But that is not the purpose of this reflection.  I am not a martyr, although I would be honored to be one.  This is not about ME, but about the faithfulness of Jesus Christ.

He promised us in the Word that “all things WORK TOGETHER for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.”  Notice that it doesn’t say that all things WILL BE GOOD…but that He will make good come from it.  All things work together for good…

I was struck today as I reviewed the short media clip at just how biased the media is against Christianity and how focused they are on creating a narrative.  You see it everywhere you look…the media is doing it’s best to overthrow the recent court rulings because it doesn’t fit the paradigm that they are trying to program all of us into.

Christianity is bad…don’t you know? And now this evil SCOTUS is going to try and shove liberty down your throats, after nearly 60 years of absolute tyranny.  The Luciferian Left are sore losers.  They hate the fact that they have lost the power center of the SCOTUS.  Now they can no longer force tyranny upon us through “court opinions.”   Thank you, Donald Trump.  The American people do not agree with the Luciferian Left agenda.

Not one of the radical social agenda changes have come from the vote of the people.  ALL of them have come from “opinions” of Left-leaning judges.  It is a new day in America.

Someone asked me what I thought as I watched the interview with the media hell-bent on making me look like a religious tyrant.

Where are the witnesses on my behalf”, I asked myself.  “Why doesn’t the media call for testimonies from the literally thousands of lives who have been impacted by the strong Christian stand I have taken?  The line of testifiers would be around the block…

The story of lives changed by the influence of one Christian man who refused to bow.  Families impacted by the lessons learned by the young men whom we coached.  Men who have become wonderful fathers, husbands, business owners, community leaders.  Why won’t they show the fruit of the Christianity that we shared with hundreds of young people over the years?

Without sounding arrogant, we are impacting more lives TODAY than we ever could have locked up in a locker room in some high school in America.  Our impact is reaching the world…the masses.  Heck, YOU are reading this article because the ACLU hates me and what I stand for.  I thank God everyday for allowing me to go through that painful experience 25 years ago.

Look friends, we are in a war.  The “world” hates Christians and the Christ we claim to serve.  There are casualties in war.  The landscape of America is strewn with the broken lives of those who have been destroyed by governmental and educational liars.  It was our job to stand in the gap for them and teach them the ways of Truth.  We have dropped the ball.  It is time to pick it back up.

Now, more than any time in American history, Christians must stand boldly and publicly for the TRUTH.  Will it come at a cost?  Probably.  Will you ever recover your losses?  Maybe.

Standing for Jesus is the most gratifying thing you will ever do.  Scarred and wounded, despised and shunned.  Hated of all men for the Lord’s sake.  Being a Christian isn’t for sissies.  Look what the lord has done.  He is faithful.  Vindication.

I’m still standing.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Christianity: This Isn’t The Military! Oh, Yes It Is!

By Bradlee Dean

June 29, 2022

“We are sent to make war and to stop short of nothing but the subjugation of the world to the sway of the Lord Jesus.” -William Booth

When I look at the present state of the American Church, or so it is called, I wonder what it is that men do not see (Jeremiah 5:21).

A couple of years back I remember a very immature woman (Who simply had a head knowledge of the Word of God in part, not understanding that God speaks to the heart and not the head in producing testimony (2 Timothy 2:6).  This woman said about Christianity, “This isn’t the military, you know!”

This is, of course, an enemy of the cross (Philippians 3:18), one that loves to dance around the cross rather than actually bear the cross (Matthew 16:24).  There sure is a lot of this going around today. No wonder why no one can take them seriously. These are the same ones that have taken on the modern version of another gospel, which Paul warned of preaching (Galatians 1:8).

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

Yet, on the other hand, there were those who bore the cross, understood the power of God unto salvation (2 Corinthians 11:23-26), who were partakers of the afflictions (2 Timothy 1:8), and were found to have endured as good soldiers of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:3).

[Rumble Video]

There was a reason the Lord told us to follow them that went before us in the faith (Hebrews 13:7) and to go back to the old paths that we would know peace (Jeremiah 6:16).

You will notice, when looking to the men of old (Jeremiah 6:16) that were called Christians, that they were tried in the furnace of affliction and how they emerged and came out as more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

E.M. Bounds is one such man.

In conclusion: Let me give you a quote which explains what many in America today do not understand when it comes to the contrast between the old Gospel and the modern-day Gospel.

“God’s church is a militant host. Its warfare is with unseen forces of evil. God’s people compose an army fighting to establish His kingdom in this earth. Their aim is to destroy the kingdom of Satan and to erect the kingdom of God over its ruins, which is “Righteousness”, and “peace”, and “joy” in “The Holy Ghost.” This militant army is composed of individual soldiers of the Cross, the armor of God is its defense, and prayer is the added power that crowns it all.”

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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The Knights of Senator Johnson’s Round Table

By Cherie Zaslawsky

June 29, 2022

The one and only good I see coming out of the Covid Plandemic and catastrophic, quasi-mandatory vaccine policies, is that we’re seeing some Americans emerging as heroes during this dark time.

Many of us have long since known the names of key villains in our fight for the Republic and for liberty—people in the psychopathic billionaires’ club such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Ted Turner, —and lesser, but equally destructive players, such as the Clintons, the Bushes, the Bidens, Pelosi, Newsom, Canada’s Trudeau, France’s Macron, etc.

But most of us likely had never heard of Dr. Scott Atlas, Dr. Lee Merrit, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. John Ioannidis, or the U.K.’s former Pfizer VP, Dr. Michael Yeadon. Along with dozens of others, these men and women have risked their careers by taking a stand to save lives and speak the truth—which, in a time of universal deceit, as Orwell warned us, has become a revolutionary act.


But, lest we forget, I want to focus on a particular group of similarly remarkable men and women who, in January of this year, participated in a 5-hour hearing conducted by another hero who has taken a brave public stance: Senator Ron Johnson.

Senator Johnson (R-WI) has emerged as perhaps the most courageous, principled and insightful man in Congress—and I do mean both houses. Here’s a short sampling of our true American heroes featured in this roundtable: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Dr. Christina Parks, and a number of others including some brave nurses, some tragically vaccine-injured individuals, and a pair of formidable attorneys including firebrand Tom Renz, fighting for doctors and their patients.

Speaking of Thomas Renz, even among so many horrific tales, his brief presentation was mind-blowing. Attorney Renz, working with several brave DoD whistleblowers who furnished him with data we weren’t supposed to see, shocked the room with his findings: among our mandatorily-vaccinated military, miscarriages increased by 300%, cancer by 300%, and serious neurological disorders by 1000%. Says Renz, “Our soldiers are being experimented on injured, and sometimes possibly killed.”


Senator Johnson followed up by sending a letter to DOD Secretary Lloyd Austin, in which he wrote:

“Based on data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), Thomas Renz, an attorney who is representing three Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblowers, reported that these whistleblowers found a significant increase in registered diagnoses on DMED for miscarriages, cancer, and many other medical conditions in 2021 compared to a five-year average from 2016-2020. For example, at the roundtable Renz stated that registered diagnoses for neurological issues increased 10 times from a five-year average of 82,000 to 863,000 in 2021.”

I wish I could say that this became front page news throughout our nation. But instead, the DOD, with backup support from the Leftwing rag Politifact, ran to the rescue with damage control. Politifact’s Jeff Cercone had the gall to announce there had been a “glitch” in the data. More brazenly yet, DOD spokesman Peter Graves claimed the entire Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) was discovered to have been wrong from 2016 to 2020—meaning it can’t be used for comparison to assess any anomalies in 2021. Hmmmm… Graves announced DMED has been “taken offline” to “identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption.”

Anyone think we need Sherlock Holmes to identify the root cause of this mess? Forget the fake “data corruption”—I mean the real thing: the DOD’s corruption! I guess it was too late for them to simply erase the injuries the whistleblowers had discovered among the vaxxed, so they went for the other side of the equation instead—nullifying the grounds for comparison.


All told, Senator Johnson’s five-hour roundtable delivers a shocking exposé of the American medical system gone completely off the rails. The stories these brave men and women told brought some of them to tears, as they did this viewer.

These are the real experts—men and women who went into medicine for the right reasons—to actually heal patients. It is heart-wrenching to watch Dr. Marik announce that the hospital he’d worked out for decades tied his hands, refusing to allow him to treat his patients with proven safe and effective therapeutics. Here’s what this expert physician said, while blinking away his tears: “I had to stand by idly, watching these people die!”  Dr. Marik is the only one present whom I heard use the word “evil”, though he applied it only to the hospital and its phony review board as they stripped him of his hospital privileges, ending a stellar decades-long medical career.

And another of our nation’s most distinguished and highly esteemed physicians, Dr. Peter McCullough, may even lose his license to practice medicine if the American Board of Internal Medicine has its vindictive way. His crime? Trying to save lives—I mean spreading “misinformation.” It doesn’t get more Orwellian than this.


If you connect the dots, it quickly becomes apparent that all the atrocities we’ve seen—from denial of therapeutics, to enforced use of Remdesivir, to pumped up “positive cases” through inaccurate PCR tests, to vaccine mandates, etc.—serve to ensure and promote widespread inoculation with a novel, highly experimental, genetic-disrupting “vaccine technology.”

How so? Well, the rampant PCR testing at high threshold cycles makes it look like we have a “pandemic” crisis, as the numbers of “cases” climb. This ramps up fear and makes it more likely people will willingly take the sometimes fatal shots.

The deaths of thousands of our countrymen resulting from the horribly cruel denial of safe therapeutics such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, various steroids, etc., is likely viewed as mere collateral damage by the perpetrators of this heinous crime, as they needed to preserve the Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J “vaccines.” You see, if doctors everywhere started saving lives by using safe, repurposed and readily available drugs, Big Pharma would lose its Get Out of Jail Free card: the EUA that protects them from liability. Not only that, but the “emergency” disappears if Covid becomes treatable with therapeutics. And they couldn’t have that, now, could they?

And what about hospitals forcing Fauci’s Favorite “Remdesivir” on helpless patients—a drug known to cause kidney failure? As I learned from Robert F. Kennedy’s blockbuster book “The Real Anthony Fauci,” nurses have dubbed this drug “Run-death-is-near.”

Why inflict this on patients? Well, there’s a hefty perverse incentive, as hospitals receive huge bonuses for every “Covid death” and even more if they prescribe Remdesivir, and another lump sum for finishing the patient off on a ventilator. Hmmm… Besides, isn’t death of the victim the purpose of bio-weapons? So if Covid didn’t do the job, they evidently have their hospital backup plan, as attorney Thomas Renz and brave whistleblowers have documented. Renz estimates hospitals that play this game get around $100,000 per “Covid” patient.


So how do you get hundreds of hospitals and thousands of physicians to perform in lockstep? Simple—though the Rockefeller/Gates/JohnsHopkins consortiums spent a good deal of money to figure this out.

You use two trusted methods: bribery and threats. You bribe the venal and the pushovers, and you threaten those who seem to have a stronger moral compass.

Sadly, as we’ve seen, the majority succumb to these pressures. It is not an easy decision to risk losing one’s medical license and therefore livelihood and means of supporting one’s family. It takes courage—what Aristotle called the first of the virtues, upon which all the others are dependent—and, as we’ve seen writ large in the past few years—it’s rare.


After listening to several hours of horror stories about unnecessary deaths from Covid-19, and maiming and deaths off the charts from vaccine injuries, I think it was Senator Johnson who asked the key question: Why?

Why are the CDC, FDA, NIH, medical boards, hospitals, etc., all seemingly on board with such obviously cruel and unusual practices?

Dr. Pierre Kory provided this answer: “Corruption!” “They’re putting profits ahead of lives!”

Well, yes, we see the money sloshing around, and hospitals, Big Pharma, and Dr. Mengele Fauci, among others, are making out like bandits, but as for the “why” question, I beg to differ.  After all, we’ve seen corporate corruption and profiteering at the cost of lives before. Take the tobacco industry moguls. They knew cigarettes caused lung cancer fairly early on. But hey, there was big money to be made. So…they hid that knowledge and kept selling cigarettes.

That’s how corruption works. It’s got to be secretive. But that’s not what we’re seeing now. The downright coldblooded murder of our fellow citizens in hospitals is not hidden. Nor is the carnage from the vaccines for anyone who knows how to search for it on the internet. Besides, given enough time, the truth will out. And Senator Johnson and the heroes he assembled are doing their best to speed that up.


So if it’s not primarily about money and corruption, what could the motive be?

Ask Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP in the UK. Early in this saga, Dr. Yeadon detected a “whiff of evil.” He was the only one at that time who used that word, thus making him one of my early heroes, since I detected that same whiff.

What Senator Johnson’s group may not understand is that America, and indeed, the world, is now in the grip of evil. We’re in the End Game of the psychopathic billionaires’ One World Government club, and they long since announced they want to drastically reduce the world’s population. And they didn’t mean over the next hundred or two hundred years. They mean in the next three to five years. Make that in the next seven years, if you sense a Biblical connection.

We’re witnessing planned genocide being enacted. The parallels with Nazi Germany are legion. I was horrified listening to Dr. Richard Urso saying that in the early days of Covid, hospitals would not only refuse to let family members enter the room of their loved one who was dying, but after death, they would not release the body to the family for burial! What did they do? They incinerated it! The Nazis would have been proud.

The globalist cabal call it “depopulation” which is Orwellian doublespeak for mass murder. That’s why this is happening, Senator Johnson. These maniacs have bought up politicians, medical associations, hospitals, doctors, and the entire mainstream media which they use as their PR mouthpiece day in and day out. They own the narrative. And while they and their minions like Fauci and Big Pharma moguls no doubt love the blood money they’re raking in, the New World Order oligarchs don’t need money—that’s not what they’re after. They want absolute power and they want a much smaller population to control. They’re simply culling the serfs.

The globalist cabal behind this entire evil agenda are all in for maximum deaths of those they likely regard as “useless eaters” after the manner of past psychopathic power-mongers like Stalin.

And of course all their Covidian machinations translate into preserving the all-important narrative: the world’s first never-ending “pandemic,” necessitating never-ending vaccine booster shots, digital vaccine passports, digital currency, tracking, tracing, 24/7 surveillance, ID2020, Social Credit Scores, the Great Reset, and Internment Camps for dissidents, while everyone else will “own nothing and be happy” under a One World Government that makes Orwell’s masterpiece 1984 look like a walk in the park.

That’s why they’re doing what they’re doing.

And that’s why they must be stopped!

© 2022 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cherie Zaslawsky:

Americans v. Demonic Democrat Socialists

By Lex Greene

June 29, 2022

The battle for the heart and soul of the USA was brought into vivid focus last week with two landmark Supreme Court decisions that should have been properly settled many years ago. Congratulations to the current SCOTUS members who had the intestinal fortitude to finally set the USA on a proper Constitutional, moral and ethical path in these two critical decisions.

The two decisions secure the Bill of Rights protection for every legal lawful American Citizen to keep and bear arms for self-protection, both inside the home and outside of the home (1) – and secure the most basic human Right to Life itself, guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence (2).

  1. “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
  2. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life,”

Ironically, these two high court decisions launched Obama’s street mob (BLM & ANTIFA) into blatant acts of “sedition and insurrection” taking place in democrat controlled cities across the country. This is resulting in the clear battle lines being vividly drawn between Pro-Life Pro-Freedom Americans and their enemies, the demonic democrat socialists currently identifying themselves in the streets, on the news media, and the halls of government.

Before I go any further, I need to state for the record that I am not calling for or even hoping for a war between Americans. I am simply foretelling the natural consequences of very poor decisions made by a very sick society.

The warring sides are now in stark contrast to each other. Based on my many years of research on the evolution of American society, I believe the nation falls along the following lines.

  1. DEMONIC DEMOCRAT SOCIALISTS – better identified as America’s death cult, is at best represented by approximately 30% of the current U.S. population, many of them invaders from foreign 3rd world countries, the rest largely young public school and college indoctrinated dimwits who have no connection with reality at all.
  2. STRONG AMERICANS – is represented by approximately 30% of the population and determined to re-secure the foundations of freedom, liberty, decency, sovereignty, and security for all future generations, at any cost, as codified in our Charters of Freedom. This group is largely made up of former service members, who have put their own lives on the line for freedom and liberty at some point in their lives.
  3. THE GO-ALONG TO GET-ALONG – is represented by approximately 40% of the U.S. population. This group usually sits everything out on the sidelines, unless it directly impacts their lives or threatens their economic standing. Even then, they are prone to remain silent until forced to speak.

After decades of blatant lies via the democrat party, their mainstream press, their social media and outright lies, Group A is very likely beyond salvation today. The facts are of no interest to this group at all. It simply does not matter to them what the truth is, they have adopted their own truths, based on blatant political lies. Most if not all in Group A, cannot ever be reached now. Sooner or later, the rest of the country will be forced to meet them in streets, because they will simply keep destroying our country until they are destroyed.

Group A is quite clearly willing to KILL and destroy to get what they foolishly want. But are they ready to die for their evil demonic causes?

Group B will not take no for an answer either, at some point. So far, they have been willing to attempt every peaceful option for solving the problems dumped upon every American citizen by Group A. They have been very measured in their activities and efforts to address the critical issues facing our nation via both political and legal processes. But sooner or later, those in Group A who have declared war on America from within, will force Group B to take the battle more seriously. When that moment arrives, Group B will be forced to show Group A, no mercy at all.

Now, Group C is in the driver’s seat in this regard.

How Group C swings on these issues will determine how peacefully the USA can be returned to a moral, ethical, and constitutional nation. This group can no longer afford to go-along to get-along. They must take a stand, one side or the other, and they need to do it fast.

If Group C shifts to the all-American side on these critical issues, the hardcore demonic left will be so grossly outnumbered, in the streets and in the elections, that they can be defeated peacefully.

But if Group C shifts to the wrong side, or continues to sit on the sidelines, this war cannot be settled peacefully. Push is fast coming to shove between the two warring factions. Only Group C can prevent all-out war between the two, by getting off the fence and on the morally right side of this fight, fast.

It’s very important to remember that the Pro-American Pro-Life Citizens never declared war on anyone in the USA. If anything, they have been far more tolerant than they should have ever been.

Instead, the global demonic democrat socialists have declared war on the USA and every true American. Americans have been far more tolerant than they should have ever been, or than I ever would have expected. But the clock is fast running out for the street mob that has declared open war on America. Soon, American’s will meet them in the streets.

Sadly, the indoctrinated left has no clue what danger they have put themselves in. But all decisions come with natural consequences. They are bringing hell on earth upon themselves, and they have no idea what’s coming.

Group C needs to get off the fence and take a stand. Group B needs to stop messing around, unify and get organized. And Group A, well they had best find God soon!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Will the January 6 Committee Fuel Civil War in America?

By Steven Yates

June 28, 2022

I’ve written frequently of narratives and of what has become one of the biggest fault lines in the American body-politic: the clash between those who firmly believe Election 2020 was stolen and those who call this “the big lie.”

The latter is the official narrative in Corporate Media, and it is the official narrative of the January 6 Select Committee. Both have refused from the start to consider any possibility that the election was stolen, however it was done and by whom. This included many of Trump’s own people, including his attorney general. One side is holding most of the cards right now while those they label “insurrectionists” sit in prison, their lives ruined.

Millions of people believe Election 2020 was stolen. Multiple polls show that almost 70 percent of Republicans think so, and some 28 percent of Independents agree. Forty percent of Americans doubt that Biden won legitimately. That is a substantial fraction of the population whom Corporate Media and the January 6 Committee are shutting out of the conversation and further alienating.

I’ve discussed my own evidence — which was available on the morning of November 4, 2020 to anyone with an Internet connection and able to read graphs. And as much hysteria as death threats against Adam Kinzinger (RINO—Ill.) generate, this cuts both ways: some who signed affidavits under penalty of perjury testifying to wrongdoing at polling places have dropped from sight because of such threats against them or family members — or the sort of campaigns of personal destruction today’s Corporate Media presstitutes specialize in. These people do not have a Congressman’s resources to protect themselves. Even a former Justice Department official, Jeffrey Clark, had his home raided early June 23. He was put out in the street still in his pajamas, while the thought police seized his electronic devices. Clark’s thought crime: he did not accept the official narrative and communicated to Georgia election officials that there was sufficient evidence of fraud in that state to warrant investigation.

Those who respond “there’s no proof of election fraud” misunderstand something, and it might be useful to sort it out, because proof and evidence are slippery concepts.

Absolute proof does not really exist outside pure mathematics and formal logic. I can’t prove that you exist or that the sun will come up tomorrow morning—although basic physics supplies very strong evidence of the latter, at least.

Evidence is not proof. Evidence can be reinterpreted, so that it seems to be something other than it is. Or it can be blacklisted (dropped down the memory hole) and its advocates labeled “conspiracy theorists” to discredit them so that whatever they claim is ignored. Or deemed a “lie.” Note that calling someone’s evidence-claim a “lie” is stronger than calling it “false.” People make innocent mistakes and get things wrong. Accusing them of promoting a “big lie” implies not mere wrongness but malicious intent.

Bottom line: no, we don’t have absolute proof of a stolen election. But we do have evidence, in the form of those hundreds of affidavits that have been memory-holed as well as the video evidence provided in Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules and in Mike Lindell’s films.

The fault line now appears uncrossable. Trump called on the January 6 Committee to urge consideration of “the irrefutable evidence of massive and totally pervasive election fraud….”

Response: Trump is calling for “the impossible” because “it never happened.”

That’s the denial.

A characteristic of clashing narratives is that those on one side, where sometimes an entire worldview is at stake — or a view of one’s country and how it really works — is that they literally cannot see or hear what has been made available by the other side. Exemplifying this is William Barr’s testimony before the committee trying to refute 2000 Mules. While observing the two million or so cellphones in use on any given day in a big city such as Atlanta and that hundreds are likely to have been in the vicinity of one of those mail-in ballot boxes, he utterly fails to see that the film was about what was happening at night, during wee hours of the morning, which is when the fraud would have taken place. This is when the vote spikes I’ve mentioned were recorded.

Such things seem literally invisible to those who believe the dominant narrative.

This is not mere hair-splitting. This fault line is tearing at the very fabric of the country, including the Republican Party itself which is fully divided between its Establishment (represented by Liz Cheney, Kinzinger, etc.) versus Trump and his supporters. The Establishment has a seat at the table of the center of power. The latter were kicked out of a militarized Washington on January 21, 2001.Caught in between are the Jan-6ers, the now more than 840 political prisoners who breached the Capitol on January 6.

What is bad is that there may be no “rational” resolution to this. Kitzinger has warned, and about this he may be right, that it presages a “messy” Election 2024, especially as among Republican candidates for this fall’s midterms are some who do not accept the dominant narrative. Stolen-election allegations are not going to go away.

What is worse is that the January 6 Committee (as I wrote a couple weeks ago) is laying out a path for Trump to be prosecuted for a crime, for having instigated the January 6 “insurrection” which is part of the dominant narrative. This would be something the Justice Department headed by Bidenista Attorney General Merrick Garland would pursue. The accusation would be that Trump tried to stage a coup to reverse the results of a democratic election.

The real Establishment motive, I am convinced, is to prevent a Trump candidacy and likely victory in 2024 (because the Democrats have no one), continuing the derailment of globalism we had begun to see by 2018-19. Recall that by all official measures the mid-2019 U.S. economy was roaring: the Dow was at an all-time high, unemployment was at record lows including for African-Americans, gas prices were under $2/gallon, and inflation was nearly nonexistent.

All now memory-holed….

Trump remains characteristically coy about his exact plans — but he just set about circumventing any conclusions or recommendations the January 6 Committee reaches/makes by declaring his candidacy for 2024 ahead of the 2022 midterms, unprecedented as this would be. And then simply refuse to withdraw his candidacy if/when the Justice Department tries to charge him with a crime, alleging politically-motivated persecution.

Then what?

Whatever Trump does, his base contains elements who will consider accusing Trump of a crime not mere persecution but an act of war. They will respond accordingly. Label them “extremists” all you want. That’s just another word (like “conspiracy theory”). They won’t care. We should all note that gun sales have gone through the roof. It seems clear that unlike Australia,the thought that red-blooded Americans will give up their guns are probably delusional. Millions are instead prepping for things to get ugly!

The January 6 Committee is widening this fault line, a process likely to continue until it is not merely uncrossable but with the right trigger(s), leads to open violence. What happened on January 6 will look like a school cafeteria food fight by comparison. Especially should Corporate Media go beyond demonizing those who are sure the election was stolen and the Bidenista Justice Department starts doing to them what the thought police did to Jeffrey Clark. Am I advocating a violent response? Of course not! But I can scold as much as I like that conservatives ought to set out to form autonomous communities and prepare to separate from the globalist-controlled regime, but I do not think many such people are reading — and will not, in any event, be in any mood to “be reasonable” if the man they consider a hero, who set out to reverse the direction the country has gone in since the 1970s,  is prosecuted from inside the swamp he tried to drain in the manner of a banana republic.

It will be a civil war by any other name, and as many have argued persuasively, because of the lack of clear geographical divides — red states contain many blue enclaves and blue states contain red enclaves — such a war will be magnitudes messier than the war fought from 1860 to 1865 which conventionally goes by that name.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Abortion Protesters are Entirely Ignorant of the Facts

By Lex Greene

June 28, 2022

Democrat Socialist politicians and entertainment personalities have been telling American women that they have a “constitutionally protected Right to murder their children in the womb” ever since the fatally flawed Roe v. Wade ruling. It has always been a complete and total outright lie. No such Right exists anywhere in the Constitution or Bill of specifically protected Rights.

As always, democrat socialist politicians and activists depend upon the complete gross ignorance of their constituents for their own political power. Even the most blatantly obvious lies pass without any questions from leftist voters and recent Supreme Court rulings proves the point beyond any doubt. Their entire protest is based upon a set of well-circulated purposeful outright lies, perpetuated by democrat socialists for decades.

None of our Rights come from the U.S. Constitution at all

Not only does the U.S. Constitution NOT protect or even mention any Right of Abortion, but it also doesn’t mention any Rights of the People at all, anywhere in the document. That’s because the U.S. Constitution has nothing whatsoever to do with any Rights of the People.

Instead, the U.S. Constitution only refers to the Powers and Duties of the three separate branches of the Federal Government. The document establishes the functional duties and limited powers of each branch and assigns certain duties in common on behalf of all member States and legal Citizens. It has nothing to do with any “Rights of the People” at all.

Protections for Rights of the People exist in the U.S. Bill of Rights, NOT the Constitution.

Apparently, democrat socialist voters have never read and were never taught the basic truths about their Charters of Freedom and Liberty, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights is not a “granting of the Rights of the People” either. Instead, it is an additional prohibition or restriction of federal authority over the several enumerated natural Rights of the People which appear in the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

Again, nothing in the Bill of protected Rights of the people mentions anything at all about some alleged Right of Women to murder their young in the womb. Only the things specifically stated in the Bill of Rights, are protected by the Bill of Rights. NOTE: The 14th Amendment is not part of the Bill of Rights.

Therefore, there never was and never will be any “constitutionally protected Right to Abortion.” Roe v. Wade was a fatally flawed court decision that has cost the evil murder of more than 70-million innocent babies in the womb. To the contrary, LIFE itself was established as a protected inalienable Right in the Declaration of Independence, as without an inalienable Right to Life itself, there can be no Right to Liberty or Happiness.

The recent decision of the Supreme Court to vacate Roe v. Wade is entirely correct, as a matter of Constitutional Law. No such Right ever existed. The Roe v. Wade decision was the gross political overreach of federal and judicial authority, and that decision was entirely repugnant to everything in our Charters of Freedom. The fact that a very sick nation allowed that evil decision to stand for 50-years before vacating it is irrelevant. There is no wrong time to do the right thing!

Facts are not based on what you want to be true. Facts are just true and usually self-evident. Facts also don’t care how you feel about them…

Here are the closing FACTS

  1. Abortion does not appear in any Founding Document at all, much less as a “Right” protected by any of those documents. Therefore, there is no such thing as a “constitutionally protected Right to abortion” and there never was.
  2. Roe v. Wade was a fatally flawed court opinion which directly violated the “inalienable Right to Life” in the Declaration of Independence, which establishes the foundational principals of the greatest free society ever known to mankind. If you don’t have a basic Right to Life, then you have no Rights at all.
  3. The Rights of the People do not come from the Constitution or Bill of Rights. Rights are not “privileges” granted by any governmental body. Rights are “endowed by our Creator,” as established in our Declaration, derived from “the Laws of Nature, and of Nature’s God.”
  4. The Constitution only defines and establishes the limited power of the Federal Government, and the means by which government can execute the limited duties assigned it in the document.
  5. The Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of The People’s Rights. It is an enumeration of additional restraints placed upon the government.
  6. A “Right to Abortion” exists nowhere in our Founding Documents and nowhere in legislation passed by Congress, nor can it, as it would be a direct violation of the basic human Right to Life. Rights are not derived from any governmental body. However, in the USA, governmental officials take a solemn oath to protect those Rights, and they are in violation of that oath the minute they fail to do so.
  7. The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, vacating Roe v. Wade, does not “ban abortion nationwide.” It simply ends federal protection of an alleged Right that never did exist.
  8. Murder is defined as “the taking of the life of another, not in self-defense.” Abortion is “murder” of the most innocent lives on earth, by legal definition.
  9. The ONLY time a “woman’s right to choose” is taken from her, is in the cases of rape. As we know, these cases account for less than 1% of all abortions in the USA. Women have many choices to make. These choices sometimes result in an unplanned pregnancy. But in over 99% of cases, this condition and circumstance is a direct result of choices the woman made of her own free will.
  10. An aborted pregnancy under the direction of a qualified ethical doctor, when the pregnancy is deemed unsafe for the mother by a doctor, is not murder. It’s a medical decision best made by a qualified ethical medical professional and the patient, not a court or any political body.

So, every person protesting the Supreme Court decision to finally vacate a horrifically flawed previous court ruling that has cost more innocent American lives than all wars combined, is doing so out of pure ignorance of the facts, or a totally evil disregard for the truth. The simple reality is, every person protesting for a non-existent right to kill future generations in the womb, the American death cult, have to be completely dumbed-down to a point of mental illness and entirely morally bankrupt. This is the real crisis in the USA today.

As of this landmark ruling, these misguided protesters no longer have federal protection for the evil they so foolishly support. We must hope that this will cause them to search for the truth and their souls, and right themselves while they still have that chance. Those responsible for the spread of lies, are responsible for the ignorance and evil that grips our nation today. But ignorance is a fatal choice too.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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EV’s, Green Deal Destruction & Warning Extreme Diesel Engine Oil Shortage

By: Devvy

June 27, 2022

Electric Vehicles fondly called EV’s

The push continues for everyone to buy an electric vehicle to save the planet!  Dictator Democrat/Communist Party USA governor of California, Gavin Newsome, signed an Executive order which bans gas, diesel cars by 2035.  Gotta get down to zero emissions to save us from one of the greatest hoaxes ever shoved down the world’s throats:  climate change.  Yep, and you can get one of those EV’s cheap for around $46,000.

Solar Reviews:  All prices shown here are the final retail prices, straight from the Tesla website 2022:  $46,990 – $138,990; those are the cheap ones.  The loaded versions are very expensive, at least in my world.

California’s 2020 vehicle registration system showed 36 MILLION paid for tags.  Most illegal aliens don’t bother with that pesky requirement or insurance.  California is over run with millions of illegals. How many cars are on freeways in LA, SF Bay Area, Sacramento, Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth and around the country every day?

So, how many charging stations would be needed in say the LA basin or Dallas/Ft. Worth or other major metropolitan cities – never mind for 18-wheelers and commercial delivery trucks?  And how many millions for all the major federal and state highways like I-80 going coast to coast?  How about in super rural areas in states like Montana or even Highway 40 out of California to AZ or NV where gas stations are way far and few in between.  I know, because I’ve driven them all over the decades.  And they all require, what?

Those charging stations cannot operate without electricity. Yes, you can re-charge them at home overnight depending on your electrical wiring load.

OMG! Charging the Chevy Volt in this video with what?  Could it the dastardly coal?“So what’s charging the batteries right now? What’s the source of electricity?” … wait for it …

I covered this extensively in two columns I did last year after several states lived through a deadly Polar Vortex.  Texas where I live was hit hard; thankfully I was unaffected the whole time.  But, just in case, I now have a generator.  I urge you to take the time to read them so that you get facts and not more lies about “renewable energy” which is not only UNRELIABLE BUT HAS CREATED AN ON-GOING ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER.

Texas Disaster – What Americans Need to Know, Feb. 22, 2021

Renewable Energy IS Causing an Environmental Wasteland, March 1,2021.

Wind turbines kill billions of birds a year and they are killing threatened species like bald eagles, condors, snowy owls, Swallow-tailed Kite.  Some are stable for now but the numbers being killed are rarely mentioned by the brain washed global warming/climate change hoax victims.

But, what about long distance driving?  Cost to replace batteries?  Cost to charge at a public charging station?  Yes, you can charge overnight in your garage but a big problem is how the house is wired and what electricity is available from the grid.

Batteries can run from $1,000 – $6,000 depending on what brand and model.  Average life is ten years.  Doesn’t sound too bad until one looks at minerals (lithium, graphite, nickel, etc), mining and much more on that issue.  Not a pretty picture.

How much does it cost to charge your EV at public charging stations? Jan. 19, 2022 – “The cost of charging an electric car at a public charging station depends on several factors. But to ballpark it, the average cost per kWh is between $0.40 and $0.70, and you get around 3 to 4 miles for every kWh. With this in mind, the average EV vehicle could require around $30 to be fully charged. A larger vehicle may cost around $40.”  There are 3 levels of charging.  So, how long to do want to sit there waiting for the charge to be complete?  Hopefully there won’t be 10 cars lined up at each charging station.

Here’s a great horror story for you.  I rented an electric car for a 4-day road trip. I spent more time charging it than I did sleeping. “Four days and 2,000 miles from New Orleans to Chicago totaled $175 in charging costs,” June 7, 2022 by Rachel Wolfe Wall Street Journal.

Not to worry, EV charger companies are building those chargers as fast as they can – and hope there’s electricity available so they can charge those planet savers!

Americans can buy EV’s to their heart’s content and maybe an EV works for someone who doesn’t travel outside a 100-mile radius from home, but down the road it has nothing to do with saving the planet from “climate change”.  For the record, in 2007, I purchased a Ford Escape Hybrid.  By 2012 it was getting up there regarding a new power cell; 100,000 miles and about $3,000 for a new one.  Our local Ford dealer had one on the lot that had been sitting there for a long time.  I kept watching as the sticker price was too expensive.  One day in 2012, the windshield had $8,000 OFF in big red letters.  I bought it that day; traded my 2007 for that 2009 that had 40 miles on it; under our laws still had full warranty.

My late husband and I owned eight Jeep Cherokee’s when I bought my first Ford Escape Hybrid.  Great vehicles but used a lot of gas.  I loved my hybrids but due to lack of sales, Ford quit making that model Dec. 31, 2012.  Best two vehicles I ever owned, never a single repair issue on either one, saved a ton of money on gas. But alas, my second one was at 99,000 miles and soon would need a new power cell.  $3,000+ labor + 40 miles to Ford dealership in Midland as they don’t do that here in my city; apparently it can be quite dangerous.  I traded it in for a 2021 Ford EcoSport which has worked out just fine for me and my two doggies.  No where near the great gas mileage as my hybrid, though.

The communist plan known as the “New Green Deal” is nothing but a con job.  Another catastrophe that will play out for decades and destroy our economy even worse than what’s underway.  But, that’s always been the game plan for nearly 100 years.

Demand Congress Stop Funding This Manufactured Hoax. Mine, February 25, 2019:

“We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” – Tim Wirth, former member of Congress, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs.

At the Fifth Congress in Moscow, ‘The Program,’ was drafted and agreed upon by the International Communist dictators. It was agreed that an environmental “crisis” would be gradually developed to siphon off the money from capitalism and reduce countries to socialism and eventually under communism. I refer readers back to this column and the book by Gus Hall, head of the Communist Party USA for decades: Ecology, Can We Survive Under Capitalism? published in 1972.

“Joe Biden is a dirty traitor. More than a decade ago when he was announced as running mate for criminal impostor president, Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, I tried to warn people in columns and on radio about Biden. I wrote about a speech he gave on June 29, 1992:  On The Threshold of the New World Order: The Wilsonian Vision and American Foreign Policy in the 1990’s and Beyond.”

Democrats Against Agenda 21 have provided a very good breakdown of Biden’s speech which includes manufacturing a global environmental crisis. That organization also recognized the connection between Common Core and Agenda 21.”


“At the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992, the Secretariat for World Order distributed a nonpublic document titled, “The Initiative for Eco-92 Earth’s Charter.” It reads, in part, under policies that must be implemented as follows:

“The Security Council of the U.N. will inform all nations that outmoded notions of national sovereignty will be discarded and that the Security Council has complete legal, military and economic jurisdiction in any region of the world … The Security Council of the U.N. will take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major Nations of the Security Council.”

“In the late Dixie Lee Ray’s book, Environmental Overkill – Whatever Happened to Common Sense, one gets a full accounting of what really went on with Al Gore and his loony friends at the Rio Summit. On page 10 of her book, it states:

“The objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), is to bring about a change in the present system of independent nations. The future is to be world government, with central planning by the UN. Fear of environmental crises, whether real or not, is expected to lead to compliance. If force is needed, it will be provided by a UN green-helmeted police force, already authorized by the Security Council.

“The EPA is the flagship in America to carry out this environmental terrorism against our people.  In the ensuing years, the EPA has become more destructive than a cat five hurricane.”

“Dixie Lee Ray was a former governor of Washington State, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Asst. Secretary of State in the U.S. Bureau of Oceans. She passed away in 1994 and was a Democrat.”

And forget the BS about creating tens of thousands of new jobs.  Joe Biden to Visit General Motors as CEO Ships Electric Vehicle Jobs to Mexico, Nov. 17, 2021.  Joe Biden Says It Again! Cheers Crippling Inflation as a Good Thing — It will Usher in “Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicles” (VIDEO), June 21, 2022

Low life scum actually tells the truth:  Kerry admits zero emissions in US wouldn’t make difference in climate change, Jan. 277, 2021 – “WASHINGTON — President Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry, admitted Wednesday that the US reducing its emissions to zero wouldn’t make much of a difference in the global climate change fight — before pushing domestic manufacturing of electric cars and solar panels in favor of energy production. Kerry’s remarks were made ahead of Biden’s signing of a host of executive actions on Wednesday pushing his $2 trillion Green New Deal-inspired climate agenda.”

I guess fake president Biden is going to pull $2 TRILLION dollars out of his arse since OUR purse, the people’s treasury is already overdrawn by $31 TRILLION unpayable dollars in debt.  Nothing like going into debt to spend debt.

America had better just say NO WAY:  Biden Climate Czar John Kerry says by ‘2035’ the U.S. will ‘only be producing electric vehicles’

Can human beings survive without CO2 around? – Read the post by the first individual, David Stone because he is 100% correct:  “The current solution advocated by most western politicians, green activists and some scientists is to stop burning fossil fuels. This would reduce CO2 levels by 12 molecules per million and end life for billions of people due simply to lack of food, clothing and heating which was previously produced by using fossil fuels — probably not the outcome anticipated by politicians.” Rest at link.

Braying ass, AOC, with her ranting about climate change needs to be dropped on some island in the middle of no where so she can lecture the bugs and try to continue selling a manufactured lie:

Green New Deal Would Barely Change Earth’s Temperature. Here Are the Facts

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions:  “Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.  None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.”

Warning Extreme Diesel Engine Oil Shortage

Of course, I know nothing about diesel engines, parts or oil.  But, last week, it came to my attention a known situation (just like the baby food shortage was known to retailers and the illegitimate Biden administration months before it slammed American mothers) there is a major problem brewing.

Just what we don’t need as we live in a daily non-stop nightmare coming out of DC and now the swarms of crazed females wailing the Supreme Court’s constitutionally correct over turning of Roe v. Wade is the end of democracy and now abortions will again be performed in back alleys with coat hangers.

In her weekly column, Nancy Churchill discusses how a possible shortage of DEF could bring the trucking industry to its kneesNancy Churchill is the state committee woman for the Ferry County Republican Party. Not too long and I highly recommend you read it.  Quoting just one thing:  “You can probably already guess why this might be a problem. Natural gas is the key raw material in urea production. Urea is primarily exported by Russia, Qatar, and China. Like fertilizer, DEF is made with urea and the United States imports most of the urea it uses. The United States depends on other countries to eat, drive, and transport our products.” Emphasis mine.  Let that sink in because it’s true after I did some more research.

A Warning About the Coming Shortages of Diesel Fuel, Diesel Exhaust Fluid and Diesel Engine Oil, June 23, 2023, by Michael Snyder who is one very smart researcher/writer and author.

“What I am about to share with you is a developing situation, and I hope to share more once the facts become clearer.  It appears that a very serious diesel crisis is coming in the months ahead, and that will have a dramatic impact on our economy.  As you will see below, we are being warned that there will be shortages of diesel fuel, diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil.

“Most diesel vehicles require all three in order to run, and so a serious shortage of any of them would be a major disaster.  Needless to say, simultaneous shortages of all three could potentially be catastrophic.  Most Americans don’t spend much time thinking about diesel, but without it our supply chains collapse and we don’t have a functioning economy.  In a recent Time Magazine article discussing the coming diesel fuel shortage, we are told that “the U.S. economy runs on diesel”…” Rest at link.

Why the Northeast is quietly running out of diesel – The East Coast sees record lows of diesel inventories, May 12, 2022 – “I wish I had some good news for the Northeast, but it’s bedlam,” Tom Kloza, global head of energy analysis at OPIS, told FreightWaves.  Everyday Americans don’t fill up their cars with diesel, but the fuel powers our nation’s agriculture, industrial and transportation networks.”

Late last year before Russia & Ukraine.  Diesel shortage at TA truck stops due to supply problems (Maybe they should call butt jumper Secretary of Transportation, grossly failed former mayor of South Bend, IN, Petey Buttigieg.)

EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH: Diesel engine oil additive manufacturers that have declared Force Majeure or experienced disrupted operations in 2022, June 23, 2022

Something very wrong is going on.  As Nancy Churchill says in her column above, better get on the phone to your U.S. Rep and senator and find out about the shenanigans with Union Pacific Railroad and the Pilot/Flying J Corporation and are we facing a real time shortage of those fuels and engine oil?  We demand answers not cookie cutter email responses.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:  (I simply have to say while I really do appreciate emails, I receive several hundred a day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I simply cannot answer all of them asking for advice, please help me with my case and other requests because it’s just me.  I try to work some of the requests and answer questions into my columns but I can only do so much.  I thank you for understanding.)


Scientifically grounded:  Green New Deal Would Barely Change Earth’s Temperature. Here Are the Facts, Feb. 7, 2019

THE web site for debunking the hoax called climate change:  Climate Depot

What Do We Do About The Homeless In America?

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 27, 2022

Part 1: The problem, why it grows, who has ideas on solving it?

“The real invisibles of this world are not the fabricated beings of the human mind like angels and demons, but the homeless of the dirty streets!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

For the record, America suffers from a documented 540,000 homeless people.  They languish in the streets of our big cities, in the woods, in U-Haul storage lockers, in tents, in abandoned trailers, in vacant warehouses and in just about every state in the Union.  They are white, black, brown, veterans, men, women and children.  They are alcoholics, drug addicts and run-away teens from abusive households.  They comprise high school and college graduates, dropouts and illegal immigrants.

A mind-numbing 66,000 reside in Los Angeles. Another 35,000 wander all over San Francisco.  About 10,000 call Seattle their home as they live along expressways and under overpasses.  Denver houses 10,000 of them.  Chicago can’t count all its homeless, but it’s into the thousands. New York City remains a horrible example of big city callousness toward its homeless citizens.

In 2019, I bicycled through San Francisco and Los Angeles to see them up close and ugly on my touring bicycle.  You can’t quite grasp the enormity of this national tragedy until you see it up close, smell it, feel the pain in their faces, and watch their hopelessness drag on year after year, while such Congressional Critters like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters party-down at the White House or participate in wine-tasting parties in Washington DC.

One of my readers from Los Angeles asked me what I would do to solve the homeless situation in America.  She lives among them in her own residential neighborhood.  She’s compassionate, but frustrated. She asked me:

Frosty, I’m asking in all seriousness: if you were appointed governor of CA and you had a cooperative House and Senate, how would you begin to solve LA’s homeless problem? I’m focusing on LA because that’s what I’m familiar with. There have been homeless people in my neighborhood since I came here in 1986–that’s through three Republican administrations and three or four Dem ones. That’s with one GOP mayor; the rest were Dems. The problem has grown worse with each passing year. I started out incredibly sympathetic to the homeless, but I have compassion fatigue. I just want them gone. I don’t include in that the people who are suddenly homeless for sheer bad luck or economic misfortune and who respond to efforts to get them on their feet. And I have a lot of sympathy for those who are so mentally ill that they need to be on meds in a nice clean hospital somewhere. I mean the meth tweakers and the ones who make life hell for their working class neighbors, for small shopkeepers, and for kids who can’t walk two blocks to school because they have to step over people passed out on the sidewalk.

I feel it is totally hopeless. A few weeks ago, I encountered a woman lying on the street, bleeding from some kind of head injury. She was nicely dressed and had a purse. Her pulse was weak, and I knew, even without medical training, she had something seriously wrong with her. It took me 20 minutes on the phone to 911 to persuade them to send paramedics. The only reason they came was that I insisted she was well dressed and had a purse–and was therefore not homeless. If they thought she was homeless, they would not have come at all unless she was dead. This is what we are dealing with. There is no room in LA to house 70,000 homeless people–even if there were, these people need rehab before they can be placed in normal housing. They would trash anywhere they moved into and sell the appliances for drug money. There are very few mental health beds. LA County Jail is full to the brim. They’re not going to release murder suspects to make room for homeless druggies. The Ninth Circuit ruled that people can’t be arrested or jailed for living on the sidewalk, and SCOTUS refused to hear the appeal. Which means we are stuck with it.

I am not normally a hard-hearted person. But I am sick of the homeless, at the same time realizing that they are the least of my brothers etc. and I am not supposed to feel this way. The whole thing seems utterly hopeless to me. So, if you were in charge and had cooperative lawmakers, how would you begin to solve this? I’ve asked other people, but nobody seems to know! J.S.

Bob J. said, “Homelessness IS a hopeless situation. The homeless have no political clout. Therefore, they get nothing from our pitiful politicians at all levels. There is no benefit to the politician to lift more than his or her pinky finger to make an effort on their behalf. And, the majority of us don’t care to make the homeless situation an issue that we will cast our vote for.

“I’m reminded of the following…We choose all we have therefore we get everything we wanted when we made the choice. We’ve chosen to have the homeless because we chose those we put in office with the power to do something. That really don’t need to do anything to be re-elected.

“The homeless situation is only the visible symptom of the weak effort made to prevent someone becoming homeless. There are other, hidden, symptoms of our effort to deal with the consequences of drug addiction, physical abuse in the home, mental and physical handicaps, failure to educate and low intelligence.

“The resources devoted to dealing with those causes while individuals do have a home to live in are woefully short of what is needed. How do we come up billions to forgive college loans but can’t spend that same amount on increased social service staffing? Benefit to the politicians.

“Start asking you politicians what they plan to do about the homeless. And vote the bums out!”

Okay, that’s the groundwork for this national tragedy report.  I sent out requests for solutions on FB, Twitter, personal letters to friends.  Many brought some pretty workable ideas to the table. If you have your own, please share them with me…and I’ll present them in Parts 2 and 3.

We are all in this national tragedy together. We must solve it together. Certainly not at the Washington DC level, because those people are about as useless as barnacles on a ship’s stern.

“All of us, poor & rich alike, have been conditioned by our upbringings. Impoverished men & women may become lulled into a state of “learned helplessness” without hope to change their lives. Likewise, the wealthy can walk in a state of “learned blindness” ignoring the desperation of the local & global poor.” ― John Green

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Trump’s Conservative Political Muscle

By Cliff Kincaid

June 27, 2022

As a result of the electoral power of the Trump movement, the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New York could elect conservative Republican governors. That was the message Trump-backed candidate Doug Mastriano brought to the Dan Cox for Governor rally in Maryland on Saturday.

A target of the national Democratic Party and media, Pennsylvania State Senator and retired Army Colonel Mastriano is the Republican candidate for Pennsylvania governor and arrived at the Maryland rally after campaigning for New York gubernatorial candidate Andrew Giuliani, the son of the former New York City mayor, Rudolph Giuliani.

Rudolph Giuliani is best known as the prosecutor who broke up the organized crime families in New York City and reduced crime as mayor before he served as an attorney for Trump on election integrity.

The New York primary for governor is June 28.

The Maryland gubernatorial primary day is July 19.

The rally opened with “God Bless America” and drew more than 500 people in the hot sun eager to restore freedom in the “Free State” and America at large.

Dan Cox, the father of ten children and a state delegate, is endorsed by Maryland Right to Life and is facing a RINO opponent, Kelly Schulz, who is backed by term-limited RINO GOP Governor Larry Hogan and says she will “do nothing” to change the state’s pro-abortion laws.

The Maryland event at a farm in Hampstead also featured Alan Keyes, the former Ambassador who spoke optimistically that the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade marks a new beginning for America.

It is worth noting that Alan Keyes drew attention to the Marxism of Barack Obama when he ran against Obama for the U.S. Senate in 2004. “Thanks to my experience with Obama,” he said, “I had the strong sense that his tenure would mark a major crisis that would threaten the survival of constitutional self-government, of, by, and for the people of the United States.”

In a presentation seven years ago to the America’s Survival conference, “Cultural Marxism and America’s Moral collapse,” Keyes discussed the assault upon America’s unalienable rights and essential liberties. He has been a vocal and articulate champion of traditional values.

For his part, former President Trump called into the rally to his supporters on behalf of Dan Cox and Doug Mastriano and was praised for the fact that when campaigning for president in 2016, he had said he would put 2-3 justices on the Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade. It was a promise made and a promise kept during his term, one that could change the course of American history for the better and is comparable to the freeing of the slaves.

Of course, Trump continues to be accused by what he calls the “Unselect Pseudo Committee” of organizing an “insurrection” on January 6, because he spoke at the pro-Trump rally outside the Capitol and urged a peaceful redress of grievances, as the Constitution clearly permits.

Meanwhile, a high-level report by a computer expert on fraud issues involving election machines is being secretly held by the Department of Homeland Security but has not been released to the public. It reportedly supports Mike Lindell’s claims that electronic voting machines are susceptible to hacking.

Viewed in the context of last week’s Supreme Court ruling, which based the decision overturning Roe on the actual text and meaning of the Constitution, the real “insurrection” is now coming into view. That power grab can be seen in how the original Supreme Court decision in 1973 legalized abortion on demand, leading to the loss of 60 million innocent unborn lives. Worldwide, as noted by the Global Life Campaign, 1 billion babies have been destroyed, with most of the loss of life in Russia, the first communist state to legalize abortion, and Communist China.

But this is not the Court’s only unconstitutional ruling. As noted in the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in the gay marriage decision, the Court engaged in a judicial “putsch” in that case as well,finding a “right” that does not exist, in an attempt to overthrow our democratic form of government and deny citizens their constitutional rights.

Justice Clarence Thomas, in his opinion on reversing Roe, said the gay marriage decision should also be reconsidered.

Interestingly, Mastriano wrote an academic paper on how the military itself could be corrupted by left-wing political elites organizing a “putsch.” Evidence of such corruption was revealed in a speech at the rally by former Marine Lt. Col. Stu Scheller, who described how he was discharged by the military brass after he questioned the botched withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. He has written the book, Crisis of Command: How We Lost Trust and Confidence in America’s Generals and Politicians, and says he is endorsing Cox because he “has demonstrated that he is willing to fight for veterans and be an advocate for the people.”

Another speaker at the Cox rally was Liz Harrington, a spokesman for Trump who described Cox’s RINO opponent Schulz as “Basement Kelly” for her unwillingness to debate Cox on the issues. Schulz is following the “Basement Joe” model of Joe Biden’s campaign for president.

Cox, an attorney who was on Trump’s legal team in 2020, urged his followers to monitor the elections closely and said that he would use phone app location data, the technique used in the “2000 Mules” movie on election fraud, to analyze ballot box-stuffing if there were questions about the results.U.S. Army Captain Seth Keshel was another speaker, describing in detail the evidence of fraud in 2020 and declaring, “I assure all of you that Dan is right up there with Kari Lake nationally…He has my full support and endorsement for this campaign.”

(YouTube has censored several of my videos, which examine election fraud and other matters, on the grounds that they constitute “misinformation.” The company is now threatening to remove all of my 500 anti-communist videos. If you can help our efforts to resist this censorship, please donate to America’s Survival, Inc.)

Several speakers at the Maryland rally, including Dr. Leland Stillman, were supporting Cox because he has promised to strike down the Covid-19 mandates on masks and vaccines.

A panel of ministers discussed how Maryland’s RINO Republican Governor Larry Hogan had abused governmental powers by closing down churches supposedly to protect people from the virus.

Several “Parents for Dan Cox” signs were visible, reflecting support for Cox’s Parental Rights legislation, affirming the fundamental rights of parents to direct their child’s medical needs, education, religion and family morals.

Cox was surrounded on stage at one point by a dozen or so conservative candidates running for various offices in the state of Maryland.

© 2022 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

A Man In A Swamp

By Rabbi Roy Masters

June 26, 2022

Without meditation, you cannot live with your problems. Neither can you live without them.

Once upon a time, when you escaped from what disturbed you, there appeared in you a conscience concerning the way you had handled the situation. Egotistically, you re-turned to the situation in order to make amends for what you had done, or not done—not to do right, but to repair your damaged image.

Because your motive was wrong, you again failed to relate to the moment correctly, thus causing bigger arguments and resentments.

Heretofore, you have not been armed with the mystical essence acquired through right intent implemented by meditation.

Armed with a desire to face reality, we shall see our wrong motives and faulty responses. The pain of this seeing stresses the power of love to come through us, to correct our shortcomings and to stand as evidence of good to others.

The brain of man is designed to serve the conscious will. Our will should in turn desire to be overshadowed by a divine purpose.

In metaphysical language, the entire body should live in subjection to the consciousness. Just as a well-trained athlete keenly awaits the signal that will set him in motion, so should the body attend the consciousness.

“…this is made possible only through desiring guidance of an invisible Divine Will…”

Selfish, proud, unaware, then excited and upset, we allow temptation to lead our attention captive, and our body is pulled away from its preordained purpose.

The less we modify our emotions and reactions, the less we can modify them. Struggling like a man in a swamp, we are left to our own insufficient devices.

So we are led into captivity by what we respond to—whether it be “for” or “against.” We are shaped by what stimulates us. By responding to the praise of evil people we become evil.

The object of the meditation exercise is to free you from your squirrel cage by bringing the unconscious into subjection to the consciousness.

This is made possible only through desiring guidance of an invisible Divine Will that we may know, or come to know, only as conscience.

Hence, we must dissolve all mental chatter in our mind, and fast from the excitement of “love” and hate that propels our selfish pride in its striving toward selfish goals.

We must wait, empty, for a new direction.

© 2022 FHU – All Rights Reserved


Contact Fhu

A Great Time to Invest in Millstones

By Rob Pue

June 26, 2022

With Joe Biden in the White House, after the most fraudulent election in our nation’s history, America is now in the midst of “building back better.”  How are you liking it so far?  First of all, you should understand that while Biden may be allowed in the White House, he is far from being in charge of anything.  He’s a puppet of the Leftist/Marxist/Communist handlers that placed him there in the first place, to utterly destroy America from within.

Secondly, there would have been no need to “build back better” if the country had not first been burnt down and destroyed in the years prior to the stolen election, under the guise of COVID, orchestrated “race wars,” and the BLM and ANTIFA riots that went unprosecuted.  Also, understand that “build back better” is simply code for “Communism.”  That’s the ultimate goal, but American sovereignty must be eliminated and America must first be completely destroyed.  Then, a true One World Government can commence under a true New World Order.  A big part of that is killing the American dollar, which is happening now.  They want us all in bread lines, dependent upon the Almighty Government for handouts.  A record number of millions of Americans are being “groomed” to expect handouts now, as “entitlements.”

Today, we’re facing the highest prices for essential goods and services than ever before.  Part of this is due to the purposely-orchestrated hyperinflation that’s begun — but we ain’t seen nothin’ yet, folks.  If you think $5 at the gas pump is tough, wait until you’re paying $10,  gas is rationed and people are trading their “carbon credits” just to be allowed the privilege of buying more.

And while the supply chain shortage is real, I find it strange that internal combustion car makers cannot produce cars because they can’t get the needed computer chips; but electric car makers, like Tesla, don’t seem to have that problem.  Do you see how everything is being manipulated to control our behavior?

We’re also seeing a massive food shortage on the horizon.  This, too, is orchestrated by those who’ve seized power over our nation.  Some of you may be aware of the 20 food processing facilities in the US that have been destroyed or badly damaged just in the last six months.  But as the Gateway Pundit recently reported, there have actually been 97 American food plants destroyed since Biden took the White House.  The destruction has been due to “accidental fires,” “unknown causes” and in at least two instances, airplanes crashing into them.  You can find the complete list at  The article was published June 11.

Things have been moving quickly this year.  Most people finally woke up to the scam known as COVID.  They’d had enough and were no longer willing to comply with ridiculous government and health mandates.  So the next boogeyman was the Russia/Ukraine conflict.  Don’t believe everything you’re told about that — there’s much more there than we understand.  Ukraine is the epicenter of corruption for the Global Elites, and the headquarters for massive money laundering by governments and corrupt rulers  worldwide.  Just because the mainstream media makes Russia the “bad guy,” don’t believe it.  In fact, whatever the mainstream media is pushing as the “latest thing” should automatically be suspect by any thinking individual.  But the Ukraine/Russia scare has faded from our TV screens, so another horror was needed to keep us compliant and fearful.

Many of you already know that in November of 2021, a “study” was done to simulate the effects of a worldwide pandemic — of “Monkeypox.”  In this fictional table-top exercise, the outbreak was to begin on May 15th of this year.  Interestingly, the first case in the world was reported May 7th and by the 22nd, 14 nations had confirmed outbreaks.  But on May 20th the Biden regime announced it had already ordered 13 million doses of a Monkeypox “vaccine.”  Interesting how a so-called “vaccine” for this was already supposedly researched, tested and produced to the tune of millions of vials — and billions of dollars, just in time for the planned outbreak.  Eerily similar to Event 201, which simulated the COVID scam-demic a few months before it was unleashed on the world.

Monkeypox, by the way, is rare and primarily transmitted by sodomite males, but multiple sources are now speculating that this particular strain of the virus has been weaponized in bio-labs in China and elsewhere, to spread more quickly and cause more harm.

Meanwhile, in Australia, health officials are baffled by what they’re now calling “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” and they’re urging individuals under 40 to get their hearts checked, because so many young people are suddenly dying of this mysterious Syndrome, as the doctors scratch their heads and can’t figure out what’s causing it.  Note that this is Australia, where nearly 100% of the population has received two or more doses of the COVID jab, which is known to have 1291 adverse side effects, many of which affect the heart.  All over the world young people, including many young athletes, previously in peak health, have just suddenly died.  But these facts are now considered “disinformation” by the Globalist’s “Ministry of Truth.”

We all know that our US military was purged of patriots under the Obama administration, and under the current regime, it’s been further weakened by forcing experimental DNA-altering jabs and the further embracing of the sodomite/transgender agenda.  Are you aware that a record number of young servicemen have suddenly died for no apparent reason after taking these shots?  All in their 20s or 30s, dead from “undetermined” causes, after being discovered “unresponsive” in their bunks.  I’m sure the total number of dead will never be known, as the powers-that-be continue to hide the evidence.

You should also be aware that more than 10,000 cases filed on the VAERS report data base were just recently deleted by the CDC.  VAERS, which stands for “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System” falls woefully short of covering all the cases of injuries and deaths to begin with — because the vast majority are never reported.  Some say the number of actual cases is 100 times greater than the number actually reported.  Still, VAERS does admit to 1.2 million COVID jab injuries, and 27,000 deaths.  The actual number is enormously greater.

Researchers have also now linked a new type of fatal degenerative brain disorder with the COVID jab.  The first symptoms occur about 11 days after the jab and death follows four months later.  And in March, it was reported that in the UK, 9 out of 10 COVID deaths have occurred in fully-jabbed people.  Studies have also shown that the MAJORITY of pregnant women worldwide who were jabbed, had miscarriages or stillborn babies.  Still the FDA is pushing for approval of the COVID jab for all newborns and toddlers, under an “Emergency Use Authorization.”  My question is, where’s the “emergency?”  Where are all the deathly-ill children with COVID?  The answer is, they don’t exist.  But a world-wide de-population program does.

But people are starting to catch on.  Hospitals, pharmacies and state governments in the US have thrown away at least 15 million doses of the Pfizer jab in the last three months, because nobody wants it.  So… cue the Monkeypox scare!

But now, here we are in the midst of “Pride” month — although this isn’t just for the month of June — “Pride” celebrations, parades and festivals go right through to the beginning of the cold winter months now.  And the LGBTQP+ agenda never, ever stops.  Who would have ever thought we would get to this point in this country?

Everywhere we go, the rainbow flag is flying.  Most people couldn’t care less.  But most are truly unaware and ignorant of the evil this flag — and the movement behind it — represents.  Let me give you some history.  The first rainbow flag was commissioned in 1978 by Harvey Milk, who was dishonorably discharged from the US Navy for his homosexual antics in 1955.  Milk was the first openly-homosexual elected official in the US, serving 11 months as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.  His rainbow flag was to be a symbol of “pride” for the homosexual community.

In 2014, the US Postal Service released a postage stamp honoring Harvey Milk.  There’s also an airport terminal at San Francisco International Airport named after him.  And just this past November, a now “woke” US Navy named one of its new ships after him.  The ship was christened by a Navy veteran who identifies as ‘transgender.’  Harvey Milk is considered a hero in the homosexual community — but his actual history is very telling of the intentions of the homosexual movement.  He was also a known pedophile, though he was never prosecuted for it.  It’s widely understood that throughout his adult life, he repeatedly raped multiple young boys.  One, in particular, he enticed to run away from home in Maryland.  This young man eventually committed suicide.  Another, he enticed to run away from home in Minnesota and not tell his parents.  This boy’s parents did find out and they filed a complaint, but Milk was never questioned, arrested or charged.  His homosexual relationships with young boys were numerous — and this was the lifestyle of this “civil rights leader.”

The ultimate goal of the homosexual movement is to lure, entice and groom little children, to twist their minds, rape their bodies and destroy their souls.  You can research a document from 1987 entitled “The Gay Revolutionary,” and specifically, “The Homosexual Agenda.”  I will quote the first paragraph of that  here: “We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.”

And so here we are.  Christians, Conservatives and Patriots did nothing, while the homosexual mob continued steadily forward with their agenda.  First it was “Drag Queen Story Time” where pedophiles would dress up in womens’ clothing, dance and gyrate sexually in front of toddlers and young children in public libraries — and the parents would take them there.  Now these events have moved to public schools as well — and “Drag Queen” contests  are held in bars and strip clubs — certainly places that would normally be off-limits to minors.  But little children — pre-school children — are now taken there by their parents to watch and participate in these demonic activities.

California Senator Scott Wiener recently began promoting a bill that would make it mandatory for K-12 students to take a curriculum called “Drag Queen 101.”  In Colorado, a 12-year-old girl was invited to an after-school “art club” that turned out to be a meeting of the school’s “Genders & Sexualities Alliance Club,” dedicated to supporting homosexuality and transgenderism.   The kids who attended the meeting were told not to tell their parents what was discussed there and that their family homes may not be “safe places.”  That one meeting included enough brainwashing to confuse this 12-year-old about her sexuality and create “gender dysphoria.”  According to her mother, it took months of counseling to end the nightmares she suffered and the sexual confusion she endured after her teacher told her she must be “queer.”

This is happening in our public schools, and parents are often kept in the dark, as teachers tell the kids to keep their secret, even as they’re purposely grooming them for sexual confusion and exploitation — from pre-school age on up.  These are the people who now seem to OWN our children’s minds.  Parents who attend school board meetings to voice their concerns are arrested as “domestic terrorists.”  Harvey Milk would be proud, indeed.

Today the number of young people who “identify” as “LGBTQP+” has skyrocketed.  The “transgender” movement is huge in every area of society and culture — and pushed especially hard in the public schools.  Also today, 76% of so-called “Bible-believing, church-attending Christians” now affirm that same-sex “marriage” is just another “alternative lifestyle” and perfectly acceptable, and just fine with God.  I have a Bible too, and I’m pretty sure God would not agree.  In fact, with America’s economy now in self-destruct mode, it might be a great time to start investing in millstones.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 363.

America’s Fight To Stay Free, Part 1

By Roger Anghis

June 26, 2022

I began to see the increased decline in America in the 1960s. With the protests against the Viet Nam War, the drug culture, free sex, and the general apathy of the boomers I knew it could only lead to what we have now running the country, people with the socialist/communist ideology.  This ideology never made sense to me because you could see the results of it in the then USSR, China, and Cuba.  It still baffles me because you never see people build rafts out of barrels and milk cartons and ‘escape’ to Cuba to get away from the repressive capitalist America.  You never will either.  Both Parties are at fault but the Democrats are the main drivers and have been since Woodrow Wilson.

The Republicans don’t spearhead anything socialistic but they don’t fight against it either as they should.  We have Democrats that call themselves Republicans that don’t fight for the real values Republicans stand for.  John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and Mitt Romney just to name a few of those that are traitors to the Republican Party.  Democrats have been pushing for a socialist government for almost a hundred years.  Woodrow Wilson put our monetary system into the hands of the world bankers giving foreign bankers control of our money.  I believe he feigned his sorrow over that decision when he stated: “I am a most unhappy man, I have unwittingly ruined my country.  A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of Credit.  Our system of credit is concentrated.  The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men.  We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.  No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”  Why didn’t he know that going into the deal?  He should have and I think he did.

FDR was a hero to the greatest generation but information wasn’t as available warning the people of his actions as it is today concerning the politicians of today.  People really trusted him even though he tried to pack the Supreme Court, just like Biden wants to do today.  He tried to push a lot of socialist agendas through Congress but failed.  Elinore Roosevelt tried to get universal healthcare established.  He even knew the Deep State was around back then when he said: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way.” FDR believed that is was the government that would get the nation out of the depression with massive taxing and spending but it only made things worse. The Great Depression of the 1930s was by far the greatest economic calamity in U.S. history. In 1931, the year before Franklin Roosevelt was elected president, unemployment in the United States had soared to an unprecedented 16.3 percent. In human terms that meant that over eight million Americans who wanted jobs could not find them. In 1939, after almost two full terms of Roosevelt and his New Deal, unemployment had not dropped but had risen to 17.2 percent. Almost nine and one-half million Americans were unemployed.

On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”[1] FDR even came up with a Second Bill Of Rights that sound like it was taken from the communist manifesto. You can read them here.[2] FDR was one to try and have the federal government try to take over every part of American life believing that the government knew better than you how you should live. The progressives have not given upon their push for total control.

In 1957 Senator George Malone (R), speaking on the floor of Congress stated: “I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past forty-nine years, they would move on Washington. It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States.”  President Eisenhower was well aware of a ‘Deep State’ even in his day and it was centered around the military or more so the suppliers of the military.  In his Farewell Speech, he stated:  A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be might, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.[3]

This ‘control’ over our government has taken them a long time to gain that power and those that yield that power won’t give up ground taken very easily and they don’t care who gets hurt in their attempts to retain it. They’ll silence anybody that exposes them.  They used to operate in complete secrecy but have stepped out of the shadows in the last few years.  The Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, The Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, and a few others are NOT friends of freedom.  They are the architects of the New World Order.  Henry Kissinger who was Nixons Secretary of State, is deeply involved with them and is working closely with the dirt bag Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum to ‘reset’ the world’s economy.  Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s Nationa Security Advisor, was a co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller. Its goal is to help establish the New World Order.

In a speech to the Trilateral Commission in June of 1991, David Rockefeller stated: “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto-determination practiced in past centuries”[4]

We’ve been asleep.  We need to wake up and remove as many of these socialist/communist influences as we can as soon as we can.  This November would be great.  I’ll end with a reminder from the great Charles Finney: “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes


How to Bring Washington, D.C. Back Under Control

By Paul Engel

June 25, 2022

  • Are the solutions to America’s problems in Washington, D.C.?
  • Where can the American people find answers if not in Washington, D.C.?
  • How can reading and studying the Constitution help you find those answers?

There are plenty of problems in America today, too many to number most likely. I’m frequently asked what we can do. Too often, it seems everyone is looking to Washington, D.C. for answers. By studying the Constitution, and a couple of Supreme Court opinions, I think we can find some answers a lot closer to home.

John Jay said:

Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.

John Jay – First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

So let’s start our investigation by reading some clauses from the Constitution.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2

We need to start by understanding the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Only laws of the United States made pursuant to the Constitution are considered the supreme law of the land. And if only the laws of the United States made pursuant to the Constitution are the supreme law of the land, it makes sense that any law not made pursuant to the Constitution is not the supreme law of the land. I know that seems obvious, but I have to be sure we’re all on the same page.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

If the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, then when it says the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution belong either to the states or the people, that would supersede any law to the contrary. For example, when Congress passes a law to regulate something that’s not a power delegated to the United States (for example, health insurance), it’s not the supreme law of the land. Which raises the question: What do we do with a law that’s not the supreme law of the land?

There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.

Not only is a law contrary to the Constitution not the supreme law of the land, it cannot be valid. Remember, every government position is an authority delegated either by the Constitution that created it or legislation created under the authority of a Constitution. By the way, its not just Alexander Hamilton, but the Supreme Court that says so:

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist Papers #78

Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.

Marbury v. Madison Opinion

Even the Supreme Court recognizes that legislatures cannot make valid laws that violate the Constitution. So who is responsible for determining if a law violates the Constitution? Most people think it’s the Supreme Court who determines if something is Constitutional or not. While the judicial power does extend to cases in law and equity arising under the Constitution, the federal courts are creations of the Constitution, not its master. So who is ultimately responsible to to keep the federal government within the powers delegated to it by Constituiton?

In the typical case we look to the States to defend their prerogatives by adopting the simple expedient of not yielding” to federal blandishments when they do not want to embrace the federal policies as their own.

National Federation Of Independent Business v. Sebelius

The court expects the states to defend themselves. How? By not yielding to federal blandishments (attempts to coax them into compliance). If a law is not made pursuant to the Constitution, if it is not the supreme law of the land and the states are not required to abide by it. This is the first big clue about how we can rein in an out of control federal government.

State Sovereignty

The States are separate and independent sovereigns. Sometimes they have to act like it.

National Federation Of Independent Business v. Sebelius

The American people have forgotten, or maybe we’ve spent too many generations not teaching the fact, that when we declared independence we did not create a new country, but thirteen of them.

That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States;

Declaration of Independence

It was the states that created the federal government when they ratified the Constitution. And as the Tenth Amendment confirms, any power not delegated to the United States generally remain with the states. It is not only the right of the states to push back when Washington, D.C. goes too far, but I would say it’s their duty. And that is the second clue of how we can rein in Washington, D.C. There is one more.

Separation of Powers

The Framers rejected the concept of a central government that would act upon and through the States, and instead designed a system in which the State and Federal Governments would exercise concurrent authority over the people. The Federal Governments power would be augmented immeasurably and impermissibly if it were able to impress into its service-and at no cost to itself-the police officers of the 50 States

Printz v. United States

The idea that the federal government can order the states around is antithetical to the union of sovereign states the Framers of the Constitution created. Your Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) of your county. They are elected by the people, and therefore serve the people. As the court stated:

We adhere to that principle today, and conclude categorically, as we concluded categorically in New York: “The Federal Government may not compel the States to enact or administer a federal regulatory program.” … The mandatory obligation imposed on CLEOs to perform background checks on prospective handgun purchasers plainly runs afoul of that rule.

Printz v. United States

The federal government cannot order the states, or CLEOs, to enact or administer a federal program. In other words, there are limitations to the powers of Washington, D.C. Couple that with an understanding of the limited and enumerated powers delegated to the United States and we can put together a formula to finally rein in this out of control federal government.


Putting all of these clues together, what can the American people do to regain control of the behemoth we call Washington, D.C.? Let’s review the clues.

First, the states need to remember that they are separate and independent sovereigns, not vassals of Washington, D.C. The states created the federal government to serve them, not the other way around. The states delegated to the federal government certain limited and enumerated powers, which means only the states have the legal authority to amend the Constitution to give them more.

Second, the states need to defend themselves against government overreach. Today it seems when government goes too far, all most states will do is sue in federal court. That’s like asking the bully’s sister to protect you. Sure, we may want the courts opinion, but that’s all it is: An opinion. We need to states to learn to stand their ground against Washington, D.C. Yes, they’ve made it harder when they ratified the 16th and 17th Amendments, but that doesn’t excuse those in our state governments who roll over every time a new edict comes out of Washington, D.C.

And lastly, our Sheriffs, the chief law enforcement officers, are bound by oath or affirmation to the Constitution of our states and the United States. They need to take up their responsibility to protect the rights of the people of their county.

Hopefully, the solution to an out of control federal government has become obvious. We need to have strong county and local governments, especially Sheriffs. We need to educate ourselves and our neighbors of the importance of our Sheriffs. If your Sheriff and their deputies will not protect your rights, then it’s time to find a better Sheriff. As people in neighboring counties place a premium on the fidelity to their oath of their local officials, they will naturally have an impact on their state governments. As more and more people are vetting their candidates for state offices based on how they fulfill their oath of office, our states will not only change, but can regain the fortitude to stand up to Washington, D.C. Finally, as more and more states restore themselves to their position as parties to the compact that is the Constitution of the United States, Washington, D.C. will take care of itself.

I am not suggesting that this will be a quick or easy fix, but if you look really closely, you will find you don’t need to be dependent on others to live free. You may not be able to make your county, state, or federal government constitutionally sound all by yourself, but you can live as a free citizen, especially when you remember the words of Abraham Lincoln:

The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both Congresses, and courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it

Abraham Lincoln, [September 16-17, 1859] (Notes for Speech in Kansas and Ohio)

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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We must Harden Our Schools – Mentally and Physically – Here’s How and Why

By Kat Stansell

June 25, 2022

While we’re considering, yet again, how to protect our school children against physical attack, I submit that we must also protect them against mental attack.

Marxist ideology is taking over our children’s minds, and is causing the violence we are seeing today.

Our societal bedrock of Judaeo-Christian morals and ethics has been replaced with situational ethics, in which decision-making is based on the circumstances of a particular situation, and not upon fixed laws. “If it feels good, do it” is the code of the day. No real punishment is handed out for deviance anymore, so kids don’t learn that if they do wrong, punishment will follow.

No one can know right from wrong without having moral guideposts against which to measure their actions. Law, just because written and codified, does not compel obedience.

Children today are taught to disregard the rules, disrespect family, and cling to a society that will raise them without interference from those pesky feelings of personal responsibility to themselves or others. Our morals are missing.

Today, children are taught WHAT to learn, never HOW. Deductive and inductive reasoning have been replaced by mandates, to accept what is said, without question or reason.

Society will decide which lives matter, says the New Order. Murder in the womb is considered a “right” and a “freedom”. So, if a drugged up kid or a confused sycophant decides to go kill some people one day, how can he know that is wrong? Crazed killers are given lots of attention, and a lot of today’s children crave that. Besides, the perp is never punished in any meaningful way, and something or someone else is always to blame.

It matters not what we call it – Socialism, or Marxism, or Communism – the system being foisted on America at breakneck speed, has been tried 24 times in world history, and has killed well over 100 million people. There are no fine points of difference that matter, in mass murder. Totalitarian societies have always failed and forced people to live lives of misery.

Those kind of facts just get in the way of the Leftist juggernaut, so they are omitted, along with so much of real history that would help to give children truth and perspective.

The Violence Today Comes From our educational system, NOT GUNS

I truly believe that the violence in today’s society stems from the destruction of our moral bedrock, which is the intended curriculum of the Left. Violence does not come from guns, nor from knives, or any other weapon. It is coming from our public schools.

Our children must be taught moral responsibility and personal strength. We must return to teaching the core values on which this nation was founded. If we can change the lesson plan, we can change the course of history and steer the ship of state back on course.

Our culture has been canceled and its replacement is filled with lies and fairy tales. We must stop allowing the rainbow unicorn of insanity to lead the nation. Let’s cancel the Cancel Culture, and fight back!

This is where local action comes in. The power we have is in our own communities, NOT on the national stage. Very few of us have ANY sway on the federal level. We must start at home.

We must organize and work hard, as has the Left for decades. A young Obama volunteer in 2012 said, “We didn’t just come out (to work for Obama), we INCONVENIENCED OURSELVES.”

This is exactly what we must do to save the Republic.

Remember, it was the parents of Virginia, last year, who were the leading force in turning a blue state red. Thanks to covid school closures, they saw what was being taught, and went to the school boards. Repeatedly. The treatment they received at the hands of the Coup fueled their fire, became front-page news, and they got a Republican elected Governor. You can do the same.

Forming a Freedom Pod is a proven way to go on the offense for Liberty. Here’s how. [***]

A Freedom Pod* is an ongoing group of citizen activists organized to effectively and efficiently address any and all community issues. Freedom Pods in many states are scoring victories against public officials who run roughshod over our rights.

Gather five or six people who care enough about their country to be involved. The more, the better! A few hours a week is a small price for freedom. Inconvenience yourselves. PLEASE!

Begin with RESEARCH.

Assign team members to learn what is going on. Know your enemy. Who are the players at City Hall? At the school board?

What is being taught, in every subject? What funding from non- governmental organizations (NGO’s) is involved in programs? Is there money from any of these being funneled into your schools? Where and how?

Then, recruit WATCHERS.

These are the people who attend every meeting. EVERY meeting. They will record what is said, who said it, and learn who are the movers and shakers. Who is friends with whom? Who is pushing the agenda? Where is the teachers’ union in all this? Learn who plans the curricula for the different grades. Find the funding sources, and who controls them. Spot the non- governmental organizations (NGO’s) who influence the outcome. Who calls the final decisions? You’ll be surprised to learn that is it NOT you, the citizen who pays the taxes.

Your STRATEGIST is the main leader of the effort. He or she will study all the research and meeting notes and determine how to approach the fight. This can be a small group instead of one person, but they are the main leaders.

The AGITATORS are your spokesmen to stand up and address the public meetings. They will present your case. Everyone helps here, to make sure the presentation is targeted and effective, but it’s the presenters who stand up and speak.

The VICTIMS are the group members who are the most impacted by the policies that you are trying to change. For the school board, these will be the parents whose children have suffered behavioral or physical issues, or even confusion traceable to the curriculum being taught. Some may well speak to the failures in instruction, and what the kids are NOT learning, as well as what they are. These are the individuals most feared by the group whose ways you want to change.

Recruit ACTIVISTS who will go to rallies, carry and post signs, and show up on the steps of City Hall or the Board offices to protest. They will also be the ones who come to pack the seats at meetings where a show of numbers will help the cause.

Create a MEDIA TEAM to stay in touch with local media and post your group and its activities on social media. How concerned citizens are treated is big news today.

Remember that, just as the children don’t see consequences for their actions, your officials often don’t, either. This is why they feel free to ignore you and your cause. If handled properly, though, your elected representatives can be held personally responsible, legally, for violation of your civil rights, should they do so. Often backroom meetings result in the unconstitutional taking of property, closure of businesses, and passage of arbitrary regulations. Tools for holding them liable are Sec. 1983 of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Sec. 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Research will tell you when each is appropriate to use. Frequently, just the knowledge that they are being held legally accountable will wipe the smirk from their officials’ officious faces, and make them pay attention to you and your requests.

Develop a grading system to show how well officials are defending your liberty. Then, award Freedom Hero certificates, with fanfare if possible, to those who are doing a good job. Make public note of those who didn’t pass the test. Make each official sign a pledge to follow the Constitution. If they will not, that is news as well. BIG news.

Replacing bad officials with constitutional ones is the most effective way to control policy. Find candidates who are willing to run, then help them with their campaigns. You will already know the issues.

Yes, commitment to being a freedom fighter involves some work. Living under a system of totalitarianism involves suffering and pain. We can see it coming at us, more every day. I would rather work. So, get off the couch and out the door. We have a country to save!

[***] Freedom Pod is the concept of Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center. The steps outlined here are from Tom, and activist, Mary Baker, author of Citizen Ninjas: Stand Up to Power (2016) which is a primer for local activism The concepts here are borne of decades of personal struggle to retain our freedoms against the incursion of our government. Currently, there are Freedom Pods forming in many states. Add yours to the list of Americans helping to save America.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Press Censorship, Part 4

By Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

June 24, 2022

Continues examples of letters to the Editors of major periodicals/newspapers that were rejected

This letter to the Editor was sent to THE NEW YORK TIMES on October 21, 2021.

Letter to the Editor: Bret Stephens’ Opinion column “America’s Crumbling Global Position” (N.Y. TIMES, October 27, 2021) is exactly right in every respect, though he could have added President Obama’s critique as well. It reminded me of A.M. Rosenthal’s excellent analysis “The New World Order” (N.Y. TIMES, May 5, 1998). Stephens’ column begins with “a recent drone assault on a U.S. military outpost.” Twice I warned the Secret Service about a possible drone assault here. On May 22, 2018, I warned ABC News about drone attacks, which occurred against Venezuelan president Maduro less than 3 months later. My great fear is that one night in the eastern Mediterranean an innocuous vessel and registry will appear, open its deck, and a drone swarm laden with explosives will proceed at low altitude and 100mph toward an unsuspecting Tel Aviv (a single computer program can control over 1000 drones simultaneously). In case you don’t think I know what I am talking about, search “dennis cuddy” with “April 29, 2013” and you will see I correctly predicted 4 terrorist activities occurring within 2 weeks! Sincerely, Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

This letter to the Editor was sent to TODAY’S HOSPITALIST on April 19, 2022.

Letter to the Editor: One of the most difficult tasks confronting today’s hospitalists is treating severe Covid-19 patients. Since hospitalists are dealing with a virus where the Inflammo Thrombotic Response if not successfully treated results in multiple organ failure causing death, beginning to develop treatments could have begun at the beginning of the pandemic by looking at drugs that combined antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties for treating Covid-19. A few such trials have been conducted, but they either have not been completed or showed no significant improvement in Covid-19 patients or showed serious adverse side effects. However, recently, Sabizabulin (developed October 13, 2021 to treat breast cancer) was reported on April 12, 2022 to cut in half the death rate of those with severe COVID. In MedNews, a recent article about this indicated that Sabizabulin with its antiviral and anti-imflammatory properties “appears to work so well on critically ill COVID-19 patients that the drug’s maker (VERU) stopped its clinical trial early and will apply for emergency authorization (because) it’s the first drug to demonstrate clinically and statistically meaningful reduction in deaths in hospitalized patients with moderate to severe COVID-19.” Sincerely, Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

This letter to the Editor was sent to ROLLING STONE on April 21, 2022.

Letter to the Editor: Why are you, Ryan Bort and Piers Morgan obsessed with convincing people there was no fraud in the 2020 election (see Ryan Bort’s “Trump Throws Tantrum After Piers Morgan Asks Him About 2020 Election Lies”, but you censor information to the contrary? Have you told your readers about Jay Valentine’s “Meet the Technology That’s Uncovering 2020’s Voter Fraud” (American Thinker, November 29, 2021)? And have you told your readers what former Psychology Today editor, Dr. Robert Epstein, found? He’s a liberal who said he was glad that Biden won, but says he’s “horrified” at how it was done. He also said, “We are no longer a democracy” (listen to him at Sincerely, Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

This letter to the Editor was sent to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL on April 27, 2022.

Letter to the Editor: Re your editorial today, “Abortion and the Supreme Court,” in reading it carefully, I did not find a single thing that did not seem logical. However, I still believe your conclusion was incorrect. Roe v. Wade was a decision written by Justice Blackmun based primarily upon a penumbra rather than the wording of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, the primary applicable section of which was written by Rep. John Bingham. He specifically indicated it derived from the 5th Amendment, and by the word “person” meant any human being based upon rights “endowed by the Creator” in the Declaration of Independence. And one is obviously “created” prior to birth, but Blackmun’s penumbra conferred Constitutional personhood at birth. This cries out for correction, and it is likely that Justice Thomas will remind the other Justices that we should not return the issue of abortion to the states, just as we should not return the issue of slavery to each state. Thus, a majority of the High Court should use the Dobbs case to reverse Roe. Sincerely, Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D. (advised the Solicitor-Generals on cases and arguments, including abortion, before the Supreme Court during the Reagan administration), Raleigh, NC

This letter to the Editor was sent to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL on June 7, 2022.

To the Editor: Re your excellent editorial “The Georgetown Law Purge” and Ilya Shapiro’s “Why I Quit Georgetown” (6/7), I suffered similarly. In August 1982, I was a beginning instructor at UNC-Chapel Hill, and the head of the History Department told me no college or university was ever going to hire me, because I had on my resume an article against court-ordered busing in The Washington Post. So the next month, I went to the Reagan administration specifically to end forced busing and met future Chief Justice John Roberts. For decades, the courts and academic elites did not understand that racial-balanced busing required the minority population to be bused in inverse proportion to the majority, therefore massively discriminating against Blacks. I developed a solution satisfactory to everyone which was first instituted in Norfolk, and Black academic achievement increased, next similarly in Oklahoma City. Sincerely, Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

This letter to the Editor was sent to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL on May 22, 2022.

Letter to the Editor: Re Tunku Veradarajan’s opinion column about Profs. Barnett’s and Bernick’s book, “The Original Meaning of the 14th Amendment,” he mentions Bernick’s reference to Brown v. Board of Education which resulted in decades-long court-ordered busing that discriminated against Blacks, which during the Reagan administration I ended. Barnett and Bernick also refer to the 1873 Slaughter-House cases, from which I quoted in my essay on “Personhood and the 14th Amendment,” written with help from John T. Dowd, whose wife Aggie was William F. Buckley, Jr.’s researcher for “Firing Line” on PBS. In these cases, Justice Stephen Field wrote “The 14th Amendment was intended to give practical effect to the Declaration of 1776 of inalienable rights which are the gift of the Creator, and which law does not confer, but only recognizes.” Justice John Bingham drafted the first section of the 14th Amendment referring to “depriving any person of life,” and said “person” meant “any and every human being.” This applies to Barnett’s references to the upcoming Mississippi abortion case to be heard by the High Court on December 1. Roe v. Wade absurdly confers constitutional “personhood” at birth (a variable point), which is contradicted by the original intent of the 14th Amendment as stated above, because one is obviously “created” prior to birth! Sincerely, Dennis Cuddy

This letter to the Editor was sent to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL on May 27, 2022.

To the Editor of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Re the Opinion column (5/27) of U.S. Reps. Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan titled, “Why We Won’t Talk to the Jan. 6 Committee,” they are exactly right, and they should also include the hypocrisy of Speaker Pelosi and her fellow Democrats. First, Speaker Pelosi said re the 100,000 rioters who took over the capitol of Wisconsin that “it was a great display of democracy in action” and she was “in solidarity with them.” Secondly, she said she did not know why there weren’t “uprisings” (synonym “insurrections”) across the U.S. re President Trump’s policies at the southern border. And thirdly, she and the Democrats supported the August 2020 protest at the White House which turned into an insurrection using bats, clubs, bottles, fireworks and body fluids, injuring 60 Secret Service agents and hospitalizing 11 of them! Sincerely, Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

This letter to the Editor was sent to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL on June 7, 2022.

To the Editor: Re your excellent editorial “The Georgetown Law Purge” and Ilya Shapiro’s “Why I Quit Georgetown” (6/7), I suffered similarly. In August 1982, I was a beginning instructor at UNC-Chapel Hill, and the head of the History Department told me no college or university was ever going to hire me, because I had on my resume an article against court-ordered busing in The Washington Post. So the next month, I went to the Reagan administration specifically to end forced busing and met future Chief Justice John Roberts. For decades, the courts and academic elites did not understand that racial-balanced busing required the minority population to be bused in inverse proportion to the majority, therefore massively discriminating against Blacks. I developed a solution satisfactory to everyone which was first instituted in Norfolk, and Black academic achievement increased, next similarly in Oklahoma City. Sincerely, Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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If January 6th Had Been a Real “Insurrection”

By Lex Greene

June 24, 2022

…Not a single anti-American socialist democrat would remain in DC power today. Half of the republicans who are actually democrats in RNC disguise, would be gone as well.

If this many Americans had gone to Washington DC to “overthrow the government” in any armed “insurrection,” there are not enough cops or combat ready troops to have stopped it. This many Americans can do anything they want, anytime they want, and frankly, by any means they want.

This alone proves that the events of January 6th, 2021, had nothing to do with any “insurrection” or attempt to “overthrow” the government. It also proves how just such a show of unified indignation, scares the living hell out of every evildoer in DC. They NEVER want to see anything like this ever again.

AND…they sure aim to disarm every decent, honest, productive, law-abiding American Citizen, before such a gathering happens again!

Still, socialist democrats are wasting more taxpayer money with yet another wild witch hunt, with a blatant clear intent to simply make it difficult for Trump to ever seek office again, or for the people of the USA to ever execute their Right and Duty to remove from power, a government which is destructive of freedom, liberty, sovereignty, and security.

Since June 16, 2015, when Trump rode down the escalator to announce his political bid for the Oval Office, far left democrat lunatics have tried everything under the sun to destroy Trump, his family, his businesses, and his future. Repeated attempts all failed miserably, time and again. Every effort was instead, proven to be a pure political witch hunt based on false accusations, backed by fake evidence, solicited, and paid for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democrat Party.

Yet here we are again! Because it’s entirely impossible to sell January 6th events as any “insurrection” with a serious face, or even a “riot” by BLM and ANTIFA standards, congressional democrats have stopped using the term “insurrection” in their latest fake investigation, hoping many Americans will at least accept the equally false term, “riot.”

Meanwhile, countless political prisoners from that day remain in Biden’s gulag and more people are headed there, for allegedly “trespassing” on public property. Of course, it’s not possible to trespass on public property, because public property is owned by, well, the public. A property owner cannot trespass on their own property. They have a right to be there!

Most recently, the Biden regime arrested Dr. Simone Gold, leader of the Frontline Doctors group that has been spreading the TRUTH about COVID19 with thousands of other honest doctors, nurses and scientists.

UNDERSTAND: There is no proof at all that a single life has been saved by any of the COVID19 “vaccines.” No one can “prove” why someone didn’t die. However, there is a mountain of growing evidence that thousands or maybe millions of lives have been lost or ruined as a direct result of the so-called “vaccines.” The new “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” is the new label for vaccine related deaths.

Dr. Simone Gold and thousands of other reliable medical professionals from all over the globe have been proven right. Gold was simply speaking truth at the Trump Rally on January 6th. Christopher Cooper, U.S. district judge for the District of Columbia, sentenced Gold on Thursday to a 60-day prison term followed by 12 months of supervised release and ordered her to pay a $9,500 fine. Cooper was appointed to the bench by Barack Hussein Obama and is merely a rubber stamp for Obama’s political prisoners.

Likewise, evidence has shown that “mass-shootings” only happen in “gun-free zones,” where the criminal shooter is the only person armed. It’s therefore counterintuitive to suggest that disarming all legal lawful citizens can solve the problem.

As I finish this piece for release, the US Supreme Court just issued a ruling against New York’s effort to continue disarming their lawful citizens.

“In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense. We too agree, and now hold, consistent with Heller and McDonald, that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the Court’s opinion. “Because the State of New York issues public-carry licenses only when an applicant demonstrates a special need for self-defense, we conclude that the State’s licensing regime violates the Constitution.” (SOURCE)

Now, in the case of the picture above from January 6, 2021… this picture is worth at least a billion words! Imagine if all of those people had been a part of any “armed insurrection” or even a BLM-ANTIFA riot… No one could have stopped them from doing anything they wanted to do that day, especially since House Speaker Pelosi had declined any special security measures offered by President Trump for that day.

No, there was no insurrection and no riot in DC on January 6, 2021. But these facts have had no impact at all on yet another expensive DNC circus stunt intended to mislead millions of Americans into voting themselves and everyone else back into bondage, under the false propaganda aimed at destroying Trump and every Trump supporter.

The picture tells all that needs to be told on the matter. This many armed angry Americans could have overthrown the DC criminal cabal that day if that’s what they had set out to accomplish. No one could have stopped it.

So, what are WE going to do about the continued open fraudulent assault on innocent freedom and liberty loving Americans, playing out on pretty much every news network, all of whom know the truth? Without the frauds in Congress and their lying minions in the news media, none of this could be happening. Without severe consequences for their actions, this is the new norm in the USA, an entire federal government and news media weaponized against every American citizen who dare to disagree.

Are YOU willing to accept these unconstitutional new norms for yourself, your loved ones, and all future generations? If you’re not, then it’s time to stand together against blatant unconstitutional tyranny from the halls of our own illegitimate government. According to our Charters of Freedom, such a government has no lawful right to exist…

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Governed by Ninnies

by Lee Duigon

June 23, 2022

If you’re looking to banish sleep some night, you can do no better than to imagine Vice President (heaven help us) Kamala Harris, by some unforeseen calamity, becoming president.

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich has dropped his share of goofy comments, but when he recently discoursed on the fitness of our vice president, he was right on target. (Sorry, the link doesn’t work; you can find the clip on YouTube.)

In addition to being “crazy enough to satisfy the Left,” Harris, said the Speaker, “is the first product of our teacher union/woke education system to get anywhere.” She “knows nothing, and doesn’t know how to learn anything,” and is oblivious to whatever’s going on around her. In short, she’s a ninnie. And she’s got a lot of company.

If there’s one thing our schools and colleges do well, it’s to crank out an inexhaustible supply of nincompoops, many of whom will someday be called upon to run our business and our government. If you think our country’s in trouble now, with only a few of these dindles calling the shots, wait a few years. And if that doesn’t scare you silly, you’d better check to see if you can fog a mirror.

One thing King COVID did was to shut down a lot of public schools and colleges, resulting in an all-time high of families opting for homeschooling. Their number has quadrupled.

But! Will we have enough homeschooled young people to carry this country on their shoulders when they grow up, rather than let it fall into the fumbling, feckless paws of characters like Kamala Harris? What? You don’t think she’s that awful? Have you taken a look at our southern border lately? She’s supposed to be in charge of that!  Oh—and now she’s also going to be in charge of protecting our ham-fisted button-brained public figures and journalists from Internet “harassment and abuse.” Never mind gas prices going up to $10 a gallon! What we’ve really got to do is protect our idiots from criticism. Like that fat guy with the wig and nail polish who calls himself a woman and has a high office in our Dept. of Health. And he’s only one of many.

Once upon a time at the Indiana State Fair you had to pay 25 cents to see such people in the freak show. Now they’re in our government. And “teaching” (LOL!) in our public schools.

Well, college enrollment nationwide is down 4.1 percent. That’s a good thing: not enough, but we have to start somewhere. The good news is that the only type of higher education experiencing record growth is “conservative religious schools”. Don’t tell me that surprises you.

Imagine a whole country taken over, lock, stock, and barrel with chumps who have degrees in Intersectional Feminist Ping-Pong Studies. Who cares if no one can land a plane safely anymore? All we care about is the racial component of our aviation and transportation industries! And let’s make sure we have plenty of tax money set aside for Pregnant Persons who still have penises.

We now have a (ahem!) “president” who’s spent his whole adult life in Washington and the only thing he’s learned is how to duck responsibility and shift blame onto others. While picking up a bit of dirty money on the side. That’s all he’s got to offer.

But what does the Democrat Party have to offer us, when it’s time to elect a new president? Imagine Kamala being the cream of the crop. Imagine leaders who make her look like Dwight D. Eisenhower.

I wonder how we sleep at night.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit before they cart us off to a re-education camp. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Part 3: Interesting Responses To My Commentaries: Flood The USA With Third World Refugees

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 23, 2022

Part 3:  The goal is to flood the USA with 100 different 3rd world dependents and cause a destruction of our Constitution.  

Without a doubt, the United States stands eyeball deep in trouble in 2022.  It’s not only the gas prices, food prices and tremendous political divide—it’s also about the loss of the rule of law, common decency of citizens toward one another in the big cities, and most importantly, a loss of loyalty to our country.  Our kids don’t respect our flag, don’t understand the worth of our Constitution and frivolously remain addicted to their cell phones.

Thankfully, Top Gun—Maverick hit the theaters recently to rave reviews as to the fact that it wasn’t racially divisive, but provided positive patriotism, honored America, and enjoyed a love story.  We all want that! Well, most of us do, a least. Probably not BLM, Antifa and La Raza.

Unfortunately, there are too many individuals and groups that want to tear down our country.  As I said in the latest columns, we need STRICT enforcement of our laws—and severe jail time for criminals.  I mean slam them into their own personal jail cell to scare the rest of those thugs into becoming law-abiding citizens.

Let’s face it, Jussie Smollett tried to create a race war with his “noose” and two other immigrants “beating him up”, and then, he lied like Al Capone, but he was found guilty…but he’s still walking around on appeal.  He needs to be slammed into jail and taught a lesson.  So do the rest of the thugs, liars, cheats, killers and arsonists!  We need to stop them from their anarchist activities.

Here’s a response to one of my commentaries on “Uvalde Shooting”:

ALL of the entities you have been knocking on are not going to answer.  Upton Sinclair 100 years ago wrote “Brass Check”. He chronicled the takeover of ALL independent media of the day by Rothschild’s agents.  That got the US into WW-1.

The goal is to flood the USA with 100 different 3rd world dependents and cause a destruction of our Constitution.  

I feel your frustration and live it every day.  Growing up in Miami I have lived it.  The slow burn immigration problem has just had gas dumped on it with the removal of Trump and the new puppet Biden installed.  This is all intentional and controlled by City of London debt/slave crime cartel!

As we age, our replacements grow up never knowing what WE had here in our country.  We are the remnants, but we are being ignored.  I feel for my children and what they will have to deal with after I’m gone.

Paper ballot elections hand counted and total elimination of corporate funding of campaigns is the ONLY hope to change out the communists in DC.  If the ballot box fails it will be the ammo box that will eventually stop this. JE, Florida

This response has to do with my commentary on the fact that we don’t possess enough water, energy and resources in America to sustain another 100 million immigrants projected by 2050:


Nobody talks about this reality—we’re running out of water at a high rate of speed.  The West continues in an eight year “exceptional drought.”  The Colorado River cannot continue sustaining 40,000,000 people in California.

Soon the intake pipes at the Hoover dam will be exposed.  The massive turbines will starve, and the entire region will go dark.

There is no viable replacement for the mega power generated.  Las Vegas will go dark, no A/C and no way to pump water and sewage.

Nature has a way of balancing things.  Pics from my cockpit on recent approach to Las Vegas.  I have been watching the lake drop for past 25 years. JE, airline pilot, Florida

(Photograph by the response writer with permission.)

As to one of my commentaries on “Endless legal and illegal immigration”:


Apparently, no one gives a rats-rear-end…because this horrific number of people will continue exploding into our country without pause and without reason…until there are no solutions as to water, energy and resources.  Honest to God, I’ve tried to interview on 60 Minutes, NPR with Terry Gross and Scott Simon, PBS, NBC, CBS, ABC, Tucker Carlson, Anderson Cooper and many more—for over 20 years.  And, I am a darned excellent speaker on this subject.

He responded, “There is a 100-year-old book by Upton Sinclair, “Brass Check”   He exposed and documented the globalist takeover of all media of the day.  Every major paper and radio station has an editor that feeds and edits the content.  Same today.  All the treasonous subjects you mentioned are all controlled.  They allow opposing views like Carlson but they all, including Rush, are under 100% control of their handlers.  It would be a cold day in hell for you to ever get to speak.  If you do be ready to get bushwhacked.”

As I’ve offered for over 20 years, these two videos need to be seen by every American, every governor, every senator and every college and high school student.  This is what everyone faces within the next 28 years if not much sooner.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Joe Biden: A Crypto CFR member?

By Servando Gonzalez

June 23, 2022

In an address to the United States Senate in three parts, June 29, June 30 and July 1, 1992, “On the Threshold of the New World Order: The Wilsonian Vision and American Foreign Policy in the 1990’s and Beyond,” then Senator Joseph R. Biden said,

“When the peace conference convened at Versailles in 1919, Woodrow Wilson presented, to a world desperately eager to hear it, America’s second vision of a new order. The first American vision —the Founders’ vision— had concerned the establishment of a just new order within nations through institutions of democracy. The second American vision —Wilson’s vision— concerned the establishment of a just new order among nations through institutions of cooperation.

… Modern-day conservatives who are instinctively frightened by the Wilsonian vision have propounded a mythical image of Woodrow Wilson as a dangerously naive idealist. Idealist he was. But there was no naiveté in the Wilsonian vision. As history soon proved, the danger lay in a failure to implement what Wilson proposed.

… How is it, then, that the United States failed so conspicuously and so fatefully to join the League of Nations that Woodrow Wilson himself had designed and advanced as the ultimate protection against future cynicism and future cataclysm?

… With that turn of history, the League of Nations was doomed and a new world was born, but not a new world order.

… Now, as the century nears it close, the near-universal repudiation of the totalitarian idea has removed the last great obstacle to the Wilsonian vision.”

Senator Joseph Biden did not explain, however, how this “near-universal repudiation of the totalitarian idea” could bring about the totalitarian “Wilsonian vision” of Edward Mandell House. Apparently, Biden ignored, or wanted us to ignore, that Wilson had no ideas of his own. His controller, Col. House had implanted all of them in his impressionable mind. Wilson himself publicly admitted it when he said,

“Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one.”

In his book The Strangest Friendship in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House, author George Sylvester Viereck mentioned that it was House, not Wilson, who made the slate for the Cabinet. House also planned the first policies of the Administration and practically directed the foreign affairs of the United States.

Biden also forgot to mention that Col. House was an agent of a group of international bankers and a founding father of the treasonous Council on Foreign Relations. Eventually, Wilson discovered the true nature and goal of the “Colonel” who betrayed him, regretted his actions and, before his death, stated:

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

He was talking about the Federal Reserve Act, passed by the 63rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913. The law created the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States. the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States.

Some people see globalization as an attempt to extend corporate monopoly control over the entire globe, over every national economy, over every local economy, over every life. But that’s not the whole truth. Actually, globalization is just a tool for the implementation on a global scale of a process of destruction of industrial civilization, resulting in a sort of neo-feudalism, with only two social classes: the super rich and the super poor.

Strangely, this world without sovereign nations, where the super poor will be forced to live just above subsistence (sustainable) levels, is not too different from the aberration Fidel Castro successfully implemented in Cuba. Paradoxically, most “progressive” Americans were proud of their regressive admiration of Castro’s policies —which are nothing but a testing ground for the corporate monopoly conspiracy they claim to oppose.

In the same fashion, some liberals see imperialism as an expansionist form of capitalism, though they usually make the distinction that they are not talking about mom and pop stores competing among each other, but about the big financial institutions and the transnational corporations. Like Lenin, they see imperialism as a superior phase of capitalism. According to them, you cannot talk about imperialism without talking about capitalism.

But they are dead wrong. Actually, you can talk about imperialism without talking about capitalism, because imperialism, the direct product of monopoly capitalism, actually is not capitalism at all, but another form of socialism —the political system liberal progressives love so much. In fact, most of the evils attributed to capitalism are not of its own, but the result of socialist, anticapitalist features surreptitiously infiltrated inside capitalism by the monopoly globalists.

For sure, one of the most useful and beneficial characteristics of capitalism is competition. Yet, contrary to what most people may think, the person who said, “Competition is a sin,” was not Marx, Lenin, or Mao, but John D. Rockefeller. Therefore, monopoly capitalism is nothing but socialism in disguise. One outcome of the Draconian measures implemented to “protect” us from alleged dangerous virus was the elimination of true capitalist businesses by declaring them “non-essential.”

Searching on the web, I found that even though Joe Biden was invited on some occasions to share his ideas with key CFR members, he is not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. So, what did he try to accomplish with such a passionate address to the U.S. Congress? Was he just looking to get an invitation to join the Sancta Sanctorum of America’s true political power? We know that the CFR has secret members. Is Joe Biden one of them?

I don’t have an answer to such questions, but what becomes clear is that, as early as 1992, opportunist Joe Biden discovered which side the political bread is buttered on in the U.S. and acted accordingly. He benefited enormously from his discovery. As the saying goes, hard work always pays off, whatever you do.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

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Government Giving a Month of Celebration to What American Laws & Bible Condemn

By Bradlee Dean

June 22, 2022

“Sex before eight before it’s too late” -North American Man Boy Love Association motto, Seen holding signs during homosexual pride parades

It should be of interest to the American people to know for what the government today is allowed to advocate, by the people, is against the laws of our union, as well as the One that established this governmental institution (Exodus 18:25), which, in turn, makes them criminal.

No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.” -William Blackstone

Yet, everything for which the government pays falls to the people that are working to pay for it, namely you and me.  If not corrected, this will be to our own demise (Genesis 19:24; Numbers 32:23).

Why is this a month of pride as it is called, when the Lawgiver Himself condemns it (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:24; Jude 1:7)?  Where are the American people at when it comes to holding their said representatives accountable to the laws (Romans 3:31)?

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” -Proverbs 14:34

We all know to whom this is aimed, the children (Luke 17:2).

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

[Rumble Video]

Conclusion: Maybe this video will help the American people understand where this is all coming from.

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Stay the Course, for the Goal Is in Sight!

by Rolaant McKenzie

June 21, 2022

Whenever the Olympic games take place, I especially enjoy the opening and closing ceremonies. It is wonderful seeing athletes from all over the world wearing the distinctive garb of their countries and carrying their national flags.

During the opening ceremonies, it is customary for the athletes of the many participating nations to march into the stadium under their own nations’ flags. This is in preparation for the national teams to compete against each other to gain glory for their respective countries. In contrast, during the closing ceremonies flag bearers of the nations proceed into the stadium together followed by the athletes from the countries those flags represent. The athletes come into the stadium as one body singing, dancing, and celebrating their common bond that they participated in the Olympic games, no matter to what nation they belonged.

It is like Van Halen’s rendition of the song Dancing in the Street (originally sung by Martha & the Vandellas), where people from all over the world get out into the streets and swing and sway to sweet music, expressing their joy of life and celebrating it with each other.

Armin Van Buuren, the famous Dutch DJ, is known worldwide for his very energetic progressive trance and dance-pop music concerts. It is obvious the joy he feels as he brings joy to his hearers. Armin dances as he controls the synthesizer and other equipment rolling out the show. The lights and music amaze and excite the crowd as they dance together waving flags from nations around the world.

In a small way this reminds me of the joy that will be when Jesus returns and takes from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues a great multitude which no one will be able to count home to heaven (Revelation 7:9-17), where with great joy they will sing, dance, and celebrate as they make their way down the streets of gold praising and thanking God. Praising Him as the Creator and Sustainer of all things and thanking Him for sending Jesus, His one and only Son, who redeemed them from their sins, the devil, and his minionswho had tormented them on earth.

In the 2006 epic historical action film 300, Leonidas, King of Sparta, led 300 Spartan warriors during the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC) in a seemingly hopeless fight to defend his home against the army of King Xerxes of Persia more than 1,000 times the size.

In a pivotal scene, Leonidas met personally with Xerxes, who offered him great wealth and power if only he would kneel and worship him.Leonidas refused Xerxes’ offer, choosing instead to meet death with his fellow warriors defending their home. He further told him that contrary to being forgotten, history would remember that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and that in the end all would know that Xerxes was no god at all.

Ephialtes, a Spartan who was turned away from joining Leonidas in the fight against the Persian invaders due to a physical deformity that prevented him from holding up his shield high enough, became embittered and made a different choice. He defected to Xerxes, who offered him wealth, luxury, women, and a military uniform if only he would kneel and worship him and tell him of the hidden pathway where he could trap and destroy Leonidas and his men. Ephialtes, awed by and desirous to partake of the splendor around him, prostrated himself before Xerxes and worshiped him, thus betraying his countrymen.

The first scene in 300 is reminiscent of another temptation that took place long ago that has made an indelible mark in history.

“The devil took Him [Jesus] to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, ‘All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.'” (Matthew 4:8-10)

Because Jesus refused the devil’s offer to gain rulership of the world by avoiding suffering and death on the cross, all who trust in Him have complete forgiveness of their sins and an eternal place in His universal kingdom with all its unfading glory.

In contrast, global elitists such as some of those affiliated with organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bilderberg Group may have responded to the offer of wealth and power in a similar fashion as Ephialtes by bending the knee to the “god” of this world (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). In doing so, they serve a defeated lord for a kingdom that will not last but will be destroyed and replaced by the eternal kingdom of the Resurrected One, the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.

God’s people throughout history up to current times, have faced tests to their faith and temptations to compromise their fidelity to Jesus. Like Xerxes in 300, the devil will come to us and dangle something in front of our eyes we desire, or feel is indispensable to life in this world. It could be wealth, power, position, something, or someone. He will whisper in your ear,

“Do you want this? All you must do is kneel to me and this will be yours.”

Do not listen to him! Satan is a liar, thief, and murderer. You cannot bargain with someone who seeks your destruction no matter what. Instead, trust in the One who gives freely abundant life, eternal life. Jesus says,

“I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” (John 10:9-11)

Subtle or clear, whatever tests come or their level of difficulty, God’s grace is sufficient to carry us successfully through them just as it was for His faithful believers gone home to heaven before us. This is an encouragement for all who trust in Jesus alone for forgiveness of their sins and salvation to press on with the race to the not-so-distant finish line.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” (1 Peter 1:3-5)

One of the most memorable scenes at the end of the 2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony at Fisht Olympic Stadium in Sochi, Russia was the end of the Olympic torch relay leading up to the lighting of the Olympic cauldron.

Former award-winning figure skater Irina Rodnina took the torch and was met by former champion ice hockey goalkeeper Vladislav Tretiak, handing the torch to him. On both sides of the long path leading out of the stadium to the cauldron were all those who previously participated in the program. It was moving to watch them cheer on Tretiak and Rodnina as they jogged out of the stadium to the culmination of the program, the lighting of the cauldron.

This reminded me of the great cloud of witnesses described in Hebrews 11-12:1-3, whose stories encourage us to remain faithful to God and stay in the race until the finish line is crossed.

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Do not give way to even intense pressure or throw in the towel. Bend not the knee to Baal or Molech, or receive thirty pieces of silver, or drop the pinch of incense to Caesar. Do not cast aside the approval of God for the approval of men (John 12:42-43). Bow not to the powers and principalities in this world that animate the elitists seeking global domination over all life (Ephesians 6:11-13). Persevere, standing firm with hope in the Lord. It really is worth it!

“For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:4-6)

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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“Under The Color of Law”

By Andrew C Wallace

June 21, 2022

Title 18 USC Sec. 241 and 242

Majority Of Federal  Elected Officials, Bureaucrats and Judges Exercise Power “UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW” in Violation of ENUMERATED POWERS IN THE CONSTITUTION


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death

My objective as a patriot writer is to inform people of the truth that is not readily available in the schools or media. In the process I hope to help preclude armed revolt like the French Reign of Terror which many think is a near term certainty if nothing changes.

Elected Officials, Bureaucrats and Judges are enforcing laws that are unconstitutional  because they are not authorized by the “Enumerated Powers” of the Constitution. They are ruling unlawfully “Under the Color of Law”.

The Constitution under the “Enumerated Powers” allows federal government to ONLY pass laws related to Immigration, Defense, Foreign Relations, Post Office, Commerce, Currency and some house keeping functions. This means that a majority of federal departments, agencies and related laws are unconstitutional usurpations of state powers and their enforcement is “Under the Color of Law”.

Our Constitution gave the federal government no police powers in the states, absolutely none. Constitution specifies that “federal laws” are to be enforced by the Militia of the Several States. But  elected officials abolished the Militia with the unconstitutional Dick Act. So we are left with the costly, corrupt, incompetent FBI, Justice Department and Judiciary.

In November 2021 the FBI raided the homes of Project Veritas Journalists based upon a warrant issued by a federal judge for theft which is a state crime over which the FBI and Federal Judges have no  authority. This is but one example of countless deprivations of our Constitutional Rights by rogue members of our government. These reporters made at least three mistakes, they allowed entry to their homes, talked to agents without a lawyer being present and didn’t bring charges against the agents.

The federal government is spending twice as much as it gets in taxes with the Private Federal Reserve Bank printing the balance. The resulting inflation is destroying the average citizen but enriching the Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). Our economy is being destroyed along with the value of our money. At this rate those on Social Security, fixed income and government charity will STARVE.

It is my opinion, and that of many others that starvation and death are the only things that will convert the ignorant from a lifetime of Communist indoctrination..

The thought of starving gangs of Communists who think the world owes them a living, roaming the streets looting, burning and killing is really scary. Many patriotic Americans would die, but most of the Communists will be dead. This is not a wild forecast; we have already seen it done, financed by the large corporations. and protected by corrupt officials.

Everyone wants to know what can be done when federal law enforcement and the courts are corrupt? The ultimate answer is Guerrilla Warfare, but I certainly am not advocating this bloody solution. There must be other ways. You could charge federal officials with operating “Under the Color of law” when they do it. But what corrupt federal law enforcement official would arrest them and what corrupt judge would try them.

The answer may be in using  the Militia of the Several States. The most comprehensive and authoritative information  on the Militia of the Several states can be found in the extensive writings of Dr. Edwin Vieira Jr.

We know that the PSRRC  is destroying our country to  make way for the New World Order, nothing else makes any since.

We can’t give the PSRRC what they want . If you get nothing else from this paper I want you to know who controls everything, most people don’t have a clue. The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC)  own the stock controlling the large corporations which,in turn, control government, media, banks and most everything else. Nothing changes because both parties are paid by the PSRRC.

The PSRRC existed before our founding and  was called the nobility in Europe. When the French faced a situation similar to the one we will soon face, their solution was the “French Reign of Terror” when they cut off the heads of all the nobility they could find.

God Bless Our Constitution

© 2022 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Money, Speech, and Federal Overreach

By Paul Engel

June 20, 2022

  • When does spend money become speech?
  • Does Congress have the legal authority to regulate loans made by a candidate to their campaign?
  • What are the long term consequences of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

Have you ever considered how money relates to speech? The federal government has. One of the issues with federal election law is the limitation on the use of money for a candidate to get their message out. What does the case FEC v Cruz have to do with free speech? More important, what does it show about the state of elections in America?

During his 2018 reelection campaign, in compliance with federal law, Senator Ted Cruz loaned his campaign $260,000. To repay this loan, along with other campaign debts, federal laws allows campaigns to receive contributions after Election Day. According to Section 304 of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), the amount of loans that a candidate can be repaid from the campaign is limited to $250,000. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has promulgated regulations that allow the repayment of loans above the $250,000 threshold as long as repayment happens with 20 days of the election.

The campaign committee began repaying Mr. Cruz’s loans after the 20-day post-election window. It therefore repaid the maximum allowed by FEC regulation of $250,000. Mr. Cruz and the campaign committee filed suit in Federal District Court, alleging that this law violates the First Amendment. The District Court granted Mr. Cruz and the campaign committee’s request for summary judgement on their constitutional claim. The District Court held that the loan-repayment limitations burdens political speech without sufficient justification. The District Court also ordered the challenges to the regulation to be dismissed as moot. The federal government appealed this decision to the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Opinion

Section 304 of BCRA burdens core political speech without proper justification.

Federal Election Commission V. Ted Cruz For Senate Et Al. Opinion

The court found that the loan repayment section of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act burdens “speech” without proper justification. Let’s dig into that a little further.

The loan-repayment limitation abridges First Amendment rights by burdening candidates who wish to make expenditures on behalf of their own candidacy through personal loans. Restricting the sources of funds that campaigns may use to repay candidate loans increases the risk that such loans will not be repaid in full, which, in turn, deters candidates from loaning money to their campaigns. This burden is no small matter. Debt is a ubiquitous tool for financing electoral campaigns, especially for new candidates and challengers. By inhibiting a candidate from using this critical source of campaign funding, Section 304 raises a barrier to entry—thus abridging political speech.

Federal Election Commission V. Ted Cruz For Senate Et Al. Opinion

In other words, the ability to use money in a campaign is a form of speech. I do see an indirect correlation, since campaign funds are used to fund speaking engagements, but does that directly link spending to speech? After all, isn’t it more accurate to say that limiting the ability to spend money abridges the freedom of the press?

The art or business of printing and publishing.

Press – Websters 1828 Dictionary

It’s not so much that money allows you to speak, but it allows you to publish your ideas.

To discover or make known to mankind or to people in general what before was private or unknown; to divulge, as a private transaction; to promulgate or proclaim, as a law or edict.

Publish – Websters 1828 Dictionary

By the court’s logic, all communication is considered speech. So any law that directly or indirectly deters communication is an abridgment of speech. However, the court has also long held that government can abridge speech, as long as it’s for a good enough reason.

The Government has not demonstrated that the loan-repayment limitation furthers a permissible goal. Any law that burdens First Amendment freedoms, even slightly, must be justified by a permissible interest.

Federal Election Commission V. Ted Cruz For Senate Et Al. Opinion

In other words, it’s not that Congress cannot pass a law that abridges speech, but that it must be for a goal the court finds permissible.

The only permissible ground for restricting political speech recognized by this Court is the prevention of quid pro quo” corruption or its appearance.

Federal Election Commission V. Ted Cruz For Senate Et Al. Opinion

In this case, the government argues that repaying the candidate’s loan raises a heightened risk of corruption. I, like the court, don’t see how that could be so. First of all, the candidate is not simply asking for money from the campaign, but the repayment of a loan. If you lent someone money, but the government prevented them from repaying you the full amount simply because they had passed some arbitrary due date, you wouldn’t find that just, would you? Secondly, while the campaign can continue to collect contributions, which are used for, among other things, paying back loans to the campaign, those contributions are capped at $2,900 per election. That means that the loan repayment limitation of Section 304 is just another layer of regulation, and therefore, not necessary.

As a fallback argument, the Government analogizes post-election contributions used to repay a candidates loans to gifts because they enrich the candidate as opposed to the campaigns treasury. But this analogy is meaningful only if the baseline is that the campaign will default.

Federal Election Commission V. Ted Cruz For Senate Et Al. Opinion

I love this one… paying back a loan is suddenly a gift. I think I’ll remember that the next time I borrow money from a bank. Congress basically is demanding that campaigns default on certain loans because they are afraid it might look bad.

The Rest of the Story

While the court focused on the impact of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act on campaign speech, I want to look at the constitutionality of the act itself. Does Congress have the legal authority to regulate campaign finances for the election of U.S. Senators?

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 4

The legislature of each state is supposed to set the time, places, and manner of elections for Senators and Representatives, but Congress may change the rules. Well, for everything but the place of choosing Senators, that is prescribed by the Constitution. Mr. Cruz was a U.S. Senator running for re-election, Obviously campaign finance laws do not involve the times or places of holding the election. But does the method of financing an election fall under that manner of holding elections?

Form; method; way of performing or executing.

Manner Websters 1828 Dictionary

While I can see how financing could be part of how we execute elections, I think it’s pushing what the Framers of the Constitution meant. The idea that the power to determine the times, places, and manner of choosing Senators and Representatives would reside in Congress certainly was a concern during the ratification debates.

What can be more defective than the clause concerning the elections? The control given to Congress over the time, place, and manner of holding elections, will totally destroy the end of suffrage.

The Debates In The Convention Of The Commonwealth Of Virginia, On The Adoption Of The Federal Constitution.

Mr. Wythe of Virginia went so far as to suggest the following amendment be included in the Bill of Rights:

That Congress shall not alter, modify, or interfere in the times, places, or manner of holding elections for senators and representatives, or either of them, except when the legislature of any state shall neglect, refuse, or be disabled, by invasion or rebellion, to prescribe the same.

The Debates In The Convention Of The Commonwealth Of Virginia, On The Adoption Of The Federal Constitution

So then why do we still have this language in the Constitution? James Madison explained on the floor of the federal convention:

The necessity of a Genl. Govt. supposes that the State Legislatures will sometimes fail or refuse to consult the common interest at the expense of their local conveniency or prejudices. The policy of referring the appointment of the House of Representatives to the people and not to the Legislatures of the States, supposes that the result will be somewhat influenced by the mode, This view of the question seems to decide that the Legislatures of the States ought not to have the uncontrolled right of regulating the times places & manner of holding elections. These were words of great latitude. It was impossible to foresee all the abuses that might be made of the discretionary power. Whether the electors should vote by ballot or vivâ voce, should assemble at this place or that place; should be divided into districts or all meet at one place, shad all vote for all the representatives; or all in a district vote for a number allotted to the district; these & many other points would depend on the Legislatures. and might materially affect the appointments. Whenever the State Legislatures had a favorite measure to carry, they would take care so to mold their regulations as to favor the candidates they wished to succeed. 

The Records Of The Federal Convention Of 1787

While there were concerns about Congress setting the manner of electing Representatives, there was also concern that those chosen to represent the people would be manipulated by the state legislatures based on their power to regulate how they are elected. I guess the Framers planned on Congress keeping its meddling with state elections to a minimum.


Should the funding of political campaigns be regulated? I’m not 100% sure. On the one hand, the ability to purchase media coverage to get ones message out is important, but unlimited funding could also be used to corrupt an election. I suppose, if the American people weren’t so easily swayed by the blatant bribery of our current campaign strategies, then how they were financed wouldn’t be as much as a problem. On the other hand, placing the controls on campaign financing in the hands of those who are elected by those campaigns isn’t much better either. After all, history has shown that those in Congress will tend to use such laws to advantage the incumbents or those within their political party whenever possible.

Did the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 burden the free speech of candidates? I’m not sure I would say it burdened free speech, but it certainly did place a burden on their freedom of press. It therefore violated the First Amendment. So while I disagree with the court on the question of freedom of speech, I do agree that the BCRA violates the First Amendment.

I think this case brings up the question of financing elections. Let’s face it, things have changed since the 18th century. As more and more people have become professional politicians, the need to regulate how they campaign has grown. As power has accumulated in our political class, the corruption of the election process was sure to follow. And as money has flowed into political campaigns, the temptation to use donations purchase influence has been gone along with it. It appears John Adams was correct:

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Part 2: Interesting Responses To My Commentaries: Great Points

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 20, 2022

Part 2: Serious topics we face.

Your responses prove compellingly powerful to me.  Everyone of us Americans provides the heartbeat of America.  Letters stream into my computer from truck drivers, nurses, mothers, fathers, military corporals and generals, teachers, construction workers, firemen, EMT’s, loggers, and SO many more down to earth Americans.

This response arrived about the “Absurdities Going on in America”:

Hello, Frosty Wooldridge!

I hope you’re still riding, and keeping the tires warm on that Bike!  Just wanted to write and let you know that I still love your articles, but I just don’t write about all of them (except to send them to my family). But this article about the absurdities of our times is one that really caught my attention.  You’ve hit the nail on the head again, drove it clear down and countersunk it with just one blow!  It is truly mind-boggling, just how ignorant our nation has become.  And I’m an old man, worried.

Our Federal Government and a minority of the elite are the cause of the declining spiral that we’re in.  It’s happened to us over the last 60 or 70 years, and it’s the majority’s fault for allowing it to occur… (and I do think I’m in that majority to be blamed for being silent continuously)… only for not wanting to take the flak that comes with rocking the boat.  But now my 82 years are telling me that there is only one way that things will ever possibly be turned around to set this – our – nation back on the right path.

Mark my words: Nothing will change unless some truly patriotic, God-fearing, field-grade, combat-trained military (or former) commanders decide to organize a truly constitutional militia, and use guns to either change, or totally remove, the present government, and re-instate the limited, Godly government the constitution proposed, and our founders began with.

Like I said, “Mark my words.”  Nothing but that will ever do it.  Or we are just doomed to become another Venezuela or Ukraine…I love you like my brother, Frosty.  Keep telling the truth!  (Even though I don’t believe enough people are yet understanding it.)  Be Blessed.  Allen. Childress, TX., U.S.A.

This response arrived from a judge in Nevada on my commentary as to the endless immigration invading our country:

Mr. Wooldridge:

The best thing that could happen for the United States and for all of humanity would be for the price of gasoline to reach $25 per gallon. An exploding human population using a finite resource will cause the price of the finite resource to increase– that is the law of supply and demand and that law cannot and will not be changed by humanity. Humanity has a choice— voluntarily contract the economy of the planet and voluntarily reduce the human population. Any attempt to maintain either or both population and economic growth must, and will, lead to the collapse of civilization and the deaths of billions. No matter what action may be taken by humanity there will be a reduction in the human population and the current level of economic activity at some time in the future The only questions are when and how those reductions will occur, but they will occur.

You need to help Americans understand their dilemma.  Jason GB.

Response on my commentary about “Abortion”:

Dear Mr. Wooldridge:

You’re one of my favorite commentators.  That being said,  the above referenced article is full of relevant information but misses the point why Roe vs Wade should be overturned.

The U.S. Constitution is the highest law of the land and does not give 9 justices the legal right to make a law that affects the whole country.  In addition, if one believes abortion is murder the people are made to pay for murdering the unborn with their tax dollars.

The correct thing to do is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs Wade and let each State decide the issue.   This is the only way boundaries can be put on this procedure.

Abortion, like prostitution, will always be with us.  But States can vote to limit abortions to the first (2nd or 3rd) trimester, or make the procedure illegal altogether.   States can vote to fund or defund the procedure.  Right now, the people have no voice.  And that is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Regards, Jean M. Dallas, TX

Response to the Uvalde shooting:


99.95% of all mass shootings that were NOT false flags have a common thread.  The perps were taking psychotropic drugs.  Paxil, Ritalin and the rest cancel the filters in the brain that prevent the behavior.  Since the controlled media is programmed to end gun ownership the MSM NEVER brings up this constant connection.

I downloaded and reviewed all mass shooting since 2000.  There is a direct correlation to these events as these medications began coming online.  This is just business, right?  A little collateral damage insignificant to big Pharma profits and the underlying goal of subjugating all Americans critical thinking.

We are now living the intentional dismantling of the remainder of the USA.  The Constitution has been ignored.  I see 2/3 of the US population dead in a couple years.  Cities need massive inflow.  Those structures are collapsing.

We are in Godless, lawless times.  There is zero justice. As a collective remnant that WE are, getting out of the way seems to be the only option.    I am done speaking to those that don’t listen or understand.  Your messages HAVE reached and enlightened many who get it.  At this point, seek self-help.   The USA and what was accomplished, what we lived is now just a memory in remnants like you and me.

In speaking with a retired cop friend, he says that places like LA, Chicago, New York, Miami are what cops call self-cleaning ovens.  As EBT cards stop, food stops, money system fails, like Rats in BF Skinner’s experiment, they will self-clean.  I see it beginning with massive uptick in violence in Miami.  The key is to be a couple tanks of gas away from any of those places.  Airline pilot

As you can see, tremendous passion and knowledge by these responses.  Thank you writing!

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Illegal Aliens Stealing Our Jobs, Food, Housing, Water, Clogging the Courts & Health Care System

By: Devvy

June 20, 2022

How many decades have we heard there’s 11 million illegal aliens in this country?  The more realistic number is 35-40 million.  Illegal aliens are called undocumented migrants by the prostitute media.  Federal agencies are no longer allowed to use the words illegal aliens.

Both sets of my grand parents came through Ellis Island legally.  There was no UNCONSTITUTIONAL federal welfare.  You worked or you didn’t eat.  Simple as that.  You came here AFTER passing a test in the country you were leaving demonstrating you could speak at least some English and had a doctor’s letter dated less than 30 days prior to getting on the ship you did not have TB (tuberculosis).Illegals invasion: Outbreaks include TB, measles, scabies, lice, dengue fever, leprosy  //  ICE Agent Blows the Whistle: Illegals Receiving Costly, Taxpayer-Funded Medical Treatments – Nothing has changed over the past three decades except YOU paying more and more taxes for these freeloaders – most illiterate and will remain on the dole from YOUR paycheck while working underground for cash.  ALL borrowed debt from the “FED”.

It does NOT matter if the illegal is from Mexico, South America, Ireland, Iraq, Canada, China or where ever – illegal means just that.  If you enter this country without permission, you have NO right to be on U.S. soil.  Period.  It has nothing to do with the worn-out racism charges against anyone who believes our immigration laws matter.

The invasion of illegals got so bad, President Eisenhower put his foot down and began rounding up illegals and deporting them.  Tens of thousands left on their own; in total about 1.2 MILLION were sent packing.

Then came good old Ronnie Regan who opened the flood gates with what he termed as the mother of all immigration bills that would permanently end the invasion.  What a liar.  What he did was open the flood gates which has created an on-going human invasion which has caused so much damage to this country.  Amnesty REWARDS and it’s a magnet for illegals.

Over the decades big corporations who want cheap labor, bol$tered by the whores at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have continued buying the favors of BOTH parties to keep cheap labor coming into this country.

Illegals steal jobs that belong to Americans (which includes naturalized Americans who went through the legal process), no question about that.  We’ve seen headlines – especially at meat packing plants where ICE used to round up hundreds of illegals for detention and then shipped out.

The usual propaganda has continued for decades that illegals will do work Americans won’t.  That’s a lie.  I had a friend in California, a contractor.  One day I brought up the illegals invasion stealing thousands of construction jobs.  He told me taxes were killing his business and barely making enough money to support his family so he was “forced” to hire illegals paying them cash daily because they would work for $50 bux a day.  I never spoke with him again.

What the people of California should have done decades ago is vote out the socialists and communists who have been running their state legislature for 50 years.  Instead, the state seduced millions with “free” everything after Prop. 187 was shot down by a partisan disgrace sitting on the bench.  Each of my columns listed at the bottom have a lot of links.  I know time is an issue for people but just scan them at the bottom of the columns while remembering BOTH parties did NOTHING to put a stop to the human invasion.  What Real Immigration Reform Means, Mine June 22,2014

“Art Torres, California Democratic Party chairman, at the Latino Summit Response to Prop 187 at U.C. Riverside (Jan. 14, 1995): “People say to me when I was on the Senate floor, when I was in the Senate, why do you fight so hard for affirmative action programs. And I tell my white colleagues: because you’re gonna need them. Remember, 187 is the last gasp of white America.”

“Two federal judges struck down the vote of the people in California, Prop. 187 and thus began the sickening looting of we the people – for the past 20 years:

“The goal of Proposition 187 was to make illegal aliens ineligible for public benefits. It came in the middle of a deep recession in California and was popular partly because the fiscal estimate from the California Legislative Analyst’s Office said that it would save the state about $200 million/year.

“Proposition 187’s approval was the first time that any American state passed legislation related to immigration. “The day after Proposition 187 was approved by the state’s voters, several groups filed federal lawsuits against it, including the Mexican-American Legal Defense/Education Fund (MALDEF), the League of Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the ACLU.

“Three days after Proposition 187 was approved, on November 11, federal district court judge Matthew Byrne issued a temporary injunction against the state of California, forbidding the enforcement of Prop 187. Federal judge Marianna Pfaelzer then issued a permanent injunction, pending a trial. The state of California asked in 1997 for the case to be dismissed and the injunction dropped, on the grounds that federal immigration law had changed in the meantime. The federal court denied the request that the case be dismissed. The state of California never appealed that decision, so the permanent injunction stands, and the case has never proceeded to trial.”

Then came state legislatures giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens so they can work in violation of federal immigration laws.  Did the Federal Department of Justice go after them?  Not under either party.

We know illegals have been voting in our elections for a long time protected by the Democrat/Communist Party USA.  Illegal aliens have NO right to vote in our elections but voter rolls filled with deceased, double voters (i.e., women who divorce, change their name but get two ballots) and illegals has allowed this to go on.  Judicial Watch has won several major battles on that front.  California Begins Massive Voter Roll Clean-Up – Notifies Up to 1.5 Million ‘Inactive’ Voters as Part of Judicial Watch Lawsuit Settlement  //  Judicial Watch Victory: Court-Ordered Consent Decree Requires Kentucky to Clean Up Election Rolls

Judicial Watch Uncovers Millions on Dirty Voter Rolls!“Judicial Watch Finds 2.5 Million ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls – Warns Five States to Clean Up Voting Rolls or Face a Federal Lawsuit”

“One of the most important things we can do in this election year is continue to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).

“And we are. We have sent notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states that we intend to sue unless they take steps to comply with the law and remove ineligible voter registrations within 90 days. Section 8 of the act requires jurisdictions to take reasonable efforts to remove ineligible registrations from their rolls.

“Despite our successful litigation to bring counties and states into compliance with the NVRA, voter registration lists across the country remain significantly out of date. According to our analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) this year, 378 counties nationwide have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%.”

Along the way illegal “sanctuary cities” cropped up protecting violent criminal illegal aliens without any care about the safety and well being of Americans in those cities. DemonRAT mayors and sheriffs refusing to cooperate with ICE allowing rapists, murderers, robbers and free loaders to roam their cities.  Those cities – mayors, county commissioners and/or city council and sheriff s should all have been charged with violating federal immigration laws.  Did the Federal Department of Justice go after them for harboring and aiding illegals?  Not under either party.

Here in Texas the battle over so-called sanctuary cities ended up in the courts:  Does Texas have Sanctuary Cities?, Oct. 20, 2018

“Previously, Texas housed several sanctuary cities, including Houston and Dallas. In May 2017, Texas passed Senate Bill 4 (SB4) despite heated opposition by local governments and law enforcement officials. As written, SB4 requires local law enforcement officers to comply with federal immigration agents and operations. Additionally, SB4 allows police to question any arrested person about their immigration status. These harsh new policies place considerable stress on local law enforcement. Additionally, countless immigrants are now in danger of arrest and/or deportation.

“Because of the potential drastic consequences of SB4, several organizations filed appeals challenging the constitutionality of the bill. In August 2017, a judge in San Antonio temporarily blocked the enforcement of SB4. This action effectively prevented enforcement of its policies. As of March 2018, the Court of Appeals allowed the majority of SB4 to go into effect. Thus, SB4 is currently enforced in the state of Texas. But rights groups such as the ACLU continue to challenge the law. You can read further about the ramifications of SB4 here.”

Of course, the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU) would be out in front.  ACLU to represent group backing man-boy sex – “BOSTON — The American Civil Liberties Union is stepping in to defend a group that advocates sex between men and boys against a federal lawsuit filed by the family of a murdered 10-year-old boy….Attorney Lawrence Frisoli, who represents the Curleys, said he believes that NAMBLA had stepped over the line from advocacy into actually participating in crimes.

“The commission of crimes is not constitutionally protected by the First Amendment. They participate. That’s the allegation of the lawsuit, that the organization is participating in the rape of children,” he said.

“Frisoli claimed that evidence in the lawsuit would show that NAMBLA staff assist NAMBLA members in raping children by educating them on how to locate victims, how to gain their trust and confidence, and how to avoid law enforcement so they won’t get caught.”

Mine, Dec. 3, 2004:  ACLU fulfilling communist agenda, Worldnetdaily

Water is liquid gold in this country right now.  The majority of Americans have NO IDEA how bad it is unless you live in a state or area suffering drought conditions.Tens of millions of gallons of water needed by Americans (especially farmers) being used up daily by tens of millions of illegals.

Housing shortage across this country – especially for low-income Americans and our vets being occupied by illegal aliens.  Then banks decided to start giving mortgage loans to illegals and DOJ did nothing.  READIllegal aliens: declaring war on the enablers

Food supply. Yes, things are going to get very bad for a number of reasons.  Our farmers and ranchers are barely making it due to lack of parts for farm equipment, fertilizer and the weather.  Tip:  DIY RAISED GARDEN BED & Raised-Bed Gardening for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know to Start and Sustain a Thriving Garden – even if you live in an apartment.  God helps those who help themselves.

Chinese nationals trafficked across border, recruited for illegal marijuana operations, June 17, 2022 – “Cartel laundered earnings through businesses, later sent proceeds to China”

Let us not forget the unimaginable and unnecessary disaster over the on-going baby food shortage.  While American moms were scrambling and sick with worry, the maggots who work for OUR government in DC in the illegitimate Biden administration sent baby formula to illegal aliens in holding facilities.

The hell with America’s babies; illegal aliens regardless of country of origin get the baby formula instead of marching them back across the border.  Let Mexico deal with the problem since they are complicit in allowing this invasion to continue which in my opinion can be considered an act of war; but, that’s for another column.

Help for the Obscene, Unnecessary Baby Formula Disaster

It is NOT our obligation or responsibility to educate illegal minors who have NO right to be on U.S. soil and yet schools across this country are drowning in illegal aliens.  If I sound hard-assed, go read something else.  If we have no borders and don’t enforce who comes into our country, we have no sovereign country which is EXACTLY what Satan’s Pimps like Klaus Schwab have been planning for decades with other treasonous individuals.  I’m sorry for the children but they can blame their parents for smuggling them into OUR country.

There is a case that needs to be challenged and I fully intend to make our Texas AG aware of it if he isn’t already and demand the state of Texas sue to get it overturned.  While the U.S. (Un) Supreme Court rarely overturns one of their prior OPINIONS, it can happen if argued correctly.  I covered this in my August 24, 2014 column:

“Initially, I thought the decision to overturn Prop 187 was the genesis, but having done more research, here is the damning case once again bastardizing the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment:

PLYLER v. DOE, 457 U.S. 202 (1982) – 457 U.S. 202 – Argued December 1, 1981; Decided June 15, 1982. Held:

“A Texas statute which withholds from local school districts any state funds for the education of children who were not “legally admitted” into the United States, and which authorizes local school districts to deny enrollment to such children, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Pp. 210-230.

“(a) The illegal aliens who are plaintiffs in these cases challenging the statute may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection Clause, which provides that no State shall “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Whatever his status under the immigration laws, an alien is a “person” in any ordinary sense of that term. This Court’s prior cases recognizing that illegal aliens are “persons” protected by the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, which Clauses do not include the phrase “within its jurisdiction,” cannot be distinguished on the asserted ground that persons who have entered the country illegally are not “within the jurisdiction” of a State even if they are present within its boundaries and subject to its laws. Nor do the logic and history of the Fourteenth Amendment support such a construction. Instead, use of the phrase “within its jurisdiction” confirms the understanding that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection extends to anyone, citizen or stranger, who is subject to the laws of a State, and reaches into every corner of a State’s territory. Pp. 210-216……

“The court held that “the absolute deprivation of education should trigger strict judicial scrutiny, particularly when the absolute deprivation is the result of complete inability to pay for the desired benefit.” Id., at 582. The court determined that the State’s concern for fiscal integrity was not a compelling state interest, id., at 582-583; that exclusion of these children had not been shown to be necessary to improve education within the State, id., at 583; and that the educational needs of the children statutorily excluded were not different from the needs of children not excluded, ibid.”  Continuing:

“Since the “supreme” court vomited up such a convoluted decision based on the Fourteenth and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, shall we look at the historical facts regarding the Fourteenth Amendment? The largest number of illegals come from Mexico – or at least until this last surge of the on-going invasion; 80% are Hondurans. Mexicans who illegally enter the US are Mexican citizens under their constitution and so are their kids, born or unborn regardless of whether they leave the country or not:

“Mexican Constitution – Chapter II – Article 30. “Mexican nationality is acquired by birth or by naturalization. A. Mexicans by birth are: I. Those born in the territory of the Republic, regardless of the nationality of their parents: II. Those born in a foreign country of Mexican parents; of a Mexican father and a foreign mother; or of a Mexican mother and an unknown father.”

“The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.”

“Illegal aliens “reside” illegally on U.S. soil. And: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

“Since illegal Mexicans are Mexican citizens, their allegiance is to Mexico, not any state of the Union where they illegally “reside”.

In other words, too bad for the states of the Union and the taxpayers. Illegal aliens cannot be deprived of an education paid for by stealing from the taxpayers! Illegal alien students who have no legal right to be on U.S. soil. Here in Texas (that was almost ten years ago) there are more than 400,000 ILLEGAL aliens minors in grades K-12 costing we Texans nearly $4 BILLION dollars a year. Those illegal “students” have been bleeding our schools dry, not to mention trying to deal with – in some cases – 100 or more different languages and no English.

The court goes on to say that illegal alien students didn’t have any control over their parents smuggling them into this country, so they are entitled to special consideration under the 14th Amendment. What rot. In 1982, 4 justices on that court were appointed by Nixon, one by Eisenhower, one by LBJ, one by JFK and two by Reagan.

When that decision was made, Congress had already passed immigration laws. Anyone who enters this country without going through the proper channels is here illegally. They are not “persons” invited in the U.S., they smuggle themselves across the border.  Well, now they just walk across the border, happy to get picked up by the U.S. Border Patrol so they can get turned loose throughout this country.  Show up for court dates?  There’s a sickening joke.

YOU pay for illegals and all their “free” health care – including very expensive dental work while your family goes without.  This has been going on for decades and yet – the American people continue to vote back to Congress the same RATS stealing your paycheck.

Clogging our legal system.  Between the ACLU and pro-illegal alien groups, organizations and lawyers, years ago states had to set up extra courts and judges just to deal with bogus amnesty applications.  We the people are being raped to pay for all these legal bills for illegals.  It’s flat out wrong and outrageous.

Our country is now suffering with the predicted inflation disaster, food shortages underway, shortage of doctors, nurses, lab workers, school resources, water and jobs – how much of all of our resources are being used up everyday by 35-40 MILLION illegals aliens who have no right to be on U.S. soil? Think about it.

Oh, but you can’t deport that many illegals. BULL.  I’ve been pounding on the SOLUTION since 2014 in columns and letters to a dozen (still in office) senators and reps in Congress as well as President Trump.  Twice I sent letters with the bill number and received not ONE RESPONSE.

If Republicans take both chambers of Congress in November, We the People MUST make this a top priority immediately.   This is from one of my columns on the SOLUTION:

Our Federal Wallet Stretched To Limit By Illegal Aliens Getting Welfare’  “Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.” – Senator Dirty Harry Reid, Democratic/Communist Party USA. He also said that the U.S. open door policy is being abused at the expense of honest, working citizens. August 5, 1993, Dirty Harry’s office issued the following:

“In response to increased terrorism and abuse of social programs by aliens, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Today introduced the first and only comprehensive immigration reform bill in Congress. Currently, an alien living illegally in the United States often pays no taxes but receives unemployment, welfare, free medical care and other federal benefits. Recent terrorist acts, including the World Trade Center bombing, have underscored the need to keep violent criminals out of the country…..

“Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care, and other benefits often without paying any taxes.”

“Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally.”

“His statements were to announce a bill he introduced back then titled the Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351]. I’m betting it was not written by Dirty Harry, but by lawyers who know what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off the trillions spent over the past 28 years since Reagan sold us out. One section I want to highlight: TITLE X–CITIZENSHIP


“In the exercise of its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

“Dirty Harry was speaking about the legal fiction called ‘anchor babies’ something I have been very vocal about: States Must Fight Legal Fiction Called Anchor Babies. Judge Jeanine ‘Illegally Entering U.S. Is Not a Right to Citizenship‘ – She is on point and says it like it is: “I draw but one conclusion: Barack Obama is intentionally using the immigration crisis as an excuse to change the demographics and ultimately the electorate of this nation.” Illegals tell filmmakers: we were told to vote democrat, or be deported: “Livingston wrote that, prior to the 2012 presidential election, “the illegals were handed voter registrations and told they would be sent to states with NO ID check for voting.”

“Of course, that puffed up peacock has changed his tune: Harry Reid: The Border is Secure, Now We Need Illegal Alien Amnesty – July 15, 2014: “Ladies and gentlemen, an idiot.”  Reid is dead now, but that bill is the solution.  It WILL facilitate self-deporting by millions of illegals and the rest can get rounded up and deported and I don’t care if it costs a trillion bux.

Who knows if Stage One Alzheimer Cheater China Joe Biden will still be the marionette in the WH in November?  My personal opinion is Susan Rice is running the show.  Most certainly dirty, filthy traitor, Hussein Obama and communist Valerie Jarrett are her minions.  But remember a legitimate president (which would NOT be the ineligible giggling buffoon playing VP, Kamala Harris) can veto a bill but Congress can override a presidential veto:

How does Congress Override a Presidential Veto?

In the meantime, here in Texas, our courageous Border Patrol (hated by the commies in DC) and DPS are doing everything they can to continue rounding up the hordes.  A tragedy we have no constitutional militia (“for the security of a free state”– Second  Amendment) or things would be a lot different at the border.  Some new wall sections are being built.  But, it will NOT stop until the welfare stops and our immigration laws are forcibly enforced.  Leadership requires a backbone and resolve to do what’s right under the lawnot what will get you votes.

Number of terrorists arrested at Southern Border has skyrocketed this year, June 1, 2022

Texas Mother, Daughter Killed When Human Smuggler Crashes Into Their Vehicle During a Police Pursuit – All 6 Illegal Aliens Survive Crash, Dec. 12, 2021.  No Merry Christmas for that family for the rest of their lives.  Will you or your family be next?

Go look at this chart.  –  Ask a grieving parent about their teenager’s funeral – dead from overdosing on fentanyl or other drugs coming across the border.  Spring Breakers overdose on fentanyl-laced cocaine at Florida rental house, March 11, 2022

Drugged out USA: The moment a couple high on meth and heroin were found passed out in SUV with their two babies in the back   – Just remember how OUR troops guarded the poppy fields in Afghanistan for more than a decade which then makes it way as heroin into the U.S.

How much food, water, gasoline, “free” cash and jobs are stolen by tens of millions of illegals every day in this country? Yeah, stolen as thieves steal from others.  Not to mention as covered above depleting the resources of public schools and health care.  In flagrant violation of federal immigration laws:  Denver Hires Illegal Alien as Teacher.  Did DOJ go after them?  No.  Cheater Hussein Obama was playing president and he loves illegal aliens.

Our immigration laws aren’t about popularity or how nice an illegal alien is or how long they’ve managed to avoid being deported, it’s about OUR laws and sovereignty.  Our once beautiful melting pot nation is becoming just another third world country sh*t hole paid for by the sweat of your labor.

Until the American people force this bill down the throats of Congress and demand it get passed, our resources will continue to be stolen reducing OUR quality of life by individuals who have no right to be on U.S. soil.Illegals say they want a better life for their children.  What about America’s children?  This is OUR country, not yours.  I’m sorry for your situation but it’s up to the people in Mexico and South America to make themselves free even if they have to do as our brave colonials did by taking on the British.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:  (I simply have to say while I really do appreciate emails, I receive several hundred a day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I simply cannot answer all of them asking for advice, please help me with my case and other requests because it’s just me.  I try to work some of the requests and answer questions into my columns but I can only do so much.  I thank you for understanding.)


Death to Democracy in America Top Goal  (Mine)

The Collectivist Conspiracy Documentary is a must watch interview.  G.  Edward Griffin, Oct. 3, 2020 – This video interview (watch or listen) truly is a must for your time.  I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Edward in February 2004 at an event in the DC area.  A true gentleman and so very intelligent.  A man whose been trying to educate the American people since 1959.  NOW is the time to listen.

Below are all mine except the last one.

Biden to Open Border to All – Constitutional Militia to Be Called Up

Second Amendment:  Massive, Dangerous Foreign Invasion by Illegal Aliens

Ship Illegal Alien Minors Back to Their Parents Now

Mexican pirates vs. constitutional militia

ICE Raids: Arrest These Elected Officials Obstructing Lawful Enforcement

‘Anchor Babies’, Posse Comitatus And The Invaders, Part 1

‘Anchor Babies’, Posse Comitatus And The Invaders, Part 2

Trump: Put The Army And Marines On OUR Border NOW

DACA Amnesty: Don’t Do It, Mr. President

And a hundred more.

Let’s Face It: We’re Being Invaded At The Hands Of Our Own President by Frosty Wooldridge

Synopses of Shameful, Silly and/or Spiked Media Stories

By Sidney Secular

June 19, 2022

FREE HIGH SPEED INTERNET: To get the poor on board with the digital dystopia and keep them transfixed to their media outlets, high-speed internet rates have basically been cut to zero. This was an element of the Affordable Connectivity Program passed by Congress as part of the 2021 infrastructure bill. 11.5 million people whose annual income is $27,180 or less will be able to get a high-speed internet connection from Verizon (via Fios), Comcast or Cox Communications gratis. Of course, as always happens with government largesse, the ordinary paying customers of these companies will now see their rates rise to cover this “giveaway.” Remember, nothing is “free!” This will allow the Government and the tech tyrants to better spy on and keep track of consumers who had previously escaped surveillance because they weren’t “tech savvy” or obtained their consumer goods the “old fashioned way” via direct cash purchases. This “gift” will provide another means for advertisers to ply their wares to the historically foolish and unwary.

FANATIC FOOL FURTHERS (ANTI-)FOSSIL FUEL FOLLY: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres wants the world to abandon the use of “fossil fuels” – coal, gas and oil – in favor of so called “renewable resources!” Guterres has declared in his wisdom [!], “The ‘scientific’ imperative is clear. (Huh?) There must be no new investment in fossil fuel expansion, including production, infrastructure and exploration.” How ignorant must one be or how low an IQ must one have to qualify to lead the UN? Apparently, we have yet to plumb those particular stygian depths but I’m willing to bet that it’s deeper than coal, gas or oil!

LEADING “DEMONRAT” DELIVERS STUPID QUIP: Faux President and all-round bad joke Joe Biden made this quip at a recent Annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, drawing a chuckle from his “awedience” when he took aim at Donald Trump’s Presidency as a ” . . .horrible plague followed by two years of Covid.” According to Sleepy Joe, “I’m really excited to be here tonight with the only group of Americans with a lower (approval) rating than I have!” Instead of chuckles, anyone with brains would have said it was about time that he – Biden – was himself “chucked”.

OVAL OFFICE VOIDED OVER LACK OF TELEPROMPTER: The White House has abandoned using the “Offal” [sic] Office for press events “in part” because it can’t be equipped with a teleprompter. As is very well known by now, Joe Biden requires a teleprompter in order to “follow the script” since he frequently forgets his lines. Hell, he probably forgets his name! However, it must be noted that this is not a first. Barack Obama was notoriously speechless when his own teleprompter failed to function! Needless to say, Donald Trump had no such problems but then it is always easier to speak the truth than lies! Biden aides prefer the prop stage built into the Old Executive Office Building across the street, sacrificing the historic Oval Office for an otherwise sterile room outfitted with an easily read teleprompter screen for Joe’s screeds. The fake setting is styled to look like the White House and features fake windows that display a digital view of the Rose Garden. This “new” reality was apparently deemed a necessity to avoid even more gaffes by the gaffer-in-chief. Next, natural intelligence may be replaced by AI if Biden gets an implant to fill in for his failing faculties! Meanwhile, we keep hitting lower and lower bottoms.

WHITEWASHING (BLACKWASHING?) CRIME STATISTICS:  After the George Floyd inspired riots of 2020, newspapers were seven times more likely to mention the race of an offender if he were White than otherwise. Before May 2020, news outlets were likely to mention a White offender’s race “only” twice as often as that of a minority. Statistically, half of media reports on homicides mention the race of the perp within the opening sentence of the article if the criminal is White, whereas half the articles that bother to mention a Black offender’s race, do not do so until halfway through the article – if race is mentioned at all. Where some sort of description is required of those involved, most readers recognize such adjectives as “youths” and “gangs” are as close to placing the blame where it belongs as the media is willing to go. It is amazing that given the tremendous rise in violent crime especially in our large cities, that reports of the true extent of Black crime is both half-hearted and half-headed!

BIG (a/k/a OBESE) IS BEAUTIFUL: Here’s the skinny: LARGE Black women exhibiting big breasts and prodigious rumps is the new Western cultural ideal. The latest women’s clothing ads display acres and acres of brown or black adipose. This “trend” indicates quite a change from the days of Ms. Twiggy when the ideal was skinny and white. Accordingly, the term “obese” – a word that does not lend itself to compliments – is now deemed “racist” by the woke police. More than 40% of Americans including half the Black population are considered obese, a condition associated with a plethora of health issues such as increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. The US is considered the most obese country in the West. In 1960, only 13% of the country’s population was considered obese but with chowing down on snacks and watching TV and the internet almost 24/7 it was inevitable that Americans would gain weight. The restoration of fat shaming would be a good sign that normalcy was returning to the USA. Fat chance that will happen anytime soon especially as the criteria now used to determine what is “beautiful” has gone from white to black and from trim to portly.

MURDER METHOD MEANINGLESS: One thing most intelligent people have discovered is that any crisis in government is usually followed – that is, offset – by a “mass shooting” event. These events have been and continue to be a direct consequence of something that our government doesn’t wish ordinary, intelligent Americans to think about or pay attention to for any length of time. Like a stage magician, some nut-job comes out of the woodwork to shoot a bunch of innocents as a means of distracting Americans from wondering why our food processing plants are burning down and our infant formula is being given away to people who aren’t even Americans!

And, of course, mass shootings provide a most needed opportunity to decry the “violence” in our society – violence our leaders do nothing to stop or even curtail! – while providing yet another opportunity to disarm law abiding Americans! Indeed, we’ve gone though this nonsense so many times that one wonders how it can all be trotted out yet again without ordinary Americans questioning the same old script.

Now, given the state of our present economy and more and more proof of a crooked election in 2020, the ante has been upped and so today we have not one “mass shooting” but several scattered throughout the US. Meanwhile, with every incident, all the past shootings are recalled and that includes the “crisis actors” who seem to appear in every such incident and ending with the school – if the event takes place in a school – being bulldozed to the ground very much as the remnants of the Twin Towers were removed before any forensic examination could take place!

Of course, even if at least some of these events are not “staged” – that is, they aren’t false flag “ops” intended to obfuscate all the real crimes going on, it really is possible to address them as actual crimes. First, of course, it is necessary to target the causes involved; that is, to look for both common causalities as well as behavioral commonalities in their commission. It’s easy to piece together profiles that lead to pugnaciousness and off-putting behavior in those involved. For instance, not too many years ago, it was discovered that virtually all mass shooters were on psychotropic medications. As these had been dispensed by physicians rather than being “street drugs,” there certainly was information available to law enforcement about those who might pose a threat as possible gunmen as well as those who had already acted on their madness.

Of course, given the desire by the Deep State to disarm decent, law abiding Americans, the nature of these attacks and the weapons used are very much part of the dialogue. Yet, statistics show that when it comes to assault and murder in the culture, guns play a much lesser role than Americans are led to believe. More people are killed and injured by knives, hammers and even fists than are murdered by guns. Ghetto entertainment like the knockout game and general fisticuffs are much more common means of murder and mayhem in our cities than is the armed thug. Even arson is more common than acknowledged, and among Muslims it is a routine means of violence often on a mass scale.

The rundown on the cultural maladies and social conditions associated with murderous mass mayhem include the fact that most murderers live in social settings far removed from normal life as seen on TV including black family sitcoms. They are not a part of or adjusted to a traditional nuclear family; that is, they have no normal relationship with a father-figure. Indeed, there is no father in the home at all if it can even be said that they have a “home” as we understand that word. Most criminal types – men and women – have no respect for human life; they are loners, locked out of day to day reality, connected to computers and/or “mobile devices” through which they live vicariously in violent video games and pornography. Such human interaction as they experience involve mindless “social media” rather than face-to-face relationships.

Where there is a mother figure involved, often the child has little support or comfort from her as can be seen when riots and looting often includes very small children learning the worst of lessons from that “parent.” Children who do remain home all day absorb leftist brainwashing and guilt-tripping from an early age, eventually becoming drug or alcohol addicted. They suffer from rejection and are often ill as the result improper diets and living conditions. The Covid lockdowns only exacerbated the situation by eliminating what opportunities for socialization that did present themselves.

BLACK LIES MATTER. Black lives don’t matter at all to those out to soak the suckers for Simoleans to supposedly help Blacks. The Black Lives Matter Global Foundation has released its IRS forms revealing that it is sitting on $43 million after raising nearly $90 million during the violent riots of summer 2020. What happened to the other $47 million plus is anyone’s guess but one doesn’t have to be Einstein to make a correct one! The filing shows BLM has an operating budget of $4 million, despite having no executive director or in-house staff while spending millions on real estate that includes $6 million on a sprawling Los Angeles compound complete with a sound stage, game room, and swimming pool. Just another example of advancing infantile and criminal personalities beyond their ability to function! As the old saying goes, “Put a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride it to death!”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

How the Media Deceives the World

By Roger Anghis

June 19, 2022

One thing that I have seen over the years that I have been writing is how deceptive the media is.  It isn’t anything new by any stretch.  They have been doing it for decades if not centuries.  To show you the depth the media will go I want to describe how they handled a story during World War II.

In the final months of WWII Britain and America were conducting bombing raids on Germany daily and nightly.  Britain would typically bomb at night and America during the day . Their targets were manufacturing facilities, military sites, oil storage, etc.   On the evening of February 15, 1945, the target was Dresden. It was more of a cultural city than a military city but it did manufacture machine guns and some munitions.

Hitler had ordered his bombers to not bomb London but one night some of his bombers were misdirected and did bomb London.  Winston Churchill retaliated by bombing Berlin and everything seemed to escalate from there.  Hitler proceeded to bomb dozens of British cities that were not of any military importance.  Hitler’s objective was to break the British citizens will.  London itself was bombed every day for 57 days,  The air raids on London killed over 40,000 citizens.

Germany had indiscriminately bombed cities in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg.  They did not target just sites of military importance but the civilians.  The purpose was to break their morale.  They did the same in the Soviet Union, Poland, and every other nation they invaded.

Britain’s Director of Bomber Command, Author Harris, adopted a plan to carpet bomb German cities with the understanding that if you eliminate Hitler’s workers, he can’t continue the fight.  He was given a list of cities to bomb and told to create chaos.  He started with Dresden.  He scheduled two bombing raids on that city in the late evening of February 15, 1945.  The first raid consisted of 244 bombers.  It only took fifteen minutes for all of them to drop their payload.

In just a few hours the second raid began.  There were 500 bombers in this raid.  At daybreak the American bombers arrived targeting military and industrial sites but because of all the fires, many missed their targets and bombed residential areas.

The American papers reported that Dresden was no longer there which was untrue but a good portion of it was destroyed.  Of course, Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, wasn’t going to let a disaster go to waste so he amplified what happened in Dresden.  The actual number of people that died in the raid was estimated at no more than 25,000.  Remember that just the raids on London took 40,000 lives.  Goebbels decided to add a “0” to that number and claimed that over 200,000 people died in the raid.  Even American papers referred to the raid on Dresden as “Terror Bombing’.

I am not discounting in any way the lives lost in that raid.  Many died horribly.  The fires were so intense that the fires created their own tornados that were so powerful that trees were uprooted and babies and small children were pulled out of the arms of their parents.  But even the American reporting totally ignored the raids Germany had done on Britain and the lives lost in those raids.  Germany complained about the raid without giving thought to what they had done to the Jews, Gypsies, the mentally handicapped, and the others they put through the concentration camps.

Virtually all the reporting from the British and American papers ignored what Germany had done.  At this time there was very little knowledge of the camps but remembering that Germany bombed dozens of British cities and London was bombed for 57 days straight was given a pass.  Germany was the aggressor in the war and Britain was simply fighting back in a way they thought would bring the war to a close.

We see today’s media doing the very same thing.  When George W. Bush was president we heard about every dead soldier in the Iraq War but when Obama took office you didn’t even know there was a war going on even though he attacked Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, and Syria.[1] We know that the Steele Dossier was a fake and was even proved a fake by the Mueller Report yet the media still reports as if it was true.

The integrity of our media is nonexistent for the most part.  Not even FOX News can be relied on to report the truth.  Very few news outlets report the truth.  News agencies used to investigate but they no longer do that.  They are hand in hand with the liberals to push their agenda.  If they investigated ‘climate change’ they would report that it is a false claim.  The Earth has been cooling for the last 19 years.  Think about it,  If the ice caps were melting and the seas rising was a real danger why would Obama and several other climate change pushers by ocean front property worth millions?

There was no logical reason for the news agencies in the 1940s to report some of the stories the way they did to discredit Britain and America just like the agencies today that push the liberal agenda ignoring the real facts.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Countries that Obama bombed

Rewriting History

By Steven Yates

June 18, 2022

First things first. I would never have said that invading the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was a good idea. I said as much as the time. I was warning friends to steer clear.

I do not know how many people had assembled in Washington that day, but the number surely exceeds 15,000. I commented at the time: we saw no burned buildings or overturned cars; there were no random assaults on uninvolved passersby. No areas of the city were taken over and blocked off by “extremists.” By the standards of recent years, the crowd — most there to support Trump’s attempt to save his presidency — was extremely well-behaved. Most probably had no idea until they saw the news that night that a few hundred had breached the Capitol — even though the majority of those were peaceful.

Most are now political prisoners, and the visibly partisan inquiry known as the January 6 select committee looks to be headed in a single direction: not just nailing the official narrative that Election 2020 was “the most secure in history” as official history, but securing the “deadly riot” and “insurrection” narrative in a way that would open the door to actually indicting Donald Trump for a crime! This would be unprecedented! Never before in all of U.S. history as a past president been indicted for a crime. Nixon might have been, but he was pardoned, and it was clearly in the country’s best interests that he be pardoned.

That sort of thing happens in so-called banana republics!

Having to fight a criminal indictment which could be dragged out well into the next election season would prevent Trump from being a candidate in 2024! This, I submit, is the committee’s real goal. That Trump might run away with the GOP nomination and conceivably win a second term in the Electoral College scares the globalist ruling class to death!

The first installment of the Committee hearings were streamed live on June 9, and it was clear to me we were watching a carefully scripted performance. This whole fracas turns on one question:

Was Election 2020 stolen, whether by the Democrats or by someone else (possibly including foreign actors) acting on behalf of the Democrats?

The dominant side in the debate calls this the Big Lie, of course. It ridicules and demonizes the claim at every opportunity, never passing up a chance to call it “a false narrative,” “baseless,” a “conspiracy theory,”etc. I don’t need to recite the litany. We all know it. This side is moving in the direction of alleging that Trump tried to incite a coup in order to stay in the White House.

Many Republicans, including some running for office (or reelection) this coming November, are just as convinced that the coup already took place — on November 3-4, and then on November 7, when Joe Biden was declared the winner by corporate media despite major swing states not having announced who would get their electoral votes.One poll, from last year, shows two-thirds of Republicans believing Election 2020 was “rigged.” Among independent voters, the figure is 28 percent. Polls probably understate these percentages, since there are people who withhold their real beliefs from pollsters they don’t know or trust. What figures we have doubtless terrify the ruling elites.

What I recall: going to bed late at night of Tuesday, November 3, not sure if Trump would be reelected, but confident of his chances since the Democrats, for whatever reason, had picked one of the weaker candidates on their slate.

My biggest concern was that if Trump won reelection, leftist groups like Antifa would take to the streets, that we would again see riots that would continue until they forced Trump to declare martial law and put them down by force.

But would Trump actually do that?

That he was in this predicament indicated how the globalist-leftist alliance had boxed him into a corner. He would be damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. For if instigated riots broke out and Trump responded with police power, even military force if it came to that, he played right into the hands of those who call him an incipient dictator. He’d done surprisingly little to put down the George Floyd riots earlier that year, suggesting that with the right Soros dollars flowing into the right hands, the ploy would be easy to accomplish.

Thus in the post-election apocalypse I feared, Trump would win but be forced to use brute force to stay in office. This alone would transform the country forever. His only alternative would to step down — also effectively ending “democracy” in America (outside the Real Matrix, “democracy” in America ended long ago, of course, assuming it ever existed at all; we can read every contemporary reference to securing “our democracy” as securing control by its Establishment of ruling elites).

Those were my thoughts November 3 – 4. I went online and saw several reports of massive vote spikes in wee hours of the morning. All were “mail-in” votes for Biden. The claims were accompanied by charts where you could see the spikes in red.

The fraud was evident to anyone able to read those charts!

Not more than ten or so days later, when I went to retrieve the links to document the fraud for an article, they’d been scrubbed from the Internet! The evidence I’d seen with my own eyes was gone! Reproductions existed but were very hard to find!I was horrified!

Following a couple of articles on this site I had a brief, three-way email correspondence with two people both in Michigan who claimed to have witnessed ballot-stuffing and had signed affidavits to this effect. They quickly ceased to pursue the matter. They reported (to me, anyway) receiving death threats and threats to family members. One was also dealing with being publicly humiliated being dragged through the mud for a personal peccadillo totally unrelated to election fraud claims. This is a typical Corporate Media ploy: seize on any such extraneous circumstance and use it to destroy the credibility of someone who has become a threat. Both people ceased writing me since neither of us was using encrypted email.

Their affidavits, signed under penalty of perjury, disappeared down the Memory Hole. Alongside hundreds of others.

I had little trouble envisioning scenarios similar to theirs playing out in Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and probably elsewhere, out of sight and out of mind, so that bought judges in those places could declare election fraud claims “baseless” since “there’s no evidence.” (Always remember that such people work for the system, not the pursuit of truth and justice.)

Trump’s bought attorney general, William Barr, could then summarize the Establishment view of stolen-election claims: “Bull***t!” Corporate media could site his judgment as authoritative (still does). Trump appointed him, after all.

So what happens next?

Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules came out recently, and purports to document how people he calls “mules” delivered “mail-in votes” late at night, caught on security cams. The film shows how such clandestine actions repeated over and over again could have easily swung the election in affected states.

Most secure election in history? There is doubt all over the place!

This is what the ruling elites — the Establishment, GloboCorp, whatever — must suppress at all costs! If enough Republicans and Independents decide to act on the conclusion that Election 2020 was stolen, they lose part of their power in November and conceivably lose the White House again in 2024! (Unless there’s another “rig,” of course.)

Hence the Establishment is playing the “insurrection” narrative for all it is worth, and will doubtless continue with these “hearings” on into election season.

The problem for them: there was no “insurrection.” An actual insurrection tries to overthrow the government. No one on January 6, 2021 was trying to do that. What was desired, at least by some, was preventing the certification of Biden as winner, under the assumption that Biden’s “win” was not legitimate in several states.

Nor was there any “Capitol riot.” Riots are what took place last summer, with hundreds of millions of dollars in damage done to buildings and other infrastructure. Nothing like that happened in D.C.

So what really happened? A legitimate (First Amendment) assembly petitioning the federal government for redress of grievances — with a small handful of individuals getting carried away — possibly egged on by outsiders.

For the truly terrible thing is that a few Senators had been prepared to discuss the doubts that Biden “won fair and square.” We might have had a chance to see a public review of the evidence. Those who entered the Capitol either didn’t know this, or really had been infiltrated by forces hostile to Trump (Antifa and the FBI being the most likely suspects). Several on-the-ground witnesses later recalled seeing people in the vicinity of the Capitol who were clearly not Trump supporters. Let us always remember that using agent provocateurs is the oldest trick in the book.

Be all this as it may, with the Bidenistas having secured the Executive Branch and Democrats, the Legislative Branch (what we may call the corporate left had control of Corporate Media and Big Tech all along), the Establishment had control over the narrative — which they have maintained ever since.

Hence the January 6 Committee, with Establishment GOP voices like Liz Cheney (daughter of the ultimate Establishment man, Dick Cheney).

I submit again that their goal is to thwart even the possibility of a second Trump presidency by circumventing any attempt Trump might make to run in 2024. The Establishment elites know that their present lock on power is far from absolute, and they doubtless know about the above polls (and their limitations). Most of their narratives collapse under scrutiny. Hence the censorship of such scrutiny by Big Tech (e.g., the scrubbing of the documentation of those vote spikes I and others saw on the morning of November 4, 2020).

Bottom line: there was no “attempted coup” on January 6, 2021. The real coup had already taken place. It happened November 3-4, 2020. So far, the perpetrators have gotten away with it. I would not be surprised if this Committee is able to see to it that they continue to get away with it. If the global covid power grab is the biggest power grab in history, this power grab probably comes in second.

History, Rush Limbaugh once said, is what happened. History is rewritten, however, to further specific narratives about nations, national elections, presidencies, “white supremacy,” “liberal democracy,” and so on. Bought members of the political class, bought attorney generals and judges, bought media “presstitutes,” and many others, through incessant repetition of official narratives and their use of words like baseless and conspiracy theory, do everything they can to cement their narratives firmly in the minds of the masses.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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The Most Glorious Freedom Loving Nation in the World is Dying, Can We Save Her?

By Kelleigh Neson

June 18, 2022

Liberty must at all hazards be supported.  We have a right to it, derived from our maker.  But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure and their blood.  —John Adams

Timid men…prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty.  —Thomas Jefferson

The people … are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.  —Thomas Jefferson

But a constitution of government once changed from freedom, can never be restored.  Liberty once lost is lost forever.  —John Adams

Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right…and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied king of knowledge, I mean of the characters and conduct of their rulers.  —John Adams

The above quotes are from two of our early presidents.  They ran against each other in 1800…In what is sometimes referred to as the “Revolution of 1800,” Vice President Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party defeated one-term incumbent President John Adams of the Federalist Party.  Jefferson served two terms.

I recently read Glynn Adams wonderful article, True Biblical Christianity.  It made me weep because he was so right. I had just one caveat.  It started long before Saul Alinsky; he was just another cog in the 175-year-oldwheel promoting the replacement of a free capitalist society with a Marxist one.  In 1848, European communists immigrated to America after failing to implant socialism in Europe.  By 1860 they were flourishing.  There were 13 high ranking officers in the Union Army who were avowed Marxist/Engels communists.  The war was not over slavery, it was over economics to be exact, and 700,000 American citizens died because of that vile and unconstitutional war.  The abhorrent evil of slavery was already on its way out as well it should have been. But that unconstitutional war was the watershed event that changed America forever.

Karl Marx wrote to Lincoln many times urging Lincoln to use the slavery issue as it would give America a centralized federal government in order to secure a birthplace for communism to easily be spread.  Apparently, Lincoln wrote back to him. Yet, diaries of both northern and southern soldiers kept asking, “Why is slavery being brought into this?”

That watershed event has led to what our country has become today, and the totalitarian tyranny that has taken hold of our once great nation, the “land of the free and home of the brave.”

America’s Public Education

In 1880, John Dewey’s progressive education was blooming.  Later, John Rockefeller Jr. was enamored with Dewey (no relation to the Dewey of the decimal system) and sent all four of his sons to the progressive school Dewey had birthed.  Every one of them was not only dyslexic but they were functionally illiterate(lack of phonics).  One of those sons was a heartbeat away from the presidency when he was VP under Gerald Ford.  Nelson Rockefeller couldn’t read, and when he gave a speech, he’d come out and lay a bunch of papers on the dais and then proceed to tell the audience that he had prepared a speech, but was going to speak from his heart.  He hired Soviet Agent Henry Kissinger to read to him.

That was the death knell of American academic teaching and the destruction of our youth, which in 1932 was well on its way to a coalition of Marxist thinking and collectivism.  Then came teachers’ unions…you know the rest of the story, by the 50s McCarthy knew we were infiltrated, so the communists destroyed him.  (For a look at the communist planners of the early 1930s, purchase the book, The Turning of the Tides, originally published in 1953. And for the truth of Senator Joe McCarthy, read M. Stanton Evans’ Blacklisted by History.)


Morality is gone, the filth paraded down the streets of America used to hide in the back alleys, and is now on full display, even to our kindergarten children.  The perversion and fetid noxiousness of this sewage emanates directly from the very pit of hell.  It has been growing for many decades in America and started long ago…does not our Lord call it an abomination in both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament!?  And these perversions are on display in American politics for all the world to see. Nearly every corporation has exploded with praise for “Pride Month!”  Pride in perversion and disgusting and filthy activities now claimed by our culture to be normal.  Even L.L. Bean has promoted Pride Day with the stolen rainbow promise of our Lord on their goods.

The Rule of Law

Although the preamble to the Constitution begins with “We the people,” the word “democracy” (mob rule) is not mentioned in the Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Even the Pledge of Allegiance is “to the Republic for which it stands.” We are supposed to be a nation of laws, “rule of law” rather than “mob rule.”One of the inherent weaknesses in a government based only on the will of the people is the potential for mob rule. This was often the downfall of direct democracies, where all the people decided on public matters directly rather than through representatives. We were created as a representative Republic, not a democracy.

Law, that precious thing of justice is now also gone.  Daily we see examples of charges being thrust against the innocents forcing them to lose their savings and livelihoods to defend themselves.  There are so many examples, one cannot possibly list them all, but there are obvious truths blaring to the nation that those with eyes to see and ears to hear know only too well.

Trump was innocent of charges, but the Stalinist leftists continue to harass him with charges that are unconscionable and serve only to cover over their sins while their comrades in the media continue the harangue of outright lies and prevarications. And Trump wasn’t the only one…General Michael T. Flynn suffered for three and a half years under this tyranny.  Roger Stone is still suffering because of the fraudulent charges against him and the loss of his savings and livelihood.  Both were fortunately pardoned by President Trump.  Today it’s Peter Navarro being harassed and led away from the airport in handcuffs and chains.  An unnecessary show of tyrannical force for the public.

Hunter Biden is free, the illegitimate president in our White House is not being impeached for his failure to protect America. Forty Billion taxpayer dollars has been sent to the fascist nation of Ukraine and you certainly understand just whose pockets the kickbacks will end up in. Inflation is skyrocketing, food plants are burned to the ground, the southern border is flooded with elements of danger for American citizens.  It is an invasion the president is supposed to protect us from, but ignores his constitutional oath and duties in order to bring to us the “Great Reset.”

Durham continues his pseudo attempts at being an investigator who will bring justice and we all know that will never happen.  Hillary’s campaign lawyer, Michael Sussman was acquitted of lying to the FBI because the trial was held in the democratic conclave of DC.  That same conclave will find all Republicans guilty, i.e., Roger Stone.

The illegal and murderous actions of the last two years have served to destroy America’s people and rip the guts from our unalienable Bill of Rights.  Few complained, they mostly complied. The American public acquiesced their freedoms and the societal impact of group think, or mass formation psychosis was parroted from the demonic entities hired by Task Force head, Benedict Arnold Pence.

Muzzling the Pulpits

The muzzling of the clergy was done through the Lyndon Baines Johnson Amendment of 1954.  Johnson had faced political difficulties and attacks from organizations in his home state of Texas.  So LBJ proposed the amendment to the tax code that has greatly restricted the free speech of pastors and churches on July 2, 1954. 100 Cong. Rec. 9604 (daily ed. July 2, 1954). The words “in opposition to” were added in 1986. Ass’n of the Bar of the City of N.Y. v. Comm’r, 858 F.2d 876,879 (2d Cir. 1988).

“The IRS rule that strips tax exemption from churches engaged in electioneering was born of Lyndon Johnson’s Texas politics, not the U.S. Constitution,” Larry Witham, Texas politics blamed for ’54 IRS rule LBJ wanted to keep Senate seat, WASH. TIMES, Aug. 27, 1998 (discussing a study done by James Davidson, a Purdue University sociologist).

Unbelievably, it passed and it was not clear why Congress even enacted it.  There was little to no debate over the amendment or how it would even influence churches, so I suspect backroom finagling went on just as it has for over 175 years and as it is today.

For the first century and a half our nation had a tradition of our clergy being involved in the political activities of the day.  It was commonplace for preachers and rabbis to speak of candidates and issues.  But that was stopped by LBJ, who had also cheated to gain the Senate seat which he had actually lost to former Governor Coke Stevenson.  Link Check out History of the 501(c)3.

The IRS Gov website states, “Section 501(c)(3) organizations are restricted in how much political and legislative (lobbying) activities they may conduct. For a detailed discussion, see Political and Lobbying Activities. For more information about lobbying activities by charities, see the article Lobbying Issues PDF; for more information about political activities of charities, see the FY-2002 CPE topic Election Year Issues PDF.”

So, if a church or organization has received tax exempt status as well as the ability to deduct your charity giving from your income tax, then you best keep your mouth shut about any political activities.  Otherwise, you’ll be harassed into closure if you disobey these draconian and censorial laws.

Political Sermons of the American Founding Era

How different the sermons and papers were from 1730 to 1805, the founding era of our country.  Ellis Sandoz’ edition of the 1600-page book of political sermons from that era is still available here.  They are starkly different than any you’d hear today from any of our clergy.

In 1800, Tunis Wortman wrote to his Christian readers and his entire address can be read in full here.  In this letter, he is defending Thomas Jefferson against the charge of deism.

Here is just one paragraph of that momentous tome:

I address you upon the most solemn and momentous subjects which can interest the mind—religion and liberty. I consider you in the capacity of believers and patriots, as equally anxious to maintain every inestimable right which appertains to Christians and to men. You have a religion which deserves your pious solicitude; but need I to remind you that you likewise have a country! Are you to be told that your duty, as Christians, is irreconcilable with the sacred obligations which bind you to the state? Are you at this day to be solemnly and seriously called upon to sacrifice your freedom upon the altars of your God? No, my countrymen, your religion is inestimable and worthy of your care. Your civil constitution is also invaluable. It is the palladium of all your social blessings, and the peculiar gift of providence. Your obligations to your children, to your country, and to heaven, command you to defend that constitution. With a voice too powerful to be resisted, they conjure you to cling to, and fasten upon it, “with the last strong hold which grapples into life.”


We have lost so much in these 235 years of America.  Our country was founded by great statesmen, men of letters and men of faith, men who desired freedom and liberty at all costs.  We have failed to defend what they gave us.  It is way past time for all good men to stand for freedom, liberty, justice, morality, academic education and true God given Judeo and Christian faiths.

July 4th is upon us…Independence Day, where our founders threw off the chains of taxation and control from Great Britain and fought for our own independence from tyranny.  It is time to take to the battle once again.  The cost is even higher this time, but if we wait much longer, our fate will be decided and the losses will be greater than those we’re seeing today.

Please take a stand against this Luciferian evil which has permeated our beloved nation.  Too many have died to save her, let them not have died in vain.

© 2022 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Neither Republic, nor Democracy Today

By Lex Greene

June 16, 2022

Article IV, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;

Yet, for decades now, Americans have been Pavlov trained to think the USA is a democracy, not a Constitutional Republic, and because most Americans don’t read or don’t comprehend what they read anymore, they believe anything they are told by so-called “scholars” and “experts.”

Foundationally, a Republican form of government relies upon Constitutional protections to prevent any majority from ruling over any minority, so long as the contents of the Constitution are tightly enforced by the people. The U.S. Federal Government is established and governed by the U.S. Constitution. It is further specifically restricted by the Bill of Rights. A republican form of government is limited to only the duties and authorities granted it in the Constitution, treating every citizen as an equal via the General Welfare clause.

By contrast, a Democratic form of government is a system run entirely by voter referendum. Government representatives can propose policies, but those proposals must be adopted by voters via State or National ballot referendums. Our Founders referred to a democracy as “mob rule” wherein a simple majority (50.01%) of voters can dictate government policies to the minority (49.99%) by simply outvoting them in the ballot box.

In a “two-party” true democracy, (democrats and republicans), 50.01% of the vote can run roughshod over 49.99% of voters and set official policy. So-called “independent” voters can simply jump back and forth between the two, based on the ballot initiative at hand. The 50.01% voters are the new “ruling class.” As an example, this would also be true with the elimination of the Electoral College system.

In a multi-party or no party system, the single largest majority voting group will become the “ruling class.” As an example, if we had five national political parties, splitting the popular vote by five options on the ballot, (averaging 20% of voters each), it would be possible for 30% of voters or less, the single largest voting bloc, to set official policy. The only way to prevent that, would be to require at least 50% voter support for any referendum issue, which would bring us right back to a two-party system.

In reality, a true democracy creates a “socialist” system, wherein a simple majority voting bloc can set policy for 100% of the people, with only 50.01% of the vote, which is why the recognized Father of Socialism, Karl Marx, said this, “Democracy is the road to socialism.”

How would life in the USA be today if we were a true democracy?

Every official government policy would have to be adopted by the voters in a referendum on the ballot. 50.01% of the vote would decide the future of every government policy placed on a referendum for the people to decide. Let’s look at how that would work out for the hottest political social issue of 2022…

GUN CONTROL – Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?

Right out of the gate, this one proves why the USA was never to be a true democracy. On the heels of recent mass-shooting events, even many gun owners are being emotionally gaslighted into surrendering the most fundamental Right to Freedom, the Right to protect that freedom. Here, with 36M poll respondents, 43% said YES to more gun control laws and 39% said NO, among American respondents. In a true democracy, the 43% would set the policy for 100% of the people.

ABORTION – What is your stance on abortion?

With over 36M overall poll respondents, only 31% of American respondents voted Pro-Life, while 52% voted Pro-Abortion. The 52% would control the national policy.

LGBT RIGHTS – Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

With only 1.3M American respondents, 73% said YES, and only 15% said NO. The low respondent participation indicates that this issue is of little or no interest to most Americans. Still, those who are interested, could set the national policy for everyone, in a true democracy.

GAY MARRIAGE – Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

34.2M American respondents answered 61% YES and 28% NO. The policy would be set by the 61%. The other 39% would be forced to go-along to get-along.

GOV HEALTH CARE SYSTEM – Do you support a single-payer healthcare system?

Despite the fact that our government is only good at creating disasters, 41% of American respondents said YES, while only 31% said NO. Again, this was a low respondent issue with only 1.2M overall respondents. The 41% would rule, 59% be damned.

All of these responses are the direct result of massive gaslighting of the American population by our own anti-American government. I’ll stop here more examples here, because if you don’t already get the point, more examples won’t help you.

This is exactly why our nation’s Founders took great care to avoid creating a “democracy” for all future generations. This is why they instead, guaranteed every state and citizen in the union, a “republican form of government” in Article IV, Section 4:, established and regulated by the Supreme Law of the Land, the US Constitution.

In any pure democracy, it is indeed mere “mob rule,” and this is why every true democracy in world history, failed within about 200-years of existence.

Our Constitutional Republic is currently 235-years old, having already outlasted every true democracy in world history. It has lasted this long only due to all of the protections for the people, codified in our Charters of Freedom, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Everything in these three documents preserves and protects not only our freedom and liberty, but that of all future generations.

Our Republic is in grave danger today though, largely because most living American generations have been intensely indoctrinated to not know, or not care about the facts presented here. Most have long been trained to vote themselves gifts from the public treasury in every election, driving our nation into bankruptcy.

If not for our three founding documents, the USA would already be gone. However, very few Americans know it today, and even fewer are working to keeping them intact and enforced. If this doesn’t change quickly, the clock will soon run out on American freedom and liberty.

Last, everything in the Charters of Freedom is protected and preserved by only one specific amendment in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd Amendment. The most fundamental inalienable Right protected by a single clear sentence, is indeed “necessary to the security of a free state” and any free people.

At present, our country is not functioning as a Constitutional Republic or a “mob rule” Democracy. Right now, we are governed by unconstitutional criminal tyrants via unlawful orders, court opinions and legislation, all of which is repugnant to every foundation of freedom. This cannot end well at this point…unless THE PEOPLE wake up fast and take action.

(A recent rare radio interview)

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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True Biblical Christianity

By Glynn Adams

June 17, 2022

I wish I had the words and the ability to express and describe in such a way that all of America would clearly see and understand that we are in extremely grave danger having been captured by the demonic New World Order occults.  I also wish I could get all pastors and the church in America to see that we are to be ruled by God but because of our blatant disobedience to our LORD Jesus Christ we are ruled by Satan and his New World demonic occults!!  As a result, we are under the judgment of God because of our blatant disobedience of refusing to resist the evil overtaking this nation.  Because we have so many false pastors and false religious people we have no idea that we are in a spiritual war that we have been losing since 1963 when Saul Alinsky and the Frankfurt School declared war on our Republic, our God, our Constitution, our freedoms, marriage, our family structure, our children, and our morality.

Jesus and His First Century Church is our example as it was lived out by the disciples of Jesus in the Book of Acts for us to see and we are not even in the ballpark or even close to that example in our churches in America today!!   I learned a long time ago that I can’t make anyone see anything.  Pastors and religious people that have eyes that see not and ears that hear not, Jesus did not spend a lot of time with them.  He gave them truth and if they did not respond and act on it, Jesus simply moved on without them and left them to their devices!!!  I fear that is what God has done to the pastors and religious church members in America, left them to their devices!!!

When the majority of our false pastors in America pick and choose smooth words to the people rather than the whole council of God, it has not taken long for our culture to be corrupted, our values assaulted, and our nation invaded by evil.  As a result, our nation has become a dwelling place of demons where lies, dishonesty, corruption, greed, tension, violence, and despair prevail.  “I did not send these prophets but they ran; I did not speak to them but they prophesied.  But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.” (Jeremiah 23:21-22)

Today, America is in a lot of trouble and we need warriors to fight this evil.  In presenting this article, I reference two great pastors of old that will show us just how far we have drifted away from God in making disciples and obeying God.  These men express the heart of God in a matter better than I or anyone I have read or heard on where our heart has to be if we are going to be a warrior for Christ in these last days and get back to making true disciples of Christ to restore our nation!!!

Leonard Ravenhill once said, “The world outside there is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity.  It’s waiting for a new demonstration of true Christianity.   In the First Century, while He was on this earth, Jesus cleansed the temple; today He would cleanse the pulpits of America from religious humanist false pastors.”  Paris Reidhead, a pastor in the 50s, who preached and lived true Christianity, said in a sermon, “Paul warned us in Colossians 2:8 not to be taken captive by philosophy and empty deception but today our subtle philosophy and deception is religious humanism.  You can define religious humanism as a philosophical statement that declares, “The end of all things is the happiness of man.”  The liberal says, “The end of religious humanism is to make man happy while he is alive and the fundamentalist says the end of religious humanism is to make man happy when he dies.”  This is unchristian and the betrayal of the ages.  And it is a betrayal in which we live and I don’t see how God can revive this.  True Biblical Christianity says, “The end of all being is the glory of God.”

Didn’t God intend to make man happy?  Yes but as a byproduct not a prime product.  What is the philosophy of missions, of evangelism, and of a Christian?  If our motive is we don’t want people living a life of suffering and misery and going to hell, then we are using the provision of Jesus Christ as a means to improve upon human conditions of suffering and misery and thus, we are motivated by religious humanism

I would like to see some people repent on Biblical terms again.  Here is somebody trembling because he or she is going to be hurt in hell but they have no sense of the enormity of their guilt, no sense of the enormity of their crime, no sense of the enormity of their insult against Deity, no sense of their rebellion against God, no sense of God’s righteousness, of His holiness, of His justice, the justice of His wrath and anger.  I would like to see God so descend on people that they would repent because they had a revelation of the holiness of God, and in the light of that, they have seen the enormity of their sin against God and God so penetrated their minds and hearts they would fall to the ground in brokenness over their spiritual condition not their living conditions.

‘Lord Jesus, I am going to obey You, and love You and serve You, and do what You want me to do as long as I live, even if I go to hell at the end of the road, simply because you are worthy to be loved and obeyed and served, and I’m not trying to make a deal with you.’   There is only one reason for God meeting you and that is to bring you to the place where in repentance you have been pardoned for His glory and in victory you have been brought to the place of death that He might rule in your life.  And in His fullness, Jesus Christ is able to live and walk in you and your attitude is the attitude of the Lord Himself who said, “I can do nothing of myself.  I can’t speak of myself, I don’t make plans for myself because my only reason for being is the glory of God.”  And if you don’t know the fullness of the Holy Spirit, then present your body a living sacrifice and let Him fill you so you can have the purpose for His death on the cross fulfilled in you so the Lord Jesus can get glory through your life and the people you influence.  IT’S NOT WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET OUT OF GOD.  IT’S WHAT GOD IS GOING TO GET OUT OF YOU.  Let’s be done with this false humanist philosophy of Christianity in our day brought on by positive pastors and their sermonettes that make God a means instead of the glorious end that He is. MAY THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN RECEIVE THE REWARD OF HIS SUFFERING” (Paris Reidhead)

The American Church and most of their pastors have been captured by a demonic humanistic religious system that is passive, has no desire to assume any spiritual responsibilities and no controversy.  Their focus is on the human condition of comfort, safety, what they can get out of God, and waiting for the rapture rather than the spiritual condition of themselves and this world.  We are in a spiritual war of the ages and the American Pastor and Churches refuse to show up for this war!!!

As a pastor and watchman, I have always been concerned about our fast process in America of getting people “saved.”   How many times have we seen people come down the altar, crying because they heard a sermon and “were trembling because he or she is going to be hurt in hell but they have no sense of the enormity of their guilt, no sense of the enormity of their crime, no sense of the enormity of their insult against Deity no sense of their rebellion against God, no sense of God’s righteousness, of His holiness, of His justice, the justice of His wrath and anger” and some pastor or counselor who immediately leads that person to repeat Romans 10:9, and after they confess with their mouth, they are declared a Christian.  That pastor or counselor, who probably abhors abortion, just aborted a new birth because that was not a new birth from above; it was humanism and it had nothing to do with the heart and spiritual condition but everything to do with their human condition of suffering.

Our churches are full of these type of “false conversions” and most will never change their life and cannot live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.    God does not rule our pastors and the life of churchgoers because they have never been brought to a place of death so God can rule in their life and in our nation.  That is why we have made a false religion, a sectarian sect, and we have reduced Christianity to going to a building on a certain day.   That is also why their lives do not influence anyone or a nation to give God the glory.   This is why we do not resist this evil overtaking our nation.  Watchman Nee, a pastor from China, after touring the churches in America, was asked what he thought of the church in America!!   He replied, “I am amazed how much the Church in America can do without God.”

Oh, what we need in this hour in America are people who will come to the altar of God, broken people where “God had descended on that person that they would repent because they had a revelation of the holiness of God, and in the light of that, they have seen the enormity of their sin against God and God so penetrated their minds and hearts they would fall to the ground in brokenness over their spiritual condition not their living conditions.”  Now this person has counted the cost and has become a true disciple of Christ!!!  This is the Remnant that God is raising up in America from out of the American Church that will become brave warriors and obedient, faithful sons of God that will set our nation ablaze with the power and glory of God.  Are you ready to count the cost of being that type of disciple today?

We must get back to the Book of Acts and develop their spiritual condition and mindset.  Our spiritual responsibility is to be His witnesses, expand the Kingdom of God – in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest parts of the earth, door to door, resist evil, make disciples, and expose the unfruitful works of darkness.  Right now our work is to be done first in our Jerusalem, America.  This work of God is not accomplished in the church building but out in the culture in which we live.  We are sojourners on this earth for such a short time, and we have been given all power and all authority to occupy, and to exercise dominion on this earth.  If something goes wrong in our nation, His Body is to fix it using the Name, Word, authority, power, and weapons of God.   Jesus is not going to do what He commanded us to do!!!

It is decision time for the church in America!!!   Will we repent and allow God to develop in us a warrior’s heart and courage?  Do we realize we are in a spiritual war?  Do we realize if we will go to the battlefield, God will meet us there?  Will we forsake or continue under this false religious flag we are flying in our Republic until all will be lost?  Have we become cowards in America?  Have we forgot the fear of God?  Are we in the perilous times of the last days and are aware of the risks that lie ahead?   Have we forgotten that we are not our own; we have been bought with a price?  “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:38)  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!  Yes, we just read it!!  As Leonard Ravenhill said many, many years ago, “The world is waiting for a new demonstration of true Christianity.”

Will we in America provide that demonstration of true Christianity?  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman.

© 2022 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

‘I Wanna Be in the Deep State When I Grow Up!’

by Lee Duigon

June 16, 2022

Where do these people come from? Out from under a rotting log?

What would you think if your child said this? “I wanna be in the Deep State when I grow up!” You might ask… why?

“Why? Are you kiddin’? When you’re in the Deep State, you can do anything you want to anybody and not get into any trouble for it! No one can touch you—most of the time they don’t even know who you are. You can spy on anyone you like; and if the president doesn’t like it, so what? You just take him down! Like they took down Trump.

“And even if you get caught doing something really bad, like cooking up a totally fake Russian conspiracy—so what? Ha, ha, ha! Then you just ‘resign’ and be on all the cable news shows and make piles and piles of money!”

Parents don’t like what their local school board’s serving up to them? They have the nerve, the gall, to show up to meetings and complain? What? They don’t like Critical Race Theory, transgender bathrooms, filthy pornographic books in the school library, or “teachers” telling first-graders all about their gross sex lives? Well! That makes them domestic terrorists, doesn’t it! And the Deep State will spy on them, and make sinister phone calls to their employers, and maybe even have them arrested. They’ll soon find out who’s boss!

Why, we can even call in foreign spies and sic them on any politician we don’t like. They can set up hoaxes and then we can, heh-heh, “investigate”! We can even get our friends in Congress to impeach!

And what can anybody do about it? Get us to investigate ourselves? “Nope, nothing wrong here! Everybody in the FBI is squeaky clean!” Like that guy in charge of the Justice Dept. is gonna clean up his own house!

The great thing is, we can go after anybody. No one’s safe! Evidence? We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence! And if we did, we’ve got plenty of agents who can fabricate all the evidence we need. Who’s going to say we can’t?

It’s called Fundamental Transformation, baby! We are fundamentally transforming the country into anything we please. No one sees us, no one hears us, and by the time anybody comes even close to finding out what we’re up to, it’s too freakin’ late! We aren’t voted in, we don’t have to worry about being voted out. Wait’ll you see who’s waiting for you after Biden finally conks out!

But whoever it is… well, we’re always there, you can’t get rid of us. And we’ll nail you if you try.

What are the parents of Deep Staters like?

Or is that one of those things that it’s better not to know?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… before the Deep State makes us all disappear. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

A Letter to the Students of North Korea: Will America Follow Your Country’s Lead?

by Peter Falkenberg Brown

June 16, 2022

I woke up from a dream this morning that I was in North Korea, standing in the hallway of a university, waiting for you to arrive for a speech that I was to give about freedom.

Yes, it was just a dream, and it was complicated, as dreams are. But in my dream, I was there, in North Korea, with you. Toward the end of the dream, I was on a balcony overlooking a square filled with students. Your eyes were bright, and you all seemed eager and excited.

Not because it was me, mind you. Who am I, after all? No one famous. No, you were enthusiastic because someone was going to speak to you about freedom.

And then, of course, a university administrator came up to me and said, “You can’t use the word ‘freedom.’” We talked back and forth, but he was quite insistent, so I agreed and told him that I would not use that word. As I awoke, I thought, “Well, in that case, I shall use the word ‘love.’”

But that word might not work, either.

I recently watched a video interview with someone who escaped from your country. It was with a newspaper called The Epoch Times.[1] You won’t know the newspaper or her, but America is becoming familiar with Park Yeon Mi, who wrote the book In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom. In her interview, she stated that the North Korean regime has dominated your language: that in North Korea, there’s no word for “friend.”

She also said, “How do you fight to be free when you don’t know you’re a slave?”

When I think about all of you, students attending universities where you cannot learn the real truth about the world, I remember the British author George Orwell, who wrote the novel 1984. I don’t think you know about him, but he also talked about the distortion of language and the term Newspeak—the dystopian society’s redefinition of words. In that novel, the hero, a man named Winston, meets Syme, a specialist who explains the rise of Newspeak. He tells Winston:

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. . . .

“The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect. . . .

“Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?”[2]

Dear students, you are living in a fully-formed, Orwellian society. The tragedy is that many of you don’t know what you are missing. You were born into North Korean society and have listened to Kim Jong Un and his father Kim Jong Il before him, explaining to you how wonderful your life is, and how valuable you are to the Great Leader, and how the country of America is dreadful and evil and is your mortal enemy.

Your family members and friends die of starvation or are shipped to prison camps, but life is Good in North Korea because everyone in power tells you so.

When I think about you entering university, perhaps with a tiny glimmer of hope in your eyes, my heart bleeds for you. I’ve met enough of your relatives from South Korea to know how wonderful the Korean heart can be, how warm and welcoming your people can be.

And yet, there, beyond the DMZ, you struggle through life with no word for friend. You are just comrades, obedient servants to the state, terrorized that at any moment a “comrade” might betray you to the Ministry of State Security.

Some of you—if you’ve read about America from pamphlets dropped from South Korean balloons—might believe that America is good and brave and free. It will be difficult to imagine what freedom is like, but let’s start with language. In America, freedom means that you can run down the street at full tilt and yell, “I’m free!!!” No one will arrest you.

At least . . . not yet.

If you knew about the events of 2020 and 2021, you might wonder if there’s anywhere that you’ll be able to go, because unless something truly dramatic happens in the free world (that’s not North Korea, even if your Supreme Leader says it is), the predictions of Syme in 1984 may come true.

Countries around the world have placed their citizens in “lockdown” because of a disease called “Covid.” You may have heard of it. Perhaps not. It’s a disease that could have been cured by the judicious use of early treatments with a variety of medicines, but those medicines were blocked by the government. Our Marxist media people, whom your Dear Leader would applaud, infected many of our citizens with an intense fear of death. That might seem strange to you since you’re so familiar with suffering and death, but large numbers of our people have become almost hysterical.

They wear masks that don’t work, even as they’re driving in their cars. Oh, I’m sorry, you don’t have cars. They also wear masks as they ride their bicycles. Or as they walk alone with no one around. But back to the lockdowns. The government has closed businesses because of the “Dangers of Covid” and has fired people from their jobs if they don’t get experimental injections that they call “vaccines.” And Australia! It has become a prison country.

I mentioned language before. I misspoke that you could say whatever you wanted to. If we make a video (yes, we can do that here; sorry that you can’t) and post it on the Internet (another thing that you can’t use) and speak in opposition to the government’s policies about the Covid disease, Bad Things Happen.

That speech isn’t allowed. The videos are immediately removed from the most popular platforms. Many people get fired from their jobs. In some Western countries, the police come.

I know, I know. You’re thinking that it sounds just like North Korea.

We think so too, and we’re wondering: if America and the West follow your country’s lead, then how can we help you escape from the death and destruction wrought by your insane and murderous Supreme Leader?

The answer is that we can’t.

So, dear students, think of us. If you still have words for prayer and God, then pray for the West because if the West falls, there will be no light left anywhere.

We will pray for you as well.


© 2022 Peter Falkenberg Brown – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Peter Falkenberg Brown:



Image: Composite of two images with words added by Peter Falkenberg Brown.

* Map of United States: Public Domain, by MLeRoy at English Wikipedia. Color modified.

* Photo of Kim Jong Un: March 6, 2018, Cropped from File: Kim Jong-un meeting with South Korean envoys at the Workers’ Party of Korea main building.jpg, Blue House (Republic of Korea)

  1. North Korean defector Yeonmi Park on communist tyranny and the suicide of western civilization
  2. 1984, by George Orwell.
  3. “Kamsahamnida” is Korean for “Thank you.”

Interesting Responses To My Commentaries: Thank You Everyone, Part 1

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 16, 2022

Part 1: What the heck is happening to the USA?

No question that I write some pretty “pointed and stark” commentaries. I am forever thankful to the publisher at NewsWithViews.  I am also thankful to you, all the millions of readers worldwide.  For certain, we are all in this thing together.

For this three part series, I’m sharing your responses so that you all know that you’re in the vanguard of the very best people.  People with morals, scruples, principles and courage.

This letter arrived from a reader in New Zealand: (all responses with permission to publish)

Hello Frosty,

I purposely read your contributions every time I see you in the NewsWithViews HIGHLIGHTS email. I am so in tune with your sentiments – TOTALLY !!

I have been meaning to reply to your email of 3rd May and I was especially moved to read in NewsWithViews about your wife and her Alzheimer’s Diagnosis. Since that time, I pray to GOD every night to give her a healing that she may be WHOLE again.

I just wanted to tell you that I share your sense of confusion – How can we be surrounded by so many STUPID people, be they American Presidents, New Zealand Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Senators, Parliamentarians or work colleagues and neighbors that just DON’T see what is REALLY going on ?? It would appear those in power just want to purposely crash the System and the rest don’t want to rock the boat !! The rest that is EXCEPT people like us that are not scared to call out the STUPIDITY that we CONSTANTLY witness. I cannot understand what would make people so compliant – Is it they are so stupid or just deliberately evil?

Whilst you are shocked at what is happening in your country (America) we also are equally shocked and dumbfounded at what is happening in ours (New Zealand).

I feel the only solution is to gather like-minded people and go live in a Siberian Community somewhere remote where we can watch the implosion at a safe distance with popcorn !!

I just needed to reach out and let you know that you are not alone – Take Care and May God Bless You, Your Family and Friends

Thanks, and Kind Regards,

This letter addressed the “Flavors of Stupidity”:

Hello Frosty.

This was a great article and I have passed it along to everyone on my list. It’s your article in full with your email at the end just as it is written. No changes at all.  Thank You so very much. However, the trouble is that everyone I send it to will be in total agreeance with it because the Stupid ones are not on my list. Granted, your article is out there such as it needs to be, but I fear that there are just too many stupid ones out there with their heads in their TV sets and for that they may as well have their heads up their ass. Nothing but lies coming from the so-called news they will get there. Where would we be without people like you and the News With Views.   I love it.   Thanks again for a GREAT article.  Sincerely,  DGW

Hello Frosty,

I read your articles on a regular basis and I agree with you about 98 percent of the time. However, your description of the AR15 as an automatic weapon is wrong. AR15’s are a semi-automatic weapon. You have to pull the trigger for each shot. An automatic weapon is a machine gun, pull the trigger and it continues to fire rounds until you let up on the trigger. (My bad! Thank you for keeping me on my toes as to my research for each column.)

We don’t have a gun problem. What we have is a people problem. These mass shootings occur in Democrat-run cities and they don’t want them to stop. It’s all a push to disarm America and it’s Law-abiding citizens. An unarmed society is a controlled society. This kid in Uvalde was a walking time bomb and those who knew him, knew it and did nothing about it. He was arrested 4 years earlier having said, “In 4 years I’ll be a senior and I’m shooting this school up!” In every single mass shooting the red flags were there yet nothing was done. Criminals couldn’t care less about the Laws, that’s why they are criminals. Outlaw weapons and only outlaws will have them, and that includes our Criminal Government. The only way to stop bad guys with guns, is good guys with guns. Do away with gun free zones.

Unfortunately, you and I will never stop the crap coming out of Hollywood or the video games. We the people can, but where has that gotten us. I am stunned at the number of people who pay to see actors beat each other up on BS programs like WWE. Has the American mentality sunk that low? These young kids have no respect for life or much of anything else.  Thanks for your work, RM

A response from one of my “Inspirational commentaries”:

Hi Frosty,

Just want to tell you that you are a wonderful inspiration to me, I see the amazing things that you do and think to myself if Frosty can do all that he has done then I can do just a little….it means a lot because a “little” is a world more than the nothing that most people do. When you tell us about your workout routine it’s amazing that anyone can do that, let alone someone your age. most of us find exercise very painful and difficult, I maybe only do a couple hours a week among the 50-60 hours I work (truck driver as well). My philosophy is too just do enough  to keep myself from totally falling apart. but I tell myself “ if Frosty can do that many hours a day then I can do 30 minutes a few times a week.”

I wish Sandy the best of luck, the way you are helping her is once again an inspiration for many people.  God bless you Frosty! Kevin

To each of you who write me responses. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Sandi and I are doing the best we can as to Alzheimer’s. We’re also doing the best we can to bring America back to its foundation, morality and ethics.  It’s going to be a hard slog, yet we’re going to be here for at least another 10 to 15 years…so you will be hearing from us.  God bless you and yours, Frosty

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Student Loans Cannot Be Forgiven

By Sidney Secular

June 15, 2022

The Demonrats are in a panic because they are beginning to lose the youth vote, something they (the elite) thought inconceivable if they punted the current presidential placeholder into the White House. Once he was in the quarterback pocket and in their pocket, they thought he could at least hold the line of scrimmage while they (the Deep State) called the plays. But now they have to call a Hail Mary play because they are losing too much ground to the advance of the Republicans for the midterm scoring opportunity.

So now the Dems are set to buy the youth vote with student loan forgiveness and a massive media ground attack to go with it. The Dems have limitless funding sources with deep pockets to do so. One can conjure up an image they have a stash of cash as deep as a well that goes straight down to hell with the devils such as Soros replenishing the stash as needed to further any and all of the Left’s limitless lunacies. The commanding far lefties are demanding Biden do their bidding and declare student loan forgiveness in order to buy about 40 million votes – with the taxpayers picking up the tab. If this scenario were to play out, Biden would be breaking new “ground” that is both illegal and unconstitutional for the Chief Executive cannot perforce cancel a contract between two legally constituted entities – and that is what this loan agreement is. The less pushy Dems appear to be satisfied if Biden forgives $10,000 of student loan debt whereas the lunatic wing of that Party is pushing to cancel the total student loan debt, however great the amount.

According to current statistics, total student debt forgiveness would be no less that a $1.6 trillion giveaway. That is a number that even in this day and age of billions in budgets and trillions of national debt is hard to wrap one’s mind around. That mind-numbing number would be 2.5 times the amount spent on federal welfare over the last 20 years! As well, such debt forgiveness would not magically whisk the debt away. The student loans debt was funded with US Treasury Notes. Someone will continue paying the interest on those notes — and that somebody is the American taxpayer! The loan payments are transferred from the loan recipient to the federal government which is us! This means that every man, woman, child and man-child(and there are many) in America would assume an additional $5,000 in debt. Given the current 4% interest rate on student loans, the average family would incur an additional $202 in taxes each month to fund the debt forgiveness These debt forgiveness related-taxes would continue until all the new debt is paid off always assuming that the “student loan” program is abolished and our government does not continue the process presently in force – and that’s a big assumption!

To add insult to injury, the debt tax payments would not be forgiven for those truly in need. According to “Fortune” magazine, only 7% of student debt is held by people below the poverty line. The average person with a student loan is a member of a family with an income of over $76,000 per year. An analysis by USA Today found that 40% of student debt is held by people with advanced degrees, like doctors and lawyers. Student debt forgiveness is the epitome of the “haves” benefiting on the backs of the “have-nots” – a situation that the Dems rail against but somehow always end up doing! That is, that these “defenders of the poor” manage to railroad the middle and lower classes into paying the debts of the elites. The end result of this further government largesse to the well-to-do is that a truck driver or waitress will assume the student loan payments for, say, a doctor or a lawyer so that he (or she) will have more left over each month to make a Lexus or Tesla car payment.

The American worker had no say in the original contract (loan) agreement but despite this money being given by the government without any input by We the People, now could bear the brunt of an additional and unconscionable burden. As a result, the “pee-ons” invariably are shafted. The entire tax system is immoral and unconstitutional, a wicked fraud foisted and forced upon the impotent masses, as their tax burdens continue to burgeon as time goes by. It is long past time to overhaul the tax system to make it more fair and equitable – and honest!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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We the People Just Stopped WHO – For Now

By Kathleen Marquardt

June 15, 2022

“We the People” threw a sabot into the machinations of the WHO, the World Health Organization, stopping them from setting up a system that would grossly infringe on our national and individual sovereignty. In January, the Biden administration proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that cover 194 Member States. According to the IHR: “While disease outbreaks and other acute public health risks are often unpredictable and require a range of responses, the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) provide an overarching legal framework that defines countries’ rights and obligations in handling public health events and emergencies that have the potential to cross borders.” Overarching means comprehensive, all-embracing, and that, in my opinion, defines their aims exactly – and the reason to get the U.S. out of the WHO and, ultimately, the U.N. if we wish to save this country.

The amendments that started this whole firestorm would have given unilateral power to the Director General of WHO to determine WHAT CONSTITUTES A PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY of international concern. Peter Breggin, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, former U.S. Public Health Service officer, and former National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH) consultant, wrote, “The power to declare health emergencies is a potential tool to shame, intimidate, and dominate nations. It can be used to justify ostracism and economic or financial actions against the targeted nation by other nations aligned with WHO or who wish to harm and control the accused nation.” That would definitely be a tool in the globalists’ asymmetrical warfare arsenal. WE DON’T WANT IT.

Think about what constitutes a public health emergency. Does the non-existing climate change constitute a public health emergency? Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director General of WHO (which is under the U.N. umbrella) would most likely believe it so. In fact, the World Health Organization has stated that Climate change is the biggest health threat facing humanity[1]. Bigger than COVID? Then it would definitely give Ghebreyesus a free hand to let those amendments loose on the world’s population.

One of the actions taken by “we the people” that was so very effective during this last skirmish was submitting responses re the proposed amendments. Dozens were able to submit their oral objections and many thousands sent in their objections. The WHO said they had received over 30,000 responses – most of them negative. There will be no invitation for responses this time.

But . . .

We bit the bullet – until next week. Yep. The WHO pulled a silly and fully illegal rabbit out of their hat to end the last meeting supposedly on an “high” note (see Catching Fire News Video, People Power Defeats Biden at the WHO).[1] But they have scheduled more rounds of meetings running from June 14th through the 17th [2] with Subgroup A (meeting the first two days) “discussing “the outline of substantive elements relating to the respective categories of pandemic prevention and preparedness” and Subgroup B will study “pandemic response and recovery” the last two days. The draft of their findings will be presented at the next meeting starting July 18th.

What are some of the things that will be addressed later this month? Let me give you just a few (or more) “highlights”:

Set up permanent national (and, where possible, regional) multisectoral pandemic preparedness and response committees, comprising the IHR National Focal Point, and representatives from animal health, environmental health, civil protection and other relevant public bodies
Regulation of the private sector What are they regulating in the private sector?
Multisectoral participation for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals for the broad approach for the recovery, prevention and mitigation of the effects of future pandemics This one makes me very hot under the collar; Sustainable Development is nothing more that a thousand tools to destroy Western Culture.
Member States must be obliged to present WHO with routine reports outlining their level of commitment to the proposed agreement
International vaccination registry for COVID -19 and all vaccines So they have complete surveillance of us 100% of the time.
Create a multidisciplinary and multisectoral platform of public health emergency operations centres at global, regional and national level
Consider other global health threats (i.e. climate change or chemical contamination)
Envisaged treaty should go a step further to empower WHO to review the travel restrictions and issue binding recommendations in this regard Yes, let them control these areas also.
Freedom of international movement for those fighting against the pandemics
Support multistakeholder engagement including climate, environment
Engagement of civil society, communities and non-State actors, including the private sector, as part of a whole-of-society-approach (public/private partnerships in control).

Now “We the People” need to make it clear that we meant what we said during the earlier meeting. We are not going to take any more. Please go to[3] and share the information James Roguski has amassed there for us. Take this information to your local, state, and federal representatives and tell them WE are not going to fall for this. We want it gone. And we want the U.S. out of the WHO, now!

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

[1]  People power defeats Biden at the WHO



The Ones Accusing Americans for Gun Crimes Are the Very Ones Responsible For Crimes Against the Innocent

By Bradlee Dean

June 15, 2022

“The very ones that are creating the “gun free” zones are the ones responsible for the crimes that they are decrying.”

It has been reported most recently that a said representative yelled “Spare me the b#** s#@# about constitutional rights.”

Congressman David Cicilline told House Republicans they should “spare me the b.s. about Constitutional rights,” during a debate on gun control Thursday.

The Rhode Island representative refused to yield his time during the outburst, while discussing legislation related to “red flag” laws, that would allow the government and law enforcement to confiscate firearms from anyone deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.

“You know who didn’t have due process?” Cicilline continued. “You know who didn’t have their constitutional right to life respected? The kids at Parkland, and Sandy Hook, and Uvalde and Buffalo, and the list goes on and on.”

[Twitter Video]

First off, Americans, there is no gun debate. They have, not a one of them from the president down, no right to strip you of your God-given rights (Psalm 94:20).

[Rumble Video]

Secondly, are not these same said representatives, the ones claiming to protect the innocent, also the very ones for illegally sanctioning the murder of the innocent in the womb (Proverbs 6:17)?

Thirdly, do these that are creating these debates over gun confiscation using mass murderers represent the law-abiding gun owners? Not all, but the law abiders are always the ones accused of the crimes of the guilty (Proverbs 17:15).

Are you paying attention to the fact that it is these said representatives who are creating illegal policies to undermine Americans’ ability  to protect themselves? Gun free zones is where 94-98% mass shootings take place (1 Samuel 13:22).

[Rumble Video]

In conclusion: Instead of debating what is not lawfully admissible, then let’s go to where it is admissible. When it comes to condemning the guilty, and that is in dealing with these said representatives that are representing their highest bidders, we should be impeaching and prosecuting (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 U.S. Constitution) them for their crimes against the innocent (Deuteronomy 25:1).

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Make America Florida: The Case for DeSantis

By Cherie Zaslawsky

June 14, 2022

Many people I know have left California for what they consider greener—I mean redder—pastures: red states free of most of the lunacy in the “woke” Golden State.

Some moved to Texas, some to Idaho, but most have fled to Florida, leaving us stay-at-homes green with envy.

Why Florida—with its notorious humidity, alligators, snakes, humungous mosquitos, and yearly hurricanes? In a word: DeSantis.

Facing off against the radical, America-hating Left, DeSantis fought and won two major battles recently: protecting students in third grade and younger from the Dems’ cherished “choose your gender” narrative, and poking woke Disney in its progressive eye. I’ll wager Walt would approve.

Speaking about these triumphs, Charles Lipson has this to say: “What his legislative victories demonstrate is that DeSantis is willing to fight hard against formidable opposition on high-profile issues, including cultural issues. That is exactly what Republican voters want today.”

Governor DeSantis has continuously put the liberty, interests, and wellbeing of Floridians first, for which he endures perpetual barbs and ridicule from the Pravda media’s coterie of presstitutes. Imagine—he took a stand for sanity in the schools, by outlawing gender “fluidity” indoctrination of children in kindergarten through third grade. How dare he!

And as of September 2020, he refused to allow mask mandates! Does he think he’s smarter than the CDC? Let’s hope so!


Well, I have a suggestion. Instead of millions of us envying Floridians and dreaming of moving there, which may be out of reach for many people, why not bring Florida to us? That is, why not turn Florida’s Governor DeSantis into President DeSantis? Then instead of his fighting tirelessly for Floridians only, he’d be fighting for all of us—and we could stay home! We wouldn’t have to deal with the alligators, mosquitoes, hurricanes and Floridian traffic jams.

Though there is one issue that Ron needs to revisit: a Convention of the States. This is a globalist ploy to throw out the Constitution on the pretext of giving power back to the states. Trouble is, many people don’t read the fine print: Congress would be in charge. And it’s an “anything goes” rodeo, as the one and only precedent proves: Our Founders simply chucked the Articles of Confederation they were supposed to amend,and started over. That’s aone-off that worked because they were liberty-minded and utterly brilliant. The exquisite Constitution they bequeathed to usain’t broke, so don’t “fix” it. We have an amendment process that has been used many times that can do the job just fine when we need new amendments.

The late great Justice Scalia warned: “I certainly would not want a constitutional convention.  Whoa!  Who knows what would come out of it?”

For excellent analyses regarding the dangers of the Convention of the States, I recommend this article by Publius Huldah, and this 30-minute video by Bill Still—very worth watching to the end.The John Birch Society has also been sounding the alarm on the ConCon con for decades.

Back to Trump.

We know his record was outstanding from 2017 through 2019. But let’s review his record from 2020 to the present.


Now in his role as Republican Party kingmaker, Trump is on the campaign trail endorsing candidates for Congress. Unfortunately, as investigative journalist Kelleigh Nelson pointed out in a recent article, Trump has endorsed several Republican quislings, including media personality Dr. Oz, who just so happens to be a Turkish Muslim who apparently voted in Turkey’s election in 2018, and supports the Leftist agenda on many counts. Unbelievably, Trump has also endorsed Greg Pence, Judas Pence’s brother.

In case you’ve forgotten, Trump let it fall to VP Mike Pence to save the Republic by refusing to certify the questionable voting results in the swing states, and allowing Senator Cruz’s proposal for a 10-day emergency audit of the disputed states’ results.  Pence infamously went on to certify the theft of our election instead. And let’s not forget that prior to this act of betrayal, Pence assembled the Coronavirus Task Force that brought us the deadly duo of FauxChi and Birx.

Why on earth would Trump do him the favor of endorsing his brother—who’s likely to be another subversive RINO?


And how about Trump’s refusal to admit Operation Warp Speed was a colossal blunder? Does he still not know thousands of people have died or been disabled by Big Pharma’s experimental injections? Many of us have been patiently waiting for him to discover the truth and shout it from the rooftops, warning people not to get any more jabs. Still waiting…


Let’s revisit President Trump’s tenure in office. As a teacher, I’m used to giving grades, so here goes: 2017…A+; 2018…A++; 2019…A+++; 2020…F.

After three glorious years of Trumpian success after success—the economic miracle Obama said could never happen, major tax relief, historically low unemployment, energy independence, the engine of prosperity roaring again—Covid descended upon us.

The country reeled, having suddenly lost its navigator and Commander-in-Chief. The Dems/Deep State and assorted members of the globalist cabal had found their Kryptonite at last.

If you recall, Trump’s first response was to say Covid was a hoax. By now many of us know his instinct was right. But that pronouncement no doubt provoked outrage and hysteria among his advisors. I can imagine Ivanka pleading with Daddy to take care of people—after all, how could he say it was a hoax when people were dying?

Of course he knew the Wuhan flu and the deaths were real—yet it was being played out as a psyop. And as far as the deaths were concerned, he did all he could to help us from the start.

When Trump learned HCQ was effective, he rushed to get a huge supply for us. When Governor Cuomo was in the midst of murdering elderly New Yorkers, POTUS sent him a huge hospital ship to rescue the nursing home patients. And when he was assured the vaccine would stop the pandemic in its tracks and prevent Americans from dying, he got on board with Operation Warp Speed.

His failure? He forgot the two words he’d made so famous in his years on The Apprentice: “You’re fired!” That’s what he needed to tell Dr. Fraudster, Madame La Scarf, and a few other strategically-placed traitors bent on destroying America, as it became clear the Fauchian “cure” was far worse than the disease.


Since Trump failed so badly in 2020 when it counted the most, since he stood by and let our businesses and churches close, since he threw money at people to compensate them for disastrous governmental policies that he did nothing concrete to try to stop—i.e. socialism—and since he essentially stood by passively through a Color Revolution on our soil whose goal was throwing him out of office though he’d clearly won the election in a landslide so definitive that the Dems had to up their cheating antics in real time—even dragging extra boxes of phony Biden ballots out from under tables— how can he be trusted as our Commander-in-Chief again? He abandoned the ship. He left us to flounder. And I haven’t heard him apologize or admit this epic failure, let alone reassure us he wouldn’t make the same mistakes again.

On January 6th in D.C., President Trump announced to the crowd of his supporters: “We will never give up—we will never concede! You don’t concede when there’s theft.”

Yet fifteen days later, he stepped down. What is that if not conceding? And what transpired in the interim between these two events?

If you read Dr. Scott Atlas’ book A Plague Upon Our House, you’ll see the subversion and ineptitude behind the scenes in the Trump White House. Patrick Byrne also wrote a tragic firsthand account about it.

On the one hand, several brave patriots who understood the stakes and knew what needed to be done came to the President with urgent advice, among them: brilliant attorney Sidney Powell, General Michael Flynn, Patrick Byrne, and later, Mike Lindell.

On the other hand, we find a nest of subversive quislings such as Mark Meadows and Pat Cipolline, smiling RINOS, and clueless family members of Trump’s inner circle. Whom do you think he listened to?

In The Deep Rig, Patrick Byrne notes there were rumors Melania was pleading with Trump to step down, as she feared for his safety, and that she and another family member—my guess is Barron—had been threatened also. Of course there’d be threats! The Dems and Deep Staters were playing full out. But you don’t cave to such threats when you’re the President of the United States.

And shamefully, First Daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared were reportedly already urging Trump to concede by November 12th to “save face”! Adding insult to injury, on June 10, 2022, Ivanka told the January 6th Show Trial persecutors, I mean prosecutors, that she never believed the election was stolen. At least Don Jr. and Eric wanted their father to fight the theft of our nation. Whom did Trump listen to? What matters more, saving face or saving the nation?


Many rejoiced when POTUS brought in powerhouse patriot Steve Bannon as a special advisor. But Jared evidently didn’t like the competition from an actual seasoned expert, so Bannon was ousted. Whom did Trump listen to?

Early on, Trump was poised to place the valiant Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the helm of a commission on vaccine safety. Imagine the effect that stellar appointment would have produced regarding the premature rollout of the experimental Covid shots! But sadly, Bobby’s appointment was quickly derailedas Big Pharma rushed in. Trump’s advisors apparently managed to convince him to place two Pharma lobbyists in top positions: Scott Gottlieb (Pfizer) as head of FDA, and Alex Azar (Eli Lilly) as head of HHS.

Whom did Trump listen to?


Late in the summer of 2021, I heard a talk by a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who had been invited to a luxurious golf weekend at one of Trump’s resorts. He got to chat with the former President, and hobnob with the members of Trump’s inner circle who were also there that weekend. To my shock and dismay, Mark Meadows was among the guests—one of the key men who enabled the take down of our Republic by sequestering Trump during the tumultuous countdown to the 2021 Inauguration, while keeping patriots Sidney Powell and General Flynn at bay.

And Rand Paul was there—after having stabbed Trump in the back on January 6th by publicly stating members of Congress couldn’t overturn an election. Sorry, Rand–the election had already been overturned. That’s what the Dems and their co-conspirators accomplished—much of it in plain sight. The members of the Joint Session of Congress had the ability and the duty to object to the certification of the fraud!

And yet six months later, Trump continued to surround himself with these men who had betrayed him personally, and much, much worse—betrayed our Republic.

Trump is famous for valuing loyalty, but I think he misunderstands it in the context of the fight for our Republic.

Worst of all, he was, in the end, loyal to his old friend Rudy Giuliani—though Rudy was clearly out of his depth and not going to win Trump’s lawsuits on election fraud, whereas Sidney Powell and team very likely would have. And it would have been simple: a re-vote in the few places where the most cheating occurred. Then, if Biden still won, so be it. But the far likelier outcome would have been Trump winning. The stolen election would have been overturned, the Soros-style Color Revolution overruled, and we’d still have our Republic and the President we actually elected.

I fear Trump also misunderstood his Oath of Office. What happened to “America First”? He was under a sacred obligation as our Commander-in-Chief to put his country first—not his friends and family.

To his credit, during his time in office Trump courageously stood up to China, fought the globalists, the Dems, and our “fake news” propagandizing media in brilliant ways. But in the clinch, though he’d won the election, he packed his bags and moved back to Mar-a-lago.

Here’s a quote from Martin Luther during the greatest battle of his life, as he faced branding as a heretic and excommunication by the all-powerful Vatican he had so boldly challenged: Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.


How high were the stakes? Take a look around you.

Soaring gas prices. Unemployment skyrocketing. Food shortages on the horizon. Looming possibility of WWIII. Double-digit inflation. Illegal aliens pouring in through our southern border in huge numbers. Crime increasing. Production of needed energy decreasing. Etc.

Perhaps worst of all, the moment the Usurper-in-Chief mounted the steps to the White House, we lost our Republic. We want to believe we’re still in America because we’re still in our homes, we can still go to Starbucks, Lucky’s, and Costco. But, except for Shanghai, people can still shop in Communist China too.

Whether we call our new system Socialism, Communism, Technocracy or something else, we’re in the painful downward trajectory toward tyranny—even totalitarianism.

Though we should never forget Trump’s stellar accomplishments during the first three years of his administration, this is his final legacy.


Now it’s entirely possible that had Trump fought as he ought to have when the Cabal stole his election victory, they would have had him assassinated. That would have been a huge tragedy for the nation, but his legacy would have been untarnished. The MAGA movement would have continued strong, and our martyred President would have earned his place on Mount Rushmore. But it’s even likelier that the Dems/Elites/Davos Cabal would have feared to make a martyr out of our beloved President, and he would have triumphed, making America the greatest nation it’s been in many decades by pursuing his America First agenda for four more glorious years.

We’ll never know.

What we do know, is that when push came to shove in 2020, DeSantis defied the ruinous recommendations of the CDC and Coronavirus Task Force and Dr. Faustus. By contrast, President Trump, the one with the power to intervene to preserve the great gains he’d fostered for our businesses, workers and families, stood on the sidelines, letting little Tony dictate to the nation. It pains me to say it, but that is not leadership.

The best thing kingmaker Trump can do now for America is to hand the torch over to Ron DeSantis.

I will be forever grateful to Trump for his inspirational first three years in office. He reminded us of what America had been and showed us the road back to our former greatness. I loved him for giving me back my country and making me a proud American again. I love him still. But I’ll vote for DeSantis.

And if DeSantis doesn’t run for President in 2024?

I may just write him in!

© 2022 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

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Necessary to the Security of a Free State

By Lex Greene

June 14, 2022

When any government tells its people they don’t need or have any right to keep or bear arms, especially within the USA, or that “our Bill of Rights is not absolute,” they are really telling you that you will soon need every weapon you can lay your hands on…

Contrary to what the idiot in the Oval Office said last week, the 2ndAmendment is indeed “absolute,” just like every other amendment in the Bill of Rights and every word in the Charters of Freedom. As it relates to the 2nd Amendment specifically, it’s the single inalienable natural right of every legal U.S. Citizen to keep and bear arms, that protects everything else in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

Sadly, too many contemporary Americans have no idea what the Charters of Freedom say or mean. Too many think they are up for discussion and negotiation, easily amended by so-called scholars changing the definition of words, courts issuing opinions at odds with the Supreme Law of the Land, unconstitutional laws from a legislature and unlawful Executive orders.

In reality, the constitutional amendment process is purposefully complex, difficult, expensive, and very time consuming. With clear intent, it’s not at all easy to amend the U.S. Constitution and contrary to the con-game played by Mark Meckler’s Convention of States scam, it cannot be amended by a State’s Convention. But Mark’s scam has been highly profitable, conning money out of unsuspecting believers.

Much better we stick with what already exists and learn how to enforce it…

The Second Amendment Text

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Again, contrary to popular nonsense propaganda on the subject, the 2nd Amendment as stated, exists for one sole purpose and it is NOT hunting. “BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE!” This is the sole purpose of the 2nd Amendment. The type of weapons cannot be limited (regulated), as they must be adequate to protect ourselves and our country from all enemies, be they foreign or domestic.

Under what conditions might necessity require a society to keep and bear arms? The Declaration of Independence answers that question.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Declaration of Independence

Words have specific “absolute” meaning. To “keep” means to freely own and possess. To “bear” means to carry. “Shall not be infringed” means, “untouchable” by any governmental body, for any purpose.

Who is guaranteed this inalienable natural Right protected by the 2nd Amendment?

It is “the right of the people;” – all legal law-abiding Citizens of the United States, no matter within which state they reside. No governmental body anywhere in the USA has any legal or constitutional authority whatsoever, to “infringe” upon(aka regulate) this Right of the people.

To “infringe” means to “actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.):” or “act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on:” in any fashion.

To “contravene · violate · transgress · break · breach · disobey · defy · flout · fly in the face of · ride roughshod over

One of the things established in the famed legal case Marbury v. Madison, is the fact that any legislation, court opinion or executive order which is repugnant to the Constitution and Bill of Rights is null and void on arrival. Certainly, any effort by any governmental body to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment is indeed, repugnant to the Constitution and a direct violation of the People’s inalienable Right to Keep and Bear arms.

In recent years, anti-gun and anti-freedom so-called scholars, lawyers, and politicians, have set out to debate the meaning of “well-regulated militia” in their effort to disarm all law-abiding legal Citizens of the USA.

However, the true meaning of “well-regulated militia” is quite simple.

In contrast to a Military, a war body in the employment of the Federal or State government, paid by a government with the constitutional intent to “provide for a common defense” of the USA, all member states, and to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States; a “militia” is a volunteer fighting force made up of, by and for the people, as in, the militia that fought the American Revolutionary War to free our country from British rule, creating a free independent sovereign nation governed not by mere politicians, but rather by the Supreme Law of the Land.

“Well-regulated” simply means trained in the proper use of weapons, and somewhat organized as a fighting unit. In today’s cancel culture, when we see the FBI and other federal agencies involved in acts of entrapment and false flag events, organizing a militia in the open is a challenge. All true “patriots” of our country have been falsely labeled “domestic terrorists” and “extremists.” Best not get your name on those lists today.

I think it’s impossible to look at all the many ways American Citizens have been under attack from their own rogue government and not conclude that our current government has become entirely “destructive of freedom, liberty, peace, and tranquility, as well as our national sovereignty and security.” This is the sole reason why the 2nd Amendment exists, and why this Right of the People “shall not be infringed.”

No one has the legal or constitutional authority to “infringe” upon any Rights protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Yet, our current Federal government performs as if completely unrestrained by these protections.

When Americans feel like they need to flee the USA in search of freedom and liberty elsewhere, it’s time to replace the entire government. And when history presents this challenge once again, to free itself from tyrannical governments, we will need every weapon we can lay our hands upon, to protect ourselves and loved ones from tyrants. Any law repugnant to these foundations, is not a law at all.

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Several Flavors Of Stupid Facing The American People

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 13, 2022

What’s going on in America today stands as a hallmark of sheer, pure, utter and complete stupidity.

We’re allowing less than one percent of the country to dictate their criminal way of life on the rest of us.  Take for instance, we’re prosecuting 300 rioters on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021 for walking into the Capitol with no guns, no firepower, no nothing.  Then, certain politicians and talking heads called it an “insurrection.”

Definition of an insurrection by Webster:  INSURRECTION implies an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.

No one was armed on January 6, 2021.  But when you look back at 2020 with the BLM along with Antifa anarchy, those anarchists set fires to everything, killed people, and caused $2 billion in destruction of our cities. Not one of them was brought to trial.  What color of stupid would you call that?

Last year with Joe Biden, over 2,000,000 illegal alien migrants invaded our borders against our laws and against everything we stand for in the U.S. Constitution.  Where are they now?  Biden bussed, flew and ferried them to cities around America where they live on our welfare dollars that’s costing us BILLIONS.  And will continue costing us billions of our tax dollars.  What price this form of stupid by a stupid U.S. president?

Last week, I spent a lot of time in California in Los Angeles and San Francisco.  I witnessed 66,000 homeless in LA and another 35,000 living in tents and sleeping on cardboard boxes in San Francisco.  Nothing is being done to solve that massive American problem. NOTHING!   In fact, it’s getting worse by the day.  What color of stupid would you pull out of your Crayola box to paint that situation?

We’re paying $5.00 a gallon for gas all over the country in 2022 because of choices in 2021 to shut down the Keystone Pipeline that destroyed our energy independence.  In California on the Big Sur, I paid $8.55 a gallon. I even took a picture of the gas pump.  What form of stupidity would you call that when our leaders are strangling us at the pump?

(Where I filled up on Big Sur, California two weeks ago.) Photography
By Frosty Wooldridge

Last week, two black guys smashed a 60-year-old man in the head, who was walking down the street, minding his own business in NYC, and killed him as his skull fracture on the pavement. They robbed him and casually walked away.  Why? Because DA Bragg, also black, wants to be a kinder and gentler person with the mobs that rule the streets.  What color of stupid would you call that?  How about “African tribal law.”  Perhaps there’s only one color you can assign it.

In the past month, Biden has given $53 billion to Ukraine, a country 10,000 miles away from us. But we’re $31 trillion in national debt as we pay billions in interest rates weekly.  We’re so far in the red that there’s only one color of stupidity that you can call his actions: Bloody, stupid, asinine, ridiculous and ugly RED!

We suffer dozens of gun killings in Chicago, NYC, Detroit, St. Louis, LA and more big cities every week.  Sometimes, the death rates reach over 100 per weekend.  What do the DA’s of those cities do?  They give  “no bail” allowances to hardened criminals who get back out onto the street within hours.  You think Uvalde or Sandy Hook were terrible, but in fact, more people are killed with fists, ball bats, crowbars and knives than guns.  Why don’t we get back to the basics like citizenship, peaceful communication and civility to settle our differences?  What color of stupidity would you choose to call the fact that we haven’t, and we won’t teach personal accountability and personal responsibility?  Why haven’t we put armed security professionals at the doors of all our schools?  What color of stupid is that?

What does it all mean?  It means that our multicultural society fractures more and more by the day.  We’ve got too many cultures that are incompatible with Western Thought and Laws.  We’ve got too many angry inner-city criminals with no other way to express themselves.  We’ve got a “too complicated” society and “too fast” society for anyone to maintain a mental, physical and spiritual balance. We revere TOO much violence on TV, Video Games, and the movies to even expect that anyone would peacefully settle a dispute.

Are there any solutions to the stupidities across the nation? Answer: of course!  We need swift, complete and effective policing in every city. We need to stand by our police.  Then, we need swift, severe and total jail time for all those criminals.  No easy bail, no pat on the back, and effective jail-time to give those criminals 20 years to think about their deeds. I’m happy to pay for their three squares and a cot as long as they’re not out there robbing and killing my friends and family.

Once we reestablish the rule of law, and respect for the law by enforcing our laws, we have a chance to change to a much kinder, simpler and more peaceful society in the coming years.  What color of stupid do you think we’ll finally end up?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

When Preparation Turns Into Tyranny

By Paul Engel

June 13, 2022

  • Several presidential administrations have created plans to take over the government and the nation in the event of an emergency.
  • While secret, declassified notes from periodic reviews show that the Office of President has plans to overturn the Constitution and your rights if he thinks it’s necessary.
  • While we are aware that these plans exist, not even Congress knows what is contained in many of these plans.

There’s a saying in many training communities, “The body will not go where the mind has not already been.” Another one you may have heard is the Five “P’s”, Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. The idea is simple; if you do not prepare beforehand for a given situation, you will not be prepared when it happens. But what happens when government preparations move from proper to totalitarian?

Have you heard of “Presidential Emergency Action Documents” (PEADs)? More likely you’ve heard of a President’s “Emergency Powers”. These documents are plans created by various presidential administrations to prepare for various emergencies. Taking the form of exec­ut­ive orders, proclam­a­tions, and messages to Congress, the idea is that these PEADs can be put into effect on a moment’s notice. As with so many things in government, PEADs started as a good idea that has morphed into Sword of Damocles hanging over the rights so many of us cherish.

Presidential Emergency Action Documents

The Eisenhower administration had its own Sword of Damocles hanging over its head: Nuclear war. As part of the plans for the continuation of government in the event of a nuclear attack, President Eisenhower created the first of what became known as Presidential Emergency Action Documents. PEADs are classified as “secret”, and therefore the details are kept secret, not only from the public, but in many cases from Congress as well. However, these documents are periodically reviewed, and several de-classified notes from these reviews give us a hint at what’s inside. Research by The Brennan Center for Justice into previous PEADS gives us a glimpse into what presidents believe their “emergency powers” include.

  • author­ized deten­tion of “alien enemies” and other “danger­ous persons” within the United States;
  • suspen­ded the writ of habeas corpus by pres­id­en­tial order;
  • provided for vari­ous forms of martial law;
  • issued a general warrant permit­ting search and seizure of persons and prop­erty;
  • estab­lished milit­ary areas such as those created during World War II;
  • suspen­ded produc­tion of the Federal Register;
  • declared a State of War; and
  • author­ized censor­ship of news reports.

Let’s take a look at some of these assumed “powers” and where they came from.

President George W. Bush

For those of you who believe that the Republican Party’s goal is to protect your rights and liberty, I present the case of President George W. Bush. In 2004, 2006, and 2008, in the light of the 9/11 attacks, the George W. Bush Administration initiated a holistic review of their current PEADs. In response to a Freedom of Information, the George W. Bush Pres­id­en­tial Library turned over to the Brennan Center for Justice over 500 pages of information generated during the reviews. While the actual PEADs remain classified, the information gathered sheds a light on the disturbing powers a President may claim to have in an emergency.


Upon proclamation by the President that there exists a state or threat of war involving the United States, the President, if he deems it necessary in the interest of the national security and defense, may, during a period ending not later than six months after the termination of such state or threat of war and not later than such earlier date as the Congress by concurrent resolution may designate, (1) suspend or amend the rules and regulations applicable to any or all facilities or stations for wire communication within the jurisdiction of the United States as prescribed by the Commission, (2) cause the closing of any facility or station for wire communication and the removal therefrom of its apparatus and equipment, or (3) authorize the use or control of any such facility or station and its apparatus and equipment by any department of the Government under such regulations as he may prescribe, upon just compensation to the owners.

47 U.S.C. §606(d)

Under Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution of the United States, Congress is authorized to declare war, not the President. Yet here we see Congress once again delegating its power to the Executive Branch. Not only has Congress claimed the power to delegate its authority to another branch, but it claims the power to authorize that branch to violate the Constitution of the United States. The suspension of rules and regulation is one thing, but the closing or takeover of a private facility is a clear violation of the Fifth Amendment:

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

Should the President unilaterally proclaim that we are at war, or merely that there is a threat of war, your access to information can be shutdown or controlled by government. This law was enacted in 1942, which is why it specifically references “facilities or stations for wire communication”. But would a President today extend such an understanding to include the Internet? After all, at some point all Internet communications passes through “wire”, either copper or fibre-optic. Notes from the review of these documents during the George W. Bush Administration shows that they believed this act grants very broad powers in such an emergency.

Source: George W. Bush Pres­id­en­tial Library

For those of us who make a living by communicating via these facilities, our businesses would suddenly be controlled by Uncle Sam, extending the theft of both liberty and property even farther. Just imagine the dystopian future where an administration already sending examples of “misinformation” to social media companies, have the power to directly control them.


Shortly after the Supreme Court opinion in Boumediene v. Bush that recognized the rights of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay to have their detentions reviewed by a court, an internal memo from the Bush Administration showed that one of the PEADs was being reviewed in light of a recent opinion. While not positive proof, it certainly does imply that the administration had plans to suspend habeas corpus, a power the Constitution leaves in the hands of Congress, since it exists in Article I, where Congress is created. Furthermore, the privilege of Habeas Corpus can only be suspended in cases of rebellion or invasion, not in a “national emergency”.

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, Clause 2


Did you know there is a law that allows the federal government to restrict travel to certain countries?

Unless authorized by law, a passport may not be designated as restricted for travel to or for use in any country other than a country with which the United States is at war, where armed hostilities are in progress, or where there is imminent danger to the public health or the physical safety of United States travellers.

22 U.S.C. §211a

Notes from the George W. Bush Presidential Library shows not only that they were aware of the law, but they highlighted it during their PEADs review. Doesn’t it make you wonder under what circumstances a President would be prepared to restrict travel? Would it be limited to foreign travel or would a President claim the power to restrict interstate travel as well?

National State of Emergency

Some of you may be thinking “OK, these are serious, but they’re only for national emergencies. We’re OK at the moment.” Wrong. America has been in a persistent state of “national emergency” since 2001.

A national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States.
Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush,
President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, I hereby declare that the national emergency has existed since September 11, 2001, and, pursuant to the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), I intend to utilize the following statutes:…

Proclamation 7463—Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks, September 14, 2001

This proclamation has never been rescinded, so we are still in the state of “national emergency” that started with the 9/11 attacks.

A very funny thing happened on the way to this state of national emergency. You see, President George W. Bush proclaimed that, “by virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, I hereby declare that the national emergency has existed since September 11, 2001”. Yet nothing in the Constitution delegates to the United States, much less its President, the power to declare a national emergency. Since that power is not delegated to the United States, and neither is it prohibited to the states, then that particular power remains with the states. Whether or not it should be a state power, can and should be discussed. Before such sweeping power is simply handed over to Washington, D.C., We the People, through our states, ought to put some restrictions and limitations on that power.


When does a President become a King?

An officer appointed or elected to govern a province or territory, or to administer the government of a nation. 

President, Websters 1828 Dictionary

The difference between a President and a King is more than just an election; after all, there is such a thing as an elected king. The role of the President is to administer the government. In the United States, the President’s power to govern is supposed to be limited by the Constitution and laws of the United States. Compare that to a king:

The chief or sovereign of a nation; a man invested with supreme authority over a nation, tribe or country; a monarch. Kings are absolute monarchs, when they possess the powers of government without control, or the entire sovereignty over a nation;

King, Websters 1828 Dictionary

So when the office of President becomes more than the administrator of government, when the office is invested with supreme authority, that office ceases to be a president and instead becomes a king. And when the office of President assumes absolute control over the government, creating laws and administrative courts, the President becomes an absolute monarch. When the President, with the stoke of a pen, can overrule the Constitution and laws of the United States, he morphs from an absolute monarch into despotic dictator.

America stands on the precipice. Multiple presidential administrations have set in place rules and orders to effectively take over and rule this country. They did this behind closed doors, not even letting Congress know what their plans are. All it would take is the right person and the right conditions, for someone in the office of President to declare a national emergency and activate these despotic powers. George Washington warned us:

The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

George Washingtons Farewell Address, 1796

They say never let a crisis go to waste. Well, unless the American people wake up and regain control of their government, all it will take for freedom and liberty in America to disappear is the right crisis to present itself.

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Is the Biden Administration Riddled With Jew Haters?

By Joan Swirsky

June 12, 2022

King Solomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

The sun rises, and the sun goes down…all streams run to the sea… what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

In his prescience, King Solomon no doubt knew that one of the things that would remain the same was the obdurate persistence––over thousands of years––of maniacal Jew hatred and a fanatical loathing of Israel.

If it weren’t so serious, and deadly, it would be almost comical, considering that the massive, heavily armed, immensely populated, and hugely influential empires that tried to annihilate the Jews—the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Assyrians, et al––have been extinct for centuries, while the teeny tiny world of Judaism flourishes to this day.

And that is not to omit the Crusades and Inquisition and forced conversions and the 20th century Holocaust in which Hitler’s “willing executioners“––all over Europe––succeeded in mass-murdering a full half of the world’s Jewry. Here is a partial picture of Jewish history and persecution that makes the vibrancy of modern Jewish life even more amazing!

But not so amazing that today, in the putatively evolved 21st century, the historical scourge of viciously rampant Jew hatred not only gallops across the globe but also in hundreds if not thousands of colleges and universities in our own country!

According to The Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, hatred of Jews is on a significant rise. Their 2021 survey reports:

  • In the US, which has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel, the number of anti-Jewish hate crimes recorded in both New York and Los Angeles was almost twice that of the previous year,
  • In France, the number of recorded anti-Semitic incidents increased by nearly 75% compared with 2020,
  • In Canada, a leading Jewish group reported a 40-year record in anti-Semitic physical violence in one month – August,
  • In the UK, the number of recorded physical assaults against Jews increased by 78% compared with 2020,
  • In Germany, anti-Semitic incidents recorded by police were up 29% compared with 2020,
  • In Australia, there was the sharpest rise in recorded anti-Semitic incidents, with 88 in May alone.
  • In Ukraine (Jewish population: 43,000), acts of vandalism against Jews increased 162.5% from 2019.

In fact, according to the Annual Report on Hate Crimes released by the Uniform Crime Reporting Program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), it is Jews, among the world’s tiniest populations––15 million in a world of nearly eight billion––who experience the most bias, hatred, assaults, blatant racism and hate crimes.

Yet, we Jews continue to thrive not only in our ancestral home in the State of Israel but around the world, contributing disproportionately, as we always have, to the world’s welfare––in science, the arts, medicine, technology, athletics, media, et al. Still, the world’s Jew haters and Israel loathers continue to marinate in their DNA hatred and envy of the Jews who, of course, they should be admiring and emulating. Stupid is forever!


It is inconceivable that in America, a country that welcomes the stranger, strives mightily for equality, and in which minorities have succeeded far beyond even their own expectations, that many of our leaders have been outright racists themselves, with a particularly irrational hatred toward Jews.

Going back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose Jew hatred has been exhaustively documented by professor, columnist and author Rafael Medoff, among others; up to the Ayatollah-infatuated Jimmy Carter who had and continues to have a “special animus” toward Jews and Israel, according to rabbi and author Shmuley Boteach; and not to omit the seething Jew hatred of Barack Obama, as spelled out here and here and here and here, the list has no end.

But who could imagine that in the so-called evolved culture of 2022, that among the most maniacally anti-Semitic people in the world––and among the most powerful––are those in the Biden regime who currently occupy the White House?

Very unfortunately, many of them are apostate Jews…you know, the species that has replaced Judaism with their own fetishistic, cult-like religion of Social Justice––a cult that worships at the altar of political correctness, multiculturalism, moral relativism, and the convoluted and racist construct of intersectionality.

And all of them are Democrats, including a huge number of elected members of the U.S. Congress! We have all witnessed the ferocious Jew hatred and abhorrence of Israel vomited out on a regular basis by the growing number of racist Democrats in the U.S. Congress, aka “the Squad” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Jamaal Bowman (NY), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN), et al––the list gets longer every day.

Here is their latest  Resolution, which calls the founding of Israel “a catastrophe.” And here, political activist Paul Schnee describes The Treachery of the ‘Squad’.

Of course, if any member of Congress dared to criticize the color, style, or primitive nature of a:

or a:

…all hell would break loose. But vilify, insult, lie about, slander, or proffer a blood libel about Jews, a thunderous silence!


Clearly it is not solely because their parents and grandparents were Democrats, but because they appear to genuinely like high taxes, open borders, a weak military, no-bail laws, the rampant thuggery of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and especially abortions up to birth (now legal in 29 states) and even infanticide after live births. We know this because this is what they consistently––decade after decade after decade––campaign for, teach their children, contribute money to, and vote for.

But there are other theories. Writer M. B. Mathews says this phenomenon is “hard to fathom.” But a rabbi in New Jersey, he reports, says that Jews vote Democrat because it’s in their DNA.

The late English journalist Malcolm Muggeridge, Mathews writes, said: “I am not certain that college attendance is the only cause of Jewish liberalism, but it is probably the most likely culprit. Many colleges are festering pustules of regressive socialist/Marxist thinking. Our Jewish youngsters are being groomed intellectually to be perversely liberal.”

And editor, writer and conservative political commentator Norman Podhoretz has posited that “To most American Jews . . . liberalism is . . . the very essence of being a Jew…it is a religion in its own right, complete with its own catechism and its own dogmas and, Tertullian-like, obdurately resistant to facts…”


But don’t believe me. Here, in alphabetical order, are the direct quotes and credentials and behavior of some of Joe Biden’s hand-picked Jew-hating and Israel-loathing appointees, which are not limited to the Oval Office, but also include officials in the State Department, the National Security Council, the Defense Department, and U.S. intelligence agencies. It is as if the arch criterion for employment in this regime is a loathing of Jews and detestation of Israel. Otherwise, don’t apply!

I have written about this before, but I repeat it here because I believe that repetition aids learning. Only space limitations prevents me from listing all these miscreants and presenting the entire sordid picture of these career anti-Semitic racists.

I could write a doctoral thesis on Joe Biden’s animus toward Israel, going back decades. Here are just a few headlines, out of thousands.

Biden Is No Friend of Israel
Biden to visit Jerusalem to tell the world: Zion belongs to Muslims
Biden State Dept “Strongly Opposes” New Jewish Homes in Israel
Biden Institutes Rules Forbidding US Soldiers from Non-Official Travel to Israel
Why Is the Biden Administration Determined to Help Terrorist Iran Get a Bomb?

HADY AMR (whose mother is Jewish) is the Deputy Asst. Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs. Caroline Glick writes that Amr is an anti-Israel activist with “a long record of statements hostile to Israel and supportive of Palestinian terrorists, including Hamas.” Amr said: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada” (the terror wars in which Palestinian Arab terrorists murdered or maimed 10,000 Jews).

MAHER BITAR, the “Palestinian” Senior Director for Intelligence of the National Security Council (NSC), supports the Boycott/Divest/Sanction (BDS) movement to strangle Israel economically and has called for the destruction of Israel.

ANTHONY BLINKEN, Secretary of State (who is Jewish), has praised radical anti-Israel J Street as a ‘constructive force,’” and opposed designating the murderous terrorist Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terror organization.

KRISTEN CLARKE, head of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, has a long history of advocating for anti-Semites and spewing anti-Semitic lies,” going back to her heading Harvard’s Black Students Association.

REEMA DODIN, the “Palestinian” Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, supports the suicide bombings of Jews, was the leader of the Hamas-affiliated Muslim Students Association, and has spread Medieval-style blood libels about Jews.

AVRIL HAINES, Director of National Intelligence (who is Jewish) has been described as rabidly anti-Israel, and was (surprise surprise!) Obama’s deputy national security adviser and is now deputy director of Obama’s anti-Israel Columbia World Project.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, White House Press Secretary, former head of far-left, anti-Israel, has praised lawmakers for boycotting pro-Israel groups and accused Israel of “war crimes.”

JOHN KERRY, who has Jewish roots, is Envoy for Climate. With personal family connections to Iran, Kerry, according to Adam Berkowitz, has written that “even the Israeli leftist newspaper Haaretz is appalled by John Kerry’s bungled, counterproductive, utter capitulation to Hamas.”

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, who is Jewish, is Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He is a board member of HIAS, which partners with terrorism-financier Islamic Relief, and he has undermined Israeli repatriation policies regarding illegal immigrants, among many anti-Israel actions.

DENIS McDONOUGH is Secretary of the Veterans Administration. Obama’s former Chief of Staff, he has spoken at the anti-Israel J Street convention and falsely condemned Israel’s “occupation.” As Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, he praised the imam of a Virginia mosque, knowing that the imam was a Muslim Brotherhood leader and VP of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which directly funds Hamas.

THOMAS NIDES, Obama’s former deputy secretary of state, is Biden’s Israel Ambassador. According to Daniel Greenfield, Nides tells BDS group he wants Jews out of Jerusalem, and also documents that Nides “is the ambassador to the anti-Israel lobby.” Nides also describes Arab terrorists who murder Jews as “martyrs,”

SUSAN RICE is Domestic Policy Advisor (aka Biden’s Valerie Jarrett). The serial liar and inveterate Israel basher was Obama’s senior foreign-policy advisor and John Kerry’s chief foreign-policy adviser when he ran for President. And you know what both those Jew-hating racists stood for!

WENDY SHERMAN, who is Jewish, is Deputy Secretary of State. She negotiated the genocidal-to-Israel Iran deal and has also praised arch-terrorist Yasir Arafat as “the leader of the resistance movement” as well as downplaying the PLO suicide bombings and other terror attacks on innocent Israelis that Arafat engineered; on and on.

Unfortunately, because of space limitations, this is the very veryshort list! But you can see some of Biden’s other Jew-hating, Israel-detesting appointments here.

All of them––I repeat, all of them––are obsessed––to the point of utter capitulation to all the Draconian demands of Iran––to seal the malevolent Iran deal in order to put nuclear weapons into the hands of the one nation on earth that has vowed for the last 50 years literally to destroy every last vestige of the State of Israel, to wipe the only Jewish state in the world and its inhabitants off the map of human history.

I could recite the colossal failures of the current regime, but everyone in America knows and recognizes and “feels” the horrors that a very compromised and diminished Joe Biden and his communist handlers have inflicted on this nation and on their own personal lives.


There are only two solutions to this regime’s rampant racism.

The first is for every sane citizen to write to their representatives in the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate EVERY DAY to insist on voter IDs and scrupulously monitored midterm elections.

If these elected officials don’t answer you, or they send a waffling response, know that they are in on “the fix,” no doubt for the hefty payments they’re receiving––paying off their mortgages, financing their children through college, et al––from the left wing billionaires who control all Democrat behavior.

Here’s How to Contact All 535 Members of United States Congress. CALL, EMAIL, TWEET, et al, them every day!  This will take you 10 minutes.

Simply prepare a two-or-three-line message that expresses your ideas, for example: Mr. President…I insist that you mandate Voter ID cards for ALL voters in ALL elections, starting with the midterms in November 2022.

In influencing elected officials, numbers count! Let’s send them an avalanche of phone calls and a Mt. Everest of e-mails!

The second is to vote in the midterms on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. And to encourage everyone you know to cast their vote in this all-important, history-changing, anti-fascist election.

When We the American People put our hearts and minds and efforts into any mission, we can accomplish anything!

© 2022 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green

By Rob Pue

June 12, 2022

Although I guess you could say there have been “earth worshipers” since just about the beginning of time, it was the civil unrest of the 1960s that spawned the radical environmental movement we’re dealing with today.  It was an age of unbridled lust and hedonism, and the effects of communist infiltration into our public schools and college campuses was starting to pay off for a new generation of Leftists in America.  Using their new-found power in movies, television, magazines and mainstream media, the Left was able to co-opt and capitalize on the power of the civil rights, anti-war, anti-capitalist, feminist and homosexual movements.  The Marxist propaganda machine was running at full speed, though few realized it at the time.

In 1970, Kermit the Frog, (the original Muppet), sang a song called “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green.”  Whether it had to do with the color of their skin or some other perceived difference, the song was ostensibly meant to make young children, who felt a little awkward or different from others, to feel better about themselves.  In the song, at first, Kermit is sad, because he’s green.  But in the end, he comes to love himself as he is.  This may seem charming and innocent to you, as it did to me at the time.  But the brainwashing had begun.  I believe this innocent children’s song had a subliminal message behind it — no matter how you act or what you do, you’re fine just as you are.  “Anything goes,” and “if it feels good, do it.”  That was the message the liberals were pushing at the time, and Kermit helped it along, ever-so-sweetly.

In 1978, Gilbert Baker, an artist, open homosexual and “drag queen,” designed the first rainbow flag, at the urging of Harvey Milk, who was the first openly-homosexual elected official in the US.  He served 11 months as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.  Milk wanted Baker to create a symbol of “pride” for the homosexual community.  And thus, the rainbow was hijacked by the LGBT movement.  Today that flag flies in just about every community, large and small, across the country — especially during the month of June, which has now been designated as “pride” month.

Just one year after the rainbow flag was created for the homosexual movement, “The Muppet Movie” was released, featuring Kermit singing a song called “The Rainbow Connection.”  Maybe I’m making more of this than I should, but I believe there is a connection. Here are some of the lyrics, speaking of the rainbow:  “…All of us under its spell; We know that it’s probably magic.  Have you been half asleep; And have you heard voices?  I’ve heard them calling my name.  Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?  The voice might be one and the same.  I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it; Its something that I’m supposed to be.  Someday we’ll find it, The Rainbow Connection…The lovers, the dreamers and me.”

Sorry, but that seems a little eery to me.  It certainly didn’t at the time, but such was the subtleness of the brainwashing and indoctrination.  In hindsight, one can put the puzzle pieces together and see how it was all orchestrated toward an end goal.  And here we are today.  I’m sure no one dreamed, back then, that one day we’d have men legally marrying other men, cities with a million people gleefully celebrating sodomy in the streets and parents taking their young children to watch those “pride” parades or to a “drag queen story hour.”  Not to mention encouraging children to “transition” to the opposite sex if they experience any awkwardness or discomfort at all during or prior to puberty.

This is how Satan operates.  Sometimes he comes as an angel of light.  Sometimes he comes as a cute little frog, singing a song — to children.  The methods may be subtle and even imperceptible.  But there’s nothing hidden that will not be revealed, eventually.  For the record, “The Muppets” now have openly homosexual characters to entertain your children and grandchildren.

But I’m getting off-topic.  My message today isn’t about the LGBTQP+ movement.  It has to do with the religion of radical environmentalism. It was during the 1960s that two best-selling books were released on the topic: Silent Springand Population Bomb.”  The first “Earth Day” was held in 1970.  In 1972, the UN held its first official Conference on Environmental issues.  Popular news articles and magazines were warning of a quickly-coming global “ice age” if we didn’t clean up the earth immediately.  I remember this propaganda being pushed in just about every “Weekly Reader” I received in elementary school.  It had begun.

In addition to the coming ice age, we were warned of world-wide famine and disease because our uncontrolled human reproduction would soon suck all the earth’s resources dry.  It was also in 1979 that China took the “progressive” step so praised by rabid environmentalists — their infamous “one child” policy.  It stated that each family was to have no more than one child. If a woman were to become pregnant after having her allowed “one child,” the penalty was forced abortion. And since male children were much more highly valued than girls, if a woman became pregnant for her first time, and ultrasound tests showed the baby was a girl, the baby was usually killed, so as to allow this family’s allotted one child to be male.

The Global elites have never stopped pushing for human depopulation.  Consider Bill Gates, and his “lofty” goal of reducing the population through the use of “vaccines.”  Consider the Georgia Guidestones and the never-ending fear-mongering the Globalists have used to push this agenda.  When the “ice age” thing didn’t work, they changed to “Global Warming.”  But the “settled science” of “Global Warming” proved to be a bit embarrassing a few years ago, when scientists traveled to Antarctica to study the “rapidly melting” polar ice cap there — but their ship got stuck in the ice.

So then they came up with a term that would be a little safer:  “Climate Change.”  (That ought to do it!)  We’re told that Climate Change is now the number one crisis in the world.  And the cause of Climate Change is, of course, human beings.  There are many aspects to all this, too many to mention here, but certainly the fear-mongers are working hard to drive home the point that the Earth just has too many people.  People must stop having babies.  And since an unborn baby isn’t really a “person” then abortion is certainly necessary.  Do you see how all this evil and deception is so intertwined?  We’re told that human beings are not made in the image of God — and in fact, we’re told that we’re a plague on the earth.

John Davis, the editor of “Earth First! Journal” wrote, “Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.”  Dave Forman, the Founder of “Earth First!” said, “Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.”

Such is the philosophy of those who would place the Religion of Environmentalism over the sanctity of human life. They view human beings, not as miracles, knit together in our mothers’ wombs, fearfully and wonderfully made by God Himself, but rather as a cancer on the earth, something to be eliminated. Does this not sound like the very words of the devil and his demons?  Yet, so many have bought into these lies.  And Americans are quickly going extinct, as fewer couples are getting married, and even fewer having children.

The call today is for the Green New Deal and more people than you realize have fallen for this charade.  Young people, especially, love this plan.  For now.  They love the idea of “zero emissions” vehicles and industry. Eliminating our so-called “carbon footprint.” But understand, this is an attempt at erecting a One-World Government, with two classes of people: the rulers and the slaves.  Unless you have Klous Schwab or Bill Gates on your speed-dial, you can be pretty sure you’re in the latter class.

You see, “Climate Change” really has nothing to do with it.  Like the scam-demic of “COVID” (and now Monkeypox), “Climate Change” is just another tool in the box to use to keep people fearful and afraid.  That’s how the game is played: create a crisis, use propaganda and brainwashing to instill fear among the people, then provide the ready-made solution to solve the problem, and since they’re already fearful, the people will be eager to obey and comply.

But their lies are becoming more and more difficult to sell.  Because many are now finding out that what the frog said is true: “It’s not easy being green.”  Today, due to the policies of the current administration, we do have multiple crises — but they have nothing to do with “Climate Change.”  In order to slow or completely halt the production of internal combustion engine vehicles, we had a supply chain crisis.  A “chip” shortage.  But it’s interesting that while Ford, GM, Toyota, Honda and other companies couldn’t get computer chips to manufacture new vehicles, the Tesla company didn’t seem to have that problem.  Huh.

America has also halted oil drilling and refining, so we’re now paying the highest prices in history for gas and diesel fuel.  Joe Biden recently boasted about this “big achievement”  of his — creating the highest fuel prices in history.  Meanwhile, we’re begging our enemies to sell us fuel — and they can name their price because they know America is desperate.  But this is only the beginning.

We’re also warned, now, not just of high grocery prices, but a soon-coming famine.  The Green New Deal policies also include crippling the American farming industry.  Farm animals are being destroyed.  Farmers are being paid by the government not to plant their fields.  Fertilizer and seed prices have soared.  And if a farmer does manage to produce a crop or a product, how will they get it to market?  By truck or by train?  Trucks run on diesel fuel.  So do trains.

Many have jumped on the bandwagon to buy fully-electric vehicles but many are finding out there are problems with them — problems right now and even more on the horizon.  Our energy grid cannot possibly handle a nation of electric vehicles.  We’ve already been warned of rolling blackouts across the country this summer, because our power grid can’t handle the load as it is.  What happens when everybody tries to plug in their new electric cars at once?

You may have seen the video online of a reporter who happened upon a motorist stuck on the side of the road.  His Tesla was out of power — and he had a Honda generator in the trunk for just such an emergency.  So this guy was charging his Tesla using a gas-powered generator.  Makes perfect sense, right?

But still, we’re told we must lower our “carbon footprint.”  News flash: the TREES the environmentalists find more valuable than human beings BREATHE CO2.  They produce oxygen.  Human beings breathe oxygen and produce CO2.  Carbon is not a bad thing.  Nor are fossil fuels.  God knew what He was doing when He created the earth and everything in it, including us.  And He instructs us to “be fruitful and multiply,” whereas the Globalists consider us a “plague” and a “cancer” on the earth.

But never let a good crisis go to waste.  They’ve spent decades creating this crisis, and now they’re pulling the trigger on it.  Expect to see the price of everything double, at the very least.  Expect rolling blackouts because our power grid is not up to the task.  Expect shortages of everything.  Expect a personal “carbon tax” and fuel rationing.  I see government food lines and soup kitchens on the horizon.  Prepare yourself for these things now.  Because it’s not easy being green.

But you know what?  Where I live, the climate is, indeed, changing.  It’s called “summer” and I look forward to it every year.  A few months of “global warming” after a cold winter.  I love it.  Friends, we need not fear the schemes and propaganda and brainwashing of those who have a demonic agenda to control and manipulate us.  Recognize the lies and refuse to comply.  Speak up when this topic is raised and don’t be shy about telling people the truth.  If you don’t, who will?

And let’s remember what God said in Genesis:  “As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”  God keeps His promises and never lies.  Quite unlike politicians.

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 362.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

A Case of Mistaken Identity

by Rolaant McKenzie

June 12, 2022

Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. was born in Louisville, Kentucky, on January 17, 1942. Many today are more familiar with the name Muhammad Ali, who was one of the most famous heavy-weight boxing champions in the world and perhaps one of the greatest sports figures of the twentieth century. For many he was an icon of exceptional athletic skill, braggadocious humor, and civil activism.

During his rise to fame, Cassius Clay became involved with a religious sect called the Nation of Islam, a separatist group of Black American Muslims whose beliefs ran far-afield of orthodox Islam. The adherents of this religious group told him that his ancestors were Muslims and that he would do them honor by abandoning the slave name handed down to him and adopting an Islamic one. Little did he know, what he came to believe to be true was actually a deception, and one of great irony.

Promoter of Freedom?

Muhammed, whose name Clay took, lived from 570 AD to 632 AD in the Arabian Peninsula. When he was around 40 years old, based on his claims of being visited by the angel Gabriel in a cave, he started proclaiming the message that God is One, that submission to God is the right way to live, and that he was God’s prophet or messenger. He called this new religious faith Islam. Starting with a few followers, Muhammed was able to eventually amass a significant number of converts, whom he led on wars of conquest to convert the Arabian Peninsula and beyond to his religion. Muslims began to practice slavery soon after the establishment of their faith, under Muhammed’s guidance. His successors continued this practice, including his fourth successor and nephew, Ali. According to authoritative Islamic sources, both men owned and traded slaves, some of whom were Black. Slavery continues to this day in Islamic countries like Libya, Sudan, and Mauritania.

Promoter of Bondage?

Cassius Marcellus Clay for whom both the boxer and his father were named, was born to one of the wealthiest farming families and slaveholders in Kentucky. He lived from October 19, 1810, to July 22, 1903. Clay was part of a prominent political family, with members of his close and extended family serving in elected office at the state and federal level. He served as a Kentucky state representative and was an early member of the Republican party which was established in large part to end slavery in the United States.

While attending Yale College, Clay heard a lecture given by a prominent abolitionist named William Lloyd Garrison. His speech convinced Clay of the injustice of slavery and inspired him to join the abolitionist movement. Upon the death of his father, he inherited the family plantation and its slaves. In contrast to Muhammed, Clay released the slaves. They were free to go where they wished to live their own lives, and he offered them paid jobs if they wanted to continue working at the plantation.

Though many in Kentucky favored secession and the Confederacy during the Civil War, yet he established an anti-slavery newspaper called The True American, which was the only one of its kind in the state.

During his efforts to abolish slavery, Clay survived several attempts on his life. Throughout it all he remained an ardent abolitionist, and he even served as an advisor to President Abraham Lincoln in composing the text of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

In 1855, Clay donated 10 acres of his own land to John Fee, another prominent abolitionist. Fee used the land to found the town of Berea, Kentucky, and also Berea College, which was the first college in the country open to all races.

What an irony that Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. abandoned his given name, thinking it represented a history of slavery, and adopted the name of two men who both owned and traded slaves.

The Lure of the Different Way

Just as the later Cassius Clay was truly convinced that his birth name belonged to a legacy of slavery and that Muhammed and Ali were his spiritual ancestors, some of the Christians in the church at Galatia were led to believe that faith in Jesus alone—His death on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, burial, and resurrection on the third day—was not enough for salvation. They were being persuaded by teachers proclaiming a different gospel from the one they had originally received.

These teachers believed in Jesus and that He died for sinners and rose again from the dead. They professed to be part of the body of Christ and fellowshipped with the Galatian believers. They even quoted Scripture with the appearance of godly wisdom to bolster their views. But in the end, they led some of the Galatian believers astray by convincing them that they needed to observe the law along with faith in Jesus.

Will the Real Good News Stand Up?

The gospel Paul preached was the good news that Jesus was the perfect fulfillment of the law in that He never sinned (1 Peter 2:22), and that He canceled the certificate of debt (Colossians 2:14), our sins (1 Peter 3:18), through His death on the cross, burial, and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

Jesus did not abolish the law, but He did come to fulfill it on our behalf (Matthew 5:17-20). Apart from a relationship with Him, the law remains the measure by which people will be judged God. But in Jesus Christ, the law is fulfilled for all who trust in Him for the righteousness needed to be in the presence of a holy God in heaven, righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees. The Pharisees were experts at keeping the external commands of the law, but this was insufficient according to Jesus. Thankfully, the Bible teaches that our righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ, whose perfect obedience is applied to anyone who trusts in Him alone.

Romans 3:19-28 says:

“Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God; because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin. But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed; for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.

This gospel is called “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” and receives what Jesus has done on our behalf by faith (Romans 1:16; 5:1). The apostle Paul taught that salvation is by the grace of God alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:4-7; Romans 4:3-5, 10:5-13). We are to rest in Him (Matthew 11:28) and not seek to achieve or maintain our salvation by our works (Romans 4:1-5).

Paul was uncompromising in his message. He condemned all attempts by others to add anything to it and thereby compromise the plan of salvation. He taught that any gospel that differed from the one preached beforehand to the Galatians was “another gospel” that brought God’s condemnation rather than salvation (Galatians 1:6-9).

The challenges faced by the Galatian Christians are no different than the ones faced by Christians today. There are many different “gospels” in the world that compete with and seek to drown out the real gospel. Some religious organizations believe that to become a Christian, you have to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and follow the teachings of their latter-day prophet or prophetess, whose writings are in practice considered equal to or greater than Scripture. Or believe in Jesus plus be water-baptized, or speak in tongues, or observe certain days and festivals, or belong to their particular religious organization.

There are some who have been persuaded by groups like these that belief in the simple gospel is false and the truth is a belief that the cross is just a down payment which requires performance of rituals or observance of days and good works to pay the remaining balance. Salvation becomes not truly a free gift, but something like the purchase of a house with a bank loan. Jesus provides the down payment for the home loan, and payments must continue on the remainder of the loan in order to keep the house and prevent it from being lost to the bank. If one assumes that God’s acceptance is based on how one has been living — or any other “and” — that person either did not really understand the gospel or was misled from the true one.

In John 19:30. Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished!” The Greek text uses the word tetelestai, which means “paid in full”, not “here is the down payment”. Jesus did all the works for us without our help. He did not pay for some of our sins and then require us to pay the remaining balance with certain rituals or with good works. He paid for all our sins. Atonement for our sins was done once for all on the cross. God is not a loan company, and His grace is not a loan. His grace is a gift. Jesus did not do an incomplete work and require us to finish it.

There is no “and” in the gospel. Faith in what Christ has done plus nothing else is the good news that saves. The gospel teaches that God’s acceptance of us is not based on anything except what Jesus Christ did in our place. It means that we do not measure our closeness to God by how well we live but in what Christ accomplished for us. Christ’s righteousness in enough!

“… Man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.” (Galatians 2:16)

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved



America’s Food Supply Threatened by Suspicious Fires and Train Wrecks

By Kat Stansell

June 11, 2022

Has war been declared on America BY our Government?

When the main stream “fact chuckers” (those who toss facts in favor of lies) scream “conspiracy theory”, we know we’re onto something big. And they are, yet again, giving us tin foil hats on our reporting of these fires.

On March 24 at the G7 Summit, the Junta propped Biden up enough to announce that there would be worldwide food shortages and they would be “real”. Within weeks, America’s food industry began to experience a string of destructive fires and explosions. Just as we began to notice and take count, the farcical fact checkers (Snopes and the like) began to howl that we were espousing another “conspiracy theory”. As soon as they do that, I am always comforted. We are on the right track, and these fires are far from accidental.

Twenty-five have occurred nationwide since July, 2021. There have been explosions, raging fires set in the middle of the night, and even two plane crashes into buildings, kamakaze style.

Coincidence? I think not.

Here is the list, by date. I sourced this from an excellent article by Michelle Edwards of,

Since Michelle wrote, two MORE fires have occurred, in a Perdue plant in Chesapeake, VA, and at a chicken farm in Jones County MS, which was destroyed. The list even includes two food pantries where supplies were gathered to feed the poor. Please don’t be mistaken that this Marxist government cares about the “little guy”.

There have been several destructive fires at food and fertilizer businesses in other countries as well. Here, though, I’ll stick to our country and the attack on us.


July 30, Tyson River Valley Ingredients Plant, Hanceville, AL Aug. 23, Patak Meat Products, Austell, GA

Nov. 15, Garrard County Food Pantry, Lancaster, KY Nov. 29, Maid-Rite Steak Co., Inc., Scott Township, PA

Dec. 12, West Side Food Processing Plant, San Antonio, TX


Jan. 13, Cargill Nutrena Feed Mill, Lecompte, LA Jan. 31, Weaver Fertilizer, Winston-Salem, NC Feb. 3, Percy Dairy Farms, Stowe, VT

Feb. 16, Louis Dreyfus Co., Claypool, IN Feb. 18, Bess View Farm, St. Albans, VT

Feb. 19, Lincoln Premium Poultry, Fremont, NE Feb. 22, Shearer’s Foods, Hermiston, OR

Feb. 28, Shadow Brook Farm and Dutch Girl Creamery, Lincoln, NE Feb. 28, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Sunnyside, WA

Mar. 14, Wayne Hoover Dairy Farm, Longswamp Township, PA Mar. 16, Nestle Foods, Jonesboro, AR

Mar. 16, Walmart Distribution Center, Plainfield, IN

Mar. 24, Penobscot-McCrum Potato Processing, Belfast, ME Mar. 28, Maricopa Food Pantry, Maricopa AZ

Mar. 31, Rio Fresh, San Juan, TX

Apr. 11. East Conway Beef and Pork, Conway, NH Apr. 13, Taylor Farms, Salinas CA

Apr. 13, Gem State Processing, Heyburn, ID Apr. 18, Azure Standard HQ building, Dufur, OR April 21, General Mills plant, Covington GA

Apr. 30, Perdue soy processing facility, Chesapeake, VA May. 2, Jones Co, MS., chicken farm

May. 23, Canadian Train Wreck That Derailed 43 Cars Carrying Fertilizer

Put each one of these on a calendar. It’s a powerful image that there is something terribly wrong.

The details of each tragedy, as horrid as they are for workers, owners and consumers alike, are NOT the most important thing here. The fact that they have all occurred under the Joe & Co regime is the key. Our food sources are being removed one by one.

It looks very much like the Junta has declared there will be food shortages (“You will have nothing and like it”, Klaus Schwab, WEF) and they begin to happen.

THEN, the Union Pacific RR announced that it will be curtailing shipments of grain and fertilizer – now, in the spring growing season when they are needed the most.

THEN, one of the “brains behind the World Economic Forum has declared that people are “useless eaters” and are just taking up space.

Add it all up. These is little doubt that our nation’s food supply is being actively reduced. Quite likely, on purpose. Most of these fires destroyed entire operations. Owners have said that, because of the high costs and shortages of building materials and workers, (ALSO, Regime-imposed) they may not rebuild. The owner of a burned out Wisconsin meat plant says that the state canceled his business license immediately after the fire, and he had to reapply to begin to rebuild. Apparently, it is easier to vote from the grave than it is to do business in Wisconsin!

The Ukraine War and the evil Putin are being touted as the causes of every problem in America today. We know, however, that is just more lies, from a group of top-level professionals in the game of prevarication, aka BS. The failed Regime needs excuses and a fall-guy, of course. There’s only one problem with lying about this string of food production disasters…so far not one Russian bomber or foreign adversary has been found to be a part of any of the 25 fires. The fires are occurring at a rate of nearly 2/month since the coup, and with increasing frequency since we’ve had Putin to blame it on.

Stay alert, America. War has been declared on us, by our own government.

If you work in a food or fertilizer business be suspicious. Keep your eyes open and stay safe.

If you are working to secure the November elections, work twice as hard. Organize groups in your community to provide 24/7 eyes on the drop boxes, if your state has them. See the film, 2000 Mules, if you have any doubts about what happens there. Retired members of the military are ideal for this job; recruit them from your local VFW. Former military members are among the most incensed at what is happening to the country they risked their lives to defend.

The mid-term election in November – if it is allowed to happen – will be our last chance to save our Republic, and ourselves. I’ve said it and I’ll say it again. The desperation of the failing Left becomes more obvious each day. They are wounded and dangerous. They will stop at nothing. Ministries of Truth, SCOTUS breaches, weapons confiscation, banking failures and a grid crisis or two may all be in our future. Stand guard, stay informed and stay strong. Do what you can, where you can. Work, volunteer, donate, communicate. Whatever you can do, PLEASE GET OFF THE COUCH AND OUT THE DOOR.

We have a country to save, and you must do it from your local communities.

© 2022 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

The Birds, Bees, Fish, and Liars

By Kathleen Marquardt

June 11, 2022

Tom Renz just published an article, “Bees Are Officially Fish Per a Court… Seriously”[1], that explains so much. Similar explanations have been written in the past, but today, instead of a scattering of examples, we are so inundated with Newspeak that we must be vigilant when reading anything. If you start to lower your filter, you can end up accepting the idea that a person with a Y chromosome can birth a child, that a Realburger has meat in it even, that the climate never changed until man began to use crude oil instead of whale oil.

In Renz’s article, he states: Here is a link to a real ruling from a real court in California: Bees are Fish Ruling – Seriously. This is a direct quote from the ruling:

Although the term fish is colloquially and commonly understood to refer to aquatic species, the term of art employed by the Legislature in the definition of fish in section 45 is not so limited.

This ruling has the effect of adding bees to the endangered species list and hinges on the dubious idea that at some point the law protecting fish was amended to include amphibians (this was enumerated in the law) and so somehow that allows the inclusion of bees. Seriously.

Seriously. We’ve known about Newspeak for some time, but do many realize how potent this weapon of asymmetrical warfare is? Do you see that it is turning the rule of law upside down and inside out? It is what “they” the powers-that-be, the global elite determine it is – and they can change the meanings daily, if necessary, to keep us under control.

In the not that distant past, we knew:

A good definition of the rule of law that has near universal acceptance states “…most of the content of the rule of law can be summed up in two points:

(1) that the people (including, one should add, the government) should be ruled by the law and obey it and

(2) that the law should be such that people will be able (and, one should add, willing) to be guided by it.” – Geoffrey de Q. Walker, The rule of law: foundation of constitutional democracy, (1st Ed., 1988).

We’ve read a lot about activism and corruption in the courts – all the way up. This is a perfect example. And, yes, I know, just like us at American Policy Center, you are fighting dozens of battles on as many fronts. This is another one that has been going on for many years and isn’t going to be easy to correct, but get a win every once in a while. We must use every one we get.

I won’t belabor the point, but both the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Commerce Clause have been used for reasons that should never have come up in court. Today, we are watching more and more abuses of the meaning of laws that restrict our rights, i.e., Delta Smelt, civil asset forfeiture, and now, eminent domain is becoming a major tool on too many fronts. Noah Webster is rolling over in his grave so rapidly that he may drill his way across the cemetery.

What do we do? What we do for all the other abuses being rained down upon us – take it local. Take back your city and county attorneys, and elect only those people to any office you have verified are willing to stand on and for the Constitution.

Bees are officially fish per a court

© 2022 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

Dereliction of Election Duty

By Sidney Secular

June 10, 2022

The predilection of the “powers-that-shouldn’t-be” is to conduct election fraud whenever they feel it is called for (and that is always!) “just in case.” Ballot fraud has been a fact of American life for some time – indeed, we have no idea how long this has been “S.O.P” (standard operating procedure) but I do remember the questionable results of the Presidential election of 1960 at which time Mayor Daily of Chicago delivered Cook County’s votes to JFK together with Lyndon Johnson’s efforts in Texas thus cheating Richard Nixon out of the presidency. Nixon had the good grace not to contest the election fearing that the cold war problems would be exacerbated by any attempt to overturn Kennedy’s “victory.” Of course, history tragically played out this matter for both men, Kennedy in 1963 and Nixon in his second term!

The most recent fraud culminated in a crescendo of every possible connivance under the sun during the run-up to the 2020 Presidential “preconceived selection” election. What was done to deny Donald Trump his second term has not been seriously called out until fairly recently. In a type of gaslighting, the technique that is increasingly popular with our overlords, they told us and are still telling us that there is no evidence of such fraud whereas it was never exactly hidden and what was done was both pronounced and hideous. “Gaslighting” is the means by which an individual or group of individuals is made to question their own reason and the facts upon which that reason is based. It is a strategy used by those in authority to get people to question reality itself, making them feel foolish and senseless because they have accepted that reality. Perhaps you’ve been wondering what efforts have been made since the “coronation” of the “Bidenista” puppet regime to rectify the wreckage of our political system stemming from the ruthless attack upon it by our mortal enemies so that the upcoming mid-terms might somewhat resemble a normal, legitimate election.

Parenthetically, anyone who understands reality knows that short of a purge of all the present Deep State minions including a judicial response to the original crimes, our electoral process is simply dead. Once fraud has been accomplished and accepted, no further truly legitimate election can take place. Even if one manages to have such a thing, no one will believe the results. That is the sad thing that happens once one loses trust in the government; that is, short of the apocalypse, such trust cannot be regained!

Many purported “conservatives” have “gone along to get along” with the dismantling of America as it represents the current and victorious leftist zeitgeist venturing farther into the ideological “left field” with the passage of time. Anyone with any clout seems to be colluding with America’s enemies but whether this is the result of a desire to hold on to power and money or it represents existing ideological communion is not known and neither is it important. What matters is the collusion of those involved, and that includes liberals of all stripes, present minions of the Deep State, conniving neocons who desire an all-powerful government ruled by corporate interests, along with the military and state bureaucracies not yet part of the central Deep State, hi-tech and international corporations and, finally, the social, educational and intellectual establishments up to their knees in “doo-doo” and doing that which satisfies their leftist masters.

Since each state has its own election laws and related regulations and procedures, many have individually and recently enacted some reform measures. These efforts are not coordinated among states or blocs of states, so at least some voting irregularities have been addressed on a piecemeal and parochial basis. Using this methodology, at least some headway is being made here and there against the constant and strong headwinds trying to blow away any and all attempts at reform. The ongoing war with our enemies can be likened to skirmishes along a lengthy battle front where the unified enemy defense forces can be attacked at certain weak points and forced to yield in limited ways, while the enemy can counter-attack at any time such that our positions are never truly secure and any territory gained is temporary at best. The Heritage Foundation has assembled a list of election issues that need to be addressed in each state and the District of Columbia with a scorecard system to rate how each state is faring in their reform efforts on those issues important to them. This project is at least providing a somewhat unifying base among conservatives who as a political force in the past generally go their own separate ways with their own separate agendas. Conservatives can now know that they’re on the same page and as a result are finally getting excited and motivated over the idea that elections must – and can! – be fair and that integrity in the process is crucial especially given how widespread and deep is the conspiracy against honest elections.

The categories for ranking state efforts include voter ID implementation, accuracy of voter registration lists, absentee ballot management, vote harvesting/trafficking restrictions, access of election observers and verification of citizenship. There seems to be little attempt to address the issue of manipulating or monkeying around with the final results of an election via the algorithms that make electronic voting systems subject to the type of widespread fraud that occurred in connection with the election of 2020. The only real solution to that issue is to eliminate electronic voting altogether everywhere. The State of Kentucky appears to be the only one that is set to eliminate electronic voting in the near future but there appears to be no integrated or comprehensive effort at the national level to address voter fraud per se. It would be a good plank in the platform of any third party if one were to ever gain traction before the whole matter becomes moot.

In 2021, Florida, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, Montana, Wyoming, and Arizona created new or firmer voter ID laws. Thirteen states – Texas, North Dakota, Arizona, Louisiana, Kansas, Iowa, Montana, Oklahoma, Idaho, Florida, Alabama, Arizona and Georgia placed restrictions on mail-in voting. New Hampshire, Utah, Montana, Iowa and Texas strengthened voter registration laws. Texas, Kentucky and Arizona are the only states that took or attempted to take action on all the various issues that facilitate vote fraud. Ballot harvesting, or the practice of having individuals or organizations gather and submit completed ballots, and ballot trafficking – that is, the clandestine dumping of thousands of ballots into unsecured drop boxes – were both huge concerns in the 2020 elections. Some states have responded to these concerns by considering legislation that would restrict or prohibit the use of drop boxes but so far without measurable success.

On another issue, Wisconsin has a ballot proposal in November that would prohibit the state and local governments from using private money or equipment in connection with conducting elections. This would prevent tech billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg from influencing election outcomes, something he already attempted to do in Wisconsin in 2020. Besides changing to paper rather than “digital” ballots in the near future, Kentucky will be soon conducting overnight surveillance of ballots and expanding the number of counties audited. Besides, Kentucky, the Heritage Foundation gives Alabama, Tennessee, Arizona, Texas, Wisconsin and Missouri the highest scores for their efforts at election reform. The lowest scoring states are Utah, New York, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, Washington, Vermont, Oregon, California, Nevada and Hawaii. This is not inexplicable as all save Utah and Nebraska are located in heavily “blue” areas.

After the voter fraud issue, the most pressing matter is forcing politicians to address the most serious issues facing the nation while getting the voters involved in these issues and weaning them away from mindlessly re-electing parasitical and worthless incumbents. Americans must look past the endless promises about creating jobs, building the economy, reducing taxes, and that most cruel of jokes, “restoring trust” wherein no serious solutions are proposed by our political Pied Pipers. There is never a serious discussion about how to stop our money from losing value daily or ending unimpeded government spending or the destruction of the public education system by turning it into a communist indoctrination vehicle dominated by leftist unions with dwindling emphasis on the 3 R’s and a never ending emphasis on the “r’s” of “systemic racism” as well as raunchy and repellent sex practices! With these “criteria” in place, the US is 24th in the world in academic “excellence!”  Meanwhile, no representative has elected to address the mushrooming crime situation, the drug abuse crisis, the dissolution of the nuclear family due and owing to the very policies these people have put into place, the burgeoning illegal alien problem, and the rigging of elections that exclude serious consideration of third parties or even a true vote count involving the present two parties!  The average voter feels – correctly! – that the important decisions will be made behind closed doors, so the turnout of voters in the United States is lower than that which takes place in many banana republics. Voters – and especially Trump voters (the vast majority of those who cast a vote in 2020!)– realize that all the judicial challenges to the manipulated results to that election have been dismissed for false and illegitimate reasons while ordinary Americans believe that as socialism is inevitable, why bother to fight for reforms? They see big money poured in by the globalist billionaires determining the outcome of elections as well as the massive cheating and hypocrisy that prevail while despite all the openly stated dissatisfaction, 93% of incumbents are returned to office each year. Furthermore, no matter how many creeps are returned to office – often openly against the stated view of the majority of the “voters,” together with the omnipresent vote fraud, we are told to go out and“exercise our right to vote” happily displaying little stickers that say “I voted” so we can feel good about being suckers yet again.

There is a seemingly simple but effective way to turn things around. Let’s say none of the candidates for a particular election address the issues that concern you or, in the alternative, are otherwise repulsive. A write-in campaign usually won’t help even if that option actually exists! Today with our super-duper technological set-ups, it is normally a very difficult and expensive effort to influence an election outside of the existing list of candidates! Of course, if the candidate favored to win suddenly becomes especially vulnerable and loses your vote, you have no choice but to look further down the ballot to find another choice! Now, let us suppose that anew alternative is offered, that is the concept of, “NONE OF THE ABOVE!”  And let us also suppose that when the votes are tallied, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” gets a majority of votes over any of the candidates listed! Well, of course, that means that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” wins!

Now in turn, that completely nullifies the election results at least in that office! Obviously, it means the office will remain vacant until a special election is held. Of course, such run-offs have happened in the past but using the concept of “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” no candidate presented in the last election was acceptable to the majority of voters and thus, NEW candidates will have to be provided to win the public’s support. Fixing the election process could be that simple as local parties would be forced to provide candidates acceptable to the people and these new candidates would have to address real issues, or face being rejected in turn. In this way, incumbents could not be returned for further consideration meaning that the reign of the power brokers would be broken while special interests could no longer rely on their money to buy elections, or at least it would become far more difficult and awkward for them to do so. In this environment third parties and write-in candidates would receive greater exposure and a greater chance of success.

However, in order to work, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would have to be binding. It would have to have the power of the law behind it. It would not be just a protest vote but part of the actual electoral process and as such, binding. It would also have to be completely non-partisan and that would mean that there would be less need for massive campaign chests to support such new candidates as “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would produce in that process. Furthermore, the option, once placed on a ballot would remain in any at least state-wide election. To have this work, activists in every state would have to mount a campaign to demand that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” be given a permanent place on state-wide ballots to start. Obviously, it could require a constitutional amendment should the concept reach the national level and all that that requires. Some states have ballot referendum procedures in place that could be used as vehicles for such an effort. It would be difficult and expensive to do, but because of the popularity of the concept – especially as the lawlessness of our present electoral process continues to be revealed – it would have a chance. It would take only a couple of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” victories to get the momentum going nationally on such an effort.

Actually, the concept of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” has been around for a long time.  Over the years, most states have had legislation introduced supporting the concept. Nevada actually has it on the ballot, but it is non-binding and that won’t do. There never has been a serious national drive to promote the idea, so the concept hasn’t been given a chance with the voters yet. However, with the growing dissatisfaction many voters are feeling and with the quality of candidates getting worse with each election, there has never been a better time to start a national discussion of the issue. This will be a long-term effort, and should be primarily aimed at local, state, and Congressional elections to start. Remember, the real power of the concept comes from the ability to reject candidates all across the board everywhere and not for voters to stay home because what they really want is “NONE OF THE ABOVE!”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are in Our Schools

by Servando Gonzalez

June 10, 2022

In 1999 I wrote an article I titled “The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are In Our Schools,” that was published in an Australian newspaper[1] Eight years later WorldNetDaily reproduced it, adding, “Editor’s note: This prophetic commentary was first published in June 1999.[2]

[1]. The New Australian, No. 123 (12-20 June), Sydney, 1999.

[2]. World Net,

What caused today’s culture of violence & death?
First published in June 1999, this article is just as relevant and vital today.

“Guns they’ll never find,
‘cuz my lethal weapon’s my mind.” — Ice-T

Soon after the school shootings at Jonesboro, Arkansas and Springfield, Oregon, were reported, the American media began rounding up the usual suspects: guns and, by implication, the National Rifle Association and the parents who allow their children access to guns. Since then, school killings in the U.S. have become a common occurrence, and both the national media and gun control advocates keep chanting the mantra that access to firearms is the main reason for the killings. The killings, they claim, are a reminder of the terrible price we all pay for the lax gun control laws in our nation.

It is interesting to notice, however, that the self appointed “gun control advocates” are actually “selective gun control advocates.” When they talk about gun control, they don’t have in mind controlling the guns in the hands of the government, only in the hands of private citizens. In a country where, in a growing fascistic trend, extensive use of all types of guns among government agencies is mushrooming — even UC Berkeley proudly announced the creation of its own SWAT team—, none of the gun control advocates seem to care about veritable private armies controlled by the BATF, IRS, INS, FBI and other federal agencies. The purpose for this selective gun control, they claim, is to curb criminality.

But, as history has proved over and over, criminals don’t destroy countries, governments do. Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China, and Castro’s Cuba, just to mention a few, are countries where stiff gun control laws were enacted. Yet, as soon as the gun control laws were in place, people were witness to thousands of their fellow citizens killed by guns in the hands of government thugs. In fact, the disarmament of its citizens was a precondition for allowing their governments to kill them with total impunity.

The inconsistency of the gun grabbers’ reasoning is amazing. The same ones that now are blaming guns for the schools’ killings are the same people that, faced with increasing teenage sex, decided to provide high school kids with free condoms because, they reasoned, kids were going to continue having sex anyway. These are the same people that, faced with extended drug usage, decided to provide addicts with free hypodermic needles because, they reasoned, addicts were going to continue using drugs anyway. Now, faced with kids killing other kids, I expected from them nothing less than a plan to provide the killers with free guns because, I reason, these kids are going to keep killing people anyway. But no. Because a few kids are killing people with guns, the coercive utopians want to deprive all American citizens from their guns. A very interesting example of convoluted reasoning.

The weak side of the gun control theory is that the famous oxymoron ‘guns don’t kill people; people do,’ is absolutely true. Evidence shows that, though many American citizens keep guns at home, they don’t use them to kill their fellow citizens nor do their kids go to school to shoot at their classmates. On the contrary, most legal gun owners believe that human life is sacred, and have passed this belief on to their children.

Once More: Guns Don’t Kill People

In early 1981, during my first weekend after moving to Zurich, Switzerland, I went with my family to the main railroad station and experienced a cultural shock. Dozens of civilians, carrying powerful rifles and plenty of magazines full of ammo, were getting in and out of the trains and nobody seemed to pay any attention to it. Later, somebody explained to me that they were reservists going to their monthly military training. Then I learned that most able Swiss citizens keep at home a powerful assault rifle and several hundred rounds of ammunition. Curiously, I have never heard of a Swiss schoolboy using his father’s rifle to kill his schoolmates.

The Swiss case is not unique. From 1959 to late-1963 I witnessed a curious phenomenon in Cuba. After the popular victory against the Batista dictatorship, most Cuban citizens were carrying, openly and concealed, all types of weapons, from pistols and revolvers to assault rifles and sub-machine guns. Because most of the people involved in the war against Batista were very young, many of the citizens carrying guns were teenagers. Public schools were doubled as centers for militia training, and they kept at hand all types of guns and ammo. And, surprisingly, those were probably the most peaceful times in Cuba’s recent history. Criminality was at the lowest, and violence involving guns was almost unknown. I never heard of a case of school violence involving guns.

By mid 1963, when Castro felt himself strong in power, people were asked to register their guns. A few months later a law was passed confiscating guns in the hands of private citizens. Soon after, criminal actions involving guns increased considerably, particularly criminal actions committed by the Castro government against Cuban citizens.

The amazing fact is that guns, even guns in the hands of trained soldiers in the battlefield, don’t kill people. While studying the effectiveness of American soldiers during World War II, U.S. Army Brigadier General S. L. A. Marshall discovered the incredible fact that less than 20 to 25 percent actually took part in battle using their weapons. After interviewing thousands of soldiers, even soldiers who had been in close combat with German or Japanese troops, Marshall and his team of researchers found that 75 to 80 percent of riflemen did not fire their weapons at the enemy, even to save their lives and the lives of their friends. Some of them prefer to die rather than kill the enemy. The reason for this was the strong inborn resistance of human beings to kill a fellow man. Further research revealed that the rate of soldiers firing at the enemy during the Civil War was very similar.

As a result of Marshall’s findings, Army psychologists created new training methods and they were applied in the soldier’s training. The results were impressive. During the Korean War the rate of soldiers firing their weapons in combat raised to 55 percent, and it reached 90 to 95 percent during the Vietnam War. What were these methods? Mostly brainwashing the soldiers to believe that what they were killing were not human beings, but pieces of inanimate matter. This was obtained through a process called manufactured contempt, which includes the dehumanizing of the enemy. Another factor that contributed to the high rate of killing in Vietnam was the extended administration of tranquilizing drugs to the soldiers. Does this ring any bells?

A few years ago, when Florida’s Dade County passed a law allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons, the selective gun control advocates predicted mayhem and civil chaos. But their predictions never materialized and criminal activity involving guns actually dropped considerably. In Israel’s kibbutzs assault rifles and submachine guns are always kept fully loaded and at hand. I have never heard of any Israeli child using his parent’s guns to kill classmates.

When somebody uses a car to kill a person nobody blames the car, but the driver. Why, then, when somebody uses a gun to kill a person we always hear the gun control advocates raising their voices? Neither guns nor cars kill people; people do. As the lyrics of a well-known rap song repeats over and over, the most lethal weapon is your mind. Re-searchers at the North Carolina Center for the Prevention of School Violence seem to agree. They believe that the reason for the current epidemic of school violence has to do with a change in the student’s thinking. Now, how did this change in the children’s mind come to be?

Lowering the Violence Threshold

In an extraordinary book, On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society, author Dave Grossman takes a look at how conditioning soldiers to overcome the instinctive loathing of killing is the main factor in post-combat stress. He also shows how by lowering the violence threshold contemporary society, especially the media, replicates the army’s conditioning techniques. The result is increased violence in society.

When I was a kid I was told that human life was sacred, because it was a gift given to man by his Creator. The command ‘Thou shall not kill’ included your own life, therefore, suicide was forbidden. Granted, that was a non-scientific fact, just a belief, but it was accepted by most people as normal, civilized human behavior. Even at school, where students were supposed to learn scientific facts, the ones who expressed their belief in the sanctity of human life were not scorned or harassed. But things have changed in America, and not for the better.

Instead of the non-scientific belief that life is a gift, now children are told at public schools the non-scientific belief that life evolved from a piece or inanimated matter. Day after day, over and over, teachers hammer in into their student’s impressionable minds the unscientific belief that, far from being a miracle, life is just an accident of nature.

There is a practical reason for the teachers’ unscientific behavior. The coercive utopians have always seen Judeo-Christian religion as the main obstacle to their plans, so they have been using Darwin’s evolution theory as a handy tool in their battle against religion. Their main goal is to lower the ethical and moral threshold in order to brainwash children to accept their views. But you have to really push down forcefully the moral threshold to have people accept, for example, that shoving one’s fist up other person’s anus, or kissing other person’s anus and eating his feces, is a normal sexual behavior. (If this sounds too gross to you it is only because you have not been attending a public school lately.)

The techniques the brain-washers apply to lower the student’s moral threshold are very sophisticated, some of them closely resembling psychological operations used by intelligence services all around the world. For example, most schools have instituted a ‘pajama day,’ in which students come to school wearing their pajamas. That’s seems pretty inoffensive, and no parent would question it. But the ‘’pajama day’ is just the first step for the creation of the ‘cross-dressing day,’ in which students come to school dressed as members of the opposite sex. The ‘cross-dressing day’ is actually a ‘transvestite day’’ in disguise. Its only purpose is to lower the student’s moral threshold into accepting previously socially unaccepted behavior. After the ‘cross-dressing day’ has been in practice for several years in a school, nobody would object if some day a student decide to come to school every day dressed as a member of the opposite sex. If somebody raises any questions it would be easy to dismiss it by alleging the student’s rights and the fact that everybody does it, at least once a year.

Another common technique they have been successfully applying in some schools is the showing of films like Natural Born Killers, and the use of death and suicide rehearsing, in which student’s write suicide notes, visit mortuaries, and even lay in coffins to feel the experience of death are carefully planned psychological conditioning to lower the moral threshold of the student’s to accept violence and death as natural. Death and suicide have become a common subject in ‘progressive’ school curricula. Sadomasochism is an important part of a sub-culture.

In their ferocious fight against religion the social engineers have been successful in the de facto banning of Judeo-Christian ethics from our public schools, and a cornerstone of Judeo-Christian ethics is the belief in the sanctity of human life. The result, as we now see, is probably not exactly what they had in mind. But don’t let their anti-gun yelling and shouting confuse you. They are not that foolish. They know exactly the real source of the problem, which is not guns or parent’s behavior. But, unable to publicly accept the blame for their mistake, now they are blaming us for the results of their gross miscalculation and, with the help of a corrupt, accomplice media, pulling a victory out of the jaws of defeat.

Granted, the belief in the sacredness of human life is not a scientific fact, but, even from just the practical point of civilized life in this planet, it is a very useful one. Apart from any religious consideration, it is evident that believing in the sacredness of human life has a strong redeeming social value. But kids who came to public schools holding that value are systematically ridiculed and psychologically harassed. Instead of the Judeo-Christian ethics, students in our public schools are spoon-fed with situational ethics: ‘If you feel good doing it, then it is OK. Do it.’ Therefore, if you feel good lying, stealing, having sex, particularly homosexual sex, or taking drugs, then it is OK. Do it. But, in their rush to lower the moral threshold to gain acceptance for their behavior, they forgot the ubiquitous law of unintended consequences. The coercive utopians apparently failed to realize that they were opening a Pandora’s box and we are paying for their mistake.

The fascist social engineers are masters in semantic deception, which in plain English means using a fancy, misleading term to name an activity quite different from the one the name suggests. So, they created outcome-based education, constructivism, block scheduling, site-based management, team teaching, Socratic dialogue, holistic grading, and the rest of the tools that, allegedly, were going to improve our system of education. The reality is that all of these supposedly educational techniques are just tricks created to be used as a smoke screen for covering their actual indoctrination and brainwashing activities. The fact that they have been acting for so many years with total impunity has convinced them of their cleverness and our stupidity.

Using the tricks of their trade, the social engineers entrenched in our public schools have been working hard brainwashing the students behind their parent’s backs. To reach their goal they use techniques that range from proven methods of psychological brainwashing to the administration of psychogenic drugs. You’ll be surprised to know the number of students who are taking drugs administered by the school’s nurses, allegedly because they suffer from ‘attention deficit/hyperactive disorder.’ Prozac and Ritalin, some of the drugs of choice, are known for their wide range of side effects.

The main effort of the social engineers entrenched in our schools is directed at modifying the students’ behavior into accepting, among others, the belief that human beings are just pieces of highly evolved matter. Now, if one of these pieces of evolved matter has some-thing you want, why not destroy it? If some of those pieces of evolved matter hurt your feelings or do something you don’t like, why not get rid of them?

The cardinal principle of situational ethics, as currently taught in our public schools, is that if you feel good doing something, then there’s no reason for not doing it. Creating a high sense of self-esteem, the social engineers claim, is paramount, and doing whatever makes you feel good is the key for reaching a high sense of self-esteem. Some witnesses testify that the students who went on a killing rampage to their schools were feeling real good. I bet that, at least while they were pulling the trigger shooting at unarmed victims, the schoolboys turned into assassins were enjoying a very high feeling of superiority and strong self-esteem.

Authors H. Stream and L. Freeman, in an insightful book called Our Wish to Kill, probed America’s homicidal obsession, examining everything from ‘wilding’ incidents to serial killers. They conclude that actual killings are simply tangible expressions of the hundreds of thousands of murders that are fantasized in our minds but never committed. One of the functions of the Judeo-Christian and other religions, at some time shared by schools, is to raise the threshold of violence, making it morally unacceptable and, therefore, difficult to commit. Lately, however, schools have joined the media in pushing down the violence threshold, making it morally easier and simpler to commit.

After the massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, President Bill Clinton has been busy throwing a smoke screen on the true causes of the killings. According to Clinton, the responsible for the creation of the monsters next door are guns and parents. But Bill Clinton, a natural born liar, knows better. The roots of this recent trend in school violence are to be found in the Arkansas brainwashing labs, whose three main elements, AGATE (Arkansas Gifted and Talented Education), the Arkansas Governor’s School and the Arkansas School of Mathematics and Science, are the aberrant creation of none others than Bill and Hillary Clinton. It was there, and not at the student’s homes, where the seed of violence and death was planted for the first time in the minds of impressionable children. It was there where the brainwashing techniques were first tested and fine tuned for many years. Now, the brain-washers are pushing for its nationwide implementation.

The national media, Hollywood, computer game designers, death metal bands, television and, particularly, ‘progressive’ teachers working hard at brainwashing our children at the public schools, are the true makers of lethal weapons. They are the ones who have created the abominable monsters who unmercifully kill other human beings. Sometimes the monsters use guns, though knives, poison, explosives, baseball bats and rocks have also been used as murder tools. The media, Hollywood, computer game designers, death metal bands, television, teachers, and not the parents and gun makers as some claim, are the ones who are poisoning our children’s brains, turning their minds into lethal weapons. Now, because they have absolutely no decency, the makers of lethal weapons want to use the problem they have created to carry out two of their cherished agendas: taking guns from the citizen’s hands and curtailing parent’s rights even more.

Far from disappearing, school violence in America will keep rising, and this is just the be-ginning. The nationwide implementation through Goals 2,000 and other Federal Government programs of the brainwashing techniques tested in Arkansas and now successfully applied in many public schools will bring momentous consequences to the future of this nation.

Servando Gonzalez is the author of Psychological Warfare and the New World Order. You can buy the book here.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

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Suing Your Schools

by Lee Duigon

June 9, 2022

Why sue your local public school district? That’s what the superintendent of schools in Harrisonburg, VA, is wondering. Like, what’s the matter with you people?

Chuck Schumer once said “The government is the only thing we all belong to.” Apparently the superintendent takes that literally. The schools are government schools, therefore the kiddies belong to the school, not the parents.

At issue in Harrisonburg is the schools’ “model policy” for kow-towing to “transgender,” drawn up and rushed into place by the state Dept. of Education just before Democrats got blown out in last year’s election. The schools are supposed to find out what “gender” a child “identifies” as, and what pronouns the child wants to be addressed by—and then enforce that. (Sorry for all those quotation marks. They’re necessary: ordinary English words take on some rather strange meanings when leftids use them.)

That’s bad enough—but wait, there’s more.

The school policy says that school staff are “not permitted to notify parents” when a child opts for gender confusion and delusion. That’s why parents and some objecting teachers are suing the school district.

Gee, what’s the matter with them? Who told these parents they had rights? Not in Harrisonburg they don’t.

There was another nifty lawsuit shaping up in Kiel, Wisconsin. There, “school officials” decided to *Investigate* three eighth-grade boys for committing “sexual harassment” by… wait for it!… “mispronouning.” Calling a he a she when he’s still a he but wants to be called a she. And so on. “School officials” cite Title IX of federal law as the basis for a full-blown “investigation”.

Oh, those “incorrect pronouns”! Break out the guillotine! Or at least build a couple of prison camps. Have these alleged educators nothing better to do?

Update: we are told the school is dropping its *Investigation*, possibly for fear of a messy lawsuit that will force them to defend, publicly, their inane policy on pronouns.

By all means, sue public school districts for stupid “policies” tantamount to fomenting racial hatred by teaching Critical Race Theory, grooming children for weird sex by promoting it in the lessons, etc. Sometimes a lawsuit convinces them to back off—

But only until the heat dies down. Then they’ll be at it again.

Can anybody reasonably expect teachers’ unions, teachers’ colleges, and nut-job school administrators to change? These people are maniacs. They want to change reality itself. And worst of all, they think they have a right to do it!

If they can’t sell the public on these policies, their fallback position is to practice them secretly: parents are not to be notified. “What’s said in this classroom stays in this classroom!” Parents are an obstacle to Fundamental Transformation, to be either run over or circumvented, tricked, lied to, or intimidated by the FBI. Thou shalt not question public educators. A lawsuit might scare them off, but it won’t change them. They can’t be changed, so they have to be defeated.

King COVID moved tens of thousands of families into homeschooling; but there are still millions of kids in public school classrooms for the educators to play with. The only protest they’ll ever understand is to take millions of children out of public schools and educate them at home. Let’s see how long they can keep their scam going when there’s nobody sitting in the classrooms.

Really, it’s the only way to save our country.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit—if only because the Far Left Crazy won’t like it if you do. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Suppression of the Truth

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

June 9, 2022

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;”

Webster’s defines “hold” as “to refrain; to stop; to restrain; to withhold. hold your laughter. hold your tongue.”

Suppress is a synonym of “hold” and it is defined as “To retain without disclosure; to conceal; not to tell or reveal; as, to suppress evidence.”

The Message Bible interprets Romans 1:18 as “But God’s angry displeasure erupts as acts of human mistrust and wrongdoing and lying accumulate, as people try to put a shroud over truth.”

So, correct me if I am wrong, but a fair interpretation of the meaning of Romans 1:18 would be that what we are seeing is how ticked off God is with all of the foolishness going on in this country because the TRUTH is being held down, censored, and suppressed.

Notice that it is not the DENIAL of Truth that is the problem, but the SUPPRESSION of the Truth.  We are in this mess because the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, is no longer presented.

It is hidden…covered over…incomplete…politicized.  Picture trying to hold a fully inflated beach ball under water…it takes a lot of effort to hold that ball under the water because the TRUTH keeps trying to come up for air.

The Luciferian Left hates the Truth.  They are “of their father the Devil and the works of their father they will do.”  They suppress the Truth.  That is their job.  That is their only pathway to victory.  They can’t counter the Truth, or argue it away, the can only suppress and hide it.

Did God really say?

The next verse in Romans says, “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse…”

The Luciferians hate the Truth because it is obvious.  The Truth defends itself.  It is clearly seen…therefore, the must suppress the Truth to keep you from seeing the obvious.  Truth is ALWAYS obvious…

Every one knows what a woman is.  Everyone knows an unborn baby is a human being.  Everyone knows Bruce Jenner is a man.  They only way the foolishness continues to persist is because the Luciferians suppress (hide) the TRUTH,

Does the American Medical Association not know that an unborn baby is alive?  Of course, they do, but their POLITICAL position is pro-choice so they pass the buck to the courts and permit the courts to suppress the TRUTH of the humanity of the pre-born.

What do you think shadow banning on the internet is all about?  What is the position of the Luciferian media in regards to what happened on Jan 6th?  How about the effectiveness of face masks, vaccines, Ivermectin, and hospital protocols?  Are there clear, honest, open discussions about these issues?  Or is free dialogue and opposing views being “suppressed?”

How about election integrity?  Biden’s mental capacity?  The mutilation of “trans-gendered” (as if there were such a thing) children?  Are we having an open dialogue about Ukraine, climate change, medical treatments, education?  Is the media giving us the TRUTH or suppressing the TRUTH?

Remember, only TRUTH can make you free.  Truth can be harsh.  It can be uncomfortable.  It can be frightening, but you can never truly deal with an issue until you have all the information at your disposal.  “Just the TRUTH ma’am…nothing but the TRUTH.”

The suppression of TRUTH leads to confusion.  Confusion leads to false beliefs.  False beliefs lead to bad decisions.  Bad decisions lead to bad actions.  Bad actions lead to bad consequences.  Bad consequences are often irreversible.  (Can you say penis removal?)  Something that is untrue can never make you free.  You merely think you are.

Truth is the domain of Christianity.  No matter how many times Oprah and her acolytes tell us to “seek our OWN Truth” there is no such thing as individual TRUTH.  TRUTH is a person and it is the duty of Christians to defend THE TRUTH in all areas of life.

Christians speak and defend TRUTH.  Luciferians deny and suppress TRUTH.

It really is that simple.

The number 1 suppressors of TRUTH in America are the Government/Media complex.  They could never get away with the lying without the silent submission of Christians.  The 2nd greatest suppressors of TRUTH stand in America’s pulpits “turning the TRUTH of God into a lie and worshipping and serving the creature rather than the Creator…”

Stop reading for a moment and think of all the lies, half-truths, and politicized Truths permeating America today.  Think of the lies being taught in America’s schools.  The propaganda being spread by the medical community.  The disinformation being belched out of the Justice Department, the Judiciary, the Executive branch, and your elected representatives.  Look at the “programming” by our media and “educational” institutions.

The Judgement of God is not coming to America…it is already here.  That is the clear meaning of Romans 1.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is credited with saying “not to speak is to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.” May I add a few more?

Not to act when they are destroying the soul of a child IS TO ACT.  Not to act when they are teaching boys that they can be girls IS TO ACT.  Not to act when they are suppressing the truth IS TO ACT.  Not to act when they are destroying a nation IS TO ACT!

The wrath of God IS being revealed in America today.  “Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.”  Silence isn’t golden it is yellow. Show up.  Stand up.  Speak up.

Not to act is to act.

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Uvalde, Texas: A Date That Will Live In Infamy

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 9, 2022

From the history books, December 7, 1941 became the tipping point for the United States to respond to the massacre at Pearl Harbor with the destruction of the Pacific Fleet. The Japanese killed over 3,000 service men and women.  They destroyed 20 big ships and 300 airplanes.  They crippled America’s defense capabilities.  The next day, we entered World War II.

Two years ago, car-jacker, women abuser, felon and porno star George Floyd’s death created a black backlash that saw cities burned, people killed, and $2 billion in damages in metro areas across America.  From the violent summer of 2020, Americans were forced to deal with racial violence, racism and police brutality.  We’re still up to our eyeballs in racial conflict as you watch “The View” or Joy Reid on CNN.  It’s my guess that it hasn’t been solved in the last 50 years, and it’s going to be a mainstay of national news for the next 50 years.  Why haven’t we found solutions? Answer: because there aren’t any.

On May 24, 2022, 19 children and two teachers suffered death at the hands of an AR 15 automatic weapon in the hands of an 18-year-old emotionally deranged youth named Salvador Ramos.  It is a date that will live in infamy for all parents and school children.

Why are the Uvalde killings different than Sandy Hook, Buffalo, New York Tops Grocery Store, Columbine High School, Virginia Tech massacre, Gainesville, Georgia church shootings, University of Texas tower shooting, King Soopers killings by a Muslim immigrant in Boulder, Colorado, and a growing list of extraordinary killings by young people?

Like December 7th, our elected leaders in Washington DC and/or governors in every state must take steps to enact laws that keep, or at least, slow down the availability of automatic weapons and keep such killing machines out of the hands of emotionally disturbed youth.

But no matter how many laws we enact to prevent guns from being sold to just about anyone with a credit card or cash, what about underlying causes of massacres on the streets of America?

Actor Mathew McConaughey gave a compelling speech at a White House press conference on June 6, 2022.  It’s 21 minutes long and well worth watching:


Ironically, if not insanely, McConaughey’s fame on the silver screen came from action-films where he shot, blew up and blasted away at the bad guys.  He killed with dedicated violence.

If you’ve ever watched Criminal Minds on TV, you and your kids watch the most deranged, demented, insanely violent and horrifically monstrous killers in America.  That series must have inspired numerous nutcases to go out into the world to torture innocent people.

By following NCIS in Washington DC or NCIS in Los Angeles or NCIS in New York City, you might note that everything is settled with guns, rifles and grenades. Violence, fistfights, beatings and snipers.

The FBI shows women killing men, killing other bad guys, and blasting away at the terrorists.  The directors show women in very violent roles to give “equity of violence” on the part of women to be equal to men. In real life, you would never see that degree of female violence portrayed on the silver screen.

Look at these shows to give you an idea of what our teens watch 24/7: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Oz, Sons of Anarchy…and the list is endless.  Violence with guns solves everything.

On any given day, a teenager can connect with the “dark side” of sexual violence across the planet! They can access S & M, revolting violence toward women, and never ending streams of sickening human behavior.

If you watch Wide World of Wrestling, you see monster men and really nasty, brutish women—bash, smash, butt heads, slam and literally beat the living hell out of each other every night of the year.  The crowds cheer with a crescendo of screaming, name-calling and total hysteria, demanding more deadly violence to bring their opponents to certain death.

Have you walked into a video arcade at your local mall lately?  Virtually every computer game allows teens to maim, bomb, murder, firebomb, behead, crush into a pile of blood, and shoot automatic weapons that splatter guts all over the screen.  They can do the same with their own computers.  Why are you shocked that Uvalde, Texas Robb Elementary School became the next Sandy Hook or Columbine?

What have our elected leaders done since Sandy Hook to prevent another Uvalde, Texas massacre?  Answer: nothing!

What Are We Doing To Our Children?

On any given weekend in Chicago, 40 to 50 African-Americans shoot one another in the streets, in homes and at parties.  Gangs kill each other for drug turf.  The same thing happens in St. Louis, LA, San Francisco, New York City, Detroit, Denver and Miami.

Why is that?  Is it possible that 7 out of 10 Black children lack fathers and live with their mother on welfare?  Is it possible that their poverty, illiteracy and mutual misery can only be solved by drugs?

As to the Latino youth Salvador Ramos, what type of mental health or sociological unhealth did he exhibit before he massacred those kids?  Who read his social media accounts and said nothing? Was anybody listening to him, watching him, or helping him? Apparently not!

Unfortunately, there are thousands of troubled kids like him.  They lack connection to family, friends and community.   Their emotional plight offers fertile grounds for the next Uvalde massacre.

Last year, 105,000 American youths overdosed on fentanyl, heroin, opioids and other drugs.  Why?  How do you travel such a known route to self-destruction?   Of course, why does the president of the United States facilitate those drugs being poured into our country?  That ongoing nightmare really blows my mind.  Why? Because those same open borders will cause another 105,000 overdose drug deaths in 2022.

Obviously, we’re rearing thousands of lost or troubled minds in America. Some self-medicate and others massacre children or people at a King Soopers grocery store.

In other words, no one addresses the root causes of violence in America.  In fact, you would find total opposition to banning violent movies, violent TV programs, violent video games, violent wrestling, violent pornographic videos, etc.

Do We Love Violence And Will We Continue To Teach Our Kids Violence?

Is Uvalde’s massacre America’s sociological December 7th “A date that will live in infamy”?

Will we change the way we rear our kids by incorporating a loving home and wholesome future?  Do we engage parenting classes for newlyweds to give that child the very best upbringing? Ramos lacked that home. Do we go into the Chicago inner-city (or any city) to build GOOD schools, after school activities, beneficial clubs, solid and fair discipline, positive expectations and wholesome community events?  Are we going to pay the best teachers a decent salary to keep them?  Are we going to clean up and stop the drugs at the border?  Are we going to award disciplined academic success with good jobs, a living wage and decent neighborhoods?

Instead of spending $6 trillion on two—20-year wars in the middle east that accomplished nothing, shouldn’t we care of our country and our jobs, and our families?  What about enacting stiff laws to prevent rampant crime, irresponsible gun sales to youth and solid jail consequences?  Who thinks selling an AR 15 automatic weapon to an 18-year-old makes common sense?

The Uvalde, Texas massacre will live on as a date in infamy. What are your thoughts on stopping the next one?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Do Mass Murderers Represent Law-Abiding Gun Owners? Why are the Innocent Always Punished?

By Bradlee Dean

June 8, 2022

“To ban guns because the criminals use them is to tell the law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and lawless.” -Lysander Spooner

Over and over again, after mass shootings that take place, Americans sit back and watch their said representatives congregate, in direct contrast to what it is that their forefathers established, to further attack their God-given Rights, namely the right to bear arms (Luke 11:21-22; 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights).

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There is only one reason a politician would aim to disarm, and for no other:  They want gun control because they want the control (1 Samuel 13:22).  Just look to history.

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The truth of the matter lies in the face of the law.  Not one piece of gun legislation, as they call it, is legal. Again, we have rights, not privileges.

Let me ask the question, does the law breaker represent the law abiders?  They no more represent them than the corrupt politicians represent the law that they are to uphold (Psalm 94:20).

The truth of the matter is that to blame guns for mass murder is like blaming spoons for people being overweight.

I ask, when Cain killed Able, did the Lord blame the weapon used or did He lay the consequences to Cain (Genesis 4:8-13)?

You do not accuse the innocent for which the guilty are responsible (Revelation 12:10).

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Also, take note that those who mean to accuse the innocent by disarming them do so with taxpayer funded armed security detail (Matthew 23:3). Consider who it is that are calling for gun control measures.

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For the politicians who want to go along to get along and undermine our God-given rights, it is time for them to be held accountable for what it is that they are responsible for doing, and that is the death of the innocent in their illegal gun-free zones.

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Rejecting the Totalitarian Transgender Movement

by Peter Falkenberg Brown

June 8, 2022

The Emperor Has No Clothes…

~ A woman was raped in a hospital by a transgender man, and the hospital denied it, insisting that “the rape could not have happened” as “there was no male in the hospital.” ~

So now the Emperor walked under his high canopy in the midst of the procession, through the streets of his capital; and all the people standing by, and those at the windows, cried out, “Oh! How beautiful are our Emperor’s new clothes! What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and how gracefully the scarf hangs!” in short, no one would allow that he could not see these much-admired clothes; because, in doing so, he would have declared himself either a simpleton or unfit for his office. Certainly, none of the Emperor’s various suits, had ever made so great an impression, as these invisible ones.

“But the Emperor has nothing at all on!” said a little child.

“Listen to the voice of innocence!” exclaimed his father; and what the child had said was whispered from one to another.

“But he has nothing at all on!” at last cried out all the people. The Emperor was vexed, for he knew that the people were right; but he thought the procession must go on now! And the lords of the bedchamber took greater pains than ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was no train to hold.

Thus ends The Emperor’s New Clothes, a fairy tale written by Hans Christian Andersen, first published in 1837.[1]

It is a strong analogy for the current transgender movement, which has created an environment of totalitarian fear. The new statements of unspoken truth, from the mouths of babes, are:

But he’s a man! But she’s a woman!

However, as The Emperor’s New Clothes illustrates, we feel pressure to go along with the crowd, even when our deeper wisdom tells us that the offered narrative violates logic, truth, and common sense. Our fear of being persecuted for rejecting a narrative can become intense when the supporters of the so-called truth exhibit an aggressive and violent contempt for those who disagree.

When our reputations or jobs are at stake, silence may seem to be the best option. It is exceedingly hard to be brave when the costs are so high. Yet, if no one is brave, what will happen to the world?

Let us, then, do a brief, logic-based dissection of the transgender movement and explore its positions and consequences. The primary questions to ask are:

* Is the transgender narrative true?

* Does the transgender narrative harm anyone?

As a review, what is the transgender narrative? A short summary is:

Transgender individuals believe that their correct gender is not the one “assigned at birth.” The trans view is that everyone’s gender is arbitrarily assigned at birth by a doctor or someone else. They believe that their biological sex is not necessarily relevant to their gender.

Transgender persons may feel that their real gender is their biological opposite or may possibly feel that they are “non-binary.”

Trans-persons may be heterosexual, gay or lesbian, bisexual, asexual, or something else.

Based on the evidence of their impact on society, it’s clear that many transgender activists are working overtime to spread their opinions about sexuality, especially among children, without regard for the views of heterosexual, non-transgender individuals and parents. In other words, it’s not just a “private matter.”

Instead, the trans movement insists that all of society must agree with and celebrate their doctrine, no questions asked.

There are various ways to analyze the transgender narrative. They include science, human experience and observation, the history of humans, religious beliefs, logic, and common sense.

As the fairy tale above so brilliantly expresses, personal motivations, desires, and fears can cloud our perception of truth and influence our decisions and actions. The human tendency to abandon reality and turn a blind eye to falsehoods cannot be discounted.

The Primary Harm of Transgenderism

Let’s start with the primary harm that the transgender movement is inflicting on the world: that of censorship and restriction of all discussion about its conclusions.

When the man Will Thomas decided that he was not a man, but was a woman named Lia Thomas, and switched from the men’s swimming team at the University of Pennsylvania to the women’s team, and then proceeded to win medals and crush the biologically female competition, one might rationally expect the issue to be discussed openly on both sides of the debate.

But with Thomas, as with virtually any male or female who states that they are suddenly a member of the opposite gender, or no gender, or something in between, disagreement is banned and severely chastised. The cancel culture swings into full gear, even against feminists like J. K. Rowling, who is now branded a “TERF”—a “trans-exclusionary radical feminist”[2] because she dared to question the trans narrative.

The totalitarianism of the transgender movement removes any credibility that it might have had if it had simply been willing to discuss the issues without branding opponents as evil transphobes who hardly deserve to live. Doing so demonstrates the weakness of its position. One can only conclude that trans-activists knew that they could not win their debate in the public square and thus decided to make all discussion about it invalid.

This is the transgender movement’s fatal flaw. They share this flaw with all totalitarians.

Unfortunately, the impact on societies around the world has been enormous because of the power of fear. Very few people in the world today are standing up and saying, “Wait! He’s a man! She’s a woman!” At least not yet. On March 17, 2022, a woman in the crowd actually yelled—twice— “He’s a man!” when Will/Lia Thomas won the NCAA Women’s Swimming Championship 500 yard freestyle.[3]

Yes, he’s a man. Even though Thomas states, “I’m a woman,”[4] it does not mean it’s true.

Even though Richard Levine, aged 64, won USA Today’s “Woman of the Year” award in 2022 after deciding that he was a woman in 2011, subsequently to be called “Rachel,” it does not mean that he is a woman.[5] Even though Levine is now the US Assistant Secretary for Health for the US Department of Health and Human Services and is listed as “Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD,”[6] it does not make him a woman.

The Direct Harms of Transgenderism

Beyond the harm that transgender totalitarianism inflicts on the world’s ability to speak freely, it also directly harms individuals, families, and public institutions. It most certainly harms the careers of the biologically female swimmers, runners, and other sportswomen who struggle to compete against the physically larger and stronger bodies of the so-called trans-women who walk away with stolen trophies that they did not deserve.

Transgenderism harms women and girls in locker rooms and places them in danger, as happened at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles on July 3, 2021, when a man who identified as a woman entered the locker room and exposed his naked genitals to biological females.[7]

The spa ignored the issue because in today’s culture, if a woman responds to an incursion like that and says, “No men allowed,” a “trans-woman” will respond, “But I’m a woman.”

Rapes of women by transgender women (i.e., men) are being ignored because the perpetrators are “not male.” In 2021, a woman was raped in a hospital in Britain by a transgender man, and the act was captured on CCTV. But the hospital denied it, insisting that “the rape could not have happened” as “there was no male in the hospital.” British Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox condemned the cover-up, stating:

Once society breaks down to such an extent that objective reality means nothing, these vile events will escalate exponentially.[8]

The worst offense of transgenderism is its active and scorched-earth campaign against children. Tolerant, live-and-let-live people might not care whether an adult thinks his sex has changed, but parents have every right to say to the trans movement:

Get your hands off our children!

K-12 school curricula are infected with transgender recruitment materials, including the first-grade book Jacob’s New Dress, which celebrates boys wearing dresses to school.[9] Drag Queen Story Hours[10] are other weapons in the trans arsenal that confuse young children about their sexual identity when they normally wouldn’t even be considering the topic.

Transgender totalitarianism demands that all levels of society not only accept a transgender person’s new sexual identity as valid and true but also insists that everyone must celebrate their new identity. We must celebrate and applaud and accept without question that a man is now a woman and a woman is now a man—and that’s that. Full stop.

If one does not celebrate a trans-person’s new identity, one is branded a transphobe and an unloving and hateful person. This particular accusation is extremely effective, for very few want to be branded as evil.

What About Feelings?

But is it true that rejecting the transgender narrative is hateful? While some individuals might actually hate a trans-person (which is wrong), it does not mean that rejecting the narrative is hateful. Quite the opposite, in fact.

When I see a trans-person, I feel sad for them because I’m convinced that they’re emotionally and spiritually confused. When I see someone who has had their sexual organs chopped off, either male or female, I cannot but feel it is a tragedy—especially if it was done when they were minors.

More and more trans individuals are “detransitioning” back to their original sex (as much as they can). Many of them are not speaking out because of social pressures.[11] Fortunately, more states are banning minors from receiving trans surgeries or hormones.[12]

This brings us back to the first question: Is the transgender narrative true?

To answer this, logic and common sense need to come to the fore. Even when primary and secondary sexual organs are altered with cosmetic surgery, the individual’s DNA and biological sex does not change. The person may believe their gender has changed, but the facts don’t support their belief.

The core argument of the trans movement is that the all-important factor is “how I feel.” If I’m a man who feels like a woman, I am one. If I’m a woman who feels like a man, it’s true. If I feel non-binary, so be it. And no one, not a single, solitary person, can argue with how I feel.

It is, in fact, true that no one can deny how a person feels. But that fact alone does not mean that the person’s feelings are healthy, true, or accurate. People have felt all kinds of things: I can fly, I’m of a different race, I can win at the blackjack table, I’m the Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia.[13]

Feelings can be manipulated, and the trans movement is barreling ahead, molding the feelings of young people as fast as they can. Abigail Shrier writes of this in her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.[14]

Good people don’t want to be cruel, and it’s important to respectfully acknowledge the feelings of other people—and to love them as God does. But we must remember that it is not only the feelings of a tiny minority of trans individuals that are important.

What about the feelings of non-trans people? Are they as important as the feelings of the minuscule trans community? Not even a bit, if one listens to the trans narrative.

What about the feelings of parents who watch their children being emotionally and spiritually molested with graphically sexual books and a barrage of trans propaganda?

The feelings of a trans-person have their source somewhere. They can’t be denied. But they can be analyzed and dealt with differently than just saying: if you feel it, it’s true.

Gender confusion can come from many sources: normal prepubescent gender confusion that will almost always be outgrown; undue peer pressure as Shrier documents; teacher indoctrination; sexual molestation; or even, as some religious people contend, influence from a spiritual source.

Is the Transgender Narrative True?

So, is the transgender narrative true?

Based on the many thousands of years of biological, evolutionary, religious, and historical realities that the male and female sexes are central to human life, healthy marriages and families, and the development of mature personalities, it makes far more sense and is more logically sound to state that the transgender narrative is false.

It’s relevant here to also examine a religious reason why the transgender narrative is incorrect.

Although biology and the history of the human race provide adequate evidence that the male/female paradigm of healthy families is reason enough to reject transgenderism, the Judeo-Christian religious traditions provide a timeless viewpoint that the Intelligent Creator of the Universe designed the human race to be male and female. This religious view perfectly matches biology and affirms that biology was created by and is managed by God.

A human baby is created from the union of a female egg and a male sperm, and there’s no getting around that scientific fact. A religious view would add that the invisible and eternal spirit of God is meshed with the sperm and egg and imbues the child who is born with the invisible attributes of spirit, heart, and character that make each person unique. A critical factor for this discussion is that each child is also born gloriously and unabashedly male or female, based on God’s blueprint for humanity.

When we look at the phenomenon of human babies, with logical observation and common sense, we can see that the happiest babies and children are those who are loved by two parents: a compassionate father and mother. A great deal of the debate about transgenderism seems to ignore the optimum scenarios of human life.

Yes, emotional damage happens, which is tragic and cannot be discounted. But the optimal pattern of the male/female family structure should not be abandoned because it failed certain individuals. This debate needs a wide and historically deep perspective and needs to acknowledge the needs and sacred rights of babies and children to be loved by a biologically male father and a biologically female mother if they are to grow in a healthy and optimal way.

Thus, for all of these reasons, even though some people may feel that they are of a different gender, three logical conclusions emerge:

* We should not encourage or celebrate their supposed change of gender. We should be kind and sensitive, but we should do our best to bring them back to the reality of the male and female sexual paradigm based on individual biology.

* We must not allow a tiny group of totalitarian transgender activists to destroy society by denying the reality of male / female sexuality. We must not allow them to force people to use their preferred pronouns or trans-names. We must not allow them to force people to actively celebrate transgenderism against their will. These are severe violations of human and civil rights. “Trans rights” must not violate the human rights of others.

* The advance of the transgender movement is an existential, civilization-killing crisis.

In seventy-eight years, it will be the year 2100. Will we be a world of androgynous, pansexual humans (rather than men and women) who hardly know who they are? Or will we enjoy thriving societies of biologically male fathers and biologically female mothers raising healthy children who are clear-eyed and happy about the fact that, yes, they are boys and girls?

Some of the boys might write poetry. Some of the girls might hunt and fish. No problem. That doesn’t change their gender; it just makes them interesting. And when they grow up, they’ll get married and have children and still wonder why so many boys instinctively go out in the back yard and pick up sticks and bang the ground and holler. The answer is simple.

It’s just what boys have always done for well over a million years.

Illustration of “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” by Hans Christian Andersen
Drawing by Vilhelm Pedersen, 1849, Public domain
Modified by article author.

© 2022 Peter Falkenberg Brown – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Peter Falkenberg Brown:



[1] The Emperor’s New Clothes, Hans Christian Andersen, 1837
[2] “J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues,” J.K. Rowling, June 10, 2020,
[3] “‘He’s a man!’ Crowd BOOS after biological male wins Women’s 500 Yard freestyle swimming – [VIDEO],” March 17, 2022, The Right Scoop
[4] “Lia Thomas insists ‘I’m a woman,’ eyes 2024 Olympics in Sports Illustrated profile,” Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times, March 3, 2022
[5] “Male doctor wins ‘Woman of the Year’ award,” Christopher Tremoglie, March 16, 2022, Washington Examiner,
[7] “Naked Man in Women’s Spa Locker Room Shows Consequences of Transgender Policies,” Tony Perkins, July 07, 2021, The Daily Signal,
[8] “‘There was No Male In the Hospital’ – UK Hospital Covered Up Rape by Trans Patient,” Nathaniel Charles, March18, 2022, Breitbart,
[9] “‘There was No Male In the Hospital’ – UK Hospital Covered Up Rape by Trans Patient,” Nathaniel Charles, March18, 2022, Breitbart,
[10] “NC School District Fights to Keep Pro-Transgender Message in First-Grade Curriculum,” Dr. Susan Berry, March 27, 2017, Breitbart,
[12] “What Percentage of Transgenders Regret Surgery?” Susan Ciancio, July 7, 2021, Human Life International,
[13] “Here Are The States That Want To Ban Trans Surgeries For Minors,” Mary Margaret Olohan, April 12, 2021, Daily Caller,
[14] “Anastasia: The Mystery Resolved,” Rebecca J. Fowler, October 6, 1994, The Washington Post,
[15] Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, Abigail Shrier, 2020.

What Are You Thinking?

By Wylie Marshall

June 7, 2022

I watched a movie the other night with my nine-year-old granddaughter, about these twins that had mental telepathy powers. They could tell what other people were thinking and could send their thoughts to the other twin. That would be awesome wouldn’t it to have that kind of power? You could tell what other people we really thinking about you!

I am not so sure it would be all that great to have that ability. Let us take it a step farther and try to imagine all the thoughts coming from the entire world’s population every day. Would they be mostly good thoughts or mostly bad thoughts? And what if you had to hear all those thoughts!

Judging from the condition of the world right now, I would have to say that most of the thoughts emanating from the world’s population would not be good thoughts.

Does God know what we are thinking? Does He know what our thoughts are every minute of the day or night?Let’s find out.

Gen 6:5 And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 

That is a good indication that God knows our every thought! When I woke up this morning, I “think” I was dreaming and it came into my mind that I needed to write my next article on what we think, because God knows what we are thinking all the time! That could be very embarrassing at times, because if you are like me, I have a hard time controlling my thoughts, and that is as far as I want to go with that!

This is something we all need to be aware of. We need to realize that God knows what we think, and when we think it! Here is another example.

Psalm94:11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.

Or how about this one:

Psalm139:2 You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thoughts afar off. That was inspired to be written by King David, and in Acts 13:22 it is written that David was a man after God’s own heart! If you know anything at all about King David, you will know that David had problems with his thought process too! It cost him a lot!!!! You might want to check out what David lost because of his thoughts!

Have you ever thought about this before? I know it came as a wake-up call to me.I had never given it much thought before, but maybe we should think about it this way. If you developed the blueprints for an invention and it was a big hit and you sold millions of them and became very rich. You had the patent on the invention, you would know its every detail, inside and out. You would know what makes that invention tick or run as the case may be. The point is that you would know everything about your invention and would know if it was working properly or not.

Well, God knows everything about His creation, He even knows what we are thinking!But what does God think about our thinking?

Let us start with some background information about God. We know from the scriptures that Jesus Christ created all things:

Col 1:16 Because by Him were all things created the things in heaven and the things on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether they be thrones, or lordships, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him. 

We also know that Jesus Christ is always the same:

Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. 

And we know that the Word Who became Jesus Christ is the Spokesman:

Heb 4:12 For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of both soul and spirit, and of both the joints and the marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.

We cannot even imagine that kind of power!

And we know that the Old and the New Testaments are the inspired writings of God!

2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 

 We also know Jesus Christ was the God of the Old Testament:

1Co 10:1  Now I do not wish you to be ignorant of this, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea. 

1Co 10:2  And all were baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea. 

1Co 10:3  And they all ate the same spiritual meat. 

1Co 10:4  And they all drank of the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them. And that Rock was Christ. 

1Co 10:5 But with many of them God was not pleased, for their dead bodies were strewn in the wilderness.

We also know that the Family of God consist of two individual beings at the present time, God the Father and Jesus Christ:

Joh 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that it may be with you throughout the age: 

Joh 14:17 Even the Spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive because it perceives it not, nor knows it; but you know it because it dwells with you, and shall be within you. 

Joh 14:26 But when the Comforter comes, even the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in My name, that one shall teach you all things, and shall bring to your remembrance everything that I have told you. 

Joh 15:26 But when the Comforter has come, which I will send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of the truth, which proceeds from the Father, that one shall bear witness of Me. 

Joh 16:7 But I am telling you the truth. It is profitable for you that I go away because if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you. However, if I go, I will send it to you.

I know that I am going to get a lot of flak about these last scriptures. If you research the Koine Greek, in which the New Testament was written, you will find that all pronouns that reference the Holy Spirit are neuter in gender.

So, let us think a little about what has happened to the people of the earth since Adam and Eve. Satan was angry that God created man, so he, Satan went directly to work to destroy mankind. How did he do that? I mean Adam and Eve were in this beautiful garden, had everything they could ever need, and God was right there with them, but the serpent came into their lives to test them, and they failed the test! God had told them from the very get go that they could eat of every tree in the garden except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For in the day that you eat of it, in dying, you shall surely die! Now that is found in Genesis 2:17. And then along came the Devil in the form of a serpent and started right in on Eve. And the serpent said to Eve, “is it true that God has said, ‘You may freely eat of every tree in the garden?’”

Gen 3:2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may freely eat the fruit of the trees of the garden,

 Gen 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree, which is in the middle of the garden, God has indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'” 

Gen 3:4  And the serpent said to the woman, “In dying, you shall not surely die! 

Gen 3:5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like God, deciding good and evil.”

 At this point, if Eve had been created with the ability to read minds, she would have known right off that the Devil was lying to her and maybe she would not have eaten of the forbidden tree and also given to her husband Adam. But she could not, and sin entered the world because they broke God’s commandment!

Well, it went from bad to worse from there and the world became more and more evil to the point that God finally had to start over with Noah! Satan had worked his plan so well that God had to destroy everyone living except Noah and his family. Eight people!!!! Genesis 6: 11 Now the earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

Why do you think this happened? Well, I would have to guess that instead of having good thoughts and staying close to God, they let themselves become influenced by Satan to the point of destruction!

Does this sound familiar to you? Can you look at the world today and picture it any other way???? So, what happened next?

Gen 6:12  And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt—for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth. 

Gen 6:13 And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

Satan had succeeded in planting his thoughts into mankind to the point of destroying mankind, he thought! But Noah and his family were saved out of the flood that came upon the earth and God began again to create His family!!! But guess what! Satan never quits, and man forgets about Satan, because Satan likes to work in the background and make man think he is not real. There is that word “think” again. Yes, and after the flood, Satan started over again too! He is a spirit being and never tires. He can work night and day and he transmits his thoughts to us, because he does have the ability to put his thoughts in our mind, but only if we let him! He is always looking to see who he can influence to do his bidding and destroy!

1Pe 5:8 Be sober! Be vigilant! For your adversary the devil is prowling about as a roaring lion, seeking anyone he may devour.

And now look at the world we live in, I cannot imagine it much different from the world God had to destroy with the flood.

Mat 24:38 For as in the days that were before the Flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark. 

So, what do you think God is thinking about what we are thinking about now? Has our thoughts brought us to the brink of destruction again???

Isa 55:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways,” says the LORD.

Pro 12:5 The thoughts of the righteous are right; the counsels of the wicked are deceit. 

Pro 15:26 The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD, but the words of the pure are pleasant words.

I just wonder how many today have pure thoughts. Can you imagine the torment that God must go through to have to listen to our thoughts? Have you ever gotten an obscene phone call? Those things were very popular a few years ago and were quiet a novelty! Today I would think that the language of an obscene phone call of a few years ago, is pretty much the norm that is spoken today, judging from our movies and television shows that children, or anyone for that matter, should not watch!But it is not only our thoughts that God knows. He also hears every word we speak, because we will be held accountable for every word that proceeds from out of our mouth!

Mat 12:36 But I say to you, for every idle word that men may speak, they shall be held accountable in the day of judgment.

Did you ever stop and “think” about these things? I had never given it much thought until it hit me to draft this article. The reality of what this is saying, especially if you believe in God, must be something to stop and ponder. And then, question yourself about what you should do about it! Are you just going to continue to have the same thoughts you have been having for most of your life, if so, then you must be one of the few that have pure thoughts! But judging from the condition of the world, I would think that there are very few of those types! The rest of us need to consider what we need to do to improve.

I was having trouble understanding some scriptures a short time ago, so I asked a dear friend if he would help me with my understanding. The scriptures are these.

Isa 28:9  “Whom shall He teach knowledge? And whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Those who are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts, 

Isa 28:10  For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little;” 

Isa 28:11  For with stammering lips and foreign tongue He will speak to this people. 

Isa 28:12  To whom He said, “This is the rest He gives to the weary;” and “This is the refreshing,” yet they were not willing to hear. 

Isa 28:13  So then the Word of the LORD was to them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken and snared and taken. 

My friend explained to me that those who read the word of God and search the scriptures, for precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little. Those are the ones that have been weaned from the milk and drawn from the breast, they have God’s Holy Spirit and understand what they are reading.

But those who have not been weaned from the milk and drawn from the breast can read the same scriptures and will not understand, because they do not have God’s Holy Spirit and they might go, and fall backward, and be broken and snared and taken.

I have given this a lot of thought and have wondered what then can the milk and the breast represent if you must have God’s Holy Spirit to understand His scriptures? What has God given us that does not require the Holy Spirit to understand? Of course, there are a lot of things in the Bible that one can understand without God’s Holy Spirit, but to put together Precept upon Precept, Precept upon Precept; Line upon Line, Line upon Line; Here a little, there a little that can be really understood!!! Only one thing popped out at me, because God gave it! It was the only thing God gave to His people personally by His very mouth! That was the Ten Commandments, given from the top of Mt. Sinai to approximately two million people all at the same time. Scared them so bad that they asked Moses to not let God speak to them anymore lest they die!!! My point is that it does not take God’s Holy Spirit to understand the Ten Commandments so that might be what the Milk and the Breast are!!  You keep the Milk and the Breast; God will teach you knowledge and to understand doctrine, as in John 6: 44 and 45.

Joh 6:44  No one can come to Me unless the Father, Who sent Me, draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. 

Joh 6:45  It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore, everyone who has heard from the Father, and has learned, comes to Me. 

How many people do you know today that keep the Ten Commandments? That is right! Almost none, and if they keep them, they only keep parts of them, the parts they like or the parts that take no effort to keep. But that fourth one, they just shoot themselves in the foot with that one! They want to believe that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, but it was the Catholic Church that did that, not God! You might want to Read “Rome’s Challenge to the Protestants” written under the authority of Cardinal Gibbons. The Catholic Mirror was the official organ of Cardinal Gibbons and the Papacy in the United States. The article was published in that paper and appeared on September 2, 9, 16, and 23, 1893. You can find the article on the internet.

My article is not to try to convert anyone one way or the other. I want you to “think” about these things. Think about what you think about and what you need to do.

Can “thinking” save this nation? Well maybe if you “think” about the right things. But first, you need to repent of not having thoughts about the right things and ask God’s forgiveness. Our thoughts as we have seen are very powerful. They can be a blessing…or they can be a curse! And I for one believe that this nation is cursed, and we do not have much time left! We have been purposely removed from God by Satan, just as he did before the flood, to the point that we no longer know we are sinning. Just a reminder of what sin is, 1 John 3:4 Everyone who practices sin is also practicing lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness.

Breaking God’s Law is sin. And that is the one thing God gave us that we do not need God’s Holy Spirit to understand. The Ten Commandments!!

And what did Jesus tell us?

Mat 7:23 And then I will confess to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who work lawlessness.’ 

God did not put us here to perish. He gave us a Law that we can understand and keep and if we keep that Law, it can only bring us blessings! He made it as simple as possible for us. He also gave us free moral agency, to see who would keep His Law and who would not! He will not force anyone!!! It is strictly up to us!

But on the other side of that coin is the curse and we have no excuse for bringing the curse on ourselves and on our nation. It is all about stupid pride and stubbornness. That is why the children of Israel went into captivity and lost their identity. Just because they did not want God telling them what to do!!! And we have not changed one bit!!!! Listen up! God created us! He is our Creator! He holds the patent on us!!! He knows what we think and what we say! We have no right to worship anything or anyone other than the one true God! We must Obey His voice! Or……we perish!!!!!!!!!! But it is our choice!

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God! I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” 

[BIO: Wylie Marshall graduated from the Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas in 1972 with a bachelor’s degree. He was employed for 30 years by a large Chemical Company and worked in the Engineering field as a Project Cost Estimator. After retirement in 2007, he continued to work in the Project Estimating field for several engineering companies and firms in a contracting capacity until 2015. He is a Vietnam veteran and served aboard the USS Richmond K. Turner, DLG-20 which was a “double-ended”guided missile destroyer.He is married to his wonderful wife,he loves playing music with his sons, studying history, and for the last 37 years has had a love for the study of God’s word, and has learned that God’s love is for all of mankind and is without prejudice and man must live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The Old and the New Testaments are God breathed and God created man on this earth to learn of God and His ways, so that one day we could have eternal life in the family of God as spirit beings.]

© 2022 Wylie Marshall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Wylie Marshall:

Grave Lessons in Defenseless

By Lex Greene

June 7, 2022

In case you haven’t noticed, our government continues to amend the definition of “mass shooting” and direct all attention to the fact that a gun is an efficient way to kill or injure more than one person at a time. As a result, their news media is reporting “mass shooting” events almost daily now, most of which are actually gang-on-gang shootings or shootings that take place in the commission of another crime.

But the one thing they DO NOT want anyone to focus on is the reality that real “mass shooting” events, such as those in a school building, shopping mall, outside a bar at 2:AM or subway, only take place in “gun free zones” — where the only person armed is the criminal. It’s now a “conspiracy theory” to point out that most gun-related deaths in the USA are acts of suicide, not homicide. It’s an act of “racism” to point out that the vast majority of gun-related homicides in the USA are black on black crimes, usually involving numerous other criminal acts and gang violence in anti-gun rights cities.

The elephant in the room boils down to only three points of grave interest…

  1. Mass shooting events targeting random innocents is new, starting in 1999 at Columbine. Every true mass shooting event since, has taken place in a “gun-free zone.” Mass shooters only target “defenseless targets.” These victims needed a method of defense and didn’t have any. Every time without exception, when seconds counted, the police were only 20-to-60 minutes away.
  2. Despite the reality that it’s best to have a gun and not need one, than to need one and not have one…those who are anti-freedom seek to make all of the USA a “gun-free zone” by disarming law-abiding citizens instead of stopping those who commit these crimes.
  3. No matter the weapon of choice, kids are killing kids at an alarming rate. WHY? Begin with, how many of our freedoms have already been stripped away by our own government, and end with, 70% of the country fears for our future and opposes the current direction of our country under socialist democrat leadership. They see no hope for their future!

The simple truth is…you will never prevent crime by disarming people who don’t commit crimes. The fact is, the most anti-gun cities and states all have the biggest crime problems, and they are also the most anti-police cities and states in the USA, working to disarm citizens and defund the police.

There is no way to look at those two factors and conclude anything other than, the leaders in these cities and states are working to create a defenseless and lawless zone where no one but the criminals are armed and in control. No sane person can conclude anything else.

Honestly, it’s hard to imagine why so many people don’t grasp…criminals don’t follow any laws. So, no law will prevent their criminal behaviors. Long before a mass shooter fires their first shot, they have already broken numerous laws already on the books. One more law won’t change anything on their part.

As a result, disarming law-abiding citizens is the worst possible thing we could do, creating an entire defenseless society.

A CBS News poll released Sunday showed 60% of Americans (allegedly) want gun laws to be more strict — an increase of 6 points since May 22.”  This only proves just how foolish 60% of the USA population is today. Removing weapons from good people or making it more difficult for good people to get them, only empowers bad people. Look no further than the increasing “gun-free zone” events to confirm.

Simply stated to where even an average 3rd grader could understand, defenseless equals a soft target and prime victims. If today’s global Nazi democrats had their way, no citizen would own any firearms, every police department would be defunded, and our Military would be made up of go-along to get-along females, gays, and transgendered war fighters, with only about as many troops as they would need to help process more illegal foreign invaders at our southern border.

In other words, democrats are working to create a totally unsafe environment for every American citizen, making it much easier for them to meld the USA into a “own nothing and be happy” member of Klaus Schwab’s global commune in accordance with his maniacal Nazi COVID19 Global Reset plans.

Every mass shooting in “gun-free zone” after “gun-free zone” is a blatant and grave lesson in defenseless. But millions of Americans no longer possess “uncommon sense” anymore. America’s higher education systems have indoctrinated the common sense, right out of generations. Millions can no longer even get (4) from (2+2).

And then there’s our illustrious (not so free) press. Owned by only a few international corporations and totally controlled by leftists in government, the only approved narratives are the ones that will lead to the ultimate demise of a once free and sovereign nation. Like their leftist cohorts in government, they also seek to weaken the USA into oblivion.

Meanwhile, the USA federal government has ignited what will soon be WWIII with Russia in Ukraine and sold the USA to China.

Yet, nobody seems able to figure out why kids are killing kids all of a sudden, or what to do about it.

Nonsense… The real truth is, government isn’t good at anything, except making a mess of everything.

That’s the good news, under the best of circumstances. The bad news is when governments fall into the hands of global Nazi tyrants, the country is doomed until the people take their country back from those Nazis.

This alone means, the American people can NEVER afford to be disarmed. If they ever are…that’s the end. “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” ― Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Last, had our earliest settlers not been armed, the USA would have never existed…no one would have ever known American freedom and liberty, as the citizenry would never had been able to defeat the most powerful military on earth at the time, freeing themselves and us, from British rule.

Face it…we will never be able to wake up the brain dead… The rest of us, however, must unite and fight, before there is no time and no means! We must fight back from the State level…because the Federal government has become totally destructive of national sovereignty and security, and individual freedom and liberty. It no longer belongs to us!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Inflation: Prelude to Globalist Central Bank Digital Currency?

By Steven Yates

June 7, 2022

“Allow me to issue and control a nation’s money, and I care not who makes the laws.” -Mayer Amschel Rothschild

“Who controls the issuance of money controls the government.” -Nathan M. Rothschild

Inflation is roaring. This is common knowledge. Inflation is not just roaring in the U.S., where gas prices have soared to well over $4.60/gallon and are averaging over $5/gallon in several states. It is roaring worldwide. Both food and gas prices having risen in Chile where we live. I encounter similar stories from elsewhere.

I’ve not seen specific statements on such from the globalist ruling class, at least not yet, but I suspect we are being set up for globalist central bank digital currency (CBDC). This is not to say there aren’t such statements. I’ve not searched exhaustively, and globalists have a penchant for telling us what they plan to do—knowing that few will seek out information that isn’t on CNN, and those who do will be marginalized as conspiracy theorists.

Here, straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak—from the globalist Atlantic Council — is an accessible account of CBDCs and where they stand.

What we learn: in May 2020 (two months into the plan-demic), 35 countries were looking into CBDCs. Now, 105 countries representing 95 percent of global GDP, are considering them. Fifty have advanced to a development stage, with ten having launched a CBDC. China has piloted a CBDC planned for launch in 2023. The European Central Bank plans to introduce a “digital euro” by mid-decade.

Of G7 countries, the U.K. and the U.S. are the furthest behind. Think Brexit; think Trumpism. These are the places where globalism has received the most pushback. The Bidenistas have responded. “Joe Biden” signed an executive order calling for the “responsible development” of a digital currency.

Nineteen of G20 countries are working on CBDCs, with 16 in development or ready for the pilot stage. Included in this list are South Korea, Japan, India, and Russia.

Finally consider this paragraph:

The financial system may face a significant interoperability problem in the near future. The proliferation of different CBDC models is creating new urgency for international standard setting.

There’s your dog-whistle. What it really says: individual nation-states’ central banks developing their own CBDCs is a transitory step. The goal is to go global via “international standard setting.” With the central banks in the world answering to the Bank for International Settlements, this should not be difficult to accomplish.

And don’t think you will have a choice, peasant, when this begins to affect you: when, that is,major stores begin refusing your cash. Or when, out of nowhere,you confront new hoops to jump through at banks in order to withdraw cash from “your” account.It’s to ensure “your security,” of course.

This move, from roaring inflation to a global CBDC, will be Hegelian dialectic in operation, all around you and right in front of you.

What is Hegelian dialectic?

The phrase derives from the early nineteenth century German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel, the first to put his finger on it. His ideas were greatly amplified by Karl Marx.

Marx was not the only beneficiary of Hegelian thought. Hegel is one of the half dozen or so most influential philosophers of all time.Sometimes his dialectic is written obscurely as: thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Think of it instead as this triad:  crisis-reaction-response.

Here’s how it works in the real world: a crisis is manufactured or allowed to develop (thesis). The crisis provokes a reaction (antithesis: “Somebody do something!!”). Those with the power to make things happen come to the rescue with the response, which is what was wanted all along (synthesis). The pushback the ruling class would have received before the crisis is reduced to the “extremists” and “conspiracy theorists.”

In his magnificent work States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check (Clarity Press, 2022), Dutch political scientist Kees Van Der Pijl argues convincingly that the entire covid “pandemic” was a concerted effort by the globalist ruling class to bring increasingly restless populations back under control before the global economy melted down and they had a mass revolt on their hands.

First, what he calls the IT Revolution happened (1970s to 2007). In the past I’ve described the Internet as our era’s Gutenberg Press, which got away  from the DARPA elites and threatened to bring actual democracy to the world’s masses, while exposing massive corruption and false narratives.

Then came the meltdown of 2008: most directly a consequence of years of irresponsible practices by banking leviathan,especially with the 1999 repeal of Glass-Steagall which separated commercial banks from investment banks. During the years 1999-2008 we witnessed “bundling” of loans into dangerous financial instruments with confusing names like credit default swaps. Reckless financial behavior spread across swaths of the economy such as the housing market. Remember the housing bubble of the later G.W. Bush years and the subprime lending fiasco of 2007? Remember the houses deemed “underwater” and the people who walked away when they suddenly owed more on their once-overpriced McMansion than it could be sold for?

The amount of money lost awakened even more people — members of the peasantry (in super elite terms) who figured out that the rules they grew up believing in no longer applied, if indeed they ever did.

The Federal Reserve response to the 2008-09 catastrophe, moreover: print money, print money, and then print more money! The Fed created trillions out of thin air! The printing continued, long after the recession had officially passed. This was clearly the only means of keeping an otherwise unsustainable political-economy afloat.Most of the phantom wealth went to Wall Street, which is why, during the Obama years, the markets first soared back to where they had been before the crash, then surpassed their previous highs and just kept on going! This separation of digital wealth from the real economy probably saved us from roaring inflation back then.

But around September 2019, the wheels started to come off again. Think repo. We all know what happened next, and came to fruition in March 2020.

Now, in 2022, the covid narrative has largely collapsed. It has become clear to thinking people that the carefully orchestrated draconian responses were never about public health, but coerced compliance. The narrative surrounding Russia-Ukraine has also convinced only the already-convinced, but the sanctions against Russia have exacerbated supply-line disruptions and shortages that covid lockdowns had already precipitated.

The new monkeypox narrative is being greeted with howls of laughter, at least in my circles. Was I not writing about this very sort of thing a few months back: that releasing another bug might be an option the ruling class was considering? Another option of theirs: a cyber attack that would temporarily shut down an Internet the ruling super elite can’t effectively control, especially with Big Tech censorship having been exposed and efforts such as the Bidenista “disinformation board” being openly ridiculed.

The operand issue is control, of course. The ruling class does not want to provoke a reaction they would have a hard time controlling as its effects rippled across the world. They do not want to precipitate either a mass panic or a peasants’ revolt.

Enter massive inflation. It focuses the peasants on their pocketbooks. They have to tighten their belts just to get to work every day (now that numerous CEOs are saying, “return to a physical office or quit”). They aren’t going to panic en masse, because there is always some shill “economist” telling them “things aren’t as bad as they seem” or will “turn around quickly” or “Look at how low the unemployment rate is!”

Some of these numbskulls say inflation is a good thing. Gas too expensive? Drive less, have a smaller “carbon footprint.”

In other words, peasant, keep doing what you’re told.

The reality is that fiat currencies are collapsing. Too much has been created out of nothing. Money has thus lost its purchasing power. The more of anything, the less value individual units can command. This is Econ 101 stuff (or should be): increase the supply of anything and its price falls. One reason corporations have never, at the highest levels, wanted real competition (as opposed to covert collusion) is that real competition by more economic actors increases supply. This brings prices down and threatens to collapse profits.

Which is why marketing and competition for customers, clients, jobs, etc., are, in the immortal words of Leona Helmsley, “for the little people.”

The point being: the more the peasantry is forced to focus on immediate concerns of putting gas in their vehicles and food on their tables, the less time and energy they have to watch what “their” rulers are doing.

What the latter are doing is preparing to introduce CBDC(s), as part of the effort to force everything and everyone onto the digital grid where their behaviors can be watched—and eventually controlled, as I’ve also noted. Well-placed CEOs in a position to know (because they have been to, or participated in globalist World Economic Forum confabs) anticipate this system to be in place within five years.

Cash transactions will not fit into this “new normal.” Hence the calls we already see for more and more “contactless” (i.e., digital) payments. Hence the Federal Reserve holding discussions on applying digital currency at the level of workaday retail.

Cash can spread the coronavirus, didn’t you know? It is also used by drug-smugglers, sex-traffickers, money-launderers, and other assorted criminals.

Cash is bad will be that official narrative.

Inflation is thus the crisis. If it worsens, as I expect it will, the outcries and demands that something be done about it will be the reaction.

CBDC will be the response, to be sold to a peasantry eager for relief. With significant benefits! All the controlled media need do is elite-splain that those who go along with the “new normal,” the new payment systems, will pay less for everything.

Inflation? Problem solved! The rapidly developing surveillance-and-control grid will be significantly enhanced, probably past the point of no return.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

Do you wish me to continue? Please consider supporting my work on

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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“Preferred Pronouns” Madness MUST Stop

By: Devvy

June 6, 2022

I will always remember more than two decades ago, Sean Hannity, saying on his radio show he didn’t care what queers did at home behind closed doors.  I thought to myself, you’re Catholic and instead of lovingly condemning what God Almighty called an abomination, you just want to shush it up behind closed doors. Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.  An old saying but so true.

Even way back then so many of us knew what was going to happen to normalize the immoral and dangerous PREFERRED lifestyles of sexual deviants. While the “queer community” uses those exact words, you had better not or be smeared into the next century.

The prime target became schools with corporate America jumping on board throwing tens of millions of dollars to promote sexual deviancy.  These 50+ Brands Are Celebrating Pride by Giving Back to the LGBT Community – Nike, American Eagle and Disney are among the companies celebrating inclusion, equality and love for LGBT Pride month.  (None of them get a penny from me. I’m sorry but I will not spit in God’s face.)

Back in 2012, the morally bankrupt politicians in California passed new laws to make damn sure YOUR child is forced to ignore the beliefs of their parents instilled in their children.  God’s words and commandments:  California Public School Kids Now Required to Study Contributions of LGBT Americans, Jan. 4 2012.

Contributions?  They’ve contributed nothing but lies that sexual deviants are born that way.  A million lawsuits.  That a male having sex in another man’s sh*t is normal and healthy.  That you and another male can use each other’s anus as your sexual playground.  That females slobbering in each other’s vagina and the other proclivities by lesbians is somehow normal and healthy.

LGBTQ People Far More Likely To Suffer From Mental Health Issues, Study Claims

What to know about sexual orientation and mental health in youth – “Young people within LGBTQIA+ communities are more likely to experience challenges with their mental health. This is largely due to the oppression and discrimination they may encounter at school, at home, and in their wider community.

“This article uses the term “queer,” which some members of LGBTQIA+ communities consider offensive, to refer to self-identified participants in studies.  Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other self-identified queer (LGBTQ) youth have higher rates of mental health issues than people in the general population.”

I have never been one to cast slurs (like faggot) at a person I know is a sexual deviant or any of the other categories of deviancy nor have I ever supported bullying of confused children and adults who claim to be homosexuals, lesbians or any of the other categories. I also refuse to use the marketing technique of using the word gay.  There’s nothing gay about dying from AIDS or the dozens of diseases which plague homosexuals.

I truly feel sorry for all of them for buying into the big lies, peer pressure, forced propaganda in schools and listening to Satan as he steals their soul.  One can only pray they realize they’ve been seduced by propaganda, confusion and the Devil himself.

Didn’t take long and suddenly the latest push was for “trans” people.  Transgenders Mentally Ill & Should Be Treated With Compassion, April 2, 2017.  That is my column and contains very important information, i.e.:

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’ – Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton.

American College of Pediatricians: Gender Ideology Harms Children

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’ Very important read.  Suicide rates are tragic.

Then came the massive push to mutilate your body called transgender transition.  Parents forcing their child into believing their son is actually a girl and their daughter is really a boy.  Allowing males who “identify” as female into female restrooms.  VA Judge Finds Transgender Teen Guilty of Sexual Assault in Loudoun County High School Girl’s Bathroom Case, October 26, 2021.  That nightmare became big news and finally parents came out swinging – as they should have been doing for the past 20 years. The use of “identify” is nothing but bullsh*t.

When California passed those new “laws” forcing young children to celebrate sexual deviancy, tens of thousands of parents should have (peacefully) stormed the state capitol and kicked the sexual deviant crowd out at the next election.  In the end, thousands of parents pulled their children out of those taxpayer funded indoctrination centers called public schools.

And yet, teachers unions, school boards, media whores and politicians (for votes) all not only promote it but declare all of the above to be a constitutional right.  I covered this in depth in my May 23, 2016 column, ‘Transgender’ Bathrooms and Jurisdiction.  Never mentioned is how children and teens are being mutilated:  Transgender Docs Warn About Gender-Affirmative Care for Youth or how many have come to regret being pressured into such demonic surgeries.

Detransitioners Open up About How Transgender ‘Medicine’ Left Them Scarred for Life, March 12, 2021  /  Hundreds of transgender youths who had gender reassignment surgery wish they hadn’t and want to transition back, says trans rights champion, Oct. 5, 2019 (Which most can’t afford.)

Doctors Have Failed Them, Say Those Who Regret Transitioning, March 22, 2022/  Regret Isn’t Rare: The Dangerous Lie of Sex Change Surgery’s Success, June 17, 2016  (My comment:  That’s because it doesn’t solve the mental issues.)  /  Transgender woman’s op-ed regretting sex re-assignment surgery draws strong media reaction: ‘Heartbreaking’ – Corinna Cohn warned in the Washington Post against ‘permanently altering your body’, April 12, 2022 /  “There is Nothing Fair About Transgender Woman Lia Thomas Competing for the University of Pennsylvania in NCAA Swimming” – Says US Olympic Champion Who Swam Against Doped Up East Germans

“Nancy Hogshead-Makar says that men should not be able to compete against women in women’s sports, Dec. 25, 2021.  (Biological males should NOT be allowed to participate in biological women’s sports, period.  They are cheaters who can say they “identify” as a female, win metals and then decide to go back to “identifying” as a male.)

30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet, Jan. 3, 2019 – “Walt Heyer knows firsthand what it’s like to undergo sex change surgery and then regret it. After living as a woman for nearly a decade, he decided to accept his biological sex and de-transition back to male. By then, Walt had received intensive cognitive therapy that helped him recognize early childhood trauma he had experienced.”

“The trauma resulted in a mental condition known as dissociative identity disorder (DID). In the clarity of that realization, his gender dysphoria simply vanished. His life as a “woman” all amounted to an attempt to escape reality. Sadly, too few people consider the possibility that gender dysphoria can manifest as a byproduct or symptom of other mental conditions, and most certainly of DID. (More on that below.)”

There are dozens more web sites, not by just teens but adults,who later realize they were taken advantage of over confusion about being male or female.  Just do some research.

Is that kind of mental and physical nightmare what you want for your child whose been brainwashed in public schools, “trend setters” on trash platforms like TikTok, Disney movies, disgusting “drag queen” spectacles at your public taxpayer funded library and corporations who continue to promote such evil?

Let’s not forget the delusional preferences of brain washed Americans who claim to be “non-binary”.  When I started researching that, I thought to myself, can this madness get any worse?  Of course, popular rock stars and Hollywood mentally ill nut cases came out of the woodwork proclaiming they are “non-binary”.

What Does Non-Binary Mean? Understanding This LGBTQ Term and Why It’s Important, June 2, 2021:  “Non-binary is a word for people who fall “outside the categories of man and woman,” according to the LGBTQ+ advocacy group GLAAD. Because binary means “two,” if someone doesn’t identify as male or female, they could be non-binary. Non-binary folks may also use terms like “gender nonconforming” because they don’t conform to gender stereotypes. However, not all will.

“The LGBTQ+ community and the terms used to describe people are as unique as each individual. Gender identity is personal, according to Carrie Davis, Chief Community Officer for The Trevor Project, who says gender identity is our internal understanding and experience of our own gender. The question “what does non-binary mean?” is a little different for everyone.”

Planning My Wedding as a Nonbinary Bride – I couldn’t even pick a pronoun. How was I supposed to decide what to wear on the most important day of my life? Not a joke, folks.  What a read. The marriage was over in three years.  Gee, I wonder why?  More so, why did a priest even marry them?

What rubbish.  Yes, it is lunacy:  insanity; mental disorder.  I covered this in depth in my May 23, 2016 column.  Teachers and professors have and are being fired for refusing to use the “preferred pronoun” of a student(s).  Many have sued and won.  This is should NOT be happening in this country. A teacher says he was fired for refusing to use male pronouns for a transgender student, Oct. 2, 2019.  Judge orders reinstatement of teacher who wouldn’t use preferred pronouns, June 8, 2021 (different teacher):  “Byron “Tanner” Cross was suspended and banned from school grounds after he said at a Loudoun County Public Schools meeting last month that he wouldn’t recognize “a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa” because of his Christian faith.”  Stand firm because GOD has said sodomites and lesbians commit an abomination and they will feel his wrath.

Next came the new madness one must call a person by their preferred pronoun(s) which I also covered in one of my columns:  “Naturally the sewers called public schools have jumped on the bandwagon as well as city officials.

Chicago Schools Force Students To Use Transgender Language

“Chicago Public Schools are telling employees – and even students – that they will be punished if they don’t use government-directed language when debating or talking about sex and gender. The new rules have gone all-in to push the “gender identity” ideology and transgender agenda by demanding that everyone in the school system must use the scientifically incorrect pronouns and made-up names preferred by a tiny minority of people who say they prefer to be treated as members of the opposite sex.”

“Christian parents had better stand up and say no, you will NOT brainwash my child with agenda driven propaganda: Third Graders Forced To Read Transgender Book About ‘Boy in Dress’

NYC to Fine Businesses That Don’t Use Correct Gender Pronouns

“Businesses in New York City face fines under a new law that makes it a violation of someone’s human rights not to use their preferred “gender pronoun”. According to the New York City Commission on Human Rights, employees, landlords and businesses who refuse to refer to transgender people as terms such as “ze” and “hir” will be in violation of the New York City Human Rights Law. Violations include, “Intentional or repeated refusal to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun or title. For example, repeatedly calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” after she has made clear which pronouns and title she uses.”

That’s no joke or satire.  You couldn’t pay me enough money to live in NYC.  I’ve been there twice and enjoyed it very much.  But what a violent, decadent toilet it’s become over the past two decades.

And the people in NYC, all for “tolerance” have put up with such madness for years by reelecting the same maniacs who allow this garbage to continue.  THIS is now happening because Americans for too long have remained silent out of fear of being called the usual labels by the media and disgusting school officials:

Middle schoolers accused of sexual harassment for not using preferred pronouns, parents say, May 15, 2022 – “KIEL, Wis. (WBAY/Gray News) – The parents of three Wisconsin middle school students are asking the school district to stop a sexual harassment investigation into their sons and clear their records of any sort of charges or investigation.

“The parents say that according to the Kiel Area School District, the Kiel Middle School students are under investigation for mispronouncing pronouns when referring to a classmate.

“Last month, the parents of the three eighth-graders were notified their sons were being charged by school district officials with sexual harassment. A section of Title IX prohibits gender-based harassment in the form of name-calling on the basis of sex.

“The district claims the boys were not referring to the student’s requested pronouns of “they” and “them.”

Think about this:  There are only TWO biological sexes, period.  Male & Female.  Now everyone – particularly children – are being forced to call a class mate “they” or “them” or whatever another student has been brainwashed into believing by reading unscientific trash and propaganda on the Internet, watching Disney movies, social media or reading “woke” comic books.

What a shame.  I grew up watching all the wonderful Disney movies as did my daughter now crushed under pressure from lunatics in this country for being this or that.  ‘Gayest kids movie yet’ from Disney unleashed on America – Supporters gush: ‘Gloriously queer-positive’ with ‘not a moment censored’, April 13, 2022.  I know Disney employs a lot of Christian based employees who desperately need their jobs but gradually Disney has become nothing more than a propaganda machine for deviancy and grooming.  Americans can continue enriching them by visiting their theme parks and going to their movies or they can simply say:  No way.  I will NOT spit in God’s face for entertainment.  Stockholders get the message as other public companies have gotten the message: (Always gotta add that worn out “right-wing” smear.)

State Farm Urges Its Florida Agents to Donate Books on Transgenderism to Age 5+ Students, May 24,2022.  That went over like a dirty baby diaper.  Within 24 hours:  State Farm Drops LGBTQ Kids Books Program After Backlash:  “Insurance company State Farm has dropped its support for a program providing LGBTQ-theme children’s books to teachers and libraries after a right-wing uproar. “State Farm’s support of a philanthropic program, GenderCool, has been the subject of news and customer inquiries. This program that included books about gender identity was intended to promote inclusivity,” Victor Terry, State Farm’s chief diversity officer, wrote in an email to staff. “We will no longer support that program,” he said, adding that “conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents.”  It’s all about $$ and Americans threatening to find a new insurance company.

Oh, but wait! This one is almost beyond words:  Man Jailed After Not Using His Own Child’s Preferred Pronouns, March 22, 2021.

Children – CHILDREN – who should be having fun, going to school to learn skills so they can lead productive lives are now being investigated for not addressing another student by “their preferred pronouns”?  This is child abuse plain and simple.

This cancer has spread and it must be stopped.  First, where are the churches in this country who allegedly teach the word of God?  The King James Version of the Holy Bible is the only one (and I’m entitled to my own opinion) that is accurate.  These other “new” versions change words in sentences in scriptures.  Words have meanings so you might want to do comparisons.  Is it any wonder that America went from a country where every Sunday churches were full to now half full or have gone to those mega “feel good” churches too scared to lose their 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status to speak out and condemn this madness?

Many parents and grand parents raising their grand children have taken the fight right to school board meetings.  I suggest you copy the expert opinions I cited above on transgenderism and give a list of the articles on the growing number of kids and adults who later regret mutilating their bodies.

Make your voices heard.  If possible, get your children out of public schools that teach such immoral and dangerous rot.  Enroll them in private Christian schools if possible, even if you have to sacrifice buying things to would like to have but can live without.  Is it any wonder home schooling has skyrocketed?  It’s not all about the destruction to America’s children over the masks and COVID, it’s the rot being pounded into their minds every day to promote sexual deviancy.

What is a Woman? reveals the deeper problems with transgenderism, June 4, 2022 – “The title of this new documentary, written by and starring The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, is the question he continually asks through the course of ninety minutes. The solution is simple: a woman is an adult human female. Thus, the real crux involves a more complicated matter. If the answer is so obvious, why do otherwise intelligent, capable people fight or flight when confronted with the problem.

“What is a Woman? examines many aspects of the transgender phenomena, illuminating dimensions that are often overlooked or downright censored. Despite cruel and unfair accusations, it is a call for compassion backed by both science and the Catholic faith against a narrative of fear, domination, and pride.”

While I haven’t watched his documentary yet, I plan to this week. It’s received great reviews for even having done it and the content. This author gives him credit but feels he doesn’t go deep enough:  Matt Walsh’s film What is a Woman? is both valuable and incomplete, June 3, 2022

What is a Woman documentary web site.

Push aside and ignore all the screeching about hate speech and the rest of the BS being spewed by those who support sexual deviants and this destructive push called transgenderism and “preferred pronouns”.  It’s about getting scientific facts, mental health and stopping the cruel mutilation of children’s bodies.  It’s also about the words and warnings by the one true GOD and you better believe Him because no one gets out of this life alive.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. [Order two books and save $10.00. Give one to a friend or relative]

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E-Mail Devvy:  (I simply have to say while I really do appreciate emails, I receive several hundred a day except Christmas and New Year’s Day.  I simply cannot answer all of them asking for advice, please help me with my case and other requests because it’s just me.  I try to work some of the requests and answer questions into my columns but I can only do so much.  I thank you for understanding.)


Most of the columns below are mine and with the history of how we are where we are today with the madness of the LBGTQ+ and another 10 letters.  Those columns have more factual information in them that would fill a book.  And here we are today with the filth and rot being shoved down America’s throats with the target being children.

Like an army facing a quivering opponent, the agenda to destroy America’s moral foundation, destroy the nuclear family and brain wash tens of millions of Americans using Soviet-style propaganda, on they came.  Read one a day and get the truth.

People Are Forgetting the Act, August 11, 2003 – I lived in Colorado while this war was going on when the word preference suddenly became orientation.  Of course, never a whisper from the prostitute media about the long list of diseases suffered by homosexuals with their dirty, filthy preferred lifestyles but they’re listed in my column.

Born Homosexual, Prove It, August 9, 2004

Homosexuals “Born That Way”  –  A Con Job, Part 1 of 3, May 25, 2009 – In part 2 you can see the long list of “lavender diseases” spread by homosexuals.

The Queering of Our Military and God’s Wrath, Dec. 21, 2010

The Queering of America’s Churches, June 14, 2011

Wait Gunny!  I have to change my diaper, September 2, 2011

Queering of the Boy Scouts, April 21, 2013 – “Sexual deviants refer to themselves as queers, but anyone who uses that word is blasted for using “hate speech.” End of my columns.

We’re Queer, We’re here

“Gays” is nothing but a slick marketing word introduced to divert people’s attention away from what sexual deviants do during their sexual encounters.  There is nothing “gay” about dying from AIDS/HIV or suffering from dozens of “lavender” diseases that plague sodomites.

We’re here, we’re queer, and other people are starting to get it – “On Sunday, March 17, Pastor Rob Bell came out in support of marriage equality in San Francisco.”

Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy. Hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits are now on hold, February 18, 2020.  Only a blind fool couldn’t see what was going to happen when the wonderful, clean and moral organization called the Boy Scouts caved under pressure even after being warned it would destroy that once great experience for boys:  Boy Scouts of America Votes to Allow Gay Scout Leaders, July 27, 2015.  In less than five years they’re drowning in sexual abuse cases and bankrupt.  I already knew long before lesbians were quietly operating in the Girl Scouts.

Girl Scouts Exposed: Lessons in Lesbianism

Here’s Why Christians Are Choosing To Leave The Girl Scouts – “At least that’s the charge leveled when conservatives resist liberal policies, such as when the archbishop of Kansas City, Joseph Naumann, announced last week that the Archdiocese had decided to end its relationship with the Girl Scouts of America. As he put it:

“To follow Jesus and his Gospel will often require us to be counter-cultural. With the promotion by Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) of programs and materials reflective of many of the troubling trends in our secular culture, they are no longer a compatible partner in helping us form young women with the virtues and the values of the Gospel.

“Instead, parishes in the Archdiocese of Kansas City will partner with American Heritage Girls, a Christian organization and a “much better fit for our parishes,” according to the Statement issued by the Archbishop.”

Part 3: Absurdities Of Our Times In America—Unreasonable

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 6, 2022

Part 3: The wall, crime, racial absurdities, term limits, insider trading on defense contracts

This is the third and final submission of this series on “absurdities” occurring within America by our elected leaders.

As to the racial equity push, United Airlines reported that it will have 50 percent “people of color” in the cockpit within two decades. They stated that too many airlines pilots are white.  It begs the question: when did skin color qualify anyone to pilot a 747 jetliner?  How can you get 50 percent minorities into the cockpit when they only stand at 13 percent of the American population?  What happens if they are totally unqualified to fly the big jets or simply don’t aspire to flying in the numbers needed to reach 50 percent? Would you like to be a passenger of a plane flown by an ”affirmative action” graduate?  Absurd?  You betcha’!

How is it that America stands as a first world country where women’s rights are sacrosanct, but Congress continues importing one religion where women have no rights, i.e., Islam.  And, because they’ve imported over 4,000,000 from that neck of the world, we now have 23 to 28 honor killings of women annually within the USA. It’s over 20,000 honor killings annually in Islamic countries where it’s legal to kill your wife or daughter for “dishonoring” the male husband of the household. (Source: United Nations “Honor Killings”)  As reported by Ed O’Callaghan, Assistant District Attorney of the Department of Homeland Security in a White House Press Conference,  “We now have over 500,000 cases of female genital mutilation in America as well as endless honor killings.”

Except, FGM is assault and battery on a small female child! Where are the women’s rights groups? Why aren’t they screaming at the tops of their lungs to stop such barbaric activities within America?  Why did Congress import them to continue their horrific 6th century crimes against women?  Would you not mutter under your breath the absurdity of this situation?

One of my readers, Carolyn gave a few of her own absurdities.

It’s absurd that we can send $40 billion dollars plus another $13 billion to Ukraine to protect their border halfway around the world, but we can’t spend as little as $5 billion to finish our wall and secure our own border!  Let alone enforce our immigration laws!

It’s absurd that we can lockdown our hospitals and nursing homes for Covid, not even allowing people to visit their sick or dying loved ones, but cannot protect our innocent children from being killed by insane monsters who walk into any school in America and shoot to kill! Whether it’s Uvalde, Texas or Chicago this past weekend, for heaven sakes, isn’t it all a bit absurd?

It is absurd that we will lock up patriotic protesters on January 6 for over 18 months and they are political prisoners, with no civil rights, no charges brought, no fast and fair chance at a trial…but we let BLM and Antifa murderers, gangsters, rapists and thieves go free with no bail and no prosecution.

It is absurd that small businesses had to shut completely down, many losing their businesses for good, but Walmart, Target, and big-name stores were allowed to stay open and make huge profits.

It is absurd that churches were forced to close (even for outdoor services) but elected officials could dine at fancy restaurants, go to parties, and thugs could protest in our streets with no restrictions at all.

It is absurd that big cities defunded their police, but homeowners were sent to jail for trying to protect their own property because of thugs who surrounded their homes and police did not respond.

What about “smash and grab” being okay in cities like LA, Chicago and San Francisco? Have you noticed that NONE of the S & G boys, virtually all minorities, have been caught or brought to court?  If they are caught, they are back on the streets within hours with “no bail” laws.

It is absurd that BLM and antifa can tear down our statues, burn cars and businesses, while looting stores to the tune of $2 billion in 2020, but parents standing up to school boards for promoting CRT are declared and investigated as “domestic terrorists!  Attorney General Garland must be pronounced the most absurd AG in American history.

It is absurd that Biden demanded that we all wear masks that don’t work, while he makes speeches without a mask, coughing into his hands, wiping slobbers from his chin, and then mingles with the crowd immediately after, shaking people’s hands!   We saw that happen multiple times!

It is absurd that all the rich and powerful can freely jet all over the world to have multiple meetings, that intend to take away all our freedoms, while shaming us for our carbon footprints.

It is absurd that we might turn over our sovereignty to the World Health Organization and allow them to rule over us and make decisions as to when we should quarantine, shut down, sequester and wear masks… when NONE of them were elected by any of us to do that! You might attribute that absurdity to the ever-growing dementia of Joe Biden.

Why is it that an 18-year-old Latino kid can walk into gun store and buy a machine gun, walk out, and promptly walk into a school to massacre 21 students and teachers as in Uvalde, Texas in the past two weeks?  Instead of doing something in Congress or in State Legislatures, nothing gets done, and the next massacre awaits as surely as the coming of the dawn.  Tell me that’s not absurd!

This last absurdity of this report wrecks my sense of understanding.  We know men and women who have been returned to DC for over three to four decades are corrupt, lying, criminal lawmakers.  We know many of them are intellectually incompetent such as AOC, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Shelia Jackson and dozens of others.  We know that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are involved in defense contract insider-trading that has made them millionaires. And yet, the stupid people that elected them…keep electing them.  Why haven’t Americans demanded “term limits” of a maximum of 6 to 8 years to wash-out old, decrepit, mentally incompetent, and horribly useless U.S. Senators and House members?   Absurd, right?!  Yes, totally absurd.

And perhaps most of all, it is absurd that our own president makes a speech that blames citizens, and everyone else but himself for all these absurdities!

Finally, this absurdity takes the cake:  The United States is 3rd in murders throughout the world’s countries.  We’re also the third most populated country.

If you remove Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Washington DC, and New Orleans from the murder equation…all dominated by minorities, strict “no gun” laws and democrats—the USA becomes 189th out of 196 countries in murder rates.

Is that absurd beyond comprehension or what?

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

320 – Scott & Korematsu – Two Cases That Show the Corruption of the Court

By Paul Engel

June 6, 2022

  • These two cases are examples of a persons rights being denied simply because of their heritage.
  • These cases are examples of courts getting their decisions terribly wrong, with horrendous consequences.
  • They should be a lesson to all Americans. If you place your trust in any branch of government, you may find your rights can disappear in the publishing of a bad opinion.

There are certain Supreme Court cases that are infamous, either for their import or their error. Miranda, Roe v. Wade, and Obergefell are just a few. Two of these cases are known simply as Dred Scott and Korematsu. These cases are not only examples of when the courts get things wrong, but of our nature to treat others as less than human.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson gave us this iconic phrase:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal

Declaration of Independence

Sadly, we have yet to live up to Jefferson’s vision. We have a history in America of treating certain people as less than human. We hear a lot about the enslavement of blacks, and some about the treatment of the Indians, but little about how the Chinese, Irish, Italians, Jews and others have been treated. You would hope that, at least before the court, justice would remain blind. The two cases we are looking at today show that injustice before the bench is nothing new.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Most American’s have at least a passing familiarity with the Dred Scott case. Most of us were taught in school that this is the case where the court found that blacks were not citizens and had no rights.

A free negro of the African race, whose ancestors were brought to this country and sold as slaves, is not a citizen” within the meaning of the Constitution of the United States.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Are the rights protected by the Constitution limited to citizens of the United States?

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1

While there are privileges and immunities, such as voting, that are limited to citizens, other rights protected by the Constitution aren’t.

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

The issue at hand did not rest solely on Mr. Scott’s race, but on his immigration status.

A State, by its laws passed since the adoption of the Constitution, may put a foreigner or any other description of persons upon a footing with its own citizens as to all the rights and privileges enjoyed by them within its dominion and by its laws. But that will not make him a citizen of the United States, nor entitle him to sue in its courts, nor to any of the privileges and immunities of a citizen in another State.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Remember, this was 1856, before the 13th and 14th amendments. When Mr. Scott’s ancestors were imported as slaves, they were not granted citizenship. As such, Mr. Scott was not considered a citizen either. He was, however, a person, and should have had his liberty protected under the Fifth Amendment. That was not the case.

This precedent was overturned by the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. 

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV, Section 1

Korematsu v. United States

Most people I talked to don’t recognize this case, even though they’re aware of Japanese internment during World War II. It all started when President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066:

Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of War, and the Military Commanders whom he may from time to time designate, whenever he or any designated Commander deems such action necessary or desirable, to prescribe military areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate Military Commander may determine, from which any or all persons may be excluded, and with respect to which, the right of any person to enter, remain in, or leave shall be subject to whatever restrictions the Secretary of War or the appropriate Military Commander may impose in his discretion. 

Executive Order No, 9066

Let’s start with the obvious. There is no authority vested in the President of the United States to designate “military areas” within the United States. Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 delegates to Congress legislative power over federal property, including places purchased by the consent of the state’s legislature.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings: . . .

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17

Not only did this executive order claim powers not delegated to the United States, much less the President, it violated both the Fifth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution.

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

This means that Executive Order 9066 is not only invalid, but void.

There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers #78

Yet, just like today, that did not stop those in government from treating this illegal order as valid law. In response to President Roosevelt’s order, the Western Defense Command and Fourth Army issued the Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34:

Pursuant to the provisions of Public Proclamations Nos. 1 and 2, this Headquarters, dated March 2, 1942, and March 16, 1942, respectively, it is hereby ordered that from and after 12 oclock noon, P. W. T., of Saturday, May 9, 1942, all persons of Japanese ancestry, both alien and non-alien, be excluded from that portion of Military Area No. 1 described as follows:

Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34

Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, members of the military are required to follow all lawful orders. Since the President does not have the authority to “designate” areas as under military control, he cannot legally order someone to do so. Furthermore, Lt. General J.I. DeWitt, commander of the Fourth Army, violated both his oath and the law by depriving people of their liberty and property by excluding people of Japanese ancestry from any area. Civilian Exclusion Order 34 also required a member of each family report to a Civil Control Station, again, in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States.

A responsible member of each family, and each individual living alone, in the above described area will report between the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M., Monday, May 4, 1942, or during the same hours on Tuesday, to the Civil Control Station located at 920.
“C” Street Hayward, California

Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34

Those who reported and their families would be relocated to internment camps for the duration of the war. Fred Korematsu ignored the order to relocate, was arrested and convicted of violating the order. He sued, arguing that the executive order infringed on his liberty without due process of law and therefore violated his rights protected under the Fifth Amendment. Sadly, the Supreme Court did not see it that way.

We uphold the exclusion order as of the time it was made and when the petitioner violated it.  … In doing so, we are not unmindful of the hardships imposed by it upon a large group of American citizens.  … But hardships are part of war, and war is an aggregation of hardships. All citizens alike, both in and out of uniform, feel the impact of war in greater or lesser measure. Citizenship has its responsibilities, as well as its privileges, and, in time of war, the burden is always heavier. Compulsory exclusion of large groups of citizens from their homes, except under circumstances of direst emergency and peril, is inconsistent with our basic governmental institutions. But when, under conditions of modern warfare, our shores are threatened by hostile forces, the power to protect must be commensurate with the threatened danger.

Korematsu v. United States

According to the Supreme Court, you have no rights except the ones government allows you to keep. The court talks about the hardships of war, but seems to ignore the Constitution of the United States or the concept of unalienable rights. This case is an example of the abuse of so called judicial review. The idea is that the courts can supersede your rights and the Constitution when there’s sufficiently compelling government interest. If the government doesn’t need to follow the supreme law of the land, then what good is it? What were those brave men fighting for, if not to protect the rights this government had denied to people based solely on their heritage? How can you expect your rights to be protected by such a so called ‘justice system’?


What do these two famous, or rather infamous, cases have in common? They denied rights to human beings because of their ancestry. While the precedent set in Scott was overturned by the Fourteenth Amendment, nothing has overturned the opinion in Korematsu. Laws that violated the supreme law of the land were used in both cases, and courts endorsed these travesties of justice.

Santayana said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” There is nothing we can do to change the past. However, by remembering the past we can learn from it and do whatever we can to prevent similar abuses from happening in the future. Yet here we are, watching while government officials pass repugnant laws and issue illegal executive orders to infringe on the rights of the American people. People are denied their liberty and property for not complying with an illegal government order. People are being denied their right to speak and to the press if they contradict the approved government narrative. Roosevelt’s executive order led to exclusion and internment and Biden’s orders have led to banishment from employment, public transportation, and healthcare. And let us not forget about the internment of those who challenged the validity of the 2020 elections. I wonder if future generations will look back at the laws and cases we’re dealing with today with the same disdain with which we hold these two cases?

© 2022 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Repent Back to the Simplicity and Purity of Devotion to Christ

By Glynn Adams

June 5, 2022

“But I am afraid lest as the serpent deceived Eye by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3)

The spiritual responsibility as a minister and watchman that God has given to me by the Holy Spirit is conviction – and not condemnation!!!  Evil has overtaken this nation and is openly manifesting itself in our culture.  Satan rules our nation and not God!!  Think about that and face that reality!!!!  We have a mandate and the authority of God to expand the Kingdom of God (the rule of God) in our nation but our defeated foe Satan rules our nation instead!!  We must not continue going about our daily church business as usual listening to pastors giving us positive messages that all is well when evil is ruling our nation rather than God.  You are deceived if you boast your church is doing well when the culture around you is full of demons and being destroyed.  What happens spiritually in this nation falls on the Body of Christ and we are under the judgment of God and Christians had better wake up and come together as a Body to find out why evil is ruling in this nation and not God!!!

We are in the dangerous perilous times the Apostle Paul warned us about but as Christians we are not discerning the times in which we live?  We are in a war with evil against Christianity, the family, our children, and this Republic but we have deliberately ignored this war rather than showing up at the battlefield as the army of God, dressed in the His full armor.   If we don’t come together and get our spiritual act up to the level that the disciples’ of Christ in the First Century demonstrated to us in the Book of Acts, our current religion will keep us ineffective against evil and we will not survive these perilous times with all these Satanic and demonic attacks coming against this nation.  Evil has a systematic plan to destroy America while Christians in America have poor to horrible leadership, we are divided, apathetic, stubborn, and we have no plans to counter this evil – I mean nothing except our ineffective form of godliness religion and waiting for the rapture.   This is a plan for disaster!!! [SEE: Enemies Within: The Church]

In the Book of Acts in the First Century, Jesus went up, the Holy Spirit came down, and the disciples’ of Christ went out!!  Almost all of the work and ministry by Christians today in free America is done in our comfort zone called the church building.  Only those in this nation that are totally committed to the LORD Jesus Christ go into this nation to proclaim the gospel and only those that are strong and have great courage, take a hard stand against evil in our culture!!  But in the First Century, the disciples did not build a building called the church.  They were the church and ministry in the Name of Jesus in the First Century could get you put in prison or killed.  After ministry, they would meet in homes to fellowship with one another, receive an encouraging word from one another, and to gather strength and courage from the Lord and one another.  Then these Jesus trained disciples went out into a very dangerous and hostile world going door to door in the various towns and villages to do what Jesus trained them to do – to share the gospel of the Kingdom, heal the sick, cast out demons, and take a stand hard against the lies of Satan when men exalt themselves against the Word of God!!.

Church member, what has your pastor trained and equipped you to do outside the church walls?  Can you present the gospel of the Kingdom to some hurting soul and explain the benefits of the “good news of the rule of God” to them?  Can you stand before someone, face to face, and rebuke their lies with the Word of God?  Can you rebuke Satan and command him to leave?   Can you cast a demon out of some poor soul that is in bondage to drugs?  This is what God has called you to do; not sit in some church building waiting for the rapture!!  We are to occupy until He comes and we are to exercise dominion on this earth.  Jesus gave us His authority, His power, His Name, His armor, and His Word to carry out dominion.  If something goes wrong in our nation, we are to fix it using His weapons that He gave to us.  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?  Yes Christian it is in the Word and all of us, including pastors will, at the judgment, give an account to God for what we did with what He has given us!!   Does this help your fear of God?

In Matthew 16:18, Christ said He would build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.  But in America, man has built his own modern-day church and the gates of hell are reaping hell on it.  With the help of Pastors, Satan has perverted and corrupted the church in America where it is unrecognizable according to the Biblical standards in the First Century.  While we have been asleep, Satan and his demons have perverted the gospel of the Kingdom, perverted salvation, obedience means nothing, little activity outside the church building, we are divided,  we don’t preach what Jesus preached – the Kingdom of God, we don’t seek first the Kingdom of God, we no longer make disciples of Christ but of our denominations, we are no longer change agents, positive sermons only, absolutely no controversy, and we have hyper grace and many no longer have a Biblical worldview and I could go on and on

 As a result of our blatant disobedience, many of our churches in America are in spiritual decay being invaded by the world and demons and the average pastor and church member does not realize it.  Because of our blindness to the supernatural, “the New Age Movement has returned with full force in our culture taking the west and our churches by storm.   This New Age is an umbrella of many demonic occults just to name a few such as Witchcraft, Mediation, Pantheism, Yoga, Channeling, Divination, Mind science, Reincarnation,  Astral Projection, Angel Boards, tarot cards to communicate with spirits, Karma, and out of body experiences.  It starts out in our children as curious, and innocently they find themselves going deeper unknowingly opening themselves to portals in the spirit world of Satan and his demons.” “Second Coming of the New Age” by Bancarz and Peck.  Today, the children can get tarot cards at McDonalds!!  Parents, you may want to ensure your children do not get them and bring those demon spirits into your home and corrupt it!!   Oh, Brother Adams, you are exaggerating these demons and tarot cards.  My pastor, Dr. So and So says demons can’t bother the Christian!!!

Be careful if your Pastor is one who picks and chooses from the Word of God verses that are pleasing and smooth words to you and ignore Scriptures dealing with controversial subjects such as the supernatural spirit world or what is going on in our culture.   Because the pulpit is weak, we have gotten ourselves in a spiritual mess and our judgment is deliberately bringing crisis after crisis to us.  What will you do when there are shortages or no food, water, gasoline, or electricity?   According to Hebrews 12:26-27, God is going to shake everything that can be shaken to get our attention!!    What will YOU do when God begins to shake everything that can be shaken?   What will YOU do when your false religion and form of godliness fails and your earthly comfort zones become unbearable?  Testing time is heavily upon us but the Body of Christ is stone cold silent and asleep.   Demons are working toward our destruction and we ignore and refuse to resist them!!!   If we continue to ignore the warnings of God, He will simply embolden our enemies to intensify His judgment to get our attention.

On top of all that, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum and his demonic occult New World Order elites has a plan to capture this nation, to deceive you, and take away your freedoms!!   It is going to take more than a particular teaching or doctrine to see us through all of this.   I’m not trying to scare you but get you to wake up from your slumber and see our reality in America today!!!    It is serious and the Body of Christ in America need to realize how serious it is!!!   We are in grave danger and if we don’t change our religious ways, repent of our rebellion, and get into fellowship with Jesus our Divine Life and keep our eyes on Him and not some pastor or religious structure, so we will come to our senses and resist this evil before us.   We must develop some courage and strength real soon!!!  God has given us plenty of warning that the Spirit will not forever strive with the disobedient, rebellious, self-seeking, and nominal church member and pastor!!

If the Body of Christ in America will get back to the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ and abide in Him, God will restore us.  But Christians must get away from our deceptive idea that going to a church building fulfills our spiritual responsibilities to our LORD.  Christianity is all about obedience.   If we will get out of our religious mindsets and comfort zones and go outside our church buildings into this nation to share the gospel of the Kingdom to expand His Kingdom and make disciples’ of Christ, then God will bless us.   If we will show courage and   take a stand against the evil overtaking and ruling this nation, then God will meet us at the battlefield and give us the victory.  If we will get in the face of those persons or groups that exalt themselves with their lies against the Word of God,  God will show up to give us strength and courage.  If we will take a stand to challenge the lies of Satan flooding our nation through the media and our government and speak the truth, God will give us victory.

Our church holiday is over!!!  Evil is all around us!!!  We must contend for our faith in America and we will be successful if we will repent and embrace the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ!!!   We have much work to do Children of God!!!   God has waited for a long time for His American children to function as He has commanded and for us to demonstrate the authority and power of Jesus Christ to this world.

God bless, I for one, remain His warrior and watchman.

[BIO: Glynn Adams pastored for several years in Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. For the last twenty years has been involved in local ministries building a coalition to resist the evil overtaking this nation. He is currently a warrior and Watchman on the Wall– crying in the wilderness like John the Baptist for repentance. The church in America must wake up because there is a war going on against Christianity and we have not shown up for it!]

© 2022 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

The Dangers of American Education, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

June 5, 2022

We have a disintegrating education system that is more of an indoctrination system than anything else.  It is obvious that we are not educating our kids on what they need to be productive members of society. Learning about transgenderism and homosexuality in kindergarten is NOT educating a child, it’s grooming a child into perversion. Let’s look at the results of our ‘education system’ in Baltimore.  The last available edition of the Nation’s Report Card, released in 2019 prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, showed that only 37% of grade 12 students could be considered proficient readers, according to the Department of Education’s standard.

Now, a teacher at Patterson High School in Baltimore has informed a local news outlet that 77% of students there were reading at an elementary or even kindergarten level, indicating that the nation may see a precipitous drop in the reports for 2020 and 2021.

“They’re pushed through [grade levels],” the teacher told WBBF. “They’re not ready for the workforce. They’re not ready for further education.”

WBBF obtained the results of the school’s i-Ready learning assessment, which confirmed the teacher’s claim. Out of 628 students tested, 484 showed a reading level proficiency equal to that of an elementary school student, including 159 who were at a kindergarten or first-grade level.

Data from student assessments in several states have shown that pandemic-related school closures likely contributed to a decline in student achievement.[1]

Looking at another liberal-run state we see that the children in California aren’t doing any better: Students in California fared no better. The number of students who were reading above grade standard declined from 26% in 2019 to 21% in 2021, while the percentage of students near grade standards increased from 43% to 56%.[2]  But it isn’t just the liberals that are failing our kids. Texas has the same problem.  A Texas Education Agency assessment for spring 2021 found that 36% of students in fourth grade met grade-level reading standards, while 45% of eighth-grade students met grade-level standards for reading. The agency said the numbers represented a decline from previous years.[3]  What we have to keep in mind is that the federal government is not constitutionally allowed to be involved in education but as in many other areas it has extended its grasp into that area.  They get away with it by saying that they let the states set the curriculum, which the states do, but the federal government sets the testing standard which effectively sets the curriculum.  They think we’re all as dumb as the Democrat voting base.

These schools are teaching things that are outright lies like global warming, excuse me, climate change.  They changed it to climate change because they couldn’t prove the world was warming.  It has actually cooled for the last 18-20 years.  An article in 2019 actually blame America on the planet cooling.  Colonisation of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed so many people, it disturbed Earth’s climate.

That’s the conclusion of scientists from University College London, UK.

The team says the disruption that followed European settlement led to a huge swathe of abandoned agricultural land being reclaimed by fast-growing trees and other vegetation.

This pulled down enough carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere to eventually chill the planet.

It’s a cooling period often referred to in the history books as the “Little Ice Age” – a time when winters in Europe would see the Thames in London regularly freeze over.

“The Great Dying of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas led to the abandonment of enough cleared land that the resulting terrestrial carbon uptake had a detectable impact on both atmospheric CO₂ and global surface air temperatures,” Alexander Koch and colleagues write in their paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews.[4]  This isn’t anything that they’ll teach in the schools, doesn’t fit their narrative.  Man’s production of CO2 is destroying the world.  That is a lie out of the pit of hell.  The rising CO2  is actually helping revive our planet.  A new study shows that Earth’s vegetated lands or surfaces covered in plant life have greened “significantly” over the last 35 years. Using computerized models, scientists theorize that this so-called greening effect is in response to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, as well as other, less influential contributors.

Published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25, the research concludes that about 25 to 50 percent of Earth’s plant life has experienced a greening effect, increasing the leaves on plants and trees in an area equivalent to two times the continental U.S.

The amount of leaf cover blanketing the planet’s vegetated regions was determined using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments.

Carbon dioxide as a plant fertilizer

Previous research suggests that carbon dioxide boosts photosynthesis in plants, and in turn facilitates plant growth.[5]

We used to teach truth and the importance of it but if the lie fits their narrative, they’ll lie.  Tom DeWeese  wrote an article about his two daughters experience in public schools.  One said she’d rather “I would rather just shoot myself in the head because it would be a less painful death that to suffer and die from global warming.”[6]  They’ve learned about Watergate and they fear for the extinction of the polar bears[7], which were put on the extinction list while they were enjoying record numbers.

It has been proven that as a rule a homeschooled student scores higher on SAT tests than a public school student.  Keep in mind that the tests are set by the federal government so the quantity of education has to remain the same but the quality is vastly different.  Homeschooled students score about 72 points higher than the national average on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The average American College Test (ACT) score is 21. The average score for homeschoolers is 22.8 out of a possible 36 points. Homeschoolers are at the 77th percentile on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.

Advocates of homeschooling point to these standardized test results to show that not only does homeschooling work, but it is also superior to public schooling.[8]

Our teachers need to get back to teaching English, history, and math and get out of being psychologists and sexologists. Many teachers in Florida walked off the job when they found out they could indoctrinate students into a perverted lifestyle.  Makes you wonder just how many teachers do that.  It’s too dangerous to find out. Time to remove our kids from public school until the states and the parents control the curriculum.

© 2022 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. 77 of students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels teacher says
  2. 77 of students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels teacher says
  3. 77 of students at Baltimore high school reading at elementary levels teacher says
  9. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, 2011) pp. 36-37

How Do You Sleep At Night?

By Rob Pue

June 5, 2022

At the end of Matthew 28, Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission.  He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.  Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

In John, Chapter 14, when our Lord was instructing His disciples as to what would soon come, He made another very bold — and very clear — statement: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.  Whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”  He then went on to explain how those who love Him will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Verse 17 says, of the Holy Spirit, “…whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him.  You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”

Now, I ask you: do we believe these words of Jesus?  Or not?  He said, “ALL authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me.”  If Jesus has ALL authority, how much is left for the devil?  The answer is, none.  Our Lord’s earthly ministry was marked by many miracles, many healings, profound teaching and intense courage.  He was absolutely counter-cultural and He confronted the religious and political leaders in those days with the pure truth of God, and we know He came to destroy the works of the devil.

Of course, Satan and his demons continue to rage against God and His children; they continue to wreak havoc and chaos in this world, as the spiritual warfare that’s been going on since the fall of man will continue until Christ returns to rule and reign.  Jesus put Satan in his place when He walked this earth.  But when He ascended to heaven, He left that job for US — Christians — to do.  And Jesus told us, “…whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do.”  That’s quite a statement, but I will never doubt the words of Christ.  If He said it is so, then it is, no matter how much doubt the devil may tempt me with.  Because I have the Holy Spirit, I’m able to discern between lies and truth, between good and evil.  Satan is a defeated enemy, but he’s busier than ever these days deceiving the unsaved world — all those who CANNOT receive the Holy Spirit of Truth.  But I know the Spirit lives in me.  If you are one of God’s true children, He lives in you, too.

Now, Jesus also warned us that in this world we will have tribulation, but we should never fear that, because He has overcome the world — and we have too, through our salvation in Him.  Christians have always been some of the most persecuted people in the world and many have given their lives for Christ — a small price to pay for the reward of eternal life in God’s Kingdom after having stood firm ‘til the end.

Unfortunately, though, man has a carnal, fleshly nature as well as a spiritual side.  When we bow to our fleshly nature, rather than follow the counsel of the Holy Spirit, we become easy targets for Satan and we become useless to God.  “Good for nothing, except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men,” Jesus said in Matthew 5.  And unfortunately, this seems to be where the modern American Church has been residing for decades now.  So many professing Christians seem to be ashamed of Jesus — too cowardly to let their light shine before men…for fear of being mocked.  Most church-goers are too ashamed of their faith to even pray over a meal in public; many can’t even bring themselves to do that in their own homes with their own families.  This being the situation, how, then, are we ever to impact the world for the Savior we claim to serve?

If we don’t even have the courage to pray — in public or in private, among family and friends, what chance do we have to “turn the world upside down” as the early disciples did?  Read the book of Acts.  Notice it’s called the book of “ACTS” because the disciples took action.  James 1:22 instructs us, “…be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  Sadly, many today are grossly deceived.  They may attend services at a church building several times a week, but their religion is in vain, and they’re only deceiving themselves.  “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.”  And the Bible tells us, “…from such, turn away.”

Modern American Christianity has become “Churchianity.”  We have a “form” of godliness, but it’s vain, powerless and irrelevant.  As I recall, the government declared — and most pastors agreed — “Non-essential.”  I really hate to lay so much of the blame for this at the feet of our pastors, but knowing the truth of the matter, I must.  As I asked at the outset: do we believe the words of Jesus, or not?  Because we can draw a direct correlation between the cowardly stance of most pastors and today’s non-essential, ineffective, irrelevant “Church.”

Having studied God’s Word long enough to make a vocation of the pastorate, our preachers should know better.  They should be the most courageous of us all, teaching the whole counsel of God, the “weightier matters of the law,” speaking even the HARD things — and then leading their flock out of the church-house to the streets — to preach the truth in this wicked world of demonic deception and make disciples and save souls.

Jesus called His people not just to be the salt and light of the world but also “fishers of men,” but our modern American churches have become what I call “de-boning facilities.” If, by some chance, a man is invited to church, it seems the first order of business is for that church to remove the poor man’s backbone.  Our churches today are not places where people are  trained and equipped for ministry with courage and conviction.  They’ve become the religious equivalent to the “safe spaces” we now see on our college campuses, where students can hide from the real world, “safe” in their Leftist worldviews, without ever being challenged to think or learn truth.

In 2014, George Barna completed a two-year study that revealed most pastors believe that the Bible addresses the current issues of the day, but few speak about them from the pulpit.  Barna’s organization asked pastors across the country about their beliefs regarding the relevancy of Scripture to societal, moral and political issues — and the content of their sermons in light of their beliefs.  He found that 90% said “yes, the Bible speaks to every one of these issues.”  But less than 10% of pastors would ever speak on them.

Perhaps even more telling is how these same pastors defined a “successful” church.  It turns out they measure success by 1) Attendance, 2) Giving, 3) Number of Programs, 4) Number of Staff, and 5) Square Footage.  Pastor Chuck Baldwin stated, “It has been decades since even a sizeable minority of pastors have bothered to educate and inform their congregations as to the Biblical principles relating to America’s political, cultural and societal lives.”  He went on to say, “America’s malaise is directly due to the deliberate disobedience of America’s pastors — and the willingness of the Christians in the pews to tolerate the disobedience of their pastor.”

Baldwin concluded, “When Paul wrote his own epitaph, it read, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.’  He didn’t say, ‘I had a large congregation, we had big offerings, we had a lot of programs, I had a large staff and we had large facilities.’  These ministers are not pastors; they are CEOs.  They are not Bible teachers, they are performers.  They are not shepherds; they are hirelings.” [Enemies Within: The Church]

So as I look around at what’s become of our country and at what is now coming upon the whole world, I see the judgment of God on an ungodly people.  If we’re to be honest with ourselves, even those who call themselves “Christians” don’t really qualify to use Jesus’ name.  Pastors have so much power over the works of the devil and over this present darkness we’re living in — the power of Christ Himself, all power in heaven and on earth, through the working of the Holy Spirit that SHOULD be within them.  Jesus promised that if they were faithful, they could do even greater works than He, Himself did.  Yet they cower in fear.  Fear of the opinions of unsaved men and women.  Fear of losing attendance and income.  Fear of being controversial.  Fear of losing popularity.

I have news for you: Jesus was probably the most controversial Man to ever walk the earth.  We were commanded to do as HE did, not be like the religious hypocrites.  Revelation 21:8 speaks of those who will end up in the lake of fire.  First on the list are the “cowardly and unbelieving.”  Jesus ranks the cowardly and unbelieving ahead of the rest those that will suffer the second death: “the abominable, and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars.”  I wouldn’t want to be on that list.

I’ve long said that Pastors should be preaching from their pulpits with a Bible in one hand and today’s headlines in the other.  Pick your topic:  sodomite so-called “marriage,” the murder of innocent babies in the womb, the lies of politicians, the lies of the government, health officials and Big Pharma, the “unjust weights and measures” we see in every stolen election, the kings of the earth constantly conspiring against the Lord and His anointed, the deliberate twisting of the minds of our little children in public schools, the sexualization of our kids and young people, the lies of “transgenderism.”  The building of the New World Order, the coming One-World digital currency and mark of the beast.  The so-called “Great Reset.”  The deliberate destruction of our economy and every American institution.  The rebuilding of Babylon. [Enemies Within: The Church]

Yes, God’s Word instructs us on all these things, yet our pastors will never speak a word about any of it.  And so the people are left to wander on their own, make up their own minds, do what they feel is right in their own imaginations, following the official narrative of the lying mainstream media and crooked politicians.  And why would that surprise anyone?  The pastors will not speak.  They refuse to teach righteously on these matters.  These are not “political” things.  These are moral things.  It’s their duty, yet they remain cowards.

Hear these words from Ezekiel 34, “Thus says the Lord God to the shepherds: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks?  You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock.  The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them.  So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered.  My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them.’”

Yes, the sheep are scattered, wandering, lost, wondering what to do…and they’ve become the victims of evil, wicked, demonic Global Elites bent on their ultimate destruction.  They’ve become food for the devils seeking to control the whole world.  And pastor — YOU have said nothing.  How do you sleep at night?

1 Peter 5:2, “Feed the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly.”  Acts 20:28, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the Church of God, which He obtained with His own blood.”

Understand, I’m not casting judgment on all pastors.  I know several very good, courageous and diligent ministers who DO preach the whole of God’s Word, who DO raise up and train disciples for the work of the ministry and who DO rightly divide the Word of truth.  But what was perhaps 10% in 2014, I dare say is now closer to 1% or fewer.  Pastors have the very power of God Himself at their disposal, and nothing to fear, yet most continue to live according to the flesh — fearful, cowardly and unbelieving.  And they’re leading millions astray while the world burns.  If only they had an ounce of courage. [Enemies Within: The Church]

Audio CDs and text versions of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 361.

© 2022 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Will You Submit To The Plandemic Partners, Or Stop Them?

June 4, 2022

The Great Reset is a massive plan to completely reorganize the entire structure of the planet – economically, socially, environmentally, and politically. Nothing will be untouched by the plan. Global Governance is the goal.

Here is a small taste of the background leading up to the Great Reset. The first step was to create a diabolical plan for control that would get us all to fall in line – preferably voluntarily.

Fear. That was to be the weapon. Fear of what? The fear of Environmental Armageddon! “It doesn’t matter how many rights you think you have, if you don’t have a planet to stand on.” Under such a threat, people have been frightened into voluntarily giving up their liberties. Climate Change became the mantra. The weapon to combat such a threat was called Sustainable Development.

The Club of Rome, one of the premier power forces working under the UN tent said in one of its reports, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”  The goal was set.

Then, in 1992, the UN held the Earth Summit in Rio. 50,000 delegates attended, along with 179 heads of state, including George H.W. Bush. Also included among the diplomats were thousands of independent, private, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who brought their own agendas and ideas for fulfilling the goal.

Introduced at that event, and approved by all in attendance, was a document that became known as Agenda 21. The UN described that document as a “Comprehensive Blueprint for the Reorganization of Human Society.” Let that sink in.

As the plan was introduced to the delegates, the Chairman of the Earth Summit, Maurice Strong said: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” Today, every one of those vital pieces of our society is under attack.

Strong then summed up his address, saying, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” Continuing to build on that message, Al Gore said, “We must go through a wrenching transformation to rid us of the horrors of the Twentieth Century’s Industrial Revolution.”

Sustainable Development is the action plan to impose Agenda 21 policies. In reality it is a trigger word designed to get you to voluntarily surrender your liberties.

To fully understand what a massive threat this is to everything in your life, the very best description of Sustainable Development was provided by one of its most powerful opponents — The recently deceased Rosa Kori, of Democrats Against Agenda 21. She said, “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!        

Every time you hear the word SUSTAINABLE understand that it has nothing to do with protecting the environment – it’s the actual blueprint to subvert current governments to global control. And so, with Agenda 21, they were on their way toward the goals to reorganize human society.

Next, in 2015, came the second part of the agenda. This time it came with more details. It’s a 15-year plan called Agenda 2030. The preamble to the plan says, “All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, WILL implement this plan.” It goes on to say, “We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path.”

Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework on Climate Change, and the person in charge of making it all happen, said, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reining for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” 

Next, in 2017 came The Green New Deal. While sold as an environmental protection plan, most of its policies have nothing to do with the environment. It deals with jobs, medical care, tuition-free education and housing. Of course, it also calls for redirecting investment into wind and solar, away from fossil fuels, enforce sustainable agriculture and forestry. But most disturbing are its plans to create public-owned banks that function as non-profit utilities.

The first target in changing human society is to cancel our culture. Change the language. Call any thought contrary to the agenda “hate speech.” Control freedom of movement. Erase history and books that present positions contrary to the globally acceptable truth. Force compliance. One economic pot. One sanctioned thought process. 

Enter the Covid Pandemic – followed by the Great Reset. In both 2018 and 2019 Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum took part in two simulations of a national and international pandemic response.

Then the simulated crisis became a reality in 2020. The world was shut down because of a pandemic. How to keep it going? Once again – Fear – push the charge that the pandemic was caused by man’s destruction of the environment. Now there are warnings of annual pandemics – because of climate change and human environmental damage.

In 2020, at the onset of Covid, the media began to spin Sustainable Development as the only means with which to live in a “post” Covid -19 world. The pandemic and its lockdowns were a practice run. The proof of that is in their own words, all written down for us in a bestselling book, written by Schwab. Its title is “Covid -19: The Great Reset.

Schwab has written the updated Blue Print detailing exactly what they have in mind for us all. Schwab breaks down the Great Reset into three parts:

  1. Interdependence
  2. Velocity
  3. Complexity

Interdependence: “An interdependent world is a world of deep systemic connectivity, in which all risks affect each other through a web of complex interactions.”

These include, economics, geopolitical, societal, environmental, and technological. “… Infectious diseases risk is bound to have direct effect on “global governance failure, social instability, unemployment, fiscal crisis, and involuntary migration.”

Velocity: “in today’s world, everything moves faster than before, If just one thing were to be singled out to explain this astonishing increase in velocity, it would undoubtedly be the internet.” “We can see velocity everywhere; whether it’s a crisis, social discontent, technological developments and adoption, geopolitical upheaval, the financial markets and, of course, the manifestation of infectious diseases…”

Complexity: “In its simplest form, complexity can be defined as what we don’t understand or find difficult to understand.” In other words, we need experts from the top to interpret and guide us through all of these fast moving changes.

Now, how do they put all of that into policy to change the world?

Schwab lamented that the massive lockdowns only achieved about an 8% reduction in CO2 emissions. He said, “Considering the severity of the lockdowns, the 8% figure looks rather disappointing. It seems to suggest that small individual actions –(consuming much less, not using our cars and not flying) are of little significance when compared to the size of emissions generated by electricity, agriculture, and industry, the big-ticket emitters.”

This is the warning – even though they managed to lock down the entire economy of the world, according to the global forces, it had no significant effect on their unproven claims that carbon emissions are causing global warming! They insist more must be done!

Schwab defines the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic. He wrote, “No industry or business will be spared from the impact of these challenges. Millions of companies risk disappearing and many industries face an uncertain future; a few will thrive.”

Now, how do they grab hold of a powerful free market such as ours? Answer – target Wall Street. Wrote Schwab: “Within a year, 77% of institutional investors intend to stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, Sustainable. If it’s not done by following Sustainable rules, it will not be financed.”    

Money managers on Wall Street are now saying climate change is their main concern. This could well be a $120 trillion transformation of investment money, away from oil and gas, to electric vehicles, and even the way we think of car ownership all together.

Will you be allowed to own one? Perhaps you will be forced into public transportation. This new sustainable investment drive will affect the $5 trillion global transportation industry, the $9 trillion healthcare industry, the $850 billion airline industry, the $600 billion exports industry and the $26 billion food delivery industry.

Companies will have to report their climate information to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a climate risk assessment. Biden has already ordered the SEC to require public trading companies to not only calculate their own greenhouse emissions, but those of their suppliers, customers, and logistics operators. Every company will be affected. In anticipation of this 506 page SEC ruling, accounting firms have been hiring thousands of new employees to prepare for the coming onslaught of climate change financial paperwork to be forced on public companies.

Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America are already working on these policies.  MasterCard is promoting a carbon-limit credit card that quantifies the CO2 emissions generated from each transaction. The card comes with a monthly CO2 limit and shuts down charges if you exceed it.

Such are examples of how you are being prepared to force your compliance to the Great Reset. And as usual, it’s all hidden under the labels of climate change, environmental correctness, and Sustainable.

Here are a few of the ways the Great Reset is being put into place. We’ve already experienced the affects of Biden shutting down the nations oil supply, in the name of climate change. Next, the Biden Regime issued an executive order to lock away massive a amount of land in the U.S. the plan is called 30×30 – locking away 30% of all the land and resources by the year 2030.

Thousands of acres of privately-owned, food producing farmland in the Midwest Corn Belt have been targeted for a new 1300 mile long pipeline. NOT a pipeline to bring us desperately needed fuel oil. No – the purpose of this one is capture CO2 and transport it under ground! All as an excuse to stop global warming.

Right now, letters are going out to targeted farmers in five state, telling them of the coming Heartland Green Way and asking them to voluntarily give up their valuable land. The letter goes on to inform them that if they don’t join in voluntarily – their land will have to be confiscated by eminent domain.

In addition to taking that land out of food production, the plan also calls for the establishment of 17 million acres of solar farms and 250 million acres of wind farms.

Wind and solar is a joke. It produces next to nothing in the way of energy.  At best it will produce about 4% of the energy we need. What it will do is wipe out birds in the sky and destroy thousands of acres of needed farm land – causing a massive food shortage.

The American beef industry is now forced to comply to the rules of the Global Round Table for Sustainable Beef. These rules force expensive and unnecessary rules for growing beef. As a result, we have lost thousands of beef producers. More attacks on our food supply.

But they are not done. In the cities, a major effort is now underway to eliminate zoning protections for single family neighborhoods. This is part of the Sustainable Smart Growth plan to eliminate private property and put us all in stack and pack high rises, where our energy use and transportation is fully controlled. Sustainable!

How about your personal choices in life? How will they be affected? How will you be forced to toe the line? You’ve witnessed the unrelenting drive for a complete digital lifestyle, where everything about you is on-line, from your bank accounts, to all that you purchase at the grocery, to your posts on social media.

If your buying habits — as recorded on your credit cards and online bank accounts — show that you have purchased a gun or ammunition — that will begin a personal profile of you. Add to that the kind of food you buy – perhaps you purchased beef, but not enough vegetables — that may indicate you are not living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. How much electricity do you use? Where have you traveled and how did you get there? How many buildings do you own? What kinds of things do you invest in?

Each of these things represents your climate footprint and your dedication to social justice. Are you a proper citizen in this reorganization of human society?

Now, here is how all of this will personally affect you. Each of these things will be regularly entered into your profile and each one will affect your personal credit rating. A low credit rating will prevent you from getting a loan to buy a car, obtaining a mortgage, or even a business loan. This will effectively cut you out of society if you don’t change your habits and personal beliefs.

This is just a sample of what will happen if the Great Reset is allowed to move forward. Eighty-one international banks have joined in partnership with the World Bank, along with the International monetary Fund and the U.S. Federal Reserve — which oversees all U.S. banks, plus our money supply.

Paper money will be replaced with digital currency that can disappear with a single key stroke, should you fail to conform. Universal income will finally make us all equal – equally poor and under control of whatever gang is in charge of the government plantation.

Perhaps you’ve heard this slogan about the Great Reset: No one will own anything and be happy about it. What does that mean? Schwab calls it a Circular Economy. For example: A clothing store sells shirts for profit. The shirts have value because they are needed by society. But in the circular economy, the clothing store will not sell the shirts – they will rent them. Then when you return the shirts, the store will create a new second hand product to continue renting them. The same will go for housing, furniture, appliances, and cars.

Under the Great Reset there will be no independent sovereign nations. That’s the force behind the invasion of our borders with illegals pouring over. There will be no democratic representation. All decisions will be handed down from the top. Appointed regionalism is to be the new representation.

There will be no private property. All housing will be government rental property. This is the reason for the major push to eliminate zoning protection for single family homes. It’s the first step.

Social equity will rule every decision. Universal basic income for everyone – all fair – all equally poor. Corporate Social Responsibility – all companies controlled from above. Beef consumption stopped. Farming practices forced to comply with strict sustainable rules. Netzero requirements will eliminate all sources of energy but wind and solar – which do not work.

The Great Reset is the reinvention of communism. It is the total destruction of our culture, economic system, and personal freedom. The forces behind this care not one whit about you, your future hopes and dreams. It’s about power – their power to enforce an agenda of global control.

The incredible fact every American must understand is that the Great Reset is being enforced through your local city council, county commissioners, state legislature, and federal edict. It can be stopped – but only if you finally stand up and say NO! Your time for decision – to live free or to just submit — has finally come. The choice is yours.

© 2022 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

Who Will Stand to Save America?

by Peter Falkenberg Brown

June 4, 2022

Who will stand to save America? Will you stand? Will your friends and family stand? Will your neighbors, your pastors, your teachers, your leaders step into the breach? Who will stand?

The men and women who gave their lives to birth and nurture the noblest experiment of freedom in the history of the world are now aghast. They stare down at a country that is pockmarked and diseased with a spiritual plague that has eaten away at America’s founding vision of freedom for all. It was a dream that at one time gave hope to millions of people who are now adrift, unable to trust what once was a shining city on a hill.

Some might say that God has left America, but an omnipresent God cannot—and does not ever want to—leave anyone. The real tragedy is that millions of Americans have forgotten God’s indwelling presence that guided America’s heroes and heroines for hundreds of years. A famous adage is that “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”[1]

How good is America now? America has been described as exceptional because the goodness of her people flourished in the rich soil of her founding. America was created with prayer and faith and an ardent conviction that freedom for all will always be a God-given right. In spite of the imperfections of her citizens, America grew and blessed the world because she was created with a spine of nobility, of compassion, and of righteousness.

That righteousness and spirit of self-sacrifice led three-hundred thousand white men, joined by forty-thousand of their black brothers, to give their lives to end the scourge of slavery and to advance the reality that all humans are created equal. America grew and advanced, until in 1991 the black professor Orlando Patterson, of Harvard University, stated that America “. . . is now the least racist white-majority society in the world.”[2]

But now, America is crippled. Her vision is clouded, and she is crawling, unable to rise, pressed down by accusations from forces that yearn for her death. Her house has been malevolently divided, with too many of her citizens convinced that she has never been good, never great, and is not worth saving.

Her body politic has been attacked with vitriol and propaganda for so many decades that many of her children look upon her with scorn, unaware that those who vilify her seek to replace her with tyranny. The tragedy of America is that good people grew distracted and failed to guard the battlements of their castle. They prospered, worked hard, and served the world but were unaware of the viciousness of the barbarians who lived within their gates.

Vladimir Lenin declared, “Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”[3] America’s children have been taught to hate America for decades, and now too many of them are utterly convinced that America must be fundamentally transformed. The question, of course, is “transformed into what?” The answer to that question has become shockingly clear since 2020, with the rise of totalitarian mandates that few expected.

Where are we now, and where are we headed?

It’s time to go to the mountain top and look down at the world and America with the perspective of the ages. Human history has been bloody and tragic and dark, with most of the world ground down by poverty, disease, ignorance, and constant war. Slavery and tyranny were and are the norm, not the exception. Even now, life is still brutal for millions of people around the world.

Hundreds of thousands of people are enslaved in African countries, from young girls kidnapped into sex slavery by Islamic terror groups like Boko Haram to countries like the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in Northwest Africa, which enslaves around seventeen percent of its citizens, although it will not admit that it does so.[4]

There are slaves, and then there are “slaves in all but name.” Millions are oppressed by dictatorships in Islamic countries like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. The Marxist regimes in North Korea, Cuba, and China have created the equivalent of country-wide gulags. Even in the West, free speech is in severe decline, and the Covid pandemic gave governments the excuse to lock their people down.

For billions of people, life is still hell.

When we turn to America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, we see young people living in luxury with cell phones, flat-screen televisions, and food in their stomachs. Yet, those same young people have no real conception of the misery of human beings around the world. Too many of them are pawns, pushed around an enormous chessboard by oligarchs who regard America as a prize to be won.

Consider the “State of the Union” in 2022. Our people have huddled in fear for over two years, jockeyed to and fro by tyrannical health officials, locked down, and masked. Our economy has been severely damaged and may be entirely crushed by nationwide vaccine passports that will prevent half the country from shopping and conducting business. As the conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root recently wrote:

No more tourists from Texas or Florida, places with millions of unvaccinated citizens, where vaccine mandates are forbidden by law. Just those two states together have 50 million citizens. That’s millions of potential tourists never again coming to NYC, LA, San Fran and New Orleans.[5]

America, the erstwhile beacon of hope for the world, has left Afghanistan in defeat and disgrace, demonstrating to the world that her spine of bravery and righteousness has dissolved into sludge.

Hong Kong was abandoned, and Taiwan may be next. An emboldened China is in a position to win a hot war with America but has an even better chance of dominating America’s leaders and institutions with nothing more than bribes and the hint of violence.

Orthodox Islamic Sharī‘ah law and jihad have flooded into Great Britain and Europe on the backs of millions of Muslim migrants who have no desire to defend Western values. The good-hearted Muslims who do appreciate freedom are vastly outnumbered and afraid for their lives and thus are mostly silent and ineffective. America, the “Great Satan,” is also falling under the influence of Islamic totalitarianism, with the rise of spurious “anti-Islamophobia” propaganda.

The hypocrisy of the American Left is massive in regards to Islam. They care not a whit about the fate of Afghan women enslaved by the Taliban, but at home insist on the separation of church and state, unless it involves Islam, which can never, ever be criticized. Thus, American freedoms are now attacked by a “Red-Green” alliance of the Marxist Left and the Green flag of totalitarian Islam.

Being attacked is painful but not necessarily fatal. Even when it is fatal, and death awaits, as it did for the Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae and the brave defenders of the Alamo, at least one can die with honor. Better yet, we want to win, as declared by General George S. Patton when he told his men:

We are advancing constantly . . . Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy.[6]

America is at the edge and possibly at the point of death. The forces attacking her are confident that they have already won and are cheering her demise as they contemptuously enact increasingly tyrannical decrees that oppress the patriots who remain faithful to the vision of freedom created by God.

Some of those patriots languish as political prisoners in Washington while black-clad Antifa terrorists roam free. Thousands of patriots are being deplatformed and censored by Big Tech totalitarians. Half the country is smeared every day, in the media, as evil, hateful, irredeemable white supremacists—even when, as is the case with Candace Owens and Larry Elder, their skin is black.

To counter the illness destroying America, we must be brave, and we must stand. We cannot be silent. We must speak out, speak up, and defend freedom and the ethics of sacred love that produced that freedom. We must push back against falsehood and run forward with the standard of truth. Truth really is on our side.

The best outcome for America is peace—peace that is established by the changing of hearts and minds, by the renewing of our spirits, by the revitalization of our love that is nourished by the spirit of God. Peace is our hope, rather than war, rather than the devastation produced by violent conflict. We must avoid violence, if we can, and do our best to reach our American brothers and sisters and persuade them that the standards of American freedoms are the only hope for the world, for America, and for each of them.

If God did not exist, we might quail in front of the darkness that seeks to overwhelm America. It would seem too hard, too hopeless, too easy to say that all is lost already.

But we cannot quail, for God does indeed exist, and millions upon millions of Americans depend on us. Billions of people around the world depend on us and need a Free America to survive and prosper for centuries to come.

For that cause, for freedom, for love, and for God, we will stand, and we will advance.

Painting: “Washington Crossing the Delaware”
by Emanuel Leutze, 1851, oil on canvas.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Public Domain. Image has been cropped.

This essay was originally published in 2021 and has been updated.

[BIO: Peter Falkenberg Brown is the Chairman of the Gray Republican Committee in Gray, Maine. He’s a writer, author, and public speaker. He publishes essays and hosts a video/podcast channel called “The FalkenBrown Show” (aka “Love, Freedom, & the World”) at his website:

He’s written three books, with five more on the way. His newest book will be published soon and is called The Living Compass of Kindness and Compassionate Love: Essays on Love, Beauty, and the Mystical Path. He’s written a book called The Mystical Love of God and an abstinence curriculum called The True Love Thing to Do. Email him at:]

© 2022 Peter Falkenberg Brown – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Peter Falkenberg Brown:



  1. America is great because she is good/
  2. Op-ed; Race, Gender and Liberal Fallacies,” by Orlando Patterson, John Cowles Chair in Sociology at Harvard University, Oct. 20, 1991
  1. Give me four years to teach the children
  2. Trump Revoked Trade Benefits For Mauritania Over Slavery — Here’s What Happened After,” by Varun Hukeri, June 30, 2020.
  3. SUICIDE: How Vaccine Passports Will Cause the Economic Collapse of America,” by Wayne Allyn Root, August 27, 2021.
  4. Patton’s D-Day Speech: ‘The Very Idea of Losing is Hateful to an American,’” by Michael W. Chapman, November 11, 2019,

How the Anti-Gun Conspirators Miscalculated

by Servando Gonzalez

June 3, 2022

There is a saying in the military, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times enemy action.” But intelligence, and particularly counterintelligence officers, leave no room for happenstance or coincidences. To them just once is enemy action, and all coincidences are potentially deceptive.

So, for a counterintelligence officer, it would be highly suspicious that on May 17, just ten days before the National Rifle Association Convention was to take place on May 27-29, in Houston, Texas, there was a mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York. He would be even more suspicious that again, on May 24, just three days before the opening of the NRA Convention, there was a similar mass shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas.[1]

As if on cue, our President, who after several decades of silence surprisingly recalled God during his visit to Catholic Poland, mentioned God again:

“Another massacre. Uvalde, Texas. An elementary school. Beautiful, innocent second, third, fourth graders. And how many scores of little children who witnessed what happened see their friends die as if they’re on a battlefield, for God’s sake. … As a nation, we have to ask: When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done? … What in God’s name do you need an assault weapon for except to kill someone? … Deer aren’t running through the forest with Kevlar vests on, for God’s sake. It’s just sick. …For God’s sake, we have to have the courage to stand up to the industry. … Where in God’s name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with it and stand up to the lobbies? … May God bless the loss of innocent life on this sad day. And may the Lord be near the brokenhearted and save those crushed in spirit, because they’re going to need a lot of help and a lot of our prayers.”[2]

It its highly revealing that Joe Biden, who has not mentioned the word God in more than 20 years of political activity, now, surprisingly, is mentioning him over and over in a speech. Did he become overnight a religious convert? Is he now a devote Christian? Most likely not.  Actually, I think his speech writer just overdid it to a point that the words he put in Biden’s mouth totally lost credibility.

Moreover, I have the feeling that the God Joe Biden is mentioning is not the same God Christians worship. Forgive me if I am wrong.

Nevertheless, proving again that even the darkest cloud has a silver lining, the shooting at the Uvalde school has evidenced several things we never imagined. The first is that the current militarized policemen will never risk their precious lives to save your life or your children’s lives.

Soon after the shootings, Texas police officer Chris Olivares publicly admitted it on a CNN interview. According to him, the policemen didn’t act because “They could’ve been shot. They could’ve been killed.”[3]  Obviously, the members of the Uvalde police department, who are supposed to protect the citizens. are not willing to risk their lives doing so. Moreover, the fact that a true police officer (Olivares is a Lieutenant) shamelessly recognized it without realizing the enormity of what he was saying indicates that something is very wrong in the current militarized police culture.[4]

Apparently most members of the Uvalde Police Department either forgot or never read the State’s curriculum which specifically says: “First responders to the active shooter scene will usually be required to place themselves in harm’s way and display uncommon acts of courage to save the innocent.”[5]

Seemingly, they were also unaware of what Chris Grollnek, a retired police officer and active shooter prevention expert, tells:

“The first responding officer … goes in and stops the shooter. That’s just part of the job.” … “You’ve got a ballistic vest. You know what the kids have? Crayons. You are duty-bound to do something. If someone is telling you to stay outside, you disobey that order.”[6]

The second thing the Uvalde shooting has shown is that the police see the children’s parents, not the shooters, as their true enemy. Instead of neutralizing the shooter, the police used their full strength and  military weaponry to brutalize parents during the mass shooting.

The case of the heavily armed policeman threatening one of the children’s mother with his taser is highly revealing of this mentality. Bu that was no an isolated case. Videos posted on social media,  recorded outside the school during the shooting, show that policemen drew weapons on parents, hand cuffed some of them and even pinned parents to the ground to prevent them from entering the building in a desperate effort to try to save their children.

An interesting fact that surfaced later was that some members of the police ran early to school to protect their children. Seemingly, by another coincidence, none of their children was in the classroom threatened by the killer.

The police calmly stood around while the ⁣shooter was still in the school. They later confirmed that they had eighty cops outside of the school for at least 43 minutes before they actually entered the school. ⁣Remarkably, 40% of the City of Uvalde’s, (population: 16,122 —2020), is spent in paying the salaries of 39 policemen, which includes a 9-men Swat Team, 2 animal control policemen, and 11 civilian employees of its Police Department.

Now, the main question that comes to mind is: Why in violation of all their training the police didn’t act? Who told them to stand down? Who told them not to shoot at all? Who told them not to storm the classroom? Why did they violate Uvalde’s police active shooter training materials that clearly specifies actions totally opposed to what actually occurred during this massacre?[7]

Did some of them fear that doing their job may eventually jeopardize their careers? If you think this is a farfetched idea I will show you it is not.

Soon after the 9/11 events, it was known that none of the people supposed to protect the American people from such occurrence did their job. Not the CIA, not the NSA, not the FBI, not the Army, not the Air Force, not the Navy. None of them. Surprisingly, none of the people who failed to do their job was reprimanded, penalized, much less fired … with a single exception.

Jose Melendez-Perez, an immigration inspector and Vietnam veteran at Orlando International Airport is credited for saving White House or the U.S. Capitol, because the man he stopped, Mohamed al-Qahtani, would have been the fifth hijacker on Flight 93 which allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania. What happened to him afterwards? Was he praised because he did a good job? No. He was harassed and eventually fired from his job. So, in this new Amerika, you have to be very careful if you try do do your job too well.

Acording to Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, “From the benefit of hindsight, where I’m sitting now, of course it was not the right decision,” McCraw said. “It was the wrong decision, period. There’s no excuse for that.” “When it comes to an active shooter, you don’t have to wait on tactical gear, plain and simple,” he added.[8]

A few days later it was known that the person who allegedly made the wrong decision was Uvalde’s chief of police Pedro “Pete” Arredondo. But this is very difficult to understand because in March, Arredondo posted on Facebook that his department was hosting an “Active Shooter Training” at the Uvalde High School in an effort to prepare local law enforcement to respond to “any situation that may arise.” A flyer for the event he posted stated topics covered would include priorities for school-based law enforcement and how to “Stop the Killing.”[9]

According to some analysts,  what helped the 9/11 terrorists to carry out their plans was that the attacks coincided with some simulation exercises about terrorists crashing hijacked planes against buildings  taking place that same day. A few months before 9/11, there was a simulation exercise at the Pentagon about terrorists crashing a hijacked plane against the building. Did some fo the Uvalde’s swat team believe the events were nothing more than another simulation exercise? Apparently nobody has thought about this possibility.

As some angry citizen later expressed it very clearly: “This is probably the worse police action we have seen in modern American history. They quickly took their own kids out of the school and then threatened to arrest the parents who wanted to do as they did. The whole force should be held accountable sued, prosecuted and in prison for this. There is no other way.”

He is absolutely right. The whole Uvalde Police Department, beginning with its Swat Team,  must be fired and the members of the Police Department who acted dishonorably must be penalized.

As expected, soon after the Uvalde events, the anti-gun maniacs began yelling for gun control. According to them, the sure way to avoid the repetition of such mass shooting is taking the guns from the hands of the American citizens. Obviously they don’t know, or rather don’t want to know, the dictum: “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”

Nevertheless, the outcome of what happened at the Uvalde school is a typical example of the Law of Intended Consequences in action. The globalist conspirators are using their Frankensteinian agents in the public schools to mess with the student’s minds to change them into the monsters they need for the implementation of the New World Order. Sometimes, they use the very monsters they have created as Manchurian Candidates[10] to advance their agendas, in this case, creating an excuse to justify depriving the citizens of the tools they need to protect themselves, their families and their country: guns.

But the outcome of the Uvalde massacre is not what they had in mind, because the anti-gun agenda backfired.

After these tragic events, most of Uvalde’s residents got the message very clear that nobody will risk their lives to protect them and their loved ones. They realized that they are the last line of defense of their children and their families. So, they did the right thing the American way: went to the gun stores and armed themselves to the teeth.

© 2022 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


  1. The similarities were so evident that even some people at the infamous NPR noticed them. See Jaclyn Diaz, “2 mass shootings —1,700 miles apart but bound by startling similarities,” NPR, May 27, 2022.
  2. The White House, “Remarks by President Biden on the School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas,” May 24, 2022,
  3. Lieutenant Chris Olivares,
  4. Natasha Lennard, “Uvalde Police Didn’t Move to Save Lives Because That’s Not What Police Do,” The Intercept, May 27, 2022,
  5. From the “Active Shooter Training Mandate” course curriculum taken by the chief of police Uvalde, TX.
  6. Kevin Rector, Jenny Jarvie, Richard Winton, Molly Hennessy-Fiske,  Los Angeles Times, May 26, 2022. Also, Jake Bleiberg, Jim Vertuno and Elliot Spagat, “Gunman’s final 90 minutes fuel questions about police delays,” APNews, May 26, 2020.
  7. Tommy Christopher, “NY Times Reporter Posts Jaw-Dropping Details of Uvalde Police Active Shooter Training,” May 28th, 2022, 10:48 am.
  8. Joshua Fechter and Reese Oxner, ““The wrong decision”: Texas DPS says local police made crucial error as school shooting continued,” The Texas Tribune, May 27, 2022.
  9. Curt Devine, “Focus turns to Uvalde school police chief’s decision not to send officers inside. Here’s what we know about him, CNN, May 27, 2022.
  1. The term “Manchurian candidate” was introduced by Richard Condon in his 1959 novel The Manchurian Candidate. The typical Manchurian candidate is a person that has been mentally hypno-programmed to commit, against his will, a single crime, usually the assassination of a political leader.

Redeemer of the Helpless

by Rolaant McKenzie

June 3, 2022

Janet Miriam Holland Taylor Caldwell (September 7, 1900–August 30, 1985), who mainly wrote under the name Taylor Caldwell, was a British-born American novelist and author of many books of biographical historical fiction, a sub-genre of literature that deals with real historical figures, places, and times with some artistic license for fictional elements to fill gaps in the story.

Caldwell was born in Manchester, England into a family of Scottish ancestry. At the age of six, she won a medal for an essay on Charles Dickens. When she turned seven, she emigrated with her parents to the United States where,at age twelve,she wrote her first novel, The Romance of Atlantis.

One of her best-known works was the 1965 novel,A Pillar of Iron, which told the story of the famed Roman lawyer, orator, politician, statesman, scholar, and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero (January 3, 106 BC–December 7, 43 BC).

Cicero came from a wealthy family in the town of Arpinum, located in central Italy. His extensive philosophical and political writings provide ample insight into his life and times, which included political corruption and instability in Rome, the end of the republic, civil war, and the establishment of dictatorship. After his education in Rome and Greece, he served in the military under General Pompeius Strabo (the father Pompey the Great). His legal career began when he was in his 20s, where he distinguished himself in the courts as a brilliant defense attorney.

In Chapter 16 of A Pillar of Iron, Caldwell depicted Cicero, protégé of the eminent lawyer Scaevola, taking on his first case before the Roman Senate. The Consul was present as magistrate over the proceedings. The aedile, or court officer, announced the next case before the senators, who functioned as the jury.

In the center of the chamber floor was Cicero’s client. Persus, a plebeian and small farmer outside the gates of Rome, stood bound in chains along with his wife Maia, and their two children — a ten-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl. The charge against him was failure to pay the taxes levied by Rome. Persus’ farm and household goods were already seized, yet his debt was less than half paid. He, Maia, and their children were to be sold as slaves to settle the remaining debt.

Persus, his weeping wife, and their frightened and crying children, looked imploringly at Cicero. Their slender and gaunt bodies, their wide and tormented eyes, emphasized their abject suffering and helplessness. Cicero, feeling compassion for his client and his family, went to them and quietly spoke words of comfort and hope to them.

With his hand gently on Persus’ shoulder, Cicero faced the Consul and assembly of senators. With eloquence and passion, he defended his client. He did not question the existence of the tax laws or argue whether Persus owed the taxes or not. He described the increasing tax burden placed upon the average Roman citizen working hard to support their families, and how this too often caused them to fall farther and farther behind, resulting in the situation of his client. Persus battled against mounting debt while caring for his family and lost everything. Cicero directed the senators to the utter helplessness of his client and appealed to them to show mercy.

The Consul then rose from his chair and addressed the senators:

“You have heard. I recommend that this prisoner be set free, and his wife and children with him. As he has lost all, through our command, I order that that which we have taken be restored to him.”

The majority of the senators, moved by Cicero’s defense, concurred with the Consul’s recommendation and granted clemency to Persus and his family. His tax debt was forgiven, their chains removed, and his farm and household goods restored.

The Consul turned to Persus and his family and said,

“Go in peace. Be industrious as always. Implore the gods that they, and your fellow Romans, visit no more affliction upon you.”

Cicero consoled and congratulated Persus and his family, who had fallen to their knees before the Consul with raised hands in tearful adoration. They also wept with gratitude and joy as they kissed Cicero’s hands and garments.

This account of Persusin the story of Cicero reminds me of the way Jesus compared our sins to not only breaking God’s law, but also to a debt owed to God. Consider how Jesus expressed this idea in the renditions of the Lord’s Prayer found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke:

“Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.'” (Matthew 6:9-13)

“And He said to them, When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation.'” (Luke 11:2-4)

Debtors’ prisons of a few centuries ago in Western Europe were places where persons unable to pay off their debts incurred from back taxes or court-ordered judgments would be incarcerated until they had worked it off in hard labor that went towards both the costs of their imprisonment as well as their accrued debt.Our sins are debts to God that we cannot pay, and no amount of labor, tears, guilt, repentance, self-denial, self-flagellation, or law keeping can change this. It is like being sent in chains to debtors’ prison with no way out because no amount of labor will ever pay off the debt owed.

Some, especially those in religions focused on law keeping as a way of being right with God, rigorously follow a set of rules they erroneously think will cause God to owe them His blessing or salvation. Abraham, one of the most righteous men in Scripture, could not cause God to be indebted to him by his good works.His righteousness before God came from believing His word.

“For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say? ‘ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS.’ Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness” (Romans 4:2-5)

We might naturally expect God would only justify a godly man, but then we realize that no one is godly enough to merit His justification. We all stand guilty, in an indebted state impossible for us to remedy. But because of what Jesus did on the cross, God can justify the ungodly.He pays in full the debt by His shed blood for anyone who sees their indebted state and trust in Him alone. We bring nothing to the table to bargain with God. We cannot negotiate our debt with God to come to an outcome favorable to us. Instead, we cease our efforts and believe on Him who justifies the ungodly by paying in full our debt (John 6:28-29).

“When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.” (Colossians 2:13-14)

The “certificate of debt” from this passage comes from the Greek word cheirographon. It describes a handwritten document of monetary indebtedness, but it can also have a legal meaning. It can be a sheet on which are written the criminal charges against a prisoner. In fact, the expression “paying one’s debt to society”, illustrating the situation where a prisoner has completed his period of incarceration, is derived from this word. Either way, before God, such a document reveals our failings and condemns us.

But as Jesus passes bankrupt criminals from death into life who have faith in Him (John 5:24), He stamps in His blood on the debt certificate, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) (Greek: tetelestai, English: paid in full), and takes it out of the way by nailing it on the cross.

Like the tax collector in Jesus’ parable who recognized his sinful state and sought God’s mercy as he prayed in the temple (Luke 18:9-14), anyone who realizes his sinful indebtedness before God and because of Jesus’ atoning sacrifice appeals to Him for forgiveness will receive full cancellation of his debt and salvation from the eternal debtors’ prison of hell. By faith in Christ alone, you pass out of death into eternal life (John 5:24).

© 2022 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved


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Americans Can No Longer Think For Themselves

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

June 2, 2022

I do my best to write a weekly column that gets circulated around the world via the internet.  I am especially thankful to NewsWithViews for faithfully publishing my thoughts without censorship.

There are many things I could write about…all you have to do is stick your head out of the window and you can come up with a topic worthy of discussion.  But getting thoughts on paper in an organized manner is not as easy as it might seem.  The trick to it is writing in such a way that they reader can follow the line of reasoning.

That makes it difficult because Americans are rapidly losing the ability to reason…think logically…rather than simply regurgitating some bilge that they heard someone else spit out.  Thinking for oneself has become a lost art.

Today I would simply like to make YOU think.  Rather than ME telling you WHAT to think, I would like to simply encourage you to think on your own.  That was how Jesus taught.  He simply asked questions.  Rather than telling us what HE thought He chose to engage others in the thought process.  Often one stumbles upon the TRUTH if forced to defend the position that he/she claims to believe.

Teaching others HOW to think is far more useful than teaching them WHAT to think.  I often post them as Memes…or when trying to destroy an argument.  No one wants to look dumb.

So here are some random thoughts to stir the thinking process today.

  • Secular Humanism is a religion. It is the religion of the American government. I thought there was a separation between religion and government?
  • If rape and incest were criminalized would abortions still be necessary?
  • If an unborn baby isn’t alive, why do they have to kill it?
  • If there was a law against telling lies, would lying still be a problem in the world?
  • Would making laws against stealing stop people from stealing?
  • Would making more laws against shooting people with guns stop people from shooting one another?
  • America hasn’t been the same since women were encouraged to act like men and men were encouraged to act like women.
  • On Memorial Day I thought of the heroes at Normandy Beach not George Floyd. Does that make me racist?
  • Does mind control ultimately lead to government control?
  • Is there such a thing as a good education without Biblical morality?
  • “Take their guns” becomes “give them the jab!” Why can’t people connect the dots?
  • I guess it is legal to pray FOR the schools just not IN the schools. Do I have this right? Is it legal for God to HEAR the prayers prayed in government schools?
  • Perhaps gun control could start with not arming the Taliban with American weapons.
  • Over 2200 future school age children died from abortion today. Multiple assassins.
  • Which is more dangerous, a gun or a jab?
  • When JFK was murdered why did no one blame the rifle?
  • Hey pro-aborts. How about tax-funded ADOPTION? Planning parents for unwanted babies. You in?
  • The LEFTIES tell us that we will have abortions even if they are outlawed. Why do they think eliminating guns will end gun violence? Killers gonna kill.
  • What is one human life worth? How much would you sell your life for? How about a child’s…born or unborn? Shouldn’t we ask the child?
  • Inconvenient pregnancy is the most common defense for murder.
  • Abortion is bullying…big folks picking on little folks.
  • Why don’t we demand that allmail-in and early votes be counted BEFORE the election ends…not after?
  • Will Biden’s disinformation board be made up of people who think men can get pregnant?
  • All doctors know when life begins. Why doesn’t the AMA speak up and defend the babies by telling the truth? Let’s follow science not the courts.
  • Don’t ever forget that it is doctors that perform every abortion. Can someone tell me why we are supposed to blindly trust all doctors?
  • How do you explain free money to Ukraine…Free formula to the border…Free crack pipes to Americans?
  • Something is not “legal” just because the government says it is…
  • Government has become organized crime! No different than the mafia. Stealing and buying off their partners.
  • Pardon me, but who hired Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab? Who voted them into office? Who gave them power?
  • $40 BILLION to Ukraine…but we couldn’t afford $10 billion for a wall on the Southern border.
  • If voting got us into this mess, why do we think voting can get us out of it?
  • Why is everything legal in American schools except Christianity? Legalize Jesus.
  • Liberals fear guns while unborn babies fear doctors.
  • If a woman can do what she wants with her own body why is prostitution illegal?
  • The child is IN the mother’s body…not part of her body.
  • Do women really not know how to keep from getting pregnant? I thought that was why they wanted Sex Ed in schools.
  • Being stupid and doing stupid things should hurt.
  • Is it just me or does it seem as if every headache I have is in someway connect to the government?
  • Why are private groups investigating election fraud and the government is not?
  • When was the last war that Americans fought to defend Americans?
  • Those who attended Jan 6 protests deserve jail while those who burned American cities are victims and have a right to riot.
  • The Borders of Ukraine need defended while ours are wide open.
  • Would a committed atheist send his/her child to a Christian school? Why do Christians send their children to Humanistic schools?
  • Why is the church leadership silent on America’s demise?

Have fun pondering those.  More to come later.  Thinking is encouraged.  Comments welcome.

© 2022 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Public Education: Grade Students Based on Skin Color

by Lee Duigon

June 2, 2022

What are our public “educators” trying to do to us; and why are we letting them do it?

Parents have been protesting crazy school board policies all throughout the country, but as yet that doesn’t seem to have slowed the bandwagon. They’re angry, but maybe they’re not angry enough.

Let’s say it up front: the only protest the educators will understand is the removal, by their parents, of millions of children from the public schools. The system is broken, powerful teachers’ unions will not allow reform, teachers’ colleges are totally committed to these insane policies, and the local school boards no longer represent the defenseless taxpayers who elected them. Other than that, it’s just fine.

Two more public schooling outrages have made the news this week.

In Fairfax County, Virginia, parents have protested their school board’s new “transgender” policies strenuously enough for the policies to be tabled until mid-June. Why mid-June? That’s when most of the kids will be out of school, many families will be on vacation, and maybe the board thinks that if they wait till then, they’ll get away with it. Maybe a lot of people won’t notice until the new policies have been put in place.

The board wants to come down hard on children who are guilty of “misgendering” or “dead-naming” (calling a tranny by his or her real name instead of any “new name” he or she– that’s the only “genders” that actually exist–might have chosen). An assortment of “disciplinary actions” will be made available—including “possible referral to law enforcement.”

Did you get that? They want to call the cops on children. Like police in Fairfax County don’t have enough to do. Must be nice, living in a county where the police have nothing better to do than arrest children for not playing the transgender game.

Moving on to Chicago, we have high school “officials” planning to implement a new “race-based grading system… to account for skin color or ethnicity of its students”. That’s because “the traditional grading practices perpetuate inequities,” dontcha know.

Non-white students will also get a free pass for cutting class, misbehaving in school, and failing to turn in assignments. This is because black students in these suburban high schools have a 77 percent failure rate. But of course this can easily be fixed just by drastically lowering the standards. It’s going to be called “Transformative Education Professional Development and Grading.” Hot dog.

How do you fix failure? Just call it success! Problem solved!

Gee, anyone would think that school officials believe black students just can’t make the grade.

Where does our next Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, or Ben Carson come from? Honk if your answer is “from the public schools.”

Yeahbut, yeahbut! We’ve got to wipe out racism—with more racism! Racism preached and practiced by “progressives” is so much nicer than any other kind.

These are only two of the countless public school outrages that populate our headlines. By the time you read this, more will have surfaced. We haven’t even mentioned “Critical Race Theory” today. Now they’re all denying that they teach it, but you know how educators lie. All they’ve done is give it new names. “Social and Emotional Learning (SEL),” for one. Hey, it’s “transformative”!

What if we don’t want to be “transformed”? We pay for all this “education,” but we don’t own it. That’s something that very badly needs to be changed.

But the only thing that’ll change it is if we, personally, take responsibility for our children’s education and take it away from Far Left Crazy public schools.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… before we all get canceled. My articles can also be found at .

© 2022 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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A Bursting Heart: Dynamic Infusion of Intentions

By Frosty Wooldridge

June 2, 2022

Most teens exit high school without a clue as to what path they might follow on their life journey.  Most grab a job.  Many get married with over half divorcing within ten years.  Others rocket into college with their parents’ wallets by their sides.

(Maggie Doyne with children from her orphanage in Nepal.)

Ironically, most students read, write and perform simple math, but none received any training on how to live their lives, or better yet, how to discover what to do with their lives.

Maggie Doyne, one such high school graduate, finished school in Mendham, New Jersey.  She proved herself an ambitious student: editor of her school yearbook, a varsity athlete, and the class treasurer.  She felt burned out.  Doyne decided to travel the world funded by her babysitting money before she jumped into college.  Her earnings exceeded $7,000.00 from years of saving.  She wanted to try her life out first before making any firm commitments.  Once she figured it all out, she expected to return to earn a college degree in something that interested her.

“I took what’s called a gap year,” Doyne said. “I was about to make this investment in my life, but I didn’t have a strong direction. I wanted to figure that out.”

A month later, she landed in Asia.  She witnessed horrendous poverty, human misery and neglect not mentioned in the textbooks of her high school days.  She befriended a Nepalese girl nearly her age who fled Nepal because of civil war.  Once Doyne arrived, the poverty and displacement of children appalled her.

Doyne created a Nepali board of directors and established an orphanage: Kopila Valley Children’s Project.  She formed an NGO by using her last $5,000.00 to buy a boarding house.  This mind you, at the tender age of 22 years old.

Orphans moved into her house as fast as they could find directions.  She realized her dream by engineering it into existence with the force of her intentions.

“I could see exactly what I wanted,” she said. “I had visited orphanages. I could create a model that works based on how I grew up. I want these kids to raise animals, to take care of each other.”

A few years later, she created the Kopila Valley Primary School in Surkhet where she enrolled 230 students and 14 full-time teachers.  Her children eat nutritious meals and sleep in clean beds.

Having traveled extensively in Nepal, I attest to 50 percent of children suffer malnutrition and it causes 70 percent of deaths among children under five.

Asked why she gave up her life in the United States, she said, “I get a bursting heart.  They share their love. I love their laughing and playing. I love their energies for life. I am truly happy helping these children.”

How did she discover her calling?

Maggie Doyne (look her up on Google).  Women in the World featured her heroic efforts.  She gained a $100,000.00 grant to further her work.   Forbes Magazine celebrated her as well as the Huffington Post crowned her “Person of the Day.”  Check her out on Facebook:  Maggie Doyne.

Doyne engaged dynamic infusion of intentions. Great people self-select great issues to make great changes in the world.  Doyne personifies that high consciousness of creative thought and action.

She believed in herself. She accepted her challenges.  She manifested her ideas by empowering her intentions.  She refused to question any difficulty of the mountain she climbed.

How can you forge your life into such greatness?

  • Believe in yourself without question.
  • Accept and infuse into your being your power to make a difference.
  • Take courage in your choosing great projects to change the world.
  • Care in a way that people say, “She’s/he’s outrageous!”

When you discover what Maggie Doyne found in her life, when people ask why you pursue your outrageous dreams, you can say, “Because my heart is bursting with happiness.”

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Why are Kids Killing Kids?

By Lex Greene

June 1, 2022

While the politicians and their bullhorn (the US News Media) focus everyone on the inanimate object, guns, as they both seek to disarm all law-abiding citizens under the guise of “children’s safety,” the elephant in the room is,why are kids killing kids with increasing regularity?

We all agree, these school shootings must stop. The level of pure evil insanity required to carry out such a heinous act is beyond comprehension. Yet, with a little honest effort, we can find the answer to the most important question concerning these events…why are kids killing kids at an alarming rate…and then put a stop to it.

Consider the following facts related to the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, according to official FBI reports displayed in a recent FOX 7 report from Austin Texas.

Between 1999 and today, these ten events are the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history, according to official reports. What do these ten events have in common?

  • Seven (7) shooters were under the age of 21, six (6) of them still teenagers between 16 and 19 years old.
  • Every event took place in a “gun free zone.” The shooter was the ONLY person armed.
  • Despite any efforts, law enforcement was unable to prevent any of these events.
  • Each shooter violated numerous laws to carry out their crime.
  • Each shooter was unpopular in society, often with prior treatment for mental illness.
  • Each shooter was from a broken home, with little or no parental influence.
  • Nearly all of the younger shooters were online gamers, violent games their favorite.
  • Every shooter was mad at the world.
  • None of the shooters had any regard at all for human life.
  • Five (5) of the ten (10) events were carried out by shooters of foreign origin.

There are only two anomalies on the list of events above.

  1. 2006 Nickel Mines Amish School where 32 year-old Jewish shooter Charles Carl Roberts IV attacked an Amish school on the basis of race and religion.
  2. 2012 Oikos University where 43 year-old One Goh stated he attacked the school seeking a full refund of tuition, unhappy with life on campus.

In the cases of 2007Virginia Tech, 23 year-old Seung-Hui Cho, and 2015 Umpqua Community College, 26 year-old Christopher Harper-Mercer, both were allegedly triggered by being outcasts on the college campus. Cho was on both Prozac and Paxil at the time of his mass murder. Mercer, who lived with his single mother and had no contact with his father, listed his hobbies and interests as “Internet, killing zombies, movies, music, reading.” He also belonged to an online group titled “Doesn’t Like Organized Religion.”

Even before looking into the background of this special type of killer, it should be obvious to everyone that every mass shooter of this type has a major mental and emotional malfunction. Sane people simply do not do things like this…

Equally obvious is the fact that guns don’t kill, people do. In fact, for every case of gun violence in the USA, there is on average, 2.7 cases where innocent lives were saved because someone decent was armed.

  • Approximately 2/3 of all gun deaths in the USA are acts of suicide, not homicide.
  • Approximately 90% of the gun deaths that are homicide, occur in the middle of another crime, drug running, gang activity, etc.

Criminal profiling is not profiling on the basis of race, creed, or color. Criminal profiling is based upon experience, a collection of facts surrounding certain types of criminal activities. If I use the data presented in this column to offer up a profile of the average school shooter, it will look something like this…

  • Male shooters
  • Between age 15-21
  • From a broken home, raised by a single parent or grandparents
  • Addicted to violent videos and games
  • Loners, few if any friends
  • Failing in school, career, relationships, and life itself
  • Void of any faith-based belief structure
  • Often casual or prescription drug abusers
  • Past indications of mental and/or emotional illness
  • Mad at the world, chronic victimhood mentality
  • Zero regard for the gift of human life itself

A serious conversation needs to begin on why this group of young people are killing with increasing regularity. In the first five months of 2022, a new record has been set with at least 229 mass shooting events in the USA January-May, according to official reports. That puts the nation on track for a record year of such events, projected to be more than 550 such events by year-end.

A few more facts to consider in our joint effort to prevent these types of events in the future.

  • Guns don’t kill just like cars, bats, knives, or any other inanimate object, don’t kill. People do.
  • Mass shootings only happen in “gun free zones” where ONLY the shooter is armed.
  • Law enforcement is incapable of preventing events like this.
  • Every person or building that relies solely on armed law enforcement for their safety, is a “soft target.”
  • Mass shooters only target “unarmed” victims.
  • 99.9% of gunowners never use their weapons to commit a crime of any type.
  • Every politician or TV personality aiming to disarm law-abiding citizens, are protected by armed guards.
  • Most of these shootings were with a handgun, not any alleged “assault rifle.”
  • Uneducated people think the “AR” in AR-15 means “Assault Rifle.” The AR in AR-15 stands for “Armalite Rifle.”It does not stand for “assault rifle” but is instead a semi-automatic rifle that shoots one time per trigger pull. The U.S. Military does NOT carry AR-15s.
  • Disarming 300M law-abiding citizens isn’t even possible, but if it were, it wouldn’t save a single life. In fact, it would cost many more lives.

There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” Nowhere does that saying ring truer than in these mass shooting events.

Unless you want to turn every school into a prison on total lockdown at all times, or live in a police state, where every citizen is a soft target for armed evildoers, we must stop the lies behind the all-out assault on the U.S. 2nd Amendment immediately and focus on the elephant in the room.

Who is teaching and inspiring these kids to kill kids at an alarming rate? Why do these kids look ahead in life and see no hope? This is the only way to stop what’s happening to our children in the USA today.

Talk about more gun regulations only distracts from the real problem and would leave the entire nation a “soft target” for all sorts of evil. Thankfully, the USA is not Canada or the EU. Americans will never give up their rights.

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

The question isn’t, why do some people use guns to kill? The answer to that is obvious. The right question is, why are young people killing at all?

The question isn’t who has a right to keep and bear arms, that question in answered in the 2nd Amendment. The right question is, who has the right to take them from decent law-abiding Citizens? The answer to that is…NO ONE!

© 2022 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Another “Gun Free” Zone School Shooting? – Time to Hold Politicians Accountable

By Bradlee Dean

June 1, 2022

“So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found.” -1 Samuel 13:22

We all know that the best way to ensure the enslavement of men is to disarm them.

“To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” -George Mason

Not only does disarmament mean to enslave but it also means to take away one’s ability to protect themselves.

Lt. Col Jeff Cooper said:

“If a violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”

Most recently, there is a report of another school shooting.

The irony here is that, once again, it happened in a “gun free” zone. This is illegal at every given step to disarm any law abiding citizen (Psalm 94:20).

One has to only ask themselves the question, why is it that after mass shootings take place that a majority of them take place in unconstitutional “gun-free zones,” which the mainstream media and their “useful idiots” are always blaming the law-abiding gun owners for the crimes of the assailants? (Hosea 4:6)  The mainstream media is continuously magnifying the crime and omitting the law (Isaiah 59).

Jesus said, “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils (Luke 11:21-22).”

The first president of the United States George Washington said:

“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference.”

The third president of the United States Thomas Jefferson said:

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage rather than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

Friends, it is time to hold politicians and agencies legally accountable for their crimes against the innocent (Psalm 94:20).

[Rumble Video]

© 2022 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Georgia On Our Minds: The Devil Went Down to Georgia

By Sidney Secular

May 31, 2022

Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia declared a State of Emergency over supply chain disruptions via Executive Order on April 14, 2022. He decreed that Covid was the cause of all the economic distress. The state was basically locked down for all of 2020 into January of 2021. Of course, it was these unconstitutional lockdowns that should be given the credit for Georgia’s economic woes.

The scope of the executive order was left completely open so that the Governor could (and can) do anything without consultation with the other two branches of the State government if he believes it would help the situation. One particular area of special interest in the Order was a reference to “price gouging”. This area is not defined or delineated and thus provides bureaucrats the opportunity to have a field day in arbitrarily determining where price gouging exists and who is responsible. Frankly, it doesn’t take a genius to know that enemies of those “in charge” are more apt to find themselves guilty of this “sin” than fellow travelers!

And it is not just a matter of “who,” but of “how!” Will shop owners have to show how much they paid to obtain the supplies they are selling or if that price is affected by whether those supplies will continue to be available? Availability always affects price. Even if a can of tuna can be purchased for $2 by the owner, if there are only fifty cans available, the sale price must be affected as the seller cannot know how much the next batch of cans will cost! And then, how much of a profit margin will be allowed before purchase price vs. sale price crosses the line into price gouging? Can price gougers be sent to jail if we’re not in a shooting war? (But then, when aren’t we in a “shooting war?”) That situation is quite possible given the vague and open-ended nature of the order.

The Governor has taken it upon himself to obviate Part 395 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations such that a semi-truck driver can be forced to operate his rig around the clock if deemed necessary by the state government. In one of our past newsletters, we examined in great detail all the multi-faceted and interrelated ways and reasons why the supply chain problem is like a Damocles Sword hanging over us and the fact that that the situation is destined to get much worse before it gets better. If there’s nothing to ship, the drivers can’t work anyway. Messing with working hours cannot have any meaningful benefit in improving the supply chain problem as there are so many things – such as weather – that affect the shipment of goods. The aforesaid Executive Order was extended by the Governor on May 10 to run through June 14, 2022. The Order can be extended in 30 day increments thereafter. If this executive order is not challenged in a court of competent jurisdiction sometime soon it will serve as a precedent for adoption by the other – especially blue – states.

Once it sinks in that inflation is a large influence that is sinking the economy and that extended trucker hours are meaningless, what next politically mindless steps will be invoked to “solve”a “crisis” resulting from previous government “solutions?” The possibilities can only give one pause. Will the confiscation of goods from hoarders or preppers be used to feed the fools who have not prepared themselves to handle emergency situations? For one thing, that wouldn’t work! Shortages of the type that will manifest themselves will be so great and affect a population so wide, that no amount of confiscation will do anything more than put us all in the same sinking boat! It is truly akin to the fact that if one took all the money from every million and billionaire in this country, it wouldn’t begin to touch the national debt! That is, such want cannot be addressed by “political solutions” and especially if those solutions destroy freedoms more important than politics.

Will gas rations or price controls come into play while a wartime mentality plays out? What further powers will the Georgia and other like-minded governors grab? The only thing that we can say for a fact is that whatever comes down the pike, Americans will certainly not like it and neither will it do anything but provide a short term band aid for a mortal wound.

It’s somewhat incomprehensible that Governor Kemp just won the Republican primary handily. This comes after former President Trump has continuously excoriated him over his general RINO behavior and his acquiescence in the vote fraud associated with the 2020 elections*. The Governor’s apparent demonstration of “leadership” in the supply chain crisis by issuing the said Executive Order has obviously awed the unthinking sheeple into supporting him for another exhibition of frightful policies. However, more vote manipulation has been uncovered in Georgia in the primary, thus leading us to believe that the 2020 “midterms” are going to be every bit as crooked as the 2020 Presidential contest! Nonetheless, somebody voted for this “Never-Trumper” so it remains obvious that the sheeple all over the country just can’t seem to shake their addiction to electing incumbents, whatever their record of wrecking the American Dream. The ability of politicians to lead them by the nose on display during the Covid caper remains apparent at least in Georgia.

(*Famed attorney Sydney Powell has written an extensive legal brief on election fraud in GA associated with the 2020 elections which has been distributed by The American Free Press newspaper. Call them toll-free on 1-888-699-6397 to see if you can obtain a copy).

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Mass Shootings: Manifesting the Nihilism of the West?

By Steven Yates

May 31, 2022

I’d planned an article on Peyton Gendron, the shooter who killed ten people in a Buffalo and injured three others in a Buffalo, N.Y. supermarket on May 14. Then I woke up this morning — it is May 25 as I write this — to learn that Salvador Ramos, also 18, shot and killed 21 in a Texas elementary school, 19 of them children.

I wanted to ponder the Great Replacement, given Gendron’s 180-page manifesto, the fact that the usual suspects demonized the idea as a “baseless racist conspiracy theory,” and the further fact that declining white populations all over the West can be read straight out of the demographics. Because this last is evident to anyone who can read and understand graphs, the only issue up for debate is whether this is a natural development however unlucky for white people, part of yet another long term nefarious scheme by the ruling elites, or just the result of monumental stupidity by the political classes of America and Western Europe who opened their borders and permitted unlimited immigration.

In light of May 24, I scrapped that article. Enough just said. We have bigger fish to fry.

For starters, however much Corporate Media, the Bidenistas, and leftists as a whole demonize white males, not all mass violence is committed by white men.

Not by a long shot!

The guy who drove a vehicle into a Christmas parade late last year was black. The Colorado supermarket shooter was a Muslim. The subway shooter in New York a few weeks back was black. Salvador Ramos is Hispanic. Whatever is going on is not ethnicity-specific, however much pseudo-pundits try to make it so.

But most of these kinds of killings are occurring in the West. The lion’s share are happening in the U.S.

It isn’t simply a ready availability of guns. I’ve yet to hear of a gun that got up and went on a rampage by itself. So-called gun control would never be more than a quick fix for something that would soon show up in other ways. Killers using vehicles as murder weapons, for example.

I don’t think seeking political solutions is going to get us anywhere. Because this is not fundamentally a political problem.

Something much deeper is going on, and the political class is helpless against it.

Some are speaking of a mental health crisis. We’ll probably see a dozen or so analyses probing that theme in the near future. I don’t disagree, not really, but I don’t think such a diagnosis goes deep enough, either.

Let me just state what I think this comes down to. Behind the bulk of our contemporary crises is secular materialism. Secular materialism drives much of Western civilization.

Materialism is a worldview, a thesis about the nature of reality, how we fit in, and what life is or ought to be about.

It is not a product or discovery of any science. As a worldview, it is a starting point, or premise.

Materialism denies that God exists. It asserts that human beings got here through a continuous natural process. From the standpoint of the physical cosmos, the totality of all that is real, there is nothing morally special about us: any of us. Morality is a human creation exclusively.

According to materialism, what can’t be counted, measured, and brought under control, isn’t real. Thus it yields a world based on empirical science (so-called, as its foundational level isn’t empirical at all), technique, commerce, and the myth of progress.

A world in which most of us, even in so-called advanced nations, are destined for slavery to the Almighty Dollar. (Or the Euro or Peso or Ruble or Yuan.)

Unease with this metaphysical ideology goes back at least to the 1800s, with novelists such as Fyodor Dostoevsky suggesting ominously that “if God doesn’t exist then everything is permitted.”

By around 1900, major philosophers such as Bertrand Russell were noting openly that in the universe disclosed by science as he understood it, morally speaking we are on our own. In the hands of anthropologists such as Ruth Benedict (1930s), morality evolved because of its survival value to human populations. It can be studied like any other natural phenomenon.

Different people have responded in different ways to this. Most, of course, turn away from the problem altogether. I get it. We’re all busy: working, or just living our lives.

A loose group of philosophers known as existentialists engaged the matter but granted all of materialism’s premises. French author Albert Camus thus pondered whether the fundamental problem of philosophy was whether life was worth living (see his essay “The Myth of Sisyphus”). He did not conclude that suicide is justifiable. Ultimately he, too, turned from the problem. Live your life. To live “authentically” is to live without the “illusions” of God or immortality or any transcendent source of meaning. Find meaning in your own immediate experiences, “enriching” them as you can.

That was the 1940s. The Beats, in the 1950s, took up this theme enriching their experience with sex and drugs (e.g. “bennies”). Psychedelics arrived in the 1960s. By the 1970s, part of a generation was burned out. Another part simply caved, opting for one of the premises of a materialist life: money is what gives your life value. By the 1980s, greed was good.

Meanwhile, the mass killings had begun, and were starting — very slowly — to accelerate in number.

Life had become meaningless. In society, all but a tiny handful of us (celebrities, those in the political class, and a few billionaires) had become ciphers.

Obviously, lives taken don’t mean anything to the killers. Perhaps because life itself means nothing to them.

Unborn babies — aborted — don’t mean anything to the abortionist, or in most cases to the would-have-been mother.

We are coming dangerously close, in elite circles, to the view that elderly “useless eaters” can be euthanized: “put to sleep” like animals. Especially those with conditions like Alzheimer’s — and why should it stop there? Modern medicine has operated under an unstated materialist ethos for a long time now: people are just bodies, bodies can be drugged up, injected, cut open, and when these fail, put down. Especially if maintaining them is unprofitable.

Nihilism is the philosophical thesis that nothing truly matters (the word derives from the Latin nihil, meaning nothing).

This is where we are, in the West, whether we know it or like it or not.

Most of our philosophy and political-economy, and entire industries, especially entertainment, are efforts to evade this. The first retreated into hyperspecialization. Political-economy has flown into competing ideological delusions. The entertainment industry, finally, reaps windfalls through creating and supplying steady streams of distraction people can use to numb their minds. Others kill their minds with alcohol or drugs — or, the culmination of this process, their bodies with suicide.

A few became purveyors of this or that form of self-actualization, an idea derived from psychologist Abraham Maslow. So we put self on a pedestal. Then what?

The bottom line is that human beings cannot simply exist. We are not mere animals. We cannot flourish without the firm belief that we have some higher purpose for doing so. This purpose cannot be hoked up out of thin air. It is not to be found in a job or career or even becoming a “creative.” Many have thought this and then come up short. Nor is meaning to be found in political activism — which is gradually failing us all.

Some respond to the particularities of their circumstances and respond with rage at the injustice of it all. They become human time bombs.

Fully healthy-minded people believe their lives, and the lives others — those around them and human beings generally — have intrinsic value: value not derived from what’s in their wallet or bank account, their social connections or position, the number of followers they have on Twitter, or anything else temporal and ephemeral. How many people today have this sense?

I’d wager, the number is disconcertingly small!

It surely excludes the person who picks up a firearm and shoots into a classroom of children. Such a person, knowing he could be killed by law enforcement and perhaps even welcoming such a death, clearly places no intrinsic value on his own life.

Some will reply:lives have never had “intrinsic value” outside one’s own tribe.

It is true that materialism is not responsible for moral tribalism.

What was healthiest in Enlightenment thought tried to end moral tribalism by finding criteria for membership in a universal moral community that transcended tribalism of various sorts (nationality, ethnicity, and so on).

It counseled us to adopt the view that all lives have intrinsic worth, and to start building a world that manifested this.

The unhealthy side of the Enlightenment elected to base its efforts on secular materialism. It followed the worldly (secular) turn of the scientific and industrial revolutions, where things could be measured, counted, controlled, made money from, etc. It ceded the transcendent to the poets. It forgot that modern science had a Christian foundation. The first requirement of science, after all, is the idea that the universe we seek to understand is orderly and not chaotic, or prone to sudden, inexplicable change (such changes occur but are explicable). The second is that the order in nature is intelligible to the human mind.

Cultures where such notions were absent did not develop science. Period. They may have developed crafts, such as fortune-telling based on astrology, but crafts are not sciences.

If the world was created by a rational and morally perfect God, and if we were created as finite rational agents able to grasp, at least somewhat, the order in the Creation — the two conditions are satisfied. We also have a basis, if we are willing an able to infer it, to argue from our having been created in God’s image that all human lives have intrinsic value, and elect to further policies that recognize and reflect this commitment.

It seems to me that somewhere in here is the basis for much that liberals once wanted, back when liberalism was sane. I am not comfortable with the sort of conservatism (or libertarianism) which sees us as a bunch of individuals running around. Nor would I promote the idea that, as my late father once said, that “what’s good for Big Business is good for America.” With Big Business have filled up with technocrats, today that is not just false but dangerous!

A healthy conservatism gets comfortable with the ideas of family (extended and not just nuclear), mediating institutions, community, and so on. We live in a world of others, not just self, and one part of a meaningful life is exemplified in using the superpowers God gave us to serve others in order to benefit ourselves — and sometimes without benefit to ourselves.

Yes, there is room to argue that women who have children they would otherwise have aborted should not merely be preached to about how they did the right thing but materially supported within caring families and communities.

Remove God from the picture, and every bit of this disappears. Little by little.

You end up with existentialism. You end up with postmodernism. With escapism of various sorts. You end up with neoliberalism and neoconservatism. The first of these is about capital accumulation as an end in itself. This will breed little socialists when it concentrates wealth in the hands of the elites. The latter is about imposing capital accumulation on as much of the world as possible through military force where necessary. This breeds terrorism and other forms of violent reaction.

At home, we have identity politics: the retribalization of the world. You end up with violent groups and ideologies based on hate, whether of the extreme right (e.g., the KKK) or the extreme left (Antifa, critical race theory).

All part and parcel of a nihilistic civilization which denies its nihilism, but generates walking time bombs. Those not driven to rage by whatever particulars will destroy their lives and the lives of those around them more “peacefully” and hedonistically with illicit sex or porn, by overeating, by abusing drugs, etc.

We end up, at home and abroad, with a global civilization falling increasingly under the sway of that really dangerous minority, billionaire sociopaths who try to satisfy their compulsive craving for meaning by exercising power: GloboCorp, with its cabals of technocratsusing technology to centralize the world under a single surveillance-and-control structure. The only difference between the Great Reset and overt totalitarianism will be the former’s preference for “nudges” based on incentives over guns pointed at people’s heads.

If anyone believes he/she has a solution to this other than revival, rediscovering and recovering the Christian God, inviting Him back into society and into our lives, making His moral imperatives the basis for our families and our communities, I’ll be happy to hear it. For:

“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’  -Psalm 14:1

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork.”  -Psalm 19:1

“Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Consider your ways!’”  -Haggai 1:7

“So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land. Lord, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame—the people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, both near and far, in all the countries where you have scattered us because of our unfaithfulness to you. We and our kings, our princes and our ancestors are covered with shame, Lord, because we have sinned against you. The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him; we have not obeyed the Lord our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets.”  -Daniel 9:3-10.

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God … the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -Romans 3:23, 6:23.

Steven Yates’s new book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2021) is available here and here.

Steven Yates blogs at Lost Generation Philosopher, and has begun writing a philosophy course centered on freedom, its preconditions, and the choices a person must make in order to have it.

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